Register as Team

by bappadityashome - opened

I wanted to know if I can register as a team for this competition with two or more participants.

Wyze Labs org


Can you please guide me how?

Wyze Labs org

As long as you submit your results with one user id that would count as your team registration and submission.

i submitted my first submission today, but i cant see that on the public leader-board. any thing i am missing here?

Wyze Labs org

if your submission failed, it wont show up on the leaderboard.

hey, my submission was successful, and its not there yet on the leader board.

Wyze Labs org

do you see your submission in my submissions page? whats the submission id?

nope, nothing on the my submission page. i dont know what/where is submission id.

Wyze Labs org

if your first submission isnt successful, you wont see anything in "my submissions" page. to make sure it works, you can submit sample_submission.csv

i just did a submission again with a new hf token. filename: "submission.csv"
it says this: Submission successful! You have 0 submissions remaining today.
still nothing on any other page.

Wyze Labs org

@tarunbhavnani I see your submission on the leaderboard. Seems that you have successfully submitted your results.

mmkamani7 changed discussion status to closed

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