[ "/************************************************************************\n * Name: iOS App Environment\n * OS: iOS\n * Author: @mobilesecurity_\n * Source: https://github.com/m0bilesecurity\n * Info: \n * BundlePath\n * CachesDirectory\n * codeCacheDirectory\n * DocumentDirectory\n * LibraryDirectory\n*************************************************************************/\n\nconst NSUserDomainMask = 1\nconst NSLibraryDirectory = 5\nconst NSDocumentDirectory = 9\nconst NSCachesDirectory = 13\n\nvar NSBundle = ObjC.classes.", "NSBundle.mainBundle()\nvar NSFileManager = ObjC.classes.", "NSFileManager.defaultManager();\n\nfunction getPathForNSLocation (NSPath){\n var path=NSFileManager.", "URLsForDirectory_inDomains_(NSPath, NSUserDomainMask).lastObject();\n return path.path().toString();\n}\n\nvar env = {\n mainDirectory: getPathForNSLocation(NSLibraryDirectory).replace(\"Library\",\"\"),\n BundlePath: NSBundle.bundlePath().toString(),\n CachesDirectory: getPathForNSLocation(NSCachesDirectory),\n DocumentDirectory: getPathForNSLocation(NSDocumentDirectory),\n LibraryDirectory: getPathForNSLocation(NSLibraryDirectory)\n};\n\nsend(\"************************************** App Environment Info **************************************\")\nsend(\"mainDirectory: \"+env.mainDirectory);\nsend(\"BundlePath: \"+env.", "BundlePath);\nsend(\"CachesDirectory: \"+env.", "CachesDirectory);\nsend(\"DocumentDirectory: \"+env.", "DocumentDirectory);\nsend(\"LibraryDirectory: \"+env.", "LibraryDirectory);\nsend(\"**************************************************************************************************\")" ]
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[ "Elvis Costello Goon Squad Lyrics\n\nLast updated: 03/27/2000 12:55:56 AM\n\nSponsored Links\n\nMother, Father, I'm here in the zoo\nI can't come home 'cause I've grown up too soon\nI got my sentence\nI got my command\nThey said they'd make me major if I met all their demands\nI could be a corp'ral into corp'ral punishment\nOr the gen'ral manager of a large establishment\nThey pat some good boys on the back and put some to the rod\nBut I never thought they'd put me in the\n\nGoon squad\nThey've come to look you over and they're giving you the eye\nGoon squad\nThey want you to come out to play\nYou'd better say goodbye\n\nSome grow just like their dads\nAnd some grow up too tall\nSome go drinking with the lads\nSome don't grow up at all\n\nAnd you must find the proper place\nFor everything you see\nBut you'll never get to make a lampshade out of me\n\nI could join a chain of males or be the missing (a) link\nLooking for a lucky girl to put me in the pink\nThey pat some good boys on the back and put some to the rod\nBut I never thought they'd put me in the\n\nGood squad ....\n\nMother, Father, I'm doing so well\nI'm making such progress now that you can hardly tell\nI fit in a little dedication\nWith one eye on the clock\nThey caught you under medication\nYou could be in for a shock\n\nThinking up the alibis that ev'ryone's forgotten\nJust another mummy's boy gone to rotten\nThey pat some good boys on the back and put some to the rod\nBut I never thought they'd put me in the" ]
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[ "# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. ", "Ltd. and Contributors\n# License: GNU General Public License v3. ", "See license.txt\n\nfrom __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals\nimport frappe\n\ndef execute():\n\tfrappe.reload_doc(\"accounts\", \"doctype\", \"account\")\n\tfrappe.reload_doc(\"setup\", \"doctype\", \"company\")\n\tfrappe.reload_doc(\"accounts\", \"doctype\", \"gl_entry\")\n\tfrappe.reload_doc(\"accounts\", \"doctype\", \"journal_entry_account\")\n\treceivable_payable_accounts = create_receivable_payable_account()\n\tif receivable_payable_accounts:\n\t\tset_party_in_jv_and_gl_entry(receivable_payable_accounts)\n\t\tdelete_individual_party_account()\n\t\tremove_customer_supplier_account_report()\n\ndef create_receivable_payable_account():\n\treceivable_payable_accounts = frappe._dict()\n\n\tdef _create_account(args):\n\t\tif args[\"parent_account\"] and frappe.db.exists(\"Account\", args[\"parent_account\"]):\n\t\t\taccount_id = frappe.db.get_value(\"Account\", \n\t\t\t\t\t{\"account_name\": args[\"account_name\"], \"company\": args[\"company\"]})\n\t\t\tif not account_id:\n\t\t\t\taccount = frappe.new_doc(\"Account\")\n\t\t\t\taccount.is_group = 0\n\t\t\t\taccount.update(args)\n\t\t\t\taccount.insert()\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\taccount_id = account.name\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfrappe.db.set_value(\"Company\", args[\"company\"], (\"default_receivable_account\"\n\t\t\t\tif args[\"account_type\"]==\"Receivable\" else \"default_payable_account\"), account_id)\n\n\t\t\treceivable_payable_accounts.setdefault(args[\"company\"], {}).setdefault(args[\"account_type\"], account_id)\n\n\tfor company in frappe.db.sql_list(\"select name from tabCompany\"):\n\t\t_create_account({\n\t\t\t\t\"account_name\": \"Debtors\",\n\t\t\t\t\"account_type\": \"Receivable\",\n\t\t\t\t\"company\": company,\n\t\t\t\t\"parent_account\": get_parent_account(company, \"Customer\")\n\t\t\t})\n\n\t\t_create_account({\n\t\t\t\"account_name\": \"Creditors\",\n\t\t\t\"account_type\": \"Payable\",\n\t\t\t\"company\": company,\n\t\t\t\"parent_account\": get_parent_account(company, \"Supplier\")\n\t\t})\n\n\treturn receivable_payable_accounts\n\ndef get_parent_account(company, master_type):\n\tparent_account = None\n\t\n\tif \"receivables_group\" in frappe.db.get_table_columns(\"Company\"):\n\t\tparent_account = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', company, \n\t\t\t\"receivables_group\" if master_type==\"Customer\" else \"payables_group\")\n\tif not parent_account:\n\t\tparent_account = frappe.db.get_value(\"Account\", {\"company\": company,\n\t\t\t\"account_name\": \"Accounts Receivable\" if master_type==\"Customer\" else \"Accounts Payable\"})\n\n\tif not parent_account:\n\t\tparent_account = frappe.db.sql_list(\"\"\"select parent_account from tabAccount\n\t\t\twhere company=%s and ifnull(master_type, '')=%s and ifnull(master_name, '')!", "='' limit 1\"\"\",\n\t\t\t(company, master_type))\n\t\tparent_account = parent_account[0][0] if parent_account else None\n\n\treturn parent_account\n\ndef set_party_in_jv_and_gl_entry(receivable_payable_accounts):\n\taccounts = frappe.db.sql(\"\"\"select name, master_type, master_name, company from `tabAccount`\n\t\twhere ifnull(master_type, '') in ('Customer', 'Supplier') and ifnull(master_name, '') !", "= ''\"\"\", as_dict=1)\n\n\taccount_map = frappe._dict()\n\tfor d in accounts:\n\t\taccount_map.setdefault(d.name, d)\n\n\tif not account_map:\n\t\treturn\n\n\tfor dt in [\"Journal Entry Account\", \"GL Entry\"]:\n\t\trecords = frappe.db.sql(\"\"\"select name, account from `tab%s` \n\t\t\twhere account in (%s) and ifnull(party, '') = '' and docstatus < 2\"\"\" % \n\t\t\t(dt, \", \".join(['%s']*len(account_map))), tuple(account_map.keys()), as_dict=1)\n\t\tfor i, d in enumerate(records):\n\t\t\taccount_details = account_map.get(d.account, {})\n\t\t\taccount_type = \"Receivable\" if account_details.get(\"master_type\")==\"Customer\" else \"Payable\"\n\t\t\tnew_account = receivable_payable_accounts[account_details.get(\"company\")][account_type]\n\n\t\t\tfrappe.db.sql(\"update `tab{0}` set account=%s, party_type=%s, party=%s where name=%s\".format(dt),\n\t\t\t\t(new_account, account_details.get(\"master_type\"), account_details.get(\"master_name\"), d.name))\n\n\t\t\tif i%500 == 0:\n\t\t\t\tfrappe.db.commit()\n\ndef delete_individual_party_account():\n\tfrappe.db.sql(\"\"\"delete from `tabAccount` \n\t\twhere ifnull(master_type, '') in ('Customer', 'Supplier') \n\t\t\tand ifnull(master_name, '') !", "= '' \n\t\t\tand not exists(select gle.name from `tabGL Entry` gle \n\t\t\t\twhere gle.account = tabAccount.name)\"\"\")\n\t\t\n\taccounts_not_deleted = frappe.db.sql_list(\"\"\"select tabAccount.name from `tabAccount` \n\t\twhere ifnull(master_type, '') in ('Customer', 'Supplier')\n\t\tand ifnull(master_name, '') !", "= '' \n\t\tand exists(select gle.name from `tabGL Entry` gle where gle.account = tabAccount.name)\"\"\")\n\t\t\n\tif accounts_not_deleted:\n\t\tprint(\"Accounts not deleted: \" + \"\\n\".join(accounts_not_deleted))\n\t\t\n\ndef remove_customer_supplier_account_report():\n\tfor d in [\"Customer Account Head\", \"Supplier Account Head\"]:\n\t\tfrappe.delete_doc(\"Report\", d)\n" ]
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[ "By Tim Radford / Climate News Network\n\nBaked earth caused by the severe water shortage in Senegal, West Africa. (", "United Nations via Flickr)\n\nLONDON — Greenhouse gases could tip the Earth — or at least a planet like Earth, orbiting a star very like the Sun — into a runaway greenhouse effect, according to new research.", "\n\nThe new hothouse planet would become increasingly steamy, and then start to lose its oceans to interplanetary space. ", "Over time, it would become completely dry, stay at a temperature at least 60°C hotter than it is now, and remain completely uninhabitable, even if greenhouse gas levels could be reduced.", "\n\nMax Popp, postdoctoral researcher in climate instabilities at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany, has been playing with models of clouds, sunlight, carbon dioxide and oceans for a while now.", "\n\nSuch research could not only help with a deeper understanding of global warming and climate change as a consequence of the human combustion of fossil fuels, but also with the possible dynamics of other planets, orbiting distant stars.", "\n\nBaked to a crisp\n\nHe and colleagues report in Nature Communications that there may be no need to wait five billion years until the Sun becomes a Red Giant and bakes the inner planets to a set of crisps.", "\n\nNotionally, humans could achieve much the same effect by simply quadrupling the proportions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to around 1,520 parts per million, and possibly as little as 1,120 ppm.", "\n\nRight now, the ratio of CO 2 has risen from 280 ppm to 400 ppm, and planetary average temperatures have risen by 1°C. ", "So there is still a long way to go.", "\n\nBut, until now, researchers have wondered whether carbon dioxide alone could ever raise temperatures high enough to boil a planet dry. ", "The Popp study suggests that it could — and in much lower proportions than others have suggested\n\n“A planet in this state would\n\neventually become\n\nuninhabitable\n\nas all water is lost to space.”", "\n\nVenus, covered in clouds of sulphuric acid and with a surface hot enough to melt lead, has been proposed as a victim of the runaway greenhouse effect.", "\n\nResearch such as this is a bit like a computer game: compose an ideal planet, much like Earth, and run it through a series of extreme tests.", "\n\nDr Popp and his team simplified their Earth-like planet as much as they could. ", "They started with a world covered entirely by ocean, and then eliminated the ice caps.", "\n\nThey made it 6°C on average warmer than it is now — and climate models predict that a 6°C planetary average temperature rise is possible under a business-as-usual emissions scenario — and then let the greenhouse gases start to build up.", "\n\nOther researchers have hypothesised that clouds would also build up, and reflect sunlight away from Earth, to contain the warming.", "\n\nBut this team found a different effect: water vapour would increase in the atmosphere, which would in any case expand. ", "As the water vapour climbed ever higher, it would become increasingly vulnerable to radiation.", "\n\nThis would break up H 2 O into hydrogen and oxygen. ", "Hydrogen, being the lightest of the elements, would start to ooze away into space. ", "And without hydrogen, there is no water.", "\n\nIncreasingly impossible\n\nBy the time that started to happen, this laboratory aqua-planet would be in a moist greenhouse state. ", "Sea surface temperatures would be at least 50 to 70°C higher than now — that is, at the temperature needed to pasteurise milk — and life would become increasingly impossible.", "\n\nOminously, even if somehow the CO 2 levels could be lowered dramatically, the planet would stay in this steam bath condition, increasingly parched. ", "And the clouds above would simply trap the heat and make things worse.", "\n\n“A planet in this state would eventually become uninhabitable as all water is lost to space,” the authors say.", "\n\nThey add: “To conclude, we have demonstrated with a state-of-the-art climate model that a water-rich planet might lose its habitability as readily by CO 2 forcing as by increased solar forcing through a transition to a Moist Greenhouse and the implied long-term loss of hydrogen.”", "\n\nTim Radford, a founding editor of Climate News Network, worked for The Guardian for 32 years, for most of that time as science editor. ", "He has been covering climate change since 1988." ]
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[ "Not applicable.", "\nThe present invention relates to the field of printer technology and discloses a printing cartridge for use in an image printer or the like. ", "In particular, the present invention discloses a printing cartridge that includes an integrated circuit device.", "\nRecently, digital printing technology has been proposed as a suitable replacement for traditional camera and photographic film techniques. ", "The traditional film and photographic techniques rely upon a film roll having a number of pre-formatted negatives which are drawn past a lensing system and onto which is imaged a negative of a image taken by the lensing system. ", "Upon the completion of a film roll, the film is rewound into its container and forwarded to a processing shop for processing and development of the negatives so as to produce a corresponding positive set of photos.", "\nUnfortunately, such a system has a number of significant drawbacks. ", "Firstly, the chemicals utilized are obviously very sensitive to light and any light impinging upon the film roll will lead to exposure of the film. ", "They are therefore required to operate in a light sensitive environment where the light imaging is totally controlled. ", "This results in onerous engineering requirements leading to increased expense. ", "Further, film processing techniques require the utilizing of a xe2x80x9cnegativexe2x80x9d and its subsequent processing onto a xe2x80x9cpositivexe2x80x9d film paper through the utilization of processing chemicals and complex silver halide processing etc. ", "This is generally unduly cumbersome, complex and expensive. ", "Further, such a system through its popularity has lead to the standardization on certain size film formats and generally minimal flexibility is possible with the aforementioned techniques.", "\nRecently, all digital cameras have been introduced. ", "These camera devices normally utilize a charge coupled device (CCD) or other form of photosensor connected to a processing chip which in turn is connected to and controls a media storage device which can take the form of a detachable magnetic card. ", "In this type of device, the image is captured by the CCD and stored on the magnetic storage device. ", "At some later time, the image or images that have been captured are down loaded to a computer device and printed out for viewing. ", "The digital camera has the disadvantage that access to images is non-immediate and the further post processing step of loading onto a computer system is required, the further post processing often being a hindrance to ready and expedient use.", "\nTherefore, there remains a general need for an improved form of camera picture image production apparatus which is convenient, simple and effective in operation. ", "Further, there also remains a need for a simple form of portable, immediate print media on which images can be effectively reproduced.", "\nIn the parent application, there is disclosed the use of an authentication chip to provide information in connection with the print media and the media colorant that is supplied with the cartridge. ", "The Applicant has identified that it would be highly desirable to provide a means whereby information concerning at least the media colorant could be supplied together with the cartridge. ", "With suitable encryption techniques, this could be used to inhibit after-market refilling. ", "As is well known in the field of printing technology, such after-market refilling has become a cause for substantial concern in the printing industry.", "\nAccording to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a printing cartridge that comprises\na housing; and\nan integrated circuit device that is positioned on the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry that carries data relating to at least one of: a serial number of the cartridge, a media and a media colorant.", "\nAccording to a second aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of determining a media colorant of a printing cartridge, the method comprising the step of reading memory circuitry of an integrated circuit device positioned on a housing of the printing cartridge, the memory circuitry carrying data relating to the media colorant.", "\nAccording to a third aspect of the invention, there is provided a printing cartridge that comprises\na housing;\na media colorant supply arrangement positioned within the housing and containing a supply of media colorant; and\nan integrated circuit device positioned on the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry carrying data relating to the media colorant.", "\nAccording to a fourth aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of determining media of a printing cartridge, the method comprising the step of reading memory circuitry of an integrated circuit device positioned on a housing of the printing cartridge, the memory circuitry carrying data relating to the media of the printing cartridge.", "\nAccording to a fifth aspect of the invention there is provided a printing cartridge that comprises\na housing;\na media supply arrangement positioned within the housing and containing a supply of media; and\nan integrated circuit device positioned on the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry carrying data relating to the media.", "\nAccording to a sixth aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of determining media and media colorant of a printing cartridge, the method comprising the step of reading memory circuitry of an integrated circuit device positioned on a housing of the printing cartridge, the memory circuitry carrying data relating to the media colorant and the media of the printing cartridge.", "\nAccording to a seventh aspect of the invention, there is provided a printing cartridge that comprises\na housing;\nmedia and media colorant supply arrangements positioned within the housing and containing a supply of media and a supply of media colorant, respectively; and\nan integrated circuit device positioned on the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry carrying data relating to the media colorant and the media.", "\nAccording to an eighth aspect of the invention, there is provided an authentication chip for a printing cartridge having a housing, a media colorant supply arrangement positioned within the housing and containing a supply of media colorant, and a feed mechanism positioned in the housing for feeding the media colorant to a printing mechanism, the authentication chip comprising\nan integrated circuit device that is mountable in the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry that incorporates data relating to the media colorant.", "\nAccording to a ninth aspect of the invention, there is provided an authentication chip for a printing cartridge having a housing, a media supply arrangement positioned within the housing and containing a supply of media, and a feed mechanism positioned in the housing for feeding the media to a printing mechanism, the authentication chip comprising\nan integrated circuit device that is mountable in the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry that incorporates data relating to the media.", "\nAccording to a tenth aspect of the invention, there is provided an authentication chip for a printing cartridge having a housing, media colorant and media supply arrangements positioned within the housing and containing a supply of media colorant and a supply of media, respectively, and feed mechanisms positioned in the housing for feeding the media colorant and the media to a printing mechanism, the authentication chip comprising\nan integrated circuit device that is mountable in the housing, the integrated circuit device having memory circuitry that incorporates data relating to the media colorant and the media.", "\nThe invention is now described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings. ", "The specific nature of the following description should not be construed as limiting in any way the broad nature of this summary." ]
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[ "Philodendron ventricosum\n\nPhilodendron ventricosum is a species of plant in the family Araceae. ", "It is endemic to Ecuador. ", " Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. ", "It is threatened by habitat loss.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Endemic flora of Ecuador\nventricosum\nCategory:Endangered plants\nCategory:Taxonomy articles created by Polbot" ]
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[ "One consequence of the brain’s incredible ability to make sense of the world is that it sometimes sees things that aren’t there. ", "Most people have experienced pareidolia, that pleasing effect of interpreting a face from a random assortment of objects or shapes, so that a paperclip and two blobs of adhesive putty look like a happy little man, or the watermarks behind Auntie Maureen’s radiator strike her as a dead ringer for the Virgin Mary. ", "Our brain has spent so many millions of years geared toward facial recognition, it takes even the most random nonsense and attempts to construct it into something meaningful.", "\n\nMy brain, it turns out, does a similar thing when I read the tweets of Brexit MEP Ben Habib. “", "I am on the border between NI and ROI,” he tweeted last week, above a video that depicted him and some colleagues wisely playing in the middle of the road. “", "Travelling in a straight line, one enters and exits the ROI a number of times. ", "There could never be a hard border here. ", "The UK has declared it would never seek to impose one. ", "The whole thing is a red herring.”", "\n\nMPs can still thwart Boris Johnson over no deal. ", "Here’s how | Vernon Bogdanor Read more\n\nSurely, I thought, this was a pleasing moment of candour from a man who had seen just how unworkable a border would be, who had stood where it once was, and realised that such a self-defeating arrangement must never be put in place again.", "\n\nAlas, this hope was no more real than Auntie Maureen’s blotchy patch of Blessed-Virgin-shaped damp. ", "Habib’s point was, astoundingly, that a no-deal Brexit was somehow incapable of causing a hard border because … it would be inconvenient to erect? ", "Or because there isn’t one there currently? ", "Perhaps Habib thinks the world is just full of things now, and new things can’t be built in spaces where those things don’t currently exist. ", "One wonders what it would be like to watch Grand Designs with him, to feel his innocent thrill at the impossibility of these wondrous structures as they miraculously appear in places where once they weren’t. ", "Of course, it’s hard to know exactly what he meant, or whence came the ebullience with which he meant it since, again, my brain is working overtime to ascribe sense where none exists.", "\n\nI don’t know much about Habib’s little border crossing jaunt; I do hope he had a nice time, perhaps returning home with some agricultural diesel or a few nice boxty recipes. ", "But I do know quite a bit about the hard border which, for 80 years, existed between the UK and Ireland. ", "Because that’s where I was born and raised.", "\n\nMy family home is on Derry’s western border with Donegal. ", "I mean “on” here quite literally. ", "For most of my childhood, our garden backed on to a UK customs checkpoint which sat at the terminus of land behind our garage. ", "I’m sure this isn’t some red herring I’ve imagined, because I’d have likely conjured a more thrilling sight than the squat little prefab that blighted our view of the main road until 1997. ", "On the other hand, however fevered my imagination, I doubt I could have made up the time an IRA bomb blast destroyed that building, damaging our windows and blowing a section of its wall into our field – with its kitchen sink still attached.", "\n\nI’ve lived on the hard border and faced some small part of the harm it can do to a place. ", "It takes a certain lack of seriousness to say that something is impossible just because it has never happened before. ", "It takes an altogether different level of ineptitude to say a thing is impossible, when it only very recently stopped happening, having done so for eight decades before that.", "\n\nThe hard border is not currently there because of its relaxation under the terms of the Good Friday agreement, underpinned by the fact that both the UK and Ireland are EU states. ", "If Britain leaves with no deal, we will have an international border between two entities with disparate health regulations, tax schemes and immigration policies, meaning it will need to be fortified once more. ", "You might say this concept is what gives both words within the term “international border” their meaning. ", "It would be odd if we were merely having to point this out to those who, admirably enough, advocate pulling down the barriers between nations. ", "But we are here explaining the concept of borders to the very people who have been screaming we need greater control of them for decades, and who wish to crash out of the world’s most successful trading bloc largely because of the people who come through those borders.", "\n\nBut it gets better. ", "After the Good Friday agreement, the customs hut was sold so that a large family home could be built in its place. ", "The couple who live there are extremely nice but I’m sure they would object to having a customs outpost erected in their bedroom. ", "They have also shown remarkably little interest in working for HMRC as checkpoint guards. ", "My dad says they’re into walking their dog, mostly. ", "The building immediately next door is in the Republic of Ireland, and was formerly the Irish customs post. ", "It’s now a kickboxing gym. ", "There has never been even a cursory inquiry into purchasing these buildings and refitting them for their former purposes.", "\n\nNo deal may be a Boris Johnson bluff, but the consequences will be real | Gaby Hinsliff Read more\n\nThere’s 300 miles (482km) of border. ", "That’s a lot of family homes, petrol stations, cow sheds and kickboxing gyms. ", "While I will admit I quite like the thought of some pencil-necked bureaucrat having to evict a gym filled with oiled-up Derry and Donegal martial artists, doing so across Northern Ireland would be the most expensive and logistically arduous engineering, staffing and planning job in UK or Irish history. ", "It would take a great deal more than 85 days and £2.1bn. ", "And it would still be a bad idea even if it promised a massively improved economy and huge social improvements, rather than a harrowing wasteland of dead diabetics, bleached chicken and Dominic Raab.", "\n\nIt’s hard to know what Habib and the Brexit commentariat are aiming for, except borders that are stronger, more impenetrable and back under Britain’s Control™ while also being open, invisible and as frictionless as those we currently have. ", "We may have to make peace with the fact they don’t even know themselves. ", "No matter how hard we look, the nonsense of their position is staring us in the face.", "\n\n• Séamas O’Reilly is a writer from Derry." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Given a domain $\\Omega$ in $\\mathbb{C}^m$, and a finite set of points $z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\in \\Omega$ and $w_1,w_2,\\ldots, w_n\\in \\mathbb{D}$ (the open unit disc in the complex plane), the *Pick interpolation problem* asks when there is a holomorphic function $f:\\Omega \\rightarrow \\overline{\\mathbb{D}}$ such that $f(z_i)=w_i,1\\leq i\\leq n$. Pick gave a condition on the data $\\{z_i, w_i:1\\leq i\\leq n\\}$ for such an $interpolant$ to exist if $\\Omega=\\mathbb{D}$. Nevanlinna characterized all possible functions $f$ that *interpolate* the data. ", "We generalize Nevanlinna’s result to a domain $\\Omega$ in $\\mathbb{C}^m$ admitting holomorphic test functions when the function $f$ comes from the Schur-Agler class and is affiliated with a certain completely positive kernel. ", "The Schur class is a naturally associated Banach algebra of functions with a domain. ", "The success of the theory lies in characterizing the Schur class interpolating functions for three domains - the bidisc, the symmetrized bidisc and the annulus - which are affiliated to given kernels.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Tirthankar Bhattacharyya [^1]'\n- 'Anindya Biswas [^2]'\n- 'Vikramjeet Singh Chandel [^3]'\ntitle: |\n [ On the Nevanlinna problem - ]{}\\\n Characterization of all Schur-Agler class solutions affiliated with a given kernel\n---\n\n[***Keywords—*** Nevanlinna problem, Schur-Agler class, Colligation, Test function, Several complex variables]{}\n\nIntroduction.", "\n=============\n\nGiven a solvable scalar valued interpolation problem from the unit disc into the unit disc, Nevanlinna in [@N-29] gave a complete set of solutions. ", "The main result of this paper, Theorem \\[parametrization\\], is a far reaching generalization of Nevanlinna’s result.", "\n\nTest functions {#test}\n--------------\n\nA collection $\\Psi$ of $\\mathbb{C}$-valued functions on a set $\\Omega$ is called a set of *test functions* (see [@B_H] and [@D-M]) if the following conditions hold:\n\n1. ", " $\\sup\\{|\\psi(x)|:\\psi\\in \\Psi\\}<1$ for each $x\\in \\Omega$.\n\n2. ", " For each finite subset $F$ of $\\Omega$, the collection $\\{\\psi |_F:\\psi\\in \\Psi\\}$ together with the constant function generates the algebra of all $\\mathbb{C}$-valued functions on $F$.\n\nThe second condition is not essential for the development of the theory, but it makes some situations simpler (it is excluded in [@B_H] but not in [@D-M]). ", "The collection $\\Psi$ is a natural topological subspace of $\\overline{\\mathbb{D}}^\\Omega$ equipped with the product topology. ", "For every $x\\in \\Omega$, there is an element $E(x)$ in $\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)$, [*the $C^*$-algebra of all bounded functions on*]{} $\\Psi$, such that $E(x)(\\psi)=\\psi(x)$. Clearly, $\\| E(x)\\|= \\text{sup}_{\\psi\\in \\Psi} |\\psi(x)|<1$ for each $x\\in \\Omega$. The functions $E(x)$ will be used at several places in this paper.", "\n\nCompletely Positive Kernels {#CPK}\n---------------------------\n\nA positive kernel $k$ on a set $\\Omega$ is a function $k:\\Omega\\times \\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}$ such that for any $n\\geq 1$, any $n$ points $z_1,z_2,\\ldots,z_n$ in $\\Omega$ and any $n$ complex numbers $c_1,c_2,\\ldots, c_n$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\sum_{j=1}^{n}\\overline{c_i}c_j k(z_i,z_j)\\geq 0.\\end{aligned}$$ If $\\mathcal{E}$ is a Hilbert space and $k:\\Omega\\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{E})$ is a function, then $k$ is called a positive kernel if for any $n\\geq 1$, any $n$ points $z_1,z_2,\\ldots,z_n$ in $\\Omega$ and any $n$ vectors $\\mathbf{e_1,e_2,\\ldots, e_n}$ in $\\mathcal{E}$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{op. ", "valued kernel}\n\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\sum_{j=1}^{n}\\langle k(z_i,z_j)\\mathbf{e_j}, \\mathbf{e_i} \\rangle\\geq 0.\\end{aligned}$$ The concept of a positive kernel does not cease here. ", "Let ${\\mathscr{A}}$ and ${\\mathscr{B}}$ be two $C^*$-algebras and let $\\Gamma$ be a function on $\\Omega \\times \\Omega$ taking values in $B({\\mathscr{A}}, {\\mathscr{B}})$ (space of all bounded linear operators from ${\\mathscr{A}}$ to ${\\mathscr{B}}$). ", "$\\Gamma$ is called a *completely positive kernel* if $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{compositivekernel}\n \\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} b_i^* \\ \\Gamma(z_i, z_j)(a_i ^*a_j) b_j \\geq 0\\end{aligned}$$ for all $n \\geq 1$, $a_1, a_2, \\dots, a_n \\in {\\mathscr{A}}$, $b_1, b_2, \\dots, b_n \\in {\\mathscr{B}}$ and $z_1, z_2, \\dots, z_n \\in \\Omega$.\\\nIt is well-known that a completely positive kernel has a Kolmogorov decomposition (see [@B-B-F-t] or [@B_H] or [@B-B-L-S]). ", "The following situation will occur several times in our paper. ", "Let us consider a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{Y}}$ and a collection $\\Psi$ of test functions. ", "Take the $C^*$-algebras $\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)$ and $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$, a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{X}}$, a unital $*$-representation $\\mu :{\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ and a function $h:\\Omega\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$. Then it is easy to see that $$\\Gamma(x,y)(\\delta)=h(z)\\mu(\\delta)h(w)^*\\,\\,\\text{for all}\\,\\, z,w\\in\\Omega\\,\\,\\text{and}\\,\\, \\delta\\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$$ is a completely positive kernel. ", "Conversely, if $$\\Gamma: \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$$ is a completely positive kernel, then there exists a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{X}}$, a unital $*$-representation $\\mu: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ and a function $h: \\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{Kolmogorv Decomposition}\n\\Gamma(z, w)(\\delta) = h(z) \\mu(\\delta) h(w)^* \\,\\,\\text{for all} \\ \\ z,w \\in \\Omega \\ \\ \\text{and} \\ \\ \\delta \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi).\\end{aligned}$$ This is called the *Kolmogorov decomposition.*", "\n\nFor example, take a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{Y}}$ and a function $\\psi:\\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}$ from a given collection $\\Psi$ of test functions. ", "Since $|\\psi(z)|<1$ for each $z\\in \\Omega$, for any finite subset $\\Omega_0\\subset \\Omega$ we have $sup_{z\\in\\Omega_0} |\\psi(z)|<1$. Now take the map $\\Gamma_{\\psi}:\\Omega \\times \\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}, B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ defined by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{Gamma_Psi}\n\\Gamma_{\\psi} (z,w) (\\delta)= \\frac{\\delta(\\psi)}{1- \\psi(z) \\overline{\\psi(w)}} I_{\\mathscr{Y}},\\,\\, z,w\\in\\Omega,\\,\\,\\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}.\\end{aligned}$$ Since the positivity condition (\\[compositivekernel\\]) involves only a finite number of points from $\\Omega$, we shall have no difficulty in checking the positivity of this map. ", "Let ${\\mathscr{X}}=\\bigoplus_{j=0} ^{\\infty}{\\mathscr{Y}}_j$ where ${\\mathscr{Y}}_j ={\\mathscr{Y}}$ for every $j$. Define $\\mu_\\psi :{\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ by $$\\mu_\\psi (\\delta)= \\delta (\\psi)I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}$$ and $h_\\psi :\\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ by $$h_\\psi (z)\\big(\\oplus_{j=0} ^{\\infty} y_j\\big)= \\sum_{j=0}^{\\infty} \\psi(z)^j y_j.$$ Clearly $\\mu_\\psi$ is a unital $*$-representation and $h_\\psi (z)$ is bounded linear transformation. ", "Note that $$\\Gamma_{\\psi} (z,w)(\\delta) = h_\\psi (z)\\mu_\\psi(\\delta)h_\\psi (w)^*.$$ Hence by (\\[Kolmogorv Decomposition\\]), $\\Gamma_{\\psi}$ is a completely positive kernel.", "\n\n$\\Psi$-unitary Colligations\n---------------------------\n\nLet ${\\mathscr{X}}$, ${\\mathscr{U}}$ and ${\\mathscr{Y}}$ be Hilbert spaces and let $\\Psi$ be a fixed set of test functions. ", "By a $\\Psi$-unitary colligation, we mean a pair $(U, \\rho)$ where $U$ is a unitary operator from ${\\mathscr{X}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}$ to ${\\mathscr{X}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}$, and $ \\rho: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ is a $*$-representation. ", "If we write $U$ as $$U =\n\\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{X}}& {\\mathscr{U}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{X}}& A & B \\cr\n {\\mathscr{Y}}& C & D}, \\qquad$$ then we can define a bounded $B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ valued function on $\\Omega$, given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n f(x) = D + C \\rho (E(x)) (I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}- A \\rho(E(x)))^{-1} B \\ \\ \\forall \\ x \\in \\Omega,\\end{aligned}$$ equivalently, $$\\begin{aligned}\n f(x) = D + C(I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}- \\rho (E(x)) A)^{-1} \\rho (E(x)) B \\ \\ \\forall \\ x \\in \\Omega.\\end{aligned}$$ This $f$ is called the transfer function associated with $(U,\\rho)$. Since $U^*$ is also a unitary, we have that $$\\begin{aligned}\ng(x) = D^* + B^*(I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}- \\rho (E(x)) A^*)^{-1} \\rho(E(x)) C^*\\end{aligned}$$ is the transfer function of the colligation $(U^*,\\rho)$.\n\nThe $\\Psi$-Schur-Agler Class {#SAClass}\n----------------------------\n\nLet ${\\mathcal{E}}$ be a Hilbert space and $\\Omega$ an abstract set. ", "We consider a $B({\\mathcal{E}})$-valued kernel $K$ (satisfying (\\[op. ", "valued kernel\\])) on $\\Omega$. For this $K$, there is a Hilbert space $\\mathcal{H}(K)$ of ${\\mathcal{E}}$-valued functions on $\\Omega$ such that span of the set $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\{K(\\cdot, \\omega)\\mathbf{e}:\\mathbf{e}\\in {\\mathcal{E}},\\, \\omega\\in \\Omega \\}\\end{aligned}$$ is dense in $\\mathcal{H}(K)$ and for any $\\mathbf{e}\\in {\\mathcal{E}}$, $\\omega \\in \\Omega$ and $h\\in \\mathcal{H}(K)$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\langle h, K(\\cdot, \\omega)\\mathbf{e}\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(K)} = \\langle h(\\omega), \\mathbf{e} \\rangle_{{\\mathcal{E}}}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nGiven a set of test functions $\\Psi$ on $\\Omega$, a kernel $K:\\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B({\\mathcal{E}})$ is said to be [*$\\Psi$-admissible*]{} if the map $M_\\psi$, sending each element $h\\in \\mathcal{H}(K)$ to $\\psi\\cdot h$, is a contraction on $\\mathcal{H}(K)$. We denote the set of all $B({\\mathcal{E}})$-valued $\\Psi$-admissible kernels by ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathcal{E}})$. For two Hilbert spaces ${\\mathscr{U}}$ and ${\\mathscr{Y}}$, we say that [*$S: \\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ is in $H^\\infty_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$*]{} if there is a non-negative constant $C$ such that the $B({\\mathscr{Y}}\\otimes {\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued function $$\\label{C} (C^2 I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- S(x)S(y)^*)\\otimes k(x,y)$$ is a positive $B({\\mathscr{Y}}\\otimes {\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued kernel for every $k$ in ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{Y}})$. If $S$ is in $H^\\infty_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$, then we denote by $C_S$ the smallest $C$ which satisfies . ", "The collection of maps $S\\in H^\\infty_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ for which $C_S$ is no larger than $ 1$ is called the $\\Psi$-Schur-Agler class and it is denoted by ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$.\\\nThe plan of the paper is as follows. ", "In Section \\[Char-schur-agler\\], we prove a characterization of functions in the class ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$. This is followed by Section \\[Holomorphic test functions\\] which describes the usefulness of taking holomorphic test functions. ", "Section \\[Affiliated\\] consists of the description of an auxiliary function $G$. Section \\[Main Result\\] has the main theorem. ", "In Section \\[Examples\\], we give applications of our main result.", "\n\nCharacterization of ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$ {#Char-schur-agler}\n====================================================================================\n\nVariants of the following theorem exist in various forms in literature, see [@D-M] and [@B_H] and the references therein. ", "We did not find it in the form that we shall need. ", "The most non-trivial implication is $\\mathbf{1}. ", "\\Rightarrow \\mathbf{2}.$ and we shall prove this since we did not find, in the literature, a proof of it. ", "Other implications are easy to see.", "\n\n\\[RealTheo\\] Consider a function $S_0$ on some subset $\\Omega_0$ of $\\Omega$ with values in $B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$. Then the following conditions are equivalent.", "\n\n1. ", " There exists an $S$ in ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$ such that $S|_{\\Omega_0} =S_0$.\n\n2. ", " $S_0$ has an [*Agler decomposition*]{} on $\\Omega_0$, that is, there exists a completely positive kernel $\\Gamma: \\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0 \\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ so that $$\\begin{aligned}\n I_{{\\mathscr{Y}}} - S_0(z) S_0(w)^* = \\Gamma(z,w) (1- E(z) E(w) ^*) \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ z, w \\in \\Omega_0.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\n3. ", " There exists a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{X}}$, a $*$-representation $\\rho: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ and a $\\Psi$-unitary colligation $(V, \\rho)$ such that writing $V$ as $$V =\n \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{X}}& {\\mathscr{U}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{X}}& A & B \\cr\n {\\mathscr{Y}}& C & D}, \\qquad$$ one has $$\\begin{aligned}\n S_0(z) = D+ C(I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}- \\rho(E(z)) A) ^{-1} \\rho(E(z)) B \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ z \\in \\Omega_0.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\n4. ", " There exists a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{X}}$, a $*$-representation $\\rho: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ and a $\\Psi$-unitary colligation $(W, \\rho)$ such that writing $W$ as $$W =\n \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{X}}& {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{X}}& A_1 & B_1 \\cr\n {\\mathscr{U}}& C_1 & D_1}, \\qquad$$ one has $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{transfer}\n S_0(z)^* = D_1+ C_1 (I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}- \\rho(E(z))^* A_1) ^{-1} \\rho(E(z))^* B_1 \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ z \\in \\Omega_0.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\n**Proof.** ", "As mentioned before, we shall only prove that $\\mathbf{1}.$ implies $\\mathbf{2}.$ Consider an $S\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ and a $\\Psi$-admissible kernel $K:\\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{Y}})$. As is usual, denote $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathcal{H}(K)=\\overline{span}\\{K(\\cdot, w)y:w\\in \\Omega, y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}\\}.\\end{aligned}$$ Define a linear transformation $T^*$ on the dense subspace $span \\{K(\\cdot, w)y_1 \\otimes y_2:w\\in \\Omega, y_1, y_2\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}\\}$ by first defining $$T^*\\Big (K(\\cdot, w)y_1 \\otimes y_2\\Big) =K(\\cdot, w)y_1 \\otimes S(w)^* y_2,$$ and then extending linearly. ", "For $w_i\\in \\Omega, \\,y_{1i}, y_{2,i}\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}, 1\\leq i\\leq n,$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n&||\\sum_{i=1}^{n}K(\\cdot, w_i)y_{1i} \\otimes y_{2i}||^2-||T^* \\Big(\\sum_{i=1}^{n}K(\\cdot, w_i)y_{1i} \\otimes y_{2i}\\Big)||^2\\\\ &=\\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}\\Bigg \\langle \\Big( (I_{\\mathscr{Y}}-S(w_j)S(w_i)^*)\\otimes K(w_j,w_i)\\Big ) y_{1i} \\otimes y_{2i}, y_{1j} \\otimes y_{2j}\\Bigg \\rangle\\end{aligned}$$ Since $S\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$, the last expression is nonnegative. ", "So $T$ defines a contraction from $\\mathcal{H}(K)\\otimes {\\mathscr{U}}$ to $\\mathcal{H}(K)\\otimes {\\mathscr{Y}}.$ We need the following lemma to continue with the proof.", "\n\n**Lemma.** ", "Let $J : \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{Y}})$ be a self-adjoint function, i.e., $J(z,w)= J(w,z)^*$ for all $z,w\\in \\Omega$ (see page 174 of [@A-M]). ", "If $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{TheJ}\nJ\\oslash K: (z,w)\\mapsto J(z,w)\\otimes K(z,w)\\end{aligned}$$ is a positive kernel for every $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued admissible kernel $K$, then there is a completely positive kernel ${\\Gamma: \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))}$ such that $$J(z,w)=\\Gamma(z,w)(1- E(z)E(w)^*)\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, z,w\\in \\Omega.$$ **Proof of the lemma.**\\\nWe prove the result for a finite subset $\\Omega_0=\\{w_1,w_2,\\ldots, w_n\\}$ of $\\Omega$ and apply Kurosh’s theorem.\\\nConsider the following subset of $n\\times n$ self-adjoint operator matrices with entries in $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nW_{\\Omega_0}=&\\Big\\{\\Big(\\Gamma(w_i,w_j)(1-E(w_i)E(w_j)^*)\\Big)_{1\\leq i,j\\leq n}:\\\\ &\\Gamma:\\Omega_0\\times \\Omega_0\\rightarrow B({\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}, B({\\mathscr{Y}}))\n\\text{ is a completely positive kernel}\\Big\\}\\end{aligned}$$ Clearly $W_{\\Omega_0}\\subset B({\\mathscr{Y}}^n)$ is a convex set and it is invariant under multiplication by positive real scalars in the space of $n\\times n$ self-adjoint matrices. ", "Such a set is called a *wedge* (see [@A-M], page 169)).", "\n\nIt needs to be shown that $W_{\\Omega_0}$ is closed in the $weak^*$-topology of $ B({\\mathscr{Y}}^n).$ To that end, start with a net $\\Big[ \\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_j)(1-E(w_i)E(w_j)^*)\\Big]_{1\\leq i,j\\leq n} = \\Big[ A_\\nu \\Big]_{1\\leq i,j\\leq n}$ in $W_{\\Omega_0}$ and suppose that it converges in the $weak^*$-topology to an $n\\times n$ self-adjoint matrix $A=\\Big[A_{ij}\\Big]$ with entries in $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$. This means that for every $X=\\Big[X_{lp} \\Big]$ in $B_1 ({\\mathscr{Y}}^n)$ (the space of trace class operators on ${\\mathscr{Y}}^n$), $\\{tr(A_\\nu X)\\}$ converges to $tr (AX)$. Let $u,v\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$ with $||u||,||v||\\leq 1$ and choose $X$ to be the operator matrix which has $u\\otimes v$ as its $(j,i)$-th entry and zeros elsewhere. ", "Then $tr(A_\\nu X)=\\Big\\langle A_{\\nu}u,v \\Big\\rangle$ tends to $tr(A X)=\\Big\\langle Au,v \\Big\\rangle$. We have that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_j)(1-E(w_i)E(w_j)^*)u,v \\Big\\rangle\\,\\, \\longrightarrow\\,\\, \\Big\\langle A_{ij} u,v \\Big\\rangle.\\end{aligned}$$ Now $1- E(w_i)E(w_i)^*\\geq 1-||E(w_i)||^2> 0$ gives us that there is an $\\epsilon>0$ such that $1-E(w_i)E(w_i)^*> \\epsilon\\cdot 1\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, i=1,2,\\ldots, n.$ Hence we get that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_i)(1-E(w_i)E(w_i)^*)u,u \\Big\\rangle \\geq \\epsilon\\, \\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_j)u,u \\Big\\rangle \\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, i=1,2,\\ldots, n.\\end{aligned}$$ Since the left hand side converges, we can find an $M>0$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\nsup_{\\nu}\\,\\, \\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_i)u,u \\Big\\rangle \\leq M \\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, i=1,2,\\ldots, n.\\end{aligned}$$ Also for any $\\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)},$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_i)(\\delta \\delta^*)u,u \\Big\\rangle \\leq ||\\delta||^2 \\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_i)u,u \\Big\\rangle \\leq M ||\\delta||^2.\\end{aligned}$$ Now we need the following result which is a Cauchy-Schwarz type inequality. ", "Since we could not find an exact reference, we are giving a proof of the claim.", "\n\n**Claim:** If $\\Gamma$ is completely positive, $\\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$, $z,w \\in \\Omega$ and $u,v\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$, then we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big|\\Big\\langle\\Gamma (z,w)(\\delta \\delta ^*)u,v \\Big\\rangle\\Big|^2 \\leq \\Big\\langle\\Gamma (z,z)(\\delta \\delta ^*)v,v \\Big\\rangle \\Big\\langle\\Gamma (w,w)(\\delta \\delta ^*)u,u \\Big\\rangle.\\end{aligned}$$ **Proof of the claim:**\\\nNote that, using Kolmogorov decomposition (\\[Kolmogorv Decomposition\\]), we can find a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{X}}_1$, a unital $*$-representation $\\mu: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}_1)$ and a function $h: \\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}_1, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Gamma(z, w)(\\delta) = h(z) \\mu(\\delta) h(w)^* \\,\\,\\text{for all} \\ \\ z,w \\in \\Omega \\ \\ \\text{and} \\ \\ \\delta \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi).\\end{aligned}$$ So we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big|\\Big\\langle\\Gamma (z,w)(\\delta \\delta ^*)u,v \\Big\\rangle\\Big|^2 &=\\Big|\\Big\\langle h(z)\\mu(\\delta \\delta ^*)h(z)^*u,v \\Big\\rangle\\Big|^2 \\\\\n&=\\Big|\\Big\\langle \\mu(\\delta ^*)h(z)^*u,\\mu(\\delta ^*)h(w)^*v \\Big\\rangle\\Big|^2\\\\\n&\\leq \\Big\\langle \\mu(\\delta ^*)h(z)^*u,\\mu(\\delta ^*)h(z)^*u \\Big\\rangle \\Big\\langle \\mu(\\delta ^*)h(w)^*v,\\mu(\\delta ^*)h(w)^*v \\Big\\rangle.\\end{aligned}$$ The last expression equals to $$\\Big\\langle\\Gamma (z,z)(\\delta \\delta ^*)v,v \\Big\\rangle \\Big\\langle\\Gamma (w,w)(\\delta \\delta ^*)u,u \\Big\\rangle.$$ Hence the claim follows.", "Using this result, we conclude that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big|\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_j)(\\delta \\delta^*)u,v \\Big\\rangle\\Big|\\leq M ||\\delta||^2\\,\\,\\text{for every}\\,\\, i,j=1,2,\\ldots, n.\\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, for each $\\delta\\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$, $u,v\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$ and $i,j=1,2,\\ldots, n$, the net $\\Big\\{\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_\\nu (w_i,w_j)(\\delta \\delta^*)u,v \\Big\\rangle\\Big\\}$ is bounded. ", "Since $\\Omega_0$ is finite, we get a subnet ${\\nu_l}$ such that $\\Big\\{\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_{\\nu_l} (w_i,w_j)(\\delta \\delta^*)u,v \\Big\\rangle\\Big\\}$ converges to some number depending on $\\delta, u$ and $v$, $\\text{for every}\\,\\, i,j=1,2,\\ldots, n$. Define a completely positive kernel $ \\Gamma :\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0 \\rightarrow B({\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}, B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ by $\\Big\\langle\\Gamma(w_i,w_j)(\\delta )u,v \\Big\\rangle=\\lim_l\\Big\\langle\\Gamma_{\\nu_l} (w_i,w_j)(\\delta)u,v \\Big\\rangle$ and extend it trivially to the whole set $\\Omega \\times \\Omega.$ Consequently, for every $u,v\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Big\\langle\\Gamma(w_i,w_j)(1-E(w_i)E(w_j)^* )u,v \\Big\\rangle=\\Big \\langle A_{ij}u, v \\Big \\rangle.\\end{aligned}$$ This proves that $W_{\\Omega_0}$ is $weak*$-closed.", "\n\nThe $n\\times n$ matrix $\\Big [I_{\\mathscr{Y}}\\Big]$ with each entry equal to $I_{\\mathscr{Y}}$, is in $W_{\\Omega_0}$. Indeed, let $\\psi \\in \\Psi$ and take $\\Gamma_{\\psi}:\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0 \\rightarrow B({\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}, B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ defined by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Gamma_{\\psi} (z,w) (\\delta)= \\frac{\\delta(\\psi)}{1- \\psi(z) \\overline{\\psi(w)}} I_{\\mathscr{Y}},\\,\\, z,w\\in\\Omega_0.\\end{aligned}$$ Note that $\\sup_{z\\in \\Omega_0} |\\psi(z)|<1$ as $\\Omega_0$ is finite. ", "From (\\[Gamma\\_Psi\\]), it is clear that $\\Gamma_{\\psi}$ is completely positive. ", "So we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\Gamma_{\\psi} (z,w)(1-E(z)E(w)^*)=I_{\\mathscr{Y}}\\end{aligned}$$ and hence we conclude that $\\Big [I_{\\mathscr{Y}}\\Big]\\in W_{\\Omega_0}$.\n\nAlso, the restriction of $J$ (see (\\[TheJ\\])) on $\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0$, that is, $J|_{\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0}=\\mathcal{J}$ is in $W_{\\Omega_0}$. If possible, let ${\\mathcal{J}}\\notin W_{\\Omega_0}$. By Theorem $3.4$ in [@Rudin], we get a $weak^*$-continuous linear functional $L$ on $B({\\mathscr{Y}}^n)$ whose real part is nonnegative on $W_{\\Omega_0}$ and strictly negative at ${\\mathcal{J}}$. We replace $L(R)$ by $\\frac{L(R) + \\overline{L(R)}}{2},\\,\\, R\\in B({\\mathscr{Y}}^n), $ and denote it by $L$ itself. ", "Since $L$ is $weak^*$-continuous and for any locally convex space $X$, we have $(X^*; weak^*)^*=X$ (see Theorem V.1.3 in [@Conway]), we find that $L$ is of the form $L(R) = tr(RC)$ for some $n \\times n$ self-adjoint compact $C\\in B_1 ({\\mathscr{Y}}^n)$ whose entries are in the ideal of trace class operators on $Y^n$. Let $\\{e_n: n \\geq 1\\}$ be an orthonormal basis of ${\\mathscr{Y}}$. Given a bounded operator $A$ on $Y$, define its $transpose$ to be the linear transformation on ${\\mathscr{Y}}$ whose matrix entries with respect to the basis above are $\\langle A^t e_j, e_i \\rangle = \\langle A e_i, e_j \\rangle$. It is easy to see that this defines a bounded operator. ", "Indeed, if $u \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$ is given by $u = \\sum u_i e_i,$ then we define $\\overline{u} = \\sum \\overline{u_i} e_i$ and then we have $ \\langle A^t u, v \\rangle = \\langle A \\overline{v}, \\overline{u} \\rangle $ for $u, v \\in Y$ which on application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality yields boundedness.", "\n\nSince $C$ obtained above is a block $n \\times n$ operator matrix $C = \\left( \\left( C(w_i, w_j) \\right) \\right)_{i,j=1}^n,$ define $C^t$ to be the block $n \\times n$ operator matrix whose $(i,j)$th. ", "entry is $ C^t (w_i, w_j) = C (w_j, w_i)^t $. ", "In other words, $ \\langle C^t (w_i, w_j) u, v \\rangle = \\langle C (w_j, w_i)\\overline{v}, \\overline{u} \\rangle $ for $u, v \\in Y$.\n\nWe shall show that $C^t$ is a $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued positive kernel on $\\Omega_0$, that is, for $u_i \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}, 1\\leq i\\leq n$, $$\\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\big \\langle C^t (w_i, w_j) u_j, u_i \\big \\rangle \\geq 0$$\n\nTo see this, note that $$\\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\big \\langle C^t (w_i, w_j) u_j, u_i \\big \\rangle = \\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\big \\langle \\overline{u_i}, C (w_j, w_i)^* \\overline{u_j} \\big \\rangle = \\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\big \\langle tr( (\\overline{u_i} \\otimes \\overline{u_j}) C_{j i} ) \\big \\rangle.$$ This last quantity is $tr(D C)$, where $D = (D_{i,j}) = (\\overline{u_i} \\otimes \\overline{u_j})$, and hence equals $L(D)$.\n\nFor any function $u : \\Omega \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{Y}}$, if $\\Delta_\\psi : \\Omega \\times \\Omega \\rightarrow B ( \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), \\mathcal{B}({\\mathscr{Y}}) )$ is the function defined by $$\\Delta_\\psi (z,w) : \\delta \\mapsto \\frac{\\delta(\\psi) \\ u(z) \\otimes u(w) }{1 - \\psi(z) \\overline{\\psi(w)}} ,\\,\\, z,w\\in \\Omega,$$ then $$\\Delta_{\\psi} (z,w) (\\delta_1 \\overline{\\delta_2})= \\frac{ \\delta_1 (\\psi) \\overline{\\delta_2 (\\psi)}}{1 - \\psi(z) \\overline{\\psi(w)} } \\ u(z) \\otimes u(w).$$ Let $\\delta_1,\\delta_2,\\ldots, \\delta_n \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\psi)$ , $B_1, B_2,\\ldots,B_n \\in B({\\mathscr{Y}})$, $v \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$ and $z_1,z_2, \\ldots, z_n \\in \\Omega$. Then we have $$\\bigg \\langle \\Big( \\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} B^* _i \\Delta_\\psi (z_i, z_j) (\\delta_i^* \\delta_j \\big)B_j\\Big) v, v \\bigg \\rangle = \\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\frac{ \\alpha_i \\overline{\\alpha_j}}{1 - \\psi(z_i) \\overline{ \\psi(z_j)}}$$ where $\\alpha_i = \\overline{\\delta_i(\\psi)} \\big \\langle u(z_i), B_i(v) \\big \\rangle \\ \\ i = 1,2, \\ldots, n.$ The last expression is clearly non-negative. ", "Therefore, $\\Delta_{\\Psi}$ is completely positive. ", "Now, $\\Delta_{\\psi} ( 1 - E(z) E(w)^* ) = u(z) \\otimes u(w) $ gives that $D$ is in $W_{\\Omega_0}$. Hence, $ \\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\big \\langle C^t (w_i, w_j) u_j, u_i \\big \\rangle = L(D) \\geq 0.$ Thus, $C^t$ is a $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued positive kernel on $\\Omega_0$.\n\nIn fact, $C^t$ is admissible. ", "To see that, consider the function $\\Xi_\\psi :\\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B({\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}, B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ defined by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Xi_\\psi (z,w)(\\delta)= \\delta(\\psi)u(z)\\otimes u(w)\\end{aligned}$$ for $\\psi \\in \\Psi$ and $u:\\Omega \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{Y}}$. Let $\\delta_i\\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)},B_i\\in {\\mathscr{B}}({\\mathscr{Y}})$ and $z_i\\in \\Omega, 1\\leq i\\leq n.$\\\nThen for any $v\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{i,j = 1}^{n}\\Big \\langle \\Big(B_i ^* \\Xi_\\psi (z_i,z_j)(\\delta_i ^* \\delta_j)B_j \\Big)v,v\\Big \\rangle = |\\sum_{i= 1}^{n}\\delta_i(\\psi)\\langle B_iv, u(z_i)\\rangle|^2 \\geq 0.\\end{aligned}$$ So $\\Xi_\\psi$ is completely positive and hence $$\\Xi_\\psi (z,w)(1-E(z)E(w)^*)|_{\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0} \\in W_{\\Omega_0}.$$ Now let $u_1,u_2,\\ldots, u_n\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$. A little computation gives $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{i,j =1}^{n} \\big \\langle (1 - \\psi(w_i) \\overline{ \\psi(w_j)})C^t (w_i, w_j) u_j, u_i \\big \\rangle =tr(\\Xi_\\psi C).\\end{aligned}$$ But then $\\Xi_\\psi (z,w)(1-E(z)E(w)^*)|_{\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0} \\in W_{\\Omega_0}$ gives us $tr(\\Xi_\\psi C)\\geq 0.$ So $C^t$ is $\\Psi$-admissible.", "\n\nBy our assumption, the $B({\\mathscr{Y}}\\otimes {\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued function ${\\mathcal{J}}\\oslash C^t$ on $\\Omega_0 \\times \\Omega_0$ is positive. ", "So for any $u_i\\in {\\mathscr{Y}},1\\leq i\\leq n,$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{i,j = 1}^{n} \\Big\\langle {\\mathcal{J}}\\oslash C^t (w_i, w_j)u_j, u_i\\Big\\rangle \\geq 0.\\end{aligned}$$ With $\\{e_p: p \\geq 1\\}$ an orthonormal basis of ${\\mathscr{Y}}$, set $u_i = \\sum_{m=1}^{N} e_m \\otimes e_m,\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, i,$ where $N$ is some fixed natural number. ", "So we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{i,j = 1}^{n} \\Big\\langle {\\mathcal{J}}\\oslash C^t (w_i, w_j)u_j, u_i\\Big\\rangle\n= \\sum_{i,j = 1}^{n} \\sum_{p,q =1}^{N} \\Big\\langle {\\mathcal{J}}(w_i, w_j)e_p, e_q\\Big\\rangle \\Big\\langle C^t (w_i, w_j)e_p, e_q\\Big\\rangle\\end{aligned}$$ and this is nonnegative. ", "This holds for any $N\\geq 1$. On the other hand $$L({\\mathcal{J}}) = \\sum_{i,j = 1}^{n} tr\\Big({\\mathcal{J}}(w_i, w_j) C(w_j,w_i)\\Big) = \\sum_{i,j = 1}^{n} \\sum_{p,q =1}^{\\infty} \\Big\\langle {\\mathcal{J}}(w_i, w_j)e_p, e_q\\Big\\rangle \\Big\\langle C^t (w_i, w_j)e_p, e_q\\Big\\rangle$$ which is nonnegative by the previous argument. ", "But this is a contradiction since $L({\\mathcal{J}})<0$. Hence ${\\mathcal{J}}\\in W_{\\Omega_0}$.\n\nIt is easy to see that conditions in Kurosh’s theorem are satisfied (see Theorem 2.56 in [@A-M], page 74-75 in [@Arkhangel]). ", "So the finiteness condition on the set $\\Omega_0$ can be removed.", "\n\nThis completes the proof of the statement that under given conditions there is a completely positive kernel ${\\Gamma: \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))}$ such that $$J(z,w)=\\Gamma(z,w)(1- E(z)E(w)^*)\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, z,w\\in \\Omega.$$ This completes the proof of the lemma.", "\n\nTo complete the proof of the theorem, note that if $S\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$, then clearly $(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}-S(z)S(w)^*)\\otimes K(z,w)$ is positive for every $\\Psi$-admissible kernel $K$. Hence an application of the result above shows that there is a completely positive kernel ${\\Gamma: \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))}$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\nI_{\\mathscr{Y}}-S(z)S(w)^* = \\Gamma(z,w)(1- E(z)E(w)^*)\\,\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\,\\, z,w\\in \\Omega.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHolomorphic test functions {#Holomorphic test functions}\n==========================\n\nWhen test functions are holomorphic, strong consequences can be shown to follow. ", "That is the purpose of this section.", "\n\nThere are some known cases like the bidisc ([@A-M]), the symmetrized bidisc ([@B-S]) and the annulus ([@D-M]) where the collection of test functions has the nice property of being holomorphic. ", "Moreover, in all these cases, we can find a point in the domain at which each all test functions vanish. ", "We now want our collection $\\Psi$ to have this property without changing the $\\Psi$-Schur-Agler class. ", "Our purpose will be served if we can find another collection $\\Theta$ of holomorphic test functions having a common zero such that $$\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})= \\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}}).$$ Now, by definition $\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ is the set $$\\{S: \\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}}): ( I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- S(x)S(y)^*)\\otimes k(x,y)\\,\\,\\text{is positive for every}\\,\\, k\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{Y}})\\}.$$ So if we can show that for a collection $\\Theta$ of holomorphic test functions (with our required property) the equality ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{Y}})= {\\mathcal{K}}_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{Y}})$ holds, then we are done. ", "The following proposition provides us with such a collection.", "\n\n\\[Modified Test Functions\\] Let $\\Psi$ be a collection of holomorphic test functions on a domain $\\Omega \\subset \\mathbb{C}^m$, $w_0\\in\\Omega$ a point and ${\\mathscr{Y}}$ a Hilbert space. ", "Then there is a collection $\\Theta=\\{\\theta_\\psi: \\psi \\in \\Psi\\}$ such that the following conditions are met.", "\n\n1. ", " $\\theta_\\psi(w_0)=0$ for all $\\psi \\in \\Psi$.\n\n2. ", " $\\Theta$ is a collection of holomorphic test functions.", "\n\n3. ", " ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{Y}})= {\\mathcal{K}}_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{Y}})$\n\n**Proof.** ", "Fix a $w_0 \\in \\Omega$ and for each $\\psi \\in \\Psi$ define $\\varphi_\\psi : \\mathbb{D}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{D}$ by $$\\varphi_\\psi (\\tilde{z})=\\frac{\\psi(w_0)- \\tilde{z}}{1- \\overline{ \\psi(w_0)}\\tilde{z}}.$$ Since $||E(w_0)||<1$, $\\varphi_\\psi$ is non-constant. ", "Let us define a holomorphic function $\\theta_\\psi : \\Omega\\rightarrow \\mathbb{D}$ by $\\theta_\\psi = \\varphi_\\psi \\circ \\psi$. Clearly $\\theta_\\psi(w_0)=0$ for all $\\psi \\in \\Psi$.\n\nWe shall show that $\\Theta=\\{\\theta_\\psi: \\psi \\in \\Psi\\}$ is a collection of holomorphic test functions. ", "To prove the first defining condition of the test functions, we start with the assumption that for some $z_0\\in \\Omega$, $\\sup_{\\psi \\in \\Psi} |\\theta_\\psi (z_0)|=1$. So there is a sequence $\\{\\psi_n\\}\\subset \\Psi$ such that $\\lim_{n\\rightarrow \\infty}| \\varphi_{\\psi_n}\\circ \\psi_n(z_0)|=1.$ Let $f_n : \\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{D}$ denote the function $\\varphi_{\\psi_n}\\circ \\psi_n$. Since $\\{f_n\\}$ is a uniformly bounded collection of holomorphic functions on $\\Omega$, by Montel’s theorem, there is a subsequence $\\{f_{n_l}\\}$ of $\\{f_n\\}$ and a holomorphic function $f:\\Omega\\rightarrow \\overline{\\mathbb{D}}$ such that $f_{n_l}\\rightarrow f$ uniformly on every compact subset of $\\Omega$ as $l\\rightarrow \\infty$. Clearly $|f(z_0)|=1$. Since $\\Omega$ is a domain (open connected set), by maximum modulus theorem, $f$ must be constant on $\\Omega$. But we also have $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(w_0)= \\lim_{l\\rightarrow \\infty} f_{n_l}(w_0)\n=\\lim_{l\\rightarrow \\infty} \\varphi_{\\psi_{n_l}}\\circ \\psi_{n_{l}}(w_0)\n=0.\\end{aligned}$$ This is a contradiction. ", "Hence $\\sup_{\\psi \\in \\Psi} |\\theta_\\psi (z)|<1$ for each $z\\in \\Omega$.\n\nLet $F$ be a finite subset of $\\Omega$. Choose $\\psi\\in \\Psi$ and consider $\\theta_\\psi = \\varphi_\\psi \\circ \\psi$. Since $F$ is finite and for each $z\\in \\Omega$, $\\sup_{\\psi\\in \\Psi} |\\psi (z)|<1$ and $\\sup_{\\psi\\in \\Psi} |\\theta_\\psi (z)|<1$, there is an $\\epsilon\\in (0,1)$ such that $\\sup_{F} |\\psi| <\\epsilon$ and $\\sup_{F} |\\theta_\\psi| <\\epsilon$. Now, $\\varphi_\\psi$ has a power series representation which converges absolutely and uniformly in $\\overline{B(0,\\epsilon)}\\subset \\mathbb{D}$. So, $\\theta_\\psi|_F$ is in the closed algebra generated by $\\{1,\\psi|_F\\}$. Since $\\psi =\\varphi_\\psi ^{-1} \\circ \\theta_\\psi$, a similar argument gives us that $\\psi|_F$ is in the closed algebra generated by $\\{1,\\theta_\\psi|_F\\}$. Hence the closed algebras generated by $\\{1, \\psi|_F: \\psi \\in \\Psi\\}$ and $\\{1, \\theta_\\psi |_F: \\psi\\in \\Psi\\}$ coincide. ", "Since $\\Psi$ is a collection of test functions, the closed algebra generated by $\\{1, \\theta_\\psi |_F: \\psi\\in \\Psi\\}$ is the algebra of all $\\mathbb{C}$-valued functions on $F$. This proves that $\\Theta$ is a collection of holomorphic test functions.", "\n\nNow consider the Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{Y}}$. ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{Y}})$ and ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{Y}})$ are the sets of all $\\Psi$-admissible and $\\Theta$-admissible $B({\\mathscr{Y}})$-valued kernels, respectively. ", "Let $k\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{Y}})$. Then for each $\\psi \\in \\Psi$, the map $M_\\psi : \\mathcal{H}(k) \\rightarrow \\mathcal{H}(k)$, sending $h$ to $\\psi \\cdot h$ is a contraction. ", "It is a well known fact that for an $a\\in \\mathbb{D}$ and a contraction $T$ on a Hilbert space $\\mathfrak{H}$, $(aI_{\\mathfrak{H}} - T)(I_{\\mathfrak{H}} -\\overline{a}T)^{-1}$ is again a contraction on $\\mathfrak{H}$ (see [@Nagy-Foias], page 14). ", "So if $a= \\psi (w_0)$, then $$(aI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- M_\\psi)(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}: \\mathcal{H}(k)\\rightarrow \\mathcal{H}(k)$$ is again a contraction. ", "We shall show that $(aI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- M_\\psi)(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1} =M_{\\theta_\\psi}$. Choose any $h\\in \\mathcal{H}(k)$ and any $k(\\cdot , w)y\\in \\mathcal{H}(k)$ with $w\\in \\Omega$ and $y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$. It is clear that $$\\Big\\langle(aI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- M_\\psi)(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}h, k(\\cdot , w)y \\Big\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(k)} =(a- \\psi(w))\\Big\\langle(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}h, k(\\cdot , w)y\\Big\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(k)}.$$ Since $|a|<1$ and $M_\\psi$ is a contraction, we have an absolutely convergent series representation $$(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}=\\sum_{j=0}^{\\infty}\\overline{a}^j M_\\psi ^j$$ Each term of this series is a repeated application of $M_\\psi$. Hence we have $$\\Big\\langle(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}h, k(\\cdot , w)y\\Big\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(k)} = (1- \\overline{a}\\psi(w))^{-1}\\Big\\langle h, k(\\cdot , w)y\\Big\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(k)} .$$ Since $\\theta_\\psi (w)=\\frac{a- \\psi(w)}{1- \\overline{a}\\psi(w)}$, we get that $$\\Big\\langle(aI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- M_\\psi)(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}h, k(\\cdot , w)y \\Big\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(k)} =\\theta_\\psi (w) \\Big\\langle h, k(\\cdot , w)y\\Big\\rangle_{\\mathcal{H}(k)}.$$ This proves $\\Big[(aI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- M_\\psi)(I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- \\overline{a}M_\\psi)^{-1}\\Big]^* = M_{\\theta_\\psi} ^*$ and consequently $M_{\\theta_\\psi}$ is a contraction on $\\mathcal{H}(k)$. Thus $k\\in {\\mathcal{K}}_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{Y}})$. So ${\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{Y}})\\subseteq{\\mathcal{K}}_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{Y}})$. Since $\\varphi_\\psi ^{-1} =\\varphi_\\psi $ and $\\varphi_\\psi ^{-1} \\circ \\theta_\\psi = \\psi$, the same argument used above proves $K_\\Theta ({\\mathscr{Y}}) \\subseteq {\\mathcal{K}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{Y}})$. This completes the proof of the proposition.", "\n\n[*From now on, we shall assume without loss of generality that our collection of holomorphic test functions has a common zero, that is, there is a point $w_0 \\in \\Omega$ such that $E(w_0)= 0$ in ${\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$.*]{}\n\nWe now develope a power series representation.", "\n\nSuppose $z_0\\in \\Omega$. Then there is a polydisc $P=P(z_0,r)$ centered at $z_0$ with multi-radius $r$ such that $\\overline{P}\\subset \\Omega$. Let $b P$ be its distinguished boundary. ", "Since the collection $\\Psi$ consists of holomorphic functions, for each $\\psi \\in \\Psi$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\psi(z)= \\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m} \\Big(\\frac{1}{(2\\pi i)^m} \\int_{b P} \\frac{\\psi (\\zeta)}{(\\zeta - z_0)^{\\alpha +1}} d\\zeta\\Big)(z-z_0)^\\alpha\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\alpha +1$ stands for $(\\alpha_1 +1,\\alpha_2 +1,\\ldots,\\alpha_m +1)$.\n\nNow we shall introduce a collection of functions in ${\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$ that has a great importance in the power series development of $\\Psi$-Schur-Agler class. ", "For each $\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m$, define a function $\\delta_\\alpha : \\Psi \\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}$ by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{Definition of delta alpha}\n\\delta_\\alpha (\\psi) = \\frac{1}{(2\\pi i)^m} \\int_{b P} \\frac{\\psi (\\zeta)}{(\\zeta - z_0)^{\\alpha +1}} d\\zeta .\\end{aligned}$$ We have the following result on these $\\delta_\\alpha$.\n\nWith $z_0$ and $P$ as above, $\\delta_\\alpha\\in{\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$ for each $\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{N}^m$.\n\n**Proof.**\\\nClearly $|\\delta_\\alpha (\\psi)|\\leq \\frac{1}{r^\\alpha}$ as $||\\psi||_\\Omega \\leq 1$. Since this holds for any $\\psi$, we have $||\\delta_\\alpha||\\leq \\frac{1}{r^\\alpha}$, that is, $\\delta_\\alpha$ is a bounded function on $\\Psi$ with norm less than or equal to $\\frac{1}{r^\\alpha}$. Now we shall show that $\\delta_\\alpha$ is continuous on $\\Psi$ for each $\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m$. Let us fix an $\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m$ and consider a net $\\{\\psi_\\nu :\\nu \\in N\\}$ that converges to a $\\psi$ in $\\Psi$. Consider the Borel probability measure $$d\\mu =\\frac{d\\theta}{(2\\pi)^m}=\\frac{d\\theta_1d\\theta_2\\ldots d\\theta_m}{(2\\pi)^m}$$ on $[0,2\\pi]^m$ and a positive $\\epsilon$. Let $E_\\nu =\\{\\theta \\in [0,2\\pi]^m: |\\psi_\\nu (z_0 + re^{i\\theta})-\\psi (z_0 + re^{i\\theta})|\\geq\\epsilon\\}$.\\\n**Claim:** $\\lim_\\nu \\mu (E_\\nu) =0$.\\\n**Proof of the claim:**\\\nIf not, then there is a positive number $\\tau$ such that for every $\\nu \\in N$, we can find a $\\eta_\\nu \\in N$ such that $\\eta_\\nu \\geq \\nu$ and $\\mu(E_{\\eta_\\nu})\\geq \\tau$. Now $\\{\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu} :\\nu \\in N\\}$ is a subnet of $\\{\\psi_\\nu :\\nu \\in N\\}$, so it converges point-wise to $\\psi$ on $\\Omega$. Since our collection $\\Psi$ consists of holomorphic functions, we can take the closure of the uniformly bounded set $\\{\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu}:\\nu \\in N\\}$ in the compact-open topology of the space of all holomorphic functions on $\\Omega$ and get a compact subset as a result. ", "Hence $\\{\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu}:\\nu \\in N\\}$ has a convergent subnet $\\{\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu}:\\nu \\in N^\\prime\\}$ ($N^\\prime \\subset N$). ", "Let $\\{\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu}:\\nu \\in N^\\prime\\}$ converge to some holomorphic $\\phi: \\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}$. This convergence is uniform on each compact subset of $\\Omega$. But $\\psi$ is a point-wise limit of the subnet $\\{\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu}:\\nu \\in N^\\prime\\}$ as well. ", "So we have $\\phi=\\psi$. Since $b P$ is a compact subset of $\\Omega$, we can find a $\\nu \\in N^\\prime$ such that $$\\sup_{\\zeta \\in b P} |\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu} (\\zeta) -\\psi(\\zeta)|=\\sup_{\\theta \\in [0,2\\pi]^m} |\\psi_{\\eta_\\nu} (z_0 + re^{i\\theta})-\\psi (z_0 + re^{i\\theta})|<\\epsilon.$$ So we have $E_{\\eta_\\nu} =\\emptyset$. But this is a contradiction, as $\\mu(E_{\\eta_\\nu})\\geq \\tau>0$. Thus we get $\\lim_\\nu \\mu (E_\\nu)=0$. Hence the claim follows. ", "From this we conclude $$\\lim_\\nu ||\\psi_\\nu (z_0 + re^{i(\\cdot)}) -\\psi(z_0 + re^{i(\\cdot)})||_{L^1 (\\mu, [0,2\\pi]^m)}=0$$ (see [@Dunford-Schwarz] page 124, Theorem 7). ", "Since $$|\\delta_\\alpha(\\psi_\\nu) -\\delta_\\alpha(\\psi)|\\leq \\frac{1}{r^\\alpha} ||\\psi_\\nu (z_0 + re^{i(\\cdot)}) -\\psi(z_0 + re^{i(\\cdot)})||_{L^1 (\\mu, [0,2\\pi]^m)},$$ it follows that $\\delta_\\alpha$ is continuous on $\\Psi$. So we conclude that $\\delta_\\alpha\\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$ for each $\\alpha$. This completes the proof. ", "Now let us take a look at the maps $E(z),z\\in \\Omega$. The following result gives a local power series representation of $E(z)$.\n\n\\[Expansion of evaluation functions\\] For each $z_0\\in \\Omega$, there is a polydisc $P\\subset \\subset \\Omega$ centered at $z_0$ such that the series $$\\sum_{\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{N}^m} (z-z_0)^\\alpha \\delta_\\alpha$$ converges absolutely and uniformly on every compact subset of $P$ to $E(z)$.\n\n**Proof.**\\\nTake $P$ and $r$ as above and fix a $z\\in P$. Then $$|z-z_0|^\\alpha ||\\delta_\\alpha||\\leq \\frac{|z-z_0|^\\alpha}{r^\\alpha}$$ for every $\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m$. Since $z$ is in the interior of $P$, we can find a $q\\in (0,1)$ such that $\\frac{|z-z_0|^\\alpha}{r^\\alpha}<q^{|\\alpha|}$ for each $\\alpha$. So the series $\\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m} |z-z_0|^\\alpha ||\\delta_\\alpha||$ converges. ", "It also gives that $\\sum_{\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{N}^m} (z-z_0)^\\alpha \\delta_\\alpha$ uniformly on the closed polydisc $\\overline{P}(z_0, |z-z_0|)$. This settles the requirements of absolute convergence and uniform convergence on compact subsets. ", "Thus the series in question does define an element of ${\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$.\n\nNow we have for any $\\psi\\in\\Psi$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\psi(z)= \\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m} \\Big(\\frac{1}{(2\\pi i)^m} \\int_{b P} \\frac{\\psi (\\zeta)}{(\\zeta - z_0)^{\\alpha +1}} d\\zeta\\Big)(z-z_0)^\\alpha = \\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m} \\delta_\\alpha (\\psi) (z-z_0)^\\alpha.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ So if $F\\subset \\mathbb{N}^m$ is a finite set and if $z^\\prime \\in\\overline{P}(z_0, |z-z_0|)$, then $$\\begin{aligned}\n |E(z^\\prime)(\\psi)- \\sum_{\\alpha \\in F} \\delta_\\alpha (\\psi) (z^\\prime -z_0)^\\alpha|\\leq \\sum_{\\alpha \\notin F}\\frac{|z-z_0|^\\alpha}{r^\\alpha}\\leq \\sum_{\\alpha \\notin F} q^{|\\alpha|}\n \\end{aligned}$$ with $q$ as above. ", "Clearly the convergence of the rightmost expression is not affected by our choice of $z^\\prime$ from $\\overline{P}(z_0, |z-z_0|)$. Hence, $E(z)=\\sum_{\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{N}^m} (z-z_0)^\\alpha \\delta_\\alpha$ for all $z\\in P$ and the convergence is uniform on every compact subset of $\\Omega$. This completes the proof.", "Let ${\\mathscr{X}}$ be any Hilbert space and $\\rho:{\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ a unital $*$-representation. ", "Then $||\\rho||=1$ and consequently we are allowed to write $$\\rho(E(z))=\\sum_{\\alpha\\in \\mathbb{N}^m} (z-z_0)^\\alpha \\rho(\\delta_\\alpha)$$ for all $z\\in P$. The consequences of Theorem \\[Expansion of evaluation functions\\] do not cease here. ", "Absolute convergence allows us to use the same procedure that is used to prove Mertens’ theorem (see Theorem $3.4$ in [@Baby-Rudin]) and conclude that for any integer $l\\geq 1$ and a contraction $A:{\\mathscr{X}}\\rightarrow{\\mathscr{X}}$ the map $z\\mapsto\\rho(E(z)) A \\rho(E(z))^l $ has a power series representation on $P$ such that the series converges absolutely and uniformly on every compact subset of $P$.\n\nThe power series representation also implies Bochner integrability in some smaller sets. ", "Consider a Banach space ${\\mathscr{B}}$ and a map $f:P(z_0,r)\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{B}}$ with a power series representation $$f(z)=\\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m} (z-z_0)^\\alpha a_\\alpha$$ where $a_\\alpha \\in {\\mathscr{B}}$. The convergence of this series is absolute and uniform on every compact subset of $P(z_0,r)$. We take a smaller polydisc $P^\\prime = P^\\prime (z_0,r^\\prime)\\subset \\subset P(z_0,r)$. Then $f(b P^\\prime)$ is separable, because the collection $\\big\\{\\sum_{\\alpha\\in F} (\\zeta -z_0)^\\alpha a_\\alpha : F (\\subset\\mathbb{N}^m)\\,\\, \\text{is finite and}\\,\\, \\zeta\\in \\mathbb{Q}^m + i\\mathbb{Q}^m\\big\\}$ is dense in $f(b P^\\prime)$. Also $f$ is continuous. ", "Hence $f$ is strongly Borel measurable (see [@Cohn]). ", "Now the absolute and uniform convergence of the power series on $b P^\\prime$ gives us that for any finite Borel measure $\\mu$ on $b P^\\prime$ $$\\int_{b P^\\prime} f(\\zeta) d\\mu (\\zeta)= \\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^n} \\Big(\\int_{b P^\\prime} (\\zeta -z_0)^\\alpha d\\mu(\\zeta) \\Big) a_\\alpha.$$ From this discussion, it follows that for a function $f$ with a power series representation, we have a Cauchy like formula, that is, $$f(z)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi i)^m}\\int_{b P^\\prime} \\frac{f(\\zeta)}{(\\zeta -z)} d\\zeta$$ for all $z\\in P^\\prime$. Obviously a power series representation on $P^\\prime$ can be deduced from this integral formula.", "\n\nRecall the polydisc $P(z_0,r)$ that was used to develop the power series representation of $E(z)$. Since $P(z_0,r)\\subset \\subset \\Omega$, a larger multi-radius $r$ could have been considered without any difficulty in dealing with the power series. ", "So we may assume that the map $\\mathfrak{E}:\\overline{P}(z_0,r) \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ sending $z$ to $||E(z)||$ is continuous and hence attains a maximum at some point of $\\overline{P}(z_0,r)$. Since the maximum is attained and $||E(z)||<1$ for each $z\\in \\Omega$, we can find a $q_0 \\in (0,1)$ such that $\\sup_{\\overline{P}(z_0,r)}\\mathfrak{E} <q_0$. This $q_0$ will play an important role in our next discussion.", "\n\nLet us take $P(z_0, r), E(z), {\\mathscr{X}}, \\rho$ and $A$ as above. ", "For each $l\\in\\mathbb{N}$ define a function $g_l :P(z_0, r) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ by $$g_l (z)=\\rho(E(z)) A \\rho(E(z))^l .$$ Clearly $||g_l (z)||< q_0 ^{l+1}$ whenever $z\\in P(z_0, r)$. So the series $h(z)= \\sum_{l\\geq 1} g_l (z)$ converges absolutely and uniformly on every compact subset of $P(z_0, r)$. Now each $g_l$ has a power series representation in $P(z_0, r)$ and hence Bochner integrable on the distinguished boundary of some smaller polydisc $P^\\prime$ centered at $z_0$. Consequently, $h$ is also Bochner integrable on the same set. ", "Putting all this together, we get that $$h(z)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi i)^m}\\int_{b P^\\prime} \\frac{h(\\zeta)}{(\\zeta -z)} d\\zeta$$ for all $z\\in P^\\prime$. Using classical analysis, we conclude that $h$ has a power series representation in some neighborhood of $z_0$. Since we can get a series expansion in $\\rho(E(z))$ from the realization formula for $S\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi ({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$ and the series takes the same form as $h$ above, we obtain the following theorem.", "\n\n\\[Power series for Schur-Agler class\\] Let $\\Omega$ be a domain in $\\mathbb{C}^m$ and let $\\Psi$ be a class of holomorphic test functions on $\\Omega$. Then for each $z_0 \\in \\Omega$ and $S\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$, there is a polydisc $P(z_0, \\varepsilon)\\subset \\subset\\Omega $ centered at $z_0$ with multi-radius $\\varepsilon$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n S(z)= \\sum_{\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{N}^m} (z-z_0)^\\alpha a_\\alpha\\,\\,\\text{for all}\\,\\, z\\in P(z_0, \\varepsilon),\n \\end{aligned}$$ where $a_\\alpha \\in B({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$. Moreover, the series converges absolutely and uniformly on each compact subset of $P(z_0, \\varepsilon)$.\n\nAn Auxiliary Function {#Affiliated}\n=====================\n\nWe start with a given collection $\\Psi$ of test functions that vanish at the point $w_0$. So $E(w_0)=0$ in ${\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$. Let us prove the following lemma.\\\n**Lemma.** ", "Suppose that $z_i \\in \\Omega$ and $B_i \\in B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$, $1 \\leq i \\leq n$. The interpolation problem $z_i \\mapsto B_i$ is solvable by a function in ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\psi ({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ if and only if there is a completely positive kernel $\\Gamma: \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\times \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\}\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{DataDecomp}\n I_{\\mathscr{Y}}- B_i B_j ^* & = \\Gamma(z_i, z_j)(1- E(z_i) E(z_j)^*) \\ \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ \\ i,\\, j =1,2,\\ldots , n.\n \\end{aligned}$$ The proof of this lemma follows from Theorem \\[RealTheo\\].", "\n\nNow let us construct a function $G$. For a solvable problem $z_i \\mapsto B_i, 1\\leq i\\leq n$, (\\[DataDecomp\\]) gives us a completely positive kernel $$\\Gamma: \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\times \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\}\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\nI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- B_i B_j ^* & = \\Gamma(z_i, z_j)(1- E(z_i) E(z_j)^*) \\ \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ \\ i,\\, j =1,2,\\ldots , n.\\end{aligned}$$ Using Kolmogorov decomposition (\\[Kolmogorv Decomposition\\]) for $$\\Gamma: \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\times \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$$ we have that there exists a Hilbert space ${\\mathscr{X}}_1$, a unital $*$-representation $\\mu: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}_1)$ and a function $h: \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}_1, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Gamma(z_i, z_j)(\\delta) = h(z_i) \\mu(\\delta) h(z_j)^* \\,\\,\\text{for all} \\ \\ i, j \\in \\{1,2,\\ldots, n\\} \\ \\ \\text{and} \\ \\ \\delta \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi).\\end{aligned}$$ This gives us $$\\begin{aligned}\nI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- B_i B_j ^* & = h(z_i)h(z_j)^* - h(z_i)\\mu (E(z_i) E(z_j)^*)h(z_j)^*.\\end{aligned}$$ So for any $y,w \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\langle y,w\\rangle - \\langle B_i ^* y, B_j ^* w\\rangle = \\langle h(z_i)^*y, h(z_j)^* w\\rangle - \\langle \\mu (E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^*y, \\mu (E(z_j))^* h(z_j)^* w\\rangle .\\end{aligned}$$ Let $\\mathscr{L}_1=\\overline{span}\\{\\mu (\\delta)h(z_i)^* y: 1\\leq i\\leq n, \\delta \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi),y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}\\}$. So the last equality can be rewritten as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Bigg\\langle \\begin{pmatrix} \\mu(E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix}, \\begin{pmatrix} \\mu(E(z_j))^* h(z_j)^* w\\\\ w \\end{pmatrix} \\Bigg\\rangle_{ \\mathscr{L}_1\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}} = \\Bigg\\langle \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_i)^* y\\\\ B_i^* y \\end{pmatrix}, \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_j)^* w\\\\ B_j^* w \\end{pmatrix} \\Bigg\\rangle_{ \\mathscr{L}_1\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}}.\\end{aligned}$$ Now, let $${\\mathscr{N}}_2 = \\overline{span} \\Bigg\\{ \\begin{pmatrix} \\mu(E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y \\\\ y\\end{pmatrix} : y \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}, i = 1,2, \\dots ,n \\Bigg\\}$$ and $${\\mathscr{N}}_1 = \\overline{span} \\Bigg\\{ \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_i)^* y \\\\ B_i^* y \\end{pmatrix} : y \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}, i = 1,2, \\dots ,n \\Bigg\\}.$$ Then there is a unitary $V:\\mathscr{N}_2\\rightarrow \\mathscr{N}_1$ that sends\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{V}\n\\begin{pmatrix} \\mu(E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix}\\,\\, \\text{to}\\,\\, \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_i)^* y\\\\ B_i^* y \\end{pmatrix}\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, i\\,\\, \\text{and}\\,\\, y.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nLet ${\\mathscr{M}}_1 = ( \\mathscr{L}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}) \\ominus {\\mathscr{N}}_1$ and ${\\mathscr{M}}_2 = ( \\mathscr{L}_1\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}) \\ominus {\\mathscr{N}}_2$. Since, ${\\mathscr{N}}_1$ and ${\\mathscr{N}}_2$ are unitarily equivalent, the linear operator ${\\mathcal{Q}}: {\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2$ sending  $n_2 \\oplus m_2 \\oplus m_1$ to $Vn_2 \\oplus m_1 \\oplus m_2$ is a well defined unitary operator. ", "Since ${\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\simeq \\mathscr{L}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1$ and ${\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\simeq \\mathscr{L}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2$, we can write ${\\mathcal{Q}}$ as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{Defn-Q}\n{\\mathcal{Q}}=\n\\bordermatrix{ & \\mathscr{L}_1 & {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n \\mathscr{L}_1 & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12} \\cr\n {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}& {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21} & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} }. ", "\\qquad\\end{aligned}$$ We consider the function $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{defn_G}\nG(z) := {\\mathcal{Q}}^*_{22} + {\\mathcal{Q}}^*_{12} (I_{\\mathscr{L}_1} - \\mu(E(z)) \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11}^* )^{-1} \\ \\mu(E(z)) \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21}^*, \\ (z\\in \\Omega).\\end{aligned}$$ Then for each $z \\in \\Omega$, we have $G(z) \\in B({\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}})$. Moreover, by the result of Section \\[Char-schur-agler\\], we have $G \\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\psi({\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}})$. Since, ${\\mathcal{Q}}$ is an extension of $V$, we have that $${\\mathcal{Q}}(n_2 \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1}) = V{n_2} \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ \\ n_2 \\in {\\mathscr{N}}_2.$$\\\nHence, we can write $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\mathcal{Q}}\\begin{pmatrix} \\mu(E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y\\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} & = \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_i)^* y\\\\ B_i^* y \\end{pmatrix}\\end{aligned}$$ for all $ i = 1,2, \\dots ,n $ and $ y \\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$. In other words, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\bordermatrix{ & \\mathscr{L}_1 & {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n \\qquad \\mathscr{L}_1 & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12} \\cr\n {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}& {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21} & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} } \\begin{pmatrix} \\mu(E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y \\\\ \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y \\end{pmatrix} & = \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_i)^* y \\\\ \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\oplus B_i^* y \\end{pmatrix},\\end{aligned}$$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\text{or,} \\ \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} (\\mu (E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y) + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12}( \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y) & = h(z_i)^* y \\\\\n\\text{and} \\ \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21}(\\mu (E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y) + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22}( \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y) & = \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\oplus B_i^* y,\\end{aligned}$$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\text{or,} \\ \\ (I_{\\mathscr{L}_1} - {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} \\mu(E(z_i))^*)^{-1} \\mathcal{Q}_{12}( \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y) & = h(z_i)^* y \\\\\n\\text{and} \\ \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22}( \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y) + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21}(\\mu (E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y) & = \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\oplus B_i^* y.\\end{aligned}$$ Combining the last two equations, we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\mathcal{Q}}_{22}(\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y) + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21}\\mu(E(z_i))^* & (I_{\\mathscr{L}_1} - {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} \\mu (E(z_i))^*)^{-1} {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12}(\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y)=\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\oplus B_i^* y,\\end{aligned}$$ and hence from the definition of $G$ (see ) we get $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{G}\nG(z_i)^* (\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\oplus y)= \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\oplus B_i^* y.\\end{aligned}$$ Let us write $G(z)^*$ as $$\\begin{aligned}\nG(z)^* = \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{M}}_2 & G_{11}(z_i)^* & G_{21}(z_i)^* \\cr\n {\\mathscr{U}}& G_{12}(z_i)^* &G_{22}(z_i)^* }.\\end{aligned}$$ So we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{M}}_2 & G_{11}(z_i)^* & G_{21}(z_i)^* \\cr\n {\\mathscr{U}}& G_{12}(z_i)^* &G_{22}(z_i)^* } \\begin{pmatrix} \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_1} \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} \\\\ B_i^* y \\end{pmatrix}\\end{aligned}$$ which gives $$\\begin{aligned}\nG_{21}(z_i) = \\mathbf{0} \\ \\ & \\text{and} \\ \\ G_{22}(z_i) = B_i \\ \\ \\text{for} \\ \\ i = 1,2, \\dots ,n.\\end{aligned}$$ This completes the construction of $G$.\n\nNote that for any $m_1 \\in {\\mathscr{M}}_1$, we have ${\\mathcal{Q}}(\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{N}}_2}\\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2}\\oplus m_1)=(\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{N}}_1}\\oplus m_1 \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2})$. Since ${\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2={\\mathscr{L}}_1\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}$ and ${\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1={\\mathscr{L}}_1\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}$, we can write $\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{N}}_2}\\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} = \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1} \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{Y}}}$ and $\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{N}}_1}\\oplus m_1= l\\oplus u$ for some $l\\in {\\mathscr{L}}_1$ and $u\\in {\\mathscr{U}}$. So using (\\[Defn-Q\\]) we get that ${\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} (m_1 \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{\\mathscr{Y}})=\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2}\\oplus u$. Now we have that for any $z\\in \\Omega$, $$G(z)^* := {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21} (I_{\\mathscr{L}_1} - \\mu(E(z))^* \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} )^{-1} \\ \\mu(E(z))^* \\ {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12};$$ and by virtue of Proposition \\[Modified Test Functions\\], we can assume without loss of generality that there is a point $w_0\\in\\Omega$ such that $E(w_0)=0$. So we have $G(w_0)^* (m_1 \\oplus \\mathbf{0}_{\\mathscr{Y}})=\\mathbf{0}_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2}\\oplus u$. Since $m_1 \\in {\\mathscr{M}}_1$ is arbitrary, this gives $G_{11}(w_0) \\equiv \\mathbf{0}$ as an operator on ${\\mathscr{M}}_2$. Hence the function $z\\mapsto ||G_{11} (z)||$ from $\\Omega$ to $\\mathbb{R}$ is non-constant. ", "Being a component of a $\\Psi$-Schur-Agler class function $G$, the function $G_{11}$ has a power series expansion by Theorem \\[Power series for Schur-Agler class\\]. ", "So we can apply maximum modulus theorem for Banach space valued holomorphic functions and deduce that if $z\\in \\Omega$, then $||G(z)||<1$. A proof of the maximum modulus theorem for Banach space valued holomorphic functions of one variable can be found in ([@Taylor-Lay], page 269, Theorem $1.5$), and this proof can easily be carried out in our case as well.", "\n\nFor a given set of data for a solvable interpolation problem, $z_i\\in \\Omega$ and $B_i\\in {\\mathscr{B}}({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$ $1\\leq i\\leq n$, we shall keep this $G$ fixed.", "\n\nThe Main Result {#Main Result}\n===============\n\nWe start this section by noting that given a data set $\\{z_1, z_2, \\ldots , z_n\\}$ and $\\{B_1, B_2, \\ldots , B_n\\}$ where the $B_i$ are in $B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$, if there are two Hilbert spaces ${\\mathscr{M}}_1$ and ${\\mathscr{M}}_2$ and a function $$G = \\left(\n \\begin{array}{cc}\n G_{11} & G_{12} \\\\\n G_{21} & G_{22} \\\\\n \\end{array}\n \\right)\n \\text{ in } {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{M}}_2\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}})$$ satisfying $G_{22}(z_i) = B_i$, $G_{21}(z_i) = 0$ for all $i=1,2, \\ldots , n$ and $\\| G_{11}(z)\\| < 1 $ at all points of $\\Omega$, then for any function $\\mathbf t$ in ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{M}}_1 , {\\mathscr{M}}_2 )$, the function $$f(z) = \\left(G_{22} + G_{21}(I_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} - \\mathbf t G_{11})^{-1} \\mathbf t G_{12}\\right)(z)$$ is an interpolant for the data in ${\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi( {\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$.\n\nConsider a solvable interpolation problem $z_i \\mapsto B_i$, where $z_i \\in \\Omega$ and $B_i \\in B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$, $1 \\leq i \\leq n$. If $f\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ is a solution to this interpolation problem then Theorem \\[RealTheo\\] gives us that we can find a completely positive kernel $\\Delta: \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{SolDecomp}\nI_{{\\mathscr{Y}}} - f(z) f(w)^* = \\Delta(z,w) (1- E(z) E(w) ^*) \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ z, w \\in \\Omega.\\end{aligned}$$ The restriction of $\\Delta$ to $\\{z_1, z_2, \\ldots , z_n\\} \\times \\{z_1, z_2, \\ldots , z_n\\}$ may not agree with $\\Gamma$ in (\\[DataDecomp\\]) in general. ", "When they do, we call $f$ an *affiliated solution*. ", "To be more precise, we give a proper definition.", "\n\n**Definition**: Let $z_1, z_2, \\ldots, z_n\\in \\Omega$ and $B_1, B_2, \\ldots, B_n \\in B({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ be a solvable data. ", "Let $f \\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ be a solution. ", "Let $\\Gamma$ and $\\Delta$ be as in (\\[DataDecomp\\]) and (\\[SolDecomp\\]), respectively. ", "Then $f$ is said to be affiliated with $\\Gamma$ if $\\Gamma(z_i, z_j)= \\Delta(z_i, z_j)$ for all $i,j=1,2,\\ldots , n$.\n\nWhy does one need the concept of affiliation? ", "Because, given a solvable interpolation problem, the kernel $\\Gamma$ obtained in may not be unique. ", "An example can be found on page $185$ of [@A-M]. ", "The notion of affiliation first appeared in [@B-T] where the authors solved the Nevanlinna problem for the bidisc assuming this notion. ", "The following theorem is a generalization.", "\n\n\\[parametrization\\] Let $\\Omega$ be a domain in $\\mathbb{C}^m$ and let $\\Psi$ be a class of holomorphic test functions. ", "Suppose that $f \\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{U}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ is a solution of this interpolation problem $z_i \\mapsto B_i$ and $f$ is affiliated with a completely positive kernel $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\Gamma: \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\times \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\}\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}})).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Let ${\\mathscr{M}}_1$, $ {\\mathscr{M}}_2$ and $G$ be as in Section \\[Affiliated\\]. ", "Writing $G$ as $$G(z) =\n \\bordermatrix{ & \\mathscr{M}_2 & {\\mathscr{U}}\\cr\n \\mathscr{M}_1 & G_{11}(z) & G_{12}(z) \\cr\n {\\mathscr{Y}}& G_{21}(z) & G_{22}(z)}, \\qquad$$ we have $$f(z) = \\Big(G_{22} + G_{21}(I_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} -\\mathbf{t}\\ G_{11})^{-1} \\mathbf{t}\\ G_{12}\\Big)(z)$$ for some $\\mathbf{t} \\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{M}}_1, {\\mathscr{M}}_2)$ and for all $ z \\in \\Omega.$\n\n[**Note**]{}: Before we embark on the proof, we want to remark that\n\n1. ", " without loss of generality, we can assume that all test functions vanish at a certain point $w_0$, i.e., $E(w_0) = 0$ because of Proposition \\[Modified Test Functions\\],\n\n2. ", " the inverse of $I_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} -\\mathbf{t}\\ G_{11}$ exists because of the concluding remarks of Section \\[Affiliated\\].", "\n\n**Proof of Theorem \\[parametrization\\].**\\\nSince $f$ is a solution and $f$ is affiliated with $\\Gamma$, we can find a completely positive kernel $\\Delta: \\Omega \\times \\Omega\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}}))$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{F-Agler-Decomp}\n I_{{\\mathscr{Y}}} - f(z) f(w)^* = \\Delta(z,w) (1- E(z) E(w) ^*) \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ z, w \\in \\Omega\n \\end{aligned}$$ and $\\Gamma(z_i, z_j)= \\Delta(z_i, z_j)$ for all $i,j=1,2,\\ldots , n$. Now, we know from (\\[Kolmogorv Decomposition\\]) that there is a Hilbert space $\\mathscr{X}$, $*$-representation $\\rho: \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi) \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}})$ and a function $g: \\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{X}}, {\\mathscr{Y}})$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{rep}\n \\Delta(z, w)(a) = g(z) \\rho(a) g(w)^* \\,\\,\\text{for all} \\ \\ z, w \\in \\Omega \\ \\ \\text{and} \\ \\ a \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ From these equations we can construct a unitary $\\tilde{W}:\\mathscr{X}\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\rightarrow \\mathscr{X}\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}$ (as we did in section \\[Affiliated\\]) such that writing $\\tilde{W}$ as $$\\tilde{W} =\n\\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{X}}& {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{X}}& \\tilde{A} & \\tilde{B} \\cr\n {\\mathscr{U}}& \\tilde{C} & \\tilde{D}}, \\qquad$$ one has $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{FandWtilde}\nf(z)^* = \\tilde{D}+ \\tilde{C} (I_{{\\mathscr{X}}}- \\rho(E(z))^* \\tilde{A}) ^{-1} \\rho(E(z))^* \\tilde{B} \\ \\ \\text{for all} \\ z \\in \\Omega\\end{aligned}$$ and $\\tilde{W}$ takes $\\begin{pmatrix} \\rho (E(z))^* g(z)^* y \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} \\text{ to } \\begin{pmatrix} g(z)^* y \\\\ f(z)^* y \\end{pmatrix}.$\\\nLet $${\\mathscr{L}}= \\overline{span}\\{\\rho(\\delta) g(z_i)^* y: y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}, \\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}, 1\\leq i\\leq n \\}.$$ This is a closed subspace of ${\\mathscr{X}}$ and it is reducing for $\\rho(E(z)),\\, \\text{for all}\\, z\\in \\Omega$. Recall the subspace ${\\mathscr{L}}_1$ of ${\\mathscr{X}}_1$ from Section \\[Affiliated\\] which was defined by $$\\mathscr{L}_1=\\overline{span}\\{\\mu (\\delta)h(z_i)^* y: 1\\leq i\\leq n, \\delta \\in \\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi),y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}\\}.$$ Now $\\Gamma(z_i, z_j)= \\Delta(z_i, z_j)$ for all $i,j=1,2,\\ldots , n,$ gives us $$g(z_i)\\rho (\\delta)g(z_j)^* =h(z_i)\\mu (\\delta)h(z_j)^*,\\, \\text{for all}\\, 1\\leq i,j\\leq n,\\, \\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}.$$ It is easy to see that the map $\\tilde{S}:{\\mathscr{L}}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{L}}_1$ sending $\\rho(\\delta) g(z_i)^* y$ to $\\mu (\\delta)h(z_i)^* y$ is a unitary.\\\nLet ${\\mathscr{H}}= {\\mathscr{X}}\\ominus {\\mathscr{L}}$ and $S =I_{{\\mathscr{H}}} \\oplus \\tilde{S}$. Then $S:\\mathscr{X} \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}$ is a unitary.\\\nWe define $\\lambda: {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}\\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1})$ by $$\\lambda (\\delta) = S\\rho(\\delta)S^*,\\,\\delta\\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)},$$ and $l:\\Omega \\rightarrow B({\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}})$ by $$l(z)= g(z)S^*.$$ Clearly, $\\lambda$ is a unital $*$-representation. ", "We have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{Defn-lambda}\nl(z_i)^* y = h(z_i)^* y\\,\\, \\text{and}\\,\\, \\lambda(\\delta)l(z_i)^* y = \\mu(\\delta)h(z_i)^* y\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, 1\\leq i,j\\leq n,\\, \\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}.\\end{aligned}$$ So for any $\\delta, \\delta^\\prime\\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}$, $y\\in{\\mathscr{Y}}$ and $i=1,2,\\ldots,n$, we get $\\lambda(\\delta)\\big(\\mu(\\delta^\\prime)h(z_i)^*y\\big)=\\mu(\\delta)\\big(\\mu(\\delta^\\prime)h(z_i)^*y\\big)$, that is, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{equality of lambda and mu}\n\\lambda (\\delta)|_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1} = \\mu(\\delta)|_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1},\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, \\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}.\\end{aligned}$$ Since ${\\mathscr{L}}_1$ is reducing for $\\lambda(E(z))$ for all $z\\in \\Omega$, we get using (\\[rep\\]) and the definitions of $\\lambda$ and $l$ that $$\\begin{aligned}\nI_{\\mathscr{Y}}- f(z) f(w)^* = l(z) \\lambda(1- E(z) E(w)^*) l(w)^*\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, z,w\\in \\Omega.\\end{aligned}$$ Write $W= (S\\oplus I_{\\mathscr{U}}) \\tilde{W}(S\\oplus I_{\\mathscr{Y}})^*$. This is a unitary from ${\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}$ to ${\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus{\\mathscr{U}}$ that takes $$\\begin{pmatrix} \\lambda (E(z))^* l(z)^* y \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} \\text{ to } \\begin{pmatrix} l(z)^* y \\\\ f(z)^* y \\end{pmatrix} \\text{for all}\\,\\, y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}\\,\\text{and}\\,\\, z\\in \\Omega.$$ So writing $W$ as $$W =\n\\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}& {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}& A & B \\cr\n {\\mathscr{U}}& C & D}, \\qquad$$ one has $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{f-colli}\nf(z)^* = D + C {\\lambda(E(z))}^* (I_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}}- A{\\lambda(E(z))}^*)^{-1} B ,\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, z\\in \\Omega.\\end{aligned}$$ In particular, $W$ takes $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{WV}\n\\begin{pmatrix} \\mu (E(z_i))^* h(z_i)^* y \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} \\text{ to } \\begin{pmatrix} h(z_i)^* y \\\\ B_i ^* y \\end{pmatrix} \\text{for all}\\,\\, y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}\\,\\text{and}\\,\\, 1\\leq i\\leq n\\end{aligned}$$ because of (\\[Defn-lambda\\]).", "\n\nNow recall that ${\\mathscr{L}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}={\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2$ and ${\\mathscr{L}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}= {\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1$ from Section \\[Affiliated\\]. ", "So $W$ maps ${\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus{\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus{\\mathscr{N}}_2$ onto ${\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus{\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{N}}_1$ and maps ${\\mathscr{N}}_2$ onto ${\\mathscr{N}}_1$ unitarily. ", "So from (\\[V\\]) and (\\[WV\\]) we obtain $W|_{{\\mathscr{N}}_2} = V$. Hence we are allowed to write\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{WandX}\nW = \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus{\\mathscr{M}}_2 & {\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\cr\n \\qquad {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & Z & \\mathbf{0} \\cr\n\\qquad {\\mathscr{N}}_1 & \\mathbf{0} & V }\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $Z: {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus{\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1$ is a unitary. ", "Now we write $Z$ as $$\\begin{aligned}\nZ = \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{H}}& {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\cr\n \\quad {\\mathscr{H}}& Z_{11} & Z_{12} \\cr\n \\quad {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & Z_{21} & Z_{22} }\\end{aligned}$$ and take $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{function-t}\n\\mathbf{t}(z)^* = Z_{22} + Z_{21} {\\lambda(E(z))}^* (I_{{\\mathscr{H}}} - Z_{11}{\\lambda(E(z))}^* )^{-1} Z_{12}\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, z\\in \\Omega.\\end{aligned}$$ Clearly $\\mathbf{t}\\in {\\mathscr{S\\mspace{-5mu}A}}_\\Psi({\\mathscr{M}}_1, {\\mathscr{M}}_2)$.\n\nLet us fix a $z\\in \\Omega$ and a $y\\in {\\mathscr{Y}}$, and put $u=f(z)^* y$. Let $k_z = (I_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}}- A{\\lambda(E(z))}^*)^{-1} By$. It is an element of ${\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}$. A little computation gives $$\\begin{aligned}\nA {\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z + By=k_z\\,\\, \\text{and}\\,\\, C{\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z + Dy = u.\\end{aligned}$$ This can be rewritten as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{W-Sol-send}\nW \\begin{pmatrix} {\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} \\ = \\begin{pmatrix} k_z \\\\ u \\end{pmatrix}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFor any Hilbert space $X$ and a closed subspace $M$ of $X$, let us denote the orthogonal projection of $X$ onto $M$ by $P_{X\\rightarrow M}.$\n\nLet $r_z = P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{H}}} k_z$ . ", "Since ${\\mathscr{L}}_1$ is reducing for ${\\lambda(E(z))}\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, z\\in \\Omega$ (see (\\[Defn-lambda\\])), we have the following $${\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z = P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{H}}} ({\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z)\n= P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{H}}} ({\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z\\oplus y)\\,\\, \\text{and}$$ $$r_z = P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{H}}} ( k_z\\oplus u).$$\\\nSince $${\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z \\oplus y \\in {\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus{\\mathscr{Y}}= {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{N}}_2\\oplus{\\mathscr{M}}_2\\,\\,\\, \\text{and}$$ $$k_z\\oplus u\\in {\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}= {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{N}}_1\\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1,$$ there exist $n^\\prime _i \\in {\\mathscr{N}}_i$ and $m^\\prime _i \\in {\\mathscr{M}}_i,\\,\\, i=1,2$, such that\\\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{r_z +n_1 + n_2 = .. etc}\n {\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z \\oplus y ={\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z \\oplus n^\\prime _2 \\oplus m^\\prime _2\\,\\,\\, \\text{and}\\,\\,\nk_z \\oplus u= r_z \\oplus n^\\prime _1\\oplus m^\\prime _1.\\end{aligned}$$ So (\\[W-Sol-send\\]) gives us $$\\begin{aligned}\n W({\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z \\oplus n^\\prime _2 \\oplus m^\\prime _2)=(r_z \\oplus n^\\prime _1\\oplus m^\\prime _1)\n \\end{aligned}$$ and using (\\[WandX\\]) we get $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus{\\mathscr{M}}_2 & {\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\cr\n \\qquad {\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & Z & \\mathbf{0} \\cr\n \\qquad {\\mathscr{N}}_1 & \\mathbf{0} & V } \\begin{pmatrix}{\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z \\oplus m^\\prime _2 \\\\ n^\\prime _2 \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} r_z \\oplus m^\\prime _1 \\\\ n^\\prime _1 \\end{pmatrix}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ So $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{Vn_2 =n_1}\nZ({\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z \\oplus m_2)= r_z \\oplus m^\\prime _1\\,\\, \\text{and}\\,\\,\nVn^\\prime _2 =n^\\prime _1.\\end{aligned}$$ Using the decomposed form of $Z$ with respect to its domain and range we get\\\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{H}}& {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\cr\n \\quad {\\mathscr{H}}& Z_{11} & Z_{12} \\cr\n \\quad {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & Z_{21} & Z_{22} } \\begin{pmatrix}{\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z \\\\ m^\\prime _2 \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} r_z \\\\ m^\\prime _1 \\end{pmatrix}.\\end{aligned}$$ This gives us two equations from which we eliminate $r_z$. Recalling the definition of $\\mathbf{t}(z)^*$ (\\[function-t\\]) enables us to obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{t(z)m_2 =m_1}\n\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2=m^\\prime _1.\\end{aligned}$$ Now let $q_z = P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{L}}_1} (k_z).$ So from (\\[r\\_z +n\\_1 + n\\_2 = .. etc\\]) we get $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{n_1 + m_1}\nn^\\prime _1 \\oplus m^\\prime _1 &= P_{{\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus {\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1} (r_z \\oplus n_1\\oplus m_1)\\\\ &= P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{L}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}} (k_z\\oplus u) = q_z \\oplus u\\end{aligned}$$ and $$\\begin{aligned}\nn^\\prime _2\\oplus m^\\prime _2 &= P_{{\\mathscr{H}}\\oplus{\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\rightarrow {\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2} ({\\lambda(E(z))}^* r_z \\oplus n^\\prime _2 \\oplus m^\\prime _2)\\\\\n&= P_{{\\mathscr{H}\\oplus \\mathscr{L}_1}\\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\rightarrow {\\mathscr{L}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}} ({\\lambda(E(z))}^* k_z \\oplus y) = {\\lambda(E(z))}^* q_z \\oplus y.\\end{aligned}$$ Recall the ${\\mathcal{Q}}$ that was defined in (\\[Defn-Q\\]) in Section \\[Affiliated\\]. ", "It is a unitary from ${\\mathscr{N}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 $ to $ {\\mathscr{N}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{M}}_2$ sending a generic element $n_2 \\oplus m_2 \\oplus m_1$ to $Vn_2 \\oplus m_1 \\oplus m_2.$ Taking $Vn^\\prime _2 =n^\\prime _1$, $\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2=m^\\prime _1$, $n^\\prime _1 \\oplus m^\\prime _1= q_z \\oplus u$ and $n^\\prime _2\\oplus m^\\prime _2= {\\lambda(E(z))}^* q_z \\oplus y$ we see that ${\\mathcal{Q}}$ sends $${\\lambda(E(z))}^* q_z \\oplus \\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y\\,\\, \\text{to}\\,\\, q_z \\oplus m^\\prime _2\\oplus u.$$ Hence we are allowed to write $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\bordermatrix{ & \\mathscr{L}_1 & {\\mathscr{M}}_1 \\oplus {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n \\qquad \\mathscr{L}_1 & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12} \\cr\n {\\mathscr{M}}_2 \\oplus {\\mathscr{U}}& {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12} & {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} } \\begin{pmatrix} {\\lambda(E(z))}^* q_z \\\\ \\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y \\end{pmatrix} & = \\begin{pmatrix} q_z \\\\ m^\\prime _2\\oplus u \\end{pmatrix}.\\end{aligned}$$ Hence $${\\mathcal{Q}}_{11}({\\lambda(E(z))}^* q_z) + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12} (\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y) = q_z$$ $${\\mathcal{Q}}_{21} ({\\lambda(E(z))}^* q_z) + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} (\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y) = m^\\prime _2\\oplus u.$$ Eliminating $q_z$ we obtain $$({\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21} {\\lambda(E(z))}^*(I_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1} - {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} {\\lambda(E(z))}^* )^{-1} {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12})(\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y)= m^\\prime _2 \\oplus u.$$ Now recall that from (\\[equality of lambda and mu\\]) we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\lambda (\\delta)|_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1} = \\mu(\\delta)|_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1}\\,\\, \\text{for all}\\,\\, \\delta \\in {\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi)}.\\end{aligned}$$ So we have $$\\Big({\\mathcal{Q}}_{22} + {\\mathcal{Q}}_{21} \\mu (E(z))^*(I_{{\\mathscr{L}}_1} - {\\mathcal{Q}}_{11} \\mu (E(z))^* )^{-1} {\\mathcal{Q}}_{12}\\Big)(\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y)= m^\\prime _2 \\oplus u.$$ Recalling the $G$ from (\\[defn\\_G\\]) of Section \\[Affiliated\\], we see that the last equation is precisely $$G(z)^* (\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2\\oplus y)=m^\\prime _2 \\oplus u.$$ Using the decomposition of $G(z)^*$ with respect to its domain and range we get $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\bordermatrix{ & {\\mathscr{M}}_1 & {\\mathscr{Y}}\\cr\n {\\mathscr{M}}_2 & G_{11}(z)^* & G_{21}(z)^* \\cr\n {\\mathscr{U}}& G_{12}(z)^* &G_{22}(z)^* } \\begin{pmatrix}\\mathbf{t}(z)^* m^\\prime _2 \\\\ y \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} m^\\prime _2 \\\\ u \\end{pmatrix}.\\end{aligned}$$ From this we obtain two equations. ", "Eliminating $m_2$ from those gives us $$u= G_{22}(z)^*y + G_{12}(z)^*\\mathbf{t}(z)^*(I_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2}-G_{11} (z)^* \\mathbf{t}(z)^* )^{-1}G_{21} (z)^* y.$$ Since we know from Section \\[Affiliated\\] that $G_{11} (z)<1$ for each $z\\in \\Omega$, the right hand side is well defined. ", "As $u=f(z)^* y$ and, $y$ and $z$ are arbitrary, we have $$f(z) = G_{22}(z) + G_{21}(z) (I_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} - \\mathbf{t}(z) G_{11}(z))^{-1} \\mathbf{t}(z) G_{12}(z),\\,\\, \\text{for all} \\,\\, z\\in \\Omega.$$ This completes the proof.", "\n\nExamples {#Examples}\n========\n\nThe [*Schur class*]{} $H_1 ^\\infty (\\Omega, B({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}}))$ of a domain $\\Omega$ is the closed unit ball (in the supremum norm) of the algebra of all bounded holomorphic functions on $\\Omega$ taking values in $B({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}})$.\n\nSuppose $\\Omega$ stands for the bidisc or the symmetrized bidisc or the annulus. ", "We consider two Hilbert spaces ${\\mathscr{U}}$ and ${\\mathscr{Y}}$. When $\\Omega$ is the annulus, we take ${\\mathscr{U}}={\\mathscr{Y}}=\\mathbb{C}$. Suppose that $f \\in H_1 ^\\infty (\\Omega, B({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}}))$ is a solution of this interpolation problem $z_i \\mapsto B_i$ and $f$ is affiliated with a completely positive kernel $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\Gamma: \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\} \\times \\{z_1,z_2,\\ldots, z_n\\}\\rightarrow B(\\mathcal{C}_b(\\Psi), B({\\mathscr{Y}})).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Then with ${\\mathscr{M}}_1$, $ {\\mathscr{M}}_2$ and $G$ as in Section \\[Affiliated\\], we have that writing $G$ as $$G(z) =\n \\bordermatrix{ & \\mathscr{M}_2 & {\\mathscr{U}}\\cr\n \\mathscr{M}_1 & G_{11}(z) & G_{12}(z) \\cr\n {\\mathscr{Y}}& G_{21}(z) & G_{22}(z)}, \\qquad$$ one has $$f(z) = \\Big(G_{22} + G_{21}(I_{{\\mathscr{M}}_2} -\\mathbf{t}\\ G_{11})^{-1} \\mathbf{t}\\ G_{12}\\Big)(z)$$ for some $\\mathbf{t} \\in H_1 ^\\infty (\\Omega, B({\\mathscr{M}}_1, {\\mathscr{M}}_2))$ and for all $ z \\in \\Omega.$\n\n**Proof**\\\nIn each of these examples, there exists a certain collection of holomorphic test functions, say $\\Psi$, which satisfies the fact that there is a point $w_0$ in the domain where all test functions vanish. ", "We do not get into the details of writing down the test functions explicitly for the sake of brevity. ", "While for the bidisc the collection consists of just two test functions - the co-ordinate functions $z_1$ and $z_2$, for the symmetrized bidisc and the annulus, they are uncountable in number. ", "See [@B-S] for the symmetrized bidisc and [@D-M] for the annulus. ", "Now we apply our Main Theorem. ", "The crucial fact which clinches the issue is that in each of the above domains, for the above mentioned test functions, the $\\Psi$-Schur-Agler Class coincides with the Schur class $H_1 ^\\infty (\\Omega, B({\\mathscr{U}},{\\mathscr{Y}}))$.\n\n**Acknowledgement:** The first named author’s research is supported by the University Grants Commission Centre for Advanced Studies. ", "The third named author’s research is supported by a Post Doctoral Fellowship at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. ", "All authors thank the referee because the referee’s inputs led to a substantial increase in the quality of the paper.", "\n\n[HD]{}\n\nJ. Agler and J.E. McCarthy, *Pick Interpolation and Hilbert Function Spaces,* Graduate Studies in Mathematics Vol. ", "44, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2002.", "\n\nA. V. Arkhangel’skii and L. S. Pontryagin (Eds.) *", "General Topology I - Basic Concepts and Constructions Dimension Theory*, Springer, Berlin, 1990.", "\n\nJ. A. Ball, A. Biswas, Q. Fang and S. ter Horst, *Multivariable generalizations of the Schur class: positive kernel characterization and transfer function realization,* Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications, OT 187 Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2008, pp. ", "$17-79$.\n\nJ. A. Ball and M. D. Guerra Huamán, *Test functions, Schur-Agler classes and transfer-function realizations: the matrix-valued setting,* Complex Anal. ", "Oper. ", "Theory 7 (2013), pp. ", "$529-575$.\n\nJ. A. Ball and T. T. Trent, *Unitary colligations, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation in several variables,* J. Funct. ", "Anal. **", "197** (1998), pp. ", "$1-61$.\n\nS. D. Barreto, B. V. R. Bhat, V. Liebscher and M. Skeide, *Type I product systems of Hilbert modules*, J. Func. ", "Anal. **", "212** (2004), pp. ", "$121-181$.\n\nT. Bhattacharyya and H. Sau, *Holomorphic functions on the symmetrized bidisk - realization, interpolation and extension,* J. Funct. ", "Anal. **", "274** (2018), pp. ", "$504-524$.\n\nD. Cohn, *Measure theory.* ", "Second edition. ", "Birkhäuser Advanced Texts: Basler Lehrbücher. ", "\\[Birkhäuser Advanced Texts: Basel Textbooks\\] Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, 2013.", "\n\nJ. B. Conway, *A course in functional analysis,* Second edition, Graduate texts in Mathematics; 96, Springer-Verlag New York, 1990.", "\n\nM.A. Dritschel and S. McCullough, *Test functions, kernels, realizations and interpolation,* in: Operator Theory, Structured Matrices, and Dilations. ", "Tiberiu Constantinescu Memorial Volume (ed. ", "M. Bakonyi, A. Gheondea, M. Putinar and J. Rovnyak), Theta Foundation, Bucharest, 2007, pp. ", "$153 -179$.\n\nN. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz, *Linear operators. ", "Part I. General theory.* ", "With the assistance of William G. Bade and Robert G. Bartle. ", "Reprint of the 1958 original. ", "Wiley Classics Library. ", "A Wiley-Interscience Publication. ", "John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1988.", "\n\nB. Sz.-Nagy, C. Foias, H. Bercovici, L. Kérchy, *Harmonic analysis of operators on Hilbert space.* ", "Second edition. ", "Revised and enlarged edition. ", "Universitext. ", "Springer, New York, 2010.", "\n\nR. Nevanlinna, *Über beschränkte analytische Funktionen,* Ann. ", "Acad. ", "Sci. ", "Fenn. ", "Ser A 32 (1929), No 7.", "\n\nW. Rudin, *Functional analysis,* McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.", "\n\nW. Rudin, *Principles of mathematical analysis.* ", "Third edition. ", "International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. ", "McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York-Auckland-Düsseldorf, 1976.", "\n\nA. Taylor and D. C. Lay *Introduction to functional analysis.* ", "Reprint of the second edition. ", "Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co., Inc., Melbourne, FL, 1986.", "\n\n[^1]: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. ", "e-mail: tirtha@iisc.ac.in\n\n[^2]: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. ", "e-mail: anindyab@iisc.ac.in\n\n[^3]: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, 400076, India. ", "e-mail: vikramc@math.iitb.ac.in\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGetting mild electric shocks from tap water if washing machine is switched on\n\nMy washing machine is placed in my kitchen and whenever it is switched on and working (washing), I get very mild “tingles” from the kitchen's tap water.", "\nI'm in the UK, and I've checked that the wall socket is earthed and the machine's plug is also earthed. ", "I'm not using any extension cables.", "\nWhat else can I check before calling an electrician? ", "If possible I'd like to fix this problem myself.", "\nThanks!", "\nEDIT 1: My house was built on the 70s.", "\nEDIT 2: I asked an electrician to fix the problem and he said the following: two of the earth wires were in the correct position but one had no earthing sleeve on it and was pressing on the live wire. ", "The third earth wire was not connected at all and there was a small voltage showing, but not enough to trip the switch. ", "He re-routed all the wires and attached the loose earth wire and all is now fine!", "\n\nA:\n\nThis sounds like a pretty dangerous situation. ", "There are some things you could check.", "\nA. Look into if the earth grounding connection at your house is good solid connection without corrosion.", "\nB. Try seeing if you get the same tingling effect when you run a different appliance plugged into the same outlet such as a blender or toaster.", "\nC. Check if the outlets near your kitchen sink are protected with GFCI devices.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "I hope all of you had a fantastic weekend and are rejuvenated for the week ahead. ", "We are back to the grind of yet another workweek and the countdown to the weekend has already begun even as we catch up from the days past. ", "It is both sad and satisfying to see another weekend come and gone and with it took the month of January.", "\n\nHELLO FEBRUARY! ", "Let’s us greet the month of Love with, well, love. ", "I have a feeling that this month is going to be splendid. ", "It is a couple days into the month and it is already off to a great start. ", "Why do you ask? ", "This is why:\n\nWeekend Recap otherwise known as One Helluva Great Weekend.", "\n\nThursday: Now, we all know that the weekend joy usually begins on Friday for me. ", "I get amped for the end of the day and every Friday is a holiday to me. ", "This will never change and my inner child comes out when it is time to lock the doors and head out for the day, but I feel that this past weekend came a day early for me. ", "I feel like the events that took place should be posted for your enjoyment (okay, so it is more for my delight, but humor me). ", "After work on Thursday, Cory and I went out to eat. ", "Now this is rare for us, especially on a weekday, but we were both feeling it. ", "Not only did we want to unwind with a few beers, there was some conversation that needed to be had. ", "Nine beers later (relax, it was a sampler tray and we shared it), we left the restaurant happy and in good spirits (pun definitely intended).", "\n\nOn the way home, there was a random number that kept calling and calling my phone. ", "Now we all are guilty of ignoring phone calls when the number is unrecognized. ", "I didn’t think too much of it because, quite frankly, I was getting just a bit annoyed. ", "Fast forward to later in the evening, they call again. ", "I decided to answer it just to see what they wanted, and behold, it was my sister! ", "This may not seem special to all of you, but this is my sister who is stationed over in the Kingdom of Tonga with the Peace Corps. ", "I rarely ever get to hear her voice. ", "This has been especially hard for me because she was my go to gal when I needed to vent about things or need advice. ", "Two pre-paid phone cards later later (Thanks Ryan!), ", "tears of laughter and of longing were had. ", "Advice was given. ", "And she made my weekend start off with great feelings of joy. ", "Man do I miss her each and every day and just to be able to talk with her was amazing. ", "She makes me so proud to call her my sister and I will forever look up to her. ", "Seriously. ", "She and her husband are both amazing. ", "Take a look at their ventures as they change the world here!", "\n\nFriday: Must I mention that I now get off work at Noon on Fridays? ", "This in itself is pretty darn great. ", "Even if I had nothing planned, it would still be a great day! ", "Luckily, I did have something planned. ", "When I got off work, I headed home, took a nap (Seriously. ", "Rough life.), ", "packed, and headed out the door to go stay with a friend in the Cities. ", "We ordered Chinese food, drank wine, watched bad television, and had craft time. ", "It was the perfect snowy girls night in. ", "Now, I know that all of you must be wondering what craft we made. ", "Okay, so you may not care, but I will enlighten you anyways. ", "With Valentine’s Day creeping around the corner, I have been looking for cheap but fun ideas to do with your date. ", "I came across a neat idea from a fellow blogger Six Sisters Stuff that involved coloring and coffee. ", "Two things I love and it was cheap, so I figured it was a win all around.", "\n\nHere's what to do.", "\n\nGrab 2 plain mugs.", "\n\nGet out your paint pens (or sharpie if you don't have paint pens lying around).", "\n\nKeep paper towels handy just in case.", "\n\nCover those mugs in your art and writing.", "\n\nBake at 350 for 30 minutes.", "\n\nTake them out of the oven.", "\n\n\n\n\nDon't mind our Feline Friend that is sniffing the markers. ", "He has an adddiction.", "\n\n\n\nSo, we were both super excited to do this. ", "Not only is it cheap and easy, it was a lot of fun! ", "We spent far too much time on them, but again, it was so fun. ", "I decided to make one for Cory and put the Amery Classic Theatre logo on a mug for him. ", "I was super excited to not only prove to him that I think of him (sometimes), I also wanted him to see that I can draw to. ", "After I gave it to him with a proud (and loud) “look what I can do” moment, he asked me if the sharpie was going to poison him (always the logical thinker). ", "I (again, very proudly) told him that the marker wasn’t going to come off. ", "He still seemed hesitant, so to prove him wrong, I put it in dishwater and started to rub. ", "Much to my dismay, the sharpie did start to come off. ", "Disappointment ensued. ", "I think next time, I will actually try the paint pens, that or just make decorative mugs that you can’t drink out of. (", "Dang Cory an him always proving me wrong). ", "Anyways, I would still recommend this project but maybe try the paint pens, or baking them longer. ", "Either way, I will try it again and let you all know how it turns out.", "\n\n\n\nSaturday: It is a known fact that I am an early riser. ", "Sometimes, when spending the night at other places, it can get awkward when I wake up 4 hours before the host does so it made me very happy to know my friend was also an early riser. ", "With some coffee in our systems, we set out to do some retail therapy at the Mall of America and spend money we don’t have on things that we don’t need. ", "Seem practical? ", "Of course not. ", "Did we do it anyways? ", "Of course. ", "We are women. ", "With our wallets feeling lighter, we went our separate ways and headed home. ", "Cory and I had another rare date night planned. ", "He had the evening off for once and I wanted to take him out. ", "We had one of the best evenings we have had in awhile. ", "We headed to Hudson, WI for the Hot Air Affair festival. ", "Now this festival was going on all weekend, but on Saturday evening they had an event called “The Field of Fire.” ", "What this means is that dozens of hot air balloons land on a field and they light them up and you can walk around in the midst of them. ", "I was very excited about this! ", "We got there a little early and because of this, only a couple of balloons were up. ", "Because of the snow that was beginning to fall, they -14 weather, and the fact that I chose fashion over function, we decided to head indoors to check out the food vendors and craft fair (and to get warm). ", "Now, we were only in there for about 15 minutes, but this being our first time there, we didn’t know that the hot air balloons only stayed up for 15 minutes. ", "This being said, when we walked back outside, all of the balloons were already coming down. ", "Sadly, we missed the main event, but we still got to see a couple of them up and walk around. ", "Next year, we will know to suck it up and brave the cold. ", "I was still glad we went and it was neat to see the few balloons that we did see and the snow that was falling looked like glitter. ", "It was still a spectacle!", "\n\n \n\n\n\nThe pretty glitter snow turned into sharp stinging snow. ", "It was about that time we headed back to the car.", "\n\n\n\nAfter that, we shed some layers (by which I mean gloves and sweatshirts because we dressed warm) and went out to eat. ", "We actually bought a bottle of wine (which we never do) and had ourselves a splendid evening out (plus, it helped warm us up quickly). ", "It was delightful from start to finish and it was just nice to have an actual date night.", "\n\nSunday: I slept in, cleaned the house, ate too much food, and watched the Super Bowl with some great people! ", "It was a great end to a great weekend. ", "Not only that, I have a short week at work this week. ", "I am taking a mini vacation and going home to spend some time with my family and hopefully welcome a new nephew into the world. ", "Exciting times are ahead and I can’t wait." ]
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[ "Field\nThe subject matter disclosed herein relates to a nonvolatile memory.", "\nInformation\nNonvolatile memory devices, such as Phase-Change Memory (“PCM”), flash memory, or Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (“EEPROM”) are sometimes packaged within an electrical system. ", "For example, such nonvolatile memory devices may be sold within a computer system or a digital camera, for example. ", "Such nonvolatile memory devices may be coupled to a bus and data may be transmitted over such a bus from a processor to a nonvolatile memory device for storage, for example.", "\nInformation such as data or program code may be transmitted over a bus to a nonvolatile memory, where it may be written for storage. ", "Similarly, information may be read, or retrieved, from a nonvolatile memory and transmitted over a bus to an electronic component such as a processor." ]
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[ "[Basic requirements of facilities for hospitals that treat hemato-oncological patients: hospital environment, diagnostic protocols and therapeutic arsenal].", "\nThe care of cancer patients, including recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, has numerous challenges for hospitals that must provide safe environments in which exposure to pathogens that generate morbidity and mortality is reduced at maximum. ", "At the same time, they must have established protocols that allow a rational study of the possible infectious etiologies and the existence of an adequate therapeutic arsenal together with timely treatment algorithms, updated according to consensus guidelines and effective according to the suspected or confirmed infection. ", "This article introduces some of the arguments that support these requirements, then that are developed in three successive articles dedicated to the hospital environment, diagnostic protocols and therapeutic arsenal." ]
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[ "Tirio language\n\nTirio may refer to:\n\nTiriyó language (Brazil)\nMakayam language (New Guinea)" ]
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[ "Privacy Statement\n\nEsri Privacy Statement\n\nEnvironmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. and its affiliate Esri Global, Inc. (\"Esri\"), value the privacy of those who visit our websites and register for our software, services, and events.", "\n\nThe Esri Privacy Statement (\"Privacy Statement\") covers our use, storage, sharing, and disclosure of personal information we collect through our websites, including www.esri.com, www.myesri.com, https://esricommunity.force.com. ", "It also describes your choices regarding use, access and correction of your personal information. ", "Also please be aware that Esri has certain systems, services, platforms, and environments as part of its product offerings and these product offerings support additional privacy assurances. ", "For example, ArcGIS Online (arcgis.com), which has certifications or compliance requirements that are more restrictive and/or different than this Privacy Statement, with regard to collection or use of PII and other data types. ", "In the event you attempt to access or contribute information or data to these systems, you should review this Privacy Statement as well as the information, and the Esri Products & Services Privacy Statement Supplement at http://www.esri.com/legal/privacy-supplement. ", "By using our websites or services, you authorize Esri to collect, use, store, share, and disclose your personal information as described in this Privacy Statement and any applicable addendums.", "\n\nPlease read the entire Privacy Statement before providing any personal information to us.", "\n\nEsri participates in and has certified its compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. ", "Esri is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission. ", "Esri has certified that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles of Notice, Choice, Accountability for Onward Transfer, Security, Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation, Access, and Recourse, Enforcement and Liability. ", "To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, please visit https://www.privacyshield.gov/welcome ,and to view Esri's certification, please visit https://www.privacyshield.gov/list.", "\n\nEsri is responsible for the processing of personal data it receives, under the Privacy Shield Framework, and subsequent transfers to a third party acting as an agent on its behalf. ", "Esri complies with the Privacy Shield Principles for all onward transfers of personal data from the EU, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, including the onward transfer liability provisions.", "\n\nWhat personal information does Esri collect and receive?", "\n\nPersonal information is information that can potentially identify you as a specific individual. ", "It includes your name, company name, address, telephone number, email address, location, and billing information.", "\n\nEsri websites and software installation may require registration with personal information to gain access to special services, authorization codes, license keys, or other features. ", "This information will be used to authenticate users, provide support and deliver specialized services.", "\n\nThird-Party Information\n\nIf you use our referral service to tell a friend about Esri, we will ask you for your friend's name and email address. ", "Esri will automatically send your friend a one-time email with an invitation to visit our website. ", "Esri stores this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email and tracking the success of our referral program. ", "Your friend may contact us at privacy@esri.com to request that we remove this information from our database.", "\n\nIf you add a user to your ArcGIS Online service enterprise account, you may provide names and email addresses of your contacts. ", "We will send your contacts a one-time email inviting them to create an account. ", "Esri stores this information for the sole purpose of contacting such individuals as needed. ", "They may contact us at privacy@esri.com to request that we remove this information from our database.", "\n\nIn some instances, we may ask you to provide us with the name and phone number of an individual for the purpose of allowing Esri to contact that person in the event of an urgent matter. ", "Esri stores this information for the sole purpose of contacting such individuals as needed. ", "They may contact us at privacy@esri.com to request that we remove this information from our database.", "\n\nTechnologies\n\nWe, and our partners, use cookies and similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the website, track users' movements around the website, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. ", "Users can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level.", "\n\nLog Files\n\nWe, and our third-party tracking-utility partner, gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. ", "This information includes the internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), and clickstream data. ", "We do this to improve our services, marketing, analytics, or site functionality, and to authenticate users.", "\n\nWhy is Esri collecting my personal information?", "\n\nThe personal information we collect is used by Esri and its service providers to:\n\nRespond to customer service requests and help provide technical and product support.", "\n\nIt will also allow users to sign up for a trial account, register for training or conferences, make requests that require a direct response, and order newsletters and other Esri publications.", "\n\nEsri may use the mailing services of third parties that are authorized to use your personal information only for the benefit of Esri and our affiliates.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nWe partner with a third party to display advertising on our website or to manage our advertising on other sites. ", "Our partner may use technologies such as cookies to gather information about your activities in order to provide you with advertising that is based on your browsing activities and interests. ", "If you wish to not have this information used for the purpose of serving you with interest-based ads, you may opt out. ", "If you are in the United States, go to http://preferences-mgr.truste.com/. If you are located in the European Union, go to http://www.youronlinechoices.eu. ", "Please note that this will not allow you to opt out of being served ads; you will instead receive generic ads.", "\n\nSocial Media Features\n\nOur website includes social media features such as the Facebook \"Like\" button, widgets such as the \"ShareThis\" button, or interactive mini programs (\"Features\"). ", "These \"Features\" may collect your IP address, your browser type, also the specific page you are visiting on our website and to set a cookie to enable the Features to function properly. ", "Social media features and widgets are hosted either by a third party or directly on our website. ", "Your interactions with the Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.", "\n\nWith whom does Esri share my personal information?", "\n\nWe use third parties such as a credit card processing company to bill customers for services, an email service provider to send out emails on our behalf, or technical service providers for customer support. ", "When you sign up for our services, we will share your personal information only as necessary for the third party to provide that service. ", "In addition, Esri may share your personal information within your organization, with third parties such as an Esri distributor, affiliate, or service provider within or outside the United States. ", "Esri may also share or publish non-personal information, such as statistical data that provides information on how our users are using our software applications and services and how many people are visiting our websites. ", "Our affiliates and vendors are also committed to protecting personal information as described in their privacy statements/policies. ", "Under certain circumstances, we may remain liable for the acts of our third-party agents or service providers who perform services on our behalf for their handling of EU, United Kingdom or Swiss Personal Data that we transfer to them.", "\n\nEsri will disclose your personal information when required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) conform to legal requirements, such as to comply with a subpoena or valid national security or law enforcement requests, or prevent fraud or imminent harm or, (2) protect and defend the rights or property of Esri.", "\n\nIs my personal information secured?", "\n\nInformation Entered during Login or Placing Purchases\n\nEsri maintains reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect EU, United Kingdom or Swiss Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction in accordance with the Privacy Shield. ", "When you make a purchase through our website and sensitive information (such as login credentials or billing information) is entered, Esri encrypts the transmission of that information using transport layer security (TLS). ", "If you have any questions about security on our website, you can visit http://trust.arcgis.com, or you can report a problem at http://doc.arcgis.com/en/trust/security-concern/. Additional information about Esri's security and privacy practices is available at http://doc.arcgis.com/en/trust/security/arcgis-online-security.htm.", "\n\nInformation Posted on Esri's Blogs and Forums\n\nAnytime you post on our blog or provide information, pictures, or any other type of personal information, data, or materials to forums, communities, or other social media platforms, please be aware that it will be publicly available and not subject to the terms of this Privacy Statement. ", "Also, you may be posting using a third-party application, and we have no access to or control over such information. ", "Please be aware that you are providing your personal information to these third parties and not to Esri. ", "To request removal of your personal information from our blog, you can either log in to the third-party application and remove your posting/information or contact the appropriate third-party application provider. ", "Your interaction with these features is governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.", "\n\nPublic Profiles\n\nThe profile you create will be publicly accessible unless otherwise indicated. ", "You may change the privacy preferences of your profile through your account settings. ", "Alternatively, you can contact us at privacy@esri.com if you would like us to change the privacy settings of your profile.", "\n\nEsri Directories\n\nIf you have chosen to include yourself in an Esri directory such as Esri customers, User Conference exhibitor or attendee, distributors, partners, or as part of MyEsri, your listing will be accessible within your organization and to all other contributors to those directories. ", "You may change the preferences of your profile by logging in to update your certification record or contacting us at privacy@esri.com.", "\n\nInformation Shared while Accessing Websites of a Third Party or an Esri Affiliate\n\nOur website includes links to other websites with privacy practices that may differ from those of Esri. ", "If you submit personal information to any of those websites, your information will be governed by their privacy policies.", "\n\nWhat are my privacy choices?", "\n\nIf you submit personal information, Esri may contact you or send you marketing information, newsletters, or promotions about software or services. ", "If you do not wish to receive this information, you may notify us by visiting http://www.esri.com/unsubscribe or following the unsubscribe instructions contained in the emails you receive.", "\n\nPlease provide us with your exact name and address as well as a description of the publication or type of mail you no longer wish to receive.", "\n\nCan I access and update my personal information?", "\n\nUpon request Esri will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information. ", "Esri will permit you to access, correct, or delete your information in our database by contacting info@esri.com or by logging in to your account and making the appropriate changes. ", "We will respond to all requests for access within a reasonable timeframe.", "\n\nWe will retain the personal information we process on behalf of our users for as long as needed to provide services to our users, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.", "\n\nWill Esri modify its Privacy Statement?", "\n\nWe may change this Privacy Statement or related system specific addendums from time to time. ", "If and/or when Esri makes changes to this Privacy Statement, the updated version will be posted in place of this statement. ", "If we make any material changes, we will notify you by means of an announcement here and on http://trust.arcgis.comprior to the change becoming effective. ", "We encourage you to visit http://trust.arcgis.com periodically.", "\n\nHow can I contact Esri regarding the Privacy Statement?", "\n\nIf you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy practices or policy, please contact us at privacy@esri.com, or 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373 USA, and identify the issue as such in your communication to Esri." ]
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[ "Download/Request Buttons\n\nSearch form\n\nSite search\n\nStore search\n\nWelcome to FC Lane Electronics - Component & Connector Distributor\n\nFC Lane Electronics has been supplying electronic connectors for almost 50 years and, as you can see from the brands featured above, we represent many of the industry’s leading electronic connector manufacturers.", "\n\nThis comprehensive range of connector suppliers means we can offer a connector solution to satisfy practically every requirement across a wide variety of sectors including military, aerospace, motorsport, offshore, mining, and test and measurement, as well as all types of general industrial and entertainment applications.", "\n\nConnector Distributors\n\nAs an authorised distributor of electrical connectors, we are the preferred choice for every connector type including circular, filtered, RF, coaxial, D connectors, sub-miniature, aerospace, test & measurement, IDC, PCB, edge connectors, backshells and adaptors, and rack and panel connectors.", "\n\nAs a leading electronic component and connector distributor, we always keep a huge range of connectors and electronic components in stock and offer next day delivery on over 90% of orders for standard connectors.", "\n\nIn-House Development\n\nAs well as our comprehensive selection of standard electrical connectors, we provide a rapid in-house development, prototyping, assembly and testing service for specialist motorsport, military, and industrial circular connectors on lead times that are much shorter than those generally available for non-standard connectors.", "\n\nIf you are unable to find the solution you require, please contact us for expert advice and assistance.", "\n\nLatest News\n\n12/03/2019\n\nWe have now made available several ranges of D-Subminiature connectors suitable for wide variety of applications. ", "Manufactured by Positronic, the ranges include both standard and high density models as well as versions that are environmentally sealed to IP67 and a solution for those that need to terminate fibre optic cables in a D-Sub format.", "\n\nAs a Souriau-approved assembler, Lane are able to provide a wide variety of high density circular connectors, with many meeting the requirements of the MIL-DTL-38999 standard, and others being derived from that standard. ", "In particular, we have available Souriau’s standard high density 8D/38999 connectors and their 8STA range which is widely used throughout all forms of motorsport and other applications where space, weight and environmental protection are crucial." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.002890173410404624, 0, 0.006269592476489028, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013043478260869565, 0.013452914798206279, 0.0040650406504065045 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to data storage technology, and more particularly to data storage control in a storage control system comprising a plurality of storage systems.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nThe following prior art, for example, is known. ", "That is, a first storage device and a second storage device are inter-connected, and a second storage device and a host computer are inter-connected. ", "A first logical device of the first storage device corresponds to the second logical device of the second storage device. ", "The second logical device can be recognized by the host computer. ", "When a read request, to read the second logical device, is received from the host computer, the second storage device converts the read request into a read request for the first logical device which corresponds to the second logical device, and sends the read request after conversion to the first storage device. ", "When an input/output completion report is received from the first storage device, the second storage device sends the completion report, for the input/output request to the second logical device, to the host computer.", "\nThis technology is disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. ", "2004-220450, for example." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the difference between \"mukhlis\" and \"mukhlas\"?", "\n\nTwo words mentioned in the Qur'an are mukhlis (with I) and mukhlas (with A). ", "They come from the same root word as \"ikhlaas,\" which means sincerity.", "\nThe former is often translated as \"a person of sincerity\" or \"sincere in actions,\" as in in Surah Ghafir:\n\nSo invoke Allah , [being] sincere to Him in religion, although the\n disbelievers dislike it.", "\n\nIn contrast, the latter is translated differently, such as the ayah in Surah As-Saffaat:\n\nBut not the chosen servants of Allah.", "\n\nI remember in one khutbah, the speaker mentioned a very minute shade of difference between these two words, which are both similar in structure and meaning. ", "What exactly is the meaning of both of these words, and what is the difference?", "\n\nA:\n\nA \"mukhlis\" (doer of the action) is the one who strives for sincerity (with intentions etc.) ", "and is purely devoted to Allah. ", "A \"mukhlas\" (actually Mukhlasan) who is chosen by Allah for his devotion and sincerity to Allah and is endowed with it by Allah. ", "Usually \"Mukhlasan\" refers to the Prophets (Peace be upon all of them) in Qur'an. ", "For example. ", "Allah says refering to Musa (Alayhi salam) in Surah Maryam:\n\nAnd mention in the Book, Musa. ", "Verily, he was Mukhlasan. ", "Qur'an 19:51\n\nFurther source and context: The Tafsir of Surah Maryam\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.038461538461538464, 0.014285714285714285 ]
[ "Change History (10)\n\nThis is still missing some things: showing the descriptions when listing tags on the admin screen (in the table on the right), support for custom taxonomies - the textarea to enter description is shown but there's no way to use/display the data (tag_description() will need to support custom taxonomies).", "\n\nThe new patch (9381.002.diff) add the description column to the tags table in admin. ", "It also creates a function called term_description which category_description and the new tag_description both use. ", "It should work across the board now for tags as well as custom taxonomies." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bioavailability of selenium in 'Jose' tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum var 'Jose') hay as a substitute for sodium selenite in the diets of dairy cattle.", "\nDue to its potential toxicity to wildlife, selenium (Se) is a highly regulated trace element in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California. ", "Tall wheatgrass (TWG) is a Se-accumulating, salt tolerant forage suitable for cropping systems which re-use agricultural drainage waters. ", "Utilization of TWG hay as an alternative Se supplement for dairy cattle could reduce the importation of 'new' Se into the SJV in the form of sodium selenite (SS) diet supplements. ", "Our study used Se-enriched (4.65 mg/kg DM) TWG hay as a Se source for lactating dairy cows and measured Se accumulation in milk, blood, urine and feces to assess its bioavailability using several indices. ", "Using a 3×3 Latin Square design, three pens of ~310 cows each were fed a similar total mixed ration over 4 week periods, except for Se which was higher in TWG and SS diets (0.53 and 0.65 mg/kg DM) vs. Control diet (0.35 mg/kg DM). ", "Feeding Se-enriched TWG increased blood Se by 6.4% over Control; whereas SS increased it by 4.8%, suggesting higher Se bioavailability for TWG vs. SS. ", "Marginal Se outputs in milk, feces and urine were judged to be better indicators of bioavailability as they estimate Se specifically from supplemental SS or TWG hay. ", "In milk, TWG cows expressed 3.0% of supplemented Se vs. 0.6% for SS cows, supporting higher Se bioavailability for TWG. ", "In contrast, more supplemental Se was retained and not expressed in feces by the SS cows (72.5%) vs. TWG cows (55.1%) which suggested higher Se bioavailability for SS. ", "Based on published guidelines, Se intakes were 'adequate' for cows in all treatment groups, but milk and fat production increased with Se supplementation suggesting that Control cows were Se-deficient to some extent. ", "Collectively, results suggest that the Se in TWG hay had comparable bioavailability to Se in the base diet." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.01282051282051282, 0.014184397163120567, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.00975609756097561, 0.017316017316017316, 0.039735099337748346, 0.012048192771084338, 0.025, 0.023809523809523808, 0.013824884792626729, 0.009345794392523364 ]
[ "\n312 So.2d 247 (1975)\nJoe BORDERS, Appellant,\nv.\nThe STATE of Florida, Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "74-1067.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.", "\nApril 1, 1975.", "\nRehearing Denied May 21, 1975.", "\n*248 Gerald Kogan, Miami, for appellant.", "\nRobert L. Shevin, Atty. ", "Gen., and Joel D. Rosenblatt, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., for appellee.", "\nBefore HENDRY, HAVERFIELD and NATHAN, JJ.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\nThis appeal considers defendant's conviction by non-jury trial for conspiracy to commit the misdemeanor of bookmaking and his sentence therefor to 45 days in the Dade County Jail.", "\nThe thrust of the appeal is that the court erred in entering a judgment of guilty as the evidence was insufficient to show that the defendant had agreed with others to commit an illegal act. ", "Borders, the defendant, contends that the law requires proof of such agreement, not just circumstantial evidence.", "\nThe State contends that there was sufficient evidence of a conspiracy as alleged, that it was not necessary to prove a specific conversation in which an agreement was made but that circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy is sufficient for conviction. ", "We agree.", "\nA person charged with a crime may be convicted solely on the basis of circumstantial evidence. ", "Navarro v. State, Fla.App. ", "1972, 262 So.2d 729, 731. ", "See also Williams v. State, 1917, 73 Fla. 1198, 75 So. ", "785, 788, and Chason v. State, 1941, 148 Fla. 540, 4 So.2d 691. ", "Proof of a formal agreement is not necessary to establish the existence of a conspiracy. ", "United States v. Amato, 5th Cir.1974, 495 F.2d 545. ", "Indeed it is well recognized that the existence of a conspiracy or confederation can and will be inferred from circumstantial evidence as indicative of an overall plan. ", "Bass v. State, Fla.App. ", "1965, 172 So.2d 614, 617; United States v. Nadaline, 5th Cir.1973, 471 F.2d 340. ", "See also United States v. Edwards, 5th Cir.1974, 488 F.2d 1154.", "\nOur review of the record indicates that sufficient evidence was presented to the court to support the judgment of conviction for conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor, to-wit: bookmaking, and, therefore, this conviction and the sentence imposed by the trial court hereby are affirmed.", "\nAffirmed.", "\n" ]
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[ "I. Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to vent dampers for controlling the flow of heated or cooled air through a vent, and, in particular, to an operating mechanism for opening and closing damper louvers.", "\nII. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nVent dampers are widely used to control the flow from heating and cooling systems into a specific room. ", "Typical dampers include one or more louvers which can be moved between a closed position blocking flow through the damper and an open position. ", "Rotatable louvers may be positioned to deflect air flow in a specific direction from the damper.", "\nThe control mechanism for moving the damper louvers have taken on a variety of configurations. ", "The most common is a pivotable lever which simultaneously pivot the louvers. ", "Such levers maintain a low profile yet facilitate simple operation of the damper. ", "Alternatives include a rotatable gear which cooperates with toothed gears on the dampers. ", "Rotation of the main gear transmits rotational motion to the dampers for control of air flow.", "\nThe present invention overcomes the disadvantages of the prior known vent dampers by providing a rack and pinion mechanism for translating linear motion of a lever to rotation of the dampers.", "\nThe vent damper embodying the present invention generally comprises a rectangular housing configured to fit within an outlet opening of the vent. ", "This opening may be formed within the floor, wall or ceiling of a room to direct air flow from the heating and cooling system. ", "Disposed within the housing are a plurality of damper vanes or louvers for selectively blocking air flow through the housing. ", "The louvers are rotatably mounted to the housing for rotation between a closed position substantially perpendicular to the flow passageway of the housing and a full open position substantially parallel to the air flow. ", "The louvers include end hubs which are rotatably received in apertures formed in the housing wall to support the louvers within the housing.", "\nEach of the louvers include a pinion gear for independent rotation control of the individual louvers. ", "In a preferred embodiment, a partial pinion gear is molded as part of the louver in association with one of the end hubs. ", "As a result, rotation of the pinion will rotate the louver about the axis of the hub.", "\nMounted to the housing is a slidable lever which protrudes above the face of the damper for manipulation by the user. ", "The lever is slidably received within a channel formed in the housing wall and includes a linear rack of teeth adapted to cooperate with the teeth of the pinion gears. ", "The rack teeth are disposed downwardly for engagement with the pinion teeth of the louvers. ", "As a result, linear movement of the lever along the housing wall will transmit motion to the pinions to rotate the louvers between the open and closed positions.", "\nOther objects, features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following detailed description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Effects of destruxins, cyclic depsipeptide mycotoxins, on calcium balance and phosphorylation of intracellular proteins in lepidopteran cell lines.", "\nThe influence of the destruxin E, cyclodepsipeptidic mycotoxin produced by the filamentous entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, on calcium fluxes and protein phosphorylation of in vitro cultivated lepidopteran cell lines have been studied. ", "The use of the fluorescent calcium indicator Fura 2 AM did not show a fast increase in the level of cytosolic calcium in lepidopteran and human cell lines treated with dtx E. In contrast, 45Ca+2 assays detected a late but significant calcium influx in insect cells exposed to dtx E and A for at least 30 min. ", "This effect was not inhibited by calcium channel blockers with the exception of nifedipine 25 microM. A viral treatment potentiated the effect of dtx E on calcium balance. ", "Dtx E also induced a strong, fast (10 min), transient phosphorylation of high molecular weight (250 kDa) cellular proteins. ", "The activation of phosphorylation was only partially inhibited by EDTA. ", "This study provides the first direct evidence of dtx E influence on calcium fluxes and protein phosphorylation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.003968253968253968, 0.003236245954692557, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0 ]
[ "// BranchPPC.c\r\n\r\n#include \"BranchPPC.h\"\r\n\r\nUInt32 PPC_B_Convert(Byte *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 nowPos, int encoding)\r\n{\r\n UInt32 i;\r\n for (i = 0; i + 4 <= size; i += 4)\r\n {\r\n // PowerPC branch 6(48) 24(Offset) 1(Abs) 1(Link)\r\n if ((data[i] >> 2) == 0x12 && \r\n (\r\n (data[i + 3] & 3) == 1 \r\n // || (data[i+3] & 3) == 3\r\n )\r\n )\r\n {\r\n UInt32 src = ((data[i + 0] & 3) << 24) |\r\n (data[i + 1] << 16) |\r\n (data[i + 2] << 8) |\r\n (data[i + 3] & (~3));\r\n \r\n UInt32 dest;\r\n if (encoding)\r\n dest = nowPos + i + src;\r\n else\r\n dest = src - (nowPos + i);\r\n data[i + 0] = 0x48 | ((dest >> 24) & 0x3);\r\n data[i + 1] = (dest >> 16);\r\n data[i + 2] = (dest >> 8);\r\n data[i + 3] &= 0x3;\r\n data[i + 3] |= dest;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return i;\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ 0.003575685339690107 ]
[ "Q:\n\nOne HDD will not automatically go to sleep by hdparm\n\nI'm using hdparm to automatically turn off hard discs after 5 minutes. ", "I use this config:\n# cat /etc/hdparm.conf \nquiet\n/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EADS-00L5B1_WD-WCAU46879161 {\n spindown_time = 60\n write_cache = off\n}\n/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EADS-00L5B1_WD-WCAU4D923086 {\n spindown_time = 60\n write_cache = off\n}\n/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDT721010SLA360_STF604MR2A0PYP {\n spindown_time = 60\n write_cache = off\n}\n/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDT721010SLA360_STF604MR2BDA3P {\n spindown_time = 60\n write_cache = off\n}\n\nThe first one is the system drive which never goes to sleep, which is OK.", "\nThe two Hitachi drives are going to sleep as expected but the second WD drive never goes automatically to sleep:\n# hddtemp /dev/sd[abcd]\n/dev/sda: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1: 37°C\n/dev/sdb: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1: 32°C\n/dev/sdc: Hitachi HDT721010SLA360: drive is sleeping\n/dev/sdd: Hitachi HDT721010SLA360: drive is sleeping\n\nBut I can manually force to go to sleep mode:\n# hdparm -Y /dev/sdb\n\n/dev/sdb:\n issuing sleep command\n# hddtemp /dev/sd[abcd]\n/dev/sda: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1: 37°C\n/dev/sdb: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1: drive is sleeping\n/dev/sdc: Hitachi HDT721010SLA360: drive is sleeping\n/dev/sdd: Hitachi HDT721010SLA360: drive is sleeping\n\nWhat's wrong with it? ", "How to get automatic sleep working?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere seems to be a problem with WD Green HDDs. ", "I've found an alternative for hdparm that works: hd-idle\nIn /etc/default/hd-idle I set these parameters:\nSTART_HD_IDLE=true\nHD_IDLE_OPTS=\"-a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EADS-00L5B1_WD-WCAU4D923086 -i 180 -a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDT721010SLA360_STF604MR2A0PYP -i 180 -a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDT721010SLA360_STF604MR2BDA3P -i 180 -l /var/log/hd-idle.log\"\n\nAnd now all drives but the system drive are going to sleep correctly.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "> Michael Banta escribió:\n> > Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of phpnuke? ", "As a Debian\n> > package? ", "tarball? ", "Anything.", "\n> >\n> > apt-cache search phpnuke comes up with nothing.", "\n> >\n> You can unzip it and use it in linux.", "\n>\nOh, ok. ", "I will give it a try!", "\nThanks" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "[Immune adherence (C3b) receptor activity of erythrocytes in patients with esophageal cancer and cancer of the gastric cardia].", "\nThe red cell C3b receptor activity of 52 patients with esophageal cancer, 19 patients with cancer of gastric cardia and 31 age-matched normal persons was studied by the ability of forming ZC3b-rosette (rosette formation with zymosan particles treated by guinea pig complement) and IC-Z rosette (rosette formation with zymosan particles). ", "The results showed that the ZC3b-rosette formation rate was significantly lower in cancer patients than that of the normal subjects (P less than 0.01), but the IC-Z rosette formation rate was significantly higher in the cancer patients (P less than 0.01). ", "This suggests that the esophageal cancer and cancer of gastric cardia be associated with surface changes in the erythrocytes, especially those of the receptors which are responsible for immune adherence reaction. ", "The methods of detecting the red cell C3b receptor are also described." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Association Between the Gene Polymorphisms of HDAC9 and the Risk of Atherosclerosis and Ischemic Stroke.", "\nGenome-wide association studies have demonstrated various polymorphisms of histone deacetylase 9 (HDAC9) gene was strong risk locus for large-vessel stroke, but the results were controversial. ", "This study aims to replicate the association between the previous detected SNPs of HDAC9 and the susceptibility of ischemic stroke. ", "The study population consisted of 262 consecutive patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke and 300 age and gender matched unrelated controls between October 2012 and October 2014. ", "Rs11984041, rs2389995, and rs2240419 of HDAC9 were genotyped and compared between the cases and controls. ", "The SNP rs11984041 of HDAC9 was found nonpolymorphic in the population involved. ", "The G allele of rs2389995 was found significantly associated with decreased risk of ischemic stroke, no matter with the codominant (AG v.s AA, 0.53 (0.36-0.77), P < 0.001; GG v.s AA, 0.63 (0.27-1.43), P < 0.001), dominant (AG + GG v.s AA, 0.54 (0.38-0.78), P < 0.001), or the recessive model (GG vs AA + AG, 0.75 (0.33-1.71), P < 0.001). ", "On the other hand, The T allele of rs2240419 was found significantly associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke, no matter with the codominant (CT v.s CC, 1.75 (1.22-2.51), P < 0.001; TT v.s CC, 2.67 (1.55-4.61), P < 0.001), dominant (CT + TT v.s CC, 1.93 (1.38-2.71), P < 0.001), or the recessive model (TT vs CC + CT, 2.07 (1.23-3.47), P < 0.001). ", "No linkage disequilibrium was found between rs2389995 and rs2240419 of HDAC9. ", "In conclusion, the present study demonstrated the SNP rs11984041 of HDAC9 was nonpolymorphic in Chinese Han population. ", "The minor G allele of rs2389995 significantly decreased and the minor T allele of rs2240419 significantly increased the risk of ischemic stroke." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "package com.github.knightliao.canalx.plugin.router.rest.filter.log;\n\nimport java.io.", "ByteArrayOutputStream;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.", "PrintWriter;\n\nimport javax.servlet.", "ServletOutputStream;\nimport javax.servlet.", "ServletResponse;\nimport javax.servlet.", "WriteListener;\nimport javax.servlet.http.", "HttpServletResponse;\nimport javax.servlet.http.", "HttpServletResponseWrapper;\n\nimport org.apache.commons.io.output.", "TeeOutputStream;\n\n/**\n * 响应包装,放置需处理响应时额外需要的信息\n */\npublic class ResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {\n\n private final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n private PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(bos);\n\n // 记录放置HTTP响应状态\n private int httpStatus = 200;\n\n public ResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) {\n super(response);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void sendError(int sc) throws IOException {\n httpStatus = sc;\n super.sendError(sc);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void sendError(int sc, String msg) throws IOException {\n httpStatus = sc;\n super.sendError(sc, msg);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void setStatus(int sc) {\n httpStatus = sc;\n super.setStatus(sc);\n }\n\n public int getStatus() {\n return httpStatus;\n }\n\n @Override\n public ServletResponse getResponse() {\n return this;\n }\n\n @Override\n public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {\n return new ServletOutputStream() {\n @Override\n public boolean isReady() {\n return false;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void setWriteListener(WriteListener writeListener) {\n\n }\n\n private TeeOutputStream tee = new TeeOutputStream(ResponseWrapper.super.getOutputStream(), bos);\n\n @Override\n public void write(int b) throws IOException {\n tee.write(b);\n }\n };\n }\n\n @Override\n public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException {\n return new TeePrintWriter(super.getWriter(), writer);\n }\n\n public byte[] toByteArray() {\n return bos.toByteArray();\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "September was a pretty good month for fishing in Vancouver. ", "We enjoyed fairly consistent waves of big chinook salmon and over the last week we have seen improved numbers of coho salmon. ", "We have roughly one more month left to target migrating salmon before we shift our focus to winter chinook salmon in late October.", "\n\nOver the last month we have spent the majority of our time off the Fraser RIver Mouth and near Capilano RIver Mouth. ", "As usual, these fish are coming in waves as they prepare to enter the river. ", "We have had some days where we have hooked over a dozen big fish on a charter and some days where we have to work for a hook up or two. ", "For the most part, most trips did well with some decent fish averaging in the 10 to 20 pound range!", "\n\nLooking forward to the next month we will focus on two local fisheries. ", "The Capilano Mouth fishery should be productive for chinook salmon in the 10 to 30 pound range until the fall rains slow things down around the 15th of October. ", "There will also be some coho around as well. ", "The Mouth of the Fraser should heat up for coho and chum salmon in October and we should have some good fishing up until the last week of October. ", "Last year we had pretty good action for chum and coho until October 27th or so. ", "A longer 6 or 8 hour charter on the flood tide is a good bet in October. ", "If you can line up a good long flood tide and a calm day in October the Fraser Mouth can be a very good bet.", "\n\nWe have been running a mixture of anchovies and herring while targeting our late run chinook and coho salmon. ", "We have been very successfully running Gibbs Delta Madi, Lemon Lime, Slurpee and Bon Chovy Flashers recently. ", "As we progress into October we will likely start to run a few more Skinny G’s, glow hootchies, and G Force Spoons for returning coho to the Fraser River.", "\n\nLast year we had our winter chinook salmon start very early and we enjoyed some very active fishing by late October/early Novermber in Howe Sound. ", "With the abundance of bait in local waters, we are optimistic that we will be in for another strong early start. ", "Our winter chinook fishery seems to be getting year by year as local ocean conditions seem to be improving.", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has been quite good in the Fraser River and will continue for the next couple months. ", "As more and more salmon pour into the Fraser River fishing sturgeon fishing should continue to be productive for the next couple months!", "\n\nRight on schedule our first major pulse of chinook salmon arrived in local waters in the middle of August. ", "We have seen some very good waves of chinook salmon in the 10 to 30 pound range roll into local waters over the last couple weeks. ", "These fish are coming in with the tides and some pulses have been more significant than others resulting in the odd slow tide. ", "Overall, fishing has been quite good for some excellent quality chinook salmon. ", "A significant improved from a slower than normal July!!!", "\n\nWe have been having our success all along the Fraser RIver mouth. ", "Depending on the day, tides and weather there have been fish from the Mile Markers all the way down the shelf to Sandheads. ", "Mixed in with the adult chinook have been some pinks, the odd coho and quite a few jack chinook. ", "We are expecting continued pulses of Fraser bound chinook for the the next 4 weeks. ", "The majority of the chinook we are landing are red chinook, but this will change in the next 10 to 15 days as the big white chinook enter local waters. ", "September is typically the month that the biggest chinook of the year are in local waters! ", "We are looking forward to big September bites! ", "In addition to the chinook, we should see a mixed fishery for pinks, hatchery coho and chum in September.", "\n\nWe have been running primarily anchovies while targeting these Fraser bound chinook. ", "Having said that there are days where Skinny Gs and Glow Hootchies have been very productive. ", "With the often silty Fraser River mouth water, we rely on flashers with UV blades as they kick up a lot of light down in the water. ", "Our favourites are the Gibbs Delta Guide Series STS, Lemon LIme, Madi, Bon Chovy, Slurpee, and T 10 flashers. ", "You can’t go wrong with a selection of these flashers in local waters. ", "Our favourite teaser heads have been anything with green, glow and chartreuse. ", "Stop by our charter and tackle shop on Granville Island, we have all the right tackle and bait for local waters.", "\n\nWe made a great addition to our fleet this month!!!! ", "We added “Bob Dolphin” to our charter roster. ", "The boat is a 25 Foot Grady White Dolphin. ", "The boat has one of the best fishing layouts that we have found with lots of deck space. ", "The boat is decked out with all the goodies needed for a first class charter boat! ", "We got a fresh re-power and got taken care by River City Marine with an impressive set of twin 200 Mercury Verados and a 9.9hp Trolling Motor. ", "This boat moves in comfort and style! ", "Looking forward to some fishy seasons to come! ", "Check out the video below!", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has also been decent in the Fraser River. ", "Putting your time in has resulted in some great fish being landed. ", "The next few months are typically solid months to target sturgeon in the Fraser.", "\n\nGive us a call or an email if you would like to get out on the water, September is typically provides good weather and good salmon opportunity in local waters!!", "\n\nThe last couple weeks have provided us with some good chinook salmon fishing on our full day trips to the Gulf Island’s. ", "Our local fishing has been very hit or miss. ", "We should be seeing good numbers of pink salmon in Vancouver Harbour right now, but it has been very slow. ", "Local fishing should pick up as we should see a push of coho soon and Fraser Chinook will start to build in numbers in coming weeks.", "\n\nWhen weather has allowed, we have been making the run across the Strait to fish the east side of Gabriola Island. ", "Fishing has been consistent on most days with some nice fish up to 25 pounds. ", "The fish are deep and dragging bottom in 100 to 220 feet seems to be the most productive. ", "Last year, we enjoyed good chinook fishing in the Gulf Island’s well into August.", "\n\nLocal fishing has been pretty tough overall. ", "We have seen a few ok days off the West Vancouver shoreline and off the Bell Boy, but we have not found much consistency. ", "There is a few pinks around, the odd coho, and increasing numbers of chinooks. ", "It seems as though most of our half day trips are now getting a shot or two at mature chinooks each trip. ", "We are excepting chinook numbers to start to increase in coming weeks as the Fraser River Summer Chinook run starts to enter local waters in August. ", "Peak time for summer red chinook in Vancouver is from August 12th or so into early September. ", "As the red chinook numbers slow in early September, the big white chinook are there to replace them. ", "Even though things are unseasonably slow now in local waters, we are anticipating a good August chinook fishery.", "\n\nWe have been running mostly hootchies and spoons over on the Gulf Island side for chinook. ", "Our go to set ups over on the Gulf Islands have been glow Yamashita Hootchies (white glow and spacklebacks in blue, green and chartreuse) and Guide Series Gibbs Delta Flashers (Lemon lime, STS, Bon Chovy, Madi) Skinny G’s in Blue/Chrome and the Outfitter have also been effective. ", "On the Vancouver Side we have been running primarily anchovies and the odd glow hootchie thrown in the mix. ", "Our charter shop has all the right gear for local waters, stop by if you are on Granville Island.", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has been pretty good on the Fraser RIver. ", "Now that the river has dropped the fishing has been more consistent with some great fish up to 8 feet being hooked up. ", "The next few months presents very good opportunity for sturgeon.", "\n\nAugust is just around the corner and we are looking forward to the Fraser River Chinook run that will be entering local waters in coming weeks!", "\n\nOver the last week, our best fishing has been on the far side of Georgia Strait. ", "We have had some productive full day charters to the eastern shoreline of Gabriola Island when the winds have cooperated. ", "Locally, the fishing has been scratchy with the odd legal and a few undersized fish being hooked on our half day trips. ", "This should change very soon though as our West Vancouver fishery for coho, pink and chinook salmon will perk up any day and provide good opportunity on our half day trips.", "\n\nOur best success on our full day trips to the Gulf Island’s have been fishing close to the bottom in 140 to 200 feet of water. ", "We have been focusing our efforts near the entrance to Silva Bay and up the Bluffs towards Entrance Island. ", "The fish seem to be keying in on small herring so we have been running hootchies, smaller G Force and Silver Horde spoons and Skinny G’s. ", "The Gulf Island’s will continue to produce chinook depending on the day for the next couple months. ", "Gulf Island trips require a 10 hour charter and good weather.", "\n\nIn local Vancouver waters, there is the odd fish coming out of Vancouver Harbour, Cowan Point, Cape Roger Curtis and Hole in the Wall. ", "Most days you really have to work for them, but there has been some nice fish around.", "\n\nAs we progress into this next week, we anticipate some better numbers of coho to be caught off the West Vancouver Shoreline. ", "We should also start to see some early pink salmon start to show, likely in second of week July. ", "These pink salmon that will show along the West Vancouver shoreline in July and August are bound for the Indian, Seymour, Capilano and Squamish Rivers. ", "The Fraser River pinks return later and will be in local waters in late August and September. ", "Chinook salmon numbers will also start to increase along the West Vancouver shoreline in July. ", "It is quite common to hook chinook in the 15 to 30 pound range while targeting coho and pink salmon in Vancouver Harbour. ", "We find running a mixture of anchovies, spoons and hootchies is an effective way to target all 3 species of salmon along the West Vancouver shoreline. ", "A white yamashita hootchie can be deadly behind a Guide Series Flasher with a UV Blade. (", "Bon Chovy, STS, Madi, Slurpee)\n\nCheck out “Pinky and the Whale” ! ", "A short film by www.coribiefieldwalker.com where we spent the day casting Gibbs Delta Minnows and Blizzards for pink salmon in early August 2015!", "\n\nThe Fraser River is now starting to recede and we have had a couple successful sturgeon fishing trips this week. ", "As the river continues to drop, fishing should only get better!", "\n\nAfter a good week of local and Gulf Fishing in the first part of June, things have tapered off over the last week. ", "We are still hooking some nice chinook and even some early hatchery coho, but we have had to work for them this week. ", "Things should hopefully rebound this week we some very good tides coming up and some nice calm weather forecasted.", "\n\nIn local waters, we have continued to focus most of our effort in the deep water from Cowan Point all the way up towards Gibsons. ", "For the most part we have been trolling in the deep water in 200 to 400 feet of water. ", "Looking for tide lines has seemed to help to locate the feeding fish. ", "The fish have been reasonably shallow with 40 to 120 being a pretty good depth range while trolling in offshore waters.", "\n\nThe Gulf Island’s have been slow over the last week. ", "Could be a result of the big tides and the recent full moon. ", "We should see the Gulf Island’s rebound this week with the mellow tides coming up. ", "June is usually a good month to fish for chinook over there. ", "One very encouraging sign is the numbers of early coho being hooked. ", "Everyday is different, but on some days we have hooked up to 10 coho while searching for chinook salmon. ", "Hopefully a sign of things to come!", "\n\nWe have been sticking to spoons and hootchies over the last week. ", "We have found that they have been producing better than anchovies. ", "Some of our productive spoons have been the Gibbs Delta Outfitter and Bon Chovy Skinny G and the Silver Horde Irish Cream, Killy Mcgee, and Herring Aide. ", "The green and chartreuse Yamashita Splatterback hootchies have also been good. ", "If you are looking for the right gear for local waters, stop by our charter/tackle shop on Granville Island.", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has been slow on the Fraser River as a result of the high water. ", "We should start to see the waters recede over the next few weeks and fishing will pick up. ", "Sturgeon fishing is a great bet in the summer months.", "\n\nGive us a call to get on the water! ", "Summer is right around the corner! ", "Tight lines!", "\n\nWe have enjoyed fantastic weather and consistent salmon fishing in local Vancouver waters and the Gulf Island’s over the last couple weeks. ", "The fish have not been huge, but there is healthy numbers of feeding chinook in the 8 to 15 pound range. ", "We are also very excited that the first coho have shown near Bowen , Gabriola and Galiano Island’s! ", "A very encouraging sign for coming months.", "\n\nIn local waters, we have been spending most of our time fishing the deep waters searching for feeding chinook. ", "Depending on the day, we have had good success off the QA Marker, the Hump, Cape Roger Curtis, Hole in the Wall and Cowan Point. ", "The local chinook are chasing the schools of anchovy that seem to be one of their main food sources in the spring now. ", "It is very interesting how the emergence of the anchovy schools has now changed our spring chinook fishery…..for the better!! ", "Because of the abundance of anchovy, especially near Bowen Island, we have had really good success on Gibbs Delta Skinny G spoons. ", "The normal productive patterns like the Outfitter, Bon Chovy and Irish cream seem to be working well as usual. ", "Silver Horde Irish Cream, Killy Mcgee and Herring Aide Spoons also seems to be working very well. ", "We have been running a bit of bait, but spoons have been just as good if not better.", "\n\nThe fishing in the Gulf Island’s has also been very good. ", "Depending on the day anywhere from Active Pass up to Nanaimo has seen good numbers of chinook and increasing numbers of early coho salmon. ", "The fish have been tight to structure and also in the deep water. ", "Spoons, bait and hootchies have all been working. ", "Some days they are as shallow as 50 feet down and other days we have had success dragging bottom in 150 to 200 feet.", "\n\nOur local guides association, “The Vancouver Sport Fishing Guides”, with support from the Capilano Hatchery, has recently completed another successful chinook net pen project in Vancouver. ", "Spearheaded by Phil Grassi, for the 10th year in a row, 100,000 chinook smolts have been released into the waters near Point Atkinson. ", "The chinook smolts are transferred from the Capilano Hatchery to a net pen at the West Vancouver DFO labs. ", "For a couple weeks our group of volunteers feed the young chinook daily to give them a bit of a jump start in life. ", "Check out this video we put together with www.corbiefieldwalker.com, it shows the net pen in action and explains things in a little more detail.", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has been pretty tough on the Fraser River due to the high water. ", "As we get into July, the water levels will improve and the sturgeon fishing will get better.", "\n\nIf you are looking to get out on the water, it is looking like we should have continued good fishing for chinook salmon. ", "While there is often good opportunity on our 5 hour trips, our longer 8 hour and 10 hour trips are very good bets in June. ", "It allows to run a little further and catch that extra tide change. ", "On 10 hour trips, we can run over to the Gulf Island’s if the fishing and weather conditions permit. ", "Give us a call or an email to get out on the water!", "\n\nThe last couple weeks have continued to provide some very good fishing over on the eastern shoreline of the Gulf Island’s. ", "The fishing is not as crazy as it was in the last 10 days of April and the first week of May, but there definitely have been some periods of good, often expolosive activity. ", "There have been some good pockets of fish on the Vancouver side as well depending on the day, tides, and weather.", "\n\nOn most of our full day trips, we have been concentrating on the eastern shoreline of Gabriola Island. ", "For the most part, we have been out in the deep water in 300 to 1000 feet water doing long tacks searching for feeding chinook. ", "Most of the chinook salmon have been taken trolling from 90 to 180 feet down depending on the day. ", "As we progress into May, we will likely see more fish start to show a little tighter to structure in 150 to 300 feet.", "\n\nThe Vancouver side has also had some good pockets of fish. ", "Hole in the Wall was quite productive last week, but really slowed over the weekend with only the odd fish landed. ", "Cowan Point up to Roger Curtis in a little tighter has had some nice fish the last few days. ", "The outer reaches of Vancouver Harbour and out off Point Grey have also been good at times over the last few days. ", "The fishing has been better around the tide changes and days with smaller tides.", "\n\nWe have been sticking to spoons and hootchies so far this spring. ", "We are getting the odd fish on anchovies, but Skinny G’s have been out producing bait on the Vancouver Side. ", "The Outfitter, Bon Chovy and the new Nickel and Green Skinny G’s have been our go to lures in Vancouver waters. ", "Over on the Gulf Island side, we have been running a mix of spoons and hootchies. ", "Our favourite spoons have been the Silver Horde Irish Cream and Kitchen Sink, G Force Trailhead and Bon Chovy and the same Skinny G’s as the Vancouver sides. ", "We have been running a lot of hootchies too, especially in the strong currents. ", "Yamashita spacklebacks in green and chartruese and a basic glow have been very effective as usual.", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has been ok this week despite the rising levels of the Fraser River. ", "Sturgeon fishing is always a good freshwater option, especially once the river levels subside in a couple months!", "\n\nWe have continued to explore and capture the Salish Sea with our friend and talented film maker Corbie Fieldwalker (www.corbiefieldwalker.com) this spring! ", "We have recently returned from a multi day trip fishing and cruising the offshore waters of Georgia Strait and transiting the protected passages of the Gulf Island’s. ", "We are looking forward to the release of this video next month! ", "Check out our past fishy video projects on our Youtube channel www.youtube.com/user/bonchovy1\n\nIf you are looking to get out on the water, we are recommending full day trips right now if you have the time! ", "This gives us the option to run over to the Gulf Island’s if the fishing and weather conditions permit! ", "It is looking like it is going to be a productive spring and early summer season!", "\n\nSpring is here and our offshore chinook fishery is now in full swing! ", "We have enjoyed some very good fishing over the last few days. ", "We are hoping that things will continue! ", "Areas like the Bell Buoy, Cowan Point, Cape Roger Curtis and the Hump, the Gulf Island’s, and the QA have all seen good periods of activity. ", "This offshore fishery in local waters should continue for the next 5 to 6 weeks. ", "After that we will likely focus most of our efforts over on the Gulf Island side!", "\n\nNow is the time of year to start we start running a bit more bait and hootchies in addition to our spoons. ", "We usually run 4 rods and mix things up a bit to find the depth the fish are feeding and biting at. ", "Usually the fish will be between 75 to 150 feet, but there are years where we get them as shallow as 40 feet and as deep as 200 feet (especially on the Gulf Island’s side). ", "Good bets for spoons are the G Force No Bananas, Bon Chovy, Trailhead and Outfitter. ", "Skinny G’s will also work in the same patterns. ", "Glow Yamashita hootchies like the Blood and Bones, Chartreuse and Green Spackleback, and the plain glow are good ones as well. ", "The Guide Series Flashers will also be key in the murky water with the UV and Glow really making a difference.", "\n\nWhen fishing out on the deep water it is often necessary to cover some area to find the fish and the bait. ", "Once you hit a fish or two, it is often a good idea to keep on working that area to see if you can keep hitting them. ", "Pay attention to the way the currents are going as the fish will often move with the current. ", "Quite often you will get more bites going with the current than against it. ", "Looking for tide lines is also a good idea. ", "The deep sea fishing in Vancouver in the spring can often involve a lot of searching but it can frequently result in some fast and explosive action if things come together!", "\n\nAs we progress into May and June, we will likely see our Gulf Island’s fishery really heat up! ", "In fact, we have already seen some very encouraging fishing over there already. ", "Because of the often excellent fishing over on the Gulf Island’s in May and June, we recommend booking full day charters for the next 2 months as it is possible to make the run across the if weather and fishing conditions permit!", "\n\nSturgeon fishing has also been very good on the Fraser River. ", "The cool spring we have had so far has kept the river in excellent shape and the fishing productive. ", "Most of the fish are in the 3 to 6 foot range, but there is some larger ones being caught, and always the chance at a monster!", "\nSturgeon Fishing Vancouver\n\nGive us a call or send us an email to get out on the water! ", "There will be the odd slow day, but there should be lot’s of good ones based on what we have seen over the last few days!", "\n\nIt definately feels like fall now! ", "Sturgeon fishing has been solid and will contuinue to produce fish for the next 2 months. ", "We are coming towards the end of our fall salmon season and it has not dissappinted. ", "We have had some great days on the water with a few frustrating ones mixed in. ", "We do have some opportunity for coho and chum off of the Fraser mouth for another 2 weeks or so.", "\n\nSturgeon Fishing\n\nThe Fraser river sturgeon fishery is one of Vancouver’s most consistent fisheries from July-November. ", "We have had a great start but things should really start to pick up now that salmon are in all of the Fraser river tributaries. ", "These fish will be heavily feeding and packing on the pounds for the cold winter ahead. ", "Salmon parts and roe are your best bet for the remainder of the season.", "\n\nSalmon Fishing\n\nSalmon Fishing is almost at the end of its fall season. ", "We have some opportunity to target coho and chum off of the south arm for another couple of weeks. ", "The coho we have seen this year has been sizably bigger than years past. ", "They are averaging 4-7 pounds with fish up to 15 pounds being caught. ", "We should see a solid late run of coho which could be the biggest of the year.", "\n\nWith the migratory season winding down we are starting to get excited for our winter fishery for chinook that starts to pick up steam in December. ", "We have had a few great years of winter chinook fishing and we are hoping this year wont be any different. ", "With the presencse of the anchovoes in the strait of Georgia and the expected big herring spawn happening in Howe Sound in the winter/spring, things are really shaping up to be another solid year of winter springs. ", "Give us a call or email us to get out for our favorite fisheries of the year.", "\n\nThe weather has been all over the place over the last month. ", "We have seen peak summer conditions followed by more fall like weather. ", "It looks like we have a nice stretch of weather for the next couple of weeks. ", "This bodes well for our sturgeon and salmon fisheries. ", "Sturgeon fishing is starting to heat up and salmon fishing has continued to be impressive for June.", "\n\nSturgeon Fishing\n\nWith summer here and July around the corner, sturgeon fishing has already started to pick up. ", "Typically summer months on the Fraser River are pretty consistent with good numbers and some quality fish. ", "The average size fish is in the 4-6’ range and on the Fraser, there is always a chance at an 8-10 footer. ", "We are hooking 5-12 fish on our 8 hour days. ", "All of the standard baits work well and the later into the summer we get, the more we use salmon and salmon parts. ", "This is a great time of year to get out and enjoy just how unique of a fishery we have on the Fraser. ", "Give us a call to get you on the water.", "\n\nSalmon Fishing\n\nSalmon fishing has been solid for the month of June. ", "Typically things become a little more hit or miss on the Vancouver side of the Strait however this year we have seen an abundance of bait which has kept anglers busy. ", "We have been spending most of our time in Howe Sound and locally. ", "We have been running lots of spoons and hootchies behind Gibbs Delta Guide Series Flashers(Bon Chovy, Lemon Lime & STS). ", "Most of these chinooks are in the 8-20 pound range but there has been some fish in the high twenties brought back to the docks. ", "Fishing should continue to stay good locally as long as the bait sticks around. ", "We are about a week away from our Coho Capilano fishery. ", "Give us a shout or come by the shop to get geared up for this unique fishery." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "# Copyright (c) 2016, the Dartino project authors. ", "Please see the AUTHORS file\n# for details. ", "All rights reserved. ", "Use of this source code is governed by a\n# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.", "\n\n{\n 'target_defaults': {\n 'include_dirs': [\n '<(stm32_cube_f4)/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include/',\n ],\n },\n 'targets': [\n {\n 'type': 'none',\n 'target_name': 'disco_dartino_blinky_snapshot',\n 'actions': [\n {\n 'action_name': 'generate_snapshot',\n 'inputs': [\n 'blinky.dart',\n ],\n 'outputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.snapshot',\n ],\n 'action': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/../ReleaseX64/dartino',\n 'export',\n 'blinky.dart',\n 'to',\n 'file',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.snapshot',\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n 'type': 'none',\n 'target_name': 'disco_dartino_blinky_program.", "S',\n 'dependencies' : [\n 'disco_dartino_blinky_snapshot',\n ],\n 'actions': [\n {\n 'action_name': 'flashify_program',\n 'inputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.snapshot',\n ],\n 'outputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.", "S',\n ],\n 'action': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/../ReleaseIA32/dartino-flashify',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.snapshot',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.", "S',\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n 'type': 'none',\n 'target_name': 'disco_dartino_blinky_program.o',\n 'dependencies' : [\n 'disco_dartino_blinky_program.", "S',\n ],\n 'actions': [\n {\n 'action_name': 'linkify_program',\n 'inputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.", "S',\n ],\n 'outputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.o',\n ],\n 'action': [\n '../../third_party/gcc-arm-embedded/<(OS)/'\n 'gcc-arm-embedded/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc',\n '-mcpu=cortex-m3',\n '-mthumb',\n '-mfloat-abi=soft',\n '-o',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.o',\n '-c',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/blinky.", "S',\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n {\n 'target_name': 'libstm32f411xe-nucleo',\n 'variables': {\n 'source_path': 'stm32f411xe-nucleo',\n 'template_path': '<(stm32_cube_f4)/Projects/STM32F411RE-Nucleo/Templates/',\n 'common_cflags': [\n # Our target will link in the stm files which do have a few warnings.", "\n '-Wno-write-strings',\n '-Wno-sign-compare',\n '-Wno-missing-field-initializers',\n ],\n 'common_cflags_cc': [\n '-Wno-literal-suffix',\n ],\n },\n 'type': 'static_library',\n 'standalone_static_library': 1,\n 'includes': [\n 'stm32f4_hal_sources.gypi',\n ],\n 'defines': [\n 'STM32F411xE',\n 'USE_STM32F4XX_NUCLEO',\n ],\n 'include_dirs': [\n '<(source_path)',\n # For stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h,\n '<(template_path)/Inc',\n ],\n 'sources': [\n # Board initialization.", "\n '<(source_path)/board.c',\n\n # Device drivers.", "\n '<(source_path)/dma.cc',\n '<(source_path)/dma.h',\n '<(source_path)/i2c_driver.cc',\n '<(source_path)/i2c_driver.h',\n '<(source_path)/uart_driver.cc',\n '<(source_path)/uart_driver.h',\n\n # Board initialization and interrupt service routines (template files).", "\n '<(template_path)/Src/system_stm32f4xx.c',\n '<(template_path)/SW4STM32/startup_stm32f411xe.s',\n ],\n 'conditions': [\n ['OS==\"linux\"', {\n 'cflags': [\n '<@(common_cflags)',\n ],\n 'cflags_cc': [\n '<@(common_cflags_cc)',\n ],\n }],\n ['OS==\"mac\"', {\n 'xcode_settings': {\n 'OTHER_CFLAGS': [\n '<@(common_cflags)',\n ],\n 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS' : [\n '<@(common_cflags)',\n '<@(common_cflags_cc)',\n ],\n },\n }],\n ],\n },\n {\n 'target_name': 'nucleo_dartino.elf',\n 'dependencies': [\n 'freertos_dartino.gyp:libfreertos_dartino',\n 'libstm32f411xe-nucleo',\n 'disco_dartino_blinky_program.o',\n '../vm/vm.gyp:libdartino',\n ],\n 'variables': {\n 'common_ldflags': [\n '-specs=nano.specs',\n # Without this, the weak and strong symbols for the IRQ handlers are\n # not linked correctly and you get the weak fallback versions that\n # loop forever instead of the IRQ handler you want for your hardware.", "\n '-Wl,--whole-archive',\n # TODO(340): Why does this not work???", "\n #'-T<(generated_path)/SW4STM32/configuration/STM32F746NGHx_FLASH.ld',\n # TODO(340): Why is this needed???", "\n '-T../../platforms/stm32f411re-nucleo/stm32f411retx-flash.ld',\n '-Wl,--wrap=__libc_init_array',\n '-Wl,--wrap=_malloc_r',\n '-Wl,--wrap=_malloc_r',\n '-Wl,--wrap=_realloc_r',\n '-Wl,--wrap=_calloc_r',\n '-Wl,--wrap=_free_r',\n ],\n },\n 'type': 'executable',\n 'sources': [\n 'embedder_options.c',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/program.o',\n ],\n 'conditions': [\n ['OS==\"linux\"', {\n 'ldflags': [\n '<@(common_ldflags)',\n ],\n }],\n ['OS==\"mac\"', {\n 'xcode_settings': {\n 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [\n '<@(common_ldflags)',\n ],\n },\n }],\n ],\n 'libraries': [\n # This option ends up near the end of the linker command, so that\n # --whole-archive (see above) is not applied to libstdc++ and the\n # implict libgcc.a library.", "\n '-Wl,--no-whole-archive',\n '-lstdc++',\n ],\n },\n {\n 'variables': {\n 'project_name': 'nucleo_dartino',\n },\n 'type': 'none',\n 'target_name': 'nucleo_411_dartino',\n 'dependencies' : [\n 'nucleo_dartino.elf'\n ],\n 'actions': [\n {\n 'action_name': 'generate_bin',\n 'inputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(project_name).elf',\n ],\n 'outputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(project_name).bin',\n ],\n 'action': [\n '<(objcopy)',\n '-O',\n 'binary',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(project_name).elf',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(project_name).bin',\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n 'type': 'none',\n 'target_name': 'nucleo_dartino_flash',\n 'dependencies' : [\n 'nucleo_411_dartino'\n ],\n 'actions': [\n {\n 'action_name': 'flash',\n 'inputs': [\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/nucleo_dartino.bin',\n ],\n 'outputs': [\n 'dummy',\n ],\n 'action': [\n '<(DEPTH)/tools/embedded/flash-image.sh',\n '--nucleo',\n '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/nucleo_dartino.bin',\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0196078431372549, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0.003424657534246575, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.0023584905660377358, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.006535947712418301, 0.0016906170752324597, 0, 0.008, 0.0010741138560687433, 0 ]
[ "First, former unified junior welterweight titlist Amir Khan declined to challenge British countryman Kell Brook for his welterweight world title on June 13 in what would be a massive all-British showdown.", "\n\nThen, Khan’s team also declined to participate in a mandated elimination bout with former titlist Timothy Bradley Jr. to produce Brook’s next mandatory challenger. ", "That would have been understandable had Khan accepted the fight with Brook, therefore making the need for him to fight the eliminator unnecessary.", "\n\nESPN.com Boxing on Twitter Don't miss any of the latest boxing coverage from around the world. ", "Follow us on Twitter and stay informed. ", "Join »\n\nAll along the rumor was Khan was instead going to fight on May 30 against former junior welterweight titlist Chris Algieri, whose last fight saw him knocked down six times in a horrible performance against Manny Pacquiao. ", "And then Khan made a YouTube video saying Algieri was indeed going to be his next opponent. ", "But that was before Khan almost immediately backtracked on the remarks.", "\n\nThat was two weeks ago and this is now, and guess what:\n\nKhan-Algieri is slated to take place on May 29, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the fight. ", "It will take place at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, and air on Spike TV as part of Khan adviser Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing Champions” series.", "\n\nPerhaps Khan already knew what was in the works when he tweeted on Saturday: “Would love to fight at the @barclayscenter in Brooklyn in the future. ", "Great boxing venue.”", "\n\nEngland’s Khan will be, by far, the biggest name to have been on Spike TV through its first three PBC cards.", "\n\nAlgieri (20-1, 8 KOs), 31, of Huntington, New York, has not fought since the November loss to Pacquiao and recently changed trainers, firing Tim Lane after Lane’s awful performance in the Pacquiao fight to train with John David Jackson. ", "In the fight before the loss to Pacquiao, Algieri survived two knockdowns in the first round and terrible swollen eye to claim a split decision and a world title against Ruslan Provodnikov last June at Barclays Center.", "\n\nSince getting knocked out by Danny Garcia in the fourth round and losing his junior welterweight in July 2012, Khan (30-3, 19 KOs), 28, has won four fights in a row. ", "He is coming off a nearly flawless performance in a lopsided decision against former two-division titleholder Devon Alexander on Dec. 13 in Las Vegas." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.00980392156862745, 0.018072289156626505, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.013043478260869565, 0.021739130434782608, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.026490066225165563, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.02727272727272727, 0.012552301255230125, 0.009174311926605505, 0.011904761904761904, 0.006666666666666667 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAre there browsers supporting FIDO UAF\n\nI'm looking into FIDO UAF (passwordless login) and wondering if there are any browsers supporting it. ", "So far I have only found it used in native mobile apps.", "\n\nA:\n\nChrome, Edge and Firefox all have experimental support. ", "You need to begin looking at the W3C Web Authentication standard, which is the pending industry standard that subsumed FIDO 2.0.", "\nHere's a good overview of Edge support: https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2016/04/12/a-world-without-passwords-windows-hello-in-microsoft-edge\nSee the Chrome feature status:\nhttps://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5669923372138496\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827 ]
[ "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- GNAT Studio --\n-- --\n-- Copyright (C) 2020, AdaCore --\n-- --\n-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --\n-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --\n-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --\n-- sion. ", " This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --\n-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --\n-- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", "See the GNU General Public --\n-- License for more details. ", " You should have received a copy of the GNU --\n-- General Public License distributed with this software; see file --\n-- COPYING3. ", " If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy --\n-- of the license. ", " --\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n-- Base types for requests with common set of members\n\npackage GPS.LSP_Client.", "Requests.", "Base is\n\n -- Text_Document_Request provides field to store associated\n -- virtual file, and implementation of Text_Document function.", "\n\n type Text_Document_Request is\n abstract new GPS.LSP_Client.", "Requests.", "LSP_Request with\n record\n File : GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File;\n end record;\n\n overriding function Text_Document\n (Self : Text_Document_Request) return GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File;\n\nend GPS.LSP_Client.", "Requests.", "Base;\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "24 January 2006\n\nGimme five!", "\n\nStumbled across this at Kyels.com and later at Yvy's. ", "Then everyone else started to do it. ", "I might as well jump on the bandwagon too....\n\nThe Rules:The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. ", "In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. ", "Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.", "\n\nRead mine and cringe:\n\nI have to look in every mirror I come across.", "\n\nDaydreaming. ‘", "Oi, plink! ", "Wake uplah!’ *", "whackwhackwhack*\n\nNo music? ", "I very seldom listen to music and don’t use an iPod. ", "I hum a bit, just a little bit. ", "Even so, one of my seniors at work once asked if I had tunes continuously playing inside my head. ", "That might just be it.", "\n\nNo movies either. ", "Make that ‘very seldom.’ ", "I much prefer reading. ", "Weird, huh?", "\n\nBantal busuk with a twist. ", "Bantal busuk are very fashionable, but mine is slightly different: I need my groove. ", "If I try a pillow without my groove (or dent), then I don’t sleep well. ", "It’s like the story of the princess and the pea. ", "There’s also the shock of how large the dent is in my pillow when I wake up....\n\nFive to tag:Again, everyone else has run away with it. ", "I'll just have to do the next meme faster.*sigh*" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Neuropsychological profile and treatment-related features among patients with comorbidity between schizophrenia spectrum disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder: is there evidence for a “schizo-obsessive” subtype?", "\nEpidemiological studies have found that obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is estimated to occur in 12% of patients with schizophrenia. ", "Whether this “schizo-obsessive” subgroup may be posited as a clinical entity with a distinct neuropsychological profile and treatment-related features remains unclear. ", "A sample of 30 patients who met DSM-IV criteria for both schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and OCD was compared with 30 OCD subjects and with 37 patients with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder. ", "Neuropsychological domains were measured by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition (WAIS-III), the Trail Making Test (TMT), and the verbal fluency test (FAS). ", "Treatment-related variables were assessed with the Clinical Global Improvement scale (CGI), the Drug Attitude Inventory (DAI), and dosage/type of antipsychotic medications. ", "One-way analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences among the three groups in “working memory,” “block design,” “semantic fluency,” TMT-A, and TMT-B. However, the Bonferroni correction showed no statistical differences between both psychotic groups. ", "In addition, there were no significant differences among the three groups in the CGI and DAI, although “schizo-obsessive” patients tended to display slightly higher scores on these variables than the other groups. ", "Overall, these findings do not support the hypothesis that comorbidity between schizophrenia spectrum disorders and OCD may reflect a distinct clinical entity. ", "However, further research with larger sample sizes and a more comprehensive clinical assessment are needed. ", "Our findings also underscore the fact that divergences among assessment instruments, as well as confounding variables, may influence results on neuropsychological domains." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "/*\n * INET\t\tAn implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX\n *\t\toperating system. ", " INET is implemented using the BSD Socket\n *\t\tinterface as the means of communication with the user level.", "\n *\n *\t\tImplementation of the Transmission Control Protocol(TCP).", "\n *\n *\t\tIPv4 specific functions\n *\n *\n *\t\tcode split from:\n *\t\tlinux/ipv4/tcp.c\n *\t\tlinux/ipv4/tcp_input.c\n *\t\tlinux/ipv4/tcp_output.c\n *\n *\t\tSee tcp.c for author information\n *\n *\tThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version\n * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n */\n\n/*\n * Changes:\n *\t\tDavid S. Miller\t:\tNew socket lookup architecture.", "\n *\t\t\t\t\tThis code is dedicated to John Dyson.", "\n *\t\tDavid S. Miller :\tChange semantics of established hash,\n *\t\t\t\t\thalf is devoted to TIME_WAIT sockets\n *\t\t\t\t\tand the rest go in the other half.", "\n *\t\tAndi Kleen :\t\tAdd support for syncookies and fixed\n *\t\t\t\t\tsome bugs: ip options weren't passed to\n *\t\t\t\t\tthe TCP layer, missed a check for an\n *\t\t\t\t\tACK bit.", "\n *\t\tAndi Kleen :\t\tImplemented fast path mtu discovery.", "\n *\t \t\t\t\tFixed many serious bugs in the\n *\t\t\t\t\trequest_sock handling and moved\n *\t\t\t\t\tmost of it into the af independent code.", "\n *\t\t\t\t\tAdded tail drop and some other bugfixes.", "\n *\t\t\t\t\tAdded new listen semantics.", "\n *\t\tMike McLagan\t:\tRouting by source\n *\tJuan Jose Ciarlante:\t\tip_dynaddr bits\n *\t\tAndi Kleen:\t\tvarious fixes.", "\n *\tVitaly E. Lavrov\t:\tTransparent proxy revived after year\n *\t\t\t\t\tcoma.", "\n *\tAndi Kleen\t\t:\tFix new listen.", "\n *\tAndi Kleen\t\t:\tFix accept error reporting.", "\n *\tYOSHIFUJI Hideaki @USAGI and:\tSupport IPV6_V6ONLY socket option, which\n *\tAlexey Kuznetsov\t\tallow both IPv4 and IPv6 sockets to bind\n *\t\t\t\t\ta single port at the same time.", "\n */\n\n#define pr_fmt(fmt) \"TCP: \" fmt\n\n#include <linux/bottom_half.h>\n#include <linux/types.h>\n#include <linux/fcntl.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/random.h>\n#include <linux/cache.h>\n#include <linux/jhash.h>\n#include <linux/init.h>\n#include <linux/times.h>\n#include <linux/slab.h>\n\n#include <net/net_namespace.h>\n#include <net/icmp.h>\n#include <net/inet_hashtables.h>\n#include <net/tcp.h>\n#include <net/transp_v6.h>\n#include <net/ipv6.h>\n#include <net/inet_common.h>\n#include <net/timewait_sock.h>\n#include <net/xfrm.h>\n#include <net/netdma.h>\n#include <net/secure_seq.h>\n#include <net/tcp_memcontrol.h>\n\n#include <linux/inet.h>\n#include <linux/ipv6.h>\n#include <linux/stddef.h>\n#include <linux/proc_fs.h>\n#include <linux/seq_file.h>\n\n#include <linux/crypto.h>\n#include <linux/scatterlist.h>\n\nint sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse __read_mostly;\nint sysctl_tcp_low_latency __read_mostly;\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_tcp_low_latency);\n\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\nstatic int tcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr(char *md5_hash, const struct tcp_md5sig_key *key,\n\t\t\t __be32 daddr, __be32 saddr, const struct tcphdr *th);\n#endif\n\nstruct inet_hashinfo tcp_hashinfo;\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_hashinfo);\n\nstatic inline __u32 tcp_v4_init_sequence(const struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\treturn secure_tcp_sequence_number(ip_hdr(skb)->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t ip_hdr(skb)->saddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t tcp_hdr(skb)->dest,\n\t\t\t\t\t tcp_hdr(skb)->source);\n}\n\nint tcp_twsk_unique(struct sock *sk, struct sock *sktw, void *twp)\n{\n\tconst struct tcp_timewait_sock *tcptw = tcp_twsk(sktw);\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\n\t/* With PAWS, it is safe from the viewpoint\n\t of data integrity. ", "Even without PAWS it is safe provided sequence\n\t spaces do not overlap i.e. at data rates <= 80Mbit/sec.", "\n\n\t Actually, the idea is close to VJ's one, only timestamp cache is\n\t held not per host, but per port pair and TW bucket is used as state\n\t holder.", "\n\n\t If TW bucket has been already destroyed we fall back to VJ's scheme\n\t and use initial timestamp retrieved from peer table.", "\n\t */\n\tif (tcptw->tw_ts_recent_stamp &&\n\t (twp == NULL || (sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse &&\n\t\t\t get_seconds() - tcptw->tw_ts_recent_stamp > 1))) {\n\t\ttp->write_seq = tcptw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2;\n\t\tif (tp->write_seq == 0)\n\t\t\ttp->write_seq = 1;\n\t\ttp->rx_opt.ts_recent\t = tcptw->tw_ts_recent;\n\t\ttp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tcptw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;\n\t\tsock_hold(sktw);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(tcp_twsk_unique);\n\n/* This will initiate an outgoing connection. */", "\nint tcp_v4_connect(struct sock *sk, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len)\n{\n\tstruct sockaddr_in *usin = (struct sockaddr_in *)uaddr;\n\tstruct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\t__be16 orig_sport, orig_dport;\n\t__be32 daddr, nexthop;\n\tstruct flowi4 *fl4;\n\tstruct rtable *rt;\n\tint err;\n\tstruct ip_options_rcu *inet_opt;\n\n\tif (addr_len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (usin->sin_family !", "= AF_INET)\n\t\treturn -EAFNOSUPPORT;\n\n\tnexthop = daddr = usin->sin_addr.s_addr;\n\tinet_opt = rcu_dereference_protected(inet->inet_opt,\n\t\t\t\t\t sock_owned_by_user(sk));\n\tif (inet_opt && inet_opt->opt.srr) {\n\t\tif (!", "daddr)\n\t\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\t\tnexthop = inet_opt->opt.faddr;\n\t}\n\n\torig_sport = inet->inet_sport;\n\torig_dport = usin->sin_port;\n\tfl4 = &inet->cork.fl.u.ip4;\n\trt = ip_route_connect(fl4, nexthop, inet->inet_saddr,\n\t\t\t RT_CONN_FLAGS(sk), sk->sk_bound_dev_if,\n\t\t\t IPPROTO_TCP,\n\t\t\t orig_sport, orig_dport, sk, true);\n\tif (IS_ERR(rt)) {\n\t\terr = PTR_ERR(rt);\n\t\tif (err == -ENETUNREACH)\n\t\t\tIP_INC_STATS(sock_net(sk), IPSTATS_MIB_OUTNOROUTES);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\tif (rt->rt_flags & (RTCF_MULTICAST | RTCF_BROADCAST)) {\n\t\tip_rt_put(rt);\n\t\treturn -ENETUNREACH;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "inet_opt || !", "inet_opt->opt.srr)\n\t\tdaddr = fl4->daddr;\n\n\tif (!", "inet->inet_saddr)\n\t\tinet->inet_saddr = fl4->saddr;\n\tinet->inet_rcv_saddr = inet->inet_saddr;\n\n\tif (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && inet->inet_daddr !", "= daddr) {\n\t\t/* Reset inherited state */\n\t\ttp->rx_opt.ts_recent\t = 0;\n\t\ttp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;\n\t\ttp->write_seq\t\t = 0;\n\t}\n\n\tif (tcp_death_row.sysctl_tw_recycle &&\n\t !", "tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && fl4->daddr == daddr) {\n\t\tstruct inet_peer *peer = rt_get_peer(rt, fl4->daddr);\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * VJ's idea. ", "We save last timestamp seen from\n\t\t * the destination in peer table, when entering state\n\t\t * TIME-WAIT * and initialize rx_opt.ts_recent from it,\n\t\t * when trying new connection.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (peer) {\n\t\t\tinet_peer_refcheck(peer);\n\t\t\tif ((u32)get_seconds() - peer->tcp_ts_stamp <= TCP_PAWS_MSL) {\n\t\t\t\ttp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = peer->tcp_ts_stamp;\n\t\t\t\ttp->rx_opt.ts_recent = peer->tcp_ts;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tinet->inet_dport = usin->sin_port;\n\tinet->inet_daddr = daddr;\n\n\tinet_csk(sk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = 0;\n\tif (inet_opt)\n\t\tinet_csk(sk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = inet_opt->opt.optlen;\n\n\ttp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = TCP_MSS_DEFAULT;\n\n\t/* Socket identity is still unknown (sport may be zero).", "\n\t * However we set state to SYN-SENT and not releasing socket\n\t * lock select source port, enter ourselves into the hash tables and\n\t * complete initialization after this.", "\n\t */\n\ttcp_set_state(sk, TCP_SYN_SENT);\n\terr = inet_hash_connect(&tcp_death_row, sk);\n\tif (err)\n\t\tgoto failure;\n\n\trt = ip_route_newports(fl4, rt, orig_sport, orig_dport,\n\t\t\t inet->inet_sport, inet->inet_dport, sk);\n\tif (IS_ERR(rt)) {\n\t\terr = PTR_ERR(rt);\n\t\trt = NULL;\n\t\tgoto failure;\n\t}\n\t/* OK, now commit destination to socket. ", " */\n\tsk->sk_gso_type = SKB_GSO_TCPV4;\n\tsk_setup_caps(sk, &rt->dst);\n\n\tif (!", "tp->write_seq)\n\t\ttp->write_seq = secure_tcp_sequence_number(inet->inet_saddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inet->inet_daddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inet->inet_sport,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t usin->sin_port);\n\n\tinet->inet_id = tp->write_seq ^ jiffies;\n\n\terr = tcp_connect(sk);\n\trt = NULL;\n\tif (err)\n\t\tgoto failure;\n\n\treturn 0;\n\nfailure:\n\t/*\n\t * This unhashes the socket and releases the local port,\n\t * if necessary.", "\n\t */\n\ttcp_set_state(sk, TCP_CLOSE);\n\tip_rt_put(rt);\n\tsk->sk_route_caps = 0;\n\tinet->inet_dport = 0;\n\treturn err;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_connect);\n\n/*\n * This routine does path mtu discovery as defined in RFC1191.", "\n */\nstatic void do_pmtu_discovery(struct sock *sk, const struct iphdr *iph, u32 mtu)\n{\n\tstruct dst_entry *dst;\n\tstruct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);\n\n\t/* We are not interested in TCP_LISTEN and open_requests (SYN-ACKs\n\t * send out by Linux are always <576bytes so they should go through\n\t * unfragmented).", "\n\t */\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* We don't check in the destentry if pmtu discovery is forbidden\n\t * on this route. ", "We just assume that no packet_to_big packets\n\t * are send back when pmtu discovery is not active.", "\n\t * There is a small race when the user changes this flag in the\n\t * route, but I think that's acceptable.", "\n\t */\n\tif ((dst = __sk_dst_check(sk, 0)) == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tdst->ops->update_pmtu(dst, mtu);\n\n\t/* Something is about to be wrong... Remember soft error\n\t * for the case, if this connection will not able to recover.", "\n\t */\n\tif (mtu < dst_mtu(dst) && ip_dont_fragment(sk, dst))\n\t\tsk->sk_err_soft = EMSGSIZE;\n\n\tmtu = dst_mtu(dst);\n\n\tif (inet->pmtudisc !", "= IP_PMTUDISC_DONT &&\n\t inet_csk(sk)->icsk_pmtu_cookie > mtu) {\n\t\ttcp_sync_mss(sk, mtu);\n\n\t\t/* Resend the TCP packet because it's\n\t\t * clear that the old packet has been\n\t\t * dropped. ", "This is the new \"fast\" path mtu\n\t\t * discovery.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\ttcp_simple_retransmit(sk);\n\t} /* else let the usual retransmit timer handle it */\n}\n\n/*\n * This routine is called by the ICMP module when it gets some\n * sort of error condition. ", " If err < 0 then the socket should\n * be closed and the error returned to the user. ", " If err > 0\n * it's just the icmp type << 8 | icmp code. ", " After adjustment\n * header points to the first 8 bytes of the tcp header. ", " We need\n * to find the appropriate port.", "\n *\n * The locking strategy used here is very \"optimistic\". ", "When\n * someone else accesses the socket the ICMP is just dropped\n * and for some paths there is no check at all.", "\n * A more general error queue to queue errors for later handling\n * is probably better.", "\n *\n */\n\nvoid tcp_v4_err(struct sk_buff *icmp_skb, u32 info)\n{\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph = (const struct iphdr *)icmp_skb->data;\n\tstruct tcphdr *th = (struct tcphdr *)(icmp_skb->data + (iph->ihl << 2));\n\tstruct inet_connection_sock *icsk;\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp;\n\tstruct inet_sock *inet;\n\tconst int type = icmp_hdr(icmp_skb)->type;\n\tconst int code = icmp_hdr(icmp_skb)->code;\n\tstruct sock *sk;\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\t__u32 seq;\n\t__u32 remaining;\n\tint err;\n\tstruct net *net = dev_net(icmp_skb->dev);\n\n\tif (icmp_skb->len < (iph->ihl << 2) + 8) {\n\t\tICMP_INC_STATS_BH(net, ICMP_MIB_INERRORS);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tsk = inet_lookup(net, &tcp_hashinfo, iph->daddr, th->dest,\n\t\t\tiph->saddr, th->source, inet_iif(icmp_skb));\n\tif (!", "sk) {\n\t\tICMP_INC_STATS_BH(net, ICMP_MIB_INERRORS);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_TIME_WAIT) {\n\t\tinet_twsk_put(inet_twsk(sk));\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tbh_lock_sock(sk);\n\t/* If too many ICMPs get dropped on busy\n\t * servers this needs to be solved differently.", "\n\t */\n\tif (sock_owned_by_user(sk))\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_LOCKDROPPEDICMPS);\n\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_CLOSE)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tif (unlikely(iph->ttl < inet_sk(sk)->min_ttl)) {\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_TCPMINTTLDROP);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\ticsk = inet_csk(sk);\n\ttp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tseq = ntohl(th->seq);\n\tif (sk->sk_state !", "= TCP_LISTEN &&\n\t !", "between(seq, tp->snd_una, tp->snd_nxt)) {\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_OUTOFWINDOWICMPS);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tswitch (type) {\n\tcase ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH:\n\t\t/* Just silently ignore these. */", "\n\t\tgoto out;\n\tcase ICMP_PARAMETERPROB:\n\t\terr = EPROTO;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase ICMP_DEST_UNREACH:\n\t\tif (code > NR_ICMP_UNREACH)\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t\tif (code == ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED) { /* PMTU discovery (RFC1191) */\n\t\t\tif (!", "sock_owned_by_user(sk))\n\t\t\t\tdo_pmtu_discovery(sk, iph, info);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\terr = icmp_err_convert[code].errno;\n\t\t/* check if icmp_skb allows revert of backoff\n\t\t * (see draft-zimmermann-tcp-lcd) */\n\t\tif (code !", "= ICMP_NET_UNREACH && code !", "= ICMP_HOST_UNREACH)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tif (seq !", "= tp->snd_una || !", "icsk->icsk_retransmits ||\n\t\t !", "icsk->icsk_backoff)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tif (sock_owned_by_user(sk))\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\ticsk->icsk_backoff--;\n\t\tinet_csk(sk)->icsk_rto = (tp->srtt ? __", "tcp_set_rto(tp) :\n\t\t\tTCP_TIMEOUT_INIT) << icsk->icsk_backoff;\n\t\ttcp_bound_rto(sk);\n\n\t\tskb = tcp_write_queue_head(sk);\n\t\tBUG_ON(!skb);\n\n\t\tremaining = icsk->icsk_rto - min(icsk->icsk_rto,\n\t\t\t\ttcp_time_stamp - TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when);\n\n\t\tif (remaining) {\n\t\t\tinet_csk_reset_xmit_timer(sk, ICSK_TIME_RETRANS,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t remaining, TCP_RTO_MAX);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t/* RTO revert clocked out retransmission.", "\n\t\t\t * Will retransmit now */\n\t\t\ttcp_retransmit_timer(sk);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED:\n\t\terr = EHOSTUNREACH;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tswitch (sk->sk_state) {\n\t\tstruct request_sock *req, **prev;\n\tcase TCP_LISTEN:\n\t\tif (sock_owned_by_user(sk))\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t\treq = inet_csk_search_req(sk, &prev, th->dest,\n\t\t\t\t\t iph->daddr, iph->saddr);\n\t\tif (!", "req)\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t\t/* ICMPs are not backlogged, hence we cannot get\n\t\t an established socket here.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tWARN_ON(req->sk);\n\n\t\tif (seq !", "= tcp_rsk(req)->snt_isn) {\n\t\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_OUTOFWINDOWICMPS);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Still in SYN_RECV, just remove it silently.", "\n\t\t * There is no good way to pass the error to the newly\n\t\t * created socket, and POSIX does not want network\n\t\t * errors returned from accept().", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tinet_csk_reqsk_queue_drop(sk, req, prev);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tcase TCP_SYN_SENT:\n\tcase TCP_SYN_RECV: /* Cannot happen.", "\n\t\t\t It can f.e. ", "if SYNs crossed.", "\n\t\t\t */\n\t\tif (!", "sock_owned_by_user(sk)) {\n\t\t\tsk->sk_err = err;\n\n\t\t\tsk->sk_error_report(sk);\n\n\t\t\ttcp_done(sk);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsk->sk_err_soft = err;\n\t\t}\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\t/* If we've already connected we will keep trying\n\t * until we time out, or the user gives up.", "\n\t *\n\t * rfc1122 allows to consider as hard errors\n\t * only PROTO_UNREACH and PORT_UNREACH (well, FRAG_FAILED too,\n\t * but it is obsoleted by pmtu discovery).", "\n\t *\n\t * Note, that in modern internet, where routing is unreliable\n\t * and in each dark corner broken firewalls sit, sending random\n\t * errors ordered by their masters even this two messages finally lose\n\t * their original sense (even Linux sends invalid PORT_UNREACHs)\n\t *\n\t * Now we are in compliance with RFCs.", "\n\t *\t\t\t\t\t\t\t--ANK (980905)\n\t */\n\n\tinet = inet_sk(sk);\n\tif (!", "sock_owned_by_user(sk) && inet->recverr) {\n\t\tsk->sk_err = err;\n\t\tsk->sk_error_report(sk);\n\t} else\t{ /* Only an error on timeout */\n\t\tsk->sk_err_soft = err;\n\t}\n\nout:\n\tbh_unlock_sock(sk);\n\tsock_put(sk);\n}\n\nstatic void __tcp_v4_send_check(struct sk_buff *skb,\n\t\t\t\t__be32 saddr, __be32 daddr)\n{\n\tstruct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\n\tif (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) {\n\t\tth->check = ~tcp_v4_check(skb->len, saddr, daddr, 0);\n\t\tskb->csum_start = skb_transport_header(skb) - skb->head;\n\t\tskb->csum_offset = offsetof(struct tcphdr, check);\n\t} else {\n\t\tth->check = tcp_v4_check(skb->len, saddr, daddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t csum_partial(th,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t th->doff << 2,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t skb->csum));\n\t}\n}\n\n/* This routine computes an IPv4 TCP checksum. */", "\nvoid tcp_v4_send_check(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);\n\n\t__tcp_v4_send_check(skb, inet->inet_saddr, inet->inet_daddr);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_send_check);\n\nint tcp_v4_gso_send_check(struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph;\n\tstruct tcphdr *th;\n\n\tif (!", "pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(*th)))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tiph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\tth = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\n\tth->check = 0;\n\tskb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL;\n\t__tcp_v4_send_check(skb, iph->saddr, iph->daddr);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/*\n *\tThis routine will send an RST to the other tcp.", "\n *\n *\tSomeone asks: why I NEVER use socket parameters (TOS, TTL etc.)", "\n *\t\t for reset.", "\n *\tAnswer: if a packet caused RST, it is not for a socket\n *\t\texisting in our system, if it is matched to a socket,\n *\t\tit is just duplicate segment or bug in other side's TCP.", "\n *\t\tSo that we build reply only basing on parameters\n *\t\tarrived with segment.", "\n *\tException: precedence violation. ", "We do not implement it in any case.", "\n */\n\nstatic void tcp_v4_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\tstruct {\n\t\tstruct tcphdr th;\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\t\t__be32 opt[(TCPOLEN_MD5SIG_ALIGNED >> 2)];\n#endif\n\t} rep;\n\tstruct ip_reply_arg arg;\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *key;\n\tconst __u8 *hash_location = NULL;\n\tunsigned char newhash[16];\n\tint genhash;\n\tstruct sock *sk1 = NULL;\n#endif\n\tstruct net *net;\n\n\t/* Never send a reset in response to a reset. */", "\n\tif (th->rst)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (skb_rtable(skb)->rt_type !", "= RTN_LOCAL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* Swap the send and the receive. */", "\n\tmemset(&rep, 0, sizeof(rep));\n\trep.th.dest = th->source;\n\trep.th.source = th->dest;\n\trep.th.doff = sizeof(struct tcphdr) / 4;\n\trep.th.rst = 1;\n\n\tif (th->ack) {\n\t\trep.th.seq = th->ack_seq;\n\t} else {\n\t\trep.th.ack = 1;\n\t\trep.th.ack_seq = htonl(ntohl(th->seq) + th->syn + th->fin +\n\t\t\t\t skb->len - (th->doff << 2));\n\t}\n\n\tmemset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));\n\targ.iov[0].iov_base = (unsigned char *)&rep;\n\targ.iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(rep.th);\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\thash_location = tcp_parse_md5sig_option(th);\n\tif (!", "sk && hash_location) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * active side is lost. ", "Try to find listening socket through\n\t\t * source port, and then find md5 key through listening socket.", "\n\t\t * we are not loose security here:\n\t\t * Incoming packet is checked with md5 hash with finding key,\n\t\t * no RST generated if md5 hash doesn't match.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tsk1 = __inet_lookup_listener(dev_net(skb_dst(skb)->dev),\n\t\t\t\t\t &tcp_hashinfo, ip_hdr(skb)->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t ntohs(th->source), inet_iif(skb));\n\t\t/* don't send rst if it can't find key */\n\t\tif (!", "sk1)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\trcu_read_lock();\n\t\tkey = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk1, (union tcp_md5_addr *)\n\t\t\t\t\t&ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, AF_INET);\n\t\tif (!", "key)\n\t\t\tgoto release_sk1;\n\n\t\tgenhash = tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb(newhash, key, NULL, NULL, skb);\n\t\tif (genhash || memcmp(hash_location, newhash, 16) !", "= 0)\n\t\t\tgoto release_sk1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tkey = sk ? ", "tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)\n\t\t\t\t\t &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t AF_INET) : NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tif (key) {\n\t\trep.opt[0] = htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) |\n\t\t\t\t (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |\n\t\t\t\t (TCPOPT_MD5SIG << 8) |\n\t\t\t\t TCPOLEN_MD5SIG);\n\t\t/* Update length and the length the header thinks exists */\n\t\targ.iov[0].iov_len += TCPOLEN_MD5SIG_ALIGNED;\n\t\trep.th.doff = arg.iov[0].iov_len / 4;\n\n\t\ttcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr((__u8 *) &rep.opt[1],\n\t\t\t\t key, ip_hdr(skb)->saddr,\n\t\t\t\t ip_hdr(skb)->daddr, &rep.th);\n\t}\n#endif\n\targ.csum = csum_tcpudp_nofold(ip_hdr(skb)->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, /* XXX */\n\t\t\t\t arg.iov[0].iov_len, IPPROTO_TCP, 0);\n\targ.csumoffset = offsetof(struct tcphdr, check) / 2;\n\targ.flags = (sk && inet_sk(sk)->transparent) ? ", "IP_REPLY_ARG_NOSRCCHECK : 0;\n\t/* When socket is gone, all binding information is lost.", "\n\t * routing might fail in this case. ", "No choice here, if we choose to force\n\t * input interface, we will misroute in case of asymmetric route.", "\n\t */\n\tif (sk)\n\t\targ.bound_dev_if = sk->sk_bound_dev_if;\n\n\tnet = dev_net(skb_dst(skb)->dev);\n\targ.tos = ip_hdr(skb)->tos;\n\tip_send_reply(net->ipv4.tcp_sock, skb, ip_hdr(skb)->saddr,\n\t\t &arg, arg.iov[0].iov_len);\n\n\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_OUTSEGS);\n\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_OUTRSTS);\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\nrelease_sk1:\n\tif (sk1) {\n\t\trcu_read_unlock();\n\t\tsock_put(sk1);\n\t}\n#endif\n}\n\n/* The code following below sending ACKs in SYN-RECV and TIME-WAIT states\n outside socket context is ugly, certainly. ", "What can I do?", "\n */\n\nstatic void tcp_v4_send_ack(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 seq, u32 ack,\n\t\t\t u32 win, u32 ts, int oif,\n\t\t\t struct tcp_md5sig_key *key,\n\t\t\t int reply_flags, u8 tos)\n{\n\tconst struct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\tstruct {\n\t\tstruct tcphdr th;\n\t\t__be32 opt[(TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED >> 2)\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\t\t\t + (TCPOLEN_MD5SIG_ALIGNED >> 2)\n#endif\n\t\t\t];\n\t} rep;\n\tstruct ip_reply_arg arg;\n\tstruct net *net = dev_net(skb_dst(skb)->dev);\n\n\tmemset(&rep.th, 0, sizeof(struct tcphdr));\n\tmemset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));\n\n\targ.iov[0].iov_base = (unsigned char *)&rep;\n\targ.iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(rep.th);\n\tif (ts) {\n\t\trep.opt[0] = htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |\n\t\t\t\t (TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP << 8) |\n\t\t\t\t TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP);\n\t\trep.opt[1] = htonl(tcp_time_stamp);\n\t\trep.opt[2] = htonl(ts);\n\t\targ.iov[0].iov_len += TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Swap the send and the receive. */", "\n\trep.th.dest = th->source;\n\trep.th.source = th->dest;\n\trep.th.doff = arg.iov[0].iov_len / 4;\n\trep.th.seq = htonl(seq);\n\trep.th.ack_seq = htonl(ack);\n\trep.th.ack = 1;\n\trep.th.window = htons(win);\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\tif (key) {\n\t\tint offset = (ts) ? ", "3 : 0;\n\n\t\trep.opt[offset++] = htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) |\n\t\t\t\t\t (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |\n\t\t\t\t\t (TCPOPT_MD5SIG << 8) |\n\t\t\t\t\t TCPOLEN_MD5SIG);\n\t\targ.iov[0].iov_len += TCPOLEN_MD5SIG_ALIGNED;\n\t\trep.th.doff = arg.iov[0].iov_len/4;\n\n\t\ttcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr((__u8 *) &rep.opt[offset],\n\t\t\t\t key, ip_hdr(skb)->saddr,\n\t\t\t\t ip_hdr(skb)->daddr, &rep.th);\n\t}\n#endif\n\targ.flags = reply_flags;\n\targ.csum = csum_tcpudp_nofold(ip_hdr(skb)->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, /* XXX */\n\t\t\t\t arg.iov[0].iov_len, IPPROTO_TCP, 0);\n\targ.csumoffset = offsetof(struct tcphdr, check) / 2;\n\tif (oif)\n\t\targ.bound_dev_if = oif;\n\targ.tos = tos;\n\tip_send_reply(net->ipv4.tcp_sock, skb, ip_hdr(skb)->saddr,\n\t\t &arg, arg.iov[0].iov_len);\n\n\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_OUTSEGS);\n}\n\nstatic void tcp_v4_timewait_ack(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct inet_timewait_sock *tw = inet_twsk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_timewait_sock *tcptw = tcp_twsk(sk);\n\n\ttcp_v4_send_ack(skb, tcptw->tw_snd_nxt, tcptw->tw_rcv_nxt,\n\t\t\ttcptw->tw_rcv_wnd >> tw->tw_rcv_wscale,\n\t\t\ttcptw->tw_ts_recent,\n\t\t\ttw->tw_bound_dev_if,\n\t\t\ttcp_twsk_md5_key(tcptw),\n\t\t\ttw->tw_transparent ? ", "IP_REPLY_ARG_NOSRCCHECK : 0,\n\t\t\ttw->tw_tos\n\t\t\t);\n\n\tinet_twsk_put(tw);\n}\n\nstatic void tcp_v4_reqsk_send_ack(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,\n\t\t\t\t struct request_sock *req)\n{\n\ttcp_v4_send_ack(skb, tcp_rsk(req)->snt_isn + 1,\n\t\t\ttcp_rsk(req)->rcv_isn + 1, req->rcv_wnd,\n\t\t\treq->ts_recent,\n\t\t\t0,\n\t\t\ttcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&ip_hdr(skb)->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t AF_INET),\n\t\t\tinet_rsk(req)->no_srccheck ? ", "IP_REPLY_ARG_NOSRCCHECK : 0,\n\t\t\tip_hdr(skb)->tos);\n}\n\n/*\n *\tSend a SYN-ACK after having received a SYN.", "\n *\tThis still operates on a request_sock only, not on a big\n *\tsocket.", "\n */\nstatic int tcp_v4_send_synack(struct sock *sk, struct dst_entry *dst,\n\t\t\t struct request_sock *req,\n\t\t\t struct request_values *rvp)\n{\n\tconst struct inet_request_sock *ireq = inet_rsk(req);\n\tstruct flowi4 fl4;\n\tint err = -1;\n\tstruct sk_buff * skb;\n\n\t/* First, grab a route. */", "\n\tif (!", "dst && (dst = inet_csk_route_req(sk, &fl4, req)) == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tskb = tcp_make_synack(sk, dst, req, rvp);\n\n\tif (skb) {\n\t\t__tcp_v4_send_check(skb, ireq->loc_addr, ireq->rmt_addr);\n\n\t\terr = ip_build_and_send_pkt(skb, sk, ireq->loc_addr,\n\t\t\t\t\t ireq->rmt_addr,\n\t\t\t\t\t ireq->opt);\n\t\terr = net_xmit_eval(err);\n\t}\n\n\tdst_release(dst);\n\treturn err;\n}\n\nstatic int tcp_v4_rtx_synack(struct sock *sk, struct request_sock *req,\n\t\t\t struct request_values *rvp)\n{\n\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), TCP_MIB_RETRANSSEGS);\n\treturn tcp_v4_send_synack(sk, NULL, req, rvp);\n}\n\n/*\n *\tIPv4 request_sock destructor.", "\n */\nstatic void tcp_v4_reqsk_destructor(struct request_sock *req)\n{\n\tkfree(inet_rsk(req)->opt);\n}\n\n/*\n * Return 1 if a syncookie should be sent\n */\nint tcp_syn_flood_action(struct sock *sk,\n\t\t\t const struct sk_buff *skb,\n\t\t\t const char *proto)\n{\n\tconst char *msg = \"Dropping request\";\n\tint want_cookie = 0;\n\tstruct listen_sock *lopt;\n\n\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES\n\tif (sysctl_tcp_syncookies) {\n\t\tmsg = \"Sending cookies\";\n\t\twant_cookie = 1;\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_TCPREQQFULLDOCOOKIES);\n\t} else\n#endif\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_TCPREQQFULLDROP);\n\n\tlopt = inet_csk(sk)->icsk_accept_queue.listen_opt;\n\tif (!", "lopt->synflood_warned) {\n\t\tlopt->synflood_warned = 1;\n\t\tpr_info(\"%s: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. %s. Check SNMP counters.\\n\",\n\t\t\tproto, ntohs(tcp_hdr(skb)->dest), msg);\n\t}\n\treturn want_cookie;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_syn_flood_action);\n\n/*\n * Save and compile IPv4 options into the request_sock if needed.", "\n */\nstatic struct ip_options_rcu *tcp_v4_save_options(struct sock *sk,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct ip_options *opt = &(IPCB(skb)->opt);\n\tstruct ip_options_rcu *dopt = NULL;\n\n\tif (opt && opt->optlen) {\n\t\tint opt_size = sizeof(*dopt) + opt->optlen;\n\n\t\tdopt = kmalloc(opt_size, GFP_ATOMIC);\n\t\tif (dopt) {\n\t\t\tif (ip_options_echo(&dopt->opt, skb)) {\n\t\t\t\tkfree(dopt);\n\t\t\t\tdopt = NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn dopt;\n}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n/*\n * RFC2385 MD5 checksumming requires a mapping of\n * IP address->MD5 Key.", "\n * We need to maintain these in the sk structure.", "\n */\n\n/* Find the Key structure for an address. ", " */\nstruct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk,\n\t\t\t\t\t const union tcp_md5_addr *addr,\n\t\t\t\t\t int family)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *key;\n\tstruct hlist_node *pos;\n\tunsigned int size = sizeof(struct in_addr);\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig;\n\n\t/* caller either holds rcu_read_lock() or socket lock */\n\tmd5sig = rcu_dereference_check(tp->md5sig_info,\n\t\t\t\t sock_owned_by_user(sk) ||\n\t\t\t\t lockdep_is_held(&sk->sk_lock.slock));\n\tif (!", "md5sig)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6)\n\tif (family == AF_INET6)\n\t\tsize = sizeof(struct in6_addr);\n#endif\n\thlist_for_each_entry_rcu(key, pos, &md5sig->head, node) {\n\t\tif (key->family !", "= family)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\tif (!", "memcmp(&key->addr, addr, size))\n\t\t\treturn key;\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_md5_do_lookup);\n\nstruct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct sock *addr_sk)\n{\n\tunion tcp_md5_addr *addr;\n\n\taddr = (union tcp_md5_addr *)&inet_sk(addr_sk)->inet_daddr;\n\treturn tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr, AF_INET);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_md5_lookup);\n\nstatic struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_reqsk_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t struct request_sock *req)\n{\n\tunion tcp_md5_addr *addr;\n\n\taddr = (union tcp_md5_addr *)&inet_rsk(req)->rmt_addr;\n\treturn tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr, AF_INET);\n}\n\n/* This can be called on a newly created socket, from other files */\nint tcp_md5_do_add(struct sock *sk, const union tcp_md5_addr *addr,\n\t\t int family, const u8 *newkey, u8 newkeylen, gfp_t gfp)\n{\n\t/* Add Key to the list */\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *key;\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig;\n\n\tkey = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr, family);\n\tif (key) {\n\t\t/* Pre-existing entry - just update that one. */", "\n\t\tmemcpy(key->key, newkey, newkeylen);\n\t\tkey->keylen = newkeylen;\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tmd5sig = rcu_dereference_protected(tp->md5sig_info,\n\t\t\t\t\t sock_owned_by_user(sk));\n\tif (!", "md5sig) {\n\t\tmd5sig = kmalloc(sizeof(*md5sig), gfp);\n\t\tif (!", "md5sig)\n\t\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\t\tsk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK);\n\t\tINIT_HLIST_HEAD(&md5sig->head);\n\t\trcu_assign_pointer(tp->md5sig_info, md5sig);\n\t}\n\n\tkey = sock_kmalloc(sk, sizeof(*key), gfp);\n\tif (!", "key)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\tif (hlist_empty(&md5sig->head) && !", "tcp_alloc_md5sig_pool(sk)) {\n\t\tsock_kfree_s(sk, key, sizeof(*key));\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\n\tmemcpy(key->key, newkey, newkeylen);\n\tkey->keylen = newkeylen;\n\tkey->family = family;\n\tmemcpy(&key->addr, addr,\n\t (family == AF_INET6) ? ", "sizeof(struct in6_addr) :\n\t\t\t\t sizeof(struct in_addr));\n\thlist_add_head_rcu(&key->node, &md5sig->head);\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_md5_do_add);\n\nint tcp_md5_do_del(struct sock *sk, const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, int family)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *key;\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig;\n\n\tkey = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr, family);\n\tif (!", "key)\n\t\treturn -ENOENT;\n\thlist_del_rcu(&key->node);\n\tatomic_sub(sizeof(*key), &sk->sk_omem_alloc);\n\tkfree_rcu(key, rcu);\n\tmd5sig = rcu_dereference_protected(tp->md5sig_info,\n\t\t\t\t\t sock_owned_by_user(sk));\n\tif (hlist_empty(&md5sig->head))\n\t\ttcp_free_md5sig_pool();\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_md5_do_del);\n\nvoid tcp_clear_md5_list(struct sock *sk)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *key;\n\tstruct hlist_node *pos, *n;\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig;\n\n\tmd5sig = rcu_dereference_protected(tp->md5sig_info, 1);\n\n\tif (!", "hlist_empty(&md5sig->head))\n\t\ttcp_free_md5sig_pool();\n\thlist_for_each_entry_safe(key, pos, n, &md5sig->head, node) {\n\t\thlist_del_rcu(&key->node);\n\t\tatomic_sub(sizeof(*key), &sk->sk_omem_alloc);\n\t\tkfree_rcu(key, rcu);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic int tcp_v4_parse_md5_keys(struct sock *sk, char __user *optval,\n\t\t\t\t int optlen)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig cmd;\n\tstruct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cmd.tcpm_addr;\n\n\tif (optlen < sizeof(cmd))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (copy_from_user(&cmd, optval, sizeof(cmd)))\n\t\treturn -EFAULT;\n\n\tif (sin->sin_family !", "= AF_INET)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (!", "cmd.tcpm_key || !", "cmd.tcpm_keylen)\n\t\treturn tcp_md5_do_del(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin->sin_addr.s_addr,\n\t\t\t\t AF_INET);\n\n\tif (cmd.tcpm_keylen > TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\treturn tcp_md5_do_add(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin->sin_addr.s_addr,\n\t\t\t AF_INET, cmd.tcpm_key, cmd.tcpm_keylen,\n\t\t\t GFP_KERNEL);\n}\n\nstatic int tcp_v4_md5_hash_pseudoheader(struct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp,\n\t\t\t\t\t__be32 daddr, __be32 saddr, int nbytes)\n{\n\tstruct tcp4_pseudohdr *bp;\n\tstruct scatterlist sg;\n\n\tbp = &hp->md5_blk.ip4;\n\n\t/*\n\t * 1. ", "the TCP pseudo-header (in the order: source IP address,\n\t * destination IP address, zero-padded protocol number, and\n\t * segment length)\n\t */\n\tbp->saddr = saddr;\n\tbp->daddr = daddr;\n\tbp->pad = 0;\n\tbp->protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;\n\tbp->len = cpu_to_be16(nbytes);\n\n\tsg_init_one(&sg, bp, sizeof(*bp));\n\treturn crypto_hash_update(&hp->md5_desc, &sg, sizeof(*bp));\n}\n\nstatic int tcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr(char *md5_hash, const struct tcp_md5sig_key *key,\n\t\t\t __be32 daddr, __be32 saddr, const struct tcphdr *th)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp;\n\tstruct hash_desc *desc;\n\n\thp = tcp_get_md5sig_pool();\n\tif (!", "hp)\n\t\tgoto clear_hash_noput;\n\tdesc = &hp->md5_desc;\n\n\tif (crypto_hash_init(desc))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (tcp_v4_md5_hash_pseudoheader(hp, daddr, saddr, th->doff << 2))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (tcp_md5_hash_header(hp, th))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (tcp_md5_hash_key(hp, key))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (crypto_hash_final(desc, md5_hash))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\n\ttcp_put_md5sig_pool();\n\treturn 0;\n\nclear_hash:\n\ttcp_put_md5sig_pool();\nclear_hash_noput:\n\tmemset(md5_hash, 0, 16);\n\treturn 1;\n}\n\nint tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb(char *md5_hash, struct tcp_md5sig_key *key,\n\t\t\tconst struct sock *sk, const struct request_sock *req,\n\t\t\tconst struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp;\n\tstruct hash_desc *desc;\n\tconst struct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\t__be32 saddr, daddr;\n\n\tif (sk) {\n\t\tsaddr = inet_sk(sk)->inet_saddr;\n\t\tdaddr = inet_sk(sk)->inet_daddr;\n\t} else if (req) {\n\t\tsaddr = inet_rsk(req)->loc_addr;\n\t\tdaddr = inet_rsk(req)->rmt_addr;\n\t} else {\n\t\tconst struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\t\tsaddr = iph->saddr;\n\t\tdaddr = iph->daddr;\n\t}\n\n\thp = tcp_get_md5sig_pool();\n\tif (!", "hp)\n\t\tgoto clear_hash_noput;\n\tdesc = &hp->md5_desc;\n\n\tif (crypto_hash_init(desc))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\n\tif (tcp_v4_md5_hash_pseudoheader(hp, daddr, saddr, skb->len))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (tcp_md5_hash_header(hp, th))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (tcp_md5_hash_skb_data(hp, skb, th->doff << 2))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (tcp_md5_hash_key(hp, key))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\tif (crypto_hash_final(desc, md5_hash))\n\t\tgoto clear_hash;\n\n\ttcp_put_md5sig_pool();\n\treturn 0;\n\nclear_hash:\n\ttcp_put_md5sig_pool();\nclear_hash_noput:\n\tmemset(md5_hash, 0, 16);\n\treturn 1;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb);\n\nstatic int tcp_v4_inbound_md5_hash(struct sock *sk, const struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\t/*\n\t * This gets called for each TCP segment that arrives\n\t * so we want to be efficient.", "\n\t * We have 3 drop cases:\n\t * o No MD5 hash and one expected.", "\n\t * o MD5 hash and we're not expecting one.", "\n\t * o MD5 hash and its wrong.", "\n\t */\n\tconst __u8 *hash_location = NULL;\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *hash_expected;\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\tconst struct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\tint genhash;\n\tunsigned char newhash[16];\n\n\thash_expected = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&iph->saddr,\n\t\t\t\t\t AF_INET);\n\thash_location = tcp_parse_md5sig_option(th);\n\n\t/* We've parsed the options - do we have a hash? */", "\n\tif (!", "hash_expected && !", "hash_location)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tif (hash_expected && !", "hash_location) {\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_TCPMD5NOTFOUND);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "hash_expected && hash_location) {\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_TCPMD5UNEXPECTED);\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Okay, so this is hash_expected and hash_location -\n\t * so we need to calculate the checksum.", "\n\t */\n\tgenhash = tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb(newhash,\n\t\t\t\t hash_expected,\n\t\t\t\t NULL, NULL, skb);\n\n\tif (genhash || memcmp(hash_location, newhash, 16) !", "= 0) {\n\t\tif (net_ratelimit()) {\n\t\t\tpr_info(\"MD5 Hash failed for (%pI4, %d)->(%pI4, %d)%s\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t&iph->saddr, ntohs(th->source),\n\t\t\t\t&iph->daddr, ntohs(th->dest),\n\t\t\t\tgenhash ? \" ", "tcp_v4_calc_md5_hash failed\" : \"\");\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n#endif\n\nstruct request_sock_ops tcp_request_sock_ops __read_mostly = {\n\t.family\t\t=\tPF_INET,\n\t.obj_size\t=\tsizeof(struct tcp_request_sock),\n\t.rtx_syn_ack\t=\ttcp_v4_rtx_synack,\n\t.send_ack\t=\ttcp_v4_reqsk_send_ack,\n\t.destructor\t=\ttcp_v4_reqsk_destructor,\n\t.send_reset\t=\ttcp_v4_send_reset,\n\t.syn_ack_timeout = \ttcp_syn_ack_timeout,\n};\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\nstatic const struct tcp_request_sock_ops tcp_request_sock_ipv4_ops = {\n\t.md5_lookup\t=\ttcp_v4_reqsk_md5_lookup,\n\t.calc_md5_hash\t=\ttcp_v4_md5_hash_skb,\n};\n#endif\n\nint tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_extend_values tmp_ext;\n\tstruct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;\n\tconst u8 *hash_location;\n\tstruct request_sock *req;\n\tstruct inet_request_sock *ireq;\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tstruct dst_entry *dst = NULL;\n\t__be32 saddr = ip_hdr(skb)->saddr;\n\t__be32 daddr = ip_hdr(skb)->daddr;\n\t__u32 isn = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when;\n\tint want_cookie = 0;\n\n\t/* Never answer to SYNs send to broadcast or multicast */\n\tif (skb_rtable(skb)->rt_flags & (RTCF_BROADCAST | RTCF_MULTICAST))\n\t\tgoto drop;\n\n\t/* TW buckets are converted to open requests without\n\t * limitations, they conserve resources and peer is\n\t * evidently real one.", "\n\t */\n\tif (inet_csk_reqsk_queue_is_full(sk) && !", "isn) {\n\t\twant_cookie = tcp_syn_flood_action(sk, skb, \"TCP\");\n\t\tif (!", "want_cookie)\n\t\t\tgoto drop;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Accept backlog is full. ", "If we have already queued enough\n\t * of warm entries in syn queue, drop request. ", "It is better than\n\t * clogging syn queue with openreqs with exponentially increasing\n\t * timeout.", "\n\t */\n\tif (sk_acceptq_is_full(sk) && inet_csk_reqsk_queue_young(sk) > 1)\n\t\tgoto drop;\n\n\treq = inet_reqsk_alloc(&tcp_request_sock_ops);\n\tif (!", "req)\n\t\tgoto drop;\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\ttcp_rsk(req)->af_specific = &tcp_request_sock_ipv4_ops;\n#endif\n\n\ttcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);\n\ttmp_opt.mss_clamp = TCP_MSS_DEFAULT;\n\ttmp_opt.user_mss = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;\n\ttcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, &hash_location, 0);\n\n\tif (tmp_opt.cookie_plus > 0 &&\n\t tmp_opt.saw_tstamp &&\n\t !", "tp->rx_opt.cookie_out_never &&\n\t (sysctl_tcp_cookie_size > 0 ||\n\t (tp->cookie_values !", "= NULL &&\n\t tp->cookie_values->cookie_desired > 0))) {\n\t\tu8 *c;\n\t\tu32 *mess = &tmp_ext.cookie_bakery[COOKIE_DIGEST_WORDS];\n\t\tint l = tmp_opt.cookie_plus - TCPOLEN_COOKIE_BASE;\n\n\t\tif (tcp_cookie_generator(&tmp_ext.cookie_bakery[0]) !", "= 0)\n\t\t\tgoto drop_and_release;\n\n\t\t/* Secret recipe starts with IP addresses */\n\t\t*mess++ ^= (__force u32)daddr;\n\t\t*mess++ ^= (__force u32)saddr;\n\n\t\t/* plus variable length Initiator Cookie */\n\t\tc = (u8 *)mess;\n\t\twhile (l-- > 0)\n\t\t\t*c++ ^= *hash_location++;\n\n\t\twant_cookie = 0;\t/* not our kind of cookie */\n\t\ttmp_ext.cookie_out_never = 0; /* false */\n\t\ttmp_ext.cookie_plus = tmp_opt.cookie_plus;\n\t} else if (!", "tp->rx_opt.cookie_in_always) {\n\t\t/* redundant indications, but ensure initialization. */", "\n\t\ttmp_ext.cookie_out_never = 1; /* true */\n\t\ttmp_ext.cookie_plus = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tgoto drop_and_release;\n\t}\n\ttmp_ext.cookie_in_always = tp->rx_opt.cookie_in_always;\n\n\tif (want_cookie && !", "tmp_opt.saw_tstamp)\n\t\ttcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);\n\n\ttmp_opt.tstamp_ok = tmp_opt.saw_tstamp;\n\ttcp_openreq_init(req, &tmp_opt, skb);\n\n\tireq = inet_rsk(req);\n\tireq->loc_addr = daddr;\n\tireq->rmt_addr = saddr;\n\tireq->no_srccheck = inet_sk(sk)->transparent;\n\tireq->opt = tcp_v4_save_options(sk, skb);\n\tireq->ir_mark = inet_request_mark(sk, skb);\n\n\tif (security_inet_conn_request(sk, skb, req))\n\t\tgoto drop_and_free;\n\n\tif (!", "want_cookie || tmp_opt.tstamp_ok)\n\t\tTCP_ECN_create_request(req, tcp_hdr(skb));\n\n\tif (want_cookie) {\n\t\tisn = cookie_v4_init_sequence(sk, skb, &req->mss);\n\t\treq->cookie_ts = tmp_opt.tstamp_ok;\n\t} else if (!", "isn) {\n\t\tstruct inet_peer *peer = NULL;\n\t\tstruct flowi4 fl4;\n\n\t\t/* VJ's idea. ", "We save last timestamp seen\n\t\t * from the destination in peer table, when entering\n\t\t * state TIME-WAIT, and check against it before\n\t\t * accepting new connection request.", "\n\t\t *\n\t\t * If \"isn\" is not zero, this request hit alive\n\t\t * timewait bucket, so that all the necessary checks\n\t\t * are made in the function processing timewait state.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp &&\n\t\t tcp_death_row.sysctl_tw_recycle &&\n\t\t (dst = inet_csk_route_req(sk, &fl4, req)) !", "= NULL &&\n\t\t fl4.daddr == saddr &&\n\t\t (peer = rt_get_peer((struct rtable *)dst, fl4.daddr)) !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\tinet_peer_refcheck(peer);\n\t\t\tif ((u32)get_seconds() - peer->tcp_ts_stamp < TCP_PAWS_MSL &&\n\t\t\t (s32)(peer->tcp_ts - req->ts_recent) >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTCP_PAWS_WINDOW) {\n\t\t\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_PAWSPASSIVEREJECTED);\n\t\t\t\tgoto drop_and_release;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t/* Kill the following clause, if you dislike this way. */", "\n\t\telse if (!", "sysctl_tcp_syncookies &&\n\t\t\t (sysctl_max_syn_backlog - inet_csk_reqsk_queue_len(sk) <\n\t\t\t (sysctl_max_syn_backlog >> 2)) &&\n\t\t\t (!", "peer || !", "peer->tcp_ts_stamp) &&\n\t\t\t (!", "dst || !", "dst_metric(dst, RTAX_RTT))) {\n\t\t\t/* Without syncookies last quarter of\n\t\t\t * backlog is filled with destinations,\n\t\t\t * proven to be alive.", "\n\t\t\t * It means that we continue to communicate\n\t\t\t * to destinations, already remembered\n\t\t\t * to the moment of synflood.", "\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tLIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt(\"drop open request from %pI4/%u\\n\"),\n\t\t\t\t &saddr, ntohs(tcp_hdr(skb)->source));\n\t\t\tgoto drop_and_release;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tisn = tcp_v4_init_sequence(skb);\n\t}\n\ttcp_rsk(req)->snt_isn = isn;\n\ttcp_rsk(req)->snt_synack = tcp_time_stamp;\n\n\tif (tcp_v4_send_synack(sk, dst, req,\n\t\t\t (struct request_values *)&tmp_ext) ||\n\t want_cookie)\n\t\tgoto drop_and_free;\n\n\tinet_csk_reqsk_queue_hash_add(sk, req, TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT);\n\treturn 0;\n\ndrop_and_release:\n\tdst_release(dst);\ndrop_and_free:\n\treqsk_free(req);\ndrop:\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_conn_request);\n\n\n/*\n * The three way handshake has completed - we got a valid synack -\n * now create the new socket.", "\n */\nstruct sock *tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,\n\t\t\t\t struct request_sock *req,\n\t\t\t\t struct dst_entry *dst)\n{\n\tstruct inet_request_sock *ireq;\n\tstruct inet_sock *newinet;\n\tstruct tcp_sock *newtp;\n\tstruct sock *newsk;\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\tstruct tcp_md5sig_key *key;\n#endif\n\tstruct ip_options_rcu *inet_opt;\n\n\tif (sk_acceptq_is_full(sk))\n\t\tgoto exit_overflow;\n\n\tnewsk = tcp_create_openreq_child(sk, req, skb);\n\tif (!", "newsk)\n\t\tgoto exit_nonewsk;\n\n\tnewsk->sk_gso_type = SKB_GSO_TCPV4;\n\n\tnewtp\t\t = tcp_sk(newsk);\n\tnewinet\t\t = inet_sk(newsk);\n\tireq\t\t = inet_rsk(req);\n\tnewinet->inet_daddr = ireq->rmt_addr;\n\tnewinet->inet_rcv_saddr = ireq->loc_addr;\n\tnewinet->inet_saddr\t = ireq->loc_addr;\n\tinet_opt\t = ireq->opt;\n\trcu_assign_pointer(newinet->inet_opt, inet_opt);\n\tireq->opt\t = NULL;\n\tnewinet->mc_index = inet_iif(skb);\n\tnewinet->mc_ttl\t = ip_hdr(skb)->ttl;\n\tnewinet->rcv_tos = ip_hdr(skb)->tos;\n\tinet_csk(newsk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = 0;\n\tif (inet_opt)\n\t\tinet_csk(newsk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = inet_opt->opt.optlen;\n\tnewinet->inet_id = newtp->write_seq ^ jiffies;\n\n\tif (!", "dst) {\n\t\tdst = inet_csk_route_child_sock(sk, newsk, req);\n\t\tif (!", "dst)\n\t\t\tgoto put_and_exit;\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* syncookie case : see end of cookie_v4_check() */\n\t}\n\tsk_setup_caps(newsk, dst);\n\n\ttcp_mtup_init(newsk);\n\ttcp_sync_mss(newsk, dst_mtu(dst));\n\tnewtp->advmss = dst_metric_advmss(dst);\n\tif (tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.user_mss &&\n\t tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.user_mss < newtp->advmss)\n\t\tnewtp->advmss = tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.user_mss;\n\n\ttcp_initialize_rcv_mss(newsk);\n\tif (tcp_rsk(req)->snt_synack)\n\t\ttcp_valid_rtt_meas(newsk,\n\t\t tcp_time_stamp - tcp_rsk(req)->snt_synack);\n\tnewtp->total_retrans = req->retrans;\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\t/* Copy over the MD5 key from the original socket */\n\tkey = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&newinet->inet_daddr,\n\t\t\t\tAF_INET);\n\tif (key !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * We're using one, so create a matching key\n\t\t * on the newsk structure. ", "If we fail to get\n\t\t * memory, then we end up not copying the key\n\t\t * across. ", "Shucks.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\ttcp_md5_do_add(newsk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&newinet->inet_daddr,\n\t\t\t AF_INET, key->key, key->keylen, GFP_ATOMIC);\n\t\tsk_nocaps_add(newsk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK);\n\t}\n#endif\n\n\tif (__inet_inherit_port(sk, newsk) < 0)\n\t\tgoto put_and_exit;\n\t__inet_hash_nolisten(newsk, NULL);\n\n\treturn newsk;\n\nexit_overflow:\n\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_LISTENOVERFLOWS);\nexit_nonewsk:\n\tdst_release(dst);\nexit:\n\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_LISTENDROPS);\n\treturn NULL;\nput_and_exit:\n\tinet_csk_prepare_forced_close(newsk);\n\ttcp_done(newsk);\n\tgoto exit;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock);\n\nstatic struct sock *tcp_v4_hnd_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\tstruct sock *nsk;\n\tstruct request_sock **prev;\n\t/* Find possible connection requests. */", "\n\tstruct request_sock *req = inet_csk_search_req(sk, &prev, th->source,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t iph->saddr, iph->daddr);\n\tif (req)\n\t\treturn tcp_check_req(sk, skb, req, prev);\n\n\tnsk = inet_lookup_established(sock_net(sk), &tcp_hashinfo, iph->saddr,\n\t\t\tth->source, iph->daddr, th->dest, inet_iif(skb));\n\n\tif (nsk) {\n\t\tif (nsk->sk_state !", "= TCP_TIME_WAIT) {\n\t\t\tbh_lock_sock(nsk);\n\t\t\treturn nsk;\n\t\t}\n\t\tinet_twsk_put(inet_twsk(nsk));\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES\n\tif (!", "th->syn)\n\t\tsk = cookie_v4_check(sk, skb, &(IPCB(skb)->opt));\n#endif\n\treturn sk;\n}\n\nstatic __sum16 tcp_v4_checksum_init(struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\n\tif (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_COMPLETE) {\n\t\tif (!", "tcp_v4_check(skb->len, iph->saddr,\n\t\t\t\t iph->daddr, skb->csum)) {\n\t\t\tskb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tskb->csum = csum_tcpudp_nofold(iph->saddr, iph->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t skb->len, IPPROTO_TCP, 0);\n\n\tif (skb->len <= 76) {\n\t\treturn __skb_checksum_complete(skb);\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\n/* The socket must have it's spinlock held when we get\n * here.", "\n *\n * We have a potential double-lock case here, so even when\n * doing backlog processing we use the BH locking scheme.", "\n * This is because we cannot sleep with the original spinlock\n * held.", "\n */\nint tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct sock *rsk;\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\t/*\n\t * We really want to reject the packet as early as possible\n\t * if:\n\t * o We're expecting an MD5'd packet and this is no MD5 tcp option\n\t * o There is an MD5 option and we're not expecting one\n\t */\n\tif (tcp_v4_inbound_md5_hash(sk, skb))\n\t\tgoto discard;\n#endif\n\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED) { /* Fast path */\n\t\tsock_rps_save_rxhash(sk, skb);\n\t\tif (tcp_rcv_established(sk, skb, tcp_hdr(skb), skb->len)) {\n\t\t\trsk = sk;\n\t\t\tgoto reset;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tif (skb->len < tcp_hdrlen(skb) || tcp_checksum_complete(skb))\n\t\tgoto csum_err;\n\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN) {\n\t\tstruct sock *nsk = tcp_v4_hnd_req(sk, skb);\n\t\tif (!", "nsk)\n\t\t\tgoto discard;\n\n\t\tif (nsk !", "= sk) {\n\t\t\tsock_rps_save_rxhash(nsk, skb);\n\t\t\tif (tcp_child_process(sk, nsk, skb)) {\n\t\t\t\trsk = nsk;\n\t\t\t\tgoto reset;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t}\n\t} else\n\t\tsock_rps_save_rxhash(sk, skb);\n\n\tif (tcp_rcv_state_process(sk, skb, tcp_hdr(skb), skb->len)) {\n\t\trsk = sk;\n\t\tgoto reset;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n\nreset:\n\ttcp_v4_send_reset(rsk, skb);\ndiscard:\n\tkfree_skb(skb);\n\t/* Be careful here. ", "If this function gets more complicated and\n\t * gcc suffers from register pressure on the x86, sk (in %ebx)\n\t * might be destroyed here. ", "This current version compiles correctly,\n\t * but you have been warned.", "\n\t */\n\treturn 0;\n\ncsum_err:\n\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), TCP_MIB_INERRS);\n\tgoto discard;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_do_rcv);\n\n/*\n *\tFrom tcp_input.c\n */\n\nint tcp_v4_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph;\n\tconst struct tcphdr *th;\n\tstruct sock *sk;\n\tint ret;\n\tstruct net *net = dev_net(skb->dev);\n\n\tif (skb->pkt_type !", "= PACKET_HOST)\n\t\tgoto discard_it;\n\n\t/* Count it even if it's bad */\n\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_INSEGS);\n\n\tif (!", "pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct tcphdr)))\n\t\tgoto discard_it;\n\n\tth = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\n\tif (th->doff < sizeof(struct tcphdr) / 4)\n\t\tgoto bad_packet;\n\tif (!", "pskb_may_pull(skb, th->doff * 4))\n\t\tgoto discard_it;\n\n\t/* An explanation is required here, I think.", "\n\t * Packet length and doff are validated by header prediction,\n\t * provided case of th->doff==0 is eliminated.", "\n\t * So, we defer the checks. */", "\n\tif (!", "skb_csum_unnecessary(skb) && tcp_v4_checksum_init(skb))\n\t\tgoto bad_packet;\n\n\tth = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\tiph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\tTCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq = ntohl(th->seq);\n\tTCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq = (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq + th->syn + th->fin +\n\t\t\t\t skb->len - th->doff * 4);\n\tTCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq = ntohl(th->ack_seq);\n\tTCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when\t = 0;\n\tTCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ip_dsfield = ipv4_get_dsfield(iph);\n\tTCP_SKB_CB(skb)->sacked\t = 0;\n\n\tsk = __inet_lookup_skb(&tcp_hashinfo, skb, th->source, th->dest);\n\tif (!", "sk)\n\t\tgoto no_tcp_socket;\n\nprocess:\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_TIME_WAIT)\n\t\tgoto do_time_wait;\n\n\tif (unlikely(iph->ttl < inet_sk(sk)->min_ttl)) {\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_TCPMINTTLDROP);\n\t\tgoto discard_and_relse;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "xfrm4_policy_check(sk, XFRM_POLICY_IN, skb))\n\t\tgoto discard_and_relse;\n\tnf_reset(skb);\n\n\tif (sk_filter(sk, skb))\n\t\tgoto discard_and_relse;\n\n\tskb->dev = NULL;\n\n\tbh_lock_sock_nested(sk);\n\tret = 0;\n\tif (!", "sock_owned_by_user(sk)) {\n#ifdef CONFIG_NET_DMA\n\t\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\t\tif (!", "tp->ucopy.dma_chan && tp->ucopy.pinned_list)\n\t\t\ttp->ucopy.dma_chan = net_dma_find_channel();\n\t\tif (tp->ucopy.dma_chan)\n\t\t\tret = tcp_v4_do_rcv(sk, skb);\n\t\telse\n#endif\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!", "tcp_prequeue(sk, skb))\n\t\t\t\tret = tcp_v4_do_rcv(sk, skb);\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (unlikely(sk_add_backlog(sk, skb))) {\n\t\tbh_unlock_sock(sk);\n\t\tNET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_TCPBACKLOGDROP);\n\t\tgoto discard_and_relse;\n\t}\n\tbh_unlock_sock(sk);\n\n\tsock_put(sk);\n\n\treturn ret;\n\nno_tcp_socket:\n\tif (!", "xfrm4_policy_check(NULL, XFRM_POLICY_IN, skb))\n\t\tgoto discard_it;\n\n\tif (skb->len < (th->doff << 2) || tcp_checksum_complete(skb)) {\nbad_packet:\n\t\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_INERRS);\n\t} else {\n\t\ttcp_v4_send_reset(NULL, skb);\n\t}\n\ndiscard_it:\n\t/* Discard frame. */", "\n\tkfree_skb(skb);\n\treturn 0;\n\ndiscard_and_relse:\n\tsock_put(sk);\n\tgoto discard_it;\n\ndo_time_wait:\n\tif (!", "xfrm4_policy_check(NULL, XFRM_POLICY_IN, skb)) {\n\t\tinet_twsk_put(inet_twsk(sk));\n\t\tgoto discard_it;\n\t}\n\n\tif (skb->len < (th->doff << 2) || tcp_checksum_complete(skb)) {\n\t\tTCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_INERRS);\n\t\tinet_twsk_put(inet_twsk(sk));\n\t\tgoto discard_it;\n\t}\n\tswitch (tcp_timewait_state_process(inet_twsk(sk), skb, th)) {\n\tcase TCP_TW_SYN: {\n\t\tstruct sock *sk2 = inet_lookup_listener(dev_net(skb->dev),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&tcp_hashinfo,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tiph->daddr, th->dest,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinet_iif(skb));\n\t\tif (sk2) {\n\t\t\tinet_twsk_deschedule(inet_twsk(sk), &tcp_death_row);\n\t\t\tinet_twsk_put(inet_twsk(sk));\n\t\t\tsk = sk2;\n\t\t\tgoto process;\n\t\t}\n\t\t/* Fall through to ACK */\n\t}\n\tcase TCP_TW_ACK:\n\t\ttcp_v4_timewait_ack(sk, skb);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase TCP_TW_RST:\n\t\tgoto no_tcp_socket;\n\tcase TCP_TW_SUCCESS:;\n\t}\n\tgoto discard_it;\n}\n\nstruct inet_peer *tcp_v4_get_peer(struct sock *sk, bool *release_it)\n{\n\tstruct rtable *rt = (struct rtable *) __sk_dst_get(sk);\n\tstruct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);\n\tstruct inet_peer *peer;\n\n\tif (!", "rt ||\n\t inet->cork.fl.u.ip4.daddr !", "= inet->inet_daddr) {\n\t\tpeer = inet_getpeer_v4(inet->inet_daddr, 1);\n\t\t*release_it = true;\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (!", "rt->peer)\n\t\t\trt_bind_peer(rt, inet->inet_daddr, 1);\n\t\tpeer = rt->peer;\n\t\t*release_it = false;\n\t}\n\n\treturn peer;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_get_peer);\n\nvoid *tcp_v4_tw_get_peer(struct sock *sk)\n{\n\tconst struct inet_timewait_sock *tw = inet_twsk(sk);\n\n\treturn inet_getpeer_v4(tw->tw_daddr, 1);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_tw_get_peer);\n\nstatic struct timewait_sock_ops tcp_timewait_sock_ops = {\n\t.twsk_obj_size\t= sizeof(struct tcp_timewait_sock),\n\t.twsk_unique\t= tcp_twsk_unique,\n\t.twsk_destructor= tcp_twsk_destructor,\n\t.twsk_getpeer\t= tcp_v4_tw_get_peer,\n};\n\nconst struct inet_connection_sock_af_ops ipv4_specific = {\n\t.queue_xmit\t = ip_queue_xmit,\n\t.send_check\t = tcp_v4_send_check,\n\t.rebuild_header\t = inet_sk_rebuild_header,\n\t.conn_request\t = tcp_v4_conn_request,\n\t.syn_recv_sock\t = tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock,\n\t.get_peer\t = tcp_v4_get_peer,\n\t.net_header_len\t = sizeof(struct iphdr),\n\t.setsockopt\t = ip_setsockopt,\n\t.getsockopt\t = ip_getsockopt,\n\t.addr2sockaddr\t = inet_csk_addr2sockaddr,\n\t.sockaddr_len\t = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in),\n\t.bind_conflict\t = inet_csk_bind_conflict,\n#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT\n\t.compat_setsockopt = compat_ip_setsockopt,\n\t.compat_getsockopt = compat_ip_getsockopt,\n#endif\n};\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv4_specific);\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\nstatic const struct tcp_sock_af_ops tcp_sock_ipv4_specific = {\n\t.md5_lookup\t\t= tcp_v4_md5_lookup,\n\t.calc_md5_hash\t\t= tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb,\n\t.md5_parse\t\t= tcp_v4_parse_md5_keys,\n};\n#endif\n\n/* NOTE: A lot of things set to zero explicitly by call to\n * sk_alloc() so need not be done here.", "\n */\nstatic int tcp_v4_init_sock(struct sock *sk)\n{\n\tstruct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk);\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\n\tskb_queue_head_init(&tp->out_of_order_queue);\n\ttcp_init_xmit_timers(sk);\n\ttcp_prequeue_init(tp);\n\n\ticsk->icsk_rto = TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT;\n\ttp->mdev = TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT;\n\n\t/* So many TCP implementations out there (incorrectly) count the\n\t * initial SYN frame in their delayed-ACK and congestion control\n\t * algorithms that we must have the following bandaid to talk\n\t * efficiently to them. ", " -DaveM\n\t */\n\ttp->snd_cwnd = TCP_INIT_CWND;\n\n\t/* See draft-stevens-tcpca-spec-01 for discussion of the\n\t * initialization of these values.", "\n\t */\n\ttp->snd_ssthresh = TCP_INFINITE_SSTHRESH;\n\ttp->snd_cwnd_clamp = ~0;\n\ttp->mss_cache = TCP_MSS_DEFAULT;\n\n\ttp->reordering = sysctl_tcp_reordering;\n\ticsk->icsk_ca_ops = &tcp_init_congestion_ops;\n\n\tsk->sk_state = TCP_CLOSE;\n\n\tsk->sk_write_space = sk_stream_write_space;\n\tsock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_USE_WRITE_QUEUE);\n\n\ticsk->icsk_af_ops = &ipv4_specific;\n\ticsk->icsk_sync_mss = tcp_sync_mss;\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\ttp->af_specific = &tcp_sock_ipv4_specific;\n#endif\n\n\t/* TCP Cookie Transactions */\n\tif (sysctl_tcp_cookie_size > 0) {\n\t\t/* Default, cookies without s_data_payload. */", "\n\t\ttp->cookie_values =\n\t\t\tkzalloc(sizeof(*tp->cookie_values),\n\t\t\t\tsk->sk_allocation);\n\t\tif (tp->cookie_values !", "= NULL)\n\t\t\tkref_init(&tp->cookie_values->kref);\n\t}\n\t/* Presumed zeroed, in order of appearance:\n\t *\tcookie_in_always, cookie_out_never,\n\t *\ts_data_constant, s_data_in, s_data_out\n\t */\n\tsk->sk_sndbuf = sysctl_tcp_wmem[1];\n\tsk->sk_rcvbuf = sysctl_tcp_rmem[1];\n\n\tlocal_bh_disable();\n\tsock_update_memcg(sk);\n\tsk_sockets_allocated_inc(sk);\n\tlocal_bh_enable();\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nvoid tcp_v4_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\n\ttcp_clear_xmit_timers(sk);\n\n\ttcp_cleanup_congestion_control(sk);\n\n\t/* Cleanup up the write buffer. */", "\n\ttcp_write_queue_purge(sk);\n\n\t/* Cleans up our, hopefully empty, out_of_order_queue. */", "\n\t__skb_queue_purge(&tp->out_of_order_queue);\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG\n\t/* Clean up the MD5 key list, if any */\n\tif (tp->md5sig_info) {\n\t\ttcp_clear_md5_list(sk);\n\t\tkfree_rcu(tp->md5sig_info, rcu);\n\t\ttp->md5sig_info = NULL;\n\t}\n#endif\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_NET_DMA\n\t/* Cleans up our sk_async_wait_queue */\n\t__skb_queue_purge(&sk->sk_async_wait_queue);\n#endif\n\n\t/* Clean prequeue, it must be empty really */\n\t__skb_queue_purge(&tp->ucopy.prequeue);\n\n\t/* Clean up a referenced TCP bind bucket. */", "\n\tif (inet_csk(sk)->icsk_bind_hash)\n\t\tinet_put_port(sk);\n\n\t/*\n\t * If sendmsg cached page exists, toss it.", "\n\t */\n\tif (sk->sk_sndmsg_page) {\n\t\t__free_page(sk->sk_sndmsg_page);\n\t\tsk->sk_sndmsg_page = NULL;\n\t}\n\n\t/* TCP Cookie Transactions */\n\tif (tp->cookie_values !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tkref_put(&tp->cookie_values->kref,\n\t\t\t tcp_cookie_values_release);\n\t\ttp->cookie_values = NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tsk_sockets_allocated_dec(sk);\n\tsock_release_memcg(sk);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_destroy_sock);\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS\n/* Proc filesystem TCP sock list dumping. */", "\n\nstatic inline struct inet_timewait_sock *tw_head(struct hlist_nulls_head *head)\n{\n\treturn hlist_nulls_empty(head) ? ", "NULL :\n\t\tlist_entry(head->first, struct inet_timewait_sock, tw_node);\n}\n\nstatic inline struct inet_timewait_sock *tw_next(struct inet_timewait_sock *tw)\n{\n\treturn !", "is_a_nulls(tw->tw_node.next) ?", "\n\t\thlist_nulls_entry(tw->tw_node.next, typeof(*tw), tw_node) : NULL;\n}\n\n/*\n * Get next listener socket follow cur. ", " If cur is NULL, get first socket\n * starting from bucket given in st->bucket; when st->bucket is zero the\n * very first socket in the hash table is returned.", "\n */\nstatic void *listening_get_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *cur)\n{\n\tstruct inet_connection_sock *icsk;\n\tstruct hlist_nulls_node *node;\n\tstruct sock *sk = cur;\n\tstruct inet_listen_hashbucket *ilb;\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tstruct net *net = seq_file_net(seq);\n\n\tif (!", "sk) {\n\t\tilb = &tcp_hashinfo.listening_hash[st->bucket];\n\t\tspin_lock_bh(&ilb->lock);\n\t\tsk = sk_nulls_head(&ilb->head);\n\t\tst->offset = 0;\n\t\tgoto get_sk;\n\t}\n\tilb = &tcp_hashinfo.listening_hash[st->bucket];\n\t++st->num;\n\t++st->offset;\n\n\tif (st->state == TCP_SEQ_STATE_OPENREQ) {\n\t\tstruct request_sock *req = cur;\n\n\t\ticsk = inet_csk(st->syn_wait_sk);\n\t\treq = req->dl_next;\n\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\twhile (req) {\n\t\t\t\tif (req->rsk_ops->family == st->family) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcur = req;\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treq = req->dl_next;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (++st->sbucket >= icsk->icsk_accept_queue.listen_opt->nr_table_entries)\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\nget_req:\n\t\t\treq = icsk->icsk_accept_queue.listen_opt->syn_table[st->sbucket];\n\t\t}\n\t\tsk\t = sk_nulls_next(st->syn_wait_sk);\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING;\n\t\tread_unlock_bh(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue.syn_wait_lock);\n\t} else {\n\t\ticsk = inet_csk(sk);\n\t\tread_lock_bh(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue.syn_wait_lock);\n\t\tif (reqsk_queue_len(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue))\n\t\t\tgoto start_req;\n\t\tread_unlock_bh(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue.syn_wait_lock);\n\t\tsk = sk_nulls_next(sk);\n\t}\nget_sk:\n\tsk_nulls_for_each_from(sk, node) {\n\t\tif (!", "net_eq(sock_net(sk), net))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\tif (sk->sk_family == st->family) {\n\t\t\tcur = sk;\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t\ticsk = inet_csk(sk);\n\t\tread_lock_bh(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue.syn_wait_lock);\n\t\tif (reqsk_queue_len(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue)) {\nstart_req:\n\t\t\tst->uid\t\t= sock_i_uid(sk);\n\t\t\tst->syn_wait_sk = sk;\n\t\t\tst->state\t= TCP_SEQ_STATE_OPENREQ;\n\t\t\tst->sbucket\t= 0;\n\t\t\tgoto get_req;\n\t\t}\n\t\tread_unlock_bh(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue.syn_wait_lock);\n\t}\n\tspin_unlock_bh(&ilb->lock);\n\tst->offset = 0;\n\tif (++st->bucket < INET_LHTABLE_SIZE) {\n\t\tilb = &tcp_hashinfo.listening_hash[st->bucket];\n\t\tspin_lock_bh(&ilb->lock);\n\t\tsk = sk_nulls_head(&ilb->head);\n\t\tgoto get_sk;\n\t}\n\tcur = NULL;\nout:\n\treturn cur;\n}\n\nstatic void *listening_get_idx(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t *pos)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tvoid *rc;\n\n\tst->bucket = 0;\n\tst->offset = 0;\n\trc = listening_get_next(seq, NULL);\n\n\twhile (rc && *pos) {\n\t\trc = listening_get_next(seq, rc);\n\t\t--*pos;\n\t}\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic inline int empty_bucket(struct tcp_iter_state *st)\n{\n\treturn hlist_nulls_empty(&tcp_hashinfo.ehash[st->bucket].chain) &&\n\t\thlist_nulls_empty(&tcp_hashinfo.ehash[st->bucket].twchain);\n}\n\n/*\n * Get first established socket starting from bucket given in st->bucket.", "\n * If st->bucket is zero, the very first socket in the hash is returned.", "\n */\nstatic void *established_get_first(struct seq_file *seq)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tstruct net *net = seq_file_net(seq);\n\tvoid *rc = NULL;\n\n\tst->offset = 0;\n\tfor (; st->bucket <= tcp_hashinfo.ehash_mask; ++st->bucket) {\n\t\tstruct sock *sk;\n\t\tstruct hlist_nulls_node *node;\n\t\tstruct inet_timewait_sock *tw;\n\t\tspinlock_t *lock = inet_ehash_lockp(&tcp_hashinfo, st->bucket);\n\n\t\t/* Lockless fast path for the common case of empty buckets */\n\t\tif (empty_bucket(st))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tspin_lock_bh(lock);\n\t\tsk_nulls_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_hashinfo.ehash[st->bucket].chain) {\n\t\t\tif (sk->sk_family !", "= st->family ||\n\t\t\t !", "net_eq(sock_net(sk), net)) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\trc = sk;\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT;\n\t\tinet_twsk_for_each(tw, node,\n\t\t\t\t &tcp_hashinfo.ehash[st->bucket].twchain) {\n\t\t\tif (tw->tw_family !", "= st->family ||\n\t\t\t !", "net_eq(twsk_net(tw), net)) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\trc = tw;\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t\tspin_unlock_bh(lock);\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED;\n\t}\nout:\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic void *established_get_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *cur)\n{\n\tstruct sock *sk = cur;\n\tstruct inet_timewait_sock *tw;\n\tstruct hlist_nulls_node *node;\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tstruct net *net = seq_file_net(seq);\n\n\t++st->num;\n\t++st->offset;\n\n\tif (st->state == TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT) {\n\t\ttw = cur;\n\t\ttw = tw_next(tw);\nget_tw:\n\t\twhile (tw && (tw->tw_family !", "= st->family || !", "net_eq(twsk_net(tw), net))) {\n\t\t\ttw = tw_next(tw);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (tw) {\n\t\t\tcur = tw;\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t\tspin_unlock_bh(inet_ehash_lockp(&tcp_hashinfo, st->bucket));\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED;\n\n\t\t/* Look for next non empty bucket */\n\t\tst->offset = 0;\n\t\twhile (++st->bucket <= tcp_hashinfo.ehash_mask &&\n\t\t\t\tempty_bucket(st))\n\t\t\t;\n\t\tif (st->bucket > tcp_hashinfo.ehash_mask)\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\t\tspin_lock_bh(inet_ehash_lockp(&tcp_hashinfo, st->bucket));\n\t\tsk = sk_nulls_head(&tcp_hashinfo.ehash[st->bucket].chain);\n\t} else\n\t\tsk = sk_nulls_next(sk);\n\n\tsk_nulls_for_each_from(sk, node) {\n\t\tif (sk->sk_family == st->family && net_eq(sock_net(sk), net))\n\t\t\tgoto found;\n\t}\n\n\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT;\n\ttw = tw_head(&tcp_hashinfo.ehash[st->bucket].twchain);\n\tgoto get_tw;\nfound:\n\tcur = sk;\nout:\n\treturn cur;\n}\n\nstatic void *established_get_idx(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t pos)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tvoid *rc;\n\n\tst->bucket = 0;\n\trc = established_get_first(seq);\n\n\twhile (rc && pos) {\n\t\trc = established_get_next(seq, rc);\n\t\t--pos;\n\t}\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic void *tcp_get_idx(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t pos)\n{\n\tvoid *rc;\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\n\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING;\n\trc\t = listening_get_idx(seq, &pos);\n\n\tif (!", "rc) {\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED;\n\t\trc\t = established_get_idx(seq, pos);\n\t}\n\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic void *tcp_seek_last_pos(struct seq_file *seq)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tint offset = st->offset;\n\tint orig_num = st->num;\n\tvoid *rc = NULL;\n\n\tswitch (st->state) {\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_OPENREQ:\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING:\n\t\tif (st->bucket >= INET_LHTABLE_SIZE)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING;\n\t\trc = listening_get_next(seq, NULL);\n\t\twhile (offset-- && rc)\n\t\t\trc = listening_get_next(seq, rc);\n\t\tif (rc)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tst->bucket = 0;\n\t\t/* Fallthrough */\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED:\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT:\n\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED;\n\t\tif (st->bucket > tcp_hashinfo.ehash_mask)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\trc = established_get_first(seq);\n\t\twhile (offset-- && rc)\n\t\t\trc = established_get_next(seq, rc);\n\t}\n\n\tst->num = orig_num;\n\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic void *tcp_seq_start(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t *pos)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tvoid *rc;\n\n\tif (*pos && *pos == st->last_pos) {\n\t\trc = tcp_seek_last_pos(seq);\n\t\tif (rc)\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING;\n\tst->num = 0;\n\tst->bucket = 0;\n\tst->offset = 0;\n\trc = *pos ? ", "tcp_get_idx(seq, *pos - 1) : SEQ_START_TOKEN;\n\nout:\n\tst->last_pos = *pos;\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic void *tcp_seq_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *v, loff_t *pos)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\tvoid *rc = NULL;\n\n\tif (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) {\n\t\trc = tcp_get_idx(seq, 0);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tswitch (st->state) {\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_OPENREQ:\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING:\n\t\trc = listening_get_next(seq, v);\n\t\tif (!", "rc) {\n\t\t\tst->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED;\n\t\t\tst->bucket = 0;\n\t\t\tst->offset = 0;\n\t\t\trc\t = established_get_first(seq);\n\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED:\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT:\n\t\trc = established_get_next(seq, v);\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\nout:\n\t++*pos;\n\tst->last_pos = *pos;\n\treturn rc;\n}\n\nstatic void tcp_seq_stop(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st = seq->private;\n\n\tswitch (st->state) {\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_OPENREQ:\n\t\tif (v) {\n\t\t\tstruct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(st->syn_wait_sk);\n\t\t\tread_unlock_bh(&icsk->icsk_accept_queue.syn_wait_lock);\n\t\t}\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING:\n\t\tif (v !", "= SEQ_START_TOKEN)\n\t\t\tspin_unlock_bh(&tcp_hashinfo.listening_hash[st->bucket].lock);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT:\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED:\n\t\tif (v)\n\t\t\tspin_unlock_bh(inet_ehash_lockp(&tcp_hashinfo, st->bucket));\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n}\n\nint tcp_seq_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_seq_afinfo *afinfo = PDE(inode)->data;\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *s;\n\tint err;\n\n\terr = seq_open_net(inode, file, &afinfo->seq_ops,\n\t\t\t sizeof(struct tcp_iter_state));\n\tif (err < 0)\n\t\treturn err;\n\n\ts = ((struct seq_file *)file->private_data)->private;\n\ts->family\t\t= afinfo->family;\n\ts->last_pos \t\t= 0;\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_seq_open);\n\nint tcp_proc_register(struct net *net, struct tcp_seq_afinfo *afinfo)\n{\n\tint rc = 0;\n\tstruct proc_dir_entry *p;\n\n\tafinfo->seq_ops.start\t\t= tcp_seq_start;\n\tafinfo->seq_ops.next\t\t= tcp_seq_next;\n\tafinfo->seq_ops.stop\t\t= tcp_seq_stop;\n\n\tp = proc_create_data(afinfo->name, S_IRUGO, net->proc_net,\n\t\t\t afinfo->seq_fops, afinfo);\n\tif (!", "p)\n\t\trc = -ENOMEM;\n\treturn rc;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_proc_register);\n\nvoid tcp_proc_unregister(struct net *net, struct tcp_seq_afinfo *afinfo)\n{\n\tproc_net_remove(net, afinfo->name);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_proc_unregister);\n\nstatic void get_openreq4(const struct sock *sk, const struct request_sock *req,\n\t\t\t struct seq_file *f, int i, int uid)\n{\n\tconst struct inet_request_sock *ireq = inet_rsk(req);\n\tint ttd = req->expires - jiffies;\n\n\tseq_printf(f, \"%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X\"\n\t\t\" %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %u %d %pK\",\n\t\ti,\n\t\tireq->loc_addr,\n\t\tntohs(inet_sk(sk)->inet_sport),\n\t\tireq->rmt_addr,\n\t\tntohs(ireq->rmt_port),\n\t\tTCP_SYN_RECV,\n\t\t0, 0, /* could print option size, but that is af dependent. */", "\n\t\t1, /* timers active (only the expire timer) */\n\t\tjiffies_to_clock_t(ttd),\n\t\treq->retrans,\n\t\tuid,\n\t\t0, /* non standard timer */\n\t\t0, /* open_requests have no inode */\n\t\tatomic_read(&sk->sk_refcnt),\n\t\treq);\n}\n\nstatic void get_tcp4_sock(struct sock *sk, struct seq_file *f, int i)\n{\n\tint timer_active;\n\tunsigned long timer_expires;\n\tconst struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);\n\tconst struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk);\n\tconst struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);\n\t__be32 dest = inet->inet_daddr;\n\t__be32 src = inet->inet_rcv_saddr;\n\t__u16 destp = ntohs(inet->inet_dport);\n\t__u16 srcp = ntohs(inet->inet_sport);\n\tint rx_queue;\n\n\tif (icsk->icsk_pending == ICSK_TIME_RETRANS) {\n\t\ttimer_active\t= 1;\n\t\ttimer_expires\t= icsk->icsk_timeout;\n\t} else if (icsk->icsk_pending == ICSK_TIME_PROBE0) {\n\t\ttimer_active\t= 4;\n\t\ttimer_expires\t= icsk->icsk_timeout;\n\t} else if (timer_pending(&sk->sk_timer)) {\n\t\ttimer_active\t= 2;\n\t\ttimer_expires\t= sk->sk_timer.expires;\n\t} else {\n\t\ttimer_active\t= 0;\n\t\ttimer_expires = jiffies;\n\t}\n\n\tif (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN)\n\t\trx_queue = sk->sk_ack_backlog;\n\telse\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * because we dont lock socket, we might find a transient negative value\n\t\t */\n\t\trx_queue = max_t(int, tp->rcv_nxt - tp->copied_seq, 0);\n\n\tseq_printf(f, \"%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX \"\n\t\t\t\"%08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %lu %lu %u %u %d\",\n\t\ti, src, srcp, dest, destp, sk->sk_state,\n\t\ttp->write_seq - tp->snd_una,\n\t\trx_queue,\n\t\ttimer_active,\n\t\tjiffies_to_clock_t(timer_expires - jiffies),\n\t\ticsk->icsk_retransmits,\n\t\tsock_i_uid(sk),\n\t\ticsk->icsk_probes_out,\n\t\tsock_i_ino(sk),\n\t\tatomic_read(&sk->sk_refcnt), sk,\n\t\tjiffies_to_clock_t(icsk->icsk_rto),\n\t\tjiffies_to_clock_t(icsk->icsk_ack.ato),\n\t\t(icsk->icsk_ack.quick << 1) | icsk->icsk_ack.pingpong,\n\t\ttp->snd_cwnd,\n\t\ttcp_in_initial_slowstart(tp) ? ", "-1 : tp->snd_ssthresh);\n\n}\n\nstatic void get_timewait4_sock(const struct inet_timewait_sock *tw,\n\t\t\t struct seq_file *f, int i)\n{\n\t__be32 dest, src;\n\t__u16 destp, srcp;\n\tint ttd = tw->tw_ttd - jiffies;\n\n\tif (ttd < 0)\n\t\tttd = 0;\n\n\tdest = tw->tw_daddr;\n\tsrc = tw->tw_rcv_saddr;\n\tdestp = ntohs(tw->tw_dport);\n\tsrcp = ntohs(tw->tw_sport);\n\n\tseq_printf(f, \"%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X\"\n\t\t\" %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %pK\",\n\t\ti, src, srcp, dest, destp, tw->tw_substate, 0, 0,\n\t\t3, jiffies_to_clock_t(ttd), 0, 0, 0, 0,\n\t\tatomic_read(&tw->tw_refcnt), tw);\n}\n\n#define TMPSZ 150\n\nstatic int tcp4_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)\n{\n\tstruct tcp_iter_state *st;\n\n\tseq_setwidth(seq, TMPSZ - 1);\n\tif (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) {\n\t\tseq_puts(seq, \" sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue \"\n\t\t\t \"rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout \"\n\t\t\t \"inode\");\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\tst = seq->private;\n\n\tswitch (st->state) {\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_LISTENING:\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_ESTABLISHED:\n\t\tget_tcp4_sock(v, seq, st->num);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_OPENREQ:\n\t\tget_openreq4(st->syn_wait_sk, v, seq, st->num, st->uid);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT:\n\t\tget_timewait4_sock(v, seq, st->num);\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\nout:\n\tseq_pad(seq, '\\n');\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic const struct file_operations tcp_afinfo_seq_fops = {\n\t.owner = THIS_MODULE,\n\t.open = tcp_seq_open,\n\t.read = seq_read,\n\t.llseek = seq_lseek,\n\t.release = seq_release_net\n};\n\nstatic struct tcp_seq_afinfo tcp4_seq_afinfo = {\n\t.name\t\t= \"tcp\",\n\t.family\t\t= AF_INET,\n\t.seq_fops\t= &tcp_afinfo_seq_fops,\n\t.seq_ops\t= {\n\t\t.show\t\t= tcp4_seq_show,\n\t},\n};\n\nstatic int __net_init tcp4_proc_init_net(struct net *net)\n{\n\treturn tcp_proc_register(net, &tcp4_seq_afinfo);\n}\n\nstatic void __net_exit tcp4_proc_exit_net(struct net *net)\n{\n\ttcp_proc_unregister(net, &tcp4_seq_afinfo);\n}\n\nstatic struct pernet_operations tcp4_net_ops = {\n\t.init = tcp4_proc_init_net,\n\t.exit = tcp4_proc_exit_net,\n};\n\nint __init tcp4_proc_init(void)\n{\n\treturn register_pernet_subsys(&tcp4_net_ops);\n}\n\nvoid tcp4_proc_exit(void)\n{\n\tunregister_pernet_subsys(&tcp4_net_ops);\n}\n#endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */\n\nstruct sk_buff **tcp4_gro_receive(struct sk_buff **head, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph = skb_gro_network_header(skb);\n\n\tswitch (skb->ip_summed) {\n\tcase CHECKSUM_COMPLETE:\n\t\tif (!", "tcp_v4_check(skb_gro_len(skb), iph->saddr, iph->daddr,\n\t\t\t\t skb->csum)) {\n\t\t\tskb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* fall through */\n\tcase CHECKSUM_NONE:\n\t\tNAPI_GRO_CB(skb)->flush = 1;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\treturn tcp_gro_receive(head, skb);\n}\n\nint tcp4_gro_complete(struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tconst struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);\n\tstruct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb);\n\n\tth->check = ~tcp_v4_check(skb->len - skb_transport_offset(skb),\n\t\t\t\t iph->saddr, iph->daddr, 0);\n\tskb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type = SKB_GSO_TCPV4;\n\n\treturn tcp_gro_complete(skb);\n}\n\nstruct proto tcp_prot = {\n\t.name\t\t\t= \"TCP\",\n\t.owner\t\t\t= THIS_MODULE,\n\t.close\t\t\t= tcp_close,\n\t.connect\t\t= tcp_v4_connect,\n\t.disconnect\t\t= tcp_disconnect,\n\t.accept\t\t\t= inet_csk_accept,\n\t.ioctl\t\t\t= tcp_ioctl,\n\t.init\t\t\t= tcp_v4_init_sock,\n\t.destroy\t\t= tcp_v4_destroy_sock,\n\t.shutdown\t\t= tcp_shutdown,\n\t.setsockopt\t\t= tcp_setsockopt,\n\t.getsockopt\t\t= tcp_getsockopt,\n\t.recvmsg\t\t= tcp_recvmsg,\n\t.sendmsg\t\t= tcp_sendmsg,\n\t.sendpage\t\t= tcp_sendpage,\n\t.backlog_rcv\t\t= tcp_v4_do_rcv,\n\t.hash\t\t\t= inet_hash,\n\t.unhash\t\t\t= inet_unhash,\n\t.get_port\t\t= inet_csk_get_port,\n\t.enter_memory_pressure\t= tcp_enter_memory_pressure,\n\t.sockets_allocated\t= &tcp_sockets_allocated,\n\t.orphan_count\t\t= &tcp_orphan_count,\n\t.memory_allocated\t= &tcp_memory_allocated,\n\t.memory_pressure\t= &tcp_memory_pressure,\n\t.sysctl_wmem\t\t= sysctl_tcp_wmem,\n\t.sysctl_rmem\t\t= sysctl_tcp_rmem,\n\t.max_header\t\t= MAX_TCP_HEADER,\n\t.obj_size\t\t= sizeof(struct tcp_sock),\n\t.slab_flags\t\t= SLAB_DESTROY_BY_RCU,\n\t.twsk_prot\t\t= &tcp_timewait_sock_ops,\n\t.rsk_prot\t\t= &tcp_request_sock_ops,\n\t.h.hashinfo\t\t= &tcp_hashinfo,\n\t.no_autobind\t\t= true,\n#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT\n\t.compat_setsockopt\t= compat_tcp_setsockopt,\n\t.compat_getsockopt\t= compat_tcp_getsockopt,\n#endif\n#ifdef CONFIG_CGROUP_MEM_RES_CTLR_KMEM\n\t.init_cgroup\t\t= tcp_init_cgroup,\n\t.destroy_cgroup\t\t= tcp_destroy_cgroup,\n\t.proto_cgroup\t\t= tcp_proto_cgroup,\n#endif\n\t.diag_destroy\t\t= tcp_abort,\n};\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_prot);\n\nstatic int __net_init tcp_sk_init(struct net *net)\n{\n\treturn inet_ctl_sock_create(&net->ipv4.tcp_sock,\n\t\t\t\t PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP, net);\n}\n\nstatic void __net_exit tcp_sk_exit(struct net *net)\n{\n\tinet_ctl_sock_destroy(net->ipv4.tcp_sock);\n}\n\nstatic void __net_exit tcp_sk_exit_batch(struct list_head *net_exit_list)\n{\n\tinet_twsk_purge(&tcp_hashinfo, &tcp_death_row, AF_INET);\n}\n\nstatic struct pernet_operations __net_initdata tcp_sk_ops = {\n .init\t = tcp_sk_init,\n .exit\t = tcp_sk_exit,\n .exit_batch = tcp_sk_exit_batch,\n};\n\nvoid __init tcp_v4_init(void)\n{\n\tinet_hashinfo_init(&tcp_hashinfo);\n\tif (register_pernet_subsys(&tcp_sk_ops))\n\t\tpanic(\"Failed to create the TCP control socket.\\n\");\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to get first name and last name from ContactInformation?", "\n\nI'm using the ContactPicker in a Windows Store application, and I need to retrieve the first name and last name separately for the selected contact. ", "Unfortunately, the ContactInformation class only has a Name property, where both parts of the name are concatenated. ", "The CustomFields property is empty.", "\nI find it hard to believe that there is no way to access the first name and last name, since they are stored separately in the Contacts application...\nAny idea?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe ContactInformation class has been deprecated in Windows 8.1, and replaced by the Contact class, which provides more detailed information, including first and last name.", "\nEDIT: actually, this doesn't work; the FirstName property contains the concatenated first and last name, and the LastName property is empty... Not sure if this is a bug in the ContactPicker API or in the Contacts app.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.015625, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Towards a theory of ecotone resilience: coastal vegetation on a salinity gradient.", "\nEcotones represent locations where vegetation change is likely to occur as a result of climate and other environmental changes. ", "Using a model of an ecotone vulnerable to such future changes, we estimated the resilience of the ecotone to disturbances. ", "The specific ecotone is that between two different vegetation types, salinity-tolerant and salinity-intolerant, along a gradient in groundwater salinity. ", "In the case studied, each vegetation type, through soil feedback loops, promoted local soil salinity levels that favor itself in competition with the other type. ", "Bifurcation analysis was used to study the system of equations for the two vegetation types and soil salinity. ", "Alternative stable equilibria, one for salinity-tolerant and one for salinity intolerant vegetation, were shown to exist over a region of the groundwater salinity gradient, bounded by two bifurcation points. ", "This region was shown to depend sensitively on parameters such as the rate of upward infiltration of salinity from groundwater into the soil due to evaporation. ", "We showed also that increasing diffusion rates of vegetation can lead to shrinkage of the range between the two bifurcation points. ", "Sharp ecotones are typical of salt-tolerant vegetation (mangroves) near the coastline and salt-intolerant vegetation inland, even though the underlying elevation and groundwater salinity change very gradually. ", "A disturbance such as an input of salinity to the soil from a storm surge could upset this stable boundary, leading to a regime shift of salinity-tolerant vegetation inland. ", "We showed, however, that, for our model as least, a simple pulse disturbance would not be sufficient; the salinity would have to be held at a high level, as a 'press', for some time. ", "The approach used here should be generalizable to study the resilience of a variety of ecotones to disturbances." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Primer Equipo\n\nFAZIO: “ME SIENTO MEJOR QUE NUNCA\"\n\nEl jugador argentino se muestra ilusionado con la oportunidad de estar aquí seis meses más\n\nEl Sevilla FC presentó este martes en la sala de prensa del estadio al nuevo fichaje sevillista, Federico Fazio. ", "El jugador confesó que su regreso \"lo viví muy tranquilo porque el verano anterior ya lo viví una situación parecida. ", "Así que tranquilo porque además sabía que se iba a decidir en los últimos días. ", "Por suerte ha salido bien”. ", "La pregunta está ahora en cómo llega. ", "Pese a no haber jugado apenas en los últimos seis meses, Fazio se siente a tope: “No hay mejor ocasión que llegar y a dos días tener una semifinal. ", "Tres partidos contra el mismo rival tanto en Copa y Liga. ", "No hay mejor ocasión que llegar ahora. ", "Estoy con mucha ilusión y muchas ganas. ", "Estoy aquí para sumar y para lo que necesite Unai Emery. ", "En estos últimos seis meses jugué solo un partido pero sabía que no iba a estar entre los planes del antiguo club. ", "He entrenado más que nunca, me siento mejor que nunca, es verdad que no es la misma sensación que si hubiera jugado, pero he estado entrenando al 200 por cien. ", "Me siento mejor que nunca y estoy mejor que nunca”.", "\n\n\"He estado entrenando al 200 por cien\" Obviamente, también se tocó el tema de su salida en agosto de 2014: “Me hubiera gustado salir de otra forma, pero bueno, también buscaba nuevos retos, nuevos desafíos. ", "Empiezo ahora con muchas ganas e ilusión y a darlo todo como siempre. ", "Vengo aquí para sumar, para poder estar estos seis meses con un gran grupo y que podamos conseguir el objetivo. ", "Estoy preparado para darlo todo”. ", "En este sentido, preguntado por si se arrepiente de haber salido de Nervión, señaló que \"un jugador no puede pensar así. ", "He estado ocho años en este club y han venido y se han ido muchos jugadores. ", "Nuestra profesión es así”. ", "Fazio no mira más allá de esta temporada, por ello no se plantea lo que ocurriá en la siguiente campaña: “Vengo por ahora estos seis meses. ", "Ojalá que se consigan los objetivos y que lleguemos lejos en todas las competiciones. ", "Lo importante es conseguir los objetivos estos seis meses”. ", "Finalmente, el central argentino quiso agradecer al presidente y al director deportivo su implicación: ”Agradezco a Monchi, al presidente y a Unai todo lo que han hecho por mi vuelta al Sevilla”." ]
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[ "WINNIPEG -- Not all Manitobans are happy with the province’s plans to turn Winnipeg’s South Perimeter Highway into a freeway.", "\n\nOn Tuesday evening, the province invited Manitobans to a free public information session in order to hear feedback on the province’s long-term vision for a safer South Perimeter Highway.", "\n\nThe design to upgrade the highway to a six-lane modern freeway was started in 2018. ", "The province said the design would get rid of level crossings and intersections, opting instead for interchanges and overpasses with railway crossings running under the road.", "\n\n“This is just a plan – a vision to get us to controlled access. ", "There will be no stoplights, people will not have to cross the highway with conflicting traffic,” Don McRitchie, manager of capital projects with the province, told CTV News at the public session Tuesday night.", "\n\n“We’re only talking about the south half of the Perimeter, from Fermor, basically to Portage Avenue.”", "\n\nThe province has reached the third and final stage of the public engagement process.", "\n\nMcRitchie said this stage of public engagement is showing the province’s recommended changes to the South Perimeter. ", "People who attended the sessions were given the opportunity to give their feedback verbally and in a written questionnaire.", "\n\nNot everyone is happy with the recommended changes.", "\n\n“Our concern is right now we have a nice vacant field behind our home. ", "The deer run freely, it’s a beautiful property – our land value is in great shape. ", "We just got our dream home essentially,” said Harmon Livingston, a homeowner along Paul Boulevard near the Perimeter. “", "Now they are proposing to run a highway right behind our house.”", "\n\nLivingston said he is worried the changes would decrease the property value and disrupt the natural habitat for the deer and other wildlife.", "\n\n“I understand the theory and logic behind it, but I just think there are better ways to accomplish the same goal.”", "\n\nFor people who did not have a chance to attend Tuesday night’s session, the province has planned two others in the coming week.", "\n\nOne is scheduled for Dec. 11 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the South Winnipeg Community Center located at 666 Silverstone Ave, and on Dec. 12 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Oak Bluff Recreation Club, located at 101-123 MacDonald Rd., ", "Oak Bluff.", "\n\nFollowing the public engagement, the province will finalize a design.", "\n\n-with files from CTV's Jamie Dowsett" ]
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[ "import os.path as osp\n\nimport torch\nimport torch.nn.functional as F\nfrom torch_geometric.datasets import FAUST\nimport torch_geometric.transforms as T\nfrom torch_geometric.data import DataLoader\nfrom torch_geometric.nn import SplineConv\n\npath = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), '..', 'data', 'FAUST')\npre_transform = T.Compose([T.FaceToEdge(), T.Constant(value=1)])\ntrain_dataset = FAUST(path, True, T.Cartesian(), pre_transform)\ntest_dataset = FAUST(path, False, T.Cartesian(), pre_transform)\ntrain_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)\ntest_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=1)\nd = train_dataset[0]\n\n\nclass Net(torch.nn.", "Module):\n def __init__(self):\n super(Net, self).__init__()\n self.conv1 = SplineConv(1, 32, dim=3, kernel_size=5, aggr='add')\n self.conv2 = SplineConv(32, 64, dim=3, kernel_size=5, aggr='add')\n self.conv3 = SplineConv(64, 64, dim=3, kernel_size=5, aggr='add')\n self.conv4 = SplineConv(64, 64, dim=3, kernel_size=5, aggr='add')\n self.conv5 = SplineConv(64, 64, dim=3, kernel_size=5, aggr='add')\n self.conv6 = SplineConv(64, 64, dim=3, kernel_size=5, aggr='add')\n self.lin1 = torch.nn.", "Linear(64, 256)\n self.lin2 = torch.nn.", "Linear(256, d.num_nodes)\n\n def forward(self, data):\n x, edge_index, pseudo = data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr\n x = F.elu(self.conv1(x, edge_index, pseudo))\n x = F.elu(self.conv2(x, edge_index, pseudo))\n x = F.elu(self.conv3(x, edge_index, pseudo))\n x = F.elu(self.conv4(x, edge_index, pseudo))\n x = F.elu(self.conv5(x, edge_index, pseudo))\n x = F.elu(self.conv6(x, edge_index, pseudo))\n x = F.elu(self.lin1(x))\n x = F.dropout(x, training=self.training)\n x = self.lin2(x)\n return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)\n\n\ndevice = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\nmodel = Net().to(device)\ntarget = torch.arange(d.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long, device=device)\noptimizer = torch.optim.", "Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)\n\n\ndef train(epoch):\n model.train()\n\n if epoch == 61:\n for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:\n param_group['lr'] = 0.001\n\n for data in train_loader:\n optimizer.zero_grad()\n F.nll_loss(model(data.to(device)), target).backward()\n optimizer.step()\n\n\ndef test():\n model.eval()\n correct = 0\n\n for data in test_loader:\n pred = model(data.to(device)).max(1)[1]\n correct += pred.eq(target).sum().item()\n return correct / (len(test_dataset) * d.num_nodes)\n\n\nfor epoch in range(1, 101):\n train(epoch)\n test_acc = test()\n print('Epoch: {:02d}, Test: {:.4f}'.format(epoch, test_acc))\n" ]
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[ "The active division of cells in a coordinated series of events in cell cycle is a vital process resulting in daughter cells under suitable conditions. ", "The critical phase in cell cycle is the duplication of the chromosome and the subsequent segregation before division, ensuring that each daughter cell has its genome encoding genetic information. ", "A series of regulated and coordinated events take place at specific stages as the cell cycle proceeds. ", "Studies on the cell cycle are essential to unravel the intrinsic regulatory mechanisms of the growth and propagation of cells.", "\n\nIn bacteria, due to the asynchronous nature of bacterial cell division, the cell cycle network remains unclear. ", "The cell sample collected at different stages of cell cycle under normal growth conditions harbors cells in varying stages of cell cycle. ", "To study the dynamics of bacterial cell cycle in detail, there is a need to have single cell analysis or synchronous cultures. ", "Quantitative analysis of synchronously dividing populations of bacterial cells will help us to understand the mechanistic details of cell cycle at the population level. ", "The number of events and its chronology can be documented during such an analysis to give insights into bacterial cell division.", "\n\nIn 1956, Barner and Cohen first attempted to obtain synchronously dividing bacterial cells \\[[@bib1]\\]. ", "They used a mutant of *Escherichia coli* that required thymine for its growth, and in a thymine deficient medium, DNA synthesis could be arrested. ", "After preliminary growth in a thymine deficient medium, supplementation of thymine activated the initiation of DNA synthesis and subsequently synchronous cell division. ", "Also, in 1956, Maruyama and Yanagita adopted mechanical methods to separate cells into mature and immature cells by size \\[[@bib2]\\]. ", "However, chemical and mechanical treatments of cells hindered the progression of the cell cycle and introduced pseudo-phenomena. ", "In the 1960s, Helmstetter et al. ", "developed a synchronization apparatus, called a \"baby machine\", to continuously produce synchronously dividing *E. coli* cells in an exponentially growing culture \\[[@bib3]\\]. ", "Despite the low yield and large medium consumption, such \"baby machine\" can generate newborn daughter cells which synchronously grow and divide with little interference after inoculation into fresh medium.", "\n\nThe group headed by Professor Chenli Liu in the Institute of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) recently developed a microfluidic synchronizer to continuously produce minimally disturbed, normally growing synchronous bacterial cells \\[[@bib4]\\]. ", "In this study, synthetic biology techniques were applied to establish a novel synthetic magnetic-capped bacterium. ", "The resulting bacterial cells localize to one pole which is magnetically charged and can be trapped using a magnetic field. ", "Combining with microfluidic techniques, this hands-on microfluidic synchronizer overcomes the limitations of conventional synchronization methods for *E. coli* such as the hindrance of the progression of the cell cycle and introduction of pseudo-phenomena. ", "Their microfluidic synchronizer provides significant advantages of microfluidic systems to study cell biology.", "\n\nIn their work, a synthetic and inducible \"stalk\" is constructed in *E. coli* BL21(DE3) in order to simulate the stalk in *Caulobacter crescentus*. ", "To construct this magnetic \"stalk\", eGFP was heterogeneously expressed and fused with the signal peptide and C-terminal autotransporter domain of AIDA-I, which is an autotransporter adhesin from an enteropathogenic *E. coli* (EPEC) belonging to the autotransporter family \\[[@bib5]\\]. ", "This chimeric fusion protein eGFP-AIDA-I under an inducible promoter was expressed and localized to the polar caps on the surface of *E. coli* BL21(DE3). ", "Then, streptavidin-coated magnetic nanoparticles were mixed with polar displayed eGFP using biotinylated anti-eGFP antibody. ", "After one cycle of cell division, only one pole of the bacterial cells will be capped by magnetic nanoparticles. ", "Therefore, assembled magnetic bacterial cells can be arrested by permanent magnet as \"mother\" cells. ", "Newly divided daughter cells without the synthetic magnetic \"stalk\" can be eluted by infusing the culture medium ([Fig. ", "1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These strategies sufficiently reduced disturbance, and thus helped to obtain minimally disturbed, normally growing synchronous cells. ", "As the mother cells keep growing in steady-state without any interference, newly divided daughter cells can continue to grow without a lag period. ", "After inoculation of the newly divided daughter cells into a fresh culture medium, a stepwise growth curve indicative of healthy synchronous cell population was obtained \\[[@bib4]\\].Fig. ", "1Schematic illustration of the magnetic-capped cell (A) and the microfluidic synchronizer\\'s working principle (B). (", "A) In the synthetic cell, the addition of IPTG induces the synthetic magnetic stalk comprising of a polar chimeric fusion protein (eGFP-AIDA-I) and a streptavidin-labelled magnetic fluorescent nanoparticle (MFN) attached by a biotinylated monoclonal GFP antibody (anti-eGFP). (", "B) In the microfluidic synchronizer, the magnetic-capped mother cells are bound to polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) at the top of a microfluidic channel by a magnet. ", "Daughter cells are born without the induced stalk and are eluted out of the device along with the medium flow (adopted from Ref. ", "\\[[@bib4]\\]).Fig. ", "1\n\nMicrofluidic systems provide more control over culture condition environment. ", "In this novel microfluidic bacterial synchronizer, one can easily adjust the culture conditions such as temperature, osmotic pressure, nutrients and concentration of reagents \\[[@bib4]\\]. ", "In addition, the microfluidic device is easy to fabricate and change according to a varying parameter of the experimental design. ", "Integration of baby machines and microfluidic chips sufficiently reduces the consumption of culture medium or other reagents. ", "In the future, it is attractive and promising to integrate bacterial cell synchronization, synchrony quality control and downstream analyses on a microfluidic chip to further study bacterial physiology.", "\n\nThe lack of scientific data on bacterial cell cycle limits the progression of research on bacterial physiology and the applications of microbiology in the fields of medicine, food and industrial production. ", "If we can have a thorough understanding of bacterial cell cycle, engineering them using synthetic biology principles might provide us with more opportunities in the field of bio-production. ", "This study paved a way for using a novel synchronization method to obtain minimally disturbed and well synchronized *E. coli* cells.", "\n\nWe thank Dr. Roopa Rajashekar for her comments on the manuscript. ", "This work was supported by the Synthetic Biology Initiative of the National University of Singapore (DPRT/943/09/14) and the National Research Foundation Investigatorship (NRF-NRFI05-2019-0004).", "\n\nPeer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.\n" ]
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[ "A memo announcing the Defense Department's multibillion dollar cloud computing initiative was scrapped and reissued over \"Star Wars\" references made in the original memo.", "\n\nBloomberg News reports that the memo, issued last Thursday by Deputy Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan, used \"Star Wars\" acronyms to name the new cloud computing program.", "\n\nThe memo announced the new “Central Cloud Computing Program Office,\" or “C3PO,” to “acquire the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) Cloud.”", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“C3PO is authorized to obligate funds as necessary in support of the JEDI Cloud,” Shanahan added in the memo.", "\n\nC3PO is a robot in the space adventure series, while Jedi are the fictional warriors in the \"Star Wars\" films.", "\n\nThe memo \"was issued in error,” Shanahan's spokesman told Bloomberg.", "\n\nThe Defense Department began a new initiative to implement cloud computing in September at Shanahan's directive, according to FCW.com. ", "At the time, Shanahan called such technologies \"critical\" to maintaining the U.S. military's edge over foreign adversaries.", "\n\n\"While technological modernization has many dimensions, I believe accelerating the DOD's adoption of cloud computing technologies is critical to maintaining our military's technological advantage,\" Shanahan wrote in a September memo." ]
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[ "Q:\n\n¿Como validar la cantidad de digitos ingresados en un input type number?", "\n\nEstoy utilizando jvalidator de bootstrap pero no logro validar la cantidad de digitos ingresados en un input type number\n<div class=\"form-group\">\n <label class=\"col-sm-2 control-label coLor-letter\" for=\"textinput\">No Vin</label>\n <div class=\"col-sm-4\">\n <input name=\"line\" type=\"number\" class=\"form-control input-style\" data-error=\"\" maxlength=\"12\" >\n <div class=\"help-block with-errors\"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\nA:\n\nLa propiedad maxlengthsólo funcionará con <input type=\"text\"> ya que limita el número de caracteres en una cadena de texto.", "\nPara un <input type=\"number\"> se utilizan las propiedades max y min.", "\nEjemplo, sí quieres que sólo se pueda introducir un valor entre 1 y 999:\n<input type=\"number\" min=\"1\" max=\"999\" />\n\n" ]
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[ "PAGES for more of my blog stuff\n\nFacebook.com/LindaSinishJewelryArtisan\n\nI hope you will come see me and my new place to post updates and pictures at Facebook.com/LindaSinishJewelryArtisan\n\nTuesday, February 2, 2016\n\nLove Knot Bracelet\n\nI've been cranking out bracelets. ", "This is the first to be polished. ", "It's antiqued (patinaed) copper, with love knot links, demin blue agate stones. ", "The connector chain and the spiral charm are handmade. ", "It is adjustable in length 6 1/2\" to 8 1/2\" Item BB2 It's new home has not been determined, but either Lost River Artisan Cooperative or North Carolina Artist" ]
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[ 0.0036900369003690036, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nComparing mysql Timestamp with last month's date\n\nI've been trying to retrieve the records from database's table \"logging\" where the records has \"actionTime\" that is greater or equals last month's date, in order to retrieve all the logs for this month, but there's a problem i think in Java code, result set of executed query only returns one record repeated many times.", "\nWhen i executed the query on mySQL database console it worked fine! ", "but when i use the same query on Java it throws this problem!", "\nHere's the SQL query:\n\nSELECT * FROM LOGGING WHERE actionTime >= '2016-03-01 00:00:00'\n\nThis is the structure of the database table:\n\nJava Code:\nDate currentDate = new Date();\n\ncurrentDate.setHours(0);\n\ncurrentDate.setMinutes(0);\n\ncurrentDate.setSeconds(0);\n\ncurrentDate.setMonth(d.getMonth() - 1);\n\nstmt = db.createStatement();\n\nquery = \"SELECT * FROM LOGGING WHERE actionTime >= '2016-03-01 00:00:00'\";\n\nstmt = db.createStatement();\n\nrs = stmt.executeQuery(query);\n\nArrayList<Logs> logs = new ArrayList<>();\n\nLogs log = new Logs();\n\n while (rs.next()) {\n\n log.setID(rs.getLong(\"ID\"));\n\n log.setAddress(rs.getString(\"address\"));\n\n log.setDescription(rs.getString(\"description\"));\n\n log.setActionDate(rs.getTimestamp(\"actionTime\"));\n\n logs.add(log);\n\n }\n\nA:\n\nTry to move log into while loop:\n while (rs.next()) {\n\n Logs log = new Logs();\n\n log.setID(rs.getLong(\"ID\"));\n\n log.setAddress(rs.getString(\"address\"));\n\n log.setDescription(rs.getString(\"description\"));\n\n log.setActionDate(rs.getTimestamp(\"actionTime\"));\n\n logs.add(log);\n\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "510 U.S. 1126\nHaywoodv.", "Texas.", "\nNo. ", "93-7149.", "\nSupreme Court of United States.", "\nFebruary 22, 1994.", "\n\n1\nAppeal from the Ct. ", "App. ", "Tex., ", "5th Dist.", "\n\n\n2\nCertiorari denied.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\n603 F.Supp. ", "1322 (1985)\nUNITED STATES of America,\nv.\nEdward MOTT, Defendant.", "\nNo. ", "84 Cr. ", "950-CSH.", "\nUnited States District Court, S.D. New York.", "\nMarch 12, 1985.", "\n*1323 Rudolph W. Giuliani, U.S. Atty., ", "S.D. N.Y., New York City, for the U.S.; Mary T. Shannon, Asst. ", "U.S. Atty., ", "New York City, of counsel.", "\nHarry E. Youtt, New York City, for defendant.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER\nHAIGHT, District Judge:\nDefendant is accused in a two count indictment of embezzling funds from his employer, J. Henry Schroder Bank, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 656. ", "He moves pursuant to Rule 12(b), Fed.", "R.Crim.", "P., for dismissal of the indictment on grounds that 1) the activities alleged in the indictment do not violate § 656, and 2) the indictment duplicitously mixes a number of separate violations, some of which, charged separately, would constitute misdemeanors.", "\nThe facts underlying the indictment appear to be these. ", "Defendant was a First Vice President with the bank. ", "As \"operations officer\" for \"trust operations and special services,\" he assisted clients engaged in \"special projects.\" ", "Apparently the most common of those projects was the conversion of Savings and Loan Associations from mutual to stock companies. ", "Such conversions entailed a number of complex operations, which defendant directed. ", "In order to accomplish these operations, he was given authority to incur expenses on behalf of the clients. ", "Apparently the bank paid for or reimbursed defendant for these expenses, but ultimately, either periodically or upon completion of the project, the expenses were billed to the client. ", "Thus although the bank initially paid for these expenses from its own funds, it never intended to and did not bear ultimate financial responsibility for them. ", "The Government contends that defendant bilked the bank and its clients by submitting excessive and improper expense bills.[1]\n\nI.\nThe defendant claims, and the Government does not dispute, that the bank was directly reimbursed for approximately ninety percent of these expenses by the clients. ", "Further, both the clients and the bank understood that the expenses were incurred on behalf of the clients and were paid by the bank as a convenience. ", "The bank did not intend to, and did not, pay them itself as its own business expense. ", "Defendant claims that because the bank never intended *1324 to bear ultimate financial responsibility for these expenses, the funds used to pay for them were neither \"moneys, funds or credits\" of the bank nor \"moneys, funds, assets or securities intrusted to the custody or care\" of the bank, as required by the statute. ", "Instead, because the bank intended to pass on the expenses, it is argued that they were funds of the bank's clients.", "\nDefendant's first argument is that this situation falls outside of the statutory language. ", "It plainly does not. ", "Defendant submitted his bills to the bank and was paid from funds of the bank. ", "It is true that the bank intended to, and subsequently did, seek reimbursement for the funds, but the money with which defendant was paid was the bank's. ", "Only later did the bank seek reimbursement. ", "Thus his behavior falls directly within the statutory language, for the money which he is accused of misapplying came from the bank.", "\nEven if it is assumed that, contrary to a literal reading of its language, the statute does not consider to be bank funds those which were to be directly reimbursed by clients, examination of the possible consequences of discovery of defendant's alleged scheme demonstrates that his willful misapplication was nevertheless of bank, not client, funds. ", "The bank was legally responsible for the business-related behavior of defendant, its employee. ", "If a client discovered that some of the bills for expenses purportedly incurred by defendant were falsified or in some other way improper, the client would have been entirely justified in refusing to pay the bills. ", "Whatever the exact terms of the agreement between the clients and the bank, they presumably did not include an open-ended consent by the clients to pay any expense bills submitted by the bank's employees, legitimate or not. ", "The argument must have been only to reimburse legitimate and reasonable expenses. ", "Thus every improper bill submitted was one for which the bank could not reasonably expect to be reimbursed. ", "So long as defendant submitted legitimate bills, he was drawing on, ultimately, the bank's clients' money. ", "Every time he submitted a fraudulent bill, however, he was drawing on the bank's money, for he was paid money for which the bank could not reasonably expect to be reimbursed. ", "If the bank did submit the bill and receive reimbursement, it was simply lucky. ", "Thus every fraudulent bill was in fact paid out of the bank's money, even if the bank was fortunate enough to escape bearing the loss from the fraud.", "\nDefendant's arguments from the statutory purpose fare no better. ", "The purpose of the statute is a general one, to \"protect the funds of banks with a federal relationship.\" ", "United States v. Barket, 530 F.2d 181, 186 (8th Cir.1975), cert. ", "denied, 429 U.S. 917, 97 S.Ct. ", "308, 50 L.Ed.2d 282 (1976). ", "As noted, by accepting money from the bank in return for fraudulent expense billings, defendant was placing bank funds at risk. ", "If the fraudulent nature of the billings was discovered, the bank, not the client, would have borne the loss. ", "Thus his actions fall within those which the statute aims to prevent.", "\nDefendant claims that the Government cannot prove an essential element of the offense, his intent to \"injure and defraud the bank.\" ", "United States v. Giordano, 489 F.2d 327, 330 (2d Cir.1973). ", "He cites United States v. Cleary, 565 F.2d 43 (2d Cir.1977), cert. ", "denied, 435 U.S. 915, 98 S.Ct. ", "1469, 55 L.Ed.2d 506 (1978). ", "Cleary was a bank officer who, it was alleged, knowingly approved loans to a person who had fraudulently filled out the bank loan forms by falsifying his creditworthiness. ", "The Court of Appeals, noting that \"loans of this character are improper only if the lending officer had no reason to expect that the named debtor would repay them,\" 565 F.2d at 47, reversed a jury charge which permitted a finding of intent to injure to be inferred from Cleary's knowledge that his action exposed the bank to a risk of loss.", "\nCleary is simply inapplicable here. ", "The loan there was legitimate, in that the named debtor incurred it and apparently intended to repay it. ", "Some of defendant's billings — for example, for personal expenses *1325 — were improper from the start, and the jury could find that he must have known that if he was found out the bank could not reasonably expect to be reimbursed for them. ", "This would provide grounds for finding intent to injure.", "\n\nII.", "\nThe two counts of the indictment cumulate \"over 200\" different allegedly fraudulent billings. ", "Some of these were for amounts under $100, and thus alone constituted misdemeanors, and some were for amounts over $100, constituting felonies.[2] Defendant contends that this admixture makes the indictment duplicitous.", "\nThe Government's theory is that defendant pursued two schemes to defraud, one involving travel expenses and one apparently involving other types of expenses. ", "The Government acknowledges, however, that the offenses could have been set out individually. ", "It argues that to have indicted for 200 offenses might have unfairly prejudiced defendant.", "\nIt is not clear that this indictment is duplicitous — or, on the contrary, that it is not multiplicitous. ", "The question of whether a series of incidents should be considered as one offense or a series of individual offenses depends at times on the precise facts of the case, thus presenting a question which cannot be determined until after trial. ", "See, e.g., United States v. Billingslea, 603 F.2d 515, 518-520 (5th Cir. ", "1979). ", "Judged by the test applied in Billingslea, the bare bones of the scheme outlined by counsel appear to create separate offenses, but that is not certain. ", "The Government's justification for indicting on two counts rather than one (or any other number), on the other hand, seems at best somewhat confused.", "\nTo assume for now that each of the offenses could be charged separately raises the problem of duplicity. ", "Rule 8, Fed.", "R. Crim.", "P., which requires separate offenses to be charged separately, can be relaxed in appropriate circumstances. ", "United States v. Margiotta, 646 F.2d 729, 733 (2d Cir. ", "1981), cert. ", "denied, 461 U.S. 913, 103 S.Ct. ", "1891, 77 L.Ed.2d 282 (1983). ", "The important inquiry is whether combining the offenses creates a risk of the type of unfairness against which the rule was meant to guard. ", "As set out in Margiotta, 646 F.2d at 733, the primary risks include a general verdict of guilt which hides a finding of guilty as to one offense and not guilty as to another, a lack of unanimity as to any one offense, inadequate notice, and difficulty in ascertaining the scope of double jeopardy protection.", "\nIn view of the Government's thorough pre-trial disclosures, I do not view the latter two risks as significant, nor does defendant argue them to be. ", "There are risks, however, that the jury may not unanimously agree on the improper nature of any one particular expense billing or that the jury may unanimously settle upon a bill of under $100 and yet convict on the felony count.[3]\nThe Government sensibly argues that these risks may be avoided through the use of jury instructions requiring a unanimous finding of at least one individual improper billing in excess of $100 on each count. ", "Ordinarily the fact that prejudice from a duplicitous indictment could be avoided would not necessarily be grounds for permitting it to stand. ", "In these circumstances, however, I believe that permitting the indictment to stand is the least prejudicial course. ", "If it is assumed that each *1326 billing is a separate offense, strict compliance with Rule 8 would require the Government to set out over 200 counts. ", "Such a tremendous indictment might well prejudice the defendant in the eyes of the jury in ways which, unlike the risk presented by the two-count indictment, cannot be thoroughly cured by an appropriate charge. ", "Faced with two risks of prejudice, one more certainly curable than the other, I choose the curable one and will permit the current indictment to stand.", "\nBecause the question of multiplicity which I raised above is one which turns on the facts of the case, Billingslea, supra, 603 F.2d at 520; United States v. Brown, 688 F.2d 1112, 1120 (7th Cir.1982), and may be cured by merger at the end of trial, United States v. Reed, 639 F.2d 896, 904 n. 6 (2d Cir.1981), I need not address it now. ", "I do not believe that the existence of two counts where one is appropriate — if such is the case — will prejudice defendant at this point.", "\nThe motion is denied.", "\nIt is SO ORDERED.", "\nNOTES\n[1] In the following discussion, I assume only for purposes of this motion that defendant did indeed submit false bills for improper purposes. ", "He apparently claims to have been justified in whatever actions he took, an issue which is a proper subject for trial but must be ignored on this Rule 12(c) motion.", "\n[2] The dichotomy arises from the wording of 18 U.S.C. § 656, which, after providing penalties of a $5000 fine or five years' imprisonment or both, goes on to say:\n\n\"... but if the amount embezzled, abstracted, purloined or misapplied does not exceed $100, [defendant] shall be fined not more than $1000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.\"", "\n[3] Arguably the jury need not find a single billing of over $100 if all billings were pursuant to a common scheme and the total exceeds $100. ", "See United States v. Davis, 592 F.2d 1325, 1329 n. 4 (5th Cir.1979). ", "The Government, however, does not urge this theory, and I do not reach it.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nwhere id = multiple artists\n\nAny time there is an update within my music community (song comment, artist update, new song added, yadda yadda yadda), a new row is inserted in my \"updates\" table. ", " The row houses the artist id involved along with other information (what type of change, time and date, etc). ", " \nMy users have a \"favorite artists\" section where they can do just that -- mark artists as their favorites. ", " As such, I'd like to create a new feature that shows the user the changes made to their various favorite artists. ", " \nHow should I be doing this efficiently? ", " \nSELECT * \nFROM table_updates \nWHERE artist_id = 1 \nOR artist_id = 500 \nOR artist_id = 60032 \n\nKeep in mind, a user could have 43,000 of our artists marked as a favorite. ", " \nThoughts?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis depends on how your database is setup. ", "If I had my way, I'd set it up with a table like so:\nTable: user_favourite_artist\n\nuser_id | artist_id\n---------------------\n1 | 2\n1 | 8\n1 | 13\n2 | 2\n3 | 6\n6 | 20\n6 | 1\n6 | 3\n\nuser_id and artist_id together would be a composite primary key. ", "Each row specifies a user, by id, and an artist they have as a favourite, by id. A query like so:\nSELECT artist_id FROM user_favourite_artist WHERE user_id = 1\n\nWould give you the artist_id's 2, 8, and 13. ", "This is a very simple query that will scale to your expectations.", "\nOn the reverse, when an artist is updated, you'd run this query:\nSELECT user_id FROM user_favourite_artist WHERE artist_id = 2\n\nAnd you would get the user_id's 1 and 2. ", "This will tell you which users to notify. ", "This query is also simple and will scale.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nIs this an exploit? ", "What is the drawback\n\nI got an imperial administration law and can revoke dutchies without upsetting vassals.", "\nOnce I had a debt and one of my counts offered to by a dutchy title for 200 gold. ", "I sold that, and few seconds later revoked dutchy. ", "That vassal got +60 for granting dutch, and -60 for revoking ducthy, other vassals are not concerned... and I got 200 gold...\nFree money? ", "Do I miss something bad happening?", "\n\nA:\n\nAssuming that the opinions time out at the same time, yes, \"free\" money for you.", "\nNote that vassals do spend the money they accrue on improving their holdings, so your realm as a whole didn't change wealth. ", "It's not an exploit.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n\nThe man you want to be does not matter - Swizec\nhttp://swiz.ec/nHr3YJ\n\n======\nlhnz\n\"Past performance has very little correlation to future actions and those\nthinking otherwise are using a very simple thinking shortcut.\"", "\n\nMaybe I am using a 'thinking shortcut', but can you please source the evidence\nfor there not being a correlation between past performance and future\nperformance?", "\n\n~~~\nsingular\nWhat I've always hated about that is there is a sense of an immutable\njudgement going forward if at some point you perform poorly. ", "Surely it's\nobvious that that idea is merely an approximation and life is somewhat more\ncomplex?", "\n\nIsn't it the case that if past performance is an indicator of future\nperformance then there is no hope of improving anything?", "\n\nI really think there is quite serious denial of the possibility of bad things\nhappening to people which effects their performance and it _not being their\nfault_ , often with very serious consequences for them.", "\n\nI have a friend who had a family crisis occur during his A-levels; the impact\non his future prospects was huge and he has had to struggle to stand a chance\nat getting a decent job. ", "I personally had a family crisis during my degree\nwhich several impacted my performance and has destroyed my confidence,\nsomething which still impacts me today (though I did manage to get a 2:1\ndespite it all), does that mean I cannot perform well in the future?", "\n\nI understand what you're saying about there being an overall correlation but I\nreally do think you have to be careful about it - on the whole, it may be\ntrue, but it's the individual edge cases that matter, and adopting that\nposition as if it was some immutable fact is dangerous.", "\n\n~~~\ndjm\nI agree with what you're saying. ", "A person's direction in life can change at\nany time and it's unfortunate that people judge and discriminate so\ncarelessly.", "\n\nThey are acting rationally though. ", "Take, for example, your anecdote about your\nfriend's employment difficulty. ", "The employer is just trying to get the best\nperson they can for the job. ", "They can't realistically predict future\nperformance of the person they hire so they just rely on credentialism and\nbase the decision on past performance/qualifications in the hope that a person\nwho performed well in the past will continue to do so.", "\n\n~~~\nsingular\nSure, and it's understandable given the number of CVs companies have to filter\nthrough, especially the more desirable places - there has to be some way of\nfiltering through.", "\n\nI think it's very important to highlight that these judgements aren't etched\nin stone, though, it's a point which is lost in that phrase, hence me not\nbeing a huge fan of it.", "\n\n------\nHyena\nPath dependence works, you know: the person you were will tend overall to\nshape the person you will be in the future.", "\n\nYou also can't just \"decide to shape the future\", you've got to actually\nanalyze your past and develop ways of deflecting your current path. ", "The\nproblem people have is they think over-much and experiment too little.", "\n\n------\nF_J_H\n\"We become that with which we busy our minds.\"", "\n\nDon't know who said it, but I love it. ", "And I think it's a good tl;dr for this\npost.", "\n\n------\nbmunro\nSomeone broke it;\n\n\"The requested URL /blog/the-man-you-want-to-be-does-not-matter/swizec/2071\nwas not found on this server.\"", "\n\n~~~\nseles\n[http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jxrNNtJ...](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jxrNNtJhJwsJ:swizec.com/blog/the-\nman-you-want-to-be-does-not-matter/swizec/2071+swizec.com/blog/the-man-you-\nwant-to-be-does-not-\nmatter/swizec/2071&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&source=www.google.com)\n\n------\nfiesycal\nIsn't tying ones self worth to others opinion a bit dangerous. ", "There's always\ngoing to be people who don't like you/think you provide value etc. ", "It's surely\nnot healthy to rely on others for your self esteem, or to define who you are.", "\nThis is only a small point from the article but I thought it important to\nquestion.", "\n\n~~~\nmattgreenrocks\nThis revelation drove me to existentialism, which I lately realized was too\ninwardly-focused, but it ended up balancing my perceptions in a better way.", "\n\n------\nZoFreX\nThere are cases where thinking and not doing can help shape your future. ", "In\nparticular, I don't always have healthy thought patterns and spend a lot of\ntime thinking about things that aren't really beneficial, often going around\nin circles. ", "I think the author of the post would agree that I need to think\nabout these things less! ", "But while there may be some component of \"doing\" to\ncorrect your thinking (such as seeing a therapist, or doing online CBT, in the\nextreme cases) there is also a component of thinking. ", "I've been trying to make\nmore time to JUST think, which I suppose you might call meditation, and by\nallocating time to think, process, and move on I am reducing the _overall_\ntime I spend in unconstructive thinking.", "\n\n------\nniels\nWhat if I don't care about being remembered, but just want to build something\nuseful, and have economical success?", "\n\n------\nbprater\nI'm using Chrome on Windows. ", "Does most of the font on this site look poorly\nrendered to anyone else?", "\n\n~~~\nJoakal\nIt's a text-shadow. ", "I remove those via firebug.", "\n\n------\nchubs\nI love this article! ", "Only had a chance to skim read it so far, but it looks\nalong the same lines as a lot of things my friends have been discussing at the\nmoment about making a worthwhile impact with our lives, especially the focus\non NOW and starting small.", "\n\n------\nforgotAgain\nIt held together up until the last sentence:\n\n _Which do you think better to be remembered for?_", "\n\nIf the past doesn't matter and the future doesn't matter why then do you care\nhow people in the future will remember you?", "\n\n------\nzb\nThis reminds me of the Italo Calvino short story \"The Light Years\".", "\n\n<http://issuu.com/martuxa/docs/thelightyears>\n\n------\nuladzislau\nIt DOES matter who you want to be and healthy ambitions never hurt. ", "There are\nso many examples that hard work and time investment made someone a completely\ndifferent person.", "\n\n------\nSupermighty\nWe can't all save the world. ", "I guess the next best thing is a web app that is\nuseful to our users.", "\n\n------\nHisoka\ncan anyone post this article? ", "Site is down..\n\n~~~\nbartmcpherson\n[http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?sclient=psy&...](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?sclient=psy&hl=en&biw=1154&bih=652&source=hp&q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fswizec.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-\nman-you-want-to-be-does-not-\nmatter%2Fswizec%2F2071&pbx=1&oq=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fswizec.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-\nman-you-want-to-be-does-not-\nmatter%2Fswizec%2F2071&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=7147l8898l0l9173l6l5l0l0l0l1l237l973l0.3.2l5l0)\n\n------\npathik\nExcellent post.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Torchwood: Station Zero\n\nIssue 2.4\n\nThe young Jack and John battle the Vervoids on Mogar, but realize they may have made a terrible mistake. ", "Meanwhile, back in the present, Jack and Gwen head for Station Zero to try and stop the Navigators' plans for Earth, but discover the secrets of both Rona and Dana. ", "Those discoveries may pale in significance, however, compared to what else is growing in the Navigators' base..." ]
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[ 0.014184397163120567, 0.024242424242424242, 0.008928571428571428 ]
[ "Doping hydroxylated cationic lipid into PEGylated cerasome boosts in vivo siRNA transfection efficacy.", "\nThe therapeutic application of small interfering RNA (siRNA) requires safe nanocarriers for specific and efficient delivery in vivo. ", "Herein, PEGylated cationic cerasomes (PCCs) were fabricated by doping a cationic lipid with a hydroxyl group into nanohybrid cerasomes. ", "Multiple properties of PCCs provide a solution to many of the limitations associated with current platforms for the delivery of siRNA. ", "The polyorganosiloxane surface imparts PCCs with higher morphological stability than conventional liposomes. ", "The PEGylation of the cationic cerasome could protect the cerasome nanoparticles from agglomeration and macrophage capture, reduce protein absorption, and consequently prolong the blood circulating time and enhance the siRNA delivery efficiency. ", "In addition, incorporation of the lipid containing a hydroxyl group further facilitates endosome release. ", "Moreover, PCCs were further used to transport siRNA into the cytosol primarily via endocytosis. ", "When applied to systemic administration, PCCs have demonstrated effective delivery into the liver and preferential uptake by hepatocytes in mice, thereby leading to high siRNA gene-silencing activity. ", "All these results show potential therapeutic applications of PCCs-mediated delivery of siRNA for liver diseases." ]
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[ "Huge US university cancels subscription with Elsevier.", "\n" ]
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[ "if equals 5\nend\n\n@!ShouldEqual --------------------------------\n\nOutput Warnings:\nArray []\n\nShortcut Full Inverted:\nIf input=Equals value=5\nEnd\n\nShortcut Full JSON:\nArray [\n Object {\n \"WFWorkflowActions\": Array [\n Object {\n \"SCPLData\": Object {\n \"Position\": Object {\n \"end\": Array [\n 1,\n 12,\n ],\n \"start\": Array [\n 1,\n 1,\n ],\n },\n },\n \"WFWorkflowActionIdentifier\": \"is.workflow.actions.conditional\",\n \"WFWorkflowActionParameters\": Object {\n \"GroupingIdentifier\": \"<uuid1>\",\n \"WFCondition\": \"Equals\",\n \"WFConditionalActionString\": \"5\",\n \"WFControlFlowMode\": 0,\n },\n },\n Object {\n \"SCPLData\": Object {\n \"Position\": Object {\n \"end\": Array [\n 2,\n 4,\n ],\n \"start\": Array [\n 2,\n 1,\n ],\n },\n },\n \"WFWorkflowActionIdentifier\": \"is.workflow.actions.conditional\",\n \"WFWorkflowActionParameters\": Object {\n \"GroupingIdentifier\": \"<uuid1>\",\n \"WFControlFlowMode\": 2,\n },\n },\n ],\n \"WFWorkflowClientRelease\": \"2.1.2\",\n \"WFWorkflowClientVersion\": \"754\",\n \"WFWorkflowIcon\": Object {\n \"WFWorkflowIconGlyphNumber\": 59511,\n \"WFWorkflowIconImageData\": Object {\n \"data\": Array [],\n \"type\": \"Buffer\",\n },\n \"WFWorkflowIconStartColor\": 2071128575,\n },\n \"WFWorkflowInputContentItemClasses\": Array [\n \"WFAppStoreAppContentItem\",\n \"WFArticleContentItem\",\n \"WFContactContentItem\",\n \"WFDateContentItem\",\n \"WFEmailAddressContentItem\",\n \"WFGenericFileContentItem\",\n \"WFImageContentItem\",\n \"WFiTunesProductContentItem\",\n \"WFLocationContentItem\",\n \"WFDCMapsLinkContentItem\",\n \"WFAVAssetContentItem\",\n \"WFPDFContentItem\",\n \"WFPhoneNumberContentItem\",\n \"WFRichTextContentItem\",\n \"WFSafariWebPageContentItem\",\n \"WFStringContentItem\",\n \"WFURLContentItem\",\n ],\n \"WFWorkflowMinimumClientVersion\": 411,\n \"WFWorkflowTypes\": Array [\n \"NCWidget\",\n \"WatchKit\",\n ],\n },\n]" ]
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[ "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Popular (2002)\n\nFirst Aired:\n\nMarch 1st, 2002\n\nEpisode Profile\n\nSeason: 3\nNetwork: NBC\nGenre: Drama\n\nEpisode: 16\nDirector: Jean de Segonzac\nRating: TV-14\n\nEpisode Synopsis: Stabler's wife tells him that her friend (a nurse) treated a young girl for rape by a teacher. ", "Despite being advised not to find out further details, Stabler, with help from Benson, crack open the case to disturbing details. ", "The girl had been part of a club in which sexual favors were given for drugs in a group of teenagers." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.013201320132013201, 0.015384615384615385, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\njquery ui css not loading and creating problems with asp.net mvc3 page (unexpected token error)\n\nFirst off, I can see that my mvc3 project already had jquery ui in it but no theme css files. ", "\nI needed a date picked and as usual needed to override the EditorFor DateTime. ", "I started off today by just using the default jquery ui js files supplied with the project under scripts. ", "The date picker shows up fine, only with a completed messed up UI based on Site.css.", "\nSo now I downloaded a build of jquery (with the start theme) and followed this page about how to put it together.", "\nI'm using T4MVC so my page looks like this:\nLayout.cshtml:\n<script src=\"@Links.", "Scripts.jquery_1_4_4_js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n<link href=\"@Links.", "Content.", "Site_css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n<script src=\"@Links.", "Content.start.jquery_ui_1_8_7_custom_css\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n\nCreate.cshtml\n <script src=\"@Links.", "Scripts.jquery_validate_min_js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n <script src=\"@Links.", "Scripts.jquery_validate_unobtrusive_min_js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n <script src=\"@Links.", "Scripts.jquery_ui_1_8_7_custom_min_js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n\nAnd this is the result:\n\nAny ideas, I tried a couple combinations of where I put the script and css files tags in different places, but nothing seems to work.", "\n\nUpdate: So I was a dumbhead to have a <script> instead of a <link> tag in the layout! ", "But there is still a problem, the date picker shows with the css from Site.css.", "\n\nUpdate 2: With Solution\nSo I checked chrome and under resources I can't see the jquery css file. ", "I fire fiddler and I don't see any request for the css file. ", "\nThe I see it!", "\n<link href=\"@Links.", "Content.start.jquery_ui_1_8_7_custom_css\" **rel=\"Stylesheet\"** type=\"text/css\" />\nYes! ", "Thats right, I didn't add a rel!", "\n\nA:\n\nIn your Layout.cshtml you are using a script tag to include the css file.", "\nChange:\n<script src=\"@Links.", "Content.start.jquery_ui_1_8_7_custom_css\" type=\"text/javascript\"><script> to\n<link href=\"@Links.", "Content.start.jquery_ui_1_8_7_custom_css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"></link>\n\n" ]
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[ "The above providers currently offer Tummy Tuck surgery to the greater Lansdale area. ", "Tummy Tucks effectively remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, to reveal a lean, taught, and attractive midsection. ", "If you’re in the market for a more attractive tummy, call or click on a name from the list above to set up a personal consultation with a Tummy Tuck expert in Lansdale! ", "Our Lansdale Tummy Tuck providers are board-certified plastic surgeons with experience in Tummy Tuck surgery.", "\n\nNon Signature Certified Plastic Surgeons in Lansdale\n\nThe following providers are not currently members of the Plastic Surgery Portal national network. ", "We can not confirm that they offer the procedure you are looking for." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.006493506493506494, 0 ]
[ "Marketing tasks\n\nYour virtual assistant can take over your social media management, create various templates for your advertisements, video presentations, and other means to promote your business. ", "This is one of the most important things that will help your business stand out and attract more clients.", "\n\n\n\nAnother major undertaking that your virtual assistant can do is telemarketing. ", "By leveraging on your virtual assistant’s expertise in call handling, you will have more chances of generating leads. ", "By letting your virtual assistant establish the initial contact, you can easily engage with the client in the future.", "\n\n\n\nAs a real estate professional, you are constantly bombarded by phone calls and emails ranging from clients who are confirming meeting schedules to new prospects inquiring if you can help them buy or sell a property. ", "With the help of a real estate virtual assistant, you will be relieved with email and call handling tasks so you can focus on high-priority tasks." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPassing a glob on a script's command line, only the first item is expanded\n\nI have the following directory structure and am trying to create a simple bash script to print out all files with pattern foo*/scripts/*A.txt (namely foo1/scripts/fileA.txt and foo2/scripts/fileA.txt)\n$ tree\n\n.", "\n├── bar\n│   └── scripts\n│   ├── fileA.txt\n│   └── fileB.txt\n├── bash_scrap.sh\n├── foo1\n│   └── scripts\n│   ├── fileA.txt\n│   └── fileB.txt\n└── foo2\n └── scripts\n ├── fileA.txt\n\n └── fileB.txt\n\nI now create a script bash_scrap.sh where I want to print all filenames with pattern given by the first command-line argument.", "\n$ cat bash_scrap.sh \n#!", "/bin/bash\nFILES=$1 \nfor f in $FILES\ndo\n echo \"Processing $f file...\"\n printf \"\\n\\n\"\ndone\n\nWhen I define FILES directly and run the script in the terminal, I get the expected output\n$ FILES=foo*/scripts/*A.txt\n$ for f in $FILES; do echo \"Processing $f file...\"; printf \"\\n\\n\"; done\nProcessing foo1/scripts/fileA.txt file...\n\nProcessing foo2/scripts/fileA.txt file...\n\nHowever, if I try to run this as a script with the input pattern as such, it only prints out the first filename.", "\n$ ./bash_scrap.sh foo*/scripts/*A.txt\nProcessing foo1/scripts/fileA.txt file...\n\nWhy is that?", "\n\nA:\n\n$ ./bash_scrap.sh foo*/scripts/*A.txt\n\n...does not put foo*/scripts/*A.txt in $1. ", "Instead, it expands foo*/scripts/*A.txt, and puts the first result in $1, the second result in $2, etc. ", "This happens before your script is started (and is performed by the invoking shell, not the one than runs the script), so you can't avoid it by modifying the script's text.", "\nIf you want a glob to be passed to a script as a literal value and interpreted only after that script starts, you need to quote it:\n$ ./bash_scrap.sh 'foo*/scripts/*A.txt'\n\nHowever, a much better approach is to expect the parent shell to do that expansion for you, and iterate over \"$@\":\nfor f do\n echo \"Processing $f file\"\ndone\n\nThis is how programs like ls work: When you run ls *.txt, the user's shell replaces *.txt with a list of matching files before ls is even started. ", "ls does not expect to be given a glob, and doesn't work correctly if you do give it one (try running ls '*.txt', and you'll see it always give a file-not-found error, unless you've created a file with that literal name).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The gardeners also are expected to give back. ", "A portion of the crops are donated to Somerset County food banks that help feed needy families.", "\n\nLast year, gardeners donated 1,600 pounds of produce. ", "That included some 30 different vegetables, chief among them lettuce, kale, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and herbs.", "\n\nDuke Farms set a goal of 2,000 pounds for 2016, but has well surpassed that with 3,190 pounds donated.", "\n\nThe idea for the garden grew out of the emerging want of Somerset County residents who live in condominiums, apartments or neighborhoods where where zoning rules may interfere with gardening.", "\n\nThe Community Garden is the largest allotment-style arrangement in the country, with 462 owners tending to plots of different sizes. ", "Gardeners pay a fee for their piece of soil — $20, $40, or $60 for plots ranging from 10 by 10, 15 by 15 or 15 by 30 feet.", "\n\nTanya Sulikowski, manager of the Community Garden, said owners are also asked to participate in garden-related educational courses offered by Duke Farms and volunteer on the property.", "\n\nDuke Farms, a large part of which is preserved open space, is free to the public and receives operating funds through the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. ", "Nine hundred acres are open to the public, including 17 miles of hiking trails.", "\n\nThe Community Garden is segmented into seven \"neighborhoods\" with names like Rutabaga Ridge and Brocoli Boro. ", "Each neighborhood has one plot designated as a Giving Garden, where gardeners pitch in. ", "Once a week during peak growing seasons, those crops are harvested and donated to the Hillsborough Food Bank, Somerset County Food Bank Network, Feeding Hands of Somerville and the Agape House and Safe & Sound shelters.", "\n\n\"I think it was a natural fit,\" said Melissa Almendinger, Community Garden educator. \"", "Part of the program was to think how we can give back to the community. ", "This was an idea that came up, and we've just been nurturing it and seeing where it goes, and how to best accomplish giving the most food to our community.\"", "\n\nNext year the produce donation goal will be 4,000 pounds.", "\n\n\"Our goal is really just to keep growing and to get more efficient at what we're growing,\" Almendinger said. \"", "We'll continue to educate people on what to plan and when, and then I think our numbers will just continue to climb.\"" ]
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[ "{stdenv, autoreconfHook, fetchurl, gmp, blas}:\nstdenv.mkDerivation rec {\n pname = \"iml\";\n version = \"1.0.5\";\n src = fetchurl {\n url = \"http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~astorjoh/iml-${version}.tar.bz2\";\n sha256 = \"0akwhhz9b40bz6lrfxpamp7r7wkk48p455qbn04mfnl9a1l6db8x\";\n };\n buildInputs = [\n gmp\n blas\n ];\n nativeBuildInputs = [\n autoreconfHook\n ];\n configureFlags = [\n \"--with-gmp-include=${gmp.dev}/include\"\n \"--with-gmp-lib=${gmp}/lib\"\n \"--with-cblas=-lblas\"\n ];\n meta = {\n inherit version;\n description = ''Algorithms for computing exact solutions to dense systems of linear equations over the integers'';\n license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;\n maintainers = [stdenv.lib.maintainers.raskin];\n platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;\n homepage = \"https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~astorjoh/iml.html\";\n updateWalker = true;\n };\n}\n" ]
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[ "Elliot himself appears to have been hacked, with some combination of mental illness, drugs, and desire having bifurcated his conscience: There’s the hoodie-wearing junkie, and there’s the fearless political radical played by an avatar of his dead father. ", "In the show’s ninth episode, that radical, Mr. Robot, indicated that Elliot’s confusion came about by deliberate overmedication from his therapist. ", "But that might be a lie, a self-deception that allows Elliot to undertake dark, difficult tasks under moral cover of amnesia. ", "In the finale, Mr. Robot tried to hack Elliot further, forcing him to face the fact that he’s got a revolutionary living in his head.", "\n\nWhat does that revolutionary want? ", "To reveal that all of modern society is a manipulation. ", "With a preacher’s fervor, amid possibly hallucinated throngs of people in Uncle Moneybag masks, he ranted out a grab bag of anti-capitalist talking points—which are also, theoretically, the facts theoretically enabling E-Corp’s power:\n\nLook at it: a world built on fantasy. ", "Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. ", "Psychological warfare in the form of advertisements. ", "Mind-altering chemicals in the form of food. ", "Brain-washing seminars in the form of media. ", "Controlled, isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. ", "Real? ", "You want to talk about reality? ", "We haven't lived in anything close to it since the turn of the century. ", "Took out the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever-expanding dumpster of the human condition. ", "We live in branded houses, trademarked by corporations, built on bipolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays into the greatest slumber mankind has ever seen. ", "You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before you can find anything real. ", "We live in a kingdom of bullshit, a kingdom you've lived in for far too long. ", "So don't tell me about not being real. ", "I'm no less real than the fucking patty in your Big Mac.", "\n\nPerhaps Mr. Robot’s most potent hacker of all is the showrunner, Sam Esmail. ", "As a piece of TV, the finale was mostly brilliant, packed with images likely now seared into viewers’ longterm memory banks: the cold, unblinking eye of the TV camera facing the suicidal E-Corp exec; the strange, faux-casual mannerisms of Elliot and Joanna Wellick as they sized each other up; Elliot, choking himself in a cyber cafe during a delusional fit; Elliot, choked by Mr. Robot up against the NYPD’s American flag lights in Times Square. ", "Even more powerful was the use of music, whether it was Alabama Shakes’s airy “Sound and Color” accompanying Elliot’s new worldview or Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s “Got Your Money” playing on the hackers’ dance floor.", "\n\nThe vivid filmmaking style of Esmail and his team is not merely impressive; it’s of a piece with the rest of the show’s themes about misdirection and mood-massaging. ", "A favorite trick of Esmail’s is to let small, possibly vital info drips be overpowered in the audience’s mind by a jolt of wide-screen awesomeness. ", "Take the opening of the finale, when Lenny says that Elliot has proxy servers in Estonia, and “short of that country falling apart, we’re never going to get any real evidence” of his crimes. ", "In the very next scene, a news broadcast indicates Estonia is indeed on the verge of collapse because of the fsociety hack. ", "I missed that fact the first time I watched, because I was too caught up in the goosebump-inducing joy of hearing Time Zone’s bouncily anarchic single “World Destruction” fading in over footage of global protests. ", "But the truth is, we may have been given a vital clue about next season: The big hack could incriminate Elliot in a much smaller one, which could in turn incriminate him in the big one." ]
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[ "Scientists at Stanford University in the US have carried out a study that suggests Covid-19 may have a lower mortality rate than originally thought. ", "According to the California-based institution, the novel coronavirus could have a mortality rate of between 0.12% and 0.2% overall, compared to the current statistics in the US, which according to the study stand at 5.54%.", "\n\nThe Stanford research indicates that the number of people infected with Covid-19 worldwide could be considerably higher than official figures suggest, which will lead to a much reduced total number of deaths attributed to the ongoing pandemic. ", "The study was conducted on people who reported no symptoms of the coronavirus but who were found after a process of identifying antibodies via fingerprick blood tests to have already contracted the virus and recovered.", "\n\nThe investigation was carried out on 3,300 people in Santa Clara and the results indicated that the number of people who had contracted coronavirus was 50 to 85 times higher than originally calculated.", "\n\nYou canfollow the latest developments on the Covid-19 crisis with our daily live blog.", "\n\nCoronavirus research ongoing in the US\n\nThe study was conducted on 3 and 4 April, when Santa Clara had registered 1,094 cases of the novel coronavirus and 50 people in the county had died after contracting the disease. ", "The Stanford study concluded, however, that between 48,000 and 81,000 people in Santa Clara could have been infected at the time.", "\n\nThe researchers have warned that caution is required and that further investigations need to be carried out before any firm conclusions can be drawn, noting that the study group was not necessarily representative of the US as a whole or of the wider world. ", "The US National Institutes of Health and The University of California, Berkeley, are working on a similar study that may help to shed more light on the true scale of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide." ]
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[ "Ubuntu's rate of evolution over the past few years is astounding. ", "It has grown from a standard Gnome desktop distribution into a full operating system with its own desktop environment, development tools and community.", "\n\nTo celebrate Ubuntu's success, I wanted to take a moment to highlight the things Ubuntu is doing well and also mention some issues that could use improvement.", "\n\nPeripheral Detection\n\nOne of great things about the Ubuntu desktop is its hardware compatibility. ", "For example, it does Wi-Fi surprisingly well these days. ", "While I may still grumble about its reliance on the ndiswrapper with select chipsets, overall I've been pleased with how well Ubuntu 12.10 now handles natively supported Wi-Fi dongles. ", "In previous versions of Ubuntu, we often had to blacklist one driver to compile another, especially with select Ralink chipsets. ", "Thankfully, this kind of compatibility issue is not a problem any longer.", "\n\nAdditional successes include fantastic support for just about anything that connects via USB: webcams, printers/scanners, external storage devices, MTP-based MP3 players, plus countless other devices. ", "You really don't realize just how great Ubuntu peripheral support truly is until you connect a wireless mouse to Windows 7 and then wait for it to be detected, then search for drivers and eventually see it activated. ", "It's rather disgusting when you stop to think about it. ", "Since I don't use Windows 8, I can't speak to how USB devices work with that release. ", "What I do know is that USB devices—old, new, and nearly everything in between—work great under Ubuntu.", "\n\nNote that when you're shopping for new peripherals, branding matters. ", "For example, I'm a fan of HP printers for the Ubuntu desktop thanks to the functionality provided by hplip. ", "I also think highly of Logitech webcams and Intel for wireless. ", "This certainly doesn't mean that other brands won't work; rather that if you're looking for the absolute best compatibility possible, these are brands that actively work with Ubuntu.", "\n\nCommunity\n\nThe Ubuntu community has grown to the point of being able to tackle nearly any challenge you happen to throw their way. ", "Whether you use Ubuntu Answers or the Ubuntu forums, odds are there is someone out there ready to provide free tech support for any Ubuntu woes which may be troubling you.", "\n\nOn the other side of the Ubuntu community coin is the massive marketing arm of Ubuntu. ", "This marketing arm includes numerous blogs promoting Ubuntu happenings and user groups aimed at introducing new folks to Ubuntu. ", "Although Ubuntu's marketing efforts have not yet succeeded at getting Ubuntu into the mainstream, the efforts presented thus far are effective. ", "Ubuntu is seeing adoption faster than ever, and much of this is due to the press attention Ubuntu receives.", "\n\nA Malware-Free Experience\n\nWhile no operating system is completely malware-proof, Linux distributions such as Ubuntu come pretty darn close. ", "Fact of the matter is, you won't find any significant malware attacks against the Ubuntu desktop. ", "Some might say this is because Ubuntu is still rather young. ", "Others might suggest it's because Linux is more secure than proprietary desktop operating systems. ", "Whatever the reason, the fact remains that you simply don't hear about desktop malware attacks on Ubuntu or other Linux distributions.", "\n\nEasy Home Directory Backup\n\nOne of the great things that stands out about Ubuntu is how simple it is to backup your critical data. ", "Using Deja Dup, you can easily select directories to be backed up to Ubuntu One or even to a local driver instead. ", "Simply setup the backup program and the rest takes care of itself.", "\n\nFor backing up software, all one has to do is utilize the Ubuntu Software Center. ", "Simply go to File, then Sync between computers. ", "Once the syncing is completed, you will always have a backup of your favorite programs.", "\n\nSoftware Center\n\nThe Ubuntu Software Center isn't merely a great way to back up your Ubuntu software titles, it's also a great place to discover new applications you may not have known existed. ", "The concept of a software center isn't a new one, as other distros have offered them before. ", "However, it was Ubuntu who implemented the concept in a way that was compelling to the end user.", "\n\nThe Ubuntu Software Center is dead simple to use and allows for discovery and installation of free and paid software. ", "Plus, by installing your software through the Software Center, you're ensuring your purchased applications will be waiting for you should you need to reinstall the operating system." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nR - Plot the rolling mean of different time series in a lineplot with ggplot2\n\nI want to plot the rolling mean of data of different time series with ggplot2. ", "My data have the following structure: \nlibrary(dplyr)\nlibrary(ggplot2)\nlibrary(zoo)\nlibrary(tidyr)\n\ndf <- data.frame(episode=seq(1:1000), \n t_0 = runif(1000), \n t_1 = 1 + runif(1000), \n t_2 = 2 + runif(1000))\ndf.tidy <- gather(df, \"time\", \"value\", -episode) %>% \n separate(\"time\", c(\"t\", \"time\"), sep = \"_\") %>%\n subset(select = -t)\n\n> head(df.tidy)\n# episode time value\n#1 1 0 0.7466480\n#2 2 0 0.7238865\n#3 3 0 0.9024454\n#4 4 0 0.7274303\n#5 5 0 0.1932375\n#6 6 0 0.1826925\n\nNow, the code below creates a plot where the lines for time = 1 and time = 2 towards the beginning of the episodes do not represent the data because value is filled with NAs and the first numeric entry in value is for time = 0.", "\nggplot(df.tidy, aes(x = episode, y = value, col = time)) +\n geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + \n geom_line(aes(y = rollmean(value, 10, align = \"right\", fill = NA)))\n\nHow do I have to adapt my code such that the rolling-mean lines are representative of my data?", "\n\nA:\n\nYour issue is you are applying a moving average over the whole column, which makes data \"leak\" from one value of time to another.", "\nYou could group_by first to apply the rollmean to each time separately:\nggplot(df.tidy, aes(x = episode, y = value, col = time)) +\n geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + \n geom_line(data = df.tidy %>%\n group_by(time) %>%\n mutate(value = rollmean(value, 10, align = \"right\", fill = NA)))\n\n" ]
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[ "This invention relates to tape recorders, and more particularly to a playback search control device for a tape recorder.", "\nIn a conventional playback search control device, when it is detected that a predetermined length of blank magnetic tape occurs after a signal such as music has been recorded, the tape recorder is set in a play mode, thus completing the playback search. ", "Therefore, if while scanning in the forward direction a very long blank portion is encountered, the recorder will be set in a play mode but a long period of time may elapse from the time instant the tape recorder is set in a play mode until a recorded signal (e.g. music) is reproduced. ", "If no recorded portion follows the blank portion having the predetermined length, the tape recorder is forced to continue to perform a useless play mode operation." ]
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[ "Nearly the entire slate of Academy Award Nominees gathered together for a gala luncheon on Monday at the Hollywood Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, where the star-studded super group gathered together around a giant golden Oscar statue to pose for a fun class photo commemorating this year's honorees.", "\n\nSteven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, Gary Oldman, Margot Robbie, Saoirse Ronan, Greta Gerwig, Meryl Streep, Willem Dafoe, Richard Jenkins, Sam Rockwell, Laurie Metcalf, Jordan Peele, Kobe Bryant and Octavia Spencer were among the nominees who smiled for the cameras, alongside Daniel Kaluuya, Sally Hawkins, Mary J. Blige and many others.", "\n\nKevork Djansezian/Getty Images\n\nET's Carly Steel was at the exclusive luncheon, and spoke with a number of the year's Oscar nominees -- including breakout star Timothee Chalamet, who is nominated for Best Actor for his role in Call Me by Your Name, and had a celebrated role in the Best Picture contender Lady Bird.", "\n\nDuring the luncheon, the 22-year-old actor spent some time catching up with his Lady Bird co-star Ronan, and the pair posed for photos with Get Out star Kaluuya, who is nominated for Best Actor.", "\n\nKevork Djansezian/Getty Images\n\nThe luncheon was an opportunity for Chalamet to meet and reconnect with some of his acting icons, including three-time Oscar winner Streep -- whose Best Actress nomination for her role in The Post marks her 21st Oscar nomination.", "\n\n\"I had met her once before, and I'm lucky because the moment I met her [was] actually filmed, so, and I'm as awestruck now as I was then,\" Chalamet told ET. \"", "I got to see her again today; she's the queen, she's a fellow East Coaster and this is like summer camp for her, she's always here.\"", "\n\nFor the young star, the big group photo actually sends a powerful message to each of the actors and filmmakers standing side-by-side, because \"it makes you feel like we're all in this together.\"", "\n\n\"What's really moving right now, taking this class picture, is everybody's getting up there regardless of age or what have you with the same school picture day feeling of just excitement and nerves,\" he explained.", "\n\nAt one point, Chalamet met up with Streep and luncheon host Laura Dern for a fun group selfie, which Dern shared on Instagram.", "\n\nChalamet also opened up about his plans for the big night, and whether or not he's planning on writing an acceptance speech in case he wins the coveted trophy.", "\n\n\"I don't know. ", "I'm one of these folks that feels like, I don't wanna jinx it or anything. ", "So, if it happens, it happens. [", "I'm] gonna be an awkward mess regardless. ", "I can't imagine being put together in that moment.\"", "\n\nHowever, regardless of how the night turns out, Chalamet revealed that he's going to have his mom there as his plus-one to cheer him on.", "\n\n\"It's gonna sound, like, cheesy or something, but it takes a village, and first and foremost my mom was an actress and … when you want to pursue a career in acting or just a career in the arts, it's hard, just from the economic standpoint as parents, to encourage that,\" Chalamet explained. \"", "So I was really lucky with my parents, especially my mom.\"", "\n\nOne honoree who couldn't make it was 89-year-old French filmmaker Agnès Varda, who received her first Oscar nomination this year for her feature documentary Faces Places. ", "However, not wanting to miss out on the fun, Varda sent in a life-sized cut-out of herself, and ended up next to a number of A-listers in the group pic, including Streep and Allison Janney.", "\n\nKevork Djansezian/Getty Images\n\nET caught up with Janney, who earned her very first Oscar nomination this year for her supporting performance in I, Tonya.", "\n\nThe 58-year-old screen icon -- who's been honored with a Golden Globe, several Emmys and numerous Screen Actors Guild awards -- opened up about how it felt to recognized by the Academy, alongside celebrated titans of the silver screen.", "\n\n\"Looking around the room and seeing all these people I've admired over the years and knowing it was the Oscar lunch, [you] feel like [you've] been invited into a club that you never thought you'd be invited into,\" Janney marveled.", "\n\nKevork Djansezian/Getty Images\n\n\"Watching everyone get up on the day, when they call their names for the class of 2018 photo, that's pretty extraordinary. ", "Seeing Steven Spielberg and Meryl Streep and everyone, and then your names gets called and you go stand up there,\" she shared. \"", "It was pretty exciting to look around and see who I was standing with. ", "I can't wait to have that picture in my house up on my wall.\"", "\n\nThe 90th Annual Academy Awards will be held on Sunday, March 4, at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. ", "Check out the video below for a look at all the actors, filmmakers and movies nominated for Oscars this year.", "\n\nRELATED CONTENT:\n\nAllison Janney on Celebrating Her Golden Globe Nomination and Meeting the Real Tonya Harding (Exclusive)\n\nOscars Host Jimmy Kimmel Jokes 'What Could Possibly Go Wrong?' ", "in New Awards Show Photos\n\n2018 Oscar Nominations: Snubs, Surprises and Firsts! ", "This video is unavailable because we were unable to load a message from our sponsors.", "\n\n\n\nIf you are using ad-blocking software, please disable it and reload the page. ", "Embed Code Restart\n\nRelated Gallery" ]
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[ "A radiation sensitizer is an agent used to enhance the effect of radiation therapy. ", "In delivering potentially curative doses of radiation, it is necessary to balance the need for local tumor control with the potential for damage to surrounding normal tissues by the delivered dose of radiation (Bush et al., ", "1978). ", "It is therefore desirable to use the lowest radiation dose consistent with local control. ", "One way to achieve this would be to utilize a radiation sensitizing agent to enhance cytotoxicity of delivered radiation to the tumor.", "\nRadiation causes cell death by damaging critical targets within the cell, most commonly chromosomal DNA (Hendrickson and Withers, 1991). ", "Radiation therapy relies on two types of ionizing radiation: (1) directly ionizing subatomic particle radiation, such as alpha particles and beta particles (electrons), neutrons, protons, mesons, heavy charged ions, etc., ", "and (2) indirectly ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which exists as a family of waves of varying frequency including high frequency x-rays or gamma rays. ", "However, of the two, electromagnetic radiation is more commonly used in radiation therapy today. ", "In tissue, electromagnetic radiation in the form of x-rays or gamma rays can interact with molecules (especially water) causing the ejection of high-energy electrons. ", "The electrons can break the sugar phosphate bonds in DNA directly (direct action) or the process of electron ejection can ultimately produce free (uncharged) radicals that can also break the chemical (sugar-phosphate) bonds in DNA (indirect action). ", "The damage caused through the indirect mechanism is more significant (Hendrickson and Withers, 1991; Mulcahy et al., ", "1993; Rubin and Siemann, 1993; Chapman et al., ", "1974). ", "These damaging effects are mediated by the radiation products of water as shown: ##STR1##\nRadiation damage is produced primarily by the hydroxyl radical, HO.sup..circle-solid., ", "an oxidizing radical. ", "This radical is extremely reactive and short lived. ", "It causes damage primarily in the vicinity in which it is generated (.+-.4 nm). ", "If it comes into contact with a hydrated electron (e.sup.-.sub.aq), it is deactivated by conversion to a hydroxide ion (OH.sup.-). ", "Hydrated electrons are strong reducing species and highly energetic. ", "They are very mobile by comparison to the hydroxyl radical, can travel distances quickly, and through direct action can damage DNA. ", "However, as mentioned above, they also deactivate hydroxyl radicals readily. ", "Agents with strong electron affinity, by virtue of \"soaking up\" solvated electrons, prevent them from neutralizing hydroxyl radicals and thereby allow hydroxyl radicals to exert their effect (Adams and Dewey, 1963). ", "Oxygen and other compounds with strong electron affinity would thus be expected to act as radiation sensitizers.", "\nThe biological responses to radiation-induced cell injury may be modulated by various endogenous and exogenous compounds, and failure of radiation therapy to achieve local cure is multifactorial. ", "For instance, sulfhydryl compounds, including cysteine, dithiothreitol, and cysteamine have been shown to protect living cells against the lethal effects of ionizing radiation by acting as reducing agents (Rubin and Siemann, 1993) and facilitating the recombination of the ion pairs. ", "It also has been observed that depletion of cellular sulfhydryl compounds can result in radiosensitization.", "\nOne of the major factors mediating failure of radiation therapy, or radioresistance, is hypoxia. ", "Hypoxic cells in solid tumors have been observed to be 2.5-3 times more resistant to the damaging effect of ionizing radiation (Tannock, 1972; Watson et al., ", "1978; both cited in Brown, 1984). ", "Local cure/control rates of a tumor can be increased with an effective increase in the radiation dose; however, such an increase would damage adjacent, fully-oxygenated normal tissues to a greater degree than the tumor cells (Shenoy and Singh, 1992). ", "Specific modification of tumor radiosensitivity has been pursued through alteration of the tumor oxygenation state achieved by fractionation of the radiation dose and by the attempted use of chemical radiation sensitizers (Wang, 1988; Shenoy and Singh, 1992).", "\nFractionation results in reduced radiation effects in normal tissue as compared with a single acute dose due to cell repopulation and repair of sublethal damage between dose fractions. ", "In malignant tumor tissues, radiosensitive oxygenated cells are destroyed with a subsequent reduction in tumor size. ", "Subsequently, radioresistant hypoxic cells distant from functional vasculature become reoxygenated and therefore more radiosensitive. ", "Reassortment of cells within the cell cycle also occurs and renders the cancer cells more radiosensitive. ", "This differential response between tumor and normal cells may allow dose fractionation to be more tumoricidal than an equal single radiation dose.", "\nVarious types of electron-affinic reagents are known to promote radiosensitization of cells with diminished oxygen supply (Shenoy and Singh, 1992). ", "However, few of these show activity at non-toxic doses in vivo. ", "For instance, clinical trials with one of the better known agents, misonidazole, demonstrated that it is highly effective against a number of animal and human tumors (Thomlinson et al., ", "1976; Ash et al., ", "1979; Denekamp et al., ", "1980; all cited in Brown, 1984). ", "However, the neurological side-effects severely limit its clinical usefulness (Kallman, 1972; Dische et al., ", "1977; Urtasun et al., ", "1978; Waserman et al., ", "1979; all cited in Brown, 1984; and Dische et al., ", "1979). ", "Approaches aimed at improving the therapeutic index of nitroimidazoles have included lowering the lipophilicity so as to restrict nervous tissue penetration and toxicity, and accelerating renal clearance (Beard et al., ", "1993). ", "Clinical trials with these second-generation analogs of misonidazole have been reported or are on-going (Roberts et al., ", "1984; Coleman et al., ", "1984; Saunders et al., ", "1984; Coleman et al., ", "1986; Horwich et al., ", "1986; Newman et al., ", "1986; Dische et al., ", "1986; Coleman et al., ", "1987; Newman et al., ", "1988; Workman et al., ", "1989). ", "However, the approaches have yet to produce highly effective hypoxic cell sensitizers.", "\nHalogenated pyrimidines also have been studied as radiation sensitizers. ", "These agents modify the radiosensitivity of cells through structural alteration of the DNA, making the DNA more susceptible to radiation inactivation. ", "However, the drugs must be present in the cells for extended periods since the degree of radiosensitization is directly related to the degree of thymidine substitution. ", "In addition, the agents may undergo rapid hepatic degradation and dehalogenation (Shenoy and Singh, 1992). ", "The main limiting factor from prolonged use of halogenated pyrimidines has become bone marrow toxicity (Kinsella et al., ", "1984a; Kinsella et al., ", "1984b; Kinsella et al., ", "1985; cited in Shenoy and Singh, 1992).", "\nHypoxic cell sensitizers fall within the broad category of chemical modifiers of cancer treatment. ", "Chemical modifiers are usually not cytotoxic by themselves but modify or enhance the tissue response to standard radiation therapy. ", "The ultimate utility of a radiotherapy or chemotherapy modifier depends upon its ability to alter the therapeutic index.", "\nTexaphyrins have been described in U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,935,498, 5,162,509, 5,252,720, 5,292,414, 5,272,142, 5,256,399, 5,457,183, 5,599,923, 5,530,122, and 5,559,207; and PCT/US94/06284, all of which are incorporated by reference herein. ", "The photophysical properties of various texaphyrins are reported in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,252,720, incorporated by reference herein, and include strong low energy optical absorptions in the 690-880 nm spectral range, a high triplet quantum yield and efficient production of singlet oxygen. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,252,720 also describes photosensitized inactivation of enveloped viruses and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of atheroma, liver, kidney and tumor using various substituted texaphyrin metal complexes. ", "Altering the polarity and electrical charges of side groups of these macrocycles alters the degree, rate, and site(s) of binding to free enveloped viruses such as HIV-1 and to virally-infected peripheral mononuclear cells, thus modulating photosensitizer take-up and photosensitization of leukemia or lymphoma cells contaminating bone-marrow. ", "Powerful techniques include the use of these texaphyrins in magnetic resonance imaging followed by photodynamic tumor therapy in the treatment of atheroma, and benign and malignant tumors.", "\nThe present invention provides texaphyrins for radiation sensitization. ", "Texaphyrins enhance radiation damage and overcome many of the drawbacks of prior art radiation sensitizers." ]
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[ "NEXT Wednesday marks the 13th anniversary of the death of Noel Redding, who played bass with the Jimi Hendrix Experience and settled down at Dunowen House, Ardfield, West Cork, with Carol Appleby.", "\n\nHere, drummer Les Sampson, who played in various bands with Redding, including a Friday night residency at De Barra’s Folk Club, remembers his friend.", "\n\nOn first meeting Redding, at a pub in the English countryside around 1968: We’re sitting there talking about things, enjoying a pint of bitter, and this apparition turns up on a Honda 50 motorbike and it was Noel Redding. ", "He came into the pub and bought everyone a beer and we played darts. ", "He was so different to everybody else, he just looked totally different, covered in bright colours.", "\n\nNoel had parted company with Hendrix, they’d had a row — although Noel’s mum Margaret was still very friendly with Hendrix. ", "He’d only seen me playing a couple times but he liked what he was seeing and thought we could do something. ", "I was finishing an apprenticeship as a plumber, engaged to be married — and he told me to forget all that and play music. ", "So to everyone’s shock and horror, that’s what I did.", "\n\nThe Hendrix fame: Most of his life, no one could let him get out of that period of his life and he was stuck in this time warp of being famous for being with Hendrix and he got to resent it towards the end of his life, because he had no other life.", "\n\nTouring the US: We were doing a tour once and the promoter’s son had found out the promoter had booked Noel and he’s such a Hendrix admirer that he booked the rest of the hotel so he could move all of his friends in and be close to Noel. ", "There was constant ‘Hey man do you want to party?’ ", "It was like, ‘Bloody hell mate we’ve just finished rehearsing, chill out’.", "\n\nRedding’s first meeting with Carol Appleby: There was a dinner one night with the head of Motown Records, Berry Gordy, and a bunch of friends. ", "Carol was a blind date for me, they thought we’d get on really well. ", "I went to this dinner, I was talking to somebody else, she met Noel and they got talking. ", "I was introduced to her but I didn’t see her again for the rest of the evening. ", "They hitched up from that.", "\n\nRedding comes to West Cork: I was somebody with Noel, I was just part of Noel’s entourage as some people saw it, if they even worried about me — they were so busy gazing at Noel all the time. ", "But then he decided to retire.", "\n\nSo one minute we’re in Hollywood, then we get on a plane and we’re in Rosscarbery in West Cork, in the mist. ", "He just stuck a pin in a map and it ended up in West Cork.", "\n\nOn Redding’s legacy: It’s always been a really good tradition of music in West Cork. ", "Everywhere you go, there’s always someone who’s gonna have a go at it. ", "I think Noel just brought a massive centre of it all when he came to Ireland. ", "He made a lot of opportunities inadvertently, brought in a lot of interest, just because of who he was.", "\n\nLes Sampson plays at De Barra’s in Clonakilty on Saturday and Sunday with a variety of other musicians to celebrate the life and music of Noel Redding\n\nOne minute we’re in Hollywood, then we get on a plane and we’re in West Cork, in the mist\n\nSet in stone?", "\n\nThe Noel Redding Memorial Committee has been formed with the aim of delivering a statue to Clonakilty commemorating the late musician.", "\n\nThe seven-person committee has secured funding from the West Cork Municipality of €5,000 towards an estimated goal of €40,000.", "\n\nChairman Ray Blackwell said: “The statue will acknowledge Noel Redding’s cultural contribution to Clonakilty and to West Cork.", "\n\nIt will reinforce Clonakilty’s international identity as the music centre of Munster and inspire future generations of musicians and visitors in the area.”" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to head gimbal assemblies and servo controller of a hard disk drive.", "\n2. ", "Background Information\nHard disk drives contain a plurality of magnetic heads that are coupled to rotating disks. ", "The heads write and read information by magnetizing and sensing the magnetic fields of the disk surfaces. ", "There have been developed magnetic heads that have a write element for magnetizing the disks and a separate read element for sensing the magnetic field of the disks. ", "The read is element is typically constructed from a magneto-resistive material. ", "The magneto-resistive material has a resistance that varies with the magnetic fields of the disk. ", "Heads with magneto-resistive read elements are commonly referred to as magneto-resistive (MR) heads.", "\nEach head is embedded in a slider, which is attached to a flexure arm to create a subassembly commonly referred to as a head gimbal assembly (HGA). ", "The HGA's are attached to an actuator arm. ", "The actuator arm has a voice coil motor that can move the heads across the surfaces of the disks.", "\nInformation is stored in radial tracks that extend across the surfaces of each disk. ", "Each track is typically divided up into a number of segments or sectors. ", "The voice coil motor and actuator arm can move the heads to different tracks of the disks and to different sectors of each track.", "\nA suspension interconnect extends along the length of the flexure arm and connects the head to a preamplifier. ", "The suspension interconnect typically comprises a pair of conductive write traces and a pair of conductive read traces. ", "One pair of traces, such as the read traces, extend down one side of the flexure arm to the head and the remaining pair of traces extends down the other side of the flexure arm to the head.", "\nThe Tracks Per Inch (TPI) in hard disk drives is rapidly increasing, leading to smaller and smaller track positional tolerances. ", "The track position tolerance, or the offset of the read-write head from a track, is monitored by a signal known as the head Positional Error Signal (PES). ", "Reading a track successfully usually requires minimizing read-write head PES occurrences. ", "The allowable level of PES is becoming smaller and smaller. ", "A substantial portion of the PES is caused by disk vibration.", "\nTrack Mis-Registration (TMR) occurs when a read-write head tends to lose the track registration. ", "This occurs when the disk surface bends up or down. ", "TMR is often a statistical measure of the positional error between a read-write head and the center of an accessed track. ", "Bending is defined in terms of bending modes. ", "For a positive integer k, a bending mode of (k,0) produces k nodal lines running through the disk surface center, creating k peaks and k troughs arranged on the disk surface. ", "Bending mode (0,0) produces no nodal lines, either the entire disk is bent up or bent down.", "\nTwo basic prior art approaches are known to lower the Track Mis-Registration (TMR) due to disk vibration. ", "One approach uses head gimbal assemblies providing a radial motion capability. ", "The other approach alters the servo-controller to reduce TMR.", "\nIn the first approach, a head gimbal assembly, including a biased load beam, creates a roll center (also known as a dimple center), which provides a radial motion capability as the load beam moves vertically due to disk vibration. ", "This allows sliders to move in a radial direction as well as in a vertical direction with respect to the disks, reducing off-track motion due to disk vibration.", "\nThe first approach has some problems. ", "An air bearing forms between the slider face and the disk surface. ", "The slider face is tilted near the disk surface when it is flat. ", "The air bearing becomes non-uniform when the disk surface is flat, adding new mechanical instabilities into the system.", "\nOne alternative prior art head gimbal assembly provides a slider mounted so that it pivots in the radially oriented plane about the effective roll axis, which is located within the disk. ", "This scheme does not cause a non-uniform air bearing when the disk surface is flat. ", "However, the way the effective roll axis is placed inside the disk requires a more complex mechanical coupling between the slider support assembly and the slider. ", "This complex mechanical coupling may have a greater probability of mechanical failure, tending to increase manufacturing expenses and to reduce hard disk drive life expectancy.", "\nThe second prior art approach to lowering TMR due to disk vibration alters the servo-controller. ", "These servo controllers favor optimization of PES in the disk vibration range without regard for strengthening rejection of low frequency disturbances. ", "The disk vibration range will be considered to include frequencies between about 1K Hz and about 4K Hz. ", "Low frequency disturbances will be considered to include at least the frequencies between about 0 Hz and about 800 Hz.", "\nAccordingly, there exists a need for head gimbal assembly mechanisms providing a stable air bearing, able to follow a track when a disk surface bends, which are easy and reliable to manufacture. ", "There exists a need for servo controllers optimizing PES in the disk vibration range and taking into account potential advantages from strengthened rejection of low frequency disturbances." ]
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[ "Washington (CNN) If there is anything President Donald Trump believes about Russia and the 2016 presidential race, it's that there was no collusion between any member of his campaign and Russian intelligence officials.", "\n\nAsked in January about the possibility of sitting down with special counsel Bob Mueller to discuss Russia and the election, Trump unleashed this gem (bolding is mine):\n\n\"There has been no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians or Trump and Russians. ", "No collusion. ", "When I watch you interviewing all the people leaving their committees, I mean, the Democrats are all running for office, trying to say this that -- but bottom line, they all say there's no collusion. ", "And there is no collusion.\"", "\n\nIn short: No collusion. ", "In long: No collusion.", "\n\nTrump has called Mueller's exploration of possible collusion with the Russians a \"witch hunt\" and a \"hoax.\" ", "It's part of a broader PR campaign pursued by the President, his legal team and his loyalists to cast the special counsel investigation as a partisan endeavor, a wild goose chase that will end badly.", "\n\nRead More" ]
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[ "Originally Posted by Arandour Originally Posted by\n\nThere have been at least 3-4 threads for 3 months now and posts all around the forums about champions situation and the only think we got is barely a 10% buff that doesnt change anything at least for Red line that the whole conversations have been started for from the first place.", "\n\nDont let champions go to raid like this,give as at least a 10% more for Red line so we could stand a chance against the other dps classes when the raid goes live.", "Even with that 10% we will still be far behind burglars and wardens but at least is something from nothing.", "Give us that 10% more to red line please and later you can tune the class even better cause it needs much more than that but at least we wont loose the raid." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Is it important to discover why people cheat in their relationships? ", "Will this actually stop cheating and sustain partnerships? ", "Knowledge and information is power, so the more people realize some of the reasons people cheat on each other, the more they can keep their relationship whole and happy.", "\n\nHere are some of the reasons people cheat and signs to watch in your relationship:\n\n- One spouse feels like the only thing they are doing is taking care of the kids and home with cooking, cleaning and car-pooling. ", "The partnership aspect of the marriage is gone so they seek emotional satisfaction from others.", "\n\n- A spouse cheats because the other spouse has stopped listening. ", "Their sentences are cut off in mid-stream or they leave the room while you are talking.", "\n\n- Spouses emotionally shut themselves down and try to escape with something easy. ", "Cheating and infidelity is not unlike taking drugs. ", "Drugs numb the pain and cheating is an escape mechanism from the real problems of the marriage.", "\n\n- Sexual problems are one of the biggest reasons spouses cheat. ", "One spouse may not feel the monogamous relationship of marriage is fulfilling. ", "There are many flavors of ice cream in the world and you may not want to eat vanilla for the rest of your life.", "\n\nFor couples to survive cheating, it boils down to finding respect and love for the person you married. ", "Come from that place within yourself and get professional help if necessary. ", "Open up an honest dialogue with your spouse to make the relationship work.", "\n\nEver wonder how you could make your life better and more fun? ", "So have tens of millions of fans who have turned to LifeTips for answers over the past decade. ", "We keep the tips, advice, books, podcasts and writing services flowing, so you can keep your life and business growing in the right direction. ", "Upward!" ]
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[ "The 2.8 A resolution structure of Streptomyces griseus protease B and its homology with alpha-chymotrypsin and Streptomyces griseus protease A.\nThe 2.8 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution structure of the crystalline orthorhombic form of the microbial serine protease Streptomyces griseus protease B (SGPB) has been solved by the method of multiple isomorphous replacement using five heavy-atom derivatives. ", "The geometrical arrangement of the active site quartet, Ser-214, Asp-102, His-57, and Ser-195, is similar to that found for pancreatic alpha-chymotrypsin. ", "SGPB and alpha-chymotrypsin have only 18% identity of primary structure but their tertiary structures are 63% topologically equivalent within a root mean square deviation of 2.07 A. The major tertiary structural differences between the bacterial enzyme SGPB and the pancreatic enzymes is due to the zymogen requirement of the multicellular organisms in order to protect themselves against autolytic degradation. ", "The two pronase enzymes, SGPB and Streptomyces griseus protease A (SGPA), have 61% identity of sequence and their tertiary structures are 85% topologically equivalent within a root mean square deviation of 1.46 A. The active site regions of SGPA and SGPB are similar and their tertiary structures differ only in three minor regions of surface loops." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * This is project's console commands configuration for Robo task runner.", "\n *\n * @see http://robo.li/\n */\nclass RoboFile extends \\Robo\\Tasks\n{\n /**\n * Creates release zip\n *\n * @param string $version\n * @see https://gist.github.com/Rarst/5a8a65478755539770df653c4575219a\n */\n public function release($version)\n {\n $package = 'upyun/sdk';\n $name = 'php-sdk';\n $collection = $this->collectionBuilder();\n $workingPath = __DIR__ . ", "DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ", "$collection->workDir(\"release\");\n $collection->taskExec(\"composer create-project {$package} {$name} {$version}\")\n ->dir($workingPath)\n ->arg('--prefer-dist')\n ->arg('--no-dev')\n ->arg('-vvv')\n ->taskExec('composer dump-autoload --optimize')\n ->dir($workingPath . ", "DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ", "$name)\n ->arg('-vvv');\n $collection->run();\n\n $zipFile = \"release/{$name}-{$version}.zip\";\n $this->_remove($zipFile);\n $this->taskPack($zipFile)\n ->addDir(\"php-sdk\", __DIR__ . \"", "/release/php-sdk\")\n ->run();\n $this->_deleteDir(\"release/$name\");\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * Copyright (c) Enalean, 2019. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n *\n * This file is a part of Tuleap.", "\n *\n * Tuleap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * Tuleap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with Tuleap. ", "If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n */\n\nclass b201910241530_remove_callmeback_configuration_table extends ForgeUpgrade_Bucket // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine\n{\n public function description()\n {\n return 'Remove call me back configuration tables';\n }\n\n public function preUp()\n {\n $this->db = $this->getApi('ForgeUpgrade_Bucket_Db');\n }\n\n public function up()\n {\n $this->db->dbh->beginTransaction();\n $this->dropCallMeBackTables();\n $this->db->dbh->commit();\n }\n\n private function dropCallMeBackTables()\n {\n $sql = \"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugin_callmeback_email;\n DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugin_callmeback_messages;\";\n\n $result = $this->db->dbh->exec($sql);\n\n if ($result === false) {\n throw new ForgeUpgrade_Bucket_Exception_UpgradeNotComplete('Remove call me back tables failed');\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Welcome To Star's Fanclub!", "\n\nThis is a club for warriors fanart, rp and oc's. ", "We aren't very strict about deviation submissions or content but please try to keep it at warriors or animals or fursonas. ", "We also don't really have any rules except respect other members.", "Thanks and HAVE FUN!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-molecules-24-03856}\n===============\n\nOil bodies (OBs) are natural droplets with a core of liquid triacylglycerols (TAGs) surrounded by a monolayer membrane of phospholipids embedded with OB endogenous proteins \\[[@B1-molecules-24-03856],[@B2-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "These surface proteins include mainly oleosin (15\\~25 kDa), caleosin (27\\~30 kDa), and steroleosin (\\~40 kDa). ", "Oleosin and caleosin are the main structural proteins consisting of a central hydrophobic domain anchored inside the TAG, and a hydrophilic N-terminal and a C-terminal facing the cytoplasm \\[[@B3-molecules-24-03856],[@B4-molecules-24-03856],[@B5-molecules-24-03856],[@B6-molecules-24-03856],[@B7-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Steroleosin is not considered to contribute to the structure stability of OBs, although it comprises a similar structure as caleosin, e.g., a shorter hydrophobic sequence and longer hydrophilic domains as compared to oleosin \\[[@B8-molecules-24-03856],[@B9-molecules-24-03856],[@B10-molecules-24-03856],[@B11-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "OBs can be obtained by aqueous extraction, through which the produced OBs are in the form of aqueous creams or emulsions. ", "On one hand, the OB droplets are naturally emulsified without the addition of other surfactants or chemicals. ", "On the other hand, natural nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamin E, and unsaturated fatty acids which are the naturally predominant components of the TAG molecules at the sn-2 position, can be completely preserved in such extracted natural OBs \\[[@B4-molecules-24-03856],[@B11-molecules-24-03856],[@B12-molecules-24-03856],[@B13-molecules-24-03856],[@B14-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Moreover, the natural OB emulsion has a physical and chemical stability against external environmental perturbation, such as mechanical stresses, temperature, and oxidation \\[[@B8-molecules-24-03856],[@B15-molecules-24-03856]\\], which is attributed to the protection by the phospholipid-protein membrane formed by the endogenous proteins and the outer layer stabilization by the exogenous proteins in the OB emulsion. ", "The endogenous proteins on the surface of the OBs provide a certain charge and steric hindrance, resulting in a repulsive force that is relatively weak between the OB droplets and, thus, maintains the stability of the OB emulsion \\[[@B16-molecules-24-03856],[@B17-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The exogenous proteins provide a second layer protection on the OB droplets by increasing the repulsive force between droplets and by the steric effect \\[[@B18-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Therefore, the OBs and their aqueous emulsions have received extensive attention, and have the potential for developing beverages \\[[@B19-molecules-24-03856]\\], edible films and coatings \\[[@B20-molecules-24-03856]\\], and salad dressings, in the field of food industry \\[[@B21-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nIn practical applications and development of food products using natural OBs, the stability of OB emulsions is affected by the processing conditions and the external environments, such as pH, freeze--thaw cycle, or salt ion strength, which might cause aggregation, coalescence, and demulsification \\[[@B22-molecules-24-03856],[@B23-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The physical instability of OB emulsions can be improved by adding surfactants or biopolymers \\[[@B16-molecules-24-03856],[@B18-molecules-24-03856],[@B21-molecules-24-03856],[@B23-molecules-24-03856],[@B24-molecules-24-03856],[@B25-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The surfactant can adsorb on the OB membrane or displace a surface protein, forming a denser membrane composed of surfactant and protein-phospholipids. ", "In recent years, polysaccharides such as xanthan gum \\[[@B18-molecules-24-03856]\\], gum arabic \\[[@B24-molecules-24-03856]\\], carrageenan \\[[@B23-molecules-24-03856]\\], and pectin \\[[@B16-molecules-24-03856],[@B26-molecules-24-03856]\\] were used to improve the stability of OB emulsions. ", "The charged polysaccharide can interact with the OB surface proteins, forming a second layer by improving the spatial repulsive force, reducing depletion flocculation, and improving the OB droplet stability \\[[@B27-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "As a linear anionic polysaccharide, sodium alginate (ALG) has unique functions, such as slowing down the absorption of fatty acids and bile salts, thus reducing the content of serum, cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and blood glucose in human body \\[[@B28-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "ALG can be dissolved and mixed at room temperature without heating, and can build up viscosity with a relatively low concentration. ", "Therefore, the use of ALG to stabilize OB emulsion is highly significant and promising in the food industry. ", "In a previous study, we stabilized the soybean OB emulsion by using ALG in different environments (pH, salt, and freeze--thaw cycle), and found that ALG can be adsorbed onto the surface of OB droplets, preventing OB aggregation at low pHs \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nHowever, depending on the sources and extraction methods, the composition and amount of the surface proteins, as well as the exogenous proteins of diverse OBs might vary, therefore, affecting the properties and application of the OBs \\[[@B1-molecules-24-03856],[@B8-molecules-24-03856],[@B29-molecules-24-03856],[@B30-molecules-24-03856],[@B31-molecules-24-03856],[@B32-molecules-24-03856],[@B33-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "For example, it was observed that small maize germ OBs exhibited high stability against coalescence as they flocculated with other neighboring oil droplets in the aqueous environment, while larger-sized OBs, e.g., from other origins, might not be able to resist the mechanical stresses arising from depletion flocculation, thus, leading to coalescence and hence emulsion destabilization \\[[@B18-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nIn this study, we extracted peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB creams by the aqueous medium method. ", "The moisture, fat, and protein contents of the extracted OB cream were analyzed. ", "The surface protein composition, microstructure, average particle size $d_{4,\\ 3}$, *ζ*-potential, and stability of the OB emulsions were measured. ", "Compared with the soybean OB in the previous study \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\], the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB creams were composed of more than 55% fat, and their emulsions not only showed aggregation phenomenon near the isoelectric point (IEP), but also showed a creaming phenomenon at high pHs. ", "In addition, the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB emulsions were severely affected by salt ions, as compared to the soybean OB emulsion. ", "ALG was used to tackle the problem of the instability of the OB emulsions at different pH values by changing the concentration of ALG. ", "The concentration of the ALG under different conditions was optimized; the mechanism is discussed herein. ", "The salt and heat resistance of the OB emulsions stabilized by the optimized ALG concentration were also evaluated. ", "Thus, this study broadened the range of applications for diverse OBs under different conditions.", "\n\n2. ", "Results and Discussion {#sec2-molecules-24-03856}\n=========================\n\n2.1. ", "OB Characteristics {#sec2dot1-molecules-24-03856}\n-----------------------\n\nThe main chemical compositions of the three OB creams (peanut, sesame, and rapeseed) extracted using the aqueous media method are listed in [Table 1](#molecules-24-03856-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "For comparison, the table also provides the compositions of the soybean OB cream from Su et al. ", "\\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Among the three OBs (peanut, sesame, and rapeseed), the average particle size of the sesame OB was the largest, and that of the rapeseed OB was the smallest. ", "Their particle size distribution is shown in [Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}a. ", "The protein content of the rapeseed OB was the highest, and that of the sesame OB cream was the lowest, in contrast to the order of the fat content. ", "Therefore, the rapeseed OB had the highest protein-to-fat ratio, while the sesame OB had the lowest among the three OBs. ", "However, both the protein content and the protein-to-fat ratio for all three OBs were lower than those of the soybean OB, as listed in [Table 1](#molecules-24-03856-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nThe *ζ*-potential of the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB droplets in emulsion at different pHs are shown in [Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}b. ", "It can be seen that the *ζ*-potential of the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OBs all decreased from pH 3 to pH 8, and the IEPs were about pH 4.6, 4.0, and 4.9, respectively.", "\n\nThe surface protein species of the three extracted OBs were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS--PAGE) ([Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c--e). ", "The protein bands of the peanut OB are 18, 21, 25, 30, 40, 54, and 66 kDa, and larger Mws ([Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c). ", "Among them, proteins of 18 kDa and 21 kDa are the endogenous proteins of the peanut oleosins, 25 kDa and 30 kDa are the caleosins, and proteins of 40 kDa are the steroleosins \\[[@B24-molecules-24-03856],[@B34-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The other proteins with higher Mws (54 and 66 kDa) are the exogenous proteins \\[[@B34-molecules-24-03856],[@B35-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The protein bands of the sesame OB are 14, 16, 21, 24, and 26 kDa ([Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}d). ", "All of which are the sesame oleosins (Mw of 14, 16, and 21 kDa), and the sesame caleosins (Mw of 24 and 26 kDa) \\[[@B34-molecules-24-03856],[@B36-molecules-24-03856]\\], indicating that the exogenous proteins were almost completely removed. ", "In [Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}e, the proteins of the rapeseed OB are the endogenous oleosins with Mw of 17 kDa, caleosins with Mws of 25 and 30 kDa, and exogenous proteins of higher Mws of 54 and 88 kDa \\[[@B34-molecules-24-03856],[@B37-molecules-24-03856],[@B38-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "These results suggested that the OBs carried different endogenous and exogenous proteins. ", "First, compared to the peanut and rapeseed OB, the sesame OB had substantially no exogenous proteins. ", "Second, even for the same type of endogenous proteins, their Mw varied \\[[@B32-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "These differences were mainly due to the fact that the endogenous and exogenous proteins of different seed OBs were differently influenced by the same extraction conditions and cleaning agents \\[[@B25-molecules-24-03856],[@B34-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The differences in the type and content of endogenous and exogenous proteins influence the stability of the OB emulsions since the structures such as the amino acid sequence and the number of the proteins are different. ", "Therefore, we further investigated the stability of these OB emulsions at different conditions and used ALG to solve the stability problem in the following sections.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Influence of pH on the Creaming Stability of OB Emulsions {#sec2dot2-molecules-24-03856}\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe effect of different pHs (from 3 to 8) on the stability of different OB emulsions was first examined. ", "Photomicrographs of the OB emulsions at different pHs are displayed in [Figure 2](#molecules-24-03856-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c. At pH 3, the peanut and rapeseed OB emulsions were well-dispersed, although the sesame OB emulsion showed a slight aggregation. ", "At pH 4--6, all three OB emulsions showed a certain degree of aggregations. ", "The sesame OBs were likely to have the largest aggregation among the three OBs. ", "At pH 7 and 8, all OBs were well-dispersed in the emulsion, as they were strongly negatively charged. ", "After storage for 7 days at room temperature, all three OB emulsions showed a creaming phenomenon at all pHs, as shown in [Figure 2](#molecules-24-03856-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}d--f. The creaming speed of the sesame OB emulsion was the fastest. ", "The emulsions were extremely unstable near their IEP, which was probably due to the fact that the *ζ*-potential was low and the electric repulsion between the OB droplets was weak \\[[@B22-molecules-24-03856],[@B29-molecules-24-03856],[@B39-molecules-24-03856],[@B40-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The OBs were prone to aggregate and then speeded up the rate of creaming. ", "At a pH away from the IEP, the OB emulsions could maintain a certain stability due to the electrostatic repulsion \\[[@B16-molecules-24-03856]\\] and steric hindrance of the surface proteins \\[[@B4-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "However, a completely stable OB emulsion over storage could not be obtained by using the extraction method employed in this study.", "\n\nThese results indicated that the stability of the OB emulsions was related to pH and was also affected by the amount of endogenous and exogenous proteins, as well as the nature of the oleosins, as has been discussed previously \\[[@B40-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The contents of the endogenous and the exogenous proteins of the sesame OBs were less than that of the other two seed OBs, according to [Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c--e. The sesame OBs had almost no exogenous proteins and a very small amount of endogenous proteins. ", "Thus, the amount of charges provided by the sesame OB surface proteins was lower than those of peanut and rapeseed OBs, and the IEP of the sesame OB moved to the direction of a lower pH \\[[@B40-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "In addition, the primary structure of the sesame oleosins showed that the sesame oleosins had shorter hydrophilic terminals on the surface of the sesame OBs \\[[@B40-molecules-24-03856],[@B41-molecules-24-03856],[@B42-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Therefore, the stability of the sesame OB emulsion was worse than the other two OBs, due to the insufficient electrostatic repulsion and low steric protection. ", "In the creaming process of the OB emulsions, the OB droplets diffused and rose up to the air--water surface, causing the increase of the interfacial pressure and, thus, some OBs at air--water surface might rupture, although others remain integrated and agglomerated \\[[@B43-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Therefore, aggregation and creaming of OB emulsions affect the processing and quality of the food products, and, should be intervened.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Influence of ALG on OB Emulsions {#sec2dot3-molecules-24-03856}\n-------------------------------------\n\nThe OB emulsions had the most serious aggregation and creaming near their IEP, and were also very unstable during storage where aggregation occurred when the ion concentration or temperature changed \\[[@B23-molecules-24-03856],[@B29-molecules-24-03856],[@B44-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "It has been shown that anionic polysaccharide ALG or alginate type hydrocolloids (pectin) could be adsorbed on soybean OB surface at a pH lower than IEP, which increased the stability of the OBs by reducing the van der Waals attraction and increasing the electrostatic repulsion \\[[@B17-molecules-24-03856],[@B29-molecules-24-03856],[@B39-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "In this work, the ALG was applied to stabilize the unstable peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB emulsions at a pH around their IEP. ", "First, the ALG concentrations were optimized. ", "A pH slightly lower than the IEP of each OB emulsion was chosen to find the optimum concentration of ALG---pH 3.9 was chosen for the sesame and peanut OB emulsions; pH 4.5 was chosen for the rapeseed OB emulsion. ", "The effect of ALG concentrations on the *ζ*-potential and particle size of the three OB emulsions is shown in [Figure 3](#molecules-24-03856-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "In [Figure 3](#molecules-24-03856-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--b, at the experimental pH of each OB emulsion, as mentioned above---the *ζ*-potential of the OB emulsions and the particle size decreased with an increasing concentration of ALG. ", "When the ALG reached a certain concentration, the *ζ*-potential and particle size basically reached a plateau value, which meant that the minimum concentration of ALG which could stabilize the OB emulsion was reached. ", "The stabilized OB emulsion with this concentration of ALG had a relevant large *ζ*-potential, and the smallest particle size, since the electrostatic repulsion between oil particles was strong enough to keep the stability of droplets against aggregation. ", "Therefore, the optimal concentration of ALG was 0.35 wt.% for the peanut OB emulsion, 0.45 wt.% for the sesame OB emulsion, and 0.3 wt.% for the rapeseed OB emulsion (emulsions all with 1 wt.% OB cream). ", "The concentration of saturation adsorption of ALG was inversely related to the IEP of different OBs, which was determined by the structure of the oleosins \\[[@B40-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nThe creaming stability of the OB emulsions with the optimum concentration of ALG was then investigated, and the results are displayed in [Figure 4](#molecules-24-03856-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c. It can be seen that at a pH close to the IEP (pH 3--6), the creaming stability of the three OB emulsions was relatively good, and much improved compared to that in the absence of ALG (comparing [Figure 4](#molecules-24-03856-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c with [Figure 2](#molecules-24-03856-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}d--f), suggesting that ALG can effectively balance the charge between the surface proteins of OBs, and further appropriately increase the repulsive force between OB droplets. ", "Therefore, the OB can exist stably against aggregation at these pHs in the emulsion.", "\n\nHowever, the creaming phenomenon for all of the three OB emulsions still markedly occurred at pH 7 and 8, as shown in [Figure 4](#molecules-24-03856-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c. Conversely, in the previous study, soybean OB emulsion stabilized by 0.35 wt.% ALG at pH 7 and 8 could evenly disperse and the creaming phenomenon did not occur \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "As mentioned above, the creaming and destabilization of the OB emulsion was related to the diffusion and exposure of the OBs to the water--air--interface \\[[@B40-molecules-24-03856],[@B43-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "There might be several reasons for the creaming stability at pH 7 and 8 for the soybean OBs with low concentration ALG. ", "First, the soybean OB emulsions contained more proteins on the OB surfaces, with the structure proteins of oleosin and caleosin being rich in content, which led to a better stability than the other three OB emulsions studied here \\[[@B4-molecules-24-03856],[@B21-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the soybean OBs had the smallest particles size among the four OBs ([Table 1](#molecules-24-03856-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), which slowed the creaming speed of the oil droplets in the emulsion during storage. ", "Therefore, a low concentration of ALG could stabilize the soybean OB emulsion. ", "In the present study, the droplet sizes in the sesame or peanut OB emulsions (2.31 ± 0.12 μm or 3.65 ± 0.01 μm, respectively as shown in [Figure 1](#molecules-24-03856-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}a) were much larger than that of the soybean OBs (about 0.54 ± 0.01μm), therefore, the creaming speed was probably faster. ", "For the rapeseed OBs, although their droplet sizes were also small, they had less oleosin and caleosin on the surface than the soybean OBs, and the surface charge was also low at pH 7, resulting in a smaller repulsive force or steric hindrance between the OBs and, thus, it was easier for the OBs to aggregate and float up. ", "Therefore, a low concentration of ALG could not stabilize all three OB emulsions at pH 7 and 8 in the present study.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Influence of ALG on the Creaming Stability of OB Emulsions at pH 7 {#sec2dot4-molecules-24-03856}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to stabilize the OB emulsion at pH 7 and 8, and slow down the creaming phenomenon, the concentration of the ALG added to the OB emulsions was increased. ", "The stability of the OB emulsions with different concentrations of ALG under neutral conditions after 7 days of storage was analyzed, and the results are displayed in [Figure 5](#molecules-24-03856-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--d. When the ALG concentration was 0--0.9 wt.%, the OB emulsion showed obvious creaming, that is, the OBs floated up, resulting in a cream layer on the top of the emulsion and a serum layer at the bottom, as shown in the \"0%\" sample on the left in [Figure 5](#molecules-24-03856-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c (data for other ALG concentration sample are shown in [Figure S1a--c, Supplementary Materials](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The creaming indices for the cream layer and the serum layer of the OB emulsions, as defined in [Section 3.5](#sec3dot5-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"sec\"}, were high in these samples ([Figure 5](#molecules-24-03856-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}d). ", "As the concentration of ALG increased, the creaming of OB emulsions was gradually slowed down, and both the serum and creaming indices were reduced. ", "When the ALG concentration reached 1.2 wt.%, no creaming phenomenon was observed in the sesame OB emulsion. ", "When the ALG concentration reached 1.5 wt.%, the creaming phenomenon of the peanut and rapeseed OB emulsions did not occur.", "\n\nTo understand the mechanism of ALG stabilizing OB emulsions, [Figure 6](#molecules-24-03856-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c show the viscosity of the pure OB emulsion at pH 7 and the OB emulsions with different concentrations of ALG as a function of the shear rate. ", "The results showed that all three 1 wt.% of pure OB emulsions exhibited shear thinning characteristics within the shear rate range examined. ", "However, when the shear rate was between 10--100 s^−1^ the viscosity of these emulsions had stable values, which were about 2--4 mPa·s. ", "When the ALG concentration increased to the optimal concentration for stabilizing the emulsions at around pH 4, which was 0.35 wt.%, 0.45 wt.%, and 0.3 wt.% ALG for the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed emulsions, respectively, as discussed in [Section 2.3](#sec2dot3-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"sec\"}, the viscosities of the OB--ALG emulsion systems were increased by about 4--7 folds higher than each pure OB emulsion between 10 s^−1^ and 100 s^−1^. Whereas, when the ALG concentration was increased to 1.2 wt.% for the sesame OB emulsion and 1.5 wt.% for the peanut and rapeseed OB emulsions, the viscosities of the OB emulsions were significantly increased, e.g., the viscosity of each was about 200--700 mPa·s between 10 s^−1^ and 100 s^−1^, which was more than 100 times higher than the pure OB emulsions. ", "According to Stokes formula \\[[@B45-molecules-24-03856]\\], the increase of viscosity could increase the drag force exerted on the droplets and reduce their creaming rates in the emulsion. ", "Meanwhile, the *ζ*-potential of low concentration ALG and high concentration ALG stabilized OB emulsion were measured ([Figure S2, Supplementary Materials](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The OB emulsions with different ALG concentrations (0.30 wt.%, 0.35 wt.%, 0.45 wt.%1.20 wt.%, and 1.50 wt.%) showed similar *ζ*-potential at pH 7. ", "Therefore, we believed it was the viscosity effect that effectively controlled the creaming phenomenon of the OB emulsions at pH 7 and 8, since the increase in the concentration of ALG increased the emulsion viscosity. ", "The addition of ALG at a lower concentration did not solve the creaming phenomenon of the OB emulsions at pH 7, since the viscosity of each system was still not high enough to slow down the creaming of OB droplets, whereas the high viscosity of the high ALG concentration successfully slowed down the movement of the OBs.", "\n\n2.5. ", "Influence of Salt on the Stability of OB Emulsions {#sec2dot5-molecules-24-03856}\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nDuring the food processing, the concentration of salt ions could influence the conformation of the surface proteins and the exogenous proteins of OBs, thus, affecting the stability of OB emulsions. ", "Therefore, the stability of the OB emulsion under different NaCl concentrations was investigated at different pHs (pH 4 and 7, were selected as the typical acidic and neutral conditions). ", "The surface charge and particle size of the different OB emulsions with varying NaCl concentrations are shown in [Figure 7](#molecules-24-03856-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c and [Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c, respectively. ", "It could be seen that the *ζ*-potential of the pure peanut and sesame OB emulsion were between −2 mV and 2 mV at pH 4, while the *ζ*-potential of the rapeseed OB emulsion at pH 4 was about 9 mV. Their *ζ*-potentials did not change much with the increase of salt ion concentration ([Figure 7](#molecules-24-03856-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c). ", "Iwanaga et al. ", "mentioned similar results in their studies on the influence of NaCl on OBs \\[[@B22-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "They attributed the constancy of *ζ*-potential with the increase of salt concentration to the presence of endogenous salt or the charge regulation effect of the OBs. ", "When exogenous salt (NaCl) was added to the OB emulsion system, there was an electrostatic screening effect. ", "However, the addition of exogenous monovalent cations (Na^+^) might partially displace any divalent cations (Mg^2+^ or Ca^2+^) associated with the anionic OB surface, thereby, counterbalancing the expected decrease in negative charge and weakening the electrostatic screening effect, such that the expected decrease of *ζ*-potential would be counterbalanced. ", "Since the charges on the surface of the particles at pH 4 are still low, the OBs tend to aggregate to larger particles to a certain extent, as indicated in [Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c. The particle size change of the rapeseed OB emulsion was particularly obvious, as its particle size increased from 7.8 μm (0 mmol/L NaCl) to 12.3 μm (250 mmol/L NaCl), as displayed in [Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}c, which was about a 57% increase. ", "However, the particle size of the peanut and sesame OB emulsions did not change obviously, since pH 4 was close to the IEP of the peanut or the sesame OB emulsion, at which the OBs aggregated more seriously than the rapeseed OBs, as shown by the large particle size in [Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--b and the microstructure in [Figure S3a--b (Supplementary Materials)](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "Therefore, the electrostatic screening effect and charge regulation did not obviously affect the particle size of the peanut and the sesame OB emulsions.", "\n\nWhen ALG was used to stabilize the OB emulsions at pH 4, as shown in [Figure 7](#molecules-24-03856-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c, the *ζ*-potential of the three OB emulsions became largely negative, with values of around −30 to −40 mV, not changing significantly with the NaCl concentration. ", "In contrast to the pure OB emulsions, the particle size decreased significantly, especially for the peanut and sesame OB emulsions with ALG ([Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c). ", "Additionally, the particles size for each OB--ALG emulsion did not change with the NaCl concentration, indicating that the emulsions were dispersed uniformly and were stable against NaCl.", "\n\nThe stability of the OB emulsions, with and without ALG, at different salt ion concentrations at pH 7 was also measured. ", "The results are displayed in [Figure 7](#molecules-24-03856-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c and [Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c. The *ζ*-potential of the pure peanut and sesame OB emulsions were about −10 mV to −20 mV, without any significant variation, while *ζ*-potential of the rapeseed OB emulsion showed an upward trend from −13.93 mV (0 mmol/L NaCl) to −10.27 mV (250 mmol/L NaCl). ", "In [Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c, with an increase of the NaCl concentration, the particle size of the peanut OB emulsion was around 3--5 μm, and that of the sesame OB emulsion was around 4--5 μm, implying no obvious change. ", "The peanut and sesame OB emulsions were rich in structural proteins. ", "The particle size of the rapeseed OB emulsion increased a little as the NaCl concentration increased, probably also due to the electrostatic screening effect caused by the addition of Na^+^. At this pH (7), when a high concentration of ALG was added to each of the OB emulsions, as we optimized in [Section 2.4](#sec2dot4-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"sec\"}, all ALG-stabilized OB emulsions had an enlarged charge density ([Figure 7](#molecules-24-03856-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c) and a decreased particle size ([Figure 8](#molecules-24-03856-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c), which did not change markedly with an increase in NaCl concentration. ", "Therefore, a high concentration of ALG could also improve the stability of the OB emulsion against the salt ions.", "\n\n2.6. ", "Influence of Freeze--Thaw Cycling and Thermal Treatment on the Stability of OB Emulsions {#sec2dot6-molecules-24-03856}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe effect of freeze--thaw cycling on the stability of the OB emulsions was also investigated. ", "Similarly, the freeze--thaw stability under acidic and neutral conditions was examined, in terms of particle size, microstructure, and creaming stability. ", "As can be seen from [Figure 9](#molecules-24-03856-f009){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c, the particle size of the pure OB emulsions increased with the increase of the number of freeze--thaw cycles at pH 4, especially for the peanut and sesame OB emulsions. ", "This was mainly because the three OB emulsions were in an unstable state at pH 4, and the oil droplets coalesced after freezing and thawing, forming large particle droplets. ", "The creaming index for the serum layer of the freeze--thawed emulsion at pH 4 ([Figure 10](#molecules-24-03856-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c), was also significantly high, indicating the instability of the emulsion against freeze--thaw cycling.", "\n\nAt pH 7, all pure OB emulsions showed an even increase of particle size after freeze--thaw treatment, following obvious coalescence of oil droplets and demulsification, although the result after the third freeze--thaw cycle might be unreliable, since the coalescent oil droplets were easily attached to the sample vial. ", "The real particles sizes were even greater than the data shown in [Figure 9](#molecules-24-03856-f009){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c for pure OB emulsions after three times of freeze--thaw cycling at pH 7. ", "The creaming index in [Figure 10](#molecules-24-03856-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c also show a serious creaming phenomenon \\[[@B44-molecules-24-03856],[@B46-molecules-24-03856],[@B47-molecules-24-03856],[@B48-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nAfter addition of ALG at the optimal concentration to either pH, the particle size of the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB emulsions all became much smaller, as compared to the pure OB emulsion, frozen and thawed by the same number of freeze--thaw cycling. ", "Even after three cycles of freezing and thawing, the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB emulsions stabilized by ALG showed a slight increase of particle size, respectively, and the demulsification phenomenon did not occur any more. ", "The creaming phenomenon after freezing and thawing was also controlled, and no obvious creaming occurred in these ALG-stabilized emulsions with a very low creaming index obtained in [Figure 10](#molecules-24-03856-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"}a--c. Therefore, the addition of ALG protected the OB emulsion against the freeze--thaw cycling process, and improved the stability of the OB emulsions at both acidic and neutral conditions.", "\n\nEffect of thermal treatment at high temperatures (60, 90 and 120 ℃) on the stability of the OB emulsions was also investigated. ", "The results were displayed in the [Supplementary Materials](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "After thermal treatment at each temperature for 30 min, the ζ-potential ([Figure S4, Supplementary Materials](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}) of each OB emulsion did not change much compared with that after heating at 25 ℃. ", "The microstructure ([Figure S5, Supplementary Materials](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}), and particle size and its corresponding change ([Figure S6, Supplementary Materials](#app1-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"app\"}) after high temperature treatment of the three pure and ALG-stabilized OB emulsions at pH 4 or pH 7 are also similar to those at 25 ℃. ", "The results indicate that ALG stabilized-OB emulsions also have great stability against high temperature thermal treatment.", "\n\n3. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec3-molecules-24-03856}\n========================\n\n3.1. ", "Materials {#sec3dot1-molecules-24-03856}\n--------------\n\nPeanuts and sesame were purchased from Shenyang Xinchang Grain Trade Co. Ltd. (Shenyang, China). ", "Rapeseed was provided by the Institute of Oil Crops, Chinese Academy of Science. ", "The ALG was provided by FMC BioPolymer (Drammen, Norway), which had a molecular weight (Mw) of 270 kDa and a polydispersity index of 1.50. ", "Other chemicals were of analytical grade and were purchased from the Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China). ", "Ultra-pure water (LBS-RUP60, Chengdu Haokang Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu, China) was used for the preparation of all solutions.", "\n\n3.2. ", "OB Extraction {#sec3dot2-molecules-24-03856}\n------------------\n\nOBs were extracted from plant seeds (peanut, sesame, and rapeseed) according to the method described by Su et al. ", "\\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "Generally, the soaked seeds were blended by a commercial food processor (KS-920, Guangzhou City Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, China) to obtain a homogenate of each. ", "Then, the homogenate was filtered and the filtrate was centrifuged at a high acceleration of 10,000× *g*, for 30 min at 4 °C (CR21N, Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), and was washed once with urea and with Tris-HCl buffer solution for three times.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Characterization of OB Chemical Compositions {#sec3dot3-molecules-24-03856}\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nThe chemical compositions (the contents of fat, proteins, and moisture) of the extracted OB cream were determined according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methods \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856],[@B49-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The fat content of the OBs was determined by the Soxhlet extractor system using petroleum ether as the extraction solvent. ", "Nitrogen content of the OBs were determined by the Kjeldahl method. ", "The 6.25× Kjeldahl N conversion factor was used to convert the percentage of nitrogen to the protein content. ", "The moisture content of the OBs was determined by oven drying.", "\n\nThe composition of the OB surface proteins was analyzed by SDS--PAGE, according to the method described by Su et al. ", "\\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\n3.4. ", "Preparation of OB Emulsions with Different Concentrations of ALG {#sec3dot4-molecules-24-03856}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB emulsions (5 wt.%) were prepared by dispersing 5 g of each extracted OB cream in 95 g PBS (50 mmol/L, pH 7), respectively, under stirring for 2 h, followed by sonicating for 3 min (Frequency, 20 kHz; Amplitude, 40%; Duty cycle, 1 s), using a high-intensity ultrasonic probe device (VCX800, 53 Church Hill Rd. ", "Newtown, CT, USA) \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nALG solution (3 wt.%, pH 7) was prepared by dispersing the weighed powders of ALG into PBS (50 mmol/L, pH 7) under magnetic stirring for 24 h. Then, 20 mL of each OB emulsions were mixed with a different amount of ALG, respectively, to achieve the desired concentration. ", "And then the mixtures were stirred for 2 h at 22 ± 2 °C. ", "Finally, the pH value of the OB emulsions with ALG was adjusted, using 1 mol/L HCl, under magnetic stirring for another 30 min. ", "The samples were kept at 22 ± 2 °C for 24 h before analysis.", "\n\n3.5. ", "Particle Size, ζ-Potential, Microstructure, and Emulsion Stability Measurements {#sec3dot5-molecules-24-03856}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe particle size of diluted OB emulsions and OB emulsions with ALG was measured using a laser light scattering instrument (Malvern Mastersizer 2000, UK) \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "The OBs were diluted with water to an approximate oil concentration of 0.005 wt.%. ", "The refractive index used for OB was 1.47, and that of water was 1.33. ", "The density of OB used was 0.92 g/cm^3^. The volume-weighted mean diameter ($d_{4,3} = \\sum n_{i}d_{i}^{4}/\\sum n_{i}d_{i}^{3}$) was measured and used in the following analysis, where $n_{i}$ was the number of droplets of diameter $d_{i}$.\n\nThe electric potential (*ζ*-potential) of the OB emulsion was measured by diluting the sample to an approximate oil concentration of 0.005 wt.% (diluted with PBS) and was calculated by the electrophoretic mobility of the droplets measured, using a capillary electrophoresis cell (Zetasizer Nano ZS series, Malvern Instruments, Worcestershire, UK), expressed as the average values from triplicate measurements \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\].", "\n\nAn Olympus microscope (Olympus IX73, Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) mounted with a scientific CMOS camera (Prime, Teledyne Photometrics, Surrey, Canada) was used to observe the microscopic morphology of the OB emulsions, which were diluted with PBS at different pHs, salt ionic strength, and after freeze--thaw cycling or high temperature thermal treatment. ", "A small amount of each OB emulsion sample was placed on a glass slide and a cover glass was applied gently to form a thin sample layer and the slide was placed under the microscope with \"4×\" and \"20×\" objective for visualization.", "\n\nThe creaming stability of the OB emulsion was evaluated at 22 ± 2 °C, according to the method of Wu et al. ", "\\[[@B23-molecules-24-03856]\\]. ", "A total of 10 mL of each emulsion was placed in a sealed glass vial for storage. ", "After 7-days of storage, the stability of the emulsion was indicated by the creaming indices, defined as---the creaming index of the serum layer (%) = (height of serum layer/total height of the emulsion) × 100%, and the creaming index of the cream layer (%) = (height of cream layer/total height of the emulsion) × 100%, respectively. ", "The creaming stability of the emulsion was controlled or there was no creaming instability for the emulsion if its creaming index of the serum layer and that of the cream layer were both 0%.", "\n\nThe influence of pH, salt ionic strength, freeze--thaw cycling, and thermal treatment on pure OB emulsion and OB emulsions stabilized by ALG were examined. ", "The emulsions were adjusted to a different pH (pH 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8), using 1 mol/L HCl or NaOH. ", "The OB suspensions with different ionic strengths (0--250 mmol/L) were prepared by adding different ratios of the sodium phosphate buffer (50 mmol/L, pH 7) and 1 mol/L NaCl. ", "For the freeze--thaw cycling and thermal treatment, a quantity of 10 mL of each OB emulsions, uncoated and coated with ALG at pH 4 or pH 7, was transferred in a sealed glass bottle. ", "This freeze--thaw cycling was repeated up to three times. ", "These emulsions were stored at a low temperature of −20 °C for 22 h, and then the suspensions were heated at 40 °C for 2 h. For thermal treatment, the OB emulsions were heated at a fixed temperature (25, 60, 90 and 120 ℃) for 30 min, respectively, and then the properties of the OB emulsions including *ζ*-potential, particle size, and microstructure were examined after cooling them to ambient temperature (25 °C).", "\n\n3.6. ", "Viscosity Measurements of OB Emulsions {#sec3dot6-molecules-24-03856}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe viscosity of the different OB emulsions with ALG was measured by using a HAAKE RS6000 Rotational Rheometer with P35TiL parallel-plate. ", "The gap was set to 0.50 mm. ", "About 0.50 mL OB emulsions with a low and high concentration of ALG, which were prepared as described in [Section 2.4](#sec2dot4-molecules-24-03856){ref-type=\"sec\"}, were placed between the plates. ", "The excess sample was removed and silicone oil was covered at the periphery of the exposed portion of the sample to prevent evaporation of water. ", "The measurements were performed at a constant temperature of 25.0 °C ± 0.1 °C. ", "The shear rate was increased from 10 s^−1^ to 500 s^−1^, and the viscosity was recorded as a function of the shear rate.", "\n\n3.7. ", "Data Analysis {#sec3dot7-molecules-24-03856}\n------------------\n\nEach emulsion sample was prepared at least three times, and each measurement of emulsion physicochemical properties was conducted at least in triplicates. ", "Therefore, at least 9 analyses were done for each parameter of a sample, and the statistics were calculated to get the average value with the standard deviation.", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusions {#sec4-molecules-24-03856}\n==============\n\nThis study showed that the peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OBs extracted by the aqueous extraction method have different types and contents of endogenous and exogenous proteins. ", "At acidic conditions near the IEP of their emulsions, 0.35 wt.%, 0.45 wt.%, and 0.30 wt.% ALG could stabilize the 1 wt.% peanut, sesame, and rapeseed OB emulsions, respectively. ", "At this condition, ALG molecules adsorb onto the surface of the OBs through electrostatic interaction, balance a certain positive charge, and enhance the repulsion between the OB droplets, stabilizing the emulsions. ", "For different OBs, the optimum ALG concentration was different, which might be related to the surface protein types and contents of the extracted OBs. ", "These low-concentration ALG-coated OB emulsions showed better storage, salt tolerance, and freeze--thaw resistance than the pure OB emulsions. ", "However, a serious creaming phenomenon was observed in the emulsions at pH 7--8. ", "By increasing the concentration of ALG, we successfully solved this problem, and the creaming stability of the OB emulsions was much improved through the viscosity effect. ", "The salt tolerance, temperature stability, and freeze--thaw resistance of the OB emulsions were also significantly improved by adding the high concentration ALG to this neutral condition.", "\n\n**Sample Availability:** Samples of the compounds are available from the authors.", "\n\nAre available online.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nConceptualization, N.Y.; methodology and data acquisition, Y.Z., Y.X., Q.W., and P.H.; formal analysis, Y.Z. and N.Y.; funding acquisition, N.Y.; investigation, Y.Z. and N.Y.; writing---original draft preparation, Y.Z.; writing---review and editing, N.Y., K.N., and Y.F.\n\nThis research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31571797, 31401649) the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. ", "2017YFD0400200) and the Hubei Provincial Department of Education (D20181403). ", "Nan Yang was also supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC 201708420099) and the Hubei University of Technology (YXQN2016001).", "\n\nThere are no conflicts to declare.", "\n\n![(**", "a**) The particle size distribution at pH 7, (**b**) the *ζ*-potential at various pHs of the three oil body (OB) emulsions (1 wt.%), and SDS--PAGE of the (**c**) peanut, (**d**) sesame, and (**e**) rapeseed OB surface proteins. ", "Column M---molecular mass markers; and column S---proteins on the surface of the OBs.](molecules-24-03856-g001){#molecules-24-03856-f001}\n\n![", "pH effect on the microstructure and creaming stability of OB emulsions during storage---(**a**,**d**) peanut, (**b**,**e**) sesame, and (**c**,**f**) rapeseed OBs. ", "The OB creams were dispersed in 50 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer solution (PBS) to a concentration of 1 wt.%. ", "The creaming observation was made after storage at 22 ± 2 °C for 7 days.](molecules-24-03856-g002){#molecules-24-03856-f002}\n\n![(**", "a**) The *ζ*-potential and (**b**) particle size $\\left( d_{4,3} \\right)$ of the three OBs coated by different concentrations of sodium alginate (ALG) at a pH of about 4 (pH 3.9 for the sesame and peanut emulsions; pH 4.5 for the rapeseed emulsion).](molecules-24-03856-g003){#molecules-24-03856-f003}\n\n![", "pH effect on the creaming stability of ALG-coated OB emulsions (**a**) peanut (1 wt.% OB and 0.35 wt.% ALG), (**b**) sesame (1 wt.% OB and 0.45 wt.% ALG), and (**c**) rapeseed (1 wt.% OB and 0.30 wt.% ALG). ", "The OBs were dispersed in 50 mmol/L PBS. ", "The creaming observation was made after storage at 22 ± 2 °C for 7 days.](molecules-24-03856-g004){#molecules-24-03856-f004}\n\n![", "The creaming stability of (**a**) peanut, (**b**) sesame, (**c**) rapeseed emulsions and the creaming index (**d**) of the three OB emulsions stabilized by different concentrations of ALG at pH 7. ", "The percentage concentrations in Figure a, b, c represent the concentration of ALG. ", "The creaming investigation was made after storage for 7 days at 22 ± 2 °C.](molecules-24-03856-g005){#molecules-24-03856-f005}\n\n![", "The viscosity of (**a**) peanut, (**b**) sesame, and (**c**) rapeseed OB emulsions in the presence of ALG with different concentration as indicated (at pH 7).](molecules-24-03856-g006){#molecules-24-03856-f006}\n\n![", "Salt effect on *ζ*-potential of pure and ALG stabilized OB emulsions at different pHs as indicated: (**a**) peanut, (**b**) sesame, and (**c**) rapeseed. ", "The OBs were dispersed in 50 mmol/L PBS.](molecules-24-03856-g007){#molecules-24-03856-f007}\n\n![", "Salt effect on mean particle diameter ($d_{4,3}$) of pure and ALG-stabilized OB emulsions at different pHs as indicated---(**a**) peanut, (**b**) sesame, and (**c**) rapeseed. ", "The OBs were dispersed in 50 mmol/L PBS.](molecules-24-03856-g008){#molecules-24-03856-f008}\n\n![", "Effect of the freezing--thawing cycle on relative particle diameter ($d_{n}$/$d_{0}$) of pure and ALG-stabilized OB emulsions at different pHs, as indicated---(**a**) peanut, (**b**) sesame, and (**c**) rapeseed, (**d**) effect of the freezing--thawing cycles on the microstructure of rapeseed OB emulsions. ", "The OBs were dispersed in 50 mmol/L PBS. ", "$d_{n}$ was the droplet size after 'n' freeze--thaw cycles and $d_{0}$ was the droplet size before the freeze--thaw cycles.](molecules-24-03856-g009){#molecules-24-03856-f009}\n\n![", "Effect of freezing--thawing cycle on the creaming stability of pure and ALG-stabilized OB emulsions at different pHs, as indicated---(**a**) peanut, (**b**) sesame, and (**c**) rapeseed. ", "The OBs were dispersed in 50 mmol/L PBS. ", "The creaming index here is for the serum layer of the OB emulsions after different freezing--thawing cycles.](molecules-24-03856-g010){#molecules-24-03856-f010}\n\nmolecules-24-03856-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nChemical compositions of the extracted oil bodies (OBs) creams.", "\n\n $\\mathbf{\\mathbf{d}_{4,3}\\left( \\mathbf{\\mu}m \\right)}$ Fat (wt.%) Protein (wt.%) Moisture (wt.%) Protein/Fat\n --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ----------------- -------------\n Soybean \\[[@B29-molecules-24-03856]\\] 0.54 ± 0.01 29.40 ± 1.00 3.00 ± 0.20 53.60 ± 2.30 0.10 ± 0.01\n Peanut 2.31 ± 0.12 72.91 ± 1.03 1.16 ± 0.01 22.72 ± 0.14 0.02 ± 0.01\n Sesame 3.65 ± 0.01 80.56 ± 0.80 0.95 ± 0.01 17.66 ± 0.19 0.01 ± 0.01\n Rapeseed 1.05 ± 0.01 55.34 ± 0.75 2.95 ± 0.04 37.38 ± 0.26 0.05 ± 0.01\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Spontaneous intramural esophageal hematoma. ", "Diagnosis by CT scanning.", "\nWe describe a patient who suffered a spontaneous intramural esophageal hematoma while taking aspirin and dipyridamole. ", "The diagnosis was initially made at endoscopy, with confirmation by computed tomography (CT). ", "CT scanning was particularly valuable in both the diagnosis and in the follow-up of this lesion. ", "As the prognosis for a spontaneous intramural esophageal hematoma is good with conservative management, its specific definition by computed tomography should facilitate proper management decisions." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRemove words inside the brackets\n\nHi I'm quite a newbie with javascript so I was wondering how do you remove the words inside the brackets & remove brackets? ", "also I want to remove the words before the colon and then replace the brackets with a comma except for the last word. ", "So for example if the string contains:\nlanguage:chinese (29)parody:hyouka (73)character:fuyumi irisu (12)houtarou oreki (12)group:shuudan bouryoku (41)artist:murasaki syu (49)misc:schoolgirl (11)nakadashi (11)acting like a pet (6)\n\nthen the output would become\nchinese,hyouka,fuyumi irisu,houtarou oreki,shuudan bouryoku,murasaki syu,schoolgirl,nakadashi,acting like a pet\n\nHow can I do this with javascript? ", "This is the code and it's not working\nvar str = \"language:chinese (29)parody:hyouka (73)character:fuyumi irisu (12)houtarou oreki (12)group:shuudan bouryoku (41)artist:murasaki syu (49)misc:schoolgirl (11)nakadashi (11)acting like a pet (6)\";\n\nvar tags = str.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)\\s*/g, ','));\nfinal = tags.replace(/.*(?=:)/i, \"\");\nalert(final);\n\nA:\n\nuse [^)]+ to indicate that here is no closing bracket after opening:\nvar str = \"language:chinese (29)parody:hyouka (73)character:fuyumi irisu (12)houtarou oreki (12)group:shuudan bouryoku (41)artist:murasaki syu (49)misc:schoolgirl (11)nakadashi (11)acting like a pet (6)\"; \n\nvar tags = str.replace(/\\s?\\([^\\)]+\\)/g, ',')\n     .replace(/[^:]+:([^,]+),/g,'$1,')\n              .replace(/,$/,'');\nalert(tags);​\n\neven simple:\nvar tags = str.replace(/([^:]+:)?([^(]+)\\s\\([^\\)]+\\)/g,'$2,')\n .replace(/,$/,'');\n\n" ]
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[ "Buster Williams\n\nCharles Anthony \"Buster\" Williams (born April 17, 1942 in Camden, New Jersey) is an American jazz bassist. ", "Williams is known for his membership in pianist Herbie Hancock's early 1970s group, working with guitarist Larry Coryell from the 1980s to present, working in the Thelonious Monk repertory band Sphere and as the accompanist of choice for many singers, including Nancy Wilson.", "\n\nBiography\n\nEarly life and career\nWilliams' father, Charles Anthony Williams, Sr., ", "was a musician who played bass, drums, and piano, and had band rehearsals in the family home in Camden, New Jersey, exposing Williams to jazz at an early age. ", " Williams was particularly inspired to focus on bass after hearing his father's record of Star Dust, performed by Oscar Pettiford, and started playing in his early teens. ", " He had his first professional gig while he was still a junior high school student, filling in for Charles, Sr., ", "who had double booked himself one evening. ", " Williams later spent his days practicing with Sam Dockery, who was playing in Jimmy Heath's band in Philadelphia on a regular double bill with Sam Reed. ", "Charles, Sr. ", "hosted a jam session at a club called Rip's and gave Williams the opportunity to put his own group together for a Monday night show in 1959, and in an effort to work his way into Heath's band, Williams hired Sam Reed. ", "The plan worked, as two days later Reed contacted Williams about playing in his band that coming Saturday, which demonstrated Williams' talent to Heath, who in turn hired Williams the following week.", "\n\nWilliams attended Camden High School. ", "Just after graduating high school in 1960, Williams had the opportunity to play with Gene Ammons and Sonny Stitt when Nelson Boyd reached out to Charles, Sr. ", "to cover for him. ", "Charles, Sr. ", "was also unable to make the gig, and sent Buster in his stead. ", " After the first set on a Friday night, Ammons and Stitt asked Williams to join the band on tour, starting in Chicago, after playing through the weekend in Philadelphia. ", " Williams toured with them for about a year, from 1960 into 1961, until the group got stranded in Kansas City and was abandoned by Ammons, who fled without paying the band. ", " The rhythm section managed to work with Al Hibbler for one week in order to earn enough for train fare to return home. ", " Williams made his first two recordings with the Ammons/Stitt group in August 1961, Dig Him! ", "for Argo Records and Boss Tenors for Verve, both recorded in Chicago.", "\n\nEducation\nWilliams attended Combs College of Music in Philadelphia irregularly during and after his tenure with the Ammons/Stitt group. ", " He learned composition, syntax, harmony and theory from Dr. Roland Wiggins.", "\n\nVocal accompanist\nWilliams was hired by Dakota Staton after hearing him at a gig in Wilmington, Delaware with the Gerald Price Trio in 1961. ", " This was closely followed by work with Betty Carter in 1962 and Sarah Vaughan in 1963. ", " Vaughan took him on his first European tour, during which he connected with the Miles Davis Quintet on the French Riviera. ", "In 1964, Williams formed a more lasting working relationship with Nancy Wilson, with whom he recorded several albums for Capitol Records, and as a result he moved to Los Angeles. ", " Williams would go on to work with numerous other vocalists throughout his career, including Sathima Bea Benjamin, Shirley Horn, Betty Carter, Jonathan Schwartz, Carmen McRae, Roseanna Vitro, Helen Merrill, Nnenna Freelon, Jon Lucien, Marguerite Mariama, and Champian Fulton.", "\n\nWest Coast\nWilliams' move to the West Coast facilitated touring and recording with Nancy Wilson as well as The Jazz Crusaders, with whom he recorded five albums for Pacific Jazz. ", " According to Williams, he was \"the number one sub for Ray Brown\" during this time, playing with Kenny Dorham, recording a date with the Harold Land/Bobby Hutcherson quintet, and ultimately working with Miles Davis for several months in 1967.", "\n\nHerbie Hancock Sextet\nIn October 1968, Williams moved to New York City and continued to work steadily, playing shows with Art Blakey, Herbie Mann, and Mary Lou Williams, while recording for Atlantic, Blue Note, and Prestige with artists such as McCoy Tyner, Dexter Gordon, Roy Ayers, Stanley Turrentine, Frank Foster, Illinois Jacquet, and, once again, Gene Ammons (recently returned from a seven-year stint in Joliet). ", " Having worked with Herbie Hancock in the Miles Davis Quintet, Williams became a fixture of Hancock's Mwandishi Sextet, recording three albums for Warner Bros., Sextant for Columbia, The Prisoner for Blue Note, and two more under Eddie Henderson's name for Capricorn. ", " The Mwandishi Sextet explored new electronic sounds in jazz and featured Williams on both acoustic and electric bass.", "\n\nDebut as leader\nBuster Williams made his recording debut as leader in 1975 with the album Pinnacle for Muse Records, and he went on to lead several more sessions for Muse, Denon, and Buddah through 1980. ", " He also backed Ron Carter on several recording dates which featured Carter soloing on piccolo bass. ", " From the 1970s onward, Williams worked steadily as a sideman for Mary Lou Williams, Kenny Barron, Jimmy Rowles, Larry Coryell, Stanley Cowell, Steve Turre, and Frank Morgan, among others. ", " For 18 years between 1980 and 1998, Williams made only one record as leader, 1989's Something More, with Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Al Foster, and trumpeter Shunzo Ono, featuring five original compositions by Williams. ", " He continues to perform with a rotating lineup as Buster Williams' \"Something More\", touring Europe in 2013 with Joey Baron, Eric Reed, and saxophonist Bruce Williams. ", " Beginning with Somewhere Along the Way in 1998, Williams increased his output as leader into the new century, notably recording Griot Libertè for HighNote in 2004, engineered, mixed, and mastered by Rudy Van Gelder and released in the Hybrid SACD format with a 5.0 surround sound mix. ", " In June 2008, Williams self-released Live Volume 1 exclusively as a digital download.", "\n\nFurther collaborations\nWilliams was nominated for a Grammy Award for his work with Hank Jones and Tony Williams on Love For Sale, the first of Jones' records credited to \"The Great Jazz Trio\". ", "Williams also continued to tour with Herbie Hancock throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and performed at a Grammy Awards ceremony with Hancock, Tony Williams, and Bobby McFerrin. ", " 1982 saw Williams form two important collaborative ensembles, the Timeless All-Stars, a sextet featuring Harold Land, Curtis Fuller, Bobby Hutcherson, Cedar Walton, and Billy Higgins, which recorded four albums for the Dutch label Timeless Records, and Sphere, featuring Kenny Barron, Ben Riley, Charlie Rouse, and later Gary Bartz. ", " Sphere began as a tribute to Thelonious Monk, making their first recording for Elektra on February 17, 1982, the day Monk died, but soon incorporated the band members' own compositions along with other jazz standards.", "\n\nRecent work\nFrom 2010 into 2014, Buster Williams toured with Sonny Fortune, Mike Stern, and Jimmy Cobb as \"4 Generations of Miles\", named after a 2002 concert and recording for Chesky representing four different eras of Miles Davis bands. ", " The original group featured Ron Carter and George Coleman in place of Williams and Fortune. ", " The Buster Williams School of Music developed from a summer class Williams ran for the IDEA Performing Arts Center in Camden in 2012. ", " Williams formed his own non-profit corporation to continue this work in 2013. ", " \"Something More\" performed at the Portland Jazz Festival and Dimitriou's Jazz Alley in February 2014, this time consisting of Williams' former Mwandishi bandmates Bennie Maupin and Julian Priester, along with Cindy Blackman-Santana and George Colligan. ", " Williams made a short tour of Europe in March 2014 as part of the Steve Kuhn trio with Billy Drummond.", "\n\nFilm and television work\nWilliams worked on several film soundtracks and television commercials (including Coca-Cola, Budweiser, and Old Spice) throughout his career. ", " The 1969 film Mackenna's Gold featured Williams on the soundtrack working under Quincy Jones. ", "Williams reunited with Ron Carter for Alain Corneau's 1981 film Le Choix des Armes, with music composed by Philippe Sarde and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. ", " In the 1990s, Williams worked with Angelo Badalamenti on David Lynch's Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me and with Terence Blanchard for the Spike Lee film Clockers. ", " Williams made several television appearances as well, performing five of his own compositions with Branford Marsalis' The Tonight Show band, and backing Erroll Garner during an earlier Tonight Show appearance. ", " He appeared on The Andy Williams Show with Nancy Wilson, with Bill Cosby on The Joan Rivers Show, and with Joe Williams on Sesame Street. ", " Williams appeared as himself in the 2004 Steven Spielberg film The Terminal, playing in Benny Golson's quartet with Mike LeDonne and Carl Allen.", "\n\nPersonal life\nWilliams was married in 1965 to Veronica, whom he met in junior high school, and as of 2014, he lives in Camden with his wife. ", " Introduced to chanting Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō by his sister in 1972, Williams and his wife took up the Nichiren Buddhist practice after she suffered a concussion in a car accident, and he has continued the practice ever since as a member of the global Buddhist association Soka Gakkai International. ", "His 2004 album Griot Libertè was inspired by another health crisis when Veronica recovered from a coma following a heart attack.", "\n\nAwards and honors\nIn addition to his Grammy nomination, Williams was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts grant for composition as well as a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship Grant in 1991. ", "Williams has also been recognized by the Min-On Concert Association, RVC Corporation, and Soka Gakkai International.", "\n\nCritical reception\nThe Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD declared Buster Williams \"one of the key sidemen in modern jazz\" with \"a rock-solid grounding in harmony, counterpoint and orchestration.\" ", " The guide observed that \"Buster's harmony is impeccable and he has a rhythmic sense that is unfailing, feeling and utterly original.\" ", " Critic Ron Wynn ranked the Mwandishi Sextet \"among the finest jazz-rock and pop-tinged units of all time.\" ", " Critic Thomas Conrad praised Williams' work as a leader in his Down Beat review of the 2001 album Houdini, stating that the album \"could in fact be taken as a clinic for bassists on how to assume a more proactive, forward position in an ensemble without throwing it out of balance,\" and that \"in [Williams'] hands, the bass is a fully articulate solo voice.\"", "\n\nGear\nWilliams' instrument is a copy of a late-1800s Boosey & Hawkes Panormo, using La Bella strings and a Fishman BP-100 pickup, with a 1x15 Polytone Mini-Brute bass amp.", "\n\nDiscography\n\nAs leader\n Pinnacle (Muse, 1975)\n Crystal Reflections (Muse, 1976)\n Tokudo (Denon, 1978)\n Heartbeat (Muse, 1978)\n Dreams Come True (Buddah, 1980)\n Two as One (Red, 1986) with Kenny Barron\n Something More (In+Out, 1989)\n Somewhere Along the Way (TCB, 1998)\n Lost in a Memory (TCB, 1999)\n Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival, 1999 (TCB, 2001)\n Houdini (Sirocco Jazz Ltd., 2001)\n Joined at the Hip (TCB, 2002)\n Griot Libertè (HighNote, 2004)\n 65 Roses (BluePort Jazz, 2006 [2008])\n Buster Williams Live Volume 1 (Buster Williams, 2008)\n\nAs sideman\nWith Geri Allen\nThe Gathering (Verve, 1998)\nJazzpar Concerts 2003 (Stunt, 2006)\nWith Franco Ambrosetti\nWings (Enja, 1984) \nWith Gene Ammons\nDig Him! (", "Argo, 1961) with Sonny Stitt, also released as We'll Be Together Again (Prestige, 1968)\nBoss Tenors (Verve, 1961) with Sonny Stitt\nThe Boss Is Back! (", "Prestige, 1969)\nBrother Jug! (", "Prestige, 1969)\nWith Roy Ayers\nVirgo Vibes (Atlantic, 1967)\nDaddy Bug (Atlantic, 1969)\nWith Chet Baker\nChet Baker / Wolfgang Lackerschmid (Sandra Music Productions, 1979) with Wolfgang Lackerschmid\nPeace (Enja, 1982)\nWith Bill Barron\nJazz Caper (Muse, 1978 [1982])\nWith Kenny Barron\nInnocence (Wolf, 1978)\nGolden Lotus (Muse, 1980 [1982])\nImo Live (Whynot, 1982)\nGreen Chimneys (Criss Cross Jazz, 1983)\nTwo as One (Red, 1986)\nWith Gary Bartz\nEpisode One: Children of Harlem (Challenge, 1994)\nWith Sathima Bea Benjamin\n Windsong (Ekapa, 1985)\n Love Light (Enja, 1987)\n Southern Touch (Enja, 1989)\n SongSpirit (Ekapa, 2006)\nWith Cindy Blackman\nArcane (Muse, 1987)\nWith Art Blakey\nArt Blakey and the All Star Messengers (Jazz Line, 1982)\nThe Art of Jazz: Live in Leverkusen (In+Out, 1989)\nWith Hamiet Bluiett\nDangerously Suite (Soul Note, 1981)\nWith Bob Brookmeyer and Tom Harrell with Benny Aronov\n Shadow Box (Candid, 1978)\nWith Donald Brown\nSources of Inspiration (Muse, 1989)\nWith Ted Brown\nIn Good Company (Criss Cross, 1985) with Jimmy Raney\nWith Betty Carter\n The Betty Carter Album (Bet-Car, 1976)\nWith Ron Carter\nPiccolo (Milestone, 1977)\nPeg Leg (Milestone, 1978)\nPick 'Em (Milestone, 1978 [1980])\nWith Cyrus Chestnut\nNatural Essence (HighNote, 2016)\nThere's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit (HighNote, 2017)\nWith Junior Cook\nSomethin's Cookin' (Muse, 1981)\nWith Norman Connors \n Dark of Light (Buddah, 1973)\n Love From The Sun (Buddah, 1973)\nWith Larry Coryell\nEquipoise (Muse, 1985)\nToku Do (Muse, 1987)\nAir Dancing (Jazzpoint, 1988)\nShining Hour (Muse, 1989)\nNew High (HighNote, 2000)\nCedars of Avalon (HighNote, 2002)\nWith Stanley Cowell\nWe Three (DIW, 1987) \nWith Albert Dailey\nThat Old Feeling (SteepleChase, 1978)\nWith Miles Davis\n Sorcerer (Columbia, 1967) alt. ", "take of \"Limbo\" only on CD reissue\nWith Walter Davis, Jr.\n Illumination (Denon, 1977)\nWith Cornell Dupree\n Saturday Night Fever (Versatile, 1977)\nWith Teddy Edwards\nMidnight Creeper (HighNote, 1997)\nWith Joe Farrell\n Outback (CTI, 1971)\nWith Sonny Fortune\nWaves of Dreams (Horizon, 1976)\n Four in One (Blue Note, 1994)\nWith Frank Foster\n Manhattan Fever (Blue Note, 1968) previously unreleased 1969 session with Buster Williams appended to CD reissue\nWith Carlos Garnett\nBlack Love (Muse, 1974)\nWith Stan Getz and Jimmie Rowles\nThe Peacocks (Columbia, 1975)\nWith Benny Golson\nVoices All (East World, 1982) with The Jazztet\nTerminal 1 (Concord Jazz, 2004)\nNew Time, New 'Tet (Concord Jazz, 2009)\nHorizon Ahead (HighNote, 2016)\nWith Dexter Gordon\nThe Tower of Power! (", "Prestige, 1969)\nMore Power! (", "Prestige, 1969)\nTangerine (Prestige, 1972)\nGeneration (Prestige, 1972)\nWith Benny Green\n In This Direction (Criss Cross, 1989)\nWith Grant Green\n Easy (Versatile, 1978)\nWith Charles Greenlee\n I Know About the Life – (Baystate, 1977)\nWith Herbie Hancock\n The Prisoner (Blue Note, 1969)\n Fat Albert Rotunda (Warner Bros., 1969)\n Mwandishi (Warner Bros., 1969)\n Crossings (Warner Bros., 1972)\n Sextant (Columbia, 1973)\n VSOP (Columbia, 1977)\nWith Billy Hart\nEnchance (Horizon, 1977)\nRah (Gramavision, 1988)\nWith Albert Heath\n Kawaida (O'Be, 1970)\nWith Eddie Henderson\nRealization (Capricorn, 1973)\nInside Out (Capricorn, 1974)\nSunburst (Blue Note, 1975)\nWith Buck Hill\nThis Is Buck Hill (SteepleChase, 1978)\nScope (SteepleChase, 1979)\nWith Shirley Horn\n A Lazy Afternoon (SteepleChase, 1979)\n You Won't Forget Me (Verve, 1991)\nWith Bobby Hutcherson\nFarewell Keystone (Theresa, 1982)\nIn the Vanguard (Landmark, 1987)\nWith Abdullah Ibrahim\n African River (Enja, 1989)\n No Fear, No Die (TipToe, 1990)\nWith Illinois Jacquet\n The Blues; That's Me! (", "Prestige, 1969)\nWith The Jazz Crusaders\nUh Huh (Pacific Jazz, 1967)\nLighthouse '68 (Pacific Jazz, 1968)\nThe Festival Album (Pacific Jazz, 1968)\nPowerhouse (Pacific Jazz, 1969)\nLighthouse '69 (Pacific Jazz, 1969)\nGive Peace a Chance (Liberty, 1970)\nWith Etta Jones\nMs. Jones to You (Muse, 1976)\nWith Hank Jones\nLove for Sale (East Wind, 1976) as The Great Jazz Trio\nWith Rahsaan Roland Kirk\n The Return of the 5000 Lb. ", "Man (Warner Bros., 1975)\nWith Eric Kloss\n Essence (Muse, 1973)\nWith Lee Konitz\nYes, Yes, Nonet (SteepleChase, 1979)\nWith Steve Kuhn\nPorgy (Evidence, 1988)\nLove Walked In (Venus, 2003)\nPlays Standards (Venus, 2007)\nWith Harold Land\nThe Peace-Maker (Cadet, 1967)\nA New Shade of Blue (Mainstream, 1971)\nDamisi (Mainstream, 1972)\nWith Prince Lasha and Sonny Simmons\n Firebirds (Contemporary, 1968)\nWith Harold Mabern\nWorkin' & Wailin' (Prestige, 1969)\nGreasy Kid Stuff! (", "Prestige, 1970)\nWith Bennie Maupin\n The Jewel in the Lotus (ECM, 1974)\nWith Ken McIntyre \nOpen Horizon (SteepleChase, 1976)\nWith René McLean\nWatch Out (SteepleChase, 1975)\nWith Charles McPherson\n McPherson's Mood (Prestige, 1969)\nWith Meeco\nPerfume e Caricias (Connector, 2010)\nBeauty of the Night (Connector, 2012)\nWith Ralph Moore\n623 C Street (Criss Cross, 1987)\nWith Frank Morgan\nLament (Contemporary, 1986)\nBebop Lives! (", "Contemporary, 1987)\nMood Indigo (Antilles, 1989)\nWith Sam Morrison\n Dune (Inner City, 1976)\nWith Alphonse Mouzon\n The Essence of Mystery (Blue Note, 1972)\nWith David \"Fathead\" Newman\nResurgence! (", "Muse, 1981)\nThe Gift (HighNote, 2003)\n\nWith Cecil Payne\n Bird Gets the Worm (Muse, 1976)\nWith Houston Person\nThe Big Horn (Muse, 1976 [1979])\nVery PERSONal (Muse, 1980) \nThe Talk of the Town (Muse, 1987)\nWith Roots\nSaying Something (In+Out, 1995) \nWith Red Rodney\nRed, White and Blues (Muse, 1978)\nWith Charlie Rouse\nThe Upper Manhattan Jazz Society (Enja, 1981 [1985]) with Benny Bailey\nWith Jimmy Rowles\nPaws That Refresh (Choice, 1980)\nThe Chess Players (Candid, 2010) recorded 1976\nWith Hilton Ruiz\n Piano Man (SteepleChase, 1975)\nExcition (SteepleChase, 1977)\nSteppin' Into Beauty (SteepleChase, 1977 [1982])\nWith Jonathan Schwartz\n Sings Arthur Schwartz (Muse, 1977)\nWith Woody Shaw\nThe Moontrane (Muse, 1974)\nWoody III (Columbia, 1979)\nSetting Standards (Muse, 1983)\nWith Sphere\nFour in One (Elektra/Musician, 1982)\nFlight Path (Elektra/Musician, 1983)\nSphere On Tour (Red, 1985)\nPumpkin's Delight (Red, 1986 [1993])\nFour for All (Verve, 1987)\nBird Songs (Verve, 1988)\nSphere (Verve, 1997)\nWith Charles Sullivan\n Re-Entry (WhyNot, 1976)\nWith Buddy Terry\nAwareness (Mainstream, 1971)\nPure Dynamite (Mainstream, 1972)\nWith The Timeless All Stars\nIt's Timeless (Timeless, 1982)\nTimeless Heart (Timeless, 1983)\nEssence (Delos, 1986)\nTime For The Timeless All Stars (Early Bird, 1991)\nWith Steve Turre\nFire and Ice (Stash, 1988)\nRight There (Antilles, 1991)\nLotus Flower (Verve, 1999)\nTNT (Trombone-N-Tenor) (Telarc, 2001)\nThe Spirits Up Above (HighNote, 2004)\nWith Stanley Turrentine\n Another Story (Blue Note, 1969)\nThe Man with the Sad Face (Fantasy, 1976)\nWith McCoy Tyner\nAsante (Blue Note, 1970)\nSama Layuca (Milestone, 1974)\nWith Michal Urbaniak\nMusic for Violin and Jazz Quartet (Jam, 1980)\nJazz Legends (Ubx, 1998)\nWith Sarah Vaughan\n Sassy Swings the Tivoli (Mercury, 1963) as \"Charles Williams\"\nWith Roseanna Vitro\nListen Here (Texas Rose, 1990)\nWith Cedar Walton\nAmong Friends (Evidence, 1990) recorded live at Keystone Korner in 1982\nVoices Deep Within (HighNote, 2009)\nWith Mary Lou Williams\nFree Spirits (SteepleChase, 1975)\n My Mama Pinned a Rose on Me (Pablo, 1977)\nWith Nancy Wilson\nHollywood - My Way (Capitol, 1963)\nThe Nancy Wilson Show! (", "Capitol, 1965)\nLush Life (Capitol, 1967)\nWelcome to My Love (Capitol, 1968)\nHurt So Bad (Capitol, 1969)\nWith Denny Zeitlin\nAs Long As There's Music (Venus, 1997)\nSlickrock (MAXJAZZ, 2004)\nTrio in Concert (Sunnyside, 2009)\nStairway to the Stars (Sunnyside, 2014) recorded at The Jazz Bakery in 2001\n\nWith Others\n\n Look to the Sky – John McNeil and Tom Harrell (SteepleChase, 1979)\n I'm Coming Home Again – Carmen McRae (Buddah, 1980)\n Peaceful Heart, Gentle Spirit – Chico Freeman (Contemporary, 1980)\n 360° Experience - A Well-Kept Secret – Beaver Harris (Shemp, 1980)\n This One's For Pearle – Jim Schapperoew (Kerralee, 1980)\n The Upper Manhattan Jazz Society – Charlie Rouse (Enja, 1981)\n Outpost – Freddie Hubbard (Enja, 1981)\n Faun – John McNeil (SteepleChase, 1981)\n The Bash – Bruce Forman (Muse, 1982)\n The Arioso Touch – James Williams (Concord Jazz, 1982)\n Page-Ing Nathen – Nathen Page (Hugo's Music, 1982)\n Wings – Franco Ambrosetti (Enja, 1983) also released as Gin and Pentatonic\n In Good Company – Ted Brown (Criss Cross Jazz, 1985)\n Opening Night – Kevin Eubanks (GRP, 1985)\n Listen Here – Roseanna Vitro (Skyline, 1985)\n Go for Watcha' Know – Jimmy Smith (Blue Note, 1986)\n Renaissance – Branford Marsalis (Columbia, 1986)\n Bridgework – Billy Higgins (Contemporary, 1987)\n Collaboration – Helen Merrill and Gil Evans (EmArcy, 1988)\n Arcane – Cindy Blackman (Muse, 1988)\n East to Wes – Emily Remler (Concord Jazz, 1988)\n Swiss Encounter – James Morrison and Adam Makowicz (EastWest, 1989)\n Third Phase – Kenny Drew (Jazz City, 1989)\n Sources of Inspiration – Donald Brown (Muse, 1989)\n Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (Warner Bros., 1992)\n Suit of Armor – Rebecca Coupe Franks (Justice, 1992)\n Nnenna Freelon – Nnenna Freelon (Columbia, 1992)\n Without Words – Renee Rosnes (Blue Note, 1993)\n Mother Nature's Son – Jon Lucien (Mercury, 1993)\n Harlem Sunset – Chip White (Postcards, 1994)\n Acoustic Masters I – Charles Lloyd (Atlantic, 1994)\n Free Wheelin': The Music of Lee Morgan – Claudio Roditi (Reservoir, 1994)\n Four in One – Sonny Fortune (Blue Note, 1994)\n Episode One Children of Harlem – Gary Bartz (Challenge, 1994)\n Be Yourself – Winard Harper (Epicure, 1994)\n Out of the Blue – Carl Saunders (SNL, 1995)\n Weaver of Dreams – Ben Riley (Joken, 1996)\n It's Crazy, But I'm in Love – Freddy Cole (After 9, 1997)\n Midnight Creeper – Teddy Edwards (HighNote, 1997)\n Quest – Piotr Wojtasik (Power Bros, 1997)\n Up-Front – Carlos McKinney (Sirocco, 1997)\n Soulmates – Joan Hickey (Chicago Lakeside Jazz, 1998)\n Skim Coat – Billy Childs (Metropolitan, 1999)\n Lunar Eclypse – Gil Evans (Robi Droli, live 1981 [1992]) \n No Room For Argument – Wallace Roney (Concord Jazz, 2000)\n The Turbanator – Dr. Lonnie Smith (32 Jazz, 2000) recorded 1991\n With Malice Toward None – Tom McIntosh (IPO, 2004)\n Native Lands – Will Calhoun (Half Note, 2005)\n Wild Women Never Get the Blues... Well, Not Anymore! – ", "Marguerite Mariama (From The Inside Out, 2006)\n The Big Push – Larry Willis (HighNote, 2006)\n Zodiac Suite: Revisited – The Mary Lou Williams Collective (Mary, 2006)\n New Momentum – Robert Irving III (Sonic Portraits, 2007)\n On the Wings of an Eagle – John Hicks (Chesky, 2006)\n Twin Peaks: Season Two Music and More – Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch (David Lynch Music Co., 2007)\n Black Nile – Cyrus Chestnut (Grave News, 2008)\n A Time in New York – Tiger Onitsuka (Savoy, 2008)\n Hancock Island: The Music of Herbie Hancock – Lenny White, George Colligan, Steve Wilson (Chesky, 2008)\n Sunwatcher – Jeff Lederer (Jazzheads, Inc., 2011)\n Encounters – Jaiman Crunk (Origin, 2012)\n Search for Peace – Heads of State (Smoke Sessions, 2015)\n Groundwork – Willie Jones, III (Wj3, 2016)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n[ All Music]\nBuster Williams website\n\nCategory:1942 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Camden High School (New Jersey) alumni\nCategory:Musicians from Camden, New Jersey\nCategory:Jazz fusion double-bassists\nCategory:Post-bop double-bassists\nCategory:Hard bop double-bassists\nCategory:Mainstream jazz double-bassists\nCategory:American jazz double-bassists\nCategory:Male double-bassists\nCategory:American jazz bandleaders\nCategory:American Buddhists\nCategory:Members of Sōka Gakkai\nCategory:Chesky Records artists\nCategory:Muse Records artists\nCategory:SteepleChase Records artists\nCategory:HighNote Records artists\nCategory:Nichiren Buddhists\nCategory:21st-century double-bassists\nCategory:21st-century American male musicians\nCategory:Male jazz musicians\nCategory:Sphere (American band) members\nCategory:The 360 Degree Music Experience members\nCategory:The Jazztet members" ]
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[ "Adoptive transfer of protective immunity against a high metastatic tumor-cell variant by small numbers of tumor-specific in-situ activated peritoneal effector T-cells.", "\nWe describe the generation and immunotherapeutic properties of syngeneic immune T cells activated in situ against the lymphoma variant ESb which metastasizes to multiple organs (liver, lung, spleen, bone) and can develop sophisticated immune escape mechanisms. ", "Peritoneal effector cells (PEC) generated from intra-pinna tumor immunized and i.p. ", "restimulated mice were able to transfer protective immunity in the absence of exogenous cytokines into normal or 5Gy irradiated or SCID mice which had been injected either s.c. ", "or i.v. ", "with 5x10(3) to 10(5) metastatic ESb tumor cells. ", "Protective immunity was specific for ESb cells and could be followed by growth retardation of s.c. ", "tumors as well as by prevention or retardation of death from metastases. ", "Expression of protective immunity was independent of host T cells since it was similarly expressed in SCID-mice and sublethally irradiated mice. ", "Preincubation in vitro for 24 h of the PEC before adoptive transfer led to pronounced decrease of protective immunity while the tumor specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity was maintained or even enhanced. ", "These results demonstrate i) that protective immunity in vivo requires more than tumor specific cytotoxic activity and ii) that in vitro culture of immune cells can change their in vivo functional properties." ]
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[ "Obstetric and gynecological care for Third World women.", "\nThe particular characteristics which women's health care in the Third World should have as compared with the situation in developed countries is discussed. ", "Women in the Third World present a different prevalence of specific pathologies, give less attention to symptoms and to preventive measures, and the health system is usually not well adapted to respond to those characteristics. ", "Examples of the difference between the needs of health care of Third World women compared to developed countries are taken from pre-natal care, prevention of cancer of the cervix and family planning. ", "A critical analysis of the prevalent characteristics of present women's care in the Third World was done. ", "Accordingly, some basic points to be considered in the implementation of women's health care for the Third World were proposed: avoid the uncritical replication of developed country's models to solve developing countries' health problems; application of a larger proportion of the resources to primary health care; a more aggressive attitude to increase preventive behavior, trying to maintain a continuous and not sporadic contact between the health system and the target population; great attention to reference and contra-reference to improve the integration of the various levels of the health system; delegation of functions from physicians to paramedical personnel; emphasis on health education, both formal and in the day-to-day contact between health agents and target population." ]
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[ 0.03636363636363636, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nTrying to pass back the results of a LINQ query from a middle tier class\n\nI need some help with this feature...\nThe first query works fine:\npublic List<Project> GetProjectByCustomerID(Int16 customerid)\n {\n try\n {\n using (YeagerTechEntities DbContext = new YeagerTechEntities())\n {\n DbContext.", "Configuration.", "ProxyCreationEnabled = false;\n DbContext.", "Database.", "Connection.", "Open();\n\n IEnumerable<Project> project = DbContext.", "Projects.", "Where(p => p.CustomerID == customerid);\n\n List<Project> myProjects = new List<Project>();\n\n myProjects = project.", "ToList();\n\n return myProjects;\n }\n }\n catch (Exception ex)\n {\n throw ex;\n }\n }\n\nThe second query has my Project List and I want to bring back only certain columns in the query, but is giving me the error: \"Cannot convert type IQueryable Anonymoustype#1 to Generic.", "List\". ", "The design time compile error is on the entire SQL statement right before the \"(s =>\"\npublic List<Project> GetProjectByCustomerID(Int16 customerid)\n {\n try\n {\n using (YeagerTechEntities DbContext = new YeagerTechEntities())\n {\n DbContext.", "Configuration.", "ProxyCreationEnabled = false;\n DbContext.", "Database.", "Connection.", "Open();\n\n List<Project> myProjects = new List<Project>();\n\n myProjects = DbContext.", "Projects.", "Include(\"TimeTrackings\").Where(p => p.CustomerID == customerid && p.Category.", "CategoryID == 5 && p.Customer.", "City == \"NY\" && p.Status.", "StatusID == 1 && p.Priority.", "PriorityID == 2).Select(s => new\n {\n pridesc = s.Priority.", "Description,\n s.Notes,\n stadesc = s.Status.", "Description\n });\n\n return myProjects;\n }\n }\n catch (Exception ex)\n {\n throw ex;\n }\n }\n\nThe third query allows me to select the columns I need. ", "The whole query is fine, except I can't pass back the \"project\" variable. ", "I get a design time compile error of: \"Cannot convert type Generic.", "List.", "AnonymousType#1 to Generic.", "List \"\npublic List<String> GetProjectByCustomerID(Int16 customerid)\n {\n try\n {\n using (YeagerTechEntities DbContext = new YeagerTechEntities())\n {\n DbContext.", "Configuration.", "ProxyCreationEnabled = false;\n DbContext.", "Database.", "Connection.", "Open();\n\n var project = DbContext.", "Projects.", "Include(\"TimeTrackings\").Where(p => p.CustomerID == customerid && p.Category.", "CategoryID == 5 && p.Customer.", "City == \"NY\" && p.Status.", "StatusID == 1 && p.Priority.", "PriorityID == 2).Select(s => new\n {\n pridesc = s.Priority.", "Description,\n s.Notes,\n stadesc = s.Status.", "Description\n }).ToList();\n\n return project;\n }\n }\n catch (Exception ex)\n {\n throw ex;\n }\n }\n\nWhat is the correct way (syntax wise as well) to pass back the second and third queries?", "\nI know I can do the third query right in the code-behind and bind it to the grid with the \"var\" variable as the datasource. ", "However, I would appreciate it very much if someone can inform me how I can successfully pass back the second and third query types to the front end from a middle tier class.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou're creating anonymous types in your Select methods, not strings or Projects. ", " The first query works because you're returning a List<Project>.", "\nIf you don't want the entire project, but only a subset of fields, create a new class that holds only the fields you need, and use that in your Select() instead of creating an anonymous type. ", " For an illustration of the technique, see here.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Chapter Text\n\nThe worn, wooden wheels came to a sharp stop before the tall, flowing fountain of the Ruby Kingdom’s entrance. ", "Lian did not look to anyone else in the carriage with her as she pushed the carriage door open herself and began to make her way to the Kingdom’s entrance.", "\n\nLian was tired.", "\n\nExhausted of waiting, exhausted of preparing, exhausted of long nights spent studying, of letter after letter every few months from the Queen to her father of some other excuse as to put off the marriage just a bit longer. “", "My son is ill”, one would say, “Zhin is in no condition for such a thing as a wedding, he must rest.” ", "Too many years of this rest, it had been.", "\n\nThe Aico family entered the Kingdom and were briskly escorted to the gold-capped throne room. ", "The room was abuzz with the whispers and words of the members of the Ruby Court, voices which were quickly silenced as each member stepped back and bowed in deep respect to the Aico family. ", "Among the members of the court were other nobles, lords and ladies from across the land; the Giant prince and princess of Sun Spire and their daughters, the Widower Lord Illarion Frozenguard, a representative of Lord Arturos Greenwood, even a few warriors come all the way from the South to represent the Magistrate.", "\n\nLian pushed past them all, giving not even a glance or a nod to any of the people present. ", "She knew why they were here: Those with daughters were here in hopes of wooing Prince Jia, as the Duke and Duchess of Siya had lost hope by now of finding Skye after she had been reported missing from the Monks of the Silver Moon years prior. ", "The nobles without available daughters gathered for the Summit of the noble houses in the Realm that would be taking place on the morrow. ", "Usually, this biennial summit would be held at different noble houses, and it was the Ruby Kingdom’s honour to host it this year.", "\n\nOf this, Lian knew greatly, but as well did she care little. ", "She left the Throne Room with not a word to the greetings of the fellow nobles. ", "She made her way briskly down the halls of the Ruby Kingdom, her goal hard in mind. ", "Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her Primus, following her from a distance, but she paid the man no mind.", "\n\nOnly nearly did she miss Jia, who rested beside the bannisters, gazing down at the gardens down below. ", "His eyes were dim and dark, glassed over in an emotionless gaze. ", "Lian decided to pause in her mission, to give a bit of time to the solemn prince.", "\n\n“Greetings, Prince.” ", "Lian gave a gentle bow. ", "Jia ignored her.", "\n\n“What is on your mind?” ", "The silver-haired princess of Aico continued as she moved to stand beside him, her gaze on the features of his face. ", "His uncouth beard was more unkempt than usual, the scar across the bridge of his nose was dim, and his skin seemed dirty, not at all ready for the day.", "\n\n“Are you excited to meet the ladies?” ", "Lian asked, “So many girls from all across the Realm to try for your hand. ", "You are lucky; I was an infant when I was betrothed to your brother, it must be so thrilling to get to be a bachelor.”", "\n\nJia sighed, but said nothing for a long moment. ", "Finally, he spoke, “I don’t want to be a bachelor. ", "I want Skye.”", "\n\nLian frowned, “Jia, there are many beautiful girls here, and Skye has moved on, you cannot be sated in another girl?”", "\n\n“I don’t want another girl.”", "\n\n“So you will be single your whole life then? ", "You know, many of those ladies waiting to meet you are very pretty, I would say prettier than Skye ever could be.”", "\n\n“I don’t care about that.” ", "Was the prince’s curt reply.", "\n\nLian gave a soft chuckle, “I’ve known you to be a rather- er- physical man… according to Skye.”", "\n\nJia’s brows furrowed as his gaze met Lian’s, “I’ve got men for that, I don’t need those ladies. ", "Skye… she is pretty, but she is something else… something past beautiful…”\n\nHis eyes closed as he continued, “She’s wild… free. ", "She’s exciting and interesting, she was… she was something I’ll never find again, and I loved her in a way I didn’t think I could love a woman.” ", "He gazed back down at the garden, his breath stifling slightly.", "\n\nLian swallowed deeply, before leaving the prince to his sorrow.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe princess of Aico had a quest to find the elder prince, her betrothed. ", "As far as she knew, he had been moved out of his tower room, but even then, he had enclosed himself in his royal bedroom for days on end. ", "She came to the tall, heavy door, guarded by a pair of scarlet armoured warriors. ", "The warriors seemed reluctant to stand aside for Lian, and each eyed her warily. ", "Lian stood sharp, her chest, out her chin raised. ", "She made eye contact with each in turn, a warning to be sure. ", "The guards shared a glance, before stepping aside and allowing the princess entry.", "\n\nLian pushed the door open slowly. ", "The room was dark- of course it was- and it took her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness.", "\n\nThere was a candle on the table in the corner, its light the only thing illuminating the room. ", "A form rested in the bed, blankets pulled up to reveal nothing but long, black hair. ", "Lian approached the bed, watching the form’s slow movements of breath. ", "She drew the blanket back, and gasped in shock.", "\n\nIn the bed rested a sleeping woman.", "\n\n“Can I help you?” ", "Zhin’s voice from behind Lian caused her to jump and turn, her back towards the bed and the strange woman.", "\n\nZhin’s face was calm and his choppy, growing hair was unbrushed and undone. ", "There were dark circles under his eyes, and his dark brown irises were blank. ", "Under one arm he held a roll of parchment. ", "He was topless, and the scars covering his upper body had healed well.", "\n\nLian opened her mouth to speak, but no words came to her. ", "She turned her head slightly, looking at the girl, before looking back to Zhin. ", "He closed his eyes and gave a humoured huff.", "\n\n“My mother thought it would cheer me up. ", "I suppose it-” he motioned toward the girl, “-grew bored of waiting and fell asleep. ", "I minded it not, I have things to do.” ", "He moved past Lian and sat on the cushion beside his table, before gently unrolling the parchment on the table.", "\n\n“It’s good to see you up and about.” ", "Lian spoke, “You seem more-”\n\n“Sane?” ", "Zhin did not turn to her.", "\n\n“Calm, I was going to say.” ", "Lian replied, tucking her hands behind her back, “What are you doing?”", "\n\n“My mother is a wise woman.” ", "Zhin spoke quietly, “She was wrong about the girl, but she was not wrong about me.”", "\n\n“Oh?” ", "Lian sat beside Zhin, resting a hand on his upper back. ", "His skin was warm and rough to the touch, and each scar and mark left an imprint.", "\n\n“I… I am a leader. ", "I am meant to be a leader. ", "You know, my mother once told me that she spoke to an Oracle years ago. ", "The oracle told her there would be five kings, and she knew I would be one of them. ", "Five kings to rule the Realm, I would be one, she would be one… but she told me the man she loved would be one. ", "My father is dead, she was wrong about that…”\n\n“How can your mother, you, and your father all rule together anyway?” ", "Lian asked, raising a brow.", "\n\n“I don’t know, I don’t know, but I knew. ", "I ruled.” ", "Zhin replied. ", "He dipped a quill into a jar of ink and began to write on the parchment. ", "His handwriting was much more unruly than Lian remembered.", "\n\n“I had people… they followed me, they listened to me… The burning blade… they followed the burning blade, I was- I am the burning blade.”", "\n\n“The Thousand Hands Guild, that little group of thieves and bandits, you were with them.” ", "Lian spoke slowly.", "\n\n“I was their king, and now I am not, but I tasted it, I tasted what it meant to be a king.” ", "Zhin breathed.", "\n\nLian looked away, moving her hand from his back, “You will be king, and I will be your queen. ", "Not the rulers of some group of thieves…” She recalled the news articles about the Thousand Hands Guild. ", "It was a small group, but it had destroyed, it had burned, it had killed.", "\n\n“Do you want to be a ruler of… tyranny?” ", "Lian looked back at him. ", "He had stopped writing and was staring at the half-written letter.", "\n\n“Tyranny? ", "Is that what you think ruling is?” ", "His breath was harsh as he spoke.", "\n\n“Did you kill people?”", "\n\nZhin glanced at her, “Yes.”", "\n\n“And if your mother finds out?", "\n\n“My mother knows.” ", "Zhin looked back to his parchment, “She is… disappointed.”", "\n\n“I would be disappointed in cruelty.” ", "Lian replied curtly.", "\n\n“She is disappointed that I failed.”", "\n\nLian watched him sharply. ", "Zhin rose, stepping away from her and from his table. ", "He moved to the bed, pausing by the bedside. ", "Suddenly, he yanked the blanket and shoved the dark-haired girl out. ", "She shrieked as she hit the ground and jumped to her feet, rubbing her shoulder. ", "Zhin gave her a sharp glare, and she returned it with a look of malice as she dashed out of the room. ", "He crawled under the covers and rested on his back, staring up at the canopy overhead.", "\n\nLian sat on the bedside, watching him.", "\n\n“Do you hate me?” ", "She spoke quietly.", "\n\n“You are a waste of my time.” ", "He replied.", "\n\n“As are you of mine.”", "\n\nZhin’s eyes closed as he chuckled.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA long moment passed as Lian rested on Zhin’s bedside, watching his breath slow. ", "If he was sleeping, she could not tell. ", "There was a knock at the door, but neither she nor Zhin had answered it.", "\n\nLian moved to lay beside Zhin, her head on the pillow beside his. ", "He turned away from her, giving a grunt in annoyance at her proximity.", "\n\n“Zhin… you said your mother was disappointed in your failure… What failure?”", "\n\nZhin did not turn to her as he responded, “I lost my kingdom. ", "I failed my people. ", "I… I failed to prove myself worthy to rule the Ruby Kingdom.”", "\n\n“Your mother, does she approve of the killing that happened under your… rule?”", "\n\nZhin pulled the covers up higher on his body, just under his chin, before responding, “My mother has done far worse. ", "I am not the first of my family to reach the bandit armies, I will not be the last. ", "That’s the difference between Aico and the Ruby Kingdom. ", "Our people believe we are peaceful, they know nothing of the slaughters we commit. ", "Can you say the same of your people? ", "Can any other noble house? ", "We all kill, we all destroy, but the Ruby People trust my mother, and that’s all that matters.”", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGet or Create Functionality on a Writable Nested Serializer\n\nSuppose I have the following models:\nOrder(models.", "Model):\n user = models.", "ForeignKey('User')\n ...\n\nUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):\n email = models.", "EmailField(max_length=100)\n ...\n\nNote: USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'.", "\nWhen a new order is created, I would like to link it to a customer with the supplied email, or create the customer if the they do not exist already.", "\n\nThis is what I've tried so far:\nserializers.py:\nclass OrderSerializer(serializers.", "ModelSerializer):\n customer = UserSerializer(many=False)\n\n class Meta:\n model = Order\n\n def create(self, validated_data):\n user_data = validated_data.pop('user')\n\n # Get or create a User\n user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(\n email=user_data['email'],\n defaults={\n 'email': user_data['email']\n }\n )\n order = Order.objects.create(user=user, **validated_data)\n return order\n\nThe problem is, if a User exists, I get a 400 \"Email already exists\" error.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo do this, I had to disable the unique validators on a User. ", "This seemed like a bad idea considering that I would need those validators when creating Users from a different endpoint.", "\nemail had to be unique and the nested serializer runs the valdiation from the UserSerializer.", "\nInstead, I created another serializer called OrderUserSerializer as follows:\nserializers.py:\nclass OrderUserSerializer(serializers.", "Serializer):\n email = serializers.", "EmailField(max_length=200)\n\nclass OrderSerializer(serializers.", "ModelSerializer):\n user = OrderUserSerializer(many=False)\n\n class Meta:\n model = Order\n\n def create(self, validated_data):\n user_data = validated_data.pop('user')\n\n user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(\n email=user_data['email'],\n defaults={\n 'email': user_data['email']\n }\n )\n\n order = Order.objects.create(user=user, **validated_data)\n return order\n\n" ]
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[ "Worker Safety on the Jobsite: Who’s Responsible?", "\n\nExperts in the construction industry met at a luncheon hosted by the American Subcontractors Association Houston Chapter recently to talk about employer responsibility for worker safety on the jobsite. ", "The panel discussion focused largely on safety education and risk assessment, employer liabilities in situations of co-employment, and employer responsibilities when there’s a filing with OSHA or a workers’ compensation claim.", "\n\nTo start things off, Hart asked about the standard training that workers must go through before even stepping foot on a jobsite.", "\n\n“With Gilbane and every tier of our contractors, we do a kickoff meeting to make sure that they understand all of our safety protocols and what is in the contracts as well. ", "We also look to all of our employees to take on risk assessment of projects,” said Kevin Virag, safety director at Gilbane Building Company.", "\n\n“We have what we think is a pretty comprehensive and thorough orientation, which has three components,” said Larry Williams, president of Marek Employment Management Company, or MEMCO. ", "Those components are a review of basic safety policy, a safety video, and then an exam.", "\n\n“It’s a 30-minute to one-hour part of our hiring process, administered in both English and Spanish. ", "It covers personal safety work habits, safety policies, fall protection, ladder safety etc. ", "It’s not deep and probing but it is comprehensive,” Williams said. “", "The fact that it’s not deep and probing makes it a good first small step in the safety process.”", "\n\n“We look at all of our employees as well as the contractors, foremen and the superintendents to take on the risk assessments of our projects,” Virag said when asked specifically who is responsible for the assessments.", "\n\n“I think the contractors are in the best position to perform risk assessment on the job site,” Williams said. “", "We do have four fulltime safety professionals that are there to help when needed, but I think it’s important for contractors at the job site because the worksite is changing and dynamic.”", "\n\n“We also have to look to OSHA. ", "If you look at the temporary work conditions that came out in 2013, they tell us that the staffing company is responsible to conduct worker safety orientation. ", "But once at the worksite, they look at the host employer or the customer to provide safety analysis and PPE,” said Williams, referring of course to Personal Protective Equipment.", "\n\nKeith Coulter, an attorney who’s represented construction companies on a variety of issues, explained the concept of co-employment.", "\n\n“Co-employment is any situation where an employee has more than one employer,” Coulter said. ", "If you have a solo employee or independent contractor who receive the majority of his income from one company, the Department of Labor is going to view that person as an employee of the company for which they work most of the time, Coulter said.", "\n\nOSHA has also been shifting toward the “economic realities test,” which asks how long that employee has worked for you, where does that person’s paycheck come from, and who provides benefits if there are any.", "\n\n“If you are the employer or joint employer you can be responsible for negligence under any of those situations,” Coulter said. “", "My recommendation for any situation where there’s more than one employer on the jobsite is to put who’s responsible for what in your contracts,” he said. “", "If there is more than one employer designated for who’s responsible for each part of the project, don’t assume someone else has provided the training, because if that training is not provided, OSHA is going to get you and you’re probably going to be liable for negligence.”", "\n\nWhen it comes to personal protective equipment, the answers were straightforward.", "\n\n“Our basic PPE package is a hard hat, high visibility vest, and gloves and safety glasses for all employees, although we do have some customers who hand out hard hats and vests so they can put their name and logo on those,” Williams said. “", "We do expect the host company to provide and enforce job-specific PPE, because the work site is dynamic and different protection may be required at one moment and not the next.”", "\n\nThe discussion also drilled down on the legal meaning of “supervisor” and what that person is responsible for when a project is underway.", "\n\n“Under the laws resulting from OSHA, if your supervisor, meaning anyone that oversees the work of others, knows of a hazard or makes a decision to violate the regulations, then your company is held accountable for that decision and you can be in violation of the OSHA regulations,” Coulter explained.", "\n\n“If you do everything you can to prevent the employees from messing up, like having a written safety program that is effectively communicated to employees, inspecting for violations, and disciplining the violators, you’ve done everything you can do and that defense is applicable,” Coulter said. “", "However, if you have a supervisor that is committing the unsafe practices, then that defense is normally not available. ", "That’s not usually going to be your lead man, your foreman, or superintendent. ", "It’s going to be an officer of the company or a division of the company, which is an important distinction.”", "\n\nCoulter also talked about the legal importance of providing adequate training to all employees as it pertains to host company liability.", "\n\n“Make sure you know who is in control. ", "You will be in violation if you don’t make sure that either you or the sub trained those employees. ", "If you’re the host employer, communicate safety issues. ", "Give temporary and leased employees the same training you would give your own employees,” Coulter said. “", "If the training you provide to your employees trumps that which is provided to temporary employees, push the training through the subcontractor. ", "If you provide training to your employees and not the other ones, that will be the guideline for negligence cases.”", "\n\nHart followed up by asking about who’s responsible if there’s an accident or OSHA violation.", "\n\n“OSHA will always look at the host employer or who provides day-to-day instruction. ", "That’s who they hold most accountable and scrutinize the most closely. ", "They look at what PPE was provided, what training was provided, and what type of preventative measures were put into effect. ", "I have not seen us get cited and the host employer not because they’re the ones that provide day-to-day instruction and supervision,” Williams said.", "\n\nCoulter agreed.", "\n\n“Typically, OSHA focuses on the host employer,” Coulter said. “", "The ultimate responsibility falls on who controls the day-to-day process and means of work. ", "Often times, a host employer will think they’re off the hook because the subcontractor has employees on site. ", "But both employers have the obligation to make sure the reporting gets done and is not duplicated.”", "\n\nCoulter said a similar procedure should be used when dealing with workers’ comp. ", "While the employee will receive the same benefits regardless of which company files the injury in its logs, it is highly important that only one of them initiates the claim or fines can be imposed." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs this question a pigeon hole question?", "\n\nHow many integers must you pick in order to be sure that at least two of them have the same remainder when divided by 15? ", "Explain.", "\n\nIt seems like this is similar to the birthday pigeon hole example.", "\nI really want to understand this question as I have been staring at it for quite some time. ", " So please, just hints if possible to get me started. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are exactly $15$ remainders modulo $15$ and they are $0, 1, 2, \\dots, 14$.\nThis is slightly different (easier) than the birthday problem because we want to guarantee that some pair has the same remainder, and don't have to worry about the probabilities.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "FOXBORO — Bill Belichick might be in the process of revolutionizing the in-game deployment of offensive linemen.", "\n\nThe Patriots have rotated their line combinations at a breakneck pace through three games, to the point where it’s a challenge to find anyone who has seen this strategy before. ", "The criticism of the tactic might derive from a lack of previous examples, as people fear what they don’t understand.", "\n\nThe communication will suffer, they said. ", "Yet the Patriots have shuffled their line personnel on a period-by-period basis during practice since training camp opened in July, so they’ve been making their calls with new voices for two months.", "\n\nAnd the continuity will suffer, they said. ", "But the Patriots offense has scored more points (119) through three weeks than ever before, and Tom Brady is 3-0 without an interception for the first time in his career. ", "It must not be bothering the franchise quarterback.", "\n\nThe innovative tactic is resonating throughout the sport, too.", "\n\n“I think it’s one of the smartest things I’ve ever seen,” legendary Florida State offensive line coach Rick Trickett said.", "\n\n“It’s genius.”", "\n\nTrickett watches the situation closely because he coached Bryan Stork and Tre’ Jackson, and he also is close with former Pats line boss Dante Scarnecchia. ", "So his opinion carries some weight, and Trickett hopes to rotate his own linemen once they’re all healthy.", "\n\nOf course, the credit shouldn’t be restricted to Belichick. ", "Offensive line coach Dave DeGuglielmo has done a remarkable job, and coordinator Josh McDaniels always is responsible for drawing up the game plan. ", "And then, if the players weren’t talented enough to be worth the experiment, it’d all be for naught.", "\n\nScarnecchia has taken notice, too.", "\n\n“(DeGuglielmo) is doing a great job coaching them,” Scarnecchia said. “", "That’s all I need to say. ", "They’re 3-0. ", "They’re doing a great job.”", "\n\nThe Patriots have used nine different line combinations to start 30 possessions this season, excluding kneel-downs. ", "They’ve also implemented a 10th combination with Marcus Cannon at right guard on the goal-line package that resulted in all three of LeGarrette Blount’s touchdowns Sunday against the Jaguars.", "\n\nThe series-by-series rotations have been fast and furious. ", "Against the Steelers, the Patriots didn’t use the same line combination on back-to-back series until their sixth and seventh possessions. ", "The Pats used the same combination for three consecutive series to open the Bills game, which is the only time that’s happened all season, before changing their line personnel on nine consecutive possessions. ", "And the Patriots didn’t use the same group in back-to-back series a single time in nine series against the Jags.", "\n\n“It’s not done just randomly. ", "There’s a specific reason why we rotate guys when we do, where we rotate them,” DeGuglielmo said. “", "There’s a rhyme and reason to everything.”", "\n\nAs a qualifier, it seems obvious that any coaching staff would prefer a stable, veteran group to play from start to finish, but the Patriots have reinvigorated the line with youth the past two seasons. ", "So the rapid rotations make sense for a number of reasons.", "\n\nThe brunt of the variations have occurred at guard, where Josh Kline (10 series at left guard, 14 series at right guard), Shaq Mason (20 series at left guard) and Jackson (16 series at right guard) have jockeyed for two positions around center David Andrews, who is the only player on the team to play every offensive snap this season.", "\n\nKline entered 2015 with five starts in two seasons, while fourth-rounders Jackson and Mason still are learning. ", "It’s easier for the coaches to manage the rookies for 40-50 snaps per game when they know the pair isn’t quite ready to keep up with Brady’s rapid pace, which has averaged 76 snaps per game. ", "If playing time is an indication, Jackson is third in the pecking order at the moment, so the early-season reps are a huge advantage as an alternative to cementing him to the bench, especially if they needed him later because of an injury. ", "The odd man out for each series has gotten extra coaching on the sideline, which is an added benefit.", "\n\n“(The extra coaching) plays into it a great bit,” Jackson said. “", "You get a chance to see what the defense is throwing at you that series, see different things that maybe you didn’t see on film and keep going with it.", "\n\n“It’s just great coaching. ", "Be faithful to your coaching, taking whatever they throw at you and keep moving with it.”", "\n\nPerhaps the Pats will settle on their best five linemen later this season when Stork and Ryan Wendell return, but the rotations are working. ", "They also like the idea of forcing a defense to game-plan for the strengths and weaknesses of each personnel combination, particularly as they change on the fly.", "\n\nSo why are the Patriots rotating their linemen at such a feverish pace? ", "The better question might be why more teams don’t do it. ", "There’s a refrain around the league that Belichick is always a step, or a year, ahead of everybody else from a tactical standpoint, so the line rotations could evolve into a new trend.", "\n\nAs long as the linemen are playing well and they have a quarterback like Brady who can successfully adapt to anything, the strategy is nothing but a positive.", "\n\n“As long as seven of them are working well, then you try to get as many guys as much work as possible,” DeGuglielmo said. “", "Right now we’re trying to get everybody a lot of work and seeing if they can work on becoming better football players individually.”" ]
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[ "Emoji virtual pet for Apple Watch and iOS\n\nRaise Emoji is the modern virtual pet. ", "With a little inspiration from the ‘90s, and a lot of inspiration from today, your job is to raise an emoji from baby to adult.", "\n\nEmotions + Needs\n\nEmojis, by nature, have a range of emotions. ", "They can be happy, or sad. ", "They feel joy, and anger. ", "Love, and ignorance. ", "These attributes are all affected by the way you treat the emoji over time, and they affect how it responds to you.", "\n\nFor keeping an emoji happy, managing its’ needs is a good place to start. ", "Feeding and sending it to sleep each day increases love, as does reading them a book, or playing ball. ", "And as time passes, the emoji grows into an adult, acquiring a few extra abilities along the way.", "\n\nWatch\n\nThe game also takes advantage of the unique features of Apple Watch. ", "Such as using Force Touch to display an interaction menu. ", "And the Taptic Engine, so when you touch the emoji, it can show delight by touching you back. ", "On your wrist.", "\n\nOf course, different players will have different approaches, and emojis know how to respond to each of them. ", "Lets just say an emoji would not respond kindly to a “tap-attack”.", "\n\nThe game fully supports playing on Apple Watch, together with iOS, or solely on iOS.", "\n\nSharing\n\nEmoji are for sharing, so you can do that too. ", "Choosing from a full range of expressions (and there’s some really fun ones, honestly), the emoji you send to a friend will be a true representation of your own. ", "So feed it too many burgers, and your friend will receive your overweight emoji." ]
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[ "High-level delegation from Bangladesh arrives to take updates about fatal crash\n\nHigh-level delegation from Bangladesh arrives to take updates about fatal crash\n\nMarch 13, 2018\n\nKATHMANDU, March 13: A high-level government delegation from Bangladesh arrived here today to take updates about the fatal crash involving the US Bangla passenger airplane.", "\n\nThe crash occurred at Tribhuvan International Airport Monday resulted in the tragic deaths of at least 50 passengers.", "\n\nThe delegation comprises Bangladeshi Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism, AKM Shahjahan Kamal; Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Shahriar Alam and senior officials of Civil Aviation Authority there, as stated by Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bharat Raj Poudel.", "\n\nA total of 51 people including the crew members have so far been confirmed dead in the crash by the Ministry of Home Affairs. ", "Among them, 22 are Nepali, 28 from Bangladesh and one Chinese national. ", "Others 20 injured in the deadly accident are receiving treatment at various hospitals in Kathmandu.", "\n\nTIA Spokesperson Premnath Thakur also said a high-level delegation from Bangladesh landed at TIA a while ago. ", "The team also comprises kin of those Bangladeshi national killed in the crash.", "\n\nEarlier Monday, Prime Minister KP Sharma had telephone talks with his Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina about the fatal crash. ", "The aircraft carrying 71 people including the crew members crashed on landing at around 2:18 pm.", "\n\nThe exact cause of the crash remains unclear, however, the TIA air traffic room has said that the pilot did not follow its instructions and made the landing through a wrong course. ", "RSS" ]
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[ "Yes! ", "Oh wow, I just... This is simply Gorgeous! ", "I never really thought about a realistic version! ", "I'm glad you did, this is just so well done!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBest practices to show or not to show navigation on home page\n\nI have a weird dilemma, we recently re-designed our website and some of the changes have made a massive change in the way users behave on the site. ", "Our site is www.simplycook.com\nOur site used to look like this way.", "\nNotice the top navigation bar.", "\nEver since we have changed to the new site, a lot of our users are clicking on recipes as opposed to the get started button. ", "I have tested in on a variety of browsers and nothing is very prominent in terms of the change.", "\nAny idea if I am missing something here in terms of UX? ", "Also, any idea on how UX performs without having a top nav bar?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen I first saw your old page my eyes scanned the links \"how it works\" and \"Products\" before hitting the logo. ", "That indicated the end of the navigation for me and I went down to the \"Get started\" section.", "\nLooking at the new site my eyes scanned \"Products\" and \"Recipes\" and I since that was what I expected on a cooking site, I felt the urge to click \"Recipes\" to see if they really where that simple.", "\nIf the goal of your homepage is for people to click the \"Get started\" button, then I guess it should be one of the first thing you see. ", "It resembles the goal of Noah Kagan to get more email signups. ", "One of the tips he had was to remove the navigation bar, and just have a button at the bottom called \"read the blog\".", "\nPerhaps you could remove the navigation from the top at the homepage and place some buttons just above the green area at the bottom to go to the recipes and products. ", "The \"How it works\" section is already shown so doesn't really need an extra button. ", "If you have a button for the F.A.Q. is up to you, personally I don't think it needs such a prominent place.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Happy\n\nMy great-niece taken about 4 years ago....time sure flies! ", "It doesn't seem like I've had this picture for so long! ", "I had a lot of fun with this b/c of the colors, & I used some \"older\" products I've had for awhile. ", "Thanks for looking!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nActiveRecord Associations\n\nI got the following use-case:\nI got three types of Users: Advertisers, Publishers and Administrators. ", "Each user has some common properties (like name or surname) but also several unique associations. ", "The advertiser has an association with Ad(verttisement)s and Campaigns. ", "Each of with is another model of its own.", "\nMy question is how would I go about and model that using ActiveRecords? ", "What would the migration code look like?", "\nHere are the model classes:\nUser:\nclass User < ActiveRecord :: Base\n require 'pbkdf2'\n require 'date'\n\n has_many :messages\n\n attribute :name, :surname, :email, :password_hash, :password_salt\n attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation, :type\n\n attribute :user_since, :default => lambda{ Date.today.to_s }\n\n [...]\nend\n\nPublisher:\nclass Publisher < User \n has_many :websites\nend\n\nAdvertiser:\nclass Advertiser < User\n has_many :campaigns\n has_many :ads\nend\n\nI got the following migration file to create the User:\nclass AddUser < ActiveRecord::Migration\n def up\n create_table :users do |t|\n t.string :name\n t.string :surname\n t.string :email\n t.string :password_hash\n t.string :password_salt\n t.date :user_since\n t.string :type\n end\n\n create_table :messages do |t|\n t.belongs_to :user\n t.string :account_number\n t.timestamps\n end\n end\n\n def down \n drop_table :user\n end\nend\n\nHow do I modify this file in order to incorporate the aforementioned associations?", "\nEdit: Corrected the associations to use plural form.", "\n\nA:\n\nPolymorphic relationships is one way to solve this, while another way would be to use Single Table Inheritance (STI). ", " Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks, and your decision would probably depend in how different the subclasses of User would tend to be. ", " The more drastically they would differ, the more the decision would tend toward polymorphic relationships.", "\nUsing STI approach:\n# a single :users table\n# one table for each of the other (non-user) models\n\nclass User < ActiveRecord::Base\n has_many :messages\nend\n\nclass Publisher < User \n has_many :websites\nend\n\nclass Advertiser < User\n # if :campaign supports multiple user-types (polymorphic)\n has_many :campaigns, :as => :user\n # otherwise\n has_many :campaigns\n\n has_many :ads\nend\n\nclass Message < ActiveRecord::Base\n belongs_to :user\nend\n\nclass Campaign < ActiveRecord::Base\n # if multiple user-types will have campaigns\n belongs_to :user # referential column should be :user_id\n # otherwise\n belongs_to :advertiser # referential column should be :advertiser_id\nend\n\nUsing Polymorphic approach:\n# there should be no :users table, as User will be an abstract model class \n# instead make a table for each of all the other models\n\nclass User < ActiveRecord::Base\n self.abstract_class = true\n has_many :messages, :as => :messageable\nend\n\nclass Publisher < User \n has_many :websites\nend\n\nclass Advertiser < User \n has_many :campaigns\n has_many :ads\nend\n\nclass Message < ActiveRecord::Base\n belongs_to :messageable, polymorphic: true # referential columns should be :messageable_id and :messageable_type\nend\n\nclass Campaign < ActiveRecord::Base\n # if multiple user-types will have campaigns\n belongs_to :user, polymorphic: true # referential columns should be :user_id and :user_type\n # otherwise\n belongs_to :advertiser # referential column should be :advertiser_id\nend\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a process for preparing polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder, more particularly to a process for preparing polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder having a sharp size distribution and an improved flowability.", "\nIn general, a polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder is required (1) to have excellent flowability, (2) to be soft and to be pressed by a comparative low pressure to form a dense preformed article, and (3) to have a large bulk density, since it is molded by a manner similar to that in powder metallurgy differing from the molding method for another thermoplastic resins such as melt extrusion, injection or compression molding.", "\nFor the purpose of preparing a polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder satisfying the above-mentioned requirements, there have been proposed various processes for preparing the granular powder consisting of agglomerate composed of primary particles, which has a high bulk density, an excellent flowability and a softness the same as in the primary particle, by agglomerating a polytetrafluoroethylene powder which has been obtained by pulverizing the raw polytetrafluoroethylene powder prepared by suspension-polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene. ", "For instance, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,265,679 describes a process which comprises wetting a polytetrafluoroethylene powder with an organic liquid being capable of wetting the powder and subjecting to agitation of the wetted powder to give granules having a dry sieve size in the range of 300 to 3000.mu.. Also British Pat. ", "No. ", "1,100,388 and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,527,857 describe a process for agglomerating a polytetrafluoroethylene powder by agitating the same in an aqueous medium containing an organic liquid capable of wetting the powder. ", "According to the process described in British Pat. ", "No. ", "1,100,388, there can be obtained a polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder consisting of secondary agglomerates composed of primary particles of particle size of less than 200.mu., ", "having a particle size in the range of 100 to 5000.mu., ", "a bulk density of more than 400 g./liter and an excellent flowability compared with conventional ones and giving a dense molded article, which process comprises agitating in water polytetrafluoro ethylene powder of a particle size of 1 to 200.mu. ", "after wetting with a water-insoluble organic liquid having a surface tension of at most 35 dynes/cm. ", "The thus obtained polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder has merits that the flowability of the powder is superior and the aggregation of the powder as a whole hardly occurs on storage and transferring or handling since the particle is spherical or nearly spherical and its outer surface is extremely smooth. ", "However, according to this process, the obtained granular powder has a tendency that its particle size is large and not uniform, moreover contains extremely large particles as large as 5000.mu.. In case of molding from such a granular powder containing extremely large particles, the surface of molded article becomes uneven and, for instance, the surface grinding of the molded article is required for making the surface smooth when it is employed as a packing.", "\nAccording to the investigations by the present inventors, it has been found that a polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder must possess the following properties in addition to the properties described in the above-mentioned British Pat. ", "No. ", "1,100,388.", "\n(a) In consideration of the fact that the smaller particle size of granular powder, the better mechanical properties and smoothness of a molded article, it has been found out that the upper limit of average particle size is 500.mu.. In particular, it is necessary for obtaining a molded article of small size with smooth surface that the average particle size of granular powder be at most 500.mu.. However, the smaller the particle size, the poorer flowability and non-aggregating property. ", "Therefore, as a matter of course, a granular powder has an under limit in the particle size, and it has been found out that the under limit of the average particle size is about 100.mu..\n(b) In case the powder contains extremely large particles, even if the average particle size of the granular powder falls in the range of 100 to 500.mu., ", "surface of molded artilce does not become even. ", "Also in case the powder containes extremely small particles, the flowability of granular powder is decreased. ", "In view of this point, it has been found that at least 90% by weight of a whole granular powder must have a particle size of at most 1000.mu. ", "and moreover at least 60% by weight of a whole granular powder must have a particle size in the range of 0.7 to 1.3 times its average particle size, especially 0.75 to 1.25 times.", "\n(c) It is required that the powder flowability, an easiness of flowing of a granular powder, which is defined hereinafter, must be at least 3. ", "In case the powder flowability of a granular powder is less than 3, it is difficult to charge the powder into a hollow of a mold for a short period of time particularly when using it in automatic molding.", "\n(d) It is required that the surface roughness indicating a degree of smoothness of a molded article obtained from a granular powder, which is defined hereinafter, must be at most 2.0, especially at most 1.5.", "\nOn the other hand, it has been apparent that a granular powder satisfying the above properties cannot be obtained by the process of British Pat. ", "No. ", "1,100,388 on industrial scale.", "\nAccording to the process of British Pat. ", "No. ", "1,100,388, a granular powder satisfying the above conditions may be prepared when a small amount of polytetrafluoroethylene powder is treated by a high speed agitation in a comparatively small-scale apparatus, but this process cannot be utilized on industrial scale production since an extremely high speed agitation and a considerable power are required. ", "Moreover when an apparatus is large-scale, the amount of extremely large particles and extremely small particles in the obtained granular powder is increased and a granular powder having a uniform particle size cannot be obtained since continuously a uniform power could be hardly provided as a whole powder even if the agitation speed is increased. ", "As a result, a size distribution of an obtained granular powder does not fall in the above-mentioned range and a flowability is decreased and a surface roughness of a molded article obtained from a granular powder becomes poor.", "\nFurther, according to the process by agitating polytetrafluoroethylene powder in water containing organic liquid, a particle size of obtained granular powder may be decreased by employing the least amount of organic liquid.", "\nHowever, in that case, the surface of each particle does not become sufficiently smooth and the flowability of the obtained granular powder is poor so that it cannot be employed for an automatic molding, and the granular powder does not satisfy the above-mentioned properties.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,527,857 describes that agglomerated powder having a relatively small particle size which satisfies the property (a) among the above-mentioned properties (a) to (d) is obtained by this process, but according to the investigation by the present inventors, it has been found that this powder does not also satisfy the above-mentioned property (b), and as a result, the powder flowability of this powder is very poor. ", "Although this patent describes that the agglomerated powder having a relatively small particle size is obtained, it is considered that this result is produced by the use of a very large agitation evergy and in this point the process of this patent is undesirable. ", "Moreover, when the amount of the treated powder in one treatment is scaled up to a degree of industrially practicing the process, there is required a larger agitation energy which is not industrially acceptable.", "\nFurther, according to the process of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,265,679 which comprises by mechanically agitating a finely divided polytetrafluoroethylene powder in the presence of only an organic liquid without using water as stated before, the obtained powder does not satisfy all of the above-mentioned properties (a) to (d)." ]
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[ "From Sohu, ifeng, & NetEase:\n\nChinese men’s football talent selection standard sparks hot debate, choosing good new talent requires examining their genitals\n\nWhat do you look at when selecting good football players? ", "There are probably many answers, such as looking at height, looking at their legs, looking at their 100 meter times, etc. ", "But if you said you have to look at penises to select football players, you probably would never believer it. ", "However, there are people who do this, and what more, they are the acclaimed Chinese football star cradle [many famous Chinese football stars come from them] Tianjin Locomotive football club. ", "It is said that when they are choosing young players, they will do so in accordance with the shape of the boy’s genitals to determine if this player has the potential to be tomorrow’s star. ", "In other words, whether or not a good sprout [young football talent] can become a Messi, Ronaldo, or Hao Haidong and other stars, one must look at the penis.", "\n\nRecently, a piece of news regarding talent selection for Chinese football has generated hot debate on the internet: Chinese football star cradle Tianjin Locomotive football club looks at the development of the genitals when selecting new sprouts [new talent, young future football players]. ", "The original text said that apart from a series of physical fitness and basic skill tests, the club will also vary with the individual, adopting some seemingly unscientific “original methods” to select players. ", "What has taken everyone’s breath away most recently is their using the male’s genitals to determine his male hormone levels, to see if he is able to withstand the rigors and intense competition of football athleticism, [because] according to one of the club’s seasoned officials, little boys whose genitals are short but thick and whose scrotums are taught are good new sprouts or football.", "\n\nAs soon as this text was reported by the media, it was immediately met with netizen derision and condemnation, with many people saying: “The level of ridiculousness of Chinese football can be seen from this.”", "\n\nSmall but thick penises mean less injuries\n\nThough netizens are full of condemnation, this club’s practices have received recognition by male physiological science experts.", "\n\nHenan Province Oriental Medicine Hospital Integrative Medicine Reproductive Center’s Professor Sun Zixue believes, “Selecting football sprouts this way is very reasonable. ", "Most little boys with short but thick reproductive organs and taut scrotums have normal male hormonal levels. ", "Male’s main hormone is testosterone, 95% of which is secreted by cells in the testes and 5% secreted by the adrenal glands. ", "Moreover, testosterone is not only an element in male sexual arousal, it also allows males to have thicker bones, muscularity, helps the body eliminate excess fat, even quickly physically recover, with the most important being that testosterone provides the body the athletic aggressiveness needed in competition. ", "Since the sport of football is one of regulated, civilized competition, the stronger the aggressiveness, the larger the probabilities of victory. ", "Modern research has already shown that athletes with high levels of testosterone have relatively stronger athletic ability.”", "\n\nComments from ifeng:\n\n无线网友:\n\nSo this is why, the men’s football players’ penises aren’t good enough!", "\n\n广西桂林市网友:\n\nThis is all about men’s football, I wonder where they look when selecting players for women’s football?", "\n\n无线网友:\n\nCome come come, national football players, at ease. ", "Attention! ", "Take off your pants!", "\n\n浙江省杭州市网友:\n\nI feel doing this is very necessary. ", "One, you can see whether or not this bunch of athletes have sexually transmitted diseases, to avoid transmission. ", "Two, if it turns out they are sexually impotent, then that would be even better, because they can concentrate on training, and avoid them finding whores before the competitions only for it to affect their performance during the competitions.", "\n\n广西桂林市网友:\n\nMental retards, definitely mental retards!!!", "\n\nComments from Sohu:\n\n搜狐网友:\n\nWe finally know now that the reason why China’s football sucks is because the athletes’ penises are too long, and that Europeans’ penises are short so that’s why their football is niubi! ", "Therefore, Chinese men should feel proud when they see this news, because our penises are longer than Europeans!", "\n\n搜狐网友:\n\nChinese people are way too talented/clever, hahahaha!", "\n\n搜狐手机网友:\n\nNo big deal: My penis was inspected during the physical examination when I entered university. ", "The doctor even touched it.", "\n\n搜狐手机网友:\n\nThis is the reason why China’s football can’t get sorted out/improved.", "\n\n搜狐手机网友:\n\nSelecting what new talent? ", "For future AV [adult video] stars?", "\n\n搜狐手机网友:\n\nChinese football [players] are all manly men, can go 90 minutes without ejaculating.", "\n\nSelecting new talent. ", "Personals @ chinaSMACK." ]
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[ "Monday, August 30, 2010\n\nPor que, why?", "\n\nWhy am I in this business? ", "I'm tired, i want to sleep or just watch my favorite tv shows and/or play Bejeweled.", "\n\nWhy doesn't my boyfriend send me flowers everyday, serenade me outside my window with the most perfect voice, and appear at the doorway just at the right time with a box of diamonds then sweep me away on a horse waiting outside? ", "The movies say this is what men do.", "\n\nWhy do people make stupid decisions on the road? ", "Something as simple as signaling to change lanes could save your life.", "\n\nWhy do dogs get to sleep and play all day and I don't?", "\n\nWhy can't i go on vacation? ", "I need one...\n\nWhy can't i just eat everything I want without a worry about gaining a pound here and there? ", "The media says stick skinny is beautiful.", "\n\nWhy is time going by so fast? ", "I havn't achieved all my 2010 goals yet and it's more than half over.", "\n\nWhy can't I take naps in the middle of the day, everyday? ", "Kids can do it.", "\n\nI think my \"why\"s are pretty much similar to yours, but add \"why don't I know how to start the business?\" ", "and \"why does the future so vague?\" ", "and I can go on and on and on forever with all the whys but I think I just have to accept it. :(", "\n\nAwwwh, seriously lady ... you love Bejeweled too? ", "In pt 3 we must engage in a hardcore Bejeweled competition -- I hope you find some time to fit it in, even if it's just for ten minutes.", "\n\nTime goes by WAY too fast ... my why questions involve: Why does life go by too fast before I can even more a proper decision? ", "and Why does my future feel like one huge question mark right now? ", "Ahh life ... <3 hang in there, lovely lady.", "\n\nDeep post girl. ", "I don't even know if I want to get into answering this, but I'll try to keep it short. ", "Why are people the way they are? ", "Why do sometimes I just get so sick of Vancouver I could scream? ", "Why don't boys do the things they say they should in movies? ", "Ugh the skinny one too. ", "I went bra shopping.. those 360 mirrors are horrible!! ", "haha\n\nAwww Kym! ", "Cheer up! ", "Why can't you sleep all day and never work? ", "Because life is so unfair! ", "You've got to make a living somehow! ", "Why doesn't your boyfriend send you flowers everyday? ", "Because he's a dude and they are STUPID! ;) ", "Well I'll stop now while I'm ahead :p Feel better Kym! ", "Know that everything has a reason and think about all the wonderful things in your life you CAN enjoy! ", "Like this blog, and how wonderful your job is! :)" ]
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