[ "New Alliance MLA Andrew Muir\n\nA second out LGBT+ politician has been named to the Northern Ireland assembly.", "\n\nAlliance politician Andrew Muir, who previously served as Mayor of North Down, was selected by the party to fill the vacant seat as MLA for North Down on Wednesday.", "\n\nHe replaces Stephen Farry, who left the assembly after being elected to the UK Parliament as MP for North Down in December’s snap election.", "\n\nAndrew Muir ‘deeply honoured’ to be named to Northern Ireland assembly\n\nMuir said: “I am deeply honoured to be selected by my Alliance friends and colleagues to succeed Stephen Farry as MLA for North Down.”", "\n\nHe added: “I am looking forward to building on my work as a Councillor… [to] provide a strong Alliance voice for all the people of North Down, serving them both in the constituency and at a restored Assembly.”", "\n\nThe assembly has not been able to sit since January 2017, when power-sharing in the region collapsed.", "\n\nMuir added: “I am coming into the role at a time when the Assembly is suspended and therefore one of my priorities as an MLA will be to play my role in helping restore Stormont, so it can deliver for all the people of North Down and further afield.", "\n\n“That includes supporting the health service and local schools, pushing for infrastructure investment and helping tackle the climate emergency.”", "\n\nAlliance has led the way on LGBT+ representation\n\nMuir is only the second out LGBT+ lawmaker in the history of the Northern Ireland assembly.", "\n\nThe first is John Blair, also of Alliance, who was appointed to the assembly in 2018.", "\n\nSpeaking to PinkNews in 2018, Blair said: “In my political party, these simply aren’t issues, and all people, whatever their background, are encouraged to develop, run for public office and do whatever they want to do.”", "\n\nAlliance leader Naomi Long said: “Alliance has a history because of our history of liberal and progressive policies of attracting high numbers of LGBT activists and members.", "\n\n“That’s something we welcome because it allows people to have a voice.”", "\n\nSame-sex weddings are expected to start in Northern Ireland in February, after the UK Parliament passed a bill to extend marriage equality to the region in the absence of the devolved assembly.", "\n\nHowever, the region still lags behind much of the UK on LGBT+ issues." ]
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[ "Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and is characterized by sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity that significantly worsens prognosis ([@B1]--[@B8]). ", "Cardiac adrenergic nerve activity has been assessed by ^123^I meta-iodobenzylguanidine (^123^I MIBG) imaging ([@B9]) and, as demonstrated by the AdreView Myocardial Imaging for Risk Evaluation in Heart Failure (ADMIRE-HF) study ([@B10]), the heart-to-mediastinum (H/M) ratio is an independent predictor of HF progression, arrhythmic cardiac events, and cardiac death. ", "Reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake, likely due to diabetic neuropathy, has also been demonstrated in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) without HF and correlated with worse prognosis ([@B11],[@B12]). ", "DM is common in HF patients with a prevalence range from 10 to 30% ([@B13]) and adversely influences long-term morbidity and mortality of symptomatic and asymptomatic HF patients ([@B14],[@B15]). ", "In diabetic HF patients enrolled in the ADMIRE-HF trial, it has been recently demonstrated that the combination of DM and reduced ^123^I MIBG cardiac uptake is an independent predictor of HF progression ([@B16]). ", "Yet, the distinct impact of DM on cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in patients with HF has not been largely investigated, and no previous studies have assessed cardiac innervation in matched HF patients with and without DM. ", "Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate ^123^I MIBG uptake in matched DM and non-DM patients with severe systolic HF.", "\n\nRESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS {#s1}\n===========================\n\nPopulation and study protocol {#s2}\n-----------------------------\n\nWe enrolled 37 consecutive patients with systolic HF and type 2 DM and 38 HF patients without DM referring to the outpatient clinic for HF at the University of Naples Federico II. ", "To be included in the study, patients needed to fulfill the following criteria: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤40% and dilated cardiomyopathy in at least two consecutive echocardiographic evaluations, diagnosis of HF since at least 6 months, stable clinical conditions (New York Heart Association \\[NYHA\\] II--III), coronary angiography within 1 year from enrollment, and no acute coronary syndrome or angina in the 6 months before inclusion in the study. ", "Ischemic cardiomyopathy was defined as ventricular dysfunction in myocardial regions subtended by significant (\\>70% diameter) coronary stenosis, with normal regional contractile function at echocardiography and/or invasive angiography in regions subtended by coronary arteries without significant stenosis. ", "At the time of enrollment, all patients were on optimized medical therapy for HF treatment including the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or AT1 antagonists when not tolerated, β-blockers, loop diuretics, antialdosterone, and digitalis, when necessary, in addition to conventional drugs used for the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. ", "Fourteen type 2 DM patients with normal cardiac function were also included in the study. ", "The diagnosis of DM was confirmed by clinical history or through the assessment of at least two determinations of fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dL or a random plasma glucose test ≥200 mg/dL or with blood glucose levels ≥200 mg/dL 120 min after an oral glucose tolerance test performed with 75 g of glucose dissolved in water and confirmed by repeating the test on another day ([@B17]). ", "On the same day, patients underwent clinical examination, venous blood sample collection, transthoracic echocardiography, and ^123^I MIBG imaging. ", "Demographic data, including age, sex, height, body weight, BMI, HF medications, NYHA class, tobacco use, hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history of coronary events, duration of DM, presence of comorbidities, and ischemic versus nonischemic HF etiology were also collected. ", "A venous blood sample was collected in all patients to assess biochemical data, including hemoglobin A~1c~ (HbA~1c~) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP); serum creatinine levels were obtained to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and assess renal impairment, as previously described ([@B18]). ", "Diabetic patients were also screened for the presence of diabetic neuropathy using the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument examination ([@B19],[@B20]). ", "A standard transthoracic echocardiography was performed in all patients using a VIVID E9 ultrasound system (GE Healthcare) with second-harmonic capability and a 3.5-MHz probe. ", "All measurements were performed according to the European Society of Cardiology Recommendations for Chamber Quantification ([@B21]). ", "Left ventricular (LV) diameters were obtained in the M-mode view. ", "Global and regional LV function was evaluated and LVEF was calculated from apical four- and two-chamber views using the Simpson biplane method ([@B21]). ", "Wall motion score index (WMSI) was calculated to assess the extent of regional wall motion abnormalities. ", "At the end of this initial evaluation, synaptic noradrenaline reuptake was assessed by ^123^I MIBG scintigraphy. ", "All patients gave written informed consent, and the local ethic committee approved the protocol.", "\n\n^123^I MIBG imaging procedures {#s3}\n------------------------------\n\nAfter blockage of the thyroid gland with 300 mg perchlorate, an activity of 111 MBq ^123^IMIBG (Mallinckrodt, Covidien) was administered over 1--2 min, and a 10-min planar anterior chest image was performed at 15 min (\"early\" image) and again at 3 h and 50 min (\"late\" image). ", "Imaging was performed with low-energy/high-resolution collimators, and the camera peaked at 159 keV with a symmetrical 20% energy window. ", "The images were acquired and stored in a 128 × 128 matrix ([@B22]). ", "Two observers, blinded about patient status (i.e., diabetic or nondiabetic), analyzed ^123^I MIBG studies ([@B10],[@B23]). ", "H/M ratios were calculated from the early and late images after drawing regions of interest over the entire heart and upper mediastinum (7 × 7 pixels). ", "Care was taken to exclude lung or liver from the myocardial and large vessels and lung from the mediastinum region of interest. ", "^123^I MIBG washout rate was calculated using the following formula: \\[(early heart counts/pixel -- early mediastinum counts/pixel) -- (late heart counts/pixel decay-corrected -- late mediastinum counts/pixel decay-corrected)\\]/(early heart counts/pixel -- early mediastinum counts/pixel).", "\n\nAssessment of cardiac autonomic neuropathy {#s4}\n------------------------------------------\n\nEvaluation of autonomic neuropathy was performed as previously described ([@B11],[@B24]). ", "In particular, five tests were used: *1*) blood pressure change during standing up and *2*) during sustained handgrip and *3*) heart rate response to Valsalva maneuver, *4*) to standing up, and *5*) to deep breathing. ", "Blood pressure response to standing up was evaluated through the difference of systolic blood pressure measured after 2 min of lying down and systolic blood pressure after standing up, whereas blood pressure response to 5 min of sustained handgrip at 30% of maximum voluntary contraction was evaluated through the difference of diastolic blood pressure assessed just before release of the handgrip and diastolic blood pressure measured before starting the maneuver. ", "For heart rate responses, Valsalva maneuver was continued for 15 min at 40 mmHg, and then the ratio between the longest R wave--to--R wave (RR) interval soon after the release and the shortest RR during the maneuver was evaluated. ", "Heart rate response to standing up was assessed as the ratio between the longest RR interval around the 30th beat and the shortest RR around the 15th beat (30:15 ratio), and finally heart rate changes to deep breathing were calculated through the mean of the differences of maximum and minimum heart rate of three consecutive deep breathings (six breaths per minute). ", "A mean autonomic score was then calculated, referring to previously described normal, borderline, or abnormal values ([@B24]), and the presence of autonomic impairment was defined as an abnormal response to two or more of the five tests ([@B11]).", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#s5}\n--------------------\n\nData are expressed as mean ± SD. ", "The Student *t* test was used for continuous variables. ", "Correlation between variables was assessed by linear regression analysis, and variables that revealed a statistical significance in the univariate model were then included in a multivariate analysis. ", "Categorical variables such as NYHA classification were analyzed by χ^2^ test. ", "All data were collected in an Excel database and analyzed by SPSS 20.0. ", "Statistical significance was accepted at *P* ≤ 0.05.", "\n\nRESULTS {#s6}\n=======\n\nPatient characteristics {#s7}\n-----------------------\n\nMean age of the 75 patients with HF was 67.33 ± 9.6 years (84% male patients) with mean LVEF of 31.03 ± 7.15%. ", "In 52 subjects (69.3%), HF was of ischemic etiology, and in 23 (30.7%), the etiology was an idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. ", "All diabetic patients had a diagnosis of type 2 DM. ", "No statistically significant differences between HF patients with and without DM were found for cardiovascular risk factors, demographic variables, comorbidities, LV systolic function, NYHA functional class, serum NT-proBNP levels, and HF therapy, as shown in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Medical treatment of DM was as follows: 19 patients (51.4%) were on oral antidiabetic agents alone, 2 (5.4%) on insulin alone, 4 (10.8%) on oral drugs + insulin, and 12 (32.4%) on diet only. ", "Mean HbA~1c~ was 6.61 ± 0.69% (49 mmol/mol), and 22 patients (59.5%) had an HbA~1c~ measurement ≥6.5%, whereas 11 subjects (29.7%) had an HbA~1c~ value \\>7%. ", "Mean duration of DM was 62 ± 79 months. ", "In 14 patients with DM without HF, mean age was 65.9 ± 8.8 years, mean DM duration was 58 ± 36 months, and mean HbA~1c~ was 7.5 ± 1.5% (58 mmol/mol).", "\n\n###### \n\nBaseline characteristics of HF patients with and without DM\n\n![](", "2395tbl1)\n\n^123^I MIBG imaging {#s8}\n-------------------\n\nEarly and late H/M ratios were significantly lower in patients with HF and DM compared with patients with HF without DM. ", "In particular, DM patients showed a mean early H/M ratio of 1.65 ± 0.21 vs. 1.75 ± 0.21 in non-DM subjects (*P* \\< 0.05) and a mean late H/M ratio of 1.46 ± 0.22 vs. 1.58 ± 0.24 in non-DM subjects (*P* \\< 0.03). ", "^123^I MIBG washout rate did not significantly differ between the two groups (38 ± 22 vs. 34 ± 22%; *P* = 0.44). ", "Both early and late H/M were significantly higher in DM patients without HF (2.22 ± 0.35 and 1.99 ± 0.24, respectively) when compared with HF patients with (*P* \\< 0.0001) and without (*P* \\< 0.0001) DM.", "\n\nCardiac autonomic neuropathy {#s9}\n----------------------------\n\nMean autonomic score was 2.85 ± 0.80 in 20 patients with HF and DM and 3.06 ± 0.62 in 14 patients with DM without HF (*P* = NS). ", "Autonomic impairment was found in all but 1 diabetic patient with HF and in 12 (86%) diabetic patients without HF. ", "H/M ratios in 12 DM patients without HF with autonomic dysfunction were significantly higher compared with 19 DM patients with HF and with autonomic dysfunction (early H/M 2.24 ± 0.37 vs. 1.62 ± 0.16, respectively, *P* \\< 0.0001; late H/M 1.96 ± 0.24 vs. 1.42 ± 0.16, respectively, *P* \\< 0.0001). ", "In the whole group of 34 DM patients evaluated for autonomic impairment, no correlation was found between autonomic score and both early and late H/M ratios (*r* = −0.70, *P* = 0.723 for early H/M; *r* = −0.787, *P* = 0.340 for late H/M). ", "In addition, no correlation was found between mean autonomic score and HbA~1c~ (*r* = −0.006, *P* = 0.977).", "\n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients with and without DM {#s10}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the group of 75 patients with HF, in univariate analysis, early H/M ratio significantly correlated with age, LVEF, NYHA class, HF etiology, NT-proBNP, presence of DM, and HbA~1c~ ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only HbA~1c~ remained a significant predictor of early H/M ratio ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG in all patients and in DM and non-DM patients\n\n![](", "2395tbl2)\n\nIn univariate analysis, late H/M ratio significantly correlated with the same variables associated with early H/M and, in addition, with GFR ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only etiology of HF remained significantly associated with late H/M. Interestingly, when \"presence of DM\" was eliminated from the multivariate analysis, HbA~1c~, in addition to HF etiology, remained significantly correlated with H/M ratio, surely because HbA~1c~ acted as a surrogate for DM.", "\n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients with DM {#s11}\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the group of HF patients with DM, in univariate analysis, early H/M ratio significantly correlated with LVEF, NT-proBNP, and HbA~1c~ ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*A*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, LVEF and HbA~1c~ remained significantly associated with H/M ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n![", "Correlation between HbA~1c~ and early and late H/M ratio in HF patients with and without DM. *", "A*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and early H/M ratio in DM patients. *", "B*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and late H/M ratio in DM patients. *", "C*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and early H/M ratio in non-DM patients. *", "D*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and late H/M ratio in non-DM patients.](2395fig1){#F1}\n\nLate H/M ratio significantly correlated with age, LVEF, NT-proBNP, and HbA~1c~ ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*B*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only HbA~1c~ remained significantly associated with late H/M ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients without DM {#s12}\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the group of HF patients without DM, in univariate analysis, early H/M ratio significantly correlated with age, NYHA class, HF etiology, and NT-proBNP ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*C*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, none of these parameters remained a significant predictor of early H/M ratio ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nLate H/M ratio significantly correlated with the same variables associated with early H/M and, in addition, with GFR ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*D*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only NT-proBNP remained significantly associated with late H/M ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS {#s13}\n===========\n\nThe current study demonstrates that in DM patients with severe systolic HF, ^123^I MIBG cardiac uptake is significantly impaired compared with matched HF patients without DM and with DM patients without HF. ", "In addition, in HF patients, ^123^I MIBG uptake significantly correlates with metabolic control of DM over the last 1--2 months, as indicated by the inverse association between H/M ratios and HbA~1c~ levels.", "\n\nPrevious studies {#s14}\n----------------\n\nImpaired ^123^I MIBG cardiac uptake was previously reported in DM patients without structural heart disease ([@B12]) and in DM patients with silent myocardial ischemia ([@B11]). ", "In particular, Yufu et al. ([", "@B12]) recently demonstrated, in 108 subjects with type 2 DM but no cardiac diseases, that the ^123^I MIBG washout rate predicts major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events. ", "Moreover, Scholte et al. ([", "@B25]) reported that ^123^I MIBG imaging was able to detect cardiac neuropathy in DM patients before the development of signs of cardiac autonomic imbalance, such as heart rate variability, and proposed that ^123^I MIBG imaging may provide early prognostic information in these patients. ", "Mechanisms of reduced cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in DM patients without structural heart diseases are not completely understood and are presumably different from the mechanisms of reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients with DM. ", "Hyperinsulinemia exerts a sympathoexcitatory effect ([@B26]) that may lead to enhanced sympathetic tone and reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake in early stages of DM, whereas cardiac sympathetic denervation, demonstrated at postmortem studies, would be responsible for reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake in long-term diabetic patients with structural heart disease. ", "However, few clinical data are available on the impact of DM on cardiac sympathetic activity in patients with HF. ", "In fact, the only available data come from a recent retrospective analysis of the ADMIRE-HF trial ([@B16]). ", "In this analysis, Gerson et al. ([", "@B16]) compared 343 DM patients with 618 non-DM patients enrolled in the ADMIRE-HF study ([@B10]) and reported that HF patients with DM and ^123^I MIBG H/M ratio \\<1.68 had about threefold increased risk of HF progression compared with HF patients without DM and with H/M ratio \\<1.68. ", "It was also observed that DM patients in the ADMIRE-HF population showed significantly lower ^123^I MIBG H/M ratios (either early or late H/M) compared with non-DM patients. ", "At variance with our study, ^123^I MIBG washout rate was also significantly higher in DM compared with non-DM patients. ", "However, due to the retrospective design of that analysis, DM and non-DM patients were not matched for relevant characteristics that may have influenced the differences observed in ^123^I MIBG parameters. ", "In particular, DM patients had significantly worse clinical conditions and significantly less use of β-blockers and were significantly older than non-DM patients. ", "Since it has been reported that β-blocker therapy restores ^123^I MIBG uptake ([@B27]) and ^123^I MIBG uptake impairment correlates with the degree of clinical deterioration, it is difficult to dissect from the data of the ADMIRE-HF trial the distinct influence of DM on cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients.", "\n\nApart from the ADMIRE-HF data, no previous studies evaluated the impact of DM on cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in patients with overt HF, whereas an influence of DM on ^123^I MIBG uptake and an association with subclinical HF were previously observed ([@B28],[@B29]). ", "In fact, it was reported that DM patients with normal LV function at rest who developed contractile dysfunction during stress show more impaired ^123^I MIBG uptake compared with patients with a normal response to stress ([@B28],[@B29]).", "\n\nA provocative observation of the current study is the inverse correlation between HbA~1c~ and either early or late H/M, observed in the whole population and in the subgroup of DM patients but not in non-DM patients. ", "The strength of this association was supported by multivariate analysis that identified HbA~1c~ as the only significant predictor of late H/M ratio and as an independent predictor of early H/M ratio in the subgroup of DM patients. ", "To our knowledge, this observation is novel and, indeed, no such correlation was found in the ADMIRE-HF population ([@B10]). ", "However, consistent with our findings, in a previous study, Ziegler et al. ([", "@B30]) observed in a small series of 12 type 1 DM subjects followed up for 4 years that poor glycemic control, assessed by HbA~1c~, represents a determinant of cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake impairment that might be prevented by normoglycemia. ", "In our study, HbA~1c~ assessment and ^123^I MIBG imaging were obtained in the same day, which may explain the lack of correlation observed in the ADMIRE-HF populations. ", "Notably, MIBG uptake in diabetic and nondiabetic HF patients was significantly lower than that observed in diabetic patients with autonomic dysfunction and normal LV function, suggesting that autonomic dysfunction does not explain the impairment of MIBG uptake in HF diabetic patients. ", "These previous observations and the findings of the current study suggest a potential working hypothesis for future mechanistic studies aimed at assessing whether glycation directly affects the process of noradrenaline reuptake at synaptic level.", "\n\nLimitations {#s15}\n-----------\n\nThere are limitations of the study that need to be acknowledged. ", "The first is the relatively small number of patients, which makes our findings preliminary and warranting further confirmation. ", "However, the dispersion of data observed in the current study was of the same magnitude as that observed in the larger ADMIRE-HF population ([@B16]), as indicated by the similar coefficient of variations of H/M ratios in the two studies (data not shown). ", "The small number of patients may have prevented differences in the use of β-blockers and ACE inhibitors between DM and non-DM patients with HF to reach statistical significance. ", "However, both classes of drugs demonstrated to improve ^123^I MIBG uptake ([@B31]). ", "Thus, the higher percent of patients taking β-blockers and ACE inhibitors observed in the group of DM patients with HF may only have undermined the differences in H/M ratios observed in the current study. ", "In addition, no influence of type of drug on MIBG uptake was found in univariate analysis. ", "In the current study, ^123^I MIBG uptake was evaluated from planar images, and, therefore, the value of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) ^123^I MIBG imaging, reported in previous studies ([@B32]), remains to be investigated. ", "Likewise, although our findings were not influenced by wall motion score, lack of SPECT perfusion rest/stress data does not enable us to exclude the impact of myocardial necrosis or myocardial-inducible ischemia on our observations.", "\n\nIn patients affected by chronic, severe systolic HF, DM is associated with reduced cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake compared with non-DM patients and with DM patients without HF, and ^123^I MIBG uptake independently correlates with glycemic control over the last 1--2 months. ", "Additional pathophysiological studies are warranted to assess the biological relevance of these findings and their potential clinical implications for the management of diabetic HF patients.", "\n\nNo potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.", "\n\nS.P. and G.R. conceived, designed, and executed the research project and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. ", "G.P. designed and executed the research project and analyzed and interpreted data. ", "T.P., M.T., and A.B. executed the research project and acquired scintigraphy data. ", "G.S. analyzed data and performed statistical analysis. ", "G.D.F. executed the research project and analyzed data. ", "E.A. executed the research project and acquired data. ", "R.F. executed the research project and performed autonomic neuropathy tests. ", "L.P. executed the research project and performed autonomic neuropathy tests. ", "F.S. executed the research project and performed laboratory analysis. ", "G.G. executed the research project and reviewed and critiqued the manuscript. ", "D.L., B.T., and A.C. reviewed and critiqued the manuscript. ", "P.P.-F. conceived and designed the research project and reviewed and approved the final content of the manuscript. ", "P.P.-F. is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.", "\n\n[^1]: S.P. and G.R. contributed equally to this study.", "\n" ]
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[ "Analysis of neurogenesis and programmed cell death reveals a self-renewing capacity in the adult rat brain.", "\nThe adult central nervous system was thought to be very limited in its regenerative potential; however, the discovery that stem cell populations produce neurons in the adult brain highlights the dynamics of a previously assumed 'static' organ. ", "The continuous generation of new neurons in the adult brain, nevertheless, leads to the question of whether neurogenesis is counterbalanced by an accompanying cell death in the same regions. ", "The objective of this study was to stereologically analyze neurogenesis and programmed cell death in adult brain regions with known neurogenic activity. ", "Using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to identify newborn cells we find that within a few days of BrdU-labeling the adult dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb generate high numbers of newborn neurons. ", "More importantly, dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) reveals that areas of adult neurogenesis also contain high numbers of apoptotic cells. ", "We conclude that programmed cell death may have an important regulatory function by eliminating supernumerous cells from neurogenic regions and may thus contribute to a self-renewal mechanism in the adult mammalian brain." ]
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[ "Sunday, 28 February 2010\n\nI was very impressed by Withington MP John Leech's performance on the Politics Show this morning. ", "John discussed the importance of online campaigning locally and highlighted the massive Save Chorlton Meadows online campaign and the Save Ewing School as two issues where the Internet has helped local Lib Dems join with residents to fight to preserve and promote public services. ", "John also discussed the Lib Dems' commitment to abolish tuition fees.", "\n\nThe interview is available to watch online at: http://tiny.cc/JLonPSNW until 7 March.", "\n\nMonday, 22 February 2010\n\nAnother day of successful campaigning and talking to lots of local people. ", "Walking around Chorlton is a great way of picking up casework and things that need reporting to the Council. ", "For example this morning I noticed this damaged litter bin on Ransfield Road. ", "I've also noticed a great deal of potholes and poor road surfaces that the Council still needs to come and repair! ", "I will make sure to follow these things up Monday morning.", "\n\nIf you know of anything that needs the Council's attention please let me know at victor.libdem@ymail.com or 881 4139.", "\n\nSunday, 21 February 2010\n\nI've had an excellent couple of days of campaigning in Chorlton. ", "Yesterday we managed to deliver our leaflets to almost all of the ward in just one day. ", "And today has been a very encouraging and rewarding day of canvassing. ", "I'm especially grateful to the huge team of people who have come out to help us recently. ", "More and more people are telling us that they're planning to support the Lib Dems this time around and are coming out to help us.", "\n\nI have really enjoyed meeting lots of local residents and talking to them about local issues and their concerns; and I have picked up a lot of casework. ", "I'm very happy to help you out with any issues you might have. ", "Please email me at victor.libdem@ymail.com or ring me on 881 4139.", "\n\nWednesday, 17 February 2010\n\nI along with the Chorlton Lib Dem team have fought the car parking charges at Chorlton Precinct from the start. ", "The charges have significantly hurt traders anddiscouraged shoppers from coming to Chorlton. ", "During an economic downturn we need to be helping our local shops and their customers - not making it even harder for them.", "\n\nWhen I have been out talking to local people it is one of the big issues that keep reoccurring. ", "The team recently delivered an 800 strong petition to Parliament. ", "I will keep campaigning alongside my Lib Dem colleagues to abolish the charges.", "\n\nTuesday, 9 February 2010\n\nWithington MP John Leech hailed the beginning of construction of the Metrolink extension to south Manchester as a welcome milestone.", "\n\nHaving added his voice lobbying the Government to fund extensions to the Metrolink network since his election in 2005. ", "While visiting a site where construction has begun in Chorlton, he restated his strong support for the extension of the Metrolink to south Manchester, adding:\n\n\"I am so pleased that extension of the Metrolink is finally under way. ", "It will help tackle congestion across the area and bring new economic opportunities.\"", "\n\nI'm delighted Metrolink is coming to Chorlton. ", "It will be a big boost to Chorlton as it will massively improve people's choice in public transport, reduce traffic and help tackle air quality problems. ", "I really hope it will also benefit our local independent shops by bringing more people to Chorlton and reducing leakage. ", "Metrolink will also greatly improve Chorlton's connections to the rest of South Manchester.", "\n\nMonday, 8 February 2010\n\nI think this is excellent news, I believe Manchester residents should not have to worry about a rise in their Council Tax next year whilst we continue to fight the effects of the recession in the city. ", "This move will put more money back into local people’s pockets.", "\n\nMy colleague Cllr Paul Ankers said: “This is great news, the Council needs to be much more careful about how they spend tax payers’ money”\n\nLeader of the Liberal Democrats in Manchester Councillor Simon Ashley commented: \"Britain is the last of the major economies to come out of recession. ", "Liberal Democrats have argued nationally that the income tax threshold should be raised to make the tax system fairer at this testing time. ", "Not raising the Council Tax in Manchester, as Manchester Liberal Democrats have campaigned for throughout last year and into this year, represents a fairer deal for our residents and we will campaign now to see it implemented.\"", "\n\nWednesday, 3 February 2010\n\nThe report to the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee yesterday revealed that Chorlton has the second highest number of defective gullies in the City! ", "Out of the 3,200 gullies in Chorlton, 560 are defective and 237 have not been attended to by the Council.", "\n\nMany Chorlton residents have complained to me about the atrocious state of gullies along their Road. ", "The Council simply isn’t doing enough to prevent blockages which cause problems for local residents. ", "Many gullies have not been properly cleared or jetted by the Council; as a result they have become blocked and consequently can flood. ", "This makes it hard for people to walk along the pavement and for cyclists and motorists. ", "During the recent cold spell the flooding has frozen over and made huge ice puddles which are very dangerous to walk across. ", "The Council hasn’t inspected Chorlton’s gullies since last February and isn’t planning to inspect them again until next November! ", "Which makes it easy to see why our gullies are so bad.", "\n\nManchester City Council needs to do a lot more to help clear these gullies and prevent blockages in the future. ", "I will be working hard for local residents to make sure this happens. ", "I have already reported the defective gullies along High Lane, but if you know of any others please let me know and I will get them sorted out.", "\n\nTuesday, 2 February 2010\n\nI was shocked to read the story in Today's MEN (http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/1191135_420000_written_off_in_council_mixup) that Manchester City Council has overpaid £421,000 of local taxpayers money due to 'an accounting blunder'. ", "But what shocked me the most was how the Labour Deputy Leader of the Council seemed to shrug it off as insignificant and not worth claiming back.", "\n\nWhy is the Council happy to \"waive the overpayment\"? ", "Manchester has one of the highest levels of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion in the Country. ", "This money could be used to really benefit citizens, but Labour's incompetence means it has just been squandered. ", "In Chorlton this money would have made a huge difference to help improve the poor Leisure Centre or to try and clear our drains which are the second worst in the City.", "\n\nI am very pleased that the Manchester Liberal Democrats do not think this is acceptable behaviour and have asked the District Auditor to investigate this scandalous loss.", "\n\nMonday, 1 February 2010\n\nLocal Lib Dems have been looking into how much aviation contributes to our total Co2 output.", "\n\nIn 2003 the government published its Air Transport White Paper, which encouraged the UK's aviation industry to continuously expand its capacity to 2030 and beyond.", "\n\nIn 2008 the government passed its Climate Change Act, which included international aviation and shipping into its calculations of reducing our Co2 output by 80% of 1990 levels.", "\n\nA study, commissioned by the Government and conducted by Manchester Metropolitan University calculated two projections for the UK's international aviation emissions (http://randd.defra.gov.uk/Document.aspx?Document=GA01060_3754_FRP.pdf).", "\n\nIt concluded that if we allow our airports to expand in line with the 2003 white paper, then by 2050 international aviation will contribute between 86% and 128% of our total carbon budget. ", "If we were to take the average between these two projections, we would arrive at 107%.", "\n\nIf we were to continue on our present course of airport expansion, aviation alone would bust our carbon budget, leaving nothing left for the rest of the economy!", "\n\nI want the Prime Minister to explain how we hope to achieve our targets of Co2 reductions if we continue to expand airports such as Manchester, so my colleague, Cllr Martin Eakins, has created an 'e-petition' on the number 10 website calling for this.", "\n\nWe need 500 signatures by the 6th February to provoke an official response - so please join me in signing it and let other know: http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/aviation-growth/" ]
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[ "Čas glasovanja\nPredsednik\nNaslednja točka je glasovanje.", "\n(Rezultati in druge podrobnosti glasovanja: glej zapisnik.)", "\n\nAlain Hutchinson\n(FR) Gospod predsednik, oprostite, ne vem, v skladu s katerim členom poslovnika naj naslovim Parlament, vendar bi želel podati izjavo predsedstvu o trenutni situaciji v Parlamentu: spreminja se v nenehen cirkus, zaradi česar je zelo težko delati v miru, kadar si tu prizadevamo za resne stvari.", "\n(Aplavz)\nMenim, da je ta situacija včeraj zvečer dosegla svoj vrhunec, in predsedstvo bi prosil, naj ukrepa, da bi vzpostavilo mirno in resno ozračje v Parlamentu, ki mora biti zgled celotnemu svetu, in to mora biti resen Parlament, ne cirkus.", "\n(Aplavz)\nPredsednik\nMislim, gospod Hutchinson, da s tem menite različne prikaze na hodnikih in prehodih. ", "Veste, da so glede tega odgovorni kvestorji. ", "Seveda bomo posredovali vaše pripombe.", "\nPervenche Berès\n(FR) Gospod predsednik, tudi jaz bi imela pripombo glede miru in reda pri našem delu. ", "Naše zasedanje je včeraj popoldne zaznamoval izredno čustven dogodek, vendar pa je prekinitev dnevnega reda pomenila več kot dvourno preložitev govorov o tako pomembnih temah, kot je finančna kriza, kar je povsem zmotilo vrstni red govornikov. ", "To ne pomaga pri gladkem poteku stvari v Parlamentu.", "\nPredsednik\nV tem primeru bom vaše pripombe posredoval konferenci predsednikov in ne kvestorjem, saj je to telo, ki je odgovorno za takšne zadeve.", "\n" ]
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[ "Scientists are searching through a massive collection of 20-million-year-old amber found in the Dominican Republic more than 50 years ago, and the effort is yielding fresh insights into ancient tropical insects and the world they inhabited.", "\n\nWhen the collection is fully curated, a task that will take many years, it will be the largest unbiased Dominican amber collection in the world, the researchers report.", "\n\nPerhaps the most striking discovery thus far is that of a pygmy locust, a tiny grasshopper the size of a rose thorn that lived 18- to 20-million years ago and fed on moss, algae and fungi. ", "The specimen is remarkable because it represents an intermediate stage of evolution in the life of its subfamily of locusts (known as the Cladonotinae). ", "The most ancient representatives of this group had wings, while modern counterparts do not. ", "The newly discovered locust has what appear to be vestigial wings -- remnant structures that had already lost their primary function.", "\n\nThe discovery is reported in the journal ZooKeys.", "\n\n\"Grasshoppers are very rare in amber and this specimen is extraordinarily well-preserved,\" said Sam Heads, a paleontologist at the Illinois Natural History Survey, a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois.", "\n\nHeads, laboratory technician Jared Thomas and study co-author Yinan Wang found the new specimen a few months after the start of their project to screen more than 160 pounds of Dominican amber collected in the late 1950s by former INHS entomologist Milton Sanderson. ", "Sanderson described several specimens from the collection in a paper in Science in 1960, a report that inspired a generation of scientists to seek out and study Dominican amber, Heads said.", "\n\nadvertisement\n\nThe bulk of the Sanderson amber collection remained in storage, however, until Heads uncovered it in 2010.", "\n\nHeads has named the new pygmy locust Electrotettix attenboroughi, the genus name a combination of electrum (Latin from Greek, meaning \"amber\") and tettix (Greek, meaning \"grasshopper\"). ", "The species is named for Sir David Attenborough, a British naturalist and filmmaker (not to be confused with Richard Attenborough, David's actor brother who appeared in the movie \"Jurassic Park\").", "\n\n\"Sir David has a personal interest in amber, and also he was one of my childhood heroes and still is one of my heroes and so I decided to name the species in his honor -- with his permission of course,\" Heads said. (", "Attenborough narrates and appears in a new video about the Sanderson collection and the specimen that bears his name.)", "\n\nThe process of screening the amber is slow and painstaking. ", "Much of the amber is clouded with oxidation, and the researchers must carefully cut and polish \"windows\" in it to get a good look at what's inside. ", "In addition to the pygmy locust, Heads and his colleagues have found mating flies, stingless bees, gall midges, Azteca ants, wasps, bark beetles, mites, spiders, plant parts and even a mammal hair.", "\n\nThe pygmy locust was found in a fragment that also contained wasps, ants, midges, plant remnants and fungi. ", "Such associations are rich in information, Heads said, offering clues about the creatures' physiological needs and the nature of their habitat.", "\n\n\"Fossil insects can provide lots of insight into the evolution of specific traits and behaviors, and they also tell us about the history of the time period,\" Heads said. \"", "They're a tremendous resource for understanding the ancient world, ancient ecosystems and the ancient climate -- better even, perhaps, than dinosaur bones.\"", "\n\nThe National Science Foundation supports this work. ", "Heads and his colleagues are digitizing the best specimens, and will upload the images onto a publicly available website." ]
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[ "Takiguchi will build the consensus the village board needs\n\nOpinion\n\nTuesday, March 15th, 2005 10:00 PM\n\nShare on Facebook\n\nShare on Twitter\n\nEmail\n\nPrint\n\nThe Village of Oak Park desperately needs consensus-building leadership at the village board. ", "Candidate Mas Takiguchi has the skills and track record of coalition building and working with all parties to bring positive solutions. ", "He has demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues that face this village?#34;commercial development, affordable housing, village finances and tax policy. ", "His practical, common-sense, approach will keep Oak Park on track. ", "Elect Mas Takiguchi to Village Trustee and put Oak Park First!" ]
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[ "FINAT Biennial Technical Seminar 2012\n\nFINAT, the international association for the self-adhesive label industry announces the detailed programme of its biennial technical seminar with central theme: \"Self-adhesive labels and their future vs. alternative technologies - Evolution or Extinction\". ", "This year's edition, which is now open for registration, will again take place at the Fira Palace Hotel, Barcelona (Spain) from 7 - 9 March 2012.", "\n\nThe Technical Seminar is always a well attended and much appreciated learning and networking opportunity. ", "It is targeted at all levels of the technical community from R&D or production to technical and operational directors in the self-adhesive label industry. ", "This year's programme brings a well balanced mix of international speakers and topics related to the developments and trends in the technology, in changing market use, and environmental issues. ", "The seminar provides for simultaneous translation in Spanish, German, French and Italian.", "\n\n\"We are pleased and take pride in being able to celebrate the 20th edition of FINAT's Technical Seminar this year,\" says Kurt Walker, FINAT President. \"", "It demonstrates our members' continued need for updates on our industry that can help them in making their business stronger and more professional.", "\n\nOn March 9th, during the Technical Seminar, FINAT's Young Managers Club (YMC) meets for an informative session on \"How to effectively communicate innovations to customers\". \"", "The Technical Seminar offers us a perfect ‘back-to-back' opportunity to bring together the incoming generation of business leaders. ", "The Seminar itself covers the technology of the future for our sector, our session will cover another angle of business innovation,\" says Francesc Egea, of IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, Spain and chairman of YMC.", "\n\nA fully packed Technical Seminar programme 2012\n\nAfter the welcoming activities on Wednesday, the seminar starts on\n\nThursday, 8 March\n\n09.00 – 09.10 Opening of the seminar and short FINAT introduction by Kurt Walker, FINAT President (CH)" ]
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[ "Freshman Application Process\n\n1\n\nStep 1\n\nComplete the Common Application\n\nComplete and submit the Common Application online. ", "Please make sure that you are using the same email address for every part of the application process, this also includes signing up for standardized tests.", "\n\nThe essay portion of the application provides an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their ability to write clearly and concisely and develop and communicate their thoughts. ", "Applicants will choose one of five specific prompts and write an essay of 250 to 650 words. ", "Detailed instructions can be found in the Common Application.", "\n\nPlease note: Your application is not complete and your application cannot be reviewed until all required forms are received. ", "Your $70 non-refundable application fee can be paid when you submit the Common Application.", "\n\nOnce you submit your application, it will take approximately three days for the Office of Undergraduate Admission to receive and begin reviewing it. ", "Please allow them several weeks from the application deadline to process your documents and post them in CaneLink. ", "During the busy application period, CaneLink is your best resource, as they are continually updating students' applications and documents.", "\n\n2\n\nStep 2\n\nSend Official Transcripts\n\nThe University of Miami only accepts transcripts coming directly from the high school or college as official.", "\nPlease have your high school or college (if applicable) submit official transcripts/supporting documents by mail or electronically to:\n\nBy Email (send all documents here):\n\nStep 3\n\nSend Official Test Scores\n\nAll testing must be completed by November for Early Decision I and Early Action applicants and all testing must be completed by December for Early Decision II and Regular Decision applicants.", "\n\nTest scores will only be accepted if they are submitted directly from the testing agency. ", "If you take the test more than once, please ensure that the testing agency sends all of your scores so that we have your best performance on record. ", "The Admission Committee will consider all official test scores from multiple test dates. ", "The Office of Undergraduate Admission will use the highest composite score from among each test that you’ve taken. ", "This is called super scoring. ", "There is no limit to the number of test scores you may submit to us for your application.", "\n\nThe Office of Undergraduate Admission considers only the critical reading and math sections of the SAT for admission. ", "SAT or ACT writing and essay sections are used for course placement and are required. ", "SAT Subject Tests in math and one science (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics) are required for the Dual-Degree Program in Medicine and Biochemistry/Molecular Biology.", "\n\nBeginning in Spring 2016, applicants may submit scores from either the current or redesigned SAT. ", "Students who take both tests will be evaluated on their best score. ", "The Office of Undergraduate Admission will continue to superscore the SAT, but will only combine scores from like tests (in other words, they will not combine a student’s best score from the redesigned SAT with the best score from the old SAT). ", "A concordance table is used to determined your highest composite score between tests.", "\n\nSAT Code: 5815\n\nACT Code: 0760\n\n4\n\nStep 4\n\nComplete the School Report\n\nThe School Report should be completed by the applicant’s high school guidance counselor and can be found on the Common Application website. ", "It is typically submitted along with the applicant's high school transcript and a school profile.", "\n\n5\n\nStep 5\n\nLetter of Recommendation\n\nA letter of recommendation is required from your high school guidance counselor. ", "An additional Teacher Evaluation/letter of recommendation is optional and can be submitted online through the Common Application's Teacher Evaluation form or mailed to:\n\nBy Mail\n\nIf being sent by FedEx, DHL, UPS or Courier:\nUniversity of Miami\nOffice of Undergraduate Admission\n1204 Dickinson Drive\nRhodes House Suite 37-L\nCoral Gables, FL 33146\n\n6\n\nStep 6\n\nCheck Your Application Status\n\nAfter submitting your application, please allow 3-4 business days for the University of Miami to receive it. ", "Upon receipt, the Office of Undergraduate Admission will send you an acknowledgement email containing your CaneID and instructions about how to log in to CaneLink. ", "CaneLink is your UM portal for tracking application materials and viewing your admission decision.", "\n\nQuestions?", "\n\nPlease allow several weeks from the application deadline to process your documents and post them in CaneLink. ", "During the busy application period, CaneLink is your best resource, as we are continually updating students' applications and documents.", "\nIf you have any questions about the application process, visit the Undergraduate Admission contact us page." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005433824262581766, 0.0005173619720153511, 0.0005122583825141191, 0.0005950913182459772, 0.0005329636042006314, 0.0007012488786131144, 0.0010611650068312883, 0.000591539777815342, 0.0005214267875999212, 0.000549731426872313, 0.000611376715824008, 0.0005162766901776195, 0.0005258684395812452, 0.0005424168193712831, 0.0005428877775557339, 0.0006374302320182323, 0.0008425961132161319, 0.0005892657791264355, 0.0006357008824124932, 0.0006385426386259496, 0.0006450775545090437, 0.0005461835535243154, 0.0005880931857973337, 0.0006362946005538106, 0.0006840992718935013, 0.0005896391230635345, 0.0005292824353091419, 0.0005638956790789962, 0.0005244036437943578, 0.0006333463243208826, 0.0006204028031788766, 0.000743263924960047, 0.0005306949024088681, 0.0005404810071922839, 0.0005432430771179497 ]
[ "Wife tried to snap a pic of our 5yo running towards her on the pier. ", "He was too focused on his juicebox and didn't see the stainless steel fishing table." ]
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[ 0.001738964463584125, 0.0007020968478173018 ]
[ "Q:\n\nBitlocker on non-TPM board: how to change startup option?", "\n\nWhen I initially encrypted my OS drive, and BitLocker asked me how I wanted to unlock my drive at startup, I chose \"Enter a password\".", "\nNow I'm wondering if I can change that to USB drive. ", "I've been searching around without any results.", "\nI've tried right-click on drive > \"Manage BitLocker\" > \"Backup recovery key to usb drive\"\nThen left the usb drive in the machine in the hopes that it would read the text file. ", "This doesn't seem to work.", "\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can add different types of key to the bitlocker volume. ", "The Windows GUI is limited. ", "\nAlso the terminology is somewhat confusing and ambiguous. (", "External Key file, recovery key, recovery file, recovery key within a recovery txt file. ", "Just be aware of the different key-commands and double check your expectations.)", "\nPlease open this in a new tab, it may provide some insights. ", "\nManage-bde -protectors C: -add /?", "\n\nYou will have to update the command to your needs. ", "Please understand the difference between a recovery .txt document with numbers and an actual key file. (*", ".bek) (\"External Key file\")\nmanage-bde -protectors C: -add -StartupKey F:\n\nF: is USB drive. ", "\nIf the system detects the USB stick, it will not ask for a password and simply boot. ", "\nSide note\nYou might want to enable legacy usb in the bios if your USB stick is not detected at all. ", "You can check if you ask for the F8 boot menu. ", "The USB stick should be listed there. ", "\nYou may delete the password protector after you have successfully booted up from your USB stick in several ports. (", "Test is; hubs may misbehave.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007714626844972372, 0.00070029660128057, 0.0008261828334070742, 0.0006272861501201987, 0.0006564563955180347, 0.0011967100435867906, 0.000795641215518117, 0.0008927065064199269, 0.0006641180953010917, 0.0005439166561700404, 0.0006705556297674775, 0.0005703469505533576, 0.0005231854156590998, 0.0007355405832640827, 0.0009263022220693529, 0.0005643803742714226, 0.0008205760968849063, 0.0013108834391459823, 0.000748173741158098, 0.0006760222604498267, 0.0005875116330571473, 0.0009084467892535031, 0.0019074431620538235, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "I have always loved orchids!I was fortunate in having room in our basement to build a \"green room\" which in turn gave me the opportunity to begin collecting orchids soon after we moved to Lake Monticello in 2006. ", "I actually began buying orchids in 2008 and have been adding to my collection ever since. ", "As of early 2012 I have a little over 100 plants. ", "They range from the more common supermarket variety called phaleanopsis to the more exotic . ", "I keep my orchids in the green room during the winter and move them to the outdoors in the summer. ", "One day I was in a Koeger grocery store in Charlottesville and noticed several orchid plants in a trash can. ", "I asked the flower lady what was going to happen to the plants and she said they were heading for the trash heap because they were no longer blooming. ", "Not wanting to see perfectly good plants making the sad journey to orchid heaven, I asked if I could have the plants. ", "She replied that she couldn't give them to me but she could sell them for $2 each. ", "I agreed and that gave me the opportunity of jump starting my collection. ", "As it turned out, the plants have been some of my best bloomers.", "I belong to the Charlottesville Orchid Society (CHAOS) and have made many new friends with like interests. ", "Many of the plants that I own have come from my fellow CHAOS members. ", "Enjoy this journey through the magical and mystical world of orchids." ]
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[ 0.0005995712708681822, 0.000651983660645783, 0.0005678106681443751, 0.0006393681396730244, 0.0007047500694170594, 0.0025066505186259747, 0.00327851390466094, 0.0005540786660276353, 0.0008075693622231483, 0.0006363012362271547, 0.0005504608270712197, 0.0005550805944949389, 0.0006299222004599869, 0.0005471915937960148 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to find out how many rows and columns to read from an Excel file with PHPExcel?", "\n\nWith the following code, I am able to read the cells out of an Excel file with PHPExcel.", "\nI currently manually define how many rows and columns to read.", "\nIs there a way that PHPExcel can tell me how many rows and columns I have to read to get all the data out of the worksheet, e.g. even if some rows and columns are left blank?", "\n$file_name = htmlentities($_POST['file_name']);\n$sheet_name = htmlentities($_POST['sheet_name']);\n$number_of_columns = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_columns']);\n$number_of_rows = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_rows']);\n\n$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n$objReader->setLoadSheetsOnly(array($sheet_name));\n$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);\n$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n\necho '<table border=\"1\">';\nfor ($row = 1; $row < $number_of_rows; $row++) {\n echo '<tr>';\n for ($column = 0; $column < $number_of_columns; $column++) {\n $value = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getCellByColumnAndRow($column, $row)->getValue();\n echo '<td>';\n echo $value . '&", "nbsp;';\n echo '</td>';\n }\n echo '</tr>';\n}\necho '</table>';\n\nSolution:\nThanks, Mark, here's the full solution with those functions:\n$file_name = htmlentities($_POST['file_name']);\n$sheet_name = htmlentities($_POST['sheet_name']);\n$number_of_columns = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_columns']);\n$number_of_rows = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_rows']);\n\n$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n$objReader->setLoadSheetsOnly(array($sheet_name));\n$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);\n\n$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n\n$highestColumm = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestColumn();\n$highestRow = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestRow();\n\necho 'getHighestColumn() = [' . ", "$highestColumm . ']", "<br/>';\necho 'getHighestRow() = [' . ", "$highestRow . ']", "<br/>';\n\necho '<table border=\"1\">';\nforeach ($objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getRowIterator() as $row) {\n $cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();\n $cellIterator->setIterateOnlyExistingCells(false);\n echo '<tr>';\n foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {\n if (!", "is_null($cell)) {\n $value = $cell->getCalculatedValue();\n echo '<td>';\n echo $value . '&", "nbsp;';\n echo '</td>';\n }\n }\n echo '</tr>';\n}\necho '</table>';\n\nA:\n\n$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestColumn();\n\nand\n$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestRow();\n\nor\n$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->calculateWorksheetDimension();\n\nwhich returns a range as a string like A1:AC2048\nalthough trailing blank rows and columns are included in these.", "\nEDIT\nor you can use the iterators to loop through the existing rows and columns to get each cell within the worksheets used range. ", "See /Tests/28iterator.php in the production distribution for an example. ", "The iterators can be set to ignore blanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom the 1.7.6 and below PHPExcel versions it is possible to get worksheet information without reading whole file:\n$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader(\"Excel2007\"); \n$worksheetData = $objReader->listWorksheetInfo($uploadedfile);\n$totalRows = $worksheetData[0]['totalRows'];\n$totalColumns = $worksheetData[0]['totalColumns'];\n\n" ]
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[ "Statistics\n\nWhat he does remember is that he's always been able to run at blazing speeds, even if he's never really been sure how or why he can. ", "It's how he'd gotten his name, after all. ", "And he remembers Longclaw, in a sort of hazy, childhood memory sort of way. ", "He remembers the kindness in her eyes, and how she'd always looked after him.", "\n\nSonic also remembers their final day together, when he'd made the mistake of using his powers out in the open. ", "He was only a child at the time, and yet a part of him thinks he should have known better. ", "He should have listened to Longclaw and followed her warnings. ", "He'd put them both in danger and been forced to flee to another dimension so far removed from what he was familiar with.", "\n\nThat was ten years ago.", "\n\nThings are different now. ", "Sonic's powers may still be more or less a mystery to him, but he feels like he has more control. ", "His electric outbursts have become less frequent and he has to admit he's pretty proud of that, considering the first time it happened it got him into a lot of trouble.", "\n\nStill, all that trouble amounted to something good, didn't it?", "\n\nAll those years he'd spent in isolation, watching the world from afar, wishing he didn't have to hide. ", "It was finally over. ", "The journey was difficult and frightening, but he'd learned to no longer fear himself and what he was capable of, but instead harness it to protect his friends. ", "Friends. ", "Not just friends, but his family. ", "That's all he wanted.", "\n\nSonic finally felt like he was home.", "\n\n♢♢♢\n\ncredits:\n\nFan pet of Sonic the Hedgehog.", "Overlay art and story by me.", "Background from Sonic The Hedgehog 2.Profile template by kenny." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005774879246018827, 0.0009167568641714752, 0.0006666368572041392, 0.0005929857143200934, 0.000771957216784358, 0.0028131597209721804, 0.0010744126047939062, 0.001123692374676466, 0.0008126008906401694, 0.0006351969786919653, 0.0007170953322201967, 0.0008745947270654142, 0.0006861380534246564, 0.0009519373998045921, 0.001592940534465015, 0.0006268342840485275, 0.0007171861943788826, 0.0007556550553999841, 0.0010991451563313603, 0.0009306658757850528, 0.0009644796955399215, 0.0005836602649651468, 0.0007039086776785553 ]
[ "Enaptin, a giant actin-binding protein, is an element of the nuclear membrane and the actin cytoskeleton.", "\nEnaptin belongs to a family of recently identified giant proteins that associate with the F-actin cytoskeleton as well as the nuclear membrane. ", "It is composed of an N-terminal alpha-actinin type actin-binding domain (ABD) followed by a long coiled coil rod and a transmembrane domain at the C-terminus. ", "The ABD binds to F-actin in vivo and in vitro and leads to bundle formation. ", "The human Enaptin gene spreads over 515 kb and gives rise to several splicing isoforms (Nesprin-1, Myne-1, Syne-1, CPG2). ", "The longest assembled cDNA encompasses 27,669 bp and predicts a 1014 kDa protein. ", "Antibodies against the ABD of Enaptin localise the protein at F-actin-rich structures throughout the cell and in focal contacts as well as at the nuclear envelope. ", "In COS7 cells, the protein is also present within the nuclear compartment. ", "With the discovery of the actin-binding properties of Enaptin and the highly homologous Nuance, we define a family of proteins that integrate the cytoskeleton with the nucleoskeleton." ]
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[ 0.002450928557664156, 0.00104754779022187, 0.0007635582005605102, 0.0007837117300368845, 0.0007098391652107239, 0.000610927352681756, 0.0007220091065391898, 0.0006948995869606733, 0.0006668653222732246 ]
[ ";\r\n; ^C status routines for MSDOS\r\n;\r\n\r\nINCLUDE DOSSEG.ASM\r\n\r\nCODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CODE'\r\n ASSUME SS:DOSGROUP,CS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\n.xlist\r\n.xcref\r\nINCLUDE DOSSYM.ASM\r\nINCLUDE DEVSYM.ASM\r\n.cref\r\n.list\r\n\r\n i_need DevIOBuf,BYTE\r\n i_need DidCTRLC,BYTE\r\n i_need INDOS,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTCOM,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTCALL,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTST,WORD\r\n i_need BCON,DWORD\r\n i_need DSKCHRET,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTCNT,WORD\r\n i_need IDLEINT,BYTE\r\n i_need CONSWAP,BYTE\r\n i_need user_SS,WORD\r\n i_need user_SP,WORD\r\n i_need ERRORMODE,BYTE\r\n i_need ConC_spSave,WORD\r\n i_need Exit_type,BYTE\r\n i_need PFLAG,BYTE\r\n i_need ExitHold,DWORD\r\n i_need WPErr,BYTE\r\n i_need ReadOp,BYTE\r\n i_need CONTSTK,WORD\r\n i_need Exit_Code,WORD\r\n i_need CurrentPDB,WORD\r\n i_need DIVMES,BYTE\r\n i_need DivMesLen,BYTE\r\n\r\nSUBTTL Checks for ^C in CON I/O\r\nPAGE\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING\r\n\r\n procedure DSKSTATCHK,NEAR ; Check for ^C if only one level in\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [INDOS],1\r\n retnz ; Do NOTHING\r\n PUSH CX\r\n PUSH ES\r\n PUSH BX\r\n PUSH DS\r\n PUSH SI\r\n PUSH CS\r\n POP ES\r\n PUSH CS\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n XOR CX,CX\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCOM],DEVRDND\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCALL],DRDNDHL\r\n MOV [DSKSTST],CX\r\n MOV BX,OFFSET DOSGROUP:DSKSTCALL\r\n LDS SI,[BCON]\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n invoke DEVIOCALL2\r\n TEST [DSKSTST],STBUI\r\n JNZ ZRET ; No characters available\r\n MOV AL,BYTE PTR [DSKCHRET]\r\nDSK1:\r\n CMP AL,\"C\"-\"@\"\r\n JNZ RET36\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCOM],DEVRD\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCALL],DRDWRHL\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKCHRET],CL\r\n MOV [DSKSTST],CX\r\n INC CX\r\n MOV [DSKSTCNT],CX\r\n invoke DEVIOCALL2 ; Eat the ^C\r\n POP SI\r\n POP DS\r\n POP BX ; Clean stack\r\n POP ES\r\n POP CX\r\n JMP SHORT CNTCHAND\r\n\r\nZRET:\r\n XOR AL,AL ; Set zero\r\nRET36:\r\n POP SI\r\n POP DS\r\n POP BX\r\n POP ES\r\n POP CX\r\n return\r\n\r\nNOSTOP:\r\n CMP AL,\"P\"-\"@\"\r\n JZ INCHK\r\n\r\n IF NOT TOGLPRN\r\n CMP AL,\"N\"-\"@\"\r\n JZ INCHK\r\n ENDIF\r\n\r\n CMP AL,\"C\"-\"@\"\r\n JZ INCHK\r\n return\r\nDSKSTATCHK ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure SPOOLINT,NEAR\r\n PUSHF\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [IDLEINT],0\r\n JZ POPFRET\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0\r\n JNZ POPFRET ;No spool ints in error mode\r\n INT int_spooler\r\nPOPFRET:\r\n POPF\r\nRET18: return\r\nSPOOLINT ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure STATCHK,NEAR\r\n\r\n invoke DSKSTATCHK ; Allows ^C to be detected under\r\n ; input redirection\r\n PUSH BX\r\n XOR BX,BX\r\n invoke GET_IO_FCB\r\n POP BX\r\n JC RET18\r\n MOV AH,1\r\n invoke IOFUNC\r\n JZ SPOOLINT\r\n CMP AL,'S'-'@'\r\n JNZ NOSTOP\r\n XOR AH,AH\r\n invoke IOFUNC ; Eat Cntrl-S\r\n JMP SHORT PAUSOSTRT\r\nPRINTOFF:\r\nPRINTON:\r\n NOT BYTE PTR [PFLAG]\r\n return\r\n\r\nPAUSOLP:\r\n CALL SPOOLINT\r\nPAUSOSTRT:\r\n MOV AH,1\r\n invoke IOFUNC\r\n JZ PAUSOLP\r\nINCHK:\r\n PUSH BX\r\n XOR BX,BX\r\n invoke GET_IO_FCB\r\n POP BX\r\n JC RET18\r\n XOR AH,AH\r\n invoke IOFUNC\r\n CMP AL,'P'-'@'\r\n JZ PRINTON\r\n IF NOT TOGLPRN\r\n CMP AL,'N'-'@'\r\n JZ PRINTOFF\r\n ENDIF\r\n CMP AL,'C'-'@'\r\n retnz\r\nSTATCHK ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure CNTCHAND,NEAR\r\n; Ctrl-C handler.", "\r\n; \"^C\" and CR/LF is printed. ", " Then the user registers are restored and\r\n; the user CTRL-C handler is executed. ", " At this point the top of the stack\r\n; has 1) the interrupt return address should the user CTRL-C handler wish\r\n; to allow processing to continue; 2) the original interrupt return address\r\n; to the code that performed the function call in the first place. ", " If\r\n; the user CTRL-C handler wishes to continue, it must leave all registers\r\n; unchanged and RET (not IRET) with carry CLEAR. ", " If carry is SET then\r\n; an terminate system call is simulated.", "\r\n MOV AL,3 ; Display \"^C\"\r\n invoke BUFOUT\r\n invoke CRLF\r\n PUSH SS\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [CONSWAP],0\r\n JZ NOSWAP\r\n invoke SWAPBACK\r\nNOSWAP:\r\n CLI ; Prepare to play with stack\r\n MOV SP,[user_SP]\r\n MOV SS,[user_SS] ; User stack now restored\r\nASSUME SS:NOTHING\r\n invoke restore_world ; User registers now restored\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [INDOS],0 ; Go to known state\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0\r\n MOV [ConC_spsave],SP ; save his SP\r\n INT int_ctrl_c ; Execute user Ctrl-C handler\r\n MOV [user_SS],AX ; save the AX\r\n PUSHF ; and the flags (maybe new call)\r\n POP AX\r\n CMP SP,[ConC_spsave]\r\n JNZ ctrlc_try_new ; new syscall maybe?", "\r\nctrlc_repeat:\r\n MOV AX,[user_SS] ; no...\r\n transfer COMMAND ; Repeat command otherwise\r\n\r\nctrlc_try_new:\r\n SUB [ConC_spsave],2 ; Are there flags on the stack?", "\r\n CMP SP,[ConC_spsave]\r\n JZ ctrlc_new ; yes, new system call\r\n\r\nctrlc_abort:\r\n MOV AX,(EXIT SHL 8) + 0\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DidCTRLC],0FFh\r\n\r\n transfer COMMAND ; give up by faking $EXIT\r\n\r\nctrlc_new:\r\n PUSH AX\r\n POPF\r\n POP [user_SS]\r\n JNC ctrlc_repeat ; repeat operation\r\n JMP ctrlc_abort ; indicate ^ced\r\n\r\nCNTCHAND ENDP\r\n\r\nSUBTTL DIVISION OVERFLOW INTERRUPT\r\nPAGE\r\n; Default handler for division overflow trap\r\n procedure DIVOV,NEAR\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:NOTHING\r\n MOV SI,OFFSET DOSGROUP:DIVMES\r\n CALL RealDivOv\r\n JMP ctrlc_abort ; Use Ctrl-C abort on divide overflow\r\nDIVOV ENDP\r\n\r\n;\r\n; RealDivOv: perform actual divide overflow stuff.", "\r\n; Inputs: none\r\n; Outputs: message to BCON\r\n;\r\n procedure RealDivOv,NEAR ; Do divide overflow and clock process\r\n\r\n PUSH CS ; get ES addressability\r\n POP ES\r\n\r\n PUSH CS ; get DS addressability\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DskStCom],DevWrt\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DskStCall],DRdWrHL\r\n MOV [DskSTST],0\r\n MOV BL,[DivMesLen]\r\n XOR BH,BH\r\n MOV [DskStCnt],BX\r\n MOV BX,OFFSET DOSGROUP:DskStCall\r\n MOV WORD PTR [DskChRet+1],SI ; transfer address (need an EQU)\r\n LDS SI,[BCON]\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n invoke DEVIOCALL2\r\n MOV WORD PTR [DskChRet+1],OFFSET DOSGROUP:DevIOBuf\r\n MOV [DskStCnt],1\r\n return\r\nRealDivOv ENDP\r\n\r\nSUBTTL CHARHRD,HARDERR,ERROR -- HANDLE DISK ERRORS AND RETURN TO USER\r\nPAGE\r\n procedure CHARHARD,NEAR\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\n; Character device error handler\r\n; Same function as HARDERR\r\n\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2],ES\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD],BP\r\n PUSH SI\r\n AND DI,STECODE\r\n MOV BP,DS ;Device pointer is BP:SI\r\n CALL FATALC\r\n POP SI\r\n return\r\nCHARHARD ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure HardErr,NEAR\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING\r\n\r\n; Hard disk error handler. ", "Entry conditions:\r\n; DS:BX = Original disk transfer address\r\n; DX = Original logical sector number\r\n; CX = Number of sectors to go (first one gave the error)\r\n; AX = Hardware error code\r\n; DI = Original sector transfer count\r\n; ES:BP = Base of drive parameters\r\n; [READOP] = 0 for read, 1 for write\r\n ;\r\n XCHG AX,DI ; Error code in DI, count in AX\r\n AND DI,STECODE ; And off status bits\r\n CMP DI,WRECODE ; Write Protect Error?", "\r\n JNZ NOSETWRPERR\r\n PUSH AX\r\n MOV AL,ES:[BP.dpb_drive]\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [WPERR],AL ; Flag drive with WP error\r\n POP AX\r\nNOSETWRPERR:\r\n SUB AX,CX ; Number of sectors successfully transferred\r\n ADD DX,AX ; First sector number to retry\r\n PUSH DX\r\n MUL ES:[BP.dpb_sector_size] ; Number of bytes transferred\r\n POP DX\r\n ADD BX,AX ; First address for retry\r\n XOR AH,AH ; Flag disk section in error\r\n CMP DX,ES:[BP.dpb_first_FAT] ; In reserved area?", "\r\n JB ERRINT\r\n INC AH ; Flag for FAT\r\n CMP DX,ES:[BP.dpb_dir_sector] ; In FAT?", "\r\n JB ERRINT\r\n INC AH\r\n CMP DX,ES:[BP.dpb_first_sector] ; In directory?", "\r\n JB ERRINT\r\n INC AH ; Must be in data area\r\nERRINT:\r\n SHL AH,1 ; Make room for read/write bit\r\n OR AH,BYTE PTR [READOP]\r\n entry FATAL\r\n MOV AL,ES:[BP.dpb_drive] ; Get drive number\r\n entry FATAL1\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2],ES\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD],BP ; The only things we preserve\r\n LES SI,ES:[BP.dpb_driver_addr]\r\n MOV BP,ES ; BP:SI points to the device involved\r\nFATALC:\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0\r\n JNZ SETIGN ; No INT 24s if already INT 24\r\n MOV [CONTSTK],SP\r\n PUSH SS\r\n POP ES\r\nASSUME ES:DOSGROUP\r\n CLI ; Prepare to play with stack\r\n INC BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE] ; Flag INT 24 in progress\r\n DEC BYTE PTR [INDOS] ; INT 24 handler might not return\r\n MOV SS,[user_SS]\r\nASSUME SS:NOTHING\r\n MOV SP,ES:[user_SP] ; User stack pointer restored\r\n INT int_fatal_abort ; Fatal error interrupt vector, must preserve ES\r\n MOV ES:[user_SP],SP ; restore our stack\r\n MOV ES:[user_SS],SS\r\n MOV SP,ES\r\n MOV SS,SP\r\nASSUME SS:DOSGROUP\r\n MOV SP,[CONTSTK]\r\n INC BYTE PTR [INDOS] ; Back in the DOS\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0 ; Back from INT 24\r\n STI\r\nIGNRET:\r\n LES BP,[EXITHOLD]\r\nASSUME ES:NOTHING\r\n CMP AL,2\r\n JZ error_abort\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [WPERR],-1 ;Forget about WP error\r\n return\r\n\r\nSETIGN:\r\n XOR AL,AL ;Flag ignore\r\n JMP SHORT IGNRET\r\n\r\nerror_abort:\r\n PUSH SS\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [CONSWAP],0\r\n JZ NOSWAP2\r\n invoke SWAPBACK\r\nNOSWAP2:\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [exit_Type],Exit_hard_error\r\n MOV DS,[CurrentPDB]\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n\r\n;\r\n; reset_environment checks the DS value against the CurrentPDB. ", " If they\r\n; are different, then an old-style return is performed. ", " If they are\r\n; the same, then we release jfns and restore to parent. ", " We still use\r\n; the PDB at DS:0 as the source of the terminate addresses.", "\r\n;\r\n; output: none.", "\r\n;\r\n entry reset_environment\r\n ASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING\r\n PUSH DS ; save PDB of process\r\n\r\n MOV AL,int_Terminate\r\n invoke $Get_interrupt_vector ; and who to go to\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2],ES ; save return address\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD],BX\r\n\r\n MOV BX,[CurrentPDB] ; get current process\r\n MOV DS,BX ;\r\n MOV AX,DS:[PDB_Parent_PID] ; get parent to return to\r\n POP CX\r\n;\r\n; AX = parentPDB, BX = CurrentPDB, CX = ThisPDB\r\n; Only free handles if AX <> BX and BX = CX and [exit_code].upper is not\r\n; Exit_keep_process\r\n;\r\n CMP AX,BX\r\n JZ reset_return ; parentPDB = CurrentPDB\r\n CMP BX,CX\r\n JNZ reset_return ; CurrentPDB <> ThisPDB\r\n PUSH AX ; save parent\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [exit_type],Exit_keep_process\r\n JZ reset_to_parent ; keeping this process\r\n\r\n invoke arena_free_process\r\n\r\n ; reset environment at [CurrentPDB]; close those handles\r\n MOV CX,FilPerProc\r\n\r\nreset_free_jfn:\r\n MOV BX,CX\r\n PUSH CX\r\n DEC BX ; get jfn\r\n invoke $CLOSE ; close it, ignore return\r\n POP CX\r\n LOOP reset_free_jfn ; and do 'em all\r\n\r\nreset_to_parent:\r\n POP [CurrentPDB] ; set up process as parent\r\n\r\nreset_return: ; come here for normal return\r\n PUSH CS\r\n POP DS\r\n ASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n MOV AL,-1\r\n invoke FLUSHBUF ; make sure that everything is clean\r\n\r\n CLI\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [INDOS],0 ;Go to known state\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [WPERR],-1 ;Forget about WP error\r\n;\r\n; Snake into multitasking... Get stack from CurrentPDB person\r\n;\r\n MOV DS,[CurrentPDB]\r\n ASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n MOV SS,WORD PTR DS:[PDB_user_stack+2]\r\n MOV SP,WORD PTR DS:[PDB_user_stack]\r\n\r\n ASSUME SS:NOTHING\r\n invoke restore_world\r\n ASSUME ES:NOTHING\r\n POP AX ; suck off CS:IP of interrupt...\r\n POP AX\r\n POP AX\r\n MOV AX,0F202h ; STI\r\n PUSH AX\r\n PUSH WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2]\r\n PUSH WORD PTR [EXITHOLD]\r\n STI\r\n IRET ; Long return back to user terminate address\r\nHardErr ENDP\r\n\r\n ASSUME SS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\ndo_ext\r\n\r\nCODE ENDS\r\n END\r\n" ]
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[ "Hello Minimally Minimal fans,\n\nI am happy to reveal ichelleim.com, something my wife and I have been working on for quite some time now. ", "It's a site where we will be sharing our thoughts, work and more. ", "We decided to create it because it was something we wanted to read ourselves. ", "On the site today, you'll find felt, a limited edition book that will go on sale very soon, and a small sampling of the types of content you can expect to see more of, like a concept drone. ", "I will no longer be updating Minimally Minimal from now on to focus on our new venture.", "\n\nThank you for all the support so far.", "\n\nichelle im" ]
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[ "Eats\n\nVegan/Veggie Recipes\n\nMy Favorite Shops\n\nThursday, July 14, 2011\n\nOut with the Boho, in with the Mod.", "\n\nI don't know about you but I'm really in need of a change. ", "It seems that for most of the 'aughts the overwhelming trend on the runways and alleyways -from cites to small towns- has been a 70's inspired Boho look. ", "Ok sure, I was down with it at first, and on some days when I've had ah a bit too many sweets or too many consecutive take out meals, slipping on a loose tunic and leg lengthening clogs seems about the most sane thing to do - yet, the whole thing is also a bit lazy... yeah I know the lovers of all things bohemian are going to come down on me for this, but lately I'm finding the whole thing uninspired, maybe it's just because I'm fickle, or maybe it's because I keep seeing it Everywhere.", "\n\nThis is why it's so exciting to see more streamlined, modern, bold-colored, geometric inspired looks for Fall 2011. ", "Bring on the Mod!", "\n\n(I wish I could pull off the Twiggy haircut)\n\nWhile DKNY, Burberry and Bottega Ventea (among others) had Mod influenced designs in their Fall shows, my favorites are all fromCéline...\n\nHow are you guys feeling about this move away from hippie late 60's/70's boho style?", "\n\n12 comments:\n\nI've always liked boho, but not on me. ", "It's too costumey, and loose and flowy is in no way flattering on a plus sized gal like me. ", "I've always liked the mod looks, so I'm excited to see that this fall.", "\n\nI've never really liked the boho look, but after seeing it so much, some elements have begun to grow on me. ", "Heck, I'm wearing maxies and have a tie dye clutch. ", "But I'm all for mod as well - it's good to keep things fresh!(and by fresh, i mean keep recycling the same 10 trends over and over again every year)\n\nI'm with you--- boho don't-o work for me! ", "I feel like the lone voice in a see of boho love, but I have good reason for disliking it, I think...\n\nI find that it works great for women in a certain size rang; low to medium curviness is fine, but anything more starts to look sloppy and frumpy because of the lack of structure. ", "This is also just my opinion but because the palette for Boho tends to muddy, it's not a very universally flattering style and because the hemlines are generally high on boho, to offset the flowiness, you also have to be comfortable showing your legs (in leggings or bare).", "\n\nThat puts a lot of women even out of the equation to wearing boho. (", "Which is another reason why I don't like it).", "\n\nI need structure! ", "I say bring on the pleating, the darts, the strong lines. ", "So I'm glad mod is here, although the hemlines are similarly short to offset the strong, militaristic lines and feminize it a bit. ", "Still, I think you can successfully bypass the short hemlines if you play up the mod look through make up and hair, which I lurve.", "\n\nBTW- much agreed with you about the recycling each season. ", "Boho is just the late 70's recycled with a modern vibe.", "\n\nAnd mod was a reinterpretation of the 1920's flapper girl in the 60's, which we're now going to reinterpret again. ", "Guh.", "\n\nFashion needs some new materials to reference :-)\n\nAlright, I'll stop clogging up your comments section, just glad to see another gal who's not a boho-lover!!!", "\n\nI'll definitely be ready for it come Fall, but for this sweltering heat Boho is about the most perfect thing I can imagine!! ", "I think you would love this tutorial I reblogged on tumblr from Born in Flames... this is just a picture because I am bad at the internet and can't figure out how to get to the original. ", "http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/zombielace\n\n@Fashionistas - I agree that not every trend is for everybody and you need to find what best suits you : )\n\nI'm not totally hating on boho style it's just that I'm ready for some changes : ) I mean if you scroll through the blog you'll see me rocking wideleg jeans and tunics. ", "I'tll just be nice to see some more editorials with mod - or other influenced looks.", "\n\nI like the boho look but time and time again Ive tried it and I just look like a frump. ", "Yet given a more stylish piece I find its easier to pull a better look off! ", "thanks for the link to your blog, I think after seeing the picture of twiggy here I might get my hair cropped even further!" ]
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[ "FROM arm32v7/alpine:3.12\nMAINTAINER David Audet <david.audet@ca.com>\n\nLABEL Description=\"Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT Broker\"\n\nRUN apk --no-cache add mosquitto && \\\n mkdir -p /mosquitto/config /mosquitto/data /mosquitto/log && \\\n cp /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf /mosquitto/config && \\\n chown -R mosquitto:mosquitto /mosquitto\n\nCOPY docker-entrypoint.sh /\nENTRYPOINT [\"/docker-entrypoint.sh\"]\nCMD [\"/usr/sbin/mosquitto\", \"-c\", \"/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf\"]\n" ]
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[ "Göybulaq\n\nGöybulaq (also, Geybulag and Gëybulak) is a village and municipality in the Shaki Rayon of Azerbaijan. ", " It has a population of 370.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Shaki District" ]
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[ "Australia’s Central Bank Testing Ethereum-Based Interbank Settlement System Using CBDC\n\nThe Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) — the country’s central bank says adoption of state-backed digital currency for interbank settlement could provide certain advantages like cost savings and better financial inclusion. ", "Australia’s apex bank is the latest to trial a blockchain-based payment system as nations mull the possibility of developing their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).", "\n\nRBA Admits CBDC Has Certain Advantages\n\nAccording to Financial Review, the RBA has submitted a report to the country’s Senate detailing the results of a trial run on an Ethereum-based interbank settlement system. ", "The test aimed to determine the effectiveness of CBDCs for settling account balances among financial institutions like commercial banks.", "\n\nAs part of the report, the RBA stated that adopting a central bank-backed digital token does present cost-saving advantages. ", "Apart from reducing cost, the RBA reported that such a system could also improve the speed of interbank settlement, declaring:\n\n“[A] fully integrated into a blockchain platform could enable payments to be made between participants in real time and 24/7 without relying on external payment systems.”", "\n\nWhile banks currently adopt a cost-saving measure of settling net obligations at the end of each business day, the flip side results in transaction delays.", "\n\nThe RBA report also stated that a blockchain-based settlement system will foster greater financial inclusion. ", "According to the RBA, the entry of fintech and big tech companies into the digital payment space is indicative of the huge potential in opening up the global financial system.", "\n\nHowever, Australia’s central bank included a caveat on adopting digital currency payment systems as they have the potential to disrupt the status quo of mainstream finance. ", "Depending on the level of adoption, the RBA predicts that markets like mortgage and business loans could be affected.", "\n\nCentral Banks Developing Blockchain Upgrades for Financial Systems\n\nThe RBA’s report on the Ethereum-based interbank settlement trail run comes following the central bank’s warning against Facebook’s Libra. ", "As previously reported by BTCManager, the RBA has reservations against the utility of the Libra project in the country.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Australia’s testing of a blockchain-based payment system provides further proof of the growing pivot of central banks towards digital payment systems. ", "Back in 2018, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) conducted a pilot remittance test for an Ethereum-based interbank payment system.", "\n\nChina is also moving forward with the creation of a digital yuan with officials in the European Union (EU) calling on the European Central Bank (ECB) to consider launching a single digital currency for the zone to prevent China from gaining a foothold in the emerging digital economy." ]
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[ "Safety\n\nGSCS puts the safety and health of our employees at the core of our operation. ", "Our people are the key to the success of our business. ", "GSCS aims for a culture that goes above policies and procedures, where employees accept their responsibility to ensure a safe work environment for themselves and their fellow employees.", "\n\nGSCS utilizes a behavior-based safety tool — “Silence is Permission”— where employees are empowered to identify and document unsafe acts or conditions. ", "This tool, combined with the unrivaled safety of the Excel product, is how GSCS continually meets its obligation to deliver a safe work environment.", "\n\nWe feel an obligation to deliver a safe work environment, where the focus rests on the prevention of incidents not only on the job, but also away from work.", "\n\nSafety Process\n\nProject safety plan\n\nJob safety analysis\n\nFormal accident iInvestigation\n\nSafety sampling\n\nMeasurement and data analysis\n\nSIP — Observation reporting\n\nSilence is Permission\n\nSIP is a tool used to identify and document unsafe acts/conditions vs. the number of safe act/conditions. ", "The tool seeks out actions more than conditions." ]
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[ "/***************************************************************************/\n/* */\n/* cffcmap.h */\n/* */\n/* CFF character mapping table (cmap) support (specification). ", " */\n/* */\n/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2006 by */\n/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. ", " */\n/* */\n/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */\n/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */\n/* license, LICENSE.TXT. ", " By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */\n/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */\n/* understand and accept it fully. ", " */\n/* */\n/***************************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifndef __CFFCMAP_H__\n#define __CFFCMAP_H__\n\n#include \"cffobjs.h\"\n\nFT_BEGIN_HEADER\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** TYPE1 STANDARD (AND EXPERT) ENCODING CMAPS *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n /* standard (and expert) encoding cmaps */\n typedef struct CFF_CMapStdRec_* CFF_CMapStd;\n\n typedef struct CFF_CMapStdRec_\n {\n FT_CMapRec cmap;\n FT_UShort* gids; /* up to 256 elements */\n\n } CFF_CMapStdRec;\n\n\n FT_DECLARE_CMAP_CLASS(cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec)\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** CFF SYNTHETIC UNICODE ENCODING CMAP *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n /* unicode (synthetic) cmaps */\n\n FT_DECLARE_CMAP_CLASS(cff_cmap_unicode_class_rec)\n\n\nFT_END_HEADER\n\n#endif /* __CFFCMAP_H__ */\n\n\n/* END */\n" ]
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[ "\nSo you've found yourself in an Orwellian nightmare What's the next step? - ", "hellbanTHIS\nSeriously guys, where do we start\n======\ntomorrow17\nScott Adams said it best [1]:\n\nThe ideal arrangement for a new government – and one that requires no change\nto the Constitution – would feature a President Trump running weekly televised\nmeetings (yes, like The Apprentice) to decide the big issues. ", "And sitting in\nevery meeting should be Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg, supported by\ntheir experts, arguing their cases.", "\n\n[1] [http://blog.dilbert.com/post/138023808851/the-second-\namerica...](http://blog.dilbert.com/post/138023808851/the-second-american-\nrevolution-what-then)\n\n~~~\npavlov\nI can't fathom the disconnect between the \"creative leader\" Trump described by\npeople like Scott Adams, and the \"petty vindicative egomaniac\" Trump that\nmanifests in his own speech (and in descriptions given by most of those who\nhave worked with him over the decades).", "\n\nIs there any evidence that the first Trump exists? ", "Or is it just a hopeful\nprojection of Adams's own dreams of creative destruction?", "\n\n~~~\ntomorrow17\nI don't think evidence would help at this point. ", "The only solace I have is\nthinking that a petty, vindictive person won't be able to unravel decades of\npositive strides in the global arena. ", "Either way, we are now left to the whims\nof a 'hopefully' unknown person.", "\n\nWarning - Rationalization ahead: I would like to think that the reason for a\nlot of the petty jabs were to dominate the echo chamber for his own benefit.", "\nIs it possible to think that he is an ego-maniacal self serving sociopath?", "\nAbsolutely.", "\n\nBut, is it also possible to believe that he used the system against itself to\nfurther his candidacy and tap into a deep seated anger within the population?", "\nProbably.", "\n\nAnd do we really think he wants to watch the world burn? ", "Doubtful.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Make Yourself Happier at Home!", "\n\nYour home is your haven. ", "Or, at least, it should be. ", "But is\nit really making you happy or are there aspects of your place that are bringing\nyou down? ", "Little fixes can turn it all around.", "\n\nGet some houseplants\n\nPut your green thumb to good use and surround yourself with\nhouseplants. ", "Not only will they add a fresh element to your décor (literally!),", "\nbut they can also make your home healthier, and improve your mood.", "\n\n“Houseplants are good for your health—and not just for their visual beauty,” said NBC News. “", "Why? ", "They essentially do the opposite of what we do when we breathe: release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. ", "This not only freshens up the air, but also eliminates harmful toxins. ", "Extensive research by NASA has revealed that houseplants can remove up to 87 per cent of air toxin in 24 hours. ", "Studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15 percent!), ", "reduce stress levels and boost your mood.”", "\n\nPut your stuff away\n\n“A lived-in home is a loved home, right? ", "But when your stuff starts to take over, it can create chaos—in your home, and your mind. “", "Pursuing a state of harmony between yourself and your home…confers a range of psychological benefits for reasons that are rooted in science,” said Thrive Global. “", "Studies have identified a direct link between the stress hormone cortisol and clutter. ", "Cortisol is not just linked to stress. ", "At elevated levels, it also causes depression.” ", "In addition, decluttering “leads to eating better” and improves air quality.”", "\n\nPaint something\n\nChoose a wall, an old piece of furniture, or an entire room. ", "It’s a manageable project you can do yourself and one that can totally change the energy of a space. ", "Or, buy a canvas and create an art piece you can then hang in your home. “", "Creating art teaches you to be attuned with aesthetic of the visual world around you and makes you appreciate the beauty in and of life,” said Health Fitness Revolution. “", "You gain a new appreciation for the texture of a tree’s bark or the fur of a dog, of the various highlights and shadows playing on even the more bare of white walls. ", "Embracing the beauty around you gives you a more positive outlook of the world and can even decrease the risk of mental illness.”", "\n\nMake those little fixes\n\nThe burned-out light bulb 20 feet up in the living room. ", "The\nbroken drawer pull in the kitchen. ", "All those little annoyances are stealing\nyour happy. ", "Pick a Sunday and attack them one by one or make a list and check\nit twice for your handyman so you can replace the long sighs with wide smiles.", "\n\nInvest in a house cleaner\n\nAll that time taking care of your home leaves you little\ntime to enjoy your home. ", "If you can swing it, finding someone to help you with\nhousework can be liberating in more ways than one. ", "Not only will it free up\nsome of your time, but a good, solid deep cleaning can make your home\nhealthier, too.", "\n\nBuild a garden\n\nWouldn’t it be nice to grow your own veggies, or at least fresh herbs? ", "Perhaps the best news about gardening is how it can make you feel, and not just when you’re eating what you have managed to grow. “", "Getting your hands dirty in the garden can increase your serotonin levels—contact with soil and a specific soil bacteria, Mycobacterium vaccae, triggers the release of serotonin in our brain according to research,” said Djanbung Gardens. “", "Serotonin is a happy chemical, a natural anti-depressant and strengthens the immune system.”" ]
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[ "Amir Zaibi\n\nAmir Zaibi (born 22 May 1988) is a Tunisian chess International Master.", "\n\nChess career\nHe played in the Chess World Cup 2015, being defeated by Fabiano Caruana in the first round.", "\n\nHe won the Arab individual Championships 2019 and obtains the title of Grand Master on 2019, 4th December.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nAmir Zaibi chess games at 365Chess.com\n\nCategory:1988 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Tunisian chess players" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to make my variable safe for database insertion?", "\n\nI have a variable which I need to strip of sybols before inserting into my database, any ideas how I would add the mysql_real_escape_string() function to my existing code?", "\nForm page\nThis page is a basic html form which shows the database content.", "\n<?", "php \n $query = sprintf( \"SELECT * FROM sitecontent WHERE ID = $_GET[id]\");\n$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());\n$post = mysql_fetch_array($result);\n\n ?", ">\n\n <form action=\"editp.php\" method=\"POST\" name=\"editform\">\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px; \">Post Title</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pName\" style=\" width:550px;border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Title']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pCategory\" style=\"padding:10px; \">Category</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pCategory\" style=\" width:50px;border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Year']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pItem\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Item Type</label>\n <select name=\"pItem\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"1\">News</option>\n <option value=\"2\">Review</option>\n </select>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Article ID</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pID\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['ID']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Post Date</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pDate\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Date']; ?", ">\">\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Post Author</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pAuthor\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Author']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Home Page</label>\n <select name=\"Page\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"0\">None</option>\n <option value=\"1\">Home</option>\n </select>\n <label for=\"pPriority\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Home Priority</label>\n <select name=\"pPriority\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"0\">None</option>\n <option value=\"1\">1</option>\n <option value=\"2\">2</option>\n <option value=\"3\">3</option>\n <option value=\"4\">4</option>\n </select>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Post Content</label>\n <textarea style=\"width:550px; height:200px;border:#000099; margin:10px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"pContent\" id=\"pContent\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Content']; ?", ">\"><?", "php echo $post['Post_Content']; ?", "></textarea>\n <span id=\"btnStrong\" style=\" padding: 2px 8px;background-color:#C00;font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF; cursor:pointer;\">Bold</span> &nbsp; <span id=\"btnItalic\" style=\" padding: 2px 8px; background-color:#C00;font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF; cursor:pointer;\">Italic</span>\n <label for=\"pImage_Name\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Image Name</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pImage_Name\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px; width:550px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Image_Name']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pApproval\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Approval</label>\n <select name=\"pApproval\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"0\">Pending</option>\n <option value=\"1\">Approved</option>\n </select>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?", ">\"/>\n <span style=\"margin-left:10px;\">Please check the changes above before submitting</span> <br/>\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"go\" value=\"Submit Changes\" style=\" padding: 2px 8px;background-color:#C00; color:#FFF; margin:10px;\"/>\n </form>\n\n <?", "php\n$updateq = \"UPDATE sitecontent WHERE ID = '$_POST[id]'\";\n ?", ">\n\nUpdate page\nThis is the page that writes the content from the form to the database.", "\n <?", "php\n include'includes/connection.php';\n $pName = $_POST['pName'];\n $pItem = $_POST['pItem'];\n $pCategory = $_POST['pCategory'];\n $pDate = $_POST['pDate'];\n $pAuthor = $_POST['pAuthor'];\n $pContent = $_POST['pContent'];\n $Page = $_POST['Page'];\n $id = $_POST['id'];\n $pApproval = $_POST['pApproval'];\n $pPriority = $_POST['pPriority'];\n $pImage_Name = $_POST['pImage_Name'];\n\n $updateq = \"UPDATE sitecontent SET ID = '$pID', Post_Title = '$pName', Post_Year = '$pCategory', Date = '$pDate', Post_Author = '$pAuthor', Post_Content = '$pContent', Page = '$Page', Post_Approval = '$pApproval', Priority = '$pPriority', Image_Name = '$pImage_Name' WHERE ID = '$_POST[id]'\";\n\n $result = mysql_query($updateq) or die (mysql_error());\n header(\"Location:admin.php\");\n\n ?", ">\n\nA:\n\nFor strings just say:\n$pName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pName']);\n\nFor integers:\n$id = intval($_POST['id']);\n\nThat's all there is to it; just do it for all your variables\nedit\nAnyways, I'd advise you to use PDO in stead, way better to prevent sql injection!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "MARY VUONG, Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle |\nJuly 5, 2005\n\nShe gets only a grimace from the pint-size patient. ", "Ezequiel, after realizing the day holds more than expected, has just punched his mother.", "\n\nHe is here to have his tonsils and adenoids removed, only Mom hasn't told him. ", "It's clear to Tietjens that she's starting from scratch. ", "After 15 years as a child-life specialist at Texas Children's Hospital, though, she knows exactly what to say next.", "\n\n\"Do you want to see the playroom?\"", "\n\nThe playroom is filled with toys, including Big Wheels and other plastic rides that young patients get to cycle down the \"see-you-later spot,\" the hallway where they part with their parents for the operating table.", "\n\n\"I always crash,\" Tietjens tells Ezequiel.", "\n\nHer silliness prompts Ezequiel to crack a smile. ", "Tietjens, no doubt, would fit right in on a public television children's show. ", "Her work setting, with its colorful walls and child-friendly staff, is much warmer than other hospitals.", "\n\nEzequiel slips his right hand in a pocket, lets Mom hold the other. ", "They tour the see-you-later spot, where Tietjens urges him to push a button on the wall.", "\n\n\"Ta dah!\" ", "she exclaims as double doors open.", "\n\n\"Look at them. ", "They still have on their jammies,\" she says, motioning at staffers dressed in scrubs. ", "One waves back.", "\n\nTietjens, 40, has a magic touch. ", "She could give doctors a lesson in bedside manner — in her sleep. ", "She's one of 27 child-life specialists at Texas Children's Hospital, charged with ensuring young patients are comfortable and understand the medical procedures they will undergo.", "\n\nMost child-life programs started in the 1970s, Hollon says. ", "In 23 years, the council has grown from about 200 members to 2,800, she adds.", "\n\nSome specialists major in child life in college whereas others focus on topics such as child development and family studies. ", "They must complete an internship before becoming specialists, and their duties may be supported by child-life partners/assistants.", "\n\nChild-life specialists are always ready to share a smile and lend an ear. ", "They want to make everything better for their charges. ", "They befriend their patients, relay what to expect from their medical visit, teach them to cope and relax, serve as a sounding board and seek answers for their questions.", "\n\n\"The kids are so anxious, and the parents are so anxious,\" Tietjens says.", "\n\nEzequiel's mom, Natalie Ochoa, was nervous. \"", "I was scared because I was by myself,\" Ochoa explains later. ", "Her husband wasn't able to come that day, and she didn't understand the surgery procedure.", "\n\nTietjens, she says, wound up calming both her son and herself.", "\n\nWorking with children means Tietjens must be able to adapt at a moment's notice. ", "When she meets Pablo Lopez Jr., the 3-year-old is so resistant to touring the hospital wing that his mother has to drag him along and his dad must block his escape route; Pablo just wants to return to the waiting room with the cool fish.", "\n\nSo Tietjens shortens the tour and abandons the room set aside for child-life conversations. ", "They settle beside the big tank of fish instead.", "\n\nTietjens, in pale-blue scrubs, opens a plastic box that she carries and describes to Pablo and his parents what to expect in the operating room, such as the mask the anesthesiologist will put over his face and the different flavors he can choose from to disguise the medicinal smell. ", "Cherry, bubble gum, banana and more.", "\n\nTo Pablo's parents, Tietjens also explains that an anxiolytic, a drug that can relieve their son's anxiety before his tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, is available.", "\n\nYoung children sometimes won't let Tietjens demonstrate on them how the mask, EKG pads and pulse oximeter work, so she'll turn to Mom, Dad or herself. ", "They want to know if they'll wake up from surgery or if someone will jump on their chests, like they do on ER.", "\n\nTeenage and young-adult patients struggle with different issues. ", "They lose the independence they gained being away at college, for one, and must rely on family and hospital staff, says Sarah Burkett, one of four child-life specialists at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.", "\n\nBurkett, 25, began working with patients not much younger than herself earlier this year.", "\n\nShe stops by Kimberly Gutierrez's room to invite her to Teen Grille. ", "But the 13-year-old from the Rio Grande Valley doesn't feel like it.", "\n\n\"How 'bout if I told you it was tacos and chocolate chip cookies?\" ", "Burkett asks.", "\n\nTeen Grille is a Thursday night event that brings her patients together to socialize and compare notes.", "\n\nSome are too sick to join. ", "Jonathan Bouchard, an 18-year-old from Alabama, has been through four rounds of chemo for his lung cancer. ", "He's been at M.D. Anderson since Feb. 9.", "\n\nWhen she drops by his room, Burkett promises to deliver cookies later. \"", "We'll bring them fresh to you. ", "I know you have a sweet tooth.\"", "\n\nAt which point Jonathan launches into a spiel about the benefits of eating sweets during chemo. \"", "Jolly Rancher gummies make it more bearable,\" he says.", "\n\nBurkett smiles.", "\n\nTo cope with the difficulties of working with sick children, Burkett relies on faith, family, colleagues and laughter for comfort. ", "Tietjens, too.", "\n\nBoth women stress the importance of forging bonds with the patients and their families. ", "Burkett plays detective to learn their likes and dislikes.", "\n\nTietjens reaps the rewards of her work with each patient. \"", "By the time I finish their preparation, I can see what a difference it made,\" Tietjens says. \"", "For me, it's like a direct feedback or reward. ", "I've always loved working with kids, and I knew that I wanted to do something different than the more common jobs.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSearching with Lucene with stemming enabled\n\nSuppose I store a set of strings (each document in Lucene would be a single word), and then given an input word W, I would like to retrieve all the document that not only match word W but also those documents whose stemmed version also matches W.\nAlso, suppose a input a word W, I would want to take care of the case where there is a document that matches the stemmed version of the word W as well.", "\nWould writing my own custom analyzer and returning a PorterStemFilter suffice? ", "Do I need to just write this class and reference it as the analyzer in the code?", "\n\nA:\n\nWriting a custom Analyzer that has a stemmer in the analyzer chain should suffice. ", "\nHere is the sample code that uses PorterStemFilter in Lucene 4.1\n class MyAnalyzer extends Analyzer {\n @Override\n protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName, Reader reader) {\n Tokenizer source = new LowerCaseTokenizer(version, reader);\n return new TokenStreamComponents(source, new PorterStemFilter(source));\n }\n}\n\nPlease note that you MUST use the same custom Analyzer while querying which is used for indexing as well. ", "\nYou may find the sample code for your version of Lucene in the corresponding PorterStemFilter documentation.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The red light controlled production of gibberellin in etiolated wheat leaves.", "\nMost of the gibberellin activity detectable in extracts of etiolated wheat leaf tissue occurs in a bound form. ", "There is a rapid increase in extractable gibberellin-like substances following exposure of the tissue to red light with a concomitant fall in the amount of bound gibberellin. ", "Actinomycin-D and AMo 1618 do not inhibit this initial phase of red light stimulated gibberellin production.", "It is concluded that red light stimulated gibberellin production in etiolated wheat leaf tissue is due to release from a bound form and to synthesis." ]
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[ "**Core tip:** We review the main theoretical and practical concepts in the research of gene environment interaction. ", "We present a novel approach to study gene environment interaction in which a brief post-natal interference with the expression of multiple genes by inhibiting the activity of the ubiquitous transcription factor specificity protein 1 is followed by later-in-life exposure of rats to stress. ", "Finally, we discuss the role of peripheral processes in behavioral responses, demonstrating how specific behavioral patterns are linked to modulations in interwoven brain and body physiological processes due to gene and environmental changes.", "\n\nINTRODUCTION\n============\n\nThe role of nature *vs* nurture in shaping complex behavior and in mental disorders is a matter of long running dispute and creates a split between psychobiology, which emphasizes the dominancy of the being's innate predispositions and psychotherapy supporters, which point out the surrounding influence. ", "Evidence from decades of heredity research has suggested that complex behaviors and psychiatric disorders have a solid genetic basis\\[[@B1],[@B2]\\]. ", "It has been reported by many studies that consistent differences in behavioral traits between subjects, such as stress responsivity and temperament, show a familial pattern\\[[@B3]\\]. ", "On the other hand, the impact of environmental factors on physical illness is well established\\[[@B4],[@B5]\\] and well recognized in behavioral disturbance\\[[@B6],[@B7]\\]. ", "Numerous studies reported a correlation between candidate genes, and behavioral phenotype\\[[@B8],[@B9]\\], yet with significantly lower rate of replication and a clear tendency toward positive results\\[[@B10]\\]. ", "Environmental aspects are formulated in the vast psychoanalytical literature and in models that use a scientific platform, such as the impact of different nursing abilities of female rats, on stress responsivity of their pups\\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Environmental physical factors such as intrauterine inflammatory reaction induced by Lipopolysaccharide, which simulates the impact of prenatal infection on behavior\\[[@B12],[@B13]\\] were studied as well.", "\n\nThe stress diathesis theory, which suggests that disorders induced by the combination of varying degrees of predisposition with invers degrees of stressful stimuli, has become an accepted conceptual research framework for studying complex behaviors. ", "Following this hypothesis numerous studies over the last decade assessed the relationship between candidate genes and behavior in the form of genome-wide association studies (GWAS)\\[[@B14]\\], most of them focusing on the pathologic consequences of genetic alteration. ", "Despite the remarkable advances in genetic tools and techniques, very few direct genetic effects on mental health have been identified and replicated\\[[@B10]\\].", "\n\nAn alternative paradigm to the stress diathesis theory is the differential susceptibility theory, which assumes that individuals react differently to environmental stimulus depending on the plasticity of gene rather than their susceptibility. ", "Thus showing higher responsiveness to both positive and negative external cues, frequently with opposing outcomes\\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "For example, high frequency of antisocial behavior was correlated with childhood maltreatment the in low activity MAO-A allele carriers\\[[@B17]\\]. ", "Interestingly, low activity MAO-A allele carriers, who were not exposed to childhood maltreatment showed the lowest anti-social behavior scores compared with normal activity MAO-A carriers\\[[@B16]\\]. ", "An additional extensively studied genetic variant in psychiatry is the short allelic form of the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR), which is associated with a reduction in the transporter activity\\[[@B18]\\] and with high risk for major depression in individuals exposed to stressful life events\\[[@B19]\\]. ", "Yet, 5HTT s-allele carriers were shown to be more responsive to the Attention Bias Modification training than long-allele carriers, supporting Belsky's hypothesis that the s-allele may be considered as a plasticity gene rather than a susceptible gene\\[[@B20]\\]. ", "Taken together, these examples support the differential responsiveness theory of sensitive genes in the etiology of complex behaviors\\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nUnfortunately, the current gene environment interaction models have substantial limitations, ranging from weak validation to poor predictive power and although genome studies have expanded our understanding of complex phenotypes and many human diseases, they hardly explain a small proportion of their heritability in the population\\[[@B21]\\]. ", "Genetic variants are usually considered as having additive, suppressive or neutral effects on the phenotype, but the effect size for a single genetic variant is minor\\[[@B22]\\]. ", "A more comprehensive model of real life interaction between multiple genes that influence the expression of each other and thereby the manifestation of a particular phenotype, is needed.", "\n\nOne possible gate for modelling real life gene environment interaction are through manipulation of key point genes, genes that are essential for the modulation of multiple genes' activity, such as the ubiquitous transcription factor specificity protein 1 (Sp1). ", "Sp1 is a member of the SP proteins family, which constitutes a group of highly conserved transcription factors present in a wide range of organisms. ", "Their structure is defined by the presence of three highly conserved DNA-binding zinc finger domains which bind to similar, yet distinct, GC-rich target sequences. ", "Members of the SP family function either as activators or repressors in cell *via* a promoter-dependent manner\\[[@B23]\\]. ", "Sp1 is essential for the regulation of various physiological functions, maintains organ homeostasis, regulates tissue repair, and possibly serves as an anti-inflammatory mechanism that protects against organ inflammation and injury\\[[@B24]\\]. ", "Sp1 regulates the expression of numerous genes in early developmental stages\\[[@B25]\\] and the expression of most growth factors and their receptors depend on Sp1\\[[@B26]-[@B28]\\]. ", "Sp1 activity can be modulated by various environment-dependent factors including metabolic factors such as glucose and insulin, immunologic factors such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), glucocorticoid receptors and several major kinases including CDK2 and ERK1/2\\[[@B29]-[@B32]\\]. ", "Sp1 also modulates the expression of many genes implicated in psychiatry research, including neuregulin-1\\[[@B33]\\], reelin\\[[@B34]\\], GAD67\\[[@B35]\\], MAO A and B\\[[@B36],[@B37]\\], NMDA receptor subunits (NR1 and NR2)\\[[@B38],[@B39]\\], GABA A receptor\\[[@B40]\\], DA receptors\\[[@B41]\\] and genes of the oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS)\\[[@B42]\\]. ", "In this article we will describe how simulating real life by minor manipulation of multiple gene expression, based on Sp1 unique characteristics, models more accurately gene environment interaction in behavioral sciences.", "\n\nSP1 IN SCHIZOPHRENIA AND OTHER NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS\n=========================================================\n\nThe alterations in different genetic trajectories in schizophrenia reported by numerous studies\\[[@B43]\\], can result from transcriptional dysregulation in the disorder\\[[@B44]\\]. ", "Our group showed that the expression of Sp1 is disrupted in brain samples and peripheral blood lymphocytes of schizophrenia patients as compared with those of healthy subjects. ", "Specifically, downregulation in Sp1 mRNA expression was prominent in the prefrontal cortex and the striatum, while upregulation was observed in the parieto-occipital cortex and in blood lymphocytes of schizophrenic patients. ", "Sp1 levels were highly and significantly correlated with two subunits (NDUFV2 and NDUFV1) of the first complex of the OXPHOS in lymphocytes and brain specimens of normal subjects, while abolished in schizophrenic patients\\[[@B45]\\]. ", "We have shown that Sp1 is a transcription factor of both subunits, which have been repeatedly implicated in schizophrenia\\[[@B46],[@B47]\\]. ", "A defect in Sp1 transcriptional activity, which leads to abnormal expression of complex I subunits, can be one of the causes for reduced complex I activity associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced energy metabolism observed in schizophrenia brains by numerous imaging studies\\[[@B48]\\]. ", "Such distortion in brain energy production can affect synaptic plasticity and connectivity of neuronal networks and thereby cognitive and emotional behaviors\\[[@B49]\\]. ", "Additional studies by other groups substantiated the role of Sp1 in mental and neurological disorders by showing a reduction of Sp1 protein and mRNA in the postmortem prefrontal cortex brain of chronic schizophrenia patients\\[[@B50]\\], increased Sp1 mRNA levels in the hippocampus\\[[@B51]\\] and a reduction in Sp1 and Sp4 protein levels in lymphocytes of first-episode psychosis patient\\[[@B52]\\]. ", "These reports are in line with other studies demonstrating arole of Sp1 in the regulation of many genes associated with neuropsychiatric psychiatric disorders. ", "Thus, elevation in Sp1 protein levels was observed in autistic brains, which was associated with altered expression of autism candidate genes such as OXTR and PTEN\\[[@B53]\\]. ", "Sp1 mRNA and protein was also found to be up-regulated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains and in a transgenic mice model of the disease\\[[@B54]\\]. ", "In Huntington disease, Sp1-regulated huntingtin transcription is dysregulated. ", "In adrenal medulla-derived PC12 cell cultures it was shown that Sp1 is involve in the regulation of epinephrine biosynthesis in response to acute and chronic stress\\[[@B55]\\]. ", "The, dual characteristic of Sp1, having specific environmental and internal signal regulated transcriptional activities, together with its role in the regulation of multiple genes, coincide with the multi-gene alteration and the heterogeneous symptomatology of mental disorders.", "\n\nSP1 MANIPULATION MODELS\n=======================\n\nComplete inhibition of Sp1 is incompatible with life and Sp1 knockout mice die *in utero* with multiple phenotypic aberrations\\[[@B56]\\]. ", "However, Sp1 transcriptional activity can be inhibited by Mithramycin (MTR)\\[[@B57]\\]. ", "MTR is an antineoplastic antibiotic, which binds to GC-rich regions on the DNA displacing the Sp family transcription proteins from their binding sites\\[[@B58]\\]. ", "MTR is a clinically approved antibiotic that is effective for the treatment many cancers such as testicular cancer\\[[@B59]\\] and also for cancer induced hypercalcemia\\[[@B60]\\]. ", "Our group has reported that MTR induced a time dependent decrease in the expression levels of complex I subunits NDUFV1, NDUFV2 and NDUFS1, as well as of reelin, all regulated by Sp1 and implicated in schizophrenia\\[[@B45]\\]. ", "The availability of a simple pharmacologic agent that modulates the transcription of different genes, turns it into an attractive tool for modelling multiple gene dysregulation. ", "Indeed, neonatal rats treated for a few days (7-10 postnatal days) with MTR, showed three months later cognitive and behavioral deficits such as spatial working memory impairment and anxious behavior, without any impact on their bodily well-being\\[[@B61]\\]. ", "The effect of MTR treatment was also studied in AD experimental models. ", "Thus, MTR injections to AD transgenic adult mice for several months, resulted in greater memory impairment in these mice and increased amyloid β peptide levels\\[[@B62]\\], with no additional behavioral differences. ", "These data suggest that manipulation of Sp1 transcriptional activity at adulthood has long lasting effects on behavior depending on predisposing genetic aberration earlier in life. ", "In contrast to these results chronic MTR administration to AD transgenic mice by another group resulted in cognitive improvement\\[[@B63]\\], emphasizing the need for better understanding the role of Sp1 transcriptional activity in the pathophysiology of AD. ", "In a mouse model for Huntington disease chronic MTR treatment from PND 20 throughout life extended survival, enhanced motor performance, and improved brain histopathology\\[[@B64]\\]. ", "The neuroprotective effect of MTR was also demonstrated in adult rats exposed to repeated administration of methamphetamine\\[[@B65]\\], an accepted model for schizophrenia\\[[@B66]\\].", "\n\nSTRESS EXPOSURE MODEL\n=====================\n\nStudying the additive effect of environmental variables on top of the predisposing susceptibility is complex and may have many bias pitfalls. ", "Stress is commonly used to mimic environmental insults in models of mental disorders and complex behaviors. ", "We have used peripubertal mild unpredictable stress protocol. ", "One major parameter in modeling environmental effects is the timing of exposure to insult. ", "However, timing and duration of exposure to stress differ between studies. ", "There are early in-life stress models, mainly maternal separation, which increase stress reactivity in the offspring\\[[@B67]\\], while there are adult stress models, including the unpredictable chronic mild stress model, which differ in chronicity, protocol elements and actual age of stress exposure, adolescence or adulthood\\[[@B68]-[@B70]\\]. ", "Both prenatal period and postnatal mid to late adolescence were shown to be particularly vulnerable to stress in rats\\[[@B61]\\]. ", "Chronic adolescence stress was repeatedly shown to be associated with HPA dysfunction\\[[@B71]\\], hippocampal volume reduction and impairments in spatial learning\\[[@B72]\\] later in life. ", "To elaborate our view on the impact of environment we compared two stress regimens differing only in duration, chronic and sub-chronic regimens, in adolescence. ", "Interestingly, high serum corticosterone levels and higher anxiety index were related to the sub-chronic stress regimen, while rats exposed to chronic stress did not differ significantly from the controls, which implies adaptation to stress\\[[@B61]\\]. ", "Although chronic mild stress is an accepted paradigm for induction of depressive-like symptoms in rats\\[[@B73]\\], several studies show resilience effects of long-term stress\\[[@B74],[@B75]\\] which is in line with the adaptation to the chronic stress regimen.", "\n\nMANIPULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION AND THE ENVIRONMENT\n===================================================\n\nStudies modeling genetic predisposition for behavioral alterations, induce predisposition in one or more of the four following paradigms: Manipulation of a candidate gene, interference with a candidate system/pathway, intrauterine insults or exposure to early post-natal stressors that induce epigenetic changes.", "\n\nNumerous studies using candidate gene knockout mice and chronic stress were published. ", "Candidate system interference studies mostly involve HPA axis manipulation either pharmacologically by glucocorticoids administration\\[[@B76]\\] or induced by early life stress\\[[@B77]\\]. ", "Examples for intrauterine insult models include the prenatal protein malnutrition, which affects development of the brain in utero and induces cognitive impairment and severe widespread morphological abnormalities similar to schizophrenia\\[[@B78],[@B79]\\]. ", "Other models are based on the intrauterine infection theory for schizophrenia\\[[@B80]\\]. ", "These models include prenatal exposure of mice to viruses, such as the influenza virus\\[[@B81]\\] which cause brain developmental damages similar to those observed in schizophrenia brain, or maternal immune activation by lipopolysaccharide or polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (Poly I:C) during pregnancy, which model schizophrenia and autism in the offspring\\[[@B82],[@B83]\\]. ", "The best studied model for epigenetic changes induced by early life stressors is the maternal separation model, which enhances behavioral changes\\[[@B84],[@B85]\\], and causes epigenetic modifications that can be transmitted through generations\\[[@B11]\\]. ", "We hypothesize that a transient interference with the expression of many various genes, by MTR for example, at a critical developmental stage of the brain together with an exposure of the animal to stressful environment later in life, will provide an animal model to study the role of gene environment interaction in long lasting complex behavior relevant to mental disorders. ", "Although it may be argued that modification of the expression of numerus genes is inaccurate and difficult to monitor, we believe that it is a closer model to real life complexity. ", "Indeed, we found that MTR treated rats exposed to sub-chronic stress demonstrated higher anxiety index, anhedonia and indifference to novel objects. ", "However, MTR treated rats exposed to the chronic stress paradigm demonstrated normal sucrose preference, low anxiety index and high novelty seeking behavior. ", "These findings support the differential sensitivity theory, claiming increased reactivity to environmental stimuli in genetically sensitive individuals, with differential responses to various stimuli\\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nINTERTWINED PERIPHERAL AND BRAIN INTERACTION\n============================================\n\nThe molecular and biochemical pathways that contribute to behavioral phenotypes are still a mystery and it is almost impossible to differentiate between genetic and environmental impacts. ", "The currently common dominate hypothesis is that changes in brain cellular pathways are responsible for alterations in behavioral responses. ", "We and others suggest that peripheral factors are essential for formulating behavioral responses. ", "In our rat model for example, we showed that exposing MTR treated rats to chronic stress (MTR + stress) caused a significant reduction in tryptophan brain levels, which in part stems from peripheral changes. ", "Alteration in peripheral tryptophan levels was found to be associated with behavioral and cognitive phenotypes. ", "For example, aggression tendencies associated with a low serum tryptophan levels\\[[@B86]\\] and impulsivity\\[[@B87]\\] was observed in the course of manic episodes\\[[@B88]\\], while increased serum tryptophan levels were observed during the recovery periods in bipolar manic patients\\[[@B89]\\]. ", "Tryptophan depletion studies have reported association with worsening of depressive symptoms in human, yet the data are inconclusive\\[[@B90],[@B91]\\]. ", "In addition, it was reported that a reduction in tryptophan levels interrupts memory consolidation yet improves attention\\[[@B92]\\]. ", "Dietary tryptophan depletion is also used in modeling major depression in rats\\[[@B93]\\] and dietary prenatal protein deprivation is used to model cognitive impairment observed in schizophrenia\\[[@B78]\\]. ", "In our model, the reduction in brain tryptophan in the MTR + stress rats was probably not due to its extensive metabolism in brain, as no change was observed in its two major metabolic pathways the serotonin and kynurenine pathways\\[[@B94]\\]. ", "However, being an essential amino acid tryptophan level in brain depends also on its availability, which can be modulated by several variables including its serum level and its BBB transporter (LAT1) activity\\[[@B95]\\]. ", "Serum level of amino acids, which compete with tryptophan on its transporter, the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) for example\\[[@B96],[@B97]\\], can affect tryptophan availability to the brain. ", "Indeed, serum tryptophan/BCAA ratio is an established measure to estimate brain tryptophan levels\\[[@B98]\\]. ", "In the MTR + Stress rats, reduced tryptophan brain levels were associated with reduced LAT1 protein levels and its light chain SLC3A2 transcript levels. ", "In addition, we observed a reduction in serum tryptophan/BCCA ratio, implying a peripheral contribution to reduced brain tryptophan levels. ", "We further suggest that tryptophan/BCCA reduction is due to a failure of these MTR treated rats to respond to stress by increasing serum glucose and insulin, a known regulator of serum BCAA\\[[@B99]\\], as did rats exposed to chronic stress only. ", "Taken together, these data suggest that interference with brain tryptophan homeostasis is due to joint brain and peripheral physiological processes. ", "In line with the latter is the finding that brain tryptophan levels were only affected in rats receiving the combined treatment of MTR + stress, while serum tryptophan/BCAA ratio or brain LAT1 were affected by either Stress or MTR, respectively\\[[@B94]\\]. ", "Our data suggest that a mild modulation of both peripheral and central processes, which converge and mutually interact, can influence behavioral phenotype. ", "A similar interaction can be seen in circuits of energy balance regulation in the body. ", "Thus, adipose tissues secrete leptin as an afferent signal, which influences the activity of the hypothalamus. ", "The hypothalamus signals decrease food intake by inhibiting anabolic circuits, and enhance energy expenditure through the activation of catabolic circuits\\[[@B100]\\]. ", "It is quite intuitive, but sometimes neglected, that the brain collects both central and peripheral internal inputs, as well as external inputs and executes reaction based on the sum of predisposition and experience. ", "The recent increasing interest in the link between microbiome and brain function and its role in mental disorders\\[[@B101]\\] further substantiates a role for peripheral inputs in behavior.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\n==========\n\nThe ubiquitous transcription factor Sp1 plays a role in the regulation of many genes in response to internal and environmental signals and is suggested to have implication in neuropsychiatric disorders and complex behaviors. ", "Using simple manipulation of Sp1 we showed that a wide and transient interference with gene expression in inbred rats at a critical developmental stage, can induce a long lasting impact on metabolic and behavioral response to environmental stimuli, with different and even opposite outcomes, depending on the characteristics of the environmental stimuli/insult. ", "Already at 1963, Bleuler\\[[@B102]\\] wrote that \"unfavourable nature and environment develop together and influence each other. ", "They are interwoven from babyhood. ", "The environment influencing the manifestation of the hereditary disposition is already a reflected image of this disposition\"\\[[@B102]\\]. ", "Peripheral and central physiological processes, which are both subjected to genetic and environmental changes, interact reciprocally to induce specific behavioral patterns (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Further studies could shed light on the importance of these brain-periphery reciprocal interactions for whole body homeostasis and its influence on behavior. ", "In addition, new targets may emerge from such a perspective of behavioral modulators for future clinical intervention.", "\n\n![", "Brain and periphery combined effects modulate behavior in the specificity protein 1 rat model. ", "Early in life transient interference with specificity protein 1 activity by mithramycin and later in life exposure to chronic stress, affect availability of tryptophan (Trp) to the brain, both by reducing serum Trp ratio and brain LAT1 expression. ", "Deficits in brain Trp levels may affect behavior. ", "LAT1: BBB transporter.](WJP-6-294-g001){#F1}\n\nConflict-of-interest statement: Authors declare no conflict of interests for this article.", "\n\nManuscript source: Invited manuscript\n\nSpecialty type: Psychiatry\n\nCountry of origin: Israel\n\nPeer-review report classification\n\nGrade A (Excellent): A\n\nGrade B (Very good): B\n\nGrade C (Good): 0\n\nGrade D (Fair): 0\n\nGrade E (Poor): 0\n\nPeer-review started: May 25, 2016\n\nFirst decision: July 6, 2016\n\nArticle in press: August 8, 2016\n\nP- Reviewer: Malli R, Noll-Hussong M S- Editor: Ji FF L- Editor: A E- Editor: Lu YJ\n\n[^1]: Author contributions: Both authors contributed equally to the writing of this review paper.", "\n\n Correspondence to: Dorit Ben-Shachar, Professor, Laboratory of Psychobiology, Department of Psychiatry, Rambam Medical Center and B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Rappaport Family Institute for Research in the Medical Sciences, Technion, PO Box 9649, Haifa 31096, Israel. ", "<shachar@tx.technion.ac.il>\n\n Telephone: +972-4-8295224 Fax: +972-4-8295220\n" ]
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[ " f, given that 7/3*f**t + 12*f - 8/3 - 10*f**2 = 0.", "\n2/7, 2\nSuppose 299 - 404 + 228 + r**2 + 44*r = 0. ", "What is r?", "\n-41, -3\nLet w(k) be the third derivative of -k**6/480 + k**5/16 - 3*k**4/4 + 9*k**3/2 - 228*k**2. ", "Factor w(f).", "\n-(f - 6)**2*(f - 3)/4\nLet f(z) be the second derivative of 16*z - 1/30*z**3 + 0*z**5 - 1/75*z**6 + 0*z**2 + 1/210*z**7 + 0 + 1/30*z**4. ", "Factor f(b).", "\nb*(b - 1)**3*(b + 1)/5\nFind h, given that 8*h**4 + 111*h**3 - 2*h**5 - 117*h**3 - 14*h**2 + 8*h + 6*h**2 = 0.", "\n-1, 0, 1, 2\nSuppose -32/15 - 22/15*s**3 + 2/15*s**5 + 4/3*s - 14/15*s**4 + 46/15*s**2 = 0. ", "Calculate s.\n-2, -1, 1, 8\nFactor 590*w**2 + 38*w**3 - 4*w**4 - 302*w**2 - 16*w - 384 - 122*w**3.", "\n-4*(w - 2)**2*(w + 1)*(w + 24)\nSuppose p = -3, f - 4*p = -9*p + 390. ", "Let q = f + -795/2. ", "Let 0 + 0*s - 3*s**2 + q*s**4 + 9/2*s**3 = 0. ", "What is s?", "\n-1, 0, 2/5\nLet b(a) be the first derivative of -4/3*a**3 - 21 - 10*a**2 + 0*a. ", "Find v, given that b(v) = 0.", "\n-5, 0\nSuppose -1 - 2 = g, 2*s + 4*g = 18. ", "Suppose s*a = 10*a. ", "Factor 0*u - 1/4*u**2 + 0 + a*u**3 + 1/4*u**4.", "\nu**2*(u - 1)*(u + 1)/4\nLet o(u) be the second derivative of -u**5/80 + u**3/6 + 94*u. ", "Determine f, given that o(f) = 0.", "\n-2, 0, 2\nSuppose -3*v - 4*m + 56 - 19 = 0, 2*m + 53 = 5*v. ", "Suppose v = 8*d - 5. ", "Suppose 1/4*k**d + 1/4 - 1/2*k = 0. ", "Calculate k.\n1\nLet q(i) be the third derivative of i**7/168 + i**6/12 + i**5/2 + 5*i**4/3 - 31*i**3/6 + 2*i**2. ", "Let r(t) be the first derivative of q(t). ", "Solve r(j) = 0.", "\n-2\nLet x be 15/18*(-88)/(-275). ", "Let b(s) be the second derivative of 3/100*s**5 + 11/60*s**4 + 4*s + 0 + x*s**3 - 2/5*s**2. ", "Factor b(g).", "\n(g + 2)**2*(3*g - 1)/5\nLet p = -52 + 36. ", "Let t be ((-36)/p - 3)*-8. ", "Suppose t + 8 - 9*g**3 - 4*g - 15*g**2 - 11 + g = 0. ", "What is g?", "\n-1, 1/3\nLet k(z) be the second derivative of 5*z**7/42 - z**6 - 7*z**5/4 + 4*z. ", "Factor k(v).", "\n5*v**3*(v - 7)*(v + 1)\nLet m(z) be the second derivative of 2*z**7/21 + 23*z**6/30 + 17*z**5/10 + 5*z**4/4 + 141*z. ", "Factor m(f).", "\nf**2*(f + 1)**2*(4*f + 15)\nLet a(s) be the third derivative of -s**5/12 - 5*s**4/12 + 20*s**3/3 - 75*s**2 - s. Factor a(j).", "\n-5*(j - 2)*(j + 4)\nLet y = -2 - -4. ", "Factor -3*t**3 - 13*t**4 + 4*t**2 + 9*t**4 - t**y - t + 5*t**4.", "\nt*(t - 1)**3\nLet c(l) = 128*l**4 + 235*l**3 + 114*l**2 + 40*l - 11. ", "Let w(a) = -a**3 - 2*a + 1. ", "Let r(h) = -2*c(h) - 22*w(h). ", "Determine p, given that r(p) = 0.", "\n-1, -3/8, 0\nLet z(t) be the first derivative of -3*t**4/4 + 3*t**3 + 15*t**2 - 72*t + 90. ", "Solve z(a) = 0 for a.\n-3, 2, 4\nLet w = -3214/63 + 460/9. ", "Let z(t) be the second derivative of -2/7*t**2 + 2/147*t**7 + w*t**3 + 2/21*t**4 - 2/35*t**5 - 2/105*t**6 - 2*t + 0. ", "Factor z(x).", "\n4*(x - 1)**3*(x + 1)**2/7\nSuppose -23*b = -17*b - 30. ", "Let z(f) = 3*f**2 - 10*f - 22. ", "Let c be z(b). ", "Suppose 0 + l**2 - l - 1/4*l**c = 0. ", "What is l?", "\n0, 2\nLet q(l) be the third derivative of -l**8/5040 + 2*l**7/945 - l**6/108 + l**5/45 - 13*l**4/24 + 25*l**2. ", "Let d(n) be the second derivative of q(n). ", "Factor d(f).", "\n-4*(f - 2)*(f - 1)**2/3\nLet s(x) be the third derivative of x**6/60 + x**5/15 - x**4/4 + 108*x**2. ", "Determine d so that s(d) = 0.", "\n-3, 0, 1\nLet f(w) = -w**2 - 6*w + 19. ", "Let x be f(-8). ", "Let m be 2/(-10)*(-15)/2. ", "Determine j so that -3 - m*j**4 - 3/2*j**x + 9/2*j**2 + 3/2*j = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 1\nLet s be -3 + (-1 + 1)/(-3). ", "Let x be 0*2/12*s. ", "Find g such that -2/9*g + x - 2/9*g**2 = 0.", "\n-1, 0\nLet h(i) be the first derivative of i**8/1008 + i**7/315 - i**2/2 - 11. ", "Let g(n) be the second derivative of h(n). ", "Factor g(j).", "\nj**4*(j + 2)/3\nLet t(j) be the second derivative of -3*j**5/50 - 27*j**4/20 - 13*j**3/10 - j + 197. ", "Suppose t(z) = 0. ", "Calculate z.\n-13, -1/2, 0\nLet a = 662 + -660. ", "Determine k, given that 4/11 - 2/11*k**a + 2/11*k = 0.", "\n-1, 2\nLet d(y) be the third derivative of 1/168*y**8 + 0*y + 0*y**4 + 2/15*y**6 + 2/15*y**5 + 1/21*y**7 + 0*y**3 + 14*y**2 + 0. ", "Factor d(p).", "\n2*p**2*(p + 1)*(p + 2)**2\nLet b = 130 - 126. ", "Factor -x**b - 5/3*x**3 + 0 + 0*x - 1/3*x**2 + 3*x**5.", "\nx**2*(x - 1)*(3*x + 1)**2/3\nSuppose 5*u - u - 24 = 0. ", "Solve -d**2 - 4*d**5 + u*d**3 - 3*d + 7*d**4 + 6*d**5 + d = 0 for d.\n-2, -1, 0, 1/2\nLet g be 9/180*-4*-6. ", "Factor 3/5*l**3 + 0 + 0*l + g*l**2.", "\n3*l**2*(l + 2)/5\nLet b(v) be the third derivative of -1/105*v**5 + 2/21*v**3 - 8*v**2 - 1/28*v**4 + 0*v + 0. ", "Factor b(c).", "\n-2*(c + 2)*(2*c - 1)/7\nLet y(g) be the first derivative of -41 - 4*g**2 + 2/3*g**3 + 6*g. ", "What is k in y(k) = 0?", "\n1, 3\nLet j(m) be the second derivative of -2*m**2 - 3*m + 0 + 1/9*m**4 + 1/9*m**3. ", "Find w such that j(w) = 0.", "\n-2, 3/2\nLet k(v) be the first derivative of v**6/6 - v**4 + 2*v**3/3 + 3*v**2/2 - 2*v - 109. ", "Determine j so that k(j) = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 1\nLet q(m) = 5*m**2 + 63*m - 3. ", "Let b(z) = 6*z**2 + 66*z - 4. ", "Let i(u) = -3*b(u) + 4*q(u). ", "Suppose i(y) = 0. ", "Calculate y.\n-27, 0\nSuppose -2714 = -4*b - 694. ", "Factor 2*k**3 - 513*k - 4*k**3 - 10*k**2 + b*k.", "\n-2*k*(k + 1)*(k + 4)\nLet o be (-3)/(-30)*4*5. ", "Factor -80 - 16*y + 83 + 12*y**o + 2*y - y.\n3*(y - 1)*(4*y - 1)\nLet d(w) = 42*w**2 - 1370*w + 372. ", "Let o(q) = 14*q**2 - 458*q + 124. ", "Let p(v) = -5*d(v) + 14*o(v). ", "Solve p(r) = 0.", "\n2/7, 31\nSuppose 2*y + 5 = 3*p, -3*p - 5*y - 2 = -7*p. ", "Determine k, given that 4/7*k**p + 4/7 + 12/7*k**2 + 12/7*k = 0.", "\n-1\nLet i be (1 - 0) + 8/8. ", "Find l, given that 2*l - 5*l + 2 + 2*l**i - l = 0.", "\n1\nLet i(h) be the second derivative of h**7/126 + h**6/10 + h**5/2 + 23*h**4/18 + 11*h**3/6 + 3*h**2/2 - 12*h + 4. ", "Suppose i(n) = 0. ", "What is n?", "\n-3, -1\nSuppose 0 = 2*h - 9 + 3. ", "Suppose -2*s = 2*z - 6, -3*s = -z - h*z + 5. ", "Suppose -z*n**2 - 2/3*n + 0 = 0. ", "Calculate n.\n-1/3, 0\nLet q(x) be the second derivative of -x**7/1512 + x**6/144 - x**5/36 - 7*x**4/6 + 8*x. ", "Let g(u) be the third derivative of q(u). ", "Factor g(r).", "\n-5*(r - 2)*(r - 1)/3\nFactor -10*y**3 - 385*y**2 + 195*y**2 - y**4 + 10*y - 4*y**4 + 195*y**2.", "\n-5*y*(y - 1)*(y + 1)*(y + 2)\nLet s(z) be the second derivative of -5*z**4/6 - 14*z**3/3 + 3*z**2 - 2*z - 123. ", "Factor s(u).", "\n-2*(u + 3)*(5*u - 1)\nLet p be 10/(-3)*(-45)/25. ", "Suppose -2*s + 7*s - 4*v = 42, -3*s - 4*v + 38 = 0. ", "Suppose 2*c**5 - p*c**4 + s*c**3 - 6*c**2 - 2*c**4 + 2*c**2 = 0. ", "What is c?", "\n0, 1, 2\nSuppose 120 = 4*r - 20. ", "Factor -18 + 63 + 108*a - 33*a + r*a**2 + 5*a**3.", "\n5*(a + 1)*(a + 3)**2\nLet j(l) be the third derivative of 13*l**2 + 1/72*l**6 + 0 - 13/360*l**5 - 1/1260*l**7 + 0*l - l**3 - 5/12*l**4. ", "Determine c so that j(c) = 0.", "\n-1, 6\nLet 113*k + 67*k - 165*k**2 + 526*k**5 - 85*k**3 - 541*k**5 + 85*k**4 = 0. ", "Calculate k.\n-4/3, 0, 1, 3\nSuppose -5 - 4 = -3*y. ", "Let b be ((-1)/y)/(5/(-90)) - 1. ", "Factor 0*a + 1/7*a**4 + 0*a**2 - 1/7*a**b + 2/7*a**3 + 0.", "\n-a**3*(a - 2)*(a + 1)/7\nLet s(j) be the first derivative of -j**3/3 - 8*j**2 + 19*j - 6. ", "Let z be s(-17). ", "Factor -2*w**z + w - 2*w**2 + 15*w - 16.", "\n-4*(w - 2)**2\nLet a(n) be the third derivative of -n**7/195 + 2*n**6/39 + 5*n**5/26 - 20*n**4/39 - 28*n**3/39 + 586*n**2. ", "Solve a(s) = 0.", "\n-2, -2/7, 1, 7\nLet y(o) = -o**3 + o**2 + 1. ", "Let k(m) = -5*m**3 - 37*m**2 - 15*m + 5. ", "Let v be 6*5/15*1/2. ", "Let f(r) = v*k(r) + 4*y(r). ", "Solve f(p) = 0.", "\n-3, -1, 1/3\nLet f(x) be the first derivative of -5*x**6/6 + x**5 + 5*x**4/4 - 5*x**3/3 - 172. ", "Factor f(g).", "\n-5*g**2*(g - 1)**2*(g + 1)\nLet h = -25 + 35. ", "Factor -h + 6 - 2*d**2 + 6*d + 0*d**2.", "\n-2*(d - 2)*(d - 1)\nLet c be (4 - 2) + -5 + 6. ", "Solve 10 + 39*d + 18*d**3 + 0 - 4*d + 7*d**c + 45*d**2 + 5*d**4 = 0 for d.\n-2, -1\nLet b(p) = 2*p**4 - 12*p**3 + 32*p**2 + 14*p - 24. ", "Let l(s) = 4*s**4 - 13*s**3 + 33*s**2 + 16*s - 22. ", "Let j(z) = 3*b(z) - 2*l(z). ", "Suppose j(d) = 0. ", "Calculate d.\n-7, -1, 1, 2\nLet n(y) = -3*y**2 + 6*y. ", "Let o be n(3). ", "Let h be 1 + 0 - (o + 6). ", "Factor 4*i**2 - h*i**3 - 4 + 4 - 24*i**4 + 20*i**4 + 4*i.", "\n-4*i*(i - 1)*(i + 1)**2\nLet r(n) be the third derivative of 0*n - 1/20*n**6 - 3*n**3 + 0 - 11/4*n**4 - 6*n**2 - 19/30*n**5. ", "Factor r(w).", "\n-2*(w + 3)**2*(3*w + 1)\nLet m(j) be the second derivative of -j**6/210 - 13*j**5/140 - 11*j**4/84 + 13*j**3/42 + 6*j**2/7 - 3*j - 37. ", "Suppose m(w) = 0. ", "Calculate w.\n-12, -1, 1\nLet i(m) = -m**2 + 6*m + 3. ", "Let b be i(6). ", "Solve -u**2 - 8*u**2 - 18*u**2 + 18*u + 27*u - 21 + b*u**3 = 0 for u.\n1, 7\nWhat is p in 196/5*p**2 + 2/5 - 124/5*p**3 + 162/5*p**5 - 38/5*p - 198/5*p**4 = 0?", "\n-1, 1/9, 1\nSolve -40000/3 + 800/3*g - 4/3*g**2 = 0.", "\n100\nSuppose 0 = 39*r - 43*r - 3*t, 0 = -3*r + 4*t. ", "Solve -1/3*l**2 - 2/3*l + r = 0.", "\n-2, 0\nLet l(w) = -2*w - 63. ", "Let r b" ]
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[ "772 F.2d 916\n*Broomv.", "Fortner\n85-3260\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit.", "\n8/23/85\n\n1\nM.D.Fla.", "\n\nAFFIRMED\n\n2\n---------------\n\n\n\n* Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 11th Cir.", "R. 23.", "\n\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0016738270642235875, 0.0007485146052204072, 0.0011257232399657369, 0.000938571582082659, 0.0009979488095268607, 0.0007621667464263737, 0.0009102928452193737, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "<?", "php\ndeclare(strict_types=1);\n\nnamespace predaddy\\messagehandling\\configuration;\n\nuse predaddy\\messagehandling\\CachedMessageHandlerDescriptorFactory;\nuse predaddy\\messagehandling\\FunctionDescriptorFactory;\nuse predaddy\\messagehandling\\MessageHandlerDescriptor;\n\n/**\n * Creates {@link ConfiguredMessageHandlerDescriptor}s according to the given {@link Configuration}.", "\n *\n * Can be passed to a {@link SimpleMessageBus} in order to manage handler methods based on the configurations,\n * instead of the default annotation scanning.", "\n *\n * @package predaddy\\messagehandling\\configuration\n * @author Janos Szurovecz <szjani@szjani.hu>\n */\nclass ConfiguredMessageHandlerDescriptorFactory extends CachedMessageHandlerDescriptorFactory\n{\n /**\n * @var Configuration\n */\n private $configuration;\n\n /**\n * @param FunctionDescriptorFactory $functionDescFactory\n * @param Configuration $configuration\n */\n public function __construct(FunctionDescriptorFactory $functionDescFactory, Configuration $configuration)\n {\n parent::__construct($functionDescFactory);\n $this->configuration = $configuration;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param object $handler\n * @return MessageHandlerDescriptor\n */\n protected function innerCreate($handler) : MessageHandlerDescriptor\n {\n return ConfiguredMessageHandlerDescriptor::create(\n $handler,\n $this->getFunctionDescriptorFactory(),\n $this->configuration->methodsFor($handler)\n );\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0009998893365263939, 0.0023392653092741966, 0.0006994495051912963, 0.0015148635720834136 ]
[ "✖ Hello Guys! ", "✖\n\n❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤\n\nThis is a day when you first meet me.", "Welcome to this place, that only things you will see. ", "You’ll find a thing that will make you want to be me. ", "Click and read, don’t forget to leave a comment here.", "I’ll make you sure to not regret it.", "Last but not the least, thank you for coming here.", "Bye, bye, and let’s meet again! ", "^.^" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0010607404401525855, 0.0009179574553854764, 0.0006142198690213263, 0.008675447665154934, 0.0010330274235457182, 0.0029162906575948, 0.0005517624667845666, 0.002779284492135048, 0.001161175430752337 ]

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