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Open Question Answering | The term “dollarization”, commonly used among academic economists and finance specialists, has already entered Georgians’ everyday vocabulary. Few people, however, understand what dollarization is, how it comes about and why they should care. Below we try to fill this gap, explaining some basic concepts and discussing why and how dollarization affects ordinary people’s lives.
Q: Dollarization: what is it, exactly? A: The term dollarization officially refers to the legal substitution of domestic currency by a foreign currency (De Nicolo et al., 2003). Examples include Zimbabwe, a country that struggled with rampant inflation before legalizing the use of the US dollar alongside the domestic currency in 2009, and then, six years later, completely suspending the use of domestic currency. Unofficially, however, the term dollarization is used to denote the usage of foreign currency that is not legal tender alongside the domestic currency (Yeyati, 2006). This typically means that while the use of foreign currency is prohibited in official transactions, foreign currency is still used very commonly—for example to index certain types of transactions (like selling or renting real estate in Georgia) or to store value (e.g., saving money in USD or Euros instead of Georgian Lari).
Q: How can we measure the extent of dollarization, and how dollarized is the Georgian economy? A: There is not one single way to measure the extent of dollarization. For example, we can never know exactly the share of renters in Tbilisi that pay their rents in USD or USD equivalent (although one can guess that the percentage is quite high). But there are some proxy measures—i.e., easily observable indicators—which can tell us about the general trend in dollarization. One such measure is the share of bank deposits denominated in foreign currency. This indicator directly shows which currency people prefer for their savings, and, indirectly, to what extent people are tied to the use of foreign currency in various financial transactions. In Georgia, the process of bank deposits being dollarized has been slowing down recently. However, dollarization levels have been well above 50% for the last 20 years (Graph 1).
Graph 1. Dollarization Ratio of Deposits, Included in Broad Money, %This is not just a problem for Georgia. The dollarization of bank deposits (also known as asset dollarization) tends to be a particularly stubborn problem affecting many emerging economies. In this group, Georgia stands among the highly-dollarized cohort.
Q: Why is dollarization so persistent in emerging economies? A: As one can see from the graph above, in 2002-2004 deposit dollarization hovered around 85%; at the end of 2020, the deposit dollarization ratio was 62.75%—much lower but still quite high. Financial dollarization is so stubbornly persistent precisely because it is not a black and white phenomenon. Like many things in life, it has both positive and negative sides. First, let’s discuss the possible benefits offered by dollarization.
1. Some argue that the biggest advantage of financial dollarization is the hedging of exchange rate risk for commercial transactions. Imagine a Georgian firm that has foreign partners who have to be paid in dollars. Would it not be more natural to keep dollar deposits to make the transaction process easier? That would also eliminate exchange rate risk (imagine having to pay more in terms of GEL because of an unexpected jump in the exchange rate. Which would not be an issue if the transactions were made using dollar deposits). It should be emphasized, however, that if the payments need to be made in Euros or other non-USD currency, dollarization won’t provide the benefits mentioned above. This counterargument is valid for Georgia too, which has trade relations mostly with Turkey and the Eurozone.
2. Financing transactions that are de-facto dollarized (e.g., real estate purchases). Because in emerging economies, including Georgia, many construction companies rely on foreign investors for financing, and payments of dividends may be tied to the dollar, it is more convenient to express prices in dollar terms. Moreover, since some materials have to be imported, just as in the previous case, it is easier to keep dollar deposits to make dollar payments.
3. Another reason is obvious to anyone who remembers life in the region in the 1990s: clearly, asset dollarization guarded against high inflation and protected savings from the erosion of value. The roots of the dollarization problem in Georgia, in particular, can be traced to the unstable political and economic environment after the fall of the Soviet Union. The accelerating inflation and volatile political setting during the transition to a market economy eroded confidence in the national currency. Underdeveloped financial markets and dependency on money transfers from abroad nourished dollarization in the Georgian economy.
4. People/businesses may also keep their liquid assets in foreign currencies due to other considerations:
a) The procyclical nature of exchange rate risk in emerging market economies: during periods of recession or low growth, emerging economies typically observe devaluation of their currency against the US dollar (Cordella & Gupta, 2014). If a Georgian business has a loan denominated in USD, then during a recession they will face a double burden—devaluation increases the GEL value of their debt, even as their GEL revenues decline. Hence, a business may choose to keep part of their deposits in USD to protect themselves during a recession. During times of strong economic growth, the opposite may happen—dollar deposits may lose their value due to appreciation of the GEL. This effect, however, is dampened because the negative impact is less noticeable because of the growing economy.
b) Devaluation could translate into price increases for imported goods. We do see evidence of the correlation between import price inflation rates and GEL/USD exchange rate changes in Georgia (graph 2). Hence, for people and businesses who rely heavily on imported goods for consumption/production, keeping savings/assets in USD provides a hedge against import price increases.
5. Finally, the high volatility of the exchange rate may in itself contribute to a high level of dollarization in the economy, as people become increasingly uncertain about the value of the domestic currency.
Graph 2. Import Price Inflation and Exchange Rate Changes, %Q: What are the drawbacks of dollarization? A: The high level of dollarization is a serious challenge for the country. There are a number of reasons why dollarization may hurt the economy, but those immediately obvious to a non-expert are the following: if the economy is highly dollarized, the risks in the banking system rise; the real economy becomes more unstable and exchange rates become more volatile. Imagine having liabilities in USD and income in GEL. Hence, if you expect the GEL to depreciate, you are likely to start buying dollars. When a lot of people behave this way, the demand for GEL decreases and it loses value—depreciates against the dollar—as anticipated. The most interesting part of this mechanism is that the expectations might have arisen without any logical explanation, bringing real changes to the economy and increasing its volatility. The increased volatility of the exchange rate then feeds into the process of dollarization, creating a vicious cycle that prevents dollarization levels from falling and giving rise to a so-called “dollarization hysteresis” (a phenomenon that is responsible for the persistence of dollarization even as the exchange rates stabilize). That could affect the debt burden and the profitability of such firms.
The expectations mechanism is further augmented by the common nature of currency mismatch in Georgia, meaning that many citizens’ assets and liabilities are expressed in different currencies. It has already been mentioned that a significant part of Georgian citizens’ debt is denominated in USD, because of the lower interest rate offerings by domestic banks on loans in USD. Consequently, the balance sheet of such debtors is prone to exchange rate risk, because their source of income is in a currency different from USD. These debtors might be particularly responsive to expected changes in the exchange rate, buying dollars when they expect the GEL to depreciate or buying GEL when they expect the GEL to appreciate. These transactions will bring forward changes in the exchange rate, which might be based solely on these expectations and the actions from debtors in response to expected changes in the exchange rate.
Q: What can be done to reduce dollarization? A: As we saw, while asset dollarization can make sense to individual market actors, it poses significant risks for a country and financial system as a whole. Reducing dollarization has been high on the Georgian government’s agenda. In 2016, NBG, together with the Georgian government, adopted a 10-point Larization plan. As part of the Larization policy, loans of less than 100,000 GEL could only be issued in local currency. Since 2019, the threshold has moved to 200,000 GEL. It has also become compulsory to denote real estate prices in GEL. Moreover, the government offers subsidies to induce citizens to de-dollarize their loans. However, despite the Larization policies currently in place, the dollarization level of deposits still remains high in Georgia (2020 average rate was 66.36% (NBG)). Clearly, people who keep their deposits in USD are not irrational. For the reasons already discussed above, if the overall dollarization level in the economy is high, it can make more sense for individuals to keep their assets in dollars as well. Given that bringing down the average dollarization level in the economy is not an easy task (it takes time), we can expect that the asset dollarization problem in Georgia will persist for some time.
Q: Is it possible that dollarization will decrease in Georgia in the long run? A: In the long run we can look forward to lower dollarization levels if certain conditions are met. To name a few:
a) When businesses have access to and are able to use various financial instruments to hedge against foreign exchange risk (rather than just storing their deposits in USD which, as we saw, is an imperfect hedging instrument in the Georgian context)
b) When all sectors of the economy become gradually and fully de-dollarized (e.g., the real estate sector). |
Open Question Answering | ⌟ Long Term Care Long-term care involves a variety of services designed to meet a person’s health or personal care needs during a short or long period of time. These services help people live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own.
Most Care Provided at Home
Long-term care is provided in different places by different caregivers, depending on a person’s needs. Most long-term care is provided at home by unpaid family members and friends. It can also be given in a facility such as a nursing home or in the community, for example, in an adult day care center.
The most common type of long-term care is personal care — help with everyday activities, also called “activities of daily living.” These activities include bathing, dressing, grooming, using the toilet, eating, and moving around — for example, getting out of bed and into a chair.
Services Long-term care also includes community services such as meals, adult day care, and transportation services. These services may be provided free or for a fee.
Long-term care insurance is a type of policy which is designed to provide for the financial welfare of an individual beyond a certain period. An example of this can be seen when a common disability package is replaced with its long-term counterpart. Such a plan is commonly seen with individuals who may have chronic illnesses (such as COPD or emphysema) and those who have become physically handicapped. This insurance policy exists in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. It can be known by its acronym LTCI or simply as LTI (Long-Term Insurance).
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Q : How to Switch Banks?
A: If you’re going to write checks or use online bill pay, start writing checks from the new account and fund those payments by transferring money from your old account. Q : Why should I spend money on a financial advisor?
A: Most commonly, individuals seek the help of a financial advisor for retirement planning. But they can do much more than that. You can get help with college savings, work on household finances and even get out of debt with the help of a financial advisor. Q : Can I get help with my credit card debts from a financial advisor?
A: Absolutely. Clients can work with a licensed financial advisor to pay off their debts and get back on track financially. Financial advisors have access to programs most individuals can’t get into on their own, and they have connections in the financial industry most of us simply don’t have. Q : I am already in debt. How can I afford a financial advisor?
A: The help of a financial advisor may be less expensive than you might think. Depending on the help you are looking for, you could be looking at a fee only situation or commission based pricing. |
Open Question Answering | Do you know why pokemon is called pokemon? And, how does pokeball work? Before we go through the discussion of how to make a Pokeball, let's look into some interesting facts.
You know pokeballs are those technological marbles that pokemon trainers used to capture and store living creatures.
According to pokemon lore, the whole reason pokemons are even called pokemon is because we capture them in pokeballs. Yes, before these things existed, they were called Mizzou or Magical creatures.
Pokemon is a part of the western world since the modern time.
How Does a Pokeball Work Are you interested to know a bit more about pokeballs? If you are, then this phase is for you. If you are in a hurry, you can skip this section. I have tried to let you know something that I found interesting about pokeballs.
Pokeballs are amazing to say the least. They can do some things we just cannot replicate with modern science.
For instance, in a few interpretations, they basically act as portable shrink ray but perhaps even more impressively the most common depiction shows pokemon being completely converted into energy before stored on a trainer's belt, and that might be a ten years old dream come true.
Nevertheless, as Einstein theorized with his famous equation (E=MC2) that energy and mass are actually the same things in different states. This means with the right technology; you should be capable of turning a body of mass (like Pikachu) into pure energy.
However, this is not that simple. Let's dive into a bit deeper.
Take a look at the equation again (E=MC2). If the amount of energy in something is equal to its mass, times the speed of light squared then practically any reasonable mass you plug into the equation is going to release a ton of energy.
Take Gastly here, for instance; he's currently the lightest know pokemon in existence. It weighs just point two pounds. But if you are to turn all of his mass into energy, it would still release a whopping 8.0910-15 joules.
What does that mean? Well, if Gastly is just floating in the middle of your city and you decided to convert all of his mass into energy, it would create an explosion. Which is roughly 100 times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during world war two. Quite incredible! Isn't it?
The fireball alone would be three and a half miles diameter, and over 1.7 million people would be killed. Moreover, the air blast from the massive energy release would force almost every building to collapse.
But that's all we are assuming the lightest pokemon and fail to contain the energy. Fortunately, for us, pokemon is all about containing things specifically as some experts pointed out pokeballs seem to resemble futuristic supercapacitors.
Luckily, far more efficient and capable version of capacitors we have today. You see them everywhere, in motors, computers, and video game consoles. Capacitors use two conductors surrounding one non-conductive region to contain energy in the form of an electric field.
I had to guess different types of pokeballs are probably made of different things. You will notice a non-conductive region in the middle is known as a dielectric.
Technique of Making a Pokeball Pokemon saga is something we are familiar with, aren't we? Pokeball is the major ball for this game. Generally, this ball features a red top and white bottom and a black horizontal ring around the ball.
You can make it at your home. This is not a very big deal, but you need a few items.
Things you need A ball Red, white, and black acrylic paint A paintbrush A washer Two rubber bands Primer Preparing Your Ball Use Round Ball You can use any round ball. Size doesn't matter. You can choose any size you would like to use. But make sure it's completely round, and the surface is smooth because smooth surfaces are easy to paint.
On top of these factors, I prefer the lacrosse ball, which meets almost every condition I mentioned above.
Prime Your Ball Priming makes painting easy and sustainable. If you are going to use an old ball, it might contain scratches, dark strains or many other things on it. In case of a new ball, it might have dark logos on it. So, it is wise and recommendable to prime your ball.
Besides using white primer, paint the entire ball with an even layer of paint.
Primer helps painting to go on for a long time. Moreover, it increases the smoothness of the entire surface.
Place Rubber Bands Around the Ball You would use two rubber bands to mark a line out at the center part of your Pokeball. In order to lay them flat, place them around the ball. Don't forget; you need the area between them just less than one-third of the total ball.
Trace the Inside of the Bands Take a color pencil or a pen and mark the area along with elastic bands. Mark the whole ball to create an outline for the black part of the ball. Once you have done it, take the rubber bands off your ball.
Use a Washer Now, take a rubber faucet washer which is just bigger than the black part of your pokeball. Use something that will help you to hold it in place. The lines you have created, it should be centered between them. The final step is to trace around the washer in both the inner and outer circle.
Painting Your Ball Paint the White Part of Your Ball Are you going you paint for the first time? Then be very careful. Painting is fun, but at the same time, you need to be very tricky and cautious. You can start by using white paint because it is easy to cover up with dark paint if anything white over the line.
If you would like to have a bright finish, use two coat of white paint. Don't hurry; take enough time to dry the first coat properly. Remember, it won't be easy to cover your mistake.
Anyway, don't forget to paint the tiny part of your washer.
Paint the Red Part of Your Ball Now, it's time to paint the top part of your ball, yes, the red part. Start painting from the upper line and end with the tracing elastic.
There is a reason for following up this line. As you know, black is darker than red, by any chance, if you get anything over the red, you can have a chance to correct it.
I recommend two coats of paint for it too.
Paint the Black Part of Your Ball Most of the people focus only on red and white portion but painting the black part is equally important.
This is the center ring around the Pokeball. You have already made an outline including you washer. Paint this portion carefully.
I suggest you wait until the red and white paint to dry. Otherwise, this could be messed up.
Finish With a Gloss In order to make your pokeball more lucrative and elegant, you need to finish with a top gloss. Basically, most of the pokeballs are made shiny.
Another important thing is painting your Pokeball one-half at a time. It will diminish the possibility of smudging the gloss.
So, you have almost done your job. Just wait for a day to get the ball dry properly.
Now, a big Congratulation to you!
Frequently Asked Question Question: How can I make an Ultra ball?Answer: The process is the same. You can just decorate it differently.Question: Is there any alternative for rubber bands?Answer: Yes, you can use ribbon or string, but rubber bands work well.Question: What should I do if I don't have white primer?Answer: First try to wash the ball ideally, or you can buy it from your nearer Home Depot or Amazon.Question: What if I don't have spray paint?Answer: You have to use some Acrylic paint. This is available in grocery stores or any craft or art supply store.Question: Is polishing mandatory?Answer: No. polishing depends on which kind of materials you are using. If it is metal, then it is optional.Final words So, as you are thinking of making a Pokeball by yourself, I have tried my best to bring up the whole process of making it. I took help from experts and professionals. You have flexibility as well as you need to maintain the basic rules and regulations.
I hope and believe this article will help you. Best of luck! |
Open Question Answering | IS220PDOAH1A
General Electric
Brand New GE FANUC IS220PDOAH1A – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – GE series products: GE PLC 90-30 Series
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Feel free to contact us ! Cambia Automation Limited is a components company of PLC DCS TSI control system, located in China.
New Good Price! Q&A 1.Q:How about the warranty?
A:All goods have 1 year warranty.
2.Q:What about the delivery time?
A:Normally in 1 Week.
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A:“To create the greatest benefit for clients is our belief, if you have a better price, please let we know. We will try the best to meet your price and support you.
4.Q:What about the shipment?
A:We can arrange shipment by DHL, FedEx, UPS,TNT, EMS with competitive price, of course, customers can also use their own freight forwarders.
5.Q:How about the terms of payment?
A:Generally through T/T, Paypal and Western Union also accept.
Brand New GE FANUC IS220PDOAH1A – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – ‐‐——– ‐‐—— – GE series products: GE PLC 90-30 Series
GE PLC 90-70 Series
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GE PACSystems RX7i
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GE Mark VIe
GE Fanuc CNC
GE Field Control
GE Genius I/O
GE QuickPanel
GE Series One
GE Multilin Module
Feel free to contact us ! Cambia Automation Limited is a components company of PLC DCS TSI control system, located in China.
New Good Price! Q&A 1.Q:How about the warranty?
A:All goods have 1 year warranty.
2.Q:What about the delivery time?
A:Normally in 1 Week.
3.Q: Other suppliers have a better price than yours?
A:“To create the greatest benefit for clients is our belief, if you have a better price, please let we know. We will try the best to meet your price and support you.
4.Q:What about the shipment?
A:We can arrange shipment by DHL, FedEx, UPS,TNT, EMS with competitive price, of course, customers can also use their own freight forwarders.
5.Q:How about the terms of payment?
A:Generally through T/T, Paypal and Western Union also accept.
</template> |
Open Question Answering | One morning in October 2021, I woke with a sense of anticipation - and a little concern. I had agreed to give a talk about my latest book, The Estate Origins of Democracy in Russia: From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Post-Communist Middle Class , at the Grimshaw Club, LSE’s oldest student society.
The book is about the long shadow of Tsarist Russia’s legacies of the neglected institution of estate (sosloviye), and how they shape present social structure and democracy despite the seven decades of communism. In it, I show:
how even the most brutal levelling dictatorships are unable to destroy social hierarchies from feudal orders of the past; how these archaic long-gone orders account for the origin and reproduction of present-day professional middle classes; and how the resilience of social hierarchies, that in the modern day and age increasingly privilege knowledge and human capital, contributes both to democratic impulses and populism-fuelling resentment and anger among those habitually left behind, in current autocracies like Russia and Western democracies alike. It’s not a book easily packed into a sentence (as the proverbial “elevator pitch” to the press editor or literary agent recommends), or a time-constrained lecture.
Watch: Professor Tomila Lankina challenges materialist notions of inequality in "Airbrushed out of history: the Soviet middle class and lessons for inequality", a short film about her new book.
Creating a more equal society requires not just the redistribution of money, but knowledge The room was jam packed. I began by asking the students to raise their hands if they came from countries they thought were unequal, followed by the question “What one thing would you do to change that?”
Unsurprisingly, most raised their hands to the first question. And to the second, I got what I expected too. Some spoke of improving access to education, others about taxation, offshore havens, and redistribution.
Then I delved into my book. Drawing a diagram with little persons and stashes of money underneath them, I explained that if you have person A who is rich, and citizen B who has nothing, and we want to improve equality in a material sense, we’d take some cash from A’s metaphorical sack of money and put at least some of it into that of B’s.
Coercion is not a long-term solution: if you harass, shoot, and jail too many As, there will be no one left to teach and educate the Bs.
What happens though if you face a dilemma like the Bolsheviks did after the October 1917 Revolution - you want to not just redistribute wealth, but also the more intangible human, cultural and knowledge-professional capitals? For the social revolutionaries had proclaimed the fight against illiteracy, backwardness, and ignorance and were eager to promote formal education among the downtrodden peasant and proletarian masses.
Would you simply take A’s knowledge and give it to B? Not easily done. And what if the stylised A comes from social groups that the Bolsheviks themselves branded as the bourgeoisie - in Marxist class schemata, to be relegated to the dustbin of history?
Educating the uneducated – why the Bolsheviks needed the bourgeoisie As diagram 1 below shows, society in Tsarist Russia had been highly stratified. The institution of estate, in Russian sosloviye , rigidly regimented not only basic freedoms, property rights and taxation, but also access to education.
At the pinnacle of the estate hierarchy were aristocracy and life nobles. Together they made up less than 2 per cent of the Empire’s population. Next in the hierarchy came the sosloviye of clergy, at 0.5 per cent a minuscule share of the population, followed by the urban groups of merchants (0.2 per cent), honoured citizens (0.3 per cent), and meshchane , a larger group (10.7 per cent) most approximating the bourgeoisie in a Western sense, of small urban and rural tradesmen, property owners, teachers, doctors, pharmacists, notaries.
These groups were citizens, so relatively-speaking, by standards of the Tsarist state, free, unlike those at the bottom - nearly 80 per cent of Russian subjects - who remained de facto without many of the rights that the other estates enjoyed, even though peasants had been emancipated in the 1860s.
The free or semi-free enjoyed far better access to education than the peasants, colonising elite classical gymnasia (equivalent of high school, completion of which was a big deal even in America and Western Europe at that time) and technical colleges and university faculties that prepared them for the lives of modern, 20th century-style professionals.
It is these people - the bourgeois/aristocrat/clergyman-turned modern professional - who embodied the metaphorical A to whom the Bolsheviks would have to turn if they wanted to tackle the human capital dimension of inequality. So A from among the “educated estates” would have to be approached to educate the B (illiterate peasant or peasant-turned-factory worker).
What if hedge fund management is more appealing than school teaching? But what if A prefers to work for a hedge fund instead, as it pays more money than being a schoolteacher? In Bolshevik Russia, A of course had no hedge fund option – the Bolsheviks were against capitalism. But she could sail ship, to Europe, Australia, or America where she would be free to join the 1920s equivalent of the hedge fund. And the Bolsheviks knew this. Hundreds of thousands of the crème de la crème of educated society left Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution.
So the Bolsheviks start creating perks for A. They also force them to work for the revolutionary state at gunpoint. But coercion is not a long-term solution: if you harass, shoot, and jail too many As, there will be no one left to teach and educate the Bs. Instead the As continue to get more perks and their privileges become institutionalised and formalised in Soviet state policy.
Eminent Tsarist-era scientists, surgeons, engineers, and pedagogues get free apartments in elite quarters of Moscow or Leningrad, access to gourmet food, and holidays in fancy resorts like the Crimea; their children get access to prestigious universities even though quotas continue to favour peasants and “proletarian” workers.
If even the most brutal communist dictatorship that destroyed capital and levelled incomes was not able to solve the problem of status…, then what hope for more benign democratic welfare states?
We are all inadvertently complicit in perpetuating social inequality Asymmetry of human capital then quickly turns into asymmetry of A’s status against that of B. But let’s not just blame the state for inequality! Status, as I show in my book, is also reproduced because society bestows deference selectively on the pedigree professional who is most trusted, say, to treat, educate, and raise your child from poverty, over the newly minted one.
A mother with sick and starving children, for example, is unlikely to choose the peasant woman who can barely read or write, but is now a doctor, over the most famous surgeon trained in Imperial Russia. And so we see how not just the state, but wider society, including the least advantaged groups, become inadvertently complicit in perpetuating social inequality.
Of course, we all know that Soviet society was unequal. But when experts talk of Soviet society, they do not speak of the aristocrats, the clergy, merchants and meshchane discreetly reconstituting their status – and along with it that of the entire hierarchy of Imperial estates – under the thin veneer of the proclaimed communist egalitarianism.
In our outrage with the material aspects of inequality – the offshore havens… the uber-rich... – I contend that we are skirting an important issue of the longer-term drivers of inequality.
Studies of communist Russia have misinterpreted issues of inequality How did historians, political scientists and sociologists studying communist Russia get it all so badly wrong? Generations of students have been fed the diet of “Communism as The Great Rupture” narrative. There was the Soviet propaganda of course that proclaimed a whole new revolutionary dawn. There were ideologues and sympathisers to Bolshevism in the west.
Even the most highly regarded scholars and intellectuals continued to see Soviet society through the prism of Marxist-Leninist dogma. The historian Sheila Fitzpatrick, for example, celebrating the “spectacular” ascent of youth from “working-class and peasant families” into the ranks of “qualified specialists” as evidence of “a fulfilment of the promises of the revolution.”
And then we have the latest polemics about inequality that received renewed momentum with the publication of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century . Piketty skirts the issue of intangible capitals of the kind that I discuss in Estate Origins. Even when discussing the work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, who wrote about the significance of non-tangible cultural, social, and human capitals in perpetuating social hierarchies in France, Piketty couches inequality in materialist-economistic terms. This is a serious misreading of Bourdieu’s work. The period coinciding with communism is considered as a historical phase of levelling.
Both communist and capitalist societies elevate those with knowledge But are findings on Russia applicable only to the narrow slice of communist societies? In our outrage with the material aspects of inequality – the offshore havens, the revelations of the Pandora and Paradise papers, the uber-rich in the top percentiles of wealth distribution – I contend that we are skirting an important issue of the longer-term drivers of inequality.
What defines modern social structure and inequalities are processes that began when feudalism started giving way to citizenship and the privileging of knowledge that we associate with the present era. That is when the habitually educated layers of pre-modern societies, where social station was ascribed at birth, joined the world of the organisationally-incorporated or free professional. This juncture anticipates the significance that we attach to human capital in the knowledge economies of the present.
Just like in communist Russia, both the public policies of developmental welfare states that aim to socially elevate, educate, and enlighten those least privileged and most vulnerable, and the agency of the wider society, conspire to maintain social hierarchies and status in ways that benefits those with the highest stocks of intergenerationally reproduced knowledge. And if even the most brutal communist dictatorship that destroyed capital and levelled incomes was not able to solve the problem of the status of the A as against the B, then what hope for more benign democratic welfare states?
Listen: Hear Tomila Lankina in the LSE iQ episode, "Why is democracy declining?"
Estate origins of inequality, knowledge societies and the problem of the cameraman As I was wrapping up my Grimshaw session, I was reminded of Piketty’s talk when he came to speak at LSE at a packed hall full of awed students. I recalled a comment from the late sociologist Alvin Gouldner about the problem of the cameraman.
Gouldner reminded us that in Marxist dogma, there was no place for intellectuals, professionals, the middle class. There were the bourgeois, the proletariat, the landlords, and the peasants. And what about the Marxes and the Engelses, the Lenins? They didn’t just enjoy better living conditions than the peasants and workers on whose behalf they wrote. They also enjoyed higher status.
To Gouldner, they were like the cameraman, who takes a snapshot, drawing our gaze to a social problem, while remaining invisible, hidden behind the camera, and, as such, beyond the scrutiny of class relations. We therefore never clamour for his revolutionary downfall – nor of course, would he clamour for his own fall from the pedestal of social esteem.
As I was wrapping up my lecture, I thought better than to dethrone an idol from the pedestal. So I kept quiet about that other talk and the problem of the cameraman. But the thorny dilemma remains. It is at the root of our unequal societies. The cameraman – including the LSE professor – critiques social ills. They admonish. But in the act of doing so, stay high on the podium, on the pedestal of social status and esteem.
Banner image source: Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Watson Memorial Library, Cammie G Henry Research Center, Constantine Neklutin collection.
The Estate Origins of Democracy in Russia: From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Post-Communist Middle Class by Tomila Lankina will be published with Cambridge University Press in January 2022. |
Open Question Answering | Monoprice 8K Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable 6ft - 48Gbps Black
Product # 31231
UPC # 889028079416
Save $12.00 (92%)*Affirm is not available for business or international orders
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Will this work the the Apple TV 4K A1842?
New User U on Sep 20, 2019
BEST ANSWER: However, working and working properly are two separate things. If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified? I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved. Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices.
If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified?
I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved.
Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices.
BEST ANSWER: However, working and working properly are two separate things. If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified? I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved. Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices.
If they are so good why aren't they Premium HDMI certified?
I believe, so far, there is only one brand that is: and Apple approved.
Of course, for Apple approved $30 prices.
It will! I use it on mine and have not had any issues.
Thanks Eli! How is the quality of the picture and sound?
So just quick background my tv is HDR10+ and I use Dolby Atmos on my receiver. Picture is nice and clear (chroma 4.2.2) and Dolby Atmos works with no issues.
Great. How about Dolby Vision? I have a Samsung QLED 2018 8-series, with an Apple TV 4K. I like the Belkin brand, but have heard great things about Monoprice.
Yes and I love it!!!
Great. How about Dolby Vision? I have a Samsung QLED 2018 8-series, with an Apple TV 4K. I like the Belkin brand, but have heard great things about Monoprice.
I’m not sure about that. I use mine with a Vizio M series quantum color. I have ps4 pro and Apple TV connected with monoprice cables and they look fantastic compared to previous cables I used.
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Dolby vision works, correct?
A shopper on Aug 28, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Yes. I see Dolby vision broadcast on my LG OLED from my Apple TV 4K.
Vote for the best answer above!
can I safely put these in a wall?
A shopper on Nov 26, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I think the question this person is trying to ask is, "Are these cables rated CL2, CL3 or better for in-Wall use?" I can't find this rating anywhere in the description.
BEST ANSWER: I think the question this person is trying to ask is, "Are these cables rated CL2, CL3 or better for in-Wall use?" I can't find this rating anywhere in the description.
Vote for the best answer above!
A 6ft cable is now showing up as an option on the page? The real deal? Very interested!!
A shopper on Aug 28, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I purchased 3 of the 6ft and all working fine. Hdr, eARC, alllm, vrr. Using them with Xbox one x and an LG 65 Oled C9 tv
They should have no problem pushing anything available today you won't know until you've got 8K 60 hz 12-bit color signal from something using close to 48 GBPS but that's going to be a while.
BEST ANSWER: I purchased 3 of the 6ft and all working fine. Hdr, eARC, alllm, vrr. Using them with Xbox one x and an LG 65 Oled C9 tv
They should have no problem pushing anything available today you won't know until you've got 8K 60 hz 12-bit color signal from something using close to 48 GBPS but that's going to be a while.
Vote for the best answer above!
Is this better than DisplayPort for monitors with HDR?
Bert S on Nov 5, 2019
BEST ANSWER: HDR is a video format, DisplayPort and HDMI are interfaces. So the data being sent through the cable (in this case, HDR) will be the same. What is most important is that your input device, and display device support HDR.
BEST ANSWER: HDR is a video format, DisplayPort and HDMI are interfaces. So the data being sent through the cable (in this case, HDR) will be the same. What is most important is that your input device, and display device support HDR.
Vote for the best answer above!
I just bought a sony 950x tv with a 2nd gen fire cube. Since the tv has 4k HDR do i need this cable or the hdmi cable that does 48gbps instead?
Patrick K on Dec 1, 2019
Monoprice 8K Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable 6ft - 48Gbps Black
Monoprice 4K Slim Certified Premium High Speed HDMI Cable 6ft - 18Gbps Black
BEST ANSWER: This Ultra 8k cables are capable of HDMI 2.1 standards, including eARC. However, if that doesn't mean anything to you, then you don't need the 8K cable. The 4K cable (as long as it says certified for ARC) will do everything you need, just fine. I believe the Sony 950x doesn't even have eARC capabilities, so definitely go the cheaper 4K cable. You can upgrade to an HDMI 2.1 compliant cable next year (or even later) once more devices begin to support it.
BEST ANSWER: This Ultra 8k cables are capable of HDMI 2.1 standards, including eARC. However, if that doesn't mean anything to you, then you don't need the 8K cable. The 4K cable (as long as it says certified for ARC) will do everything you need, just fine. I believe the Sony 950x doesn't even have eARC capabilities, so definitely go the cheaper 4K cable. You can upgrade to an HDMI 2.1 compliant cable next year (or even later) once more devices begin to support it.
I had initially purchased the Ultra Slim Certified Premium cables for my system but had picture connectivity issues. I switched to the Dynamic View Ultra 8K HDMI cables and no longer have any issues at all and can now enjoy optimum 4K viewing. I highly recommend the Dynamic View Ultra 8K High Speed HDMI cables when running your 4K HDR source components thru an A/V receiver/processor to your TV ARC HDMI input.
Vote for the best answer above!
Does this cover Dolby Atmos?
A shopper on Jul 4, 2022
BEST ANSWER: It transmits Dolby Atmos with no problem on my system.
What is the gauge of the wire?
A shopper on Oct 17, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Staff answered "These are 30 AWG cable." Dec 2019 in a similar question.
is this full hdmi 2.1 with all spec of 2.1 ? are just some specs
are just some specs
A shopper on Nov 22, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I picked these up to do 4k 60Hz HDR content through my receiver to TV and needed eARC support when doing 4k streaming via Internet through TV. These cables have not disappointed even though they do not carry an HDMI specified spec.
BEST ANSWER: I picked these up to do 4k 60Hz HDR content through my receiver to TV and needed eARC support when doing 4k streaming via Internet through TV. These cables have not disappointed even though they do not carry an HDMI specified spec.
Vote for the best answer above!
What Hz will it have for 4k? Thanks!
A shopper on Dec 22, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Actually, Ultra High Speed HDMI cable can do 4K up to 240Hz.
have these been certified under the Ultra High Speed HDMI Certification Program?
shawn m on Mar 31, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. No it would not be.
No it would not be.
Is there any technical or spec. difference between the Monoprice logo 8k cable and the "No Name" 8k cable. Are they the same cable?
Don B on Jan 11, 2021
BEST ANSWER: As I only purchased one cable there is no for me to know the answer to this question, this is a question for Monoprice to answer.
Does this cable have 4k at 120Hz… it specifies 8k at 60Hz , but other cables actually specify the 4K/120Hz, this one doesn’t specify that exactly?
Brian C on Nov 27, 2022
BEST ANSWER: I purchased 4 of these HDMI wires; they can indeed handle 4K@120Hz; my Ps5 and XBox X handles 120Hz gaming beautifully
Is it backwards compatible?
A shopper on Feb 2, 2023
BEST ANSWER: Yes. I have one I am using on a 1080P monitor and another with a 4K blu-ray player & TV.
Do you ship to Australia ?
A shopper on Aug 19, 2019
Vote for the best answer above!
How easy to bend is this cable? I ask because I have had many of MP's higher end HDMI cables previously but they were VERY stiff and put quite a bit of pressure on the HDMI ports.
Krister H on Sep 3, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. The cables are fairly easy to bend. I would put them in the mid range bend-ability.
The cables are fairly easy to bend.
I would put them in the mid range bend-ability.
does this 6 ft. cable more easy to bend than my Monoprice Certified Premium High Speed HDMI Cable, 4K@60Hz, HDR, 18Gbps, 28AWG, YUV 4:4:4, 6ft, White?
New User U on Sep 6, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. Yes, this would be easier to bend than the certified premium cable.
Yes, this would be easier to bend than the certified premium cable.
Does this cable support 4:4:2?
Gary K on Sep 7, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. Yes, this would support 4:4:2 color.
Yes, this would support 4:4:2 color.
Are these cables HDCP 2.2 compliant?
New User U on Nov 14, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Yes. They work very very well. Have a Yamaha to Samsung and no problems with connection .
What is the fire rating?
A shopper on Nov 22, 2019
BEST ANSWER: I do not believe these are rated for in-wall, if thats your question.
What is the gauge of the wire?
Kevin C on Dec 1, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. These are 30 AWG cable.
These are 30 AWG cable.
does this cable support hdcp2.2?
A shopper on Dec 8, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. This would pass HDCP 2.2 signal.
This would pass HDCP 2.2 signal.
Are there any plans to produce a 10 foot version of this cable? Need a bit more length for my setup. Thanks in advance!
New User U on Dec 22, 2019
BEST ANSWER: Thank you for your question. We will be releasing longer versions of this cable in the future.
We will be releasing longer versions of this cable in the future.
will it work with uverse?
A shopper on Jan 6, 2020
BEST ANSWER: It will work with any hdmi connection
Does this support HDCP 2.3?
Elliott W on May 19, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Yes, that's a format of the data that's being passed by the cable. The cable doesn't care. It's only about the amount of bandwidth you need to use and these should support the full 48 GBPS bandwidth that you won't need until you want to send an 8K 60Hz signal at 12-bit color depth.
BEST ANSWER: Yes, that's a format of the data that's being passed by the cable. The cable doesn't care. It's only about the amount of bandwidth you need to use and these should support the full 48 GBPS bandwidth that you won't need until you want to send an 8K 60Hz signal at 12-bit color depth.
Vote for the best answer above!
Does the 6ft length lose any signal strength over the 3ft?
Eric F on Jun 18, 2020
BEST ANSWER: There should be no difference. I use a 15' Ultra cable without resolution loss.
Are the contacts on this cable gold plated or not?
Johnathon R on Jun 21, 2020
BEST ANSWER: The ones that I have are gold plated.
Thanks! The contracts on the inside of the connector that goes into your device, not the external part of the connector?
4k support is 60 or 120hz?
A shopper on Jul 2, 2020
Are these cables thin and flexible? How thick compared to the ultra slim slim series?
A shopper on Jul 9, 2020
BEST ANSWER: The cable is a tad over 1/4" or 7mm. It's a durable cable without high flexibility. If you're looking for high flex, consider a braided cable.
What are the connectors made of?
A shopper on Nov 24, 2020
BEST ANSWER: Connectors might be gold plated. The plastic is pretty good and sturdy. They work excellent.
Reviews 4.7 / 5.0
290 Reviews
5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Star
Rated 5 out of 5
good fast AND cheap, a rare win in all 3 categories
September 25, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
Great Quality Cahle
The cable is well built and worked extremely well. The only issue that I had was the size of the connector on some of the devices that I use this cable with (mainly tv's and the port clearances) which is no fault of the cable and something that may not affect 99% of individuals.
September 18, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
Insane value for money! Unbelievable performance!
Insane value for money and exactly what I need to make the various rooms in my house more usable. From my office to my home theater, I'm able to maximize the performance of all of my devices.
September 18, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
Happy customer
Used this to connect my gaming PC to my TV. It handles 4k 120fps perfectly.
September 17, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
Monoprice 8K Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable
Great deal on a quality wire.
September 11, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
September 11, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
Great cable at a great price. Works as expected.
September 8, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
8K HDMI Cable
Great cable for the money. Would buy again.
September 5, 2023
Purchased 1 month ago
1 month ago
Rated 5 out of 5
Work fine. GREAT deal when on sale!!
Can always use more HDMI cables so when these went on sale, I bought a bunch! They arrived safely and well packaged. They look good and work well. They ARE substantial, as the cable is quite thick, so consider the application before using. Still, not a negative. Thicker cables are probably more reliable and more efficient at transmitting signals. Very happy with this purchase. Recommended.
September 4, 2023
Purchased 2 months ago
2 months ago |
Open Question Answering | Term dates The academic year at Stockholm University starts in late August and ends in early June. The academic year is divided into two semesters, an autumn semester and a spring semester.
The autumn semester starts at the end of August and continues until mid-January of the following year. The spring semester starts in January and finishes at the beginning of June.
Each semester is divided into 4 parts: Period 1 (A and B) and Period 2 (C and D).
Spring 2025 20 January 2025 to 5 June 2025
Period 1: Monday 20/1
Thursday 20/2
Period 2: Monday 24/3
Monday 5/5
Autumn 2024 2 September 2024 to 19 January 2025
Period 1: A: Monday 2/9
B: Thursday 3/10
Period 2: C: Monday 4/11
D: Thursday 5/12
Spring 2024 15 January 2024 to 2 June 2024
Period 1: A: Monday 15/1
B: Thursday 15/2
Period 2: C: Thursday 21/3
D: Thursday 2/5
Autumn 2023 28 August 2023 to 14 January 2024
Period 1: A: Monday 28/8
B: Thursday 28/9
Period 2: C: Monday 30/10
D: Thursday 30/11
Registration may take place before the official start of the semester After you have been admitted to a course you will need to confirm your enrollment through a registration before the start of the semester. Sometimes the registration takes place some days before the official starting date of the semester - make sure you know when you have your registration before you book your flight to Sweden.
Stockholm University has a decentralised organisation which means that there are different ways of registering depending on which department you will be studying with. You will be given information from the respectively department on how and when to register. If you do not receive information regarding registration and if there is no information about registration dates on the departmental website, please contact the department directly.
Last updated: June 20, 2023
Source: Student Services |
Open Question Answering | Anyone who has witnessed a loved one develop and eventually succumb to Alzheimer’s disease knows the slow-paced devastation it can inflict on a family’s morale and finances.
Alzheimer’s is one of the most frightening afflictions a person can face. While there isn’t a cure, there are measures you can take to prevent or slow its development.
In this article, we present a definition of what Alzheimer’s disease is, identify ways to prevent or slow the onset of it, and offer answers to some of the more common questions related to the disease.
What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease gets its name from Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician. The term Alzheimer’s dates back to 1906 when he presented the case of a 51-year-old woman suffering from a rare brain disorder.
Known as the most common cause of premature senility, Alzheimer’s disease is caused by progressive mental deterioration or brain cell death.
Often confused with the umbrella term dementia, Alzheimer’s is one of the diseases of which dementia is a symptom.
As this neurodegenerative disease progresses, brain cells are left with fewer and fewer nerve cells and connections, robbing its victim of awareness, memory, altering the personality and behavior, and eventually mobility.
Watch this video to discover how Alzheimer’s disease advances on the brain.
Diet May Be Key to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease? Research worldwide has shown that your diet may fundamentally influence the onset or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
Foods With Higher Risk Values – In what is known as a “Western” diet, consuming large quantities of meat, high-fat dairy products, and sweets is directly linked to the development of the disease.Nitrosamines which act within the liver prompt the production of fats which are toxic to the brain. They can be found in:
• Cured meat • Nonfat dry milk • Sometimes in fish and cheese
The following foods have all been found to contain or promote the production of nitrosamines:
• Beer • Bacon • All food containing nitrites • And tobacco consumption
The bodies production of nitrosamines can be slowed and in some instances halted by the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C.
Foods That Help Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk – Just as certain foods may encourage the development of a disease, some foods assist the body in its prevention of the disease. The following are foods that reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease:• Curcumin (the principal curcuminoid of turmeric) • Berries • Beans • Olive Oil • Whole Grains • Spinach, Kale, etc. (Leafy Greens) • Wine (one glass daily) • Dark Chocolate • Black Coffee (without sugar or other additives) • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts) • Salmon (as well as other fatty fish)
Exercise and Alzheimer’s Prevention A person’s overall health and well-being are not just linked to their diet, exercise plays a direct role in both physical and mental health.
According to regular physical exercise (150 minutes of a combination of cardio exercise and strength training per week) can reduce one’s risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 50 percent.
Medical Intervention and Alzheimer’s Treatment While no definitive cure has been identified, tests are available that can determine a person’s risk of developing the disease. As well, regular exams and annual physicals present an opportunity for early diagnosis.
Medical intervention for Alzheimer’s includes cognition-enhancing medication which improves mental function, lowers blood pressure, and potentially balances one’s mood.
Combined with diet, exercise, and early detection, those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s are living longer with a better quality of life than in previous decades.
The following are medical specialists that diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s:
Primary Care Provider (PCP) – Prevents, diagnoses, and initially treats diseases.Occupational Therapist – Works to Improve the daily living and work skills of patients.Geriatrician – Focuses on the health care of elderly people.Neurologist – Treats nervous system disorders.Psychiatrist – Primarily through medications, treats mental disorders.People Also Ask The following questions are commonly asked about Alzheimer’s disease.
Q: What Are the Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s? A: While there are many subtle signs, the following would indicate that something is wrong and prompt one to get tested.• Memory Loss • Mood and Personality Changes • Confusion Related to Time and Place • Sudden Problems with Speaking or Writing Words • Misplacing Objects • Inability to Retrace One’s Steps • Challenged at Planning • Reduced Problem Solving Capability
Q: Can Alzheimer’s Be Prevented? A: Research cannot yet support a definitive answer to this question. However, there is strong evidence that lifestyle choices may influence whether or not you fall victim to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.Years of research has shown that physical activity and diet can reduce one’s risk of diseases like diabetes and heart disease, both of which have been linked to Alzheimer’s.
Q: Is Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic? A: Genetics is pretty straight-forward. If you inherit a genetic mutation which causes a specific disease, chances are that you will develop the disease. Cystic fibrosis, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, and familial Alzheimer’s are all examples of genetic disorders that can be inherited.Q: Is Alzheimer’s Linked to Diet? A: Yes – The consumption of meat, high-fat dairy products, and sugary desserts or sweets is among the most prominent risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease.Q: Do Vegans Get Alzheimer’s? A: Yes – However, removing meat and dairy products from one’s diet can reduce their chances of developing the disease in half.Q: Can Turmeric Cure Alzheimer’s? A: Insufficient Data – However, there is evidence that turmeric (or more specifically curcumin – a compound found within turmeric) may be able to protect the brain from the development or progression of the disease.Q: What Foods Are Linked to Alzheimer’s? A: Consuming large quantities of meat, high-fat dairy products, and sugary desserts or sweets are linked to the development of the disease.Nitrosamines (found in cured meat, nonfat dry milk, and sometimes in fish and cheese) prompt the liver to produce fats which are toxic to the brain.
Vitamin C (a phytonutrient) can help stop the body from converting nitrites into nitrosamines.
Slowing and Stopping Alzheimer’s Disease While Alzheimer’s is a destructive nightmare and brain killer, its development and progression can be slowed or even prevented by diet, exercise, and medical intervention.
In this article, you discovered what Alzheimer’s is, how to prevent or slow its progression through diet, which foods prompt the onset or development of the disease, which doctors and specialists to see for treatment and uncovered answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the disease.
There is not a cure for Alzheimer’s disease yet. In the meantime, there is early diagnosis, medical treatment, diet, and exercise to prevent and help manage the devastation brought on by this disease.
(706) 521-5290
(678) 963-5958 |
Open Question Answering | What is this lawsuit about ?ANSWER:
Victor Boyko (“Plaintiff”) sued American International Group, Inc. (“AIG Inc.”), American International Insurance Company of New Jersey (“AIICNJ”) (now known as 21st Century Pinnacle Insurance Company), AIG Marketing, Inc. (“AIGM”) (now known as 21st Century Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.) (collectively the “AIG Defendants”) and Credit Control Services, Inc. d/b/a Credit Collection Services and C.C.S. (“CCS”) (collectively with the “AIG Defendants”, the “Defendants”). Plaintiff owned an automobile insurance policy issued by AIICNJ that provided that the policy would terminate automatically if not renewed. Plaintiff was incorrectly billed for earned premium by the AIG Defendants after his policy automatically terminated and CCS later sent collection letters to Plaintiff for the earned premium. Plaintiff brought a class action against the Defendants contending that they violated state and federal laws by sending the bills and collecting the earned premium. By Order dated May 3, 2012, as amended on June 12, 2012, the Court granted summary judgment in favor of Plaintiff on his claims for breach of contract against AIICNJ and for violations of the New Jersey Truth in Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act (“TCCWNA”) against AIICNJ and AIGM. The Court granted summary judgment in favor of AIICNJ on claims for negligence and breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing and granted summary judgment in favor of AIG Inc. on all claims. Plaintiff’s remaining claims – negligence against AIGM, violations of the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act against AIICNJ, AIGM and CCS, and violations of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) against CCS – have not been resolved. The Court also certified two classes: a class of New Jersey residents against AIICNJ for the breach of contract and TCCWNA claims (“AIICNJ Class”) and a class against CCS for the FDCPA claims (“CCS Class”). The parties have agreed to settle the unresolved claims to avoid further protracted litigation.
What is a class action? ANSWER:
In a class action, one or more people called “Class Representatives” sue on behalf of a group of people with similar claims. All of these people together are called the “Class” or “Class Members.” One court resolves the issues for all Class Members.
Why is there a settlement? ANSWER:
A settlement is not an admission of any wrongdoing by the Defendants. The Court decided certain claims in favor of Plaintiff and certain claims in favor of Defendants, but there are remaining claims on which the Court did not make any decision in favor of the Plaintiff or the Defendants. Instead, the two sides agreed to settle. By settling, they both avoid the risks, delays, and costs of trial, and the affected customers will get some benefits. The Class Representative and Class Counsel believe this settlement is the best option for everyone in the Class.
Who is in the settlement? ANSWER:
You are a member of the Settlement Class if you received a notice in the mail, unless you decide to exclude yourself. All of the Court’s orders will apply to you and legally bind you.
If you have questions as to how you were identified as a member of the Settlement Class, you can call Class Counsel at (856) 845-1968 for more information.
How do I get settlement benefits? ANSWER:
If you are a class member you do not need to do anything to get settlement benefits.
Unless you exclude yourself, if the Settlement is approved by the Court and becomes final you will get a check for the settlement benefits.
When will I get my settlement benefits? ANSWER:
You will receive your check if the Settlement is approved and after it becomes final. This may take several months, so please be patient.
How do I exclude myself? ANSWER:
Send a letter by mail clearly indicating your name, address and telephone number and stating that you “request to be excluded from the Settlement Class in the ‘Boyko New Jersey Insurance Litigation’,” and you must sign the letter. You must mail your exclusion request postmarked no later than July 29, 2013, to each of the following addresses:
Clerk of the Court Law Offices of Lewis G. Adler Saul Ewing LLP
United States District Court Lewis G. Adler, Esq. Paul M. Hummer, Esq.
Mitchell H. Cohen Building 26 Newton Avenue 3800 Centre Square West
Unites States Courthouse Woodbury, NJ 08096 1500 Market Street
4th & Cooper Streets Tel: (856) 845-1968 Philadelphia, PA 19102
Camden, NJ 08101
You cannot exclude yourself over the phone or by email.
Who are the lawyers representing the class? ANSWER:
The Court ordered that the Class Counsel, Lewis G. Adler, Roger C. Mattson and Louis D. Fletcher of the Law Offices of Lewis G. Adler, will represent you and the other Settlement Class Members. These lawyers and the law firm are called Class Counsel. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense.
How will class counsel be paid? ANSWER:
Class Counsel will ask the Court for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of expenses in an amount up to $250,000. The Court may consider the request at a Settlement Fairness Hearing on August 28, 2013. The amount of fees and expenses awarded to Plaintiff’s Counsel by the Court are separate and apart from any money and/or benefits made available to the Class and will not affect in any way the settlement benefits to which you are entitled.
What is the difference between objecting and excluding? ANSWER:
Objecting is simply telling the Court that you don’t like something about the Settlement. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement Class. Excluding yourself is telling the Court that you don’t want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you exclude yourself, you cannot object because the case no longer affects you.
How do I object? ANSWER:
As a Settlement Class Member, you can object to the Settlement or the motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of expenses, if you wish. You can give reasons why you think the Court should not approve the Settlement or an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursable expenses. The Court will consider your views.
To object, you must send a letter saying that you object to the proposed Settlement in the Boyko v. American International Group, Inc., et al., No. 1:08-cv-02214-RBK-JS litigation. You must include your name, address, telephone number, and your signature. You must also state the reasons why you object. Mail copies of the objection to each of the following addresses, postmarked no later than July 29, 2013:
Clerk of the Court Law Offices of Lewis G. Adler Saul Ewing LLP
United States District Court Lewis G. Adler, Esq. Paul M. Hummer, Esq.
Mitchell H. Cohen Building 26 Newton Avenue 3800 Centre Square West
Unites States Courthouse Woodbury, NJ 08096 1500 Market Street
4th & Cooper Streets Tel: (856) 845-1968 Philadelphia, PA 19102
Camden, NJ 08101
When and where will the court decide whether to approve the settlement? ANSWER:
The Court will hold a Settlement Fairness Hearing at 9:30 a.m. on August 28, 2013 at the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Camden Division, located at 4th and Cooper Streets, Camden, New Jersey. At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate. If there are objections, the Court will consider them. The Court will listen to people who have asked to speak at the hearing. The Court may also decide how much to pay to Class Counsel. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Settlement.
May I speak at the hearing? ANSWER:
You may ask the Court for permission to speak at the Fairness Hearing. To do so, you must include in your objection (described above) the statement, “I hereby give notice that I intend to appear at the Fairness Hearing in ‘Boyko v. American International Group, Inc., et al.’” Be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, and your signature. If you intend to have any witnesses testify or to introduce any evidence at the Fairness Hearing, you must list the witnesses and evidence in your objection.
Your Notice of Intention to Appear must be postmarked no later than August 7, 2013, and be sent to the Clerk of the Court, Class Counsel, and Defense Counsel, at the addresses above.
You cannot speak at the hearing if you exclude yourself or opt out of the Settlement. |
Open Question Answering | Course Title: Reflect on and improve own professional practice Part B: Course Detail Teaching Period: Term1 2021Course Code: EMPL7098CCourse Title: Reflect on and improve own professional practiceSchool: 375T Vocational Design and Social ContextCampus: City CampusProgram: C4352 - Certificate IV in Youth WorkCourse Contact: Dianne MackayCourse Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4454Course Contact Email: and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff Nominal Hours: 120Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities. Pre-requisites and Co-requisites None.
Course Description This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to evaluate and enhance own practice through a process of reflection and ongoing professional development.
This unit applies to workers in all industry sectors who take pro-active responsibility for their own professional development.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
1. Reflect on own practice
3. Facilitate ongoing professional development
2. Enhance own practice
Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the above elements.
Details of Learning Activities This course learning activities will be support and complimented by RMIT's online learning management tool Canvas. Other essential learning activities take place during the workshops, and you will also be required to undertake independent studies. Some learning activities that you will undertake in the workshops are:
Class discussion Documentary viewing and discussion Guest speaker Group work projects Questioning Teaching Schedule Elements and Performance Criteria Week 1 & 2
Week 6
CHCYTH001 – 1.2, 1.6, 2.5, 3.2
CHCYTH002 – 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4,
Week 7
CHCYTH001: 1.1,1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
CHCYTH002: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2,4.3
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,
Week 8
CHCYTH001 – 1.2, 1.6, 2.5, 3.2
CHCYTH002 – 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4,
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Placement preparation and allocations
Week 15
Workplace Investigation Placement preparation and allocations Week 16 Workplace Investigation Placement preparation and allocations Assessment Task 2: Working with Young People: Workplace Investigation Week 17 Semester 1 Wrap Up/Assessments Placement preparation and allocations Semester Break
Semester 1
Introduction & welcome
Introduction Activities (get to know the class activities/ice-breakers)
Overview of The Reflect and Improve own Professional Practice Unit
Overview of Assessments for semester 1: Focus on Reflective Journal Entries What is Reflective Writing?
Getting to know RMIT services
Peer helper training
Peer Helper Training (gain basic counselling skills which you can use in your student placements)
Peer helper training
Peer Helper Training (gain basic counselling skills which you can use in your student placements)
Exploring Youth Sector
Federal/State/ Local/ and NGO sectors.
Building the Scaffolding Report
Disciplines – Child Protection/Juvenile Justice/Mental Health
ACTIVITY: Students brainstorm- “What are the top 5 issues affecting young people today?”
Understanding of issues affecting vulnerable youth including homeless young people: Show Oasis videos x 2 on youth homelessness & explore Vulnerable Youth Framework Report
Self Evaluation of current skills and knowledge.
Political and policy context
Show video – (RSA Animate Changing Education Paradigms)- In small groups: Students then describe what they learnt from video, & how learnings from the video could be used in youth work practice
Show students a 2nd video- ‘Build a School in the cloud” -Large group reflection on the video- What does that mean for young people?
Analyse an article: Young people breaking cups in the refuge. Brainstorm then leads into info on Restorative Practice- benefits to using this with disadvantaged young people
Ted Talk Video on Vulnerability
Analysis of Oasis Videos on Youth Homelessness
Youth Justice Performance and feedback
Exploring Children’s Court
Exploring Juvenile Justice system sentencing and post sentencing options
How the teenage brain works – impulsiveness
Advocacy and young people
Performance reviews & gaining feedback on your work performance as a youth worker
Resilience and youth led social justice movements
Youth Journals to be aware of in Australia
Young Victorian’s Resilience and Well-Being Survey
How to become more resilient information and activities
The importance of Emotional intelligence in our lives
Practicing Pooch problem solving model (basic counselling skills)
The Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth
Youth social justice movements and the reinterpretation of the youth perspective
Learning Resources Prescribed Texts References Other Resources Overview of Assessment This course is assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment.
To demonstrate competency in this course you will need to complete the following assessment tasks to a satisfactory standard. You will receive feedback from the teacher when you have completed the assessment tasks.
ASSESSMENT TASKS TASK 1: Personal Development PlanTASK 2A: Online QuizTASK 2B: Online QuizTASK 2C: Online QuizTASK 3: Self and Peer EvaluationTASK 4: Portfolio
You should refer to the assessment plan which is available on Canvas for details of each assessment task and for detailed assessment criteria.
Grades that apply to courses that are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are: CA: Competency Achieved NYC: Not Yet Competent DNS: Did not Submit for Assessment If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more:
A student charter summarises your responsibilities as an RMIT student as well as those of your teachers.
Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions which are available for review online:
Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 1: Personal Development Plan Assessment Task 2A: Online quiz Assessment Task 2B: Online quiz Assessment Task 3: Self and Peer Evaluation Assessment Task 4: Reflective Learning Portfolio Assessment Task 2C: Online quiz Assessment Matrix Personal development plan - Marking rubric
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student created a personal development plan that reflected areas of improvement identified in self and peer evaluations5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student created and documented a personal development plan that included two (2) realistic goals
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student created a personal development plan that includes realistic timeframes to achieve set out goals and ways to see if goals have been met
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
Total points: 15 Portfolio - Marking rubric
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student consulted with supervisor and others to complete the self and peer evaluations Student completed a self-evaluation and per evaluation in conjunction with a classmate. The student was able to identify how they;- communicate with clients and co-workers
- work safely
- practice self-care
- Follow policies and procedures
- work with diversity
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student reflected on their own values and beliefs and identified the impact this has on their behaviour as a worker Student clearly identified their own values and beliefs and was able to describe the impact these have on own professional practice such as;
- cultural biases potentially impact working with diverse clients
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to evaluate the feedback provided to them and identify areas for improvement of their own practice as a worker Student was able to identify areas in their practice that needed improvements such as;
- communication techniques when working with clients
- practice self-care more regularly
- maintain clear professional boundaries
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to identify both internal and external supports available in improving their practice as a worker Student was able to identify the supports they could access if they needed to assist them in improving their professional practice such as;
- professional development opportunities
- regular supervision with manager
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to recognise when self-care is needed and identify suitable techniques Student was able to identify the need for self-care and suggest self-care techniques to use such as;
- Yoga
- Exercise
- Listening to a podcast
- Reading a book
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to describe legal and ethical requirements relevant to their role as a youth worker Student was able to confirm their understanding of legal and ethical requirements along with areas for improvement including;
- Identifying and reporting hazards
- Maintaining privacy and confidentiality
- Reporting any suspected risk of harm
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to identify work role boundaries and limitations as a youth worker Student was able to identify work role and limits, this includes;
- Ensuring there are no conflicts of interest
- Engaging in professional relationships with clients and co-workers
- Identifying when a client may need to be referred to another service provider
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student consulted with supervisor and others to complete the self and peer evaluations Student completed a self-evaluation and per evaluation in conjunction with a classmate. The student was able to identify how they;
- communicate with clients and co-workers
- work safely
- practice self-care
- Follow policies and procedures
- work with diversity
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student shared two-way feedback with another classmate Student was able to provide and receive feedback with another person including both positive points and areas to be worked on. Feedback may include;
- time management
- communication techniques
- record keeping
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to seek feedback and identify areas for improvement of their own practice/ knowledge as a youth worker Student was able to identify areas in their practice/ knowledge that needed improvements such as;
- communication techniques when working with clients
- practice self-care more regularly
- maintain clear professional boundaries
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student was able to identify areas where further training is required or where the student will benefit from further study Student was able to identify areas where they could use additional training to support their professional practice this may include;
- Informative webinars
- Professional development workshops
- Higher level qualification
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
Total points: 55
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student identified and engaged with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise Student was able to identify areas where they could use additional training to support their professional practice this may include;- Informative webinars
- Professional development workshops
- Higher level qualification
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDemonstrated attendance at a PD session relevant to the industry - proof of participation certificate attached to assessment
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeThe student discussed their learnings while on training with their peers before identifying one option for further training and development
5 Pts Full marks
0 Pts No marks
Course Overview: Access Course Overview |
Open Question Answering | Speaker Guidelines & FAQs Speaker Guidelines Conference Series, the largest Open Access Publisher and Scientific Events Organizer, publishing more than 400 Open Access journals and organizing more than 300 scientific events per year offers membership to students.
3rd International Conference on Food Microbiology & Nutrition Committee would like to invite speakers to submit their research for inclusion in the Food Microbiology 2018 scientific program.
Abstract Submission Details We warmly invite you to submit your abstract and attend the 3rd International Conference on Food Microbiology & Nutrition.
Submit your abstract online at Speaker abstract(or)
Email to:
Terms Abstracts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been presented elsewhere (except in the form of a thesis) and are not currently under consideration by another conference. The submitting speaker should ensure that the abstract publication has been approved by all other co-authors.
Modes of Presentation Oral presentation Poster presentation Language All abstracts must be written exclusively in English (including the title, abstract text, author names and affiliations).
Correspondence Please provide the following: Presenting author’s contact details including full mailing address, office phone number, email address and fax number
Name(s) of presenting author and co-authors: first name(s) or initials of first name(s), family name (e.g. Jason Wong or J. Wong)
Affiliation details of all authors: Department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), countrySample Abstract Template Special Benefits We are pleased to inform you that all accepted abstracts will be published in the respective OMICS International Journals. Accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings which are to be distributed at the conference. Each abstract will receive a Digital Object Identification Number (DOI) provided by CrossRef.
Peer Review All abstracts are subjected to peer review and are expected to meet the standards of academic/scientific excellence. Submissions will be considered by an expert panel if not, rejected right away by peer reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the speakers.
FAQs for speakers Ans:We encourage all our speakers to attend from beginning of the conference. Many of our delegates might have seen your name in our Scientific program and wants to meet you. If this is not possible, we recommend you to arrive at least an hour before the commencement of your speech and preferably during a break in the program. This will allow you to go through your slides with our AV technician.
Ans:Our program is structured to encourage the interaction between speakers and the audience. If you are presenting a single Track, we request you to keep your slides short, colorful and informative. Allow enough time for questions at the end of your presentation and try to keep it interesting.
Ans:You will be asked to speak from a lectern on the stage in the conference hall. If you are Track chair, you will be seated in front of the stage throughout your session. Audience Q&A will be held at the end of each session, except during panels when moderators tend to keep things more interactive.
Ans:The organizing committee tries to minimize disruption to conference program as much as possible, but sometimes it is unavoidable. If there is a change in the program with regards to your talk time, the conference organizer will contact you as soon as possible. We will inform the delegates on the day and reproduce new copies of the program agenda in the conference workbooks. Last minute changes will be communicated as soon as they are known and you will be informed immediately about the changes that affect your talk time.
Ans:The dress code at all our events is business/casual. Speakers often choose smart business attire, but we leave it to the individual to decide.
Ans:Chair will be provided with the content before the event, which contains important notes and biography of each speaker.
Ans:Speakers are encouraged to arrive at the venue at least an hour before their presentation is due to start. You will be given the opportunity to go through your slides in the break prior to your speech.
Ans:If you are delayed to the conference, please contact someone from organizing committee as soon as possible.
Ans:If you would like to cancel your commitment to speak at OMICS International event, we kindly request you to provide a replacement speaker who can speak on the same/relevant topic with prior intimation.
FAQs for Regular Issues Ans: Please contact: or at +16502689744
Ans: There are a number of different registration packages available, depending on which conferences/meeting you would like to attend. For details about these packages, please visit the individual website of our conference.
Ans: If you are registered online and payment is done then the final stage of registration process is your receipt and confirmation page. If we have sent you an invoice and received your cheque payment/bank transfer, we will email you a confirmation and receipt once your registration is processed.
Ans: We strongly emphasize to register in advance rather spot registration.
Ans:To take advantage of our group discount of 10%, your group should consist of 3 or more attendees from the same company and they must be registered at the same time. Please contact for more details
Ans:Payment can be done through credit card/ cheque / Bank Transfer
Ans:Badges will be provided to all the attendees on-site. |
Open Question Answering | One of the most significant pressures leaders face today is creating a clear, bold vision of the future. And for a good reason–a clear strategic direction is the foundation for any great focused strategic plan.
That pressure intensifies for leaders creating vision statements for brand new teams or organizations.
We recently worked with the leadership team in the Engagement Division at Cleveland Metropolitan School District. We were impressed by their team’s focus on creating a great vision statement.
And boy, they didn’t disappoint. Vision Statements in a New Organization One of the most significant challenges they faced was creating a vision (and mission) statement from scratch. The School District’s Engagement Division encompasses communications, attendance, customer, experience, enrollment, and school choice as a brand-new division. It’s a model they’re pioneering in the School District’s organizational structure.
Engagement Division Vision – Our Aspiration CMSD is the number one choice in Cleveland; families enroll and remain with the District because they feel welcomed, valued, supported, and meaningfully engaged as partners in students’ success.So, why is visioning in a new organization challenging? And how do you overcome it? Here are a few quick notes we took away from our work with CMSD:
Challenge: Where do you go when you don’t have a deep history to examine where you’ve been? Solution: Think about your core purpose and what impact you want to make in the future . The Engagement Division was thoughtful about what impact they want to make for their organization and what their perfect vision of the future looks like – being the #1 choice for schools in Cleveland. Challenge: How do we have a clear vision statement that’s short and direct when we haven’t had a direction before? Solution: The Engagement Division’s vision statement is a great example of a longer vision statement that still has a great impact. We love visions that can fit on a t-shirt, but it’s okay to have a longer vision statement if it better suits and guides your organization.Challenge: How do you know the difference between your mission and vision statements when you’re just starting? Solution: We often see leaders struggle with the difference between mission and vision. They work together, but each does have a distinct purpose. Here’s an easy way to remember the difference–mission statements explain why you exist ; vision statements describe where you’re going in the future . |
Open Question Answering | This complete package includes everything you need: an excellent guitar; a small, portable amp that delivers big sound; a bag to protect your guitar when you are not playing; a strap to help you hold your instrument; a 10' cable to connect your guitar to the amp; and a guitar tuner to keep you in tune!
3/4 size is perfect for a person who is between 4'2" and 4'10", or for a larger person who just wants a smaller instrument (for perhaps when one travels).
The body is contoured for hours of comfortable play.
Dual cutaway allows access to the highest frets.
Vintage fulcrum bridge with six adjustable saddles.
Truss rod adjustable maple neck .
The amp provides 10 watts of power through an especially designed 5 1/2" speaker. It has a Master Volume Control. The Two Band Equalizer allows you to control the bass and treble independently. Headphone jack keeps the household sane as you can practice silently. Amp weighs only 6 1/2 pounds. It is 9 3/4" wide x 10 5/8" high x 5" deep. Enjoy!
Measurements of amp:
The guitar is wonderful quality in design and sound. All components have as promised we have a budding guitarist by Ashley
My son bought this with his Christmas money this year after reading the reviews and we have not been disappointed. The guitar is the perfect size for an older child or adult who simply wants a small, travel electric guitar. The amp works great. The set was a piece of cake for everything also. Karen M on Amazon.
Nicely crafted guitar - perfect for my 7 year old rock star wanna be! The extras are really a nice touch as well. You get a lot of bang for the buck with this purchase. As good as any guitar that would cost three times as much! by "march 13"
This guitar was delivered in 4 days. I love this guitar. It is well made and sounds great... looks much better in person than online...very professional looking, not cheap. The size is perfect for my 11 year old and is still big enough for me to play around on it. It is bigger than I expected, but I'm glad, because I was worried that it would be too small. He can play this for a long time...The case that comes with it is of much better quality than I was expecting. It is not flimsy. It is made of a thicker material and has some structure to it. That was a bonus.As for the amp, my husband, who is a sound tech for live bands, said it has a good sound for such a small amp. by Mama Lemberg
For the price you can not find any other set like this. Great product arrived on time and in good condition. Everything works and sounds great. by Leonar
Question: How much does the guitar weigh? Answer: Only 8 pounds!
Question: Is the tremolo bar removable? Answer: Yes indeed!
Question: "The cord going between the guitar and the amp will not go in or stay in the guitar. Answer: Yes sometimes the tab inside the jack will get bent back. if you bend forward just slightly they will likely fix it." See video |
Open Question Answering | 2017 October Cisco Official New Released 300-115 Dumps in! 100% Free Download! 100% Pass Guaranteed! This dump is valid to pass Cisco 300-115 exam and don’t just memorize the answer, you need to get through understanding of it because the question changed a little in the real exam. The material is to supplement your studies.
Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: QUESTION 326 Which two commands is used to remove VLAN 55 from the trunk port? (Choose two.)
A. switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3, remove 55 B. switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 55 C. switchport trunk allowed vlan except 55
Answer: BC
QUESTION 327 AAA question about the command used to login a user and set immediate access to privilege mode.
A. aaa authorization exec default group radius
Answer: A
QUESTION 328 Question about LACP priority.
A. LACP priority is used to determine which port is used to form the EtherChannel B. LACP priority is removed from EtherChannel (don’t remember exactly C. There was a command about LACP priority D. LACP priority is used to determine which port is put in standby mode
Answer: D
QUESTION 329 Question about RSPAN
A. RSPAN VLAN carries only RSPAN traffic B. On a switch there can be only one RSPAN VLAN C. RSPAN VLAN carries RSPAN traffic along multiple switches
Answer: C
QUESTION 330 Which two operational attributes can be checked for EtherChannel ports that are in err-disabled state?
A. Port mode B. Port cost C. Duplex D. DTP E. VLAN
Answer: AE
QUESTION 331 What statement is true about PVST?
A. PVST+ is the default STP mode on Cisco switches B. Rapid PVST+ is the default STP mode on Cisco switches C. Is the default mode on Cisco switches D. STP is the default mode on Cisco switches
Answer: A
QUESTION 332 What is the value of the TPID/tag protocol identifier in dot1q?
A. 0x8100 B. 0x8a88 C. 0x8b45 D. 0x8200
Answer: A
QUESTION 333 What is the value of the TPID/tag protocol identifier of QinQ?
A. 0x8a88 B. 0x8100 C. 0x8b45 D. 0x8200
Answer: A
QUESTION 334 Core switch is connected to 2 distribution switches which are connected to 2 access switches. PC1 is connected to DSW1 and DSW2 root bridge. Link connected from PC1 to DSW2 is 4Gbps and DSW1 is 10gbps. There is an EtherChannel trunk between DSW1 and DSW2. Default port priority is configured. Change in port priority so traffic goes through DSW1 to DSW2. (Choose two.)
A. DSW1: spanning-tree port priority 16** B. DSW1: interface g1/0 C. DSW2: spanning-tree port priority 16 D. DSW2: interface g1/0 E. DSW1: spanning-tree port priority 0
Answer: AB
QUESTION 335 Question about port which was put into error disabled state. It had BPDU guard configured and received BPDU. Now admin has entered “no bpdu guard enable” command. How can the port be brought back to operational status?
A. shutdown + no shutdown B. “couple of answers” around enabling errordisable autorecovery
Answer: A
QUESTION 336 Which two configurations cause the frames to be tagged? (Choose two.)
A. interface gi 0/1.116 encapsulation dot1q B. trunk allowed vlan 116 C. interface with access and voice VLAN configured to 116
Answer: AB
QUESTION 337 What VSS technology allows you to share downstream resources?
Answer: C
QUESTION 338 EtherChannel load balancing with an exhibit.
SERVER SERVER | | S W I T C H ||||||||||| S W I T C H | HOST Which EtherChannel load balancing algorithm should be used to optimize the EtherChannel links between switches?
A. Source MAC B. Source-dest MAC C. Destination IP D. Destination MAC
Answer: A
QUESTION 339 Where should the Root Guard be implemented in the network topology that Cisco recommends? (Choose two.)
A. All non-root ports of the Access Switches. B. Downstream links from Distribution to Access Switches C. Access Switches to uplink ports to Distribution Switches D. On Layer 3 Switches.
Answer: AB
QUESTION 340 Refer to the exhibit. Which two commands ensure that DSW1 becomes the root bridge for VLAN 10 and 20? (Choose two.)
A. spanning-tree mstp 1 priority 0 B. spanning-tree mst 1 root primary C. spanning-tree mst vlan 10,20 priority root D. spanning-tree mst 1 priority 4096 E. spanning-tree mst 1 priority 1 F. spanning-tree mstp vlan 10,20 root primary
Answer: BD
QUESTION 341 EXHIBIT – switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,80,99-250 Which two commands will remove VLAN 100 from the allowed VLAN list? (Choose two.)
A. switchport trunk allowed vlan remove vlan 100 B. switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-80,99,101-250 C. switchport trunk allowed vlan except vlan 100
Answer: AB Explanation: A & B are right 1- after applying the question command:switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,80,99-250 Switch(config)#do show int trunk Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan Fa0/1 on 802.1q trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk Fa0/1 1,80,99-250 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain Fa0/1 1 Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Fa0/1 1 now after applying “except 100”: Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan except 100 Switch(config-if)#do show int trunk Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan Fa0/1 on 802.1q trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk Fa0/1 1-99,101-1005 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain Fa0/1 1 Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Fa0/1 none You can see that except 100 , allowed all vlans except 100, which is against what is required in the question.
QUESTION 342 What is the benefit of UDLD?
A. provides backup for fiber B. help in preventing loops C. removes loops D. determines switch path
Answer: B
QUESTION 343 When no spanning-tree bpdu guard enable is configured in f0/7, which is true? (There’s an exhibit that shows f0/7 receive BPDU.)
A. We have to configure shutdown and no shutdown. B. Have to use errdisable recovery
Answer: A
QUESTION 344 An exhibit with spanning-tree. Protocol used was IEEE. (Choose two.)
A. The command spanning-tree mode IEEE was implemented. B. The spanning-tree mode is IEEE.
Answer: AB
QUESTION 345 A question about the priority of a Stackwise switch. (CONCEPT ONLY)
A. Master member is selected based on member’s priority
Answer: A
QUESTION 346 A question about port number and multicast address of HSRP. (CONCEPT ONLY)
A. HSRP uses multicast address and uses UDP port 1985
Answer: A
QUESTION 347 A question about the port number and multicast address of VRRP. (CONCEPT ONLY)
A. VRRP uses multicast address and uses IP protocol number 112.
Answer: A
QUESTION 348 A question about the number of Active Virtual Gateways (AVG) that can be used. (CONCEPT ONLY)
A. 1 – only one can be elected on a switch.
Answer: A
QUESTION 349 A question about the port number and multicast address of GLBP. (CONCEPT ONLY)
A. GLBP uses multicast address with UDP port 3222.
Answer: A
QUESTION 350 Behavior of an access port when a tagged packet is received other than the access VLAN value.
A. Tag is removed and packet is forwarded of the VLAN mentioned in the tag. B. tag is removed and packet is forwarded on the VLAN of the access port C. Not Available D. packet is dropped
Answer: D
About 90% questions are from this 300-115 dump. One thing you need to pay attention is the questions are rephrased in the real 300-115 exam. And btw selections are jumbled so you must remember the answer itself not the letter of choice.
300-115 new questions on Google Drive: 2017 Cisco 300-115 exam dumps (All 432 Q&As) from Lead2pass: [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed] |
Open Question Answering | [ad_1] Car Shakes When Starting up Cold: Causes and Solutions
It is quite common for car owners to experience their vehicles shaking when starting up cold. This phenomenon can be unsettling and raise concerns about the health and safety of the vehicle. In this article, we will explore the possible causes behind this issue, as well as provide some solutions to help you address it. Additionally, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide further clarity on the matter.
Causes of Car Shaking During Cold Starts
1. Engine Misfire: An engine misfire occurs when one or more cylinders fail to ignite properly. This can result in a rough idle and shaking during cold starts. The primary reasons for an engine misfire include worn spark plugs, faulty ignition coils, or a clogged fuel injector. Regular maintenance, such as replacing spark plugs and cleaning fuel injectors, can help prevent this issue.
2. Low Fuel Pressure: Insufficient fuel pressure can lead to a rough start. When the car is cold, the fuel system may struggle to maintain the required pressure, causing the engine to shake. A faulty fuel pump or a clogged fuel filter are common culprits in these scenarios. Replacing the fuel filter regularly and ensuring the fuel pump is in good condition can help prevent low fuel pressure.
3. Vacuum Leaks: A vacuum leak occurs when air enters the engine through a crack or loose connection in the vacuum system. During cold starts, the engine may struggle to compensate for this extra air intake, resulting in shaking. Common causes of vacuum leaks include deteriorated hoses, loose connections, or a faulty intake manifold gasket. Regular inspection of the vacuum system and promptly addressing any leaks can prevent this issue.
4. Transmission Problems: In some cases, the shaking during cold starts may be attributed to transmission issues. A worn-out torque converter or a malfunctioning transmission fluid pump can cause the car to shake upon starting. Regular maintenance, including fluid changes and inspections, can help prevent such problems.
5. Engine Mounts: Engine mounts are rubber or metal brackets that hold the engine in place. If these mounts become worn or damaged, the engine may vibrate excessively during cold starts. Regular inspection and replacement of worn engine mounts can alleviate this issue.
Solutions to Car Shaking During Cold Starts
1. Regular Maintenance: The most effective way to prevent car shaking during cold starts is to follow a regular maintenance schedule. This includes routine inspections, fluid changes, and replacing worn-out components. Adhering to the manufacturer’s recommendations helps ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition.
2. Addressing Specific Issues: If you experience shaking during cold starts, it is essential to identify the underlying cause. Consulting a qualified mechanic can help diagnose the problem accurately. They can then provide appropriate solutions, such as replacing spark plugs, cleaning fuel injectors, or fixing vacuum leaks.
3. Warm-up Period: Allowing your car to warm up before driving can minimize shaking during cold starts. This gives the engine time to reach its optimal operating temperature and reduces the strain on various components. Experts recommend letting the engine idle for a few minutes, especially in colder weather conditions.
Q1. Is it normal for my car to shake during a cold start? A: While minor vibrations are relatively common during cold starts, excessive shaking can indicate an underlying issue that requires attention.
Q2. Can a dirty air filter cause my car to shake during cold starts? A: A dirty air filter does not directly cause shaking during cold starts. However, it can affect overall engine performance and efficiency, potentially contributing to vibrations.
Q3. How often should I replace spark plugs? A: Spark plugs typically need replacement every 30,000 to 100,000 miles, depending on the type of plug and manufacturer recommendations. Consult your vehicle’s manual for specific guidelines.
Q4. Can low-quality fuel cause shaking during cold starts? A: Low-quality or contaminated fuel can lead to various engine problems, including shaking during cold starts. It is advisable to use high-quality fuel from reputable sources.
Q5. Should I be concerned if my car only shakes briefly during cold starts? A: Brief shaking during cold starts may not be a cause for immediate concern. However, if the shaking persists or intensifies, it is advisable to have your vehicle inspected by a professional.
Experiencing car shaking during cold starts can be a cause for concern, but understanding the underlying causes and implementing appropriate solutions can help alleviate the issue. Regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and allowing the engine to warm up can significantly reduce shaking. Remember to consult a qualified mechanic for accurate diagnosis and effective resolution. By taking proactive measures, you can ensure a smooth and comfortable start to your journeys, regardless of the temperature outside. [ad_2] |
Open Question Answering | Rollerball FAQs 1. What is rollerball ink? What is different from ballpoint ink? 2. Do I need a rollerball or ballpoint refill? 3. How do I choose the correct rollerball refill for my pen? 4. Why does the Schmidt and or Monteverde look exactly like my expensive branded refill? 5. What is a fineliner refill? 6. Which fineliner refill will fit my pen? 7. Why does my rollerball skip?
Q1. What is rollerball ink? What is different from ballpoint ink? A: A rollerball refill is a liquid ink filled tube which has a golf ball like dimpled ball which delivers this liquid ink to the paper. Rollerball liquid ink is similar to liquid used in fountain pen ink.
It is very different than ballpoint ink which is waxy and requires thrust to push the ink from the tip. A rollerball liquid ink refill flows as if a wick is touched to the paper. Paper (or a shirt pocket) will literally wick the ink from a rollerball refill in minutes. There is a wick inside the tube.
Q2. Do I need a rollerball or ballpoint refill? 1. Does the pen require that you remove the cap to write?
A: Rollerball refill.
2. Does the pen require that you twist or click the pen to begin to write?
A: Ballpoint refill.
If you have a rollerball pen you generally must remove the cap of the pen to expose the writing tip. Just like a fountain pen it has a separate cap.
So, if you must remove your pen's cap to write, then you more than likely have a rollerball refill in your pen.
An exception to the rule is popular capless Tornado Rollerball made by Retro 1951.
It will take both the Schmidt P8126 capless rollerball refill
Q3. How do I choose the correct rollerball refill for my pen? A: Measure the total length of your refill from tip to end using a ruler and write it down. Then compare your old refill with the refill shown on the website. To determine your exact fitment you should ignore your refill's tube color and any numbers on the refill tube itself. They are production dates and are meaningless to us. It is best to determine the refill you need by searching by brand or refill image (if unknown). The most commonly used rollerball shape refill looks like this. The top of the refill will either be flat (as shown above) OR have a little hat (as shown below).
Q4. Why does the Schmidt and or Monteverde look exactly like my expensive branded refill? A: Notice how this Cartier branded refill appears exactly the same as the Schmidt refill? It is exactly the same. Your Cartier pen (or many other popular brands) can use any of our replacement refills or the Cartier branded refill. Your choice. Odds are that your branded refill was made by Schmidt of Germany. or Cartier rollerball refillQ5. What is a fineliner refill? Monteverde fineliner refill A: A fineliner is like the old felt tip pen but technologically evolved. The writing tip is extremely firm and will withstand the test of time and remain strong and sharp. Consequently, writing points are usually offered in extremely fine choices. If you have developed a habit of crushing the tip of your pen against paper, this is not your refill. If you have a standard 'hand’ a fineliner using today’s tip technology may open up an entirely new world of writing pleasure. The inks are quick to dry and there is virtually no friction required to lay ink to paper. We recommend you try all your writing options to determine which one you prefer.Q6. What fineliner refill will fit my pen? A: Many rollerball pens will accept a fineliner refill. Any rollerball pen which uses a Standard International rollerball refill will also accept the Monteverde fineliner or spring-loaded fineliner refills as shown below: Monteverde fineliner refill Please check under your pen’s brand for fineliners which may be available.Q7. Why does my rollerball skip? A: It is likely because the paper surface is unsuitable or it has dried out. Rollerball ink is liquid and needs be absorbed. Papers with a glaze or coating prevent the ink from being absorbed and can cause skipping. Also, be sure to keep your pen capped when not in use. Rollerball ink can evaporate and dry out the tip. With normal use, rollerball refills should last between 1-3 months after the wax seal is removed. Refills with a wax seal on the tip can be stored up to 1 year before they will dry out. |
Open Question Answering | Secondly, you should clearly understand that if you want to submit a winning manuscript, you need to know how to write a thesis statement for a research paper that your supervisor will like. Thesis for a paper #1 Professional Speech Writers. The initial draft of your thesis paper begins with the creation of a thesis statement. Search these databases, and remember to check the. How to Create a Thesis Statement: Guides - A Research Guide Guides - How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper How To Create A Brilliant Research Paper For High School
How to write a thesis proposal I. Framework II. Structure of a thesis proposal III. Order in which to write the proposal IV. Tips V. Resources I. Framework Senior research projects in Environmental Sciences have the following elements in common: An environmental issue is identified. Other people's work on the topic is collected and evaluated. Most research papers begin with a thesis statement at the end of an introductory paragraph. Even if it's not a requirement, it's a good idea to write a thesis statement as you begin to organize your research. Writing the thesis statement first is helpful because every argument or point you make in your paper should support this central idea ... How to Write a Good Thesis Paper | Tips on How to Write a Good Thesis Paper An academic thesis is a paper written by students who are pretty close to earning an academic degree. It is the name typically given to the major document candidates compose to earn a Master's degree or an MBA, but it can also be used to describe a PhD dissertation or even a culminating study a college ... How to Write a Thesis for a Research Paper - SolidEssay
How to Write a Thesis -
How to Write a Thesis Statement: Writing Guides: Writing ... How to Write a Thesis Statement What is a Thesis Statement? Almost all of us—even if we don't do it consciously—look early in an essay for a one- or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis that is to follow. We refer to that condensation as a thesis statement. Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis Statement? PDF Writing Research Papers and Theses - "Writing Research Proposals for the Honors Thesis"] Step #5: Outline your paper: When your reading no longer yields new information, you are probably ready to start organizing the paper. But before you sit down to write, think through the argument and methodology of the paper. In other words, what are you going to say in the paper, and how ...Even if the whole research paper is full of answers to specific questions. The list is also not a good form for a thesis statement – it is better to use a simple small sentence that describes the general idea and purpose of your investigation. You can use “A is true because of B” and other standard formulas. PDF How to Write a Thesis : A Working Guide - their research in the context of existing knowledge. is means a thorough and critical review of the lit-erature, not necessarily limited to the narrow topic of research, but covering the general area. e PhD candidate should also show clearly what original contributions she or he has made [ ]. Although neither Argumentative Research Paper Examples - 123HelpMe™
How to Properly Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper ... How to critique a research paper? A lot of students need to know the answer. We decided to write this article in order to explain you what the research paper critique is, and how one should critique a research paper. First of all, research paper critique includes the hypothesis evaluation. Research paper hypothesis (or proposal) has to be ... PDF How to Write a Term Paper or Thesis - Covington Innovations
Adhering to guidelines for composing a research paper outline template APA while considering APA style recommendations will assist you to write a good, balanced outline. Universal Rules for an APA Research Paper Outline. Font, Font size and Spacing – The preferred font type is Times New Roman, and font size is 12 points. How to Write Research Paper . . . and Get an A+ You aren’t going to change the bedrock of the paper—the thesis and the research to go along with it—but you are going to change things that make the paper flow, like smoothing out the transitions, evening out the structure and order of the paragraphs, and make sure all the ideas link together naturally. GUIDELINES FOR WRITING A THESIS OR DISSERTATION 3. As you become well-informed about your topic and prior research on the topic, your knowledge should suggest a purpose for your thesis/dissertation. When you can articulate this purpose clearly, you are ready to write your prospectus/proposal. This document specifies the purpose of the study, significance of the study, a tentative review How to Write a Thesis for a Research Paper Examples How to Write a Thesis for a Research Paper Examples Knowing how to write a thesis for a research paper can be challenging, but with good thesis examples, it becomes an easy task. A thesis is a statement that shows highlights, acts as a lighthouse for target audience by tells by telling them about the paper you are analyzing. |
Open Question Answering | It would be a matter of concern if the wiring of your outlet is not correct right! Because it can damage your electrical appliances. It can also harm you severely.
While checking your outlet did you find the neutral to ground voltage 120v?
It is not the normal voltage the neutral to ground should contain. Typically in normal load conditions, the neutral to ground should contain 2v or less. If it is higher than this then the connection is reversed. And you need to place the neutral and ground wire correctly before any accident happens. Let’s jump in here and see how you can fix this issue. And save yourself from getting injured.
What Should Be The Neutral to Ground Voltage There is a common trait that 120v receptacles are always wired correctly. But sometimes there can be a fault as well. It is commonly found that neutral and ground wires are reversed or shorted.
This problem may be unfound or undetected for a long period of time. Because many loads aren’t that sensitive to polarity.
Because power supplies generally convert AC to DC. That’s why electronic loads may be indifferent to AC polarity. For that reason, you may not face trouble even if your wiring is reversed.
But you can’t say anything about the accident right! That’s why you should be always cautious about the right voltage of your wire connections. Generally in normal load conditions, the neutral to ground voltage stays around 2v.
You can also face issues with plugging in an electrical outlet. But that’s not a hard task to do for sure.
Why is the Neutral to Ground Voltage is 120v [How to Fix it!] There is a high chance of the reversed connection of your neutral to ground connection. There is a simple way to check if the neutral to ground connection is reversed or not. You need to check the hot to ground and hot to the neutral voltage under load.
You will find more difference if the load is higher. You can find the hot to ground voltage is less than the hot to neutral voltage. Then you should get that the neutral to ground voltage is reversed.
Because the hot to ground voltage should always be higher than the hot to neutral voltage. These problems are mainly found in the old houses. Those houses can also have problems like the gas oven turning on by itself.
There is another way to find out if the neutral to ground voltage is reversed or not.
The black wire which is the positive/hot should be on the golden screw of the outlet. The white wire which is the neutral should be on the silver screw. And the green wire which is the ground should screw on the downside of the outlet.
When the neutral to ground polarity is reversed that means the neutral is placed on the ground. And the ground is placed on the neutral.
But you can fix it very easily within just 5 mins if you follow my given steps accordingly.
What if the Neutral to Ground Polarity is Reversed [4 Easy Steps to Fix] If you find the neutral to ground polarity is reversed, then correct it immediately. But if you are tensed about fixing it on your own, no worries at all. Just follow these 5 simple steps and you will be done with it.
Besides this, you should also know how to remove backstab wires. But let’s fix the reversed wire first.
Step 1: Remove the Power Safety first! right? Before working with the wiring you must disconnect everything connected with it. You can leave a note on the power panel so that people can know about your work.
Step 2: Check the Wiring Unscrew the screws on the outer side of the outlet. Pull the outlet out and check all the wiring closely.
You will find that the white wire which is neutral is on the ground screw. And the green wire which is the ground is on the silver screw which is for neutral. So this means the neutral to ground polarity is reversed.
Step 3: Place the Right Wire to Screws You have already got that the neutral to ground wire is placed reversed. Unscrew both the neutral and ground wire.
Place the white wire which is neutral to the silver screw and tighten the screw properly. Then place the green wire to the ground screw and also tighten the screw properly.
If you don’t tighten the screw up properly it can cause a short circuit. Keep that in mind and don’t forget to tighten the screws up.
Step 4: Place the Outlet Correctly When you are done with doing the wiring correctly push down all the wires. Place the outlet correctly on the spot and screw it up.
Hey, don’t forget to add the faceplate to the receptacle. Otherwise, it will definitely look awful right!
And you always need to take proper precautions while installing the outlet right!
This is how you can fix your reversed neutral to ground wire within a few minutes. Now let me suggest to you some good quality outlets in case you change the old one:
These are the most commonly used outlets in the market. These little devices can protect you from huge accidents.
FAQs Question: Why does my neutral wire have voltage? Answer: Sometimes you can see voltage on the neutral wire. But there is nothing to worry about. Here neutral wire is conducting the voltage from the hot wire. If you feel unsafe about that just disconnect all the wires from the circuit. Question: Can I get shocked from a neutral wire? Answer: Yes it is possible to get shocked from a neutral wire as well. Sometimes the neutral wire can hold current. So, when you touch that, the current can go through your body and you can get shocked. Be careful when you touch a live wire. Question: Should neutral wire have voltage? Answer: Basically it is said the neutral wire has no voltage on it. So it should be zero voltage. The zero voltage means there shouldn’t be any presence of electricity in that wire. The neutral wire is also called the negative wire. Conclusion I hope from this article you have got why is neutral to ground voltage 120v right!
As it is the problem of reversed wiring, don’t make any delay to fix it. Use my easy fixing procedure to get it done within minutes.
Till then have a safe and healthy life! |
Open Question Answering | Table of Contents
If you have been wondering about how many zeros in 473.9 billion? , then you have come to the right post. Apart from the answer to this question, we provide you with related information regarding the number of zeros in 473.9 billion. Read on to learn all about the amount of 0s in 473.9bn, and make sure to check out our app right below.
Calculator How many Zeros in Four Hundred And Seventy-Three Point Nine Billion? 473.9 billion in figures equals 473900000000, or 473,900,000,000 when written by thousand separators, which makes it easier to count the occurrences of 0. Thus, we get:
8 8 is the answer to
473.9 billion has how many zeros ? Questions on our website similar tohow many zeros in 473.9 billion , include, for example:If you like to learn how many zeros for a numeral different from 473.9 billion, fill in our application at the beginning of this post. After inserting your number, our tool displays the amount of 0’s automatically.
In the next part of how many zeros in four hundred and seventy-three point nine billion, we show you how many 100 and 1000 there are in 473.9 billion, and other related information.
473.9 Billion has how many Zeros? You already know the answer to the question 473.9 billion has how many zeros?, but we are left with telling you how many 10, 100, 1000 et cetera there are in four hundred and seventy-three point nine billion:
How many tens in 473.9 billion? Answer: 47,390,000,000 tens. How many hundreds in 473.9 billion? Answer: 4,739,000,000 hundreds. How many thousands in 473.9 billion? Answer: 473,900,000 thousands. How many ten thousands in 473.9 billion? Answer: 47,390,000 ten thousands. How many hundred thousands in 473.9 billion? Answer: 4,739,000 hundred thousands. How many millions in 473.9 billion? Answer: 473,900 million. In the concluding section ahead we wrap how many 0 in four hundred and seventy-three point nine billion up, and explain the use of our search form located in the sidebar and our menu.
Zeros in 473.9 Billion The image sums how many zeros in 473.9 billion? up:
Comments, questions and everything else you might have about how many 0 in 473.9 billion are truly appreciated, and can be left in the designated form at the bottom.As an alternative means, you can send us an email with a title such as How many zeros in 473.9 billion? , and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Observe that by means of our search form in the menu you can learn about the number of zeros for lots of numerals including 473.9bn. Enter, for example, number of zeros 473.9 billion.
If our information about the number of 0’s in 473.9bn has been useful to, don’t forget to bookmark our site and to hit some of the share buttons at your disposal.Thanks for visiting How many Zeros in 473.9 Billion. |
Open Question Answering | Reader: “Now the time has come” Response: “for the Son of Man to enter into his glory.”Scripture: John 12:20-36Some Greeks who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration paid a visit to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee. They said, “Sir, we want to meet Jesus.” Philip told Andrew about it, and they went together to ask Jesus.
Jesus replied, “Now the time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.
“Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But this is the very reason I came! Father, bring glory to your name.”
Then a voice spoke from heaven, saying, “I have already brought glory to my name, and I will do so again.” When the crowd heard the voice, some thought it was thunder, while others declared an angel had spoken to him.
Then Jesus told them, “The voice was for your benefit, not mine. The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” He said this to indicate how he was going to die.
The crowd responded, “We understood from Scripture that the Messiah would live forever. How can you say the Son of Man will die? Just who is this Son of Man, anyway?”
Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light.”
After saying these things, Jesus went away and was hidden from them.
Reader: This is the word of the Lord. Response: Thanks be to God.Some thoughts: In this pericope, we have reached the pivotal point in this whole gospel. Let’s take a look as to why. There are three references to “time” in this passage of Scripture: first, “the time has come to enter into glory;” second, when Jesus refers to the “time for judgment” and third, “put your trust in the light while there is still time.” The first refers to Jesus’ mission to the world; the second, to the reason for the mission and the third, the challenge to trust in the Son of Man of the mission while there is still time. The appointment with death and the upcoming sacrifice of his life is but days away. The public ministry has come to an end. (Note the last sentence of this passage. It’s important to note that John does not always relate encounters with Jesus in chronological order.)
What is the significance of Greeks coming to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover? Up to this time, Jesus and his disciples had preached and reached out to the Jews. (By now his fame had spread beyond Jewish circles which is also what troubled the Pharisees and other Jewish leadership, hence their plan to kill him.) Philip and Andrew were Greek names, so that may be why the Greeks came to them. The Greek inquisitor’s words were, “Sir, we want to see Jesus,” by which they meant, “Since you guys are disciples, can you set up an appointment for us to meet with him?” Interestingly, Jesus answered their question in a much broader way. In this passage, the reference to the “Greeks” actually means to all the gentiles, in other words, everyone in the world, a revolutionary point.
Jesus, after having said numerous times to this point in the gospel, “My time has not yet come,” now responds with the pivotal phrase in the whole gospel. “Now the time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory.” Whenever you read the phrase, “I tell you the truth,” or “truly, truly” in some translations, that is another way of saying, “What I’m about to say is extremely important and of great significance, so pay close attention!” Jesus was saying that he was about to complete what he came to do and return in glory back to heaven. Those listening didn’t get it. So he gives a parable.
Growing up on the farm, I remember walking out into the field with dad a week or so after the corn was planted, and watching him dig in the ground to see if the seeds had sprouted. The corn was truly buried in the earth. It was a special joy when a few days later the tender shoots popped up through the ground! In fact, that one seed produced a stalk with at least one ear of corn containing 700-800 kernels! The “burial” of that seed did indeed produce a plentiful harvest.
Jesus’ point was that his coming burial would produce a plentiful harvest of “new,” redeemed eternal lives of all who put their trust in him. This new life would not be without cost. Following Jesus meant “being where he is.” Did you notice that Jesus’ comments move us out of the biblical moment in which he spoke? His words are present tense, meaning they apply as you read this. Where is Jesus working in your world now? What is he doing? We are to be with him in the midst of his work. That’s where you are supposed to be following him. Have you sprouted?
We move next to being reminded of the humanity of Jesus as he speaks of his personal angst. Remember his weeping at Lazarus’ death, his thirst at the well, his attack on the money changers in the Temple, or his care for his mother at his crucifixion? Jesus was not a passionless gnostic figure. In his words regarding the state of his soul, we are given insight into the inside of Jesus’ mind and heart. The question everyone faces in the midst of a trauma is, “What shall I do? What shall I say?” or simply, “Now what?” We really see Jesus’ thought process and love for us in his words. In effect, “Father, should I ask you to save me from what lies ahead at this point? I know you can, but I can’t do that. Dying for these people is the whole reason I came to earth. I’m going through with it as it will bring glory to your name.”
The Father spoke words of affirmation from heaven as we mentioned a few days ago. Interestingly, Jesus commented that the speaking was for the people’s benefit, not for his! The determination of his “troubled soul” is evidenced by his forthright statement of the defeat of Satan and judgment of this world. The day of reckoning had come. His words, “I will draw everyone to myself” is not a universalist comment in which everyone on earth will be saved but rather a statement focusing on the cross. With such a pronouncement, he is calling people to embrace his person as Savior. He is not calling people to follow his teachings or his example of living. He is calling all of us to follow him. His atoning death draws people to the person of Jesus Christ, the only hope of salvation.
The people still struggled with the idea that a Messiah should die. How does the Son of Man fit in with that idea? Jesus concludes this section and his public ministry with another reference to “light,” alluding to the words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, words they would have known. His challenge then and now is to trust in the light now while you have time. Final judgment is coming! At that point Jesus appeared no more in public as the final days of his life on earth unfolded.
What do we draw from this passage? Jesus was fully human and fully divine. He embraced his mission out of love. He was immovable. He sought the glory of the Father above all else. He warned the people of coming judgment. He destroyed forever the ruler of this world, Satan. His forgiveness is extended to all peoples and nations. And most incredibly, we have a marvelous Savior who invites us to be where he is.
Music: “He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions” Gramophone Chorus Ghana from Messiah
Prayer: O Lord Jesus Christ, you have said that you are the way, the truth, and the life. Suffer us not to stray from you, who are the way, nor to distrust you, who are the truth, nor to rest in anything other than you, who are the life. ―Erasmus, 1469-1536 Please plan to attend Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services somewhere if your church does not have them. It will change your Easter Sunday morning! |
Open Question Answering | Search help You can perform a combined metadata and full text search (“Search in all data”). Alternatively, you can restrict your search to either the metadata or full text within the digital collection.
If you use more than one search term, they are automatically linked using AND. This means that results will only be displayed where all the search terms appear in the metadata or full text. Example of search with automatic linking: print book Example result: “I would like to print a book for my father”As an alternative to automatic AND-linking, you can explicitly link your search terms using AND or OR. In the latter case, results will be displayed even if only one of the search terms is found. Example of search terms linked by OR: book OR print Example result: A very good book”, “There are some good passages in this book”, “The print was very faint”.
In the case of a simple search, target words are automatically right-truncated. However, if you are performing an AND or OR search, you can specify left-truncation by using the asterisk. Example of search with automatic right truncation: print book Example result: “I want to have a book printed for my mother” Example of search with explicit left-truncation: *read Results would include bread, tread, dread, etc. Please note that there is no right or left truncation if you enter a search term between quotation marks.
If you enter a term between quotation marks, the system will search the metadata or full text for the exact combination of words as written. Example of search term in quotation marks: “page number” Example result: “The reference is on page number 24.” The search will not find: “A number of examples can be found on page six.”
Once the search has been performed, all results are initially sorted in order of relevance. Thereafter, they can be re-sorted according to different metadata fields. These fields can be selected from the list in the sidebar under “Sorting”. Click your chosen metadata field a second time to change from ascending to descending order. |
Open Question Answering | ManagementStrategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, 12e Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson Instructor Solution manual with cases ManagementStrategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, 12e Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson Instructor Solution manual with cases Instructor Solution manual with cases Book Name: Strategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization Edition: 12th Edition Author name: Michael A. Hitt; R. Duane Ireland; Robert E. Hoskisson contact: [email protected] Whatsapp +1 (949) 734-4773 sample free
Strategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, 12e Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson Instructor Solution manual with cases
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SKU: n/a ManagementManaging Operations Across the Supply Chain, 4e Swink, A. Melnyk, Cooper, L. Hartley, 2020 Solution Manual ManagementManaging Operations Across the Supply Chain, 4e Swink, A. Melnyk, Cooper, L. Hartley, 2020 Solution Manual Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, 4e Swink, A. Melnyk, Cooper, L. Hartley, 2020 Solution Manual Managing Operations ( Solution Manual) Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, 4e Swink, A. Melnyk, Cooper, L. Hartley, 2020 Solution Manual Edition: 4Edition Author Name: Swink, A. Melnyk, Cooper, L. Hartley contact: [email protected] Whatsapp +1 (949) 734-4773 sample free
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Managing Ops Across the Supply Chain, 4e (Swink)Chapter 1 Introduction to Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 1) Which of the following is NOT one of the processes included in operations management?
A) Design B) Finance C) Produce D) Deliver Answer: B
Explanation: Design, supply, produce, and deliver are operations management processes. Finance is not.
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: A Broad Definition of Supply Chain Operations Management
Learning Objective: 01-01 Explain what operations management is and why it is important.
Bloom’s: Remember
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation; Screen Reader Compatible
2) A supply chain is a global network of organizations and activities involved in:
A) Producing, buying, servicing, and disposing of goods and services. B) Designing, transforming, consuming, and disposing of goods and services. C) Financing, producing, and marketing of goods and services. D) Designing, financing, selling, and disposing of goods and services. Answer: B
Explanation: The organizations and activities in a supply chain are involved in designing, transforming, consuming, and disposing of goods and services.
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: A Broad Definition of Supply Chain Operations Management
Learning Objective: 01-01 Explain what operations management is and why it is important.
Bloom’s: Remember
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation; Screen Reader Compatible
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Solutions –The Football Manager game simulation as a database
A system of player-performance-enhancing IT analytics apps
SKU: n/a ManagementModern Database Management, 13th Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer Case study +Instructor’s Manual ManagementModern Database Management, 13th Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer Case study +Instructor’s Manual Modern Database Management, 13th Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer Case study +Instructor’s Manual Database Management ( Case study +Instructor’s Manual) Modern Database Management, 13th Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer Case study +Instructor’s Manual Edition: 13thEdition Author Name: Jeffrey A. Hoffer contact: [email protected] Whatsapp +1 (949) 734-4773 sample free
Chapter 1 The Database Environment and Development Process
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SKU: n/a |
Open Question Answering | Gujarat Board GSEB Class 12 English Textbook Solutions Flamingo Poem 6 Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.
Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 12 English Flamingo Poem 6 Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers GSEB Class 12 English Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Text Book Questions and Answers Think it Out
Question 1. How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes? Answer: Like all beasts of prey, the tigers are the denizens of the forest. They live far away from human settlements. They are called ‘chivalric.’ This indicates the majestic and honourable position that they occupy in the world of animals. So, the use of the words ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ adds to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes.
Question 2. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ in the second stanza? Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull? Answer: Aunt Jennifer is weaving tigers on the panel. Her hands are moving about her wool. She is finding the needle quite hard to pull. The weight of years of her married life is lying heavy on her hand. This makes the pulling of the needle so hard.
Question 3. What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’? Answer: It suggests the weight of the harsh and tough experience of Aunt Jennifer’s married life. The image is quite suggestive. The wedding band is symbolic. It represents the unbreakable bond of marriage between the husband and the wife.
Question 4. Of what or whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified in the third stanza? Answer: In the third stanza, the poet refers to Aunt Jennifer’s ‘terrified hands’. The old unhappy memories are still fresh in her mind. She had passed through many testing and horrible times during her married life. These ordeals crushed and suppressed her. Their effect is still visible. So, she is still ringed with those ordeals that dominated her life.
Question 5. What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by? Why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’! What are the different meanings of ‘ringed’ in the poem? Answer: The poem addresses the experiences of marriage in the midst of constrictions. The word ‘ringed’ is significant. It suggests that the vicious grip or her unhappy married life is still holding her tightly. The word ‘ringed’ has been used in two ways. First is the conventional use. Here ring is a symbol of the sacred bond of marriage. The other is the figurative use of ‘ringed’. It means encircled or surrounded.
Question 6. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference? Answer: The tigers are ‘prancing’. They pace in ‘sleek chivalric certainty. They ‘do not fear the men beneath the tree. Thus, they are symbols of strength, fierceness and beauty. Aunt Jennifer, on the other hand, is weak and terrified. Her hands are finding it difficult to pull the ivory needle through the wool. The massive weight of the wedding band sits heavily on her hand. Her terrified hands are still ringed by the ordeals of married life. The Contrast heightens the intensity.
Question 7. Interpret the symbols found in this poem. Answer: Adrienne Rich’s “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” is rich in symbolism. ‘The massive weight of wedding band’ symbolises ordeals, hardships and worries of married life. ‘Terrified hands’, and ‘ringed with ordeals’ also indicate those unpleasant experiences that are still clinging to Aunt Jennifer physically and mentally.
Question 8. Do you sympathise with Aunt Jennifer? What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer? Answer: Yes, we do sympathise with Aunt Jennifer. She has experienced hardships and ordeals during her married life. The attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer is equally sympathetic. The poet gives many suggestive images and symbols to present an old lady who has passed through painful experiences as well as unpleasant and terrifying periods during her married life.
GSEB Class 12 English Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Additional Important Questions and Answers Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each.
Question 1. What do you learn about Aunt Jennifer’s tigers on reading the poem? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers were created in the panel by her own hands. They appeared to be prancing (jumping) across a screen. They looked sleek. They were bright like yellow topaz. They were majestic and courageous. They didn’t fear the men beneath the tree. They paced in ‘chivalric certainty.
Question 2. How has Aunt Jennifer created her tigers? What traits’ of tigers do they reveal? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are her own creations. She works with wool and ivory needles. She has created them in the panel. They have s&l the traits of the beasts of prey who are denizens of green forests. They are well-built and well-groomed. They are chivalric and full of confidence.
Question 3. What difficulty does Aunt Jennifer face while making her tigers and why? Answer: Aunt Jennifer is making her tigers in the panels. She is using ivory needles. Her fingers are fluttering through the wool. She finds it difficult (hard) to pull even the ivory needles. The reason is obvious. The weight of unhappy and unfortunate experiences of her married life sits heavily on her hands.
Question 4. What is the weight that lies heavy on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband? Answer: Aunt Jennifer is working with ivory needles and wool. But she can’t move her fingers freely in the wool. She finds it hard to pull even the ivory needles easily. The experiences of her past married life are quite bitter. She has unpleasant memories of her married life with her husband. The heavyweight of the wedding band sits heavily upon her hand.
Question 5. How will Aunt Jennifer’s hands look when she is dead? Answer: When Aunt Jennifer dies, her hands will still look terrified. Perhaps she has experienced a lot of hardships and troubles in the past. Their effect has left its print on her hands. The ordeals that crushed her married life had surrounded and cramped her fingers and hands too.
Question 6. What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers will survive her. She has created the tigers in a panel. They are made of wool. These objects of art will survive their creator. The Tigers will go on jumping, proud and unafraid.
Question 7. Describe the poetic devices used in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers. Answer: Adrienne Rich’s ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ is a beautiful short poem rich in symbolism and imagery. The metaphor ‘bright topaz’ depicts the. shining yellow complexion of her tigers: The effective use of alliteration in ‘sleek, chivalric certainty’ describes the pace of the tigers effectively. ‘The massive weight of wedding band’ symbolises ordeals and hardships of Aunt Jennifer’s married life. The images ‘terrified hands’ and ‘ringed with ordeal’ create the effect of oppression and terror as well as captivity.
Question 8. How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her? Answer: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are a picture of strength, beauty and certainty. They seem to be jumping across a screen. They ‘pace in sleek chivalric certainty. They are confident and impressive. Aunt Jennifer is a weak, depressed and terrified person. Life has been a cup of woes for her. She is still in the grip of those ordeals and terrors that she faced and suffered from during her married life. Her fingers are so ‘terrified’ that they find it hard to pull even the ivory needle through the wool. Thus, the contrast is amply highlighted.
Figures of Speech Choose the Figures of Speech in the following lines:
Question 1. ‘Bright topaz denizens of a world of green’ A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Synecdoche D. Apostrophe Answer: B. Metaphor
Question 2. ‘They pace in sleek chivalric certainty A. Personification B. Internal Rhyme C. Alliteration D. Oxymoron Answer: C. Alliteration
Question 3. ‘The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ A. Alliteration B. Anastrophe C. Oxymoron D. Metaphor Answer: D. Metaphor
Question 4. ‘Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool’ A. Alliteration B. Antithesis C. Synecdoche D. Simile Answer: A. Alliteration
Reading Comprehension (Textual) Read the following stanzas and answer the questions given below them:
Question 1. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree : They pace’ in sleek chivalric certainty. Questions: (1) What are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers doing? How do they look like? (2) Where do they live? Are they fearless? Give an example. Answer: (1) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are jumping across a screen or a wall. The tigers are moving in a lively fashion, perhaps arrogantly. They look like shining yellow topaz. (2) They live in green forests. They are fearless. They don’t fear the men under the tree.
Question 2. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool Find even the ivory needle hard to pull. The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand. Questions: (1) What was lying heavily? Where? (2) What was upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How did it sit there? Answer: (1) The weight of Uncle’s wedding band was lying heavily on her hand. (2) There was uncle’s wedding band upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand. It sat heavily there.
Question 3. When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. The tigers in the panel that she made Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid. Questions: 1. Why are Aunt Jennifer’s hands called ‘terrified’? 2. What are they still ringed with? Answer: 1. Her hands are called terrified because they have passed through very hard and bitter experience of married life. 2. They are still ringed with those hard and testing difficulties which possessed her during her life.
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary in English Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Introduction: Adrienne Cecile Rich (May 16, 1929 – March 27, 2012) was an American poet, essayist and feminist. She was called ‘one of the most widely read and influential poets of the second half of the 20th century, and was credited with bringing ‘the oppression of women and lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse’. Her first collection of poetry, A Change of World, was selected by renowned poet W. H. Auden for the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award. Auden went on to write the introduction to the published volume. She famously declined the National Medal of Arts, protesting the vote by House Speaker Newt Gingrich to end funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary: In the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ a woman expresses her suppressed feelings through her art. Aunt Jennifer is the victim of the male-dominated society. She has no one to tell her mental and physical pain. She makes a picture to convey her deep feelings.The speaker describes the tigers which her aunt produced on the panel. They are set in motion. They are moving quickly by raising the front legs and jumping forwards on the back legs. In the green jungle, they look free, bright, brave, fearless and magnificent. There are men sitting under the tree, but the Tigers do not.
They move on to their goal boldly and smoothly. Jennifer finds it difficult to make pictures by using the ivory needle. She is tired of doing the household work after she got married. She can’t get herself involved in her artistic work. She has to do it in her leisure time.
Even then she has to be sure whether her husband is watching her or not. So her hands are terrified. She will not be free from fear until she dies. She will be dominated by her husband. She will die, but her art will express her desire to move proudly and fearlessly like the tigers she has made. |
Open Question Answering | Sebastian Wehrmann of gocept was talking about how to do efficient ad-hoc queries to the ZODB which is his master thesis.
His first idea about the ZODB was: Hey, that’s easy, I derive from Persistant and create an object graph and that’s it.
But: How do I get those objects out again? How can I search for them? Usually you can only access them via the object graph and traversal.
He wrote his master theses about this and out came a product which implements a query and indexing engine for the ZODB. It has a query language, is standalone (means independant of Zope, you can query any ZODB you have) and is a python egg and thus buildout compatible.
What can it do? It can automatically index a ZODB (but this is the initial indexing. Not working right now is the automatic update of this index. This is hopefully finished in October) It can search for objects, like for states (class and such) or attributes. The query language is XPath like How does it work? There is a query processor which creates a query tree and an ObjectCollection component performs the query. It builds upon a QuerySupport (has Join-Algorithms etc.) and IndexSupport (this has all the indexes, e.g. about class names etc.).
Demo He created a demo database with three different types. It consists of classes like Library, Book and Person. As you might imagine, a Library contains Books and Books can be lent to Persons. They are all derived from persistent.Persistent
He then added some example data as you would imagine.
Now you can do queries like
which returns a query path. You can also search for attributes:
Queries can be used like this:
which returns a list of Python objects.
We can also search for a location (which is an attribute of Library):
which only returns one object.
Or to get a list of all books in that library:
To search for the Plone book we do
This will only find those Library objects which are in the ZODB root. To find e.g. all Books we can do:
where _* is the wildcard operator.
Other examples:
You can also join queries. Let’s find all Libraries and all Persons:
<(All libraries in Berlin and all Persons)
This will be released mid/end of October 2008 on PyPI and it can be checked out already at
Master thesis (german):
Questions Q: How fast is it? A: Hard to say but it’s all done via the index and no objects need to be waken up.
Q: Right now the query returns list and no iterator, isn’t this a problem for large result sets A: This can be implemented of course.
Q: How is the update mechanism going to work? A: It is planned to hook it up to the transaction mechanism |
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BIOLOGY 1.The mouth part of the housefly is adapted for A. lapping and sponging. B. sucking and chewing. C. piercing and sucking. D. chewing and lapping. E. biting and chewing.2.The parts used by tapeworm to fasten itself to the host’s intestine are the A. neck and suckers B. hooks and suckers C. rostellum and suckers D. young proglottis and neck E. rostellum, hooks, and suckers.3.C6H12O6 is __________ A. Ethyl pentanol B. Glycerol C. Glucose D. Ethyne E. Ethanol4.Oxygen combines with hemoglobin to produce ____ A. Oxyhemoglobin B. Deoxygenated blood C. Oeroglobin D. Oxyeoglobin E. deoxygenated hemoglobin5.The respiratory organ found in the cockroach is the __ A. Air sac B. Trachea C. Lung book D. Gill E. Fins6.Which of the following statements is NOT true of enzymes? They A. are proteins B.need cofactors to activate them C. are sensitive to hydrogen ion concentration D. are specific in their action E. can withstand high temperatures7.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the piliferous layer of a root? It A. has a very thin cuticle B. is the outermost layer of the cortex C. may bear root hairs D. breaks down as the root ages E. is replaced by a cork in old roots.8.Which of the following types of vertebrates occur in equal numbers in the rabbit, rat, and man? A. Caudal B. Thoracic C. Lumbar D. Cervical E. Sacral9.The parts used by tapeworm to fasten itself to the host’s intestine are the A. neck and suckers B. hooks and suckers C. rostellum and suckers D. young proglottis and neck E. rostellum, hooks, and suckers.10.The path taken by glucose from the ileum to the heart is A. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic artery vena cava heart. B. ileum hepatic portal artery hepatic artery vena cava heart. C. ileum hepatic portalvein vena cava heart D. ileum hepatic vein vena cava heart. E. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic vein vena cava heart.MATHEMATICS 1. If 5x – 2 = 23, what is the value of x? A 5
B 6
C 7
D 8
Answer: C
2.What is the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line passing through the point (2, 5) with a slope of 3? A y = 3x + 5
B y = 5x + 3
C y = 3x – 1
D y = 5x – 7
Answer: C
3.Solve the equation 3x + 2 = 17. A x = 5
B x = 15
C x = 19
D x = 21
Answer: A
5.What is the area of a rectangle with length 8 cm and width 5 cm? A 13 cm²
B 20 cm²
C 24 cm²
D 40 cm²
Answer: B
6.What is the volume of a rectangular prism with length 4 cm, width 3 cm, and height 6 cm? A.36 cm³
B 48 cm³
C 72 cm³
D 144 cm³
Answer: C
6.What is the value of x in the equation 2(x – 3) = 14? A 5
B 7
C 8
B 10
Answer: D
7.What is the perimeter of a triangle with sides of length 7 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm?A 18 cm
B.24 cm
C.25 cm
D 28 cm
Answer: D
8.If a square has an area of 16 cm², what is the length of one side of the square?A 2 cm
B 4 cm
C 8 cm
D 16 cm
Answer: B
9.What is the value of x in the equation 5x/2 – 3 = 7? A.5
C 7
D 8
Answer: C
10.Solve the equation 2(x – 4) + 3 = 5x – 1. A x = –3
B.x = –2
C x = 3
D x = 4
Answer: D
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Open Question Answering | Moms everywhere have little choice but to answer the same questions time and time again… How old is he? Is he sleeping through the night? Are you breastfeeding? (When exactly did it become appropriate for a stranger to ask that?!). But the questions twin moms have an abundance of others to deal with. Here are just a few of the most repeated questions twin moms have to answer week in week out…
1. “Are they twins?” Quick response: “Yes.”
Always wanted to try: “No. I just happen to have a double stroller housing two children of exactly the same age that look identical.”
2. “Do twins run in your family?” Quick response: “No.”
Time saving tip: Even if this isn’t true, and even if you have identical twins, do not try and explain. You will give the perpetrator the perfect opportunity to tell you all about her husband’s sister’s neighbor who also has twins…
3. “You’ve got your hands full there.” “Oh… Double trouble!” or “Twins… How adorable.” Quick response: Smile with an acknowledging nod and keep walking.
Note: This is not actually a question, so take the opportunity to run while you can. If you slow down or give a verbal response it will lead to a full scale incursion, toe grabbing and all.
4. “How do you do it?” Quick response: “I have no choice.”
Alternatives if applicable: “Two nannies and a personal masseuse.”, “Wine.”, “a padded suit and earplugs.” This question is often asked by new moms who are still traumatized by the arrival of their singleton child. The facial expression is usually somewhere between awe and pity.
5. “Are they on the same schedule?” The only response: “Hahahahaha…” Accompanied by mild insane-mom eyes… this will allow you to slip away while they ponder what to say next.
It seems as my twins get older things won’t get any better. Here’s a bubbly pair called Samantha and Madeleine on Youtube telling us about the most common questions they STILL get asked…
I hope you enjoyed the post, and really, if the questions stopped I’d probably miss them!
Related Posts: Telepathic Twins and Other Freaky Twin Stuff; Identical Twins: What Makes the Fertilized Egg Split? 8 Things you may not know about Identical Twins; Baby Names for Twins: You Wouldn’t Want to Disappoint; How to Tell Twins Apart;
The post is linked up here: |
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Q7: How do you make our business long-term and good relationship? A: We keep good quality and competitive price to ensure our customers benefit. We respect every customer as our friend and we sincerely do business and make friends with them, no matter where they come from.
Contact Person: sales |
Open Question Answering | Need Trap Designed to traps up to 40,000 Flies before having to be emptied?
Join Over 30,000+ Happy Customerwho bought Fast Fly Catcher® last Summer
Features Of The Fast Fly Catcher®
High Quality Materials: This Fast fly trap is made of high quality, thick iron wire gauze, matched with the environmentally friendly plastic bowl, durable, it can be hung, folded and reused.
How It Works: This is a new take on the fly traps. Efficient, safe and environmentally friendly. Easy to use and clean. Uses bait to trap the flies into the cage and starve them.
🎁BUY 6 FLY Catcher® (SAVE $200) + FREE SHIPPING
Simple and Easy: This Fast Fly Catcher® is easy to use and understand, and traps efficiently. While in use, we recommend to use bait that the flies like, such as fish intestines, rotten fruit, fly trap attractant and other smelly foods. You need to provide the bait by yourself, this product does not come with any fly trap bait.
Non-toxic:This reusable fly trap physically traps the insect, so it’s non-toxic, non-radioactive and harmless. Also environmentally and pet friendly.
Wide Variety of uses: This stable fly trap could be used in canteens, toilets, restaurants, slaughterhouse, garbage disposal field, farms, farmer’s market, greening fields, gardens and other public places.
Use bait to lure flies into the cage and lack food to die naturally.
Green and non-toxic, No harm to human and pets.
Used in many occasions. Green and no harm to human and pets.
Q: How does The Ranch Fly Trap work?A: The Fat Fly Catcher® is designed to attract and trap flies using a non-toxic bait made from natural ingredients such as sugar and vinegar. Flies are drawn to the bait and enter the trap through the cone-shaped entry points, but are unable to escape due to the funnel-like design of the trap.
Q: Is The fast Fly Trap safe to use around children and pets?A: Yes, The Fat Fly Trap is made from safe, non-toxic materials and can be used around children and pets. However, it is important to place the trap in a location that is out of reach of children and pets to avoid accidental contact.
Q: How long does The Fly Trap last?A: The Fly Trap is a reusable trap that can last for several weeks or even months, depending on the level of fly activity in the area. Once the trap becomes full of flies, it can be emptied and refilled with fresh bait.
Q: Where should I place The Fly Trap?A: The Fly Trap should be placed in an area where flies are present, such as near garbage cans, compost piles, or livestock areas. It is important to place the trap in a location that is out of direct sunlight and protected from the wind to prevent the bait from drying out.
Q: How often should I empty and refill The Fly Trap?A: It is recommended to empty and refill The Fly Trap once it becomes full of flies or when the bait becomes dry and less effective. This can vary depending on the level of fly activity in the area, but it is generally recommended to check and empty the trap every few days.
⏰Hurry, Sale Price Will Go Back To Their OriginalPrice Of $59.97 (x2) Once This Offer Ends. |
Open Question Answering | Forex trading, also known as foreign exchange trading, is a global decentralized market for trading national currencies against one another. One of the key factors that influence price movements in the Forex market is the order flow. Understanding the Forex order flow is crucial for traders seeking to gain an edge in the highly competitive Forex market. In this article, we will explore the concept of Forex order flow, its significance, and how it impacts the market dynamics.
Table Content 1. The Basics of Forex Order Flow
2. The Relationship Between Order Flow and Liquidity
3. The Mechanism Behind Forex Order Flow
4. Analyzing Forex Order Flow
5. Strategies for Trading with Forex Order Flow
6. Advantages of Trading with Forex Order Flow
7. Challenges of Trading with Forex Order Flow
8. FAQs
9. Footnote
The Basics of Forex Order Flow · What is Forex Order Flow?
Forex order flow refers to the process of buying and selling orders that directly impact the supply and demand of a currency pair. It represents the flow of orders from traders around the world, including banks, financial institutions, hedge funds, and retail traders.
· The Significance of Forex Order Flow
Forex order flow plays a pivotal role in determining price movements and market trends. Understanding the order flow can help traders anticipate potential price reversals, identify liquidity levels, and gauge market sentiment.
The Relationship Between Order Flow and Liquidity Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without causing a significant price change. Order flow affects liquidity levels in the Forex market, with high liquidity ensuring smoother trading and lower spreads.
The Mechanism Behind Forex Order Flow · How Order Flow is Generated
Order flow is generated by traders placing market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and other order types. Market orders execute immediately at the current market price, while limit orders execute when the price reaches a specified level.
· The Role of Market Makers
Market makers are entities, often financial institutions, that provide liquidity to the market by offering to buy or sell assets. They help maintain a continuous flow of orders, ensuring smoother market operations.
· Order Books and Depth of Market
Order books display all the current buy and sell orders in the market. The depth of the market shows the number of orders at different price levels, revealing where the market has significant demand or supply.
Analyzing Forex Order Flow · Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Order Flow
Traders utilize various tools and techniques to analyze Forex order flow, including order flow indicators, footprint charts, and volume profile analysis. These tools provide valuable insights into market sentiment and potential price movements.
· Reading Market Sentiment through Order Flow
By analyzing order flow, traders can gauge market sentiment. High buying pressure indicates a bullish sentiment, while strong selling pressure suggests a bearish sentiment.
· Identifying Key Support and Resistance Levels
Order flow analysis helps identify critical support and resistance levels. These levels act as barriers where the market is likely to reverse or stall.
Strategies for Trading with Forex Order Flow · Order Flow Trading Strategies
Order flow trading strategies involve leveraging order flow analysis to make informed trading decisions. Some common strategies include order block trading, volume trading, and liquidity zone trading.
· Managing Risk with Forex Order Flow
Proper risk management is essential when trading with Forex order flow. Traders should implement stop-loss orders, position sizing, and risk-reward ratios to protect their capital.
Advantages of Trading with Forex Order Flow · Increased Trading Precision
Trading with Forex order flow provides traders with a more precise understanding of market dynamics, enhancing their trading accuracy.
· Real-time Market Insights
Order flow analysis offers real-time market insights, allowing traders to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.
Challenges of Trading with Forex Order Flow · Complexity of Analysis
Forex order flow analysis requires proficiency in using specialized tools and interpreting complex data, making it challenging for inexperienced traders.
· Market Noise and False Signals
In some instances, order flow analysis may generate false signals due to market noise, requiring traders to exercise caution.
FAQs Q: What is the best time frame for Forex order flow analysis? A: There is no fixed time frame for order flow analysis. Traders may use various time frames based on their trading objectives and strategies.
Q: Can Forex order flow analysis be used in conjunction with technical analysis? A: Yes, order flow analysis can complement technical analysis and provide additional insights for traders.
Q: Is Forex order flow analysis suitable for day traders? A: Yes, order flow analysis can be highly beneficial for day traders seeking to capitalize on intraday price movements.
Q: How can I improve my order flow analysis skills? A: Improving order flow analysis skills requires practice, studying market patterns, and seeking guidance from experienced traders.
Q: Does order flow analysis work for all currency pairs? A: Yes, order flow analysis can be applied to all currency pairs traded in the Forex market.
Q: Can order flow analysis predict major market events? A: While order flow analysis can provide valuable insights, it cannot guarantee the prediction of major market events.
Footnote In Summary, forex order flow is a dynamic and vital aspect of the foreign exchange market. Traders who master the art of analyzing order flow gain a significant advantage in making informed trading decisions. By understanding the nuances of Forex order flow, traders can navigate the complexities of the market with confidence and precision. Incorporating order flow analysis into their strategies, traders can enhance their potential for success in the competitive world of Forex trading. |
Open Question Answering | What’s The Golden Rule of Accounting? The golden rule of accounting is immensely important in the financial world. It’s a basic guideline which helps accountants record transactions accurately. When companies follow this rule, they can make sure their books are balanced and their financial statements are accurate. What’s the golden rule of accounting?
The Importance of the Golden Rule of Accounting This rule states that for every transaction, two accounts must be affected. One will record the debit entry, which increases assets or expenses. The other will record the credit entry, which increases liabilities or revenues. This double-entry system lets businesses check for errors and discrepancies.
It’s key for companies to understand and use the golden rule. It gives them a systematic way to handle finances and make decisions based on accurate data. Plus, it increases transparency and helps them communicate with stakeholders.
The golden rule originates from when merchants used clay tablets to write down their business dealings. Luca Pacioli , and Italian mathematician and Franciscan friar , made it official in his book called “Summa de Arithmetica.” This book contained the principles of double-entry bookkeeping, including the golden rule of accounting.
Understanding the Golden Rule of Accounting The golden rule of accounting is the key to financial success. Every debit entry must have a corresponding credit entry , and vice versa. This means that books are always in balance and financial reporting is accurate.
All businesses and individuals should understand this principle. It is the basis of accounting practices. Following it lets you track revenue and expenses, assess profitability, and analyze cash flow . With this data, management can make smart decisions that benefit the company.
Individuals benefit too! Keeping income and expenses in order lets you budget, monitor savings, and plan for the future.
It’s no surprise that accountants love the golden rule – it’s the only time they get to play with something shiny!
The Application of the Golden Rule of Accounting Practices The golden rule in accounting is key. It states: for each debit there must be a matching credit, to keep the equation balanced. Let’s explore how it works. We can use a table to show the debit and credit entries for different accounting elements.
Accounting Element Debit Credit Assets Increase Decrease Liabilities Decrease Increase Equity Decrease Increase Revenues/Costs/Expenses/Gains/Losses/Dividends (Temporary accounts)
(Temporary accounts) <=> Revenues (Normal Credit Balance) / Costs, Expenses, Gains, Losses, Dividends (Normal Debit Balance) {>> Increase (Revenues) / Decrease (Costs, Expenses, Gains, Losses, etc.) }
Not following the golden rule in accounting can be a disaster! It’s like a book with embarrassing typos that everyone can see.
The Impact of not Following the Golden Rule Not following the golden rule in accounting can bring on some serious repercussions. Inaccurate financial reporting, misinterpretation of financial data and a lack of trust from stakeholders can all arise from this. Plus, legal consequences and harm to the company’s reputation could follow.
The golden rule in accounting is based on the principle of recording transactions accurately and consistently. This means that for every transaction, there must be and equivalent and opposite entry. Neglecting to abide by this rule can lead to errors or omissions in financial documents.
Take, for instance, a large multinational corporation. They had been disregarding recording certain liabilities in their financial statements for a few years. When this improper accounting practice was discovered during and audit, it caused a huge restatement of their financials and their stock price dropped. The company got investigated by the authorities and sued by investors who had relied on wrong information.
Applying the golden rule correctly in accounting: if the numbers don’t lie, then accountants must be the world’s most honest people… or the greatest liars.
Tips for applying the golden rule Apply the golden rule accurately in accounting is essential for correct financial management. Here’s a 5-step guide:
Spot the accounts. Identify them as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, or expenses . Grasp the golden rule. Equate debits and credits. Debits rise assets and reduce liabilities ; credits do the opposite. Assess transactions. Work out which accounts are affected and need to be debited or credited. Know the business’s financial structure. Record regularly. Use a double-entry bookkeeping system. Ensure debit and credit entries match up and are recorded accurately. Reconcile often. Verify that all transactions are listed correctly and financial statements are correct. To make sure nothing is missed, record transactions quickly. It keeps everything updated and shows the financial well-being of the business. The golden rule of accounting is not only about making money, it’s about making money without anyone suspecting.
The golden rule as a guiding principle for successful accounting practices The golden rule of accounting is a must-follow principle. It stresses the importance of accurate and reliable financial documents. Following this rule lets accountants maintain transparency, integrity, and compliance with accounting standards.
To follow the rule, accountants must record each financial transaction in two accounts: one debit and one credit. This ensures the assets equal liabilities plus equity equation stays balanced. With clear records, businesses can monitor their money, identify mistakes, and make great decisions.
The golden rule boosts auditing processes too. With consistent records, auditors can quickly review and verify the accuracy. This decreases fraud or misrepresentation risks and gives assurance to stakeholders.
Adhering to the golden rule helps companies meet legal needs. Also, it allows them to prepare financial statements that comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Doing this builds trust among investors, creditors, and other stakeholders.
Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions about the Golden Rule of Accounting Q: What is the golden rule of accounting? A: The golden rule of accounting is the principle that states that for every debit entry, there must be a corresponding credit entry of equal amount, ensuring that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity) remains in balance.
Q: Why is the golden rule important? A: The golden rule of accounting is crucial because it ensures accurate recording of financial transactions and maintains the integrity of financial statements. It helps prevent errors, fraud, and discrepancies in the accounting records.
Q: Can you provide and example of the golden rule of accounting? A: Certainly! Let’s say a company purchases inventory worth $1,000. According to the golden rule, the accounts payable (liability) will increase by $1,000 (credit), while the inventory (asset) will also increase by $1,000 (debit).
Q: Does the golden rule of accounting apply to personal finances? A: Yes, the golden rule of accounting applies to personal finances as well. It helps individuals track their income, expenses, assets, and liabilities accurately and helps maintain a balanced financial position.
Q: What happens if the golden rule of accounting is not followed? A: If the golden rule is not followed, it results in a discrepancy in the accounting records, making them unreliable and misleading. Financial statements will not balance, and it becomes difficult to assess the true financial position of a business or individual.
Q: Is the golden rule of accounting universally accepted? A: Yes, the golden rule of accounting is universally accepted and forms the foundation of double-entry bookkeeping, which is used by businesses and organizations worldwide to maintain accurate financial records. |
Open Question Answering | HyperSound® HSS 3000 is an innovative, highly directional ultrasonic sound speaker. Unlike traditional loudspeakers, it is a parametric speaker that allows you to create a precise sound beam. This speaker creates a directional sound that provides independent audio zones without sound bleed. It is an extremely focused audio technology that means sound where you want it.
Sleek and lightweight
Eliminates traditional sound noise
Creates highly directional sound-tight audio zones without sound bleed
Produces a 3D audio effect
Multiple mounting options and easy to install
Design immersive, engaging experiences and increases dwell time
Hypersound Directional Speakers
Hypersound Installation Training Video
Speaker dimensions: 12 1/2” x 6 3/8” x 2 1/8”
Amplifier dimensions: 6 1/4” x 6 3/4” x 1 7/8”
Power Supply: Input 100V-240V 50/60 Hz / Output 30V DC @1.5A
Weight: 7 1/2” Pounds (Complete 2 Speaker System)
Operating temperature: 10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F)
Storage temperature: -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
Operating humidity range: 0 to 95% (non-condensing)
Storage humidity range: 0 to 95% (non-condensing)
Max audio SPL output: (per emitter) 100dB @ 1.5kHz/2 meters
Impedance: 10k Ohms
Max input for max output: 160mVrms per channel
Ultrasonic speaker type: HyperSound proprietary, patented and patent-pending monolithic film transducer
Frequency response: 300Hz to 18kHz
Carrier frequency: Proprietary in the range of 40kHz
Amplifier type: Customized Class D digital
Amplifier power output: 15 Watts
In The Box
1 (mono system) or 2 HyperSound Speakers (White or Black)
Set of 7’ Red & Black Speaker Cables With Banana Connectors
A: If the site is small we recommend installing the speaker pointing directly down towards the floor, creating a smaller sound footprint, and reducing the reflective area.
Q: How wide is the beam of sound? A: Dispersion is extremely tight (1% at 3 meters), both horizontal and vertical, over the size of the speaker (6.38" x 12.49")
Q: Can I use the HyperSound Speakers with any amplifier? A: No. The HyperSound Amplifier has proprietary digital signal processing circuitry. That produces a composite ultrasonic/sonic waveform which is amplified and sent to the speakers
Q: Can the speakers be connected in series or parallel with each other? A: No. The HyperSound Amplifier has two channels. Each channel is designed to drive a single HyperSound Speaker, for a total of 2 speakers per amplifier. The two channels on the amplifier are separate and can be used for stereo audio or two completely separate audio sources
Q: How far can the speaker be from the amplifier? A: The HyperSound Speakers each come with a 6' cable. The maximum speaker wire length is 140' |
End of preview. Expand
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Based on the paper "RedStone: Curating General, Code, Math, and QA Data for Large Language Models" and the official GitHub repository, I have replicated the processing of the Open Question Aswering dataset within RedStone-QA in Redstone.
I followed the processing steps outlined in the official repository with minimal modifications.
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