[ "Q:\n\nChange active tab depending on scroll position\n\nI'm currently messing around with trying to create a one page website. ", "At the moment I've got the navigation menu to scroll to the selected part of the website when clicked and active tab will change on click too. ", "But what I'm trying to figure out is how to make the css change to the active tab when the next page has been scrolled on to (and not clicked in the menu).", "\n$(document).ready(function(){\n $(\"nav ul li\").click(function(){\n var sectionClass = $(this).attr('class'); \n if ($(this).hasClass('active')){\n }\n else {\n $(\"nav ul li.active\").removeClass('active'); \n $(this).addClass('active'); \n sectionId = $(this).attr('id');\n var parts = sectionId.split(\"_\");\n $('html, body').animate({ \n scrollTop: $(\"#\" + parts[1]).offset().top\n }, 'slow');\n }\n });\n });\n\n<body>\n <nav class=\"nav-bar\">\n <ul>\n <li class=\"active\" id=\"menu_index\">Welcome</li>\n <li id=\"menu_page1\">Menu1</li>\n <li id=\"menu_page2\">Menu2</li>\n <li id=\"menu_page3\">Menu3</li>\n <li id=\"menu_page4\">Menu4</li>\n </ul>\n </nav>\n <div id=\"index\"></div>\n <div id=\"page1\"></div>\n <div id=\"page2\"></div>\n <div id=\"page3\"></div>\n <div id=\"page4\"></div>\n</body>\n\nhttps://jsfiddle.net/nsefqo3w/\nAdded jsfiddle to show how it is just now, I'm new so you'll probably spot a few problems!", "\n\nA:\n\nChange your menu to be setup like this:\n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"#page1\">Page 1</a>\n ...\n</ul>\n\nThis way it scrolls to the DOM element with an id of page1 when the anchor is clicked.", "\nThen you can use the following code to mark as active on scroll:\nfunction onScroll(event){\nvar scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop();\n$('li>a').each(function () {\n var currLink = $(this);\n var refElement = $(currLink.attr(\"href\"));\n if (refElement.position().top <= scrollPos && refElement.position().top + refElement.height() > scrollPos) {\n $('li>a.active').removeClass(\"active\");\n currLink.addClass(\"active\");\n }\n else{\n currLink.removeClass(\"active\");\n }\n});\n}\n$(document).ready(function () {\n $(document).on(\"scroll\", onScroll);\n});\n\nEDIT:\nUse your own jQuery code so that it changes to active on onclick as well.", "\nSource: http://jsfiddle.net/cse_tushar/Dxtyu/141/\n\n" ]
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[ "Ethan Miller via Getty Images Donald Trump often makes himself available to TV networks by phone, and his racism and bigotry generate major headlines. ", "Thanks in part to both of those factors, he's received millions in free media attention this election cycle.", "\n\nDonald Trump received nearly $2 billion in free media exposure this past year, dwarfing his Republican rivals and more than doubling the attention paid to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, according to tracking firm mediaQuant.", "\n\nTrump received $1.9 billion in free, or \"earned,\" media coverage, yet spent just $10 million on paid advertisements this election cycle. ", "While Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich each spent more money than Trump on ads, the Republican candidates clocked in at $313 million, $204 million and $38 million in free media respectively.", "\n\nThe New York Times first reported Tuesday on Trump's \"mammoth advantage in free media\" using data provided by mediaQuant. ", "In an interview with The Huffington Post, mediaQuant Chief Analytics Officer Paul Senatori discussed the firm's 2016 findings and comparisons between the candidates and major national and world figures.", "\n\nHere's how it works: The Portland-based mediaQuant tracks mentions in over 20,000 English-language outlets for many boldface names, ranging from Pope Francis to Taylor Swift to everyone who ran (or considered running) for president in 2016. ", "The company generates a current media rating for each person based on the quantity and quality of that exposure, ranging from 0 to 100.", "\n\nIn computing the value of earned media, mediaQuant runs the number of raw mentions through an algorithm assessing the tone of the coverage -- whether positive, negative or neutral -- and considers the media outlet's reach and its advertising rates.", "\n\nThough mediaQuant doesn't break down how much free media a candidate has received on, say, CNN or in The New York Times, Senatori said the majority of the value computed comes from television and top-tier publications with a national or global footprint. ", "Given smaller ad rates, a candidate would need a substantial number of tweets before that social media attention translated into significant free media dollars.", "\n\nWhile many of the other 2016 candidates plateaued and later dipped in terms of their earned media this election cycle, Senatori said that Trump, currently with a 98 rating, never faded from headlines around the world.", "\n\n\"He has consistently maintained high ratings and media values across all media segments, social and traditional, and it hasn’t ebbed at all,\" Senatori said.", "\n\nAccording to mediaQuant, the Republican front-runner has received far more free media coverage than Clinton, who has $746 million, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has $321 million.", "\n\nWhat's striking in digging through mediaQuant's data is how well top-tier 2016 contenders stack up against other world leaders and some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment.", "\n\nFor example, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West received $497 million, $250 million and $234 million in free media, respectively, over the past year. ", "Athletes like recently retired NFL quarterback Peyton Manning and Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry came in with $29 million and $15 million, respectively.", "\n\nSenatori pointed out that 2016 candidates, unlike even major cultural figures, have benefited from heavy and sustained coverage.", "\n\n\"A dynamic in the election sector is the consistent and continuous coverage,\" Senatori said in an email. \"", "Celebrities, athletes and commercial brands tend to spike on episodal or event-based coverage, i.e. awards, divorces, album release, MVP announcement, quarterly earnings, etc. ", "Trump and Cruz are enjoying a 8+ month non-stop media 'event.'\"", "\n\n\"At the end of the month,\" he said, referring to when mediaQuant reports its analytics, \"that media firehose really adds up.\"", "\n\nTrump and a few other 2016 candidates have topped world figures like Russian President Vladimir Putin ($229 million) and the pope ($128 million).", "\n\nBut while Trump currently enjoys a higher media rating than President Barack Obama, who has a score of 91, mediaQuant found that the current president still leads all would-be successors in earned media this past year, with $2.58 billion.", "\n\nEditor's note: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims -- 1.6 billion members of an entire religion -- from entering the U.S." ]
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[ "Induction of TGF-β and IL-10 production in dendritic cells using astilbin to inhibit dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis.", "\nAstilbin, a major bioactive compound from Rhizoma smilacis glabrae, has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory properties. ", "Our study first evaluated astilbin on dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced acute colitis in mice. ", "By intraperitoneal injection of astilbin, the severity of colitis was attenuated, and the serum levels of IL-10 and TGF-β were increased. ", "Using flow cytometry, a higher number of IL-10(+) dendritic cells (DCs) and TGF-β(+) DCs and a lower number of CD86(+) DCs, IL-12 p40(+) DCs, and IL-1β(+) DCs were detected in the spleen of mice with colitis after astilbin treatment. ", "The administration of astilbin also resulted in the upregulation of CD103(+) expression in colonic DCs. ", "In a coculture system, murine bone marrow-derived DCs pretreated with astilbin resulted in an enhanced production of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. ", "The results of this study show that astilbin could be a candidate drug for inflammatory bowel disease by mediating the regulatory functions of DCs." ]
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[ "K. G. Shantha\n\nK. G. Shantha (, 4 August 1979–1 November 2008) was a senior non-commissioned officer in the Sri Lanka Navy. ", "He was killed in a sea battle against the Sea Tigers, the naval wing of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, in the seas of northern Sri Lanka. ", "He posthumously received the Parama Weera Vibhushanaya, the country's highest award for gallantry, and is the second recipient of the medal from the navy.", "\n\nPersonal life\nShantha was born to K. G. Gunathilaka and R. M. Dollienona, and resided in Norwood, Hatton. ", "He was married at the time of his death, to R. M. S. R. Dissanayake.", "\n\nAction on 1 November 2008\n\nOn the dawn of 1 November 2008 at approximately 5.45 am, a battle erupted between the navy and a group of Sea Tiger boats off the coast between Point Pedro and Nagar Kovil, near the northern tip of Sri Lanka. ", "At the time, Shantha was a Petty Officer in the navy's elite Special Boat Squadron (SBS). ", "He was in command of the Arrow-class patrol boat Z-142, which was armed with a 23 mm autocannon and two machine guns, and was part of the navy group engaged in the battle. ", "\n\nShantha and his crew engaged the Sea Tiger vessels, using the high maneuverability of the Z-142 to their advantage. ", "However, all three gunners were eventually incapacitated, and Shantha was left unable to attack the enemy boats now approaching the navy's larger vessels. ", "A Sea Tiger suicide boat was heading towards the P-164, a Colombo-Class fast attack craft of the 4th Fast Attack Flotilla carrying 10 sailors. ", "Seeing this, Shantha maneuvered the Z-142 into the path of the suicide boat and rammed it. ", "He was killed in the resulting explosion which obliterated the suicide boat and the Z-142 with it, but the P-164 and its crew were spared. ", " \n\nThe outcome of the battle is unclear, as both sides claimed victory. ", "The Sea Tigers claimed that they had sunk two navy vessels and forced them to retreat, while the navy claimed that they successfully repelled the attack and destroyed at least four Sea Tiger vessels with the assistance of the air force.", "\n\nRecognition\nShantha was promoted posthumously to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. ", "On 16 December 2011, a house was donated to his family, which was constructed by the Naval Engineering Division with funding from First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa. ", "\n\nHe was recommended for the Parama Weera Vibhushanaya, the country's highest military award for gallantry, for his actions on 1 November 2008. ", "The decision to award the medal to Shantha and 14 others was announced in The Sri Lanka Gazette on 16 May 2012. ", "It was presented to his next-of-kin three days later on 19 May 2012 by Mahinda Rajapaksa, the President of Sri Lanka, at a ceremony held at the celebrations marking the third anniversary of the end of the war. ", "The citation for Shantha's Parama Weera Vibhushanaya commends him as a \"bold sailor [who] commanded his craft in the midst of danger, using his instinct and wisdom, encouraging his fellow sailors, disregarding the risk to own life and security, with the objective of safeguarding thereby the lives of his comrades.\"", "\n\nShantha was the second recipient of the Parama Weera Vibhushanaya from the navy, after Lieutenant Commander Jude Wijethunge who received it posthumously for similar actions in 1996.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Recipients of the Parama Weera Vibhushanaya\nCategory:Special Boat Squadron personnel\nCategory:2008 deaths\nCategory:Sri Lankan military personnel killed in action\nCategory:1979 births" ]
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[ "No Coroadinho, a quarta maior favela do país e a primeira do Norte e Nordeste - segundo o último censo realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro e Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) - pelo menos 65% dos jovens estão envolvidos em crimes ou consomem algum tipo de droga, enquanto 70% das famílias ganham menos de um salário mínimo, hoje, cotado no valor de R$ 788.", "\n\n\n\nOs dados fazem parte de uma pesquisa realizada pela ONG Instituto Cidadania Ativa. ", "O estudo traçou o perfil da região, em relação à violência social, com ajuda de dados sociais: informações recebidas por denúncias anônimas e entrevistas com famílias moradoras do bairro.", "\n\n\n\n“A partir de um momento que você tem um jovem que é criado em família que ganha menos de um salário mínimo, que não tem uma boa escola, uma boa alimentação, ele é uma mão de obra de fácil captação para o mundo do crime”, afirmou Maurício Miguel, presidente da ONG.", "\n\nPara o juiz Roberto de Paula, que trabalhou 17 anos na Vara de Execuções Penais, as facções criminosas, que se organizaram dentro dos presídios, avançaram para os bairros e aumentaram os índices de criminalidade em São Luís.", "\n\n\n\nAlém da violência, o Coroadinho sofre com a ausência do poder público e isso contribuiu para que que as facções tomassem uma dimensão expressiva. ", "O juiz diz que estudos mostram diminuição da criminalidade nas comunidades onde há investimento em saúde, trabalho, infraestrutura, moradia, educação e saneamento básico.", "\n\n\n\n“Não se combate violência só com repressão. ", "É preciso que haja inclusão social. ", "Na hora que o estado intervém, tanto com as forças de segurança como com as políticas de inclusão social, todos os estudos demonstram isso, consequentemente se diminui a violência”, observou.", "\n\n\n\nEntenda o caso\n\nA guerra entre facções rivais pelo controle do tráfico de drogas resultou em oito mortes em 16 dias, média de uma vítima dos criminosos a cada dois dias. ", "Os casos mais recentes envolvem a morte de um comerciante e três suspeitos de envolvimento no crime organizado.", "\n\n\n\nAlém disso, mais de 50 famílias foram expulsas de casa por traficantes que comandam o crime na região do Coroadinho. ", "Nesta quarta-feira (17), a polícia realizou uma operação de ocupação no bairro para garantir que novos casos não fossem registrados." ]
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[ "[Value of medical treatment of cancer of the kidney].", "\nRenal carcinomas have a very variable natural history and are generally not very sensitive to medical treatment particularly chemotherapy. ", "The response rates obtained in metastatic cancer with various drugs and combinations do not exceed 15% for a duration of response of several months. ", "The most effective drugs are vinca alkaloids such as vinblastine. ", "Over recent years, interferon has been tested in this type of tumour with discordant results reported in the literature. ", "However, it seems that by using high doses of the order of 15 to 20 million units per m2, three times a week, the response rates are of the order of 20% for a duration which may be as long as one year in responding patients. ", "In combination with vinblastine, some authors have obtained response rates of the order of 40%. ", "Treatment is especially effective in the case of lymph node recurrence or small lung metastases. ", "It is of no value in cases of visceral, bone or hepatic dissemination. ", "It is frequently poorly tolerated systemically because of the high doses administered and it is expensive. ", "It should therefore be reserved to young patients and to patients with an reasonable life expectancy. ", "In cases of operated renal cancer at risk of recurrence because of local or lymph node spread, no adjuvant medical treatment has yet been proven to be effective." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nChecking access in Views\n\nI posted a support request on Drupal.org, but I thought I may find a faster answer here.", "\nI am using the User Relationships module to create mutual relationships between two people with the purpose of viewing content. ", "The node access part of UR seems to work fine. ", "I am having trouble with Views, though.", "\nCan anyone explain to me how I would do the following?", "\n\nCreate a View containing content a user (not current logged in user) has created, filtered by a content type (lets call it Image). ", "This view has a path with an argument like user/%/images.", "\nWhen the current user goes to user/%/images, it should show the images for whichever user ID is passed as the argument ONLY IF both users are related/accepted relationship. ", "There is only one relationship type on the website. ", "If there is no relationship, I would like to serve Access Denied, or at the very least, Page Not Found. ", "But 403 makes more sense.", "\n\nI cannot get this to work.", "\nMy goal is to show links to different types of contents users have created, and the viewing user (requester?) ", "needs to have a relationship to view the content. ", "Otherwise they should see nothing at all, or return an access denied error.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat you need is to create a custom views access plugin. ", "I found a blog post that contains the basic information about how to do that here: http://techcp.wordpress.com/2011/01/11/adding-custom-access-plugin-to-views-in-drupal/\nYou then need at least need to do two specific things:\na) Extend it so that the access callback function receives the second url argument as the argument (in function get_access_callback(), change array() to array(1)).", "\nb) In defined access callback function, check if there is a relationship between the currently logged in users and the uid that gets passed in, by using user_relationships_load() (documentation is for D7, but very similar in D6). ", "Something like this (untested):\nfunction your_access_callback($uid_viewed) {\n global $user;\n $params = array('between' => array($user->uid, $uid_viewed));\n return (bool) user_relationships_load($params, array('count' => TRUE));\n}\n\nThat should already be enough to make it work four your case. ", "However, this sounds like an interesting improvement to UR in general, for this, two additional things would be necessary.", "\nc) Allow to configure which argument is the user id. Maybe there are also other ways where it could come from (if the view is displayed as a block for example). ", "Not sure how to do that.", "\nd) Allow to configure which relationship type should be checked. ", "Expose a form element for that in the options and then pass the chosen relationship type id to your access callback and in there to user_relationships_load().", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Category Archives: Articles\n\nA material handling system is a set of equipment that is used to physically move material around the factory floor or in storage and freight handling areas.", "\n\nTraditional material handling systems included trolleys, conveyors, forklifts and overhead traveling cranes. ", "They were primarily mechanized devices and a large amount of manual intervention was required. ", "These traditional systems had limitations such as low speed and handling problems including scratching, chipping, breaking and difficulty in monitoring material flow. ", "However, these material handling systems were adequate for mass production of a limited variety products or low volume production.", "\n\nAt present, market forces demand that manufacturing systems be lean, agile and highly automated. ", "Modern manufacturing systems need to handle a variety of components for increasing product customization, reduced lot sizes and variable product mixes. ", "This has led to the requirement for automated equipment and systems that move faster, accommodate greater throughput, and require less maintenance than the earlier material handling systems.", "\n\nTo cope with these requirements, a new breed of material handling systems has been recently developed. ", "These include automated storage and retrieval systems, carousels, rail guided and automated guided vehicles, intelligent flexible modular conveyors, pick and place units, vertical lifts and high density storage systems. ", "Gripper or holding devices are also available for fragile, delicate and super finished components.", "\n\nUsually material handling takes place along all the links of the supply chain, including production, distribution, storage and retail functions. ", "Minimizing the complexity and number of handling operations can increase productivity. ", "Most material movements need to be automated and simple. ", "A detailed analysis needs to be carried out to track the flow of material, before installing the material handling equipment.", "\n\nIt is important to note that there is an increasing demand for real-time information at all stages of the distribution and supply chains. ", "Material handling systems need to be connected to sensing devices that provide essential information for handling, such as the location or status of the material. ", "This requirement is basic and is usually met with, but the importance of connecting handling equipment to a broader network and the plant management system has not yet been fully recognized by some companies.", "\n\nConveyor systems are a type of material handling equipment that is used to transfer products from one location to another. ", "The types of materials could be raw materials, food, chemicals in fact any material that needs to be moved to the next process of production, inspection, packing or dispatching.", "\n\nThere are many different types of conveyors such as overhead conveyors, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, food conveyors, pivoting bucket elevators, pendulum bucket elevators and vibratory conveyers to name a few. ", "These are powered by an electric motor, air pressure or vacuum.", "\n\nThe overhead conveyor can be used for many items such as assembly, distribution and food. ", "The certainly don’t come cheap but the amount of manpower they reduce well makes up for the cost. ", "You are also gaining some much appreciated floor space and reducing and preventing accidents. ", "This type of conveyor is used extensively in the tyre, white goods and car exhaust industries.", "\n\nA bucket elevator which can also be called a grain leg is a mechanism for moving flowable bulk materials vertically. ", "This can be bulk materials which are either light weight or heavy, from fine to larger lumps. ", "Basically this type of conveyor consists of the buckets which are used to contain the material, a belt to carry the buckets and transmit the pull, the power that drives the belt and any accessories for loading the buckets or picking up the material Bucket elevators can be designed to ensure that all handling of the product is undertaken using methods that are inherently gentle and cause minimum distress to the products being moved.", "\n\nBelt Conveyors are used for moving multiples of bulk or unit load products to different points within the processing system. ", "These are low cost, product specific conveyor systems which use standard conveying components in order to move within a process or to an end of line packing facility. ", "They can be controlled by a simple push button operation at each stopping position or coupled to intelligent controls to allow a set period at each position before moving on. ", "This form of conveyor includes Troughed, Dished Boom, Flat Bed or Plastic Modular.", "\n\nAnother type of conveyor is a roller conveyor which is also cost affective and very versatile. ", "These have evolved and now you can get advanced powered roller conveyors which are designed for heavy duty applications such as pallet handling, automotive applications or storage where heavy product is loaded onto the conveyor via a machine or fork lift. ", "Most are manufactured out of mild steel but have heavy duty rollers which are powered by a shaft mounted geared motor.", "\n\nYou can get conveyors designed and tailored to your exact needs. ", "What conveyor suits one type of process might not be suitable for another. ", "So getting the right type of conveyor for your processing needs is a must.", "\n\nWith the growing economy the Material Handling industry is also expecting a boom. ", "As an industry, Material Handling involves various stages like planning, organizing, application, etc. ", "It revolves around the acts of loading, unloading and moving goods within a factory using mechanical devices that are called Material Handling Equipments.", "\n\nMaterial handling equipment means equipment, including its supporting structures, auxiliary equipment and rigging devices, used to transport, lift, move or position persons, materials, goods or things. ", "It also includes mobile equipment used to lift, hoist or position persons, but does not include an elevating device that is permanently installed in a building. ", "As per a recent research report conducted in the industry, there are almost 4000 distribution outlets for the Material Handling Equipment in the US. ", "Together they score a combined annual sales figure of $15 billion. ", "Material Handling Equipments include lift trucks and inventory handling systems like conveyors, sorters, storage racks, shelving systems and carousels. ", "Lift trucks account for half of these total sales figures. ", "Basically it can be categorized under five main heads, which are, transport equipment, positioning equipment, unit load formation equipment, storage equipment and identification and control equipment.", "\n\nTransport equipment is the equipment that is used to move material from one location to another, for example, conveyors, cranes and industrial trucks. ", "Positioning equipment consists of the equipment that is used to handle material in a single location for the purpose of machining, transport or storage. ", "Unit Load Formation Equipment is the equipment used to restrict materials so that they maintain their integrity when handled. ", "If material is self-restraining (e.g. a single part or interlocking parts), then they can be formed into a unit load with no equipment. ", "Storage Equipment is used for holding or buffing materials over a period of time, for example, S/R machines of an AS/RS, storage carousels etc. ", "Identification and Control Equipment consists of those equipments, which are used to collect and communicate the information to be used for coordinating the flow or materials within a facility and between the facility and the suppliers and customers.", "\n\nIn the field of Material handling, ease of maintenance and uptime, both are essential. ", "Together they have an impact on productivity and profits. ", "Maintenance is a poor constituent of “true cost”. ", "It can therefore, often tend to become a hole in the budget. ", "Hence, when choosing equipment due consideration should be given to the cost of maintenance. ", "Certain mishaps can throw the production off gear. ", "Companies must look for a system that requires minimal maintenance. ", "Equipments that are made of durable plastic call for low maintenance. ", "They are non-corrosive and lightweight. ", "At the same time such equipment are impact-resistant, hence require little need for maintenance. ", "Apart from this other unknown mishaps that may put off production, and factors like warranty coverage must also be given due consideration. ", "Identify and go in for equipment that can get repaired quickly and does not require specialized labor.", "\n\nPlastic material handling equipment is easier to maintain and cleaner than metal ones. ", "Water and detergents can easily clean plastic, without causing rust. ", "Most conventional conveyors need lubrication apart from belt tensioning as against some modular systems that are maintenance free.", "\n\nMansi Aggarwal recommends that you visit material handling equipment [http://www.materialhandlingblog.com/equipment/index.html] for more information.", "\n\nIf you start out with the right materials handling equipment, it will work for you. ", "On the other hand, if you choose inappropriate equipment, it can work against you and the efficiency and productivity of your business. ", "How do you choose the most efficient equipment for your workplace?", "\n\nMaterials handling equipment virtually defines the industrial revolution. ", "Imagine where we would be without the conveyors that are at the heart of the production line. ", "The standardization of containers for shipping goods revolutionized the world economy. ", "In the factory and warehouse, the forklift and pallet have increased productivity tenfold or more.", "\n\nIn spite of the obvious value and efficiency of this kind of machinery, it is surprising how many businesses still fail to utilize it to its full potential. ", "Usually, the reasons why businesses don’t use materials handling equipment to its full potential is because they don’t properly assess their needs.", "\n\n“We need a new forklift,” the foreman says and the factory or warehouse owner agrees. ", "But which forklift do you need? ", "Do you need one with the reach of your current forklift or would it be worth it to upgrade to a triple mast forklift for greater reaching capacity. ", "Sometimes, a single decision like this can make a huge difference to your current and future productivity, efficiency and profits or losses.", "\n\nAn example of this is a small manufacturing company with only a half dozen employees. ", "The most expensive piece of materials handling equipment in the shop is a single mast pallet jack that is put to use every day. ", "The owner decides to trade it in for a forklift. ", "This is a big expense for the small company, so he decides to stick with a single mast vehicle.", "\n\nSoon after purchasing his new forklift, he finds that he needs a new large piece of machinery – a lathe. ", "The trouble is, he doesn’t have enough floor space for it. ", "What is he going to do? ", "Does he have to look for new premises? ", "What will that cost?", "\n\nHe looks up and realizes that while he has limited floor space, he has plenty of height to work with. ", "If he had purchased a double mast forklift, he could dismantle two rows of pallet racks and stack them on top of his other racks. ", "That alone would give him more than enough floor space for the new machinery he needs. ", "He kicks himself for not thinking of that sooner, but bites the bullet and upgrades his forklift.", "\n\nThis is just one example of how carefully analyzing your materials handling equipment needs can drastically effect your business. ", "It can work in the other direction, too. ", "Sometimes, businesses have more equipment than they need. ", "In order to get the materials handling equipment that is right for you, consult an expert from an established industrial supply company. ", "Such a company will have seen everything in its many years of operation. ", "Their representatives can be of invaluable assistance to you.", "\n\nLooking for the best in materials handling equipment, but you’re tired of dealing with multiple companies? ", "Now you can find all of the best material handling products for your company at Bahrns.com.", "\n\nMaterials handling is a vague concept to the average person. ", "Those outside of the warehouse or industrial supplies businesses consider it to be the simple process of “moving stuff around.” ", "Those whose job it is to ensure that materials and goods handling goes smoothly and efficiently have a great deal to say about it, though, because the handling of materials is at the heart of their business.", "\n\nWarehouse supply companies define materials handling very broadly. ", "They see it as much more than just the transport or manipulation of materials. ", "Like an organism or machine, a warehouse is a dynamic system, all of whose parts are interconnected. ", "Therefore, they consider anything that is connected with the safe and time-efficient handling and storage of any materials to be an integral part of the whole warehouse.", "\n\nA pallet rack is essentially a stationary object, but to the warehouse manager and staff, it is as indispensable as the forklift, a more obvious example of a piece of materials handling equipment. ", "With the invention of the forklift, the transport and movement of goods and materials was changed forever. ", "This changed the way the world handled materials and it is no exaggeration to say that the forklift revolutionized the warehouse industry, but without pallet racks, it could not operate as efficiently as it does.", "\n\nIndustrial designers and engineers are well aware of the relationship between the goods stored on pallet racks and the function the pallet racks must perform. ", "That is why they have designed different types of pallet racks for different purposes. ", "Pallets of perishable goods, for instance, must be moved on a “first in, first out” basis, so Pallet Flow racks have been engineered to let gravity move pallets in order of placement for efficient rotation of stock. ", "The typical Selective pallet rack, on the other hand, allows the forklift operator to pick and choose between different pallets.", "\n\nForklifts and pallet racks can be seen as most essential when materials are being delivered to the warehouse and removed from the warehouse. ", "There are many other material handling operations that require specialized supplies in the warehouse as well.", "\n\nThe tape dispenser, while small and seemingly trivial, is, in its way, as much a part of the process of handling materials as is the forklift. ", "In order to pack goods into boxes efficiently, a good tape dispenser is a necessity. ", "It must operate smoothly and quickly and at the same time ensure the safety of the handler, minimizing or eliminating the risk of even slight injury. ", "Safety and efficiency are two things that are essential components of every piece of materials handling equipment, no matter how large or small.", "\n\nWhen it comes to the large, heavy and potentially dangerous equipment, the problems of design and construction are more complex. ", "Many warehouses cannot operate efficiently without having at least one vertical personnel lift, for instance. ", "Since the lift is carrying warehouse personnel to dangerous heights, it must be designed with the operator’s safety in mind, without sacrificing his ability to do his job.", "\n\nSafety and Efficiency – these are what materials handling means to those in the warehouse supplies industry. ", "That is why everything, from a good pair of driver’s gloves to a vertical personnel lift, must be included in their definition of materials handling equipment and goods.", "\n\nWant to find out more about materials handling, then visit Bahrns Equipment’s site on how to choose the best materials handling equipment for your needs." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-genes-10-00208}\n===============\n\nThe mitotic regulator gene Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) was identified 30 years ago in Drosophila melanogaster (named *polo*) \\[[@B1-genes-10-00208],[@B2-genes-10-00208]\\]. *", "Polo* is closely related to the budding yeast gene *cdc5*, identified a decade before in the inspirational cell cycle studies done by L.H. Hartwell and colleagues \\[[@B3-genes-10-00208],[@B4-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Both, in *Drosophila* and yeast, Plk1 is an important factor for cell cycle progression, and more precisely, an essential gene for the mitotic process \\[[@B2-genes-10-00208],[@B5-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In 1994, the E. Nigg laboratory identified the mammalian orthologue (called Plk1) \\[[@B6-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Since then, extensive studies have been performed depicting in detail all the PLK1 molecular functions during mitosis, cell cycle progression and even non-cell cycle related mechanisms (reviewed in \\[[@B7-genes-10-00208]\\]). ", "Plk1 is the founding member of the polo-like kinase family, composed of five different genes, from Plk1 to Plk5 in higher eukaryotes \\[[@B8-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The five Plk genes share a canonical kinase catalytic domain and a regulatory region composed by one or two Polo Boxes Domains (PBD), which confer the identity to the family and are involved in the binding to substrates (reviewed in \\[[@B7-genes-10-00208],[@B9-genes-10-00208]\\]). ", "PLK1 controls a wide variate of processes during the cell cycle progression, such as centrosome maturation, entry into mitosis, chromosome segregation and cytokinesis (reviewed in \\[[@B10-genes-10-00208]\\]). ", "Accordingly, PLK1 has different subcellular localizations depending on the function to exert. ", "From the cytoplasm and centrosomes during interphase, when the cells enter in mitosis, PLK1 concentrates at the spindle poles after the nuclear envelope breaks down (NEBD). ", "When chromosomes in prophase condense, PLK1 shuttles to the kinetochores helping chromosomes to align in the metaphase plate. ", "At the onset of anaphase, PLK1 localizes at the spindle mid-zone and later to the cytokinetic bridge in order to coordinate cytokinesis and cell abscission (reviewed in \\[[@B9-genes-10-00208],[@B10-genes-10-00208]\\]). ", "All these functions during mitosis, make Plk1 an essential gene for cell life. ", "Inhibition of Plk1 function by RNA interference, small-molecule inhibitors, or genetic knock-outs result in aberrant mitotic progression. ", "Cells entering in mitosis with no functional PLK1 are unable to establish a bipolar spindle and therefore cannot properly align chromosomes in the metaphase plate. ", "This leads to the activation of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) and cells arrest in mitosis for longer times until they eventually die. ", "This PLK1 inhibition phenotype is conserved from the yeast *cdc5*-null strains to Drosophila *polo*-null mutants \\[[@B2-genes-10-00208],[@B5-genes-10-00208]\\] up to higher mammalian organisms such as mice where *plk1*-null embryos die at the morula stage due to a massive mitotic arrest \\[[@B11-genes-10-00208]\\].", "\n\nShortly after Plk1 was described in mammals, growing shreds of evidence showed that Plk1 is commonly upregulated in a wide variety of tumors, and its overexpression has been validated as a prognostic marker in a subset of these cancers \\[[@B12-genes-10-00208],[@B13-genes-10-00208],[@B14-genes-10-00208],[@B15-genes-10-00208],[@B16-genes-10-00208],[@B17-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In 1997, Plk1 was formally associated to malignant transformation mechanisms in the D.K. Ferris laboratory, where ectopic Plk1 overexpression experiments in murine fibroblast, were reflected in a higher proliferation index and caused oncogenic focus formation and xenograft tumoral growth \\[[@B18-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "All these features led the scientific community to consider Plk1 as an oncogene over decades (reviewed in \\[[@B19-genes-10-00208],[@B20-genes-10-00208],[@B21-genes-10-00208]\\]), despite its contribution to tumor development still being uncertain \\[[@B22-genes-10-00208]\\].", "\n\nThe fact that Plk1 is overexpressed in tumors, and that Plk1 inhibition is an efficient way to stop cancer cell proliferation positioned PLK1 as a promising cancer target. ", "Consequently, pharmaceutical companies added PLK1 in their portfolios, and a growing collection of small inhibitors have entered several clinical trials in recent years \\[[@B23-genes-10-00208]\\], some of them reaching phase III stages and even recently receiving the \"breakthrough designation therapy\" by the FDA \\[[@B24-genes-10-00208]\\].", "\n\nUnexpectedly, recent research done with genetically modified mouse models strongly suggests a possible tumor suppressor role for PLK1 \\[[@B25-genes-10-00208],[@B26-genes-10-00208],[@B27-genes-10-00208],[@B28-genes-10-00208]\\], placing the oncogenic function of PLK1 under debate. ", "The aim of this review is to put into context the latest evidence showing how Plk1 might play a role either as a tumor-prone or a tumor-suppressor gene and additionally, to correlate this information to a tumoral clinical outcome obtained from in-silico databases depending on the Plk1 expression levels.", "\n\n2. ", "Tumor-Prone Mechanisms of PLK1 {#sec2-genes-10-00208}\n=================================\n\nDue to its essential role in cell proliferation, Plk1 is expressed in highly proliferative tissues or during proliferative events such as developing embryos, testis, thymus, spleen, etc. ", "All of which are typical proliferating tissues where Plk1 expression levels are high \\[[@B6-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Concomitantly, any tumoral tissue is susceptible to express high levels of Plk1 as a mere reflection of its higher proliferation rate. ", "This fact keeps open the question of whether Plk1 overexpression in tumors is due to its direct contribution to the transformation status, or just reflects an increased proliferation rate. ", "Even though the molecular mechanisms of Plk1 in tumor appearance and tumor progression are still under debate \\[[@B22-genes-10-00208]\\], recent studies have shed light on this issue, defining detailed molecular mechanisms on how Plk1 directly participates in the oncogenic signaling.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Plk1 Transcriptional Regulation Feedback Loops {#sec2dot1-genes-10-00208}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nTranscriptional control is a crucial feature of Plk1 regulation. ", "Plk1 is transcriptionally regulated during the cell cycle progression mainly by the forkhead transcription factor, FOXM1. ", "This leads to a peak of Plk1 expression at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle \\[[@B29-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Besides, Plk1 includes binding motives for E2F transcription factors in its promoter region (CDE/CHR and CCAAT elements), and it has been described that E2Fs transcription factors can act either as activators or repressors of Plk1 gene expression \\[[@B30-genes-10-00208],[@B31-genes-10-00208],[@B32-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Although E2F and FOXM1 are closely related to oncogenic processes, Plk1 regulation in tumors that are driven by any of these transcription factors might merely recapitulate the higher proliferation index within the tumor.", "\n\nPlk1 gene expression is also controlled by other transcription factors such as p53 and Myc, both being intimately related to oncogenesis. ", "A common mechanism to explain the potential role of Plk1 in cell transformation is the direct correlation between Plk1 and the transcription factor p53 ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00208-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "The tumor suppressor p53 is induced by cellular stress as a safeguarding process, regulating the expression and/or repression of a large number of target genes leading to cell-cycle arrest and eventually apoptosis \\[[@B33-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The TP53 gene is mutated in approximately 50% of all tumoral malignancies. ", "In addition, many tumors that do not exhibit mutations on TP53 have inactivated the p53 function by other means, resulting in almost all tumoral malignancies having an impaired p53 function \\[[@B34-genes-10-00208],[@B35-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The Plk1 locus contains regulatory responsive elements for p53 in its promoter region at positions −2067 to −2016 \\[[@B36-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "As mentioned above, Plk1 harbors the canonical CDE/CHR cell cycle regulation binding sites \\[[@B37-genes-10-00208]\\] that can be directly modulated by p21, a p53 effector \\[[@B29-genes-10-00208],[@B32-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Plk1 expression is repressed by the binding of p53 and/or p21. ", "Therefore, in tumors where the p53 function is impaired, one can expect that Plk1 levels are elevated, and this has been proposed as a possible mechanism by which p53 loss can contribute to the tumoral status. ", "Interestingly, there is also evidence showing that Plk1 can modulate p53 function. ", "Firstly, a direct interaction of Plk1 to p53 seems to be sufficient to inactivate p53 in lung tumoral cells \\[[@B38-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Secondly, involving an indirect interaction, Plk1 can alter p53 stability by modulating the activity of MDM2 (a p53 stabilizer). ", "MDM2 is phosphorylated in Ser260 residue by Plk1, and this increases the p53 destabilization \\[[@B39-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Plk1 expression is also able to alter p53 phosphorylation status at Ser15, and this impacts on p53 stability due to impaired binding to the MDM2 \\[[@B40-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In a similar trend, Plk1 is also able to phosphorylate two factors that regulate p53 activity. ", "On one side, Topors (a topoisomerase I-binding protein) is phosphorylated at Ser718 by Plk1, leading to p53 ubiquitination and subsequent degradation \\[[@B41-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "On the other side, GTSE1 is phosphorylated at Ser435 by Plk1, which makes p53 excluded from the nucleus and therefore prone to be degraded \\[[@B42-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "All these data indicate that Plk1 and p53 are closely related in an inhibitory feedback loop that can induce oncogenic addiction to cells ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00208-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "Tumoral cells that have lost p53 function will overexpress Plk1 and this can accelerate the cell cycle. ", "Simultaneously, transformed cells that overexpress Plk1 can inhibit p53 function leading to a more aggressive oncogenic status.", "\n\nAnother transcription factor recently described to modulate Plk1 expression is oncogene Myc. ", "Two independent reports have identified the Myc canonical binding E-box motif (CACGTG) at the Plk1 gene promoter region, located at -82 and -162 positions (respect to the transcription initiation site) \\[[@B43-genes-10-00208],[@B44-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In lymphoma and neuroblastoma cancer cells, Myc downregulation decreases the expression of Plk1. ", "In accordance, Myc overexpression leads to higher Plk1 expression levels. ", "More interestingly, and similarly to p53, Plk1 kinase activity can modulate Myc stability by two different proposed mechanisms. ", "In one hand, in double-hit lymphoma (DHL) cells, Plk1 is able to activate the AKT-GSK3β kinase circuit, thus leading to an increase in Myc stability \\[[@B44-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "On the other hand, Plk1 phosphorylates the SCF^Fbw7^ ubiquitin ligase complex in the Fbw7 subunit. ", "This phosphorylation induces Fbw7 self-ubiquitination and its subsequent proteasomal degradation, therefore increasing the accumulation of downstream targets such as Myc \\[[@B43-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In summary, Plk1 and Myc constitute a positive feedback loop that explains how Plk1 can be directly implicated in oncogenic events, in this case by modulating the Myc oncogene stability ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00208-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}b).", "\n\n2.2. ", "Plk1 Promotes the Inactivation of Tumor Suppressors {#sec2dot2-genes-10-00208}\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nPlk1 can modulate protein abundance by phosphorylating phosphodegrons in a variety of substrates. ", "This feature is essential for accomplishing several steps of mitosis. ", "At the end of G2, and helping for the entry into mitosis, Plk1 phosphorylates Bora and Wee1 proteins allow their degradation to be mediated by the SCFβ^TRCP^ complex \\[[@B45-genes-10-00208],[@B46-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Also mediated by the SCFβ^TRCP^ complex, Plk1 can trigger the degradation of Emi1, leading to the APC/C-Cdc20 activation and subsequent exit from mitosis \\[[@B47-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In a similar fashion, recent reports showed that Plk1 can participate in oncogenesis by promoting the degradation of proteins directly related to transformation events.", "\n\nIn triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the tumor suppressor REST protein levels are almost absent, although the REST gene is neither deleted nor mutated. ", "Overexpression of Plk1 in TNBC cooperates with SCYL1 and TEX14 (the so-called \"STP axis\") leading to reduced levels of the tumor suppressor REST. ", "Plk1 phosphorylates REST at Ser1030 generating an SCFβ^TRCP^ phosphodegron, thus priming REST to protein degradation by the proteasome. ", "Interestingly, the \"STP axis\" components are commonly amplified in TNBC. ", "This feature determines the degradation of the tumor suppressor REST leading to TNBC primary tumor growth and metastatic expansion, and it also correlates with patient poor prognosis \\[[@B48-genes-10-00208]\\] ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00208-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c).", "\n\nIn a hepatocellular carcinoma, when originated by the infection of hepatitis B virus (HBV), Plk1 has been suggested to participate in the transformation event by modulating the degradation of two transcription repression factors, SUZ12 and ZNF198 \\[[@B49-genes-10-00208]\\] ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00208-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}d). ", "Degradation of SUZ12 and ZNF198 is critical for hepatocellular carcinoma appearance and progression, since both proteins are essential subunits of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), and the LSD1-CoREST-HDAC1 repression complex respectively, with strong implications in cancer pathogenesis \\[[@B50-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The HBV liver infection promotes the integration and expression of the viral protein HBx, an oncogene that allows the hepatocellular carcinoma appearance \\[[@B51-genes-10-00208],[@B52-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "HBx has been described to directly activate Plk1 in the G2 phase of the cell cycle and this is reflected in an impaired DNA damage checkpoint and increase in polyploidy \\[[@B53-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Plk1 increased activity leads to SUZ12 phosphorylation at residues Ser539, Ser541, and Ser546; and ZNF198 phosphorylation in Ser303, Ser305, and Ser309. ", "In both cases, phosphorylation of these residues by Plk1 leads to phosphodegron activation and subsequent protein degradation. ", "Interestingly, liver tumors with high levels of Plk1 often overexpress to the long, non-coding RNA HOTAIR. ", "HOTAIR acts as a scaffold for ubiquitination events, by interacting with RNA binding E3 ubiquitin ligases \\[[@B54-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In this trend, HOTAIR recruits SUZ12 and ZNF198 and synergizes with Plk1 phosphorylation allowing a more efficient degradation of both transcription repressors.", "\n\nPlk1 can also modulate the \"phosphatase and tensin homolog\" (PTEN) during cell cycle progression (reviewed in \\[[@B55-genes-10-00208]\\]) ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00208-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}e). ", "PTEN is a well-known tumor suppressor that is mainly localized into the nucleus in primary cells. ", "This nuclear localization is reduced in cancer cells, and the presence of PTEN at the cytoplasm, where it is less active, may help as an indicator of poor prognosis \\[[@B56-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Plk1 is able to phosphorylate PTEN at Ser385 resulting in the inhibition of PTEN mono-ubiquitination, avoiding PTEN degradation, and helping to facilitate its accumulation at the cytoplasm, where it is less active \\[[@B57-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In addition, PTEN is a direct negative regulator of the oncogenic kinase \"phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase\" (PI3K), which acts by antagonizing the PI3K effector AKT \\[[@B58-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Agreeing to the negative regulation of PTEN mediated by the Plk1 in tumoral cells, Plk1 overexpression increases activation of the PI3K; whereas reduced levels of Plk1 decrease it. ", "Therefore, the activation of the PI3K pathway, upon Plk1 overexpression, leads to an increased proliferation rate also accompanied by an elevated Warburg effect and higher tumorigenesis rates \\[[@B57-genes-10-00208]\\].", "\n\n3. ", "Plk1 Is Able to Play as a Tumor Suppressor {#sec3-genes-10-00208}\n=============================================\n\nThe original preliminary idea that reduced levels of Plk1 are also related to an oncogenic scenario, came in 2001 with the description of Plk1 mutations in certain tumoral cell lines. ", "These mutations make Plk1 more unstable due to their incapacity to bind to the chaperone Hsp90. ", "Hence, these tumoral cells supposedly have lower levels of Plk1 \\[[@B59-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Unfortunately, these experiments were performed in cancer cell lines in vitro, and the described mutations have not been found in real cancer patients thus far. ", "Indeed, Plk1 is rarely found mutated in tumors (about 1% of 74402 tumoral samples (as depicted from the cBioPortal database---<http://www.cbioportal.org>), and when mutated, this probably happens at late stages of the tumoral progression \\[[@B60-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The low mutation rate in the Plk1 gene is most probably due to the fact that Plk1 is an essential cell proliferation gene, therefore cells cannot handle the Plk1 loss of function.", "\n\nThe first in vivo evidence showing that Plk1 can play as a tumor suppressor arose in 2008 with the first *Plk1* genetic modified mice strain generated by gene-trapping strategies \\[[@B25-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Whereas, complete depletion of *Plk1* is incompatible with embryonic development, stopping mouse embryos at the morula stage \\[[@B11-genes-10-00208],[@B25-genes-10-00208]\\], *Plk1* heterozygous mice are compatible with life and are tumor-prone. ", "In the long term, *Plk1*(+/−) mice develop tumors with a higher incidence of lymphomas, also accompanied by lung carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and sarcomas ([Figure 2](#genes-10-00208-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "Splenocytes derived from these mice were tested for ploidy analysis, showing increased levels of aneuploidy, suggesting a potential mechanism by which reduced levels of PLK1 can be tumor prone. ", "On the contrary, other *Plk1* depletion studies done in different *Plk1*-modified mice strains showed that reduced levels of PLK1 do not alter mouse viability in terms of cancer appearance \\[[@B11-genes-10-00208],[@B61-genes-10-00208],[@B62-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Interestingly, these other mice strains do not show any significant alteration in cell proliferation or aneuploidy rates in derived mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). ", "There are also no alterations in blood cell populations, neither in the proliferation rates of different tissues, even in cases where PLK1 levels are reduced up to 90% \\[[@B61-genes-10-00208]\\].", "\n\nIn 2013, Plk1 was again proposed as a tumor suppressor in an elegant transcriptomic study done in human breast cancer cells by M. Beato and colleagues \\[[@B26-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Authors proposed that Plk1 is able to directly modulate the estrogen receptor (ER) dependent gene transcription profile, by physically interacting with ER and therefore being recruited to the enhancer elements of ER-regulated genes. ", "Surprisingly, when Plk1 activity is inhibited, the ER-dependent gene sets that were downregulated correlate with tumor-suppressive functions. ", "Alongside, breast tumor patients that have an elevated expression signature of these Plk1-dependent gene set, positively correlate with a favorable clinical prognosis. ", "In addition, authors suggest a possible mechanism by which PLK1 might phosphorylate the histone-lysine N-methyltransferase (MLL2) at Ser4822. ", "MLL2 is a critical regulator of developmental genes in mice, and also interacts with ER, being a key player for the transcriptional activation of ER target genes. ", "In this trend, and despite classical studies showing that Plk1 expression confers poor outcomes in breast cancer patients \\[[@B63-genes-10-00208]\\], there are reports showing the beneficial effects of Plk1 activity in breast cancer. ", "For instance, Plk1 histological expression analysis showed that breast tumors with increased levels of PLK1 protein have a better prognosis when compared to the samples with very little or an absent PLK1 presence \\[[@B64-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "It is worth noting that the same study shows that Plk1 over-expression correlates with poor prognosis in p53 deficient breast cancer samples, in agreement with the p53-Plk1 feed-back loop as described above.", "\n\nThe potential role of Plk1 as a tumor suppressor in breast cancer has been recently validated using knock-in mouse models, in the M. Malumbres' and R. Sotillo's laboratories \\[[@B27-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Overexpression of the human Plk1 cDNA, in a conditional inducible knock-in mouse (Plk1-KI), revealed that these mice can tolerate increased levels of Plk1, with no significant higher rates of tumor appearance when compared to control littermates that do not express Plk1. ", "Thus, Plk1 seems not to play as an oncogene. ", "Strikingly, when Plk1 inducible expression in mammary glands was combined with mice strains carrying either the *K-Ras* or *Her2* oncogenes, tumor incidence was dramatically reduced in both cases, up to 85% and 50%, respectively ([Figure 2](#genes-10-00208-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}b). ", "In addition, classical in vitro transformation assays done in immortal MEFs derived from these mice, revealed that Plk1 over-expression not only does not lead to cell transformation but also impedes transformation by oncogenes such as *K-Ras-V12*. ", "Surprisingly, the same in vitro assays done in *p53*-null MEFs showed an efficient transformation suppression phenotype when Plk1 levels increased, leaving an open question about the p53-Plk1 connection in tumoral processes. ", "The proposed mechanism by which Plk1 halts tumor appearance relays on the induction of severe polyploidy upon Plk1 overexpression. ", "Cells with higher PLK1 levels cannot perform proper cytokinesis, failing in the final cytokinesis abscission event, what leads to elevated levels of polyploidy that are incompatible with cell proliferation. ", "It is worth mentioning that another *Plk1*-KI mouse strain developed by X. Liu and co-workers also show that mice with higher *Plk1* do not develop tumors in the long latency. ", "Interestingly, when these mice are subjected to ionizing radiation, then the *Plk1*-overexpressing cohort develop more tumors than the control non-*Plk1* expressing littermates \\[[@B65-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The suggested underlying mechanism is that Plk1 over-expression reduces the efficacy of the DNA damage response signaling pathway. ", "Thus, alterations due to the ionizing radiation cannot be efficiently repaired, leading to aneuploidy and tumor development.", "\n\nThe tumor suppression capacity of Plk1 has also been shown in other cancer models such as colorectal cancer \\[[@B28-genes-10-00208]\\] ([Figure 2](#genes-10-00208-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}c). ", "The K. Strebhardt's laboratory has generated a mouse strain that combines a *Plk1* knock-down allele (by expressing an inducible shRNA against *Plk1* in the Rosa26 locus---(Plk1^iKD^) \\[[@B61-genes-10-00208]\\]) over the APC^min/+^ allele. ", "The APC^min/+^ strain mimics the nonsense mutations present in the *adenomatous polyposis coli* gene (APC) which are commonly found in familial colorectal cancer patients. ", "The APC^min/+^ mice spontaneously developed colorectal adenomatous polyps \\[[@B66-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The resulting mouse strain (Plk1^iKD^; APC^min/+^), when induced to have lower levels of *Plk1*, showed an increased rate of colorectal adenomatous polyps appearance compared to the control littermates that harbor normal *Plk1* expression levels \\[[@B28-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Similar data have been retrieved by using the PLK1 inhibitor Volasertib (BI6727) in the APC^min/+^ strain and also in human cells derived from colorectal tumors that express a truncated APC version. ", "The proposed mechanism relays on a hampered Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) due to the truncated APC expression, which gets even further weakened when Plk1 is downregulated or inhibited. ", "This SAC deregulation leads to aneuploidy and therefore increased tumor appearance.", "\n\nAs a summary, all these recent reports based on genetically modified mouse models, present convincing data on two main subjects. ", "First, Plk1 over-expression does not play as an oncogene by itself, neither in vivo nor in vitro when tested in classical transformation assays. ", "Second, Plk1 can play as a tumor suppressor when combined with certain oncogenes (such as K-Ras, Her2 or APC^min^), either by over-expression or by down-regulation strategies. ", "Despite the different molecular and cellular mechanisms proposed, all them collide in the same idea of generating mitotic aberrations and the subsequent aneuploidy and/or polyploidy events that lead to chromosomal instability (CIN).", "\n\n4. ", "Clinical Consequences of Plk1 Upregulation {#sec4-genes-10-00208}\n=============================================\n\nAlready having evidence on how Plk1 can collaborate with the tumor process, and that it can also function as a tumor suppressor; it is of interest to test if this paradigm can be reflected in cancer patients, in terms of clinical outcome. ", "As mentioned above, we can easily find Plk1 overexpression in a large variety of tumors, and this overexpression often confers poor prognosis to the patients \\[[@B20-genes-10-00208],[@B21-genes-10-00208],[@B67-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "On the other hand, in the studies showing that Plk1 play as a tumor suppressor, there is also data showing that Plk1 overexpression confers good prognosis to certain cancer subtypes. ", "For example, analyzing the Cancer Genome Atlas (TGCA) database, we can observe that breast cancer samples that harbor genome doublings have a significant increase in Plk1 gene expression when compared to breast cancer samples that have a single genome copy. ", "Of note, these breast cancer samples with higher Plk1 levels have better clinical prognosis according to the genome-doubling feature \\[[@B27-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Moreover, we can recapitulate equivalent data from breast cancer patient samples by retrieving information from the Kaplan Meier plotter initiative ([www.kmplot.com](www.kmplot.com)) \\[[@B68-genes-10-00208]\\], where gene expression data is correlated with patient clinical data like overall survival, relapse-free survival, therapy responses, etc. ", "Plk1 mRNA over-expression can either confer poor or good prognosis in breast cancer, depending on the tumor subtype ([Figure 3](#genes-10-00208-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "For example, breast cancer patients with concomitant expression of Plk1 and the Estrogen Receptor (ER+) have a significantly worse relapse-free survival (RFS) index when compared to ER+ patients that have little or no Plk1 expression. ", "On the contrary, Estrogen Receptor-negative (ER−) and Her2 amplified (Her2+) cancer patients, that have higher levels of Plk1, present a significantly improved RSF outcome. ", "In case of the APC colorectal tumors, Strebhardt and colleagues showed similar data also using the TCGA database, identifying one hundred colon cancer patient samples that harbor the APC non-sense mutations for which PLK1 expression and clinical data is also available. ", "In this case, patients with elevated Plk1 levels have a significantly better prognosis compared to patients with low Plk1 expression. ", "Thus confirming the fact that Plk1 can also play as a tumor suppressor in APC related colon tumors. ", "In summary, these data show that Plk1 can indeed play a double game, either cooperating with the tumor progression or being a tumor stopper depending on the tumoral genetic background.", "\n\nCan we get a wider picture of this Plk1 dichotomy in a pan-cancer analysis? ", "Again, we can make use of the Kaplan Meier plotter initiative ([www.kmplot.com](www.kmplot.com)) \\[[@B68-genes-10-00208]\\], testing how Plk1 expression correlates with overall survival (OS) in a large collection of different cancer types. ", "The most recent information implemented by the Kaplan Meier plotter initiative uses mRNA quantitative sequencing data in a collection of twenty different cancer types (Breast cancer, Cervical squamous cell carcinoma, Esophageal carcinoma, Head-neck squamous cell carcinoma, Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma, Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma, Liver hepatocellular carcinoma, Lung adenocarcinoma, Lung squamous cell carcinoma, Ovarian cancer, Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma, Rectum adenocarcinoma, Sarcoma, Stomach adenocarcinoma, Testicular Germ Cell Tumor, Thymoma, Thyroid carcinoma, and Uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma). ", "Correlation analysis of Plk1 expression with patient overall survival demonstrates that Plk1 overexpression leads to different outcomes depending on the tumor type ([Figure 4](#genes-10-00208-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Plk1 expression leads to poor prognosis in lung, bladder, and kidney clear cell carcinomas patients, whereas in patients suffering from thymoma, lung squamous cell carcinoma or rectum adenocarcinoma, Plk1 higher levels seem to indicate a much better prognosis. ", "There is also a group of tumors where Plk1 levels do not alter the patient prognosis (ovarian cancer, stomach carcinoma, and cervical squamous carcinoma). ", "These data reveal that Plk1 expression levels can either specify poor or good prognosis to patients, hence showing that Plk1 can play as a tumor aggressiveness accelerator or as a tumor stopper in a wide variety of different tumors.", "\n\n5. ", "Discussion {#sec5-genes-10-00208}\n=============\n\nPlk1 is a very well-known mitotic kinase, intimately related to cancer events since its description in mammals. ", "In past decades, we have gathered a large number of reports showing that Plk1 is indeed overexpressed in many different cancer types and that this overexpression is crucial for the cancer progression \\[[@B20-genes-10-00208],[@B67-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Upon all this data, Plk1 is often considered an oncogene, and there are excellent reports showing how Plk1 can benefit the tumoral progression. ", "As commented here, we have some evidence that shows that Plk1 can modulate tumor progression by controlling critical oncogenic transcription factors such as p53 and Myc. ", "In addition, Plk1 can also modulate oncogenic signaling pathways such as the PI3K-MEKK, or dampening the function of well-known tumor suppressors such as PTEN or REST. ", "It is worth highlighting two important features of these studies: Firstly, none of these mechanisms proposed are related to the mitotic functions of Plk1. ", "It seems that Plk1 mitotic functions are not the drivers of tumorigenesis unless we consider aneuploidy as the mitotic-related oncogenic mechanism, as it happens to many other mitotic genes \\[[@B69-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Secondly, all previous experimental data are performed in cells that are already tumoral, indicating that Plk1 can contribute to the tumoral status once already established, but does not necessarily demonstrate that Plk1 can play as a real oncogene, which means driving transformation by itself. ", "Thus, experiments that demonstrate whether these Plk1 dependent mechanisms are sufficient to induce cell transformation are still pending to be performed.", "\n\nRemarkably, in the last years, we started to gather strong evidence showing that Plk1 might also play as a tumor suppressor. ", "Two experimental studies correlate the reduced levels of Plk1 with cancer appearance due to the induction of aneuploidy and CIN \\[[@B25-genes-10-00208],[@B28-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The fact that reduced expression levels of a mitotic gene lead to tumor appearance is a common issue for many other mitotic regulators such as AurKA, AurKB, PTTG1, and Mad2. ", "Nevertheless, genetic overexpression of the same mitotic genes also leads to tumor appearance, due to CIN events \\[[@B69-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "This feature demonstrates that a balanced expression level of certain mitotic genes is important to avoid CIN, ultimately leading to cancer appearance. ", "In order to determine if Plk1 can indeed play as an oncogene, some laboratories performed Plk1 overexpression knock-in mouse models (Plk1-KI). ", "Surprisingly, when these Plk1-KI mouse models were tested, we found that Plk1 elevated levels do not produce tumors, neither in vitro nor in vivo \\[[@B27-genes-10-00208],[@B65-genes-10-00208]\\], indicating that Plk1 might not be an oncogene by itself. ", "Indeed, overexpression of Plk1 lead to high levels of CIN and this is detrimental for tumor formation when combined with other oncogenes. ", "Conversely, if Plk1 overexpression is combined with ionizing radiation, then mice harbor more tumors \\[[@B65-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "In summary, all Plk1 mouse models (either a gain or loss of function) ultimately lead to aneuploidy and CIN. ", "In certain cases, this feature is tumor-prone \\[[@B25-genes-10-00208],[@B65-genes-10-00208]\\], whereas in other circumstances, it leads to tumor suppression \\[[@B27-genes-10-00208],[@B28-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Although CIN has been typically considered to be a tumor-promoting mechanism \\[[@B70-genes-10-00208]\\], the effects of CIN on tumor development often depend on the cancer type \\[[@B71-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "Thus, we can find cases where CIN synergizes with tumor progression and on the contrary, high levels of CIN have been associated with improved prognosis \\[[@B72-genes-10-00208],[@B73-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "It is very well known that Plk1 is intimately involved in chromosome segregation, and any alteration in Plk1 levels or activity can alter the balance of chromosome segregation, leading to CIN. ", "The fact that this CIN derived from Plk1 activity alterations can promote or stop cancer progression demonstrates that the role of Plk1 in tumorigenesis is much more complex to understand, and deserves further attention.", "\n\n6. ", "Future Perspectives {#sec6-genes-10-00208}\n======================\n\nWhen, how and why Plk1 can play as a tumor suppressor or can collaborate with tumor progression are still open questions with clinical relevance. ", "PLK1 inhibition is an attractive anti-cancer strategy and some drugs that inhibit PLK1 kinase activity are currently in advanced clinical trials (Volasertib and Rigosertib) \\[[@B23-genes-10-00208]\\]. ", "The fact that reduced activity of PLK1 can increase tumor development (in case of APC colorectal derived tumors \\[[@B28-genes-10-00208]\\]) suggests the need to re-evaluate the PLK1 inhibition strategy and try to define which tumors will benefit from this approach, and which ones will not. ", "Further efforts in looking for the molecular mechanisms by which Plk1 plays as a tumor suppressor are needed. ", "Moreover, looking for tumoral biomarkers that define a good or bad response to PLK1 inhibition is also needed to shed light on when Plk1 can be used as an anti-cancer strategy.", "\n\nI am thankful to Mónica Álvarez and María Salazar for critical reading and improvement suggestions to this manuscript. ", "This review is in memory of my friend Grzegorz Nalepa.", "\n\nThe *Cell Cycle & Cancer Biomarkers* Group is funded by the AECC Scientific Foundation. (", "grant number---LABAE16017DECA).", "\n\nThe author declares no conflict of interest.", "\n\n![", "Proposed oncogenic mechanisms for Plk1. (**", "a**) The Plk1-p53 negative feedback loop. ", "Plk1 leads to p53 destabilization, directly by phosphorylation of p53 or MDM2, or indirectly mediated by Topors and/or GTSE1. ", "Transcriptionally, p53 is able to repress Plk1 expression directly binding to its promoter region. (**", "b**) The Plk1-MYC positive feedback loop. ", "Plk1 can stabilize and increase the levels of the oncogenic transcription factor MYC, directly inhibiting the SCFFbw7 ubiquitin ligase complex, or by activation of the AKT-GSK3β kinase circuit. ", "These mechanisms have been described for neuroblastoma (NB), small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and double hit lymphoma (DHL). (**", "c**) Plk1 overexpression leads to degradation of the tumor suppressor REST in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). (**", "d**) Plk1 activation by the hepatitis B virus HBx factor leads to degradation of the transcription repression factors SUZ12 and ZNF198, both associated with the lncRNA HOTAIR in hepatocellular carcinoma. (**", "e**) Plk1 can activate the oncogenic PI3K pathway by inhibiting the PTEN tumor suppressor phosphatase. ", "This leads to an increased cell proliferation rate and an elevated Warburg effect.](genes-10-00208-g001){#genes-10-00208-f001}\n\n![", "Plk1 genetic mouse models with tumor suppressor properties. (**", "a**) A germline heterozygous *Plk1* mouse (*Plk1+/−*), generated by gene-trapping the exon 9 of the murine Plk1 gene, develops mainly lymphomas in the long latency, due to aneuploidy. (**", "b**) Inducible Plk1 knock-in (Plk1-KI), generated by inserting the human Plk1 cDNA down-stream of the tetO sequences in the endogenous ColA1 locus, and later combined with the Rosa26-rtTA transactivator. ", "Plk1 overexpression leads to polyploidy and this stops mammary tumor generation by the Ras and her2 oncogenes. (**", "c**) *Plk1* inducible know-down mouse (*Plk1*-KD) is generated by inserting an shRNA under the tetO promoter u the Rosa26 locus. ", "When combined with the colorectal model APC^min^ mice strain, downregulation of *Plk1* leads to an increase in colorectal papillomas due to Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) abrogation and chromosome instability (CIN) induction. (", "Plk1 loss of function models are represented in red colored mice. ", "The Plk1 gain of function model is represented by a green mouse).](genes-10-00208-g002){#genes-10-00208-f002}\n\n![", "Differential prognostic value of Plk1 expression in breast tumor cancer. ", "Plots depict the Relapse-Free Survival (RFS) ratio of different subtypes of breast cancer patients. ", "Data is retrieved from the Kaplan Meier plotter initiative ([www.kmplot.com](www.kmplot.com)), showing that Plk1 overexpressing tumors (red line) have a poor outcome in the estrogen ER+ subtype (n = 3951 samples) and total breast cancer tumors (n = 3951 samples). ", "Conversely, ER− (n = 869 samples) and Her2+ (n = 252 samples) breast cancer patients, that express higher levels of Plk1 (red line), have better RFS ratios when compared to negative Plk1 tumors (black line).](genes-10-00208-g003){#genes-10-00208-f003}\n\n![", "Clinical consequences of Plk1 upregulation in a pan-cancer RNAseq analysis. ", "Overall survival (OS) analysis, in a large collection of different cancer types, retrieved from the Kaplan Meier plotter initiative ([www.kmplot.com](www.kmplot.com)). ", "mRNA sequence data obtained from nine different tumor types were plotted according to Plk1 expression levels (red line---high Plk1; black line---low Plk1). ", "Lung, bladder, and kidney clear cell carcinomas have a poor OS when Plk1 levels are high. ", "On the other hand, lung squamous cell carcinomas, thymoma, and rectum adenocarcinomas have a favorable OS outcome when Plk1 levels are elevated. ", "Interestingly, there are also a variety of tumors where Plk1 expression have no influence in the OS for the patients (ovarian, stomach and cervical squamous carcinomas).](genes-10-00208-g004){#genes-10-00208-f004}\n" ]
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[ "Dr Sinatra recommends comparing the nutrition labels of different supplements to see which ones contain those ingredients.", "\n\nThe cardiologist also advises taking a supplement with at least one to two grammes of omega 3 fatty acids, daily.", "\n\nThe NHS, however, warns on doing your research before taking certain supplements, as some actually lack evidence to support their claims.", "\n\n“Take a browse through the stocks of the UK’s leading supplement suppliers and you will find hundreds of products ranging from acai capsules to zinc, with everything from devil’s claw to royal jelly between,” said the NHS.", "\n\n“Even individual supplements can come in a range of doses and a number of different formulations, making it hard to know what is worth taking and what isn’t.”", "\n\n“It has become clear the widely perceived benefits of certain supplements simply do not have enough robust evidence to support them.”" ]
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[ "{\n \"name\": \"Feng Shui Initiative\",\n \"script\": \"Feng Shui Initiative.js\",\n \"version\": \"1.0\",\n \"previousversions\": [],\n \"description\": \"Allows GM and players to automatically deduct and resort steps from the initiative tracker to speed up play for Fung Shui 2 action scenes.\\r\\r**API Commands:**\\r**!init** <# of steps> <token name in tracker>\\rExample: !", "init 3 Jackie Chan\\r\\rIf no step value is set, the standard 3 steps are removed. ", "If no token name is specified steps are removed from the top initiative in the tracker. ", "If neither are specified 3 steps are removed from the top initiative.\\r\\r**Recomended Macros**\\rQuick Attack: !", "init\\rUnusual Attack: !", "init ?{", "Steps?|3}\\rPlayer Quick Attack: !", "init 3 <name>\\rPlayer Unusual Actions: !", "init ?{", "Steps?|3} <name>\",\n \"authors\": \"Steve K.\",\n \"roll20userid\": \"5047\",\n \"useroptions\": [],\n \"dependencies\": [],\n \"modifies\": {},\n \"conflicts\": []\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nurllib.request.urlopen(url) not working in python 3\n\nThe url i'm trying to hit is 'http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2554/2554.txt'\nThe code i'm using is \nimport urllib.request\n\nurl = 'http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2554/2554.txt'\n\nf = urllib.request.urlopen(url)\n\nError is :\nHTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found\n\nIf I open the Url in browser, it works perfectly well.", "\nWhat should i do to get the ebook present at the url to be read as str. ", "I'm using Python 3.5\n\nA:\n\nit is because that url doesn't exist even if you try manually it will not open that url \ntry this \nurl = http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2554/2554-0.txt\n\n" ]
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[ "[Continuous hemodiafiltration during graft repair for a ruptured thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm was useful in a patient with chronic renal failure].", "\nA 74-year-old man with ruptured thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm was scheduled for open surgical repair under partial cardiopulmonary bypass. ", "He had a history of diabetes mellitus and a concomitant renal dysfunction, requiring regular intermittent hemodialysis. ", "To maintain electrolytes, acid base as well as water balance within adequate ranges, we planned to use continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) during the surgery because there was a high incidence of bolus transfusion to deal with massive bleeding in these surgeries. ", "We increased fluid removal speed of ultrafiltration when blood components had to be infused rapidly. ", "With these considerations, the patient did not develop fluid overload, hyperkalemia, or aggravation of acidosis. ", "We did not administer anticoagulants into CHDF circuit because activated coagulation time was prolonged probably due to massive bleeding prior to the surgery. ", "Heparin was administered just before the partial car diopulmonary bypass. ", "There was no evidence for thromboembolic complications due to CHDF use. ", "In conclusion, we successfully managed electrolytes as well as acid base balance, and hydration of a patient with chronic renal failure by using CHDF during open graft repair of ruptured thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm." ]
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[ "Another day, another battle between residents and developers.", "\n\nA proposed Loblaws near Kensington Market has sparked yet another outcry, in a city already gripped by a number of development fights — from the Billy Bishop Airport expansion to David Mirvish’s Frank Gehry-designed towers on King St. W.\n\nIt’s enough to make some experts wonder if Toronto is becoming a city resistant to change.", "\n\n“My sense is Toronto has become a city where it is much easier to say no or veto projects than to do new and important initiatives and projects,” said urbanist Richard Florida.", "\n\nFlorida, director of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto, said some ideas may not be good — like big-box stores near Kensington — but the Mirvish-Gehry towers and quiet jets at the island airport are worthy projects.", "\n\n“I worry a lot that Toronto is divided between the anti-urban, pro-car, pro sprawl agenda of Ford Nation and a naysaying NIMBY downtown crowd,” he said.", "\n\nBut Toronto must find a new way to grow downtown, based on density, transit and far less dependence on cars if it wants to be a global city, Florida said.", "\n\n“This is a very, very hard transition for any city and region to make. ", "And it is why so many cities and regions essentially get stuck when they get to roughly 5.5 or 6 million people, where we are now.”", "\n\nEric Miller, a civil engineering professor at the University of Toronto, said residents of most cities react negatively, at least at first, to change. ", "People tend to overestimate the risks of change while underestimating the cost of maintaining the status quo, he said.", "\n\nMiller said Toronto may be unique because of its history of preserving its distinct neighbourhoods. ", "Residents choose to live in certain areas because of their character, so they see change as a challenge to their values, he said.", "\n\n“There is a stream of thought that maybe the pendulum has swung too far here, that in fact we are too much emphasizing the neighbourhood and how sacrosanct it is, and it does become a barrier to needed change,” he said.", "\n\n“Cities are dynamic things, and they are going to change. ", "A static city becomes a museum piece or becomes obsolete and abandoned.”", "\n\nChief planner Jennifer Keesmaat disagreed that Toronto had become a city of saying “no.” ", "She said development was booming and the population downtown had doubled in a five-year period.", "\n\n“What you see is a reflection of a tremendous amount of change all happening at once. ", "When an environment is changing rapidly, and there’s a lot of change, there always is a tension between existing uses and existing users and new uses and new users,” she said.", "\n\n“It’s the role of city planning to negotiate those interests, and to ensure, that as a place changes, it becomes more livable, more desirable and has a higher quality of life.”", "\n\nThe new Loblaws at 297 College St. will be 20,000 square feet and occupy the second floor of a 15-storey condominium building. ", "A Friends of Kensington Market petition against the development has notched 7,300 signatures.", "\n\nThe group also protested a proposal for a Walmart nearby, which was stalled in July when city council introduced a one-year freeze on retail developments on Bathurst St. from Queen St. to Dupont St.\n\nIt’s not that the neighbourhood is resisting change, said Dominique Russell, a longtime resident and member of Friends of Kensington Market.", "\n\n“I think it’s really important to make the distinction between the change that’s always been part of Kensington — new shops opening up, independent businesses coming and going — from this particular change, which is big corporations coming in and deciding what the community is going to be,” she said.", "\n\nLoading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading...\n\nAdam Vaughan, councillor for the area, said Toronto had said yes to a lot of good ideas, but bad ideas tend to be the ones that get attention.", "\n\n“When you’ve got a lot of stupid ideas running around your city, sometimes no is the answer — whether it’s the casino or the ridiculous proposal to build the Ottawa International Airport on a postage stamp,” he said, referring to the island airport expansion.", "\n\n“When you don’t have good ideas driving the agenda, you end up having to say no.”", "\n\nRead more about:" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy doesn't our report data update automatically? ", "How can we make it update the data every time it is run?", "\n\nWe have a really simple Crystal Report that is just pulling info about jobs from our Viewpoint database. ", "The only parameters are Company, Department and Status, each of which have default values that do not change.", "\nWhen the report is run, it should update with new jobs that have been entered, new amounts, etc. ", "Instead, all data remains the same and jobs that have been entered since the last time the report was run does not show up.", "\nHere is our code:\nSELECT \n \"JCJMPM\".", "\"Job\",\n \"JCJMPM\".", "\"Description\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractAmt\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\",\n \"JCMP\".", "\"Name\",\n \"ARCM\".", "\"Name\"\n FROM \n ((\"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCJMPM\" \"JCJMPM\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCCM\" \"JCCM\" ON (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"JCCo\"=\"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\") AND (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"Contract\"=\"JCCM\".", "\"Contract\")) \n LEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCMP\" \"JCMP\" ON (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"JCCo\"=\"JCMP\".", "\"JCCo\") AND (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"ProjectMgr\"=\"JCMP\".", "\"ProjectMgr\")) \n LEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"ARCM\" \"ARCM\" ON (\"JCCM\".", "\"CustGroup\"=\"ARCM\".", "\"CustGroup\") AND (\"JCCM\".", "\"Customer\"=\"ARCM\".", "\"Customer\")\nWHERE \n \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\"=1 \n AND \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\"='50' \n AND \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\"=1\nORDER BY\n \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\", \n \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\", \n \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\"\n\nA:\n\nYou have a left join : LEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCCM\" \"JCCM\"\nand Where clause : WHERE\n \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\"=1 \n AND \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\"='50' \n AND \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\"=1\nThe where clause will kill the left join and will turn it to an inner join, Change the SQL to this one and try again:\nSELECT \n \"JCJMPM\".", "\"Job\",\n \"JCJMPM\".", "\"Description\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractAmt\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\",\n \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\",\n \"JCMP\".", "\"Name\",\n \"ARCM\".", "\"Name\"\n FROM \n ((\"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCJMPM\" \"JCJMPM\" \nLEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCCM\" \"JCCM\" ON (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"JCCo\"=\"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\") AND (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"Contract\"=\"JCCM\".", "\"Contract\")\nAND \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\"=1 \n AND \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\"='50' \n AND \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\"=1\n) \n LEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"JCMP\" \"JCMP\" ON (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"JCCo\"=\"JCMP\".", "\"JCCo\") AND (\"JCJMPM\".", "\"ProjectMgr\"=\"JCMP\".", "\"ProjectMgr\")) \n LEFT OUTER JOIN \"Viewpoint\".", "\"dbo\".", "\"ARCM\" \"ARCM\" ON (\"JCCM\".", "\"CustGroup\"=\"ARCM\".", "\"CustGroup\") AND (\"JCCM\".", "\"Customer\"=\"ARCM\".", "\"Customer\")\nORDER BY\n \"JCCM\".", "\"JCCo\", \n \"JCCM\".", "\"Department\", \n \"JCCM\".", "\"ContractStatus\"\n\n" ]
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[ "XTREME COMMUNICATION - Leading eCommerce and Tech Repair Hub\n\nAs a leading eCommerce and tech repair hub in Australia, at Xtreme we provide latest gadgets and smartphones from all the major manufacturers like Apple (iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPhone 11, etc) Samsung (Galaxy s10, Note 10, etc), Sony (Xperia series), and many more. ", "We also take pride in providing the best mobile repair, as we deal with quality mobile screen replacements, physical damage repairs, and additional technical support for even the most common problems like mobile viruses. ", "Past that, all our repairs also come with assured warranty.", "\n\nAt Xtreme Communications, we cater to all sorts of technical needs. ", "The following are some of our areas of expertise that have led us to become one of the leading Tech Hub, and Repair Store in Australia.", "\n\nMobile Phones (Apple iPhones, Google Pixel devices, Samsung Galaxy devices, etc)\n\nTablets (Apple iPads, Samsung Galaxy Tabs, etc)\n\nSmartphone Accessories (Screen protectors, speakers, headsets, handsfree, power banks phone cases, covers, etc)\n\nSmartphone and Tablet Repair (iPhone screen replacement, iPad repair, iPhone repair, etc)\n\nWhy Choose Us?", "\n\nLowest Price Guaranteed\n\nComplete Data Security\n\nRepair of Multiple Phone and Tablet Brands\n\nAssured Hassle-Free Experience\n\nWarranty On the Spot Repair\n\nQuality Assurance\n\nCertified Professionals\n\nWith over 500,000 Customers Served Up To Date\n\nWe make sure that we give our best when it comes to network plans and repairs, making you, our customers, feel privileged whenever you come into our outlets to have your phone checked, or whenever you make an inquiry. ", "We want to provide the X-factor - “Xperts giving the best service and fixing any and every damage on your phone, Xperience, and we go the xtra mile.” ", "We have stores all over NSW, QLD and now including Sydney Airport making us available for you and reachable when you need us anywhere." ]
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[ "I replaced the word sustainability into simplicity. ", "For me the sustainable concept is related to a web of events. ", "Every individual element of the complex system supports and depends on each other. ", "It is difficult to accomplish a self sustainable element, so I translated it in to a simple chain of events, with an easy structure made out of simple connections." ]
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[ "Drop test\n\nA drop test is a method of testing the in-flight characteristics of prototype or experimental aircraft and spacecraft by raising the test vehicle to a specific altitude and then releasing it. ", " Test flights involving powered aircraft, particularly rocket-powered aircraft, may be referred to as drop launches due to the launch of the aircraft's rockets after release from its carrier aircraft.", "\n\nIn the case of unpowered aircraft, the test vehicle falls or glides after its release in an unpowered descent to a landing site. ", " Drop tests may be used to verify the aerodynamic performance and flight dynamics of the test vehicle, to test its landing systems, or to evaluate survivability of a planned or crash landing. ", " This allows the vehicle's designers to validate computer flight models, wind tunnel testing, or other theoretical design characteristics of an aircraft or spacecraft's design.", "\n\nHigh-altitude drop tests may be conducted by carrying the test vehicle aboard a mothership to a target altitude for release. ", " Low-altitude drop tests may be conducted by releasing the test vehicle from a crane or gantry.", "\n\nAircraft and lifting-body testing\n\nCarrier landing simulation tests\nThe landing gear on aircraft used on aircraft carriers must be stronger than those on land-based aircraft, due to higher approach speeds and sink rates during carrier landings. ", " As early as the 1940s, drop tests were conducted by lifting a carrier-based plane such as the Grumman F6F Hellcat to a height of ten feet and then dropped, simulating the impact of a landing at . ", " The F6F was ultimately dropped from a height of , demonstrating it could absorb twice the force of a carrier landing. ", "Drop tests are still used in the development and testing of carrier-based aircraft; in 2010, the Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II underwent drop tests to simulate its maximum descent rate of during carrier landings.", "\n\nExperimental aircraft\nNumerous experimental and prototype aircraft have been drop tested or drop launched. ", " Many powered X-planes, including the Bell X-1, Bell X-2, North American X-15, Martin Marietta X-24A and X-24B, Orbital Sciences X-34, Boeing X-40, and NASA X-43A were specifically designed to be drop launched. ", "test articles of the unpowered NASA X-38 were also drop tested, from altitudes of up to , in order to study its aerodynamic and handling qualities, autonomous flight capabilities, and deployment of its steerable parafoil.", "\n\nSome experimental aircraft designed for airborne launches, such as the Northrop HL-10, have made both unpowered drop tests and powered drop launches. ", " Prior to powered flights using its rocket engine, the HL-10 made 11 unpowered drop flights in order to study the handling qualities and stability of the lifting body in flight.", "\n\nBalls 8 mothership\n\nEarly experimental aircraft, such as the X-1 and X-2, were carried aboard modified B-29 and B-50 bombers. ", " In the 1950s, the United States Air Force provided NASA with a B-52 bomber to be used as a mothership for the experimental X-15. ", " Built in 1955, the B-52 was only the 10th to come off the assembly line, and was used by the Air Force for flight testing before turning it over to NASA. ", " Flying with NASA tail number 008, the plane was nicknamed Balls 8 by Air Force pilots, following a tradition of referring to aircraft numbered with multiple zeroes as \"Balls\" plus the final number.", "\n\nBalls 8 received significant modifications in order to carry the X-15. ", " A special pylon, designed to carry and release the X-15, was installed under the right wing between the fuselage and inboard engine. ", " A notch was also cut out of one of the right wing's flaps so that the plane could accommodate the X-15's vertical tail. ", " Balls 8 was one of two such bombers modified to carry the X-15; while the other plane was retired in 1969 after the end of the X-15 program, NASA continued using Balls 8 for drop tests until it was retired in 2004. ", " During its 50-year career, Balls 8 carried numerous experimental vehicles including the HL-10, X-24A, X-24B, X-38, and X-43A.\n\nX-24B role in Space Shuttle development\n\nDuring the design of the Space Shuttle orbiter in the 1970s, engineers debated whether to design the orbiter to glide to an unpowered landing or equip the orbiter with pop-out jet engines in order to make a powered landing. ", " While powered landing design required carrying the engines and jet fuel, adding weight and complexity to the orbiter, engineers began favoring the powered landing option. ", " In response, NASA conducted unpowered drop tests of the X-24B to demonstrate the feasibility of landing a lifting-body aircraft in unpowered flight. ", " In 1975, the X-24B aircraft was dropped from a Balls 8 at an altitude of above the Mojave Desert, and then ignited rocket engines to increase speed and propel it to . ", " Once the rocket engine cut off, the high-speed and high-altitude conditions permitted the X-24B to simulate the path of a Space Shuttle orbiter under post-atmospheric reentry conditions. ", " The X-24B successfully made two unpowered precision landings at Edwards Air Force Base, demonstrating the feasibility of an unpowered lifting body design for the Space Shuttle. ", " These successes convinced those in charge of the Space Shuttle program to commit to an unpowered landing design, which would save weight and increase the orbiter's payload capacity.", "\n\nSpace Shuttle Enterprise\n\nIn 1977, a series of drop tests of the were conducted to test the Space Shuttle's flight characteristics. ", " Because the Space Shuttle is designed to glide unpowered during its descent and landing, a series of drop tests using a test orbiter were used to demonstrate that the orbiter could be successfully controlled in unpowered flight. ", " These drop tests, known as the Approach and Landing Test program, used a modified Boeing 747, known as the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft or SCA, to carry Enterprise to an altitude of . ", " After a series of captive-flight tests in which the orbiter was not released, five free-flight tests were performed in August through October 1977.", "\n\nWhile free-flight tests of Enterprise involved the release of an unpowered aircraft from a powered aircraft, these tests were not typical of drop testing because the orbiter was actually carried and released from a position above the SCA. ", " This arrangement was potentially dangerous because it placed Enterprise in free flight directly in front of the SCA's tail fin immediately after release. ", " As a result, the \"drop\" was conducted by using a series of carefully planned maneuvers to minimize the risk of aircraft collision. ", " Immediately after release, the Enterprise would climb to the right while the SCA performed a shallow dive to the left, allowing for quick vertical and horizontal separation between the two aircraft.", "\n\nDream Chaser\n\nIn mid-2013, Sierra Nevada Corporation plans to conduct drop tests of its Dream Chaser prototype commercial spaceplane. ", " The unmanned first flight test will drop the Dream Chaser prototype from an altitude of , where it is planned that the vehicle will autonomously fly to an unpowered at Dryden Flight Research Center.", "\n\nCrewed capsule testing\nDrop tests of prototype crewed space capsules may be done to test the survivability of landing, primarily by testing the capsule's descent characteristics and its post-reentry landing systems. ", " These tests are typically carried out uncrewed prior to any human spaceflight testing.", "\n\nApollo command module\nIn 1963, North American Aviation built BP-19A, an uncrewed boilerplate Apollo command module for use in drop testing. ", " NASA conducted a series of tests in 1964 which involved dropping BP-19A from a C-133 Cargomaster in order to test the capsule's parachute systems prior to the start of manned testing of the Apollo spacecraft.", "\n\nOrion capsule\n\nIn 2011 and 2012, NASA conducted a series of short drop tests on the survivability of water landings in its Orion crewed capsule by repeatedly dropping an Orion test vehicle into a large water basin. ", " The tests simulated water landings at speeds varying from by changing the height of the drop gantry above the basin. ", " The range of landing velocities allowed NASA to simulate a range of possible entry and landing conditions during water landings.", "\n\nIn 2011 and 2012, NASA also conducted drop tests of the Orion test vehicle's parachute systems and land-based landing capabilities. ", " In each test, the Orion spacecraft was dropped from a C-17 or C-130 cargo plane. ", " For testing, the capsule is mounted on a pallet system and placed inside the cargo aircraft. ", " Parachutes on the pallet are used to pull the pallet and capsule out of the rear of the aircraft; the capsule then separates from the pallet and begins its free fall descent.", "\n\nOn March 4, 2012, a C-17 dropped an Orion test article from an altitude of . ", " The capsule's parachutes successfully deployed between , slowing the spacecraft to a landing on ground in the Arizona desert. ", " The capsule landed at a speed of , well below the designed maximum touchdown speed.", "\n\nBoeing CST-100\nIn September 2011, Boeing conducted a series of drop tests, carried out in the Mojave Desert of southeast California, to validate the design of the CST-100 capsule's parachute and airbag cushioning landing systems. ", " The airbags are located underneath the heat shield of the CST-100, which is designed to be separated from the capsule while under parachute descent at about altitude. ", " The tests were carried out at ground speeds between in order to simulate cross wind conditions at the time of landing. ", "Bigelow Aerospace built the mobile test rig and conducted the tests.", "\n\nIn April 2012, Boeing conducted another drop test of its CST-100 prototype space capsule in order to test the capsule's landing systems. ", " The test vehicle was raised by helicopter to an altitude of and then released; the capsule's three main parachutes then deployed successfully and slowed the capsule's descent. ", " Immediately prior to landing, the capsule's six airbags inflated underneath the capsule in order to absorb some of the impact energy from landing. ", " Similar drop tests are planned in order to conduct additional airbag testing, as well as drogue chute and heat shield jettison tests.", "\n\nHelicopter testing\nIn 2009 and 2010, NASA conducted a pair of drop tests to study the survivability of helicopter crashes. ", " Using an MD 500 helicopter donated by the U.S. Army, NASA dropped the helicopter at an angle from an altitude of to simulate a hard helicopter landing. ", " Sophisticated crash test dummies with simulated internal organs were located inside the helicopter and used to assess internal injuries from such a crash. ", "Due to extensive damage to the test helicopter after the second test, no third test was planned.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Aerospace engineering\nCategory:Product testing" ]
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[ "5?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -b = -0*b - 1. ", "Let a = -2.98 - -3. ", "Let r = -0.52 + a. Is r smaller than b?", "\nTrue\nLet m = 19 + -5. ", "Let z = 28 - m. Let o = z - 24. ", "Which is smaller: o or -1?", "\no\nLet p(q) = -2*q - q + q**3 - 3*q + 4*q. ", "Let s(i) = i + 5. ", "Let x be s(-7). ", "Let l be p(x). ", "Do l and -7 have the same value?", "\nFalse\nLet c be 3/(-2) - (-2)/4. ", "Let h = c - -2. ", "Let d be 2/24 - (-4)/16. ", "Is h < d?", "\nFalse\nLet t(m) = m**2 - 10*m - 7. ", "Let i be t(-10). ", "Is i greater than 195?", "\nFalse\nLet o = 32.2 - 85.2. ", "Which is smaller: 0.2 or o?", "\no\nLet o be 1 - 3 - 5*2. ", "Let a be (2/o)/((-2)/4). ", "Suppose 0 = 4*d + 2*x + 4, -3*x - 6 = -3*d + 4*d. ", "Which is greater: d or a?", "\na\nLet o be (-25)/8 + 3 + 9/8. ", "Which is greater: o or 2/15?", "\no\nSuppose -2*z = -2 + 6, -9 = v + 5*z. ", "Let p be (-175)/(-1131) - (-6)/(-117). ", "Is p less than or equal to v?", "\nTrue\nLet t = -1786/287 - 26/41. ", "Which is smaller: -7 or t?", "\n-7\nLet h = 103 + -100. ", "Let j = 4 - 4. ", "Let k be 0 - ((j - 0) + 1). ", "Is h !", "= k?", "\nTrue\nLet u = -24 - -35. ", "Let q be 3 - (3/3 - u). ", "Suppose -4*a + q - 33 = 0. ", "Is a less than or equal to -4?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -4*f + c - 55 = 4*c, 15 = -3*f + 3*c. ", "Let s be -3 + f + 0 + 0. ", "Is -12 at most as big as s?", "\nFalse\nLet q be (-3)/(-9) - 8/(-3). ", "Suppose -10 = -3*v + u, 2 = -0*v + q*v + u. Let g = -4 - v. Do -3 and g have the same value?", "\nFalse\nLet m = 357.399 - 357. ", "Which is bigger: -2 or m?", "\nm\nSuppose g + 48 = -12. ", "Let d = 103 + g. Let r = d + -689/16. ", "Which is greater: r or -1?", "\nr\nLet g = 68.9 - 74. ", "Let j = g - -1.1. ", "Which is greater: j or 0?", "\n0\nLet f be 4/(-1) - (-8 + -30). ", "Let g = 29 - f. Is -13/3 less than or equal to g?", "\nFalse\nLet s = 1.63 + -1.544. ", "Let a = 0.086 - s. Does a = -50?", "\nFalse\nLet q be (21 - 0)*1/39. ", "Is 2 equal to q?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 4*l + 5 - 17 = 0. ", "Let f be (((-6)/(-4))/l)/(-17 - 2). ", "Which is bigger: 1 or f?", "\n1\nLet g(a) be the second derivative of a**4/12 + 7*a**3/6 - 21*a**2/2 - 9*a. ", "Let w be g(-9). ", "Let f be w/(-6) - (-15)/(-46). ", "Which is bigger: f or 0?", "\nf\nLet r = 89857/78 - 1152. ", "Let h = r - -25/78. ", "Let d = 366 + -366.3. ", "Which is greater: h or d?", "\nh\nLet h = 158 + -128. ", "Which is bigger: 28 or h?", "\nh\nSuppose 1059 = -5*g + 4*n, 2*n + 1051 = -5*g - 2*n. ", "Let v = 131 + g. Let h be (v/8)/(1/(-1)). ", "Is h < 7?", "\nFalse\nLet w = 947 - 806. ", "Does w = 140?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -x = 3*x + 2*l + 6, 3*l = -2*x - 13. ", "Let r(b) = -b + 7. ", "Let k be r(5). ", "Let n be (-1 - (-2)/4)*k. ", "Which is bigger: n or x?", "\nx\nSuppose 0*d + d = -77. ", "Let p = 76 + d. Is -7/5 > p?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -2*x = 3*x + 3*t - 84, -3 = -x + 4*t. ", "Let i be (-8)/(-1)*x/12. ", "Suppose 0 = 5*a - 18 - 27. ", "Is i at least a?", "\nTrue\nLet b = 7 + -13. ", "Is -43/9 !", "= b?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = -4*s + v + 3, -12 = 5*s - s - 4*v. ", "Let h(j) = -2 - 4*j + s*j - 3. ", "Let o be h(-3). ", "Is o <= 2/3?", "\nFalse\nLet u = 27 + -59. ", "Let j = u - -32.08. ", "Are j and -0.1 non-equal?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 3*q - 495 = -3*y, -q - 5*y = -0*q - 185. ", "Let o be q/6 + (-15)/(-45). ", "Which is bigger: o or 25?", "\no\nLet l = -10/31 - -89/372. ", "Suppose 0 = 2*d - 7 - 17. ", "Suppose 4*p - 21 = -5*w, 2*p + w = 3*w - d. Which is greater: p or l?", "\nl\nLet a = 53 + -54. ", "Let i be ((-3)/(-3)*a)/(-1). ", "Which is smaller: i or 1/42?", "\n1/42\nLet u(c) = c**3 + 8*c**2 - 4*c + 31. ", "Let v be u(-9). ", "Suppose -35 = 4*x - 5*a, 0 = -5*x + a + 2*a - 47. ", "Let z = x - v. Which is bigger: 2 or z?", "\nz\nLet f = -33 + 56. ", "Let o = 6 + f. Let u = o + -26. ", "Which is greater: u or -6?", "\nu\nLet j = -632 - -658. ", "Which is smaller: j or 8?", "\n8\nLet d(w) = w - 10. ", "Let a be d(-2). ", "Let v be (-13)/14 + (-8)/(64/a). ", "Which is bigger: v or -4?", "\nv\nSuppose -4*z = b - 3, -3*b + 2*z + 9 = -z. ", "Is 21 >= b?", "\nTrue\nLet b be 10 - 7 - (-4 - -186*3). ", "Does -551 = b?", "\nTrue\nLet i(v) = v**3 - 6*v**2 + 4*v + 18. ", "Let t be i(4). ", "Which is bigger: t or -34?", "\nt\nSuppose 0*v = 2*v - 6. ", "Suppose n = 3*b + 6 + 13, -3*b + v*n = 15. ", "Let x be 10/14 + 2/7. ", "Is b equal to x?", "\nFalse\nLet h = -6.8 + 1.8. ", "Let g = -17 + 27. ", "Let i = g - 9. ", "Is i > h?", "\nTrue\nLet c(d) = d - 4. ", "Let l be c(-15). ", "Let f = 14 + l. Which is greater: -6 or f?", "\nf\nLet w be 1/(-4)*2/(-4). ", "Suppose 0 = 41*l - 25*l. ", "Are w and l non-equal?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -6 = -2*r, 4*q + r - 6*r + 19 = 0. ", "Suppose -x - 73 = 4*w + 30, 3*w + x = -78. ", "Let t be 4/w*10/(-4). ", "Are t and q nonequal?", "\nTrue\nLet f = -0.096 + 0.164. ", "Let a = f + -3.068. ", "Do a and 0 have different values?", "\nTrue\nLet t = 24 - 38. ", "Let b(y) = y**3 - 8*y**2 - 46*y - 37. ", "Let g be b(12). ", "Is t at least g?", "\nFalse\nLet h = 0.072 + -31.072. ", "Let s = h + 31.7. ", "Which is smaller: 0.1 or s?", "\n0.1\nSuppose -i + 2*a + a = -3, -i - a = 5. ", "Let g be (-406)/(-42) - (1*i)/9. ", "Which is smaller: g or 2?", "\n2\nLet u = 678 - 677.7. ", "Which is smaller: u or -58?", "\n-58\nLet l = 2 + -2. ", "Suppose l - 16 = -4*a. ", "Suppose 2*q - 3*c - 19 = 0, 5*c + 14 + 6 = q. Does q = a?", "\nFalse\nLet m = 686 + 437. ", "Is m >= 1122?", "\nTrue\nLet y = 38 - 21. ", "Let r = 23 - y. Let d = r + -4. ", "Is 2 > d?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -1128*a - 63 = -1121*a. ", "Which is bigger: -11 or a?", "\na\nSuppose -2*m - 2*c - c = 0, 0 = -5*c - 20. ", "Let q = -1 - -7. ", "Do q and m have different values?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -3 = -y + 2. ", "Suppose -y*n - 2 = -7. ", "Let p = n - 10. ", "Is p < -3?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 4*f + o = 60, -f + 4*o + 0 = 2. ", "Let i be (-726)/(-1001) + (-8)/f. ", "Which is smaller: -1 or i?", "\n-1\nLet c = -183/55 - -13/5. ", "Let p = -458 + 456. ", "Which is greater: c or p?", "\nc\nLet i(d) = -d**2 - 8*d + 1. ", "Let m be i(-7). ", "Let j(u) = -2*u + 9. ", "Let t be j(m). ", "Does t = -9?", "\nFalse\nLet q be 10/(-6)*54/(-45). ", "Let u be (16/(-72))/(q/(-15)). ", "Is 2 < u?", "\nFalse\nLet d(l) = l + 3. ", "Let o be d(-6). ", "Let h be (-1 + -3)/(o/(-3)). ", "Which is greater: -3 or h?", "\n-3\nLet f = 139 - 139. ", "Which is smaller: f or 3/413?", "\nf\nSuppose 7 - 2 = -4*y - a, 2*a = 3*y - 10. ", "Suppose y = -2*s - s + 6. ", "Is 5 greater than or equal to s?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -3*p = -2*t - 40, -p - 2*p + 4*t + 50 = 0. ", "Suppose p = 4*w + 26. ", "Let d be w/14 - 8/(-224). ", "Which is smaller: d or 0.1?", "\nd\nLet p(n) = -n**3 + 6*n**2 - 3*n + 8. ", "Let y be p(6). ", "Let d = -15 - y. Let x = 3 - d. Is x less than 7?", "\nFalse\nLet p = 10 - -2. ", "Which is bigger: -3 or p?", "\np\nSuppose 2089*q + 1362 = 2086*q. ", "Does q = -455?", "\nFalse\nLet m be 675/(-1398) + (-12)/(-24). ", "Is -1 less than or equal to m?", "\nTrue\nLet f be 305/30*(-15)/(-2). ", "Let h = -77 + f. Let c = -1 + 0.8. ", "Which is greater: h or c?", "\nc\nSuppose 4*w - 4*d = 320, 2*d + 237 = 4*w - w. Suppose -v - z = -39, -z + w = 2*v + 2*z. ", "Which is smaller: v or 41?", "\nv\nLet z = 90 + 135. ", "Is 224 less than z?", "\nTrue\nLet l(m) = -2*m + 54 + 4*m - 54 + m**2. ", "Let b be l(3). ", "Which is greater: -3 or b?", "\nb\nLet n = 13 - 18. ", "Let t = 1 - n. Let z(c) = c**2 + c. Let k be z(2). ", "Is k at least as big as t?", "\nTrue\nLet r(q) = -173 - q**2 + q - 2*q**3 + 173. ", "Suppose 0 = -2*s - 3*s + 5*m, 0 = 3*s - m - 2. ", "Let h be r(s). ", "Is -2 at least as big as h?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -2*v + 7 = -i + 1, 5*i = 4*v - 6. ", "Suppose -12 = i*c - 0. ", "Which is smaller: -54/11 or c?", "\nc\nLet y = 132 - 132.62. ", "Let v = y + -2.38. ", "Is v > 2/47?", "\nFalse\nLet p(j) = j**3 - 7*j**2 - j + 4. ", "Suppose -2*g - g + 3*m + 36 = 0, 3*m + 8 = -g. ", "Let f be p(g). ", "Let s be 15/14 - f/(-6). ", "Which is smaller: 2/3 or s?", "\ns\nLet d(j) = -j**2 - 11*j + 17. ", "Let v be d(-7). ", "Let p = -87 + v. Which is smaller: p or -43?", "\n-43\nLet u(j) = -2*j**2 - j + 1. ", "Let b be u(1). ", "Let w(x) = x**2 - 3. ", "Let p be w(b). ", "Is p < -2/11?", "\nFalse\nLet p be -1 - 794/3*3/(-2). ", "Let g be (-1)/(1*-4) + (-121)/p. ", "Which is greater: 1 or g?", "\n1\nLet c = -21158/25 + 846. ", "Is 0.04 at most c?", "\nFalse\nLet c(t) be the second derivative of -3*t**3/2 - t**2 - 3*t. ", "Let g be c(2). ", "Let n = g - -21. ", "Which is greater: n or -4/13?", "\nn\nLet w = -4 + 4. ", "Suppose w = y - 0*y, -2*s = 4*y - 10. ", "Suppose -5*l + a = -12, 6 = s*a + 16. ", "Is 4 > l?", "\nTrue\nLet h = 41 - 56. ", "Do h and -8 have the same value?", "\nFalse\nLet t = 12/271171 - -1625118983/199310685. ", "Let v = t + -122/15. ", "Is 0 not equal to v?", "\nTrue\nLet g be ((-12)/8)/((-786)/(-8)). ", "Which is smaller: -1 or g?", "\n-1\nSuppose -3*x - 6 = -5*x. ", "Suppose -j - 8 = 2*m + x, 4*j + 8 = m. Let a be (3 + m - -1)*-1. ", "Which is smaller: -8/9 or a?", "\n-8/9\nLet j be ((-19)/57)/(-1 + (-14)/(-12)). ", "Suppose 0 = 3*f, 3*r + 0*f + 15 = -f. ", "Which is greater: r or j?", "\nj\nLet l = -2 + -4. ", "Let q = 6 + l. Suppose -4*i = -q*i + 40. ", "Which is smaller: -9 or i?", "\ni\nLet j be 488/44 + -2 + -5. ", "Which is bigger: j or -0.1?", "\nj\nLet t be 5*(-1)/(-10)*46. ", "Let c = t - 15. ", "Let z be 1 + 0*2/(-2). ", "Which is smaller: z or c?", "\nz\nLet w be (20/(-1))/((-13 + -4)/68). ", "Let i be 3/((27/240)/3). ", "Is w !", "= i?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -11*v + 7*v = 8, -4*j + 116 = -2*v. ", "Suppose 20" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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0.0007634359644725919, 0.0011081831762567163, 0.0026057392824441195, 0.0020216586999595165, 0.0011006235145032406, 0.0007325462065637112, 0.0012279985239729285, 0.003670617938041687, 0.0007398743182420731, 0.004597421269863844, 0.09230498969554901, 0.0008050837204791605, 0.0023256074637174606, 0.0022529736161231995, 0.0007716251420788467, 0.0027282563969492912, 0.0009563562925904989, 0.02913493849337101, 0.008639704436063766, 0.003064510878175497, 0.0007600728422403336, 0.0046416521072387695, 0.0008361086365766823, 0.002800150541588664, 0.0013562655076384544, 0.005817849654704332, 0.001098766690120101 ]
[ "1997- 2001 PhD, Landscape Architecture, School of Architectural studies, The University of Sheffield, England. ", "UK\n\n1987- 1989 MA, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran\n\n1979- 1986 BA, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran\n\n2. ", "Academic Experience\n\n2012-now Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n2008–2012 Associate professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n2003–2008 Assistant professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n2017 Consultant/Advisor of Chairman and Manager of chairman’s office, IUST\n2017 Member of chairman committee of IUST\n2017 Head of Administrative health and protecting the rights of the people committee and member of the university strategic council of management development, IUST\n2014-now Member of university council, IUST\n2014-now Member of holding committee of theorizing, review and debate chairs, IUST\n2014-now Manager of Landscape Architecture Engineering Institute, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, IUST\n2013-now Consultant/Advisor of chairman in related to academic staffs, IUST\n2013-2016 Agent of chairman in academic staff committee, IUST\n2012-2014 Head of Department of Architecture and urban planning in Pardis 2 and electronic education, IUST\n2012-2014 Manager of international affairs of School of Architecture & Environmental Design, IUST\n2009–now Member of Professors Promotion Committee of Iran University of Science and Technology\n2006–2010 Dean of Faculty, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, IUST\n2004–2009 Chairman consultants in civil project council, IUST\n2004–2005 Consultant/Advisor of chairman and manager of chairman’s office, IUST\n2003–2009 Head of Department of Architecture, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, IUST\n1993-1997 Deputy of School of Architecture and Environmental Design, IUST\n2017 Member of architecture programming group Iran ministry of science research and technology\n2015-now Member of promotion office and head of commission of Imam Khomeini International University\n2014-now Supervision of PhD Researches, Faculty of architecture and environmental design, University of Malaya, Malaysia\n2014- now Member of promotion office and head of commission of art universities of Iran\n2014-now Member of promotion office and head of commission of architecture and urbanism of educational and research institute of ministry of education\n2014-2015 Academic Visitors at Landscape Department, Sheffield University, UK\n2013-now Supervision of PhD Researches, Faculty of architecture, Sheffield University, UK\n2012-now Supervision of PhD Researches, Landscape Department, Sheffield University, UK\n2012-now Member of selected committee of Technical and Vocational University, Iran ministry of science research and technology\n2012-2014 Member of promotion office and Head of art and architecture commission of core promotion office of Islamic Azad University\n2010-2012 Member of commission of architecture, urban planning and art, joint promotion office of Kashan and ShareKord universities\n2010–2011 Academic Visitors at Landscape Department, Sheffield University, UK\n2009-2013 Member of promotion office of art and architecture, Iran ministry of science research and technology\n2003-now Supervision of PhD and MA Research Students and External examiner at Tehran University, University of Shahid Beheshti , Tarbiat Moddaress University and Azad University\n2003–2004 Head of Department of Architecture, International University of Chabahar\n2002 lecturer at AA, School of Architectural Association, London, UK\n2003-2004 Visiting Lecturer at Ghazvin International University\n1995-1997 Visiting Lecturer at Azad University\n1989-1990 Visiting Lecturer at Lavizan Institute\n\n3. ", "Membership of Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees\n\n2017 Editor-in-Chief of “Journal of Researches in Islamic Architecture”\n2015-now Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “International journal of Environmental Sciences & Sustainable Development (ESSD)”\n2015 Reviewer of “International Journal of Planning Perspectives (Taylor & Francis (ISI))”\n2014-now Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “Boom (Ecology)”\n2014-now Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Urban Landscape Research”\n2010-now Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “Miras-e-Melli”\n2010-now Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Researches in Islamic Architecture”\n2009–now Editor-in-Chief of “International Journal of Architectural Engineering and urban planning”\n2009-now Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “Iranian Architecture and Urbanism”\n2009-now Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “Armanshahr”\n2009-2010 Associate Editors; The International Journal of Design Principles and Practice, Volume 2 & Volume 3\n2008-now Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “Tarh Va Namad”\n2008-2009 Associate Editors; The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Volume 4\n2005-2011 Member of Editorial Board of Journal of faculty of Architecture and urbanism, Ghazvin International University\n2007-2009 Member of Advisory Committee of Journal of “Sharestan”\n2002-2003 Member of Editorial Board of Journal of “Iranian Architecture (MA)”\n\n4. ", "Academic Partnership and professional association members\n\n2017 Member of Scientific committee of the 6th national conference of architecture education, university of Tehran, Iran\n2016-now Jury member of the Iranian school, Iranian architecture design competition\n2015 Member of Scientific committee of the national conference of landscape architecture, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran\n2015 Member of Scientific committee of the national conference of Islamic Iranian architecture and urban design\n2014-now Member of the art gallery of Hallam Art Group, Sheffield, UK\n2013-2014 Member of Scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in architecture & International Conference on Innovation in Design and Fabrication, 25 to 26 July, 2014, in Toronto, Canada\n2013-now Member of board of directors and founders the Iranian scientific association of landscape architecture, ministry of science research and technology, Iran\n2013-2014 Member of Scientific committee of the 5th national conference of architecture education, university of Tehran, Iran\n2013 Member of technical commission of water edge zones projects of Kish Island\n2012-now Member of Board of directors of the center of excellence in Islamic architecture\n2012-now Member of architecture and urban planning unit of specialized council for human sciences development and promotion\n2012-now Member of specialized committee of codification of Islamic Iranian architecture, national building code of Iran, Iran ministry of roads and urban development\n2012-now Member of technical commission of Tehran parks and green space organization, municipality of Tehran\n2012-now Member of strategic committee and jury of Setareh Atlas Pars design project, Tehran Haghani highway and residential towers in Namak Abrud\n2012 Jury member of the 30th annual book of the year award, Iran\n2012 Member of committee of art and architecture of 14th khwarazmi youth award\n2012 Member of scientific committee and Jury member of design competition of martyrs memorial Monument of Iran University of science and technology\n2012 Member of scientific committee of the first national conference of architecture and sustainable city, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University\n2012 Member of strategic council of education programming of art and architecture, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University\n2011-now University representative in Memorandum of Cooperation with Tehran Urban research and planning center\n2011 Member of scientific committee of the international conference of the city, pedestrian life\n2010-now Member of Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK\n2010-2011 Member of scientific committee of the 4th national conference of architecture education, university of Tehran, Iran\n2009-now Member of founding board of Iranian society of green architecture\n2009-now Member of architecture scientific committee of national building code of Iran, Iran ministry of roads and urban development\n2009-now Member of specialized committee of Occupational Entrance Exam of architecture engineering, Iran ministry of roads and urban development\n2009-now Member of committee of qualification determination of pioneer architecture engineers, Iran ministry of roads and urban development\n2009-now Member of jury of the 4th national festival of applied science and technology\n2009 Member of scientific committee of sustainable architecture with the approach of modifying model of consumption in the building industry\n2009 Jury member of the 12th annual book of the season award, Iran\n2009 Member of scientific committee of selecting the distinguished teacher, university of applied science and technology\n2009 Head and member of scientific committee of the national conference of vernacular technologies, Iran University of science and technology\n2008 -now Head of the Board of directors and funding member of Iranian Scientific Association of Architecture and Urbanism\n2008-2014 Head of board of directors of The Scientific Society of Architecture & Urbanism (SAU), Ministry of Science Research and Technology\n2008-now Jury member of school of architecture Ghazvin International University Competition\n2008-2010 Member of strategic council of Mirmiran award\n2008 Member of scientific committee of national conference of Improvement and Renovation of Old Textures of Shiraz city\n2008 Jury member of first National Architectural Student Congress, Kashan, Iran\n2007-now Member of Iranian Society of Environmentalists\n2007 Member of scientific committee of the 2nd national conference of green space\n2007-2008 Jury member of Mirmiran Foundation Architectural price\n2006 Member of committee of art and architecture of 8th khwarazmi youth award\n2006 Member of committee of art and architecture of 8th khwarazmi award\n2005-now Member of committee of architecture and urban planning, University of applied science and technology\n2003–now Member of International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)\n1999-2001 Organiser of Art & Built Environment Group, 7th, 8th and 9th Annual Iranian Students Seminar in Europe, England, UK\n1987-now Member of Iranian Construction Engineers Organization\n\n5. ", "Professional Experiences\n\nStudy, review and compilation of criteria and Standards of the layout and design of student camps, Organization for Renovating, Developing and Equipping Schools\nConceptual studies and design and supervising construction of Malek garden, Tehran parks and green space organization\nReview, Design and supervising construction of woman park, Tehran parks and green space organization\nConsulting conceptual studies of space city of Iran and planning its architectural standard\nDesign of cultural recreational complex camp of Sama, Islamic Azad University\nPlanning standards of primary school’s open space, Organization for Renovating, Developing and Equipping Schools\nStudying, organizing and restoration of Saadossaltaneh historical complex, renovation and reformer organization of Qazvin\nDesign of commercial residential complex of Aghigh, Mashahd city\nStudying Strategic plan of the Tehran Bazaar to improve its security, Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Iran\nStudying immunization and social empowerment of historical textures (development of historical centers by protection of main characteristics and contemporary needs)\nStudying restoration, preservation of cultural historical centers (mapping, documenting, analyzing, and providing guidelines)\nCooperation in organizing cultural axis of Kerman city\nCooperation in review of restoration plan of historical texture of Yazd city\n2008 - now Pedestrian design of Kargar Avenue from Enghelab sq to Rahahan sq, Tehran\n2006 -now Landscape architecture comprehensive plan for Bistoon International Historic Site\n2005-2007 Landscape architecture comprehensive plan for Jahad complex\n1993-1997 Designer, Technical deputy and Member of the Board of Directors of Company of Andisheh New Town, Housing and Urbanism Ministry\n1987-1997Revitalisation of historic garden of Shazdeh/ Kerman /Iran\nDesign of recreational park in Andisheh New Town /Tehran\nDesign of cultural complex in Andisheh New Town /Tehran\nDesign of residential landscape in Andisheh New Town /Tehran\nDesign of 120 housings in Pardis New Town /Tehran\nDesign of three industrial estates, Ghom, Bijar, Ghorveh /Iran\nDesign of residential landscape in city of Tehran\nSupervising construction of housing unit in Andisheh New Town /Tehran\nSupervising construction of housing unit in city of Tehran6. ", "Academic Award & Honours\n2015 Distinguished professor of the country, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran\n2014 Distinguished Researcher, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n2013 Distinguished Researcher, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n2012 Distinguished Academic staff, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n2011 Distinguished book award for “Analysis of 10 buildings form 50 years of Iranian contemporary architecture”\n2011 Distinguished Researcher of the Country, Art & Architecture Group, Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology\n2010 Distinguished Researcher, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology\n1989 First honored award for academic achievement at school of architecture (MA) 7. ", "Invited Academic Lecture\n2002 Conservation (Landscape and Gardens), Architectural Association (AA), School of Architecture, London, England8. ", "Exhibitions\n2014 27th Great Art Show, Sheffield, England, UK\n2012 25th Great Art Show, Sheffield, England, UK\n2011 24th Great Art Show, Sheffield, England, UK\n2003 Wild about Art, England, UK\n2002 15th Great Art Show, Sheffield, England, UK\n2001 14th Great Art Show, Sheffield, England, UK9. ", "Publications - Journal Papers\n\nSabeti, Sh., ", "Faizi, M., Mehdizade F., Mahdavinia, M. “Assessing the effect of window, its shape and shading devices on the heating and cooling energy consumption (In the region of Mashhad city)”. ", "Current Trends in Technology and Science, An International Journal, 2015, 50-51\n\n2015\n\nSabeti, Sh., ", "Faizi, M., Mehdizade F., Mahdavinia, M., “The effect of Ivan on the thermal behavior of the main space in semi-arid and hot climate in Iran (Case study: vernacular Houses in Mashhad Town)”. ", "International Journal of Review in Life Sciences (IJRLS)\n\n2015\n\nKeshtkar, E., Faizi, M., “Effect of cultural and poem identity on the architectural design”, The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 4(2): 21-27.", "\n\nFaizi, M., Eisazadeh, N. “The Impact of Urban Parks and Green Spaces on Citizens, Health and Quality of Life”. ", "The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 4(4): 7-24\n\nFaizi, M., Shahbazi, M. “Relationship Between Human Tranquility and the Use of Water in Iranian Cities: Fin Garden in Kashan” Asia/Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies (AicE-Bs), Famagusta, North Cyprus." ]
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[ "Dear Editor,\n\nRadiation is part of mans' environment, and people are usually exposed to both natural (viz. ", "cosmic rays, environmental - soil, water, vegetation, etc.) ", "and man-made (viz. ", "medical exposure, occupational exposure, nuclear fall-out, television, mobile, etc.) ", "sources of radiation.\\[[@ref1]\\] In the modern era, radiation is like a double-edged sword, with utilities in fields like medicine, industry, agriculture and research and, at the same time, being a serious potential health hazard if not properly used or contained.\\[[@ref1][@ref2]\\]\n\nExposure of humans to radiations beyond the maximal permissible limits has led to a wide range of complications such as acute events (viz. ", "skin burns, dermatitis, acute radiation syndrome, local radiation injuries and blood dyscrasias), chronic events like malignancies (viz. ", "lung cancer, leukemia, thyroid cancer, female breast cancer, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, etc.), ", "birth defects (viz. ", "exposure of pregnant women to radiation during antenatal period) and even death.\\[[@ref1][@ref2]\\] In addition, a high incidence of psychological distress and psychiatric disorders like posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, depression and alcohol use disorder have been observed among the survivors, especially secondary to a nuclear accident.\\[[@ref3][@ref4]\\] However, the extent of radiation-induced damage is dependent upon parameters like age at the time of exposure, dose of radiation, duration of exposure, type of radiation and the sensitivity of different tissues and organs.\\[[@ref1][@ref5][@ref6]\\]\n\nNevertheless, in most of the settings, the incidence of radiation-induced cancer/complications are still on the rise owing to the presentation of clinical manifestations after a prolonged period of exposure (lag period), poor awareness among the masses about the sources/side-effects of radiation exposure, minimal sensitization of the physicians regarding assessment of radiation exposure, unavailability or poor condition of personal protective equipments in different industries, nonutilization of the protective equipments despite their availability because of ignorance or poor awareness, noncompliance with the recommended environmental standards in different industries, absence of universal implementation of either preplacement examination or periodic medical examination, no guidelines to promote early diagnosis or initiate the process of referral of patients to higher centers, limited access to information about supportive care services and absence of standardized recommendations regarding different aspects of radiation.\\[[@ref1][@ref2][@ref4][@ref7]\\] These are the key challenges that need to be sorted out for bringing about an improvement in the indicators of cancer.", "\n\nIn order to either prevent or reduce the incidence of radiation-associated cancer, there is an essential need that program managers and radiation experts realize the risk of radiation exposure and then plan evidence-based strategies in collaboration with different stakeholders.\\[[@ref1][@ref4]\\] This essentially involves ensuring comprehensive risk assessment (viz. ", "based on the specific radiation sources, types of harmful effects that could result, exposure assessment to establish maximum permissible limits and estimation of lifetime risk of cancer),\\[[@ref3]\\] adopting a specific model to empirically evaluate the influence of time since exposure and age at exposure on radiation-induced cancer,\\[[@ref6]\\] implementing preventive strategies (viz. ", "preplacement examination, use of protective equipments or dosimeter, periodic medical examination, compliance with the environmental recommended strategies) in industries or health care establishments,\\[[@ref2]\\] creating awareness among physicians, populations and outreach workers regarding radiation-induced cancer,\\[[@ref2]\\] formulating guidelines to adopt appropriate line of management based on the stage of cancer and patient-related factors,\\[[@ref8]\\] extending support to cancer patients,\\[[@ref7]\\] developing a mechanism to promote medical monitoring and follow-up of populations (viz. ", "persons who developed clinical conditions requiring medical assistance during the emergency and asymptomatic persons known) to facilitate early detection and prompt initiation of treatment,\\[[@ref3][@ref9]\\] ensuring early management of mental health issues among the victims and their family members,\\[[@ref4]\\] developing a strategic disaster plan to enable preparedness, evacuation and relocation at times of nuclear accidents\\[[@ref3][@ref4]\\] and building linkages with different international agencies\\[[@ref1]\\] can be tried upon to reduce the incidence of radiation-induced cancers.", "\n\nTo conclude, radiation has been recognized as a key etiological factor in the development of multiple cancers. ", "However, their role in natural history of malignancies can be nullified provided appropriate prevention and control strategies are implemented worldwide.", "\n" ]
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[ "{\n \"cells\": [\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"markdown\",\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"source\": [\n \"## Sample: keras/examples/mnist_transfer_cnn.py\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"markdown\",\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"source\": [\n \"'''Transfer learning toy example:\\n\",\n \"1- Train a simple convnet on the MNIST dataset the first 5 digits [0..4].\\n\",\n \"2- Freeze convolutional layers and fine-tune dense layers\\n\",\n \" for the classification of digits [5..9].\\n\",\n \"Run on GPU: THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32 python mnist_transfer_cnn.py\\n\",\n \"Get to 99.8% test accuracy after 5 epochs\\n\",\n \"for the first five digits classifier\\n\",\n \"and 99.2% for the last five digits after transfer + fine-tuning.\\n\",\n \"'''\\n\",\n \"\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 1,\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"stderr\",\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\n \"text\": [\n \"Using TensorFlow backend.\\n\"\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"source\": [\n \"import datetime\\n\",\n \"import keras\\n\",\n \"from keras.datasets import mnist\\n\",\n \"from keras.models import Sequential\\n\",\n \"from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten\\n\",\n \"from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D\\n\",\n \"from keras import backend as K\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 11,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"now = datetime.datetime.now\\n\",\n \"\\n\",\n \"batch_size = 128\\n\",\n \"num_classes = 5\\n\",\n \"epochs = 1\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 3,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"# input image dimensions\\n\",\n \"img_rows, img_cols = 28, 28\\n\",\n \"# number of convolutional filters to use\\n\",\n \"filters = 32\\n\",\n \"# size of pooling area for max pooling\\n\",\n \"pool_size = 2\\n\",\n \"# convolution kernel size\\n\",\n \"kernel_size = 3\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 4,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':\\n\",\n \" input_shape = (1, img_rows, img_cols)\\n\",\n \"else:\\n\",\n \" input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, 1)\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 5,\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"data\": {\n \"text/plain\": [\n \"(28, 28, 1)\"\n ]\n },\n \"execution_count\": 5,\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\n }\n ],\n \"source\": [\n \"input_shape\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 6,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"def train_model(model, train, test, num_classes):\\n\",\n \" x_train = train[0].reshape((train[0].shape[0],) + input_shape)\\n\",\n \" x_test = test[0].reshape((test[0].shape[0],) + input_shape)\\n\",\n \" x_train = x_train.astype('float32')\\n\",\n \" x_test = x_test.astype('float32')\\n\",\n \" x_train /= 255\\n\",\n \" x_test /= 255\\n\",\n \" print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape)\\n\",\n \" print(x_train.shape[0], 'train samples')\\n\",\n \" print(x_test.shape[0], 'test samples')\\n\",\n \"\\n\",\n \" # convert class vectors to binary class matrices\\n\",\n \" y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(train[1], num_classes)\\n\",\n \" y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(test[1], num_classes)\\n\",\n \"\\n\",\n \" model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',\\n\",\n \" optimizer='adadelta',\\n\",\n \" metrics=['accuracy'])\\n\",\n \"\\n\",\n \" t = now()\\n\",\n \" model.fit(x_train, y_train,\\n\",\n \" batch_size=batch_size,\\n\",\n \" epochs=epochs,\\n\",\n \" verbose=1,\\n\",\n \" validation_data=(x_test, y_test))\\n\",\n \" print('Training time: %s' % (now() - t))\\n\",\n \" score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)\\n\",\n \" print('Test score:', score[0])\\n\",\n \" print('Test accuracy:', score[1])\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 7,\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"# the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets\\n\",\n \"(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()\\n\",\n \"\\n\",\n \"# create two datasets one with digits below 5 and one with 5 and above\\n\",\n \"x_train_lt5 = x_train[y_train < 5]\\n\",\n \"y_train_lt5 = y_train[y_train < 5]\\n\",\n \"x_test_lt5 = x_test[y_test < 5]\\n\",\n \"y_test_lt5 = y_test[y_test < 5]\\n\",\n \"\\n\",\n \"x_train_gte5 = x_train[y_train >= 5]\\n\",\n \"y_train_gte5 = y_train[y_train >= 5] - 5\\n\",\n \"x_test_gte5 = x_test[y_test >= 5]\\n\",\n \"y_test_gte5 = y_test[y_test >= 5] - 5\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 8,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"# define two groups of layers: feature (convolutions) and classification (dense)\\n\",\n \"feature_layers = [\\n\",\n \" Conv2D(filters, kernel_size,\\n\",\n \" padding='valid',\\n\",\n \" input_shape=input_shape),\\n\",\n \" Activation('relu'),\\n\",\n \" Conv2D(filters, kernel_size),\\n\",\n \" Activation('relu'),\\n\",\n \" MaxPooling2D(pool_size=pool_size),\\n\",\n \" Dropout(0.25),\\n\",\n \" Flatten(),\\n\",\n \"]\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 9,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"classification_layers = [\\n\",\n \" Dense(128),\\n\",\n \" Activation('relu'),\\n\",\n \" Dropout(0.5),\\n\",\n \" Dense(num_classes),\\n\",\n \" Activation('softmax')\\n\",\n \"]\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 10,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"# create complete model\\n\",\n \"model = Sequential(feature_layers + classification_layers)\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 12,\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\n \"text\": [\n \"x_train shape: (30596, 28, 28, 1)\\n\",\n \"30596 train samples\\n\",\n \"5139 test samples\\n\",\n \"Train on 30596 samples, validate on 5139 samples\\n\",\n \"Epoch 1/1\\n\",\n \"30596/30596 [==============================] - 38s - loss: 0.2048 - acc: 0.9362 - val_loss: 0.0534 - val_acc: 0.9850\\n\",\n \"Training time: 0:00:38.782578\\n\",\n \"Test score: 0.0534252165606\\n\",\n \"Test accuracy: 0.985016540183\\n\"\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"source\": [\n \"# train model for 5-digit classification [0..4]\\n\",\n \"train_model(model,\\n\",\n \" (x_train_lt5, y_train_lt5),\\n\",\n \" (x_test_lt5, y_test_lt5), num_classes)\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 14,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": [\n \"# freeze feature layers and rebuild model\\n\",\n \"for l in feature_layers:\\n\",\n \" l.trainable = False\\n\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": 15,\n \"metadata\": {},\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\n \"text\": [\n \"x_train shape: (29404, 28, 28, 1)\\n\",\n \"29404 train samples\\n\",\n \"4861 test samples\\n\",\n \"Train on 29404 samples, validate on 4861 samples\\n\",\n \"Epoch 1/1\\n\",\n \"29404/29404 [==============================] - 14s - loss: 0.3874 - acc: 0.8810 - val_loss: 0.1184 - val_acc: 0.9638\\n\",\n \"Training time: 0:00:14.333065\\n\",\n \"Test score: 0.118379053483\\n\",\n \"Test accuracy: 0.963793458271\\n\"\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"source\": [\n \"# transfer: train dense layers for new classification task [5..9]\\n\",\n \"train_model(model,\\n\",\n \" (x_train_gte5, y_train_gte5),\\n\",\n \" (x_test_gte5, y_test_gte5), num_classes)\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\n \"execution_count\": null,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"collapsed\": true\n },\n \"outputs\": [],\n \"source\": []\n }\n ],\n \"metadata\": {\n \"kernelspec\": {\n \"display_name\": \"Python 3\",\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"name\": \"python3\"\n },\n \"language_info\": {\n \"codemirror_mode\": {\n \"name\": \"ipython\",\n \"version\": 3\n },\n \"file_extension\": \".py\",\n \"mimetype\": \"text/x-python\",\n \"name\": \"python\",\n \"nbconvert_exporter\": \"python\",\n \"pygments_lexer\": \"ipython3\",\n \"version\": \"3.6.1\"\n }\n },\n \"nbformat\": 4,\n \"nbformat_minor\": 2\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCreating a method that returns an array\n\nI'm to create a helper method that returns a new array whose elements are the square of an original array. ", "But when I run the code, the console returns \"System.", "Double[]\". ", "How can I fix this?", "\nHere's the method code:\nstatic double[] powerOfTwo(int[] arr)\n {\n double[] elevatedPower = new double[10];\n elevatedPower[0] = Math.", "Pow(arr[0], 2);\n elevatedPower[1] = Math.", "Pow(arr[1], 2);\n elevatedPower[2] = Math.", "Pow(arr[2], 2);\n elevatedPower[3] = Math.", "Pow(arr[3], 2);\n elevatedPower[4] = Math.", "Pow(arr[4], 2);\n elevatedPower[5] = Math.", "Pow(arr[5], 2);\n elevatedPower[6] = Math.", "Pow(arr[6], 2);\n elevatedPower[7] = Math.", "Pow(arr[7], 2);\n elevatedPower[8] = Math.", "Pow(arr[8], 2);\n elevatedPower[9] = Math.", "Pow(arr[9], 2);\n\n return elevatedPower;\n }\n\nAnd the code to print it in the console: \nstatic void Main(string[] args)\n {\n double[] powerValues = powerOfTwo(new int[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10});\n Console.", "Write(powerValues);\n Console.", "ReadLine();\n }\n\nA:\n\nYour method works fine. ", "But when you do Console.", "WriteLine(powerValues), the compiler calls ToString() method of the datatype which is System.double[].", "\nforeach(var value in powerValues)\n Console.", "WriteLine(value);\n\nWith Linq, using System.", "Linq;\nvar powerValues = (new int[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}).Select(x => x*x);\n\nA:\n\nWhen you calling Console.", "Write(powerValues); actually call Console.", "Write(powerValues.", "ToString());ToString returns a string that represents the current object. ", "For double[] this is \"System.", "Double[]\".", "\nChange your code like this :\n static void Main(string[] args)\n {\n double[] powerValues = powerOfTwo(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });\n foreach (var value in powerValues)\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(value);\n }\n\n Console.", "ReadLine();\n }\n\nA:\n\nActually, you are not printing your values. ", "You try to print your array which returns it's full type name as System.", "Double[] since ToString calls it which is called by Console.", "Write explicitly.", "\nYou don't even need such a method. ", "Just use Enumerable.", "Select to generate IEnumerable<int> which contains squared values like;\nvar values = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };\nforeach (var value in values.", "Select(i => i * i))\n{\n Console.", "Write(value); // 149162536496481100\n}\n\nAnd I would use Console.", "WriteLine to writing those values in separate lines each or put at least a white space after them if you choose Write like Console.", "Write(value + \" \")\n\n" ]
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[ "Evidence for coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in single crystals of Co-doped SrFe(2)As(2).", "\nIn order to investigate whether magnetism and superconductivity coexist in Co-doped SrFe(2)As(2), we have prepared single crystals of SrFe(2-x)Co(x)As(2), x = 0 and 0.4, and characterized them via x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity in zero and applied field up to 9 T as well as at ambient and applied pressure up to 1.6 GPa, and magnetic susceptibility. ", "At x = 0.4, there is both magnetic and resistive evidence for a spin density wave transition at 120 K, while T(c) = 19.5 K-indicating coexistent magnetism and superconductivity. ", "A discussion of how these results compare with reported results, both in SrFe(2-x)Co(x)As(2) and in other doped 122 compounds, is given." ]
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[ "\r\n// Copyright Aleksey Gurtovoy 2001-2004\r\n//\r\n// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. ", "\r\n// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at \r\n// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\r\n//\r\n\r\n// Preprocessed version of \"boost/mpl/aux_/template_arity.hpp\" header\r\n// -- DO NOT modify by hand!", "\r\n\r\n" ]
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