is this the same as the 7b but simply 15b?

by LaferriereJC - opened

if not, will there be an sqlcoder2-7b? org

This was trained on the same data as sqlcoder2 (15b), but just with a different base model and tuning parameters. You can consider it the 7b equivalent of sqlcoder2 if it helps!

this is the sqlcoder2 (15b)
my question is, is this model the same as the 7b sqlcoder model

I don't see any 7b sqlcoder2 org

Ah sorry, thought this was on the sqlcoder-7b thread. You can consider the sqlcoder-7b model the smaller "equivalent" of this model as they were both trained with the same data, albeit with slightly different tuning parameters and base architectures.

jp-defog changed discussion status to closed

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