2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25F] with my girlfriend [24F] 5 months, torn about whether to break up or keep trying POST: My relationship makes me feel terrible lately. I always feel like an afterthought despite my attempts to make her feel special (bringing her little things she loves, remembering what colors/scents she likes best, saying sweet things, trying - unsuccessfully - to plan romantic dates). One night while we were on a weekend trip to brooklyn I broke down crying at a party because I th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [20m] gf [20f] has a friend [20m] who has liked her for years and has continually asked her for pictures of her feet (in a sexual manner obviously) and she recently told me she caved in and sent them and now I'm mad at the friend POST: First things first, it's known in our group of friends that this mutual friend has 'liked' my girlfriend for years, before we started going out. During the course of our relationship he has asked her numerous times and each time I have tol
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22m] not sure what to do about relationship with [21f] POST: Length of relationship: 5 mo Length of friendship prior: ~3 years I'm not sure what to do, my girlfriend [22f] has watched me go through a pretty nasty bout of depression, a break up with my ex (who was the best, healthiest relationship I've had until depression on her part destroyed it) and countless other relationship batshittery. We got together after she broke up with the boyfriend she'd had the entire
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Met a girl over the Christmas break while out for a few drinks got her number but forgot her name. How do I ask her name again without upsetting her? POST: This is hilarious and sad at the same time and hoping r/relationships can maybe help me. While out from a few drinks with some friends to celebrate the Christmas break I met this really awesome girl, she was funny, she was cute, had a great personality and we spoke for what felt like hours but no where near long enough.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [32F] let insecurities ruin my marriage. Husband [35M] 3 kids. Been together 12 years. POST: This whole thing is my fault! It all started over my insecurities over my post children body. My husband loves us, provides for us, treats us so kindly.He is an overall great guy and I love him. Here is the big issue. At my most insecure I would say to him that he deserves to sleep with someone who is actually beautiful. Not the likes of me. He would tell me I was silly and laug
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: My friends are getting boring... POST: So I'm in the 3rd year of uni, and as I'm still single I like to go out and get drunk with friends quite often. My social circle has shrunk a fair bit since first year, to the extent where I almost exclusively go out with my housemates and a house of people nearby. The problem is that by now, most of them have girlfriends. Add that to the fact that some of them have part/full time jobs on top of the increasing amount of uni work, and I fi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20F] still don't know if I love my boyfriend [20M] of a year POST: I've been with my boyfriend for almost 12 months now, and we still both have not said "I love you" to each other. I'm his first girlfriend and he's my second boyfriend (I did say "I love you" in my first relationship but I was dumb and he turned out to be an abusive asshole). We've had lots of great times over the past year, he is my best friend and I love talking and spending time with him. No one make
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (24f) two years ago cheated on my then boyfriend(27m) now husband and the guilt and remorse is eating my alive POST: I confessed last Saturday that two years ago (we've been together 6 years married for 1) I made out twice and sexted a picture of my breast to an old co worker before. I cheated because I was really lonely in our relationship and I really enjoyed the attention (stupid I know) and my husband at the time bf wasn't giving me the attention I needed seeing as he
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Dating for 2 years both 18, I[f] am concerned about the motives of my boyfriend[m](first post on this subreddit) POST: Okay, some background first? I have been friends with my now boyfriend for about 7 years, we have been dating for almost 2 years. There was a period of about a year where he didn't talk to me because his girlfriend was scared something was going on between us(there wasn't). We have a great relationship, he is my best friend and we spend as much time togethe
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Proposal for /pf. New Tag for people who are really hurting and need help/attention. POST: My previous post [here] got me thinking. We do read about a lot of pay-check to pay-check kind of stories, and more than glad to help them. How about for people not living pay-check to pay-check, and want to grow? Do we need a methodology to identify the two posts? I think we do and here is why. It will be a source of inspiration to see people doing good things. And you would wan
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] with my sister [25F] of twenty years, can't talk about problems POST: My sister and I have been close for as long as I can remember. We enjoy the same kinds of things and talk about pretty much everything. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that our relationship relies upon me being sensitive to her feelings, and simultaneously letting her be blunt, frank, rude, and demanding to me. (e.g. me carefully framing and wording sentences, giving her compliment
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (21F) am more insecure being in a relationship with my SO (22M) than I was when I was single...is this normal? POST: I think I've always had quite an insecure personality because of highly critical Asian parents, and being a huge academic and nerd when I was little meant not really focussing on my looks hence was a bit of a wallflower till I graduated etc. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with good genetics and I live a healthy life and now wear makeup and do my hai
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [33 F] with my SO [37 M] almost 4 years and this looks like the end... POST: He swept me off my feet. I was visiting the small country town where he lived and we hit off big time. It was a country races event in regional NSW and I was so very happy to meet him. Since then, we've tried to keep the momentum going but it's been hard. He suffered a massive heart attack in 2011 and since then, things have changed. I moved out to be with him prior to his heart attack and, des
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Student looking at credit cards... POST: So, I'm a student and I'm looking at credit cards- my theory being that if I can start to build a credit rating over the next couple years (because I don't need any loans) that if I need to take out a loan for school later on that I can get a better rate since my parents will not co-sign. Does anyone have any suggestions of where I should look? I tried for a Citi card but was rejected because I didn't meet minimum income reqs (..
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24/F] with my husband [29 M] of 3 yrs, has lied to my face about money....again. POST: My husband, last night lied to my face about money. I know for a fact he was lying but I haven't confronted him about it yet because I'm not sure what I should do. We had some serious martial problems surrounding this same problem (him lying to me about money) soon after we were married (3 years ago), and when we resolved it then he promised to never to lie to me (specifically about
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend [22F] of 6months has stopped feeling like sex with me [20M]. Is this just the honeymoon phase ending or something different? POST: It feels like the honeymoon phase is over- we have had a few fights and we both aren't exactly brimming with joy everytime we hang out- to be honest we get a little bit bored and we recently needed a week apart (where she kept messaging saying she missed me). So she arrived back and I was assuming we'd have steamy 'good to see you a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my girlfriend [16 F] High school romance, nearing 2 months dating 4 months total; my nervousness/anxiety making this difficult for me please help POST: So, I have this really awesome girl in my life now (first real relationship ever.) Things are going great. However, I've dealt with anxiety/worrying my entire life and recently have started going to consoling for it. My girlfriend hates when I worry because it makes her worry. I constantly worry about my re
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [17m] can't get over my first love [18F]. POST: I fell in love with this girl about 2.5 years ago. We had a lot of problems with her vein unfaithful and I was very much walked over throughout the entire relationship. We broke up almost three months ago, I started dating a new girl almost a month ago. Up until recently, my ex and I wouldn't talk to each other. Now that we have, I can see that I still care about her a great deal. I care about her a lot, but I don't think
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: New boyfriend (25/M) isn't comfortable with me (24/F) having mostly guy friends. POST: So, I've recently gotten into a relationship with "Sam". Things have been going really great and I can feel things getting pretty serious between us. He calls me up earlier and we basically have a serious talk and he expressed to me that he was a little uncomfortable with me having lots of guy friends. Let me just say that I've always had lots of guy friends. I was always close to the mal
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Met a girl that looks just like my ex, don't know how to proceed... POST: My story begins like the majority of the stories in R.A. Dated a girl from high school all throughout college, , dated for 5yrs, she left me for another man after we graduated college, I moved to another city, got my own place, hit the gym, deleted her from facebook, etc etc etc...that was about a year ago... So here I am minding my own business when I walk past this girl in the candy isle. Whe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [32m] with my 26 [F] fiance, life decision to be made. POST: I am in love with 2 girls. (My fiancee and I have an open relationship, she was aware of the other girl the entire time) One I am engaged to be married to in 5 months, the other is married, in love with someone else who is also married, and whom I was intimately involved with for a year and a half. I think I would have a happy life with my fiancee, but I am not very excited by it. I think I would have a r
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21F] think my boyfriend [21M] has been physically abused in the past. If I try to show him any type of affection he winces like he is about to feel pain POST: Hi Reddit, So as the title states that is pretty much the issue. I have dated this guy for about 2 months now and he is super nice, he is really quiet. I can honestly say he has the biggest heart I have seen on a person I have my suspicions someone may have been physically hurting him in the past. 3 days ago he ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21F] with my SO [21 M] of 4 years, feel like my lack of interest in anything is ruining our relationship. POST: My SO and I have lived together for 3 years and been together for over 4. We used to have so much fun together, we would go to the beach and go on bike rides and watch movies and cuddle. For the past couple years I've been different and I don't know why. I'm not interested in doing any of that anymore. I don't want to take our new puppy out on a walk, I don't
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I really like this guy's mind, but I'm not attracted to him otherwise. POST: I'm an almost 25 yr old lady, he's a guy who just turned 23. He is a co-worker at my new job of 2 months. We started chatting just office casual, and we have some common interests, and he is incredibly sweet and gentlemanly (something hard to come by). We were having such a nice email convo at work that I wanted it to continue, so I told him just to text me. I was very well meaning, and I totally
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: (Asking for a friend) her f26 with him m29. Found necklace in their bed that doesn't belong to her. POST: My friend is 26 and has been dating her boyfriend for over 3 years. They recently moved in together and seem like a very solid couple. They have their occasional fights but I've always thought he is a good match for her. He's recently been traveling a lot and I'm not sure how that's affected their dynamic. She was cleaning today and found a necklace on their bed. I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[23M] would like to help my GF[23F] of 2.5 years lose weight POST: Hi, Probably quite simple really, but my girlfriend really struggles with her weight. She's about 5'4" and weights ~12 stone. I know she wants to lose weight, but she can't help herself. I eat a lot of junk food, but with my metabolism I don't really show it. I'm between athletic/little bit chunky. But she has put on over a stone in that last year while we have been living together. She says when I buy j
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21M] and my girlfriend [21F] disagree on me doing favors for my friends POST: Hi Reddit, My girlfriend and I are in college, and live in a house with 3 other roommates, all of which are her friends. Today is the second anniversary for me and my girlfriend, and we went out to a nice restaurant for dinner, but everything fell apart when she started asking me about something that happened two days ago. Two days ago, me, my girlfriend and one of her friends (lets call he
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Worried about me and my girl.... POST: Me: 21M Her: 22F So started seeing my girlfriend in january, was sleeping with her since december, so over the past few months amongst partying etc sex has pretty much stopped, she has been fairly sick and stuff so i put it down to that, then it became constant excuses and staying up with friends and kind of feels like she is flatout avoiding bed with me or even spontanious sex or anything and now i think its something to do with me.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Non-romantic- My [26f] awesome professor [30M] overheard me complaining about my courses. Should I tell him he wasn't who I was griping about? POST: So this may be a petty post, but I've been thinking about it for the last 24 hours and still feel horrible. I've been in university for the last 1.5 years and am graduating next spring. All of my major classes are now upper division, and have thus far been a serious pain in the ass, with giant group projects due right before
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21F] am moving into my boyfriend's [25M] after a year together. Am I overstepping by asking him to purge some older, unused stuff to make room for me? POST: He has a small condo with hardly any storage, so space is at a premium. I have already started getting rid of things I don't use, and have donated almost half of the clothes that were in my closet. He's been living alone in this condo for over 2 years, and everything has a place and all of the available storage is
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What's the biggest lie that you've ever told? I'll start. POST: Mine isn't really that bad, but it has scarred me for life. In kindergarten, I had a friend named George. One day, I told George a funny (and inappropriate) song that I had heard somewhere. I don't really remember where I heard the song or why it was inappropriate, but remember, this was in kindergarten. So I'm pretty sure that it just said the word "stupid" or "butt" or something like that. However, at that age, w
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my GF [21F] eight months, I lied to her for months. How do I prove to her that she can still believe me. POST: My girlfriend and I have been dating for about eight months. She was the best girl I have ever gotten. She was sweet, cute, kinky, and completely in love with me. She helped me be a better person; she helped me stop smoking and she gave me a the freedom to be me whenever I'm with her. She gave me freedom and love. We are both in college, and I lied t
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by carrying around a knife on the train POST: This TIFU didn't happen today, it was in June this year. I was inspired to write it down by this [TIFU]( I went to the UK (I'm german) this year by using the Eurostar-train. They scan your bags like they'd do in a plane because, you know, TEHRRORRRR. I didn't know that. What I also didn't know is that they don't allow knives on the train because, again, TEHROORRR. Since I have a knife in my edc, I get a bit nervous when I get to
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me a married [32M], who had an affair, told the truth, and is having second thoughts. POST: I don't know what's going on in my head. Here's the story. I had an affair that ended around a year ago. The affair itself lasted about 2 years, and it ended very badly. Short version: she told my wife. I have three children (all young) and basically dropped all contact with the affair woman at that time. My wife and I moved, entered counseling, and tried to rebuild our marriage
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: Personal achievement today: getting out the door POST: I was never a full-time runner.i had a few weeks on and off between running, swimming, and weights... never really committing to one. The one time I did commit to running, I got as far as 7 miles per run before quitting. This morning at 4 AM, I ran out the door with my watch and a flashlight... and my Vibrams (a mistake). While preparing for an upcoming Warrior Dash, I decided to put my old toe shoes to get used to them. I r
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me 32 M with my gf 29 F, 7 years together, i asked her 3 months ago to marry me, but i didn't take a clear answer yet POST: Hello people I am 32 and my gf is 29. She is the only child of her family and she lives just with her mother since she was 8. Now i live also with my father and here is my story: So. We were 6 years together, each in a different city about 160km away. We were meeting 2-3 days per week in my house and it was fine. I had my job there and i was living
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24F] with my boyfriend [24 M] 8 years, intimacy problems POST: Hi, since about 6 years ago my boyfriend has gradually been less intimate. He has kissed me a total of 5 times this year, when I asked why he doesn't want to kiss he just says "dunno". It's not that he's afraid to hurt my feelings(he likes to point out when i'm doing something stupid), he just doesn't seem to know. He turns his face away or pushes mine away when I try to kiss, to be honest I don't think ei
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with me girlfriend [21F], how do accept her history? POST: My girlfriend and I have been dating for 4 months. She's my first real relationship, and things have been going very well. Although there is one thing I am trying to get past: her history with other people. Here's where things get hard for me. Before her the most I had done was kiss a few girls here and there. Nothing to the magnitude of having a girlfriend. However her history is much different. I'm talkin
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I [M/26] Went on a date with a girl [F/23] but not sure what to do next? POST: I'm in Argentina and I matched with a girl on Tinder. We met up and got drinks earlier tonight and we had a great time - I was laughing, she was laughing and we had fun. Here's the thing - I'm in Buenos Aires and I've only been learning Spanish for a few months so it's pretty basic and she speaks absolutely no English. We were able to understand each other though and the language barrier wasn't r
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Not sure if my [m25] gf [f30] of three months is sleeping with other guys :-( POST: Hi, I met my current gf [30] on a dating site last October - things were going great (we get on like a house on fire, sex was good) - up until Christmas. We're from different countries (Ireland / Uk) but live in the same city, and both went home for the break. I've never been the best texter, so due to this & stubbourness (from both of us) we ended up not talking for a couple of weeks. Eve
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: I absolutely suck at parties. POST: Recently I've found myself winding up at parties where I only know the person or couple that brought me. Here's what usually ends up happening. My host does their duty and introduces me to one person. For the first half hour I bounce between my new friend and my host. Then I find myself in a weird fisheye lens world where everyone I know is mid conversation, Everyone I don't know is in mid conversation and there is no one on their own. S
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [17 F] falling for my brother [15 M] POST: I spend a lot of time hanging out with my brother, we watch films and play videogames together, we like the same music, we swap clothes like jeans and t shirts, my friends all love him and try to make him blush, he's really shy and adorable. He brought me chocolates on Valentines Day and we pigged out on them while watching Star Trek. I'm super protective of him. We're quite close physically, we play fight a lot. He really
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: 18 M/255lbs Just starting my journey! POST: A little background about myself. I am a full time student in College and for me eating really healthy foods is not an option for several different reasons the main one being time and money. I plan on eating less, cutting out sugars, becoming much more active, and with the aids of L carnitine and a CLA supplement my goal is to lose 60lbs. I have always struggled with weight especially during high school, I played football and needed to
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: FedEx driver lied about me not being home today. Course of action? POST: So I was expecting my very expensive laptop (well $1600 is expensive to me) to be shipped back to me today from an RMA. This is my work computer too. The package required a signature, so I made sure to be around the house all day. 3:30pm rolls around and the I hear the fedex truck coming up the street and pull up to the curb in front of my house. I go outside and stand on my porch. He looks at me, lo
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Skinny best friend is killing my motivation... POST: I am eating around 1200 calories every day. Those calories are mostly fruit and vegetables. I am seeing the same number on the scale every day. 85. 85. 85. 85. (187lb). My new shirts came in the mail. They're the largest size I can get - XXL - and they don't fit me. I put on a pair of tights this morning and they split open. Tights are (or *were*) all that will fit me. ...and then my best friend, who is absolutely tiny, tel
SUBREDDIT: r/askwomenadvice TITLE: How would you react to a guy who is completely different than what he looks? POST: I'm 24, I'm a nice guy, gentle, sensitive, shy, peaceful and intelligent (hell, even a bit nerdy). ...But due to hair loss and premature hair greying, I shave my head. I also have a goatee, some wrinkles in my forhead and around my eyes, and to top it, I'm also big, broad and tall. Basically, I look like a brutish 30-something bouncer. Now, the thing is, it can get quite awkward at times whe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19M] with my girlfriend [19 F] of 2 years, I am having trouble making friends at Uni POST: I apologize if the title doesn't make a lot of sense. So me and my girlfriend both live in the same dorm room at uni (I am first year she is second), and after a dull first semester having no friends I decided to start being more outgoing. I have started to make friends except the problem is that whenever I make a friend that is female my girlfriend gets really angry with me, and
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [18m], I've barely communicated with another human being over the course of the past 3 years and I may or may not have a date soon POST: Bit of an obtuse question but this seems like the best place to ask. When I began Highschool 3 years prior, I entered into a special schooling system that allowed me to come and go as I please and do work on my own time. Which because I'm a teenager turned into "take schoolwork home and show up to hand it in one a week if that". On th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [21 F] roommate/good friend[22 F] is driving me absolutely insane with her coughing. Please help me not murder her. POST: My roommate and I have been good friends for 3 years, and we're now in our senior year of college and almost done (finally!). We moved in together at the start of this year, and she's been the best roommate I've ever had. However, lately she's been sick and coughing in this odd pattern (3 distinct coughs every 19-15 seconds) and when she isn't coughin
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU: by waking up. POST: Today has not been the best day for me. Obligatory first fuck up of the day can be found [here.] Moving a long, I'm going on a fishing trip with some friends later this week(this will be important later). So after my adventure in my first FU I decide to go to the bathroom and take a 'shower'. Lets just say the soap helped wash the blue from my funballs. After my shower I decide that I should shave my armpits for the first time because why not. Let's just sa
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is the etiquette on getting money you lent out back? POST: My neighbor whom has become a decent friend of mine, borrowed $20 from me a few months ago, a few days after she borrowed it she asked for another $20. The following week her husband borrowed $20. Then last week she asked me to pick up a $15 bottle for new years and that she would pay me back the next day. I told her I would only get it if she could pay me back the full $75 the next day. So new years comes and goes
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: (25) how can I become more secure over (26F)'s number of sexual partners? POST: I've been dating this girl for close to 5 months. It's been one of the best relationships I've ever been in. Everything was going well until she mentioned her number of sexual partners. She told me she forgot the exact number but its in the 25-30 range where as she is my #4. I am overly infatuated with her but I feel incredibly insecure about her sexual past. We've communicated about it i.e. h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[21M] know a guy cheated. Do I tell? POST: I know for a fact that a girl I have never met has been cheated on by her boyfriend, which was with my friend. My friend didn't know at the time, and it happened roughly 3 years ago. So my friend and I began to talk about this and she showed me his pictures. Well I noticed that he had said he's been with his girlfriend for 5 years. I do not know the girl at all, but I think that it is unfair to her to be lied to. I am thinking of
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21f] think I might be depressed and I know my boyfriend [22m] is. Is a mutually dysfunctional relationship even feasible? POST: I am 21, he is 22. We have been together off and on for four years now. Every time we broke it off it was because one or the other of us went into a 'rut': no interest in normal activities, no socialization, a static apathy. We got back together eight months ago and it has once again reached the point where we cannot be around one another becaus
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: My story. It's a bit long POST: I found this subreddit a few years ago was inspired. Because of it and MFP I was able to lose 40 pounds and was just 10 pounds shy of my goal, I then entered nursing school which was incredibly stressful and gained half the weight back. My teachers all assured me that it is totally normal for many students to gain weight due to stress, poor eating choices due to time, and minimal physical activity as all free time is spent studying, so I didn't let
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: **Update**[26/m]What's the deal with women[23/f] who use this tactic? Women of reddit enlighten me POST: ** TL;DR:
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My brother [30 M] is estranged from my mom [65 F] and has an on again off again sour relationship with the rest of my family POST: My brother has had a poor relationship with my mom since he was in his early teens. Lately he has been estranged from her. Essentially, it is because he can be very immature/childlike and because my mom is not respected by him or a strong role model for him. They both are not the most emotionally intelligent people in the world. However, I find
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] Need help conveying my feelings [22 F] 3-4 years POST: Ill start off by saying that I'm not very good with women. It's very hard to for me to talk to girls let alone tell them how i feel because of this i have only had a few relationships in my 22 years on this planet. Now time for a little background. I'll start by saying she lives quite far away from me, if i were to hop on a bus to go see her it would probably take me around 6 hours to get there. I've also neve
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend [20 F] can't show me [21 M] love anymore. POST: So, my lovely girlfriend of 2 years has some kind of problem (she also put it that way). We both love us, no doubt, but for a while now we have been having issues because she can't understand herself anymore. We always had a great relationship and we were sexually very active. Around 3 months ago she started to not enjoy sex anymore. We both study in two different cities, so we could only see us for the weekend
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my girlfriend [17 F] duration, 2 years. short-description grown bored POST: We have been dating for 2 years and i often find myself bored with the relationship and thinking about other woman. I have tried talking to her about it before but all she does is cry and make me feel like an ass. I grew up with 5 sisters so i hate crying woman. She is also a senior in high school and involved in more drama that i just dont care about. We have gone on a few vacation
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: A gym is chasing me for money I don't have and I don't know what to do. Reddit, can we stand up for the little guy against these behemoth companies? POST: So my boss signs me up for a 12-month gym membership with Extreme Fitness which I reluctantly pay for and then try to cancel on the twelfth month. I talk to "Joel" at one of their locations and he says "No problem, you need to notify Kirk at this location and let him know you want to cancel. Here's his info." So after several
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [23/m] Im in love with one of my better friends [23/f] but she has a boyfriend... POST: So I have recently realized that I'm in love with one of my better friends, she currently has a boyfriend but they are in a long distance relationship and things have been rough for them recently. Since things have been "rough" we've been hanging out a lot more (just about everyday), having dinner together at least once a week and texting each other until about 2 am. The other day
SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: These two weeks have currently been one of my most favorite weeks of my life and it's really only getting better. POST: Starting from last Monday, I found out that one of my best friends, who I thought moved to Georgia, came back and is staying here! I was extremely happy to see her that I actually had a few tears of joy when I saw her. Eventually, my high school decided to partner up with producers from **HBO** to create two short films for this competition called Teen Arts. This
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: How do I balance cycling time between my gf and my guy mates? POST: Yo, I am 27, straight and I just started dating a girl. I have always had a lot of guy mates and we used to enjoy a pretty awesome time in a non sexual way. We used to play xbox games and shit, yo. And in comes a gf into my life and now it seems like I don't give much time to my guy mates. And let me tell you, I really do enjoy my time with them. I like my girlfriend. So anyways, I have to balance my
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: I need advice on what to do. POST: We had broken up 3days before our 5th month of dating. We started dating on January 7 this year. It's been more than a month but I try to not think about her but when it comes to night I always stay up and when I do fall asleep I only dream of her. She made me the happiness I had been in so long, I am a teen but this was my first year back in public school since 3rd grade, now I am in tenth grade and almost 17. I was curious if I should
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm (23f) chubby/fat? (159cm/5'2", 57kg/125llbs) and my family won't let me forget it. POST: I have low muscle mass and am generally squishy; I think myself overweight and am exercising once 40-60 minutes a day and watching my calorie intake. I've noticed that I've slimmdd down a bit so progress is slow but I'm a bit excited. So I'd just like to say that I'm not debating if I should work out/lose weight. I think I should, to make myself feel better mentally and physicaly.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Co-worker [23F] who is close to me [24M] is leaving company and I am so bummed about it. POST: We both started the company at the same time. We are pretty close to each other, always joking around. We eat lunch together, we usually leave together and interact a lot during our course of work although we work for different boss (just sit close to each other). She got an offer for a position at another firm in another city that will be a major step up in her career. She had t
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: Ended a six year relationship with the person I thought was the one for me, boy was I wrong. POST: I woke up for work that morning to see her phone plugged into my desktop and the screen was on with a message from her sent right before we went to bed to this guy. I read through it a bit and found out it had been going on for at least a week. This was the last straw for me seeing as how she has done this six times over times throughout the course of our relationship. I know most
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Is it weird to feel unsure of my feelings for the guy I'm dating? POST: I (23 f) started dating a guy (28 m)while I was casually dating around. He was nice enough- a good guy. Eventually, all other causal dates faded, and 3 dates became a 4th cooking at his house. Now it's been 2 months and I've met his family, we have a sexual relationship and we are not dating anyone else. It kind of all just...happened. I like him still but I don't get fuzzy feelings or miss him a lot wh
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Bf (33M) doesn't want me (28F) to hang out with his certain group of friends POST: I've been with my bf for over a year, I met his family and other friends. But, there's this group of friends whom he played badminton with, I feel that he is segregating us. I met this badminton group once and had dinner together with them, I thought the night went quite well. He didn't mention anything wrong thereafter. However, whenever there are events with this badminton group, he will
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (22f) am uncomfortable because of coworker (23m) and things he talks about. POST: Throwaway because I don't want work to find me. Names have all been changed for safety. We've worked together less than 6 months. Tom has been here shortest, for about 2 months and has been a nuance the entire time. My coworker, Tom (23m), has the tendency to make me uncomfortable. He has made sexist comments before, in front of our supervisor. Well, today he was asking the guys in my area
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: I'm a college senior who is graduating in May with no debts but also no credit POST: I've never posted here before, so I apologize if I am doing this wrong. I am a college senior who will be graduating in the beginning of May. Fortunately I got a fair amount of financial aid combined with achievement grants and will be graduating without any debts or loans and a safety net savings of about $1000. I also have no credit to my name. I recently signed a lease to an apartme
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why has there been no Lance Armstrong circle jerk? POST: It seems to me that this is a very reddit-worthy story: A guy becomes very successful and famous, aggressively denies that any cheating contributed to his success, then is confirmed to be not only a major cheat but a world class liar. It seems to me that reddit would be all over such a story. Imagine if it was an American senator or a preacher? I remember when the report came out from USADA and to me it seemed pretty
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Mixed signals, or is he being a tease? POST: Female here. We're are both in our mid 20's, known him for about four years now. Met at a friend's Christmas function, WA area. Strong instant mutual attraction (as he admitted within a day of our meeting). He tried starting a relationship with me right off-the-bat, I told him that I was interested but I'd have to get to know him better before jumping into a relationship. He has always been a a huge flirt with me, I was iffy at
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: Foot a little weird from old running shoes? POST: Since leaving high school back in 2012, I always kept my old running shoes. From Senior year in 2011 up until summer of 2014, I'd used the same shoes for 3 years. I didn't run as much in college, so I didn't think it'd be worth spending another $100 on new shoes. Well I started running a lot more in 2014. Not too much, but maybe 20-30 mile weeks. It was enough to start making my feet hurt. I noticed that my right foot hurt a lot
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How should I [20M] deal with a girl at school [19F]? POST: I often hang out with a girl a grade younger than me at school. We are sort of in the same friend group and see each other usually every other day for a while. I had a feeling she liked me, and her friends told me she did, so I went after her, but maybe a little too strongly. We ended up not doing anything past a couple dates, but still see each other regularly. We flirt a lot when in a group, to the point where oth
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by charging my phone...and blowing it up POST: *Obligatory: this didn't happen today, but about 5 years ago.* **Backstory** *I was 13 years old, and I got my first job. I saved my first month of pay (like $100), and bought this new cell phone that I've been drooling over for months.* About a week later, my mom is at work, and I don't have a charger for my phone. I search the house and find a small USB charger, and an old extension cord, but no wall adapter for the USB char
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by saying "anal cakes" POST: I was in my grade 11 English class today and the girl beside me said "Hey does this eraser smell like cotton candy to you?" So I took a good whiff and it smells like a urinal cake. So I tell her that and my English teacher overhears and says "What smells like a urinal cake??" So I tell him about the eraser and he says "No I have a cold. Can't smell anything" To which my brain replies "Don't worry. You'll smell it. Its a very penetrative
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (26 f) am little put off by my bf (32m)'s behavior POST: So we've been dating for almost two years and we've already talked about marriage and stuff. He hasn't proposed to me yet though. I've been kind of living with him although i still have my own apt, i brought my two cats with me. His mom is visiting this weekend and she doesn't want cats walking and making noises at night so unfortunately ill have to move out with the cats. Which is annoying, since ill have to move
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Close friend's family member wants to borrow my GoPro for a trip. What should I do? POST: I have a bit of anxiety when I loan things to friends. I'm not a mean person, but I am careful with my stuff (usual wear and tear is fine, but very careful around lenses etc.) Close friend has a family member (22 y.o) who wants to borrow my GoPro and housing to go on an overseas trip and take underwater photos. The family is very close to me, so I'm not worried about the family takin
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend [20 F] of 1 1/2 years say's she's leaving for LA in a year. She's my first love... POST: My girlfriend and I have been planning moving in together and everything is set up. We are moving in next week. She just told me today that she's decided to move to LA to pursue acting (we live in Houston). I told her that yeah... I can't get in her way... and I understand, but I don't know what to do with myself. Stay with her until she leaves? I don't know if I could han
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by peeing, brushing my teeth and browsing reddit all at the same time... POST: This literally happened half an hour ago (give or take). I was browsing this very subreddit in fact and I had lost track of time and it got late, I decided that since I was halfway through a post I would keep reading it while I went down stairs and brushed my teeth. And so that is exactly what I did. Midway through tooth brushing I realised that I needed to pee, my Samsung Galaxy was in my left han
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Don't want to look desperate or stupid POST: F/21 here. I hate to come here asking for advice on something date wise but thought i'd give it a go, here's the situation: Met a M23 through mutual but not close friends recently and we hit it off great and see eachother often over the course of 2 months. We recently as of last week started texting just small talk and then the night we go out he seems to have a great time but now i try to make small talk and goes ok but he's not
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: Failed my in-home breathalyzer twice while on probation for 2nd dwi. POST: I received a 2nd dwi in Harris county (Houston). First dwi was 6 years ago. I am on probation for 18 months. I am ordered not to drink or do drugs for the duration of my probation. I go to my probation officer twice a month, take random UAs, and have in in-home breathalyzer I have to blow into 3 times a day. I messed up 2 months into it and failed the breathalyzer. My PO said it had to be reported to t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with my GF [22F] of 5 years. Having doubts because of her previous relationships. POST: Just need some friendly advice. I don't know if it's just me but this has bothered me since we started having sex and were open and honest with each other. I asked her if she was a virgin, she said no. However, I was. I wanted to know what she did, so I asked her. She had sex with her ex a few times as well as gave a guy a BJ once (all before me). Now the thing is, I feel like I
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Morally wrong, but feels right. Please help! POST: So after turning 21 in January my buddies and I would always go to the bars. We end up usually going to the bar closest to our college, and have become pretty good friends with the bartenders there. So close that we went out with them a few times. On Saturday, we went out and I ended up making out with one of them. The issue is that she has been with her boyfriend for two years now (shes 21 also), and says she wants to mar
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm 33/m and really like a 22/f I met. Please help. POST: I met a girl the other day in lab. I was alone in the lab when I had to let her in because her card wasn't working. I asked her what class she was taking and she's a few semesters behind me with the same major. We both were doing microscope work, so it was pretty quiet the whole time. I noticed when I would look up she was looking at me. Once I finished my work, I struck up a conversation with her, and she seem
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: So I (19) am in this situation where my girlfriend (19) wants to experience 'fun' with other guys. POST: EDIT: Thank you for all the replies Reddit! I'm sorry I couldn't get back to all of them because I was talking to her at the time and it was late at night. I'm not sure about my decision yet, but most likely I will do what you all have told me :) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are each others fi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[29F] don't know how to interpret my inexperienced geek love interest's[23M] actions... POST: I am 29F, he is 23M. I've been playing the dating game since I was 15 or so, and as far as I can gather he hasn't really done much of it at all, ever. We've been going on dates (or, hanging out?) for a few months now. When we are together, we have really great chemistry, so much so that the last few times we've been having intense makeout sessions, and we talk for hours. Normally
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 F] with my ex [20 M]. He's being wishy-washy about getting back together- should I stay or go? POST: I started dating Jared in high school. I planned on marrying him- we were perfect for each other. We continued dating when we went to college, even though it was long distance (only a few hours drive). I eventually ended things with him after one semester of college because I wanted time to establish my life & relationships in my city without having to drive back an
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: terrible gpa aiming for grad school POST: I'm a biology undergrad going into my 3rd year this fall. My goal is to continue education further into a masters and lastly get a Phd; I hope to do research. The problem I have currently is my gpa is abysmal, I've failed several classes (calc 2 three times, cal 1 once, general chem 2 once), got several D's (cell bio, genetics,organic chem 1), C's (cal 1, waves, gen chem 2), 6 B's, and an A. In the past year I've been below average in ev
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [26M] has a low sex drive and it's really starting to get to me [25F] POST: My boyfriend and I have been together just over 9 months now and for the most part everything is going great. We don't fight very often, when we do we talk it out and work things out pretty quickly. We love each other a lot and are very affectionate with each other. I could go on and on about all the great things about our relationship, *but* there is one problem and it's really startin
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Was it wrong to expect a bonus? POST: Dear Reddit, This summer I've been working between as an intern at a software company in Massachusetts. I'd originally taken the position under the understanding that it would be a paid position. Unfortunately, the week before I was set to begin, the terms changed such that I'd no longer be paid an hourly wage and as notice was too short for me to arrange another job (not that many places are looking to hire a high school student) I was fo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [17m] want to be affectionate with her [17f] (and she might want to be with me), but we agreed to take things 'day-by-day' POST: So this girl and I have been talking for almost three months, and things have been going great. We actually talked about our feelings on Saturday - things are fully mutual. It's to the point now that most of her friends and family are aware of the interest and hopes of their being a relationship between her and I. However, when we were kind of "
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I am a single [21M] who has no problem with attracting members of the opposite sex. My problem is as soon as it clear we like each other, my anxiety flairs up and I can't even be in the same room as them. POST: I am 21 years old and lucky enough to always have had my crush like me back. But I have never been in a relationship because of crippling anxiety. I am okay when I am not sure if they like me, but when it becomes clear they do, I panic. I think it because with socia
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by sending my vehicle registration renewal money in cash, by mail. POST: Why didnt i do it by mail? Or the machines at the, dmv you might ask. Definitely tried, i got the renewal papers in the mail, and maybe a week after, i got new license plates because the front plate was missing. i went online to pay for the stickers on the site, and it said i wasnt able to pay for it online for unknown reason. i go to the DMV and use the machine, same thing. I even tried to call the
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[20/F] have been together with my boyfriend [19/M] for 4 months. We met at university, normally I miss him, appreciate him, and enjoy my time with him.BUT: In the summer we went for two holidays for a few days, just the two of us. Being with him 24/7 was annoying. POST: We talk a lot, and put a lot of effort in the relationship. The beginning was hard, but now we have talked through our major differences and found common ground. So why does he annoy me when we are togethe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me (28m) and my gf (28f) of 8 years are constantly fighting. Nothing I do ever seems good enough. POST: So, throwaway account for starters since she knows my reddit. I am a pretty mild guy who really doesn't like confrontation. She is an easily slighted girl who never forgets grievances and argues constantly with her mother forever. Since we got together anytime she has had an issue with something I've done or not done, she thinks we need to hash it out. If she said I did
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I broke up with my girlfriend today, I feel completely alone. What should I do? POST: Reddit, I'm 20. I broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months today. I live at home with my parents, but they went out of town for the weekend, and now I'm home alone with all sorts of depressing thoughts on my mind. I wish I could throw a party, but my house is a disaster. A few rooms are in the middle of rennovations, so having people over isn't going to be possible. I don't have m
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [F22] found a very specific dating website in my fiancé's [M23] browser history POST: Using a throw away because I cannot post this to my main account. No body knows except my sister, and you guys. We've been together for almost 5 years. We've lived together/been engaged for 1. We're like any other couple. We have fights. I have trouble sleeping due to anxiety, so I stayed up playing Pokemon on my phone. I wanted to look up a certain Pokemon and their evolution, so I g