[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a ring-based multi-push voltage-controlled oscillator, and more particularly to utilizing a plurality of delay cells to form a ring-based structure for multiplying the frequency of the output signal of the oscillator.", "\n2. ", "The Prior Arts\nThe A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is needed for the local oscillator in the integration of a phase-locking loop (PLL) or a microwave communication system. ", "The VCO is usually used with a mixer to reduce a radio frequency signal to a low frequency signal for demodulation or modulate the low frequency signal with the radio frequency signal for transmission. ", "In a wired communication system, the VCO provides an important reference frequency for the local oscillator in the timing circuit, such as sampling, multiplexer or demultiplexer.", "\nThe prior art oscillator usually includes the architecture of an LC tank, but the main problem of the architecture is that the circuit can not widely tune the output frequency. ", "Moreover, of the oscillator is considerably bulky.", "\nAlthough the architecture of multi-push VCO was proposed before, it still used the LC tank, and thus not only the design of the multi-push VCO is not easy to implement but also the frequency tuning range of the multi-push VCO is limited. ", "For a ring-base VCO, The frequency tuning range is wider, but the controlling frequency is still constrained." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0009393597138114274, 0.0006571915582753718, 0.0011863111285492778, 0.0007702711154706776, 0.0007401913171634078, 0.0007104492397047579, 0.0008194458205252886, 0.0008708328241482377, 0.0007231853087432683, 0.0007064520032145083 ]
[ "Q:\n\nServer-side Pagination Patterns for Seam?", "\n\nI have an application based on JBoss Seam, RichFaces, and Hibernate/JPA. ", " I've created a DAO class and a couple of business-layer classes that are used to retrieve data based on various criteria. ", " (Fetch most recent, browse all, etc.) ", " I'd like to return these results and display them for the user, allowing the user to paginate through them. ", " However, since the objects returned can be rather large (and there is a large number of objects) I'd prefer not to use something like <rich:dataList /> and <rich:datascroller /> which would require me to retrieve all the objects in one large query and maintain them in memory.", "\nAre there any generally-accepted patterns for performing server-side pagination of datasets? ", " I'm looking for a strategy for:\n\nRetrieving a subset of my data using a start index and count\nScroll through the dataset using 'next' and 'previous' buttons, thereby retrieving a new subset of the data using an updated start index and count\n\nHave any of you seen custom DataModel objects that would allow me to use <rich:dataList /> and <rich:datascroller /> but still perform server-side pagination using subset queries? ", " I'd be very curious to learn of your methodologies for handling such a scenario.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is an in-built server side pagination in Seam Application Framework. ", "Just have a look at the EntityQuery objects.", "\nYou can easily extends those classes, and basically get pagination for free when using getResultList()\nHowever, before you start extending those classes everywhere, take a look at this blog post.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0009010221110656857, 0.000624221283942461, 0.0005977981491014361, 0.0007162149413488805, 0.0007492689765058458, 0.0005960474954918027, 0.0007382920593954623, 0.0006240496877580881, 0.0005376495537348092, 0.0006853580707684159, 0.0005747993127442896, 0.0021974933333694935, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "You are here\n\nOne big idea animates virtually all of today’s earnest education reformers: the conviction that great schools can spur social mobility. ", "Voucher supporters, charter advocates, standards nuts, teacher-effectiveness fanatics—we all fundamentally believe that fantastic schools staffed by dedicated educators can help poor kids climb out of poverty and compete with their affluent peers. ", "And then Charles Murray comes along and throws cold water all over the idea.", "\n\nCan fantastic schools staffed by dedicated educators actually help poor kids climb out of poverty and compete with their affluent peers?", "\n\nThis was my reaction last month when Murray visited the Fordham Institute to talk about his latest book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. ", "Among his many interesting and provocative comments about the rise of a “new upper class”—one inhabited by the winners of America’s meritocracy—he made this rather disturbing statement: “The better the meritocracy, the faster social mobility will decline.” ", "Checker Finn, our president and moderator, did a double-take. “", "Say it again?” ", "So Murray did. “", "The better the meritocracy, the more efficiently you identify and reward talent, the faster that social mobility will decline over time.”", "\n\nAs it turns out, this wasn’t the first time Murray has made that argument. ", "An earlier version can be found in his controversial book, The Bell Curve, written with Richard Hernnstein, and then restated in a 2010 Washington Post op-ed:\n\nThe more efficiently a society identifies the most able young people of both sexes, sends them to the best colleges, unleashes them into an economy that is tailor-made for people with their abilities and lets proximity take its course, the sooner a New Elite—the \"cognitive elite\" that Herrnstein and I described—becomes a class unto itself. ", "It is by no means a closed club, as Barack Obama's example proves. ", "But the credentials for admission are increasingly held by the children of those who are already members. ", "An elite that passes only money to the next generation is evanescent (\"Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations,\" as the adage has it). ", "An elite that also passes on ability is more tenacious, and the chasm between it and the rest of society widens.", "\n\nWhich is why, Murray argues, that the children of the New Elite dominate the campuses of top-tier universities.", "\n\nThe student bodies of the elite colleges are still drawn overwhelmingly from the upper middle class. ", "According to sociologist Joseph Soares's book \"The Power of Privilege: Yale and America's Elite Colleges,\" about four out of five students in the top tier of colleges have parents whose income, education and occupations put them in the top quarter of American families, according to Soares's measure of socioeconomic status. ", "Only about one out of 20 such students come from the bottom half of families.", "\n\nThe discomfiting explanation is that despite need-blind admissions policies, the stellar applicants still hail overwhelmingly from the upper middle class and above. ", "Students who have a parent with a college degree accounted for only 55 percent of SAT-takers this year but got 87 percent of all the verbal and math scores above 700, according to unpublished data provided to me by the College Board. ", "This is not a function of SAT prep courses available to the affluent—such coaching buys only a few dozen points—but of the ability of these students to do well in a challenging academic setting.", "\n\nRead that again. ", "Just one in 20 students at top universities comes from the bottom half of the socio-economic strata. ", "The number coming from the bottom quintile—children growing up in poverty—is even smaller—miniscule really. ", "Are we reformers kidding ourselves when we think that better schools will catapult low-income children into the ranks of this New Elite?", "\n\nAre we reformers kidding ourselves when we think that better schools will catapult low-income children into the ranks of this New Elite?", "\n\nOur argument, as it goes, is that we’ve never really tried. ", "Because of low expectations, mediocre teachers, a lack of options, ill-designed curricula—name your poison—poor kids have never had a chance to see their talents flourish. ", "Put them into the right educational environment, surround them with supportive adults, and (if you’re of the broader/bolder persuasion) provide them with all kinds of social supports too, and we’ll see our elite college campuses—gateways to the new Upper Class—democratize before our eyes.", "\n\nBut this assumes that academic ability—whether defined as intelligence, or non-cognitive skills and character traits, or whatever else—is randomly distributed across the population. ", "Which, Murray argues, was probably once true but is no longer. ", "Because of the ferocious sorting of the meritocratic machine, talented people have been finding and marrying one another, and giving birth to a super-class of highly gifted children. (", "Murray said at our event that it “doesn’t matter” whether these gifts are bequeathed by nature or nurture. ", "What matters is the strong link between the talents of parents and the talents of their offspring.) ", "And, as David Brooks pointed out today, after years of bedtime stories, trips to the zoo, vocabulary-packed conversations, and other “enrichment” activities, these children enter school miles ahead of the rest of their peers—including the poor kids that are the focus of so many education reforms.", "\n\nOf course, as Murray says, this phenomenon plays out in terms of group averages. ", "If we live in a meritocracy where intelligence and other talents lead to success,* then the children of the highly successful (the Elite) will, on average, be more talented than the children of the somewhat successful, who will, on average, be more talented that the children of the not successful (i.e., the children of the poor). ", "On average.", "\n\nUnderstandably, we don’t much like to discuss this possibility. ", "It gives cover to educators who look at a classroom of low-income children and diminish their expectations—thinking that “these kids” aren’t capable of much, educators who don’t buy the mantra that “all children can learn.” ", "But would we be shocked to find that the average intelligence level of such a classroom is lower than a classroom in an elite, affluent suburb?", "\n\nYes, intelligence is malleable, not innate. ", "Yes, an exceptional school/teacher/curriculum may boost that average intelligence level. ", "But can those factors boost it enough to overcome the disparities Murray describes? ", "If not, what can educators do?", "\n\nI see two possible strategies. ", "The first is to be fanatical about identifying talented children from low-income (and middle-income) communities and then provide the challenge and support to launch them into the New Elite via top-tier universities. ", "Murray, for one, thinks this is already happening. “", "If you are a really smart kid in a backwater town in Mississippi—I don’t care if you’re white or black—this has never been a better time for you,” he said at our event. “", "It’s never been easier for you, no matter how poor your family is, to get a full ride to a really good college if you’re really, if you’ve got a lot of talent. ", "We’ve gotten really, really good at identifying talent wherever it is and I’m delighted about that.”", "\n\nHe may well be right. ", "It’s true that many communities have various “talent search” initiatives, scholarship programs for poor kids to attend elite private schools and top colleges, science fairs, spelling bees, selective magnet schools, and other approaches for ferreting out these diamonds in the rough. (", "Some of the best charter schools might be playing this role too, though they don’t want to admit it.) ", "Still, I worry that, in the current policy environment, most schools serving poor kids have little incentive to offer gifted-and-talented programs and other mechanisms whereby to boost the prospects of poor but brilliant kids. (", "Online learning could be a big help here.)", "\n\nThe second strategy is to be more realistic about the kind of social mobility we hope to spur. ", "Getting a big chunk of America’s poor kids into the New Elite in one generation might be a fool’s errand—our meritocracy has put them at too great a disadvantage. ", "But getting them into working -class or middle-class jobs isn’t so impossible. ", "Here’s a question for the KIPPs and YES Preps of the world: Would you be happy if, ten years from now, your middle schoolers were working as cops, firefighters, teachers, plumbers, electricians, and nurses? ", "This would be a huge accomplishment, it seems to me, as most poor kids will go on to work in low-paid service jobs a decade hence. ", "It may not make for as inspiring a Hollywood story, but it’s a crucial version of social mobility all the same.", "\n\nMaybe Murray’s wrong. ", "I sort of hope that he is. ", "But we should be talking about these issues all the same.", "\n\n* The Left sees the same social sorting as Murray but concludes that our meritocracy isn’t efficient, it’s rigged. ", "See, for example, Christopher Hayes’ The Twilight of the Elites, as excerpted in this Nation article." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to calculate $\\int \\sqrt{1+\\frac{4x^2}{(1-2x)^2}}dx = $?", "\n\nI want to find an arc length of y = $\\ln{(1-x^2)}$ on the $x\\in<0,\\frac{1}{2}>$ interval?", "\n$y' = \\frac{-2x}{1-x^2}$\nSo:\n$$\\int \\sqrt{1+\\frac{4x^2}{(1-2x)^2}}dx = $$\n$$= \\int \\sqrt{\\frac{(1-2x)^2}{(1-2x)^2}+\\frac{4x^2}{(1-2x)^2}}dx = $$\n$$= \\int \\sqrt{\\frac{8x^2-4x+1}{(1-2x)^2}}dx = $$\n$$= \\int \\frac{\\sqrt{8x^2-4x+1}}{1-2x}dx = $$\n$$= \\int \\frac{8x^2-4x+1}{(1-2x)\\sqrt{8x^2-4x+1}}dx $$\nAnd now I have tried from one of Euler's substitution, which was total nightmare and algebraically impossible for me.", "\nIs there any simpler way to calculate this integral?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn the first equation after \"So:\", in the numerator, you should have $(1-x^2)^2$ instead of $(1-2x)^2$. Then your function to integrate becomes $$\\sqrt{1+\\frac{4x^2}{(1-x^2)^2}}=\\sqrt{\\frac{(1+x^2)^2}{(1-x^2)^2}}$$\nYou can now take the square root, since $0\\lt 1-x^2$ and $0\\lt 1+x^2$\n\n" ]
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[ 0.005717437714338303, 0.0013040407793596387, 0.04423118382692337, 0.0006519873859360814, 0.0016645003343001008 ]
[ "![", "Marcia McNutt Editor-in-Chief *Science* Journals](150088_F1){#F1}\n\nFrom our first announcement exactly 1 year ago of the intent to launch a new online open access journal within the *Science* family, my dream of being able to bring our brand's reputation for excellence to more authors and more readers is finally a reality. ", "True to our founding vision, *Science Advances* is selective, international, and diverse in subject matter. ", "Only about one-quarter of submissions to date have been sent to peer review, and only about a third of those sent to peer review have been accepted for publication. ", "Of the 360 papers received by mid-January, two-thirds of the submissions have been from outside the United States, from China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, India, Nigeria, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. ", "Furthermore, we are attracting broad content across computer, engineering, environmental, life, physical, and social sciences.", "\n\nOf course, just like the birth of any new entity, we are starting out small and intend to grow in such as way as to maintain novelty, quality, diversity of topics, and timeliness in the research we publish. ", "We have no pre-set targets for the proportion of papers that should be accepted. ", "You---our authors---are the ones who can increase the numbers of published papers by sending us exciting manuscripts to consider. ", "The combination of your exciting research, AAAS's fabulous press and communications support promoting your research, and open access to your content will be a terrific way to reach a large audience.", "\n\nAs we scale up, we will need additional associate editors who have stellar publication records and whose opinions are highly respected by their peers. ", "Most members of the current board of editors have been recruited, but some have volunteered. ", "If you believe you would enjoy the opportunity to be involved in this highly selective process, please drop us a note (at <ScienceAdvancesEditorial@aaas.org>). ", "In the same vein, scientists interested in reviewing for us can register at [www.editorialmanager.com/scienceadvances](http://www.editorialmanager.com/scienceadvances). ", "Establishing credibility as an excellent reviewer is one route to an invitation to become an associate editor.", "\n\nIn closing, I would like to thank all of the editors of *Science Advances*, the staff here at AAAS, and the reviewers who have put much effort into the ramp-up to launch date for this bold new venture. ", "The editors at *Science* have been particularly helpful and supportive in nurturing this sibling journal. ", "In particular, I would like to thank the many authors, both those who were successful in being accepted and those who we hope will try again, for putting their faith in a yet-to-be journal without so much as a single posted paper, based only on my vision of what it could be. ", "I promise we won't let you down.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.0019058462930843234, 0.0006374086369760334, 0.0006005249451845884, 0.0005769809358753264, 0.0005684986826963723, 0.0005645218770951033, 0.000571704120375216, 0.0005815723561681807, 0.0005968098412267864, 0.0005297621828503907, 0.0005381364026106894, 0.0005750157870352268, 0.0005151851801201701, 0.0005530587513931096, 0.0005457276711240411, 0.0005338246119208634, 0.0005961435381323099, 0.000525238283444196, 0.005062966141849756, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "Data from lunar missions offer proof that the moon's water is widely distributed across the lunar surface, and not confined to some regions or a particular terrain.", "\n\nWidespread Presence Of Water On Moon's Surface\n\nJoshua Bandfield, from the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado and one of the authors of the study reporting the findings, said that signals indicate that water is always present regardless of the time of day. ", "Water also appears to stick around.", "\n\n\"We incorporate a physics-based thermal correction into analysis of reflectance spectra from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper and find that prominent absorption features consistent with OH/H2O can be present at all latitudes, local times and surface types examined,\" Bandfield and colleagues wrote in their study, which was published in Nature Geoscience.", "\n\n\"This suggests the widespread presence of OH/H2O on the lunar surface without significant diurnal migration.\"", "\n\nImplications On Future Moon Missions\n\nIf the moon contains enough water and this is reasonably convenient to access, future lunar explorers may be able to to use it as drinking water or even convert it to oxygen that may be used for breathing, or hydrogen that can fuel rockets.", "\n\nThe findings, however, suggest that the water is not the same as the one that humans on Earth are used to. ", "It may also be difficult to access.", "\n\nThe water on the moon does not appear to be the same as the H2O found on Earth, which is consist of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen\n\nLunar water appears to exist primarily as a more reactive relative known as hydroxyl, or HO. ", "Because it is more reactive, the water on the moon makes chemicals bond quickly. ", "It also attaches to other other molecules.", "\n\nThis means that water needs to be extracted from minerals on the moon before these could be used. ", "Researchers also said that water on the moon does not appear to move about between regions.", "\n\n\"Water on the Moon is of intense interest for many reasons,\" said study researcher Michael Poston, from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.", "\n\n\"When you split water molecules, you end up with oxygen and hydrogen, critical components for breathable air and rocket fuel. ", "Hydroxyl (OH) is a more reactive relative to water and not as attractive as water in terms of supporting a lunar station.\"", "\n\nWater For A Moon Habitat\n\nMany lunar missions focus on water because it is a crucial resource for a moon habitat.", "\n\nEarlier this year, Chinese students wrapped up a 200-day simulation of living on the lunar surface in preparation for China's plans for a real moon base. ", "The Trump administration also wanted the U.S. space agency to go to the moon.", "\n\nEstablishing a moon base, or possibly a lunar colony provides a good testing ground for new technologies that may be used to keep humans alive on Mars.", "\n\nⓒ 2018 TECHTIMES.com All rights reserved. ", "Do not reproduce without permission." ]
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[ "It is very difficult to handle outboard brake drums on trucks and trailers in order to service or replace the drums or to perform service on the brakes and associated parts. ", "Heretofore, the most common procedure in removing and installing brake drums has been by manual manipulation. ", "This is extremely difficult and dirty work and is prone to cause injuries, including serious back injuries. ", "These operations have caused a considerable amount of lost-time as well as workman's compensation claims for a shop proprietor.", "\nOutboard brake drums, such as used on large trucks, can weight as much as 120 pounds each. ", "They are very awkward to grasp and handle; they are positioned at a height that requires a person to stoop or bend; and they frequently are positioned beneath an overhead obstruction, such as a truck or trailer bed.", "\nOverhead lifts, hoists or cranes might be considered a logical solution to these problems. ", "However, it must be understood that vertical access to the brake drums often is difficult or impossible because of the overhead obstructions. ", "In addition, such implements are prone to scratch or damage portions of the vehicle itself.", "\nThe present invention is directed to solving these problems by providing a very efficient, simple to operate and cost effective dolly which can be used by an operator. ", "In fact, the dolly is readily operable by an operator's two hands and actually can be manipulated over a supporting surface with a single hand." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0007763432804495096, 0.0007776846177875996, 0.028173360973596573, 0.0006311174365691841, 0.0009869984351098537, 0.0008989165653474629, 0.0005856987554579973, 0.0006557629094459116, 0.0008942444692365825, 0.0005744989030063152, 0.0006370980408973992 ]
[ "Acid sphingomyelinase mediates 50-Hz magnetic field-induced EGF receptor clustering on lipid raft.", "\nPreviously, we found that exposure to a 50-Hz magnetic field (MF) could induce epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) clustering and phosphorylation on cell surface. ", "In order to explore the possible mechanisms, the roles of acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) and lipid raft in MF-induced EGFR clustering were investigated in the present study. ", "Human amnion epithelial (FL) cells were exposed to a 50-Hz MF at 0.4 mT for different durations. ", "Intracellular ASMase activity was detected using the Amplex® Red Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit. ", "EGFR clustering, ASMase, and lipid rafts on cell membrane were analyzed using confocal microscopy after indirect immunofluorescence staining. ", "Results showed that disturbing lipid rafts with nystatin could inhibit MF-induced EGFR clustering, indicating that it was dependent on intact lipid raft. ", "Exposure of FL cells to MF significantly enhanced ASMase activity and induced ASMase translocation to membrane that co-localized with lipid rafts. ", "Treatment with imipramine, an ASMase inhibitor, inhibited the MF-induced EGFR clustering. ", "This inhibitory effect could be blocked by the addition of C2-ceramide in the culture medium. ", "It suggested that ASMase mediated the 50-Hz MF-induced EGFR clustering via ceramide which was produced from hydrolyzation on lipid rafts." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention is related to a capacitance detecting type acceleration sensor and a manufacturing method thereof, capable of simultaneously measuring acceleration along either two axes or three axes, applicable to a vibration measurement, a vehicle control, and a motion control.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nAs sensors for detecting acceleration applied to a moving object, there are various sorts of sensors such as piezoelectric type sensors, distortion gauge type sensors, magnetic type sensors for using differential transformers, and capacitance type sensors for detecting capacitance changes in capacitors. ", "Very recently, especially, as the acceleration sensors with utilizing the micromachining technique in the semiconductor field, a great attention is paid to the acceleration sensors with using the piezoelectric effect, the electric resistance value of which is varied in response to external mechanical force, and the acceleration sensor for calculating the acceleration by detecting changes in the capacitors. ", "These sensors own various merits such as compactness of devices, mass-productivity, higher precision, and higher reliability. ", "In particular, the acceleration sensor for electrically detecting the acceleration based on the changes in the capacitance value of the capacitor is disclosed in, for example, J-P-A 8-32090 (J-P-A: Japanese Patent unexamined publication.", "\nFIG. ", "9 is an explanatory diagram for showing an example of the conventional capacitance type acceleration sensor described in J-P-A 8-32090. ", "FIG. ", "9(a) is a plan view, and FIG. ", "9(b) is a sectional view. ", "The variable electrode 1 corresponding to the silicon mass body is supported via the beam 3 by an anchor portion 2. ", "The fixed electrodes 4 and 5b are formed with defining a constant space on the side surface of this mass body. ", "The capacitors 10 and 11 are formed by the mass body 1 and the fixed electrodes 4 and 5b. ", "As seen from the A--A sectional view of FIG. ", "9, the sensor structure containing these auxiliary supporting unit 7 is jointed to the glass substrate 8a and the glass substrate 9b by the anode jointing method, and the region used to form the capacitors is hermetically sealed. ", "These capacitors 10 and 11 constitute the sensor element 12. ", "When inertial force caused by acceleration is exerted along the x-direction of the mass body 1, the mass body 1 is displaced along the x-direction. ", "One electric capacitance defined between the mass body 1 and the fixed electrodes 4, 5 is increased (C.times.1=C+.DELTA.C) by the displacement, whereas the other capacitance defined between the mass body 1 and the fixed electrodes 4, 5 is decreased (C.times.2=C-.DELTA.C) by the displacement.", "\nThis capacitance change is converted into the voltage output by the IC-formed detecting chip (ASIC), so that this acceleration can be derived as the voltage output. ", "This IC-formed detecting chip owns the capacitance-to-voltage converting circuit having: EQU Vout=C.times.1/(C.times.1+C.times.2).multidot.", "Vs\nIn this formula, symbol \"Vout\" indicates the voltage output, and symbol \"Vs\" shows the input voltage.", "\nIn the case that the above-described acceleration sensor, this acceleration sensor is limited to the acceleration measurement of the one axial direction (x direction). ", "Accordingly, when the acceleration along the two axial directions, or the three axial directions is measured, two sets of the sensor elements and of the ASICs are required, so that the dimension of the package for storing the sensor elements and the ASICs is increased. ", "Therefore, there is a problem that the manufacturing cost is increased." ]
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[ 0.0009393597138114274, 0.0005685932119376957, 0.0011863111285492778, 0.0005640326999127865, 0.00057289405958727, 0.0005775779136456549, 0.0005740670021623373, 0.0008293872233480215, 0.0006529860547743738, 0.0008293872233480215, 0.0006308816955424845, 0.0006415105308406055, 0.0005980474525131285, 0.0006515224813483655, 0.0006864487077109516, 0.000629627495072782, 0.0006032360251992941, 0.0007297275005839765, 0.000723414879757911, 0.0007073226734064519, 0.0006557194283232093, 0.0007922997465357184, 0.0006682888488285244, 0.0006112861447036266, 0.0005607692874036729, 0.000715568196028471 ]
[ "Glen Mazzara\n\nGlen Mazzara (born July 6, 1967) is an American television producer and writer. ", "He is most well known for his work on The Shield, The Walking Dead and Damien.", "\n\nLife and career\nAn Italian-American, Mazzara was born in Manhattan and grew up in Queens, New York. ", "He graduated from St. Francis Preparatory School in 1985. ", "He attended NYU and earned a masters in English. ", "He worked as a hospital administrator in New York before moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a writer in 1998.", "\n\nHe was a story editor and writer for the fourth and fifth seasons of Nash Bridges. ", "In 2002, he joined the drama series The Shield as an executive story editor and writer for its first season; was promoted to producer for the second season while continuing to write, to supervising producer for the third season, to co-executive producer for the fourth season and to executive producer for the fifth season; and left midway through the sixth season in 2006. ", "Later in 2006 he was an executive producer on the short-lived series Standoff, and then a co-executive producer on the first season of NBC drama Life.", "\n\nMazzara left Life to create and executive produce a new series Crash, based on the Oscar-winning film of the same name, on which he served as head writer and showrunner. ", "He left after one season, but was credited as a consulting producer for the second season premiere.", "\n\nIn 2009, he joined the medical drama series Hawthorne for two seasons as executive producer and writer. ", "In 2010, he wrote his first of several episodes of the AMC series The Walking Dead, episode 1.5: \"Wildfire.", "\n\nOn July 27, 2011, it was reported that Mazzara had taken over as showrunner of The Walking Dead after Frank Darabont dropped out of the position. ", "Mazzara left this role following season 3.", "\n\nGlen Mazzara is the Creator, Executive Producer, and Showrunner of A&E’s series, Damien, based on the classic horror film, The Omen.", "\n\nOn April 15, 2019, Mazzara joined several other writers in firing their agents as part of the WGA's stand against the ATA and the unfair practice of packaging.", "\n\nFilmography\n\nProducer\n\nWriter\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n Master Class with Glen Mazzara at 2012 Banff World Media Festival\n Q&A with Glen Mazzara at 2012 Banff World Media Festival\n\nCategory:American male screenwriters\nCategory:American television writers\nCategory:American writers of Italian descent\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:New York University alumni\nCategory:People from Manhattan\nCategory:People from Queens, New York\nCategory:Writers from New York City\nCategory:1967 births\nCategory:Showrunners\nCategory:Male television writers\nCategory:Screenwriters from New York (state)" ]
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[ "[The new management regulation for hospital wastes].", "\nThe paper characterizes the main goals of the new regulations on the management of the hospital wastes. ", "The motivations for which the previous regulations have been repealed are shown. ", "The new possibilities of management and disposal are explained. ", "The instruments are described by means of which the new regulations, maintaining the maximum protection of the health and the environment, aimed at the rationalization and the control of the costs, and to the attainment of it objectives, in agreement with the European directives of prevention of the production of wastes and recovery of matter and energy, through the attainment and the upgrade of the differentiated collection." ]
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[ 0.002196293557062745, 0.0009119418682530522, 0.0006048252689652145, 0.0006057032733224332, 0.0006322520202957094 ]
[ "A combination of intrathecal morphine and remifentanil anesthesia for fast-track cardiac anesthesia and surgery.", "\nTo determine if the combined remifentanil and intrathecal morphine (RITM) anesthetic technique facilitates early extubation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. ", "Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial. ", "Referral center for cardiothoracic surgery at a university hospital. ", "Patients (n = 24) undergoing first-time elective CABG surgery. ", "Two groups represented RITM (n = 12) and fentanyl-based (controls, n = 12) anesthesia. ", "Premedication was standardized to temazepam, 0.4 mg/kg, and anesthesia was induced with etomidate, 0.3 mg/kg, in both groups. ", "The RITM group received remifentanil, 1 microg/kg bolus followed by 0.25 to 1 microg/kg/min infusion, and intrathecal morphine, 2 mg. ", "The control group received fentanyl, 12 microg/kg in 3 divided doses. ", "Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane and pancuronium in both groups. ", "After completion of surgery, the remifentanil infusion was stopped. ", "Complete reversal of muscle relaxation was ensured with a nerve stimulator, and a propofol infusion, 0.5 to 3 mg/kg/h, was started in both groups. ", "All patients were transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) to receive standardized postoperative care. ", "Intensivists and ICU nurses were blinded to the group assignment. ", "Propofol infusion was stopped, and the tracheal extubation was accomplished when extubation criteria were fulfilled. ", "Both groups were similar with respect to demographic data and surgical characteristics. ", "Extubation times were 156 +/- 82 minutes and 258 +/- 91 minutes in the RITM and control groups (p = 0.012). ", "Patients in the RITM group exhibited lower visual analog scale pain scores during the first 2 hours after extubation (p < 0.04). ", "Morphine requirements during the 24 hours after extubation were 2.5 +/- 3 mg in the RITM group and 16 +/- 11 mg in the control group (p = 0.0018). ", "Sedation scores were lower in the RITM group during the first 3 hours after extubation (p < 0.03). ", "Pulmonary function tests as assessed by spirometry were better in the RITM group at 6 and 12 hours after extubation (p < 0.04). ", "There were no significant differences in PaO(2) and PaCO(2) after extubation between the 2 groups. ", "None of the patients had episodes of apnea during the immediate 24-hour postextubation period. ", "Two patients from the RITM group required reintubation on the second and sixth postoperative days. ", "There were no differences in ICU and hospital length of stay between the 2 groups. ", "Implementation of the RITM technique provided earlier tracheal extubation, decreased level of sedation, excellent analgesia, and improved spirometry in the early postoperative period. ", "The impact of RITM on ICU and hospital length of stay and potential cost benefits require further evaluation." ]
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[ 0.0017174000386148691, 0.0007930811261758208, 0.0006109794485382736, 0.0007869831752032042, 0.0007129462319426239, 0.0005877913790754974, 0.0006103200139477849, 0.0008996594115160406, 0.0005873822956345975, 0.000586174544878304, 0.0006303768022917211, 0.0007492746808566153, 0.0007853212300688028, 0.0015904587926343083, 0.012082227505743504, 0.0005343894590623677, 0.000633369549177587, 0.0007738633430562913, 0.0013428630772978067, 0.0011354099260643125, 0.0005768747651018202, 0.0006888023344799876, 0.001098794862627983, 0.0006177874165587127, 0.000581753090955317, 0.007341182790696621, 0.0005607121274806559 ]
[ "The severity of clinical manifestations in preeclampsia correlates with the amount of placental infarction.", "\nTo correlate placental histopathology, in particular ischemic changes, with the clinical severity of preeclampsia. ", "A blinded retrospective study. ", "One Swedish hospital. ", "One hundred and fifty-seven women with severe (n= 116) or mild (n= 41) preeclampsia and 157 normotensive women matched according to gestational-age. ", "One senior pathologist, blinded to clinical data and group, examined all histological slides. ", "In the statistical analyses, adjustment for gestational week was done when appropriate. ", "Placental histopathological findings. ", "Amount of infarction increased with the severity of preeclampsia (p < 0.001). ", "Infarction involving ≥5% of the placental tissue was seen in 39.7% of severe preeclampsia, 17.1% of mild preeclampsia and 5.1% of non-preeclampsia. ", "When comparing placentas in severe preeclampsia, mild preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia, there was an increase in the presence of any infarction (80.2%, 61.0%, vs. 20.4%). ", "Also, there was a difference in the presence of decidual arteriopathy (35.3%, 22.0%, vs. 3.8%) and accelerated villous maturation (71.6%, 53.3%, vs. 12.6%). ", "We found no difference in intervillous thrombosis, abruption placenta or placental weight in relation to gestational week. ", "In pregnancies with mild or severe preeclampsia, a large proportion of the placentas had histological signs of pathology, in particular signs of ischemia. ", "The pathology was similar, but more pronounced in severe compared to mild preeclampsia, suggesting mild and severe preeclampsia to have similar underlying etiology." ]
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[ 0.0007180701359175146, 0.0007030750857666135, 0.00263888668268919, 0.0008769178530201316, 0.018849868327379227, 0.0006500866147689521, 0.0006966633955016732, 0.0006845881580375135, 0.0007590772002004087, 0.0012742880498990417, 0.0008031222387216985, 0.0011376754846423864, 0.0021411962807178497, 0.0011809112038463354, 0.0006559369503520429 ]
[ "Q:\n\n¿Como leer entrada de datos desde teclado con NodeJS?", "\n\nEstoy tratando de leer la entrada de datos desde teclado en NodeJS, quisiera saber como hacer esto de la manera en que java tiene su scanner o c++ tiene su cin algo parecido, espero darme a entender.", "\n\nA:\n\nNodejs provee nativamente la función openStdin() para aceptar entradas por teclado, aquí un ejemplo:\nconsole.log(\"Escribe tu nombre\");\nvar stdin = process.openStdin();\n\nstdin.addListener(\"data\", function(d) {\n console.log(\"Tu nombre es: \" + \n d.toString().trim());\n });\n\n" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Licensed under the MIT License.", "\n\nimport { registerElement } from '@angular-react/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';\nimport { ExpandingCard, HoverCard, PlainCard } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';\nimport { FabHoverCardComponent } from './hover-card.component';\nimport { FabExpandingCardComponent } from './expanding-card.component';\nimport { FabPlainCardComponent } from './plain-card.component';\n\nconst components = [FabHoverCardComponent, FabExpandingCardComponent, FabPlainCardComponent];\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [CommonModule],\n declarations: components,\n exports: components,\n schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],\n})\nexport class FabHoverCardModule {\n constructor() {\n // Add any React elements to the registry (used by the renderer).", "\n registerElement('ExpandingCard', () => ExpandingCard);\n registerElement('HoverCard', () => HoverCard);\n registerElement('PlainCard', () => PlainCard);\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "During the ‘Ne’ilas HaChag tisch’ the Sadigura Rebbe Shlita, a member of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael, spoke out strongly against technological advances that threaten the Jewish home, calling to distance oneself from threatening technological advances. ", "The rebbe lamented how many have been lost spiritually due to social networking and WhatsApp groups R”L.\n\n“There are eyes in the home” the rebbe stated in reference to the children, who are smart and aware of who has a computer and who does not and what content is available. ", "He also spoke of the materialistic threats such as electric bicycles which have caused so many accidents and loss of life and the need to distance from them as well.", "\n\n(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)" ]
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[ 0.005983712617307901, 0.0011470044264569879, 0.0008863992406986654, 0.000791338097769767 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFormat Date in VisualForce Page\n\nI have a requirement, date format to be changed as mm/yy in a VisualForce Page entering values to that field\n\nA:\n\nPlease refer to the below link\nhttps://www.salesforce.com/docs/developer/pages/Content/pages_compref_outputText.htm\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0005701923510059714 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow can a website block IPs behind a NAT?", "\n\nWill a website be able to block my IP address alone somehow, while I am running a security tool behind my NAT? ", "Or will it block my ISPs gateway IP?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe website has no way to know your intranet IP. ", "Although it could be possible, it would require some extra information which is part of the app-level protocol. ", "For example, the skype servers know your localnet ip, because your client says it to them. ", "But the ordinary http(s) doesn't contain this.", "\nThe common behavior in such cases that the websites simply aren't interested in your localnet address and if there is an ip-level block, they block your gateway IP - and your whole localnet with it.", "\nBut not this is the only possibility. ", "Some websites - the most common is the wikipedia - use a more complex user identification using cookies, and - if you log in - your login name. ", "This enables them to re-activate or extend the to you belonging IP blocklist if you would try to login them from a different (outer) IP address.", "\nIt would be also possible to use some browser add-ons (ActiveX, flash) to help the websites to know your original address, although these are highly unpopular today - mainly on security reasons.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0017126967431977391, 0.0022789358627051115, 0.001889251871034503, 0.0008143092854879797, 0.0005395567859522998, 0.0006947899237275124, 0.0006909071234986186, 0.0011651868699118495, 0.0006766204605810344, 0.0006540405447594821, 0.0009416869143024087, 0.0006491924868896604, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "2015年1月 のアーカイブ\n\nOn 2015 February 19th, DELTANOMIX has the great pleasure to deliver to the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) a Practical Skills Building Workshop on the the theme of “Handling Stress in the Office”. ", "This workshop comes as a support to the activities of the ACCJ Young Professionals Committee.", "\n\nThis workshop is open to ACCJ members and their guests. ", "For workshop venue, time and registration click here.", "\n\nPlease find below some more details on the workshop itself.", "\n\nAccording to the Stress in America™ 2013 survey run by the American Psychological Association, work continues to be one of the most commonly reported sources of stress in the U.S. Besides, 42% of American adults report that their stress level has increased over the past 5 years.", "\n\nJapan is obviously no exception to this new norm where business and the workplace are synonymous with stress. ", "Indeed, about 60% of Japanese workers are affected by intense stress, according to the Survey on State of Employees’ Health by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. ", "To that extent, a partial revision of the Industrial Safety and Health Law (労働安全衛生法) has passed the Diet on June 19th, 2014, requiring employers to enforce medical examinations aimed at quantifying the degree of metal burden carried by their workers.", "\n\nIn this workshop, various practical coping strategies to adopt as individuals and encourage in order to better control and reduce the recurring stress in the workplace will be reviewed and discussed.", "\n\nThe workshop attendees will learn how to:\n\n● Assess situational stress and recognize its impacts on their life and work performance\n\nIn the article “Japanese companies must fuse traditional, foreign ways of working” published 2015, January 06, the Nikkei Asian Review suggests that “in an era of globalization, Japanese companies need to combine the strengths of their traditional business methods with those of the countries they operate in” in order to see their business succeed overseas.", "\n\nFar beyond the “simple” language barrier, business leaders and managers working in a foreign country often face the difficult challenges to develop a fair understanding of the cultural differences of their local teams, clients, partners, providers… and to use this knowledge to adjust their management and business approaches, while keeping connected with their mother company values and missions.", "\n\nIn this post, DELTANOMIX would like to share a few ideas on how to grow cross-cultural sensibility and leverage effectively the surrounding diversity and differences in order to improve the local operations performance.", "\n\nGet exposed, stay open\n\nAs early as possible in your career, try to get a maximum exposure to a variety of work situations and environments. ", "Be it through short-term project assignment, international mobility or transversal global initiatives, volunteer as much as possible to opportunities requiring to stretch outside of your regular work environment and culture. ", "In other words, be curious and try new things that will challenge your preconceived views of the world.", "\n\nWhen put in a new work context and culture, approach your environment open-mindedly, putting aside the stereotypes you may have. ", "Listen and observe carefully in a first step. ", "What does surprise you? ", "What does shock you? ", "What do you like? ", "What is different from your expectations? ", "Find what works in your new environment that would not work in your culture and vice versa. ", "Try to understand why.", "\n\nBeing open to new experiences and culture is obviously not limited to your professional life! ", "Experience openly different cultures in your personal life as well through friends, travel, community activities, student exchange…\n\nAs a manager, also ensure to offer this exposure to cultural diversity to your team members as much as you can. ", "It should thus help them to develop a greater cross-cultural awareness as well which in return should help you to manage them.", "\n\nExplore differences constructively\n\nWhen put on an assignment in a different country as a manager and after your initial observation phase, start asking candid questions on the specific points or topics that surprise you (positively or negatively). ", "Getting the true answers from your new teams will require you to build first a work environment based on mutual trust and understanding, an environment fostering constructive criticism but also where people are aware of their differences and respect them.", "\n\nAs a manager, take every opportunity (casual discussion and formal meetings) to ask for feedbacks and opinions on the on-going team activities and the way those are run; encourage your team members to do the same (depending on the culture and on the individual characteristics of your team members, this may work or not…). ", "Put those feedbacks into perspective: how does it fit the local picture and the global one?", "\n\nDiscuss as well about your understanding and your teams understanding of your role. ", "In other words, ask to your teams how, from their point of view, you can make them even more successful. ", "Also ask them to which extent the global corporate values resonate locally.", "\n\nBuild on diversity and stay aligned\n\nThen, based on the feedbacks and inputs you have gathered, make sure to clarify with everyone the local mission, your objectives (how you define success for yourself and your teams) as well as the teams and their members goals.", "\n\nRun a transversal exercise with all your teams to translate the global corporate values into a local mission statement and work charter that everyone will feel closer to. ", "Then ensure that everyone complies with it by clarifying the “Do and Don’t” and by clearly highlighting the promoted behaviours and banned attitudes.", "\n\nOvertime, stay attuned to any new challenges or conflict, keep fostering healthy debates within your team members while making sure that everyone stays aligned behind any final decision and behind the local mission and values. ", "Improve and adjust your structure where and when necessary to reflect any internal or external changes.", "\n\nFeel free to share your ideas or feedbacks with DELTANOMIX by sending them to deltanomix@gmail.com. ", "DELTANOMIX also remains available if you are interested in getting deeper details on the above points.", "\n\nFollow us via Email\n\nアーカイブ\n\nTerms of Use\n\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ", "Additional terms may apply. ", "By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use defined at www.deltanomix.wordpress.com/terms-of-use.", "\n\n広告\n\nTerms of Use\n\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). ", "Additional terms may apply. ", "By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use defined at www.deltanomix.wordpress.com/terms-of-use." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs my reasoning correct? (", "using the stars and bars method)\n\nA friend just asked me how to do the following exercise:\nCalculate the amount of 25 bit arrangements that have exactly 15 $1$s and at least two of consecutive $0$s\nI want to know if my approach is correct:\nCounting disjoint cases is too much of a chore, so I decided to approach this by complement (counting the arrangements that have no consecutive zeroes)\nSo if I write the \"word\" $11110010101010101$... and replace the $1$s with $|$ and the $0$s with $*$, I get an arrangement of $15$ bars and $10$ stars. ", "If I think of this as counting the ways of getting balls into containers, this is one possible permutation of the question how to distribute $10$ undistinguishable balls between $16$ distinguishable containers\nLooking even further, two zeroes are consecutive is equivalent to saying a container has two balls. ", "So I'm looking at the solutions of the equation \n$$a_1 + a_2+ \\dots + a_{16}= 10 \\ \\ , \\text {where $a_i$} =1 \\lor a_i =0$$\nThis is equivalent to choosing $10$ out of the 16 containers where I'll put exactly one ball, and leave the rest empty\nSo the amount of ways to make such an arrangement with no consecutive zeroes is ${16 \\choose 10}$\nDoes what I did make sense? ", "\nEdit: Edited because for some reason my brain decided that $25-15 = 8$\n\nA:\n\nYes, that sounds exactly right.", "\n\nYou have a list of fifteen ones. ", "\n$$111111111111111$$\nThere are sixteen spaces between and around them:\n$$\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,1\\,\\_\\,$$ \nYou can pick ten of the spaces to contain exactly one zero. ", "Each such way of doing that will produce a different 25-bit string with 15 ones and no two consecutive zeroes, and all such strings can be produced in this way.", "\nSo the number of 25 bit strings containing fifteen ones and no two consecutive zeroes is:\n$$16 \\choose 10$$\nIncidentally, to answer your original question, there are ${25 \\choose 15}$ bit strings with 15 ones in them, so if we exclude the bitstrings with no consecutive zeroes, we find that there are:\n$${25 \\choose 15} - {16 \\choose 10} = 3 \\,260\\,752$$\n25-bit strings with 15 ones and at least one pair of consecutive zeroes.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Cool Companions offers a number of reptile-related courses. ", "Minimum participant numbers apply to all courses.", "\n\nBasic husbandry - Reptile 1, for those just getting started with reptilesAdvanced husbandry - Reptile 2, learn about keeping and breeding some of the more difficult speciesVenomous snakes - Reptile 3, for people wanting to keep or work with venomous snakesCommercial reptiles - for Queensland pet shops wanting to keep and sell reptilesWorkplace Health and Safety - training of field staff\n\nIf you’d like more information on any of these courses, or if you have custom training requirements, feel free to Contact Us. ", "We’ve conducted training sessions and/or lectures for the Queensland Ambulance Service, the University of Queensland, local councils, wildlife rehabilitation groups and many other organisations." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006339695537462831, 0.0005734499427489936, 0.0006354173528961837, 0.0005367770208977163 ]
[ "Lafosca\n\nContact\n\nMobile App Dev Spain\n\nLafosca is an app development team from Barcelona. ", "They help worldwide companies to build digital products connecting them with the best talent. ", "The company started back in 2012 with founders coming from various industries such as media, digital R&D and advertisement. ", "Since then they've worked with awesome companies from all over the world in interesting projects, and pushed them forward." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "A disturbing video out of Saudi Arabia shows a man with a stick literally herding veiled young Muslim women with a stick as they wait for their male guardians before being allowed to leave.", "\n\nThe clip shows a man allowing some students to leave before he orders the others to return indoors by banging a stick against a mental hand rail. ", "At the end of the clip he appears to strike one of the women on the head with the stick.", "\n\nAccording to a Saudi feminist who posted the video on Twitter, it shows a high school guard fulfilling his duties, which include making sure the students are always fully covered and ensuring “women are caged until their guardians or drivers come”.", "\n\n“Every girl in high school and college has a man outside ‘protecting’ them. ", "Preventing them from leaving with unrelated men,” she added. “", "When I was a rebellious teenager, I use to take off my veil when I reached my car. ", "This usually pissed off the guard and he use to report me.”", "\n\nMeanwhile, another shocking video out of Algeria shows Muslims – both men and women – arguing that a man who doesn’t beat his wife isn’t a real man.", "\n\nAs we have repeatedly highlighted, despite Islam representing the complete opposite of liberalism in that it is a viciously intolerant belief system that treats women little better than farmyard animals, leftists are trying to embrace Islamism.", "\n\nThis has manifested itself in the promotion of the face veil or the hijab as a symbol of female empowerment, when in reality it is a symbol of female oppression in Islamic countries all over the world. ", "Three feminist moms in Pittsburgh have even produced ‘hijab barbies’ to normalize the head covering.", "\n\nwrites, the hijab is a “symbol of a dangerous purity culture, obsessed with honor and virginity, that has divided Muslim communities in our own civil war, or fitna, since the Saudi and Iranian regimes promulgated puritanical interpretations of Sunni and Shia Islam, after the 1970s Saudi oil boom and the 1979 Iranian Revolution.”", "\n\nRecently, in Bareilly, India, a father killed his daughter, 4, smashing her head against the floor when her scarf slipped from her head during dinner. ", "In Ontario, a few years ago, a man strangled his 16-year-old sister when she defied their father, including by refusing to cover her hair. ", "In November, a former University of Missouri instructor dragged a female relative, 14, out of school “by the hair” when he discovered she hadn’t covered her hair. ", "Today, in Iran, friends of the journalist Masih Alinejad dodge batons as they shoot photos of themselves, hair bare, in a campaign Alinejad started, #MyStealthyFreedom, to protest Iran’s mandatory headscarf law.”", "\n\nThroughout modern history, actual Muslim feminists have tried to dispense with the hijab as part of their desperate struggle for liberation, notably Huda Shaarawi, who founded the Egyptian Feminist Union in 1922, which encouraged Muslim women to discard their veils.", "\n\nAll this again underscores the blatant fact that leftists would rather pander to the sacred cows of identity politics by embracing and merging with the most misogynistic belief system on the planet than actually maintain and defend classically liberal principles." ]
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[ "In computer systems, electronic chips and other components are connected with one another by buses. ", "A variety of components can be connected to the bus, providing intercommunication between all of the devices that are connected to the bus. ", "One type of bus which has gained wide industry acceptance is the industry standard architecture (ISA) bus. ", "The ISA bus has twenty-four (24) memory address lines which therefore provides support for up to sixteen (16) megabytes of memory. ", "The wide acceptance of the ISA bus has resulted in a very large percentage of devices being designed for use on the ISA bus. ", "However, high input devices commonly used in computer systems require faster buses. ", "A solution to the general problem of sending and receiving data from the processor to any high input device is a local bus. ", "Unlike the ISA bus, which operates relatively slowly with limited bandwidth, a local bus communicates at system speed and carries data in 32-bit blocks. ", "Local bus machines remove from the main system bus those interfaces that need quick response, such as memory, display, and disk drives. ", "One such local bus that has gained wide acceptance in the industry is the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus. ", "The PCI bus can be a 32 or 64-bit pathway for high-speed data transfer. ", "Essentially, the PCI bus is a parallel data path that replaces or is provided in addition to an ISA bus. ", "The system processor and memory can be attached directly to the PCI bus, for example. ", "Other devices such as graphic display adapters, disk controllers, sound cards, etc. ", "can also attach directly or indirectly (e.g., through a host bridge) to the PCI bus.", "\nIn a digital computer, a microprocessor operates on data stored in a main memory. ", "Since there are practical size limitations on the main memory, bulk memory storage devices are provided in addition to and separately from the main memory. ", "When the microprocessor wants to make use of data stored in bulk storage, for example, a hard disk, the data is moved from the hard disk into the main memory. ", "This movement of blocks of memory inside the computer is a very time consuming process and would severely hamper the performance of the computer system if the microprocessor were to control the memory transfers itself.", "\nIn order to relieve the microprocessor from the chore of controlling the movement of blocks of memory inside the computer, a direct memory access (DMA) controller is normally used. ", "The DMA controller receives descriptor information from the microprocessor as to the base location from where bytes are to be moved, the address to where these bytes should go, and the number of bytes to move. ", "Once it has been programmed by the microprocessor, the DMA controller oversees the transfer of the memory data within the computer system. ", "Normally, DMA operations are used to move data between input/output (I/O) devices and memory.", "\nSome of the efficiency of the PCI bus is due to the feature that the devices connected to the PCI bus can become DMA masters, and are not just slaves. ", "Further, the PCI bus is a bursting bus, so that a single DMA transfer of data may be performed with one starting address followed by a large block of data. ", "This bursting is more efficient than transferring data in individual small pieces, since the bus does not have to be constantly re-acquired for each piece of data.", "\nPerforming DMA transfers of data on a PCI bus in a multi-channel system, in which multiple sources transfer data to and from a host system over separate channels, is difficult to do efficiently. ", "This is because it is hard to continue to do block transfers of data when multiple channels of data are attempting to use the bus. ", "Obtaining and re-obtaining the bus for each of the separate channels as data comes in over the multiple channels reduces the efficiency of the bus, mitigating a significant advantage of the PCI bus.", "\nAnother complication created by a multi-channel system is that buffers may be returned in a different order than they were obtained. ", "This is due to the fact that the channels will not typically complete their transfers at the same rate, so it is possible that a first data buffer obtained for a transfer on a first channel may not be returned for re-use before a second data buffer that was subsequently obtained for a transfer on a second channel that has a faster source of data. ", "This presents a management problem in that the currently available data buffers (or descriptors for the buffers) need to be readily identifiable. ", "Since the buffers are often returned out of order in a multi-channel system, the descriptors in a descriptor queue are normally marked to indicate whether the descriptors are available. ", "The descriptor queue must then be searched whenever a transfer is to be performed to find currently available descriptors. ", "This management overhead adds to the inefficiency of transfers." ]
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[ 0.0007061679498292506, 0.0005249555106274784, 0.0006469233194366097, 0.0007508686976507306, 0.000581123516894877, 0.0007120973896235228, 0.0006834128289483488, 0.0007931359577924013, 0.0007919891504570842, 0.0006772080669179559, 0.0006909928051754832, 0.0007453971775248647, 0.0005861184326931834, 0.0006298354128375649, 0.0006183420191518962, 0.000830022559966892, 0.0006524685304611921, 0.0006553904968313873, 0.0008863795083016157, 0.0007731605437584221, 0.0006870790384709835, 0.0006800172268413007, 0.0007152811740525067, 0.0008837739005684853, 0.0006647921982221305, 0.0006374120130203664, 0.0006253923056647182, 0.0009053146350197494, 0.0006065391353331506, 0.0006895264377817512, 0.0005927475285716355, 0.0006730647874064744, 0.0006243259995244443, 0.0005891436594538391, 0.0007281489088200033 ]
[ "Anterior temporal changes on MR images of children with hippocampal sclerosis: an effect of seizures on the immature brain?", "\nIpsilateral loss of anterior temporal gray-white matter definition, due mainly to white matter signal intensity abnormality, is frequently seen on MR images of patients with hippocampal sclerosis. ", "Our aim was to determine the prevalence and clinical correlations of these anterior temporal changes in pediatric cases of hippocampal sclerosis and to determine whether cumulative damage from seizures is important for their development. ", "We reviewed the MR images and clinical details of 54 children (age range, 1.5-19 years) with typical hippocampal sclerosis. ", "Specific imaging features noted included hippocampal sclerosis, anterior temporal changes, anterior temporal atrophy, and extra-hippocampal abnormality. ", "Thirty-one (57%) of 54 children with hippocampal sclerosis had associated ipsilateral anterior temporal changes. ", "Ipsilateral anterior temporal atrophy was associated with anterior temporal changes (P <.03). ", "Children whose images showed anterior temporal changes were younger at onset of epilepsy (P <.01) and younger at antecedent cerebral insult (P <.03) than those with normal anterior temporal lobes. ", "Most (84%) children whose images showed anterior temporal changes had experienced the onset of epilepsy or antecedent cerebral insult before the age of 2 years (P <.0009). ", "Eighty-one percent of children with anterior temporal changes shown on their images experienced seizures at the time of antecedent insult. ", "Ipsilateral anterior temporal changes identical to those observed in adult cases are seen on the MR images of young children with hippocampal sclerosis, with a similar prevalence, and are associated with either epilepsy onset or seizure-related cerebral insult before the age of 2 years. ", "We suggest that the loss of gray-white matter definition may represent a persistent immature appearance, including an abnormality of myelin or myelination, possibly a result of seizures occurring during maturation of the temporal pole." ]
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[ "module VirtualDom exposing\n ( Node\n , text, node, nodeNS\n , Attribute, style, property, attribute, attributeNS\n , on, Handler(..)\n , map, mapAttribute\n , keyedNode, keyedNodeNS\n , lazy, lazy2, lazy3, lazy4, lazy5, lazy6, lazy7, lazy8\n )\n\n{-| API to the core diffing algorithm. ", "Can serve as a foundation for libraries\nthat expose more helper functions for HTML or SVG.", "\n\n# Create\n@docs Node, text, node, nodeNS\n\n# Attributes\n@docs Attribute, style, property, attribute, attributeNS\n\n# Events\n@docs on, Handler\n\n# Routing Messages\n@docs map, mapAttribute\n\n# Keyed Nodes\n@docs keyedNode, keyedNodeNS\n\n# Lazy Nodes\n@docs lazy, lazy2, lazy3, lazy4, lazy5, lazy6, lazy7, lazy8\n\n-}\n\nimport Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom\nimport Json.", "Decode as Json\n\n\n{-| An immutable chunk of data representing a DOM node. ", "This can be HTML or SVG.", "\n-}\ntype Node msg = Node\n\n\n{-| Create a DOM node with a tag name, a list of HTML properties that can\ninclude styles and event listeners, a list of CSS properties like `color`, and\na list of child nodes.", "\n\n import Json.", "Encode as Json\n\n hello : Node msg\n hello =\n node \"div\" [] [ text \"Hello!\" ]", "\n\n greeting : Node msg\n greeting =\n node \"div\"\n [ property \"id\" (Json.string \"greeting\") ]\n [ text \"Hello!\" ]", "\n-}\nnode : String -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Node msg) -> Node msg\nnode tag =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.node (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noScript tag)\n\n\n{-| Create a namespaced DOM node. ", "For example, an SVG `<path>` node could be\ndefined like this:\n\n path : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Node msg) -> Node msg\n path attrubutes children =\n nodeNS \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" \"path\" attributes children\n-}\nnodeNS : String -> String -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Node msg) -> Node msg\nnodeNS tag =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.nodeNS (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noScript tag)\n\n\n{-| Just put plain text in the DOM. ", "It will escape the string so that it appears\nexactly as you specify.", "\n\n text \"Hello World!\"", "\n-}\ntext : String -> Node msg\ntext =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.text\n\n\n{-| This function is useful when nesting components with [the Elm\nArchitecture](https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial/). ", "It lets\nyou transform the messages produced by a subtree.", "\n\nSay you have a node named `button` that produces `()` values when it is\nclicked. ", "To get your model updating properly, you will probably want to tag\nthis `()` value like this:\n\n type Msg = Click | ...\n\n update msg model =\n case msg of\n Click ->\n ...\n\n view model =\n map (\\_ -> Click) button\n\nSo now all the events produced by `button` will be transformed to be of type\n`Msg` so they can be handled by your update function!", "\n-}\nmap : (a -> msg) -> Node a -> Node msg\nmap =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.map\n\n\n\n-- ATTRIBUTES\n\n\n{-| When using HTML and JS, there are two ways to specify parts of a DOM node.", "\n\n 1. ", "Attributes &mdash; You can set things in HTML itself. ", "So the `class`\n in `<div class=\"greeting\"></div>` is called an *attribute*.", "\n\n 2. ", "Properties &mdash; You can also set things in JS. ", "So the `className`\n in `div.className = 'greeting'` is called a *property*.", "\n\nSo the `class` attribute corresponds to the `className` property. ", "At first\nglance, perhaps this distinction is defensible, but it gets much crazier.", "\n*There is not always a one-to-one mapping between attributes and properties!*", "\nYes, that is a true fact. ", "Sometimes an attribute exists, but there is no\ncorresponding property. ", "Sometimes changing an attribute does not change the\nunderlying property. ", "For example, as of this writing, the `webkit-playsinline`\nattribute can be used in HTML, but there is no corresponding property!", "\n-}\ntype Attribute msg = Attribute\n\n\n{-| Specify a style.", "\n\n greeting : Node msg\n greeting =\n node \"div\"\n [ style \"backgroundColor\" \"red\"\n , style \"height\" \"90px\"\n , style \"width\" \"100%\"\n ]\n [ text \"Hello!\"", "\n ]\n\n-}\nstyle : String -> String -> Attribute msg\nstyle =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.style\n\n\n{-| Create a property.", "\n\n import Json.", "Encode as Encode\n\n buttonLabel : Node msg\n buttonLabel =\n node \"label\" [ property \"htmlFor\" (Encode.string \"button\") ] [ text \"Label\" ]\n\nNotice that you must give the *property* name, so we use `htmlFor` as it\nwould be in JavaScript, not `for` as it would appear in HTML.", "\n-}\nproperty : String -> Json.", "Value -> Attribute msg\nproperty key value =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.property\n (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noInnerHtmlOrFormAction key)\n (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri value)\n\n\n{-| Create an attribute. ", "This uses JavaScript’s `setAttribute` function\nbehind the scenes.", "\n\n buttonLabel : Node msg\n buttonLabel =\n node \"label\" [ attribute \"for\" \"button\" ] [ text \"Label\" ]\n\nNotice that you must give the *attribute* name, so we use `for` as it would\nbe in HTML, not `htmlFor` as it would appear in JS.", "\n-}\nattribute : String -> String -> Attribute msg\nattribute key value =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.attribute\n (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noOnOrFormAction key)\n (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri value)\n\n\n{-| Would you believe that there is another way to do this?! ", "This uses\nJavaScript's `setAttributeNS` function behind the scenes. ", "It is doing pretty\nmuch the same thing as `attribute` but you are able to have namespaced\nattributes. ", "As an example, the `elm/svg` package defines an attribute\nlike this:\n\n xlinkHref : String -> Attribute msg\n xlinkHref value =\n attributeNS \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" \"xlink:href\" value\n-}\nattributeNS : String -> String -> String -> Attribute msg\nattributeNS namespace key value =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.attributeNS\n namespace\n (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noOnOrFormAction key)\n (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri value)\n\n\n{-| Transform the messages produced by a `Attribute`.", "\n-}\nmapAttribute : (a -> b) -> Attribute a -> Attribute b\nmapAttribute =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.mapAttribute\n\n\n\n-- EVENTS\n\n\n{-| Create custom event handlers.", "\n\nYou can define `onClick` like this:\n\n import Json.", "Decode as Decode\n\n onClick : msg -> Attribute msg\n onClick msg =\n on \"click\" (Normal (Decode.succeed msg))\n\n**Note:** These event handlers trigger in the bubble phase. ", "You can learn more\nabout what that means [here][]. ", "There is not support within Elm for doing\ntricks with the capture phase. ", "We recommend doing that in JS through ports.", "\n\n[here]: https://github.com/elm/virtual-dom/blob/master/hints/capture-vs-bubble.md\n-}\non : String -> Handler msg -> Attribute msg\non =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.on\n\n\n{-| When using `on` you can customize the event behavior\na bit. ", "There are two ways to do this:\n\n - [`stopPropagation`][sp] means the event stops traveling through the DOM.", "\n So if propagation of a click is stopped, it will not trigger any other event\n listeners.", "\n\n - [`preventDefault`][pd] means any built-in browser behavior related to the\n event is prevented. ", "This can be handy with key presses or touch gestures.", "\n\n**Note 1:** A [passive][] event listener will be created if you use `Normal`\nor `MayStopPropagation`. ", "In both cases `preventDefault` cannot be used, so\nwe can enable optimizations for touch, scroll, and wheel events in some\nbrowsers.", "\n\n**Note 2:** Some actions, like uploading and downloading files, are only\nallowed when the JavaScript event loop is running because of user input. ", "This\nis for security! ", "So when an event occurs, we call `update` and send any `port`\nmessages immediately, all within the same tick of the event loop. ", "This makes\nit possible to handle user-instigated events in ports.", "\n\n**Note 3:** Normally the `view` is shown in the next `requestAnimationFrame`\ncall. ", "This allows us to save some work if messages are coming in very quickly.", "\nBut if `stopPropagation` is used, we update the DOM immediately, within the\nsame tick of the event loop. ", "This is useful for DOM nodes that hold their own\nstate, like `<input type=\"text\">`. ", "If someone types very fast, the state in the\nDOM can diverge from the state in your `Model` while waiting on the next\n`requestAnimationFrame` call. ", "So updating the DOM synchronously makes this\ndivergence impossible.", "\n\n[sp]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/stopPropagation\n[pd]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/preventDefault\n[passive]: https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md\n-}\ntype Handler msg\n = Normal (Json.", "Decoder msg)\n | MayStopPropagation (Json.", "Decoder (msg, Bool))\n | MayPreventDefault (Json.", "Decoder (msg, Bool))\n | Custom (Json.", "Decoder { message : msg, stopPropagation : Bool, preventDefault : Bool })\n\n\n\n-- LAZY NODES\n\n\n{-| A performance optimization that delays the building of virtual DOM nodes.", "\n\nCalling `(view model)` will definitely build some virtual DOM, perhaps a lot of\nit. ", "Calling `(lazy view model)` delays the call until later. ", "During diffing, we\ncan check to see if `model` is referentially equal to the previous value used,\nand if so, we just stop. ", "No need to build up the tree structure and diff it,\nwe know if the input to `view` is the same, the output must be the same!", "\n-}\nlazy : (a -> Node msg) -> a -> Node msg\nlazy =\n Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.lazy\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on two arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy2 : (a -> b -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> Node msg\nlazy2 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy2\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on three arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy3 : (a -> b -> c -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> c -> Node msg\nlazy3 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy3\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on four arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy4 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> Node msg\nlazy4 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy4\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on five arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy5 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> Node msg\nlazy5 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy5\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on six arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy6 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> Node msg\nlazy6 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy6\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on seven arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy7 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> Node msg\nlazy7 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy7\n\n\n{-| Same as `lazy` but checks on eight arguments.", "\n-}\nlazy8 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> Node msg) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> Node msg\nlazy8 =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.lazy8\n\n\n\n-- KEYED NODES\n\n\n{-| Works just like `node`, but you add a unique identifier to each child\nnode. ", "You want this when you have a list of nodes that is changing: adding\nnodes, removing nodes, etc. ", "In these cases, the unique identifiers help make\nthe DOM modifications more efficient.", "\n-}\nkeyedNode : String -> List (Attribute msg) -> List ( String, Node msg ) -> Node msg\nkeyedNode tag =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.keyedNode (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noScript tag)\n\n\n{-| Create a keyed and namespaced DOM node. ", "For example, an SVG `<g>` node\ncould be defined like this:\n\n g : List (Attribute msg) -> List ( String, Node msg ) -> Node msg\n g =\n keyedNodeNS \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" \"g\"\n-}\nkeyedNodeNS : String -> String -> List (Attribute msg) -> List ( String, Node msg ) -> Node msg\nkeyedNodeNS namespace tag =\n Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.keyedNodeNS namespace (Elm.", "Kernel.", "VirtualDom.noScript tag)\n\n\n\n-- FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY\n\n\ntoHandlerInt : Handler msg -> Int\ntoHandlerInt handler =\n case handler of\n Normal _ -> 0\n MayStopPropagation _ -> 1\n MayPreventDefault _ -> 2\n Custom _ -> 3\n" ]
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[ "Limnohabitans\n\nLimnohabitans is a genus of Proteobacteria established by Hahn et al. (", "2010). ", "The genus contains four species which all represent planktonic bacteria dwelling in the water column of freshwater lakes, reservoirs, and streams.", "\n\nGenomics \n\nDraft genome sequences of two strains most likely representing two undescribed Limnohabitans species were published.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Limnohabitans – J.P. Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature\n Limnohabitans – NCBI Taxonomy Browser\n\nCategory:Burkholderiales\nCategory:Bacteria genera" ]
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[ "Biology Department\n\nRich Niesenbaum\n\nName: Rich Niesenbaum\n\nDepartment: Biology Department\n\nGeneral Statement of Expertise:\n\nI am a plant ecologist who has worked on pollination and fruit set; genetics of inbreeding; mechanisms of non-random mating in plants; sex ratio variation; and herbivory. ", "I am now focused on how abiotic and biotic factors interact to influence interactions between the plant Lindera benzoin and the insect Epimecis hortaria. ", "This includes studies of tri-trophic interactions, associational resistance, and gene-by-environment interactions. ", "In the area of conservation biology and sustainable development, I have collaborated with the International Programs Department at the Rodale Institute on measuring the success of sustainable forestry practice in northern Guatemala, and on developing ways to effectively link social, economic, and ecological indicators in the evaluation of international conservation and development projects. ", "I have also established a long-term, interdisciplinary watershed monitoring project in Abangares, Costa Rica in collaboration with Dr. Tammy Lewis in Sociology. ", "We also work with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in our studies of ecology and conservation.", "\n\nDescription of role in this project:\n\nAs the Principle Investigator, I am directing the overall research program and managing the project as a whole. ", "As the Ecologist in this interdisciplinary team, my primary focus is on field and laboratory study of: tritrophic interactions, associational resistance, inducible defense, and gene-by-environment interactions. ", "I am also master of the Znose field gas chromatograph.", "\n\nThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ", "0442049. ", "Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation." ]
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[ "Comic Retailer Review: Things From Another World\n\nFor people that have been purchasing comics online for more than a decade, they probably will have come in contact with Things from Another World(TFAW). ", "They were early to online comic retailership, selling new comics, trades, OGNs, toys, and other comic related paraphenalia. ", "They have continued to maintain this online shopping portion in full force, while as well as operating three locations in the Portland, Oregon area, and one in Los Angeles.", "\n\nAs a retailer, they have a good and solid bit of selection. ", "They tend to have all new issues that are going back for several months, and if they don’t have them immediately in stock then they can backorder a few from the publisher. ", "They do not carry back issues or old collectible issues at all, and are even de-emphasizing those in-store. ", "They prioritize a lot of collectible variant and ultra variant covers, including some very rare and expensive ones. ", "In general, they tend to offer a standard of 10% off on new issue on their website, and 20% off on those backordered, but sales are constant. ", "It is not uncommon to find seasonal sales where you can get hundreds of issues for $1.00, $2.00, 50% off, or better. ", "It is often good to wait until one of their sales is in full force and then to see what you can catch up on. ", "Every month they have a selection of pre-orders for 35% off, and every day they have a Deal of the Day where a limited number of a specific item, such as a graphic novel or statue, will be significantly marked down for 24-hrs only.", "\n\nOne of the primary reasons to use TFAW.com is that it has such a good ordering and customer service system that makes returning orders a real pleasure. ", "You can pre-order items pretty far in advance, then schedule how often you want shipments, and then you can recieve them weekly. ", "This is easily backlogged, and you can just log in and check in what issues you have pre-ordered and when they are released. ", "Backorders ship with your pre-orders. ", "For those who live in the Portland area, there is one thing that makes this retailer a real prize. ", "You can choose to ship in-stock items to your local store for pick-up rather than your house, and it can be done without shipping cost. ", "This means that for people in this northwest area that it is hard to beat in terms of online orders. ", "Likewise, the system itself will tell you if you have items in your cart you have already purchased through them, and their customer service can be contacted through a live-chat, so you don’t have to wait on the phone or for late emails. ", "Another one of the keys that they deal with is that they will buy back old graphic novels and trades from you in store, and then they sell them as “Nick and Dent” on their website for half-off the “new” price. ", "This is a great deal for trade readers, and they come in almost new condition. ", "The selection of these is actually quite impressive, and you will find even recently released trades available in this.", "\n\nOne option that they have is the Grab Bag selection on their website, where you can buy any number of random(you don’t get to select them) Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or Independent comics for $0.50 each, or graphic novels for $3.00. ", "In store, they often have “grab bags” that have ten comics inside and run for $5.00 each. ", "I have often received a number of rare variant covers in the Marvel bags, New 52 Future’s End 3D covers in the DC bags, and lots of older Vertigo titles, as well as popular indie titles like Saga, Lazarus, Nailbiter, East of West, and others. ", "In store you can choose to have a “box” for subscriptions, and they will pull the titles you assign to it for you to pick up each week. ", "Box holders get an additional percentage off depending on how much they purchase monthly, and this will be enhanced even more during seasonal sales like Black Friday or Free Comic Book Day.", "\n\nThere are a couple drawbacks to this retailed from time to time, usually that their backlog does not go very far, you cannot have pre-orders or backorders sent to the stores for pick-up, and you can find better mark-downs at other online retailers on new titles(mainly DCBS). ", "I have rarely had any issues with shipments, and any time I have they were quickly fixed by customer service.", "\n\nTFAW takes special attention towards Dark Horse Comics because they are both owned by Mike Richardson, and share space in Portland. ", "This is also reflected in the large number of signings they have, often from creators that have books out on Dark Horse. ", "Within the last year they have had signings from Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Gail Simone, Chris Sebela, Ron Randall, Jamie S. Rich, Joelle Jones, Josh Williamson, Mike Richardson, Paul Tobin, Ben Bates, Laura Allred, and many others, and Neal Adams is coming up shortly. ", "You can expect a lot of special events around regional comic conventions and big comic sales days.", "\n\nTFAW is a Portland, Oregon comics institution, and if you are in the area then you have to take advantage of their free-shipping option. ", "For everyone else, this is still a consistent seller with great deals and a good recent stock, and one I will return to indefinitely.", "\n\nThere is one comment\n\n[…] list of Fight Club 2 #1 variant covers has gone out, this new one wasn’t actually on it. ", "Things from Another World, a Portland, Oregon, based retailer with several brick-and-morter stores on top of its huge TFAW.com, has released a unique variant […]" ]
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[ "Processing chocolate milk drink by low-pressure cold plasma technology.", "\nThis study aimed to evaluate the effect of the process time (5, 10, and 15 min) and flow rate (10, 20, and 30 mL/min) of cold plasma technology on physio-chemical characteristics (pH), bioactive compounds (DPPD, Total Phenolic Compounds, ACE-inhibitory activity values), fatty acid composition, and volatile compounds profile of chocolate milk drink. ", "The mild (lower flow rate and process time) and more severe (higher flow rate and process time) conditions led to a reduction of the bioactive compounds (total phenolic compounds and ACE-inhibitory activity), changes in fatty acid composition (increased saturated fatty acid and decreased monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid), less favorable health indices (higher atherogenic, thrombogenic and hypercholesterolemic saturated fatty acids and lower desired fatty acids), and lower number of volatile compounds. ", "In contrast, in intermediate cold plasma conditions, an adequate concentration of bioactive compounds, fatty acid composition, and health indices, and increased number of volatile compounds (ketones, esters, and lactones) were observed. ", "Overall, cold plasma technology has proven to be an interesting alternative to chocolate milk drinks, being of paramount importance the study of the cold plasma process parameters." ]
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[ "Pediasia pseudopersella\n\nPediasia pseudopersella is a moth in the family Crambidae. ", "It was described by Stanisław Błeszyński in 1959. ", "It is found in Iran, where it has been recorded from the Elburz Mountains.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Crambini\nCategory:Moths described in 1959\nCategory:Moths of Asia" ]
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[ "Main navigation\n\nABOUT US\n\nMost of us know there are ways, or have heard there are ways, to lower tax burden legally. ", "Are you tired of not knowing if you are paying too much in taxes? ", "At Tax Saving Professionals, every single one of our more than 400 tax strategies have been time-tested since 1978 and stands on solid legal ground. ", "Yet these strategies are underutilized by the majority of tax professionals.", "\n\nSome are underutilized because they are misunderstood or applied incorrectly. ", "Others are missed altogether because they are simply not known to even the highest paid, most respected accountants and CPAs. ", "Most firms, large or small, focus on tax compliance and tax return preparation. ", "At Tax Saving Professionals, we identify the underutilized and missed deductions you are entitled to and provide the proper documentation to legally take each of those deductions.", "\n\nAll of us at Tax Saving Professionals are dedicated to doing one thing: Increasing your net worth in a multitude of ways. ", "Tax savings happens to be only one of them.", "\n\nReady to Start Saving on Your Taxes?", "\n\nYou're in the RIGHT PLACE.", "\n\nAt Tax Saving Professionals, our experienced Tax Saving Consultants help you identify the often missed and underutilized deductions you are entitled to take.", "\n\nTo begin saving, click here to download our tax saving app on your smartphone. ", "Input the information in the short questionnaire and you will receive a tax saving estimate. ", "Within two days, you will receive a call from one of our Tax Saving Consultants who will walk you through the upload of your tax returns. ", "Our Tax Attorneys and CPAs will review your information and present your plan at a Personal Consultation (telephone call).", "\n\nOr, if you would prefer to complete the questionnaire with one of our Tax Saving Consultants, dial #250 on your cell phone and say the key words, “Cut my taxes!”. ", "We promise two things that nobody else in the industry will: We guarantee our tax savings and planning, and we provide audit insurance to keep your mind at ease.", "\n\nSAVING CLIENTS MILLIONS FOR OVER 18 YEARS\n\nFor more than eighteen years, we’ve helped thousands of clients around the country save millions of dollars in taxes. ", "We work with business owners and high net worth individuals that meet the accredited investor status to save them up to 50% or more on their taxes – year after year.", "\n\nWe maintain the highest standards of accreditation and professional licensing and employ exacting due diligence when vetting the companies with whom we do business. ", "We only consider credible, reputable partners in executing our advanced tax saving strategies. ", "At Tax Saving Professionals we say, “It’s your money. ", "We’ll help you grow it.”" ]
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[ "You are here\n\nSpring break is commencing at colleges around the country, and for more than 200 students that means a trip not to the beach, but to a national park to participate either in the National Park Service Academy or an \"Alternative Spring Break\" program in parks.", "\n\nThrough these programs, students work to improve park habitats and prepare for careers in an increasingly “green” economy by participating in all-expense-paid programs provided by the Student Conservation Association.", "\n\nThis week the NPS Academy gets under way at Grand Teton National Park thanks to funding and collaboration through the SCA, the Grand Teton National Park Foundation, the Grand Teton Association, and the Teton Science Schools.", "\n\nAfter successful completion of the program, NPS Academy students will be placed into summer internships at a number of parks throughout America: national parks that range from Acadia in Maine to Wrangell-St. Elias in Alaska, from Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee to both Yellowstone and Grand Teton in northwestern Wyoming.", "\n\n“We’re excited to again sponsor and host this beneficial, outreach program,” said Grand Teton Superintendent Mary Gibson Scott. “", "Through this and other programs, we’re taking important steps to build a more relevant and inclusive federal workforce.", "\n\n\"In 2011, with support from the NPS Intermountain Region Office, Grand Teton took the lead in launching the first-ever NPS Academy as a pilot program for students from diverse backgrounds across America. ", "This program was generated and designed in cooperation with the Student Conservation Association and Teton Science Schools. ", "With ongoing assistance from SCA, it has since expanded to both the Alaska and Southeast regions, and we’re especially proud to be creating a candidate base for potential NPS employees.”", "\n\nAlternative Spring Break, which also is supported by American Eagle Outfitters, provides 120 students with hands-on, week-long internships that involve four workdays and a single day field trip with environmental education provided by national park rangers and others. ", "Participants will train and camp on site, and all their travel and meals are underwritten by American Eagle Outfitters. ", "Thirty students will participate each week at the following parks:\n\n* Big Cypress National Preserve (Florida), March 3-9 and March 17-23\n\n* Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (California), March 10-16 and March 24-30.", "\n\nAlternative Spring Break is part of an expanded partnership between American Eagle Outfitters and SCA, which now, for the first time, involves in-store promotion of SCA activities in more than 800 American Eagle Outfitters stores as well as an online contest enabling the public to determine which national park will benefit from the next project stemming from this six-year collaboration.", "\n\nNPS Academy, in partnership with the National Park Service, provides youth from diverse backgrounds with promising career paths. ", "It introduces college students to professional opportunities within the Park Service and, in doing so, addresses two key NPS priorities: developing a workforce that reflects the broad diversity of American society, and engaging more youth in the great outdoors. ", "Thirty students will attend each of the following week-long sessions:\n\n* Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina/Tennessee), March 11-17\n\n* Kenai Fjords National Park (Alaska), March 11-17.", "\n\nNPS Academy members will be introduced to a range of National Park Service careers through seminars, workshops, field trips, and recreational activities. ", "After successfully completing the March course, participants will serve in SCA internships this summer at a variety of national parks to gain the skills and experience necessary to be eligible for employment with the NPS.", "\n\n“The National Park Service estimates that 12 percent of its employees started their careers with SCA,” notes SCA President & CEO Dale Penny. “", "NPS Academy is another way in which SCA provides college students with a proven pathway to professional opportunities, while helping our national parks build a more inclusive and relevant 21st century workforce.”", "\n\nThrough Alternative Spring Break, NPS Academy, urban conservation programs and additional award-winning initiatives, SCA fosters an enduring ethic of stewardship among young adults aged 15-25. ", "Founded in 1957, SCA has engaged more than 70,000 individuals in parks, forests and cities, and 60 percent of SCA alumni remain active conservationists through their careers and community activities.", "\n\n“I want to preserve our national parks – the forests, mountains and lakes we all take refuge in,” says Jessica Jia, a 19-year-old civil engineering major. “", "With this opportunity, I find myself at the doorstep of a career spent doing what I love – enjoying, preserving, and sharing the wonders of the outdoors. ", "I can’t wait to start!”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\ncreate page Layout and add it a content type using powershell csom\n\nI need to create a new page Layout and add it a content type using powershell csom.", "\nmean create the aspx and the Html of the page Layout.", "\nAny idea.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can try the below code using CSOM API:\nOption 1:\n[System.", "Reflection.", "Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client\")\n[System.", "Reflection.", "Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client.", "Runtime\")\n\nFunction Get-ClientContext([string]$Url,[string]$UserName,[string]$Password)\n{\n $SecurePassword = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force\n $context = New-Object Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client.", "ClientContext($Url)\n $context.", "Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client.", "SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $SecurePassword)\n return $context\n}\n\nFunction Deploy-PageLayout([Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client.", "Web]$Web,[string]$FilePath,[string]$AssociatedContentTypeId)\n{\n $pageLayoutContentTypeId = \"0x01010007FF3E057FA8AB4AA42FCB67B453FFC100E214EEE741181F4E9F7ACC43278EE8110003D357F861E29844953D5CAA1D4D8A3B001EC1BD45392B7A458874C52A24C9F70B\"\n $fileName = [System.", "IO.Path]::GetFileName($FilePath)\n\n $associatedContentType = $Web.", "AvailableContentTypes.", "GetById($AssociatedContentTypeId)\n $catalogList = $Web.", "GetCatalog([Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client.", "ListTemplateType]::MasterPageCatalog) \n $Web.", "Context.", "Load($catalogList.", "RootFolder)\n $Web.", "Context.", "Load($associatedContentType)\n $Web.", "Context.", "ExecuteQuery()\n\n $fileContent = [System.", "IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FilePath)\n $fileInfo = New-Object Microsoft.", "SharePoint.", "Client.", "FileCreationInformation\n $fileInfo.", "Content = $fileContent\n $fileInfo.", "Url = $catalogList.", "RootFolder.", "ServerRelativeUrl + \"/\" + $fileName\n $fileInfo.", "Overwrite = $true\n\n $file = $catalogList.", "RootFolder.", "Files.", "Add($fileInfo)\n $Web.", "Context.", "Load($file)\n $Web.", "Context.", "ExecuteQuery()\n\n $listItem = $file.", "ListItemAllFields\n #listItem[\"Title\"] = title;\n #listItem[\"MasterPageDescription\"] = description;\n $listItem[\"ContentTypeId\"] = $pageLayoutContentTypeId\n $listItem[\"PublishingAssociatedContentType\"] = [string]::Format(\";#{0};#{1};#\", $associatedContentType.", "Name, $associatedContentType.", "Id.StringValue)\n $listItem[\"UIVersion\"] = [Convert]::ToString(15)\n $listItem.", "Update()\n\n $Web.", "Context.", "ExecuteQuery()\n}\n\n$UserName = \"user@tenant.onmicrosoft.com\"\n$Password = Read-Host -Prompt \"Enter the password\" \n$Url = \"https://tenant-name.sharepoint.com/\"\n\n$WelcomePageContentTypeId = \"0x010100C568DB52D9D0A14D9B2FDCC96666E9F2007948130EC3DB064584E219954237AF390064DEA0F50FC8C147B0B6EA0636C4A7D4\"\n$WelcomePageFilePath = \"C:\\Assets\\ContosoBlankWebPartPage.aspx\" //change path as per your structure\n\n$context = Get-ClientContext -Url $Url -UserName $UserName -Password $Password\nDeploy-PageLayout -Web $context.", "Web -FilePath $WelcomePageFilePath -AssociatedContentTypeId $WelcomePageContentTypeId\n$context.", "Dispose()\n\nReference - upload a new page layout into master page gallery using powershell\nOption 2\nYou can use the PnP powershell as below:\nDownload the PnP powershell from below link and install it:\nSharePoint PnP Powershell releases\nAfter installing, try the code as below:\n$siteurl = \"https://tenant.sharepoint.com\" \nConnect-SPOnline -Url $siteurl \n$ctx = Get-SPOContext \n\n$pageCT = Get-SPOContentType -Identity \"Article Page\" \nWrite-Host $pageCT.Id \n$pageLayout = Add-SPOPublishingPageLayout -SourceFilePath \"C:\\Assets\\TestLayout.aspx\" -Title \"TestLayout\" -Description \"Page Layout for testing PnP scripts\" -DestinationFolderHierarchy \"/\" -AssociatedContentTypeID $pageCT.Id\n\nAccording to latest PnP powershell, the code would be as below:\n$siteurl = \"https://tenant.sharepoint.com\" \nConnect-PnPOnline -Url $siteurl \n$ctx = Get-SPOContext \n\n$pageCT = Get-PnPContentType -Identity \"Article Page\" \nWrite-Host $pageCT.Id \n$pageLayout = Add-PnPPublishingPageLayout -SourceFilePath \"C:\\Assets\\TestLayout.aspx\" -Title \"TestLayout\" -Description \"Page Layout for testing PnP scripts\" -DestinationFolderHierarchy \"/\" -AssociatedContentTypeID $pageCT.Id\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nthrowing exceptions of objects on the stack, mem leak with new?", "\n\nIs it a bug to do this:\nif(some_error)\n throw Cat(\"Minoo\");\n\nWhere Cat is a class. ", "\nThen in some other function that called the method that threw the exception...\nI would have:\ncatch(const Cat &c)\n{ \n}\n\nIf it is invalid, do I use new Cat(\"Minoo\"); \nWould that cause a memory leak?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat you have now is what everyone should be doing, and most do. ", "Throw the object itself and catch by const-reference.", "\nThrowing pointers has hairy issues such as \"who deletes it?\".", "\nMore information here.", "\n\nA:\n\n1) Invalid? ", "No, that's precisely what you're supposed to do: throw an object. ", "The object in the throw-statement may be on the stack, but it is copied when it is thrown. ", "Compare, for example, the effect of executing return Cat(\"Minoo\");\n2) Will throwing a pointer cause the pointed-to object to be leaked? ", " Yes, if the object was allocated on the heap and unless you arrange to delete it. ", "But you should avoid throwing pointers as a general rule.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat you wrote is perfectly valid, and is generally preferable to allocating exceptions objects on the heap.", "\nIf you were to use new, you would of course get a memory leak unless you deleted the object in an exception handler that caught the exception. ", "\nThis question in the C++ faq (and the two questions afterwords) address this.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0014408206334337592, 0.0037069411482661963, 0.0009558557067066431, 0.0007239886908791959, 0.0009581749327480793, 0.0019075259333476424, 0.0005811899900436401, 0.0013500070199370384, 0.012781251221895218, 0.000752914696931839, 0.0006912608514539897, 0.001931574777700007, 0.0006861583678983152, 0.0007531762821599841, 0.0011474284110590816, 0.0007483320659957826, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Subscribe to the Headline newsletter\n\nFirst name:\n\nEmail address:\n\nThe books featured on this site are aimed primarily at readers aged 13 or above and therefore you must be 13 years or over to sign up to our newsletter. ", "Please tick this box to indicate that you’re 13 or over.", "\n\nSign up to the Headline email newsletter to keep up to date with new releases, author news, and exclusive competitions.", "\n\nGrace Saunders\n\nGrace Saunders was a fashion journalist and stylist at Elle magazine for six years before becoming a freelance lifestyle journalist and best-selling author of ‘The Fabulous Mum’s Handbook’ and ‘Family Life Made Easy’. ", "She lives in North London with her husband and three children." ]
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[ 0.0009793563513085246, 0.051771655678749084, 0.0005445316201075912, 0.0011405700352042913, 0.0012982955668121576 ]
[ "The role of the endothelium in in vivo anticoagulation.", "\nEndothelial cells play an important role in the anticoagulation of circulating blood. ", "They participate in at least four mechanisms that aid in preventing vascular occlusion by platelet plugs or fibrin deposition. ", "These mechanisms include the fibrinolytic pathway, the enhancement of action of endogenous inhibitors of coagulation, the inhibition of cofactors required for fibrin formation, and the synthesis and release of platelet inhibitors. ", "Thus, the endothelium can no longer be viewed merely as a passive barrier separating the blood from the interstitial matrix. ", "Instead, it must be viewed as an active participant in the maintenance of blood fluidity and the prevention of thrombogenesis." ]
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[ "The present invention relates in general to braking apparatus and, more particularly, the invention relates to a brake apparatus for retarding relative movement between two members in which at least one of the members is movable and/or turnable axially and which brake apparatus has relatively few parts which move relative to one another.", "\nSuch a brake and/or clamping mechanism, for example, can be utilized to brake and lock a piston rod connected to a working piston of a working cylinder and may be actuated by a fluid pressure medium. ", "A working cylinder equipped with such a mechanism may have numerous uses such as, among other things, it is applicable in a window and ventilator actuation arrangement.", "\nPrior to this invention, it was known to provide a brake apparatus with a clamping mechanism which included a first casing encasing the piston rod and a second casing arranged coaxially therewith. ", "In the first casing, radially arranged clearances were provided to receive the clamping elements. ", "On the sides of the clamping elements, which were facing the second casing, bearings were arranged to receive roller bodies which rest against a roller path arranged on the second casing and running diagonally to the longitudinal axis of the piston rod. ", "Therefore, with a shifting movement of the second casing relative to the first casing, the clamping elements may be pushed against the piston rod--depending on the direction of movement with respect to the second casing--so that the piston rod is locked or restrained.", "\nA disadvantage with regard to the clamping mechanism described above is the fact that several parts which are movable relative to each other are required. ", "Therefore, they must be fabricated with great care to ensure very precise fits in order to assure good operating function even under extreme conditions. ", "Evidence of wear frequently appears which is caused by the friction between the individual parts. ", "Examples of such wear may be found between the brake element and the guide for the brake element; the roll body and the roll body bearing in the brake element." ]
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[ 0.0032271561212837696, 0.0007643619319424033, 0.0006098781013861299, 0.000668171385768801, 0.0006104776985011995, 0.0007860081386752427, 0.0006141610210761428, 0.0006981671904213727, 0.00056390993995592, 0.0006578541942872107, 0.0006627962575294077 ]
[ "SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Just hours after Jair Bolsonaro won Brazil’s presidential election in a landslide victory for conservatives, Carolina Zannata and her girlfriend called the closest public notary and set a date for their wedding.", "\n\nGay marriage has been legal in Brazil since 2013, and Ms. Zannata said she and Aline Foguel had not been in a hurry to wed. But the triumph of Mr. Bolsonaro — a far-right politician who once declared “I’m homophobic, with pride” — changed their calculations.", "\n\n“We got scared,” said Ms. Zannata. “", "We need to take advantage of our hard-won rights because we might not have them afterward.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNSTimer stopping in run time?", "\n\nhow can i stop NSTimer in runTime?", "\nI am using the following code .but NSTimer runs again and again.(i want to repeat NStimer, i want to stop in runtime )\n - (void)TimerCallback\n {\n\n .....\n [self.tim invalidate];\n self.tim = nil;\n\n}\n\n-(void)timerStart\n{\n\n self.tim = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1 target:self selector:@selector(TimerCallback) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];\n\n}\n\nA:\n\nIt's repeats:NO if you want it to run only once. ", "You have repeats:YES.", "\nIt is [tim invalidate] and not self.tim invalidate\nDo not do self.tim = nil, because that is releasing it. ", "invalidate does everything.", "\nFor the record, make sure your property is all correct, ie\n@property (nonatomic, retain) NSTimer *happyTimer;\nand\n@synthesize happyTimer;\nFor the record, you must be on the same thread.", "\n\nHope it helps.", "\nHere is all the lines of code cut from a working production example:\nNSTimer *ttt;\n@property (nonatomic, retain) NSTimer *ttt;\n@synthesize ttt;\nself.ttt = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:7.00\n target:self selector:@selector(ringBell) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];\nif ( [ttt isValid] )\n [ttt invalidate];\n[ttt release]; // in dealloc\n\nYou need to add some debugging lines NSLog(@\"I just invalidated\"); and so on, to make sure you don't have some basic mistake. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A couple posts back, I introduced Masochist, the software that powers this website. ", "Now I want to talk about some novelties in how it’s deployed.", "\n\nThe old way\n\nThe site was a Rails app running on an EC2 instance. ", "There were a few moving pieces — memcached, nginx, Git repo mirrors, Monit monitoring, the app itself etc — so the provisioning of the instance was powered by Ansible.", "\n\nMost of the data was stored in a MySQL database, some of it was on the filesystem (uploaded images, for example), and some of it came from a Git repo. ", "As such, there were multiple sources of truth, and at least a couple of them resided on the instance itself. ", "This in turn meant that the instance was stateful, that state was important, and regular backups were critical.", "\n\nDeployment was originally via Capistrano, and later by a simple (and much more robust) shell script.", "\n\nThe new way\n\nThe source of truth is now a Git repo, and both content and source are publicly visible. ", "This means we can go fully stateless on the EC2 instance because we can spin up a new one whenever we need, backups are not needed, and the data is safely distributed across multiple Git repos.", "\n\nInspired by Heroku, there is no deploy script; instead, you publish via git push . ", "The work of setting up and running the new version of this application is handled via a post-receive hook (essentially still a shell script, but now running on the server instead of the client).", "\n\nAs the content now lives in Git, publishing that is also done via git push .", "\n\nDetails, details, show me the details! ", "Provisioning\n\nThe server itself is set up using Ansible. ", "Here’s a sample \"role\" that shows how memcached gets set up:\n\n--- - name: memcached | create memcached group group: gid={{ user_ids.memcached }} name=memcached system=yes become: yes - name: memcached | create memcached user user: comment='Distributed memory object caching system' group=memcached home=/var/run/memcached name=memcached shell=/sbin/nologin system=yes uid={{ user_ids.memcached }} become: yes - name: memcached | ensure package installed yum: name=memcached state=present become: yes - name: memcached | configure memcached template: dest=/etc/sysconfig/memcached src=memcached-sysconfig.j2 become: yes notify: memcached | restart - name: memcached | set up monit configuration template: dest=/etc/monit.d/memcached src=memcached-monit.j2 become: yes notify: monit | restart - name: memcached | ensure enabled and running service: name=memcached enabled=yes state=started become: yes\n\nYou can think of this as a declarative syntax for how the server should look, although like most declarative specifications, in practice it maps to a set of imperative steps (which execute in the order shown in the role). ", "The end result of this declarative/imperative hybrid is an idempotent task that you can run to provision a brand new server, or bring an existing server back into line with the desired configuration: only the steps that actually need to be run end up performing any kind of mutative action on the server.", "\n\nIn this way we set up memcached, Redis, nginx, and related supporting tooling like Monit. ", "We also set up the users, groups and directory structures from where we’ll be running the applications (one of these being the main \"Masochist\" Node.js app, and another being the \"wikiserve\" microservice which is a small Ruby app that translates wikitext markup into HTML).", "\n\nDeploying\n\nOne curiosity of storing our content in Git is that it’s not a real database and we need some secondary index structures in order to make some kinds of lookup sufficiently fast (for example, paginating through lists, or finding content based on tags). ", "As such, we’re augmenting the Git storage with an indexing layer stored in Redis.", "\n\nYou can think of this Git-plus-Redis layer as reinventing the database, and that’s exactly what is. ", "Like all of the most fun engineering projects, this one is a terrible idea, and I thoroughly enjoyed building it. ", "To get a sense of the hacking involved, see the updateIndices.js script (at the time of writing, 378 lines of fast-and-loose JavaScript).", "\n\nWhen we push new content, our post-receive hook, conveniently installed for us by Ansible, runs. ", "It looks something like this:\n\n#!", "/usr/bin/env ruby # # post-receive hook to update Masochist indices when new content is published. ", "def cd(dir) puts \"$ cd #{dir}\" Dir.chdir(dir) end def run(*args) puts \"$ #{args.join(' ')}\" system(*args) status = $?", ".exitstatus if !", "$?", ".exited? ", "puts 'error: process failed to exit' exit 1 elsif !", "status.zero? ", "puts \"error: aborting due to non-zero exit status (#{status})\" exit status end end while line = gets old_rev, new_rev, ref_name = line.split next unless ref_name == 'refs/heads/content' # Allow access to `node`. ", "ENV['PATH'] = ENV['HOME'] + '/bin:' + ENV['PATH'] ENV['NODE_ENV'] = 'production' # Avoid chicken and egg problem: app can only be deployed if content has # been deployed, but content can only be indexed if app has been deployed. ", "if File.exist?('/var/masochist/deploy/current') # Note that even though we run the current indexer from the code repo, it's # the content repo that gets indexed due to configuration on disk. ", "cd '/var/masochist/deploy/current/app' run 'node', 'dist/bin/updateIndices.js' end # Content branch images get merged into a shared location (in the event of a # collision, last-deployed revision wins by overwriting). ", "run 'sh', '-c', \"env -i git -C /var/masochist/content archive --prefix=images/ #{new_rev}:content/images | tar xf - -C /var/masochist/shared/system/\" end\n\nIn short, this runs our updateIndices.js script for us and uses git to copy the latest versions of the static images from the content branch into the actual filesystem, where they can be served.", "\n\nSimilar post-receive hooks exist for the Masochist app itself (clones the new revision into a staging area, runs npm install , gulp build , and if all went well switches some symlinks to point at the new version of the app and restarts it) and the wikiserve microservice (runs bundle install , sets up symlinks and restarts).", "\n\nThere is some additional complexity in there which I am eliding here (such as using digests and caching to avoid the expense of a full npm install , and pruning away old deploy directories), but it all works pretty well. ", "Deploying a new version of Masochist takes well under a minute, even on a gutless t2.micro EC2 instance, and content or wikiserve updates take mere seconds.", "\n\nRepo layout\n\nEven though the code for the two apps resides in a single repo, along with all the content (albeit on a separate branch), with a little bit of organization I’ve been able to produce quite a simple workflow.", "\n\nOn the remote machine, Ansible sets up two users so that the Node.js and Ruby apps can run as separate users, out of separate directories. ", "There is a third repo set up as well that is dedicated to content alone. ", "In this way, I have three different Git \"remotes\" that I can push to and thus have granular control over what gets pushed and when:\n\nPush to the \"masochist\" remote to deploy a new version of the app (ie. ", "git push masochist ).", "\n\n). ", "Push to the \"wikiserve\" remote to deploy a new version of the wikiserve microservice (ie. ", "git push wikiserve ).", "\n\n). ", "Push to the \"origin\" remote (ie. ", "git push origin , or simply git push ) to do a code-only push without a deploy; this sends the code up to git.wincent.com, and from there it gets mirrored to GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket automatically.", "\n\nA nice perk of this is that the --decorate functionality of git-log can show me at a glance what I have deployed and to where:\n\n* 466d475 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, masochist/master, github/master) Fix unwanted page reloads on some transitions (5 hours ago) <Greg Hurrell> * 2e1fdbd (wikiserve/master) Add shared/common.json (17 hours ago) <Greg Hurrell> * a299c81 Freshen up a comment (17 hours ago) <Greg Hurrell>\n\nFor convenience, I have a separate copy of the repo on my local machine, with the \"content\" branch checked out, that I use for editing content. ", "Publishing this is a simple git push (shorthand for git push content ). ", "Here again I can choose to do a Git-only push to distribute the content upstream to GitHub and elsewhere (without actually making it go live on wincent.com yet) by doing git push origin . ", "From there it will be mirrored onwards, or I can do a git push github , git push gitlab or git push bitbucket (if I am too impatient for the hourly mirror to kick in).", "\n\nOverall I am very happy so far with this set up, and am tweaking my Vim-based editing set-up to give me the kinds of niceties and shortcuts that come in handy for content editing. ", "This will serve me well until I embark on my next crazy adventure, which will be making a desktop application to provide myself with a slick local editing experience.", "\n\nSounds like a terrible idea? ", "Sign me up right away!" ]
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[ "Our aim is to carry out a detailed genetic and biochemical analysis of the IgA proteases of Hemophilus influenzae. ", "We will clone and characterize IgA protease genes for H.influenzae serotypes b, c and d in E. coli K-12. ", "The structure of the cloned genes will be studied using restriction enzymes and DNA sequence analysis. ", "Mutant forms of the gene will be characterized in E. coli following in vivo and in vitro mutagenesis. ", "Selected mutations, especially deletions, will be introduced into H.influenzae recipients by transformation. ", "These IgA protease negative mutants and their protease positive parent strains will be used to study the effects of the mutations on pathogenesis using animal model systems and isolated organ cultures. ", "We will use both biochemical and genetic approaches to study the IgA protease enzymes in order to understand the differences between type 1 (serotypes b and d) and type 2 (serotype c) proteases. ", "We will attempt to elucidate the mechanisms by which IgA proteases are secreted in both H.influenzae and E.coli." ]
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[ "Hanky Panky - Rolled Low Rise Thong in Black\n\nFind a better price?", "\n\nPlease fill out the form below with the correct information and we will match the price. ", "Subject to our Terms & Conditions.", "\n\nFirst Name *\n\nEmail *\n\nPhone Number\n\nPrice *\n\nLink to Competitor's Product *\n\nComments\n\nONLINE\n\nIf you are not completely satisfied with an item, you may return it and we will refund eligible purchases. (", "Please check the Terms & Conditions below to determine eligibility).", "\n\nRETURN & EXCHANGE TERMS AND CONDITIONS\n\nReturns must be postmarked no later than 14 days after the order is received.", "\n\nIf \"Pick-Up in Store\" was chosen as the shipping option, the initial email notification that your item is ready will act as the date the order is received.", "\n\nOriginal invoice must accompany returned item(s) in order for refund to be processed.", "\n\nOnline refunds will be made to the credit card used in the original transaction. ", "An exchange or merchandise credit will be issued for returns that used PayPal or a gift card as the form of payment. ", "Gift returns can only be made in stores.", "\n\nReturns & exchanges in store are accepted within 14 days of the original purchase date. ", "The original invoice and original method of payment must be presented. ", "Refunds will be made to the credit card used in the original transaction within 3 days of receipt of returned items. ", "An exchange or merchandise credit will be issued for returns that used PayPal or a gift card as the form of payment. ", "Gift returns can only be made in stores.", "\n\nReturned items must be in their original state and deemed to be unworn to be accepted for a refund\n\nNON-RETURNABLE ITEMS\n\nDue to the intimate nature and hygienic standards of certain items, returns are not accepted on: swim bottoms, panties, babydolls, bodysuits, hosiery, teddies and any lingerie set that includes a panty. ", "If these items are returned, they will be returned at the sender’s expense.", "\n\nAll sale and discounted items are final sale. *", "This includes, but is not limited to, items sold on special promotion days such as Black Friday, Boxing Day, etc.", "\n\nAll custom/special orders are final sale.", "\n\nIN-STORE\n\nItems can be returned for in-store credit or exchanged within 10 days of original purchase. ", "Gift returns can only be made in-store. ", "Returned items must be in their original state and deemed to be unworn with a copy of the original receipt in order for be accepted. ", "No exceptions apply.", "\n\nNON-RETURNABLE ITEMS\n\nDue to the intimate nature and hygienic standards of certain items, returns are not accepted on: swim bottoms, panties, babydolls, bodysuits, hosiery, teddies and any lingerie set that includes a panty.", "\n\nAll sale and discounted items are final sale. *", "This includes, but is not limited to, items sold on special promotion days such as Black Friday, Boxing Day, etc.", "\n\nAll custom/special orders are final sale.", "\n\nPRE-ORDER\n\nPre-orders will be treated the same as online orders.", "\n\nIf \"Pick-Up in Store\" was chosen as the shipping option, the initial email notification that your item is ready will act as the date the order is received.", "\n\nI obtained a physical gift card and the code isn't working online.", "\n\nTry entering the number twice. ", "Example: Card Number - 12345, enter 1234512345. ", "If that doesn't work - give us a call or shoot us an email and we will look into it further for you.", "\n\nI'm interested in an item from a brand that you carry but I do not see the item and/or size available on your website.", "\n\nWe try our best to bring in the hottest pieces from each collection, but we are only human so sometimes we may miss something that you absolutely love. ", "Not to worry - contact us letting us know the style, colour and size and we will see if we can place a special order for you. ", "Please note that in this case, the item will be final sale so make sure you know your sizing, etc. ", "If you have questions about the fit, just ask us and we can find out how the item fits compared to the pieces that we carry so that you have a better idea of what size to order.", "\n\nHow can I track my order?", "\n\nEvery order that is shipped to a Canadian address will have a tracking number provided to you that you can track at canadapost.ca. ", "If you placed an order from outside of Canada and did not specifically request/pay for tracked shipping you will not receive a tracking number as it is shipped via International Air Mail. ", "The reason for this is that the tracked method is signficantly slower and we want to ensure you get your purchase as soon as possible.", "\n\nI never received my order.", "\n\nIf you have been notified that your order has been shipped yet you never received the package first consult our shipping policy to see if it is within the regular shipping period (sometimes things get held up at customs, etc.). ", "If the regular shipping window has passed and there is still no sign of your package, contact us and we will reach out to the postal service to see what is going on." ]
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[ "Matchmaking: Frequently Asked Questions\n\nHello Champions!", "\n\nEnsuring our players have the best matches available to them is one of our top priorities. ", "Matchmaking considers quite a few variables, with this FAQ our goal is to help players better understand the inner workings.", "\n\nWhat is Matchmaking?", "\n\nMatchmaking is the process that determines which players you will fight with and which players you will fight against. ", "We currently use a modified “TrueSkill” system. ", "In ideal conditions, The Matchmaking system tries to ensure both teams have a good chance of winning the match. ", "Some of the variables it has to consider and work with are:\n\nRegion/Server\n\nNumber of players in Queue who are suitable matches\n\nParty, Duo or Solo Queue\n\nTime spent in queue\n\nMMR\n\nVariance\n\nHow does Matchmaking Work?", "\n\nTo better explain how Matchmaking works, it is important to define a few of the terms and concepts:\n\nMatchmaking Rating (MMR):\n\nMMR is a value that is hidden to the player. ", "That value represents how skilled the system thinks the player is overall, based on their match history.", "\n\nMMR is affected by wins and losses, but importantly, who those wins and losses occurred against and whether the Matchmaker expected to see a win or loss during those matches.", "\n\nCasual and Competitive Queue have separate MMR ratings that are assigned to players. ", "These are entirely separate and do not affect each other.", "\n\nMatches are assembled based on MMR. ", "A player’s competitive border (which represents their current standing in the Competitive Ladder) does not always offer accurate insight into their MMR.", "\n\nAn easy way to break it down would be the following:\n\nA player’s MMR represents where the Matchmaker is confident they belong based on their match history thus far. ", "A player’s Division Border (Gold II, Bronze V, etc) shows where they are currently within the competitive ladder. ", "This is influenced by MMR but determined by Triumph Points (TP). ", "While there is a general correlation between a player’s MMR and their Division, their Variance , Triumph Points and match history may create disparities.", "\n\nVariance:\n\nVariance represents the Matchmaker’s confidence in it’s MMR assessment.", "\n\nTo confidently assign an MMR, the Matchmaker needs data on a player’s past performance. ", "More data means more confidence.", "\n\nA player with high Variance will have their MMR go through more significant swings up and down as the system narrows in on their proper MMR.", "\n\nA player with low Variance will be less prone to large MMR losses/gains.", "\n\nDepending if the Matchmaker expects a player to win or lose a given match up, their MMR may change more or less drastically too.", "\n\nThings that increase MMR Variance:\n\nLack of data (Player has not played many matches in the associated Queue)\n\nLosing when Matchmaker predicts a win, winning when Matchmaker predicts a loss.", "\n\nThings that decrease MMR Variance:\n\nSufficient data (Player has played quite a few matches in the associated Queue)\n\nLosing when Matchmaker predicts a loss, winning when Matchmaker predicts a win.", "\n\nTriumph Points (TP):\n\nTriumph Points are visible points that players earn as they win or lose games. ", "Players earn TP by winning games, they lose TP by losing games.", "\n\nTP loss & gain is dependant on Matchmaking and whether the player is favored to win or lose the match.", "\n\nThe max number of TP a player can win or lose is 17 TP.", "\n\nThe minimum number of TP a player can win or lose is 1 TP.", "\n\nWhen a player reaches (or surpasses) 100 TP, they will be promoted to a higher Division. ", "If a player has an exceptionally high MMR for their division, they can skip Divisions upon promotion.", "\n\nOnce a player’s TP is reduced to 0 TP, losing a subsequent game will result in a demotion to the next Division down.", "\n\nA player cannot be demoted until they have played at least 5 games in their current Division.", "\n\nThe Division breakdown is as follows:\n\n\n\nSo what does the Matchmaking process look like?", "\n\nPlayers enter the queue of their choice. ", "Every few seconds, Matchmaker runs thousands of simulations with various combinations of party members and opponents. ", "Matchmaker looks to build matches where: Teammates have a similar MMR. ", "The gap between the lowest MMR teammate and the highest MMR teammate is minimal. ", "That gap is similar to the gap the opposing team has. ", "The combined average MMR of Team A is close to the combined average MMR of Team B. The region is appropriate Matchmaker attempts to ensure teams with parties also face other teams with parties. ", "The party’s average MMR is considered to be slightly higher to account for the synergy coordinated players exhibit. ", "The longer the Matchmaker goes without finding an ideal matchup, the looser the restrictions become until a match is found.", "\n\nWhat if I wait too long or there aren’t any ideal matchups?", "\n\nIn a perfect world, it would be prime time all the time with players of all skill levels and party combinations playing across the world.", "\n\nBut the reality is that there will always be periods where ideal matches either take longer to find or simply don’t exist. ", "With the release of Ranked 2.0 allowing more players into Competitive Queue, this has become less of an issue. ", "The queue is populated with a healthy range of players for most regions, most of the time.", "\n\nStill, less than ideal matchups can and do occur. ", "To help combat this, the Matchmaker does the following:\n\nIf the Matchmaker’s simulation shows that Team A has an advantage over Team B:\n\nPlayers on Team A will gain less Triumph Points if they win\n\nPlayers on Team A will lose more Triumph Points if they lose\n\nPlayers on Team B will gain more Triumph Points if they win\n\nPlayers on Team B will lose less Triumph Points if they lose\n\nCommon Questions\n\n“If I’m Diamond Division, why do I have a Gold Division player on my team?”", "\n\nThis is a common question that could have a few different answers. ", "Possible explanations include:\n\nMatches are made by MMR not Division. ", "The Matchmaker may be confident that player belongs in a higher Division based on their MMR That player may have a high Variance (defined above) and thus be shuffling around more as the Matchmaker zeroes in on a proper MMR for that player.", "\n\nAfter sorting for regional preferences, party status and acceptable time spent in queue, it may simply be the best predicted matchup available for you at that specific time.", "\n\n“I tried my hardest and we lost a close game, why did I lose 17 TP?”", "\n\nTo experience a large loss of TP, the player likely had a high Variance. ", "Maybe they just got out of their placement matches and were still settling in.", "\n\nFurthermore, this occurs when a team loses a game the Matchmaker predicted them to win. ", "The Matchmaker assessment could be off because:\n\nHigh MMR players predicted to do well could have played a champ they were unfamiliar with and/or not performed at the level expected.", "\n\nA party assigned a boost to MMR may not have had the cohesion expected.", "\n\nThe lower MMR team put their tryhard pants on, worked together and defied expectations.", "\n\n“Why not have the Matchmaker assign MMR based on my actual performance, like damage done or K/D/A?”", "\n\nThe Matchmaker looks at wins, losses, and WHO they occurred against. ", "By looking at wins and losses, the system creates a broad overview of someone’s overall skill as a player.", "\n\nPaladins is a team game and it’s important to create a snapshot of their total skill level, not just a specialized analysis of say, their skill with Androxus who they may or may not be able to play in any given match.", "\n\nAssigning MMR via wins/losses also protects against people trying to game the system and discourages people from playing in a manner that benefits only them. ", "If Kills/Deaths/Assists or damage were tracked, a player might not play the objective and chase kills to benefit their rating.", "\n\nThis system incentivizes being a well rounded player and working as a team to achieve a victory.", "\n\nThanks for taking the time to check this FAQ out! ", "Anyone with questions or feedback feel free to reach out, we’ll update this as needed if anything changes or more questions are answered. ", "Best of luck in your ranked games, we’ll see you…in the Realm!" ]
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[ "HbA~1c~ is a well-established test to track long-term glucose control and the risk for developing microvascular complications in patients with diabetes ([@B1]). ", "However, until recently, HbA~1c~ was not an accepted test for diagnosing diabetes because of concerns about both lower specificity and sensitivity compared with fasting plasma glucose ([@B2]). ", "A number of threshold values that relate HbA~1c~ to a diabetic diagnosis have been proposed in the past ([@B3]--[@B7]), but none were broadly adopted. ", "A recent report by an International Expert Committee ([@B8]) proposed that HbA~1c~ ≥6.5% on two repeated tests may be used to diagnose diabetes. ", "These recommendations were subsequently accepted by the American Diabetes Association ([@B9]). ", "Implementation of the recommendations will increase the number and frequency of HbA~1c~ tests obtained in patients at risk for diabetes. ", "Indeed, the Expert Committee raised concerns about how to identify and manage higher risk individuals, as there is yet no accepted HbA~1c~ threshold value for initiating preventive strategies.", "\n\nEvidence suggests that clinicians have been using HbA~1c~ in the evaluation of patients without known diabetes in the absence of clearly accepted threshold values for establishing a diagnosis. ", "As an example, in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 there were \\>500,000 patients without a prior diagnosis of diabetes who had HbA~1c~ tests---representing 37 and 39% of all patients having an HbA~1c~ test performed in those years (P.R.C., unpublished observations).", "\n\nTo better understand the relationship between HbA~1c~ levels and the subsequent risk of diagnosed diabetes, we identified a cohort of patients without diabetes in whom an HbA~1c~ was obtained and tracked these individuals for up to 8 years for evidence of a diabetic diagnosis. ", "We hypothesized that a baseline HbA~1c~ level has predictive information for the future development of diabetes and can be used to risk stratify patients. ", "Our data confirm the continuum of risk associated with increasing levels of HbA~1c~ and also identify a HbA~1c~ threshold value, below which the risk is nominal.", "\n\nRESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS {#s5}\n===========================\n\nStudy population {#s6}\n----------------\n\nThis historical cohort study included 12,589 patients at two Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers who had at least one HbA~1c~ test \\<6.5% between 1 January 2000 through 31 December 2001 (baseline HbA~1c~). ", "Institutional review board approval was obtained at both study sites before initiating the study.", "\n\nPatient records were evaluated for 12 months before the baseline HbA~1c~ to assure that they had at least one ambulatory care visit, no HbA~1c~ ≥6.5%, and no diagnosis of diabetes. ", "A diagnosis of diabetes was defined as: at least one inpatient diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (ICD-9 code of 250.\\*), two or more outpatient diagnoses of diabetes mellitus (ICD-9 code of 250.\\*), or a prescription for any medication used in diabetic treatment. ", "This method to ascertain diabetic status has been previously validated within the VA ([@B10]). ", "Participants with more than one HbA~1c~ test during the baseline period had their first test result used as the baseline. ", "Patients were required to have at least one ambulatory care visit at any time during the follow-up period (from date of baseline HbA~1c~ test to 31 December 2008) or until a diabetic diagnosis was made. ", "After the above exclusion criteria were applied, 12,375 patients were classified without diabetes and were entered into the follow-up period. ", "The period of follow-up for a given patient varied based on when they had clinic visits during the follow-up period.", "\n\nData were abstracted electronically from the patients' medical records. ", "Information was collected on outpatient clinic visits, admissions, vital signs, outpatient prescriptions, comorbid diagnoses, patient demographics, and laboratory tests. ", "Because our clinical laboratories do not label glucose measurements as fasting or nonfasting, we recorded glucose levels obtained between 0600 and 1100 h as a proxy for the fasting state. ", "The ICD-9 codes used for the comorbid conditions were as follows: cardiovascular disease (CVD) (coronary heart disease 410--414; stroke 430--438; heart failure 428; cardiac arrest 427.1, 472.4, 427.5; inflammatory heart disease 429.01, 429.1, 420--425; and hypertension 401--405). ", "Race and ethnicity were self-reported by patients. ", "The study end point was whether a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus occurred during the follow-up period.", "\n\nDuring the study, both facilities used the same methodology for measuring HbA~1c~ levels, which used a nonporous ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography to separate HbA~1c~ from other hemoglobin fractions and is certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program. ", "This method is fairly immune to the presence of hemoglobinopathies or carbamylated hemoglobin as a result of high urea concentrations. ", "Abnormal concentrations of hemoglobins that may falsely elevate HbA~1c~ are clearly recognized.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#s7}\n--------------------\n\nThe distribution of baseline HbA~1c~ levels was analyzed using univariate procedures and stratified into five groups ([@B1]): \\<4.5% ([@B2]), 4.5--4.9% ([@B3]), 5.0--5.4% ([@B4]), 5.5--5.9% ([@B5]), and 6.0--6.4%. ", "The lowest group, with HbA~1c~ \\<4.5%, was treated as the reference group and all other groups were compared with the reference for risk calculation.", "\n\nData were analyzed using SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). ", "Descriptive statistics were conducted on the study sample at baseline: median and range were calculated for the continuous variables; frequency and proportion were calculated for the categorical variables. ", "The study also compared the baseline characteristics for patients who developed diabetes with patients who did not develop diabetes in the follow-up period. ", "The nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare medians for continuous variables, and the χ^2^ test was used to compare proportions for categorical variables. ", "Given the large sample size, a *P* value of \\<0.0001 was used to determine statistical significance. ", "Both logistic regression models and Cox proportional hazards models were used to compare the risk of developing diabetes with baseline HbA~1c~ level as the main effect (HbA~1c~ \\<4.5% as reference group). ", "Based on the univariate results, a stepwise selection method (using an α of 0.05) was used for further evaluation of the confounders in the multiple logistic regression. ", "Both unadjusted odds ratio/hazard ratio and multivariable adjusted odds ratio/hazard ratio were calculated. ", "The Kaplan--Meier method was used to calculate survival probability with time, and a diabetic event probability versus time plot was developed and stratified by baseline HbA~1c~ groups. ", "All of the 12,375 patients were included in the survival analysis, including those patients who died before developing diabetes. ", "Date of entry was the date on which the initial HbA~1c~ measurement was obtained. ", "For those patients who died, we used their date of death as the censor time. ", "For patients who survived without developing diabetes, we used the last visit date as their censor time in the survival analysis calculation.", "\n\nWe also developed a risk model for predicting the 5-year incidence of diabetes using logistic regression. ", "The 5-year incidence of diabetes was defined as any patient who developed diabetes within the 5-year period after the baseline HbA~1c~ test, and patients who did not develop diabetes within the 5-year period were used as the control group. ", "A simple risk model was developed using baseline HbA~1c~ as the only predictor, and a multivariable model was developed using baseline HbA~1c~, age, BMI, and systolic blood pressure (SBP) as predictors. ", "The areas under the two receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (indicated by C statistic) were compared using nonparametric approaches ([@B11]). ", "Finally, risk-calculating equations were developed from the above findings.", "\n\nRESULTS {#s8}\n=======\n\nThere were 12,589 individuals eligible for the study by having an HbA~1c~ test during the baseline period; 214 (1.7%) did not visit the clinic during the follow-up period and were lost to follow-up, leaving 12,375 in the study population. ", "Baseline characteristics of the 12,375 individuals, including those who developed diabetes during follow-up, are shown in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Individuals were predominantly white men (95.4% men and 67.5% whites) with a median age of 65.9 (range 18.5-- 101.5. ", "Comparison of the demographics and clinical characteristics between these individuals and the 214 who had no follow-up visits showed no significant differences with regard to HbA~1c~, age, glucose, SBP, creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), sex, and presence of cardiovascular disease. ", "Those lost to follow-up were significantly lower with regard to diastolic blood pressure, albumin, BMI, and presence of hypertension.", "\n\n###### \n\nBaseline characteristics of study sample\n\n All subjects Diabetes Nondiabetes *P* value Odds ratio (95% CI)\n ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------------------\n *n* 12,375 3,329 9,046 \n Age (years) 65.9 (18.5--101.5) 65.8 (26.1--90.5) 65.9 (18.5--101.5) 0.7759 \n Blood pressure (mmHg) \n  Systolic 139 (67--248) 141 (84--248) 138 (67--245) \\<0.0001 \n  Diastolic 77 (50--126) 78 (50--126) 76 (50--126) \\<0.0001 \n BMI (kg/m^2^) 29.0 (10.0--50.0) 30.0 (10.0--50.0) 28.0 (11.0--50.0) \\<0.0001 \n Glucose (mg/dL) 107 (42--198) 118 (49--199) 101 (31--198) \\<0.0001 \n Albumin (mg/dL) 4.1 (1.2--5.5) 4.0 (2.2--5.3) 4.1 (1.2--5.5) 0.0029 \n Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.0 (0.2--12.0) 1.0 (0.4--8.9) 1.0 (0.2--12.0) \\<0.0001 \n eGFR (mL/min) 78.3 (4.5--197.5) 77.5 (6.3--189.0) 78.6 (4.5--197.5) \\<0.0001 \n Sex \\<0.0001 1.30 (1.06--1.59)\n  Men 11,805 (95.4) 3,202 (96.2) 8,603 (95.1) \n  Women 570 (4.6) 127 (3.8) 443 (4.9) \n Ethnicity \\<0.0001 \n  Hispanic 323 (2.6) 138 (4.2) 185 (2.0) \n  Non-Hispanic 7,383 (59.7) 2,326 (69.9) 5,057 (55.9) \n  Unknown 4,669 (37.7) 865 (26.0) 3,804 (42.1) \n Race \\<0.0001 \n  Black 712 (5.8) 208 (6.3) 504 (5.6) \n  White 8,351 (67.5) 2,337 (70.2) 6,014 (66.5) \n  Other 171 (1.4) 61 (1.8) 110 (1.2) \n  Unknown 3,141 (25.4) 723 (21.7) 2,418 (26.7) \n Cardiovascular disease 3,911 (31.6) 1,147 (34.4) 2,764 (30.6) \\<0.0001 1.19 (1.10--1.30)\n Hypertension 7,251 (58.6) 2,199 (66.1) 5,052 (55.8) \\<0.0001 1.54 (1.43--1.67)\n eGFR \\<60 mL/min 2,329 (18.8) 639 (19.2) 1,690 (18.7) 0.5176 1.03 (0.93--1.14)\n\nData are median (range) or *n* (%) unless otherwise indicated. *", "P* value and odds ratio compare both diabetic and nondiabetic groups.", "\n\nDuring an average follow-up of 4.4 years and with an average of 140 (SD 194) ambulatory care visits, 26.9% developed diabetes. ", "The criteria by which diabetes was diagnosed were: outpatient codes (59.9%), inpatient codes (5.2%), and new diabetes medication (34.9%). ", "Blood pressure, BMI, glucose, serum creatinine, prevalent cardiovascular disease, and hypertension were significantly higher (*P* \\< 0.0001) in patients who developed diabetes. ", "During the study period, there was a progressive decline in the number and percentage of individuals with clinic encounters in a given year. ", "In the last year of the study period, 6,997 (56.5%) individuals had one or more clinic visits, 2,671 (21.6%) patients had no clinic visits, and 2,707 (21.9%) had died during the 8 years of follow-up.", "\n\nLogistic regression was used to compare the groups for risk of developing diabetes in the follow-up period ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "When compared with the reference HbA~1c~ group (\\<4.5%), the group with HbA~1c~ 4.5--4.9% was not significantly different, whereas risk of developing diabetes increased steadily for the higher HbA~1c~ groups (≥5.0%). ", "The point estimates for unadjusted odds ratios were 1.57 for HbA~1c~ 5.0--5.4%, 4.54 for HbA~1c~ 5.5--5.9%, and 14.93 for HbA~1c~ 6.0--6.4% compared with HbA~1c~ \\<4.5% (*P* \\< 0.0001). ", "The adjusted odds ratios by multivariable logistic regression showed similar trends with slight differences in point estimates and 95% confidence intervals. ", "We assessed whether the number of outpatient visits affected a diagnosis of diabetes but found that it did not contribute to model fit and was not included in the logistic regression model.", "\n\n###### \n\nRisk comparison by logistic regression for developing diabetes according to baseline HbA~1c~ groups\n\n HbA~1c~ groups *P* trend \n ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------- ----------\n *N* 519 1,918 4,416 3,663 1,859 ---\n Incident diabetes mellitus 53 190 668 1,248 1,170 ---\n Unadjusted odds ratio 1.00 0.97 1.57 4.54 14.93 \\<0.0001\n  95% CI --- 0.70--1.33 1.17--2.11 3.39--6.09 11.07--20.14 \n Multivariable-adjusted odds ratio[\\*](#t2n1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.00 1.01 1.70 4.87 16.06 \\<0.0001\n  95% CI --- 0.70--1.45 1.21--2.36 3.49--6.79 11.40--22.65 ---\n\n\\*Adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino, not Hispanic or Latino, or unknown), race (black, white, other, or unknown), BMI, and systolic blood pressure.", "\n\n[Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the results from the Cox proportional hazards models. ", "Estimates of hazard ratios showed similar patterns as the odds ratio estimates with logistic regression. ", "No significant difference was detected between the reference group and those with HbA~1c~ 4.5--4.9%, but the hazard ratio increased significantly beginning with HbA~1c~ ≥5.0% (*P* \\< 0.0001), with higher baseline HbA~1c~ associated with higher risk.", "\n\n###### \n\nRisk comparison by Cox proportional hazards model for developing diabetes according to baseline HbA~1c~ groups\n\n HbA~1c~ groups *P* trend \n --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ---------\n Unadjusted hazard ratio 1.00 0.90 1.41 3.69 9.62 \\<0.001\n  95% CI --- 0.66--1.22 1.07--1.87 2.80--4.86 7.30--12.67 \n Multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio[\\*](#t3n1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.00 0.92 1.42 3.54 8.71 \\<0.001\n  95% CI --- 0.66--1.27 1.05--1.92 2.63--4.75 6.47--11.73 ---\n\n\\*Adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, race, BMI, and systolic blood pressure.", "\n\nWe analyzed event probability (i.e., developing diabetes) during the follow-up period ([Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) differentiated by baseline HbA~1c~. Similar to our other analyses, the curves for incident diabetes in those with baseline HbA~1c~ \\<5.0% intertwined, whereas those with higher baseline HbA~1c~ had significantly higher probability of developing diabetes during follow-up (log-rank *P* value \\<0.0001).", "\n\n![", "Plot of diabetes event probability against follow-up time, differentiated by baseline HbA~1c~. The curves for the two lowest groups substantially overlap, but groups with HbA~1c~ ≥5.0% have significantly higher probability of developing diabetes during the 8-year study period (log-rank *P* value \\<0.0001).](610fig1){#F1}\n\nRisk models for a diabetic diagnosis over 5 years were developed using HbA~1c~ alone (model 1) and a multivariable model using HbA~1c~, age, BMI, and SBP as predictors (model 2). ", "For each predictor, a quadratic term was added into the model because of nonlinear association with risk (indicated by significant *P* values associated with quadratic terms). ", "For model 1, the area under the ROC curve = 0.7543 (95% confidence interval 0.7429--0.7657), and for model 2, the area under the ROC curve = 0.7791 (95% confidence interval: 0.7687--0.7896). ", "Comparison of the two areas showed significant improvement of the predictability of model 2 (*P* value \\<0.0001). ", "The Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit *P* value was 0.2827 for model 2, indicating good model fit.", "\n\nBased on the above findings, we developed risk calculating equations as follows:where HbA~1c~ is hemoglobin HbA~1c~ in percentage, age is indicated in years, BMI is measured in kg/m^2^, and SBP is indicated in mmHg. ", "The first equation calculates the odds of developing diabetes mellitus in 5 years, and the second equation calculates the probability of developing diabetes mellitus in 5 years using the result from [Eq. ", "1](#fd1){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}.", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS {#s9}\n===========\n\nWe found that baseline HbA~1c~ was significantly predictive of the subsequent development of a diagnosis of diabetes over an 8-year period. ", "The risk of developing diabetes increased progressively at HbA~1c~ levels ≥5.0%, with an odds ratio exceeding 16 in those with HbA~1c~ 6.0--6.4%. ", "This latter group had a cumulative incidence of diabetes approaching 80%. ", "Not surprisingly, significant predictors for diabetes incidence included clinical parameters, such as blood pressure, BMI, serum creatinine, prevalent cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. ", "From these data, we also developed risk--calculating equations for determining the probability of developing a diabetic diagnosis within 5 years. ", "We believe that these data will inform clinicians on how to risk--stratify individuals who are screened for diabetes using HbA~1c~ but whose levels do not reach the recommended diagnostic threshold of ≥6.5%.", "\n\nSeveral studies have evaluated HbA~1c~ as a predictor of subsequent diabetes or as a tool to diagnose treatment-requiring diabetes ([@B3]--[@B7],[@B12]--[@B19]). ", "A number of threshold values have been previously proposed for diagnosing diabetes, such as ≥7.0% ([@B4],[@B7]), ≥6.5% ([@B13]), \\>2 SD above the normal mean (i.e., \\>6.1%) ([@B6]). ", "In addition, a number of HbA~1c~ levels have also been proposed to identify individuals at risk for diabetes (i.e., prediabetes), such as 6.1--6.9% \\[7\\], 6.0--6.4% \\[8\\], or 5.7--6.4% \\[1\\]. ", "The implementation of new guidelines for diagnosing diabetes using HbA~1c~ will help standardize the way in which clinicians apply results from this test. ", "However, there remains uncertainty on how to classify and whether to intervene in individuals whose levels fall below this threshold.", "\n\nThere is growing evidence that HbA~1c~ may not only predict diabetes but also cardiovascular disease and death ([@B12]--[@B19]). ", "Among women without diabetes, HbA~1c~ levels were significantly associated with both, although the presence of other cardiovascular risk factors may contribute additionally to this risk ([@B15],[@B16]). ", "Selvin et al. ([", "@B18]) showed that, in a community-based population, HbA~1c~ was significantly associated with risk of developing both diabetes and cardiovascular disease independent of fasting glucose levels. ", "As with our results, they showed that levels ≥6.0% carried the greatest risk. ", "Therefore, these results strongly suggest that individuals with HbA~1c~ levels ≥6.0% should be targeted for prevention strategies to reduce not only incident diabetes but possibly also cardiovascular disease.", "\n\nMany clinicians have been attracted to using HbA~1c~ as a screening test for diabetes since the test reflects longer-term glucose control, does not require fasting, has less day-to-day biologic variability, and is a well-accepted marker of risk of long-term microvascular complications ([@B20]). ", "Such usage is evidenced by our large cohort of patients in whom HbA~1c~ levels were obtained in patients without a diagnosis of diabetes. ", "However, prior guidelines discouraged use of HbA~1c~ for diagnosing diabetes, largely as a result of standardization and reproducibility issues that precluded its use in such broad settings. ", "Current instrumentation and standardization methods ([@B21]) aligned with the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial have abrogated most of these issues. ", "Such evidence was cited by the International Expert Committee ([@B8]) and affirmed by the American Diabetes Association ([@B9]) in their acceptance of HbA~1c~ for screening and diagnosis.", "\n\nSignificant strengths of this study are its large population drawn from two VA medical centers in different geographic regions, the ability to query a robust electronic medical record for clinical and demographic factors, and patient follow-up for up to 8 years. ", "Important limitations include the largely white men and older population, the reliability of the administrative data set, and the selection and ascertainment bias related to patients for whom HbA~1c~ testing was performed. ", "It is possible that HbA~1c~ tests were performed in patients who were preselected for the presence of other known risk factors for diabetes. ", "Such selective screening might bias our results toward showing a higher risk of developing diabetes for a given HbA~1c~ level. ", "To address this, our analyses controlled for many known risk factors and helped identify those factors that contribute significantly with HbA~1c~ in predicting risk of diabetes. ", "To account for the possible confounding effects from sex and age, we incorporated these two variables with several other known risk factors in our 8-year follow-up models to calculate odds ratios (hazard ratios) based on baseline HbA~1c~. In our 5-year risk prediction model, the sex variable did not provide significant contribution to the predictability of the model.", "\n\nOther factors may limit the generalizability of our findings. ", "We did not have information on the prevalence of smoking in the study population, which is a known risk factor for diabetes ([@B22]) and is higher among veterans than nonveterans ([@B23]). ", "This might tend to inflate the risks of diabetes that we observed. ", "Another potential bias is that a greater amount of medical care (e.g., increased number of clinic visits) might associate with a higher number of diabetes cases ascertained during the study. ", "We adjusted for the number of medical visits but did not find that this significantly influenced the models. ", "In addition, there were 214 individuals initially eligible to participate but who were lost to follow-up. ", "Demographic and clinical characteristics of these individuals were quite similar to the remaining cohort. ", "Those areas in which they differed were in a direction that paralleled those who did not develop diabetes during follow-up. ", "Although their absence from the cohort can introduce bias in the ascertainment of both exposure and outcome, we believe that both the small number as well as the characteristics of these individuals makes it unlikely that this substantially affected the reported incidence of diabetes. ", "Finally, we identified diagnosed diabetes based on medical record evidence that the patient was actually diagnosed by a clinician and/or treated with a diabetes medication. ", "These criteria would exclude patients who have an unrecorded but true diagnosis of diabetes for whom no medications were prescribed, which could lead to an underestimation of the true risk of developing diabetes. ", "However, the number of such patients should be small because of our use of multiple variables to establish a diagnosis of diabetes and the extended follow-up period.", "\n\nIn summary, we have characterized the risk of developing diabetes in patients without a diagnosis of diabetes who had a baseline HbA~1c~ levels \\<6.5%. ", "These data show a progressive risk for developing diabetes when HbA~1c~ is ≥5.0%, with nominal risk below that level. ", "We generated a risk calculator using HbA~1c~ and other clinical data that estimate the 5-year risk of developing diabetes. ", "Because clinicians implement HbA~1c~ testing to screen for diabetes, these data may be used to help identify the risk of incident diabetes among individuals with HbA~1c~ levels \\<6.5%.", "\n\nThe views expressed in this article are those of the authors. ", "The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the position and policy of the United States Federal Government, nor does it necessarily represent the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs. ", "No official endorsement should be inferred. ", "All authors had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. ", "The sponsors had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of data; and preparation, review, or approval of the article.", "\n\nFunding for this work was provided by the VA Health Services Research and Development Service (Grants TEL-02-100 and IIR-04-045), the National Institutes of Health (Grant K24-DK063214), and Tosoh Bioscience.", "\n\nNo potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.", "\n\nP.C. researched data, contributed to discussion, and wrote the manuscript. ", "B.N. and P.F. researched data, contributed to discussion, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. ", "P.R.C. researched data, contributed to discussion, and wrote the manuscript.", "\n" ]
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