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by eramax - opened

please approve our requests to access the model.

The upload's on for the stable version as I type this comment.
I'll lift off the gate once the upload is complete.

We've updated the 100B model and is open for anyone to give it a shot.
The earlier version was quite experimental, would usually throw out garbage in Russian (still trying to figure why)... However the 100B is now stable and can be used.

For the 220B, we'll open it to all before Christmas.

For 600B, gonna run some tests after 220B release and will then open it too.

Regards, @kstyagi23 I'll wait for access to the 220B as its description seems promising. However, there isn't a description for the 100B that compares its performance to other models like the GPT4, unlike the 220B's explanation.

deepnight-research changed discussion status to closed

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