[ "Q:\n\nValueError: can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar for Numpy Select\n\nnewX and breaks are numpy ndarray of shape (24000L,) and (7L,) respectively. ", "newX is within range of (0,9). ", "yvals is a lookup table based on breaks segmented into 10000 (nsegs) samples called xvals(not used here). ", "\ndeltaX=(breaks[-1]-breaks[0])/nsegs\nxvals=[x+i*deltaX for i in range(nsegs+1)]\n\nBoth breaks and yvals are monotonically increasing. ", "Basically, I want yvals[0] to be returned when newX value is less than the breaks[0], and yvals[-1] when newX value is higher than breaks[-1]. ", "For other values I want it to generate an index for yvals corresponding to a point closest to xval (an example is shown below)\nWhen I do the following:\ncondlist=[newX<=breaks[0] , newX < breaks[-1] , newX >= breaks[-1]]\nchoicelist=[yvals[0] , yvals[((newX-breaks[0]))/deltax.astype(int).item()] , yvals[-1]]\nans = np.select(condlist,choicelist)\n\nI get the error in the choicelist line - \n\nValueError: can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar\n\nHow can I fix this?", "\n\nA:\n\nNo need for numpy.select here, your goal can be simply stated\nchoicelist = yVals[ix]\n\nwhere ix is an array of indices to be computed. ", "What I see is newX being transformed linearly, rounded to integers, and clipped so that indices do not go beyond the range 0...len(yVals)-1. ", "All this is expressed by \nix = np.clip(np.around((newX-breaks[0])/deltax).astype(int), 0, len(yVals)-1)\n\nwhere \n\nnp.around((newX-breaks[0])/deltax) rounds the result of computation to nearest integer. ", "Without the rounding .astype(int) would floor it, which is less desirable.", "\nnp.clip(..., 0, len(yVals)-1) clips the results so that all indices are valid.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "[Portasystemic shunt--our twenty years experience].", "\nIt was the aim of this study to demonstrate our experiences over twenty years with portasystemic shunt surgery in patients with chronic liver disease and variceal bleeding. ", "From January 1 st, 1980 to December 31 st, 2000 we performed 90 portasystemic shunt operations (PSO). ", "The patients were divided in two groups. ", "The patients of the first group were operated upon between 1980-1988 (n = 58), patients of the second group (n = 32) between 1988-1998. ", "Both groups did not differ in age, gender and cause of hepatic disease. ", "In the first group the most performed type of shunt was the portacaval shunt, in group II the splenorenal shunt. ", "We observed an improved early and late mortality rate, encephalopathy rate and reduction of recurrent variceal bleeding in the second group: the early mortality rate decreased from 16 to 9 % (p < 0.01), the late mortality rate from 35 to 6 % (p < 0.05), the encephalopathy rate from 43 to 12 % and the variceal rebleeding rate from 10 to 6 %. ", "Selective shunts, such as the distal splenorenal shunt are significantly superior to the standard (end-to-side or side-to-side) portasystemic shunt. ", "In countries where acute treatment of recurrent variceal hemorrhage with sclerotherapy is not available in remote areas or in countries where transplantation procedures are in the very beginning and where TIPPS operations are too expensive, portasystemic shunt operations are the only possibility to save the patients life when sclerotherapy fails." ]
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[ "“What happens to the child that needs his medicine on a day that the nurse is not there?” ", "queried Rabbi Avi Schnall in his testimony before the New Jersey State Assembly Budget Committee in Trenton on March 27th. “", "He is forced to stay home. ", "What happens to a child that has an allergic reaction on a day that the nurse is not there? ", "These are the scary realities which many of our schools deal with.”", "\n\nRabbi Schnall, Agudath Israel of America’s New Jersey director, emphasized the need to allocate additional funding for nursing services in nonpublic schools throughout the Garden State.", "\n\nThe latest budget introduced by Governor Phil Murphy includes a $97 per child allowance for nursing services. ", "That amount, the same as allocated last year, has left many schools unable to employ a full time registered nurse, creating significant problems for students who need medication during the school day.", "\n\nNew Jersey began allocating funding for nurses in nonpublic schools in 1991 at a rate of $60 per child. ", "Over the past 28 years, salaries have increased at a far greater pace than nonpublic school nursing allocations, leaving some schools only able to afford part-time nursing care. ", "State requirements that schools stock drugs including EpiPens and Narcan place a further financial burden on academic institutions.", "\n\nThe Agudah will continue advocating for New Jersey’s nonpublic school children in the coming weeks, asking the committee to increase funding to $125 per child. ", "Soon to be released action alerts will ask parents to contact their elected officials to request that more funds be allocated for nonpublic school nursing.", "\n\n“We are getting less value for our nursing funding now than when this first began nearly three decades ago,” said Rabbi Schnall. “", "No child should ever be told that they cannot come to school because they have an allergy and there is no nurse to care for them.”", "\n\n(AP)" ]
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[ "Something He Needs\n\nSummary: This is in response to the challenge set forth by SciNut to continue the conversation that was cut short at the end of \"Never Again.\" ", "It's written from Mulder's perspective. ", "Needless to say, it involves fourth season spoilers.----------\n\nF.B.I. Headquarters Thursday, February 6, 1997 8:15 a.m.\n\nMulder stared at his reflection in the mirror as he dried the water from his face and hands with several paper towels. ", "Drops of water still clung to the ends of his bangs, and he smoothed them back away from his face. ", "He was feeling so many emotions right now. ", "There was a part of him that had wanted to grab his partner by the arms, shake her like a rag doll and scream at her until she told him what the hell was going on. ", "There was a jealous part of him lurking just beneath his cavalier attitude that did more than just cringe at the thought of Scully being with another man. ", "The fact that the guy turned out to be homicidal as well....\n\nMulder leaned weakly against the tile wall next to the sink and closed his eyes, pained at the thought. ", "God, she could have been killed. ", "How many times does that make now? ", "A dozen or more? ", "He should never have let her go off on her own, not in the frame of mind she was in. ", "He knew something was wrong. ", "He *knew* it. ", "Ever since the Leonard Betts case, Scully had become quiet and withdrawn. ", "It had been a tough case, certainly one of the oddest. ", "But Mulder had seen his partner bounce back from worse. ", "Her being attacked by Donnie Pfaster seemed the most shattering. ", "She actually sought out counseling after that one. ", "She told him about it a year later when she was trying to talk him into seeing the same shrink after the infamous \"Gargoyles\" incident.", "\n\nBut this time was different. ", "There didn't seem to be any bouncing back in the program. ", "In truth, things seemed to be getting worse. ", "On their way back home from Pittsburgh that night, he could tell Scully was in a faraway place where he was not invited. ", "He asked a couple of times if she was all right and she answered him with, \"I'm fine, Mulder. ", "Just tired.\" ", "He felt that she simply needed time to wrestle with her own emotions and put the demons to bed herself. ", "He offered a reassuring squeeze of her hand and a tender smile that conveyed his willingness to be there for her. ", "She accepted both sedately at the time, but quickly turned inwardly after that, and that's where she's been ever since.", "\n\nHe had tried the nice approach in the beginning, nearly tiptoeing around her, speaking softly, offering a caring ear and keeping a free shoulder to cry on at the ready, but those tactics didn't work. ", "She withdrew even more. ", "So he tried the business as usual approach, pretending nothing was wrong, hoping that a new case might take her mind off her problems and spark her back to life. ", "He came up with something he felt was relatively simple. ", "Nothing that would put her life in danger, so he thought. ", "He had the wayward idea that if he dropped the whole case in her lap and took a few days vacation, that she would be too busy with work for self-absorption. ", "She would know how much this new alien sighting would mean to him and she would go out of her way to secure all the information he requested.", "\n\nHe glared up at the discolored ceiling panel and wondered how could someone with his intelligence come up with such a stupid plan? ", "He had been desperate. ", "He had been grasping at straws. ", "When he looked into those lost pools of aquamarine, he had the sinking feeling that he was losing her; that she had finally gotten enough of running behind him like a faithful puppy on a leash. ", "He thought by giving her some time alone, she might be able to get herself back on track. ", "How was he to know that she'd grab the first thing in pants that came along, or that she'd get herself a tattoo to mark the occasion?", "\n\nA *tattoo* of all things. ", "He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. ", "She briefly let him examine it as part of the investigation on Edward Jerse. ", "When she held opened the back of her hospital gown, he had thought he'd find something delicate like a tiny red rose or a butterfly. ", "What he found instead only further shocked and confused him. ", "After he got a look at her new symbol of individuality, she closed her gown again and with her eyes alone, dared him to pass judgment. ", "He didn't know what to say to her then, and he still didn't know now.", "\n\nHe began a slow pace from one end of the bathroom to the other. ", "He hadn't meant to be so snippy with her, this being her first day back to work. ", "He was more angry at himself for leaving her on her own when it was obvious that she was emotionally traumatized. ", "But he was angry at her as well for shutting him out of her life. ", "He was angry at her for turning to a total stranger for comforting when she had him ready and waiting. ", "Didn't she know that? ", "Didn't she know that she was the most important person in his life?", "\n\nPerhaps not. ", "He had never told her so, although he had come uncomfortably close to telling her not ten minutes ago back in the office. ", "He'd almost said the words after she told him that this was *her* life, as if her actions or her mere existence didn't affect him deeply. ", "He almost blurted out that her life wasn't just *her* life, but that it was *his* life too. ", "He stopped himself before all the words had been formed, unsure why he felt the need to hold his tongue and shield his true feelings about his partner. ", "He saw the expectant look in her eyes, waiting for him to complete the sentence he had begun. ", "And he had almost done it. ", "Almost. ", "But his own inadequacies and insecurities leapt to the forefront and he chickened out, pure and simple. ", "After a moment of unbearable silence, he quickly excused himself from her presence and bolted for the men's room.", "\n\nHe had to go back now. ", "He had to face her, to try to come to some understanding once and for all. ", "It wasn't healthy letting this wall continue to build between them. ", "If she wanted out, wanted to get away from him and his basement office with no desk for her, so be it. ", "He wouldn't stand in her way. ", "He'd let her know that there were no hard feelings, that he would still be her friend and he'd always be just a phone call away.", "\n\nMulder stood in front of the mirror once more and straightened his tie. ", "He smoothed back a wayward lock of hair and told himself that he was ready for anything. ", "He stepped out of the men's room and walked briskly down the hall back to his office. ", "With his hand on the doorknob, he paused a few seconds to take in a couple of deep, preparatory breaths. ", "Finally, he threw open the door and strolled casually inside.", "\n\n\"Good, you're still here,\" he said upon seeing Scully pretending to read the file he had left on his desk.", "\n\nShe shrugged lazily. \"", "Where would I go?\"", "\n\n\"I don't know. ", "The local tattoo parlor maybe?\" ", "Dammit, he was doing it again. ", "He rebuked himself silently as he stopped in his tracks two feet away from the desk. \"", "I'm sorry,\" he apologized. \"", "My humor indicator has been seriously out of whack lately.\"", "\n\nWith an almost imperceptible nod of her head, she seemed to acknowledge his apology. ", "Mulder abandoned the thought of sitting behind his desk again. ", "Instead, he chose the chair that was adjacent to Scully. ", "Before sitting down, he reached beneath her chair and turned it and her to face him. ", "He sat down directly in front of her, and sandwiched her right hand between both of his.", "\n\n\"Talk to me, Scully. ", "Tell me what's wrong.\"", "\n\nShe shook her head pathetically. \"", "Mulder... I've just got a lot of things on my mind. ", "I appreciate your concern, but there's really nothing that you can do to help.\"", "\n\n\"I can listen. ", "I know I don't display that particular skill very often, but give me shot, okay? ", "I bet I'll surprise you.\"", "\n\nHe waited a moment, but his partner remained silent, seemingly mesmerized by his hands encasing hers.", "\n\n\"Scully, if you don't think you can handle working the X-File cases anymore, I'll understand. ", "If you want to leave this crummy basement office and everything that goes with it to go out and get yourself a life, I... I won't stand in your way.\"", "\n\nShe laughed. ", "Not a comical, feel good laugh, but an anguished chuckle that was only an eyelash away from tears.", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Mulder questioned.", "\n\n\"I'd *love* to get a life, Mulder,\" she told him quietly. \"", "Preferably someone else's. ", "But this is the one I've been dealt. ", "My life can fit in the back corner of your office, in the outline of your shadow... in a file folder. ", "What does it matter?\"", "\n\nMulder searched her eyes for some kind of insight into her thoughts but she had put up a shield against such an intrusion. ", "She was focused inwardly now, her body inches away from him, but her mind in a distant land. '", "Please, Scully,' his brain was screaming out, 'tell me what it is so I can help you.'", "\n\nHe glanced about at their surroundings. ", "The posters, books, photographs, newspaper clippings, souvenirs, toys and whatnots all belonged to him. ", "Four years and Scully had never staked claim to any area in the room and personalized it for herself. ", "A flowery coffee mug with her name on it was her only contribution to the cluttered chaos. ", "Another desk *could* be added if he got rid of some of the useless junk he'd collected over the years. ", "Adding her name on the door would be a nice gesture too. ", "Why hadn't he thought of it before? \"", "What does it matter?\" ", "Her final words loomed loudly in his ears.", "\n\nNo, it wasn't the job, he decided, nor the lack of personal space that was affecting her. ", "The only thing he knew for sure now was that she wasn't simply going to tell him what was wrong. ", "She was waiting for him to figure it out on his own. ", "The problem was that he was too close to her. ", "He couldn't see the forest for all the trees in his line of view. ", "He stared down towards the floor, noticing his right, black loafer dwarfing her left, navy pump. ", "In his mind, he took a step back, thinking of Scully as an impartial file case; a tough, unflappable woman who became noticeably unnerved after subduing a murderer. ", "Granted, Leonard Betts wasn't your average felon, and at the time of his demise -- hopefully his last -- he looked like he had just stepped out of an acid bath. ", "He wasn't necessarily an evil man, merely an individual desperate to survive, and the only way he could survive....\n\nMulder's breath caught in his throat as a new theory to Scully's depression suddenly bolted to the surface. ", "His head jerked upwards as he looked at her. ", "She caught the movement and sat there in a nearly calm state watching him as the little hamster was spinning out of control in his brain.", "\n\n\"Scully... Leonard Betts... did... the reason he attacked you... was it because... you have something he needed?", "\n\nHer eyes closed slowly in relief as if a great burden had just been lifted from her shoulders. ", "Moisture flowed from beneath her lids and trailed down her cheeks.", "\n\n\"Oh, God, Scully, why the hell didn't you tell me?\"", "\n\nShe used her free hand to wipe away the tears, and sniffled as she offered him a smug reply. \"", "That's why they put the \"I\" in FBI, isn't it?\"", "\n\n\"How... how bad is it?\"", "\n\n\"I still have to undergo some more tests. ", "But... I'm already showing symptoms.\"", "\n\nScully shrugged and shook her head. \"", "I wanted to wait until I knew for sure.\"", "\n\nMulder silently dropped to one knee as he moved to embrace her. ", "Her arms slid easily about his torso and her cheek rested wearily upon his shoulder. ", "He squeezed his eyes shut to keep droplets from escaping, managing some degree of success. ", "He knew that the threat of her developing cancer had remained in the back of her mind ever since she met that group of MUFON women in Allentown. ", "They had all been abducted at one time, all had implants placed in the back of their necks, and one by one had become ill. ", "Mulder had wanted to ignore all the similarities between those women and his Scully, because there was only one final conclusion to draw in the end, and he flatly refused to even consider that deathly possibility.", "\n\n\"I'm so afraid, Mulder,\" she whimpered in his ear.", "\n\nHe drew her in tighter and whispered back. \"", "Don't be. ", "We're going to beat this, Scully. ", "We're going to beat it.\" ", "He held her close for a few moments more until her sobs faded and her breathing leveled out. ", "Gradually, he pulled away but didn't stray too far.", "\n\nScully drew in a deep, settling breath, then sat up a little straighter in her chair. ", "As she looked at her partner kneeling before her and holding her left hand, a tiny smile played across her lips. \"", "If you've got a diamond ring in your pocket, Mulder, this could be love.\"", "\n\nMulder was momentarily confused by the comment until he became aware of his Prince Charming-like pose. ", "He pulled his hands away from hers to search through all his pockets. ", "His face lit up blissfully when he came across something in the roomy pocket of his trousers. ", "He grasped her left hand with his right as he prepared to present her with what he had found.", "\n\n\"Must be fate. ", "Scully, would you... like an \"Elvis in Las Vegas\" nail clipper?\"", "\n\nHe placed it in her opened palm and watched as the tiny smile stretched and grew wider.", "\n\nMulder raised up from the floor and slid back into the chair across from her. ", "Leaning forward, his voice returned to a more serious tone. \"", "I want to go with you when you go for your tests,\" he told her.", "\n\n\"That's not necessary,\" she replied, shaking her head lightly.", "\n\n\"I *want* to be there for you, Scully. ", "I don't want you going through this alone.\"", "\n\n\"I uh... I have an appointment tomorrow at ten-thirty for a M.R.I. brain scan.\"", "\n\nShe saw an ocean of fear flicker across his face, but for her benefit, he kept his verbal apprehensions to himself. \"", "Would you like to take today off?\"", "\n\n\"No, I'm... I'm feeling better now. ", "I'd rather work.\"", "\n\nMulder had no intentions of trying further to talk her into leaving. ", "He wanted her where he could keep an eye on her. ", "He gave her one reassuring pat on the shoulder as he stood up and headed back for his chair behind the desk. ", "This time when she picked up the file folder for their new case, she actually showed some interest in it. '", "Please let her be all right,' he sent out a silent prayer to any divine entity with the power to answer it." ]
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[ "It was\nfunny how things can change depending on your surroundings. ", "When\naround their classmates and opulent members of their society,\nwho attend festive events to soak in each other's wealth and\nbrown-nose anyone who had the potential of becoming a beneficial\nasset, they put their walls up. ", "They watched the foolishly vivacious\ngroup below them, cringing at the raucous of false-chuckles\nfilling the room. ", "It was always fake. ", "A façade all aristocrats\nput up, including themselves. ", "When they were introduced to young\nwealthy girls, the two pasted charming grins on and greeted the women\naccordingly. ", "When the aforementioned girl would attempt to get to\nknow either of them, they would disclose nothing. ", "The girl had\nalready been repudiated. ", "She never stood a chance. ", "No one did.", "\nThey always played malicious mind games to push the unworthy\naway, leaving them again in their own world, just the way they liked\nit.", "\n\nIn their world, every\nwall came down, no masks, no acts. ", "There was nothing they could hide\nfrom each other when they were alone. ", "It was their own private haven.", "\n\nUnable to bear the\nparty and its guests any longer, the older boy nudged the other.", "\n\n\"Hikaru?\" ", "the\nyounger blinked up at him in question.", "\n\n\"Let's go outside,\nyeah? ", "This place is so boring, it might rub off on us.\" ", "He said\nwith a light grin, reaching for Kaoru's hand in a perfunctory\nmanner, despite anyone who would see. ", "Hikaru prudently lead to\nthe exit of the manor, Kaoru having no choice but to follow, not that\nhe would have gone with another option anyway.", "\n\nThe sounds of\naristocracy began to fade into nothing as they made their way to the\ngardens, the moment making Kaoru's heart race, getting a thrill out\nof the thought that they were running like fugitives to a place of\nacceptance. ", "Kaoru subconsciously tightened his hold on Hikaru's\nhand, sending a short jolt of electricity up his arms and a swarm of\nbutterflies to his stomach.", "\n\nThey soon reached a\nlarge fountain, and after looking it over, decided it was a valid\nspot for them to be themselves. ", "Hikaru sat on the edge of the\nfountain, Kaoru shortly following, settling next to him and resting\nhis head on the older boy's shoulder. ", "Hikaru reached for Kaoru's\nhand and linked their fingers, sitting in silence. ", "The younger boy\nallowed a ghost of a smile to grace his features, comfortable in\ntheir bubble of peace.", "\n\n\"Kaoru..?\"", "\n\n\"Hmm?\" ", "the\naforementioned boy looked up in question at his best friend.", "\n\n\"Mom has started\ntalking to me about marriage…\" he said quietly, looking back into\nhazel, almost golden, eyes. ", "Kaoru nodded, the smile from before\ncovered a small amount of contrition.", "\n\n\"Yeah…me too. ", "She\nwants me to marry into a family that'll benefit us. ", "I don't think\nshe's found one yet though.\" ", "He replied solemnly. ", "Hikaru's grip\ntightened on Kaoru's hand, a daunted look crossing his face.", "\n\n\"Kaoru, what if…\"\nhe began, but couldn't continue. ", "He instead looked away from the\nface before him in vulnerability, his hand shaking a bit in fear\nwhile clasping the other boy's.", "\n\nKaoru shook his head,\nalready knowing what his companion wanted to ask, running his thumb\nover the back of Hikaru's hand in a placating manner.", "\n\n\"We can't worry\nabout that right now. ", "When we started all this we knew that was going\nto happen eventually, didn't we?\"", "\n\n\"Well, that's crap\nif you ask me!\" ", "Hikaru spat, suddenly standing up and clenching his\nfist.", "\n\n\"Hika—\"\n\n\"Kaoru, why can't\nyou and I be together?\" ", "he said capriciously, already aware\nof the answer. ", "Kaoru looked at him, smiling sadly at the older boy.", "\n\n\"Because…our love\nstyle isn't acceptable.\"", "\n\nHikaru's eyes widened\nin shock, as if this was the first time this information had been\ndisclosed to him. ", "His face softened as he approached Kaoru, cupping\nhis face with both hands and looking into those amazing golden eyes.", "\n\n\"…But that isn't\nfair..\"\n\n\"Life isn't fair.", "\nThat's just the way things go.\" ", "Kaoru replied in a gentle\nhalf-whisper, leaning into the warmth emitted by Hikaru's hand,\nplacing his own hand over it. ", "Hikaru leaned forward, brushing his\nlips against Kaoru's in a chaste kiss. ", "He just couldn't\nunderstand it. ", "Why were they forbidden? ", "Why is it that the one person\nwho could read him like an open book and understand everything he did\nwasn't allowed to love him? ", "Because they were too much alike\nphysically? ", "Who decided what kind of love was acceptable or not? ", "Who—\n\n\"HIKARU!!\"", "\n\nThe two boys suddenly\npulled apart, jumping back from each other. ", "Hikaru looked for the\nsource of the voice, sighing in relief to find that his mother had\ncalled from further away, unable to see the boys' exchange from her\nposition.", "\n\n\"You should go.\"", "\nKaoru stated, looking away from the person he had just been showing\naffection to. ", "Hikaru nodded.", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "Catch you\nlater?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "See you\"\nKaoru waved slightly, watching as his most important person trotted\nover to his mother. ", "And so their time together was over, he thought\nto himself, brushing a finger across his lips. ", "It was always like\nthat. ", "A fleeting, ephemeral moment in time for the two of\nthem. ", "He couldn't complain. ", "Those moments were to be cherished, for\nthey were lucky to have any in a world where you are always being\nwatched by nosy aristocrats.", "\n\n\"Hikaru! ", "There you\nare. ", "Come, there's this young lady I want you to meet. ", "She's the\ndaughter of…\"\n\nEnd.", "\n\nThe author would like to thank you for your continued support. ", "Your review has been posted." ]
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[ "Subcellular distribution of calmodulin and calmodulin-binding sites in Tetrahymena pyriformis.", "\nThe subcellular distribution of calmodulin and particulate calmodulin-binding activity was studied in a eukaryotic protozoan, Tetrahymena pyriformis NT-1. ", "The particulate calmodulin-binding activity was found to be localized principally in microsomes and to some extent in cilia and surface membranes called pellicles. ", "Nearly all (93%) of the total amount of calmodulin was recovered in two soluble compartments, the ciliary and postmicrosomal supernatant fractions." ]
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[ "Etymosphaerion\n\nEtymosphaerion unicolor is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae, the only species in the genus Etymosphaerion.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Elaphidiini" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nView/undo a Hg commit?", "\n\nHow do I view commits that are about to be pushed?", "\nI'd made a local commit. ", "Pull a change. ", "And no it requires a merge.", "\nI prefer not to merge and would like to undo the commit,\nPull,\nUpdate changes,\nThen commit again.", "\n\nHow do I do it since rollback only undo the last command which is pull?", "\n\nA:\n\nThat's really the way Mercurial works, and you shouldnt fight it in the name of a straight linear history, but there are tools that can edit history. ", " Enable the rebase extension and just run hg rebase after your pull. ", "It will move your local commit to the tip automatically in the simple case you described.", "\n\nA:\n\nHow do I view commits that are about to be pushed?", "\n\nUse hg outgoing. ", "That shows what hg push would have sent to the server. ", "The opposite command is hg incoming, which shows what hg pull would have retrieved.", "\n\nI'd made a local commit. ", "Pull a change. ", "And no it requires a merge. ", "I prefer not to merge and would like to undo the commit, Pull, Update changes, Then commit again.", "\n\nLike Mark says, you're looking for the rebase extension. ", "Enable it with\n[extensions]\nrebase =\n\nin your config file and then run\n$ hg pull\n$ hg rebase\n\nto move your local work (this can be multiple changesets, not just a single as in your work around!) ", "on top of the changesets you just pulled down.", "\n\nHow do I do it since rollback only undo the last command which is pull?", "\n\nPlease don't use hg rollback as a general undo mechanism. ", "It's a low-level command that should not be used as much as it is, especially not by new users. ", "The rollback command removes the last transaction from the repository — a transaction in Mercurial is typically the last changeset you made or the last changesets (plural) you pulled into the repository.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a receiving apparatus and method for a Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) system. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to a receiving apparatus and method for an SC-FDMA system, whereby a multi-path channel is converted into a single path channel, channel compensation is performed in a frequency domain, and a received symbol is processed in a time domain.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nA technique for reducing a Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) and ensuring orthogonality between users has recently emerged as an important issue for improving performance in uplink communication. ", "An Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) scheme is widely used but has a demerit in that the PAPR is high. ", "In general, the PAPR is problematic when one user uses multiple carriers or multiple codes as in the case of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) scheme. ", "Therefore, in terms of PAPR performance, a method of using a single carrier is preferred. ", "A Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) scheme is a prominent single carrier scheme discussed in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).", "\nFIG. ", "1A illustrates a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) receiver in a conventional SC-FDMA system.", "\nThe receiver of FIG. ", "1A includes an N-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor 100, a channel estimator 102, a linear MIMO detector 104, a plurality of Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) units 106-1 to 106-L, and a Forward Error Correction (FEC) decoder 108.", "\nThe N-FFT processor 100 converts a Radio Frequency (RF) signal received through at least one Receive (Rx) antenna into a baseband signal and converts the baseband signal into a frequency-domain signal by performing an FFT operation.", "\nThe channel estimator 102 de-maps respective data symbol signals from subcarriers, wherein the data symbol signals are converted into frequency-domain signals by the FFT unit 100 and estimates respective channels by using pilot signals from among the output signals.", "\nThe linear MIMO detector 104 compensates for the data symbol signals de-mapped from the subcarriers in a frequency domain by using respective channel estimation values estimated by the channel estimator 102. ", "Then, the linear MIMO detector 104 divides the resultant signals into L MIMO layers (e.g., corresponding to the number of flows transmitted from a transmitter) and outputs the signals to the respective IDFT units 106-1 to 106-L. An IDFT size of the IDFT unit 106 varies according to an amount of a resource allocated to each user. ", "The linear MIMO detector 104 may use a Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) scheme.", "\nThe IDFT units 106-1 to 106-L perform an IDFT operation on signals which are output for respective layers separated by the linear MIMO detector 104, and generate soft-out values for decoding.", "\nThe FEC decoder 108 decodes the soft-out values received from the IDFT units 106-1 to 106-L and performs error correction on decoded information bits.", "\nAs described above, when MIMO detection is performed, the linear MIMO receiver can separate the MIMO layers and can generate the soft-out value for decoding by using only a MIMO channel matrix irrespective of a Transmit (Tx) symbol vector. ", "Therefore, in a manner similar to the OFDMA system, the SC-FDMA system also compensates for a channel for each subcarrier in the frequency domain and separates the MIMO layers, and thereafter generates the soft-out values by performing an IDFT operation. ", "However, when the linear MIMO receiver is used in the SC-FDMA system, unlike in the OFDMA system, a Tx signal vector of the frequency domain is first separated and is then subjected to the IDFT operation to generate soft-out values for a Tx symbol vector of a time domain.", "\nMeanwhile, the performance of the linear MIMO receiver is basically inferior to that of a non-linear MIMO receiver. ", "To overcome this problem, a Maximum-Likelihood (ML)-based non-linear MIMO receiver providing excellent performance can be considered for use in the SC-FDMA system.", "\nFIG. ", "1B illustrates a conventional ML-based nonlinear MIMO receiver.", "\nThe receiver of FIG. ", "1B includes an N-FFT processor 101, a channel estimator 102, a plurality of IDFT units 103-1 to 103-NR, an ML MIMO detector 105, and an FEC decoder 107. ", "The N-FFT processor 101, the channel estimator 102, and the FEC decoder 107 are the same as the N-FFT processor 100, the channel estimator 102, and the FEC decoder 108 described in FIG. ", "1A, and thus detailed explanations thereof will be omitted.", "\nThe N-FFT processor 101 converts an RF signal received through at least one Rx antenna into a baseband signal and converts the baseband signal into a frequency-domain signal by performing an FFT operation.", "\nThe IDFT units 103-1 to 103-NR perform an IDFT operation on signals which have undergone the FFT operation and thus convert the signals into time-domain signals. ", "The time-domain signals are output to the ML MIMO detector 105. ", "An IDFT size (i.e., NIDFT) of the IDFT unit 103 varies according to an amount of a resource allocated to each user.", "\nThe channel estimator 102 de-maps respective data symbol signals from subcarriers, wherein the data symbol signals are converted into frequency-domain signals by the FFT unit 101. ", "Then, the channel estimator 102 estimates respective channels by using pilot signals from among the output signals.", "\nUnlike the linear MIMO detector 104 of FIG. ", "1A, the ML MIMO detector 105 determines an ML criterion by using a candidate Tx symbol vector and a channel matrix estimated by the channel estimator 102. ", "The ML criterion for ML-based MIMO reception in the frequency domain of the SF-FDMA system can be expressed by Equation (1) below.", "\n S ^ k = min S k ⁢  R k - H k ⁢ S k  2 = min S 0 , … ⁢ , S N DFT - 1 ⁢  R k - H k ⁢ { ∑ n = 0 N DFT - 1 ⁢ s n ⁢ exp ⁡ ( - j ⁢ 2 ⁢ ⁢ π ⁢ ⁢ nk N DFT ) }  2 [ Eqn . ", " ⁢ 1 ] \nIn Equation (1), Rk denotes an Rx signal vector, Hk denotes a channel matrix, Sk denotes a candidate Tx symbol vector in the frequency domain, NDFT denotes a DFT size, sn denotes a candidate Tx symbol vector in the time domain and k denotes a subcarrier index.", "\nThe FEC decoder 107 decodes soft-out values provided from the ML MIMO detector 105 and performs error correction on the decoded information bits.", "\nReferring to Equation (1) above, in the frequency domain of the SC-FDMA system, the ML criterion has to be determined not for a candidate Tx symbol vector but for a DFT-converted candidate Tx signal vector. ", "Therefore, if the number of Tx streams is equal to the number of Tx antennas and if the same modulation scheme is used in which a size of a signal constellation point is |C|, a computational amount is increased by (|C|Nr)NDFT to obtain a size of a candidate signal vector. ", "In the conventional ML-based MIMO receiver, the candidate signal vector of an OFDMA system has a size of (|C|Nr). ", "In comparison thereto, the candidate signal vector of the SC-FDMA system has a size that increases exponentially with NDFT with respect to complexity of the conventional ML-based MIMO receiver. ", "Disadvantageously, the ML-based MIMO receiver cannot be implemented in practice in the frequency domain of the SC-FDMA system.", "\nIn contrast, when ML-based MIMO reception is achieved in the time domain, the ML criterion for ML-based MIMO reception can be expressed by Equation (2) below.", "\n s ^ n = min s n | s n - d i r , t ⁢  r n - [ ∑ t = 1 N T ⁢ ∑ i = 0 P 1 , t - 1 ⁢ h i 1 , t ⁢ s n - d i 1 , t ⁢ ⁢ … ⁢ ⁢ ∑ t = 1 N T ⁢ ∑ i = 0 P N R , t - 1 ⁢ h i N R , t ⁢ s n - d i N R , t ] T  2 ⁢ [ Eqn . ", " ⁢ 2 ] \nIn Equation (2), rn denotes an nth sample Rx signal vector in the time domain, Sn−dir,t denotes a symbol transmitted through a Tx antenna ‘t’ prior to dir,t samples, Pr,t denotes the number of resolvable multiple paths between the Tx antenna ‘t’ and an Rx antenna ‘r’, hir,t denotes a channel coefficient of an ith path, Ts denotes a sample period, and dir,t denotes a sample unit delay of the ith path.", "\nWhen the ML-based MIMO reception is achieved in the time domain, a delay profile of a multi-path channel may vary depending on a pair of Tx/Rx antennas. ", "Eventually, a 2-dimensional space-time domain equalizer is necessary to compensate for the multi-path channel. ", "Thus, a size of a candidate symbol vector of a current sample decreases to |C|NT. ", "However, since candidate symbol vectors are required for up to\n N s = ∑ r = 1 N s ⁢ ∑ t = 1 N r ⁢ P r , t samples detected previously according to the delay profile of the multi-path channel when the ML criterion is determined, there is a shortcoming in that complexity still increases by (|C|NT)NS. ", "To compensate for such a shortcoming, the ML criterion is determined by limiting the candidate symbol vectors only for W samples existing near the current sample without having to consider all symbols in association with the multi-path delay profile.", "\nIn FIG. ", "1B, the linear MIMO reception scheme is still used to separate signals of multiple users, and the ML reception scheme is additionally considered for the purpose of removing Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) in the time domain. ", "In this case, a MIMO reception performance may still deteriorate since influence on all multiple paths are not considered. ", "A size of a candidate symbol vector required to determine an ML function is (|C|NT)2W+1. ", "Thus, complexity increases exponentially with 2W+1 with respect to |C|NT.", "\nAs described above, when the ML-based MIMO detection is performed in the SC-FDMA system, a candidate Tx symbol vector increases exponentially with a length of IDFT in the frequency domain and a computational amount of an ML criterion increases exponentially with a total sum of multiple paths in the time domain, resulting in difficult implementation." ]
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[ "Shop by Price\n\nPopular Wall Decals\n\nMusical Notes Wall Decals\n\nWhat better way to express your love of music than with our beautifully designed wall decal art? ", "Music wall decals placed in the piano room (or corner) seem to make you hear the music even when the instruments are quiet! ", "Stay \"in tune\" with your guitarist musicians in the family and decorate their space with music note wall decals -- perhaps our Guitar Music Bar Wall Decal on one wall, then paired with a \"born to rock\" wall quote decal on the other wall. ", "Since the music wall decals are customized to your size and color specifications, our sturdy vinyl, easy-to-place, easy-to-remove wall decal art expressions can enhance a small space or a whole wall!", "\n\nSet off a mirror, sliding glass door, or window with a treble clef wall decal or Music Heart Wall Decal -- get creative and dance to the beat inspired by our music wall decals!", "\n\nMusic Bar 2 Wall Decal\n\n$27.00\n\nCompare\n\nMusic Bar Guitar Wall Decal\n\n$29.00\n\nCompare\n\nMusic Bar Wall Decal\n\n$24.00\n\nCompare\n\nMusic Heart Wall Decal\n\n$18.00\n\nCompare\n\nOde to Joy Music Bar Wall Decal\n\n$29.00\n\nCompare\n\nTreble Clef Wall Decal\n\n$16.00\n\nCompare\n\nMusic Monkey Wall Decal\n\n$39.00\n\nCompare\n\nIf you are a music artist or enjoy listening to your iPod or MP3 player, then it is likely that it extends in other areas of your life too. ", "For example, you may have a keychain of small drums or a book that talks about nuances of sound. ", "You can extend your passion for the same by transforming your house into a hub of musical notes. ", "This can be done by applying music note wall decals.", "\n\nMusic wall decals are a great way to express your love for the notes of guitar or piano. ", "You can place it in your musical equipment room, to provide an ambience of impromptu jamming or spending time for creating new tunes. ", "You can also keep it as a statement piece in your bedroom or living room, instead of expensive paintings.", "\n\nThe best part about these wall stickers is that you can always change them over the time, and it will not affect your walls one bit. ", "You can also place them on the windows or glass dividers. ", "Applying and maintaining them is easy too as they are not permanent like paint, but look just as real. ", "Read further to learn of a few music decals for walls that can rock your house.", "\n\nInstrumentsIf you are a musician then this would interest you quite a bit as it involves your favorite instrument. ", "Place a guitar wall decal right in front of your bed or above your dining area for that grand look. ", "Or simply place turn tables and drums near the kitchen or music room and see the effect it provides.", "\n\nNotesMusic note symbols are the best way to show your fervor for the arts. ", "If you are just a music lover then this would work perfectly for you too. ", "In fact, it even shows your taste for the classical or basic elements of music.", "\n\nQuotesKeep quotes or images of your favorite musicians on the walls, and have a chance to admire them and remember their work everytime you enter your home.", "\n\nAt Decalmywall.com we have a whole list of stickers for music lovers. ", "Keep browsing to know more." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAsynchronous return of function in jqgrid\n\nFirst of all sorry for my english,\nI am working with jqgrid. ", "I have a table for manage clients. ", "When I want to add a new client I have an ajax validation in beforeSubmit event to check if client exists on a external system. ", "The first parameter of this function is a boolean (if true, execution of adding a client continues, if false it stops) \nbeforeSubmit: function(postdata, formid) {\n\n var form = formid[0];\n var hostId = $.trim(form.", "HOSTID.value);\n var document = $.trim(form.", "DOCUMENT.value);\n var idMurex = $.trim(form.", "IDMUREX.value);\n\n var success;\n\n processClientData(hostId, document, idMurex).done(function() {\n\n alert('OK');\n success = true;\n\n }).fail(function() {\n\n alert('KO');\n success = false;\n\n });\n\n return[success, '']; \n\n},\n\nThe ajax function returns if client exists or not. ", "If client exists it shows a confirmation dialog for continue or not depending if user is agree with the client information. ", "If client doesn´t exist it show an alert dialog showing an error message.", "\nfunction processClientData(hostId, document, idMurex) {\n\n var def = $.Deferred();\n\n //SERVER RESPONSE IF EXISTS CLIENT\n $.post('/watt/cambio_titularidad', { \n oper: 'datos_cliente', \n hostId: hostId,\n document: document,\n idMurex: idMurex\n },\n function(response){\n\n //CLIENT EXISTS (SHOW CONFIRMATION DIALOG WITH CLIENT INFO)\n if (response.success == true) {\n $(\"#dialog_info_tablas\").dialog({ \n title: \"CLIENT EXISTS\",\n modal: true,\n buttons: {\n \"Ok\": function() {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n def.resolve();\n }\n \"Cancel\": function() {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n def.reject();\n }\n }\n });\n\n //CLIENT DOESN´T EXIST (SHOW ALERT DIALOG WITH ERROR MESSAGE)\n } else {\n $(\"#dialog_info_tablas\").dialog({ \n title: \"CLIENT NOT EXISTS\",\n modal: true,\n buttons: {\n \"Ok\": function() {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n def.reject();\n }\n }\n });\n } \n }, \n \"json\")\n\n return def.promise();\n } \n\nI use Deferred object to try to synchronize ajax call. ", "\nThe issue is that return statement is executed before var success has a correct value. ", "I don´t know how to make it synchronous, I need to delay the return until user click on dialog buttons, thus to continue adding client or not. ", "I tried to put the return statements inside done and fail functions but it didn´t work neither\nCan anyone help me??", "\nThanks in advance\n\nA:\n\nI would suggest you to use error handling inside of form submitting instead of additional server side validation implemented inside of beforeSubmit. ", "The callback beforeSubmit should be better used for client side validations.", "\nIf the submit any data to the server during editing the Ajax request will be sent to the server. ", "The server can validate the input data and return error message. ", "It's important to place any HTTP error code in the server response in the case. ", "You can use errorTextFormat callback of form editing to customize the error message displayed for the user based on the error response returned from the server.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "New Zealand's 1-7 Day Group Itineraries\n\nChoose from a range of 3-7 day New Zealand Group Tour itineraries that will quench your need for a seamlessly organized, premiere travel experience. ", "Itineraries range from high adrenalin adventure to maximum relaxation...\n\nView As\n\nWant the best of elements of North Island mountain-biking and skiing or snow boarding, packing it into 5 days? ", "Two days riding New Zealand's best mountain-bike trails and two days skiing / riding and a day of optional adventure activities in Taupo – this will get your blood pumping. ", "You also have the chance to either ride Craters of the Moon, walk the Tongariro Crossing or skydive/bungy in Taupo.", "\n\nGet amongst some of the finest mountain biking that New Zealand’s North Island has to offer. ", "From the white-knuckle downhills of Rotorua and perfectly flowing single-tracks of Taupo, to the most scenic of backcountry epics near Ohakune, this tour will leave you breathless in more ways than one." ]
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[ "WKSR (AM)\n\nWKSR (1420 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a classic hits format, Licensed to Pulaski, Tennessee, United States, the station is currently owned by Roger Wright through licensee Radio 7 Media, LLC, and features programming from Citadel Media.", "\n\nThe Rocky 1420 branding was replaced by Oldies 1420 KSR as of spring 2010. ", "On March 1, 2018, the station switched from a country music format to classic hits and adopted the branding \"Classic KSR\".", "\n\nPrevious logo\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Classic hits radio stations in the United States\nKSR (AM)\nCategory:Giles County, Tennessee" ]
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[ "Intralysosomal hydrolysis of cholesterol esters of varying fatty acid composition in cultured human skin fibroblasts.", "\nIntralysosomal accumulation of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol ester was achieved during incubation of cultured human skin fibroblasts in the presence of chloroquine and the subsequent hydrolysis of the cholesterol ester was studied after removal of chloroquine. ", "The fall in the ratio of cholesterol linoleate to cholesterol oleate during recovery from chloroquine inhibition suggested preferential hydrolysis of cholesterol linoleate. ", "To verify this assumption, low density lipoprotein (labeled with [3H] cholesterol linoleate, oleate, palmitate or stearate) was sequestered in the lysosomes as described above. ", "The rate of hydrolysis of the different cholesterol esters was determined 24 and 48 h after removal of chloroquine from the medium and was found to be similar for the four cholesterol esters studied. ", "These findings indicate that enrichment in cholesterol oleate in atheromatous lesions does not result from preferential hydrolysis of intralysosomal cholesterol linoleate, but rather could be due to preferential utilization of oleic acid for the esterification in the cytoplasm of free cholesterol released from the lysosomal compartment." ]
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[ "play stop mute unmute max volume repeat\n\n[F4A] Thinking Out Loud [Teasing] [Rambling] [Hold the fap] [Creamy, shaven pussy] [Nipple play] [Beg for me] [Begging] [Pegging] [Futa] [Purring] [Some Tarkgrowls] [A land of a million \"fuck\"s] [Impreg mentions]\n\nRambling and teasing myself while teasing you by talking about what I want this month of No-Fap November." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReorder within a group\n\nI have the following table containing data about how each group solves problems:\nPROB | GROUP | REPNO | STATUS\n-----+---------+-------+-------\n 1 | Juniors | 0 |\n 1 | Seniors | 1 |\n 1 | Juniors | 2 |\n 1 | Experts | 3 | SOLVED\n 2 | Juniors | 0 |\n 2 | Seniors | 1 | SOLVED\n\nColumn PROB defines problems that groups were solving, column GROUP defines which group was working on this prob, column REPNO defines the number of solving repetition (repeated tries until it was finally solved, 0 means first try, no repetition yet), and final column STATUS defines whether task was solved in that particular try. ", "Here I can make distribution how work was efficiently solved in each repetition by ALL GROUPS (SELECT ... GROUP BY repno).", "\nBut I want to show how efficiently probs were solvved by each particular group (distribution per group's own repetition order). ", "For example, PROB 1 was tried 2 times by group Juniors, and once by group Seniors and was not solved, and finally solved by group Experts in their first try.", "\nSo I need to make recalculation of repetition for each particular group:\nPROB | GROUP | REPNO | REPNO_J | REPNO_S | REPNO_E | STATUS\n-----+---------+-------+---------+---------+---------+-------\n 1 | Juniors | 0 | 0 | | |\n 1 | Seniors | 1 | | 0 | | \n 1 | Juniors | 2 | 1 | | | \n 1 | Experts | 3 | | | 0 | SOLVED <-- experts solved in first try\n 2 | Juniors | 0 | 0 | | |\n 2 | Seniors | 1 | | 0 | | SOLVED <-- seniors solved in first try\n\nHow to make this recalculation?", "\n\nA:\n\nUSE RANK() SQL FIDDLE\nselect \n PROB, \n GROUP1, \n REPNO,\n DECODE(GROUP1,'Juniors', rank() over (partition by prob, group1 order by repno) - 1) as REPNO_J,\n DECODE(GROUP1,'Seniors', rank() over (partition by prob, group1 order by repno) - 1) as REPNO_S,\n DECODE(GROUP1,'Experts', rank() over (partition by prob, group1 order by repno) - 1) as REPNO_E,\n STATUS\nfrom mytable\norder by prob,repno\n\n" ]
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[ "Historically, Berkshire shares have sold modestly below intrinsic business value. ", "With the price there, purchasers could be certain (as long as they did not experience a widening of this discount) that their personal investment experience would at least equal the financial experience of the business. ", "But recently the discount has disappeared, and occasionally a modest premium has prevailed.", "\n\nThe elimination of the discount means that Berkshire's market value increased even faster than business value (which, itself, grew at a pleasing pace). ", "That was good news for any owner holding while that move took place, but it is bad news for the new or prospective owner. ", "If the financial experience of new owners of Berkshire is merely to match the future financial experience of the company, any premium of market value over intrinsic business value that they pay must be maintained.", "\n\nManagement cannot determine market prices, although it can, by its disclosures and policies, encourage rational behavior by market participants. ", "My own preference, as perhaps you'd guess, is for a market price that consistently approximates business value. ", "Given that relationship, all owners prosper precisely as the business prospers during their period of ownership. ", "Wild swings in market prices far above and below business value do not change the final gains for owners in aggregate; in the end, investor gains must equal business gains. ", "But long periods of substantial undervaluation and/or overvaluation will cause the gains of the business to be inequitably distributed among various owners, with the investment result of any given owner largely depending upon how lucky, shrewd, or foolish he happens to be.", "\n\nOver the long term there has been a more consistent relationship between Berkshire's market value and business value than has existed for any other publicly-traded equity with which I am familiar. ", "This is a tribute to you. ", "Because you have been rational, interested, and investment-oriented, the market price for Berkshire stock has almost always been sensible. ", "This unusual result has been achieved by a shareholder group with unusual demographics: virtually all of our shareholders are individuals, not institutions. ", "No other public company our size can claim the same.", "\n\nYou might think that institutions, with their large staffs of highly-paid and experienced investment professionals, would be a force for stability and reason in financial markets. ", "They are not: stocks heavily owned and constantly monitored by institutions have often been among the most inappropriately valued. - ", "Warren Buffett\n\nSome stocks, more than others, obviously tend to attract what John Bogle calls \"rent-a-stock\" oriented speculators instead of long-term owners. ", "All other things being equal, a stock predominantly held by renters will swing far above and below approximate business value more often than a stock dominated by investment-oriented owners.", "\n\nConsider the shareholder demographics of a company like Pepsi (PEP) to that of Salesforce.com (CRM). ", "Which of those two companies would you bet is going to have a larger speculative premium or discount to intrinsic business value at any point in time?*", "\n\nThe fact that the average holding period of stocks is now measured in months instead of years just means the swings above and below business value are likely to be larger than ever." ]
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[ "Creatine is a nutritional supplement that is used for its potential performance enhancing (ergogenic) benefits. ", "It constitutes an important component of the immediate energy system, by which ATP is regenerated during ..." ]
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[ "Gypsy Nash\n\nGypsy Nash (previously Smith) is a fictional character from the Australian Channel Seven soap opera Home and Away, played by Kimberley Cooper. ", "She debuted on-screen during the episode airing on 18 February 1998. ", "Gypsy and her on-screen family the Nashes were introduced to fill the void of Debra Lawrance's departure as Pippa Ross, to form the main family at the caravan park home, often described as \"the centre of Summer Bay\". ", "Cooper quit the serial in 2001 and last appeared on 15 February 2002. ", "Cooper has won two awards for her portrayal of Gypsy and is often referred to as a \"sex symbol\" of the serial. ", "In June 2011, it was announced that Cooper had reprised her role as Gypsy. ", "She returned on 9 September 2011 and departed on 13 October 2011.", "\n\nCharacter creation and casting\nIn 1997, after Debra Lawrance quit her role as Pippa Ross producers decided to introduce a new family to run the caravan park, because the household was seen as the \"centrepiece of the show\". ", "They created the Nash family consisting of Gypsy played by Cooper, sibling Tom (Graeme Squires) and their parents Natalie and Joel Nash played by Angelica la Bozzetta and David Woodley respectively. ", "The family come to Summer Bay from Hong Kong to start a new life.", "\n\nCooper later spoke fondly of the serial, stating: \"I never look at Home and Away and cringe [...] Unapologetically it's good TV for the time that it is made in.\" ", "In 2009 executive producer Cameron Welsh stated he would love to see Cooper return as Gypsy. ", "In 2010, Zac Drayson who plays Cooper's on-screen husband Will Smith revealed that Cooper wanted to return alongside him, but could not commit to filming because of her wedding commitments.", "\n\nIn June 2011, it was announced that Cooper had reprised her role as Gypsy and had returned to filming in May. Cooper confirmed that Gypsy's return would be \"dramatic, in true Gypsy style\". ", "Gypsy returned with her daughter Lily in September 2011.", "\n\nStorylines\nGypsy arrives in Summer Bay, her father's old home town, with her father Joel, mother Natalie and older brother Tom. ", "She is not used to the quieter pace of life in the bay and prefers the busy environment of a city, having grown up in Hong Kong. ", "While Rollerblading, Gypsy falls down and is helped up by Travis Nash (Nic Testoni), who Joel reveals to be her uncle. ", "She soon learns that Joel and Travis had not spoken since Joel left town after their father, Jack (John Grant), her grandfather behaved inappropriately towards Natalie. ", "Both branches of the Nashes soon reconcile. ", "Vinnie Patterson (Ryan Kwanten) takes an interest in Gypsy but she rebuffs him after learning he is involved with Justine Welles (Bree Desborough). ", "Will Smith catches Gypsy's eye and she purchases dope in order to impress him but the plan backfires when Joel and Travis find in the fridge and Gypsy reports the dealer, Lillian Reynolds (Nitya Gehl) to the school. ", "Gypsy, Justine and Tiegan Brook (Sally Marrett) form a band called the Broken Dolls, managed by Vinnie. ", "After their first performance at a school dance, Gypsy and Will sneak off to a classroom to spend time together and end up trapped in the school for the night. ", "Joel is furious when he finds out and tries to split them up. ", "However, after Joel begins to approve of Will, Gypsy loses interest. ", "They later reunite but split again after Will treats the matter of intimacy casually. ", "Gypsy briefly dates Sam Marshall (Ryan Clark) but does not see him other than a friend.", "\n\nGypsy then begins seeing her tutor Robert Perez (Tony Poli). ", "Nobody is aware that Robert is actually David D'Angelo, a criminal who Joel had imprisoned fifteen years earlier. ", "He kidnaps Gypsy and forces her to record a message, which is sent to the family. ", "Gypsy sneaks in a clue to her location and is rescued. ", "David then sets fire to the house nearly killing the family. ", "Travis saves Gypsy and David is finally arrested. ", "The Nashes move in with Travis and his wife Rebecca (Belinda Emmett) and Gypsy befriends their foster children, Justine and Peta Janossi (Aleetza Wood). ", "Gypsy and Will remain close despite not dating and Gypsy starts seeing Jesse McGregor (Ben Unwin). ", "The age difference worries a few people but her parents cautiously approve. ", "Gypsy, however, soon finds the relationship dull as Jesse is a single father. ", "She meets a man online and agrees to meet him at the surf club only to discover that her secret admirer is Tom, who in turn had no idea he was talking to Gypsy, much to their mutual horror. ", "Mitch McColl (Cameron Welsh) arrives and he and Gypsy date for a while but she backs off when he realises Hayley Smith (Bec Cartwright) likes him. ", "Gypsy later sleeps with Mitch and it causes friction with Hayley and their other friends.", "\n\nWhen Tom takes Alf Stewart's (Ray Meagher) boat out for a rich kid's party, he asks Gypsy to help out. ", "She soon takes a liking to the birthday boy, Charlie Nicholas (Toby Schmitz), and starts dating him, even though she is still seeing Will. ", "She quickly realises Charlie had a drink problem but enjoyed the party lifestyle too much. ", "Gypsy soon sobers up when she discovers Natalie has been an affair with an old friend, Glen Tanner (Craig Elliot), and he is the father of her unborn child. ", "Immediately afterwards, Charlie's drinking involves the pair in a car accident resulting in Charlie's death and Gypsy receiving serious injuries. ", "Gypsy then bonds with Natalie, who like herself is, vilified for an affair and is upset when she and Tom leave the Bay, leaving Gypsy alone with Joel.", "\n\nKieran Fletcher (Spencer McLaren), Sally's fiancé makes advances towards Gypysy and taunts her by saying no-one will believe her. ", "Gypsy remains silent until halfway through the wedding when she announces what has been going on. ", "Hayley and Colleen Smart (Lyn Collingwood) confirm this and Sally jilts Kieran. ", "Joel and Gypsy move back into Joel's old family home with Vinnie. ", "Gypsy then takes a job at the local Drop-in-center and forms a close bond with boss Shelley Sutherland (Paula Forrest) but things are made uncomfortable by the fact that her daughter, Dani (Tammin Sursok) is seeing Will. ", "Gypsy begins seeing Harry Reynolds (Justin Melvey). ", "Charlie's ex, Kirsten (Christa Nicola) makes a hoax call to Gypsy telling her Harry is dead and is arrested as a result. ", "Gypsy and Harry's relationship crumbles when she finds out he still has feeling for Shauna. ", "Gypsy finds herself developing romantic feelings for Shelley. ", "She then goes out with Desiree Upton (Simone Robertson) and shares a kiss and realises she is not a lesbian.", "\n\nGypsy later sleeps with Will and she soon falls pregnant and lies about the baby's paternity but Sally and Tom soon realise the truth. ", "Will eventually realises he is the father and Gypsy considers leaving town but eventually accepts Will has a right to choose to be involved. ", "They reunite after Will and Dani break up and Gypsy moves in with him. ", "She gives birth to a daughter, Lily by the roadside with Will supporting her. ", "Will proposes and Gypsy accepts. ", "After accepting a job in Queensland near Gypsy's family, they have a symbolic wedding ceremony as a marriage license will not be available for four weeks. ", "They later marry legally in Queensland. ", "They later adopt Jesse's Daughter, Rachel (Sarah Mumcu).", "\n\nWhen Will returns to the Bay in 2010, he reveals he had cheated on Gypsy and they have separated. ", "Gypsy returns the following year in 2011 to see Irene, following her breast cancer diagnosis. ", "Gypsy and Lily (Charlie Rose Maclennan) move in with Irene, Bianca Scott (Lisa Gormley) and April Scott (Rhiannon Fish). ", "Gypsy tells Irene she is dating a man named Mark Gilmour (Shane Emmett), but he and Lily do not get on well. ", "Gypsy tries to help care for Irene and she gets on Bianca's nerves. ", "Gypsy is attracted to Liam Murphy (Axle Whitehead) and she organises a gig for him at the restaurant. ", "Mark comes to visit Gypsy and he and Lily clash. ", "Mark later suggests sending Lily to boarding school, but Gypsy disagrees with the idea. ", "She later has sex with Liam on the beach, but they are interrupted by Bianca. ", "Lily tells Mark and he and Gypsy break up. ", "Irene tells Gypsy to leave and she and Lily pack up and go home.", "\n\nReception\nAt the 41st Logie Awards Cooper won the \"Most Popular New Female Talent\" award for her portrayal of Gypsy, she was the first ever recipient of the award. ", "Gypsy's kidnapping was nominated for \"Most Dramatic Storyline\" at the 1999 Inside Soap Awards. ", "The following year, Cooper won an award in the \"Best Aussie actress\" category.", "\n\nIn 2002, Chris Middendorp of The Age said Gypsy was a \"schoolgirl tart\" who dominated the 2000 season of Home and Away as \"she explored romantic opportunity in all the wrong places - rich playboys, schoolboys, older men. ", "She finally embraced true love with young Will, one of her first boyfriends.\" ", "Soap opera reporting website Holy Soap included Gypsy on their list of \"Sexiest Home and Away girls ever\" list. ", "They also brand her most memorable moments as \"being kidnapped and having a baby with Will Smith\". ", "The Courier-Mail include Cooper on their list of sexiest ever Home and Away characters. ", "In his book Super Aussie Soaps, author Andrew Mercado criticised the Nash family because of their Hong Kong origin, stating: \"Was Summer Bay finally turning multicultural and getting an Asian family? ", "Fat Chance. ", "They were middle-class Causasians just like everyone else in the Bay (and Neighbours''' Ramsay Street).\"", "\n\nJon Horsley of Yahoo! ", "was happy that Gypsy was returning to the serial and said \"It’s always nice to have a nostalgic favourite return.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nCharacter profile at the Official Home and Away'' website\n\nCategory:Home and Away characters\nCategory:Television characters introduced in 1998\nCategory:Fictional waiting staff\nCategory:Female characters in television" ]
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[ "I didn’t think it would really work, or that it would last, but damned if it didn’t on both counts. ", "I brought it along, showed it off to my siblings that we were camping with, and my brother asked to use it. ", "Zap, ZAP, it worked. ", "The kids all had to try it. ", "My brother even touched it with his finger only to prove that two AA batteries really make a difference and are strong enough to zap your bare fingers too. ", "He teased and was teased to try it with his tongue, gross (bug guts). ", "The thing with an electric fly zapper is that the object of your annoyance, a flying insect just has to touch those wires while you are pressing down on the button that activates it and ZAP, they are fried! ", "The thing people don’t realize is that you don’t have to swat it like the old-fashioned ones, merely wave it and hope to hit the bug, even marginally will put it down and then you can swat it, ZAP and actually put it out of its misery. ", "You don’t have to bang it on the table or whatever is in the way, you can (and they have) broken the handle because of the things they hit instead of the bugs. ", "After a while I had to replace the batteries, but it took years to have to replace the first and then the second fly zapper from over-zealous children.", "\n\nLast year I was in a store and saw one, these are relatively cheap, for $5. ", "Since they are usually around $7 or various prices (my research shows) I bought one. ", "I’d thrown out the last one, god knows when. ", "I didn’t open it for months from its plastic packaging. ", "It just sat there, looking all shiny.", "\n\nWell, recently I was invaded. ", "I don’t know if they are gnats or fruit flies and I don’t know why except it’s that time of year. ", "I don’t leave out fruit or food, and my garbage is covered so why were they so prevalent? ", "I don’t have pets or a cat pan to attract them either. ", "It was just annoying when they would buzz around my head or straight at me and up my nose. ", "Especially when I’m writing! ", "I knew they had to go! ", "They seemed attracted to my screen on my laptop but I wasn’t swatting at that! ", "So, I unpackaged the shiny new fly zapper and put in two AA batteries.", "\n\nNow, I’m not saying I’m obsessive or anything but, that night, I went hunting. ", "Hitting one of those buggers (pun intended) mid-flight is so satisfying. ", "The ZAP, ZAP really does something for you when you hear it. ", "The sight of an electric charge crackling out like lightening is pretty cool too. ", "Occasionally I got two with one swipe! ", "I swear, that night, I got at least eighteen of them. ", "I knew there had to be more and carried that swatter around even after the hunt. ", "I set up a trap by putting a bucket in the middle of the room that seemed to have the most (for reasons unknown) and they were not in my plants either (for those of you that would suggest they were laying eggs or something-gross). ", "In this bucket I put a banana peel. ", "It worked. ", "Those little guys flocked to it and I must have gotten five of them by holding the zapper over the bucket and shaking it back and forth as they flew out of the bucket and directly into my screen.", "\n\nWhen my girlfriend phoned the next morning, after a night of very little sleep between hunting and work, I said in an Elmer Fudd voice, “Be berry berry qwiet, we are huntin’ bugs!” ", "I don’t think she was awake enough to appreciate my sense of humor.", "\n\nOne day while I was typing away on the computer, out of the corner of my eye I kept seeing one land on my Christmas cactus. ", "Did you know that those fronds will set off the charge too, it was neat! ", "Also, it will kill the ends of plants like spider plants if you zap them into the screen.", "\n\nI’m not proud that I had bugs (gross), but I got rid of them in a funny way. ", "Occasionally I’ll still see one fly by, I think they get through the mosquito screens and are looking for food or something this time of year, but when I do, I bring out my bug zapper! ", "Btw, purely for educational purposes, I researched this and there is a rechargeable version!", "\n\nIf you want more interesting stories than this one, read my books! ", "You can find them by clicking on the artwork below:\n\nI enjoyed ‘Vetted’ so much as it was a well written story of two interesting and strong women. ", "Alyssa had a miserable life with family members who ignored her opinions and expected her to follow the pattern of so many other girls her age and class. ", "She has an interest in animals but has […]\n\nI have a confession…I am a secret Trekkie. ", "No, I don’t go around wearing pointy ears or talking Klingon. ", "No, I have never been to any of the comic-con’s or conventions where you dress up as your favorite character(s). ", "No, I am not a furry either (gross). ", "I have, however, been a fan since the 1970’s of the original Star Trek show, with all of its overly dramatic, overly acted, kitschy kind of ambiance. ", "I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see The Star Trek Movie come out back on December 6, 1979. ", "It was one of the few things my father and I had in common that we could share, our love of Star Trek, and later our love of Star Wars. ", "Okay, okay, I know there are those who think you shouldn’t mix the two and I’ve committed heresy by mentioning them in the same sentence, however, they all have their good points.", "\n\nI am also a cinephilia, before you all get excited about that word, it means: A person with a passionate interest in cinema is called a cinephile, cinemaphile, or, informally, a moviebuff. ", "I do collect movies and have the complete, original, tv series on VHS. ", "I also collect other movies, including GalaxyQuest, Terminator, ET (of COURSE!), ", "The Martian, The Arrival, The Abyss, Signs, and a host of other quaint and not-so-well-known science fiction movies. ", "I collect a lot of other movies as well, I love romance (no surprise there), but westerns (and I mean REAL ones with John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart, Maureen O’Hara, Katherine Hepburn, and other great actors), as well as quirky and out of circulation movies. ", "I have in my collection over 1000 movies, and, as this picture shows you, quite a display of them. ", "Since I took this picture, I have run out of room on these shelves for all my movies, even turning them sideways. ", "About one-third of them now are DVD’s.", "\n\nI never thought I could write a science fiction story. ", "I mean, I write romance. ", "I write murder-mystery. ", "I write action-adventure. ", "I usually write a lot of drama within those genre’s. ", "In 2011, I started a science fiction novel, I thought it would be a novella, but no, there was more to that story than even I anticipated. ", "It would plague me for years as I watched the movies, again and again. ", "Recently I decided to finish it. ", "I won’t tell you what I named it, or even show you the cover I made back then, because, it would defeat the purpose of this blog, and predispose you to the point of the contest. ", "After publishing many Prudence MacLeod novels for Shadoe Publishing, it made me realize, that yes, I CAN write a science-fiction novel, with lesbian characters, and I can make the story believable…thank you Pru for the inspiration!", "\n\nAnd, that’s what we get to now. ", "The point of the contest is your HELP in NAMING my science-fiction debut novel. ", "I have the meat of the story. ", "I have the two lovers who fall in love in space. ", "I have the drama. ", "I even have my synopsis, which reads: While hiking the mountains and deserts of Arizona with her best friend, D.O.G., Ryley Graham hears a whirring noise. ", "Thinking he has cornered a rattlesnake, she rushes to protect him only to be blinded by a light seemingly coming from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously.", "\n\nWaking up 510 years later, she is confused by the technology and ‘people’ that surround her. ", "Skeptical when she is informed she is aboard a spaceship that explores wormholes, it takes a great deal of effort to finally convince her she isn’t in a government-owned facility and isn’t part of some huge experiment or conspiracy.", "\n\nAdjusting to the odd lifeforms that coexist on the ship, Ryley begins to accept that she can never go back to Earth 2015, and begins to contribute her own unique knowledge and skills to their survival. ", "As Ryley makes new friends, one of them begins to stand out….", "\n\nMercédès is half human and half android. ", "She is struggling to understand her human side and the odd feelings she is developing for this Earthwoman.", "\n\nLearning about love, and learning to love will be a huge challenge as Ryley and Mercédès begin to forge a future. ", "What impact will it have when they discover the real reason Ryley was taken in the first place?", "\n\nNow, I need YOUR help in NAMING the book! ", "I have found the artwork that will help me when we are ready to go with this book in say 6-8 weeks, but…I thought I’d ask for help from the readers of fan-fiction who happen to enjoy science-fiction.", "\n\nThe winner of my last contest, Mercedes Lewis (first name only and full inflections of her name) got named in this book, so, I offer not only the possibility of the winner of NAMING this new book a chance to be named in my next book, but, I will send a paperback copy of THIS book ANYWHERE in the world (this world only, all other worlds, galaxies, and planets are excluded from this contest and if you ARE entering from any other worlds, galaxies, and planets please let me know so we can have another conversation, possibly a book deal), and, if you know anything about shipping a book out of this country, that gets expensive…so, put on your thinking caps and come up with a name for my yet, as unnamed, novel and you get to have a signed copy!", "\n\nSomething I would like to mention is yes, one of the main characters Mercédès is half human and half android. ", "No, don’t think Data from The Next Generation or even Seven of Nine from Voyager and certainly not Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator, think Vanessa Williams with machine parts in her beautiful body. (", "If you don’t know who Vanessa Williams is, um, what planet are you from?) ", "With THAT in your fertile imaginations, please help me to get a title for my yet as unnamed novel!", "\n\nThis is how it works:\n\n1) you go to MY blog and SIGN UP (it’s okay if you’re already a follower, you can qualify by signing up with the other participating blogs).", "\n\n2) you go to the other blogs where you read this and SIGN UP (it’s okay if you’re already a follower, we won’t use our stun guns on you). ", "Please, if you aren’t followers of these other blogs, sign up anyway!", "\n\n3) you put in your two-cents about what YOU think the book should be named, based on the synopsis as well as what you would like to see on this cover. (", "Don’t worry, we won’t be reading your minds, you have to type out a response for us to consider). ", "Just COMMENT in the comment section at the bottom of my blog!", "\n\n4) Winner will be informed on the blog, all over social media, and, be named in my next book by being named a character (first name, or both…no financial compensation in any galaxy will be forthcoming for this honor).", "\n\n5) Here is the cover for your inspiration:\n\nGood luck!", "\n\n~K’Anne\n\n]]>https://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/10/03/contest-name-that-book/feed/13kannemeinelMy Living Room9eeb1f10132195f3c7ee1e2e24f93f39--gifted-students-first-day-of-schoolScreen-Shot-2016-12-23-at-9.02.09-AM11956562 - man and machineTaking a Kneehttps://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/26/taking-a-knee/\nhttps://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/26/taking-a-knee/#respondTue, 26 Sep 2017 07:55:20 +0000http://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/26/taking-a-knee/Mary Griggs: Sunday’s football games were eagerly anticipated by just as many people who don’t give a rat’s ass for the sport as by those who were fanatics. ", "All across the nation (and especially in the White House), people’s heads were exploding over what football players were doing (or not doing) during…]]>\n\nIt is NOT about disrespect to our anthem. ", "It IS about respectful protest…don’t let people, especially those in our White House, confuse you or the issues. ", "They are attempting slight of hand and if you fall for it, you may miss the important stuff…\n\nSunday’s football games were eagerly anticipated by just as many people who don’t give a rat’s ass for the sport as by those who were fanatics. ", "All across the nation (and especially in the White House), people’s heads were exploding over what football players were doing (or not doing) during the national anthem. ", "These are the same folks, mind you, who just a few short months ago were going completely insane over the removal of monuments dedicated to people who fought a war to destroy our country.", "\n\nLet me begin by making one thing clear: I am an army brat. ", "I am from a family with a long and proud history of service in the military. ", "I was raised on bases where everything, including traffic, stopped each night when the flag came down. ", "I was taught respect for our nation’s flag and the proper etiquette on handling it – and…\n\nMy writing buddy Niamh Murphy is here today! ", "I’m wiggling in my seat as I type this introduction. ", "Niamh is super cool. ", "She penned a lesfic novel about pirates. ", "You can’t get much cooler than that, can you? ", "Her novel Escape to Pirate Island is one of the novels discounted for the Fall in Love…\n\n]]>https://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/22/why-write-lesfic/feed/0kannemeinelPIRATE WENCHES open callhttps://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/pirate-wenches-open-call/\nhttps://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/pirate-wenches-open-call/#respondFri, 15 Sep 2017 16:00:49 +0000http://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/?p=4087]]>]]>https://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/pirate-wenches-open-call/feed/0kannemeinelWanted Pirate WenchesBestselling Bookhttps://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/bestselling-book/\nhttps://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/bestselling-book/#respondWed, 13 Sep 2017 19:57:38 +0000http://kannemeinel.wordpress.com/?p=4068]]>There is a big difference from being an author to being a bestselling author. ", "Whether you do it full-time or part-time, whether you are an indie or with a publishing house, being able to call yourself a bestselling author increases your credibility. ", "But, what does it take to become a bestselling author?", "\n\nWell, that actually depends on many factors. ", "The New York Times is the most famous of these lists. ", "There are others of course including Publishers Weekly, The Boston Globe, USA Today, The LA Times, The Wall Street Journal, and even WalMart.com. ", "Some of the most important nowadays in the e-market are Amazon and Barnes & Noble.", "\n\nUsing myself as an example, some of my books have been on the Top 100 Amazon Bestselling Lesbian Fiction List for weeks on end. ", "Some, have even made it to #1 many times or remained in the top five for a while! ", "Many of my books have been in the top 300 for ever it seems. ", "However, I have to point out that Lesbian Fiction (Lesfic) is a small market and frequently Amazon throws in gay fiction which really should have a separate listing of its own (that’s a blog for another time). ", "A few of my books in recent years, I didn’t even put into Lesfic because they are good stories, everyone already knows I write Lesfic, and I wanted to see how they would do in the overall Amazon ranks. ", "They did phenomenally well. ", "Doctored and Veil of Silence blew my mind last year with their releases back to back. ", "They are both still selling well. ", "This year, Vetted is proving to be a best-seller. ", "It has never been listed a Lesfic novel, I put it into Action-Adventure and Romance…get this, in the hundreds of thousands of books that it had to compete with, it got down to the low 40’s and STAYED in that area for three SOLID weeks! ", "That’s incredible.", "\n\nWhat does this mean? ", "It means that my books, due to the rankings that fluctuate hourly (thank goodness it’s a digital age), only 39 or so books sold more copies than mine did at any given time. ", "This, competing throughout Amazon and the hundreds of thousands in those specific rankings.", "\n\nThe New York Times bestseller list is different. ", "Not better or worse, just different. ", "They do not release exactly how these books get on the list and my own research has shown some of it is by trickery, bribery, and the big five publishers. ", "I don’t think my little lesfic publishing group will ever get one of my Lesbian Fiction books onto this anointed and prestigious list…ever. ", "That’s okay, I know I’m writing good fiction. ", "I know I’m writing stories that fans will want to read over and over again…and share. ", "They will stand the test of time. ", "Also, the New York Times list counts on ratings, based on orders to brick-and-mortar stores. ", "If your books aren’t in these, chances are you won’t get noticed. ", "With the downsizing of these stores, and the homophobia that still exists in major chains, the chances decline even further. ", "One clever entrepreneur (I use that term loosely, they were con-artists if you want the real term) managed to trick the list by placing a series of orders for their book to stores that didn’t exist, calling to see if they were available, and jacking up the system…only to cancel the order a day or so later…the numbers were already reported and their book sailed up the list. ", "Apparently, the New York Times list only counts the sales, not the canceled orders or returns.", "\n\nIn my research I came across this gem:\n\nClick on the picture above for the rest of the article for more information.", "\n\nAnother difference that I am aware of is that the New York Times list is for paperbacks and they compile these lists weekly. ", "Because of its electronic system, Amazon’s list is hourly. ", "So, being on Amazon’s bestselling list is actually better! ", "It means you are SELLING more books! ", "Who doesn’t want to make MORE money this way? ", "Yes, being mentioned in the New York Times with millions of readers will get you more sales and especially more prestige over time, you are, after all, building a name…but, in the end, making money is really what it comes down to. ", "While being lauded as a New York Times bestselling author will garner you attention and I think it’s wonderful to be able to say that, there are other lists, there are other factors, and again, it comes down to money.", "\n\nAs the publishing world changes, and let’s face it, whether you love Amazon or B&N or a bajillion other outlets (mine are available on almost all of these), the e-book has changed the way we authors and publishers do business. ", "I am sad to see bookstores closing, I really am. ", "I still remember standing in the middle of a Barnes & Noble in San Luis Obispo, California and just BREATHING in the atmosphere. ", "I hope that libraries stay open and applaud the fact that they lend books that are e-books now too.", "\n\nAnother thing that I found as I researched for this blog is that literary agents, publishers, and others when looking for the next ‘rock star’ of the literary world are now sitting up and taking notice of those independent publishers and authors, and finding those ‘bestselling’ authors this way. ", "They want a piece of the pie, they don’t want to be left behind in the ‘old’ ways anymore. ", "They want to help those selling well to sell even more…so they can take their cut with their expertise.", "\n\nI rely on proof, I have seen those hawking a book as a ‘must-read’ and I cringe at that. ", "That phrase alone is like nails down a chalkboard for me. ", "My first thought when I hear it is WHY MUST I? ", "I would rather hear from their reviews, their reviewers, or the proof that shows the book is selling well. ", "Here is my screen shot of Vetted taken the other day:\n\nDon’t just take my word for it…really, I am the author and publisher, I’ll admit to being biased…but, since it’s selling so well, maybe you should just go find out yourself WHY?", "\n\nClick on the picture to be taken to Amazon.", "\n\nAs always, you can get ALL the links at my website, or download it FROM my website at www.kannemeinel.com.", "\n\nAfter the success of her books, ‘Doctored’, ‘Lawyered’, ‘Small Town Angel’, ‘Veil of Silence’ and many others, author K’Anne Meinel has announced the launch of her latest book ‘Vetted’ on Amazon.com. ", "The book has already started to receive great response from the readers. “", "loved the scene in the cafe where the two main characters entered into their partnership, and, how their love turned into something that would surely stand the test of time. ", "Personally, there’s nothing sexier than a barefoot gal in shorts, and a tee, with a rifle over her shoulder, a pistol strapped to her waist and the willingness to use both to protect those and the things she loves. ", "Great story. ", "Highly recommended”, says one of the users on Amazon.com.", "\n\nVetted brings much delight to fiction and drama book lovers who love a bit of adventure. ", "The story revolves around Alyssa, a young college student living her life to please her upper-crust family who wants her to take business courses to join her father’s business and marry the right man. ", "However, Alyssa wants to do something different and take a course that speaks to her heart but her family is unwilling to support her in doing that. ", "The story follows the life of Alyssa, a woman born into a well-to-do family yet yearning for freedom to do what she wants to do because such wealth comes with strings that she doesn’t want.", "\n\nFiona is another lead character in the story who is an older, established woman and a veterinarian working with an aim to start her own animal practice. ", "The story takes a swift turn when a young woman arrives at her doorstep one night carrying a dog she may have fatally injured with her car, leaving Fiona thrown for a loop.", "\n\nVetted is an unexpected story about two women who goes through a life that they did not anticipate but learn that they wanted it desperately. ", "The story description surely leaves the readers wanting for more and picking up the book to see what the whole suspense was about. ", "Will their families, the fates, and rustlers finally bring these women to their knees? ", "The only way they can survive is to stand strong together, but are they both ready to fight for what they want? ", "Only time will tell”. ", "The author known for her intriguing and sensuous plots in her books brings another exciting book for the readers.", "\n\nAbout Author- Author K’Anne Meinel is a bestselling author, having over 92 published works including novels, short stories, and novellas. ", "She was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in Oconomowoc. ", "She reflects the love for her home state in her stories by mentioning the beautiful and realistic backgrounds set in Wisconsin. ", "She is also known as the lesbian Danielle Steel of her time and a versatile writer who brings a variety of fiction genre books.", "\n\nCustomer reviews\n\nTop customer reviews\n\nReally enjoyed this book, couldn’t put it down and read it in one night.", "\n\nI could relate to Alyssa on so many levels and wished so many times growing up that I had the nerve to stand up to my family in the way that she did.", "\n\nNo idea what I’m talking about, well then you’re just going to need to read the book for yourself!", "\n\nFiona reminds me of the vet’s I worked for whilst studying in the UK, strong, independent, determined and workaholics!", "\n\nIf you enjoy reading about strong female characters who overcome various obstacles and adversities thrown their way then this is definitely the book for you.", "\n\nThe characters are well developed, the storyline flows naturally with no unnecessary sex scenes, there’s romance and intimacy as needed but not heaped on as is the case with some f/f books these days. ", "There’s plenty of drama and gun toting city girls turned country vet / cow girl to keep you reading all night as I did.", "\n\nI loved the scene in the cafe where the two main characters entered into their partnership, and, how their love turned into something that would surely stand the test of time. ", "Personally, there’s nothing sexier than a barefoot gal in shorts, and a tee, with a rifle over her shoulder, a pistol strapped to her waist and the willingness to use both to protect those, and the things she loves. ", "Great story. ", "Highly recommend!!", "\n\nI bought this cause I liked the cover, well I have to say what a great read, makes you laugh in places, the two main characters have excellent chemistry, even as good action and I’m not talking about sex. ", "All in all I have no problem recommending this book too my friends. ", "Another great story from K’Anne.", "\n\nCharacters are very real and easy to see in the mind’s eye. ", "The families are similar to my own as is the finding the one person that will stand by you no matter what. ", "Well written. ", "Makes for a lovely evening with a bottle of wine.", "\n\nI really loved reading this book! ", "At first I wasn’t sure about the main character, she seemed very spoiled, but as I began to read the story I began to like both of the characters. ", "The author does a great job of telling their story and she doesn’t follow a predictable path with the plot. ", "It is refreshing to find a story that is a little different and keeps you guessing about what might happen next. ", "I really liked this story!" ]
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[ "Selling Out Modern Martyrs\n\nby\nThomas A. Droleskey\n\nToday is the Feast of Saint Lucy, the great saint of the early fourth century who gave up her life rather than submit herself to the spectacles of the decadent Roman Empire. ", "She is depicted in paintings and statues as holding her eyes, which were protected from having to look at various and sundry profanities, on a plate. ", "My dear wife chose her as her confirmation patroness to thank her for helping to \"see\" things clearly when she was finding her way into the Church between 1996 and 1999. ", "Our daughter is named after Saint Lucy in gratitude to this great saint's prayers for making it possible for my wife to be Catholic and thus to be ready to meet me and to be open to accepting a hard life of temporal uncertainties as she assumed the task of assisting me in the work of helping souls to see the necessity of restoring the fullness of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition and the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King.", "\n\nSaint Lucy gave up her eyesight and then her life in order not to compromise with one little bit of the corrupt and decadent culture that surrounded her. ", "This should teach us a lesson or two in our day. ", "Far too many Catholics, including those who assist at the Traditional Latin Mass, are far too cavalier about their blithe, if not defiant, participation the the rot of our own culture today. ", "Nothing is apparently too dangerous for the welfare of their own souls, no less that of their children, that will cause some Catholics to refrain from exposing the eyes and ears to the sounds of Hollywood movies, the unquestionably objective evil of so-called \"rock\" music, television programming, and the sordid spectacle that has become professional sports. ", "No, it is to be some sort of spoil-sport even to mention the fact that Catholics cannot and must not support the evils of the Walt Disney Company or other such \"amusement\" parks and that there are plenty of ways that Catholics can spend their time and enjoy the truly good things of this passing world that redound to the honor and glory of God and thus their own sanctification, not place into jeopardy God's rights and their very salvation. ", "No Catholic who assists at the Immemorial Mass of Tradition can read the name of Saint Lucy in the Roman Canon day in and day out and not seek to root out from his own life those sights and sounds that are inimical to God and thus the right ordering of men and their nations.", "\n\nSaint Lucy stood immovable in the midst of attempts to force her into a house of ill-repute. ", "She reproached her persecutors, predicting that the brutal reign of the Emperor Diocletian would come to an end, showing us that we must withstand the modern \"emperors,\" whether they are found in politics or the courts or corporate board rooms, when we are more or less commanded to \"get with it\" and to embrace the false values of a perverted era. ", "It is the case today that we are subjected involuntarily to assaults on our senses even when we go to the supermarket. ", "We are subjected to countless offenses to our immortal souls when driving past billboards, some of which now have the ability to transform themselves in the matter of split-second from one offensive message to another. ", "We cannot even go to the local post office or the bank in many instances without having to be bombarded with \"rock\" music and/or images. ", "All manner of evil causes are promoted by banks and now displayed on postage stamps, of all things. ", "Do we consider doing what Saint Lucy did, that is, to stand immovable and to condemn these practices and to seek the conversion of those who are offending God and contributing to the decline of social order?", "\n\nSaint Lucy's willingness to be martyred stands in face of the misuse of civil power by an evil, anti-Catholic emperor stands in sharp contrast to the willingness of many prelates in the Church, including Vatican Secretary of State Angelo Cardinal Sodano and Los Angeles Archbishop Roger Cardinal Mahony, to become supporters of the evil regime that governs the so-called People's Republic of China and to serve as apologists for the schismatic and heretical state-created \"church,\" the Chinese Patriotic Association. ", "The selling out of the modern martyrs of the underground Church in Red China has begun in earnest. ", "Far from exhibiting Saint Lucy's firm spirit of condemnation of evil rulers, Cardinals Sodano and Mahony, assisted frequently by Roger Cardinal Etchegary, have proved themselves to be appeasers of Communist oppressors of Catholics. ", "That they have been able to serve as stooges for the tyrants in the world's most populous nation without a word of papal rebuke leads one to suggest only one logical conclusion: that Pope Benedict XVI himself, following the example of the late Pope John Paul II, seeks to make an accommodation with the schismatic, heretical state-created and state-run \"church\" in Red China at the expense of those who continue to be brutalized mercilessly by the Communist warlords who want a Catholicism that serves the purposes of the state, not a Catholicism that is faithful to the Church's Invisible Head, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.", "\n\nThe desire to effect an artificial \"unity\" in Red China, sadly, follows the modern of pan-Christianity that has been at the heart of the conciliarist novelty of ecumenism. ", "That is, sects that are truly schismatic and heretical are accorded great honor and comfort while those who adhere steadfastly to the Deposit of Faith and to the form of worship that Our Lord taught the Apostles to offer are heaped with sloganeering scorn. ", "There have been a number of recent developments that have confused and bewildered some of the most stalwart defenders of the underground Church in Red China.", "\n\nIndeed, there have been so many such developments, including reports that most of the renegade bishops of the rump church in Red China have been \"reconciled\" to Rome without being forced publicly denounce their past support of the policies of the rump church (which have included support of the government's anti-family, anti-life population policies), that Mr. Joseph Kung, the nephew of the late Ignatius Cardinal Kung, who was imprisoned by the Red Chinese for over thirty-five years prior to his release in 1991, has issued a very important review of the state of ecclesiastical affairs in Red China. ", "Although Mr. Kung, the President of the Cardinal Kung Foundation, which is based in Stamford, Connecticut, has been restrained in his criticism of the policies of the Holy See, he is nevertheless continuing to ask very pointed questions about whether the Holy See is about to sell out the modern martyrs of the true Church in Red China, the men and women who have stood as firm as Saint Lucy in their refusal to surrender to the unjust authority of an evil regime.", "\n\nMr. Kung has raised a number of questions in his annual Christmas Newsletter. ", "It is worth quoting at length. ", "The questions that he raises, many of which were discussed on this site three months ago in There is Schism and Then There is Schism, are important. ", "They go to the heart of the Vatican's refusal to require the bishops and priests of the schismatic, heretical church in Red China to renounce their adherence to abject errors and to publicly make reparation for them. ", "Here are those passages of Mr. Kung's newsletter that deal directly with the situation of the underground church in Red China:\n\nReaders of our July and Christmas 2001 newsletters will recall my extensive analysis of Cardinal Jozef Tomko’s statement, made earlier that year to the bishops of the United States — the “two groups in the Church in China” (the underground Roman Catholic Church and the Patriotic Association) “are not two Churches because we are all one Church”. ", "I pointed out at the time that Cardinal Tomko’s statement, which is erroneous, contradicts both the Church’s canon law and her basic doctrine. ", "The Patriotic Association’s claim to autonomy since its formation in 1957 conflicts with the doctrinal principle repeated again and again by the late Pope John Paul II in September 1994: “the principle of communion with the Successor of Peter…cannot be renounced by a Catholic who desires to remain such and to be recognized as such.” ", "This clearly invalidates Cardinal Tomko’s statement.", "\n\nFurthermore, I examined in 2001 the consequences and implications of Cardinal Tomko’s statement. ", "I pointed out that Cardinal Tomko’s statement effectively notifies the suffering underground Roman Catholic Church that there is nothing wrong in joining the Patriotic Association since “these groups …are all one Church.” ", "Such a merger of the underground Church into the Patriotic Association, I explained, would play right into the hands of the communist Chinese government’s plan to eliminate the Roman Catholic Church in China.", "\n\nAs recently as this past October, Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong essentially repeated Cardinal Tomko’s statement when he told the synod of bishops at the Vatican that “the Church in China, which appears to be divided in two —an official one recognized by the government, and an underground one which refuses to be independent from Rome — is actually a single Church, as everyone wants to stay united with Pope.”", "\n\nIs any Church’s desire “to stay united with the pope” the deciding factor and the litmus test for being qualified as a true One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church as Bishop Zen has proclaimed? ", "I do not believe that it requires a Ph.D. in theology to realize it is not so. ", "Rather, it is full communion with the Pope, and with the universal Church that decides whether one is the true One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church. ", "It is loyalty and obedience to the Pope that constitute the main ingredients of being in full communion with the Pope; certainly not simply the desire “to stay united with the Pope.” ", "One’s desire to remain in communion with the Church without the willingness to pay the price is not putting into practice the Gospel’s words: “No servant can serve two masters” (Luke 16:13). ", "What, then, did Bishop Zen mean when he announced to hundreds of bishops in the October 2005 synod that the official Church — also known as the Patriotic Association’s Church, which still has an article in its constitution since 1957 to be autonomous from the pope — by virtue of its “desire” “to stay united with the Pope,” is the same Church as the underground Church? ", "The underground Church has no need of such a “desire” because it has in fact always been united with the Pope, and for this has gone through 56 years of persecutions by the Chinese regime.", "\n\nIt boggles the mind to fathom how Bishop Zen, the Bishop of Hong Kong, could repeat Cardinal Tomko’s erroneous statement after Msgr. ", "Eugene Nugent, the Vatican representative in Hong Kong in charge of the See of China, in July 2004, issued a series of guidelines in which he bluntly states: “Obviously, the Patriotic Association has the characteristic of being in schism.” ", "Moreover, in these 2004 guidelines, widely circulated in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Msgr. ", "Nugent reaffirms the validity and binding character of the Vatican’s guidelines issued in 1988 and authored, ironically, by none other than Cardinal Tomko. ", "Like the 2004 guidelines, the 1988 guidelines clearly refute and reject the notion that the two Churches in China are the same Church.", "\n\nTens of thousands of faithful, priests, bishops and nuns suffered and died in Chinese jails because they refused to denounce the Pope and refused to join the official Church for the last 56 years. ", "In these 56 years, the official Church has not changed in that the most important article in the constitution of the official Church — to be autonomous from the Pope — did not change. ", "The Roman Catholic Church’s canon law clearly states that refusal to submit to the authority of the Successor of Peter is nothing short of schism from the universal Church. ", "This is the same official Church or the same Patriotic Church 56 years ago when Pope Pius XII wrote with great foresight on the subject of autonomy in his encyclical Ad Sinarum Gentem in October 1954: “…They (the Chinese Communist government) seek….to establish finally among you a “national” Church, which no longer could be Catholic because it would be the negation of that universality or rather ‘catholicity’ by which the society truly founded by Jesus Christ is above all nations and embraces them one and all…”\n\nWhen Bishop Zen, Cardinal Tomko, and many other bishops, cardinals, and other people declare that these two Churches are the same Church, they are in effect declaring, in an attempt to legitimize the official Church, that the official Church or the Patriotic Association Church is also the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, regardless of its autonomy from the Pope. ", "As I said before, this is contrary to the basic dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. ", "Just for the sake of argument, if they were correct, why should the faithful in the underground Church continue to suffer and lay down their lives for their fidelity to the Successor of Peter and for the Church? ", "All they would have to do is to join the official Church since, as Bishop Zen and Cardinal Tomko said, it is the same Church as the underground Church. ", "If they were correct, all those numerous faithful, including Cardinal Kung and many other martyrs who suffered and died in the last 56 years since the communists took over China for refusing to join the official Church or for refusing to be independent from the Pope, would have done so in vain because if they were the same Church now, they would have been the same Church then. ", "Therefore there would be no apostasy involved in joining the official Church during the past 56 years – a sin for which they died or suffered rather than commit. ", "Their sufferings and martyrdom would have no merit for the cause of their beatification or canonization. ", "Pope Pius XII would have been very wrong when he said what I quoted above in his encyclical. ", "The late Pope John Paul II would have been also very wrong in his statement of December 3, 1996 in which he apparently referred to the official Church or the Patriotic Association as “a Church which does not respond either to the will of the Lord Jesus, or to the Catholic faith.” ", "The current Pope Benedict XVI would also be very wrong in that he has not recognized the official Church or the Patriotic Association’s Church as the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church. ", "If the two Churches were indeed the same Church, it is only logical to conclude that the Church is willing to legitimize the official Patriotic Church in spite of its position of autonomy from the Holy See and that the Pope would have declared his recognition of the official Church. ", "However, no Pope in the last 56 years has declared so. ", "It appears that the Popes have not been willing to legitimize the official Patriotic Church as long as it is autonomous from the Pope. ", "Therefore, the official Patriotic Church cannot possibly be, as Bishop Zen and many other members of the Church's hierarchy said, the same church as the underground Roman Catholic Church.", "\n\nChina therefore has two Churches that call themselves Catholic. ", "One Church was founded by Christ 2005 years ago. ", "The other Church is established by atheist communists 48 years ago in 1957. ", "One Church has been under severe persecution for 56 years since 1949. ", "The other one is under the protection of the Chinese communist government and has not been persecuted. ", "One Church is in full communion with the Pope and with the universal Church. ", "The other one, as claimed by Bishop Zen, Cardinal Tomko and other members of the Church hierarchy, “desires” to be with the Pope, but continues serving the atheist Chinese government-founded official Patriotic Church, which is not in full communion with the Pope. ", "One Church, of course, is the underground Roman Catholic Church. ", "The other one is the Patriotic Association or official Church. ", "Don’t let anyone mislead you, even if he is a bishop or a cardinal, into thinking that these two Churches are the same Church. ", "They are not the same Church. ", "Your faith and the gospel will tell you that it is wrong to abandon a primary article of faith, the communion with the successor of St. Peter, even under the most difficult situation.", "\n\nA secret profession of faith is a contradiction in terms\n\nThe fact that a number of official Church or the Patriotic Association Church’s bishops (some say as many as 75 percent), as reported by the media but never substantiated by the official spokesperson of the Vatican, may have confessed, repented, and requested recognition from the Pope and that the Pope may have accepted them does not make the entire official Church the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church. ", "This is a fact because the constitution — specifically its ruling that the Patriotic Church is not subject to the authority of the Pope — that governs the official Patriotic Church as a whole is contrary to the canon law and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. ", "Therefore, as Cardinal Roger Etchegaray said in his interview with 30 Days No. ", "4 2005): “the part of the Church recognized by the (Chinese) government is without doubt linked to and controlled by the Patriotic Association….” ", "When these bishops accepted the appointment from the Chinese government and were consecrated bishops without the approval of the Pope, they did it publicly and pledged their loyalty also publicly, not to the Pope, but to the Chinese government. ", "However, when they supposedly repented and requested recognition from the Pope, they did it secretly, not publicly. ", "They did not profess their faith publicly, but secretly. ", "How could this secret arrangement be justified in view of the damage they have done publicly to the Church and to its faithful? ", "Moreover, the word “profession” comes from Latin and means “PUBLIC PROMISE”. ", "When Christians profess their faith, BY DEFINITION they do so PUBLICLY. ", "There is no such thing as a private or secret PROFESSION of faith. ", "It is a contradiction in terms. ", "Therefore, if those official Patriotic bishops have indeed repented, such repentance, in my opinion and in generally accepted procedures and courtesy, should have been done publicly and their reciting of the Creed for professing their faith, as defined above according to the Latin meaning, should also have been recited publicly for the whole world to hear and for the Pope to judge, regardless of the risk they might have faced. ", "That is what martyrs do. ", "These Patriotic bishops have not done so. ", "The late Pope John Paul II, in his message to China on December 3, 1996, said: “The bishop must be the first witness of the faith which he professes and preaches, to the point of ‘shedding his blood’ as the apostles did and as so many other pastors have done down the centuries, in many nations and also in China.” ", "Besides, these bishops, who have supposedly repented and been recognized by the Pope, still serve on the Board of the official Church and defend its constitution that advocates autonomy from the Pope!", "\n\nIs the Vatican unwittingly helping the Chinese government\nto eliminate the underground Church?", "\n\nIn addition, numerous Vatican documents and public statements from members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the Vatican and elsewhere urge unity between the official and unofficial (underground) Churches. ", "In the meantime, the Chinese authority is doing all its best to force the unofficial Church to register with the authority, thereby de facto unifying the two Churches into the one official Church that is independent from the Pope. ", "Many unofficial or underground faithful resisted registering themselves with the official Church and thereby risked three years in the hard labor camp. ", "By actively urging “unity” between the two Churches and by actively proclaiming that these two Churches are the same church, before the Pope recognizes the official Church, is the Vatican actually putting the cart in front of the horse by urging for unity into a Church that the Pope has not even recognized ? ", "Is the Vatican, unwittingly perhaps, trying to help the Chinese authority to accomplish its goal to wipe out the Roman Catholic Church under the glorified name of “unity” so that the two Churches can be combined into One Patriotic and Independent Church?", "\n\nWhen one talks about the unity of the Church, it is only logical to think that the schismatic Church should combine with the true Church to become a new unified true church, in full communion with the Pope. ", "The current events described else where in this letter give the impression that the official and unofficial (underground) Churches are to be combined into one official (schismatic Patriotic) Church. ", "Why is the Vatican not saying in public that unity should be achieved by the official (schismatic) Church’s uniting with the underground (true) Church and submitting to the authority of the Pope in order to become one (true) Church, and that the one (true) Church, in communion with the Pope, must become legal in China? ", "By not saying this clearly and forcibly in public, the Vatican may be sending the wrong signal — unintentionally of course — to the Chinese government that the continuous persecution of the underground Church is tolerable because the underground Church is not cooperating to unite with the official Church. ", "Unfortunately, the Vatican does not speak out publicly to protest each time the Chinese authority arrests the underground bishops and other religious. ", "They only do it sporadically with very little public follow up. ", "If the Vatican really wants the underground Church to be merged with the official Church in order to achieve so called “unity,” why doesn’t the Pope openly and officially recognize the official Patriotic (schismatic) Church, regardless of its autonomy, so that, in obedience to the Magisterium, the underground Church’s faithful and bishops can simply cross the line and register with the official Church and thereby prevent much suffering of the ten million underground faithful? ", "However, even the Pope does not have the authority to compromise this fundamental Catholic dogma of communion with the Successor of Peter. ", "The current situation, according to which the Pope, on the one hand, does not officially recognize the official (schismatic) Church but, on the other hand, the members of his hierarchy issue proclamations or slogans such as “two Churches are the same Church” and “unity,” stop appointing underground bishops (see below), recognize the official Church’s bishops, approve new official Church bishops, and approve many other official Church projects. ", "The result is the appearance that the Pope has de-facto recognized the official Patriotic Church, and is thereby nudging the underground (true) Church to merge with the official Patriotic (schismatic) Church under the glorified name of “unity.” ", "This is beyond the comprehension of many faithful, but this is what, I am afraid, is happening.", "\n\nWhy is the Vatican not appointing new underground bishops?", "\n\nWithin the last 5 or 6 years or perhaps longer, many elderly underground bishops died from natural causes or died in jail. ", "One would have thought that the Vatican would approve new bishops to replace them. ", "Not so. ", "Not even one new underground bishop has been appointed by the Vatican in this period, regardless of the fact that many Patriotic bishops have been consecrated. ", "Some of them are reportedly consecrated with Vatican approval. ", "One has to ponder why the Vatican has not appointed new underground bishops for the last few years while in the meantime advocating “unity” by combining the official (schismatic) Church and the underground (true) Church into one official (schismatic) Church and propagating that these two Churches are the same Church. ", "It is frightening just to think about this complicated situation. ", "In the meantime, a Jesuit journal published in Italy, Civita Cattolica, whose articles are generally understood to have the prior approval of the Vatican Secretariat of State, published an article, according to Catholic World News, reporting: “The Vatican no longer needs to appoint bishops to serve the underground Catholic Church in China…” This all adds up to a scenario according to which the Vatican appears to be forsaking the 10 million proven faithful, loyal and obedient underground Roman Catholics in order to appease the four million “catholics” belonging to the official “Patriotic” Church in China. ", "St. Michael, pray for us.", "\n\nThere are many underground faithful without a bishop. ", "Otherwise, some underground faithful have bishops who are likely very elderly and ill, well beyond the retirement age, or in jail, or in house arrest, or under severe surveillance or in hiding. ", "The underground Church is therefore under such severe pressure from our own Church. ", "The underground Church is desperately in need of new bishops, but the Vatican is not appointing them. ", "It does not take much imagination to visualize that, under such pressure, any of the underground faithful might be compelled to do something in order to preserve their Catholic faith, which is certainly in conflict with the official Church that still advocates independence from the Pope in its constitution. ", "Prayers are therefore urgently needed for the survival of the underground Church, which is the only real Roman Catholic Church in China. ", "We also need to pray very hard that, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the underground Church will have the wisdom to remain faithful to the Pope and to do what they have to do in order to preserve this faith and the courage to say no to the Chinese or any other authority.", "\nMedia speculation met by Vatican silence.", "\n\nShould the Vatican publicly express its approval or disapproval of the appointment of a new bishop in the official Patriotic Church by the Chinese Government?", "\n\nRecently, AsiaNews and many other Catholic news media have announced that the recent consecration of three official Patriotic Church’s bishops has been approved by the Pope, while the Vatican’s official spokesperson failed to speak one single word about this approval! ", "The Foundation grieves when the media reports, with the glorified phrase “from our reliable source in the Vatican” or something similar, that the Holy See has recognized certain appointment of Patriotic bishops, while the Holy See remains silent, leaving the faithful, especially those in China, confused and demoralized as they continue to suffer for their fidelity to the Successor of Peter. ", "Why is this so? ", "We faithful can only look to the Vatican’s official spokesperson for the truth of any religious matter of significance, and the consecration of three official Church’s bishops is certainly a matter of extreme importance, because it relates to the basic dogma of the Church. ", "Christ gave the authority to the Church to help us find and hold the truth about our salvation. ", "Appointing a bishop certainly has much to do with our salvation. ", "Therefore, why should we be kept in the dark by our own Church and be forced to believe or not to believe the writings or the gossip of the media about such an important matter? ", "By keeping us in the dark, does that mean the Vatican is not doing what Christ has commanded the Church to do, politics notwithstanding? ", "I am not sure. ", "Only God knows. ", "If it is the Vatican’s policy to leave people in the dark and guessing, then the Church should never blame the faithful for believing or for not believing whatever is written in the press about other matters, even though it may be detrimental. ", "How is the public supposed to know which report is true or false about any important matter regarding the Church if the Vatican fails to take a stand? ", "How can this be justified? ", "Why is this kind of treatment of our suffering brothers and sisters of the underground Church — the “stable” in the universal Church — allowed by the Holy See?", "\n\nThe underground Church deserves greater respect\nin the universal Church\n\nWe also have the news of the invitation by the Pope of three of the Chinese official Church’s bishops and one underground bishop to the synod in October and the refusal of the Chinese government to let them join the Synod plastered all over the world’s headlines. ", "Since the Cardinal Kung Foundation is strictly obedient and loyal to the Pope, we respect the Holy Father’s decision of inviting not only the official Church’s bishops, but also more of them to the synod than from the underground Church — one bishop —although we do not understand. ", "However, allow me to share with you a similar event. ", "In 1998, there was a special assembly for Asia of the synod of Bishops in Rome. ", "As the late Cardinal Kung was the acknowledged symbol of both the suffering of the underground Roman Catholic Church in China and of his loyalty, love, and obedience to the Popes, we, together with many Chinese Catholics, expected that Cardinal Kung, who was not retired and was still the reigning Bishop of Shanghai, would be invited and welcomed to the synod with enthusiasm no less than what the Vatican has shown to the four Chinese bishops at present, although it was not very certain that Cardinal Kung would be physically able to travel, just as a number of the invited Chinese bishops to the recent October Synod are known to be very elderly, ill and unable to travel. ", "Anyway, it is still beyond words to describe how disappointed and sad we were that Cardinal Kung was not only never invited to join that 1998 synod, but also never received the program, related materials and conclusions of that synod. ", "Needless to say, Cardinal Kung could not understand why he was not invited, but he accepted the fact. ", "All he had received was a three-sentence letter from Cardinal Schotte, the general secretary of the synod, and a copy of the “Message to the People of God coming from this synodal assembly.” ", "It’s history now.", "\n\nSino-Vatican Relations\n\nThere have been many times in the past when the media buzzed with speculations that the Vatican and China would soon establish diplomatic relations, only to see that this was not so. ", "However, in my opinion, as long as the Chinese government does not allow the Patriotic Association or the official Church to recognize the authority of the Pope, as long as the Chinese government does not allow the Patriotic Association or the official Church to be obedient to the Pope, and as long as the official Church consecrates its bishops without an explicit approval from the Pope, there is very little likelihood that these two countries could establish diplomatic relations. ", "Unfortunately, the Chinese government has failed on all counts. ", "The Taiwan issue is only a smokescreen.", "\n\nIn order that the Vatican be able to establish diplomatic relationships with the Chinese government, the underground Church and the Patriotic Association must become one Church, recognized by and theologically in full communion with the Pope. ", "Moreover, this one Church would have to be legal in China. ", "This has not happened.", "\n\nFor the Vatican to establish diplomatic relationships with China, which the Pope earnestly desires, the Patriotic Association would have to change its constitution so that it would acknowledge the Pope’s supreme administrative, legislative and judicial authority. ", "It would have to pledge boldly and publicly its loyalty and obedience to the Pope, not merely secretly. ", "There is no evidence that such a change of the Patriotic Association’s constitution is in the making.", "\n\nMoreover, there are too many bishops, priests, and faithful of the Roman Catholic Church who are still in jail in China. ", "These imprisoned bishops are not only Chinese, but also by definition the citizens of the Vatican. ", "They are also the soldiers of the Church. ", "Any country defends its citizens and soldiers. ", "Therefore, how could the Vatican establish diplomatic relations with China while so many of its citizens and soldiers are still in captivity there? ", "Holy Mother Church, a moral compass of the world, cannot do less than a secular government. ", "All these issues were published in my op-ed article published by the Asian Wall Street Journal on April 7 this year shortly after the death of Pope John Paul II.", "\n\nCardinal Roger Mahony:\nCelebration of Holy Mass in the Patriotic Association Church\n\nNews has just reached us from the Los Angeles Times, November 5, 2005, that Cardinal Roger Mahony publicly celebrated Mass in Shanghai at St. Peter’s Parish church belonging to the official Patriotic Association Church. ", "The China guidelines issued by the Vatican in 1988 and authored by Cardinal Tomko said clearly that all “communication in sacris” is to be avoided with the Patriotic Association Church. ", "A Cardinal, who is the prince of the Church, is supposed to set an example to follow and support the guidelines of the Church, not to publicly contradict them. ", "Cardinal Mahony’s offering the Mass in public at an official Patriotic church in China is an act of public display of contradicting and confusing the Church’s official guidelines. ", "In addition, by his public presence in an official Patriotic church, Cardinal Mahony, even if unwittingly, encourages and condones the Chinese government’s continuing its more than 50 years of persecution of the Roman Catholic underground Church without fear of reprisal from the outside world, and gives the false impression that the Cardinal supports the Chinese government’s repressive religious policy. ", "In addition, the Cardinal is also, unintentionally and unlikely as it may sound, indirectly supporting the pastoral letter issued by the official Patriotic Church’s Bishops’ Conference more than ten years ago calling for all Chinese Catholics to support China’s “Platform for the Development of Women” that we all know well includes birth control, sterilization and the one family-one child policy whereby women who are pregnant after having one child are forced by the Chinese government to abort their unborn babies. ", "We are of the opinion that Cardinal Mahony, with our due respect, is not doing justice to the Roman Catholic Church in China by publicly offering a Mass in an official Patriotic church. ", "I have written the above to Cardinal Mahony. ", "I have not so far received his response.", "\n\nObedience to Magisterium\n\nWe tried to be thorough, fair, honest and factual in reporting the information and analysis above. ", "We do so with sorrow and grief. ", "I hope that in doing so I am able to convince those persons in authority in the Vatican or in a position of influence with a different perspective that unity in the Church in China can indeed be possibly achieved after the Vatican is able to negotiate with the Chinese authority to rescind its autonomy clause in the constitution of the Patriotic Association. ", "The Vatican needs to understand that its policy for China is very unclear to the public and consequently causes great confusion. ", "The Vatican urgently needs to replace the deceased, elderly, and sick bishops of the underground Church, and those replacing them should and must come from the same underground Church, not from the official Patriotic Church as it is now happening. ", "We also want our readers to know that we are strictly obedient to the Magisterium. ", "In his article \"Beware Communists Bearing Gifts,\" published by the Tablet, the Catholic newsweekly of London, on August 6, 2005, Mr. Michael Sheridan of the Sunday Times in London concluded the article by saying, “I do hope, from their undoubted places in heaven, Cardinal Kung and Father Kavanagh (a Vincentian missionary who had suffered much at communist hands in China) will inspire the Pope and his diplomats to realize that the Vatican can afford to wait (to recognize the government in Beijing).” ", "I share the sentiment with Mr. Sheridan.", "\n\nMr. Kung, who I am honored to count as a friend and with whom I have been privileged to appear at several conferences over the years, has raised significant questions. ", "many of which have been discussed on this site in the past eight months. ", "As a gentle son of the Church, the nephew of a Catholic cardinal who said \"Long live Christ the King! ", "Long live the Pope\" when he was taken to to the microphone of a dog-track stadium in Shanghai in 1956 before being taken to prison, Mr. Kung gives much more of the benefit of the doubt to the Holy See than I do. ", "It must be remembered that the late Pope John XXIII specifically forbade any criticism of Communism at the Second Vatican Council, more or less slapping his two immediate predecessors in the Throne of Saint Peter, Popes Pius XI and XII, in the face. ", "Each had criticized Communism directly. ", "Pope Pius XII had written two encyclical letters to discuss the state of the Church in Red China. ", "Oh, yes, the policies of the Holy See at present with respect to selling out the modern martyrs in Red China are just a continuation of the appeasement begun by Pope John XXIII as the basic paradigm for the Second Vatican Council and, with a few exceptions, the whole of the Holy See's geopolitical \"strategy\" of the pat forty-five years or so.", "\n\nI believe that it is eminently clear that the Holy See is attempting the sort of sell-out of the martyrs in the underground in Red China that took place when Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty was tricked into thinking that he could resume his post as Archbishop of Budapest and the Primate of Hungary when he was coaxed to leave the American Embassy in Budapest and forced into exile. ", "Pope Paul VI and his pernicious Secretary of State, Jean Cardinal Villot, wanted Cardinal Mindszenty out of the way in order to pursue the mistaken policy of Ostpolitik, which meant to tamp down criticism of Communism and Communist regimes by Catholic bishops and priests in Eastern and Central Europe so as to \"improve\" the life of the Church there. ", "Just as pro-abortion Catholic politicians have been, for the most part, appeased by American bishops and priests in the past thirty-three years, so is it also the case that Communists were appeased in Eastern and Central Europe for a long time. ", "Communists are being appeased anew by the Holy See in Red China.", "\n\nA particularly ominous indication of the Vatican's intentions with respect to selling out the modern martyrs in the underground Church in Red China is the fact, reported by The Los Angeles Times and noted by Mr. Kung in his Christmas Newsletter, is the fact that Roger Cardinal Mahony, the nefarious Archbishop of Los Angeles who sees fit to honor pro-abortion politicians with his presence at their inaugurations, offered Mass publicly in a Shanghai, China, church run by the Chinese Patriotic Association. ", "It cannot be the case that Cardinal Mahony did this without the full foreknowledge and approval of Angelo Cardinal Sodano, the Vatican Secretary of State, and even the Holy Father himself.", "\n\nWhen you think about it, however, the fact that Cardinal Mahony should see fit to offer Mass in a schismatic, heretical church in Red China dovetails perfectly with the ethos of ecumenism that has been one of the sorriest tragedies of the Second Vatican Council and its aftermath. ", "What's the big deal about offering Mass in a Red Chinese state-sponsored church when our popes and cardinals and bishops and priests in the past forty years have offered \"joint blessings\" with heretics and schismatics without once--and I mean even once--inviting any of them publicly to convert to the true Church? ", "Cardinal Mahony's recent actions, therefore, undertaken certainly with the approval of the Holy See in direct violation of its own announced policies about relations with the Chinese Patriotic Association, are simply a continuation of the ethos of appeasement and indifferentism that has devastated the Church in her human elements ever since the pontificate of Pope John XXIII.", "\n\nSome will protest that Pope John Paul II was a foe of Communism and that he spoke out against it. ", "Well, yes, the late Pope John Paul II did denounce the tyranny of Communist rule in his native Poland. ", "He did contribute to the appearance of the \"end\" of Communism there in 1989. ", "However, his failure to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with all of the world's bishops in total fulfillment of Our Lady's Fatima Message made his apparent victory in Poland and elsewhere in the former Soviet bloc very hollow and very ephemeral. ", "Re-packaged Communism is still strong in Eastern and Central Europe. ", "Russian President Vladimir Putin is a former head of the Soviet K.G.B., a man who is prone to commit the typical errors of Russian rule ever since that country broke from Rome along with the other Orthodox churches.", "\n\nYou see, it is precisely the failure to consecrate Russia to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart that have caused the errors of Russia, which trace their origin to the Photian errors of Russian Orthodoxy, to spread under its variant mutations, including here in the United States of America. ", "An article in the journal Chronicles noted in 2002 that most of policies of the current presidential administration have great similarities to positions advanced by one of Joseph Stalin's chief rivals for power, Leon Trotsky, who had an unfortunate end while in exile in Mexico City in 1940. ", "The Catholic Church has been given the roadmap to stop the spread of the errors of Russia: the fulfillment of Our Lady's Fatima Message. ", "The failure of one pope after another to fulfill Our Lady's Fatima Message has caused the errors of Russia to spread and countless millions of Catholics to suffer martyrdom. ", "This failure, if it continues, will result in the annihilation of entire nations, including quite possibly our own. ", "Ancient Rome lasted for about a thousand years. ", "It was wiped away as a result of its own decadence. ", "Does anyone seriously doubt that this country--with all that it owes God for its offenses against His rights and His laws--is not capable of suffering of similar fate?", "\n\nDoubt my word? ", "Consider the evidence presented by Mr. Howard Phillips in his Howard Phillips Issues and Strategies Bulletin of November 30, 2005:\n\n“Months overdue, the Pentagon’s annual report to Congress on China’s military power is a mix of happy talk, flabby strategic musings, and sobering facts. …", "\n\n“The one thing that is clear is that publication of this year’s Annual Report on the Military Power of the People’s Republic of China was delayed while its initial and more alarming conclusions about China’s strategic intent were toned down.", "\n\n“Senior administration officials overruled the report’s authors, professional analysts, and policy advisers at the Pentagon intent on providing an unvarnished account of China’s military. ", "And, contrary to conventional Washington wisdom, this was done not over the heads of the most senior ranks in the Pentagon but with their agreement.”", "\n\nEVIDENCE IGNORED\n\n“A more accurate picture would take note of China’s noncompliance with its pledges to the World Trade Organization; its failure to use its leverage with North Korea to end Pyongyang’s game of nuclear Russian roulette; its continuing refusal to abide by human rights and refugee conventions it has signed; its less-than-stellar nonproliferation record; its use of Chinese nationalism to browbeat Japan; its refusal to cooperate with the other great powers in the Proliferation Security Initiative; its obstructionist policies on Iran, Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Burma; and of course its repeated threats to use military force to unify Taiwan with the mainland – and, if need be, engage in nuclear brinkmanship to prevent the United States from intervening to stop a forcible reunification. ", "It is this fuller – but unstated – account of Chinese behavior that fits with the substantive heart of the report, documenting China’s rapid and dramatic improvements in military capabilities.”", "\n\nHOWEVER, THE FACTS SPEAK LOUDLY\n\n“What’s new in this year’s report is the finding that China’s military buildup has begun to have serious implications not only for the cross-strait balance of power but also for the region as a whole.", "\n\n“The People’s Liberation Army possesses a growing fleet of nuclear and diesel submarines, has 650-730 mobile ballistic missiles, and is working on aerial refueling for a significant percentage of its 2,600 combat aircraft.”", "\n\nJAPAN RECOGNIZES THE PROBLEM\n\n“Toss in new and improved command, control, and communication systems and over-the-horizon targeting capabilities, and the picture that emerges is a China with military capabilities that are not just Taiwan-centric. ", "While the report suggests that these capabilities ‘could pose a credible threat to other modern militaries operating in the region … over the long term, if current trends persist,’ most regional militaries are already worried. ", "When Chinese ships and subs begin making clandestine trips into Japanese home waters – as they have – the signal being sent to Japan and the region is clear enough.”", "\n\nTAIWAN MAY FALL LIKE A RIPE FRUIT\n\n“Beijing does not believe a full-fledged invasion would be necessary to accomplish its goal. ", "Rather, the PLA leadership, according to its own doctrinal papers, thinks a combination of ballistic-missile, special-operation, and aerial strikes could be sufficient to shock Taiwan’s population and leadership into accepting Beijing’s version of ‘one China.’", "\n\n“For similar reasons, China is working hard to develop the capacity to blockade Taiwan. ", "The submarine modernization program that the report details is extensive. ", "Eight new quiet KILO-class diesels will soon be added to the four already in the arsenal; China’s indigenous SONG diesel is now in serial production; and a new diesel submarine, the YUAN class, was launched last year. ", "Chinese naval journals indicate a deep interest in blockading operations, and pay close attention to the vulnerabilities of Taiwan’s island economy. …”", "\n\nU.S. AIRCRAFT CARRIERS TARGETED?", "\n\n“China’s military knows that it must be able to prevent, or, at least severely complicate, the American Navy’s use of its aircraft carriers. ", "To this end, as the new report spells out, China’s antiship cruise missile force is growing by leaps and bounds. ", "It has begun to field high-end, supersonic and subsonic cruise missiles on its new destroyers, attack boats, and submarines. ", "It has even experimented with use of maneuverable, multiple-entry MRBMs and SRBMs to hit carrier battle groups. ", "Once China solves the problem of longer-range detection and targeting, it will pose the most serious threat to American carriers in the world. …”", "\n\nPRC’S ICBMS MORE DANGEROUS THAN KATRINA\n\n“The report also details China’s programs to upgrade its intercontinental ballistic missile force with new solid-fuel, road-mobile missiles and new sea-based, submarine-launched systems. ", "The net effect will be a more survivable, more accurate, and more lethal nuclear strategic capability – aimed primarily at the United States. ", "As General Zhu Chenghu, dean of China’s National Defense University, not so subtly reminded American visitors recently: Should the United States intervene in a conflict between China and Taiwan, ‘the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds … of [their] cities will be destroyed by the Chinese’ nuclear weapons.”", "\n\nBEIJING PREPARES TO NEUTRALIZE AND DEFEAT U.S. DEFENSE OF TAIWAN\n\n“Combine the PLA’s fascination with ‘carrier killing,’ its ability to degrade severely the operational utility of U.S. air bases in Japan through missile strikes, its aggressive pursuit of space and counterspace capabilities, and its upgraded nuclear arsenal, and you have a military that believes it has or is close to having the means to make any American president think twice before going to Taiwan’s rescue. …”", "\n\nHISTORICALLY, CAPABILITIES OFTEN BECOME INTENTIONS\n\n“But rather than face the facts presented in the report about the character and scope of China’s military buildup, the tendency in the senior ranks of the administration is to wash over them with sound bites about our relationship with China being ‘good but complex.’ ", "Or worse.", "\n\n“The day after the report was issued, in response to a question about the cross-strait military balance, Marine general Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said, ‘There’s lots of countries in the world that have the capacity to wage war,’ but ‘very few have the intent to do so. … ", "There’s absolutely no reason for us to believe there is any intent on [China’s] part.’ ", "Absolutely? …", "\n\n“[H]istory may record this as a moment when the failure to speak truth to the Chinese communists condemned the two nations to conflict later.", "\n\n“That grim prospect might just be avoided if Mr. Bush reads in the course of his Far Eastern visit the report issued last week by the congressionally mandated, blue-ribbon U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. ", "Its bipartisan conclusion is that ‘over the past year, on balance, the trends in the U.S.-China relationship have negative implications for our long-term economic and security interests.’", "\n\n“The commission backs this up with nearly 170 pages of analysis based on 14 hearings. ", "It represents the only ‘second opinion’ on China both informed by full access to classified information and available to the American people, as well as their elected representatives. …”", "\n\nAUTHORITATIVE REPORT SAYS PRC HAS A STRATEGY – USA DOES NOT\n\n“Such a review is made all the more necessary insofar as the U.S.-China Commission notes the United States lacks a ‘coherent strategic framework … grounded in a clear-eyed understanding of how the Chinese military and political leadership leads the country, how decisions are made and how their economy works…. ", "China is an authoritarian regime and a nonmarket command economy still controlled by the Communist Party. ", "The central goal of its leadership is maintaining its own power, at all costs.’ ”", "\n\nU.S. IS RED CHINA’S “MAIN ENEMY” – WAR “INEVITABLE”\n\n“It flows from this basic insight that we must be concerned about such developments as:\n\n“• The persistent assertion by the Chinese leadership to their political cadre and military officers that America is the ‘main enemy’ and that war with the United States is ‘inevitable.’", "\n\n“• Official Chinese efforts to secure energy resources from all over the world to meet its yawning needs (notably for oil, coal and natural gas) in a way that seems meant to deny such resources to the U.S. and other global competitors.”", "\n\nBEIJING USES TRADE SURPLUS TO RAVAGE U.S. INDUSTRIAL BASE\n\n“• The PRC’s predatory trade practices and intellectual property theft that continue in violation of past commitments and World Trade Organization obligations. ", "In part, the result is a bilateral trade deficit that has increased ‘over 140 percent in only four years.’ ", "The wealth thus garnered by China is used – among other things – to fuel the plundering of America’s remaining high-technology industrial base and the utter liquidation of our manufacturing sector.”", "\n\n“• Wealth transfers from the United States are underwriting Beijing’s ominous build-up of its armed forces, as well. ", "The commission says: ‘China is engaged in a major military modernization program, the motives of which are opaque and unexplained. ", "It is building a modern navy and air force, upgrading its nuclear-armed ICBM force and beginning to operate in a power-projection mode. ", "It has markedly expanded its information warfare operations to a level that is clearly designed to disrupt American systems.’ …”", "\n\nRED CHINESE ESPIONAGE IS A MOUNTING PROBLEM\n\n“• Finally, China is engaged in activities that pose a more immediate danger. ", "Two of its nationals were recently arrested trying to sell Chinese-made QW-2 man-portable surface-to-air missiles in this country. ", "Had they done so, the result could have given rise to a potentially grave threat to American airliners. ", "And Chinese micro-satellites are being readied to attack our space assets as another, potentially devastating manifestation of Beijing’s pursuit of what the Pentagon calls ‘asymmetric warfare’ capabilities against the United States.” ", "Source: Frank Gaffney, Jr., author of War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World (Naval Institute Press, November 2005, available at www.USNI.org), The Washington Times, 11/15/05, p. A20\n\nBUSH IS BLIND TO CHICOM CHALLENGE\n\n“In its annual report, the US China Economic and Security Review Commission said China’s growing economic might and its unfair trading practices were eroding the US manufacturing base and threatening US technological superiority.", "\n\n“It also concluded that China was building up its military power to confront US and allied forces in Asia and was expanding its global alliances, in part to ensure access to energy resources. …", "\n\n“The commission’s conclusions have generally been dismissed by the administration of President George W. Bush, who travels to China next week. ", "In spite of occasional warnings from the Pentagon about China’s military modernisation, the administration has favoured close co-operation with Beijing on fighting terrorism, opening trade and trying to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.", "\n\n“The commission, set up by Congress when it approved permanent normal trade relations with China in 2000, has become increasingly influential in arguing that the administration’s view of China is far too sanguine. ", "Its findings helped to rally congressional opposition to the bid this year by CNOOC, the Chinese state-run oil company, to purchase Unocal. ", "The bid was abandoned over fears that such a deal would face a lengthy and hostile review in Washington. …”", "\n\nTARIFFS ON RED CHINESE IMPORTS WOULD REDUCE U.S. TRADE DEFICIT\n\n“It said Congress should ‘consider’ imposing across-the-board tariffs on Chinese imports, which have been proposed in legislation by Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham.", "\n\n“The report also called for a build-up of US military forces in Asia and closer military co-operation with Taiwan to make it clear that the US would defend Taiwan against an attack from the mainland.” ", "Source: Edward Alden, Financial Times, 11/10/05, p. 2\n\nCHICOMS MAY MILITARILY DOMINATE HIGHER GROUND OF SPACE\n\n“China’s second manned space launch has ignited a new round of debate over the implications of the PRC’s burgeoning space capabilities. ‘", "China is serious in investing’ in space capabilities that have ‘significant military applications in the future,’ retired Air Force China specialist Mark Stokes tells Voice of America. ‘", "Space assets, as well as countering … the U.S. use of space or other countries’ use of space, are important force multipliers that can help to even the playing field when you are going up against a technologically superior adversary.’ ", "According to Stokes, the space launch constitutes ‘a stepping stone for a longer-range program to make them a significant player in military space in the future.’ — ", "October 12” Source: Ilan Berman, China Reform Monitor, 10/20/05\n\nCHICOM GENERAL PRACTICES NUCLEAR BLINKMANSHIP\n\n“ ‘If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition onto the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,’ Maj. ", "Gen. Zhu Chenghu said in yesterday’s editions of the Financial Times and the Asian Wall Street Journal.”", "\n\nPRC CLAIMS TAIWAN STRAITS OWNERSHIP\n\n“The comments were the most explicit statement of strategic intent by a Chinese military official since 1995, when another officer, Gen. Xiong Guangkai, implicitly threatened to use nuclear arms against Los Angeles if the United States intervened in a Taiwan conflict.", "\n\n“ ‘If the Americans are determined to interfere … we will be determined to respond,’ said Gen. Zhu, head of China’s National Defense University. ‘", "We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian [in central China]. ", "Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds … of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.’ …", "\n\n“A Pentagon official, speaking on background, said Chinese generals normally express only official positions and that Gen. Zhu’s comments represent the views of senior officers. …”", "\n\nCHINA ABANDONS “NO FIRST USE” PLEDGE\n\n“The statements contradict China’s publicly stated policy that it will not be the first nation to use nuclear weapons in a conflict. ", "Gen. Zhu was quoted as saying he believed the no-first-use policy applied only to non-nuclear states and could be changed.", "\n\n“He said Beijing is under internal pressure to change the no-first-use policy and to announce that it will use the most powerful weapons at its disposal to defend its claim on Taiwan. ", "He stated that ‘war logic’ requires weaker powers to use all means to defeat a stronger rival. …”", "\n\n45-57 RED NUKES COULD HIT U.S.\n\n“China’s current nuclear arsenal is believed by U.S. intelligence agencies to include an estimated 45 to 57 missiles that can reach American cities. ", "However, China’s military is rapidly building up its forces and is developing at least three new strategic missile systems, including the DF-31 and DF-31A road-mobile missiles, and the JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles.” ", "Source: Bill Gertz, The Washington Times, 7/16/05, pp. ", "1, A5\n\nRED CHINA’S SPY NETWORK IN U.S. GROWS RAPIDLY\n\n“Back in the 1980s, David Szady was among the premier Soviet spy catchers at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, studying every aspect of the Kremlin’s mole network. ", "Today, he’s mobilizing agents across the country to sniff out spies from a new rival: Beijing.", "\n\n“ ‘China is the biggest [espionage] threat to the U.S. today,’ says Mr. Szady, now 61 years old and assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division.", "\n\n“In one of their biggest initiatives after the fight against terrorism, the FBI and Justice Department have sent hundreds of new counterintelligence agents into the bureau’s 56 field offices, many with a specific focus on China. ", "There is a cloak-and-dagger element to some of this: A principal FBI team focusing on Chinese economic espionage, including some undercover operatives, occupies an unmarked floor in a Silicon Valley office park near a popular Chinese restaurant. …”", "\n\nCHICOMS HAVE AN EASIER TIME THAN DID SOVIETS\n\n“Thousands of Chinese nationals regularly come to the U.S. as students and businessmen, some working for major U.S. defense contractors – something the Russians could only have dreamed of during the Cold War. ", "They are welcomed with open arms by universities and companies who prize their technical acumen and links to capital and low-cost labor back home.”", "\n\nPRC CLAIMS OWNERSHIP OF ALL CHINESE IN U.S.\n\n“The vast majority of them are here innocently working or studying. ", "Counter-espionage experts say the trouble often starts when they are contacted by Chinese government officials or one of the more than 3,000 Chinese ‘front companies’ the FBI alleges have been set up in the U.S. specifically to acquire military or industrial technologies illegally. ", "Sometimes they are wooed with cash, but often the motivation is nationalism.”", "\n\n150,000 PRC STUDENTS IN U.S. AND 700,000 “TOURISTS”\n\n“ ‘They can work on so many levels that China may prove more difficult to contain than the Russian threat,’ Mr. Szady says. … ", "The FBI’s Business Alliance, established a year ago, has been meeting regularly with leading defense contractors to understand what technologies they’re developing and what potential threats are posed by company employees. ", "The participants include Lockheed Martin Corp., General Dynamics Corp. and Raytheon Co. …\n\n“About 150,000 Chinese students are currently studying in the U.S., according to the FBI, and the number of new admissions has been rising. ", "Nearly 64,000 Chinese students entered the U.S. last year, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, up from 55,000 in 1998. ", "All told, about 700,000 Chinese tourists and business executives visit the U.S. each year. …", "\n\n“In addition, the Beijing government runs an extensive, informal, decentralized spy network, counterespionage experts allege. ", "In most cases, Beijing’s spy agencies don’t send trained agents to the U.S. to penetrate companies and government agencies, but rather simply seek to glean information from the hundreds of thousands of Chinese who visit and study in the U.S. every year. ", "They also try to get Chinese-Americans to provide information, appealing to their desire to help uplift China’s economy.” ", "Source: Jay Solomon, The Wall Street Journal, 8/10/05, pp. ", "1, A4\n\nCHICOMS AFFIRM LENIN’S “DEMOCRATIC CENTRALISM”\n\n“China’s government yesterday issued a report stating why the Marxist system will not be changed to allow for Western-style democracy and why democracy is limited to within the ruling Communist Party dictatorship.", "\n\n“ ‘China’s democracy is a democracy guaranteed by the people’s democratic dictatorship,’ the report said. ", "Under that dictatorship, ‘democratic centralism’ is used to rule collectively by party leaders.", "\n\n“Real power in the country is held by the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, which has five to nine members. ", "President Hu Jintao, who serves as party general-secretary, leads the committee. ", "The Communist Party also controls the Chinese military through the Central Military Commission. … ‘", "In building socialist political democracy, China has always adhered to the basic principle that the Marxist theory of democracy be combined with the reality of China …’ the report said.", "\n\n“The report states that the Communist Party regards itself as a ‘vanguard of the working class.’ ", "The party has rejected copying the ‘Western bourgeois political system’ because it ‘would lead them nowhere,’ the report said. …", "\n\n“The report said democracy is limited to the 2.8 million members of the ‘people’s congresses’ across China and that of those, 176,000 are not members of the Communist Party.” ", "Source: From Beijing, Bill Gertz, The Washington Times, 10/20/05, p. A13\n\nRED CHINA IS OUTPACING U.S. IN UNDERWATER WARFARE\n\n“American military history records many instances of poor readiness or non-availability of war-fighting equipment when conflicts broke out. (", "More on that below.)", "\n\n“In that light, consider these facts:\n\n“ American submarines perform many missions – but serve as the premier anti-submarine weapons platform in the U.S. Navy inventory today.", "\n\n“ There are 400 submarines in the world today; about half are friendly. ", "China has a larger submarine force than the United States.", "\n\n“ China is building at least five new nuclear fast attack submarines – and two new ballistic-missile nuclear submarines [today] greatly enhancing Chinese capabilities.", "\n\n“ Nineteen submarines were launched last year worldwide – nine of them in China.", "\n\n“ And the United States has launched just four submarines in the last five years.” ", "Source: Vice Adm. Albert Konetzni Jr. (served as Deputy commander and Chief of Staff, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, 2001-’04, and Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, 1998-’01), New York Post, 7/5/05, p. 27\n\nWORLD BANK USES U.S. TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES TO STRENGTHEN COMMUNIST CONTROL OF CHINA\n\n“China will remain an important client of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, the bank’s president, said yesterday, despite questions over whether a country with swelling financial resources still needs development assistance as it lifts tens of millions of people out of poverty. …", "\n\n“China is still the bank’s largest client measured by outstanding loans, but has not been the largest single recipient country in recent years in terms of new borrowings. …”", "\n\nFUNGIBLE FUNDING AIDS PRC SPACE PROGRAM\n\n“But China’s own growing overseas aid programme, its ability to finance expensive programmes such as manned space flights and its huge stock of foreign exchange reserves, which are on track to reach $1,000bn (£570bn, 830bn), have prompted questions about Beijing’s need for development assistance.”", "\n\nWOLFOWITZ WIMPS OUT —\n\n“Mr Wolfowitz defended the loans, saying the bank and China had developed a mutually beneficial partnership, in which each could learn lessons from the other about poverty reduction. ‘", "I genuinely admire what they have accomplished. ", "I am not without some criticisms, but it has been good for the whole world,’ he said. … ", "Mr Wolfowitz’s trip took in a small village in Gansu in impoverished western China, which is home to a large Muslim minority.”", "\n\n— AND WORSHIPS AT THE MOSQUE\n\n“The press reported that he joined prayers at the local mosque, reciting from heart parts of the Koran. ", "He said he had first learnt the prayer as US ambassador to Indonesia, but had memorized it during three funerals he had attended for ‘Iraqi martyrs’ in recent years.” ", "Source: From Beijing, Richard McGregor, Financial Times, 10/18/05, p. 9\n\nThe Diabolical Disorientation spoken about by Sister Lucia, who was named after today's saint, Saint Lucy of Syracuse, Sicily, has metastasized so much that our prelates really believe that their grand schemes of political and \"strategic\" appeasement and accommodation will succeed. ", "The mere fact that all empirical evidence on the merely human level contradicts the expectations of these prelates is lost on them entirely. ", "Our popes and cardinals and bishops have placed their trust in their own cleverness and ability to \"dialog\" with those steeped in evil. ", "Our Lady did not say at Fatima that we had to engage those who fomented the errors of Russia in \"dialog.\" ", "She said, quite simply, it should be pointed out, that Russia had to be consecrated by a pope with all of the world's bishops to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. ", "Period.", "\n\nNone of the facts cited above should frighten us one little bit. ", "No, as I noted in a commentary yesterday, December 12, 2005, we must cling to Our Lady entirely. ", "We must get ourselves to the Sacrament of Penance regularly, being ever ready to face the moment of our Particular Judgments. ", "Enrolled in the Brown Scapular and displaying Our Lady's Miraculous Medal, we, the sons and daughters of Our Lady of the Rosary, must understand that the most dangerous thing in the world is not nuclear annihilation but dying in a state of final impenitence. ", "We have nothing to fear as long as we persist in a state of grace and are assiduous about saying our prayers and embracing the crosses that come our way, both in our own personal lives and in the larger life of the Church Militant on earth and the world-at-large, and giving them freely to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart as her consecrated slaves. ", "We can only hope and pray that Pope Benedict XVI will come to realize that he has it within his own power to provide the world a \"certain period of peace,\" one that will end the spread of the errors of Russia, which are the errors of Modernity in the world and Modernism in the Church, with one simple act: the consecration of Russia in perfect fulfillment of Our Lady's Fatima Message.", "\n\nIn the meantime, we call upon Saint Lucy this day and every day to help us to see the world clearly through the eyes of the true Faith and to remain as immovable as she was in the midst of temptations to renounce the Faith and to embrace the world and its diabolically disoriented belief that there is any (that means, ladies and gentleman, even one) aspect of our personal and social lives that we can afford not to reference completely and docilely to the standard of the Holy Cross that is lifted high only by the Catholic Church.", "\n\nOur Lady of Fatima, pray for us.", "\n\nSaint Lucy, pray for us.", "\n\nSaint Dominic, pray for us.", "\n\nSaint Louis de Montfort, pray for us.", "\n\nSaint Maximilian Kolbe, Advocate of the City of Mary Immaculate, pray for us." ]
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[ "What I wore…Today I thought I’d share this gorgeous look from Murdock Inc. called, “The Panther Queen” available at The Fantasy Room. ", "I had looked at it for a bit, not sure how I was going to blog the items… and finally it hit me! ", "Boom. ", "The entire look is very simple… but the overall feeling is complicated and intense. ", "I loved the rich red in the textures along with the super cool panther heads adorning the collar. ", "I paired the “Amber Harness” from Luas in Gold along with the new “Verathell” crown and “Woj’ek” horns from keystone.", "\n\nIt all went together so well and this pose form, Nantra only enhanced the creepy feeling! ", "I’ve also attached an UNEDITED photo so you guys can see what it looks like in-world. ", "Mind you, my graphics are on ultra and my wind light setting is custom… Hope you enjoy!" ]
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[ "地球の地磁気を観測している欧州宇宙機関(ESA)の人工衛星 SWARM が、地球の電離層で発生している超音速のプラズマジェット流の存在を裏付ける内容の観測に成功しています。このプラズマジェット流は地球の大気圏の上部に存在し、大気の温度を最大で約1万度にまで加熱する働きがあります。 ", "Supersonic plasma jets discovered / Swarm / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Swarm/Supersonic_plasma_jets_discovered この研究結果はカナダで開催された「Swarm Science Meeting」において、カルガリー大学の研究チームによって発表されたもの。研究チームは3機の人工衛星からなるSWARMを用いて、大気圏上層で発生するとされていた巨大な膜状の電流層の観測に成功しました。この電流は最大で1テラワットの電力を上部層に移動させる働きがあるとのことで、これは熱波に襲われて電力消費量が増大したニューヨーク一帯で消費される電力の30倍にもおよぶ規模だそうです。", "\n\n・関連記事\n\n地球の内側に強いジェット噴流が存在していることが判明 - GIGAZINE\n\n\n\n地球の磁場が反転する「地磁気逆転」はいつ・どこから起こるのか?数千年前の人類の痕跡からその謎を究明 - GIGAZINE\n\n\n\n独自のアルゴリズムで太陽が放つ「太陽風」の可視化に成功、コロナが太陽風に変化する理由が解明へ - GIGAZINE\n\n\n\n地球から酸素が月へと送り込まれていると判明 - GIGAZINE\n\n2017年03月24日 23時12分00秒 in サイエンス, Posted by darkhorse_log\n\nYou can read the machine translated English article here." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFind the sum of the n terms of the series $2\\cdot2^0+3\\cdot2^1+4\\cdot2^2+\\dots$\n\nFind the sum of the n terms of the series: \n\n$2\\cdot2^0+3\\cdot2^1+4\\cdot2^2+\\dots$\n\nI don't know how to proceed. ", "Please explain the process and comment on technique to solve questions of similar type. ", "\nSource: Barnard and Child Higher Algebra. ", "\nThanks in Advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nThe formula for the sum of a geometric sequence gives\n$$\n\\sum_{k=0}^n2^kx^{k+2}=\\frac{x^2-2^{n+1}x^{n+3}}{1-2x}\\tag{1}\n$$\nDifferentiating $(1)$ yields\n$$\n\\sum_{k=0}^n(k+2)2^kx^{k+1}=\\frac{2x-(n+3)2^{n+1}x^{n+2}}{1-2x}+\\frac{2x^2-2^{n+2}x^{n+3}}{(1-2x)^2}\\tag{2}\n$$\nPlugging in $x=1$ leads to\n$$\n\\sum_{k=0}^n(k+2)2^k=(n+1)2^{n+1}\\tag{3}\n$$\n\n" ]
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[ "Academic anxiety, academic procrastination, and parental involvement in students and their parents.", "\nThe study investigated the relationship between academic anxiety and procrastination in children and parents, and parents' direct involvement in their children's schoolwork. ", "Children reported their current anxiety and procrastination and parents reported their anxiety and procrastination when they were children (a measure of indirect influence on their children's schoolwork habits), and on their current involvement in their children's schoolwork (a measure of direct influence). ", "Self-report measures were administered to 354 Israeli adolescents (ages 13, 14, and 16) and their parents. ", "Students were less anxious about homework than the other academic assignments. ", "Older adolescents were less anxious about their schoolwork overall and procrastinated more than younger on homework. ", "Parents of late adolescents were less involved in their children's schoolwork than parents of younger adolescents. ", "Parents participated equally in school-related interactions that demanded high investment of time and effort, but mothers engaged more than fathers in low investment activities. ", "These direct and indirect parental influences on their children's procrastination were of low magnitude overall, but appeared relatively stronger for mothers. ", "The more students were anxious about preparing for examinations and writing papers, the more they procrastinated on these assignments, confirming the appraisal-anxiety avoidance (AAA) model. ", "The inverse relationship of anxiety and procrastination with regard to homework led to our making a post hoc distinction between task-centred and consequence-centred anxiety." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0 ]
[ "Verliert die Bundesliga den vierten Startplatz?", "\n\nDie Super-League-Pläne von Uefa und Europas Klub-Verband (ECA) stießen nicht überall auf Gegenliebe.", "\n\nNun stellt die Vereinigung Europäischer Ligen, der auch die Bundesliga angehört, ein Gegenmodell vor.", "\n\nWie das aussieht, lesen Sie mit BILDplus." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.019417475728155338, 0 ]

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