2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24M] suddenly want to date my friend [23F] simply because she's seeing someone else POST: I've known this girl for about 4 years. She's been a lesbian as long as I've known her. 2 years ago (april 2014), we made out and almost slept together (no glove no love). I got crazy about her for a while, but that died down when I started my last relationship (december 2014). Around the same time she got with some a woman she was crazy about. We didn't see each other much during
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [20/f] My boyfriend [18/m] is so whinny and sulks a lot. What can I do? POST: When we argue, I say what I say and then move on, but he says what he wants and sulks for hours / days. It's over so many things, some big, some small, normally all what I see as stupid. A couple of today's examples would be I was surfing r/trees on Reddit and saying hi and he gets annoyed I'm trying to "make friends with similar interests". I want to smoke, he sulks. I don't want to eat his
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: What do I (24F) say to someone (25M) who's convinced that it's more important to not take risks than to be happy? POST: I've been dating Josh for 2.5 years, and we've been best friends for maybe 6. It has always been long distance but recently (last year) became significantly less long distance to the point where we see each other multiple weekends in a month (usually 2). I'm in school for a couple of more years and he doesn't want to move to my city, but I (independently
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: Tifu by blue screening my school's computer. POST: OK, in English we are working on a research paper. I got WWI and how it let to WWII, so easy. I get to a computer to continue typing and i take a computer in the back(note, these are not the greatest computers). I log in blah blah blah, then i notice that it is taking forever to log on. It is saying almost done for about 10 mins, i am doing CTRL ALT Delete and i open up the task manager to try to bypass to the desktop because ou
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you??? POST: I have many, I think i became a cliche throughout middle school and high school, so I will just give 2 to start. 1) 7th grade, wore white jeans (this was back when white jeans were in style (showing my age). You can guess what happened. I started my period. I don't need to go into gross details, but it was only the 3rd class of the day and I had to walk around with a jacket tied to my waist the whole day.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Lately, I [32|M] have been wondering if I'm still in love with her [32|F] after ~15 years POST: Title really says it all. How do I know I'm still in love (or that I ever was)? We met in HS when we were 15. Dated for three years. Took a one year break then got back together at 19 and have been together ever since. We were married and had our first child at 21. We now have three kids, a house, and a dog. We live a good life. Money is tight but I expect it is for most young fa
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Why is my abstinence [20 F] ending my relationship with my SO[20 M] of 1 year? POST: Everything in this barely over a year relationship was great until about the 9 month mark. We began fighting, and I developed depression from things going on in my personal life. As a result, I was lashing out and pushing him away, which he didn't seem to like. I have made mistakes before with how I've treated him, but I'm trying my best to get better for him. I want to be better. I don't
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: Probate issues POST: I have a few probate issues with my mother's New Jersey estate. I am one of seven siblings all are equal beneficiaries. The two oldest are executors. Our mother passed away six years ago and they are only just settling the estate now. Two of us have requested documentation to support the expenses they are claiming as well as value of assets. She had several stocks, a mortgage free home which was rented out then sold, additional monetary assets, and minima
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: Some lunatic crashed into my truck and put the blame on me POST: I just need to vent about this. Yesterday afternoon I was on my way to the hospital to see my daughter in the NICU. There was a slow moving SUV in the fast lane so I got in the slow lane to pass. Right when I was passing, the idiot in the SUV sped up and almost rear ended me. I didn't think much of it until she moved over to the slow lane and sped up again. Next thing I know she's trying to cut me off and ends up
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Infatuation vs. love at first sight. POST: There is a girl, a co-worker, who I have felt strongly attracted to since the moment we met 2 years ago. After getting to know her whilst working with her I asked her if she'd be interested in going out with me. She told me she had a boyfriend and we continued being friends. Even though I still felt strongly attracted to her, not in a lustful way mind you, I made an effort to suppress those feelings, if only to make the wo
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: How do I deal with this issue with Dell India? POST: Location: India I purchased a Dell XPS 15 in 2011. The warranty expired a year later. Three years after that, in 2015, I discovered that Dell made a serious flaw in the chipset that causes voltage spikes when using the NVIDIA GT525M card with OPTIMUS. I contacted DELL support regarding this and pleaded them with sources [[1] [[2] [[3] indicating that they are manufacturing defect, asking them to provide a BIOS update for t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: After breakup, I [24F] feel mainly indifference, sometimes disgust & anger towards my ex [26M] of 1 year POST: I have had pretty great men in my life, all my exes were good people. However, with my most recent ex, I can't help but feel a deep sense of relief. He was an emotional vortex, chronic liar, cheater, hypocrite and on top of that he wasn't even physically attractive! I know I'm probably being mean right now, and I feel slightly guilty about speaking badly about som
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Not sure if I (f/22 ) should try talking to my abusive mother ( f/55 ) after cutting her out of my life for almost 3 years and let everything out or write a personal letter. POST: I never got along with my mom because I'm more like her sister ( who she's constantly jealous of ) and disagreed on how our life should of been. She's not maternal in any way putting strange men before me and my brother. She even left us for 2 weeks to go clubbing and have sex because I kept sca
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Was on a good path, took a little detour. Now I'm going back POST: Hey there, loseit! New here, so I decided to share my story, as I'm in the quest to drop a few pounds as well, and think my realization will help some of you. So, I'm 19 years old, 5"6"(1.71 meters) and used to weight around 203 pounds(92 kg). Decided to change. Lost quite a bit of weight. Got down to 165lbs(75 kg). People started noticing, the compliments came. It felt good. All very nice. But in the back of my h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my girlfriend [18 F] 1 year, unfair threesome argument POST: She's developed a thing for a friend of her's, and I find the thought of them together pretty hot. We've talked about it between ourselves and decided that we want to try a threesome. The issue is that her friend has a boyfriend, and they're only okay with it if it goes both ways. I'm not okay with that at all. Now my girlfriend is mad at me and saying that I'm being unfair and selfish. I get that i
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Living with girlfriend and not sure about the relationship anymore. POST: Hey guys, I've been lurking here for awhile and really needed to get something off my chest. My girlfriend (25) and I (24) have been together for almost 3 years (with one break-up). Less than a year ago, we had a rough breakup that was in no way malicious, but certainly left a scar on the relationship. After a month of no contact, she called me out of the blue to see if I wanted to try things out ag
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Am I messing things up by being too intellectually curious in people I date? POST: So pretty much the last few people I've dated have all been for fairly brief periods of time, but the really confusing thing for me is that none of these potential romantic interests fizzled out because we didn't get along; it's completely the opposite. Of all these girls I recently dated, on our first date we had really mutually engaging conversation for like 2-3 hours. But I have a feeling
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What are good ways to meet new people? POST: So for one week I didnt text or call any of my normal friends who I usually hang out with. And none of them called or texted me. Not one. I am the one making all the effort. I need better friends. Ive seen posts like these before and the top suggestion is usually get out there and join activities/clubs that intrest you. Problem is I dont have alot of hobbies or interests. I like photography, and music, computers and clothes. Those ar
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How can I [28F] get my fiance [30M] to be more serious about being attractive for me? POST: I'll start off that I don't expect him to look like a super model, I just want to see some effort that he actually cares. My fiance's weight has yo-yoed ever since I've known him and is usually on the upper side. After 4 years together, he's well aware of my feelings about healthy eating and exercise. He avoids exercise like the plague, and thinks he eats healthfully just because h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] need some help with my situation with my SO [29M] of 5 years. POST: I'll try to make this quick. I'm looking for advice/ options. Background: My SO was terrible at missing work, balancing his checkbooks and hiding things from me. I'm not working since I've been going to school online. We have a baby that I take care of while my SO is working. I also take care of another child as a favor to a single father (my lil brother). His ex bailed and he's barley making his
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [24/F] Starting to date my ex [28/M] again after a year of being broken up, how do I make this feel like a brand new relationship? POST: Hi people of Reddit, I recently just got back into a relationship with my ex, we were broken up for over a year and we dated for 4 years before we broke up. During that year period we stayed friends, but we were also dating other people. Our break up was amicable and we both agreed we should break up, so no bad blood between us. It s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (25/F) not sure if I should tell my BF (26/M) that I dated a woman in the past POST: I have been dating my boyfriend almost 2 years. He is a wonderful guy. There is potential for a life long relationship here. I know he feels the same. Both of us sort of have this unofficial agreement that we do not talk about our ex's or past relationships. I know he has been hurt in the past, but there is no need to talk specifics about ex's. I don't need to know names, age, etc. It's
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my crush [18 F] in college how can I keep in touch? POST: Alright so I just started college like a lot of people. During the first few days I ran into this girl a couple times and I found myself both physical attracted to her and legitimately happy to talk to her. But classes haven't started yet, and I'm not sure whether we'll have a class together or not. . . Now my college is small(ish), there's around 3000 people, so just under 800 in my class. So while th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: To trust or not to? POST: I (21, F) ended a three year relationship in August. In September, I met a kid in class (22, M) who was pretty cool -- we started hanging out outside of class, and, after getting to know him and sharing some good chilling times we started fucking in November. We didn't get exclusive until Valentine's Day. He recently took me back to the house he grew up in for the weekend while his parents were out. The problem? I don't trust him. My ex and
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: I don't think I should talk to my mom anymore. POST: Backstory : My parents had me young. They've both been alcoholics and drug addicts for most of my life. My parents split before I was born. I lived with my mom most of the time, saw my dad for a week maybe twice a year. Fast forward to now. I'm an adult (23 y/o) completely self-sufficient. I've never had to ask for money or any sort of help or aide since moving out two and a half years ago. The only help I get from my par
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Worried that I'm making my (20M) friend in the Marines (21M) feel bad/homesick. POST: Here's my back story. Fake names will be used. Alex, John and I have been best friends since elementary school. I could tell you everything about these guys. We are all pretty much the same people it feels like. I can't see myself ever finding a bond this tight with any other guys. John and I go to University together and live in the same house. Alex was living with us too earlier this y
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27M] with my ex gf [21F] of 1 year. she wants kids one day, I don't. I keep hearing how lonely I am going to be for it. POST: so, her and I split up about 2 months ago now. I always knew she wanted kids and she's always known I was "on the fence" about kids. I eventually came to the conclusion that I don't want kids, so naturally I told her and a few days later after talking it out we split up. it hurts, like all hell. I expected it, telling her was one of the hardest t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[21M] with my EX-Gf [19F] Need some advice on current situation... POST: So...Where to begin. If you do take the time to read this, thank you. I'm really at a loss right now and I don't know how to proceed. To try and make this short ill skip over a lot of details. So in high school, I was a junior and met the really great girl. annoyed me sometimes but for the most part loved her and would do anything for her. She also loved me very much, I went away for a week and a ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 M] with my friend?? [25 F] she only asks me for things. How do I tell her to stop without offending her? POST: I'm awful at these and this is my first post, so please bear with me. Ok, I met this girl back in high school. We were friendly toward each other until we graduated. After high-school we kept in touch and eventually we got together (for one night, giving her my virginity T_T). After that I was avid about dating her, but she said she didn't see me as relatio
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by peeing on the bus POST: This happened literally a few minutes ago. I'm travelling home by bus, and it's quite a long trip. I almost always remember to do my pooping and urenal business just before the bus ride, but today I was in a hell of a hurry and forgot to take a piss before stepping on the bus. An hour went by and my urge to pee was unbearable. I know that the bus' bathroom is small and almost impossible to pee in. But I really had to pee, like really bad. So I did
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: Going to San Fransisco with two girls tomorrow. POST: So a casual acquaintance, who just so happens to be a girl, asked me to go to San Fransisco tomorrow with her and her friend. Now, I am pretty awkward around women. I've had one girlfriend and she dumped me because I never talked to her. That was 4 years ago but to be honest nothings really changed. It's an 8 hour drive and I'm pretty nervous. I've never met her friend and we're staying at the girl i knows' friends' parents
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Something strange is going on between my girlfriend and a mutual friend from high school POST: This is my first time posting here, or even on this subreddit for that matter, but i was looking thriugh all of the subreddits and saw that this would probably be a good place to ask for advice about this issue. I've been in what I've felt has been a very good relationship for the past month or two. It hasn't gotten too serious yet, but we cuddle, go out, and just spend a lot of
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: Choosing a criminal defense lawyer? POST: Hi all, I am in need of a criminal defense attorney. This is a first time drug offense- no criminal record to speak of- that will likely end up being a felony. I did a lot of research and called several lawyers- the problem now is I think I've given myself too many choices and am having a hard time making a choice. So: Does more expensive mean more experienced and better/more well connected? Does length of time practicing and how w
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25F] with my BF [25M] of 6 months, trouble getting over hurt feelings POST: So my BF and I have been together about 6 months. About a month into dating I was hospitalized for 5 days with a staph infection. One of the nights I was there I was having a really hard time emotionally, I asked him to come stay with me and he only stopped by briefly. I found out after the fact that he had been out with friends and went back out after he left the hospital. It's been bothering
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[27M],'s GF [24F] of a year, cheated, but told me. POST: We've been going out for just short of a year, we started going out about a month after she had moved into town. (11 months later)She took a trip to LA before she started school and ran into an old fling who she says she didn't know would be in the city at all. They got drunk (in a group with other acquaintances) and she went home with him and they had sex. When we started to get serious 10 months ago she told m
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23 M] with my crush [22 F], new to dating/relationship. POST: I've wasted about 4 years of my life being a shut-in and suffering from anxiety, they put me on medicines for this and finally after about a year of taking them my life is starting to get better again. A couple of days ago I've met this really cute and kind girl, and I grew a crush on her and she on me. I have never been in a serious relationship before because I've always felt I was ugly and girls didn't li
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I [20M] right to cut a rapist and former friend out of my life? [Non-Romantic] POST: Growing up, I had a close friend who was a few years older than myself. I looked up to him as a bit of a mentor or an older brother figure. He moved away some years ago and I finally saw him last summer when we worked together at a summer camp. Because of our longstanding friendship, we were both put as counselors into the same cabin. Over the course of the summer, I realized he was not
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Should I ask my roommates pay more in rent? Details inside. POST: Apologies if this is not the correct sub-reddit. Long Story short, I moved into a three bedroom apartment in december with two other randoms. The two of them are long time friends. The apartment was entirely furnished by them. And I am subleasing the most expensive room with attached bathroom from one of their brothers. The apartment has a full kitchen with sunroom, and a living room. They have their own roo
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By Yelling at a Kid that I Thought was Faking a Soccer Injury POST: Disclaimer: This was actually a few years ago but I was reminded of this by the fake soccer injuries thread. So, this great moment in my life happened in a high school soccer game I was playing in. I had the perfect angle to watch this kid on the other team trip himself on apparently nothing (uneven ground? not entirely sure) and tumble to the ground. My teammate happened to be right next to him, but I clearly
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Feel like the girl im dating [24F] is keeping me [24M] on the backburner. POST: Throwaway cause she uses reddit sometimes. This is my total dream girl from high school... She dated a guy from senior year until July of this year. They broke up because they grew apart (this is what she told me). We began dating in September and made it official in October. (Yeah I know it was way too fast but there's nothing I can do about it now). In late November she broke it off wit
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[31M] need help interpreting messages from my GF [31F] of 2 months. POST: I met a great gal and we've been seeing each other exclusively for a couple of months now; however, we'll make plans for sleepovers or whatever and, prior to getting together, she'll text me messages like, "you must be really sleepy and I'm still at work :( " There's no question or real statement in these messages, and I've been interpreting them as though she just wants reassurance that I still wa
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [22m]. my [20f] fiancé does her hair before going to bed. POST: My fiance lives a half hour away from Me with her parents still. We see each other 4-5 days a week and text and talk often. But for some reason when shes at home at night shell some times tell me shes doing up her hair ie curling and other stuff women do to their hair. But it always makes me feel weird that shes doing it before bed. I know that her ex's in the past have snuck into her house to do the dirty. So
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I might be in a bit of trouble here...What should I do? POST: sorry for the vague title but I didn't exactly know what to say without it being too long. yesterday I was at school in class. nothing out of the ordinary. but then out of nowhere this cleaner comes in with a gas mask and starts spraying what I think was carpet cleaner on the walls (the walls are covered in carpet). mind you this was in a room with no ventilation what so ever. no vents, no windows that you ca
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Why is it human nature for me [22M] to miss her [22F] even though its for the best? POST: We dated for 8 months. Yes it was good and then it got bad. We ended up breaking up. Not my first breakup and it probably wont be my last (but who knows). Anyways, this is less of question about me and more of a question in general. Why does it hurt so bad even though I, and she, knows it was for the best? I miss her like crazy... but I shouldnt. Its not just wanting someone else. The
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Please help, Commitmemt Phobe Bf POST: Help, I've [23F] been seeing a guy [27M] for a year in June and haven't met his parents, or some close friends he tells me he goes out with. It's been a rocky relationship and he has asked me to come Christmas and Easter but I didn't go and think he only asked because he wanted to be able to say he asked me, which he does say all the time. He asked me to meet his family and friends tomorrow but it's been a year and it really has
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: SO [21F] is transferring to a different university for 2 years, I have concerns.. POST: Background: I'm 22M that just graduated college and am working full time in downtown Chicago. We've been dating for 2 years, she's transferring at the end of the summer to go to U of I and complete her degree in 2 more years. We love each other, but I'm starting to become concerned over how things will be while she is 3 hours away from me. I invited one of my buddies from my high
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: I've started getting compliments on my weightloss but I'm at a standstill in progress, help? POST: First, I just wanted to say, I've been a long time lurker of this subreddit, and have been very inspired by all of the stories I read. You're all truly amazing people and this is such a great community! Lately I've been getting compliments from old friends/family I haven't seen in awhile about my weight loss, however I feel guilty about receiving these compliments because I've compl
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Seeking Legal Advice on Speeding Tickets and Being Probation in Illinois POST: Hey reddit. So basically I am from Illinois and I"m going to pharmacy school in a city near Chicago. I received a speeding ticket in November for going 20mph-30mph above the speed limit, which was 30. In my defense, every street around this street had a 50mph speed limit. It was my first speeding ticket so I was able to take traffic school online and be put on probation. Last night, I received anothe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Regretting my (F27) relationship with my dead best friend's brother (M29) POST: Please don't judge me for any of this. My closest friend passed away suddenly last year. We were like twins, her death really affected me and I was essentially a hermit for the first six months after her death. I was hugely depressed and completely changed as a person. It was at this point I started getting closer to her brother. It felt like he was the only person who understood my grief. Th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [29 /M] am being lied to by a girl [25/ F] I'm seeing. How do I confront her about this? POST: we have been seeing each other for about a month and it's not serious but we agreed from the get go that the exes would not come into it because of her and my bad experiences from the past. Things are ok between us but she went a bit weird and cold on me over the last weekend so I gave her space and she decided to come back which is fine. Except today I found out she is lying t
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by trying to stay up late and study. POST: Actually this was from last year but I have a lot of fuck ups from my freshmen year of college. Who doesn't? So it was my first quarter in college and I had an exam in my business law class which was at 8 am (I had no choice in taking the class). I decided to stay up late to study for it the night before. Usually staying up late isn't a problem for me because I take meds for ADD and that keeps me up pretty late by accident anyway. Thi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [M/24] am ready to start dating again after a toxic relationship, but I still have some insecurities ingrained in me. How do I get past these in order to develop a healthy relationship with someone else? POST: I've been single since August of 2014. In November 2013, I started dating my first and only girlfriend. Although the relationship did not last all that long, it had many ups and downs, and through it I developed many bad habits. I basically stayed with her because I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [20 M] girlfriend [20 F] came out to me last night. Need advice POST: Update from a previous post of mine. My idea of what was going on was right. Background:A few months ago my girlfriend of three years told me she was bisexual. She told me all of her life she has felt different and shes known she was different from everybody else. She was scared this would push me away but I understand that being bisexual doesn't mean you're not monogamous it means you have a larger p
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I can't tell if the girl I'm seeing [18F/22M] is dating somebody or not POST: So I meet this girl at school a couple weeks ago, we hang out, she comes over, we talk for a while, she tells me that she has just recently broken up with her boyfriend (they had been dating a while) because he was collecting pictures on his iphone of girls that he didn't know but lived in the same hall as him. While we're watching a movie, she gets a text and tells me that her ex-bf is standing o
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I think my boyfriend is hyper-critical, and I'm not sure what I can do about it at this point. POST: So my problem is that my boyfriend is extremely critical. I feel like I can't speak to him, offer my opinion, or show him anything without receiving all kinds of highly negative feedback. We've been together for over a year now, I'm 20, he's 23. I showed him some of my art recently, he gave me flak for the way I hadn't labeled some things. I showed him a website I made and
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: I [21M] want to get to know my recently windowed neighbor [50sF] but don't know how to see her. POST: Hello everyone I am a 21 year old male living at home with the parents for the summer until school starts. The other day I was getting ready for a dinner party when our neighbor (behind our house) rang our doorbell to talk to us about our fence (it was damaged in a storm, we are going to split the cost to fix it). The neighbor is an older woman, early 50s maybe late 40s, who I had
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [20 M] really into this girl [21 F] and spend time with her. But I'm really confused if she feels the same way. POST: I met Allison in my French class, got her phone number 3 weeks ago and we hit it off really really well. She went on a brief vacation when I first got her number and she texted me the whole time she was gone. We hung out the night she got back and I kissed her at the end of the night. The kiss went well, we exchanged a few texts afterward that seemed I m
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (F 23) met a guy (22) 2 months before a 4 month trip and had instant and intense chemistry. Now I'm back and the spark is gone! What can I do to salvage what we had? POST: My "boyfriend" and I first met 2 months before I left on a 4 month trip through Asia. Neither of us were looking for anything serious, but the chemistry between us was too much to ignore and we quickly began spending more and more time with each other. Our sex life was amazing and our ability to communi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend of 1.5 years talking to other girls on dating(?) website, not sure how to react. (F18) (M20) POST: Relationship for a year and a half. (F18)(M20) Last week I logged on my boyfriends computer (he knows I use it) and went to type into the search bar and a website came up, with messages: (girls name), there were a few of these. Clicked on them, read through and he's flirting with a bunch of girls. Told them he has a girlfriend but whilst I am on holiday for a few mo
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My friend has a teacher who has a very harsh ego problem, so to get back at him he recruited me to help him put this guy into his place by simply posing as a student and asking questions pertaining to the class. What is something you've done to put someone in their place non-violently? POST: Okay so a little back story my friend(he'll be Miguel for the remainder of the story) has recently started classes. He had an assignment due and when he tried to hand it in the professor im
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: COBRA and gaps in coverage. POST: I was laid off in early February, but just received a good job offer I'm accepting soon. The downside is that their benefits coverage doesn't kick in for 90 days after start date. I received my COBRA benefits package yesterday, so pretty decent timing, but now my severance is running low enough to the point I'll just have everything covered until my first new paycheck. So I'm hesitant to buy into the COBRA. I'm fine with the idea of floating with
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: Favorite Races in the Middle of USA POST: I was thinking a fun way to see some parts of the USA that we don't normally see would be to fly in to different cities for a race. So what are some fun races? Here are the stipulations my fiancé and I have laid.... 1. Southwest has to be able to fly nearby (think the eliminates the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana) 2. Can't be any state on the east or west coast, New England, Penn 3. The less "vacation" of a spot is the better 4. Race len
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How can I research a company? POST: I am currently in the middle of the interview process for a company called Centex Payments (they coordinate credit card payments for small businesses). Now, so far everything about the company seems almost too good to be true and in my experience, there is usually a reason for that. I have googled them, and found nothing negative (from former employees or applicants who've been scammed or just generally given a raw deal), but on the other end
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I have now inadvertently twice foiled my cats attempts at "gift giving". Is this going to ruin our relationship? POST: She was a porch cat who wormed her way into our lives a few weeks ago and is now a much loved member of the household. The first ruined attempt came when I caught her in the backyard with a still twitching bird in her mouth. Her yellow eyes were wide with surprise as though I had caught her wrapping a christmas gift. I left her alone feeling rather touched tha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [19 M] girlfriend [18 F] Shows very little understanding. POST: Sorry if this might get a bit long. My girlfriend and I have been together for 19 months now and our relationship have started to go down the hill. Out of the blue she doesn't want to have sex anymore, she isn't as attracted to me as she used to be but I'm trying to show as much empathy as possible. I don't complain about anything unless it really bothers me and then we talk about it to try and solve it .
SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: No new puzzle pieces for you! POST: This story revolves around the 3DS streetpass mechanic and the minigames you play with them. So my roommate is usually pretty easy to get along with, but recently he has decided that he needs our apartment to be about 6 degrees cooler than what we always have the thermostat set as. I have told him repeatedly that I get cold really easily (especially my hands, they are like ice cubes), but he insists on continually turning it down. At this
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21M] and 4 1/2 year GF [20F] Different views on life, need advice. POST: We have been dating since before university. She has always had issues with self esteem, anxiety issues, and getting along with other people, although she is (atleast in my book) a super smart, interesting, and beautiful person. She rode horses (jumps) until she had to get knee surgery 3 years ago and never could ride again and that weighs on her to this date. Fast foward to college, I applied to a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (29F) husband (28M) has a bad habit of always being "disrespected" by someone. What can I do? How can I help him out of this? POST: I've been married around six years now to a great guy, but he has this one minor character flaw that's driving me crazy as of late and I'm not sure what to do with him. He had some bad luck about two years ago and got stabbed in the back at his old job and it kind of became a big set back in his career. It wasn't his fault at all, but ever
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I have an issue and need some ideas. POST: So we moved to this house last May. Our neighbor has always parked their car right in front of our house. My husband and I have never said anything, but lately (started about a month ago) They started parking trailers, and all 4 of their cars in front of our house. They have a 3 car garage, they keep it completely clear and park in front of our house instead. When they parked their trailer in front of our house it blocked our view from
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Mutual Spark or Friend Zoned? (M17) POST: This is my first reddit post, so cut me some slack. About a month and a half ago I broke up with my girlfriend(F17) of about a year over a multitude of things. Since then, a. lady friend that I've had for years has been talking to me. Naturally, I've built some affection for her, but she sends mixed signals. We talk daily and she gets upset when she can't sit next to me in social situations, yet certain things she's said and done ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My ex [16 M] and I [16 F] broke up for a little over a month, still not over each other POST: My ex-boyfriend, "Peter", and I were together since we were in 13. Our relationship was always under the radar even among our friends so we could spend time alone together and so that our parents would never find out about our relationship. However, we broke up at the end of February because his mom was under the impression he had a girlfriend and he didn't want to break her trus
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: 24M in long distance relationship with 23F not sure i can do it anymore POST: So the short version is we met online and hit it off the first 3 months we skyped everyday and texted all the time. These last two months have had 3 major fights and one mini breakup. I dont know what to do. In terms of interests and understanding each other its 10/10 but lately its been bad. She has a mental illness and it can get bad but weve dealt with it before. Lately she has become mor
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [28M] ran out of tissues while jerking and used condoms instead. Don't know how to explain this to my [25F] girlfriend. POST: Ok I tried this in r/relationships but was immediately accused of cheating and then got banned. A lot of fuckin' help they were... This is gonna sound weird but hear me out. My girlfriend has been out of town for the last three weeks so naturally I have been jerking off a shitload. So much that I ran out of tissues last week. Sometimes when
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: i [23F] am having trouble bringing up the relationship discussion with the new guy [24M] i am seeing. help! POST: a month ago, i "met" the guy that i am talking to at a bar. after a few days of texting back and forth with him, we discovered that we actually knew each other about eight years ago. my younger brother attended the private high school where this guy went, and they played basketball together. in the last four weeks, we've been on probably 15 dates and have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (17F) best friend (17F) is becoming seemingly distant and is purposely not including me in events with our friends. POST: Some background info-- My best friend, lets call her Ali, and I have grown up together and became really close at around the age of 13. We look alike and share similar traits and are commonly mistaken as twins or sisters. In our relationship, she has always been pretty dependent on me and some would say I am a bit more mature than her. I am not sur
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [26/F] SO [28/M] tried to hook up with a girl from work and failed. POST: My SO and I have been together for seven months. A girl he works with sent me a screenshot of the texts he sent her late one night. They were pretty innocent-sounding, but definitely insinuated some infidelity. One read, "Come love on me." He was plastered that night from what his friend told me the next day. The most fucked up part actually? His friend sought me out to talk to me about how much
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (M23) girlfriend (F23) has gained alot of weight. Refuses to talk about it... POST: Been together for nearly 4 years now. She is gaining weight constantly. Its now at a point where im becoming resentful and losing interest sexually. I feel terrible to feel this way; especially when shes so amazing and everything i could want for in a partner. Ive mentioned it before and she gets defensive. Occasionally in arguements she will always throw it in my face that i apparently t
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: A lesson in Knee-jerk reactions POST: Well.. Yesterday, after the thread about taxes and the use of the [IRS Withholding Calculator] I decided to recalculate my situation to see where I stand. I'm a single guy with no kids currently claiming 2 allowances but I do claim the student loan interest deduction come return season. So, after claiming $2300 in interest paid last year, I figured this year would probably be about $2000 ish (in hindsight that seemed pretty high f
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [27F] have been lying to my husband [28M] about debt for years - want to fix, but don't know how. POST: Hubby (28M) and I (27F) have been together for ten years, married for 6. When I was 18, I did the stupid thing and got a credit card – problem was, my bank account was tied to my mom's, so my CC, being tied to my mom, gave me a very high limit. I discovered the "fun" of credit cards – buy it ALL now, pay for it in small payments each month. Soon, one credit card tu
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Thinking about another guy while in a relationship? Advice? POST: Hi, I'm a girl and i've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years now. We're both 20 years old, so we've been dating since high school. I am currently away at university and we are long-distance. However, in the summer I found myself being very attracted to and developing feelings for another person. Now, I still find myself thinking about this other guy. I haven't even talked to him since August
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Should (22 male) I consider breaking up with my girlfriend (21) because of long term incompatibility? POST: Im 22 male and my girlfriend is 21. We met last year at college and we were both seniors, we've been going out for 7 months. Things are going really well so far, we both love each other and I couldn't be happier, except for one thing. Im not sure if were compatible together long term. She see's herself living in a warm climate in the future, and I like it here in the
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (30M) want to improve my relationship with my parents (60M/F). How to deal with the topic of drugs? POST: Hello. I'm a 30 year old man who is trying to improve my relationship with my parents. We already have a healthy relationship and I feel I can talk with them about almost everything. The *only* taboo topic I don't know how to deal with is the topic of drugs. I have a very significant interest in psychedelics, to the point where I probably have 50 pounds of books on
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by developing feelings for a close friend's grilfriend. POST: So, I'm in my late 20's and a guy I've been best friends with since highschool moved a few hours away with his girlfriend... a few years down the line they're having problems. I haven't talked to either of them in a while so I was surprised when both of them started talking to me on facebook again individually. Later my friend confides that they're having a few problems, arguments and such, and she's already moved
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [M20] still have major feelings for my ex [F20] and I have no clue what to do POST: So a little backstory. I met this girl and she was the most beautiful and amazing girl I have ever met. We started dating back in August, and everything was going well until the first week of November. We had a fight over something I said, or rather lack of what I didn't say, which led to her and I taking a break because I had to work on some issues that I have since then fixed. Fast forw
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My gf (23F) is pretty much a bitch to everyone and cannot stop talking shit about everyone. (25M) POST: I've been in a relationship for almost a year with my gf (23F). The problem is, she cannot stop talking shit about people. ALL the time. She's become a total bitch, and all she does is shit talk about her family, friends, coworkers, strangers, homeless people, bad drivers, you name it. And since I'm her bf, I try to take her side (or there would be hell to pay)... I try
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: hi reddit im really depressed and i dont know what to do with my self anymore POST: so heres the deal. i have a physco mother who has gotten more crazy due to her findind out she has lupis and has really been annoying my whole family. anyways last friday i came home to my bed dissembled and my matress on the floor. i asked wtf happened and she said my room was to "dirty" becuase i left a top on the floor. i really cannot stand it there and i am moving out soon as soon as i can
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My mother, who has an irrational fear of mice, was just told by an Orkin guy that we have a "mouse problem." What are the odds this is BS? Full Story inside. POST: Basically, my mom is plagued by mental issues that cause her to suffer pretty intense anxiety about really minor things. A few weeks ago, one of my brothers foolishly mentioned to her that he saw a mouse in our garage, which I think is pretty normal. My whole family then left on a vacation without me, I couldn't a
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not knowing where Alaska was POST: So this particular event happened to me yesterday and I'm still recovering from the embarrassment. I want to start off by saying that I learned geography around grade 3. The said event took place in a women's clothing store while I was shopping for a winter coat. I was looking at the reflection of myself with the coat on in the mirror when I noticed another women weating a coat that I really liked. I asked her where she found the coat,
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Any advice for navigating with "shy" 33M? POST: Texting for a week with 33M that I (29F) met online. He's opened up to me and told me he was really shy from the very beginning. He initiates conversation, we talk about a variety of things - both curious in each other and seem to have an understanding for a lot of each other's views, opinions, and decisions. We have the same career and really value that aspect about one another. We've spent a good deal of time talking
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [28 F] and g/f (32 F) with my [9 month] duration relationship. I'm not ok with lesbian bed death POST: My girlfriend and I have sex maybe once a month. She's a chef and is always "too tired", or we are on our periods (I'm ok with period sex, at least in the shower, she is not), or one of us is upset (often me, because she rejects my sexual advances, I'm hurt and I cry and she "stonewalls" me and we spend the rest of the evening upset). There is always some reason that sh
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [18F] SO [17M] pays more attention to his phone than me. [9 months] POST: Side note: Keep in mind that 17 is age of consent where I'm from, in case people are concerned about that for some reason. So this kind of started a while ago, but it was never really a big deal until today. Before today, we'd be on the phone, usually at night, and whenever there was a gap in the conversation, I'd hear the sounds of a Game Grumps video in the background, probably on his phone. Wh
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I'm extremely tired and at work. The combo leaves me with this question. POST: What should I do? Anything. I'll do it. 23,000 times. But seriously. I work in a billing department and I don't think people understand me. Not because I have an accent or anything. They just don't understand. I'm not gonna say which company but I will say this: It's a **MAJOR** one. We only work with one state and it's not a very... educated one. I won't say which because I know not ALL peo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I [24 M] just being shallow for wanting my girlfriend [26 F] to look her best? POST: My girlfriend and I have been going out for 4 years (we've known each other for 9) and I noticed that she hasn't been making any effort to dress nicely, put on makeup and whatnot anymore. She used to do those things when we started going out but seems to have stopped caring the last year or so. For example, we recently went to a dinner party where she wore shorts and a t-shirt while ever
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17F] with my boyfriend [18 M] of almost 2 years, we've been doing distance for 6 months now, and things are starting to fall apart. Should we fix the relationship, or end it? POST: My boyfriend and I met in high school, (he's a year ahead of me in school) and dated all throughout his senior year (my junior year). He went off to college this past fall, and we decided to try and make the distance work (his school is far, about 9 hours driving one way). At first we made th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I (22M) am getting seriously mixed messages from a (21F) girl POST: I went on a date with this girl last week and we hit it off straight away. Turns out we went to the same primary school and had been living 10 minutes away from each other out whole lives. Date goes really well, she says that's she's having a great time, enjoys my company and thinks I'm really funny/good looking. We kiss for ages and she keeps saying she doesn't want to go home. Anyway we arrange
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Sometimes failure can be a motivator too POST: Hello /r/loseit. First time poster here (been lurking). I just wanted to share - for the first time since I can remember, I don't want to cry when I step on the scale. My best friend married in August, and I was asked to be a groomsman. I made a goal with myself when he proposed that I was going to lose 50 pounds by his wedding. I failed miserably and had gained 10. I was 260 pounds and the largest I had ever been in my life. I manage
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My sibling is upset that my wedding date is the same day as their birthday next summer. Am I an asshole for booking that date for the wedding, even though I knew it was their birthday? POST: Relationships with siblings are still relationships, right? My fiancée [24F] and I [29M] have been together 5 years and are getting married in a truly unique, beautiful and hard-to-nab location next summer, on a Saturday like we wanted during a month we knew we wanted... Which happens
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by giving my mom permission to donate my unused shoes POST: I actually only just realized what I'd done today, but the fuck up goes back a month ago on a typical day. My mom, sister and I are very close and rely on our group text message as I'm two hours from home at school and my sister lives in another state. It's not uncommon for me to check my phone during a break at work to find over 20 messages from the two of them alone (at least half are them harassing me for my absence
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [M,21]best friends [F,20] boyfriend cheated on her and she isn't returning my calls or texts POST: Back story: My best friend went through a terrible break up around September with her boyfriend of 2 years. We talked maybe once from then until Christmas time (she was depressed and in a terrible state) Around September, she met a (supposedly) great guy and they dated until about 2 weeks ago. He cheated on her and she promised to tell me everything later that night on the
SUBREDDIT: r/dogs TITLE: [Request Advice] Plan(s) for Leaving Dog During the Day POST: Wife and I have a pit-mix [4.5 mths]. I've read up on and taken advice from other experts, vets, Humane society Director (where we adopted) etc. I've a plan I would like to put to the group here for evaluation also, having absorbed the advice and opinions, to-date. Our pup is "crate-trained" in the traditional sense, as I understand it, but my wife and I both work and need to leave her at home alone during the day while