15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for computing moving-average statistics.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import moving_stats from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import test rng = np.random.RandomState(0) class MovingReduceMeanVarianceTest(test.TestCase): def test_assign_moving_mean_variance(self): shape = [1, 2] true_mean = np.array([[0., 3.]]) true_stddev = np.array([[1.1, 0.5]]) with self.test_session() as sess: # Start "x" out with this mean. mean_var = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros_like(true_mean)) variance_var = variables.Variable(array_ops.ones_like(true_stddev)) x = random_ops.random_normal(shape, dtype=np.float64, seed=0) x = true_stddev * x + true_mean ema, emv = moving_stats.assign_moving_mean_variance( mean_var, variance_var, x, decay=0.99) self.assertEqual(ema.dtype.base_dtype, dtypes.float64) self.assertEqual(emv.dtype.base_dtype, dtypes.float64) # Run 1000 updates; moving averages should be near the true values. variables.global_variables_initializer().run() for _ in range(2000):[ema, emv]) [mean_var_, variance_var_, ema_, emv_] =[ mean_var, variance_var, ema, emv]) # Test that variables are passed-through. self.assertAllEqual(mean_var_, ema_) self.assertAllEqual(variance_var_, emv_) # Test that values are as expected. self.assertAllClose(true_mean, ema_, rtol=0.005, atol=0.015) self.assertAllClose(true_stddev**2., emv_, rtol=0.06, atol=0.) # Change the mean, var then update some more. Moving averages should # re-converge.[ mean_var.assign(np.array([[-1., 2.]])), variance_var.assign(np.array([[2., 1.]])), ]) for _ in range(2000):[ema, emv]) [mean_var_, variance_var_, ema_, emv_] =[ mean_var, variance_var, ema, emv]) # Test that variables are passed-through. self.assertAllEqual(mean_var_, ema_) self.assertAllEqual(variance_var_, emv_) # Test that values are as expected. self.assertAllClose(true_mean, ema_, rtol=0.005, atol=0.015) self.assertAllClose(true_stddev**2., emv_, rtol=0.1, atol=0.) def test_moving_mean_variance(self): shape = [1, 2] true_mean = np.array([[0., 3.]]) true_stddev = np.array([[1.1, 0.5]]) with self.test_session() as sess: # Start "x" out with this mean. x = random_ops.random_normal(shape, dtype=np.float64, seed=0) x = true_stddev * x + true_mean ema, emv = moving_stats.moving_mean_variance( x, decay=0.99) self.assertEqual(ema.dtype.base_dtype, dtypes.float64) self.assertEqual(emv.dtype.base_dtype, dtypes.float64) # Run 1000 updates; moving averages should be near the true values. variables.global_variables_initializer().run() for _ in range(2000):[ema, emv]) [ema_, emv_] =[ema, emv]) self.assertAllClose(true_mean, ema_, rtol=0.005, atol=0.015) self.assertAllClose(true_stddev**2., emv_, rtol=0.06, atol=0.) class MovingLogExponentialMovingMeanExpTest(test.TestCase): def test_assign_log_moving_mean_exp(self): shape = [1, 2] true_mean = np.array([[0., 3.]]) true_stddev = np.array([[1.1, 0.5]]) decay = 0.99 with self.test_session() as sess: # Start "x" out with this mean. x = random_ops.random_normal(shape, dtype=np.float64, seed=0) x = true_stddev * x + true_mean log_mean_exp_var = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros_like(true_mean)) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() log_mean_exp = moving_stats.assign_log_moving_mean_exp( log_mean_exp_var, x, decay=decay) expected_ = np.zeros_like(true_mean) for _ in range(2000): x_, log_mean_exp_ =[x, log_mean_exp]) expected_ = np.log(decay * np.exp(expected_) + (1 - decay) * np.exp(x_)) self.assertAllClose(expected_, log_mean_exp_, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-9) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import base64 import hashlib import json import os import requests import sys import time def sleep_time(attempt): if attempt <= 0: raise Exception('Unexpected') if attempt == 1: return 0 if attempt == 2: return 15 if attempt == 3: return 60 if attempt == 4: return 90 if attempt == 5: return 300 return 1200 def retry(func_in): def func_out(*args, **kwargs): retry_max = 10 i = 0 while True: i = i + 1 try: return func_in(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if i > retry_max: raise exc print('Operation failed. Exception:\n {}'.format(exc)) sec = sleep_time(i) print('Retry #{} (of {}) after {} seconds'.format(i, retry_max, sec)) time.sleep(sec) raise Exception('Unreachable') return func_out # @retry def download_file(url, local_file, auth, chunk_size=1024): print('Downloading:\n {}\n -> {}'.format(url, local_file)) r = requests.get(url, stream=True, auth=auth) if not r.ok: raise Exception('Downloading failed') with open(local_file, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: f.write(chunk) class Github: def __init__(self, username, password, repo_owner, repo): self.repo_owner = repo_owner self.repo = repo self.auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password) self.simple_request() @retry def simple_request(self): print('Processing simple request') r = requests.get('', auth=self.auth) if not r.ok: sys.exit('Simple request fails. Check your password.') limit = int(r.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']) print('GitHub Limit: {}'.format(limit)) if limit == 0: raise Exception('GitHub limit is 0') print('Simple request pass') @retry def get_release_by_tag(self, tagname): print('Get release-id by tag `{}`'.format(tagname)) # # GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/tags/:tag url = '{}/{}/releases/tags/{}'.format( self.repo_owner, self.repo, tagname ) r = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth) if not r.ok: raise Exception('Get tag id failed. Requested url: {}'.format(url)) tag_id = r.json()['id'] print('Tag id is {}'.format(tag_id)) return tag_id @retry def find_asset_id_by_name(self, release_id, name): # # GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets page_number = 1 keep_searching = True while keep_searching: url = '{}/{}/releases/{}/assets?page={}'.format( self.repo_owner, self.repo, release_id, page_number ) print('Requesting URL: {}'.format(url)) r = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth) if not r.ok: raise Exception('Getting list of assets failed. Requested url: {}'.format(url)) json = r.json() for x in json: if name == x['name']: return x['id'] if not json: keep_searching = False page_number = page_number + 1 return None @retry def delete_asset_by_id(self, asset_id, asset_name): # # DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:id url = '{}/{}/releases/assets/{}'.format( self.repo_owner, self.repo, asset_id ) r = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth) if r.status_code == 204: print('Asset removed: {}'.format(asset_name)) else: raise Exception('Deletion of asset failed: {}'.format(asset_name)) def delete_asset_if_exists(self, release_id, asset_name): asset_id = self.find_asset_id_by_name(release_id, asset_name) if not asset_id: print('Asset not exists: {}'.format(asset_name)) return self.delete_asset_by_id(asset_id, asset_name) def upload_bzip_once(self, url, local_path): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-bzip2'} file_to_upload = open(local_path, 'rb') r =, data=file_to_upload, headers=headers, auth=self.auth) if not r.ok: raise Exception('Upload of file failed') @retry def upload_bzip(self, url, local_path, release_id, asset_name): print('Uploading:\n {}\n -> {}'.format(local_path, url)) try: self.upload_bzip_once(url, local_path) except Exception as exc: print('Exception catched while uploading, removing asset...') self.delete_asset_if_exists(release_id, asset_name) raise exc def upload_raw_file(self, local_path): tagname = 'cache' release_id = self.get_release_by_tag(tagname) # # POST https://<upload_url>/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets? asset_name = hashlib.sha1(open(local_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() asset_name = asset_name + '.tar.bz2' url = '{}/{}/releases/{}/assets?name={}'.format( self.repo_owner, self.repo, release_id, asset_name ) self.upload_bzip(url, local_path, release_id, asset_name) @retry def create_new_file(self, local_path, github_path): # # PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path message = 'Uploading cache info\n\n' message += 'Create file: {}\n\n'.format(github_path) env_list = [] job_url = '' if os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true': # * message += 'Travis:\n' job_url = '{}/jobs/{}'.format( os.getenv('TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG'), os.getenv('TRAVIS_JOB_ID') ) env_list += [ 'TRAVIS_BRANCH', 'TRAVIS_BUILD_ID', 'TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER', 'TRAVIS_JOB_ID', 'TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER', 'TRAVIS_OS_NAME', 'TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG' ] if os.getenv('APPVEYOR') == 'True': # * message += 'AppVeyor:\n' job_url = '{}/{}/build/{}/job/{}'.format( os.getenv('APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME'), os.getenv('APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG'), os.getenv('APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION'), os.getenv('APPVEYOR_JOB_ID') ) env_list += [ 'APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME', 'APPVEYOR_PROJECT_ID', 'APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME', 'APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG', 'APPVEYOR_BUILD_ID', 'APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER', 'APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION', 'APPVEYOR_JOB_ID', 'APPVEYOR_JOB_NAME', 'APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH' ] # Store some info about build for env_name in env_list: env_value = os.getenv(env_name) if env_value: message += ' {}: {}\n'.format(env_name, env_value) if job_url: message += '\n Job URL: {}\n'.format(job_url) url = '{}/{}/contents/{}'.format( self.repo_owner, self.repo, github_path ) content = base64.b64encode(open(local_path, 'rb').read()).decode() put_data = { 'message': message, 'content': content } r = requests.put(url, data = json.dumps(put_data), auth=self.auth) if not r.ok: print('Put failed. Status code: {}'.format(r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 409: raise Exception('Unavailable repository') return r.ok class CacheEntry: def __init__(self, cache_done_path, cache_dir, temp_dir): self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.temp_dir = temp_dir self.cache_raw = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'raw') self.cache_meta = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'meta') self.cache_done_path = cache_done_path if not os.path.exists(cache_done_path): raise Exception('File not exists: {}'.format(cache_done_path)) self.cache_done_dir = os.path.dirname(self.cache_done_path) self.from_server = os.path.join(self.cache_done_dir, 'from.server') self.cache_sha1 = os.path.join(self.cache_done_dir, 'cache.sha1') self.internal_deps_id = os.path.split(self.cache_done_dir)[0] self.type_id = os.path.split(self.internal_deps_id)[0] self.args_id = os.path.split(self.type_id)[0] self.archive_id = os.path.split(self.args_id)[0] self.version = os.path.split(self.archive_id)[0] self.component = os.path.split(self.version)[0] if os.path.split(self.component)[1].startswith('__'): self.package = os.path.split(self.component)[0] else: self.package = self.component self.component = '' self.toolchain_id = os.path.split(self.package)[0] meta = os.path.split(self.toolchain_id)[0] assert(meta == self.cache_meta) def entry_from_server(self): return os.path.exists(self.from_server) def upload_raw(self, github): sha1 = open(self.cache_sha1, 'r').read() raw = os.path.join(self.cache_raw, sha1 + '.tar.bz2') github.upload_raw_file(raw) def upload_meta(self, github, cache_done): self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.cache_done_dir, cache_done) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.internal_deps_id, cache_done) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.type_id, cache_done) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.args_id, cache_done) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.archive_id, cache_done) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.version, cache_done, check_is_empty=True) if self.component != '': self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.component, cache_done, check_is_empty=True) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.package, cache_done, check_is_empty=True) self.upload_files_from_common_dir(github, self.toolchain_id, cache_done) def upload_files_from_common_dir(self, github, dir_path, cache_done, check_is_empty=False): to_upload = [] for i in os.listdir(dir_path): if i == 'cmake.lock': continue if i == 'DONE': continue done_file = (i == 'CACHE.DONE') or (i == 'basic-deps.DONE') if done_file and not cache_done: continue if not done_file and cache_done: continue i_fullpath = os.path.join(dir_path, i) if os.path.isfile(i_fullpath): to_upload.append(i_fullpath) if not cache_done: if check_is_empty and len(to_upload) != 0: raise Exception('Expected no files in directory: {}'.format(dir_path)) if not check_is_empty and len(to_upload) == 0: raise Exception('No files found in directory: {}'.format(dir_path)) for i in to_upload: relative_path = i[len(self.cache_meta)+1:] relative_unix_path = relative_path.replace('\\', '/') # convert windows path expected_download_url = '{}/{}/master/{}'.format( github.repo_owner, github.repo, relative_unix_path ) github_url = '{}/{}/blob/master/{}'.format( github.repo_owner, github.repo, relative_unix_path ) print('Uploading file: {}'.format(relative_path)) ok = github.create_new_file(i, relative_unix_path) if not ok: print('Already exist') temp_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, '__TEMP.FILE') download_file(expected_download_url, temp_file, github.auth) expected_content = open(i, 'rb').read() downloaded_content = open(temp_file, 'rb').read() expected_hash = hashlib.sha1(expected_content).hexdigest() downloaded_hash = hashlib.sha1(downloaded_content).hexdigest() os.remove(temp_file) if expected_hash != downloaded_hash: print('Hash mismatch:') print( ' expected {} (content: {})'.format( expected_hash, expected_content ) ) print( ' downloaded {} (content: {})'.format( downloaded_hash, downloaded_content ) ) print('GitHub link: {}'.format(github_url)) raise Exception('Hash mismatch') class Cache: def __init__(self, cache_dir, temp_dir): self.entries = self.create_entries(cache_dir, temp_dir) self.remove_entries_from_server() if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir) def create_entries(self, cache_dir, temp_dir): print('Searching for CACHE.DONE files in directory:\n {}\n'.format(cache_dir)) entries = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cache_dir): for filename in files: if filename == 'CACHE.DONE': entries.append(CacheEntry(os.path.join(root, filename), cache_dir, temp_dir)) print('Found {} files:'.format(len(entries))) for i in entries: print(' {}'.format(i.cache_done_path)) print('') return entries def remove_entries_from_server(self): new_entries = [] for i in self.entries: if i.entry_from_server(): print('Remove entry (from server):\n {}'.format(i.cache_done_path)) else: new_entries.append(i) self.entries = new_entries def upload_raw(self, github): for i in self.entries: i.upload_raw(github) def upload_meta(self, github, cache_done): for i in self.entries: i.upload_meta(github, cache_done) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Script for uploading Hunter cache files to GitHub' ) parser.add_argument( '--username', required=True, help='Username' ) parser.add_argument( '--repo-owner', required=True, help='Repository owner' ) parser.add_argument( '--repo', required=True, help='Repository name' ) parser.add_argument( '--cache-dir', required=True, help='Hunter cache directory, e.g. /home/user/.hunter/_Base/Cache' ) parser.add_argument( '--temp-dir', required=True, help='Temporary directory where files will be downloaded for verification' ) parser.add_argument( '--skip-raw', action='store_true', help="Skip uploading of raw files" ) args = parser.parse_args() cache_dir = os.path.normpath(args.cache_dir) if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): raise Exception('Not a directory: {}'.format(cache_dir)) if os.path.split(cache_dir)[1] != 'Cache': raise Exception('Cache directory path should ends with Cache: {}'.format(cache_dir)) cache = Cache(cache_dir, args.temp_dir) password = os.getenv('GITHUB_USER_PASSWORD') if password == '' or password is None: raise Exception('Expected GITHUB_USER_PASSWORD environment variable') github = Github( username = args.username, password = password, repo_owner = args.repo_owner, repo = args.repo ) if args.skip_raw: print('*** WARNING *** Skip uploading of raw files') else: cache.upload_raw(github) cache.upload_meta(github, cache_done=False) print('Uploading DONE files') cache.upload_meta(github, cache_done=True) # Should be last
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- u''' export do csv pro předstírání Jirkovým Společným aktivitám, že načítají csv z banky exportují se 2 typy záznamů: "plánované" - příjem bankou s neznámým ss (možná dočasně, a později i toto budeme zadržovat) - zatím nepodporován příjem s neznámým ss na místě do pokladny (a asi ani nebude - musí se registrovat) - manuálně naplánované - k 13.10. sice naprogramováno, ale neodzkoušeno, a nebudeme to spouštět, nebude-li na to extra tlak. Pokud by se přece jen dodělávala možnost naplánování částky, nechť nemění zálohu. Zálohu totiž změní až samotný csv export. Je naprogramován tak, že zkontroluje stav zálohy v okamžiku exportu, a není-li dost peněz, částku sníží (k vynulování zálohy) nebo export stopne (při záloze <=0) "dlužné" - má-li zůstatek na záloze a zjistí-li se, že Jirkovy aktivity mají pohledávku, exportuje se pohledávka, snížená o právě exportované plánované db.systab musí obsahovat (viz fce init_systab): kod: last_csv, hodnota: posledního exportu kod: csv_czk , hodnota: nnnnnn.nn zůstatek na účtu ''' url_zakaznici = '' import os from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta, time from time import sleep from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from spolecneaktivity_cz import sa_login, unformat_castka from mz_wkasa_platby import Uc_sa import vfp def export_csv(db, app_folder): rec_last_csv = db(db.systab.kod=='last_csv').select().first() datum_od = datetime.strptime(rec_last_csv.hodnota, '%d.%m.%Y' ).date()+timedelta(1) datum_do = csv_nejpozdeji = datetime.combine(datum_do, time(23,59,59)) if datum_od>datum_do: print "Od posledního generování musí uplynout alespoň jeden den." return 0 vypis = '' sumplus = summinus = 0 evidence = {} # key je, value je celková částka z 379-11 záznamů pocet, vypis, sumplus, summinus = predej_planovane( evidence, db, vypis, sumplus, summinus, csv_nejpozdeji) pocet, vypis, sumplus, summinus = predej_dluzne( evidence, db, vypis, sumplus, summinus, pocet, csv_nejpozdeji) make_csv(db, vypis, sumplus, summinus, rec_last_csv, datum_od, datum_do, app_folder) return pocet def predej_planovane(evidence, db, vypis, sumplus, summinus, csv_nejpozdeji): '''podle stavu na 379-11 účtu (plánováno k převodu na jirkovo)''' predat = db((db.pohyb.iddal==Uc_sa.pro_sa)&(db.pohyb.id_pokynu==None) ).select() # protože naplánováním převodu u zákazníka se ještě nesmí měnit záloha, # až zde, samotným převodem pocet = 0 for predat1 in predat: vypis1, sumplus1, summinus1 = __predej1( predat1, evidence, db, csv_nejpozdeji) vypis += vypis1 sumplus += sumplus1 summinus += summinus1 pocet += 1 return pocet, vypis, sumplus, summinus def __predej1(pohyb, evidence, db, csv_nejpozdeji): if pohyb.idauth_user: zakaznik = db(, ss = or evidence[] = evidence.get(, 0) + castka else: zakaznik = None ss = if pohyb.iddal==Uc_sa.pro_sa: # předem plánovaný převod na SA if zakaznik: castka = min(zakaznik.zaloha, pohyb.castka) if castka<=0: pohyb.update_record(castka=0, id_pokynu="nemá peníze") return '', 0, 0 # zrušeno pro nedostatek peněz na záloze if castka!=pohyb.castka: pohyb.update_record(castka=castka) zakaznik.update_record(zaloha=zakaznik.zaloha-castka) else: castka = pohyb.castka id_pohybu = db.pohyb.insert( idauth_user=pohyb.idauth_user, idma_dati=Uc_sa.pro_sa, iddal=Uc_sa.oz_sa,, castka=castka, cislo_uctu=pohyb.cislo_uctu, kod_banky=pohyb.kod_banky, nazev_banky=pohyb.nazev_banky, vs=pohyb.vs, ss=ss, ks=pohyb.ks, id_pokynu=str( ) pohyb.update_record(id_pokynu=id_pohybu) vypis1, sumplus1, summinus1 = __add_csv(pohyb, csv_nejpozdeji) #db.commit() - commit je v kontroléru return vypis1, sumplus1, summinus1 def predej_dluzne(evidence, db, vypis, sumplus, summinus, pocet, csv_nejpozdeji): #jirkovo = nacti_jirkovo_ze_souboru('jirkovo.html') br = sa_login("Mirek Zv.", "miiirek1+1") sleep(2) jirkovo = vfp.strtofile(jirkovo, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'applications', 'platby', 'downloads', 'zakaznici.html')) # mírná duplicita v controllers/, kde tento soubor parsuji # ke zjištění aktuální zálohy soup = BeautifulSoup(jirkovo) for zakaznik in soup.table('tr'): sloupce = zakaznik('td') if len(sloupce): # první řádek (hlavička) totiž <td> nemá planovano = unformat_castka(sloupce[-1].string) neuhrazeno = unformat_castka(sloupce[-2].string) zaloha = unformat_castka(sloupce[-4].string) chybi = planovano + neuhrazeno - zaloha if chybi>0: symbol = str(sloupce[0].a.string).strip().lstrip('0') wk_zakaznik = db( if wk_zakaznik and wk_zakaznik.zaloha>0: jeste_chybi = chybi - evidence.get(, 0) # minus kolik jsme mu právě vyplatili v predej_planovane() if jeste_chybi: fl_zaloha = float(wk_zakaznik.zaloha) popis = (u'z poptával %s Kč' % jeste_chybi ) if (jeste_chybi>fl_zaloha) else '' posleme_mu = min(jeste_chybi, fl_zaloha) id_pohybu = db.pohyb.insert(, idma_dati=Uc_sa.oz, iddal=Uc_sa.oz_sa,, castka=posleme_mu, ss=symbol, popis=popis ) wk_zakaznik.update_record(zaloha=fl_zaloha-posleme_mu) pohyb = db( vypis1, sumplus1, summinus1 = __add_csv( pohyb, csv_nejpozdeji) vypis += vypis1 sumplus += sumplus1 summinus += summinus1 #db.commit() - commit je v kontroléru pocet += 1 return pocet, vypis, sumplus, summinus def __add_csv(pohyb, csv_nejpozdeji): '''zapíše jednu transakci do csv ''' #0;06.09.2013;85,00;670100-2207318349;6210;;2550;425;PAVEL KUBIŠTA;Bezhotovostní příjem;;;BRE Bank S.A., organizační složka podniku; vypis1 = ( '0;%(datum)s;%(castka)s;%(ucet)s;%(banka)s;%(ks)s;%(vs)s;%(ss)s;%(ss)s;%(bhp)s;;;banka;\n' % dict(datum=min(pohyb.datum, csv_nejpozdeji) .strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), castka=('%0.2f' % pohyb.castka).replace('.',','), ucet=pohyb.cislo_uctu or '', banka=pohyb.kod_banky or '', bhp=u'Bezhotovostní příjem'.encode('cp1250'), ks=pohyb.ks or '', vs=pohyb.vs or '', or '')) sumplus1 = float(pohyb.castka) if pohyb.castka>0 else 0. summinus1 = float(pohyb.castka) if pohyb.castka<0 else 0. return vypis1, sumplus1, summinus1 def make_csv(db, vypis, sumplus, summinus, rec_last_csv, datum_od, datum_do, app_folder): maska = vfp.filetostr(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'applications', 'platby', 'others', 'maska.csv')) rec_csv_czk = db(db.systab.kod=='csv_czk').select().first() vychozi = float(rec_csv_czk.hodnota) koncova = vychozi + sumplus + summinus vfp.strtofile(maska % dict('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S'), od=_no_zeros(datum_od), do=_no_zeros(datum_do), vychozi=_form_castka(vychozi), koncova=_form_castka(koncova), prijmy=_form_castka(sumplus), vydaje=_form_castka(summinus), zaznamy=vypis, suma=_form_castka(sumplus+summinus) ), os.path.join(app_folder, 'import_wk', datum_od.strftime('%Y_%m%d')+datum_do.strftime('_%m%d')+'.csv')) rec_csv_czk.update_record(hodnota=str(koncova)) rec_last_csv.update_record(hodnota=datum_do.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')) #db.commit() - commit je v kontroléru def _no_zeros(datum): return datum.strftime('%d.%m.%Y').replace('.0','.').lstrip('0') def _form_castka(castka): return ('%0.2f' % castka).replace('.',',')
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Dan "Ducky" Little & # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # Yay, PIL!! import Image import sys import os # All of these images are assumed to be 20x20. # It's fine if they are smaller because they'll just get more padding, # larger than 20x20 and it'll get a little trickier. imagesRoot = '../images/'; spriteFolders = ['silk/', 'geosilk/img/']; try: os.remove(imageRoot+'all.png') except: pass all_files = list() for path in spriteFolders: imgs = os.listdir(imagesRoot+path) imgs = map(lambda x: imagesRoot+path+x, imgs) all_files = all_files + imgs images = list() for f in all_files: # this test should be better... but I'm lazy. if((f.find('.png') > 0 or f.find('.gif') > 0) and f.find('-selected') < 0): images.append(f) images.sort() sprite ='RGBA', (40,len(images)*30), (0,0,0,0)) i = 0 cssHeader = """ /* Notice: * * This file is generated (along with ../images/all.png) * from the images in images/toolbar by * in the ../util directory */ .sprite-control { background-image: url('../images/all.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 18px; /* nee, < 2.6 20px */ width: 20px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; background-position: 0px -%dpx; /* This should default to the 'find' icon */ /* IE hacks for the sprites. */ *zoom: 1; *display: inline; } """ cssTemplate = """ .sprite-control-%s { background-position: 0px -%dpx; } """ cssSelectedTemplate = """ .sprite-control-%s-selected { background-position: -20px -%dpx !important; } """ cssText = "/*\n" + open('../LICENSE', 'r').read() + '*/\n\n' + cssHeader height = (len(images)+1)*30+10 findPosition = 0 for image in images: imagePath = image.split('/') imageName = imagePath[-1].split('.')[0] selectedImage = image for ext in ['gif','png','jpg']: selectedImage = selectedImage.replace('.'+ext,'-selected.'+ext) if(not(os.path.isfile(selectedImage))): selectedImage = image icon = selected_icon = offsetLeft = (20 - icon.size[0]) / 2 offsetHeight = (20 - icon.size[1]) / 2 sprite.paste(icon, (offsetLeft, i*30+10+offsetHeight)) offsetLeft = 20 + (20 - selected_icon.size[0]) / 2 offsetHeight = (20 - selected_icon.size[1]) / 2 sprite.paste(selected_icon, (offsetLeft, i*30+10+offsetHeight)) i+=1 h = height-(height-((i-1)*30))+10 cssText += cssTemplate % (imageName , h) cssText += cssSelectedTemplate % (imageName, h) cssText += '\n' if(imageName == 'find'): findPosition = h #print cssTemplate % (imageName , ((i+1)*30+10)) print cssText % findPosition'all.png')
from chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter from chatterbot.conversation import Statement from chatterbot.exceptions import OptionalDependencyImportError from chatterbot import languages from chatterbot import parsing from mathparse import mathparse import re class UnitConversion(LogicAdapter): """ The UnitConversion logic adapter parse inputs to convert values between several metric units. For example: User: 'How many meters are in one kilometer?' Bot: '1000.0' :kwargs: * *language* (``object``) -- The language is set to ``chatterbot.languages.ENG`` for English by default. """ def __init__(self, chatbot, **kwargs): super().__init__(chatbot, **kwargs) try: from pint import UnitRegistry except ImportError: message = ( 'Unable to import "pint".\n' 'Please install "pint" before using the UnitConversion logic adapter:\n' 'pip3 install pint' ) raise OptionalDependencyImportError(message) self.language = kwargs.get('language', languages.ENG) self.cache = {} self.patterns = [ ( re.compile(r''' (([Hh]ow\s+many)\s+ (?P<target>\S+)\s+ # meter, celsius, hours ((are)*\s*in)\s+ (?P<number>([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(a|an)|(%s[-\s]?)+)\s+ (?P<from>\S+)\s*) # meter, celsius, hours ''' % (parsing.numbers), (re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) ), lambda m: self.handle_matches(m) ), ( re.compile(r''' ((?P<number>([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(%s[-\s]?)+)\s+ (?P<from>\S+)\s+ # meter, celsius, hours (to)\s+ (?P<target>\S+)\s*) # meter, celsius, hours ''' % (parsing.numbers), (re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) ), lambda m: self.handle_matches(m) ), ( re.compile(r''' ((?P<number>([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(a|an)|(%s[-\s]?)+)\s+ (?P<from>\S+)\s+ # meter, celsius, hours (is|are)\s+ (how\s+many)*\s+ (?P<target>\S+)\s*) # meter, celsius, hours ''' % (parsing.numbers), (re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) ), lambda m: self.handle_matches(m) ) ] self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry() def get_unit(self, unit_variations): """ Get the first match unit metric object supported by pint library given a variation of unit metric names (Ex:['HOUR', 'hour']). :param unit_variations: A list of strings with names of units :type unit_variations: str """ for unit in unit_variations: try: return getattr(self.unit_registry, unit) except Exception: continue return None def get_valid_units(self, from_unit, target_unit): """ Returns the first match `pint.unit.Unit` object for from_unit and target_unit strings from a possible variation of metric unit names supported by pint library. :param from_unit: source metric unit :type from_unit: str :param from_unit: target metric unit :type from_unit: str """ from_unit_variations = [from_unit.lower(), from_unit.upper()] target_unit_variations = [target_unit.lower(), target_unit.upper()] from_unit = self.get_unit(from_unit_variations) target_unit = self.get_unit(target_unit_variations) return from_unit, target_unit def handle_matches(self, match): """ Returns a response statement from a matched input statement. :param match: It is a valid matched pattern from the input statement :type: `_sre.SRE_Match` """ response = Statement(text='') from_parsed ="from") target_parsed ="target") n_statement ="number") if n_statement == 'a' or n_statement == 'an': n_statement = '1.0' n = mathparse.parse(n_statement, self.language.ISO_639.upper()) from_parsed, target_parsed = self.get_valid_units(from_parsed, target_parsed) if from_parsed is None or target_parsed is None: response.confidence = 0.0 else: from_value = self.unit_registry.Quantity(float(n), from_parsed) target_value = response.confidence = 1.0 response.text = str(target_value.magnitude) return response def can_process(self, statement): response = self.process(statement) self.cache[statement.text] = response return response.confidence == 1.0 def process(self, statement, additional_response_selection_parameters=None): response = Statement(text='') input_text = statement.text try: # Use the result cached by the process method if it exists if input_text in self.cache: response = self.cache[input_text] self.cache = {} return response for pattern, func in self.patterns: p = pattern.match(input_text) if p is not None: response = func(p) if response.confidence == 1.0: break except Exception: response.confidence = 0.0 finally: return response
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import sys from mock import patch, MagicMock from import istest from provy.more.centos import YumRole, PackageNotFound from provy.more.centos.package import yum from import ProvyTestCase class YumRoleTest(ProvyTestCase): def setUp(self): super(YumRoleTest, self).setUp() self.role = YumRole(prov=None, context={}) @istest def installs_necessary_packages_to_provision(self): with self.mock_role_methods('ensure_up_to_date', 'ensure_package_installed'): self.role.provision() self.role.ensure_up_to_date.assert_called_once_with() self.role.ensure_package_installed.assert_called_once_with('curl') @istest def ensures_gpg_key_is_added(self): with self.execute_mock(): self.role.ensure_gpg_key('http://some.repo') self.role.execute.assert_called_once_with('curl http://some.repo | rpm --import -', sudo=True, stdout=False) @istest def checks_that_repository_exists_in_yum_repos(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute: execute.return_value = ''' some repo foo-bar ''' result = self.role.has_source('foo-bar') self.assertTrue(result) execute.assert_called_once_with("cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo", sudo=True, stdout=False) @istest def checks_that_repository_doesnt_exist_in_apt_source(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute: execute.return_value = 'some repo' result = self.role.has_source('foo-bar') self.assertFalse(result) @istest def ensures_a_source_string_is_added_to_the_repos(self): source_line = 'foo-bar-repo' with self.execute_mock() as execute, self.mock_role_method('has_source') as has_source: has_source.return_value = False self.assertTrue(self.role.ensure_yum_source(source_line)) self.assertTrue(has_source.called) execute.assert_called_once_with('echo "{}" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo'.format(source_line), sudo=True, stdout=False) @istest def doesnt_add_source_if_it_already_exists(self): source_line = 'foo-bar-repo' with self.execute_mock() as execute, self.mock_role_method('has_source') as has_source: has_source.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.role.ensure_yum_source(source_line)) self.assertFalse(execute.called) @istest def gets_update_date_file_as_a_property(self): with self.mock_role_method('remote_temp_dir'): self.role.remote_temp_dir.return_value = '/foo/bar' self.assertEqual(self.role.update_date_file, '/foo/bar/last_yum_update') @istest def stores_update_date(self): with self.mock_role_methods('update_date_file', 'execute'), patch.object(yum, 'datetime') as mock_datetime: self.role.update_date_file = '/foo/bar' when = datetime.strptime('2013-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') = when self.role.store_update_date() self.role.execute.assert_called_once_with('echo "01-01-13 00:00:00" > /foo/bar', stdout=False) @istest def gets_last_update_date(self): with self.mock_role_methods('remote_exists', 'update_date_file', 'read_remote_file'): self.role.update_date_file = '/foo/bar' self.role.remote_exists.return_value = True self.role.read_remote_file.return_value = '01-01-13 00:00:00' result = self.role.get_last_update_date() self.assertEqual(result, datetime.strptime('2013-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d')) self.role.remote_exists.assert_called_once_with(self.role.update_date_file) self.role.read_remote_file.assert_called_once_with(self.role.update_date_file) @istest def gets_none_as_last_update_if_there_was_no_update_yet(self): with self.mock_role_methods('remote_exists', 'update_date_file', 'read_remote_file'): self.role.update_date_file = '/foo/bar' self.role.remote_exists.return_value = False result = self.role.get_last_update_date() self.assertIsNone(result) self.assertFalse(self.role.read_remote_file.called) @istest def updates_yum_when_passed_time_limit(self): with patch.object(yum, 'datetime') as mock_datetime, self.mock_role_methods('get_last_update_date', 'force_update'): now = datetime.strptime('2013-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') then = now - timedelta(minutes=31) = now self.role.get_last_update_date.return_value = then self.role.ensure_up_to_date() self.role.get_last_update_date.assert_called_once_with() self.role.force_update.assert_called_once_with() @istest def doesnt_update_if_not_passed_from_time_limit(self): with patch.object(yum, 'datetime') as mock_datetime, self.mock_role_methods('get_last_update_date', 'force_update'): now = datetime.strptime('2013-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') then = now - timedelta(minutes=29) = now self.role.get_last_update_date.return_value = then self.role.ensure_up_to_date() self.assertFalse(self.role.force_update.called) @istest def forces_an_update(self): with self.mock_role_methods('execute', 'store_update_date'): self.role.force_update() self.assertTrue(self.role.context['yum-up-to-date']) self.role.execute.assert_called_once_with('yum clean all', stdout=False, sudo=True) self.role.store_update_date.assert_called_once_with() @istest def checks_that_a_package_is_installed(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute: execute.return_value = '''yes''' self.assertTrue(self.role.is_package_installed('foo')) execute.assert_called_once_with('rpm -qa foo', sudo=True, stdout=False) @istest def checks_that_a_package_is_not_installed(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute: execute.return_value = '''''' self.assertFalse(self.role.is_package_installed('baz')) execute.assert_called_once_with('rpm -qa baz', sudo=True, stdout=False) @istest def checks_that_a_package_exists(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute: self.assertTrue(self.role.package_exists('python')) execute.assert_called_with('yum info -q python', stdout=False) @istest def checks_that_a_package_doesnt_exist(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute: execute.return_value = False self.assertFalse(self.role.package_exists('phyton')) execute.assert_called_with('yum info -q phyton', stdout=False) @istest def traps_sys_exit_when_checking_if_a_package_exists(self): def exit(*args, **kwargs): sys.exit(1) execute = MagicMock(side_effect=exit) with patch('provy.core.roles.Role.execute', execute): self.assertFalse(self.role.package_exists('phyton')) @istest def checks_if_a_package_exists_before_installing(self): with self.execute_mock() as execute, self.mock_role_methods('package_exists', 'is_package_installed') as (package_exists, is_package_installed): is_package_installed.return_value = False package_exists.return_value = True result = self.role.ensure_package_installed('python') self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(package_exists.called) execute.assert_called_with('yum install -y python', stdout=False, sudo=True) @istest def fails_to_install_package_if_it_doesnt_exist(self): with self.execute_mock(), self.mock_role_methods('package_exists', 'is_package_installed') as (package_exists, is_package_installed): is_package_installed.return_value = False package_exists.return_value = False self.assertRaises(PackageNotFound, self.role.ensure_package_installed, 'phyton') self.assertTrue(package_exists.called) @istest def doesnt_install_package_if_already_installed(self): with self.mock_role_method('is_package_installed'): self.role.is_package_installed.return_value = True result = self.role.ensure_package_installed('python') self.assertFalse(result)
""" Tests common to genericpath, macpath, ntpath and posixpath """ import genericpath import os import sys import unittest import warnings from test import support def safe_rmdir(dirname): try: os.rmdir(dirname) except OSError: pass class GenericTest: common_attributes = ['commonprefix', 'getsize', 'getatime', 'getctime', 'getmtime', 'exists', 'isdir', 'isfile'] attributes = [] def test_no_argument(self): for attr in self.common_attributes + self.attributes: with self.assertRaises(TypeError): getattr(self.pathmodule, attr)() raise"{}.{}() did not raise a TypeError" .format(self.pathmodule.__name__, attr)) def test_commonprefix(self): commonprefix = self.pathmodule.commonprefix self.assertEqual( commonprefix([]), "" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix(["/home/swenson/spam", "/home/swen/spam"]), "/home/swen" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix(["/home/swen/spam", "/home/swen/eggs"]), "/home/swen/" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix(["/home/swen/spam", "/home/swen/spam"]), "/home/swen/spam" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix(["home:swenson:spam", "home:swen:spam"]), "home:swen" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([":home:swen:spam", ":home:swen:eggs"]), ":home:swen:" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([":home:swen:spam", ":home:swen:spam"]), ":home:swen:spam" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([b"/home/swenson/spam", b"/home/swen/spam"]), b"/home/swen" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([b"/home/swen/spam", b"/home/swen/eggs"]), b"/home/swen/" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([b"/home/swen/spam", b"/home/swen/spam"]), b"/home/swen/spam" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([b"home:swenson:spam", b"home:swen:spam"]), b"home:swen" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([b":home:swen:spam", b":home:swen:eggs"]), b":home:swen:" ) self.assertEqual( commonprefix([b":home:swen:spam", b":home:swen:spam"]), b":home:swen:spam" ) testlist = ['', 'abc', 'Xbcd', 'Xb', 'XY', 'abcd', 'aXc', 'abd', 'ab', 'aX', 'abcX'] for s1 in testlist: for s2 in testlist: p = commonprefix([s1, s2]) self.assertTrue(s1.startswith(p)) self.assertTrue(s2.startswith(p)) if s1 != s2: n = len(p) self.assertNotEqual(s1[n:n+1], s2[n:n+1]) def test_getsize(self): f = open(support.TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(b"foo") f.close() self.assertEqual(self.pathmodule.getsize(support.TESTFN), 3) finally: if not f.closed: f.close() support.unlink(support.TESTFN) def test_time(self): f = open(support.TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(b"foo") f.close() f = open(support.TESTFN, "ab") f.write(b"bar") f.close() f = open(support.TESTFN, "rb") d = f.close() self.assertEqual(d, b"foobar") self.assertLessEqual( self.pathmodule.getctime(support.TESTFN), self.pathmodule.getmtime(support.TESTFN) ) finally: if not f.closed: f.close() support.unlink(support.TESTFN) def test_exists(self): self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.exists(support.TESTFN), False) f = open(support.TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(b"foo") f.close() self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.exists(support.TESTFN), True) if not self.pathmodule == genericpath: self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.lexists(support.TESTFN), True) finally: if not f.close(): f.close() support.unlink(support.TESTFN) @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, "pipe"), "requires os.pipe()") def test_exists_fd(self): r, w = os.pipe() try: self.assertTrue(self.pathmodule.exists(r)) finally: os.close(r) os.close(w) self.assertFalse(self.pathmodule.exists(r)) def test_isdir(self): self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.isdir(support.TESTFN), False) f = open(support.TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(b"foo") f.close() self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.isdir(support.TESTFN), False) os.remove(support.TESTFN) os.mkdir(support.TESTFN) self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.isdir(support.TESTFN), True) os.rmdir(support.TESTFN) finally: if not f.close(): f.close() support.unlink(support.TESTFN) safe_rmdir(support.TESTFN) def test_isfile(self): self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.isfile(support.TESTFN), False) f = open(support.TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(b"foo") f.close() self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.isfile(support.TESTFN), True) os.remove(support.TESTFN) os.mkdir(support.TESTFN) self.assertIs(self.pathmodule.isfile(support.TESTFN), False) os.rmdir(support.TESTFN) finally: if not f.close(): f.close() support.unlink(support.TESTFN) safe_rmdir(support.TESTFN) class TestGenericTest(GenericTest, unittest.TestCase): # Issue 16852: GenericTest can't inherit from unittest.TestCase # for test discovery purposes; CommonTest inherits from GenericTest # and is only meant to be inherited by others. pathmodule = genericpath # Following TestCase is not supposed to be run from test_genericpath. # It is inherited by other test modules (macpath, ntpath, posixpath). class CommonTest(GenericTest): common_attributes = GenericTest.common_attributes + [ # Properties 'curdir', 'pardir', 'extsep', 'sep', 'pathsep', 'defpath', 'altsep', 'devnull', # Methods 'normcase', 'splitdrive', 'expandvars', 'normpath', 'abspath', 'join', 'split', 'splitext', 'isabs', 'basename', 'dirname', 'lexists', 'islink', 'ismount', 'expanduser', 'normpath', 'realpath', ] def test_normcase(self): normcase = self.pathmodule.normcase # check that normcase() is idempotent for p in ["FoO/./BaR", b"FoO/./BaR"]: p = normcase(p) self.assertEqual(p, normcase(p)) self.assertEqual(normcase(''), '') self.assertEqual(normcase(b''), b'') # check that normcase raises a TypeError for invalid types for path in (None, True, 0, 2.5, [], bytearray(b''), {'o','o'}): self.assertRaises(TypeError, normcase, path) def test_splitdrive(self): # splitdrive for non-NT paths splitdrive = self.pathmodule.splitdrive self.assertEqual(splitdrive("/foo/bar"), ("", "/foo/bar")) self.assertEqual(splitdrive("foo:bar"), ("", "foo:bar")) self.assertEqual(splitdrive(":foo:bar"), ("", ":foo:bar")) self.assertEqual(splitdrive(b"/foo/bar"), (b"", b"/foo/bar")) self.assertEqual(splitdrive(b"foo:bar"), (b"", b"foo:bar")) self.assertEqual(splitdrive(b":foo:bar"), (b"", b":foo:bar")) def test_expandvars(self): if self.pathmodule.__name__ == 'macpath': self.skipTest('macpath.expandvars is a stub') expandvars = self.pathmodule.expandvars with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env: env.clear() env["foo"] = "bar" env["{foo"] = "baz1" env["{foo}"] = "baz2" self.assertEqual(expandvars("foo"), "foo") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$foo bar"), "bar bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("${foo}bar"), "barbar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$[foo]bar"), "$[foo]bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$bar bar"), "$bar bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$?bar"), "$?bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("${foo}bar"), "barbar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$foo}bar"), "bar}bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("${foo"), "${foo") self.assertEqual(expandvars("${{foo}}"), "baz1}") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$foo$foo"), "barbar") self.assertEqual(expandvars("$bar$bar"), "$bar$bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"foo"), b"foo") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$foo bar"), b"bar bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"${foo}bar"), b"barbar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$[foo]bar"), b"$[foo]bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$bar bar"), b"$bar bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$?bar"), b"$?bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"${foo}bar"), b"barbar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$foo}bar"), b"bar}bar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"${foo"), b"${foo") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"${{foo}}"), b"baz1}") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$foo$foo"), b"barbar") self.assertEqual(expandvars(b"$bar$bar"), b"$bar$bar") def test_abspath(self): self.assertIn("foo", self.pathmodule.abspath("foo")) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) self.assertIn(b"foo", self.pathmodule.abspath(b"foo")) # Abspath returns bytes when the arg is bytes with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) for path in (b'', b'foo', b'f\xf2\xf2', b'/foo', b'C:\\'): self.assertIsInstance(self.pathmodule.abspath(path), bytes) def test_realpath(self): self.assertIn("foo", self.pathmodule.realpath("foo")) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) self.assertIn(b"foo", self.pathmodule.realpath(b"foo")) def test_normpath_issue5827(self): # Make sure normpath preserves unicode for path in ('', '.', '/', '\\', '///foo/.//bar//'): self.assertIsInstance(self.pathmodule.normpath(path), str) def test_abspath_issue3426(self): # Check that abspath returns unicode when the arg is unicode # with both ASCII and non-ASCII cwds. abspath = self.pathmodule.abspath for path in ('', 'fuu', 'f\xf9\xf9', '/fuu', 'U:\\'): self.assertIsInstance(abspath(path), str) unicwd = '\xe7w\xf0' try: os.fsencode(unicwd) except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError): # FS encoding is probably ASCII pass else: with support.temp_cwd(unicwd): for path in ('', 'fuu', 'f\xf9\xf9', '/fuu', 'U:\\'): self.assertIsInstance(abspath(path), str) def test_nonascii_abspath(self): if (support.TESTFN_UNDECODABLE # Mac OS X denies the creation of a directory with an invalid # UTF-8 name. Windows allows to create a directory with an # arbitrary bytes name, but fails to enter this directory # (when the bytes name is used). and sys.platform not in ('win32', 'darwin')): name = support.TESTFN_UNDECODABLE elif support.TESTFN_NONASCII: name = support.TESTFN_NONASCII else: self.skipTest("need support.TESTFN_NONASCII") # Test non-ASCII, non-UTF8 bytes in the path. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) with support.temp_cwd(name): self.test_abspath() if __name__=="__main__": unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ RBM w/ continuous-valued inputs (Linear Energy) References : - Y. Bengio, P. Lamblin, D. Popovici, H. Larochelle: Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2007 """ import sys import numpy from RBM import RBM from utils import * class CRBM(RBM): def propdown(self, h): pre_activation =, self.W.T) + self.vbias return pre_activation def sample_v_given_h(self, h0_sample): a_h = self.propdown(h0_sample) en = numpy.exp(-a_h) ep = numpy.exp(a_h) v1_mean = 1 / (1 - en) - 1 / a_h U = numpy.array(self.numpy_rng.uniform( low=0, high=1, size=v1_mean.shape)) v1_sample = numpy.log((1 - U * (1 - ep))) / a_h return [v1_mean, v1_sample] def test_crbm(learning_rate=0.1, k=1, training_epochs=1000): data = numpy.array([[0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0., 0., 0.], [0.5, 0.3, 0.5, 0., 0., 0.], [0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.5, 0.3, 0.5, 0.], [0., 0., 0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.], [0., 0., 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.]]) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) # construct CRBM rbm = CRBM(input=data, n_visible=6, n_hidden=5, numpy_rng=rng) # train for epoch in range(training_epochs): rbm.contrastive_divergence(lr=learning_rate, k=k) # cost = rbm.get_reconstruction_cross_entropy() # print >> sys.stderr, 'Training epoch %d, cost is ' % epoch, cost # test v = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.5, 0.5, 0.]]) print(rbm.reconstruct(v)) if __name__ == "__main__": test_crbm()
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests the graph freezing tool.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import re from tensorflow.core.example import example_pb2 from tensorflow.core.framework import graph_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import saver_pb2 from tensorflow.python.client import session from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io from tensorflow.python.framework import importer from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn from tensorflow.python.ops import parsing_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import partitioned_variables from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import test from tensorflow.python.saved_model import builder as saved_model_builder from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_def_utils from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants from import freeze_graph from import saver as saver_lib class FreezeGraphTest(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase): def _testFreezeGraph(self, saver_write_version): checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "saved_checkpoint") checkpoint_state_name = "checkpoint_state" input_graph_name = "input_graph.pb" output_graph_name = "output_graph.pb" # We'll create an input graph that has a single variable containing 1.0, # and that then multiplies it by 2. with ops.Graph().as_default(): variable_node = variables.VariableV1(1.0, name="variable_node") output_node = math_ops.multiply(variable_node, 2.0, name="output_node") sess = session.Session() init = variables.global_variables_initializer() output = self.assertNear(2.0, output, 0.00001) saver = saver_lib.Saver(write_version=saver_write_version) checkpoint_path = sess, checkpoint_prefix, global_step=0, latest_filename=checkpoint_state_name) graph_io.write_graph(sess.graph, self.get_temp_dir(), input_graph_name) # We save out the graph to disk, and then call the const conversion # routine. input_graph_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), input_graph_name) input_saver_def_path = "" input_binary = False output_node_names = "output_node" restore_op_name = "save/restore_all" filename_tensor_name = "save/Const:0" output_graph_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), output_graph_name) clear_devices = False freeze_graph.freeze_graph( input_graph_path, input_saver_def_path, input_binary, checkpoint_path, output_node_names, restore_op_name, filename_tensor_name, output_graph_path, clear_devices, "", "", "", checkpoint_version=saver_write_version) # Now we make sure the variable is now a constant, and that the graph still # produces the expected result. with ops.Graph().as_default(): output_graph_def = graph_pb2.GraphDef() with open(output_graph_path, "rb") as f: output_graph_def.ParseFromString( _ = importer.import_graph_def(output_graph_def, name="") self.assertEqual(4, len(output_graph_def.node)) for node in output_graph_def.node: self.assertNotEqual("VariableV2", node.op) self.assertNotEqual("Variable", node.op) with session.Session() as sess: output_node = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("output_node:0") output = self.assertNear(2.0, output, 0.00001) def _createTFExampleString(self, feature_name, feature_value): """Create a serialized tensorflow example.""" example = example_pb2.Example() example.features.feature[feature_name].float_list.value.extend([ feature_value]) return example.SerializeToString() def _writeDummySavedModel(self, path, feature_name): """Writes a classifier with two input features to the given path.""" with ops.Graph().as_default(): examples = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.string, name="input_node") feature_configs = { feature_name: parsing_ops.FixedLenFeature(shape=[], dtype=dtypes.float32), } features = parsing_ops.parse_example(examples, feature_configs) feature = features[feature_name] variable_node = variables.VariableV1(1.0, name="variable_node") scores = math_ops.multiply(variable_node, feature, name="output_node") class_feature = array_ops.fill(array_ops.shape(feature), "class_%s" % feature_name) classes = array_ops.transpose(class_feature) with session.Session() as sess: signature = ( signature_def_utils.classification_signature_def( examples=examples, classes=classes, scores=scores,)) builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(path) builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables( sess, [tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map={ signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: signature, },) @test_util.run_v1_only("b/120545219") def testFreezeGraphV1(self): self._testFreezeGraph(saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1) @test_util.run_v1_only("b/120545219") def testFreezeGraphV2(self): self._testFreezeGraph(saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2) def testFreezeMetaGraph(self): tmp_dir = self.get_temp_dir() checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "meta_graph_checkpoint") checkpoint_state_name = "checkpoint_state" output_graph_filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "output_graph.pb") with ops.Graph().as_default(): variable_node = variables.VariableV1(1.0, name="variable_node") output_node = math_ops.multiply(variable_node, 2.0, name="output_node") sess = session.Session() init = variables.global_variables_initializer() output = self.assertNear(2.0, output, 0.00001) saver = saver_lib.Saver() checkpoint_path = sess, checkpoint_prefix, global_step=0, latest_filename=checkpoint_state_name) input_saver_def_path = "" input_binary = True output_node_names = "output_node" restore_op_name = "save/restore_all" filename_tensor_name = "save/Const:0" clear_devices = False input_meta_graph = checkpoint_path + ".meta" freeze_graph.freeze_graph( "", input_saver_def_path, input_binary, checkpoint_path, output_node_names, restore_op_name, filename_tensor_name, output_graph_filename, clear_devices, "", "", "", input_meta_graph) # Now we make sure the variable is now a constant, and that the graph still # produces the expected result. with ops.Graph().as_default(): output_graph_def = graph_pb2.GraphDef() with open(output_graph_filename, "rb") as f: output_graph_def.ParseFromString( _ = importer.import_graph_def(output_graph_def, name="") self.assertEqual(4, len(output_graph_def.node)) for node in output_graph_def.node: self.assertNotEqual("VariableV2", node.op) self.assertNotEqual("Variable", node.op) with session.Session() as sess: output_node = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("output_node:0") output = self.assertNear(2.0, output, 0.00001) def testFreezeSavedModel(self): tmp_dir = self.get_temp_dir() saved_model_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "saved_model_dir") feature_name = "feature" self._writeDummySavedModel(saved_model_dir, feature_name) output_graph_filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "output_graph.pb") input_saved_model_dir = saved_model_dir output_node_names = "output_node" input_binary = False input_saver_def_path = False restore_op_name = None filename_tensor_name = None clear_devices = False input_meta_graph = False checkpoint_path = None input_graph_filename = None saved_model_tags = tag_constants.SERVING freeze_graph.freeze_graph(input_graph_filename, input_saver_def_path, input_binary, checkpoint_path, output_node_names, restore_op_name, filename_tensor_name, output_graph_filename, clear_devices, "", "", "", input_meta_graph, input_saved_model_dir, saved_model_tags) # Now we make sure the variable is now a constant, and that the graph still # produces the expected result. with ops.Graph().as_default(): output_graph_def = graph_pb2.GraphDef() with open(output_graph_filename, "rb") as f: output_graph_def.ParseFromString( _ = importer.import_graph_def(output_graph_def, name="") self.assertEqual(8, len(output_graph_def.node)) for node in output_graph_def.node: self.assertNotEqual("VariableV2", node.op) self.assertNotEqual("Variable", node.op) feature_value = 2.0 example = self._createTFExampleString(feature_name, feature_value) with session.Session() as sess: input_node = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("input_node:0") output_node = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("output_node:0") output =, feed_dict={input_node: [example]}) self.assertNear(feature_value, output, 0.00001) def testSinglePartitionedVariable(self): """Ensures partitioned variables fail cleanly with freeze graph.""" checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "saved_checkpoint") checkpoint_state_name = "checkpoint_state" input_graph_name = "input_graph.pb" output_graph_name = "output_graph.pb" # Create a graph with partition variables. When weights are partitioned into # a single partition, the weights variable is followed by a identity -> # identity (an additional identity node). partitioner = partitioned_variables.fixed_size_partitioner(1) with ops.Graph().as_default(): with variable_scope.variable_scope("part", partitioner=partitioner): batch_size, height, width, depth = 5, 128, 128, 3 input1 = array_ops.zeros( (batch_size, height, width, depth), name="input1") input2 = array_ops.zeros( (batch_size, height, width, depth), name="input2") num_nodes = depth filter1 = variable_scope.get_variable("filter", [num_nodes, num_nodes]) filter2 = array_ops.reshape(filter1, [1, 1, num_nodes, num_nodes]) conv = nn.conv2d( input=input1, filter=filter2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME") node = math_ops.add(conv, input2, name="test/add") node = nn.relu6(node, name="test/relu6") # Save graph and checkpoints. sess = session.Session() saver = saver_lib.Saver() checkpoint_path = sess, checkpoint_prefix, global_step=0, latest_filename=checkpoint_state_name) graph_io.write_graph(sess.graph, self.get_temp_dir(), input_graph_name) # Ensure this graph has partition variables. self.assertTrue([":")[0] for op in sess.graph.get_operations() for tensor in op.values() if"/part_\d+/", ]) # Test freezing graph doesn't make it crash. output_node_names = "save/restore_all" output_graph_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), output_graph_name) return_value = freeze_graph.freeze_graph_with_def_protos( input_graph_def=sess.graph_def, input_saver_def=None, input_checkpoint=checkpoint_path, output_node_names=output_node_names, restore_op_name="save/restore_all", # default value filename_tensor_name="save/Const:0", # default value output_graph=output_graph_path, clear_devices=False, initializer_nodes="") self.assertTrue(return_value, -1) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
'''navigation in 3D''' # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------- #-- event filter next germ + navigator #-- #-- microelly 2016 #-- #-- GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) #------------------------------------------------- # # # # from geodat.say import * import PySide from PySide import QtGui,QtCore import FreeCAD,FreeCADGui #\cond App=FreeCAD Err=FreeCAD.Console.PrintError Msg=FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage import FreeCADGui from PySide import QtGui from pivy import coin import sys from PySide import QtGui, QtCore import os #\endcond import time,sys,traceback,math from pivy import coin ''' def sayexc(mess='',last=False): exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() ttt=repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value,exc_traceback)) lls=eval(ttt) if last: lls=[lls[-1]] Err(mess + "\n" +"--> ".join(lls)) ''' # whenever the module is loaded stop an old eventserver try: stop() except: pass ## the debug window for runtime parameter def myDebugWidget(): liste=QtGui.QWidget() liste.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) layout=QtGui.QVBoxLayout() liste.setLayout(layout) liste.vmap={} for k in ['key','xa','ya','za','xr','yr','zr','dxw','dyw','click','clickcount' ]: line = QtGui.QLineEdit() line.setText("("+k+")") layout.addWidget(line) liste.vmap[k]=line for k in ['windows']: line = QtGui.QTextEdit() line.setText("("+k+")") layout.addWidget(line) liste.vmap[k]=line bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Ende") bt.clicked.connect(stop) layout.addWidget(bt) return liste ##callback when a key is pressed def on_key_press(ef,keystring): print("on_key_press:", keystring) if keystring=='Escape': print("stoppe eventserver ...") ef.output.hide() stop() return True ##callback when a key is released def on_key_release(ef,keystring): print("on_key_release:", keystring) return True ## The EventFilter controls the Qt mouse and keybord events # class EventFilter(QtCore.QObject): #\cond def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.lastpos=None self.on_key_press=on_key_press self.on_key_release=on_key_release self.on_move=on_move self.on_clicks=on_clicks self.on_windowslist=on_windowslist self.keyTimeout=0.1 self.keyset=0 self.keyPressed2=False self.output=myDebugWidget() self.keymap={} for t in dir(QtCore.Qt): if t.startswith( 'Key_' ): v=eval('QtCore.Qt.'+t) self.keymap[v]=t[4:] self.modmap={} for t in dir(QtCore.Qt): if t.endswith('Modifier'): if t!= 'Modifier': v=eval('QtCore.Qt.'+t) self.modmap[v]=t[:-8] #\endcond ## the event handler # def eventFilter(self, o, e): # z=str(e.type()) # not used events if z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.ChildAdded' or \ z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.ChildRemoved'or \ z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.User' or \ z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.Paint' or \ z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.LayoutRequest' or\ z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.UpdateRequest' : return QtGui.QWidget.eventFilter(self, o, e) if z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.KeyPress': if time.time()-self.keyset<self.keyTimeout: return True self.keyPressed2=True self.keyset=time.time() ks='' for k in self.modmap: if e.modifiers() & k: ks += self.modmap[k] + '-' if not self.keymap[e.key()] in ['Shift','Meta','Alt','Control','GroupSwitch']: ks +=self.keymap[e.key()] self.output.vmap['key'].setText(ks) return self.on_key_press(self,ks) # end of a single key pressed if z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.KeyRelease': if self.keyPressed2: self.keyPressed2=False self.keyset=0 ks='' for k in self.modmap: if e.modifiers() & k: ks += self.modmap[k] + '-' ks +=self.keymap[e.key()] self.output.vmap['key'].setText(ks) return self.on_key_release(self,ks) # enter and leave a widget if z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.Enter' or z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.Leave': #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Enter Leave\n") return True if z == 'PySide.QtCore.QEvent.Type.HoverMove' : if False: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("old Pos: ") FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(e.oldPos()) FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(", new Pos: ") FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(e.pos()) FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\n") self.lastpos=e.pos() try: za=int(self.output.vmap['za'].text()) except: za=0 za2=za self.output.vmap['xa'].setText(str(e.pos().x())) self.output.vmap['ya'].setText(str(e.pos().y())) #return self.on_move(self,[e.pos().x(),e.pos().y(),za2],[99,99,99]) return self.on_move(self,[e.pos().x(),e.pos().y(),za2],[e.pos().x(),e.pos().y(),0]) try: if e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.ContextMenu and o.__class__ == QtGui.QWidget: # hier contextmenue rechte maus auschalten # FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage('!! cancel -------------------------------------context-----------\n') return True pass # wheel rotation if e.type()== QtCore.QEvent.Type.Wheel: # self.output.vmap['xr'].setText(str(e.x())) self.output.vmap['yr'].setText(str(e.y())) self.output.vmap['zr'].setText(str( self.output.vmap['xa'].setText(str(e.globalX())) self.output.vmap['ya'].setText(str(e.globalY())) try: za=int(self.output.vmap['za'].text()) except: za=0 za2=za+int( self.output.vmap['za'].setText(str(za2)) return self.on_move(self,[e.globalX(),e.globalY(),za2],[e.x(),e.y(),] ) # mouse clicks if e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress or \ e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease or\ e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick: windowlist=[] myclass=o.__class__.__name__ try: mytext=o.text() except: mytext="???" if myclass=='QTabBar': windowlist.append([myclass,str(o.tabText(o.currentIndex())),o.currentIndex()]) else: windowlist.append([myclass,str(mytext)]) self.output.vmap['dxw'].setText(str(o.width())) self.output.vmap['dyw'].setText(str(o.height())) widget = QtGui.qApp.widgetAt(self.lastpos) if widget: while widget: try: p=widget # Msg("widget "+ p.objectName()+"!\n") if p.__class__.__name__ =='QMdiSubWindow': widget=None # gefunden # Msg('\n') label='???' try: # Msg( p.__class__.__name__ +" objectName:" + p.objectName()+ "\n" ) label2=p.objectName() if label2!='': label=label2 except: pass try: # Msg( p.__class__.__name__ +" windowTitle" + p.windowTitle()+ "\n" ) label2=p.windowTitle() if label2!='': label=label2 except: pass try: # Msg( p.__class__.__name__ +" tabTExt" + p.tabText()+ "\n" ) label2=p.tabText() if label2!='': label=label2 except: pass windowlist.append([p.__class__.__name__ ,str(label)]) p=widget.parent() widget=p except: widget=None stack='' for t in windowlist: stack += str(t)+"\n" self.output.vmap['xr'].setText(str(e.pos().x())) self.output.vmap['yr'].setText(str(e.pos().y())) self.output.vmap['windows'].setText(stack) self.windowlist=windowlist self.on_windowslist(self,windowlist) if e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('release') return self.on_clicks(self,'Release',0) return True # double clicked if e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick and e.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.output.vmap['click'].setText('left') self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('2') return True if e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick and e.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.output.vmap['click'].setText('right') self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('2') return True if e.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick and e.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: self.output.vmap['click'].setText('middle') self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('2') return True # middle if e.button() == QtCore.Qt.MidButton or e.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: self.output.vmap['click'].setText('middle') self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('1') # kontextmenu abfangen -> return True ! return True if e.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage('!Mouse one left\n') self.output.vmap['click'].setText('left') self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('1') return self.on_clicks(self,'Left',1) # return True # right mouse button when context menue deactivated elif e.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.output.vmap['click'].setText('right') self.output.vmap['clickcount'].setText('1') # kontextmenu abfangen -> return True ! return self.on_clicks(self,'Right',1) # return True except: sayexc() return False ## stop and delete the EventFilter # def stop(): mw=QtGui.qApp ef=FreeCAD.eventfilter mw.removeEventFilter(ef) #mw.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeAllCursor) mw.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) # FreeCADGui.activateWorkbench("Geodat") sg = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph() ef.output.deleteLater() ef.navi.deleteLater() sg.removeChild(ef.background) def keypress(ef,keystring): camera=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Wedge if keystring=='X': camera.Placement.Base.x += 10 if keystring=='Y': camera.Placement.Base.y += 10 if keystring=='Z': camera.Placement.Base.z += 10 ax=camera.Placement.Rotation.Axis an=camera.Placement.Rotation.Angle an=an* 180/math.pi [y,p,r]=camera.Placement.Rotation.toEuler() if keystring=='G': y += 0.1 camera.Placement.Rotation=FreeCAD.Rotation(y,p,r) if keystring=='H': p += 0.1 camera.Placement.Rotation=FreeCAD.Rotation(y,p,r) if keystring=='F': r += 0.1 camera.Placement.Rotation=FreeCAD.Rotation(y,p,r) if keystring=='C': camera.Placement=FreeCAD.Placement() FreeCAD.activeDocument().recompute() if keystring=='Escape': print("stoppe eventserver ...") ef.output.hide() stop() return True def on_keypress2(ef,keystring): try: camera=FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeView().getCameraNode() # # Hilfspunkt kameraposition # c=App.ActiveDocument.Vertex # # # Hud # panel=App.ActiveDocument.Compound # # Kugel im HUD # s=App.ActiveDocument.Sphere001 if ef.firstCall: FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeView().setCameraType("Perspective") ef.firstCall=False campos=FreeCAD.Vector( 0, 0, 0) camera.position.setValue(campos) nD=100 fD=12000000 camera.nearDistance.setValue(nD) camera.farDistance.setValue(fD) if keystring=='X' or keystring=='Insert': ef.campos.x += 10 if keystring=='Y'or keystring=='Home' : ef.campos.y += 10 if keystring=='Z'or keystring=='PageUp': ef.campos.z += 10 if keystring=='Shift-X'or keystring=='Delete': ef.campos.x -= 10 if keystring=='Shift-Y'or keystring=='End': ef.campos.y -= 10 if keystring=='Shift-Z'or keystring=='PageDown': ef.campos.z -= 10 if keystring=='F12': ef.campos = FreeCAD.Vector( 0, 0, 0) ef.laenge=0 ef.breite=0 ef.roll=0 if keystring=='Control-Left': ef.roll += 10 if keystring=='Control-Right': ef.roll -= 10 if keystring=='Control-Down': ef.roll = 0 if ef.mode=='turn': if keystring=='Up': ef.breite += 1.0 if keystring=='Down': ef.breite -= 1.0 if keystring=='Shift-Up' or keystring=='Shift-Down': ef.breite=-ef.breite if ef.laenge <=0: ef.laenge += 180 else: ef.laenge -= 180 if keystring=='Left': ef.laenge -= 1.1 if keystring=='Right': ef.laenge += 1.2 if keystring=='Shift-Left' or keystring=='Shift-Right': if ef.laenge <=0: ef.laenge += 180 else: ef.laenge -= 180 elif ef.mode=='walk': Msg('walk mode') if keystring=='Left': ef.direction -= 0.1 ef.laenge= -90+ef.direction*180/math.pi if keystring=='Right': ef.direction += 0.1 ef.laenge= -90+ef.direction*180/math.pi if keystring=='Up': ef.campos.x -= ef.speed*math.cos(ef.direction) ef.campos.y += ef.speed*math.sin(ef.direction) ef.campos.z += ef.speed*math.sin(ef.breite/180*math.pi) if keystring=='Down': ef.campos.x += ef.speed*math.cos(ef.direction) ef.campos.y -= ef.speed*math.sin(ef.direction) ef.campos.z -= ef.speed*math.sin(ef.breite/180*math.pi) if keystring=='Return': pass elif ef.mode=='xyz': Err('xyz mode') if keystring=='Up': ef.campos.z += ef.speed*math.cos(math.pi*ef.roll/180) if keystring=='Down': ef.campos.z -= ef.speed*math.cos(math.pi*ef.roll/180) # if keystring=='Up': # ef.campos.x += ef.speed*math.cos(ef.direction) # ef.campos.y += ef.speed*math.sin(ef.direction) # if keystring=='Down': # ef.campos.x -= ef.speed*math.cos(ef.direction) # ef.campos.y -= ef.speed*math.sin(ef.direction) if keystring=='Left': ef.campos.y += ef.speed*math.sin(0.0+ef.laenge/180*math.pi) ef.campos.x -= ef.speed*math.cos(0.0+ef.laenge/180*math.pi) if keystring=='Right': ef.campos.y -= ef.speed*math.sin(0.0+ef.laenge/180*math.pi) ef.campos.x += ef.speed*math.cos(0.0+ef.laenge/180*math.pi) else: Err("no known mode -- no action") ef.compass.direction(ef.laenge) ef.horizon.direction(ef.roll) ef.horizon.setnick(ef.breite) r=1000 pos3=FreeCAD.Vector( r*math.sin(ef.laenge/180*math.pi)*math.cos(ef.breite/180*math.pi), r*math.cos(ef.laenge/180*math.pi)*math.cos(ef.breite/180*math.pi), r*math.sin(ef.breite/180*math.pi)) dir=FreeCAD.Vector(pos3)# .sub(ef.campos) dir.normalize() print(ef.direction) print("ef.campos", ef.campos),ef.campos.y,ef.campos.z) spos=FreeCAD.Vector(ef.campos) d=200 prpos=FreeCAD.Vector(d*dir.x,d*dir.y,d*dir.z) ppos=spos.add(prpos) # kamera position # c.Placement.Base=ef.campos camera.position.setValue(ef.campos) camera.pointAt(coin.SbVec3f(ppos),coin.SbVec3f(0,0.0+math.sin(math.pi*ef.roll/180),0.0+math.cos(math.pi*ef.roll/180))) print("Roll ", ef.roll) # #hud # panel.Placement.Base=ppos # panel.Placement.Rotation=FreeCAD.Rotation(ef.laenge,-ef.breite,0) # #drehung des kompass/horizonts # s.Placement.Rotation=FreeCAD.Rotation(-ef.laenge-90,0,ef.breite) # # kamera einstellungen # if keystring=='F9': a=camera.heightAngle.getValue() a += 0.01 camera.heightAngle.setValue(a) if keystring=='F10': a=camera.heightAngle.getValue() a -= 0.01 camera.heightAngle.setValue(a) if keystring=='F11': camera.heightAngle.setValue(0.785398185253) if keystring=='F5': nD=camera.nearDistance.getValue() nD *=1.03 print("near Distance",nD) camera.nearDistance.setValue(nD) if keystring=='F6': nD=camera.nearDistance.getValue() nD /=1.03 if nD >0: print("near Distance",nD) camera.nearDistance.setValue(nD) if keystring=='F2': fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/P1170438.JPG' ef.tex.filename = fn if keystring=='F3': fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/P1170039.JPG' ef.tex.filename = fn if keystring=='F4': fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/winter.jpg' ef.tex.filename = fn # # ausgabe daten # if 1 or keystring=='F2': t=FreeCAD.Vector(prpos) try: t.normalize() except: pass campos2=(round(ef.campos[0]),round(ef.campos[1]),round(ef.campos[2])) nD=camera.nearDistance.getValue() a=camera.heightAngle.getValue() out='' out += "camera position " + str(campos2) +"\n" out += "camera direction " + str([round(t.x,2),round(t.y,2),round(t.z,2)]) + "\n" out += "speed " + str(ef.speed) +"\n" out += "dir " + str(round(ef.direction*180/math.pi)) +"\n" out += '\n' out += "height Angle " + str(round(a/math.pi*180)) +'\n' out += "focal length " + str(round(10/math.tan(a/2)))+"\n" out += "near Distance " + str(round(nD)) + '\n' print(out) ef.navi.output.setText(out) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() FreeCADGui.updateGui() if keystring=='Escape': print("stoppe eventserver ...") stop() sg = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph() ef.output.deleteLater() ef.navi.deleteLater() sg.removeChild(ef.background) except: sayexc() stop() return True def on_move(ef,globalVector,localVector): return True def on_move2(ef,globalVector,localVector): if ef.mouseMode: d=3 if ef.v: if ef.v[0]>globalVector[0]+d: ef.on_key_press(ef,"Left") elif ef.v[0]<globalVector[0]-d: ef.on_key_press(ef,"Right") if ef.v[1]>globalVector[1]+d: ef.on_key_press(ef,"Up") elif ef.v[1]<globalVector[1]-d: ef.on_key_press(ef,"Down") ef.v=globalVector return True def on_move3(ef,globalVector,localVector): return True ## the old click callback def on_clicks(ef,button,count): print("on_mouse:", button, str(count)) return True def on_clicks2(ef,button,count): print("on_clicks2:", button, str(count)) if button=='Release': ef.mouseMode=False if button=='Left': ef.mouseMode=True ef.v=None return True ## click callback for debug def on_clicks3(ef,button,count): print("on clicks 3",button) print(ef.windowlist) try: if ef.windowlist[0][1]=='Testme': print("call HUHU") return False except: return True ## a widget to display the yaw direction inside a circle class Compass(QtGui.QWidget): #\cond def __init__(self): super(Compass, self).__init__() self.rect= (0, 0, 100, 100) self.arc=90 self.resize(150, 150) #self.update() #self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setGeometry(300, 300, 350, 100) self.setWindowTitle('Colors') def paintEvent(self, e): qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) self.drawRectangles(qp) qp.end() def drawRectangles(self, qp): color = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0) color.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4') qp.setPen(color) qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(100, 0, 0,50)) qp.drawEllipse(0, 0, 100, 100);; qp.translate(50,50); qp.rotate(self.arc); qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0, 255)) qp.drawRect(0, -3, 50, 6); qp.restore(); def direction(self,arc): self.arc=arc-90 self.repaint() #\endcond ## a widget to display the pitch of the view class Horizon(QtGui.QWidget): #\cond def __init__(self): super(Horizon, self).__init__() self.rect= (0, 0, 100, 100) self.arc=0 self.nick=0 self.resize(100, 100) def initUI(self): self.setGeometry(300, 300, 350, 100) self.setWindowTitle('Colors') def paintEvent(self, e): qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) self.drawRectangles(qp) qp.end() def drawRectangles(self, qp): color = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0) color.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4') qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(100, 100, 100, 255)) qp.drawEllipse(0, 0, 100, 100); qp.setPen(color) qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(220, 220, 255,200)) rect = QtCore.QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0) startAngle = (90+self.arc-0.5*self.nick) * 16 spanAngle = (self.nick) * 16 qp.drawChord(rect, startAngle, spanAngle) def direction(self,arc): self.arc=arc self.repaint() def setnick(self,n): self.nick=-n-180 self.repaint() #\endcond ## a widget to dispay the xy position of the camera in the scene class Map(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self): super(Map, self).__init__() self.rect= (0, 0, 100, 100) self.x=50 self.y=50 self.z=50 self.resize(150, 140) #self.update() #self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setGeometry(300, 300, 350, 105) self.setWindowTitle('Colors') def paintEvent(self, e): qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) self.drawRectangles(qp) qp.end() def drawRectangles(self, qp): color = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0) color.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4') qp.setPen(color) qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(100, 0, 0,50)) qp.drawRect(0, 0, 105, 105);; qp.translate(self.x,self.y); qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0, 255)) qp.drawRect(0, 0, 5, 5); #; qp.translate(-self.x,-self.y+self.z); qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0, 255)) qp.drawRect(0, 0, 10, 5); qp.restore(); # qp.restore(); def setPos(self,x,y,z): fak=50.0 self.z=-z/fak+50 self.x=x/fak+50 self.y=-y/fak+50 print("setpos",x,y) self.repaint() ##creates and returns the navigator display widget def myNavigatorWidget(ef): liste=QtGui.QWidget() liste.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) layout=QtGui.QVBoxLayout() liste.setLayout(layout) liste.vmap={} # for k in ['key','xa','ya','za','xr','yr','zr','dxw','dyw','click','clickcount' ]: # line = QtGui.QLineEdit() # line.setText("("+k+")") # layout.addWidget(line) # liste.vmap[k]=line # for k in ['windows']: # line = QtGui.QTextEdit() # line.setText("("+k+")") # layout.addWidget(line) # liste.vmap[k]=line # liste.setGeometry(100, 100, 250, 1250) liste2=QtGui.QWidget() layout2=QtGui.QHBoxLayout() liste2.setLayout(layout2) layout.addWidget(liste2) liste2.setMinimumHeight(130) liste2.setMinimumWidth(360) # drei Anzeiger ... # compass ex = Compass() layout2.addWidget(ex) ex.direction(-50) ef.compass=ex # horizon ex2 = Horizon() ex2.setnick(100) ex2.direction(20) layout2.addWidget(ex2) ef.horizon=ex2 # ex2.direction(50) # speed ex3 = Map() layout2.addWidget(ex3) ex3.setPos(20,40,20) ll= QtGui.QLabel() ll.setText("Turn") layout.addWidget(ll) liste.modelabel=ll bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Walk Mode") layout.addWidget(bt) bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Frontal Mode") layout.addWidget(bt) bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Turn Mode") layout.addWidget(bt) line = QtGui.QTextEdit() line.setText("yyy") layout.addWidget(line) liste.output=line bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Stop Navigation") layout.addWidget(bt) # bt= QtGui.QPushButton() # bt.setText("Testme") # layout.addWidget(bt) # bt.clicked.connect(huhu) bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Background 1 Snowland") layout.addWidget(bt) bt.clicked.connect(lambda:background1(ef)) bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Background 2 Duneland") layout.addWidget(bt) bt.clicked.connect(lambda:background2(ef)) bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Background 3 Cologne") layout.addWidget(bt) bt.clicked.connect(lambda:background3(ef)) bt= QtGui.QPushButton() bt.setText("Background 4 Transparence") layout.addWidget(bt) bt.clicked.connect(lambda:background4(ef)) liste.ef=ef return liste ## background image winter def background1(ef): fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/winter.jpg' fn=os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/../pics/winter.jpg" ef.tex.filename = fn ## background image dune def background2(ef): fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/P1170437.JPG' fn=os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/../pics//P1170437.JPG" ef.tex.filename = fn ## background image city def background3(ef): fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/P1170039.JPG' fn=os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/../pics/P1170039.JPG" ef.tex.filename = fn ## background partially transparent def background4(ef): fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/transpa.png' fn=os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/../pics/transpa.png" ef.tex.filename = fn def on_windowslist(ef,windowslist): return True ## callback to set the mode or to do some other useful things def on_windowslist2(ef,windowslist): for t in windowslist: if t==['QPushButton','Stop Navigation']: stop() ef.output.deleteLater() ef.navi.deleteLater() if t==['QPushButton','Walk Mode']: print("Walk mode") ef.mode="walk" ef.navi.modelabel.setText("Walk") if t==['QPushButton','Frontal Mode']: print("Frontal mode") ef.mode="xyz" ef.navi.modelabel.setText("Frontal") if t==['QPushButton','Turn Mode']: print("Turn mode") ef.mode="turn" ef.navi.modelabel.setText("Turn") return ## initialize and start the Eventfilter def navi(): '''navigator startup''' mw=QtGui.qApp #widget.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeAllCursor) #cursor ausblenden #mw.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor) # FreeCADGui.activateWorkbench("NoneWorkbench") mw.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor) ef=EventFilter() ef.laenge=0.0 ef.breite=0.0 ef.campos=FreeCAD.Vector( 0, 0, 20000) # ef.output.hide() ef.mouseMode=False ef.firstCall=True ef.mode="turn" ef.navi=myNavigatorWidget(ef) ef.speed=100 ef.direction=0.5*math.pi ef.roll=0 #-------------- # get a jpg filename # jpgfilename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(),'Open image file','*.jpg') fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b175_camera_controller/winter.jpg' fn=os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/../pics/winter.jpg" sg = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph() col = coin.SoBaseColor() #col.rgb=(1,0,0) trans = coin.SoTranslation() trans.translation.setValue([0,0,0]) myCustomNode = coin.SoSeparator() #myCustomNode.addChild(col) if 0 or False: cub = coin.SoCylinder() cub.radius.setValue(3000) cub.height.setValue(4000)"SIDES") s=coin.SoRotationXYZ() s.angle.setValue(1.5708) s.axis.setValue(0) myCustomNode.addChild(s) s=coin.SoRotationXYZ() s.angle.setValue(math.pi) s.axis.setValue(1) myCustomNode.addChild(s) else: cub = coin.SoSphere() cub.radius.setValue(10000000) s=coin.SoRotationXYZ() s.angle.setValue(1.5708) s.axis.setValue(0) myCustomNode.addChild(s) s=coin.SoRotationXYZ() s.angle.setValue(math.pi) s.axis.setValue(1) myCustomNode.addChild(s) if False: l=coin.SoDirectionalLight() l.direction.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(0,1,0)) l.color.setValue(coin.SbColor(0,0,1)) myCustomNode.addChild(l) l=coin.SoDirectionalLight() l.direction.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(0,-1,0)) l.color.setValue(coin.SbColor(0,1,1)) myCustomNode.addChild(l) l=coin.SoDirectionalLight() l.direction.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,1)) l.color.setValue(coin.SbColor(1,0,0)) myCustomNode.addChild(l) l=coin.SoDirectionalLight() l.direction.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,-1)) l.color.setValue(coin.SbColor(0.6,0.6,1)) myCustomNode.addChild(l) l=coin.SoSpotLight() l.direction.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(1,0,1)) l.color.setValue(coin.SbColor(0,1,0)) l.location.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(0,0,0)) # l.cutOffAngle.setValue(0.01) # l.dropOffRate.setValue(1) myCustomNode.addChild(l) #myCustomNode.addChild(trans) myCustomNode.addChild(cub) sg.addChild(myCustomNode) tex = coin.SoTexture2() tex.filename = fn myCustomNode.insertChild(tex,0) #--------------- ef.background=myCustomNode ef.tex=tex FreeCAD.eventfilter=ef mw.installEventFilter(ef) FreeCAD.eventfilter.on_key_press=on_keypress2 FreeCAD.eventfilter.on_move=on_move3 FreeCAD.eventfilter.on_clicks=on_clicks3 FreeCAD.eventfilter.on_windowslist=on_windowslist2 on_keypress2(FreeCAD.eventfilter,'O') view=FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeView() FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setAnimationEnabled(False) mgr=view.getViewer().getSoRenderManager() mgr.setAutoClipping(0) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() FreeCADGui.updateGui() return ef def runtest(): navi() ef=navi() ef.navi.hide() ef.output.hide() def Navigator(): runtest()
import unittest from ctypes import * class StructFieldsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # Structure/Union classes must get 'finalized' sooner or # later, when one of these things happen: # # 1. _fields_ is set. # 2. An instance is created. # 3. The type is used as field of another Structure/Union. # 4. The type is subclassed # # When they are finalized, assigning _fields_ is no longer allowed. def test_1_A(self): class X(Structure): pass self.failUnlessEqual(sizeof(X), 0) # not finalized X._fields_ = [] # finalized self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, X, "_fields_", []) def test_1_B(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [] # finalized self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, X, "_fields_", []) def test_2(self): class X(Structure): pass X() self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, X, "_fields_", []) def test_3(self): class X(Structure): pass class Y(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", X)] # finalizes X self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, X, "_fields_", []) def test_4(self): class X(Structure): pass class Y(X): pass self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, X, "_fields_", []) Y._fields_ = [] self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, X, "_fields_", []) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# encoding: utf-8 # 2008 © Václav Šmilauer <> """ Module containing utility functions for plotting inside woo. Most functionality is exposed through :obj:`woo.core.Plot`, however. """ ## all exported names __all__=['live','liveInterval','autozoom','legendAlpha','scientific','scatterMarkerKw'] import sys PY3K=sys.version_info[0]==3 pilOk=False try: import PIL as Image pilOk=True except ImportError: pass try: import Image pilOk=True except ImportError: pass if not pilOk: print 'WARN: PIL/Image module (python-imaging) not importable, embedding images into plots will give errors.' # PY3K if PY3K: def _bytes(s): return bytes(s,'ascii') else: def _bytes(s): return s import matplotlib,os,time,math,itertools,sys # running in batch # # If GtkAgg is the default, X must be working, which is not the case # with batches (DISPLAY is unset in such case) and importing pylab fails then. # # Agg does not require the GUI part and works without any DISPLAY active # just fine. # # see # and # # IMPORTANT: this sets woo.runtime.hasDisplay try: import woo.qt except ImportError: pass import woo.runtime, wooMain, woo.config if wooMain.options.fakeDisplay: woo.runtime.hasDisplay=False if 'qt4' not in woo.config.features: woo.runtime.hasDisplay=False if woo.runtime.hasDisplay==None: # not yet set raise RuntimeError('woo.plot imported before woo.runtime.hasDisplay is set. This should not really happen, please report.') if not woo.runtime.hasDisplay: #from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as WooFigureCanvas matplotlib.use('Agg') ## pylab API else: matplotlib.use('Qt4Agg') # pylab API #from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as WooFigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as _HeadlessFigureCanvas from minieigen import * matplotlib.rc('axes',grid=True) # put grid in all figures import pylab # simulation-specific bits moved to woo.core.Plot # so that they are saved and reloaded with Scene automatically # # those remain module-global objects # live=True if woo.runtime.hasDisplay else False "Enable/disable live plot updating. Disabled without display (useless)." liveInterval=.5 "Interval for the live plot updating, in seconds." autozoom=True "Enable/disable automatic plot rezooming after data update." legendAlpha=.6 'Transparency of legend frames in plots' scientific=True if hasattr(matplotlib.axes.Axes,'ticklabel_format') else False ## safe default for older matplotlib versions "Use scientific notation for axes ticks." current=-1 "Point that is being tracked with a scatter point. -1 is for the last point, set to *nan* to disable." afterCurrentAlpha=.2 "Color alpha value for part of lines after :obj:`woo.plot.current`, between 0 (invisible) to 1 (full color)" scatterMarkerKw=dict(verts=[(0.,0.),(-30.,10.),(-25,0),(-30.,-10.)],marker=None) "Parameters for the current position marker" annotateKw=dict(horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='upper right',fontsize=9) "Parameters for annotation (current value) display" lineKw=dict(linewidth=1.5,alpha=.8) "Parameters for the normal line plot" componentSeparator='_' componentSuffixes={Vector2:{-1:'norm',0:'x',1:'y'},Vector3:{-1:'norm',0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'},Vector2i:{0:'x',1:'y'},Vector3i:{0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'},Vector6:{-1:'norm',0:'xx',1:'yy',2:'zz',3:'yz',4:'zx',5:'xy'},Matrix3:{(0,0):'xx',(1,1):'yy',(2,2):'zz',(0,1):'xy',(1,0):'yx',(0,2):'xz',(2,0):'zx',(1,2):'yz',(2,1):'zy'}} # if a type with entry in componentSuffixes is given in addData, columns for individual components are synthesized using indices and suffixes given for each type; negative index means the norm, which is computed using the 'norm()' method (must be defined by the type) # e.g. foo=Vector3r(1,2,3) will result in columns foo_x=1,foo_y=2,foo_z=3,foo_norm=3.741657... def Scene_plot_reset(P): "Reset all plot-related variables (data, plots, labels)",P.plots,P.imgData={},{},{} pylab.close('all') def Scene_plot_resetData(P): "Reset all plot data; keep plots and labels intact."{} def Scene_plot_splitData(P): "Make all plots discontinuous at this point (adds nan's to all data fields)" P.addData({}) def Scene_plot_reverseData(P): """Reverse order. Useful for tension-compression test, where the initial (zero) state is loaded and, to make data continuous, last part must *end* in the zero state. """ for k in[k].reverse() def addDataColumns(data,dd): '''Add new columns with NaN data, without adding anything to other columns. Does nothing for columns that already exist''' numSamples=len(data[data.keys()[0]]) if len(data)>0 else 0 for d in dd: if d in data.keys(): continue data[d]=[nan for i in range(numSamples)] def Scene_plot_autoData(P,**kw): """Add data by evaluating contents of :obj:`woo.core.Plot.plots`. Expressions rasing exceptions will be handled gracefully, but warning is printed for each. >>> from woo import plot; from woo.dem import *; from woo.core import * >>> from pprint import pprint >>> S=Scene(fields=[DemField(gravity=(0,0,-10))]) >>> S.plot.plots={'S.step':('S.time',None,'numParticles=len(S.dem.par)')} >>> S.plot.autoData() >>> pprint( {'S.step': [0], 'S.time': [0.0], 'numParticles': [0]} Note that each item in :obj:`woo.core.Plot.plots` can be * an expression to be evaluated (using the ``eval`` builtin); * ``name=expression`` string, where ``name`` will appear as label in plots, and expression will be evaluated each time; * a dictionary-like object -- current keys are labels of plots and current values are added to :obj:``. The contents of the dictionary can change over time, in which case new lines will be created as necessary. A simple simulation with plot can be written in the following way; note how the energy plot is specified. >>> from woo import plot, utils >>> S=Scene(fields=[DemField(gravity=(0,0,-10))]) >>> S.plot.plots={'i=S.step':('**','total',None,'rel.')} >>> # we create a simple simulation with one ball falling down >>> S.dem.par.add(Sphere.make((0,0,0),1,mat=utils.defaultMaterial())) 0 >>> S.engines=[Leapfrog(damping=.4,reset=True), ... # get data required by plots at every step ... PyRunner(1,'S.plot.autoData()') ... ] >>> S.trackEnergy=True >>>,True) >>> pprint( #doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'grav': [0.0, 0.0, -20.357...], 'i': [0, 1, 2], 'kinetic': [0.0, 1.526..., 13.741...], 'nonviscDamp': [nan, nan, 8.143...], 'rel. error': [0.0, 1.0, 0.0361...], 'total energy': [0.0, 1.526..., 1.526...]} .. plot:: import woo, woo.plot, woo.utils from woo.dem import * from woo.core import * S=Scene(fields=[DemField(gravity=(0,0,-10))]) S.dem.par.add(Sphere.make((0,0,0),1)); S.engines=[Leapfrog(damping=.4,reset=True),PyRunner('S.plot.autoData()')] S.plot.plots={'i=S.step':('**','total',None,'rel.')} S.trackEnergy=True,True) S.plot.legendLoc=('lower left','upper right') S.plot.plot() """ def colDictUpdate(col,dic,kw): 'update *dic* with the value from col, which is a "expr" or "name=expr" string; all exceptions from ``eval`` are caught and warning is printed without adding any data.' name,expr=col.split('=',1) if '=' in col else (col,col) try: val=eval(expr,kw) dic.update({name:val}) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print 'WARN: ignoring exception raised while evaluating auto-column `'+expr+"'%s."%('' if name==expr else ' ('+name+')') cols={} S=P.scene # data,imgData,,P.imgData,P.plots kw.update(S=S) kw.update(woo=woo) for p in P.plots: pp=P.plots[p] colDictUpdate(p.strip(),cols,kw) for y in tuplifyYAxis(P.plots[p]): # imgplot specifier if y==None: continue yy=addPointTypeSpecifier(y,noSplit=True)[0] yy1=yy.split('=')[-1] # dict-like object # if hasattr(yy,'keys'): cols.update(dict(yy)) # callable returning list sequence of expressions to evaluate if yy1.startswith('**'): try: dd=eval(yy1[2:],{'S':S}) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print 'WARN: ignoring exception raised while evaluating dictionary-returning expression "'+yy1[2:]+':' for k,v in dd.items(): cols[k]=v elif yy1.startswith('*'): ee=eval(yy1[1:],{'S':S}) for e in ee: colDictUpdate(e,cols,{'S':S}) else: colDictUpdate(yy,cols,kw) P.addData(cols) def Scene_plot_addData(P,*d_in,**kw): """Add data from arguments name1=value1,name2=value2 to (the old {'name1':value1,'name2':value2} is deprecated, but still supported) New data will be padded with nan's, unspecified data will be nan (nan's don't appear in graphs). This way, equal length of all data is assured so that they can be plotted one against any other. >>> S=woo.master.scene >>> from pprint import pprint >>> S.plot.resetData() >>> S.plot.addData(a=1) >>> S.plot.addData(b=2) >>> S.plot.addData(a=3,b=4) >>> pprint( {'a': [1, nan, 3], 'b': [nan, 2, 4]} Some sequence types can be given to addData; they will be saved in synthesized columns for individual components. >>> S.plot.resetData() >>> S.plot.addData(c=Vector3(5,6,7),d=Matrix3(8,9,10, 11,12,13, 14,15,16)) >>> pprint( #doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'c_norm': [10.488...], 'c_x': [5.0], 'c_y': [6.0], 'c_z': [7.0], 'd_xx': [8.0], 'd_xy': [9.0], 'd_xz': [10.0], 'd_yx': [11.0], 'd_yy': [12.0], 'd_yz': [13.0], 'd_zx': [14.0], 'd_zy': [15.0], 'd_zz': [16.0]} """ data,,P.imgData import numpy if len(data)>0: numSamples=len(data[data.keys()[0]]) else: numSamples=0 # align with imgData, if there is more of them than data if len(imgData)>0 and numSamples==0: numSamples=max(numSamples,len(imgData[imgData.keys()[0]])) d=(d_in[0] if len(d_in)>0 else {}) d.update(**kw) # handle types composed of multiple values (vectors, matrices) dNames=d.keys()[:] # make copy, since dict cannot change size if iterated over directly for name in dNames: if type(d[name]) in componentSuffixes: val=d[name] suffixes=componentSuffixes[type(d[name])] for ix in suffixes: d[name+componentSeparator+suffixes[ix]]=(d[name][ix] if ix>=0 else d[name].norm()) del d[name] elif hasattr(d[name],'__len__'): raise ValueError('plot.addData given unhandled sequence type (is a '+type(d[name]).__name__+', must be number or '+'/'.join([k.__name__ for k in componentSuffixes])+')') for name in d: if not name in data.keys(): data[name]=[] for name in data: data[name]+=(numSamples-len(data[name]))*[nan] data[name].append(d[name] if name in d else nan) #print [(k,len(data[k])) for k in data.keys()] #numpy.array([nan for i in range(numSamples)]) #numpy.append(data[name],[d[name]],1) def Scene_plot_addImgData(P,**kw): data,,P.imgData for k in kw: if k not in imgData: imgData[k]=[] # align imgData with data if len(data.keys())>0 and len(imgData.keys())>0: nData,nImgData=len(data[data.keys()[0]]),len(imgData[imgData.keys()[0]]) #if nImgData>nData-1: raise RuntimeError("imgData is already the same length as data?") if nImgData<nData-1: # repeat last value for k in imgData.keys(): lastValue=imgData[k][-1] if len(imgData[k])>0 else None imgData[k]+=(nData-len(imgData[k])-1)*[lastValue] elif nData<nImgData: for k in data.keys(): lastValue=data[k][-1] if len(data[k])>0 else nan data[k]+=(nImgData-nData)*[lastValue] # add one more, because we will append to imgData below # add values from kw newLen=(len(imgData[imgData.keys()[0]]) if imgData else 0)+1 # current length plus 1 for k in kw: if k in imgData and len(imgData[k])>0: imgData[k]+=(newLen-len(imgData[k])-1)*[imgData[k][-1]]+[kw[k]] # repeat last element as necessary else: imgData[k]=(newLen-1)*[None]+[kw[k]] # repeat None if no previous value # align values which were not in kw by repeating the last value for k in imgData: if len(imgData[k])<newLen: imgData[k]+=(newLen-len(imgData[k]))*[imgData[k][-1]] assert len(set([len(i) for i in imgData.values()]))<=1 # no data or all having the same value # not public functions def addPointTypeSpecifier(o,noSplit=False): """Add point type specifier to simple variable name; optionally take only the part before '=' from the first item.""" if type(o) in [tuple,list]: if noSplit or not type(o[0])==str: return o else: return (o[0].split('=',1)[0],)+tuple(o[1:]) else: return (o if (noSplit or not type(o)==str) else (o.split('=',1)[0]),'') def tuplifyYAxis(pp): """convert one variable to a 1-tuple""" if type(pp) in [tuple,list]: return pp else: return (pp,) def xlateLabel(l,labels): "Return translated label; return l itself if not in the labels dict." if l in labels.keys(): return labels[l] else: return l class LineRef: """Holds reference to plot line and to original data arrays (which change during the simulation), and updates the actual line using those data upon request.""" def __init__(self,line,scatter,annotation,line2,xdata,ydata,imgData=None,dataName=None): self.line,self.scatter,self.annotation,self.line2,self.xdata,self.ydata,self.imgData,self.dataName=line,scatter,annotation,line2,xdata,ydata,imgData,dataName def update(self): if isinstance(self.line,matplotlib.image.AxesImage): # image name try: if len(self.xdata)==0 and self.dataName: self.xdata=self.imgData[self.dataName] # empty list reference an empty singleton, not the list we want; adjust here import Image if self.xdata[current]==None:'RGBA',(1,1),(0,0,0,0)) else:[current]) self.line.set_data(img) except IndexError: pass else: # regular data import numpy # current==-1 avoids copy slicing data in the else part if current==None or current==-1 or afterCurrentAlpha==1: self.line.set_xdata(self.xdata); self.line.set_ydata(self.ydata) self.line2.set_xdata([]); self.line2.set_ydata([]) else: try: # try if we can extend the first part by one so that lines are connected self.xdata[:current+1]; preCurrEnd=current+1 except IndexError: preCurrEnd=current preCurrEnd=current+(1 if len(self.xdata)>current else 0) self.line.set_xdata(self.xdata[:preCurrEnd]); self.line.set_ydata(self.ydata[:preCurrEnd]) self.line2.set_xdata(self.xdata[current:]); self.line2.set_ydata(self.ydata[current:]) try: x,y=self.xdata[current],self.ydata[current] except IndexError: x,y=0,0 # this could be written in a nicer way, very likely try: pt=numpy.ndarray((2,),buffer=numpy.array([float(x),float(y)])) if self.scatter: self.scatter.set_offsets(pt) # change rotation of the marker (possibly incorrect) try: dx,dy=self.xdata[current]-self.xdata[current-1],self.ydata[current]-self.ydata[current-1] # smoothing from last n values, if possible # FIXME: does not show arrow at all if less than window values #try: # window=10 # dx,dy=[numpy.average(numpy.diff(dta[current-window:current])) for dta in self.xdata,self.ydata] #except IndexError: pass # there must be an easier way to find on-screen derivative angle, ask on the matplotlib mailing list axes=self.line.get_axes() p=axes.patch; xx,yy=p.get_verts()[:,0],p.get_verts()[:,1]; size=max(xx)-min(xx),max(yy)-min(yy) aspect=(size[1]/size[0])*(1./axes.get_data_ratio()) angle=math.atan(aspect*dy/dx) if dx<0: angle-=math.pi self.scatter.set_transform(matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D().rotate(angle)) except IndexError: pass if self.annotation: if math.isnan(x) or math.isnan(y): if hasattr(self.annotation,'xyann'): self.annotation.xyann=(x,y) else: self.annotation.xytext=(0,0) self.annotation.set_text('') # make invisible, place anywhere else: # if hasattr(self.annotation,'xyann'): self.annotation.xyann=(x,y) # newer MPL versions (>=1.4) else: self.annotation.xyann=(x,y) self.annotation.set_text(self.annotation.annotateFmt.format(xy=(float(x),float(y)))) except TypeError: pass # this happens at i386 with empty data, saying TypeError: buffer is too small for requested array liveTimeStamp=0 # timestamp when live update was started, so that the old thread knows to stop if that changes nan=float('nan') def createPlots(P,subPlots=True,noShow=False,replace=True,scatterSize=60,wider=False): '''Create plots based on current data; :param subPlots: show all plots in one figure as subplots; otherwise, create multiple figures :param noShow: use headless backend for plots, and do not show plots on the screen :param replace: do not close existing figures, and do not update P.currLineRefs ''' import logging data,imgData,plots,labels,xylabels,legendLoc,axesWd,,P.imgData,P.plots,P.labels,P.xylabels,P.legendLoc,P.axesWd,P.annotateFmt if replace: if P.currLineRefs:'Closing existing figures') ff=set([l.line.get_axes().get_figure() for l in P.currLineRefs]) # get all current figures for f in ff: pylab.close(f) # close those P.currLineRefs=[] figs=[] if len(plots)==0: return # nothing to plot if subPlots: # compute number of rows and colums for plots we have subCols=int(round(math.sqrt(len(plots)))); subRows=int(math.ceil(len(plots)*1./subCols)) if wider: subRows,subCols=subCols,subRows # create a new figure; called once with subPlots, for each subplot without subPlots def _newFig(): ## pylab API if not noShow: return pylab.figure() # this will go onto the screen; the pylab call sets up the windows as well else: # with noShow fig=matplotlib.figure.Figure() canvas=_HeadlessFigureCanvas(fig) # return fig if subPlots: figs=[_newFig()] for nPlot,p in enumerate(plots.keys()): pStrip=p.strip().split('=',1)[0] if not subPlots: figs.append(_newFig()) axes=figs[-1].add_subplot(1,1,1) else: axes=figs[-1].add_subplot(subRows,subCols,nPlot+1) # nPlot is 1-based in mpl, for matlab comatibility axes.grid(True) if plots[p]==None: # image plot if not pStrip in imgData.keys(): imgData[pStrip]=[] # fake (empty) image if no data yet import Image if len(imgData[pStrip])==0 or imgData[pStrip][-1]==None:'RGBA',(1,1),(0,0,0,0)) else:[pStrip][-1]) img=axes.imshow(img,origin='upper') if replace: P.currLineRefs.append(LineRef(line=img,scatter=None,annotation=None,line2=None,xdata=imgData[pStrip],ydata=None,imgData=imgData,dataName=pStrip)) axes.set_axis_off() continue plots_p=[addPointTypeSpecifier(o) for o in tuplifyYAxis(plots[p])] plots_p_y1,plots_p_y2=[],[]; y1=True missing=set() # missing data columns if pStrip not in data.keys(): missing.add(pStrip.decode('utf-8','ignore')) for d in plots_p: if d[0]==None: y1=False; continue if not isinstance(d[0],(str,unicode)): raise ValueError('Plots specifiers must be strings (not %s)'%(type(d[0]).__name__)) if y1: plots_p_y1.append(d) else: plots_p_y2.append(d) try: if ( d[0] not in data.keys() # and not callable(d[0]) and not (isinstance(d[0],(str,unicode)) and (d[0].startswith('**') or d[0].startswith('*'))) # hack for callable as strings # and not hasattr(d[0],'keys') ): missing.add(d[0]) except UnicodeEncodeError: import warnings warnings.error('UnicodeDecodeError when processing data set '+repr(d[0])) if missing: if len(data.keys())==0 or len(data[data.keys()[0]])==0: # no data at all yet, do not add garbage NaNs for m in missing: data[m]=[] else: addDataColumns(data,missing) try: print 'Missing columns in, added NaNs:',', '.join([m.encode('utf-8') for m in missing]) except UnicodeDecodeError: warnings.warn('UnicodeDecodeError reporting missing data columns -- harmless, just wondering...') def createLines(pStrip,ySpecs,axes,isY1=True,y2Exists=False): '''Create data lines from specifications; this code is common for y1 and y2 axes; it handles y-data specified as callables/dicts passed as string (starting with '*'/'**'), which might create additional lines when updated with liveUpdate. ''' # save the original specifications; they will be smuggled into the axes object # the live updated will run yNameFuncs to see if there are new lines to be added # and will add them if necessary yNameFuncs=set() yNames=set() ySpecs2=[] for ys in ySpecs: if not isinstance(ys[0],(str,unicode)): raise ValueError('Plot specifications must be strings (not a %s).'%type(ys[0])) if ys[0].startswith('**') or ys[0].startswith('*'): evEx=eval(ys[0][(2 if ys[0].startswith('**') else 1):],{'S':P.scene}) yNameFuncs.add(evEx) # add callable or dictionary # XXX: what is ys[1]? Previously, there was no line specifier there for dicts at least # print evEx,type(evEx), evEx.__iter__(),type(evEx.__iter__()) ySpecs2+=[(ret,ys[1]) for ret in evEx] # traverse list or dict keys else: ySpecs2.append(ys) if len(ySpecs2)==0: print 'woo.plot: creating fake plot, since there are no y-data yet' line,=axes.plot([nan],[nan]) line2,=axes.plot([nan],[nan]) if replace: P.currLineRefs.append(LineRef(line=line,scatter=None,annotation=None,line2=line2,xdata=[nan],ydata=[nan])) # set different color series for y1 and y2 so that they are recognizable if matplotlib.rcParams.has_key('axes.color_cycle'): matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle']='b,g,r,c,m,y,k' if not isY1 else 'm,y,k,b,g,r,c' for d in ySpecs2: yNames.add(d) # should have been handled above already #if pStrip not in data: # print 'Missing column %s in, added NaN.'%pString # addDataColumns(data,[pStrip]) if d[0] not in data: print 'Missing column %s in, added NaN.'%d[0] addDataColumns(data,[d[0]]) line,=axes.plot(data[pStrip],data[d[0]],d[1],label=xlateLabel(d[0],P.labels),**lineKw) lineKwWithoutAlpha=dict([(k,v) for k,v in lineKw.items() if k!='alpha']) line2,=axes.plot([],[],d[1],color=line.get_color(),alpha=afterCurrentAlpha,**lineKwWithoutAlpha) # use (0,0) if there are no data yet scatterPt=[0,0] if len(data[pStrip])==0 else (data[pStrip][current],data[d[0]][current]) scatterPtPos=[scatterPt[0] if not math.isnan(scatterPt[0]) else 0,scatterPt[1] if not math.isnan(scatterPt[1]) else 0] # if current value is NaN, use zero instead scatter=axes.scatter(scatterPtPos[0],scatterPtPos[1],s=scatterSize,color=line.get_color(),**scatterMarkerKw) if annotateFmt: if math.isnan(scatterPtPos[0]) or math.isnan(scatterPtPos[1]): text='' else: text=annotateFmt.format(xy=scatterPt) annotation=axes.annotate(text,xy=scatterPtPos,color=line.get_color(),**annotateKw) annotation.annotateFmt=annotateFmt else: annotation=None if replace: P.currLineRefs.append(LineRef(line=line,scatter=scatter,annotation=annotation,line2=line2,xdata=data[pStrip],ydata=data[d[0]])) axes=line.get_axes() labelLoc=(legendLoc[0 if isY1 else 1] if y2Exists>0 else 'best') l=axes.legend(loc=labelLoc) if l: l.get_frame().set_alpha(legendAlpha) if hasattr(l,'draggable'): l.draggable(True) if scientific: axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci',scilimits=(0,0),axis='both') # fixes scientific exponent placement for y2: if not isY1: axes.yaxis.set_offset_position('right') if isY1: axes.set_ylabel((', '.join([xlateLabel(_p[0],P.labels) for _p in ySpecs2])) if p not in xylabels or not xylabels[p][1] else xylabels[p][1]) axes.set_xlabel(xlateLabel(pStrip,P.labels) if (p not in xylabels or not xylabels[p][0]) else xylabels[p][0]) else: axes.set_ylabel((', '.join([xlateLabel(_p[0],P.labels) for _p in ySpecs2])) if (p not in xylabels or len(xylabels[p])<3 or not xylabels[p][2]) else xylabels[p][2]) # if there are callable/dict ySpecs, save them inside the axes object, so that the live updater can use those if yNameFuncs: axes.wooYNames,axes.wooYFuncs,axes.wooXName,axes.wooLabelLoc=yNames,yNameFuncs,pStrip,labelLoc # prepend woo to avoid clashes if 0: # fix missing 'show' method; this has been fixed in matplotlib already, but we need to backport that # see # don't do that for headless backend, error there is fine fig=axes.get_figure() if not hasattr(fig,'show'): mgr=getattr(fig.canvas,'manager') if mgr: *args: createLines(pStrip,plots_p_y1,axes=axes,isY1=True,y2Exists=len(plots_p_y2)>0) if axesWd>0: axes.axhline(linewidth=axesWd,color='k') axes.axvline(linewidth=axesWd,color='k') # create y2 lines, if any if len(plots_p_y2)>0: axes=axes.twinx() # create the y2 axis createLines(pStrip,plots_p_y2,axes,isY1=False,y2Exists=True) ### scene is not directly accessible from here, do it like this: S=woo.master.scene if S.plot==P: if 'title' in S.tags: axes.set_title(S.tags['title']) return figs def liveUpdate(P,timestamp): global liveTimeStamp liveTimeStamp=timestamp import sys while True: if not live or liveTimeStamp!=timestamp: return figs,axes,linesData=set(),set(),set() for l in P.currLineRefs: l.update() figs.add(l.line.get_figure()) axes.add(l.line.get_axes()) linesData.add(id(l.ydata)) # find callables in y specifiers, create new lines if necessary for ax in axes: if not hasattr(ax,'wooYFuncs') or not ax.wooYFuncs: continue # not defined of empty yy=set(); for f in ax.wooYFuncs: if callable(f): yy.update(f()) elif hasattr(f,'keys'): yy.update(f.keys()) else: raise ValueError("Internal error: ax.wooYFuncs items must be callables or dictionary-like objects and nothing else.") #print 'callables y names:',yy news=yy-ax.wooYNames if not news: continue for new in news: ax.wooYNames.add(new) if new in data.keys() and id(data[new]) in linesData: continue # do not add when reloaded and the old lines are already there print 'woo.plot: creating new line for',new if not new in data.keys(): data[new]=len(data[ax.wooXName])*[nan] # create data entry if necessary #print 'data',len(data[ax.wooXName]),len(data[new]),data[ax.wooXName],data[new] line,=ax.plot(data[ax.wooXName],data[new],label=xlateLabel(new,P.labels)) # no line specifier line2,=ax.plot([],[],color=line.get_color(),alpha=afterCurrentAlpha) scatterPt=(0 if len(data[ax.wooXName])==0 or math.isnan(data[ax.wooXName][current]) else data[ax.wooXName][current]),(0 if len(data[new])==0 or math.isnan(data[new][current]) else data[new][current]) scatter=ax.scatter(scatterPt[0],scatterPt[1],s=60,color=line.get_color(),**scatterMarkerKw) if P.annotateFmt: annotation=ax.annotate(P.annotateFmt.format(xy=scatterPt),xy=scatterPt,color=line.get_color(),**annotateKw) annotation.annotateFmt=P.annotateFmt else: annotation=None P.currLineRefs.append(LineRef(line=line,scatter=scatter,annotation=annotation,line2=line2,xdata=data[ax.wooXName],ydata=data[new])) ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel()+(', ' if ax.get_ylabel() else '')+xlateLabel(new,P.labels)) # it is possible that the legend has not yet been created l=ax.legend(loc=ax.wooLabelLoc) if l: l.get_frame().set_alpha(legendAlpha) if hasattr(l,'draggable'): l.draggable(True) if autozoom: for ax in axes: try: ax.relim() # recompute axes limits ax.autoscale_view() except RuntimeError: pass # happens if data are being updated and have not the same dimension at the very moment for fig in figs: #sys.stderr.write('*') try: fig.canvas.draw() except RuntimeError: pass # happens here too #sys.stderr.write('(') time.sleep(liveInterval) #sys.stderr.write(')') def savePlotSequence(P,fileBase,stride=1,imgRatio=(5,7),title=None,titleFrames=20,lastFrames=30): '''Save sequence of plots, each plot corresponding to one line in history. It is especially meant to be used for :obj:`woo.utils.makeVideo`. :param stride: only consider every stride-th line of history (default creates one frame per each line) :param title: Create title frame, where lines of title are separated with newlines (``\\n``) and optional subtitle is separated from title by double newline. :param int titleFrames: Create this number of frames with title (by repeating its filename), determines how long the title will stand in the movie. :param int lastFrames: Repeat the last frame this number of times, so that the movie does not end abruptly. :return: List of filenames with consecutive frames. ''' data,imgData,,P.imgData,P.plots fig=createPlots(P,noShow=True,replace=True,subPlots=True,scatterSize=60,wider=True)[0] sqrtFigs=math.sqrt(len(plots)) fig.set_size_inches(8*sqrtFigs,5*sqrtFigs) # better readable fig.subplots_adjust(left=.05,right=.95,bottom=.05,top=.95) # make it more compact if len(plots)==1 and plots[plots.keys()[0]]==None: # only pure snapshot is there fig.set_size_inches(5,5) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0,right=1,bottom=0,top=1) #if not data.keys(): raise ValueError(" is empty.") pltLen=max(len(data[data.keys()[0]]) if data else 0,len(imgData[imgData.keys()[0]]) if imgData else 0) if pltLen==0: raise ValueError("Both and plot.imgData are empty.") global current ret=[] print 'Saving %d plot frames, it can take a while...'%(pltLen) for i,n in enumerate(range(0,pltLen,stride)): current=n for l in P.currLineRefs: l.update() out=fileBase+'-%03d.png'%i fig.savefig(out) ret.append(out) sys.stderr.write('[%d]'%i) if len(ret)==0: raise RuntimeError("No images created?!") if title: import Image titleImgName=fileBase+'-title.png' createTitleFrame(titleImgName,[-1]).size,title) ret=titleFrames*[titleImgName]+ret if lastFrames>1: ret+=(lastFrames-1)*[ret[-1]] return ret def createTitleFrame(out,size,title,bgColor=(.8,.6,.8),fgColor='#405090',logo=None,logoPos=(20,20)): '''Create figure with title and save to file. :param out: file to save the result to; format is anything supported by matplotlib. :param size: figure size (for pixel output formats), tuple of (width,height) :param str title: title and subtitle; lines are separated by single newlines (``\n``) and subtitle (if any) is separated from the title by two consecutive newlines (``\n\n``). Oversize lines are scaled to fit the width, line spacing fits all lines. :param color fgColor: Font color, any `color format that Matplotlib understands <>`__. :param color bgColor: Background color. :param logo: filename or file-like object to be read via `matplotlib.pyploy.imread <>`__. :param logoPos: position where to place the logo. ''' import matplotlib, matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.mathtext # dpi=100 # does not matter as font is specified in inches fig=matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=(size[0]/dpi,size[1]/dpi),dpi=dpi,facecolor=bgColor) canvas=_HeadlessFigureCanvas(fig) #fig.set_facecolor('blue'); fig.patch.set_color('blue'); fig.patch.set_facecolor('blue'); fig.patch.set_alpha(None) titSub=title.split('\n\n') if len(titSub)==0: subtitle='' elif len(titSub)==1: title,subtitle=titSub else: title,subtitle=titSub[0],'\n'.join(titSub[1:]) lines=[(t,True) for t in title.split('\n')]+([(t,False) for t in subtitle.split('\n')] if subtitle else []) nLines=len(lines); fontSizes=size[1]/10.,size[1]/16. def writeLine(text,vertPos,fontsize): rgba,depth=matplotlib.mathtext.MathTextParser('Bitmap').to_rgba(text,fontsize=fontsize,dpi=fig.get_dpi(),color=fgColor) textsize=rgba.shape[1],rgba.shape[0] if textsize[0]>size[0]: rgba,depth=matplotlib.mathtext.MathTextParser('Bitmap').to_rgba(text,fontsize=fontsize*size[0]/textsize[0],dpi=fig.get_dpi(),color=fgColor) textsize=rgba.shape[1],rgba.shape[0] fig.figimage(rgba.astype(float)/255.,xo=(size[0]-textsize[0])/2.,yo=vertPos-depth) nTitle,nSubtitle=len(title.split('\n')),len(subtitle.split('\n')) if subtitle else 0 nLines=nTitle+nSubtitle ht=size[1]; y0=ht-2*fontSizes[0]; yStep=(ht-2.5*fontSizes[0])/(nTitle+.6*nSubtitle+(.5 if nSubtitle else 0)) def lineYOffset(lineno): # .5*yStep is per between title and subtitle return nTitle*yStep+.5*yStep+(i-nTitle)*.6*yStep if i>=nTitle else i*yStep if logo: import matplotlib.pylab logoData=pylab.imread(logo) fig.figimage(logoData,xo=logoPos[0],yo=logoPos[1],origin='upper') for i,(l,isTitle) in enumerate(lines): writeLine(l,y0-lineYOffset(i),fontSizes[0 if isTitle else 1]) # - savefig default overrides facecolor set previously fig.savefig(out,facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) def Scene_plot_plot(P,noShow=False,subPlots=True): """Do the actual plot, which is either shown on screen (and nothing is returned: if *noShow* is ``False``) or, if *noShow* is ``True``, returned list of matplotlib's Figure objects. You can use >>> import woo,woo.core,os >>> S=woo.core.Scene() >>> S.plot.plots={'foo':('bar',)} >>> S.plot.addData(foo=1,bar=2) >>> somePdf=woo.master.tmpFilename()+'.pdf' >>> S.plot.plot(noShow=True)[0].savefig(somePdf) >>> os.path.exists(somePdf) True to save the figure to file automatically. """ figs=createPlots(P,subPlots=subPlots,noShow=noShow,replace=(False if noShow else True)) # figs=set([l.line.get_axes().get_figure() for l in P.currLineRefs]) if not figs: import warnings warnings.warn('Nothing to plot.') return if not hasattr(list(figs)[0],'show') and not noShow: import warnings warnings.warn('plot.plot not showing figure (matplotlib using headless backend?)') noShow=True if not noShow: if not woo.runtime.hasDisplay: return # would error out with some backends, such as Agg used in batches if 1: if live: import threading t=threading.Thread(target=liveUpdate,args=(P,time.time())) t.daemon=True t.start() # # this blocks for some reason; call show on figures directly for f in figs: # should have fixed, but does not work apparently if 0: import matplotlib.backend_bases if 'CloseEvent' in dir(matplotlib.backend_bases): def closeFigureCallback(event): ff=event.canvas.figure # remove closed axes from our update list P.currLineRefs=[l for l in P.currLineRefs if l.line.get_axes().get_figure()!=ff] f.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event',closeFigureCallback) # else: # figs=list(set([l.line.get_axes().get_figure() for l in P.currLineRefs])) return figs def Scene_plot_saveDataTxt(P,fileName,vars=None): """Save plot data into a (optionally compressed) text file. The first line contains a comment (starting with ``#``) giving variable name for each of the columns. This format is suitable for being loaded for further processing (outside woo) with ``numpy.genfromtxt`` function, which recognizes those variable names (creating numpy array with named entries) and handles decompression transparently. >>> import woo, woo.core >>> from pprint import pprint >>> S=woo.core.Scene() >>> S.plot.addData(a=1,b=11,c=21,d=31) # add some data here >>> S.plot.addData(a=2,b=12,c=22,d=32) >>> pprint( {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [11, 12], 'c': [21, 22], 'd': [31, 32]} >>> txt=woo.master.tmpFilename()+'.txt.bz2' >>> S.plot.saveDataTxt(txt,vars=('a','b','c')) >>> import numpy >>> d=numpy.genfromtxt(txt,dtype=None,names=True) >>> d['a'] array([1, 2]) >>> d['b'] array([11, 12]) :param fileName: file to save data to; if it ends with ``.bz2`` / ``.gz``, the file will be compressed using bzip2 / gzip. :param vars: Sequence (tuple/list/set) of variable names to be saved. If ``None`` (default), all variables in :obj:`woo.core.Plot` are saved. """ import bz2,gzip if not vars: vars=data.keys(); vars.sort() fileName=P.scene.expandTags(fileName) if fileName.endswith('.bz2'): f=bz2.BZ2File(fileName,'wb') elif fileName.endswith('.gz'): f=gzip.GzipFile(fileName,'wb') else: f=open(fileName,'wb') f.write(_bytes("# "+"\t".join(vars)+"\n")) for i in range(len(data[vars[0]])): f.write(_bytes("\t".join([str(data[var][i]) for var in vars])+"\n")) f.close() def savePylab(baseName,timestamp=False,title=None): '''This function is not finished, do not use it.''' import time if len(data.keys())==0: raise RuntimeError("No data for plotting were saved.") if timestamp: baseName+=_mkTimestamp() baseNameNoPath=baseName.split('/')[-1] saveDataTxt(fileName=baseName+'.data.bz2') if len(plots)==0: raise RuntimeError("No plots to save, only data saved.") py=file(baseName+'.py','w') py.write('#!/usr/bin/env python\n# encoding: utf-8\n# created '+time.asctime()+' ('+time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H:%M')+')\n#\nimport pylab, numpy\n') py.write("data=numpy.genfromtxt('',dtype=None,names=True)\n"%baseName) subCols=int(round(math.sqrt(len(plots)))); subRows=int(math.ceil(len(plots)*1./subCols)) for nPlot,p in enumerate(plots.keys()): pStrip=p.strip().split('=',1)[0] if plots[p]==None: continue # image plots, which is not exported if len(plots)==1: py.write('pylab.figure()\n') else: py.write('pylab.subplot(%d,%d,%d)\n'%(subRows,subCols,nPlots)) def _mkTimestamp(): import time return time.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H:%M') def Scene_plot_saveGnuplot(P,baseName,term='wxt',extension=None,timestamp=False,comment=None,title=None,varData=False,timeStamp=True): """Save data added with :obj:`woo.plot.addData` into (compressed) file and create .gnuplot file that attempts to mimick plots specified with :obj:`woo.plot.plots`. :param baseName: used for creating baseName.gnuplot (command file for gnuplot), associated ```` (data) and output files (if applicable) in the form ``baseName.[plot number].extension`` :param term: specify the gnuplot terminal; defaults to ``x11``, in which case gnuplot will draw persistent windows to screen and terminate; other useful terminals are ``png``, ``cairopdf`` and so on :param extension: extension for ``baseName`` defaults to terminal name; fine for png for example; if you use ``cairopdf``, you should also say ``extension='pdf'`` however :param bool timestamp: append numeric time to the basename :param bool varData: whether file to plot will be declared as variable or be in-place in the plot expression :param comment: a user comment (may be multiline) that will be embedded in the control file :return: name of the gnuplot file created. """ data,imgData,plots,labels,,P.imgData,P.plots,P.labels,P.xylabels if len(data.keys())==0: raise RuntimeError("No data for plotting were saved.") if timestamp: baseName+=_mkTimestamp() baseNameNoPath=baseName.split('/')[-1] vars=data.keys(); vars.sort() P.saveDataTxt(fileName=baseName+'.data.bz2',vars=vars) fPlot=file(baseName+".gnuplot",'w') fPlot.write('#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot\n#\n') if timeStamp: fPlot.write('# created '+time.asctime()+' ('+time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H:%M')+')\n#\n') if comment: fPlot.write('# '+comment.replace('\n','\n# ')+'#\n') dataFile='"< bzcat"'%(baseNameNoPath) if varData: fPlot.write('dataFile=%s'%dataFile); dataFile='dataFile' if not extension: extension=term i=0 for p in plots: pStrip=p.strip().split('=',1)[0] if plots[p]==None: continue ## this plot is image plot, which is not applicable to gnuplot plots_p=[addPointTypeSpecifier(o) for o in tuplifyYAxis(plots[p])] if term in ['wxt','x11']: fPlot.write("set term %s %d persist\n"%(term,i)) else: fPlot.write("set term %s; set output '%s.%d.%s'\n"%(term,baseNameNoPath,i,extension)) fPlot.write("set xlabel '%s'\n"%xlateLabel(p,labels)) fPlot.write("set grid\n") fPlot.write("set datafile missing 'nan'\n") if title: fPlot.write("set title '%s'\n"%title) y1=True; plots_y1,plots_y2=[],[] # replace callable/dict-like data specifiers by the results, it that particular data exists plots_p2=[] for pp in plots_p: if pp[0]==None: plots_p2.append((pp[0],pp[1])) elif pp[0].startswith('**'): try: dd=eval(pp[0][2:],{'S':P.scene}) plots_p2+=[(ppp,'') for ppp in dd.keys() if ppp in data.keys()] except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print 'WARN: ignoring exception raised while evaluating expression "'+pp[0][2:]+'".' elif pp[0].startswith('*'): plots_p2+=[(e,'') for e in eval(pp[0][1:],{'S':P.scene}) if e in data.keys()] else: plots_p2.append((pp[0],pp[1])) plots_p=plots_p2 #plots_p=sum([([(pp,'') for pp in p[0]() if pp in data.keys()] if callable(p[0]) else [(p[0],p[1])] ) for p in plots_p],[]) for d in plots_p: if d[0]==None: y1=False; continue if y1: plots_y1.append(d) else: plots_y2.append(d) fPlot.write("set ylabel '%s'\n"%(','.join([xlateLabel(_p[0],labels) for _p in plots_y1]))) if len(plots_y2)>0: fPlot.write("set y2label '%s'\n"%(','.join([xlateLabel(_p[0],labels) for _p in plots_y2]))) fPlot.write("set y2tics\n") ppp=[] def _mkLine(varX,varY,i): return " %s using %d:%d title '%s%s(%s)%s' with lines%s"%(dataFile,vars.index(varX)+1,vars.index(varY)+1,'← ' if i==0 else'',xlateLabel(varY,labels),xlateLabel(varX,labels),' →' if i==1 else '',' axes x1y2' if i==1 else '') for pp in plots_y1: ppp.append(_mkLine(pStrip,pp[0],0)) for pp in plots_y2: ppp.append(_mkLine(pStrip,pp[0],1)) fPlot.write("plot "+",".join(ppp)+"\n") i+=1 fPlot.close() return baseName+'.gnuplot' def _deprecPlotFunc(old,func,new=None,takesScene=False,*args,**kw): "Wrapper for deprecated functions, example below." import warnings if not new: new=old warnings.warn('Function plot.%s is deprecated, use %s.%s instead.'%(old,('Scene' if takesScene else 'Scene.plot'),new),stacklevel=3,category=DeprecationWarning) S=woo.master.scene if takesScene: return func(S,*args,**kw) else: return func(S.plot,*args,**kw) # # DEPRECATED functions, will be removed at some point! # def reset(): _deprecPlotFunc('reset',Scene_plot_reset) def resetData(): _deprecPlotFunc('resetData',Scene_plot_resetData) def splitData(): _deprecPlotFunc('splitData',Scene_plot_splitData) def reverseData(): _deprecPlotFunc('reverseData',Scene_plot_reverseData) def addAutoData(): _deprecPlotFunc('addAutoData',Scene_plot_autoData,new='autoData') def addData(): _deprecPlotFunc('addData',Scene_plot_addData) def addImgData(): _deprecPlotFunc('addImgData',Scene_plot_addImgData) def saveGnuplot(): _deprecPlotFunc('saveGnuplot',Scene_plot_saveGnuplot) def saveDataTxt(): _deprecPlotFunc('saveDataTxt',Scene_plot_saveDataTxt) def plot(): _deprecPlotFunc('plot',Scene_plot_plot) # called at startup from from woo._monkey.plot def defMonkeyMethods(): import woo.core woo.core.Plot.reset=Scene_plot_reset woo.core.Plot.resetData=Scene_plot_resetData woo.core.Plot.splitData=Scene_plot_splitData woo.core.Plot.reverseData=Scene_plot_reverseData woo.core.Plot.autoData=Scene_plot_autoData woo.core.Plot.addData=Scene_plot_addData woo.core.Plot.addImgData=Scene_plot_addImgData woo.core.Plot.saveGnuplot=Scene_plot_saveGnuplot woo.core.Plot.saveDataTxt=Scene_plot_saveDataTxt woo.core.Plot.plot=Scene_plot_plot defMonkeyMethods()
#vim: set encoding=utf-8 from regulations.generator import generator from regulations.generator.html_builder import HTMLBuilder from regulations.generator.layers.toc_applier import TableOfContentsLayer from regulations.generator.node_types import EMPTYPART, REGTEXT from regulations.generator.section_url import SectionUrl from regulations.generator.toc import fetch_toc from regulations.views import error_handling, utils from import ChromeView from regulations.views.navigation import choose_next_section from regulations.views.navigation import choose_previous_section from regulations.views.partial import PartialView from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse def get_appliers(label_id, older, newer): diff = generator.get_diff_applier(label_id, older, newer) if diff is None: raise error_handling.MissingContentException() appliers = utils.handle_diff_layers( 'graphics,paragraph,keyterms,defined', label_id, older, newer) appliers += (diff,) return appliers class PartialSectionDiffView(PartialView): """ A diff view of a partial section. """ template_name = 'regulations/regulation-content.html' def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Override GET so that we can catch and propagate any errors. """ try: return super(PartialSectionDiffView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) except error_handling.MissingContentException, e: return error_handling.handle_generic_404(request) def footer_nav(self, label, toc, old_version, new_version, from_version): nav = {} for idx, toc_entry in enumerate(toc): if toc_entry['section_id'] != label: continue p_sect = choose_previous_section(idx, toc) n_sect = choose_next_section(idx, toc) if p_sect: nav['previous'] = p_sect nav['previous']['url'] = reverse_chrome_diff_view( p_sect['section_id'], old_version, new_version, from_version) if n_sect: nav['next'] = n_sect nav['next']['url'] = reverse_chrome_diff_view( n_sect['section_id'], old_version, new_version, from_version) return nav def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # We don't want to run the content data of PartialView -- it assumes # we will be applying layers context = super(PartialView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) label_id = context['label_id'] older = context['version'] newer = context['newer_version'] tree = generator.get_tree_paragraph(label_id, older) if tree is None: #TODO We need a more complicated check here to see if the diffs #add the requested section. If not -> 404 tree = {} appliers = get_appliers(label_id, older, newer) builder = HTMLBuilder(*appliers) builder.tree = tree builder.generate_html() child_of_root = builder.tree if builder.tree['node_type'] == REGTEXT: child_of_root = { 'node_type': EMPTYPART, 'children': [builder.tree]} context['tree'] = {'children': [child_of_root]} context['markup_page_type'] = 'diff' regpart = label_id.split('-')[0] old_toc = fetch_toc(regpart, older) diff = generator.get_diff_json(regpart, older, newer) from_version = self.request.GET.get('from_version', older) context['TOC'] = diff_toc(older, newer, old_toc, diff, from_version) context['navigation'] = self.footer_nav(label_id, context['TOC'], older, newer, from_version) return context class ChromeSectionDiffView(ChromeView): """Search results with chrome""" template_name = 'regulations/diff-chrome.html' partial_class = PartialSectionDiffView has_sidebar = False def check_tree(self, context): pass # The tree may or may not exist in the particular version def add_diff_content(self, context): context['from_version'] = self.request.GET.get( 'from_version', context['version']) context['left_version'] = context['version'] context['right_version'] = \ context['main_content_context']['newer_version'] from_version = self.request.GET.get('from_version', context['version']) context['TOC'] = context['main_content_context']['TOC'] # Add reference to the first subterp, so we know how to redirect toc = fetch_toc(context['label_id'].split('-')[0], from_version) for entry in toc: if entry.get('is_supplement') and entry.get('sub_toc'): el = entry['sub_toc'][0] el['url'] = SectionUrl().of( el['index'], from_version, self.partial_class.sectional_links) context['first_subterp'] = el return context def add_main_content(self, context): super(ChromeSectionDiffView, self).add_main_content(context) return self.add_diff_content(context) def reverse_chrome_diff_view(sect_id, left_ver, right_ver, from_version): """ Reverse the URL for a chromed diff view. """ diff_url = reverse( 'chrome_section_diff_view', args=(sect_id, left_ver, right_ver)) diff_url += '?from_version=%s' % from_version return diff_url def extract_sections(toc): compiled_toc = [] for i in toc: if 'Subpart' in i['index']: compiled_toc.extend(i['sub_toc']) else: compiled_toc.append(i) return compiled_toc def diff_toc(older_version, newer_version, old_toc, diff, from_version): #We work around Subparts in the TOC for now. compiled_toc = extract_sections(old_toc) for node in (v['node'] for v in diff.values() if v['op'] == 'added'): if len(node['label']) == 2 and node['title']: element = { 'label': node['title'], 'index': node['label'], 'section_id': '-'.join(node['label']), 'op': 'added' } data = {'index': node['label'], 'title': node['title']} TableOfContentsLayer.section(element, data) TableOfContentsLayer.appendix_supplement(element, data) compiled_toc.append(element) modified, deleted = modified_deleted_sections(diff) for el in compiled_toc: if not 'Subpart' in el['index'] and not 'Subjgrp' in el['index']: el['url'] = reverse_chrome_diff_view( el['section_id'], older_version, newer_version, from_version) # Deleted first, lest deletions in paragraphs affect the section if tuple(el['index']) in deleted and 'op' not in el: el['op'] = 'deleted' if tuple(el['index']) in modified and 'op' not in el: el['op'] = 'modified' return sort_toc(compiled_toc) def sort_toc(toc): """ Sort the Table of Contents elements. """ def normalize(element): """ Return a sorting order for a TOC element, primarily based on the index, and the type of content. """ # The general order of a regulation is: regulation text sections, # appendices, and then the interpretations. normalized = [] if element.get('is_section'): normalized.append(0) elif element.get('is_appendix'): normalized.append(1) elif element.get('is_supplement'): normalized.append(2) for part in element['index']: if part.isdigit(): normalized.append(int(part)) else: normalized.append(part) return normalized return sorted(toc, key=lambda el: tuple(normalize(el))) def modified_deleted_sections(diff): modified, deleted = set(), set() for label, diff_value in diff.iteritems(): label = tuple(label.split('-')) if 'Interp' in label: section_label = (label[0], 'Interp') else: section_label = tuple(label[:2]) # Whole section was deleted if diff_value['op'] == 'deleted' and label == section_label: deleted.add(section_label) # Whole section added/modified or paragraph added/deleted/modified else: modified.add(section_label) return modified, deleted
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """BibFormat element - Prints a custom field """ __revision__ = "$Id$" from invenio.bibformat_utils import parse_tag def format_element(bfo, tag, limit, instances_separator=" ", subfields_separator=" ", extension="", output_pattern=""): """ Prints the given field of a record. If tag is in range [001, 010], this element assumes that it accesses a control field. Else it considers it accesses a data field. <p>For eg. consider the following metdata: <pre> 100__ $$aCalatroni, S$$uCERN 245__ $$aStatus of the EP Simulations and Facilities for the SPL 700__ $$aFerreira, L$$uCERN 700__ $$aMacatrao, M$$uCERN 700__ $$aSkala, A$$uCERN 700__ $$aSosin, M$$uCERN 700__ $$ade Waele, R$$uCERN 700__ $$aWithofs, Y$$uKHLim, Diepenbeek </pre> The following calls to bfe_field would print: <pre> &lt;BFE_FIELD tag="700" instances_separator="&lt;br/>" subfields_separator=" - "> Ferreira, L - CERN Macatrao, M - CERN Skala, A - CERN Sosin, M - CERN de Waele, R - CERN Withofs, Y - KHLim, Diepenbeek </pre> </p> <p>For more advanced formatting, the <code>output_pattern</code> parameter can be used to output the subfields of each instance in the specified way. For eg. consider the following metadata: <pre> 775__ $$b15. Aufl.$$c1995-1996$$nv.1$$pGrundlagen und Werkstoffe$$w317999 775__ $$b12. Aufl.$$c1963$$w278898 775__ $$b14. Aufl.$$c1983$$w107899 775__ $$b13. Aufl.$$c1974$$w99635 </pre> with the following <code>output_pattern</code>: <pre> &lt;a href="/record/%(w)s">%(b)s (%(c)s) %(n)s %(p)s&lt;/a> </pre> would print:<br/> <a href="/record/317999">15. Aufl. (1995-1996) v.1 Grundlagen und Werkstoffe</a><br/> <a href="/record/278898">12. Aufl. (1963) </a><br/> <a href="/record/107899">14. Aufl. (1983) </a><br/> <a href="/record/99635">13. Aufl. (1974) </a> <br/>(<code>instances_separator="&lt;br/>"</code> set for readability)<br/> The output pattern must follow <a href="">Python string formatting</a> syntax. The format must use parenthesized notation to map to the subfield code. This currently restricts the support of <code>output_pattern</code> to non-repeatable subfields</p> @param tag: the tag code of the field that is to be printed @param instances_separator: a separator between instances of field @param subfields_separator: a separator between subfields of an instance @param limit: the maximum number of values to display. @param extension: a text printed at the end if 'limit' has been exceeded @param output_pattern: when specified, prints the subfields of each instance according to pattern specified as parameter (following Python string formatting convention) """ # Check if data or control field p_tag = parse_tag(tag) if p_tag[0].isdigit() and int(p_tag[0]) in range(0, 11): return bfo.control_field(tag) elif p_tag[0].isdigit(): # Get values without subcode. # We will filter unneeded subcode later if p_tag[1] == '': p_tag[1] = '_' if p_tag[2] == '': p_tag[2] = '_' values = bfo.fields(p_tag[0]+p_tag[1]+p_tag[2]) # Values will # always be a # list of # dicts else: return '' x = 0 instances_out = [] # Retain each instance output for instance in values: filtered_values = [value for (subcode, value) in instance.iteritems() if p_tag[3] == '' or p_tag[3] == '%' \ or p_tag[3] == subcode] if len(filtered_values) > 0: # We have found some corresponding subcode(s) if limit.isdigit() and x + len(filtered_values) >= int(limit): # We are going to exceed the limit filtered_values = filtered_values[:int(limit)-x] # Takes only needed one if len(filtered_values) > 0: # do not append empty list! if output_pattern: try: instances_out.append(output_pattern % DictNoKeyError(instance)) except: pass else: instances_out.append(subfields_separator.join(filtered_values)) x += len(filtered_values) # record that so we know limit has been exceeded break # No need to go further else: if output_pattern: try: instances_out.append(output_pattern % DictNoKeyError(instance)) except: pass else: instances_out.append(subfields_separator.join(filtered_values)) x += len(filtered_values) ext_out = '' if limit.isdigit() and x > int(limit): ext_out = extension return instances_separator.join(instances_out) + ext_out class DictNoKeyError(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): if dict.__contains__(self, key): val = dict.__getitem__(self, key) else: val = '' return val
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.web import RequestHandler, Application, url, StaticFileHandler from tornado.options import define, options from sockjs.tornado import SockJSRouter, SockJSConnection import json class WebSocketHandler(SockJSConnection): clients = { 'lobby': {}, } def on_open(self, info): # Required because the last part of the 3-part session string varies on on_close # str(self.session): 1416760865.178006 bmv6q4zu 1416760865 # self.sessionString: 1416760865.178006 bmv6q4zu # self.temporaryName: bmv6q4zu self.sessionString = getSessionString(str(self.session)) self.temporaryName = generateRandomName(str(self.session)) self.clients['lobby'][self.sessionString] = self def on_close(self): del self.clients[][getSessionString(str(self.session))] self.refresh_users() def refresh_users(self): room_users = [self.getName(value) for key, value in self.clients[].items()] self.broadcast([value for key, value in self.clients[].items()], createMessage('USERS', room_users)) def getName(self, obj=None): if obj: return obj.chosenName if hasattr(obj, 'chosenName') else obj.temporaryName else: return self.chosenName if hasattr(self, 'chosenName') else self.temporaryName def broadcast_to_all(self, message): self.broadcast([value for key, value in self.clients[].items()], message) def on_message(self, message): try: data = json.loads(message) except: self.send(createMessage('SIMPLE_MESSAGE', 'Unsupported message type.')) print 'Received unsupported message type' return ############################################## # # # Backend Events Handling, core logic # # # ############################################## if data['type'] == 'ROOM': = data['content'] if self.clients['lobby'][self.sessionString]: del self.clients['lobby'][self.sessionString] try: self.clients[][self.sessionString] = self except: self.clients[] = {} self.clients[][self.sessionString] = self self.send(createMessage('ENTERED_ROOM', {'roomName', 'temporaryName': self.temporaryName})) self.broadcast_to_all(createMessage('OTHER_ENTERED_ROOM', self.getName())) self.refresh_users() elif data['type'] == 'NAME': old_name = self.getName() self.chosenName = data['content'] self.broadcast_to_all(createMessage('USER_RENAME', {'previousName': old_name, 'newName': self.chosenName})) self.refresh_users() elif data['type'] == 'USER_MESSAGE': self.broadcast_to_all(createMessage('USER_MESSAGE', {'username': self.getName(), 'message': data['content']})) else: self.send(createMessage('MESSAGE', 'Unsupported message type.')) print 'Received unsupported message type' ############################################## # # # App Setup # # # ############################################## define('port', default=8888, help="run on the given port", type=int) define('address', default='192.168.X.X', help="run on the address", type=str) class IndexHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self, room): self.render("index.html") def make_app(): sock_router = SockJSRouter(WebSocketHandler, '/websocket') return Application( sock_router.urls + [ (r'/assets/(.*)', StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'assets'}), (r'/static/(.*)', StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'static'}), url(r'/(.*)', IndexHandler), ] ) def main(): app = make_app() app.listen(options.port) #, options.address) IOLoop.current().start() if __name__ == '__main__': options.parse_config_file('server.conf') main()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 British Broadcasting Corporation and Kamaelia Contributors(1) # # (1) Kamaelia Contributors are listed in the AUTHORS file and at # - please extend this file, # not this notice. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Ticker import Ticker from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import Pipeline from Kamaelia.File.ReadFileAdaptor import ReadFileAdaptor Pipeline( ReadFileAdaptor("Ulysses",readmode="line",steptime=0.5), Ticker(background_colour=(128,48,128), render_left = 1, render_top = 1, render_right = 600, render_bottom = 200, position = (100, 300), ) ).run()
# (c) Mark Dufour, Haifang Ni # --- empty, black, white = 0, 1, -1 # [int], [int], [int] board = [[empty for x in range(8)] for y in range(8)] # [list(list(int))] board[3][3] = board[4][4] = white # [int] board[3][4] = board[4][3] = black # [int] player, depth = {white: 'human', black: 'lalaoth'}, 3 # [dict(int, str)], [int] def possible_move(board, x, y, color): # board: [list(list(int))], x: [int], y: [int], color: [int] if board[x][y] != empty: # [int] return False # [int] for direction in [(1, 1), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]: # [list(tuple2(int, int))] if flip_in_direction(board, x, y, direction, color): # [int] return True # [int] return False # [int] def flip_in_direction(board, x, y, direction, color): # board: [list(list(int))], x: [int], y: [int], direction: [tuple2(int, int)], color: [int] other_color = False # [int] while True: # [int] x, y = x+direction[0], y+direction[1] # [int], [int] if x not in range(8) or y not in range(8): # [int] return False # [int] square = board[x][y] # [int] if square == empty: return False # [int] if square != color: other_color = True # [int] else: return other_color # [int] def flip_stones(board, move, color): # board: [list(list(int))], move: [tuple2(int, int)], color: [int]* global flips flips += 1 # [int] for direction in [(1, 1), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]: # [list(tuple2(int, int))] if flip_in_direction(board, move[0], move[1], direction, color): # [int] x, y = move[0]+direction[0], move[1]+direction[1] # [int], [int] while board[x][y] != color: # [int] board[x][y] = color # [int] x, y = x+direction[0], y+direction[1] # [int], [int] board[move[0]][move[1]] = color # [int] #def print_board(board, turn): # board: [], turn: [] # for line in board: # [] # print ' '.join([{white: 'O', black: 'X', empty: '.'}[square] for square in line]) # [] # print 'turn:', player[turn] # [], [] # print 'black:', stone_count(board, black), 'white:', stone_count(board, white) # [], [], [], [] def possible_moves(board, color): # board: [list(list(int))], color: [int] return [(x,y) for x in range(8) for y in range(8) if possible_move(board, x, y, color)] # [list(tuple2(int, int))] #def coordinates(move): # move: [] # return (int(move[1])-1, 'abcdefgh'.index(move[0])) # [] def stone_count(board, color): # board: [list(list(int))], color: [int] return sum([len([square for square in line if square == color]) for line in board]) # [list(int)] #def human_move(move): # move: [] # return 'abcdefgh'[move[0]]+str(move[1]+1) # [] def best_move(board, color, first, step=1): # board: [list(list(int))], color: [int]*, first: [int], step: [int] max_move, max_mobility, max_score = None, 0, 0 # [none], [int], [int] #print 'possible', possible_moves(board, color) # [str], [list(tuple2(int, int))] for move in possible_moves(board, color): # [list(tuple2(int, int))] #print 'board before' # [str] #print_board(board, color) # [] #print 'move', move # [str], [tuple2(int, int)] if move in [(0,0),(0,7),(7,0),(7,7)]: # [list(tuple2(int, int))] mobility, score = 64, 64 # [int], [int] if color != first: # [int] mobility = 64-mobility # [int] else: testboard = [[square for square in line] for line in board] # [list(list(int))] flip_stones(testboard, move, color) # [] #print_board(testboard, color) # [] if step < depth: # [int] #print 'deeper' # [str] next_move, mobility = best_move(testboard, -color, first, step+1) # [tuple2(tuple2(int, int), int)] else: #print 'mobility' # [str] mobility = len(possible_moves(testboard, first)) # [int] score = mobility # [int] if color != first: # [int] score = 64-score # [int] if score >= max_score: # [] max_move, max_mobility, max_score = move, mobility, score # [tuple2(int, int)], [int], [int] #print 'done' # [str] return max_move, max_mobility # [tuple2(tuple2(int, int), int)] flips = 0 # [int] steps = 0 # [int] turn = black # [int] while possible_moves(board, black) or possible_moves(board, white): # [list(tuple2(int, int))] if possible_moves(board, turn): # [list(tuple2(int, int))] #print_board(board, turn) # [] #print 'flips', flips # [str], [int] # steps += 1 # [int] # if steps > 5: # [int] # break #if turn == black: # [int] move, mobility = best_move(board, turn, turn) # [tuple2(tuple2(int, int), int)] #else: # move = coordinates(raw_input()) # [tuple2(int, int)] if not possible_move(board, move[0], move[1], turn): # [int] print 'impossible!' # [str] turn = -turn # [int] else: flip_stones(board, move, turn) # [] turn = -turn # [int] #print_board(board, turn) print 'flips', flips # [str], [int] if stone_count(board, black) == stone_count(board, white): # [int] print 'draw!' # [str] else: if stone_count(board, black) > stone_count(board, white): print player[black], 'wins!' # [str], [str] else: print player[white], 'wins!' # [str], [str]
import json def generateMassTable(): ''' generate a mass table for the beam companion explorer. writes and returns the mass table, a list of dicts keyed as [Z]['A']. ''' # handy variables lineLength = 124 headerLength = 39 massTable = [] fid = open("mass.mas12", "r") # fast forward through header for i in range(headerLength): fid.readline() # unpack each line while True: #decode fixed-width columns record = fid.readline() if record == '': break N = int(record[6:9]) Z = int(record[11:14]) A = N + Z mass = record[96:110].replace(' ', '') mass = mass.replace('#', '.') mass = float(mass)/1000000. #pack N, Z, mass into dictionary for beam companion explorer: while len(massTable)-1 < Z: massTable.append({}) massTable[Z][str(A)] = mass outputTable = open('mass.dict', 'w') outputTable.write(json.dumps(massTable)) return massTable

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