Model not following {instructions }

by Ammad1Ali - opened

Hello, for some reason the model is not following the instructions. Do you think there's an alternative way?

image.png org

Hi @Ammad1Ali , the model's instruction following abilities is not fool-proof. Would you mind sharing your prompt here for us to reproduce the issue? If it contains sensitive data, please feel free to email us at and we'll do our best to fix the issue in the next model release.

Hello @jp-defog , I have tried your demo with 64B model and it is still not following this particular instruction. I can share the prompt here without the SCHEMA if not then I will send it to your email. Please let me know. org

@Ammad1Ali please email us with the full prompt.

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@deaddevil unfortunately Yes, I had the same experience. Especially Instruction it just totally iqnores them and sometimes makes up table and column names which is very frustrating.

Any updates here? Cause I'm facing a similar problem.

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