[ "Activation of factor VII in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. ", "A preliminary report.", "\nA preliminary report suggests a correlation between metastatic prostate cancer and increased plasma factor VIIa levels. ", "Prostate cancer without metastases and prostate hypertrophy showed no clear pattern in factor VIIa. ", "Further investigations concerning the relation between metastatic cancer and clotting factors are in progress." ]
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[ "/*\n * App Global CSS\n * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Put style rules here that you want to apply globally. ", "These styles are for\n * the entire app and not just one component. ", "Additionally, this file can be\n * used as an entry point to import other CSS/Sass files to be included in the\n * output CSS.", "\n * For more information on global stylesheets, visit the documentation:\n * https://ionicframework.com/docs/layout/global-stylesheets\n */\n\n/* Core CSS required for Ionic components to work properly */\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/core.css';\n\n/* Basic CSS for apps built with Ionic */\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/normalize.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/structure.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/typography.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/display.css';\n\n/* Optional CSS utils that can be commented out */\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/padding.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/float-elements.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/text-alignment.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/text-transformation.css';\n@import '~@ionic/angular/css/flex-utils.css';\n" ]
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[ "Harry Bates Thayer\n\nHarry Bates Thayer (1858–1936), US was an electrical and telephone businessman. ", "\n\nHe was educated at Northfield High School in Northfield, Vermont. ", "He then attended Norwich University (the Military College of Vermont) for 2 years before attending Dartmouth College, from which he graduated in 1879. ", "After six months working in the Station Agent's office at the Bellows Falls VT railway station, he became a shipping clerk at $10 per week at Western Electric Company. ", "He was the International department manager in 1897. ", "He traveled to Japan in 1896 and subsequently initiated Western Electric's participation in the forming of Nippon Electric Company, Ltd., where his assistant, Walter Tenney Carleton became a founding director. ", "Thayer soon became the general manager in New York City and later vice-president. ", "In 1909 he became president of Western Electric Company and vice-president at AT&T, American Telephone & Telegraph. ", "He left Western Electric Company in June 1919 to succeed his close friend Theodore Vail as president of AT&T. In 1920 the telephone system was de-nationalized by the Willis-Graham Act, freeing AT&T to acquire independent telephone companies. ", "Under Thayer, AT&T flourished as a regulated monopoly and spread into radio broadcasting. ", "In 1925 the research activities of AT&T and Western Electric were consolidated into Bell Labs. ", "In 1925 Thayer resigned the presidency and became board chairman at AT&T, continuing in that role until he resigned in 1928.", "\n\nOn April 26, 1887 Thayer married Carrie M. Ransom of Ransomville, NY. ", "They had three children together and after living on Staten Island and then Kingsbridge, settled in New Canaan, CT in 1903. ", "Carrie Thayer died in 1916. ", "Harry Thayer died in New Canaan, September 3, 1936.", "\n\nFrom 1937 until 2011 the primary dining facility at Dartmouth College was named Thayer Hall in honor of his service to the College, which included serving on the Board of Trustees.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:1858 births\nCategory:1936 deaths\nCategory:AT&T people\nCategory:Dartmouth College alumni\nCategory:Norwich University alumni\nCategory:People from Northfield, Vermont\nCategory:American people of English descent\nCategory:Businesspeople in telecommunications" ]
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[ "“There are some experts out there who suggest learning to love your anxiety,” writes Odessky. “", "I think that is a tall order.” ", "She notes that she’s yet to meet anyone who wants to love their anxiety.", "\n\nHowever, what is important and possible is to accept your anxiety. ", "Accept your anxiety as a fellow traveler: “one that at times is needed to guide you to the right path and at other times is merely alongside you.”", "\n\nFor instance, you take your anxiety with you while you’re pursuing certain activities—but you aren’t using these activities to distract yourself from your anxiety. ", "Distracting yourself from anxiety looks like going for a run and frequently wondering, Am I still anxious? ", "Is it over yet?", "\n\nOdessky suggests saying this to your anxiety: “You are here, and I will follow what I intend to do regardless of your presence here, so come along if you wish—it will not deter me.”", "\n\n(This is similar to what Elizabeth Gilbert says about fear and creativity: “…But I need you to understand that I will always choose Creativity over you. ", "You may join us on this journey — and I know that you will — but you will not stop me and Creativity from choosing the direction in which we will all walk together.”)", "\n\nBuild your impatience tolerance.", "\n\nWhen you’re anxious, it’s easy to get impatient. ", "You want your anxiety gone. ", "RIGHT NOW! ", "And YESTERDAY! ", "You yearn for immediate relief—which is understandable (after all, who desires to dwell in discomfort?).", "\n\nBut as Odessky writes, immediate relief “is what you get with avoidance,” which only feeds and fuels anxiety.", "\n\nThis is when building up your ‘impatience tolerance” can help. ", "So the next time you’re standing in a long line, taking the train, sitting in heavy traffic or waiting for a delayed flight, try to see it as an opportunity to practice.", "\n\nWhen you feel yourself starting to get impatient, tell yourself: “This is a welcome pause in my busy life.” ", "Also, take several slow abdominal breaths and savor your pause. ", "Then pick a nourishing activity, such as listening to music, reading, doodling or simply resting.", "\n\nPaint yourself relaxed.", "\n\nThis is a visualization exercise, which you can do any time you’re anxious, need a break or going to bed. ", "Sit with your arms and legs uncrossed. ", "After closing your eyes, picture a warm paint color, like yellow or orange. ", "Starting at the tips of your toes, picture this color slowing spreading over you, and “spreading a warm relaxing sensation over your body.” ", "This warm sensation is just the right temperature.", "\n\nThen picture the color moving up your ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, stomach, chest and shoulders. ", "Picture it spreading relaxing warmth down your arms, and down the tips of your fingertips. ", "Next, picture it going up your neck, your face, and your scalp.", "\n\nKeep your eyes closed, and practice deep breathing for several minutes. ", "After you’re done, open your eyes. ", "Tune into how you’re feeling.", "\n\nUse active, realistic affirmations.", "\n\n“Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself with the purpose of motivating you and encouraging your progress,” Odessky writes. ", "This isn’t about faking positivity, and pretending you’re totally fine and anxiety-free when clearly you’re not (i.e., saying “I am free of anxiety” when you’re really freaking out).", "\n\nAccording to Odessky, affirmations “are in the present tense, future-oriented, and use active language.” ", "She suggests practicing your affirmation every day, either in the morning or at night. ", "Here’s an example: “Each day I am taking steps and learning to better manage my anxiety.”", "\n\nWhat affirmation feels supportive to you?", "\n\nImagine your anxiety as a cartoon character.", "\n\n“Anxiety often feels heavy and sounds dire and serious in its warnings,” Odessky writes. “", "This exercise is designed to bring some levity to it.” ", "When Odessky does this exercise with clients, they start laughing—which is liberating, because, again, anxiety feels so grave.", "\n\nPicture what your cartoon character looks and sounds like. ", "Actually draw and describe it. ", "Using your cartoon voice, say aloud what your anxiety tells you. ", "Then check in with how you feel.", "\n\nAnxiety can feel frustrating, at best, and frightening, at worst. ", "The great news is that there are many tools and techniques that can help. ", "Try the above strategies, and see how they work for you. ", "If they don’t, consider adding otherpractices to your collection. ", "And consider working with a therapist, as well.", "\n\nWe can’t eliminate anxiety, but we can minimize it. ", "We can learn from it. ", "And we can stop anxiety from stopping us—from standing in our way of doing the things we want to do and living the life we want to live." ]
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[ "Johnny Keyes\n\nJohnny Keyes may refer to:\n\nJohnny Keyes and the Magnificents, an American doo wop group from the 1950s\nJohnnie Keyes (1940–2018), African-American pornographic movie actor and amateur boxer" ]
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[ "Free Downloads\n\nvideo chat Free Downloads\n\nVideo2webcam allows you to show videos as virtual webcam in video chat whether you own a real webcam or not. ", "With it, you can switch between real and virtual webcams freely. ", "It works on all webcam programs and supports all kinds of media file formats\n\nComputers and smart devices can be connected inside 1-NET at anytime and anywhere on the internet. ", "Users can exchange data between devices and friends, multi-cast real-time audio or video streams, engage in audio or video chat, manage devices, etc.", "\n\nComputers and smart devices can be connected inside 1-NET at anytime and anywhere on the internet. ", "Users can exchange data between devices and friends, multi-cast real-time audio or video streams, engage in audio or video chat, manage devices, etc.", "\n\nCatchEye is a software that brings video calls closer to a face-to-face meeting, increasing trust and reducing distractions. ", "It plugs in to Skype, Hangouts and more. ", "It enables real eye contact, a perfectly lit and cropped image and no distractions.", "\n\nExtraWebcam is the software that enables you to use Canon PowerShot and EOS series cameras as regular webcams for video conferencing, video recording, remote area monitoring.. You can use any Windows software that takes standard video capture source.", "\n\niSpQ Video Chat webcam chat software connects you with people from around the world in a live chat community. ", "Connecting is easy with public directories, video chat rooms, and a live contact list. ", "High quality video chat for Mac and Windows." ]
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[ "BEIJING (AFP) – China has closed 42 websites and deleted more than 210,000 posts since mid-March in a crackdown on online “rumours”, state media said Thursday, as a major political scandal rocked the country.", "\n\nThe announcement on the official Xinhua news agency came as Chinese authorities ramped up efforts to control online speculation about the purge of a top leader whose wife is suspected in the murder of a British businessman.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nIt did not refer to this week’s dramatic developments surrounding the high-profile and populist former leader Bo Xilai, who was sacked as Chongqing party secretary last month.", "\n\nBut China’s weibos — microblogs similar to Twitter that have taken the country by storm — have buzzed with speculation about Bo’s suspension from the powerful 25-member Politburo and the investigation of his wife for murder.", "\n\n“Actions of creating and spreading rumours via the Internet disrupt public order and undermine social stability, and will never be tolerated,” the report quoted Liu Zhengrong, an official with the State Internet Information Office, which controls the web, as saying.", "\n\nBo had been tipped to join an elite group of leaders who effectively run China later this year, and his downfall is the biggest drama to hit the Communist Party in years.", "\n\nChina has the world’s largest online population with more than half a billion users, posing huge challenges to the government’s efforts to control the information its people are able to access.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nAuthorities have stepped up their efforts to censor sensitive information amid fears of political instability ahead of a generational transfer of power due to take place later this year.", "\n\nLast month, two leftist political websites said they had been ordered to shut down for a month for “rectification” after they had “maliciously attacked state leaders” and given “absurd views” about politics.", "\n\nThe latest announcement of site closures came after China said last month it had shut down websites, made a string of arrests and punished two popular microblogs after rumours of a coup that followed Bo’s sacking.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nAuthorities closed 16 websites for spreading rumours of “military vehicles entering Beijing and something wrong going on in Beijing”, Xinhua said at the time.", "\n\nPolice arrested six people and the country’s two most popular microblogs introduced posting restrictions for three days after a surge in online rumours about a coup led by China’s security chief Zhou Yongkang.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nIn an editorial, the People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party, pledged to punish those responsible for the “lies and speculation”, but the crackdown drew swift condemnation online." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMOSFET Difference between Normalised On Resistance and Output characteristics\n\nIn the datasheet for STP36NE06, it has two graphs which seem to contradict each other:\nIn the graph on the left, for Vgs=10v and Id=18A, the slope of the curve indicates that Rds is approximately 0.05 ohms. (", "Vds would be about 1v). ", "However the graph on the right suggests it would be between 0.6 and 1.8 ohms. ", "\nWhat am I not understanding here?", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\n\"Normalized\" is what you are missing. ", "The Y axis on the RH graph is dimensionless- it's a ratio. ", "\nIf the MOSFET has an \\$R_{DS(ON)} \\$ of 43m\\$\\Omega \\$ at ~27°C, then it will be something like 1.45 times that at 100°C, and 0.6 times that ~=25.8m\\$\\Omega \\$ at -40°C. ", "\nA rough rule of thumb I use is that the datasheet \\$R_{DS(ON)} \\$ will be about 50% higher at the maximum junction temperature that I'd like to operate at. ", "\nThat's because it's usually quoted at a junction temperature of 25°C. ", "They test that by using short pulses of current so the junction doesn't get a chance to heat up. ", "So, like many datasheet numbers, the \\$R_{DS(ON)} \\$ number in the big print can mislead the unwary.", "\n \n\nA:\n\nWhat's missing is the meaning of \"normalised\" ... 1.0 on the RH graph means not 1.0 ohm but 1.0* the normal value of the resistance. ", "Therefore the graph indicates how the resistance scales with, in this case, junction temperature.", "\nThe value of a normalised graph is that it is easier to apply to different related situations - perhaps Rds(on) at different Vgs or different Id.\n\n" ]
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[ "Monorail Suspension Bridge\n\nMonorail Suspension Bridge is one of the many bridges in Putrajaya, Malaysia. ", "It was built to link several important landmarks in the Putrajaya area like the Putrajaya Convention Centre, Putra Mosque and the Government Administrative Complex in Parcel E. The bridge's main span has a length of approximately 240 metres and width of 10 metres. ", "It is owned by Putrajaya Holdings Sdn. ", "Bhd. ", "and was designed by PJS International Sdn. ", "Bhd.", "\n\nThe project halted in 2004 because the government had not approved further funding. ", "The stalled project has often been described as the missing link of the public transport system designed for the federal administrative capital. ", "The Ministry of the Federal Territories instructed the Putrajaya Corporation to appoint an independent consultant to conduct a study on the project’s viability.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSee also \n Putrajaya Monorail\n\nCategory:Bridges in Putrajaya" ]
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[ "For several decades, heat-shrinkable packaging articles have been used for the packaging of a variety of products. ", "Food, particularly meat, has been vacuum packaged in such packaging articles. ", "Through the years, these heat-shrinkable packaging articles have developed higher impact strength and higher seal strength, while simultaneously becoming easier to seal, having improved oxygen and moisture barrier properties, and having higher total free shrink at lower temperatures. ", "High seal strength, high impact strength, and high puncture-resistance are particularly important for the packaging of fresh meat products, as leaking packages are less desirable to consumers and retailers alike. ", "Moreover, leaking packages reduce shelf life by allowing atmospheric oxygen and microbes to enter the package. ", "As a result, the packaging articles used for food packaging, particularly meat packaging, have evolved into being quite tough, and therefore difficult to open. ", "Accordingly tailored films and/or tear propagation initiators have been developed to make these packages easy to open.", "\nUS2009116768 discloses multilayer barrier heat shrinkable films which, after being formed as bags or pouches, can be manually opened without the use of a knife or scissors or any other implement. ", "According to this patent application these films are easy tearable due to the presence of at least one layer containing at least one incompatible polymer blend selected from the group consisting of:\n(A) a blend of from 90 to 30 weight percent ethylene homopolymer and/or ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer with from 10 to 70 weight percent ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer having an unsaturated ester content of at least 10 weight percent;\n(B) a blend of ionomer resin with ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer, and/or polybutylene, and/or propylene homopolymer and/or propylene copolymer\n(C) a blend of homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer with recycled polymer blend comprising ethylene homopolymer, propylene homopolymer, ethylene copolymer, propylene copolymer, polyamide, ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymer, ionomer resin, anhydride-modified ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer, and antiblocking agent; (D) a blend of ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer with polypropylene and/or propylene/ethylene copolymer, and/or polybutylene, and/or modified ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer, and/or styrene homopolymer, and/or styrene/butadiene copolymer;\n(E) a blend of ethylene/norbornene copolymer with ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer and/or polypropylene and/or polybutylene; (F) a blend of ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer with polypropylene and/or polybutylene and/or ethylene/norbornene;\n(G) a blend of homogeneous propylene homopolymer and/or homogeneous propylene copolymer with homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer and/or ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer;\n(H) a blend of propylene homopolymer and/or propylene/ethylene copolymer and/or polybutylene with ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymer and/or ethylene/acrylic acid copolymer and/or ethylene/butyl acrylate copolymer;\n(I) a blend of polyamide with polystyrene and/or ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer and/or ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer and/or styrene/butadiene copolymer; and\n(J) a blend of polyamide 6 and polyamide 6I6T.\nThis patent application, among hundreds of theoretically possible blends encompassed within the above very broad definition, is focused on blends of ethylene-alfa olefin copolymers and ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (VLDPE or LLDPE and EVA). ", "These blends are profusely described, exemplified and also specifically claimed (claim 13) while other blends, such as those of ethylene homopolymer and/or ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer with ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer, are completely ignored.", "\nIn addition to the above mentioned properties heat-shrinkable barrier packaging films for bags should have good optics, hot wire trimming and knife cutting—i.e. the capability to be cleanly cut on the bag making machine without being deformed or torn—and machinability. ", "In particular, a film is said to have good “machinability” if it can be used with a packaging machine without undue creasing, folding, seal pleats, edge curls, or jamming. ", "All these defects of machinability are even more evident with films of lower thickness and/or in case of diagonal seals such as those present in bags of triangular or V shape, commonly used for packaging pieces of hard cheeses such as grana and parmesan.", "\nThe Applicant has found that films comprising blends according to the teaching of US2009116768, i.e. blends of ethylene-alfa olefin copolymers and ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, are not easily machinable, especially on converting machine for V-shaped article: recurrent defects during converting are pluckering—namely curled seals in particular along angled seals—a difficult removal of the waste material interposed between two subsequent triangular bags and, after cut, an improper formation of the bag chain (i.e. curled bags do not align orderly and are not evenly spaced).", "\nAn attribute of a film that may contribute to good machinability is a higher level of stiffness of the film. ", "However, an increase in the modulus (i.e., stiffness) of a film may result in undesirably reduced free shrink and appearance characteristics (e.g., gloss, haze, and total transmission) of the film.", "\nWe have surprisingly found that by inserting at least one layer of ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymers or their blends with ethylene homopolymer and/or ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer in conventional barrier shrinkable packaging films unexpectedly balanced properties result In particular these films are characterized by good optics, high-shrink, smooth linear tearing, high abuse resistance and good mechanics, easy trimming and machinability, especially advantageous in the manufacture of triangular or V-shaped articles." ]
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[ "MICA response to gliadin in intestinal mucosa from celiac patients.", "\nMHC class I chain-related gene A (MICA), a putative independent susceptibility gene in autoimmune diseases, encodes a surface protein present in epithelial cells that binds to NKG2D, an activating receptor of NK, alphabeta and gammadelta T cells, and could function as a stress-inducible activator of the innate immune response. ", "There is no evidence of a long-term implication of MICA in the celiac autoimmune process. ", "However, it could be that gliadin activation of MICA occurs only during the initial stages of the disease. ", "In order to determine whether MICA is activated in response to gliadin in patients with celiac disease (CD), small intestinal mucosa biopsy samples from ten long-standing celiac patients on a gluten-free diet and from five non-celiac individuals were incubated with and without gliadin for 4 h. Total RNA was purified and MICA, IFNG and NKG2D mRNA were quantified by fluorescent real-time RT-PCR. ", "Expression levels were calculated relative to GAPDH. ", "MICA expression was detected in both patients and controls, but incubation with gliadin induced a strong increase in samples from the treated CD group compared with the non-CD controls (P=0.028), while no differences were observed for IFNG or NKG2D mRNA levels. ", "The gliadin-provoked over-expression of MICA in \"normalized\" tissues from CD patients suggests a role for this stress-induced activator of the immune response in the early stages of organ-specific autoimmune destruction, probably preceding the onset of inflammation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMapBox get visibleCoordinateBounds in a CGRect\n\nI'm working on an iOS app with a MapBox map.", "\nI'm displaying MGLAnnotations but I only want to create the annotations that can be seen on the screen at a current moment.", "\nProblem is : I have a UIView on the bottom of my screen so the bounds I get with mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds function is not really accurate because I can't see the bottom of my map.", "\nI can't just resize my map because the bottom view I talked about doesn't cover the entire map, we still see parts of the map behind the bottom view.", "\nSo my question is, how can I get the visibleCoordinateBounds for a CGRect over my MapView ?", "\nMy current solution works only for the entire map view bounds and not the bounds of the CGRect area I want to display the annotations :\nif ((mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.sw).latitude...(mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.ne).latitude ~= latX && (mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.sw).longitude...(mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.ne).longitude ~= lngY) {\n print(\"VISIBLE\")\n}\n\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nI finally found a way to do it.", "\nI just calculate the percentage of my mapview hidden by the bottom view and I minus this number to the south latitude :\nvar valueToRemoveBottom = (mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.ne).latitude - (mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.sw).latitude\nlet percentageUsedByBottom = (bottomView.frame.height * 100 / mapView.frame.height) / 100\nvalueToRemoveBottom = valueToRemoveBottom * Double(percentageUsedByBottom)\n\nif (((mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.sw).latitude + valueToRemoveBottom)...((mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.ne).latitude) ~= latX && (mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.sw).longitude...(mapView.visibleCoordinateBounds.ne).longitude ~= lngY) {\n// visible\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0.02578781731426716, 0.0006919970619492233, 0.0010775045957416296, 0.0006530025275424123, 0.09507742524147034, 0.001713107107207179, 0.0008035639184527099 ]
[ "Q:\n\nGoogle+ 1.07 Widget not working\n\nI installed the latest Google+ app version 1.07 and now the widget has stopped working, and when I go the widget list, it is no longer listed as a choice. ", " Has this happened to others and is there a solution?", "\n\nA:\n\nWidgets don't work when the app has been moved to the SD card.", "\nWhen I originally tried moving the app back to the phone to test this, I couldn't get the widget to show up in the list either. ", "However, I restarted the phone and then the widget was available to be used.", "\nSo, if you want the widget back, move the Google+ app back to the phone and then restart your phone. ", "If you want to keep the widget, you can't move the app to the SD card.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007019423064775765, 0.0007442877977155149, 0.0008222805336117744, 0.0006644913228228688, 0.0005891608307138085, 0.0011950043262913823, 0.0007010975386947393, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\niOS application targeting iPhone still opens fullscreen on iPad?", "\n\nI am developing an application with Phonegap/Cordova which should target iPhone only. ", "I set Targeted Device Family on the project settings accordingly:\n\nHowever, when I run the application on the simulator, or on a test device, it still keeps opening fullscreen on iPad, while I thought it should display in a small window at iPhone resolution.", "\nAny suggestions on how to fix this problem?", "\n\nA:\n\nXCode's \"Target Settings\" were overriding \"Project Settings\".", "\nMore details on this matter here:\nXCode Edit Project Settings vs Edit Active Target\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006280640955083072, 0.0006056654383428395, 0.000545569637324661, 0.0007318223360925913, 0.0006304729613475502, 0.000624823325779289 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAdding child entity works locally but not on live Azure site\n\nI have a web app controller action that is creating a child entity. ", "I have a Location model with a LocationPic collection. ", "I'm trying to add a new LocationPic to an existing Location. ", "Locally this works fine, but when I run it on Azure the LocationPic gets created but doesn't reference the Location. ", "So I end up with an orphaned LocationPic that doesn't know what Location it belongs to.", "\nAlso, it works fine locally and on Azure for Locations that ALREADY have pics (I have a separate API controller that seems to work fine). ", "So I can add new pics to Locations that already have some. ", "But I can't add new pics to a new Location that doesn't have any pics.", "\nHere's my controller action:\n// POST: Pictures/Create\n[HttpPost]\n[ValidateAntiForgeryToken]\npublic async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind(\"LocationID,Name,Description\")] LocationPic locationPic, IFormFile image)\n{\n var location = await _context.", "Locations.", "FindAsync(locationPic.", "LocationID);\n if (location == null)\n {\n return NotFound();\n }\n\n Trace.", "TraceInformation($\"Create Pic for location[{location.", "LocationID}:{location.", "LocationName}]\");\n\n _userService = new UserService((ClaimsIdentity)User.", "Identity, _context);\n if (!_", "userService.", "IsAdmin)\n {\n return Unauthorized();\n }\n\n if (image == null)\n {\n return BadRequest();\n }\n\n if (String.", "IsNullOrEmpty(locationPic.", "Name))\n {\n locationPic.", "Name = image.", "FileName;\n }\n\n var helper = new AzureTools();\n var filename = await helper.", "GetFileName(image);\n\n locationPic.", "FileName = filename;\n\n //Added this to try to force LocationPics to be initialized\n if (location.", "LocationPics == null)\n {\n Trace.", "TraceInformation(\"location.", "LocationPics is null\");\n location.", "LocationPics = new List<LocationPic>();\n }\n else\n {\n Trace.", "TraceInformation($\"location.", "LocationPics count == {location.", "LocationPics.", "Count}\");\n }\n\n if (ModelState.", "IsValid)\n {\n Trace.", "TraceInformation($\"Location pic valid: [{locationPic.", "LocationID}] {locationPic.", "Name}\");\n //Overly-explicit attempts to get entities linked\n locationPic.", "Location = location;\n location.", "LocationPics.", "Add(locationPic);\n //I've tried _context.", "LocationPics.", "Add as well and seemingly no difference\n _context.", "Add(locationPic);\n await _context.", "SaveChangesAsync();\n return RedirectToAction(nameof(Edit), new { locationID = location.", "LocationID });\n } else\n {\n Trace.", "TraceInformation(\"Invalid model state\");\n return BadRequest();\n }\n}\n\nAll the right information seems to be coming into my parameters from my form properly, and the LocationPic gets created fine. ", "It just isn't linked to the Location, despite the \"LocationID\" showing properly before being saved. ", "Plus, I get the proper redirect back to the Edit action, not a BadRequest or anything.", "\nLocally, the only difference I've noticed is that a Location with no pics has a LocationPics that is an empty collection with Count==0. ", "On Azure, a Location with no pics seems to have a LocationPics that is null. ", "So that's why I tried to add the bit that initializes it if it's null, though my API controller that works didn't need to do anything of the sort.", "\nHere's my (working) API Controller action, for reference:\n[HttpPost(\"{id}\", Name = \"PostPicture\")]\npublic async Task<IActionResult> PostPicture([FromRoute] int id, IFormFile image, string Name, string Description)\n{\n var location = _context.", "Locations.", "Find(id);\n if (location == null)\n {\n return NotFound();\n }\n\n _userService = new UserService((ClaimsIdentity)User.", "Identity, _context);\n if (!_", "userService.", "IsCustomer(location.", "CustomerID))\n {\n return Unauthorized();\n }\n\n if (image == null)\n {\n return BadRequest();\n }\n\n if (String.", "IsNullOrEmpty(Name))\n {\n Name = image.", "FileName;\n }\n\n var helper = new AzureTools();\n var filename = await helper.", "GetFileName(image);\n\n var locationPic = new LocationPic\n {\n Name = Name,\n FileName = filename,\n Description = Description,\n Location = location\n };\n\n _context.", "LocationPics.", "Add(locationPic);\n _context.", "SaveChanges();\n return Ok(filename);\n}\n\nA:\n\nTurns out the location pics were going in fine, but in my controller actions that I was displaying them I wasn't using .Include() to include the LocationPics collection? ", "Except that it worked for Locations that previously had location pics? ", "And it worked locally totally fine for everything. ", "So I'm not entirely sure.", "\nAs soon as I put .Include() to include the LocationPics collection in my \"EditByLocation\" controller action that grabs a location by ID and sends that to the view that displays the location and pics for that location, all the previous pics I'd added popped into view on the locations that I thought weren't getting them. ", "So for some reason, Location A (with pics) was displaying its pics fine, but Location B (apparently with pics but I couldn't see them until now) wasn't displaying them. ", "I had no reason to believe that the locations weren't displaying correctly because some were displaying fine, and others came over with a null LocationPics collection. ", "So that makes no sense to me. ", "But it seems to be working now. ", "\nFor completeness, here is my final controller action code, which you may notice looks very similar to the API controller action, which is what it looked like to start with:\n// POST: Pictures/Create\n[HttpPost]\n[ValidateAntiForgeryToken]\npublic async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind(\"LocationID,Name,Description\")] LocationPic locationPic, IFormFile image)\n{\n var location = await _context.", "Locations.", "FindAsync(locationPic.", "LocationID);\n if (location == null)\n {\n return NotFound();\n }\n\n _userService = new UserService((ClaimsIdentity)User.", "Identity, _context);\n if (!_", "userService.", "IsAdmin)\n {\n return Unauthorized();\n }\n\n if (image == null)\n {\n return BadRequest();\n }\n\n if (String.", "IsNullOrEmpty(locationPic.", "Name))\n {\n locationPic.", "Name = image.", "FileName;\n }\n\n var helper = new AzureTools();\n var filename = await helper.", "GetFileName(image);\n\n locationPic.", "FileName = filename;\n\n if (ModelState.", "IsValid)\n {\n locationPic.", "Location = location;\n _context.", "LocationPics.", "Add(locationPic);\n await _context.", "SaveChangesAsync();\n return RedirectToAction(nameof(EditByLocation), new { locationID = location.", "LocationID });\n } \n\n return View(\"EditByLocation\", location);\n}\n\nAnd here's my new EditByLocation controller action:\n// GET: Pictures/EditByLocation?locationID=5\npublic async Task<IActionResult> EditByLocation(int locationID)\n{\n _userService = new UserService((ClaimsIdentity)User.", "Identity, _context);\n if (!_", "userService.", "IsAdmin)\n {\n return Unauthorized();\n }\n\n ViewData[\"ImageBaseUrl\"] = _config[\"AzureStorage:Url\"] + \"/\" + _config[\"AzureStorage:Folder\"];\n\n var location = await _context.", "Locations.", "Include(l => l.LocationPics).FirstOrDefaultAsync(l => l.LocationID == locationID);\n\n if (location == null)\n {\n return NotFound();\n }\n\n if (location.", "LocationPics == null)\n {\n location.", "LocationPics = new List<LocationPic>();\n }\n\n return View(\"EditByLocation\", location);\n}\n\nThe only real change above was adding the .Include(l => l.LocationPics). ", "So again, no idea why it worked locally without it, and why SOME locations worked on Azure without it but not others.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat happens to the moved-from object after std::move() is called?", "\n\nI have read that we should make sure that there are no users of moved-from object before moving it. ", "I want to know why is that so ? ", "\nIs the moved-from object destroyed after std::move() is called ? ", "if not, What happens to the moved-from object after std::move() is called ?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt depends on how the result of std::move() is used. ", "move itself does not do anything to the object.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0013741781003773212, 0.0006743845879100263, 0.000754122796934098, 0.0009579453617334366, 0.0008777622133493423, 0.0008048724848777056, 0.0008055492653511465, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy does the lecturer think the Famous Panda is **delicious**?", "\n\nThe lecturer is saying \n\nyou\n do face the same problem of missing\n context in any language like the famous\n Panda who goes to a restaurant and eats\n shoots and leaves and they were both\n delicious.", "\n\nThe context is this piece of formula, which seems not to be delicious\n\nHere is the story\n\nA panda walks into a restaurant, sits down, and orders a sandwich. ", "He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter dead. ", "As the panda stands up to go, the manager shouts, \"Hey! ", "Where are you going? ", "You just shot my waiter, and you didn't even pay for your sandwich!\"\"Hey, man, I'm a PANDA!\" ", "the panda shouts back. \"", "Look it up!\"The manager opens his dictionary and reads: \"Panda: a tree-dwelling mammal of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. ", "Eats shoots and leaves.\"", "\n\nWhy does the lecturer think the Famous Panda is delicious?", "\n\nA:\n\nFamous Panda isn't delicious. ", "Your lecturer is saying the shoots and leaves are delicious. ", "In this case, \"shoots\" are immature branches from a tree or plant, and \"leaves\" refer to the leaves (as on a shoot). ", "This is a well-known joke and example of why commas matter. ", "It hinges on that, without some indication one way or the other, you can't distinguish between the noun and verb forms of \"shoots\" and \"leaves\".", "\nIf you were to write:\n\nFamous panda eats shoots and leaves.", "\n\n...with no commas, that would indicate that the panda consumes those two parts of a plant (the shoots and the leaves), or that the panda consumed the shoots, and then departed. ", "With commas, the sentence meaning changes significantly:\n\nFamous Panda eats, shoots, and leaves.", "\n\nIn this case, the panda consumed something, then shot something (with a pistol, for example), and then departed the area where it ate and shot.", "\nI think your lecturer is using this example (somewhat incorrectly) to illustrate that context also matters for some things. ", "He is saying that you can make it clear what form of \"shoots\" and \"leaves\" you are using by providing context. ", "In this case, the context they were delicious, makes it obvious that \"shoots\" and \"leaves\" are both nouns.", "\nIn my opinion, this is somewhat incorrect to use of the trope, because the presence/absence of a comma between \"eats\" and \"shoots\", as well as the one after the conjunction \"and\" (the Oxford comma) of the properly-written sentence should convey the same information as adding \"they were delicious\". ", "No commas mean \"shoots\" and \"leaves\" are nouns, commas mean they're verbs.", "\nThe lecturer is trying to make the point that the equations are only meaningful to you if you understand the syntax conventions. ", "In his example f(x) indicates that f is a function that is dependent on the variable x, and not that some variable f should be multiplied by the variable x.\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008302452624775469, 0.001205206150189042, 0.0007043452351354063, 0.21599210798740387, 0.001130457385443151, 0.001198132405988872, 0.0682939738035202, 0.0006979187019169331, 0.0006817328394390643, 0.029338836669921875, 0.0007888716063462198, 0.0013461661292240024, 0.0006070197559893131, 0.0006982985651120543, 0.0010815102141350508, 0.0006135929725132883, 0.004372099880129099, 0.0006629222771152854, 0.0006502984906546772, 0.001277622184716165, 0.0005731414421461523, 0.000556154060177505, 0.0005717435851693153, 0.0006108647212386131, 0.0006624075467698276, 0.0005613123066723347, 0.0007664037402719259 ]
[ "# Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Python Software Foundation\n# Author: Ben Gertzfield\n# Contact: email-sig@python.org\n\n\"\"\"Base64 content transfer encoding per RFCs 2045-2047.", "\n\nThis module handles the content transfer encoding method defined in RFC 2045\nto encode arbitrary 8-bit data using the three 8-bit bytes in four 7-bit\ncharacters encoding known as Base64.", "\n\nIt is used in the MIME standards for email to attach images, audio, and text\nusing some 8-bit character sets to messages.", "\n\nThis module provides an interface to encode and decode both headers and bodies\nwith Base64 encoding.", "\n\nRFC 2045 defines a method for including character set information in an\n`encoded-word' in a header. ", " This method is commonly used for 8-bit real names\nin To:, From:, Cc:, etc. ", "fields, as well as Subject: lines.", "\n\nThis module does not do the line wrapping or end-of-line character conversion\nnecessary for proper internationalized headers; it only does dumb encoding and\ndecoding. ", " To deal with the various line wrapping issues, use the email.header\nmodule.", "\n\"\"\"\nfrom __future__ import unicode_literals\nfrom __future__ import division\nfrom __future__ import absolute_import\nfrom future.builtins import range\nfrom future.builtins import bytes\n\n__all__ = [\n 'body_decode',\n 'body_encode',\n 'decode',\n 'decodestring',\n 'header_encode',\n 'header_length',\n ]\n\n\nfrom base64 import b64encode\nfrom binascii import b2a_base64, a2b_base64\n\nCRLF = '\\r\\n'\nNL = '\\n'\nEMPTYSTRING = ''\n\n# See also Charset.py\nMISC_LEN = 7\n\n\n# Helpers\ndef header_length(bytearray):\n \"\"\"Return the length of s when it is encoded with base64.\"\"\"", "\n groups_of_3, leftover = divmod(len(bytearray), 3)\n # 4 bytes out for each 3 bytes (or nonzero fraction thereof) in.", "\n n = groups_of_3 * 4\n if leftover:\n n += 4\n return n\n\n\ndef header_encode(header_bytes, charset='iso-8859-1'):\n \"\"\"Encode a single header line with Base64 encoding in a given charset.", "\n\n charset names the character set to use to encode the header. ", " It defaults\n to iso-8859-1. ", " Base64 encoding is defined in RFC 2045.", "\n \"\"\"\n if not header_bytes:\n return \"\"\n if isinstance(header_bytes, str):\n header_bytes = header_bytes.encode(charset)\n encoded = b64encode(header_bytes).decode(\"ascii\")\n return '=?%", "s?b?%s?=' % (charset, encoded)\n\n\ndef body_encode(s, maxlinelen=76, eol=NL):\n r\"\"\"Encode a string with base64.", "\n\n Each line will be wrapped at, at most, maxlinelen characters (defaults to\n 76 characters).", "\n\n Each line of encoded text will end with eol, which defaults to \"\\n\". ", " Set\n this to \"\\r\\n\" if you will be using the result of this function directly\n in an email.", "\n \"\"\"\n if not s:\n return s\n\n encvec = []\n max_unencoded = maxlinelen * 3 // 4\n for i in range(0, len(s), max_unencoded):\n # BAW: should encode() inherit b2a_base64()'s dubious behavior in\n # adding a newline to the encoded string?", "\n enc = b2a_base64(s[i:i + max_unencoded]).decode(\"ascii\")\n if enc.endswith(NL) and eol !", "= NL:\n enc = enc[:-1] + eol\n encvec.append(enc)\n return EMPTYSTRING.join(encvec)\n\n\ndef decode(string):\n \"\"\"Decode a raw base64 string, returning a bytes object.", "\n\n This function does not parse a full MIME header value encoded with\n base64 (like =?", "iso-8895-1?b?bmloISBuaWgh?=) -- please use the high\n level email.header class for that functionality.", "\n \"\"\"\n if not string:\n return bytes()\n elif isinstance(string, str):\n return a2b_base64(string.encode('raw-unicode-escape'))\n else:\n return a2b_base64(string)\n\n\n# For convenience and backwards compatibility w/ standard base64 module\nbody_decode = decode\ndecodestring = decode\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0006354383076541126, 0.0007325074984692037, 0.0006300753448158503, 0.0006454936228692532, 0.0005836621858179569, 0.0006621601060032845, 0.0006312546320259571, 0.002053207252174616, 0.0006072184769436717, 0.00085218291496858, 0.0007571020978502929, 0.0008141843136399984, 0.0006524893105961382, 0.0006232924060896039, 0.0006386707536876202, 0.001055881381034851, 0.0009620636701583862, 0.0005936410743743181, 0.0007905662641860545, 0.001796496333554387, 0.0008388270507566631, 0.001449001720175147, 0.002272550016641617, 0.0011859856313094497, 0.0007478896295651793, 0.0007641784031875432 ]
[ "Adsorption of phosphorus from slaughterhouse wastewater by carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan loaded with lanthanum.", "\nPhosphorus removal was an important measure in the control of eutrophication of water environment. ", "In this study, a novel phosphorus removal adsorbent of lanthanum-loaded carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan microspheres (CMKGM-La) was successfully prepared by the method of electrostatic spraying and sol-gel, and was characterized by SEM, XPS and EDX. ", "Batch experiments were performed to evaluate the adsorption capacity at different conditions: pH, temperature, initial concentration, adsorbent dosage and contact time. ", "The results showed that the adsorption kinetics data correlated well with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the adsorption isotherm was well described by the Langmuir isotherm model with the maximum capacity of 16.06 mg·g-1 for CMKGM-La microspheres at pH of 4 and 318.15 K. The adsorption of phosphorus was a spontaneous, entropy-increasing and endothermic process. ", "The possible adsorption mechanism of phosphorus on the CMKGM-La microspheres consisted of the coordination reaction of La (III) with phosphorus and electrostatic attraction between protonated hydroxyl and phosphorus. ", "The presence of co-existing ions (such as NH4+, Cl-, SO42-, SiO32- and CO32-) had no significant effect on phosphorus removal. ", "These results suggested that the adsorbent of CMKGM-La microspheres was a promising adsorbent for the removal of phosphorus from slaughterhouse wastewater." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.006483995821326971, 0.0007027678657323122, 0.0008193833637051284, 0.000563995388802141, 0.0007353832479566336, 0.0006225481629371643, 0.0006014316459186375, 0.000645359221380204 ]
[ "Sensitivity of concentration and risk predictions in the PRESTO and MMSOILS multimedia models: regression technique assessment.", "\nThis paper describes the application of two multimedia models, PRESTO and MMSOILS, to predict contaminant migration from a landfill that contains an organic chemical (methylene chloride) and a radionuclide (uranium-238). ", "Exposure point concentrations and human health risks are predicted, and distributions of those predictions are generated using Monte Carlo techniques. ", "Analysis of exposure point concentrations shows that predictions of uranium-238 in groundwater differ by more than one order of magnitude between models. ", "These differences occur mainly because PRESTO simulates uranium-238 transport through the groundwater using a one-dimensional algorithm and vertically mixes the plume over an effective mixing depth, whereas MMSOILS uses a three-dimensional algorithm and simulates a plume that resides near the surface of the aquifer. ", "A sensitivity analysis, using stepwise multiple linear regression, is performed to evaluate which of the random variables are most important in producing the predicted distributions of exposure point concentrations and health risks. ", "The sensitivity analysis shows that the predicted distributions can be accurately reproduced using a small subset of the random variables. ", "Simple regression techniques are applied, for comparison, to the same scenarios, and results are similar. ", "The practical implication of this analysis is the ability to distinguish between important versus unimportant random variables in terms of their sensitivity to selected endpoints." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005869533633813262, 0.0005762807559221983, 0.0005849999724887311, 0.0005721159395761788, 0.0006402016151696444, 0.0005763796507380903, 0.0005622372846119106, 0.0005641988827846944, 0.0005495391669683158 ]
[ "Landlord Booklet [Form B-4508]\n\nQuestions and Answers for Landlords with tenants receiving Temporary Assistance\n\nErie County Department of Social Services Temporary Assistance Program Rath Building - Room 406 95 Franklin Street Buffalo, New York 14202\n\nQ1 What is a 'Landlord's Form'?", "\n\nA: Applicants or recipients [A/R's] of Temporary Assistance [TA] must furnish evidence verifying residence, shelter costs, and household composition. ", "To assist A/R's in obtaining this information, the Department of Social Service [DSS] provides a 'Landlord's Form' [B-1231 or DSS-3668] that is completed and signed by the landlord. ", "Use of this form by this Department does not guarantee a case will be opened, obligate DSS to pay the rent, nor does it provide any security against non-payment or damages.", "\n\nQ2 What is meant by household composition?", "\n\nA: Basically, it is a list of all persons in the household. ", "A household includes all related and unrelated persons residing in the applicant/recipient's house or apartment. ", "It is important that the landlord lists everyone who lives in the household when they complete the Landlord's Form. ", "All persons whose signatures appear on any rental lease agreement must be listed on this form unless the landlord has personal knowledge that they no longer reside at the address in question.", "\n\nQ3 After the Landlord completes the Landlord's Form for an applicant, how long will it take for the tenant to receive assistance?", "\n\nA: The decision to accept or deny an application must be made within 30 days from the application date for Family Assistance [FA] cases, or up to 45 days from the application date for Safety Net [Single Individuals and Childless Couples] cases. ", "Delays may occur if the applicant is late.", "\n\nQ4 What if the tenant/applicant is already behind in rent and has been issued an eviction notice?", "\n\nA: Applicants who are found eligible for Temporary Assistance may receive an allowance for rent for a time prior to the time the case was opened only under certain circumstances and if specific conditions are met. ", "An applicant facing eviction should inquire at the time of applying to determine if they qualify.", "\n\nQ5 What should a Landlord do if the tenant never moves in?", "\n\nA: If it appears that the client is using the address for Temporary Assistance purposes [i.e. they are receiving mail from DSS], you should notify the Fraud Hotline at 858-1886 or put it in writing and mail to:ECDSS - Temporary Assistance95 Franklin Street - Room 406Buffalo, New York 14202-3959\n\nQ6 What is a Security Agreement?", "\n\nA: It is a writtenagreement between the Department of Social Services and the landlord which provides security against non-payment of rent or for client caused damages. ", "A Security Agreement can only be provided if the A/R meets certain criteria regarding the reason(s) for moving and is unable to obtain suitable permanent housing without it. ", "Examples of the criterion include [but are not limited to]: moving to less expensive property; moving because of a disaster and/or a vacate order placed on the premises by a health agency or the landlord; having to move because of a serious medical or physical handicap, or the current living situation is harmful to the health, safety and well being of the A/R or their family. ", "Issuance of this agreement requires the apartment be inspected by the Health Department before occupancy. ", "Also, the agreement must be arranged before the tenant moves in.", "\n\nQ7 How can a landlord get a security agreement?", "\n\nA: The tenant [A/R] must apply for a Security Agreement, prior to moving, through the DSS Housing Unit located on the first floor at 158 Pearl Street. ", "The A/R must meet certain criteria regarding the reason(s) for moving, in order to be eligible [see examples in Q6]. ", "If approved, the landlord must sign and will receive a copy of the Security Agreement Document [B-1133a] before the tenant moves in.", "\n\nQ8 How does a landlord make a claim with a security agreement?", "\n\nA: A written claim listing the damages or an itemized statement of the rent owed must be sent to the:ECDSS Housing Unit95 Franklin StreetBuffalo, NY 14202\n\nThe client is notified of the claim and will be given the opportunity to refute the claim by providing rent receipts, etc. ", "DSS will review the claims and testimony in making a determination.", "\n\nQ9 Does the Department pay cash security deposits for clients?", "\n\nA: In some circumstances, DSS has paid a cash security deposit, but only where the client's situation is such that it is necessary to deal with a serious housing emergency involving a large family, and/or one which is having unusual difficulties in obtaining permanent housing. ", "When such a deposit is paid, the landlord must sign an agreement to hold it in escrow, and to return it to DSS, not the client when the client moves out.", "\n\nQ10 Can the rent be sent directly to the landlord each month?", "\n\nA: Except in special circumstances [see below, and Q18 and Q 21], this is a voluntary decision entirely up to the tenant. ", "Any person applying for or receiving Temporary Assistance has the right to request that the DSS restrict the rent from their grant and issue it on their behalf to the landlord. ", "The tenant/client must choose if payment will be issued as a direct one-party check, payable to the landlord, and mailed to his or her address.", "\n\nThere are rules which limit how much we can pay and under what circumstances.", "\n\nThe restricted payment may be involuntary in cases where it has been determined that a client has mismanaged funds [i.e., DSS has made a duplicate payment to prevent eviction]. ", "In these situations, payments cannot exceed the shelter limitations set by the State of New York and the tenant will be required to have the landlord paid directly by a one-party check.", "\n\nQ11 How does a tenant/client voluntarily request a restricted rent payment and how long will it take to be authorized?", "\n\nA: The tenant must complete, sign and date a 'Request for a Voluntary Restricted Rent Payment' form and give it to their worker. ", "If the client is eligible, DSS will make every attempt to comply with the request within 45 - 60 days. ", "For example, if a request is received by DSS on October 4th, the first payment may be issued for November 1st, but should always be issued no later than December 1st.", "\n\nQ12 What happens if a restricted rent payment is requested and the Department doesn't make the change for two months?", "\n\nA: Until the restricted rent payment is authorized, the A/R will receive the rental allowance in their cash grant and is responsible for paying the rent. ", "The A/R should call or write his/her worker to inquire about the delay.", "\n\nQ13 How will the landlord be notified of the status of restricted rent payments?", "\n\nA: Clients always have the responsibility, as a tenant, to keep their landlord informed. ", "DSS will also send a notice to the landlord regarding restricted rent payments to which they are a party. ", "Any time a payment begins, ends, or is changed, a notice will be sent.", "\n\nFor any client who has voluntarily requested a new restricted payment [or who has asked to continue an existing one at the time of recertification] since October 1, 1999, there is a new requirement that he/she give DSS a 30 day written notice of any changes to this request. ", "If a client who has been made aware of this requirement fails to give DSS the required advance notice, the next rent payment would go to the original landlord as scheduled, and the change would not be effective until the following month. ", "There are exceptions for emergencies and other special circumstances.", "\n\nWhile it is our policy to send notification to the landlord, our Department will not accept financial liability to any individual landlord based simply upon our failure to issue such notice.", "\n\nQ14 What other information can the Department of Social Services release to landlords in regards to a tenant on Temporary Assistance [TA]?", "\n\nA: In general, this Department cannot release any information without the client's expressed written permission.", "\n\nQ15 What happens if a direct one-party rent check issued to a landlord is lost or stolen?", "\n\nA: The landlord should call the Lost or Stolen Check Unit at [716] 858-6676.", "\n\nQ16 What happens if a tenant in receipt of TA has fallen behind in rent?", "\n\nA: Mismanagement is determined when a client fails to pay rent or to pay it on time for two or more consecutive months. ", "If a recipient fails to pay rent and is documented in writing by the landlord, that recipient will be required to have the landlord paid directly by a one-party check. ", "Once mismanagement determination has been made, it follows the client to a new address. ", "Note: that so long as a client pays at least their State set shelter allowance to the landlord on time each month, DSS may not declare financial mismanagement and place the client on restricted payment.", "\n\nQ17 What can a landlord do if a tenant receiving Temporary Assistance moves without giving proper notice?", "\n\nA: Recipients who have voluntarily requested a new restricted payment [or who have asked to continue an existing one at the time of recertification] since October 01, 1999 and who have signed the appropriate agreement are required to give DSS 30 days written notice before the Department will make any change to that payment. ", "If a client fails to give proper notice, the next rent payment will go to the current landlord as planned and the requested change would not be made until the following month. ", "This requirement gives the Department the opportunity to mail out a notice to the landlord prior to the change occurring. ", "In the case of an emergency or a valid tenant-landlord dispute, there are exceptions to this requirement.", "\n\nIn all situations, DSS has no legal liability in the matter and the landlord must pursue payment as they would with other tenants. ", "If the landlord has a written security agreement from DSS, they may make a claim [see Q8].", "\n\nQ18 What should a landlord do if they observe inappropriate behavior or actions by a tenant who receives Temporary Assistance?", "\n\nA: DSS has no legal authority to intervene in the day-to-day affairs of a client unless it involves Child Abuse or Neglect. ", "Under these circumstances, a landlord should call the:" ]
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[ "Jun 20, 2014 - DeeJ\n\nCelebration is very atypical at our studio. ", "Successful milestones fly by without the pomp and circumstance you might expect out of a group of ultra-passionate game creators with an unlimited supply of Red Bull. ", "More often than not, our collective enthusiasm is tempered by a fiery criticism that would make even the most e-battle hardened YouTube commenters wince away from the screen, eyes watering.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBut this week at Bungie, we danced… and so did some of you.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nPutting our Alpha out there lit a new kind of fire here at Bungie. ", "It feels like we’ve been reborn. ", "Putting alpha code out in the wild is always a risk; that build is ancient by our standards, riddled with content and bugs we’d never allow through to ship. ", "In many cases, the really rough and jagged edges had been hammered smooth long ago, making it all the more difficult to see them discovered, but in just as many others, there’s still work to do, and the only way to get it done is to let you touch down in our world to tear the place wide open.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere’s the Post Game Carnage Report a small, intimate group of players were able to rack up in the First Look Alpha in just a few days’ time:\n\n\n\n\n\n• 149,522,313 Primary Weapon Kills\n\n• 21,782,610 Secondary Weapon Kills\n\n• 4,002,737 Heavy Weapon Kills\n\n• 21,687,298 Super Ability Kills\n\n• 2,819,211 Orbs of Light Gathered\n\n• 6,850,773 Control Points Captured in the Crucible\n\n• 1,195 Deathless Medals awarded in the Crucible\n\n• 4,356 Splatters with the Sparrow\n\n• 667,966 Public Events Joined\n\n• 60,491,944 Fallen Dregs Dispatched with Extreme Prejudice\n\n• Too many to count: Guardians served in Dance Parties\n\n\n\n\n\n6,461,871 Player Games Played!", "\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you had a chance to play our First Look Alpha, thank you for paving the way for what we hope is so many more players. ", "There are a lot of gamers who didn’t get the chance to fight in this round. ", "That’s going to change very soon. ", "If you did play, you’ve helped ensure that everyone who jumps into our Beta in July will have a better experience for it.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nA lot of our friends asked us if this was a real Alpha. ", "It was. ", "We’ve gathered a mountain of data and feedback. ", "We’re learning and reacting and Destiny is going to be better because of it. ", "You’ll see the fruits of that labor as early as next month, assuming we’re lucky enough to have you in our Public Beta.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nHope to see you there.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThat T-Shirt Came From the Bungie Store!", "\n\n\n\n\n\nSo, Alpha is behind us. ", "Done and dusted. ", "The icon sits idly in our home screen, taunting us every time we fire up our consoles to play or watch something that isn’t Destiny.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nSomething is missing – a commemoration of the brief, but beautiful time we spent together.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBehold!", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCommemorative Destiny Alpha T-Shirt\n\n\n\nImmortalize your first experience in Destiny with this totally wizard t-shirt! ", "You played. ", "You danced. ", "You helped make the entire Destiny experience better for every last one of us.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nProfits from the sale of this item will be donated to charity through the Bungie Foundation. ", "Like the Alpha it celebrates, this is a limited edition run. ", "See the Bungie Store for details.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nThanks for playing!", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThose selfies came from the Alpha!", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAs the Alpha was being played, we implored you to share your favorite moments. ", "A call to action on Twitter produced an epic parade worthy of heroes. ", "Of the hundreds that were shared, we grabbed twenty five of them, and submitted them for judgment on Facebook.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nPerhaps #bungiefaves was the wrong hashtag. ", "These screenshots were taken by you, and judged by you. ", "These are community faves. ", "Check your direct messages on Twitter if your work is on display below. ", "We will find you. ", "And, we will gift you with sweet loot from the Bungie Store. ", "Here are the top ten.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis one just missed the cut, but I dig it the most so we’ll include it as an honorable. ", "My favorite moments in the Alpha were just me and my sparrow, lost in the wild and looking for trouble.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you’re missing the world of Destiny, enjoy the endless scroll of moments that have been forever preserved behind the #bungiefaves hashtag on Twitter. ", "And, start thinking about how you’ll frame your Beta adventures. ", "We’ll do this again real soon.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThat Mail came from the Sack!", "\n\n\n\n\n\nNever be satisfied with what you’re given. ", "Never settle for what you know. ", "New experiences should always lead to new curiosities. ", "Let’s open the Sack.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHylebos What were some of the things the team learned from the Alpha?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nWe collected volumes of data behind the curtain. ", "We’ll use that to finely tune the network that brings Guardians into our brave new world and the experiences they share while there. ", "It will take time to fully realize the impact of those learnings. ", "You’ll see them on display in Beta and in the final version of Destiny.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nIn terms of the community overall, we learned that the best way to understand Destiny is to play it. ", "If you played it, we think you’re learning that as well. ", "If you shared your gameplay, it’s likely that you’ve grappled with questions from your audience. ", "It was fun to learn a thing or two about how to tell this story from your own words.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat was it Ninja said? “", "Destiny feels like Destiny.”", "\n\n\n\n\n\nFridge Gnome When will you pay my child support?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen you teach that brat to sing.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nThornHide How much of a difference will there be between the Alpha and the Beta?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nFor starters, we’ll play with a lot more people on a lot more boxes. ", "The community will have an equal share of voice. ", "We’re looking forward to that. ", "Imagine how many more people will be uploading war stories. ", "It will be interesting to see who is left to watch them.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nAs far as nitty gritty details, you’ll have to stay tuned.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nbigphil Are you excited by what you have seen from the communities reaction to the Alpha?", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt’s been fascinating and humbling and inspiring and often hilarious. ", "We’re off to a wonderful start. ", "The true beginning is yet to come.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Alpha community is a lot like the Destiny Alpha itself. ", "In current form, it is incomplete – a very small slice of its full potential. ", "We’re ready for Beta. ", "It’s very close to the time when there will be no walls between Destiny and anyone who really wants to play it.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nEJ94 Will the supers be able to cancel each other out and create an awesome shock wave that blasts everyone back? ", "Like if one guardian uses the Nova Bomb and the other one uses the Fist of Havoc and they launch them simultaneously?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nSupers can and do cancel each other out. ", "Personal favorite Alpha moment:\n\n\n\n\n\nI rounded the outer flank of a lunar base on my Sparrow. ", "A bogey was capping Zone B, and no one from my team was there to talk him out of it. ", "He was ready for me as I arrived on a plume of light. ", "Rather than just let him shoot me through the helmet, I vaulted from the driver’s seat. ", "As my heels hit the moon dirt, I sprang into a glide. ", "Divine light gathered into the palm of my hand as I orbited my opponent’s cover like a war satellite. ", "His own hand hoisted a revolver that erupted in flame. ", "As my bomb arced lazily toward his feet, he shot through me with a mote of gold. ", "We both became clouds of embers that drifted away into space. ", "Zone held.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nCorneilius86 I am intrigued about clans in this game. ", "What is their REAL purpose? ", "Surely it is not JUST a gathering of friends under one banner.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nRead that last sentence again: “A gathering of friends under one banner.” ", "Now, picture the banner. ", "Now, imagine you can hear its ceremonial horns.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you were able to complete that guided meditation, you know what purpose clans will serve in Destiny. ", "Playing this game is more fun when you play it with your friends. ", "That’s such a warm and fuzzy business offering. ", "Ain’t it? ", "We’ve been dropping that pleasantry for years now.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBehind those buzz words lurked amazing moments of action that we haven’t been talking about yet. ", "Every time I gladly hit the points, I had to stifle mental images of armored knights with pure energy crackling in their hands.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nI am intrigued by clans in this game, too. ", "I hope you make a lot of them.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nWILLtheKILLA5 Just how many people went through the crucible at E3?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nThat’s not the question you should be asking. ", "What happened to the people who were meant to be there? ", "You can ride a line for hours, only to walk away wondering what the hell that was all about. ", "Then, there are these dudes.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThey ran our drill three separate times – that’s one for each Guardian class for each of them. ", "Every time they entered the arena, it was Senior Artist David Helsby who would lead their Fireteam. ", "He mentored them as weapons of light. ", "They guided him right back with notes on the combat. ", "Their analysis on the soundbox is between them and their leader. ", "These were their parting words:\n\n\n\n\n\n“I thought the game flowed really smoothly in terms of the controls and gameplay. ", "We had to come back for more. ", "On the second day, when Scott Taylor said he was glad we came back and was hoping to see us again made us really happy. ", "On our third day, not only were we greeted with a warm welcome, but given a name. ", "For our last round, we got to play with the developers. ", "Possibly one of the greatest experiences we've ever had. ", "We love the game, love the team, and love the gift we received.” ", "--Sir Isaac Wolf, Speaker for the Helsby Three\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon’t mention it fellas. ", "The pleasure was all ours. ", "Let’s hope your next seven hours of Destiny are more action packed than your first.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nAnd Im Here Too How many Guardians does it take to screw in a light bulb?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nNone. ", "Guardians are never without a light in the Darkness.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nTheRedHunter What the heck is going down on Bungie Day? ", "Any hints?", "\n\n\n\n\n\nI guess that’s the next thing we’re kicking to if you didn’t get your question (or one a lot like it) answered this week.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nSo many more adventures are on the way. ", "It’s gonna be a great summer. ", "If September feels like a long way away, stay tuned. ", "We have some exciting moments planned to help pass the time." ]
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[ "Wetlands Store Huge Amounts of Carbon\n\nThe USGS project has captured eye-popping amounts of carbon — an average of 3000 grams of carbon per square meter per year (g-C/m2/yr) over the past 5 years. ", "For comparison, reforested agricultural land, eligible for carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, socks away carbon at a rate much less than 100 g-C/m2/yr, says Gail Chmura, a biogeochemist at McGill University (Canada).", "\n\nBut they also release tons of methane which is worse than CO2. ", "Scientists are searching for ways to mitigate the methane output to take advantage of the fantastic benefits of wetlands carbon storage.", "\n\nBlog archives\n\nPlease Consider a Donation\n\nYour tax-deductible donation helps the Friends of Lower Beaverdam complete their mission of preserving, enhancing, and celebrating natural areas and supporting sustainable development practices for recreational, scenic, and economic benefits to the community." ]
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[ "Brian Sipe cannot relate to the pressures of being a high draft pick like DeShone Kizer.", "\n\nWhen the Browns selected Sipe out of San Diego State in 1972, the seventh round was not even halfway through the NFL Draft.", "\n\nWhere Sipe can identify with the Browns’ current quarterback is the rocky start to his career in Cleveland. ", "Sipe didn’t allow early setbacks to damage his confidence or ruin his development. ", "Kizer, a second-round pick, returns to the lineup Sunday against the Titans after a one-game demotion in a 33-17 loss at Houston.", "\n\nSelected in the 13th round, Sipe spent his first two seasons on the Browns’ taxi squad — a forerunner to the practice squad — and was benched multiple times early in his career.", "\n\nNowadays, the benching of young quarterbacks calls into question their future with the franchise. ", "Sipe, who evolved into the league’s 1980 most valuable player, said being sat out should be considered part of the learning process and a motivational tool." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004163076169788837, 0.0007267873152159154, 0.0007930010906420648, 0.0009094328270293772, 0.000844984024297446, 0.0007643940043635666, 0.0006828802288509905, 0.0006427167099900544 ]
[ "– **Communication**: Ordered Sunday night. ", "I was immediately responded to saying the order will be fulfilled Monday morning and funds would not be taken until order was done. ", "NICE. ", "Monday received tracking info. ", "that was all the communication needed. ", "PERFECT.", "\n\n– **Packaging**: Almost Perfect packaging. ", "Buds were vac sealed in individual bags. ", "then that was vac sealed in a large bag. ", "then that was placed in a plastic envelope then placed in the plastic shipping envelope. ", "Only thing that could be improved is maybe add some cardboard around the order before going in the plastic envelope.", "\n\n– **Product/Price**: Price ranges from $215-$275 I ordered 1 ounce of Green Dream ($220) and one ounce of Mango Haze ($215). ", "Taxes are rolled into prices and after coupon code total was $261.00 (includes $12.43 GST) for 2 ounces. ", "and free shipping promo." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0010546899866312742, 0.0005586548359133303, 0.0007559579098597169, 0.0006771616172045469, 0.0007335239206440747, 0.0010322910966351628, 0.0033568735234439373, 0.0011631713714450598, 0.004234952386468649, 0.0005743370857089758, 0.0005354267777875066, 0.0005960370763204992, 0.0007999914232641459, 0.0006007204647175968 ]
[ "In his play Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare wrote“What’s in a name? ", "that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.", "\n\nA rose among thornsdescribes one female in a group of men.", "\n\nComing up smelling of rosesseems to apply to a person for whom thingsturn out for the best.", "\n\nThe grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.", "Have you ever watched horses grazing over a fence? ", "The expression means that people are rarely content with what they have or the situation they are in.", "\n\nWallflowers\n\nviolets\n\nA wallfloweris a young lady at a dance, who remains seated in a chair next to the wall waiting out dance after dance, while all the young men choose other partners.", "\n\nA shrinking violet is a shy person. ", "Violets are small flowers of the hedgerow and can easily be overlooked.", "\n\nDon’t beat about the bush!Get to the point! ", "Brewer explains that beaters go ahead of the shooters and beat the bushes to make the game-birds reveal their presence.", "\n\nStinging nettles have little hairs which release an irritant if you brush against them. ", "However, if you pinch a nettle leaf firmly, the hairs are flattened and you don’t get stung. ", "The expressiongrasp the nettle is applied to any daunting situation, where action is required.", "\n\nYou look as if you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards.", "\n\nThis is definitely not a compliment. ", "Untidy hair, scratches perhaps, torn clothes, dirty face maybe… …or an exaggeration and a child just needs to go and look in a mirror and improve his or her appearance.", "\n\nI heard it on the grapevine.", "The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase, Saying and Quotation tracks this description of unofficial communication back to the American Civil War, when news was said to be passed ‘by grapevine telegraph’.", "\n\nSour grapes comes from one of Aesop’s FablesThe Fox and the Grapes, according to the same reference book.", "‘A fox unable to reach the grapes contented himself with the reflection that they must be sour.’", "\n\nGather ye rosebuds while ye may is from a poem by Robert HerrickTo the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. (", "The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase, Saying and Quotation yet again.)", "\n\nGather ye rosebuds while ye mayOld Time is still a-flying:And this same flower that smiles today,To-morrow will be dying.", "\n\nButtercups and daisies is a poem by Mary Howitt, who also wrote ‘“Will you walk into my parlour?” ", "said a spider to a fly.’ (", "Penguin Dictionary of Quotations)\n\nDo you like butter?Most people do, but the reason I have included it here is because of the tradition of holding a buttercup under someone’s chin. ", "The yellow is reflected by their skin and indicates that they like butter! (", "Why do we teach children nonsense?)", "\n\nDandelion and burdockis a plant-based drink.", "\n\nPush it into the long grass.", "Put something off. ", "This surely comes from the game of golf, where a lost ball causes a delay.", "\n\nGreat oaks from little acorns growis a misquotation of David Everett’s\n\nIf children have forgotten to wash their ears they may be told they couldstart growingpotatoes.", "\n\nAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.", "Fresh fruit is good for us, no doubt. ", "I prefer my apples cooked!", "\n\nApple-pie order.", "Brewer gives various possible derivations for this expression meaning “prim and precise order”. ", "The same work quotes its use inAdventures in Mashonaland by Rose Blennerhassett and Lucy Sleeman. “", "Everything being in apple-pie order,…Dr Johnson proposed that we should accompany him to M’Tassa’s kraal”.", "\n\nAn apple-pie bed is a practical joke of a bed. ", "The sheets are folded so that anyone trying to get into it comes to a fold half way down the bed. ", "Personally, I can’t see the point of practical jokes. ", "They seem to be a waste of time for the jokers and very inconvenient for the victims.", "\n\n“Apples don’t grow on trees” is a line from Alan Bennett’s playForty Years on. ", "A nanny is trying to instruct a child and comes up with this nonsensical adaptation of money doesn’t go on trees.", "\n\nThe apple of your eye is a phrase used in various places in the Bible. ", "Cruden’s describes it as the eyeball, whereas Brewer has it as the pupil. ", "It is something precious either way.", "\n\nIn Psalm 17 verse 8-9 (NIV) David wroteKeep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who assail me, from my mortal enemies who surround me." ]
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[ 0.000995934708043933, 0.02079431712627411, 0.0017983836587518454, 0.002176913432776928, 0.000976045208517462, 0.0010861166520044208, 0.0006861020810902119, 0.0011161204893141985, 0.01643374189734459, 0.0006971870316192508, 0.21805016696453094, 0.000910534814465791, 0.00895329937338829, 0.001071440288797021, 0.0012083573965355754, 0.28677311539649963, 0.0011343937367200851, 0.10405254364013672, 0.0006254054023884237, 0.0005572022637352347, 0.0007274813251569867, 0.0017224770272150636, 0.00359659013338387, 0.0005983387818560004, 0.06097798049449921, 0.007757280021905899, 0.003095513442531228, 0.006765308324247599, 0.0020446758717298508, 0.10500823706388474, 0.002115220297127962, 0.003471693256869912, 0.02078172378242016, 0.0008189555956050754, 0.2763059735298157, 0.001037684502080083, 0.0005309926345944405, 0.0010997987119480968, 0.000737695605494082, 0.0006240767543204129, 0.0006851883372291923, 0.0009845730382949114, 0.0076371957547962666, 0.0031630699522793293, 0.0007556497002951801, 0.12129108607769012, 0.0030810970347374678, 0.03506933152675629, 0.0014037617947906256, 0.0006718282820656896, 0.0005674638669006526, 0.04883113503456116 ]
[ "Knock-out of ferritin AtFer1 causes earlier onset of age-dependent leaf senescence in Arabidopsis.", "\nFerritins are iron-storage proteins involved in the regulation of free iron levels in the cells. ", "Arabidopsis thaliana AtFer1 ferritin, one of the best characterized plant ferritin isoforms to date, strongly accumulates upon treatment with excess iron, via a nitric oxide-mediated pathway. ", "However other environmental factors, such as exposure to oxidative stress or to pathogen attack, as well as developmental factors regulate AtFer1 transcript levels. ", "In particular, recent findings have highlighted an accumulation of the ferritin transcript during senescence. ", "To investigate the physiological relevance of AtFer1 ferritin during senescence we isolated an Arabidopsis mutant knock-out in the AtFer1 gene, which we named atfer1-2. ", "We analyzed it together with a second, independent AtFer1 KO mutant, the atfer1-1 mutant. ", "Interestingly, both atfer1-1 and atfer1-2 mutants show symptoms of accelerated natural senescence; the precocious leaf yellowing is accompanied by accelerated decrease of maximal photochemical efficiency and chlorophyll degradation. ", "However, no accelerated senescence upon dark treatment was observed in the atfer1 mutants with respect to their wt. ", "These results suggest that AtFer1 ferritin isoform is functionally involved in events leading to the onset of age-dependent senescence in Arabidopsis and that its iron-detoxification function during senescence is required when reactive oxygen species accumulate." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008059212123043835, 0.0008704697829671204, 0.000644073763396591, 0.0005920191761106253, 0.000597338774241507, 0.0005950448103249073, 0.0006393510848283768, 0.0006222418160177767, 0.0006258537760004401, 0.0006807710160501301 ]
[ "About\n\nBeing emotional is a part of my nature. ", "Sometimes it seems like a curse, and sometimes it feels like heaven. ", "This blog is the recording of those incidents, thoughts, and actions that has touched my emotional cord. ", "Love, hate, anger, sympathy, empathy for people and situations. ", "This blog is, in short, a glimpse of my heart." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0046603004448115826, 0.003590694162994623, 0.0006833532243035734, 0.0026575964875519276, 0.0006986074149608612 ]
[ "---\nabstract: |\n In CPM 2017, Amir et al. ", "introduce a problem, named *approximate string cover* (**ACP**), motivated by many aplications including coding and automata theory, formal language theory, combinatorics and molecular biology. ", "A *cover* of a string $T$ is a string $C$ for which every letter of $T$ lies within some occurrence of $C$. ", "The input of the **ACP** problem consists of a string $T$ and an integer $m$ (less than the length of $T$), and the goal is to find a string $C$ of length $m$ that covers a string $T'$ which is as close to $T$ as possible (under some predefined distance). ", "Amir et al. ", "study the problem for the Hamming distance.", "\n\n In this paper we continue the work of Amir et al. ", "and show the following results:\n\n 1. ", " We show an approximation algorithm for the **ACP** with an approximation ratio of $\\sqrt{OPT}$, where OPT is the size of the optimal solution.", "\n\n 2. ", " We provide an FPT algorithm with respect to the alphabet size.", "\n\n 3. ", " The **ACP** problem naturally extends to pseudometrics. ", "Moreover, we show that for some family of pseudometrics, that we term *homogenous additive pseudometrics*, the complexity of **ACP** remains unchanged.", "\n\n 4. ", " We partially give an answer to an open problem of Amir et al. ", "and show that the Hamming distance over an unbounded alphabet is equivalent to an extended metric over a fixed sized alphabet.", "\n\nauthor:\n- Alexandru Popa\n- Andrei Tanasescu\nbibliography:\n- 'bibliography.bib'\ntitle: Hardness and algorithmic results for the approximate cover problem\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\n#### Motivation. {#", "motivation. ", ".unnumbered}\n\nRedundancy is a common trait of all natural data and was intensely studied over the years for its descriptive capabilities [@ming1990kolmogorov; @muchnik2003almost]. ", "Errors can occur at any point in the data manipulation process, but by the use of redundancy they may be detected and, perhaps, corrected before propagation.", "\n\nConsider the transmission of a message over a radio frequency. ", "Since we transmit over radio, we must use a digital to analog converter, that modulates our signal in amplitude and/or phase. ", "In our example, we consider $amplitude\\ shift\\ keying$ (see, e.g., [@middlestead2017digital]). ", "At the other end, the signal must be converted back, but we must check for transmission errors. ", "If the channel is not too noisy, we may round the received amplitude to the spectrum we are using. ", "However, we must be able to at least tell when it is too noisy. ", "Since the signal we sent is smooth and periodic, we may smooth our data and identify interference as unnatural spikes in the received input. ", "This, however, only accounts for major interferences, and we cannot possibly do more at the physical level, since we may not assume smoothness of the sent data itself and must rely instead on the redundancy at some higher data, that is no longer agnostic to the message’s form.", "\n\nPeriodicity is a very important phenomenon when analyzing physical data such as an analogue signal. ", "In general, natural data is very redundant or repetitive and exhibits some key patterns or regularities [@HAVLIN1995171; @timmermans2017cyclical; @tychonoff1935theoremes]. ", "Periodicity itself has been thoroughly studied in various fields such as Signal Processing [@sethares1999periodicity], Bioinformatics [@brodzik2007quaternionic], Dynamical Systems [@katok1997introduction] and Control Theory [@bacciotti2006liapunov], each bringing its own insights.", "\n\nHowever some phenomena are not periodical by nature, even if they are very redundant. ", "Consider for instance the string $abaabaababa$: even though it is not periodic it clearly exhibits a single pattern, $aba$, and thus, we shall call it $quasi-periodic$ (see [@ApostolicoB97]). ", "Depending on the specific perturbations this may or may not be adequate. ", "For example, $abaabaababa$ could be a repeated $aba$ that suffers from two $a$s so close together that they fuse (or some other desynchronization), as sounds sometimes do in natural language. ", "In fact even $abaabaabcba$ and $abaabaabaaca$ exhibit the pattern $aba$ and the nonconforming $c$ could result from some echo or corruption. ", "Depending on the task at hand we may want to retrieve either the information ($aba$) or the peculiarities in its transmission (the non-periodicity).", "\n\nFor example, in signal processing we may confidently rely upon periodicity, since we induce it ourselves and have an environment upon which we may make some assumptions. ", "However, when trying to decode information which was not encoded by us, we may not expect to find periodicity. ", "Even when the information was imbued with periodicity, if the environment exerts a degrading force, a posteriori it is entirely possible that it is no longer be periodic. ", "If however it is not too degraded, it still holds faithful to its original form and hence exhibit quasi-periodicity. ", "Note that the incurred perturbations may be inevitable in the typical usage environment, especially for industrial uses [@georgiev1993digital].", "\n\n#### Related work. {#", "related-work. ", ".unnumbered}\n\nQuasi-periodicity was introduced by Ehrenfeucht in 1990 (according to  [@ApostolicoB97]) in a Tech Report for Purdue University, even though in was not published in Elsevier until 1993 [@apostolico1993efficient]. ", "Apostolico, Farach and Iliopoulos were the first to consider quasi-periodicity in computer science [@ApostolicoFI91]. ", "They define the quasi-period of a string to be the length of its shortest cover and present a linear (time and space) algorithm for computing it [@ApostolicoFI91]. ", "This notion attracted the attention of numerous researchers  [@breslauer1992line; @breslauer1994testing; @li2002computing; @moore1994optimal; @moore1995correction]. ", "The following surveys summarize the first decade of results: [@apostolico1997periods; @kociumaka2015fast; @kolpakov2003finding].", "\n\nHowever, quasi-periodicity takes many forms, depending on the type of patterns we want to recover. ", "Further work has been concerned with different variants such as seeds [@guo2006computing], the maximum quasi-periodic substring [@pedersen2000finding], k-covers [@cole2005complexity], $\\lambda$-covers [@guo2006computing], enhanced covers [@flouri2013enhanced], partial covers [@kociumaka2015fast]. ", "Another variation point is the context, e.g. indeterminate strings [@antoniou2008conservative] or weighted sequences [@christodoulakis2006computation]. ", "Some of the related problems are $\\mathcal{NP}$-hard.", "\n\nFor some applications, such as molecular biology and computer-assisted musical analysis, we need a weaker definition of quasi-periodicity. ", "Thus, quasi-periodicity takes the form of approximate repetitions. ", "We may define an approximatively repeating pattern as a substring whose occurrences leave very few gaps, or that all repetitions are near an “original” source. ", "Landau and Schmidt study first this form of quasi-periodicity and focus on approximate tandem repeats [@landau2001algorithm].", "\n\nIn this paper we elaborate on the work of Amir et al. ", " [@AmirLLLP17; @AmirLLP17] who introduce *approximate string covers*. ", "Let $w$ be a string over the alphabet $\\Sigma$. We say that $w$ is periodic if it is a succession of repetitions of some proper substring $p$ of it that do not overlap i.e. $w = p^n$, for some $n\\in\\mathbb{N}^*$. Note that for a given $w$ there may be multiple candidates. ", "For example, $abaabaabaaba$ can be written as both $\\left(abaaba\\right)^2$ or $\\left(aba\\right)^4$. The period of a string $w$ is the shortest candidate string $p$. For instance, the period of $abaabaabaaba$ is $aba$.\n\nLet $w$ be a string over the alphabet $\\Sigma$. We call $p$ a cover of $w$ if $p$ is shorter than $w$ and any character of $w$ belongs to some occurrence of $p$ in $w$. Equivalently, $w$ is covered by $p$ if $w$ is a succession of repetitions of $p$ that may or may not overlap. ", "Note that a periodic string is always covered by its cover and any multiple of it and hence a string may admit multiple covers. ", "As is the case for periods, we are only interested in the shortest cover. ", "For instance the shortest cover of $abaabaabaaba$ is $aba$.\n\nDetermining the shortest cover of a given string $w$ is called the Minimal **S**tring **C**over **P**roblem (**SCP** for short) and is solvable in linear time [@ApostolicoFI91].", "\n\nLet $w$ be a string over the alphabet $\\Sigma$. We call $p$ an *approximate cover* of $w$, if $p$ is a cover of an “approximation” $w^\\prime$ of $w$. The approximation error is the distance between $w$ and $w^\\prime$ with respect to some metric. ", "By abuse of notation we say that $p$ is the approximate string cover of $w$ if it is the shortest cover of the closest approximation $w^\\prime$ of $w$ that admits a cover. ", "Note that if $w$ admits a cover then its approximate string cover is its own shortest cover and the approximation is zero with regard to any metric. ", "For example the approximate cover of $abaabaababa$ is $aba$.\n\nDetermining the approximate cover of a given string $w$ is called the **A**pproximate String **C**over **P**roblem (**ACP** for short). ", "Amir et al. ", "prove that **ACP** is NP-hard with respect to the Hamming distance [@AmirLLP17].", "\n\nLet $w$ be a string over the alphabet $\\Sigma$. We call $p$ a seed of $w$ if $\\lvert p\\rvert < \\lvert w\\rvert$ and there exists a super-string $w^\\prime$ of $w$ such that $p$ is a cover of $w^\\prime$. When the error tolerance is small, with a small degree of incertitude we can find in polynomial time[@AmirLLLP17] a small set of candidates containing either the approximate cover of $w$, $p$, or a seed of $p$.\n\n#### Our results {#our-results .unnumbered}\n\nIn this paper we follow up on the work of Amir et al. ", " [@AmirLLP17; @AmirLLLP17] and investigate the **ACP**. ", "In Section \\[sec:preliminaries\\] we introduce notation and we define formally the **ACP** problem. ", "In Section \\[sec:approx\\] we present a polynomial approximation algorithm for **ACP** that returns an approximate cover that matches at least $\\Omega\\left(\\sqrt{n}\\right)$ characters of the given input $w$, where $n$ is the number of characters matched by the (best) approximate cover of $w$. Then, in Section \\[sec:fpt\\] we design a fixed-parameter (probabilisitic) algorithm for solving the **ACP** for (super)addtivie metrics—the (super)aditive metrics are also defined in Section \\[sec:fpt\\].", "\n\nIn Section \\[sec:pseudo\\] we show that **ACP** naturally extends to pseudometrics and that for a family of pseudometrics, which we call *homogenous additive* the complexity of **ACP** remains unchanged. ", "Finally, in Section \\[sec:block\\] we show that the Hamming distance over any unbounded alphabet is equivalent to an extended metric on any fixed size alphabet. ", "We call this metric a *block variation* of the Hamming distance. ", "We prove that **ACP** is just as hard with regard to an additive (extended) (pseudo)metric as it is with regard to its block variation. ", "Due to space constraints some proofs are placed in the appendix.", "\n\nPreliminaries {#sec:preliminaries}\n=============\n\nFor ${m\\leq n}\\in\\mathbb{N}$, let $\\overline{{m,\\,n}}=\\lbrace {m,\\,m+1,\\,\\dots,\\,n}\\rbrace$. For two symbols ${x,\\,y\\in X}$ let $\\delta_{x,\\,y}$ be the Kronecker delta, i.e. $\\delta_{x,\\,y}=1$ if ${x=y}$ or $0$ if ${x\\neq y}$. For a string $w$ and a character $c \\in Sigma$, let $freq_w(c)$ be the number of occurences of $c$ in $w$.\n\nWe define a tiling of size n to be a pair $\\left(\\mathcal{I},\\,i\\right)$ where $\\mathcal{I}\\subseteq\\overline{1,\\,{n}}$ and $i:\\overline{1,\\,\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert}\\rightarrow\\mathcal{I}$ such that:\n\n- $\\forall {i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert}\\ \\mathcal{I}_{i}= i\\left({i}\\right)$\n\n- $\\mathcal{I}_1=1,\\,\\mathcal{I}_{last}=\\mathcal{I}_{\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert},\\,\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert = n+1-\\mathcal{I}_{last}$\n\n- $\\forall {i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert -1}\\ 0\\leq\\mathcal{I}_{i+1}-\\mathcal{I}_{i}\\leq\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert$\n\nWe consider $\\mathcal{T}_{n}$ to be the set of size-n tilings and $i$ will generally be omitted, being deferred to the subscript notation above, where additionally we write $\\mathcal{I}_\\textmd{last}=\\mathcal{I}_{\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert}$.\n\nFor instance $\\mathcal{I}=\\lbrace1,\\,4,\\,6\\rbrace\\in\\mathcal{T}_8$ is a tiling with $\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert=3$. For an illustration see Figure \\[fig:example\\_tiling\\].", "\n\n(0,1) grid (8,2); in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]{} at (cm-0.5cm,2) [$\\x$]{}; at (8cm, 2) [${n}=8$]{}; (0 cm, 1) rectangle (3cm, 2); (3 cm, 1) rectangle (6cm, 2); (5 cm, 1) rectangle (8cm, 2); (5 cm,1) – (8 cm,1); at (6.5cm, 1) [$\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert=3$]{}; at (0.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_1$]{}; at (3.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_2$]{}; at (5.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_\\textmd{last}$]{};\n\n\\[valid tilings\\] Let $\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_n$ be a tiling. ", "We say that a word $w\\in\\Sigma^*$ over a given alphabet leads to a valid tiling $\\left(w,\\,\\mathcal{I}\\right)$ iff $\\lvert w\\rvert=\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert$ and $\\forall i\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert-1},\\,j \\in\\overline{1,\\,\\mathcal{I}_i-\\mathcal{I}_{i+1}+\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert-1}\\ {w}_{j}={w}_{\\mathcal{I}_{i+1}-\\mathcal{I}_{i}+{j}}$ i.e. there are no conflicts in the tiling itself. ", "In this case we say that w is a cover of $\\mathcal{I}\\left({w}\\right)\\in\\Sigma^{n}$ where $\\forall {i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert},\\, {j}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert}\\ \\mathcal{I}\\left( {w}\\right)_{\\mathcal{I}_{i}-1+{j}}={w}_{j}$.\n\nFor the tiling in Figure \\[fig:example\\_tiling\\] we want to find a word $w\\in\\Sigma^3$ such that $w_1=w_3$.\n\nFor instance, if $w=aba$ we obtain $\\mathcal{I}\\left(w\\right)=abaababa$, but ${w}^\\prime=abb$ does not lead to a valid tiling. ", "For an illustration see Figure \\[fig:valid-tiling\\].", "\n\n(0,1) grid (8,2); in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]{} at (cm-0.5cm,2) [$\\x$]{}; at (8cm, 2) [${n}=8$]{}; (0 cm, 1) rectangle (3cm, 2); (3 cm, 1) rectangle (6cm, 2); (5 cm, 1) rectangle (8cm, 2); (5 cm,1) – (8 cm,1); at (0.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_1$]{}; at (3.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_2$]{}; at (5.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_\\textmd{last}$]{}; at (0.5, 1.5) [a]{}; at (1.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (2.5, 1.5) [a]{}; at (3.5, 1.5) [a]{}; at (4.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (5.45, 1.55) [a]{}; at (5.55, 1.45) [a]{}; at (6.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (7.5, 1.5) [a]{}; (6.5, 0.5) – (5.7, 1.2); at (6.5, 0.5) [match]{};\n\n(0,1) grid (8,2); in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]{} at (cm-0.5cm,2) [$\\x$]{}; at (8cm, 2) [${n}=8$]{}; (0 cm, 1) rectangle (3cm, 2); (3 cm, 1) rectangle (6cm, 2); (5 cm, 1) rectangle (8cm, 2); (5 cm,1) – (8 cm,1); at (0.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_1$]{}; at (3.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_2$]{}; at (5.5, 1) [$\\mathcal{I}_\\textmd{last}$]{}; at (0.5, 1.5) [a]{}; at (1.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (2.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (3.5, 1.5) [a]{}; at (4.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (5.45, 1.55) [b]{}; at (5.55, 1.45) [a]{}; at (6.5, 1.5) [b]{}; at (7.5, 1.5) [b]{}; (6.5, 0.5) – (5.7, 1.2); at (6.5, 0.5) [conflict]{};\n\nWe are interested in the opposite process: given a string $w\\in\\Sigma^*$ we are to determine a cover of it. ", "This must be a substring, and moreover if there be multiple covers we aim for the smallest one, because $w$ is always a cover of $w$. This is called the minimal cover problem. ", "If s is the minimal cover of $w$, then $s$ is the minimal cover of $s$. This stems from the fact that a cover of a cover of a string is also a cover of that string.", "\n\n\\[Minimal **S**tring **C**over **P**roblem, SCP\\] \\[prob:scp\\] Given ${w}\\in\\Sigma^*$ find $\\arg\\,\\min\\lbrace\\lvert{c}\\rvert\\vert{c}\\in\\Sigma^*,\\,\\exists\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert},\\,{w}=\\mathcal{I}\\left({c}\\right)\\rbrace$ where any such ${c}$ leads to a valid tiling $\\left({c},\\,\\mathcal{I}\\right)$.\n\nIt is clear that we are looking for a $\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}$ and moreover we request that $\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert<\\lvert{w}\\rvert$ so as not to consider the trivial solution $\\lbrace1\\rbrace\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}$ and we would like to relax this problem by means of approximation.", "\n\n\\[**A**pproximate String **C**over **P**roblem, ACP - specific version\\] \\[prob:acp\\] Let $\\delta$ be a metric over $\\Sigma^*$ and $\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\subseteq\\Sigma^{\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert}$ denote the set of words that lead to valid tilings over it. ", "We define ${w}^*=\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s^*}\\right)=\\arg\\,\\min\\big\\lbrace\\lvert{c}\\rvert\\vert{c}\\in\\arg\\,\\min\\ \\big\\lbrace\\delta\\left({w},\\,\\mathcal{I}\\left({s}\\right)\\right)\\big\\vert\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert},\\,\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert={m}<\\lvert{w}\\rvert,\\,{s}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\big\\rbrace\\big\\rbrace$. The goal of the problem is to find $s^*,\\,\\mathcal{I}^*$. Informally, $s^*$ is the string of fixed size m, that produces valid tiling $\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^*\\right)$ of minimum distance to $w$.\n\n\\[**A**pproximate String **C**over **P**roblem, ACP - general version\\] \\[prob:acpg\\] Let $\\delta$ be a metric over $\\Sigma^*$ and $\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\subseteq\\Sigma^{\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert}$ denote the set of words that lead to valid tilings over it. ", "We define ${w}^*=\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s^*}\\right)=\\arg\\,\\min\\big\\lbrace\\lvert{c}\\rvert\\vert{c}\\in\\arg\\,\\min\\ \\big\\lbrace\\delta\\left({w},\\,\\mathcal{I}\\left({s}\\right)\\right)\\big\\vert\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert},\\,\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert<\\lvert{w}\\rvert,\\,{s}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\big\\rbrace\\big\\rbrace$. The goal of the problem is to find $s^*,\\,\\mathcal{I}^*$. Informally, $s^*$ is the shortest string that produces valid tiling $\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^*\\right)$ of minimum distance to $w$.\n\nA polynomial-time approximation algorithm {#sec:approx}\n=========================================\n\nConsider Problem \\[prob:acp\\] (ACP - specific version) for which we are asked for a fixed-size string ${s}^*$ such that ${m}=\\lvert{s}^*\\rvert$ that produces a valid tiling ${w}^*=\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^*\\right)$ of minimum distance to the input string, w. This section addresses approximation algorithms for the case of the Hamming distance.", "\n\nThe string ${s}^\\prime=\\alpha^{m}$ always produces a valid tiling ${w}^\\prime=\\alpha^{n}$ and $\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)={freq}_{w}\\left(\\alpha\\right)$\n\nConsider the tiling $\\mathcal{I}$ given by $\\overline{1,\\,{n-m+1}}\\ni {i}\\rightarrow i\\left({i}\\right)={i}$. We have that $\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{m-1}}\\ {s}^\\prime_{i}=\\alpha={s}^\\prime_{i+1}={s}^\\prime_{m-\\left(m-1\\right)+i}$ and hence we indeed have a valid tiling ${w}^\\prime=\\mathcal{I}\\left({s}^\\prime\\right)=\\alpha^{n}$ for which $\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)=\\sum\\delta_{{w}_{i},\\,{w}^\\prime_{i}}=\\sum\\delta_{{w}_{i},\\,\\alpha}={freq}_{w}\\left(\\alpha\\right)$\n\nWe can always match at least the most frequent character i.e. $\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^*\\right)\\geq \\underset{\\alpha}{\\max}\\,{freq}\\left(\\alpha\\right)={freq}_{max}$\n\nWe define the cover efficiency function as:\n\n$\\Sigma^*\\times\\Sigma^*\\ni\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)\\rightarrow\\eta\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)=\\frac{\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)}{\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^*\\right)}\\in\\left[0,\\,1\\right]$\n\nThus, an algorithm for the ACP problem is an $\\mathcal{O}\\left({f}\\left(\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\right)\\right)$ approximation of iff $\\frac{1}{\\eta_\\mathcal{A}}\\in\\mathcal{O}\\left({f}\\left(\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\right)\\right)$, where $\\eta_\\mathcal{A}$ is the efficiency function of the algorithm.", "\n\nIf ${freq}_{max}\\in\\Omega\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$ then the algorithm providing $\\overline{1,\\,{n-m+1}}\\ni {i}\\rightarrow i\\left({i}\\right)={i}$ and $\\left(\\underset{\\alpha}{\\arg\\max}\\ {freq}_{w}\\left(\\alpha\\right)\\right)^{m}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}$ is a $\\Omega\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$ approximation.", "\n\n$\\frac{1}{\\eta}=\\frac{\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^*\\right)}{\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)}\\leq\\frac{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}{{freq}_{max}}\\in\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\frac{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}{\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}}\\right)=\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$\n\n$\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^*\\right)\\leq{m}\\cdot{freq}_{max}$\n\n$\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^*\\right)=\\sum_{i}\\delta_{{w}_{i},\\,{w}^*_{i}}=\\sum_{{i},\\,\\alpha}\\delta_{{w}_{i},\\,\\alpha}\\delta_{\\alpha,\\,{w}^*_{i}}\\leq\\sum_{{i},\\,{j}}\\delta_{{w}_{i},\\,{s}^*_{j}}\\delta_{{s}^*_{j},\\,{w}^*_{i}}\\leq\n\\sum_{{i},\\,{j}}\\delta_{{w}_{i},\\,{s}^*_{j}}=\\sum_{{j}}{freq}_{{w}}\\left({s}^*_{j}\\right)\\leq\\sum_{{j}}{freq}_{max}={m}\\cdot{freq}_{max}$\n\nIf ${m}\\in\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$ then the algorithm providing $\\overline{1,\\,{n-m+1}}\\ni {i}\\rightarrow i\\left({i}\\right)={i}$ and $\\left(\\underset{\\alpha}{\\arg\\max}\\ {freq}_{w}\\left(\\alpha\\right)\\right)^{m}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}$ is a $\\Omega\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$ approximation.", "\n\n$\\frac{1}{\\eta}=\\frac{\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^*\\right)}{\\lvert{w}\\rvert-{d}\\left({w},\\,{w}^\\prime\\right)}\\leq\\frac{{m}\\cdot{freq}_{max}}{{freq}_{max}}={m}\\in\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$\n\nIf ${m}\\in\\Omega\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right),\\,{m}\\leq\\lfloor\\lvert{w}\\rvert/3\\rfloor$ and $\\alpha\\in\\Sigma$ then there is a valid tiling $\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}$ with ${s}^\\prime=\\overline{\\alpha\\dots\\alpha{w}_{\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil+1}{w}_{\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil+2}\\dots{w}_{{m}-\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil-1}\\alpha\\dots\\alpha}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}$.\n\nLet $\\mathcal{T}_{n}^{k}=\\lbrace\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{n}\\vert\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert={k},\\,{s}^\\prime\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\rbrace$ and $\\mathcal{T}^{k}=\\underset{{n}}{\\cup}\\mathcal{T}_{n}^{k}$. We are interested in the quantity $\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\left({s}^\\prime\\right)\\rvert$ which induces $\\mathcal{N}^{k}=\\lbrace{n}\\in\\mathbb{N}\\vert\\exists\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{n},\\,{s}^\\prime\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\rbrace$.\n\nNote that ${s}^\\prime\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\Leftrightarrow\\lVert\\mathcal{I}\\rVert={m},\\,\\underset{{i}}{\\min}\\ \\mathcal{I}_{i+1}-\\mathcal{I}_{i}\\geq{m}-\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil$. Hence, $\\mathcal{N}^{k+1}=\\lbrace{n}+{d}\\vert{n}\\in\\mathcal{N}^{k},\\,{d}\\in\\overline{{m}-\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil,\\,{m}}\\rbrace$.\n\nBy definition, $\\mathcal{N}^1=\\lbrace{m}\\rbrace$. Hence $\\mathcal{N}^2=\\overline{2{m}-\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil,\\,2{m}}$ and generally $\\mathcal{N}^{k}=\\overline{{k\\cdot m}-\\left({k}-1\\right)\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil,\\,{k\\cdot m}}$. If there is a ${k}$ such that ${k\\cdot m}\\geq{\\left(k+1\\right)\\cdot m}-{k}\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil\\Leftrightarrow {k}\\geq\\frac{{m}}{\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil}$ then if $\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\geq{m\\cdot k}$ we have $\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\in\\underset{{k}^\\prime}{\\cup}\\mathcal{N}^{{k}^\\prime}$ and the theorem is proven. ", "Since ${k}= 3$ is a viable option and $\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\geq 3\\lfloor\\lvert{w}\\rvert/3\\rfloor\\geq 3{m}$, then this is the case.", "\n\nCombining the previous results we obtain the desired approximation ratio.", "\n\nLet $\\alpha$ be the most frequent character in ${w}\\in\\Sigma^*$. We can compute an $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$ approximation for the **ACP** problem in $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\lvert{w}\\rvert^3\\right)$ time.", "\n\nLet $\\alpha=\\underset{\\beta}{\\arg\\max}\\ {freq}_{w}\\left(\\beta\\right)$ which we can obtain in linear time. ", "The algorithm works as follows.", "\n\n1. ", " If ${m}\\in\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\sqrt{\\lvert{w}\\rvert}\\right)$ then return $\\alpha^{m}$.\n\n2. ", " If ${m}\\leq\\lceil{n}/3\\rceil$ then return $\\overline{\\alpha\\dots\\alpha{w}_{\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil+1}{w}_{\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil+2}\\dots{w}_{{m}-\\lceil{m}/3\\rceil-1}\\alpha\\dots\\alpha}$.\n\n3. ", " Otherwise, we have $\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert\\leq 3$ and thus we can check all the possibilities in cubic time.", "\n\nAn FPT Algorithm for the Approximate String Cover Problem {#sec:fpt}\n=========================================================\n\nLet $\\lbrace\\left({X}_{i},\\,{d}_{i}\\right)\\rbrace_{{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{n}}}$ be metric spaces. ", "Then a metric ${d}$ such that $\\left(\\underset{{i}=1}{\\overset{{n}}{\\prod}}{X}_{i}\\right)^2\\ni\\left(\\underset{{i}=1}{\\overset{{n}}{\\oplus}}\\mathbf{x}_{i},\\,\\underset{{i}=1}{\\overset{{n}}{\\oplus}}\\mathbf{y}_{i}\\right)=\\left(\\mathbf{x},\\,\\mathbf{y}\\right)\\rightarrow{d}\\left(\\mathbf{x},\\,\\mathbf{y}\\right)\\geq\\underset{{i}=1}{\\overset{{n}}{\\sum}}{d}_{i}\\left(\\mathbf{x}_{i},\\,\\mathbf{y}_{i}\\right)\\in\\mathbb{R}_+$ is called superadditive. ", "We define similarly subadditive and additive metrics.", "\n\nThe Hamming distance over $\\Sigma^{n}$ is the additive metric for ${X}_{i}=\\Sigma$ and ${d}_{i}\\left({x},\\,{y}\\right)=1-\\delta_{{x},\\,{y}}$ with ${i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{n}}$. Another additive metric is that for shift spaces i.e. ${d\\left(u,\\,v\\right)}=\\sum_{i}\\frac{{d_i}\\left({u},\\,{v}\\right)}{2^{i}}$.\n\nFor a (super)additive metric ACP can be solved in $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\lvert\\Sigma\\rvert^{m}{m}^2\\lvert{w}\\rvert^2\\right)$ (probabilistic) time with $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\right)$ space.", "\n\nFor a given vector $\\mathbf{v}\\in\\mathbb{Z}^{\\lvert{w}\\rvert+1-\\lvert{s}\\rvert}$ such that $\\mathbf{v}_1=1$ and $\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{2,\\,\\lvert{w}\\rvert+1-\\lvert{s}\\rvert}\\ \\mathbf{v}_{i}> 0$ iff there exists a valid tiling of arbitrary length $\\mathcal{I}$ such that $\\mathcal{I}_{last}={i}$, ${s}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}$ and then $\\mathbf{v}_{\\mathcal{I}_{last}}=\\mathcal{I}_{\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert-1}$, we say that $\\mathbf{v}$ encodes $\\mathcal{J}$ i.e. $\\mathcal{J}\\in{Dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v}\\right)$ iff $\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lvert\\mathcal{J}-1\\rvert}\\ \\mathbf{v}_{\\mathcal{J}_{i+1}}=\\mathcal{J}_{i}$.\n\nGiven the last position of the encoded tiling we can always recover it by following the backward orbit described above i.e. there is a function $\\mathbf{v},\\,{i}\\rightarrow{dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v},\\,{i}\\right)\\in\\mathcal{T}_{i-1+\\lvert{s}\\rvert}$. Consider the sequence $\\mathit{i}_1= \\mathbf{v}_{i},\\,\\mathit{i}_{j+1}=\\mathbf{v}_{\\mathit{i}_{j}}$ which is cyclic after a point with a 1-cycle around 1. ", "Hence $\\mathit{i}^{-1}\\left(1\\right)=\\lbrace 1,\\,{k}\\neq 1\\rbrace$ and so we define $\\lvert{dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v},\\,{i}\\right)\\rvert={k}+1,\\,{dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v},\\,{i}\\right)_{j}=\\mathit{i}_{k+2-j}$. This applies if and only if the first position is not 1 in which case we have the trivial tiling ${dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v},\\,1\\right)=\\lbrace 1\\rbrace\\in\\mathcal{T}_{\\lvert s\\rvert}$\n\nIf ${d}\\left({w},\\,\\mathcal{I}\\left({s}\\right)\\right)<\\delta$ and $\\mathcal{J}=\\left(\\mathcal{I}_1,\\,\\dots,\\,\\mathcal{I}_{\\lvert\\mathcal{I}\\rvert-1}\\right)$ then due to supperadditivity ${d}\\left(\\overline{{w}},\\,\\mathcal{J}\\left({s}\\right)\\right)<\\delta$ where $\\overline{{w}}$ is the appropiate truncation of w and moreover if $\\mathbf{v}$ encodes $\\mathcal{I}$ then it also encodes $\\mathcal{J}$. Hence, there exists $\\mathcal{I}$ under the tolerance limit iff it is encoded by a vector which only encodes tolerable tilings. ", "This gives the FPT algorithm for super-additive metrics, using the sequence $\\mathbf{v}^{{n}\\in\\mathbb{N}^*}\\subseteq\\mathbb{Z}^{\\lvert{w}\\rvert+1-\\lvert{s}\\rvert}$, defined as follows:\n\n$\\begin{cases}\n\\mathbf{v}^1_{i}=\\delta_{{i},\\,1} \\\\\n\\mathbf{v}^{n+1}_{i}={choose-one}\\left(\\lbrace{j}\\vert\\mathbf{v}^{n}_{j}>0,\\,\\lvert{s}\\rvert+{j}-{i}\\in\\Delta_{s},\\,{d}\\left(\\overline{{w}},\\,{dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v},\\,{j}\\right)\\cup\\lbrace{i}\\rbrace\\right)<\\delta\\rbrace\\right)\n\\end{cases}$\n\nMoreover, if the metric is additive, then a greedy algorithm works and as such we have the sequence $\\mathbf{v}^{{n}\\in\\mathbb{N}^*}\\subseteq\\mathbb{Z}^{\\lvert{w}\\rvert+1-\\lvert{s}\\rvert}$, defined as follows:\n\n$\\begin{cases}\n\\mathbf{v}^1_{i}=\\delta_{{i},\\,1} \\\\\n\\mathbf{v}^{n+1}_{i}=\\underset{{j}}{\\arg\\min}\\left(\\lbrace{d}\\left(\\overline{{w}},\\,{dec}\\left(\\mathbf{v},\\,{j}\\right)\\cup\\lbrace{i}\\rbrace\\right)\\vert\\mathbf{v}^{n}_{j}>0,\\,\\lvert{s}\\rvert+{j}-{i}\\in\\Delta_{s}\\rbrace\\right)\n\\end{cases}$\n\nTo prove that the greedy approach let $\\mathcal{I}^*$ the optimum tiling for a given tile s. By construction, since a tiling ending with $\\mathcal{I}^*_{last}$ exists, $\\mathbf{v}_{\\lvert{w}\\rvert+1-\\lvert{s}\\rvert} > 0$ and hence our algorithm always provides a tiling. ", "Moreover, it agrees with the optimum tiling on the last element. ", "Hence, if $\\lvert{w}\\rvert = \\lvert{s}\\rvert$ the optimum tiling is provided.", "\n\nPseudometrics and Halo Factorization {#sec:pseudo}\n====================================\n\nFirstly, we generalize the **ACP** for pseudometric spaces. ", "Recall the definition of a metric space.", "\n\nLet $X$ be a set and $d:X\\times X\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ map the pairs of $points$ in $X$ to the reals. ", "$d$ is a metric on $X$ if and only if:\n\n$d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)\\geq 0\\ \\forall x,\\,y\\in X\\ \\textmd{(positivity)}$\n\n$d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)=d\\left(y,\\,x\\right)\\ \\forall x,\\,y\\in X\\ \\textmd{(symmetry)}$\n\n$d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)+d\\left(y,\\,z\\right)\\geq d\\left(x,\\,z\\right)\\ \\forall x,\\,y,\\,z\\in X\\ \\textmd{(triangle inequality)}$\n\n$x=y\\Leftrightarrow d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)=0\\ \\forall x,\\,y\\in X \\textmd{(identity of indiscernibles)}$\n\nLet $\\Sigma$ be the set of message types in a communication protocol where $q$ is some poll, with $y$ and $n$ being acceptable answers and $NACK$ meaning that the poll was not accepted by the other party. ", "It might be that the pattern we are looking for contains a successfull dialogue, regardless of its content per se. ", "Then, for us the strings $qy$ and $qn$ should be indiscernible. ", "Metric spaces do not allow this. ", "If we relax the identity of indiscernibles we obtain a pseudometric.", "\n\nLet $X$ be a set and $d:X\\times X\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ map the pairs of $points$ in $X$ to the reals. ", "$d$ is a pseudometric on $X$ if and only if:\n\n$d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)\\geq 0\\ \\forall x,\\,y\\in X\\ \\textmd{(positivity)}$\n\n$d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)=d\\left(y,\\,x\\right)\\ \\forall x,\\,y\\in X\\ \\textmd{(symmetry)}$\n\n$d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)+d\\left(y,\\,z\\right)\\geq d\\left(x,\\,z\\right)\\ \\forall x,\\,y,\\,z\\in X\\ \\textmd{(triangle inequality)}$\n\n$x=y\\Rightarrow d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)=0\\ \\forall x,\\,y\\in X$\n\nLet $\\approx$ denote indiscernibility on $X$ with regard to the pseudometric $d$. Then $\\approx$ is an equivalence relation on $X$ and $d$ is a metric on $X/\\approx$. The elements of $X/\\approx$ are called *halos*, i.e. $\\hat{x}=\\lbrace y\\in X\\vert d\\left(x,\\,y\\right)=0\\rbrace$ is the halo around $x$. We prove that if $d$ is additive and homogenous **ACP** has the same complexity on $\\left(X,\\,d\\right)$ as it does on $\\left(X/\\approx,\\,d\\right)$.\n\nThis result is particularly useful when analyzing patterns in communication which can be recovered from use of metadata alone. ", "Consider a validation proccedure [@SAS] in which a device sends a value to be transferred to a client’s account by a host, the host replies with the same value and an asset number for the device (to confirm the athority of the host) and an index number to be written on the printed ticket and gets a print confirmation from the device. ", "Any of these steps can go wrong, but a successfull transaction is easy to recognize. ", "Two messages can be considered indiscernible if they have the same type.", "\n\nFor two indiscernible strings, $w\\approx w^\\prime$, **ACP** has the same solution with respect to $w$ as it does with respect to $w^\\prime$. Since $w \\approx \\hat{w}$ from any solution over the metric space we obtain a solution over the pseudometric space, and all we need to do the oposite is to be able to quickly compute the factorization of a given string. ", "This can only be done quickly under some additional conditions such as pseudometric additivity and homogeneity.", "\n\nLet $\\lbrace \\left(X_1,\\,d_2\\right),\\,\\left(X_2,\\,d_2\\right)\\,\\dots,\\,\\left(X_n,\\,d_n\\right)\\rbrace$ be a family of (pseudo)metric spaces. ", "A (pseudo)metric $d$ over $\\underset{i=1}{\\overset{n}\\oplus}X_i$ is additive if $ d\\left(x_1x_2\\dots x_n,\\,y_1y_2\\dots y_n\\right)=\\underset{i=1}{\\overset{n}\\sum}d_i\\left(x_i,\\,y_i\\right),\\,\\forall x_i,\\,y_i\\in X_i$. Moreover $d$ is homogenous if $d_i=d_j\\forall i,\\,j\\in\\lbrace{1,\\,2,\\,\\dots,\\,n}\\rbrace$.\n\nIf $d$ is an additive pseudometric over $\\underset{i=1}{\\overset{n}\\oplus}X_i$ then $ x_1x_2\\dots x_n \\approx y_1y_2\\dots y_n \\Leftrightarrow x_i\\approx y_i \\forall i\\in\\lbrace 1,\\,2,\\,\\dots,\\,n\\rbrace $.", "\n\nA pseudometric $d$ is additive over $\\underset{i=1}{\\overset{n}\\oplus}X_i$ if and only if it is additive over $\\underset{i=1}{\\overset{n}\\oplus}X_i/\\approx$.\n\nIf we have access to the function that mapped each $X_1$ to $X_1/\\approx$, then factorizing the indiscernibles is an easy task, since we can perform it element by element. ", "This map can be computed in quadratic time, $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\lvert X\\rvert\\lvert X/\\approx\\rvert\\right)$. However, we have to prove that collisions are handled properly.", "\n\nFor a given string $s$ to be a cover of some $w$, $w$ has to be a sequence of repetitions of $s$, with some eventual overlaps. ", "On these overlaps, some suffix of $s$ has to match some prefix. ", "In [@AmirLLLP17], Amir et al. ", "represent this using *string masks*, where the mask $m$ of a string $s$ is a vector $m\\left[1,\\,\\dots,\\,\\lvert s\\rvert\\right]$ where $m_i=1$ if and only if the $i$-length prefix matches the $i$-length suffix of $s$. We choose to represent legal overlaps as sets.", "\n\nFor a given string $s$, let $\\Delta_s$ be the set of legal overlaps of $s$:\n\n$$\\Delta_s = \\lbrace i\\in\\lbrace1,\\,\\dots,\\,\\lvert s\\rvert\\rbrace \\vert s_j = s_{\\lvert s\\rvert -i +j}\\forall j\\in\\lbrace{1,\\,\\dots,\\,i}\\rbrace\\rbrace$$\n\nIn our setting, to factorize each character is equivalent to sequentially replace each occurence of a character $x$ with its chosen representative $\\hat{x}$. This is where homogeneity comes into play: if $\\hat{x}^i\\neq \\hat{x}^j$ for some $i,\\,j\\in\\lbrace{1,\\,\\dots,\\,\\lvert s\\rvert}$, then their collision is restricted, and thus the best tiling may be invalidated by factorization (consider the case where for some characters $x,\\,y\\in X_i\\cap X_j$ we had $d_i\\left(x,\\,y\\right)=0$ but $d_j\\left(x,\\,y\\right)\\neq 0$ ).", "\n\nLet $\\lbrace\\left({X}_{i},\\,{d}_{i}\\right)\\rbrace$ be pseudometric spaces and ${d}$ be the additive pseudometric. ", "Then $\\hat{{u}}=\\hat{{v}}\\Leftrightarrow\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{n}}\\ \\hat{{u}_{i}}=\\hat{{v}_{i}}$.\n\n$\\hat{{u}}=\\hat{{v}}\\Leftrightarrow0={d}\\left({u},\\,{v}\\right)=\\sum_{i}{d}_{i}\\left({u}_{i},\\,{v}_{i}\\right)\\Leftrightarrow\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{n}}\\ {d}\\left({u}_{i},\\,{v}_{i}\\right)\\Leftrightarrow\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{n}}\\ \\hat{{u}_{i}}=\\hat{{v}_{i}}$\n\nLet ${s}\\in\\Sigma^*$ and ${s}^\\prime$ be the string obtained by replacing all the occurences of a character $\\alpha\\in\\Sigma$ in ${s}$ with $\\beta\\in\\Sigma$. Then $\\Delta_{s}\\subseteq\\Delta_{{s}^\\prime}$.\n\n$\\Delta_{s}=\\lbrace\\delta\\in\\mathbb{N}^*\\vert\\forall{j}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\delta}\\ {s}_{j}={s}_{\\lvert s\\rvert -\\delta +j}\\rbrace=\n\\lbrace\\delta\\in\\mathbb{N}^*\\vert\\forall{j}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\delta}\\ \\left({s}_{j}={s}_{\\lvert s\\rvert -\\delta +j}=\\alpha\\lor{s}_{j}={s}_{\\lvert s\\rvert -\\delta +j}=\\beta\\right)\\lor{s}_{j}={s}_{\\lvert s\\rvert -\\delta +j}\\neq\\alpha,\\,\\beta\\rbrace\\subseteq\n\\lbrace\\delta\\in\\mathbb{N}^*\\vert\\forall{j}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\delta}\\ {s}^\\prime_{j}={s}^\\prime_{\\lvert s^\\prime\\rvert -\\delta +j}=\\beta\\lor{s}^\\prime_{j}={s}^\\prime_{\\lvert s^\\prime\\rvert -\\delta +j}\\neq\\alpha,\\,\\beta\\rbrace=\n\\lbrace\\delta\\in\\mathbb{N}^*\\vert\\forall{j}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\delta}\\ {s}^\\prime_{j}={s}^\\prime_{\\lvert s^\\prime\\rvert -\\delta +j}\\rbrace=\\Delta_{{s}^\\prime}\n$\n\nLet $\\mathcal{I}\\in\\mathcal{T}_{n}$, ${s},\\,{s}^\\prime$ as above. ", "Then ${s}\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}\\Rightarrow{s}^\\prime\\in\\Sigma_\\mathcal{I}$.\n\nLet $\\left(\\Sigma,\\,{d}\\right)$ be a pseudometric space. ", "Then SCP/ACP for the additive pseudometric over $\\Sigma^{n}$ is equivalent with the MSC/ACP for the addive metric over $\\left(\\Sigma/\\approx \\right)^{n}$, modulo $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\lvert\\Sigma\\rvert\\right)$ work.", "\n\nLet $\\left({s}^*,\\,\\mathcal{I}^*\\right)$ be the ACP solution for ${w}$ with respect to the pseudometric ${d}$, $\\Sigma/\\approx{\\ }\\ni\\hat{{x}}\\rightarrow\\phi\\left(\\hat{{x}}\\right)\\in\\hat{{x}}\\subseteq\\Sigma$, $\\psi=\\phi\\circ\\hat{\\ }$ and ${s}^{*^\\prime}=\\psi\\left({s}^*\\right)$. We have that ${s}^{*^\\prime}\\in\\Sigma_{\\mathcal{I}^*}$ and moreover ${d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^{*^\\prime}\\right),\\,{w}\\right)=-{d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^*\\right),\\,\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^{*^\\prime}\\right)\\right)+{d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^{*^\\prime}\\right),\\,{w}\\right)\\leq{d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^*\\right),\\,{w}\\right)\\leq{d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^*\\right),\\,\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^{*^\\prime}\\right)\\right)+{d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^{*^\\prime}\\right),\\,{w}\\right)={d}\\left(\\mathcal{I}^*\\left({s}^{*^\\prime}\\right),\\,{w}\\right)$. This is true for any other candidate string, not just for the optimum, and hence any solution for the MSC/ACP $\\left(\\Sigma/\\approx{\\ }\\right)^{n}$ leads to a solution MSC/ACP for the addive metric over $\\Sigma^{n}$ and vice versa, one via $\\hat{\\ }\\circ\\psi$ and the other via ${x}\\rightarrow\\hat{{x}}$. Tabulating the functions themselves can be done in $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\lvert{w}\\rvert\\lvert\\Sigma\\rvert\\right)$.\n\nBlock Variations {#sec:block}\n================\n\nConsider once again the situation where transactional data is to be analyzed by metadata. ", "A transaction is a string of operations just like a message is a string of characters. ", "Theoretically, if the idle operation is a valid one, then the number of transactions is unbounded even though it may be represented over a bounded alphabet of operations. ", "We would like to investigate how the complexity of the **ACP** changes when we take a lower-level approach and switch the data representation. ", "Naturally, if we want to represent the same patterns we have to consider an equivalent metric.", "\n\n\\[thm:induced-metric\\_art\\] Let $\\left(X,\\,d\\right)$ be an (extended) (pseudo-)metric space and $\\phi:X\\rightarrow Y$ an injection. ", "Then there exists $d^\\prime:Y\\times Y\\rightarrow\\bar{\\mathbb{R}}_+$ such that $\\left(Y,\\,d^\\prime\\right)$ is an extended (pseudo-)metric space and moreover $d^\\prime_{\\vert\\phi\\left(X\\right)\\times\\phi\\left(X\\right)}=d$ and $d^\\prime_{\\vert\\phi\\left(X\\right)\\times\\left(Y\\backslash\\phi\\left(X\\right)\\right)}=\\infty$. We say that $d^\\prime$ is the metric induced by $\\phi$ on $Y$.\n\nWe define ${d}^\\prime:{Y}\\times{Y}\\rightarrow\\bar{\\mathbb{R}}_+$ where ${Y}\\times{Y}\\ni\\left({x},\\,{y}\\right)\\rightarrow{d}^\\prime\\left({x},\\,{y}\\right)=\\left(1-\\delta_{{x},\\,{y}}\\right){d}^\\prime\\left({y},\\,{x}\\right)$, where $\\delta$ is the Kronecker delta, such that ${X}\\times{X}\\ni\\left({x},\\,{x}\\right)\\rightarrow{d}\\left({x},\\,{y}\\right)={d}^\\prime\\left(\\phi\\left({x}\\right),\\,\\phi\\left({y}\\right)\\right)$ and $\\left({Y}\\backslash\\phi\\left({X}\\right)\\right)\\times\\left({Y}\\backslash\\phi\\left({X}\\right)\\right)\\ni\\left({x},\\,{y}\\right)\\rightarrow{d}^\\prime\\left({x},\\,{y}\\right)=\n\\begin{cases}\n0 & {x}={y} \\\\\n\\infty & {x}\\neq{y}\n\\end{cases}\n$ and so we have that $\\left({Y},\\,{d}^\\prime\\right)$ is an extended (pseudo-)metric space and that the indiscernible pairs of distinct points in ${Y}$ with respect to ${d}^\\prime$ are exactly the images of the indiscernible pairs of distinct points in ${X}$ with respect to ${d}$.\n\nRecall that a (pseudo)metric is a map from the pairs of points of a space $X$ to the reals satisfying some axioms. ", "An extended (pseudo)metric is a map from the pairs of points of a space $X$ to the extended reals, $\\overline{\\mathbb{R}}$ (thus allowing $\\infty$) satisfying the same respective axioms.", "\n\nThis may appear counterintuitive, since we would like to process our unbounded alphabet, but if $X$ were unbounded so would be $Y$. Let $\\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet. ", "If we have an injection $\\psi:\\Sigma \\rightarrow X$, but not the other way around, there always exists some power $n$ of $\\Sigma$ such that there is an injection $\\phi:X\\rightarrow\\Sigma^n$, where $n$ is unbounded. ", "Hence, there exists an injection $\\phi: X\\rightarrow \\Sigma^*$.\n\nNote that a bijection is not required, which is beneficial since we may not always find one. ", "For example, even though all messages sent over a network can be represented as strings of bytes, their representation is in general not bijective due to some redundancies such as the CRC. ", "In case a bijection $\\phi$ does however exist, it is called a translation and $d^\\prime$ is the translated metric.", "\n\nIf $\\phi$ is bijective we say that the (approximate) string cover problem over $\\Gamma^*$ with respect to $\\delta^\\prime$ is a translation of the (approximate) string cover problem over $\\Sigma^*$ with respect to $\\delta$.\n\nAn injection $\\phi:X\\rightarrow Y$ naturally lifts to $\\phi:X^*\\rightarrow Y^*$ over strings, but not necesarily to an injection. ", "This is particularily important when $Y=\\Sigma^*$ are strings themselves. ", "In many comunication protocols a problem is splitting the flux into telegrams. ", "If all telegrams have the same size i.e. $Y=\\Sigma^n$ such a split is easy to do and the lifted $\\phi:X^*\\rightarrow\\left(\\Sigma^n\\right)^*$ is naturally injective. ", "However, when the telegrams have variable length we have to induce some additional structure, such as a $wake-up$ bit (like in MARK/SPACE serial protocols), a $terminal$ character (like with C strings) or start a string with its length (like with Pascal strings and `std::string`).", "\n\nIf $Y=\\Sigma^n$ for some $n$ or $Y=\\Sigma^*\\bullet$ such that $\\lvert Y \\rvert>\\lvert X\\rvert>\\lvert\\Sigma\\rvert,\\,\\bullet\\notin\\Sigma$ we say that the (approximate) string cover problem over $Y^*$ with respect to $d^\\prime$ is a block variation of the (approximate) string cover problem over $X^*$ with respect to $d$.\n\n\\[thm:block-complexity\\] The block variation of an ACP/SCP has the same complexity as the original modulo $\\mathcal{O}\\left(Nf(1)+g(N)\\right)$ where $N$ is the length of the input, $f$ is the complexity of $\\phi:X^*\\rightarrow Y^*$ and $g$ the complexity of $\\phi^{-1}:Y^*\\rightarrow X^*$\n\nUsing Gödel’s encoding ($\\phi\\left(w\\right)=\\underset{i=1}{\\overset{\\lvert w\\rvert}\\prod}p_i^{w_i}$ in base 1 where $p_i$ is the $i^{th}$ prime number) we can represent a string using a single character. ", "We cannot however lift the telegrams produced this way using a Pascal encoding, and we require one of the other two. ", "Thus, block variations only make sense over alphabets that are at least binary.", "\n\n\\[thm:new-metric\\] For each fixed ${p}\\geq2$, there is a metric $d^\\prime$ on ${\\left(\\mathbb{Z}_p\\right)}^*$ induced by a metric $d$ on the naturals, and thus by any restriction of that metric to a $\\mathbb{Z}_n$, obtained by an injection for which both it and its inverse are computable in linear time with regard to the input size and logarithmic time with regard to $p$.\n\nFor any metric, the complexity of the ACP/SCP on an unbounded size alphabet is the same as the complexity of its block variation induced by such a function as the one in the theorem above on a finite size alphabet, using extra $\\mathcal{O}\\left(N\\log p\\right)$ time.", "\n\nOmitted proofs\n==============\n\nLet O be the complexity of the original problem and BV the complexity of its block variation.", "\n\nLet ${w}\\in\\Sigma^*$. After $\\mathcal{O}\\left({f(N}\\right)=\\mathcal{O}\\left({Nf(1)}\\right)$ work we can solve the block variation and hence ${O}\\leq{BV}+\\mathcal{O}\\left({Nf(1)}\\right)$.\n\nLet ${w}\\in\\Gamma^*$. After $\\mathcal{O}\\left({g(N}\\right)$ work we can solve the original and hence ${BV}\\leq{O}+\\mathcal{O}\\left({g(N)}\\right)$. Note that if there is no inverse there is no solution to the ACP and the only solution to the SCP is the string itself.", "\n\nWe are now on the lookout for a $\\psi$ that is more “variable-size” in nature. ", "The most natural example is defined recursively. ", "Let $\\tau_{p-2}:\\mathbb{N}\\rightarrow{\\left(\\mathbb{Z}_{p-2}\\right)}^*$ be the base-(p-2) conversion i.e. $\\lvert\\tau_{p-2}\\left({x}\\right)\\rvert=\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil$ with $\\tau_{p-2}\\left({x}\\right)_{\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil+1-{i}}=\\left({x}-\\underset{{j}=1}{\\overset{{i}-1}\\sum}{\\tau_{p-2}\\left({x}\\right)}_{\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil+1-{j}}\\ \\textmd{mod}\\ \\left({p-2}\\right)\\right)\\ \\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil}$ and consider the much less trivial: $\\psi({x})=\\begin{cases}\n0\\left({p}-1\\right)\\tau_{p-2}\\left({n}\\right) & \\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil\\leq{p-3} \\\\\n\\psi\\left(\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil\\right)\\left({p}-1\\right)\\tau_{p-2}\\left({n}\\right) & \\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil>{p-3}\n\\end{cases}$\n\nNote that this satisfies $\\lvert\\psi\\left({x}\\right)\\rvert\\leq\\lvert\\psi\\left(\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil\\right)\\rvert+\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil\\leq{x}+1\\Rightarrow\\lvert\\psi\\left({x}\\right)\\rvert\\leq2\\lceil\\log_{p-2}\\left({x+1}\\right)\\rceil\\Rightarrow\\lvert\\psi\\left({x}\\right)\\rvert\\in\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\log_{p}{n}\\right)$ and thus this is also a logarithmic-time logarithmic deflation. ", "What remains now is to give a way to compute ${d}^{\\prime\\prime}$ in $\\mathcal{O}\\left({N}\\log_{p}{n}\\right)$, or, equivalently, a way to compute $\\phi^{-1}:{\\left(\\mathbb{Z}_{p-1}\\right)}^*\\rightarrow\\mathbb{N}$ in $\\mathcal{O}\\left(\\log_{p}{n}\\right)$. Let $x_1<x_2<\\dots<x_{k}$ be the set of apparitions of $\\left({p}-1\\right)$ in ${w}\\in{\\left(\\mathbb{Z}_{p-1}\\right)}^*$. $\\psi^{-1}\\left({w}\\right)$ exists if and only if $x_1>1= x_0+1,\\,x_k<\\lvert{w}\\rvert= x_{k+1}-1$ and $\\forall{i}\\in\\overline{1,\\,{k}}\\ \\tau_{p-2}^{-1}\\left({w}_{x_{i-1}+1}\\dots{w}_{x_{i}-1}\\right)=\\lceil\\log_{p}\\left(1+\\tau_{p-2}^{-1}\\left({w}_{x_{i}+1}\\dots{w}_{x_{i+1}-1}\\right)\\right)\\rceil$, in which case $\\psi^{-1}\\left({w}\\right)=\\tau_{p-2}^{-1}\\left({w}_{x_{k}+1}\\dots{w}_{x_{k+1}-1}\\right)$ so this can be checked in logarithmic time.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGraphics - Multiple Buffering: Queued or last completed?", "\n\nAssume the GPU has multiple back buffers to render into. ", "\nTimeline:\n\nFrame 0 in front buffer\nScreen refresh - Frame 0 on screen\nRun game loop, submit all render commands for Frame 1 to GPU\nRun game loop, submit all render commands for Frame 2 to GPU\nGPU processes all commands for Frame 1 and renders Frame 1 into Back Buffer 1\nGPU processes all commands for Frame 2 and renders Frame 2 into Back\nBuffer 2\nScreen refresh - Frame ? ", "on screen\n\nThoughts:\n\nIn the GPU is told to not wait for VSYNC, I'm guessing there is a 5(b) and a 6(b) where the GPU copies the just-completed back buffer into the front buffer. ", "In which case, Frame 2 will be displayed.", "\nIf the GPU is told to wait for VSYNC, then the GPU won't swap the buffers after they are completed. ", "But, when the time does come to swap buffers, I don't know what buffer it chooses.", "\n\nIf possible, I'd love to seem see documentation. ", "I just don't know at what level the semantics are defined.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe semantics are not defined. ", "At least, not in OpenGL, even with wgl/glX_EXT_swap_control. ", "Swap interval will let you decide whether swapping will wait for vsyncs, but if you swap more than once between vsyncs, it's implementation defined which image gets displayed.", "\nwgl/glX_EXT_swap_control_tear allows you to specify that you want tearing behavior if you're late on swapping buffers. ", "But what happens if you're early is not stated.", "\nVulkan allows implementations to different kinds of \"swapping\" functionality through its present modes. ", "FIFO, the only required presentation mode, means that each image you present will be presented in the order provided. ", "Which means if you try to \"swap\" (in Vulkan parlance, acquire) the next image and both are waiting to be presented, then the GPU will stall.", "\nThere are modes that immediately present the given image, a mode that mirrors \"swap_control_tear\", and a mode that would be useful in your case, where if you try to render buffers faster than they can be presented, the one waiting is discarded in favor of the next image.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006414148956537247, 0.0009467327618040144, 0.0009386269375681877, 0.0006319420645013452, 0.0005678114830516279, 0.0007368805818259716, 0.0006009666249155998, 0.000563261506613344, 0.0006922038737684488, 0.0007183442357927561, 0.0007738051353953779, 0.0006137198652140796, 0.001051923492923379, 0.0007191309123300016, 0.0005948355537839234, 0.0007751025841571391, 0.0008821776136755943, 0.0006319878157228231, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCustom CIKernel move pixels\n\nI'm trying to create custom cifilter (like adobe's warp filter). ", "How to move only few pixels (that are in ROI) to some other location in kernel language? ", "Maybe someone could suggest me some info about it? ", "I have read all apple docs about creating custom cifilter, but haven't found any similar example of kernel portion of that type of filter. ", "There are some CIFilters that does something similar (like CITwirlDistortion, CIBumpDistortion). ", "Maybe there is some place where I could find their kernels? ", " \n\nA:\n\nYou have to do this in reverse. ", "Instead of saying I want to put those input pixels at this position in the output you have to answer the question where are the pixels in the input for this output pixel.", "\nTake a look at this kernel:\nkernel vec4 coreImageKernel(sampler image, float minX, float maxX, float shift)\n{\n vec2 coord = samplerCoord( image );\n\n float x = coord.x;\n float inRange = compare( minX - x, compare( x - maxX, 1., ", "0. ), ", "0. );", "\n coord.x = coord.x + inRange * shift;\n return sample( image, coord );\n}\n\nIt replaces a vertical stripe between minX and maxX with the contents of the image that is shift pixels to the right. ", "Using this kernel with minX = 100, maxX = 300 and shift = 500 gives the image in the lower left corner. ", "Original is in upper right.", "\n\nSo the effect is that you move the pixels in the range (minX + shift, maxX + shift) to (minX, maxX)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.000659059442114085, 0.0006305919378064573, 0.000579237297642976, 0.0005712877027690411, 0.0017572632059454918, 0.0006728483713231981, 0.0008349569980055094, 0.0006836492684669793, 0.0006750565953552723, 0.0009534640703350306, 0.0009466332267038524, 0.0008931698394007981, 0.0006881094886921346, 0.0006330753676593304, 0.0008836329216137528 ]
[ "Q:\n\nhow can I homebrew install gradle 1.12?", "\n\nI currently have gradle 1.10\nI have tried:\nbrew versions gradle \n\nand then:\ngit checkout 8ef0672 /usr/local/Library/Formula/gradle.rb\n\nbecause I saw:\n1.12 git checkout 8ef0672 /usr/local/Library/Formula/gradle.rb\n\nbut got this error:\nfatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n\nhow can I install specific gradle version using homebrew?", "\n\nA:\n\nDo something like this:\ncd $(brew --prefix)\nbrew versions gradle\n## copy and run the git checkout for your desired gradle version\nbrew unlink gradle\nbrew install gradle\n\nThat worked for me. ", "I am on a Mac OSX though.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.001339823822490871, 0.0011323402868583798, 0.0012537505244836211, 0.001129206269979477, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "On January 1st 1994, a rebel army called the Emiliano Zapata Liberation Front (EZLN) rose against the Mexican government in Chiapas, Mexico. ", "Workers Solidarity contributor Andrew Flood has been researching the life of ordinary people in the Zapatista area. ", "Below he writes about some of his findings\n\nMuch of the discussion around the Zapatistas has focused on their communiqués and essentially divides into two camps, one that sees them offering a new model of revolutionary organisation, the other that criticises them on the basis of problems with their political program. ", "However, little has been written about day-to-day life in the rebel area, so when an opportunity arose to travel there in the summer of 1996 I took it. ", "Since then I have interviewed people who have worked with Zapatista communities. ", "In September 1997, I also paid a brief visit to the community of Diez de Abril, where the Irish Mexico Group has a peace camp.", "\n\nDiez de Abril is situated between the towns of Altamirano and Comitan. ", "It is on a ranch occupied in 1995. ", "About 100 families live there. ", "80% of the people in Diez are Tzeltal, the other 20% are Tojolobal. ", "Many people only speak one of these languages and little or no Spanish. ", "As elsewhere in Chiapas, conditions are harsh due to poverty, with little education, a lot of ill health and a high death rate for children as a result. ", "There is no sanitation in the community, except the latrines they constructed themselves and there is no access to clean water.", "\n\nDiez was occupied on 10th April, 1995. ", "As a community delegate explained\n\n\"we had to move onto the ranchers' land because we were living like animals in the hills. ", "The land there was very bad, and difficult to harvest. ...", "The majority of the community voted to call the village Diez De Abril. ", "They chose that name because it honoured Zapata who was killed on that date. ", "He was a companero, fighting against the government.\" \"", "We used to meet where the church is now, and there decided where to put the houses, and to give a house to the international observers. ", "We measured the land and divided it up among the people. ", "Each family has a plot of land of their own and then there are also collectives.\"", "\n\nCome together\n\nThe church in Diez is the main assembly point for the community and all the people of the community meet there once a week - after mass on Sunday morning. ", "These village assemblies, at which everyone may speak and everyone has a vote, decide all questions that face the community, from whether to buy a lorry or a tractor to how the repair of the fences or the bridge will be done.", "\n\nSometimes it is necessary for more then one assembly in a week, particularly at times of high tension. ", "In addition there are several sub-assemblies of the people that work on particular projects in the community. ", "Two examples are the cattle collective and the sewing collective. ", "Each collective has a co-ordinator, a secretary and a treasurer. ", "The co-ordinator is changed at least once a year.", "\n\nThe main assembly may also appoint delegates to co-ordinate particular tasks, and with the co-ordinators of the collectives, they form a council which meets between assemblies and organises the work. ", "All of these delegates are recallable if the assembly or their collective is unhappy with them.", "\n\nFrom what we are told, a similar decision making structure works in other Zapatista communities and, in addition, communities send delegates to regional meetings. ", "The Zapatista zone has around 32 rebel municipalities that refuse to recognise the Mexican or local state government. ", "These municipalities send delegates to the council that organises the rebellion, the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee (CCRI). ", "According to interviews with its members, these delegates are also recallable \"if some member of the CCRI does not do their work, if they do not respect the people\". ", "It is this body that leads the Zapatistas rather than the rebel army or its commander, Subcomandante Marcos.", "\n\nThe Zapatistas are involved with a Peace Process. ", "But in this process not even the CCRI can make decisions, instead each document produced by the talks, or any proposed change in tactics, must first be decided by all the communities. ", "In June of 1994 a communiqué explained that the decision to enter talks had been made in each community after \"the study, analysis, and discussion of the peace accords took place in democratic assemblies. ", "The voting was direct, free, and democratic.\"", "\n\nThis account can only be a brief summary of the methods the Zapatistas use to make decisions, one which cannot discuss the problems they face in doing so. ", "Right now some tens of thousands of people are making decisions in this way, and have been doing so for the last four years in the most difficult of circumstances. ", "This demonstrates that the similar methods of democratic decision making, which anarchists advocate everywhere, are not only practical, but offer an alternative way to organise than forever hoping to get a few good men elected to the Dáil or Assembly.", "\n\nFirst published in Workers Solidarity 55, October 1998\n\nWORDS Andrew Flood (Follow Andrew on Twitter )" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIntegrate Paypal PHP sdk with Cakephp 3.x\n\nTo use Paypal PHP SDK is quite simple but when i try to use this SDK in cakephp 3.x then it generates errors. ", "I changed namespace name in \"Paypal SDK project\" to bring all files under one name space. ", "\nMy cakephp project namespace name is \nnamespace App\nbut namespace in Paypal SDK is \nnamespace PayPal\nI just changed it to \"namespace App\" and put all files in PayPal folder and put that folder in \"src\" folder in cakephp project. ", "but PayPal does not work using this technique. ", "\nCan you please advise me how to use this SDK in CakePHP or where to put files are best.", "\nI know there are some other techniques to make payment via paypal without SDK but i want to use SDK. ", "\nCan you please guide me little bit how to integrate PayPal PHP SDK in CakePHP. ", "\nSDK is provided here \nhttps://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK\nsome payment samples are here \nhttp://paypal.github.io/PayPal-PHP-SDK/sample/\n\nA:\n\n1. ", "Use composer for installation which will manages the dependencies:\nGo to your project directory (Eg:E:\\xampp\\htdocs\\cakephp) in command promot and type following:\ncomposer require \"paypal/rest-api-sdk-php:*\"\n\nThis will install latest version of paypal sdk into the vendor folder,you can go into vendor and check that.", "\n2. ", "Configure your environment:\nMake any function for configuration of paypal in any controller you would like:\npublic function configuration() {\n $apiContext = new \\PayPal\\Rest\\ApiContext(\n new \\PayPal\\Auth\\OAuthTokenCredential(\n 'YOUR APPLICATION CLIENT ID', // you will get information about client id and secret once you have created test account in paypal sandbox \n 'YOUR APPLICATION CLIENT SECRET' \n )\n );\n }\n\nAs you are using cakephp framework you don't need to write following line into your function as suggested in papal documentation:\n// Autoload SDK package for composer based installations\n require 'vendor/autoload.php';\n\nThis is because you have already done that with autoload.php file within your vendor folder.", "\n3. ", "Using paypal classes:\nYou need to use paypal classes/namespace within your controller in this way:\nnamespace App\\Controller; // your controller have this already\n\nuse App\\Controller\\AppController; // your controller have this already\n\nuse PayPal\\Api\\Payer;\nuse PayPal\\Api\\Item;\nuse PayPal\\Api\\ItemList;\n\n4. ", "Completely follow this quick start guide which will be pretty straight forward now:\nPaypal quick start guide.", "\nFor making sandbox test accounts:(Paypal developer guide)\n\n" ]
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[ "\nShow HN: Extremely simple CSS font embedding - leafbomb\nhttps://speedfont.com\n======\nBilters\nNice tool! ", "Especially with quick testing on fonts like you state in the\ndocumentation. ", "But i'm wondering what is your source for the fonts?", "\n\n------\nkernelsanderz\nThe font list menu item doesn't seem to do anything when I click on it. ", "Using\nsafari on latest iOS\n\n~~~\nleafbomb\nThanks for letting me know! ", "You can test it out on Desktop - I'll also try and\nget this fixed haha\n\n" ]
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[ "Catalina Gómez\n\nMaría Catalina Gómez Sánchez (born September 8, 1984 in Armenia, Quindío) simply known as Catalina Gómez or Catalina Gómez Sánchez, is a Colombian journalist and news presenter.", "\n\nGómez studied at the Pontifical Bolivarian University, where she majored in Social communication and journalist, subsequently, she debuted in 2006 in a local radio program, as producer, later, she entered as news reporter and anchor at the cable news channel based-in Bogota, Colombia\nNTN 24.", "\n\nDuring 2012, she became a press chief of an Institutional program, and later Gómez moved to Colombia, while worked as the official anchor of the Noticias MundoFox in Miami. ", "\nIn March 2013, she joined Noticias Caracol as a reporter and substitute anchor, later she passed to the weekends edition, and nowadays is the current First edition co-anchor alongside Juan Diego Alvira. ", "Gómez is married since 2010 with the sports journalist Juan Raúl Mejia.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n \n\nCategory:1984 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Colombian television journalists\nCategory:Colombian women journalists\nCategory:Colombian television presenters\nCategory:People from Quindío Department\nCategory:Women television journalists\nCategory:Women television presenters" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLeft trim: Remove characters after last instance of a number\n\nI have text in Excel that is a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols.", "\n010-038-310-1500-93745\n010-038-310-3000-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx\n010-038-???-????-?????-????????", "\n010-038-190-3109-?????-87655467-????????", "\n010-038-310-3101-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx\n010-038-xxx-3103-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-49359661\n\nI would like to remove all characters in the text that come after the last instance of a number:\n010-038-310-1500-93745\n010-038-310-3000\n010-038\n010-038-190-3109-?????-87655467\n010-038-310-3101\n010-038-xxx-3103-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-49359661\n\nIs there a way to do this with a formula in Excel?", "\n\nA:\n\nFor data in A1, in another cell, enter the array formula:\n=LEFT(A1,MAX(IFERROR(FIND({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},A1,ROW(INDIRECT(\"1:\"&LEN(A1)))),0)))\n\nArray formulas must be entered with Ctrl + Shift + Enter rather than just the Enter key. ", " If this is done correctly, the formula will appear with curly braces around it in the Formula Bar.", "\n\nA:\n\nA UDF to do the same:\nFunction LNum(Target As Range) As String\n\nDim i As Long\n\nFor i = Target.", "Characters.", "Count To 1 Step -1\nIf IsNumeric(Target.", "Characters(i, 1).Text) Then GoTo MyExit\nNext i\nMyExit:\nLNum = Left(Target, i)\n\nEnd Function\n\n" ]
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[ "My fellow Jalopnik readers, my friends 1972 Datsun 240z has been stolen in Santa Clarita, California. ", "We're a couple of 17 year olds in love with cars and my heart broke when he told me that he didn't see it when he woke up this morning. ", "It's an orange '72 with a white interior, 5spd out of a 280, original wood steering wheel, lots of rust spots, the car is de-badged, no bumpers, no mirrors and black XXR wheels. ", "We believe that the guys that cleaned his neighbors carpet yesterday may have stolen the car, but we aren't sure. ", "Here are a few pictures from his Instagram:\n\n\nInstagram post #1\n\nInstagram post #2\n\nHere are some more pictures:\n\n\n\nLicense Plate is: 5BGE624\n\nVin is: HLS30-95475\n\nI know this isn't a lot of info and pictures, but I know what you guys can do.", "\n\nPlease guys and girls I know you can do this. ", "I believe in you, please help us in anyway you can. ", "My friend who owns the car is named Chris and can be reached at 661-540-3265 or Chrisinanan@gmail.com\n\n\nThis would mean a lot to us. ", "Chris and I are going to drive around tonight to see if we can find it. ", "But if one of you finds it before we do, please contact him and/or the police. ", "Thank you all that are willing to help." ]
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[ "Maratha conquest of North-west India\n\nThe Maratha Conquest of North-west India, occurred between 1757 and 1758. ", "Though it was short-lived, it had long-lasting effects upon the politics of the Indian subcontinent.", "\n\nBackground \nAfter the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the 27 Years War ended in Maratha victory. ", "This was followed by the phase of rapid expansion of the Maratha Empire for the next 50 years under patronage of Shahu and his appointed Peshwa Baji Rao I and Senasahensubha Raghuji I Bhonsle. ", "They conquered Gujarat, the whole of Central India and Orissa, subdued Rajputana and raided into Bengal and Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu, and imposed chauth upon these areas. ", "Their ambition pushed them further northwards than Delhi into Haryana, which collided with the ambitions of Ahmad Shah Abdali, the founder of Durrani Empire. ", "In 1757, Ahmad Shah Abdali raided Delhi and captured Punjab and Kashmir with the help of Rohilla chief Najib Khan. ", "He installed his son Timur Shah Durrani in Multan and went back to Afghanistan.", "\n\nThe Campaign \nThe Maratha Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao sent his brother Raghunath Rao along with Shamsher Bahadur, Gangadhar Tatya, Sakharambapu, Naroshankar and Maujiram Bania and a large army towards Delhi. ", "They were accompanied by Malhar Rao Holkar of Malwa who had a long experience of North India and its rulers. ", "The Marathas captured Delhi in August 1757. ", "They decisively defeated the Rohillas and Afghans near Delhi in 1758. ", "The defeat was so decisive that Najib Khan surrendered to the Marathas and became their prisoner.", "\n\nInitial campaign of Sirhind\nIn Punjab, Adina Beg Khan, along with Sikhs was already in revolt with Ahmad Shah Abdali who had invaded Punjab multiple times and had been repled each time. ", "He decided to call Marathas for help. ", "On 7 March, Raghunathrao had encamped at Rajpura where he received Adina Beg Khan’s envoys, and was informed that the latter, accompanied by 15,000 Sikh fighters, belonging to the bands (the jathas) of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Baba Ala Singh of Patiala had closed upon Sirhind from the other side of Satluj. ", "A concerted attack on the fort of Sirhind was made by the Sikhs and Marathas on 8 March 1758. ", "Ahmad Samad Khan, with his 10,000 Afghan troops, held out for about two weeks before his capitulation on 21 March. ", "After the victory, the town was thoroughly sacked by the victors. ", "After defeating the Afghan-Rohilla forces, the Marathas forced the Afghans into the Khyber Pass.", "\n\nAdina Beg's sudden death threw Punjab into turmoil. ", "Many of his soldiers, particularly Afghan mercenaries deserted his army camp and added to the number of freebooters, thus creating chaos and anarchy everywhere. ", "Sikhs started again to revolt against Muslim ruling elite, which had failed to make any permanent settlement with them. ", "Khwaja Mirza who was now the Maratha governor of Punjab could not cope with the situation. ", "He sent an express appeal to the Peshwa for reinforcements, alerted all the junior Maratha officers to help him restoring law and order in the state and recalled Maratha detachments from Peshawar and Attock to safeguard his position in Lahore. ", "Tukoji Holkar and Narsoji Pandit, the Maratha commandants of Attock and Peshawar had to withdraw their troops from the frontier posts. ", "Sabbaji Patil was now given the charge of Peshawar.", "\n\nRaghunathrao and his deputy Malhar Rao were not interested in holding the position in the north for long. ", "On their request, Peshwa had to find their substitutes. ", "He gave supreme command of Dehli to Dattaji Scindia, while Jankoji Scindia was appointed his deputy. ", "They proceeded towards Delhi separately at different times.", "\n\nA massive army of Marathas under their new commanders, Scindias reached Machhiwara in March 1759. ", "Like Raghunathrao, Dattaji also didn't want to stay in Punjab for long.", "\nAs there was no news of Abdali's invasion, Dattaji deferred the appointment of any permanent governor in Punjab and left it to the Peshwa for decision at his convenience. ", "After deliberations with his advisors, Dattaji deputed Sabbaji to take care of Punjab and Nwfp along with assistance of Bapu Rao, Dadu Rao and Sena Pandit for time being and himself left Punjab for the suppression of Najib-ud-Daula in the Ganga valley. ", "Bapu Rao took the charge of Rohtas Fort, while other officers were appointed on the frontier posts.", "\n\nTaking advantage of Sabbaji's absence from Peshawar post, the Afghans marched to Peshawar. ", "The Peshawar fort was taken by Afghans with heavy losses to the besieged Maratha garrison. ", "Thereafter the Afghan invaders, under Jahan Khan overran Attock and threatened the Rohtas Fort. ", "By that time, Sabaji Patil (Sabaji Scindia) reached the place in the Battle of Lahore, (1759) with fresh troops and a large number of Sikh fighters, who had once again allied with Marathas. ", "The combined forces of Marathas and Sikhs defeated Afghan garrison in which Jahan lost his son and was himself wounded. ", "The Afghans quickly vacated the forts of Attock and Peshawar and retreated west to Afghanistan. ", "So, Peshawar once again fell to Marathas.", "\n\nAftermath\n\nDecline of Maratha power in North-West\n\nIt was unbearable for Abdali to overlook this defeat. ", "The Rohilla chief Najib Khan invited Abdali to avenge his defeat. ", "He, along with his commander Jahan Khan invaded Punjab for the fifth time with a massive force of 60,000 accompanied by heavy field-guns. ", "Trimbak Rao's 6000 strong Maratha garrison of Multan was massacred and only 500 of them could cross river Satluj. ", "Lahore, the capital of Punjab, however, did not fall to the Afghans. ", "The remaining Marathas retreated straight to Delhi from their northernmost posts at Sonipat. ", " On 24 December 1759, a battle was fought between Deattaji and Abdali in which Dattaji was defeated with a loss of 2500 Maratha soldiers. ", "As a consequence of victory, Abdali managed to join forces with Najib-ud-Daula.", "\n\nNajib defeated and killed Dattaji at Burari Ghat near Delhi in January, 1760. ", "Abdali followed him. ", "Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao sent his cousin Sadashivrao Bhau to repel Abdali which finally resulted in the Third Battle of Panipat where Abdali decisively defeated Marathas. ", "Panipat debacle was such a blow to the Maratha Empire that it could not enter north India for a century and could never really recover from the enormous losses they sustained during the whole campaign against the Durrani Empire.", "\n\nReasons for Decline\nThe Marathas had failed to befriend the important party of Punjab, particularly Sikhs, even though they had not entered Punjab, they had got close enough to be aided by Sikh troops in numerous battles. ", "They couldn't make any formal treaty with Sikhs, who along with Adina Beg had assisted them in their conquest of north-west. ", "According to an assessment, the Sikhs were ever ready to co-operate with the Marathas, but it goes to the discredit of the Marathas that they could not make a proper confederacy with Sikhs due to their fear of the Sikhs tall statures. ", "Kirpal Singh writes:\n\nFinding the Maratha leadership completely off guard against their political foes, many Afghans who were earlier taken captives by Marathas quickly changed their loyalty towards Adina Beg and were recruited in his army. ", "However, later on they betrayed him and joined Abdali's forces during his fifth invasion.", "\n\nThe Peshwa was alarmed by the growing French and British influence in the Deccan. ", "When Abdali invaded Punjab for the fifth time, the Marathas didn't try hard enough to save the frontier posts and instead started planning to save Delhi from another invasion.", "\n\nReferences \n\nMaratha Empire\nCategory:Military history of India\nCategory:Conflicts in 1758" ]
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[ "Friends\n\nDecember 2014\n\nWhoa! ", "Has it really been months again? ", "I keep forgetting this blog is even here. ", "Ha! ", "I have been maintaining my busy-ness as always and am still working on a ton of things that I hope to be pushing through soon. ", "Many of these are the same that I have posted about before, so they Read More" ]
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[ "It’s NaNoWriMo month, and a lot of professionals don’t like it. ", "They say it’s misleading to tell newbies that the career that pros have taken years to perfect can be achieved in 30 days. ", "They say that December 1 marks the day that thousands of unedited, 50,000 word “novels” hit the desks of agents and editors. ", "Some of them are just cynics who hate the excitement people get as November draws near, since they’re toiling on their own books.", "\n\nBut I tend to think it’s a great thing. ", "Writing well is difficult, yes. ", "But writing is not. ", "And most people just stop themselves at writing, thinking if their story isn’t flat out brilliant literature from word one, they will never improve, never learn, and never be a writer. ", "NaNoWriMo tells people to turn off the horrid editor in our minds and just write- something that’s difficult to do. ", "Pros know for a fact that there’s always a lurking voice saying, “This is crap, why are you wasting your time with tripe?” – ", "they just know to tell that voice to shut up, that they’ll get their opinion once the story is done.", "\n\nMost of all for me, NaNoWriMo encourages people to write – and write every day. ", "And at the core of things, I really can’t see what kind of ogre thinks this is a bad idea. ", "Writing is a great thing. ", "More writers means more stories. ", "And last I checked, we still liked stories. ", "So participate in NaNoWriMo. ", "Write a 50,000 word story in a month. ", "Then let it sit. ", "Then edit it. ", "Then edit it again. ", "Learn from every step.", "\n\nIn other news, I just returned from World Fantasy Con, which was my first. ", "It was a fantastic meeting of industry professionals, and I met a lot of great authors and narrators that have appeared in Escape Pod, Podcastle, and Pseudopod. (", "To name a few: Cat Rambo, K. Tempest Bradford, Keffy R. M. Kehrli, M. K. Hobson, Vylar Kaftan, and several more.) ", "During the Escape Artists’ meetup, we managed to discuss fanfic, Elmo, and the Escape Artists forums. ", "In retrospect perhaps we should have served alcohol. ", "Ah well. ", "It was fantastic meeting people, and cons are over too quickly.", "\n\nThe last two months of the year have some really exciting stories planned, and I can’t wait to bring them to you.", "\n\nBe mighty!", "\n\nMur\n\nIf you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more great content just like it." ]
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[ "Biological characterization of an English granulovirus from the summer fruit tortrix moth, Adoxophyes orana.", "\nAdoxophyes orana granulovirus (AdorGV) was isolated from overwintering larvae in an orchard in Kent, in the UK. ", "The developmental time of each A. orana instar was determined by measuring the size of the head capsule. ", "The susceptibility of the larvae to the English isolate of AdorGV was evaluated in laboratory bioassays using inoculation by microdroplet feeding and applied dose assays. ", "A series of bioassays were performed to determine LD(50) and ST(50) values for first, fourth and fifth instar larvae. ", "The median lethal doses ranged from 30 occlusion bodies in first instar to 1.36 x 10(6) in fifth instar. ", "The median survival time decreased the later the larvae were infected and ranged from 37 days in first instar to 24 days in fifth instar. ", "Approximately half of the infected larvae released a discharge rich in occlusion bodies from their posterior end prior to death. ", "Approximately 85% of larvae attempted pupation and died as larva-pupa intermediates." ]
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[ 0.0008317262982018292, 0.000637591234408319, 0.0005404677940532565, 0.0006928225047886372, 0.000580968742724508, 0.0007912490982562304, 0.0007981631206348538, 0.0129169886931777, 0.004569771699607372 ]
[ "\n610 A.2d 145 (1992)\nC.V. LANDFILL, INC.", "\nv.\nENVIRONMENTAL BOARD.", "\nNo. ", "91-012.", "\nSupreme Court of Vermont.", "\nMay 8, 1992.", "\n*146 John B. Kassel and Martin K. Miller of Miller, Eggleston & Rosenberg, Ltd., Burlington, for plaintiff-appellant.", "\nJeffrey L. Amestoy, Atty. ", "Gen., and Conrad W. Smith, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., Montpelier, for defendant-appellee.", "\nBefore ALLEN, C.J., and GIBSON, DOOLEY, MORSE and JOHNSON, JJ.", "\nMORSE, Justice.", "\nPlaintiff C.V. Landfill, Inc. appeals the Washington Superior Court's dismissal of its request for a declaratory judgment that Act 250 did not apply to its landfill operation. ", "C.V. challenges the court's invocation of discretion to dismiss the complaint. ", "C.V. claims that the court did not have discretion under the declaratory judgment provision of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 3 V.S.A. § 807, and the Declaratory Judgments Act (DJA), 12 V.S.A. §§ 4711-4725, to refuse to reach the merits. ", "Alternatively, C.V. claims that if such discretion existed, it was abused. ", "C.V. also appeals the court's dismissal of its request to enjoin Act 250 proceedings against it.", "\nC.V. and its predecessor operated a landfill in East Montpelier since the mid-1960's. ", "The landfill was a pre-existing development under 10 V.S.A. ch. ", "151 (Act 250), because it was in operation before June 1, 1970. ", "Therefore, it was not required to obtain an Act 250 permit, absent a substantial change. ", "10 V.S.A. § 6081(b).", "\nUnder certification by the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) aimed at reducing potential pollution from its landfill operation, C.V. was required to eliminate the flow of surface water and leachate through an existing culvert system. ", "C.V. implemented the ANR requirement by capping off the old system, extending an existing ditch, and installing subsurface tanks, a pumphouse, and pipes, but made no change in accepting and processing waste. ", "In March 1990, the local District Environmental Commission Coordinator issued a written advisory opinion indicating that C.V.'s surface water and leachate diversion required an Act 250 permit because the project constituted a substantial change under Environmental Board Rule 2(G). ", "The opinion also advised that C.V. could appeal to the Environmental Board and that failure to do so or to apply for a permit might trigger an Act 250 enforcement proceeding. ", "C.V. did neither and instead filed suit against the Board in Washington Superior Court.", "\nIn its complaint, C.V. claimed that its efforts to meet ANR requirements did not constitute a substantial change within the meaning of Rule 2(G) and therefore, as a preexisting landfill, it was exempt from obtaining an Act 250 permit. ", "The trial court dismissed C.V.'s action on the basis of the doctrine of \"primary jurisdiction\" because, in its view, the Environmental Board was the more appropriate forum to decide the issue.", "\n\nI.\nUnder the doctrine of \"primary jurisdiction,\" courts may refrain from exercising jurisdiction when an alternative tribunal with expertise in the subject matter is available to decide the dispute. ", "See generally 4 K. Davis, Administrative Law Treatise §§ 22:1-22:2 (2d ed. ", "1983) (disposition of the case by administrative agency charged by statute to adjudicate disputes in a particular specialty promotes utilization of expertise and uniformity of interpretation); see also Smith v. Highway Board, 117 Vt. ", "343, 349, 91 A.2d 805, 809 (1952) (courts ordinarily do not grant relief prior to an agency decision where the agency has primary jurisdiction).", "\nEnvironmental Board Rule 3(C) provides that\nAn advisory opinion of a district coordinator may be appealed to the executive officer of the board. ", "An advisory opinion of the executive officer may be appealed to the environmental board by means of a petition for a declaratory ruling. *", "147 While the DJA and § 807 of the APA allow parties to seek a declaratory judgment in superior court, Rule 3(C) provides an alternative administrative remedy.", "\nOur cases underscore the importance of prior adjudication by administrative bodies, and we conclude that the primary jurisdiction doctrine was particularly suited to this case. ", "In In re State Aid Highway No. ", "1, 133 Vt. ", "4, 8, 328 A.2d 667, 669 (1974), we stated that \"proceedings under various declaratory judgment statutes cannot be substituted for adequate and available remedies of review ... by administrative tribunals.\" ", "Courts must, then, consider at the outset whether another body is better suited to resolve the issues before it. ", "I.C.C. v. Maine Central R.R., 505 F.2d 590, 594 (2d Cir. ", "1974) (doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies where a claim is originally cognizable in the courts, and comes into play when resolution of the issues under regulatory scheme requires the special competence of an administrative body). ", "See also Committee to Save the Bishop's House v. Medical Center Hosp. ", "of Vermont, Inc., 136 Vt. ", "213, 218, 388 A.2d 827, 830 (1978) (when properly applied, doctrine of primary jurisdiction serves as guide in determining whether court should \"`refrain from exercising its jurisdiction until after an administrative agency'\" has considered the issue) (quoting 3 K. Davis, Administrative Law Treatise § 19.01, at 3 (1958)).", "\nThe DJA, enacted in 1931, was designed to provide litigants \"at an early stage of the controversy a right to petition for relief not heretofore possessed.\" ", "Gifford Memorial Hospital v. Town of Randolph, 119 Vt. ", "66, 70, 118 A.2d 480, 483 (1955). ", "The Act provides that a superior court \"shall have power to declare rights, status and other legal relations whether or not further relief is or could be claimed.\" ", "12 V.S.A. § 4711.", "\nSection 807 of the APA was enacted later, in 1968. ", "It gives the Washington Superior Court jurisdiction to determine the applicability of an agency rule. ", "Under § 807,\n[t]he validity or applicability of a rule may be determined in an action for declaratory judgment in the Washington superior court if it is alleged that the rule, or its threatened application, interfere with or impairs, or threatens to interfere with or impair, the legal rights or privileges of the plaintiff.", "\nThe APA, invoked by C.V. in this case, is limited to issues of administrative law, serving as the vehicle enabling a litigant to seek a declaratory judgment on the validity or applicability of any agency rule in the Washington Superior Court. ", "C.V. maintains that the DJA, made applicable in this case by § 807, significantly limits the court's discretion to dismiss. ", "In our view, the court's authority was not so limited as to deny it the discretion to dismiss C.V.'s complaint.", "\nC.V. relies on 12 V.S.A. § 4716 of the DJA (entitled \"Refusal to enter judgment; discretion of court\"), which states that \"[t]he court may refuse to render or enter a declaratory judgment or decree where such judgment or decree, if rendered or entered, would not terminate the uncertainty or controversy giving rise to the proceeding.\" ", "C.V. argues from this language that discretion to dismiss exists only when a declaratory ruling, if given, would not resolve the controversy. ", "By implication, it maintains, no discretion exists in any other circumstance.", "\nWe refuse to impose upon the Washington Superior Court the obligation to retain jurisdiction based on this limited reading of the DJA urged by C.V. Other cases of this Court, which C.V. cites in support of this reading, are distinguishable because they are based solely on the DJA and do not account for the administrative statutory scheme or the doctrine of primary jurisdiction. ", "See, e.g., Neal v. Brockway, 136 Vt. ", "119, 121-22, 385 A.2d 1069, 1070 (1978) (error for court to dismiss, under the DJA, request to declare parties' rights to property jointly held because \"bare existence of another adequate remedy ... provides an insufficient basis\" for a dismissal); Commercial Ins. ", "Co. v. Papandrea, 121 Vt. ", "386, 392, 159 A.2d 333, 337 (1960) (court should not have dismissed request for declaration of insurer's duty to defend where *148 the decree would have the effect of \"clarifying the legal relations of the parties or... terminat[ing] the uncertainty and insecurity of the controversy\").", "\nThe Legislature's instruction that a declaratory action \"may\" be dismissed when complete relief cannot be granted to resolve the controversy does not mean dismissal is improper in all other circumstances. ", "See, e.g., V.R.C.P. 12(b) (listing defenses, including lack of personal jurisdiction, improper forum and other deficiencies, as proper grounds for dismissal by a court). ", "In the context of a \"declaratory judgment,\" the \"terminate the uncertainty\" language in § 4716 reflects our general jurisdictional prerequisite that a court exercise its power to resolve only real disputes—\"cases and controversies\"—as opposed to issuing advisory or hypothetical opinions. ", "Gifford Memorial Hospital v. Town of Randolph, 119 Vt. ", "at 70, 118 A.2d at 483.", "\nC.V.'s construction of the DJA according to the maxim of expressio unius est exclusio alterius—the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another—does not help here. ", "Were we to carry C.V.'s argument to its logical extreme, none of the traditional and well-established grounds to dismiss a lawsuit would be available by simply labeling the action one for a declaratory judgment. ", "Canons of construction such as the one used by plaintiff \"are routinely discarded when they do not further a statute's remedial purposes.\" ", "Clymer v. Webster, 156 Vt. ", "614, 625, 596 A.2d 905, 912 (1991).", "\nBecause the purpose of the DJA is to stabilize and quiet relations between parties, Price v. Rowell, 121 Vt. ", "393, 399, 159 A.2d 622, 626 (1960), the court's actions were justified. ", "As it is a remedial statute, we will construe the DJA liberally to effectuate these goals. ", "Neal, 136 Vt. ", "at 121, 385 A.2d at 1070. ", "Surely a court's invocation of discretion to dismiss is proper where, as here, it did so in order to allow another tribunal, better suited to apply the Act 250 criteria, to resolve the dispute. ", "C.V.'s view that, once jurisdiction is invoked under the DJA, the exclusive forum to decide the dispute resides in the superior court is inflexible and frustrates the legislative scheme placing administrative decision-making where subject-matter expertise resides.", "\n\nII.", "\nAlternatively, C.V. argues that even if there was discretion to dismiss under § 807, it was abused because the issues before the superior court were legal questions better addressed by a court than the administrative agency.", "\nFirst, the \"legal question\" raised was actually one mixed in law and fact. ", "In retaining jurisdiction, the court would have had to decide if plaintiff's modifications to its landfill site constituted a \"substantial change\" under 10 V.S.A. § 6086 triggering Act 250 permit requirements. ", "This task would have entailed an application of the facts to the relevant legal authority; hence, both factual and legal questions were implicated.", "\nIn addition, these are issues so intertwined with environmental law that, under the doctrine of primary jurisdiction previously discussed, the body charged with interpreting Act 250 is the most appropriate tribunal to interpret them. ", "We give great weight to the Environmental Board's expertise in these areas. ", "See, e.g., In re Agency of Transportation, 157 Vt. ___, ___, ", "596 A.2d 358, 360 (1991) (Act 250 gives \"primacy over, without preemption of, ancillary permit and approval processes\").", "\nFinally, C.V. is not challenging the validity of the statute. ", "If this were the posture of the case, a court might be the more appropriate tribunal. ", "See Flanders Lumber & Building Supply Co. v. Town of Milton, 128 Vt. ", "38, 44, 258 A.2d 804, 808 (1969) (when issue is whether particular law is valid, \"it is undoubtedly judicial economy and wisdom to decide the issue by declaratory judgment before the administrative channel has been invoked or exhausted\"). ", "In sum, the court did not abuse its discretion to defer to another, more appropriate, route to resolve this dispute.", "\n\n\n*149 III.", "\nC.V.'s final point is that the court's dismissal of its request for injunctive relief was premature because the court so ruled before C.V. submitted supporting affidavits or offers of proof.", "\nAn injunction \"will not be granted routinely unless the right to relief is clear.\" ", "Vermont Division of State Buildings v. Town of Castleton Bd. ", "of Adjustment, 138 Vt. ", "250, 256, 415 A.2d 188, 193 (1980). ", "Because the court deferred to another tribunal and dismissed the action, it no longer had authority to issue an injunction. ", "For the court in this case to grant injunctive relief would have amounted to an implicit countermand of its invocation of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction. ", "See Committee to Save the Bishop's House, 136 Vt. ", "at 218, 388 A.2d at 830 (when court, under the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, chose not to determine the applicability of Act 250, the court's subsequent issuance of an injunction was erroneous). ", "If the court here were to issue an injunction, it would have been required first to determine the applicability of Act 250, which it declined to do. ", "Consequently, it correctly refused to enjoin Act 250 enforcement proceedings.", "\nAffirmed.", "\n" ]
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[ "Acute appendicitis presenting as thigh abscess in a child: a case report.", "\nA case of retrocecal appendicitis is described in a 6-year-old male child who presented with thigh abscess. ", "The presence of a positive psoas stretch test, feculent discharge, an enteric growth on bacteriological examination, and intraabdominal fluid collection on abdominal ultrasound provided clues to the presence of an intraabdominal source of sepsis. ", "Laparotomy revealed a perforated retrocecal appendix with surrounding collection communicating into the thigh. ", "Appendectomy with drainage of retroperitoneal and thigh collections under adequate antibiotic coverage resulted in a satisfactory recovery. ", "We describe our experience with the present case and discuss the pertinent literature." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.20791736245155334, 0.45077475905418396, 0.0009494838886894286, 0.0011525474255904555, 0.000637559627648443, 0.0005066784797236323 ]
[ "Q:\n\nProof by contradiction: $(A \\subset \\Bbb{R}) \\land (A \\neq \\emptyset )\\wedge (A \\mbox{ is bounded below } )\\to \\exists x (x \\doteq \\inf(A))$\n\nI must proof the following:\n\nProp.: ", "let be $\\Bbb{R}$ a complete ordered field $$\\emptyset \\neq A \\subset \\Bbb{R} \\wedge A \\mbox{ is bounded below } \\to \\exists x (x \\doteq \\inf(A))$$\nProof: by contradiction I have $ A \\mbox{ has not least element }$ therefore $$\\nexists x (x \\doteq \\inf(A)) \\equiv$$$$\\equiv \\nexists x(x=\\max(m(A)))\\equiv$$$$\\equiv \\nexists x(x \\in m(A) \\wedge x \\in M(m(A))\\equiv$$$$\\equiv \\forall x(x \\notin m(A) \\vee x \\notin M(m(A)))$$ but if $x \\notin m(A)$ I have an absurd because by hypothesis $A$ is bounded below ($m(A) \\neq \\emptyset$), if $x \\notin M(m(A))$ I have an absurd because $A \\neq \\emptyset$ and $\\forall r \\in A (r \\in M(m(A)))$ therefore $M(m(A))\\neq \\emptyset$.\n\nIt is correct? ", "\n$$m(A)=\\{z|z \\mbox{ is lower bound}\\}$$$$M(A)=\\{z|z \\mbox{ is upper bound}\\}$$\n\nA:\n\nRight. ", "Your result is equivalent to the completeness property. ", "This is how you form your contradiction:- We know that $A$ is bounded below so $m(A) \\neq \\emptyset$. And since $A \\neq \\emptyset$ any element $a \\in A$ is an upper bound for $m(A)$. Hence $\\sup m(A) = c$ exists. ", "By definition $c \\in M(m(A))$. Suppose there is $a \\in A$ such that $a \\lt c$. This is a contradiction since $a$ is an upper bound for $m(A)$ and is less than its supremum. ", "This gives us that $c \\le a \\;\\; \\forall a \\in A$ and hence $c \\in m(A)$. \nQ. E. D.\nThere is an easier way to prove the result though. ", "Consider the set $B = \\{- a \\ | \\ a \\in A\\}$ and apply the supremum property to B. \n\n" ]
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[ "Evidence suggesting that chlorophyllin (CHLN) may act as an inhibitor or a promoter of genetic damage induced by chromium(VI) oxide (CrO3) in somatic cells of Drosophila.", "\nIn Drosophila, 48h-old larvae were pretreated for 24h with chlorophyllin (CHLN) or sucrose and then treated with chromium(VI) oxide (CrO(3)) immediately following completion of the pretreatment period (0-day delay) or delayed 1, 2 or 3 days. ", "The effects were scored in the wing spot test. ", "After delays of 0 and 1 day, clear evidence of a protective effect of CHLN was found. ", "Contrarily, after delays of 2 and 3 days, the results showed a reversal, i.e. CHLN-related events appeared more frequently than those in the sucrose control suggesting a promoting effect. ", "It would appear prudent that CHLN be tested in a variety of situations in any given organism before decisions are reached regarding its inhibitor/promoter effects." ]
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[ "MintLife Q&A: What Can I Do About an International Anti-Consumer Law?", "\n\nDo you have a question for MintLife consumer advocate Christopher Elliott? ", "Head over to the Mint.com Facebook page and ask away!", "\n\nQuestion: I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with. ", "It happened on a recent trip to Slovenia.", "\n\nThe incident that caused me trouble happened when I was leaving Slovenia to go across one of the new border stations into Croatia. ", "My rental car was from Switzerland and I was driving. ", "I had two Slovene cousins with me and we had just been visiting a church up on a mountain in Slovenia.", "\n\nLiving in America, where no one cares a hoot when you leave the country, it has always seemed strange to me that a police or border unit would want to check us as we leave the country. ", "I expect to produce a passport to enter a country, not leave it.", "\n\nIn this case, the officer on the Slovenian side spoke to us in Slovenian, which I do not understand. ", "We were detained and I finally understood from my cousins that there was some archaic law requiring me to have registered with the local police and pay a tourist tax.", "\n\nI thought it was a joke and my cousins convinced me that it was in fact a problem, and that if I did not pay a fine on the spot I might end up in jail. ", "The situation was too incredible to believe.", "\n\nI had gotten cash from a machine earlier in the day and had more cash than usual, so I just happened to have just enough to pay the 300 Euros they demanded.", "\n\nSince Slovenia is part of the EU, I spoke to my cousins in France about the incident. ", "One of my young cousins is a lawyer. ", "He knew of no such rules or laws in France or the EU.", "\n\nHis father is a journalist for a newspaper and his opinion was that it was a scam and not legal. ", "That’s my opinion too, unless it is some old communist rule that should have been removed or superseded by EU regulations.", "\n\nIt was not a pleasant situation and brings back unpleasant memories. ", "What do you think about such a rule as requiring visitors or tourists to report to the police and paying a tourist tax or being heavily fined or jailed? — ", "James Dangel, Sitka, AK.", "\n\nYou’re probably wondering why I’m answering a question about an obscure Slovenian law on a consumer advocacy post.", "\n\nBecause, it turns out the world is full of laws that punish consumers and otherwise make no sense. (", "Oddly, the tax collected is supposed to be used to promote tourism to Slovenia. ", "A strange way to do that, don’t you think?)", "\n\nGood luck stopping these laws outside the United States. ", "But here at home, you have an opportunity right now to do something about it.", "\n\nI’m talking about the upcoming election, of course. ", "In a few weeks, you’ll vote for candidates who will determine the direction of your city, state and nation for the next few years.", "\n\nDisclosure: I’m a registered independent. ", "Really, I am.", "\n\nDetermining which candidate will enact the most reasonable laws is a personal decision that I don’t want to influence. ", "But it’s something to think about.", "\n\nBut you bring up a broader point, too. ", "What do you do when your consumer behavior runs headfirst into a really dumb law like the “tourist tax”?", "\n\nFortunately for you, most municipalities in the United States collect a tourist tax as part of your hotel rate. ", "You never really see the money being sucked out of your bank account, and if you pay attention, it’s not quite as painful as having to shell out 300 euros at the border.", "\n\nBut stupid laws abound, from regulations that allow a business to quote a price that doesn’t include all mandatory fees, to anti-consumer rules that protect businesses instead of you, the voter.", "\n\nI wish I could say the Slovenian tourist fine was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, but it isn’t. ", "Not a day goes by that I don’t see rules protecting the guilty and punishing the innocent. ", "The only one who can stop it is you.", "\n\nChristopher Elliott is a consumer advocate who blogs about getting better customer service at On Your Side. ", "Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook or send him your questions by email." ]
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[ "Those skilled in the refrigeration art will understand and appreciate the seasonal climatic influence on large commercial and industrial refrigeration systems of the type disclosed. ", "The primary function of such systems is to provide efficient year-round refrigeration of the respective fixtures or units cooled by the system evaporators, and the most efficient refrigeration is obtained by delivering subcooled liquid refrigerant to the expansion valves therefor. ", "Subcooling is inherently obtained during winter and intermediate seasons by using conventional condenser flooding and/or multi-pass condensers to control or maintain the minimum compressor head pressure requisite for total system operation, as taught by U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,358,469. ", "Such subcooling can result in substantial energy or power savings unless it has to be obtained by offsetting power usage through the use of conventional mechanical subcooler units in the liquid line to the expansion valves to prevent, flash gas due to liquid line pressure reduction during gas defrosting, as taught by U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,150,490. ", "Thus, the advantages of liquid refrigerant subcooling in efficient operation of system compressors and evaporators and the potential power savings thereby achieved are well known. ", "However, heretofore the installation of conventional mechanical subcoolers for use during summer operations has remained the primary solution to efficient system refrigeration during hot weather.", "\nThe use of heat reclamation is also well understood and can result in substantial energy or power savings during winter and intermediate seasons depending upon the relative costs of electrical compressor power and heating fuel. ", "If the compressor head pressure is increased there will be a higher heat reclamation potential, but at a higher power consumption by the compressors, as discussed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,522,037." ]
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[ 0.0006531582330353558, 0.0006904391921125352, 0.0006988338427618146, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0009958260925486684, 0.0007636211230419576, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0007253249641507864, 0.000655796960927546, 0.0006756010698154569, 0.0005969079793430865, 0.0005893826019018888, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0010175625793635845 ]
[ "\nWhy are so many stories X company posts X revenue? ", "Who cares? - ", "RichardHeart\nIt seems to be that the only two parties that really care what revenue a company makes in a quarter are investors in that company or its competitors. ", "I really, truly, do not care what your quarterly profit is, at all. ", " Is there some reason I see these articles popping up so often on consumer tech sites, like techpowerup.com?", "\n======\nNaritai\nThere are 3 major points that I can think of:\n\n1- these are extremely easy to write. ", "Some blogger at (for example) just needs\nto copy and paste the quarterly announcement, and bam he's got his article for\nthe day. (", "it's quarterly results season at the moment, which is why you're\nseeing so many right now).", "\n\n2 - Companies like to be in the news, and reporting about their incredible\nresults is basically free advertising. ", "So they have incentive to feed the\nannouncements to bloggers.", "\n\n3- it's become a trend for tech watchers to 'cheer' for their favorite\ncompany, and revenue reports have become some sort of proxy for a scoreboard\ncomparing companies. ", "This is a thinking along the lines of \"if Google makes\nmore than Apple last quarter, that validates my preference for Android\". ", "I'm\nnot standing behind this line of thinking but it sure seems to be a popular\npastime among tech commenters.", "\n\n------\nmrleiter\nInformation bias - most people understand what revenue is and hence use this\nmetric to judge a company. ", "And mind you, I am not saying that revenue is\nirrelevant to evaluating a company. ", "It has its place in \"the bigger picture\".", "\nBut it is easier to boast with revenue than it is with free cash flow. ", "Look at\nthe recent example of Intel [0] - the company likes to push positive\nindicators like revenue and profitability in this case; but those \"positive\"\ndevelopments happened because they increased prices. ", "Which generally is not a\ngood sign, because this usually means that demand did not grow, only that the\nmarket is willing to pay a higher price for the same good.", "\n\n[0]\n[https://www.ft.com/content/0e327b06-0149-3868-acbc-e27e8a15b...](https://www.ft.com/content/0e327b06-0149-3868-acbc-e27e8a15ba6e)\n\n------\nAbrahamParangi\nTech companies pay PR companies (or PR professionals) to promote stories about\ntheir own success. ", "Most news sites have an incentive to post pretty much all\nthe content they have, as often as possible because there is a small upside in\nposting a story and essentially no downside. ", "When a PR company comes to a news\nsite with a story, the news site _might as well_ run it.", "\n\nTech companies pay PR companies to do this to:\n\n1) Stay in the news (brand awareness)\n\n2) Signal strength to vendors, partners, and distributors\n\n3) Build up good press prior to a round of investment\n\n------\ntryitnow\nSure, a few reasons: 1) If they're public they have a lot of investors and\neven more potential investors. ", "2) People like to watch competition, they like\nto see some things (team, companies, athletes) perform better than others.", "\nThey like the horserace and horserace style articles generate clicks 3) Slow\nnews days and media companies have to put something out.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "More is less: reducing animal use by raising awareness of the principles of efficient study design and analysis.", "\nGood experimental design and the appropriate use of statistical tests form the corner stone of high-quality scientific research. ", "This is especially important when the experiments involve the use of laboratory animals, to ensure that their use is appropriate and that the minimum number of animals will be used that will provide data which are sufficiently statistically-sound to meet the objectives of the study. ", "One way to raise awareness of the importance of efficient study design and analysis is to provide training courses. ", "This paper reports the views of participants at two such training schools, with reference to why they felt that attendance was necessary and how effective they felt the experience had been. ", "The implications of the responses are discussed, and considerations for future training events are noted." ]
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[ 0.0006107104709371924, 0.0005511597846634686, 0.0005397347267717123, 0.0005268845125101507, 0.0005043063429184258, 0.0005279416800476611 ]
[ "And according to the Pastafarian Society at Rutgers, the two might be more connected than you think.", "\n\nPastafarians worship a deity known as the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who invented his own version of science, said Ben Davis, the captain of the Pastafarian Society.", "\n\n“In his version, correlation does indeed equal causation, and we have found that a decrease in pirates has corresponded to an increase in temperature,” said Davis, a School of Engineering senior. “", "We concluded that the pirate must be the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s chosen people.”", "\n\nTo that end, the members of the Pastafarian Society dress like pirates, have sword fights with foam weapons, and celebrate national “Talk Like a Pirate day,” which was yesterday, by shouting “Arrrrs and “Ayes” from the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus.", "\n\nAt their first meeting of the semester at Scott Hall Tuesday, Davis said the society was endowed with an important mission to spread piracy around campus.", "\n\n“Our voyage be one of piracy,” said Davis, a School of Engineering senior. “", "Why, do you ponder? ", "For wishes and trinkets? ", "Nay. ", "Swashbuckling thrills? ", "Nay. ", "Booze and wenches? ", "Nay … We know that only as the number of salty dogs roaming the blue seas fell that the world temperature began to rise. … ", "Pirates be the holiest ones among us.”", "\n\nHe said he was hopeful to see so many people who have rejected the teachings of the “dark lord” Charles Darwin in favor of the words put down by the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s noodly appendage.", "\n\nHis next step was a pirate-themed song played on a guitar about the many positive attributes of him and his shipmates.", "\n\n“We sail, pillage, plunder for the FSM, it may too be good fun, but we must prevent the end / for the Flying Spaghetti Monster grows angry with the world / for if the seas lack pirates, then the seas lack cold,” he sang.", "\n\nThe club does more than play pirates, though. ", "At their meeting, the school’s best buccaneers discussed their plans for promoting charities and science education.", "\n\nIn fact, the Pastafarian religion began as a rhetorical exercise in response to Kansas schools teaching intelligent design rather than evolution in public classrooms, said James Palmer, the club’s “purser,” or treasurer.", "\n\n“Bobby Henderson argued that if they devoted time to Christianity in class, they needed to give his theory time as well,” said Palmer, a School of Engineering junior. “", "He said, ‘you have just as much scientific evidence for your theory as we do.’”", "\n\nHenderson wrote the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which portrayed heaven as a volcano of beer and strippers, and hell as full of stale beer and STDs, Davis said.", "\n\nInstead of the Ten Commandments, the Gospel has the “Eight I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts,” he said. ", "The society studies the Old Pastament and the New Pastament, calls their holy book “The Loose Canon” and makes “rosarinis” instead of rosaries.", "\n\nPaul Blessing, the club’s unofficial “first mate” said Pastafarians at Rutgers have contributed stories to the Loose Canon, a holy book of the Pastafarian religion.", "\n\nHe suggested the club make YouTube videos parodying the typical Christian Bible readings on the site.", "\n\n“We are equal-opportunity insulters,” said Blessing, a School of Arts and Sciences senior.", "\n\nThe club discussed other upcoming events at their meeting and proposed new ones, such as the first “Cannon Ball,” a pirate-themed ball in late February.", "\n\nMost of the club’s fundraising efforts go to Alex’s Lemonade Stand, a charity that combats childhood cancer, Palmer said.", "\n\nThe club might want to contribute to scientific research, he said, such as stem-cell research, although the club has not made any decisions yet.", "\n\nDavis said he wanted the club to take a more active stance this year under his leadership.", "\n\nThe group also partners with the Atheist Student Alliance and the Pagan Student Association to promote their mutual agendas, Palmer said. ", "The two groups occasionally have more serious philosophical discussions about religion, science and politics.", "\n\nDavis said when he first encountered club members in full pirate regalia at his freshman student involvement fair, he found Pastafarianism strange and insulting.", "\n\nAfter attending some meetings and talking to some students about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, however, he found it less offensive than it was hilarious.", "\n\n“I could see that the purpose wasn’t any kind of anti-religious thing, but it was trying to protect the integrity of science classrooms,” he said. “", "So here I am, three years later, president of a club I once thought offensive.”" ]
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[ "acekanaya:\n\ni love otherkin so much.", "\n\nIt’s basically like,\n\n“Hi i’m a dragon and also a star,”\n\n“Hi I’m a cloud and sometimes a wolf.”", "\n\n“Let’s be friends.”", "\n\nwe are all so rad. ", "i love u kin." ]
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[ "Topics\n\nIt took a month and a trip to Turkey, but Marshawn Lynch has finally weighed in on the most controversial call in Super Bowl history. \"", "I'm just here so Bigfoot won't fine me,\" he said. ", "Lynch didn't say those exact words, but it is now obvious he believes Pete Carroll was the second gunman in the JFK assassination. ", "Carroll was 12 and living in California at the time, but what's to say he didn't skip school that day and sneak onto the grassy knoll? ", "As preposterous as that sounds, Lynch's take on why Seattle didn't give him the ball on the 1-yard line is almost as crazy. \"", "When you look at me, and you let me run that ball in ... I am...\n\nRelated \"Pete Carroll\" Articles\n\nIt took a month and a trip to Turkey, but Marshawn Lynch has finally weighed in on the most controversial call in Super Bowl history.", "\n\"I'm just here so Bigfoot won't fine me,\" he said.", "\nLynch didn't say those exact words, but it is now...\n\nRunning off at the typewriter …\nBecause Danica Patrick seems to crash anytime Denny Hamlin (or anyone else, for that matter) gets close to her, I think NASCAR needs to begin work immediately on some form of high-tech force-field technology.", "\nHere's how...\n\nSo you think Seahawks coach Pete Carroll’s decision to call for a pass on second-and-goal from the 1-yard line in the Super Bowl was a dumb move? ", "Well, you’re not alone.", "\nBut where does it rank on our list of the top 20 biggest mistakes in sports history?...", "\n\nBill Belichick's mantra is \"Do Your Job.\" ", "As a law-abiding citizen who likes to see nice guys finish first, my job always has been to hate the Patriots.", "\nI'm not the only employee on that loading dock. ", "New England is the second-most hated team...\n\nBill Belichick, greatest coach of this NFL generation.", "\nAnd looks like he is on his way to becoming greatest NFL coach of all-time.", "\nHe’s got the four Super Bowl rings to prove it now, after New England’s thrilling comeback victory against Seattle in...\n\nIt is tradition in these Super Bowl prediction columns to make fun of my nonsensical nemesis — Sentinel colleague George Diaz, the man who annually concocts a bunch of absurd reasons and then unfailingly proceeds to pick the wrong team to win.", "\nLike...\n\nAll Hail The Hoodie! ", "Bill Belichick and The Dark Side will rule in Super Bowl XLIX.Resistance is futile.", "\"If you only knew the power of the Dark Side. ", "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father,\" Darth Vader once famously said to Luke...\n\nYou'll be seeing Super Bowl previews through the weekend. ", "Here are three to keep in mind:\n***NBC Sports offers \"Super Bowl Zone\" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday on WESH-Channel 2. ", "The half-hour program will be co-hosted by Carolyn Manno (who grew up in...\n\nLOS ANGELES — Jameis Winston helped a handicapped kid get out of his wheelchair and walk two days ago.", "\nAnd yet nobody in the national media wrote a glowing column commending him for it.", "\nBut if Winston or one of his Florida State teammates had so much as...\n\nJACKSONVILLE — As one of his first acts upon being hired, Jacksonville Jaguars' general manager Dave Caldwell asked crews to take down the steel doors that once created a dungeon-like feel in the team's offices.", "The metal was replaced with glass,...\n\nINDIANAPOLIS — Fans of the Indiana Hoosiers still adore Orlando Magic rookie Victor Oladipo.", "\nOladipo received loud applause when public-address announcer Michael Grady announced Oladipo as a starter prior to Monday night's game against the Indiana Pacers...\n\nLike Terrelle Pryor of the Oakland Raiders, former Ohio State coach Jim Tressel will serve a suspension in the NFL because of past wrongdoings at the NCAA level. ", "Tressel, recently hired as a gameday replay consultant for the Indianapolis Colts, won't start un\n\nThis column was published in January of 2010, a week before National Signing Day. ", "The state of college football right now, in particular college football recruiting, is quiet honestly a mess.", "This year probably sheds more light on the subject...\n\nFive games to watch this season in the Pac-12 It’s been a busy year for the Pac-10 Conference. ", "Expansion has added two schools – Colorado and Utah – to the mix forcing the conference to rebrand and rebuild creating the Pac-12 Conference. ", "With the new addition" ]
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[ 0.0007824443164281547, 0.0024456623941659927, 0.0011908340966328979, 0.0009123042109422386, 0.00959562137722969, 0.0033395991194993258, 0.0036671424750238657, 0.0007626150036230683, 0.015543043613433838, 0.011121083982288837, 0.0012848232872784138, 0.02089526131749153, 0.05290582403540611, 0.001708683092147112, 0.16568617522716522, 0.0012770723551511765, 0.000911699899006635, 0.1642998605966568, 0.007822136394679546, 0.00164098443929106, 0.005377317313104868, 0.0006177187897264957, 0.002825187984853983, 0.0009195618913508952, 0.000650412926916033, 0.0032168219331651926, 0.0007261047139763832, 0.0009389140759594738, 0.0008429197478108108, 0.0006061464664526284, 0.0007364559569396079, 0.0008145564352162182 ]
[ "Replication and pathogenicity after intranasal and intracranial inoculation of swine with a recombinant pseudorabies virus containing a deletion at the UL/IR junction.", "\nPseudorabies virus (PRV) is a neurotropic herpesvirus of swine. ", "Previously, we described construction of a recombinant strain of PRV (LLT beta delta 2) which contains a 3.0-kb deletion spanning the junction of the unique long and internal repeat sequences. ", "Compared to the parental strain, Indiana-Funkhauser, and a virus rescued for the deleted sequences (LLT beta res), LLT beta delta 2 replicated efficiently at the site of inoculation, yet exhibited significantly reduced virulence when inoculated intranasally in pigs. ", "In this report, we investigated the effect of the deletion on PRV replication and virulence after intracranial inoculation of swine, in comparison to replication and virulence after intranasal inoculation, in order to more precisely locate the defect in LLT beta delta 2. ", "Four-day-old pigs were infected intranasally with LLT beta delta 2 or LLT beta res and necropsied at various times postinfection. ", "Compared to LLT beta res-infected pigs, tissue distribution of virus, PRV antigen, and lesions of LLT beta delta 2-infected pigs were comparable in all peripheral tissues examined, including trigeminal ganglia, but were reduced in tissues from the central nervous system (CNS). ", "LLT beta delta 2 was able to replicate in the CNS after intracranial inoculation into the cerebral cortex of 2-day-old piglets and to spread from CNS to peripheral tissues. ", "Neurovirulence of LLT beta delta 2 was somewhat reduced, as demonstrated by delayed onset of neurological signs and death in intracranially inoculated pigs. ", "These results indicate that decreased neurovirulence after intranasal inoculation is not due to inability of LLT beta delta 2 to replicate in CNS tissues. ", "The difference in the amount of antigen detected in CNS tissues after intracranial inoculation compared to intranasal inoculation suggests that one defect in LLT beta delta 2 is reduced ability to spread from peripheral neurons to the CNS after intranasal inoculation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDoes T4MVC work with Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and .Net 4?", "\n\nI cannot get the current build of T4MVC (2.6.02) to work with an ASP.NET MVC 2 project compiled against .NET 4 in VS2010 Beta 2.", "\nThere is one error:\n\nThe C# 2.0 and C# 3.5 compilers are no longer supported. ", "Templates will always be compiled with the version 4 compiler instead of 'v3.5' as specified.", "\n\nWhich is easily fixed by changing\n<#@ template language=\"C#v3.5\" debug=\"true\" hostspecific=\"true\" #>\n\nto\n<#@ template language=\"C#\" debug=\"true\" hostspecific=\"true\" #>\n\nAnd then the .generated.cs files are created, however I get a compile error in T4MVC.cs which says \nerror CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods.", "\nHas anyone else experienced this?", "\n\nA:\n\nApparently you have to do a build first :) The compile message seems to go away afterwards.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Healing of intrabony defects following treatment with an oily calcium hydroxide suspension (Osteoinductal). ", "A controlled clinical study.", "\nThe purpose of the present clinical study was to evaluate the healing of deep intrabony defects following the application of an oily calcium hydroxide suspension (OCHS). ", "Thirty patients suffering from chronic periodontitis, each of whom displayed one intrabony defect, were randomly treated with access flap surgery (AFS) and the application of OCHS (test) or with AFS alone (control). ", "The following clinical parameters were recorded at baseline and at 6 months after therapy: plaque index, gingival index, bleeding on probing, probing depth (PD), gingival recession, and clinical attachment level (CAL). ", "No differences in any of the investigated parameters were observed at baseline between the two groups. ", "At 6 months after therapy, the test group showed a reduction in mean PD from 7.7+/-1.5 to 2.9+/-0.9 mm (P<0.001) and a change in mean CAL from 9.6+/-2.1 to 5.5+/-2.5 mm (P<0.001). ", "In the control group, the mean PD was reduced from 6.9+/-0.9 to 3.7+/-0.9 mm (P<0.001) and the mean CAL changed from 8.5+/-2.5 to 6.4+/-2.7 mm (P<0.001). ", "OCHS resulted in statistically significant higher PD reductions (P<0.01) and CAL gains (P<0.05) than AFS alone. ", "Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that: (1) at 6 months after surgery both therapies resulted in statistically significant PD reductions and CAL gains and (2) treatment with OCHS resulted in statistically significant higher CAL gains than treatment with AFS alone." ]
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[ 0.0006248563877306879, 0.0007000893820077181, 0.0005566661129705608, 0.0012267616111785173, 0.0006062357570044696, 0.0005421689711511135, 0.0006159145850688219, 0.0006583698559552431, 0.0006238727364689112, 0.0005973573424853384 ]
[ "1. ", "Technical Field\nThe present invention relates to interrupts of energy transfer lines, and more particularly, to hermetically sealed safing mechanisms for high levels of shock and vibration suitable for working with, or without, a safety release in key operated rotary locks.", "\n2. ", "Related Art\nDetonator assemblies typically can only be initiated after a safing mechanism has been unlocked and an interlocking element of the safing mechanism is free to proceed into alignment with a diametrical bore of the detonator. ", "The volatile nature of explosive charges used in aircraft, missiles, space vehicles and pyrotechnic systems for example, require safety features to prevent their inadvertent and hazardous initiation during maintenance of the systems; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,728,936 for Arming And Safing Device issued on the 24 Apr. 1973 to Norris and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,202,271 for Safe And Arm Device issued on the 13 May 1980 to Day disclose different designs for safe and arm units.", "\nAs is noted in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,375,525 for Ordnance Transfer Interrupter issued on the 27 Dec. 1994 to John T. Greenslade and Donald J. Behrens, a removable safety key which can lock a safe and arm device in a safe position prior to an intended mission to ensure that output devices are not initiated, are particularly desired by customers for safe and arm security devices within pyrotechnic systems. ", "In the even that an arm signal is sent while the particular device is locked in the safe mode, the safety key can not then be withdrawn before an arm signal is removed from the terminals of the device. ", "Therefore, all mentioned designs are not one hundred percent safe for the key can be put in and gets locked, and can not be withdrawn only in a case of the initiated arm signal, but can be removed if the arm signal is not initiated, then there is an opportunity of not properly engaging the key initially or of moving the key during servicing with a result that the key may be removed or dislodged even after the arm signal has been initiated.", "\nAfter consideration of these and other mechanisms, I discovered that contemporary locks either require a safety release that when engaged prevents the key from being removed after the mechanism is locked or otherwise fails to secure the mechanism from accidental unlocking when a safety release is not desired. ", "Moreover, many contemporary designs of safing locks fail to provide an indication that the mechanism is in a locked mode.", "\nThe present invention is 100% save for it makes the device save just by installing the key and the key gets locked and can not be withdrawn with or without the Arm signal. ", "This invention provides means of proving that the key is locked and device is save to work with by first manifesting an audible sound from engaged detents and second the Key can not be taken out when properly engaged until the over-Save signal is initiated from an external source." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of Invention\nThe invention relates generally to the field of electronic circuit design. ", "In one exemplary aspect, the invention relates to design of analog, mixed-signal and RF electronic circuits.", "\n2. ", "Prior Art Description\nThe process of designing electronic circuits for fabrication as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), System-on-Chip (SOC) devices, or other types of Integrated Circuits (ICs) is well known in the prior art. ", "Based on the type of logic or functions implemented, these circuits can be categorized as either being digital, analog or mixed-signal (circuits that are part-digital and part-analog) in nature. ", "Examples of digital electronic circuits include at a very basic level flip-flops (FFs), or at a higher level the pipelined CPU of a microprocessor. ", "Examples of analog circuits include the well-known phase-locked loop (PLL) or an operational amplifier (op-amp). ", "Examples of mixed-signal designs include SOC implementations of modem ASICs that combine part-digital and part-analog functions.", "\nIn today's competitive marketplace, designers are under pressure to produce designs that are well-tested for successful fabrication, have quick turnaround times, can be migrated to a different fabrication process quickly (for example to a smaller feature size or different geometry), and that can be integrated with another design to fit on the same semiconductor die. ", "Digital designs have benefited from improved Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools that can automate much of this work.", "\nIn contrast, the design of analog or mixed-signal (AMS) circuits tends to involve more manual expertise to design portions of the circuit. ", "Due to complex feedback loops that involve signal paths crossing between digital and analog domains, as well as other phenomena relating to non-linear dependence on geometry, changes in layout or geometry of analog circuit building blocks typically require extensive simulations to ensure that performance requirements and design constraints are met. ", "This often results in lengthy design cycles where intervention by expert (human) designers is needed. ", "AMS circuit design is therefore a recognized bottleneck in designing electronic circuits.", "\nWhen designing AMS circuits, the physical properties of circuits such as device matching, parasitic coupling, and thermal and substrate effects must also be taken into account to ensure success of design. ", "Nominal values of performance are generally subject to degradation due to a large number of parasitic couplings that are difficult to predict before the actual device layout is attempted. ", "Overestimation of these degrading effects results in wasted power and area, while underestimation results in circuits not meeting their performance requirements.", "\nVarious prior art techniques exist for electronic circuit design and optimization. ", "For example, in “DARWIN: CMOS opamp Synthesis by means of a Genetic Algorithm”, Kruiskamp et al., ", "Proceedings of the 32nd Design Automation Conference, pp. ", "433-438, 1995, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, a method is described to synthesize operational amplifiers (opamps). ", "Both topology variations as well as changes in the dimensions of primitive devices are considered by the optimizer in minimizing the overall cost function. ", "The method uses manually derived equations to relate optimization variables to performance measures, hence resulting in a very fast performance evaluation method. ", "Composing this set of equations is typically only valid under restrictive assumptions which impose severe limitations on the search space. ", "Moreover, this evaluation mechanism provides substantially inaccurate results compared to state-of-the-art device equations (e.g. BSIM device models). ", "The synthesis method employs traditional genetic algorithms which deliver fair results for the example at hand, but which are less performing than more recent optimization approaches.", "\nUnited States Patent Application Publication No. ", "2003/0009729 to Rodney Phelps et al., ", "published Jan. 18, 2002 and entitled “Method for Automatically Sizing and Biasing Circuits”, and similarly “ASF: A Practical Simulation-Based Methodology for the Synthesis of Custom Analog Circuits”, M. Krasnicki et al., ", "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, pp. ", "350-357, November 2001, both incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, describe a framework used to size a circuit topology towards a given set of performance specifications. ", "Performances are evaluated based on circuit simulations. ", "Solutions from previous optimization sessions are stored in a database. ", "Information stored in this database steers the optimization engine in finding a solution to the design problem in a reduced amount of time. ", "The way previous or intermediate solutions are stored in this database does not guarantee, however, that this set of candidate solutions covers a relevant portion of the performance space. ", "Hybrid optimization techniques are applied where advanced “simulated annealing” techniques are combined with “hill-climbing” techniques. ", "The optimization algorithm itself is not able to construct knowledge of the search space based on its experience.", "\nVarious other optimization techniques can be found in literature. ", "These techniques may be broadly categorized as either deterministic approaches (i.e. gradient-based techniques which converge quickly to a (local) minimum), or stochastic approaches which are more robust towards finding the global optimum of a function. ", "Given the complexity of the objective functions present in analog and mixed-signal circuit design problems, only stochastic optimization approaches are robust enough to be applied in an open and standardized framework. ", "Hybrid approaches can be applied as well where the fast convergence properties of a deterministic optimization algorithm are combined with the robustness of stochastic approaches.", "\nExamples of stochastic optimization algorithms are numerous. ", "The following is only an exemplary short reference list of selected approaches: (i) simulated annealing; see, e.g., Kirkpatrick, S.; Gelatt, C. D.; and Vecchi, M. P. “Optimization by Simulated Annealing.” ", "Science 220, 671-680, 1983; (ii) differential evolution; see, e.g., Storn, R. and Price, K., “Differential Evolution—a Simple and Efficient Adaptive Scheme for Global Optimization over Continuous Spaces”, Technical Report TR-95-012, ICSI, March 1995; and (iii) genetic algorithms; see, e.g., Chapter 4 in “Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms” by Kalyanmoy Deb, 1st ed., ", "Wiley-Interscience series in systems and optimization, ISBN0-471-87339-X, each of the foregoing incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.", "\nRecently, techniques have been developed that construct a stochastic model based on information obtained from previous experiments. ", "This stochastic model is employed to suggest new candidate solutions to the optimization problem. ", "A particular embodiment of this category of optimization techniques is presented in United States Patent Application Publication No. ", "2003/0055614 to M. Pelikan and D. Goldberg, filed Jan. 18, 2002 and entitled “Method for Optimizing a Solution Set”, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. ", "Deficiencies of this method include: (i) the inability to directly address continuous optimization variables (continuous optimization variables are translated back and forth into discrete variables), (ii) the inability to parallelize stochastic model construction over network of computers (models of sub-populations can be constructed in a parallel manner though). ", "Also, the application of the disclosed techniques to analog and mixed-signal circuit design problems is not described or readily implemented.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,269,277 to del Mar Hershenson issued Jul. 31, 2001 and entitled “System and Method for Designing Integrated Circuits” discloses an optimization device in which circuit performances are formulated using so-called posynomial functions. ", "Using this mathematical vehicle, fast optimization techniques are applied (geometric programs) to find the global optimum of the formulated design problem. ", "Expressing circuit performances in a posynomial formulation is a topology and technology dependent task which tends to be elaborate.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,781,430 to Tsai issued Jul. 14, 1998 and entitled “Optimization method and system having multiple inputs and multiple output-responses” discloses a method and system for optimizing a steady-state performance of a process having multiple inputs and multiple output-responses. ", "The method and system utilize a response surface model (RSM) module, and provide a unified and systematic way of optimizing nominal, statistical and multi-criteria performance of the process. ", "The process can be, inter alia, a semiconductor manufacturing process or a business process.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,249,897 to Fisher-Binder issued Jun. 19, 2001 and entitled “Process for sizing of components” discloses a process for the sizing of components in a given componentry, in particular an electronic circuit, which fulfills a predetermined functionality defined in particular in marginal conditions. ", "The individual components have characteristics which are essentially predetermined and are described in mathematical equations, and the components produce interactions based on their utilization in the given componentry or electronic circuit. ", "The characteristics and/or interactions described by the equations are resolved by means of a computer, whereby the results obtained of the first resolved equations related to the required components are used in the resolution of additional equations. ", "The solution and further treatment of those ranges of resolution possibilities which are without practical relevance to the sizing of the components in the given electronic circuit are not used.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,606,612 to Rai, et al. ", "issued Aug. 12, 2003 and entitled “Method for constructing composite response surfaces by combining neural networks with other interpolation or estimation techniques” discloses a method and system for design optimization that incorporates the advantages of both traditional response surface methodology (RSM) and neural networks. ", "The invention employs a strategy called parameter-based partitioning of the given design space. ", "In the design procedure, a sequence of composite response surfaces based on both neural networks and polynomial fits is used to traverse the design space to identify an optimal solution. ", "The composite response surface ostensibly has both the power of neural networks and the economy of low-order polynomials (in terms of the number of simulations needed and the network training requirements). ", "The invention handles design problems with multiple parameters and permits a designer to perform a variety of trade-off studies before arriving at the final design.", "\nUnited States Patent Application Publication No. ", "20030093763 to McConaghy published on May 15, 2003 and entitled “Method of interactive optimization in circuit design” discloses a method of interactively determining at least one optimized design candidate using an optimizer, the optimizer having a generation algorithm and an objective function, the optimized design candidate satisfying a design problem definition, comprises generating design candidates based on the generation algorithm. ", "The generated design candidates are added to a current set of design candidates to form a new set of design candidates. ", "The design candidates are evaluated based on the objective function so that design candidates can be selected for inclusion in a preferred set of design candidates. ", "The current state of the optimizer is presented to a designer for interactive examination and input is received from the designer for updating the current state of the optimizer. ", "These steps are repeated until a stopping criterion is satisfied.", "\nUnited States Patent Application Publication No. ", "20030079188 to McConaghy et al, published on Apr. 24, 2003 and entitled “Method of multi-topology optimization” discloses a method of multi-topology optimization is used in AMS circuit design to address the problem of selecting a topology while sizing the topology. ", "First, design schematics are manually or automatically selected from a database of known topologies. ", "Additional topologies can be designed as well. ", "For each candidate design there is associated a topology and a set of parameters for that topology. ", "Analogously to the step of automatic sizing for a single topology, multi-topology optimization comprises optimizing over the entire population of design simultaneously while not requiring that all topologies are fully optimized. ", "The multi-topology optimization step is repeated until one or more stopping criteria are satisfied. ", "The sized schematic is then passed onto placement, routing, extraction and verification.", "\nUnited States Patent Application Publication No. ", "20040064296 to Saxena, et al. ", "published Apr. 1, 2004 and entitled “Method for optimizing the characteristics of integrated circuits components from circuit specifications” discloses a method for selecting a process for forming a device, includes generating a plurality of equations using a response surface methodology model. ", "Each equation relates a respective device simulator input parameter to a respective combination of processing parameters that can be used to form the device or a respective combination of device characteristics. ", "A model of a figure-of-merit circuit is formed that is representative of an integrated circuit into which the device is to be incorporated. ", "One of the combinations of processing parameters or combinations of device characteristics is identified that results in a device satisfying a set of performance specifications for the figure-of-merit circuit, using the plurality of equations and the device simulator.", "\nPCT application publication WO 02/103581 to McConaghy entitled “Top-down multi-objective design methodology” discloses a hierarchical sizing technique that decomposes a circuit X in all its components {Yi}. ", "For each of these components Yi, samples are generated at the boundary of the feasible design space (the so-called Pareto-front) using an optimization technique. ", "Synthesis of circuit X is again based on an optimization technique. ", "In this latter optimization problem, the samples generated for components Yi are used as candidate solutions. ", "This technique suffers from serious deficiencies, including the fact that generating samples for components Y and synthesizing circuit X comprise two completely distinct steps. ", "As only a restricted set of discrete samples in the search space of components Y are suggested as candidate solutions, the method is severely restricted in its ability to find a solution to the synthesis problem of circuit X that approaches the optimum. ", "Further, this technique cannot be combined with efficient yield estimation techniques due to the aforementioned use of discrete samples.", "\nBased on the foregoing, it will be evident that while the prior art has in general recognized the utility of optimization approaches, it fails to adequately address many of the problems and intricacies associated with using this approach, especially in the context of AMS circuit design. ", "Specifically, prior art design and optimization methods have comparatively limited algorithms for use in the AMS design process due to the complexity and the particular design issues associated with the latter. ", "Furthermore, the prior art is largely unable to (i) directly address continuous optimization variables (continuous optimization variables are translated back and forth into discrete variables), or (ii) parallelize stochastic model construction over network of computers. ", "Stemming largely from the foregoing limitations, prior art optimization techniques are also not sufficiently “evolutionary” such that a useful solution is converged upon rapidly.", "\nWhat are needed are flexible methods and apparatus that are adapted to optimization within, e.g., the AMS context. ", "Such improved methods and apparatus ideally would include powerful algorithms specifically adapted for use in the AMS context, the ability to handle continuous optimization variables, and parallelization of at least portions of the optimization process across two or more computational entities. ", "Such improved methods and apparatus would further be compatible with hierarchical sizing methods, and be user-friendly so as to make the design process as a whole as efficient and easy as possible." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do iterate through all the views/items in a RecyclerView?", "\n\nI need to iterate through all the RadioGroups in my RecyclerView.", "\nCode i tried:\nfor(int i=0;i<recyclerView.getAdapter().getItemCount();i++)\n {\n radioGroup = recyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(i).itemView.findViewById(R.id.radio_group);\n }\n\nbut findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(i) returns null for RadioGroups that are off screen and gives me a NullPointerException.", "\nHow do i iterate through all of them?", "\n\nA:\n\nRecyclerView views are created/destroyed as needed when you scroll. ", " You cannot rely on them being available.", "\nI assume you are trying to retrieve the selection state. ", " It is better to store this within your object in the adapter and update its value upon clicking a radio button.", "\nThen you can implement a getItem method in your adapter that returns the object and it's current selection state.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006935624987818301, 0.0006162029458209872, 0.0012990401592105627, 0.0007532210438512266, 0.0006795193185098469, 0.0008758188923820853, 0.0005754678277298808, 0.0006731302128173411, 0.0008888710290193558, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "Renal function and renal failure in the newborn.", "\nRenal function in the newborn infant varies with conceptual age and should be evaluated in this context. ", "Very preterm infants less than 34 weeks' conceptual age have reduced GFR and tubular immaturity in the handling of filtered solutes when compared to term infants. ", "Premature infants between 34 and 37 weeks' conceptual age undergo rapid maturation of renal function similar to term infants, with establishment of glomerulotubular balance early in the postnatal period. ", "ARF in neonates differs from that seen in older children and adults in that ischemic (e.g., hypoxic) insults and congenital malformations constitute the major pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for clinically observed oliguria and azotemia. ", "Principles of conservative management are similar to those used in older children except for the greatly increased insensible water loss requirements of the very preterm and premature infant. ", "Technical advances have added peritoneal dialysis and CAVH to the therapeutic regimen for persistent ARF or life-threatening complications of reduced renal function." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006767274462617934, 0.0005487335729412735, 0.0011214109836146235, 0.001023444114252925, 0.0026888062711805105, 0.0031187674030661583, 0.000690337794367224 ]
[ "KOLKATA: Reliance Jio Infocomm is likely to go in for a phased launch of its fibre-based home broadband services, starting early November, from 15-20 key cities with high data demand, said people aware of the matter. ", "The Mukesh Ambani-owned telecom operator is widely expected to unveil a spate of disruptive price plans in the Rs 500-700 per month range, offering a whopping 100 GB of data at starting speeds of 100 Mbps bundled with value-added services such as internet TV and video-calling, according to analysts.", "Jio may even offer services for free for the initial 3-6 months, said a few analysts, mirroring its earlier wireless services pricing strategy for attracting home broadband customers who tend to be stickier than mobile phone users. ", "Other challenges for the telco, they said, could be the painstaking and costly process of creating physical infrastructure afresh on the ground in the fibrebased home broadband business, besides getting clearances from residents’ associations for extending home broadband last-mile connectivity to buildings.", "Reliance Industries (RIL) chairman Mukesh Ambani on Thursday unveiled Jio’s high-speed home broadband services plans under the GigaFiber brand banner, to be rolled out across 1,100 cities, targeting 50 million homes. ", "However, he did not specify a time frame for launch or the pricing.", "“Jio will choose the initial cities for launch based on early demand levels for its home broadband services after the registration process kicks off from August 15, especially since there will be costs involved in extending lastmile connectivity,” said a senior industry executive, who did not wish to be identified.", "Global brokerage Morgan Stanley said Jio would prioritise its home broadband services rollout to the localities which have the highest number of registrations. ", "Brokerage JP Morgan said it expected Jio’s home broadband services “launch pricing to be at a large discount to current broadband and set-top box prices,” in line with its aggressive customer acquisition strategy.", "Bharti Airtel currently offers 50 GB of data a month at speeds of 40 Mbps in Bengaluru for Rs 799 per month, whereas in Delhi a Rs 499 per month pack offers 100 GB a month at a much slower speeds of 8 Mbps. ", "Rajiv Sharma, telecom analyst at HSBC, said he expected Bharti Airtel to “face near-term earnings pressure if Jio comes up with disruptive home broadband plans offering 100 GBs (of high-speed data) priced below Rs 700 per month”.", "ET’s queries to Reliance Jio Infocomm did not elicit any response till late evening on Friday. ", "Airtel is said to have already made a counter move, removing the FUP (fair usage policy) data limit on its home broadband packs in Hyderabad and turned them into unlimited data plans. ", "A person familiar with the matter said that the telco could replicate the exercise in other key markets in the coming weeks. ", "Bharti Airtel did not reply to ET's queries on the matter." ]
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[ "South Korea Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon has reaffirmed that the government will not ban or otherwise \" suppress \" cryptocurrency in the Reuters today, Jan.\n\nIn the latest update to the country's ongoing regulatory overhaul of cryptocurrency exchange, Kim firmly distanced Seoul from previous comments about a potential outright ban, which caused public outrage\n\n\"\"\n\nsaid in a press conference that a cryptocurrency exchange was in the works. ", "Mainstream media then published in the past, which helped push a cryptocurrency sell-off.", "\n\nA public petition that has been reduced to 200,000 signatures,\n\nRegulatory steps are now a priority for lawmakers, Kim continued, as reported on a customs crackdown on alleged \" illegal \" trading involving cryptocurrencies.", "\n\nHaving identified a trade worth almost $ 600mln, enforcement is now investigating transactions that openly flouted fresh anti-anonymous trading laws, which went into effect Tuesday, Jan. 30.", "\n\n\" [The]\n\nThe anonymous bank accounts were already facing its share of problems, as it was able to make the new system work better. ", "forced to cease trading." ]
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[ "Viral infections of the pubis.", "\nThere are no demographic data published on those with viral infections of the pubis (VIPs). ", "We conducted a two-year prospective study to collect demographic information on patients with VIPs. ", "Data were gathered on age, sex, diagnosis, low (≤10) or high (>10) lesion number, symptoms, how the patient discovered the lesions, localization, lesions beyond the pubis, risk factors, shaving habits, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination status and treatment. ", "In a total of 61 patients, molluscum contagiosum (MC) was identified in 71%, condylomata acuminata (CA) in 11%, concomitant MC and CA infections in 11% and herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in 4.8%. ", "Shaving represented a risk factor for a high lesion number, but not for the extension beyond the pubis. ", "MC, CA and HSV infections affecting the pubis are uncommon and often asymptomatic. ", "As they may represent a hidden source of infection we recommend thorough inspection of the pubis during routine skin examination." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.08583170175552368, 0.021460825577378273, 0.0005336101748980582, 0.0037751891650259495, 0.0008454117341898382, 0.04921208322048187, 0.09363555163145065, 0.03123072162270546 ]
[ "Kendriya Vidyalaya Cossipore\n\nKendriya Vidyalaya Cossipore is a school offering both primary and secondary education in Cossipore, Kolkata. ", "It is a Kendriya Vidyalaya, operating under the auspices of the Central Board of Secondary Education. ", "The school opened in 1983. ", "The school is situated near to Dum Dum, 7 km away from Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport , 12 km away from Howrah Railway Station and 8 km from Sealdah Railway Station.", "\n\nInfrastructure facilities\n\nFee Structure\nPer month fees w.e.f. ", "01.04.2013\n\n* For Students opting Computer Science/IP as an Elective.", "\n\nFuture extensions \nProposal for construction of 12 additional classrooms had been sent to Headquarters.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Kendriya Vidyalayas\nCategory:Primary schools in West Bengal\nCategory:High schools and secondary schools in West Bengal\nCategory:Educational institutions established in 1983\nCategory:1983 establishments in India" ]
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[ 0.0007768390933051705, 0.0006681086379103363, 0.000672750233206898, 0.0007649775943718851, 0.000640939746517688, 0.0006871929508633912, 0.000554582744371146, 0.0005949781625531614 ]
[ "CO-NO and CO-O(2) interactions on Cu(100) between 25 and 200 K studied with infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy.", "\nInfrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS) has been used to study CO-NO and CO-O(2) interactions on Cu(100) between 25 and 200 K. A strong repulsive interaction between CO and NO on Cu(100) at 25 K causes tilting of the CO molecules away from the surface normal and a blue-shift of the CO vibrational frequency. ", "Upon warming and decomposition of the NO, the CO molecules return to a bonding position normal to the surface plane. ", "The vibrational frequency of CO blue-shifts from 2087 to 2136 cm(-1) upon coadsorption with N and O atoms formed from NO decomposition. ", "On the other hand, the interaction of CO with O(2) at 27 K on Cu(100) in the submonolayer regime induces a red-shift of the CO vibrational frequency. ", "Atomic oxygen, formed on Cu(100) by dissociation of O(2) at 95 K, induces a blue-shift of the vibrational frequency of coadsorbed CO to 2116 cm(-1). ", "The CO vibrational frequency shifts to 2091 cm(-1) when the surface is annealed to 140 K, implying a change in the adsorption geometry of the oxygen atoms on Cu(100)." ]
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[ "Short Course on Vacations – Getting to Square 1\n\nActivities to Enjoy in Pattaya, Thailand\n\nBangkok is different from Pattaya, Thailand although it just lies only two hours from southeast of the capital. ", "Pattaya is a beach in the city and it is much more laid back. ", "The city is more laid back when it comes to liveliness, nightlife, and other things that you can see or do. ", "What you will see or do in Pattaya, Thailand is an interesting question to ask depending on who you are. ", "Some of the things that you should so in Pattaya, Thailand include the following.", "\n\nVisiting Muay Thai Boxing is match is one of the activities you cannot miss in Pattaya, Thailand. ", "Muay Thai Boxing match is one of the greatest activities that you can never fail to watch when you are in Pattaya, Thailand. ", "In most cases, the matches are carried out on a weekly basis if not on daily basis. ", "One of the popular matches in Pattaya, Thailand is the Muay Thai Boxing. ", "If you are interested in watching the match you can ask around or enquire from the hotel offering you accommodation. ", "Your hotel service provider will guide you on where to find the match and they will end up offering you transport services to and back to the hotel. ", "If you can afford to pay a 4-4.5 star hotel for 60-80 dollars, spending your time in these hotel is one activity you can never miss. ", "You should book a hotel that is strategically located because you will enjoy the best viewing points, great amenities, pools and everything else at a greater price. ", "It is worth pay those dollars especially if you are visiting with your family.", "\n\nWhen you are in Pattaya Thailand, Walking street is another activity you should consider carrying out. ", "You can check the nightlife of Pattaya, Thailand on the walking street. ", "Activities in Pattaya, Thailand are carried out 24/7 as compared to Bangkok where businesses are closed at 2.00 am There are so many little bars in Pattaya Thailand where you can enjoy the nightlife that suits you. ", "The reason, why the walking street is the Thailand is the famous streets in Pattaya Thailand, is because you will find different tourists from all over the world and different people with different cultures. ", "Art in paradise the another great activity that you should carry out especially if you have children. ", "In the museum you will find optical illusions and amazing arts. ", "When you are in Pattaya, Thailand you should visit the floating market. ", "There are so many activities carried out in the floating market that is found both in Pattaya, Thailand and Bangkok. ", "Another beautiful place that you should visit is the island and beaches that are found in Pattaya. ", "If you are touring Pattaya Thailand for the first time these are some of the activities that you should carry out." ]
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[ "The goal of hybrid development is to combine, in a single hybrid, various desirable traits. ", "For field crops, these traits may include resistance to diseases and insects, resistance to heat and drought, reducing the time to crop maturity, greater yield, and better agronomic quality. ", "With mechanical harvesting of many crops, uniformity of plant characteristics such as germination, stand establishment, growth rate, maturity, and plant and ear height is important. ", "Traditional plant breeding is an important tool in developing new and improved commercial crops." ]
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[ "package coursier.bootstrap.launcher.jar;\n/*\n * Copyright 2012-2018 the original author or authors.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\nimport java.nio.charset.", "StandardCharsets;\n\n/**\n * Simple wrapper around a byte array that represents an ASCII. ", "Used for performance\n * reasons to save constructing Strings for ZIP data.", "\n *\n * @author Phillip Webb\n * @author Andy Wilkinson\n */\nfinal class AsciiBytes {\n\n private static final String EMPTY_STRING = \"\";\n\n private static final int[] INITIAL_BYTE_BITMASK = { 0x7F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07 };\n\n private static final int SUBSEQUENT_BYTE_BITMASK = 0x3F;\n\n private final byte[] bytes;\n\n private final int offset;\n\n private final int length;\n\n private String string;\n\n private int hash;\n\n /**\n * Create a new {@link AsciiBytes} from the specified String.", "\n * @param string the source string\n */\n AsciiBytes(String string) {\n this(string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.", "UTF_8));\n this.string = string;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a new {@link AsciiBytes} from the specified bytes. ", "NOTE: underlying bytes\n * are not expected to change.", "\n * @param bytes the source bytes\n */\n AsciiBytes(byte[] bytes) {\n this(bytes, 0, bytes.length);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a new {@link AsciiBytes} from the specified bytes. ", "NOTE: underlying bytes\n * are not expected to change.", "\n * @param bytes the source bytes\n * @param offset the offset\n * @param length the length\n */\n AsciiBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {\n if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || (offset + length) > bytes.length) {\n throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();\n }\n this.bytes = bytes;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.length = length;\n }\n\n public int length() {\n return this.length;\n }\n\n public boolean startsWith(AsciiBytes prefix) {\n if (this == prefix) {\n return true;\n }\n if (prefix.length > this.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) {\n if (this.bytes[i + this.offset] !", "= prefix.bytes[i + prefix.offset]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n public boolean endsWith(AsciiBytes postfix) {\n if (this == postfix) {\n return true;\n }\n if (postfix.length > this.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < postfix.length; i++) {\n if (this.bytes[this.offset + (this.length - 1)\n - i] !", "= postfix.bytes[postfix.offset + (postfix.length - 1) - i]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n public AsciiBytes substring(int beginIndex) {\n return substring(beginIndex, this.length);\n }\n\n public AsciiBytes substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {\n int length = endIndex - beginIndex;\n if (this.offset + length > this.bytes.length) {\n throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();\n }\n return new AsciiBytes(this.bytes, this.offset + beginIndex, length);\n }\n\n public boolean matches(CharSequence name, char suffix) {\n int charIndex = 0;\n int nameLen = name.length();\n int totalLen = nameLen + ((suffix !", "= 0) ? ", "1 : 0);\n for (int i = this.offset; i < this.offset + this.length; i++) {\n int b = this.bytes[i];\n int remainingUtfBytes = getNumberOfUtfBytes(b) - 1;\n b &= INITIAL_BYTE_BITMASK[remainingUtfBytes];\n for (int j = 0; j < remainingUtfBytes; j++) {\n b = (b << 6) + (this.bytes[++i] & SUBSEQUENT_BYTE_BITMASK);\n }\n char c = getChar(name, suffix, charIndex++);\n if (b <= 0xFFFF) {\n if (c !", "= b) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (c !", "= ((b >> 0xA) + 0xD7C0)) {\n return false;\n }\n c = getChar(name, suffix, charIndex++);\n if (c !", "= ((b & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n return charIndex == totalLen;\n }\n\n private char getChar(CharSequence name, char suffix, int index) {\n if (index < name.length()) {\n return name.charAt(index);\n }\n if (index == name.length()) {\n return suffix;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n private int getNumberOfUtfBytes(int b) {\n if ((b & 0x80) == 0) {\n return 1;\n }\n int numberOfUtfBytes = 0;\n while ((b & 0x80) !", "= 0) {\n b <<= 1;\n numberOfUtfBytes++;\n }\n return numberOfUtfBytes;\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object obj) {\n if (obj == null) {\n return false;\n }\n if (this == obj) {\n return true;\n }\n if (obj.getClass() == AsciiBytes.class) {\n AsciiBytes other = (AsciiBytes) obj;\n if (this.length == other.length) {\n for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n if (this.bytes[this.offset + i] !", "= other.bytes[other.offset + i]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n @Override\n public int hashCode() {\n int hash = this.hash;\n if (hash == 0 && this.bytes.length > 0) {\n for (int i = this.offset; i < this.offset + this.length; i++) {\n int b = this.bytes[i];\n int remainingUtfBytes = getNumberOfUtfBytes(b) - 1;\n b &= INITIAL_BYTE_BITMASK[remainingUtfBytes];\n for (int j = 0; j < remainingUtfBytes; j++) {\n b = (b << 6) + (this.bytes[++i] & SUBSEQUENT_BYTE_BITMASK);\n }\n if (b <= 0xFFFF) {\n hash = 31 * hash + b;\n }\n else {\n hash = 31 * hash + ((b >> 0xA) + 0xD7C0);\n hash = 31 * hash + ((b & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);\n }\n }\n this.hash = hash;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n if (this.string == null) {\n if (this.length == 0) {\n this.string = EMPTY_STRING;\n }\n else {\n this.string = new String(this.bytes, this.offset, this.length,\n StandardCharsets.", "UTF_8);\n }\n }\n return this.string;\n }\n\n static String toString(byte[] bytes) {\n return new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.", "UTF_8);\n }\n\n public static int hashCode(CharSequence charSequence) {\n // We're compatible with String's hashCode()\n if (charSequence instanceof StringSequence) {\n // ... but save making an unnecessary String for StringSequence\n return charSequence.hashCode();\n }\n return charSequence.toString().hashCode();\n }\n\n public static int hashCode(int hash, char suffix) {\n return (suffix !", "= 0) ? (", "31 * hash + suffix) : hash;\n }\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Papat Limpad\n\nPapat Limpad (English: Four Champions) is a seven month long writing competition in the Javanese-language Wikipedia. ", "The purpose of this competition is to revitalize the \"barely alive\" Javanese-language Wikipedia. ", "Javanese Wikipedia started in January 2003, began to have a larger number of regular contributors in mid-2006, and began to see its golden era for seven years in 2008. ", "However, the activity decreased and returned to 2006 status, with only 2 to 1 regular contributors for the last two years. ", "The Javanese language Wikipedia ranked 71 in the number of pages being viewed by 1.2 million viewers a month (before intervention). ", "Wikimedia Indonesia believes that Javanese Wikipedia has an untapped potential growth and an untapped potential editor base that needs to be reached.", "\n\nProposed solution\n\nOn December 2010, Javanese Language Wikipedia sysop and co-founder of Wikimedia Indonesia proposed to use one potential University in Semarang, Central Java Universitas Negeri Semarang (Public University Semarang) also known as UNNES, as location and resources of this pilot project. ", "UNNES met the rationale that Semarang is a location where Javanese Language population reside, and the university also have a Javanese Language major specific. ", "The success of Free Your Knowledge 2010 competition in Indonesian language Wikipedia are hoped to be replicate in Javanese Language Wikipedia. ", "However, lesson learn from the competition proves that after 72 days of competition, none of the participant return to edit further - this result is not acceptable in Javanese Language Wikipedia, considering the high cost where the trainee need to be flown regularly from Jakarta to Semarang. ", "Therefore, it is decided to have a seven months competition to compensate the cost.", "\n\nProject Goal\n\nImpact\nThe impact of the project on WMF mission goals of Increased Reach, Increased Quality, Increased Credibility, Increased and Diversified Participation is shown by the increasing very active Wikipedian as illustrated in the statistics.", "\n\nPlanned goal\nJavanese language revitalization project has a simple goal: a sustainable growth for six months in 2011 with minimum of six very active user and outreach in Javanese language population city.", "\n\nResult\n Papat Limpad has successfully increased Javanese Language Wikipedia very active users (>100 edits/ month) from two contributors (average) in 2010 to 13 contributors during seven months competition.", "\n Papat Limpad has successfully increased Javanese Language Wikipedia active users (>5 edits/ months) from nine contributors (average) in 2010 to 44 contributors during seven months competition.", "\n The participant (both that finishes and dropped out from the competition) contributed more than 2,269 short and long articles using Wikimedia Indonesia competition standard within 7 months competition.", "\n Posters of article results by top five participants are spread in three different universities in Semarang, increasing the awareness of Javanese Language Wikipedia existence.", "\n The Javanese Wikipedia readership climbed to 2.5 million readers in October 2011, and dropped back to 1.6 million in April 2012, a level similar to that of the situation before intervention happened. ", "Compared to Indonesian Wikipedia, where each intervention increased the readership (by/to?) ", "10 million and the number had the tendency to stay, until the next intervention, in a small-language Wikipedia such as Javanese Wikipedia, the readership rate dropped the minute the number of contributors dropped.", "\n\nActual activities\n\n2011\nIn January 2011 Wikimedia Indonesia's Papat Limpad team begin the trip from Jakarta to Semarang to introduce the initiative \"Papat Limpad\". ", "Papat Limpad is an intervention project to Javanese Language Wikipedia natural declining stage by introducing a competition system in writing for Javanese Language Wikipedia to UNNES, using the same competing system in Indonesian Language Wikipedia known as Free Your Knowledge System (FYKS).", "\n\nAs incentive to 100 students that will compete writing in Javanese language Wikipedia for seven months, four laptops will be given to top writer contributors, while one laptop will be given to the head of Javanese Language Academy Major.", "\n\nOn February 2011, Wikimedia Indonesia began an intensive training to Semarang committee, the training include project management, competition monitoring, documentation, and reporting. ", "Five people are selected with task distribution of coordinator and member of the committee.", "\n\nAfter one month committee training, the competition began on March 21, 2011 and ended on October 13, 2011. ", "Exactly during the celebration of \"Language Month\" (October).", "\n\n2012\nPapat Limpad 2012 () was conducted in 2012-2013. ", "Wikimedia Indonesia designed a combined systematic effort to do outreach with writing classes and writing drives in the form of competition in Javanese-language Wikipedia. ", "The project expands to three cities and approaches six universities to join the competition. ", "The writing classes are expected to net a group of much more experienced and smarter new editors to compete against each other, and will benefit Javanese-language Wikipedia by increasing the number of new editors and the number of high-quality Javanese-language encyclopedia articles. ", "The intervention is aimed at increasing the number of Javanese Wikipedia contributors up to a critical mass where the community could sustain itself and grow. ", "Wikimedia Indonesia believes critical mass is reached when it is sustained at a minimum of 20 very active contributors without competition.", "\n\nWikimedia Indonesia prioritized Javanese Wikipedia intervention and put most of its resources to do this one program, making sure it is up and running. ", "Wikimedia Indonesia figures that a minimum of three interventions in three years will do the trick, before helping Wikipedia versions in other languages of Indonesia. ", "This project is co-funded by Wikimedia Indonesia, and Wikimédia France and Switzerland Wikimedia.", "\n\nSee also\n Javanese language\n Javanese Wikipedia\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n Suara Merdeka: Kompetisi Papat Limpad Diluncurkan: Christian Sugiono Kampanyekan Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa\n KRjogja.com: UNNES - Wikipedia Launched 'Papat Limpad'\n Koran Radar Semarang (19 Maret 2011)\n Artikel Peluncuran Papat Limpad at Harian Wawasan\n Launching Papat Limpad at Harian Suara Merdeka\n Warta Jawa Tengah (22 Maret 2011)\n Article and Video Streaming from TVKU Semarang: Papad Limpad - Writing at Wikipedia in javanese language (23 Maret 2011)\n Antara Jateng: Unnes-Wikipedia Kembangkan Artikel Bahasa Jawa\n Republika.co.id: UNES Gandeng Wikipedia Indonesia Kembangkan Artikel Bahasa Jawa\n TVOne: Wikipedia kembangkan artikel Bahasa Jawa\n Internal publication by UNNES:\n Universitas Negeri Semarang: Wikipedia dan Jurusan Bahasa Jawa Adakan Kompetisi Menulis\n Universitas Negeri Semarang: Christian Soegiono Dukung Papat Limpad Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa\n Republika online:Wikimedia gandeng enam kampus\n Republika nline:37 artikel bahasa Jawa mengisi Wikipedia\n Antara news:Wikipedia meski disunting bebas tetap ada filter\n Suara Merdeka:Wikimedia Gandeng PT menulis Bahasa Jawa\n Beritasatu.com:Wikimedia gandeng universitas garap artikel Jawa\n Situs web resmi IKIP PGRI Semarang:IKIP PGRI dan 5 PT menulis bahasa Jawa untuk Wikimedia\n Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah:Peluncuran Kompetisi Menulis Wikipedia Berbahasa Jawa \"Papat Limpad 2012\" pada 7 Mei 2012 (diaksès 20 Mei 2012).", "\n Kompasiana:Kompetisi Menulis Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa, Papat Limpad 2012 (diaksès 20 Mei 2012).", "\n FBS UNY:Melestarikan Bahasa Jawa Melalui Wikipedia (diaksès 20 Mei 2012).", "\n Ditjen Pendis Kemenag: Kompetisi Papat Limpad Diluncurkan (diaksès 20 Mei 2012).", "\nKomhukum:Christian Soegiono Dukung Papat Limpad Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa (diaksès 20 Mei 2012).", "\n\nCategory:Wikipedia\nCategory:Javanese language" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to get a Double value up to 2 Decimal places\n\nIn my app I am dealing with currency which is need to upto two decimal digit , I have used number formatter for this to display up to two decimal place but When I want this double value up like 0.7 to 0.70 , I am unable to to do that , type double is always giving me 0.7 but i want 0.7 to 0.70\n\nA:\n\nYou can simply do this:\nlet pi = 3.14159\n\nlet text = String(format: \"%.2f\", arguments: [pi])\n\nprint(text) // output = 3.14\n\nA:\n\nYou should use NSNumberFormatter:\nlet numberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()\nnumberFormatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2\nnumberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2\n\nlet pi = 3.14159\nlet str = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(pi)!", "\n\nprint(str)\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nError \"copy-dependencies\" in maven\n\nI want copy lib dependencies in maven into lib directory when install project.", "\nI used that in my pom file.", "\n<project>\n <dependencies>\n ...\n </dependencies>\n\n <build>\n <plugins>\n <plugin>\n <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>\n <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>\n <version>2.4</version>\n <executions>\n <execution>\n <id>copy-dependencies</id>\n <phase>package</phase>\n <goals>\n <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>\n </goals>\n <configuration>\n <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}/dependencies</outputDirectory>\n </configuration> \n </execution>\n </executions>\n </plugin>\n </plugins>\n </build>\n</project>\n\nBut it's error following:\nDescription Resource Path Location Type\nmaven-dependency-plugin (goals \"copy-dependencies\", \"unpack\") is not supported by m2e. ", "pom.xml /jasperreports-test line 60 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem\n\nI tried fix it.", "\nThis is pom file in my project.", "\n<project>\n\n <groupId>com.vccorp.adtech</groupId>\n <artifactId>UserAgentService</artifactId>\n <version>14.06.201</version>\n\n <name>UserAgentService</name>\n <url>http://maven.apache.org</url>\n\n <properties>\n <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>\n </properties>\n\n <dependencies>\n <dependency> \n </dependency>\n </dependencies>\n <build>\n <pluginManagement>\n <plugins>\n <plugin>\n <groupId>org.eclipse.m2e</groupId>\n <artifactId>lifecycle-mapping</artifactId>\n <version>1.0.0</version>\n <configuration>\n <lifecycleMappingMetadata>\n <pluginExecutions>\n <pluginExecution>\n <pluginExecutionFilter>\n <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>\n <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>\n <versionRange>[1.0.0,)</versionRange>\n <goals>\n <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>\n </goals>\n </pluginExecutionFilter>\n <action>\n <ignore />\n </action>\n </pluginExecution>\n </pluginExecutions>\n </lifecycleMappingMetadata>\n </configuration>\n </plugin>\n </plugins>\n </pluginManagement>\n <plugins>\n <plugin>\n <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>\n <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>\n <version>1.0</version>\n <executions>\n <execution>\n <id>copy</id>\n <phase>install</phase>\n <goals>\n <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>\n </goals>\n <configuration>\n <outputDirectory>\n ${project.build.directory}/lib\n </outputDirectory>\n </configuration>\n </execution>\n </executions>\n </plugin>\n </plugins>\n </build>\n</project>\n\nBut when install It errors following:\n> [INFO] Building UserAgentService 14.06.201 [INFO]\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLF4J: Failed to load class \"org.slf4j.impl.", "StaticLoggerBinder\".", "\n> SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J:\n> See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further\n> details. ", "Downloading:\n>\n> [INFO]\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO]\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 4.716s [INFO] Finished at: Tue Jun 26 11:55:06 ICT\n> 2012 [INFO] Final Memory: 5M/15M [INFO]\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:1.0 or\n> one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact\n> descriptor for\n> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:jar:1.0: Could not\n> transfer artifact\n> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:pom:1.0 from/to nexus\n> (\n> Connection refused: no further information to\n>\n> -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [", "ERROR] Re-run Maven using\n> the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [", "ERROR] [ERROR] For more\n> information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the\n> following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1]\n> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/PluginResolutionException\n\nThis is my setting.xml file.", "\n<settings>\n <servers>\n <server>\n <id>mjx-snapshot</id>\n <username>deployment</username>\n <password>deployment123</password>\n </server>\n <server>\n <id>vccorp-repository</id>\n <username>editor</username>\n <password>edxmaven</password>\n </server>\n </servers>\n <mirrors>\n <mirror>\n <id>nexus</id>\n <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf>\n <url></url>\n </mirror> \n <mirror>\n <id>public_nuxus</id>\n <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf>\n <url>http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/</url>\n </mirror>\n </mirrors>\n <profiles>\n <profile>\n <id>development</id>\n <repositories>\n <repository>\n <id>central</id>\n <url>http://central</url>\n <releases>\n <enabled>true</enabled>\n </releases>\n <snapshots>\n <enabled>true</enabled>\n </snapshots>\n </repository>\n </repositories>\n <pluginRepositories>\n <pluginRepository>\n <id>central</id>\n <url>http://central</url>\n <releases>\n <enabled>true</enabled>\n </releases>\n <snapshots>\n <enabled>true</enabled>\n </snapshots>\n </pluginRepository>\n </pluginRepositories>\n </profile>\n <profile>\n <!", "--this profile will allow snapshots to be searched when activated -->\n <id>public-snapshots</id>\n <repositories>\n <repository>\n <id>public-snapshots</id>\n <url>http://public-snapshots</url>\n <releases>\n <enabled>false</enabled>\n </releases>\n <snapshots>\n <enabled>true</enabled>\n </snapshots>\n </repository>\n </repositories>\n <pluginRepositories>\n <pluginRepository>\n <id>public-snapshots</id>\n <url>http://public-snapshots</url>\n <releases>\n <enabled>false</enabled>\n </releases>\n <snapshots>\n <enabled>true</enabled>\n </snapshots>\n </pluginRepository>\n </pluginRepositories>\n </profile>\n </profiles>\n <!-- ", "<activeProfiles> <activeProfile>central</activeProfile> </activeProfiles> -->\n</settings>\n\nPlease help me!", "\n\nA:\n\nI solved this bug. ", "The repository that I'm using is not available therefore Maven can not download the plugins.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The invention relates to a process for handling, in particular for transporting, flexible film packs for cellulose products and similar deformable, soft products, the flexible film packs being gripped on the top side, and transported, by a suction head of a conveying apparatus and being introduced preferably into a container which is open at the top. ", "The invention also relates to an apparatus for handling flexible packs of this type.", "\nThe packs which are to be handled are those which have soft, deformable contents and are enclosed on the outside by a thin film. ", "The invention predominantly deals with the handling of flexible film packs for cellulose products, such as sanitary towels, nappies and paper handkerchieves. ", "The aim is to introduce these flexible packs efficiently and reliably into a transporting container which is open at the top, namely a folding box. ", "The intention is to ensure that for packaging reasons, but also to make optimum use of the folding box, the flexible packs are positioned in the box while being compressed slightly or having their volume reduced.", "\nThe predetermined volume of the flexible packs in the states in which they have been relieved of stress and pressure renders introduction into a smaller folding box problematic. ", "Mechanical compression of the flexible packs is thus necessary, but involves additional outlay." ]
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[ "Logical Volume Management is easily one of the most important and useful tools in storage administration. ", "With LVM you can easily move “partitions” (volumes) around your physical disk, have snapshots, even mirroring or live migrations across disks become possible.", "\n\nDisclaimer: I take absolutely no responsibility for what you do following this tutorial, thus it is made only as a reference and for learning purpose.", "\n\nLVM at a glance\n\nBefore we fire up the terminal, let’s take a look at the LVM structure. ", "LVM is an abstraction layer, a way to provide higher-level functions using lower-level ones. ", "This enables you to have much more flexibility and in the end a higher level of control over your disks. ", "Let’s now define three important concept: PV, VG and LV.", "\n\nPhysical Volume : A physical volume is a device or a partition that will be used to support LVM.", "\n\n: A physical volume is a device or a partition that will be used to support LVM. ", "Volume Group : A volume group is a group of one or more PV . ", "VG can span across multiple PV .", "\n\n: A volume group is a group of one or more . ", "VG can span across multiple . ", "Logical Volume: A logical volume is the final step of this chain, it acts as a partition to the file system. ", "It belongs to a VG, and is physically stored on one of the PV of its VG.", "\n\nWe didn’t cover PE and LE, since they’re not fundamental to understand the basics of LVM. ", "Feel free to learn about them after you’ve done some practice with it.", "\n\nLVM-ization\n\nCreating your very first LVM volume is really easy. ", "The first step is to create a PV: a partition or an entire device. ", "Remember: that space (and its data) will be lost upon creating a PV, so be warned to back up whatever you’re using. ", "Done? ", "In case of a whole disk:\n\n# pvcreate /dev/sdX\n\nIn case of a partition use:\n\n# pvcreate /dev/sdXY\n\nOf course replace X with the letter of the device you want to use and Y with the number of the partition. ", "Once done it is time to create a VG do so by:\n\n# vgcreate NAME /dev/sdXY\n\nReplace NAME with the desired name of the volume group and use the device/partition you used in the precedent step. ", "Once done, you’re practically done, you can now start creating and manipulating your LVs. ", "To create one you just need to issue:\n\n# lvcreate -L SIZE -n NAME VOLUME_GROUP\n\nReplace SIZE with the desired size with a suffix e.g. 10G or 250M. Replace NAME with the desired volume name. ", "Replace VOLUME_GROUP with the volume group you created before. ", "That’s it, you’ve just create a LV that acts exactly like a partition, but is way more flexible. ", "First, to access it you should seek /dev/VG_NAME/LV_NAME . ", "Now let’s take a look at the most used commands associated with LVM.", "\n\n# Physical Volumes pvcreate /dev/sdXY # Create a PV pvremove /dev/sdXY # Remove a PV pvdisplay # Display detailed information about PVs pvs # Display brief information about PVs # Volume Groups vgcreate NAME /dev/sdXY # Create a VG named NAME on PV /dev/sdXY vgremove NAME # Destroy the VG named NAME vgextend NAME /dev/sdXY # Extend the VG named NAME over PV /dev/sdXY vgreduce NAME /dev/sdXY # Remove PV /dev/sdXY from VG named NAME vgdisplay # Display detailed information about VGs vgs # Display brief information about VGs # Logical Volumes lvcreate -L SIZE -n NAME VG # Create a LV named NAME with SIZE onto VG lvremove /dev/VG/LV # Remove LV from VG lvextend -L SIZE /dev/VG/LV # Add SIZE space to LV lvreduce -L SIZE /dev/VG/LV # Reduce LV by SIZE lvdisplay # Display detailed information about LVs lvs # Display brief information about LVs\n\nImage courtesy of Docklandsboy." ]
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[ 0.0006346351583488286, 0.0006345891742967069, 0.0006210168940015137, 0.0006898873252794147, 0.0007515551405958831, 0.0006242376402951777, 0.0005600831937044859, 0.0007608547457493842, 0.0007678369875065982, 0.0007795959827490151, 0.0008098141988739371, 0.0007610099273733795, 0.0009159509791061282, 0.0007174210040830076, 0.003722835099324584, 0.0008965121814981103, 0.0005955375963822007, 0.0012948575895279646, 0.0006690596928820014, 0.0008870139135979116, 0.0008793300949037075, 0.0007885355735197663, 0.0008126794127747416, 0.004700613673776388, 0.0006979236495681107, 0.0007128144497983158, 0.0006673230673186481, 0.0006295917555689812, 0.0005601827288046479, 0.002571842633187771 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSidekiq job apparently does not see the $http_proxy setting\n\nI have a job running in a Sidekiq queue and throws an error when making an outgoing connection. ", "The server uses an outgoing proxy managed through the environment variable $http_proxy. ", "This exact process worked fine before it was in a Sidekiq queue.", "\nThe error:\nWARN: Connection refused - connect(2) for \"rightsignature.com\" port 443\n\nI can curl https://rightsignature.com and it works just fine (from the command line where the environment variable is seen). ", "I think the problem is due to Sidekiq not seeing the environment variable.", "\n\nA:\n\nMy solution to this was to set the http_proxy environment variable before the launch of the sidekiq executable. ", "I modified the capistrano deployment.", "\n... http_proxy=#{PROXY_SERVER} sidekiq ...\n\nThis solution seems a bit hackish, but it does solve my immediate problem.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0011622271267697215, 0.0006613380974158645, 0.0006240172660909593, 0.0006606507813557982, 0.0007748199859634042, 0.0007792201358824968, 0.0007255517411977053, 0.001062846858985722, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "A rapid extraction method for serum calcitonin.", "\nA rapid, simple and reliable extraction method for calcitonin from serum has been developed. ", "2 volumes of acidic ethanol and 1 volume of serum were mixed, centrifuged, and the supernatant was evaporated to dryness. ", "The extracts were reconstituted in assay buffer before radioimmunoassay was performed. ", "Basal concentrations of calcitonin after extraction were 5.4 +/- 3.0 pg-equivalents/ml (mean +/- SD), females, n = 48 and 8.8 +/- 5.5 pg-equivalents/ml, males, n = 42. ", "Calcitonin was detectable in serum from all males and from 90% of the females. ", "The concentrations in males were significantly higher (P less than 0.001). ", "There was a more pronounced calcitonin response in males (n = 12) than in females (n = 12) to a calcium clamp (P less than 0.01). ", "Gel chromatography of serum from patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma on a Sephadex G-75 column and a TSK G 2000 SW column in a fast protein liquid chromatography system, disclosed that the ethanol extraction excluded the high mol mass forms of calcitonin. ", "We propose the acidic ethanol extraction as a convenient method for routine measurements of calcitonin." ]
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[ "In this article, we are going to guide you about How Long To Boil Lobster Meat Tail Per Pound / Ounce which is very helpful for you.", "\n\nIn this article, we give you some ideas that help you to find how long to boil lobster. ", "Read this article until the end to increase your knowledge. ", "Totally cooked lobster is surely one of life’s simplest joy.", "\n\nLive Maine Lobsters are a break to cook. ", "Steaming and boiling are the 2 main ways to cook lobsters. ", "But before you can cook your lobsters, you need to be better holding them.", "\n\nIf you have never hold live lobster before, keep the bands on. ", "Some lobstermen demand on removing the nail bat before cooking. ", "The rubber bet, they say, Conway an off taste to the water and to the lobster.", "\n\nHow Long To Boil Lobster Meat Tail Per Pound / Ounce:\n\nCooking lobster is an artwork, and if you do not gain the timing just right, you might be in for a soft or chewy lobster. ", "Never overcook your lobster. ", "This makes the food soft and thin.", "\n\nYou’ll find many of lobster cooking point online, but we discover most of the times are way too long. ", "In winter, lobsters have a solid shell and therefore need more time to cook. ", "In the summertime, lobsters have a heavy shell and need less time to cook.", "\n\nWhat Size Lobster Pot?", "\n\nYou steam or boil, collect a pan with loads of room. ", "Do not crush the lobsters in the pan as the heat will not flow evenly about the lobsters. ", "If you do not have a big pan, cook lobsters in batches, using a pair of pans.", "\n\nIf you add the same size of water in each pan, the lobsters should cook at the same time. ", "A four or five-quart soup or pasta pan will work well for a pair of lobsters.", "\n\nA nineteen-quart pan will cook about five to six. ", "The pan does not have to be a thin job as water will really boil faster in a lighter mater metal pan.", "\n\nSteam Lobsters\n\nSteaming cooks whole lobsters slowly than boiling, so it trims the choice of overcooking.", "\n\nSubmit a more kind lobster than boiling.", "\n\nThe lobsters are less thin with water.", "\n\nLobster makes less of a mess.", "\n\nSo, Timing is more correct since the water depart to a boil faster\n\nThe Protect the ocean fresh taste of lobster.", "\n\nWe Cook lobster a little slower with less chance of overcooking.", "\n\nKeep the top on compact to keep in the steam. ", "A steamer rack is not a basic; it just stays the lobsters from gain sear on the foot of the pan. ", "You can also use a vegetable steamer rack or an upside colander inside the pan.", "\n\nSteaming Requirements:\n\nUse pan large plenty to comfortably carry the lobsters and fill water. ", "So, it comes up border about 2 inches. ", "Mix two tablespoons of salt for each quart of water. ", "If you have sea salt—even better. ", "The water to a rolling boil, and leave in lobsters, one at a time. ", "Place lobsters in the pan (head first), cover tightly, return to a boil as fast as possible and start counting the time. ", "Steam a lobster for seven minutes per pound, for the 1st round. ", "Mix 3 minutes per pound for each additional pound thereafter.", "\n\nBest Steaming Lobster Times\n\n1-1-1/4 lb. — ", "7-9 minutes\n\n1-1/2 lb. — ", "9-11 minutes\n\n2 lbs.— ", "11-12 minutes\n\n2-1/2-3 lb. — ", "12-14 minutes\n\n5 lb — 22-24 minutes\n\nCooking Clams with your lobsters? ", "Hence, the netted bag of clams on top of the lobsters and steam both at the same time.", "\n\nHow Long To Boil Lobster Meat Tail Per Pound / Ounce?", "\n\nThe lobster tastes the bumbling water, which in turn, taste the lobster food.", "\n\nFor cooking a spray of lobsters, boiling offer you even fast cooking. ", "However, boiling lobster tends to water-log them. ", "The lobsters cooking more evenly than steaming.", "\n\nHigh, grate heat cooks the meat faster, making it to easier to remove from the shell.", "\n\nBoiling Requirements:\n\nFill a pan (large enough to grip the lobsters) anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2/3 full with water. ", "Deep sufficient to flood the lobster by about three inches. ", "Mix 2 tsp of salt for each quart of water. ", "Guide the water to a powerful boil over high heat. ", "The live lobsters in one at a time, headfirst, fully submerging them. ", "Pick up the lobster by bonds the upper side of the thorax between your thumb and middle finger. ", "Cover the pan tightly and depart to a boil as fast as feasible. ", "After the water boils starting time, and control the heat to stop. ", "Water from boiling over, but be positive to stay the water boiling throughout the cooking time. ", "Carefully remove lobsters from the pan with tongs. ", "Be alert, they are very hot.", "\n\nReheating Cooked Lobster:\n\nIn the common time, you cannot eat a freshly cooked lobster on the spot, you may reheat it and enjoy later. ", "It’s best to par-boil or par-steam your lobsters kind than cooking them all the way through.", "\n\nHence, cooked lobster keep refrigerated for up to 25 hours. ", "Also, clearly reheat the microwave for about a minute or gently steam in water for about two or three minutes. ", "If you cannot reheat your lobsters within twenty-four hours.", "\n\nIt’s best to collect the meat out and cool in a covered dish. ", "Fresh out the shell meat will keep cooling for about two or three days. ", "So, you can enjoy it to eat.", "\n\nYou have no more need to find how long to boil a lobster. ", "Because here are you have the best ideas and ways to cook it well." ]
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[ "Hydrolysis studies on bismuth nitrate: synthesis and crystallization of four novel polynuclear basic bismuth nitrates.", "\nHydrolysis of Bi(NO(3))(3) in aqueous solution gave crystals of the novel compounds [Bi(6)O(4)(OH)(4)(NO(3))(5)(H(2)O)](NO(3)) (1) and [Bi(6)O(4)(OH)(4)(NO(3))(6)(H(2)O)(2)]·H(2)O (2) among the series of hexanuclear bismuth oxido nitrates. ", "Compounds 1 and 2 both crystallize in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n but show significant differences in their lattice parameters: 1, a = 9.2516(6) Å, b = 13.4298(9) Å, c = 17.8471(14) Å, β = 94.531(6)°, V = 2210.5(3) Å(3); 2, a = 9.0149(3) Å, b = 16.9298(4) Å, c = 15.6864(4) Å, β = 90.129(3)°, V = 2394.06(12) Å(3). ", "Variation of the conditions for partial hydrolysis of Bi(NO(3))(3) gave bismuth oxido nitrates of even higher nuclearity, [{Bi(38)O(45)(NO(3))(24)(DMSO)(26)}·4DMSO][{Bi(38)O(45)(NO(3))(24)(DMSO)(24)}·4DMSO] (3) and [{Bi(38)O(45)(NO(3))(24)(DMSO)(26)}·2DMSO][{Bi(38)O(45)(NO(3))(24)(DMSO)(24)}·0.5DMSO] (5), upon crystallization from DMSO. ", "Bismuth oxido clusters 3 and 5 crystallize in the triclinic space group P1 both with two crystallographically independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. ", "The following lattice parameters are observed: 3, a = 20.3804(10) Å, b = 20.3871(9) Å, c = 34.9715(15) Å, α = 76.657(4)°, β = 73.479(4)°, γ = 60.228(5)°, V = 12021.7(9) Å(3); 5, a = 20.0329(4) Å, b = 20.0601(4) Å, c = 34.3532(6) Å, α = 90.196(1)°, β = 91.344(2)°, γ = 119.370(2)°, V = 12025.8(4) Å(3). ", "Differences in the number of DMSO molecules (coordinated and noncoordinated) and ligand (nitrate, DMSO) coordination modes are observed." ]
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[ "CE Qu'il faut retenir de la journée de jeudi 24 juillet Au 16e jour de l'offensive militaire israélienne 798 Palestiniens ont été tués, dont une majorité de civils plusieurs milliers de personnes sont blessés . , ", "au moins, et\n\nCôté israélien, 35 personnes sont mortes : 32 soldats tués en majorité dans les combats à Gaza et deux civils morts dans la chute d'obus. ", "Un travailleur thaïlandais est mort.", "\n\n15 Palestiniens qui avaient trouvé refuge dans une école de l'ONU dans la bande de Gaza ont été tués cet après-midi par un tir israélien.", "\n\nMalgré le fracas non interrompu des armes, l'espoir de cessez-le-feu qu'avait fait naître John Kerry mercredi, est toujours vivant, a assuré le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas après avoir rencontré le roi Abdallah de Jordanie.", "\n\n22h40 - Violents affrontements en Cisjordanie, 1 mort\n\nDes affrontements opposent ce jeudi soir des Palestiniens aux forces de sécurité israéliennes à Jérusalem-Est annexé et en Cisjordanie occupée, selon la police israélienne. ", "Un Palestinien a été tué, rapporte les forces de sécurité.", "\n\nDix manifestants ont été arrêtés aux abords de la Vieille ville de Jérusalem où des renforts policiers ont été massivement mobilisés pour la Nuit du Destin (Laïlat al-Qadr), une des dates importantes du ramadan.", "\n\n21h - Au moins 98 Palestiniens tués ce jeudi\n\nLes 15 victimes de l'attaque de l'école de l'ONU portent à 98 le nombre des morts pour la seule journée de jeudi dans la bande de Gaza, et à 798 morts et plus de 5.000 blessés depuis le début de l'offensive israélienne sur Gaza, selon les bilans fournis par les secours palestiniens.", "\n\n19h - Ecole bombardée : les USA \"attristés\"\n\nLes Etats-Unis se disent \"attristés\" par le bombardement israélien de l'école de l'ONU dans la bande de Gaza, qui a fait 15 morts.", "\n\n\"Nous sommes profondément attristés et inquiets à propos de ce tragique incident\", déclare la porte-parole du département d'Etat, Jen Psaki, qui s'exprime depuis le Caire où le secrétaire d'Etat John Kerry tente de négocier un cessez-le-feu.", "\n\nNous exhortons une nouvelle fois toutes les parties à redoubler d'efforts pour protéger les civils\", poursuit-il.", "\n\n18h30 - Des employés de l'ONU tués dans l'attaque d'une école\n\nDes employés des Nations unies ont été tués dans l'attaque de l'école de l'ONU à Gaza, indique le secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon, qui \"condamne fermement\" cette attaque.", "\n\n\"Il y a de nombreux morts, dont des femmes et des enfants et des employés de l'ONU\", déclare Ban Ki-moon à Erbil, en Irak, selon un communiqué de l'ONU.", "\n\n18h20 - 7 Palestiniens tués dans un raid israélien\n\n7 Palestiniens, pour la plupart des enfants, ont été tués lors d'un raid aérien israélien dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, annoncent les services d'urgence locaux.", "\n\nTrois membres d'une même famille, trois d'une autre famille et une septième personne ont trouvé la mort lors de cette frappe entre les villes de Khan Younès et Rafah, précise le porte-parole des services d'urgence Achraf al-Qodra, sans donner d'autres détails.", "\n\n17h40 - Gaza vue de l'espace\n\nL'astronaute allemand, Alexander Gerst, a publié mercredi sur son compte Twitter une photo nocturne de la bande de Gaza depuis la Station spatiale internationale (ISS). ", "Sur le cliché, on aperçoit les très nombreuses explosions causées par les raids aériens de l'armée israélienne.", "\n\n\"C'est la photo la plus triste que j'aie jamais prise. ", "Depuis la station spatiale, on peut voir les explosions et les roquettes au-dessus de Gaza et Israël\", écrit le spationaute présent à bord de l'ISS depuis le mois de mai.", "\n\nMy saddest photo yet. ", "From #ISS we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over #Gaza & #Israel pic.twitter.com/jNGWxHilSy — Alexander Gerst (@Astro_Alex) 23 Juillet 2014\n\n17h25 - Ecole bombardée : l'Israël promet une enquête\n\nAprès la mort de 15 Palestiniens dans une école de l'ONU à Gaza, l'armée israélienne promet d'enquêter sur ce drame, et dit ne pas exclure qu'il s'agisse d'une roquette tirée par des combattants du mouvement islamiste Hamas.", "\n\nUn porte-parole de l'Agence de l'ONU pour l'aide aux réfugiés palestiniens (l'UNWRA) expliqué à l'AFP que l'agence avait en vain tenté d'organiser une trêve pour évacuer le bâtiment, autour duquel des combats faisaient rage.", "\n\n17h - \"Le Hamas doit accepter un cessez-le-feu humanitaire\", selon Londres\n\nLe ministre britannique des Affaires étrangères, appelle le Hamas à accepter un cessez-le-feu humanitaire \"sans conditions préalables\" pour mettre un terme à 17 jours de conflit à Gaza.", "\n\nPhilip Hammond s'exprime depuis Le Caire, où les autorités égyptiennes ont récemment proposé une initiative de sortie de crise prévoyant un cessez-le-feu avant l'ouverture de négociations indirectes, un plan que le mouvement islamiste palestinien a rejeté en l'état, conditionnant son accord à la levée du blocus de Gaza, mis en place en 2006.", "\n\n16h50 - PHOTOS. ", "Les tunnels du Hamas\n\nLa chaîne d'information israélienne, i24news, publie sur son site une galerie photos des tunnels, qui permettent aux combattants du Hamas de pénétrer en territoire israélien.", "\n\n16h30 - \"Ils se croyaient en sécurité dans une école de l'ONU\"\n\nLe correspondant de la chaîne britannique, ITV News, Dan Rivers, fait part sur Twitter de son \"choc\" face aux visages des enfants touchés par le bombardement d'une école de l'ONU à Gaza. \"", "Ils se croyaient en sécurité dans une école de l'ONU\", écrit-il.", "\n\nI will never forget the utter shock on these kids faces - they thought they were safe in a UN school #Gaza pic.twitter.com/0YRHVc6pxz — Dan Rivers (@danieljerivers) 24 Juillet 2014\n\n16h - Le bilan augmente : 15 morts dans le bombardement d'une école\n\nLe porte-parole des services de secours palestiniens, Achraf al-Qoudra, fait état, de son côté, d'un bilan de 15 morts et de plus de 200 blessés, après le bombardement d'une école de l'ONU. ", "Un tir israélien serait en cause.", "\n\nUn enfant d'un an et sa mère feraient partie des victimes. ", "Les blessés ont été conduits à l'hôpital Chifa de Gaza.", "\n\n\"Les coordonnées précises de cet abri à Beit Hanoun avaient été formellement fournies à l'armée israélienne\", souligne, le photographe de l'AFP sur place, Chris Gunness.", "\n\n(MARCOLONGARI/AFP)\n\n15h30 - Vers une reprise des vols européens vers Tel Aviv\n\nL'agence européenne pour la sécurité aérienne (AESA) annonce qu'elle revient sur sa recommandation de ne plus desservir l'aéroport de Tel Aviv. ", "Elle appelle tout de même à \"surveiller étroitement les risques relatifs à la sécurité des vols\".", "\n\nL'AESA avait émis mercredi une recommandation invitant les compagnies aériennes européennes à ne plus desservir Israël du fait de la situation créée par le conflit armé entre Israël et Gaza.", "\n\nAir France annonce, de son côté, qu'elle maintient la suspension de ses vols à destination d'Israël \"jusqu'à nouvel ordre\", tant que la direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC) \"n'a pas levé ses consignes\", précise-t-on.", "\n\n15h25 - Au moins 9 morts dans une école de l'ONU\n\nAu moins 9 personnes réfugiées dans une école de l'ONU ont été tuées cet après-midi par un obus tiré par l'armée israélienne à Beit Hanoun dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, annonce l'ONU.", "\n\n\"A 14h50 (13h50 en France), un obus est tombé sur ou à proximité\" de cette école utilisée comme abri, déclare, sans plus de détail, un responsable de l'ONU à Gaza.", "\n\nLes corps ont été conduits à la morgue de l'hôpital de Jabaliya, près de Beit Hanoun, selon un photographe de l'AFP. ", "Le porte-parole de l'Agence de l'ONU pour l'aide aux réfugiés palestiniens (UNRWA), Chris Gunness, confirme sur son compte Twitter qu'il y a \"un certain nombre de tués et blessés\" dans ce bâtiment.", "\n\nConfirm multiple dead and injured at designated UNRWA shelter in Beit Hanoun RT — Chris Gunness (@ChrisGunness) 24 Juillet 2014\n\n15h15 - 13 roquettes tirées depuis Gaza\n\nL'armée israélienne annonce sur son compte Twitter que 13 roquettes ont été tirées depuis ce matin sur Israël.", "\n\nAujourd'hui, 13 roquettes tirées depuis #Gaza ont frappé le territoire israélien. ", "7 autres ont été interceptées par le Dôme de Fer. — ", "Tsahal-IDF (@Tsahal_IDF) 24 Juillet 2014\n\n15h - La Mission de Palestine reçoit des menaces de mort envoyées depuis Israël\n\nLa Mission (représentation diplomatique) de Palestine en France annonce avoir porté plainte après avoir reçu une lettre de menaces de mort, postée depuis Israël, accompagnée d'un échantillon présenté comme un virus.", "\n\n\"Nous avons reçu cette lettre ce matin au courrier, qui menace de mort les participants aux récentes manifestations pour la Palestine et la mission de Palestine en France\", déclare Noha Rashmawi, chef de cabinet à la Mission de Palestine en France.", "\n\nLa lettre, écrite en anglais, reconstitue une caricature de procès aboutissant à une condamnation à mort \"par infection par le virus Gurion-48\", selon une photocopie.", "\n\n12h - La France débloque 11 millions d'euros d'aide humanitaire pour Gaza\n\nFrançois Hollande annonce, en recevant des ONG à l'Elysée, le déblocage par la France de 11 millions d'euros pour l'aide humanitaire à Gaza, déclare la présidence de la République dans un communiqué.", "\n\nSur ces 11 millions d'euros, huit seront versés à l'Autorité palestinienne, installée en Cisjordanie, et trois aux Nations Unies et à des Organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), précise à la presse une conseillère du président.", "\n\n#Gaza : le Gouvernement français va débloquer une aide de 11 millions d’euros pour faire face à l’urgence http://t.co/DogAdJBEqH — Élysée (@Elysee) 24 Juillet 2014\n\n11h30 - L'Iran envoie un chargement d'aide humanitaire à destination de Gaza\n\nL'Iran a envoyé en Egypte un premier chargement d'aide humanitaire pour Gaza et demande au Caire la réouverture du passage de Rafah pour l'acheminer sur place, rapporte l'agence Isna.", "\n\n\"Le premier chargement d'aide du Croissant rouge iranien a été envoyé au Caire pour être acheminé versGaza\", déclare Marzieh Afkham, la porte-parole du ministère iranien des Affaires étrangères.", "\n\n\"Nous attendons l'autorisation d'acheminer cette aide par le passage de Rafah et nous espérons la réouverture de ce passage le plus vite possible\", ajoute-t-elle.", "\n\nLe président iranien Hassan Rohani a ordonné mercredi l'envoi immédiat d'aides humanitaires à la population de la bande de Gaza.", "\n\n10h30 - Le Hamas prêt à une trêve humanitaire sous conditions\n\nLe chef du Hamas Khaled Mechaal affirme être prêt à accepter une trêve humanitaire mais refuse toujours l'idée d'un cessez-le-feu avec Israël, rapporte Reuters.", "\n\n\"Tout le monde veut que nous négocions d'abord un cessez-le-feu puis que nous entamons des discussions sur nos droits. ", "Nous avons rejeté cela et nous le rejetons encore aujourd'hui,\" explique-t-il lors d'une conférence presse au Qatar.", "\n\nToutefois, Khaled Mechaal précise que le Hamas \"ne fermera pas la porte\" à une trêve humanitaire, si Israël met fin à \"son siège de Gaza\".", "\n\n10h - 7 Palestiniens tués lors de frappes israéliennes\n\nSept Palestiniens ont été tués dans une série de frappes israéliennes près de Khan Younès, dans le sud de la bande deGaza, non loin de la frontière avec Israël, selon les services d'urgence locaux.", "\n\nLes attaques ont eu lieu à Khouzaa, dans une zone de combats violents, à proximité de la frontière avec Israël, précise le porte-parole des services d'urgence, Achraf al-Qoudra.", "\n\n9h30 - Le président Shimon Peres tire sa révérence en pleine guerre\n\nLe président israélien Shimon Peres, qui a incarné aux yeux du monde le dialogue avec les Palestiniens, va quitter ses fonctions aujourd'hui, discrètement, en pleine guerre à Gaza.", "\n\nSon successeur Reuven Rivlin, élu par les députés le 10 juin dernier, prêtera serment jeudi lors d'une cérémonie sans apparat à la Knesset, le Parlement, à 17h30, heures françaises.", "\n\nLes maires et cadres municipaux des localités du sud d'Israël, exposées aux tirs de roquettes de Gaza, ont été conviés à la prestation de serment afin de \"montrer que le plus important aujourd'hui en Israël est l'opération 'Bordure protectrice'\", le nom de la campagne militaire israélienne contre le Hamas palestinien, affirment dans un communiqué conjoint le nouveau président Rivlin et le président de la Knesset Yuli Edelstein.", "\n\n6h - Levée de la suspension des vols américains vers Israël\n\nL'Agence fédérale de l'aviation américaine (FAA) lève son interdiction faite aux compagnies aériennes de voler vers Israël, mais met en garde contre \"la situation très instable\" localement.", "\n\n\"La FAA a levé ses restrictions sur les vols américains vers et depuis l'aéroport Ben-Gourion de Tel-Aviv en annulant une directive aux équipages qu'elle avait renouvelée plus tôt aujourd'hui\", selon un communiqué de l'Agence.", "\n\n2h - Une famille de six Palestiniens, dont deux enfants, tués\n\nSix Palestiniens, dont deux enfants d'une même famille ont été tués, dans un bombardement à l'ouest de Khan Younes, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, indiquent les services de secours palestiniens.", "\n\n\"Six membres de la famille al-Aftal, dont une fillette de cinq ans et un garçon de trois ans ont été tués\", déclare Achraf al-Qoudra, le porte-parole des secours à Gaza.", "\n\n1h - Ban Ki-moon reçu par le roi d'Arabie saoudite\n\nLe secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon, qui mène des contacts tous azimuts pour favoriser un cessez-le-feu entre Israéliens et Palestiniens, a rencontré à Jeddah, dans l'ouest de l'Arabie saoudite, le roi Abdallah.", "\n\nSelon l'agence officielle Spa, les deux hommes ont passé en revue \"la conjoncture internationale et régionale et les efforts déployés par l'ONU, notamment la situation à Gaza\", territoire sous contrôle du mouvement islamiste Hamas.", "\n\nMinuit - Le Hamas refuse un cessez-le-feu\n\nLe chef du Hamas, Khaled Mechaal, annonce son rejet d'un cessez-le-feu avec Israël dans la bande de Gaza avant une levée du blocus imposé depuis des années à l'enclave palestinienne.", "\n\n\"Nous rejetons aujourd'hui et nous rejetterons à l'avenir\" la proposition d'un cessez-le-feu préalable à des négociations sur les revendications du Hamas, dont la levée du blocus, déclare Khaled Mechaal lors d'une conférence de presse à Doha, au Qatar." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to convert Unix file Path to Windows Path using VB.net\n\nI'm using acrobat that returns unix paths instead of windows path's. ", "So im wondering if there is a way in vb.net to convert the path to windows path.", "\ni tried using:\ndocs(i) = javaScriptObj.path().ToString.", "Replace(\"/\", \"\\\").Substring(1)\nposition = docs(i).IndexOf(\"\\\")\ndocs(i) = docs(i).Substring(0, position) + \":\\\" + docs(i).Substring(position + 1)\n\nthis only works on local files, but fails when im starting to use network drives. ", "Thanks\n\nA:\n\nGive this a try:\nPrivate Function UnixPathToWindowsPath(UnixPath As String) As String\n If String.", "IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UnixPath) Then Return String.", "Empty\n Dim chunks = UnixPath.", "Split(New Char() {\"/\"c}, StringSplitOptions.", "RemoveEmptyEntries)\n If chunks.", "Any Then\n If chunks(0).Length = 1 Then 'Single character root, assume drive letter.", "\n Return String.", "Join(\"\\\", chunks).Insert(1, \":\")\n Else\n Return \"\\\\\" & String.", "Join(\"\\\", chunks)\n End If\n Else\n Return IO.Path.", "DirectorySeparatorChar\n End If\nEnd Function\n\nThis assumes full path names, and not partial paths.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "-1.423 - -1.923. ", "Which is the fifth biggest value? ", " (a) -2/15 (b) j (c) -3/7 (d) 0.2 (e) -8\ne\nLet i = 240 + -11. ", "Let v = -229.5 + i. Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 2/69 (b) v (c) -1\nb\nLet n = 1.9102 - 1.8302. ", "Let p = -38/55 - -1/11. ", "Let i be (3/(-4))/(4 - 3). ", "Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) p (b) n (c) i\na\nLet b = 591 - 575. ", "What is the third biggest value in 0.03, -3, b, -0.5, 1?", "\n0.03\nLet x be 5/10*-1*74. ", "Let n be 666/1221 - -26*(-2)/176. ", "What is the fourth biggest value in x, -2, n, 2/7?", "\nx\nLet n = 9 - 17. ", "Let l = 3/11 - 23/44. ", "Suppose -5*u + 3*u + 76 = 43*t, -4*t = -8. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 5 (b) u (c) l (d) n\nb\nSuppose 3*t + 4*l - 1873 = 6*t, 5*l + 3180 = -5*t. ", "Let a = 635 + t. What is the third biggest value in a, 1, -115?", "\n-115\nLet p = 0.9 + 2.9. ", "Let v = p - 4. ", "Let d = -30165 - -30169. ", "What is the biggest value in d, v, -15?", "\nd\nLet j = 4.48 - 3.91. ", "Let t = j + -1.57. ", "Suppose -4*r + 10 = -3*o + 4, 42 = -5*o - 4*r. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -5 (b) -2/3 (c) o (d) t\na\nSuppose 8*z - 9657 + 33217 = 39*z. ", "What is the third smallest value in z, 1, 0?", "\nz\nLet q = 84 + -333/4. ", "Let p = -1 + 2/3. ", "What is the smallest value in -3, q, p, -2?", "\n-3\nLet u = 8368 + -8366. ", "Let h = -1.2 + -4.8. ", "What is the biggest value in h, -30, u?", "\nu\nLet v = -32 - -28. ", "Let b = -3061/10 - -1528/5. ", "What is the second smallest value in b, 0.07, v?", "\nb\nLet o = -7 - -7.3. ", "Let l = 5.77 + -13.04. ", "Let y = -2.73 + l. Which is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) -2/7 (b) o (c) y (d) 3/5\nc\nLet z = 0.2 - -1.8. ", "Let k = 3.5 + -3.2. ", "Let n = 666 + -666.5. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) k (b) z (c) n\na\nLet j be (-26)/16*1 + 2. ", "Suppose 11*n - 204 = -94. ", "Let v be n/(-2)*1 + (-20)/(-20). ", "Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 2/3 (b) 3 (c) v (d) j\na\nLet f be ((-19)/4)/(6/(-8)). ", "Let n = -12612.3 - -12612. ", "Which is the third smallest value? ", " (a) f (b) -0.1 (c) n\na\nLet b = 2.608 + -2.008. ", "What is the fourth biggest value in -9, 4, b, 1/9?", "\n-9\nLet h = -1568 + 1567.92. ", "What is the third biggest value in h, -0.77, 2/17?", "\n-0.77\nLet y = -1522/5 - -304. ", "Let l = 60 + -59. ", "Which is the smallest value? ", " (a) -5 (b) y (c) 0 (d) l\na\nLet r = 20.477 + -0.377. ", "Let n = -24.1 + r. Which is the biggest value? ", " (a) 1 (b) n (c) 3/7\na\nSuppose -12*i - 211 = -211. ", "Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 3 (b) -0.6 (c) i (d) 0.5 (e) 2/5\nd\nLet v = -13.2 + 6.9. ", "Let j = -25.7 + v. Let p = -36 - j. Which is the biggest value? ", " (a) 0.02 (b) -1 (c) p\na\nLet g = -8.59 - -107.59. ", "Suppose -26*n + 3 = -23*n. ", "What is the smallest value in g, -0.5, 0.4, n?", "\n-0.5\nLet n = 3506.9 + -3508.9. ", "What is the third smallest value in 1.578, n, 0.4?", "\n1.578\nLet d(q) = q**2 + 16*q + 15. ", "Let x be d(-1). ", "Which is the third biggest value? ", " (a) x (b) 0.037 (c) -3\nc\nLet u be (-9455)/(-610) - 28/2. ", "What is the second smallest value in 0.42, -9, u?", "\n0.42\nLet z = -134162/985 - -681/5. ", "Let v = z - 391/591. ", "What is the smallest value in v, -0.05, 0.3, -1?", "\n-1\nLet h = 16019 - 15768. ", "What is the fourth smallest value in 0.2, 0, h, -0.1?", "\nh\nLet u = 4.2 + -4. ", "Let p = 3.8358 + 1.1642. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) -7/3 (b) u (c) 1 (d) p\nb\nLet i = 13/137 + -763/822. ", "Let y = 3.88 + -0.88. ", "What is the second smallest value in i, y, 1?", "\n1\nLet u = -10329 + 10333.799. ", "Let q = u - -0.201. ", "Let k = 2.01 - 0.31. ", "What is the second biggest value in k, 1/3, q?", "\nk\nLet z = 30 - 33.7. ", "Let d = z + 38.7. ", "Let k = d - 33. ", "Which is the biggest value? ", " (a) k (b) 4 (c) -2\nb\nLet j = -186 + 185.718. ", "Let x = j + 0.882. ", "What is the smallest value in -2, 0.5, x, 1?", "\n-2\nSuppose 0 = v - 4*f - 115, f + 158 + 79 = 2*v. ", "Let z = 124 - v. What is the biggest value in z, -0.01, 0.3?", "\nz\nSuppose 64*l - 154*l = -59*l. ", "What is the third smallest value in 722, l, -2/11, 5?", "\n5\nLet l be ((-8)/260)/(759/(-55) + 14). ", "Which is the smallest value? ", " (a) l (b) 1/3 (c) 3 (d) -1/3 (e) -2\ne\nLet w = -27 - -28. ", "Let y be 6*8/(-60)*25/(-170). ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) w (b) 0.127 (c) y\nb\nLet n = -329.9 - -40.9. ", "Let s = 288.6 + n. Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 0.3 (b) s (c) 6\na\nLet d = 0.2668 + -0.2523. ", "What is the third biggest value in d, -1, -0.4?", "\n-1\nLet g = -0.03 - 2.97. ", "Let d = -6473/7 + 925. ", "Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) g (c) d\nc\nLet g = -3473 + 24315/7. ", "Which is the smallest value? ", " (a) -0.288 (b) 1/5 (c) -5/3 (d) g (e) -0.4\nc\nLet d = -10925 - -10923. ", "What is the third biggest value in d, 5, 0.041?", "\nd\nLet z = -0.881 - -0.681. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) 1 (b) z (c) -0.132\nc\nLet q(v) = v - 2. ", "Let i be q(12). ", "Suppose -3*f + 5*b = -i - 4, -3*f = 2*b - 7. ", "Let c be (15/(-18))/((-5)/f). ", "What is the third biggest value in c, -1/3, 0, 6?", "\n0\nLet y = -16 + 15.95. ", "Let d = y + -3.95. ", "Let h = -471 + 470. ", "Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) d (b) h (c) 0.4\nb\nSuppose -3*v = -9 + 3. ", "Let s = 418 + -419.1. ", "What is the smallest value in s, 0.4, v, 0.3?", "\ns\nSuppose -4 = 2*z - 0. ", "Let r = 576 + -520.2. ", "Let l = r + -56. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) z (b) l (c) -1 (d) 0.5\nc\nSuppose 3*y - 24 = -27. ", "Let j = 83 - 131. ", "Let t = 48.1 + j. What is the third biggest value in 2/3, y, t, -5?", "\ny\nLet a be 4 + 1 - (1 - 1)/(-3). ", "Suppose 2*n = a*i - 6 + 55, 5*n - 4*i = 114. ", "What is the second biggest value in 3, -4, 5, n?", "\n5\nLet s = 2391.2 + -2391. ", "What is the smallest value in 2, 31, -0.1, s, 4?", "\n-0.1\nLet l = 10.13 + -0.23. ", "Let s = 9.5 - l. What is the second smallest value in -6, 0.2, -0.2, s?", "\ns\nLet k = -156 - -151. ", "What is the fourth smallest value in 0.09, -0.1, k, 58?", "\n58\nLet j be 7 + (-3 - ((-13)/(-65) - 12/10)). ", "Let i = 8 + -5. ", "Which is the second biggest value? ", " (a) 1 (b) i (c) 1/2 (d) j\nb\nLet g = -19793.6 - -19794. ", "Which is the fourth biggest value? ", " (a) g (b) -32 (c) -2 (d) -9\nb\nLet s = -1.01 - 1.29. ", "Let j = s - -4.3. ", "Let f = -1/14 + -1/2. ", "Which is the third smallest value? ", " (a) j (b) 2/9 (c) 3 (d) f\na\nLet w = -1450 - -1448. ", "Let k be (4 - (-120)/(-28))/((-15)/(-7)). ", "Which is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) w (b) -3/7 (c) 0.4 (d) k\nc\nLet k = 29.5 - 31. ", "Let f = 36.72 + -36. ", "Let p = -5.72 + f. Which is the fourth smallest value? ", " (a) p (b) k (c) -1 (d) 0.1\nd\nLet h = 4592 + -4593. ", "What is the third smallest value in h, -0.06, 7?", "\n7\nLet h = 7/251 - 79/20833. ", "Let z = h - -144/913. ", "Let k = 1/6 + -1/2. ", "What is the fourth biggest value in k, -5/2, z, 3?", "\n-5/2\nLet y = 243 - 295. ", "Let g = -49 - y. Which is the smallest value? ", " (a) g (b) -2/11 (c) 5\nb\nLet g = 113 - 80. ", "Let x = g - 43. ", "Which is the third biggest value? ", " (a) x (b) -1 (c) 2 (d) 1\nb\nLet r = -3.782 - 0.218. ", "Let o = -28 + -40. ", "Let m = o - -51. ", "What is the biggest value in 3, m, r, 0.4?", "\n3\nLet h be (-4)/42 + (6396/(-63))/26. ", "What is the fourth biggest value in -30.7, -0.4, h, -0.1?", "\n-30.7\nLet a = 1031.5 - 1031. ", "What is the third biggest value in -6.3, -0.3, a?", "\n-6.3\nLet o(p) = 2*p**2 - 169*p. ", "Let r be o(0). ", "Which is the biggest value? ", " (a) -0.5 (b) 4.52 (c) -3 (d) r\nb\nLet k = 0.0112 - 200.0112. ", "Let o = -233 - k. Which is the third biggest value? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) o (c) -8/3\nb\nLet v = 1/2 + -1. ", "Let q = 6.3 - 5.14. ", "Let n = q + -1.18. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) n (b) 0.4 (c) v\na\nLet k = -15 + 10. ", "Suppose -5*r + 3*r = 5*b - 566, -281 = -r - 2*b. ", "Let h be (-1 + -2)*13/r. What is the biggest value in k, 2/15, 1/5, h?", "\n1/5\nLet o = 13447 - 13445. ", "Which is the biggest value? ", " (a) -3/2 (b) -6 (c) o (d) 142\nd\nSuppose 10*v - 12 = 3*s + 6*v, 5*s - 3*v + 9 = 0. ", "What is the second biggest value in -2/3, -48.95, s?", "\n-2/3\nLet r = 3145 + -3144.82. ", "What is the third smallest value in 0.5, -3/4, r, -0.1?", "\nr\nLet v = -35.9 + 33.9. ", "Let t = -142 - -150. ", "Which is the second smallest value? ", " (a) v (b) t (c) 0\nc\nLet u = -13816 + 13817. ", "What is the biggest value in u, 0.5, 2/5?", "\nu\nLet a = -540.2 - -540. ", "What is the third biggest value in 4/9, -52, a?", "\n-52\nSuppose -3*t + 2 = -5*t. ", "Let l = t + 5. ", "Let i(o) = 34*o - 339. ", "Let a be i(10). ", "What is the second biggest value in l, -0.6, a?", "\na\nLet s = 1.0078 - 0.0078. ", "Let x = -46 + 44. ", "Let q = 10/27 + 4/135. ", "Which is the smallest value? ", " (a) x (b) s (c) q\na\nLet i = 2357 - 2356.6. ", "What is the biggest value in i, -0.6, 11?", "\n11\nLet m be (-276)/(-108) + -3 + (-6)/(-9)*1. ", "Le" ]
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[ "This invention relates to storage and bin-type receptacles; more particularly, to receptacles for storage of powdered and liquid detergents, fabric softening agents, bleaching and stain removing agents, and the like, prior to use, and for facilitating their dispensing and use. ", "Specifically, one embodiment of the invention is directed to a LAUNDRY AREA ORGANIZER for laundering agents that is configured to be positioned between and laterally supported by a clothes washer and dryer to provide storage of and, when open, convenient access to the laundering agents, and a continuous work surface when closed." ]
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[ 0.0007309294887818396, 0.0006859164568595588 ]
[ "In vivo isotope incorporation patterns into HeLa ribosomal proteins.", "\nWhen cells were incubated with L-[35S] methionine plus L-[Me-3H] methionine, it was found that at least four ribosomal proteins had 3H/35S ratios higher than the rest of the ribosomal proteins, suggesting that they were methylated. ", "The rate of apparent methylation paralleled the rate of amino acid incorporation. ", "Amino acid incorporation into ribosomal proteins revealed several rapidly labeled components. ", "When 3H-labeled amino acid incorporation was chased for 10 min with an excess of non-radioactive amino acids, several proteins reached at least 60% of the specific activity they showed after 150 min of chase. ", "The time lapse between the onset of 3H-labeled amino acid incorporation and arrival at its plateau appeared to differ among various ribosomal proteins of a subunit, suggesting a heterogeneity in the pools of ribosomal proteins." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nExtending prototype of DOM elements inside iframes\n\nConsider this JS code. ", "It basically initializes a CKEditor instance, waits 1 second, then runs codeToDebug\nfunction codeToDebug(){\n setNodeListProp(\"attr\", function customAttr(name, val){\n if(typeof val !", "= \"undefined\"){\n this.setAttribute(name, val);\n return this;\n }\n else return this.getAttribute(name);\n });\n\n // secondary check: all elements on the current document HAVE `attr` method\n var all = document.querySelectorAll(\"*\");\n for(var i = 0, len = all.length;i < len; i++) \n if(!all[i].attr) // always false\n console.dir(all[i]); // never executes\n\n // logs undefined\n console.log(\n document.querySelector(\".cke_wysiwyg_frame\")\n .contentDocument\n .querySelector(\".cke_editable\").attr);\n}\n\nwindow.onload = function(){\n // Replace the <textarea id=\"editor1\"> with a CKEditor\n // instance, using default configuration.", "\n CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {\n config.language = 'es';\n config.uiColor = '#F7B42C';\n config.height = 300;\n config.toolbarCanCollapse = true;\n\n };\n CKEDITOR.replace('editor1');\n // wait for async editor to load\n setTimeout(codeToDebug, 1000);\n};\n\nfunction setNodeListProp(prop, func){\n // in case of custom created array of Nodes, Array.prototype is necessary\n Array.prototype[prop] = NodeList.prototype[prop] = function() {\n var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);\n this.forEach(function(node) {\n func.apply(node, args);\n });\n return this;\n };\n\n Node.prototype[prop] = func;\n}\n\nThe codeToDebug method extends the prototype of Node and NodeList with a method attr. ", "It then logs if attr is present on the .cke_editable textarea inside CKEditor's iframe. ", "Surprisingly, it logs undefined.", "\n\nMy questions:\n\nWhy isn't the prototype of Nodes inside an iframe extended, when I am extending it in the main document? (", "isn't a common global Node shared by all elements - regardless of where they are?)", "\nWhat is the best way to extend DOM of all elements - which are present on the webpage document, in its iframes, and its further nested iframes?", "\n\nNotes:\n\nI've already read Kangax's article (and Prototype's bugs) with extending DOM. ", "But my use case is entirely different. ", "I am only supposed to support latest versions of Chrome and Opera - both Webkit - as such I am NOT worried about conflicts. ", "So, please be assured I've taken the risks of extending the prototype in consideration, but this question is not about that.", "\nHere's the HTML (for some reason JSBin or Code Snippets won't show CKEditor): <script src=\"https://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.1/standard/ckeditor.js\"></script><script>..ABOVE_JS_CODE..</script><textarea name=\"editor1\" id=\"editor1\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"80\"></textarea> (I locally created a index.html)\n\nA:\n\nSo, I myself wrote a function to solve this problem. ", "Could be of benefit to anyone looking for a similar solution. ", "\n(function protoExtensionWork(){\n window.updateAllValuesPerWin = function(win){ \n for(var i = 0, count = protoExtensionNames.length; i < count; i++)\n setNodeListPropPerWindow(protoExtensionNames[i], protoExtensionFunctions[i], win);\n };\n\n // fill this up as per your requirement\n var protoExtensionNames = [], protoExtensionFunctions = [];\n\n function setNodeListPropPerWindow(prop, func, win){\n // in case of custom created array of Nodes, Array.prototype is necessary\n win.", "Array.prototype[prop] = win.", "NodeList.prototype[prop] = function() {\n var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);\n this.forEach(function(node) {\n func.apply(node, args);\n });\n return this;\n };\n\n win.", "Node.prototype[prop] = func; \n }\n})();\n\nand this is the second piece of code for looking for iframes:\nfunction initiateIframeCheck(parentDoc){\n var iframes = parentDoc.querySelectorAll(\"iframe\"),\n win, doc;\n\n iframes.forEach(function(iframe){ \n try{ \n doc = iframe.contentDocument;\n win = iframe.contentWindow;\n\n // make sure handler's not already attached\n if(!doc[UNIQ_KEY]){\n doc[UNIQ_KEY] = true;\n updateAllValuesPerWin(win); \n setInterval(initiateIframeCheck, IFRAME_CHECK_TIMER, doc);\n }\n }catch(e){ // CORS\n //console.dir(e); \n }\n });\n}\n\nPlease anyone post an answer if they think they've a better and more apt method to achieve this task.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006487518548965454, 0.005468200426548719, 0.0013475938467308879, 0.0012356032384559512, 0.013914340175688267, 0.0006112162373028696, 0.0005531125352717936, 0.00066651456290856, 0.0005920000257901847, 0.0005838060169480741, 0.0006058871513232589, 0.0006026510382071137, 0.0005362273077480495, 0.0010613049380481243, 0.0005766202812083066, 0.000742269039619714, 0.000678149051964283, 0.0015673806192353368, 0.0009033942478708923, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec006}\n============\n\nSpondylarthropathies (SpA), such as ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA), are associated with increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality \\[[@pone.0220079.ref001]--[@pone.0220079.ref003]\\], mainly due to premature atherosclerosis. ", "The reason for this has not been fully elucidated yet, but immune dysregulation and inflammation appear to be important \\[[@pone.0220079.ref004]\\].", "\n\nIndeed, inflammation is known to play a key role in atherothrombosis in general: from development of endothelial dysfunction (ED) and atheroma formation to atheroma destabilization and thrombosis \\[[@pone.0220079.ref005]\\]. ", "Hence, the exaggerated inflammation in SpA might accelerate CV disease in these patients. ", "To identify the exact pathways, and to clarify which immune factors mediate the pro-atherosclerotic processes, is essential for development of targeted CV therapy and prevention.", "\n\nIt is also important to improve insights into the pathophysiology of SpA, to limit disease activity and progression more effectively. ", "Although genetic susceptibility, environmental triggers, and abnormal immune responses are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of SpA \\[[@pone.0220079.ref006]\\], the exact mechanisms are still unresolved. ", "Intriguingly, the complement system, which is an essential component of the immune system, has been increasingly recognized as a substantial player in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD) \\[[@pone.0220079.ref007]\\].", "\n\nThe complement system's main tasks are to protect the host against microbial invaders, to clear debris (such as apoptotic cells, and immune complexes), and to modulate inflammatory processes \\[[@pone.0220079.ref008]--[@pone.0220079.ref010]\\]. ", "It is continuously undergoing a low-grade autoactivation, and can additionally be activated by antibodies and various pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and host damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) expressed during tissue injury. ", "PAMPs and DAMPs can induce infectious or sterile inflammation, respectively.", "\n\nRegardless of pathway, complement activation triggers a cascade reaction, ultimately resulting in activation of C3 and C5, the latter with release of the potent anaphylatoxin C5a and formation of the terminal C5b-9 complement complex (TCC). ", "TCC occurs in two forms, the soluble sC5b-9 and the membrane inserted membrane attack complex (MAC). ", "sC5b-9 is virtually inert, but is an important and valuable marker of complement activation. ", "MAC can cause lysis of Gram-negative bacteria and red cells. ", "However, when nucleated cells are attacked by MAC, they frequently protect themselves, in a process called sublytic attack, which induce cellular activation. ", "Further, this complex can activate the NLRP3 pathway, resulting in IL-1β and IL-18 production \\[[@pone.0220079.ref011]\\]. ", "Though the complement system's main task is to protect us from damaging pathogens, its powerful capability to trigger the immune system necessitates a strict control of its functions. ", "Impaired regulation of this system may result in chronic inflammation, tissue damage, and increased susceptibility to specific autoimmune diseases, including vasculitis \\[[@pone.0220079.ref012]\\].", "\n\nC5b-9 has been observed in human atherosclerotic arteries, with signs of increased complement activation in atherosclerotic plaque compared to healthy arterial tissue, and in ruptured compared to stable lesions \\[[@pone.0220079.ref013]\\]. ", "Plasma sC5b-9 levels reportedly predict risk of death in patients with acute myocardial infarction \\[[@pone.0220079.ref014]\\], while C6 deficiency, making C5b-9 assembly impossible, has been found to reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques by 50% in apoE−/− mice \\[[@pone.0220079.ref015]\\]. ", "In rabbits, C5b-9 impairs endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, and leads to ED, accelerated atherosclerosis, and premature death. ", "C5b-9 has been reported to induce smooth muscle cell proliferation, and to increase monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) secretion from human vascular smooth muscle cells. ", "It also increases expression of adhesion molecules by endothelial cells, resulting in augmented leucocyte migration into the vessel wall through the activated endothelium. ", "Furthermore, C5b-9 facilitates thrombogenesis by promoting platelet activation and aggregation, and increasing production of thrombin and fibrin \\[[@pone.0220079.ref013]\\].", "\n\nThus, one might expect that exaggerated complement activation in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as SpA, might augment CVD development. ", "However, despite convincing evidence of the role of complement in inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs) and atherosclerosis, and the widely recognized need to prevent premature CVD in IRDs \\[[@pone.0220079.ref016]\\], there is limited data available regarding complement activation in SpA. Moreover, to our knowledge, no studies have explored relationships between complement and CV risk in SpA so far.", "\n\nIn sum, data points to a vital role of complement in the development and progression of CVD. ", "Therefore, in this study we wanted to examine the degree of complement activation in AS and PsA before and after initiation of antirheumatic treatment. ", "We further examined associations between complement activation and markers of inflammation and CV risk, including endothelial function (EF).", "\n\nPatients and methods {#sec007}\n====================\n\nPatients {#sec008}\n--------\n\nThis observational prospective study is based on all SpA patients (31 PsA, and 20 AS) who completed 6 months follow-up in the PSARA (PSoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis) study, described in detail elsewhere \\[[@pone.0220079.ref017]\\]. ", "Patients were recruited from October 2008 to May 2010. ", "In brief, patients were included consecutively, as rheumatologists (not involved in the study) found indication for starting either Methotrexate (MTX) monotherapy (n = 16), or tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (anti-TNF) alone (n = 25) or combined with MTX (n = 10), due to active disease. ", "Patients fulfilled either the Caspar criteria for PsA, or the modified New York criteria for AS. ", "All patients were of Western European descent. ", "Out of a total of 67 SpA patients included in the study, 16 patients discontinued the study due to adverse events (8), lack of effect (4), change in diagnosis (2), loss to follow-up (1), or Hepatitis C at inclusion (1).", "\n\nData collection and assessment {#sec009}\n------------------------------\n\nData collection included demographic data, medical history, life-style factors, medication, self-reported measures, physical findings and blood samples.", "\n\nThe patients were examined at baseline, after 6 weeks, and after 6 months of treatment.", "\n\nComplement activation {#sec010}\n---------------------\n\nWe assessed complement activity by measuring sC5b-9, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as described in detail by Bergseth et al \\[[@pone.0220079.ref018]\\]. ", "Values are presented as Complement Activation Units (CAU)/mL, with an estimated reference range of \\<0.7.", "\n\nEndothelial function {#sec011}\n--------------------\n\nEF was determined by reactive hyperemia index (RHI) measured by finger plethysmography (Endopat). ", "ED was defined as RHI \\<1.67 \\[[@pone.0220079.ref019]\\].", "\n\nStatistics {#sec012}\n----------\n\nAs most continuous variables were not normally distributed, results are presented as median and interquartile range (IQR). ", "For comparison of continuous variables between two groups, independent samples t-tests (for normally distributed variables), or Wilcoxon signed rank test (for non-normally distributed variables) were applied. ", "Distributions of categorical variables between groups were compared by Chi-square test or Fischer mid-p test, as appropriate. ", "Wilcoxon one-sample signed rank test was applied to compare patient's sC5b-9 levels to a reference value. ", "Simple and standardized multiple linear regression analyses were applied to search for associations between baseline sC5b-9 and selected demographic, clinical and laboratory variables, including markers of disease activity, characteristics of SpA, cardiovascular risk (including RHI) and medication. ", "We performed simple regression analyses to assess associations between baseline sC5b-9 and demographic data (age, gender), characteristics of rheumatic disease including inflammatory activity (C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cells (WBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), hemoglobin (Hb), disease activity scores), and CV risk (established CVD, body mass index (BMI), hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking status, alcohol consumption, exercise, RHI, and serum levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C)., ", "HbA1c and homocysteine). ", "As independent variables in multiple regression models, we included variables of specific clinical interest (age, gender, CRP, ESR, and RHI), as well as variables with a p-value \\<0.10 in simple regression analyses. ", "Moreover, we evaluated if type of antirheumatic treatment (MTX monotherapy vs. anti-TNF regimens) or rheumatic diagnosis (PsA vs. AS), influenced sC5b-9 independently of inflammatory activity. ", "Furthermore, we searched for relationships between change in sC5b-9 and change of the aforementioned parameters (if applicable) during treatment. ", "Preliminary analyses were conducted to prevent violations of relevant assumptions. ", "We performed several multiple adjusted analyses, to check if the presented data were consistent across multiple models, and therefore robust with respect to small changes of the independent variables. ", "Results are based on complete-case analyses. ", "P-values \\<0.05 were considered statistically significant. ", "All tests were two-tailed. ", "Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 24.", "\n\nEthics {#sec013}\n------\n\nThe study was registered in \"Clinical Trials\" (NCT00902005), and the Norwegian Biobank register (2054). ", "The Norwegian Regional Ethical Committee approved the study protocol (S-07377b), and all patients gave written informed consents.", "\n\nResults {#sec014}\n=======\n\nPatient characteristics {#sec015}\n-----------------------\n\nBaseline characteristics are shown in [Table 1](#pone.0220079.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Compared to PsA, AS patients were more likely to be smokers, and to use NSAIDs and statins. ", "They also had a higher frequency of established CVD, a greater proportion of men (as expected, due to known male predominance in AS), and had lower LDL-C and HDL-C.\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0220079.t001\n\n###### Baseline characteristics.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0220079.t001){#pone.0220079.t001g}\n\n PsA (n = 31) AS (n = 20) P-value\n -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ---------\n Age, years 50 (41--59) 49 (41--57) 0.82\n Gender, men; n (%) 18 (58) 16 (80) 0.11\n Disease duration, years 2 (-4.4--8.4) 2.5 (-0.6--3.1) 0.001\n sC5b-9 (CAU/mL) 0.7 (0.5--0.9) 0.8 (0.51--1.09) 0.43\n **Antirheumatic treatment**: \n Anti-TNF; n (%) 5 (16) 20 (100) \\<0.001\n MTX; n (%) 16 (52) 0 \\<0.001\n Anti-TNF + MTX; n (%) 10 (32) 0 \\<0.001\n **CV risk factors:** \n ED; n (%) 9 (30) 9 (45) 0.28\n RHI 2 (1.63--2.38) 1.7 (1.45--1.95) 0.06\n Current smoker; n (%) 7 (23) 10 (50) 0.04\n Hypertension; n (%) 7 (23) 6 (30) 0.79\n BMI 26 (23--29) 28 (24--32) 0.34\n Established CVD; n (%) 1 (3) 5 (25) 0.03\n Cholesterol total (mmol/L) 5.3 (4.9--5.8) 5 (4.1--5.9) 0.03\n LDL-C (mmol/L) 3.4 (2.9--4.0) 2.8 (2.2--3.4) 0.02\n HDL-C (mmol/L) 1.3 (1.0--1.6 1.3 (1.2--1.5) 0.5\n Triglycerides (mmol/L) 1 (0.5--1.5) 1.3 (1.0--1.7) 0.28\n HbA1C 5.6 (5.4--5.9) 5.6 (5.3--6.0) 0.98\n **Disease activity:** \n BASMI NA 4.5 (4.25--4.75) NA\n BASDAI 4.3 (2.9--5.8) 5.3 (3.6--7.0) 0.11\n BASFI 3.2 (1.7--4.8) 4.1 (2.4--5.8) 0.09\n MHAQ 0.4 (0.2--0.6( 0.43 (0.21--0.66) 0.56\n Physician global 2.1 (1.1--3.2) 2.6 (1.4--3.8) 0.38\n Patient global (VAS) 4.3 (2--7.6) 5.6 (3.5--7.8) 0.62\n WBC (10\\^09 /L) 6.4 (4.7--8.1) 7.9 (6.7--9.1) 0.08\n ESR (mm/h) 7.5 (1.5--13.5) 9.5 (4.5--14.5 0.42\n CRP (mg/L) 5 (0.8--9.3) 7.5 (1.6--13.4) 0.43\n **Comedication:** \n Statin; n (%) 1 (3) 7 (35) 0.004\n Acetylsalicylic acid; n (%) 2 (7) 2 (10) 0.37\n NSAIDS; n (%) 15 (47) 14 (70) 0.13\n ACE-inhibitor /AT2; n (%) 4 (14) 4 (20) 0.41\n Systemic corticosteroid; n (%) 3 (10) 2 (10) 1.0\n CCB; n (%) 2 (7) 2 (10) 1.0\n\nAll values are given as median (interquartile range), unless otherwise specified.", "\n\nEstablished CVD is defined as previous presence of any of these conditions: Angina pectoris, stroke, myocardial infarction, carotid stenosis, chronic heart failure, claudicatio intermittens, aortic aneurysm, aortic regurgitation.", "\n\nAbbreviations: PsA: psoriatic arthritis, AS: ankylosing spondylitis, MTX: Methotrexate, RHI: reactive hyperemia index, BMI: body mass index, BASMI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, BASDAI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, BASFI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index, MHAQ: Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire, PhGA: Physician's Global Assessment, PtGA: Patient's Global Assessment, WBC: white blood cells, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP: C-reactive protein, LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ACE-inhibitor/AT2: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor antagonists, CCB: calcium channel blocker, NA: not applicable\n\nsC5b-9 levels at baseline {#sec016}\n-------------------------\n\nThe total patient cohort had median baseline sC5b-9 levels at 0.7 CAU/mL, i.e. above the estimated reference value (p = 0.03), with no significant difference between PsA and AS patients. ", "There was no baseline difference in sC5b-9 between smokers and non-smokers (p = 0.44).", "\n\nEffects of antirheumatic treatment {#sec017}\n----------------------------------\n\nIn both disease groups, sC5b-9 decreased significantly during the first 6 weeks of treatment (mean difference ~base--\\ 6\\ weeks~ 0.14 CAU (95% CI 0.07--0.22, p = 0.001, [Fig 1](#pone.0220079.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nBetween 6 weeks and 6 months, sC5b-9 levels remained relatively stable in the PsA group, while in the AS group sC5b-9 continued to decrease (but the difference between 6 weeks and 6 months visit was not statistically significant in any of the two groups).", "\n\n![", "Change in complement activation with treatment.\\\nsC5b-9 levels in CAU/ml at baseline, after 6 weeks and after 6 months of treatment for the whole study group (A), and for PsA (B), AS (C), MTX (D) and TNF ± MTX (E) subgroups. ", "Points represent median value, while error bars show 95% confidence interval. ", "Abbreviations: PsA: psoriatic arthritis, AS: ankylosing spondylitis, MTX: methotrexate, TNF: tumor necrosis factor inhibitor, CAU: complement activation units.](pone.0220079.g001){#pone.0220079.g001}\n\nBoth anti-TNF ± MTX, and MTX monotherapy was associated with reduction in sC5b-9 after 6 weeks, though this effect was statistically significant in the anti-TNF ± MTX group only. ", "Between 6 weeks and 6 months, sC5b-9 level continued to decrease in the anti-TNF ± MTX group, but the difference was not statistically significant. ", "We assessed change in sC5b-9 levels in PsA patients using anti-TNF ± MTX separately, to see if the effect of anti-TNF was consistent across diagnostic subgroups, and found that anti-TNF ± MTX was still associated with improved sC5b-9 (p ~baseline\\ to\\ 6\\ months~ = 0.005. ", "P ~baseline---6\\ weeks~ = 0.18, p ~6\\ weeks---6\\ months~ = 0.87, respectively). ", "In the MTX group sC5b-9 levels increased non-significantly between 6 weeks and 6 months, and at the 6 months visit they equaled baseline levels.", "\n\nCompared to the whole population, the decrease in sC5b-9 levels between baseline and 6 weeks was almost three times greater in patients with sC5b-9 above the upper quartile at baseline (7 AS and 6 PsA patients; mean difference ~base--\\ 6\\ weeks~ 0.37 CAU (95% CI 0.17--0.57, p = 0.007; p ~6\\ weeks--\\ 6\\ months~ = 0.53, and p ~base--\\ 6\\ months~ = 0.054).", "\n\nThe size of the reduction was similar in patients receiving anti-TNF ± MTX (n = 10) and those receiving MTX monotherapy (n = 3).", "\n\nThere were no significant differences in changes of sC5b-9 levels between smokers and non-smokers at any point of time (neither for the whole patient cohort, nor when assessing treatment groups or diagnostic groups separately).", "\n\nWe found no interaction effects between the antirheumatic treatment regimens and diagnoses.", "\n\nCRP and ESR improved from baseline to 6-week and 6-month visits, as shown in [Table 2](#pone.0220079.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "However, there was no significant improvement in RHI at any of the time points either in the total population, or in any of the subgroups.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0220079.t002\n\n###### Changes in selected variables during treatment.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0220079.t002){#pone.0220079.t002g}\n\n Psoriatic Arthritis (n = 31) Ankylosing Spondylitis (n = 20) TNF-inhibitor (n = 35) MTX monotherapy (n = 16) \n --------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------- --------- ----- --------- ---------\n sC5b-9 (CAU/mL) 0.7 0.6\\* 0.6 0.8 0.6\\*\\* 0.5 0.7 0.6\\*\\* 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.7\n CRP (mg/L) 5.0 3.0\\* 2.0 7.5 1.0\\* 1.0 5.0 1.0\\*\\* 1.0 7.5 5.5\\* 2.0\\*\n ESR (mm/h) 7.5 6.5 6.0 9.5 3.5\\*\\*\\* 3.0 8.5 3.0\\*\\*\\* 3.5 8.0 9.5 6.0\n WBC (10\\^09 /L) 6.4 5.9\\* 5.5 7.9 6.7\\*\\* 6.4 7.3 6.5\\*\\* 6.3 6.4 5.9 4.9\\*\n RHI 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.9\n Cholesterol(mmol/L) 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.0 5.3\\*\\* 5.2 5.1 5.3 5.2 5.3 5.6 6.2\n LDL (mmol/L) 3.4 3.5 3.6 2.8 3.1\\* 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.8\n HDL (mmol/L) 1.3 1.4 1.3\\* 1.3 1.4\\*\\* 1.4 1.3 1.5\\*\\* 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3\\*\\*\n TRG (mmol/L) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.2\\* 1.2\n HbA1C 5.6 5.5\\* 5.3 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.4\n BASDAI 4.3 1.9\\*\\* 2.1 5.3 2.2\\*\\*\\* 2.5 5.0 2.0\\*\\*\\* 2.5 4.5 2.1\\* 2.1\n MHAQ 0.4 0.3\\*\\*\\* 0.3 0.4 0.3\\* 0.3 0.4 0.3\\*\\*\\* 0.3 0.4 0.3\\*\\* 0.3\n Phys Global 2.1 1.4\\*\\* 0.8\\* 2.6 1.5\\*\\*\\* 0.9 2.1 1.4\\*\\*\\* 0.9\\*\\* 2.7 2.1\\*\\* 1.2\n Pat Global 4.3 1.9\\*\\*\\* 1.4 5.6 1.5\\*\\* 1.4 4.6 1.5\\* 1.4 4.9 1.9\\* 2.3\\*\n\nValues are given as median. ", "Significant changes with a p-value \\< 0.05 is marked with \\*, p = 0.001--0.01 = \\*\\*, p\\<0.001 = \\*\\*\\*.", "\n\nAbbreviations: PsA: psoriatic arthritis, AS: ankylosing spondylitis, TNF: Tumor Necrosis Factor inhibitor (with or without MTX co-medication), MTX: Methotrexate, CRP: C-reactive protein, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, WBC: white blood cells, RHI: reactive hyperemia index, LDL: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, TRG: Triglycerides, BASDAI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, MHAQ: Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire, Phys global: Physician's Global Assessment, Pat Global: Patient's Global Assessment\n\nRelationships between sC5b-9 and selected clinical and laboratory variables {#sec018}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn simple regression analyses, only ESR and Hb were related to sC5b-9 at baseline ([Table 3](#pone.0220079.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In age and gender adjusted analyses, there was a significant relationship between baseline Hb and sC5b-9 levels. ", "However, after adjusting for CRP, WBC and ESR, this association was no longer significant. ", "In adjusted models, both ESR and CRP were significantly related to sC5b-9 levels at baseline ([Table 3](#pone.0220079.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "There were no significant associations between baseline sC5b-9 and baseline RHI in adjusted analyses ([Table 3](#pone.0220079.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0220079.t003\n\n###### Relationship between baseline sC5b-9 and selected clinical and laboratory variables.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0220079.t003){#pone.0220079.t003g}\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Unadjusted analyses Adjusted analyses\\ Adjusted analyses\\ \n Model 1 Model 2 \n -------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- ---------------- ------ -------- ---------------- ------\n Age 0.005 -0.003, 0.012 0.23 0.004 -0.004, 0.012 0.27 0.002 -0.006--0.009 0.65\n\n Gender 0.044 -0.157, 0.245 0.66 −0.033 -0.173, 0.239 0.75 -0.10 -0.302--0.102 0.32\n\n RHI −0.148 -0.315, 0.019 0.08 −0.027 -0.3250, 0.195 0.81 \n\n ESR 0.010 0.004, 0.016 0.001 0.018 0.004, 0.032 0.02\n\n WBC 0.042 -0.003, 0.088 0.07 0.022 -0.029, 0.072 0.39\n\n CRP 0.003 -0.001, 0.007 0.11 −0.008 -0.014, -0.001 0.03\n\n Hb −0.089 -0.151, -0.027 0.006 −0.041 -0.131, 0.049 0.36\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAbbreviations: B: beta, p: p-value, RHI: reactive hyperemia index, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, WBC: white blood cells, CRP: C-reactive protein, Hb: Hemoglobin.", "\n\nIn unadjusted analysis, changes in sC5b-9 from baseline to 6 weeks were positively related to changes in markers of disease activity (ESR, WBC and CRP), and negatively to changes in HDL-C and total cholesterol levels ([Table 4](#pone.0220079.t004){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0220079.t004\n\n###### Relationships between changes in sC5b-9 during the first 6 weeks of treatment and selected clinical and laboratory parameters.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0220079.t004){#pone.0220079.t004g}\n\n Unadjusted analyses Adjusted analyses \n -------- --------------------- ------------------- ------- -------- --------------- ------ ------- --------------- ------ -------- ---------------- ------ -------- --------------- -------\n Age 0.005 -0.003, 0.012 0.23 0.004 -0.002, 0.01 0.16 0.002 -0.004, 0.008 0.89 0.003 -0.003, 0.010 0.32 0.003 -0.003, 0.009 0.31\n Gender 0.044 -0.157, 0.245 0.66 −0.031 -0.197, 0.135 0.71 -0.10 -0.25, 0.051 0.24 -0.060 -0.221, -0.101 0.45 -0.077 -0.222, 0.069 0.29\n RHI Δ −0.143 -0.315, 0.019 0.08 −0.166 -0.33, 0.001 0.05       -0.096 -0.244, 0.054 0.21\n ESR Δ 0.01 0.006, 0.017 0.001 0.01 0.001, 0.019 0.03 0.01 0.004, 0.016 0.001\n CRP Δ 0.005 -0.002, 0.008 0.002 0.001 -0.003, 0.006 0.59      \n HDL Δ −0.320 -0.566, -0.075 0.01       -0.310 -0.560, -0.061 0.02 -0.084 -0.335, 0.168 0.51\n Chol Δ -0.165 -0.291, -0.038 0.01                        \n\nΔ indicates change from baseline to 6 weeks. ", "In model 2, CRP was significantly related to sC5b-9 after adjustments for age and gender(p = 0.001), but this association disappeared when adjusting for ESR. ", "When adjusting all models for diagnosis and treatment, the association with HDL was significant in model 3 (p = 0.045), while in model 1 RHI was not significant (p = 0.063). ", "When assessing the relationship between sC5b-9 reduction and ESR, this association remained significant when adjusting for age, gender, diagnosis and treatment; p for ESR = 0.001. ", "Total cholesterol was not associated to sC5b-9 in any adjusted models (Data can be found in supplementary file \"[S1 File\"](#pone.0220079.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nAbbreviations: B: beta, p: p-value, RHI: reactive hyperemia index, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP: C-reactive protein, HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Chol: total cholesterol.", "\n\nAt six weeks, changes in sC5b-9 were related to changes in RHI, independently of age and gender. ", "However, after adjustments for changes in ESR and HDL-C, only ESR remained significantly associated to changes in sC5b-9 ([Table 4](#pone.0220079.t004){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Changes in Hb during treatment were not related to changes in sC5b-9 at any point of time.", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec019}\n==========\n\nOur study revealed that patients with active SpA had complement activation levels at (PsA) or above (AS) the upper limit of the estimated reference range. ", "Importantly, complement activation decreased with anti-TNF treatment already within 6 weeks. ", "Patients with the highest sC5b-9 baseline levels had a reduction in sC5b-9 from baseline to 6 weeks that was almost three times larger than the mean reduction of sC5b-9 in the whole group. ", "This suggests that the relatively modest sC5b-9 reduction we observed in the whole group reflects the fact that half of our patients had complement activation levels within the normal reference range at baseline. ", "In the total cohort, the beneficial effect of antirheumatic treatment was significantly apparent also after 6 months. ", "However, subanalyses showed that after 6 weeks, complement activation continued to decrease only in the anti-TNF± MTX group, while in MTX treated patients, complement activation returned to baseline levels. ", "This corresponded with a continued reduction in sC5b-9 from 6 weeks to 6 months in AS patients, whereas in PsA patients sC5b-9 remained stable during the same period; possibly reflecting that all AS patients were treated with anti-TNF regimens, while more than half of the PsA patients received MTX monotherapy. ", "Correspondingly, there were no significant differences in the magnitude of change in complement activation between PsA patients using anti-TNF and AS patients at any point of time. ", "sC5b-9 levels remained above the estimated reference range during the whole study for patients treated with MTX monotherapy.", "\n\nSimilar to our findings, previous studies have reported elevated plasma sC5b-9 levels in IRDs, such as PsA and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) \\[[@pone.0220079.ref020],[@pone.0220079.ref021]\\]. ", "While several studies have shown complement activation in synovial fluid of RA patients \\[[@pone.0220079.ref022],[@pone.0220079.ref023]\\], knowledge about local complement activation in organs and tissues affected by inflammation in SpA is limited. ", "Whether the complement complexes we found were produced systemically, or represented a spillover from local production, remains unknown. ", "Notably, there might be discrepancies between plasma sC5b-9 levels and sC5b-9 levels locally in affected joints, vessels, or other extra-articular structures. ", "Furthermore, the membrane attack complex is inserted in cells and membranes locally in the organ and give damage to the tissue, whereas sC5b-9 in synovial fluid and plasma is only a biomarker indicating that complement activation with its potential harm is going on.", "\n\nWe do not know the cause of complement activation in our patients. ", "To identify which complement pathways are activated in SpA might provide some clues as to whether disease activity in SpA is antibody-driven, or triggered by other factors, such as damaged self-structures that are exposed in the diseases tissue, or by microbial agents; both which may activate the classical and the lectin pathway in the absence of antibodies. ", "However, our laboratory methods were not suited to identify which complement pathway was activated in our patients. ", "Studies investigating activation of different complement pathways in SpA are scarce, but one article revealed increased C1/C1-inhibitor complex levels in PsA, suggesting antibody-initiated activation of the classical pathway \\[[@pone.0220079.ref020]\\]. ", "Notably, there are still controversies as to whether PsA and AS are mainly autoimmune (i.e. antibody-driven) or autoinflammatory diseases (i.e. originating from an abnormal and excessive immune response) \\[[@pone.0220079.ref006]\\].", "\n\nAs there is limited clinical experience regarding the reference range of sC5b-9, and the half-life of sC5b-9 is short (approximately one hour), the interpretation of sC5b-9 levels can be challenging. ", "More precisely, we do not know for sure how complement activation fluctuates short-term in our patients, or how large changes in sC5b-9 levels that would represent a clinically meaningful improvement \\[[@pone.0220079.ref018]\\].", "\n\nAn abundance of clinical trials has reported anti-inflammatory effects of anti-TNF and/or MTX, and one would therefore expect that markers of complement activation, similar to other inflammatory biomarkers such as ESR or CRP, would be reduced by these drugs. ", "While our results support this notion, the association we observed between antirheumatic treatment and reduced complement activation, was not independent of reduction in CRP and ESR. ", "Still, to our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate an association between anti-TNF and sC5b-9 in patients with AS and PsA. In support of our findings, anti-TNF drugs have been previously reported to inhibit the classical complement pathway in inflammatory bowel disease \\[[@pone.0220079.ref024]\\], and to decrease serum levels of C3 and C4 in PsA and RA \\[[@pone.0220079.ref025],[@pone.0220079.ref026]\\]. ", "Moreover, TNF levels have been found to be correlated with sC5b-9 levels in RA, indicating a plausible association between TNF-inhibition and reduced complement activity \\[[@pone.0220079.ref023]\\].", "\n\nDetails of how anti-TNF and MTX interact with the complement system are not fully understood. ", "One theoretical explanation could be that anti-TNF reduces activation of the classical pathway due to inhibition of IL-6 \\[[@pone.0220079.ref027]\\], which consequently reduces CRP synthesis, hindering it from triggering complement activation \\[[@pone.0220079.ref028]\\]. ", "This notion is in line with the observed association between complement activation and CRP in our study. ", "Also, given that TNF increases hepatogenic production of complement factors \\[[@pone.0220079.ref029]\\], anti-TNF administration could theoretically reduce complement synthesis in the liver. ", "Furthermore, antirheumatic treatment would be expected to dampen systemic inflammation, thereby lowering levels of inflammatory mediators overall. ", "It is tempting to speculate that anti-TNF treatment reduces inflammation locally in joints and other organs, and that this reduces the DAMP load, which subsequently will reduce activation of both the classical, and in particular, the lectin pathway. ", "Regarding MTX's direct effect on complement activation, little evidence is available. ", "Nevertheless, MTX is known to reduce production of TNF and other pro-inflammatory components of the immune system \\[[@pone.0220079.ref030]\\], and its overall anti-inflammatory effect might also attenuate the complement cascade. ", "Interestingly, the recent results from the Cardiovascular Inflammation Reduction Trial (CIRT) found that MTX did not reduce either CRP, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-1 β, or CV events compared to placebo \\[[@pone.0220079.ref031]\\]. ", "Though this study did not involve patients with rheumatic disease or a high grade of inflammation, it challenges the current understanding of MTX's anti-inflammatory properties.", "\n\nIn our study, reduction in sC5b-9 was related to improvement in EF after 6 weeks of treatment, independently of age and gender. ", "This improvement was not independent of changes in ESR and CRP. ", "From 6 weeks to 6 months, sC5b-9 levels overall did not change further, and we saw no relationship with EF in this period. ", "At baseline, there was no significant association between sC5b-9 and EF and other factors related to increased CV risk, including traditional CV risk factors. ", "Nevertheless, previous research provides evidence for the role of complement in CVD. ", "For example, sC5b-9 levels have been found to be related to circulating markers of ED \\[[@pone.0220079.ref032]\\], such as E-selectin, vascular adhesion molecule-1, and von Willebrand factor. ", "Furthermore, there is convincing evidence that complement activation promotes prothrombotic and proinflammatory properties of endothelial cells \\[[@pone.0220079.ref013]\\]. ", "The lack of association between sC5b-9 and EF at baseline and after 6 months in our study might simply reflect an actual non-existent relationship, or it could be due to Type-II error or our method for evaluation of EF. ", "Finger plethysmography mainly assesses endothelium-dependent vasodilation in microvasculature, reflecting different pathophysiological processes in the vascular tree than other approaches for EF assessment \\[[@pone.0220079.ref033]\\]. ", "An advantage of our method is its non-invasive character. ", "Moreover, several large studies have demonstrated that ED, measured by finger plethysmography, can predict CV events, and correlates with CV risk factors, such as coronary ED \\[[@pone.0220079.ref034],[@pone.0220079.ref035]\\]. ", "An alternative approach could have been flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery, although this method is technically more challenging, and requires extensive operator training \\[[@pone.0220079.ref036]\\].", "\n\nThe AS group had double the proportion of smokers compared to the PsA group, but we found no differences in baseline sC5b-9 levels or changes in sC5b-9 with treatment between smokers and non-smokers. ", "In line with this, one study found no change in sC5b-9 expression in sera exposed to tobacco smoke extract, despite signs of upstream complement activation \\[[@pone.0220079.ref037]\\]. ", "In contrast, a few other in vitro studies have found indications of alternative complement pathway activation following tobacco exposure \\[[@pone.0220079.ref038],[@pone.0220079.ref039]\\]. ", "It is unknown whether the results from these in vitro studies translates to the effect smoking might have on complement activation in vivo. ", "Also, it is worth noting that our patients were instructed not to smoke in the 12 hours prior to examination. ", "Thus, we were not likely to see any acute effects of smoking on sC5b-9 levels.", "\n\nSummarized, there are strong scientific indications that complement activation is heavily involved in CVD, and the association---although weak---we found between reduced complement activity and improved EF, could support this theory. ", "These results should be interpreted with caution, and needs to be validated in future research.", "\n\nChanges in sC5b-9 levels after treatment were inversely related to changes in HDL-C and total cholesterol levels. ", "This is in line with previous studies demonstrating an inverse relationship between sC5b-9 and HDL-C \\[[@pone.0220079.ref040]\\]. ", "This might be explained by the relationship between complement activation and inflammation, as both HDL-C and total cholesterol are known to increase with decreasing disease activity in IRDs \\[[@pone.0220079.ref041]\\]. ", "Indeed, several studies have shown that SpA patients treated with TNF-inhibitors, increase their HDL-C levels \\[[@pone.0220079.ref041],[@pone.0220079.ref042]\\]. ", "It has long been known that HDL-C can prevent the lytic actions of sC5b-9 \\[[@pone.0220079.ref043]\\], and more recently, it has been demonstrated that HDL-C carries proteins that inhibit complement activation \\[[@pone.0220079.ref044]\\].", "\n\nThere are several limitations to our study. ", "First, the small sample size increases the risk of Type-Ⅱ errors. ", "Secondly, the observational design obviously does not allow for any certain conclusions regarding causal relationships between antirheumatic treatment and reduced complement activation. ", "However, to minimize effects of potential confounders, we adjusted for them by statistical methods. ", "Despite these potential shortcomings of observational studies, the study design was chosen of ethical reasons, to ensure adherence to national treatment guidelines, and to make certain that all patients received optimal, recommended medication. ", "Observational studies also allow immediate treatment to all study participants, they reflect a real-world clinical setting, and are more feasible than randomized controlled trials (RCTs), whilst often generating similar effect estimates as RCTs \\[[@pone.0220079.ref045]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, the lack of randomization regarding treatment, combined with the disparities in pathophysiology in AS and PsA, makes direct comparison of treatment effect challenging.", "\n\nAn advantage of our work is the novelty of measuring complement activation in AS patients, its comparison to PsA, and assessing the effect of antirheumatic treatment on complement activation in a well-characterized patient population. ", "Also, as there is limited experience in measuring and evaluating complement activation in general, our study adds new valuable insights to this area.", "\n\nConclusions {#sec020}\n===========\n\nSpA patients had sC5b-9 levels at or above the upper limit of the estimated reference range. ", "Complement activation decreased significantly with anti-TNF treatment within 6 weeks. ", "The effect of antirheumatic treatment on complement activation seemed to be better in AS than in PsA, possibly reflecting differences in treatment regimens for the two diseases. ", "Reduction in sC5b-9 from baseline to 6 weeks was associated with improved EF in age and gender adjusted analyses. ", "In theory, the observed decrease in CVD morbidity in patients treated with antirheumatics might be partly due to its beneficial effect on complement activation. ", "Further research is needed to clarify if markers of complement activation might represent useful biomarkers of cardiovascular risk and therapeutic response in SpA, and to investigate the potential link between complement activation and EF. ", "Future implications of our research might be development of novel treatment methods in SpA, where inhibition of the complement system might provide an alternative that potentially could reduce disease activity and CV risk in these patients. ", "The challenge lies in preserving the complement systems' crucial protective properties, while at the same time preventing its potentially harmful effects.", "\n\nSupporting information {#sec021}\n======================\n\n###### \n\n**S1 File.sav**: SPSS file containing all data.", "\n\n(SAV)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nWe thank all the patients who participated in our study. ", "We are also grateful to all the medical staff involved in the process, and the administration of our hospital. ", "Special thanks to Bente Malerbakken and Nordland Hospital Bodø for handling lab procedures, and to Chevy Løvang Stubberud for assisting with Endopat analyses.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n" ]
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[ "Another Level - Be Alone No More (Live from the Shepherd's Bush Empire)\n\nSummertime (karaoke-Version) As Made Famous By: Another Level\n\nSummertime - Sound-A-Like As Made Famous By: Another Level\n\nAnother Level - Summertime (Allstar Remix)\n\nAnother Level - Nexus (Full Album)\n\nLyrics\n\nDamn, I think I've got a hangoverToo much mo the nite beforeMe and lady at the front doorWith a big booty and a cheque for me\n\nWhy in the hell is it so damn hot?And its only 11 o'clockLord, help me 'cause I need reliefPlease send down some honey and some brew for me\n\nAnd I might just have to returnTo the spot to free my mindFriday nite on the west sideAlways remind me of summertime\n\n(It's summer time)And everybody on the West side is real high, off the lala(In the streets)And we're looking for the tata 'cause they pop out when it gets hot(Everybody)Kiss your rainy days goodbye, just blue skies and sunshine(Come chill with me)Everything will be all right on the best side, in the summertime\n\nHere we come and we deep, it's the honeyz in the BenzosAnd we know how we doing by the size on the rims on 'emMake me wanna fly away to the palm trees[Incomprehensible] brighter days\n\nSunshine beem in on diamonds, shined upYou want dimes, we got the finest lined upSo, come on so we can mess your mind upPut your Tai up, spend summer time with us\n\nAnd I might just have to returnTo the spot to free my mindFriday nite on the west sideAlways remind me of summertime\n\n(It's summer time)And everybody on the West side is real high, off the lala(In the streets)And we're looking for the tata 'cause they pop out when it gets hot(Everybody)Kiss your rainy days goodbye, just blue skies and sunshine(Come chill with me)Everything will be all right on the best side, in the summertime" ]
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[ "CINCINNATI – Malt. ", "Hops. ", "Yeast. ", "Water. ", "Five hundred years later and it’s still the purist way to make a beer.", "\n\nChristian Moerlein — the first American beer to certifiably pass the Reinheitsgebot German Beer Purity Law — is celebrating the 500th anniversary of the founding of the well-known law with a new beer for its core lineup!", "\n\nThe new brew is one of Moerlein’s three new core beers in addition to Third Wave IPA and OTR Ale.", "\n\nThe can design harkens back to the German brewers of 1516 who wrote down the famous Bavarian beer purity law that came to be known as the Reinheitsgebot.", "\n\nPurity Pilsner is a northern German style Pilsner that features a light golden color with a slightly bitter, hop-forward taste and aroma.", "\n\n“Our brewery wanted to brew a Reinheitsgebot pure beer to celebrate both the 500th anniversary of the German purity law and Christian Moerlein’s contribution as being the first American beer to certifiably pass the Reinheitsgebot during the early stages of the craft beer revolution,” said Greg Hardman owner of Christian Moerlein Brewing Company. “", "Christian Moerlein Purity Pils is a tribute to that great Reinheitsgebot brewing tradition,” continued Hardman.", "\n\nThe can reads:\n\n“Reinheitsgebot! ", "It’s the law, the German Beer Purity Law of 1516. ", "Nothing but malt, hops, yeast, and water. ", "Christian Moerlein was the first American beer to certifiably pass the German Purity Law known as the Reinheitsgebot. ", "Today, Moerlein Purity Pils is brewed to those standards – serving up a clean and refreshing full-bodied taste with a hoppy, lemon zest aroma.”", "\n\nPurity Pilsner is available on draft and in 6-pack cans. ", "It weighs in at 5.5% ABV and 40 IBUs.", "\n\nAbout Christian Moerlein Brewing Company:\n\nThe brewery established in 1853 by Christian Moerlein, a German immigrant that prospered as a world renowned master brewer was located in the Brewery District of Over-The-Rhine, Cincinnati, USA. ", "Today Christian Moerlein Brewing Company brews a wide range of craft beers and was the first American beer to pass the German Purity Law of 1516 known as the reinheitsgebot, which states only malt, hops, yeast and water can be used in the brewing of beer. ", "Christian Moerlein is also one of the pioneer brands of today’s craft beer movement and first began selling “better beer”, a precursor of the craft category, in 1981 through the Hudepohl Brewing Company of Cincinnati. ", "Since 2004, Christian Moerlein Brewing Co. has been owned by Gregory Hardman, a greater Cincinnati resident that has been credited with reviving Cincinnati’s grand brewing traditions and current craft beer movement. ", "Christian Moerlein beer is brewed in Cincinnati at both the Moerlein Lager House and its craft beer production brewery in Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine Brewery District.", "\n\nThe Moerlein Lager House, which opened in February of 2012 is located in the Smale Riverfront Park, has 28,000 square foot of floor space, a functioning 5,000 barrel capacity brewery with over 800 seats for diners, has two beer gardens that can handle an additional 600 guests (total capacity with beer gardens over 1,400), and boasts 360-degree views of the Cincinnati skyline including the Ohio River, Roebling Suspension Bridge, Great American Ballpark (home to the Cincinnati Reds) and Paul Brown Stadium (home to the Cincinnati Bengals). ", "The Moerlein Lager House has become a premier destination for craft beer enthusiasts and is a tribute to Cincinnati’s grand brewing traditions and its famed 19th century brewer, Beer Baron Christian Moerlein." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTrouble creating the DNN Survey Module from source code\n\nMy boss has asked me to set up DotNetNuke's Survey Module and make a few custom changes to it for a client. ", " But I'm having trouble just getting the bare-bones code to run properly!", "\nHere's what I've done so far:\n\nDownloaded both the source & install folders from\nhttp://dnnsurvey.codeplex.com/releases/view/65186 \nCreated a new VB Web Application Project\nTook out all the default pages\nCopied the Survey source code into the VB Web Application Project in exactly the same structure\nMade a batch script that creates an installation folder identical to DNN's install folder (double-checked by running a folder-diff on it, and all files/folders were identical)\nZipped up my installation folder using 7-zip\n\nThe source code compiles perfectly. ", " But even though the files/folders are identical, DNN's zipped package will work properly on my DNN site, and my own zipped package will fail with this famous error message:\n\nError: Survey is currently unavailable.", "\n DotNetNuke.", "Services.", "Exceptions.", "ModuleLoadException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Survey.survey'. ---", "> System.", "Web.", "HttpParseException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Survey.survey'. ---", "> System.", "Web.", "HttpParseException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Survey.survey'. ---", "> System.", "Web.", "HttpException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Survey.survey'. ", "at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "GetType(String typeName, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean throwOnError) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ProcessInheritsAttribute(String baseTypeName, String codeFileBaseTypeName, String src, Assembly assembly) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "PostProcessMainDirectiveAttributes(IDictionary parseData) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ProcessException(Exception ex) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ParseStringInternal(String text, Encoding fileEncoding) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ParseString(String text, VirtualPath virtualPath, Encoding fileEncoding) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ParseString(String text, VirtualPath virtualPath, Encoding fileEncoding) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ParseFile(String physicalPath, VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "ParseInternal() at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateParser.", "Parse() at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BaseTemplateBuildProvider.get_CodeCompilerType() at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BuildProvider.", "GetCompilerTypeFromBuildProvider(BuildProvider buildProvider) at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BuildProvidersCompiler.", "ProcessBuildProviders() at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BuildProvidersCompiler.", "PerformBuild() at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BuildManager.", "CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BuildManager.", "GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) at System.", "Web.", "Compilation.", "BuildManager.", "GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) at System.", "Web.", "UI.TemplateControl.", "LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.", "UI.ControlUtilities.", "LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.", "UI.Modules.", "ModuleHost.", "LoadModuleControl() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n\nI've already asked about this on the DNN forums, but they don't have much to say about it :( So, I thought I'd try StackOverflow as well.", "\nDoes anybody have any idea what the problem could be? ", " Thanks very much in advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nI ended up solving this one on my own. ", " These are the steps I took:\n\nRemoved all Namespace DotNetNuke.", "Modules.", "Survey declaractions\nDeleted the ascx, ascx.vb, and designer files for survey, Settings,\nand EditSurvey\nCreated new, empty ones with those names (but used \"Survey\" instead\nof \"survey\")\nCopied/pasted the ascx code into each ascx file (and changed\nDotNetNuke.Modules.survey to DotNetNuke.", "Modules.", "Survey)\nDid a build\nCopied/pasted the ascx.vb code into each ascx.vb file (and removed\nthe Namespace declarations in these files)\nDid a build, which was 100% successful this time\n\nBizarre way to solve the problem, but it worked. ", " :3\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008820279035717249, 0.001835486851632595, 0.0006361081614159048, 0.001120379427447915, 0.10744550079107285, 0.0007191175827756524, 0.0008222280303016305, 0.0008794046589173377, 0.0009275603806599975, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0008452006732113659, 0.0009275603806599975, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0008452006732113659, 0.0009275603806599975, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0008577261469326913, 0.0006840070709586143, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.001182553474791348, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0007764960755594075, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0007245325832627714, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0006475247209891677, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.000715388567186892, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0008648611837998033, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0008696859586052597, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0006832705112174153, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0007294522365555167, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006967835361137986, 0.0008345612441189587, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.0008897387306205928, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.0011768629774451256, 0.0010154451010748744, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.0008703425410203636, 0.000626085267867893, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.0008703425410203636, 0.0007539960206486285, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.04396268352866173, 0.0007662142743356526, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.04396268352866173, 0.003060256829485297, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0006963218911550939, 0.04396268352866173, 0.0016830385429784656, 0.0009731199243105948, 0.0008946501184254885, 0.002005784073844552, 0.000954753952100873, 0.0014075461076572537, 0.0007579402299597859, 0.0010745195904746652, 0.0006910066003911197, 0.0007990824524313211, 0.0005937452660873532, 0.0006775796064175665, 0.006013554986566305, 0.0007623861311003566, 0.0008503934368491173, 0.0007623861311003566, 0.0007345675840042531, 0.0010044359369203448 ]
[ "Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan said bringing about social change is tougher than rocket science.", "\n\nHighlights Committee appointed to create a new national education policy\n\nPanel aims to replace existing policy formulated over 25 years ago\n\nMany see 3-language formula as a means to impose Hindi on southern states\n\nEminent scientist and academician Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan on Wednesday denied that his team had come under any kind of pressure while drafting the new education policy, specifically over a three-language formula that many political parties claim is a means to forcibly impose Hindi on southern states.", "\n\nDr Kasturirangan heads a committee appointed to create a new National Education Policy to replace the existing one formulated for the country's educational system over 25 years ago. ", "Many southern political parties had protested a reference to Hindi in the initial draft policy released on Friday, forcing the committee to bring out an alternative version. ", "However, the DMK in Tamil Nadu has reservations about the new draft too, claiming that the three-language formula is only a \"devious\" attempt at providing Hindi with a backdoor into South India.", "\n\n\"There was no pressure, and nobody even rang us to say that there was a problem. ", "I got up one morning to find out that there was tremendous resentment in some southern states. ", "I called up my colleagues, and we sat together and debated our next move. ", "That was how we decided that we should invoke the alternative version of the draft policy instead,\" Dr Kasturirangan, who is also a former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), told NDTV in a televised interview.", "\n\nRejecting claims of Hindi-imposition made by critics, he pointed out that the language had been made mandatory for South Indian states in the 1968 policy as well as successive ones in 1986 and 1992. \"", "We, in fact, have provided flexibility in that respect. ", "Our three-language formula does not impose Hindi on any state,\" the 78-year-old committee head said.", "\n\nHe maintained that the committee decided on the controversial clause in keeping with studies which show that children learn languages best when they are between three and eight years of age. \"", "The three-language formula provides students with the basis for youngsters to pick up even more languages in the years to come. ", "We would be equipping them, and what's wrong with that?\" ", "Dr Kasturirangan asked.", "\n\nThe former ISRO chief, who has received three major civilian awards through his career, admitted that bringing about social change can be harder than rocket science. \"", "The issues one needs to address in rocket science pales before all this. ", "The successful launch of a rocket does not immediately turn into an issue of national debate. ", "But then, there's no fun in trying to create such a complex policy when there is no criticism. ", "It should be constructive criticism, that's all,\" he said.", "\n\nLanguage is a sensitive issue in southern India, with many of its states opposing any attempt at imposing Hindi on them. ", "Massive agitations broke out across Tamil Nadu in 1965, when the three-language formula was first proposed by the Lal Bahadur Shastri government. ", "Karnataka also witnessed similar protests in 2017, with people damaging three-language signboards at railway stations in Bengaluru." ]
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[ "Ultrafast direct imprinting of nanostructures in metals by pulsed laser melting.", "\nWe report a method of one-step direct patterning of metallic nanostructures. ", "In the method, termed laser assisted direct imprinting (LADI), the surface of a metal film on a substrate is melted by a single excimer laser pulse and subsequently imprinted within approximately 100 ns using a transparent quartz mold, while the substrate is kept at a low temperature and in a solid phase. ", "Using LADI, we imprinted gratings with approximately 100 nm linewidth, 100 nm depth, and 200 nm pitch, as well as isolated mesas of approximately 20 microm size, in Al, Au, Cu and Ni thin films. ", "We found that the quartz mold was able to imprint metals even at temperatures higher than its melting point. ", "The technique could be extended to other metals regardless of their ductility and hardness, and would find applications in photonic and plasmonic device production." ]
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[ 0.0006722160615026951, 0.0005600553704425693, 0.0006198537303134799, 0.0005976656684651971, 0.0005443722475320101, 0.0006036616396158934 ]
[ "In situ hybridization studies using a molecular probe that maps to Xq27-Zq28.", "\nThe locus DXS98, which is recognized by the sequence p4D-8, is closely linked to the FRAXA locus. ", "In this study we present data that confirm the existing mapping data, sublocalizing this sequence to the Xq27 region immediately proximal to the fragile site at Xq27.3." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005472478806041181, 0.0005997901898808777, 0.0005350984865799546 ]
[ "DISTANT WAVES\n\nA Novel of the Titanic\n\nAge Range: 13 & up\n\nPub Date: April 1st, 2009ISBN: 978-0-545-08572-4Publisher: Scholastic\n\nAs a clever and independent young woman, Jane is skeptical of her mother’s work as a renowned spirit medium but not willing to write it off completely; her fate hinges on her agnosticism. ", "Despite multiple predictions of disaster, Jane and her four sisters wind up aboard the Titanic as it departs England on its maiden voyage, and she faces a choice: Should she believe the prophecies and get them all off the ship when it stops in France or Ireland, or should she have faith in science and proceed with the transatlantic crossing? ", "The well-researched story relies heavily on dialogue to impart rich historical detail, resulting in stiff, unnatural exchanges. ", "But Weyn weaves fantasy together with factual threads of the Spiritualist movement, Nikola Tesla’s inventions and the celebrity-studded passenger list of the doomed ocean liner to produce a tale that is half history-textbook and half science-fiction–thriller. ", "The author’s note clarifies where she has taken liberties with real people and events. ", "For readers who can accept the premise, this is a page-turner. (", "Historical fantasy. ", "13 & up)" ]
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[ 0.0008293516584672034, 0.000839131185784936, 0.0005968960467725992, 0.001032389933243394, 0.0005293586873449385, 0.0006704729166813195, 0.0008332021534442902, 0.0007067139376886189 ]
[ "// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.\n// This file is part of Parity.", "\n//\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n\nimport Sent from './Sent';\n\nexport default Sent;\n" ]
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[ 0.0006694066105410457, 0.0007492068689316511 ]
[ "Tubular adenoma and intramucosal intestinal-type adenocarcinoma of the stomach: what are the pathobiological differences?", "\nThe concept of human early gastric cancer has discrepancies among pathologists worldwide. ", "Recently, a novel morphological classification of gastrointestinal intramucosal neoplasias was proposed and conceptual differences have gradually decreased. ", "However, there are few studies on the differences of pathobiological properties among the intraepithelial neoplasms. ", "The aim of the present study was to clarify the clinicopathological significance of gastric intramucosal tumors from the pathobiological viewpoint. ", "This study analyzed 70 tubular adenomas (TAs) with mild or moderate atypia and 52 intramucosal intestinal-type adenocarcinomas (IMACs) of the stomach from the viewpoint of the apoptotic index (AI), Ki-67 labeling index (KI), and intratumoral microvessel density (IMVD), using immunohistochemistry and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method. ", "We also examined the expression of P53 and thymidine phosphorylase (dThdPase). ", "The mean AI was significantly higher and the mean KI and IMVD were significantly lower in the TAs than in the IMACs (P < 0.05, P < 0.001, and P < 0.01, respectively). ", "AI and IMVD showed a negative correlation in TAs and IMACs (TAs; P = 0.015; r = 0.28; IMACs; P = 0.006; r = 0.41). ", "dThdPase and nuclear P53 expression were significantly higher in the IMACs than in the TAs (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). ", "Mean IMVD was significantly higher in dThdPase-positive tumors than in the negative ones (P < 0.01, P < 0.01) in both TAs and IMACs. ", "IMACs possess higher proliferative activity of tumor cells, with a vascular-rich microenvironment, than TAs. ", "This might reflect the pathobiological differences between gastric IMACs and TAs, and could also provide useful information on indications for gastric endoscopic mucosal resection for IMACs as has been recommended by the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association." ]
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[ 0.0009479473810642958, 0.0019955586176365614, 0.0006072460091672838, 0.0006246807752177119, 0.0006835570675320923, 0.0008390597067773342, 0.0006530290702357888, 0.0006798143149353564, 0.0007245770539157093, 0.0006947062211111188, 0.0006773282075300813, 0.00099955964833498, 0.0009673351887613535 ]
[ "A new song added in Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na!", "\n\nEveryone has been singing praises and talking about Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na. ", "Over two weeks since its release, the film has gathered worldwide fame and adulation. ", "Imran and Genelia have become stars overnight. ", "Looking at the positive response from the audiences, Aamir Khan and Abbas Tyrewala have now given the audiences another reason to watch the film again.", "\n\nFew days back, Aamir had put up a debate on his blog, www.aamirkhan.com, asking his fans whether he should or should not add the female version of the track, 'Jaane Tu Mera Kya Hai' sung by Runa picturised on Genelia Dsouza in the film. ", "Apparently, Aamir and Abbas felt that the song should be deleted in order to match up with the pace of the film. ", "Hence, it was not a part of the film when Jaane Tu… released on July 4. ", "Now, since Aamir got feedback from a number of people that they missed this song in the film, he has decided to add it to the film.", "\n\nThe female version of 'Jaane Tu Mera Kya Hai' will now be added to the film from this Friday (July 18) and will run for a week. ", "Moreover, depending upon the response they get for it, Aamir and Abbas will decide if the song should remain in the film or not." ]
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[ 0.011113809421658516, 0.0009448594064451754, 0.0008084248402155936, 0.0006638374179601669, 0.0005269708344712853, 0.0007754911202937365, 0.000600561557803303, 0.0007872071000747383, 0.0005395660409703851, 0.0015274507459253073, 0.0005735521554015577 ]
[ "[From the Gestaltkreis to synergetics: irreversible structural and dynamic functional couplings].", "\nWith the present contribution, we attempt to merge the work of several generations of physiology and psychosomatics. ", "The common denominator in an array of observation levels appear in these works as the relationship between irreversible-structural and dynamic-functional couplings and synchronisations. ", "In this context, studies on the level of the common brainstem system appear to be the base for a neuro-bio-psychic self-organisation. ", "Studies culled from psychosomatics of Heidelberg, notably the Gestaltkreis theory, the Methodenkreis (methodological loop), the Bipersonalität (bipersonality), and the Simultandiagnostik (simultaneous diagnostics) exhibit the origin of complex functions which have been analyzed and quantified employing nonlinear methods developed in synergetics. ", "Relevance of coupling and synchronisation, desynchronisation, resp., ", "is, however, not limited to the scope of psychosomatic medicine. ", "Fixed or functional, they are essential constituents to neurophysiological processes, such as association, dissociation, resp. ", "This equally holds for evidence based medicine which is to benefit from any dynamic process analysis." ]
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[ 0.0006433326634578407, 0.0006256101769395173, 0.0006022289744578302, 0.000800051202531904, 0.0007648005848750472, 0.0005944210570305586, 0.003190212184563279, 0.0006934553966857493, 0.0005815002368763089 ]
[ "Q:\n\nExtend/Override .phtml file in Magento 2\n\nI have a third party module, and I'm trying to override the third party .phtml file but it's not working for me. ", "For these, I tried below ways.", "\nThird-Party Layout module:\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\"?", ">\n<page xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd\">\n <update handle=\"quotation_item_price_renderers\"/>\n <body>\n <referenceBlock name=\"quotation.quote.item.renderers\">\n <block class=\"Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\" as=\"default\" template=\"Magebees_QuotationManager::quote/item/default.phtml\">\n <block class=\"Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\\Actions\" name=\"quotation.quote.item.renderers.default.actions\" as=\"actions\">\n <block class=\"Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\\Actions\\Edit\" name=\"quotation.quote.item.renderers.default.actions.edit\" template=\"Magebees_QuotationManager::quote/item/edit.phtml\"/>\n <block class=\"Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\\Actions\\Remove\" name=\"quotation.quote.item.renderers.default.actions.remove\" template=\"Magebees_QuotationManager::quote/item/remove.phtml\"/>\n </block>\n </block> \n </referenceBlock> \n </body>\n</page>\n\nNow I want to Override quote/item/default.phtml file.", "\nI tried 2 Ways.", "\n1) Extended luma theme\nCopied default.phtml file and pasted in design/frontend/Magento/luma/Magebees_QuotationManager/templates/quote/item/default.phtml\nAfter the above step I executed the upgrade, compile, static-content: deploy commands, still not working.", "\n2) Tried with di.xml\ncreated di.xml in etc/frontend/di.xml and written below code.", "\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\"?", ">\n<config xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd\">\n <preference for=\"Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\" type=\"ABCSolutions\\CQWCProduct\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\" />\n</config>\n\nAnd I set the template in the Block file see below code.", "\n<?", "php\n\nnamespace ABCSolutions\\CQWCProduct\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item;\n\nuse Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Helper\\Quotation;\nuse Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Model\\QuoteFactory;\nuse Magento\\Catalog\\Block\\Product\\ImageBuilder;\nuse Magento\\Catalog\\Helper\\Product\\Configuration;\nuse Magento\\Checkout\\Model\\Session;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Message\\ManagerInterface;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Module\\Manager;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Pricing\\PriceCurrencyInterface;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Url\\Helper\\Data;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\View\\Element\\Message\\InterpretationStrategyInterface;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\View\\Element\\Template\\Context;\n\nclass Renderer extends \\Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer{\n\n public function __construct(\n Context $context,\n Configuration $qproductConfig,\n Quotation $quoteHelper,\n Session $checkoutSession,\n ImageBuilder $imageBuilder,\n Data $urlHelper,\n ManagerInterface $qmessageManager,\n PriceCurrencyInterface $priceCurrency,\n Manager $moduleManager,\n InterpretationStrategyInterface $qmessageInterpretationStrategy,\n QuoteFactory $quoteFactory,\n array $data = []\n ){\n parent::__construct($context, $qproductConfig, $quoteHelper, $checkoutSession, $imageBuilder, $urlHelper, $qmessageManager, $priceCurrency, $moduleManager,\n $qmessageInterpretationStrategy, $quoteFactory, $data);\n $this->setTemplate(\"ABCSolutions_CQWCProduct::quote/item/default.phtml\");\n }\n\n}\n\nIn default.phtml file pasted the code from the Magebees module & added extra content with \"Extended\".", "\nStill not getting the updated design.", "\nPlease suggest me if I went wrong?", "\n\nA:\n\nFinally, solved my self by using the 2nd Method in my thread.", "\ndi.xml file\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\"?", ">\n<config xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd\">\n\n <preference for=\"Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\" type=\"ABCSolutions\\CQWCProduct\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer\"/>\n\n</config>\n\nRenderer.php file\n<?", "php\n\nnamespace ABCSolutions\\CQWCProduct\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item;\n\nuse Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Helper\\Quotation;\nuse Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Model\\QuoteFactory;\nuse Magento\\Catalog\\Block\\Product\\ImageBuilder;\nuse Magento\\Catalog\\Helper\\Product\\Configuration;\nuse Magento\\Checkout\\Model\\Session;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Message\\ManagerInterface;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Module\\Manager;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Pricing\\PriceCurrencyInterface;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\Url\\Helper\\Data;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\View\\Element\\Message\\InterpretationStrategyInterface;\nuse Magento\\Framework\\View\\Element\\Template\\Context;\nuse \\Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Model\\QuoteFilesFactory;\n\nclass Renderer extends \\Magebees\\QuotationManager\\Block\\Checkout\\Cart\\Item\\Renderer{\n\n /**\n * @var QuoteFilesFactory\n */\n protected $_quoteFilesFactory;\n\n public function __construct(\n Context $context,\n Configuration $qproductConfig,\n Quotation $quoteHelper,\n Session $checkoutSession,\n ImageBuilder $imageBuilder,\n Data $urlHelper,\n ManagerInterface $qmessageManager,\n PriceCurrencyInterface $priceCurrency,\n Manager $moduleManager,\n InterpretationStrategyInterface $qmessageInterpretationStrategy,\n QuoteFactory $quoteFactory,\n QuoteFilesFactory $quoteFilesFactory,\n array $data = []\n ){\n parent::__construct($context, $qproductConfig, $quoteHelper, $checkoutSession, $imageBuilder, $urlHelper, $qmessageManager, $priceCurrency, $moduleManager,\n $qmessageInterpretationStrategy, $quoteFactory, $data);\n $this->_quoteFilesFactory = $quoteFilesFactory;\n $this->setTemplate(\"ABCSolutions_CQWCProduct::quote/item/default.phtml\");\n }\n\n protected function _prepareLayout()\n {\n parent::_prepareLayout();\n $this->setTemplate(\"ABCSolutions_CQWCProduct::quote/item/default.phtml\");\n return $this;\n } \n\n}\n\ndefault.phtml file\nadded \"Extended\" content.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006613201112486422, 0.0005524415755644441, 0.0006589806289412081, 0.0006363482680171728, 0.002836980391293764, 0.0006529440288431942, 0.0006770767504349351, 0.0006788419559597969, 0.0009998902678489685, 0.0006363482680171728, 0.000981960678473115, 0.0009998902678489685, 0.003195233875885606, 0.0006634414894506335, 0.0008009768789634109, 0.0007623879937455058, 0.0007366664940491319, 0.0006363482680171728, 0.0012804222060367465, 0.006882923189550638, 0.0019948272965848446 ]
[ "Ramblings of a bald man and his mod pad. ", "And stuff. ", "And getting it on the cheep. ", "And now featuring babies and woody items.", "\n\nMonday, October 22, 2007\n\nModerately Mod\n\nI’ve got issues with looking at houses. ", "We bought our house over a year ago, but still think about other houses we saw. ", "Talked to ma yesterday (from whom I’ve inherited the trait of wandering through houses I don’t own) and she told me how “mod” we’ve gone with our house. ", "The truth is our house is far from “mod” in structure, but I guess it’s mod in décor? ", "Yeah, it is. ", "We ended up picking the house we live in because it was well taken care of, in an rad neighborhood, great school district, close to parks, shops, restaurants- but we saw a few houses during the home search that were way more mod than ma could even imagine.", "\n\nI feel like I forced our real estate lady into checking out this AD Stenger home in Barton Hills. ", "It was the coolest house we saw. ", "If it didn’t need some work, and wasn’t at the top of our price range, I would have bought that bastard and given them my left eye too.", "We also saw this house soon as it came on the market. ", "Julie really loved it, and it was great too… also needed some work, but was priced really low, for a sad reason I can’t get into. ", "There was already a bid on the house, and it was snatched up. ", "it was priced in the low 200s, and I heard it was quickly resold for around 400 thousand. ", "Someone took advantage of a really sad situation. ", "There are sharks in these waters I tell ya!Lastly, we just happened to run across this house in our neighborhood on open house day. ", "Another amazing house, and WAAAAY out of our price range… which doesn’t matter because we aren’t looking… right? ", "It’s just nice to know we live in a town full of great houses to live in, if there’s ever any reason we have to move. ", "Like… our house blows up. ", "I hate moving." ]
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[ 0.01517501100897789, 0.0011051923502236605, 0.017307564616203308, 0.0007960647926665843, 0.0007496449979953468, 0.0005847660941071808, 0.0009542224579490721, 0.0009123468771576881, 0.0008191453525796533, 0.0007255320088006556, 0.000919040001463145, 0.000716581242159009, 0.7240588068962097, 0.0005631173844449222, 0.0006001996225677431, 0.0006625540554523468, 0.0005907799350097775, 0.0007815142744220793, 0.00059411401161924, 0.005559776443988085, 0.0007861916674301028, 0.47911953926086426, 0.10798592865467072 ]
[ "Effect of methacrylated-based antibacterial monomer on orthodontic adhesive system properties.", "\nAntibacterial adhesives were developed to reduce the incidence of white spot lesions in orthodontic patients. ", "Compounds that contain triazine are known as effective antibacterial agents. ", "The aims of this study were to develop an experimental orthodontic adhesive containing 1,3,5-triacryloylhexahydro-1,3,5-triazine (TAT) and to characterize it. ", "TAT was added in 3 concentrations (10%, 15%, and 20%) to the experimental orthodontic adhesive. ", "Antibacterial activity was assayed by brain-heart infusion broth dilution against Streptococcus mutans. ", "The degree of conversion was measured using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and solvent degradation was evaluated by Knoop microhardness before and after immersion in ethanol for 2 hours. ", "The shear bond strength of metal brackets bonded to bovine enamel surface was assessed. ", "All experimental adhesives reduced bacterial growth. ", "The addition of 15% and 20% TAT increased the degree of conversion compared with the control group (0%) and the 10% group. ", "All groups showed a decrease in hardness after ethanol immersion, and there was also a decrease in the percentage of variation of Knoop hardness in the experimental adhesives containing TAT, whereas the shear bond strength increased. ", "Orthodontic adhesives containing TAT are promising antibacterial materials, especially those with 15% and 20% TAT." ]
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[ 0.0006942568579688668, 0.0007323037134483457, 0.0010221753036603332, 0.0007473150617443025, 0.0006832369253970683, 0.004559696651995182, 0.0006026949849911034, 0.0005877583171240985, 0.0006478173309005797, 0.0007373940898105502, 0.000620089762378484, 0.0012874507810920477 ]
[ "The BBC have launched The Great British class calculator to help us find our place in modern society. ", "Then the internet decided to improve it through Photoshop…" ]
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