[ "New Alliance MLA Andrew Muir\n\nA second out LGBT+ politician has been named to the Northern Ireland assembly.", "\n\nAlliance politician Andrew Muir, who previously served as Mayor of North Down, was selected by the party to fill the vacant seat as MLA for North Down on Wednesday.", "\n\nHe replaces Stephen Farry, who left the assembly after being elected to the UK Parliament as MP for North Down in December’s snap election.", "\n\nAndrew Muir ‘deeply honoured’ to be named to Northern Ireland assembly\n\nMuir said: “I am deeply honoured to be selected by my Alliance friends and colleagues to succeed Stephen Farry as MLA for North Down.”", "\n\nHe added: “I am looking forward to building on my work as a Councillor… [to] provide a strong Alliance voice for all the people of North Down, serving them both in the constituency and at a restored Assembly.”", "\n\nThe assembly has not been able to sit since January 2017, when power-sharing in the region collapsed.", "\n\nMuir added: “I am coming into the role at a time when the Assembly is suspended and therefore one of my priorities as an MLA will be to play my role in helping restore Stormont, so it can deliver for all the people of North Down and further afield.", "\n\n“That includes supporting the health service and local schools, pushing for infrastructure investment and helping tackle the climate emergency.”", "\n\nAlliance has led the way on LGBT+ representation\n\nMuir is only the second out LGBT+ lawmaker in the history of the Northern Ireland assembly.", "\n\nThe first is John Blair, also of Alliance, who was appointed to the assembly in 2018.", "\n\nSpeaking to PinkNews in 2018, Blair said: “In my political party, these simply aren’t issues, and all people, whatever their background, are encouraged to develop, run for public office and do whatever they want to do.”", "\n\nAlliance leader Naomi Long said: “Alliance has a history because of our history of liberal and progressive policies of attracting high numbers of LGBT activists and members.", "\n\n“That’s something we welcome because it allows people to have a voice.”", "\n\nSame-sex weddings are expected to start in Northern Ireland in February, after the UK Parliament passed a bill to extend marriage equality to the region in the absence of the devolved assembly.", "\n\nHowever, the region still lags behind much of the UK on LGBT+ issues." ]
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[ "Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and is characterized by sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity that significantly worsens prognosis ([@B1]--[@B8]). ", "Cardiac adrenergic nerve activity has been assessed by ^123^I meta-iodobenzylguanidine (^123^I MIBG) imaging ([@B9]) and, as demonstrated by the AdreView Myocardial Imaging for Risk Evaluation in Heart Failure (ADMIRE-HF) study ([@B10]), the heart-to-mediastinum (H/M) ratio is an independent predictor of HF progression, arrhythmic cardiac events, and cardiac death. ", "Reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake, likely due to diabetic neuropathy, has also been demonstrated in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) without HF and correlated with worse prognosis ([@B11],[@B12]). ", "DM is common in HF patients with a prevalence range from 10 to 30% ([@B13]) and adversely influences long-term morbidity and mortality of symptomatic and asymptomatic HF patients ([@B14],[@B15]). ", "In diabetic HF patients enrolled in the ADMIRE-HF trial, it has been recently demonstrated that the combination of DM and reduced ^123^I MIBG cardiac uptake is an independent predictor of HF progression ([@B16]). ", "Yet, the distinct impact of DM on cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in patients with HF has not been largely investigated, and no previous studies have assessed cardiac innervation in matched HF patients with and without DM. ", "Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate ^123^I MIBG uptake in matched DM and non-DM patients with severe systolic HF.", "\n\nRESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS {#s1}\n===========================\n\nPopulation and study protocol {#s2}\n-----------------------------\n\nWe enrolled 37 consecutive patients with systolic HF and type 2 DM and 38 HF patients without DM referring to the outpatient clinic for HF at the University of Naples Federico II. ", "To be included in the study, patients needed to fulfill the following criteria: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤40% and dilated cardiomyopathy in at least two consecutive echocardiographic evaluations, diagnosis of HF since at least 6 months, stable clinical conditions (New York Heart Association \\[NYHA\\] II--III), coronary angiography within 1 year from enrollment, and no acute coronary syndrome or angina in the 6 months before inclusion in the study. ", "Ischemic cardiomyopathy was defined as ventricular dysfunction in myocardial regions subtended by significant (\\>70% diameter) coronary stenosis, with normal regional contractile function at echocardiography and/or invasive angiography in regions subtended by coronary arteries without significant stenosis. ", "At the time of enrollment, all patients were on optimized medical therapy for HF treatment including the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or AT1 antagonists when not tolerated, β-blockers, loop diuretics, antialdosterone, and digitalis, when necessary, in addition to conventional drugs used for the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. ", "Fourteen type 2 DM patients with normal cardiac function were also included in the study. ", "The diagnosis of DM was confirmed by clinical history or through the assessment of at least two determinations of fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dL or a random plasma glucose test ≥200 mg/dL or with blood glucose levels ≥200 mg/dL 120 min after an oral glucose tolerance test performed with 75 g of glucose dissolved in water and confirmed by repeating the test on another day ([@B17]). ", "On the same day, patients underwent clinical examination, venous blood sample collection, transthoracic echocardiography, and ^123^I MIBG imaging. ", "Demographic data, including age, sex, height, body weight, BMI, HF medications, NYHA class, tobacco use, hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history of coronary events, duration of DM, presence of comorbidities, and ischemic versus nonischemic HF etiology were also collected. ", "A venous blood sample was collected in all patients to assess biochemical data, including hemoglobin A~1c~ (HbA~1c~) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP); serum creatinine levels were obtained to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and assess renal impairment, as previously described ([@B18]). ", "Diabetic patients were also screened for the presence of diabetic neuropathy using the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument examination ([@B19],[@B20]). ", "A standard transthoracic echocardiography was performed in all patients using a VIVID E9 ultrasound system (GE Healthcare) with second-harmonic capability and a 3.5-MHz probe. ", "All measurements were performed according to the European Society of Cardiology Recommendations for Chamber Quantification ([@B21]). ", "Left ventricular (LV) diameters were obtained in the M-mode view. ", "Global and regional LV function was evaluated and LVEF was calculated from apical four- and two-chamber views using the Simpson biplane method ([@B21]). ", "Wall motion score index (WMSI) was calculated to assess the extent of regional wall motion abnormalities. ", "At the end of this initial evaluation, synaptic noradrenaline reuptake was assessed by ^123^I MIBG scintigraphy. ", "All patients gave written informed consent, and the local ethic committee approved the protocol.", "\n\n^123^I MIBG imaging procedures {#s3}\n------------------------------\n\nAfter blockage of the thyroid gland with 300 mg perchlorate, an activity of 111 MBq ^123^IMIBG (Mallinckrodt, Covidien) was administered over 1--2 min, and a 10-min planar anterior chest image was performed at 15 min (\"early\" image) and again at 3 h and 50 min (\"late\" image). ", "Imaging was performed with low-energy/high-resolution collimators, and the camera peaked at 159 keV with a symmetrical 20% energy window. ", "The images were acquired and stored in a 128 × 128 matrix ([@B22]). ", "Two observers, blinded about patient status (i.e., diabetic or nondiabetic), analyzed ^123^I MIBG studies ([@B10],[@B23]). ", "H/M ratios were calculated from the early and late images after drawing regions of interest over the entire heart and upper mediastinum (7 × 7 pixels). ", "Care was taken to exclude lung or liver from the myocardial and large vessels and lung from the mediastinum region of interest. ", "^123^I MIBG washout rate was calculated using the following formula: \\[(early heart counts/pixel -- early mediastinum counts/pixel) -- (late heart counts/pixel decay-corrected -- late mediastinum counts/pixel decay-corrected)\\]/(early heart counts/pixel -- early mediastinum counts/pixel).", "\n\nAssessment of cardiac autonomic neuropathy {#s4}\n------------------------------------------\n\nEvaluation of autonomic neuropathy was performed as previously described ([@B11],[@B24]). ", "In particular, five tests were used: *1*) blood pressure change during standing up and *2*) during sustained handgrip and *3*) heart rate response to Valsalva maneuver, *4*) to standing up, and *5*) to deep breathing. ", "Blood pressure response to standing up was evaluated through the difference of systolic blood pressure measured after 2 min of lying down and systolic blood pressure after standing up, whereas blood pressure response to 5 min of sustained handgrip at 30% of maximum voluntary contraction was evaluated through the difference of diastolic blood pressure assessed just before release of the handgrip and diastolic blood pressure measured before starting the maneuver. ", "For heart rate responses, Valsalva maneuver was continued for 15 min at 40 mmHg, and then the ratio between the longest R wave--to--R wave (RR) interval soon after the release and the shortest RR during the maneuver was evaluated. ", "Heart rate response to standing up was assessed as the ratio between the longest RR interval around the 30th beat and the shortest RR around the 15th beat (30:15 ratio), and finally heart rate changes to deep breathing were calculated through the mean of the differences of maximum and minimum heart rate of three consecutive deep breathings (six breaths per minute). ", "A mean autonomic score was then calculated, referring to previously described normal, borderline, or abnormal values ([@B24]), and the presence of autonomic impairment was defined as an abnormal response to two or more of the five tests ([@B11]).", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#s5}\n--------------------\n\nData are expressed as mean ± SD. ", "The Student *t* test was used for continuous variables. ", "Correlation between variables was assessed by linear regression analysis, and variables that revealed a statistical significance in the univariate model were then included in a multivariate analysis. ", "Categorical variables such as NYHA classification were analyzed by χ^2^ test. ", "All data were collected in an Excel database and analyzed by SPSS 20.0. ", "Statistical significance was accepted at *P* ≤ 0.05.", "\n\nRESULTS {#s6}\n=======\n\nPatient characteristics {#s7}\n-----------------------\n\nMean age of the 75 patients with HF was 67.33 ± 9.6 years (84% male patients) with mean LVEF of 31.03 ± 7.15%. ", "In 52 subjects (69.3%), HF was of ischemic etiology, and in 23 (30.7%), the etiology was an idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. ", "All diabetic patients had a diagnosis of type 2 DM. ", "No statistically significant differences between HF patients with and without DM were found for cardiovascular risk factors, demographic variables, comorbidities, LV systolic function, NYHA functional class, serum NT-proBNP levels, and HF therapy, as shown in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Medical treatment of DM was as follows: 19 patients (51.4%) were on oral antidiabetic agents alone, 2 (5.4%) on insulin alone, 4 (10.8%) on oral drugs + insulin, and 12 (32.4%) on diet only. ", "Mean HbA~1c~ was 6.61 ± 0.69% (49 mmol/mol), and 22 patients (59.5%) had an HbA~1c~ measurement ≥6.5%, whereas 11 subjects (29.7%) had an HbA~1c~ value \\>7%. ", "Mean duration of DM was 62 ± 79 months. ", "In 14 patients with DM without HF, mean age was 65.9 ± 8.8 years, mean DM duration was 58 ± 36 months, and mean HbA~1c~ was 7.5 ± 1.5% (58 mmol/mol).", "\n\n###### \n\nBaseline characteristics of HF patients with and without DM\n\n![](", "2395tbl1)\n\n^123^I MIBG imaging {#s8}\n-------------------\n\nEarly and late H/M ratios were significantly lower in patients with HF and DM compared with patients with HF without DM. ", "In particular, DM patients showed a mean early H/M ratio of 1.65 ± 0.21 vs. 1.75 ± 0.21 in non-DM subjects (*P* \\< 0.05) and a mean late H/M ratio of 1.46 ± 0.22 vs. 1.58 ± 0.24 in non-DM subjects (*P* \\< 0.03). ", "^123^I MIBG washout rate did not significantly differ between the two groups (38 ± 22 vs. 34 ± 22%; *P* = 0.44). ", "Both early and late H/M were significantly higher in DM patients without HF (2.22 ± 0.35 and 1.99 ± 0.24, respectively) when compared with HF patients with (*P* \\< 0.0001) and without (*P* \\< 0.0001) DM.", "\n\nCardiac autonomic neuropathy {#s9}\n----------------------------\n\nMean autonomic score was 2.85 ± 0.80 in 20 patients with HF and DM and 3.06 ± 0.62 in 14 patients with DM without HF (*P* = NS). ", "Autonomic impairment was found in all but 1 diabetic patient with HF and in 12 (86%) diabetic patients without HF. ", "H/M ratios in 12 DM patients without HF with autonomic dysfunction were significantly higher compared with 19 DM patients with HF and with autonomic dysfunction (early H/M 2.24 ± 0.37 vs. 1.62 ± 0.16, respectively, *P* \\< 0.0001; late H/M 1.96 ± 0.24 vs. 1.42 ± 0.16, respectively, *P* \\< 0.0001). ", "In the whole group of 34 DM patients evaluated for autonomic impairment, no correlation was found between autonomic score and both early and late H/M ratios (*r* = −0.70, *P* = 0.723 for early H/M; *r* = −0.787, *P* = 0.340 for late H/M). ", "In addition, no correlation was found between mean autonomic score and HbA~1c~ (*r* = −0.006, *P* = 0.977).", "\n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients with and without DM {#s10}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the group of 75 patients with HF, in univariate analysis, early H/M ratio significantly correlated with age, LVEF, NYHA class, HF etiology, NT-proBNP, presence of DM, and HbA~1c~ ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only HbA~1c~ remained a significant predictor of early H/M ratio ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG in all patients and in DM and non-DM patients\n\n![](", "2395tbl2)\n\nIn univariate analysis, late H/M ratio significantly correlated with the same variables associated with early H/M and, in addition, with GFR ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only etiology of HF remained significantly associated with late H/M. Interestingly, when \"presence of DM\" was eliminated from the multivariate analysis, HbA~1c~, in addition to HF etiology, remained significantly correlated with H/M ratio, surely because HbA~1c~ acted as a surrogate for DM.", "\n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients with DM {#s11}\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the group of HF patients with DM, in univariate analysis, early H/M ratio significantly correlated with LVEF, NT-proBNP, and HbA~1c~ ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*A*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, LVEF and HbA~1c~ remained significantly associated with H/M ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n![", "Correlation between HbA~1c~ and early and late H/M ratio in HF patients with and without DM. *", "A*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and early H/M ratio in DM patients. *", "B*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and late H/M ratio in DM patients. *", "C*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and early H/M ratio in non-DM patients. *", "D*: Correlation between HbA~1c~ and late H/M ratio in non-DM patients.](2395fig1){#F1}\n\nLate H/M ratio significantly correlated with age, LVEF, NT-proBNP, and HbA~1c~ ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*B*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only HbA~1c~ remained significantly associated with late H/M ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nDeterminants of ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients without DM {#s12}\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the group of HF patients without DM, in univariate analysis, early H/M ratio significantly correlated with age, NYHA class, HF etiology, and NT-proBNP ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*C*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, none of these parameters remained a significant predictor of early H/M ratio ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nLate H/M ratio significantly correlated with the same variables associated with early H/M and, in addition, with GFR ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Fig. ", "1*D*](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In multivariate analysis, only NT-proBNP remained significantly associated with late H/M ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS {#s13}\n===========\n\nThe current study demonstrates that in DM patients with severe systolic HF, ^123^I MIBG cardiac uptake is significantly impaired compared with matched HF patients without DM and with DM patients without HF. ", "In addition, in HF patients, ^123^I MIBG uptake significantly correlates with metabolic control of DM over the last 1--2 months, as indicated by the inverse association between H/M ratios and HbA~1c~ levels.", "\n\nPrevious studies {#s14}\n----------------\n\nImpaired ^123^I MIBG cardiac uptake was previously reported in DM patients without structural heart disease ([@B12]) and in DM patients with silent myocardial ischemia ([@B11]). ", "In particular, Yufu et al. ([", "@B12]) recently demonstrated, in 108 subjects with type 2 DM but no cardiac diseases, that the ^123^I MIBG washout rate predicts major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events. ", "Moreover, Scholte et al. ([", "@B25]) reported that ^123^I MIBG imaging was able to detect cardiac neuropathy in DM patients before the development of signs of cardiac autonomic imbalance, such as heart rate variability, and proposed that ^123^I MIBG imaging may provide early prognostic information in these patients. ", "Mechanisms of reduced cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in DM patients without structural heart diseases are not completely understood and are presumably different from the mechanisms of reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients with DM. ", "Hyperinsulinemia exerts a sympathoexcitatory effect ([@B26]) that may lead to enhanced sympathetic tone and reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake in early stages of DM, whereas cardiac sympathetic denervation, demonstrated at postmortem studies, would be responsible for reduced ^123^I MIBG uptake in long-term diabetic patients with structural heart disease. ", "However, few clinical data are available on the impact of DM on cardiac sympathetic activity in patients with HF. ", "In fact, the only available data come from a recent retrospective analysis of the ADMIRE-HF trial ([@B16]). ", "In this analysis, Gerson et al. ([", "@B16]) compared 343 DM patients with 618 non-DM patients enrolled in the ADMIRE-HF study ([@B10]) and reported that HF patients with DM and ^123^I MIBG H/M ratio \\<1.68 had about threefold increased risk of HF progression compared with HF patients without DM and with H/M ratio \\<1.68. ", "It was also observed that DM patients in the ADMIRE-HF population showed significantly lower ^123^I MIBG H/M ratios (either early or late H/M) compared with non-DM patients. ", "At variance with our study, ^123^I MIBG washout rate was also significantly higher in DM compared with non-DM patients. ", "However, due to the retrospective design of that analysis, DM and non-DM patients were not matched for relevant characteristics that may have influenced the differences observed in ^123^I MIBG parameters. ", "In particular, DM patients had significantly worse clinical conditions and significantly less use of β-blockers and were significantly older than non-DM patients. ", "Since it has been reported that β-blocker therapy restores ^123^I MIBG uptake ([@B27]) and ^123^I MIBG uptake impairment correlates with the degree of clinical deterioration, it is difficult to dissect from the data of the ADMIRE-HF trial the distinct influence of DM on cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in HF patients.", "\n\nApart from the ADMIRE-HF data, no previous studies evaluated the impact of DM on cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake in patients with overt HF, whereas an influence of DM on ^123^I MIBG uptake and an association with subclinical HF were previously observed ([@B28],[@B29]). ", "In fact, it was reported that DM patients with normal LV function at rest who developed contractile dysfunction during stress show more impaired ^123^I MIBG uptake compared with patients with a normal response to stress ([@B28],[@B29]).", "\n\nA provocative observation of the current study is the inverse correlation between HbA~1c~ and either early or late H/M, observed in the whole population and in the subgroup of DM patients but not in non-DM patients. ", "The strength of this association was supported by multivariate analysis that identified HbA~1c~ as the only significant predictor of late H/M ratio and as an independent predictor of early H/M ratio in the subgroup of DM patients. ", "To our knowledge, this observation is novel and, indeed, no such correlation was found in the ADMIRE-HF population ([@B10]). ", "However, consistent with our findings, in a previous study, Ziegler et al. ([", "@B30]) observed in a small series of 12 type 1 DM subjects followed up for 4 years that poor glycemic control, assessed by HbA~1c~, represents a determinant of cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake impairment that might be prevented by normoglycemia. ", "In our study, HbA~1c~ assessment and ^123^I MIBG imaging were obtained in the same day, which may explain the lack of correlation observed in the ADMIRE-HF populations. ", "Notably, MIBG uptake in diabetic and nondiabetic HF patients was significantly lower than that observed in diabetic patients with autonomic dysfunction and normal LV function, suggesting that autonomic dysfunction does not explain the impairment of MIBG uptake in HF diabetic patients. ", "These previous observations and the findings of the current study suggest a potential working hypothesis for future mechanistic studies aimed at assessing whether glycation directly affects the process of noradrenaline reuptake at synaptic level.", "\n\nLimitations {#s15}\n-----------\n\nThere are limitations of the study that need to be acknowledged. ", "The first is the relatively small number of patients, which makes our findings preliminary and warranting further confirmation. ", "However, the dispersion of data observed in the current study was of the same magnitude as that observed in the larger ADMIRE-HF population ([@B16]), as indicated by the similar coefficient of variations of H/M ratios in the two studies (data not shown). ", "The small number of patients may have prevented differences in the use of β-blockers and ACE inhibitors between DM and non-DM patients with HF to reach statistical significance. ", "However, both classes of drugs demonstrated to improve ^123^I MIBG uptake ([@B31]). ", "Thus, the higher percent of patients taking β-blockers and ACE inhibitors observed in the group of DM patients with HF may only have undermined the differences in H/M ratios observed in the current study. ", "In addition, no influence of type of drug on MIBG uptake was found in univariate analysis. ", "In the current study, ^123^I MIBG uptake was evaluated from planar images, and, therefore, the value of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) ^123^I MIBG imaging, reported in previous studies ([@B32]), remains to be investigated. ", "Likewise, although our findings were not influenced by wall motion score, lack of SPECT perfusion rest/stress data does not enable us to exclude the impact of myocardial necrosis or myocardial-inducible ischemia on our observations.", "\n\nIn patients affected by chronic, severe systolic HF, DM is associated with reduced cardiac ^123^I MIBG uptake compared with non-DM patients and with DM patients without HF, and ^123^I MIBG uptake independently correlates with glycemic control over the last 1--2 months. ", "Additional pathophysiological studies are warranted to assess the biological relevance of these findings and their potential clinical implications for the management of diabetic HF patients.", "\n\nNo potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.", "\n\nS.P. and G.R. conceived, designed, and executed the research project and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. ", "G.P. designed and executed the research project and analyzed and interpreted data. ", "T.P., M.T., and A.B. executed the research project and acquired scintigraphy data. ", "G.S. analyzed data and performed statistical analysis. ", "G.D.F. executed the research project and analyzed data. ", "E.A. executed the research project and acquired data. ", "R.F. executed the research project and performed autonomic neuropathy tests. ", "L.P. executed the research project and performed autonomic neuropathy tests. ", "F.S. executed the research project and performed laboratory analysis. ", "G.G. executed the research project and reviewed and critiqued the manuscript. ", "D.L., B.T., and A.C. reviewed and critiqued the manuscript. ", "P.P.-F. conceived and designed the research project and reviewed and approved the final content of the manuscript. ", "P.P.-F. is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.", "\n\n[^1]: S.P. and G.R. contributed equally to this study.", "\n" ]
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[ "Analysis of neurogenesis and programmed cell death reveals a self-renewing capacity in the adult rat brain.", "\nThe adult central nervous system was thought to be very limited in its regenerative potential; however, the discovery that stem cell populations produce neurons in the adult brain highlights the dynamics of a previously assumed 'static' organ. ", "The continuous generation of new neurons in the adult brain, nevertheless, leads to the question of whether neurogenesis is counterbalanced by an accompanying cell death in the same regions. ", "The objective of this study was to stereologically analyze neurogenesis and programmed cell death in adult brain regions with known neurogenic activity. ", "Using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to identify newborn cells we find that within a few days of BrdU-labeling the adult dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb generate high numbers of newborn neurons. ", "More importantly, dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) reveals that areas of adult neurogenesis also contain high numbers of apoptotic cells. ", "We conclude that programmed cell death may have an important regulatory function by eliminating supernumerous cells from neurogenic regions and may thus contribute to a self-renewal mechanism in the adult mammalian brain." ]
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[ "Sunday, 28 February 2010\n\nI was very impressed by Withington MP John Leech's performance on the Politics Show this morning. ", "John discussed the importance of online campaigning locally and highlighted the massive Save Chorlton Meadows online campaign and the Save Ewing School as two issues where the Internet has helped local Lib Dems join with residents to fight to preserve and promote public services. ", "John also discussed the Lib Dems' commitment to abolish tuition fees.", "\n\nThe interview is available to watch online at: http://tiny.cc/JLonPSNW until 7 March.", "\n\nMonday, 22 February 2010\n\nAnother day of successful campaigning and talking to lots of local people. ", "Walking around Chorlton is a great way of picking up casework and things that need reporting to the Council. ", "For example this morning I noticed this damaged litter bin on Ransfield Road. ", "I've also noticed a great deal of potholes and poor road surfaces that the Council still needs to come and repair! ", "I will make sure to follow these things up Monday morning.", "\n\nIf you know of anything that needs the Council's attention please let me know at victor.libdem@ymail.com or 881 4139.", "\n\nSunday, 21 February 2010\n\nI've had an excellent couple of days of campaigning in Chorlton. ", "Yesterday we managed to deliver our leaflets to almost all of the ward in just one day. ", "And today has been a very encouraging and rewarding day of canvassing. ", "I'm especially grateful to the huge team of people who have come out to help us recently. ", "More and more people are telling us that they're planning to support the Lib Dems this time around and are coming out to help us.", "\n\nI have really enjoyed meeting lots of local residents and talking to them about local issues and their concerns; and I have picked up a lot of casework. ", "I'm very happy to help you out with any issues you might have. ", "Please email me at victor.libdem@ymail.com or ring me on 881 4139.", "\n\nWednesday, 17 February 2010\n\nI along with the Chorlton Lib Dem team have fought the car parking charges at Chorlton Precinct from the start. ", "The charges have significantly hurt traders anddiscouraged shoppers from coming to Chorlton. ", "During an economic downturn we need to be helping our local shops and their customers - not making it even harder for them.", "\n\nWhen I have been out talking to local people it is one of the big issues that keep reoccurring. ", "The team recently delivered an 800 strong petition to Parliament. ", "I will keep campaigning alongside my Lib Dem colleagues to abolish the charges.", "\n\nTuesday, 9 February 2010\n\nWithington MP John Leech hailed the beginning of construction of the Metrolink extension to south Manchester as a welcome milestone.", "\n\nHaving added his voice lobbying the Government to fund extensions to the Metrolink network since his election in 2005. ", "While visiting a site where construction has begun in Chorlton, he restated his strong support for the extension of the Metrolink to south Manchester, adding:\n\n\"I am so pleased that extension of the Metrolink is finally under way. ", "It will help tackle congestion across the area and bring new economic opportunities.\"", "\n\nI'm delighted Metrolink is coming to Chorlton. ", "It will be a big boost to Chorlton as it will massively improve people's choice in public transport, reduce traffic and help tackle air quality problems. ", "I really hope it will also benefit our local independent shops by bringing more people to Chorlton and reducing leakage. ", "Metrolink will also greatly improve Chorlton's connections to the rest of South Manchester.", "\n\nMonday, 8 February 2010\n\nI think this is excellent news, I believe Manchester residents should not have to worry about a rise in their Council Tax next year whilst we continue to fight the effects of the recession in the city. ", "This move will put more money back into local people’s pockets.", "\n\nMy colleague Cllr Paul Ankers said: “This is great news, the Council needs to be much more careful about how they spend tax payers’ money”\n\nLeader of the Liberal Democrats in Manchester Councillor Simon Ashley commented: \"Britain is the last of the major economies to come out of recession. ", "Liberal Democrats have argued nationally that the income tax threshold should be raised to make the tax system fairer at this testing time. ", "Not raising the Council Tax in Manchester, as Manchester Liberal Democrats have campaigned for throughout last year and into this year, represents a fairer deal for our residents and we will campaign now to see it implemented.\"", "\n\nWednesday, 3 February 2010\n\nThe report to the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee yesterday revealed that Chorlton has the second highest number of defective gullies in the City! ", "Out of the 3,200 gullies in Chorlton, 560 are defective and 237 have not been attended to by the Council.", "\n\nMany Chorlton residents have complained to me about the atrocious state of gullies along their Road. ", "The Council simply isn’t doing enough to prevent blockages which cause problems for local residents. ", "Many gullies have not been properly cleared or jetted by the Council; as a result they have become blocked and consequently can flood. ", "This makes it hard for people to walk along the pavement and for cyclists and motorists. ", "During the recent cold spell the flooding has frozen over and made huge ice puddles which are very dangerous to walk across. ", "The Council hasn’t inspected Chorlton’s gullies since last February and isn’t planning to inspect them again until next November! ", "Which makes it easy to see why our gullies are so bad.", "\n\nManchester City Council needs to do a lot more to help clear these gullies and prevent blockages in the future. ", "I will be working hard for local residents to make sure this happens. ", "I have already reported the defective gullies along High Lane, but if you know of any others please let me know and I will get them sorted out.", "\n\nTuesday, 2 February 2010\n\nI was shocked to read the story in Today's MEN (http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/1191135_420000_written_off_in_council_mixup) that Manchester City Council has overpaid £421,000 of local taxpayers money due to 'an accounting blunder'. ", "But what shocked me the most was how the Labour Deputy Leader of the Council seemed to shrug it off as insignificant and not worth claiming back.", "\n\nWhy is the Council happy to \"waive the overpayment\"? ", "Manchester has one of the highest levels of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion in the Country. ", "This money could be used to really benefit citizens, but Labour's incompetence means it has just been squandered. ", "In Chorlton this money would have made a huge difference to help improve the poor Leisure Centre or to try and clear our drains which are the second worst in the City.", "\n\nI am very pleased that the Manchester Liberal Democrats do not think this is acceptable behaviour and have asked the District Auditor to investigate this scandalous loss.", "\n\nMonday, 1 February 2010\n\nLocal Lib Dems have been looking into how much aviation contributes to our total Co2 output.", "\n\nIn 2003 the government published its Air Transport White Paper, which encouraged the UK's aviation industry to continuously expand its capacity to 2030 and beyond.", "\n\nIn 2008 the government passed its Climate Change Act, which included international aviation and shipping into its calculations of reducing our Co2 output by 80% of 1990 levels.", "\n\nA study, commissioned by the Government and conducted by Manchester Metropolitan University calculated two projections for the UK's international aviation emissions (http://randd.defra.gov.uk/Document.aspx?Document=GA01060_3754_FRP.pdf).", "\n\nIt concluded that if we allow our airports to expand in line with the 2003 white paper, then by 2050 international aviation will contribute between 86% and 128% of our total carbon budget. ", "If we were to take the average between these two projections, we would arrive at 107%.", "\n\nIf we were to continue on our present course of airport expansion, aviation alone would bust our carbon budget, leaving nothing left for the rest of the economy!", "\n\nI want the Prime Minister to explain how we hope to achieve our targets of Co2 reductions if we continue to expand airports such as Manchester, so my colleague, Cllr Martin Eakins, has created an 'e-petition' on the number 10 website calling for this.", "\n\nWe need 500 signatures by the 6th February to provoke an official response - so please join me in signing it and let other know: http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/aviation-growth/" ]
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[ "Čas glasovanja\nPredsednik\nNaslednja točka je glasovanje.", "\n(Rezultati in druge podrobnosti glasovanja: glej zapisnik.)", "\n\nAlain Hutchinson\n(FR) Gospod predsednik, oprostite, ne vem, v skladu s katerim členom poslovnika naj naslovim Parlament, vendar bi želel podati izjavo predsedstvu o trenutni situaciji v Parlamentu: spreminja se v nenehen cirkus, zaradi česar je zelo težko delati v miru, kadar si tu prizadevamo za resne stvari.", "\n(Aplavz)\nMenim, da je ta situacija včeraj zvečer dosegla svoj vrhunec, in predsedstvo bi prosil, naj ukrepa, da bi vzpostavilo mirno in resno ozračje v Parlamentu, ki mora biti zgled celotnemu svetu, in to mora biti resen Parlament, ne cirkus.", "\n(Aplavz)\nPredsednik\nMislim, gospod Hutchinson, da s tem menite različne prikaze na hodnikih in prehodih. ", "Veste, da so glede tega odgovorni kvestorji. ", "Seveda bomo posredovali vaše pripombe.", "\nPervenche Berès\n(FR) Gospod predsednik, tudi jaz bi imela pripombo glede miru in reda pri našem delu. ", "Naše zasedanje je včeraj popoldne zaznamoval izredno čustven dogodek, vendar pa je prekinitev dnevnega reda pomenila več kot dvourno preložitev govorov o tako pomembnih temah, kot je finančna kriza, kar je povsem zmotilo vrstni red govornikov. ", "To ne pomaga pri gladkem poteku stvari v Parlamentu.", "\nPredsednik\nV tem primeru bom vaše pripombe posredoval konferenci predsednikov in ne kvestorjem, saj je to telo, ki je odgovorno za takšne zadeve.", "\n" ]
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[ "Scientists are searching through a massive collection of 20-million-year-old amber found in the Dominican Republic more than 50 years ago, and the effort is yielding fresh insights into ancient tropical insects and the world they inhabited.", "\n\nWhen the collection is fully curated, a task that will take many years, it will be the largest unbiased Dominican amber collection in the world, the researchers report.", "\n\nPerhaps the most striking discovery thus far is that of a pygmy locust, a tiny grasshopper the size of a rose thorn that lived 18- to 20-million years ago and fed on moss, algae and fungi. ", "The specimen is remarkable because it represents an intermediate stage of evolution in the life of its subfamily of locusts (known as the Cladonotinae). ", "The most ancient representatives of this group had wings, while modern counterparts do not. ", "The newly discovered locust has what appear to be vestigial wings -- remnant structures that had already lost their primary function.", "\n\nThe discovery is reported in the journal ZooKeys.", "\n\n\"Grasshoppers are very rare in amber and this specimen is extraordinarily well-preserved,\" said Sam Heads, a paleontologist at the Illinois Natural History Survey, a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois.", "\n\nHeads, laboratory technician Jared Thomas and study co-author Yinan Wang found the new specimen a few months after the start of their project to screen more than 160 pounds of Dominican amber collected in the late 1950s by former INHS entomologist Milton Sanderson. ", "Sanderson described several specimens from the collection in a paper in Science in 1960, a report that inspired a generation of scientists to seek out and study Dominican amber, Heads said.", "\n\nadvertisement\n\nThe bulk of the Sanderson amber collection remained in storage, however, until Heads uncovered it in 2010.", "\n\nHeads has named the new pygmy locust Electrotettix attenboroughi, the genus name a combination of electrum (Latin from Greek, meaning \"amber\") and tettix (Greek, meaning \"grasshopper\"). ", "The species is named for Sir David Attenborough, a British naturalist and filmmaker (not to be confused with Richard Attenborough, David's actor brother who appeared in the movie \"Jurassic Park\").", "\n\n\"Sir David has a personal interest in amber, and also he was one of my childhood heroes and still is one of my heroes and so I decided to name the species in his honor -- with his permission of course,\" Heads said. (", "Attenborough narrates and appears in a new video about the Sanderson collection and the specimen that bears his name.)", "\n\nThe process of screening the amber is slow and painstaking. ", "Much of the amber is clouded with oxidation, and the researchers must carefully cut and polish \"windows\" in it to get a good look at what's inside. ", "In addition to the pygmy locust, Heads and his colleagues have found mating flies, stingless bees, gall midges, Azteca ants, wasps, bark beetles, mites, spiders, plant parts and even a mammal hair.", "\n\nThe pygmy locust was found in a fragment that also contained wasps, ants, midges, plant remnants and fungi. ", "Such associations are rich in information, Heads said, offering clues about the creatures' physiological needs and the nature of their habitat.", "\n\n\"Fossil insects can provide lots of insight into the evolution of specific traits and behaviors, and they also tell us about the history of the time period,\" Heads said. \"", "They're a tremendous resource for understanding the ancient world, ancient ecosystems and the ancient climate -- better even, perhaps, than dinosaur bones.\"", "\n\nThe National Science Foundation supports this work. ", "Heads and his colleagues are digitizing the best specimens, and will upload the images onto a publicly available website." ]
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[ "Takiguchi will build the consensus the village board needs\n\nOpinion\n\nTuesday, March 15th, 2005 10:00 PM\n\nShare on Facebook\n\nShare on Twitter\n\nEmail\n\nPrint\n\nThe Village of Oak Park desperately needs consensus-building leadership at the village board. ", "Candidate Mas Takiguchi has the skills and track record of coalition building and working with all parties to bring positive solutions. ", "He has demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues that face this village?#34;commercial development, affordable housing, village finances and tax policy. ", "His practical, common-sense, approach will keep Oak Park on track. ", "Elect Mas Takiguchi to Village Trustee and put Oak Park First!" ]
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[ "FINAT Biennial Technical Seminar 2012\n\nFINAT, the international association for the self-adhesive label industry announces the detailed programme of its biennial technical seminar with central theme: \"Self-adhesive labels and their future vs. alternative technologies - Evolution or Extinction\". ", "This year's edition, which is now open for registration, will again take place at the Fira Palace Hotel, Barcelona (Spain) from 7 - 9 March 2012.", "\n\nThe Technical Seminar is always a well attended and much appreciated learning and networking opportunity. ", "It is targeted at all levels of the technical community from R&D or production to technical and operational directors in the self-adhesive label industry. ", "This year's programme brings a well balanced mix of international speakers and topics related to the developments and trends in the technology, in changing market use, and environmental issues. ", "The seminar provides for simultaneous translation in Spanish, German, French and Italian.", "\n\n\"We are pleased and take pride in being able to celebrate the 20th edition of FINAT's Technical Seminar this year,\" says Kurt Walker, FINAT President. \"", "It demonstrates our members' continued need for updates on our industry that can help them in making their business stronger and more professional.", "\n\nOn March 9th, during the Technical Seminar, FINAT's Young Managers Club (YMC) meets for an informative session on \"How to effectively communicate innovations to customers\". \"", "The Technical Seminar offers us a perfect ‘back-to-back' opportunity to bring together the incoming generation of business leaders. ", "The Seminar itself covers the technology of the future for our sector, our session will cover another angle of business innovation,\" says Francesc Egea, of IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, Spain and chairman of YMC.", "\n\nA fully packed Technical Seminar programme 2012\n\nAfter the welcoming activities on Wednesday, the seminar starts on\n\nThursday, 8 March\n\n09.00 – 09.10 Opening of the seminar and short FINAT introduction by Kurt Walker, FINAT President (CH)" ]
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[ "Freshman Application Process\n\n1\n\nStep 1\n\nComplete the Common Application\n\nComplete and submit the Common Application online. ", "Please make sure that you are using the same email address for every part of the application process, this also includes signing up for standardized tests.", "\n\nThe essay portion of the application provides an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their ability to write clearly and concisely and develop and communicate their thoughts. ", "Applicants will choose one of five specific prompts and write an essay of 250 to 650 words. ", "Detailed instructions can be found in the Common Application.", "\n\nPlease note: Your application is not complete and your application cannot be reviewed until all required forms are received. ", "Your $70 non-refundable application fee can be paid when you submit the Common Application.", "\n\nOnce you submit your application, it will take approximately three days for the Office of Undergraduate Admission to receive and begin reviewing it. ", "Please allow them several weeks from the application deadline to process your documents and post them in CaneLink. ", "During the busy application period, CaneLink is your best resource, as they are continually updating students' applications and documents.", "\n\n2\n\nStep 2\n\nSend Official Transcripts\n\nThe University of Miami only accepts transcripts coming directly from the high school or college as official.", "\nPlease have your high school or college (if applicable) submit official transcripts/supporting documents by mail or electronically to:\n\nBy Email (send all documents here):\n\nStep 3\n\nSend Official Test Scores\n\nAll testing must be completed by November for Early Decision I and Early Action applicants and all testing must be completed by December for Early Decision II and Regular Decision applicants.", "\n\nTest scores will only be accepted if they are submitted directly from the testing agency. ", "If you take the test more than once, please ensure that the testing agency sends all of your scores so that we have your best performance on record. ", "The Admission Committee will consider all official test scores from multiple test dates. ", "The Office of Undergraduate Admission will use the highest composite score from among each test that you’ve taken. ", "This is called super scoring. ", "There is no limit to the number of test scores you may submit to us for your application.", "\n\nThe Office of Undergraduate Admission considers only the critical reading and math sections of the SAT for admission. ", "SAT or ACT writing and essay sections are used for course placement and are required. ", "SAT Subject Tests in math and one science (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics) are required for the Dual-Degree Program in Medicine and Biochemistry/Molecular Biology.", "\n\nBeginning in Spring 2016, applicants may submit scores from either the current or redesigned SAT. ", "Students who take both tests will be evaluated on their best score. ", "The Office of Undergraduate Admission will continue to superscore the SAT, but will only combine scores from like tests (in other words, they will not combine a student’s best score from the redesigned SAT with the best score from the old SAT). ", "A concordance table is used to determined your highest composite score between tests.", "\n\nSAT Code: 5815\n\nACT Code: 0760\n\n4\n\nStep 4\n\nComplete the School Report\n\nThe School Report should be completed by the applicant’s high school guidance counselor and can be found on the Common Application website. ", "It is typically submitted along with the applicant's high school transcript and a school profile.", "\n\n5\n\nStep 5\n\nLetter of Recommendation\n\nA letter of recommendation is required from your high school guidance counselor. ", "An additional Teacher Evaluation/letter of recommendation is optional and can be submitted online through the Common Application's Teacher Evaluation form or mailed to:\n\nBy Mail\n\nIf being sent by FedEx, DHL, UPS or Courier:\nUniversity of Miami\nOffice of Undergraduate Admission\n1204 Dickinson Drive\nRhodes House Suite 37-L\nCoral Gables, FL 33146\n\n6\n\nStep 6\n\nCheck Your Application Status\n\nAfter submitting your application, please allow 3-4 business days for the University of Miami to receive it. ", "Upon receipt, the Office of Undergraduate Admission will send you an acknowledgement email containing your CaneID and instructions about how to log in to CaneLink. ", "CaneLink is your UM portal for tracking application materials and viewing your admission decision.", "\n\nQuestions?", "\n\nPlease allow several weeks from the application deadline to process your documents and post them in CaneLink. ", "During the busy application period, CaneLink is your best resource, as we are continually updating students' applications and documents.", "\nIf you have any questions about the application process, visit the Undergraduate Admission contact us page." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005433824262581766, 0.0005173619720153511, 0.0005122583825141191, 0.0005950913182459772, 0.0005329636042006314, 0.0007012488786131144, 0.0010611650068312883, 0.000591539777815342, 0.0005214267875999212, 0.000549731426872313, 0.000611376715824008, 0.0005162766901776195, 0.0005258684395812452, 0.0005424168193712831, 0.0005428877775557339, 0.0006374302320182323, 0.0008425961132161319, 0.0005892657791264355, 0.0006357008824124932, 0.0006385426386259496, 0.0006450775545090437, 0.0005461835535243154, 0.0005880931857973337, 0.0006362946005538106, 0.0006840992718935013, 0.0005896391230635345, 0.0005292824353091419, 0.0005638956790789962, 0.0005244036437943578, 0.0006333463243208826, 0.0006204028031788766, 0.000743263924960047, 0.0005306949024088681, 0.0005404810071922839, 0.0005432430771179497 ]
[ "Wife tried to snap a pic of our 5yo running towards her on the pier. ", "He was too focused on his juicebox and didn't see the stainless steel fishing table." ]
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[ 0.001738964463584125, 0.0007020968478173018 ]
[ "Q:\n\nBitlocker on non-TPM board: how to change startup option?", "\n\nWhen I initially encrypted my OS drive, and BitLocker asked me how I wanted to unlock my drive at startup, I chose \"Enter a password\".", "\nNow I'm wondering if I can change that to USB drive. ", "I've been searching around without any results.", "\nI've tried right-click on drive > \"Manage BitLocker\" > \"Backup recovery key to usb drive\"\nThen left the usb drive in the machine in the hopes that it would read the text file. ", "This doesn't seem to work.", "\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can add different types of key to the bitlocker volume. ", "The Windows GUI is limited. ", "\nAlso the terminology is somewhat confusing and ambiguous. (", "External Key file, recovery key, recovery file, recovery key within a recovery txt file. ", "Just be aware of the different key-commands and double check your expectations.)", "\nPlease open this in a new tab, it may provide some insights. ", "\nManage-bde -protectors C: -add /?", "\n\nYou will have to update the command to your needs. ", "Please understand the difference between a recovery .txt document with numbers and an actual key file. (*", ".bek) (\"External Key file\")\nmanage-bde -protectors C: -add -StartupKey F:\n\nF: is USB drive. ", "\nIf the system detects the USB stick, it will not ask for a password and simply boot. ", "\nSide note\nYou might want to enable legacy usb in the bios if your USB stick is not detected at all. ", "You can check if you ask for the F8 boot menu. ", "The USB stick should be listed there. ", "\nYou may delete the password protector after you have successfully booted up from your USB stick in several ports. (", "Test is; hubs may misbehave.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007714626844972372, 0.00070029660128057, 0.0008261828334070742, 0.0006272861501201987, 0.0006564563955180347, 0.0011967100435867906, 0.000795641215518117, 0.0008927065064199269, 0.0006641180953010917, 0.0005439166561700404, 0.0006705556297674775, 0.0005703469505533576, 0.0005231854156590998, 0.0007355405832640827, 0.0009263022220693529, 0.0005643803742714226, 0.0008205760968849063, 0.0013108834391459823, 0.000748173741158098, 0.0006760222604498267, 0.0005875116330571473, 0.0009084467892535031, 0.0019074431620538235, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "I have always loved orchids!I was fortunate in having room in our basement to build a \"green room\" which in turn gave me the opportunity to begin collecting orchids soon after we moved to Lake Monticello in 2006. ", "I actually began buying orchids in 2008 and have been adding to my collection ever since. ", "As of early 2012 I have a little over 100 plants. ", "They range from the more common supermarket variety called phaleanopsis to the more exotic . ", "I keep my orchids in the green room during the winter and move them to the outdoors in the summer. ", "One day I was in a Koeger grocery store in Charlottesville and noticed several orchid plants in a trash can. ", "I asked the flower lady what was going to happen to the plants and she said they were heading for the trash heap because they were no longer blooming. ", "Not wanting to see perfectly good plants making the sad journey to orchid heaven, I asked if I could have the plants. ", "She replied that she couldn't give them to me but she could sell them for $2 each. ", "I agreed and that gave me the opportunity of jump starting my collection. ", "As it turned out, the plants have been some of my best bloomers.", "I belong to the Charlottesville Orchid Society (CHAOS) and have made many new friends with like interests. ", "Many of the plants that I own have come from my fellow CHAOS members. ", "Enjoy this journey through the magical and mystical world of orchids." ]
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[ 0.0005995712708681822, 0.000651983660645783, 0.0005678106681443751, 0.0006393681396730244, 0.0007047500694170594, 0.0025066505186259747, 0.00327851390466094, 0.0005540786660276353, 0.0008075693622231483, 0.0006363012362271547, 0.0005504608270712197, 0.0005550805944949389, 0.0006299222004599869, 0.0005471915937960148 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to find out how many rows and columns to read from an Excel file with PHPExcel?", "\n\nWith the following code, I am able to read the cells out of an Excel file with PHPExcel.", "\nI currently manually define how many rows and columns to read.", "\nIs there a way that PHPExcel can tell me how many rows and columns I have to read to get all the data out of the worksheet, e.g. even if some rows and columns are left blank?", "\n$file_name = htmlentities($_POST['file_name']);\n$sheet_name = htmlentities($_POST['sheet_name']);\n$number_of_columns = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_columns']);\n$number_of_rows = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_rows']);\n\n$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n$objReader->setLoadSheetsOnly(array($sheet_name));\n$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);\n$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n\necho '<table border=\"1\">';\nfor ($row = 1; $row < $number_of_rows; $row++) {\n echo '<tr>';\n for ($column = 0; $column < $number_of_columns; $column++) {\n $value = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getCellByColumnAndRow($column, $row)->getValue();\n echo '<td>';\n echo $value . '&", "nbsp;';\n echo '</td>';\n }\n echo '</tr>';\n}\necho '</table>';\n\nSolution:\nThanks, Mark, here's the full solution with those functions:\n$file_name = htmlentities($_POST['file_name']);\n$sheet_name = htmlentities($_POST['sheet_name']);\n$number_of_columns = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_columns']);\n$number_of_rows = htmlentities($_POST['number_of_rows']);\n\n$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n$objReader->setLoadSheetsOnly(array($sheet_name));\n$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);\n\n$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(\"data/\" . ", "$file_name);\n\n$highestColumm = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestColumn();\n$highestRow = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestRow();\n\necho 'getHighestColumn() = [' . ", "$highestColumm . ']", "<br/>';\necho 'getHighestRow() = [' . ", "$highestRow . ']", "<br/>';\n\necho '<table border=\"1\">';\nforeach ($objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getRowIterator() as $row) {\n $cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();\n $cellIterator->setIterateOnlyExistingCells(false);\n echo '<tr>';\n foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {\n if (!", "is_null($cell)) {\n $value = $cell->getCalculatedValue();\n echo '<td>';\n echo $value . '&", "nbsp;';\n echo '</td>';\n }\n }\n echo '</tr>';\n}\necho '</table>';\n\nA:\n\n$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestColumn();\n\nand\n$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestRow();\n\nor\n$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->calculateWorksheetDimension();\n\nwhich returns a range as a string like A1:AC2048\nalthough trailing blank rows and columns are included in these.", "\nEDIT\nor you can use the iterators to loop through the existing rows and columns to get each cell within the worksheets used range. ", "See /Tests/28iterator.php in the production distribution for an example. ", "The iterators can be set to ignore blanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom the 1.7.6 and below PHPExcel versions it is possible to get worksheet information without reading whole file:\n$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader(\"Excel2007\"); \n$worksheetData = $objReader->listWorksheetInfo($uploadedfile);\n$totalRows = $worksheetData[0]['totalRows'];\n$totalColumns = $worksheetData[0]['totalColumns'];\n\n" ]
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[ "Statistics\n\nWhat he does remember is that he's always been able to run at blazing speeds, even if he's never really been sure how or why he can. ", "It's how he'd gotten his name, after all. ", "And he remembers Longclaw, in a sort of hazy, childhood memory sort of way. ", "He remembers the kindness in her eyes, and how she'd always looked after him.", "\n\nSonic also remembers their final day together, when he'd made the mistake of using his powers out in the open. ", "He was only a child at the time, and yet a part of him thinks he should have known better. ", "He should have listened to Longclaw and followed her warnings. ", "He'd put them both in danger and been forced to flee to another dimension so far removed from what he was familiar with.", "\n\nThat was ten years ago.", "\n\nThings are different now. ", "Sonic's powers may still be more or less a mystery to him, but he feels like he has more control. ", "His electric outbursts have become less frequent and he has to admit he's pretty proud of that, considering the first time it happened it got him into a lot of trouble.", "\n\nStill, all that trouble amounted to something good, didn't it?", "\n\nAll those years he'd spent in isolation, watching the world from afar, wishing he didn't have to hide. ", "It was finally over. ", "The journey was difficult and frightening, but he'd learned to no longer fear himself and what he was capable of, but instead harness it to protect his friends. ", "Friends. ", "Not just friends, but his family. ", "That's all he wanted.", "\n\nSonic finally felt like he was home.", "\n\n♢♢♢\n\ncredits:\n\nFan pet of Sonic the Hedgehog.", "Overlay art and story by me.", "Background from Sonic The Hedgehog 2.Profile template by kenny." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005774879246018827, 0.0009167568641714752, 0.0006666368572041392, 0.0005929857143200934, 0.000771957216784358, 0.0028131597209721804, 0.0010744126047939062, 0.001123692374676466, 0.0008126008906401694, 0.0006351969786919653, 0.0007170953322201967, 0.0008745947270654142, 0.0006861380534246564, 0.0009519373998045921, 0.001592940534465015, 0.0006268342840485275, 0.0007171861943788826, 0.0007556550553999841, 0.0010991451563313603, 0.0009306658757850528, 0.0009644796955399215, 0.0005836602649651468, 0.0007039086776785553 ]
[ "Enaptin, a giant actin-binding protein, is an element of the nuclear membrane and the actin cytoskeleton.", "\nEnaptin belongs to a family of recently identified giant proteins that associate with the F-actin cytoskeleton as well as the nuclear membrane. ", "It is composed of an N-terminal alpha-actinin type actin-binding domain (ABD) followed by a long coiled coil rod and a transmembrane domain at the C-terminus. ", "The ABD binds to F-actin in vivo and in vitro and leads to bundle formation. ", "The human Enaptin gene spreads over 515 kb and gives rise to several splicing isoforms (Nesprin-1, Myne-1, Syne-1, CPG2). ", "The longest assembled cDNA encompasses 27,669 bp and predicts a 1014 kDa protein. ", "Antibodies against the ABD of Enaptin localise the protein at F-actin-rich structures throughout the cell and in focal contacts as well as at the nuclear envelope. ", "In COS7 cells, the protein is also present within the nuclear compartment. ", "With the discovery of the actin-binding properties of Enaptin and the highly homologous Nuance, we define a family of proteins that integrate the cytoskeleton with the nucleoskeleton." ]
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[ 0.002450928557664156, 0.00104754779022187, 0.0007635582005605102, 0.0007837117300368845, 0.0007098391652107239, 0.000610927352681756, 0.0007220091065391898, 0.0006948995869606733, 0.0006668653222732246 ]
[ ";\r\n; ^C status routines for MSDOS\r\n;\r\n\r\nINCLUDE DOSSEG.ASM\r\n\r\nCODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CODE'\r\n ASSUME SS:DOSGROUP,CS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\n.xlist\r\n.xcref\r\nINCLUDE DOSSYM.ASM\r\nINCLUDE DEVSYM.ASM\r\n.cref\r\n.list\r\n\r\n i_need DevIOBuf,BYTE\r\n i_need DidCTRLC,BYTE\r\n i_need INDOS,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTCOM,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTCALL,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTST,WORD\r\n i_need BCON,DWORD\r\n i_need DSKCHRET,BYTE\r\n i_need DSKSTCNT,WORD\r\n i_need IDLEINT,BYTE\r\n i_need CONSWAP,BYTE\r\n i_need user_SS,WORD\r\n i_need user_SP,WORD\r\n i_need ERRORMODE,BYTE\r\n i_need ConC_spSave,WORD\r\n i_need Exit_type,BYTE\r\n i_need PFLAG,BYTE\r\n i_need ExitHold,DWORD\r\n i_need WPErr,BYTE\r\n i_need ReadOp,BYTE\r\n i_need CONTSTK,WORD\r\n i_need Exit_Code,WORD\r\n i_need CurrentPDB,WORD\r\n i_need DIVMES,BYTE\r\n i_need DivMesLen,BYTE\r\n\r\nSUBTTL Checks for ^C in CON I/O\r\nPAGE\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING\r\n\r\n procedure DSKSTATCHK,NEAR ; Check for ^C if only one level in\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [INDOS],1\r\n retnz ; Do NOTHING\r\n PUSH CX\r\n PUSH ES\r\n PUSH BX\r\n PUSH DS\r\n PUSH SI\r\n PUSH CS\r\n POP ES\r\n PUSH CS\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n XOR CX,CX\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCOM],DEVRDND\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCALL],DRDNDHL\r\n MOV [DSKSTST],CX\r\n MOV BX,OFFSET DOSGROUP:DSKSTCALL\r\n LDS SI,[BCON]\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n invoke DEVIOCALL2\r\n TEST [DSKSTST],STBUI\r\n JNZ ZRET ; No characters available\r\n MOV AL,BYTE PTR [DSKCHRET]\r\nDSK1:\r\n CMP AL,\"C\"-\"@\"\r\n JNZ RET36\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCOM],DEVRD\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKSTCALL],DRDWRHL\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DSKCHRET],CL\r\n MOV [DSKSTST],CX\r\n INC CX\r\n MOV [DSKSTCNT],CX\r\n invoke DEVIOCALL2 ; Eat the ^C\r\n POP SI\r\n POP DS\r\n POP BX ; Clean stack\r\n POP ES\r\n POP CX\r\n JMP SHORT CNTCHAND\r\n\r\nZRET:\r\n XOR AL,AL ; Set zero\r\nRET36:\r\n POP SI\r\n POP DS\r\n POP BX\r\n POP ES\r\n POP CX\r\n return\r\n\r\nNOSTOP:\r\n CMP AL,\"P\"-\"@\"\r\n JZ INCHK\r\n\r\n IF NOT TOGLPRN\r\n CMP AL,\"N\"-\"@\"\r\n JZ INCHK\r\n ENDIF\r\n\r\n CMP AL,\"C\"-\"@\"\r\n JZ INCHK\r\n return\r\nDSKSTATCHK ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure SPOOLINT,NEAR\r\n PUSHF\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [IDLEINT],0\r\n JZ POPFRET\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0\r\n JNZ POPFRET ;No spool ints in error mode\r\n INT int_spooler\r\nPOPFRET:\r\n POPF\r\nRET18: return\r\nSPOOLINT ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure STATCHK,NEAR\r\n\r\n invoke DSKSTATCHK ; Allows ^C to be detected under\r\n ; input redirection\r\n PUSH BX\r\n XOR BX,BX\r\n invoke GET_IO_FCB\r\n POP BX\r\n JC RET18\r\n MOV AH,1\r\n invoke IOFUNC\r\n JZ SPOOLINT\r\n CMP AL,'S'-'@'\r\n JNZ NOSTOP\r\n XOR AH,AH\r\n invoke IOFUNC ; Eat Cntrl-S\r\n JMP SHORT PAUSOSTRT\r\nPRINTOFF:\r\nPRINTON:\r\n NOT BYTE PTR [PFLAG]\r\n return\r\n\r\nPAUSOLP:\r\n CALL SPOOLINT\r\nPAUSOSTRT:\r\n MOV AH,1\r\n invoke IOFUNC\r\n JZ PAUSOLP\r\nINCHK:\r\n PUSH BX\r\n XOR BX,BX\r\n invoke GET_IO_FCB\r\n POP BX\r\n JC RET18\r\n XOR AH,AH\r\n invoke IOFUNC\r\n CMP AL,'P'-'@'\r\n JZ PRINTON\r\n IF NOT TOGLPRN\r\n CMP AL,'N'-'@'\r\n JZ PRINTOFF\r\n ENDIF\r\n CMP AL,'C'-'@'\r\n retnz\r\nSTATCHK ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure CNTCHAND,NEAR\r\n; Ctrl-C handler.", "\r\n; \"^C\" and CR/LF is printed. ", " Then the user registers are restored and\r\n; the user CTRL-C handler is executed. ", " At this point the top of the stack\r\n; has 1) the interrupt return address should the user CTRL-C handler wish\r\n; to allow processing to continue; 2) the original interrupt return address\r\n; to the code that performed the function call in the first place. ", " If\r\n; the user CTRL-C handler wishes to continue, it must leave all registers\r\n; unchanged and RET (not IRET) with carry CLEAR. ", " If carry is SET then\r\n; an terminate system call is simulated.", "\r\n MOV AL,3 ; Display \"^C\"\r\n invoke BUFOUT\r\n invoke CRLF\r\n PUSH SS\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [CONSWAP],0\r\n JZ NOSWAP\r\n invoke SWAPBACK\r\nNOSWAP:\r\n CLI ; Prepare to play with stack\r\n MOV SP,[user_SP]\r\n MOV SS,[user_SS] ; User stack now restored\r\nASSUME SS:NOTHING\r\n invoke restore_world ; User registers now restored\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [INDOS],0 ; Go to known state\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0\r\n MOV [ConC_spsave],SP ; save his SP\r\n INT int_ctrl_c ; Execute user Ctrl-C handler\r\n MOV [user_SS],AX ; save the AX\r\n PUSHF ; and the flags (maybe new call)\r\n POP AX\r\n CMP SP,[ConC_spsave]\r\n JNZ ctrlc_try_new ; new syscall maybe?", "\r\nctrlc_repeat:\r\n MOV AX,[user_SS] ; no...\r\n transfer COMMAND ; Repeat command otherwise\r\n\r\nctrlc_try_new:\r\n SUB [ConC_spsave],2 ; Are there flags on the stack?", "\r\n CMP SP,[ConC_spsave]\r\n JZ ctrlc_new ; yes, new system call\r\n\r\nctrlc_abort:\r\n MOV AX,(EXIT SHL 8) + 0\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DidCTRLC],0FFh\r\n\r\n transfer COMMAND ; give up by faking $EXIT\r\n\r\nctrlc_new:\r\n PUSH AX\r\n POPF\r\n POP [user_SS]\r\n JNC ctrlc_repeat ; repeat operation\r\n JMP ctrlc_abort ; indicate ^ced\r\n\r\nCNTCHAND ENDP\r\n\r\nSUBTTL DIVISION OVERFLOW INTERRUPT\r\nPAGE\r\n; Default handler for division overflow trap\r\n procedure DIVOV,NEAR\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:NOTHING\r\n MOV SI,OFFSET DOSGROUP:DIVMES\r\n CALL RealDivOv\r\n JMP ctrlc_abort ; Use Ctrl-C abort on divide overflow\r\nDIVOV ENDP\r\n\r\n;\r\n; RealDivOv: perform actual divide overflow stuff.", "\r\n; Inputs: none\r\n; Outputs: message to BCON\r\n;\r\n procedure RealDivOv,NEAR ; Do divide overflow and clock process\r\n\r\n PUSH CS ; get ES addressability\r\n POP ES\r\n\r\n PUSH CS ; get DS addressability\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DskStCom],DevWrt\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [DskStCall],DRdWrHL\r\n MOV [DskSTST],0\r\n MOV BL,[DivMesLen]\r\n XOR BH,BH\r\n MOV [DskStCnt],BX\r\n MOV BX,OFFSET DOSGROUP:DskStCall\r\n MOV WORD PTR [DskChRet+1],SI ; transfer address (need an EQU)\r\n LDS SI,[BCON]\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n invoke DEVIOCALL2\r\n MOV WORD PTR [DskChRet+1],OFFSET DOSGROUP:DevIOBuf\r\n MOV [DskStCnt],1\r\n return\r\nRealDivOv ENDP\r\n\r\nSUBTTL CHARHRD,HARDERR,ERROR -- HANDLE DISK ERRORS AND RETURN TO USER\r\nPAGE\r\n procedure CHARHARD,NEAR\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\n; Character device error handler\r\n; Same function as HARDERR\r\n\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2],ES\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD],BP\r\n PUSH SI\r\n AND DI,STECODE\r\n MOV BP,DS ;Device pointer is BP:SI\r\n CALL FATALC\r\n POP SI\r\n return\r\nCHARHARD ENDP\r\n\r\n procedure HardErr,NEAR\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING\r\n\r\n; Hard disk error handler. ", "Entry conditions:\r\n; DS:BX = Original disk transfer address\r\n; DX = Original logical sector number\r\n; CX = Number of sectors to go (first one gave the error)\r\n; AX = Hardware error code\r\n; DI = Original sector transfer count\r\n; ES:BP = Base of drive parameters\r\n; [READOP] = 0 for read, 1 for write\r\n ;\r\n XCHG AX,DI ; Error code in DI, count in AX\r\n AND DI,STECODE ; And off status bits\r\n CMP DI,WRECODE ; Write Protect Error?", "\r\n JNZ NOSETWRPERR\r\n PUSH AX\r\n MOV AL,ES:[BP.dpb_drive]\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [WPERR],AL ; Flag drive with WP error\r\n POP AX\r\nNOSETWRPERR:\r\n SUB AX,CX ; Number of sectors successfully transferred\r\n ADD DX,AX ; First sector number to retry\r\n PUSH DX\r\n MUL ES:[BP.dpb_sector_size] ; Number of bytes transferred\r\n POP DX\r\n ADD BX,AX ; First address for retry\r\n XOR AH,AH ; Flag disk section in error\r\n CMP DX,ES:[BP.dpb_first_FAT] ; In reserved area?", "\r\n JB ERRINT\r\n INC AH ; Flag for FAT\r\n CMP DX,ES:[BP.dpb_dir_sector] ; In FAT?", "\r\n JB ERRINT\r\n INC AH\r\n CMP DX,ES:[BP.dpb_first_sector] ; In directory?", "\r\n JB ERRINT\r\n INC AH ; Must be in data area\r\nERRINT:\r\n SHL AH,1 ; Make room for read/write bit\r\n OR AH,BYTE PTR [READOP]\r\n entry FATAL\r\n MOV AL,ES:[BP.dpb_drive] ; Get drive number\r\n entry FATAL1\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2],ES\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD],BP ; The only things we preserve\r\n LES SI,ES:[BP.dpb_driver_addr]\r\n MOV BP,ES ; BP:SI points to the device involved\r\nFATALC:\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0\r\n JNZ SETIGN ; No INT 24s if already INT 24\r\n MOV [CONTSTK],SP\r\n PUSH SS\r\n POP ES\r\nASSUME ES:DOSGROUP\r\n CLI ; Prepare to play with stack\r\n INC BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE] ; Flag INT 24 in progress\r\n DEC BYTE PTR [INDOS] ; INT 24 handler might not return\r\n MOV SS,[user_SS]\r\nASSUME SS:NOTHING\r\n MOV SP,ES:[user_SP] ; User stack pointer restored\r\n INT int_fatal_abort ; Fatal error interrupt vector, must preserve ES\r\n MOV ES:[user_SP],SP ; restore our stack\r\n MOV ES:[user_SS],SS\r\n MOV SP,ES\r\n MOV SS,SP\r\nASSUME SS:DOSGROUP\r\n MOV SP,[CONTSTK]\r\n INC BYTE PTR [INDOS] ; Back in the DOS\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [ERRORMODE],0 ; Back from INT 24\r\n STI\r\nIGNRET:\r\n LES BP,[EXITHOLD]\r\nASSUME ES:NOTHING\r\n CMP AL,2\r\n JZ error_abort\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [WPERR],-1 ;Forget about WP error\r\n return\r\n\r\nSETIGN:\r\n XOR AL,AL ;Flag ignore\r\n JMP SHORT IGNRET\r\n\r\nerror_abort:\r\n PUSH SS\r\n POP DS\r\nASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [CONSWAP],0\r\n JZ NOSWAP2\r\n invoke SWAPBACK\r\nNOSWAP2:\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [exit_Type],Exit_hard_error\r\n MOV DS,[CurrentPDB]\r\nASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n\r\n;\r\n; reset_environment checks the DS value against the CurrentPDB. ", " If they\r\n; are different, then an old-style return is performed. ", " If they are\r\n; the same, then we release jfns and restore to parent. ", " We still use\r\n; the PDB at DS:0 as the source of the terminate addresses.", "\r\n;\r\n; output: none.", "\r\n;\r\n entry reset_environment\r\n ASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING\r\n PUSH DS ; save PDB of process\r\n\r\n MOV AL,int_Terminate\r\n invoke $Get_interrupt_vector ; and who to go to\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2],ES ; save return address\r\n MOV WORD PTR [EXITHOLD],BX\r\n\r\n MOV BX,[CurrentPDB] ; get current process\r\n MOV DS,BX ;\r\n MOV AX,DS:[PDB_Parent_PID] ; get parent to return to\r\n POP CX\r\n;\r\n; AX = parentPDB, BX = CurrentPDB, CX = ThisPDB\r\n; Only free handles if AX <> BX and BX = CX and [exit_code].upper is not\r\n; Exit_keep_process\r\n;\r\n CMP AX,BX\r\n JZ reset_return ; parentPDB = CurrentPDB\r\n CMP BX,CX\r\n JNZ reset_return ; CurrentPDB <> ThisPDB\r\n PUSH AX ; save parent\r\n CMP BYTE PTR [exit_type],Exit_keep_process\r\n JZ reset_to_parent ; keeping this process\r\n\r\n invoke arena_free_process\r\n\r\n ; reset environment at [CurrentPDB]; close those handles\r\n MOV CX,FilPerProc\r\n\r\nreset_free_jfn:\r\n MOV BX,CX\r\n PUSH CX\r\n DEC BX ; get jfn\r\n invoke $CLOSE ; close it, ignore return\r\n POP CX\r\n LOOP reset_free_jfn ; and do 'em all\r\n\r\nreset_to_parent:\r\n POP [CurrentPDB] ; set up process as parent\r\n\r\nreset_return: ; come here for normal return\r\n PUSH CS\r\n POP DS\r\n ASSUME DS:DOSGROUP\r\n MOV AL,-1\r\n invoke FLUSHBUF ; make sure that everything is clean\r\n\r\n CLI\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [INDOS],0 ;Go to known state\r\n MOV BYTE PTR [WPERR],-1 ;Forget about WP error\r\n;\r\n; Snake into multitasking... Get stack from CurrentPDB person\r\n;\r\n MOV DS,[CurrentPDB]\r\n ASSUME DS:NOTHING\r\n MOV SS,WORD PTR DS:[PDB_user_stack+2]\r\n MOV SP,WORD PTR DS:[PDB_user_stack]\r\n\r\n ASSUME SS:NOTHING\r\n invoke restore_world\r\n ASSUME ES:NOTHING\r\n POP AX ; suck off CS:IP of interrupt...\r\n POP AX\r\n POP AX\r\n MOV AX,0F202h ; STI\r\n PUSH AX\r\n PUSH WORD PTR [EXITHOLD+2]\r\n PUSH WORD PTR [EXITHOLD]\r\n STI\r\n IRET ; Long return back to user terminate address\r\nHardErr ENDP\r\n\r\n ASSUME SS:DOSGROUP\r\n\r\ndo_ext\r\n\r\nCODE ENDS\r\n END\r\n" ]
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[ "Hello Minimally Minimal fans,\n\nI am happy to reveal ichelleim.com, something my wife and I have been working on for quite some time now. ", "It's a site where we will be sharing our thoughts, work and more. ", "We decided to create it because it was something we wanted to read ourselves. ", "On the site today, you'll find felt, a limited edition book that will go on sale very soon, and a small sampling of the types of content you can expect to see more of, like a concept drone. ", "I will no longer be updating Minimally Minimal from now on to focus on our new venture.", "\n\nThank you for all the support so far.", "\n\nichelle im" ]
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[ "Eats\n\nVegan/Veggie Recipes\n\nMy Favorite Shops\n\nThursday, July 14, 2011\n\nOut with the Boho, in with the Mod.", "\n\nI don't know about you but I'm really in need of a change. ", "It seems that for most of the 'aughts the overwhelming trend on the runways and alleyways -from cites to small towns- has been a 70's inspired Boho look. ", "Ok sure, I was down with it at first, and on some days when I've had ah a bit too many sweets or too many consecutive take out meals, slipping on a loose tunic and leg lengthening clogs seems about the most sane thing to do - yet, the whole thing is also a bit lazy... yeah I know the lovers of all things bohemian are going to come down on me for this, but lately I'm finding the whole thing uninspired, maybe it's just because I'm fickle, or maybe it's because I keep seeing it Everywhere.", "\n\nThis is why it's so exciting to see more streamlined, modern, bold-colored, geometric inspired looks for Fall 2011. ", "Bring on the Mod!", "\n\n(I wish I could pull off the Twiggy haircut)\n\nWhile DKNY, Burberry and Bottega Ventea (among others) had Mod influenced designs in their Fall shows, my favorites are all fromCéline...\n\nHow are you guys feeling about this move away from hippie late 60's/70's boho style?", "\n\n12 comments:\n\nI've always liked boho, but not on me. ", "It's too costumey, and loose and flowy is in no way flattering on a plus sized gal like me. ", "I've always liked the mod looks, so I'm excited to see that this fall.", "\n\nI've never really liked the boho look, but after seeing it so much, some elements have begun to grow on me. ", "Heck, I'm wearing maxies and have a tie dye clutch. ", "But I'm all for mod as well - it's good to keep things fresh!(and by fresh, i mean keep recycling the same 10 trends over and over again every year)\n\nI'm with you--- boho don't-o work for me! ", "I feel like the lone voice in a see of boho love, but I have good reason for disliking it, I think...\n\nI find that it works great for women in a certain size rang; low to medium curviness is fine, but anything more starts to look sloppy and frumpy because of the lack of structure. ", "This is also just my opinion but because the palette for Boho tends to muddy, it's not a very universally flattering style and because the hemlines are generally high on boho, to offset the flowiness, you also have to be comfortable showing your legs (in leggings or bare).", "\n\nThat puts a lot of women even out of the equation to wearing boho. (", "Which is another reason why I don't like it).", "\n\nI need structure! ", "I say bring on the pleating, the darts, the strong lines. ", "So I'm glad mod is here, although the hemlines are similarly short to offset the strong, militaristic lines and feminize it a bit. ", "Still, I think you can successfully bypass the short hemlines if you play up the mod look through make up and hair, which I lurve.", "\n\nBTW- much agreed with you about the recycling each season. ", "Boho is just the late 70's recycled with a modern vibe.", "\n\nAnd mod was a reinterpretation of the 1920's flapper girl in the 60's, which we're now going to reinterpret again. ", "Guh.", "\n\nFashion needs some new materials to reference :-)\n\nAlright, I'll stop clogging up your comments section, just glad to see another gal who's not a boho-lover!!!", "\n\nI'll definitely be ready for it come Fall, but for this sweltering heat Boho is about the most perfect thing I can imagine!! ", "I think you would love this tutorial I reblogged on tumblr from Born in Flames... this is just a picture because I am bad at the internet and can't figure out how to get to the original. ", "http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/zombielace\n\n@Fashionistas - I agree that not every trend is for everybody and you need to find what best suits you : )\n\nI'm not totally hating on boho style it's just that I'm ready for some changes : ) I mean if you scroll through the blog you'll see me rocking wideleg jeans and tunics. ", "I'tll just be nice to see some more editorials with mod - or other influenced looks.", "\n\nI like the boho look but time and time again Ive tried it and I just look like a frump. ", "Yet given a more stylish piece I find its easier to pull a better look off! ", "thanks for the link to your blog, I think after seeing the picture of twiggy here I might get my hair cropped even further!" ]
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[ "FROM arm32v7/alpine:3.12\nMAINTAINER David Audet <david.audet@ca.com>\n\nLABEL Description=\"Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT Broker\"\n\nRUN apk --no-cache add mosquitto && \\\n mkdir -p /mosquitto/config /mosquitto/data /mosquitto/log && \\\n cp /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf /mosquitto/config && \\\n chown -R mosquitto:mosquitto /mosquitto\n\nCOPY docker-entrypoint.sh /\nENTRYPOINT [\"/docker-entrypoint.sh\"]\nCMD [\"/usr/sbin/mosquitto\", \"-c\", \"/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf\"]\n" ]
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[ "Göybulaq\n\nGöybulaq (also, Geybulag and Gëybulak) is a village and municipality in the Shaki Rayon of Azerbaijan. ", " It has a population of 370.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Shaki District" ]
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[ "Australia’s Central Bank Testing Ethereum-Based Interbank Settlement System Using CBDC\n\nThe Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) — the country’s central bank says adoption of state-backed digital currency for interbank settlement could provide certain advantages like cost savings and better financial inclusion. ", "Australia’s apex bank is the latest to trial a blockchain-based payment system as nations mull the possibility of developing their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).", "\n\nRBA Admits CBDC Has Certain Advantages\n\nAccording to Financial Review, the RBA has submitted a report to the country’s Senate detailing the results of a trial run on an Ethereum-based interbank settlement system. ", "The test aimed to determine the effectiveness of CBDCs for settling account balances among financial institutions like commercial banks.", "\n\nAs part of the report, the RBA stated that adopting a central bank-backed digital token does present cost-saving advantages. ", "Apart from reducing cost, the RBA reported that such a system could also improve the speed of interbank settlement, declaring:\n\n“[A] fully integrated into a blockchain platform could enable payments to be made between participants in real time and 24/7 without relying on external payment systems.”", "\n\nWhile banks currently adopt a cost-saving measure of settling net obligations at the end of each business day, the flip side results in transaction delays.", "\n\nThe RBA report also stated that a blockchain-based settlement system will foster greater financial inclusion. ", "According to the RBA, the entry of fintech and big tech companies into the digital payment space is indicative of the huge potential in opening up the global financial system.", "\n\nHowever, Australia’s central bank included a caveat on adopting digital currency payment systems as they have the potential to disrupt the status quo of mainstream finance. ", "Depending on the level of adoption, the RBA predicts that markets like mortgage and business loans could be affected.", "\n\nCentral Banks Developing Blockchain Upgrades for Financial Systems\n\nThe RBA’s report on the Ethereum-based interbank settlement trail run comes following the central bank’s warning against Facebook’s Libra. ", "As previously reported by BTCManager, the RBA has reservations against the utility of the Libra project in the country.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Australia’s testing of a blockchain-based payment system provides further proof of the growing pivot of central banks towards digital payment systems. ", "Back in 2018, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) conducted a pilot remittance test for an Ethereum-based interbank payment system.", "\n\nChina is also moving forward with the creation of a digital yuan with officials in the European Union (EU) calling on the European Central Bank (ECB) to consider launching a single digital currency for the zone to prevent China from gaining a foothold in the emerging digital economy." ]
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[ "Safety\n\nGSCS puts the safety and health of our employees at the core of our operation. ", "Our people are the key to the success of our business. ", "GSCS aims for a culture that goes above policies and procedures, where employees accept their responsibility to ensure a safe work environment for themselves and their fellow employees.", "\n\nGSCS utilizes a behavior-based safety tool — “Silence is Permission”— where employees are empowered to identify and document unsafe acts or conditions. ", "This tool, combined with the unrivaled safety of the Excel product, is how GSCS continually meets its obligation to deliver a safe work environment.", "\n\nWe feel an obligation to deliver a safe work environment, where the focus rests on the prevention of incidents not only on the job, but also away from work.", "\n\nSafety Process\n\nProject safety plan\n\nJob safety analysis\n\nFormal accident iInvestigation\n\nSafety sampling\n\nMeasurement and data analysis\n\nSIP — Observation reporting\n\nSilence is Permission\n\nSIP is a tool used to identify and document unsafe acts/conditions vs. the number of safe act/conditions. ", "The tool seeks out actions more than conditions." ]
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[ "/***************************************************************************/\n/* */\n/* cffcmap.h */\n/* */\n/* CFF character mapping table (cmap) support (specification). ", " */\n/* */\n/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2006 by */\n/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. ", " */\n/* */\n/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */\n/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */\n/* license, LICENSE.TXT. ", " By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */\n/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */\n/* understand and accept it fully. ", " */\n/* */\n/***************************************************************************/\n\n\n#ifndef __CFFCMAP_H__\n#define __CFFCMAP_H__\n\n#include \"cffobjs.h\"\n\nFT_BEGIN_HEADER\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** TYPE1 STANDARD (AND EXPERT) ENCODING CMAPS *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n /* standard (and expert) encoding cmaps */\n typedef struct CFF_CMapStdRec_* CFF_CMapStd;\n\n typedef struct CFF_CMapStdRec_\n {\n FT_CMapRec cmap;\n FT_UShort* gids; /* up to 256 elements */\n\n } CFF_CMapStdRec;\n\n\n FT_DECLARE_CMAP_CLASS(cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec)\n\n\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /***** *****/\n /***** CFF SYNTHETIC UNICODE ENCODING CMAP *****/\n /***** *****/\n /*************************************************************************/\n /*************************************************************************/\n\n /* unicode (synthetic) cmaps */\n\n FT_DECLARE_CMAP_CLASS(cff_cmap_unicode_class_rec)\n\n\nFT_END_HEADER\n\n#endif /* __CFFCMAP_H__ */\n\n\n/* END */\n" ]
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[ "\nSo you've found yourself in an Orwellian nightmare What's the next step? - ", "hellbanTHIS\nSeriously guys, where do we start\n======\ntomorrow17\nScott Adams said it best [1]:\n\nThe ideal arrangement for a new government – and one that requires no change\nto the Constitution – would feature a President Trump running weekly televised\nmeetings (yes, like The Apprentice) to decide the big issues. ", "And sitting in\nevery meeting should be Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg, supported by\ntheir experts, arguing their cases.", "\n\n[1] [http://blog.dilbert.com/post/138023808851/the-second-\namerica...](http://blog.dilbert.com/post/138023808851/the-second-american-\nrevolution-what-then)\n\n~~~\npavlov\nI can't fathom the disconnect between the \"creative leader\" Trump described by\npeople like Scott Adams, and the \"petty vindicative egomaniac\" Trump that\nmanifests in his own speech (and in descriptions given by most of those who\nhave worked with him over the decades).", "\n\nIs there any evidence that the first Trump exists? ", "Or is it just a hopeful\nprojection of Adams's own dreams of creative destruction?", "\n\n~~~\ntomorrow17\nI don't think evidence would help at this point. ", "The only solace I have is\nthinking that a petty, vindictive person won't be able to unravel decades of\npositive strides in the global arena. ", "Either way, we are now left to the whims\nof a 'hopefully' unknown person.", "\n\nWarning - Rationalization ahead: I would like to think that the reason for a\nlot of the petty jabs were to dominate the echo chamber for his own benefit.", "\nIs it possible to think that he is an ego-maniacal self serving sociopath?", "\nAbsolutely.", "\n\nBut, is it also possible to believe that he used the system against itself to\nfurther his candidacy and tap into a deep seated anger within the population?", "\nProbably.", "\n\nAnd do we really think he wants to watch the world burn? ", "Doubtful.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Make Yourself Happier at Home!", "\n\nYour home is your haven. ", "Or, at least, it should be. ", "But is\nit really making you happy or are there aspects of your place that are bringing\nyou down? ", "Little fixes can turn it all around.", "\n\nGet some houseplants\n\nPut your green thumb to good use and surround yourself with\nhouseplants. ", "Not only will they add a fresh element to your décor (literally!),", "\nbut they can also make your home healthier, and improve your mood.", "\n\n“Houseplants are good for your health—and not just for their visual beauty,” said NBC News. “", "Why? ", "They essentially do the opposite of what we do when we breathe: release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. ", "This not only freshens up the air, but also eliminates harmful toxins. ", "Extensive research by NASA has revealed that houseplants can remove up to 87 per cent of air toxin in 24 hours. ", "Studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15 percent!), ", "reduce stress levels and boost your mood.”", "\n\nPut your stuff away\n\n“A lived-in home is a loved home, right? ", "But when your stuff starts to take over, it can create chaos—in your home, and your mind. “", "Pursuing a state of harmony between yourself and your home…confers a range of psychological benefits for reasons that are rooted in science,” said Thrive Global. “", "Studies have identified a direct link between the stress hormone cortisol and clutter. ", "Cortisol is not just linked to stress. ", "At elevated levels, it also causes depression.” ", "In addition, decluttering “leads to eating better” and improves air quality.”", "\n\nPaint something\n\nChoose a wall, an old piece of furniture, or an entire room. ", "It’s a manageable project you can do yourself and one that can totally change the energy of a space. ", "Or, buy a canvas and create an art piece you can then hang in your home. “", "Creating art teaches you to be attuned with aesthetic of the visual world around you and makes you appreciate the beauty in and of life,” said Health Fitness Revolution. “", "You gain a new appreciation for the texture of a tree’s bark or the fur of a dog, of the various highlights and shadows playing on even the more bare of white walls. ", "Embracing the beauty around you gives you a more positive outlook of the world and can even decrease the risk of mental illness.”", "\n\nMake those little fixes\n\nThe burned-out light bulb 20 feet up in the living room. ", "The\nbroken drawer pull in the kitchen. ", "All those little annoyances are stealing\nyour happy. ", "Pick a Sunday and attack them one by one or make a list and check\nit twice for your handyman so you can replace the long sighs with wide smiles.", "\n\nInvest in a house cleaner\n\nAll that time taking care of your home leaves you little\ntime to enjoy your home. ", "If you can swing it, finding someone to help you with\nhousework can be liberating in more ways than one. ", "Not only will it free up\nsome of your time, but a good, solid deep cleaning can make your home\nhealthier, too.", "\n\nBuild a garden\n\nWouldn’t it be nice to grow your own veggies, or at least fresh herbs? ", "Perhaps the best news about gardening is how it can make you feel, and not just when you’re eating what you have managed to grow. “", "Getting your hands dirty in the garden can increase your serotonin levels—contact with soil and a specific soil bacteria, Mycobacterium vaccae, triggers the release of serotonin in our brain according to research,” said Djanbung Gardens. “", "Serotonin is a happy chemical, a natural anti-depressant and strengthens the immune system.”" ]
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[ "Amir Zaibi\n\nAmir Zaibi (born 22 May 1988) is a Tunisian chess International Master.", "\n\nChess career\nHe played in the Chess World Cup 2015, being defeated by Fabiano Caruana in the first round.", "\n\nHe won the Arab individual Championships 2019 and obtains the title of Grand Master on 2019, 4th December.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nAmir Zaibi chess games at 365Chess.com\n\nCategory:1988 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Tunisian chess players" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to make my variable safe for database insertion?", "\n\nI have a variable which I need to strip of sybols before inserting into my database, any ideas how I would add the mysql_real_escape_string() function to my existing code?", "\nForm page\nThis page is a basic html form which shows the database content.", "\n<?", "php \n $query = sprintf( \"SELECT * FROM sitecontent WHERE ID = $_GET[id]\");\n$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());\n$post = mysql_fetch_array($result);\n\n ?", ">\n\n <form action=\"editp.php\" method=\"POST\" name=\"editform\">\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px; \">Post Title</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pName\" style=\" width:550px;border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Title']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pCategory\" style=\"padding:10px; \">Category</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pCategory\" style=\" width:50px;border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Year']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pItem\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Item Type</label>\n <select name=\"pItem\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"1\">News</option>\n <option value=\"2\">Review</option>\n </select>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Article ID</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pID\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['ID']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Post Date</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pDate\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Date']; ?", ">\">\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Post Author</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pAuthor\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Author']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Home Page</label>\n <select name=\"Page\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"0\">None</option>\n <option value=\"1\">Home</option>\n </select>\n <label for=\"pPriority\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Home Priority</label>\n <select name=\"pPriority\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"0\">None</option>\n <option value=\"1\">1</option>\n <option value=\"2\">2</option>\n <option value=\"3\">3</option>\n <option value=\"4\">4</option>\n </select>\n <label for=\"pName\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Post Content</label>\n <textarea style=\"width:550px; height:200px;border:#000099; margin:10px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"pContent\" id=\"pContent\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Post_Content']; ?", ">\"><?", "php echo $post['Post_Content']; ?", "></textarea>\n <span id=\"btnStrong\" style=\" padding: 2px 8px;background-color:#C00;font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF; cursor:pointer;\">Bold</span> &nbsp; <span id=\"btnItalic\" style=\" padding: 2px 8px; background-color:#C00;font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF; cursor:pointer;\">Italic</span>\n <label for=\"pImage_Name\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Image Name</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"pImage_Name\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px; width:550px;\" value=\"<?php echo $post['Image_Name']; ?", ">\"/>\n <label for=\"pApproval\" style=\"padding:10px;\">Approval</label>\n <select name=\"pApproval\" style=\"border:#000099; margin:10px;\">\n <option value=\"0\">Pending</option>\n <option value=\"1\">Approved</option>\n </select>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?", ">\"/>\n <span style=\"margin-left:10px;\">Please check the changes above before submitting</span> <br/>\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"go\" value=\"Submit Changes\" style=\" padding: 2px 8px;background-color:#C00; color:#FFF; margin:10px;\"/>\n </form>\n\n <?", "php\n$updateq = \"UPDATE sitecontent WHERE ID = '$_POST[id]'\";\n ?", ">\n\nUpdate page\nThis is the page that writes the content from the form to the database.", "\n <?", "php\n include'includes/connection.php';\n $pName = $_POST['pName'];\n $pItem = $_POST['pItem'];\n $pCategory = $_POST['pCategory'];\n $pDate = $_POST['pDate'];\n $pAuthor = $_POST['pAuthor'];\n $pContent = $_POST['pContent'];\n $Page = $_POST['Page'];\n $id = $_POST['id'];\n $pApproval = $_POST['pApproval'];\n $pPriority = $_POST['pPriority'];\n $pImage_Name = $_POST['pImage_Name'];\n\n $updateq = \"UPDATE sitecontent SET ID = '$pID', Post_Title = '$pName', Post_Year = '$pCategory', Date = '$pDate', Post_Author = '$pAuthor', Post_Content = '$pContent', Page = '$Page', Post_Approval = '$pApproval', Priority = '$pPriority', Image_Name = '$pImage_Name' WHERE ID = '$_POST[id]'\";\n\n $result = mysql_query($updateq) or die (mysql_error());\n header(\"Location:admin.php\");\n\n ?", ">\n\nA:\n\nFor strings just say:\n$pName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pName']);\n\nFor integers:\n$id = intval($_POST['id']);\n\nThat's all there is to it; just do it for all your variables\nedit\nAnyways, I'd advise you to use PDO in stead, way better to prevent sql injection!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "MARY VUONG, Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle |\nJuly 5, 2005\n\nShe gets only a grimace from the pint-size patient. ", "Ezequiel, after realizing the day holds more than expected, has just punched his mother.", "\n\nHe is here to have his tonsils and adenoids removed, only Mom hasn't told him. ", "It's clear to Tietjens that she's starting from scratch. ", "After 15 years as a child-life specialist at Texas Children's Hospital, though, she knows exactly what to say next.", "\n\n\"Do you want to see the playroom?\"", "\n\nThe playroom is filled with toys, including Big Wheels and other plastic rides that young patients get to cycle down the \"see-you-later spot,\" the hallway where they part with their parents for the operating table.", "\n\n\"I always crash,\" Tietjens tells Ezequiel.", "\n\nHer silliness prompts Ezequiel to crack a smile. ", "Tietjens, no doubt, would fit right in on a public television children's show. ", "Her work setting, with its colorful walls and child-friendly staff, is much warmer than other hospitals.", "\n\nEzequiel slips his right hand in a pocket, lets Mom hold the other. ", "They tour the see-you-later spot, where Tietjens urges him to push a button on the wall.", "\n\n\"Ta dah!\" ", "she exclaims as double doors open.", "\n\n\"Look at them. ", "They still have on their jammies,\" she says, motioning at staffers dressed in scrubs. ", "One waves back.", "\n\nTietjens, 40, has a magic touch. ", "She could give doctors a lesson in bedside manner — in her sleep. ", "She's one of 27 child-life specialists at Texas Children's Hospital, charged with ensuring young patients are comfortable and understand the medical procedures they will undergo.", "\n\nMost child-life programs started in the 1970s, Hollon says. ", "In 23 years, the council has grown from about 200 members to 2,800, she adds.", "\n\nSome specialists major in child life in college whereas others focus on topics such as child development and family studies. ", "They must complete an internship before becoming specialists, and their duties may be supported by child-life partners/assistants.", "\n\nChild-life specialists are always ready to share a smile and lend an ear. ", "They want to make everything better for their charges. ", "They befriend their patients, relay what to expect from their medical visit, teach them to cope and relax, serve as a sounding board and seek answers for their questions.", "\n\n\"The kids are so anxious, and the parents are so anxious,\" Tietjens says.", "\n\nEzequiel's mom, Natalie Ochoa, was nervous. \"", "I was scared because I was by myself,\" Ochoa explains later. ", "Her husband wasn't able to come that day, and she didn't understand the surgery procedure.", "\n\nTietjens, she says, wound up calming both her son and herself.", "\n\nWorking with children means Tietjens must be able to adapt at a moment's notice. ", "When she meets Pablo Lopez Jr., the 3-year-old is so resistant to touring the hospital wing that his mother has to drag him along and his dad must block his escape route; Pablo just wants to return to the waiting room with the cool fish.", "\n\nSo Tietjens shortens the tour and abandons the room set aside for child-life conversations. ", "They settle beside the big tank of fish instead.", "\n\nTietjens, in pale-blue scrubs, opens a plastic box that she carries and describes to Pablo and his parents what to expect in the operating room, such as the mask the anesthesiologist will put over his face and the different flavors he can choose from to disguise the medicinal smell. ", "Cherry, bubble gum, banana and more.", "\n\nTo Pablo's parents, Tietjens also explains that an anxiolytic, a drug that can relieve their son's anxiety before his tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, is available.", "\n\nYoung children sometimes won't let Tietjens demonstrate on them how the mask, EKG pads and pulse oximeter work, so she'll turn to Mom, Dad or herself. ", "They want to know if they'll wake up from surgery or if someone will jump on their chests, like they do on ER.", "\n\nTeenage and young-adult patients struggle with different issues. ", "They lose the independence they gained being away at college, for one, and must rely on family and hospital staff, says Sarah Burkett, one of four child-life specialists at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.", "\n\nBurkett, 25, began working with patients not much younger than herself earlier this year.", "\n\nShe stops by Kimberly Gutierrez's room to invite her to Teen Grille. ", "But the 13-year-old from the Rio Grande Valley doesn't feel like it.", "\n\n\"How 'bout if I told you it was tacos and chocolate chip cookies?\" ", "Burkett asks.", "\n\nTeen Grille is a Thursday night event that brings her patients together to socialize and compare notes.", "\n\nSome are too sick to join. ", "Jonathan Bouchard, an 18-year-old from Alabama, has been through four rounds of chemo for his lung cancer. ", "He's been at M.D. Anderson since Feb. 9.", "\n\nWhen she drops by his room, Burkett promises to deliver cookies later. \"", "We'll bring them fresh to you. ", "I know you have a sweet tooth.\"", "\n\nAt which point Jonathan launches into a spiel about the benefits of eating sweets during chemo. \"", "Jolly Rancher gummies make it more bearable,\" he says.", "\n\nBurkett smiles.", "\n\nTo cope with the difficulties of working with sick children, Burkett relies on faith, family, colleagues and laughter for comfort. ", "Tietjens, too.", "\n\nBoth women stress the importance of forging bonds with the patients and their families. ", "Burkett plays detective to learn their likes and dislikes.", "\n\nTietjens reaps the rewards of her work with each patient. \"", "By the time I finish their preparation, I can see what a difference it made,\" Tietjens says. \"", "For me, it's like a direct feedback or reward. ", "I've always loved working with kids, and I knew that I wanted to do something different than the more common jobs.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSearching with Lucene with stemming enabled\n\nSuppose I store a set of strings (each document in Lucene would be a single word), and then given an input word W, I would like to retrieve all the document that not only match word W but also those documents whose stemmed version also matches W.\nAlso, suppose a input a word W, I would want to take care of the case where there is a document that matches the stemmed version of the word W as well.", "\nWould writing my own custom analyzer and returning a PorterStemFilter suffice? ", "Do I need to just write this class and reference it as the analyzer in the code?", "\n\nA:\n\nWriting a custom Analyzer that has a stemmer in the analyzer chain should suffice. ", "\nHere is the sample code that uses PorterStemFilter in Lucene 4.1\n class MyAnalyzer extends Analyzer {\n @Override\n protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName, Reader reader) {\n Tokenizer source = new LowerCaseTokenizer(version, reader);\n return new TokenStreamComponents(source, new PorterStemFilter(source));\n }\n}\n\nPlease note that you MUST use the same custom Analyzer while querying which is used for indexing as well. ", "\nYou may find the sample code for your version of Lucene in the corresponding PorterStemFilter documentation.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The red light controlled production of gibberellin in etiolated wheat leaves.", "\nMost of the gibberellin activity detectable in extracts of etiolated wheat leaf tissue occurs in a bound form. ", "There is a rapid increase in extractable gibberellin-like substances following exposure of the tissue to red light with a concomitant fall in the amount of bound gibberellin. ", "Actinomycin-D and AMo 1618 do not inhibit this initial phase of red light stimulated gibberellin production.", "It is concluded that red light stimulated gibberellin production in etiolated wheat leaf tissue is due to release from a bound form and to synthesis." ]
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[ "**Core tip:** We review the main theoretical and practical concepts in the research of gene environment interaction. ", "We present a novel approach to study gene environment interaction in which a brief post-natal interference with the expression of multiple genes by inhibiting the activity of the ubiquitous transcription factor specificity protein 1 is followed by later-in-life exposure of rats to stress. ", "Finally, we discuss the role of peripheral processes in behavioral responses, demonstrating how specific behavioral patterns are linked to modulations in interwoven brain and body physiological processes due to gene and environmental changes.", "\n\nINTRODUCTION\n============\n\nThe role of nature *vs* nurture in shaping complex behavior and in mental disorders is a matter of long running dispute and creates a split between psychobiology, which emphasizes the dominancy of the being's innate predispositions and psychotherapy supporters, which point out the surrounding influence. ", "Evidence from decades of heredity research has suggested that complex behaviors and psychiatric disorders have a solid genetic basis\\[[@B1],[@B2]\\]. ", "It has been reported by many studies that consistent differences in behavioral traits between subjects, such as stress responsivity and temperament, show a familial pattern\\[[@B3]\\]. ", "On the other hand, the impact of environmental factors on physical illness is well established\\[[@B4],[@B5]\\] and well recognized in behavioral disturbance\\[[@B6],[@B7]\\]. ", "Numerous studies reported a correlation between candidate genes, and behavioral phenotype\\[[@B8],[@B9]\\], yet with significantly lower rate of replication and a clear tendency toward positive results\\[[@B10]\\]. ", "Environmental aspects are formulated in the vast psychoanalytical literature and in models that use a scientific platform, such as the impact of different nursing abilities of female rats, on stress responsivity of their pups\\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Environmental physical factors such as intrauterine inflammatory reaction induced by Lipopolysaccharide, which simulates the impact of prenatal infection on behavior\\[[@B12],[@B13]\\] were studied as well.", "\n\nThe stress diathesis theory, which suggests that disorders induced by the combination of varying degrees of predisposition with invers degrees of stressful stimuli, has become an accepted conceptual research framework for studying complex behaviors. ", "Following this hypothesis numerous studies over the last decade assessed the relationship between candidate genes and behavior in the form of genome-wide association studies (GWAS)\\[[@B14]\\], most of them focusing on the pathologic consequences of genetic alteration. ", "Despite the remarkable advances in genetic tools and techniques, very few direct genetic effects on mental health have been identified and replicated\\[[@B10]\\].", "\n\nAn alternative paradigm to the stress diathesis theory is the differential susceptibility theory, which assumes that individuals react differently to environmental stimulus depending on the plasticity of gene rather than their susceptibility. ", "Thus showing higher responsiveness to both positive and negative external cues, frequently with opposing outcomes\\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "For example, high frequency of antisocial behavior was correlated with childhood maltreatment the in low activity MAO-A allele carriers\\[[@B17]\\]. ", "Interestingly, low activity MAO-A allele carriers, who were not exposed to childhood maltreatment showed the lowest anti-social behavior scores compared with normal activity MAO-A carriers\\[[@B16]\\]. ", "An additional extensively studied genetic variant in psychiatry is the short allelic form of the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR), which is associated with a reduction in the transporter activity\\[[@B18]\\] and with high risk for major depression in individuals exposed to stressful life events\\[[@B19]\\]. ", "Yet, 5HTT s-allele carriers were shown to be more responsive to the Attention Bias Modification training than long-allele carriers, supporting Belsky's hypothesis that the s-allele may be considered as a plasticity gene rather than a susceptible gene\\[[@B20]\\]. ", "Taken together, these examples support the differential responsiveness theory of sensitive genes in the etiology of complex behaviors\\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nUnfortunately, the current gene environment interaction models have substantial limitations, ranging from weak validation to poor predictive power and although genome studies have expanded our understanding of complex phenotypes and many human diseases, they hardly explain a small proportion of their heritability in the population\\[[@B21]\\]. ", "Genetic variants are usually considered as having additive, suppressive or neutral effects on the phenotype, but the effect size for a single genetic variant is minor\\[[@B22]\\]. ", "A more comprehensive model of real life interaction between multiple genes that influence the expression of each other and thereby the manifestation of a particular phenotype, is needed.", "\n\nOne possible gate for modelling real life gene environment interaction are through manipulation of key point genes, genes that are essential for the modulation of multiple genes' activity, such as the ubiquitous transcription factor specificity protein 1 (Sp1). ", "Sp1 is a member of the SP proteins family, which constitutes a group of highly conserved transcription factors present in a wide range of organisms. ", "Their structure is defined by the presence of three highly conserved DNA-binding zinc finger domains which bind to similar, yet distinct, GC-rich target sequences. ", "Members of the SP family function either as activators or repressors in cell *via* a promoter-dependent manner\\[[@B23]\\]. ", "Sp1 is essential for the regulation of various physiological functions, maintains organ homeostasis, regulates tissue repair, and possibly serves as an anti-inflammatory mechanism that protects against organ inflammation and injury\\[[@B24]\\]. ", "Sp1 regulates the expression of numerous genes in early developmental stages\\[[@B25]\\] and the expression of most growth factors and their receptors depend on Sp1\\[[@B26]-[@B28]\\]. ", "Sp1 activity can be modulated by various environment-dependent factors including metabolic factors such as glucose and insulin, immunologic factors such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), glucocorticoid receptors and several major kinases including CDK2 and ERK1/2\\[[@B29]-[@B32]\\]. ", "Sp1 also modulates the expression of many genes implicated in psychiatry research, including neuregulin-1\\[[@B33]\\], reelin\\[[@B34]\\], GAD67\\[[@B35]\\], MAO A and B\\[[@B36],[@B37]\\], NMDA receptor subunits (NR1 and NR2)\\[[@B38],[@B39]\\], GABA A receptor\\[[@B40]\\], DA receptors\\[[@B41]\\] and genes of the oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS)\\[[@B42]\\]. ", "In this article we will describe how simulating real life by minor manipulation of multiple gene expression, based on Sp1 unique characteristics, models more accurately gene environment interaction in behavioral sciences.", "\n\nSP1 IN SCHIZOPHRENIA AND OTHER NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS\n=========================================================\n\nThe alterations in different genetic trajectories in schizophrenia reported by numerous studies\\[[@B43]\\], can result from transcriptional dysregulation in the disorder\\[[@B44]\\]. ", "Our group showed that the expression of Sp1 is disrupted in brain samples and peripheral blood lymphocytes of schizophrenia patients as compared with those of healthy subjects. ", "Specifically, downregulation in Sp1 mRNA expression was prominent in the prefrontal cortex and the striatum, while upregulation was observed in the parieto-occipital cortex and in blood lymphocytes of schizophrenic patients. ", "Sp1 levels were highly and significantly correlated with two subunits (NDUFV2 and NDUFV1) of the first complex of the OXPHOS in lymphocytes and brain specimens of normal subjects, while abolished in schizophrenic patients\\[[@B45]\\]. ", "We have shown that Sp1 is a transcription factor of both subunits, which have been repeatedly implicated in schizophrenia\\[[@B46],[@B47]\\]. ", "A defect in Sp1 transcriptional activity, which leads to abnormal expression of complex I subunits, can be one of the causes for reduced complex I activity associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced energy metabolism observed in schizophrenia brains by numerous imaging studies\\[[@B48]\\]. ", "Such distortion in brain energy production can affect synaptic plasticity and connectivity of neuronal networks and thereby cognitive and emotional behaviors\\[[@B49]\\]. ", "Additional studies by other groups substantiated the role of Sp1 in mental and neurological disorders by showing a reduction of Sp1 protein and mRNA in the postmortem prefrontal cortex brain of chronic schizophrenia patients\\[[@B50]\\], increased Sp1 mRNA levels in the hippocampus\\[[@B51]\\] and a reduction in Sp1 and Sp4 protein levels in lymphocytes of first-episode psychosis patient\\[[@B52]\\]. ", "These reports are in line with other studies demonstrating arole of Sp1 in the regulation of many genes associated with neuropsychiatric psychiatric disorders. ", "Thus, elevation in Sp1 protein levels was observed in autistic brains, which was associated with altered expression of autism candidate genes such as OXTR and PTEN\\[[@B53]\\]. ", "Sp1 mRNA and protein was also found to be up-regulated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains and in a transgenic mice model of the disease\\[[@B54]\\]. ", "In Huntington disease, Sp1-regulated huntingtin transcription is dysregulated. ", "In adrenal medulla-derived PC12 cell cultures it was shown that Sp1 is involve in the regulation of epinephrine biosynthesis in response to acute and chronic stress\\[[@B55]\\]. ", "The, dual characteristic of Sp1, having specific environmental and internal signal regulated transcriptional activities, together with its role in the regulation of multiple genes, coincide with the multi-gene alteration and the heterogeneous symptomatology of mental disorders.", "\n\nSP1 MANIPULATION MODELS\n=======================\n\nComplete inhibition of Sp1 is incompatible with life and Sp1 knockout mice die *in utero* with multiple phenotypic aberrations\\[[@B56]\\]. ", "However, Sp1 transcriptional activity can be inhibited by Mithramycin (MTR)\\[[@B57]\\]. ", "MTR is an antineoplastic antibiotic, which binds to GC-rich regions on the DNA displacing the Sp family transcription proteins from their binding sites\\[[@B58]\\]. ", "MTR is a clinically approved antibiotic that is effective for the treatment many cancers such as testicular cancer\\[[@B59]\\] and also for cancer induced hypercalcemia\\[[@B60]\\]. ", "Our group has reported that MTR induced a time dependent decrease in the expression levels of complex I subunits NDUFV1, NDUFV2 and NDUFS1, as well as of reelin, all regulated by Sp1 and implicated in schizophrenia\\[[@B45]\\]. ", "The availability of a simple pharmacologic agent that modulates the transcription of different genes, turns it into an attractive tool for modelling multiple gene dysregulation. ", "Indeed, neonatal rats treated for a few days (7-10 postnatal days) with MTR, showed three months later cognitive and behavioral deficits such as spatial working memory impairment and anxious behavior, without any impact on their bodily well-being\\[[@B61]\\]. ", "The effect of MTR treatment was also studied in AD experimental models. ", "Thus, MTR injections to AD transgenic adult mice for several months, resulted in greater memory impairment in these mice and increased amyloid β peptide levels\\[[@B62]\\], with no additional behavioral differences. ", "These data suggest that manipulation of Sp1 transcriptional activity at adulthood has long lasting effects on behavior depending on predisposing genetic aberration earlier in life. ", "In contrast to these results chronic MTR administration to AD transgenic mice by another group resulted in cognitive improvement\\[[@B63]\\], emphasizing the need for better understanding the role of Sp1 transcriptional activity in the pathophysiology of AD. ", "In a mouse model for Huntington disease chronic MTR treatment from PND 20 throughout life extended survival, enhanced motor performance, and improved brain histopathology\\[[@B64]\\]. ", "The neuroprotective effect of MTR was also demonstrated in adult rats exposed to repeated administration of methamphetamine\\[[@B65]\\], an accepted model for schizophrenia\\[[@B66]\\].", "\n\nSTRESS EXPOSURE MODEL\n=====================\n\nStudying the additive effect of environmental variables on top of the predisposing susceptibility is complex and may have many bias pitfalls. ", "Stress is commonly used to mimic environmental insults in models of mental disorders and complex behaviors. ", "We have used peripubertal mild unpredictable stress protocol. ", "One major parameter in modeling environmental effects is the timing of exposure to insult. ", "However, timing and duration of exposure to stress differ between studies. ", "There are early in-life stress models, mainly maternal separation, which increase stress reactivity in the offspring\\[[@B67]\\], while there are adult stress models, including the unpredictable chronic mild stress model, which differ in chronicity, protocol elements and actual age of stress exposure, adolescence or adulthood\\[[@B68]-[@B70]\\]. ", "Both prenatal period and postnatal mid to late adolescence were shown to be particularly vulnerable to stress in rats\\[[@B61]\\]. ", "Chronic adolescence stress was repeatedly shown to be associated with HPA dysfunction\\[[@B71]\\], hippocampal volume reduction and impairments in spatial learning\\[[@B72]\\] later in life. ", "To elaborate our view on the impact of environment we compared two stress regimens differing only in duration, chronic and sub-chronic regimens, in adolescence. ", "Interestingly, high serum corticosterone levels and higher anxiety index were related to the sub-chronic stress regimen, while rats exposed to chronic stress did not differ significantly from the controls, which implies adaptation to stress\\[[@B61]\\]. ", "Although chronic mild stress is an accepted paradigm for induction of depressive-like symptoms in rats\\[[@B73]\\], several studies show resilience effects of long-term stress\\[[@B74],[@B75]\\] which is in line with the adaptation to the chronic stress regimen.", "\n\nMANIPULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION AND THE ENVIRONMENT\n===================================================\n\nStudies modeling genetic predisposition for behavioral alterations, induce predisposition in one or more of the four following paradigms: Manipulation of a candidate gene, interference with a candidate system/pathway, intrauterine insults or exposure to early post-natal stressors that induce epigenetic changes.", "\n\nNumerous studies using candidate gene knockout mice and chronic stress were published. ", "Candidate system interference studies mostly involve HPA axis manipulation either pharmacologically by glucocorticoids administration\\[[@B76]\\] or induced by early life stress\\[[@B77]\\]. ", "Examples for intrauterine insult models include the prenatal protein malnutrition, which affects development of the brain in utero and induces cognitive impairment and severe widespread morphological abnormalities similar to schizophrenia\\[[@B78],[@B79]\\]. ", "Other models are based on the intrauterine infection theory for schizophrenia\\[[@B80]\\]. ", "These models include prenatal exposure of mice to viruses, such as the influenza virus\\[[@B81]\\] which cause brain developmental damages similar to those observed in schizophrenia brain, or maternal immune activation by lipopolysaccharide or polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (Poly I:C) during pregnancy, which model schizophrenia and autism in the offspring\\[[@B82],[@B83]\\]. ", "The best studied model for epigenetic changes induced by early life stressors is the maternal separation model, which enhances behavioral changes\\[[@B84],[@B85]\\], and causes epigenetic modifications that can be transmitted through generations\\[[@B11]\\]. ", "We hypothesize that a transient interference with the expression of many various genes, by MTR for example, at a critical developmental stage of the brain together with an exposure of the animal to stressful environment later in life, will provide an animal model to study the role of gene environment interaction in long lasting complex behavior relevant to mental disorders. ", "Although it may be argued that modification of the expression of numerus genes is inaccurate and difficult to monitor, we believe that it is a closer model to real life complexity. ", "Indeed, we found that MTR treated rats exposed to sub-chronic stress demonstrated higher anxiety index, anhedonia and indifference to novel objects. ", "However, MTR treated rats exposed to the chronic stress paradigm demonstrated normal sucrose preference, low anxiety index and high novelty seeking behavior. ", "These findings support the differential sensitivity theory, claiming increased reactivity to environmental stimuli in genetically sensitive individuals, with differential responses to various stimuli\\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nINTERTWINED PERIPHERAL AND BRAIN INTERACTION\n============================================\n\nThe molecular and biochemical pathways that contribute to behavioral phenotypes are still a mystery and it is almost impossible to differentiate between genetic and environmental impacts. ", "The currently common dominate hypothesis is that changes in brain cellular pathways are responsible for alterations in behavioral responses. ", "We and others suggest that peripheral factors are essential for formulating behavioral responses. ", "In our rat model for example, we showed that exposing MTR treated rats to chronic stress (MTR + stress) caused a significant reduction in tryptophan brain levels, which in part stems from peripheral changes. ", "Alteration in peripheral tryptophan levels was found to be associated with behavioral and cognitive phenotypes. ", "For example, aggression tendencies associated with a low serum tryptophan levels\\[[@B86]\\] and impulsivity\\[[@B87]\\] was observed in the course of manic episodes\\[[@B88]\\], while increased serum tryptophan levels were observed during the recovery periods in bipolar manic patients\\[[@B89]\\]. ", "Tryptophan depletion studies have reported association with worsening of depressive symptoms in human, yet the data are inconclusive\\[[@B90],[@B91]\\]. ", "In addition, it was reported that a reduction in tryptophan levels interrupts memory consolidation yet improves attention\\[[@B92]\\]. ", "Dietary tryptophan depletion is also used in modeling major depression in rats\\[[@B93]\\] and dietary prenatal protein deprivation is used to model cognitive impairment observed in schizophrenia\\[[@B78]\\]. ", "In our model, the reduction in brain tryptophan in the MTR + stress rats was probably not due to its extensive metabolism in brain, as no change was observed in its two major metabolic pathways the serotonin and kynurenine pathways\\[[@B94]\\]. ", "However, being an essential amino acid tryptophan level in brain depends also on its availability, which can be modulated by several variables including its serum level and its BBB transporter (LAT1) activity\\[[@B95]\\]. ", "Serum level of amino acids, which compete with tryptophan on its transporter, the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) for example\\[[@B96],[@B97]\\], can affect tryptophan availability to the brain. ", "Indeed, serum tryptophan/BCAA ratio is an established measure to estimate brain tryptophan levels\\[[@B98]\\]. ", "In the MTR + Stress rats, reduced tryptophan brain levels were associated with reduced LAT1 protein levels and its light chain SLC3A2 transcript levels. ", "In addition, we observed a reduction in serum tryptophan/BCCA ratio, implying a peripheral contribution to reduced brain tryptophan levels. ", "We further suggest that tryptophan/BCCA reduction is due to a failure of these MTR treated rats to respond to stress by increasing serum glucose and insulin, a known regulator of serum BCAA\\[[@B99]\\], as did rats exposed to chronic stress only. ", "Taken together, these data suggest that interference with brain tryptophan homeostasis is due to joint brain and peripheral physiological processes. ", "In line with the latter is the finding that brain tryptophan levels were only affected in rats receiving the combined treatment of MTR + stress, while serum tryptophan/BCAA ratio or brain LAT1 were affected by either Stress or MTR, respectively\\[[@B94]\\]. ", "Our data suggest that a mild modulation of both peripheral and central processes, which converge and mutually interact, can influence behavioral phenotype. ", "A similar interaction can be seen in circuits of energy balance regulation in the body. ", "Thus, adipose tissues secrete leptin as an afferent signal, which influences the activity of the hypothalamus. ", "The hypothalamus signals decrease food intake by inhibiting anabolic circuits, and enhance energy expenditure through the activation of catabolic circuits\\[[@B100]\\]. ", "It is quite intuitive, but sometimes neglected, that the brain collects both central and peripheral internal inputs, as well as external inputs and executes reaction based on the sum of predisposition and experience. ", "The recent increasing interest in the link between microbiome and brain function and its role in mental disorders\\[[@B101]\\] further substantiates a role for peripheral inputs in behavior.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\n==========\n\nThe ubiquitous transcription factor Sp1 plays a role in the regulation of many genes in response to internal and environmental signals and is suggested to have implication in neuropsychiatric disorders and complex behaviors. ", "Using simple manipulation of Sp1 we showed that a wide and transient interference with gene expression in inbred rats at a critical developmental stage, can induce a long lasting impact on metabolic and behavioral response to environmental stimuli, with different and even opposite outcomes, depending on the characteristics of the environmental stimuli/insult. ", "Already at 1963, Bleuler\\[[@B102]\\] wrote that \"unfavourable nature and environment develop together and influence each other. ", "They are interwoven from babyhood. ", "The environment influencing the manifestation of the hereditary disposition is already a reflected image of this disposition\"\\[[@B102]\\]. ", "Peripheral and central physiological processes, which are both subjected to genetic and environmental changes, interact reciprocally to induce specific behavioral patterns (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Further studies could shed light on the importance of these brain-periphery reciprocal interactions for whole body homeostasis and its influence on behavior. ", "In addition, new targets may emerge from such a perspective of behavioral modulators for future clinical intervention.", "\n\n![", "Brain and periphery combined effects modulate behavior in the specificity protein 1 rat model. ", "Early in life transient interference with specificity protein 1 activity by mithramycin and later in life exposure to chronic stress, affect availability of tryptophan (Trp) to the brain, both by reducing serum Trp ratio and brain LAT1 expression. ", "Deficits in brain Trp levels may affect behavior. ", "LAT1: BBB transporter.](WJP-6-294-g001){#F1}\n\nConflict-of-interest statement: Authors declare no conflict of interests for this article.", "\n\nManuscript source: Invited manuscript\n\nSpecialty type: Psychiatry\n\nCountry of origin: Israel\n\nPeer-review report classification\n\nGrade A (Excellent): A\n\nGrade B (Very good): B\n\nGrade C (Good): 0\n\nGrade D (Fair): 0\n\nGrade E (Poor): 0\n\nPeer-review started: May 25, 2016\n\nFirst decision: July 6, 2016\n\nArticle in press: August 8, 2016\n\nP- Reviewer: Malli R, Noll-Hussong M S- Editor: Ji FF L- Editor: A E- Editor: Lu YJ\n\n[^1]: Author contributions: Both authors contributed equally to the writing of this review paper.", "\n\n Correspondence to: Dorit Ben-Shachar, Professor, Laboratory of Psychobiology, Department of Psychiatry, Rambam Medical Center and B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Rappaport Family Institute for Research in the Medical Sciences, Technion, PO Box 9649, Haifa 31096, Israel. ", "<shachar@tx.technion.ac.il>\n\n Telephone: +972-4-8295224 Fax: +972-4-8295220\n" ]
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[ " f, given that 7/3*f**t + 12*f - 8/3 - 10*f**2 = 0.", "\n2/7, 2\nSuppose 299 - 404 + 228 + r**2 + 44*r = 0. ", "What is r?", "\n-41, -3\nLet w(k) be the third derivative of -k**6/480 + k**5/16 - 3*k**4/4 + 9*k**3/2 - 228*k**2. ", "Factor w(f).", "\n-(f - 6)**2*(f - 3)/4\nLet f(z) be the second derivative of 16*z - 1/30*z**3 + 0*z**5 - 1/75*z**6 + 0*z**2 + 1/210*z**7 + 0 + 1/30*z**4. ", "Factor f(b).", "\nb*(b - 1)**3*(b + 1)/5\nFind h, given that 8*h**4 + 111*h**3 - 2*h**5 - 117*h**3 - 14*h**2 + 8*h + 6*h**2 = 0.", "\n-1, 0, 1, 2\nSuppose -32/15 - 22/15*s**3 + 2/15*s**5 + 4/3*s - 14/15*s**4 + 46/15*s**2 = 0. ", "Calculate s.\n-2, -1, 1, 8\nFactor 590*w**2 + 38*w**3 - 4*w**4 - 302*w**2 - 16*w - 384 - 122*w**3.", "\n-4*(w - 2)**2*(w + 1)*(w + 24)\nSuppose p = -3, f - 4*p = -9*p + 390. ", "Let q = f + -795/2. ", "Let 0 + 0*s - 3*s**2 + q*s**4 + 9/2*s**3 = 0. ", "What is s?", "\n-1, 0, 2/5\nLet b(a) be the first derivative of -4/3*a**3 - 21 - 10*a**2 + 0*a. ", "Find v, given that b(v) = 0.", "\n-5, 0\nSuppose -1 - 2 = g, 2*s + 4*g = 18. ", "Suppose s*a = 10*a. ", "Factor 0*u - 1/4*u**2 + 0 + a*u**3 + 1/4*u**4.", "\nu**2*(u - 1)*(u + 1)/4\nLet o(u) be the second derivative of -u**5/80 + u**3/6 + 94*u. ", "Determine f, given that o(f) = 0.", "\n-2, 0, 2\nSuppose -3*v - 4*m + 56 - 19 = 0, 2*m + 53 = 5*v. ", "Suppose v = 8*d - 5. ", "Suppose 1/4*k**d + 1/4 - 1/2*k = 0. ", "Calculate k.\n1\nLet q(i) be the third derivative of i**7/168 + i**6/12 + i**5/2 + 5*i**4/3 - 31*i**3/6 + 2*i**2. ", "Let r(t) be the first derivative of q(t). ", "Solve r(j) = 0.", "\n-2\nLet x be 15/18*(-88)/(-275). ", "Let b(s) be the second derivative of 3/100*s**5 + 11/60*s**4 + 4*s + 0 + x*s**3 - 2/5*s**2. ", "Factor b(g).", "\n(g + 2)**2*(3*g - 1)/5\nLet p = -52 + 36. ", "Let t be ((-36)/p - 3)*-8. ", "Suppose t + 8 - 9*g**3 - 4*g - 15*g**2 - 11 + g = 0. ", "What is g?", "\n-1, 1/3\nLet k(z) be the second derivative of 5*z**7/42 - z**6 - 7*z**5/4 + 4*z. ", "Factor k(v).", "\n5*v**3*(v - 7)*(v + 1)\nLet m(z) be the second derivative of 2*z**7/21 + 23*z**6/30 + 17*z**5/10 + 5*z**4/4 + 141*z. ", "Factor m(f).", "\nf**2*(f + 1)**2*(4*f + 15)\nLet a(s) be the third derivative of -s**5/12 - 5*s**4/12 + 20*s**3/3 - 75*s**2 - s. Factor a(j).", "\n-5*(j - 2)*(j + 4)\nLet y = -2 - -4. ", "Factor -3*t**3 - 13*t**4 + 4*t**2 + 9*t**4 - t**y - t + 5*t**4.", "\nt*(t - 1)**3\nLet c(l) = 128*l**4 + 235*l**3 + 114*l**2 + 40*l - 11. ", "Let w(a) = -a**3 - 2*a + 1. ", "Let r(h) = -2*c(h) - 22*w(h). ", "Determine p, given that r(p) = 0.", "\n-1, -3/8, 0\nLet z(t) be the first derivative of -3*t**4/4 + 3*t**3 + 15*t**2 - 72*t + 90. ", "Solve z(a) = 0 for a.\n-3, 2, 4\nLet w = -3214/63 + 460/9. ", "Let z(t) be the second derivative of -2/7*t**2 + 2/147*t**7 + w*t**3 + 2/21*t**4 - 2/35*t**5 - 2/105*t**6 - 2*t + 0. ", "Factor z(x).", "\n4*(x - 1)**3*(x + 1)**2/7\nSuppose -23*b = -17*b - 30. ", "Let z(f) = 3*f**2 - 10*f - 22. ", "Let c be z(b). ", "Suppose 0 + l**2 - l - 1/4*l**c = 0. ", "What is l?", "\n0, 2\nLet q(l) be the third derivative of -l**8/5040 + 2*l**7/945 - l**6/108 + l**5/45 - 13*l**4/24 + 25*l**2. ", "Let d(n) be the second derivative of q(n). ", "Factor d(f).", "\n-4*(f - 2)*(f - 1)**2/3\nLet s(x) be the third derivative of x**6/60 + x**5/15 - x**4/4 + 108*x**2. ", "Determine d so that s(d) = 0.", "\n-3, 0, 1\nLet f(w) = -w**2 - 6*w + 19. ", "Let x be f(-8). ", "Let m be 2/(-10)*(-15)/2. ", "Determine j so that -3 - m*j**4 - 3/2*j**x + 9/2*j**2 + 3/2*j = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 1\nLet s be -3 + (-1 + 1)/(-3). ", "Let x be 0*2/12*s. ", "Find g such that -2/9*g + x - 2/9*g**2 = 0.", "\n-1, 0\nLet h(i) be the first derivative of i**8/1008 + i**7/315 - i**2/2 - 11. ", "Let g(n) be the second derivative of h(n). ", "Factor g(j).", "\nj**4*(j + 2)/3\nLet t(j) be the second derivative of -3*j**5/50 - 27*j**4/20 - 13*j**3/10 - j + 197. ", "Suppose t(z) = 0. ", "Calculate z.\n-13, -1/2, 0\nLet a = 662 + -660. ", "Determine k, given that 4/11 - 2/11*k**a + 2/11*k = 0.", "\n-1, 2\nLet d(y) be the third derivative of 1/168*y**8 + 0*y + 0*y**4 + 2/15*y**6 + 2/15*y**5 + 1/21*y**7 + 0*y**3 + 14*y**2 + 0. ", "Factor d(p).", "\n2*p**2*(p + 1)*(p + 2)**2\nLet b = 130 - 126. ", "Factor -x**b - 5/3*x**3 + 0 + 0*x - 1/3*x**2 + 3*x**5.", "\nx**2*(x - 1)*(3*x + 1)**2/3\nSuppose 5*u - u - 24 = 0. ", "Solve -d**2 - 4*d**5 + u*d**3 - 3*d + 7*d**4 + 6*d**5 + d = 0 for d.\n-2, -1, 0, 1/2\nLet g be 9/180*-4*-6. ", "Factor 3/5*l**3 + 0 + 0*l + g*l**2.", "\n3*l**2*(l + 2)/5\nLet b(v) be the third derivative of -1/105*v**5 + 2/21*v**3 - 8*v**2 - 1/28*v**4 + 0*v + 0. ", "Factor b(c).", "\n-2*(c + 2)*(2*c - 1)/7\nLet y(g) be the first derivative of -41 - 4*g**2 + 2/3*g**3 + 6*g. ", "What is k in y(k) = 0?", "\n1, 3\nLet j(m) be the second derivative of -2*m**2 - 3*m + 0 + 1/9*m**4 + 1/9*m**3. ", "Find w such that j(w) = 0.", "\n-2, 3/2\nLet k(v) be the first derivative of v**6/6 - v**4 + 2*v**3/3 + 3*v**2/2 - 2*v - 109. ", "Determine j so that k(j) = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 1\nLet q(m) = 5*m**2 + 63*m - 3. ", "Let b(z) = 6*z**2 + 66*z - 4. ", "Let i(u) = -3*b(u) + 4*q(u). ", "Suppose i(y) = 0. ", "Calculate y.\n-27, 0\nSuppose -2714 = -4*b - 694. ", "Factor 2*k**3 - 513*k - 4*k**3 - 10*k**2 + b*k.", "\n-2*k*(k + 1)*(k + 4)\nLet o be (-3)/(-30)*4*5. ", "Factor -80 - 16*y + 83 + 12*y**o + 2*y - y.\n3*(y - 1)*(4*y - 1)\nLet d(w) = 42*w**2 - 1370*w + 372. ", "Let o(q) = 14*q**2 - 458*q + 124. ", "Let p(v) = -5*d(v) + 14*o(v). ", "Solve p(r) = 0.", "\n2/7, 31\nSuppose 2*y + 5 = 3*p, -3*p - 5*y - 2 = -7*p. ", "Determine k, given that 4/7*k**p + 4/7 + 12/7*k**2 + 12/7*k = 0.", "\n-1\nLet i be (1 - 0) + 8/8. ", "Find l, given that 2*l - 5*l + 2 + 2*l**i - l = 0.", "\n1\nLet i(h) be the second derivative of h**7/126 + h**6/10 + h**5/2 + 23*h**4/18 + 11*h**3/6 + 3*h**2/2 - 12*h + 4. ", "Suppose i(n) = 0. ", "What is n?", "\n-3, -1\nSuppose 0 = 2*h - 9 + 3. ", "Suppose -2*s = 2*z - 6, -3*s = -z - h*z + 5. ", "Suppose -z*n**2 - 2/3*n + 0 = 0. ", "Calculate n.\n-1/3, 0\nLet q(x) be the second derivative of -x**7/1512 + x**6/144 - x**5/36 - 7*x**4/6 + 8*x. ", "Let g(u) be the third derivative of q(u). ", "Factor g(r).", "\n-5*(r - 2)*(r - 1)/3\nFactor -10*y**3 - 385*y**2 + 195*y**2 - y**4 + 10*y - 4*y**4 + 195*y**2.", "\n-5*y*(y - 1)*(y + 1)*(y + 2)\nLet s(z) be the second derivative of -5*z**4/6 - 14*z**3/3 + 3*z**2 - 2*z - 123. ", "Factor s(u).", "\n-2*(u + 3)*(5*u - 1)\nLet p be 10/(-3)*(-45)/25. ", "Suppose -2*s + 7*s - 4*v = 42, -3*s - 4*v + 38 = 0. ", "Suppose 2*c**5 - p*c**4 + s*c**3 - 6*c**2 - 2*c**4 + 2*c**2 = 0. ", "What is c?", "\n0, 1, 2\nSuppose 120 = 4*r - 20. ", "Factor -18 + 63 + 108*a - 33*a + r*a**2 + 5*a**3.", "\n5*(a + 1)*(a + 3)**2\nLet j(l) be the third derivative of 13*l**2 + 1/72*l**6 + 0 - 13/360*l**5 - 1/1260*l**7 + 0*l - l**3 - 5/12*l**4. ", "Determine c so that j(c) = 0.", "\n-1, 6\nLet 113*k + 67*k - 165*k**2 + 526*k**5 - 85*k**3 - 541*k**5 + 85*k**4 = 0. ", "Calculate k.\n-4/3, 0, 1, 3\nSuppose -5 - 4 = -3*y. ", "Let b be ((-1)/y)/(5/(-90)) - 1. ", "Factor 0*a + 1/7*a**4 + 0*a**2 - 1/7*a**b + 2/7*a**3 + 0.", "\n-a**3*(a - 2)*(a + 1)/7\nLet s(j) be the first derivative of -j**3/3 - 8*j**2 + 19*j - 6. ", "Let z be s(-17). ", "Factor -2*w**z + w - 2*w**2 + 15*w - 16.", "\n-4*(w - 2)**2\nLet a(n) be the third derivative of -n**7/195 + 2*n**6/39 + 5*n**5/26 - 20*n**4/39 - 28*n**3/39 + 586*n**2. ", "Solve a(s) = 0.", "\n-2, -2/7, 1, 7\nLet y(o) = -o**3 + o**2 + 1. ", "Let k(m) = -5*m**3 - 37*m**2 - 15*m + 5. ", "Let v be 6*5/15*1/2. ", "Let f(r) = v*k(r) + 4*y(r). ", "Solve f(p) = 0.", "\n-3, -1, 1/3\nLet f(x) be the first derivative of -5*x**6/6 + x**5 + 5*x**4/4 - 5*x**3/3 - 172. ", "Factor f(g).", "\n-5*g**2*(g - 1)**2*(g + 1)\nLet h = -25 + 35. ", "Factor -h + 6 - 2*d**2 + 6*d + 0*d**2.", "\n-2*(d - 2)*(d - 1)\nLet c be (4 - 2) + -5 + 6. ", "Solve 10 + 39*d + 18*d**3 + 0 - 4*d + 7*d**c + 45*d**2 + 5*d**4 = 0 for d.\n-2, -1\nLet b(p) = 2*p**4 - 12*p**3 + 32*p**2 + 14*p - 24. ", "Let l(s) = 4*s**4 - 13*s**3 + 33*s**2 + 16*s - 22. ", "Let j(z) = 3*b(z) - 2*l(z). ", "Suppose j(d) = 0. ", "Calculate d.\n-7, -1, 1, 2\nLet n(y) = -3*y**2 + 6*y. ", "Let o be n(3). ", "Let h be 1 + 0 - (o + 6). ", "Factor 4*i**2 - h*i**3 - 4 + 4 - 24*i**4 + 20*i**4 + 4*i.", "\n-4*i*(i - 1)*(i + 1)**2\nLet r(n) be the third derivative of 0*n - 1/20*n**6 - 3*n**3 + 0 - 11/4*n**4 - 6*n**2 - 19/30*n**5. ", "Factor r(w).", "\n-2*(w + 3)**2*(3*w + 1)\nLet m(j) be the second derivative of -j**6/210 - 13*j**5/140 - 11*j**4/84 + 13*j**3/42 + 6*j**2/7 - 3*j - 37. ", "Suppose m(w) = 0. ", "Calculate w.\n-12, -1, 1\nLet i(m) = -m**2 + 6*m + 3. ", "Let b be i(6). ", "Solve -u**2 - 8*u**2 - 18*u**2 + 18*u + 27*u - 21 + b*u**3 = 0 for u.\n1, 7\nWhat is p in 196/5*p**2 + 2/5 - 124/5*p**3 + 162/5*p**5 - 38/5*p - 198/5*p**4 = 0?", "\n-1, 1/9, 1\nSolve -40000/3 + 800/3*g - 4/3*g**2 = 0.", "\n100\nSuppose 0 = 39*r - 43*r - 3*t, 0 = -3*r + 4*t. ", "Solve -1/3*l**2 - 2/3*l + r = 0.", "\n-2, 0\nLet l(w) = -2*w - 63. ", "Let r b" ]
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[ "772 F.2d 916\n*Broomv.", "Fortner\n85-3260\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit.", "\n8/23/85\n\n1\nM.D.Fla.", "\n\nAFFIRMED\n\n2\n---------------\n\n\n\n* Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 11th Cir.", "R. 23.", "\n\n\n" ]
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[ "<?", "php\ndeclare(strict_types=1);\n\nnamespace predaddy\\messagehandling\\configuration;\n\nuse predaddy\\messagehandling\\CachedMessageHandlerDescriptorFactory;\nuse predaddy\\messagehandling\\FunctionDescriptorFactory;\nuse predaddy\\messagehandling\\MessageHandlerDescriptor;\n\n/**\n * Creates {@link ConfiguredMessageHandlerDescriptor}s according to the given {@link Configuration}.", "\n *\n * Can be passed to a {@link SimpleMessageBus} in order to manage handler methods based on the configurations,\n * instead of the default annotation scanning.", "\n *\n * @package predaddy\\messagehandling\\configuration\n * @author Janos Szurovecz <szjani@szjani.hu>\n */\nclass ConfiguredMessageHandlerDescriptorFactory extends CachedMessageHandlerDescriptorFactory\n{\n /**\n * @var Configuration\n */\n private $configuration;\n\n /**\n * @param FunctionDescriptorFactory $functionDescFactory\n * @param Configuration $configuration\n */\n public function __construct(FunctionDescriptorFactory $functionDescFactory, Configuration $configuration)\n {\n parent::__construct($functionDescFactory);\n $this->configuration = $configuration;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param object $handler\n * @return MessageHandlerDescriptor\n */\n protected function innerCreate($handler) : MessageHandlerDescriptor\n {\n return ConfiguredMessageHandlerDescriptor::create(\n $handler,\n $this->getFunctionDescriptorFactory(),\n $this->configuration->methodsFor($handler)\n );\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "✖ Hello Guys! ", "✖\n\n❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤\n\nThis is a day when you first meet me.", "Welcome to this place, that only things you will see. ", "You’ll find a thing that will make you want to be me. ", "Click and read, don’t forget to leave a comment here.", "I’ll make you sure to not regret it.", "Last but not the least, thank you for coming here.", "Bye, bye, and let’s meet again! ", "^.^" ]
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[ "875 F.2d 1509\nMichael LINDSEY, Petitioner-Appellant,v.Morris THIGPEN, Commissioner, Alabama Department ofCorrections, Respondents-Appellees.", "\nNos. ", "86-7162, 89-7389 and 89-7390.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit.", "\nMay 24, 1989.", "\n\nLouis E. Braswell, David A. Bagwell, Mobile, Ala., for petitioner-appellant.", "\nJohn Gibbs, William Whatley, Ed Carnes, Asst. ", "Attys. ", " Gen., Montgomery, Ala., for respondents-appellees.", "\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama.", "\nBefore TJOFLAT, VANCE and KRAVITCH, Circuit Judges.", "\n\nBY THE COURT:\n\n1\nMichael Lindsey was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1982. ", " Lindsey now seeks: (1) a stay of execution, (2) an order appointing new counsel, (3) a certificate of probable cause to appeal the district court's denial of his motion to reopen that court's 1986 judgment denying his first petition for habeas corpus (\"CPC\"), (4) an order recalling the mandate by which this court affirmed the district court's 1986 judgment, and (5) a certificate of probable cause to appeal the district court's denial of his third petition for habeas corpus. ", " We deny all relief.", "\n\nI. BACKGROUND\n\n2\nLindsey filed his first federal habeas petition in 1985. ", " The district court denied habeas relief, and we affirmed. ", " Lindsey v. Smith, 820 F.2d 1137 (11th Cir.), ", "reh'g denied, 828 F.2d 775 (1987), cert. ", "denied, --- U.S. ----, 109 S.Ct. ", "1327, 103 L.Ed.2d 595 reh'g denied, --- U.S. ----, 109 S.Ct. ", "1771, 104 L.Ed.2d 206 (1989).1 Our mandate issued on March 2, 1989. ", " Lindsey's execution is scheduled for May 26, 1989.", "\n\n\n3\nOn March 8, 1989, Lindsey filed a new motion in the original habeas case, CA 85-0775, urging the district court to appoint new counsel pursuant to 21 U.S.C. Sec. ", "848(q) and to stay his execution. ", " The district court denied the motion on March 24, 1989, and, on March 30, 1989, Lindsey petitioned this court for a writ of mandamus directing the district court to appoint new counsel. ", " We denied the petition. ", " In re Lindsey, 875 F.2d 1518, (11th Cir. ", "1989) (per curiam).", "\n\n\n4\nOn April 5, 1989, while the petition for mandamus was pending, the district court determined that Lindsey's March 1989 filings should be treated as a new petition for habeas corpus, which the court read to allege that Lindsey currently is insane and that, under the reasoning of Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399, 106 S.Ct. ", "2595, 91 L.Ed.2d 335 (1986), his execution would violate the eighth amendment's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. ", " The court read Lindsey's filings also to include a motion for a stay of execution, a motion for appointment of a psychiatrist, and another motion for appointment of new counsel. ", " The district court denied all relief on April 12, 1989, and we denied CPC. ", "See Lindsey v. Thigpen, 875 F.2d 1516, (11th Cir. ", "1989). ", " By a separate order, we again refused to order the district court to appoint new counsel. ", " In re Lindsey, 875 F.2d 1502, (11th Cir. ", "1989).", "\n\n\n5\nOn April 20, 1989, Lindsey returned to the Alabama trial court, seeking an order staying his scheduled execution, on the grounds of his alleged insanity. ", " He also filed a new petition for state collateral review, which stated two claims for relief: first, that the trial court's consideration of Alabama's \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" statutory aggravating factor in fixing his sentence violated the eighth amendment as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Maynard v. Cartwright, --- U.S. ----, 108 S.Ct. ", "1853, 100 L.Ed.2d 372 (1988); second, that the trial court's consideration of statutory aggravating factors not found by the jury violated the sixth amendment as interpreted by the Ninth Circuit in Adamson v. Ricketts, 865 F.2d 1011 (9th Cir.1988) (in banc), petition for cert. ", "filed, 57 U.S.L.W. 3655 (U.S., Apr. 4, 1989) (No. ", "88-1553). ", " On May 16, 1989, the trial court denied all relief, finding both claims to be procedurally barred. ", " State v. Lindsey, No. ", "CC-82-212 (Mobile Co., Ala. May 16, 1989).", "\n\n\n6\nLindsey immediately returned to federal district court, moving to reopen the judgment in his first habeas case, CA 85-0775, pursuant to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 60(b)(6). ", " In support of the motion, he argued: (1) that the district court should reconsider his claim regarding the \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor in light of Cartwright and (2) that the trial judge's override of the jury's recommendation of life imprisonment violated the sixth amendment as interpreted in Adamson. ", " He also presented the Adamson claim via a third petition for habeas corpus, CA 89-0388. ", " The district court denied all relief, holding that the Rule 60(b) motion \"does not state 'truly extraordinary circumstances' that would justify relief from judgment,\" Lindsey v. Thigpen, No. ", "85-0775, mem. ", "op. ", "at 8 (S.D.Ala. ", "May 19, 1989), and that the attempt to raise the Adamson claim in the third habeas petition \"is not only an abuse of the writ but also is procedurally barred.\" ", " Lindsey v. Thigpen, No. ", "89-0388-CB-C, mem. ", "op. ", "at 3 (S.D.Ala. ", "May 19, 1989). ", " The court also denied the third habeas petition on the alternative ground that \"even if the claim were to withstand these [procedural] impediments, it would fail on the merits.\" ", " Id. On May 23, 1989, the district court denied Lindsey's applications for certificates of probable cause to appeal the denial of the Rule 60(b) motion in CA 85-0775 and the denial of habeas relief in CA 89-0388. ", " Lindsey now seeks such certificates of probable cause from this court.", "\n\n\n7\nOn May 18, while the Rule 60(b) motion and the third petition for habeas were pending in the district court, Lindsey moved this court pursuant to 11th Cir.", "R. 41-1(b) to recall our mandate affirming the denial of his first habeas petition, CA 85-0775. ", " On May 22, he added to his Rule 41-1(b) motion still another request for the appointment of new counsel. ", " Thus, several claims for relief are now pending before this court. ", " In the context of the first habeas case, now pending are Lindsey's Rule 41-1(b) motion to recall our mandate pursuant to Rule 41-1(b), his motion for the appointment of new counsel in the Rule 41-1(b) proceeding, and his application for a certificate of probable cause to appeal the district court's denial of the Rule 60(b) motion.2 In the context of the third habeas petition, only Lindsey's application for a certificate of probable cause to appeal the district court's denial of the writ is pending. ", " We address each habeas petition separately.", "\n\n\n8\nII. ", "THE FIRST HABEAS CASE.", "\n\nA. The Motion for New Counsel\n\n9\nAs noted above, see supra n. 2, Lindsey's motion for appointment of new counsel was made in district court, in the context of the Rule 60(b) motion and the third habeas petition, as well as in this court, in the context of the Rule 41-1(b) motion. ", " In denying the motion for appointment of new counsel, the district court held:\n\n\n10\nLindsey has made no showing of good cause, and indeed has offered no reason, for dismissing his counsel. ", " The Court finds the petitioner's latest motion [is] simply another attempt to circumvent the Court's decision that he is not entitled to additional or alternative counsel, and to delay execution in this case.", "\n\n\n11\nLindsey v. Thigpen, Nos. ", "85-0775, 89-0388, mem. ", "op. ", "at 3 (S.D.Ala. ", "May 22, 1989). ", " We adopt this reasoning and hold that Lindsey is not entitled to appointment of new counsel at this stage of the proceedings.", "\n\nB. The Rule 41-1(b) and Rule 60(b) Motions\n\n12\nRule 41-1(b) provides that the mandate of this court \"once issued shall not be recalled except to prevent injustice.\" ", " Because the denial of a motion under Rule 60(b) is reviewable only for an abuse of discretion and a certificate of probable cause should issue only when a habeas petitioner has made a \"substantial showing of the denial of a federal right,\" Barefoot v. Estelle, 463 U.S. 880, 893, 103 S.Ct. ", "3383, 3394, 77 L.Ed.2d 1090 (1983), a certificate of probable cause to appeal the denial of Lindsey's Rule 60(b) motion should issue only if Lindsey has made a substantial showing that the district court abused its discretion by denying the Rule 60(b) motion. ", " Neither with respect to the Cartwright issue nor with respect to the Adamson issue has Lindsey satisfied either the standard governing Rule 41-1(b) or that governing the issuance of a certificate of probable cause.3\n\n\n13\n1. ", "The \"Heinous, Atrocious or Cruel\" Aggravating Factor\n\n\n14\na. The Original Disposition Is Not \"Demonstrably Wrong\"\n\n\n15\nCiting Greater Boston Television Corp. v. F.C.C., 463 F.2d 268, 278 n. 12 (D.C.Cir.1971), cert. ", "denied, 406 U.S. 950, 92 S.Ct. ", "2042, 32 L.Ed.2d 338 (1972), Lindsey argues that we should recall our mandate in order to prevent injustice, because Cartwright shows that our original disposition of his challenge to the \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor is \"demonstrably wrong.", "\"4 Assuming arguendo that Lindsey correctly states the law governing Rule 41-1(b), recall of our mandate would be improper. ", " Contrary to Lindsey's assertion, Cartwright does not affect the correctness of the original disposition of this claim. ", " Consequently, Lindsey also has failed to make a substantial showing that the district court's refusal to re-examine this claim perpetuated the \"denial of a federal right.\"", "\n\n\n16\nThe district court's 1986 order held that Lindsey's challenge to the trial court's consideration of the \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor was procedurally barred. ", " Our order affirming the district court held that it was unnecessary to determine whether the claim was procedurally barred, as it was meritless. ", " We held that Lindsey's \"conclusory assertion [that Alabama's \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor is unconstitutionally vague] is unsupported by any allegation of fact beyond the circumstances of this particular case, and thus fails to state a claim for which habeas relief can be granted.\" ", " Lindsey v. Smith, 820 F.2d at 1153. ", " Thus, although no procedural bar ultimately was applied, we never reached the question of the constitutionality of the application of the \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" factor in Lindsey's case. ", " Cartwright simply has no effect on the correctness of our holding. ", " Moreover, Cartwright does not affect the constitutionality of the application of Alabama's \"heinous, atrocious, or cruel\" aggravating factor to the facts of Lindsey's case.", "\n\n\n17\nIn Cartwright, a defendant who had shot and killed his former employer, and attempted to kill the employer's wife, successfully challenged the imposition of the death sentence upon the jury's finding that the murder was \"especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel.\" ", " Holding that the disposition of Cartwright's case was controlled by Godfrey v. Georgia, 446 U.S. 420, 100 S.Ct. ", "1759, 64 L.Ed.2d 398 (1980), the Supreme Court noted:\n\n\n18\nThe aggravating circumstance at issue [in Godfrey ] permitted a person to be sentenced to death if the offense \"was outrageously or wantonly vile, horrible or inhuman in that it involved torture, depravity of mind, or an aggravated battery to the victim.\" ", " Id., at 422, 100 S.Ct., ", "at 1762. ", " The jury had been instructed in the words of the statute, but its verdict recited only that the murder was \"outrageously or wantonly vile, horrible or inhuman.\" ", " The Supreme Court of Georgia, in affirming the death sentence, held only that the language used by the jury was \"not objectionable\" and that the evidence supported the finding of the presence of the aggravating circumstance, thus failing to rule whether, on the facts, the offense involved torture or an aggravated battery to the victim. ", " Id., at 426-427, 100 S.Ct., ", "at 1763-1764. ", " Although the Georgia Supreme Court in other cases had spoken in terms of the presence or absence of these factors, it did not do so in the decision under review, and this Court held that such an application of the aggravating circumstance was unconstitutional ...\n\n\n19\n....\n\n\n20\nThe affirmance of the death sentence by the Georgia Supreme Court was held to be insufficient to cure the jury's unchannelled discretion because the court failed to apply its previously recognized limiting construction of the aggravating circumstance. ", " Id., at 429, 432, 100 S.Ct. ", "at 1765, 1766-1767.", "\n\n\n21\n108 S.Ct. ", "at 1858-59.", "\n\n\n22\nThe problem in Godfrey was that, \"as a result of the vague construction applied, there was 'no principled way to distinguish [the Godfrey case], in which the death penalty was imposed, from the many cases in which it was not.' \" ", " Cartwright, 108 S.Ct. ", "at 1858 (quoting Godfrey, 446 U.S. at 433, 100 S.Ct. ", "at 1767). ", " Following Godfrey, the Cartwright Court focused on two points: first, that, on its face, the language \"especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel\" as used in the Oklahoma statute \"gave no more guidance than the 'outrageously or wantonly vile, horrible or inhuman' \" language in Godfrey; second, that the Oklahoma appellate court's conclusion that the facts of Cartwright's case \" 'adequately supported the jury's finding' was indistinguishable from the action of the Georgia court in Godfrey, which failed to cure the unfettered discretion of the jury and to satisfy the commands of the Eighth Amendment.\" ", " Id. Thus, the Court's holding that the words \"especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel\" were unconstitutionally vague as applied in Cartwright was based upon the failure of the Oklahoma courts to give those words a sufficiently narrowing construction. ", " That holding does not imply that the words \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" cannot be applied in a manner that comports with the eighth amendment.", "\n\n\n23\nWe read Godfrey and Cartwright to require that, in order to survive an eighth-amendment vagueness challenge, a sentencing court's consideration of the \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor must satisfy a three-part test. ", " First, the appellate courts of the state must have narrowed the meaning of the words \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" by consistently limiting their application to a relatively narrow class of cases, so that their use \"inform[s] [the sentencer of] what [it] must find to impose the death penalty.\" ", " Cartwright, 108 S.Ct. ", "at 1858. ", " Second, the sentencing court must have made either an explicit finding that the crime was \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" or an explicit finding that the crime exhibited the narrowing characteristics set forth in the state-court decisions interpreting those words.5 Third, the sentencer's conclusion--that the facts of the case under consideration place the crime within the class of cases defined by the state court's narrowing construction of the term \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\"--must not have subverted the narrowing function of those words by obscuring the boundaries of the class of cases to which they apply.", "\n\n\n24\nA survey of Alabama cases reveals that the first prong of the analysis is satisfied. ", " Since the 1981 case of Kyzer v. Alabama, 399 So.2d 330 (Ala.1981), the Alabama appellate courts have confined the application of the \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor to \"those conscienceless or pitiless homicides which are unnecessarily torturous to the victim.\" ", " Kyzer, 399 So.2d at 334 (citing State v. Dixon, 283 So.2d 1 (Fla.1973)).6 The class of cases that are \"unnecessarily torturous to the victim\" is not too indefinite to serve the narrowing function mandated by the eighth amendment. ", " See Proffitt v. Florida, 428 U.S. 242, 255-56, 96 S.Ct. ", "2960, 2986, 49 L.Ed.2d 913 (opinion of Stewart, Powell, Stevens, JJ.), ", "reh'g denied, 429 U.S. 875, 97 S.Ct. ", "198, 50 L.Ed.2d 158 (1976). ", " Thus, when Lindsey was sentenced in 1982, the courts of Alabama had already developed and consistently applied a narrowing construction of the term \"heinous, atrocious or cruel as compared to other capital offenses.\"", "\n\n\n25\nSecond, the trial judge, who is the sentencer under Alabama law, explicitly stated:\n\n\n26\nThe Court finds the facts to be that the body of the victim, Rosemary Rutland, an elderly woman, was found in her home, face down, gagged and her hands bound behind her. ", " It was proved that the victim had been stabbed in the back and shot in the head with a .38 caliber pistol, and that she died as a result of either the stabbing or the shooting, or both. ", " The Court finds that the killing of Rosemary Rutland was outrageously wicked, vile and shockingly evil. ", " The Court finds from the evidence that the capital offense was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel as compared to other capital offenses.", "\n\n\n27\nLindsey v. State, 456 So.2d 383, 391 (Ala.Cr.", "App.1983) (Appendix A) (emphasis added). ", " Thus, it is clear that the sentencer made the required finding.", "\n\n\n28\nFinally, the sentencing court's determination that this crime was \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" did not undermine the narrowing accomplished by the Kyzer case. ", " The trial court found that the victim was bound, gagged, and assaulted with two weapons. ", " The court's implicit conclusion that the crime was \"unnecessarily torturous to the victim\" did not subvert the narrowing function of the \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor. ", " Thus, the trial judge's order did not result in an unconstitutionally \"wanton\" or \"freakish\" imposition of the death penalty. ", " See Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238, 310, 92 S.Ct. ", "2726, 2763, 33 L.Ed.2d 346 (1972) (Stewart, J., concurring).", "\n\n\n29\nb. A Godfrey Violation Would Not Require Resentencing\n\n\n30\nEven if Cartwright demonstrated that our original disposition of Lindsey's challenge to the disputed aggravating factor was incorrect, Lindsey would be entitled to no relief. ", " The trial court found four aggravating factors and no mitigating factors. ", " A holding that consideration of the \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" factor was improper would leave three valid aggravating factors remaining to support Lindsey's sentence. ", " Thus, under the reasoning of Barclay v. Florida, 463 U.S. 939, 103 S.Ct. ", "3418, 77 L.Ed.2d 1134 (1983), Ford v. Strickland, 696 F.2d 804 (11th Cir.1983) (in banc), and Baldwin v. State, 456 So.2d 117, 125-28 (Ala.Cr.", "App.1983), aff'd, Ex Parte Baldwin, 456 So.2d 129, 140 (Ala.1984), consideration of the \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" factor, even if improper, was harmless. ", " Therefore, the requested relief is not necessary to prevent injustice.", "\n\n2. ", "The Adamson v. Ricketts Claim\n\n31\nThe Rule 41-1(b) motion stated that this court should recall its mandate because \"new law indicates that the judge's death order overriding the jury's recommended verdict of life [imprisonment] violates the Sixth Amendment, Adamson v. Ricketts, 865 F.2d 1011, 1023-29 (9th Cir. ", "Dec. 22, 1988) (en banc ).\" ", " Lindsey's brief in support of the motion stated, however, that \"petitioner did not raise in the Court of Appeals any constitutional challenge to the Judge's override of the jury's 11-1 vote for life imprisonment, because of the opinion of the Supreme Court in Spaziano v. Florida, 468 U.S. 447 [104 S.Ct. ", "3154, 82 L.Ed.2d 340] (1984).\" ", " His brief in support of the Rule 60(b) motion makes a similar admission. ", " Thus, even if we agreed that Lindsey's Adamson claim is meritorious, a question we do not decide, the proper posture in which to raise that claim is a successive petition for habeas corpus--not in a motion pursuant to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 60(b) or 11th Cir.", "R. 41-1(b). ", " Moreover, the papers lodged with this court indicate that Lindsey has presented his Adamson claim in a successive petition filed in the district court on May 18, 1989, CA 89-0388-CB. ", " We decline to consider that claim in the context of the instant motions.", "\n\nIII. ", "THE THIRD HABEAS PETITION\n\n32\nLindsey's third petition for a federal writ of habeas corpus alleges that \"his rights under the Sixth Amendment ... have been violated because the jury did not find any statutory aggravating factors even though one of these factors had to be found in order to make the offense death-eligible. ", " Adamson v. Ricketts, 865 F.2d 1011 (9th Cir.1988).\" ", " As noted above, see supra, p. 1511, the district court denied the petition on the alternative grounds that the petition constituted an abuse of the writ, that the Adamson claim was procedurally barred, and that the claim was meritless. ", " See Lindsey v. Thigpen, No. ", "89-0388-CB-C, mem. ", "op. ", "at 3 (S.D.Ala. ", "May 19, 1989).", "\n\n\n33\nWe agree with the district court both that this petition is an abuse of the writ and that the claim it raises is procedurally barred.7 Thus, without addressing the merits, we conclude that the certificate of probable cause should not issue, as Lindsey has failed to make a \"substantial showing of the denial of a federal right.\" ", " Barefoot v. Estelle, 463 U.S. 880, 893, 103 S.Ct. ", "3383, 3394, 77 L.Ed.2d 1090 (1983).", "\n\n\n34\nAccordingly, the motion to stay Lindsey's execution, the motion for appointment of new counsel, the motion to recall our mandate, and the applications for certificates of probable cause to appeal are DENIED.", "\n\n\n\n1\n The facts of Lindsey's case are set forth in our prior opinion. ", " See 820 F.2d at 1140-41\n\n\n2\n Lindsey's May 22 motion for the appointment of new counsel also was addressed to the district court, which denied the motion. ", " Lindsey v. Thigpen, Nos. ", "85-0775, 89-0388 (S.D.Ala. ", "May 22, 1989). ", " Lindsey seeks no review of that order\n\n\n3\n We do not decide the propriety of moving pursuant to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 60(b) and 11th Cir.", "R. 41-1(b) simultaneously, as Lindsey has done in this case. ", " Such procedural maneuvering assumes that jurisdiction of a single case (Lindsey's first habeas petition) can lie in both the district court and the court of appeals at the same time. ", " The State has not raised this point, however, and, although it is jurisdictional and we must raise it sua sponte, we conclude that the district court's denial of the Rule 60(b) motion on May 19, 1989, cured whatever jurisdictional defect might have existed when Lindsey filed the Rule 41-1(b) motion on May 18, 1989. ", " Our holding in this regard, however, should not be interpreted as an approval of Lindsey's procedural tactics\n\n\n4\n Section 13A-5-49 of the Alabama Code provides:\nAggravating circumstances shall be the following:\n* * *\n(8) The capital offense was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel compared to other capital offenses.", "\nAla.Code 1975 Sec. ", "13A-5-49 (Michie Repl.", "Vol.1982).", "\n\n\n5\n Where the jury is the sentencer, a recitation that the murder was \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" would not satisfy the second prong of this test unless the jury had been properly instructed regarding the narrow meaning of those words as interpreted by the state courts. ", " Unlike a state-court judge, who is presumed to know and apply the appropriate, narrow construction of the term, an uninstructed lay jury could reasonably conclude that any intentional taking of human life was \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel.\" ", " Godfrey, 446 U.S. at 428-29, 100 S.Ct. ", "at 1764-65; Cartwright, 108 S.Ct. ", "at 1859\n\n\n6\n Indeed, even before 1981, the Alabama courts had significantly narrowed the application of the words \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel.\" ", " See Keller v. State, 380 So.2d 926, 937 (Ala.Cr.", "App.1979) (determination that crime was \"hateful\" held insufficient to support \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" factor; instructing trial judges to study State v. Dixon, supra, for proper definition of \"heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravating factor); Berard v. State, 402 So.2d 1044, 1050-51 (Ala.Cr.", "App.1980) (ordering resentencing where, inter alia, trial judge had found that homicides were brutal; held: \"That the homicides were 'brutal' fails to conform to [predecessor of Sec. ", "13A-5-49(8)] which require[d] a finding that the crime was 'especially heinous, atrocious or cruel.' ", " ... The crime was in fact brutal, but the statute requires more. ", " We have no doubt that had the trial judge applied the wording of subsection (8) he could have supported a proper finding thereunder by the fact that the appellant, after firing all the bullets into the two boys, reloaded the weapon and went back and shot each one again.\")", "\n\n\n7\n We specifically reject Lindsey's argument that the district court erred by holding that his latest petition for habeas corpus, CA 89-0388, was an abuse of the writ on the grounds that Lindsey's Adamson claim could have been raised in his second petition for habeas corpus\nAs noted above, see supra, pp. ", "1510-11, the district court treated Lindsey's March 1989 filings, in which Lindsey alleged that his execution would violate Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399, 106 S.Ct. ", "2595, 91 L.Ed.2d 335 (1986), as a new petition for habeas corpus, CA 89-0253. ", " That petition was denied on April 12, 1989. ", " Lindsey now asserts that CA 89-0253 was not, strictly speaking, a second petition for habeas corpus. ", " Contrary to Lindsey's current assertion, however, his March 1989 filings explicitly suggested that, if necessary to vest jurisdiction in the district court, those filings should be treated as a new petition for habeas corpus. ", " Moreover, his filings in CA 89-0388 consistently have been styled as pertaining to a third petition for habeas corpus. ", " We find no merit in this belated attempt to ignore the existence of the second petition for habeas corpus or the opportunities it presented for airing the Adamson claim.", "\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam was first recognized by a talent scout at Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam's school. ", "Common belief says that Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam was spotted by the talent scout from a distance of several hundred miles because of Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam's exceptionally long name. ", "However, considering most Russians also have similarly long names, this is not, in fact, the case. ", "Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam was spotted solely because of Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam's talent in the art of language and data compression, so Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam was offered a scholarship to Moscow's University of Communism and Worshiping of Josef Stalin, where Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam finally received due recognition for Mikhail Kataev Vassily Nikolaevich Alekseyevich Tsveteava Mandelstam's invention of the pronoun." ]
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[ "The present invention, generally, relates to the field of simulation and, more particularly, to a computer-generated image system with limited data processing capacity for real-time operation.", "\nIn previous scanline type of computer-generated image systems, there was a limitation on the total number of polygon edge crossings per scanline. ", "It was necessary to arrange databases such as to avoid exceeding this limit. ", "Since this parameter can change rapidly line to line and from frame to frame, it has not been possible to use measurements taken at the output in order to control image content, such as to prevent overload in real-time operation.", "\nIn the event that overload occurred, the video from the last previous non-overload scanline was repeated for the current scanline. ", "The result was a vertical stretching of the image in the area of the overload. ", "This anomaly was less objectionable than the streaks which would appear if the overload line were displayed.", "\nIn the simulator field which today uses increasingly the computer-generated image system, a somewhat similar type of overload can occur if the pixel processors do not have time to complete the processing of a field before the field is due to be displayed. ", "It might be possible to redisplay the last non-overload field until the overload problem could be corrected, but this would result in distracting discontinuity of motion.", "\nAlternatively, it may be possible to delay the start of display of a new field until the processing is completed. ", "This would be difficult to accommodate in the display system and would likely result in intensity fluctuation or \"flicker\".", "\nThe fact that an overload occurs on a field rather than on an individual scanline means that changes in loading are based on the average over the field and occur more gradually than in a scanline type system which overloads due to peak conditions occurring on a single scanline. ", "This fact permits data taken on one field to be used to correct the loading on subsequent fields.", "\nThis load correction can be accomplished by changing the switching distances which control the level of detail with which scene elements are portrayed. ", "However, the strategy for changing smoothly various levels of detail calls for the use of transparency, which causes increased load on a video processor.", "\nAlso, some instances of use call for very rapid field to field changes in scene content. ", "In this case, the data taken from a previous field cannot be used to adjust the scene content of the following field, because this technique would result in abrupt and distracting changes in scene content.", "\nAccordingly, it is a principal object of the present invention to provide in a computer-generated image system a way of avoiding any overload to cause such image degradation.", "\nIt is also an object of the present invention to provide a means of preventing overload in the video processor portion of a computer-generated image system, particularly as used in the simulation field." ]
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[ 0.0005881817196495831, 0.0006479327566921711, 0.0006381167913787067, 0.0005901842378079891, 0.0006897262646816671, 0.0007046695100143552, 0.0006940111052244902, 0.0006181770586408675, 0.0007111523882485926, 0.0005565905012190342, 0.0005910525214858353, 0.0006946618668735027, 0.0005760442581959069, 0.0006510314997285604, 0.0005987935001030564, 0.0005642217583954334, 0.0005831614835187793, 0.0006902440800331533, 0.0006275157211348414 ]
[ "On the orientational relaxation of HDO in liquid water.", "\nWe use femtosecond mid-infrared pump-probe spectroscopy to study the orientational relaxation of HDO molecules dissolved in H2O. In order to obtain a reliable anisotropy decay we model the effects of heating and correct for these effects. ", "We have measured the reorientation time constant of the OD vibration from 2430 to 2600 cm(-1), and observe a value of 2.5 ps that shows no variation over this frequency interval. ", "Our results are discussed in the context of previous experiments that have been performed on the complementary system of HDO dissolved in D2O." ]
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[ "Bay Trail could power $99 Android tablets\n\nIntel is hungry for a larger slice of the Android tablet market. ", "At least, that's the vibe I'm getting from a DigiTimes story posted earlier today. ", "The story says Intel will launch a new flavor of its Bay Trail Atom processor aimed at cheap Android slates next year.", "\n\nHow cheap are we talking? ", "Well, DigiTimes specifically mentions 7\" tablets with price tags ranging from $99 to $129. ", "It also talks of \"7- to 8-inch models at US$149-199.\" ", "As far as Android tablet pricing goes, even $149 is pretty close to the bottom of the bargain bin.", "\n\nDigiTimes says the chip meant to power those offerings will be known as the Atom Z3735D. Word about this chip comes from \"sources with Taiwan's tablet supply chain,\" who also expect a launch in the first quarter of 2014. ", "Sadly, there's no mention of clock speeds, core counts, or anything of the sort. ", "The Atom Z3735D might have a lot in common with its current, quad-core siblings, or it might be a pared-down dual-core part—we just don't know.", "\n\nEither way, it sounds like Intel may be ready and willing to trim its historically ample margins in order to woo makers of cheap Android slates. ", "Given how popular 7\" Android tablets are these days, that kind of a move could do wonders for Intel's market share." ]
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[ 0.0008476998191326857, 0.0005682468181475997, 0.0006197846378199756, 0.014463231898844242, 0.0006164002697914839, 0.0005981905269436538, 0.0009222710505127907, 0.0005484928260557353, 0.0006049192161299288, 0.0006149678956717253, 0.0005892346962355077, 0.0006634320016019046 ]
[ " IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON\n DIVISION ONE\nSTATE OF WASHINGTON, ) No. ", "78803-5-1\n )\n Respondent, )\n )\n v. )\n )\nCHRISTOPHER EVANS, ) UNPUBLISHED OPINION\n )\n Appellant. ", " ) FILED: August 19, 2019\n )\n PER CURIAM — Christopher Evans appeals a no-contact order entered\nfollowing his guilty plea to second-degree burglary, domestic-violence. ", "He\n\ncontends the order -- which prohibits his contact with the mother of his child for\n\nfive years — potentially interferes with his relationship with his child and violates\n\nhis fundamental right to parent. ", "He asks this court to strike the no-contact order\n\nand remand for the sentencing court to consider whether the order is narrowly\n\ntailored in scope and duration. ", "We affirm, but remand for correction of a clerical\n\nerror.", "\n\n We review crime-related prohibitions for abuse of discretion. ", "In re\n\nPersonal Restraint of Rainey, 168 Wn.2d 367, 374-75, 229 P.3d 686 (2010). ", "If\n\nthe prohibition interferes with a fundamental constitutional right, such as the\n\nfundamental right to parent one's children, we review it more carefully to ensure\n\nthat it is \"sensitively imposed\" and \"reasonably necessary to accomplish the\n\f78803-5-1\n\nessential needs of the State and public order.\" ", "Rainey, 168 Wn.2d at 374, 229\n\nP.3d 686 (quoting Warren, 165 Wash.2d at 32, 195 P.3d 940).", "\n\n\n Evans contends the no-contact order imposed in this case impermissibly\n\ninterferes with his fundamental right to parent. ", "But the State points out, and\n\nEvans does not dispute, that this court recently rejected essentially the same\n\nargument in upholding an even longer no-contact order between a father and the\n\nmother of his child. ", "State v. Phillips, 6 Wn.", "App.2d 651, 675-76, 431 P.3d 1056\n\n(2018). ", "In Phillips, the trial court entered a ten-year no contact order between\n\nPhillips and the mother of his child. ", "The mother and Phillips requested contact\n\nby mail, but the sentencing court denied the request, stating \"[t]he facts in this\n\ncase were just too egregious and I don't think that even communication that's\n\nnonphysical in nature would necessarily be safe or appropriate.\" ", "Phillips, 6\n\nWn.", "App.2d at 675. ", "This court flatly rejected Phillips' claim that the no-contact\n\norder made it \"impossible for him to parent his child and violates his fundamental\n\nconstitutional right to raise his child without state interference.\" ", "Id. at 676. ", "We\n\nstated:\n\n\n In this case, the court did not restrict communication between\n Phillips and his child, only between Phillips and Sara and Talbert. ", "Phillips\n does not contest the legality of the order. ", "All of the cases Phillips relies\n upon specifically consider no-contact orders directly barring contact\n between a parent and their child. ", "Although not having contact with Sara\n will make access to his child more difficult, it does not necessarily restrict\n contact between Phillips and his child. ", "Rainey even suggests, \"supervised\n visitation without the mother's presence\" as an alternative to a no-contact\n order with the child. ", "Rainey, 168 Wash.2d at 378, 229 P.3d 686.", "\n The State has a compelling interest in preventing future harm to the\n victims of the crime and in protecting children. ", "Rainey, 168 Wash.2d at\n 377, 229 P.3d 686; State v. Corbett, 158 Wash. App. ", "576, 598, 242 P.3d\n 52(2010). ", "Here, Sara was a victim of the assault, and the jury found the\n 2\n\f78803-5-1\n\n aggravator that Talbert and the infant child were present at the time of the\n assault. ", "The evidence even demonstrated the infant was in the middle of\n the physical altercation. ", "It was within the trial court's discretion to enter a\n 10-year no-contact order, and, based on the facts in this case, doing so\n was reasonably necessary to protect Sara and Talbert from Phillips.", "\n\nPhillips, 6 Wn.", "App.2d at 676.", "\n\n Similarly, the record in this case indicates that Evans broke into the\n\npregnant mother's apartment and beat her for an extended period of time. ", "A no-\n\ncontact order was plainly necessary to protect the mother from Evans. ", "And like\n\nthe no-contact order in Phillips, the order in this case does not prohibit contact\n\nbetween Evans and his child. ", "The State correctly points out that, as in Phillips,\n\ncontact between Evans and his child can still \"be arranged and addressed in\n\nmultiple ways, including family law court, through counsel as allowed by the no-\n\ncontact order, or through family and friends who have contact with the child.\"", "\n\nEvans does not dispute this assertion or address our decision in Phillips.", "\n\n Evans' argument that the superior court failed to consider narrowly\n\ntailoring the order as required by Rainey ignores the fact that Rainey involved a\n\nno-contact order between a defendant and his child. ", "Furthermore, the record\n\nindicates that the court in fact considered and rejected a narrower order. ", "Like the\n\ncourt in Phillips, the court in this case considered the mother's request for limited\n\ncontact with the defendant/father to facilitate interactions with their child, but\n\nrejected the request due to safety concerns. ", "However, the trial court in this case\n\nand in Phillips indicated they would consider authorizing limited contact if the\n\nfathers completed a treatment program.", "\n\n\n\n\n 3\n\f78803-5-1\n\n Evans fails to demonstrate that the no-contact order violated his right to\n\nparent his child and/or that the court abused its discretion by imposing it.", "\n\n Last, Evans contends, and the State concedes, that the judgment and\n\nsentence contains a clerical error in the form of a checked box for the $100 DNA\n\ncollection fee. ", "The parties agree that the court orally waived the DNA fee,\n\nreduced his total financial obligation accordingly, but forgot to correct the\n\nchecked box for the fee. ", "We accept the concession of error and remand with\n\ndirections to correct the clerical error on the judgment and sentence.", "\n\n Affirmed in part and remanded in part.", "\n\n FOR THE COURT:\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\f" ]
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[ "\n724 F.Supp.2d 125 (2010)\nAndrei SMITH, Plaintiff,\nv.\nCAFE ASIA, et al., ", "Defendants.", "\nCivil Action No. ", "07-0621 (RWR/JMF).", "\nUnited States District Court, District of Columbia.", "\nJuly 22, 2010.", "\n*126 Micah Salb, Zachary Murry, Lippman, Semsker & Salb, LLC, Bethesda, MD, for Plaintiff.", "\nWilliam Heath Ihrke, Summer Young Agriesti, Rutan & Tucker, LLP, Costa Mesa, CA, for Cafe Asia.", "\nBrandon L. Sylvia, Rutan & Tucker, LLP, Costa Mesa, CA, for 1720 Eye Street DC Hospitality, LLC.", "\nJeffrey Wertheimer, Rutan & Tucker, LLP, Costa Mesa, CA, Kevin B. Bedell, Greenberg Traurig LLP, McLean, VA, for Defendants.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM ORDER\nRICHARD W. ROBERTS, District Judge.", "\nPlaintiff Andrei Smith brings this employment discrimination and tort action against six individual defendants and his former employer, Cafe Asia. ", "On April 16, 2010, the defendants moved under Rule 35 to compel Smith to submit to an independent medical examination. ", "The defendants' motion identified the doctor who would conduct the examination (Dr. Mark S. Lipian), his medical specialty (\"board certified clinical and forensic psychiatrist\"), a proposed date for the examination (June 15, 2010), the length of the examination (\"a total of eight (8) hours, commencing at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., with a one-hour break for lunch\"), and the type of the examination Dr. Lipian would conduct and the areas about which he would inquire (\"a clinical psychiatric review, including a personal and social history, educational and work history, medical history, ... an evaluation of the events which [Smith] claims were the cause of his emotional damages in this action ... [and a] mental status examination, which will evaluate [Smith's] affect, *127 mood, speech, thought process, memory, sensorium, orientation, and other mental functions\"). (", "Defs.' ", "Mot. ", "to Compel at 1-2.) ", "The defendants submitted with their motion an affidavit by Dr. Lipian that described nature of the examination and his rationale for each portion of the examination. (", "Defs.' ", "Mot. ", "to Compel, Ex. ", "1 (\"Lipian Aff.\") ", "at ¶¶ 5-17.) ", "The motion agreed to \"a neutral location to be determined by the parties.\" (", "Defs.' ", "Mot. ", "to Compel at 1.)", "\nSmith agreed to a Rule 35 psychological examination, but opposed the defendants' motion to compel the examination for two reasons: the delay likely to occur having to await Dr. Lipian becoming licensed to practice in the District of Columbia, and the motion's proposed participation of others in the conduct of the examination whom the motion did not identify. (", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n to Defs.' ", "Mot. ", "to Compel, at 1, 4.) ", "Nowhere in Smith's opposition did he object to the scope, length, or subject matter of the defendants' proposed examination.", "\nBy order entered on June 16, 2010, Magistrate Judge Facciola granted the defendants' motion to compel after the defendants represented that Dr. Lipian had become licensed to practice in the District of Columbia. ", "The order directed that the exam be completed before August 15, 2010. (", "Minute Order of June 16, 2010.)", "\nAlthough Local Civil Rule 72.2(b) allowed Smith to file objections to the order, Smith did not do so. ", "However, the defendants filed a request for clarification of the order, based on their concern that Smith would not attend the IME because he \"continue[d] to object to an examination of [his] `mental, sexual, social, employment, and medical history[.]'\" (", "Defs.' ", "Mot. ", "for Clarif'n at 1.) ", "The magistrate judge denied the defendants' request for clarification in an order noting that the scope and length of the examination were never challenged in response to the motion to compel, and declining to \"clarify what was not unclear in the first place\" or \"impose restrictions or conditions on that examination that were not sought when they should have been.\" (", "Minute Order of July 12, 2010).", "\nThe parties now engage in nettlesome quibbling over that order. ", "Smith has filed objections, arguing that the order erred by refusing \"to consider any parameters\" pertaining to the scope and length of the IME. (", "Pl.", "'s Objns. ", "at 1.) ", "The defendants oppose Smith's objections and ask for the imposition of $4,290 sanctions against Smith. (", "Defs.' ", "Opp'n to Pl's Objns. ", "at 6, 10-12.)", "\nFirst of all, Smith's quarrel is untimely. ", "Smith responded to the defendants' motion for an IME without raising any objection to any of the aspects of the IME that were spelled out in detail in the very beginning of the motion. ", "Smith provides absolutely no sound justification for his failure to put them at issue. ", "The time for Smith to object to the proposed aspects of the IME was then, not now. ", "Smith has waived any challenge on this issue. ", "See Klayman v. Judicial Watch, Inc., 628 F.Supp.2d 84, 95 (D.D.C.2009) (noting that issues that could have been raised before a magistrate judge but were not are waived).", "\nFurther, Smith has produced no authority supporting any claim that the defendants' motion for an IME was insufficiently detailed. ", "Where a defendant's request for an IME contains the specifics that the motion here contains, the request is sufficiently detailed. ", "See Calderon v. Reederei Claus-Peter Offen, 258 F.R.D. 523, 526 (S.D.Fla.2009) (finding that the defendant \"provided sufficient details to grant the request for an IME [covering] all areas that the plaintiff claims to have injured in the accident alleged in the complaint\" where the defendant's motion identified the examining physician, identified *128 his medical specialty, identified the date and time of the examination, identified the areas into which the physician would inquire, and noted that the physician would be conducting a physical examination). ", "The cases Smith cites either support the sufficiency of defendants' details, such as Calderon, or are clearly distinguishable. ", "See Kador v. City of New Roads, No. ", "07-682-D-M2, 2010 WL 2133889, at *3-4 (M.D.La. ", "May 27, 2010) (denying motion for IME where the motion lacked, among other things, a certification that the defendants conferred with the plaintiffs in a good faith effort at resolving the dispute concerning the IME, details concerning the location of the examination, any description of the IME's conditions or scope, or even information about the length of time the examination would last). ", "Smith's objections, then, will be overruled, but needless quibbling over sanctions will not be entertained. ", "The parties shall abide fully with the magistrate judge's order compelling Smith to submit to the IME described in defendants' April 16, 2010 motion.", "\n\nCONCLUSION AND ORDER\nBecause the plaintiff did not timely object to the magistrate judge's order and because the plaintiff's objections lack merit, it is hereby\nORDERED that plaintiff's objections [95] be, and hereby are, OVERRULED. ", "It is further\nORDERED that the defendants' request for sanctions [97] be, and hereby is, DENIED. ", "It is further\nORDERED that plaintiff's motion [96] to expedite be, and hereby is, DENIED as moot.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.0007503965753130615, 0.0008041881956160069, 0.0006915961857885122, 0.0006347685120999813, 0.0008505408768542111, 0.0007069662096910179, 0.000666434527374804, 0.0005980933201499283, 0.0005845894338563085, 0.0006148946704342961, 0.0006841354770585895, 0.0008194451220333576, 0.0006243322277441621, 0.0006528774974867702, 0.0010326371993869543, 0.011444461531937122, 0.000747464713640511, 0.0005683343042619526, 0.0010326371993869543, 0.011444461531937122, 0.0029575033113360405, 0.0006604081718251109, 0.0006063946639187634, 0.0005311918794177473, 0.0010326371993869543, 0.011444461531937122, 0.0008554900414310396, 0.0005847722641192377, 0.0008076517842710018, 0.08178037405014038, 0.011444461531937122, 0.0008912315825000405, 0.0007380957249552011, 0.0005954700754955411, 0.0005599264986813068, 0.0006047197384759784, 0.0007090549333952367, 0.000661514000967145, 0.0010326371993869543, 0.011444461531937122, 0.0008253675769083202, 0.0005913165514357388, 0.0006039419095031917, 0.0007119576330296695, 0.0006174112786538899, 0.0008076517842710018, 0.00872643943876028, 0.0006833844818174839, 0.0007323079043999314, 0.0010326371993869543, 0.14838796854019165, 0.0006753705674782395, 0.0011936232913285494, 0.0005960040725767612, 0.0008387183188460767, 0.0006669206195510924, 0.000621520506683737, 0.0006415738025680184, 0.0006897469866089523, 0.000605755252763629, 0.0006124328938312829, 0.0005774158635176718, 0.0006159651093184948, 0.0007113974425010383, 0.0006046777125447989, 0.0009275568299926817, 0.0005722083733417094, 0.0007884293445385993, 0.0007688107434660196, 0.0015866343164816499, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Episode 981: Baze and Chirrut Backstories\n\nWho’s older – Baze or Chirrut? ", "On what planet(s) and/or moon(s) were they born? ", "How did Chirrut go blind? ", "What’s up with Baze’s flightsuit? ", "What crucial difference is there between the Jedi Order and the Guardians of the Whills?", "\n\nAll of this and more are explored on today’s podcast. ", "Have a listen, and share your thoughts in the comments!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0026147845201194286, 0.0008230134262703359, 0.03533003479242325, 0.005966906435787678, 0.0007118443609215319, 0.0006185450474731624, 0.0005754788289777935 ]
[ "[Stereotactic body radiation therapy for liver primary and metastases: the Lille experience].", "\nThe CyberKnife(®) system is a recent radiation therapy technique that allows treatment of liver lesions with real-time tracking. ", "Because of its high precision, the dose administered to the tumor can be increased. ", "We report Oscar-Lambret Cancer Centre experience in the treatment of primary and secondary liver lesions. ", "It is a retrospective study analyzing all the patients who have been treated for their liver lesions since July 2007. ", "A hundred and twenty patients have been treated: 42 for hepatocellular carcinoma, 72 for liver metastases and six for cholangiocarcinoma. ", "Gold seeds need to be implanted before the treatment and are used as markers to follow the movement of the lesion due to respiration. ", "On average, the treatment is administered in three to four sessions over 12 days. ", "A total dose of 40 to 45 Gy at the 80% isodose is delivered. ", "Local control and overall survival analysis with Log-rank is performed for each type of lesion. ", "Treatment tolerance is good. ", "The most common toxicities are of digestive type, pain and asthenia. ", "Six gastro-duodenal ulcers and two radiation-induced liver disease (RILD) were observed. ", "At a median follow-up of 15 months, the local control rate is respectively of 80.4% and 72.5% at 1 and 2 years. ", "Overall survival is 84.6 and 58.3% at 1 and 2 years. ", "The local control is significantly better for the hepatocellular carcinoma and overall survival is significantly better for liver metastases (P<0.05). ", "The local control rate and overall survival at 1 year for cholangiocarcinoma is 100%. ", "CyberKnife(®) is a promising technique, well tolerated, with tumoral local control rates comparable to other techniques. ", "Its advantage is that it is very minimally invasive delivered as an outpatient procedure in a frail population of patient (disease, age)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000618660356849432, 0.0006916667334735394, 0.0006226386758498847, 0.0006630123243667185, 0.0005683505441993475, 0.0009042593301273882, 0.0006454108515754342, 0.0005893082125112414, 0.0012385324807837605, 0.0007251480710692704, 0.0005910078180022538, 0.008510224521160126, 0.006664447020739317, 0.0005499688559211791, 0.0006729233427904546, 0.0006977105513215065, 0.0007463717483915389, 0.0008002513786777854, 0.0005967720062471926 ]
[ "Encoding Microreactors with Droplet Chains in Microfluidics.", "\nDroplet-based high throughput biomolecular screening and combinatorial synthesis entail a viable indexing strategy to be developed for the identification of each microreactor. ", "Here, we propose a novel indexing scheme based on the generation of droplet sequences on demand to form unique encoding droplet chains in fluidic networks. ", "These codes are represented by multiunit and multilevel droplets packages, with each code unit possessing several distinct signal levels, potentially allowing large encoding capacity. ", "For proof of concept, we use magnetic nanoparticles as the encoding material and a giant magnetoresistance (GMR) sensor-based active sorting system supplemented with an optical detector to generate and decode the sequence of one exemplar sample droplet reactor and a 4-unit quaternary magnetic code. ", "The indexing capacity offered by 4-unit multilevel codes with this indexing strategy is estimated to exceed 104, which holds great promise for large-scale droplet-based screening and synthesis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000637312070466578, 0.0005962918512523174, 0.0006134017603471875, 0.0005669594393111765, 0.0005614972324110568, 0.0005686422809958458 ]
[ "/*\n * Core Audio Format demuxer\n * Copyright (c) 2007 Justin Ruggles\n * Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Ross\n *\n * This file is part of FFmpeg.", "\n *\n * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software\n * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n */\n\n/**\n * @file\n * Core Audio Format demuxer\n */\n\n#include <inttypes.h>\n\n#include \"avformat.h\"\n#include \"internal.h\"\n#include \"isom.h\"\n#include \"mov_chan.h\"\n#include \"libavutil/intreadwrite.h\"\n#include \"libavutil/intfloat.h\"\n#include \"libavutil/dict.h\"\n#include \"caf.h\"\n\ntypedef struct CafContext {\n int bytes_per_packet; ///< bytes in a packet, or 0 if variable\n int frames_per_packet; ///< frames in a packet, or 0 if variable\n int64_t num_bytes; ///< total number of bytes in stream\n\n int64_t packet_cnt; ///< packet counter\n int64_t frame_cnt; ///< frame counter\n\n int64_t data_start; ///< data start position, in bytes\n int64_t data_size; ///< raw data size, in bytes\n} CafContext;\n\nstatic int probe(const AVProbeData *p)\n{\n if (AV_RB32(p->buf) == MKBETAG('c','a','f','f') && AV_RB16(&p->buf[4]) == 1)\n return AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX;\n return 0;\n}\n\n/** Read audio description chunk */\nstatic int read_desc_chunk(AVFormatContext *s)\n{\n AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n CafContext *caf = s->priv_data;\n AVStream *st;\n int flags;\n\n /* new audio stream */\n st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);\n if (!", "st)\n return AVERROR(ENOMEM);\n\n /* parse format description */\n st->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;\n st->codecpar->sample_rate = av_int2double(avio_rb64(pb));\n st->codecpar->codec_tag = avio_rl32(pb);\n flags = avio_rb32(pb);\n caf->bytes_per_packet = avio_rb32(pb);\n st->codecpar->block_align = caf->bytes_per_packet;\n caf->frames_per_packet = avio_rb32(pb);\n st->codecpar->channels = avio_rb32(pb);\n st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample = avio_rb32(pb);\n\n /* calculate bit rate for constant size packets */\n if (caf->frames_per_packet > 0 && caf->bytes_per_packet > 0) {\n st->codecpar->bit_rate = (uint64_t)st->codecpar->sample_rate * (uint64_t)caf->bytes_per_packet * 8\n / (uint64_t)caf->frames_per_packet;\n } else {\n st->codecpar->bit_rate = 0;\n }\n\n /* determine codec */\n if (st->codecpar->codec_tag == MKTAG('l','p','c','m'))\n st->codecpar->codec_id = ff_mov_get_lpcm_codec_id(st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample, (flags ^ 0x2) | 0x4);\n else\n st->codecpar->codec_id = ff_codec_get_id(ff_codec_caf_tags, st->codecpar->codec_tag);\n return 0;\n}\n\n/** Read magic cookie chunk */\nstatic int read_kuki_chunk(AVFormatContext *s, int64_t size)\n{\n AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n AVStream *st = s->streams[0];\n int ret;\n\n if (size < 0 || size > INT_MAX - AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)\n return -1;\n\n if (st->codecpar->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) {\n /* The magic cookie format for AAC is an mp4 esds atom.", "\n The lavc AAC decoder requires the data from the codec specific\n description as extradata input. */", "\n int strt, skip;\n\n strt = avio_tell(pb);\n ff_mov_read_esds(s, pb);\n skip = size - (avio_tell(pb) - strt);\n if (skip < 0 || !", "st->codecpar->extradata ||\n st->codecpar->codec_id !", "= AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"invalid AAC magic cookie\\n\");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n avio_skip(pb, skip);\n } else if (st->codecpar->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_ALAC) {\n#define ALAC_PREAMBLE 12\n#define ALAC_HEADER 36\n#define ALAC_NEW_KUKI 24\n uint8_t preamble[12];\n if (size < ALAC_NEW_KUKI) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"invalid ALAC magic cookie\\n\");\n avio_skip(pb, size);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (avio_read(pb, preamble, ALAC_PREAMBLE) !", "= ALAC_PREAMBLE) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"failed to read preamble\\n\");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n\n if ((ret = ff_alloc_extradata(st->codecpar, ALAC_HEADER)) < 0)\n return ret;\n\n /* For the old style cookie, we skip 12 bytes, then read 36 bytes.", "\n * The new style cookie only contains the last 24 bytes of what was\n * 36 bytes in the old style cookie, so we fabricate the first 12 bytes\n * in that case to maintain compatibility. */", "\n if (!", "memcmp(&preamble[4], \"frmaalac\", 8)) {\n if (size < ALAC_PREAMBLE + ALAC_HEADER) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"invalid ALAC magic cookie\\n\");\n av_freep(&st->codecpar->extradata);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n if (avio_read(pb, st->codecpar->extradata, ALAC_HEADER) !", "= ALAC_HEADER) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"failed to read kuki header\\n\");\n av_freep(&st->codecpar->extradata);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n avio_skip(pb, size - ALAC_PREAMBLE - ALAC_HEADER);\n } else {\n AV_WB32(st->codecpar->extradata, 36);\n memcpy(&st->codecpar->extradata[4], \"alac\", 4);\n AV_WB32(&st->codecpar->extradata[8], 0);\n memcpy(&st->codecpar->extradata[12], preamble, 12);\n if (avio_read(pb, &st->codecpar->extradata[24], ALAC_NEW_KUKI - 12) !", "= ALAC_NEW_KUKI - 12) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"failed to read new kuki header\\n\");\n av_freep(&st->codecpar->extradata);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n avio_skip(pb, size - ALAC_NEW_KUKI);\n }\n } else if (st->codecpar->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS) {\n // The data layout for Opus is currently unknown, so we do not export\n // extradata at all. ", "Multichannel streams are not supported.", "\n if (st->codecpar->channels > 2) {\n avpriv_request_sample(s, \"multichannel Opus in CAF\");\n return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;\n }\n avio_skip(pb, size);\n } else if ((ret = ff_get_extradata(s, st->codecpar, pb, size)) < 0) {\n return ret;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n\n/** Read packet table chunk */\nstatic int read_pakt_chunk(AVFormatContext *s, int64_t size)\n{\n AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n AVStream *st = s->streams[0];\n CafContext *caf = s->priv_data;\n int64_t pos = 0, ccount, num_packets;\n int i;\n\n ccount = avio_tell(pb);\n\n num_packets = avio_rb64(pb);\n if (num_packets < 0 || INT32_MAX / sizeof(AVIndexEntry) < num_packets)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n\n st->nb_frames = avio_rb64(pb); /* valid frames */\n st->nb_frames += avio_rb32(pb); /* priming frames */\n st->nb_frames += avio_rb32(pb); /* remainder frames */\n\n st->duration = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) {\n av_add_index_entry(s->streams[0], pos, st->duration, 0, 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME);\n pos += caf->bytes_per_packet ? ", "caf->bytes_per_packet : ff_mp4_read_descr_len(pb);\n st->duration += caf->frames_per_packet ? ", "caf->frames_per_packet : ff_mp4_read_descr_len(pb);\n }\n\n if (avio_tell(pb) - ccount > size) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"error reading packet table\\n\");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n avio_skip(pb, ccount + size - avio_tell(pb));\n\n caf->num_bytes = pos;\n return 0;\n}\n\n/** Read information chunk */\nstatic void read_info_chunk(AVFormatContext *s, int64_t size)\n{\n AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n unsigned int i;\n unsigned int nb_entries = avio_rb32(pb);\n for (i = 0; i < nb_entries && !", "avio_feof(pb); i++) {\n char key[32];\n char value[1024];\n avio_get_str(pb, INT_MAX, key, sizeof(key));\n avio_get_str(pb, INT_MAX, value, sizeof(value));\n av_dict_set(&s->metadata, key, value, 0);\n }\n}\n\nstatic int read_header(AVFormatContext *s)\n{\n AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n CafContext *caf = s->priv_data;\n AVStream *st;\n uint32_t tag = 0;\n int found_data, ret;\n int64_t size, pos;\n\n avio_skip(pb, 8); /* magic, version, file flags */\n\n /* audio description chunk */\n if (avio_rb32(pb) !", "= MKBETAG('d','e','s','c')) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"desc chunk not present\\n\");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n size = avio_rb64(pb);\n if (size !", "= 32)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n\n ret = read_desc_chunk(s);\n if (ret)\n return ret;\n st = s->streams[0];\n\n /* parse each chunk */\n found_data = 0;\n while (!", "avio_feof(pb)) {\n\n /* stop at data chunk if seeking is not supported or\n data chunk size is unknown */\n if (found_data && (caf->data_size < 0 || !(", "pb->seekable & AVIO_SEEKABLE_NORMAL)))\n break;\n\n tag = avio_rb32(pb);\n size = avio_rb64(pb);\n pos = avio_tell(pb);\n if (avio_feof(pb))\n break;\n\n switch (tag) {\n case MKBETAG('d','a','t','a'):\n avio_skip(pb, 4); /* edit count */\n caf->data_start = avio_tell(pb);\n caf->data_size = size < 0 ? ", "-1 : size - 4;\n if (caf->data_size > 0 && (pb->seekable & AVIO_SEEKABLE_NORMAL))\n avio_skip(pb, caf->data_size);\n found_data = 1;\n break;\n\n case MKBETAG('c','h','a','n'):\n if ((ret = ff_mov_read_chan(s, s->pb, st, size)) < 0)\n return ret;\n break;\n\n /* magic cookie chunk */\n case MKBETAG('k','u','k','i'):\n if (read_kuki_chunk(s, size))\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n break;\n\n /* packet table chunk */\n case MKBETAG('p','a','k','t'):\n if (read_pakt_chunk(s, size))\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n break;\n\n case MKBETAG('i','n','f','o'):\n read_info_chunk(s, size);\n break;\n\n default:\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING,\n \"skipping CAF chunk: %08\"PRIX32\" (%s), size %\"PRId64\"\\n\",\n tag, av_fourcc2str(av_bswap32(tag)), size);\n case MKBETAG('f','r','e','e'):\n if (size < 0 && found_data)\n goto found_data;\n if (size < 0)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n break;\n }\n\n if (size > 0) {\n if (pos > INT64_MAX - size)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n avio_skip(pb, FFMAX(0, pos + size - avio_tell(pb)));\n }\n }\n\n if (!", "found_data)\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n\nfound_data:\n if (caf->bytes_per_packet > 0 && caf->frames_per_packet > 0) {\n if (caf->data_size > 0)\n st->nb_frames = (caf->data_size / caf->bytes_per_packet) * caf->frames_per_packet;\n } else if (st->nb_index_entries && st->duration > 0) {\n if (st->codecpar->sample_rate && caf->data_size / st->duration > INT64_MAX / st->codecpar->sample_rate / 8) {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"Overflow during bit rate calculation %d * 8 * %\"PRId64\"\\n\",\n st->codecpar->sample_rate, caf->data_size / st->duration);\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n st->codecpar->bit_rate = st->codecpar->sample_rate * 8LL *\n (caf->data_size / st->duration);\n } else {\n av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, \"Missing packet table. ", "It is required when \"\n \"block size or frame size are variable.\\n\");\n return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;\n }\n\n avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, st->codecpar->sample_rate);\n st->start_time = 0;\n\n /* position the stream at the start of data */\n if (caf->data_size >= 0)\n avio_seek(pb, caf->data_start, SEEK_SET);\n\n return 0;\n}\n\n#define CAF_MAX_PKT_SIZE 4096\n\nstatic int read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)\n{\n AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;\n AVStream *st = s->streams[0];\n CafContext *caf = s->priv_data;\n int res, pkt_size = 0, pkt_frames = 0;\n int64_t left = CAF_MAX_PKT_SIZE;\n\n if (avio_feof(pb))\n return AVERROR_EOF;\n\n /* don't read past end of data chunk */\n if (caf->data_size > 0) {\n left = (caf->data_start + caf->data_size) - avio_tell(pb);\n if (!", "left)\n return AVERROR_EOF;\n if (left < 0)\n return AVERROR(EIO);\n }\n\n pkt_frames = caf->frames_per_packet;\n pkt_size = caf->bytes_per_packet;\n\n if (pkt_size > 0 && pkt_frames == 1) {\n pkt_size = (CAF_MAX_PKT_SIZE / pkt_size) * pkt_size;\n pkt_size = FFMIN(pkt_size, left);\n pkt_frames = pkt_size / caf->bytes_per_packet;\n } else if (st->nb_index_entries) {\n if (caf->packet_cnt < st->nb_index_entries - 1) {\n pkt_size = st->index_entries[caf->packet_cnt + 1].pos - st->index_entries[caf->packet_cnt].pos;\n pkt_frames = st->index_entries[caf->packet_cnt + 1].timestamp - st->index_entries[caf->packet_cnt].timestamp;\n } else if (caf->packet_cnt == st->nb_index_entries - 1) {\n pkt_size = caf->num_bytes - st->index_entries[caf->packet_cnt].pos;\n pkt_frames = st->duration - st->index_entries[caf->packet_cnt].timestamp;\n } else {\n return AVERROR(EIO);\n }\n }\n\n if (pkt_size == 0 || pkt_frames == 0 || pkt_size > left)\n return AVERROR(EIO);\n\n res = av_get_packet(pb, pkt, pkt_size);\n if (res < 0)\n return res;\n\n pkt->size = res;\n pkt->stream_index = 0;\n pkt->dts = pkt->pts = caf->frame_cnt;\n\n caf->packet_cnt++;\n caf->frame_cnt += pkt_frames;\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nstatic int read_seek(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,\n int64_t timestamp, int flags)\n{\n AVStream *st = s->streams[0];\n CafContext *caf = s->priv_data;\n int64_t pos, packet_cnt, frame_cnt;\n\n timestamp = FFMAX(timestamp, 0);\n\n if (caf->frames_per_packet > 0 && caf->bytes_per_packet > 0) {\n /* calculate new byte position based on target frame position */\n pos = caf->bytes_per_packet * (timestamp / caf->frames_per_packet);\n if (caf->data_size > 0)\n pos = FFMIN(pos, caf->data_size);\n packet_cnt = pos / caf->bytes_per_packet;\n frame_cnt = caf->frames_per_packet * packet_cnt;\n } else if (st->nb_index_entries) {\n packet_cnt = av_index_search_timestamp(st, timestamp, flags);\n frame_cnt = st->index_entries[packet_cnt].timestamp;\n pos = st->index_entries[packet_cnt].pos;\n } else {\n return -1;\n }\n\n if (avio_seek(s->pb, pos + caf->data_start, SEEK_SET) < 0)\n return -1;\n\n caf->packet_cnt = packet_cnt;\n caf->frame_cnt = frame_cnt;\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nAVInputFormat ff_caf_demuxer = {\n .name = \"caf\",\n .long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL(\"Apple CAF (Core Audio Format)\"),\n .priv_data_size = sizeof(CafContext),\n .read_probe = probe,\n .read_header = read_header,\n .read_packet = read_packet,\n .read_seek = read_seek,\n .codec_tag = (const AVCodecTag* const []){ ff_codec_caf_tags, 0 },\n};\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCannot find custom application\n\nThis is going to sound like a really dumb question, but we had a developer who created a Facebook web application for us. ", "\nHe has left the company and is not being very co operative. ", "We have the log in details of the account he used to created the app, but when we log in and try to view the app, it does not appear in our list of custom apps. ", "\nIn the graph explorer, when trying to debug the key and URL, the app does appear in the drop down though, but we need to change some other custom settings.", "\nCan anyone direct me in which direction I need to go to look for this?", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nFinally. ", "got him to let us log in and that is where it was. ", "All that time wasted for nothing. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Galloping across the snowy steppe, stunning pictures of the wild horses of Mongolia descended from the stables of Genghis Khan\n\n\n\n\nNot even wild horses could drag Chinese photographer Li Gang away from the frozen beauty of Outer Mongolia.", "\n\nIn temperatures of minus 30 degrees he took these photographs of the legendary horses descended from the beasts that Genghis Khan's men rode in the 13th century.", "\n\nHe followed the pastoralist tribesmen who herd the Shandan and Mongolian breeds through the snow-covered landscape.", "\n\nMagical: Photographer Li Gang captured these incredible wild horses tearing across the plains of Outer Mongolia\n\nDescendants: The animals come from the same stock as those ridden by Genghis Khan and his warriors Photographer: LiGang has spent the last three winters in Mongolia The hardy horses are an incredible sight and only the highly experienced horsemen who have been born and raised in the area can corral the beasts. ", "They are the tribes' source of income and like most wandering peoples their livestock are crucial to their survival. ", "One photograph shows the horses running through powdery snow as a horseman wields a long stick.", "\n\nRELATED ARTICLES Previous\n\n1\n\nNext Genghis Khan the GREEN: Invader killed so many people that... Share this article Share Another illustrates the harshness of the conditions with some white horses up to their shoulders in snow. ", "Others show the horses galloping through the trees in a landscape of immense beauty. ", "Li, 62, said: 'I have been a photographer for 15 years and for the last three years I have been to take pictures of the horses. '", "It is very cold there, but the horses are an incredible sight and I have been lucky enough to get some great shots. '", "The landscape is quite harsh but magnificent and these horses galloping through the snow really is a spectacle.' ", "Li is a member of the Chinese Photograph Association.", "\n\nGreat beauty: The animals can only be ridden by herdsmen who have grown up on the snowy plains of the Mongolian steppe\n\n\n\nAt the gallop: These animals are brown blurs against the snow as they run through the trees" ]
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[ "Phospholipase C activity reduces free magnesium concentration.", "\nThe events leading to decline of intracellular free magnesium concentration following traumatic brain injury are unknown. ", "One possible mechanism that may lead to such declines is an alteration in the number and nature of magnesium binding sites within cell membranes following a traumatic event. ", "Although both alterations in membrane structure and decrease in free magnesium concentration have been independently demonstrated to occur following brain trauma, no correlations between the two events have been shown. ", "In the present study, rat brain phospholipids were extracted and reconstituted in MgATP containing aqueous solutions. ", "Using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure free magnesium concentration, enzymatic hydrolysis of the artificial membrane vesicles by phospholipase C was shown to reduce the free magnesium concentration. ", "Since activation of phospholipase C has been demonstrated to occur following traumatic brain injury, we propose that this event may initiate decline in free magnesium levels in vivo." ]
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[ "Recently, practice guideline for the early detection of cervical cancer in Korea has been released in this journal \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "It was developed based on preexisting guidelines generated by the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) \\[[@B2]\\], the National Comprehensive Cancer Network \\[[@B3]\\], the United States Preventive Services Task Force \\[[@B4]\\], and the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "Coincidentally, updated versions of ASCCP guideline \\[[@B6]\\] and American Cancer Society (ACS) guideline \\[[@B7]\\] have been issued around the same time. ", "Therefore, the updated contents of the above-mentioned guidelines are not reflected in ours. ", "The essential changes of the 2012 ASCCP guidelines from prior 2006 version are as follows \\[[@B6]\\]: 1) cytology reported as negative but lacking endocervical cells can be managed without any repeat, 2) cytology reported as unsatisfactory requires repeat even if human papillomavirus (HPV) is negative, 3) For atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) cytology, immediate colposcopy is not an option. ", "The serial cytology option for ASC-US incorporates cytology at 12 months, and then if negative, cytology every 3 years, 4) ASC-US and HPV-negative results should be followed with co-testing at 3 years rather than 5 years, 5) ASC-US and HPV-negative results are insufficient to allow exit from screening at age 65 years, 6) women aged 21-24 years are managed conservatively.", "\n\nRecently reported rates of cytology results reported as negative but lacking endocervical cells have ranged from 10% to 20% \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "Prior guidelines recommended early repeat cytology \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "A recent meta-analysis found that negative cytology had favorable specificity and negative predictive value despite absent endocervical cell component \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "Given that most cytology is performed using liquid-based media, unsatisfactory cytology results arise mainly from insufficient squamous cells \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "The 2012 ASCCP guidelines recommended repeat cytology in 2 to 4 months for women with an unsatisfactory cytology result. ", "Those two issues regarding specimen adequacy were not included in our guidelines.", "\n\nThe management of women with ASC-US has also been revised in 2012 ASCCP guidelines. ", "Immediate colposcopy recommended by prior guidelines is no longer an acceptable option. ", "HPV testing is preferred, but repeat cytology in 1 year is also acceptable. ", "If HPV is positive, colposcopy is recommended, same as the management of women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). ", "If HPV is negative, women can return to routine screening in 3 years, which is also supported by the updated ACS guidelines. ", "Of note, interval of repeat cytology was extended from 6 months to 1 year. ", "ASC-US-LSIL Triage Study (ALTS) was performed before the 2001 Bethesda system update, which separate ASC-H cytology from the ASC-US category. ", "For this reason, the observed 3% 5-year risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 3+ after ASC-US among women aged 30 years and older was lower than the 2-year risk seen in ALTS. ", "As a matter of fact, risk was low enough to justify annual rather than semiannual cytology as sufficiently sensitive to identify women with CIN 3+ \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Data from published studies have shown that the risk of precancerous lesions following an ASC-US, HPV-negative result is very low, and not qualitatively different from a negative co-test. ", "The updated ACS guidelines recommend a 3-year interval for cytology screening of women aged 21-29 years or 30-65 years, and a 5-year interval for co-testing of women aged 30-65 years. ", "Recently, Cochrane Gynaecological Cancer Group published their meta-analyses data on HPV testing versus repeat cytology for triage of ASC-US and LSIL cytology \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "Of 2,938 references identified, 39 different studies were identified, allowing computation of the accuracy of hybrid capture 2 (HC 2) triage in women with ASC-US, and 24 studies were used to evaluate the accuracy of HC 2 in triage of LSIL women. ", "For HC 2 triage in ASC-US cases, the pooled sensitivity and specificity for detection of CIN 2+ was 90.9% and 60.7%, respectively. ", "For cytology triage in ASC-US cases, the pooled sensitivity with the test threshold was ASC-US+ was 71.5% (95% confidence interval \\[CI\\], 62.9 to 78.8). ", "The pooled specificity of repeat cytology with test threshold was ASC-US+ was 68.4% (95% CI, 59.9 to 75.8). ", "Triage of ASC-US cases with HC 2 was 27% more sensitive than repeat cytology at the cytological cut-off ASC-US+ for detecting CIN 2+ (p\\<0.001). ", "The specificity of a repeat cytology at the cut-off ASC-US+ was nearly identical to the specificity of HC 2 for the detection of CIN 2+. ", "They concluded that HC 2 is a more accurate method than repeat cytology to triage women with ASC-US. ", "We think that the updates regarding triage of ASC-US should be included in the next version of our guidelines.", "\n\nIn 2006, ASCCP guidelines recommended less aggressive management for adolescents with abnormal cervical cytology, but in 2012, the updated guidelines no longer recommend screening adolescents. ", "Instead, guidelines for management of women aged 21 to 24 years were added. ", "Cervical cancer risk remains low through age 25 years, but it is almost 10-fold higher than risk in adolescents \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "In these women with ASC-US or LSIL, repeat cytology in 12 months is preferred, but reflex HPV testing is also acceptable for ASC-US only. ", "If reflex HPV testing is performed with ASC-US and the HPV result is positive, repeat cytology in 12 months is recommended. ", "Immediate colposcopy or repeat HPV testing is not recommended. ", "If reflex HPV testing is negative, return to routine screening with cytology alone in 3 years is recommended. ", "The updated ACS guidelines also recommend not screening women under 21 years old. ", "Considering high incidence of transient HPV infection, low risk of cervical cancer, and spontaneous regression of lesions, screening for adolescents should be discouraged.", "\n\nBoth ASCCP and ACS replenished the management of women with negative cytology and a positive HPV test. ", "Two options exist: 1) repeat co-testing in 12 months or 2) immediate HPV genotyping test for HPV 16 alone or for HPV 16/18. ", "If co-testing is selected, women testing positive on either test (HPV positive or ASC+ in ASCCP/LSIL+ in ACS) should be referred to colposcopy; women testing negative on both tests should return to routine screening. ", "If immediate HPV genotyping test is chosen, women testing positive for HPV 16 or HPV 16/18 should be referred to colposcopy; women testing negative for HPV 16 or HPV 16/18 should be co-tested in 12 months.", "\n\nFor women aged 30 to 65 years, both ASCCP and ACS guidelines recommend either 3-year cytology intervals or 5-year co-testing intervals. ", "Modeling studies have revealed a gradual increase in cancer risk with an increasing interval from 1 year to 3 years to 5 years \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "They concluded that a 3-year interval for cytology provides an optimal balance of benefits and harms. ", "When it comes to co-testing, modeling studies have shown that co-testing in 40-year-old women at a 3-year vs. a 5-year interval over a 10-year period only slightly decreases life-time cervical cancer risk while significantly increasing the number of colposcopic evaluations \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "Our guidelines recommend shorter screening interval than above two guidelines in consideration of specific Korean situations. ", "Nevertheless and detailed evaluations on the risks and benefits of the current screening interval should be conducted.", "\n\nThe updated ASCCP and ACS recommendation guidelines as well as our guidelines were developed to reflect the age- or region-specific natural history of HPV infection, cervical carcinogenesis, and expanding knowledge of different screening tests by searching evidences as much as possible. ", "However, many important research priorities still remain.", "\n\n1\\) How best to manage women with cytology-negative, HPV-positive is a great concern. ", "It should be determined the relative performances of reflex HPV testing for the most high-risk genotypes versus follow-up repeat co-testing at different intervals. ", "Validation studies comparing many commercial HPV genotyping tests (DNA-based or RNA-based) in a screening population should be performed.", "\n\n2\\) HPV testing as a primary screening tool should be validated. ", "At present, HPV testing is not recommended as a primary screening strategy. ", "Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of HPV testing alone have demonstrated increased sensitivity for the detection of CIN 2+/CIN 3+ after a single screening round. ", "However, RCTs have been unsuccessful at defining the specificity of HPV testing, and hence the potential harms of primary HPV testing are poorly quantified. ", "Nevertheless, primary screening with HPV testing alone will be promising in women aged 30 years and older. ", "Lack of internal standard of specimen adequacy and no direct data to estimate performance of cytology in a triage setting have to be solved.", "\n\n3\\) Prospective studies among older women are needed to define the optimal age to exit routine screening. ", "The vast majority of cervical cancer arises from HPV infection acquired at younger age and the incidence of new infection among older women is rare. ", "Except for women who have underwent treatment for CIN 2+, redefining the age limit before 65 years old or 70 years old might be necessary in women with consistently negative HPV.", "\n\n4\\) Long-term follow-up studies of the effect of HPV vaccination on large cohort are needed. ", "In addition, it should be determined whether vaccination affects the natural history or management of cytologic or histologic abnormalities. ", "According to the results of those studies, current recommendations for vaccinated women might be changed.", "\n\nNo potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.", "\n" ]
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[ "Spirit of the West\n\nSpirit of the West were a Canadian folk rock band from North Vancouver, active from 1983 to 2016. ", "They were popular on the Canadian folk music scene in the 1980s before evolving a blend of hard rock, Britpop, and Celtic folk influences which made them one of Canada's most successful alternative rock acts in the 1990s.", "\n\nEarly years\nGeoffrey Kelly and J. Knutson had begun playing music together as a duo when Kelly's then-girlfriend Alison, at the time a theatre student, told them she had a classmate with a really great singing voice. ", "That classmate, John Mann, joined Kelly and Knutson as a folk trio called Eavesdropper, and scored early gigs as an opening act for rockers such as Art Bergmann and Barney Bentall. ", "Early on their set predominantly comprised covers of artists such as Bruce Cockburn, Eric Bogle, Richard Thompson and Billy Bragg, with original compositions gradually introduced into their set.", "\n\nAfter a gig on Vancouver Island was erroneously billed as \"Eavesdroppings\", the band opted to change its name to Spirit of the West, and independently released the album Spirit of the West in 1984 before signing to Stony Plain Records, a roots music label based in Edmonton, Alberta.", "\n\nStony Plain released Tripping Up the Stairs in 1986. ", "Following that album, Knutson left the band and was replaced by Hugh McMillan.", "\n\n1988's Labour Day spawned the popular single \"Political\" and consolidated the band as a significant draw on the folk festival circuit. ", "The album also garnered the band its first Juno Award nomination, for Best Roots & Traditional Album at the Juno Awards of 1989.", "\n\nAfter that album's tour, McMillan took a temporary hiatus from the band. ", "He was replaced by Daniel Lapp and Linda McRae, but returned before the band's next album was recorded. ", "When McMillan returned, Lapp left the band but McRae stayed on. (", "As a result, Lapp never actually appeared on a Spirit of the West recording. ", "He pursued a solo career, however, releasing a number of albums of experimental jazz/folk/electronic fusion.)", "\n\nOn the strength of \"Political\", Warner Bros. Records signed the band in 1989, and Stony Plain released a compilation, Old Material 1984–1986, to close out their contract with the label.", "\n\nIn 1990, the band's major label debut, Save This House was released. ", "The album track \"Home for a Rest\", which is still considered a classic frosh week anthem at universities across Canada as well as a popular tune at wedding dances, was not officially released as a single, but became the band's signature song. (", "Despite its not being a single, a music video was released for the song.)", "\n\nThe band garnered a Juno Award nomination for Most Promising Group at the Juno Awards of 1991.", "\n\nThey are a member of the Canadian charity Artists Against Racism.", "\n\nEvolution\nAs part of their tour to support Save This House, the band toured England with The Wonder Stuff, and decided to bring in a drummer and experiment with a more rock-oriented sound — a need which became particularly acute after the bands played two shows on the same bill as Jane's Addiction. ", "After recording some song demos with guest drummer Darrell Mayes of the Colin James band and then touring for part of 1990 with various session drummers, the band brought in Vince Ditrich, who appeared for the first time on the band's 1991 album Go Figure.", "\n\nAlthough the album retained many of the band's folk influences, it was more hard rock than any of the band's previous efforts, and this proved controversial among the band's fans. ", "The album included a rock rendition of \"Political\", and at one show in London, Ontario, the audience presented the band with a petition demanding that they play the original version of that song. ", "Despite the controversies, however, it won them many new fans in the alternative rock scene.", "\n\nMacRae also appeared on The Wonder Stuff's album Never Loved Elvis, and all of the members of both bands recorded a cover of the country standard \"Will the Circle Be Unbroken\" as a B-side for the Wonder Stuff's \"Welcome to the Cheap Seats\" single. ", "Over the winter of 1992-93, the band undertook the Hollow Bodies tour, performing material in their older acoustic style.", "\n\nIn 1993, the band released their most successful album, Faithlift, and scored their biggest hit single, \"And if Venice is Sinking\". ", "1995's Two Headed, in turn, garnered significant airplay for the single \"Tell Me What I Think\", and the band garnered a Juno Award nomination for Group of the Year at the Juno Awards of 1995. ", "However, the album was not as successful on the charts, or as critically hailed, as its predecessor.", "\n\nIn the summer of 1995, the band toured with The Tragically Hip as part of the Another Roadside Attraction festival.", "\n\nBeginning in 1995, the band also performed a number of shows with symphony orchestras across Canada, premiering songs written for a planned symphony album with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. ", "After recording two shows with the VSO on May 12 and May 13, 1995, they released the album Open Heart Symphony that year; the concert also aired on Bravo concurrently with the album's release.", "\n\nAt the end of 1996, McRae left the band amicably to pursue a solo career, performing her last show on New Year's Eve of that year. ", "She released a solo country album in 1997, and then formed the alternative country band Cheerful Lonesome.", "\n\nThe remaining members recorded 1997's Weights and Measures as a four-piece at Martin Barre's studio in Devon, England, working with Barre and members of The Wonder Stuff, Capercaillie and Fairport Convention to round out the studio effort, and added Tobin Frank for their concert tour. ", "In the same year, a studio version of the song \"Kiss & Tell\", which had previously been released only in its live form on Open Heart Symphony, appeared on the soundtrack to the film The Hanging Garden.", "\n\nHowever, with the music industry's emphasis having shifted by this time away from alternative rock and back toward more mainstream pop-oriented performers, Warner Bros. put little effort into promoting the album, and dropped the band from their roster after the tour.", "\n\nHiatus and revival\nAfter Weights & Measures the band took a hiatus from recording and broad-scale national touring, although they continued to perform selected live dates on the summer folk festival circuit and in major concert markets such as Vancouver and Toronto. ", "During the hiatus, Mann, Ditrich and Kelly all released solo albums, Mann pursued acting roles, McMillan worked as a session musician and producer for The Town Pants, and Kelly and Frank recorded with The Paperboys.", "\n\nThe band's first new album in seven years, Star Trails, was released on July 6, 2004 on MapleMusic Recordings.", "\n\nIn 2008, the band released a 25th anniversary compilation, Spirituality 1983-2008: The Consummate Compendium, on Rhino Records. ", "The two-CD set includes 32 remastered tracks from throughout the band's career, including two new songs, \"Winter's Now the Enemy\" and \"Another Happy New Year\". ", "Their official 25th anniversary concert, held at Vancouver's Commodore Ballroom on March 14, 2008, was recorded and broadcast by CBC Radio 2. ", "Concurrently with the release of Spirituality, Rhino also released remastered editions of Faithlift and Open Heart Symphony.", "\n\nIn 2009, Spirit of the West opened for Great Big Sea on the \"Fortune's Favour\" tour, finishing in Victoria, British Columbia on March 26. ", "On this tour, the final encore performances typically involved both bands performing together on various songs, including Spirit of the West's \"Political\" and Great Big Sea's \"The Old Black Rum\".", "\n\nIn 2010, Kelly, Ditrich and Frank joined Ashley MacIsaac and folk musician Matthew Harder in recording a charity single, \"Dreams\", to benefit Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong, a skier from Ghana who was the first Ghanaian athlete ever to compete in the Winter Olympics. ", "Nkrumah-Acheampong himself participated in the recording, playing traditional Ghanaian percussion. ", "The single, credited to The Parallel Band, was released to iTunes on February 19, 2010. ", "Concurrently, Mann was in Edmonton, starring in a stage production of Bruce Ruddell's rock musical Beyond Eden. ", "In 2011, the full Spirit of the West lineup recorded and released another charity single, \"Bulembu\", to benefit the Bulembu orphanage and sustainable economic development project in Swaziland; the song also includes a vocal choir of children from Bulembu.", "\n\nKelly underwent surgery in early 2012 and was unable to perform for several weeks; Harder and Kendel Carson of The Paperboys substituted for him in several live shows during this period, including the band's traditional annual St. Patrick's Day show at the Commodore Ballroom. ", "At the band's 2014 St. Patrick's Day show, they were inducted into the British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame.", "\n\nConclusion\nIn September 2014, Mann announced that he had been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, but planned to continue performing with the band as long as he remained able to do so. ", "In concession to Mann's illness, the band began performing with an iPad mounted near the microphone in case Mann had difficulty remembering the lyrics, while Harder joined full-time to take over Mann's duties on lead guitar. ", "Weeks after the announcement, Mann performed a concert featuring his solo material and that of Spirit of the West, which was broadcast by CBC Television's Absolutely Canadian in July 2015 as \"John Mann Here and Now\".", "\n\nThe band's preparations for a 2015 concert at Massey Hall are profiled in Pete McCormack's documentary film Spirit Unforgettable.", "\n\nIn December 2015, the band announced that they would perform a three-night run at the Commodore Ballroom from April 15 to 17 as their final shows. ", "Over the month before the final shows, the band undertook a small-scale final tour.", "\n\nAs Ditrich was also in poor health with kidney disease, he was not able to perform for the full duration of all three Commodore shows, and shared drum duties with Kris MacFarlane and Pat Steward. ", "Kendel Carson, Paul Hyde, Jim Cuddy, Steven Page, Colin James, Andy Maize and Craig Northey also participated in the Commodore shows as guests.", "\n\nThe band remained informally active through private \"Johnny Jams\" as a form of music therapy for Mann, and Kelly communicated the hope that Mann would remain healthy enough for the band to play occasional brief reunion sets in the future. ", "Following The Tragically Hip's announcement in May 2016 that singer Gord Downie had been diagnosed with brain cancer but would undertake a tour with the band in summer 2016, Kelly was interviewed by both CBC Radio One's Day 6 and Maclean's about his experiences performing with Spirit of the West under similar circumstances.", "\n\nThe band performed a reunion set at Spirit of Canada, a benefit concert for Alzheimer's awareness at the Commodore Ballroom on November 19, 2017. ", "The concert's lineup included Odds, Barney Bentall, Dustin Bentall, Jim Byrnes, Kendel Carson, Jim Cuddy, Alan Doyle, Colin James, Sarah McLachlan, Ed Robertson, Shari Ulrich and Spirit: The Next Generation, an act consisting of the band members' children. ", "Before the show, the performing musicians participated in a group recording of the band's signature song \"Home for a Rest\" as a tribute to Mann.", "\n\nMann died on November 20, 2019.", "\n\nDiscography\n\nAlbums\n\nSingles\n\nAlbum appearances\n\n Island of Circles (1991): \"Sunshine Superman\"\n Back to the Garden (1992): \"Coyote\"\n Upfront! ", "Canadians Live from Mountain Stage (1994): \"Political\"\n Due South: The Original Television Soundtrack (1996): \"Bone of Contention\"\n 20 Years of Stony Plain (1996): \"Political\"\n The Hanging Garden (1997): \"Kiss and Tell\"\n Frosh (1998): \"Home for a Rest\"\n\nReception\n In 1999, CFNY-FM ranked \"Political\" No.", " 524, and \"Home For a Rest\" No.", " 689, in its \"Top 1002 New Rock Songs of All Time\" chart.", "\n In 2005, \"Home for a Rest\" was named the 22nd greatest Canadian song of all time on CBC Radio One's 50 Tracks: The Canadian Version.", "\n In 2007, \"Home for a Rest\" ranked No.", " 8 on CFNY's \"Top 102 Canadian New Rock Songs of All Time\" chart.", "\n \"Save This House\" is the theme song for Save Us from Our House, a combined relationship/renovation/reality TV show which aired in 2007 on the Canadian cable network W, and on HGTV in the U.S.\n In 2010, Spirit of the West were the recipients of the National Achievement Award at the annual SOCAN Awards in Toronto.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Spirit of the West\n \n\nCategory:Musical groups established in 1983\nCategory:Musical groups disestablished in 2016\nCategory:Musical groups from Vancouver\nCategory:Canadian folk rock groups\nCategory:MapleMusic Recordings artists\nCategory:Celtic fusion groups\nCategory:1983 establishments in British Columbia\nCategory:Canadian Celtic music groups\nCategory:Canadian alternative rock groups\nCategory:Stony Plain Records artists" ]
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[ "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n============\n\nChikungunya virus is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that belongs to the Togaviridae family.\\[[@ref1]\\] It causes chikungunya fever, a febrile illness associated with severe arthralgia, myalgia, and skin rash. ", "Chikungunya is a Makonde word (Bantu language) meaning \"the one which bends up\" referring to the stooped posture of the affected patient acquired due to severe pain in the joints.\\[[@ref2]\\] The arthropods remain infected throughout their life. ", "Its transmission to humans is mainly through Aedes species mosquitoes.\\[[@ref3]\\] An Indian study reported transmission of chikungunya virus by Anopheles stephensi too.\\[[@ref4]\\] The Indian Ocean outbreak is caused by transmission by Aedes only.\\[[@ref1]\\] The incubation period of chikungunya fever ranges from 3 days to 7 days.", "\n\nFollowing inoculation with chikungunya virus through a mosquito bite, the virus directly enters the subcutaneous capillaries, with some viruses infecting susceptible cells in the skin, such as macrophages or fibroblasts and endothelial cells. ", "Local viral replication seems to be minor and limited in time, with the locally produced virus probably being transported to secondary lymphoid organs close to the site of inoculation. ", "Chikungunya virus spreads rapidly in the body after initial infection. ", "Virus dissemination occurs through the blood and pathological events develop.\\[[@ref5][@ref6]\\]\n\nThe pathological events associated with tissue infection are mostly subclinical in the liver (hepatocyte apoptosis) and lymphoid organs (adenopathy), whereas in the muscles and joints are associated with very excruciating pain. ", "Symptoms of chikungunya virus infection include high grade fever, rigors, headache, and a maculopapular or petechial rash. \"", "Silent\" infections do occur but are rare, being observed in around 15% of infected individuals.\\[[@ref7]\\]\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec1-2}\n=====================\n\nThe patients who attended our institute outpatient department from July 2016 to October 2016 were prospectively included in the study if they fulfilled the criteria for \"suspect cases\" of chikungunya infection stipulated by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, Directorate General of Health Services, Government of India.", "\n\n\"Suspect cases\" have been defined as patients presenting with an acute illness characterized by the sudden onset of fever, with several symptoms such as joint pain, headache, backache, photophobia, and eruption during an epidemic of chikungunya fever and in the absence of confirmatory serological tests.\\[[@ref8]\\] A total of 112 patients (62 men and 50 women) who satisfied the above criteria were enrolled for the study. ", "Due to paucity of resources, immunoglobulin M enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IgM ELISA) specific for chikungunya virus was done only in 76 cases. ", "Skin biopsy was done from selected patients. ", "Routine investigations were done in all cases while rheumatoid factor was done in relevant patients.", "\n\nResults {#sec1-3}\n=======\n\nOut of the 112 patients, 62 (55.35%) were males and 50 (44.64%) were females. ", "The youngest patient was a 1 month old neonate and the oldest was a 77-year-old man. ", "Maximum patients (66; 58.92%) were in the 20--40-year age group, with the mean age being 30.18 years.", "\n\nCutaneous lesions are shown in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Patients presented with either a single lesion or a combination of lesions. ", "The most common skin lesion was a maculopapular rash \\[[Figure 1a](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] in 60 (53.5%) patients. ", "Rash was distributed predominantly over trunk, face, and extremities and associated with severe pruritus. ", "Most of the skin lesions developed during the acute phase of the disease, 2--3 days after the onset of fever in 90 (80.3%) patients while along with fever observed in 22 (19.7%) cases. ", "Vesicles and bullae were seen in two patients of which one was a female child \\[[Figure 1b](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Localized erythema and swelling of the pinnae mimicking the Milian\\'s ear sign of erysipelas \\[Figure [1c](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [d](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] was an interesting observation in 5 (4.4%) patients. ", "Similarly, erythema and edema of preexisting post-traumatic scars and striae resembling the \"scar phenomenon\" of sarcoidosis \\[[Figure 1e](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] were seen in four (3.6%) patients. ", "Skin lesions subsided without any sequelae in the majority, except pigmentation in 42 (37.5%) patients, desquamation in 10 (8.9%) cases and xerosis. ", "Various types of pigmentation were observed \\[[Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}\\], the most common site being the nose followed by face, trunk, neck, and palms \\[Figure [2a](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[c](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Purpuric lesions were seen in four patients. ", "Multiple painful aphthous-like lesions were seen in 18 (20.2%) patients over various sites \\[Figure [3a](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[d](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\].", "\n\n###### \n\nCutaneous manifestations of chikungunya\n\n![](", "IDOJ-8-336-g001)\n\n![(", "a) Maculopapular rash (b) Bullous lesion (c and d) Milian\\'s ear sign (e) Scar phenomenon](IDOJ-8-336-g002){#F1}\n\n###### \n\nSites of pigmentation in chikungunya\n\n![](", "IDOJ-8-336-g003)\n\n![", "Various types of pigmentation, (a) Facial pigmentation and hand edema (bilateral) (b) Facial and palmar pigmentation (c) Nose and lip pigmentation in a neonate](IDOJ-8-336-g004){#F2}\n\n![", "Various aphthae, (a) Oral aphthae (b and c) Aphthae at male and female genitalia (d) Aphthae at axilla](IDOJ-8-336-g005){#F3}\n\nOral mucosal involvement was found in 18 (16.07%) patients in the form of multiple aphthae, erosions, and cheilitis. ", "Angular cheilitis were also seen in 4 (3.6%) patients. ", "Mucosal lesions subsided completely without any sequelae except hard palate pigmentation in few patients.", "\n\nThe peculiar nail findings noted in our study were red lunule, black lunulae, periungual ulcers, subungual hemorrhages, periungual exfoliation, and diffuse and longitudinal melanonychia \\[Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[c](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Serum IgM ELISA specific for chikungunya virus was done in 76 (67.8%) cases. ", "It was positive in 62 (55.3%) cases while negative in 14 (13%) cases. ", "Decreased white blood cell count was observed in 6 (5.3%) cases. ", "No other hematological abnormality was noted.", "\n\n![(", "a) Red lunula with purpura. (", "b) Subungual hemorrhages. (", "c) Black lunula](IDOJ-8-336-g006){#F4}\n\nDiscussion {#sec1-4}\n==========\n\nChikungunya fever is a re-emerging viral infection clinically characterized by an acute febrile illness associated with polyarthralgia, sore throat, conjunctivitis, and skin eruptions. ", "It is usually self-limiting.\\[[@ref9]\\] Although actual reasons are not clear, but globalization of trades and increased international travel, the abundance of potential vectors like the Aedes mosquitoes, poor vector control, absence of herd immunity, and viral mutation may be reasons for the re-emergence of chikungunya fever in the Indian subcontinent.\\[[@ref10]\\] Chikungunya fever may be seen in all age groups and both sexes. ", "In our study, males outnumbered females similar to other studies,\\[[@ref11][@ref12]\\] while both sexes were equally affected in another study.\\[[@ref13]\\]\n\nThe most common cutaneous lesion described in chikungunya fever is erythematous maculopapular rash affecting the trunk, limbs, and face\\[[@ref10]\\] Erythematous maculopapular rash was the most common presentation in our study which developed abruptly after the first 2--3 days of fever and subsided within 5--7 days. ", "Skin manifestations have been reported in 77% of patients during the first week by Hochedez *et al*.\\[[@ref14]\\] which spared the face and involved mainly the trunk and limbs with islands of normal skin. ", "Morbilliform rash involving the upper extremity was the most common type in another study.\\[[@ref13]\\] Majority of our patients had generalized lesions, except in 10% who had localized erythema of the face, nose, palms and soles, upper extremities, and ear lobules. ", "Transient nasal erythema has been reported in another study.\\[[@ref12]\\] Recurrent crops of lesions can occur as a result of intermittent viremia.\\[[@ref10]\\] These exanthems were associated with edema of hands and feet similar to the observation by others.\\[[@ref14]\\] Pruritus has been reported in 80.8% of patients,\\[[@ref15]\\] whereas it was present in 87 (77.6%) of our patients. ", "Pruritus was intractable, not completely controlled by oral antihistamines. ", "The initial manifestation in any viral exanthem is attributed to viremia and dissemination of virus into the skin resulting in a direct cytopathic effect leading to epidermal, dermal, or dermal capillary endothelial injury. ", "It may be due to a combination of direct cytopathic effect and immunological factors.\\[[@ref16]\\]\n\nHemorrhagic manifestations have been reported to be 11% in chikungunya fever, but the severity is much less. ", "In a series by Inamdar *et al*., ", "multiple ecchymotic patches and subungual hemorrhages were noted in six children and three adults.\\[[@ref12]\\] Purpura was noted in four of our patients which is similar to the study by Kannan *et al*.\\[[@ref15]\\], but one 77-year-old patient developed purpura fulminans. ", "The purpuric lesions may be due to thrombocytopenia induced by the virus or viral replication in the capillary endothelium causing a direct vascular damage or by a type 3 immune reaction.\\[[@ref17]\\] No abnormalities of bleeding time or clotting time were observed in our patients.", "\n\nMultiple painful aphthae-like lesions affecting oral cavity, intertriginous areas, axillae, and scrotum have been documented in various studies.\\[[@ref9][@ref10][@ref12][@ref13][@ref15][@ref18]\\] Aphthae-like erosions, ulcers, and cheilitis were observed in 18 (20.2%) of our cases. ", "Tender, discrete, and oval aphthae-like ulcers of 0.5--1.5 cm size, with irregular margins on the scrotum and adjacent thighs (kissing ulcers), inner aspect of prepuce, shaft of penis, glans, and labia were observed in six patients, whereas it was the predominant finding in other studies.\\[[@ref12][@ref19]\\] Bacterial culture from the ulcer did not grow any organism. ", "Tzanck smear was negative for giant and acantholytic cells. ", "These oral aphthae subsided within 3--5 days while scrotal and intertriginous lesions took 7--10 days for complete healing without scarring.", "\n\nVarious patterns of pigmentary changes have been described in chikungunya fever. ", "Similar to other studies,\\[[@ref20][@ref21]\\] nose was the most common site affected in our study. ", "Nose pigmentation was also present in a 1 month old neonate. ", "Pigmentation was macular, and a few of them had pinpoint (confetti-like) macules. ", "Other patterns of pigmentation were melasma-like over the face, lichen planus pigmentosus-like over neck and flexures, periorbital hypermelanosis, irregular and flagellate patterns on the trunk, and an Addisonian type of palmar pigmentation. ", "Mechanism of pigmentation could be postinflammatory.\\[[@ref10]\\] An increased intraepidermal melanin dispersion/retention triggered by the virus had been postulated as a cause for pigmentation.\\[[@ref12]\\] Histopathology was done in selected patients. ", "The hyperpigmented lesions showed increased basal pigmentation, pigmentary incontinence, and melanophages \\[[Figure 5a](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\] while in psoriatic erythroderma, melanophages and dermal edema without increased basal pigmentation was revealed \\[Figure [5b](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[c](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\].", "\n\n![(", "a) Increased basal pigmentation with melanophages in pigmented macule (H and E × 10) (b and c) Melanophages in upper dermis with chikungunya (H and E × 10, ×40)](IDOJ-8-336-g007){#F5}\n\nNail changes may be secondary to inflammation of the nail matrix, reduced adrenocortical activity secondary to infection.\\[[@ref19]\\] In further studies, serum cortisol level in chikungunya fever patients associated with nail and cutaneous pigmentation could be evaluated.", "\n\nExacerbation of existing dermatoses has been well documented in chikungunya fever.\\[[@ref12]\\] One psoriatic patient who was free of the disease developed erythroderma while another patient had guttate exacerbation. ", "In the erythroderma patient, characteristically flexures were spared. ", "Stasis eczema was aggravated following chikungunya fever in three patients. ", "However, there are differences in mucocutaneous manifestations in chikungunya fever in various Indian studies which is shown in [Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}.\\[[@ref5][@ref11][@ref12][@ref13][@ref22]\\]\n\n###### \n\nComparison of studies done in India on cutaneous manifestations of chikungunya fever\n\n![](", "IDOJ-8-336-g008)\n\nOne patient noticed the suspected site of mosquito bite. ", "On dermatologic examination it was an inflamed papule with central puncta over left ankle area. ", "It increased in size as fever subsided and rash appeared then gradually decreased in size and healed with slight hyperpigmentation in 7--10 days \\[Figure [6a](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[c](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "It could be compared with the eschar of tick bite in typhus fever. ", "It was an interesting new finding which should be evaluated in further studies.", "\n\n![(", "a-c) Evolution of papules at the mosquito bite site](IDOJ-8-336-g009){#F6}\n\nSerology was positive for IgM antibody in 62 (55.3%) of cases while negative in 14 (13%) cases, probably because the blood samples were sent too early. ", "In humans, chikungunya virus produces disease about 48 h after mosquito bite followed by high viremia in the first 2 days of illness.\\[[@ref10]\\] Viremia declines by 3--5 days followed by the appearance of hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and neutralizing antibodies (NAs). ", "Protection and recovery from chikungunyafever in humans are thought to be mainly mediated by NA response directed at the envelope glycoprotein. ", "Positivity of IgM chikungunya fever antibodies has been reported in 40.13% of patients.\\[[@ref13]\\] Serum IgM antibody may be detectable from 5 days after onset of symptoms and persist for 2--6 months. ", "Virus isolation is possible during the period of viremia (2--10 days) by inoculation of serum on vero or mosquito cells and identification by immunofluorescence. ", "Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using nested primer pairs is used to amplify several chikungunya virus specific genes from whole blood, generating millions of copies of genes in order to identify them. ", "By RT-PCR, diagnostic results can be available in 1--2 days.", "\n\nThe first reported outbreak of chikungunya in India was from Calcutta in 1963 and in South India in 1964.\\[[@ref23]\\] Chikungunya fever has an interesting epidemiological trend. ", "Several patterns in the epidemic of chikungunya fever are evident. ", "First, human movement has been crucial for the international spread of chikungunya virus. ", "Second, the incidence of chikungunya is following seasonal patterns. ", "In the South-East Asia Region, chikungunya virus is maintained in the human population by a human-mosquito-human transmission cycle. ", "Chikungunya fever epidemics display cyclical and seasonal trends. ", "There is an interepidemic period of 4--8 years (sometimes as long as 20 years). ", "Outbreaks are most likely to occur in post-monsoon period because the vector density is very high at that time and accentuates the transmission. ", "Human beings serve as the chikungunya virus reservoir during epidemic period while during interepidemic periods, a number of vertebrates have been implicated as reservoirs in African region. ", "These include monkeys, rodents, and birds. ", "However, the reservoir status in South-East Asia region has not been documented yet. ", "Third, in areas with little preexisting immunity, transmission is intense.\\[[@ref24][@ref25]\\]\n\nConclusions {#sec1-5}\n===========\n\nTo conclude, wide varieties of the mucocutaneous presentations were observed in our study. ", "These includes nose pigmentation, erythema, and edema of preexisting scars and striae resembling \"scar phenomenon of sarcoidosis,\" erythema and swelling of the pinnae mimicking the Milian\\'s ear sign of erysipelas, various nail changes, and aphthous-like oro-genital lesions. ", "Out of these, we are unable to find out this striking nose pigmentation in any other viral exanthem. ", "Nose pigmentation was present irrespective of age, even in 1 month old neonate. ", "Hence, we support Riyaz *et al*. ", "for the peculiar pigmentation to be considered as specific clinical marker of chikungunya fever and the name \"chik sign\" for this. ", "Although, there is no vaccine against chikungunya virus, vector control measures and use of insect repellents, mosquito nets, full-sleeved clothes may help in minimizing the transmission.", "\n\n {#sec2-1}\n\n### Declaration of patient consent {#sec3-1}\n\nThe authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. ", "In the form the patient(s) has/have given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. ", "The patients understand that their names and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.", "\n\n### Financial support and sponsorship {#sec3-2}\n\nNil.", "\n\n### Conflicts of interest {#sec3-3}\n\nThere are no conflicts of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Koeman pleased to add competition with Stekelenburg signing\n\nRonald Koeman is happy to have quickly addressed what he determined was one of the weakest areas of the squad he inherited from Roberto Martinez by making Maarten Stekelenburg his first signing.", "\n\nThe 33-year-old Dutchman was picked up from Fulham for a nominal fee on 1st July, adding depth between the posts where Everton had just one senior ‘keeper following the departure of Tim Howard for MLS outfit Colorado Rapids.", "\n\nDespite the release of Jindrich Stanek, a Martinez signing from January 2014 who didn't ultimately make the grade, there are plenty of young goalies at the Academy and Under-21 level in the likes of Russell Griffiths, Mateusz Hewelt, new signing Chris Renshaw, Connor Hunt and perhaps Louis Gray who looks to still be part of the Finch Farm setup after joining initially on short-term loan spell from Colywan Bay last autumn.", "\n\nPrior to Stekelenburg's arrival, however, there was only Joel Robles on the books and even though the Spaniard had made the first-choice goalkeeping slot his own by the time Martinez was sacked in May, Koeman is still believed to be targeting a new“number one” to add further competition in that position.", "\n\n\"I'm very pleased,” Koeman told evertontv. “", "We had Joel (Robles) as the goalkeeper and we need competition in that position. ", "Of course, I know Maarten very well.", "\n\n\"I took him to Southampton and he did a good job. ", "He was the second [choice] goakkeeper [under Fraser Forster] but really a good professional and I'm very that happy he is one of our first new players.", "\n\n\"First of all he will bring quality and that's most important. ", "He's a goalkeeper with a lot of experience.", "\n\n\"Six summers ago he played in the final of the World Cup in South African in 2010. ", "Goalkeepers have their best seasons from the age of 30. ", "Maarten is 33 years old and still has a good future as a goalkeeper ahead of him and that's very important.\"", "\n\nNew Everton goalkeeping coach, Patrick Lodewijks\n\nKoeman has also been lauding another new related appointment in the form of goalkeeping coach Patrick Lodewijks who comes in from Feyenoord. ", "The 49-year-old succeeds Iñaki Bergara who left Finch Farm along with the rest of Martinez's backroom staff.", "\n\n“We have a very strong relationship,” Koeman explained on evertontv. “", "We played together at PSV and I worked with him at Feyenoord for three seasons so there's lot of [mutual] confidence.", "\n\n“The most important thing is that he brings a lot of qualities in coaching to the goalkeepers because it's a very important position in the team. ", "We always try to get the besty out of eveeyrbody and that's one if the reasons why I'm proud Patrick is joining us at Everton.", "\n\n“[The fact that he also coached outfield players in Feyenoord's U21 setup] makes him more complete as a coach because coaching goalkeepers is sometimes a different part of football.", "\n\n“If you gave experience managing a whole team, that is always good but being the goalkeeping coach is his main job at Everton.”", "\n\nReader Comments (39)\n\nNote: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. ", "Comments are the responsibility of the poster. ", "Disclaimer\n\nKase Chow 1Posted\n08/07/2016 at\n20:57:49\n\nI still find this an odd signing if Koeman wants to buy another No. ", "1.", "\n\nJames Stewart 2Posted\n08/07/2016 at\n21:21:42\n\nHas dropped some real clangers on the few times I have seen him so very much hope he stays on the bench!", "\n\nMark Ryan 3Posted\n08/07/2016 at\n22:04:18\n\nWTF.....It's not his fault but I'm sick of hearing about this fella. ", "I don't care if we sell him or keep him. ", "He's not the keeper I was hoping for so can we move on and make a proper signing please. ", "Have we built the new stadium yet ? ", "I'm getting so impatient. ", "It's like I've been promised my first Chopper bike, it's 1975 and it's only October.....just get on with it FFS...Mr Stek, apologies, not your fault\n\nAnthony Dwyer 5Posted\n08/07/2016 at\n23:20:15\n\nIf Koeman had Steklenburg as a number 2 at Southampton, then surely he knows he's no better than a number 2 at us.", "\n\nJoel Robles is no where near good enough either, so expect number 1 to come in soon.", "\n\nTimothy Sebastian 7Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n02:29:28\n\nIn typical ToffeeWeb fashion, I must say that I'm starting to get a sinking feeling that the new dawn we're all expecting with big signings may not necessarily come to bear. ", "Stekelenberg could perhaps be the biggest name we get all summer. ", "Maybe next summer ....?", "\n\nDavid Barks 8Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n03:24:07\n\nI'm getting worried\n\nBrian Williams 9Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n06:14:03\n\nCalm down you bunch of fannies *LOL*\n\nPeter Hadwin 10Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n07:59:48\n\nWhy is there so much negativity. ", "The Euros are not yet over. ", "Patience is in short supply. ", "We should judge our transfer dealings at the end of August.", "\n\nLen Hawkins 11Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n08:09:38\n\nBrian #9 A \"bunch\" blimey the mind boggles.", "\n\nIain Thomson 12Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n08:45:19\n\nIs bunch the appropriate term for multiple fannies?", "\n\nThe signing isn't exactly inspiring but it is safe and sensible. ", "He also knows him so may know he's excellent on the training ground and in the dressing room.", "\n\n3 senior goalies is what a team with any sort of ambition should have so en experienced number 2/3 is normal\n\nPhil Walling 13Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n09:36:31\n\nSafe ? ", "How do you know he's safe, Iain ? ", "Perhaps you should talk to Garbutt about that !", "\n\nPaul Newton 14Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n11:45:37\n\nCan a player who has played 54 times for Holland really be that bad? ", "At least give him a chance!", "\n\nTom Evans 15Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n13:12:04\n\nIain, I like the sound of \"handful\", for the collective word for fannies. ", "I suppose I am one of the aforementioned, in that I too, would have expected to have seen a big name signing by now. ", "The fact that friendlies are underway should serve as a reminder that time is running out.", "\n\nJohn Daley 16Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n13:17:59\n\n\"I like the sound of \"handful\", for the collective word for fannies.\"", "\n\nA Fistful Of Fannies, surely? (", "Directed by Sagihole Leone. ", "Music by Ennio Messicunni. ", "Starring Clit Eastwood).", "\n\nMark Ryan 17Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n13:26:28\n\nI think the proper name for a bunch of fannies or the collective noun is a Kopendium. ", "Question...is Stek our new number 2 or 3 and if so who do we think will be our number 1 or is it to be Robles ?", "\n\nMike Allison 18Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n14:01:57\n\nAt the moment Mark, Stek is no.2 and Robles is no.1.", "\n\nPersonally I wouldn't see it as disastrous if this was the way we started the season, as both those goalkeepers are good enough to do well in the Premier League.", "\n\nThere is only a small pool of goalkeepers in the world who are both available and worth buying as a significant improvement. ", "If we can get one, and most of seem to agree that Butland is our top choice, then we should.", "\n\nIf we can't, then we should go with these two and wait til a significant improvement becomes available.", "\n\nIan Burns 19Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n14:10:19\n\nThe correct term is a Bush of Fannies.", "\n\nRobles should be given an opportunity, I think he has earned it. ", "I am more concerned about midfield and left side attacking player with a new striker if RL goes or stays.", "\n\nTom Evans 20Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n15:11:52\n\nVery good John, with a special mention to Mark for his offering.", "\n\nGerry Quinn 21Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n15:24:27\n\nIsn't it a \"Kop full of fannies\", as it is rude to use the c-word?", "\n\nMark Ryan 22Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n15:41:16\n\nWhat about a snatchery ? ", "sorry going off piste a bit here.", "\n\nColin Glassar 23Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:13:54\n\nJoe Hart, with hours to go, will be our marquee signing this summer.", "\n\nMike Allison 24Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:26:02\n\nColin, that's a horrible thing to say. ", "I expect better from you.", "\n\nColin Glassar 25Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:31:47\n\nI think Joe Hart is a brilliant goalie Mike. ", "I'd be chuffed if we got him.", "\n\nDennis Ng 26Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:34:53\n\nColin, someone needs to mortgage his house on it for that to happen. ", "Unless it is Stones going the other way. ", "Cheaper yet acceptable options out there.", "\n\nColin Glassar 27Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:41:10\n\nIf not Hart then Scmeichel or Mandanda(?). ", "We need a top drawer goalie. ", "I'd love to get Hart though it would cause an earthquake in the football world.", "\n\nMike Allison 28Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:43:21\n\nI don't. ", "I won't go all extreme and claim he's shit or anything, but he's a decent to good goalkeeper who's somehow developed a top class reputation.", "\n\nI'd say he's a 6 or a 7 who gets talked about as if he's an 8 or a 9. ", "I much prefer Butland, who I believe will supersede Hart as England's no.1 this season.", "\n\nColin Glassar 29Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:47:57\n\nJoe Hart single handedly kept City in the title race last season. ", "If some of our defending was comical what about theirs without Kompany? ", "Players running into each other, constant chopping and changing, Demichelis walking like an OAP etc... Hart has his off days but overall, IMO, he's a superb GK.", "\n\nRay Roche 30Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:52:35\n\nI think you're all wrong . ", "The collective noun for a group of fannies is a \"Fisherie\" .", "\n\nDennis Ng 31Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:57:57\n\nCan't argue with that Colin. ", "I prefer Jack Butland over Hart due to price. ", "If we can get Hart at the same price, then I have no opinion over either. ", "I do think there are quality to be had from foreign GKs like Ter Stegen and Leno.", "\n\nBrian Williams 32Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n16:59:00\n\nHaha. ", "I'd forgotten about that comment I made a few days ago and only noticed some of the replies by chance when I saw the \"last\" comment on the main page...basically because it had the word \"fannies\" in it.", "Ray I have to correct you. ", "The collective name for several or more fannies is actually a \"feast.\"", "\n\nColin Glassar 33Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n17:04:23\n\n£40m is being bandied about for Hart but I think we could get him for about £30m. Butland and Forster would be great as well. ", "Dennis, Ter Stegen is being mentioned as a replacement for Hart. ", "Pep likes his goalies to be sweepers as well.", "\n\nIan Linn 34Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n17:48:09\n\nIt's a \"bushel of fannies\"\n\nDennis Ng 35Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n17:53:19\n\nYes Colin, after thinking about it, I don't think Ter Stegen will be that cheap. ", "Prob Leno might be more attainable for $20m or less, maybe by triggering a release clause. ", "I agree, Hart might be available cheaper, prob $25-30m, but that begs the question, would Butland be cheaper and given Butland's age, would make more sense. ", "I would have no qualm seeing Hart playing for us though. ", "Definitely an upgrade to what we have by miles.", "\n\nIan, \"swarm of fannies\" sounds more devastating. ", "It does feel that way occasionally too.", "\n\nMike T Jones 36Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n20:19:44\n\nI've only read the first few comments; but get to fuck. ", "Everton are back. ", "Is there no patience anymore\n\nMike T Jones 37Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n20:21:16\n\nEverton is back to be grammatically correct\n\nDave Brierley 38Posted\n09/07/2016 at\n20:44:55\n\nJohn Daley #16 I went to see that film shortly after trimming me hedge.", "\n\nThe screenplay was by Aline Bush McKenna.", "\n\nTimothy Sebastian 39Posted\n10/07/2016 at\n05:30:29\n\nNothing to do with being a fanny. ", "Let's just step back for a second and look at the situation before accusing anyone of being a fanny. ", "This is how I see the next couple of months unfolding:\n\nKoeman won't want to be rushed into making snap decisions on expensive signings until he's sure the one(s) he wants fill(s) a certain weakness in the squad or add(s) to the overall strength of the squad. ", "Koeman knows that he's inheriting a good core of players. ", "So his first task will be to try to keep the likes of Lukaku, Stones and Mirallas. ", "He also knows that he has a strong crop of youngsters who look ready to step up to the first team and he needs to create space in the squad to allow for that. ", "So, if I was Koeman, I'd be using the pre-season games to run the rule over the youngsters and to make sure the new team tactics and systems are bedding down well.", "\n\nKoeman will likely add 2-3 new signings over the next month, but these would be experienced squad fillers to give a bit more depth to the squad, like Stekelenburg. ", "They won't be your marquee signings. ", "Rather, they'd be solid journeymen types. ", "At best, he may bring in one top quality 㿊-35mil type signing, but I think this would be at the tail end of the window when prices will be more reasonable as desperate sellers become more desperate. ", "Everton can hold out till window's end if (i) Koeman can hold on to Lukaku, Stones and Mirallas, and (ii) if the youngsters can prove to Koeman over the pre-season that they can add competition for places. ", "Both of which I think are fairly likely.", "\n\nThat's how I see the next couple of months panning out, and hence my doubts about us signing big name(s) so soon.", "\n\nAlan J Thompson 40Posted\n10/07/2016 at\n06:03:08\n\nWhat about a Smorgasbordello of Fannies?", "\n\nMark Ryan 41Posted\n10/07/2016 at\n11:31:27\n\nI like the fanny gags. ", "I hope they don't start to dry up. ", "I'm liking the news about Guardiolas plans to buy a new goalie. ", "Could be just the lever to oust Hart and bring him to Goodison as our new Number 1.", "\n\nAdd Your Comments\n\nIn order to post a comment, you need to be logged in as a registered user of the site." ]
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[ "Alpha band amplification during illusory jitter perception.", "\nSynchronization is thought to have a role in linking disparate components into neural assemblies. ", "However, the particular frequency of the synchronization is generally considered to be incidental to its functional role. ", "Here we report a link between enhanced alpha activations and an illusory jitter of the same frequency. ", "We measured perceived jitter rates and the magnetoencephalography during presentations of a stimulus wherein red squares and superimposed vertical green bars moved together across a black background. ", "The green bars were either darker, equiluminant with, or brighter than the red squares. ", "We established that the illusory jitter rate, robustly seen only in the equiluminant condition, was approximately 10 Hz. ", "Crucially, neural oscillations around 10 Hz were enhanced in this condition. ", "Surprisingly, approximately 10 Hz oscillations were also enhanced during illusory jitter perception relative to a moving stimulus that contained physical 10 Hz jitter. ", "This suggests that the enhanced synchronization is associated with illusory jitter generation rather than with jitter perception. ", "Since the stimulus eliciting illusory jitter moves smoothly and rigidly, both the percept and enhanced neural synchrony must be generated within the visual system. ", "Our data therefore indicate a match between the dynamics of synchronous neural activity and the dynamics of a sensory experience offering the intriguing possibility of a common cause." ]
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[ "-- X.509 AuthorityKeyIdentifier\n-- rfc5280 section\n\nAuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {\n\tkeyIdentifier\t\t\t[0] IMPLICIT KeyIdentifier\t\tOPTIONAL,\n\tauthorityCertIssuer\t\t[1] IMPLICIT GeneralNames\t\tOPTIONAL,\n\tauthorityCertSerialNumber\t[2] IMPLICIT CertificateSerialNumber\tOPTIONAL\n\t}\n\nKeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING ({ x509_akid_note_kid })\n\nCertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER ({ x509_akid_note_serial })\n\nGeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE OF GeneralName\n\nGeneralName ::= CHOICE {\n\totherName\t\t\t[0] ANY,\n\trfc822Name\t\t\t[1] IA5String,\n\tdNSName\t\t\t\t[2] IA5String,\n\tx400Address\t\t\t[3] ANY,\n\tdirectoryName\t\t\t[4] Name ({ x509_akid_note_name }),\n\tediPartyName\t\t\t[5] ANY,\n\tuniformResourceIdentifier\t[6] IA5String,\n\tiPAddress\t\t\t[7] OCTET STRING,\n\tregisteredID\t\t\t[8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER\n\t}\n\nName ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName\n\nRelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET OF AttributeValueAssertion\n\nAttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {\n\tattributeType\t\tOBJECT IDENTIFIER ({ x509_note_OID }),\n\tattributeValue\t\tANY ({ x509_extract_name_segment })\n\t}\n" ]
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[ "# WeBWorK problem written by Carl Yao\n# Portland Community College\n# Judge whether a relationship is a function by context.", "\n#\n# Last edited: Carl Yao 3/24.2018\n# ENDDESCRIPTION\n\n##DBsubject('Algebra')\n##DBchapter('')\n##DBsection('')\n##KEYWORDS('function')\n##DBCCSS('8.F.4,F.IF.2')\n##TitleText1('')\n##EditionText1('')\n##AuthorText1('')\n##Section1('')\n##Problem('')\n##Author('Debbie Neft, Alex Jordan, Carl Yao, Chris Hughes')\n##Institution('PCC')\n\n\n\n##############################################\n\nDOCUMENT();\n\nloadMacros(\n \"PGstandard.pl\",\n \"MathObjects.pl\",\n \"PGML.pl\",\n \"niceTables.pl\",\n \"PCCmacros.pl\",\n \"PGchoicemacros.pl\",\n \"PGcourse.pl\",\n);\nsub PF {PGML::Format(@_)};\n\n##############################################\n\nTEXT(beginproblem());\n\nContext(\"Numeric\");\n\n$mc = new_checkbox_multiple_choice();\n$mc -> qa (\n\"Choose the correct statement based on data in the table.\", ", "\n \"The dosage of Tylenol is a function of a child's weight.\",", "\n);\n$mc -> extra(\n \"A child's weight is a function of the dosage of Tylenol.\",", "\n);\n\n##############################################\n\n\nBEGIN_PGML\n\nThe following table shows the dosage of Tylenol for a child based on his/her weight.", "\n\n[@DataTable(\n [\n [[PF('Weight in Pounds'),\n cellcss => 'border-bottom: 3px solid; ',],\n [PF('Dose in mL'),\n cellcss => 'border-bottom: 3px solid; ',],\n ],\n [[PF('[`6-11`]'),],\n [PF('[`1.25`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`12-17`]'),],\n [PF('[`2.5`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`18-23`]'),],\n [PF('[`3.75`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`24-35`]'),],\n [PF('[`5`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`36-47`]'),],\n [PF('[`7.5`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`48-59`]'),],\n [PF('[`10`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`60-71`]'),],\n [PF('[`12.5`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`72-95`]'),],\n [PF('[`15`]'),],\n ],\n [[PF('[`96+`]'),],\n [PF('[`20`]'),],\n ],\n ],\n align => 'c c',\n columnscss =>\n ['border-right: 0px solid; ',\n ' ',\n ' ',],\n);@]*\n\n[@$mc -> print_q() @]** \n [@$mc -> print_a() @]*\n\nEND_PGML\n\n\n##############################################\n\nANS( checkbox_cmp( $mc->correct_ans() ) );\n\n##############################################\n\nBEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION\n\nTo qualify for a function, a relationship must have one output for each input.", "\n\nFor a given child's weight, there is only one corresponding Tylenol dosage, so the Tylenol dosage is a function of a child's weight.", "\n\nFor a given Tylenol dosage, there are more than one weight number, so a child's weight is not a function of the Tylenol dosage.", "\n\nEND_PGML_SOLUTION\n\n\nENDDOCUMENT();\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nI can't browse the network from Nautilus\n\nIt's Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr). ", "Long story short, I uninstalled a lot of software by mistake. ", "Among others I uninstalled Unity, Samba...even Nautilus, then switched to tty1 and installed all that I could think of, all thet I needed so far. ", "The only thing that does not work is browsing the network from Nautilus or from Dash. ", "Samba works, smbtree gives all networks, smbclient can access a Windows share and I even copied some folders from a Windows server, but when I try from Dash it says:\n\nThis location could not be displayed.", "\nSorry, could not display all the contents of “server (smb)”: The specified location is not supported\n\nIt was nice accessing Windows shares from Dash and if you would help me I'd like to get it back :)\n\nA:\n\nInstalling gvfs-backends should allow Nautilus to use most common protocols (including SMB, SSH, etc.).", "\nsudo apt-get install gvfs-backends\n\n" ]
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[ "The way in which Nelson holds his sandwich while on a fishing trip, shows the success or failure of hand surgery ... April 2012\n\nChildren's Rights are a thorny issue. ", "South Africa has a great Constitution and Bill of Rights. ", "It is signatory to many international conventions on children's rights as well. ", "But the theory and the practice are too different things.", "\n\nThe University of the Witwatersrand Medical School now includes ethics on the curriculum. ", "Internationally-famous Dr Patch Adams who visited Children of Fire in September 2010, also believes that you can teach doctors to be compassionate.", "\n\nOur children however, have found to their cost, that caring is not an automatic attribute of a qualified doctor or nurse.", "\n\nSo, while we work with stunning surgeons, giants among men, dreadful mistakes also occur in hospitals. ", "The trend seems to be increasing and seems partly due to lack of supervision of inexperienced staff.", "\n\nOne little girl ended up in intensive care in 2010 because a nursing mistake was made before she had surgery and she accessed food. ", "The surgeon did not tell us she was in ICU!", "\n\nFour children have had amputations without informed consent in the past four years.", "\n\nThe surgeon in each case might simply say that she/he knows best and that her/his opinion is not up for debate.", "\n\nOrthopaedic surgeons are far more likely to cut than plastic surgeons.", "\n\nRetaining even a non-functioning toe or finger is up for debate though.", "\n\nThe first boy who had a finger amputated without his or our knowledge, stared at his hand in absolute horror when it was un-bandaged. ", "He said softly, with deep sadness: \"Now I am a four finger boy.\"", "\n\nHe felt mutilated and there was nothing we could do to restore his sense of completeness.", "\n\nIf there were good medical reasons for amputation, we would still discuss it with a child beforehand, so that they could understand the science of it. ", "They have the right to know the pros and cons of any surgical procedure and we find them capable of debating the issues easily from at least five years old upwards.", "\n\nA little girl who had two toes removed was accompanied by a would-be foster mother. ", "We do not have that consent form but it is our understanding that the child hoped for her toes to be straightened even if they could not grip things. ", "That particular girl is pretty but is unlikely to excel academically. ", "Her appearance and the chance to wear open-toed girly shoes without shame, is important to her. ", "That chance is now forever denied.", "\n\nA very young child had toes that could have been separated a little and with a skin graft on the top of his foot, could have been lowered to touch the ground and be useful again. ", "The other foot was more complicated but on both feet the toe bones would still grow and still develop due to his young age. ", "The plastic surgeon seemed to understand but the orthopaedic surgeon did not.", "\n\nAs the child was in another city for the surgery, communication was difficult and the toes have gone.", "\n\nThere are arguments about whether good skin cover is achievable but from our perspective, the surgeons would generally not do this if it was their own child, so they should not be so cavalier with ours.", "\n\nThe whole spirit of Ubuntu is that my child is your child; that it takes a village to raise a child.", "\n\nWe should all fight for the best possible outcome for each child - not second best because this is Africa or just the developing world... each child deserves to be recognised as the unique individual that she/he is and each surgeon needs to remember that the child will live with their quick snip for the rest of their lives.", "\n\nIn 2010 a little boy went in to hospital for his complicated left hand to be improved. ", "He could have had surgery with brilliant overseas surgeons in December 2009 but that was prevented by politics and egos. ", "Earlier in 2010 his right hand had been badly botched in a different hospital with six operations where two should have sufficed. ", "The boy's original problems stemmed from lack of splinting when he was first severely burned and treated in yet another hospital in another province. ", "Mistakes compounded by more mistakes.", "\n\nThe consent form did not use the word amputation. ", "Again we and he were so shocked to find his index finger entirely amputated. ", "We have video footage of him using the finger usefully before it was removed, that just happened to be shot by a film student competing for a Vuka award.", "\n\nWhy? ", "Why don't they talk to us beforehand? ", "Why don't they study what the child can do with his guardian next to him and a good occupational therapist present as well? ", "There should be a team approach for any such procedure with Children of Fire as part of that team. ", "We have some 14 years of continuous experience not just in what is medically achievable for burns survivors, but all those years of listening to the children's hopes, dreams, fears, feelings. ", "We know the cultural environment that they are from and that they will return to. ", "We know the cumulative effect of endless teasing and how very important each body part is to a burns survivor.", "\n\nAn adult burns survivor who was trapped in a burning car, had a hand remaining that was welded by flame and unsightly - but it could feel. ", "It had sensation and it could do things. ", "The young woman was in a very depressed state and briefly could access some medical aid. ", "Her surgeon encouraged amputation and provision of a non-functioning false hand. ", "We counselled her that even our children with stumps prefer to use them rather than having an aesthetically-pleasing but useless prosthesis.", "\n\nShe was depressed about her drastically-damaged appearance and not in the right state of mind to make decisions. ", "The hand was amputated. ", "She then tried to commit suicide.", "\n\nThat young lady is still alive. ", "For months she kept her amputated hand in a box in the freezer where we had arranged accommodation for her. ", "She was grieving her loss of beauty and she was grieving the death of her hand. ", "She sought a burial service for the hand.", "\n\nSizwe (9) has a non-functioning little finger on his left hand. ", "Orthopaedic surgeons have mentioned cutting it off. ", "Sizwe will not go near them because he knows that he wants all his fingers.", "\n\nKagiso (25) stopped going back to hospital when a surgeon at George Mukhari Hospital talked of amputating it. ", "She might benefit from other surgery but she is not going back because she doesn't trust them.", "\n\nSthabile, the older child pictured here, needs head and hand surgery. ", "We have forewarned her that orthopaedic surgeons will most likely want to remove both her little fingers. ", "If she doesn't want this, she needs to be empowered to stand her ground. ", "It is hard to be brave at only 14 and to speak your mind to authority figures.", "\n\nIt feels as if some surgeons are shaping playdough - neatening the edges for their aesthetic ideal - and much too busy to talk it through with the kids on their level, in their time. ", "It is time that they did.", "\n\nThanks to Creative Inclinations in Turfontein for the T-shirts. ", "We hope that the message is loud and clear.", "\n\nFeleng (8) tries to row on Johannesburg's Zoo Lake in June 2010, with two hands on one oar, despite the burn-shortened fingers on his right hand. ", "What a difference digital distraction (finger-lengthening) would make. ", "His friend Siyabonga is in the background..\n\nHand Surgery 2008\n\nGloria burned her hand while making hot home-made polish from candle wax and paraffin.", "\n\nShe lives in a squatter camp in Soshanguve, near Pretoria.", "\n\nXavier’s left hand\n\nAnd photo of both of Xavier’s hands\n\nRachid with occupational therapist Donne Salamon and trial aeroplane splint. ", "This was subsequently strengthened by a prosthetist and then the silly boys left it in bright sunshine after swimming and the thermosplastic distorted in the heat… With luck another one will be made.", "\n\nOn 15th May 2008, Rachid set off for Tunisia to complete his medical treatment with Children of Fire North Africa. ", "He had a farewell party with his burn survivor friends in Johannesburg, who love him dearly.", "\n\nRachid settling in, in Tunisia May 2008\n\nRachid meets a doctor and a physiotherapist in Tunisia\n\nMedical team and Rachid in Tunisia\n\nMedics unimpressed with finger amputation, Tunisia\n\nSafe streets of Tunisia\n\nRachid and Kadamalla visit the city of Tunisia\n\nRachid's hand surgery in March 2008 was to straighten two fingers if possible, to make the child more comfortable with the aesthetics even if function could not be improved markedly. ", "The first surgeon did not think it was worthwhile to attempt; another surgeon indicated that he would try.", "\n\nOn March 18th we gave permission \"if absolutely necessary\" for the uppermost bone on the little finger to be removed during straightening, because the nail area was permanently damaged. ", "That is shown in red in picture one.", "\n\nHowever, picture two shows what was actually done. ", "The little finger was removed. ", "At no stage did the charity give permission for this to be done.", "\n\nIn picture three, one can see that the bones were moved inwards to narrow the hand. ", "This was also done without consultation or agreement." ]
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[ "Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Aeromonas based on two housekeeping genes.", "\nThe phylogenetic relationships of all known species of the genus Aeromonas, and especially Aeromonas bestiarum and Aeromonas salmonicida, were investigated on 70 strains using the rpoD sequence, which encodes the sigma70 factor. ", "This analysis was complemented with the sequence of gyrB, which has already proven useful for determining the phylogenetic relationships in the genus. ", "Nucleotide sequences of rpoD and gyrB showed that both genes had similar substitution rates (< 2 %) and a similar number of variable positions (34 % for rpoD versus 32 % for gyrB). ", "Strain groupings by analysis of rpoD, gyrB and a combination of both genes were consistent with the taxonomic organization of all Aeromonas species described to date. ", "However, the simultaneous analysis of both clocks improved the reliability and the power to differentiate, in particular, closely related taxa. ", "At the inter-species level, gyrB showed a better resolution for differentiating Aeromonas sp. ", "HG11/Aeromonas encheleia and Aeromonas veronii/Aeromonas culicicola/Aeromonas allosaccharophila, while rpoD more clearly differentiated A. salmonicida from A. bestiarum. ", "The analysis of rpoD provided initial evidence for clear phylogenetic divergence between the latter two species." ]
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[ 0.0005516113014891744, 0.0006041309679858387, 0.0005455497885122895, 0.0006087828078307211, 0.0005603258032351732, 0.0005652616964653134, 0.0006142891943454742, 0.0008007250144146383, 0.0005681384354829788 ]
[ "CHEVILLY-LARUE – Doctor Christian Chenay is almost old enough to remember the 1918 Spanish flu and treated typhus sufferers during World War Two. ", "Now, as he nears his 99th birthday, he is still caring for patients through the coronavirus epidemic.", "\n\nChenay holds virtual consultations for patients, some of whom he has treated for decades, over the phone and internet and is back to making weekly visits to a retirement home for missionaries after a brief spell in quarantine.", "\n\nBut he had to halt drop-in appointments at his surgery in Chevilly-Larue, a Paris suburb, after two patients turned aggressive, demanding he hand over his small supply of face masks. ", "It was soon afterward that he put himself into a two-week-long quarantine after presenting COVID-19 symptoms.", "\n\n“If I had kept my surgery open, it would have been a laboratory for the virus, a hotbed of infection,” said Chenay, who walks with a stick but otherwise is back in good health.", "\n\nOriginally from Angers in western France, Chenay worked as a welder before becoming a doctor, ultimately qualifying as a radiologist before moving back into general practice. ", "His son, who is also a doctor, has retired, but he has not.", "\n\nHe says France’s lack of preparedness for such a global pandemic has left him frustrated and struggling to comprehend how a western power during peacetime could struggle to look after its sick.", "\n\n“You feel powerless,” he said. “", "There’s no treatment, we have no way of knowing who is sick and who is not and we cannot isolate patients.”", "\n\nMany of his patients say they struggle to get appointments in Chevilly-Larue, which has three doctors for a population of 19,000. ", "Before he closed his drop-in surgery, they would queue early to see Chenay, who promised to see the first 20 patients.", "\n\n“The doctors don’t want to register anyone new, they’re swamped,” he said.", "\n\nEven with no health woes of his own – he doesn’t even wear glasses during his consultations – Chenay knows just how dangerous the coronavirus is for the elderly, including himself.", "\n\nBut he first visited the local care home for missionaries in 1951 and, with no known coronavirus cases inside, says he cannot turn his back on a seven decade-long relationship, even as across France such homes emerge as a vulnerable front line in the pandemic.", "\n\n“I’ve known them since they were young student priests. ", "They left for the Americas, Africa and India,” he said. “", "Now they are old and poorly.”" ]
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[ "Change #1:\nExpanding a mortgage rate stress test to all insured mortgages.", "\nWhat it is\nAs of Oct. 17, a stress test used for approving high-ratio mortgages will be applied to all new insured mortgages – including those where the buyer has more than 20 per cent for a down payment. ", "The stress test" ]
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[ 0.0006243965472094715, 0.0006323441630229354, 0.0009091594256460667 ]
[ "INTRODUCTION {#s1}\n============\n\nLung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer around the world \\[[@R1]\\]. ", "The prognosis of lung cancer is also poor, and the overall 5 year survival is about 15% over the past decades \\[[@R2]\\]. ", "Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), accounting for approximately 80%-85% of all lung cancer cases, is the main form of lung cancer \\[[@R3]\\]. ", "More than half of NSCLC patients are in advanced stages (stage IIIB/IV) at first diagnosis, leading to a poor prognosis \\[[@R2]\\]. ", "Despite several prognostic markers including performance status (PS), age and weight loss have been identified for prognostication. ", "The predicative accuracy is still unsatisfactory \\[[@R4]\\]. ", "Obviously, more reliable prognostic markers are needed to make the management of NSCLC be more individualized.", "\n\nImmune escape is recognized as an important characteristic of cancer cells \\[[@R5]\\]. ", "B7 homolog 4 (B7-H4, B7S1, B7x) is a member of the B7 family. ", "Members of the B7 family are involved in immune escape of tumor cells, since the level of activation of the anti-tumor immune response depends on the balance between co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory signals \\[[@R6]\\]. ", "B7-H4 shares about 25% amino acid homology with other B7 family members including B7-H1 (PD-L1), B7-DC (PD-L2) and B7-H3 \\[[@R7], [@R8]\\]. ", "B7-H4 palys a pivotal role in the regulation of tumor microenvironment. ", "Evidence shows that B7-H4 could act as a co-inhibitor of T-cell response and innate immunity \\[[@R9], [@R10]\\]. ", "B7-H4 expression was also investigated as a potential prognostic marker in a variety of solid tumors including osteosarcoma, NSCLC, oral squamous cell carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, gastric cancer and glioma \\[[@R11]--[@R18]\\]. ", "A number of studies have explored the prognostic significance of B7-H4 in NSCLC \\[[@R16]--[@R27]\\], whereas the results were controversial. ", "Li *et al*. ", "reported that in NSCLC patients with brain metastases, patients with high B7-H4 expression survived shorter than patients with low B7-H4 expression (p= 0.002)\\[[@R23]\\]. ", "Furthermore, Wang and colleagues also reported that B7-H4 serum level was an independent prognostic indicator of overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) (p\\<0.01)\\[[@R26]\\]. ", "However, Xu *et al*. ", "showed that B7-H4 expression was not significantly associated with OS in NSCLC (p=0.32)\\[[@R22]\\]. ", "Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis of published data to more precisely assess the impact of B7-H4 on prognosis of NSCLC.", "\n\nRESULTS {#s2}\n=======\n\nStudies selection and characteristics {#s2_1}\n-------------------------------------\n\nOne hundred and eight potentially relevant records were obtained after initial search (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "After duplicates were excluded, 81 records were screened by title and/or abstract and 57 records were subsequently removed. ", "A total of 24 studies were evaluated for eligibility by full-text screening. ", "Then, 15 studies were excluded due to the following reasons: insufficient data (n=11), meeting abstracts (n=3), and duplicate studies (n=1). ", "Finally, 9 eligible studies \\[[@R16]--[@R18], [@R22]--[@R27]\\] were included for meta-analysis. ", "The flow diagram shows the literature selection process (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The main characteristics of the 9 included studies were shown in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The total sample was 1444, ranging from 49 to 552 patients per study. ", "Eight studies \\[[@R16]--[@R18], [@R22]--[@R24], [@R26], [@R27]\\] were conducted in China and one study \\[[@R25]\\] was performed in USA. ", "Five studies \\[[@R16], [@R23], [@R25]--[@R27]\\] were in English and 4 studies \\[[@R17], [@R18], [@R22], [@R24]\\] were in Chinese. ", "All studies were assigned with NOS scores more than 6.", "\n\n![", "Flow diagram of the inclusion and exclusion of studies](oncotarget-08-27137-g001){#F1}\n\n###### Main characteristic of included studies\n\n First author Year NOS score Country Sample size Gender (M/F) Female (%) Detection method Tumor stage\n --------------------- ------ ----------- --------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ -------------\n Sun \\[[@R16]\\] 2006 7 China 70 49/21 30 IHC I-III\n Zhang \\[[@R17]\\] 2009 6 China 52 30/22 42.3 IHC I-IV\n Qin \\[[@R18]\\] 2010 7 China 80 52/28 35 IHC I-III\n Xu \\[[@R22]\\] 2011 7 China 103 67/36 35 IHC I-IV\n Li \\[[@R23]\\] 2013 7 China 49 37/12 24.5 IHC IV\n Liu \\[[@R24]\\] 2015 6 China 94 44/50 53.2 IHC NR\n Schalper \\[[@R25]\\] 2016 7 USA 552 316/236 42.8 QIF I-IV\n Wang \\[[@R26]\\] 2016 8 China 316 160/156 49.4 ELISA I-IV\n Xu \\[[@R27]\\] 2016 7 China 128 80/48 37.5 ELISA I-IV\n\nAbbreviations: IHC: immunohistochemistry; QIF: quantitative immunofluorescence; ELISA: enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; NR: not reported.", "\n\nCorrelation of B7-H4 with clinicopathological parameters {#s2_2}\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe main results showing the association of B7-H4 with clinicalpathological factors were summarized in Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Six studies \\[[@R16]--[@R18], [@R22], [@R24], [@R27]\\] reported the correlation between B7-H4 and lymph node metastasis. ", "The pooled data were: OR=3.59, 95%CI=2.39-5.38, p\\<0.001, (fixed effect) suggesting that B7-H4 overexpression was associated with presence of lymph node metastasis in NSCLC. ", "In addition, pooled data from 4 studies \\[[@R16], [@R18], [@R25], [@R27]\\] also suggested high B7-H4 expression was correlated with advanced TNM stage (OR=2.36, 95%CI=1.2-4.67, p=0.013; random effect). ", "Four studies \\[[@R16], [@R18], [@R22], [@R24]\\] reported the data on differentiation, the pooled results (OR=2.11, 95%CI=1.12-3.99, p=0.021; fixed effect) showed that B7-H4 expression was also associated with poor differentiation. ", "However, the pooled data from 8 studies \\[[@R16]--[@R18], [@R22]--[@R25], [@R27]\\], 7 studies \\[[@R16]--[@R18], [@R22]--[@R24], [@R27]\\] and 7 studies \\[[@R16]--[@R18], [@R22], [@R23], [@R25], [@R27]\\] suggested that there was no significant association of B7-H4 with gender, age or histology in NSCLC (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}, Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n###### Association between B7-H4 and clinicalpathological factors in NSCLC\n\n Variables No. ", "of studies No. ", "of patients Effects model OR (95%CI) p Heterogeneity \n ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------- --------- --------------- -------\n Gender (male vs female) 8 1,128 Fixed 0.94(0.68-1.29) 0.699 0 0.65\n Age (≥60 vs \\<60, years) 7 576 Fixed 0.92(0.65-1.29) 0.617 0 0.827\n Histology (SCC vs ADC) 7 1,034 Random 2.35(0.77-2.36) 0.289 60.3 0.019\n Lymph node metastasis (yes vs no) 6 527 Fixed 3.59(2.39-5.38) \\<0.001 26.5 0.235\n TNM stage (III+IV vs I+II) 4 830 Random 2.36(1.2-4.67) 0.013 54.6 0.086\n Differentiation (poor vs moderate/well) 4 347 Fixed 2.11(1.12-3.99) 0.021 0 0.583\n\nAbbreviations: SCC: Squamous cell carcinoma; ADC: Adenocarcinoma\n\n![", "Forest plots of OR for the relation between B7-H4 expression and **(A)** gender; **(B)** age; **(C)** histology; **(D)** lymph node metastasis; **(E)** TNM stage and **(F)** differentiation.](oncotarget-08-27137-g002){#F2}\n\nImpact of B7-H4 expression on OS of NSCLC {#s2_3}\n-----------------------------------------\n\nThe HRs for OS were available in 3 studies \\[[@R22], [@R23], [@R26]\\] involving 468 patients. ", "As the heterogeneity among studies was not significant (*I*^2^=29.3%, P~h~=0.243), the fixed effects model was used (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The pooled HR showed a significant correlation of B7-H4 with shorter OS (HR=2.03, 95%CI=1.41-2.92, p\\<0.001; Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot for the association of B7-H4 expression with overall survival](oncotarget-08-27137-g003){#F3}\n\nPublication bias {#s2_4}\n----------------\n\nPublication bias was tested using Begg\\'s funnel plot in this meta-analysis. ", "As shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the funnel plot was symmetrical and showed no evidence of publication bias (Begg\\'s p= 0.602).", "\n\n![", "Funnel plot for publication bias assessment](oncotarget-08-27137-g004){#F4}\n\nDISCUSSION {#s3}\n==========\n\nTo our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis on the relationship between B7-H4 expression and clinicalpathological features and OS in NSCLC patients. ", "By aggregating data from 9 studies with 1444 patients, we showed that elevated B7-H4 expression was significantly associated with presence of lymph node metastasis, advanced TNM stage, poor differentiation and shorter OS in NSCLC. ", "Taken together, these results suggested that B7-H4 could act as a potential prognostic factor for NSCLC patients.", "\n\nB7-H4 is a new member of B7 family which was identified in 2003 \\[[@R28]\\]. ", "B7-H4 had a profound inhibitory effect on development and function of T cells \\[[@R28]\\]. ", "Recent investigations also showed that B7-H4 overexpression could promote the proliferation of FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and the secretion of IL-10 and TGF-β1 \\[[@R29]\\]. ", "B7-H4 was also found to be correlated with Tregs infiltration and thus facilitate the immune tolerance in tumor microenvironment \\[[@R30]\\]. ", "There is also evidence showing that B7-H4 suppresses the function of antigen presenting cells (APCs). ", "Kryczek et al demonstrate that Treg cells trigger high levels of IL-10 production by APCs, stimulate APC B7-H4 expression, and render APCs immunosuppressive \\[[@R31]\\]. ", "B7-H4 was found to be expressed in various cancers, including gastric cancer \\[[@R15], [@R32]\\], renal cell carcinoma \\[[@R33]\\], pancreatic cancer \\[[@R34]\\] and prostate cancer \\[[@R35]\\]. ", "Studies also suggested that B7-H4 was a prognostic indicator of poor survival and different clinicalpathological features in various cancers \\[[@R32], [@R34], [@R35]\\].", "\n\nWe found that several studies \\[[@R36]--[@R38]\\] had investigated the correlation between B7-H4 and prognosis of cancer patients using meta-analysis. ", "Song et al combined data from 18 studies and demonstrated that B7-H4 was significantly associated with worse OS across cancer types. ", "Cui et al \\[[@R36]\\] found that B7-H4 is predictive of poor prognosis in gastric cancer. ", "These observations were in line with the results on NSCLC in the current meta-analysis. ", "Notably, in the meta-analysis \\[[@R37]\\] exploring the impact of B7-H4 on prognosis of solid tumors, only one study \\[[@R23]\\] on NSCLC was included and NSCLC could not be analyzed separately. ", "However, in the current analysis containing 9 studies on NSCLC, we analyzed the association between B7-H4 and clinicalpathological factors and survival outcomes. ", "Therefore, this is the first meta-analysis on the relationship between B7-H4 expression and clinicalpathological features and OS in NSCLC patients. ", "We noted included studies used various methods including immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative immunofluorescence (QIF), and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect B7-H4 expression. ", "Thus, the sensitivity of different methods may vary, resulting in inconsistent cut-offs in each study. ", "This issue may lead to conflicting results and have potential impacts on this meta-analysis. ", "Therefore, further studies with uniform detection method are needed.", "\n\nThere were also several limitations to this meta-analysis. ", "First, although we searched literature both in English and Chinese, most included studies were conducted in China. ", "Therefore, patient selection bias maybe exists. ", "Second, the eligible studies for OS analysis were limited. ", "Only 3 studies were included for the OS analysis. ", "More large scale studies are needed for meta-analysis to make the conclusions more concrete.", "\n\nIn summary, despite the limitations listed above, this meta-analysis demonstrated that elevated B7-H4 expression was significantly associated with presence of lymph node metastasis, advanced TNM stage, poor differentiation and shorter OS in NSCLC. ", "High B7-H4 expression is an unfavorable prognostic factor in NSCLC.", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS {#s4}\n=====================\n\nSearch strategy {#s4_1}\n---------------\n\nWe conducted this meta-analysis under the guideline of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement \\[[@R39]\\]. ", "We performed a comprehensive literature search of the following databases: PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). ", "The last search was updated on November 10, 2016. ", "The published languages were limited to English and Chinese. ", "The searching items were: \"B7-H4\", \"B7x\", \"B7S1\", \"lung cancer\", \"lung carcinoma\", \"lung neoplasm\" and \"lung tumor\". ", "The reference lists of the selected articles were searched to identify relevant studies.", "\n\nSelection criteria {#s4_2}\n------------------\n\nThe inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) diagnosis of NSCLC was proven by histopathological methods; (2) B7-H4 was detected by any method; (3) studies reported the correlation of B7-H4 with clinicopathological factors or overall survival (OS); (4) when there were multiple studies on the same patients population, the largest or the most recent one was included; (5) articles were published in English or Chinese. ", "The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) meeting abstracts, reviews, letters, or case reports; (2) duplicated studies; (3) studies which lack necessary information.", "\n\nData extraction and quality assessment {#s4_3}\n--------------------------------------\n\nTwo investigators (ZBT and WXS) independently assessed the articles and extracted the following information form included studies: first author, publication year, study country, sample size, gender distribution, detection methods and tumor stage. ", "The quality of each study was using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOS)\\[[@R40]\\]. ", "A study can be awarded a maximum of 9 points and studies obtained more than 6 were assigned as high quality studies (Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Disagreements between the two investigators were resolved by consensus.", "\n\n###### Quality assessment of the included studies according to the Newcastle--Ottawa scale\n\n Studies Selection (4 stars in total, 1 for each item) Comparability (2 stars) Outcome (3 stars in total, 1 for each item) Total score \n --------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------- --- --- --- --- ---\n Sun \\[[@R16]\\] 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 7\n Zhang \\[[@R17]\\] 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 6\n Qin \\[[@R18]\\] 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 7\n Xu \\[[@R22]\\] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 7\n Li \\[[@R23]\\] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 7\n Liu \\[[@R24]\\] 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6\n Schalper \\[[@R25]\\] 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 7\n Wang \\[[@R26]\\] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8\n Xu \\[[@R27]\\] 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 7\n\nStatistical analysis {#s4_4}\n--------------------\n\nSTATA 12 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA) was employed to conduct this meta-analysis. ", "Odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to estimate the association between B7-H4 expression and clinicopathological factors, including gender, age, histology, lymph node metastasis, TNM stage, and differentiation. ", "Statistical heterogeneity across studies was assessed by using Cochran\\'s Q and *I*^2^ statistics. ", "Heterogeneity was considered as statistically significant at *I*^2^\\>50% and P~h~\\<0.10. ", "In that case, the random effect model was used; otherwise, the fixed effect model was applied. ", "Hazard ratios (HRs) and corresponding 95 % CIs were pooled for the analysis of B7-H4 expression and OS. ", "Begg\\'s funnel plot was generated to examine potential publication bias. ", "All statistical tests were two-sided, and a P value \\<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.", "\n\n**CONFLICTS OF INTEREST**\n\nThe authors declare no conflicts of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWeird behavior of HttpClient uploading file via PostAsync\n\nI hope someone has an explanation to this, because it drives me nuts. ", "\nI have the following code in a WinForms application to upload a file using HttpClient to a Web API service.", "\nProgressMessageHandler progressMsgHandler = new ProgressMessageHandler();\nprogressMsgHandler.", "HttpSendProgress += (s, e) =>\n{\n this.", "InvokeIfNeeded(() =>\n {\n // LOG\n this.", "AddLogLine(\"Progress: \" + e.ProgressPercentage.", "ToString());\n });\n};\n\nusing (var client = HttpClientFactory.", "Create(progressMsgHandler))\n{ \n using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent())\n {\n var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.", "Open, FileAccess.", "Read, FileShare.", "Read);\n var streamContent = new StreamContent(stream);\n content.", "Add(streamContent);\n\n var url = String.", "Format(\"{0}?src={1}\", STR_URL_FILEMGMT, \"IM\");\n client.", "PostAsync(new Uri(url), content).ContinueWith(task =>\n {\n if (task.", "Result.", "IsSuccessStatusCode)\n {\n this.", "InvokeIfNeeded(() =>\n {\n // LOG\n this.", "AddLogLine(\"File has been uploaded OK!\");", "\n });\n }\n else\n this.", "InvokeIfNeeded(() =>\n {\n // LOG\n this.", "AddLogLine(String.", "Format(\"Error during upload: '{0}'\", task.", "Exception.", "Message));\n }); \n });\n }\n}\n\nPlease note, entire code listed is also wrapped into a try catch where exception would be printed, if any.", "\nVery weird to me is that I don't get any log line printed at all. ", "Neither for progress, neither for posting with success, neither for posting with errors nor in the global try catch.", "\nDuring debug, I see the code executing, but doesn't hit any breakpoints where the log lines are. ", "\nProbably I don't use correctly HttpClient or these tasks (I am beginner at this btw)? ", "Does anyone know what's going wrong with my code?", "\n\nUPDATE (after getting the solution from Noseratio):\nExtra information which helps me understand that HttpClient does not need to be disposed can be found here\n\nA:\n\nIn your code, client.", "PostAsync returns instantly (while the operation continues in the background). ", "This unwinds both of your using statements, so the HttpClient object gets disposed of before the upload has finished.", "\nIf you want to utilize using here, you'd need to use await instead of ContinueWith:\nvar result = await client.", "PostAsync(...);\nif (result.", "IsSuccessStatusCode)\n{\n // ...\n}\n\nIf you need to target .NET 4.0 but develop with VS2012+ , you still can use async/await, Microsoft provides the Microsoft.", "Bcl.", "Async library for that.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.010922548361122608, 0.0006465304177254438, 0.0010160161182284355, 0.001735420199111104, 0.0012201976496726274, 0.0006746670696884394, 0.000746993231587112, 0.0009597857715561986, 0.0014372001169249415, 0.0017806487157940865, 0.0006875686813145876, 0.0009914978872984648, 0.0006894590915180743, 0.0008503894205205142, 0.0007103971438482404, 0.0009624151862226427, 0.0012201976496726274, 0.0006412537768483162, 0.000889839546289295, 0.0012201976496726274, 0.0009942965116351843, 0.0006209973362274468, 0.0008561437134630978, 0.0007094570901244879, 0.0010461041238158941, 0.0007847687229514122, 0.0006083460757508874, 0.000684509810525924, 0.0007994453189894557, 0.0006092985277064145, 0.0006351755000650883, 0.000714354042429477, 0.0005786198889836669, 0.0009463861351832747, 0.0007470271084457636, 0.0012444858439266682, 0.0006111431284807622, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "/****************************************************************************\n *\n * Copyright 2018 Samsung Electronics All Rights Reserved.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\n * software distributed under the License is distributed on an\n * \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,\n * either express or implied. ", "See the License for the specific\n * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.", "\n *\n ****************************************************************************/\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n//\n// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure\n//\n// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open\n// Source Licenses. ", "See LICENSE.TXT for details.", "\n//\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n\n// <vector>\n// vector<bool>\n\n// size_type capacity() const;\n\n#include <vector>\n#include <cassert>\n#include \"test_macros.h\"\n#include \"libcxx_tc_common.h\"\n\n\nint tc_libcxx_containers_vector_bool_capacity(void)\n{\n {\n std::vector<bool> v;\n TC_ASSERT_EXPR(v.capacity() == 0);\n }\n {\n std::vector<bool> v(100);\n TC_ASSERT_EXPR(v.capacity() >= 100);\n v.push_back(0);\n TC_ASSERT_EXPR(v.capacity() >= 101);\n }\n TC_SUCCESS_RESULT();\n return 0;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Bob Ivry was part of a team of Bloomberg reporters that fought all the way to the Supreme Court to uncover the details of an alphabet soup of obscure emergency loans the Federal Reserve provided to banks during the financial crisis beginning in 2007. ", "Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, without naming names but seemingly referring to the Bloomberg article, said that recent reports on the Fed’s emergency lending program contained “egregious errors;” Bloomberg issued a point-by-point rebuttal. ", "We reached Ivry via phone to learn more about his story.", "\n\nSo we all remember the $700 billion bailout, which was eventually reduced to a $475 billion bailout. ", "But you investigated another bailout that, unlike TARP, wasn’t subjected to Congress’ approval or the media’s scrutiny. ", "Can you tell us what you found?", "\n\nThere are three numbers — that are big.", "\n\nThe biggest number is $7.77 trillion. ", "In March of 2009, that was the absolute limit that the federal reserve committed to rescuing the banking system from a really bad financial crisis. ", "That is not money out the door, but that is money that the FED was willing to either guarantee or spend to get the banking system back on track.", "\n\nThe second number is $1.2 trillion, and that is the actual number of loans that went out the door on Dec. 5th 2008, which is the peak of one-day lending.", "\n\nThe other number that we discovered — which is just an estimate — is $13 billion. ", "$13 billion is the amount we calculated banks stood to profit from the Fed loans, which were below market interest rates. ", "So theoretically, the banks could have taken a loan from the Federal Reserve at a certain interest rate, turned around and bought treasuries that paid a higher rate, and gotten paid that higher interest rate just by basically borrowing from the Federal Reserve and lending to the US government.", "\n\nHelp us understand the magnitude of this — how do you explain to people what $7.77 TRILLION means? ", "$1.2 trillion?", "\n\n$7.77 trillion is about half of the value of everything produced in the country in 2010. ", "The GDP is about $14 trillion.", "\n\nIf you wanted to pay off all the delinquent mortgages in the country and you had $1.2 trillion, you’d pretty much nail it. ", "Also, if you remember, the super committee not too long ago had the job of shaving some money off the federal budget. ", "How much were they asked to shave? ", "$1.2 trillion, same number, just coincidentally.", "\n\nHow much of the secret bailout money has been paid back, and how much interest was paid on it?", "\n\nThe Fed says that all the loans have been paid back with interest. ", "And they say the interest is coincidentally about $13 billion.", "\n\nBut I’m going to talk about qualitative issues now instead of quantitative. ", "What the Fed did was keep the details of this bailout secret for three years. ", "Bloomberg News first asked the Fed for details in the spring of 2008, so before the crisis really got bad — the crisis really hit a peak in the fall of 2008. ", "Since then, we’ve had to fight the Fed to get the details — the specific banks that borrowed, how much they borrowed and what the dates were. ", "We sued them to get that information and it went all the way to the Supreme Court. ", "In March of 2011 the Supreme Court refused to rule on the issue, and the Fed was forced to reveal all those details.", "\n\nNow, what is the legacy of the secrecy? ", "We had a Congress that debated the Dodd-Frank regulations without knowing that, for instance, Morgan Stanley borrowed $107 billion on a single day, or that Bank Of America or Citigroup had borrowed, on a single night, a peak of over $90 billion. ", "These are banks that are now classified as “systemically important financial institutions,” a euphemism for too big to fail, meaning that their failure would take down the financial system.", "\n\nSenators and Congress members debating a law that would try to prevent the next financial crisis had no idea of the details of the last one, so then voted against any kind of legislation that would have broken up the biggest banks and would have made the financial system — perhaps — safer.", "\n\nDo you think things might have turned out differently if the process had been more open?", "\n\nI really don’t know. ", "But what I want to emphasize is, the Fed says — and we take them at their word — that these loans have been repaid. ", "But that’s only part of the price. ", "The secrecy surrounding it — Sen. Kaufman of Delaware, a Democrat who introduced legislation with Sherrod Brown [D-OH] to break up the biggest banks, said that he doesn’t know if that legislation would have passed if people had known the huge numbers that individual banks were taking — at the same time, by the way, that their executives were telling the public and investors that they were doing just fine. ", "He doesn’t know if the legislation would have passed, but what he can say is that the atmosphere of the debate would have been different.", "\n\nWe’ve been talking a lot here at billmoyers.com about crony capitalism and the revolving door between big banks and government agencies. ", "Was that a factor here? ", "Were members of the Fed helping out their friends?", "\n\nThere’s a very famous meeting that’s been written about almost ad nauseam that was in Sept. 2008 at the New York Fed office in downtown Manhattan. ", "One of my sources refers to it as the Weekend at Bernanke’s. ", "The Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and New York Federal Reserve President Tim Geithner convened the top men — almost exclusively men — of Wall Street and foreign banks to “save the system.” ", "There were no representatives from labor, no consumer representatives, no one from the worlds of politics or industrial business. ", "There were only bankers.", "\n\nIt’s almost too easy a point to make that there’s cronyism going on, of course there is. ", "I’m not sure I can point to a person who played both sides. ", "It’s more the protection of a broken status quo that benefits a certain type of person, and that is the wealthy and the bankers. ", "So, to answer your question, it’s less this person or that person than ‘all of them.’", "\n\nEliot Spitzer wrote an article in the wake of your report saying that there ought to be prosecutions from these revelations, because it’s illegal to willfully deceive Congress and to mislead shareholders. ", "Do you think there’s any chance of that happening?", "\n\nThe answer to your question is no. ", "Now let me answer the question “should there be?”", "\n\nWhen Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, tells the world that their bank has a “fortress balance sheet,” that they’re only borrowing from the Fed to do their patriotic duty by testing a lending program, and then to find out years later that he’s borrowed a lot more than we thought, and borrowed at a time when all testing of that problem is probably over because the program has been in place for a year, well, maybe someone should ask Jamie Dimon what he was talking about. ", "If the CEO of Bank of America, Ken Lewis, says he has one of the strongest and most stable banks in the world, and that same week he’s borrowing $90 billion from the Federal Reserve to keep his head above water, somebody ought to ask Ken Lewis how he defines strong and stable.", "\n\nDo you feel that, since your report came out, the secret loans have gotten the attention they deserve, or do people still think that TARP was the big bailout?", "\n\nI don’t know. ", "A lot of people emailed me and said “This is outrageous! ", "I learned about it by watching The Daily Show, and then I went online and found your story and read it.”", "\n\nJon Stewart did more to publicize this than anybody. ", "He took the $7.77 trillion and made it sound like the Fed had lent out that much money, which wasn’t exactly true. ", "But when you refer to the TARP program, you do say the $700 billion TARP program, don’t you? ", "That wasn’t the amount of money that went out the door, it was the amount of money that was set aside. ", "Same with the Fed. ", "The most that went out on one particular day was $1.2 trillion, and we very consciously chose that method of measurement — what was the peak on one day? ", "Because it wasn’t fair if you took out a loan for a billion dollars and you renewed it every day for ten days, did you borrow $10 billion, or did you borrow one billion ten times? ", "We decided the fairest measurement was to say you took out a billion-dollar loan on this particular day and not add them all up.", "\n\nIf the details of these bailout programs were kept secret for so long, could there be more that we still don’t know about?", "\n\nDodd-Frank mandated a certain disclosure of emergency lending. ", "These were all programs that we had asked about and had sued over with the Freedom of Information Act back in May of 2008. ", "That information came out in December 2010, but there was more that we wanted, and after the Supreme Court ruling at the end of March 2011, the Fed disclosed a whole bunch of other stuff. ", "And in that other stuff were a bunch of emails that we received along with the loan documents. ", "And in the emails were bar graphs. ", "And on the bar graphs there were these pink lines with something labeled “ST OMO.”", "\n\nNobody in the office knew what the hell ST OMO was. ", "I had to call a former Fed guy I know and ask, “what the hell is ST OMO?” ", "And he said: Oh, it’s single tranche open market operations. ", "What the Fed did was, in March 2008, they decided to take this lending program which they’d had since the 1940s to move money in and out of the banking system in order to stabilize interest rates, maybe $5 billion at at time, and they decided to expand it to $100 billion at a time.", "\n\nI called up Barney Frank [co-author of the Dodd-Frank legislation], and I said, “Congressman Frank, have you ever heard of ST OMO?” ", "He says, “I never heard of it in my life.” ", "I was kind of amazed. ", "We didn’t have the details. ", "I put a FOIA request in, and lo and behold they responded in a timely way. ", "The details showed a lending program with Goldman Sachs as the biggest recipient. ", "The banks were getting up to $80 billion at a time, twice a week, for interest rates as low as .01 percent.", "\n\nSo, is there another shoe to drop? ", "Is there another program that we don’t know about? ", "I can’t answer that. ", "I don’t know.", "\n\nRead the full Bloomberg article." ]
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[ "Exa & Paw Sing!", "\n\nExa & Paw Sing!", "\n\nOh yes, shit got real. ", "Exa, our SHIELD Raid Leader, made a bet. ", "Synl reports in, “We made a deal with Exa for our first pull of the night on X89. ", "If we one shot him then Exa would sing us a little song. ", "The result is as follows.”" ]
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[ "There is a six lane bowling alley. ", "By today's standards, possibly dated equipment, but wouldn't some commercial lane want the parts of the Brunswick pin setters. ", "Elsewhere, bowling balls simply left, along with shoes in every size. ", "What appears to be a multi denominational chapel sits abandoned. ", "The stained glass pristine. ", "The pews the same. ", "In the theatre, there are the audience seats and much more. ", "The projection equipment was left in place. ", "An audio board left in place. ", "And stage lighting that any school would love left hanging in place above a stage never to be used again. ", "There is a perfectly good pool table, abandoned in a recreation room. ", "Bingo signs and equipment also left there. ", "Expensive cafeteria fixtures sit idle. ", "Same with the barbershop, another restaurant, and even the morgue refrigeration and autopsy equipment." ]
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[ 0.0010036693420261145, 0.0007752417586743832, 0.0007462928188033402, 0.0008940272382460535, 0.0007875769515521824, 0.0007111693266779184, 0.0006039738073013723, 0.0005953091895207763, 0.0006003924645483494, 0.0007469548145309091, 0.0007026296225376427, 0.000569619529414922, 0.001467543188482523, 0.0007928790291771293 ]
[ "Interferon-inhibited human osteosarcoma xenografts induce host bone in nude mice.", "\nThe growth of human osteosarcoma xenografts in nude mice can be inhibited by human interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha). ", "Histologic examination of growth-inhibited tumors has revealed mineralization and partial replacement of the tumor by normal bone tissue. ", "We have investigated whether the normal bone tissue was formed by differentiated tumor cells or by induction of host stroma to differentiate into bone tissue. ", "Employing antibodies to both murine and human type I collagen, it was found that the normal bone produced in IFN-inhibited osteosarcomas was host derived. ", "These results suggest that IFN induced the osteosarcoma cells to produce a bone-inductive agent that interacts with the host cells, and leads to the formation of mature normal bone tissue in a heterotopic site." ]
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[ "Synthesis and biochemical studies of dithioate DNA.", "\nDithioate DNA was synthesized and used for various biochemical studies. ", "Results from these studies indicate that dithioate DNA is a potent inhibitor of HIV Reverse Transcriptase, activates endogenous RNase H in HeLa cell nuclear extracts, and is a useful probe for studying protein-DNA interactions." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006061877938918769, 0.0005745002417825162, 0.0007082512020133436 ]
[ "Recent reviews:\n\nNovember 2, 2014 -\nI got it to hang on my single chain with a sliver heart, a cross, and the word Love. ", "They really look good together, I love it.", "\n\nOctober 5, 2014 -\nBeautiful dainty necklace. ", "I bought this for my sister as a good luck charm to wear when she plays BINGO or goes to the casino. ", "The chain is the perfect size. ", "She loves it!! ", "If you have a BINGO player in your family this makes a wonderful gift!", "\n\nSeptember 18, 2014 -\nPleasantly surprised with the purchase of this Clover Necklace! ", "It looks even more amazing in real life! - ", "So lovely and delicate!...", "\n\nMarch 22, 2014 -\nI bought 2 of these charms, put them on chains and then suspended 4mm green Swarovski crystals down the center with an 8mm green Swarovski crystal clover on the end of it-Gorgeous and stunning!", "\n\nFebruary 4, 2014 -\nI purchased this on sale and got the pendant only, I was able to use a chain I had at home. ", "It is simple but looks so nice against your skin or clothing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006721907411701977, 0.0005832960014231503, 0.0006355406367219985, 0.0006759053212590516, 0.0007280032150447369, 0.001574816880747676, 0.0006973741110414267, 0.0006276158965192735, 0.0006136622978374362, 0.0007810418610461056, 0.0007834041025489569, 0.0005723542417399585, 0.0008044607238844037 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIt is setting all values to 0 for the \"Active\" field in the DB\n\n$createDate = mktime(0,0,0,10,28,date(\"Y\"));\n$selectedDate = date('d-m-Y', ($createDate));\n$active = 0;\n$sql = \"UPDATE Session SET Active = ? ", "WHERE SessionDate <= ?\"; ", " \n$update = $mysqli->prepare($sql);\n$update->bind_param(\"is\", $active, $selectedDate); \n$update->execute();\n\nI don' think I have set the above code correctly as that I am running a CRON job where I have stated that every 28th October (today), it will set the \"Active\" field to 0.", "\nProblem is that it is setting the active field to \"0\" for all the rows in my database, even if its after the 28th October this year.", "\nBelow is what is suppose to happed:\n\nNow the current year is 2012 so when it becomes 28th October (which it is now), any exam which \"SessionDate\" is before this date should have an \"Active\" value of \"0\", the other Exams remain having an \"Active\" value of \"1\".", "\nThe CRON will then not do it's job till next year when it is October 28th again, this time the year will obviously be 2013. ", "The same rules apply any exam which \"SessionDate\" is before this date should have an \"Active\" value of \"0\", the other Exams remain having an \"Active\" value of \"1\".", "\nThe CRON will then not do it's job till the following year when it is October 28th again, this time the year will obviously be 2014. ", "The same rules apply any exam which \"SessionDate\" is before this date should have an \"Active\" value of \"0\", the other Exams remain having an \"Active\" value of \"1\".", "\n\nAnd so on....\nSo how come all of my database rows are their \"Active\" fields set to 0 when the CRON is doing it's bit?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe reason this did not work is because the date structure did not match the date structure from the database.", "\nIn my php script I got it as:\n$selectedDate = date('d-m-Y', ($createDate));\n\nIt should be like this:\n$selectedDate = date('Y-m-d', ($createDate));\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007334635010920465, 0.0007179356762208045, 0.0006525067728944123, 0.00103589182253927, 0.0006088947993703187, 0.0007715335814282298, 0.0006141678313724697, 0.0007353685796260834, 0.0006141678313724697, 0.0018138515297323465, 0.0006879885331727564, 0.0006926469504833221 ]
[ "// !", "$*UTF8*$!", "\n{\n\tarchiveVersion = 1;\n\tclasses = {\n\t};\n\tobjectVersion = 50;\n\tobjects = {\n\n/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */\n\t\tA90192FB21F1BDF40020C612 /* PhysicsContactable.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A90192FA21F1BDF40020C612 /* PhysicsContactable.swift */; };\n\t\tA90292E020B1909A0043C9B2 /* NyancatRainbowNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A90292DF20B1909A0043C9B2 /* NyancatRainbowNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA903943420AD94F000376CC3 /* UserDefaults.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A903943320AD94F000376CC3 /* UserDefaults.swift */; };\n\t\tA903943620AD9D1200376CC3 /* SnowParticleEffect.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A903943520AD9D1200376CC3 /* SnowParticleEffect.sks */; };\n\t\tA903943A20AD9E7900376CC3 /* RainParticleEffect.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A903943820AD9E7900376CC3 /* RainParticleEffect.sks */; };\n\t\tA903943B20AD9E7900376CC3 /* Particles.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A903943920AD9E7900376CC3 /* Particles.xcassets */; };\n\t\tA903943F20ADB24000376CC3 /* ToggleButtonNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A903943E20ADB24000376CC3 /* ToggleButtonNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA9092FA5216B35C800D773BC /* TriggleButtonNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9092FA4216B35C800D773BC /* TriggleButtonNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA92E72E2209D815B0015F647 /* PlayingState.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92E72E1209D815B0015F647 /* PlayingState.swift */; };\n\t\tA92E72E4209D81820015F647 /* GameOverState.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92E72E3209D81820015F647 /* GameOverState.swift */; };\n\t\tA92E72E6209D818B0015F647 /* PausedState.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92E72E5209D818B0015F647 /* PausedState.swift */; };\n\t\tA92E72EC209D84AE0015F647 /* Pixel Digivolve.otf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92E72EB209D84AE0015F647 /* Pixel Digivolve.otf */; };\n\t\tA92E72EE209D87570015F647 /* ButtonNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92E72ED209D87570015F647 /* ButtonNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA935954420C2773F000FF0FA /* SKScene+ShaderTransition.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A935954320C2773F000FF0FA /* SKScene+ShaderTransition.swift */; };\n\t\tA935954B20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_centre.fsh in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A935954720C27B80000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_centre.fsh */; };\n\t\tA935954C20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top_left.fsh in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A935954820C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top_left.fsh */; };\n\t\tA935954D20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top.fsh in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A935954920C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top.fsh */; };\n\t\tA935954E20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_to_centre.fsh in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A935954A20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_to_centre.fsh */; };\n\t\tA941362320C4067C007FD610 /* Bool+PipeRandom.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A941362220C4067C007FD610 /* Bool+PipeRandom.swift */; };\n\t\tA94A97F721A287890087C018 /* InfiniteSpriteScrollNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A94A97F621A287890087C018 /* InfiniteSpriteScrollNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA950485820BADB7A0020ECD9 /* SKSpriteNode+GIF.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950485720BADB7A0020ECD9 /* SKSpriteNode+GIF.swift */; };\n\t\tA950485A20BAE2170020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-hip.gif in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950485920BAE2170020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-hip.gif */; };\n\t\tA950486120BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-gamecat-nyan.gif in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950485C20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-gamecat-nyan.gif */; };\n\t\tA950486220BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-squirrel.gif in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950485D20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-squirrel.gif */; };\n\t\tA950486320BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyancoin.gif in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950485E20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyancoin.gif */; };\n\t\tA950486420BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-jazz-nyan.gif in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950485F20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-jazz-nyan.gif */; };\n\t\tA950486520BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-lifealope-nyan.gif in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A950486020BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-lifealope-nyan.gif */; };\n\t\tA992D8B620A03B90003A9998 /* SceneOverlay.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A992D8B520A03B90003A9998 /* SceneOverlay.swift */; };\n\t\tA9A3139920B0006400B36175 /* TitleScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9A3139820B0006400B36175 /* TitleScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9A3139D20B0226D00B36175 /* SettingsScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9A3139C20B0226D00B36175 /* SettingsScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9A3139F20B022B100B36175 /* ScoreScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9A3139E20B022B100B36175 /* ScoreScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9A313A120B0239100B36175 /* GameScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9A313A020B0239100B36175 /* GameScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9A313A320B0263C00B36175 /* PauseScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9A313A220B0263C00B36175 /* PauseScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9A313A520B026E000B36175 /* FailedScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9A313A420B026E000B36175 /* FailedScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9ACB91D2099A1F200966991 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB91C2099A1F200966991 /* AppDelegate.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB91F2099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB91E2099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9232099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9222099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9252099A1F200966991 /* GameViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9242099A1F200966991 /* GameViewController.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9282099A1F200966991 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9262099A1F200966991 /* Main.storyboard */; };\n\t\tA9ACB92A2099A1F300966991 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9292099A1F300966991 /* Assets.xcassets */; };\n\t\tA9ACB92D2099A1F300966991 /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB92B2099A1F300966991 /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */; };\n\t\tA9ACB96B2099B42300966991 /* Actions.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB96A2099B42300966991 /* Actions.sks */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9732099B7AF00966991 /* rollover1.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB96D2099B7AE00966991 /* rollover1.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9742099B7AF00966991 /* click1.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB96E2099B7AF00966991 /* click1.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9752099B7AF00966991 /* switch3.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB96F2099B7AF00966991 /* switch3.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9762099B7AF00966991 /* click2.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9702099B7AF00966991 /* click2.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9772099B7AF00966991 /* switch2.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9712099B7AF00966991 /* switch2.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9782099B7AF00966991 /* rollover2.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9722099B7AF00966991 /* rollover2.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9872099E74600966991 /* BirdNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9862099E74600966991 /* BirdNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB98B2099F0D300966991 /* Updatable.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB98A2099F0D300966991 /* Updatable.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB98D2099F0FC00966991 /* Touchable.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB98C2099F0FC00966991 /* Touchable.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9972099F19E00966991 /* .gitignore in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9962099F19E00966991 /* .gitignore */; };\n\t\tA9ACB9992099F1D200966991 /* PhysicsCategories.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB9982099F1D200966991 /* PhysicsCategories.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB99C209A0DE100966991 /* CGFloat+MathUtils.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB99B209A0DE100966991 /* CGFloat+MathUtils.swift */; };\n\t\tA9ACB99F209A0F4D00966991 /* GameSceneAdapter.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9ACB99E209A0F4D00966991 /* GameSceneAdapter.swift */; };\n\t\tA9B14F1820A57575005221BA /* PrePlayScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B14F1720A57575005221BA /* PrePlayScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9B14F1B20A5796E005221BA /* clock-tick.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B14F1920A5796E005221BA /* clock-tick.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9B14F1C20A5796E005221BA /* clock-final-tick.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B14F1A20A5796E005221BA /* clock-final-tick.mp3 */; };\n\t\tA9B14F1F20A588BB005221BA /* TouchToFlyScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B14F1E20A588BB005221BA /* TouchToFlyScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9B9C729209EE31C0045548D /* TitleScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B9C728209EE31C0045548D /* TitleScene.swift */; };\n\t\tA9B9C72B209EE3290045548D /* TitleScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B9C72A209EE3290045548D /* TitleScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9B9F83620B449EC00FC0BDA /* Playable.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9B9F83520B449EC00FC0BDA /* Playable.swift */; };\n\t\tA9CA8F6D209C9130004CB9D4 /* Coin.wav in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CA8F6C209C9130004CB9D4 /* Coin.wav */; };\n\t\tA9CA8F6F209C9233004CB9D4 /* POL-flight-master-short.wav in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CA8F6E209C9233004CB9D4 /* POL-flight-master-short.wav */; };\n\t\tA9CA8F72209C9549004CB9D4 /* POL-catch-them-all-short.wav in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CA8F71209C9549004CB9D4 /* POL-catch-them-all-short.wav */; };\n\t\tA9CA8F74209C954E004CB9D4 /* Hit_Hurt.wav in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CA8F73209C954E004CB9D4 /* Hit_Hurt.wav */; };\n\t\tA9CC5C31209EFA0600040E61 /* SKTexture+Gradient.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CC5C30209EFA0600040E61 /* SKTexture+Gradient.swift */; };\n\t\tA9CC5C3720A0216500040E61 /* ControlInputDirection.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CC5C3620A0216500040E61 /* ControlInputDirection.swift */; };\n\t\tA9CC5C3A20A02D0A00040E61 /* PauseScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CC5C3920A02D0A00040E61 /* PauseScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9CC5C3D20A030A900040E61 /* FailedScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CC5C3C20A030A900040E61 /* FailedScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9CCA26E20BBD5B5005795BD /* NyancatNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9CCA26D20BBD5B5005795BD /* NyancatNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA9D0897920B97CA800BE2896 /* CharactersScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9D0897820B97CA800BE2896 /* CharactersScene.swift */; };\n\t\tA9D4CFD7209AF515006461AF /* SKScene+SpriteUploader.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9D4CFD6209AF515006461AF /* SKScene+SpriteUploader.swift */; };\n\t\tA9D4CFD9209AF53E006461AF /* SKTextureAtlas+FrameUploader.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9D4CFD8209AF53E006461AF /* SKTextureAtlas+FrameUploader.swift */; };\n\t\tA9D4CFDB209AFA06006461AF /* GameSceneProtocol.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9D4CFDA209AFA06006461AF /* GameSceneProtocol.swift */; };\n\t\tA9D4CFDD209B3A50006461AF /* PipeNode.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9D4CFDC209B3A4F006461AF /* PipeNode.swift */; };\n\t\tA9D4CFE0209B4040006461AF /* PipeFactory.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9D4CFDF209B4040006461AF /* PipeFactory.swift */; };\n\t\tA9E14DAF20B1764B0075D725 /* SKEmitterNode+Utils.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9E14DAE20B1764B0075D725 /* SKEmitterNode+Utils.swift */; };\n\t\tA9EBCCAA20B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene iPad.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EBCCA820B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene iPad.sks */; };\n\t\tA9EBCCAB20B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EBCCA920B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9EC755E20A6CB03007C42EC /* SettingsScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EC755D20A6CB03007C42EC /* SettingsScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9EC756020A6D0F1007C42EC /* ScoreScene.sks in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EC755F20A6D0F1007C42EC /* ScoreScene.sks */; };\n\t\tA9EC756420A6D3E9007C42EC /* SettingsScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EC756320A6D3E9007C42EC /* SettingsScene.swift */; };\n\t\tA9EC756620A6D829007C42EC /* ScoresScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EC756520A6D829007C42EC /* ScoresScene.swift */; };\n\t\tA9EC756820A6E479007C42EC /* RoutingUtilityScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9EC756720A6E479007C42EC /* RoutingUtilityScene.swift */; };\n/* End PBXBuildFile section */\n\n/* Begin PBXFileReference section */\n\t\tA90192FA21F1BDF40020C612 /* PhysicsContactable.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PhysicsContactable.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA90292DF20B1909A0043C9B2 /* NyancatRainbowNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NyancatRainbowNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA903943320AD94F000376CC3 /* UserDefaults.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = UserDefaults.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA903943520AD9D1200376CC3 /* SnowParticleEffect.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = SnowParticleEffect.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA903943820AD9E7900376CC3 /* RainParticleEffect.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = RainParticleEffect.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA903943920AD9E7900376CC3 /* Particles.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Particles.xcassets; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA903943E20ADB24000376CC3 /* ToggleButtonNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ToggleButtonNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9092FA4216B35C800D773BC /* TriggleButtonNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TriggleButtonNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA92E72E1209D815B0015F647 /* PlayingState.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PlayingState.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA92E72E3209D81820015F647 /* GameOverState.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = GameOverState.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA92E72E5209D818B0015F647 /* PausedState.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PausedState.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA92E72EB209D84AE0015F647 /* Pixel Digivolve.otf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = \"Pixel Digivolve.otf\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA92E72ED209D87570015F647 /* ButtonNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ButtonNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA935954320C2773F000FF0FA /* SKScene+ShaderTransition.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"SKScene+ShaderTransition.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA935954720C27B80000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_centre.fsh */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl; path = retro_transition_fade_from_centre.fsh; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA935954820C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top_left.fsh */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl; path = retro_transition_fade_from_top_left.fsh; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA935954920C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top.fsh */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl; path = retro_transition_fade_from_top.fsh; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA935954A20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_to_centre.fsh */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl; path = retro_transition_fade_to_centre.fsh; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA941362220C4067C007FD610 /* Bool+PipeRandom.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"Bool+PipeRandom.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA94A97F621A287890087C018 /* InfiniteSpriteScrollNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = InfiniteSpriteScrollNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950485720BADB7A0020ECD9 /* SKSpriteNode+GIF.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"SKSpriteNode+GIF.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950485920BAE2170020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-hip.gif */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.gif; path = \"animated-nyan-hip.gif\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950485C20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-gamecat-nyan.gif */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.gif; path = \"animated-gamecat-nyan.gif\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950485D20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-squirrel.gif */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.gif; path = \"animated-nyan-squirrel.gif\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950485E20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyancoin.gif */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.gif; path = \"animated-nyancoin.gif\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950485F20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-jazz-nyan.gif */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.gif; path = \"animated-jazz-nyan.gif\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA950486020BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-lifealope-nyan.gif */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.gif; path = \"animated-lifealope-nyan.gif\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA992D8B520A03B90003A9998 /* SceneOverlay.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SceneOverlay.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9A3139820B0006400B36175 /* TitleScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"TitleScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9A3139C20B0226D00B36175 /* SettingsScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"SettingsScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9A3139E20B022B100B36175 /* ScoreScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"ScoreScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9A313A020B0239100B36175 /* GameScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"GameScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9A313A220B0263C00B36175 /* PauseScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"PauseScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9A313A420B026E000B36175 /* FailedScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"FailedScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9192099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = \"flappy-fly-bird.app\"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };\n\t\tA9ACB91C2099A1F200966991 /* AppDelegate.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = AppDelegate.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB91E2099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = GameScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9222099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = GameScene.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9242099A1F200966991 /* GameViewController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = GameViewController.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9272099A1F200966991 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Main.storyboard; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9292099A1F300966991 /* Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Assets.xcassets; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB92C2099A1F300966991 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB92E2099A1F300966991 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB96A2099B42300966991 /* Actions.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = Actions.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB96D2099B7AE00966991 /* rollover1.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = rollover1.mp3; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB96E2099B7AF00966991 /* click1.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = click1.mp3; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB96F2099B7AF00966991 /* switch3.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = switch3.mp3; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9702099B7AF00966991 /* click2.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = click2.mp3; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9712099B7AF00966991 /* switch2.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = switch2.mp3; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9722099B7AF00966991 /* rollover2.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = rollover2.mp3; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9862099E74600966991 /* BirdNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = BirdNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB98A2099F0D300966991 /* Updatable.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Updatable.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB98C2099F0FC00966991 /* Touchable.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Touchable.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9962099F19E00966991 /* .gitignore */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text; path = .gitignore; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB9982099F1D200966991 /* PhysicsCategories.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PhysicsCategories.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB99B209A0DE100966991 /* CGFloat+MathUtils.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"CGFloat+MathUtils.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9ACB99E209A0F4D00966991 /* GameSceneAdapter.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = GameSceneAdapter.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B14F1720A57575005221BA /* PrePlayScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = PrePlayScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B14F1920A5796E005221BA /* clock-tick.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = \"clock-tick.mp3\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B14F1A20A5796E005221BA /* clock-final-tick.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = \"clock-final-tick.mp3\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B14F1E20A588BB005221BA /* TouchToFlyScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = TouchToFlyScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B9C728209EE31C0045548D /* TitleScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TitleScene.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B9C72A209EE3290045548D /* TitleScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = TitleScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9B9F83520B449EC00FC0BDA /* Playable.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Playable.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CA8F6C209C9130004CB9D4 /* Coin.wav */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.wav; path = Coin.wav; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CA8F6E209C9233004CB9D4 /* POL-flight-master-short.wav */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.wav; path = \"POL-flight-master-short.wav\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CA8F71209C9549004CB9D4 /* POL-catch-them-all-short.wav */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.wav; path = \"POL-catch-them-all-short.wav\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CA8F73209C954E004CB9D4 /* Hit_Hurt.wav */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.wav; path = Hit_Hurt.wav; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CC5C30209EFA0600040E61 /* SKTexture+Gradient.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"SKTexture+Gradient.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CC5C3620A0216500040E61 /* ControlInputDirection.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ControlInputDirection.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CC5C3920A02D0A00040E61 /* PauseScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = PauseScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CC5C3C20A030A900040E61 /* FailedScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = FailedScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9CCA26D20BBD5B5005795BD /* NyancatNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NyancatNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9D0897820B97CA800BE2896 /* CharactersScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = CharactersScene.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9D4CFD6209AF515006461AF /* SKScene+SpriteUploader.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"SKScene+SpriteUploader.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9D4CFD8209AF53E006461AF /* SKTextureAtlas+FrameUploader.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"SKTextureAtlas+FrameUploader.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9D4CFDA209AFA06006461AF /* GameSceneProtocol.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = GameSceneProtocol.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9D4CFDC209B3A4F006461AF /* PipeNode.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PipeNode.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9D4CFDF209B4040006461AF /* PipeFactory.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PipeFactory.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9E14DAE20B1764B0075D725 /* SKEmitterNode+Utils.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = \"SKEmitterNode+Utils.swift\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EBCCA820B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene iPad.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = \"CharactersScene iPad.sks\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EBCCA920B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = CharactersScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EC755D20A6CB03007C42EC /* SettingsScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = SettingsScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EC755F20A6D0F1007C42EC /* ScoreScene.sks */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.sks; path = ScoreScene.sks; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EC756320A6D3E9007C42EC /* SettingsScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SettingsScene.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EC756520A6D829007C42EC /* ScoresScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ScoresScene.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tA9EC756720A6E479007C42EC /* RoutingUtilityScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RoutingUtilityScene.swift; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n/* End PBXFileReference section */\n\n/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */\n\t\tA9ACB9162099A1F200966991 /* Frameworks */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */\n\n/* Begin PBXGroup section */\n\t\tA903943720AD9D1A00376CC3 /* Particles */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA903943520AD9D1200376CC3 /* SnowParticleEffect.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943820AD9E7900376CC3 /* RainParticleEffect.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943920AD9E7900376CC3 /* Particles.xcassets */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Particles;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA903943C20ADAB0100376CC3 /* UI Components */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA92E72ED209D87570015F647 /* ButtonNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943E20ADB24000376CC3 /* ToggleButtonNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9092FA4216B35C800D773BC /* TriggleButtonNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"UI Components\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA903943D20ADAB0A00376CC3 /* Game Componens */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA94A97F621A287890087C018 /* InfiniteSpriteScrollNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFDC209B3A4F006461AF /* PipeNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"Game Componens\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA92E72DC209D80FA0015F647 /* Game States */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA92E72E1209D815B0015F647 /* PlayingState.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72E3209D81820015F647 /* GameOverState.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72E5209D818B0015F647 /* PausedState.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"Game States\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA935954520C27B6B000FF0FA /* Shaders */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA935954620C27B76000FF0FA /* Transitions */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Shaders;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA935954620C27B76000FF0FA /* Transitions */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA935954720C27B80000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_centre.fsh */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954820C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top_left.fsh */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954920C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top.fsh */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954A20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_to_centre.fsh */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Transitions;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA950485B20BAE2500020ECD9 /* Animated Players */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA950485C20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-gamecat-nyan.gif */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485F20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-jazz-nyan.gif */,\n\t\t\t\tA950486020BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-lifealope-nyan.gif */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485D20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-squirrel.gif */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485E20BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyancoin.gif */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485920BAE2170020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-hip.gif */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"Animated Players\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA992D8B720A0A54F003A9998 /* Sound */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F6C209C9130004CB9D4 /* Coin.wav */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F73209C954E004CB9D4 /* Hit_Hurt.wav */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Sound;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9102099A1F200966991 = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9962099F19E00966991 /* .gitignore */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB91B2099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB91A2099A1F200966991 /* Products */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB91A2099A1F200966991 /* Products */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9192099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird.app */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = Products;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB91B2099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB91C2099A1F200966991 /* AppDelegate.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB92E2099A1F300966991 /* Info.plist */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9932099F16800966991 /* Storyboards */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9922099F15E00966991 /* View Controllers */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB99D209A0F3D00966991 /* Adapeters */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFDE209B402A006461AF /* Factories */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB99A209A0DD100966991 /* Extensions */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3520A0215C00040E61 /* Control */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72DC209D80FA0015F647 /* Game States */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9902099F13700966991 /* Scenes */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB98F2099F12000966991 /* Assets */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB98E2099F11900966991 /* Utils */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9892099F0C100966991 /* Protocols */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9882099F0B600966991 /* Nodes */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"flappy-fly-bird\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9442099A47800966991 /* Fonts */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA92E72EB209D84AE0015F647 /* Pixel Digivolve.otf */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Fonts;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB95B2099B14A00966991 /* Sound */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F6B209C9129004CB9D4 /* Game */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB95C2099B15000966991 /* UI */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Sound;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB95C2099B15000966991 /* UI */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB96E2099B7AF00966991 /* click1.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9702099B7AF00966991 /* click2.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB96D2099B7AE00966991 /* rollover1.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9722099B7AF00966991 /* rollover2.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9712099B7AF00966991 /* switch2.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB96F2099B7AF00966991 /* switch3.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1A20A5796E005221BA /* clock-final-tick.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1920A5796E005221BA /* clock-tick.mp3 */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = UI;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB96C2099B46E00966991 /* Actions */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB96A2099B42300966991 /* Actions.sks */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Actions;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9882099F0B600966991 /* Nodes */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9B9F83720B44AC300FC0BDA /* Playables */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943D20ADAB0A00376CC3 /* Game Componens */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943C20ADAB0100376CC3 /* UI Components */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Nodes;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9892099F0C100966991 /* Protocols */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB98A2099F0D300966991 /* Updatable.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB98C2099F0FC00966991 /* Touchable.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFDA209AFA06006461AF /* GameSceneProtocol.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B9F83520B449EC00FC0BDA /* Playable.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA90192FA21F1BDF40020C612 /* PhysicsContactable.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Protocols;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB98E2099F11900966991 /* Utils */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9982099F1D200966991 /* PhysicsCategories.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943320AD94F000376CC3 /* UserDefaults.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Utils;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB98F2099F12000966991 /* Assets */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA935954520C27B6B000FF0FA /* Shaders */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485B20BAE2500020ECD9 /* Animated Players */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943720AD9D1A00376CC3 /* Particles */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB96C2099B46E00966991 /* Actions */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3E20A0361700040E61 /* Scenes */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9292099A1F300966991 /* Assets.xcassets */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9442099A47800966991 /* Fonts */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB95B2099B14A00966991 /* Sound */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Assets;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9902099F13700966991 /* Scenes */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9B9C728209EE31C0045548D /* TitleScene.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9222099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756320A6D3E9007C42EC /* SettingsScene.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756520A6D829007C42EC /* ScoresScene.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D0897820B97CA800BE2896 /* CharactersScene.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA992D8B520A03B90003A9998 /* SceneOverlay.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756720A6E479007C42EC /* RoutingUtilityScene.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Scenes;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9922099F15E00966991 /* View Controllers */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9242099A1F200966991 /* GameViewController.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"View Controllers\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB9932099F16800966991 /* Storyboards */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9262099A1F200966991 /* Main.storyboard */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB92B2099A1F300966991 /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Storyboards;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB99A209A0DD100966991 /* Extensions */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB99B209A0DE100966991 /* CGFloat+MathUtils.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFD6209AF515006461AF /* SKScene+SpriteUploader.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFD8209AF53E006461AF /* SKTextureAtlas+FrameUploader.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C30209EFA0600040E61 /* SKTexture+Gradient.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9E14DAE20B1764B0075D725 /* SKEmitterNode+Utils.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485720BADB7A0020ECD9 /* SKSpriteNode+GIF.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954320C2773F000FF0FA /* SKScene+ShaderTransition.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA941362220C4067C007FD610 /* Bool+PipeRandom.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Extensions;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB99D209A0F3D00966991 /* Adapeters */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB99E209A0F4D00966991 /* GameSceneAdapter.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Adapeters;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9B14F1D20A58889005221BA /* Utility Overlay */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1720A57575005221BA /* PrePlayScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1E20A588BB005221BA /* TouchToFlyScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"Utility Overlay\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9B9F83720B44AC300FC0BDA /* Playables */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9862099E74600966991 /* BirdNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA90292DF20B1909A0043C9B2 /* NyancatRainbowNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CCA26D20BBD5B5005795BD /* NyancatNode.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Playables;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9CA8F6B209C9129004CB9D4 /* Game */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA992D8B720A0A54F003A9998 /* Sound */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F70209C953A004CB9D4 /* Music */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Game;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9CA8F70209C953A004CB9D4 /* Music */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F6E209C9233004CB9D4 /* POL-flight-master-short.wav */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F71209C9549004CB9D4 /* POL-catch-them-all-short.wav */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Music;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9CC5C3520A0215C00040E61 /* Control */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3620A0216500040E61 /* ControlInputDirection.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Control;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9CC5C3E20A0361700040E61 /* Scenes */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756220A6D10F007C42EC /* Main Scenes */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756120A6D101007C42EC /* Game Overlay */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1D20A58889005221BA /* Utility Overlay */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Scenes;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9D4CFDE209B402A006461AF /* Factories */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFDF209B4040006461AF /* PipeFactory.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = Factories;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9EC756120A6D101007C42EC /* Game Overlay */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3920A02D0A00040E61 /* PauseScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A313A220B0263C00B36175 /* PauseScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3C20A030A900040E61 /* FailedScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A313A420B026E000B36175 /* FailedScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"Game Overlay\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9EC756220A6D10F007C42EC /* Main Scenes */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9B9C72A209EE3290045548D /* TitleScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A3139820B0006400B36175 /* TitleScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB91E2099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A313A020B0239100B36175 /* GameScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC755D20A6CB03007C42EC /* SettingsScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A3139C20B0226D00B36175 /* SettingsScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC755F20A6D0F1007C42EC /* ScoreScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A3139E20B022B100B36175 /* ScoreScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EBCCA920B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene.sks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EBCCA820B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene iPad.sks */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = \"Main Scenes\";\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXGroup section */\n\n/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */\n\t\tA9ACB9182099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = A9ACB93C2099A1F300966991 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"flappy-fly-bird\" */;\n\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9152099A1F200966991 /* Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9162099A1F200966991 /* Frameworks */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9172099A1F200966991 /* Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tbuildRules = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdependencies = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = \"flappy-fly-bird\";\n\t\t\tproductName = \"ios-spritekit-flappy-flying-bird\";\n\t\t\tproductReference = A9ACB9192099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird.app */;\n\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.application\";\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXNativeTarget section */\n\n/* Begin PBXProject section */\n\t\tA9ACB9112099A1F200966991 /* Project object */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXProject;\n\t\t\tattributes = {\n\t\t\t\tLastSwiftUpdateCheck = 0930;\n\t\t\t\tLastUpgradeCheck = 1200;\n\t\t\t\tORGANIZATIONNAME = \"Astemir Eleev\";\n\t\t\t\tTargetAttributes = {\n\t\t\t\t\tA9ACB9182099A1F200966991 = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCreatedOnToolsVersion = 9.3;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLastSwiftMigration = 1020;\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = A9ACB9142099A1F200966991 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"flappy-fly-bird\" */;\n\t\t\tcompatibilityVersion = \"Xcode 9.3\";\n\t\t\tdevelopmentRegion = en;\n\t\t\thasScannedForEncodings = 0;\n\t\t\tknownRegions = (\n\t\t\t\ten,\n\t\t\t\tBase,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tmainGroup = A9ACB9102099A1F200966991;\n\t\t\tproductRefGroup = A9ACB91A2099A1F200966991 /* Products */;\n\t\t\tprojectDirPath = \"\";\n\t\t\tprojectRoot = \"\";\n\t\t\ttargets = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9182099A1F200966991 /* flappy-fly-bird */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXProject section */\n\n/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */\n\t\tA9ACB9172099A1F200966991 /* Resources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F6D209C9130004CB9D4 /* Coin.wav in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EBCCAB20B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB96B2099B42300966991 /* Actions.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943620AD9D1200376CC3 /* SnowParticleEffect.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9732099B7AF00966991 /* rollover1.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9282099A1F200966991 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9972099F19E00966991 /* .gitignore in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950486520BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-lifealope-nyan.gif in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9752099B7AF00966991 /* switch3.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC755E20A6CB03007C42EC /* SettingsScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9782099B7AF00966991 /* rollover2.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9742099B7AF00966991 /* click1.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A3139920B0006400B36175 /* TitleScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954D20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top.fsh in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950486420BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-jazz-nyan.gif in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB91F2099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F74209C954E004CB9D4 /* Hit_Hurt.wav in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB92A2099A1F300966991 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A313A320B0263C00B36175 /* PauseScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EBCCAA20B9785400BB08A3 /* CharactersScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9772099B7AF00966991 /* switch2.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954B20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_centre.fsh in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3A20A02D0A00040E61 /* PauseScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B9C72B209EE3290045548D /* TitleScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943A20AD9E7900376CC3 /* RainParticleEffect.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1820A57575005221BA /* PrePlayScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954C20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_from_top_left.fsh in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB92D2099A1F300966991 /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1C20A5796E005221BA /* clock-final-tick.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950486120BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-gamecat-nyan.gif in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F72209C9549004CB9D4 /* POL-catch-them-all-short.wav in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A313A120B0239100B36175 /* GameScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756020A6D0F1007C42EC /* ScoreScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A3139D20B0226D00B36175 /* SettingsScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950486320BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyancoin.gif in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72EC209D84AE0015F647 /* Pixel Digivolve.otf in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A313A520B026E000B36175 /* FailedScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1B20A5796E005221BA /* clock-tick.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954E20C27B81000FF0FA /* retro_transition_fade_to_centre.fsh in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950486220BAE29C0020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-squirrel.gif in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9A3139F20B022B100B36175 /* ScoreScene iPad.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9762099B7AF00966991 /* click2.mp3 in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485A20BAE2170020ECD9 /* animated-nyan-hip.gif in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CA8F6F209C9233004CB9D4 /* POL-flight-master-short.wav in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943B20AD9E7900376CC3 /* Particles.xcassets in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B14F1F20A588BB005221BA /* TouchToFlyScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3D20A030A900040E61 /* FailedScene.sks in Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */\n\n/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */\n\t\tA9ACB9152099A1F200966991 /* Sources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\tA9E14DAF20B1764B0075D725 /* SKEmitterNode+Utils.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756820A6E479007C42EC /* RoutingUtilityScene.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFD7209AF515006461AF /* SKScene+SpriteUploader.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72EE209D87570015F647 /* ButtonNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9092FA5216B35C800D773BC /* TriggleButtonNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA992D8B620A03B90003A9998 /* SceneOverlay.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9232099A1F200966991 /* GameScene.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB98D2099F0FC00966991 /* Touchable.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA90192FB21F1BDF40020C612 /* PhysicsContactable.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFDD209B3A50006461AF /* PipeNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CCA26E20BBD5B5005795BD /* NyancatNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C3720A0216500040E61 /* ControlInputDirection.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFDB209AFA06006461AF /* GameSceneProtocol.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB98B2099F0D300966991 /* Updatable.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72E6209D818B0015F647 /* PausedState.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9252099A1F200966991 /* GameViewController.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B9F83620B449EC00FC0BDA /* Playable.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9872099E74600966991 /* BirdNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFD9209AF53E006461AF /* SKTextureAtlas+FrameUploader.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA94A97F721A287890087C018 /* InfiniteSpriteScrollNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB99F209A0F4D00966991 /* GameSceneAdapter.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72E4209D81820015F647 /* GameOverState.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB99C209A0DE100966991 /* CGFloat+MathUtils.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9992099F1D200966991 /* PhysicsCategories.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB91D2099A1F200966991 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA92E72E2209D815B0015F647 /* PlayingState.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA90292E020B1909A0043C9B2 /* NyancatRainbowNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA935954420C2773F000FF0FA /* SKScene+ShaderTransition.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9CC5C31209EFA0600040E61 /* SKTexture+Gradient.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756420A6D3E9007C42EC /* SettingsScene.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943420AD94F000376CC3 /* UserDefaults.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D4CFE0209B4040006461AF /* PipeFactory.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA903943F20ADB24000376CC3 /* ToggleButtonNode.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9B9C729209EE31C0045548D /* TitleScene.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA950485820BADB7A0020ECD9 /* SKSpriteNode+GIF.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9D0897920B97CA800BE2896 /* CharactersScene.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA941362320C4067C007FD610 /* Bool+PipeRandom.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tA9EC756620A6D829007C42EC /* ScoresScene.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */\n\n/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */\n\t\tA9ACB9262099A1F200966991 /* Main.storyboard */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXVariantGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB9272099A1F200966991 /* Base */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = Main.storyboard;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB92B2099A1F300966991 /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXVariantGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB92C2099A1F300966991 /* Base */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = LaunchScreen.storyboard;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXVariantGroup section */\n\n/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */\n\t\tA9ACB93A2099A1F300966991 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++14\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = \"libc++\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_WEAK = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu11;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\"DEBUG=1\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"$(inherited)\",\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.0;\n\t\t\t\tMTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES;\n\t\t\t\tONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES;\n\t\t\t\tSDKROOT = iphoneos;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS = DEBUG;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = \"-Onone\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB93B2099A1F300966991 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++14\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = \"libc++\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_WEAK = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = \"dwarf-with-dsym\";\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu11;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.0;\n\t\t\t\tMTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO;\n\t\t\t\tSDKROOT = iphoneos;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_COMPILATION_MODE = wholemodule;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = \"-O\";\n\t\t\t\tVALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB93D2099A1F300966991 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\tDEVELOPMENT_TEAM = 5W8256FV33;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = \"$(SRCROOT)/flappy-fly-bird/Info.plist\";\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\"$(inherited)\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"@executable_path/Frameworks\",\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tMARKETING_VERSION = 1.4.8;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = \"eleev.astemir.io.flappy-fly-bird\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_VERSION = 5.0;\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB93E2099A1F300966991 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\tDEVELOPMENT_TEAM = 5W8256FV33;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = \"$(SRCROOT)/flappy-fly-bird/Info.plist\";\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\"$(inherited)\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"@executable_path/Frameworks\",\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tMARKETING_VERSION = 1.4.8;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = \"eleev.astemir.io.flappy-fly-bird\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_VERSION = 5.0;\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */\n\n/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */\n\t\tA9ACB9142099A1F200966991 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"flappy-fly-bird\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB93A2099A1F300966991 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB93B2099A1F300966991 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\tA9ACB93C2099A1F300966991 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"flappy-fly-bird\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB93D2099A1F300966991 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\tA9ACB93E2099A1F300966991 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n/* End XCConfigurationList section */\n\t};\n\trootObject = A9ACB9112099A1F200966991 /* Project object */;\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.008965489454567432, 0.04855847731232643, 0.009602593258023262 ]
[ "[Prevention of malnutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients].", "\nMalnutrition is a frequent and serious problem for patients treated by peritoneal dialysis. ", "Patients' survival depends on their nutritional status at the initiation of the dialysis treatment. ", "Main malnutrition factors are inflammation, insufficient dialysis dose, peritoneal glucidic absorption and protein loss within the dialysate. ", "These patients show a relationship between malnutrition, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. ", "To prevent malnutrition, it is necessary to reduce inflammation by improving dialysis solutions' biocompatibility and optimising the sodium regulation. ", "The peritoneal membrane exposure to both glucose and its degradation products must also be reduced. ", "In order to restrict protein losses, especially when peritoneal hyper permeability occurred, dialysis solutions containing amino acids can be used. ", "Early dialysis treatment and a progressive increase of the dialysis dose corresponding to the decrease of the residual renal function can also be recommended." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008648348157294095, 0.00560234859585762, 0.000563219131436199, 0.0025905370712280273, 0.0009882602607831359, 0.0006714886985719204, 0.0006333228084258735, 0.0006125338841229677, 0.000521885696798563 ]
[ "Pelicans Sign Nate Wolters to Second 10-Day Contract\n\nNEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Pelicans announced today that the team has signed guard Nate Wolters to a second 10-day contract. ", "Per team policy, terms of the deal were not disclosed.", "\n\nWolters, 6-4, 190, South Dakota State, first signed with the Pelicans on January 14. ", "In five games with New Orleans, Wolters has averaged 2.6 points, 2.2 rebounds and 0.8 assists in 11 minutes per contest.", "\n\nWolters was the 38th overall pick in the 2013 NBA Draft by the Washington Wizards before his rights were dealt to the Philadelphia 76ers, and then the Milwaukee Bucks. ", "Appearing in 69 games with Milwaukee, Wolters averaged 6.4 points, 2.9 assists and 2.4 rebounds." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.001329330145381391, 0.0005634038243442774, 0.0011949348263442516, 0.0008231637184508145, 0.0009842240251600742, 0.0008756028255447745 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCreate a new package based on “default” package’s “default” theme\n\nI'm studying to get Magento FE certification and I've found some demo questions like this:\n\nYou want to create a new “screendesign” package based on the “default”\n package’s “default” theme. ", "Which ONE of the following steps do you\n have to take?", "\nA. Copy app/design/base to app/design/screendesign\nB. Create an empty folder app/design/frontend/screendesign and copy\n app/design/frontend/default/default into it\nC. Create skin/frontend/screendesign, then copy the CSS and images\n folders and their files from /skin/frontend/default/default/ to\n skin/frontend/screendesign/default\nD. Inside app/design/frontend and skin/frontend, copy the folder\n “default” to the folder “custom”; then rename custom/default to\n custom/screendesign in both places\nE. Create app/design/frontend/default/screendesign\n\nThe answer suggested is C, but I don't agree and I think is B because if you don't create at least the package folder, you'll get error when setting the package (folder not found). ", "Am I wrong?", "\nthanks\n\nA:\n\nThe answer is definitely C.\nIf you choose B then that says:\n\nB. Create an empty folder app/design/frontend/screendesign and copy app/design/frontend/default/default into it\n\nThat means you'd have app/design/frontend/screendesign/template and app/design/frontend/screendesign/layout.", "\nThe files would be in the wrong location.", "\nWhat you would want is:\napp/design/frontend/screendesign/default/template and app/design/frontend/screendesign/default/layout.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006810000631958246, 0.0008656633435748518, 0.0007536339689977467, 0.001132566831074655, 0.0006694014882668853, 0.0009106957586482167, 0.0005984340095892549, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "64 F.3d 659\nNOTICE: Fourth Circuit Local Rule 36(c) states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Fourth Circuit.", "Cornelius TUCKER, Jr., Plaintiff--Appellant,v.Randy CRIBB; Lieutenant Britt; Mark Barnhill; CustodianAllgood; Kathy Mercer; Superintendent Barker,Defendants--Appellees.", "Cornelius TUCKER, Jr., Plaintiff--Appellant,v.Custodian INGRAM; Sargeant Jackson, Defendants--Appellees.", "Cornelius TUCKER, Jr., Plaintiff--Appellant,v.Hayes NEATHERY; Penny White; Randall Lee; Lynn Phillips;Rickie Robinson, Defendants--Appellees.", "\nNos. ", "95-6868, 95-6869, 95-6870.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.", "\nSubmitted: July 25, 1995.Decided: August 15, 1995.", "\n\nCornelius Tucker, Jr., appellant pro se.", "\nBefore WILKINS, NIEMEYER, and MICHAEL, Circuit Judges.", "\nPER CURIAM:\n\n\n1\nIn these consolidated appeals, Appellant appeals from the district court's orders denying Appellant's \"Order to Show Cause--Discovery Filed Shortly for Disposition.\"* ", " We have reviewed the records and the district court's opinions and find no reversible error. ", " Accordingly, we affirm on the reasoning of the district court. ", " Tucker v. Cribb, No. ", "CA-93-220-5-H; Tucker v. Ingram, No. ", "CA-93-147-5-H; Tucker v. Neathery, No. ", "CA-93-270-5-H (E.D.N.C. Apr. 21, 1995). ", " We dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before the court and argument would not aid the decisional process.", "\n\n\n2\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n*\n The district court construed the filings as motions for reconsideration\n\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.00065397541038692, 0.0007098225760273635, 0.0006781306583434343, 0.0006755314534530044, 0.0008321290370076895, 0.0012492809910327196, 0.0008629407384432852, 0.0006218659691512585, 0.0006442953599616885, 0.0006657438934780657, 0.0006746359285898507, 0.0005956628010608256, 0.0005895773065276444, 0.0007712039514444768, 0.0007747111958451569, 0.0007732184021733701, 0.0006534583517350256, 0.0006248307763598859, 0.0007787286886014044, 0.000794075196608901 ]
[ "Bill Friend (engineer)\n\nBill Friend is the former president of Bechtel. ", "He also served as chairman of University of California’s President’s Council, treasurer of the National Academy of Engineering, and chairman of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering among others. ", "He graduated from NYU Poly as a chemical engineer.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Polytechnic Institute of New York University alumni\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSubmitting POST request from Cordova app to Google App Engine not reaching server at all\n\nI have a Cordova app (HTML/Javascript-files wrapped into iOS WebView) which is exhibiting some weird behaviour.", "\nI submit forms to a python-script on Google App Engine, and this works sometimes, but not all the time. ", "When the form includes base64 encodes images, it is more likely that the it won't work.", "\nWhat I mean with not working is that it doesn't reach the server at all. ", "The server logs show that no request to the \"/submit\"-handler has been made. ", "This is only for the iOS-version of the app. ", "The Android-version works fine with the same code.", "\nMy biggest suspicions was the cross-domain issue. ", "Here's my jQuery code which sends the form:\n$.ajax({\n type: 'POST',\n url: \"http://myapp.appspot.com/submit\",\n data: submittedEntryString,\n crossDomain: true,\n cache: false\n}).done(function(data) {\n console.log(data);\n}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {\n console.log(textStatus);\n console.log(errorThrown);\n console.log(jqXHR.responseText);\n});\n\nHowever I have added the header to my response. ", "I suppose this is the correct way to do it(?) ", " \nself.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'\nself.write(\"form submitted! ", "form id is: \" + str(s.form_id))\n\nAny ideas what would cause this kind of behaviour?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe cross domain issue only occurs when you test your app code on PC browser after code below is inserted into config.xml.", "\n<access origin=\"*\" />\n\nAnyway, your code seems to be correct. ", "\nMy suggestion is that you could try the steps below.", "\n(1) Not post your image and check if text data could be posted well.", "\n(2) Use phonegap \"Filetransfer\" to post data includes images.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Explore Old School, Cafe Racers and more!", "\n\nPaint in Black. ", "The rebirth of a classic with strong focus on details and patina. ", "Now it’s time for @niyona to wax the leather ✊ before delivering and shooting #handcraftedinhell #brusselshellhole #officiallyhonda #illegallydestroyed...\n\n‘Black Bulldog’ Triumph Bonneville – K-Speed Customs\n\n‘Black Bulldog’ Triumph Bonneville – K-Speed Customs. ", "There are literally millions of two-wheeled machines on the streets of Thailand, with the market dominated by a huge variety of scooters and low capacity commuter bikes. ", "With 15 million people living in the Greater Bangkok area it makes for the perfect form of transport, if not more than a little dangerous for the uninitiated...\n\n‘Black Bulldog’ Triumph Bonneville – K-Speed Customs\n\n‘15 Triumph Bonneville – K-Speed Customs. ", "There are literally millions of two-wheeled machines on the streets of Thailand, with the market dominated by a huge variety of scooters and low capacity commuter bikes. ", "With 15 million people living in the Greater Bangkok area it makes for the perfect form of transport, if not more than a little dangerous for the uninitiated foreigner. ", "But..." ]
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[ "The present disclosure generally relates to computer systems, and more particularly to the use of a computer system to obtain information regarding an individual." ]
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[ ".... working with a group of young humans from Armenia Georgia Russia Bulgaria .......... and at the end of the week they gave me this sorta key ring.", "It is always in my bathroom.", "I scan it.", "Often.", "\n\nThis event changed my life because it was a large trigger to stimulate me to consider moving from Community Leadership to become a full time Group Worker and Trainer.", "There was about fifty young humans together for the best part of a week. ", "Because I had not really been briefed well I did not take my big bag of fun-n-games bag. ", "I had to busk it.", "\n\nI said to them all the time - 'you are beautiful'.", "By the end of the days together they started to believe.", "With thirsty eyes - they looked at their friends and told them that they were beautiful.", "The climate became one of acceptance.", "We touched finger tips in a large circle.", "A circle of uniqueness.", "We lifted, as a group, each one of us - to the tune of U2's 'one'.", "We laughed.", "We danced.", "We built human towers.", "We took risks.", "We hugged.", "We all placed our finger prints on paper - and then burned it on a wooden cross until it shrivelled to an ugly shape and then dropped to form a pile of dust - in silence.", "We wept together as, for the first time, they talked about their family members who died in the Armenian earthquake.", "They left their fingerprints on my soul .................. and a key-sorta-ring .........\n\nSee it like it is ... ... ... ... ... ...See life through the eyes of young people.", "Not prejudiced by opinion.", "Not filtered by spin.", "Not distorted by the media.", "There is no respect agenda, just young people – raw, honest, angry, happy, bored, beautiful, lazy, active, concerned, vulnerable, empowered...\n\nOne day in 15 locations around 200 young people took more than 4,000 photographs of things that are important to them.", "On the same day photography students from Central St Martins College were on hand to use their skills to capture the real lives of young people.", "Young people shunned by society, who have found a home at the YMCA after being homeless, who have battled with addiction or rejection, who want to give something back, enjoy having a laugh, hanging out with their mates or playing football.", "Life is a mess of contradictions, uncertainty, disappointments, dream, hopes, and ambitions. ", "And young people’s lives are no different.", "\n\n‘One day we will be the ones making the decisions.", "Listen to us, find out what’s important to us.", "And then we can build a future together.’– ", "Mark, St Helens YMCA\n\nDon’t turn away: See it like it isSee it like it is is a national photography exhibition which gives a voice to young people who are part of the YMCA. ", "We are a leading Christian charity committed to supporting all young people, particularly in times of need.", "Our work always starts with the needs of an individual, and supports and helps them to develop in body, mind and spirit.", "We focus especially on encouraging young people to fulfil their potential and participate actively in their communities.", "\n\n‘I hope people like my pictures and it makes them happy.’- ", "Jack, Sutton Coldfield YMCA\n\nBargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, London, SE19 to 12th March 2006......... 11am to 6 pmBargehouse is an exciting atmospheric space in the heart of London's fast moving South Bank and Bankside areas. ", "An untouched four-storey building, in its raw state Bargehouse is a blank canvas with tremendous scope for exhibitions and events. ", "Bargehouse is owned and managed by Coin Street Community Builders.", "\n\nThe police were abusing young people by using drunk charges unjustly, it seems to me.", "\n\nA drink charge was a minor offence and didn’t warrant legal aid, so the young person had to handle the court and his defence himself! ", "You can imagine what a mess an inarticulate, nervous seventeen-year-old would make of this. ", "The police however, trained in court procedures, had their patter ready, and the teenager had no chance unrepresented.", "\n\nThrough the case of McKensie (1970), I discovered a way to provide ‘lay assistance’ to a young person. ", "It seems that when a certain case in history creates a precedent it then becomes law. ", "The precedent was set in 1970 that, ‘any person, whether he be professional or not, may attend as a friend of either party, may take notes, may quietly make suggestions and give advice.’", "\n\nIt often happened that I, as a ‘McKensie friend’, would stand in the dock with my notes, whispering ideas and questions to the youngster as he cross-examined the policeman. ", "Usually the young men began nervously but, with assistance, encouragement and the close proximity of a supportive friend, they always grew in confidence. ", "It was in itself excellent social education and social skills training – but we never won a case.", "\n\nEducation, degree, articulate,confident, well off ............. feel they have nothing to learn from Vicky Pollard and her friends.", "\n\nI remember, many times in my life, when I have seen such beautiful humans, from such backgrounds, shaking and sweating because they were due to come into contact with Vicky Pollard and her male and female friends. ", "They were part of the team I was leading - commitment of faith and volunteer time. ", "Yet - all their experience and education was coming to nothing as their body language became totally inadequate because they were entering a different culture. ", "The body stopped functioning and also their emotions. ", "They maybe holding down a responsible job in the City of London but - yesbutnobut ..........\n\nI believe it is good for us to spend time with Vicky and her peers.", "See - feel - sense the crowded homes - noisy living - tension and broken relationships = wisdom .............. yes broken differently than the shaking and sweating I described above.", "Isn't it true that we all find it tough to 'love like we have never been hurt'?", "\n\nI remember visiting a home where the family horse was lead through the front door to enable it to live in the back yard of the terraced house. ", "The same house had most of it's floorboards missing because they needed to feed the fire in a harsh winter. \" ", "I remember one of the family - a young man - he wanted advice regarding a letter from the court. \"", "I can't read real writing Pip\" he said.", "\n\nThere is a different kind of learning when you are brought up in such an environment - in such streets. ", "A certain kind of wisdom is nurtured to help the beautiful humans to survive and more than that.", "\n\nMoney can buy comfort and a home in a community to enable us to retreat from such places. ", "Escape from violence - noise and Vicky Pollard.", "Money takes us away from the rawness of life.", "Balance.", "Knowledge.", "Wisdom.", "Compassion.", "Incarnation.", "Wholeness.", "Incarnation is about being eye to eye with Vicky - close enough to feel her spittle on your face - smell her breath and seeing the depth of her................ beyond behaviour .........\n\nWhy do I begin to weep when I get to this line of words?It stops me thinking.", "It blurs my vision.............. the tears .......\n\nSunday, February 26, 2006\n\nSaturday, February 25, 2006\n\nAway with the 'LEVEL FIVE' group ... ..... ..... .... we have been meeting since 1980 ....... you work it out .....\n\n... we sit down after a dose of coffee and just talk - each of us share for an hour each, usually, ....... and we all ask questions and the idea is asking - not telling - not saying 'you should' .......... it is a chance to be open with those you trust in total confidence and I love it ...... loveitloveit ..........\n\nsee L5 ... on the Greenbelt web-site where you can download an MP3 of the seminar at GB 2005 about the story of ou 'Level Five' group.", "\n\nFriday, February 24, 2006\n\nI want to Quote :: Quotes are inspirational for me. ", "They scratch the surface of my soul, jerk the mind - and give me thirsty ears.. They seem to drill a well into my awareness and prise open my blinkers. ", "Thanx for reading this - look forward to hearing from you ……...\n\nPeople tend to think of nonviolence as a choice between using force and doing nothing.", "But the real choice takes place at another level.", "Nonviolence is less a matter of \"not killing\" and more a matter of showing compassion,of saving and redeeming,of being a healing community.", "One can only choose between doing good to the person placed in one's path,or to do him evil.", "To do good is to love a person; but not to do that is as good as killing him.", "To love someone is to restore that person physically, socially, and spiritually.", "To neglect and postpone this restoration is already to kill.", "\n\nThursday, February 23, 2006\n\nThe Big Book of Blobs\n\n....... a great review .......\n\nYouthwork review‘One of the most dynamic, flexible and innovative resources the youth work world has ever seen.’ ", "There you go, stick that on the back cover because we mean every word. ", "Pip and Ian’s ‘Blob Tree’ resource has been around for nearly twenty years now, making a great name for itself over that time. ", "An A4 monochrome image, bereft of writing, it displays a large tree filled with sexless, shapeless, ageless ‘blob people’. ", "Like stick men who’ve chomped one Big Mac too many, their simple yet animated forms are used to represent emotions, decisions, personality types and social situations. ", "A person can point to the blob whose stance, expression or activity they most identify with, and perhaps explain why. ", "And that’s it. ", "Essentially, it’s just a tree full of conversation-starting blobs. ", "But that, of course, is the brilliance of it. ", "Because of its simplicity, the tree becomes the perfect resource when attempting to get people to talk about themselves and their social interactions. ", "Children enjoy the visual focus, and can discuss important issues; adults identify with the emotions presented in these abstract characters. ", "And there’s no language involved, so the image can be used to the same effect anywhere in the world. ", "Pip and Ian return here with a whole book of variations on the theme, as their army of cartoons populate more than 50 new scenes. ", "Spread throughout four themed categories, they place the blobs in a range of tree-substitutes – a playground, a protest march, a football match, a community and so on – each designed to spark a different kind of conversation and interaction. ", "Some examples: on looking at the book now (after all, which blob you are today doesn’t always define which blob you’ll be tomorrow), I define myself as the blob at the back of the cinema; and the blob walking through one of the ‘blob doors’. ", "Simple and silly as they seemed at first, these little people have had a profound effect on my thoughts today. ", "That’s why this book is so vitally important to youth work in the broadest sense. ", "These illustrations, though almost text free, are deceptively complex and engaging. ", "The potential for both getting people to talk and releasing them to think, is awesome. ", "The acid test: I’ve tried this with young people already, and had stunning conversations off the back of it. ", "If Youthwork ran the resource Oscars, Pip and Ian’s Big Book of Blobs would have just walked away with the award for Best Picture(s).Martin SaundersEditor of Youthwork\n\nWednesday, February 22, 2006\n\nBelfast Airport calling and some clicks from me as I wait a few hours for my aircraft. ", "I asked Mr Easy Jet if he could lay a special flight on for me but I didn't figure in his priorities. ", "He smiled. ", "I await. ", "Mixing with the poor again.", "Poor sad-o me!!!", "\n\nThinking about life ...I have never had a grade or an upgradeUsually I get a downgrade - but after all 'He who was rich became poor .......... \"....... so I am stepping in the right footprints eh?", "\n\nHave been leading a training day for some beautiful humans who do wondrous work in this culture/climate/environment. ", "I could not do what they do but they have blessed me by asking me to facilitate their training and development over the next five months. ", "So -I facilitate in cultivating a climate of trust.", "Helping to define reality.", "And openness.", "A level of sharing which exhilarates me and us all.", "We learn together.", "JourneyI loveitloveitloveit.", "\n\nAt the start of the training I shared something of the work I have led over the years and the experiences - hmmm the experiences. ", "And how, on one hand, I could easily make it all sound so great ............... but I also shared how I have felt deeply as the scars have been made on my soul over the years and how I still feel them - YES - still do. ", "And how these have left me vulnerable.", "And that I consider ::vulnerability as a strength - not a weakness.", "\n\nAt the end of the training I asked all those present to share what they would take away. ", "The single most useful tool or idea or thought or experience - the one thing they could cup in the palm of their hand and 'take away'.", "About four or five of those humans present mentioned the word 'vulnerability'.", "How sharing their authentic self - was an experience of growth ................\n\nDiscovering our vulnerability - and telling it to others - is a massive step. ", "A step towards self understanding and self acceptance - it is.", "Being naked like this strange at first.", "But not as tiring and painful as drawing the blinds, pulling down the shutter, peeping through the mask .. ... .........\n\nI am still pumping - all because of these beautiful humans ......... but I leave you with a quote which kicks my darkness until it bleeds daylight ::\n\n\"We become fully conscious onlyof what are able to express to someone else.", "We may already have had a certain inner intuition about it, but it must remain vague so long as it is unformulated\"\n\nTuesday, February 21, 2006\n\nI am aware that I have been short with my clicks of recent days - so I pause to do an analysis of where I am and the best place to start is with feelings.", "\n\nMy daily review of life, and that one day - today ....... always has feelings at the top. ", "This is followed by asking myself why those positive or negative vibes are in my interior self.", "How much it shows on the outside.", "What is my strategy.", "What is 'beautiful imperfection' and what I need to do about them as I journey.", "Builing on the positives and how to kick the darkness - as I journey.", "\n\nI am Ok.", "Just have to neglect some things so I can do the right things well.", "I will fill you in come the end of the week.", "\n\nMy mind jumps to this ::If we are in a life position ofI'm not OK - You're not ok(clarity :: I don't feel good about myself - and I don't feel good about this other person/s)Feelings in this life position are usually feelings of ::UnlovedAloneRejected\n\nThese are not OK feelings to come in touch with - but it is best to clock them because they can tear our guts out even if we don't put words to our feelings - always best in my view.", "\n\nMonday, February 20, 2006\n\nRest in Peace\n\nJ Dilla aka Jay Dee\n\n......... he died on 10 February aged 32.", "\n\nA massive talent. ", "A man laying down grooves which are ahead of the times.", "\n\nI love his stuff and delighted to see Gilles Peterson do a tribute to him on his Radio One programme - and BenjB on his programme o 1Xtra - both Radio Shows are available to hear on the BBC Listen again feature ....... some great music too ......\n\nSunday, February 19, 2006\n\nYou are preciousValuable Special - in extremeA GIFT from God to this World Community\n\nThe worst thing anyone can do is to get a gift and leave it unwrapped – -not revealing the gift inside.", "\n\nYou are a gift from God andthe worst thing is for you tostay unwrapped.", "\n\nYou have so much to offer –and that is your uniqueness – difference than every other person on the planet.", "\n\nIf we unwrap – feel a bit naked, we grow If we stay unwrapped, closed, unknown, un - revealed to others we do not share our uniqueness, we take no risks.", "\n\nIn a couple of my books I talk about 'Level 5 communication' and I want to walk you through the levels ::Level 1Cliché :: is when we communicate in cliché – “lovely weather we are having” - so natural to say to strangers but so boring with intimate friendsand those we wish to relate too better.", "\n\nLevel 2Facts :: This level is when we communicate facts only. ", "Retelling what we have done, What we saw on TV, viewed at the football match. ", "Interesting, maybe, but only for a little while.", "\n\nLevel 3 Opinions :: This level we start to unwrap a little – it is when we give opinionswe give something of ourselves away (maybe about the TV programme or football). ", "Watch out here – others could disagree.", "\n\nLevel 4Feelings :: This is the big start of real communication – unwrapping. ", "Level 4 is all about feelings. ", "When we are honest to another about our feelings which are active - here and now - right there in our interior self. ", "How we are feeling within – emotional stuff. ", "When, are are willing to take that step, we reveal/unwrap these – we are taking risks but wonderfully so. ", "People begin to understand our human beautifulness. ", "We become more alive to them. ", "The relationship becomes alive.", "\n\nLevel 5Total Openness :: This is the target. ", "Maybe never achieved. ", "It is total openness, feelings, honesty – fully unwrapped. ", "This, I believe, is beautiful. ", "This is how all people best open up, grow, develop, change. ", "And I believe that the better we become at this – the warmer, the more beautiful we can become - in our 'becoming'.", "\n\nWe can ‘Level 5’ with our partners. ", "With our friends. ", "Work mates. ", "God too!", "\n\nIt all begins with taking the risk taking off wrappingsshare the gift we arewith othersnot waiting for others.", "\n\nor we can staya gift unwrappeda beautiful human'being'nota beautiful human'becoming'\n\nSaturday, February 18, 2006\n\nMet Ian today in the New Piccadilly Restaurant in London Town ........ to talk about all things blobs.", "StimulatingexcitingWonder - full Level Fiveloveitloveit\n\nLast night my team won and piled on the points to ensure we are remain on top of the Super League.", "I relax with a good movie and watching my game.", "Tonight I could not relax with the game.", "I picked up my pad and doodled ::\n\nMy mind is so stimulated I am thinking more aboutmy new penBlog potentialsthe book I want to read about trainingmusic I want to listen toblobsmy diaryTo do's....... and then I wrote 'I will relax'\n\nI bought 'Pride and Prejudice' on DVD for Joan and it plopped on the mat today all the way from play dot com. ", "After a meal and the rugby we watched it. ", "It is about Pride and it is about Prejudice.", "\n\nI am a man with pride coming at me and.........and yet - I guess I am not aware of any pride. ", "If you don't mind me saying - you too. ", "Same with prejudice ......... we have it and are not aware of all we have to learn - and become aware about. ", "There is so much to become sensitive about ......... we are so unaware.", "Three areas ......... it seems to me .........\n\nAwareness - this must be about being in touch with reality - the here and the now. ", "This must include recognising our sensations and feelings in response to what is happening around us.", "THEN - from this base ::Spontaneity - the ability to chose from options when it comes to behaviour. ", "Being free to chose.", "Intimacy - which is about open, level five,trusting interaction with other humans. ", "A place where we can share our true and honest feelings with another.", "\n\nPause :: I always want to listen to music - I yearn .............. music always comes in to my thought process ....... hmmm\n\nChurch in the morning.", "I will be stillI will drink from the wellI will get in touch with my soulI will become ..............\n\nFriday, February 17, 2006\n\nSledgehammer\n\nThe Sledgehammer weighed 10 kilos and we were planning to use it on the door of a young persons room in our 150 bed YMCA Hostel.", "John had barricaded his room and it had all gone quiet for some time. ", "We were worried because of his threatened suicide.", "\n\n“John we are worried about you – just make a noise – turn on the radio – anything to tell us you are O.K.”. ", "We left it for a short while.", "\n\nJohn doesn’t communicate. ", "He can speak but life has damaged him in such a way that he does not relate. ", "It has taken six months of saying “Hello John” and raising my thumbs with a smile to get him to produce a slight waving of his thumb. ", "At nineteen he walks slowly around as if in desperate fear.", "\n\nTime was up – “John we have to break down the door so do not be afraid of the noise,” said Dave, our youngest Professional, who works closely and affirmingly with him. ", "The door was then smashed out of its frame –a painful noise permeating all eleven floors of the YMCA. ", "It had to be knocked downwards, being held by a bed at the bottom. ", "Eventually I lifted the splintered door out of the horrible gap with a range of fearful expectations in my heart. ", "The room was in darkness – smashed up - thrashed - every item. ", "John was standing in the farthest corner – crying – shaking with his sobs. “", "Don’t worry John, you are O.K. now” said Dave “it’s you we are concerned about”.", "\n\nDave sat on the floor, John sat on the end of his bed and the real work began, while I went for cups of tea and biscuits – John likes biscuits.", "\n\nJohn is one of over 3,000 members and residents and an extreme example of someone in need. ", "A number of others display behaviour, which is not submissive but aggressive and more painful to deal with. ", "However difficult it is, I believe that: -\n\nThere are no difficult peopleOnly difficult behaviour\n\nJohn is unfit in a different way than others of us – yet he needs ‘development’ not ‘control’. ", "He is being worked with by Dave and others and a regular thumbs up smile from me.", "\n\n“Dave sat on the floor and John sat on the bed”\n\nI have never yet mentioned this to Dave, my colleague, - but I delight in the picture stamped in my mind. ", "Dave sat below John, in the rubble of a smashed room, taking the position of vulnerability…………..\n\nI weep as I conclude – joy and sadness.", "\n\nSee from his head, his hands, his feetSorrow and love flow mingled down.", "\n\nThis was written some years ago and has just come to light.", "I have never blogged it before.", "\n\nA beautiful young woman stands in the doorway of the room you are sitting in.", "Her name is Olga from Novosibirsk, Russia.", "\n\nTo you and me she is a nice, attractive and we wouldn’t know where she came from, her attitudes, nastiness, accent, nationality, background - until she speaks and we meet in some way.", "Believe me, Olga is living in a project and volunteering on holiday programme, - she is great! ", "Another young woman stands in the door and immediately there is a different reading in our eyes, brain, feelings, awareness and guardingness.", "Before this person meets us, relates, shares accent or attitude, we see the young woman is black. ", "As a white person, and most in this community are white - we can be prejudiced before we even give a person a chance.", "\n\nWhen I was a kid in St. Helens, Lancashire, my dad always called me a nignog!When Joan and I went working in an Approved School (Joan 22/me 26) we met black kids/families for the first time and I was shocked to discover that ‘nignog’ was not a friendly, superficial, jokey insult - it was an abbreviation of nigger/golliwog!", "\n\nI learned so much in that context. ", "I learned so much in The London Borough of Newham for 10 years. ", "I need to learn so much more here and now because it is so easy to be prejudiced - even racist. (", "I hate it, I hate it!) ", "When I lived in Canning Town my front door was sprayed with the letters 'N.F'. ", "Shortly after, I came to run a Project in Romford 20 years ago, my car was sprayed with big letters,'N.F'.", "\n\nI feel disturbed writing this because I truly hate racism and I feel uncomfortable hating anything! ", "I was interviewed some time ago by a young Asian woman doing research into racism. ", "I talked about this stuff - and more.", "It also made me think! ", "Feel! ", "Determined! ", "Committed!", "\n\nReason for writing this?", "\n\nI feel we have to watch it!We can display attitudes to others of a different skin colour without knowing it. ", "So I write and ask us all to consider being sensitive to this issue whatever our skin colour.", "Feel our feelings.", "Check how we feel when we see someone.", "When we talk - to someone.", "Then ask - self - am I using the right attitude?You may or may not put your hand up to the Christian faith. (", "Would you?)The YMCA, who I still do a lot of work for, does - in small projects and worldwide.", "We need to be striving for growth in this racist/prejudiced world - as in all the things we do!", "\n\nPS I have a friend called Harry Cumberbatch. ", "His surname is not his family name passed down generations.", "The surname was forced on him and his fore-fathers by a plantation owner whose name was ‘Cumberbatch’ - when they were bought into slavery.", "\n\nThursday, February 16, 2006\n\n>>>>> 3 >>> LP's\n\n.... bought in 2006\n\nJose Gonzalez 'Veneer'.... beautiful - lyrical and so beautiful are the songs ..... I cannot guess anyone in the world would not like this.", "Joy had it on her iPod when we flew through France recently - in the Primera!", "\n\n'A supreme talent' said the Guardian - not my car of course!", "\n\nKing Britt 'This is ... King Britt' ..... a dj mix of artistes which move my soul. ", "Also an extra cd in the pack with great grooves.", "\n\nMy third was a download from iTunes ::'King Britt presents Sister Gertrude Morgan' ..... with such songs as 'live my Jesus' and 'Precious Lord lead me On'wowee\n\n..... I have been asking humans out there in the wide www world to tell us five words to describe your life at the moment ......... and I publish on my blospot ........ with your first name only.", "\n\nThey are coming in.", "\n\nI feel this is a good question because, when we do it for real, we enter our own interior - get intouch with those, often, untouched feelings. ", "Self revelation - and if you click this way - they are also an opportunity to reveal to others - and that is beautiful .......... ........... other beautiful humans read you know ............... they yearn to see others who are, maybe, just about in the same place and that is a beautiful thing to know.", "\n\nHere are the collected recent ::\n\nPaul ::stressed, at-peace, nervous, tired, ready.", "\n\nkatie :: revitalised, excited, trusting, open and loved\n\nDerek ::drainednot sleepyachinghopingwondering/wanting\n\n............. seen on a big screen at a U2 concert ::\n\nTHE SECRET IS YOURSELFTHE SECRET IS YOUR PAINTHE SECRET IS LETTING GOGIVING UPBREAKING DOWNGIVING IN...TO THE END...TO THE BEGINNING\n\nOne of the most anticipated fall films is the Johnny Cash biopic \"Walk the Line,\" It stars Joaquin Phoenix as the Man in Black and Reese Witherspoon as his soul mate, the feisty June Carter Cash. ", "Don't expect the movie to reveal all the following facts:\n\n1. ", "When Cash was born in 1932, his parents, who couldn't decide what to name their child, settled on J.R. In 1950, when the Air Force demanded that Cash supply something more than the initials, he named himself \"John Ray.\"", "\n\n2. ", "Cash was jealous of the attention given to his Sun Records label-mate Elvis Presley. ", "So when he was asked to deliver some Presley records to a promoter, he tossed them off a cliff, one at a time, \"like Frisbees.\"", "\n\n3. ", "The legendary \"Million Dollar Quartet\" session, which united Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Cash at the Sun Studios in Memphis in 1956, was actually a trio, as Cash left the studio before the tape started rolling.", "\n\n4. ", "Cash's first movie role was as a creepy psycho-killer in 1961's \"Door-to-Door Maniac\" (aka \"Five Minutes to Live\"). ", "It also featured Opie himself, Ronnie Howard, and Pamela Mason, wife of British actor James Mason.", "\n\n5. \"", "Ring of Fire,\" one of Cash's biggest hits, was once considered as a theme for a hemorrhoid-relief commercial. ", "The Cash estate declined.", "\n\nWednesday, February 15, 2006\n\n... it is one of those evenings when I feel tired and sapped ........ ....... only stepped on the welcome mat at the Wilson Mansions at 9 pm .............. so not much of an evening. ", "I don't feel unhappy. ", "I don't feel low. ", "Just a bit drained - more than the normal 'end of the day'.", "\n\nRegulars, if that is you - thanx, will know that I have a comitment to telling you who I am - the focus of that must be 'feelings'. ", "If I don't tell you, and myself, how I feel - it is the mask job. ", "Pretence. ", "Superficial. ", "Not reality.", "Activities of mine do not tell you how I feel as a human.", "L5 is about the journey to openess I am committed to 'Level five' communication.", "So I want to do that here.", "\n\nHungryAngryLonelyTired?", "\n\nIt is tired for me. ", "Drained - and the sleep deficit thing too.", "\n\nI know I need to rest and also sleep. ", "Usually I need to relax before I sleep.", "\n\nI breath deepTry it with me.", "Slow deep inhaleSlow deep exhaleA few times before you scroll down~~~~~~~~\n\n........... and you will feelIf you are doing this with meYou can feel your nostrils cooler as you breath inWarmer as you breath outOxygenNew life being breathed inFeeding the bodymindspirit\n\nCool and fresh on intakeWarm as we expel the waste\n\n..... and if you wish .....say - say silently -Breath on me breath of GodFill me with life brand-new\n\n........... I continue to breath the breath of life ........ ........... and you? .........", "\n\n...... for Joan and me was a surprise birthday and Valentines lunch for Jules ......... special big day ............. so me had a glorious lunch with her and Big John in our favourite Italian in Covent Garden - 'Da Mario'.", "\n\nWe had a fab time and talked and talked and loved it loved it\n\nNow I am up too late to face a long 8 hour day which turns into 12/13 with the commute .............. I love my iPod .............. and the reading too.", "\n\nI have some exciting and stretching stuff ahead .......... I have a week-end to lead with a group of beautiful human women from a tough housing estate ...... I don't know what to do so i will just do it ....... design it and keep plenty of options in the toolbox hey hey.", "\n\nI also have a conflict course coming up. ", "How to deal with aggro and abuse and ............. it is so easy to the see the behaviour of the abusive human in front of us instead of looking beyond the behaviour.", "To communicate to the core of the human is vital and not be distracted by the obnoxious.", "\n\nAnd then I have a series of 'The Road Less Travelled' courses to run ........I have been doing these for 15 years ............ about'Life Mangement -Assertiveness - Managing Emotions'- having skills in the toolbox to help self and others to work through this life.", "\n\n.................. M. Scott Peck, Author of The Road Less Travelled', started his book off with these three words ::\n\n'Life is difficult'\n\nAlso exciting is to be flying to Belfast one day monthly to conduct team training and I loveitloveit ..........\n\nLove is been on my mind due to the Valentine thing ........................ and I am aware that you come into contact with Vicky Pollard and her friends .................. and there is a need to love her and acknowledge her and ........................ smile ..................so that a human is not left without love and has to experience this sort of thing alone ::\n\n\"My father always made me know I was fat. ", "I could never make him love me. ", "I decided nobody would love me unless I was perfect. ", "I felt ugly, as if I was falling down a dark hole.\"", "\n\nJane FondaGuardian\n\nHow do we do it ......................I don't know ................ we just do it ....................\n\nbut here is a clue ::\n\n\"We must not think that our love has to be extraordinary.", "But we do need to love without getting tired.", "How does a lamp burn?Through the continuous input of small drops of oil.", "These drops are the small things of daily life:faithfulness,small words of kindness,a thought for others,our way of being quiet,of looking, of speaking,and of acting.", "They are the true drops of lovethat keep our lives and relationships burninglike a lively flame.\"", "\n\n.... if you are not interested in the interior life of U2 and the Crew on the road which will lead us into Mexico - down under - Japan ......\n\nThis is the Diary of Willie Williams from U2 - Set and Stage - and Lighting and show concept designer .....This diary can be found on U2 dot com but I think only for members of the community ..... you can join too .....\n\nThursday February 9th, 2006. ", "Los Angeles - Monterey\n\nI joined the crew party to fly down to Mexico today. ", "The band are going to stay in L.A. for a couple more days, but I really need to get to see the staging system as soon as possible as its been a while. ", "We flew on Air Aviacsa, which was a first for me. ", "Its been a very long time since I flew an airline I’d never used before to a city I’d never visited before, so the experience was vaguely exhilarating. ", "It was an early start this morning and I was exhausted anyway having hit the ground running in L.A. Sadly though, I found I couldn’t sleep - once again my body was flat out but the little guy in my head was bouncing off the walls. ", "It was really most peculiar to experience jet lag whilst on an aeroplane, blasting through time zones in reverse direction.", "\n\nWith the time change we didn’t get to Monterrey till after night fall. ", "It was going to be a while till the system in the stadium was ready so Bruce and I headed out to find some nosh. ", "This looks like a nice part of town. ", "We found good food then headed back to the hotel, discovering other members of our touring party propping up the bar. ", "More reunions.", "\n\nWord came through that we weren’t going to be able to get at the show system tonight, so I counted my blessings and hit the sack.", "\n\nFriday February 10th, 2006. ", "Production Rehearsals, Monterey\n\nDown to the venue bright and early to get a jump on everything which needed doing towards rebuilding the outdoor show. ", "Clearly we are taking the European show as the starting point, but are customising it for each of the countries we are visiting. ", "Also there are quite a few visual things which appeared during the last indoor leg which need to be reformatted to work in the great outdoors.", "\n\nIt was a scorching hot day, so it was bare legs all round. ", "Everything came together in good time and the early dusk allowed us to start programming by 7ish. ", "A very weird curfew rule here states that there can’t be any loud noise in the stadium before 9pm, which is refreshingly counter-intuitive. ", "Consequently we were trying to get as much done as we could before the backline guys arrived to unleash the fury.", "\n\nIt was fabulous to see the outdoor stage again. ", "Its a magnificent looking thing, even if I do say so myself. ", "Even nicer when it gets turned on. ", "Word came down the wire that the backline guys weren’t going to come in after all which produced much rejoicing in our front of house oxygen tent. ", "Its so much easier to get work done when you’re not listening to random music noise and 120 decibels.", "\n\nWe were the usual crew of suspects inside the mix position, Bruce programming lighting, Smasher programming video, Bob at the video engineering, Luke & Sam on the video sequences. ", "As ever, it can become oddly quiet out there for long periods of time as we all beaver away on our separate pieces of the puzzle, occasionally coming together to run a song, or see how lighting and video fit together.", "\n\nThe temperature dropped like a stone after dark and we were largely unprepared, sartorially speaking. ", "We dug out all of the clothing we had, but it was still woefully inadequate. ", "Luke improvised some sarong-like garments out of large sheets of plastic and we started jumping up and down a good deal. ", "Eventually Bruce cracked open the ‘sporting goods’ drawer of his workbox adding more clothing to the mix, though largely shirts and shorts. ", "I ended up wearing six shirts and three pairs of trousers but was still bloody freezing. ", "You should have seen us, bundled up to an absurd degree - “Tellytubbies go mad in the Arctic”.", "\n\nAt about 4am I was thinking perhaps we should knock it on the head and carry on tomorrow night. ", "However, it was only then I realised that there is no tomorrow night - I have lost a day somehow in my jet lag blur, as I imagined we had another night’s programming before the band arrived, but no, they’ll be here, on stage tomorrow evening. ", "I guess we’d better carry on then…...\n\nSaturday February 11th, 2006. ", "Production Rehearsals, Monterey\n\nTo bed at 7am and up at 3pm, a bunch of dazed roadies were picked up from the crew hotel. ", "I had all my bags piled up on the sidewalk as the band party arrives today, so I am transferring to their hotel.", "\n\nThe cold of last night seems to have stayed on and it was pretty chilly all day. ", "At the gig all was noise and activity with sound checks and preparations for the run through. ", "The band came in around 5 and we had a quick huddle to figure out the set list. ", "We’re getting into a situation now where we have so many great songs worked up that the show is potentially too long. ", "The Edge always laughs and says “ah, its great value for money!”, ", "but the truth is that if even a great show is too long it throws out the dynamics of the whole event. ", "For U2 something in the region of two hours ten minutes seems to work the best. ", "We’ve touched two and a half hours on occasion and even though the crowd is delighted, you can feel them getting tired. ", "That said, I have been pretty determined to get “Bad” into the main set for this leg, so we decided to add it in, even though we couldn’t find another song to drop to make way for it.", "\n\nRegular readers will know that playing without an audience has never been U2’s strongest suit, so imagine our surprise when the four of them got up there and played the entire set from start to finish without stopping. ", "We were stunned and the crowd outside the stadium were loving it. (", "Hearing the far off chant of “EL-E-VA-TION” was hilarious from inside the deserted venue.)", "\n\nWe had a brief catch up afterwards but agreed to meet at noon tomorrow to make a final plan. ", "It had got really quite cold again by this time, to we sent to crew for cups of tea before settling in to another night’s programming. ", "Most of what we did last night was pretty good, but the new visuals for “End of the World” needed some tidying up and the visuals for “One” didn’t work - it was all too big and distracting. ", "Both of these we worked on and made a big improvement. “", "End of the World” uses footage of fall out from atomic bomb tests (taken from a U.S. government archive film reel which en masse and in isolation makes for incredibly depressing viewing). ", "By way of redeeming it in the name of art, we abstracted it, chopped it up and put it through an interference blender, so it now has the look of the band coming through your TV during a nuclear war. ", "Its just charming. ", "I also took another run at “One” and nailed it. ", "Much simpler, less busy, fewer words and more buffalo. ", "How could I have been so blind?", "\n\nBy 4.30am we were seeing double so bailed. ", "We’re in great shape given how quickly everybody had to get back into this. ", "Dropped all the lads off at the crew hotel, then I’m glad the runner knew where my hotel was as I didn’t have a clue. ", "Its gone 5am, meeting with Bono at noon, so I’d better get off line and get some sleep.", "\n\nSunday February 12th, 2006. ", "Show Day, Monterey\n\nWas woken by the phone at 11am, with a friendly voice telling me that my meeting with Bono had been pushed back from noon till 3pm. ", "Result!", "\n\nRolled over for another hour, but found myself awake so staggered up. ", "One of the many extraordinary things about road life is that its possible to exist in a state of almost complete ignorance of your surroundings or domestic arrangements. ", "Being the start of a new leg and having been so intensely busy at the venue, I hadn’t a clue about what hotel I was in or any travel arrangements. ", "Usually you look for a piece of paper shoved under your door which tells you what to do. ", "and today’s piece of paper informed me that I’m going to Mexico City tonight (fancy that!) ", "but more crucially that the hotel was serving “complimentary brunch till 1pm”. ", "Result!!", "\n\nIt was about 12.30 so I pulled on some clothes and went to find the food. ", "This I did, along with a couple of other members of our party, in a large, smart, busy, dining room laid out with a huge spread of food. ", "It was perfect, so we piled our plates high and made the most of it. ", "Have gorged ourselves, another member of our party arrived and looked puzzled. “", "Aren’t you coming for breakfast in the bar with everyone else?”. ", "Yes folks, we had just sat down and helped ourselves to a complete stranger’s wedding reception.", "\n\nLater down at the venue everything seemed to be in order, pretty much like we’d never been away. ", "There was, however, one surprise which took the evening into unexpected territory. ", "It was cold. ", "In fact it was nearly freezing out there which made it very hard for the audience to produce any kind of party atmosphere. ", "When I walked out the the mix position before the show I was really taken aback by the complete lack of noise or vibe from the crowd. ", "This is Mexico after all, home of the Mexican Wave, home to some of the greatest gig audiences on the planet, but tonight it was clearly going to be a struggle.", "\n\nA struggle it was. ", "From the minute the band hit the stage it was clear that, even though the audience was loving it, the chances of us achieving elevation were slim indeed. ", "The gig had its moments (Elevation being one of them) but for the most part the crowd would cheer at the beginning and end of songs, but huddle together for warmth in between. ", "Another “problem” (though in many ways encouraging) is that here it seems the newer U2 material is far more well known than the older. ", "The ‘Boy’ songs didn’t get anything like the usual recognition and my visionary insistence that we put ‘Bad’ into the set created without doubt the low point of the evening. ", "It was uphill work all round.", "\n\nMy one smile came from seeing Selma Hayek in the audience. ", "The encore section of the show begins with a set of “one arm bandit” reels which spin around revealing the symbols from Achtung Baby with a mixture of political and cultural icons. ", "For each of the shows on this part of the tour we have made a custom version of this piece, including famous faces from that country and the one for Mexico contains….Selma Hayek. ", "She must have been surprised.", "\n\nAfter the show we did a runner to Mexico City, where hopefully it might be at least a little warmer.", "\n\nMonday February 13th, 2006. ", "Monterey - Mexico CIty\n\nI was so tired when we arrived last night that I fell asleep in the van. ", "Got to my hotel room, walked in the door, got straight into bed and passed out without waiting for luggage, showering or anything.", "\n\nSlept well and woke feeling more human. ", "I spent a couple of hours working on the show, devising a new set list which might be more suitable for this part of the world. ", "Given the cold and the dark, I think the European show is too slow to get to the spectacular bits. ", "When we were opening in daylight and there was more of a football crowd spirit we could get away with holding back, but here it seems wiser to go in all guns blazing.", "\n\nWent up to Bono’s room and had an hour or two with just the two of us which was fantastically productive. ", "Its hard to get that kind of focussed time, but it pays off enormously. ", "We’re going to try the “City of Blinding Lights” opening and focus on newer material. ", "More spectacle, more upbeat, more rock and roll.", "\n\nThis was followed by another meeting to sort out some forthcoming film shoots which will be happening during the rest of this South American leg. ", "Again this was productive, so time well spent.", "\n\nFinally made it out of the hotel for some dinner with Sam and Luke my video content team. ", "We went out looking for trouble, but on a cold Monday night in February, trouble was not to be found. ", "Instead we strolled the Zona Rosa looking into entirely empty bars and clubs, rode in one of Mexico City’s fantastic VW Beetle cabs (three of us in the back as there’s no front seat) before settling into the hotel bar. ", "Ah well, an early night won’t do us any harm.", "\n\n\"We who are rich are often demanding and difficult. ", "We shut ourselves up in our apartments and may even use a watchdog to defend our property.", "\n\nPoor people, of course, have nothing to defend and often share the little they have.", "When people have all the material things they need, they seem not to need each other. ", "They are self-sufficient. ", "There is no interdependence. ", "There is no love. ", "In a poor community, however, there is often a lot of mutual help and sharing of goods, as well as help from outside. ", "Poverty can even become a cement of unity.\"" ]
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0.0010834153508767486, 0.0007513579330407083, 0.001011412707157433, 0.0020699782762676477, 0.0005763219087384641, 0.0005776362959295511, 0.0005763183580711484, 0.0006359441904351115, 0.0006014517275616527, 0.0010427613742649555, 0.0006669122958555818, 0.0008530752966180444, 0.016901105642318726, 0.0006610258133150637, 0.0007908589905127883, 0.0007796534919179976, 0.015438427217304707, 0.0007588367443531752, 0.0005882717669010162, 0.0005279344040900469, 0.0005719943437725306, 0.07705461233854294, 0.000547640782315284, 0.0012250639265403152, 0.003618677146732807, 0.0005996361724101007, 0.0006142400670796633, 0.019017556682229042, 0.0035701768938452005, 0.001180499093607068, 0.0006144827930256724, 0.0005569290951825678, 0.0009950683452188969, 0.0021918609272688627, 0.0008713963907212019, 0.0008431000169366598, 0.04678746312856674, 0.03048870898783207, 0.17701256275177002, 0.0007293184171430767, 0.0006304417038336396, 0.0006036144332028925, 0.0007588320295326412, 0.0009007397457025945, 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0.0006942958571016788, 0.0006207399419508874, 0.0012882879236713052, 0.0008684425847604871, 0.0005794846802018583, 0.0005902745178900659, 0.0007557703065685928, 0.0014352096477523446, 0.001203449908643961, 0.0006546913064084947, 0.0014084941940382123, 0.0005829077563248575, 0.000761454226449132, 0.0005399133078753948, 0.000783539901021868, 0.0007502395310439169, 0.018558593466877937, 0.0010153406765311956, 0.0005967427277937531, 0.001328999176621437, 0.0007692071958445013, 0.000989026972092688, 0.0006907356437295675, 0.0006071508396416903, 0.0006574904546141624, 0.0006329408497549593, 0.0006336176884360611, 0.0007043720688670874, 0.0008186287595890462, 0.0008228464284911752, 0.002708061132580042, 0.0007241977145895362, 0.48940515518188477, 0.028257355093955994, 0.0007083514356054366, 0.0012782277772203088, 0.0008503116550855339, 0.001591566833667457, 0.0006815038505010307, 0.0014550891937687993 ]
[ "Pollinator and nonpollinator selection on ray morphology in Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy, Asteraceae).", "\nDespite evidence that both pollinators and nonpollinator agents of selection can shape the evolution of floral characters, there have been few attempts to compare the strengths and directions of selection from pollinators and other agents in the same study system. ", "In this investigation of Leucanthemum vulgare, a self-incompatible composite known for its conspicuous white rays, I obtained data from a ray removal experiment in the field and from a segregating F(2) population in an experimental garden to assess the role of pollinator and nonpollinator selection as stabilizing factors on floral evolution in this species. ", "Removal of all rays reduced the pollination success of heads by 31-35%, but did not significantly affect the level of infestation by larvae of the fly Tephritis neesii. ", "Data from F(2) plants indicated a potential for indirect selection on ray morphology, mediated through links between ray morphology and measures of vegetative size and plant vigor. ", "The results of this study show that individuals of the normal, rayed phenotype have a clear selective advantage, in terms of both pollinator attraction and general plant vigor. ", "Thus, there were no conflicting selection pressures between the pollinators and the other selective agents considered in this study." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008907010196708143, 0.0006473896210081875, 0.0007637834642082453, 0.0011396876070648432, 0.0005896504153497517, 0.0006278887740336359, 0.0006724800332449377 ]
[ "Ys Celceta: Sea Of Trees Will Have Better Audio And Background Effects\n\nDengeki PlayStation spoke with Falcom about Ys Celceta: Sea of Trees, their PlayStation Vita reimagining of Ys IV. ", "According to the developer, they are aiming to outdo their work with Ys Seven.", "\n\nFalcom has worked extensively with PSP and explained to the magazine they had to downgrade the sampling rate for audio due to hardware limitations. ", "This is no longer a problem with PlayStation Vita. ", "They also plan on improving background effects and the overall look of the game from start to finish.", "\n\nYs Celceta: Sea of Trees will have a camera that’s more dynamic than the on in Ys Seven. ", "Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo explained to Siliconera in an interviewYs Celceta: Sea of Trees will use a battle system similar to Ys Seven where players can change characters in battle. ", "Keep an eye out for our interview with Falcom about PlayStation Vita development and maybe even some Trails in the Sky discussion soon." ]
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[ 0.0009333316120319068, 0.0006852166843600571, 0.0005976431421004236, 0.0009804280707612634, 0.0005781882209703326, 0.0008501172414980829, 0.0007143230177462101, 0.0006181976641528308 ]
[ "The present invention relates to the field of cementing pipe in wellbores. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to an improved apparatus and method for improving the bond between the downhole pipe and cement place in the wellbore.", "\nThe production of oil and gas requires production casing to be set in the wellbore. ", "The production casing provides a conduit for transporting the hydrocarbon fluids from the subsurface formation to the well surface. ", "To prevent the migration of the hydrocarbon fluids around the exterior of the casing, and to prevent the dilution of the hydrocarbon fluids with water produced from other strata, cement is placed in the annulus between the exterior of the casing and the interior of the wellbore.", "\nTo facilitate the formation of a strong cement bond around the casing, pipe centralizers typically are installed on casing sections to center the casing in the wellbore so that an even thickness of cement is located on all sides of the casing. ", "This technique restricts channeling of the cement, and the creating of voids in the cement, caused when the casing rests against the wellbore surface.", "\nSeveral factors adversely affect the cementing process. ", "Mud cake on the wellbore surface can prevent a good bond between the cement and the wellbore. ", "To avoid this problem, scratching tools having wires or bristles are run in the wellbore to dislodge mud cake from the wellbore. ", "Additionally, the dehydration of the cement as the cement cures causes shrinkage of the cement, and the possibility of hairline cracks in the bond between the casing and cement. ", "This differential contraction is heightened by temperature variations in the wellbore, casing, and cement. ", "While wellbore temperatures may exceed 350 degrees F, the initial temperature of the casing may be below freezing in winter operations. ", "Similarly, the temperature of the cement is typically different than the wellbore and casing temperatures. ", "All of these potential variations in temperature can adversely affect the ability of the cement to form a solid seal between the casing and the wellbore.", "\nThe bond between the casing and the cement is also restricted by the formation of mud cake on the exterior surface of the casing. ", "When the casing is run into the wellbore, the casing contacts drilling mud and forms a hard cake or impurities on the exterior surface of the casing. ", "This mud cake can be extremely hard when subject to elevated temperatures in the wellbore. ", "While floats such as rubber plugs are typically run through the interior of the casing during cementing operations to swab the interior of the casing, no steps are taken to clean the outside surface of the casing before the cement is placed in the wellbore. ", "The failure to remove the mud cake from the exterior surface of the casing can leave a microannulus leading to failure of the cement seal.", "\nIn deep wells, the bottom hole pressure can exceed 18,000 psi. ", "If a hairline fracture or microannulus permits the migration of fluids from a water zone to a hydrocarbon producing zone, the water will be forced through such fracture at high pressures. ", "This migration will cause erosion of the cement or softer mud cake, and can eventually open a large channel between the water and hydrocarbon producing zones. ", "If enough water dilutes the hydrocarbon producing zone, additional expense is incurred to produce the hydrocarbon fluids, and total hydrocarbon production from the zone can be lost.", "\nThe migration of gas through the microannulus around the outside of the casing also increases the risk of well blowout. ", "If the gas travels to a depleted zone, an underground blowout can occur. ", "Alternatively, the newly pressurized zone can cause safety hazards for new drilling activity because the traditional warning signs of a high pressure zone, such as connection gas, background gas, temperature increases, changes in shale density, and penetration rate increases, may not be present in the artifically created pressure zone. ", "If enough gas migrates through the microannulus to the well surface, the gas can escape in an uncontrolled fashion and cause a disastrous surface blowout.", "\nAccordingly, a need exists for an improved apparatus and method for cementing wells that improves the bond between the cement and the exterior surface of the casing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0007552659953944385, 0.0006980234757065773, 0.0009072859538719058, 0.0006351394695229828, 0.0006650447030551732, 0.0007373024127446115, 0.0008026306750252843, 0.0005663756164722145, 0.0010868319077417254, 0.0027146574575453997, 0.00073533522663638, 0.0006192012224346399, 0.0006547802477143705, 0.0006526364013552666, 0.0006338556413538754, 0.0006339061073958874, 0.0012846036115661263, 0.0010705710155889392, 0.0008083820575848222, 0.0011665967758744955, 0.0006767577724531293, 0.0006019650027155876, 0.0006518541486002505, 0.0007721080328337848, 0.008504810743033886, 0.11875155568122864, 0.0005892910994589329, 0.02779133804142475, 0.0005941902054473758 ]
[ "L’auteur de cet article, issu d’un journal pourtant financé par un prince saoudien, estime que les musulmanes vivant en Occident doivent s’adapter aux lois des pays qui les accueillent. ", "Et ainsi gagner leur liberté.", "\n\nNOUVEAU HORS - SERIE L’Atlas de l’eau vous invite à comprendre les enjeux de l’eau dans le monde en plus de 30 cartes et infographies. ", "> Commander\n\nPACK RENTRÉE GYMGLISH Choisissez vos langues préférées et préparez la rentrée avec des cours en ligne drôles et personnalisés. ", "1 mois d’essai gratuit >\n\nQue Dieu me préserve ! ", "Jamais je n’oserais dire une chose pareille. ", "Car si je le faisais, je me ferais lapider. ", "Et pourtant, il faudrait le dire. ", "Seul pourrait le faire un homme de religion, expert des textes religieux et qui en connaisse les subtilités. ", "Un tel homme existe. ", "Il s’agit [du Saoudien] Mohamed Al-Issa, secrétaire général de la Ligue islamique mondiale [organisation saoudienne de promotion de l’islam à travers le monde. ", "Mohamed Al-Issa a auparavant été ministre de la Justice en Arabie Saoudite]. ", "Il s’est penché sur la question du port du voile par des musulmanes en Occident et a donné son avis d’un point de vue de la charia lors d’une conférence devant des femmes voilées dans la capitale autrichienne :\n\nQuand un pays décide démocratiquement de ne pas autoriser le voile, il faut l’accepter. ", "Si l’on veut rester, il faut enlever le voile. ", "Sinon, il faut partir.”", "\n\nEngagements contractuels\n\nIl y a donc deux possibilités, et deux seulement : enlever le voile ou partir. ", "Mais revenons plus précisément à ce qui en est dit dans la religion musulmane. ", "L’islam prône le respect des engagements contractuels. ", "Cela a valeur de loi. ", "Et la loi comporte de nombreux engagements contractuels, parmi lesquels la forme que doit prendre la résidence de n’importe quel immigré dans n’importe quel pays.", "\n\nAinsi, tel pays peut imposer le port du voile et la fermeture des magasins à l’heure de la prière pour que tout le monde aille prier à la\n\n[...]\n\nMohamed Al-Moziani" ]
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[ 0.0022994985338300467, 0.0028857062570750713, 0.0011234842240810394, 0.0055274926126003265, 0.01277611218392849, 0.002595804398879409, 0.04403331130743027, 0.05492768436670303, 0.0016971179284155369, 0.0010982125531882048, 0.0015547201037406921, 0.0011061150580644608, 0.16696538031101227, 0.8384214639663696, 0.6709920763969421, 0.007154908496886492, 0.011784986592829227, 0.0020674150437116623, 0.0023110052570700645, 0.003242635866627097, 0.01309047732502222 ]
[ "Q:\n\n\"Tibetisches Totenbuch\"? \"", "Tibetanisches Totenbuch\" - different books?", "\n\nI'm not firm in tibetan buddhism, but my old daddy had wanted to make a spiritual gift to me 12 years ago- I'd put it into the bookshelf after I'd read a handful of pages, and was a bit puzzled why this might have such a big reminescence as I've heard somewhere (and expected because of having got it by my father as a special birthday present). ", " \nRecently I was beginning a small research, especially about Padmasambhava, and there it occured to me that he was said to be the autor/to have been the spiritual background of the \"tibetisches Totenbuch\" (german name). ", "I was surprised and saw now, that the book of my father was \"tibetanisches Totenbuch\" - which is a suspicious change - at least suitable for better business. ", "On amazon I've found both titles and that of mine was looking color- and playful and that what I don't own looked more serious. ", " \n\nQ: Are the books at least related? ", "Is the \"tibetanisches Totenbuch\" something like \"tibetisches Totenbuch for dummies\" or is it a complete different work (possibly just profiting from the extreme similarity of the titles - but what do I know...)? ", " \n\nAddendum: in the book they say: subtitle \"...or The after-death-experiences on the Bardo-stage\" and then \"... after the english edition of Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup, published by Evans-Wentz, (...) newly edited commented and introduced by Lama Anagarika Govinda\" On the next page they write: \"the title of the original edition was \"the tibetan book of the dead\". ", " \nBut I do not find yet any reference to Padmasambhava (may be deeply in the book itself?) ", "which was irritating me.", "\nAddendum 2 Ah, now I find something which looks relevant. ", "The first 150 pages are simply introductions (which made me silly when I read into it and tried to make any sense of what was said), on pg 148 Padmasambhava is first time mentioned and then on pg 159 it seems that the traditional text does really start. ", " \nSo I think this answers my (stupid?) ", "question ...\n\nA:\n\nIt looks like Tibetisches Totenbuch is a German name for what's popularly known as \"The Tibetan Book of the Dead\".", "\nIn that case, (quotes from Wikipedia)\n\nAccording to Tibetan tradition, the \"Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State\" was composed in the 8th century by Padmasambhava, written down by his primary student, Yeshe Tsogyal, buried in the Gampo hills in central Tibet and subsequently discovered by a Tibetan terton, Karma Lingpa, in the 14th century.", "\nIt is part of a larger terma cycle, Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones, (zab-chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol, also known as kar-gling zhi-khro, popularly known as \"Karma Lingpa's Peaceful and Wrathful Ones.\"", "\nThe Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation is known in several versions, containing varying numbers of sections and subsections, and arranged in different orders, ranging from around ten to thirty-eight titles. ", "The individual texts cover a wide range of subjects, including meditation instructions, visualizations of deities, liturgies and prayers, lists of mantras, descriptions of the signs of death, indications of future rebirth, and texts such as the bar do thos grol that are concerned with the bardo-state.", "\n\nFrom what I can see on the Internet, it looks like Tibetisches and Tibet-an-isches are used interchangeably and both simply mean \"Tibetan\". ", "If this is correct, then they most likely refer to different versions or different translations of the same basic text. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to the recording of video, photo, and multi-media onto optical media, and more particularly to a method and apparatus for easily capturing and editing images and multi-media, and for authoring optical media containing video, photo, image, and other multi-media presentations.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nThe convergence of photography, video, and motion picture industries with the computer industry is greatly expanding the photo, video, and other image options for the consumer. ", "The use of optical media such as CD-R, DVD, and the like, is rapidly becoming a viable option for business as well as personal applications. ", "By way of example of a business application, equipment manufacturers can record maintenance and service procedures, and then transfer the recorded procedures to optical media to ship with a tool to customers, or to ship to field technicians. ", "Customer or support personnel can then simply play the optical media in a convenient computer system to observe and learn necessary procedures as correctly demonstrated. ", "Personal applications include photo and video capture to create everything from photo albums to multi-media collections of movies, images, photos, and the like.", "\nAlthough the possibilities for the use and application of video media seem limited only by the boundaries of the imagination, the technical expertise required to assemble, edit, and author DVD and other optical media containing collections and presentations of video, photographic, image, and multi-media data has kept the expansion of the market in check, and beyond the resource and skill of the average consumer.", "\nTypical prior art video authoring programs tend to be limited in scope so that specialized functions are accomplished with different programs. ", "By way of example, one program might be required to capture and edit video data, another program might be required to capture and edit photographic data, and another program required to collect the data in a presentation format. ", "Further, some prior art programs offer only standard templates into which a user can insert video or photographic files with little or no option for personalization or modification. ", "If a prior art program does provide for user modification, edit and display is typically restricted to one content file and one content file type at a time.", "\nPrior art authoring software often presents technical barriers preventing wide general use and enjoyment. ", "By way of example, structuring of the photo, video, or other image content is generally presented in abstract file and folder hierarchical format. ", "The non-technical user has no visual representation of structure and format using actual photo, video, or other image content. ", "The un-skilled user with little experience authoring DVD or VIDEO CD projects is provided no tools or visual reference to associate the abstract file and folder structure with the ultimate video, photo, or other image DVD. ", "The difficulty of creating even the abstract structure that will be a presentation is compounded by requiring the user to navigate through a plurality of screens and functions that are generally arcane to the average consumer, and bear little or no resemblance to a DVD presentation that one can experience by simply inserting a disc into a DVD player connected to the home television set.", "\nIn view of the foregoing, there is a need for a method and apparatus and computer program for easily capturing and editing video, photographic, and other image data, and then authoring DVD, VIDEO CD, and Super Video CD presentations to be recorded to the optical media. ", "The method, apparatus, and computer program should provide an average computer user an effective and intuitive interface to capture and edit video, photographic, and other image content from a plurality of sources, and to collect, structure, and arrange the selected content to author DVD, VIDEO CD, and Super Video CD presentations. ", "The method, apparatus, and computer program should further provide the user with a visual, graphic workspace in which to arrange and create presentations and projects including a plurality of content and content formats that can be easily structured using common methods and commands familiar to the typical user." ]
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[ "Minnesota’s civil forfeiture laws grant police officers, sheriffs and prosecutors perverse incentives to take private property. ", "Despite recent reforms, the state still received a paltry “D+” for its civil forfeiture laws, according to a new report, “Policing for Profit,” released by my law firm, the Institute for Justice.", "\n\nCivil forfeiture is law enforcement authorities’ power to take ownership of cash, vehicles, guns and other personal property suspected of involvement in a crime. ", "No convict has a right to the fruits of his or her crime. ", "Last year, Minnesota became one of a handful of states to require a conviction in criminal court before an owner can lose property through forfeiture litigation in civil court.", "\n\nThat’s good news, but last year’s change is insufficient to protect Minnesotans from law enforcement agencies’ avarice. ", "For many forfeiture cases, police and prosecutors can receive up to 90 percent of all proceeds. ", "That creates a powerful incentive to police for profit. ", "Last year, 321 law enforcement agencies completed nearly 7,000 forfeitures, resulting in $9 million in private property going to law enforcement budgets for salaries, benefits and overtime pay. ", "Since 2000, more than $72 million in property has been seized under state law, with each year’s reported amount increasing over the prior year.", "\n\nThe Legislature has done little to address the core problem of policing for profit since the Metro Gang Strike Force’s scandal in 2009, which resulted in a $3 million fine paid to victims of the unit’s misconduct.", "\n\nContrary to founding father George Mason’s admonition that the purse and the sword must never be in the same hands, police officers, sheriffs and prosecutors now include forfeiture as a line item in their budgets. ", "This inevitably means that prosecutorial discretion is influenced by the need to fund pay and benefits. ", "Indeed, law enforcement agencies’ authority to supplement their budgets with property they seize and sell is the primary factor behind Minnesota’s unsatisfactory grade.", "\n\nWhile law enforcement authorities may claim that forfeiture is targeted only against sprawling criminal enterprises and large drug cartels, many cases involved relatively small amounts. ", "Last year, the average forfeiture in Minnesota was under $1,450. ", "Nearly all forfeitures — 95 percent — were of property worth less than $5,000. ", "In other words, it would be irrational for property owners to hire lawyers to contest the forfeitures because a lawyer would likely charge more than the value of the property. ", "Moreover, the constitutional right to an attorney, if you can’t afford one, does not apply in civil court. ", "Law enforcement authorities know that only about 5 percent of property owners even try to go into court to get back their property. ", "The 2014 conviction prerequisite is insufficient protection.", "\n\nAnd a federal program known as “equitable sharing” further threatens to undermine Minnesota’s reforms. ", "By collaborating with a federal agency, local and state agencies can receive up to 80 percent of the proceeds from a forfeited property. ", "Between 2000 and 2013, Minnesota agencies received more than $25 million in federal forfeiture proceeds from the U.S. Department of Justice. ", "Since these forfeitures proceed under federal law, Minnesota’s reforms do not apply at all, allowing local and state law enforcement agencies to dodge state-level controls by partnering with federal agencies.", "\n\nIt’s time for Gov. Mark Dayton and state legislators to take a lesson from a former prosecutor and border-state governor. ", "Earlier this year, New Mexico Gov. Susanna Martinez, a tough-on-crime Republican, signed into law a reform that required all forfeiture proceeds, including those involving collaboration with the federal government, to be deposited in the state’s general fund. ", "This simple but profound reform ends the incentive that causes local law enforcement authorities to chase cash instead of criminals.", "\n\nEqually relevant to legislators is that the change restores their authority. ", "Minnesota voters elected them to set the state’s priorities through the budgeting process. ", "Unfortunately, legislators have abdicated that responsibility and have allowed law enforcement agencies to self-finance through forfeiture.", "\n\nMinnesotans pride themselves on good government. ", "During the 2016 session, legislators should end forfeiture’s corrupting influence by ending law enforcement’s conflict of interest and budgetary dependence on forfeiture proceeds.", "\n\nLee McGrath is the managing attorney at the Institute for Justice’s office in Minneapolis." ]
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[ "Killarney, Manitoba\n\nKillarney is an unincorporated community in southwestern Manitoba, Canada, at the corner of Manitoba Provincial Trunk Highways 3 & 18. ", "The community was formerly an incorporated town before amalgamating with the surrounding Rural Municipality of Turtle Mountain to form the Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain. ", "Killarney is known for the lake situated within the community. ", "Killarney is located in a rural area, dependent primarily on agriculture and agribusiness. ", "It is approximately from the Canada-US border, south of Brandon and southwest of the provincial capital, Winnipeg.", "\n\nHistory \n\nThe Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain area is rich in history and tradition. ", "In the late 1800s, the Boundary Commission Trail ran through the southern part of the municipality. ", "North-West Mounted Police used the trail, as they travelled west to the Rockies in an effort to tame the prairies. ", "Prior to this time, the area was home to many Aboriginal people, as well as hunters and trappers taking part in the fur trade. ", "The R.M. of Turtle Mountain was incorporated in 1882. ", "The first Council meeting was held in 1883.", "\n\nThe Town of Killarney was officially incorporated in 1906. ", "An Irish land surveyor named John Sidney O'Brien, named Killarney Lake (before that, it was called Oak Lake by Indigenous peoples) after the Lakes of Killarney, in Ireland. ", "Legend has it that as he sat on the shore of the lake, homesick for his native home, he took a bottle of \"Good Irish\" from his pack and pouring it into the lake christened it Killarney. ", "The \"Irish\"-ness of the community is often used as a tourist attraction with things such as green fire engines, Erin and Kerry Parks, Little Irish Downs, and many other good Irish-themed attractions used to play up this theme. ", "Killarney, Manitoba does not have any actual connection with the town of Killarney, Ireland. ", "Most of the people who originally settled the region were from the Scottish Highlands, the English or were Mennonites or Hutterites of Central European extraction.", "\n\nThe local landscape of the area is common to the Westman area and much of the southern province. ", "The land is mainly flat with gently rolling hills breaking the horizon. ", "Numerous tree lined rivers and streams cross the landscape breaking up vast farm fields. ", "The area is rich in agriculture with many local residents actively farming.", "\n\nEconomy \n\nAgriculture is a large part of Killarney-Turtle Mountain's economy. ", "Killarney boasts a variety of sales and specialized services that help complement the strong agricultural base of the community. ", "In addition, to agriculture, tourism also plays a role in the economy. ", "The municipality attracts as many as 1,500 people each summer to its cottages and playgrounds. ", "Killarney Lake makes up the majority of Killarney's tourism and is the focus of many activities.", "\n\nKillarney has been voted the best retirement town in Canada by Canadian Living Magazine. ", "The community works hard to maintain this reputation and the business community in Killarney provides most all essential goods and services to local residents, ensuring a comfortable and amenable living environment.", "\n\nGovernment \n\nThe Municipality of Killarney - Turtle Mountain is governed by a Mayor and six Councillors.", "\n\nThe mayor of the Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain is Rick Pauls.", "\n\nThe current Councillors are Connie Blixhavn (Deputy Mayor), Randy Hodge, Ron Opperman, Joan Kemp, and Janice Smith.", "\n\nProvincially, the Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain has been part of the provincial constituency of Spruce Woods since it was created in the 2008 electoral redistribution. ", "Spruce Woods is represented by Progressive Conservative M.L.A. Cliff Cullen. ", "Federally, the Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain, falls under the federal riding of Brandon-Souris. ", "Brandon-Souris is represented by Conservative M.P. Larry Maguire.", "\n\nRecreation \nKillarney is home to the Killarney Shamrocks of the Tiger Hills Hockey League and the Killarney Lakers of the Border West Baseball League. ", "The Shamrocks play out of the Killarney Shamrock Centre that was completed in May 2008.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n \n Killarney Guide Newspaper\n\nCategory:Former towns in Manitoba\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Manitoba\nCategory:Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded Lazy routing Angular 2\n\nI'm trying to implement lazy routing into my app.", "\nI have a very big project and when it was at router-deprecated I used AsyncRoute, but now it was removed. ", "\nSo I tried to implement newest lazy loading, but I got an issue\nRangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded\nWhat I'm doing wrong? ", "I did all code like in instructions.", "\nTake a look please\nEncountersModule\n import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\n // import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\n /* --------------- !", "System modules --------------- */\n\n import { SharedModule } from 'sharedModule'; //There is a lot of shared components/directives/pipes (over 60) and it re-exports CommonModule so I can't avoid it\n /* --------------- !", "App outer modules --------------- */\n\n import { EncountersComponent } from './encounters.component';\n // import { PassCodeComponent } from '../../shared/components/passcode/passcode.component';\n\n @NgModule({\n imports: [ SharedModule ],\n declarations: [ EncountersComponent],\n exports: [ EncountersComponent ],\n })\n\n export class EncountersModule { }\n\nHere is my app.routing.module\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\n// import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';\nimport { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';\n\nimport { ImagingComponent } from '../modules/index';\nimport { DashboardComponent } from '../modules/index';\nimport { PrescriptionNoticesComponent } from '../modules/index';\n// import { EncountersComponent } from \"../modules/encounters/encounters.component\";\nimport { ScheduleComponent } from \"../modules/schedule/schedule.component\";\nimport { AdminComponent } from '../modules/index';\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [\n RouterModule.forRoot([\n {\n path: '',\n component: DashboardComponent,\n data: { label: 'Dashboard' }\n },\n {\n path: 'encounters',\n // component: EncountersComponent,\n loadChildren: 'production/modules/encounters/encounters.module#EncountersModule',\n data: { label: 'Encounters' }\n },\n {\n path: 'admin',\n component: AdminComponent,\n data: { label: 'Admin' }\n }\n ])\n ],\n exports: [\n RouterModule\n ]\n})\nexport class AppRoutingModule {}\n\n// const appRoutes: Routes = [\n// {\n// path: 'imaging',\n// component: ImagingComponent,\n// data: { label: 'Imaging' }\n// },\n// {\n// path: '',\n// component: DashboardComponent,\n// data: { label: 'Dashboard' }\n// },\n// {\n// path: 'prescription_notices',\n// component: PrescriptionNoticesComponent,\n// data: { label: 'Prescription Notices' }\n// },\n// {\n// path: 'encounters',\n// component: EncountersComponent,\n// data: { label: 'Encounters' }\n// },\n// {\n// path: 'schedule',\n// component: ScheduleComponent,\n// data: { label: 'Schedule' }\n// },\n// {\n// path: 'admin',\n// component: AdminComponent,\n// data: { label: 'Admin' }\n// }\n// ];\n//\n// export const appRoutingProviders: any[] = [\n//\n// ];\n//\n// export const routing: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes);\n\nA:\n\nloadChildren needs to reference module with routing\nBy assigning a value to loadChildren property inside a route, you have to reference a module, which has a routing system implemented. ", "In other words reference only a module that imports RoutingModule and configures it with forChild(routes) method.", "\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';\n// import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\n/* --------------- !", "System modules --------------- */\n\nimport { SharedModule } from 'sharedModule'; //There is a lot of shared components/directives/pipes (over 60) and it re-exports CommonModule so I can't avoid it\n/* --------------- !", "App outer modules --------------- */\n\nimport { EncountersComponent } from './encounters.component';\n// import { PassCodeComponent } from '../../shared/components/passcode/passcode.component';\n\nexport const encountersModuleRoutes: Routes = [\n /* configure routes here */\n];\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [ SharedModule, RouterModule.forChild(encountersModuleRoutes) ],\n declarations: [ EncountersComponent],\n exports: [ EncountersComponent ],\n})\n\nexport class EncountersModule { }\n\nA:\n\nI am not sure because it is not explicitly mentioned in the documentation (2.4.2), but from the examples in the \"Angular Modules\" and \"Routing & Navigation\" guides, I have induced the following pattern:\n\nThe lazy module should have his own routing module.", "\nThe routes array defined in the \"lazy-routing.module\" should have a single element; the path property of that element should be an empty string; the component property should be defined (necessary when the lazy module provides any service in order to injection works well) and the template of the referenced component should have an element with the <router-outlet> directive. ", "This route usually has a children property.", "\nThe value of the path property of the lazy route defined in the \"app-routing.module\" (\"lazyModulePrefix\" in my example) would be the prefix of all the paths defined in the \".lazy-routing.module\".", "\n\nFor example:\n///////////// app-routing.module.ts /////////////////////\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';\n\nimport { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component';\nimport { PageNotFoundComponent } from './page-not-found.component';\n\nconst appRoutes: Routes = [\n { path: 'login', component: LoginComponent },\n { path: 'lazyModulePrefix', loadChildren: 'app/lazyModulePath/lazy.module#LazyModule' }, // \n { path: '', redirectTo: 'login', pathMatch: 'full'},\n { path: '**', component: PageNotFoundComponent },\n];\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes)],\n exports: [RouterModule]\n})\nexport class AppRoutingModule {}\n\n.", "\n///////////// lazy-routing.module.ts /////////////////////\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';\n\nimport { LazyModuleRootComponent } from './lazy-module-root.component';\nimport { LazyModuleHomeComponent } from './lazy-module-home.component';\nimport { AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule1 } from './a-component-declared-in-the-lazy-module-1.component';\nimport { AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule2 } from './a-component-declared-in-the-lazy-module-2.component';\n\nconst lazyModuleRoutes: Routes = [ // IMPORTANT: this array should contain a single route element with an empty path. ", "And optionally, as many children as desired.", "\n { path: '',\n component: LazyModuleRootComponent, // the `component` property is necessary when the lazy module provides some service in order to injection work well. ", "If defined, the referenced component's template should have an element with the `<router-outlet>` directive.", "\n children: [ \n { path: '', component: LazyModuleHomeComponent }, // this component has no diference with the other children except for the shorter route.", "\n { path: 'somePath1', component: AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule1 },\n { path: 'somePath2', component: AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule2 },\n ] } \n];\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [RouterModule.forChild(lazyModuleRoutes)],\n exports: [RouterModule]\n})\nexport class LazyRoutingModule { }\n\n.", "\n//////////////////// lazy.module.ts ////////////////////\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\n\nimport { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';\nimport { LazyRoutingModule } from './lazy-routing.module';\nimport { LazyModuleRootComponent } from './lazy-module-root.component';\nimport { LazyModuleHomeComponent } from './lazy-module-home.component';\nimport { AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule1 } from './a-component-declared-in-the-lazy-module-1.component';\nimport { AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule2 } from './a-component-declared-in-the-lazy-module-2.component';\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [\n CommonModule,\n SharedModule,\n LazyRoutingModule,\n ],\n declarations: [\n LazyModuleRootComponent,\n LazyModuleHomeComponent,\n AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule1,\n AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule2,\n ]\n})\nexport class LazyModule { }\n\n.", "\n//////////////// lazy-module-root.component.ts //////////////////\nimport { Component } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>'\n})\nexport class LazyModueRootComponent { }\n\nWith the above code, the routes mapping would be:\nhttp://host/login -> LoginComponent\nhttp://host/lazyModulePrefix -> LazyModuleHomeComponent\nhttp://host/lazyModulePrefix/somePath1 -> AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule1\nhttp://host/lazyModulePrefix/somePath2 -> AComponentDeclaredInTheLazyModule2\nhttp://host/anythingElse -> PageNotFoundComponent\n\nA:\n\nLong story short: \nI met this error when didn't insert (forgot) child routes to the feature module:\nlandings.routing.ts\nexport const LandingsRoutes = RouterModule.forChild(routes);\nlandings.module.ts\nimports: [\n CommonModule,\n // LandingsRoutes // <-- this I forgot and receive error Callstack exceeded\n ]\n\nIf you don't export the routing module as a module - you need to export the only router with routes. ", "Only forgotten things cause errors\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGeneral rules for custom languages and libraries\n\nThe rules for what languages and libraries are allowed on this site seem to be scattered all over the place.", "\nI'm looking for a simple check list to know if a custom language or a custom library is valid.", "\nWhat are the rules for custom languages and libraries?", "\n\nA:\n\nLanguage\nRelevant links:\n\nLoopholes that are forbidden by default\nWhat are programming languages?", "\nIntroducing a New Golf Language\nOn “interactive” answers and other special conditions\nShould answers to fixed-output challenges be written in a programming language?", "\nIs HTML/CSS a programming language?", "\nHow should vim answers be scored?", "\nProprietary/Paid for Languages/Compilers\nIs this language allowed?", "\n\nArgumentation\nIn general, see Loopholes that are forbidden by default it includes Using a made-up language specifically designed for the challenge.", "\nNow, the question is whatever some language is to be considered \"made-up\" and \"specifically designed for the challenge\".", "\nConsider the question Is this language allowed?, ", "on which Doorknob says:\n\nyou need to provide a working, freely available interpreter, which means solving every single challenge on the site\nlanguages (including versions of languages) created after the challenge are invalid\nit's cheating (obviously) and you'll get showered in downvotes\nit also violates one of the \"standard loopholes,\" specifically https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/1085/3808\n\nAbout the use of \"free\" vs paid languages consider that the advantage of a language available for use at no monetary cost is that it provides low entry point to verify the answer - so we don't have to rely on the claim that the code works. ", "Yet there is antecedent on paid languages being allowed, namely on the question Proprietary/Paid for Languages/Compilers Dennis says:\n\nThis prohibition only applies to cops-and-robbers challenges, where it is important that the robbers have access to the same tools the cop uses.", "\nIn all other kinds of challenges, such as plain code-golf, there is no such requirement, and you're free to use any proprietary/paid-for language you like.", "\n\nRules for Language\nThe language and language version used must:\n\nNot be disallowed by question.", "\nNot created for the specific challenge¹, unless explicitly allowed by the question.", "\nHave a publicly available interpreter / compiler before² the question was posted, unless explicitly allowed by the question.", "\nBe verifiable. ", "That is, there must be a way to verify the code at no monetary cost³.\nBe a language⁴.\n\n¹: This is \"specifically designed for the challenge\" part of the loophole. ", "Since the loophole is forbidden by default, it requires explicit permission in the question.", "\n²: This is the \"made-up\" part of the loophole. ", "Again, it requires explicit permission. ", "If you are using a language that exists prior the question, then it is not made-up.", "\n³: This may be a interpreter / compiler on which to test the code, or just documentation.", "\n⁴: For the rules of what is or isn’t a programming language, see Peter Taylor on What are programming languages?.", "\nNote on non-programming languages: It should be noted that answers in non-programming languages aren’t disallowed and are considered valid in kolmogorov-complexity or answers that expect a fixed output. ", "Also notice that CSS is considered a programming language.", "\nNote on interactive solutions: Solutions that are not fully automated are allowed, for details see: On “interactive” answers and other special conditions. ", "Input used that is not part of the challenge would be counted.", "\nHint: If the language has previously been used for something else than the challenge at hand, it is ok – unless said otherwise.", "\nYou may also be required to post a link to the interpreter / compiler you are using, in particular if it is obscure enough. ", "How obscure is obscure enough? ", "In doubt, post a link. ", "See Alex A. answer on Introducing a New Golf Language.", "\n\nLibrary\nRelevant links:\n\nCan I write a golfing library?", "\nUsing libraries in solutions\nIs a code golfing library legitimate?", "\n\nArgumentation\nFirst off, there is no note on libraries on the loopholes that are forbidden by default.", "\nNow, when we are talking about custom libraries, we need to consider the question using code golfing libraries, to which Peter Taylor says:\n\nIt's one thing to use standard libraries and another to roll your own. ", "I think it risks turning into a game of \"Who can write the most advantageous library?\" ", "rather than \"Who can find a devious way to use the language?\"", "\n\nPersonally I prefer SuperJedi224 take on the matter, but I don't think we have consensus on that:\n\nI believe that it shouldn't be a problem, as long as:\n\nusing the library does not violate the rules of the question\nyou are using a version that was released before the question was posted\nthat version of the library is freely available as of when you are posting your answer (please provide a link in your answer as well)\n\nAnd also on Using libraries in solutions:\n\n(...) unless the question says otherwise, any freely available library existing before the question was asked should be permissible. ", "However, the requisite import statements should be counted towards the byte count. ", "Additionally, a link to the library should be included in the description/explanation part of the answer.", "\n\nFinally see Can I write a golfing library? ", "where feersum points that using a custom library is ok, and that you must mention the library you are using in the header of the answer. ", "The provided example is Python 3 + <name> library.", "\n\nRules for Library\nThe library and library version used must:\n\nNot be disallowed by question¹.\nBe publicly available at no monetary cost before the question was posted.", "\nBe mentioned when used.", "\n\n¹: There is an antecedent on Code Golf: Calculate Orthodox Easter date where dedicated function calls were disallowed:\n\nRestrictions No standard functions, such as Mathematica's EasterSundayGreekOrthodox or PHP's easter_date(), which return the (not applicable gregorian) date automatic must be used!", "\n\nYou may also be required to post a link to the library you are using, in particular if it is obscure enough. ", "How obscure is obscure enough? ", "In doubt, post a link.", "\nFinal note: The characters used to import the library will likely be counted, even if they are outside the program (e.g. in compiler parameters) - yet scoring is a separate issue.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Introduction {#s1}\n============\n\nClinical research ideally strives to improve the care of patients. ", "The transfer of knowledge from research to care givers and health care policy makers is a necessary prerequisite for this to happen. ", "The mechanisms, quality and determinants of knowledge transfer have, in consequence, attracted quite some research activity [@pone.0032414-Boaz1]--[@pone.0032414-Glasziou1]. ", "Various projects and organizations aim to improve dissemination of research results, best known, possibly, the Cochrane Collaboration [@pone.0032414-Chalmers1]--[@pone.0032414-Badgett1].", "\n\nThe Cochrane Collaboration was founded in 1993 with the aim to ease access to clinical trial results. ", "Since then, more than half a million citations to clinical trials have been assembled in the Cochrane Database of Clinical Trials, and more than 3000 systematic reviews have been prepared for specific health care interventions in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. ", "These databases are published in the Cochrane Library which is now considered one of the most important sources of evidence in health care.", "\n\nThe success of the Cochrane Collaboration is based on the enthusiasm of individuals. ", "Reviews are prepared on a voluntary basis by author teams with an interest in a particular research question, supported by topic-specific editorial teams. ", "The Cochrane Collaboration so far had no central board regulating the choice of topics.", "\n\nFinding ways to prioritize topics for systematic reviews is now among the major concerns of the Cochrane Collaboration, as funds are restricted and the collaboration aims at higher professionalization [@pone.0032414-Bastian1]. ", "It has been estimated that the current content covers about one third of all systematic reviews required [@pone.0032414-Mallett1]. ", "This calculation was based on comparing the average number of clinical trials per review to the overall number of controlled clinical trials identified. ", "There are a few studies looking into ways to prioritize research topics, e.g., from the field of public health [@pone.0032414-Doyle1], emergency medicine and trauma [@pone.0032414-Emond1], [@pone.0032414-Guyatt2], nursing [@pone.0032414-BackPettersson1], or urinary incontinence [@pone.0032414-Patrick1]--[@pone.0032414-Buckley2], or using a more general approach such as in the Database of Uncertainties of the Effects of Treatments in the UK (<http://www.library.nhs.uk/duets/>) [@pone.0032414-Chalmers2].", "\n\nWe aimed to specifically examine how well therapeutic interventions of important health problems are covered in the Cochrane Library. ", "In particular, we wished to know whether the priorities set by individual contributors reflect the degree of clinical relevance as well as need for evidence perceived by professionals involved in the care of these patients. ", "Type 2 diabetes was chosen as an example, as this is a disease of high global importance. ", "Worldwide, about 347 million people are affected, based on a global adult prevalence of almost 10% in 2008 [@pone.0032414-Danaei1]. ", "The WHO estimates that current numbers may be expected to double until the year 2030. ", "Diabetes-related health care expenses are reported to range from 2.5% to 15% of annual health care budgets and will rise to pose a relevant economic challenge, in particular to middle- and low-income countries [@pone.0032414-Zhang1]. ", "Against the background of limited financial resources an early and effective treatment with a focus on preventable complications remains essential and a constant issue of the quality of health care.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#s2}\n=====================\n\nThe study was performed as a combination of an internet survey of care givers and literature-based data extraction.", "\n\nItem generation, identification of relevant interventions {#s2a}\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nInterventions were defined as any procedure or process intended to improve or change the health status of an individual with type 2 diabetes. ", "Indications included, for example, glycemic control, prevention of diabetes-specific complications, treatment of complications, improvement of quality of life and management or treatment of common co-morbidities. ", "A list was created based on the clinical situations covered by recommendations in clinical practice guidelines (included as supplemental material). ", "These were identified using the international collection of clinical practice guidelines compiled by the German Physician Center for Quality in Medicine (ÄZQ, Berlin, [www.aezq.de](http://www.aezq.de)). ", "In addition, Medline was searched via PubMed (diabetes (MeSH and text word) in combination with the subset \"systematic reviews\", the publication type \"clinical practice guideline\", the text word \"consensus\" and the text word \"guideline\"), as well as internet sites for guidelines (Guidelines International Network (G-IN), Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and German Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF)). ", "The resulting list of 130 different interventions was grouped as follows ([Table S1](#pone.0032414.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}):\n\nLifestyle modification, interventions aiming at weight reduction\n\nComplementary and alternative medicine interventions (CAM)\n\nOral antiglycemic medication (classical, new preparations)\n\nInsulin therapy\n\nTreatment of co-morbidity (dyslipidemia, cardiovascular, neurological/psychiatric)\n\nTreatment of late diabetic complications (diabetic foot, peripheral neuropathy, kidney, eye)\n\nTreatment of acute diabetic emergencies\n\nPerioperative management\n\nComplex interventions and specialized care\n\nInternet survey {#s2b}\n---------------\n\nAn internet questionnaire was developed using the SelectSurvey Software (Version 1.5.4, ClassApps). ", "For each intervention, probands were asked to rate a) the clinical relevance of this intervention and b) the need for external evidence for this intervention, given that common indications for the respective treatment are present. ", "Answers were to be given on a 5-point scale from extremely important to not important at all (or unknown). ", "An additional question probed on general attitudes towards and experience in evidence-based medicine by enquiring on the frequency of use of different resources, such as the Cochrane Library or PubMed.", "\n\nThe questionnaire was piloted among a diverse group of six care givers (one diabetes specialist, one clinical pharmacologist, one diabetic nurse, one endocrinologist, two general practitioners). ", "No interventions were reported to be missing or redundant. ", "As the overall workload for the respondents was felt to be too high, the questionnaire was divided into two parts: a) clinical relevance, b) perceived need for evidence. ", "Both parts of the questionnaire covered the full set of interventions in the same order and grouping.", "\n\nThe link to the survey was mailed to all members of the German Diabetes Society (Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft, DDG). ", "This society is the major association of care givers in diabetes in Germany and includes health care professionals of any discipline, such as physicians, both specialized and general, researchers, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, podologists, and nutritionists. ", "The exact number of persons on the e-mail list was not available, but is estimated to be around 2000, including an unknown proportion of invalid addresses. ", "There was also no information on the demographic characteristics and specializations of the list participants. ", "Therefore, differences in the response status of the list participants could not be ascertained.", "\n\nProbands were asked to throw a coin and then open either part 1 or 2 of the questionnaire, depending on the result of the thrust. ", "The titles of the parts of the questionnaires were not revealed before opening. ", "The order of the two parts (1--2) was changed midway during the period the survey was open (March 12 to April 29, 2007). [", "Responders were judged to have some (more than average) experience in evidence-based medicine if they reported a frequency of use of external evidence (Medline, Cochrane Library) within the upper half of responses.]{.ul}\n\n[The results of the survey were presented using descriptive analysis (mean, median, and standard deviation for perceived clinical relevance and perceived need for evidence). ", "In addition, the proportion of responders considering the intervention very important or extremely important is shown.]{.ul}\n\nLiterature-based data extraction {#s2c}\n--------------------------------\n\nReviews dealing with interventions to treat diabetes or diabetic complications, or dealing with the treatment of other disorders but specifically aimed at diabetic patients were identified in the Cochrane Library, issue 1/2008, using the search term diabet\\* (title, abstract, keywords). ", "Reviews relating to prediabetes, gestational diabetes, or type 1 diabetes were excluded, as were reviews for which the full text was withdrawn and thus not available online anymore. ", "Reviews were evaluated using a standardized form. ", "Items assessed included details of the research question (interventions, comparisons, populations, and outcomes), as well as details on the inclusion criteria (methods of included studies) and the results (such as number and quality of included trials, conclusiveness of the results, adverse events). ", "We also examined time to completion, measured as time from publication of a protocol to time of first publication of a review.", "\n\nPatient subgroups included, for example, children with diabetes, or patients with obesity, insulin-dependent or insulin-refractory course, co-morbidities (e.g., dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular problems), acute complications (hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia) and long-term complications (e.g., diabetic foot, polyneuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy), and patients in other/special situations (e.g., pregnancy, surgery, drug addiction).", "\n\nOutcomes of reviews were categorized as major (such as mortality, stroke, myocardial infarction, amputation, loss of vision, renal failure/dialysis), intermediate (pain, infection, angina, ulcers, walking distance, episodes of hypoglycemia), performance related (quality of life, days off work, days in hospital, costs) and surrogate (glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A, glucose) or any other measurements in body liquids (hormones, lipids, creatinine etc), weight/body mass index or blood pressure).", "\n\nThe conclusiveness of the results of a review was categorized as conclusive (recommendation for or against, equivalence of treatments), somewhat conclusive (potential recommendation, recommendation for subgroups only) and inconclusive (\"uncertain\", \"more evidence needed\").", "\n\nEthics {#s2d}\n------\n\nThe survey was classified by the local ethics committee as an evaluation among professionals and as such exempt from ethical consent. ", "Participation was anonymous and on a voluntary basis. ", "The evaluation of reviews was based on published materials not containing individual patient data.", "\n\nResults {#s3}\n=======\n\nSurvey participation {#s3a}\n--------------------\n\nThere were 459 responders, rather equally distributed between the two parts of the survey (229 for perceived clinical relevance/230 for perceived need for evidence, [Table 1](#pone-0032414-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Physicians specializing in the care of diabetes, as board-certified by the German Diabetes Society ([www.ddg.de](http://www.ddg.de)), constituted about 50% of all respondents, followed by specialists in internal medicine/endocrinology and specialized nurses and support staff. ", "There were few general practitioners or other doctors without specific diabetes training in the sample.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0032414.t001\n\n###### Survey participants.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0032414.t001){#pone-0032414-t001-1}\n\n Part of questionnaire \n ----------------------------- ----------------------- ----------\n Physicians \n Diabetes specialist 107 (51%) 99 (47%)\n Endocrinologist, Internist 22 (10%) 46 (22%)\n Other specialist 3 (1%) 0\n G.P. without diabetes focus 3 (1%) 10 (5%)\n not specialized/in training 10 (5%) 9 (4%)\n Other \n Diabetes nurse/counselor 46 (22%) 32 (15%)\n Other professional 19 (9%) 14 (7%)\n Patient/relative, consumer 0 2 (1%)\n Total number of respondents 229 230\n\nItem response varied and was generally lower for rare interventions (e.g., midodrin in autonomic hypotension, item response: 137/229; 60%) or new interventions (e.g., exenatid, year of EMEA approval 2006, item response 150/230; 66%). ", "For most items, there were between 170 and 179 respondents. ", "There were no differences in item response rates by professional group, experience in evidence-based medicine or part of questionnaire (clinical relevance or need for evidence), but item response dropped towards the end of the questionnaire.", "\n\nResults of Cochrane Review assessment {#s3b}\n-------------------------------------\n\nOf 105 reviews identified using the search term diabet\\* in the Cochrane Library, 56 completed systematic reviews were found to be eligible. ", "The remaining reviews did not specifically deal with diabetes, diabetic patients, or diabetic complications (n = 41), or full texts were unavailable (withdrawn reviews, n = 8). ", "In addition, there were 48 protocols for reviews which would be eligible once completed. ", "The reviews included, on average, 17 studies (range: 0 to 205, IQR 23 studies). ", "The majority of reviews exclusively dealt with randomized controlled trials only (43 reviews, 77%). ", "Quasi-randomized trials were included in 9 reviews (16%), non randomized trials in 4 reviews (7%), and observational trials in 9 reviews (16%) (categories not mutually exclusive) ([Figure S1](#pone.0032414.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Generally, the inclusion of non randomized and observational studies, either exclusively or along with randomized trials, was a feature of reviews on complex interventions and lifestyle modification; it was not found to occur in reviews on drug interventions.", "\n\nMostly, the quality of included studies was judged by the review authors to be variable (in 19 reviews) or poor (in 20 reviews), in only 1 review (2%) the quality was reported to be good. ", "In 17 reviews, the authors did not proceed to carry out meta-analysis (i.e., there was no statistical pooling of the study results), either due to lack of studies or due to insufficient quality or due to a high degree of heterogeneity (author decision). ", "The median time to completion was 18 months (maximum 120 months). ", "The results of the meta-analyses were conclusive in 22 reviews (39%), somewhat conclusive in 25 reviews (44%), and inconclusive in 9 reviews (16%). ", "All conclusions incorporated a statement that more trials were needed (100%).", "\n\nSurvey results and corresponding systematic reviews {#s3c}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nLifestyle modifications (10 items) were generally considered clinically very relevant in the management of diabetes ([Table 2](#pone-0032414-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In particular, physical activity received a mean score of 4.5 and was considered very important. ", "In contrast, interventions to reduce salt content, the use of food additives, drug interventions, and surgical procedures to achieve weight loss were not considered important. ", "The perceived need for evidence was generally similar to the perceived clinical relevance in this group. ", "However, for drug interventions or surgical procedures to achieve loss of weight, although considered not important (drug: 2.1 (SD 0.77); surgical 1.9 (SD 0.67)), a relatively high need of evidence was perceived (drug 3.37 (SD 1.10); surgical 3.0 (SD 1.26)).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0032414.t002\n\n###### Life style interventions and weight reduction, mean values and percentage attaching high values (%).", "\n\n![](", "pone.0032414.t002){#pone-0032414-t002-2}\n\n Intervention Perceived relevance Perceived need for evidence R P \n ----------------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ------ ----------- ----- ------ ------ ----------- --- ---\n Physical Activity 179 4.47 0.61 168 (94%) 171 4.10 1.00 138 (81%) 3 1\n Weight reduction in general 178 4.17 0.88 146 (82%) 175 3.93 0.98 129 (74%) 4 1\n Calory reduction 177 3.89 0.88 117 (66%) 172 3.66 1.05 104 (60%) 0 0\n Fat reduction 178 3.70 0.94 107 (60%) 170 3.50 1.01 97 (57%) 1 1\n Alcohol/nicotine abstinence 177 3.59 0.93 93 (53%) 169 3.30 1.17 72 (42%) 0 0\n Carbohydrate intake modification 177 3.24 0.92 69 (39%) 174 3.67 0.93 102 (59%) 1 2\n Salt reduction 177 2.67 0.91 29 (16%) 173 2.96 1.03 52 (30%) 0 0\n Food additives 175 1.65 0.78 7 (4%) 171 2.69 1.20 46 (27%) 1 1\n Drug interventions for weight reduction 177 2.12 0.77 10 (6%) 171 3.37 1.10 81 (47%) 2 0\n Bariatric surgery 178 1.90 0.67 3 (2%) 171 2.98 1.26 60 (35%) 3 0\n\nnumber and proportion of respondents considering the interventions as (highly) relevant or/and in high need of evidence.", "\n\nN: number of overall respondents; n(%): number of respondents (proportion) considering the relevance/need as very high or extremely high.", "\n\nR: number of reviews (completed); P: number of protocols (planned reviews) in the Cochrane Library.", "\n\nThe group of interventions of lifestyle modification and weight loss were represented by seven Cochrane reviews, dealing with weight loss in general, fat content modification, carbohydrate content modification, physical activity, dietary supplements, and medical and surgical weight loss interventions. ", "Most reviews used surrogate parameters such as lipids or weight loss as outcomes. ", "Major endpoints (mortality, major morbidity) were examined in only two reviews.", "\n\nComplementary and alternative interventions (CAM, 5 items) were considered to be rather unimportant: mean scores ranged from 1.5 (9/167; acupressure) to 1.9 (3/169; herbal medicines) ([Table 3](#pone-0032414-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The need for evidence was perceived as slightly higher as compared to the perceived relevance, but generally also quite low. ", "In the Cochrane Library there is currently one review available on CAM in a diabetes-related problem, examining the effect of a Traditional Chinese Medicine intervention on glucose metabolism.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0032414.t003\n\n###### Complementary and alternative methods interventions.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0032414.t003){#pone-0032414-t003-3}\n\n Intervention Perceived relevance Perceived need for evidence R P \n ---------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ------ -------- ----- ------ ------ ---------- --- ---\n Naturopathy, herbal preparations 167 1.87 0.90 9 (5%) 173 2.50 1.15 31 (18%) 0 0\n Traditional Chinese Medicine 168 1.69 0.86 6 (4%) 171 2.28 1.19 31 (18%) 1 4\n Acupuncture 170 1.64 0.77 5 (3%) 173 2.18 1.14 28 (16%) 0 1\n Homeopathy 168 1.63 0.79 4 (2%) 172 2.22 1.15 25 (15%) 0 0\n Acupressure 169 1.54 0.68 3 (2%) 173 1.95 1.05 19 (11%) 0 1\n\nnumber and proportion of respondents considering the interventions as (highly) relevant or/and in high need of evidence.", "\n\nN: number of overall respondents; n(%): number of respondents (proportion) considering the relevance/need as very high or extremely high.", "\n\nR: number of reviews (completed); P: number of protocols (planned reviews) in the Cochrane Library.", "\n\nOf the oral antidiabetic drugs, metformin was among the highest rated interventions for relevance as well as for need for evidence (4.4; 4.0) ([Table 4](#pone-0032414-t004){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Characteristic for this group of interventions, is the frequent use as comparative treatment (standard therapy) in the evaluation of other therapies. ", "For example, while there is no review to examine the efficacy of sulfonyl urea as a primary study question, this treatment is used as the comparison treatment in 5 reviews. ", "All reviews on oral diabetics included major outcomes.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0032414.t004\n\n###### Oral antidiabetics and new medications.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0032414.t004){#pone-0032414-t004-4}\n\n Intervention Perceived relevance Perceived need for evidence R P \n ------------------------------ --------------------- ----------------------------- ------ ----------- ----- ------ ------ ----------- --- ---\n Metformin 163 4.35 0.66 148 (91%) 167 3.99 1.04 130 (78%) 5 5\n Thiazolidinediones 160 3.36 0.96 76 (48%) 168 4.22 0.84 140 (83%) 5 4\n Sulfonylureas 159 3.26 1.07 68 (43%) 167 3.92 1.00 124 (74%) 5 4\n Meglitinides 159 3.08 0.99 55 (35%) 169 4.02 0.88 128 (76%) 5 4\n Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 161 2.22 0.99 17 (11%) 170 3.62 1.14 104 (61%) 4 3\n GLP analogues 135 3.19 0.94 52 (39%) 158 4.37 0.71 141 (65%) 0 2\n DPP 4 inhibitors 130 3.09 0.92 42 (32%) 155 4.33 0.73 135 (87%) 0 0\n Amylin analogues 126 2.79 0.98 26 (21%) 154 4.18 0.88 124 (81%) 0 1\n\nnumber and proportion of respondents considering the interventions as (highly) relevant or/and in high need of evidence.", "\n\nN: number of overall respondents; n(%): number of respondents (proportion) considering the relevance/need as very high or extremely high.", "\n\nR: number of reviews (completed); P: number of protocols (planned reviews) in the Cochrane Library.", "\n\nMore recently introduced preparations are glucagon-like-peptide analogues (GLP; exenatid, EMEA approval 2006), dipeptidylpeptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4-inhibitors, sitagliptin, EMEA approval 2007) and amylin analogues (pramlintide, EMEA approval 2005). ", "All were considered of limited to moderate clinical relevance, as yet (3.2; 3.1; 2.8) but in high need of evidence (4.4; 4.3; 4.2) ([Table 4](#pone-0032414-t004){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In the Cochrane Library there were, at the time of the survey, no completed reviews on these new interventions. ", "However, 3 protocols were published (GLP-analogues: 2, DPP-4 inhibitors: 1).", "\n\nOf the different insulins (12 interventions), humane preparations (4.2) were considered clinically somewhat more important than the analogues (short acting, 3.9, long acting 3.7) (not shown). ", "In contrast, the perceived need for evidence was highest for both short and long acting analogues (4.3; 4.0; humane preparations 3.8). ", "A discrepancy between perceived relevance and perceived need for evidence was most pronounced for inhaled insulins (1.7; 3.3). ", "In the Cochrane Library, there were 5 completed reviews on insulins. ", "All used only surrogate and intermediate endpoints (glycemic control, hypoglycemic episodes). ", "Respondents also felt that injection techniques and injection to meal interval were very important, both clinically and in need of evidence. ", "There are, however, no reviews or protocols on these issues.", "\n\nOf the interventions used to correct dyslipidemia in diabetics (6 interventions), only statins were considered both clinically highly important (4.1) as well as in need of evidence (3.9). ", "For other preparations, the need for evidence clearly superseded clinical relevance. ", "Similarly, for the treatment of hypertension (6 interventions), one class was considered clinically particularly important, as well as in need of evidence (ACE inhibitors/AT1 antagonists: 4.4; 4.1). ", "Beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium antagonist,s and \"other antihypertensives\" all ranged between 3.1 to 3.9 for both relevance and need for evidence. ", "Salt restriction was not considered important (2.7, perceived need for evidence: 3.2; see lifestyle interventions). ", "In the Cochrane Library, there was, at the time of the survey, no completed review on dyslipidemia (1 protocol), there were 2 reviews on the treatment of hypertension in diabetics and none on other cardiovascular problems (14 interventions, 1 protocol).", "\n\nOf the complications, the diabetic foot (12 interventions) was considered most important, in particular with respect to the treatment of infections (4.7), regular specialist foot care (4.6) and curative surgical interventions such as debridement and revascularization (4.0). ", "Walking exercises, skin replacement and physical therapy were ranked between 3.0 and 3.9 for both clinical relevance as well as need for evidence. ", "In contrast, drug treatment such as rheologics (2.9), prostaglandins (2.4) and growth factors (2.1) were not considered important in the care of patients. ", "These interventions all scored in the intermediate range for need for evidence. ", "The importance of the diabetic foot is reflected by 7 completed reviews in the Cochrane Library. ", "Generally, intermediate outcomes were used as outcome criteria for this group of interventions, e.g., reduction of pain or adverse events.", "\n\nThe treatment and prevention of neuropathic complications encompasses a large range of different interventions (26 interventions identified). ", "Treatments for autonomic neuropathy (e.g., treatment of erectile dysfunction, gastro paresis or orthostatic dysregulation) were mostly rated in the lower ranges of clinical relevance. ", "E.g., 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors for erectile dysfunction received a mean value of 2.7, alpha liponic acid 2.4 or anticholinergics for orthostatic dysregulation 2.2. ", "There were only a few exceptions: antiepileptics for peripheral neuropathy (3.3), medical treatment of glaucoma (3.6) and physical maneuvers to prevent neuropathic ulcers (taping/bandages 3.6, positioning of the food 3.3). ", "The need for evidence, in contrast, was generally high in this group, in particular with respect to the different drugs used. ", "Evidence for the treatment of neuropathic complication is limited -- there are 7 Cochrane reviews covering topics such as bandaging, antiepileptics, tricyclics, and 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors in diabetes.", "\n\nInterventions to treat patients with diabetic nephropathy were generally considered of high clinical relevance, in particular the treatment of hypertension in patients with nephropathy (4.9), and, more specifically, use of ACE-inhibitors in diabetic nephropathy (4.5). ", "The perceived need for evidence correlated well with the perceived relevance. ", "This was true for drug-treatments (ACE inhibitors, relevance 4.9, need for evidence 4.3), as well as dietary restrictions (protein-restriction, 3.4; 4.5), transplantation (3.6; 3.8) and hemodialysis (4.0, 3.7). ", "The high perceived relevance of this complication (7 interventions) was not reflected in the Cochrane Library -- there are only 2 completed reviews available (ACE inhibitors, protein-restriction) (4 protocols). ", "Both included major outcomes as well as surrogates.", "\n\nSimilar to interventions in nephropathy, interventions in retinopathy were also considered both important and in need of evidence. ", "In the Cochrane Library, there are currently 2 completed reviews on retinopathy (drug treatments of retinopathy). ", "Of psychiatric complications and co-morbidity, treatment of associated dementia and associated depression were considered clinically relevant as well as in need of evidence. ", "The former is covered by a Cochrane review.", "\n\nThe results for acute diabetic complications are presented in [Table 5](#pone-0032414-t005){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "In hypoglycemia, rapid substitution of glucose was of eminent clinical importance (4.8), need for evidence was perceived as less prominent (3.2). ", "In contrast, bicarbonate infusion and phosphate are considered least important and their need for evidence intermediate. ", "There are neither completed Cochrane reviews, nor protocols on acute care interventions in diabetes.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0032414.t005\n\n###### Interventions in acute diabetic complications.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0032414.t005){#pone-0032414-t005-5}\n\n Intervention Perceived relevance Perceived need for evidence R P \n ----------------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ------ ------------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- --- ---\n **Hyperosmolar coma:** \n i.v. ", "fluids 136 4.77 0.47 133 (98%) 116 3.62 1.23 67 (58%) 0 0\n electrolytes (monitoring, substitution) 135 4.61 0.60 127 (94%) 116 3.59 1.22 67 (58%) 0 0\n i.v. ", "insuline 136 4.57 0.65 128 (94%) 117 3.46 1.28 66 (56%) 0 0\n treatment of infection 135 3.89 0.90 94 (70%) 117 3.34 1.12 55 (47%) 0 0\n bicarbonate 134 3.04 1.13 46 (34%) 117 3.35 1.22 54 (46%) 0 0\n phosphate 133 2.61 1.04 27 (20%) 116 3.03 1.11 38 (33%) 0 0\n **Hypoglycaemia:** \n carbohydrates, glucose 134 4.81 0.48 134 (100%) 119 3.24 1.40 61 (51%) 0 0\n glucagone 136 3.76 1.01 83 (61%) 118 3.25 1.29 57 (48%) 0 0\n\nnumber and proportion of respondents considering the interventions as (highly) relevant or/and in high need of evidence.", "\n\nN: number of overall respondents; n(%): number of respondents (proportion) considering the relevance/need as very high or extremely high.", "\n\nR: number of reviews (completed); P: number of protocols (planned reviews) in the Cochrane Library.", "\n\nEducating patients in diabetes, diabetes management in general practice, and general organization of diabetes management were considered highly important clinically, as well as in need of evaluation. ", "Generally, training and management issues, both specific (such as perioperative care, vaccinations, screening) and at the level of integrated care are somewhat more difficult to define, so these may have been underrepresented in the survey. ", "There are currently 16 reviews dealing with these types of intervention and 10 protocols.", "\n\nDiscussion {#s4}\n==========\n\nIn this study we explored how caregivers in type 2 diabetes perceive the relevance and need for evidence for therapeutic interventions, as assembled from clinical practice guidelines and expert opinion, and contrasted this to the topics already covered by systematic reviews. ", "For most interventions, the content of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was well in accordance with the perceived need. ", "Generally, we found that perceived relevance and perceived need for evidence were similar.", "\n\nMost reviews examined patient-relevant endpoints. ", "There are a few notable exceptions, identifying a need for improvement. ", "In particular, this relates to the immediacy of the reviews, the consideration of specific subgroups and situations, and the inclusion of major endpoints in some interventions, notably insulin analogues.", "\n\nDeficient immediacy is a common problem in Cochrane reviews [@pone.0032414-Sampson1]--[@pone.0032414-Shojania1]. ", "We found a median time from protocol completion to the publication of the review of 18 months. ", "Overall, the preparation of a systematic review may well take two years or longer. ", "This is certainly a point the Cochrane Collaboration needs to work on in order to better meet the needs of clinicians, in particular with respect to new drugs. ", "A survey undertaken among survey Cochrane authors to identify problems in the conduct of systematic reviews may be of help to target issues leading to delays [@pone.0032414-Gillies1].", "\n\nThe quality and usefulness of Cochrane reviews depends on the endpoints (and quality in general) of the clinical trials available for inclusion. ", "Most obvious in this survey was a failure to examine major endpoints in studies on insulin analogues. ", "Also, the very low proportion of studies considered of good quality was striking. ", "However, other than often perceived, most reviews arrived at a conclusive statement. ", "This is in accordance with a previous report from Cochrane reviews in neonatology [@pone.0032414-Mandel1].", "\n\nThe findings of this review are corroborated by a number of strengths. ", "We were able to collect opinions from a large group of persons involved in the daily care of persons with diabetes, covering a variety of professional groups. ", "The similarity of opinions across the different groups was striking, evidencing a high generalizability of the findings on a national level even though estimates as to the representativeness of the sample are difficult to provide. ", "As there is no standard way to assess what care givers would like to see reflected in systematic reviews, we had chosen two complementary approaches in the survey: asking for relevance, and asking for perceived need for evidence. ", "The difference between these two approaches was particularly evident in the extreme situations of acute emergencies and new drugs: Giving glucose in hypoglycemic shock was considered clinically extremely important but less in need of evidence -- this is akin to the notorious parachute example [@pone.0032414-Smith1].", "\n\nThere are several limitations. ", "First, this was a national survey, at best representative for the perceptions of care givers in Germany. ", "Perceptions may differ in other countries. ", "We did not seek the opinions of consumers (patients with diabetes, family members) or clinician-patient cooperation in priority setting, as is the focus in several recent projects [@pone.0032414-Buckley1], [@pone.0032414-CaronFlinterman1], [@pone.0032414-Stewart1]. ", "Similarly, the views of members of health care management organizations and administrational bodies were not sought. ", "Our survey was explicitly restricted to professional care givers in the medical community. ", "Also, there are some limitations based on the design of the study. ", "Perceived clinical relevance and perceived need for evidence were rated by different persons, randomly self-assigned. ", "The concepts were not specifically defined or explained to the respondents in order to elicit reactions as spontaneous as possible. ", "There may have been different concepts of \"need for evidence\" in different respondents.", "\n\nLastly, diabetes is but one topic in the Cochrane Collaboration, and Cochrane reviews comprise only about 20% of systematic reviews available in the literature. ", "Most of the reviews identified were edited by the Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group (<http://www.endoc.cochrane.org/de>) and follow highly standardized forms prepared by this group. ", "Specific organ complications fall into the responsibilities of various other Cochrane editorial groups, such as diabetic nephropathy in the Kidney Group, and diabetic retinopathy in the Eyes and Vision Group. ", "Therefore, our finding that patients suffering from late diabetic complications seem to be underrepresented in Cochrane Reviews, as compared to the ascribed clinical relevance, may be a consequence of the specific infrastructure within the Cochrane Collaboration. ", "This refers to issues of overlap in the responsibilities of various Cochrane editorial groups. ", "It may not apply to other disease entities.", "\n\nIn summary, in general, we found diabetic interventions well covered in the Cochrane Library with some areas for improvement highlighted. ", "We would like to encourage researchers to acknowledge the priorities set by clinicians and other medical care givers.", "\n\nSupporting Information {#s5}\n======================\n\n###### \n\n**Characteristics of included Trials.** ", "y-Axis: Percentage of all included Trials (not mutually exclusive).", "\n\n(TIF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Full list of interventions.**", "\n\n(DOC)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nWe wish to thank the following who served as experts in the pilot phase of the survey: Angela Andreas (General Practitioner, Private Practice, Gersfeld, Germany), Roland Büttner (Diabetes Specialist, Internist, Klinik Bogen, Germany), Maria Friedrich (Counsellor Diabetes and Nutrition, University Hospital of Regensburg, Germany), Ulrich Kamprath (Internist-Private Practice, Bebra, Germany), Bernd Richter (Editor Cochrane Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Group, University of Düsseldorf, Germany), and Ulrike Woenckhaus (Diabetes Specialist, Internist, Caritas Hospital, Bad Mergentheim, Germany).", "\n\nMany thanks to all members of the German Society of Diabetes (DDG) who took the time to answer the survey.", "\n\nWe also wish to thank Martin Schumacher (Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University Hospital of Freiburg), Gerd Antes (German Cochrane Centre, Germany) and Jochen Seufert (Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology, University Hospital of Freiburg) for valuable input on the study and comments on the manuscript. ", "Gerta Rücker (Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University Hospital of Freiburg) served as statistical advisor. ", "Heike Gerds checked for language errors.", "\n\nThe work was performed at the German Cochrane Center and the project was part of the MD thesis of Stefan Kamprath.", "\n\n**Competing Interests:**Antje Timmer is currently involved in pharmacoepidemiological studies funded by Sanofi Aventis and Novartis, and has presented in educational sessions funded by Ferring and SHS. ", "This does not alter the authors\\' adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.", "\n\n**Funding:**There are no current external funding sources for this study. ", "Antje Timmer was funded by the German Ministry of Health (BMG, <http://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de>). ", "The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.", "\n\n[^1]: Conceived and designed the experiments: AT SK. ", "Performed the experiments: SK. ", "Analyzed the data: SK. ", "Wrote the paper: AT. ", "Commented and approved of the manuscript: SK. ", "Revised the manuscript: SK AT.", "\n" ]
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[ "Thursday, 29 October 2009\n\nNimrod lawyer looks for criminal charges\n\nJohn Cooper, the lawyer representing some of the Nimrod families in their negligence case against the Ministry of Defence, is considering whether there are now grounds to pursue the private companies named in the damning report into the crash.", "\n\nHe was on radio this morning expressing as much astonishment as anyone else at the incredible complacency within the MoD, BAE Systems and Qinetiq, that were laid bare in the report published yesterday.", "\n\nThe inquiry by Charles Hatton-Cave, a leading aviation lawyer, is the most damning indictment of institutional failure that anyone in Westminster can remember reading.", "\n\nHere' s a summary I did for the Herald of its main findings:\n\nTHE 14 men who died on board Nimrod XV230 on September 2, 2006 stood no chance of surviving the fireball that consumed their aircraft over Helmand Province.", "\n\nBefore the first onboard fire warning lit up their fate was sealed not by any mistaken action on their own part – indeed they appear to have acted \"with calmness, bravery and professionalism\" in the face of certain death.", "\n\nThey were killed aboard an ageing aircraft, that was overdue for replacement, by three decades of design mistakes, by complacency in the private support industry responsible fortheir safety and by a culture of cost cutting at the MoD that valued business models over old-fashioned airworthiness.", "\n\nCharles Haddon-Cave, the leading aviation lawyer who wrote the highly critical report, identified \"a failure of leadership, culture and priorities\" as contributory factors.", "\n\nThe largest loss in a single day for the MoD since the Falklands represented a \"systemic breach\" of the military covenant of care for the armed forces and devastating failings on the part of the Ministry of Defence, BAe Systems and QinetiQ, he said.", "\n\nHe named 10 individuals five from the MoD, three from BAe Systems and two from QinetiQ who bore responsibility for the \"yawning gap between the appearance and the reality of safety\" in a system not fit for purpose.", "\n\nCAUSE OF THE CRASH\n\nThe earlier RAF Board of Inquiry and the coroner’s inquest found that the explosion was caused by fuel leaking into a dry bay and igniting on contact with a hot air pipe. ", "Fuel couplings should not have been in the same compartment, the inquest was told. ", "Mr Haddon-Cave said that overspillage from mid-air refuelling may also have been a cause.", "\n\nOnce the fire ignited the crew had no means of tackling the initial flames. ", "They issued a Mayday and attempted an emergency descent to Kandahar air base, but at 3000ft the aircraft exploded, broke into four pieces and hit the ground in 12 seconds. ", "The fire, and the bad design that allowed it to happen, could have been avoided if earlier warnings had not been ignored.", "\n\nThe report noted that design flaws introduced at three stages, each 10 years apart, played a \"crucial part\" in the loss of XV230. ", "A Nimrod Safety Case, drawn up by BAe Systems with help from Qinetiq, between 2001 and 2005 was meant to identify \"potentially catastrophic hazards before they could cause an accident\"\n\nSAFETY FAILURES\n\nMr Haddon-Cave said \"failure\" or \"failings\" 24 times in his press briefing.", "\n\n\"Serious design flaws\" with the aircraft had \"lain dormant for years\" his report stated.", "\n\n\"Warnings from as early as 1998 that \"the conflict between ever-reducing resources and ... increasing demands, whether they be operational, financial, legislative, or merely those symptomatic of keeping the old ac (aircraft) flying\" and that close attention should be paid to safety standards were ignored.", "\n\nAs well as a safety review that was \"riddled with errors\" the inquiry found there was an assumption by those involved that the Nimrod was safe because it had flown successfully for 30 years.", "\n\nThis contributed to the \"general malaise\" that fatally undermined safety.", "\n\nORGANISATONALNEGLIGENCE AT MoD\n\nMr Haddon-Cave accused the MoD of sacrificing safety to cut costs. ", "The department sustained a \"deep organisational trauma\" during the strategic defence review from 1998 to 2006 that led to a distraction from airworthiness as the priority. .", "\n\nSenior officers focused on the priority of achieving the \"strategic goal \" of a 20% reduction in costs in five years against a backdrop of increased operational demands.", "\n\n\"Airworthiness was a casualty of the process of cuts, change, dilution and distraction commenced by the 1998 strategic review. ", "These failures of leadership and the failure to keep safety at the top of the agenda contributed to the loss of XV230.\" ", "said Mr Haddon-Cave.", "\n\nOne former senior RAF officer told the inquiry: \"In the 1990s you had to be on top of airworthiness, by 2004 you had to be on top of your budget if you wanted to get ahead.\"", "\n\nDelays in procurement for a replacement for the Nimrod aircraft also contributed.", "\n\nPEOPLE RESPONSIBLE\n\nThe 585-page report singles out 10 people for criticism. ", "Five are from the Ministry of Defence – including two very senior military officers of four-star rank – three from BAe Systems and two from QinetiQ.\n\nAt the MOD General Sir Sam Cowan, who has since retired, whose task it was to unite the separate logistics support agencies for the Royal Navy, Army and RAF into a single Defence Logistics Organisation, was criticised for the \"Stalinistic efficiency\" with which targeted cost cutting by 20% by 2005\n\nHe did not give enough thought to the impact of imposing his target and should have realised itcould come at the expense of safety and airworthiness, the report said.", "\n\nAir Chief Marshal Sir Malcolm Pledger, who has since retired, succeeded Gen Cowan as chief of defence logistics in September 2002 despite later admitting to Mr Haddon-Cave’s review he did not believe he was fully qualified for the job. ", "He was \"handed a poisoned chalice\" and was torn between delivering the 20% cost savings and supporting the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. ", "That does not save him from criticism,\n\nThe report said he should have questioned whether it was \"feasible, realistic and sensible\" to achieve the 20% goal at the same pace and within the same timescale. \"", "There should, at least, have been pause for thought,\" the report said.", "\n\nAir Commodore George Baber and Wing Commander Michael Eagles were slated for accepting the flawed BAe safety case and delegating much of the task to an MoD civil servant Frank Walsh who was \"out of his depth\" and since retired.", "\n\nBAe Systems managers Chris Lowe, Richard Oldfield, and Eric Prince bore \"primary responsibility\" for the company’s failings in relation to the safety case. ", "Mr Haddon-Cave also said defence firm QinetiQ bore a \"share of responsibility\" for the failure of the Nimrod safety case in not properly carrying out its role as independent adviser.", "\n\nLESSONS TOBE LEARNED\n\nOverall, Mr Haddon-Cave said many of the organisational causes for the loss of XV230 echoed other major accidents including the loss of the Space Shuttles Challenger and Columbia, the Zeebrugge ferry disaster, the sinking of the Marchioness and the King’s Cross fire.", "\n\nHe said the MoD was committed to addressing the \"numerous weaknesses\" in the RAF’s system for ensuring the airworthiness of its aircraft. ", "It has grounded all Nimrods whose engine-bay hot air ducts had not been replaced but the inquiry had found no reason to recommend the grounding of the Nimrod MR2 fleet which is due to come to the end of its service life within months.", "\n\nThe two named RAF officers, who are still in service have been stripped of their responsibilities for safety and the RAF would now consider if any \"further action\" would be taken against them. ", "A team has been put in place within the MoD to implement the report’s recommendations.", "\n\nMr Haddon-Cave concluded: \"In my view, XV230 was lost because of a systemic breach of the military covenant brought about by failures on the part of all those involved. ", "This must not be allowed to happen again.\"", "\n\nNo comments:\n\nPost a Comment\n\nTorcuil Crichton\n\nIs the old telephone number for Scotland Yard and just about the right handle for the Westminster Editor of the Scottish Daily Record. ", "I mostly patrol Westminster but this is my personal blog, taking in everything from my native Isle of Lewis to the Isle of Dogs in London. ", "You can read my journalism at www.dailyrecord.co.uk and you can contact me directly on torcuil@gmail dot com" ]
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[ 0.003034945111721754, 0.0005535648087970912, 0.07682915776968002, 0.0005872389883734286, 0.0011165145551785827, 0.002009244170039892, 0.0006943554035387933, 0.0007022848585620522, 0.0006396378157660365, 0.0010041843634098768, 0.0007222149288281798, 0.0010170387104153633, 0.0007303286693058908, 0.003204606007784605, 0.0007867271197028458, 0.0005905078141950071, 0.0005929031758569181, 0.000591630523558706, 0.0005809097783640027, 0.0005853778566233814, 0.00402609771117568, 0.0016340913716703653, 0.000566057744435966, 0.0005461517721414566, 0.0006876408006064594, 0.000822936650365591, 0.001197352074086666, 0.0006622973596677184, 0.000619626312982291, 0.0006232864107005298, 0.0006438589189201593, 0.0006722884136252105, 0.006479566916823387, 0.0005862058605998755, 0.0005749582196585834, 0.0007702748407609761, 0.0005831900634802878, 0.0006362103158608079, 0.0006930939853191376, 0.0006816613604314625, 0.0008590634679421782, 0.0006976147415116429, 0.0005493160570040345, 0.0006525092758238316, 0.0008347012335434556, 0.0006553739658556879, 0.0006084121414460242, 0.0007968388963490725 ]
[ "LOS ANGELES — The Trump administration on Monday announced that it would reconsider its decision to force immigrants facing life-threatening health crises to return to their home countries, an abrupt move last month that generated public outrage and was roundly condemned by the medical establishment.", "\n\nOn Aug. 7, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, without public notice, eliminated a “deferred action” program that had allowed immigrants to avoid deportation while they or their relatives were undergoing lifesaving medical treatment.", "\n\nThe agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security, had sent letters informing those who had asked for a renewal, which the immigrants must make every two years, that it was no longer entertaining such requests. ", "The letters said that the immigrants must leave the country within 33 days, or face deportation.", "\n\nOn Monday, the agency said in a statement that while limiting the program was “appropriate,” officials would “complete the caseload that was pending on August 7.”" ]
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[ "I recently said something that ended up making the rounds on Twitter:\n\n\"If you're a developer, you need to spend money on a great computer, an awesome monitor, a fantastic chair and a good bed\" - Scott Hanselman\n\nThis convenient 140-character-friendly statement could be misconstrued, I suppose, as me saying that good developers need to spend money on expensive gear. ", "That's not my message. ", "I'm saying that you need to invest in your tools.", "\n\nBuns\n\nI was listening to a designer friend recently agonizing over the purchase of a US$700 chair. ", "I realize that everyone makes different amounts of money depending on where they live in the world, but bear with me. ", "This designer spent months trying to decide if this chair was a good idea. \"", "It's so expensive! ", "Should I spend that much?”", "\n\nNow, we're not talking about jewelry, or video games, or fancy pants. ", "We are talking about a chair that is going to be sat on while work is done for hours a day for at least a few years. ", "Figure 50 weeks a year, for 3 years (at least) for 5 hours a day (because these are round numbers) that's at least 1250 hours in the first year (and more likely much more) and 3750 if it lasts the 3. ", "That's a 19 cents an hour for a comfortable butt. ", "Invest in your own ass.", "\n\nI don't regret my purchase of a Herman Miller Aeron Chair one bit. ", "The best part is that I bought it for myself, with my own money over 5 years ago. ", "Every day I own it, I enjoy it, and my cost of usage per day goes down.", "\n\nBack\n\nI spent a decent amount of money on a very nice mattress as I've got Programmer's Back. ", "I'm consistently surprised when I talk to developers who have cheap (meaning, low quality) mattresses and cheap chairs and they complain about pain. ", "A programmer in pain is a lousy programmer. ", "To quote Wu Tang Clan, protect ya neck. ", "Don't skimp on your sleeping quarters.", "\n\nPhysical purchases aside, it's also crucial to invest in your back with things like yoga, stretching and regular exercise. ", "When you are using something eight hours a day for week after week, do the research and invest in that thing. ", "You're flat on your back unconscious for a full third of your life. ", "Give that amount of time the respect it deserves and do what's right for your body. ", "One of the essential tools is a quality bed. ", "I enjoy investing in a new computer but only recently realized that a utilitarian purchase like a great mattress is just as valuable and just as life-changing.", "\n\nI also have a height adjustable desk (a Steelcase Series 7) which I enjoy. ", "I wouldn't have thought twice about purchasing this desk on my own, but with enough visits to a chiropractor turns out these are easy to come by. ", "It's motorized and has presets so it's easy to set and switch between seated and standing positions. ", "If you think one would be helpful to you, talk to your HR department and request an ergonomic evaluation. ", "Can't hurt to ask, but it is guaranteed to hurt if you don't.s\n\nBytes\n\nYa, I couldn't just say \"computer\" and screw up a potentially killer alliteration. ", "Surely you understand, Dear Reader. ", "I hate seeing people suffer with crappy hardware. ", "I went back and forth with a gentleman on Twitter running a 4 to 6 year old Mac who felt that I was advocating or implying that one must have awesome hardware to be a good programmer. ", "That wasn't my intent, but this is. ", "If you are waiting for your computer, you are wasting time. ", "Forget about religious arguments, I don't care if it's your operating system, your text editor, or that spinning rust you call a hard drive. ", "If it's making your wait, swap it out.", "\n\nStart by getting an SSD. ", "The fellow on twitter with the slightly older hardware had an SSD in the machine. ", "Everyone can use an SSD. ", "There are only so many life-changing hardware purchases left in the world. ", "Treat yourself. ", "They are, memory, SSD, monitor. ", "No matter what OS you are running, have 4 gigs of RAM at least. ", "You can get little SSDs for under US$100 these days and decent sized ones for $200. ", "I pulled the trigger on a 256 gig OCZ Vertex and even if it lasts just a year, it's just $2 a day for the kind of silent joy that only a saturated PCI bus can give. ", "Every day after a year it lasts (it'll likely last a few) it gets cheaper to have owned it.", "\n\nGet whatever size or number of monitors that makes you happy. ", "I like three monitors. ", "For laptops, I like a 15\". ", "Some folks do great on a 13\" LCD but others prefer something larger. ", "My point is, if you HATE your monitor situation, change it. ", "You're worth it and it'll make you more productive.", "\n\nAnd, as always, if you have Programmer's Hands, consider your keyboard and mouse. ", "While I realize that many of you insist and persist on using a standard straight keyboard for typing even in spite of the obvious anatomy, the most important thing is to listen to your body. ", "If your desktop set works for you, awesome. ", "If not, get one that supports you and the way you work.", "\n\nBrain\n\nBooks, classes, experience, and challenges all push your brain. ", "I often tell the story of the senior developer who has 20 years experience. ", "The problem is it's the same year of experience, twenty times. ", "Somewhere in year 5, or year 14, you'd think this developer would notice this and break out. ", "What I'm saying is that not only should you as a programmer listen to your body, you should also listen to your brain. ", "If your tool is dull, consider consciously what you can do to sharpen the saw.", "\n\nWhen I speak to user group meetings or regional conferences and code camps, I'm always sure to tell the attendees something like this:\n\n\"You're already in the top tier of developers just by showing up here tonight. ", "I don't know how talented you are, how much experience you have, but you showed up. ", "You're putting yourself out there because you care to improve. ", "Thanks for caring.\"", "\n\nYou should give yourself credit for simply being conscious. ", "Not conscious as in 'a living entity' but conscious as in 'paying attention to your journey.' ", "If you are conscious, you're ahead of the pack. ", "We get into trouble when we aren't paying attention. ", "Time goes by and one wakes up years later with no new experiences, no new knowledge, essentially treading water with no inertia. ", "Sometimes just waking up and paying attention is the catalyst one needs to make a change. ", "Every new day is an opportunity to turn it around. ", "Don't feel bad about taking that class, buying that new book, or starting that new mentoring relationship. ", "Get them and put them in your brain - they'll be yours forever.", "\n\nThere's this wonderful story that comedian Paul Reiser told Marc Maron on Marc's podcast. ", "Paul met the actor Peter Falk and asked him if there was a secret to writing a movie script. ", "Peter Falk said \"get some paper, put it in a typewriter, type FADE IN...and keep typing.\"", "\n\nIt's surprising how that answer also works when someone asks me how to succeed in programming. ", "Be conscious, take care of yourself, invest in your tools, and do the work." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDo kindless ancestor queries always return the ancestor first?", "\n\nGQL allows Kindless ancestor queries (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/datastore/queries#kindless_ancestor_queries) where you can query in one go for both an ancestor and all of its descendants. ", "As far as I can tell the ancestor is always returned first, followed by all the descendants? ", " However, I can't find anything that confirms this.", "\nSo, my question: is it always the case that the ancestor is returned first followed by all of the descendants? ", "And is there any documentation that confirms this point?", "\nThe reason for asking is that I can keep my code simpler if I know that the ancestor is always first.", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is an implementation detail that can change in the future. ", "Do not rely upon this ordering as it will most likely lead your code to break in the future.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Cisco Rugged SFP - SFP (mini-GBIC) transceiver module - 100Mb LAN\n\nProduct Overview\n\nMain Features\n\nSFP (mini-GBIC) transceiver module\n\n100Mb LAN\n\n100Base-FX\n\nLC multi-mode\n\nup to 2 km\n\n1310 nm\n\nfor Aironet 1522; Catalyst 2960\n\n2960-24\n\n2960-48\n\n2960G-24\n\n2960G-48\n\n2960S-24\n\n2960S-48\n\nThe Cisco 100BASE-X Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) is a hot-swappable input/output device that plugs into a Fast Ethernet port or slot, linking the port with the network. ", "The Cisco 100BASE-FX SFP operates on ordinary multimode fiber-optic (MMF) link spans up to 2 kilometers long." ]
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[ "Papilloedema in chronic granulocytic leukaemia.", "\nFive of 75 patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia seen over a 25 year period had papilloedema at presentation. ", "These patients had unusually high leucocyte counts and the papilloedema may be a manifestation of leucostasis. ", "The fundal abnormalities resolved in all five patients--in four after conventional treatment with busulphan only." ]
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