[ "IDC Technologies was founded in 1992 and has built a strong reputation globally as a provider of practical and technical training across a wide range of engineering disciplines.", "\n\nOur workshops and engineering short courses are not academic; they are designed to provide practical skills and hands-on applications where delegates are given the opportunity to apply, in practice, the theory they have learnt through our engineering courses." ]
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[ "\nWhat Would the End of Football Look Like? (", "2012) - mhb\nhttp://grantland.com/features/cte-concussion-crisis-economic-look-end-football/\n======\nVLM\nPerhaps the collapse has already begun.", "\n\n1) My middle school kid is in cross country... all \"school athletes\" must\nattend district wide concussion class (they probably blew it off, after all it\nis CC not tackle football) and parents have to sign off that they've been\ngiven access to various concussion resources. ", "Nobody found this overly unusual\nor interesting, its just part of athletics now. ", "Soon it'll just be part of\nschool athletics that football means touch not tackle or it means what we used\nto call soccer.", "\n\n(For foreign readers cross country is hiking in the woods except you don't\nwear a pack and you run. ", "So mile times are quite a bit lower than track and\nyou're about a thousand times more likely to get heat exhaustion or twist your\nankle than to get a concussion in that particular sport)\n\n2) Look at average age of baseball fans, late 50s and that average has been\ngoing up more than one year per calendar year. ", "There are generational trends\nand football may very well be a WW2/Boomer generation sport. ", "Once \"their\"\ngenerations are gone, that's it.", "\n\nLooking at demographics of the local pro basketball team I think we're more\nlikely to see pro basketball go away before football ... volleyball is very\npopular and telegenic.", "\n\n------\nelchief\nWhat would the end of grantland look like?", "\n\nIt would look like today, sadly.", "\n\n[http://espnmediazone.com/us/espn-statement-regarding-\ngrantla...](http://espnmediazone.com/us/espn-statement-regarding-grantland/)\n\nI'm not really sure why Simmons needed espn to start grantland. ", "Perhaps he was\nunder contract. ", "I would have read it, due to his writing, either way.", "\n\nWhen he didn't show up to cover the Super Bowl or NBA Championships, I knew it\nwas over.", "\n\n~~~\nPopeOfNope\n_It would look like today, sadly._", "\n\n _To the extent that fans replace football with another sport (instead of meth\nor oxy)_\n\nYeah, shame.", "\n\n------\nuntog\n_To the extent that fans replace football with another sport (instead of meth\nor oxy), high-octane basketball is the natural substitute._", "\n\nMeth or oxy? ", "Interesting article, but I feel like it's, uh, brushing rural\nAmerica in some very broad strokes.", "\n\nThat said, I found it interesting that it was discussing the collapse of\nsports TV in 2012. ", "Just three years later I think we're inching closer and\ncloser to that - the average cable subscription subsides ESPN when the\nmajority of viewers don't watch it. ", "With cable subscriptions declining, there\nis huge trouble ahead for ESPN, since they are tied into incredibly expensive\nmulti-year contracts that they might find themselves unable to afford.", "\n\nIn _totally_ unrelated news, ESPN shut down Grantland yesterday.", "\n\n~~~\nghaff\nOf course, the rest of the world has a football-like sport (rugby--sorry,\nAustralia) which suggests that there's a fair bit of demand for that general\ntype of sport--and not just in the US. ", "Rugby has its own issues with\nconcussions although probably not as much as American football.", "\n\nIn general, I agree with the article that football isn't \"too big to fail.\"", "\nI'm not sure lawsuits is so much the path though as kids simply not playing.", "\nThat doesn't seem to be happening however.", "\n\n~~~\nSynaesthesia\nWhat's interesting is that in Rugby you wear basically no protective gear,\nwhich is probably _why_ it has less injuries. ", "With a helmet and armour you\nfeel much more invulnerable.", "\n\n~~~\nuntog\nAlso tackles above the waist are forbidden. ", "In American Football you can\npretty much just throw your entire body anywhere, with unsurprising results.", "\n\n~~~\nsrtjstjsj\nthis video disagrees with your claim about rugby:\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ1Mt0LdCfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ1Mt0LdCfY)\n\n~~~\nuntog\nFouls happen. ", "I don't mean to diminish that, but when the base of the game is\nto disallow bad tackles then there will be far fewer incidents of bad\ntackling.", "\n\n------\nimglorp\nPro players are grownups and can make their own decisions about life altering\ninjuries. ", "But I think we'll see the end of high school football very soon,\nwhen the lawsuits begin and school insurance steps in.", "\n\nI predict we'll replace it with flag, touch, and rugby and that will be a\nfurther dig to the NFL.", "\n\n~~~\nPopeOfNope\n_But I think we 'll see the end of high school football very soon, when the\nlawsuits begin and school insurance steps in._", "\n\nIt'll never happen. ", "There's way too much community support for football. ", "And\nthank god. ", "There's no other sport out there that teaches you about life quite\nlike football.", "\n\n~~~\negypturnash\n...Okay. ", "I'll bite. ", "What have I missed learning by never playing or watching\nfootball?", "\n\n~~~\nfutbol\nHa! ", "Football truly is so ridiculously complicated that I didn't even try to\nlearn how it works, and still don't fully understand its absurdities.", "\n\nIntuitively, as a child, I suspected that football was over rated based on the\napparent reality that it was men running in circles, and then slamming into\neach other, without any obvious goal. ", "Randomly a ball would be kicked for any\nreason, maybe.", "\n\nI was 20 years old before I figured out that the basic rules of the game were\n4 tries to move the ball 10 yards from the \"line of scrimage\" before the other\nteam gets an opportunity to do the opposite. ", "With this in mind add umpteen\nthousand technicalities.", "\n\nMore than a decade of elementary school, middle school, high school, video\ngames, Thanksgivings and Super Bowl Sundays, and no one spelled that out for\nme. ", "Not parents, not uncles, not coaches, not friends. ", "I had to dig through a\nfew books, before picking up some sort of For Dummies/Idiot's Guide book to\nfind something that clearly stated that.", "\n\n4 hours of TV time, to express one hour of clocked game play, in which almost\nno actual game playing happens. ", "Bah! ", "May as well watch golf.", "\n\nOh wait, already do. ", "Yet another awful thing I have to watch at family\ngatherings.", "\n\n~~~\nPopeOfNope\nWe're talking about playing football, not watching it like a lemming. ", "If you\ndon't know what you're talking about, kindly say nothing.", "\n\n------\nZenoArrow\nOff topic but before I knew what the article was about, the title reminded me\nof this:\n\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MusyO7J2inM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MusyO7J2inM)\n\n------\nPopeOfNope\nI don't understand the hard on people around here have for predicting the\ncollapse of sports. ", "It's like the very idea of getting revenge on the jocks\nmakes you all salivate. ", "Revenge of the nerds writ large? ", "Or is it an extension\nof the 'toxic testosterone' propaganda?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Menu\n\nThe Tucker Car Company: A Wreck Waiting to Happen?", "\n\nChange grows slowly in America. ", "It takes a long time for the change to reach a tipping point. ", "But when it does reach a certain level, the change takes off. ", "On the other hand, if change tries to happen too fast, it is fought off with resistance, anger, and envy. ", "Is this the case with the Tucker Car Company? ", "Or did the company implode under its own mismanagement?", "\n\nPreston Tucker was a whiz kid. ", "He rebuilt cars in his garage he had gotten out of a junkyard. ", "As a young man, he worked with cars at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in the 1930s. ", "During World War II, Tucker attempted to build a plane, known as the “peashooter,” for the US, but problems within the company led to its failure. ", "However, Tucker was successful in designing and building turrets for planes and other assorted vehicles. ", "His combat car was turned down by the government because it went too fast. ", "The army only wanted 35 mph for its combat vehicles.", "\n\nAfter the war, Tucker turned his eye toward developing a new car. ", "Hiring designer Alex Tremulis, Tucker’s vision of the car of the future began to take shape. ", "Influenced by the design of rockets, the car originally gained the nickname, the Tucker Torpedo. ", "With the help of engineer John Eddie Offut, who had worked with Tucker and Harry Miller at Indy, the engine was put in place. ", "And the car’s outside design was not the only futuristic thing about it. ", "The car was quite different from any car of the era. ", "It had several unique features which were miles ahead of its time.", "\n\n1. ", "The engine was located in the back and the trunk was in the front.", "\n\n2. ", "It had three headlights. ", "The two outside lights were normal lights like any other car. ", "The middle headlight, or “cyclops,” could change direction.", "\n\n3. ", "It had pop out front windshields. ", "In case of a crash, the glass could come out in two pieces to prevent it from breaking all over the passengers.", "\n\n4. ", "Its radio system was unparalled.", "\n\n5. ", "In addition, there were disc brakes, an air cooled engine, interchangeable seats.", "\n\nThe word of mouth on the Tucker began to spread before one car had been built. ", "To build his car of the future, Tucker obtained the rights to the old Dodge Plant on Cicero in Chicago. ", "It was to be the world’s largest automobile plant. ", "He originally hired 1900 employees to build his fleet. ", "To raise money for his corporation and manufacturing of the first set of cars, Tucker used three ways to raise capital. ", "Suspicion about all three would lead to his down fall.", "\n\n1. ", "Tucker sold licenses to 2000 dealers across the country.", "\n2. ", "Tucker began selling stock in his company. ", "Over 10,000 such certificates were issued.", "\n3. ", "Tucker also began selling accessories to the car.", "\n\nOver $25 million in capital was raised. ", "This amount of money turned many heads in the automobile industry. ", "Small start up car companies at that point in history relied on grants. ", "For an upstart company like Tucker, the capital raised almost insured its success. ", "However, the amount raised caught the ire of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ", "They soon filed a suit which bring about the downfall of the company because the assets were frozen. ", "The company could do nothing. ", "Tucker and six of his executives were indicted on 25 counts of fraud. ", "To try and quell speculation regarding the trial, Tucker wrote this letter to the public to keep faith in the company.", "\n\nThe court case would drag on until 1950.", "\n\nNo real evidence was put forth by the SEC and Otto Kerner that the Tucker Corporation was misusing the capital it had raised. ", "Every prosecutory piece of evidence had been rebuked under cross examination. ", "When it came time to give the defense, Tucker’s attorney, William Kirby, offered no defense. ", "The six defendants and Tucker were all acquitted.", "\n\nIt was too late for the company though. ", "The Tucker Car Company was over. ", "The lawsuit had driven the company under. ", "Only 51 cars were produced. ", "47 are still in existence. ", "The Tucker Car Club of America has pictures and details about every single car produced.", "\n\nTucker would go to Brazil to build a car known as the Carioca. ", "However, Tucker died of lung cancer in 1956. ", "The Tucker ’48 sedans still live on for only a few people. ", "The remaining cars today are valued at upwards of 200,000 a piece.", "Several of the design and safety features of the Tucker would make their way into car design in the 1950s.", "\n\nThe tragedy for Tucker was that the lawsuit by the SEC brought down his company before it could even compete with the Ford, GM, or Chrysler. ", "Speculation exists that pressure was put on the SEC by Michigan Congressman to bring down Tucker. ", "Economist Melvin Barger disagrees. ", "He believes Tucker was doomed from the start.", "\n\nTucker himself, if he had possessed more self-understanding and business savvy, might have prospered as a custom car remodeler. ", "He did have a love of cars and he had experience in the automotive field. ", "In a way, the Tucker car itself was a customized remodeling of existing car concepts. ", "Tucker’s use of the Cord trans-mission, for example, showed that he understood nifty innovations which somehow hadn’t succeeded in the market. ", "But one of Tucker’s problems was in being carried away by a “dream” while ignoring the practical work needed to apply it for useful purposes. ", "Mere possession of a dream does not excuse a person from exercising prudence in business relationships." ]
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[ "I showed this cover to my girlfriend (because it’s awesome) she said “Hey that’s the man-thing!”", "\nI was pretty impressed so I asked if she knew who the other ones where and she said “Flaming Death Skull, Vampire Dracula Zombie and that just looks like a regular werewolf.”", "\n\nIt was a great moment in my life so I wanted to share it with someone who helped it happen." ]
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[ "Instagram(NEW YORK) -- Are your former colleague's workout selfies bringing you down?Or your college roommate's constant pictures of their newborn adorable but just too much at times?Instagram's got your back.", "The social media platform rolled out a new feature Tuesday where users will be able to mute any account they follow.", "\n\nKSAT-TV(SAN ANTONIO) -- A rhesus macaque monkey gave handlers the slip at San Antonio Airport, officials confirmed to ABC News.", "The crafty primate, named Dawkins, managed to extricate itself from a crate on Monday after arriving at the Texas airport aboard American Airlines Flight No. ", "1014 from Chicago's O'Hare Airport, airport spokesman Rich Stinson said.", "Staff members from Born Free USA's Primate Sanctuary in Cotulla, Texas, were at the airport to meet Dawkins but he broke free, leading to a pursuit to bring him to safety.", "\"We had folks from our sanctuary there to meet him,\" Prashant Khetan, CEO of Born Free USA, a 50-year-old conservation nonprofit, told ABC News. \"", "They always had eyes on Dawkins the entire time.", "\"The airport's employed wildlife biologist, Animal Care Services personnel and a veterinarian from the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation all helped the Born Free members bring the primate back to its cargo cage.", "\"He is completely under control and should be at our sanctuary soon,\" Khetan said.", "Khetan confirmed that Dawkins will hopefully \"live there for the rest of his life\" at Born Free USA's Primate Sanctuary, which boasts 186 acres of roaming land to give wildlife \"a safe, permanent home.", "\"\"The focus of animal care at the sanctuary is to provide conditions in which the captive populations of macaques, baboons, and vervets are allowed to live out the remainder of their lives with extensive freedom of movement, choice of food, and choice of companions, in accordance with their social nature,\" the site reads.", "He will be joining some 600 macaques, vervets, and baboons, confirmed Khetan.", "The primate's original itinerary traced him back to Boston's Logan International Airport, where he'd been sent from Brown University.", "In a statement, the Brown confirmed that they sent a rhesus macaque to a Texas sanctuary as part of the university's attempt to \"seek homes for non-human primates who are retired from research protocols.", "\"\"The macaque that was en route to Texas when its enclosure became open was being transported from Brown to an animal sanctuary as part of the university’s commitment to animal well-being,\" the statement reads.", "American Airlines acknowledged that the primate \"inadvertently became free of his cage.", "\"Before he was brought back into his cage, the airline assured Dawkins was safely contained.", "\"He is currently in an isolated area where it is safe, away from all of our team members and customers,\" according to the statement. “", "We are working closely with the San Antonio Aviation Department and officials from the San Antonio Zoo. ", "Officials from the zoo are now on site to ensure his safety and wellbeing as he continues his journey to his new home at the primate sanctuary.", "”Khetan said that Dawkins was experiencing a great deal of anxiety.", "\"There was a ton of stress on Dawkins,\" he said. \"", "He reacted to the stress.", "\"Khetan said that an investigation is underway to determine \"when Dawkins got out.", "\"Dawkins' escape illustrates the need to help animals remain in the wild, Khetan said.", "\"There is so much unpredictability and that's what we're seeing here,\" he said. \"", "That's why we fight to prevent keeping animals in captivity.\"", "\n\nNetflix(NEW YORK) -- Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have inked a multiyear deal with Netflix, the streaming service announced Monday.", "According to a tweet from Netflix, the Obamas will produce films and series for Netflix, which could include scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries and features.", "Netflix did not elaborate on the terms of the agreement.", "\"One of the simple joys of our time in public service was getting to meet so many fascinating people from all walks of life, and to help them share their experiences with a wider audience,\" former President Obama said in a statement obtained by The Chicago Tribune. \"", "That's why Michelle and I are so excited to partner with Netflix -- we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples, and help them share their stories with the entire world.", "\"Added his wife, Michelle Obama: \"Barack and I have always believed in the power of storytelling to inspire us, to make us think differently about the world around us, and to help us open our minds and hearts to others,\" said Michelle Obama. \"", "Netflix's unparalleled service is a natural fit for the kinds of stories we want to share, and we look forward to starting this exciting new partnership.", "\"This is not the first deal the Obamas have signed since they left the White House in early 2017. ", "That February, Penguin Random House announced that the company would publish books by both Barack and Michelle Obama. ", "Though Penguin Random House did not provide details of their contract with the Obamas, it has been reported that the rights were reportedly purchased for $60 million.", "\n\nUSPS(WASHINGTON) -- Scratch-and-sniff stamps are coming to a post office near you, the United States Postal Service announced on Monday.", "With the warm summer weather moving in, Americans love to cool off with a refreshing ice pop on a hot day, bringing inspiration to the latest Forever stamp from the USPS. ", "The colorful stamps feature different designs, shapes and flavors of ice cream pops.", "The watercolor illustrations of the treats are the work of Margaret Berg of Santa Monica, California, while art director Antonio Alcala designed the stamps with Leslie Badani, both of Alexandria, Virginia. ", "Each stamp is designed with two different ice cream pops on it, with 10 different designs in the booklet.", "The Frozen Treats Forever stamps will be introduced in Austin, Texas, at the Thinkery Children’s Museum on June 20 at 6 p.m. CDT in a special dedication ceremony.", "\n\nAmazon.com(WASHINGTON) -- President Trump’s top economic adviser said Trump 'may feel that there's some unfairness going on' in regard to Amazon but said he couldn't comment in detail on the president's concerns about the giant online retailer because he hasn't been deeply involved in those discussions.", "Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, was responding to ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos'asking about a new Washington Post report that the president has personally pressed the U.S. Postmaster General to double the rate of postal charges on the giant online retailer whose CEO, Jeff Bezos, also owns The Washington Post.", "\"The president has tweeted about Amazon a lot,\" Stephanopoulos said. \"", "Is it appropriate for the president to be singling out companies like this?\"Kudlow responded, \"Well, look. ", "I'm not -- that not in my lane, OK. ", "I can't really comment specifically. ", "I haven't looked at that.", "\"Stephanopoulos pressed, \"Well, it comes under the National Economic Council, doesn't it?\"Kudlow said, \"Well, I suppose so, but again I haven't been involved in that discussion. ", "Look, the president is a man of many opinions. ", "I think you know that. ", "I think we all know that. ", "It's up to him. ", "He may be carrying this ball. ", "I can't comment directly on it.", "\"Stephanopoulos asked about previous claims by Trump that the U.S. Postal Service is losing billions of dollars to Amazon.", "\"That simply isn't true,\" Stephanopoulos said to Kudlow. \"", "Isn't it your responsibility to advise him of the facts?\"\"If he asked me directly, it would be,\" Kudlow responded. \"", "A lot of people looked at these numbers, and there are many different opinions about the validity of many different numbers, George.", "\"The economic council director continued, \"I have not been deeply involved in Amazon. ", "The president may feel, look, he may feel that there's some unfairness going on here.", "\"Stephanopoulos said many people are concerned that Trump may be targeting Amazon because of Bezos' owning The Washington Post.", "\"That is what a lot of people are concerned about here ... Amazon has not cost the postal service any money. ", "And in fact, the president is targeting them because Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post even though that has nothing to do with Amazon. ", "That's what they say is inappropriate.", "\"Kudlow said, \"To be honest with you, I have seen numbers. ", "You can probably do this on both sides. ", "A lot of the numbers, by the way, have not been made available. ", "We'll see.\"" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n We obtain approximation formulas for fractional integrals and derivatives of Riemann–Liouville and Marchaud types with a variable fractional order. ", "The approximations involve integer-order derivatives only. ", "An estimation for the error is given. ", "The efficiency of the approximation method is illustrated with examples. ", "As applications, we show how the obtained results are useful to solve differential equations and problems of the calculus of variations that depend on fractional derivatives of Marchaud type.", "\n\n **Keywords**: fractional calculus, variable fractional order, approximation methods, fractional differential equations, fractional calculus of variations.", "\n\n **Mathematics Subject Classification 2010**: 26A33, 33F05, 34A08, 49M99.", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Ricardo Almeida\\\n `ricardo.almeida@ua.pt`\n- |\n Delfim F. M. Torres\\\n `delfim@ua.pt`\ndate: |\n Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA)\\\n Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, 3810–193 Aveiro, Portugal\ntitle: |\n An expansion formula with higher-order derivatives\\\n for fractional operators of variable order[^1]\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nFractional calculus is a natural extension of the integer-order calculus by considering derivatives and integrals of arbitrary real or complex order $\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{K}$, with $\\mathbb{K}=\\mathbb{R}$ or $\\mathbb{K}=\\mathbb{C}$. The subject was born from a famous correspondence between L’Hopital and Leibniz in 1695, and then developed by many famous mathematicians, like Euler, Laplace, Abel, Liouville and Riemann, just to mention a few names. ", "Recently, fractional calculus has call the attention of a vast number of researchers, not only in mathematics, but also in physics and in engineering, and has proven to better describe certain complex phenomena in nature [@Dalir; @Machado].", "\n\nSince the order $\\alpha$ of the integrals and derivatives may take any value, another interesting extension is to consider the order not to be a constant during the process, but a variable $\\a$ that depends on time. ", "This provides an extension of the classical fractional calculus and was introduced by Samko and Ross in 1993 [@SamkoRoss] (see also [@Samko]). ", "The variable order fractional calculus is nowadays recognized as a useful tool, with successful applications in mechanics, in the modeling of linear and nonlinear visco-elasticity oscillators, and other phenomena where the order of the derivative varies with time. ", "For more on the subject, and applications of it, we mention [@AlmeidaSamko; @Coimbra; @Coimbra2; @Diaz; @Lorenzo; @Ramirez1; @Ramirez2]. ", "For a numerical approach see, e.g., [@Ma; @Valerio; @Zhuang]. ", "Results on differential equations and the calculus of variations with fractional operators of variable order can be found in [@Od1; @MyID:268] and references therein. ", "In this paper we show how fractional derivatives and integrals of variable order can be approximated by classical integer-order operators.", "\n\nThe outline of the paper is the following. ", "In Section \\[sec:FC\\] we present the necessary definitions, namely the fractional operators of Riemann–Liouville and Marchaud of variable order. ", "Some properties of the operators are also given. ", "The main core of the paper is Section \\[sec:theorems\\], where we prove the expansion formulas for the considered fractional operators, with the size of the expansion being the derivative of order $n\\in\\mathbb{N}$. In Section \\[sec:example\\] we show the accuracy of our method with some examples and how the approximations can be applied in different situations to solve problems involving variable order fractional operators.", "\n\nFractional calculus of variable order {#sec:FC}\n=====================================\n\nIn the following, the order of the fractional operators is given by a function $\\alpha\\in C^1([a,b],]0,1[)$; $x(\\cdot)$ is assumed to ensure convergence for each of the involved integrals. ", "For a complete and rigorous study of fractional calculus we refer to [@samko0].", "\n\n\\[def:1\\] Let $x(\\cdot)$ be a function with domain $[a,b]$. Then, for $t\\in [a,b]$,\n\n- the left Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\LI x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha(t))}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{\\alpha(t)-1}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the right Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\RI x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha(t))}\\int_t^b (\\t-t)^{\\alpha(t)-1}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the left Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the right Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\RD x(t)=\\frac{-1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_t^b (\\t-t)^{-\\a}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the left Marchaud fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\label{eq:LMD}\n \\LDM x(t)=\\frac{x(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)(t-a)^\\a}+ \\frac{\\a}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n \\int_a^t \\frac{x(t)-x(\\t)}{(t-\\t)^{1+\\alpha(t)}}d\\t,$$\n\n- the right Marchaud fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\RDM x(t)=\\frac{x(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)(b-t)^\\a}+ \\frac{\\a}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n \\int_t^b \\frac{x(t)-x(\\t)}{(\\t-t)^{1+\\alpha(t)}} d\\t.$$\n\nIt follows from Definition \\[def:1\\] that $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{d}{dt} {_aI_t^{1-\\a}}x(t)\n\\quad \\mbox{and} \\quad {_tD_b^{\\a}} x(t)=-\\frac{d}{dt} {_tI_b^{1-\\a}}x(t).$$\n\n\\[ex1\\] Let $x$ be the power function $x(t)=(t-a)^\\gamma$. Then, for $\\gamma>-1$, we have $$\\begin{split}\n\\LI x(t) &= \\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma+\\a+1)}(t-a)^{\\gamma+\\a},\\\\\n\\LDM x(t) &= \\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma-\\a+1)}(t-a)^{\\gamma-\\a},\n\\end{split}$$ and $$\\begin{gathered}\n{_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma-\\a+1)}(t-a)^{\\gamma-\\a}\\\\\n-\\alpha^{(1)}(t)\\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma-\\a+2)}(t-a)^{\\gamma\n-\\a+1}\\left[\\ln(t-a)-\\psi(\\gamma-\\a+2)+\\psi(1-\\a)\\right],\\end{gathered}$$ where $\\psi$ is the Psi function, that is, the derivative of the logarithm of the Gamma function: $$\\psi(t) =\\frac{d}{dt} \\ln\\left({\\Gamma(t)}\\right)= \\frac{\\Gamma'(t)}{\\Gamma(t)}.$$\n\nFrom Example \\[ex1\\] we see that ${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)\\not=\\LDM x(t)$. Also, the symmetry on power functions is violated when we consider $\\LI x(t)$ and ${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)$, but holds for $\\LI x(t)$ and $\\LDM x(t)$. Later we explain this better, when we deduce the expansion formula for the Marchaud fractional derivative. ", "In contrast with the constant fractional order case, the law of exponents fails for fractional integrals of variable order. ", "However, a weak form holds (see [@SamkoRoss]): if $\\beta(t)\\equiv \\beta$, $t\\in ]0,1[$, then ${_aI_t^{\\a}}{_aI_t^{\\beta}}x(t)={_aI_t^{\\a+\\beta}}x(t)$.\n\nExpansion formulas with higher-order derivatives {#sec:theorems}\n================================================\n\nThe main results of the paper provide approximations of the fractional derivatives of a given function $x$ by sums involving only integer derivatives of $x$. The approximations use the generalization of the binomial coefficient formula to real numbers: $$\\C (-1)^k=\\left(^{\\alpha(t)+k-1}_{\\quad\\quad k}\\right)=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\a+k)}{\\Gamma(\\a) k!}.$$\n\n\\[Mainthm\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Define the (left) moment of $x$ of order $k$ by $$V_k(t) =(k-n)\\int_a^t (\\t-a)^{k-n-1}x(\\t)d\\t.$$ Then, $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=S_1(t)-S_2(t)+E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$$ with $$\\label{eq:S1}\nS_1(t)=(t-a)^{-\\a}\\left[\\sum_{k=0}^{n}A(\\a,k)(t-a)^{k}x^{(k)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N}B(\\a,k)(t-a)^{n-k}V_k(t)\\right],$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,k)&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(k+1-\\a)}\\left[1\n+\\sum_{p=n+1-k}^{N}\\frac{\\Gamma(p-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a-k)(p-n+k)!}\\right],\\quad k = 0,\\ldots,n,\\\\\nB(\\a,k)&=\\frac{\\Gamma(k-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a)\\Gamma(1+\\a)(k-n)!},", "\n\\end{split}$$ and $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\label{eq:S2}\nS_2(t)=\\frac{x(t)\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(t-a)^{1-\\a}\\left[\n\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\ln(t-a)\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C\n\\frac{(-1)^k}{k+1}+\\sum_{k=0}^N\\C(-1)^k\n\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p+1)}\\right]\\\\\n+\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(t-a)^{1-\\a}\\left[\n\\ln(t-a)\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D\\frac{(-1)^{k-n-1}}{k-n}(t-a)^{n-k}V_{k}(t)\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D(-1)^{k-n-1}\n\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p-n)}(t-a)^{n-k-p} V_{k+p}(t)\\right].\\end{gathered}$$ The error of the approximation ${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t) \\approx S_1(t)-S_2(t)$ is given by $E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$, where $E_{1,N}(t)$ and $E_{2,N}(t)$ are bounded by $$\\label{eq:err1}\n|E_{1,N}(t)|\\leq L_{n+1}(t)\\frac{\\exp((n-\\a)^2+n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(n+1-\\a)(n-\\a)N^{n-\\a}}(t-a)^{n+1-\\a}$$ and $$\\label{eq:err2}\n|E_{2,N}(t)|\\leq \\frac{L_1(t) \\left|\\alpha^{(1)}(t)\\right|(t-a)^{2-\\alpha(t)}\n\\exp(\\alpha^2(t)-\\a)}{\\Gamma(2-{\\a}){N^{1-\\a}}} \\left[\\left|\\ln(t-a)\\right|+\\frac{1}{N}\\right]$$ with $$L_{j}(t)=\\displaystyle\\max_{\\t \\in [a,t]}\\left|x^{(j)}(\\t)\\right|, \\quad j\\in\\{1,n+1\\}.$$\n\nStarting with equality $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(\\t)d\\t,$$ doing the change of variable $t-\\t=u-a$ over the integral, and then differentiating it, we get $$\\begin{split}\n{_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)\n&=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_a^t (u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(t-u+a)du\\\\\n&=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^{\\a}}\n+\\int_a^t \\frac{d}{dt}\\left[ (u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(t-u+a)\\right]du\\right]\\\\\n&=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^{\\a}}\\right.\\\\\n&\\ +\\DS\\int_a^t \\left[ -\\alpha^{(1)}(t)(u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\n\\ln(u-a)x(t-u+a)\\left.\\DS+(u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}x^{(1)}(t-u+a)\\right]du\\right]\\\\\n&=S_1(t)-S_2(t)\n\\end{split}$$ with $$\\label{eq:S1:proof}\nS_1(t) = \\DS\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^{\\a}}+\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}x^{(1)}(\\t)d\\t\\right]$$ and $$\\label{eq:S2:proof}\nS_2(t)=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-\\t)x(\\t)d\\t.$$ The equivalence between and follows from the computations of [@Pooseh1]. ", "To show the equivalence between and we start in the same way as done in [@Atanackovic1], to get $$\\begin{split}\nS_2(t)&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[x(t)\\int_a^t (t-u)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-u)du\\right.\\\\\n&\\DS-\\left.\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\\left(\\int_a^\\t (t-u)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-u)du\\right)d\\t\\right]\\\\\n&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[x(t)(t-a)^{1-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\n\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\DS-\\left.\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\\left(\\int_a^\\t (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\n\\ln(t-a)+\\ln \\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right) \\right]du\\right)d\\t\\right].", "\n\\end{split}$$ Now, applying Taylor’s expansion over $\\DS \\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right)^{-\\alpha(t)}$ and $\\DS \\ln \\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right)$, we deduce that $$\\begin{split}\nS_2(t)&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[\nx(t)(t-a)^{1-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS-\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\\left(\\int_a^\\t (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-a)\n\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C (-1)^k \\frac{(u-a)^k}{(t-a)^k}du\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS\\left.\\left. ", "-\\int_a^\\t (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C (-1)^k\n\\frac{(u-a)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\, \\sum_{p=1}^N \\frac{1}{p}\n\\frac{(u-a)^p}{(t-a)^p} du \\right)d\\t\\right]+E_{2,N}(t)\n\\end{split}$$ $$\\begin{split}\n&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[x(t)(t-a)^{1-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\n\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS-\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)(t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-a)\n\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\left(\\int_a^\\t (u-a)^k \\, du\\right)d\\t\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS\\left. ", "+\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C\n\\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\, \\sum_{p=1}^N \\frac{1}{p(t-a)^p}\n\\left(\\int_a^\\t (u-a)^{k+p} \\, du\\right)\\,d\\t\\right]+E_{2,N}(t)\\\\\n&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)(t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[\nx(t)(t-a)\\left[\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS-\\ln(t-a) \\sum_{k=0}^N \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k(k+1)}\n\\left(\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+1} \\, d\\t\\right)\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS\\left. ", "+\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\,\n\\sum_{p=1}^N \\frac{1}{p(t-a)^p(k+p+1)} \\left(\\int_a^t\nx^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+p+1} \\, d\\t \\right)\\right]+E_{2,N}(t).", "\n\\end{split}$$ Integrating by parts, we conclude with the two following equalities: $$\\begin{split}\n\\DS\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+1} \\, d\\t\n&=\\DS x(t)(t-a)^{k+1}-V_{k+n+1}(t),\\\\\n\\DS\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+p+1} \\, d\\t\n&=\\DS x(t)(t-a)^{k+p+1}-V_{k+p+n+1}(t).", "\n\\end{split}$$ The deduction of relation for $S_2(t)$ follows now from direct calculations. ", "To end, we prove the upper bound formula for the error. ", "The bound for the error $E_{1,N}(t)$ at time $t$ follows easily from [@Pooseh1]. ", "With respect to sum $S_2$, the error at $t$ is bounded by $$\\begin{gathered}\n|E_{2,N}(t)|\\leq \\left| \\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)(t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\right|\n\\times\\left|-\\ln(t-a) \\sum_{k=N+1}^\\infty \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{k+1} \\left(\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\n\\frac{(\\t-a)^{k+1}}{(t-a)^k} \\, d\\t\\right)\\right.\\\\\n\\left.+\\sum_{k=N+1}^\\infty \\C (-1)^k \\sum_{p=N+1}^\\infty \\frac{1}{p(k+p+1)}\n\\left(\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) \\frac{(\\t-a)^{k+p+1}}{(t-a)^{k+p}}\\, d\\t \\right)\\right|.\\end{gathered}$$ Define the quantities $$I_1(t) = \\DS \\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{1-\\a}(k+1)(k+2)}\\,dk$$ and $$I_2(t) = \\DS\\int_N^\\infty\\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{1-\\a}p(k+p+1)(k+p+2)}\\,dp\\, dk.$$ Inequality follows from relation $$\\left|\\C\\right|\\leq\\frac{\\exp(\\alpha^2(t)-\\a)}{k^{1-\\a}}$$ and the upper bounds $$I_1(t)<\\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{2-\\a}}\\,dk=\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)N^{1-\\a}}$$ and $$I_2(t)<\\int_N^\\infty\\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{2-\\a}p^2}\\,dp\\, dk=\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)N^{2-\\a}}$$ for $I_1$ and $I_2$.\n\nSimilarly as done in Theorem \\[Mainthm\\] for the left Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative, an approximation formula can be deduced for the right Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative:\n\n\\[MainthmR\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Define the (right) moment of $x$ of order $k$ by $$W_k(t) =(k-n)\\int_t^b (b-\\t)^{k-n-1}x(\\t)d\\t.$$ Then, $$\\RD x(t)=S_1(t)+S_2(t)+E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$$ with $$S_1(t)=(b-t)^{-\\a}\\left[\\sum_{k=0}^{n}A(\\a,k)(b-t)^{k}x^{(k)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=n+1}^NB(\\a,k)(b-t)^{n-k}W_k(t)\\right],$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,k)&=\\frac{(-1)^k}{\\Gamma(k+1-\\a)}\\left[1\n+\\sum_{p=n+1-k}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a-k)(p-n+k)!}\\right],\n\\quad k = 0,\\ldots,n,\\\\\nB(\\a,k)&=\\frac{(-1)^{n+1}\\Gamma(k-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a)\\Gamma(1+\\a)(k-n)!},", "\n\\end{split}$$ and $$\\begin{gathered}\nS_2(t)=\\frac{x(t)\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(b-t)^{1-\\a}\n\\left[\\frac{\\ln(b-t)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\ln(b-t)\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C\n\\frac{(-1)^k}{k+1}+\\sum_{k=0}^N\\C(-1)^k\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p+1)}\\right]\\\\\n+\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(b-t)^{1-\\a}\\left[\\ln(b-t)\n\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D\\frac{(-1)^{k-n-1}}{k-n}(b-t)^{n-k}W_{k}(t)\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D(-1)^{k-n-1}\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p-n)}(b-t)^{n-k-p} W_{k+p}(t)\\right].\\end{gathered}$$ The error of the approximation $\\RD x(t) \\approx S_1(t)+S_2(t)$ is given by $E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$, where $E_{1,N}(t)$ and $E_{2,N}(t)$ are bounded by $$|E_{1,N}(t)|\\leq L_{n+1}(t)\\frac{\\exp((n-\\a)^2+n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(n+1-\\a)(n-\\a)N^{n-\\a}}(b-t)^{n+1-\\a}$$ and $$|E_{2,N}(t)|\\leq \\frac{L_1(t) \\left|\\alpha^{(1)}(t)\\right|(b-t)^{2-\\alpha(t)}\n\\exp(\\alpha^2(t)-\\a)}{\\Gamma(2-{\\a}){N^{1-\\a}}}\n\\left[\\left|\\ln(b-t)\\right|+\\frac{1}{N}\\right]$$ with $$L_{j}(t)=\\displaystyle\\max_{\\t \\in [a,t]}\\left|x^{(j)}(\\t)\\right|,\n\\quad j\\in\\{1,n+1\\}.$$\n\nUsing the techniques presented in [@Pooseh0], similar formulas as the ones given by Theorem \\[Mainthm\\] and Theorem \\[MainthmR\\] can be proved for the left and right Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$. For example, for the left fractional integral one has the following result.", "\n\n\\[thm:RL:LFI\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$\\LI x(t)=(t-a)^{\\a}\\left[\\sum_{k=0}^{n}A(\\a,k)(t-a)^{k} x^{(k)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=n+1}^N B(\\a,k)(t-a)^{n-k}V_k(t)\\right]+E_{N}(t),$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,k)&= \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(k+1+\\a)}\\left[1\n+\\sum_{p=n+1-k}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a-k)(p-n+k)!}\\right],\n\\quad k = 0, \\ldots, n,\\\\\nB(\\a,k) &= \\frac{\\Gamma(k-n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a)\\Gamma(1-\\a)(k-n)!},\\\\\nV_k(t)&=\\DS (k-n) \\int_a^t (\\tau-a)^{k-n-1}x(\\tau)d\\tau, \\quad k=n+1,\\ldots\n\\end{split}$$ A bound for the error $E_{N}(t)$ is given by $$|E_{N}(t)|\\leq L_{n+1}(t)\\frac{\\exp((n+\\a)^2+n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(n+1+\\a)(n+\\a)\nN^{n+\\a}}(t-a)^{n+1+\\a}.$$\n\nWe now focus our attention to the left Marchaud fractional derivative $\\LDM x(t)$. Splitting the integral , we deduce that $$\\LDM x(t)=- \\frac{\\a}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n\\int_a^t \\frac{x(\\t)}{(t-\\t)^{1+\\alpha(t)}}d\\t.$$ Integrating by parts, $$\\label{marchaurepre}\n\\LDM x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\n\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^\\a}+\\int_a^t (t-\\tau)^{-\\a}x^{(1)}(\\tau)d\\tau \\right],$$ which is a representation for the left Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative when the order is constant, that is, $\\a \\equiv \\alpha$ [@samko0 Lemma 2.12]. ", "For this reason, the Marchaud fractional derivative is more suitable as the inverse operation for the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral. ", "With Eq.", "  and Theorem \\[Mainthm\\] in mind, it is not difficult to obtain the corresponding formula for $\\LDM x(t)$.\n\n\\[MainthmM\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$\\LDM x(t)=S_1(t)+E_{1,N}(t),$$ where $S_1(t)$ and $E_{1,N}(t)$ are as in Theorem \\[Mainthm\\].", "\n\nSimilarly, having into consideration that $$\\RDM x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[ \\frac{x(b)}{(b-t)^\\a}\n-\\int_t^b (\\t-t)^{-\\a}x^{(1)}(\\tau)d\\tau \\right],$$ the following result holds.", "\n\nFix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$\\RDM x(t)=S_1(t)+E_{1,N}(t),$$ where $S_1(t)$ and $E_{1,N}(t)$ are as in Theorem \\[MainthmR\\].", "\n\nExamples {#sec:example}\n========\n\nFor illustrative purposes, we consider the left Riemann–Liouville fractional integral and the left Riemann–Liouville and Marchaud fractional derivatives of order $\\a=(t+1)/4$. Similar results as the ones presented here are easily obtained for the other fractional operators and for other functions $\\alpha(\\cdot)$. All computations were done using the Computer Algebra System .", "\n\nTest function\n-------------\n\nWe test the accuracy of our approximations with an example.", "\n\nLet $x$ be the function $x(t)=t^4$ with $t\\in[0,1]$. Then, for $\\a=(t+1)/4$, it follows from Example \\[ex1\\] that $$\\label{ex1:LFI}\n{_0I_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{24}{\\Gamma(\\frac{t+21}{4})}t^{\\frac{t+17}{4}},$$ $$\\label{ex1:LFD}\n{_0D_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{24}{\\Gamma(\\frac{19-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{15-t}{4}}\n-\\frac{6}{\\Gamma(\\frac{23-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{19-t}{4}} \\left[\\ln(t)\n-\\psi\\left(\\frac{23-t}{4}\\right)+\\psi\\left(\\frac{3-t}{4}\\right)\\right],$$ and $$\\label{ex1:LFD:M}\n{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)\n=\\frac{24}{\\Gamma(\\frac{19-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{15-t}{4}}.$$ In Figures \\[fig:1\\], \\[fig:2\\] and \\[fig:3\\] one can compare the exact expressions of the fractional operators of variable order , and , respectively, with the approximations obtained from our results of Section \\[sec:theorems\\] with $n=2$ and $N \\in \\{3,5\\}$. The error $E$ is measured using the norm $$\\label{eq:err}\nE(f,g)(t)=\\sqrt{\\int_0^1 (f(t)-g(t))^2\\,dt}.$$\n\n\\\n\n\\\n\n\\\n\nFractional differential equations of variable order {#sec:FDEVO}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nConsider the following fractional differential equation of variable order: $$\\label{eq:FDE:VO}\n\\begin{cases}\n{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)+x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}+t,\\\\\nx(0)=0,\n\\end{cases}$$ with $\\a=(t+1)/4$. It is easy to check that $\\overline{x}(t)=t$ is a solution to . ", "We exemplify how our Theorem \\[MainthmM\\] may be applied in order to approximate the solution of such type of problems. ", "The main idea is to replace all the fractional operators that appear in the differential equation by a finite sum up to order $N$, involving integer derivatives only, and, by doing so, to obtain a new system of standard ordinary differential equations that is an approximation of the initial fractional variable order problem. ", "As the size of $N$ increases, the solution of the new system converges to the solution of the initial fractional system. ", "The procedure for is the following. ", "First, we replace ${_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)$ by $${_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t) \\approx A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)\n+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t),$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,N)&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[1+\\sum_{p=2}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-1+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a)(p-1)!}\\right],\\\\\nB(\\a,N)&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(2-\\a)}\\left[1+\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-1+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a-1)p!}\\right],\\\\\nC(\\a,k)&=\\frac{\\Gamma(k-1+\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a)\\Gamma(1+\\a)(k-1)!},", "\n\\end{split}$$ and ${V}_k(t)$ is the solution of the system $$\\begin{cases}\nV^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t)\\\\\nV_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,3,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ Thus, we get the approximated system of ordinary differential equations $$\\label{eq:stODE:syst}\n\\begin{cases}\n\\left[A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}+1\\right]x(t)+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t)\\\\\n\\quad =\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}+t,\\\\\nV^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t), \\qquad k=2,3,\\ldots,N,\\\\\nx(0)=0, \\\\\nV_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,3,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ Now we apply any standard technique to solve the system of ordinary differential equations . ", "We used the command of . ", "In Figure \\[fig:4\\] we find the graph of the approximation $\\tilde{x}_3(t)$ to the solution of problem , obtained solving with $N=3$. The Table \\[tab1\\] gives some numerical values of such approximation, illustrating numerically the fact that the approximation $\\tilde{x}_3(t)$ is already very close to the exact solution $\\overline{x}(t)=t$ of . ", "In fact the plot of $\\tilde{x}_3(t)$ in Figure \\[fig:4\\] is visually indistinguishable from the plot of $\\overline{x}(t)=t$.\n\n\\\n\n$$\\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\\hline\nt & 0.2 & 0.4 & 0.6 & 0.8 & 1\\\\\n\\hline\n\\tilde{x}_3(t) & 0.20000002056 & 0.40000004031 & 0.60000009441 & 0.80000002622 & 1.0000001591\\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{array}$$\n\nFractional variational calculus of variable order\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nWe now exemplify how the expansions obtained in Section \\[sec:theorems\\] are useful to approximate solutions of fractional problems of the calculus of variations [@Malinowska]. ", "The fractional variational calculus of variable order is a recent subject under strong current development [@Od0; @Od1; @Od2; @MyID:268]. ", "So far, only analytical methods to solve fractional problems of the calculus of variations of variable order have been developed in the literature, which consist in the solution of fractional Euler–Lagrange differential equations of variable order [@Od0; @Od1; @Od2; @MyID:268]. ", "In most cases, however, to solve analytically such fractional differential equations is extremely hard or even impossible, so numerical/approximating methods are needed. ", "Our results provide two approaches to this issue. ", "The first was already illustrated in Section \\[sec:FDEVO\\] and consists in approximating the necessary optimality conditions proved in [@Od0; @Od1; @Od2; @MyID:268], which are nothing else than fractional differential equations of variable order. ", "The second approach is now considered. ", "Similarly to Section \\[sec:FDEVO\\], the main idea here is to replace the fractional operators of variable order that appear in the formulation of the variational problem by the corresponding expansion of Section \\[sec:theorems\\], which involves only integer order derivatives. ", "By doing it, we reduce the original problem to a classical optimal control problem, whose extremals are found by applying the celebrated Pontryagin maximum principle [@Pontryagin]. ", "We illustrate this method with a concrete example. ", "Consider the functional $$\\label{eq:ex:VP}\nJ(x)=\\int_0^1\\left[{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)\n-\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\right]^2dt,$$ with fractional order $\\a=(t+1)/4$, subject to the boundary conditions $$\\label{eq:ex:BC}\nx(0)=0, \\quad x(1)=1.$$ Since $J(x)\\geq 0$ for any admissible function $x$ and taking $\\overline{x}(t)=t$, which satisfies the given boundary conditions , one has $J(\\overline{x})=0$, we conclude that $\\overline{x}$ gives the global minimum to the fractional problem of the calculus of variations that consists in minimizing functional subject to the boundary conditions . ", "The numerical procedure is now explained. ", "Since we have two boundary conditions, we replace ${_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)$ by the expansion given in Theorem \\[MainthmM\\] with $n=1$ and a variable size $N\\geq 2$. The approximation becomes $$\\label{eq:appr:PCV}\n{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t) \\approx A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)\n+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t).$$ Using , we approximate the initial problem by the following one: to minimize $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\tilde J(x)=\\int_0^1\\Biggl[ A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)\n+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)\\\\\n+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t)\n- \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\Biggr]^2dt\\end{gathered}$$ subject to $$V^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t),\n\\quad V_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,\\ldots,N,$$ and $$x(0)=0, \\quad x(1)=1,$$ where $\\a=(t+1)/4$. This dynamic optimization problem has a system of ordinary differential equations as a constraint, so it is natural to solve it as an optimal control problem. ", "For that, define the control $u$ by $$u(t) = A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t).$$ We then obtain the control system $$x^{(1)}(t)=B^{-1}t^{\\a-1}u(t)-AB^{-1}t^{-1}x(t)\n-\\sum_{k=2}^N B^{-1}C_kt^{-k}V_k(t)\n:=f\\left(t,x(t),u(t),V(t)\\right),$$ where, for simplification, $$A=A(\\a,N), \\quad B= B(\\a,N),\\quad C_k=C(\\a,k),\n\\quad \\mbox{and} \\quad V(t)=(V_2(t),\\ldots,V_N(t)).$$ In conclusion, we wish to minimize the functional $$\\tilde{J}(x,u,V)=\\int_0^1\\left[ u(t)\n- \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\right]^2dt$$ subject to the first-order dynamic constraints $$\\begin{cases}\nx^{(1)}(t)=f(t,x,u,V),\\\\\nV^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t), \\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\n\\end{cases}$$ and the boundary conditions $$\\begin{cases}\nx(0)=0,\\\\\nx(1)=1,\\\\\nV_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ In this case, the Hamiltonian is given by $$H(t,x,u,V,\\lambda)=\\left[ u - \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\right]^2\n+\\lambda_1 f(t,x,u,V)+\\sum_{k=2}^N\\lambda_k (k-1)t^{k-2}x$$ with the adjoint vector $\\lambda=(\\lambda_1,\\lambda_2,\\ldots,\\lambda_N)$ [@Pontryagin]. ", "Following the classical optimal control approach of Pontryagin [@Pontryagin], we have the following necessary optimality conditions: $$\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial u}=0, \\quad x^{(1)}\n=\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial \\lambda_1},\n\\quad V_p^{(1)}=\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial \\lambda_p}, \\quad \\lambda_1^{(1)}\n=-\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial x}, \\quad \\lambda_p^{(1)}\n=-\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial V_p},$$ that is, we need to solve the system of differential equations $$\\label{eq:CNP:SH}\n\\begin{cases}\nx^{(1)}(t)= \\frac{B^{-1}}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}\n-\\frac{1}{2}B^{-2}t^{2\\a-2}\\lambda_1(t)\n-AB^{-1}t^{-1}x(t)-\\sum_{k=2}^NB^{-1}C_kt^{-k}V_k(t),\\\\\nV_k^{(1)}(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t),\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\\\\\n\\lambda_1^{(1)}(t)=AB^{-1}t^{-1}\\lambda_1-\\sum_{k=2}^N(k-1)t^{k-2}\\lambda_k(t),\\\\\n\\lambda_k^{(1)}(t)=B^{-1}C_kt^{-k}\\lambda_1,\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\n\\end{cases}$$ subject to the boundary conditions $$\\label{eq:CNP:BC}\n\\begin{cases}\nx(0)=0,\\\\\nV_k(0)=0,\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\\\\\nx(1)=1,\\\\\n\\lambda_k(1)=0,\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ Figure \\[fig:5\\] plots the numerical approximation $\\tilde{x}_2(t)$ to the global minimizer $\\overline{x}(t)=t$ of the variable order fractional problem of the calculus of variations –, obtained solving – with $N=2$. The approximation $\\tilde{x}_2(t)$ is already visually indistinguishable from the exact solution $\\overline{x}(t)=t$, and we do not increase the value of $N$. The effectiveness of our approach is also illustrated in Table \\[tab2\\], where some numerical values of the approximation $\\tilde{x}_2(t)$ are given.", "\n\n\\\n\n$$\\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\\hline\nt & 0.2&0.4&0.6&0.8&1\\\\\n\\hline\n\\tilde{x}_2(t) & 0.1998346692 & 0.3999020706 & 0.5999392936 & 0.7999708526 & 1.0000000000 \\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{array}$$\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nWork supported by FEDER funds through COMPETE – Operational Programme Factors of Competitiveness (“Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade”) and by Portuguese funds through the [*Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications*]{} (University of Aveiro) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (“FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”), within project PEst-C/MAT/UI4106/2011 with COMPETE number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022690. 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Coimbra, On the variable order dynamics of the nonlinear wake caused by a sedimenting particle, Phys. ", "D [**240**]{} (2011), no.", " 13, 1111–1118.", "\n\nS. G. Samko, Fractional integration and differentiation of variable order, Anal. ", "Math. [**", "21**]{} (1995), no.", " 3, 213–236.", "\n\nS. G. Samko, A. A. Kilbas and O. I. Marichev, [*Fractional integrals and derivatives*]{}, translated from the 1987 Russian original, Gordon and Breach, Yverdon, 1993.", "\n\nS. G. Samko and B. Ross, Integration and differentiation to a variable fractional order, Integral Transform. ", "Spec. ", "Funct. [**", "1**]{} (1993), no.", " 4, 277–300.", "\n\nD. Valério and J. S. Costa, Variable-order fractional derivatives and their numerical approximations, Signal Process. [**", "91**]{} (2011), 470-–483.", "\n\nP. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh and I. Turner, Numerical methods for the variable-order fractional advection-diffusion equation with a nonlinear source term, SIAM J. Numer. ", "Anal. [**", "47**]{} (2009), no.", " 3, 1760–1781.", "\n\n[^1]: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will be published in *The Scientific World Journal* ([http://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj]{}). ", "Submitted 27-Aug-2013; accepted 19-Sept-2013.", "\n" ]
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[ "Influence of transurethral resection on sexual dysfunction in patients with prostate cancer.", "\nTo evaluate retrospectively the potential influence of disease-related factors and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) on the sexual function of patients who had undergone curative radiotherapy for prostate cancer. ", "The study comprised 104 patients (median age 69.5 years, range 49-81) who had been treated with curative radiotherapy and no first-line hormones: 16, 52, 33 and three patients had T1, T2, T3 and T4 tumours, respectively. ", "TURP was performed in 73 patients before RT, and needle biopsy alone in 31 patients. ", "They were interviewed about their past and present sexual lives using a questionnaire designed to evaluate the potency of the patients at age 45 years, at 1 year before the diagnosis of the disease, before radiotherapy (after TURP or needle biopsy) and at the last follow-up. ", "Information concerning associated diseases, routine medication and the weight of the resected material was also collected. ", "Before diagnosis, 20 patients had no erections while 84 were potent. ", "Of the 60 potent patients undergoing a TURP, 31 (51%) indicated complete impotence immediately thereafter. ", "There was no statistical difference between impotent and potent patients after TURP in age, associated diseases, medical treatment and the weight of the resected material. ", "TURP may lead to impotence in a significant proportion of patients. ", "As TURP is an important component of \"conservative' treatment approaches, its potential sexual morbidity should be taken into consideration in the comparative risk-benefit analysis of different therapeutic strategies." ]
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[ 0.009310070425271988, 0.0009474466787651181, 0.0006378535181283951, 0.000656803313177079, 0.0009597623720765114, 0.0005597072304226458, 0.0007080156938172877, 0.001033621490933001, 0.0007359574665315449, 0.002677517244592309, 0.005047566257417202 ]
[ "Many miniature electronic and optical devices are formed using layers of different materials stacked on each other. ", "These layers are often patterned to produce the devices. ", "Examples of such devices include optical displays in which each pixel is formed in a patterned array, optical waveguide structures for telecommunication devices, and metal-insulator-metal stacks for semiconductor-based devices.", "\nA conventional method for making these devices includes forming one or more layers on a receptor substrate and patterning the layers simultaneously or sequentially to form the device. ", "In many cases, multiple deposition and patterning steps are required to prepare the ultimate device structure. ", "For example, the preparation of optical displays may require the separate formation of red, green, and blue pixels. ", "Although some layers may be commonly deposited for each of these types of pixels, at least some layers must be separately formed and often separately patterned. ", "Patterning of the layers is often performed by photolithographic techniques that include, for example, covering a layer with a photoresist, patterning the photoresist using a mask, removing a portion of the photoresist to expose the underlying layer according to the pattern, and then etching the exposed layer.", "\nIn some applications, it may be difficult or impractical to produce devices using conventional photolithographic patterning. ", "For example, the number of patterning steps may be too large for practical manufacture of the device. ", "In addition, wet processing steps in conventional photolithographic patterning may adversely affect integrity, interfacial characteristics, and/or electrical or optical properties of the previously deposited layers. ", "It is conceivable that many potentially advantageous device constructions, designs, layouts, and materials are impractical because of the limitations of conventional photolithographic patterning. ", "There is a need for new methods of forming these devices with a reduced number of processing steps, particularly wet processing steps. ", "In at least some instances, this may allow for the construction of devices with more reliability and more complexity." ]
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[ "\n993 So.2d 530 (2008)\nHARRIS\nv.\nSTATE.", "\nNo. ", "3D07-2471.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.", "\nOctober 1, 2008.", "\nDecision without published opinion. ", "Affirmed.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.0007303216843865812, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0008784587262198329, 0.0007634327048435807, 0.0006833060178905725, 0.0006174277514219284, 0.0007905580569058657, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "A study published in Science, by researchers at Rothamsted Research (an institute of the BBSRC), the Met Office, the Natural Resources Institute, and the Universities of Exeter, Greenwich and York, sheds new light on the flight behaviours that enable insects to undertake long-distance migrations, and highlights the remarkable abilities of these insect migrants.", "\n\nMany insects avoid cold British winters by migrating south in autumn to over-wintering sites around the Mediterranean. ", "Migrant insects then return to the UK in spring. ", "How such small insects undertake journeys of several thousands of kilometres has long fascinated scientists.", "\n\nThe reported study was funded by BBSRC and used two sets of specially-designed radar equipment to observe migrating butterflies and moths flying several hundreds of metres above the ground, and to describe the sophisticated flight behaviours that they have evolved. ", "These insect migrants have a compass sense that enables them to select winds which will take them in their chosen direction, and to travel at speeds of up to 100 km per hour. ", "The fast speeds of winds aloft mean that insects travel more-or-less downwind, but they make subtle adjustments to their headings so that they partially correct for wind-induced drift away from their preferred direction of travel.", "\n\nDr Chapman said \"Migratory butterflies and moths have evolved an amazing capacity to use favourable tailwinds. ", "By flying at the heights where the wind currents are fastest, migratory moths can travel between their summer and winter grounds in just a few nights.\"", "\n\nDr Hill said \"We estimate that over 2 billion insects were involved in the mass migration events that we studied. ", "These insect migrants are clearly very successful.\"", "\n\nThe study used a computer model dubbed \"NAME\" to demonstrate that the flight behaviours observed result in migrants travelling nearly twice as far and closer to their preferred direction as an insect just randomly drifting downwind. ", "Many migratory insects are pests of agricultural crops, so the model will be useful for predicting migration events in the future.", "\n\nMs Burgin said \"We combined the results from the radar measurements of moth flight with the outputs of a model of atmosphere motion to show that by hitchhiking on suitable winds, insects can travel at greater speeds than many migrating birds, which is important given the short lifespan of insects.\"", "\n\nThis study illustrates how insects successfully undertake long-distance migrations in favourable directions. ", "Climate change is likely to significantly alter the frequency of insect migrants, including introducing some agricultural pests that are completely new to the UK. ", "Thus, a better understanding of their migration strategies is increasingly crucial in helping to secure food supplies in the long term." ]
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[ "//\n// $Id$\n// From Philippe Le Hegaret (Philippe.Le_Hegaret@sophia.inria.fr)\n//\n// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1997.", "\n// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html\npackage org.w3c.css.properties.css;\n\nimport org.w3c.css.parser.", "CssStyle;\nimport org.w3c.css.properties.css2.Css2Style;\nimport org.w3c.css.util.", "ApplContext;\nimport org.w3c.css.util.", "InvalidParamException;\nimport org.w3c.css.values.", "CssExpression;\nimport org.w3c.css.values.", "CssValue;\n\n/**\n * @version $Revision$\n * @since CSS2\n */\npublic class CssEmptyCells extends CssProperty {\n\n public CssValue value;\n\n /**\n * Create a new CssEmptyCells\n */\n public CssEmptyCells() {\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new CssEmptyCells\n *\n * @param expression The expression for this property\n * @throws org.w3c.css.util.", "InvalidParamException\n * Expressions are incorrect\n */\n public CssEmptyCells(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression, boolean check)\n throws InvalidParamException {\n throw new InvalidParamException(\"value\",\n expression.getValue().toString(),\n getPropertyName(), ac);\n }\n\n public CssEmptyCells(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression)\n throws InvalidParamException {\n this(ac, expression, false);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value of this property\n */\n public Object get() {\n return value;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Returns the name of this property\n */\n public final String getPropertyName() {\n return \"empty-cells\";\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns true if this property is \"softly\" inherited\n * e.g. his value is equals to inherit\n */\n public boolean isSoftlyInherited() {\n return value.equals(inherit);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of the object.", "\n */\n public String toString() {\n return value.toString();\n }\n\n /**\n * Add this property to the CssStyle.", "\n *\n * @param style The CssStyle\n */\n public void addToStyle(ApplContext ac, CssStyle style) {\n if (((Css2Style) style).cssEmptyCells !", "= null)\n style.addRedefinitionWarning(ac, this);\n ((Css2Style) style).cssEmptyCells = this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares two properties for equality.", "\n *\n * @param property The other property.", "\n */\n public boolean equals(CssProperty property) {\n return (property instanceof CssEmptyCells &&\n value.equals(((CssEmptyCells) property).value));\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Get this property in the style.", "\n *\n * @param style The style where the property is\n * @param resolve if true, resolve the style to find this property\n */\n public CssProperty getPropertyInStyle(CssStyle style, boolean resolve) {\n if (resolve) {\n return ((Css2Style) style).getEmptyCells();\n } else {\n return ((Css2Style) style).cssEmptyCells;\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "The other day, tri-ace came up as a topic of discussion on a forum I visit, and I was forced to face some unfortunate realities about what once might have been my favorite developer. ", "Creator of the Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile franchises, tri-ace played a large role in my gaming as a child--Star Ocean 2: The Second Story and Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time stick out far more in my memories than any non-Final Fantasy, so to a preteen/teenaged version of me, tri-ace was more important than Squaresoft.", "So when The Last Hope offered some of the most annoying J-RPG stereotyped characters I'd ever wasted my time playing, to say that I was frustrated was putting it mildly. ", "For Star Ocean 5, I had my hopes high--I couldn't believe the franchise was coming back at all, but I felt confident they would be able to right all the mistakes of 4 and bring the series back to the minor level of prominence it had during the PS1/PS2 era. ", "I followed the character reveals and videos closely and everythingon track, and yet...something happened. ", "The game came out to barely mediocre reviews; filled with backtracking, a battle system so \"reminiscent\" of SO3's it was basically a clone, and a far too short main story for a game that already reused only a handful of environments, it seemed as if Star Ocean 5 had killed tri-ace's chances at being a console game developer for good.", "But was that athing? ", "As fans we often decry the loss of every single developer that shutters its doors or turns to the far more profitable mobile world but sometimes its a necessary decision. ", "Especially lately, as developers continue to pop up that make an already competitive market even moreso. ", "Let's take a break from talking about tri-ace for a second to look at some other small developers (and one large developer with a \"small\" game)so you can see what I meanis a mid-tier sized developer that's known for their deep, innovative battle systems and quick turnover times while developing titles on shoestring budgets. ", "They're a bit mercenary in how they get their funding, so what usually holds them back is a lack of proper development time even in the face of their ability to rapidly complete titles, as seen in their Legend of Korra and TMNT projects. ", "But most recently, the company released Nier: Automata alongside famed creator Yoko Taro to worldwide critical acclaim and fantastic sales for a project of that size. ", "This was able to happen because they combined a development team known for their superb gameplay with an auteur creator like Taro who was able to provide a world and characters with which players would want to get involved.", "Then you have Nihon Falcom, a tiny but venerated studio that's been around for nearly four decades. ", "Currently known for their Ys and Kiseki series, Falcom doesn't necessarily have great sales worldwide, but they do very well domestically. ", "Their games aren't graphically impressive (their first PS4 Kiseki looks like a late game PS3 title) and their stories aren't genius, but their worlds and lore just might be the most well-developed in gaming, anywhere. ", "Pages upon pages of text devoted to their history and relations between different countries, minor and major NPCs that have their own mini-stories that play out while you're in their cities. ", "They replace the need to dazzle with visuals or do unique innovations with a world that you can lose dozens of hours exploring and learning about.", "Finally, there's Bandai-Namco's Tales series. ", "To be clear, Bandai-Namco is bya small company--they're about as big as a Japanese developer can get, in fact. ", "And the Tales series has basically shifted into being a third pillar of sorts for J-RPGs between Square-Enix's Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. ", "Still, I don't think many people would say that the budget for Tales titles would rival a Final Fantasy or probably even a DQ. ", "They're mid-tier, polished fantasy J-RPGs with an anime aesthetic that usually have good battle systems and decent production values.....Which brings me back to tri-ace, because at this point the Tales franchise have become \"Star Ocean, but better\". ", "And that's the developer's problem: there's not a single thingdo that's better than what's already on the market, or even especially different in an appreciable way. ", "They'd be almost be better off sticking to the decent amount of success they're experiencing on mobile. ", "But of course you're not here for that, so let's talk about what some backseat developer thinks they can do to save themselves.think Star Ocean is their best bet at standing out as a developer going forward. ", "But it would need to be a full-blown reboot, and preferably as the game people always think of when you say Star Ocean, not what it's always been. ", "Because hearing the name, most people would think: \"oh, a J-RPG about exploring space\" only to discover that it's a J-RPG that merelyabout space but more often than not ends up set on a planet that's more about high fantasy and magic tropes. ", "And just like that, all the intrigue of the game is usually taken out.", "A reboot of Star Ocean could instead take a hard sci-fi turn. ", "Allow players to traverse the galaxy, see multiple planets and meet dozens of alien races. ", "Perhaps the game steals liberally from Suikoden, and sets you in a world where you have to deal with the possibility of an interstellar war between multiple factions, and the only thing standing in its way is the crew you assemble from across the stars. ", "Along those lines, perhaps introduce a spaceship combat system...and have your ships develop more based on how many crew members you've assembled, as well as offering the ability to customize or purchase new ships a la Infinite Space. ", "Embrace the space opera and science fiction that's always been there but scarcely ever been lived up to. ", "This is the type of game that literallyin the Japanese console game space, roleplaying or otherwise, and it's exactly the kind of thing that would help tri-ace reassert itself as a developer worth mention in the HD era.", "Of course, budget is still an issue but after a solid decade of playing great games that aren't the best lookers, I think RPG fans will be okay if a potentially classic Star Ocean game isn't the prettiest boy/girl at the dance. ", "If anything, if that allows the game to be more full-featured and well-rounded of an experience, all the better.", "Ultimately, what's standing in tri-ace's way is the leadership necessary to carve out a niche of their own in the gaming world. ", "The console gaming industry is harsh, almost cutthroat in how demanding it can be of developers. ", "Since most developers can't do one thing at an A+ tier, gamers have come to settle for games that do most or all things at a B+ tier, and that's a tall order if you don't have the size and money behind you to make it happen. ", "And if you fail, there's usually nothing left for you than to close down. ", "Which is why as much as I want tri-ace to be as important a console developer as were did in my youth, I'm alright if they enjoy the \"easy\" money of mobile for awhile until they get there." ]
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[ "Image copyrightThinkstockImage caption\nMothers with babies up to six months old took part in the study\n\nNew mothers given an injection after their baby is born are more prone to problems with breastfeeding, a study has indicated.", "\n\nThe drug ergotmetrine is offered to mothers to speed up the delivery of the placenta.", "\n\nBut a Swansea University study of 288 women found those given the jab were more likely to report pain or difficulties when breastfeeding.", "\n\nThe mothers were also less likely to continue breastfeeding past two weeks.", "\n\nThe report concluded the injection of the drug may interfere with natural hormones which support the breastfeeding process.", "\n\nThe Swansea study recorded the experience of mothers with a baby aged 0-6 months.", "\n\nIt showed that although there was no difference in the number who began breastfeeding, those who had the injection were less likely to still be doing it two weeks later.", "\n\nBreastfeeding rates decrease\n\nOne of the authors of the report, Dr Amy Brown, said: \"The findings are very interesting as they add to the growing evidence that medications that mothers receive during labour and birth might make breastfeeding more difficult and explain why, as the number of complicated births rises in the UK, breastfeeding rates have dropped.", "\n\n\"We knew previously that women who receive this injection were less likely to breastfeed but were unsure why this might happen.", "\n\n\"This data tells us why: women are more likely to experience pain and difficulty breastfeeding their baby which leads to them moving to formula milk.\"", "\n\nCo-author Dr Sue Jordan explained the injection might interfere with the body's natural responses to hormones known as oxytocin and prolactin, which regulate the production of milk.", "\n\nShe called for further research to explore the options for new mothers to \"understand the balance between protecting women from excessive blood loss and giving them the strongest chance of breastfeeding their baby\"." ]
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[ 0.015616717748343945, 0.056709930300712585, 0.007712553720921278, 0.03777485340833664, 0.0010501372162252665, 0.0009581192280165851, 0.001848495565354824, 0.0008890133467502892, 0.02410954050719738, 0.009035487659275532, 0.0007327760104089975, 0.0043275984935462475 ]
[ "Memory Foam Mattress with unmatched comfort and spine support at best ..\n\nA window blind is a type of window covering. ", "There are many different kinds of window blinds which use a variety of control systems. ", "A typical window blind is made up of several long horizontal or vertical slats of various types of hard material, including wood, plastic or metal which are held together by cords that run through the blind slats. ", "Doors with Blinds Between Glass. ", "I wrote and article about French Doors with Built In Blinds awhile ago and numerous people have asked how to repair these type of window treatments if they get damaged. ", "The answer is not one most people want to hear. ", "Almost all of the doors and windows sold today with blinds between the glass are not easily repairable. ", "The blinds are forced bets posted by players to the left of the dealer button in flop-style poker games. ", "The number of blinds is usually two, but it can range from none to three. ", "The small blind is placed by the player to the left of the dealer button and the big blind is then posted by the next player to the left. ", "The one exception is when there are only two players (a “heads-up” game), when ULTRA PLUS APP. ", "Appeal Home Shading’s award-winning ULTRA® powered blinds’ system is now available with ULTRA® PLUS for your smartphone or tablet. ", "So shading management is not only at your fingertips when you’re home, but when you’re out and about – including abroad. ", "Roller Blinds. ", "The simple, yet stylish, shading solution for your home. ", "Swappable fabric feature as standard which means you can have a new look for your home in seconds by hooking off one fabric and hooking on a new one! ", "See all our Blinds. ", "Itzala branded blinds are low cost blinds that fit VELUX, FAKRO, RoofLITE, Dakstra, Keylite and Dakea roof windows. ", "You can choose between 3 different manuallly operated blind types and a manually operated awning that fit VELUX, FAKRO and RoofLITE roof windows. .", "\n\nPick out what you love, free samples can be found here. ", "You can also get instant prices on all of our online blinds by entering your measurements on the product pages. ", "After you’ve selected your product, you can pick the type of motorized remote you want for your home. ", "The type of remote you choose will depend on the set-up and needs of your home, and varies by brand and product. ", "Made to last. ", "Watch LEVOLOR® in action and see how our products work beautifully, today, tomorrow and every day. ", "Watch Now With a simplified selection of quality blinds, low prices, plus free samples and shipping, justblinds is the easiest way to buy custom blinds and shades online. ." ]
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[ 0.0006968865054659545, 0.0006285185809247196, 0.0009720917441882193, 0.0008192019886337221, 0.0005707409582100809, 0.0010794027475640178, 0.0006903046160005033, 0.001685882918536663, 0.0006327758310362697, 0.001110122655518353, 0.0007741229492239654, 0.0007182782283052802, 0.011278318241238594, 0.002239675261080265, 0.001311446656472981, 0.0009866543114185333, 0.00081201724242419, 0.0012741484679281712, 0.0013261516578495502, 0.0006279781810007989, 0.0005708413664251566, 0.0007226486341096461, 0.0006245646509341896, 0.0012293907348066568, 0.0006597181200049818, 0.0005754625890403986 ]
[ "It’s fair to say that when it comes to the current console generation, Sony PlayStation has laid down the marker to beat.", "\n\nAnd while it’s probably beyond Microsoft’s Xbox One to catch up with the PS4, it may be a different matter when it comes to the Nintendo Switch.", "\n\nThe PS4 has now been confirmed to have sold over 91 million units worldwide, putting it on track to surpass the Wii and the PlayStation 1.", "\n\nBut that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still face competition from other rivals too.", "\n\nNew Nintendo Switch news this week suggests that the console is doing very well in Japan.", "\n\nAnd not only selling well but beating the Sony PlayStation 4 when it comes to sales in the region.", "\n\nJapanese firm Media Create has released new data that provides a clearer picture of how things went in 2018.", "\n\nBy looking at the final weeks of last year and comparing it to information already known about the Switch, it looks to have surpassed the 3.5 million units mark.", "\n\nThat would put it in front of the PS4, which looks to have sold around 1.7 million units in Japan in 2018.", "\n\nAnd it’s also estimated that lifetime sales of the Nintendo Switch in Japan has now passed 7 million units sold.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Sony’s PS4 is reported to have reached 7.5 million in the region, meaning that it has taken the Switch less than two years to close the gap on PlayStation.", "\n\nIt now seems likely that the Nintendo Switch will become the best selling console when compared to the PS4 and Xbox One, in 2019.", "\n\nThe holidays were kind to all three hardware makers at the end of 2018, although, Nintendo also had some great news concerning their latest exclusive.", "\n\nSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate is on a hot streak when it comes to the Japanese sales charts.", "\n\nThe latest data suggests that Super Smash for Switch has now sold over 2.5 million units in the region alone.", "\n\nNintendo focusing on Super Smash during the holidays as their only big exclusive seems to have paid off.", "\n\nNot to be outdone, Sony’s PS4 exclusive – Marvel’s Spider-Man – has also been confirmed to have sold over 8 million copies since launch.", "\n\nAnd it wasn’t just Spider-Man that has been proving a big seller for Sony, who also announced some stunning stats for their PlayStation Network.", "\n\n“We are happy to announce that the monthly active users of PlayStation Network continues to show strong growth, and has surpassed 90 million as ofendof November 2018,” Sony Interactive Entertainment president and CEO John Kodera revealed this week.", "\n\n“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our passionate community around the globe, and our partners, for helping us achieve these milestones.", "\n\n“This year, we will bring more enhanced experiences to our fans along with a highly anticipated lineup of games that are only possible on PS4.", "\n\n“As we look toward the next PS4 milestone, SIE will continue to evolve, and we will further expand the platform to deliver the best interactive entertainment experiences to the world.”" ]
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[ 0.0008942415588535368, 0.0008540021372027695, 0.0009082651231437922, 0.000962184218224138, 0.0005919015966355801, 0.000727120554074645, 0.0005483725690282881, 0.0005462639965116978, 0.0007340158335864544, 0.0006734452908858657, 0.0007296382100321352, 0.0007618371746502817, 0.0005761450156569481, 0.0008848714642226696, 0.00072698132134974, 0.0009074316476471722, 0.0009250935399904847, 0.0006819947739131749, 0.0005607864004559815, 0.0004849221440963447, 0.0005566284526139498, 0.0005279714241623878 ]
[ "Antiepileptic drug treatment patterns and economic burden of commercially-insured patients with refractory epilepsy with partial onset seizures in the United States.", "\nTo assess the economic burden in direct healthcare utilization and costs for refractory epileptic patients with partial onset seizures (POS) and assess the antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment patterns among these patients. ", "This retrospective database study analyzed administrative claims of commercially-insured patients with POS from 2004-2008. ", "Healthcare costs and utilization were compared between refractory (defined as ≥3 AEDs) and non-refractory patients by calendar year and AED treatment patterns were described for refractory patients. ", "Of the 79,149 patients identified (mean age 33 years; 54.8% female), 8714 (11%) were classified as refractory. ", "In 2008, average annual healthcare costs for refractory patients were significantly higher than non-refractory patients ($33,613 vs $19,085), also by settings for inpatient ($11,780 vs $6076), outpatient ($13,431 vs $8637), and pharmacy costs ($8402 vs $4372) (all p < 0.001). ", "Among refractory patients, close to one-third of total costs were for POS-related services. ", "Similar trends were observed when assessing POS-related utilization and costs. ", "The differences were consistent across all calendar years examined. ", "Among refractory patients, 80.5% were on monotherapy at the beginning of the follow-up period. ", "Levetiracetam is the common AED in mono/combination therapy as well as add-on/switch-to. ", "The onset of seizure cannot be identified, and the indication of each AED could not be confirmed from the pharmacy claims. ", "Only direct medical costs were assessed. ", "Pattern of use was very dynamic, suggesting seizures are not well-controlled. ", "Improving seizure control and reducing economic burden of refractory epilepsy remain important unmet medical needs in this population." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007480707135982811, 0.0005988331395201385, 0.0006004433380439878, 0.0005771418218500912, 0.0006616318714804947, 0.0006165312952362001, 0.0006919858860783279, 0.0005649867234751582, 0.0005803444655612111, 0.0005790683790110052, 0.0007912091678008437, 0.0005832434399053454, 0.0007708214689046144, 0.0007518091006204486, 0.0008216018904931843 ]
[ "package moe.feng.support.biometricprompt;\n\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.content.", "DialogInterface;\nimport android.hardware.fingerprint.", "FingerprintManager;\nimport android.os.*;", "\nimport android.support.annotation.", "NonNull;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "Nullable;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "RequiresApi;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "RestrictTo;\nimport android.util.", "Log;\nimport android.view.", "View;\n\nimport javax.crypto.", "Cipher;\nimport javax.crypto.", "Mac;\nimport java.security.", "Signature;\n\n@RequiresApi(api = Build.", "VERSION_CODES.M)\n@RestrictTo({RestrictTo.", "Scope.", "LIBRARY})\nclass BiometricPromptApi23Impl implements IBiometricPromptImpl {\n\n private final Context context;\n\n private final Handler mainHandler;\n private final Handler animateHandler;\n\n private final FingerprintManager fingerprintManager;\n\n private final BiometricPromptCompatDialog dialog;\n\n @Nullable\n private CancellationSignal cancellationSignal;\n\n private BiometricPromptCompat.", "IAuthenticationCallback callback;\n\n private FingerprintManager.", "AuthenticationCallback fmAuthCallback\n = new FingerprintManagerAuthenticationCallbackImpl();\n\n @Nullable\n private DialogInterface.", "OnClickListener negativeButtonListener;\n\n BiometricPromptApi23Impl(\n @NonNull Context context,\n @NonNull CharSequence title,\n @Nullable CharSequence subtitle,\n @Nullable CharSequence description,\n @Nullable CharSequence negativeButtonText,\n @Nullable DialogInterface.", "OnClickListener negativeButtonListener\n ) {\n this.context = context;\n this.mainHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());\n this.animateHandler = new AnimateHandler(context.getMainLooper());\n this.fingerprintManager = context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class);\n this.negativeButtonListener = negativeButtonListener;\n\n dialog = new BiometricPromptCompatDialog(context);\n\n dialog.setTitle(title);\n if (subtitle == null) {\n dialog.getSubtitle().setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n } else {\n dialog.getSubtitle().setText(subtitle);\n }\n if (description == null) {\n dialog.getDescription().setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n } else {\n dialog.getDescription().setText(description);\n }\n if (negativeButtonText == null) {\n dialog.getNegativeButton().setVisibility(View.", "INVISIBLE);\n } else {\n dialog.getNegativeButton().setText(negativeButtonText);\n if (negativeButtonListener == null) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Negative button listener should not be null.\");", "\n }\n dialog.getNegativeButton().setOnClickListener(v -> {\n dialog.dismiss();\n negativeButtonListener.onClick(dialog, DialogInterface.", "BUTTON_NEGATIVE);\n });\n }\n }\n\n @NonNull\n @Override\n public Context getContext() {\n return context;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void authenticate(\n @Nullable BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject crypto,\n @Nullable CancellationSignal cancel,\n @NonNull BiometricPromptCompat.", "IAuthenticationCallback callback\n ) {\n if (dialog.isShowing()) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"BiometricPrompt has been started.\");", "\n }\n this.cancellationSignal = cancel;\n this.callback = callback;\n if (cancellationSignal == null) {\n cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal();\n }\n CancellationSignal innerCancel = new CancellationSignal();\n cancellationSignal.setOnCancelListener(() -> {\n innerCancel.cancel();\n dialog.cancel();\n });\n\n dialog.setOnDismissListener(dialogInterface -> {\n if (cancellationSignal !", "= null && !", "cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {\n cancellationSignal.cancel();\n }\n });\n dialog.setOnCancelListener(dialogInterface -> {\n if (cancellationSignal !", "= null && !", "cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {\n cancellationSignal.cancel();\n }\n });\n dialog.setOnShowListener(d -> {\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(\n FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON, false);\n fingerprintManager.authenticate(\n toCryptoObjectApi23(crypto), innerCancel,\n 0, fmAuthCallback, mainHandler);\n });\n\n dialog.show();\n }\n\n BiometricPromptCompatDialog getAuthenticateDialogForFragment(\n @Nullable BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject crypto,\n @Nullable CancellationSignal cancel,\n @NonNull BiometricPromptCompat.", "IAuthenticationCallback callback\n ) {\n if (dialog.isShowing()) {\n Log.e(BiometricPromptCompat.", "TAG, \"BiometricPrompt has been started.\");", "\n }\n this.cancellationSignal = cancel;\n this.callback = callback;\n if (cancellationSignal == null) {\n cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal();\n }\n CancellationSignal innerCancel = new CancellationSignal();\n cancellationSignal.setOnCancelListener(() -> {\n innerCancel.cancel();\n dialog.cancel();\n });\n\n dialog.setOnShowListener(d -> {\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(\n FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON, false);\n fingerprintManager.authenticate(\n toCryptoObjectApi23(crypto), innerCancel,\n 0, fmAuthCallback, mainHandler);\n });\n\n return dialog;\n }\n\n private static FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject toCryptoObjectApi23(\n BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject ico) {\n if (ico == null) {\n return null;\n } else if (ico.getCipher() !", "= null) {\n return new FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject(ico.getCipher());\n } else if (ico.getMac() !", "= null) {\n return new FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject(ico.getMac());\n } else if (ico.getSignature() !", "= null) {\n return new FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject(ico.getSignature());\n } else {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"ICryptoObject doesn\\'t include any data.\");", "\n }\n }\n\n private static class CryptoObjectApi23Impl implements BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject {\n\n private final FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject cryptoObject;\n\n CryptoObjectApi23Impl(FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject cryptoObject) {\n this.cryptoObject = cryptoObject;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Signature getSignature() {\n return cryptoObject.getSignature();\n }\n\n @Override\n public Cipher getCipher() {\n return cryptoObject.getCipher();\n }\n\n @Override\n public Mac getMac() {\n return cryptoObject.getMac();\n }\n\n }\n\n private class AnimateHandler extends Handler {\n\n static final int WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE = 0;\n\n AnimateHandler(@NonNull Looper looper) {\n super(looper);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void handleMessage(Message msg) {\n switch (msg.what) {\n case WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE:\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON);\n dialog.getStatus().setText(R.string.touch_fingerprint_sensor_hint);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n private class FingerprintManagerAuthenticationCallbackImpl\n extends FingerprintManager.", "AuthenticationCallback {\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationError(int errorCode, CharSequence errString) {\n animateHandler.removeMessages(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE);\n if (errString !", "= null) {\n dialog.getStatus().setText(errString);\n }\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ERROR);\n animateHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE, 2000);\n callback.onAuthenticationError(errorCode, errString);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationHelp(int helpCode, CharSequence helpString) {\n if (helpString !", "= null) {\n dialog.getStatus().setText(helpString);\n }\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON);\n callback.onAuthenticationHelp(helpCode, helpString);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(FingerprintManager.", "AuthenticationResult result) {\n mainHandler.post(dialog::dismiss);\n callback.onAuthenticationSucceeded(() ->\n new CryptoObjectApi23Impl(result.getCryptoObject()));\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationFailed() {\n animateHandler.removeMessages(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE);\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ERROR);\n dialog.getStatus().setText(R.string.not_recognized_fingerprint_hint);\n animateHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE, 2000);\n callback.onAuthenticationFailed();\n }\n }\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Survival of T- and B-Phenotype Diffuse Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas.", "\nSurvival of immunophenotyped non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) diagnosed as diffuse mixed, diffuse large and large cell immunoblastic by the working formulation was evaluated based on phenotypic categories. ", "These subtypes were grouped as diffuse aggressive NHLs due to their similarities, and categorized into T- and B-phenotype NHLs. ", "There were 45 (57.7%) cases of T-NHL and 33 (42.3%) B-NHL. ", "Major clinical factors such as sex, age, stage, B-symptoms and site of disease, as well as performance status (PS), LDH, primary site and number of extra-nodal sites involved showed equal distributions between T- and B-NHLs. ", "Combination chemotherapeutic regimens based on doxorubicin were used in 84% of these cases. ", "Complete remission was achieved in 73.6% of T-NHL and 74.1% of B-NHL. ", "Median survival for the T- and B-NHL was the same over 30 months. ", "Projected survival at 5 years was also similar, T-NHL (35%) and B-NHL (38%). ", "Unilaterally, survival was adversely affected in stage III/IV of T-NHL and for age over 65 years for B-NHL. ", "Survival was unfavorable for the B-NHL without B-symptoms when compared to T-NHLs. ", "Multivariately, only sex, B-symptoms and PS significantly (P < 0.05) affected the survival of T-NHL. ", "Although the overall results indicate that the response and survival of T- and B-NHL are similar, the differences observed on the effect of sex, age, stage, B-symptoms and PS on survival of T- and B-NHLs imply that, their influence on T-NHLs was different from that for B-NHLs. ", "Therefore we suggest that separate prognostic models are needed for the T- and B-phenotype NHLs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.027151118963956833, 0.001359838410280645, 0.0009123285999521613, 0.001140320091508329, 0.0007137038628570735, 0.0009663978707976639, 0.0007965947734192014, 0.0006464712787419558, 0.0006144558428786695, 0.0006878911517560482, 0.0008590389625169337, 0.0012559228343889117, 0.000737710390239954, 0.0007792201358824968 ]
[ "Tag Archives: International Chemical Identifier\n\nInChI Strings and InChIKeys are very much the backbone of ChemSpider and have quickly become a way by which online databases are being connected online. ", "The InChIKey is a hash of the InChiString and when the hash was adopted it was suggested that the likelihood that there would be a collision was very small, the estimate being, as quoted from the official InChI site:\n\n“An example of InChI with its InChKey equivalent is shown below. ", "There is a finite, but very small probability of finding two structures with the same InChIKey. ", "For duplication of only the first block of 14 characters this is 1.3% in 109, equivalent to a single collision in one of 75 databases of 109 compounds each.”", "\n\nAt a previous ACS Meeting Prof Jonathan Goodman from University of Cambridge announced that he had identified a collision. ", "The collision was for two isomers of spongistatin, a rather complex chemical structure with many stereocenters.", "\n\nJonathan has “done it again”…what a troublemaker he is (in a supremely gentlemanly way!). ", "I was fortunate enough to receive the news about this collision from him just as I was getting on the flight from ACS Denver to home tonight and asked his permission to blog it as it is both exciting and, I believe, quite surprising news. ", "Why? ", "In this case the collision is for two distinctly different chemicals with totally different formulae and with NO stereochemistry! ", "Very surprising!", "\n\nAs you can see in the figure below the two chemical compounds are simply long branched alkyl chains, one an alcohol and one a ketone.", "\n\nIn case Jonathan’s software tool that he was using to connect to the InChI generation software was doing something untoward with the molfile I confirmed the observation myself by drawing the structures in ACD/ChemSketch and generating the InChIKeys there. ", "And, sure enough…I see exactly the same Standard InChIKeys for both molecules as shown in the movie below. ", "VERY interesting!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006614256999455392, 0.0008679367019794881, 0.0006526724901050329, 0.0006204004166647792, 0.0005620492738671601, 0.0006430632201954722, 0.0019163178512826562, 0.0005163670284673572, 0.0009686383418738842, 0.0006381304701790214, 0.0008428008877672255, 0.0006497186259366572, 0.0008702260674908757, 0.0006421589641831815, 0.0006459357682615519 ]
[ "30% is the usual semi-regular offer, but over the summer they offered 35%\n\nMost of the time they have tiers of bonuses up to some maximum (30%). ", "This one is a straight 30%\n\nBut this time there’s one change — Marriott Travel Packages are no longer eligible for the conversion bonus (neither are Starwood Nights + Flights packages).", "\n\nAmerican Express Membership Rewards is excluded from this bonus (it isn’t a hotel program). ", "But Starwood points transfers (and other hotel programs) are eligible.", "\n\nThe bonus is on the cumulative miles transferred across all hotel programs during the promotion period. ", "You can transfer from several hotel programs or move points in several transfers. ", "No registration is required.", "\n\nNormally 160,000 Starwood Starpoints will transfer to 200,000 Aeroplan points. ", "That will get you a bonus of 60,000 Aeroplan points and you’ll have a total of 260,000 in your Aeroplan account. ", "That’s an effective transfer ratio of 1.625 Aeroplan points per Starwood point.", "\n\nLet me show you the math on 133,000 points for 2 business class tickets.", "\n\nTransferring to 175,000 Aeroplan points generates a 30% bonus of 52,500 giving you a total of 227,500 Aeropolan points.", "\n\nTwo roundtrip business class awards between the US and nearer Europe costs 220,000 Aeroplan points.", "\nSo you don’t need to transfer the full 140,000 from Starwood but because of the 5000 bonus for hitting 140,000 you’d only save a couple thousand Starpoints if you don’t.", "\n\nThe minimum transfer of Starpoints for these 2 business class roundtrips would be 139,231. ", "That normally yields 169,231 miles. ", "This promotion delivers another 50,769 bonus miles for a total of 220,000 miles.", "\n\nWith Aeroplan you can even have a stopover (visit a city along the way to or from your destination) on a roundtrip award and an open jaw (either come back from a different city than the one you arrive in, or return to a different city than the one you started in).", "\n\nFuel surcharges are whatever would be charged on a similar, paid itinerary. ", "LOT fuel surcharges are low, so booking an Aeroplan award on LOT Polish isn’t very costly.", "\n\nAeroplan doesn’t put awards on hold, and transfers are Starwood points are not instantaneous. ", "So you can’t lock in an award with available space now, and then make the transfer. ", "You have to make the transfer, wait for all of the points to post, and then book an award.", "\n\nI find though that I use Aeroplan quite frequently (at least as a Membership Rewards transfer partner) for 55,000 mile business class one-way awards between the US and Europe.", "\n\nBonus offer valid only on conversions received from eligible hotel partner loyalty programs points into Aeroplan Miles made between November 6 and December 11, 2017 (11:59 EDT). ", "Bonus Aeroplan Miles will be issued by Aeroplan as follows: once the total Aeroplan Miles are earned by exchanging points from any combination of eligible partner programs during the promotion, the bonus miles deposited will represent 30% of the total miles earned from the exchange, BONUS MILE CREDITING: Bonus Aeroplan Miles may take up to 4-6 weeks to be credited after the promotional offer end date of December 11, 2017.", "\n\n*The total amount of miles received from the conversion of hotel loyalty program points into Aeroplan miles must be greater than or equal to 5,000 Aeroplan Miles in order to be eligible to receive the 30% bonus.", "\n\nWhile the conversion of Membership Rewards® points from American Express Card members accounts into Aeroplan Miles is still possible, it is not eligible for this bonus miles promotion.", "\n\nAlthough eligible CIBC Aventura cardholders as of October 1, 2013, can convert their Aventura points into Aeroplan Miles, these conversions are not eligible for this bonus miles promotion.", "\n\nBonus Aeroplan Miles received from the exchange of hotel loyalty program points into Aeroplan Miles are not eligible for status in the Aeroplan program.", "\n\nThis offer is not applicable to Hotel+Air package redemptions offered by Marriott Rewards and Starwood Preferred Guest.", "\n\nMore From View from the Wing\n\nGary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002.", "\nCo-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the \"World's Top Travel Experts\" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. ", "More About Gary »\n\nComments\n\nGary, I’m looking to use Aeroplan miles to book EVA air (two business class tickets for a total of 310K) from JFK to South Asia next year. ", "Would you say, using 90K SPG pts towards the Marriott Package for 120K Aeroplan miles (& 7 hotel nights) or using 80K SPG pts for 130K Aeroplans miles (will use Amex MR pts for the remaining needed miles) with this promotion is a better deal?", "\n\nI was checking LAX to Paris/Rome/London Biz Award tickets, however the tax fee is $400-700 one way , so crazy. ", "Does anyone know a better way to get Europe business class award tickets? ", "Thanks in advance.", "\n\nAbout Gary Leff\n\nGary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel -- a topic he has covered since 2002.", "\n\nCo-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the \"World's Top Travel Experts\" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. ", "More About Gary »\n\nView from the Wing is a project of Miles and Points Consulting, LLC. ", "This site is for entertainment purpose only. ", "The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances.", "\n\nAdvertiser Disclosure: Many (but not all) of the credit card offers on the site are from banks from which we receive compensation if you are approved. ", "Compensation does not impact the placement of cards in content. ", "Banner advertising, in contrast, is paid for by advertisers (we do not directly control the banner advertising on this blog).", "\n\nI don't include all US credit card offers available on this site. ", "Instead, I write primarily about cards which earn airline miles, hotel points, and some cash back (or have points that can be converted into the same).", "\n\nEditorial Note: The opinions, analyses, and evaluations here are mine and not provided by any bank including (but not limited to) American Express, Chase, Citibank, US Bank, Barclays or any other company. ", "They have not reviewed, approved or endorsed what I have to say.", "\n\nComments made in response to posts are not provided or commissioned nor have they been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any bank. ", "It is not the responsibility of any advertiser to ensure that questions are answered." ]
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[ "Hey hunters! ", "Here’s a few cool freebies being given out by Love2Love. ", "Just head over to their website and you can choose a sample from 4 of their newest fragrances! ", "These are only available to people in the U.S.\n\nHere’s how Love2Love describe their fragrance selection:\n\nThe love2love fragrance collection was inspired by a spectrum of colors that express a woman’s joy and sheer happiness. ", "Each shamelessly feminine scent will speak to the woman who loves the idea of being in love. ", "One spritz will make her smile as she imagines the exciting possibilities a new day can bring. ", "Each scent is designed to capture a stylish duo of ingredients that reflect perfect pairs in love.", "\n\nBelow are the 4 different sample fragrances available to choose from!", "\n\nEnjoy guys! ", "You can apply for your free Love2Love samples by clicking here. (", "Look for the small red “free sample” button in the top-right!)" ]
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[ "The Long Story.", "\n\nThe Long Story. - ", "Page Text Content\n\nS: The Long Story. ", "by Shaun Luis Garnica\n\n3: to my Dad I love you Daddy\n\n19: Shaun is a six year old budding author. ", "He enjoys writing and illustrating. ", "He loves to learn about science at school. ", "When he is not at kindergarten, he likes to color, build with legos, and create buildings or train tracks. ", "He may also be found climbing trees or riding his bike. ", "Shaun has a dad, a mom, a younger sister (Reese), and another sister on the way. ", "He is loved!" ]
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[ "/*\n Erica Sadun, http://ericasadun.com\n iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 6.x Edition\n BSD License, Use at your own risk\n */\n\n\n#import \"UIImage-Rotation.h\"\n\nUIImage *rotatedImage(UIImage *image, CGFloat rotation)\n{\n // Calculate Destination Size\n CGAffineTransform t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rotation);\n CGRect sizeRect = (CGRect) {.size = image.size};\n CGRect destRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(sizeRect, t);\n CGSize destinationSize = destRect.size;\n\n // Draw image\n UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(destinationSize);\n CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();\n CGContextTranslateCTM(context, destinationSize.width / 2.0f, destinationSize.height / 2.0f);\n CGContextRotateCTM(context, rotation);\n [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(-image.size.width / 2.0f, -image.size.height / 2.0f, image.size.width, image.size.height)];\n \n // Save image\n\tUIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();\n\tUIGraphicsEndImageContext();\n\treturn newImage;\n}\n\n@implementation UIImage (Rotation)\n- (BOOL) isLandscape\n{\n if (self.size.width > self.size.height)\n return YES;\n return NO;\n}\n\n- (BOOL) isPortrait\n{\n return !(", "self.isLandscape);\n}\n\n- (UIImage *) rotateBy: (CGFloat) theta\n{\n return rotatedImage(self, theta);\n}\n\n+ (UIImage *) image: (UIImage *) image rotatedBy: (CGFloat) theta\n{\n return rotatedImage(image, theta);\n}\n@end\n" ]
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[ "---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/07/2000 09:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nBen F Jacoby@ECT\n11/06/2000 10:21 PM\nSent by: Ben Jacoby@ECT\nTo: Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay \nMann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Bills/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: LM6000 Contract Payment Allocations\n\nFolks:\n\nBased on our meeting with GE last Friday, we have decided to allocate post \nNov. 15th payment obligations to the stand-alone LM6000 turbine purchase \nagreements as set forth in the attached spreadsheet. ", "Please let me know if \nyou have any questions or comments.", "\n\nRegards,\n\n\nBen" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to grab images by author / personal gallery\n\nI've encountered a problem that I can't solve, while programming a page template for a profile page.", "\nHow can I get all of the attachment IDs from a particular author with a stated attachment type?", "\nSomething like get_attachments_from_user(userid, 'images');\nAnd is it possible to provide a user an option to edit media but only his own?", "\nFor example: I uploaded an image, now only I can see it (or admins) and only I can edit it (or admins).", "\nI'm trying to create a personal gallery for the users in my Website and in practice I have no idea how, in theory I do...\n\nA:\n\nTry using this query for retrieve attachment of particular user\n$query = new WP_Query( array('author'=> $your_author_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image',));\n\n" ]
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[ "Chapter XIX.—The Rulers of the Churches of Rome and Alexandria during the Reign of Verus.", "\n\n1. ", "In the eighth year of the above-mentioned reign 1208\nSoter 1209\nsucceeded Anicetus 1210\nas bishop of the church of Rome, after the latter had held office eleven years in all. ", "But when Celadion 1211\nhad presided over the church of Alexandria for fourteen years he was succeeded by Agrippinus. ", "1212\n\nFootnotes\n\nAs was remarked in chap. ", "11, note 18, Anicetus held office until 165 or 167, i.e. possibly until the seventh year of Marcus Aurelius. ", "The date therefore given here for the accession of Soter is at least a year out of the way. ", "The Armenian Chron. ", "puts his accession in the 236th Olympiad, i.e. the fourth to the seventh year of this reign, while the version of Jerome puts it in the ninth year. ", "From Bk. ", "V. chap. ", "1 we learn that he held office eight years, and this is the figure given by both versions of the Chron. ", "In chap. ", "23 Eusebius quotes from a letter of Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, addressed to Soter, in which he remarks that the Corinthian church have been reading on the Lord’s day an epistle written to them by Soter. ", "It was during his episcopate that Montanus labored in Asia Minor, and the anonymous author of the work called Prædestinatus (written in the middle of the fifth century) states that Soter wrote a treatise against him which was answered by Tertullian, but there seems to be no foundation for the tradition. ", "Two spurious epistles and several decretals have been falsely ascribed to him.", "\n\nOf Agrippinus we know only what Eusebius tells us here and in Bk. ", "V. chap. ", "9, where he says that he held office twelve years. ", "Jerome’s version of the Chron. ", "agrees as to the duration of his episcopate, but puts his accession in the sixth year of Marcus Aurelius. ", "In the Armenian version a curious mistake occurs in connection with his name. ", "Under the ninth year of Marcus Aurelius are found the words, Romanorum ecclesiæ XII. ", "episcopus constitutus est Agrippinus annis IX., ", "and then Eleutherus (under the thirteenth year of the same ruler) is made the thirteenth bishop, while Victor, his successor, is not numbered, and Zephyrinus the successor of the latter, is made number fourteen. ", "It is of course plain enough that the transcriber by an oversight read Romanorum ecclesiæ instead of Alexandrinæ ecclesiæ, and then having given Soter just above as the eleventh bishop, he felt compelled to make Agrippinus the twelfth, and hence reversed the two numbers, nine and twelve, given in connection with Agrippinus and made him the twelfth bishop, ruling nine years, instead of the ninth bishop, ruling twelve years. ", "He then found himself obliged to make Eleutherus the thirteenth, but brought the list back into proper shape again by omitting to number Victor as the fourteenth. ", "It is hard to understand how a copyist could commit such a flagrant error and not discover it when he found himself subsequently led into difficulty by it. ", "It simply shows with what carelessness the work of translation or of transcription was done. ", "As a result of the mistake no ninth bishop of Alexandria is mentioned, though the proper interval of twelve years remains between the death of Celadion and the accession of Julian." ]
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[ "Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activation by the bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B: role of macrophages and T cells.", "\nStaphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a bacterial superantigen which stimulates T cells bearing the V beta 8 motif on the T-cell receptor. ", "This stimulation is MHC class II dependent, and in vivo results in a rapid and pronounced T-cell cytokine response. ", "Based on previous evidence that SEB stimulates corticosterone production in BALB/c mice, which possess a high percentage of V beta 8+ T cells, we explored the effects of SEB on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and identified the peripheral immunologic cellular requirements for these effects. ", "Administration of SEB stimulates corticosterone in a dose-dependent manner, with peak production of corticosterone occurring by 2 h after intraperitoneal challenge with 50 micrograms SEB. ", "Challenge with staphylococcal enterotoxin A, which activates V beta 3+ and V beta 11+ T cells (deleted during ontogenesis in BALB/c mice), did not increase ACTH or corticosterone production. ", "Furthermore, SEB challenge increased plasma ACTH, which accounted for the increased plasma corticosterone, and increased the expression of c-fos in the PVN region of the hypothalamus. ", "In vivo elimination of macrophages did not prevent the corticosterone response to SEB, suggesting that pituitary-adrenal activation does not require macrophages. ", "However, when mice were pretreated with the T-cell immunosuppressant cyclosporin A, the significantly increased ACTH and corticosterone production in response to SEB was dramatically attenuated. ", "These results demonstrate that bacterial superantigens can stimulate the HPA axis, and that functional T cells may play an obligatory role in this effect." ]
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[ "Frictional unemployment\n\nFrictional unemployment is a type of unemployment. ", "It is sometimes called search unemployment and can be based on the circumstances of the individual. ", "It is time spent between jobs when a worker is searching for a job or transferring from one job to another. ", "Frictional unemployment is one of the three broad categories of unemployment, the others being structural unemployment and cyclical unemployment. ", "A person may be looking for a job change for better opportunities, services, salary and wages, or because of dissatisfaction with the previous job. ", "Strikes by trade unions also give rise to frictional unemployment.", "\n\nAnalysis\nFrictional unemployment exists because both jobs and workers are heterogeneous, and a mismatch can result between the characteristics of supply and demand. ", "Such a mismatch can be related to skills, payment, worktime, location, attitude, taste, and a multitude of other factors. ", "New entrants (such as graduating students) and re-entrants (such as former homemakers) can also suffer a spell of frictional unemployment. ", "Workers as well as employers accept a certain level of imperfection, risk or compromise, but usually not right away; they will invest some time and effort to find a match. ", "This is in fact beneficial to the economy since it results in a better allocation of resources. ", "However, if the search takes too long and mismatches are too frequent, the economy suffers, since some work will not get done. ", "Therefore, governments will seek ways to reduce unnecessary frictional unemployment.", "\n\nFrictional unemployment is related to and compatible with the concept of full employment. ", "At full employment the unemployment rate will be positive because of the inevitable presence of frictional unemployment.", "\n\nThe frictions in the labor market are sometimes illustrated graphically with a Beveridge curve, a downward-sloping, convex curve that shows a fixed relationship between the unemployment rate on one axis and the vacancy rate on the other. ", "Changes in the supply of or demand for labor cause movements along this curve. ", "An increase in labor market frictions will shift the curve outwards.", "\n\nExamples\nOne kind of frictional unemployment is called wait unemployment: it refers to the effects of the existence of some sectors where employed workers are paid more than the market-clearing equilibrium wage. ", "Not only does this restrict the amount of employment in the high-wage sector, but it attracts workers from other sectors who wait to try to get jobs there. ", "The main problem with this theory is that such workers will likely \"wait\" while having jobs, so that they are not counted as unemployed. ", "In Hollywood, for example, those who are waiting for acting jobs also wait on tables in restaurants for pay (while acting in \"Equity Waiver\" plays at night for no pay). ", "However, these workers might be seen as underemployed (definition 1).", "\n\nSolutions\nPolicies to reduce frictional unemployment include:\n educational advice;\n information on available jobs and workers;\n combating prejudice (against certain workers, jobs or locations);\n incentives and regulations (e.g. when the frictionally unemployed receive benefits);\n relocation of industries and services;\n facilities to increase availability and flexibility (e.g. daycare centers);\n aid or grants to overcome a specific obstacle (e.g. if a handicapped worker is employed);\n reduction of the gap between gross and net wages (e.g. by taxing consumption instead).", "\n When handing out work permits (to foreigners), i.e. must stay with that company at the same work place address as state on the work permit.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nMarket with search frictions, Scientific Background on the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2010 compiled by the Economic Sciences Prize Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.", "\n\nCategory:Unemployment" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to transfer class value from popup window to parent window using jquery\n\nI want to get class name from popup window to parent window. ", "If my popup window show instagram page and I click on follow button, then the class of the follow button will change. ", "I want if I click on the follow button after that in my parent window count the follow by +1 point. ", "If I don't click the follow button and close the popup window, then follow won't count to my parent window.", "\nCan someone give the solution for this problem with some of jquery code?", "\n\nA:\n\nMain :\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <body>\n <span id=\"followerCount\"></span>\n <br/>\n <button onclick=\"openPopup()\">Open Popup</button>\n </body>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n let followerCount = 999;\n\n writeFollowerCount();\n\n function writeFollowerCount() {\n document.getElementById('followerCount').innerText = followerCount.toString();\n }\n\n function openPopup() {\n window.open('popup.html', 'mypopup', 'width=500,height=300');\n }\n\n function follow() {\n followerCount++;\n writeFollowerCount();\n }\n </script>\n </html>\n\nPopup :\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<body>\n<button onclick=\"follow()\">Follow</button>\n</body>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n function follow() {\n window.opener.follow();\n window.close();\n }\n</script>\n</html>\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFolder with space in name not recognized\n\ni'm very new to stackoverflow and to bash/python scripting.", "\nI'm in need to resize some Data Terrain Model files (300+) in .tif format to be able to convert 'em into .hgt and i'm able to do it all using gdal tool but only per single file at once.", "\nGuess you alredy spotted where scripting comes in: need to automatize the process for the 300+ files!", "\nSo i started looking a bit about how bash works and came out with this:\n#!", "/bin/bash\nfor filename in \"'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM\\ Alos/'\"*.tif; do\n PATH=/usr/bin/ gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 $filename.tif \"'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/temp/'\"$filename.tif\ndone\n\nI always used the backslash to move into \"spaced\" name directories or files but seems not working with scripting.... googleing i found using quotes or double quotes would fix it but still no success\nAs you have seen in the code above i used double quote, quote and backslash alone and any combination of the 3 but i'm always getting\n\nERROR 4: '/home/fenix/1: No such file or directory\n\nWhy?!?!", "\nThanks in advance and sorry for my english!", "\nEDIT:\nFollowing tripleee golden suggestions i edited the script like:\n#!", "/bin/bash\nPATH=/usr/bin/\nfor filename in \"/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/\"*.tif; do\n gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 \"$filename\" \"/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/temp/${filename##*/}\"\ndone\n\nAnd worked like a charm!", "\n\nA:\n\nYour excessive quoting is getting in the way.", "\n#!", "/bin/bash\nfor filename in \"/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/\"*.tif; do\n PATH=/usr/bin/ gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 \"$filename\" \"${filename##*/}\"\ndone\n\nThe string /home/fenix/stuff with spaces can be expressed as either of\n/home/fenix/stuff\\ with\\ spaces\n\"/home/fenix/stuff with spaces\"\n'/home/fenix/stuff with spaces'\n\nA backslash or quote within quotes produces a literal backslash or quote, as part of the quoted string. ", "A backslashed backslash or quote similarly produces a literal backslash or quote.", "\nSingle quotes are stronger; everything between them is literal. ", "Double quotes allow for variable and backtick expansion, and backslash quoting.", "\nSo \"'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM\\ Alos/'\" refers to ./'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM\\ Alos/ which probably isn't a valid path, unless the current directory contains a directory whose name is literally a single quote, etc (where I put in the leading ./ just to make this more explicit).", "\nPerhaps a complication is that the quotes inhibit wildcard expansion; so the wildcard *.tif needs to be unquoted. (", "Well, strictly speaking, only the wildcard needs to be unquoted; *'.tif' or *\".tif\" or *\\.\\t\\i\\f would work, too.)", "\nNotice also that the value of $filename is the full path to each expanded value of the wildcard, with no directory prefix or extension suffix trimmed off or any other magic like that. ", "I have speculatively shown how to pass the last argument as the filename with the directory path trimmed off (the parameter substitution ${variable##pattern} retrieves the value of variable with any prefix matching pattern trimmed off). ", "So the output file should land in the current directory, with inp^t from the wildcard match (hopefully then in a different directory, so you don't end up overwriting your input files).", "\nFinally, observe how we take care to always use double quotes around variables which contain file names. (", "Failing to do this is a common error even in some fairly popular tutorials. ", "The script will appear to work until you try to handle file names with irregular spacing or literal asterisks, etc.)", "\nThe wacky PATH assignment looks weird, too. ", "Does gdalwarp execute external commands, and do you really then want it to only find external commands in /usr/bin? ", "Or perhaps you mean to run /usr/bin/gdalwarp (though setting the correct PATH at the beginning of the script would arguably be better than hardcoding a specific absolute pathname).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "You’ll not be surprised that I am a fan of contemporary illustrated tarots decks, though you might be surprised by how many of them there are. ", "There has been a strong current of contemporary illustrators taking on the challenge of illustrating tarot cards in the last few years and the results are, for the most part, stunning, the variety of interpretations brings a wonderful, modern vibrancy to the tarot, always a reminder that it is a useful tool even outside the realm of diviniation. ", "While not all of these decks are easy or useful to read with the sheer imagination that many of the artists bring to a single illustration is worth checking them out. ", "Often the ability to draw a single card instead of an entire deck can produce beautiful results.", "\n\nThis is probably the first contemporary illustrated tarot I ever saw. ", "While I was already working on the Chibi Tarot the existence and expansion of a modern illustrated tarot really heartened me. ", "The cards themselves are from a mind-bending variety of styles. ", "The sheer ecclectism of the deck makes it a wonderful artifact, but I can’t imagine reading with it. ", "The Super Punch tarot was produced for an art show at the Bear and Bird gallery in Florida, but was never produced as an actual deck since the variety of sizes and styles made that nearly impossible. ", "I actually own one of the pieces that was in the show, Jerrod Maruyama’s 6 of Cups, for what I hope are obvious reasons.", "\n\nThe Light Grey Tarot was “[c]urated by Light Grey Art Lab as a part of the Tarot, Mystics and Occult Exhibition.” ", "This deck brings together a group of 78 artists to reinterperet the tarot in a much more cohesive fashion than the Super Punch tarot did. ", "While the styles still vary wildly, there seems to be more focus on the conjuration of the occult. ", "Where the Super Punch illustrators seemed to bring tarot ideas into the realm of pop culture (the King of Cups, for example), the illustrators in the Light Grey Tarot seemed much more focused on bringing a powerful syncretic and mystical energy into the deck. ", "So while the the illustrations feel fresh and lively, the connection to the tarot’s rich history of symbolism and illustration shines through here.", "\n\nIt was produced as an actual deck with a booklet and is one that I own and have read with. ", "It is not the most resonant deck for me, as not all the illustrations seem to be focused on the symbolism of the cards (the six of swords is particularly mute for me), but so many of the illustrations are so evocative that reading with it can be a real pleasure, and the deck is still for sale.", "\n\nAn oversized majors only deck funded on Kickstarter, the Wooden Tarot is the work of Andy Swartz, who’s style “is typified by dream-like, faintly creepy and macabre fantasy wildlife.” ", "The deck is a work of art on every level, beautifully designed, illustrated and executed. ", "The wooden part of the tarot stems from her canvasses: 6×8″ wooden panels painted on with a mixed media of acrylic paints and colored pencils.", "The illustrations are simultaneously delicate and lush, capturing the rich color of animals, plants and minerals she depicts with lovely accuracy while simultaneously conveying the mystical allure of the shadows flickering just beyond the edge of the firelight.", "\n\nThe Wooden Tarot major arcana is completely sold out, but Andy completed another Kickstarter in March of this year and is currently producing a full 78 card deck, which you can preorder here. ", "The Minor Arcana carries over both the beauty and the sparse style of her artwork, while adding and interesting new organic layer to the deck by renaming the suits Bones, Plumes, Stones and Blooms.", "\n\nThere’s no question that traditional tarot decks carry with them a boatload of white male privilege. ", "For starters, there’s the court that reinforces medieval gender roles and power disparities. ", "Then there’s the decks themselves: despite being illustrated by powerfully talented women, Pamela “Pixie” Smith and Lady Frieda Harris, the two most influential tarot decks of the last 100 years are both more familiar to the public by the names of their male “creators”: The Rider Waite deck and Crowley’s Thoth Tarot. ", "The Collective Tarot addresses much of this cis-gendered white male privilege through their radical revisioning of the tarot. ", "Describing itself as “a collaboratively created, radically-politicked, queerly-revisioned Tarot deck” the Collective Tarot is an extreme departure from the traditional western occult symbols embodied in the tarot to the point that it becomes nearly unrecognizable, which may well be the point.", "\n\nThe pieces themselves are intense and raw. ", "There is an unfinished quality to the art, an intentional crudeness reminiscent of punk show flyers and ‘zine covers. ", "The aesthetic reinvigorates the art in a modern, urban way queering the traditional occult symbolism in ways that I often find offensive, which I think is the point: taking the sacred and profaning it, not simply for the sake of profaning it but to stretch it in ways that it certainly never envisioned for itself in order to include those it never attempted to envision. ", "In doing so the Collective Tarot has created something less like a tarot deck and more like its own unique oracle. ", "While it adheres to the traditional structure of five suits with 78 cards with many cards that overlap with traditional tarot trumps I find it more fruitful to approach this deck from a completely fresh perspective rather than attempting to find similarities between what I’ve known and what they’ve created.", "\n\nWithout question the Pictarot is the least occult of the decks listed here. ", "Created and published by PictoPlasma, a German/New York based organization focused on the development and promotion of character design, that’s exactly what this deck promotes: characters. ", "While there is carry over and dialogue between the characters and the ideas that they represent the focus here is clearly on the development of the character at the expense of the idea. ", "None of the cards have any background or environment to support or complicate them, the figures are the complete focus of attention. ", "Still, the characters are inventive, creative and entertaining and character design is a big part of why I love the tarot, so I am personally enchanted by this deck, which you can still buy online.", "\n\nAs an added bonus, if you’re not ready to commit to the deck without seeing all the cards (and you have an iOS device) you can check out the entire deck through the Pictarot app. ", "Heavy on the theatre, and without much flexibility about how you use the cards (they have a one, two, four and seven card spreads) the app is just $.99 at the app store and can be an amusing way to pass 30 minutes without actually breaking out your cards.", "\n\nThe Ostara Tarot is the most recent member of this group. ", "I recently stumbled across is on the reddit pagan forum. ", "The product of four artists working together, the results thus far vary stylistically, but are united by a desire to explore the spirituality and the mysticism of the cards themselves and the deck as a whole. ", "The deck is strongly nature based, but speaks to the human intersections with nature, especially the power of making and artifacts, drawing out the intricacy and beauty of the crafted object and the way that it can interact with the natural world, as well as the way the natural world is transformed into artifacts as a raw material for human expression.", "\n\nThe level of mysticism ranges a spectrum across the artists’ styles, from the psychedelic dreamscapes of Julia Iredale whose smoky-colored branch-pierced snakes echo strains of a voodoo saint Sebastian, to Molly Applejohn whose adorably anthropomorphic animals are deeply reminiscent of Brian Jacques’ Redwall and David Peterson’s MouseGuard.", "\n\nAs of this writing there are 20 cards available. ", "I’ll be following up this post with an interview with artist Molly Applejohn who will hopefully provide more detail about the plans for the deck and whether they’d on publishing or not.", "\n\nWhat are some of your favorite contemporary decks? ", "Did I leave any off the list?" ]
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[ "Out of all the issues that plague the Clinton campaign, as of late she has made it clear that her greatest contender is not Trump, but something far more nefarious. ", "Something more sinister, more racist, something coldblooded that crawled from dark underbelly of the American political system. ", "A cartoon frog meme.", "\n\nThe Clinton camp thought it wise, then, to address the the impending threat of now-notorious Pepe directly. ", "Of course, the Mass Media that march in lockstep with her every word, with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow leading the sycophant brigade, parroted the call-to-arms. ", "Across outlets were issued a number of increasingly confused statements that predictably swayed no one but the most die-hard of her supporters. ", "Despite their rallying cry, few people were convinced enough to grab their pant suits out of the closet and join in on the match.", "\n\nAs an aficionado of all things dank, I’m the first to state that waxing intellectual about an internet meme is the epitome of cringe, however it seems necessary at this point to clarify a few notions.", "\n\nThe public enemy no.1 du jour, Pepe the frog, has been around for over a decade under various iterations and, like Trump, has never been called a ‘symbol of bigotry’ until it ended up in the crosshairs of the liberal PR machine. ", "Even the most superficial trek off the internet’s beaten path will reveal that there is no single, definitive Pepe: happy, smug, mischievous, sad, angry; there are as many variations of him as there are human emotions.", "\n\nSuch revelations are lost on Maddow and others. ", "They, seemingly in earnest, claim that he is the modern incarnation of a ‘white supremacist signifier’, and believe that this cartoon frog meme, shared by teens for over a decade, has effectively replaced the swastika as a symbol of American Nazism. ", "To suggest that he’s the icon for a sinister hate movement is obviously more than ludicrous; it’s yet another example of the liberal media imposing meaning onto symbols which are many things to many people.", "\n\nThe idea that ‘Pepe is a neo-nazi symbol’ is the same as saying ‘the confederate flag is a symbol of oppression’ or ‘all six-pointed stars are anti-semitic’. ", "It’s an attempt to monopolize meaning to benefit their historicist doctrine; i.e. the idea that certain symbols should be retired due to their problematic historical context.", "\n\nSentences such as ‘Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the alt-right’ are so misguided, so out of touch with internet culture as a whole that they’re indistinguishable from satire (See Poe’s law), not to mention barely coherent. ", "Take this unbelievably pedestrian turn of phrase for example; what does ‘almost entirely co opted’ actually mean? ", "Talk about hedging your bets. ", "In an astonishingly shoddy article for Washington Monthly, Nicole LeTourneau closes with a statement which illustrates the histrionic tone adopted by the liberal media:\n\nFallows says that all of this reminds him of the incident with the Trump campaign’s use of the Star of David. ", "He’s right. ", "But this one is even more sinister. ", "Perhaps that’s because it seems to be flying under the radar a bit and is more reminiscent of a dog whistle. ", "The use of Pepe the Frog is designed to send a message to white supremacists: “We’re with you.” ", "I don’t know of a better way of describing that than “deplorable.”", "\n\nLeTourneau is clearly not in a position to define what ‘the use of Pepe the frog’ means in any context. ", "To claim it is ‘designed to send a message to white supremacists’ is another attempt to paint a section of the public – in this case the group of internet neer-do-wells who adopt Pepe avatars – as racists boogeymen. ", "The use of Pepe by the Trump camp is indeed a signal though, and a very obvious one at that: the omnipresence of this cartoon frog among their most vocal supporters is not lost on them, and by incorporating him into their imagery they are effectively saying “we get it, we understand internet meme culture”, something which can not be said for the Democratic frontrunner.", "\n\nA recent poll by CNN, showing Hillary leading by 9 points, conveniently omitted voters aged between 18-34 from their sample, a revealing insight that perhaps Clinton’s ‘millennial outreach’ has been less than stellar. ", "Her knee-jerk reaction to a cartoon frog meme is a symptom of a greater disconnect between her message as she intends it to be conveyed, and its reception among millennial voters. ", "Similar to the 1950s tirades against rock and roll as being ‘the devil’s music’, Hillary has shown the extent to which she is out of touch with pop culture as a whole, and in this new frontier of political discourse the perception of ‘Old Lady Clinton’ as being out of the loop cannot be un-memed.", "\n\nThe fact that Hillary’s PR team, by all accounts a seasoned band of provocateurs, would post the message shown above – on Hillary’s official website no less – shows the extent to which they’ve completely lost control of the narrative. ", "Hillary’s evident health issues, previously derided as ‘baseless conspiracies’, have since been covered at length by the mainstream media. ", "Her mishandling and subsequent deletion of subpoenaed emails have irrevocably tarnished the immaculate public image which she and the liberal media have tried so desperately to project.", "\n\nWhat is the rationale behind the quixotic move, then, of flailing wildly at Pepe and the rest of the alt-right windmill? ", "For one, it’s clear evidence that Hillary’s campaign is in full defensive mode with regards to its online presence; Hillary’s official Twitter posts are flooded with more frogs than the old testament, and her ‘online team’ of Correct the Record shysters have yet to make even the slightest dent in the collective consciousness. ", "Predictably, Hillary’s public statement against Pepe has been met with widespread hilarity from all corners of the internet, and I’m sure that if there was an algorithm that tracked the amount of frogposting over time (F/t), one would see a marked increase on social media since her statement was first issued.", "\n\nSimilar to the everyman’s adoption of the ‘deplorable’ moniker after her previous outburst colloquially known as BasketGate, the mainstreaming of Pepe is now complete, and everyone is now in on the joke – everyone except the woman running for President, unfortunately. ", "Unwittingly, she has managed to transform a meme that, a few years ago at most, was rarely seen outside of a handful of image boards into an inescapable fixture of today’s political iconography. ", "The more Hillary’s MSM acolytes try to project bigotry and racism onto this innocuous frog cartoon – and, by proxy, Trump’s supporters as a whole – the more the average American is inclined to adopt Pepe as a symbol of their own political alienation." ]
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