[ "IDC Technologies was founded in 1992 and has built a strong reputation globally as a provider of practical and technical training across a wide range of engineering disciplines.", "\n\nOur workshops and engineering short courses are not academic; they are designed to provide practical skills and hands-on applications where delegates are given the opportunity to apply, in practice, the theory they have learnt through our engineering courses." ]
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[ "\nWhat Would the End of Football Look Like? (", "2012) - mhb\nhttp://grantland.com/features/cte-concussion-crisis-economic-look-end-football/\n======\nVLM\nPerhaps the collapse has already begun.", "\n\n1) My middle school kid is in cross country... all \"school athletes\" must\nattend district wide concussion class (they probably blew it off, after all it\nis CC not tackle football) and parents have to sign off that they've been\ngiven access to various concussion resources. ", "Nobody found this overly unusual\nor interesting, its just part of athletics now. ", "Soon it'll just be part of\nschool athletics that football means touch not tackle or it means what we used\nto call soccer.", "\n\n(For foreign readers cross country is hiking in the woods except you don't\nwear a pack and you run. ", "So mile times are quite a bit lower than track and\nyou're about a thousand times more likely to get heat exhaustion or twist your\nankle than to get a concussion in that particular sport)\n\n2) Look at average age of baseball fans, late 50s and that average has been\ngoing up more than one year per calendar year. ", "There are generational trends\nand football may very well be a WW2/Boomer generation sport. ", "Once \"their\"\ngenerations are gone, that's it.", "\n\nLooking at demographics of the local pro basketball team I think we're more\nlikely to see pro basketball go away before football ... volleyball is very\npopular and telegenic.", "\n\n------\nelchief\nWhat would the end of grantland look like?", "\n\nIt would look like today, sadly.", "\n\n[http://espnmediazone.com/us/espn-statement-regarding-\ngrantla...](http://espnmediazone.com/us/espn-statement-regarding-grantland/)\n\nI'm not really sure why Simmons needed espn to start grantland. ", "Perhaps he was\nunder contract. ", "I would have read it, due to his writing, either way.", "\n\nWhen he didn't show up to cover the Super Bowl or NBA Championships, I knew it\nwas over.", "\n\n~~~\nPopeOfNope\n_It would look like today, sadly._", "\n\n _To the extent that fans replace football with another sport (instead of meth\nor oxy)_\n\nYeah, shame.", "\n\n------\nuntog\n_To the extent that fans replace football with another sport (instead of meth\nor oxy), high-octane basketball is the natural substitute._", "\n\nMeth or oxy? ", "Interesting article, but I feel like it's, uh, brushing rural\nAmerica in some very broad strokes.", "\n\nThat said, I found it interesting that it was discussing the collapse of\nsports TV in 2012. ", "Just three years later I think we're inching closer and\ncloser to that - the average cable subscription subsides ESPN when the\nmajority of viewers don't watch it. ", "With cable subscriptions declining, there\nis huge trouble ahead for ESPN, since they are tied into incredibly expensive\nmulti-year contracts that they might find themselves unable to afford.", "\n\nIn _totally_ unrelated news, ESPN shut down Grantland yesterday.", "\n\n~~~\nghaff\nOf course, the rest of the world has a football-like sport (rugby--sorry,\nAustralia) which suggests that there's a fair bit of demand for that general\ntype of sport--and not just in the US. ", "Rugby has its own issues with\nconcussions although probably not as much as American football.", "\n\nIn general, I agree with the article that football isn't \"too big to fail.\"", "\nI'm not sure lawsuits is so much the path though as kids simply not playing.", "\nThat doesn't seem to be happening however.", "\n\n~~~\nSynaesthesia\nWhat's interesting is that in Rugby you wear basically no protective gear,\nwhich is probably _why_ it has less injuries. ", "With a helmet and armour you\nfeel much more invulnerable.", "\n\n~~~\nuntog\nAlso tackles above the waist are forbidden. ", "In American Football you can\npretty much just throw your entire body anywhere, with unsurprising results.", "\n\n~~~\nsrtjstjsj\nthis video disagrees with your claim about rugby:\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ1Mt0LdCfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ1Mt0LdCfY)\n\n~~~\nuntog\nFouls happen. ", "I don't mean to diminish that, but when the base of the game is\nto disallow bad tackles then there will be far fewer incidents of bad\ntackling.", "\n\n------\nimglorp\nPro players are grownups and can make their own decisions about life altering\ninjuries. ", "But I think we'll see the end of high school football very soon,\nwhen the lawsuits begin and school insurance steps in.", "\n\nI predict we'll replace it with flag, touch, and rugby and that will be a\nfurther dig to the NFL.", "\n\n~~~\nPopeOfNope\n_But I think we 'll see the end of high school football very soon, when the\nlawsuits begin and school insurance steps in._", "\n\nIt'll never happen. ", "There's way too much community support for football. ", "And\nthank god. ", "There's no other sport out there that teaches you about life quite\nlike football.", "\n\n~~~\negypturnash\n...Okay. ", "I'll bite. ", "What have I missed learning by never playing or watching\nfootball?", "\n\n~~~\nfutbol\nHa! ", "Football truly is so ridiculously complicated that I didn't even try to\nlearn how it works, and still don't fully understand its absurdities.", "\n\nIntuitively, as a child, I suspected that football was over rated based on the\napparent reality that it was men running in circles, and then slamming into\neach other, without any obvious goal. ", "Randomly a ball would be kicked for any\nreason, maybe.", "\n\nI was 20 years old before I figured out that the basic rules of the game were\n4 tries to move the ball 10 yards from the \"line of scrimage\" before the other\nteam gets an opportunity to do the opposite. ", "With this in mind add umpteen\nthousand technicalities.", "\n\nMore than a decade of elementary school, middle school, high school, video\ngames, Thanksgivings and Super Bowl Sundays, and no one spelled that out for\nme. ", "Not parents, not uncles, not coaches, not friends. ", "I had to dig through a\nfew books, before picking up some sort of For Dummies/Idiot's Guide book to\nfind something that clearly stated that.", "\n\n4 hours of TV time, to express one hour of clocked game play, in which almost\nno actual game playing happens. ", "Bah! ", "May as well watch golf.", "\n\nOh wait, already do. ", "Yet another awful thing I have to watch at family\ngatherings.", "\n\n~~~\nPopeOfNope\nWe're talking about playing football, not watching it like a lemming. ", "If you\ndon't know what you're talking about, kindly say nothing.", "\n\n------\nZenoArrow\nOff topic but before I knew what the article was about, the title reminded me\nof this:\n\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MusyO7J2inM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MusyO7J2inM)\n\n------\nPopeOfNope\nI don't understand the hard on people around here have for predicting the\ncollapse of sports. ", "It's like the very idea of getting revenge on the jocks\nmakes you all salivate. ", "Revenge of the nerds writ large? ", "Or is it an extension\nof the 'toxic testosterone' propaganda?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Menu\n\nThe Tucker Car Company: A Wreck Waiting to Happen?", "\n\nChange grows slowly in America. ", "It takes a long time for the change to reach a tipping point. ", "But when it does reach a certain level, the change takes off. ", "On the other hand, if change tries to happen too fast, it is fought off with resistance, anger, and envy. ", "Is this the case with the Tucker Car Company? ", "Or did the company implode under its own mismanagement?", "\n\nPreston Tucker was a whiz kid. ", "He rebuilt cars in his garage he had gotten out of a junkyard. ", "As a young man, he worked with cars at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in the 1930s. ", "During World War II, Tucker attempted to build a plane, known as the “peashooter,” for the US, but problems within the company led to its failure. ", "However, Tucker was successful in designing and building turrets for planes and other assorted vehicles. ", "His combat car was turned down by the government because it went too fast. ", "The army only wanted 35 mph for its combat vehicles.", "\n\nAfter the war, Tucker turned his eye toward developing a new car. ", "Hiring designer Alex Tremulis, Tucker’s vision of the car of the future began to take shape. ", "Influenced by the design of rockets, the car originally gained the nickname, the Tucker Torpedo. ", "With the help of engineer John Eddie Offut, who had worked with Tucker and Harry Miller at Indy, the engine was put in place. ", "And the car’s outside design was not the only futuristic thing about it. ", "The car was quite different from any car of the era. ", "It had several unique features which were miles ahead of its time.", "\n\n1. ", "The engine was located in the back and the trunk was in the front.", "\n\n2. ", "It had three headlights. ", "The two outside lights were normal lights like any other car. ", "The middle headlight, or “cyclops,” could change direction.", "\n\n3. ", "It had pop out front windshields. ", "In case of a crash, the glass could come out in two pieces to prevent it from breaking all over the passengers.", "\n\n4. ", "Its radio system was unparalled.", "\n\n5. ", "In addition, there were disc brakes, an air cooled engine, interchangeable seats.", "\n\nThe word of mouth on the Tucker began to spread before one car had been built. ", "To build his car of the future, Tucker obtained the rights to the old Dodge Plant on Cicero in Chicago. ", "It was to be the world’s largest automobile plant. ", "He originally hired 1900 employees to build his fleet. ", "To raise money for his corporation and manufacturing of the first set of cars, Tucker used three ways to raise capital. ", "Suspicion about all three would lead to his down fall.", "\n\n1. ", "Tucker sold licenses to 2000 dealers across the country.", "\n2. ", "Tucker began selling stock in his company. ", "Over 10,000 such certificates were issued.", "\n3. ", "Tucker also began selling accessories to the car.", "\n\nOver $25 million in capital was raised. ", "This amount of money turned many heads in the automobile industry. ", "Small start up car companies at that point in history relied on grants. ", "For an upstart company like Tucker, the capital raised almost insured its success. ", "However, the amount raised caught the ire of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ", "They soon filed a suit which bring about the downfall of the company because the assets were frozen. ", "The company could do nothing. ", "Tucker and six of his executives were indicted on 25 counts of fraud. ", "To try and quell speculation regarding the trial, Tucker wrote this letter to the public to keep faith in the company.", "\n\nThe court case would drag on until 1950.", "\n\nNo real evidence was put forth by the SEC and Otto Kerner that the Tucker Corporation was misusing the capital it had raised. ", "Every prosecutory piece of evidence had been rebuked under cross examination. ", "When it came time to give the defense, Tucker’s attorney, William Kirby, offered no defense. ", "The six defendants and Tucker were all acquitted.", "\n\nIt was too late for the company though. ", "The Tucker Car Company was over. ", "The lawsuit had driven the company under. ", "Only 51 cars were produced. ", "47 are still in existence. ", "The Tucker Car Club of America has pictures and details about every single car produced.", "\n\nTucker would go to Brazil to build a car known as the Carioca. ", "However, Tucker died of lung cancer in 1956. ", "The Tucker ’48 sedans still live on for only a few people. ", "The remaining cars today are valued at upwards of 200,000 a piece.", "Several of the design and safety features of the Tucker would make their way into car design in the 1950s.", "\n\nThe tragedy for Tucker was that the lawsuit by the SEC brought down his company before it could even compete with the Ford, GM, or Chrysler. ", "Speculation exists that pressure was put on the SEC by Michigan Congressman to bring down Tucker. ", "Economist Melvin Barger disagrees. ", "He believes Tucker was doomed from the start.", "\n\nTucker himself, if he had possessed more self-understanding and business savvy, might have prospered as a custom car remodeler. ", "He did have a love of cars and he had experience in the automotive field. ", "In a way, the Tucker car itself was a customized remodeling of existing car concepts. ", "Tucker’s use of the Cord trans-mission, for example, showed that he understood nifty innovations which somehow hadn’t succeeded in the market. ", "But one of Tucker’s problems was in being carried away by a “dream” while ignoring the practical work needed to apply it for useful purposes. ", "Mere possession of a dream does not excuse a person from exercising prudence in business relationships." ]
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[ "I showed this cover to my girlfriend (because it’s awesome) she said “Hey that’s the man-thing!”", "\nI was pretty impressed so I asked if she knew who the other ones where and she said “Flaming Death Skull, Vampire Dracula Zombie and that just looks like a regular werewolf.”", "\n\nIt was a great moment in my life so I wanted to share it with someone who helped it happen." ]
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[ "Instagram(NEW YORK) -- Are your former colleague's workout selfies bringing you down?Or your college roommate's constant pictures of their newborn adorable but just too much at times?Instagram's got your back.", "The social media platform rolled out a new feature Tuesday where users will be able to mute any account they follow.", "\n\nKSAT-TV(SAN ANTONIO) -- A rhesus macaque monkey gave handlers the slip at San Antonio Airport, officials confirmed to ABC News.", "The crafty primate, named Dawkins, managed to extricate itself from a crate on Monday after arriving at the Texas airport aboard American Airlines Flight No. ", "1014 from Chicago's O'Hare Airport, airport spokesman Rich Stinson said.", "Staff members from Born Free USA's Primate Sanctuary in Cotulla, Texas, were at the airport to meet Dawkins but he broke free, leading to a pursuit to bring him to safety.", "\"We had folks from our sanctuary there to meet him,\" Prashant Khetan, CEO of Born Free USA, a 50-year-old conservation nonprofit, told ABC News. \"", "They always had eyes on Dawkins the entire time.", "\"The airport's employed wildlife biologist, Animal Care Services personnel and a veterinarian from the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation all helped the Born Free members bring the primate back to its cargo cage.", "\"He is completely under control and should be at our sanctuary soon,\" Khetan said.", "Khetan confirmed that Dawkins will hopefully \"live there for the rest of his life\" at Born Free USA's Primate Sanctuary, which boasts 186 acres of roaming land to give wildlife \"a safe, permanent home.", "\"\"The focus of animal care at the sanctuary is to provide conditions in which the captive populations of macaques, baboons, and vervets are allowed to live out the remainder of their lives with extensive freedom of movement, choice of food, and choice of companions, in accordance with their social nature,\" the site reads.", "He will be joining some 600 macaques, vervets, and baboons, confirmed Khetan.", "The primate's original itinerary traced him back to Boston's Logan International Airport, where he'd been sent from Brown University.", "In a statement, the Brown confirmed that they sent a rhesus macaque to a Texas sanctuary as part of the university's attempt to \"seek homes for non-human primates who are retired from research protocols.", "\"\"The macaque that was en route to Texas when its enclosure became open was being transported from Brown to an animal sanctuary as part of the university’s commitment to animal well-being,\" the statement reads.", "American Airlines acknowledged that the primate \"inadvertently became free of his cage.", "\"Before he was brought back into his cage, the airline assured Dawkins was safely contained.", "\"He is currently in an isolated area where it is safe, away from all of our team members and customers,\" according to the statement. “", "We are working closely with the San Antonio Aviation Department and officials from the San Antonio Zoo. ", "Officials from the zoo are now on site to ensure his safety and wellbeing as he continues his journey to his new home at the primate sanctuary.", "”Khetan said that Dawkins was experiencing a great deal of anxiety.", "\"There was a ton of stress on Dawkins,\" he said. \"", "He reacted to the stress.", "\"Khetan said that an investigation is underway to determine \"when Dawkins got out.", "\"Dawkins' escape illustrates the need to help animals remain in the wild, Khetan said.", "\"There is so much unpredictability and that's what we're seeing here,\" he said. \"", "That's why we fight to prevent keeping animals in captivity.\"", "\n\nNetflix(NEW YORK) -- Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have inked a multiyear deal with Netflix, the streaming service announced Monday.", "According to a tweet from Netflix, the Obamas will produce films and series for Netflix, which could include scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries and features.", "Netflix did not elaborate on the terms of the agreement.", "\"One of the simple joys of our time in public service was getting to meet so many fascinating people from all walks of life, and to help them share their experiences with a wider audience,\" former President Obama said in a statement obtained by The Chicago Tribune. \"", "That's why Michelle and I are so excited to partner with Netflix -- we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples, and help them share their stories with the entire world.", "\"Added his wife, Michelle Obama: \"Barack and I have always believed in the power of storytelling to inspire us, to make us think differently about the world around us, and to help us open our minds and hearts to others,\" said Michelle Obama. \"", "Netflix's unparalleled service is a natural fit for the kinds of stories we want to share, and we look forward to starting this exciting new partnership.", "\"This is not the first deal the Obamas have signed since they left the White House in early 2017. ", "That February, Penguin Random House announced that the company would publish books by both Barack and Michelle Obama. ", "Though Penguin Random House did not provide details of their contract with the Obamas, it has been reported that the rights were reportedly purchased for $60 million.", "\n\nUSPS(WASHINGTON) -- Scratch-and-sniff stamps are coming to a post office near you, the United States Postal Service announced on Monday.", "With the warm summer weather moving in, Americans love to cool off with a refreshing ice pop on a hot day, bringing inspiration to the latest Forever stamp from the USPS. ", "The colorful stamps feature different designs, shapes and flavors of ice cream pops.", "The watercolor illustrations of the treats are the work of Margaret Berg of Santa Monica, California, while art director Antonio Alcala designed the stamps with Leslie Badani, both of Alexandria, Virginia. ", "Each stamp is designed with two different ice cream pops on it, with 10 different designs in the booklet.", "The Frozen Treats Forever stamps will be introduced in Austin, Texas, at the Thinkery Children’s Museum on June 20 at 6 p.m. CDT in a special dedication ceremony.", "\n\nAmazon.com(WASHINGTON) -- President Trump’s top economic adviser said Trump 'may feel that there's some unfairness going on' in regard to Amazon but said he couldn't comment in detail on the president's concerns about the giant online retailer because he hasn't been deeply involved in those discussions.", "Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, was responding to ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos'asking about a new Washington Post report that the president has personally pressed the U.S. Postmaster General to double the rate of postal charges on the giant online retailer whose CEO, Jeff Bezos, also owns The Washington Post.", "\"The president has tweeted about Amazon a lot,\" Stephanopoulos said. \"", "Is it appropriate for the president to be singling out companies like this?\"Kudlow responded, \"Well, look. ", "I'm not -- that not in my lane, OK. ", "I can't really comment specifically. ", "I haven't looked at that.", "\"Stephanopoulos pressed, \"Well, it comes under the National Economic Council, doesn't it?\"Kudlow said, \"Well, I suppose so, but again I haven't been involved in that discussion. ", "Look, the president is a man of many opinions. ", "I think you know that. ", "I think we all know that. ", "It's up to him. ", "He may be carrying this ball. ", "I can't comment directly on it.", "\"Stephanopoulos asked about previous claims by Trump that the U.S. Postal Service is losing billions of dollars to Amazon.", "\"That simply isn't true,\" Stephanopoulos said to Kudlow. \"", "Isn't it your responsibility to advise him of the facts?\"\"If he asked me directly, it would be,\" Kudlow responded. \"", "A lot of people looked at these numbers, and there are many different opinions about the validity of many different numbers, George.", "\"The economic council director continued, \"I have not been deeply involved in Amazon. ", "The president may feel, look, he may feel that there's some unfairness going on here.", "\"Stephanopoulos said many people are concerned that Trump may be targeting Amazon because of Bezos' owning The Washington Post.", "\"That is what a lot of people are concerned about here ... Amazon has not cost the postal service any money. ", "And in fact, the president is targeting them because Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post even though that has nothing to do with Amazon. ", "That's what they say is inappropriate.", "\"Kudlow said, \"To be honest with you, I have seen numbers. ", "You can probably do this on both sides. ", "A lot of the numbers, by the way, have not been made available. ", "We'll see.\"" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n We obtain approximation formulas for fractional integrals and derivatives of Riemann–Liouville and Marchaud types with a variable fractional order. ", "The approximations involve integer-order derivatives only. ", "An estimation for the error is given. ", "The efficiency of the approximation method is illustrated with examples. ", "As applications, we show how the obtained results are useful to solve differential equations and problems of the calculus of variations that depend on fractional derivatives of Marchaud type.", "\n\n **Keywords**: fractional calculus, variable fractional order, approximation methods, fractional differential equations, fractional calculus of variations.", "\n\n **Mathematics Subject Classification 2010**: 26A33, 33F05, 34A08, 49M99.", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Ricardo Almeida\\\n `ricardo.almeida@ua.pt`\n- |\n Delfim F. M. Torres\\\n `delfim@ua.pt`\ndate: |\n Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA)\\\n Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, 3810–193 Aveiro, Portugal\ntitle: |\n An expansion formula with higher-order derivatives\\\n for fractional operators of variable order[^1]\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nFractional calculus is a natural extension of the integer-order calculus by considering derivatives and integrals of arbitrary real or complex order $\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{K}$, with $\\mathbb{K}=\\mathbb{R}$ or $\\mathbb{K}=\\mathbb{C}$. The subject was born from a famous correspondence between L’Hopital and Leibniz in 1695, and then developed by many famous mathematicians, like Euler, Laplace, Abel, Liouville and Riemann, just to mention a few names. ", "Recently, fractional calculus has call the attention of a vast number of researchers, not only in mathematics, but also in physics and in engineering, and has proven to better describe certain complex phenomena in nature [@Dalir; @Machado].", "\n\nSince the order $\\alpha$ of the integrals and derivatives may take any value, another interesting extension is to consider the order not to be a constant during the process, but a variable $\\a$ that depends on time. ", "This provides an extension of the classical fractional calculus and was introduced by Samko and Ross in 1993 [@SamkoRoss] (see also [@Samko]). ", "The variable order fractional calculus is nowadays recognized as a useful tool, with successful applications in mechanics, in the modeling of linear and nonlinear visco-elasticity oscillators, and other phenomena where the order of the derivative varies with time. ", "For more on the subject, and applications of it, we mention [@AlmeidaSamko; @Coimbra; @Coimbra2; @Diaz; @Lorenzo; @Ramirez1; @Ramirez2]. ", "For a numerical approach see, e.g., [@Ma; @Valerio; @Zhuang]. ", "Results on differential equations and the calculus of variations with fractional operators of variable order can be found in [@Od1; @MyID:268] and references therein. ", "In this paper we show how fractional derivatives and integrals of variable order can be approximated by classical integer-order operators.", "\n\nThe outline of the paper is the following. ", "In Section \\[sec:FC\\] we present the necessary definitions, namely the fractional operators of Riemann–Liouville and Marchaud of variable order. ", "Some properties of the operators are also given. ", "The main core of the paper is Section \\[sec:theorems\\], where we prove the expansion formulas for the considered fractional operators, with the size of the expansion being the derivative of order $n\\in\\mathbb{N}$. In Section \\[sec:example\\] we show the accuracy of our method with some examples and how the approximations can be applied in different situations to solve problems involving variable order fractional operators.", "\n\nFractional calculus of variable order {#sec:FC}\n=====================================\n\nIn the following, the order of the fractional operators is given by a function $\\alpha\\in C^1([a,b],]0,1[)$; $x(\\cdot)$ is assumed to ensure convergence for each of the involved integrals. ", "For a complete and rigorous study of fractional calculus we refer to [@samko0].", "\n\n\\[def:1\\] Let $x(\\cdot)$ be a function with domain $[a,b]$. Then, for $t\\in [a,b]$,\n\n- the left Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\LI x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha(t))}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{\\alpha(t)-1}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the right Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\RI x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\alpha(t))}\\int_t^b (\\t-t)^{\\alpha(t)-1}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the left Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the right Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\RD x(t)=\\frac{-1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_t^b (\\t-t)^{-\\a}x(\\t)d\\t,$$\n\n- the left Marchaud fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\label{eq:LMD}\n \\LDM x(t)=\\frac{x(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)(t-a)^\\a}+ \\frac{\\a}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n \\int_a^t \\frac{x(t)-x(\\t)}{(t-\\t)^{1+\\alpha(t)}}d\\t,$$\n\n- the right Marchaud fractional derivative of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$ is given by $$\\RDM x(t)=\\frac{x(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)(b-t)^\\a}+ \\frac{\\a}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n \\int_t^b \\frac{x(t)-x(\\t)}{(\\t-t)^{1+\\alpha(t)}} d\\t.$$\n\nIt follows from Definition \\[def:1\\] that $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{d}{dt} {_aI_t^{1-\\a}}x(t)\n\\quad \\mbox{and} \\quad {_tD_b^{\\a}} x(t)=-\\frac{d}{dt} {_tI_b^{1-\\a}}x(t).$$\n\n\\[ex1\\] Let $x$ be the power function $x(t)=(t-a)^\\gamma$. Then, for $\\gamma>-1$, we have $$\\begin{split}\n\\LI x(t) &= \\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma+\\a+1)}(t-a)^{\\gamma+\\a},\\\\\n\\LDM x(t) &= \\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma-\\a+1)}(t-a)^{\\gamma-\\a},\n\\end{split}$$ and $$\\begin{gathered}\n{_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma-\\a+1)}(t-a)^{\\gamma-\\a}\\\\\n-\\alpha^{(1)}(t)\\frac{\\Gamma(\\gamma+1)}{\\Gamma(\\gamma-\\a+2)}(t-a)^{\\gamma\n-\\a+1}\\left[\\ln(t-a)-\\psi(\\gamma-\\a+2)+\\psi(1-\\a)\\right],\\end{gathered}$$ where $\\psi$ is the Psi function, that is, the derivative of the logarithm of the Gamma function: $$\\psi(t) =\\frac{d}{dt} \\ln\\left({\\Gamma(t)}\\right)= \\frac{\\Gamma'(t)}{\\Gamma(t)}.$$\n\nFrom Example \\[ex1\\] we see that ${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)\\not=\\LDM x(t)$. Also, the symmetry on power functions is violated when we consider $\\LI x(t)$ and ${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)$, but holds for $\\LI x(t)$ and $\\LDM x(t)$. Later we explain this better, when we deduce the expansion formula for the Marchaud fractional derivative. ", "In contrast with the constant fractional order case, the law of exponents fails for fractional integrals of variable order. ", "However, a weak form holds (see [@SamkoRoss]): if $\\beta(t)\\equiv \\beta$, $t\\in ]0,1[$, then ${_aI_t^{\\a}}{_aI_t^{\\beta}}x(t)={_aI_t^{\\a+\\beta}}x(t)$.\n\nExpansion formulas with higher-order derivatives {#sec:theorems}\n================================================\n\nThe main results of the paper provide approximations of the fractional derivatives of a given function $x$ by sums involving only integer derivatives of $x$. The approximations use the generalization of the binomial coefficient formula to real numbers: $$\\C (-1)^k=\\left(^{\\alpha(t)+k-1}_{\\quad\\quad k}\\right)=\\frac{\\Gamma(\\a+k)}{\\Gamma(\\a) k!}.$$\n\n\\[Mainthm\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Define the (left) moment of $x$ of order $k$ by $$V_k(t) =(k-n)\\int_a^t (\\t-a)^{k-n-1}x(\\t)d\\t.$$ Then, $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=S_1(t)-S_2(t)+E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$$ with $$\\label{eq:S1}\nS_1(t)=(t-a)^{-\\a}\\left[\\sum_{k=0}^{n}A(\\a,k)(t-a)^{k}x^{(k)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N}B(\\a,k)(t-a)^{n-k}V_k(t)\\right],$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,k)&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(k+1-\\a)}\\left[1\n+\\sum_{p=n+1-k}^{N}\\frac{\\Gamma(p-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a-k)(p-n+k)!}\\right],\\quad k = 0,\\ldots,n,\\\\\nB(\\a,k)&=\\frac{\\Gamma(k-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a)\\Gamma(1+\\a)(k-n)!},", "\n\\end{split}$$ and $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\label{eq:S2}\nS_2(t)=\\frac{x(t)\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(t-a)^{1-\\a}\\left[\n\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\ln(t-a)\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C\n\\frac{(-1)^k}{k+1}+\\sum_{k=0}^N\\C(-1)^k\n\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p+1)}\\right]\\\\\n+\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(t-a)^{1-\\a}\\left[\n\\ln(t-a)\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D\\frac{(-1)^{k-n-1}}{k-n}(t-a)^{n-k}V_{k}(t)\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D(-1)^{k-n-1}\n\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p-n)}(t-a)^{n-k-p} V_{k+p}(t)\\right].\\end{gathered}$$ The error of the approximation ${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t) \\approx S_1(t)-S_2(t)$ is given by $E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$, where $E_{1,N}(t)$ and $E_{2,N}(t)$ are bounded by $$\\label{eq:err1}\n|E_{1,N}(t)|\\leq L_{n+1}(t)\\frac{\\exp((n-\\a)^2+n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(n+1-\\a)(n-\\a)N^{n-\\a}}(t-a)^{n+1-\\a}$$ and $$\\label{eq:err2}\n|E_{2,N}(t)|\\leq \\frac{L_1(t) \\left|\\alpha^{(1)}(t)\\right|(t-a)^{2-\\alpha(t)}\n\\exp(\\alpha^2(t)-\\a)}{\\Gamma(2-{\\a}){N^{1-\\a}}} \\left[\\left|\\ln(t-a)\\right|+\\frac{1}{N}\\right]$$ with $$L_{j}(t)=\\displaystyle\\max_{\\t \\in [a,t]}\\left|x^{(j)}(\\t)\\right|, \\quad j\\in\\{1,n+1\\}.$$\n\nStarting with equality $${_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(\\t)d\\t,$$ doing the change of variable $t-\\t=u-a$ over the integral, and then differentiating it, we get $$\\begin{split}\n{_aD_t^{\\a}} x(t)\n&=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_a^t (u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(t-u+a)du\\\\\n&=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^{\\a}}\n+\\int_a^t \\frac{d}{dt}\\left[ (u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}x(t-u+a)\\right]du\\right]\\\\\n&=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^{\\a}}\\right.\\\\\n&\\ +\\DS\\int_a^t \\left[ -\\alpha^{(1)}(t)(u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\n\\ln(u-a)x(t-u+a)\\left.\\DS+(u-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}x^{(1)}(t-u+a)\\right]du\\right]\\\\\n&=S_1(t)-S_2(t)\n\\end{split}$$ with $$\\label{eq:S1:proof}\nS_1(t) = \\DS\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^{\\a}}+\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}x^{(1)}(\\t)d\\t\\right]$$ and $$\\label{eq:S2:proof}\nS_2(t)=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\int_a^t (t-\\t)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-\\t)x(\\t)d\\t.$$ The equivalence between and follows from the computations of [@Pooseh1]. ", "To show the equivalence between and we start in the same way as done in [@Atanackovic1], to get $$\\begin{split}\nS_2(t)&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[x(t)\\int_a^t (t-u)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-u)du\\right.\\\\\n&\\DS-\\left.\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\\left(\\int_a^\\t (t-u)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-u)du\\right)d\\t\\right]\\\\\n&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[x(t)(t-a)^{1-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\n\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\DS-\\left.\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\\left(\\int_a^\\t (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\n\\ln(t-a)+\\ln \\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right) \\right]du\\right)d\\t\\right].", "\n\\end{split}$$ Now, applying Taylor’s expansion over $\\DS \\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right)^{-\\alpha(t)}$ and $\\DS \\ln \\left(1-\\frac{u-a}{t-a}\\right)$, we deduce that $$\\begin{split}\nS_2(t)&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[\nx(t)(t-a)^{1-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS-\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\\left(\\int_a^\\t (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-a)\n\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C (-1)^k \\frac{(u-a)^k}{(t-a)^k}du\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS\\left.\\left. ", "-\\int_a^\\t (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C (-1)^k\n\\frac{(u-a)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\, \\sum_{p=1}^N \\frac{1}{p}\n\\frac{(u-a)^p}{(t-a)^p} du \\right)d\\t\\right]+E_{2,N}(t)\n\\end{split}$$ $$\\begin{split}\n&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[x(t)(t-a)^{1-\\alpha(t)}\\left[\n\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS-\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)(t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\ln(t-a)\n\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\left(\\int_a^\\t (u-a)^k \\, du\\right)d\\t\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS\\left. ", "+\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C\n\\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\, \\sum_{p=1}^N \\frac{1}{p(t-a)^p}\n\\left(\\int_a^\\t (u-a)^{k+p} \\, du\\right)\\,d\\t\\right]+E_{2,N}(t)\\\\\n&=\\DS\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)(t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\left[\nx(t)(t-a)\\left[\\frac{\\ln(t-a)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right]\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS-\\ln(t-a) \\sum_{k=0}^N \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k(k+1)}\n\\left(\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+1} \\, d\\t\\right)\\\\\n&\\quad \\DS\\left. ", "+\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{(t-a)^k} \\,\n\\sum_{p=1}^N \\frac{1}{p(t-a)^p(k+p+1)} \\left(\\int_a^t\nx^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+p+1} \\, d\\t \\right)\\right]+E_{2,N}(t).", "\n\\end{split}$$ Integrating by parts, we conclude with the two following equalities: $$\\begin{split}\n\\DS\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+1} \\, d\\t\n&=\\DS x(t)(t-a)^{k+1}-V_{k+n+1}(t),\\\\\n\\DS\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) (\\t-a)^{k+p+1} \\, d\\t\n&=\\DS x(t)(t-a)^{k+p+1}-V_{k+p+n+1}(t).", "\n\\end{split}$$ The deduction of relation for $S_2(t)$ follows now from direct calculations. ", "To end, we prove the upper bound formula for the error. ", "The bound for the error $E_{1,N}(t)$ at time $t$ follows easily from [@Pooseh1]. ", "With respect to sum $S_2$, the error at $t$ is bounded by $$\\begin{gathered}\n|E_{2,N}(t)|\\leq \\left| \\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)(t-a)^{-\\alpha(t)}}{\\Gamma(1-{\\a})}\\right|\n\\times\\left|-\\ln(t-a) \\sum_{k=N+1}^\\infty \\C \\frac{(-1)^k}{k+1} \\left(\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t)\n\\frac{(\\t-a)^{k+1}}{(t-a)^k} \\, d\\t\\right)\\right.\\\\\n\\left.+\\sum_{k=N+1}^\\infty \\C (-1)^k \\sum_{p=N+1}^\\infty \\frac{1}{p(k+p+1)}\n\\left(\\int_a^t x^{(1)}(\\t) \\frac{(\\t-a)^{k+p+1}}{(t-a)^{k+p}}\\, d\\t \\right)\\right|.\\end{gathered}$$ Define the quantities $$I_1(t) = \\DS \\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{1-\\a}(k+1)(k+2)}\\,dk$$ and $$I_2(t) = \\DS\\int_N^\\infty\\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{1-\\a}p(k+p+1)(k+p+2)}\\,dp\\, dk.$$ Inequality follows from relation $$\\left|\\C\\right|\\leq\\frac{\\exp(\\alpha^2(t)-\\a)}{k^{1-\\a}}$$ and the upper bounds $$I_1(t)<\\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{2-\\a}}\\,dk=\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)N^{1-\\a}}$$ and $$I_2(t)<\\int_N^\\infty\\int_N^\\infty\\frac{1}{k^{2-\\a}p^2}\\,dp\\, dk=\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)N^{2-\\a}}$$ for $I_1$ and $I_2$.\n\nSimilarly as done in Theorem \\[Mainthm\\] for the left Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative, an approximation formula can be deduced for the right Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative:\n\n\\[MainthmR\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Define the (right) moment of $x$ of order $k$ by $$W_k(t) =(k-n)\\int_t^b (b-\\t)^{k-n-1}x(\\t)d\\t.$$ Then, $$\\RD x(t)=S_1(t)+S_2(t)+E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$$ with $$S_1(t)=(b-t)^{-\\a}\\left[\\sum_{k=0}^{n}A(\\a,k)(b-t)^{k}x^{(k)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=n+1}^NB(\\a,k)(b-t)^{n-k}W_k(t)\\right],$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,k)&=\\frac{(-1)^k}{\\Gamma(k+1-\\a)}\\left[1\n+\\sum_{p=n+1-k}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a-k)(p-n+k)!}\\right],\n\\quad k = 0,\\ldots,n,\\\\\nB(\\a,k)&=\\frac{(-1)^{n+1}\\Gamma(k-n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a)\\Gamma(1+\\a)(k-n)!},", "\n\\end{split}$$ and $$\\begin{gathered}\nS_2(t)=\\frac{x(t)\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(b-t)^{1-\\a}\n\\left[\\frac{\\ln(b-t)}{1-\\a}-\\frac{1}{(1-\\a)^2}\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\ln(b-t)\\sum_{k=0}^N \\C\n\\frac{(-1)^k}{k+1}+\\sum_{k=0}^N\\C(-1)^k\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p+1)}\\right]\\\\\n+\\frac{\\alpha^{(1)}(t)}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}(b-t)^{1-\\a}\\left[\\ln(b-t)\n\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D\\frac{(-1)^{k-n-1}}{k-n}(b-t)^{n-k}W_{k}(t)\\right.\\\\\n\\left.-\\sum_{k=n+1}^{N+n+1}\\D(-1)^{k-n-1}\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{1}{p(k+p-n)}(b-t)^{n-k-p} W_{k+p}(t)\\right].\\end{gathered}$$ The error of the approximation $\\RD x(t) \\approx S_1(t)+S_2(t)$ is given by $E_{1,N}(t)+E_{2,N}(t)$, where $E_{1,N}(t)$ and $E_{2,N}(t)$ are bounded by $$|E_{1,N}(t)|\\leq L_{n+1}(t)\\frac{\\exp((n-\\a)^2+n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(n+1-\\a)(n-\\a)N^{n-\\a}}(b-t)^{n+1-\\a}$$ and $$|E_{2,N}(t)|\\leq \\frac{L_1(t) \\left|\\alpha^{(1)}(t)\\right|(b-t)^{2-\\alpha(t)}\n\\exp(\\alpha^2(t)-\\a)}{\\Gamma(2-{\\a}){N^{1-\\a}}}\n\\left[\\left|\\ln(b-t)\\right|+\\frac{1}{N}\\right]$$ with $$L_{j}(t)=\\displaystyle\\max_{\\t \\in [a,t]}\\left|x^{(j)}(\\t)\\right|,\n\\quad j\\in\\{1,n+1\\}.$$\n\nUsing the techniques presented in [@Pooseh0], similar formulas as the ones given by Theorem \\[Mainthm\\] and Theorem \\[MainthmR\\] can be proved for the left and right Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals of order $\\alpha(\\cdot)$. For example, for the left fractional integral one has the following result.", "\n\n\\[thm:RL:LFI\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$\\LI x(t)=(t-a)^{\\a}\\left[\\sum_{k=0}^{n}A(\\a,k)(t-a)^{k} x^{(k)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=n+1}^N B(\\a,k)(t-a)^{n-k}V_k(t)\\right]+E_{N}(t),$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,k)&= \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(k+1+\\a)}\\left[1\n+\\sum_{p=n+1-k}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a-k)(p-n+k)!}\\right],\n\\quad k = 0, \\ldots, n,\\\\\nB(\\a,k) &= \\frac{\\Gamma(k-n-\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a)\\Gamma(1-\\a)(k-n)!},\\\\\nV_k(t)&=\\DS (k-n) \\int_a^t (\\tau-a)^{k-n-1}x(\\tau)d\\tau, \\quad k=n+1,\\ldots\n\\end{split}$$ A bound for the error $E_{N}(t)$ is given by $$|E_{N}(t)|\\leq L_{n+1}(t)\\frac{\\exp((n+\\a)^2+n+\\a)}{\\Gamma(n+1+\\a)(n+\\a)\nN^{n+\\a}}(t-a)^{n+1+\\a}.$$\n\nWe now focus our attention to the left Marchaud fractional derivative $\\LDM x(t)$. Splitting the integral , we deduce that $$\\LDM x(t)=- \\frac{\\a}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\n\\int_a^t \\frac{x(\\t)}{(t-\\t)^{1+\\alpha(t)}}d\\t.$$ Integrating by parts, $$\\label{marchaurepre}\n\\LDM x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[\n\\frac{x(a)}{(t-a)^\\a}+\\int_a^t (t-\\tau)^{-\\a}x^{(1)}(\\tau)d\\tau \\right],$$ which is a representation for the left Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative when the order is constant, that is, $\\a \\equiv \\alpha$ [@samko0 Lemma 2.12]. ", "For this reason, the Marchaud fractional derivative is more suitable as the inverse operation for the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral. ", "With Eq.", "  and Theorem \\[Mainthm\\] in mind, it is not difficult to obtain the corresponding formula for $\\LDM x(t)$.\n\n\\[MainthmM\\] Fix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$\\LDM x(t)=S_1(t)+E_{1,N}(t),$$ where $S_1(t)$ and $E_{1,N}(t)$ are as in Theorem \\[Mainthm\\].", "\n\nSimilarly, having into consideration that $$\\RDM x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[ \\frac{x(b)}{(b-t)^\\a}\n-\\int_t^b (\\t-t)^{-\\a}x^{(1)}(\\tau)d\\tau \\right],$$ the following result holds.", "\n\nFix $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and $N\\geq n+1$, and let $x(\\cdot)\\in C^{n+1}([a,b],\\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$\\RDM x(t)=S_1(t)+E_{1,N}(t),$$ where $S_1(t)$ and $E_{1,N}(t)$ are as in Theorem \\[MainthmR\\].", "\n\nExamples {#sec:example}\n========\n\nFor illustrative purposes, we consider the left Riemann–Liouville fractional integral and the left Riemann–Liouville and Marchaud fractional derivatives of order $\\a=(t+1)/4$. Similar results as the ones presented here are easily obtained for the other fractional operators and for other functions $\\alpha(\\cdot)$. All computations were done using the Computer Algebra System .", "\n\nTest function\n-------------\n\nWe test the accuracy of our approximations with an example.", "\n\nLet $x$ be the function $x(t)=t^4$ with $t\\in[0,1]$. Then, for $\\a=(t+1)/4$, it follows from Example \\[ex1\\] that $$\\label{ex1:LFI}\n{_0I_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{24}{\\Gamma(\\frac{t+21}{4})}t^{\\frac{t+17}{4}},$$ $$\\label{ex1:LFD}\n{_0D_t^{\\a}} x(t)=\\frac{24}{\\Gamma(\\frac{19-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{15-t}{4}}\n-\\frac{6}{\\Gamma(\\frac{23-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{19-t}{4}} \\left[\\ln(t)\n-\\psi\\left(\\frac{23-t}{4}\\right)+\\psi\\left(\\frac{3-t}{4}\\right)\\right],$$ and $$\\label{ex1:LFD:M}\n{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)\n=\\frac{24}{\\Gamma(\\frac{19-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{15-t}{4}}.$$ In Figures \\[fig:1\\], \\[fig:2\\] and \\[fig:3\\] one can compare the exact expressions of the fractional operators of variable order , and , respectively, with the approximations obtained from our results of Section \\[sec:theorems\\] with $n=2$ and $N \\in \\{3,5\\}$. The error $E$ is measured using the norm $$\\label{eq:err}\nE(f,g)(t)=\\sqrt{\\int_0^1 (f(t)-g(t))^2\\,dt}.$$\n\n\\\n\n\\\n\n\\\n\nFractional differential equations of variable order {#sec:FDEVO}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nConsider the following fractional differential equation of variable order: $$\\label{eq:FDE:VO}\n\\begin{cases}\n{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)+x(t)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}+t,\\\\\nx(0)=0,\n\\end{cases}$$ with $\\a=(t+1)/4$. It is easy to check that $\\overline{x}(t)=t$ is a solution to . ", "We exemplify how our Theorem \\[MainthmM\\] may be applied in order to approximate the solution of such type of problems. ", "The main idea is to replace all the fractional operators that appear in the differential equation by a finite sum up to order $N$, involving integer derivatives only, and, by doing so, to obtain a new system of standard ordinary differential equations that is an approximation of the initial fractional variable order problem. ", "As the size of $N$ increases, the solution of the new system converges to the solution of the initial fractional system. ", "The procedure for is the following. ", "First, we replace ${_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)$ by $${_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t) \\approx A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)\n+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t),$$ where $$\\begin{split}\nA(\\a,N)&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(1-\\a)}\\left[1+\\sum_{p=2}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-1+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a)(p-1)!}\\right],\\\\\nB(\\a,N)&=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(2-\\a)}\\left[1+\\sum_{p=1}^N\\frac{\\Gamma(p-1+\\a)}{\\Gamma(\\a-1)p!}\\right],\\\\\nC(\\a,k)&=\\frac{\\Gamma(k-1+\\a)}{\\Gamma(-\\a)\\Gamma(1+\\a)(k-1)!},", "\n\\end{split}$$ and ${V}_k(t)$ is the solution of the system $$\\begin{cases}\nV^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t)\\\\\nV_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,3,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ Thus, we get the approximated system of ordinary differential equations $$\\label{eq:stODE:syst}\n\\begin{cases}\n\\left[A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}+1\\right]x(t)+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t)\\\\\n\\quad =\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}+t,\\\\\nV^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t), \\qquad k=2,3,\\ldots,N,\\\\\nx(0)=0, \\\\\nV_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,3,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ Now we apply any standard technique to solve the system of ordinary differential equations . ", "We used the command of . ", "In Figure \\[fig:4\\] we find the graph of the approximation $\\tilde{x}_3(t)$ to the solution of problem , obtained solving with $N=3$. The Table \\[tab1\\] gives some numerical values of such approximation, illustrating numerically the fact that the approximation $\\tilde{x}_3(t)$ is already very close to the exact solution $\\overline{x}(t)=t$ of . ", "In fact the plot of $\\tilde{x}_3(t)$ in Figure \\[fig:4\\] is visually indistinguishable from the plot of $\\overline{x}(t)=t$.\n\n\\\n\n$$\\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\\hline\nt & 0.2 & 0.4 & 0.6 & 0.8 & 1\\\\\n\\hline\n\\tilde{x}_3(t) & 0.20000002056 & 0.40000004031 & 0.60000009441 & 0.80000002622 & 1.0000001591\\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{array}$$\n\nFractional variational calculus of variable order\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nWe now exemplify how the expansions obtained in Section \\[sec:theorems\\] are useful to approximate solutions of fractional problems of the calculus of variations [@Malinowska]. ", "The fractional variational calculus of variable order is a recent subject under strong current development [@Od0; @Od1; @Od2; @MyID:268]. ", "So far, only analytical methods to solve fractional problems of the calculus of variations of variable order have been developed in the literature, which consist in the solution of fractional Euler–Lagrange differential equations of variable order [@Od0; @Od1; @Od2; @MyID:268]. ", "In most cases, however, to solve analytically such fractional differential equations is extremely hard or even impossible, so numerical/approximating methods are needed. ", "Our results provide two approaches to this issue. ", "The first was already illustrated in Section \\[sec:FDEVO\\] and consists in approximating the necessary optimality conditions proved in [@Od0; @Od1; @Od2; @MyID:268], which are nothing else than fractional differential equations of variable order. ", "The second approach is now considered. ", "Similarly to Section \\[sec:FDEVO\\], the main idea here is to replace the fractional operators of variable order that appear in the formulation of the variational problem by the corresponding expansion of Section \\[sec:theorems\\], which involves only integer order derivatives. ", "By doing it, we reduce the original problem to a classical optimal control problem, whose extremals are found by applying the celebrated Pontryagin maximum principle [@Pontryagin]. ", "We illustrate this method with a concrete example. ", "Consider the functional $$\\label{eq:ex:VP}\nJ(x)=\\int_0^1\\left[{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)\n-\\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\right]^2dt,$$ with fractional order $\\a=(t+1)/4$, subject to the boundary conditions $$\\label{eq:ex:BC}\nx(0)=0, \\quad x(1)=1.$$ Since $J(x)\\geq 0$ for any admissible function $x$ and taking $\\overline{x}(t)=t$, which satisfies the given boundary conditions , one has $J(\\overline{x})=0$, we conclude that $\\overline{x}$ gives the global minimum to the fractional problem of the calculus of variations that consists in minimizing functional subject to the boundary conditions . ", "The numerical procedure is now explained. ", "Since we have two boundary conditions, we replace ${_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t)$ by the expansion given in Theorem \\[MainthmM\\] with $n=1$ and a variable size $N\\geq 2$. The approximation becomes $$\\label{eq:appr:PCV}\n{_0\\mathbb{D}_t^{\\a}} x(t) \\approx A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)\n+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t).$$ Using , we approximate the initial problem by the following one: to minimize $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\tilde J(x)=\\int_0^1\\Biggl[ A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)\n+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)\\\\\n+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t)\n- \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\Biggr]^2dt\\end{gathered}$$ subject to $$V^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t),\n\\quad V_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,\\ldots,N,$$ and $$x(0)=0, \\quad x(1)=1,$$ where $\\a=(t+1)/4$. This dynamic optimization problem has a system of ordinary differential equations as a constraint, so it is natural to solve it as an optimal control problem. ", "For that, define the control $u$ by $$u(t) = A(\\a,N)t^{-\\a}x(t)+B(\\a,N)t^{1-\\a}x^{(1)}(t)\n+\\sum_{k=2}^N C(\\a,k)t^{1-k-\\a}V_k(t).$$ We then obtain the control system $$x^{(1)}(t)=B^{-1}t^{\\a-1}u(t)-AB^{-1}t^{-1}x(t)\n-\\sum_{k=2}^N B^{-1}C_kt^{-k}V_k(t)\n:=f\\left(t,x(t),u(t),V(t)\\right),$$ where, for simplification, $$A=A(\\a,N), \\quad B= B(\\a,N),\\quad C_k=C(\\a,k),\n\\quad \\mbox{and} \\quad V(t)=(V_2(t),\\ldots,V_N(t)).$$ In conclusion, we wish to minimize the functional $$\\tilde{J}(x,u,V)=\\int_0^1\\left[ u(t)\n- \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\right]^2dt$$ subject to the first-order dynamic constraints $$\\begin{cases}\nx^{(1)}(t)=f(t,x,u,V),\\\\\nV^{(1)}_k(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t), \\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\n\\end{cases}$$ and the boundary conditions $$\\begin{cases}\nx(0)=0,\\\\\nx(1)=1,\\\\\nV_k(0)=0, \\qquad k=2,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ In this case, the Hamiltonian is given by $$H(t,x,u,V,\\lambda)=\\left[ u - \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}t^{\\frac{3-t}{4}}\\right]^2\n+\\lambda_1 f(t,x,u,V)+\\sum_{k=2}^N\\lambda_k (k-1)t^{k-2}x$$ with the adjoint vector $\\lambda=(\\lambda_1,\\lambda_2,\\ldots,\\lambda_N)$ [@Pontryagin]. ", "Following the classical optimal control approach of Pontryagin [@Pontryagin], we have the following necessary optimality conditions: $$\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial u}=0, \\quad x^{(1)}\n=\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial \\lambda_1},\n\\quad V_p^{(1)}=\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial \\lambda_p}, \\quad \\lambda_1^{(1)}\n=-\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial x}, \\quad \\lambda_p^{(1)}\n=-\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial V_p},$$ that is, we need to solve the system of differential equations $$\\label{eq:CNP:SH}\n\\begin{cases}\nx^{(1)}(t)= \\frac{B^{-1}}{\\Gamma(\\frac{7-t}{4})}\n-\\frac{1}{2}B^{-2}t^{2\\a-2}\\lambda_1(t)\n-AB^{-1}t^{-1}x(t)-\\sum_{k=2}^NB^{-1}C_kt^{-k}V_k(t),\\\\\nV_k^{(1)}(t)=(k-1)t^{k-2}x(t),\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\\\\\n\\lambda_1^{(1)}(t)=AB^{-1}t^{-1}\\lambda_1-\\sum_{k=2}^N(k-1)t^{k-2}\\lambda_k(t),\\\\\n\\lambda_k^{(1)}(t)=B^{-1}C_kt^{-k}\\lambda_1,\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\n\\end{cases}$$ subject to the boundary conditions $$\\label{eq:CNP:BC}\n\\begin{cases}\nx(0)=0,\\\\\nV_k(0)=0,\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N,\\\\\nx(1)=1,\\\\\n\\lambda_k(1)=0,\\quad k=2,\\ldots,N.\n\\end{cases}$$ Figure \\[fig:5\\] plots the numerical approximation $\\tilde{x}_2(t)$ to the global minimizer $\\overline{x}(t)=t$ of the variable order fractional problem of the calculus of variations –, obtained solving – with $N=2$. The approximation $\\tilde{x}_2(t)$ is already visually indistinguishable from the exact solution $\\overline{x}(t)=t$, and we do not increase the value of $N$. The effectiveness of our approach is also illustrated in Table \\[tab2\\], where some numerical values of the approximation $\\tilde{x}_2(t)$ are given.", "\n\n\\\n\n$$\\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\\hline\nt & 0.2&0.4&0.6&0.8&1\\\\\n\\hline\n\\tilde{x}_2(t) & 0.1998346692 & 0.3999020706 & 0.5999392936 & 0.7999708526 & 1.0000000000 \\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{array}$$\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nWork supported by FEDER funds through COMPETE – Operational Programme Factors of Competitiveness (“Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade”) and by Portuguese funds through the [*Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications*]{} (University of Aveiro) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (“FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”), within project PEst-C/MAT/UI4106/2011 with COMPETE number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022690. 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Coimbra, On the variable order dynamics of the nonlinear wake caused by a sedimenting particle, Phys. ", "D [**240**]{} (2011), no.", " 13, 1111–1118.", "\n\nS. G. Samko, Fractional integration and differentiation of variable order, Anal. ", "Math. [**", "21**]{} (1995), no.", " 3, 213–236.", "\n\nS. G. Samko, A. A. Kilbas and O. I. Marichev, [*Fractional integrals and derivatives*]{}, translated from the 1987 Russian original, Gordon and Breach, Yverdon, 1993.", "\n\nS. G. Samko and B. Ross, Integration and differentiation to a variable fractional order, Integral Transform. ", "Spec. ", "Funct. [**", "1**]{} (1993), no.", " 4, 277–300.", "\n\nD. Valério and J. S. Costa, Variable-order fractional derivatives and their numerical approximations, Signal Process. [**", "91**]{} (2011), 470-–483.", "\n\nP. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh and I. Turner, Numerical methods for the variable-order fractional advection-diffusion equation with a nonlinear source term, SIAM J. Numer. ", "Anal. [**", "47**]{} (2009), no.", " 3, 1760–1781.", "\n\n[^1]: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will be published in *The Scientific World Journal* ([http://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj]{}). ", "Submitted 27-Aug-2013; accepted 19-Sept-2013.", "\n" ]
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[ "Influence of transurethral resection on sexual dysfunction in patients with prostate cancer.", "\nTo evaluate retrospectively the potential influence of disease-related factors and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) on the sexual function of patients who had undergone curative radiotherapy for prostate cancer. ", "The study comprised 104 patients (median age 69.5 years, range 49-81) who had been treated with curative radiotherapy and no first-line hormones: 16, 52, 33 and three patients had T1, T2, T3 and T4 tumours, respectively. ", "TURP was performed in 73 patients before RT, and needle biopsy alone in 31 patients. ", "They were interviewed about their past and present sexual lives using a questionnaire designed to evaluate the potency of the patients at age 45 years, at 1 year before the diagnosis of the disease, before radiotherapy (after TURP or needle biopsy) and at the last follow-up. ", "Information concerning associated diseases, routine medication and the weight of the resected material was also collected. ", "Before diagnosis, 20 patients had no erections while 84 were potent. ", "Of the 60 potent patients undergoing a TURP, 31 (51%) indicated complete impotence immediately thereafter. ", "There was no statistical difference between impotent and potent patients after TURP in age, associated diseases, medical treatment and the weight of the resected material. ", "TURP may lead to impotence in a significant proportion of patients. ", "As TURP is an important component of \"conservative' treatment approaches, its potential sexual morbidity should be taken into consideration in the comparative risk-benefit analysis of different therapeutic strategies." ]
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[ 0.009310070425271988, 0.0009474466787651181, 0.0006378535181283951, 0.000656803313177079, 0.0009597623720765114, 0.0005597072304226458, 0.0007080156938172877, 0.001033621490933001, 0.0007359574665315449, 0.002677517244592309, 0.005047566257417202 ]
[ "Many miniature electronic and optical devices are formed using layers of different materials stacked on each other. ", "These layers are often patterned to produce the devices. ", "Examples of such devices include optical displays in which each pixel is formed in a patterned array, optical waveguide structures for telecommunication devices, and metal-insulator-metal stacks for semiconductor-based devices.", "\nA conventional method for making these devices includes forming one or more layers on a receptor substrate and patterning the layers simultaneously or sequentially to form the device. ", "In many cases, multiple deposition and patterning steps are required to prepare the ultimate device structure. ", "For example, the preparation of optical displays may require the separate formation of red, green, and blue pixels. ", "Although some layers may be commonly deposited for each of these types of pixels, at least some layers must be separately formed and often separately patterned. ", "Patterning of the layers is often performed by photolithographic techniques that include, for example, covering a layer with a photoresist, patterning the photoresist using a mask, removing a portion of the photoresist to expose the underlying layer according to the pattern, and then etching the exposed layer.", "\nIn some applications, it may be difficult or impractical to produce devices using conventional photolithographic patterning. ", "For example, the number of patterning steps may be too large for practical manufacture of the device. ", "In addition, wet processing steps in conventional photolithographic patterning may adversely affect integrity, interfacial characteristics, and/or electrical or optical properties of the previously deposited layers. ", "It is conceivable that many potentially advantageous device constructions, designs, layouts, and materials are impractical because of the limitations of conventional photolithographic patterning. ", "There is a need for new methods of forming these devices with a reduced number of processing steps, particularly wet processing steps. ", "In at least some instances, this may allow for the construction of devices with more reliability and more complexity." ]
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[ "\n993 So.2d 530 (2008)\nHARRIS\nv.\nSTATE.", "\nNo. ", "3D07-2471.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.", "\nOctober 1, 2008.", "\nDecision without published opinion. ", "Affirmed.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.0007303216843865812, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0008784587262198329, 0.0007634327048435807, 0.0006833060178905725, 0.0006174277514219284, 0.0007905580569058657, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "A study published in Science, by researchers at Rothamsted Research (an institute of the BBSRC), the Met Office, the Natural Resources Institute, and the Universities of Exeter, Greenwich and York, sheds new light on the flight behaviours that enable insects to undertake long-distance migrations, and highlights the remarkable abilities of these insect migrants.", "\n\nMany insects avoid cold British winters by migrating south in autumn to over-wintering sites around the Mediterranean. ", "Migrant insects then return to the UK in spring. ", "How such small insects undertake journeys of several thousands of kilometres has long fascinated scientists.", "\n\nThe reported study was funded by BBSRC and used two sets of specially-designed radar equipment to observe migrating butterflies and moths flying several hundreds of metres above the ground, and to describe the sophisticated flight behaviours that they have evolved. ", "These insect migrants have a compass sense that enables them to select winds which will take them in their chosen direction, and to travel at speeds of up to 100 km per hour. ", "The fast speeds of winds aloft mean that insects travel more-or-less downwind, but they make subtle adjustments to their headings so that they partially correct for wind-induced drift away from their preferred direction of travel.", "\n\nDr Chapman said \"Migratory butterflies and moths have evolved an amazing capacity to use favourable tailwinds. ", "By flying at the heights where the wind currents are fastest, migratory moths can travel between their summer and winter grounds in just a few nights.\"", "\n\nDr Hill said \"We estimate that over 2 billion insects were involved in the mass migration events that we studied. ", "These insect migrants are clearly very successful.\"", "\n\nThe study used a computer model dubbed \"NAME\" to demonstrate that the flight behaviours observed result in migrants travelling nearly twice as far and closer to their preferred direction as an insect just randomly drifting downwind. ", "Many migratory insects are pests of agricultural crops, so the model will be useful for predicting migration events in the future.", "\n\nMs Burgin said \"We combined the results from the radar measurements of moth flight with the outputs of a model of atmosphere motion to show that by hitchhiking on suitable winds, insects can travel at greater speeds than many migrating birds, which is important given the short lifespan of insects.\"", "\n\nThis study illustrates how insects successfully undertake long-distance migrations in favourable directions. ", "Climate change is likely to significantly alter the frequency of insect migrants, including introducing some agricultural pests that are completely new to the UK. ", "Thus, a better understanding of their migration strategies is increasingly crucial in helping to secure food supplies in the long term." ]
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[ "//\n// $Id$\n// From Philippe Le Hegaret (Philippe.Le_Hegaret@sophia.inria.fr)\n//\n// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1997.", "\n// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html\npackage org.w3c.css.properties.css;\n\nimport org.w3c.css.parser.", "CssStyle;\nimport org.w3c.css.properties.css2.Css2Style;\nimport org.w3c.css.util.", "ApplContext;\nimport org.w3c.css.util.", "InvalidParamException;\nimport org.w3c.css.values.", "CssExpression;\nimport org.w3c.css.values.", "CssValue;\n\n/**\n * @version $Revision$\n * @since CSS2\n */\npublic class CssEmptyCells extends CssProperty {\n\n public CssValue value;\n\n /**\n * Create a new CssEmptyCells\n */\n public CssEmptyCells() {\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new CssEmptyCells\n *\n * @param expression The expression for this property\n * @throws org.w3c.css.util.", "InvalidParamException\n * Expressions are incorrect\n */\n public CssEmptyCells(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression, boolean check)\n throws InvalidParamException {\n throw new InvalidParamException(\"value\",\n expression.getValue().toString(),\n getPropertyName(), ac);\n }\n\n public CssEmptyCells(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression)\n throws InvalidParamException {\n this(ac, expression, false);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value of this property\n */\n public Object get() {\n return value;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Returns the name of this property\n */\n public final String getPropertyName() {\n return \"empty-cells\";\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns true if this property is \"softly\" inherited\n * e.g. his value is equals to inherit\n */\n public boolean isSoftlyInherited() {\n return value.equals(inherit);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of the object.", "\n */\n public String toString() {\n return value.toString();\n }\n\n /**\n * Add this property to the CssStyle.", "\n *\n * @param style The CssStyle\n */\n public void addToStyle(ApplContext ac, CssStyle style) {\n if (((Css2Style) style).cssEmptyCells !", "= null)\n style.addRedefinitionWarning(ac, this);\n ((Css2Style) style).cssEmptyCells = this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares two properties for equality.", "\n *\n * @param property The other property.", "\n */\n public boolean equals(CssProperty property) {\n return (property instanceof CssEmptyCells &&\n value.equals(((CssEmptyCells) property).value));\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Get this property in the style.", "\n *\n * @param style The style where the property is\n * @param resolve if true, resolve the style to find this property\n */\n public CssProperty getPropertyInStyle(CssStyle style, boolean resolve) {\n if (resolve) {\n return ((Css2Style) style).getEmptyCells();\n } else {\n return ((Css2Style) style).cssEmptyCells;\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "The other day, tri-ace came up as a topic of discussion on a forum I visit, and I was forced to face some unfortunate realities about what once might have been my favorite developer. ", "Creator of the Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile franchises, tri-ace played a large role in my gaming as a child--Star Ocean 2: The Second Story and Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time stick out far more in my memories than any non-Final Fantasy, so to a preteen/teenaged version of me, tri-ace was more important than Squaresoft.", "So when The Last Hope offered some of the most annoying J-RPG stereotyped characters I'd ever wasted my time playing, to say that I was frustrated was putting it mildly. ", "For Star Ocean 5, I had my hopes high--I couldn't believe the franchise was coming back at all, but I felt confident they would be able to right all the mistakes of 4 and bring the series back to the minor level of prominence it had during the PS1/PS2 era. ", "I followed the character reveals and videos closely and everythingon track, and yet...something happened. ", "The game came out to barely mediocre reviews; filled with backtracking, a battle system so \"reminiscent\" of SO3's it was basically a clone, and a far too short main story for a game that already reused only a handful of environments, it seemed as if Star Ocean 5 had killed tri-ace's chances at being a console game developer for good.", "But was that athing? ", "As fans we often decry the loss of every single developer that shutters its doors or turns to the far more profitable mobile world but sometimes its a necessary decision. ", "Especially lately, as developers continue to pop up that make an already competitive market even moreso. ", "Let's take a break from talking about tri-ace for a second to look at some other small developers (and one large developer with a \"small\" game)so you can see what I meanis a mid-tier sized developer that's known for their deep, innovative battle systems and quick turnover times while developing titles on shoestring budgets. ", "They're a bit mercenary in how they get their funding, so what usually holds them back is a lack of proper development time even in the face of their ability to rapidly complete titles, as seen in their Legend of Korra and TMNT projects. ", "But most recently, the company released Nier: Automata alongside famed creator Yoko Taro to worldwide critical acclaim and fantastic sales for a project of that size. ", "This was able to happen because they combined a development team known for their superb gameplay with an auteur creator like Taro who was able to provide a world and characters with which players would want to get involved.", "Then you have Nihon Falcom, a tiny but venerated studio that's been around for nearly four decades. ", "Currently known for their Ys and Kiseki series, Falcom doesn't necessarily have great sales worldwide, but they do very well domestically. ", "Their games aren't graphically impressive (their first PS4 Kiseki looks like a late game PS3 title) and their stories aren't genius, but their worlds and lore just might be the most well-developed in gaming, anywhere. ", "Pages upon pages of text devoted to their history and relations between different countries, minor and major NPCs that have their own mini-stories that play out while you're in their cities. ", "They replace the need to dazzle with visuals or do unique innovations with a world that you can lose dozens of hours exploring and learning about.", "Finally, there's Bandai-Namco's Tales series. ", "To be clear, Bandai-Namco is bya small company--they're about as big as a Japanese developer can get, in fact. ", "And the Tales series has basically shifted into being a third pillar of sorts for J-RPGs between Square-Enix's Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. ", "Still, I don't think many people would say that the budget for Tales titles would rival a Final Fantasy or probably even a DQ. ", "They're mid-tier, polished fantasy J-RPGs with an anime aesthetic that usually have good battle systems and decent production values.....Which brings me back to tri-ace, because at this point the Tales franchise have become \"Star Ocean, but better\". ", "And that's the developer's problem: there's not a single thingdo that's better than what's already on the market, or even especially different in an appreciable way. ", "They'd be almost be better off sticking to the decent amount of success they're experiencing on mobile. ", "But of course you're not here for that, so let's talk about what some backseat developer thinks they can do to save themselves.think Star Ocean is their best bet at standing out as a developer going forward. ", "But it would need to be a full-blown reboot, and preferably as the game people always think of when you say Star Ocean, not what it's always been. ", "Because hearing the name, most people would think: \"oh, a J-RPG about exploring space\" only to discover that it's a J-RPG that merelyabout space but more often than not ends up set on a planet that's more about high fantasy and magic tropes. ", "And just like that, all the intrigue of the game is usually taken out.", "A reboot of Star Ocean could instead take a hard sci-fi turn. ", "Allow players to traverse the galaxy, see multiple planets and meet dozens of alien races. ", "Perhaps the game steals liberally from Suikoden, and sets you in a world where you have to deal with the possibility of an interstellar war between multiple factions, and the only thing standing in its way is the crew you assemble from across the stars. ", "Along those lines, perhaps introduce a spaceship combat system...and have your ships develop more based on how many crew members you've assembled, as well as offering the ability to customize or purchase new ships a la Infinite Space. ", "Embrace the space opera and science fiction that's always been there but scarcely ever been lived up to. ", "This is the type of game that literallyin the Japanese console game space, roleplaying or otherwise, and it's exactly the kind of thing that would help tri-ace reassert itself as a developer worth mention in the HD era.", "Of course, budget is still an issue but after a solid decade of playing great games that aren't the best lookers, I think RPG fans will be okay if a potentially classic Star Ocean game isn't the prettiest boy/girl at the dance. ", "If anything, if that allows the game to be more full-featured and well-rounded of an experience, all the better.", "Ultimately, what's standing in tri-ace's way is the leadership necessary to carve out a niche of their own in the gaming world. ", "The console gaming industry is harsh, almost cutthroat in how demanding it can be of developers. ", "Since most developers can't do one thing at an A+ tier, gamers have come to settle for games that do most or all things at a B+ tier, and that's a tall order if you don't have the size and money behind you to make it happen. ", "And if you fail, there's usually nothing left for you than to close down. ", "Which is why as much as I want tri-ace to be as important a console developer as were did in my youth, I'm alright if they enjoy the \"easy\" money of mobile for awhile until they get there." ]
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[ "Image copyrightThinkstockImage caption\nMothers with babies up to six months old took part in the study\n\nNew mothers given an injection after their baby is born are more prone to problems with breastfeeding, a study has indicated.", "\n\nThe drug ergotmetrine is offered to mothers to speed up the delivery of the placenta.", "\n\nBut a Swansea University study of 288 women found those given the jab were more likely to report pain or difficulties when breastfeeding.", "\n\nThe mothers were also less likely to continue breastfeeding past two weeks.", "\n\nThe report concluded the injection of the drug may interfere with natural hormones which support the breastfeeding process.", "\n\nThe Swansea study recorded the experience of mothers with a baby aged 0-6 months.", "\n\nIt showed that although there was no difference in the number who began breastfeeding, those who had the injection were less likely to still be doing it two weeks later.", "\n\nBreastfeeding rates decrease\n\nOne of the authors of the report, Dr Amy Brown, said: \"The findings are very interesting as they add to the growing evidence that medications that mothers receive during labour and birth might make breastfeeding more difficult and explain why, as the number of complicated births rises in the UK, breastfeeding rates have dropped.", "\n\n\"We knew previously that women who receive this injection were less likely to breastfeed but were unsure why this might happen.", "\n\n\"This data tells us why: women are more likely to experience pain and difficulty breastfeeding their baby which leads to them moving to formula milk.\"", "\n\nCo-author Dr Sue Jordan explained the injection might interfere with the body's natural responses to hormones known as oxytocin and prolactin, which regulate the production of milk.", "\n\nShe called for further research to explore the options for new mothers to \"understand the balance between protecting women from excessive blood loss and giving them the strongest chance of breastfeeding their baby\"." ]
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[ 0.015616717748343945, 0.056709930300712585, 0.007712553720921278, 0.03777485340833664, 0.0010501372162252665, 0.0009581192280165851, 0.001848495565354824, 0.0008890133467502892, 0.02410954050719738, 0.009035487659275532, 0.0007327760104089975, 0.0043275984935462475 ]
[ "Memory Foam Mattress with unmatched comfort and spine support at best ..\n\nA window blind is a type of window covering. ", "There are many different kinds of window blinds which use a variety of control systems. ", "A typical window blind is made up of several long horizontal or vertical slats of various types of hard material, including wood, plastic or metal which are held together by cords that run through the blind slats. ", "Doors with Blinds Between Glass. ", "I wrote and article about French Doors with Built In Blinds awhile ago and numerous people have asked how to repair these type of window treatments if they get damaged. ", "The answer is not one most people want to hear. ", "Almost all of the doors and windows sold today with blinds between the glass are not easily repairable. ", "The blinds are forced bets posted by players to the left of the dealer button in flop-style poker games. ", "The number of blinds is usually two, but it can range from none to three. ", "The small blind is placed by the player to the left of the dealer button and the big blind is then posted by the next player to the left. ", "The one exception is when there are only two players (a “heads-up” game), when ULTRA PLUS APP. ", "Appeal Home Shading’s award-winning ULTRA® powered blinds’ system is now available with ULTRA® PLUS for your smartphone or tablet. ", "So shading management is not only at your fingertips when you’re home, but when you’re out and about – including abroad. ", "Roller Blinds. ", "The simple, yet stylish, shading solution for your home. ", "Swappable fabric feature as standard which means you can have a new look for your home in seconds by hooking off one fabric and hooking on a new one! ", "See all our Blinds. ", "Itzala branded blinds are low cost blinds that fit VELUX, FAKRO, RoofLITE, Dakstra, Keylite and Dakea roof windows. ", "You can choose between 3 different manuallly operated blind types and a manually operated awning that fit VELUX, FAKRO and RoofLITE roof windows. .", "\n\nPick out what you love, free samples can be found here. ", "You can also get instant prices on all of our online blinds by entering your measurements on the product pages. ", "After you’ve selected your product, you can pick the type of motorized remote you want for your home. ", "The type of remote you choose will depend on the set-up and needs of your home, and varies by brand and product. ", "Made to last. ", "Watch LEVOLOR® in action and see how our products work beautifully, today, tomorrow and every day. ", "Watch Now With a simplified selection of quality blinds, low prices, plus free samples and shipping, justblinds is the easiest way to buy custom blinds and shades online. ." ]
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[ 0.0006968865054659545, 0.0006285185809247196, 0.0009720917441882193, 0.0008192019886337221, 0.0005707409582100809, 0.0010794027475640178, 0.0006903046160005033, 0.001685882918536663, 0.0006327758310362697, 0.001110122655518353, 0.0007741229492239654, 0.0007182782283052802, 0.011278318241238594, 0.002239675261080265, 0.001311446656472981, 0.0009866543114185333, 0.00081201724242419, 0.0012741484679281712, 0.0013261516578495502, 0.0006279781810007989, 0.0005708413664251566, 0.0007226486341096461, 0.0006245646509341896, 0.0012293907348066568, 0.0006597181200049818, 0.0005754625890403986 ]
[ "It’s fair to say that when it comes to the current console generation, Sony PlayStation has laid down the marker to beat.", "\n\nAnd while it’s probably beyond Microsoft’s Xbox One to catch up with the PS4, it may be a different matter when it comes to the Nintendo Switch.", "\n\nThe PS4 has now been confirmed to have sold over 91 million units worldwide, putting it on track to surpass the Wii and the PlayStation 1.", "\n\nBut that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still face competition from other rivals too.", "\n\nNew Nintendo Switch news this week suggests that the console is doing very well in Japan.", "\n\nAnd not only selling well but beating the Sony PlayStation 4 when it comes to sales in the region.", "\n\nJapanese firm Media Create has released new data that provides a clearer picture of how things went in 2018.", "\n\nBy looking at the final weeks of last year and comparing it to information already known about the Switch, it looks to have surpassed the 3.5 million units mark.", "\n\nThat would put it in front of the PS4, which looks to have sold around 1.7 million units in Japan in 2018.", "\n\nAnd it’s also estimated that lifetime sales of the Nintendo Switch in Japan has now passed 7 million units sold.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Sony’s PS4 is reported to have reached 7.5 million in the region, meaning that it has taken the Switch less than two years to close the gap on PlayStation.", "\n\nIt now seems likely that the Nintendo Switch will become the best selling console when compared to the PS4 and Xbox One, in 2019.", "\n\nThe holidays were kind to all three hardware makers at the end of 2018, although, Nintendo also had some great news concerning their latest exclusive.", "\n\nSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate is on a hot streak when it comes to the Japanese sales charts.", "\n\nThe latest data suggests that Super Smash for Switch has now sold over 2.5 million units in the region alone.", "\n\nNintendo focusing on Super Smash during the holidays as their only big exclusive seems to have paid off.", "\n\nNot to be outdone, Sony’s PS4 exclusive – Marvel’s Spider-Man – has also been confirmed to have sold over 8 million copies since launch.", "\n\nAnd it wasn’t just Spider-Man that has been proving a big seller for Sony, who also announced some stunning stats for their PlayStation Network.", "\n\n“We are happy to announce that the monthly active users of PlayStation Network continues to show strong growth, and has surpassed 90 million as ofendof November 2018,” Sony Interactive Entertainment president and CEO John Kodera revealed this week.", "\n\n“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our passionate community around the globe, and our partners, for helping us achieve these milestones.", "\n\n“This year, we will bring more enhanced experiences to our fans along with a highly anticipated lineup of games that are only possible on PS4.", "\n\n“As we look toward the next PS4 milestone, SIE will continue to evolve, and we will further expand the platform to deliver the best interactive entertainment experiences to the world.”" ]
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[ 0.0008942415588535368, 0.0008540021372027695, 0.0009082651231437922, 0.000962184218224138, 0.0005919015966355801, 0.000727120554074645, 0.0005483725690282881, 0.0005462639965116978, 0.0007340158335864544, 0.0006734452908858657, 0.0007296382100321352, 0.0007618371746502817, 0.0005761450156569481, 0.0008848714642226696, 0.00072698132134974, 0.0009074316476471722, 0.0009250935399904847, 0.0006819947739131749, 0.0005607864004559815, 0.0004849221440963447, 0.0005566284526139498, 0.0005279714241623878 ]
[ "Antiepileptic drug treatment patterns and economic burden of commercially-insured patients with refractory epilepsy with partial onset seizures in the United States.", "\nTo assess the economic burden in direct healthcare utilization and costs for refractory epileptic patients with partial onset seizures (POS) and assess the antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment patterns among these patients. ", "This retrospective database study analyzed administrative claims of commercially-insured patients with POS from 2004-2008. ", "Healthcare costs and utilization were compared between refractory (defined as ≥3 AEDs) and non-refractory patients by calendar year and AED treatment patterns were described for refractory patients. ", "Of the 79,149 patients identified (mean age 33 years; 54.8% female), 8714 (11%) were classified as refractory. ", "In 2008, average annual healthcare costs for refractory patients were significantly higher than non-refractory patients ($33,613 vs $19,085), also by settings for inpatient ($11,780 vs $6076), outpatient ($13,431 vs $8637), and pharmacy costs ($8402 vs $4372) (all p < 0.001). ", "Among refractory patients, close to one-third of total costs were for POS-related services. ", "Similar trends were observed when assessing POS-related utilization and costs. ", "The differences were consistent across all calendar years examined. ", "Among refractory patients, 80.5% were on monotherapy at the beginning of the follow-up period. ", "Levetiracetam is the common AED in mono/combination therapy as well as add-on/switch-to. ", "The onset of seizure cannot be identified, and the indication of each AED could not be confirmed from the pharmacy claims. ", "Only direct medical costs were assessed. ", "Pattern of use was very dynamic, suggesting seizures are not well-controlled. ", "Improving seizure control and reducing economic burden of refractory epilepsy remain important unmet medical needs in this population." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007480707135982811, 0.0005988331395201385, 0.0006004433380439878, 0.0005771418218500912, 0.0006616318714804947, 0.0006165312952362001, 0.0006919858860783279, 0.0005649867234751582, 0.0005803444655612111, 0.0005790683790110052, 0.0007912091678008437, 0.0005832434399053454, 0.0007708214689046144, 0.0007518091006204486, 0.0008216018904931843 ]
[ "package moe.feng.support.biometricprompt;\n\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.content.", "DialogInterface;\nimport android.hardware.fingerprint.", "FingerprintManager;\nimport android.os.*;", "\nimport android.support.annotation.", "NonNull;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "Nullable;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "RequiresApi;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "RestrictTo;\nimport android.util.", "Log;\nimport android.view.", "View;\n\nimport javax.crypto.", "Cipher;\nimport javax.crypto.", "Mac;\nimport java.security.", "Signature;\n\n@RequiresApi(api = Build.", "VERSION_CODES.M)\n@RestrictTo({RestrictTo.", "Scope.", "LIBRARY})\nclass BiometricPromptApi23Impl implements IBiometricPromptImpl {\n\n private final Context context;\n\n private final Handler mainHandler;\n private final Handler animateHandler;\n\n private final FingerprintManager fingerprintManager;\n\n private final BiometricPromptCompatDialog dialog;\n\n @Nullable\n private CancellationSignal cancellationSignal;\n\n private BiometricPromptCompat.", "IAuthenticationCallback callback;\n\n private FingerprintManager.", "AuthenticationCallback fmAuthCallback\n = new FingerprintManagerAuthenticationCallbackImpl();\n\n @Nullable\n private DialogInterface.", "OnClickListener negativeButtonListener;\n\n BiometricPromptApi23Impl(\n @NonNull Context context,\n @NonNull CharSequence title,\n @Nullable CharSequence subtitle,\n @Nullable CharSequence description,\n @Nullable CharSequence negativeButtonText,\n @Nullable DialogInterface.", "OnClickListener negativeButtonListener\n ) {\n this.context = context;\n this.mainHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());\n this.animateHandler = new AnimateHandler(context.getMainLooper());\n this.fingerprintManager = context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class);\n this.negativeButtonListener = negativeButtonListener;\n\n dialog = new BiometricPromptCompatDialog(context);\n\n dialog.setTitle(title);\n if (subtitle == null) {\n dialog.getSubtitle().setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n } else {\n dialog.getSubtitle().setText(subtitle);\n }\n if (description == null) {\n dialog.getDescription().setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n } else {\n dialog.getDescription().setText(description);\n }\n if (negativeButtonText == null) {\n dialog.getNegativeButton().setVisibility(View.", "INVISIBLE);\n } else {\n dialog.getNegativeButton().setText(negativeButtonText);\n if (negativeButtonListener == null) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Negative button listener should not be null.\");", "\n }\n dialog.getNegativeButton().setOnClickListener(v -> {\n dialog.dismiss();\n negativeButtonListener.onClick(dialog, DialogInterface.", "BUTTON_NEGATIVE);\n });\n }\n }\n\n @NonNull\n @Override\n public Context getContext() {\n return context;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void authenticate(\n @Nullable BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject crypto,\n @Nullable CancellationSignal cancel,\n @NonNull BiometricPromptCompat.", "IAuthenticationCallback callback\n ) {\n if (dialog.isShowing()) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"BiometricPrompt has been started.\");", "\n }\n this.cancellationSignal = cancel;\n this.callback = callback;\n if (cancellationSignal == null) {\n cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal();\n }\n CancellationSignal innerCancel = new CancellationSignal();\n cancellationSignal.setOnCancelListener(() -> {\n innerCancel.cancel();\n dialog.cancel();\n });\n\n dialog.setOnDismissListener(dialogInterface -> {\n if (cancellationSignal !", "= null && !", "cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {\n cancellationSignal.cancel();\n }\n });\n dialog.setOnCancelListener(dialogInterface -> {\n if (cancellationSignal !", "= null && !", "cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {\n cancellationSignal.cancel();\n }\n });\n dialog.setOnShowListener(d -> {\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(\n FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON, false);\n fingerprintManager.authenticate(\n toCryptoObjectApi23(crypto), innerCancel,\n 0, fmAuthCallback, mainHandler);\n });\n\n dialog.show();\n }\n\n BiometricPromptCompatDialog getAuthenticateDialogForFragment(\n @Nullable BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject crypto,\n @Nullable CancellationSignal cancel,\n @NonNull BiometricPromptCompat.", "IAuthenticationCallback callback\n ) {\n if (dialog.isShowing()) {\n Log.e(BiometricPromptCompat.", "TAG, \"BiometricPrompt has been started.\");", "\n }\n this.cancellationSignal = cancel;\n this.callback = callback;\n if (cancellationSignal == null) {\n cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal();\n }\n CancellationSignal innerCancel = new CancellationSignal();\n cancellationSignal.setOnCancelListener(() -> {\n innerCancel.cancel();\n dialog.cancel();\n });\n\n dialog.setOnShowListener(d -> {\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(\n FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON, false);\n fingerprintManager.authenticate(\n toCryptoObjectApi23(crypto), innerCancel,\n 0, fmAuthCallback, mainHandler);\n });\n\n return dialog;\n }\n\n private static FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject toCryptoObjectApi23(\n BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject ico) {\n if (ico == null) {\n return null;\n } else if (ico.getCipher() !", "= null) {\n return new FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject(ico.getCipher());\n } else if (ico.getMac() !", "= null) {\n return new FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject(ico.getMac());\n } else if (ico.getSignature() !", "= null) {\n return new FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject(ico.getSignature());\n } else {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"ICryptoObject doesn\\'t include any data.\");", "\n }\n }\n\n private static class CryptoObjectApi23Impl implements BiometricPromptCompat.", "ICryptoObject {\n\n private final FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject cryptoObject;\n\n CryptoObjectApi23Impl(FingerprintManager.", "CryptoObject cryptoObject) {\n this.cryptoObject = cryptoObject;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Signature getSignature() {\n return cryptoObject.getSignature();\n }\n\n @Override\n public Cipher getCipher() {\n return cryptoObject.getCipher();\n }\n\n @Override\n public Mac getMac() {\n return cryptoObject.getMac();\n }\n\n }\n\n private class AnimateHandler extends Handler {\n\n static final int WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE = 0;\n\n AnimateHandler(@NonNull Looper looper) {\n super(looper);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void handleMessage(Message msg) {\n switch (msg.what) {\n case WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE:\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON);\n dialog.getStatus().setText(R.string.touch_fingerprint_sensor_hint);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n private class FingerprintManagerAuthenticationCallbackImpl\n extends FingerprintManager.", "AuthenticationCallback {\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationError(int errorCode, CharSequence errString) {\n animateHandler.removeMessages(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE);\n if (errString !", "= null) {\n dialog.getStatus().setText(errString);\n }\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ERROR);\n animateHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE, 2000);\n callback.onAuthenticationError(errorCode, errString);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationHelp(int helpCode, CharSequence helpString) {\n if (helpString !", "= null) {\n dialog.getStatus().setText(helpString);\n }\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ON);\n callback.onAuthenticationHelp(helpCode, helpString);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(FingerprintManager.", "AuthenticationResult result) {\n mainHandler.post(dialog::dismiss);\n callback.onAuthenticationSucceeded(() ->\n new CryptoObjectApi23Impl(result.getCryptoObject()));\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAuthenticationFailed() {\n animateHandler.removeMessages(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE);\n dialog.getFingerprintIcon().setState(FingerprintIconView.", "State.", "ERROR);\n dialog.getStatus().setText(R.string.not_recognized_fingerprint_hint);\n animateHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(AnimateHandler.", "WHAT_RESTORE_NORMAL_STATE, 2000);\n callback.onAuthenticationFailed();\n }\n }\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Survival of T- and B-Phenotype Diffuse Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas.", "\nSurvival of immunophenotyped non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) diagnosed as diffuse mixed, diffuse large and large cell immunoblastic by the working formulation was evaluated based on phenotypic categories. ", "These subtypes were grouped as diffuse aggressive NHLs due to their similarities, and categorized into T- and B-phenotype NHLs. ", "There were 45 (57.7%) cases of T-NHL and 33 (42.3%) B-NHL. ", "Major clinical factors such as sex, age, stage, B-symptoms and site of disease, as well as performance status (PS), LDH, primary site and number of extra-nodal sites involved showed equal distributions between T- and B-NHLs. ", "Combination chemotherapeutic regimens based on doxorubicin were used in 84% of these cases. ", "Complete remission was achieved in 73.6% of T-NHL and 74.1% of B-NHL. ", "Median survival for the T- and B-NHL was the same over 30 months. ", "Projected survival at 5 years was also similar, T-NHL (35%) and B-NHL (38%). ", "Unilaterally, survival was adversely affected in stage III/IV of T-NHL and for age over 65 years for B-NHL. ", "Survival was unfavorable for the B-NHL without B-symptoms when compared to T-NHLs. ", "Multivariately, only sex, B-symptoms and PS significantly (P < 0.05) affected the survival of T-NHL. ", "Although the overall results indicate that the response and survival of T- and B-NHL are similar, the differences observed on the effect of sex, age, stage, B-symptoms and PS on survival of T- and B-NHLs imply that, their influence on T-NHLs was different from that for B-NHLs. ", "Therefore we suggest that separate prognostic models are needed for the T- and B-phenotype NHLs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.027151118963956833, 0.001359838410280645, 0.0009123285999521613, 0.001140320091508329, 0.0007137038628570735, 0.0009663978707976639, 0.0007965947734192014, 0.0006464712787419558, 0.0006144558428786695, 0.0006878911517560482, 0.0008590389625169337, 0.0012559228343889117, 0.000737710390239954, 0.0007792201358824968 ]
[ "Tag Archives: International Chemical Identifier\n\nInChI Strings and InChIKeys are very much the backbone of ChemSpider and have quickly become a way by which online databases are being connected online. ", "The InChIKey is a hash of the InChiString and when the hash was adopted it was suggested that the likelihood that there would be a collision was very small, the estimate being, as quoted from the official InChI site:\n\n“An example of InChI with its InChKey equivalent is shown below. ", "There is a finite, but very small probability of finding two structures with the same InChIKey. ", "For duplication of only the first block of 14 characters this is 1.3% in 109, equivalent to a single collision in one of 75 databases of 109 compounds each.”", "\n\nAt a previous ACS Meeting Prof Jonathan Goodman from University of Cambridge announced that he had identified a collision. ", "The collision was for two isomers of spongistatin, a rather complex chemical structure with many stereocenters.", "\n\nJonathan has “done it again”…what a troublemaker he is (in a supremely gentlemanly way!). ", "I was fortunate enough to receive the news about this collision from him just as I was getting on the flight from ACS Denver to home tonight and asked his permission to blog it as it is both exciting and, I believe, quite surprising news. ", "Why? ", "In this case the collision is for two distinctly different chemicals with totally different formulae and with NO stereochemistry! ", "Very surprising!", "\n\nAs you can see in the figure below the two chemical compounds are simply long branched alkyl chains, one an alcohol and one a ketone.", "\n\nIn case Jonathan’s software tool that he was using to connect to the InChI generation software was doing something untoward with the molfile I confirmed the observation myself by drawing the structures in ACD/ChemSketch and generating the InChIKeys there. ", "And, sure enough…I see exactly the same Standard InChIKeys for both molecules as shown in the movie below. ", "VERY interesting!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006614256999455392, 0.0008679367019794881, 0.0006526724901050329, 0.0006204004166647792, 0.0005620492738671601, 0.0006430632201954722, 0.0019163178512826562, 0.0005163670284673572, 0.0009686383418738842, 0.0006381304701790214, 0.0008428008877672255, 0.0006497186259366572, 0.0008702260674908757, 0.0006421589641831815, 0.0006459357682615519 ]
[ "30% is the usual semi-regular offer, but over the summer they offered 35%\n\nMost of the time they have tiers of bonuses up to some maximum (30%). ", "This one is a straight 30%\n\nBut this time there’s one change — Marriott Travel Packages are no longer eligible for the conversion bonus (neither are Starwood Nights + Flights packages).", "\n\nAmerican Express Membership Rewards is excluded from this bonus (it isn’t a hotel program). ", "But Starwood points transfers (and other hotel programs) are eligible.", "\n\nThe bonus is on the cumulative miles transferred across all hotel programs during the promotion period. ", "You can transfer from several hotel programs or move points in several transfers. ", "No registration is required.", "\n\nNormally 160,000 Starwood Starpoints will transfer to 200,000 Aeroplan points. ", "That will get you a bonus of 60,000 Aeroplan points and you’ll have a total of 260,000 in your Aeroplan account. ", "That’s an effective transfer ratio of 1.625 Aeroplan points per Starwood point.", "\n\nLet me show you the math on 133,000 points for 2 business class tickets.", "\n\nTransferring to 175,000 Aeroplan points generates a 30% bonus of 52,500 giving you a total of 227,500 Aeropolan points.", "\n\nTwo roundtrip business class awards between the US and nearer Europe costs 220,000 Aeroplan points.", "\nSo you don’t need to transfer the full 140,000 from Starwood but because of the 5000 bonus for hitting 140,000 you’d only save a couple thousand Starpoints if you don’t.", "\n\nThe minimum transfer of Starpoints for these 2 business class roundtrips would be 139,231. ", "That normally yields 169,231 miles. ", "This promotion delivers another 50,769 bonus miles for a total of 220,000 miles.", "\n\nWith Aeroplan you can even have a stopover (visit a city along the way to or from your destination) on a roundtrip award and an open jaw (either come back from a different city than the one you arrive in, or return to a different city than the one you started in).", "\n\nFuel surcharges are whatever would be charged on a similar, paid itinerary. ", "LOT fuel surcharges are low, so booking an Aeroplan award on LOT Polish isn’t very costly.", "\n\nAeroplan doesn’t put awards on hold, and transfers are Starwood points are not instantaneous. ", "So you can’t lock in an award with available space now, and then make the transfer. ", "You have to make the transfer, wait for all of the points to post, and then book an award.", "\n\nI find though that I use Aeroplan quite frequently (at least as a Membership Rewards transfer partner) for 55,000 mile business class one-way awards between the US and Europe.", "\n\nBonus offer valid only on conversions received from eligible hotel partner loyalty programs points into Aeroplan Miles made between November 6 and December 11, 2017 (11:59 EDT). ", "Bonus Aeroplan Miles will be issued by Aeroplan as follows: once the total Aeroplan Miles are earned by exchanging points from any combination of eligible partner programs during the promotion, the bonus miles deposited will represent 30% of the total miles earned from the exchange, BONUS MILE CREDITING: Bonus Aeroplan Miles may take up to 4-6 weeks to be credited after the promotional offer end date of December 11, 2017.", "\n\n*The total amount of miles received from the conversion of hotel loyalty program points into Aeroplan miles must be greater than or equal to 5,000 Aeroplan Miles in order to be eligible to receive the 30% bonus.", "\n\nWhile the conversion of Membership Rewards® points from American Express Card members accounts into Aeroplan Miles is still possible, it is not eligible for this bonus miles promotion.", "\n\nAlthough eligible CIBC Aventura cardholders as of October 1, 2013, can convert their Aventura points into Aeroplan Miles, these conversions are not eligible for this bonus miles promotion.", "\n\nBonus Aeroplan Miles received from the exchange of hotel loyalty program points into Aeroplan Miles are not eligible for status in the Aeroplan program.", "\n\nThis offer is not applicable to Hotel+Air package redemptions offered by Marriott Rewards and Starwood Preferred Guest.", "\n\nMore From View from the Wing\n\nGary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002.", "\nCo-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the \"World's Top Travel Experts\" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. ", "More About Gary »\n\nComments\n\nGary, I’m looking to use Aeroplan miles to book EVA air (two business class tickets for a total of 310K) from JFK to South Asia next year. ", "Would you say, using 90K SPG pts towards the Marriott Package for 120K Aeroplan miles (& 7 hotel nights) or using 80K SPG pts for 130K Aeroplans miles (will use Amex MR pts for the remaining needed miles) with this promotion is a better deal?", "\n\nI was checking LAX to Paris/Rome/London Biz Award tickets, however the tax fee is $400-700 one way , so crazy. ", "Does anyone know a better way to get Europe business class award tickets? ", "Thanks in advance.", "\n\nAbout Gary Leff\n\nGary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel -- a topic he has covered since 2002.", "\n\nCo-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the \"World's Top Travel Experts\" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. ", "More About Gary »\n\nView from the Wing is a project of Miles and Points Consulting, LLC. ", "This site is for entertainment purpose only. ", "The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances.", "\n\nAdvertiser Disclosure: Many (but not all) of the credit card offers on the site are from banks from which we receive compensation if you are approved. ", "Compensation does not impact the placement of cards in content. ", "Banner advertising, in contrast, is paid for by advertisers (we do not directly control the banner advertising on this blog).", "\n\nI don't include all US credit card offers available on this site. ", "Instead, I write primarily about cards which earn airline miles, hotel points, and some cash back (or have points that can be converted into the same).", "\n\nEditorial Note: The opinions, analyses, and evaluations here are mine and not provided by any bank including (but not limited to) American Express, Chase, Citibank, US Bank, Barclays or any other company. ", "They have not reviewed, approved or endorsed what I have to say.", "\n\nComments made in response to posts are not provided or commissioned nor have they been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any bank. ", "It is not the responsibility of any advertiser to ensure that questions are answered." ]
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[ "Hey hunters! ", "Here’s a few cool freebies being given out by Love2Love. ", "Just head over to their website and you can choose a sample from 4 of their newest fragrances! ", "These are only available to people in the U.S.\n\nHere’s how Love2Love describe their fragrance selection:\n\nThe love2love fragrance collection was inspired by a spectrum of colors that express a woman’s joy and sheer happiness. ", "Each shamelessly feminine scent will speak to the woman who loves the idea of being in love. ", "One spritz will make her smile as she imagines the exciting possibilities a new day can bring. ", "Each scent is designed to capture a stylish duo of ingredients that reflect perfect pairs in love.", "\n\nBelow are the 4 different sample fragrances available to choose from!", "\n\nEnjoy guys! ", "You can apply for your free Love2Love samples by clicking here. (", "Look for the small red “free sample” button in the top-right!)" ]
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[ "The Long Story.", "\n\nThe Long Story. - ", "Page Text Content\n\nS: The Long Story. ", "by Shaun Luis Garnica\n\n3: to my Dad I love you Daddy\n\n19: Shaun is a six year old budding author. ", "He enjoys writing and illustrating. ", "He loves to learn about science at school. ", "When he is not at kindergarten, he likes to color, build with legos, and create buildings or train tracks. ", "He may also be found climbing trees or riding his bike. ", "Shaun has a dad, a mom, a younger sister (Reese), and another sister on the way. ", "He is loved!" ]
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[ "/*\n Erica Sadun, http://ericasadun.com\n iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 6.x Edition\n BSD License, Use at your own risk\n */\n\n\n#import \"UIImage-Rotation.h\"\n\nUIImage *rotatedImage(UIImage *image, CGFloat rotation)\n{\n // Calculate Destination Size\n CGAffineTransform t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rotation);\n CGRect sizeRect = (CGRect) {.size = image.size};\n CGRect destRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(sizeRect, t);\n CGSize destinationSize = destRect.size;\n\n // Draw image\n UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(destinationSize);\n CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();\n CGContextTranslateCTM(context, destinationSize.width / 2.0f, destinationSize.height / 2.0f);\n CGContextRotateCTM(context, rotation);\n [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(-image.size.width / 2.0f, -image.size.height / 2.0f, image.size.width, image.size.height)];\n \n // Save image\n\tUIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();\n\tUIGraphicsEndImageContext();\n\treturn newImage;\n}\n\n@implementation UIImage (Rotation)\n- (BOOL) isLandscape\n{\n if (self.size.width > self.size.height)\n return YES;\n return NO;\n}\n\n- (BOOL) isPortrait\n{\n return !(", "self.isLandscape);\n}\n\n- (UIImage *) rotateBy: (CGFloat) theta\n{\n return rotatedImage(self, theta);\n}\n\n+ (UIImage *) image: (UIImage *) image rotatedBy: (CGFloat) theta\n{\n return rotatedImage(image, theta);\n}\n@end\n" ]
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[ "---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/07/2000 09:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nBen F Jacoby@ECT\n11/06/2000 10:21 PM\nSent by: Ben Jacoby@ECT\nTo: Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay \nMann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Bills/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: LM6000 Contract Payment Allocations\n\nFolks:\n\nBased on our meeting with GE last Friday, we have decided to allocate post \nNov. 15th payment obligations to the stand-alone LM6000 turbine purchase \nagreements as set forth in the attached spreadsheet. ", "Please let me know if \nyou have any questions or comments.", "\n\nRegards,\n\n\nBen" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to grab images by author / personal gallery\n\nI've encountered a problem that I can't solve, while programming a page template for a profile page.", "\nHow can I get all of the attachment IDs from a particular author with a stated attachment type?", "\nSomething like get_attachments_from_user(userid, 'images');\nAnd is it possible to provide a user an option to edit media but only his own?", "\nFor example: I uploaded an image, now only I can see it (or admins) and only I can edit it (or admins).", "\nI'm trying to create a personal gallery for the users in my Website and in practice I have no idea how, in theory I do...\n\nA:\n\nTry using this query for retrieve attachment of particular user\n$query = new WP_Query( array('author'=> $your_author_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image',));\n\n" ]
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[ "Chapter XIX.—The Rulers of the Churches of Rome and Alexandria during the Reign of Verus.", "\n\n1. ", "In the eighth year of the above-mentioned reign 1208\nSoter 1209\nsucceeded Anicetus 1210\nas bishop of the church of Rome, after the latter had held office eleven years in all. ", "But when Celadion 1211\nhad presided over the church of Alexandria for fourteen years he was succeeded by Agrippinus. ", "1212\n\nFootnotes\n\nAs was remarked in chap. ", "11, note 18, Anicetus held office until 165 or 167, i.e. possibly until the seventh year of Marcus Aurelius. ", "The date therefore given here for the accession of Soter is at least a year out of the way. ", "The Armenian Chron. ", "puts his accession in the 236th Olympiad, i.e. the fourth to the seventh year of this reign, while the version of Jerome puts it in the ninth year. ", "From Bk. ", "V. chap. ", "1 we learn that he held office eight years, and this is the figure given by both versions of the Chron. ", "In chap. ", "23 Eusebius quotes from a letter of Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, addressed to Soter, in which he remarks that the Corinthian church have been reading on the Lord’s day an epistle written to them by Soter. ", "It was during his episcopate that Montanus labored in Asia Minor, and the anonymous author of the work called Prædestinatus (written in the middle of the fifth century) states that Soter wrote a treatise against him which was answered by Tertullian, but there seems to be no foundation for the tradition. ", "Two spurious epistles and several decretals have been falsely ascribed to him.", "\n\nOf Agrippinus we know only what Eusebius tells us here and in Bk. ", "V. chap. ", "9, where he says that he held office twelve years. ", "Jerome’s version of the Chron. ", "agrees as to the duration of his episcopate, but puts his accession in the sixth year of Marcus Aurelius. ", "In the Armenian version a curious mistake occurs in connection with his name. ", "Under the ninth year of Marcus Aurelius are found the words, Romanorum ecclesiæ XII. ", "episcopus constitutus est Agrippinus annis IX., ", "and then Eleutherus (under the thirteenth year of the same ruler) is made the thirteenth bishop, while Victor, his successor, is not numbered, and Zephyrinus the successor of the latter, is made number fourteen. ", "It is of course plain enough that the transcriber by an oversight read Romanorum ecclesiæ instead of Alexandrinæ ecclesiæ, and then having given Soter just above as the eleventh bishop, he felt compelled to make Agrippinus the twelfth, and hence reversed the two numbers, nine and twelve, given in connection with Agrippinus and made him the twelfth bishop, ruling nine years, instead of the ninth bishop, ruling twelve years. ", "He then found himself obliged to make Eleutherus the thirteenth, but brought the list back into proper shape again by omitting to number Victor as the fourteenth. ", "It is hard to understand how a copyist could commit such a flagrant error and not discover it when he found himself subsequently led into difficulty by it. ", "It simply shows with what carelessness the work of translation or of transcription was done. ", "As a result of the mistake no ninth bishop of Alexandria is mentioned, though the proper interval of twelve years remains between the death of Celadion and the accession of Julian." ]
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[ "Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activation by the bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B: role of macrophages and T cells.", "\nStaphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a bacterial superantigen which stimulates T cells bearing the V beta 8 motif on the T-cell receptor. ", "This stimulation is MHC class II dependent, and in vivo results in a rapid and pronounced T-cell cytokine response. ", "Based on previous evidence that SEB stimulates corticosterone production in BALB/c mice, which possess a high percentage of V beta 8+ T cells, we explored the effects of SEB on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and identified the peripheral immunologic cellular requirements for these effects. ", "Administration of SEB stimulates corticosterone in a dose-dependent manner, with peak production of corticosterone occurring by 2 h after intraperitoneal challenge with 50 micrograms SEB. ", "Challenge with staphylococcal enterotoxin A, which activates V beta 3+ and V beta 11+ T cells (deleted during ontogenesis in BALB/c mice), did not increase ACTH or corticosterone production. ", "Furthermore, SEB challenge increased plasma ACTH, which accounted for the increased plasma corticosterone, and increased the expression of c-fos in the PVN region of the hypothalamus. ", "In vivo elimination of macrophages did not prevent the corticosterone response to SEB, suggesting that pituitary-adrenal activation does not require macrophages. ", "However, when mice were pretreated with the T-cell immunosuppressant cyclosporin A, the significantly increased ACTH and corticosterone production in response to SEB was dramatically attenuated. ", "These results demonstrate that bacterial superantigens can stimulate the HPA axis, and that functional T cells may play an obligatory role in this effect." ]
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[ "Frictional unemployment\n\nFrictional unemployment is a type of unemployment. ", "It is sometimes called search unemployment and can be based on the circumstances of the individual. ", "It is time spent between jobs when a worker is searching for a job or transferring from one job to another. ", "Frictional unemployment is one of the three broad categories of unemployment, the others being structural unemployment and cyclical unemployment. ", "A person may be looking for a job change for better opportunities, services, salary and wages, or because of dissatisfaction with the previous job. ", "Strikes by trade unions also give rise to frictional unemployment.", "\n\nAnalysis\nFrictional unemployment exists because both jobs and workers are heterogeneous, and a mismatch can result between the characteristics of supply and demand. ", "Such a mismatch can be related to skills, payment, worktime, location, attitude, taste, and a multitude of other factors. ", "New entrants (such as graduating students) and re-entrants (such as former homemakers) can also suffer a spell of frictional unemployment. ", "Workers as well as employers accept a certain level of imperfection, risk or compromise, but usually not right away; they will invest some time and effort to find a match. ", "This is in fact beneficial to the economy since it results in a better allocation of resources. ", "However, if the search takes too long and mismatches are too frequent, the economy suffers, since some work will not get done. ", "Therefore, governments will seek ways to reduce unnecessary frictional unemployment.", "\n\nFrictional unemployment is related to and compatible with the concept of full employment. ", "At full employment the unemployment rate will be positive because of the inevitable presence of frictional unemployment.", "\n\nThe frictions in the labor market are sometimes illustrated graphically with a Beveridge curve, a downward-sloping, convex curve that shows a fixed relationship between the unemployment rate on one axis and the vacancy rate on the other. ", "Changes in the supply of or demand for labor cause movements along this curve. ", "An increase in labor market frictions will shift the curve outwards.", "\n\nExamples\nOne kind of frictional unemployment is called wait unemployment: it refers to the effects of the existence of some sectors where employed workers are paid more than the market-clearing equilibrium wage. ", "Not only does this restrict the amount of employment in the high-wage sector, but it attracts workers from other sectors who wait to try to get jobs there. ", "The main problem with this theory is that such workers will likely \"wait\" while having jobs, so that they are not counted as unemployed. ", "In Hollywood, for example, those who are waiting for acting jobs also wait on tables in restaurants for pay (while acting in \"Equity Waiver\" plays at night for no pay). ", "However, these workers might be seen as underemployed (definition 1).", "\n\nSolutions\nPolicies to reduce frictional unemployment include:\n educational advice;\n information on available jobs and workers;\n combating prejudice (against certain workers, jobs or locations);\n incentives and regulations (e.g. when the frictionally unemployed receive benefits);\n relocation of industries and services;\n facilities to increase availability and flexibility (e.g. daycare centers);\n aid or grants to overcome a specific obstacle (e.g. if a handicapped worker is employed);\n reduction of the gap between gross and net wages (e.g. by taxing consumption instead).", "\n When handing out work permits (to foreigners), i.e. must stay with that company at the same work place address as state on the work permit.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nMarket with search frictions, Scientific Background on the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2010 compiled by the Economic Sciences Prize Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.", "\n\nCategory:Unemployment" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to transfer class value from popup window to parent window using jquery\n\nI want to get class name from popup window to parent window. ", "If my popup window show instagram page and I click on follow button, then the class of the follow button will change. ", "I want if I click on the follow button after that in my parent window count the follow by +1 point. ", "If I don't click the follow button and close the popup window, then follow won't count to my parent window.", "\nCan someone give the solution for this problem with some of jquery code?", "\n\nA:\n\nMain :\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <body>\n <span id=\"followerCount\"></span>\n <br/>\n <button onclick=\"openPopup()\">Open Popup</button>\n </body>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n let followerCount = 999;\n\n writeFollowerCount();\n\n function writeFollowerCount() {\n document.getElementById('followerCount').innerText = followerCount.toString();\n }\n\n function openPopup() {\n window.open('popup.html', 'mypopup', 'width=500,height=300');\n }\n\n function follow() {\n followerCount++;\n writeFollowerCount();\n }\n </script>\n </html>\n\nPopup :\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<body>\n<button onclick=\"follow()\">Follow</button>\n</body>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n function follow() {\n window.opener.follow();\n window.close();\n }\n</script>\n</html>\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFolder with space in name not recognized\n\ni'm very new to stackoverflow and to bash/python scripting.", "\nI'm in need to resize some Data Terrain Model files (300+) in .tif format to be able to convert 'em into .hgt and i'm able to do it all using gdal tool but only per single file at once.", "\nGuess you alredy spotted where scripting comes in: need to automatize the process for the 300+ files!", "\nSo i started looking a bit about how bash works and came out with this:\n#!", "/bin/bash\nfor filename in \"'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM\\ Alos/'\"*.tif; do\n PATH=/usr/bin/ gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 $filename.tif \"'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/temp/'\"$filename.tif\ndone\n\nI always used the backslash to move into \"spaced\" name directories or files but seems not working with scripting.... googleing i found using quotes or double quotes would fix it but still no success\nAs you have seen in the code above i used double quote, quote and backslash alone and any combination of the 3 but i'm always getting\n\nERROR 4: '/home/fenix/1: No such file or directory\n\nWhy?!?!", "\nThanks in advance and sorry for my english!", "\nEDIT:\nFollowing tripleee golden suggestions i edited the script like:\n#!", "/bin/bash\nPATH=/usr/bin/\nfor filename in \"/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/\"*.tif; do\n gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 \"$filename\" \"/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/temp/${filename##*/}\"\ndone\n\nAnd worked like a charm!", "\n\nA:\n\nYour excessive quoting is getting in the way.", "\n#!", "/bin/bash\nfor filename in \"/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/\"*.tif; do\n PATH=/usr/bin/ gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 \"$filename\" \"${filename##*/}\"\ndone\n\nThe string /home/fenix/stuff with spaces can be expressed as either of\n/home/fenix/stuff\\ with\\ spaces\n\"/home/fenix/stuff with spaces\"\n'/home/fenix/stuff with spaces'\n\nA backslash or quote within quotes produces a literal backslash or quote, as part of the quoted string. ", "A backslashed backslash or quote similarly produces a literal backslash or quote.", "\nSingle quotes are stronger; everything between them is literal. ", "Double quotes allow for variable and backtick expansion, and backslash quoting.", "\nSo \"'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM\\ Alos/'\" refers to ./'/home/fenix/1\\ Vari\\ HDD/MTB/DTM\\ Alos/ which probably isn't a valid path, unless the current directory contains a directory whose name is literally a single quote, etc (where I put in the leading ./ just to make this more explicit).", "\nPerhaps a complication is that the quotes inhibit wildcard expansion; so the wildcard *.tif needs to be unquoted. (", "Well, strictly speaking, only the wildcard needs to be unquoted; *'.tif' or *\".tif\" or *\\.\\t\\i\\f would work, too.)", "\nNotice also that the value of $filename is the full path to each expanded value of the wildcard, with no directory prefix or extension suffix trimmed off or any other magic like that. ", "I have speculatively shown how to pass the last argument as the filename with the directory path trimmed off (the parameter substitution ${variable##pattern} retrieves the value of variable with any prefix matching pattern trimmed off). ", "So the output file should land in the current directory, with inp^t from the wildcard match (hopefully then in a different directory, so you don't end up overwriting your input files).", "\nFinally, observe how we take care to always use double quotes around variables which contain file names. (", "Failing to do this is a common error even in some fairly popular tutorials. ", "The script will appear to work until you try to handle file names with irregular spacing or literal asterisks, etc.)", "\nThe wacky PATH assignment looks weird, too. ", "Does gdalwarp execute external commands, and do you really then want it to only find external commands in /usr/bin? ", "Or perhaps you mean to run /usr/bin/gdalwarp (though setting the correct PATH at the beginning of the script would arguably be better than hardcoding a specific absolute pathname).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "You’ll not be surprised that I am a fan of contemporary illustrated tarots decks, though you might be surprised by how many of them there are. ", "There has been a strong current of contemporary illustrators taking on the challenge of illustrating tarot cards in the last few years and the results are, for the most part, stunning, the variety of interpretations brings a wonderful, modern vibrancy to the tarot, always a reminder that it is a useful tool even outside the realm of diviniation. ", "While not all of these decks are easy or useful to read with the sheer imagination that many of the artists bring to a single illustration is worth checking them out. ", "Often the ability to draw a single card instead of an entire deck can produce beautiful results.", "\n\nThis is probably the first contemporary illustrated tarot I ever saw. ", "While I was already working on the Chibi Tarot the existence and expansion of a modern illustrated tarot really heartened me. ", "The cards themselves are from a mind-bending variety of styles. ", "The sheer ecclectism of the deck makes it a wonderful artifact, but I can’t imagine reading with it. ", "The Super Punch tarot was produced for an art show at the Bear and Bird gallery in Florida, but was never produced as an actual deck since the variety of sizes and styles made that nearly impossible. ", "I actually own one of the pieces that was in the show, Jerrod Maruyama’s 6 of Cups, for what I hope are obvious reasons.", "\n\nThe Light Grey Tarot was “[c]urated by Light Grey Art Lab as a part of the Tarot, Mystics and Occult Exhibition.” ", "This deck brings together a group of 78 artists to reinterperet the tarot in a much more cohesive fashion than the Super Punch tarot did. ", "While the styles still vary wildly, there seems to be more focus on the conjuration of the occult. ", "Where the Super Punch illustrators seemed to bring tarot ideas into the realm of pop culture (the King of Cups, for example), the illustrators in the Light Grey Tarot seemed much more focused on bringing a powerful syncretic and mystical energy into the deck. ", "So while the the illustrations feel fresh and lively, the connection to the tarot’s rich history of symbolism and illustration shines through here.", "\n\nIt was produced as an actual deck with a booklet and is one that I own and have read with. ", "It is not the most resonant deck for me, as not all the illustrations seem to be focused on the symbolism of the cards (the six of swords is particularly mute for me), but so many of the illustrations are so evocative that reading with it can be a real pleasure, and the deck is still for sale.", "\n\nAn oversized majors only deck funded on Kickstarter, the Wooden Tarot is the work of Andy Swartz, who’s style “is typified by dream-like, faintly creepy and macabre fantasy wildlife.” ", "The deck is a work of art on every level, beautifully designed, illustrated and executed. ", "The wooden part of the tarot stems from her canvasses: 6×8″ wooden panels painted on with a mixed media of acrylic paints and colored pencils.", "The illustrations are simultaneously delicate and lush, capturing the rich color of animals, plants and minerals she depicts with lovely accuracy while simultaneously conveying the mystical allure of the shadows flickering just beyond the edge of the firelight.", "\n\nThe Wooden Tarot major arcana is completely sold out, but Andy completed another Kickstarter in March of this year and is currently producing a full 78 card deck, which you can preorder here. ", "The Minor Arcana carries over both the beauty and the sparse style of her artwork, while adding and interesting new organic layer to the deck by renaming the suits Bones, Plumes, Stones and Blooms.", "\n\nThere’s no question that traditional tarot decks carry with them a boatload of white male privilege. ", "For starters, there’s the court that reinforces medieval gender roles and power disparities. ", "Then there’s the decks themselves: despite being illustrated by powerfully talented women, Pamela “Pixie” Smith and Lady Frieda Harris, the two most influential tarot decks of the last 100 years are both more familiar to the public by the names of their male “creators”: The Rider Waite deck and Crowley’s Thoth Tarot. ", "The Collective Tarot addresses much of this cis-gendered white male privilege through their radical revisioning of the tarot. ", "Describing itself as “a collaboratively created, radically-politicked, queerly-revisioned Tarot deck” the Collective Tarot is an extreme departure from the traditional western occult symbols embodied in the tarot to the point that it becomes nearly unrecognizable, which may well be the point.", "\n\nThe pieces themselves are intense and raw. ", "There is an unfinished quality to the art, an intentional crudeness reminiscent of punk show flyers and ‘zine covers. ", "The aesthetic reinvigorates the art in a modern, urban way queering the traditional occult symbolism in ways that I often find offensive, which I think is the point: taking the sacred and profaning it, not simply for the sake of profaning it but to stretch it in ways that it certainly never envisioned for itself in order to include those it never attempted to envision. ", "In doing so the Collective Tarot has created something less like a tarot deck and more like its own unique oracle. ", "While it adheres to the traditional structure of five suits with 78 cards with many cards that overlap with traditional tarot trumps I find it more fruitful to approach this deck from a completely fresh perspective rather than attempting to find similarities between what I’ve known and what they’ve created.", "\n\nWithout question the Pictarot is the least occult of the decks listed here. ", "Created and published by PictoPlasma, a German/New York based organization focused on the development and promotion of character design, that’s exactly what this deck promotes: characters. ", "While there is carry over and dialogue between the characters and the ideas that they represent the focus here is clearly on the development of the character at the expense of the idea. ", "None of the cards have any background or environment to support or complicate them, the figures are the complete focus of attention. ", "Still, the characters are inventive, creative and entertaining and character design is a big part of why I love the tarot, so I am personally enchanted by this deck, which you can still buy online.", "\n\nAs an added bonus, if you’re not ready to commit to the deck without seeing all the cards (and you have an iOS device) you can check out the entire deck through the Pictarot app. ", "Heavy on the theatre, and without much flexibility about how you use the cards (they have a one, two, four and seven card spreads) the app is just $.99 at the app store and can be an amusing way to pass 30 minutes without actually breaking out your cards.", "\n\nThe Ostara Tarot is the most recent member of this group. ", "I recently stumbled across is on the reddit pagan forum. ", "The product of four artists working together, the results thus far vary stylistically, but are united by a desire to explore the spirituality and the mysticism of the cards themselves and the deck as a whole. ", "The deck is strongly nature based, but speaks to the human intersections with nature, especially the power of making and artifacts, drawing out the intricacy and beauty of the crafted object and the way that it can interact with the natural world, as well as the way the natural world is transformed into artifacts as a raw material for human expression.", "\n\nThe level of mysticism ranges a spectrum across the artists’ styles, from the psychedelic dreamscapes of Julia Iredale whose smoky-colored branch-pierced snakes echo strains of a voodoo saint Sebastian, to Molly Applejohn whose adorably anthropomorphic animals are deeply reminiscent of Brian Jacques’ Redwall and David Peterson’s MouseGuard.", "\n\nAs of this writing there are 20 cards available. ", "I’ll be following up this post with an interview with artist Molly Applejohn who will hopefully provide more detail about the plans for the deck and whether they’d on publishing or not.", "\n\nWhat are some of your favorite contemporary decks? ", "Did I leave any off the list?" ]
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[ "Out of all the issues that plague the Clinton campaign, as of late she has made it clear that her greatest contender is not Trump, but something far more nefarious. ", "Something more sinister, more racist, something coldblooded that crawled from dark underbelly of the American political system. ", "A cartoon frog meme.", "\n\nThe Clinton camp thought it wise, then, to address the the impending threat of now-notorious Pepe directly. ", "Of course, the Mass Media that march in lockstep with her every word, with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow leading the sycophant brigade, parroted the call-to-arms. ", "Across outlets were issued a number of increasingly confused statements that predictably swayed no one but the most die-hard of her supporters. ", "Despite their rallying cry, few people were convinced enough to grab their pant suits out of the closet and join in on the match.", "\n\nAs an aficionado of all things dank, I’m the first to state that waxing intellectual about an internet meme is the epitome of cringe, however it seems necessary at this point to clarify a few notions.", "\n\nThe public enemy no.1 du jour, Pepe the frog, has been around for over a decade under various iterations and, like Trump, has never been called a ‘symbol of bigotry’ until it ended up in the crosshairs of the liberal PR machine. ", "Even the most superficial trek off the internet’s beaten path will reveal that there is no single, definitive Pepe: happy, smug, mischievous, sad, angry; there are as many variations of him as there are human emotions.", "\n\nSuch revelations are lost on Maddow and others. ", "They, seemingly in earnest, claim that he is the modern incarnation of a ‘white supremacist signifier’, and believe that this cartoon frog meme, shared by teens for over a decade, has effectively replaced the swastika as a symbol of American Nazism. ", "To suggest that he’s the icon for a sinister hate movement is obviously more than ludicrous; it’s yet another example of the liberal media imposing meaning onto symbols which are many things to many people.", "\n\nThe idea that ‘Pepe is a neo-nazi symbol’ is the same as saying ‘the confederate flag is a symbol of oppression’ or ‘all six-pointed stars are anti-semitic’. ", "It’s an attempt to monopolize meaning to benefit their historicist doctrine; i.e. the idea that certain symbols should be retired due to their problematic historical context.", "\n\nSentences such as ‘Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the alt-right’ are so misguided, so out of touch with internet culture as a whole that they’re indistinguishable from satire (See Poe’s law), not to mention barely coherent. ", "Take this unbelievably pedestrian turn of phrase for example; what does ‘almost entirely co opted’ actually mean? ", "Talk about hedging your bets. ", "In an astonishingly shoddy article for Washington Monthly, Nicole LeTourneau closes with a statement which illustrates the histrionic tone adopted by the liberal media:\n\nFallows says that all of this reminds him of the incident with the Trump campaign’s use of the Star of David. ", "He’s right. ", "But this one is even more sinister. ", "Perhaps that’s because it seems to be flying under the radar a bit and is more reminiscent of a dog whistle. ", "The use of Pepe the Frog is designed to send a message to white supremacists: “We’re with you.” ", "I don’t know of a better way of describing that than “deplorable.”", "\n\nLeTourneau is clearly not in a position to define what ‘the use of Pepe the frog’ means in any context. ", "To claim it is ‘designed to send a message to white supremacists’ is another attempt to paint a section of the public – in this case the group of internet neer-do-wells who adopt Pepe avatars – as racists boogeymen. ", "The use of Pepe by the Trump camp is indeed a signal though, and a very obvious one at that: the omnipresence of this cartoon frog among their most vocal supporters is not lost on them, and by incorporating him into their imagery they are effectively saying “we get it, we understand internet meme culture”, something which can not be said for the Democratic frontrunner.", "\n\nA recent poll by CNN, showing Hillary leading by 9 points, conveniently omitted voters aged between 18-34 from their sample, a revealing insight that perhaps Clinton’s ‘millennial outreach’ has been less than stellar. ", "Her knee-jerk reaction to a cartoon frog meme is a symptom of a greater disconnect between her message as she intends it to be conveyed, and its reception among millennial voters. ", "Similar to the 1950s tirades against rock and roll as being ‘the devil’s music’, Hillary has shown the extent to which she is out of touch with pop culture as a whole, and in this new frontier of political discourse the perception of ‘Old Lady Clinton’ as being out of the loop cannot be un-memed.", "\n\nThe fact that Hillary’s PR team, by all accounts a seasoned band of provocateurs, would post the message shown above – on Hillary’s official website no less – shows the extent to which they’ve completely lost control of the narrative. ", "Hillary’s evident health issues, previously derided as ‘baseless conspiracies’, have since been covered at length by the mainstream media. ", "Her mishandling and subsequent deletion of subpoenaed emails have irrevocably tarnished the immaculate public image which she and the liberal media have tried so desperately to project.", "\n\nWhat is the rationale behind the quixotic move, then, of flailing wildly at Pepe and the rest of the alt-right windmill? ", "For one, it’s clear evidence that Hillary’s campaign is in full defensive mode with regards to its online presence; Hillary’s official Twitter posts are flooded with more frogs than the old testament, and her ‘online team’ of Correct the Record shysters have yet to make even the slightest dent in the collective consciousness. ", "Predictably, Hillary’s public statement against Pepe has been met with widespread hilarity from all corners of the internet, and I’m sure that if there was an algorithm that tracked the amount of frogposting over time (F/t), one would see a marked increase on social media since her statement was first issued.", "\n\nSimilar to the everyman’s adoption of the ‘deplorable’ moniker after her previous outburst colloquially known as BasketGate, the mainstreaming of Pepe is now complete, and everyone is now in on the joke – everyone except the woman running for President, unfortunately. ", "Unwittingly, she has managed to transform a meme that, a few years ago at most, was rarely seen outside of a handful of image boards into an inescapable fixture of today’s political iconography. ", "The more Hillary’s MSM acolytes try to project bigotry and racism onto this innocuous frog cartoon – and, by proxy, Trump’s supporters as a whole – the more the average American is inclined to adopt Pepe as a symbol of their own political alienation." ]
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[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\n*Staphylococcus aureus* is a notorious pathogen capable of causing various diseases, ranging from acute skin and soft tissue infections to chronic or persistent endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and implant infections^[@CR1]--[@CR3]^. *S. aureus* infections have brought great economic and social burdens worldwide. ", "In China, according to China Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (<http://www.carss.cn/>), *S. aureus* ranked the first among Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. ", "In the United States, a single community-associated methicillin-resistant *S. aureus* imposes an annual burden of about \\$2 billion on third-party payers and \\$10 billion on society^[@CR4]^. *S. aureus* bacteria frequently act as versatile members that develop surface-attached community-designed biofilms to protect themselves from antibiotics treatment, host-immune killing, and other unfavorable environments^[@CR5]--[@CR8]^ and to activate the production of virulence factors contributing to bacterial colonization, persistence, and spreading^[@CR9],\\ [@CR10]^. Nevertheless, the regulatory network underlying biofilm formation of *S. aureus* is extremely complicated but poorly understood.", "\n\n*S. aureus* biofilms consist of complex extracellular matrixes (ECMs), including polysaccharide intercellular adhesion (PIA), proteins, and extracellular DNA (eDNA)^[@CR11]^. Alternative sigma factor B (SigB), which majorly modulates the stress responses of several Gram-positive bacteria^[@CR12]^, plays essential roles in regulating biofilm formation, virulence expression, and pigment synthesis of *S. aureus*^[@CR13]--[@CR17]^. The biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin, a key virulence factor for protecting *S. aureus* from host-oxidant killing *in vivo*^[@CR18]^, depends on the alternative SigB^[@CR19]^. The increased expression of SigB is always accompanied by enhanced biofilm formation^[@CR20]^, whereas *sigB* gene-deleted mutant is unable to create a biofilm in both *S. aureus*^[@CR21]^ and *S. epidermidis*^[@CR22]^. *S. aureus* variants carrying certain substitution mutation in SigB (such as L242P) or truncated SigB do not produce pigment nor form biofilm^[@CR23]^.\n\nTheoretically, one substitution mutation in a certain molecule has three modes of influence (increase, decrease, or no change) on certain phenotype as compared with the wild-type molecule. ", "However, in transcriptional regulators such as SigB, mutations in the DNA-binding domain tend to attenuate the protein's function. ", "In this study, we obtained a nonpigmented variant (XQW) from Luria-Bertain (LB) agar plates cultivated in the fifth passage of *S. aureus* XQ, a highly virulent strain isolated from the pus of a 17-year-old adolescent^[@CR24]^. Genome sequencing and comparison revealed that XQW carried a novel SigB mutation, SigB(Q225P). ", "Allelic replacement experiments in *S. aureus* Newman indicated that SigB(Q225P) mutation was responsible for the nonpigmented phenotype of *S. aureus*. ", "However, the lack of staphyloxanthin did not affect bacterial virulence in animal killing and skin abscess formation in mouse models. ", "SigB(Q225P) enhanced the biofilm formation of *S. aureus*. ", "Further study showed that the increased biofilm of XQW was associated with the decreased *nuc* (encoding thermonuclease) expression of bacteria, resulting in accumulation of eDNA in the biofilm ECMs. ", "LacZ reporter assay, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), and Bio-layer interferometry (BLI) assay showed that SigB(Q225P) mutation weakened the direct interaction between SigB protein and *nuc* gene promoter, which consequently reduced *nuc* expression and enhanced biofilm formation. ", "Our study provided initial evidence that a substitution mutation of SigB(Q225P) could increase the biofilm formation of *S. aureus*. ", "The underlying mechanism has also been elucidated.", "\n\nResults {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nSigB(Q225P) mutation contributes to the nonpigmented phenotypes of *S. aureus* {#Sec3}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe genetic plasticity enables *S. aureus*, a versatile microorganism, to adapt to the environment^[@CR23]^. We previously isolated a highly virulent ST121/*agr*-IV methicillin-susceptible *S. aureus* (MSSA, termed XQ strain)^[@CR24]^. After five passages of XQ in laboratory with LB medium, about 2% colonies on the LB agar plate exhibited white phenotypes (Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "One of the colorless colonies was then inoculated into tryptic soy broth (TSB), and its white phenotype was stable and named XQW strain (Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "1Nonpigmented phenotypes of *S. aureus* XQW and the SigB(Q225P) mutation.**a** XQ strain was cultured with LB medium, and the white colonies were observed on an LB plate. ", "The nonpigmented phenotype was stable in the common TSB medium and was termed XQW strain as indicated. **", "b** Genome comparison revealed the SigB(Q225P) mutation in XQW. ", "XQ contained the wild-type *sigB* gene, located approximately at 7 o'clock of its circular genome, whereas XQW contained a missense mutation in *sigB*(A674C), corresponding to a Q225P substitution in SigB factor, which was further confirmed by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing\n\nThe biosynthesis of golden carotenoid pigment (staphyloxanthin) in *S. aureus* is controlled by the *crtOPQMN* operon. ", "Many other regulators, such as SigB, IspA, CitZ, CitB, and CcpE, and small RNA SsrA, influence the production of *S. aureus* staphyloxanthin^[@CR13],\\ [@CR18]^. Genome sequencing of XQ (GenBank accession number: CP013137.1) and XQW was conducted to identify the gene responsible for the white phenotype of XQW. ", "Genome comparison revealed 527 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in XQW genome; 392 of which were involved in 161 genes, which altered the corresponding amino acids (Supplementary Table [S1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "XQW contained a missense mutation in *sigB*(A674C), which encoded glutamine/proline substitution Q225P (Fig.", " [1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This mutation was located in the putative DNA-binding domain of SigB that spans residues of 208--247;^[@CR25]^ this mutated gene may be responsible for the white phenotype of XQW.", "\n\nDue to the difficulty of genetic manipulation of the clinical isolate XQ, we introduced the SigB(Q225P) mutation into the strain Newman, a well-characterized MSSA strain, and tested the relationship between the mutation and the white colony phenotype. ", "As expected, Newman-SigB(Q225P) and SigB mutant strain Newman-ΔSigB revealed nonpigmented phenotypes similar to those of XQW (Fig.", " [2a, b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The production of carotenoids was also determined, and the results indicated that Newman-SigB(Q225P) synthesized a decreased level of carotenoids as compared with wild-type Newman (Fig.", " [2c](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These data suggested that the SigB(Q225P) mutation in *S. aureus* contributed to the nonpigmented phenotypes of *S. aureus* variants.", "Fig. ", "2*S. aureus* Newman with SigB(Q225P) mutation exhibited the nonpigmented phenotype.**a** Colonies of Newman, Newman-ΔSigB, and Newman-SigB(Q225P) on TSB plates. **", "b** Cell pellets of Newman, Newman-ΔSigB, and Newman-SigB(Q225P) from TSB cultures. **", "c** Carotenoids produced by Newman, Newman-ΔSigB, and Newman-SigB(Q225P) were extracted, and the OD462 value was determined (*n* = 3). ", "\\*\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.001\n\nSigB(Q225P) mutation retains the virulence of *S. aureus* {#Sec4}\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nStaphyloxanthin is an important virulence factor to protect *S. aureus* from host-oxidant killing^[@CR26]^. Inhibitors targeting staphyloxanthin biosynthesis impair *S. aureus* virulence^[@CR18],\\ [@CR27]^. The expression levels of several major virulence factors were detected by RT-qPCR to investigate the influence of SigB(Q225P) mutation on the virulence of XQW (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The results revealed that *RNAIII*, which controls the expression of many virulence factors^[@CR28]^, was significantly upregulated in XQW as compared with that in XQ. ", "The genes encoding γ-hemolysin (*hlg*), staphylococcal enterotoxin B (*seb*), and Pantone-Valentine leucocidin (*lukF*) were also upregulated, whereas those encoding α-hemolysin (*hla*) and lipase (*lipA*) were significantly downregulated in XQW. ", "No alteration in the expression of gene encoding V8 serine protease (*sspA*) was observed between XQW and XQ.Fig. ", "3Expression levels of virulence genes (*RNAIII*, *hlg*, *seb*, *lukF, hla*, *lipA*, and *sspA*) in XQ and XQW determined by RT-qPCR.Expression of each gene of interest in XQ strain was normalized to the 16S RNA gene expression and adjusted to 1.0, and its relative expression in XQW strain was indicated. ", "\\**P* *\\<* 0.05, \\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.01, \\*\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.001, and ns represents no significance, *n* = 3\n\nAlthough the alteration of virulence factor expression in XQW was pleiotropic (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), the overall lethality was similar in mice (*n* *=* 10) challenged by tail vein injection with 4 × 10^7^ CFU of XQ or XQW bacteria (Fig.", " [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The bacterial loads were also not significantly changed in the kidney (Fig.", " [4b](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), liver (Supplementary Figure [S1A](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}), and spleen (Supplementary Figure [S1B](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}) of infected mice. ", "As a highly virulent invasive clinical isolate, XQ and XQW caused similar abscess in a skin-infected model (Fig.", " [4c, d](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Moreover, the pathogenicity of Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P) was also similarly evaluated by survival rate, bacterial loads, and abscess formation abilities (Supplementary Figure [S2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "These data indicated that the SigB(Q225P) mutation in *S. aureus* impaired the staphyloxanthin production but retained bacterial virulence.", "Fig. ", "4Virulence of XQ and XQW in mouse models.**a** Survival analysis. ", "Mice were injected through tail vein with 4 × 10^7^ CFU of XQ, XQW, or PBS, and the survival rates were calculated. ", "Number of mice used: *n* *=* 10. **", "b** Bacterial loads. ", "Mice were injected through tail vein with 1 × 10^7^ CFU of XQ or XQW; bacterial load in the kidney tissue was counted four days post-injection. **", "c** Skin abscess formation. ", "The hairs on the back of the mice were removed using 6% Na~2~S, then mice were respectively injected with XQ and XQW on each side. ", "The skin abscesses were photographed 10 days after injection. **", "d** Diameter of abscess area was measured and represented as mean ± SD (*n* ≥ 3); ns represents no significance\n\nSigB(Q225P) mutation promotes the biofilm formation of *S. aureus* {#Sec5}\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe growth rate of XQW was slightly faster than that of XQ (Supplementary Figure [S3A](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}); while Newman-SigB(Q225P) showed similar growth rate to that of the wild-type Newman (Supplementary Figure [S3B](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Interestingly, XQW exhibited flocculent growth in the LB medium, whereas XQ maintained turbid growth (Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "SigB positively regulated the biofilm formation in *S. aureus*; SigB mutant (ΔSigB) or *S. aureus* with a substitution mutation in SigB (such as L242P) was unable to develop a biofilm^[@CR21],\\ [@CR23]^. According to the flocculent growth phenomenon, we speculated that SigB(Q225P) mutation in XQW promoted its biofilm formation. ", "Crystal violet staining method was used to detect the biofilm formation of XQ and XQW in a 24-well plate and thus confirm this conjecture. ", "The results revealed that XQW had stronger biofilm formation ability than XQ (Fig.", " [5b](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Confocal scanning laser microscopy also showed that XQW produced thicker and more compact biofilm than XQ (Fig.", " [5c](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}), indicating that the biofilm formation in XQW was significantly enhanced.", "Fig. ", "5Detection of biofilm formation in *S. aureus* XQ and XQW.**a** XQW strain exhibited flocculent growth in LB medium. **", "b** Detection of biofilm formation with crystal violet staining method. ", "The OD492 values were represented as mean ± SD (*n* = 3). ", "\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.01. **", "c** Biofilms derived from XQ and XQW strains were observed under a confocal scanning laser microscope. ", "The polysaccharides in biofilm were stained green, and the bacteria were stained red. ", "XQW produced thicker and more compact biofilm than XQ\n\nBy genetically manipulating *S. aureus* strain Newman and its derivatives, crystal violet staining revealed that the biofilm formation of Newman-SigB(Q225P) was significantly increased compared with that of Newman (Fig.", " [6a](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This phenomenon was further confirmed by observing biofilms under a confocal microscope (Fig.", " [6b](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the biofilm formation of Newman-ΔSigB was decreased when compared with that of Newman. ", "The supplement of the wild-type SigB to Newman-ΔSigB (Newman-ΔSigB/SigB) elevated its biofilm formation similarly to wild-type Newman. ", "Newman-ΔSigB/SigB increased its biofilm formation compared with Newman-ΔSigB carrying an empty plasmid (Newman-ΔSigB/pLI50). ", "Moreover, supplement of the SigB(Q225P) to Newman-ΔSigB (Newman-ΔSigB/SigB(Q225P)) even enhanced the biofilm formation compared with both Newman-ΔSigB and Newman-ΔSigB/pLI50 (Fig.", " [6a](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These data indicated that SigB(Q225P) is the key mutation for promoting biofilm formation in *S. aureus*.Fig. ", "6Detection of biofilm formation in *S. aureus* strain Newman and its derivatives.**a** Crystal violet staining method. ", "Biofilms derived from Newman and its derivatives were stained with crystal violet, and the OD492 was detected (*n* *=* 3). ", "\\**P* *\\<* 0.05, \\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.01, \\*\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.001, and ns represents no significance. **", "b** Observation of biofilm under a confocal microscope. ", "Biofilms produced by Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P) were indicated. ", "The polysaccharides in biofilm were stained green, and the bacteria were stained red. ", "Newman-SigB(Q225P) exhibited stronger biofilm developing ability than Newman\n\nSigB(Q225P) promotes biofilm formation of *S. aureus* by direct downregulation of *nuc* expression {#Sec6}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOne of the hallmark events in biofilm formation is the production of slime PIA controlled by the *icaADBC* operon^[@CR29]^. However, *S. aureus* can develop an alternative *ica*-independent biofilm^[@CR30]^, where the surface proteins, such as FnBPA/B, ClfA/B, Bap, SPA, and SasG^[@CR17],\\ [@CR31]^, and extracellular DNA (eDNA) play important roles^[@CR21],\\ [@CR30]^. The genes involved in the production of PIA, surface proteins, or eDNA were selected and tested by RT-qPCR to explore the mechanisms by which SigB(Q225P) promotes the biofilm formation in *S. aureus*. ", "As shown in Fig.", " [7a](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the *nuc* gene expression was significantly reduced in XQW as compared with that in XQ. ", "The decreased *nuc* expression could also be observed in Newman-SigB(Q225P) as compared with Newman wild-type strain (Supplementary Figure [S4](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "However, *nuc* expression was significantly upregulated in the *sigB*-deleted mutant Newman-ΔSigB, which is in accordance with those of a previous study^[@CR21]^.Fig. ", "7SigB(Q225P) mutation promotes biofilm formation of *S. aureus* via direct downregulation of *nuc* expression.**a** RT-qPCR detection of the expression level of *nuc*, *fnbA*, *fnbB*, *clfA*, and *icaA* genes in XQ and XQW. ", "Only the *nuc* expression was reduced in XQW strain. ", "\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.01. **", "b** eDNA was extracted and determined. ", "XQW biofilms contained more eDNA than XQ. ", "\\**P* *\\<* 0.05. **", "c** DNase I treatment experiment. ", "The biofilm formation in XQW was significantly reduced after co-incubation with DNase I compared with Tris buffer (20 mM, pH 7.5), whereas biofilm formation in XQ was not changed. ", "\\**P* *\\<* 0.05. **", "d** β-galactosidase assay. ", "The pOS1-*nuc* promoter-*LacZ* reporter plasmid was transformed into Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P), respectively. ", "The LacZ activity was detected and represented as mean ± SD (*n* = 3). ", "\\*\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.001. **", "e** EMSA. ", "Interaction between *nuc* gene promoter and SigB or SigB(Q225P) proteins was detected. ", "The amount of free DNA probes and the shift bands were arrow-indicated. **", "f** Evaluation of gray value of the free probe in each lane using ImageJ software. ", "The value of free probe in first lane (0 μg protein) was adjusted to 1.0, and the relative gray values in other lanes were calculated and indicated\n\nThe thermonuclease encoded by *nuc* gene negatively regulates eDNA in *S. aureus* biofilm^[@CR32]^. The reduced expression of *nuc* in XQW would lead to massive accumulation of eDNA in its biofilm development. ", "The amount of eDNA in the biofilm was extracted and determined as described to confirm this hypothesis^[@CR33]^. The results showed higher eDNA amount from XQW-derived biofilms than from XQ biofilms (Fig.", " [7b](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Supplementary Figure [S5A](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "In addition, when DNase I was added into the culture to compensate the decreased expression of thermonuclease, XQW-produced biofilm was significantly decreased, whereas biofilm formation of XQ was not affected (Fig.", " [7c](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Supplementary Figure [S5B](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Our data suggested that the decreased *nuc* expression results in the accumulation of eDNA and may be associated with the enhanced biofilm formation in XQW.", "\n\nIn *S. aureus* strain COL, SigB deletion led the upregulation of thermonuclease precursor^[@CR34]^. A *nuc* promoter-controlled LacZ reporter plasmid was constructed and transformed into Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P) strains to test the effect of SigB(Q225P) mutation on the *nuc* expression. ", "LacZ assay revealed that the activity of *nuc* promoter in Newman-SigB(Q225P) was only 35.4% of that in the wild-type Newman (Fig.", " [7d](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}), indicating that SigB(Q225P) mutation could decrease the expression of *nuc* gene. ", "We prepared the recombinant SigB and SigB(Q225P) proteins (Supplementary Figure [S6A](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}), then used EMSA to determine whether SigB(Q225P) could directly regulate *nuc* gene or not. ", "The results showed that both recombinant SigB and SigB(Q225P) proteins could bind to *nuc* gene promoter in a dose-dependent manner (Fig.", " [7e](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}) but not to an irrelevant DNA fragment (Supplementary Figure [S6B](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Moreover, SigB(Q225P) protein exhibited decreased binding ability compared with the wild-type SigB (Fig.", " [7f](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The band of free probe nearly disappeared when the amount of SigB protein was increased to 12 μg (Fig.", " [7e](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}, top panel), whereas 18 μg of SigB(Q225P) could not completely exhaust the free probe (Fig.", " [7e](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}, bottom panel). ", "A BLI assay was also performed to quantitatively detect the DNA binding ability of SigB and SigB(Q225P) proteins. ", "As shown in Fig.", " [8](#Fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}, 500 nM recombinant SigB could bind well to the *nuc* promotor DNA coated biosensor, whereas the same amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA, negative control) could not (Fig.", " [8a](#Fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "SigB showed stronger *nuc* promotor binding ability (*k*~a~ = 1.48 × 10^4^, *k*~d~ = 1.67 × 10^−3^, *K*~D~ = 1.13 × 10^−7^) than SigB(Q225P) (*k*~a~  = 5.63 × 10^3^, *k*~d~ = 1.54 × 10^−3^, *K*~D~ = 2.73 × 10^−7^). ", "These data indicated that SigB(Q225P) promoted biofilm formation in *S. aureus* by directly downregulating *nuc* expression, which results in eDNA accumulation.", "Fig. ", "8The binding sensorgrams (nM) for *nuc* promotor-SigB or SigB(Q225P) interaction using single cycle kinetic assay format.**a** The specificity of the system. ", "BSA served as negative control. **", "b** SigB and SigB(Q225P) proteins interacted with *nuc* promotor in a dose-dependent manner\n\nDiscussion {#Sec7}\n==========\n\nBacterial biofilms are finely organized structures, in which bacteria only constitute \\~15% of biofilm volume and are also embedded in ECMs^[@CR17]^. The production of ECMs depends on media composition and functional alterations of regulatory factors controlling biofilm formation^[@CR17],\\ [@CR35]^. Although ECMs of *S. aureus* biofilms are mainly constituted by PIA, proteins, and eDNA, the regulatory network involved in biofilm formation is complicated. ", "Extracellular proteases (Aur, SpL, SspA, and SspB)^[@CR20],\\ [@CR36]--[@CR38]^, thermonuclease (Nuc)^[@CR32],\\ [@CR39]^, autolysins (LytM, LytN, and AtlA)^[@CR35]^, toxins (PSMα, PSMβ, and δ-hemolysin)^[@CR40]^, holin/antiholin molecules (CidA and LrgAB)^[@CR33]^, two-component systems (Agr, WalKR, LytSR, SaeRS, ArlRS, and SrrAB)^[@CR17],\\ [@CR41]--[@CR44]^, global regulators (SigB, SarA, MgrA, and Rot)^[@CR16],\\ [@CR23],\\ [@CR29],\\ [@CR30],\\ [@CR34],\\ [@CR45],\\ [@CR46]^, and non-coding RNAs (msaABCR)^[@CR35]^ directly and/or indirectly regulate *S. aureus* biofilm formation. ", "The alternative SigB is an essential regulator of *S. aureus* biofilm formation; deletion of *sigB* deprives biofilm formation in *S. aureus*^[@CR20],\\ [@CR21]^. Savage et al^[@CR23]^. reported that a single substitution mutation in SigB, L242P, failed to form a biofilm in *S. aureus*. ", "However, in the present study, we identified a SigB(Q225P) mutation that could unexpectedly promote biofilm formation of *S. aureus*, at least in strain backgrounds of XQ and Newman. ", "In *S. aureus* strain COL, Pane-Farre et al^[@CR34]^. found that 13 genes are negatively regulated by SigB under alkaline stress conditions, including *nuc* that encodes thermonuclease precursor. ", "However, our screen with RT-qPCR revealed that *nuc* was downregulated in XQW (Fig.", " [7a](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and Newman-SigB(Q225P) (Supplementary Figure [S4](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "LacZ reporter assay showed that SigB(Q225P) reduced *nuc* expression (Fig.", " [7d](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and EMSA and BLI revealed that SigB binded to the *nuc* promoter directly, and the Q225P mutation lowered the DNA binding of SigB(Q225P) to the *nuc* promoter (Fig.", " [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}e,f and [8b](#Fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}). *", "S. aureus* SigB is known to be a negative regulator of the *nuc* expression^[@CR47]^, and the lower DNA binding of SigB(Q225P) downregulation of the *nuc* expression is puzzling. ", "We speculate that SigB(Q225P) mutation may also downregulate SigB-controlled downstream regulatory factors, such as SpoVG, which can significantly promote the *nuc* expression by counteracting the repressing effect of SigB^[@CR47]^. Therefore, the upregulation of the *nuc* expression by SigB(Q225P) mutation is presumably over-compensated by the lower level of SpoVG-related downregulation of the *nuc* expression. ", "As a result, a phenotype of SigB(Q225P)-associated downregulation of *nuc* expression was observed in this study. ", "However, SigB(Q225P) downregulates SpoVG and the later fine-tunes the nuc expression need further investigation.", "\n\nThe first characteristic in identifying XQW is its nonpigmented phenotype on the LB plate. ", "As an important virulence factor, staphyloxanthin can impair neutrophil killing and protect bacteria against host innate immune system^[@CR26],\\ [@CR27]^. Inhibiting the production of staphyloxanthin by small-molecule could attenuate *S. aureus* virulence^[@CR18]^. We found that the nonpigmented XQW, which carries SigB(Q225P) mutation, retained its virulence similarly to its wild-type XQ in the overall mouse lethality, organ colonization, and skin abscess formation (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The virulence between isogenic Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P) was not statistically different either (Supplementary Figure [S2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "This phenomenon might be reasonable because the virulence of a certain bacterial strain is the aggregate performance of its virulence factor profiles. ", "Given the pathogenic role of a certain virulence factor, such as staphyloxanthin^[@CR26],\\ [@CR48]^, the presence and absence of the factor might significantly influence the pathogenicity of the bacterial strain; however, when testing the pathogenic role of a regulator, especially the global regulator (such as SigB or SarA), a single substitution mutation of the regulator might not affect the overall pathogenicity due to the complicated alteration of virulence factor profiles. ", "In the present study, we observed the pleiotropic changes of virulence factors in XQW that carried SigB(Q225P) mutation; the results indicated upregulation in *RNAIII*, *seb*, *hlg*, and *lukF* expression levels, downregulation in *hla* and *lipA* expression levels, and no changes in *sspA* (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The upregulation of *RNAIII* expression in *sigB* deleted strain was also reported in a previous study, where the *S. aureus* strain RN2482 was used^[@CR49]^. The Q225P mutation located in the region 4 domain (residues 208--247) of SigB^[@CR23]^, which is in charge the promoter-binding activity, and the virulence factor profiles could be site- and strain-specific due to SigB(Q225P) mutation. *", "S. aureus* produces many virulence factors involved in the pathogenicity of a certain strain, and its expression profile of virulence factors could be important in deciding the infectious outcome.", "\n\nIn conclusion, SigB is well established as an important transcriptional regulator in *S. aureus* to overcome stress conditions. ", "Studies on the effects of substitution mutation on the SigB function were limited. ", "We identified a SigB(Q225P) mutation that contributes to the nonpigmented phenotype of *S. aureus*. ", "Although this mutation impairs staphyloxanthin production, *S. aureus* carrying SigB(Q225P) retains its pathogenicity with pleiotropic alterations in the virulence factors, at least in the strain background of XQ and Newman. ", "Moreover, we revealed that the SigB(Q225P) mutation promotes the biofilm formation of *S. aureus* mainly through the direct downregulation of *nuc* expression. ", "Our data indicated the important role of eDNA in the *S. aureus* biofilm formation and an exact pathway (SigB-Nuc-eDNA) controlling the amount of eDNA in ECMs of *S. aureus* biofilm.", "\n\nMaterials and methods {#Sec8}\n=====================\n\nBacterial strains, plasmids, and animals {#Sec9}\n----------------------------------------\n\n*S. aureus* strain XQ was isolated from a patient with sepsis from our affiliated hospital^[@CR24]^. The corresponding mutant XQW strain was obtained in the laboratory by serial passages of XQ in LB medium and the fifth passage plating of culture on an agar plate. *", "S. aureus* Newman was kindly provided by Professor Yu Lu (Jilin University, China). *", "Escherichia coli* DH5α was kept in our laboratory and used for plasmid construction.", "\n\nPlasmids pBT2 and pLI50, which were used for gene mutation and complementation, respectively, were kindly provided by Professor Baolin Sun (University of Science and Technology of China, China), pET22b for protein preparation and pOS1-*LacZ* for gene promoter activity detection were kept in our laboratory.", "\n\nFemale 6--8 weeks old BALB/c mice were purchased from our University Animal Center. ", "All animal experiments were approved by the local ethics board at the Third Military Medical University. ", "Guidelines were established by Microbial Engineering under the Educational Committee on Animal Resources approved protocols for animal use.", "\n\nGenome sequencing and analysis {#Sec10}\n------------------------------\n\nThe genomes of XQ and XQW were prepared by using a TIANamp Bacteria DNA Kit (TIANGEN). ", "The sequencing was performed by Department of Bioinformatics (Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology), with an Ion Torrent PGM sequenator. ", "The acquired contigs were assembled by Roche 454 Newbler 2.5 assembler while the gaps within the unaccomplished genome were filled by GapFiller (version 1.11). ", "The accession number for XQ was obtained (CP013137.1) after submission of the whole-genome sequence to the GenBank. ", "Genome comparison between XQ and XQW was carried out using Mauve software.", "\n\nMutant construction {#Sec11}\n-------------------\n\nNewman is an ideal genetic manipulation *S. aureus* strain^[@CR50]^. The SigB(Q225P) mutation was introduced to Newman to generate Newman-SigB(Q225P) by allelic replacement strategy as described^[@CR51]^. To further illustrate the role of SigB(Q225P) on biofilm formation, a *sigB-*deleted mutant (Newman-ΔSigB) was also constructed. ", "Newman-ΔSigB/SigB and Newman-ΔSigB/SigB(Q225P) were constructed with recombinant pLI50 plasmids for complement of the wild-type SigB and SigB(Q225P), respectively. ", "The empty pLI50 plasmid transformed Newman-ΔSigB (Newman-ΔSigB/pLI50) served as negative control.", "\n\nDetection of carotenoids in *S. aureus* {#Sec12}\n---------------------------------------\n\n*S. aureus* strains were cultured overnight at 37 °C. ", "One milliliter of cell culture was collected and centrifuged. ", "Cell pellets were washed thrice with sterilized water and then resuspended with 200 μL of methanol and heated for 3 min at 55 °C. ", "After centrifuged at 10,000×*g* for 1 min, the supernatant was transferred to a 96-well plate, and the OD462 value was read using a Bio-Tek microplate reader. ", "All experiments were repeated three times.", "\n\nBiofilm formation and detection {#Sec13}\n-------------------------------\n\nBiofilm formation was performed according to previous studies with some modifications^[@CR30]^. Briefly, the overnight bacterial culture was 1:40 diluted in TSB medium containing 1% glucose and 2% NaCl. ", "Two hundred microliters of the cell suspension were added to a sterile 96-well plate in triplicate. ", "After incubation 24 h at 37 °C, wells were washed thrice with sterilized water, stained with 0.1% crystal violet for 1 min, and washed again with water. ", "After that, the crystal violet was solubilized with 30% glacial acetic acid for 15 min. ", "The relative biofilm formation was determined by detecting the OD492 values using a Bio-Tek microplate reader.", "\n\nFor confocal microscopy, *S. aureus* strain of interest was cultured on a clean coverslip put in a sterile six-well plate (5 mL per well). ", "After incubation 24 h at 37 °C, the coverslip was fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, washed with PBS, and stained with 50 mg/L of FITC-labeled ConA (Sigma) for 30 min. ", "After being washed with PBS again, the coverslip was blocked with propidium iodide (5 mg/L, Sigma) for 8 min and observed under a confocal laser microscope (Leica TCS-NT). ", "The polysaccharides of biofilm were stained green and the bacterial nucleoid was stained red.", "\n\nDNase I treatment assay {#Sec14}\n-----------------------\n\nThe overnight bacterial culture was 1:40 diluted in TSB medium containing 1% glucose, 2% NaCl, and 1 unit of DNase I, and cultured for 24 h in a 96-well plate. ", "Wells were washed thrice with water, stained with crystal violet, and detected as described before.", "\n\nExtraction and quantification of eDNA {#Sec15}\n-------------------------------------\n\neDNA extraction and quantification was performed according to a previous study with some modifications^[@CR33]^. In brief, bacteria were grown in six-well plates for 24 h at 37 °C, then plates were chilled for 1 h at 4 °C, added with 1 μL of 0.5 M EDTA per well. ", "The supernatants were discarded, and the unwashed biofilms were resuspended in 400 μL of RB buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM ETDA, 500 mM NaCl, pH 8.0) and transferred into precooling tubes. ", "After centrifugation at 18,000×*g* for 5 min at 4 °C, 200 μL of supernatant was transferred to a new chilled tube containing 300 μL of TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). ", "Proteins were removed once with an equal volume of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) and once with chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (24:1), DNA was then precipitated by adding three volumes of ice-cold 100% ethanol and 1/10 volume of 3 M sodium acetate to the aqueous phase. ", "Precipitations were incubated overnight at −20 °C. ", "The next day, the ethanol-precipitated DNA was collected by centrifugation at 18,000×*g* for 20 min at 4 °C, followed by washing with ice-cold 70% ethanol, air-dried, and dissolved in 20 μL of TE buffer. ", "eDNA was quantified using NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer. ", "To account for potential differences in biomass, the average OD600 values of each unwashed biofilm were determined. ", "The nanogram of eDNA per biomass of each biofilm was then calculated via dividing its total eDNA (ng) by its corresponding OD600 value. ", "The eDNA samples from XQ and XQW were also compared via running on 1.0% agarose gels. ", "Experiments were repeated twice.", "\n\nRT-qPCR {#Sec16}\n-------\n\nThe overnight cultures of XQ and XQW were transferred into fresh TSB at the dilution of 1:100, respectively. ", "Bacteria at the later growth stages (6 h after inoculation) were harvested; the total RNA and corresponding cDNA were prepared using RNAprep Pure Cell/Bacteria Kit (TIANGEN) and RevertAid First Stand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Thermo Scientific), respectively. ", "RT-qPCR was performed to detect the toxin genes (*RNAIII*, *seb*, *lukF*, *hla*, *hlg*, *lipA*, and *sspA*) in *S. aureus* strains of interest, and the expression level of genes related to biofilm formation, including *nuc*, *fnbA*, *fnbB*, *clfA*, and *icaA*, were also determined using primers listed in Supplementary Table [S2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}. ", "The relative expression levels of tested genes were normalized to that of 16S RNA gene or *gyrB*.", "\n\nConstruction of the *nuc* promoter-*LacZ* reporter strain {#Sec17}\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe fragment spans −334 to +72 of *nuc* gene promoter region was amplified from *S. aureus* Newman using primer pairs listed in Supplementary Table [S2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}, and the PCR product was inserted into pOS1 vector through *Eco*RI and *Bam*HI digestion. ", "The recombinant plasmid was transformed into *E. coli* DH5a and verified by sequencing. ", "Correctly constructed pOS1-*nuc* promoter-*LacZ* reporter plasmid was transformed into *S. aureus* RN4220, and then transformed into *S. aureus* Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P), respectively.", "\n\nβ-galactosidase assay {#Sec18}\n---------------------\n\nBoth Newman and Newman-SigB(Q225P) carrying *nuc* promoter-*LacZ* reporter were cultured overnight and washed twice with PBS and diluted 100-fold in fresh TSB medium, respectively. ", "Bacteria cells in 2 mL culture were harvested after being cultured for 3 h at 37 °C with shaking, resuspended in 100 μL of AB buffer (100 mM KH~2~PO~4~, 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.0)^[@CR52]^. After treatment with lysostaphin (1 mg/mL, Sigma) for 15 min at 37 °C, the suspension was added with another 900 μL of ABT solution (AB buffer containing 0.1% TritonX-100). ", "Fifty microliters of the solution were then mixed with 10 μL of 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-[d]{.smallcaps}-galactoside (4MUG, 4 mg/mL, Sigma) and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. ", "Then, 20 μL of the sample was mixed with 180 μL of ABT solution, and the reaction was monitored at 445 nm with an excitation wavelength of 365 nm. ", "All samples were tested in triplicate.", "\n\nEMSA {#Sec19}\n----\n\nA DNA fragment derived from the promoter region of *nuc* gene was amplified from *S. aureus* Newman with primers listed in Supplementary Table [S2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}. ", "A DNA fragment from *saeR* gene coding region was also amplified and served as negative control. ", "The PCR products were purified utilizing Wizard^®^ SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System (Promega). ", "SigB, as well as SigB(Q225P) proteins, were prepared in our laboratory. ", "In brief, *sigB* and *sigB(Q225P)* genes were cloned into a pET22b vector, respectively. ", "Corresponding proteins with a 6× His-Tag at the C-terminal were purified via Ni-NTA column and identified by SDS-PAGE and western blot. ", "The binding reactions of EMSA were performed in a buffer system (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA, 50 mM NaCl, and 5% glycerol) for 30 min at room temperature. ", "The amount of DNA fragment was maintained at 10 pmol per reaction while the amount of proteins was increased from 0 to 18 μg. ", "Reaction mixtures were then electrophoresed on a 5% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel at 80 V for 2--3 h at 4 °C. ", "Gels were stained with GoldView (Solarbio) and observed under UV light. ", "To compare the DNA binding ability of SigB and SigB(Q225P), the gray value of free probe in each lane was analyzed using ImageJ software. ", "The gray value of free probe in first lane (0 μg protein) was adjusted to 1.0, and the relative gray values in other lanes were calculated.", "\n\nBLI assay {#Sec20}\n---------\n\nThe BLI assay was performed to quantitatively detect the DNA binding ability of SigB and SigB(Q225P) using Octet K2 system (ForteBio). ", "Biotin-labeled *nuc* promoter region was amplified by PCR using primer pairs (Biotin-labeled *sigB* promoter-5′ and *sigB* promoter-3′). ", "PCR products were purified using the Wizard SV gel and PCR clean up system (Promega), quantified using a NanoDrop 1000 (Thermo), and loaded onto Read^TM^ Streptavidin (SA) biosensors (ForteBio). ", "In a typical binding assay, SigB and BSA proteins (500 nM, dissolved in PBS, pH 7.4) were firstly used to check the specificity of the system. ", "Then, SigB and SigB(Q225P) proteins at different concentrations (125 and 250 nM, dissolved in PBS, pH 7.4) were used to evaluate their DNA binding abilities as following: baseline step (40 s), association step (120 s), dissociation step (180 s), and regeneration step (45 s). ", "Data were treated via Octet System Data Analysis software 8.1.", "\n\nAnimal experiments {#Sec21}\n------------------\n\nBALB/c mice were injected with *S. aureus* strains of interest for virulence evaluation. ", "To evaluate the lethality, mice were injected with 4 × 10^7^ CFU of bacteria cells via tail vein (10 mice for each strain) and observed for up to 14 days. ", "Survival was recorded and the survival curve was completed using GraphPad Prism 5 software. ", "To detect the colonization ability of *S. aureus* strain of interest, mice were injected with 1 × 10^7^ CFU of bacteria cells through tail vein (10 mice for each strain). ", "Four days later, all mice were sacrificed and the bacterial loads in liver, kidney, and liver tissues were counted after inoculation of serially diluted organ suspensions on TSB plates and cultured for 24 h at 37 °C, respectively. ", "For skin abscess formation, mice were first treated with 6% Na~2~S to remove the back hair, and then subcutaneously injected with 1 × 10^7^ CFU of bacteria cells. ", "Skin abscess formations were observed and recorded up to 10 days.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec22}\n--------------------\n\nStatistical analysis of results was carried out using GraphPad Prism 5. ", "Unpaired two-tailed Student's *t*-test was used to treat samples between two groups. ", "The differences between multiple groups were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Turkey's multiple-comparison test. ", "Each experiment was carried out at least thrice. ", "Results are presented as mean ± standard deviations (SD), and a *P* value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. ", "\\**P* *\\<* 0.05, \\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.01, \\*\\*\\**P* *\\<* 0.001, and ns represented no significance.", "\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n {#Sec23}\n\nSupplementary information\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n**Supplementary Information** accompanies this paper at (10.1038/s41426-018-0078-1).", "\n\nThis work was supported by National Key Biosafety Technology Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC1200404-4), National Natural Science Foundation of China (X.R., Grant no. ", "81672071; S.L., Grant no. ", "31470241). ", "The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.", "\n\nY.Y., X.R., R.Z., and X.H. conceived and designed the experiments. ", "H.L., W.S., Y.Y., Z.H., Y.Z., J.Y., H.P., X.C., and L.T. performed the experiments. ", "Y.Y., X.R., Q.H., S.L., J.Z., and M.L. analyzed the data. ", "Y.Y. and X.R. wrote the manuscript. ", "All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. ", "The principal investigators were X.R. and S.L.\n\nThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Modulation by phytochemicals of cytochrome P450-linked enzyme activity.", "\nCompounds derived from plant sources with putative anticancer properties were studied for their effects on alkoxyresorufin O-dealkylase activity, a measure of cytochrome P450 activity. ", "The phytochemicals investigated included benzyl isothiocyanate, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, diosmin, ferulic acid, indole-3-carbinol, phenethyl isothiocyanate and resveratrol. ", "Each phytochemical at concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5 microM was incubated with 0.2 mg hamster liver microsomal protein and 0.5 microM concentrations of benzyloxyresorufin, ethoxyresorufin and methoxyresorufin. ", "Three of the phytochemicals tested, namely benzyl isothiocyanate, phenethyl isothiocyanate and resveratrol, exhibited potent inhibition of alkoxyresorufin O-dealkylase activity. ", "Benzyl isothiocyanate inhibited benzyloxyresorufin O-dealkylase (BROD) activity, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity and methoxyresorufin O-demethylase (MROD) activity by 90% at both the 0.25 and 0.5 microM concentrations. ", "Phenethyl isothiocyanate inhibited BROD activity by 69%, EROD activity by 90% and MROD activity by 94% at both concentrations tested. ", "Resveratrol inhibited BROD activity by 69% at the 0.25 microM concentration and by 78% at the 0.5 microM concentration. ", "It inhibited EROD activity by 60% at the 0.25 microM concentration and by 80% at the 0.5 microM concentration. ", "Resveratrol exhibited the greatest inhibitory action toward MROD, i.e. 76% and 84% at the two concentrations tested. ", "Chlorogenic acid significantly affected BROD, EROD and MROD activity only at the 0.5 microM concentration inhibiting by 51%, 47% and 54%, respectively. ", "Caffeic acid affected BROD and MROD activity at 0.5 microM only inhibiting BROD activity by 46% and MROD activity by 40%. ", "Diosmin inhibited EROD activity by 11% at the 0.25 microM concentration and by 61% at 0.5 microM. It inhibited MROD by 47% and 54% at the two concentrations tested but did not significantly alter BROD activity. ", "Ferulic acid significantly inhibited EROD and MROD activity at the 0.5 microM concentration by 28% and 32%, respectively. ", "Indole-3-carbinol significantly inhibited BROD activity by 26% at 0.25 microM and by 42% at 0.5 microM. It inhibited EROD and MROD activity by 28% and 29% at 0.5 microM, respectively. ", "The alkoxyresorufin O-dealkylase reactions are selective for various isoforms of cytochrome P450. ", "Our results suggest that the phytochemicals we tested have varied effects on the enzymatic activity of isoforms of cytochrome P450 that dealkylate benzyloxyresorufin, methoxyresorufin and ethoxyresorufin and therefore may have varied effects on the metabolism of substrates for these isoforms." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006871658260934055, 0.0006658079801127315, 0.0010436419397592545, 0.001548192696645856, 0.0007512255106121302, 0.0010463274084031582, 0.0009410379570908844, 0.0006956937722861767, 0.0007272748043760657, 0.0005900264368392527, 0.0008544062147848308, 0.0016695345984771848, 0.0007878066971898079, 0.0008894891361705959, 0.0007537972996942699, 0.0008916910737752914, 0.0006492033717222512 ]
[ "Washington, D.C. - Hurricane Maria affected 3.4 million and more than 100,000 of our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands (USVI) , stranding many without shelter, food, electricity, and services. ", "They are disconnected from the rest of the world and facing a humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions. ", "All of Puerto Rico and the USVI lost power, hampering communications and complicating recovery efforts. ", "Without clean drinking water, power or services, hope is running out and lives are at stake. ", "It is essential that they get the resources they need to start recovering as quickly as possible.", "\n\nThis disaster has already claimed 20 lives in Puerto Rico and the death toll is expected to rise. ", "Another 70,000+ people are also in danger of flooding if a dam in the Northwestern part of Puerto Rico collapses.", "\n\n\"Never in the history of Puerto Rico, the USVI, or the United States has a hurricane left so many without electricity, water, communications, or fuel\", said Voces leader, Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto. \"", "The measures taken by the U.S. Government to date are simply not enough to protect the lives of millions of American citizens and more must be done.”", "\n\nWhile we appreciate efforts to ease FEMA requirements and the recent temporary waiver of the Jones Act, there remains an urgent need to immediately take the following measures to ensure the security of the population in Puerto Rico and the USVI:\n\n- Order the Department of Defense to provide helicopters and other resources to relief and rescue to Puerto Rico.", "\n\n- Provide an initial emergency spending package to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands clean and free from rollbacks of environmental protections. ", "Like the aid packages approved for Texas and Florida, the 3.4 million and more than 100,000 Americans who live in Puerto Rico and the USVI need urgent life-saving aid.", "\n\n\"Much more needs to be done right away and local recovery efforts must inform next steps. ", "However, the urgency of saving lives now cannot be understated,\" said Irene Vilar, Executive Director of Americas for Conservation+Arts.", "\n\nThe priority now is to save lives and restore basic services. ", "Once this phase is complete, we must ensure that the reconstruction of the power grid, drinking water and other infrastructure in Puerto Rico and the USVI be carried out in a sustainable manner with a focus on building resiliency against flooding and the effects of climate change.", "\n\nLuis Martínez, Senior Attorney and director of Southeast Energy for NRDC added, \"This tragedy provides an opportunity to rebuild Puerto Rico and the USVI’s water and electric infrastructure in a resilient and sustainable way. ", "Climate change is causing more intense and devastating hurricanes like Maria and places like Puerto Rico and other coastal areas must reduce their vulnerability to ensure that communities are prepared and protected against future climate challenges.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007093242020346224, 0.0011705406941473484, 0.0009359273826703429, 0.033504847437143326, 0.0005490328767336905, 0.0077559249475598335, 0.0009444314055144787, 0.0007314039976336062, 0.00119301350787282, 0.0005422366666607559, 0.0006377762765623629, 0.0006489302613772452, 0.0005429982556961477, 0.0005924558499827981, 0.001270862645469606, 0.0005647334037348628, 0.0005913819186389446, 0.0005989938508719206 ]
[ "Age-specific performance of the revised cardiac risk index for predicting cardiovascular risk in elective noncardiac surgery.", "\nThe revised cardiac risk index (RCRI) holds a central role in preoperative cardiac risk stratification in noncardiac surgery. ", "Its performance in unselected populations, including different age groups, has, however, not been systematically investigated. ", "We assessed the relationship of RCRI with major adverse cardiovascular events in an unselected cohort of patients undergoing elective, noncardiac surgery overall and in different age groups. ", "We followed up all individuals ≥ 25 years who underwent major elective noncardiac surgery in Denmark (January 1, 2005, to November 30, 2011) for the 30-day risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular death). ", "There were 742 of 357,396 (0.2%), 755 of 74.889 (1.0%), 521 of 11,921 (4%), and 257 of 3146 (8%) major adverse cardiovascular events occurring in RCRI classes I, II, III, and IV. ", "Multivariable odds ratio estimates were as follows: ischemic heart disease 3.30 (95% confidence interval, 2.96-3.69), high-risk surgery 2.70 (2.46-2.96), congestive heart failure 2.65 (2.29-3.06), cerebrovascular disease 10.02 (9.08-11.05), insulin therapy 1.62 (1.37-1.93), and kidney disease 1.45 (1.33-1.59). ", "Modeling RCRI classes as a continuous variable, C statistic was highest among age group 56 to 65 years (0.772) and lowest for those aged >85 years (0.683). ", "Sensitivity of RCRI class >I (ie, having ≥ 1 risk factor) for capturing major adverse cardiovascular events was 59%, 71%, 64%, 66%, and 67% in patients aged ≤ 55, 56 to 65, 66 to 75, 76 to 85, and >85 years, respectively; the negative predictive values were >98% across all age groups. ", "In a nationwide unselected cohort, the performance of the RCRI was similar to that of the original cohort. ", "Having ≥ 1 risk factor was of moderate sensitivity, but high negative predictive value for all ages." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006212326698005199, 0.0006759429816156626, 0.0005576275871135294, 0.000551675446331501, 0.0006642684456892312, 0.0006540290196426213, 0.0007443864014931023, 0.0006839415291324258, 0.0006017822888679802, 0.000577296712435782, 0.0005770012503489852 ]
[ "Rs 10-lakh fund created for needy students\nKapurthala, November 15\nThe Old Boys Association of Sainik School,\nKapurthala, created a corpus fund of Rs 10 lakh to provide financial help to needy students of the school.", "Advocate-General H.S. Mattewal honours Air Marshal A.K. Chopra at Sainik School in Kapurthala on Saturday. ", "Photo: Suryakant\n\nFarmers decide to intensify protest\nAllege state govt following anti-agriculture, anti-employment policies\nChandigarh, November 15\nThe Punjab government’s troubles with state farmers have just begun. ", "After yesterday’s agitation, when rail traffic was adversely hit following a combined protest of farmer unions, the farmers have now decided to intensify their protest.", "\n\nNews Analysis\nKarimpuri’s election to Rajya Sabha may benefit BSP\nChandigarh, November 15\nThe election of Punjab Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Avtar Singh Karimpuri as member of the Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh yesterday may act as a catalyst for galvanising Dalits into a single large decisive unit in the ensuing Lok Sabha elections.", "\n\nSAD seeks review of cases against NRIs\nChandigarh, November 15\nThe SAD, which, along with the BJP, has been demanding a Central review of the blacklist prohibiting certain non-resident Indians (NRIs) from visiting their country of birth, has now decided to press for a review of cases registered against NRIs in Punjab.", "\n\nSukhbir to call shots in SGPC affairs\nCalls meeting of SGPC members on Nov 21\nChandigarh, November 15\nIt is time for Sukhbir Singh Badal to take over from his father and Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and decide the next chief of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee\n(SGPC). ", "Till now Sukhbir, after his election as Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD)president, had been taking only political decisions. ", "Now he has been authorised by the SAD to take decisions that empower him on the affairs of the Sikhs’ highest religious body, the SGPC.", "\n\nRahul to visit Amritsar on Nov 18\nAmritsar, November 15\nRahul Gandhi, general secretary of the All-India Congress Committee, along with former Chief Election Commissioner\nJ.M. Lyngdoh will visit Amritsar on November 18 for announcing the poll schedule for the Punjab Youth Congress\n(PYC).", "\n\nNow, Punjab websites in Punjabi\nChandigarh, November 15\nHaving made the use of Punjabi language compulsory for all official work, Punjab government will finally introduce Punjabi in all its websites.", "\n\n‘Govt violating directions on preparing estimates’\nChandigarh, November 15\nAssistant municipal engineers of the Punjab government yesterday reminded the state government that it could not violate its own guidelines to meet political exigencies, and development works could not be done without preparing estimates for the same.", "\n\nImplement pay panel report: Docs\nHoshiarpur, November 15\nThere is resentment among state government employees over the delay in the implementation of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission report and release of the dearness allowance (DA) due since July 2008.", "\n\nFarm workers’ rally flagged off\nAmritsar, November 15\nA rally of the All-India Agriculture Workers Union (AIAWU) was flagged off today from the Jallianwala Bagh which will reach Hyderabad after passing through various states in 17 days, to commemorate its 25th foundation day on December 2.", "\n\nGrandparents deny confining kids\nAlowal (Hoshiarpur), November 15\nBaldev Singh and his wife Santosh Kaur denied the allegations levelled by their UK-based daughter-in-law Paramjeet Kaur Toor that they had unlawfully confined her son Arman Preet Singh (6) and daughter Sazel Preet Kaur (4) at their house in Alowal village on the Hoshiarpur-Tanda road in Hoshiarpur district.", "\nArman Preet Singh and Sazel Preet Kaur with their grandparents Baldev Singh and Santosh Kaur at Alowal village in Hoshiarpur on Saturday. ", "Photo: Suryakant\n\nPrincipal’s Transfer\nPolice ‘manhandles’ agitating girls\nFathegarh Churian (Gurdaspur), November 15\nChildren’s Day that was celebrated throughout the country yesterday left hundreds of girl students of the local Government Senior Secondary School for Girls hurt and agitated.", "\n\nNursing students to continue agitation\nDemands better working conditions, revival of stipend\nPatiala, November 15\nThe students of the three-year B Sc Nursing course, being conducted by Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, yesterday, decided to intensify their on-going agitation to protest against alleged apathy of the Punjab government to urge their demands.", "\n\nPension\nIssue\nNo date fixed for teachers’ meeting\nSangrur, November 15\nDespite Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal’s directions to his principal secretary on November 4 to convene a meeting in connection with a major demand (revival of the pension scheme from June 1, 2003) of teachers and other employees of 484 government-aided schools of the state, the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) has reportedly not fixed a date for the meeting.", "\n\nBeas board ties up with Danish firm\nChandigarh, November 15\nThe Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) has signed a contract with DHI Water Environment Health, a Danish firm specialising in water resources management, for development of real-time decision support system for operational management of Bhakra and Pong reservoirs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007250698981806636, 0.0006712007452733815, 0.0012253421591594815, 0.0007277715485543013, 0.0006636375328525901, 0.0007181464461609721, 0.0007468441035598516, 0.0009740859968587756, 0.0011484945425763726, 0.0006940570892766118, 0.0006219082861207426, 0.0006288280710577965, 0.0006545587093569338, 0.0006432600202970207, 0.0009231481235474348, 0.0009116808068938553, 0.01234927773475647, 0.0005819660145789385, 0.0006248718709684908, 0.0005689556710422039 ]
[ "/*\n * Sonics Silicon Backplane\n * ChipCommon serial flash interface\n *\n * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. ", "See COPYING for details.", "\n */\n\n#include \"ssb_private.h\"\n\n#include <linux/ssb/ssb.h>\n\nstatic struct resource ssb_sflash_resource = {\n\t.name\t= \"ssb_sflash\",\n\t.start\t= SSB_FLASH2,\n\t.end\t= 0,\n\t.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM | IORESOURCE_READONLY,\n};\n\nstruct platform_device ssb_sflash_dev = {\n\t.name\t\t= \"ssb_sflash\",\n\t.resource\t= &ssb_sflash_resource,\n\t.num_resources\t= 1,\n};\n\nstruct ssb_sflash_tbl_e {\n\tchar *name;\n\tu32 id;\n\tu32 blocksize;\n\tu16 numblocks;\n};\n\nstatic const struct ssb_sflash_tbl_e ssb_sflash_st_tbl[] = {\n\t{ \"M25P20\", 0x11, 0x10000, 4, },\n\t{ \"M25P40\", 0x12, 0x10000, 8, },\n\n\t{ \"M25P16\", 0x14, 0x10000, 32, },\n\t{ \"M25P32\", 0x15, 0x10000, 64, },\n\t{ \"M25P64\", 0x16, 0x10000, 128, },\n\t{ \"M25FL128\", 0x17, 0x10000, 256, },\n\t{ NULL },\n};\n\nstatic const struct ssb_sflash_tbl_e ssb_sflash_sst_tbl[] = {\n\t{ \"SST25WF512\", 1, 0x1000, 16, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF512\", 0x48, 0x1000, 16, },\n\t{ \"SST25WF010\", 2, 0x1000, 32, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF010\", 0x49, 0x1000, 32, },\n\t{ \"SST25WF020\", 3, 0x1000, 64, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF020\", 0x43, 0x1000, 64, },\n\t{ \"SST25WF040\", 4, 0x1000, 128, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF040\", 0x44, 0x1000, 128, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF040B\", 0x8d, 0x1000, 128, },\n\t{ \"SST25WF080\", 5, 0x1000, 256, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF080B\", 0x8e, 0x1000, 256, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF016\", 0x41, 0x1000, 512, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF032\", 0x4a, 0x1000, 1024, },\n\t{ \"SST25VF064\", 0x4b, 0x1000, 2048, },\n\t{ NULL },\n};\n\nstatic const struct ssb_sflash_tbl_e ssb_sflash_at_tbl[] = {\n\t{ \"AT45DB011\", 0xc, 256, 512, },\n\t{ \"AT45DB021\", 0x14, 256, 1024, },\n\t{ \"AT45DB041\", 0x1c, 256, 2048, },\n\t{ \"AT45DB081\", 0x24, 256, 4096, },\n\t{ \"AT45DB161\", 0x2c, 512, 4096, },\n\t{ \"AT45DB321\", 0x34, 512, 8192, },\n\t{ \"AT45DB642\", 0x3c, 1024, 8192, },\n\t{ NULL },\n};\n\nstatic void ssb_sflash_cmd(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc, u32 opcode)\n{\n\tint i;\n\tchipco_write32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL,\n\t\t SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL_START | opcode);\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {\n\t\tif (!(", "chipco_read32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL) &\n\t\t SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL_BUSY))\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n\t}\n\tdev_err(cc->dev->dev, \"SFLASH control command failed (timeout)!\\n\");\n}\n\n/* Initialize serial flash access */\nint ssb_sflash_init(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc)\n{\n\tstruct ssb_sflash *sflash = &cc->dev->bus->mipscore.sflash;\n\tconst struct ssb_sflash_tbl_e *e;\n\tu32 id, id2;\n\n\tswitch (cc->capabilities & SSB_CHIPCO_CAP_FLASHT) {\n\tcase SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHT_STSER:\n\t\tssb_sflash_cmd(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL_ST_DP);\n\n\t\tchipco_write32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHADDR, 0);\n\t\tssb_sflash_cmd(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL_ST_RES);\n\t\tid = chipco_read32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHDATA);\n\n\t\tchipco_write32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHADDR, 1);\n\t\tssb_sflash_cmd(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL_ST_RES);\n\t\tid2 = chipco_read32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHDATA);\n\n\t\tswitch (id) {\n\t\tcase 0xbf:\n\t\t\tfor (e = ssb_sflash_sst_tbl; e->name; e++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (e->id == id2)\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 0x13:\n\t\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tfor (e = ssb_sflash_st_tbl; e->name; e++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (e->id == id)\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!", "e->name) {\n\t\t\tpr_err(\"Unsupported ST serial flash (id: 0x%X, id2: 0x%X)\\n\",\n\t\t\t id, id2);\n\t\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHT_ATSER:\n\t\tssb_sflash_cmd(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHCTL_AT_STATUS);\n\t\tid = chipco_read32(cc, SSB_CHIPCO_FLASHDATA) & 0x3c;\n\n\t\tfor (e = ssb_sflash_at_tbl; e->name; e++) {\n\t\t\tif (e->id == id)\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!", "e->name) {\n\t\t\tpr_err(\"Unsupported Atmel serial flash (id: 0x%X)\\n\",\n\t\t\t id);\n\t\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tpr_err(\"Unsupported flash type\\n\");\n\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\t}\n\n\tsflash->window = SSB_FLASH2;\n\tsflash->blocksize = e->blocksize;\n\tsflash->numblocks = e->numblocks;\n\tsflash->size = sflash->blocksize * sflash->numblocks;\n\tsflash->present = true;\n\n\tpr_info(\"Found %s serial flash (size: %dKiB, blocksize: 0x%X, blocks: %d)\\n\",\n\t\te->name, sflash->size / 1024, e->blocksize, e->numblocks);\n\n\t/* Prepare platform device, but don't register it yet. ", "It's too early,\n\t * malloc (required by device_private_init) is not available yet. */", "\n\tssb_sflash_dev.resource[0].end = ssb_sflash_dev.resource[0].start +\n\t\t\t\t\t sflash->size;\n\tssb_sflash_dev.dev.platform_data = sflash;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Dichomeris aomoriensis\n\nDichomeris aomoriensis is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. ", "It was described by Kyu-Tek Park and Ronald W. Hodges in 1995. ", "It is known from Japan (Honshu) and south-eastern Siberia.", "\n\nThe length of the forewings is 10.5–11 mm. ", "The forewings are brownish grey, with a small discal stigma near the middle and a short black streak near the discal spot at the fold. ", "There are eight to nine spots along the margin. ", "The hindwings are orange grey.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Dichomeris\nCategory:Moths described in 1995" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nMiddle ear surgery for chronic middle ear disease is aimed at eradicating inflammation and preventing disease recurrence. ", "Preservation or improvement of hearing is an additional goal of middle ear surgery. ", "However, surgery for middle ear disease of an ear that has a better hearing level than the opposite ear is challenging because of the importance of hearing preservation. ", "Surgical management of the only hearing ear is stressful for the surgeon because there is a possibility of hearing deterioration. ", "Conservative management, such as careful observation and hearing aid use, is one of the choices, but surgical management should be considered when there is refractory otorrhea or a destructive lesion. ", "There have been a few reports into surgical interventions in only hearing ears. ", "Many surgeons favor surgical intervention for only hearing ears with cholesteatoma.[@B1] Sanna, et al.[@B2] used a questionnaire to study how surgeons treat patients who have chronic ear disease in only hearing ears. ", "The results indicated that there is no consensus about the type of surgical treatment and surgical indications. ", "Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate surgical interventions and hearing rehabilitation in patients with chronic middle ear disease of only hearing ears.", "\n\nSubjects and Methods\n====================\n\nWe retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 31 patients who underwent middle ear surgery of only hearing ears by one senior surgeon in a single tertiary care center from 1992 to 2011. ", "The age range of the patients was 25 to 65 years, with a mean of 45.3 years, with 21 female and 10 male patients. ", "We examined the etiology of opposite deaf ears and the background of the decision making for surgery. ", "Preoperative and postoperative pure tone and speech audiometry were checked to determine the hearing statuses of the patients. ", "The average pure tone audiometry (PTA) was calculated from thresholds of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, and 3000 Hz. ", "A deaf ear was defined as that with an average air conduction threshold worse than 90 dB HL in PTA. ", "Temporal bone computed tomography was preoperatively performed. ", "We performed canal wall-up mastoidectomy with or without tympanoplasty for most patients with chronic otitis media and canal wall-down mastoidectomy for most patients with cholesteatoma. ", "Conservative and minimal surgical procedures were preferred in only hearing ears except for those with destructive lesions such as large cholesteatoma.", "\n\nWe classified the patients into three groups according to the hearing level. ", "Group A contained patients with serviceable hearing levels-better than 40 dB HL-and only observation with-out other rehabilitation methods was recommended. ", "Group B patients-with a hearing level between 40 dB HL and 70 dB HL-were recommended to use hearing aids for hearing rehabilitation. ", "Group C contained patients with hearing levels worse than 70 dB HL. ", "In addition, changes in hearing levels were also classified into three groups according to the difference between the preoperative and postoperative air conduction thresholds: improved, no change, and worsened. ", "A significant hearing level change was defined as 15 dB.\n\nResults\n=======\n\nPreoperative diagnoses of chronic middle ear disease in only hearing ears were as follows: 21 cases (67.7%) of chronic otitis media, 9 cases (29.0%) of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, and 1 case (3.2%) of cholesterol granuloma ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The main causes of surgery for chronic otitis media were refractory otorrhea recurring over three times during 1 year. ", "The indication for surgery in patients with chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma and cholesterol granuloma was prevention of further destruction of surrounding structures. ", "Before surgery, frequent dressing changes and antibiotic medication were administered according to bacteriologic cultures for preoperative management. ", "The average hearing level of contralateral deaf ears was 97.3 dB \\[25-75% interquartile range (IQR)=91.8-101.5\\]. ", "The most common etiology of contralateral deaf ears was surgery for chronic middle ear disease in 21 cases (67.7%). ", "There were four cases (12.9%) of untreated chronic middle ear disease and six cases (19.4%) of sensorineural hearing loss.", "\n\nSurgical procedures are summarized in [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Tympanoplasty was performed in five cases (16.1%) and all were of chronic otitis media. ", "Canal wall-down mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty was performed in nine cases (29.0%), eight of which accompanied cholesteatoma; the other case was of recurred chronic otitis media after previous surgery. ", "The most frequently performed procedure was canal wall-up mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty, which was performed in 17 patients (54.8%).", "\n\nPreoperative air and bone conduction PTAs were 55.3 dB HL (25-75% IQR=35.8-70.8) and 28.0 dB HL (25-75% IQR=9.2-46.7), respectively, and the air-bone gap was 27.4 dB (25-75% IQR=20.0-35.8). ", "Postoperative air and bone conduction PTAs were 55.0 dB HL (25-75% IQR=27.5-74.2) and 31.3 dB HL (25-75% IQR=12.5-49.2), respectively, and the air-bone gap was 23.7 dB (25-75% IQR=10.0-36.7). ", "Three cases (9.7%) showed hearing improvement after surgery: all of them were for chronic otitis media and a canal wall-up procedure was performed. ", "Four cases (12.9%) had worsened hearing after surgery: three of them were of patients with cholesteatoma and a canal wall-down procedure was performed in three cases ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nPreoperative and postoperative hearing levels and hearing rehabilitation recommendations are summarized in [Table 4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Nine preoperative patients belonged to group A and eight of these were still group A after surgery. ", "They did not need any hearing rehabilitation. ", "One patient had hearing deterioration after surgery (to group B). ", "Fourteen patients were preoperatively classified as group B, and three of them had hearing improvement after surgery (to group A). ", "A total of 12 patients of postoperative group B were recommended to use hearing aids. ", "All eight preoperative group C patients were still group C after surgery, and they were potential candidates for cochlear implantation because of bilateral severe or profound hearing loss.", "\n\nThe speech discrimination scores of patients improved with hearing rehabilitation ([Table 5](#T5){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Postoperative group A did not require hearing rehabilitation. ", "Postoperative group B patients were recommended to use hearing aids. ", "We recommended hearing aids to 12 patients; although three of them refused to use these devices, the other nine patients wore hearing aids with successful rehabilitation. ", "Speech discrimination scores improved with hearing aids. ", "Postoperative group C was recommended to undergo cochlear implantation: three of them underwent cochlear implantation, three of refused these implants and wore hearing aids, and the remaining two patients refused hearing rehabilitation. ", "The patients who underwent cochlear implantation showed extremely poor preoperative (precochlear implantation) discrimination scores, with a mean value of 10.7%. ", "A clear benefit was seen after cochlear implantation, with discrimination scores improved to 50.7%. ", "Patients who wore hearing aids showed an improvement in speech discrimination scores, from 76.0% to 88.0%.", "\n\nDuring the follow-up period over 1 year, recurrent tympanic membrane perforation was identified in two patients. ", "Myringoplasty was done in these two cases. ", "There was no recurrent otorrhea to disturb the use of hearing aids. ", "As a result, all patients achieved dry ears after surgery.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nSurgical management of only hearing ears remains challenging because of a possible aggravation of hearing after surgery. ", "Control of disease and preservation of hearing are both important in this situation. ", "Especially in cholesteatoma, in the aspect of cholesteatoma itself, it needs to be eliminated by appropriate surgery. ", "However in the aspect of hearing, the removal of cholesteatoma has higher risk of hearing aggravation when compared to non-cholesteatoma chronic otitis media. ", "In our study, 3 patients had hearing aggravation and 6 patients showed no change of hearing after surgery among 9 cholesteatoma patients. ", "But considering the growth of cholesteatoma and high possibility of hearing aggravation due to cholesteatoma, just observing the patient without surgery could not be a proper management option, even in only hearing ear.", "\n\nHowever, Sakagami, et al.[@B3] reported via long-term follow-up results of chronic otitis media that the hearing of ears with chronic otitis media worsened significantly more than that of normal contralateral ears. ", "Wait and see is not a good policy for only hearing ears with chronic ear disease because hearing impairments will be progressive, especially when the otorrhea is recurrent or persistent.", "\n\nSurgeons should carefully choose the surgical procedure, and either canal wall-up or canal wall-down mastoidectomy procedures or tympanoplasty can be used for chronic middle ear disease in only hearing ears. ", "The type of mastoid surgery has been shown not to affect the hearing results of chronic otitis media patients.[@B4] Some previously published reports remarked on the type of surgery. ", "Yamamoto, et al.[@B5] performed canal wall-up mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty in 16 of 30 patients in 1997. ", "Perez de Tagle, et al.[@B6] performed canal wall-down mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty in 7 of 8 patients. ", "Sakagsami, et al.[@B7] recommended a type 1 tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy for chronic otitis media and a canal wall-down mastoidectomy with ossicular reconstruction in patients with cholesteatoma. ", "Battaglia, et al.[@B8] contended that one-stage canal wall-down procedures are preferable to minimize the number of times that the ear is placed at risk.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nAll of our patients attained dry ears after surgery. ", "Hearing aids were used in most patients with moderate to severe hearing loss and cochlear implants were used for auditory rehabilitation in patients with severe to profound hearing loss with successful results. ", "Hence, proper preoperative evaluation and indications for surgery are important for successful eradication of inflammation and hearing preservation in only hearing ears. ", "The association of cholesteatoma and recurrent otorrhea was a surgical indication in only hearing ears. ", "Surgical interventions can achieve dry ears and enable further auditory rehabilitation using hearing aids and cochlear implants.", "\n\n###### \n\nPreoperative diagnosis of only hearing ears and contralateral deaf ears\n\n![](", "kja-18-54-i001)\n\n###### \n\nSurgical procedures performed in only hearing ears\n\n![](", "kja-18-54-i002)\n\n###### \n\nPostoperative air conduction hearing level changes compared with preoperative levels\n\n![](", "kja-18-54-i003)\n\n^\\*^a significant hearing level change was defined as a 15-dB air conduction threshold difference between preoperative and postoperative measurements\n\n###### \n\nHearing results and principles of postoperative hearing rehabilitation\n\n![](", "kja-18-54-i004)\n\n###### \n\nResults of hearing rehabilitation and changes in speech discrimination scores\n\n![](", "kja-18-54-i005)\n\nPostop: postoperative\n" ]
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[ "The motorists going towards Navi Mumbai and Pune will have to spend more money as the Public Works Department (PWD) has given clearance to the opening of Kharghar Toll plaza on Sion-Panvel highway from Tuesday\n\nThe motorists going towards Navi Mumbai and Pune will have to spend more money as the Public Works Department (PWD) has given clearance to the opening of Kharghar Toll plaza on Sion-Panvel highway from Tuesday. ", "It should be noted that before the assembly elections BJP had said that the government will make efforts to have toll free roads.", "\n\nOn Monday, the PWD decided that from midnight the toll collection will start and a notification regarding the same was also issued. ", "This also means that motorists going towards Navi Mumbai and Kharghar will have to pay toll at Vashi and Kharghar and both the toll plazas are within a distance of 15 kms.", "\n\nIn the month of July 2014, the Congress-NCP headed former government had put on hold the decision to open the toll plaza at Kharghar as not only there was opposition to the toll from people but also from political parties in the opposition.", "\n\nThe former government also feared that the toll issue might backfire during assembly election and so the opening of toll plaza was put on hold. ", "The new toll plaza is near Kamothe at the end of the flyover near Taloja junction for the newly widened Sion-Panvel Highway.", "\n\nThe Sion Panvel Tollways Project Limited (SPTPL) will collect toll on the same. ", "It should be noted that last year even the former Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar had raised the issue of canceling the toll on this highway. ", "Ajt Pawar had even said last year that the government should buy the project from the contractor so that motorists don’t have to face the burden of paying toll.", "\n\nLast year, Former CM Prithviraj Chavan had appointed a three-member committee headed by the chief secretary to study plan of collecting toll on the Kharghar-Kamothe stretch of the road. ", "Commenting on the same the former CM Prithviraj Chavan had then told mid day, “The committee headed by chief secretary is now studying the issue and the decision about whether to collect toll or not will be taken soon.”", "\n\nSources from PWD told mid day that it has been mentioned in the notification that five villages including Panvel, Kharghar, Kamothe, Kalamboli and Kopra will not have to pay toll at the toll plaza as they are located near the toll plaza.", "\n\nIt should be noted that former Panvel MLA Prashant Thakur had even resigned as MLA last year over the Kharghar-Kamothe toll issue and had later joined BJP, and is currently a BJP MLA. ", "The Rs 1200 crore project has been developed on Built Operate and Transfer basis and the 23 km road between Sion and Panvel was widened and concretization work was done." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nApplication of Plancherel/Parseval\n\nAssuming $u,v\\in L^1\\cap L^2$, then how do you show that $$\\int uv=\\int \\hat{u}\\hat{v}$$ \nI tried using Plancherel, but didnt give any nice result. ", "\nAny ideas/hints?", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nHint:\n$$uv = \\frac{1}{4} ((u+v)^2-(u-v)^2).$$\nApply Plancherel's theorem (twice) and conclude.", "\nNote: In your question, it should read $\\int \\hat{u} \\bar{\\hat{v}}$ instead of $\\int \\hat{u} \\hat{v}$.\n\n" ]
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[ "Spectroscopic studies on the interaction between novel polyvinylthiol-functionalized silver nanoparticles with lysozyme.", "\nSilver nanoparticles were functionalized with polyvinylthiol (Ag-PVT) and their effect on the conformation of hen-egg white lysozyme was seen by means of spectroscopic techniques, viz., ", "UV visible, fluorescence (intrinsic and synchronous), resonance Rayleigh scattering and circular dichroism. ", "UV absorption spectra of lysozyme show a hyperchromic shift on the addition of Ag-PVT nanoparticles indicating the complex formation between the two. ", "The interaction between lysozyme and Ag-PVT nanoparticles was takes place via static quenching with 1:1 binding ratio as revealed by the analysis of fluorescence measurements. ", "Circular dichroism spectroscopic data show a decrease in α-helical content of lysozyme on interaction with Ag-PVT nanoparticles which was due to the partial unfolding of the protein. ", "Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy disclosed that the microenvironments of both tryptophan and tyrosine residues were perturbed in the presence of Ag-PVT nanoparticles and perturbation in the tryptophan environment was more prominent. ", "Rayleigh scattering (RRS) intensity increases on increasing the Ag-PVT nanoparticles concentration till it reaches to the saturation. ", "The RRS intensity increases four times as compared to the native protein indicating the possibility of protein aggregation at higher concentrations of nanoparticles." ]
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[ 0.0006176881724968553, 0.0007773048710078001, 0.0007158287335187197, 0.000620784645434469, 0.0005651999963447452, 0.0005965339951217175, 0.0006299957167357206, 0.0005772190634161234, 0.0005735480226576328 ]
[ "A defect in endothelial autophagy occurs in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and promotes inflammation and fibrosis.", "\nPrevious studies demonstrated that autophagy is protective in hepatocytes and macrophages, but detrimental in hepatic stellate cells in chronic liver diseases. ", "The role of autophagy in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is unknown. ", "Our aim was to analyze the potential implication of autophagy in LSECs in NASH and liver fibrosis. ", "We analyzed autophagy in LSECs from patients using transmission electron microscopy. ", "We determined the consequences of a deficiency in autophagy: (a) on LSECs phenotype, using primary LSECs and an LSECs line; (b) on early stages of NASH and on advanced stages of liver fibrosis, using transgenic mice deficient in autophagy specifically in endothelial cells and fed a high-fat diet or chronically treated with carbon tetrachloride, respectively. ", "Patients with NASH had twice less LSECs containing autophagic vacuoles than patient without liver histological abnormalities, or with simple steatosis. ", "LSECs from mice deficient in endothelial autophagy displayed an up-regulation of genes implicated in inflammatory pathways. ", "In LSEC line, deficiency in autophagy enhanced inflammation (CCL2, CCL5, IL-6 and VCAM-1 expression), features of endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (α-SMA, Tgf-β1, Collagen-1α2 expression) and apoptosis (cleaved Caspase 3). ", "In mice fed a high-fat diet, deficiency in endothelial autophagy induced liver expression of inflammatory markers (Ccl2, Ccl5, Cd68, VCAM-1), liver cell apoptosis (cleaved Caspase-3) and perisinusoidal fibrosis. ", "Mice deficient in endothelial autophagy treated with carbon tetrachloride also developed more perisinusoidal fibrosis. ", "A defect in autophagy in LSECs occurs in patients with NASH. ", "Deficiency in endothelial autophagy promotes the development of liver inflammation, features suggesting endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, apoptosis and liver fibrosis at early stages of NASH, but also favors more advanced stages of liver fibrosis." ]
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[ "William Brough (priest)\n\nWilliam Brough (died 1671) was an English royalist churchman, Dean of Gloucester from 1643.", "\n\nLife\nHe was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated in 1613, graduating B.A. 1617 and M.A. 1620. ", "He proceeded B.D. 1627, and D.D. 5 February 1636. ", "He was presented to the rectory of St. Michael, Cornhill, from 1625.", "\n\nBrough was a supporter of William Laud and his Arminian views, was made chaplain to the king, and was installed canon of Windsor, 1 February 1639. ", "At the beginning of the First English Civil War, he was removed from his benefice by the parliamentary commission, and lost his home and possessions. ", "Thomas Holl was intruded as rector. ", "His wife died soon afterwards, and Brough joined the king at Oxford. ", "On 16 August 1643 he was nominated dean of Gloucester, but was not installed till 20 November 1644. ", "He returned to Oxford in 1645, and on 26 August of that year was created D.D. by the king's order.", "\n\nLittle is heard of him from this date to the Restoration. ", "He then was reappointed to the deanery, and was rector of Bemerton. ", "He died 5 July 1671, and was buried in St. George's Chapel, Windsor.", "\n\nWorks\nHe was the author of The Holy Feasts and Fasts of the Church, with Meditations and Prayers proper for Sacraments and other occasions leading to Christian life and death, London 1657; and of Sacred Principles, Services, and Soliloquies; or a Manual of Devotion, 1659, 1671.", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nParish inhabitants - his 1638 report\n\nCategory:Year of birth missing\nCategory:1671 deaths\nCategory:17th-century English Anglican priests\nCategory:Deans of Gloucester\nCategory:Canons of Windsor" ]
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[ "Atypical MRI features at early onset natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: a case report.", "\nWe report the case of a woman with natalizumab-treated Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that developed progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) with atypical MRI features at early onset. ", "This case shows that PML can have variable radiological patterns in natalizumab-treated MS patients thus expanding the possible MRI patterns at onset in these patients." ]
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[ 0.0008920645341277122, 0.000877350801602006, 0.0006160379271022975 ]
[ "Knicks Wrap Up Regular Season With Victory Over Cavaliers\n\nCLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James played in his 82nd game, scored 10 points and then got some rest for the playoffs as the Cleveland Cavaliers were beaten 110-98 by New York in their regular-season finale and coach Jeff Hornacek’s likely last game with the Knicks.", "\n\nJames had never played every game in his 15-year NBA career. ", "But he capped a remarkable season in which he seemed to break a record every night by adding another accomplishment to his long list of achievements.", "\n\nCleveland Cavaliers’ Tristan Thompson guards New York Knicks’ Luke Kornet during the second half at Quicken Loans Arena on April 11, 2018. (", "Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)\n\nCavs coach Tyronn Lue said he tried to talk James out of playing, but he gave in and allowed the 33-year-old to extend his record of scoring in double digits to 873 consecutive games before taking him out. ", "James finished with 10 points and five rebounds in 10:33.", "\n\nFrom here out, James, who is aiming to make the Finals for eighth straight time, won’t be sitting much.", "\n\nWith Philadelphia beating Milwaukee, the Cavs are the No. ", "4 seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs and will face Indiana in the opening round. ", "The Pacers went 3-1 against the Cavs this season.", "\n\nMeanwhile, another rocky season in New York is mercifully over.", "\n\nThe Knicks (29-53) got off to a solid start but never recovered after losing All-Star Kristaps Porzingis to a torn knee ligament. ", "Hornacek is still under contract, but isn’t expected to return for a third season.", "\n\nOne of the league’s most storied franchises remains aimless. ", "The Knicks have missed the playoffs five straight years and lost at least 50 games in each of the last four.", "\n\nAfter an injury-filled regular season for the Cavs, Lue, who missed nine games with his own health scare, didn’t take any chances and sat Kevin Love (hip), Kyle Korver (foot) and Rodney Hood (Achilles).", "\n\nHe was reluctant to play James, but relented — with conditions.", "\n\n“It’s hard to play 82,” Lue said. “", "I was in the league 11 years. ", "Never had a chance to get to 82. ", "Everything has to go absolutely right. ", "He wants to play and I guess in his 15th year to get to 82, it really says a lot about him. ", "But once he gets his 10 points, don’t be surprised if I yank him out. ", "He might get mad, but I don’t care.”", "\n\nTIP-INS\n\nKnicks: G Courtney Lee (sprained left ankle) was ruled out before shootaround, leaving New York with just nine players. … ", "Rookie G Frank Ntilikina, the No. ", "8 overall draft pick, played in a team-high 78 games. “", "I think he’s been great defensively right from the start,” Hornacek said. “", "Offensively, he’s had good moments. ", "He’s on his way.”", "\n\nCavaliers: Re-signed F Kendrick Perkins for the remainder of the season. ", "Lue believes Perkins, who was on Cleveland’s 2015 Finals team, will be a positive influence on the team’s big men in the playoffs. “", "He’s always preaching the right message, it’s all about team, when guys miss defensive assignments he calls those guys out,” Lue said. … ", "Perkins said a stint in the G-League was “very humbling.” ", "Perkins recalled some 12-hour bus trips, cramming himself into plane seats and staying at hotels not exactly up to NBA standards. “", "It wasn’t the end of the world,” he said, “but it wasn’t just like heaven, either.”", "\n\nUP NEXT\n\nKnicks: Following a likely coaching change, the NBA draft on June 21.", "\n\nCavaliers: Face Indiana in the first round for the second straight year." ]
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[ "The 2020 NHL Gaming World Championship is now complete!", "\n\nThe 2020 NHL Gaming World Championship™ has now concluded as champions have been crowned from each Region. ", "Justin 'Reg84' Reguly captured the Canadian title last week, Josh 'OFs_HK' Fuss secured the U.S. title this past Wednesday and Arttu 'ArtuzioFIN' Mustila won the European title this past Sunday.", "\n\nAll competitions were broadcast on the NHL's Twitch channel, NBCSN in the U.S., Sportsnet in Canada and Viasat in Europe as well as social platforms of the NHL and its global broadcast partners. ", "For more coverage follow #NHLGWC. ", "See the Tournament Rules for more information about the Regional Finals. ", "The 2020 NHL Gaming World Championship™ Final will be cancelled to comply with social gathering and travel restrictions." ]
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[ "sampler2D implicitInput : register(s0);\nfloat contrast : register(C0);\n\nfloat4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR\n{\n float4 color = tex2D(implicitInput, uv); \n float value = (1 - contrast) / 2;\n\n color.rgba = color.rgba * contrast + value;\n \n return color;\n}" ]
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[ "Field of the Disclosure\nThe disclosure provides oral antiviral supplement compositions comprising a lysine, an ascorbic compound, a flavonoid glycoside, a threonine and a pyridoxine.", "\nDescription of the Related Art\nInfluenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. ", "It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. ", "According to the CDC, various subtypes of the influenza virus circulate worldwide. ", "It is estimated there are about 306 known human influenza types, subtypes and strains and about 62 known non-polio enteroviruses which cause flu-like illness in humans. ", "Types A and B influenza virus are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics each year usually striking in December through April. ", "Non-polio enteroviruses are second only to the “common cold” viruses as the most common viral infectious agents in humans. ", "Enteroviruses are most likely to occur in June through November. ", "To reduce the likelihood of contracting the A or B influenza virus, one can get a flu vaccine to provide a measure of protection during flu season.", "\nThe best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination each year. ", "However, the vaccination works only for prophylaxis of certain strains of influenza. ", "In fact, one key disadvantage of vaccines is that they are strain specific. ", "Once the patient is infected, other options must be considered.", "\nIn the United States there are two classes of drugs approved by the FDA for treating or preventing influenza virus infection: the M2 ion channel blockers and the neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs). ", "The M2 channel blockers (adamantanes) such as amantadine and rimantadine are effective against influenza A viruses, but not influenza B viruses since they lack the M2 protein. ", "Use of the M2 blockers is associated with emergence of drug resistant mutations of the M2 protein in human influenza A viruses of H3N2 and H1N1 subtypes, and resistance has been detected in A/H5N1 viruses. ", "Therefore, the CDC has not recommended their use since 2005 and now recommends the exclusive use of NAIs; except in possible cases of NAI resistant strains. ", "Viral neuraminidase may facilitate access of virus to cell surfaces and aid the release of newly formed virus particles from infected cells, to allow viral infection of other cells.", "\nIf a patient contracts an A or B influenza virus strain, NAIs such as Relenza® (zanamivir) and Tamiflu® (oseltamivir) are available only by prescription and are meant to be started during the first 48 hours after onset of symptoms. ", "These NAI drugs have been shown to reduce the duration of a typical seven day illness by about one day. ", "For treatment of 2009 H1N1 virus infection, the CDC currently recommends use of either oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or zanamivir (Relenza®) (http://www.cdc.gov/hlnlflu/recommendations.htm). ", "After symptoms appear both influenza and non-polio enteroviruses are also treated symptomatically to ease discomfort.", "\nTamiflu® (oseltamivir phosphate, Roche) is an antiviral prescription drug in the form of oral capsules or oral suspensions approved for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza. ", "Oseltamivir phosphate is an ethyl ester prodrug requiring ester hydrolysis for conversion to the active form, oseltamivir carboxylate. ", "Oseltamivir carboxylate is an inhibitor of influenza virus neuraminidase affecting release of virus particles. ", "Influenza A virus isolates with reduced susceptibility to oseltamivir carboxylate have been recovered by serial passage of virus in cell culture in the presence of increasing concentrations of oseltamivir carboxylate. ", "In clinical studies of the treatment of naturally acquired infection with influenza virus, 1.3% of post-treatment isolates in adults and adolescents and 8.6% of post-treatment isolates in children aged 1 to 12 years showed emergence of influenza variants with decreased neuraminidase susceptibility in cell culture to oseltamivir carboxylate. ", "Cross-resistance between certain zanamivir-resistant influenza mutants and oseltamivir-resistant influenza mutants has been observed in cell culture. ", "During the 2007-2008 influenza season, oseltamivir resistance among influenza A (H1N1) viruses increased significantly for the first time worldwide (Dharan et al., ", "Infections with Oseltamivir-resistant influenza A(H1N1) virus in the United States, JAMA 301 (10), 1034-1041 (2009)). ", "Influenza B viruses with reduced sensitivity to neuraminidase inhibitors do not arise as frequently as resistant influenza A viruses. ", "However, they appear to be transmitted within communities and families (Hatakeyama et al., ", "Emergence of influenza B viruses with reduced sensitivity to neuraminidase inhibitors. ", "JAMA, 297:13:1492-1493 (2007)).", "\nSide effects can also occur with treatment with NAIs. ", "For example, Roche and the FDA informed healthcare professionals in March 2008 of neuropsychiatric events associated with the use of Tamiflu®, in patients with influenza. ", "The label was revised to state that influenza can be associated with a variety of neurologic and behavioral symptoms which can include events such as hallucinations, delirium, and abnormal behavior, in some cases resulting in fatal outcomes. ", "These events were reported primarily among pediatric patients and often had an abrupt onset and rapid resolution. ", "Because these events were reported voluntarily during clinical practice, estimates of frequency cannot be made but they appear to be uncommon based on Tamiflu® usage data. ", "Nevertheless, due to emerging drug resistant influenza strains and possible side effects of Tamiflu®, alternative antiviral therapy is of interest.", "\nRelenza® (zanamivir, GlaxoSmithKline) is an antiviral prescription drug in the form of an inhalation powder approved for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza. ", "Zanamivir acts as an inhibitor of the influenza virus surface enzyme neuraminidase. ", "Viral neuraminidase may facilitate access of virus to cell surfaces and aid the release of newly formed virus particles from infected cells, to allow viral infection of other cells. ", "Influenza viruses with reduced susceptibility to zanamivir have been recovered in vitro by passage of the virus in the presence of increasing concentrations of the drug. ", "Zanamivir resistant influenza viruses with a novel neuraminidase mutation have been recently identified (Hurt et al., ", "J. Virology, 83(20):10366-10373 (October 2009)).", "\nThere remains great uncertainty about the usefulness of these drugs in a pandemic because access may be limited and drug resistance may develop. ", "Clearly, alternative methods of treatment and prophylaxis of viral infection are desired to help limit development of drug-resistance to known antiviral pharmaceuticals.", "\nSeveral antiviral supplement formulations comprising various vitamins and minerals are known and some are available commercially. ", "Many of these formulations are made up of dietary supplements as defined under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter II Section 201, [21 U.S.C. § 321], paragraph ff, and thus may be classified as dietary supplements rather than drugs.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,626,883, Paul, discloses ascorbic acid compositions providing enhanced human immune system activity. ", "The Paul compositions include a water soluble ascorbate, a fat soluble ascorbyl ester, and at least one ascorbic acid metabolite selected from basic amino acids, metabolic by-products of ascorbic acid breakdown, flavonoids, sulfur containing amino acids, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and glutathione.", "\nWO 2007/106675, Rath et al. ", "and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2007/0212426, Rath et al. ", "each disclose a composition and method of retarding viral activity and reducing viral replication comprising administering a composition comprising polyphenols, an ascorbic compound, lysine and proline.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,041,699, Netke et al. ", "disclose nutrient pharmaceutical formulations comprising polyphenols and use in treatment of cancer. ", "Netke et al. ", "disclose formulations comprising an ascorbic compound, the amino acids lysine, proline and N-acetylcysteine, and at least one polyphenol.", "\nWO 92/15315, Wilkinson, discloses a method for treating a herpes infection which comprises administering a composition comprising lysine, vitamin C and hesperidin.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,650,418, Rath and Pauling, disclose a pharmaceutical composition consisting essentially of an ascorbate compound and a lysine in the presence of a pharmaceutical carrier. ", "Rath and Pauling also disclose a method of treating cardiovascular disease by administering a composition comprising an ascorbate, nicotinic acid, a lysine, and a pharmaceutical carrier.", "\nA novel antiviral formulation comprising a lysine, an ascorbic compound, a flavonoid glycoside, a threonine and a pyridoxine has been found to be surprisingly effective at inhibition of influenza A and neuraminidase expression in vitro when compared to other dietary supplement formulations as well as oseltamivir." ]
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[ "/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */\n/*\n * Example wrapper around BPF macros.", "\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors <chromium-os-dev@chromium.org>\n * Author: Will Drewry <wad@chromium.org>\n *\n * The code may be used by anyone for any purpose,\n * and can serve as a starting point for developing\n * applications using prctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP, 2, ...).", "\n *\n * No guarantees are provided with respect to the correctness\n * or functionality of this code.", "\n */\n#ifndef __BPF_HELPER_H__\n#define __BPF_HELPER_H__\n\n#include <asm/bitsperlong.h>\t/* for __BITS_PER_LONG */\n#include <endian.h>\n#include <linux/filter.h>\n#include <linux/seccomp.h>\t/* for seccomp_data */\n#include <linux/types.h>\n#include <linux/unistd.h>\n#include <stddef.h>\n\n#define BPF_LABELS_MAX 256\nstruct bpf_labels {\n\tint count;\n\tstruct __bpf_label {\n\t\tconst char *label;\n\t\t__u32 location;\n\t} labels[BPF_LABELS_MAX];\n};\n\nint bpf_resolve_jumps(struct bpf_labels *labels,\n\t\t struct sock_filter *filter, size_t count);\n__u32 seccomp_bpf_label(struct bpf_labels *labels, const char *label);\nvoid seccomp_bpf_print(struct sock_filter *filter, size_t count);\n\n#define JUMP_JT 0xff\n#define JUMP_JF 0xff\n#define LABEL_JT 0xfe\n#define LABEL_JF 0xfe\n\n#define ALLOW \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW)\n#define DENY \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K, SECCOMP_RET_KILL)\n#define JUMP(labels, label) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JA, FIND_LABEL((labels), (label)), \\\n\t\t JUMP_JT, JUMP_JF)\n#define LABEL(labels, label) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JA, FIND_LABEL((labels), (label)), \\\n\t\t LABEL_JT, LABEL_JF)\n#define SYSCALL(nr, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (nr), 0, 1), \\\n\tjt\n\n/* Lame, but just an example */\n#define FIND_LABEL(labels, label) seccomp_bpf_label((labels), #label)\n\n#define EXPAND(...) __VA_ARGS__\n\n/* Ensure that we load the logically correct offset. */", "\n#if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN\n#define LO_ARG(idx) offsetof(struct seccomp_data, args[(idx)])\n#elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN\n#define LO_ARG(idx) offsetof(struct seccomp_data, args[(idx)]) + sizeof(__u32)\n#else\n#error \"Unknown endianness\"\n#endif\n\n/* Map all width-sensitive operations */\n#if __BITS_PER_LONG == 32\n\n#define JEQ(x, jt) JEQ32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define JNE(x, jt) JNE32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define JGT(x, jt) JGT32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define JLT(x, jt) JLT32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define JGE(x, jt) JGE32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define JLE(x, jt) JLE32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define JA(x, jt) JA32(x, EXPAND(jt))\n#define ARG(i) ARG_32(i)\n\n#elif __BITS_PER_LONG == 64\n\n/* Ensure that we load the logically correct offset. */", "\n#if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN\n#define ENDIAN(_lo, _hi) _lo, _hi\n#define HI_ARG(idx) offsetof(struct seccomp_data, args[(idx)]) + sizeof(__u32)\n#elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN\n#define ENDIAN(_lo, _hi) _hi, _lo\n#define HI_ARG(idx) offsetof(struct seccomp_data, args[(idx)])\n#endif\n\nunion arg64 {\n\tstruct {\n\t\t__u32 ENDIAN(lo32, hi32);\n\t};\n\t__u64 u64;\n};\n\n#define JEQ(x, jt) \\\n\tJEQ64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n#define JGT(x, jt) \\\n\tJGT64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n#define JGE(x, jt) \\\n\tJGE64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n#define JNE(x, jt) \\\n\tJNE64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n#define JLT(x, jt) \\\n\tJLT64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n#define JLE(x, jt) \\\n\tJLE64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n\n#define JA(x, jt) \\\n\tJA64(((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).lo32, \\\n\t ((union arg64){.u64 = (x)}).hi32, \\\n\t EXPAND(jt))\n#define ARG(i) ARG_64(i)\n\n#else\n#error __BITS_PER_LONG value unusable.", "\n#endif\n\n/* Loads the arg into A */\n#define ARG_32(idx) \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, LO_ARG(idx))\n\n/* Loads lo into M[0] and hi into M[1] and A */\n#define ARG_64(idx) \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, LO_ARG(idx)), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_ST, 0), /* lo -> M[0] */ \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, HI_ARG(idx)), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_ST, 1) /* hi -> M[1] */\n\n#define JEQ32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (value), 0, 1), \\\n\tjt\n\n#define JNE32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (value), 1, 0), \\\n\tjt\n\n#define JA32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JSET+BPF_K, (value), 0, 1), \\\n\tjt\n\n#define JGE32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (value), 0, 1), \\\n\tjt\n\n#define JGT32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (value), 0, 1), \\\n\tjt\n\n#define JLE32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (value), 1, 0), \\\n\tjt\n\n#define JLT32(value, jt) \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (value), 1, 0), \\\n\tjt\n\n/*\n * All the JXX64 checks assume lo is saved in M[0] and hi is saved in both\n * A and M[1]. ", "This invariant is kept by restoring A if necessary.", "\n */\n#define JEQ64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi !", "= arg.hi) goto NOMATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), /* swap in lo */ \\\n\t/* if (lo !", "= arg.lo) goto NOMATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (lo), 0, 2), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define JNE64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi !", "= arg.hi) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 3), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), \\\n\t/* if (lo !", "= arg.lo) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (lo), 2, 0), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define JA64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi & arg.hi) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JSET+BPF_K, (hi), 3, 0), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), \\\n\t/* if (lo & arg.lo) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JSET+BPF_K, (lo), 0, 2), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define JGE64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi > arg.hi) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (hi), 4, 0), \\\n\t/* if (hi !", "= arg.hi) goto NOMATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), \\\n\t/* if (lo >= arg.lo) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (lo), 0, 2), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define JGT64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi > arg.hi) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (hi), 4, 0), \\\n\t/* if (hi !", "= arg.hi) goto NOMATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), \\\n\t/* if (lo > arg.lo) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (lo), 0, 2), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define JLE64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi < arg.hi) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 4), \\\n\t/* if (hi !", "= arg.hi) goto NOMATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), \\\n\t/* if (lo <= arg.lo) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGT+BPF_K, (lo), 2, 0), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define JLT64(lo, hi, jt) \\\n\t/* if (hi < arg.hi) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 4), \\\n\t/* if (hi !", "= arg.hi) goto NOMATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, (hi), 0, 5), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 0), \\\n\t/* if (lo < arg.lo) goto MATCH; */ \\\n\tBPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JGE+BPF_K, (lo), 2, 0), \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1), \\\n\tjt, \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_MEM, 1)\n\n#define LOAD_SYSCALL_NR \\\n\tBPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, \\\n\t\t offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))\n\n#endif /* __BPF_HELPER_H__ */\n" ]
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[ "Rapper Kanye West recently announced he owed $ 53million in a string of social media posts. ", "Seeing the tweets, food chain Pizza Hut stepped up and offered the rapper a job.", "\n\nThere have been many responses to West's recent Twitter rant about his millions of debt, but Pizza Hut just won hands down, reports mirror.co.uk.", "\n\nThe rapper announced he owed $53million recently in a string of social media posts, writing: \"I write this to you my brothers while still 53 million dollars in personal debt... Please pray we overcome... This is my true heart...\"\n\nBut as fans reacted to the news online, the rapper later took to Twitter to defend himself, admitting he needed the extra money to \"bring more beautiful ideas to the world\".", "\n\nAfter the string of tweets, the food chain offered the rapper a job.", "\n\nTheir Twitter page wrote: \"Stop telling everyone you need dough and try kneading some dough. ", "We got your C.V. today. ", "You start at 9am tomorrow.\"", "\n\nAfter West wrote: \"But I need access to more money in order to bring more beautiful ideas to the world,\" they responded: \"We're sorry Kanye. ", "We just can't accept this. ", "Please give us a call.\"", "\n\nAlongside it was a mocked up CV, with his \"skills\" including \"rapping, fashion design, keeping straight face, being the greatest, and album cover design\".", "\n\nWith spelling errors and overlapping text throughout, it looked a speedy job - but got the desired response.", "\n\nHis \"experiences\" included \"rapping, fashion design, making the best shoes ever, Glastonbury 2015, sit ups, and baggy pants.\"", "\n\nFinally, his references included god, Taylor Swift, Kanye, Kim and North West - with a huge cross through Taylor's name.", "\n\nFans loved it, as one commented: \"Sassy, Pizza Hut! ", "Where did the resume come from?\"", "\n\nAnd one even hit out: \"Mate shut your mouth you just got destroyed by pizza hut.\"" ]
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[ "5 - 15)*(r**3 + 0*r**3 - 5*r**3)*(-6*r + 4*r - 6*r).", "\n64*r**5\nExpand (-v - v - v)*(-9896*v**2 + 22*v**4 + 9896*v**2).", "\n-66*v**5\nExpand (94*q**2 + 3 - 138*q**2 - 3)*(-16*q**2 + 51*q**2 + 23*q**2).", "\n-2552*q**4\nExpand -5*f**2 + f**2 + 3*f**2 + (126*f + 122*f - 38*f)*(-f - f + 4*f).", "\n419*f**2\nExpand (-45125 - 2*q + 45245 - q)*(-6 - 1 + 3).", "\n12*q - 480\nExpand (-23*m**2 + 23*m**2 + 9*m**3)*(5 - 3 + 3)*(4 - 3 - 3).", "\n-90*m**3\nExpand (-39 + 39 - 18)*((0 + 0 - 2*d)*(2*d - 4*d + 0*d) - d**2 + 5*d**2 - 3*d**2).", "\n-90*d**2\nExpand (-27*d**2 - 13*d**2 - 6*d**2)*(0*d + d + 0*d).", "\n-46*d**3\nExpand (-2 - u + 2)*(2 + 4*u**3 - 2) + (-16*u - 11*u - 51*u)*(-u + 0*u + 2*u)*(-2*u**2 - 2*u**2 + 6*u**2).", "\n-160*u**4\nExpand (3*a + 2*a - 6*a - a + 0*a - a + 0*a - 2*a + 5*a + (4*a + 2*a - 5*a)*(-2 + 0 + 0))*(10*a - 3*a + 0*a).", "\n-14*a**2\nExpand 3*f**2 + 2*f**2 - 3*f**2 - 3*f**2 + 6*f**2 - f**2 + (0 - 1 - 1)*(-120 - 7*f**2 + 120).", "\n18*f**2\nExpand 0 + n**4 + 0 + (25*n**4 + 40*n**4 - 22*n**4)*(3 + 1 - 2) + (5 + 1 - 4)*(n**4 - 3*n**3 + 3*n**3).", "\n89*n**4\nExpand (14*s**3 + 13*s**3 - 5*s**3)*(-2*s + 3 - 5 + 6) + 0 + 0 - 2*s**4 - 2 + 2 + s**4.", "\n-45*s**4 + 88*s**3\nExpand (t**5 + 1 - 1)*(64 + 47 + 11 + 91).", "\n213*t**5\nExpand (1 + 2*i**2 - 1)*(-2 - 7 - 5) + (0*i + 0*i + 2*i**2)*(-6 + 2 + 3).", "\n-30*i**2\nExpand 13*k**3 - 3*k**5 - 14*k**3 + 8*k**3 + (0*k**2 + 3*k**2 - k**2)*(-2*k + 2*k - 6*k**3).", "\n-15*k**5 + 7*k**3\nExpand (1 - 1 + 2*s)*(-2 + 4 - 1)*((-1 + 1 + 2)*(-3 + 4 - 3) + 0 + 1 - 2).", "\n-10*s\nExpand (-4 + 4 - 8*p**2)*(-28*p + 10*p - 3*p).", "\n168*p**3\nExpand -78*i + 52*i + 157*i + (i + 2*i - 2*i)*(4 - 4 - 1).", "\n130*i\nExpand (3 - 5 - 4)*(0*a - 7*a + 0*a)*(a**2 + 4*a - 4*a + (-a + 5*a - 2*a)*(a + 2*a - 2*a) + 5*a**2 - a**2 - 2*a**2 + 0*a**2 + 2*a**2 - 5*a**2).", "\n84*a**3\nExpand (-2*j - 3*j**3 + 2*j)*(2 + 1 + 0) - 7*j**3 - 11*j**3 + 17*j**3 + (-2*j**2 - 4 + 4)*(-6*j + 2*j + 0*j).", "\n-2*j**3\nExpand r + r**3 - r + (-r**2 - 5*r + 5*r)*(-26*r + 2*r + 2*r).", "\n23*r**3\nExpand (0 - 2*h**2 + 0)*(-93*h + 2296 - 1150 - 1148).", "\n186*h**3 + 4*h**2\nExpand ((-2 + 1 + 3)*(2*l - 5*l + l) - 4*l + l - l)*(-2*l + 4*l + 0*l)*(-4*l + l + l)*(2*l**2 - l**2 - 2*l**2).", "\n-32*l**5\nExpand 6*n**3 - 2*n + 106241 - 16*n**2 - 106267 - 4*n**3 + 5*n**3 + 0*n**3 - 3*n**3 - 3*n + 3*n + n**3 + (-2*n - n + n)*(6*n**2 - n**2 - 4*n**2).", "\n3*n**3 - 16*n**2 - 2*n - 26\nExpand (57*m - 292*m + 8 - 8)*(3*m**2 - 8*m**2 + 3*m**2).", "\n470*m**3\nExpand (0 + 9*j**2 + 1 - 11*j**2)*(-11*j**2 - 69 + 69).", "\n22*j**4 - 11*j**2\nExpand (-o + 3*o + 0*o - o + 2*o + 0*o + (2*o + o - 2*o)*(0 + 1 - 3) + 3*o - 3*o - 2*o)*(o**2 + 0*o**2 - 2*o**2)*(1 - 1 + 4)*(1 - 4 - 8)*(-1 - 5*o + 1).", "\n220*o**4\nExpand (4*v - 5*v + 4*v)*(v - 4 + 4) + 0*v**2 - 12*v**2 + 6*v**2 + (v + 4 - 4)*(-v + 6*v - 3*v) + 1 - 1 + v**2 - 4*v**2 + v**2 + 2*v**2.", "\n-v**2\nExpand (j**3 + 0*j**3 + 0*j**3)*(-22*j + 42*j - 5 - 23*j + (1 - j - 1)*(0 + 0 - 1)).", "\n-2*j**4 - 5*j**3\nExpand 2*r - r - 2*r**5 - 3*r + (0*r**2 + 0*r**2 - r**2)*(-15*r**3 + 111*r**3 - 56*r**3).", "\n-42*r**5 - 2*r\nExpand -4*y**3 + y**3 + 5*y**3 - 5*y**3 + (2*y**2 + y**2 - y**2)*(-2*y - 4*y + 9*y).", "\n3*y**3\nExpand -4 + 4 - u**2 + (u - 2*u + 0*u)*(2*u - 5*u + 4*u) - 3*u**2 + 1 - 1 + 14142*u**2 - 6*u - 14141*u**2 - 1 - 8.", "\n-4*u**2 - 6*u - 9\nExpand -3*a**3 - 3*a**3 + 5*a**3 + a**3 - 6*a**3 - 5*a**3 + (-1 + 7 - 7)*(-a**3 - 2*a**3 + 2*a**3).", "\n-10*a**3\nExpand (-2*o - 4 + 7 + 10)*((-2 - 8 + 8)*(-2*o**4 + 3*o**4 + o**4) + 0*o**4 + 0*o**4 - o**4).", "\n10*o**5 - 65*o**4\nExpand (2 - 31 - 20)*(-3*r + 0*r + 0*r)*((-3 + 2 - 1)*(-1 - 3 + 5) - 1 + 1 - 1).", "\n-441*r\nExpand (1 - 1 + 2*s)*(169*s + 143*s + 58*s).", "\n740*s**2\nExpand (-9*x - 3*x - 2*x + (-1 + 1 + 1)*(x + 3*x - 2*x))*(x - x - 4*x**2).", "\n48*x**3\nExpand -2*o - 3*o**2 + 4*o - 3*o - 2*o**2 + 2*o**2 + 2*o**2 + (5*o**2 + 0*o**2 - 3*o**2)*(-4 + 0 + 2) + 3*o - 3*o + o**2 - 58*o + 58*o - 23*o**2.", "\n-27*o**2 - o\nExpand (2 + 2*u - 2 + (3*u - 3 + 3)*(-2 - 4 + 1))*(30 + 4*u - 30)*(-2 + 4 - 1).", "\n-52*u**2\nExpand (-7*s**2 + 11*s**2 + 3*s**2 + (0 + s + 0)*(-2*s + 2*s - 2*s) + s - s + s**2)*(3*s - 4*s + 3*s).", "\n12*s**3\nExpand (f + 2 + 0 + 2)*(-18*f - 13*f + 17*f).", "\n-14*f**2 - 56*f\nExpand 2*n**2 - 4*n**2 + 0*n**2 + (-1 + 2*n**2 + 1)*(-2 - 2 + 2) - n**2 + n**2 + 2*n**2 - 5016 + 3*n - 8*n**2 + 5016.", "\n-12*n**2 + 3*n\nExpand (216 + 255 + 91)*(y - 3*y + y).", "\n-562*y\nExpand (1 + 0 + 0)*(-178*y + 161*y + 394*y + 131*y).", "\n508*y\nExpand -7*f**3 - 5*f**2 + 5*f**2 + (5*f - 2*f - 4*f)*(-2*f**2 + 3*f - 3*f) + 14*f**3 + 6*f**3 + 0*f**3.", "\n15*f**3\nExpand (0*k - k - k + (-1 - 2*k + 1)*(-3 + 3 - 2) + 3*k - 3*k - k + 0*k + 0*k - 2*k + 4*k - 3*k - 2*k - 2*k + 0 + 6 - 4)*(17*k**2 - 46*k**2 - 36*k**2).", "\n260*k**3 - 130*k**2\nExpand (-159*q + 285*q + 385*q)*(q**2 + 0*q + 0*q) + q**3 - 2*q + 2*q + (3*q + 0*q - 2*q)*(3*q**2 + 0*q**2 - 2*q**2).", "\n513*q**3\nExpand (-3*s + 0*s + s)*(2*s + 5 - 5)*(-18 - 101 - 9)*(-3*s - 2*s + 4*s).", "\n-512*s**3\nExpand (3 - 4 + 2)*(-12*t + 11*t - 29*t) + 1 - 2 + t + 0.", "\n-29*t - 1\nExpand (6*m - 4*m**2 - 6*m)*(-142 - 254 - 279 + (4 - 2 + 0)*(-1 - 2 + 1)).", "\n2716*m**2\nExpand ((5*a - 5*a + 2*a)*(-5*a + 0*a + 3*a) + 4*a**2 + 0*a**2 - 3*a**2 - 5 - 4*a**2 + 3*a**2 - 4)*(-4*a + 3*a - 2*a).", "\n12*a**3 + 27*a\nExpand (845 - 2*l - 839 + 6*l)*(-4*l**3 + 3*l**3 + 0*l**3)*(4*l - l + 0*l) - l**5 + 0*l**5 + 3*l**5.", "\n-10*l**5 - 18*l**4\nExpand -4*m - 2*m + 4*m + (5*m - 3*m - 3*m)*(-1 + 1 + 2) + 94*m - 232*m - 37*m.", "\n-179*m\nExpand (1 - 1 - 2*q**3)*(-1 + 1 - q**2) - 4*q + 0*q + 26*q**5 + 2*q.", "\n28*q**5 - 2*q\nExpand (-2 - 3 - 3)*(-3*t**2 + 4 - 4)*(-3*t + 13*t + 3*t).", "\n312*t**3\nExpand (1 - 20 - 27)*(-6*d**3 + d**3 + 2*d**3 + (3*d**2 + 3*d**2 - 4*d**2)*(-5 + 5 - d)).", "\n230*d**3\nExpand (-13*v**5 - 4*v**5 - 11*v**5)*(2 + 2 + 0) + (-2*v + 3*v - 3*v)*(-v + 5*v - 2*v)*(-2 + 1 + 2)*(-5*v**3 + 4*v**3 + 0*v**3).", "\n-108*v**5\nExpand (-6*v**3 + 6*v**3 - 2*v**4)*(v - 2*v - 12*v - 13*v).", "\n52*v**5\nExpand (-n - 3*n + 2*n)*(23 - n + 23 - 17).", "\n2*n**2 - 58*n\nExpand (-v - 2*v + 5*v)*(-2*v**2 + 6 - 6 + (-2 + v + 2)*(3*v - 6*v + v) - v - v**2 + v + v**2 - 2*v**2 + 0*v**2).", "\n-12*v**3\nExpand (74 - 30 - 7 + 2*l + 3*l**2)*(-4*l + 5*l - 2*l).", "\n-3*l**3 - 2*l**2 - 37*l\nExpand (-13 + 87 + 41)*(0 + c + 0).", "\n115*c\nExpand (-3 + 88 + 65)*(2*r + 0*r + 0*r) + 5*r + 3*r - 4*r.", "\n304*r\nExpand (-2*d + 4*d - 3*d)*(15*d - 15*d - 11*d) + 4*d**2 - 2*d**2 - 4*d**2 + (0 + 0 + 4*d**2)*(4 - 2 - 3) - d**2 - d**2 + 3*d**2.", "\n6*d**2\nExpand -149*y - 8*y - 2*y + (4 - 2 - 3)*(4*y - 3*y + y) + 1 - y - 1.", "\n-162*y\nExpand (-16*r + 3*r - 4*r)*(-18*r**2 - 26*r**4 + 18*r**2).", "\n442*r**5\nExpand (96*u + 15*u + 13*u + 1)*(-2*u + u + 2*u).", "\n124*u**2 + u\nExpand (-20 + 21 + 20)*(3*s**5 + 3*s**5 - 4*s**5) - 3*s**2 + 3*s**2 + 3*s**5.", "\n45*s**5\nExpand (-58*s**2 - 6*s**2 + 0*s**2)*(-1 + 4 - 5)*(-2*s + 3*s - 3*s).", "\n-256*s**3\nExpand (-52 - 112 + 22 - 11)*(3*j - j - j).", "\n-153*j\nExpand ((1 + 6 + 1)*(4 + 4 - 2) - 1 + 4 - 2)*(4*j**3 + 0*j**3 - j**3) + 3*j**3 - 3 + 3.", "\n150*j**3\nExpand (-1 + 0 + 0*x + 4*x)*(64 - 64 + 134*x).", "\n536*x**2 - 134*x\nExpand (5*i**2 + 0 + 0 + 3*i**2)*(8*i - 3*i - 3*i).", "\n16*i**3\nExpand (-4*n**2 - n**2 + 4*n**2)*(-14*n + 26 - 13*n + 28*n).", "\n-n**3 - 26*n**2\nExpand (1 + 2 - 2 + (2 + 2 - 6)*(-2 - 1 + 4) + (5 - 3 + 1)*(-1 + 0 + 0) - 5 + 11 + 19)*(-4 + p**2 + 4).", "\n21*p**2\nExpand -3 + 1 - t + 3*t + (-3*t + 2 - 2)*(-3 - 3 + 4) + 0*t + 2*t - 4*t.", "\n6*t - 2\nExpand (-3 + 1 + 3)*(-2*k**2 + 3*k**2 + 2*k**2)*(-1 - 3 + 6)*(-32*k + 2*k - 67*k).", "\n-582*k**3\nExpand (-b**2 - 3*b + 3*b)*(-1 + 2 + 1)*(b + 0*b + b)*(12907 + 124*b - 12907 + (5*b - 6*b + 3*b)*(1 + 1 - 3) + 4 - 4 + 2*b).", "\n-496*b**4\nExpand -14*f**2 + 27*f**2 - 3 + 1 + 3*f**2 - 7*f**2 + f**2 + (3*f - 2*f + f)*(-2*f + 0*f + 0*f) + 2*f + f**2 - 2*f.", "\n7*f**2 - 2\nExpand (y + 8*y + 2*y)*(360*y**2 - 13*y - 13*y + 40*y - 14*y).", "\n3960*y**3\nExpand (-y**2 + 4*y**2 - 4*y**2)*(y + 2*y - y) + (1 + 5 - 34)*(1 + y**3 - 1) - 4*y**3 + 6*y**3 - 5*y**3.", "\n-33*y**3\nExpand -p**3 + 168 - 168 + (-p - p + 4*p)*(4*p**2 + p**2 - 6*p**2).", "\n-3*p**3\nExpand (-l**3 + 2*l**4 + l**3)*(-192*l + 83 - 44 - 38).", "\n-384*l**5 + 2*l**4\nExpand (1 - 2 - 1)*(-4*j**5 + 3*j**5 + 0*j**5) + 18*j**5 + 12*j**5 + 30*j**5 + (2*j**4 - 3*j**4 + 3*j**4)*(4 - 4 + j).", "\n64*j**5\nExpand (-120 + 39 - 61 - 91)*(-7*q + 17*q + 5 - 9*q).", "\n-233*q - 1165\nExpand -110*t**2 - 26*t**2 - 56*t**2 + (t + 2*t - 2*t)*(0*t - 3*t + 4*t).", "\n-191*t**2\nExpand (4*i - 4*i - 2*i)*(143*i - 95*i - 83*i) + 3*i**2 + 9*i**2 + 3*i**2.", "\n85*i**2\nExpand 2" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2008, Google Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n * \n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n * met:\n * \n * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\n * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n * distribution.", "\n * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n * \n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n * \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n */\n\n#pragma once\n\n#include \"CachedResourceHandle.h\"\n#include \"CachedScript.h\"\n#include \"CachedScriptFetcher.h\"\n#include \"CachedScriptSourceProvider.h\"\n#include <JavaScriptCore/SourceCode.h>\n#include <JavaScriptCore/SourceProvider.h>\n#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>\n#include <wtf/URL.h>\n#include <wtf/text/TextPosition.h>\n\nnamespace WebCore {\n\nclass ScriptSourceCode {\npublic:\n ScriptSourceCode(const String& source, URL&& url = URL(), const TextPosition& startPosition = TextPosition(), JSC::SourceProviderSourceType sourceType = JSC::SourceProviderSourceType::Program)\n : m_provider(JSC::StringSourceProvider::create(source, JSC::SourceOrigin { url.string() }, WTFMove(url), startPosition, sourceType))\n , m_code(m_provider.copyRef(), startPosition.m_line.oneBasedInt(), startPosition.m_column.oneBasedInt())\n {\n }\n\n ScriptSourceCode(CachedScript* cachedScript, JSC::SourceProviderSourceType sourceType, Ref<CachedScriptFetcher>&& scriptFetcher)\n : m_provider(CachedScriptSourceProvider::create(cachedScript, sourceType, WTFMove(scriptFetcher)))\n , m_code(m_provider.copyRef())\n , m_cachedScript(cachedScript)\n {\n }\n\n ScriptSourceCode(const String& source, URL&& url, const TextPosition& startPosition, JSC::SourceProviderSourceType sourceType, Ref<CachedScriptFetcher>&& scriptFetcher)\n : m_provider(JSC::StringSourceProvider::create(source, JSC::SourceOrigin { url.string(), WTFMove(scriptFetcher) }, WTFMove(url), startPosition, sourceType))\n , m_code(m_provider.copyRef(), startPosition.m_line.oneBasedInt(), startPosition.m_column.oneBasedInt())\n {\n }\n\n bool isEmpty() const { return m_code.length() == 0; }\n\n const JSC::SourceCode& jsSourceCode() const { return m_code; }\n\n StringView source() const { return m_provider->source(); }\n\n int startLine() const { return m_code.firstLine().oneBasedInt(); }\n int startColumn() const { return m_code.startColumn().oneBasedInt(); }\n\n CachedScript* cachedScript() const { return m_cachedScript.get(); }\n\n const URL& url() const { return m_provider->url(); }\n \nprivate:\n Ref<JSC::SourceProvider> m_provider;\n JSC::SourceCode m_code;\n CachedResourceHandle<CachedScript> m_cachedScript;\n};\n\n} // namespace WebCore\n" ]
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[ 0.0006346753798425198, 0.0006186473765410483, 0.0006109975511208177, 0.0007035995367914438, 0.0005922245909459889, 0.0007564678089693189, 0.001807758817449212 ]
[ "According to search data collected by Reviews.org, League of Legends dominates Google Trends. ", "With this state-based map, we can see what states search for League of Legends over World of Warcraft in the hunt for the country’s most popular online game.", "\n\nLeague began to creep past WoW in 2013 and it’s pretty consistently stayed that way. ", "However, there were huge spikes for WoW in around the time the expansions for Warlords of Draenor and Legion came out, in November 2014 and August 2016, respectively.", "\n\nThe top five states where League trends the highest are:\n\nCalifornia Hawaii Washington Nevada Utah\n\nIt’s no surprise that California tops the list, seeing how that’s where Riot Games headquarters is located, as well as all of the regular season North American LCS games.", "\n\nIt’s important to note that while the search trends look very popular in Hawaii, Nevada and Utah, these are also states with lower population density and that has a pretty big impact on the data.", "\n\nIt’s also worth mentioning that just because people are searching for the game, that doesn’t mean that they’re playing it! ", "This data just shows game interest, rather than player numbers." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0005670543177984655, 0.0006026533083058894, 0.0006279898225329816, 0.0006005057948641479, 0.0006343179265968502, 0.0005424543051049113, 0.0006404179730452597, 0.0006140814512036741 ]
[ "The billionaire president of Russian ice hockey club SKA Saint Petersburg says he’s planning to build the world’s biggest ice hockey arena in the city, in the hopes that the venue will host games at the 2023 World Championships.", "\n\nGennady Timchenko told the Russian media that a 22,500-capacity stadium will be constructed ahead of the world championships in 2023, which Russia has bid for, according to TASS.", "\n\nRead more\n\nThe stadium would cost in the region of 20 billion rubles (US$295 million), and building work is expected to start next year, AP reports.", "\n\n“We want to build in St. Petersburg the biggest hockey arena in the world,” Timchenko said at the weekend at the team’s launch ahead of the new Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) season.", "\n\n“We want to thank the city leadership for helping us with this. ", "I hope that in 2023 we will be able to host World Championship games at the new arena,” he added.", "\n\nThe current record for the largest venue in the world to regularly hold ice hockey games belongs to the 21,288-seater Bell Center in Canada, which is home to National Hockey League (NHL) club the Montreal Canadiens.", "\n\nSKA Saint Petersburg compete in the Russian-based KHL, and play home games at the Ice Palace arena, which holds up to 12,300 fans.", "\n\nThe new arena would be the latest addition to the northern Russian city’s impressive sporting infrastructure.", "\n\nThe city already boasts the stunning 67,000-seater Saint Petersburg Stadium used by football club Zenit. ", "The arena hosted games at the recent World Cup, and is said to have cost around US$1 billion, making it among the most expensive football stadiums in the world.", "\n\nSKA St. Petersburg are two-time winners of the Gagarin Cup – the KHL’s top prize – and start the new season at reigning champions AK Bars in Kazan on Saturday.", "\n\nInvestor Timchenko, 65, has an estimated net worth of around $18 billion, according to Forbes. ", "He has been president of SKA since 2011, and was appointed chairman of the KHL board of directors in 2012." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0006933367694728076, 0.0006707531283609569, 0.0008516868110746145, 0.00070542300818488, 0.0005211711395531893, 0.0005709961405955255, 0.0006049062358215451, 0.0008184766047634184, 0.0007915470050647855, 0.000647834618575871, 0.0006766523001715541, 0.0011516287922859192, 0.000650494359433651, 0.0006642984808422625 ]
[ "Tacrolimus-induced pain syndrome in a pediatric orthotopic liver transplant patient.", "\nPost-transplant complications are common among patients receiving immunosuppressive medications, including pain syndromes. ", "Recently, a pain syndrome, calcineurin-inhibitor induced pain syndrome (CIPS) has been described. ", "To our knowledge, this article is the second report of tacrolimus-associated CIPS, and the first report in the pediatric setting." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008664073538966477, 0.0006846651085652411, 0.000694932066835463, 0.0005661934264935553 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCommon pattern for library initialization and shutdown?", "\n\nIs there a pattern that I may use for calling the required initialization and cleanup routines of an underlying (C) library? ", "In my case, I would like to create the wrapper class so that it can be composed into other objects. ", "The problem is that, when I destroy the wrapper class, the cleanup routines of the underlying library are called. ", "That's fine until I instantiate multiple objects of my wrapper class. ", "My question is what is the best way to really handle this situation? ", "A static reference counter comes to mind, but I wanted to know if there were other potentially better options and the trades involved. ", "\n\nA:\n\nNot everything has to be a class. ", " The Singleton pattern would let you turn this into a class, but it's really not buying you anything over global functions:\nbool my_library_init();\nvoid my_library_shutdown();\n\nThe first call returns true if the library was successfully initialized, the second just quietly does whatever needs to be done and exits. ", " You can add whatever reference counting or thread tracking type stuff behind these interfaces you like.", "\nAlso, don't neglect the possibility that your library may be able to do all of this transparently. ", " When the first library function is called, could it detect that it is not initialized yet and set everything up before doing the work? ", " For shutdown, just register the resources to be destroyed with a global object, so they are destroyed when the program exits. ", " Doing it this way is certainly trickier, but may be worth the usability benefit to your library's callers.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf the initialization can be called before main starts, and cleanup called after main ends, this little trick (hack?) ", "might work for you:\n#include <iostream>\n\n// C library initialization routine\nvoid init() {std::cout << \"init\\n\";}\n\n// C library cleanup routine\nvoid fini() {std::cout << \"fini\\n\";}\n\n// Put this in only one of your *.cpp files\nnamespace // anonymous\n{\n struct Cleaner\n {\n Cleaner() {init();}\n ~Cleaner() {fini();}\n };\n Cleaner cleaner;\n};\n\nint main()\n{\n std::cout << \"using library\\n\";\n}\n\nOutput:\ninit\nusing library\nfini\n\nIt uses (abuses?) ", "the fact that constructors for static objects are called before main, and that destructors are called after main. ", "It's like RAII for the whole program.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0014528821920976043, 0.0006020393338985741, 0.0006072795949876308, 0.0015674649039283395, 0.0006965940119698644, 0.0006167422397993505, 0.0005168257048353553, 0.0010756903793662786, 0.0008539683185517788, 0.0006067661452107131, 0.0006396773969754577, 0.0006612637080252171, 0.010874590836465359, 0.0007044398225843906, 0.0007080804207362235, 0.000993694644421339, 0.0007492818403989077, 0.000948986504226923, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "By Joseph Cotto\n\nNot many people are talking about gun control these days.", "\n\nThings seemed to have quieted down in the wake of Colorado recall elections which retired two sitting state senators in 2013. ", "Both of them voted for highly controversial firearm control measures earlier that year, when the Sandy Hook shooting was still fresh in America's memory. ", "One senator, John Morse, was serving as the president of Colorado's upper house at the time of his defeat.", "\n\nWhile these were just state races, and the electorate in each was surely skewed toward highly motivated voters — in this case, anti-gun control advocates — a message was sent loud and clear on the national stage.", "\n\nIt seems likely that fewer legislatures will take up firearm safety bills in the future, especially in states where recalls are constitutional.", "\n\nAll of this begs a simple question: What is gun control's purpose? ", "Or, more specifically, who is the intended target of gun control policies? ", "Perhaps this is the basest, yet most prescient, question of all: Who should be allowed to own a firearm?", "\n\nIt seems obvious that early American senators and congressmen secured the right to bear arms for the purpose of self-defense or hunting game. ", "They did not intend to give Constitutional protections to violent criminals. ", "Therefore, it's not in the spirit of the Second Amendment to say anybody should be given a gun for any purpose.", "\n\nThis is where firearm control comes in, and where it ends.", "\n\nDecent people should not have their rights infringed on account of a troublesome minority. ", "Surely, most of those who want to purchase a gun through the legal process are concerned about protecting human life or catching a few pheasants, among other wildlife.", "\n\nIndeed, the sons and daughters of the Second Amendment are urban businessmen who walk to their cars late at night, battered housewives who fear that their estranged husbands might murder them, deer hunters who are trying to feed their families, movie stars who fall victim to the terrors of a violent stalker, convenience store owners who are at risk of being held up, and many more.", "\n\nWhile the gun grabbers would not like to admit it, these Americans are the rightful inheritors of the Second Amendment's legacy.", "\n\nThe Second Amendment fundamentalists, on the other hand, make no distinction between concerned citizens and homicidal maniacs. ", "They believe that there should be no regulations of any kind insofar as the sale of firearms is concerned.", "\n\nTheir ideology is rooted not in the concept of self-defense, but self-identity. ", "Radical anti-gun control activists evaluate their own personal worth on the basis of firearm ownership.", "\n\nFor the radicals, owning a gun is not a precautionary measure, but a status symbol. ", "This is why they tend to lose their marbles when any mention of firearm control is made. ", "If practical restrictions are passed into law, then their race to own the biggest, most dangerous gun will be halted. ", "Perish the thought.", "\n\nHopefully, more Americans will come to recognize that the Second Amendment is not to be trampled upon, yet ought to be interpreted in a reasonable fashion. ", "While the political debate over gun control is unlikely to improve during the foreseeable future, if enough people search for common ground and ignore extremist voices, then a new generation of legislators might come about.", "\n\nIf nothing else, this is a solid start. ", "That's good enough for me.", "\n\nJoseph Cotto is a historical and social journalist. ", "Email him at joseph.f.cotto@gmail.com." ]
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[ "A video shown on-stage during NVIDIA's press conference just unveiled \"Project Shield,\" a gaming controller / portable console running the just announced Tegra 4. ", "The controller looks an awful lot like a PlayStation 3 DualShock 3, albeit with an HD screen attached. ", "NVIDIA's promising 38 hours of gaming out of the rechargeable lithium ion batteries built-in, a swanky audio system \"on par with\" jamboxes, and a full-on Android gaming experience. ", "A micro SD sits next to an HDMI output, one USB port, and a standard eighth inch audio jack, directly below the customizable 5-inch \"retinal display\" touchscreen. ", "Update: It's a 1280 x720 screen at 294 dpi, for the record.", "\n\nNVIDIA's hoping Shield will replace your average controller as well -- perhaps with that newly detailed Grid system? -- ", "and company CEO Jen-Hsun Huang showed off its use in-tandem with a swanky LG 4K television on-stage, navigating through media without pause. ", "He also gave us a taste of a few games running on it (Blood Sword: Sword of Ruin and a boxing title) via NVIDIA's Tegrazone gaming store. ", "But beyond just Android games we've already seen, still-in-development Unreal Engine 3 title Hawken was also given a multiplayer run, and looked notably more attractive than the previous two titles.", "\n\nAs good as the handheld's newfangled Tegra 4 chip seems to be, it still can't hold a candle to Nvidia's own GTX 680 -- Huang explained that the Shield can play more than just Tegrazone games -- it can take over your gaming PC, too. ", "He explained that Nvidia's GeForce Experience software can pipe PC gaming to the handheld over your local network, giving Shield owners access to their Steam library (navigatableby Big Picture Mode, of course) directly from the device. ", "It looks like users will be able to purchase PC games through Tegrazone, too.", "\n\nHuang showed the crowd Need for Speed: Most Wanted running in real-time on the device. ", "It's ... well, it's really impressive. ", "There's little (if any) perceptible lag, and this is a racing game we're seeing (as in that lag really matters). ", "The next game up is Assassin's Creed 3, which looks similarly impressive on the Shield's 5-inch screen. ", "Finally, we're seeing Steam launched directly from Tegrazone, and it launches directly into Big Picture Mode. ", "Beyond just playing games via streaming, it looks like we'll be able to buy them directly on Steam, through Shield. ", "We'll be getting a closer look at Project Shield later this week, and we'll be sure to put it through its paces. ", "Oh, and we'll ask for a price and release window, as we've yet to hear official word on either. ", "Can't wait? ", "Tide yourself over with NVIDIA's official press release after the break." ]
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cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A></FONT></TH>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD><A HREF=\"#cn.limc.androidcharts.event\"><B>cn.limc.androidcharts.event</B></A></TD>\n<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD><A HREF=\"#cn.limc.androidcharts.view\"><B>cn.limc.androidcharts.view</B></A></TD>\n<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n&nbsp;\n<P>\n<A NAME=\"cn.limc.androidcharts.event\"><!-- --></A>\n<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" SUMMARY=\"\">\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCFF\" CLASS=\"TableHeadingColor\">\n<TH ALIGN=\"left\" COLSPAN=\"2\"><FONT SIZE=\"+2\">\nUses of <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A> in <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/package-summary.html\">cn.limc.androidcharts.event</A></FONT></TH>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n&nbsp;\n<P>\n\n<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" SUMMARY=\"\">\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCFF\" CLASS=\"TableSubHeadingColor\">\n<TH ALIGN=\"left\" COLSPAN=\"2\">Methods in <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/package-summary.html\">cn.limc.androidcharts.event</A> with parameters of type <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A></FONT></TH>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>MAStickChartTouchEventAssemble.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/MAStickChartTouchEventAssemble.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>MAChartTouchEventAssemble.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/MAChartTouchEventAssemble.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>MACandleStickChartTouchEventAssemble.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/MACandleStickChartTouchEventAssemble.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>ITouchEventResponse.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/ITouchEventResponse.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n Response Notify</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>MAStickChartTouchEventAssemble.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/MAStickChartTouchEventAssemble.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart, int)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart,\n int&nbsp;index)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>MACandleStickChartTouchEventAssemble.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/MACandleStickChartTouchEventAssemble.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart, int)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart,\n int&nbsp;index)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>ITouchEventNotify.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/event/ITouchEventNotify.html#notifyEventAll(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEventAll</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n Notify all ITouchEventResponse objects</TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n&nbsp;\n<P>\n<A NAME=\"cn.limc.androidcharts.view\"><!-- --></A>\n<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" SUMMARY=\"\">\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCFF\" CLASS=\"TableHeadingColor\">\n<TH ALIGN=\"left\" COLSPAN=\"2\"><FONT SIZE=\"+2\">\nUses of <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A> in <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/package-summary.html\">cn.limc.androidcharts.view</A></FONT></TH>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n&nbsp;\n<P>\n\n<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" SUMMARY=\"\">\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCFF\" CLASS=\"TableSubHeadingColor\">\n<TH ALIGN=\"left\" COLSPAN=\"2\">Subclasses of <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A> in <A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/package-summary.html\">cn.limc.androidcharts.view</A></FONT></TH>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/BOLLMASlipCandleStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">BOLLMASlipCandleStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/CandleStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">CandleStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n CandleStickChart is a kind of graph that draw the OHLCs on a GridChart if you\n want display some moving average lines on this graph, please use see\n MACandleStickChart for more information</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/ColoredSlipStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">ColoredSlipStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/LineChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">LineChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n LineChart is a kind of graph that draw some lines on a GridChart</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/MACandleStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">MACandleStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n MACandleStickChart is inherits from CandleStickChart which can display moving\n average lines on this graph.</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/MACDChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">MACDChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/MASlipCandleStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">MASlipCandleStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/MASlipStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">MASlipStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/MAStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">MAStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n MAStickChart is inherits from StickChart which can display moving average\n lines on this graph</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/MinusStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">MinusStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n MinusStickChart is inherits from StickChart which its data can be minus value</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipAreaChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">SlipAreaChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipBandAreaChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">SlipBandAreaChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipCandleStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">SlipCandleStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipLineChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">SlipLineChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipMinusStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">SlipMinusStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipStickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">SlipStickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n en</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/StickChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">StickChart</A></B></CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n StickChart is a kind of graph that draw the sticks on a GridChart if you want\n display some moving average lines on this graph, please use see MAStickChart\n for more information.</TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n&nbsp;\n<P>\n\n<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" SUMMARY=\"\">\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCFF\" CLASS=\"TableSubHeadingColor\">\n<TH ALIGN=\"left\" 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SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>SlipStickChart.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/SlipStickChart.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in cn.limc.androidcharts.view\">GridChart</A>&nbsp;chart)</CODE>\n\n<BR>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">\n<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"1%\"><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">\n<CODE>&nbsp;void</CODE></FONT></TD>\n<TD><CODE><B>GridChart.</B><B><A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html#notifyEvent(cn.limc.androidcharts.view.", "GridChart)\">notifyEvent</A></B>(<A HREF=\"../../../../../cn/limc/androidcharts/view/GridChart.html\" title=\"class in 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[ "---\nabstract: 'White dwarfs comprise $95\\%$ of all stellar remnants, and are thus an excellent tracer of old stellar populations in the Milky Way. ", "Current and planned telescopes are not able to directly probe the white dwarf population in its entirety due to its inherently low luminosity. ", "However, the Galactic population of double white dwarf binaries gives rise to a millihertz gravitational-wave foreground detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). ", "Here we show how characterizing this foreground’s angular power spectrum will enable us to probe the Galactic structure in a novel way and measure the vertical scale height of the Galaxy’s oldest stellar populations. ", "We do this using a binary population synthesis study that incorporates different Galactic spatial distributions for the double white dwarf population. ", "We find that the level of anisotropy in the white dwarf foreground’s angular power spectrum is strongly dependent on the vertical scale height of the population. ", "Finally, we show that LISA can probe the vertical scale height of the Galactic double white dwarf population with an accuracy of $50\\,\\rm{pc}-200\\,\\rm{pc}$, depending on angular resolution limits, using the angular power spectrum of the white dwarf foreground.'", "\nauthor:\n- Katelyn Breivik\n- 'Chiara M. F. Mingarelli'\n- 'Shane L. Larson'\nbibliography:\n- 'reference.bib'\ntitle: Constraining Galactic Structure with the LISA White Dwarf Foreground\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:intro}\n============\n\nThe scale heights of Galactic stellar populations are a direct probe of dynamical interactions over the age of the Milky Way. ", "Different scale heights as a function of radius can test dark matter models (e.g. @cmo19), the Milky Way’s minor merger history (e.g. @v2008), the strength of tidal interactions from close interactions (e.g. @Bensby2010), or constant heating through effects from the dynamical quadrupole of the Galactic bar (e.g. @Grand2016). ", "Since dynamical interactions are expected to occur on Gyr timescales, old stellar populations are excellent candidates for scale height measurements which trace the dynamical evolution of the Galaxy [e.g. @Belokurov2013]. ", "However, these populations are dim and thus difficult to observe electromagnetically throughout the Galaxy. ", "So far, the most precise Galactic structure measurements come from fitting data from electromagnetic surveys to Galactic population synthesis simulations, [e.g. @Robin2003; @Juric2008; @McMillan2011; @Gao2013; @Pieres2019]. ", "These surveys have limited fields of view and observe mostly young, bright sources due to magnitude limits. ", "Thus they do not fully probe the structure of the dimmest, oldest populations.", "\n\nDouble white dwarf (DWD) systems are an interesting probe of the scale heights of Galactic populations since they are the remnants of low-mass stellar progenitors which make up $95\\%$ of total population. ", "Furthermore, the population of DWDs is necessarily old since it is born from stellar progenitors with Gyr lifetimes. ", "Importantly, gravitational wave (GW) signals from long-lived inspiraling DWDs are not suppressed or obscured by gas, dust, or other stars in the Galaxy, as their electromagnetic counterparts may be. ", "GWs are therefore an excellent way of observing the Galactic population of DWDs and its spatial structure.", "\n\nThe incoherent superposition of GW signals from the Galactic DWDs form a loud foreground in the millihertz GW frequency band, detectable the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA; e.g. @lisaWhitepaper). ", "The LISA WD foreground signal has long been considered a nuisance, with significant effort being devoted to subtracting it [e.g. @rc17]. ", "Here we treat this foreground as a loud signal which can be used to constrain the scale height of the Galactic disk. [", "@BHB2006] and [@Korol2019] have previously investigated LISA’s ability to constrain Galactic structure from GW observations of the WD foreground. ", "Specifically, [@BHB2006] studied the 1-D shape of the power spectral density ($PSD$) of the WD foreground to try to measure the vertical scale height of the Galactic disk. ", "Their constraints depend heavily on the estimated number density of DWDs in the Galaxy – which is only well understood locally [@Toonen2017]. [", "@Korol2019] predict that individual, well-localized DWDs across the Galaxy can precisely trace the Galactic scale height. ", "However, these well-measured DWDs originate from a small subset of the total DWD population because resolved GW measurements are biased toward more massive, shorter period, or nearby binaries [@Lamberts2019].", "\n\nHere, we show that the *angular* power spectrum of the WD foreground contains an imprint of the the spatial structure of the DWD population. ", "The WD foreground is an excellent, and less biased, probe of this structure since the entire Galactic DWD population contributes toit. ", "Specifically, we take a similar approach to Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) [@msmv13; @tmg15], and LIGO/Virgo GW background anisotropy studies [@thrane09], and decompose the foreground on a basis of spherical harmonics. ", "We find that the angular power spectra of WD populations with different spatial distributions vary significantly. ", "We show that it possible to constrain the scale height of the DWD population to an accuracy of $\\sim200\\,\\rm{pc}$ using the amplitude and shape of the measured angular power spectrum of the LISA WD foreground. ", "If higher angular resolution is achieved, a vertical scale height measurement accuracy of $\\sim50\\,\\rm{pc}$ is possible.", "\n\nThe organization of the paper is as follows: in Section\\[sec:GWS\\] we review the calculation of GW signals from DWDs, in Section\\[sec:WDpop\\] we describe our simulations of the Galactic population of DWDs, in Section\\[sec:ani\\] we describe how we model the WD foreground anisotropy, in Section\\[sec:results\\] we report our main results, and we finish with a discussion in Section\\[sec:conclusions\\].", "\n\n![", "Amplitude spectral density vs gravitational wave frequency, $f_{\\rm{GW}}$, for the entire DWD population of B19 (light blue), the running median of the population with a window of 100 frequency bins (dark blue), and the fit to the [@Korol2017] foreground taken from [@Robson2019] (dashed). ", "The running median of B19 population is comparable to the [@Korol2017] foreground.[]{data-label=\"fig:WD_foreground\"}](figure_1.pdf)\n\nGWs from DWDs {#sec:GWS}\n=============\n\nSince we focus on the DWD population only, we assume all sources are circular and do not evolve due to gravitational radiation over a LISA observation time of $4$ years. ", "We compute the polarization-averaged dimensionless strain, following [@Nelemans2001] as\n\n$$\\label{eq:strain}\n h = 10^{-21} \\Big(\\frac{\\mathcal{M}_c}{\\rm{M_{\\odot}}}\\Big)^{5/3} \\Big(\\frac{P_{\\rm{orb}}}{\\rm{hr}}\\Big)^{-2/3} \\Big(\\frac{D}{\\rm{kpc}}\\Big)^{-1},$$\n\nwhere $\\mathcal{M}_c=(m_1 m_2)^{5/3}/(m_1 + m_2)$ is the chirp mass. ", "For stationary sources the amplitude spectral density ($ASD$) of a single DWD is $$ASD = h\\sqrt{T_{\\rm{obs}}},$$ where we assume $T_{\\rm{obs}}=4\\,\\rm{yr}$.\n\nTo find the total GW signal from all DWDs in the Galaxy, we sum the $PSD$ of each DWD, where $$PSD = ASD^2 = h^2 T_{\\rm{obs}}.$$\n\nThe $PSD$ of the population is binned according to LISA’s frequency resolution of $\\Delta f = 1/T_{\\rm{obs}} \\simeq 8\\times 10^{-9}\\,\\rm{Hz}$ such that the $PSD$ for each frequency bin is the sum of the $PSD$ from each DWD occupying that bin. ", "The $ASD$ of the bin is then the square root of the $PSD$.\n\nThe process of subtracting resolved sources from the foreground to produce an irreducible foreground is beyond the scope of this work and is discussed in [@rc17]. ", "Instead, we focus on the GW signal coming from the entire WD foreground. ", "In order to provide a comparison to previous work which has simulated a resolved source subtraction routine [e.g. @Korol2017], we approximate the irreducible foreground by taking a running median of the $PSD$ with a window of $100$ frequency bins.", "\n\nFigure\\[fig:WD\\_foreground\\] shows a comparison of the $ASD$ of the LISA noise floor compared to the $ASD$ of the DWD population of [@Breivik2019], hereafter B19. ", "Since the orbital evolution of the DWD population is driven by GW emission, the orbital evolution scales as $\\dot{f}_{\\rm{orb}}\\propto f_{\\rm{GW}}^{11/3}$. This leads to a pileup of DWDs at lower frequencies. ", "The foreground sharply decreases near $10\\,\\rm{mHz}$ because the B19 population removes all mass transferring DWDs. ", "Generally, mass transferring DWDs are expected to occupy higher GW frequencies, and will thus not contribute to the foreground near $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$; see [@Kremer2017; @Breivik2018] for a discussion of mass transferring DWDs observable by LISA. ", "Figure\\[fig:WD\\_foreground\\] also shows the irreducible foreground of [@Korol2017] and the running median of the B19 $ASD$. We find general agreement between the two curves, though the B19 running median artificially cuts off the $ASD$ near $2\\,\\rm{mHz}$. This cutoff is a direct consequence of the truncation of the B19 foreground at higher frequencies.", "\n\nSimulating White Dwarf Binaries in the Milky Way {#sec:WDpop}\n================================================\n\n![", "image](figure_2.pdf)\n\nWe simulate two Milky Way populations of DWDs using COSMIC[^1]. ", "COSMIC is a community-developed, python-based binary population synthesis suite based on BSE [@Hurley2002] which includes several upgrades to binary interactions and massive star evolution, as well as models for initial binary populations and Galactic spatial distributions (B19). ", "In both populations, we use the binary evolution model described in B19 (see Section 4). ", "In our fiducial model, [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{}, we convolve the simulated binary populations with star formation histories and spatial distributions to generate a thin disk, thick disk, and bulge population, following the procedure detailed in B19. ", "The thin disk is assumed to be formed from constant, solar metallicity star formation over the past $10\\,\\rm{Gyr}$, while the thick disk is assumed have formed from a $1\\,\\rm{Gyr}$ burst of uniform, $15\\%$-solar metallicity star formation $11\\,\\rm{Gyr}$ in the past. ", "The bulge is assume to have formed $10\\,\\rm{Gyr}$ in the past with a $1\\,\\rm{Gyr}$ burst of uniform, solar metallicity star formation.", "\n\nFollowing B19, the spatial distributions are consistent with [@McMillan2011]. ", "The thin and thick disks are assumed to be azimuthally symmetric and distributed radially and vertically as\n\n$$\\rho(r)\\rho(z) \\propto \\exp{(-r/r_h)}\\exp{(-z/z_h)}\\, .$$\n\nWe assume a radial scale height of $r_h=2.9\\,\\rm{kpc}$ and a vertical scale height of $z_h=0.3\\,\\rm{kpc}$ for the thin disk. ", "The thick disk radial and vertical scale heights are $r_h=3.31\\,\\rm{kpc}$ and $z_h=0.9\\,\\rm{kpc}$. The bulge is also assumed to be azimuthally symmetric and distributed radially and vertically as\n\n$$\\rho(r') \\propto \\frac{\\exp{[-(r/r_{\\rm{cut}})^2]}}{(1+r'/r_0)^\\alpha} \\, ,$$\n\nwhere,\n\n$$r' = \\sqrt{r^2 + (z/q)^2} \\, ,$$\n\nand $\\alpha=1.8$, $r_0 = 0.075\\,\\rm{kpc}$, $r_{\\rm{cut}}=2.1\\,\\rm{kpc}$, and $q=0.5$. The mass of the thin disk is assumed to be $M_{\\rm{thin}} = 4.32\\times 10^{10}\\,\\rm{M_{\\odot}}$; the mass of the thick is assumed to be $M_{\\rm{thick}} = 1.44\\times 10^{10}$; the mass of the bulge is assumed to be $M_{\\rm{bulge}} = 8.9\\times 10^9\\,\\rm{M_{\\odot}}$ [@McMillan2011].", "\n\nWe define a comparison model, [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{}, which uses the same binary evolution, star formation history, and spatial distribution for the thick disk and bulge as [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{}. ", "However, the thin disk population is assigned vertical positions according to [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{}’s thick disk scale height of $z_h=900\\,\\rm{pc}$. This comparison is designed to test if the GW foreground can be used to confirm whether the DWDs trace the same Galactic distribution as the relatively younger stars observable across the Galaxy by electromagnetic surveys, or if they trace a more dynamically heated distribution associated with old stellar populations in the thick disk. ", "Spatial distributions with larger vertical disk scale heights, without changes to the DWD spatial density or population number, will increase the average distance to the DWD population. ", "This will, in turn, decrease the overall strength of the GW foreground since the GW signal scales inversely with distance (see ).", "\n\nDifferent star formation histories will change the birth time of the DWD population, and thus impact the number of DWDs which radiate in the LISA frequency band [e.g. @Lamberts2019]. ", "If the DWD population results from a majority of very early star formation, this will lead to longer GW evolution times and thus a higher rate of WD mergers which will reduce the foreground height and shift it towards higher GW frequencies. ", "Conversely, if the DWD population is formed from primarily late star formation, the GW evolution times will be shorter and result in a foreground only at lower frequencies. ", "Different binary evolution models, particularly those pertaining to common envelope evolution, will also have a strong impact on the GW frequency distribution of the DWD population [e.g. @Kremer2017]. ", "We leave a thorough study of the impact of binary evolution on the angular GW power spectrum of the WD foreground as a topic of future study.", "\n\nFigure\\[fig:1D\\_v\\_2D\\] shows the comparison between the 1-D $ASD$ running median of the WD foreground (top row) and the 2-D projection of the WD foreground’s $ASD$ in Galactocentric coordinates (bottom row) from [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{}. ", "The differences between each model are barely distinguishable when comparing the 1-D $ASDs$, thus motivating the need for alternative approaches to measuring the vertical scale height of the DWD population with the WD foreground. ", "The differences between each model when considering the 2-D projection of the ASD onto the sky, however, are very obvious. ", "Distributing all disk DWDs in a thick disk results in GW signals distributed much more widely across the sky. ", "This suggests a strong potential for inferring the WD foreground’s spatial structure by it’s *angular* GW power spectrum.", "\n\nWD Foreground Anisotropy {#sec:ani}\n========================\n\n![", "image](figure_3.pdf)\n\nWhile [@BHB2006] studied the differences in the WD foreground $PSD$ as a function of vertical disk scale height, here we decompose the WD foreground on a basis of spherical harmonics to examine its angular power spectrum. ", "This is a well-known approach to characterizing both electromagnetic and GW backgrounds. ", "For example, anisotropy in the nanohertz GW background (accessible with PTAs) is likely generated by nearby unresolved supermassive BH binaries (SMBHBs), and/or excess GW power coming from galaxy clusters where there may be many merging SMBHBs [@m17]. ", "Various astrophysical GW signals could add incoherently and generate an anisotropic GW background signal in the LIGO/Virgo band [e.g. @thrane09; @Romano2015; @jrs19; @Renzini2019a; @Renzini2019b]. ", "Similar to LIGO/Virgo, several astrophysical or cosmological GW signals could produce an anisotropic GW background in the LISA band [@Giampieri1997; @Ungarelli2001; @Cornish2001; @Kudoh2005; @Taruya2005; @Romano2017], including the Galactic DWD population [@Seto2004; @Conneely2019].", "\n\nWe use the populations discussed in Section\\[sec:WDpop\\] and their $PSDs$ to compute the angular power spectrum for each model. ", "Each DWD’s $PSD$ is captured in a pixel of a HEALPix sky map (we use NSIDE = 128, corresponding to $196,609$ pixels) for a given GW frequency. ", "The total power on the sky is $4\\pi$, and is decomposed as $$P(\\hat{\\Omega})= \\sum_{\\ell,m}c_{\\ell m}Y_{\\ell m}\\, ,$$ where $\\hat{\\Omega}$ is the direction of GW propagation, and the $Y_{\\ell m}$ are the spherical harmonics. ", "We describe the anisotropy of the foreground in terms of the angular power spectrum $$C_{\\ell } = \\sum_{m=-\\ell}^{+\\ell} \\frac{|c_{\\ell m}|^2}{2\\ell+1}\\, ,$$ and normalize to the isotropic component, $C_0$, as in [@tmg15; @m17].", "\n\nIn this study, we compute the angular power spectrum of the LISA WD foreground with realistic Galactic DWD population models. ", "While not explored here, the annual modulation of the GW power in the WD foreground due to LISA’s motion in its Earth-trailing orbit [@Seto2004a] will aid in the Galactic scale height measurement since extra pointing information will be encoded in the foreground modulation. ", "Furthermore, we do not consider the full LISA analysis framework for measuring the angular power spectrum of the DWD’s GW foreground. ", "For a detailed description of the application of this technique to LISA data we refer the reader to [@Cornish2001; @Seto2004; @Kudoh2005; @Taruya2005; @Baker2019].", "\n\nWe show the angular power spectrum from $5$ GW frequency slices with a $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ width created from the populations of [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{} in Figure\\[fig:angular\\_power\\]. ", "The frequency slice width of $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ allows for a stronger GW signal, and thus better resolution of the foreground anisotropy. ", "For each frequency slice, we evaluate the LISA $PSD$ to show which multipole moments from our WD Foreground models are detectable above the LISA noise floor (i.e. where $C_{\\ell}/PSD_{\\rm{LISA}} > 1$). ", "The angular power spectra of the $1-3\\,\\rm{mHz}$ frequency slices will be well resolved up to $\\ell \\sim 10$, with the strongest signal coming from the lowest frequencies.", "\n\nResults {#sec:results}\n=======\n\nWe propose to use the difference between the angular GW power spectra from different scale height models to probe the scale height of the Galaxy. ", "We begin by considering the difference of the spectra between [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{}: $(C_{\\ell}/C_0)_1 - (C_{\\ell}/C_0)_2$. We compute the angular power spectra for both models and the difference between them at $40$ frequency slices between $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ to $3\\,\\rm{mHz}$. Each slice is spaced at $0.05\\,\\rm{mHz}$ intervals and has a width of $1\\,\\rm{mhz}$. Figure\\[fig:anisotropy\\] shows the angular GW power spectra from each model (top), and the difference between the angular power spectra from each model (bottom). ", "The solid lines show the mean of the $40$ frequency slices and the shaded regions show the $1\\sigma$ spread around the mean. ", "The dashed lines in Figure\\[fig:anisotropy\\] show a representative angular resolution of $\\ell=4$ for LISA at $f_{\\rm{GW}} \\sim 1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ [e.g. @Ungarelli2001; @Cornish2001; @Seto2004; @Baker2019]. ", "We do not consider the foreground at $f_{\\rm{GW}} > 3\\,\\rm{mHz}$ because the angular power spectrum is not expected to be strongly resolved by LISA in either model.", "\n\n![", "The top panel shows the mean anisotropic angular power spectrum, and $1\\,\\sigma$ spread from $40$ frequency slices with a $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ width ranging from $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ to $3\\,\\rm{mHz}$ for [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{}. ", "The bottom panel shows the difference of the angular power spectra from each model, and the $1\\,\\sigma$ spread from the $40$ frequency slices. ", "The dotted line in each plot shows a representative angular resolution for LISA at mHz frequencies. ", "The difference between [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{} is resolved for $\\ell \\leq 4$ and thus distinguishable with LISA’s angular resolution.[]{data-label=\"fig:anisotropy\"}](figure_4.pdf)\n\nThe level of anisotropy scales directly with the scale height of the DWD population: models with smaller disk scale heights distribute WDs more anisotropically and thus produce more anisotropic GW foregrounds than models with lower disk scale heights. ", "Indeed, $\\rm{Model}\\,1$, which distributes the DWDs more closely to the plane of the Galaxy, results in a more anisotropic GW foreground with more power at higher multipoles relative to [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{}. ", "Importantly, the anisotropy of both populations is maintained in each frequency slice indicating that this is a robust method for scale height measurement.", "\n\nOnce LISA is operational, models for the angular power spectrum using different scale heights can be fit to the observed angular power spectrum to infer the DWD population’s scale height. ", "A Galactic scale height measurement is possible with LISA’s current configuration at low multipoles ($\\ell \\sim 4$). ", "However, the largest differences between [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{} occur at $\\ell\\simeq8$, which is well above the resolution of a single LISA detector. ", "The most straightforward way to achieve this resolution is through two space-based GW observatories operating simultaneously [e.g. @Baker2019].", "\n\nThe DWDs from [$\\rm{Model\\,2}$]{} in the thin disk are distributed with a vertical scale height of $z_h = 900\\,\\rm{pc}$ as a proof of concept. ", "To investigate the resolution with which LISA can determine the vertical scale height of the Galactic DWD population, we repeat the process detailed above for vertical scale heights between $z_h=300\\,\\rm{pc}$ and $z_h=900\\,\\rm{pc}$ at $50\\,\\rm{pc}$ intervals. ", "We compare the difference between the power spectra of [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and each population: $(C_{\\ell}/C_0)_1 - (C_{\\ell}/C_0)_{\\rm{z}_{\\rm{h}}}$.\n\nThe left panel of Figure\\[fig:resolution\\] shows the mean difference between the angular power spectra for [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and models with vertical scale heights $z_h = 400\\,\\rm{pc}$, $z_h = 600\\,\\rm{pc}$, and $z_h = 800\\,\\rm{pc}$. As the scale height increases from $400\\,\\rm{pc}$ to $800\\,\\rm{pc}$, the difference between the power spectra deviate farther from $0$. This deviation serves as a proxy for LISA’s resolution to the scale height of the DWD population. ", "While the difference between [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and the population with $z_h=400\\,\\rm{pc}$ is very near zero, the populations with scale heights $z_h=600\\,\\rm{pc}$ and $z_h=800\\,\\rm{pc}$ have mean differences well above zero at $\\ell \\leq 4$ thus indicating that a scale height measurement is possible.", "\n\n![", "image](figure_5.pdf)\n\nThe right panel of Figure\\[fig:resolution\\] shows the multipole where the $3\\sigma$ spread of the difference between the angular power spectra of [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} and models with different scale heights deviates from $0$ and is thus distinguished by LISA. ", "LISA is unable to distinguish between models where the $3\\sigma$ spread of the difference is consistent with $0$. As the population scale height increases, the multipole required to resolve the population as distinct from [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{} decreases. ", "All populations with scale heights $z_h > 500\\,\\rm{pc}$ are distinguishable with LISA’s angular resolution of $\\ell=4$ which implies a scale height measurement accuracy of $\\sim200\\,\\rm{pc}$. At an angular resolution of $\\ell=40$, the scale height measurement is possible with an accuracy of $50\\,\\rm{pc}$. In comparison, [@Korol2019] find that LISA can measure the scale height of the disk to an accuracy of $80\\,\\rm{pc}$ using observations of resolved DWDs. ", "These GW-based techniques provide comparable resolution to electromagnetic measurements which measure the thin and thick disk scale heights to a precision of $10\\,\\rm{pc}-50\\,\\rm{pc}$ [e.g. @Robin2003; @McMillan2011; @Gao2013; @Pieres2019]. ", "However, due to the inherently dim nature of WDs, electromagnetic surveys are unable to measure the WD population’s structure across the Galaxy.", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec:conclusions}\n==========\n\nThe WD foreground is a rich astrophysical GW source in the mHz frequency regime. ", "Here, we have shown that the angular GW power spectrum of the WD foreground can be used to infer the vertical scale height of the Galactic DWD population. ", "Since WDs are dim, a scale height measurement of the WD population is difficult to make with electrogmagnetic surveys. ", "By considering the angular power spectrum of the WD foreground, our technique avoids both obscuration by dust, gas, and other stars as well as observational biases toward short period, high mass, and/or nearby resolved DWDs.", "\n\nWe used two models to illustrate the how the angular power spectrum can be used to measure the vertical disk scale height of the Galactic DWD population. ", "$\\rm{Model}\\,1$ is taken directly from the DWD population of B19 which assumes a thin disk, thick disk, and bulge population. ", "$\\rm{Model}\\,2$ assumes the same star formation history, binary evolution models, and spatial distributions for the thick disk and bulge as [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{}, but vertically distributes all thin disk DWDs according to the spatial distribution of [$\\rm{Model\\,1}$]{}’s thick disk. ", "We showed that the 1-D $PSD$ of these two populations is nearly identical, but that the 2-D distribution of the $PSD$ is highly anisotropic, and significantly different between the models (Figure\\[fig:1D\\_v\\_2D\\]). ", "We then decomposed the GW foreground of each model on a basis of spherical harmonics to create their angular power spectra. ", "We find that the angular power spectral shape is very likely observable by LISA and robust across GW frequencies from $1\\,\\rm{mHz}$ to $3\\,\\rm{mHz}$ (Figure\\[fig:angular\\_power\\]). ", "We show that the difference between these angular power spectra can be used to quantify differences between DWD populations with different scale heights (Figure\\[fig:anisotropy\\]). ", "This presents a complementary approach to scale height measurements made through electromagnetic observations, the 1-D GW $PSD$, or DWDs resolved by LISA with similar resolution.", "\n\nWe applied this new technique to several populations with scale heights varying from $z_h=300\\,\\rm{pc}$ to $z_h=900\\,\\rm{pc}$ to determine LISA’s ability to resolve the vertical disk scale height of the population of Galactic DWDs (Figure\\[fig:resolution\\]). ", "We find that LISA, at its current resolution limits, is capable of resolving between DWD scale height models to an accuracy of $\\sim200\\,\\rm{pc}$ which is comparable to the resolution of the other measurement techniques within a factor of $3-10$. A vertical scale height measurement accuracy of $\\sim200\\,\\rm{pc}$ is attainable at angular resolutions of $\\ell \\geq 40$, thus motivating the demand for higher angular resolution which can be achieved through two simultaneously operating space-based GW observatories.", "\n\nAny scale height measurements of the DWD population, which traces some of the oldest stellar populations in the Galaxy, are only possible through GW observations. ", "The Galactic WDs are either too dim for electromagnetic surveys or obscured by gas and dust. ", "While GW observations of resolved DWDs can measure the vertical scale height of the WD population to an accuracy of $80\\,\\rm{pc}$, these resolved sources could be biased towards high frequency, more massive, or nearby systems. ", "The angular GW power spectrum of the WD foreground offers a new, less biased, way to measure the vertical scale height of the Galactic DWD population.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThe authors are grateful for helpful discussions with Renée Hložek and Alberto Sesana. ", "K.B. acknowledges support from the Jeffery L. Bishop Fellowship. ", "Some of the results in this paper have been derived using the healpy and HEALPix package. ", "The Flatiron Institute is supported by the Simons Foundation.", "\n\n[^1]: cosmic-popsynth.github.io\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLINQ Growth Chart\n\nI'm getting sick with this problem. ", "I have some tables that have contentes launched in a specific date to a region.", "\nI'm making an MVC app and it will show a chart of grow by date.", "\nI'm trying to make a method that recieves int days and count each day the amount of contents launched til that day. ", "Example:\nRegion en-US\n\nContent X - Date 12/03/2010\nContent Y - Date 12/03/2010\nContent Z - Date 13/03/2010\n\nRegion pt-BR\n\nContent A - Date 13/03/2010\nContent B - Date 14/03/2010\n\nRegion ja-JP\n\nContent J - Date 15/03/2010\n\nSo the chart must show:\nDate 12/03/2010:\n\nen-US: 2\npt-BR: 0\nja-JP: 0\n\nDate 13/03/2010\n\nen-US: 1\npt-BR: 1\nja-JP: 0\n\nDate 14/03/2010\n\nen-US: 0\npt-BR: 1\nja-JP: 0\n\nDate 15/03/2010\n\nen-US: 0\npt-BR: 0\nja-JP: 1\n\nI feel powerless trying to make this query.", "\nAnyone can help?", "\nHere, other method I've created to show day-by-day numbers per Country:\npublic KeyValuePair<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>[] ChartDayByDay(int days, string locale)\n {\n KeyValuePair<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>[] contagens;\n\n DateTime inicio = DateTime.", "Today.", "AddDays(days * (-1));\n\n var qry = from c in db.", "XBLRegionalInfos\n where c.PublishDate !", "= null\n && c.PublishDate > inicio\n select c;\n\n if (!", "String.", "IsNullOrEmpty(locale))\n qry = qry.", "Where(x => x.RegionId == locale);\n\n var qry2 = (from c in qry\n group c by c.RegionId into g\n let count = g.Count()\n where count > 0\n select g).ToList();\n\n var regioes = db.", "XBLRegions.", "ToList();\n\n contagens = new KeyValuePair<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>[qry2.Count];\n\n for (int i = 0; i < qry2.Count; i++)\n {\n for (int j = 0; j < qry2[i].Count(); j++)\n {\n var pais = qry2[i].ElementAt(j).Region.", "Country;\n\n contagens[i] = new KeyValuePair<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>(\n pais, CountPeriod(days, qry2[i].ElementAt(j).RegionId));\n }\n }\n\n return contagens;\n }\n\nA:\n\nThis works with linq to objects at least:\npublic KeyValuePair<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>[] ChartDayByDay(int days, string locale)\n{\n return db\n .XBLRegionalInfos\n .Where(x => string.", "IsNullOrEmpty(locale) || x.RegionId == locale)\n .Where(x => x.PublishDate > DateTime.", "Today.", "AddDays(days * (-1)))\n .GroupBy(x => new {x.PublishDate.", "Date, x.RegionId})\n .Select(x => new {x.Key, Count = x.Count()})\n .GroupBy(x => x.Key.", "Date)\n .Select(x =>\n new KeyValuePair<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>>(\n x.Key.", "ToString(),\n x.Select(y => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(y.", "Key.", "RegionId, y.Count)).ToList()))\n .ToArray();\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Catalans vote on holding independence referendum\n\nRegional MPs in Catalonia have voted to seek a referendum on breaking away from Spain, setting themselves up for a battle with an implacably opposed central government in Madrid.", "\n\nBy FIONA ORTIZ Thursday, 16th January 2014, 9:19 am\n\nCatalans are expected to support the holding of an independence referendum. ", "Picture: AP\n\nThe Catalan parliament in Barcelona yesterday voted 87 to 43, with three abstentions, to send a petition to the national parliament seeking the power to hold a vote on the region’s future.", "\n\nThe independence movement in Catalonia, which has its own language and represents a fifth of Spain’s national economy, is a direct challenge to prime minister Mariano Rajoy, who has pledged to block a referendum on constitutional grounds.", "\n\nSign up to our daily newsletter The i newsletter cut through the noise Sign up Thanks for signing up! ", "Sorry, there seem to be some issues. ", "Please try again later. ", "Submitting...\n\nIndependence for the region, which already has significant self-governing powers, is considered a remote possibility but Catalan president Artur Mas is buoyed by a groundswell of public support to defy Madrid with plans for a referendum.", "\n\nPolls show roughly half of Catalans want independence, but as many as 80 per cent want the right to vote on the matter.", "\n\nPro-independence leaders in Catalonia say Mr Rajoy should follow Prime Minister David Cameron’s stance – although he is against Scottish independence, he is not standing in the way of a referendum.", "\n\nOutside the Catalan parliament, demonstrators gathered, both for and against staying in Spain. ", "Many flew the separatist banner.", "\n\nDemonstrator Isabel Guerrero said: “Rajoy is totally resistant to change. ", "I don’t think he’s even aware of what is going on. ", "He thinks this is a small spark that will fade away if he buries his head in the sand.”", "\n\nBusiness and political leaders have piled pressure on Mr Rajoy to defuse the situation, perhaps by offering Mr Mas greater control over taxes in exchange for dropping the referendum idea.", "\n\nIsidre Faine, chairman of ­Barcelona-based La Caixa, Spain’s third-biggest bank, this week called on Spanish and Catalan political leaders to negotiate a “grand pact”.", "\n\nMr Rajoy has refused to engage in public talks with Mr Mas.", "\n\nCritics worry the prime minister’s inertia has fanned the flames in Catalonia. ", "But time may once again be on Mr Rajoy’s side. ", "Over the last two years he has successfully resisted pressure to seek an international rescue to ward off a sovereign debt default and to force out cabinet members or party leaders during a corruption scandal. ", "Several factors play into his hands. ", "Economic recovery could take off, easing tensions over tax distribution, one of Catalans’ main issues with the government.", "\n\nThe independence drive could falter over political tensions in Catalonia or on quiet opposition from big business. ", "And, without international support, Catalans could balk at the idea of having to leave the European Union or give up the euro.", "\n\nYesterday’s vote in the Catalan parliament will trigger events that are likely to lead to ­stalemate.", "\n\nFirst, the parliament in Madrid will almost certainly turn down the Catalan petition. ", "Then Mr Mas will set a date without permission from Madrid, which the constitutional court will block." ]
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[ "Elias Abuelazam\n\nFLINT, MI - One of the most notorious killers in Flint history has continued to act violently in the state's prisons while trying to get the courts to overturn his murder conviction.", "\n\nDetails of Elias Abuelazam's time in prison are detailed in seven different disciplinary reports obtained by MLive-The Flint Journal from the Michigan Department of Corrections through a Freedom of Information Act request.", "\n\nAbuelazam was convicted in 2012 of first-degree murder for the Aug. 2, 2010, killing of Arnold Minor. ", "He also was charged in two other fatal stabbings and six assault with intent to murder cases, but prosecutors dismissed the cases following his sentence of life in prison without parole for the Minor killing.", "\n\nIn total, he was suspected of 18 attacks that resulted in five killings across three states. ", "He also has admitted to stabbing another person in his hometown of Ramla, Israel.", "\n\nHis case received international attention as media dubbed him a \"serial stabber.\" ", "Abuelazam has continuously attempted to get his conviction overturned, in part due to the pre-trial notoriety that he claims tainted the jury pool.", "\n\nDespite the pleas to the court, state prison records show Abuelazam has continued to be disciplined for multiple violent interactions with guards and other inmates, including fights, threats and possession of a large shank made from Plexiglas.", "\n\nAbuelazam's run-ins with prison staff began in November 2012, less than five months after being sentenced to spend the remainder of his life behind bars.", "\n\nA female guard was making a yard round Nov. 5, 2012, at the Ionia Correctional Facility when she asked Abuelazam if he wanted yard time, according to an MDOC misconduct report.", "\n\nAbuelazam responded with an expletive-laden onslaught that included a threat to cut the guard's head off.", "\n\n\"I believe if given the opportunity this prisoner would attempt to carry out his threat,\" the guard wrote in her report.", "\n\nAbuelazam, during a disciplinary hearing, admitted to making the statement, but attempted to downplay the situation.", "\n\nHe claimed he made the statement because he was angry about the quality of the prison food.", "\n\n\"I apologize if I disrespected her - verbal aggression,\" Abuelazam said during his disciplinary hearing.", "\n\nHe lost his privileges for 30 days as punishment for the incident.", "\n\nLess than a month after having his privileges restored, Abuelazam was again accused of threatening prison staff.", "\n\nA guard at the Alger Correctional Facility claimed he heard loud banging coming from a cell around 1 p.m. on Dec. 13, 2012.", "\n\nWhen he responded he claims he found Abuelazam pacing around inside the cell, according to the misconduct report. ", "The guard asked Abuelazam if he was kicking his cell door.", "\n\n\"Yes I was and you will not violate my rights,\" Abuelazam shouted at the guard. \"", "Open my door.\"", "\n\nThe guard said saliva sprayed from Abuelazam's mouth. ", "His eyes were wide open and unblinking.", "\n\n\"If you violate my rights, you will be punished,\" Abuelazam yelled. \"", "Keep violating my rights and I will punish you.\"", "\n\nAbuelazam then began pacing around the cell, punching his right fist into his hand.", "\n\n\"You will not violate my rights ... I do what I say ... open my door,\" he continued.", "\n\nHe lost his privileges for another 30 days for that incident.", "\n\nWhile 2013 and 2014 passed will little wrongdoing - only a complaint of possessing inmate-made alcohol was filed in 2014 - Abuelazam's time in prison turned violent in early 2015.", "\n\nAbuelazam and another prisoner approached each other around 7:45 p.m. under a basketball hoop at the Lakeland Correctional Facility. ", "The two began exchanging punches to the head, according to a misconduct report.", "\n\nThe other prisoner fell to the ground and Abuelazam continued to hit him.", "\n\nPrison staff had to transfer the other prisoner in an ambulance to the emergency room for injuries sustained in the fight. ", "Abuelazam sustained substantial injuries to hands, face and head. ", "Authorities also located a puncture wound to his lower back and transported him to the emergency room.", "\n\nAbuelazam was segregated from other inmates for 10 days and again lost his privileges for 30 days.", "\n\nHis potentially violent conduct continued April 1, 2015, when guards found a homemade knife in Abuelazam's cell.", "\n\nGuards were searching his cell when they discovered a 6.5-inch long piece of Plexiglas in his mattress.", "\n\nThe shank was sharpened on one end and had a cloth handle on the other.", "\n\nHe was again segregated for 10 days despite denying any knowledge of the weapon.", "\n\nHis outbursts again turned toward guards in September 2015 when he was accused of shoving one guard and ignoring the orders of another.", "\n\nHe was given 20 more days of segregation and 60 more days of no privileges for those instances.", "\n\nDespite the behavioral problems, Abuelazam has continued to petition the courts for his release.", "\n\nThe state appeals court declined to overturn his conviction and the state Supreme Court declined to hear his case.", "\n\nHe filed a lawsuit asking to be extradited back to Israel to stand trial on a stabbing charge, but the case was ultimately dismissed.", "\n\nHis most recent case is a habeas corpus petition filed in Detroit U.S. District Court.", "\n\nIt was filed the same day he was last released from segregation.", "\n\nAbuelazam claims the trial judge, Genesee Circuit Judge Judith A. Fullerton, deprived him of a fair trial by not moving the case out of Genesee County and erred by admitting evidence of the other attacks.", "\n\nThe case is still pending. ", "He is currently serving his sentence at the Gus Harrison Correction Facility in Adrian." ]
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[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<LanguageData>\n \n <!-- ", "EN: Some royal titles allow the holder to call for military aid. ", "This can save you in a tough moment. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "TitleMilitaryAid>Некоторые титулы позволяют своим владельцам обращаться за военной помощью. ", "Это может спасти вас в трудную минуту.</RoyaltyTips.", "TitleMilitaryAid>\n <!-- ", "EN: Nobles from the Empire will demand all the privileges of their title. ", "Your own titled colonists will be more flexible, unless they are greedy or jealous. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "NoblesDemandPrivileges>Имперская знать будет требовать всех привилегий, соответствующих их титулу. ", "Ваши же титулованные поселенцы могут быть более гибкими, если в них нет жадности или завистливости.</RoyaltyTips.", "NoblesDemandPrivileges>\n <!-- ", "EN: Royal powered armor and eltex apparel will also satisfy the apparel requirements of royal titles. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "RoyalArmor>Требованиям обладателей высоких титулов соответствуют роскошная силовая броня, а также одежда из эльтекса.</RoyaltyTips.", "RoyalArmor>\n <!-- ", "EN: If a royal title holder dies, their title goes to their chosen heir. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "TitleInheritance>Если обладатель титула умирает, его титул переходит к избранному наследнику.</RoyaltyTips.", "TitleInheritance>\n <!-- ", "EN: You can change the heir of a royal title holder through the comms console. ", "However, this requires completing a ritual. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "ChangeHeir>Вы можете изменить наследника титула через консоль связи. ", "Однако это потребует соблюдения определённого ритуала.</RoyaltyTips.", "ChangeHeir>\n <!-- ", "EN: The Empire bestows a free psylink neuroformer upon anyone who earns the title required to use it. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "FreePsychicAmplifier>Империя любезно дарует нейроформер пси-связи каждому, кто получает соответствующий титул.</RoyaltyTips.", "FreePsychicAmplifier>\n <!-- ", "EN: The Empire restricts usage of certain implants to those with specific royal titles. ", "Using them illegally may lead to diplomatic consequences with the Empire. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "IllegalImplantUse>Империя ограничивает использование некоторых имплантов обладателям определённых титулов. ", "Их незаконное применение может привести к осложнению отношений с Империей.</RoyaltyTips.", "IllegalImplantUse>\n <!-- ", "EN: Gaining a new level of psylink grants knowledge of one psycast. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "InstallingPsychicAmplifier>Каждый получаемый уровень пси-связи позволяет изучить новый вид пси-воздействия.</RoyaltyTips.", "InstallingPsychicAmplifier>\n <!-- ", "EN: Psycasts can give you significant advantage in combat. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastAdvantage>Пси-воздействия могут дать значительное преимущество в бою.</RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastAdvantage>\n <!-- ", "EN: Performing a psycast on an ally will harm faction relations - but only if the psycast has negative effects. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastFactionRelations>Использование пси-воздействия на союзнике испортит отношения между фракциями — но только в случае, если пси-воздействие ему навредило.</RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastFactionRelations>\n <!-- ", "EN: The invisibility psycast's effect doesn't wear off when you attack. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastInvisibility>Невидимость не исчезает, когда вы атакуете.</RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastInvisibility>\n <!-- ", "EN: Going over your neural heat limit can save you in a desperate situation - but the psychic breakdown can last a while. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "PsychicEntropyLimit>Превышение лимитов нейроперегрева может спасти вас в отчаянной ситуации, но спровоцирует длительный пси-срыв.</RoyaltyTips.", "PsychicEntropyLimit>\n <!-- ", "EN: Creatures with higher psychic sensitivity are affected more by psycasts. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastSensitivity>Существа с повышенной психочувствительностью более уязвимы перед пси-воздействиями.</RoyaltyTips.", "PsycastSensitivity>\n <!-- ", "EN: Dressing your psycasters in eltex gear will increase their neural heat limit and dissipation rate. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "EltexGear>Одежда из эльтекса увеличит лимит нейроперегрева для ваших псиоников и ускорит его рассеивание.</RoyaltyTips.", "EltexGear>\n <!-- ", "EN: When fighting a mech cluster, try shooting their power cells. ", "They explode, dealing heavy damage to surrounding creatures and structures. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "MechClusterPowercell>Сражаясь со кластером механоидов, старайтесь уничтожать их энергоячейки. ", "Они взрываются, нанося тяжёлый урон всем существам и сооружениям вокруг.</RoyaltyTips.", "MechClusterPowercell>\n <!-- ", "EN: Some mech clusters remain dormant until disturbed. ", "Use that time to prepare your attack. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "MechClusterDormant>Некоторые кластеры механоидов остаются «спящими», пока их не потревожить. ", "Используйте это как возможность подготовить свою атаку.</RoyaltyTips.", "MechClusterDormant>\n <!-- ", "EN: The Imperial royal tribute collector arrives twice per year, and accepts prisoners and gold in exchange for royal favor. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "RoyalTributeCollector>Имперский сборщик податей прибывает дважды в год и принимает золото и пленных в обмен на милость короны.</RoyaltyTips.", "RoyalTributeCollector>\n <!-- ", "EN: You can safely walk right past a dormant mech cluster, as long as you don't attack it or trigger a proximity activator. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "MechClusterDormantTrigger>Вы можете спокойно проходить мимо «спящих» кластеров механоидов до тех пор, пока вы не атакуете его или не активируете датчик движения.</RoyaltyTips.", "MechClusterDormantTrigger>\n <!-- ", "EN: The skip psycast works on self, allies, enemies, and even items. ", "The tactical possibilities are endless. --", ">\n <RoyaltyTips.", "SkipPsycastsMultiuse>Воздействие «прыжок» можно применять к себе, союзникам, противникам и даже предметам. ", "Его тактические возможности безграничны.</RoyaltyTips.", "SkipPsycastsMultiuse>\n \n</LanguageData>" ]
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[ "[Effect of vinegar processing on esculentosides in n-BuOH fraction and main toxic components in Phytolaccae Radix].", "\nThis study was to investigate the effect of vinegar processing on esculentosides in n-BuOH fraction and the contents of the main toxic components esculentoside B (EsB) and esculentoside C (EsC) in Phytolaccae Radix pieces. ", "n-BuOH fraction of Phytolaccae Radix pieces was processed with vinegar according to the processing method in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. ", "HPLC-MS-MS was adopted to analyze the esculentosides composition changes in n-BuOH fraction before and after vinegar processing. ", "HPLC-ELSD was used to detect EsC and EsB contents in raw and vinegar processed Phytolaccae Radix pieces, and investigate the content changes before and after vinegar processing. ", "Results showed that the esculentosides contents in n-BuOH fraction were significantly decreased except esculentoside A (EsA); there were significant changes in saponins compositions, but no new compounds were generated in n-BuOH fraction after vinegar processing. ", "The contents of EsC and EsB were 0.12% and 0.20% respectively in raw Phytolaccae Radix, and decreased to 0.048% and 0.094% accordingly after vinegar processing. ", "It showed that vinegar processing could significantly change the composition of esculentosides in n-BuOH fraction from Phytolaccae Radix and reduce the contents of toxic components EsC and EsB, indicating the scientificity of vinegar processing for Phytolaccae Radix." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a biological microparticle inspection apparatus for selectively counting specified biological microparticles such as blood corpuscles or cells of biological tissues.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nSelective counting of specified biological microparticles such as blood corpuscles or the cells of a biological tissue is very important for assessing the state of the biological entity, especially a diseased state. ", "For example, inflammation or allergy can be correctly diagnosed by selectively counting neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils among granulocytes, or by selectively counting T or B cells of lymphocytes.", "\nSelective counting of specified blood corpuscles is performed by a medical technician who discriminates stained blood corpuscles and counts them with an eye under a microscopic observation. ", "However, in this method, since the technician discriminates and counts the stained corpuscles one at a time, processing takes a long period of time and is very inefficient.", "\nAnother method exists which involves staining blood corpuscles to prepare a specimen. ", "The specimen is screened on by a TV camera through a microscope. ", "Then, the stained blood corpuscles are discriminated and counted by means of a pattern recognition technique. ", "However, with this method, the preparation of the stained specimen is complicated and time-consuming. ", "In addition, many errors frequently occur in stained blood corpuscle discrimination, and the stained corpuscles cannot be counted with accuracy.", "\nAccording to still another recently proposed method, an antibody specific to the type of blood corpuscle to be counted is labeled with a fluorescent material. ", "The labeled antibody is mixed with blood, and the corpuscles which are coupled with the labeled antibody are counted. ", "However, with this method, the amount of fluorescent light emitted from blood corpuscles coupled with labeled antibodies is very small. ", "In order to measure such weak fluorescence, an Ar laser or the like of about 1 W or more must be used as a high-intensity light source. ", "The use of the high-intensity light source renders the apparatus bulky and expensive. ", "Further, the measurement of the desired fluorescent light is influenced by the presence of natural fluorescent light emitted by proteins or fats floating in the blood." ]
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[ 0.0009391900966875255, 0.0006186892278492451, 0.001185585861094296, 0.0006604670197702944, 0.0013996456982567906, 0.001089752302505076, 0.0006978635210543871, 0.011323749087750912, 0.0005991574143990874, 0.000743555836379528, 0.0005667665973305702, 0.000706348626408726, 0.0005986590986140072, 0.002266760217025876, 0.0006021202425472438, 0.0008061950211413205, 0.0008376772166229784, 0.0007572330650873482 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPowershell skip element in array, if it blank\n\nI have a powershell script, where I receive names of elements as a variables from Jenkins:\n$IISarray = @(\"$ENV:Cashier_NAME\", \"$ENV:Terminal_NAME\", \"$ENV:Content_Manager_NAME\", \"$ENV:Kiosk_BO_NAME\")\n\nforeach ($string in $IISarray){\n\"some code goes here\"\n}\n\nSometimes random elements can be blank. ", "How can I add a check to see if the current element in array is blank, skip it and go to next element?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's easiest to use -ne '' to created a filtered copy of the array that excludes empty entries, courtesy of the ability of many PowerShell operators to act as a filter with an array-valued LHS.", "\nNote: I'm assuming you mean to filter out empty strings, not also blank (all-whitespace) ones, given that undefined environment variables expand to an empty string.", "\n# Sample array with empty elements.", "\n# Note: No need for @(...)\n$IISarray = \"foo\", \"\", \"bar\", \"baz\", \"\"\n\n# Note the `-ne ''`, which filters out empty elements.", "\nforeach ($string in $IISarray -ne ''){\n $string # echo\n}\n\nThe above yields:\nfoo\nbar\nbaz\n\nsoundstripe's answer offers a Where-Object solution, which potentially provides added flexibility via the ability to specify an arbitrary filter script block, but the use of a pipeline is a bit heavy-handed for this use case.", "\nFortunately, PSv4+ offers the .Where() collection method, which performs noticeably better.", "\nLet me demonstrate it with a solution that also rules out blank (all-whitespace) elements:\n# Note the all-whitespace element, which we want to ignore too.", "\nPS> (\"foo\", \" \", \"bar\", \"baz\", \"\").Where({ $_.Trim() })\nfoo\nbar\nbaz\n\nSimilar to the Where-Object cmdlet, you pass a script block to the .Where() method, inside of which the automatic $_ variable represents the input element at hand.", "\nThe .Trim() method trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string and returns the result.", "\nAn all-whitespace string therefore results in the empty string.", "\nIn a Boolean context (as the .Where() method script block implicitly is), the empty string evaluates to $false, whereas any non-empty string is $true.", "\nYou can choose to be explicit, however ($_.Trim() -ne ''), or even use a .NET method ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)).", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use Where-Object to filter out null or empty values. ", "It is very commonly used, so ? ", "is shorthand for Where-Object.", "\n$IISarray = @(\"$ENV:Cashier_NAME\", \"$ENV:Terminal_NAME\", \"$ENV:Content_Manager_NAME\", \"$ENV:Kiosk_BO_NAME\")\n\nforeach ($string in ($IISarray | ? {", "$_})){\n\"some code goes here\"\n}\n\nThe $_ is an automatic variable representing each incoming object in the pipeline. ", "Both $null and the empty string '' are falsy in Powershell, so only non-null values with length > 0 will be passed in to your for loop.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "In U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322 which is incorporated by reference, theoretical and experimental evidence on the existence of the new chemical species of magnecules defined as clusters of individual atoms (H, O, C, etc.), ", "dimers (HO, CH, etc.) ", "and ordinary molecules (H2, CO, H2O, etc.) ", "bonded together by attractive forces between opposing magnetic polarities of toroidal polarizations of atomic orbitals, as well as the polarization of the magnetic moments of nuclei and electrons (a conceptual rendering is shown in FIG. ", "1).", "\nThe name “magnecules” is used to distinguish the new species from conventional “molecules” (namely stable clusters of atoms solely under the conventional valence bond), as well as to indicate the primary magnetic origin of the new bond. ", "The dash symbol “—” is widely used to denote valence bond (such as H—H) while the multiplication symbol “×” is used to denote magnecular bond (such as H×H).", "\nAn assertion of the above patent is that the toroidal polarization of the electron orbitals creates a magnetic field (due to the rotation of the electrons within said toroid) which does not exist for the same atom when the electron orbitals have the conventional spherical distribution.", "\nWhen two so polarized atoms are at a sufficiently close distance, the resulting total force between the two atoms is attractive because all acting forces are attractive except for the repulsive forces due to nuclear and electron charges. ", "However, the latter forces can be averaged to zero in first approximation since the individual atoms have a null total charge. ", "Alternatively, individual atoms can be assumed in first approximation to have a null total charge distribution, resulting in the evident dominance of the attractive magnetic forces between two atoms with toroidal polarization of their orbitals as shown in FIG. ", "1.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322 discloses the creation of a gas with the new magnecular chemical structure, currently in industrial production known as MagneGas™. ", "In this, the polarization of the electron orbitals from their natural spherical distribution to the needed toroidal form requires extremely high magnetic fields (expected to be of the order of 1010 Gauss or more) that, as such, are not available in our macroscopic environment.", "\nTherefore, for the creation of the new magnecular species, a DC electric arc between graphite electrodes submerged within a liquid (e.g., distilled water) is used. ", "The arc decomposes the liquid molecules into mostly ionized atoms by creating between the tip of the electrodes a plasma composed by H, C, and O individual atoms, CH and OH dimers and ordinary molecules such as CO, H2O and others. ", "At atomic distances from said electric arc, the magnetic field does indeed have the desired strength since said magnetic field is inversely proportional to the distance (on the order of 10−8 cm) and directly proportional to the electric current (on the order of 103 ampere or more), thus having a strength on the order of 1011 Gauss which is sufficient to achieved the desired toroidal polarizations of the electron orbitals (see FIG. ", "2).", "\nAdditionally, the strong magnetic field surrounding a DC arc naturally aligns polarized atoms in the needed sequence of magnetic polarities South-North-South-North, etc. ", "resulting in the configuration shown in FIG. ", "1.", "\nAs soon as the arc abates, the atoms return to their natural spherical distribution due to collisions and other reasons. ", "The main argument is that the spherical distribution is indeed recovered but for the bonded pairs of polarized atoms as shown in FIG. ", "1. ", "This spherical distribution cannot be returned to for each individual atom of the bonded pair due to insufficient energies to break said bond.", "\nConsiderable experimental evidence on the existence of the new species of magnecules for a gas created via the above reviewed method is described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322. ", "In such, measurements were achieved via the use of a Gas Chromatographer Mass Spectrometer equipped with an Infrared Detector, namely a GC-MS/IRD.", "\nAll gas chromatographic equipment available in the early 2000's were conceived and developed for the detection of molecules. ", "Therefore, the only possibility available at that time to establish the existence of the new species of magnecules was that of subjecting the same injection, first to detection via the GC-MS and then detection via the IRD.", "\nThe identification of clear clusters in the GC-MS that have no IR signature establishes the lack of presence of valence bonds in type indicated clusters, since that would require perfect spherical shape which is impossible for clusters at large a.m.u. ", "values. ", "Once the valence bond was eliminated by experimental evidence, the magnecular bond became the sole plausible alternative due to the means of creation of the species here considered.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322 shows that it was impossible to achieve the same results in a resolutory way via two separate instruments, the GC-MS and the IRD due to the impossibility of matching without ambiguities scans in the GC-MS with scans in a separate IRD.", "\nGas chromatographic analyses reported in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322 were conducted via a GC-MS/IRD consisting of a HP GC model 5890, a HP MS model 5972, and a HP IRD model 5965 operated in rather unusual conditions described in details, such as: largest available feeding line of at least 0.3 mm ID; cryogenic cooling of the feeding line; lowest available column temperature of 100 C; longest available elusion time of about 25 m; and other conditions.", "\nRepresentative chromatographs out of a considerable number of scans from U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322 are reported in FIGS. ", "3, 4, and 5. ", "This reports the confirmation of the results (here not reproduced for brevity) obtained via an identical GC-MS/IRD located.", "\nThis patent also provided considerable experimental evidence for the existence of magnecules in liquids, and comments on the expected existence of magnecular bonds in solids.", "\nThe scientific literature in the new chemical species of magnecules is now significant. ", "A first update was made available in the monograph by R. M. Santilli, The New Fuels with Magnecular Structure, International Academic Press (2005). ", "A recent comprehensive list of publications in the field has been made by Y. Yang, J. V. Kadeisvili, and S. Marton, in the paper entitled “Experimental confirmation of the new chemical species of Santilli MagneHydrogen,” which is expected to publish after the filing of this Patent Application.", "\nFollowing the original discovery of the new species of magnecules, confirmation was difficult due to a variety of difficulties of one skilled in the art of independent verifications.", "\nThe primary difficulty has been the fact that all currently available gas chromatographic equipment has been conceived, developed and tested for the detection of clusters of atoms under the conventional valence bond that, being notoriously strong, allows for comparatively strong detection means (such as ionization, thermal conductivity. ", "etc.) ", "without destroying the species to be detected.", "\nBy contrast, magnecular bonds are much weaker than valence bonds by conception and industrial realization, so as to allow full combustion (see U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322). ", "Therefore, detection equipment and procedures that are unquestionably valid for molecules may in reality destroy the very magnecular species to be detected, unless appraised with care, caution and objectivity.", "\nOne of the difficulties is the existence of a very large number of conventional molecules identified so far, apparently of the order of 750,000. ", "Whenever a chemical species is identified in a GC or a GC-MS, it is rather natural for experienced analysts to assume that it merely consists of either a known conventional molecule, or a molecule yet to be identified, thus denying the possibility for chemical novelty. ", "Consequently, testing of gases with magnecular structure at various analytic laboratories around the world turned out to be scientifically sterile.", "\nAnother difficulty was caused by the understandable tendency by senior analysts to assume that any chemical anomaly (that is, novelty over established 20th century knowledge) is due to a malfunction of the instrument, in which case all efforts are generally made to modify the operation of the instrument (by increasing the column temperature, decreasing the elusion time, etc.) ", "until conventional results are obtained without any chemical novelty.", "\nFurther difficulties have been created by the fact that the chemical novelties of magnecular species are generally dismissed a priori by analysts, thus preventing their serious experimental confirmation or dismissal.", "\nAs an example, magnecular gases have an anomalous adhesion to most substances, including paramagnetic ones (because magnetization by induction occurs at the atomic, rather than molecular level). ", "Following a test with a GC-MS and a conventional flushing of the instrument, the background generally retains most of the peaks detected during the normal test (see the documentation in Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322).", "\nAnalysts generally consider this occurrence a malfunction of the instrument, and often send it to the manufacturer for service, rather than admitting an essentially new chemical occurrence deserving inspection.", "\nIn reality, the conventional, background is readily recovered by flushing the instrument with a hot inert gas (such as Nitrogen at 400° C.), by confirming in this way the sensitivity of magnecular species on the temperature, as expected for all magnetic polarizations.", "\nOther difficulties occur in detecting magnecules with the recent generation of gas chromatographic equipment using capillary feeding lines, because the lines rapidly clog up following the injection of a magnecular gas due to its anomalous adhesion, thus providing the analyst the mere illusion of analyzing the gas, while in reality the gas to be tested did not reach the column in the necessary volume.", "\nIn one case, a major U.S. analytic laboratory equipped with the most advanced GC-MS dismissed its signed report on the commercially produced and sold MagneGas. ", "In essence, the analyst calibrated the GC-MS for air, flushed the instrument via established procedures, injected MagneGas into the capillary feeding line, conducted a variety of measurements, and released a signed report according to which MagneGas was contaminated with at least 30% air.", "\nAnother analytic laboratory conducted the analysis of MagneGas, first of all, with a GC-MS having a large feeding line, and second by using the proceedings for its proper detection, after which MagneGas resulted as having no air contamination at all.", "\nThis decade long inability to repeat the original experimental evidence in the existence of magnecules as depicted in FIGS. ", "3, 4, and 5 confirmed that the best gas chromatographic equipment for the scope here considered is the original one used by the inventor, namely, a GC-MS/IRD as originally used in 1998.", "\nWe are here referring to the principle of jointly testing the same gas with two different spectrometers, the GC-MS for the identification of the clusters composing the species, and the IRD for the verification that the bond responsible for the clusters is not a valence type.", "\nIn particular, a molecular interpretation should be accepted not only when the clusters at the GC-MS are identified by the instrument as being known molecules, but also when their known IR signature is confirmed in the IRD at the a.m.u. ", "value of the cluster, and not at smaller a.m.u. ", "values, since the latter refer to the conventional constituent of the cluster. ", "Due to the protracted difficulties with contemporary equipment, the same instruments used during the discovery of magnecules are used, consisting of a GC-MS/IRD consisting of a HP GC model 5890, a HP MS model 5972, and a HP IRD model 5965 equipped with a HP Ultra 2 column 25 m long, 0.32 mm ID, and film thickness of 0.52 um, with temperatures starting at 10° C. for 4 min, then incrementally raised to 250° C. at 10° C./min.", "\nThe production and service of the above identified GC-MS/IRD had been discontinued one decade ago. ", "Therefore, the desired instrument had to be restored. ", "Such a restoration was commissioned to Spectral Scientific Incorporation (SSI) 38 McPherson Street, Markham, Ontario, Canada, making sure that there was no “upgrade” made to the instrument, Such an upgrade would have likely prohibited the desired measurements.", "\nFollowing about two years of laboratory work, SSI delivered the fully restored and operational GC-MS/IRD in early 2012, and tests were initiated immediately thereafter.", "\nThe following additional instrument was needed to achieve a comprehensive verification or dismissal of the measurements made in 1998. ", "In essence, the chromatographic equipment that had systematically dismissed the existence of the new species of magnecules is the GC-TCD. ", "However, contemporary GC-TCD are definitely not recommendable for analyses of magnecular gases due to the use of capillary feeding lines and undesired detection procedures.", "\nConsequently, an old GC-TCD comprising a HP model 5890-2T and a HP GC model 5890 Series II equipped with two columns, one being a packed-column 80/100 mesh, and the another being a molecular-Sieve 5A Column. ", "These devices were refurbished by Global Medical Instruments, Inc. 6511 Bunker Lake Blvd, Ramsey, Minn., U.S.A. Again, special attention was made to prevent damaging upgrades during the restoration. ", "Following about one year of laboratory work, the desired instrument was delivered also in full operational conditions in early 2012, and tests were initiated immediately thereafter.", "\nAmong a large number of additional chemical analyses of gases with magnecular structure accumulated in a decade of studies, a representative scan was obtained by Oneida Research Services, 8282 Halsey Rd, Whitesboro, N.Y., via IVA 110s equipped with a vacuum chamber (with air-cooled turbomolecular pump), sample inlet with temperature control system and monitor, high performance quadrupole mass spectrometer system, interchangeable electro-pneumatic and manual sample piercing system, electro-pneumatic vacuum isolation valves, inlet pressure monitor for pumpdown, automatic calibration port, computer-controlled sampling valve and valve switching panel (VSP).", "\nThe used IVA 110s has a system sensitivity better than 100 ppmv for moisture and better than 10 ppmv for other gases and a system accuracy of 5% at 5000 ppmv. ", "Also, the IVA 110s utilizes a NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Mass Spec Database of more than 250,000 spectra with IVACS interface for use in identification of unknowns. ", "Systematic measurements were conducted on MagneGas fuel that confirmed all originally claimed anomalous characteristics of the new species of magnecules as reported in FIGS. ", "5 to 33, including: Characterization of magnecules by weakly bonded individual atoms, dimers, and conventional molecules; Stability of magnecules at ambient temperature; Progressive reduction of magnecules with the increase of the temperature; Termination of magnecules at a suitable Curie temperature; Detection of magnecular clusters under a suitably selected and operated GC-MS; Transparency of magnecules to infrared detectors at the a.m.u. ", "of the clusters (and not at smaller a.m.u. ", "characterizing constituents); Dependence of detected magnecules from the elusion time; Dependence of magnecular species from filtration and compression; Anomalous adhesion of magnecular gases to disparate materials; Anomalous mutation of magnecular clusters under different detection procedures; Anomalous accretion of magnecular clusters by individual atoms; and other features. ", "Among a considerable number of tests that remains to be done for advances in the new chemical species of Santilli magnecules, we mention the need to achieve experiment identification of molecular and magnecular species having the same a.m.u. ", " \nThe Figures show a large variety of analyses by qualified independent laboratories, depending on the selected liquid feedstock, MagneGas fuel contains from 30% to 35% Carbon Monoxide referred to the triple-bonded molecule C-O. These analyses are “good faith experimental beliefs,” in the sense that the instrument says so and that is believed to be true without due scientific caution caused by the absence of independent chemical analysis on the same gas done with a different instrument.", "\nIn the event MagneGas did indeed contain 30% to 35% CO, exhaust from combustion would be expected to contain at least 25% Carbon Dioxide CO2 (since CO is combustible). ", "Independent certification of MagneGas combustion has established the presence of about 5% CO2in said exhaust, about 0.01% CO, up to 14% breathable Oxygen O2, no appreciable HC and NOx in ppm, the rest being water vapor (since MagneGas contains from 60% to 65% Hydrogen). ", "It is evident that the sole presence in Magnegas exhaust of about 5% CO2 and no appreciable combusted CO does indeed render the 30% to 35% CO in MagneGas a “belief.”", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,673,322 provides contrasting data. ", "In essence, the chemical species detected by GC-MS in MagneGas at 28 a.m.u. ", "is composed partially by the conventional Carbon Monoxide C—O and partially by the magnecular bond of the same atoms C×O essentially in the configuration of FIG. ", "1. ", "The high percentage of CO detected in MagneGas by various laboratories is in effect created by the equipment itself. ", "Due to the known affinity between Carbon and Oxygen, the following reaction is in effect a possible reaction C×O+trigger→CO+heat, where the “trigger” is the detection mechanism of the instrument, and the release of heat is due to the fact that molecular bonds are much stronger than magnecular bonds.", "\nAlso, high collisions occurring in combustion are expected to breakdown the weakly bound magnecule C×O and produce the excess Oxygen needed to reach a quantitative understanding of the MagneGas exhaust. ", "The above scenario is so unknown that caution is suggested in predicting the percentage of CO in existing in MagneGas from the measured percentage of CO2 in the exhaust (expectedly of about 7%). ", "Available experimental data cannot exclude the possibility that the entire content of the species in MagneGas with 28 a.m.u. ", "can be the magnecule C×O, and the expected 7% CO can, in effect, be created by collisions during combustion." ]
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[ "This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. ", "Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.", "\n\nPlease enable Javascript to watch this video\n\nDENVER -- What if the city forced you to sell your house for a project it promises would prevent disastrous flooding? ", "It's a threat for as many as 50 homeowners in one of Denver’s oldest neighborhoods.", "\n\nThe controversy is in the heart of the Cole neighborhood just south of the coliseum.", "\n\nFor four years Warren Karberg has called his house near East 38th Avenue and High Street home. “", "My neighbor here is second generation here. ", "On both sides of me is the same family,” said Karberg.", "\n\nTwo blocks away Michael Dugan, bought his house just last month.", "\n\n“These are the blocks they are talking about taking down, “said Dugan. ", "They, along with dozens of others in the Cole neighborhood say their houses could be demolished if one of the city's storm water drainage plans becomes a reality.", "\n\n“I think about the amount of buildings and homes of people they would have to destroy and how much its going to change this area,” Dugan said.", "\n\n“The goal of this project is to provide flood protection to hundreds of homes in this part of town that are vulnerable to flooding,” said spokesperson for Denver Public Works, Nancy Kuhn.", "\n\nThe city says it will decide between two sites for a storm water detention pond, a temporary place for storm water.", "\n\nOne is right on the edge of the Cole neighborhood.", "\n\n“This option right here which is option 1B in the plan would take out over 55 single family homes and some multi-family properties as well,” said Karberg.", "\n\nThe other option puts it in City Park Golf Course.", "\n\n“We think that`s a much better option than people losing their homes or decimating 1-2 blocks of this neighborhood,” said Karberg.", "\n\nWith flooding a major concern in north Denver, a decision has to be made.", "\n\n“We`re trying to be as creative as possible to create this amenity this protection to the community while minimizing any impact to private property,” said Kuhn\n\nThe city says a final decision will be made in February.", "\n\nIt is asking for public input during several neighborhood meetings this month." ]
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[ "Airtel made its first serious attempt to deviate from the concept of net neutrality in December last year. ", "The company came out with a proposal that it would start charging consumers extra for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls made using apps like Skype and Viber.", "\n\nAn outcry followed from users. ", "Airtel was slammed hard and bad on Twitter and Facebook. ", "People took note of how unfair the proposal was, and the telecom company backed off and said that it won't go ahead with the proposal - at least not immediately. ", "A few months later, Airtel is again in the middle of the debate on net neutrality. ", "But this time, it has come up with something that, at least on paper, seems less outlandish than its earlier proposal. ", "The new plan has also been sugar-coated with \"free\".", "\n\nWe are talking about Airtel Zero. ", "In the last few days, whenever Airtel or industry veterans like Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) director general Rajan S Mathews have talked about the Zero plan, they have generously highlighted that it makes the cost of internet access for many people \"zero\". ", "The argument is that zero is good because it allows people who don't want or can't spend on internet to access applications. ", "Zero cost for consumers also makes it easier to defend something like Airtel Zero unlike the extra charges for VoIP, where Airtel was trying to earn the \"extra\" bit directly from consumers.", "\n\nThe reality is that there is nothing zero or free about Airtel Zero.", "\n\nA wise economist once popularised the phrase, \"There is no such thing as a free lunch\". ", "This was true when Milton Friedman first said it in the '70s, and it is true now.", "\n\nWith Airtel Zero, the telecom company is just passing the cost from consumers to the app developers and start-ups. ", "Someone is still paying and is probably paying more for the data that these apps will consume. ", "In the grand scheme of things, Airtel Zero is not philanthropy. ", "It is not Airtel that is giving consumers something for free - the company is getting its fairly hefty cut. ", "So it can stop pushing the Zero plan as something of a favour that it is bestowing on consumers.", "\n\nStill, an argument can be made that free is free. ", "Why should consumers care who is paying for it? ", "If they can get it for free, it must be good for them. ", "No?", "\n\nThe answer to this question is also a resounding no, although the real price for Airtel Zero, which the consumers are going to pay, is not all that evident.", "\n\nAny scheme like Airtel Zero adds a variable to the fairly direct relationship that app developers have with their consumers. ", "It adds the free factor into the mix. ", "No doubt, for a lot of consumers free access to Facebook, Twitter, Google, Flipkart or a media site will be of incredible use. ", "But \"free\" basically conditions consumers to use only the stuff that doesn't cost them. ", "This means in the long run, apps that pay to the telecom companies will get ahead of the ones that don't. ", "The world is already a fairly unequal place, and instead of trying to fix the barriers that we have in the real world, Airtel and the others are busy arguing about adding new ones in the virtual world.", "\n\nThe argument is that the real world already has these barriers, so why shouldn't the virtual have them too?", "\n\nOnce free apps get the preferred placement on the home screens of smartphone users and competition begins to die, we will start seeing what happens when the market is dominated by few players. ", "Prices will go up. ", "All the money an e-commerce website or any other app spends on paying a telecom company will be recouped from consumers.", "\n\nAs Milton highlighted, \"there is no free lunch\".", "\n\nWhat about some other myths? ", "Let's bust them too...\n\nIndia's internet is different so net neutrality doesn't apply here\n\nNo, India's internet is not different. ", "And neither are Indian web users. ", "India's internet is slow and almost non-existent amid the very poor market conditions. ", "TRAI and telecom operators are responsible for this mess. ", "To fix this, telecom companies need to improve their service, invest in infrastructure and then directly charge consumers a fair price for it.", "\n\nFree access to apps is just like toll free numbers\n\nThis is another favourite argument of those supporting Airtel Zero. ", "However, the analogy doesn't work because the internet is different from the telephone, which is mostly a passive medium. ", "Yes, you can have two way conversations on it, but you don't spend Rs 10,000 buying blazers on a telephone. ", "On the internet you do. ", "It is much more dynamic and giving internet service providers in a say how people access their apps or websites is extremely risky.", "\n\nAirtel Zero is open to all\n\nNo, it is not. ", "It is open to app developers who have money to pay to telecom operators. ", "Airtel Zero doesn't mean discrimination in terms of access. ", "I recently asked the company about Airtel Zero and app access when the consumer has no bandwidth on the data plan. ", "Airtel said, \"Yes, even if consumers exhaust their data limit, they will be able to access Airtel Zero apps as the platform offers completely free digital access for the customers.\" ", "The normal apps, meanwhile, won't work. ", "There you have it, no discrimination in terms of access!", "\n\nAs voices grow louder against this attack on internet freedom in India, arguments in favour of net neutrality are floating on the web in response to TRAI's consultation paper on the issue." ]
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[ "oldmaid\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 131\n\nMerit: 19\n\n\n\nKrypton\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMemberActivity: 131Merit: 19Krypton [ANN] [KRC] Krypton coins - a decentralized Craigslist September 24, 2015, 02:48:40 AM\n\nLast edit: June 25, 2017, 05:01:17 AM by oldmaid #1\n\n\n\nYou can download the installer here. ", "Send me a message with your public key and I will send you some tokens.", "\n\nwww.mediafire.com/file/zwoakczj6957n7y/Krypton_setup_1.2.5.exe\n\n\n\nNew database file for those who already have the program *make sure to back up your keys first!", "\n\nwww.mediafire.com/file/943fzwumel5ihnw/KRYPTON.zip\n\n\n\nSource code is here for anyone interested\n\nhttps://github.com/0ldMaid/Krypton\n\n\n\nThis has been tested but there still could be bugs report them to me if you come across anything.", "\n\n\n\nOriginally the project started as a peer to peer selling tool like Magento for your desktop. ", "That project was called LiteMarket. ", "After feedback from users on some Bitcoin forums I realized very few people have the knowledge to set something like that up and they don't want to download something new. ", "So I rebuilt the project inline with Bitcoin blockchain tech instead.", "\n\nThe idea is that each coin is actually a set of information like an ad listing on eBay or Amazon. ", "You can update your listing(s) with your private key like Bitcoin and everyone can view the listings through the client or on the web. ", "So it's more like a decentralized craigslist then anything else. ", "I call them Krypton coins as a play on the Superman idea and also Krypton like Crypto. ", "Unlike openbazaar it does not have any sale support it's not an eBay. ", "It's a way for people to post ad listings online for whatever they want and if customers want to buy, the payment would be arranged by the seller and Bitcoin. ", "I hope to make a subreddit about this but my account doesn't have enough karma yet.", "\n\n\n\nThe project is written from scratch using Java so there is potential of building android nodes down the line, the system could be completely mobile based.", "\n\n\n\nIf anyone wants to you can check out the TOR feed right now you can go to the link below. ", "Each node can display it's info into the tor network for anyone on the system to see. ", "So you don't need the program to view the stuff for sale.", "\n\n\n\nhttp://foomfoumyoi37qly.onion\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFAQ:\n\n\n\n1. ", "What is the POW algorithm, is there one?", "\n\n\n\nTechnically it is POW (proof of work) with mining the same as bitcoin. ", "However because I don't want a big database it doesn't work the same as bitcoin there is no history of the first transactions only the current chain moves along as new mining happens so the database doesn't get any longer. ", "Technically there would be a problem if the internet went down for a few months and the nodes couldn't link up the network would fork. ", "That's why bitcoin doesn't do this but for this program I don't think people really care. ", "The slight lack of security is offset by a 100mb database size.", "\n\n\n\n2. ", "What is the relation between the program and the TOR address?", "\n\n\n\nEach program node, like a Bitcoin node, can display information to other nodes. ", "But this program can also display it's content into the TOR network for anyone to see. ", "Like a decentralized website or service. ", "So for people who don't want to run the program they have the option of just viewing the content in the TOR browser. ", "Eventually there will be hundreds of nodes and hundreds of addresses that you could go to that would all have the same info. ", "So in that way it's like a decentralized craigslist.", "\n\n\n\n3. ", "How do I set up a TOR node?", "\n\n\n\nTor has a tutorial that works well.", "\n\nhttps://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.en\n\nThe only difference is that in the torrc file krypton is on port 55555 not the 8080 they use in the example so you need to change it to this.", "\n\n\n\nHiddenServiceDir C:\\user\\YOUR DOCUMENTS\\tor\\hidden_service\n\nHiddenServicePort 80\n\n\n\nAfter that if you go to your onion address you should see the krypton website. ", "Hi everyone. ", "I have been working on my new cryptocurrency for the last year now and I'm about ready to test it. ", "I'm wondering if there are any volunteers out there that are willing to help. ", "You can now download the program here. ", "I will be giving away tokens to experienced users on this forum. ", "Check it out and tell me what you think.", "You can download the installer here. ", "Send me a message with your public key and I will send you some tokens.", "New database file for those who already have the program *make sure to back up your keys first!Source code is here for anyone interestedThis has been tested but there still could be bugs report them to me if you come across anything.", "Originally the project started as a peer to peer selling tool like Magento for your desktop. ", "That project was called LiteMarket. ", "After feedback from users on some Bitcoin forums I realized very few people have the knowledge to set something like that up and they don't want to download something new. ", "So I rebuilt the project inline with Bitcoin blockchain tech instead.", "The idea is that each coin is actually a set of information like an ad listing on eBay or Amazon. ", "You can update your listing(s) with your private key like Bitcoin and everyone can view the listings through the client or on the web. ", "So it's more like a decentralized craigslist then anything else. ", "I call them Krypton coins as a play on the Superman idea and also Krypton like Crypto. ", "Unlike openbazaar it does not have any sale support it's not an eBay. ", "It's a way for people to post ad listings online for whatever they want and if customers want to buy, the payment would be arranged by the seller and Bitcoin. ", "I hope to make a subreddit about this but my account doesn't have enough karma yet.", "The project is written from scratch using Java so there is potential of building android nodes down the line, the system could be completely mobile based.", "If anyone wants to you can check out the TOR feed right now you can go to the link below. ", "Each node can display it's info into the tor network for anyone on the system to see. ", "So you don't need the program to view the stuff for sale.", "FAQ:1. ", "What is the POW algorithm, is there one?Technically it is POW (proof of work) with mining the same as bitcoin. ", "However because I don't want a big database it doesn't work the same as bitcoin there is no history of the first transactions only the current chain moves along as new mining happens so the database doesn't get any longer. ", "Technically there would be a problem if the internet went down for a few months and the nodes couldn't link up the network would fork. ", "That's why bitcoin doesn't do this but for this program I don't think people really care. ", "The slight lack of security is offset by a 100mb database size.2. ", "What is the relation between the program and the TOR address?Each program node, like a Bitcoin node, can display information to other nodes. ", "But this program can also display it's content into the TOR network for anyone to see. ", "Like a decentralized website or service. ", "So for people who don't want to run the program they have the option of just viewing the content in the TOR browser. ", "Eventually there will be hundreds of nodes and hundreds of addresses that you could go to that would all have the same info. ", "So in that way it's like a decentralized craigslist.3. ", "How do I set up a TOR node?Tor has a tutorial that works well.", "The only difference is that in the torrc file krypton is on port 55555 not the 8080 they use in the example so you need to change it to this.", "HiddenServiceDir C:\\user\\YOUR DOCUMENTS\\tor\\hidden_serviceHiddenServicePort 80 that if you go to your onion address you should see the krypton website. ", "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4636317" ]
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[ "As national restaurant chains ramp up for the busy 2018 holiday season, many are offering attractive bonuses when you purchase a gift card from them.", "\n\nFor simplicity purposes, I’m including “coupons” and “digital” bonuses as part of a broader “Gift Card” reference. ", "I would also suggest checking with individual restaurants for details such as limitations, restrictions, expiry dates, usage dates, etc.", "\n\nBelow you will find a running list of restaurant gift card bonuses and giveaways available this holiday season. ", "This is by no means a complete list, and will be updated as required:\n\nApplebee’s: Purchase a $50 Gift Card this holiday season and receive a $10 Bonus Card in return. ", "Offer valid through January 6, 2019. ", "Bonus card expires on March 3, 2019 and may not be redeemed on date of issuance.", "\n\nBlaze Pizza: Buy $25 in gift cards, get a free pizza pass. ", "Pizza Pass is valid from January 1, 2019 through February 28, 2019.", "\n\nBoston Market: Get a free $5 bonus card with each $25 gift card purchase through December 31, 2108. ", "Bonus card is redeemable from November 23, 2018 through January 31, 2019.", "\n\nBuffalo Wild Wings: Get a $5 eBonus with every $25 in gift cards purchased online through December 31, 2018. ", "eBonus can be redeemed from January 1, 2019 through February 28, 2019.", "\n\nCalifornia Pizza Kitchen: Get a $20 promotional card when you purchase $100 in gift cards through January 1, 2019. ", "Plus, score a Bonus $10 card when you purchase before November 21, 2018.", "\n\nChili’s: Buy $50 in gift cards, get a $10 bonus card.", "\n\nCorner Bakery Cafe: Get a $5 bonus card with the purchase of a large Cinnamon Crème Cake or $25 gift card before December 28, 2018. ", "The bonus card is redeemable from January 1 to 31, 2019.", "\n\nDel Taco: Beginning November 20, 2018 through January 2, 2019:\n\n– In Store Bonus Offers\n\nPurchase $15 in gift cards and receive one coupon good for 2 free Grilled Chicken Tacos\n\nPurchase $25 in gift cards and receive two coupons each good for 2 free Grilled Chicken Tacos\n\n– Online Bonus Offers\n\nPurchase $30 in gift cards online and receive one coupon good for 1 free Small Size Combo Meal\n\nPurchase $100 in gift cards online and receive four coupons each good for 1 free Small Size Combo Meal\n\nDenny’s: Buy a $25 gift card get $50 in coupons through December 25, 2018.", "\n\nIHOP: Get a $5 bonus coupon with the purchase of a $25 gift card through December 31, 2018. ", "Coupon expires January 31, 2019.", "\n\nJamba Juice: Buy $25 in gift cards, get a $5 bonus card through December 31, 2018. ", "Bonus card is redeemable from January 1, 2019 through February 28, 2019.", "\n\nOlive Garden: Get a $10 bonus card with every $50 in gift cards you buy through December 30, 2018. ", "Bonus card valid from January 2, 2019 through February 10, 2019.", "\n\nOutback Steakhouse: Get a $10 bonus coupon with every $50 gift card purchase through December 31, 2018. ", "Bonus card is good from January 1, 2019 through February 10, 2019.", "\n\nP.F. Chang’s: Get a $20 bonus reward with every $100 gift card purchase made online or in-restaurant through December 31, 2018. ", "Bonus card is redeemable from January 1, 2019 through February 28, 2019.", "\n\nRed Lobster: For every $50 you spend on gift cards, in-restaurant or online, you will receive a bonus card – good for $10 off on a future visit in the month of January.", "\n\nRed Robin: Get a $5 Bonus Buck reward with every $25 in gift cards you buy. ", "Bonus Buck reward is redeemable from January 1, 2019 through February 28, 2019 with a $5 or $10 minimum purchase.", "\n\nRuby Tuesday: Get a $15 bonus card with every $50 in gift cards you buy through December 31, 2018. ", "Bonus card is valid January 2, 2019 to March 5, 2019.", "\n\nTaco Bell: Taco Bell Offers Free $5 Bonus Card For Every $10 In Gift Cards Purchased Online through December 17, 2018. ", "Bonus gift cards must be redeemed by December 24, 2018.", "\n\nTaco John’s: Get a $5 bonus card when you buy $25 in gift cards.", "\n\nThe Coffee Bean: Get a $5 promo card for every $30 spent on gift cards through January 6, 2019. ", "Promo card is valid through February 6, 2019.", "\n\nImage – Chew Boom Mashup" ]
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[ "The interaction of poly(ethylenimine) with nucleic acids and its use in determination of nucleic acids based on light scattering.", "\nFor the first time, poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) was used to determine nucleic acids with a light scattering technique using a common spectrofluorometer. ", "The interaction of PEI with DNA results in greatly enhanced intensity of light scattering at 300 nm, which is caused by the formation of the big particles between DNA and PEI. ", "Based on this, a new quantitative method for nucleic acid determination in aqueous solutions has been developed. ", "Under the optimum conditions, the enhanced intensity of light scattering is proportional to the concentration of nucleic acid in the range of 0.01-10.0 microg ml(-1) for herring sperm DNA (hsDNA), 0.02-10.0 microg ml(-1) for calf thymus DNA (ctDNA), 0.02-20.0 microg ml(-1) for yeast RNA (yRNA). ", "The detection limits are 5.3, 9.9, and 13.7 ng ml(-1), respectively. ", "Synthetic samples were determined satisfactorily. ", "At the same time, the light scattering technique has been successfully used to obtain the information on the effects of pH and ionic strength on the formation and the stability of the DNA/PEI complex, which is important in some fields such as genetic engineering and gene transfer. ", "Using ethidium bromide (EB) as a fluorescent probe, the binding of PEI with hsDNA was studied. ", "Both the binding constant of EB with DNA and the number of binding sites per nucleotide decrease with increasing concentration of PEI, indicating noncompetitive inhibition of EB binding to DNA in the presence of PEI. ", "And the association constant of PEI to DNA obtained is 1.2 x 10(5) M(-1). ", "IR-spectra show that PEI interacts with DNA through both the phosphate groups and the bases of DNA and the formation of DNA/PEI complex may cause the change of the conformation of the DNA secondary structure, which is also proved by UV-spectra." ]
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[ "Two novel missense mutations in the cystathionine beta-synthase gene in homocystinuric patients.", "\nDirect sequencing of the coding region of the cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) gene in two homocystinuric patients revealed the presence of two novel missense mutations. ", "The first mutation, a 1111G-->A transition, resulted in the substitution of the evolutionary conserved valine-371 by a methionine residue (V371M) and created a new NlaIII restriction site. ", "The second mutation, a G-->A transition at base-pair 494, resulted in an amino acid change from cysteine to tyrosine (C165Y) and abolished a BsoFI restriction site. ", "Both mutations were found in a compound heterozygous state with the previously described 833T-->C transition." ]
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[ 0.0009637310286052525, 0.0006773581262677908, 0.0006429244531318545, 0.0007313622045330703, 0.0007588959997519851 ]
[ "Revision of failed open reduction of congenital dislocation of the hip.", "\nWe report a review of 33 hips (32 patients) which had required repeat open reduction for congenital dislocation of the hip. ", "They were followed up for a mean of 76 months (36 to 132). ", "Factors predisposing to failure of the initial open reduction were simultaneous femoral or pelvic osteotomy, inadequate inferior capsular release, and inadequate capsulorrhaphy. ", "Avascular necrosis had developed in more than half the hips, usually before the final open reduction. ", "At review, 11 of the hips (one-third) were in Severin grade 3 or worse; five had significant symptoms and only ten were asymptomatic and radiographically normal. ", "Once redisplacement has occurred after primary open reduction, attempts to reduce the head by closed means or by pelvic or femoral osteotomy are usually unsuccessful and a further open reduction is necessary." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0009960747556760907, 0.0006427547778002918, 0.0005604185280390084, 0.010167229920625687, 0.0007001464255154133, 0.0007387413643300533, 0.0022104354575276375 ]
[ "Create ad campaigns, strategies and more!", "\n\nPlus, Bonus FREE Ebook, “How to get a job in the field of your dreams”. ", "Enter job preferences below, and click on the button to access all Advertising Jobs now!.", "\n\n\n\nCountry\n\nChoose Country Australia Canada France India Italy United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States\n\nCity\n\nChoose City Albany, New York, United States Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States Atlanta, Georgia, United States Austin, Texas, United States Baltimore, Maryland, United States Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States Birmingham, Alabama, United States Boston, Massachusetts, United States Burbank, California, United States Charleston, South Carolina, United States Charlotte, North Carolina, United States Chicago, Illinois, United States Chico, California, United States Cincinnati, Ohio, United States Dallas/Ft.", "Worth, Texas, United States Denver, Colorado, United States Emeryville, California, United States Evansville, Indiana, United States Fairfield, Connecticut, United States Hartford, Connecticut, United States Houston, Texas, United States Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Los Angeles, California, United States Memphis, Tennessee, United States Mill Valley, California, United States Nashville, Tennessee, United States New Orleans, Louisiana, United States New York, New York, United States Norfolk, Virginia, United States Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Phoenix, Arizona, United States Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, United States Salt Lake City, Utah, United States San Diego, California, United States San Francisco, California, United States Seattle, Washington, United States Solana Beach, California, United States Springfield, Massachusetts, United States Tampa, Florida, United States Woodbridge Township, New Jersey, United States\n\nCategory\n\nChoose Category Account Executive/Manager Ad Designer Advertising Advertising Co-ordinator Art Director Artist/Creator Graphic Design Management Marketing Media Online Advertising Production Public Relations Sales Web Design Writing\n\nExperience\n\nChoose Experience Internship 0-1 Entry Level 1-3 Junior Level 3-5 Mid Level 6+ Senior Level\n\nEmail\n\n\n\nWe Value Your Privacy\n\nBy signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and agree to receive important email communications\n\n\n\nSee our reviews" ]
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[ "The agency will mull whether to allow beach bars and related structures - especially popular in Atlantic City - to remain in place year-round. ", "A business now may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to build an oceanfront bar that must be dismantled after Labor Day." ]
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[ "Science Fiction Romance Brigade Presents: Homecoming\n\nClick on the logo above for information on the Science Fiction Romance Brigade Presents and a list of links to this week’s posts.", "\n\nI’m continuing with a passage from Homecoming, my first published book. ", "Marna, preparing to meet the last surviving male of her species, has just realized that Humans have the appearance of being “in heat” all the time.", "\n\nWhat effect would living with such a species have had on Lai? ", "Marna glanced down at her own narrow-hipped, breastless body, then looked cross-eyed at a strand of wet hair hanging in front of her eyes. ", "Since that first visit to the city, she had simply lopped off strands of hair that got in her way. ", "There was a mirror in the personal care room, but it had been a long time since she had used it for anything but checking for dirt smudges. ", "If the only male of her species was coming to meet her that afternoon, perhaps she ought at least to even up her hair and find something to wear that was a little more flattering than her usual shorts and ragged tunic. ", "She lay back in the scented water, trying not to think, until Cinda finished her gathering. ", "Then she followed the young Human to the house, where she found herself telling the girl how to use her cooking equipment." ]
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[ 0.0005965086747892201, 0.000595857563894242, 0.0032389608677476645, 0.0013707508333027363, 0.09814661741256714, 0.00897618941962719, 0.0014862889656797051, 0.010915153659880161, 0.0010757247218862176, 0.0009986241348087788 ]
[ "The quantum computing era is coming… fast\n\nA D-Wave 2X quantum computer in the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Nasa’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. ", "Photograph: Stephen Lam/Reuters ‘The world is not only queerer than we suppose,” said JBS Haldane. “", "It is queerer than we can suppose.” ", "Haldane was a biologist and something of a polymath (Peter Medawar, himself a Nobel laureate, described him as “the cleverest man I ever knew”), and whenever I read anything about quantum mechanics, it’s Haldane’s aphorism that comes to mind. ", "Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that studies what goes on inside atoms. ", "It is not for the faint-hearted, not least because it teaches you that everything you know about the physical, tactile world is wrong. “", "Our imagination is stretched to the utmost,” the great physicist Richard Feynman…" ]
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[ 0.0006509408704005182, 0.003955386579036713, 0.010668659582734108, 0.005336622707545757, 0.0007360380841419101, 0.002291040262207389, 0.0005812490126118064 ]
[ "Richard Carl Ntiru\n\nRichard Carl Ntiru (born 1946) is a Ugandan poet and editor. ", "His only collection of poetry is Tensions (1971), which is rich in imagery reminiscent of the poetry of Christopher Okigbo and Paul Ndu. ", "Ntiru deals with issues of contemporary East Africa and while he acknowledges other poets in other literatures, he consciously explores the divisions within human society and critiques his society's attitudes towards the unfortunate. ", "Apart from poetry he has also written a radio play and short stories, and his poems \"If it is true\", and \"The miniskirt\" are included in The Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry (1999).", "\n\nEarly life and education\nRichard Ntiru was born near Kisoro in Kigezi District, in south-western Uganda. ", "He was educated at Ntare School in Mbarara. ", "In 1968, he joined Makerere University college where he studied English and edited the university magazine, The Makererean, as well as the campus journal of creative writing, Pen point. ", "He also managed the Makerere travelling theatre. ", "For many years, Ntiru worked as an editor with publishing companies and research organisations in East Africa, including the now defunct East African Publishing House.", "\n\nPublished works\n\nPoetry collection\n\nPoems\n\"The miniskirt\" and \"If it is true\",in \n\"Modena\", \"The pauper\", \"To the living\" and \"Virgine Madre\",in \n \"First rains\", in Zuka 1–4 (Oxford University Press) 1967.", "\n \"Introduction\"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:1946 births\nCategory:20th-century Ugandan poets\nCategory:Ugandan writers\nCategory:Makerere University alumni\nCategory:Ugandan male poets\nCategory:20th-century male writers" ]
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[ "It’s the Happy New Year edition of the Duke basketball recruiting roundup. ", "The Duke basketball team got 2017 started with an impressive performance in a 110-57 victory over Georgia Tech on Wednesdday night and now the Blue Devils will try to keep the momentum going while Mike Krzyzewski is away from the team as he recovers from back surgery.", "\n\nOn the recruiting trail, there are quite a few stories from the past week related to Duke’s commitments and top targets.", "\n\nHere are some of the biggest headlines.", "\n\nMarvin Bagley III on His Motivation to be the Best\n\nAs the top ranked player in the class of 2018, junior forward Marvin Bagley III already has a target on his back. ", "The 6’10” forward from Arizona is the main reason his Sierra Canyon team is one of the best in the country, and Bagley recently discussed his motivation to be the best player in his class, or any other class. ", "Bagley faces stiff competition in his class, particularly from Zion Williamson. ", "Both players are being recruited by Duke.", "\n\nHighlight Video of Trevon Duval at City of Palms\n\nBallislife has a new video out showcasing 2017 5-star point guard Trevon Duval in his recent performance at the City of Palms event. ", "Duval led his IMG Academy team to a strong showing in the tournament and showed why he’s the top ranked point guard in the class of 2017. ", "The 6’3”, 175-pounder is Duke’s top target at the point guard position for this season’s recruiting class and the Blue Devils are considered the favorite to get him.", "\n\nWendell Carter & Gary Trent Confident in Jeff Capel\n\nDuke is in good hands with Jeff Capel while Mike Krzyzewski is out, according to 2017 commits Gary Trent and Wendell Carter. ", "In a piece by Jason Jordan of USA Today, both 5-star recruits talk about their confidence in Coach Capel and his ability to lead the team during Coach K’s absence. ", "Capel, known as arguably the best recruiter in college basketball, is highly regarded by Carter and Trent, which isn’t surprising considering he was the lead recruiter for both players.", "\n\nKevin Knox to Visit FSU this Weekend\n\nDuke target Kevin Knox is in Tallahassee this weekend for his official visit to Florida State. ", "The 5-star forward is Duke’s top target for the wing position in the class of 2017 and he’s one of the most versatile players in the country. ", "The Blue Devils face stiff competition in FSU, which is where both of his parents attended and played college sports. ", "Knox is also considering North Carolina and Kentucky.", "\n\nProfile of 2018 PG Darius Garland\n\nThis feature in The Tennessean offers Duke fans the opportunity to get to know more about Darius Garland, a 5-star guard in the 2018 class who holds an offer from the Blue Devils. ", "Garland is the top ranked point guard in the class in the 247Sports Composite and Duke is the heavy favorite to land him for its class of 2018. ", "The article focuses on how Garland has worked to improve every aspect of his game and how he has helped Brentwood Academy become a dominant power in Tennessee high school basketball.", "\n\nNew Blog Post by Zion Williamson\n\n2018 5-star forward Zion Williamson has a new post up on his Iron Lion Zion blog on USA Today. ", "The freakishly athletic forward doesn’t offer much in terms of his recruitment, other than that he’s picked up recent offers from Kansas and Louisville, which he can add to his growing list of offers that includes Duke. ", "Williamson doesn’t name specific schools but mentions he intends to take some visits to schools near him in the next couple months and then check out some West Coast schools during the summer.", "\n\n____________\n\nThanks for reading this week’s recruiting roundup! ", "Here’s to hoping 2017 is another awesome year for the Duke recruiting machine!" ]
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[ "Now that the UK has voted to leave the European Union, British businesses are wondering how they will maintain the benefits of trade as a member of the massive, tariff-free single market of the EU.", "\n\nEstonia has just the thing: join its e-residency program.", "\n\nSet up in 2014, the program was meant to give Estonia, the small former Soviet republic on the Baltic sea that joined the EU in 2004, an edge in attracting business. ", "Once you become an e-resident, you can set up an Estonian company online in a day, administer it remotely, and sign all documents digitally. ", "The tax on retained profits is 0%.", "\n\nSince the Brexit vote, the number of UK residents applying for the program has increased by a factor of 10, according to Kaspar Korjus, managing partner of the e-residency project. ", "In the week after the referendum, there were 70 applications from the UK, he said. ", "Fintech executives and firms are particularly keen, because “they want an EU entity for passporting and the euro to avoid currency fluctuations,” Korjus adds.", "\n\nAs interest in the program surged, the country decided to create a landing page aimed at the UK: howtostayin.eu.", "\n\nSo far, the program has attracted applications for around 12,000 e-residencies and 1,000 companies, from 135 different countries. ", "According to an appropriately high-tech dashboard, 88% of e-residents are men and the most popular types of companies are consultancies and computer programming firms.", "\n\nEstonia is fast becoming the tech darling of Europe. ", "In 1991 only half of the country had a phone, but according to Wired:\n\n…by 1997, 97% of Estonian schools were online. ", "In 2000, cabinet meetings went paperless. ", "By 2002, the government had built a free Wi-Fi network that covered most of the populated areas. ", "By 2007, it had introduced e-voting, and by 2012 huge amounts of fibre-optic cabling were being laid — promising ultra-high-speed data connections — and 94 per cent of the country’s tax returns were being made online.", "\n\nThe country insists the set up is not a giant tax-evasion scheme. ", "E-residents and companies are expected to pay tax on earnings in the countries where they are generated, and the Estonian government is committed to sharing all the necessary details with those countries’ tax authorities.", "\n\nWhat Estonia hopes to get from all this, apart from a bit of an identity boost, is the banking and advisory business that companies often need to administer their affairs. ", "The country will attract companies in the first place ”on the basis of the quality of its user interface,” according to Ben Hammersley, writing in Wired. ", "Although ease-of-use was the original pitch for the e-residency program, it may get a big boost as a convenient backdoor for Brits worried about missing out after Brexit." ]
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[ "using Dev2.Common.", "Interfaces.", "Search;\nusing Dev2.Common.", "Search;\nusing Dev2.Studio.", "Interfaces;\nusing Microsoft.", "VisualStudio.", "TestTools.", "UnitTesting;\nusing Moq;\nusing System;\n\nnamespace Warewolf.", "Studio.", "ViewModels.", "Tests.", "Search\n{\n [TestClass]\n public class SearchValueTests\n {\n [TestMethod,Timeout(60000)]\n [Owner(\"Pieter Terblanche\")]\n public void SearchValue_OpenResourced_WorkflowType()\n {\n //------------Setup for test--------------------------\n var _resId = Guid.", "NewGuid();\n var _name = \"workflowName\";\n var _path = \"resourcePath\";\n var _match = \"Input\";\n var searchValue = CreateSearchValue(_resId, _name, _path, _match);\n\n Assert.", "AreEqual(SearchItemType.", "WorkflowName, searchValue.", "Type);\n }\n\n [TestMethod,Timeout(60000)]\n [Owner(\"Pieter Terblanche\")]\n public void SearchValue_OpenResourced_TestType()\n {\n //------------Setup for test--------------------------\n var _resId = Guid.", "NewGuid();\n var _name = \"workflowName\";\n var _path = \"resourcePath\";\n var _match = \"Input\";\n var searchValue = CreateSearchValue(_resId, _name, _path, _match);\n searchValue.", "Type = SearchItemType.", "TestName;\n\n Assert.", "AreEqual(SearchItemType.", "TestName, searchValue.", "Type);\n }\n\n private static SearchResult CreateSearchValue(Guid _resId, string _name = null, string _path = null, string _match = null)\n {\n var _selectedEnvironment = new Mock<IEnvironmentViewModel>();\n _selectedEnvironment.", "Setup(p => p.DisplayName).Returns(\"someResName\");\n\n return new SearchResult(_resId, _name, _path, SearchItemType.", "WorkflowName, _match);\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "---\ntitle: Model Zoo\n---\n# Caffe Model Zoo\n\nLots of researchers and engineers have made Caffe models for different tasks with all kinds of architectures and data.", "\nThese models are learned and applied for problems ranging from simple regression, to large-scale visual classification, to Siamese networks for image similarity, to speech and robotics applications.", "\n\nTo help share these models, we introduce the model zoo framework:\n\n- A standard format for packaging Caffe model info.", "\n- Tools to upload/download model info to/from Github Gists, and to download trained `.caffemodel` binaries.", "\n- A central wiki page for sharing model info Gists.", "\n\n## Where to get trained models\n\nFirst of all, we bundle BVLC-trained models for unrestricted, out of the box use.", "\n<br>\nSee the [BVLC model license](#bvlc-model-license) for details.", "\nEach one of these can be downloaded by running `scripts/download_model_binary.py <dirname>` where `<dirname>` is specified below:\n\n- **BVLC Reference CaffeNet** in `models/bvlc_reference_caffenet`: AlexNet trained on ILSVRC 2012, with a minor variation from the version as described in [ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks) by Krizhevsky et al. ", "in NIPS 2012. (", "Trained by Jeff Donahue @jeffdonahue)\n- **BVLC AlexNet** in `models/bvlc_alexnet`: AlexNet trained on ILSVRC 2012, almost exactly as described in [ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks) by Krizhevsky et al. ", "in NIPS 2012. (", "Trained by Evan Shelhamer @shelhamer)\n- **BVLC Reference R-CNN ILSVRC-2013** in `models/bvlc_reference_rcnn_ilsvrc13`: pure Caffe implementation of [R-CNN](https://github.com/rbgirshick/rcnn) as described by Girshick et al. ", "in CVPR 2014. (", "Trained by Ross Girshick @rbgirshick)\n- **BVLC GoogLeNet** in `models/bvlc_googlenet`: GoogLeNet trained on ILSVRC 2012, almost exactly as described in [Going Deeper with Convolutions](http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.4842) by Szegedy et al. ", "in ILSVRC 2014. (", "Trained by Sergio Guadarrama @sguada)\n\n**Community models** made by Caffe users are posted to a publicly editable [wiki page](https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Model-Zoo).", "\nThese models are subject to conditions of their respective authors such as citation and license.", "\nThank you for sharing your models!", "\n\n## Model info format\n\nA caffe model is distributed as a directory containing:\n\n- Solver/model prototxt(s)\n- `readme.md` containing\n - YAML frontmatter\n - Caffe version used to train this model (tagged release or commit hash).", "\n - [optional] file URL and SHA1 of the trained `.caffemodel`.", "\n - [optional] github gist id.\n - Information about what data the model was trained on, modeling choices, etc.", "\n - License information.", "\n- [optional] Other helpful scripts.", "\n\n### Hosting model info\n\nGithub Gist is a good format for model info distribution because it can contain multiple files, is versionable, and has in-browser syntax highlighting and markdown rendering.", "\n\n`scripts/upload_model_to_gist.sh <dirname>` uploads non-binary files in the model directory as a Github Gist and prints the Gist ID. ", "If `gist_id` is already part of the `<dirname>/readme.md` frontmatter, then updates existing Gist.", "\n\nTry doing `scripts/upload_model_to_gist.sh models/bvlc_alexnet` to test the uploading (don't forget to delete the uploaded gist afterward).", "\n\nDownloading model info is done just as easily with `scripts/download_model_from_gist.sh <gist_id> <dirname>`.", "\n\n### Hosting trained models\n\nIt is up to the user where to host the `.caffemodel` file.", "\nWe host our BVLC-provided models on our own server.", "\nDropbox also works fine (tip: make sure that `?", "dl=1` is appended to the end of the URL).", "\n\n`scripts/download_model_binary.py <dirname>` downloads the `.caffemodel` from the URL specified in the `<dirname>/readme.md` frontmatter and confirms SHA1.", "\n\n## BVLC model license\n\nThe Caffe models bundled by the BVLC are released for unrestricted use.", "\n\nThese models are trained on data from the [ImageNet project](http://www.image-net.org/) and training data includes internet photos that may be subject to copyright.", "\n\nOur present understanding as researchers is that there is no restriction placed on the open release of these learned model weights, since none of the original images are distributed in whole or in part.", "\nTo the extent that the interpretation arises that weights are derivative works of the original copyright holder and they assert such a copyright, UC Berkeley makes no representations as to what use is allowed other than to consider our present release in the spirit of fair use in the academic mission of the university to disseminate knowledge and tools as broadly as possible without restriction.", "\n" ]
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[ "Hillary Clinton has emerged from, in her own words, “taking selfies in the woods” to embrace the latest Democratic excuse for her election loss: so-called fake news.", "\n\nThe latest, that is, in a growing list of scapegoats that so far includes FBI Director James Comey, Russian interference, Anthony Weiner’s cellphone, Fox News and the alt-right.", "\n\nIt includes everything, in fact, save the most obvious reason she lost: She was a lousy candidate who ran a lousy campaign.", "\n\nNow, Clinton didn’t explicitly blame what she denounced as the “epidemic” of fake news for Donald Trump’s victory.", "\n\nSpeaking at a retirement ceremony for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, she seemed to be referring mostly to the now-famous incident in which a man brought a gun to a pizza parlor after reading online that it was the center of a pedophilia ring.", "\n\nBut she also denounced “foreign propaganda” (see above) and called on Congress to “protect our democracy” — which sure sound like election references.", "\n\nFake news and conspiracy theories have long been with us, sadly enough, and always will — all the more so now, thanks to social media. ", "But Hillary Clinton was hardly a special target.", "\n\nThink back to Dan Rather’s doctored memos targeting George W. Bush. ", "For that matter, what about Clinton’s own claim — initially parroted by most news outlets — that the deadly terrorist attack in Benghazi was triggered by an Internet video?", "\n\nBesides, as Trump’s former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, noted, the biggest fake news of all turned out to be the drumbeat from nearly all major media that Trump could never be elected.", "\n\nWe’re not surprised Clinton still can’t accept the fact she lost — and to Trump, of all people. ", "But there were a lot of reasons for that, and phony stories played at most a tiny part.", "\n\nAs Conway notes: “A little self-awareness would do for a team that is blaming everyone but themselves.”" ]
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[ "Recommended Posts\n\nI started a thread about this chap - Hamza Ali - when it was first reported that he had exposed himself in a residential shopping centre in the West of Swansea.", "\n\nHowever, as I was unprepared for his defence plea, I think it deserves its own newer thread.", "\n\nApparently he was trying to replicate bits - no pun intended - from a pornographic film. ", "Despite the magistrates being concerned by his “total lack of remorse or understanding” about the seriousness of what he had done and the impact on his vulnerable victims, they sentenced him to just 15 weeks in prison sentenced for 2 years.", "\n\nWanted to become a copper.", "\nhttps://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4496212/student-sophie-pointon-jailed-false-taxi-sexual-assault-claim-first-pics/\nLook at her photos. ", "The obligatory selfie in the mirror wearing some kind of onesie." ]
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[ "The BBC’s political editor inaccurately reported Jeremy Corbyn’s views about shoot-to-kill policies in the aftermath of the terror attacks in Paris, according to the BBC Trust.", "\n\nThe broadcaster’s regulator concluded that a Laura Kuenssberg report for the News at Six in November 2015 breached the broadcaster’s impartiality and accuracy guidelines, in a ruling that triggered an angry response from the corporation’s director of news.", "\n\nThe News at Six item included a clip of the Labour leader stating: “I am not happy with a shoot-to-kill policy in general. ", "I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often be counterproductive.”", "\n\n\n\nKuenssberg had presented that as Corbyn’s response to a question put to him on whether he would be “happy for British officers to pull the trigger in the event of a Paris-style attack”, but the Trust concluded that Corbyn had been speaking in a different context.", "\n\nThe Labour leader had been responding to a question asking whether he would be happy to order police or military “to shoot to kill” on Britain’s streets – and not specifically regarding a Paris-style attack in the UK.", "\n\nIn response to an earlier question specifically about the use of the security services in the event of a terrorist attack in London, which was not used in the programme, Corbyn had replied: “Of course you’d bring people on to the streets to prevent and ensure there is safety within our society, much better that’s done by the police than security services, much better we have strong and effective community policing, neighbourhood policing and a cohesive society that brings people together.”", "\n\nLaura Kuenssberg’s interview with Jeremy Corbyn before it was edited for the News at Six\n\nThe complainant, who is not named, but is neither Corbyn nor “anyone on his behalf”, said that the news report misrepresented the Labour leader’s views on the use of lethal force and that it had wrongly suggested he was against the additional security measures which the item had said the government was proposing.", "\n\nThe Trust found that the inaccuracy was “compounded” when Kuenssberg went on to state that Corbyn’s message “couldn’t be more different” to that of the prime minister, who was about to publish anti-terrorism proposals.", "\n\nThe Trust agreed with the complainant, pointing out accuracy in any one programme rather than the entire output was particularly important when dealing “with a critical question at a time of extreme national concern”.", "\n\n“According to this high standard, the report had not been duly accurate in how it framed the extract it used from Mr Corbyn’s interview,” it said.", "\n\nIn its finding the Trust also said that there was no evidence of bias or of intent on the part of the senior BBC journalist, however.", "\n\nJames Harding, the director of BBC news, rejected the Trust’s ruling and called Kuenssberg “an outstanding journalist and political editor with the utmost integrity and professionalism”.", "\n\n“While we respect the Trust and the people who work there, we disagree with this finding,” he said. “", "BBC News reported on the leader of the opposition in the same way it would any other politician.", "\n\n“It is striking that the Trust itself said there was ‘no evidence of bias’. ", "Indeed, it also said the news report was ‘compiled in good faith’.", "\n\n“The process is now concluded and BBC News formally notes the Trust’s finding.”", "\n\nOne BBC source said the ruling, possibly the last on a major issue for the soon-to-be disbanded regulator, had caused “lots of consternation in the newsroom”.", "\n\nThe BBC had published the entire transcript of the interview earlier the same day, which, it had argued, made the context clear. ", "The added that the complaint had been rejected on four separate occasions before the Trust’s final ruling.", "\n\nKuenssberg, named journalist of the year by the Press Gazette in November, has often received hostility from Corbyn supporters, who have also clashed with other members of the mainstream media some regard as unsympathetic.", "\n\nFrom the beginning of April, the Trust will be disbanded and its responsibilities to judge impartiality, accuracy and bias will transfer to the media regulator Ofcom.", "\n\nThe only sanction from rulings made by the Trust is that of publication." ]
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[ "TheFalse RevivalsofThe Enemies of our Covenanted Reformation:Being a Scriptural Examination of theWork of Satanical DelusionPromoted by George Whitefield,Jonathan Edwards, James Robe,Gilbert Tennent, and others.", "\n\nOriginally Titled:\n\nAR E V I E WOF THEPreface to a NarrativeOF THE\n\nExtraordinary WORK\nat Kilsyth, and other Congregations in\nthe Neigh- bourhood, written by the\nReverend Mr. JAMES\nROBE, Minister at Kilsyth:\n\nW H E R E I N,\n\nThe N A T U R E\nof the Extraordinary Work, and the PRINCIPLES\nof the PROMOTERS\nthereof are discovered from\nthe said PREFACE\nand other Papers lately\npublished; and like- wise the ADDRESS\nto the Brethren of the Associate Presbytery,\nanent their late Acts for a publick Fast, is considered.", "\n\nBy JAMES FISHERMinister of the Gospel in the Associate Congregationat GLASGOW.", "\n\nEzek. ", "xiii. ", "6. ", "They have seen Vanity, and\na lying Divination, saying, The Lord\nsaith; and the Lord hath not sent\nthem: And they have made others\nto hope, that they would confirm the\nWord.", "Ver. ", "7. ", "Have ye not seen a\nvain Vision, and have ye not spoken a lying\nDivination, whereas ye say, The Lord saith\nit, albeit I have not spoken?Ver. ", "8. ", "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Because\nye have spoken Vanity,\nand seen Lies, therefore behold, I am against you, saith the Lord God.", "John v. 44. ", "How can ye believe\nwhich receive Honour one of a- nother?", "\n\nG L A S G O WPrinted for JOHN BRYCE,\nand sold by him at theGallowgate Printing-House; and by PATRICK\nBRYCE, at his Shop above the Cross.", "\n1742.", "\n\nAREVIEW, &c.\n\nSEVERALPapers having been\nlately published in Favours of what is called an extraordinary Work\nat Cambuslang, Kilsyth, and other Places, it was worth no Man's\nPains to take Notice of such of them, whose Authors were ashamed\nto come from behind the Curtain; for I am persuaded, that no Man of common\nSense will regard these Reflections upon any Set of Men, which the Author\nhimself is afraid to own.", "\n\nIt is well known, from sad Experience, that when once\na People are, in the righteous Judgment of God, given up to strong Delusion,\nto believe a Lie, reasoning with them is entirely needless: They\nwill be Proof against the strongest Arguments from Scripture or Reason,\ntill such Time as the Captain of Salvation overcome the strong Man\nwithin them, and spoil him of his Armour wherein he trusted; and\ntherefore I had once some Thoughts of acquiescing in a doctrinal Testimony\nto my Hearers, as Occasion offered, and not to have appeared in the Press\nupon this awful Subject; but when I observed that the Preface written\nby Mr. Robe, and other Papers lately published, were leveled\ndirectly against the whole of our Reformation Principles, and yet in such\na Manner, as that the Minds of some might thereby be corrupted\nfrom the simplicity that {4} is in Christ, I judged it my Duty,\nto contribute my Mite for vindicating present Truth, and contending\nfor the Faith once delivered to the Saints, especially when the\nsaid Preface, and other Papers of the like Nature, are so\ncurrent in the Place and Country where adorable Providence has ordered\nmy Lot.", "\n\nIf Mr. Robe and others had contented themselves\nwith giving their own private Opinion anent the alledged Goodness of that\nWork, perhaps few, if any, would have much regarded it. ", "But when they set\nup their extraordinary Work, in Opposition to the whole Work of\nGod, which he has wrought for us in these Lands; when Mr. Robe particularly\nchallenges the late Act of the Associate Presbytery, anent a publick\nFast, as \"Full of great swelling Words, altogether void of the Spirit of\nthe meek and lowly Jesus, and the most Heaven-daring Paper that hath been\npublished by any Set of Men in Britain these hundred Years past,\" he lays\nsome one or other of the Brethren under some Kind of Necessity to\nreview the Grounds of his bold Assertion; especially if it is considered,\nthat, when finding Fault with the Presbytery, for charging the Promoters\nof this Work, with pleading for a boundless Toleration and Liberty of Conscience,\nhe says, \"I know none of my Brethren ever did it, and I am so far conscious\nof my Innocency, that I insist upon making your Charge good, if you do\nnot, as I am sure you cannot,—you have given Reason to the World to reckon\nyou Slanderers.\" ", "A Slanderer is a very odious Character; however,\nif the Charge of lax and boundless Toleration Principles is made good against\nMr. Robe, and other Promoters of this Work, he has himself\nto blame, by giving such a rash Challenge, to make good what is abundantly\nnotour to the intelligent World.", "\n\nAs I am not afraid, that the bitter Calumnies which Mr.\nRobe is pleased to throw upon the Brethren will do them much Harm\namong the unprejudiced; so I should never have troubled the World, merely\n{5} with a Vindication of them from such Aspersions, well knowing, that\nthere have been Abundance of idle and ridiculous Stories handed about with\nthe greatest Confidence against them, especially since this Work began,\nwhereby it is lamentable, that the Father of Lies has got so much\nacceptable Service.", "\n\nBut it is the Dishonour done to God, and Injury to his\nCause, and the Apprehension that I have, that some may be blindfolded and\nhardened by Mr. Robe's Performance, that Induced me to take any\nNotice of it: And, in the Review thereof, I shall, First,\nexamine the Evidence that Mr. Robe adduces for the Proof\nof what he calls an Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God, and\nthen shall enquire into the Principles of the Promoters of\nthis Work, especially with Reference to a boundless Toleration and\nLiberty of Conscience. ", "And, Lastly, To consider his Address\nto the Brethren of the Associate Presbytery, anent their late Act\nfor a publick Fast. ", "Under which three Heads the Substance of the Preface\nmay be comprised; and I hope the Reader shall find, that what shall be\nsaid, is written with the Spirit of Meekness.", "\n\nNo Work can be reckoned extraordinary, but\nwhat manifests itself to be so by extraordinary Signs and Evidences;\nsince therefore Mr. Robe is pleased to call the Work at Kilsyth,\nand other Congregations in the Neighbourhood, an extraordinary Work\nof the Spirit of God, it is reasonable to expect, that he should have\nmentioned some extraordinary Scripture Evidences attending this\nWork, which would manifest it to be indeed an extraordinary Work\nof the Spirit of God: But, instead of this, the only extraordinary\nEvidence he gives, is as follows, Preface, Page 6th, 7th, \"This\nWork so extraordinary upon the Souls of many in these Congregations (meaning\nKilsyth, and other Congregations in the Neighbourhood) is the same\nwith that at Cambuslang; the Method of the Spirit's Operation is alike\nin all these-Congregations and the Effects of it upon the Bodies\nof the Awakened, {6} which have not been so common at other Times, are\nalso much the same. ", "The Bodies of some of the Awakened are seized with\nTrembling, Fainting, Hystrisms in some few Women, and with Convulsive\nMotions in some others:\" Or, as he expresses it, Page 8th, \"Faintings,\nHysteric-fits, Convulsions, bodily Agonies, and Strugglings.\"", "\n\nMr. Robe acknowledges, Page 13th, \"That as these\nbodily Agitations are no Evidence of Persons being under any Operation\nof the Spirit of God, else all Persons under Convulsions, Cramps, Hystrisms,\n&c. would be such; so, upon the other Hand, they are no Evidence that\nthese thus affected are under a Spirit of Delusion.———Bodily Agitations\n(says he) considered in themselves, are no Symptoms of Persons being under\nthe Influence of a good or bad Spirit.\" ", "Yet, the most Part of his Preface\nis taken up in justifying bodily Agitations, which are indeed the only\nextraordinary Evidence I can find mentioned of this extraordinary Work.", "\nWhat is said in Vindication of these, shall be considered after I have\ntaken some Notice of the Original whereof the Work at Kilsyth\nis a Copy, for he says, it is the same with that at Cambuslang;\nConcerning which he tells us, Page 6th, \"This extraordinary Out-pouring\nof the Holy Spirit, whereby great Numbers of secure Sinners are awakened,\nand many of these converted and filled with Faith, and more than ordinary\nPeace and Joy in believing, appeared first—and continues at Cambuslang;\na well attested Narrative of this hath been published.\"", "\n\nA well attested Narrative of the real Work\nof Conversion upon the Souls of great Numbers, is indeed a bold Undertaking,\nespecially if the Number is condescended upon as Mr. M'Culloch\ntakes upon him to do, Weekly History, No. ", "27. ", "He mentions 200. ", "Hopefully\nconverted, and No. ", "30, They arise to the Number of 500, who he believes\nare savingly brought home to God, not including Counterfeits,\nand these {7} who have nothing but a Dread of Hell, of which Sort,\nhe says, There have been no great Numbers; and likewise not including\nthese that have been awakened by Means of Mr. Whitfield's Sermons\nin that Place; which is indeed a very circumstantial and daring\nAccount.", "\n\nThe Reason why a sober Man will scarce venture to attest\nthe real Conversion of Multitudes is obvious, because there are\nmany Hypocrites in the Visible Church, by whom all the outward Evidences\nof Grace may be so exactly counterfeited, that the most quick-sighted Christian\nmay mistake a Hypocrite for a true Believer; for tho' Believers may attain\nunto an Assurance of their own particular Interest in Christ, yet all the\nEvidence we have of the Conversion of another, being merely external,\nwe may, for the above Reason, be liable to manifold Mistakes, yet the internal\ndistinguishing Evidences are so plainly laid down in the Word, that none\nexamining themselves thereby, under the Influence of the Spirit\nof Truth, but will come to discern the real and wide Difference between\nHypocrisy and saving Grace.", "\n\nThere is no doubt, but all the true Lovers of Jesus would\nearnestly wish, there were many Thousands savingly converted, for every\none that is here alledged; but People are never in a more dangerous Condition,\nthan when they persuade themselves, and are strongly persuaded by others,\nthat they are converted, if in the mean Time they are in the Gall of\nBitterness still: Yea, tho' in the Judgment of Charity, we thought\nthem in a converted State, yet the safest Way would be, to put them upon\nexamining of themselves whether they be in the Faith. ", "Besides I\nfind the Ministers of Christ, who have been honoured of the Lord to be\nmost instrumental in convincing and converting Work, have been most\nself denied as to their own Instrumentality, that he who builds the\nTemple of the Lord may bear all the Glory. ", "The Apostle\nPeter was most successfully of any we read of at one Time, {8}\nActs 2.41, But does he send Letters to all the Countries round,\nto acquaint them, that such a Day, he had been instrumental in converting\n3000? ", "The Lord was pleased to send down a plentiful Rain of divine Influences,\nduring the Time of Mr. Livingston's Sermon, at the Kirk of Shots,\nbut, doth he proclaim it thro' all the World, that so many Hundreds were\nconverted at that Time by his Means? ", "Nay, he draws a modest Vail over it\nin the History of his Life. ", "They who did not preach themselves,\nbut Christ Jesus the Lord, were not acquainted with this vain-glorious\nWay of dunning the World with the Number of their Converts.", "\n\nWith respect to the Work at Cambuslang,\nafter which that at Kilsyth is so exactly copied, all that\nthe well attested Narrative says of it, amounts to these three Heads,\n(1.) \"", "That it came after such Preparatives, as an extensive Concern about\nReligion gradually increasing, together with extraordinary fervent Prayer\nin large Meetings, particularly relating to the Success of the Gospel,\"\nthat is, the Work at Cambuslang, according to their own Account\nof it, was produced by their extraordinary fervent Desires of the Success\nof the Work abroad, whereof Mr. Whitefield was the chief\nHuman Instrument, and to be sharers of the same very Spirit. (", "2.)", "\nAfter the Work was thus produced, the Narrative does not determine the\nState of the Persons, so exactly, as Mr. Robe doth, namely,\nthat they are really converted and filled with Faith, it\nonly says, Page 6, That they were awakened to a deep Concern\nabout Salvation, and gave a good Account to Ministers and others of\ntheir Convictions, and Outgate, which many may do, without any saving Change\nwrought upon their Hearts; Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord,\nshall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doth the Will of my\nFather which is in Heaven; by their Fruits ye shall know them. (", "3.)", "\nThe good Fruits mentioned by the Narrative, Page 7, are outward\n{9} Reformation, in laying aside cursing, swearing, and Drunkenness; Confession\nof Injustice in the discharge of relative Duties, Restitution, cleaving\nto their own Ministers, and attending Ordinances dispensed by them (which\nis a leading Mark) setting about Family and social Prayer, and desirable\nEvidences of fervent Love, to one another, to all Men, and even to these\nwho speak Evil of them. ", "What desirable Evidences they give of Love to some\nMen, particularly the Seceders, will be afterwards considered; in\nthe mean Time, the above Fruits, either separately, or taken together,\nwill not be a sufficient Proof of a saving Work of Grace upon the Soul;\nfor it is well known, that Herod reformed in many Things; Judas\nconfessed Injustice and made Restitution; they may prophesy in\nChrist's Name, and do many wonderful Works, to whom he will\nprofess, I never knew you, Matt. ", "7.22,23. ", "So that if the Work\nat Kilsyth, be exactly the same, with that at Cambuslang,\nit amounts to no more than this, That it was produced, by commending\nMr. Whitefield and his Success, has made some People to talk a great\ndeal about Convictions and seeming Out-gate, attended with a partial Reformation\nfrom some grosser Vices, and the Practice for a Time, of some moral and\nreligious Duties: All which, has nothing extraordinary in it all,\nexcepting, that upon such a slender Foundation, Multitudes of poor\nPeople should persuade themselves, that they are sure of Heaven, and so,\nif Mercy prevent not, may come to die with a Lie in their Right-hand. ", "And\nif there be any Thing extraordinary in Numbers; if Multitudes before\nentertained vain Hopes of Heaven, and now have such a presumptuous\nPersuasion of it, that they will not so much as allow their Conversion\nto be suspected, I leave it to everybody to judge, whether their State\nand Condition is a whit bettered.", "\n\nFrom all which it appears, that, abstracting from the\nrighteous Judgment of God, there is nothing extraordinary in this\nWork, so far as is yet publicly {10} owned by the Promoters thereof,\nexcepting the extraordinary bodily Exercise that attends it, namely,\n(according to Mr. Robe's own Words,) \"Faintings, Hysteric-Fits,\nConvulsions, bodily Agonies and Strugglings.\" ", "These he labours by all Means\nto reconcile with a Work of the Spirit of God, and in order thereto, he\ntells us, Preface, Page 7, That, \"As there were the very same Appearances\n(i.e. the same bodily Agitations) accompanying such an Effusion\nof the Holy Spirit in some of our American Colonies, so the same\nObjections were made against them, which have been made against this Appearance\nof God amongst us.\" ", "And for a satisfying Answer to these Objections,\nhe refers them to a Sermon of Mr. Edward's, Minister at Northampton,\nin New-England, on the Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the\nSpirit of God.", "\n\nThis Pamphlet of Mr. Edward's is very highly\nextolled by the Promoters of this Work; Mr. Whitefield says,\nhe sent the first Copy of it to Scotland, and in the Postscript\nof his Letter to Mr. M'Culloch, Weekly History, No. ", "25, he says,\n\"There is a Sermon lately published by Mr. Edwards of Northampton\nin New-England, and printed in London, which I desire you\nand your Friends would have, and recommend most earnestly;\n'tis the best Thing of its Kind I ever saw; you would think the Author\nhad been at Cambuslang.\" ", "In Obedience to the above Order, Mr. Willison\nin his Preface to that Sermon, recommends it most earnestly,\nfor he calls it, \"A most excellent, solid, judicious, and scriptural Performance,—most\nuseful to the Church, for discerning a true and real Work of the Spirit\nof God.\" ", "And Messrs. Willison, Robe, and Whitefield, all\nconcur, in asserting, that Mr. Edwards has answered all the\ncommon Objections, that have been made against this Work, either at home\nor abroad; yea, Mr. Whitefield in his usual strong and unguarded\nWay, affirms, That he has answered all the Objections that any can\n{11} make against it. ", "But there are Hundreds, I hope, in\nScotland, to whom it is evident, that the Objections are so far\nfrom being removed, that the very Answers to them, are further\nObjections against the whole Work.", "\n\nThe above, and like warm Recommendations, have\nno doubt influenced some to take all for granted, that is said by\nMr. Edwards in his Sermon, as a sufficient Vindication of the Work;\nand there are others perhaps, who are still persuaded, that the Work\nis delusive, to whom the Fallacy of Mr. Edward's Reasoning,\nis not so obvious at first View.", "\n\nIt would require a Treatise by itself to follow\nthe Chain of Error, both in Philosophy and Divinity,\nthat runs thro' the whole of this Performance; only, because\nit is cried up, as the Standard-Piece of this Work; I shall\nendeavour to make it appear, that, whatever was the Intention of the Author,\nyet, the manifest Design of his Work, is to overthrow the very\nFoundation of Faith, and all practical Godliness, and to establish\nmere Enthusiasm, and strong Delusion, in the Room of the true\nReligion, revealed and required in the Word.", "\n\nI. The whole Scheme of Enthusiasm or Delusion,\nas built on this false Position, That we cannot think upon any Thing\ninvisible or spiritual, without some Degree of Imagination, or, that\nImages of spiritual Things must be represented to our Fancy,\nelse we can have no thought about them. ", "Accordingly, Mr. Edwards\ntells us, Edinburgh Edition, Page 26, \"Such is our Nature, that\nwe cannot think of Things invisible, without a Degree of Imagination. ", "I\ndare appeal (says he) to any Man of the greatest Powers of Mind, whether\nor no he is able to fix his Thoughts on God, or Christ, or the Things of\nanother World, without imaginary Ideas attending his Meditation.——And the\nmore engaged the Mind is, the more lively and strong, will the imaginary\nIdea ordinarily be.\" ", "Than which nothing can be more false and {12} absurd;\nfor it is certain, that no Object can enter the Imagination, but which\nwe have seen ourselves before, or has been represented to\nus by others, as visible or sensible: so that our Senses\nonly, can furnish the Imagination with Object. ", "Now to say, that we can\nhave no Thought or Perception of any Thing in the Understanding, unless\nwe have a sensible Representation of it in the Imagination, is the same\nas to say, that we can have no Conception of any Thing, but under a corporeal\nForm; and so, according to Mr. Edwards, we can have no Thought\nof God, without some visionary Form or Shape, represented\nto our Imagination, which is most gross and abominable, and was\nthe very first Rise of Idolatry in the World, Rom.", "\n1.21,23, They became vain in their Imaginations, and changed the Glory\nof the incorruptible God, into an Image made like unto corruptible Man,\nand to Birds, and fourfooted Beasts, and creeping Things; for it is\nplain, that they conceived vain Images of him in their Fancy,\nbefore they could set up idolatrous Representations of him, in their\nTemples.", "\n\nIt is true, the Spirit of God in Scripture, in Condescension\nto our Weakness, represents some of the communicable Perfections\nof God, under the Resemblance of some of the Members of the human\nBody, such as the Eye, the Ear, the Hand, and the\nFeet; not that we should form the least Imagination of any\nof these bodily Parts to be in God, but be led to a pure Conception of\nwhat is intended by these Metaphors. ", "Thus when we hear of an Eye\nascribed unto God, we ought to think of his Knowledge, when we read\nof his Arms and Hands, to think of his Power, and\nwhen Bowels are ascribed to him, to think of his Compassion.", "\nSo Christ is compared to the Sun, to a Vine, to a Rock,\nnot that we should form any Representation of Christ upon our Imagination\nby these Things, but only to think upon his personal and mediatorial\nExcellencies signified by these Similitudes. ", "Yea, it is so far from being\ntrue that we cannot fix our Thoughts on God, or Christ, without\n{13} imaginary Ideas, that if there be the least sensible visionary\nRepresentation of God or of Christ formed in our Imagination, we do that\nvery Moment think upon a false God and a false Christ. ", "Our\nSenses and Imagination cannot assist us at all, in thinking upon the Divine\nNature and Perfections. ", "What sensible Representation can be formed on the\nImagination of the Eternity, Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence\nof God? ", "We are infinitely removed from any Conception of the true God,\nwhen the least imaginary Idea of him cleaves to our Meditations. ", "Hence\nit follows, that the very reverse of what Mr. Edwards says is true,\nnamely, \"The more engaged the Mind is, the more lively and strong will\nthe imaginary Idea be.\" ", "I say, the very reverse of this is true,\nfor the more engaged the Mind is upon any spiritual Object, the more divested\nwill it be, of all imaginary Ideas; Yea, there will be no\nimaginary Ideas cleaving to the Thought at all; for Instance, In the Act\nof Believing, or receiving Christ, as revealed and exhibited in the\nGospel-Promise, I suppose the Mind is as deeply engaged, as in any other\nAct whatsoever, but there is not the least imaginary Idea, cleaving\nto that Act, for if there were the least sensible, or visionary\nRepresentation of Christ upon the Imagination, it would not be a believing\nand crediting the Record of God, but a seeing of a sensible\nObject. ", "And indeed this visionary Representation of invisible\nObjects in the Imagination, has been at the Bottom of all the Delusions,\nthat have ever hitherto taken Place in the World, and is the fertile\nSource of all satanical Imposture. ", "Accordingly we find,\n\nII. ", "That Mr. Edwards acknowledges, that this\nWork is begun by Representations of dreadful Objects\nupon the Imagination, which, after violent bodily Agitations, are succeeded\nby imaginary or visionary Representations, seemingly more agreeable,\nPage 54, \"These that are in such Extremity (viz. ", "of bodily\nAgony and Pain) very often have a lively Idea of {14} the horrible\nPit of eternal Misery, and at the same Time it appears to them,\nthat a great God who has them in his Hands, is exceeding Angry with\nthem, his Wrath appears amazingly terrible to them, God appearing to them\nso much provoked, and his Wrath so incensed, they are apprehensive of great\nDanger, that he will now forthwith cut them off, and send them down\nto the dreadful Pit they have in View.—Very many have an\nextraordinary Sense of their fully deserving that Wrath and Destruction,\nwhich is, N.B. Then in their Eyes.\" ", "The plain obvious Meaning of\nall this, is, They have a lively sensible Representation, carried\nin upon their Imaginations of material Flames, which they\napprehend to be the Flames of Hell-Fire, and, that the visionary\nRepresentation, may be as horrible and amazingly terrible, as the Cause\nof it can produce; their Bodies, at the same Time, are seized with\nviolent Agonies and Convulsions, (which is the Extremity\nMr. Edwards speaks of) in which Case, they cannot but apprehend,\nfrom a natural Consciousness of Guilt which Satan works up to Horror and\nDespair that they are just ready to drop into that dreadful Pit\nof Destruction, which, Mr. Edwards says, is then before their\nEyes; or, which is the same Thing, of which they have a visionary\nRepresentation.", "\n\nIf I had ventured to give such an Account as this, of\nthe Spring and Rise of what they call their Convictions,\nthey would be ready to call it in Question; but I suppose none will discredit\nthe Account, when it comes from Mr. Edwards, whom they set up as\na great Patron and Defender of this Work: And that\nI have given the true meaning of his Words, will further appear, from what\nhe says, Page 55, \"There have been some Instances very much like\nthese Demoniacs that we read of, Mark 1.26, chapter 9.26,\nof whom we read, that when Satan had cried with a loud Voice, and rent\nthem sore, he came out of them. ", "And probably (says he) the Instances\nwere designed for {15} a Type of such Things as these.\" ", "The Scripture\nAccount of the Demoniac spoken, Mark 9, compared with the\nparallel Places, amounts to this, Lo a spirit taketh him, and\nhe suddenly crieth out, and it tareth him, that he foameth and gnasheth\nwith his Teeth, and bruising him, he pineth away, and it hardly departeth\nfrom him. ", "Now, it is undeniable, that these Agitations and Convulsions\nspoken of in the Text, were the immediate Effects of a diabolical\nPossession; and since Mr. Edwards connects such bodily Agonies\nas these, with the Marks of the true spirit, it is no Wonder that\nhe falls into the terrible Blunder of making the Work of\nSatan TYPICAL of the Work of the Spirit of God;\nwhich, if I had Freedom to use his own Words, Page 63, \"Wants but one Thing\nof the unpardonable Sin, namely, his saying it against inward Conviction.\"", "\n\nIt is probable that the above Remark of Mr. Edwards,\nhas led Mr. Webster into a Thought, upon this Subject, equally\nextravagant, \"Letter,\" Page 32, \"Allowing (says he) that Satan, who\nno doubt is present at such Meetings of the Sons of God, was permitted\nto harass several Persons in this extraordinary Manner, it would\nno more prove the Work in general, Delusive or Diabolical,\nthan the Charge could be brought against our Saviour, and such as thro'\nhis Word believed on God, Satan being then permitted to tear Multitudes,\nand cast them down to the Ground.\" ", "As if Satan had been permitted\nto tear and cast down to the Ground, Multitudes of these, who, thro'\nthe Word of Christ, believed on God, which is the only Meaning his\nWords can bear, to make sense of them. ", "But neither Mr. Webster nor\nany for him, will be capable to make good, that our Saviour's Doctrine\nwas attended with such direful and gloomy SCENES,\nfor there is not the least mention of one, let be Multitudes\ncast down to the Ground and torn, at any of Christ's Sermons; the Demoniacs\n{16} were brought to him for a Cure, and it is plain Satan\nwas dispossessed, before any of them believed, and it is as plain\nthat they were never torn and cast down afterwards by him.", "\n\nNow when Persons are in the above deplorable Condition,\nhaving their Imagination filled with most horrible Representations,\nand their Bodies, at the same Time, under most violent Agonies,\nattended with a hideous Expectation of the speedy Accomplishment\nof all their fearful Imaginations, it is no Wonder, that they do\nmost ardently desire present Deliverance at any rate; accordingly\nSatan, finding them thus prepared, to wish for Ease at any Rate,\nhe suits the Deliverance unto the Nature of the Work, by\nmaking a Representation upon their Imagination, of what appears\nmost agreeable to their Senses, attended with a strong Persuasion\nof the Reality of what they see and hear, and consequently\nthat they are really converted (the Strength of the Delusion lying\nthere) and so they come to be filled with ecstatic Joys and Raptures. ", "This\nis exactly agreeable to Mr. Edwards own Account of their Outgate,\nPage 55, \"And then (viz. ", "after the Condition above described)\nLight has appeared, and a glorious Redeemer, with his wonderful\nAll-sufficient Grace, has been represented to them, often in some\nsweet Invitation of Scripture, some Times the Light comes in suddenly,\nsome Times more gradually, filling their Souls with Love, Joy, &c.\"\nAnd, Page 27, \"They have been in a Kind of Ecstasy, wherein they\nhave been carried beyond themselves, and have had their Minds transported\ninto a Train of strong and pleasing Imaginations,\nand Kind of Visions, as tho' they were wrapt up even to Heaven,\nand there saw glorious Sights.\" ", "And after this they cannot endure\nto have their Conversion so much as questioned; yea it is Blasphemy\nagainst the Holy Ghost, according to them, to express the least Suspicion\nof it. ", "This brings to Remembrance the Words of our LORD,\nMatth. ", "12.43-45, {17} When the unclean Spirit is gone out of\na Man, he walketh thro' dry Places, seeking rest, and findeth none. ", "Then\nhe saith, I will return unto my House from whence I came out, and when\nhe is come, he findeth it empty, swept and garnished. ", "Then goeth he, and\ntaketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they\nenter in and dwell there, and the last state of that Man is worse than\nthe first. ", "Not to insist upon illustrating every Word in this Parable,\nthe scope thereof, as applicable to the present Purpose, seems to\nbe this, namely, When Satan has so filled the Imagination\nwith dreadful Representations, that the Person wants Ease upon any Terms,\nthen, having gained his End, he goes out of the Man in that terrible Shape,\nor frees his Imagination of these frightful Ideas that haunted it before,\nand then by the Means of more pleasing and delightful Sensations, he returns\nunto the Person thus prepared for his more dangerous Reception, with the\nDevil of Pride, Presumption, confident Persuasion, and the like,\nattended always with Aversion to any Testimony for the visible Kingdom\nof Christ; and so the last state of that Man is worse than the first.", "\n\"All other Reformation (says Mr. Halyburton in his Memoirs)\nproves but a sweeping and garnishing, while the Soul is empty of Christ:\nIt may be swept from the Filth of flagitious Sins, and garnished with the\nPaint of Religion, or some Habits of moral Virtue, but none of these will\nkeep out the Devil.\"", "\n\nIII. ", "Mr. Edwards being abundantly sensible, that\nthere is no Example of such frightful or delightful Sensations\nand Imaginations above described, to be found in the Experiences\nof the Saints of God recorded in Scripture; therefore he falls upon the\nshort Way of setting aside Scripture Experiences altogether,\nfrom being any Standard, whereby to judge of the Conformity\nof our Experiences, to the Work of the Spirit of God upon others, as described\nin the Word; for he says, Page 20, \"No Deviation from {18} what has hitherto\nbeen usual, let it be never so great, is an Argument that a Work\nis not a Work of the Spirit of God.\" ", "And Page 23, He argues, That tho'\nthere be no Instances in Scripture of such extraordinary Effects upon the\nBodies of Men, yet there is no Force in the Objection, if there is not\na Scripture RULEexcluding such Things.", "\nWe ought indeed to exclude from our Practice and Imitation, every Thing\nthat wants the Authority of Scripture, Rule or Example; but then we justly\nacknowledge, the binding Force of Scripture Example, even where\nthere is no Scripture Rule expressly enjoining the Thing in as\nmany Words. ", "For it has always been strenuously maintained by Protestants\nagainst the Papists, That necessary and evident Scripture Consequences,\nand all imitable Scripture Examples, are of equal Authority\nwith Scripture Precept. ", "And therefore since the Convulsions, Hysteric\nFits, and bodily Agonies, followed with visionary Representations\nof seemingly delightful Objects, are not recorded, as attending\nthe spiritual Experiences of the Saints, they are contrary to Scripture\nExample which is the same Thing in this Case, as to be excluded by a Scripture\nRule. ", "However, there is no Want of plain Scripture Rule, discharging\nall imaginary Ideas of God, or which is the same Thing, excluding all sensible\nRepresentations of God, or of Christ from our Imaginations, as absolutely\nunlawful, being directly forbidden both in the first and second\nCommandments.", "\n\nBut further, in the Room of Scripture-Pattern in the Experiences\nof the Saints, Mr. Edwards sets up a mechanical extrascriptural\nExample, whereby he affirms, Persons are greatly affected by seeing\nothers so; For, Page 29, he says, that \"The same Thing may be signified\nmore fully and effectually by Actions than by Words.\" ", "I own\nin Things mechanical it is so, a Tradesman may shew his Apprentice,\nhow such a Piece of Work is to be done, by doing the like himself, which\nwill be a more affectual Signification of his Mind, than mere verbal Directions\ncould be; but in Things spiritual it is absolutely absurd, for {19}\nFaith cometh by hearing the Word of God, and not by the Example\nof any Man whatsomever. ", "I am not here speaking against the Usefulness of\nExamples in practical Godliness, but of that secret Impulse, communicated\nby the Example of others, whereby a Person is affected in like Manner,\neven tho' there be not a Word spoken; for it is of this, and not\nthe former, that Mr. Edwards speaks. ", "Accordingly, Page 29,\nhe adds, \"Tho' the Impression that is made upon them should be only by\nseeing Tokens in the Behaviour of others, without hearing them say\none Word;\" which is exactly the Language of Quakers, a Branch\nof that Hellish Scheme, calculated for enervating and overthrowing\nthe divine Authority of the Word, as it is the only Foundation of\nFaith in our Lord Jesus Christ. ", "And that Mr. Edwards wants to set\naside the Word, as the only Rule, at least, in judging and trying\nthis Work, will plainly appear from what he says, Page 44, \"Whatever\nSpirit removes our Darkness, and brings us to the Light, does us a\nKindness; if I am brought to a Sight of Truth, and am sensible of Things\nas they be, my Duty is immediately to thank God for it, without standing\nfirst to enquire, by what Means I have such a Benefit;\" that is,\nI am to thank God for such a Benefit, without enquiring whether I have\nit by the Means of his Word, or by a satanical Imposture,\nwhich is quite contrary to the express Letter of the Text, which\nMr. Edwards pretends to insist upon, Try the Spirits whether\nthey are of God.", "\n\nIV. ", "Mr. Edwards, being aware that this Work,\nwhich he so much patronizes, cannot stand the Trial of the Distinguishing\nMarks of a saving Work of Grace upon the Soul, he is therefore,\nfor stating no special Difference between common and saving Grace,\nor drawing any dividing Line between Saints and Hypocrites in a present\nWorld, Page 71, \"There is a judging of some Sort or other, that\nthe Scripture very strictly forbids.—'Tis plain, that that Sort of {20}\nJudging is forbidden, that God claims as his Prerogative, whatever it be.—And\nif we examine, we shall find, that that Judging of Hearts, that is spoken\nof as God's Prerogative, is not only the Judging of the Aims and Dispositions\nof Men's Hearts in particular Actions, but chiefly, a Judging of\nthe STATE of the Hearts of the Professors of Religion,\nwith Regard to that Profession,——to distinguish Hypocrites that have a\nForm of Godliness from true Saints, is the proper, yea, the main Business\nof the Day of Judgment; they therefore do greatly err, who take it upon\nthem positively to determine, who are sincere, and who not, and to draw\nthe dividing Line between true Saints and Hypocrites.\" ", "No reasonable Man\never pretended to judge of Men's Hearts, otherwise than by their outward\nActions, this is not the Question in Debate, but the Question is,\nWhether Ministers ought not doctrinally to declare, that\nthere is a specific Difference between common and saving Grace,\nand between both these, and the Delusions of SATAN?", "\nAnd consequently, whether they ought not to point out these distinguishing\nMarks from the Word, and Christians examine themselves thereby,\nthat they may know whether they have Grace in Reality, or the counterfeit\nof it only: This is what we affirm to be the indispensable Duty, both of\nMinisters and People; according to 2 Cor. ", "13.5, Examine yourselves whether\nye be in the Faith; which certainly points out the Duty of Ministers,\nto be very particular in offering distinguishing Marks from the\nWord, and the Duty of People to examine themselves thereby.", "\n\nBut, Mr. Edwards is against such a narrow and strict\nSearch, it would tend to discover the whole Mystery of Iniquity,\nthat Satan is carrying on by his Devices; and therefore we\nfind, that the positive Marks which he gives of the true Spirit,\n(summed up, Page 50,) are no way distinguishing; they are such as\nwill agree, not only with common Influences of the Spirit, {21}\nbut even with the Delusions of SATAN. ", "For tho'\nhe is so confident, that he has given a full Enumeration of distinguishing\nMarks, that he says, they are sufficient to determine this Work to be the\nWork of God, unless the Apostle John was out of his Rules,\nAnd Page 56, \"If the Apostle John knew how to give Signs of a Work\nof the true Spirit, this is such a Work\"; Yet it will be obvious to any\nintelligent Christian, that a Person may have all the Marks he condescends\nupon, as he treats them, and yet be under a gross Delusion; for\nhe is exceeding lame in his Account, he makes not the least mention of\nFAITH apprehending Christ in the Word of Promise,\nnor of the Necessity of it, not a Word of the inward Conflict\nthat is in the Believer with a Body of Sin and Death; nor of a Desire\nto have the Heart searched by the Candle of the Word, in the Hand of the\nSpirit of God; nor of any Concern for the declarative Glory\nof God, and contending for present Truth, in Opposition to the Indifferency\nand Neutrality of the World; Altho' these, and many more distinguishing\nMarks, are to be found in the Writings of the Apostle John,\nfrom whence Mr. Edwards pretends to have made a full Enumeration\nof the Marks of the true SPIRIT.", "\n\nAnd if it is said for Mr. Edwards, that he is giving\nthe Marks of a divine Influence of the Spirit of God, in Opposition\nto a Diabolical Influence or Delusion, because he says, Page\n49, \"There are common Influences of the Spirit which are often mistaken\nfor saving Grace, but these are out of the Question, because, tho' they\nare not saving, yet they are the work of the true Spirit.\" ", "And Page\n52, \"Whether Persons Convictions, and the Alteration in their Dispositions\nand Affections be in a Degree and Manner that is saving, is beside the\npresent Question.\" ", "But let it be considered, that as he lays down no Marks\nof Distinction, between a common Operation of the Spirit, and a Delusion\nof Satan; so, granting this Work were the Effect of a {22} common\nOperation of the Spirit, yet, if it goes no further, Persons\nwill be as effectually ruined in the Issue as they could be by satanical\nImposture.", "\n\nAgain, It is obvious from the whole Tenor of his Discourse,\nthat it is so laid, as to make People believe, he is giving the Marks\nof a saving Operation of the Spirit of God on the Souls of Men, and that\nhe is accounting for some uncommon Appearances, that presently attends\nsuch a gracious Work; if it were not so, why is it so mightily cried up,\nas an extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God? ", "why so much Noise about\nthe Numbers of Converts, who are described and pointed out\nas gracious Persons, in all the Papers published in Defence of this\nWork? ", "and, why are they declared guilty of the Unpardonable SIN\nagainst the HOLY GHOST, who speak\na Word against it? ", "as Mr. Edwards does, Page 63, and I find\nall the Writers on that Side, especially the Clergy,\ncopy after his Example, which indeed is an effectual Way to impose upon\nthe ignorant; but they that know their God, will not be so easily\nbeat out of their Religion and Reasons by big Words.", "\n\nFurther, Mr. Willison, who may be supposed to have\nperused this Sermon of Mr. Edwards; says of it in his Preface thereto,\nThat \"it will prove most useful to the Church, for discerning a true and\nreal Work of the Spirit of God, and for guarding against Delusions and\nMistakes.\" ", "By a true and real Work of the Spirit of God,\nhe cannot but mean a saving Work, else he imposes upon the World,\nby such a Preface, wherein he says, The Lord is \"come suddenly\ninto his Temple, by a glorious Ministration of his Spirit with the\nWord, first in America, then in Britain itself, particularly\nin several Places of the West of Scotland, whereby many are\nawakened and converted from Sin to God.\" ", "But after all, as I hinted\nbefore, none of the positive Marks, especially as Mr. Edwards\nexplains them (and which I need not here transcribe, the Book being so\ncommon) will {23} serve to prove this Work to be the Effect of divine Influence;\nthey may be found every one of them in a Person that is under a Delusion\nof Satan. ", "Many judicious Divines, such as Guthrie, Shepherd,\nBurgess, and others, do evince from the Word, that Hypocrisy and Delusion,\nmay be attended with higher Marks, than any that Mr. Edwards\nhas condescended upon.", "\n\nFrom what has been said, it too evidently appears, that\nthis grand Performance of Mr. Edwards, so much applauded\nby the Promoters of this Work, is just calculated for supporting\nEnthusiasm, and consequently for razing the very Foundation\nof Faith, and all practical Godliness; And therefore, I am sorry, that\nMr. Willison has so rashly (to say no worse) recommended\nto the Scots Reader, what is so manifestly eversive of all true\nReligion, and directly contrary to all that he formerly preached and published\nto the World, till of late, and shall earnestly wish He and others\nmay in Time see their Mistake, and honestly retract what they have done.", "\n\nAltho' Mr. Robe says, it would be superfluous and\nunnecessary to answer a-part after Mr. Edwards, yet, he thinks fit\nto observe the following REMARKS, some of which, by\nthe By, are the same, with what Mr. Edwards observed before\nHim.", "\n\nFirst, Mr. Robe observes, Preface,\npages 7,8, \"That there are some, who do not cry out in the Congregation,\nneither have any of the foresaid bodily Seizures, who have been under a\nLaw-Work for some Months, and are, as far as we can know the State of another,\nsavingly converted. ", "And there are others, who have been under the severest\nbodily Distress, in whom the Work of Conviction and Conversion, as to the\nmain Strokes of them, answer to the former, as Face to Face in a Glass.\"", "\nHence he infers, That no thinking Person will conclude, that all is Delusion\nwith the latter, merely because their Bodies were strangely disordered,\nseeing {24} they have the same uncontestable Evidences of Conversion with\nthe former.", "\n\nTo this I answer, (1) Altho' Mr. Webster, artfully\ninsinuates, Letter, Page 12, That it has been charged upon the Gentlemen\nof the Secession, as he calls them, and drawn as an Inference from\ntheir Writings, \"That not one Soul can be converted within the Pale\nof the Established Church of Scotland;\" yet none of these\nMinisters ever said so, and, I believe never thought so; yea, as\nI hinted before, they would rejoice to see Thousands for One\nreally converted, and, that the gathering of the People were indeed\ninto Shiloh: I may add further, that their Charity is not so narrow,\nbut that they think, that many are in the Established Church, and\ncarried off with the Delusions of the Day, who were formerly,\nand consequently still are, gracious Persons, whose Eyes the Lord\nmay yet open in his Time. ", "But then (2) The uncontestable Evidences\nof Conversion, as enumerated either by the Narrative, or by Mr.\nEdwards, or by Mr. Webster, falling far short of the distinguishing\nMarks of a saving Work of the Spirit of God; Persons that have no other\nEvidences, whether such as have been under the severest bodily Distress,\nor such as have had none of these bodily Seizures; they may exactly correspond\nto one another, as Face answereth Face in a Glass, and yet be both under\na gross Delusion. ", "For my Part, I should think myself unfaithful\nto my Trust, as a Minister, if I made People depend solely\nupon such Evidences of Conversion, as I find insisted upon by the Promoters\nof this Work. ", "Let the following Scriptures be considered, Ezra 9.6\nto the end; Psalm 106.6,7, &c.; Ezek. ", "9.4; Rom.", "\n7.21,23,24.", "\n\nThe Second Remark that Mr. Robe makes, is,\nThat \"Faintings, Hysteric-fits, Convulsions, bodily Agonies and Strugglings,\"\nmay be the Effects \"of sudden Fears, a great Sorrow upon worldly Grounds;\"\nand therefore he sees no Reason, \"why legal Terrours and Fears, and a strong\nApprehension {25} of the Wrath of God in Persons,——should not have the\nlike Effects upon their Bodies.\"", "\n\nAs Mr. Robe has this Remark entirely from\nMr. Edwards, so I have answered it above: It is obvious to any that\nunderstands Philosophy, or common SENSE,\nThat these bodily Agitations and Agonies, can be nothing else, but the\nEffects of a strong Impulse upon the Imagination, and cannot\npossibly be the immediate Effects of any Actings of the superiour\nFaculties of the Soul, such as the Understanding and Will; These\ncan produce no such Effects as are here mentioned: And therefore, since\nit is not pretended, in the present Case, that these Faintings, Convulsions,\n&c. are the Effects of sudden Fear or Grief on worldly Grounds,\nit is impossible, but that they must flow from a worse Cause. ", "The\nSeat of the Operations of the Holy Spirit, is the superiour Powers\nof the Soul. ", "SATAN has easy Access to the Imagination:\nAll horrible or pleasing visionary Representations that are\nformed there, are from him only, 2 Thess. ", "2.9-11.", "\n\nMr. Robe observes Thirdly, That \"There is\nmuch Reason to conclude, That the Work of God in converting many, in several\nParishes in the Shire of Air, and other Places in the West,\nfrom the Year 1625 to 1630, was attended with much the same Appearances\nas this now.\" ", "And so he transcribes at large the Account, which\nthe Author of the Fulfilling of the Scripture gives, of what\nwas then nick-named the Stewartoun Sickness. ", "Mr. Webster\nimagines this Story makes so much for their Purpose, that he likewise gives\nit Room in his Letter, Page 37, so that I need not transcribe it\na third Time, since it is now so current. ", "From the said Quotation,\nMr. Robe infers, \"The Similitude and Likeness of this Work\namongst us, unto that referred to, seems evident; and can these bodily\nEffects mentioned, be just Grounds of Objection against this Work\nnow, and not also against the other?\" ", "But I must be allowed to shew,\nthat {26} there is the widest Difference between this present Work,\nand the Work of God, then, in every Respect.", "\n\n1st. ", "It must be observed, that the Author\nof the Fulfilling of the Scripture, is there giving Instances\nof the remarkable Outlettings of the Spirit, attending the Ministry of\nthese, who were honoured to be most instrumental, in carrying on\nReformation-Work. ", "The first Instance he gives, is the Success that\nattended the Ministry of our first Reformers, such as, Luther,\nMelancton, Zuinglius, and others abroad; and Mr. George Wishart\nat home: And then he mentions the extraordinary Outletting of the Spirit\nin the West of Scotland, about the Year 1625 (quoted by Messrs.\nRobe and Webster) accompanying the Ministry of these who\nwere bearing any Testimony at that Time, under hot Persecution from\nthe prelatic Party, particularly at Irvine, under the Ministry\nof the famous Mr. Dickson. ", "And after other Instances of the like\nNature, he speaks of the \"Remarkable Time, wherein the Lord did\nlet forth much of the Spirit on his People in the Year 1638, when this\nNation did so solemnly enter into Covenant.—Then did the\nNation own the Lord, and was visibly owned by him; much Zeal and\nan enlarged Heart, did appear for the publick Cause.\" ", "So that the\nAuthor is speaking of the Outlettings of the Spirit that have accompanied\npublic as well as personal Reformation. ", "But can any of the\nPromoters of this Work allege for themselves, that they are making\nthe least Essay towards publick Reformation, as it has been owned\nand professed in these Lands? ", "Nay, as shall afterwards be made appear,\nthey are doing what they can to obliterate the Memory of Scotland's\ncovenanted Reformation, and to raze all Concern thereanent out of the\nMinds of the People.", "\n\nAgain, the Lord's Work at Irvine, at the Time mentioned,\nwas not attended with such cloudy Appearances, as cleave unto the\npresent Work amongst us. ", "All that is said of the People at that Time is,\n\"Many {27} were so shocked, and taken by the Heart, that, thro' Terror,\nthe Spirit in such a Measure, convincing them of Sin in hearing of the\nWord, they have been made to fall over, and thus carried out of the\nChurch, who afterward proved most solid and lively Christians.\"", "\n\nThis Passage Mr. Webster thinks is so much to\nthe Point in hand, that he cannot omit transcribing it, Letter,\nPage 36. ", "But it is observable, that the Occasion of their falling over\nwas the overpowering Influence of the Spirit of God upon their Souls, in\nthe hearing of the Word, which is not refused in some Circumstances;\nbut, in the present Case, Multitudes fall over without hearing\na Word spoken, as Mr. Edwards allows to be the Case Abroad,\nunto which it is granted, that the Work at Home is similar,\nand known in this Instance to be so in Fact, severals having owned,\nthat it was not by Means of any Word spoken, or brought to their Remembrance,\nthat they underwent bodily Seizures: But, besides, there is no Mention\n[in the accounts quoted from the Fulfilling of the Scripture] of\ntheir bitter Outcryings, Convulsions, bodily Agonies, and Strugglings,\nwhich are the ordinary Concomitants of the present Work. ", "Further, they\nhad no such frequent Meetings on Week Days, as take Place in the\npresent case, to the manifest Detriment of relative and stational\nDuties. ", "The Author says only, That \"few Sabbaths did pass without\nsome evidently being converted.\" ", "And, as it is the manifest Scope of the\nAuthor in the Place quoted, to give Instances of the Power of God accompanying\nthe Ministry of these who were essaying Reformation Work, so it may be\njustly inferred, that these People espoused the Testimony of their Day,\nthe Reverse whereof is the sad and dismal Effect of the present\nWork.", "\n\nSince then the Instruments whom the Lord employed\nin the West of Scotland, at the Time spoken of, were Men who were\nthe Objects of hot prelatic Persecution, because they witnessed\nagainst them, as {28} is fairly enough insinuated by the Author;\nand since it was by the Means of Gospel Ordinances orderly dispensed,\nthat the Spirit of the Lord was poured down upon the Souls of People, in\nTime of Hearing, in such a plentiful Measure, that their frail Bodies were\ninactive for a While, without the least Agony, Convulsion, or Struggling;\nand since the present Work has all the contrary Appearances\nattending it, it plainly follows that there is no Similitude between this\nand the former: And therefore, since Messrs. Robe and Webster\nhave been searching the Author of the Fulfilling of the Scripture,\nin quest of an Example of this Work, which they so much cry up,\nI shall put them in Mind of a Passage, from the same Author, much nearer\nthe Point in Hand in all Respects: Great Appearances of God for\nhis Church under the New Testament, Page 201: Wherever, \"in any of\nthe Churches the Lord hath had some special Work on Foot, and the Interest\nof the Gospel gaining Ground, Satan there hath followed the same\nremarkably with some close and subtle Assault, in bringing forth something\nof his Work in Resemblance thereto, to beget Prejudice against the Way\nof Truth. ", "It was unquestionably one of the most searching Trials the German\nChurch had, by that strange Appearance of the Anabaptists there.", "\nBut this being so notour and publick in the Histories of these late Times,\nbesides other remarkable Instances of the like Kind, I forbear to mention\nit further; one memorable Passage, that is less known to many, may be for\nsome Advantage, and confirming to the Truth, the inserting of it here:\nWhen the Gospel was flourishing in the Church of Ireland by the\nMinistry of some eminent Servants of Christ, who were labouring there some\nYears before the Rebellion, and a most extraordinary Time of the Power\nof the Spirit following the Ordinances, when others of Satan's Devices,\nto cast a Let in the Way, had proved abortive, this {29} great Destroyer\nwas at last let loose in a strange Manner, to essay a Counterfeit of the\nWork of the Lord there. ", "This first began about Locklearn upon several\nignorant Persons, who, in the Midst of the publick Worship, fell a breathing\nand panting, as these who had run long, with strange Pangs like Convulsions:\nyea, thus they were affected whatever Purpose was preached, even by such\nMinisters who were known Enemies to the Truth, the Number of whom still\nincreased thro' several Parishes for a Time. ", "At first both Ministers and\nChristians were put to a Stand; but afterward, upon further Discovery of\nthe Tendency of their Way, and finding no solid convincing Work, which\nhad therewith any Sense of their Sin, or panting after a Saviour, did quickly\nperceive this to be one of the Depths of Satan, and his Design to\nslander and disgrace the Work of the Lord.———Yea, it was evident, how such\ndid continue afterwards rude, profane, and ignorant. ", "Thro' this Engine\ndid the Devil thus drive to beget Prejudices amongst those who did but\nlook on at a Distance against the Power and Life of Religion.\"", "\n\nThe fourth Remark Mr. Robe makes, is, \"That,\nin New England, where Hundreds were affected in their Bodies, the\nsame Way severals with us are. ", "The most Part of these who were thought\nto be convicted, have continued now for some Years to profess serious Religion,\nand to practice it, without returning to their former Follies: And, shall\nwe not hope the same of these converted amongst us, seeing also they have\ncontinued for several Months———in a desirable Way?\"", "\n\nAs to the Work in New England, the Reader\nmay judge of it, from an Account given thereof, in a Protestation presented\nto the Synod of Philadelphia, June 1, 1741, printed at Philadelphia\nthe said Year, and subscribed by twelve Ministers and eight Elders,\nwhere, speaking of Mr. Gilbert Tennent, and others of Mr. {30} Whitefield's\nAdherents, they testify, Page 11, against \"Their preaching the Terrors\nof the Law in such Manner and Dialect as has no Precedent in the Word of\nGod, but rather appears to be borrowed from a worse Dialect; and so industriously\nworking on the Passions and Affections of weak Minds, as to cause they\ncry out in a hideous Manner, and fall down in Convulsive-like Fits, to\nthe marring of the profiting both of themselves, and others, who are so\ntaken up in seeing and hearing these odd Symptoms, that them cannot attend\nto hear what the Preacher says; and then, after all, boasting, of these\nThings as the Work of God, which we are persuaded do proceed from an inferior\nor worse Cause.\" ", "This concurring Testimony of so many Ministers and Elders\nof the Presbyterian Persuasion who had full Access to know the State of\nMatters as to Religion in our American Colonies, will certainly\nfind Credit with all sober thinking Persons. ", "And if we judge of the Continuance\nof a Profession in New England, by the Continuance of it, such as\nit was, in several Places of the West of Scotland, we cannot\nbut conclude, that there is little of a Profession to be found among that\nPeople by this Time; for it is most remarkable, that, within the Space\nof less than eight Months, this Work is as suddenly decaying in\nthe Place where it began, as it arose at first, and in other Places it\nhas begun and decayed in much shorter Time, even altho' all possible Means\nhave been used to preserve it in Vigour; and it is obvious to common Observation,\nthat it has happened (at least to these who were immoral, and had not a\nProfession before) according to the true Proverb, 2 Peter 2.22,\nThe Dog is turned to his own Vomit again, and the Sow that was washed\nto her wallowing in the Mire.", "\n\nUnder this Head Mr. Robe pretends, \"To give Instances\nfrom the holy Scripture, of Things exactly similar to these bodily Distresses\n(which he says are to be found) in our Case.\" ", "But, because {31} Mr. Webster\nmentions these Instances more distinctly, I shall consider them as they\nstand in his Letter, Pages 35,36. ", "For a Scripture Instance of crying\nout under the Ministry of the Word; or in Time of publick Worship,\nhe cites Acts 2.37, and tells us, That, \"three Thousand wounded\nSouls cried out at once.\" ", "Whereas the Text runs thus, When they\nheard this, they were pricked in their Heart, and said unto Peter,\nand to the rest of the Apostles, Men and Brethren, What shall we do?", "\nHere there is not the least Mention of crying or screaming, but\nonly that they said or spoke with that Calmness and Composure of\nMind, which attends the Operations of the true Spirit. ", "Nor is it said that\nthey spoke all at once, as Mr. Webster affirms, which would\nmake a confused and unintelligible Sound; nor that they spoke in the Time\nof Peter's Sermon, but after he had finished and applied his Discourse,\nverse 36, the Success thereof appeared in a convincing Work of the\nSpirit of God, which was intimated to him, and the rest of the Apostles,\nby severals of the Multitude, verse 37, some speaking (in that Interval)\nto one of the Apostles, and some to another: Whereupon Peter begins\nanother Discourse suitable to their Case, verse 38, a great Part\nwhereof is not recorded; for it is said, verse 40, That with\nmany other Words he did testify and exhort. ", "The Issue of all was, verse\n41, That the same Day there were added unto them about three Thousand\nSouls: So that this Passage makes nothing for the bitter Out-cryings\nthat have been heard among the People at Cambuslang, Kilsyth, and\nother Places, in Time of publick Worship, to the marring of both their\nown and the Edification of others. ", "And the other Text which he quotes\nfrom Mr. Edwards will make as little for his Purpose, Psalm\n32.2, When I kept Silence, my Bones waxed old through my roaring all\nthe Day long. ", "If Mr. Webster had proved that this roaring\nwas in Time of publick Worship, it had been to the Point; but I suppose\nthat tho' the roaring be {32} taken in a literal Sense, it will\nbe granted that it was in Secret, and none disturbed therewith.", "\nHowever, if this roaring is to be understood literally of a great\nNoise, why are not other Expressions of the like Nature to be taken\nin a literal Sense likewise? ", "Such as, My Moisture is turned into the\nDrought of Summer; my Loins are filled with a loathsome Disease; my Heart\nis smitten and withered like the Grass; and my Bones are burnt as an Hearth.", "\nWhich Passages, and the like, if literally understood, would be\ninconsistent with natural Life; and therefore all sound Interpreters understand\nthem in a spiritual Sense, as expressive of the Degree of the Soul's Exercise.", "\n\nAgain, for Scripture Instances of trembling, fainting,\nfalling down as dead, he cites the Jailor, Paul at his Conversion,\nand the Apostle John in the Isle of Patmos. ", "As for the Jailor,\nthere was a Concurrence of extraordinary Providences that occasioned his\ntrembling, which cannot be pled in the present Case: The Foundations\nof the Prison were shaken by a great Earthquake, and immediately all the\nDoors were opened, and everyone's Bands were loosed, Acts 16.26. ", "This,\ntogether with his being happily prevented from Self-murder, and disappointed\nof his Fears with respect to the Escape of the Prisoners, made him come\ntrembling, and fall down before Paul and Silas, in\na Way of civil Homage only, it being the Custom of the eastern Nations\nto pay their Respects in such a humble prostrate Manner, as the Continuators\nof Pool observe on this Place; and it was after all this that the Man's\nConscience was thoroughly awakened, when he said, verse 30, Sirs,\nwhat must I do to be saved? ", "As for the Instance of Paul's falling\nto the Ground, Acts 9.4, upon Occasion of a Light from Heaven shining\nround about him, it is plain, that, as he was to be employed in the Office\nof an Apostle, so he behoved to have an immediate Commission from the Lord\nJesus, which he received at that Time, Acts 26.16. ", "But there can\nbe no Argument drawn from this as a {33} Precedent for falling down,\nwhen no such extraordinary Occasion for it can be pretended. ", "And tho' it\nbe said, Rev. 1.17, That the Apostle John fell down as dead,\nupon the glorious Vision that he had of the Son of God, or that Daniel\nhad no Strength remaining in him, upon the same Occasion; Can there be\nany Argument drawn from these extraordinary Privileges conferred upon eminent\nSaints of God, and the Effects of them, to support the bodily Agonies of\nignorant People, who are not so much as alledged to be converted while\nin that dismal Case? ", "Upon the Whole, Mr. Webster and others must\nnot imagine that their bare mentioning of the above Instances, will pass\nfor Argument; for, let the Matter be narrowly examined, and it will be\nfound, that there is not the least Shadow of an Example in Scripture that\nruns parallel to the Faintings, Down-fallings, Convulsions, and Strugglings,\nthat take Place at present, excepting the Instances of the Demoniacks,\nMark 9.18, Luke 9.39, which the Reader may consult.", "\n\nLastly, Mr. Robe, Preface, page 10, seriously\nbegs of those who look upon this Work as a Delusion, that they would direct\nhim and other Ministers, how they shall answer distressed Persons, who\ncome to them crying bitterly, What shall we do to be saved? ", "And\naccordingly he wants Direction what to answer in the following Cases,\nwhich he proposes by Way of Question, as so many natural Consequences\nof reckoning this the Work of the Devil. ", "Question 1st, \"Shall we\ntell them they are not christless and unconverted, when we evidently see\nmany of them to be such?\" ", "Answer. ", "By no Means, only beware of looking\nupon Persons to be christless and unconverted, merely because they are\nSeceders, as Mr. Robe does, Narrative, Page 27, where\nhe says that the Ten or Twelve who deserted his Ministry,\n\"Were of no Consideration as to serious Religion, or even Knowledge, except\none, who sometime since saw his Error, and returned.\" ", "Whereas it is well\nknown that the Seceders {34} in that Parish are, in the Judgment\nof Charity, of as great Consideration, as to serious Godliness,\nas any that Mr. Robe can boast of in his Congregation; and as for\ntheir Knowledge, so far as I am informed, I would not be afraid\nto venture them upon a comparative Trial with the new Converts themselves.", "\nQuestion 2nd, \"Shall we tell them, that their Fears of the Wrath\nof God, is all but Delusion?\" ", "Answer. ", "If their Fears are the Effect\nof a heated Imagination, and flow from a sensible Representation\nof horrible Objects upon their Fancy, do not fail to tell them,\nThat this is nothing else but Delusion. ", "Question 3rd, \"Shall\nwe tell Persons lamenting their Cursing, Swearing, Sabbath-breaking,\nand other Immoralities, that it is the Devil who makes them see those Evils\nto be offensive to God, and destructive to their Souls?\" ", "Answer.", "\nAltho' the Devil cannot make them see these, or any other Evils, as they\nare offensive to God, yet he may prompt them to rest in a partial Reformation,\nwell knowing that Publicans and Harlots will enter into\nthe Kingdom of Heaven or be more easily reclaimed than self-righteous\nPersons. ", "Question 4th, \"Shall we tell them, who, under the greatest\nUneasiness, enquire at us, What they shall do to get an Interest\nand Faith in Jesus Christ, that Satan is deluding them, when they\nshew any Concern this Way?\" ", "Answer. ", "If it is Ease from their frightful\nApprehensions that they want upon any Terms, or if they are looking\nfor an Interest in Christ, upon their own Doings in Whole or in\nPart, or upon their own Act of believing, and are not brought quite off\nfrom a Righteousness within them, to receive and rest upon Christ\nalone in his Word, whatever Concern they may seem to have, Satan\nis certainly deluding them. ", "Question 5th, \"Shall we pray, and recommend\nit to them to pray to deliver them from such Delusions.\" ", "Answer.", "\nBy all Means, as you would desire to recover them out of the\nSnare of the Devil, who are taken Captive by him at his Will. ", "Upon\nthe Whole, Mr. {35} Robe says, \"It would be worse than devilish\nto treat the Lord's sighing Prisoners at this Rate.\" ", "What is worse than\ndevilish, I know not; I find that the frightful Terms relative to\nthe Devil and Hell, are the very Shibboleth of the\nParty; but if I know any Thing worse than devilish, I think\nMinisters persuading poor ignorant and deluded People, that they\nare privileged Persons, comes nearest to it; whereas they ought\nto call them to search and try their Ways, and turn again to the Lord,\nto examine themselves whether they be in the Faith, and to cause Jerusalem\nto know her Abominations, Ezek. ", "16.2. ", "And like faithful Watchmen to\nhear the Word at God's Mouth, and to give the People Warning from him.", "\nBut it is Matter of Regret, that it seems to be sadly verified with respect\nto the Promoters of this Work, what the Lord says, Jer. ", "6.13,14,—From\nthe Prophet even unto the Priest, every one dealeth falsely. ", "They have\nhealed also the Hurt of the Daughter of my People slightly, saying, Peace,\nPeace, when there is no Peace.", "\n\nThere are two Objections which Mr. Robe\nendeavours to remove, which, I believe, will stand in full Force after\nall.", "\n\nThe first is, \"That it cannot be the Work of the\nHoly Ghost, and any real true Conversion, which is so open to publick Notice,\nand makes so much Noise; for our Lord saith, Luke 17.20, The\nKingdom of God cometh not with Observation.\" ", "For the Removal of this\nObjection, after an angry Criticism upon the Greek\nWord, which is so little to his Purpose, that it makes against himself:\nHe alleges (as Mr. Edwards had done before him) \"That our Lord doth\nnot in the least insinuate, that the coming of the Kingdom of God, in the\nConversion of Jews and Gentiles, was to be silently set up\nwithout Noise and unobserved. ", "Did not the Conversion at Samaria\nquickly reach the Ears of the Church at Jerusalem? ", "Were not the\nConversions {36} from Paganism to Christianity with Observation?\"", "\nAll this is but a weak and trifling Evasion; for tho' the Apostles which\nwere at Jerusalem, heard that Samaria had received the Word of God,\nActs 8.14, And tho' the Conversion of the Jews will be observed\nwhen it shall please the Lord to bring about that glorious Event; yet what\nsays this to the Ostentation and outward Shew wherewith this\nWork is attended; for the Objection is, that both the Promoters\nof this Work, and they who are ensnared therein, makes so much Noise\nabout their Conversion, and the Number of their Converts, that it is inconsistent\nwith that Modesty and Humility which is the inseparable Concomitant of\na Work of God. ", "The Flattering and great swelling Words of Vanity,\nwherewith Messrs. Whitefield, Webster, and others, set off this\nWork, are truly grating to the Ears of any humble and self-denied Christian.", "\nWho ever denied that the Work is observable? ", "for so is every remarkable\nThing in the Word whether it be good or evil. ", "But it is their vain-glorious\nboasting of it, and their high Encomiums of themselves in\ntheir Journals, Histories, and Pamphlets, wherewith the World\nis dunn'd. ", "This we say, is contrary to the Character of the Kingdom\nof God, which cometh not with Observation, for the Kingdom of\nGod is not in Word, but in Power, 1 Cor. ", "4.20. ", "Our Life is hid with\nChrist in God. ", "The more of God, and the less of Man is\nseen in any Work, it speaks out so much the more to be of God. ", "The Saints\nof God cannot endure to draw the Admiration of the World after them; Not\nunto us, not unto us, O Lord, but to thy Name give the Glory. ", "It is\nthe Character of the Beast to have all the World wondering\nafter him, Rev. 13.3. ", "It is most observable that the Lord was not\nin the strong Wind, nor in the Earthquake, nor in the Fire,\nbut in the still small Voice, 1 Kings 19.11,12. ", "And therefore we\nmay safely conclude, that Noise, Self-commendation, and Applause,\nare the true Characteristics or Marks {37} of Deceivers, Imposters,\nand such as are under palpable Delusion; and consequently the Objection\nholds firm against this noisy Work, The Kingdom of God cometh not with\nObservation.", "\n\nThe other Objection, Preface, pages 12,13, is taken\nfrom the Camizars [Camisards], \"And it is pretended (says\nMr. Robe) that their Case is the same with ours, and seeing they\nwere under Delusion, this must be a Delusion also.\" ", "In answer to this,\nhe alleges, \"That there is the greatest Disparity and Unlikeness between\nthe Case of the Camizars, and those affected among us.\" ", "And he endeavours\nto shew the Disparity in several Instances, none of which will hold, tho'\nhe has Mr. Webster's Testimony, Letter, page 33, for shewing\naccurately the great Disparity.", "\n\n(1.) ", "He says, \"The Camizars had their bodily Agitations\nfrom a supernatural Power. ", "The Distresses upon the Bodies of our People\nproceed in a natural Way from the great Fear of God's Wrath.\" ", "I have shewn\nabove from Mr. Edwards, that their Fears of Wrath, arise from sensible\nRepresentations of horrible Objects upon their Imagination; these\nRepresentations are not natural else they would be more universal.", "\nThey cannot proceed from the Spirit of God as I have proven before; for\nthe Spirit deals with the superior Faculties of the Soul, in a rational\nWay. ", "In and by the Word, enlightening and informing the Understanding,\nand renewing and swaying the Will. ", "And therefore since these frightful\nRepresentations upon the Imagination are not natural, and since they cannot\nbe impressed by the Spirit of God, it remains that they must be Impulses\nof Satan, and consequently the Fears that issue from them,\nmust of Necessity proceed from Satanical Influence; especially when\nthere can be no Instance given in Scripture, that the Operations of the\nSpirit of God in his convincing Work, have any such dreadful Effects upon\nthe Bodies of Men, as take Place in the present Case. {", "38}\n\n(2.) \"", "The Camizars pretended Inspiration, and understood\nnot sometimes what they uttered; none of our People ever pretended in the\nleast to Inspiration, they give a rational Account of themselves.\" ", "In answer\nto this, Mr. Edwards acknowledges that the Work in New-England,\nto which this in Scotland is so exactly similar, is attended with\nInspiration, and tho' he allows that extraordinary Gifts will cease in\nwhat he calls the adult State of the Church, i.e. when publick\nCharity or boundless Toleration will take Place every where, yet he\nargues nothing against new Inspirations after the Canon of\nthe Scripture is concluded. ", "Besides it is obvious to the Observation of\nall, that the People among us, who undergo these bodily Seizures, presently\nturn eloquent, and can talk fluently upon some Scriptures, tho'\ngrossly ignorant before, of the very first Principles of Religion, and\nif this is not Inspiration, I know not what it is. ", "And herein the Similitude\nto the Camizars holds, for so soon as the diabolick Spirit seized\nthem, presently they talked in Rapture.", "\n\n(3.) \"", "The Camizars (says Mr. Robe) continued\nmany Years under their bodily Agitations, whenever their pretended Inspirations\nseized them, but our People are delivered from these bodily Distresses,\nwhich do not return to them again, when they are delivered from their Fears.\"", "\nIt would seem then that their Fears frequently recur, for it is most certain\nthat many of them undergo these bodily Distresses over and over again;\nSo that in this Instance the Similitude holds likewise.", "\n\n(4.) \"", "Among the Camizars, their pretended inspired\nTeachers only were affected: amongst us (says he) only some of our Hearers.\"", "\nHerein Mr. Robe mistakes the Story, for there are many Instances\nin the History of the French Prophets, wherein Hundreds at\na Time, who came to their Assemblies, were presently affected, and seized\nwith bodily Agitations, and they pretended to the Power of the Holy\n{39} Spirit, as much as Mr. Robe can do for his Hearers.", "\n\nLastly, Mr. Robe says that \"the Exhortations\nof the Camizars to Repentance and Amendment of Life were without\nany Mixture of the Gospel concerning Jesus Christ.—In ours, a Work of Conviction\nis carried on to Conversion, according to the Doctrine of the Gospel.\"", "\nHerein also, Mr. Robe, in order to fix a Disparity between his People\nand the Camizars, does them manifest Injustice, for they pretended\nat least to sound Doctrine, as Lacy in his Preface to his\nCry from the Desert, says of them, page 13, \"They all hold the Truth\nas it is in Jesus: He is, among them, the Foundation and Corner-Stone.", "\nWhoever teaches a different Gospel, and derogates from the Honour of our\nLord, let him be with us, Anathema Maranatha. ", "The two great Commandments,\nwhereon hang all the Law and the Prophets, are urgently enforced in their\nExtasies.—And the Scriptures directed to be read as the supreme Rule of\nFaith and Manners.\" ", "But, as I shall agree with Mr. Robe, that the\ntrue Gospel of Jesus Christ was far from being mixed with the Exhortations\nof the Camizars, so I am afraid the same Charge may be laid against\nmany of the Promoters of this Work amongst us, especially\nif we are to judge by the printed Rhapsodies of Mr. Whitefield.", "\n\nThus we have seen that there is no Disparity betwixt the\nCamizars, and the Subjects of this extraordinary Work amongst us,\nin the above Particulars mentioned by Mr. Robe. ", "I might further\nshew the exact Resemblance between them in several other Instances. ", "The\nCamizars published Narratives of the wonderful Work among\nthem, just like Mr. Robe's Narrative of the extraordinary Work with\nhim, only with the Difference that Mr. Lacy is so honest as to publish\nthe Names of the Persons, who were the Subjects of that awful Delusion.", "\nMr. Robe thinks {40} fit for very good Reasons to conceal the Names\nof these he speaks of, Mr. Lacy publishes his Account in the Words\nof the Persons themselves, and accordingly there is a discernable Variety\nof Style. ", "In Mr. Robe's Narrative there is an exact Uniformity\nof Style, which renders it the more suspicious. ", "Further the Camizars\ntook upon them to exhort at their own Hand, without any lawful Calling,\nunder a delusive Pretense of Inspiration, and it is well known that there\nhave been several publick Exhorters among the Subjects of this Work\nboth at home and abroad, whose Success is mightily boasted of, particularly\nby Mr. Webster, Letter, page 8, \"Knowing the Terror of the Lord\nthey persuade Men, having tasted also that he is gracious, they commend\nhis precious Grace.—Their Labour of Love indefatigable:—their Success\ngreat, insomuch that Numbers, now in a promising Way, date their first\nConcern from hearing others declare what God had done for their\nSouls.\" ", "Altho' this Practice has been owned by all sound Divines to be\na manifest Stratagem of the Devil, to discredit a standing Ministry. ", "Again\nthe same bodily Agitations were to be found among the Camizars\nas among the People here, the same Noise and Ostentation, and upon\nall the same pretended Evidences of a Work of God, and as solemn\na Renunciation of the Devil as having any Share in it.", "\n\nFor a Proof of this, let us compare the Evidences that\nMr. Webster gives of Divine Influence as the true Spring\nof the extraordinary Work here, with the Evidences which Sir Richard\nBuckley and Mr. Lacy give of the Communication of the sanctifying\nGrace of God to the Souls of the Camizars, and we will find that\nthey exactly hit, as Face answereth to Face in a Glass. ", "Faithful Account\nof the French Prophets, page 22, \"As to the Communication of the sanctifying\nGrace of God to the Souls of those who believe in, and attend upon this\nDispensation: It is no unreasonable Request that I make (says the {41}\nabove Sir Richard Buckley) in desiring not to be bound down to answer\nfor every Individual Person that is outwardly a Professor.—There was a\nJudas among the Twelve, and an Ananias among those that pretended\nto sell their Estates to give to the Poor. ", "But as far as I can observe\nfrom the Acquaintance of many Months, it has in many produced these several\nEffects, of Meekness, Patience under Injuries, a Contempt of the\nWorld, a Dread and Hatred of all Sin, a Love and Delight in secret Prayer,\nand an entire Humility to the very Dust, an insatiable Thirst after continual\nattending upon the Worship of God in the Assemblies, either in praying\nto him, or hearing his Word, an extensive Charity to Mankind of all Sorts,\nand a Comportment in the World agreeable hereto.—I can never have the least\nDoubt or Suspicion that so good and so constant Operations, as the Love\nof God, the Hatred of one's Self, and a voluntary Separation of Soul from\nthe Pleasures of this Life, a full Contentment in the Want of human Consolations,\nand Joy in Hardships (all which I have seen exemplified) could possibly\nproceed from an evil Spirit.\" ", "And, says Mr. Lacy, ibid. ", "page\n42, \"The Spirit insisting chiefly and forcibly upon the great Duties of\nsincere and fervent Love to God and Man, and drawing all Parties among\nus to an actual Union, that silences all Variance about Party Opinions,\nand brings the several Sects into one Bond of Affection under itself, doth\nthereby give another Instance, wherein it savours not of infernal Qualities,\nbut rather of the holy uniting Spirit which animated the primitive Christians,\nand proceeds of that God who is Love itself. ", "A Spirit exhorting its Adherents\nto Self-denial.—A Spirit which takes away the Occasions of Pride in Man,\nand by various Ways of its Operations tends to abase him throughly, a Spirit\nwhich gratifies not the particular Corruptions, and sinful Infirmities\n{42} of its Followers;—but on the contrary puts them upon repeated Performance\nof the opposite Virtues.—And as hitherto I am assured of its good Effects\nabove-mentioned, so while they continue witnessed by, and felt in my own\nSoul, I shall rather incur the Displeasure of all the World than God's,\nby charging them on the Devil.\" ", "Now let us see how Mr. Webster\nproves that Divine Influence is the true Spring of the extraordinary\nWork at Cambuslang, &c. Letter, pages 7,8, \"You'll readily\nask what Fruit have these Things? ", "Does their Faith work by Love?—Yes, my\nFriend, and that too in a most remarkable Manner. ", "Their Faith daily ripens\ninto Action.—They esteem all God's Precepts concerning all Things to be\nright.—The Lives of the Profane are visibly reformed.—Relative Duties conscientiously\ndischarged.—The high Praises of God employ the Tongue of Blasphemers.—Praise\nis perfected out of the Mouth of Babes and Sucklings.—Grosser Sinners profess\nthe greatest Remorse for the Acts of Injustice.—Never did any Converts\nappear endowed with more of a truly Christian Spirit.—Their Souls\nburn with Love to God—to one another, and to all that bear the Divine Image.", "\nThey cheerfully forgive their Enemies, and wish well to their Fellow-creatures.", "\nPage 18. ", "The Devil himself, was he not the Father of Liars, would,\nmethinks, be ashamed to call this his Work, or claim the Converts as his\nChildren. ", "Page 24. ", "Shall we believe the most glorious, the most substantial,\nthe most real Blessings, the Product of mere Imagination, the Offspring\nof a deluded Brain! ", "Thrice happy Delusion! ", "O my Soul, may I ever thus be\ndeceived, and ever feel the same blessed Effects.\" ", "Now when these two Accounts\nare stated and compared where lies the Difference? ", "The Evidence of a Divine\nInfluence is as strong for the Camizars as for the Subjects of this\nextraordinary Work in the West of {43} Scotland. ", "The pretended\nEffects are the same. ", "For my Part, I can see no other Difference but this,\nthat Mr. Webster's Account is more theatrical, and consequently\nhas more of the Fiction or Invention, than the plain and simple Account\nof the two Gentlemen above-mentioned; and therefore since it is\nowned by all that the Camizars, notwithstanding of all their pretended\nEvidences of a divine Influence, were under a manifest Delusion,\nit follows that the People here, for whom no better Evidences can\nbe produced, must be under the same, till it please the Lord to\ngive them a Discovery of their Mistake, which I hope and wish he will do\nin his Time.", "\n\nI shall now consider the Principles of the Promoters\nof this Work, especially with respect to a boundless Toleration\nand Liberty of Conscience. ", "It has been constantly observed, that\nthe Ring-leaders of Enthusiasm have strenuously set up for a boundless\nLiberty to all Sects and Opinions, especially such as relate to\ndifferent Modes of Government and Policy in the Church of God. ", "The Reason\nis obvious; for the Government established by Christ in his House, is the\nbest, yea the only Fence, against the diverse and\nstrange Doctrines that may happen to be advanced and propagated\nto the Prejudice of the Truth as it is in Jesus; and therefore the\nstrongest Batteries of Hell have been always planted against the Walls\nand Bulwarks of Zion, because if a Breach is once made on these,\nError, Delusion, and all Manner of Abomination, has easy Access unto the\nCity of God. ", "And accordingly we find that the Testimony and Sufferings\nof the Church of Scotland, ever since the Reformation have\nbeen chiefly stated upon Defence of that Purity of Presbyterial\nChurch Government and Discipline which we happily attained unto, in Opposition\nto a lordly Prelacy upon the one Hand, and Sectarian Anarchy\nor Confusion upon the other.", "\n\nWhen Matters were come to that Pass in the Church\nof Scotland of late Years, that pleading with {44} the Judicatures\nby Instructions, Petitions, and Representations, were not\nonly utterly disregarded, but some of the now seceding Ministers\nejected, for no other Reason but because they could not withdraw a Protestation\nentered before the General Assembly 1733, for their just Rights\nand Privileges as Ministers of the Gospel, to testify doctrinally\nand judicially against the Defections of the Times; there were some\nMinisters about that Time, who appeared somewhat zealous against the arbitrary\nMeasures that were then entered into. ", "Severals of them had in the Year\n1732 subscribed a Representation (wherein the now seceding Ministers\njoined) and presented it to the Assembly the said Year, for the\nRedress of many of these Steps of Defection, which are afterwards mentioned\nin the Act and Testimony emitted by the Associate Presbytery;\nwhich Representation was refused a Hearing by that Assembly, whereupon\nsuch of the subscribing Ministers as were present offered a Protestation\nfor Exoneration, which was also refused to be marked. ", "The Zeal that appeared\nin these Ministers about that Time, made the Brethren entertain\nsuch a favourable Opinion of them, that when their Secession was\nfirst stated, November 1735, they declared their Readiness to hold\nCommunion with all such who were adhering \"to the Principles of the true\nPresbyterian covenanted Church of Scotland, in her Doctrine, Worship,\nDiscipline and Government, and who were affected with the Evils complained\nof, and were wrestling against the same.\" ", "And afterwards in their Declinature\ngiven in to the Assembly 1739, they \"intreat and beseech such Ministers\nand Elders who regard the covenanted Testimony of the Church of Scotland,\nthat for the Love they bear to the Honour and Glory of the Redeemer, and\nhis despised Truths, as also that they may be in a Capacity to transmit\na faithful Testimony to succeeding Generations, to come out from\nthe present Judicatories, and from all ministerial Communion {45} with\nthem, as they would not be Partakers of their Sins.—That they would make\nUse of the Keys of Government and Discipline for the Ends and Purposes\nfor which they are given them, and that they would put to their Hand to\nlift up the Standard of a judicial Testimony for the borne-down Truths\nof God.\"", "\n\nBut instead of all this, when the seceding Ministers\nobserved that these very Brethren, who once appeared to contend\nwith them, for the same Steps of Reformation, went in by Degrees\ninto the Measures of the Times; that their former Zeal not only abated,\nbut they justified or extenuated these same Steps of Defection they complained\nof before; that they were so far from testifying doctrinally and judicially\nagainst the same, that a profound Silence took Place anent these\nMatters, and scarce any other Grievance publickly lamented among them,\nbut that there was a Secession from the present Judicatures,\nand a standing Testimony against their Defections and Proceedings: The\nBrethren, I say, observing all this, and finding that these Ministers\nwere peaceably incorporated with Intruders, and such as have\nbeen active in carrying on a Course of Defection, by tolerating the Erroneous,\nsupporting and countenancing Error, and by enacting Laws and Constitutions\ncontrary to the Laws of Zion's King, whereby ministerial Freedom\nis suppressed, new and unwarrantable Terms of ministerial and christian\nCommunion imposed, and whereby the Heritage of God is oppressed and broken,\nand likewise with such as have subordinated themselves unto the\nCivil Powers in their Ecclesiastical Meetings, Functions, and Administrations,\nand practically given up with their holding of the King of Zion,\nby reading in one Shape or other the Act of Parliament anent\nCaptain John Porteous; this being the Case, that they were all silently\nincorporated, as above, the seceding Ministers could not with\na safe Conscience hold Communion with them any longer; which by the By,\nis a sufficient {46} Answer to what Mr. Webster is pleased to suggest\nto the Consideration of the Associate Presbytery, Letter, page 13,\nanent their refusing to hold Communion with these Ministers whom they once\nlooked upon as a contending Party.", "\n\nSome of them, I know, were well enough satisfied with\nthe Secession at first, and would have been so to this Day, tho'\nthey were not for running any Hazard themselves, by joining therein, providing\nthe seceding Ministers could have chicaned and dissembled\nso far, as to support their Popularity by joining with them, and\nencouraging the People to cleave to them, while in the mean Time they were\nresolved to screen themselves from the Storm, and indolently\nwait for better Days. ", "When they were thus disappointed, and being resolved\nnot to run the Risk of Church Censures, by joining in the present\nTestimony, and finding a good Number of solid and experienced Christians\nthro' the Land deserting their Ministry, they at length fall upon this\nStratagem, viz. ", "That the several Points of the present Testimony,\nare not among the Fundamentals or Essentials of Christianity,\nthat they are such Matters as great and good Men have differed about,\nand therefore People ought not to forsake the Ministry of good Men,\naltho' they cannot come the Length of espousing the Testimony the\nBrethren are contending for. ", "There are good Men of all Opinions,\nand therefore the Brethren's Testimony, and their refusing to join\nwith good Men of all Denominations, is nothing but Bigotry\nand Party Zeal.", "\n\nIn order to propagate this Principle (which is thought\nto be the best Mean to break the Secession) Mr. George Whitefield\nis fallen upon as the most proper Tool; and he, finding that it\nwould promote his secular Interest, which now appears in\nthe Eyes of all sober thinking Men, to be his highest Aim, greedily\nembraces the Opportunity; for, as I shall presently shew, the Associate\nPresbytery did not invite him to Scotland. ", "However when it was\nfound that the Bait {47} was like to take, his Ministrations and\nSuccess are mightily cried up, his Doctrine and Art\nimitated, as far as some Ministers could, till at Length the same\nfatal Delusion took Place here, which has overspread a great\nPart of our American Colonies; and then presently the Cry\nis raised, That God is now remarkably owning the Ministers of the\nestablished Church, notwithstanding of all the Evils complained of: He\nis crowning their Ministrations with remarkable Success, Nations\nare born in one Day by their Means; there is no such Countenance given\nto the Assemblies of the Seceders; and therefore the Consequence\nis, the People ought to disown them, whom God is disowning; God is now\ntestifying that there was no Ground for seceding from the Established\nChurch, when he is holding Fellowship with Her in such a visible and\nopen manner.", "\n\nThis Argument was mightily improven, and no Doubt\nhad Influence upon some of the Simple and unwary; altho' it is no Breach\nof Charity to say, That the Ministers who reasoned at this Rate,\nwere either under the Power of a blind Infatuation at the Time,\nor were grossly imposing upon the People, when it was obvious to\nthe Observation of all, that they were going on in the same Course\nof Backsliding from the Lord as formerly, and the People that were\nmisled, filled with the greatest Prejudice and Aversion to\nany Testimony for the Reformation Principles of this Church. ", "But as breaking\nthe Secession was the grand Plot, so, in order thereto, we find\nthe above vain-glorious Boasting running thro' all their publick\nPapers. ", "Says Mr. Robe to the Associate Presbytery, Preface,\npage 18, \"Can you be so unaffected with the Glory of infinitely Sovereign\nGrace, appearing towards a Judgment-deserving Generation, as to say, You\ndo well to fret and to be angry, because you find your Glory is lessened\nby it, and your Credit beginning to suffer.\" ", "To the same Purpose Mr. Webster\nspeaking likewise of the seceding Ministers, {48} Letter, page 14,\n\"What then, if God is now testifying his Displeasure, by not crowning their\nown Labours with the wished Success? ", "Or, may he not, even in Pity\nto them, remarkably countenance the Ministry of some they despised,\nthat they may henceforth learn not so rashly to call these God has sanctified,\ncommon and unclean?\" ", "And Page 45, \"It may teach the Associate\nPresbytery not to limit the Holy One of Israel in the Dispensation\nof his Grace, and that God has yet made Choice of our Zion, and\ndelights to dwell within the Gates of our Jerusalem. ", "And\nshould make them more cautious in separating from these, whom the\ngreat Master of Assemblies condescends to countenance so remarkably\nwith his Presence.\" ", "This is plain Dealing: here now is a Discovery\nof the whole Secret. ", "This Work must be cried up as an undeniable\nEvidence of God's dwelling within the Gates of the Established\nChurch, and countenancing them remarkably with his Presence;\nand this as the last Shift, must be improven to the best Advantage\nto bear down the Secession. ", "But as the Lord in his great Mercy,\nhath by this Time made it evident to the whole Kingdom, that these Prophets\nhave seen a lying Divination, so I need say the less upon it; only\nI cannot miss to observe that they have taken the most effectual Way to\nperpetuate the lamentable Effects of this Delusion. ", "For,\nin order to secure the People in all Time coming from joining the Seceders\nor ever appearing zealous for presbyterial Church-government, all\nPains is taken to persuade them, that a Testimony for the same is\nnothing but mere Bigotry; that they may be good People whatever\nDenomination they be of, and therefore they ought not to be taken\nup about these lesser Things, but only about the Vitals of\nReligion, wherein the Matters of Church Government have no Concern. ", "It\nis plain that this Doctrine opens a wide Door for boundless Toleration\nand Liberty of Conscience; yet that this is the leading Principle\nof the Promoters of this Work {49} both abroad and at home shall\nbe shewn from their own Writings.", "\n\nI suppose it cannot be reasonably refused, that Mr. Whitefield\nis the chief human Instrument and Promoter of this Work;\nand indeed by his fascinating Art he has gained considerably\nby it. ", "I might therefore begin with considering his Catholick Scheme\nof universal Love and Communion of all Churches, which is built\nupon this false Principle, That there is no Foundation in Scripture\nor Reason for any one particular Form of Church-government by [rather\nthan] another. ", "But the pernicious Tendency of this Scheme, for unhinging\nall true Religion in the World, and advancing Satan's Kingdom and Interest\ntherein, has been detected to such excellent Purpose, from Mr. Whitefield's\nown Writings, by the Reverend Mr. Gib, that I need only refer the\nReader to the Appendix of his Warning, where he will find\nfull Satisfaction upon this Subject.", "\n\nI proceed therefore to shew, that all the subordinate\nPromoters of this Work, embrace and propagate the same Principle with\ntheir famous Leader Mr. Whitefield. ", "We may easily judge of\nthe Principles maintained by Mr. Gilbert Tennent, and other Adherents\nto Mr. Whitefield of the Presbyterian Denomination in New-England,\nfrom the above-mentioned Protestation presented to the Synod\nof Philadelphia, where it is said, Page 9, \"That they expressly\ndeny that Presbyteries and Synods have Authority, or should go any farther\nin judging of Appeals or References, &c. than to give their\nbest Advice. ", "Which (say the Protestant Ministers) is plainly\nto divest the Officers and Judicatories of Christ's Kingdom of all Authority,\nand plainly contradicts our Confession of Faith, chapter 31, section\n3.\"", "\n\nThat Mr. Gilbert Tennent in particular, is entirely\nmoulded into Mr. Whitefield's Catholick Scheme, of blending all\nreligious Societies into one, to make up a Synagogue of Satan out\nof all, will appear from Mr. Whitefield's Character of him, Remarks\n&c. page {50} 8, \"I have the Happiness of being personally and\nvery intimately acquainted with Mr. Tennent. ", "I scarce knew a\nMan of a more Catholick Spirit.\" ", "Mr. Whitefield shews, Remarks,\npage 24, how far Messrs. Prince, Webb, and Cooper, three\nBoston Ministers, are from Bigotry by their Preface\nto Mr. McGregere's Sermon, which concludes thus, \"And our earnest\nWishes, that with a tender and meek Forbearance of each other in different\nSentiments about Church Order and Government, we may all\nunite in maintaining and promoting these more excellent and momentous\nPoints of Grace and vital Piety.\" ", "That Mr. Edwards is of the same\nPrinciple may be seen from the Close of his Sermon on the Marks of a\nWork of the true Spirit. ", "Mr. Harris speaks without Disguise,\nWeekly Hist. ", "Number 14, \"Since we cannot come to understand some\nTexts about Church-Government, and about the Time or Mode of Baptism, and\nsome other little Externals that are soon to perish, all Ministers—of\nevery Persuasion—should lend their Pulpits to each other alternately, never\ntouching on those Things they cannot see alike.\" ", "This was exactly the Dialect\nof the Familists and other Enthusiasts of the last Century.", "\n\nNow, as the Work is owned to be the same Abroad\nand at Home, so we find the Promoters thereof in Scotland\nall speaking in the same Strain, and propagating the same lax and\nanarchical Principles with their Brethren above mentioned. ", "The Rev.\nMr. Willison, at Dundee, in the Postscript of his\nLetter, Weekly Hist. ", "Number 13, \"Many with us are for preferring\nMinisters according to the Party they are of.\" ", "That is, there are many\nsound Presbyterians in Scotland, who prefer a Presbyterian\nMinister to those of the Episcopal or other Denominations; and,\namong the Presbyterians in Name, they prefer those who hold strictly\nto their Principles. \"", "But commend me (says he) to a pious, Christ-exalting,\nand Soul-winning Minister, whatever be his Denomination.\" {", "51} That\nis, suppose a Man were a Jesuit, and has the outward Appearance\nof Sanctity, and if any Success attend his Ministrations upon the external\nMorals of the People, he is equally acceptable to Mr. Willison with\n[as] those of his own Denomination. ", "How the Rev. Mr. Willison will\nbe capable to reconcile this Principle with his cleaving to our Covenants\nNational and Solemn League, which he professes to do in that\nLetter, I know not; I am afraid that such a Profession will be looked\nupon by the Impartial, to be mere Artifice.", "\n\nThe Rev. Mr. Ogilvie at Aberdeen, another\nPromoter of this Work, is far from dissembling his Keenness for\nToleration Principles, Weekly Hist. ", "Number 28, \"We have been\nof late much employed, and a great Noise has been made about the lesser\nMatters of the Law, and are now much broken in Judgment about Things,\nmany of which, I must own, I do not well understand.\" ", "The lesser Matters\nof the Law, which Mr. Ogilvie says he does not well understand,\nare these little Externals of Church Order and Government, which\nhis Friend Mr. Howel Harris above-mentioned professes to be very\nindifferent about. ", "That this is Mr. Ogilvie's plain Meaning, appears\nfrom his Character of Mr. Whitefield: \"His Attachment (says he)\nto no Party but Christ, and true Grace alone has long appeared\nto me a peculiar Excellency in him.\" ", "No Party but Christ! ", "I tremble\nat the Blasphemy of dressing up the LORD of GLORY\nin the monstrous Garb of Mr. Whitefield's Scheme; and therefore\nI dare not use the Freedom of putting that bold Expression in plainer\nLanguage; however, it is obvious by that other Expression, True Grace\nalone, that the Truths relative to the Government, and Order\nof the House of God, are with Mr. Ogilvie Matters of mere Indifferency;\nand therefore, according to him, not worth contending for, because no Way\nessential to Salvation. ", "I am glad to find that the Absurdity of\nthis dangerous Doctrine {52} has been exposed, and an open Testimony given\nagainst it, by the Reverend Mr. John Bisset, Minister of the Gospel\nat Aberdeen, in a Sermon of his lately printed there, wherein he\nsolidly refutes that Doctrine which is now so current of ranking any of\nthe Truths of Christ among Indifferencies, and gives a plain and\njust Character of Mr. Whitefield, which deserves the Attention\nof the Publick, page 67, \"Terrible it is to me (says he) to bring\nin any of the Things of Christ into the Class of Indifferencies,\nby which it must come to this, sometimes to lay aside Christ's Commandments,\nfor no better Reason, than because the Thing required is not essential\nto Salvation; or to this, sometimes to prefer a human Device to a Commandment\nof Christ; for if both be in the Class of Indifferencies, it is at your\nDiscretion, which of them to choose or refuse, at this or that Time. ", "How\ndangerous this is I might shew at large; but tho' I, or an Angel from Heaven,\nshould teach you any other Doctrine (namely the Doctrine of Indifferencies)\nwe corrupt the Doctrine of Christ.———I will answer for this I preach, as\nbeing Christ's Truth, in the Day that you and I shall stand naked at his\nTribunal, and I will answer for it as seasonable and necessary Truth, Whoever\na Minister of Satan, transforming himself into a Minister of Christ, may\nof late have poisoned many of this deluded Land with the contrary.", "\nHow appositely may I repeat here Part of a Letter from the great Mr. Rutherford\nto the Professors in Ireland—It is not possible (saith he) to compound\na Matter between Christ and Antichrist. ", "It was Man's Wit, and the Wit of\nPrelates, and their God-father the Pope to put Christ and\nhis Prerogative Royal and Truths, and the smallest Nail-breadth\nof his Letter-will, in the New Kallender of Indifferencies, and\nto make a blank of un-inked Paper in Christ's Testament, that Men may fill\nup, and {53} so shuffle the Truth and Matters they call indifferent through\nother, and spin both together, that Antichrist's Wares may sell\nthe better.\" ", "From which the Reverend Mr. Bisset subsumes, \"What\nwould this great Seer have said to those of our Day, who listen to every\nstrolling Imposter and Cheat (meaning Mr. Whitefield) who\nwould card Christ's Truths and their own Errors through other, that Antichrist's\nWares may sell the better?\" ", "I hope the Reader will be so well pleased\nwith this Quotation, that he will not grudge the Length of it.", "\n\nI believe none will suspect that the Reverend Messrs.\nRobe and Webster, who are such zealous Promoters of\nthis Work, will be behind any of the former in declaring for the\nAnarchical Scheme, or a boundless Liberty of Conscience with respect\nto the Principles of Church-Government. ", "Any who have read Mr. Webster's\nLetter may observe how contemptuously he speaks of the Government and\nDiscipline of the House of the living God, page 30, \"A Person under alarming\nApprehensions of Divine Wrath, cannot with much Sedateness of Mind peruse\nthe endless Volumes that have been writ on visible external Forms.", "\nWhat would you think of his Convictions for Sin, who made Church-Government\nhis first Enquiry? ", "Would he not be as reasonably and profitably employed\nin reading Guthrie's Trial, &c. as in studying publick Acts\nand Testimonies?\" ", "Now granting that the Doctrine concerning the Government\nof the Church, doth not fall under the Enquiry of a Person under Conviction,\nat the first Instance; yet I am perfectly sure, that the Spirit of God\nin his convincing Work, doth not beget in any Soul, an Aversion\nto publick Acts and Testimonies for the Declarative Glory of God,\nas evidently takes Place at present in Mr. Webster himself, and\nthese he is pleading for. ", "What can he mean by the endless Volumes\nthat have been writ on visible external Forms? ", "But that Presbyterial\nChurch-Government has been mightily {54} controverted and opposed, therefore\nit is worth no Man's While to take up his Head about it; and accordingly\nhe gives two insulting Challenges from Mr. Robe's Preface,\nwith equal Warmth to the seceding Ministers (1.) \"", "Dare any of you\ntell the most zealous for your Testimony, and against their own Ministers,\nthat these Things are Marks and Evidences of saving Grace?\" ", "Not to insist\nupon the Invective of calling it our Testimony; I dare tell every\none, That a zealous Concern for a publick Testimony to the Kingly Office\nof Christ and the Privileges of his Kingdom, is among the distinguishing\nEvidences of saving Grace, which we find all the Saints in Scripture had,\nevery one of them being zealous for the Testimony of their Day. (", "2.) ", "Dare\nany of you tell them, \"That the judging your Testimony irregular——and their\nclose Conjunction with their own Ministers, are certain Evidences that\nthey are christless and graceless who do so?\" ", "To which I answer, That if\nsome Persons had not better Evidences of their being in a State of Grace,\nthan their judging the Testimony we were honoured to give to be irregular,\nand their close Conjunction with their Ministers who are carrying on a\nCourse of Defection: It would be no great Breach of Charity to say that\nthey are christless and graceless who do so.", "\n\nAs for the Reverend Mr. Robe; He insists upon making\nthe Charge good, of his being of the above Principles, and I find no Difficulty\nin doing it; for (1.) ", "He plainly insinuates, That the Decay of practical\nGodliness, Formality in Religion, and open Immorality, are the only\nBreaches of Covenant, Preface, page 4. ", "His Words, after mentioning\nthe above Evils, are, \"All this was observed by some, and looked upon as\nthe Cause of God's Controversy with us, and what they feared would provoke\nhim to send some desolating Judgment to avenge the Quarrel of his THUS\nbroken Covenant.\" ", "Now, if by COVENANT he means the Covenant of\nDuties, which {55} this Land once and again entered into, both in one\nNational and solemn League and Covenant, it is plain, that\nhe looks upon all Defections from Presbyterial Principles in Doctrine,\nWorship, Discipline, and Government, to be no Breaches of these\nCovenants. ", "This will appear if it is considered (2.) ", "That he makes it one\nof Satan's Devices for People to be exercised about publick Defections,\nwhich (says he) \"either are not their Sins, or among the least of them.\"", "\nBut we find that for the publick Sins of Magistrates and Ministers, acting\nin their several Capacities, Wrath has been poured out upon a whole Land,\nMicah 3.11,12, The Heads thereof judge for Reward, and the Priests\nthereof teach for Hire, and the Prophets thereof divine for money, yet\nwill they lean upon the Lord, and say is not the Lord among us? ", "No evil\ncan come upon us, Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field,\nand Jerusalem shall become heaps. ", "And when People do not lament these\npublick Sins they are chargeable upon them, All these things shall come\nupon this Generation, saith our Lord, Matt. ", "23.36. (", "3.) ", "He makes\nMismanagements in Government and Discipline to be no Causes, or\nat least, very inconsiderable ones, of the Lord's Controversy with us;\nfor he finds great fault with these, who complained of publick Defections\nand Backslidings as the most crying sins, and alleges that \"Hereby\nthey were led to overlook what was our greatest Evil, and cause\nof God's Controversy with us, namely, the Corruption of the Lives\nof the Members of this Church.\" ", "But I could wish Mr. Robe would\nremember that the Corruption of the Lives of Church-members flows chiefly,\nnext to the Depravation of their Natures, from the Corruptions of the Ministry,\nJer. ", "23.14,15, I have seen also in the Prophets of Jerusalem an horrible\nThing, they——walk in Lies, they strengthen also the Hands of evil Doers.", "\nTherefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts concerning the Prophets, behold,\nI will feed them with Wormwood, and make them drink {56} the Water\nof Gall; for from the Prophets of Jerusalem is Profaneness gone forth into\nall the Land. ", "Verse 22, But if they had stood in my Council, and\nhad caused my People to hear my Words, then they should have turned them\nfrom their evil Way, and from the Evil of their Doings. (", "4.) ", "Mr. Robe\nis pleased to call the Defections of Ministers and Church-Judicatories,\n\"Disputable Things, far from the Vitals of Religion.\" ", "Preface,\npage 5. ", "The speaking so diminutively of our publick Defections, and Matters\nrelative to the Government of the House of Christ, necessarily lands in\nScepticism which is the native Fruit of Enthusiasm. ", "Besides\nhe goes upon a palpable Mistake which I am afraid many inculcate upon their\nHearers, namely, That none who are taken up about the Vitals of Religion,\nwill much concern themselves about the publick Cause of God, the very Reverse\nwhereof is true.", "\n\nThus I have shewn that Mr. Robe is not a Whit behind\nany of the above Promoters of this Work, in favouring and countenancing\na boundless Liberty of Conscience, especially with respect unto\nChurch-Government; and therefore since the Charge is made good against\nhim, I hope he will not henceforth reckon the Associate Presbytery slanderers,\nas he threatened to do, if they had failed in their Probation of this Point.", "\nI find the Attesters of the Narrative of the Extraordinary\nWork at Cambuslang, speaking much in the above Strain, commending\nthe People there, as free of Bigotry and Party Zeal, and\nas having an \"Aversion to Things that tend to Strife rather than to Edification,\"\nthat is, an Aversion to all Testimonies for our Presbyterial Church-Government\nand Constitution. ", "I cannot here omit a strange Character that one of them\ngives the People at Cambuslang, Short Narrative, page 17, \"All of\nthem, (says he,) expressed the warmest Desire after an Interest in Christ,\nto obtain which, they said, they would cheerfully lay down their Lives.\"", "\nNow unless he {57} make them all of the Purgatorial or of the middle\nState Scheme, I freely own I know not what he means by the Expression.", "\n\nI come now in the Last Place to consider Mr. Robe's\nADDRESS to the Associate Presbytery. ", "It is plain that such publick\nAddresses are not designed for the Conviction or Edification of the Party\nto whom they are made, but to expose them as far as possible to the Ridicule\nof the World; and therefore I cannot allow myself to address the Reverend\nMr. Robe in the like Manner, especially when his Address is written\nwith so much of a Spirit of Bitterness, that it would rather tend to irritate\nthan reclaim, should I endeavour to imitate it. ", "There is so little of solid\nReason and of the Persuasive, and so much of the Invective\nin it, that I had not thought it worth my While to have given any Return,\nwere it not that I perceive the World is grossly imposed upon by several\nfalse Insinuations that are made therein.", "\n\nFirst, He represents us to the World as Men of\nbitter and malignant Spirits, and himself and his Brethren\nas Men of the greatest Patience and Moderation. ", "Preface, page 15,\n\"Whatever bitter Names you and your Party give us, whatever bitter Reproaches\nyou cast upon us,—we take all patiently.—We would lay our Bodies\nas the Ground, and as the Street for you to go over, if it could in the\nleast contribute to remove your Prejudices.\" ", "The giving of bitter Names,\nor casting groundless Reproaches on any, we absolutely refuse. ", "If our testifying\nagainst the corrupt Practices of Ministers and Judicatures, and lamenting\nthe same, be reckoned a giving of bitter Names, we cannot help it.", "\nBut how far they have taken all patiently, when they have proceeded\nagainst us the Length of Deposition and Ejection, let the\nWorld judge. ", "Have they laid their Bodies as the Ground for us to go over?", "\nWhen they have not only thrust us from our Charges, but have painted us\nout to the World as the sole Disturbers of human Society, {58} who scarce\ndeserve the common Privileges of other Subjects.", "\n\nThe chief Thing I find, that angers Mr. Robe and\nhis Party, is the late Act of the Associate Presbytery anent a publick\nFast. ", "This (says he) is \"the most Heaven-daring Paper, that hath been\npublished by any Set of Men in Britain these hundred Years past.\"", "\nStrange! ", "Is it more Heaven-daring than the Papers that have been published\nby Deists, Arians, Quakers, and other Sets of Blasphemers that have\nbeen in Britain within less than a hundred Years bygone? ", "The Reason\nof the Charge is, \"Therein you declare the Work of God to be a Delusion,\nand the Work of the grand Deceiver.\" ", "If we had done so, it had been an\nIniquity to be punished by the Judge; but as we never looked upon THIS\nto be a Work of God, so I have already disproved the Evidences they allege\nfor its being so, and therefore it must remain to be a Delusion\nstill, till better Evidences are adduced.", "\n\nMr. Robe alleges we are not duly informed anent\nthe Nature and Circumstances of this Work because none of Us have been\nat Cambuslang or Kilsyth. ", "Had there appeared the least Probability\nto us, of a gracious and remarkable Work of God begun in these Places,\nwe should have been the cheerful Witnesses, and rejoiced to have been plentiful\nSharers of it among the first. ", "But when we plainly saw that the\nInstruments and Promoters thereof, were so far from assaying [endeavouring]\nany Thing like Reformation, that their outmost Endeavours were employed\nto sopite [put to sleep] and banish any remaining Inclinations in\nthe People that Way: When we were convinced that, tho' the extraordinary\nAppearances that attend this Work, such as bodily Agonies and ecstatic\nImpulses, were conformable to Mr. Whitefield's Experiences,\nyet contrary to the Experiences of all the Saints recorded in Scripture,\nand no Way agreeable to the Method of the Spirit's Operation as revealed\nthere: When we had unquestionable {59} Proofs of the Prejudice and\nEnmity, with which the Subjects of this Work and the Admirers thereof\nwere filled against our Covenanted Reformation, and all that espoused the\nsame, to an higher Degree than ever was known in Scotland since\nour persecuting Times: When we observed the great Noise and outward\nShew that was made of this Work, the publick Proclamation thereof through\nall Quarters of the World, and the vast Ostentation and great\nswelling Words wherewith this was published, so unlike the Modesty\nand Humility of true Christians: When it was obvious that the Promoters\nof this Work in Scotland, were not only embracing and propagating\nanarchical and Toleration Principles, but practically owning\nthem, by joining in full Communion with Mr. Whitefield a professed\nPriest of the Church of England, and after all, lulling poor\nPeople fast asleep under all the Tokens of the Lord's Anger, with the fatal\nAllurement of a great Work of God begun among them, as an undeniable\nProof of the Lord's Presence with their Ministers, notwithstanding of all\nthat the Seceders have said against them: In a Word, when it was perfectly\nevident, that the whole Work was managed and carried on, for bearing down\nany Testimony for Scotland's Covenanted Reformation; when\nall this was abundantly clear to the Seceding Ministers, would Mr.\nRobe have them to come and see, especially when joining in\nministerial Communion, was a necessary Preliminary to any Satisfaction\nthat might be expected? ", "Or in Case they had been in any Doubt, to what\nPurpose come and seek Information from these Ministers, who had before-Hand\ngiven it out in the strongest Terms, to be an Extraordinary Work of\nthe Spirit of God, a Prelude of the glorious Things promised to the\nChurch in the last Times? ", "It is plain in this Case, the Seceding Ministers\nbehoved to give implicit Faith to the whole, or be accounted Blasphemers,\nas Mr. Robe calls them, Preface, page 16, and is so modest\nas to say that they are come too near to the {60} unpardonable Sin.", "\nHowever, since we were not in the least Doubt about the Nature and Tendency\nof this Work, I would ask Mr. Robe, if it would not have been as\nmuch our Duty, to go to a Quaker-Meeting to be informed, whether\nthey are agitated by the true Spirit, or by Satanical Impulse,\nsince it is notour that their Pretences to a Divine Influence run as high\nas others.", "\n\nMr. Robe is pleased to adorn his Address\nwith a very idle Story, which plainly discovers with what Manner\nof Spirit he writes, Preface, page 16, \"One of your Party who had\nconsulted one of your Number, said, That if he thought the Spirit of God\nwould come by the Ministers of this Church, he would not own it.\" ", "This\nis a very calumnious Insinuation, as if one of our Number had given\nit as his Opinion, \"That if he thought the Spirit of God would come by\nthe Ministers of this Church he would not own it.\" ", "I can freely say for\nevery one of our Number, that we would greatly rejoice to see the\nSpirit of God poured out upon the Ministers of this Church, reforming and\nreclaiming them, in which Case we would be of one Heart and one\nWay. ", "I would not have given the Reader any Trouble about this\nStory, if it were not to let the World see, upon what Foundation\nthey build the Aspersions they cast so liberally upon the Seceders.", "\nThe plain Matter of Fact was this: One George Finlay a Seceder in\nthe Parish of Kilsyth, having one of his Friends seized with this\nWork, acquainted the Reverend Mr. Erskine at Stirling therewith;\nbut no such Thing passed betwixt them as is above represented, nor any\nThing said by Mr. Erskine that could lay the least Foundation for\nsuch an unguarded Speech. ", "But the said George Finlay, happening\nto have an Interview with one Alexander Allan, who was once among\nthe Seceders of that Parish, but returning to Mr. Robe, is now\naccounted by him, to be the only Man of any Consideration as to serious\nReligion that was among {61} them, Narrative, page 27. ", "This Allan\nsaid to Finlay, \"You think this Work a plain Delusion, for if you\nthought it was the Spirit of the Lord, you would go and countenance it.\"", "\nUnto which George Finlay replied (according to the Copy of the Conversation\nin his Letter now before me) \"Altho' that I was persuaded from the Word\nof God, that it were the saving Work of the Spirit of the Lord, I do not\nsee my Warrant in the Word to bury a Testimony for Truth, and return to\nthe Establishment as yet; for if it be the Work of God's Spirit, I am in\nno Doubt but the Associate Presbytery and the Establishment will meet,\nfor it is the Lord's Cause the Associate Presbytery is contending for,\nand will be made to own.\" ", "Now will this bear such a Gloss as Mr. Robe\nputs upon it? ", "Or will it follow, because Finlay was once in Company\nwith the Reverend Mr. Erskine, that he advised him to say as Mr.\nRobe relates? ", "And if Allan has told Mr. Robe the Story\nas he prints it, I must own it is no great Evidence that he is of such\nConsideration for serious Religion, as Mr. Robe represents.", "\n\nBut I find it is fashionable with the Party to receive\nand hand about Reports of the Seceders, how ever false and\nridiculous: One Instance of many shall suffice: There are Hundreds\nof Mr. Robe's Party, who I doubt not have consulted with more\nthan one of his Number, who have said that one of Mr. Fisher's\nElders came to him with his Daughter under some spiritual Disorder,\nand he having conversed with her gave it as his Opinion to her Father,\nthat it was a Work of God upon her Soul; but being told that it was at\nCambuslang, she was touched, He said, If that was the Case, it must\ncertainly be a Delusion: This Story is no Doubt designed to represent\nMr. Fisher in the blackest Colours, and accordingly they have printed\nit in one of their anonymous Pamphlets, as what they have certain\nInformation of, and continue to hand it about with the greatest Confidence.", "\nBut I {62} hereby assure the World that it is entirely false, and\nthat there was never the least Foundation for it.", "\n\nTo return, Mr. Robe in finding Fault with the Act\nof Presbytery for mentioning Visions, Voices, and Revelations\namong the usual Symptoms of a Delusive Spirit, says, page 16, \"None\nof our People, who are come to Relief by Faith in Christ, pretend to them.\"", "\nThere is too much of the Deceit here; for the Question is not whether\nthey who are come to Relief by Faith in Christ pretend to such Things?", "\nbut whether they who are the Subjects of this Work, who have undergone\nbodily Pains and Convulsions, do not likewise pretend to Visions, Voices,\nand Revelations? ", "It is most certain that many of them do, as can be proven\nby innumerable Witnesses, who have heard them own so much; and Mr. Edwards\nis so ingenuous as to acknowledge that they appertain to the Extraordinary\nWork, and vindicates them as flowing from the Spirit of God tho' indirectly,\nDist. ", "Marks, page 27,28. ", "Mr. Robe adds, \"Can you say that\nsound Divines maintain that bodily Distresses are inconsistent with\na saving Work of the Spirit of God? ", "If you had said thus, and proven it,\nyou would have said something; but this is what you could not, what you\ndurst not say.\" ", "I could wish the Reverend Mr. Robe would for the\nfuture learn to speak somewhat more discreetly. ", "I have already shewn from\nMr. Edwards, that the Rise of these bodily Agitations and\nAgonies, is not only Antiscriptural but Diabolical, and therefore\nevery sound Divine must maintain in these Circumstances, that they\nare inconsistent with a saving Work of the Spirit of God at the Time;\ntho' I do not refuse that some such Persons may afterwards be the Subjects\nof the Spirit's Gracious Operations.", "\n\nThere are a great many other hard Speeches, and\nbitter Invectives against the Associate Presbytery in Mr.\nRobe's Address, which I entirely pass and forgive. ", "And as I have\nalready considered all that he says against the {63} Act of Presbytery,\nin Vindication of his Extraordinary Work, so I shall have done with\nhim, after I have taken Notice of what he says anent Mr. Whitefield,\nand vindicate the Act of Presbytery, in what is therein so justly alleged\nagainst that Person.", "\n\nMr. Robe says, Preface, page 20, \"I do not\nmeddle at this Time with that Part of your Paper concerning the reverend\nMr. George Whitefield whom I love in the Truth,——Only I'm of Opinion,\nthat He should do Justice so far to himself, and the Ministers of the Church\nof Scotland, as to set what passed between you and him in a just\nLight.\" ", "Whatever Justice Mr. Whitefield thinks he has done to himself\nand the Ministers of the Church of Scotland, yet I shall make it\nappear that he has imposed intolerably upon the World in the Letter\nhe has published, Weekly Hist. ", "Number 37. ", "In Answer to that Part\nof the Act of Presbytery relative to Him; \"As to what they say about\nthe Supremacy (says he) my Sentiments as to the Power and Authority\nof the Civil Magistrates as to sacred Things, agree with what is said in\nthe Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 23, § 3, 4. ", "And\nI own the Lord Jesus to be the blessed Head and King of his Church. ", "The\nSolemn League and Covenant I never abjured, neither was it ever\nproposed to me to be abjured.\" ", "That everybody may see with their own Eyes\nwhat Mr. Whitefield's Conduct has been, which he here so jesuitically\ndissembles, I shall transcribe what follows from the Form and Manner\nof making, ordering, and consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons according\nto the Order of the Church of England. \"", "Before the Gospel, the Bishop\nsitting in his Chair, shall cause Oath of the King's Supremacy—to\nbe ministered unto every one of the Deacons that are to be ordered\nor ordained, the Tenour whereof follows, \"I ——— do utterly testify and\ndeclare in my Conscience, That the King's Highness is the only supreme\nGovernour of this Realm, and of all other His Highness's {64} Dominions\nand Countries, as well in all spiritual or ecclesiastical Things or\nCauses, as Temporal.—And do promise that—to my Power I shall assist\nand defend all Jurisdictions, Privileges, Pre-eminences and Authorities,\ngranted or belonging to the King's Highness—or annexed to the Imperial\nCrown of this Realm: So help me God and the Contents of this Book.\" ", "The\nsaid Oath is repeated again when they are ordained Priests; and\nthe following Question among others put to them, \"Will you reverendly\nobey your Ordinary and other chief Ministers unto whom is\ncommitted the Charge and Government over you? ", "Answer. ", "I will do\nso, the Lord being my Helper.\"", "\n\nNow when Mr. Whitefield has sworn once and\nagain, That the King is supreme Governour in all spiritual or ecclesiastical\nThings or Causes, and that this is one of the Privileges and Pre-eminences\nbelonging to the Crown, and never has professed the least Sorrow for so\ndoing, with what Face can He say, that He agrees with the above Passage\nof our Confession, wherein it is expressly asserted that \"the Civil\nMagistrate may not assume to himself the Power of the Keys of the Kingdom\nof Heaven.\" ", "And consequently it is impossible he can own the Lord Jesus\nto be the Head of his Church, in a Consistency with the above Oath, without\nmanifest Equivocation. ", "As for his saying that it was never proposed to\nhim to abjure the Solemn League and Covenant, this is also a mere\nBlind; for had it been formally proposed to him, he will not refuse,\nthat he had Freedom enough to do it. ", "But he could not but know that by\nthe Act of Uniformity, the Solemn League and Covenant was appointed\nto be abjured by all Ecclesiastical Persons in England for the Space\nof twenty Years from 1662 to 1682, and held to be abjured to this\nDay; in Testimony whereof the said Act for Uniformity is for ordinary\nprefixed to the several Editions of the Book of Common Prayer. ", "Besides,\nMr. {65} Whitefield has effectually abjured the Solemn League and\nCovenant by swearing the above Oath of Supremacy, and engaging at\nhis Ordination to be subject to the Hierarchy of the Church of England\nin direct Opposition to the express Terms of the Solemn League.", "\n\nMr. Whitefield alleges, That if his Missives\nto the Members of the Associate Presbytery, were printed, the World\nwould see, they had no Reason to expect that He would act in any other\nManner than he has done. ", "I shall be satisfied how soon those Missives\non both Sides be printed: From them it will appear, That the Associate\nPresbytery were so far from inviting Mr. Whitefield to Scotland,\nthat when he notified his Design of coming to this Kingdom, they plainly\nsignified to him, that unless he embraced the Reformation Principles of\nthis Church, it would not be for the Edification of the Body of Christ,\nand accordingly wrote him at large an Account of our Presbyterian Principles.", "\nHe, upon the other Hand, signified, That he was willing to sit at the Feet\nof the Associate Presbytery, and learn the Way of Christ more fully, and\nthat he was perhaps more of our Mind than we knew; and a great many other\nsmooth and decoying Speeches to that Purpose, which made some of the Brethren\nat that Time imagine, that he would at least lie open to Light anent embracing\nPresbyterian Principles. ", "But they found it quite otherwise when he came;\nfor in the Conference which some Members of the Presbytery had with\nhim at Dunfermline, August 5th, 1741, He would not so much as hearken\nto reasoning upon the Head of Presbyterian Church-Government.", "\n\nMr. Whitefield is not so ingenuous as to give an\nAccount of this Conference; he only sums it up in the same calumnious\nInsinuation with Mr. Robe, That the Associate Presbytery\nwould have been glad of his Help, and received him into Communion with\nthem as a Minister of Christ, without any other Terms but his promising\nto preach only at their Invitation, {66} or the Invitation of their People.", "\nNow by the Copy of the Conference written by the Brethren\nthere present, just now before me, it appears, that they were so far from\nbeing glad of his Help, upon no other Terms, than his preaching at their\nInvitation, that the first Subject of Conversation proposed by them,\nwas anent the Government of the Church, that they might know whether\nhe was lying open to Light upon that Point or not, before they could entertain\nThoughts of hearing or employing him. ", "He wanted to shift this Conversation\nentirely, and to talk about Toleration Principles. ", "When the Brethren\nurged by several Arguments a Conversation upon the former Subject in the\nfirst Place, then he told them plainly, That he had no Difficulty about\nit, that he was of the Communion of the Church of England, and was\nresolved to continue so till they thrust him out. ", "Whereupon the Question\nwas stated, Whether in these Circumstances, when Mr. Whitefield\ndeclared himself of the Communion of the Church of England, and\nhis Resolution to continue in it, and refusing to lie open to Light on\nthat Head, the Brethren could hold ministerial Communion with him? ", "After\none of the Members had at great Length, upon this State of the Question,\nshewn the Opposition both of Episcopacy and Independency\nto the Word of God, and the solemn Oath of the three Nations,\nand Mr. Whitefield after all utterly averse to receive Light upon\nthat Subject, the Brethren thereupon resolved that they would neither\nhear him preach, nor employ him. ", "This is only a short Account of the plain\nMatter of Fact: The Conversation at large, if needful, shall be exposed\nto publick View.", "\n\nWhat Account it was of his Experiences which pleased\nthe Brethren at that meeting, I know not, for I was not there; only\nI find nothing of it in the Copy of the Conversation; and if he\nmeans the printed Account which the Act of Presbytery refers\nto, {67} the Brethren had not at that Time seen it, and if they had, it\nis impossible they could have approven it.", "\n\nI conclude with a few further Remarks on Mr. Webster's\nLetter: (1.) ", "It appears that the Associate Presbytery is his\ngreatest Eye-sore; He brings them in upon every other Turn, and\nbecause Argument fails he enters their Heart, and canvasses the secret\nSprings of their Actions: He loads them with the basest Calumnies, nothing\nless than the giving up of all that differ from them, as the Property\nof Satan; whereas it is well known that this Dialect is peculiar\nonly to such as ape Mr. Whitefield.", "\n\n(2.) ", "In regard he would have it believed, that the Spirit\nis now poured down remarkably on the Established Church, he wants\nto shape out Mr. Whitefield from any Share of the Praise, as the\nPrime Instrument thereof in Scotland, which I must own is\nneither candid nor generous, and is also inconsistent with his own Letter\nto Mr. Whitefield, Weekly Hist. ", "Number 27, and with Letters of Messrs.\nWillison, M'Culloch and many others printed in the said History.", "\nBesides the Work at Cambuslang was the exact Picture of Mr.\nWhitefield's Experiences; his bodily Distresses, his uncommon\nDrought, his Impulses, &c. were exactly copied there.", "\n\n(3.) ", "The Reverend Mr. Webster takes a very effectual\nCourse to nail down the poor deluded People to their own Ministers,\nby telling these who are the Subjects of this Work, that it would be \"in\nthem, a near Approach to, if not in Reality the Sin against the Holy\nGhost,\" to hear the seceding Ministers, Letter, page 31. ", "If\nthe most rigid Popish Confirmation can equal this, I leave it to\nhimself to judge.", "\n\n(4.) ", "Mr. Webster being conscious to himself, that\nhe was not capable to give any satisfying Answer to the Reverend\nMr. Gib's Warning and Appendix, breaks forth in the most\nenraged Passion in his Postscript, both against the Author\nand his Book; \"At first Sight (says he) you will be fully satisfied of\nthe Author's Piety and Learning, Modesty and Eloquence.—Upon {68} a nearer\nInspection, if any of the Copies have escaped the Flames, and Patience\npermit, you will discover the whole Merits of the Cause.\" ", "As for the Author's\nPiety and Modesty, He falls short indeed of Mr. Webster,\nin publishing to the World his big Hopes of Heaven, and his seeing One\nonly of the Associate Presbytery there, who in the Judgment of Charity\nwas in the Way to it before Mr. Webster had a Being in the World.", "\nAs for the Author's Learning and Eloquence, his Book speaks\nfor itself, and will endure a comparative Trial. ", "I only wish that nobody\nmay think, that Mr. Webster inclined that the Author should\nhave undergone the same Fate with his Book.", "\n\nI was designed to have taken Notice of the Pamphlet\nentitled, An Apology for the Presbyterians of Scotland, who are the\nHearers of Mr. Whitefield, but being informed that an Answer thereto\nis undertaken by an abler Hand, I forbear; only I cannot imagine, That\nthe Author ever dreamed he could impose upon the World so far, as\nto make them believe, That receiving into full Communion a Priest of\nthe Church of England, who refuses to be reformed, stands justified\nby the Solemn League and Covenant, which expressly abjures the whole\nHierarchy of that Church.", "\n\nThere were several other Things I designed to have noticed\nfrom the Papers lately published; but I am forced to break off at\nthe Time, understanding that some Sheets of this Review have already\ngone abroad.", "\n\nHaving mentioned the Rev. Mr. Gilbert Tennent as\nan eminent Promoter of this Work abroad, I cannot but in Justice to him\ntake Notice of the open and candid Recantation he has made of his\nIndependent and Enthusiastic Principles and Practices. ", "I heartily wish\nthat the Rev. Messrs. Robe, Webster, and other Promoters of this\nWork at Home, may in like manner soon see and acknowledge their Mistake.", "\nMay the Lord hasten it in his Time." ]
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0.0008785997633822262, 0.0026931993197649717, 0.0009563413332216442, 0.0009524344350211322, 0.004385610576719046, 0.01113398652523756, 0.0008452474139630795, 0.0008254615240730345, 0.018969591706991196, 0.0008202696917578578, 0.0012471606023609638, 0.00973241776227951, 0.003394113155081868, 0.001018477138131857, 0.0010382309556007385, 0.0006605377420783043, 0.0016635211650282145, 0.0008570121717639267, 0.0006439332501031458, 0.0007468124967999756, 0.0007477378821931779, 0.0008570243371650577, 0.007875186391174793, 0.0008410175214521587, 0.0007728058262728155, 0.0005980146816000342, 0.0010361928725615144, 0.0008190746884793043, 0.0006326220463961363, 0.0006079548038542271, 0.0071010226383805275, 0.0011514598736539483, 0.0007184483110904694, 0.0007109915022738278, 0.0006348039023578167, 0.0007202282431535423, 0.0006615372840315104, 0.0006644299137406051, 0.0007775234407745302, 0.0012790461769327521, 0.0010538302594795823, 0.0029317287262529135, 0.0006964443018659949, 0.0006376392557285726, 0.000538808002602309, 0.0019449170213192701, 0.0006200753268785775, 0.0006085740169510245, 0.0007489038398489356, 0.004334213212132454, 0.0016501835780218244, 0.0011419556103646755, 0.0011255504796281457, 0.0012626324314624071, 0.0007551705930382013, 0.0007558077340945601, 0.0018799639074131846, 0.0005649802042171359, 0.0006107759545557201, 0.07930894196033478, 0.0006737428484484553, 0.000875640835147351, 0.4020574986934662, 0.0008280396577902138, 0.13887959718704224, 0.09418454766273499, 0.002308743540197611, 0.000779218680690974, 0.0005831848247908056, 0.0007212654454633594, 0.0007231315830722451, 0.0006017633713781834, 0.0006084533524699509, 0.0021500131115317345, 0.0007473496370948851, 0.0007585850544273853, 0.000629785587079823, 0.0008455386268906295, 0.0006350934854708612, 0.0007908951956778765, 0.0006825688760727644, 0.0008978383266367018, 0.0009843914303928614, 0.009389174170792103, 0.0006559538305737078, 0.0013695438392460346, 0.0020400378853082657, 0.004898567218333483, 0.01096341758966446, 0.0006499936571344733, 0.005155644845217466, 0.0011520303087309003, 0.0006814305088482797, 0.0006824082811363041, 0.0006782686687074602, 0.0017173910746350884, 0.0017122534336522222, 0.0007701973663643003, 0.0005988733610138297, 0.0007203600252978504, 0.0007340294541791081, 0.0006302037509158254, 0.0005543541628867388, 0.0007839205209165812, 0.0007897723116911948, 0.0009944357443600893, 0.0007377972360700369, 0.0006621311185881495, 0.0007707318291068077, 0.0006378681282512844, 0.0007170242606662214, 0.0006018617423251271, 0.000701018376275897, 0.0005317410104908049, 0.0005466006696224213, 0.002810835838317871, 0.0008187481435015798, 0.0006724598351866007, 0.0007501770160160959, 0.0006191268912516534, 0.0007808461668901145, 0.0008444367558695376, 0.017388442531228065, 0.0015433479566127062, 0.001003042794764042, 0.023322055116295815, 0.0018180635524913669, 0.0015212332364171743, 0.010594838298857212, 0.0005902019911445677, 0.001994754420593381, 0.0011622399324551225, 0.007709927391260862, 0.0006362227140925825, 0.0008975480450317264, 0.0006558644818142056, 0.0018143273191526532, 0.08328966796398163, 0.0014461894752457738, 0.0008603951428085566, 0.0684782937169075, 0.000993000459857285, 0.0006021512090228498, 0.0010618682717904449, 0.001267880667001009, 0.0006272824830375612, 0.0005902987322770059, 0.037445347756147385, 0.005877114366739988, 0.3058779835700989, 0.046076394617557526, 0.0008476485381834209, 0.0008758919429965317, 0.0023783985525369644, 0.0007345494232140481, 0.09857786446809769, 0.03315434604883194, 0.0023568447213619947, 0.0008847796125337481, 0.0013810640666633844, 0.0006780324620194733, 0.001736887963488698, 0.0012007704935967922, 0.005578962620347738, 0.001098403474316001, 0.0006412091897800565, 0.0009285170817747712, 0.0007906110840849578, 0.0011294418945908546, 0.0010378818260505795, 0.0020216808188706636, 0.019860435277223587, 0.0015718633076176047, 0.0010839010355994105, 0.0007597603835165501, 0.029784852638840675, 0.0014921139227226377, 0.006392078008502722, 0.0007751886150799692, 0.0028427543584257364, 0.0020851842127740383, 0.010004707612097263, 0.0007312611560337245, 0.0008194317924790084, 0.0006376113742589951, 0.0013353143585845828, 0.0006050002411939204, 0.004957409109920263, 0.0006386570748873055, 0.0006822736468166113, 0.0013387053040787578, 0.0005476108053699136, 0.0009140744223259389, 0.0006963305058889091, 0.0006677226047031581, 0.0021255849860608578, 0.0006720594246871769, 0.0010852819541469216, 0.0005768266855739057, 0.0006763673154637218, 0.0009220743668265641, 0.0008006002753973007, 0.0018795353826135397, 0.0019654713105410337, 0.0012906767660751939, 0.0006968861562199891, 0.000709456333424896, 0.0008736769086681306, 0.0010352046228945255, 0.0005694895517081022, 0.0008654419216327369, 0.00110143912024796, 0.0006840715650469065, 0.0006091383402235806, 0.0007953550084494054, 0.0008061800035648048, 0.0006121834157966077, 0.020222121849656105, 0.000637995486613363, 0.0006738333613611758, 0.0008812235901132226, 0.00083676737267524, 0.0008629439980722964, 0.0008711971458978951, 0.000882360793184489, 0.0016029434045776725, 0.00071785255568102, 0.0006126854568719864, 0.0007436961168423295, 0.0007764261681586504, 0.0006418447592295706, 0.0006917119026184082, 0.0006804739241488278, 0.000786124961450696, 0.0006192425498738885, 0.0006030339864082634, 0.0005893610650673509, 0.000580980908125639, 0.0008626875351183116, 0.0005903375567868352, 0.000634890457149595, 0.0005654427222907543, 0.016528215259313583, 0.0007508915732614696, 0.00065619993256405, 0.0007339182775467634, 0.000654044037219137, 0.0007615511422045529, 0.006543580908328295, 0.0011549426708370447, 0.0007638504030182958, 0.0006619399646297097, 0.0009061050950549543, 0.0006220381474122405, 0.0006439537391997874, 0.000628784648142755, 0.0005638747243210673, 0.0005351341678760946, 0.0006114160642027855, 0.0008904549176804721 ]
[ "Drag and Drop Z-Index Stacking\n\nIn an example for a previous post, I showed you how to use opacity during a drag'n'drop transaction. ", "One bit I didn't account for was element stacking and bringing the most recent element to the top of the stack. ", "To do so, we'll need to use a variable that represents the highest zIndex, which we'll be incrementing.", "\n\nOne of the worst kept secrets about AJAX on the web is that the underlying API for it, XMLHttpRequest, wasn't really made for what we've been using it for. ", "We've done well to create elegant APIs around XHR but we know we can do better. ", "Our effort to...\n\nTwo years ago I documented my struggles with Imposter Syndrome and the response was immense. ", "I received messages of support and commiseration from new web developers, veteran engineers, and even persons of all experience levels in other professions. ", "I've even caught myself reading the post...\n\nOne of the reasons I love AJAX technology so much is because it allows us to avoid unnecessary page loads. ", "Why download the header, footer, and other static data multiple times if that specific data never changes? ", "It's a waste of time, processing, and bandwidth. ", "Unfortunately...\n\nWhen each new t-shirt means staving off laundry for yet another day, swag quickly becomes the most coveted perk at any tech company. ", "Mozilla WebDev had pretty much everything going for it: brilliant people, interesting problems, awesome office. ", "Everything except a t-shirt.", "\nThat had to change.", "\nThe basic...\n\nDiscussion\n\nNice idea, although it does not seem to work for me (tested in Chrome/Windows).", "\n\nEither way, I think you should do pre-increment instead of post-increment, to assign the incremented value to the element: el.setStyle('z-index', ++zIndex). ", "That way you wont need to start the variable in 2 :)\n\nHave a look at the footer on my homepage. ", "I have incorporated dragging functions with jquery for the 4 items. ", "I had hover z-index replace at one point but removed it because it was not realistic with solid gears :) THX\n\nContinue this conversation via emailGet only replies to your comment, the best of the rest, as well as a daily recap of all comments on this post. ", "No more than a few emails daily, which you can reply to/unsubscribe from directly from your inbox." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0013753329403698444, 0.0006500143790617585, 0.0005668230005539954, 0.031124768778681755, 0.0005581651930697262, 0.002374542411416769, 0.0005114318919368088, 0.0006087018409743905, 0.0007194774225354195, 0.01916835829615593, 0.031385090202093124, 0.0007375915884040296, 0.024508211761713028, 0.0009937637951225042, 0.000562515517231077, 0.0006426533800549805, 0.0006574421422556043, 0.0005474200588651001, 0.0006712298491038382, 0.0006544723873957992 ]
[ "The diffuse neuroendocrine system includes pancreatic islets, gastrointestinal and respiratory neuroendocrine cells, thyroid C cells, adrenal medulla cells, and pituitary cells. ", "They share common phenotypes and signaling pathways with neuronal cells. ", "A set of transcription factors were identified, which were activated at different stages of neuroendocrine cell development. ", "Studies aimed at the molecular mechanisms of how these transcription factors interact with each other to confer their regulatory pathway are important for neuroendocrine cell growth and differentiation. ", "The long-term goal of this grant proposal is to understand the role of a novel zinc-finger transcription factor, IA-1, in pancreatic endocrine and neuronal cell development. ", "The IA-1 gene is expressed primarily in fetal pancreas, fetal brain, and tumors of neuroendocrine origin. ", "Preliminary data indicated that the IA-1 gene is developmentally regulated and functions as a DNA-binding transcriptional repressor. ", "Using a selected and amplified random oligonucleotide binding assay and bacterially expressed GST-IA-1 carboxyl-terminal protein, we identified the consensus IA-1 binding site. ", "The IA-1 protein binding was confirmed by competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assay. ", "Studies on the IA-1 promoter revealed a DNasel footprint protected site between -90 to -66 bp and this site is an almost perfect match to the IA-1 consensus binding site. ", "Therefore, it appears that IA-1 may autoregulate itself. ", "Further sequence analysis and competition binding assays indicated that NeuroD/beta2 represents another downstream target gene for IA-1. ", "The NeuroD/beta2 gene encodes a basic helix-loophelix transcription factor that is crucial for the development of pancreatic endocrine and neuronal cells. ", "These results establish the importance of IA-1 to neuroendocrine cell development. ", "Therefore, in this proposal we aim to study: 1) the mechanisms of how the IA-1 gene regulates NeuroD/beta2 gene expression, 2) whether the IA-1 gene plays an important role in neuroendocrine development in vivo, and 3) to characterize the regulatory elements in the IA-1 gene that confer a tissue-specific expression. ", "To achieve these aims, we will use in vitro biochemical assays, transient mammalian cell transfections, yeast two-hybrid system, in vivo IA-1 gene knockout animal model, and yeast one-hybrid system. ", "Results from this study should help us to define the interplay between the IA-1 zinc-finger transcription factor and other neuroendocrine-specific transcription factors in pancreatic endocrine and neuronal development." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.006221784744411707, 0.0009372802451252937, 0.0008040406974032521, 0.000700776930898428, 0.0006627681432291865, 0.001487410394474864, 0.0007825598586350679, 0.0006249969592317939, 0.0005950856721028686, 0.0005852339672856033, 0.0009376509115099907, 0.000657697906717658, 0.0017117700772359967, 0.0011096770176663995, 0.0006173118017613888, 0.0005580231081694365, 0.0007477984181605279 ]
[ "Similarities and differences between the massive eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) devastations that occurred in Lake Balaton in 1991 and 1995.", "\nIn the past few years, two massive eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) devastations occurred in Lake Balaton, Hungary. ", "In 1991, 300 tons of eel perished in the western basin of the lake, while in the summer of 1995 30 tons of eel died in the eastern part of the lake. ", "Investigations carried out to find the causes of these ecocatastrophes included measurements of certain biochemical parameters: the blood sugar level, and the acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC, glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT, EC and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT, EC activities in the blood serum of the collected eels. ", "In both 1991 and 1995, deltamethrin (DM), the active ingredient of the insecticide K-OTHRIN 1 ULV used against mosquitoes, was detected in the eels; in 1995 it was demonstrated in several other animal species, i.e., bream (Abramis brama L.), pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca L.), and the common gull (Larus canus), and in sediment samples from the lake. ", "Additionally, laboratory experiments were carried out to study the effects of DM on eels. ", "In 1991, eels were collected from the western (the site of the devastation) and eastern basins of the lake. ", "The eels from the eastern basin were used as controls. ", "At that time, the AChE activity in the blood serum of the eels from the western basin was significantly inhibited compared to that in animals from the eastern basin (P < 0.05, Student t test). ", "Eels from the western part of the lake had GOT and GPT levels 20 and 100%, respectively, higher than those of eels from the eastern part of the lake. ", "The blood glucose level was much higher in the eels from the affected area of the lake as compared to those from the eastern part. ", "The brain and liver of the eels contained DM residues at 20 micrograms/kg wet tissue (Gönczy, 1992). ", "Gönczy suspected that one of the causes of the massive eel loss in 1991 was the presence of DM in the fish. ", "In 1995, when the eel devastation occurred in the eastern basin, moribund and surviving eels were collected from this part of the lake. ", "The AChE activity was significantly inhibited in the blood serum of the dying eels as compared to that in surviving animals (P < 0.05, Student t test). ", "The blood glucose content exhibited a difference too: it was 2.5 times higher in the dying eels than in the surviving ones. ", "A huge increase in the LDH level was measured in the dying eels, indicating damage to different muscle tissues to an extent never observed previously. ", "The GOT activities of the serum were twice as high in the dying eels as in the living fish. ", "The GPT was not significantly changed in the serum of dying eels as compared to the surviving animals. ", "DM was detected in different tissue samples of the dying eels: 2.7-18.5 micrograms/kg in the liver, 9.0-31.1 micrograms/kg in the gill, and 3.0 micrograms/kg wet tissue in the muscle. ", "DM residues were found in tissue samples from other animals, in the following concentrations: 0.4 micrograms/kg in bream, 2.1 micrograms/kg in pike perch, 1.1 micrograms/kg wet tissue in dead gulls. ", "The sediment samples collected from different places and at different times contained DM in a concentration of 5.5-30.0 micrograms/kg wet sediment at the time of the eel deaths, while the sediment samples collected from the same places a month later still contained DM at 7.0-8.8 micrograms/kg wet sediment. ", "Laboratory experiments with the insecticide K-OTHRIN 1 ULV revealed that 1.0 microgram/liter of its active ingredient, DM, caused the death of 50% of the eels after an incubation time of 96 hr. ", "In the liver of the dead eels, DM was detected at 2.9-20.0 micrograms/kg wet tissue. ", "All the above-mentioned changes and the DM residue detected in the eels appear to demonstrate the contribution of DM in the severe eel devastation. ", "This finding on the ecological risk of such types of insecticides might be useful in their further application." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005793258897028863, 0.0005681178881786764, 0.0007883755606599152, 0.0006484764744527638, 0.0007306759944185615, 0.0006279958761297166, 0.0006926013738848269, 0.0006532126571983099, 0.0006451175431720912, 0.002212072489783168, 0.000808573910035193, 0.0008406946435570717, 0.0007871935958974063, 0.0005980719579383731, 0.0007514363969676197, 0.0007230144110508263, 0.0008198359282687306, 0.0007652682834304869, 0.0005838369252160192, 0.0007251684437505901, 0.0007821837207302451, 0.0006094812415540218, 0.0009361119591630995, 0.0008502780110575259, 0.0005768390255980194, 0.0005670289392583072 ]
[ "In-plane charge modulation below T(c) and charge-density-wave correlations in the chain layer in YBa2Cu3O7\nNuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements have been performed on Cu(2) plane sites and Cu(1) chain sites in fully doped YBa2Cu3O7 between 300 and 4.2 K. The sharp increase of the Cu(1) NQR linewidth across the superconducting transition and the T dependence of the Cu(1) spin lattice relaxation rate confirm the existence of a charge-density-wave state (CDW) in the chains. ", "The simultaneous broadening of the Cu(2) linewidth below T(c) and the anomalous T dependence of Cu(1) and Cu(2) NQR parameters indicate that these in-chain CDW correlations are strongly involved in the appearance of an in-plane charge modulated structure below T(c)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007359490264207125, 0.0007374116685241461 ]
[ "Preparation of levoglucosenone through sulfuric acid promoted pyrolysis of bagasse at low temperature.", "\nFast pyrolysis of bagasse pretreated by sulfuric acid was conducted in a fixed bed reactor to prepare levoglucosenone (LGO), a very important anhydrosugar for organic synthesis. ", "The liquid yield and LGO yield were studied at temperatures from 240 to 350 °C and sulfuric acid loadings from 0.92 to 7.10 wt.%. ", "An optimal LGO yield of 7.58 wt.% was obtained at 270 °C with a sulfuric acid pretreatment concentration of 0.05 M (corresponding to 4.28 wt.% sulfuric acid loading). ", "For comparison, microcrystalline cellulose pretreated by 0.05 M sulfuric acid solution was pyrolyzed at temperature from 270 °C to 320 °C, and bagasse loaded with 3-5 wt.% phosphoric acid was pyrolyzed at temperature from 270 °C to 350 °C. ", "The highest yield of LGO from bagasse was 30% higher than that from microcrystalline cellulose, and treatment with sulfuric acid allowed a 21% higher yield than treatment with phosphoric acid." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0009237261838279665, 0.0008748272666707635, 0.0006505569908767939, 0.0006603769725188613, 0.0007617209921590984, 0.0012517214054241776 ]
[ "SWAT 2003: 2nd International SWAT Conference Proceedings\n\nDate\n\nAuthor\n\nMetadata\n\nAbstract\n\nThis book of proceedings presents papers that were given at the 2nd International SWAT Conference, SWAT 2003, that convened in 2003 in Bari, Italy. ", "The focus of this conference was to allow an international community of researchers and scholars to discuss the latest advances in the use of the SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) model to assess water quality trends. ", "SWAT is a comprehensive computer simulation tool that can be used to simulate the effects of point and nonpoint source pollution from watersheds, in the streams, and rivers. ", "SWAT is integrated with several readily available databases and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). ", "Because of the versatility of SWAT, the model has been utilized to study a wide range of phenomena throughout the world. ", "At the same time, the research community is actively engaged in developing new improvements to SWAT for site-specific needs and linking SWAT results to other simulation models. ", "This conference provided an opportunity for the international research community to gather and share information about the latest innovations developed for SWAT and to discuss challenges that still need to be resolved. ", "This proceedings includes papers covering a variety of themes, including new developments associated with SWAT, applications of the SWAT model, the use of related modeling tools, how SWAT can be calibrated or compared to other models, the use of other simulation models and tools, and integrating SWAT with other models. ", "In addition to papers presented at SWAT 2003, posters shown at the conference are also included in this proceeding." ]
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[ 0.0005928336759097874, 0.0005325442180037498, 0.0006867808988317847, 0.0006307256990112364, 0.0005965405725874007, 0.0005747661925852299, 0.0005225439672358334, 0.0005649371305480599, 0.0005661823670379817 ]
[ "Asterixfx is that one name that you will hear on loop when you talk of a reliable, dependable and trusted medium of foreign exchange or crypto exchange or investment. ", "It is not without any specific reason that Asterixfx is called the trend setter. ", "It knows how to keep up with the changing pace of the world and its economic scenario, the testament of which can be found in the recent collaboration of Asterixfx with Cryptocurrency. ", "The collaboration of Asterixfx and Cryptocurrency is treasure in disguise and all you need to do is understand that this is the best thing for you that have happened yet. ", "It is like a leap into the future prospects of money making, investments and economy.", "\n\nAsterixfx is a foreign exchange giant that has made its mark in the investment world. ", "It is the trend setter and the know-it-all in of the market patterns. ", "This forex giant is the only guidance you need while making an investment. ", "There will be a team of successful, trained and hard working professionals at your service who are united by a common purpose and have vowed to make sure that you get maximum profit out of your investment.", "\n\nThe financial guidance that Asterixfx gives is unmatched. ", "It is the ultimate source of information about the foreign market and crypto world both alike. ", "It has gained specialization in the field of crypto currency and as the world is rapidly moving towards it, Asterixfx does not want its clients to lag behind in any aspect. ", "That is why Asterixfx has not only involved itself in the crypto market but has also specialized in the same.", "\n\nThere is nothing more convenient than investing your money to ensure good returns that can fill your pockets. ", "Asterixfx has made this convenience super assessable for you. ", "This had been made possible through good research and dedication of the professionals. ", "In the dynamic world of economy and finances, Asterixfx is resolute towards keeping up with the pace of this changing sphere of economy. ", "Everyday there are changes in the world, in terms of values of the currency or the market trend, and Asterixfx makes sure that you don’t miss out on any information and end up taking a wrong decision.", "\n\nAsterixfx analyzes the market and draws the necessary conclusions on the basis of changes for better investment options. ", "This enables you to take well informed decisions regarding your investment and assets. ", "The strategies of Asterixfx are based on three main principles: diversification, analysis and efficient allocation of financial assets. ", "This means the complete and overall analysis of diverse aspects of various economic grounds and allocating financial assets with efficiency to avoid concentration of investment in one sphere. ", "This stabilizes your overall monitory background.", "\n\nAnother striking feature of Asterixfx is its involvement in the trading and investment in Cryptocurrency. ", "Cryptocurrency, in simple words is a digital currency maintained by a community of individuals, as opposed to conventional currency that is governed by a central bank .It is run via cryptography, converting readable information into a virtually un-crack able code. ", "Here are some reasons why the world is going gaga over this new bud of the economic system:\n\n· It promises returns you could never have imagined.", "\n\n• It offers huge growth potential\n\n• If you’re not a big fan of the government, the big banks or monopolistic corporation, then crypto world is perfect for you.", "\n\n• The crypto world is a blossoming to be a real game-changer that could change the way we do things. ", "As we speak, applications are being developed to disrupt the current status quo, for the better.", "\n\nAlong with all these magnificent features, it also ensures huge profit margins and makes Cryptocurrency one of the most lucrative investment options available on the planet. ", "Their aim is mandatory leadership in the industry, and they know how to reach it in the very near future and that is why they are taking leaps and bounds towards increasing your possibilities and profits.", "\n\nAsterixfx has made it a point to ensure enormous profits for its investors by the means of proper analysis and study of the trends. ", "The financial world is constantly changing and Asterixfx is known for its ability to keep up with the pace of the dynamic world. ", "As a foreign exchange, Asterixfx deals in more than 60 currency pairs. ", "It has now also taken a step into the world of Cryptocurrency which means that this opens so many new doors for you to invest in. ", "come be a part of this revolution!", "\n\nRead More: AsterixFX- A Trend Setter In The World Of Cryptocurrencies" ]
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[ "Pointed out that an adviceanimals submission was sexist Didn't get downvoted to hell\n\n1,576 shares" ]
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[ "It seems Ken Cuccinelli is taking on yet another losing cause.", "\n\nCuccinelli, the Republican nominee to become Virginia’s next governor, was the first state attorney general to sue the federal government over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. ", "That effort, ultimately heard by the Supreme Court in NFIB v. Sebelius, failed, although as Cuccinelli pointed out, it did win on “three of the constitutional arguments.” ", "Now Cuccinelli is lagging in the polls against Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe, the former Clinton fundraiser and Democratic National Committee chairman. ", "It’s been months since Cuccinelli has even cracked 40 percent in a poll, let alone 50 percent, and with two weeks left, the odds are not in his favor. ", "Already, Democrat Mark Herring, locked in a tight battle for to succeed Cuccinelli as Virginia’s attorney general, is running attack ads against the Republican candidate, state Sen. Mark Obenshain, that link him with Cuccinelli.", "\n\nThat didn’t deter an ardent crowd of about 100 Republicans who gathered Monday in a campaign victory center in the back of a Northern Virginia strip mall. ", "Attendees crowded into the half-finished space, where the paint didn’t quite go up to the ceiling but the walls were crowded with patriotic posters of the Founding Fathers as well as a Gadsden flag. ", "They rallied to hear not just Cuccinelli but Republican attorneys general from four other states who had ventured into Washington suburbia near Dulles Airport to campaign on his behalf.", "\n\nThe audience was mostly older, white, and well-mannered. ", "Some said they admired Cuccinelli for his work as a public servant and his stance on issues such as education. ", "They were less kind about his opponent. ", "Breen Berger, a substitute teacher from Sterling, derided McAuliffe as “a Clintonite carpetbagger” and said she volunteered for Cuccinelli because she, like the candidate, homeschooled her children. ", "Berger said she was appalled at McAuliffe’s ads attacking Cuccinelli for “his personal opinion” on abortion, among other issues.", "\n\nAnother attendee, Mackie Christensen, quipped that she was so horrified at women voters’ embrace of McAuliffe that she was ready to circulate a petition to “repeal the 19th Amendment,” which gave women the right to vote. ", "Christensen said she thought Democrats were using the same scare tactics that worked for President Obama on social issues and was disgusted at the memory of two activists from NARAL who stood outside a gubernatorial debate dressed as birth control pills to protest Cuccinelli’s position on contraception.", "\n\nUnsurprisingly, Cuccinelli’s speech barely touched on social issues. ", "Instead, he repeatedly called on Kathleen Sebelius to resign as secretary of health and human services and redoubled his attacks on the Affordable Care Act, which he described as unconstitutional and badly implemented. ", "Cuccinelli also mentioned that he was for canned food drives and against human trafficking, neither of which are considered particularly contentious stands.", "\n\nThe attorney general’s troubles were reemphasized when, at a press availability after his stump speech, he was asked repeatedly about the government shutdown—to the point where his spokesperson wondered aloud whether anyone had “any new questions.” ", "At one time in the campaign, the gubernatorial hopeful would have been relieved to field a question that wasn’t about social issues. ", "Now Cuccinelli sought to avoid talking about the shutdown, instead attacking Washington as “frozen.” ", "After all, he couldn’t risk alienating the loyal Tea Party base he was relying on to turn out and volunteer for him in two weeks. ", "But a significant number of Northern Virginia’s voters are government employees or government contractors who suffered during the shutdown. ", "So the candidate was stuck bobbing and weaving, with no good answers.", "\n\nCuccinelli reiterated his belief that his campaign could win through the ground game and noted that he had come from behind in past races. ", "Yet each of the four state attorneys general preceding him made a slightly different pitch for volunteers in a campaign plagued by problems with its field effort. ", "Nick Antich, a cane-wielding anti-abortion rights attendee from Vienna, Virginia, said he had reached out to the campaign about volunteering months ago and never heard back. ", "Antich said he wasn’t volunteering now but would at least mention and urge a Cuccinelli vote if it came up in conversation. ", "The level of organization seemed to be summed up by a white board in the campaign office emphasizing that only 17 days remained in the race—a milestone that had been reached 48 hours earlier.", "\n\nAll those factors combine to put Cuccinelli behind the eight ball in a state that is steadily turning more Democratic. ", "With the exception of Lyndon Johnson in 1964, no Democratic presidential candidate had won the state between Harry Truman in 1948 and Obama in 2008. ", "Obama won Virginia again in 2012, due in part to the state’s changing demographics, as traditional Republican bastions in Northern Virginia grow steadily more diverse and Democratic.", "\n\nStill, the attorney general can’t be counted out completely. ", "After all, his attempt to thwart Obamacare was once considered totally hopeless by most legal scholars and ended up winning more arguments than it didn’t—just not ultimately the one that mattered. ", "With a fervent base, the state’s lingering tendency to tilt slightly Republican in off years, and a ground game that may yet live up to the hype, Cuccinelli could make the race close. ", "But in elections as in life, close doesn’t cut it." ]
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[ "\n\nHow many times have you searched Google? - ", "Hawkee\nhttps://history.google.com/history/\n\n======\nmichaelvanham\nI turned off web history a while ago. ", "I didn't like the filter bubble [1] that\nI found myself in. ", "One of the things I like best about the internet is access\nto new and different information. ", "With web history and personalized searching\non, I was finding the same results at the top seemingly no matter what I\nsearched for.", "\n\nLately I've been using DuckDuckGo about half the time, and Google the rest of\nthe time.", "\n\n[1] <http://dontbubble.us/>\n\n------\n27182818284\nUsually when I \"search\" Google I'm actually just shortcutting to Google from\nmy set search engine which is DuckDuckGo. ", "DDG does the job most of the time,\nbut for some things I find it easier to hit Google still.", "\n\n" ]
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