15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Genesis Add-on Copyright (C) 2015 lambda This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import urllib,urllib2,urlparse,re,os,sys,xbmcaddon try: import CommonFunctions as common except: import commonfunctionsdummy as common try: import json except: import simplejson as json class get(object): def __init__(self, url): self.result = self.worker(url) def worker(self, url): try: pz = premiumize().resolve(url) if not pz == None: return pz rd = realdebrid().resolve(url) if not rd == None: return rd if url.startswith('rtmp'): if len(re.compile('\s*timeout=(\d*)').findall(url)) == 0: url += ' timeout=10' return url u = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc u = u.replace('www.', '').replace('embed.', '') u = u.lower() import sys, inspect r = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass) r = [i for i in r if hasattr(i[1], 'info') and u in eval(i[0])().info()['netloc']][0][0] r = eval(r)().resolve(url) if r == None: return r elif type(r) == list: return r elif not r.startswith('http'): return r try: h = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(r.rsplit('|', 1)[1])) except: h = dict('') h.update({'Referer': url, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0'}) r = '%s|%s' % (r.split('|')[0], urllib.urlencode(h)) return r except: return url class getUrl(object): def __init__(self, url, close=True, proxy=None, post=None, headers=None, mobile=False, referer=None, cookie=None, output='', timeout='15'): handlers = [] if not proxy == None: handlers += [urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http':'%s' % (proxy)}), urllib2.HTTPHandler] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) if output == 'cookie' or not close == True: import cookielib cookies = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() handlers += [urllib2.HTTPHandler(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies)] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) try: if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9): raise Exception() import ssl; ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE handlers += [urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ssl_context)] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) except: pass try: headers.update(headers) except: headers = {} if 'User-Agent' in headers: pass elif not mobile == True: headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0' else: headers['User-Agent'] = 'Apple-iPhone/701.341' if 'referer' in headers: pass elif referer == None: headers['referer'] = url else: headers['referer'] = referer if not 'Accept-Language' in headers: headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US' if 'cookie' in headers: pass elif not cookie == None: headers['cookie'] = cookie request = urllib2.Request(url, data=post, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=int(timeout)) if output == 'cookie': result = [] for c in cookies: result.append('%s=%s' % (, c.value)) result = "; ".join(result) elif output == 'geturl': result = response.geturl() else: result = if close == True: response.close() self.result = result class captcha: def worker(self, data): self.captcha = {} self.solvemedia(data) if not self.type == None: return self.captcha self.recaptcha(data) if not self.type == None: return self.captcha self.capimage(data) if not self.type == None: return self.captcha self.numeric(data) if not self.type == None: return self.captcha def solvemedia(self, data): try: url = common.parseDOM(data, "iframe", ret="src") url = [i for i in url if '' in i] if len(url) > 0: self.type = 'solvemedia' else: self.type = None ; return result = getUrl(url[0], referer='').result response = common.parseDOM(result, "iframe", ret="src") response += common.parseDOM(result, "img", ret="src") response = [i for i in response if '/papi/media' in i][0] response = '' + response response = self.keyboard(response) post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "action": "verify.noscript" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'adcopy_response': response}) getUrl('', post=urllib.urlencode(post)).result self.captcha.update({'adcopy_challenge': post['adcopy_challenge'], 'adcopy_response': 'manual_challenge'}) except: pass def recaptcha(self, data): try: url = [] if data.startswith(''): url += [data] url += common.parseDOM(data, "script", ret="src", attrs = { "type": "text/javascript" }) url = [i for i in url if '' in i] if len(url) > 0: self.type = 'recaptcha' else: self.type = None ; return result = getUrl(url[0]).result challenge = re.compile("challenge\s+:\s+'(.+?)'").findall(result)[0] response = '' + challenge response = self.keyboard(response) self.captcha.update({'recaptcha_challenge_field': challenge, 'recaptcha_challenge': challenge, 'recaptcha_response_field': response, 'recaptcha_response': response}) except: pass def capimage(self, data): try: url = common.parseDOM(data, "img", ret="src") url = [i for i in url if 'captcha' in i] if len(url) > 0: self.type = 'capimage' else: self.type = None ; return response = self.keyboard(url[0]) self.captcha.update({'code': response}) except: pass def numeric(self, data): try: url = re.compile("left:(\d+)px;padding-top:\d+px;'>&#(.+?);<").findall(data) if len(url) > 0: self.type = 'numeric' else: self.type = None ; return result = sorted(url, key=lambda ltr: int(ltr[0])) response = ''.join(str(int(num[1])-48) for num in result) self.captcha.update({'code': response}) except: pass def keyboard(self, response): try: import os,xbmc,xbmcgui,xbmcaddon,xbmcvfs dataPath = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo("profile")) i = os.path.join(dataPath.decode("utf-8"),'img') f = xbmcvfs.File(i, 'w') f.write(getUrl(response).result) f.close() f = xbmcgui.ControlImage(450,5,375,115, i) d = xbmcgui.WindowDialog() d.addControl(f) xbmcvfs.delete(i) xbmc.sleep(3000) t = 'Type the letters in the image' c = common.getUserInput(t, '') d.close() return c except: return class unwise: def worker(self, str_eval): page_value="" try: ss="w,i,s,e=("+str_eval+')' exec (ss) page_value=self.__unwise(w,i,s,e) except: return return page_value def __unwise(self, w, i, s, e): lIll = 0; ll1I = 0; Il1l = 0; ll1l = []; l1lI = []; while True: if (lIll < 5): l1lI.append(w[lIll]) elif (lIll < len(w)): ll1l.append(w[lIll]); lIll+=1; if (ll1I < 5): l1lI.append(i[ll1I]) elif (ll1I < len(i)): ll1l.append(i[ll1I]) ll1I+=1; if (Il1l < 5): l1lI.append(s[Il1l]) elif (Il1l < len(s)): ll1l.append(s[Il1l]); Il1l+=1; if (len(w) + len(i) + len(s) + len(e) == len(ll1l) + len(l1lI) + len(e)): break; lI1l = ''.join(ll1l) I1lI = ''.join(l1lI) ll1I = 0; l1ll = []; for lIll in range(0,len(ll1l),2): ll11 = -1; if ( ord(I1lI[ll1I]) % 2): ll11 = 1; l1ll.append(chr( int(lI1l[lIll: lIll+2], 36) - ll11)); ll1I+=1; if (ll1I >= len(l1lI)): ll1I = 0; ret=''.join(l1ll) if 'eval(function(w,i,s,e)' in ret: ret=re.compile('eval\(function\(w,i,s,e\).*}\((.*?)\)').findall(ret)[0] return self.worker(ret) else: return ret class js: def worker(self, script): aSplit = script.split(";',") p = str(aSplit[0]) aSplit = aSplit[1].split(",") a = int(aSplit[0]) c = int(aSplit[1]) k = aSplit[2].split(".")[0].replace("'", '').split('|') e = '' d = '' sUnpacked = str(self.__unpack(p, a, c, k, e, d)) sUnpacked = sUnpacked.replace('\\', '') url = self.__parse(sUnpacked) return url def __unpack(self, p, a, c, k, e, d): while (c > 1): c = c -1 if (k[c]): p = re.sub('\\b' + str(self.__itoa(c, a)) +'\\b', k[c], p) return p def __itoa(self, num, radix): result = "" while num > 0: result = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[num % radix] + result num /= radix return result def __parse(self, sUnpacked): url = re.compile("'file' *, *'(.+?)'").findall(sUnpacked) url += re.compile("file *: *[\'|\"](.+?)[\'|\"]").findall(sUnpacked) url += re.compile("playlist=(.+?)&").findall(sUnpacked) url += common.parseDOM(sUnpacked, "embed", ret="src") url = [i for i in url if not i.endswith('.srt')] url = 'http://' + url[-1].split('://', 1)[-1] return url class premiumize: def __init__(self): self.user = xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting("premiumize_user") self.password = xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting("premiumize_password") def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', '', '', '', '', ''], 'host': ['Bitshare', 'Filefactory', 'K2S', 'Oboom', 'Rapidgator', 'Uploaded'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': True } def status(self): if (self.user == '' or self.password == ''): return False else: return True def hosts(self): try: if self.status() == False: raise Exception() url = '[login]=%s&params[pass]=%s' % (self.user, self.password) result = getUrl(url).result pz = json.loads(result)['result']['hosterlist'] pz = [i.rsplit('.' ,1)[0].lower() for i in pz] return pz except: return def resolve(self, url): try: if self.status() == False: raise Exception() url = '[login]=%s&params[pass]=%s&params[link]=%s' % (self.user, self.password, urllib.quote_plus(url)) result = getUrl(url, close=False).result url = json.loads(result)['result']['location'] return url except: return class realdebrid: def __init__(self): self.user = xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting("realdedrid_user") self.password = xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting("realdedrid_password") def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', '', '', '', '', ''], 'host': ['Bitshare', 'Filefactory', 'K2S', 'Oboom', 'Rapidgator', 'Uploaded'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': True } def status(self): if (self.user == '' or self.password == ''): return False else: return True def hosts(self): try: if self.status() == False: raise Exception() url = '' result = getUrl(url).result rd = json.loads('[%s]' % result) rd = [i.rsplit('.' ,1)[0].lower() for i in rd] return rd except: return def resolve(self, url): try: if self.status() == False: raise Exception() login_data = urllib.urlencode({'user' : self.user, 'pass' : self.password}) login_link = '' % login_data result = getUrl(login_link, close=False).result result = json.loads(result) error = result['error'] if not error == 0: raise Exception() url = '' % url url = url.replace('', '') result = getUrl(url).result result = json.loads(result) url = result['generated_links'][0][-1] return url except: return class _180upload: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['180upload'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "id": "captchaForm" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class allmyvideos: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Allmyvideos'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('"file" *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class bestreams: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Bestreams'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class clicknupload: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Clicknupload'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" }) k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': 'Free Download'}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" }) k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': 'Free Download'}) try: post.update(captcha().worker(result)) except: pass post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "a", ret="onClick") url = [i for i in url if i.startswith('')][0] url = re.compile('[\'|\"](.+?)[\'|\"]').findall(url)[0] return url except: return class cloudzilla: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Cloudzilla'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/share/file/', '/embed/') result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('var\s+vurl *= *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[0] return url except: return class coolcdn: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', '', '', '', ''], 'host': ['Movshare', 'Novamov', 'Nowvideo', 'Videoweed'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc netloc = netloc.replace('www.', '').replace('embed.', '') netloc = netloc.lower() id = re.compile('//.+?/.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url) id += re.compile('//.+?/.+?v=([\w]+)').findall(url) id = id[0] url = 'http://embed.%s/embed.php?v=%s' % (netloc, id) result = getUrl(url).result key = re.compile('flashvars.filekey=(.+?);').findall(result)[-1] try: key = re.compile('\s+%s="(.+?)"' % key).findall(result)[-1] except: pass url = 'http://www.%s/api/player.api.php?key=%s&file=%s' % (netloc, key, id) result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('url=(.+?)&').findall(result)[0] return url except: return class daclips: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Daclips'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class dailymotion: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: id = re.compile('/video/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] u = '' % id result = getUrl(u).result result = urllib.unquote(result).replace('\\/', '/').replace('\n', '').replace('\'', '"').replace(' ', '') content = re.compile('"content_type":"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0] if content == 'live': url = re.compile('"autoURL":"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0] protocol = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)['protocol'][0] url = url.replace('protocol=%s' % protocol, 'protocol=hls') url += '&redirect=0' url = getUrl(url).result return url else: u = '' % id result = getUrl(u).result result = urllib.unquote(result).replace('\\/', '/').replace('\n', '').replace('\'', '"').replace(' ', '') url = [] try: url += [{'quality': 'HD', 'url': getUrl(re.compile('"stream_h264_ld_url":"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0], output='geturl').result}] except: pass try: url += [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': getUrl(re.compile('"stream_h264_hq_url":"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0], output='geturl').result}] except: pass if not url == []: return url try: url += [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': getUrl(re.compile('"stream_h264_url":"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0], output='geturl').result}] except: pass if not url == []: return url try: url += [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': getUrl(re.compile('"stream_h264_ld_url":"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0], output='geturl').result}] except: pass if url == []: return return url except: return class datemule: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[0] return url except: return class fastvideo: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''], 'host': ['Fastvideo', 'Faststream'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class filehoot: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Filehoot'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[0] return url except: return class filenuke: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''], 'host': ['Filenuke', 'Sharesix'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} try: f = common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "method": "POST" })[0] except: f = '' k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name") for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = re.compile("var\s+lnk\d* *= *'(http.+?)'").findall(result)[0] return url except: return class googledocs: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''] } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.split('/preview', 1)[0] url = url.replace('', '') result = getUrl(url).result result = re.compile('"fmt_stream_map",(".+?")').findall(result)[0] u = json.loads(result) u = [i.split('|')[-1] for i in u.split(',')] u = sum([self.tag(i) for i in u], []) url = [] try: url += [[i for i in u if i['quality'] == '1080p'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[i for i in u if i['quality'] == 'HD'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[i for i in u if i['quality'] == 'SD'][0]] except: pass if url == []: return return url except: return def tag(self, url): quality = re.compile('itag=(\d*)').findall(url) quality += re.compile('=m(\d*)$').findall(url) try: quality = quality[0] except: return [] if quality in ['37', '137', '299', '96', '248', '303', '46']: return [{'quality': '1080p', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['22', '84', '136', '298', '120', '95', '247', '302', '45', '102']: return [{'quality': 'HD', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['35', '44', '135', '244', '94']: return [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['18', '34', '43', '82', '100', '101', '134', '243', '93']: return [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['5', '6', '36', '83', '133', '242', '92', '132']: return [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': url}] else: return [] class googleplus: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''] } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result u = re.compile('"url"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"\s*,\s*"height"\s*:\s*\d+\s*,\s*"width"\s*:\s*\d+\s*,\s*"type"\s*:\s*"video/').findall(result) u += re.compile('"(http[s]*://.+?videoplayback[?].+?)"').findall(result) u += re.compile('\d*,\d*,\d*,"(.+?)"').findall(result) u = [i.replace('\\u003d','=').replace('\\u0026','&') for i in u][::-1] u = sum([self.tag(i) for i in u], []) url = [] try: url += [[i for i in u if i['quality'] == '1080p'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[i for i in u if i['quality'] == 'HD'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[i for i in u if i['quality'] == 'SD'][0]] except: pass if url == []: return return url except: return def tag(self, url): quality = re.compile('itag=(\d*)').findall(url) quality += re.compile('=m(\d*)$').findall(url) try: quality = quality[0] except: return [] if quality in ['37', '137', '299', '96', '248', '303', '46']: return [{'quality': '1080p', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['22', '84', '136', '298', '120', '95', '247', '302', '45', '102']: return [{'quality': 'HD', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['35', '44', '135', '244', '94']: return [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['18', '34', '43', '82', '100', '101', '134', '243', '93']: return [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': url}] elif quality in ['5', '6', '36', '83', '133', '242', '92', '132']: return [{'quality': 'SD', 'url': url}] else: return [] class gorillavid: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''], 'host': ['Gorillavid'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] request = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30) response.close() type = str(["Content-Type"]) if type == 'text/html': raise Exception() return url except: return class grifthost: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Grifthost'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result try: post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "method": "POST" })[0] f = f.replace('"submit"', '"hidden"') k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result except: pass result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class hugefiles: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Hugefiles'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': True, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" }) f += common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "action": "" }) k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': 'Free Download'}) post.update(captcha().worker(result)) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = re.compile('fileUrl\s*=\s*[\'|\"](.+?)[\'|\"]').findall(result)[0] return url except: return class ipithos: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Ipithos'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class ishared: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['iShared'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('path *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class kingfiles: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Kingfiles'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': True, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': ' '}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': ' '}) post.update(captcha().worker(result)) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = re.compile("var\s+download_url *= *'(.+?)'").findall(result)[0] return url except: return class mailru: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', '', ''] } def resolve(self, url): try: usr = re.compile('/mail/(.+?)/').findall(url)[0] vid = re.compile('(\d*)[.]html').findall(url)[0] url = '' % (usr, vid) import requests result = requests.get(url).content cookie = requests.get(url).headers['Set-Cookie'] u = json.loads(result)['videos'] h = "|Cookie=%s" % urllib.quote(cookie) url = [] try: url += [[{'quality': '1080p', 'url': i['url'] + h} for i in u if i['key'] == '1080p'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[{'quality': 'HD', 'url': i['url'] + h} for i in u if i['key'] == '720p'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[{'quality': 'SD', 'url': i['url'] + h} for i in u if not (i['key'] == '1080p' or i ['key'] == '720p')][0]] except: pass if url == []: return return url except: return class mightyupload: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Mightyupload'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile("file *: *'(.+?)'").findall(result) if len(url) > 0: return url[0] result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class mooshare: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Mooshare'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class movdivx: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Movdivx'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': 'Free Download'}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class movpod: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''], 'host': ['Movpod'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = url.replace('/vid/', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] request = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30) response.close() type = str(["Content-Type"]) if type == 'text/html': raise Exception() return url except: return class movreel: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Movreel'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: user = xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting("movreel_user") password = xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting("movreel_password") login = '' post = {'op': 'login', 'login': user, 'password': password, 'redirect': url} post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, close=False).result result += getUrl(login, post=post, close=False).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "name": "F1" })[-1] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': '', 'method_premium': ''}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) import time request = urllib2.Request(url, post) for i in range(0, 3): try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=10) result = response.close() url = re.compile('(<a .+?</a>)').findall(result) url = [i for i in url if 'Download Link' in i][-1] url = common.parseDOM(url, "a", ret="href")[0] return url except: time.sleep(1) except: return class mrfile: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Mrfile'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "name": "F1" })[-1] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': '', 'method_premium': ''}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = re.compile('(<a\s+href=.+?>Download\s+.+?</a>)').findall(result)[-1] url = common.parseDOM(url, "a", ret="href")[0] return url except: return class mybeststream: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: referer = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)['referer'][0] page = url.replace(referer, '').replace('&referer=', '').replace('referer=', '') result = getUrl(url, referer=referer).result result = re.compile("}[(]('.+?' *, *'.+?' *, *'.+?' *, *'.+?')[)]").findall(result)[-1] result = unwise().worker(result) strm = re.compile("file *: *[\'|\"](.+?)[\'|\"]").findall(result) strm = [i for i in strm if i.startswith('rtmp')][0] url = '%s pageUrl=%s live=1 timeout=10' % (strm, page) return url except: return class nosvideo: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Nosvideo'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "method": "POST" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': 'Free Download'}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[0] url = js().worker(result) result = getUrl(url).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "file")[0] return url except: return class openload: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Openload'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "span", attrs = { "id": "realdownload" })[0] url = common.parseDOM(url, "a", ret="href")[0] return url except: return class played: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Played'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = url.replace('//', '/') url = re.compile('/.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class primeshare: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Primeshare'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "video")[0] url = common.parseDOM(url, "source", ret="src", attrs = { "type": ".+?" })[0] return url except: return class promptfile: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Promptfile'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "method": "post" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "a", ret="href", attrs = { "class": "view_dl_link" })[0] url = getUrl(url, output='geturl', post=post).result return url except: return class sharerepo: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Sharerepo'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile("file *: *'(http.+?)'").findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class speedvideo: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result a = re.compile('var\s+linkfile *= *"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0] b = re.compile('var\s+linkfile *= *base64_decode\(.+?\s+(.+?)\)').findall(result)[0] c = re.compile('var\s+%s *= *(\d*)' % b).findall(result)[0] import base64 url = a[:int(c)] + a[(int(c) + 10):] url = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(url) return url except: return class stagevu: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['StageVu'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "embed", ret="src", attrs = { "type": "video.+?" })[0] return url except: return class streamcloud: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Streamcloud'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "class": "proform" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) post = post.replace('op=download1', 'op=download2') result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class streamin: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Streamin'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile("file *: *[\'|\"](http.+?)[\'|\"]").findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class thefile: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Thefile'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] return url except: return class thevideo: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Thevideo'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result result = result.replace('\n','') import ast url = re.compile("'sources' *: *(\[.+?\])").findall(result)[-1] url = ast.literal_eval(url) url = url[-1]['file'] return url except: return class turbovideos: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Turbovideos'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('file *: *"(.+?)"').findall(result) if len(url) > 0: return url[0] result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] result = re.sub(r'(\',\d*,\d*,)', r';\1', result) url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class tusfiles: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Tusfiles'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class uploadc: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''], 'host': ['Uploadc', 'Zalaa'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile("'file' *, *'(.+?)'").findall(result) if len(url) > 0: return url[0] result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class uptobox: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Uptobox'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "form", attrs = { "name": "F1" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) import time for i in range(0, 3): try: result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "div", attrs = { "align": ".+?" }) url = [i for i in url if 'button_upload' in i][0] url = common.parseDOM(url, "a", ret="href")[0] url = ['http' + i for i in url.split('http') if '' in i][0] return url except: time.sleep(1) except: return class v_vids: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['V-vids'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "name": "F1" })[0] k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': '', 'method_premium': ''}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "a", ret="href", attrs = { "id": "downloadbutton" })[0] return url except: return class veehd: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, close=False).result result = result.replace('\n','') url = re.compile('function\s*load_download.+?src\s*:\s*"(.+?)"').findall(result)[0] url = urlparse.urljoin('', url) result = getUrl(url, close=False).result i = common.parseDOM(result, "iframe", ret="src") if len(i) > 0: i = urlparse.urljoin('', i[0]) getUrl(i, close=False).result result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('href *= *"([^"]+(?:mkv|mp4|avi))"').findall(result) url += re.compile('src *= *"([^"]+(?:divx|avi))"').findall(result) url += re.compile('"url" *: *"(.+?)"').findall(result) url = urllib.unquote(url[0]) return url except: return class vidbull: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Vidbull'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "source", ret="src", attrs = { "type": "video.+?" })[0] return url except: return class videomega: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: url = urlparse.urlparse(url).query url = urlparse.parse_qsl(url)[0][1] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = common.parseDOM(result, "source", ret="src", attrs = { "type": "video.+?" })[0] return url except: return class videopremium: def info(self): return { 'netloc': ['', ''] } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" }) k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update({'method_free': 'Watch Free!'}) post = urllib.urlencode(post) result = getUrl(url, post=post).result result = common.parseDOM(result, "script", attrs = { "type": ".+?" }) result = (''.join(result)).replace(' ','').replace('\'','"') result = re.compile('file:"(http.+?m3u8)"').findall(result) for url in result: try: return getUrl(url, output='geturl').result except: pass except: return class vidplay: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Vidplay'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] u = '' % url url = getUrl(u, output='geturl').result if u == url: raise Exception() return url except: return class vidspot: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Vidspot'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result url = re.compile('"file" *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result)[-1] query = urlparse.urlparse(url).query url = url[:url.find('?')] url = '%s?%s&direct=false' % (url, query) return url except: return class vidto: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Vidto'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] result = re.sub(r'(\',\d*,\d*,)', r';\1', result) url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class vidzi: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Vidzi'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result result = result.replace('\n','') result = re.compile('sources *: *\[.+?\]').findall(result)[-1] result = re.compile('file *: *"(http.+?)"').findall(result) url = [i for i in result if '.m3u8' in i] if len(url) > 0: return url[0] url = [i for i in result if not '.m3u8' in i] if len(url) > 0: return url[0] except: return class vimeo: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: url = [i for i in url.split('/') if i.isdigit()][-1] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result result = json.loads(result) u = result['request']['files']['h264'] url = None try: url = u['hd']['url'] except: pass try: url = u['sd']['url'] except: pass return url except: return class vk: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''] } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('https://', 'http://') result = getUrl(url).result u = re.compile('url(720|540|480|360|240)=(.+?)&').findall(result) url = [] try: url += [[{'quality': 'HD', 'url': i[1]} for i in u if i[0] == '720'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[{'quality': 'SD', 'url': i[1]} for i in u if i[0] == '540'][0]] except: pass try: url += [[{'quality': 'SD', 'url': i[1]} for i in u if i[0] == '480'][0]] except: pass if not url == []: return url try: url += [[{'quality': 'SD', 'url': i[1]} for i in u if i[0] == '360'][0]] except: pass if not url == []: return url try: url += [[{'quality': 'SD', 'url': i[1]} for i in u if i[0] == '240'][0]] except: pass if url == []: return return url except: return class vodlocker: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Vodlocker'], 'quality': 'Low', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url).result url = re.compile('[\'|\"](http.+?[\w]+)[\'|\"]').findall(result) url = [i for i in url if i.endswith(('.mp4', '.mkv', '.flv', '.avi'))][0] return url except: return class xfileload: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Xfileload'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': True, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: result = getUrl(url, close=False).result post = {} f = common.parseDOM(result, "Form", attrs = { "action": "" }) k = common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="name", attrs = { "type": "hidden" }) for i in k: post.update({i: common.parseDOM(f, "input", ret="value", attrs = { "name": i })[0]}) post.update(captcha().worker(result)) post = urllib.urlencode(post) import time request = urllib2.Request(url, post) for i in range(0, 5): try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=10) result = response.close() if 'download2' in result: raise Exception() url = common.parseDOM(result, "a", ret="href", attrs = { "target": "" })[0] return url except: time.sleep(1) except: return class xvidstage: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Xvidstage'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return class youtube: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Youtube'], 'quality': 'Medium', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: id = url.split("?v=")[-1].split("/")[-1].split("?")[0].split("&")[0] result = getUrl('' % id).result message = common.parseDOM(result, "div", attrs = { "id": "unavailable-submessage" }) message = ''.join(message) alert = common.parseDOM(result, "div", attrs = { "id": "watch7-notification-area" }) if len(alert) > 0: raise Exception() if'[a-zA-Z]', message): raise Exception() url = 'plugin://' % id return url except: return class zettahost: def info(self): return { 'netloc': [''], 'host': ['Zettahost'], 'quality': 'High', 'captcha': False, 'a/c': False } def resolve(self, url): try: url = url.replace('/embed-', '/') url = re.compile('//.+?/([\w]+)').findall(url)[0] url = '' % url result = getUrl(url, mobile=True).result result = re.compile('(eval.*?\)\)\))').findall(result)[-1] url = js().worker(result) return url except: return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from ..compat import socketserver from ..compat import SimpleHTTPServer from ..base import cv2 import time import socket import re import threading __all__ = [ 'JpegStreamHandler', 'JpegStreamer', 'JpegTCPServer', 'VideoStream' ] _jpeg_streamers = {} class JpegStreamHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): """ Handles requests to the threaded HTTP server. Once initialized, any request to this port will receive a multipart/replace jpeg. """ def get(self): global _jpeg_streamers if self.path == '/' or not self.path: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(""" <html> <head> <style type=text/css> body { background-image: url(/stream); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center top; background-attachment: fixed; height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> &nbsp </body> </html> """) return elif self.path == '/stream': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.send_header('Max-Age', '0') self.send_header('Expires', '0') self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, private') self.send_header('Pragma', 'no-cache') self.send_header('Content-Type', 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--BOUNDARYSTRING') self.end_headers() host, port = self.server.socket.getsockname()[:2] count = 0 timeout = 0.75 last_time_served = 0 while True: if (_jpeg_streamers[port].refreshtime > last_time_served or time.time() - timeout > last_time_served): try: self.wfile.write('--BOUNDARYSTRING\r\n') self.send_header('Content-type', 'image/jpeg') self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len( _jpeg_streamers[port].jpgdata.getvalue() ))) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(_jpeg_streamers[port].jpgdata.getvalue() + '\r\n') last_time_served = time.time() except socket.error: return except IOError: return count += 1 time.sleep(_jpeg_streamers[port].sleeptime) class JpegTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True daemon_threads = True # factory class for jpeg tcp server. class JpegStreamer(object): """ Allow user to stream a jpeg encoded file to a HTTP port. Any updates to the jpeg file will automatically be pushed to the browser via multipart/replace content type. initialization: js = JpegStreamer() update: open a browser and display: import webbrowser Note 3 optional parameters on the constructor: - port (default 8080) which sets the TCP port you need to connect to - sleep time (default 0.1) how often to update. Above 1 second seems to cause dropped connections in Google chrome Once initialized, the buffer and sleeptime can be modified and will function properly -- port will not. """ server = '' host = '' port = '' sleep_time = '' frame_buffer = '' counter = 0 refresh_time = 0 def __init__(self, host_port=8080, sleeptime=0.1): global _jpeg_streamers if isinstance(host_port, int): self.port = host_port = 'localhost' elif isinstance(host_port, str) and':', host_port):, self.port = host_port.split(':') self.port = int(self.port) elif isinstance(host_port, tuple):, self.port = host_port else: self.port = 8080 = 'localhost' self.sleep_time = sleeptime self.server = JpegTCPServer((,, JpegStreamHandler) self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) _jpeg_streamers[self.port] = self self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() self.frame_buffer = self def url(self): """ Returns the JpegStreams Webbrowser-appropriate URL, if not provided in the constructor, it defaults to "http://localhost:8080" :return: url """ return 'http://' + + ':' + str(self.port) + '/' def stream_url(self): """ Returns the URL of the MJPEG stream. If host and port are not set in the constructor, defaults to "http://localhost:8080/stream/" :return: url """ return self.url() + 'stream' class VideoStream(object): """ Allows user save video files in different formats. You can initialize it by specifying the file you want to output:: vs = VideoStream("hello.avi") You can also specify a framerate, and if you want to "fill" in missed frames. So if you want to record a real time video you may want to do this:: # note these are default values vs = VideoStream("myvideo.avi", 25, True) Where if you want to do a stop-motion animation, you would want to turn fill off:: vs_animation = VideoStream("cartoon.avi", 15, False) If you select a fill, the VideoStream will do its best to stay close to "real time" by duplicating frames or dropping frames when the clock doesn't sync up with the file writes. You can save a frame to the video by using the function:: my_camera.getImage().save(vs) """ fps = 25 filename = '' writer = '' fourcc = '' frame_fill = True video_time = 0.0 start_time = 0.0 frame_count = 0 last_frame = None def __init__(self, filename, fps=25, frame_fill=True): """ TODO: details :param filename: :param fps: :param frame_fill: """ self.filename = filename self.fps = fps self.frame_fill = frame_fill self.fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('I', 'Y', 'U', 'V') def init_writer(self, size): """ TODO: details :param size: :return: """ self.writer = cv2.VideoWriter(self.filename, self.fourcc, self.fps, size, 1) self.video_time = 0.0 self.start_time = time.time() def write_frame(self, img): """ Write a frame to the display object. this is automatically called by but you can use this function to save just the bitmap as well so image markup is not implicit,typically you use but this allows for more finer control Args: img (Image, array like): the image to be write Returns: None """ if not self.writer: self.init_writer(img.size) self.last_frame = img frame_time = 1.0 / float(self.fps) target_time = self.start_time + frame_time * self.frame_count real_time = time.time() if self.frame_fill: # see if we need to do anything to adjust to real time if target_time > real_time + frame_time: # if we're more than one frame ahead, # save the last_frame, but don't write to video out self.last_frame = img return elif target_time < real_time - frame_time: # we're at least one frame behind frames_behind = int((real_time - target_time) * self.fps) + 1 # figure out how many frames behind we are last_frames = frames_behind / 2 for i in range(0, last_frames): self.frame_count += 1 self.writer.write(self.last_frame.narray) frames = frames_behind - last_frames for i in range(0, frames): self.frame_count += 1 self.writer.write(img.narray) else: self.frame_count += 1 self.writer.write(img.narray) else: self.frame_count += 1 self.writer.write(img.narray) self.last_frame = img
""" This module houses the Geometry Collection objects: GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon """ from ctypes import c_int, c_uint, byref from django.contrib.gis.geos.error import GEOSException from django.contrib.gis.geos.geometry import GEOSGeometry from django.contrib.gis.geos.libgeos import get_pointer_arr, GEOS_PREPARE from django.contrib.gis.geos.linestring import LineString, LinearRing from django.contrib.gis.geos.point import Point from django.contrib.gis.geos.polygon import Polygon from django.contrib.gis.geos import prototypes as capi class GeometryCollection(GEOSGeometry): _typeid = 7 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): "Initializes a Geometry Collection from a sequence of Geometry objects." # Checking the arguments if not args: raise TypeError('Must provide at least one Geometry to initialize %s.' % self.__class__.__name__) if len(args) == 1: # If only one geometry provided or a list of geometries is provided # in the first argument. if isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)): init_geoms = args[0] else: init_geoms = args else: init_geoms = args # Ensuring that only the permitted geometries are allowed in this collection # this is moved to list mixin super class self._check_allowed(init_geoms) # Creating the geometry pointer array. collection = self._create_collection(len(init_geoms), iter(init_geoms)) super(GeometryCollection, self).__init__(collection, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): "Iterates over each Geometry in the Collection." for i in xrange(len(self)): yield self[i] def __len__(self): "Returns the number of geometries in this Collection." return self.num_geom ### Methods for compatibility with ListMixin ### def _create_collection(self, length, items): # Creating the geometry pointer array. geoms = get_pointer_arr(length) for i, g in enumerate(items): # this is a little sloppy, but makes life easier # allow GEOSGeometry types (python wrappers) or pointer types geoms[i] = capi.geom_clone(getattr(g, 'ptr', g)) return capi.create_collection(c_int(self._typeid), byref(geoms), c_uint(length)) def _get_single_internal(self, index): return capi.get_geomn(self.ptr, index) def _get_single_external(self, index): "Returns the Geometry from this Collection at the given index (0-based)." # Checking the index and returning the corresponding GEOS geometry. return GEOSGeometry(capi.geom_clone(self._get_single_internal(index)), srid=self.srid) def _set_list(self, length, items): "Create a new collection, and destroy the contents of the previous pointer." prev_ptr = self.ptr srid = self.srid self.ptr = self._create_collection(length, items) if srid: self.srid = srid capi.destroy_geom(prev_ptr) _set_single = GEOSGeometry._set_single_rebuild _assign_extended_slice = GEOSGeometry._assign_extended_slice_rebuild @property def kml(self): "Returns the KML for this Geometry Collection." return '<MultiGeometry>%s</MultiGeometry>' % ''.join([g.kml for g in self]) @property def tuple(self): "Returns a tuple of all the coordinates in this Geometry Collection" return tuple([g.tuple for g in self]) coords = tuple # MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon class definitions. class MultiPoint(GeometryCollection): _allowed = Point _typeid = 4 class MultiLineString(GeometryCollection): _allowed = (LineString, LinearRing) _typeid = 5 @property def merged(self): """ Returns a LineString representing the line merge of this MultiLineString. """ return self._topology(capi.geos_linemerge(self.ptr)) class MultiPolygon(GeometryCollection): _allowed = Polygon _typeid = 6 @property def cascaded_union(self): "Returns a cascaded union of this MultiPolygon." if GEOS_PREPARE: return GEOSGeometry(capi.geos_cascaded_union(self.ptr), self.srid) else: raise GEOSException('The cascaded union operation requires GEOS 3.1+.') # Setting the allowed types here since GeometryCollection is defined before # its subclasses. GeometryCollection._allowed = (Point, LineString, LinearRing, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon)
#Encapsulates calls to the Redwood Motion REST API import httplib2 import json import datetime, time, pytz from django.utils import timezone def call_motion_api(url,user,pwd,location_id): print "call_motion_api" uri_path = url+"/location/"+str(location_id)+"/sensorStats/motion/instant" #h = httplib2.Http(".cache",disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) h.add_credentials(user, pwd) resp,content = h.request(uri_path,"GET", headers={'content-type':'application/json'}) motion=0 if resp and resp.has_key('status') and resp['status'] =='200': print "resp=",resp print "content=",content motion = parse_content(content) return int(motion) def parse_content(content): return content def parse_curr_location_fixtures(loc): fix_list = [] if 'childFixture' in loc: for fx in loc['childFixture']: fix_list.append(fx.replace("/fixture/","")) return fix_list def get_child_location_ids(loc): #Find child locations and obtain their fixtures loc_ids = [] if 'childLocation' in loc: for l in loc['childLocation']: print l print l.replace("/location/","") loc_ids.append(int(l.replace("/location/",""))) return loc_ids def call_location_api(url,user,pwd,location_id): #return json for specified location uri_path = url+"/location/"+str(location_id) h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) h.add_credentials(user, pwd) resp,content = h.request(uri_path,"GET", headers={'content-type':'application/json'}) loc = None if resp and resp.has_key('status') and resp['status'] =='200': print "resp=",resp print "content=",content loc = json.loads(content) return loc def get_location_fixtures2(loc, url,user,pwd,location_id): #return array of fixture names for a specific location and for child locations fix_list = [] #obtain json for current location if not loc: loc = call_location_api(url,user,pwd,location_id) #get fixtures at current level fix_list.extend(parse_curr_location_fixtures(loc)) #check if we have child locations ch_loc_ids = get_child_location_ids(loc) #obtain fixtures for each child locations #we assume that locations are only 2 levels (so need for recursion) for ch_loc_id in ch_loc_ids: ch_loc = call_location_api(url,user,pwd,ch_loc_id) fix_list.extend(parse_curr_location_fixtures(ch_loc)) return fix_list def get_motion_instant(loc): motion = -1 if "sensorStats" in loc and "motion" in loc["sensorStats"]: instant = loc["sensorStats"]["motion"]["instant"] if instant: motion = int(instant) return motion def get_occupancy(url,user,pwd,location_id, current_time, occ_threshold): # TODO: Combine motion instant and occupancy pct methods # # Build array of fixture ids from location # Find number of fixtures from location # For each fixture: # Find motion instant # print "get_occupancy" motion = 0 occupied_pct = None loc = call_location_api(url,user,pwd,location_id) fix_list = get_location_fixtures2(loc,url,user,pwd,location_id) motion = get_motion_instant(loc) motion_list = [] if len(fix_list) >0: #we found some fixtures under this location #obtain motion instants for each fixture in the list motion_list = call_fixture_motion_api(url,user,pwd,fix_list) print "motion_list=",motion_list #obtain occupancy for each fixture cnt_occupied = 0; for m in motion_list: if not m["dt"]: m["dt"] = current_time vacant_secs = get_pos_time_diff_secs(current_time, m["dt"]) print "fx vacant_secs=",vacant_secs if vacant_secs <= occ_threshold: cnt_occupied = cnt_occupied +1 occupied_pct = (cnt_occupied * 100)/len(fix_list) print "location_id: %d num_fixtures: %d cnt_occupied: %d occupied pct: %f"%(location_id, len(fix_list), cnt_occupied, occupied_pct) return (occupied_pct, motion) def call_fixture_motion_api(url,user,pwd,filter_list): #return array of fixtures and motion instants filtered by fixture list print "call_fixture_motion_api" ret_list=[] uri_path = url+"/fixture" h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) h.add_credentials(user, pwd) resp,content = h.request(uri_path,"GET", headers={'content-type':'application/json'}) if resp and resp.has_key('status') and resp['status'] =='200': print "resp=",resp #print "content=",content fx_arr = json.loads(content) if not fx_arr or len(fx_arr) ==0: return None all_fixtures = {} for fx in fx_arr: all_fixtures[fx["serialNum"]] = fx for fname in filter_list: print fname if fname in all_fixtures: print fname+" found" fx = all_fixtures[fname] if "sensorStats" in fx and "motion" in fx["sensorStats"]: print fx instant = fx["sensorStats"]["motion"]["instant"] dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(instant).replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('utc')) ret_list.append({"fixtureName":fx["serialNum"], "instant": instant, "dt":dt }) return ret_list def get_pos_time_diff_secs(dt1, dt2): #Assumes that both dates are timzone aware and stored in UTC diff = dt1 - dt2 if diff.days >=0: return diff.seconds else: return 0 def main(): current_time = get_occupancy('', "admin", "password", 101, current_time, 300) return if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Documentation on can be found at: # import json import hashlib import os import re import gclient_utils def CheckChange(input_api, message_constructor): """Checks for files with a modified contents. Some checking of validator happens on builbots, but comprehensive enumeration tests must be run locally. There are two dangers: 1. Source code for autogenerated files can be modified without regeneration of said files. 2. Source of validator can be changed without running the aforementioned tests. This function catches the situation when source files for validator_x86_??.c are changed but files are not regenerated and it also catches the situation when code is changed without running the dfacheckvalidator tests. """ errors = [] changelist = input_api.change root_path = changelist.RepositoryRoot() if input_api.change.scm == 'svn': try: # With SVN you can decide to commit not all modified files but some of # them thus separate GetAllModifiedFiles() and GetModifiedFiles() lists # are provided. We need to remove root_path from the name of file. assert all(filename.startswith(root_path + os.path.sep) for filename in changelist.GetAllModifiedFiles()) all_filenames = [filename[len(root_path + os.path.sep):] for filename in changelist.GetAllModifiedFiles()] assert all(filename.startswith(root_path + os.path.sep) for filename in changelist.GetModifiedFiles()) modified_filenames = [filename[len(root_path + os.path.sep):] for filename in changelist.GetModifiedFiles()] except: # If gcl is not available (which happens in CQ bots) then we'll try to use # AffectedFiles() instead of GetAllModifiedFiles() all_filenames = [file.LocalPath() for file in changelist.AffectedFiles()] modified_filenames = all_filenames else: # With GIT you must commit all modified files thus only AffectedFiles() # list is provided. all_filenames = [file.LocalPath() for file in changelist.AffectedFiles()] modified_filenames = all_filenames json_filename = os.path.join( 'src', 'trusted', 'validator_ragel', 'gen', 'protected_files.json') protected_files = json.loads( gclient_utils.FileRead(os.path.join(root_path, json_filename))) need_dfagen = False need_dfacheckvalidator = False canonical_prefix = 'native_client/' for filename in sorted(all_filenames): canonical_filename = canonical_prefix + filename.replace('\\', '/') if canonical_filename in protected_files['validator']: file_contents = gclient_utils.FileRead(os.path.join(root_path, filename)) sha512 = hashlib.sha512(file_contents).hexdigest() if sha512 != protected_files['validator'][canonical_filename]: errors.append(message_constructor( 'Incorrect {0} hash:\n expected {1}\n got {2}'.format( canonical_filename, protected_files['validator'][canonical_filename], sha512))) need_dfacheckvalidator = True if canonical_filename in protected_files['generating']: for automaton_filename in protected_files['generated']: if (os.stat(os.path.join(root_path, filename)).st_mtime > os.stat(os.path.join(root_path, automaton_filename[len(canonical_prefix):])).st_mtime): errors.append(message_constructor( 'File {0} is older then {1}'.format( automaton_filename, canonical_filename))) need_dfagen = True if (canonical_filename in protected_files['validator'] or canonical_filename in protected_files['generating'] or filename == json_filename): if filename not in modified_filenames: errors.append(message_constructor( 'File {0} is changed but is excluded from this CL'.format( canonical_filename))) if need_dfagen: errors.append(message_constructor( 'Please run "./scons dfagen" before commit!')) if need_dfacheckvalidator: errors.append(message_constructor( 'Please run "./scons dfacheckvalidator" before commit!')) return errors def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api): return CheckChange(input_api, message_constructor=output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning) def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api): return CheckChange(input_api, message_constructor=output_api.PresubmitError)
from numpy import matrix, array, exp, zeros from numpy.linalg import pinv from common import Weights, poly_space from function_registry import FunctionRegistry from random import random all_regressions = FunctionRegistry() def make_XY(data, degree, digit1, digit2, output_type): feature_data = [] numeral_data = [] digits = { digit1: 1, digit2: -1 } for point in data: feature_data.append( poly_space( point.x_feature, point.y_feature, degree)) numeral_data.append([digits[point.numeral]]) X = output_type(feature_data) Y = output_type(numeral_data) return X, Y @all_regressions.register def linear_regression(data, degree, digit1, digit2): X, Y = make_XY(data, degree, digit1, digit2, matrix) X_pinv = pinv(feature_data) w = X_pinv * Y result = w.transpose().tolist()[0] return Weights(result, degree) def list_add(l1, l2): return [a + b for a, b in zip(l1, l2)] import sys @all_regressions.register def logistic_regression(data, degree, digit1, digit2): digits = { digit1: 1, digit2: -1 } X = [] Y = [] for point in data: X.append(poly_space(point.x_feature, point.y_feature, degree)) Y.append([digits[point.numeral]]) X = array(X) Y = array(Y) products = X * Y N = len(X) W = array([random() for _ in X[0]]) def summation(w): for x_y in products: #print (x_y, file=sys.stderr) yield x_y / (1 + exp(x_y * w)) def gradient(w): return sum(summation(w))/N num_iterations = 500 n = 1 threshold = 0.001 for t in range(num_iterations): g = gradient(W) W = (W + n*g) if(sum(g**2) < threshold): break return Weights(W.tolist(), degree)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file './acq4/analysis/modules/Photostim/MapAnalysisTemplate.ui' # # Created: Tue Dec 24 01:49:12 2013 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class Ui_Form(object): def setupUi(self, Form): Form.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("Form")) Form.resize(208, 349) self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(Form) self.gridLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout")) self.rateAverageSpin = SpinBox(Form) self.rateAverageSpin.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("rateAverageSpin")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.rateAverageSpin, 4, 1, 1, 1) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox_2 = QtGui.QGroupBox(Form) self.groupBox_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("groupBox_2")) self.gridLayout_3 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_2) self.gridLayout_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout_3")) self.poisMaxCheck = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox_2) self.poisMaxCheck.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("poisMaxCheck")) self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.poisMaxCheck, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.poisMaxAmpCheck = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox_2) self.poisMaxAmpCheck.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("poisMaxAmpCheck")) self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.poisMaxAmpCheck, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.chargeTransferCheck = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox_2) self.chargeTransferCheck.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("chargeTransferCheck")) self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.chargeTransferCheck, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.eventCountCheck = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox_2) self.eventCountCheck.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("eventCountCheck")) self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.eventCountCheck, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.groupBox_2, 3, 0, 1, 2) self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox(Form) self.groupBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("groupBox")) self.gridLayout_2 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.groupBox) self.gridLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout_2")) self.excitatoryRadio = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.excitatoryRadio.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("excitatoryRadio")) self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.excitatoryRadio, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.fitErrorSpin = SpinBox(self.groupBox) self.fitErrorSpin.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("fitErrorSpin")) self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.fitErrorSpin, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.label_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox) self.label_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_2")) self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.label_2, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.inhibitoryRadio = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.inhibitoryRadio.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("inhibitoryRadio")) self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.inhibitoryRadio, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.groupBox, 2, 0, 1, 2) self.groupBox_3 = QtGui.QGroupBox(Form) self.groupBox_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("groupBox_3")) self.gridLayout_4 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3) self.gridLayout_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout_4")) self.label_3 = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) self.label_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_3")) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.label_3, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.thresholdSpin = SpinBox(self.groupBox_3) self.thresholdSpin.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("thresholdSpin")) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.thresholdSpin, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.detectionHistogram = PlotWidget(self.groupBox_3) self.detectionHistogram.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("detectionHistogram")) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.detectionHistogram, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 5, 0, 1, 2) self.retranslateUi(Form) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Form) def retranslateUi(self, Form): Form.setWindowTitle(_translate("Form", "Form", None)) self.label.setText(_translate("Form", "Rate Average Window", None)) self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("Form", "Detection Methods", None)) self.poisMaxCheck.setText(_translate("Form", "Poisson max probability", None)) self.poisMaxAmpCheck.setText(_translate("Form", "Poisson max + amplitude", None)) self.chargeTransferCheck.setText(_translate("Form", "Charge transfer z-score", None)) self.eventCountCheck.setText(_translate("Form", "Event Count", None)) self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("Form", "Event Selection", None)) self.excitatoryRadio.setText(_translate("Form", "Excitatory", None)) self.label_2.setText(_translate("Form", "Fit Error Limit", None)) self.inhibitoryRadio.setText(_translate("Form", "Inhibitory", None)) self.label_3.setText(_translate("Form", "Detection Threshold", None)) from acq4.pyqtgraph import SpinBox, PlotWidget
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- test-case-name: pytils.test.test_dt -*- """ Russian dates without locales """ import datetime from pytils import numeral from pytils.utils import check_positive from pytils.third import six DAY_ALTERNATIVES = { 1: (u"вчера", u"завтра"), 2: (u"позавчера", u"послезавтра") } #: Day alternatives (i.e. one day ago -> yesterday) DAY_VARIANTS = ( u"день", u"дня", u"дней", ) #: Forms (1, 2, 5) for noun 'day' HOUR_VARIANTS = ( u"час", u"часа", u"часов", ) #: Forms (1, 2, 5) for noun 'hour' MINUTE_VARIANTS = ( u"минуту", u"минуты", u"минут", ) #: Forms (1, 2, 5) for noun 'minute' PREFIX_IN = u"через" #: Prefix 'in' (i.e. B{in} three hours) SUFFIX_AGO = u"назад" #: Prefix 'ago' (i.e. three hours B{ago}) MONTH_NAMES = ( (u"янв", u"январь", u"января"), (u"фев", u"февраль", u"февраля"), (u"мар", u"март", u"марта"), (u"апр", u"апрель", u"апреля"), (u"май", u"май", u"мая"), (u"июн", u"июнь", u"июня"), (u"июл", u"июль", u"июля"), (u"авг", u"август", u"августа"), (u"сен", u"сентябрь", u"сентября"), (u"окт", u"октябрь", u"октября"), (u"ноя", u"ноябрь", u"ноября"), (u"дек", u"декабрь", u"декабря"), ) #: Month names (abbreviated, full, inflected) DAY_NAMES = ( (u"пн", u"понедельник", u"понедельник", u"в\xa0"), (u"вт", u"вторник", u"вторник", u"во\xa0"), (u"ср", u"среда", u"среду", u"в\xa0"), (u"чт", u"четверг", u"четверг", u"в\xa0"), (u"пт", u"пятница", u"пятницу", u"в\xa0"), (u"сб", u"суббота", u"субботу", u"в\xa0"), (u"вск", u"воскресенье", u"воскресенье", u"в\xa0") ) #: Day names (abbreviated, full, inflected, preposition) def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, accuracy=1, to_time=None): """ Represents distance of time in words @param from_time: source time (in seconds from epoch) @type from_time: C{int}, C{float} or C{datetime.datetime} @param accuracy: level of accuracy (1..3), default=1 @type accuracy: C{int} @param to_time: target time (in seconds from epoch), default=None translates to current time @type to_time: C{int}, C{float} or C{datetime.datetime} @return: distance of time in words @rtype: unicode @raise ValueError: accuracy is lesser or equal zero """ current = False if to_time is None: current = True to_time = check_positive(accuracy, strict=True) if not isinstance(from_time, datetime.datetime): from_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(from_time) if not isinstance(to_time, datetime.datetime): to_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(to_time) if from_time.tzinfo and not to_time.tzinfo: to_time = to_time.replace(tzinfo=from_time.tzinfo) dt_delta = to_time - from_time difference = dt_delta.days*86400 + dt_delta.seconds minutes_orig = int(abs(difference)/60.0) hours_orig = int(abs(difference)/3600.0) days_orig = int(abs(difference)/86400.0) in_future = from_time > to_time words = [] values = [] alternatives = [] days = days_orig hours = hours_orig - days_orig*24 words.append(u"%d %s" % (days, numeral.choose_plural(days, DAY_VARIANTS))) values.append(days) words.append(u"%d %s" % (hours, numeral.choose_plural(hours, HOUR_VARIANTS))) values.append(hours) days == 0 and hours == 1 and current and alternatives.append(u"час") minutes = minutes_orig - hours_orig*60 words.append(u"%d %s" % (minutes, numeral.choose_plural(minutes, MINUTE_VARIANTS))) values.append(minutes) days == 0 and hours == 0 and minutes == 1 and current and \ alternatives.append(u"минуту") # убираем из values и words конечные нули while values and not values[-1]: values.pop() words.pop() # убираем из values и words начальные нули while values and not values[0]: values.pop(0) words.pop(0) limit = min(accuracy, len(words)) real_words = words[:limit] real_values = values[:limit] # снова убираем конечные нули while real_values and not real_values[-1]: real_values.pop() real_words.pop() limit -= 1 real_str = u" ".join(real_words) # альтернативные варианты нужны только если в real_words одно значение # и, вдобавок, если используется текущее время alter_str = limit == 1 and current and alternatives and \ alternatives[0] _result_str = alter_str or real_str result_str = in_future and u"%s %s" % (PREFIX_IN, _result_str) \ or u"%s %s" % (_result_str, SUFFIX_AGO) # если же прошло менее минуты, то real_words -- пустой, и поэтому # нужно брать alternatives[0], а не result_str zero_str = minutes == 0 and not real_words and \ (in_future and u"менее чем через минуту" or u"менее минуты назад") # нужно использовать вчера/позавчера/завтра/послезавтра # если days 1..2 и в real_words одно значение day_alternatives = DAY_ALTERNATIVES.get(days, False) alternate_day = day_alternatives and current and limit == 1 and \ ((in_future and day_alternatives[1]) or day_alternatives[0]) final_str = not real_words and zero_str or alternate_day or result_str return final_str def ru_strftime(format=u"%d.%m.%Y", date=None, inflected=False, inflected_day=False, preposition=False): """ Russian strftime without locale @param format: strftime format, default=u'%d.%m.%Y' @type format: C{unicode} @param date: date value, default=None translates to today @type date: C{} or C{datetime.datetime} @param inflected: is month inflected, default False @type inflected: C{bool} @param inflected_day: is day inflected, default False @type inflected: C{bool} @param preposition: is preposition used, default False preposition=True automatically implies inflected_day=True @type preposition: C{bool} @return: strftime string @rtype: unicode """ if date is None: date = weekday = date.weekday() prepos = preposition and DAY_NAMES[weekday][3] or u"" month_idx = inflected and 2 or 1 day_idx = (inflected_day or preposition) and 2 or 1 # for russian typography standard, # 1 April 2007, but 01.04.2007 if u'%b' in format or u'%B' in format: format = format.replace(u'%d', six.text_type( format = format.replace(u'%a', prepos+DAY_NAMES[weekday][0]) format = format.replace(u'%A', prepos+DAY_NAMES[weekday][day_idx]) format = format.replace(u'%b', MONTH_NAMES[date.month-1][0]) format = format.replace(u'%B', MONTH_NAMES[date.month-1][month_idx]) # Python 2: strftime's argument must be str # Python 3: strftime's argument str, not a bitestring if six.PY2: # strftime must be str, so encode it to utf8: s_format = format.encode("utf-8") s_res = date.strftime(s_format) # and back to unicode u_res = s_res.decode("utf-8") else: u_res = date.strftime(format) return u_res
# coding: utf-8 """ Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen OpenAPI spec version: v1.6.1 Generated by: """ from pprint import pformat from six import iteritems import re class V2alpha1MetricSpec(object): """ NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. """ def __init__(self, object=None, pods=None, resource=None, type=None): """ V2alpha1MetricSpec - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ self.swagger_types = { 'object': 'V2alpha1ObjectMetricSource', 'pods': 'V2alpha1PodsMetricSource', 'resource': 'V2alpha1ResourceMetricSource', 'type': 'str' } self.attribute_map = { 'object': 'object', 'pods': 'pods', 'resource': 'resource', 'type': 'type' } self._object = object self._pods = pods self._resource = resource self._type = type @property def object(self): """ Gets the object of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. object refers to a metric describing a single kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object). :return: The object of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :rtype: V2alpha1ObjectMetricSource """ return self._object @object.setter def object(self, object): """ Sets the object of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. object refers to a metric describing a single kubernetes object (for example, hits-per-second on an Ingress object). :param object: The object of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :type: V2alpha1ObjectMetricSource """ self._object = object @property def pods(self): """ Gets the pods of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. pods refers to a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value. :return: The pods of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :rtype: V2alpha1PodsMetricSource """ return self._pods @pods.setter def pods(self, pods): """ Sets the pods of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. pods refers to a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value. :param pods: The pods of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :type: V2alpha1PodsMetricSource """ self._pods = pods @property def resource(self): """ Gets the resource of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. resource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the \"pods\" source. :return: The resource of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :rtype: V2alpha1ResourceMetricSource """ return self._resource @resource.setter def resource(self, resource): """ Sets the resource of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. resource refers to a resource metric (such as those specified in requests and limits) known to Kubernetes describing each pod in the current scale target (e.g. CPU or memory). Such metrics are built in to Kubernetes, and have special scaling options on top of those available to normal per-pod metrics using the \"pods\" source. :param resource: The resource of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :type: V2alpha1ResourceMetricSource """ self._resource = resource @property def type(self): """ Gets the type of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. type is the type of metric source. It should match one of the fields below. :return: The type of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :rtype: str """ return self._type @type.setter def type(self, type): """ Sets the type of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. type is the type of metric source. It should match one of the fields below. :param type: The type of this V2alpha1MetricSpec. :type: str """ if type is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `type`, must not be `None`") self._type = type def to_dict(self): """ Returns the model properties as a dict """ result = {} for attr, _ in iteritems(self.swagger_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, list): result[attr] = list(map( lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x, value )) elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[attr] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict()) if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item, value.items() )) else: result[attr] = value return result def to_str(self): """ Returns the string representation of the model """ return pformat(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): """ For `print` and `pprint` """ return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """ Returns true if both objects are equal """ return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """ Returns true if both objects are not equal """ return not self == other
""" Cross Site Request Forgery Middleware. This module provides a middleware that implements protection against request forgeries from other sites. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import re from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import get_callable from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare, get_random_string from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.http import same_origin logger = logging.getLogger('django.request') REASON_NO_REFERER = "Referer checking failed - no Referer." REASON_BAD_REFERER = "Referer checking failed - %s does not match any trusted origins." REASON_NO_CSRF_COOKIE = "CSRF cookie not set." REASON_BAD_TOKEN = "CSRF token missing or incorrect." CSRF_KEY_LENGTH = 32 def _get_failure_view(): """ Returns the view to be used for CSRF rejections """ return get_callable(settings.CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW) def _get_new_csrf_key(): return get_random_string(CSRF_KEY_LENGTH) def get_token(request): """ Returns the CSRF token required for a POST form. The token is an alphanumeric value. A new token is created if one is not already set. A side effect of calling this function is to make the csrf_protect decorator and the CsrfViewMiddleware add a CSRF cookie and a 'Vary: Cookie' header to the outgoing response. For this reason, you may need to use this function lazily, as is done by the csrf context processor. """ if "CSRF_COOKIE" not in request.META: request.META["CSRF_COOKIE"] = _get_new_csrf_key() request.META["CSRF_COOKIE_USED"] = True return request.META["CSRF_COOKIE"] def rotate_token(request): """ Changes the CSRF token in use for a request - should be done on login for security purposes. """ request.META.update({ "CSRF_COOKIE_USED": True, "CSRF_COOKIE": _get_new_csrf_key(), }) def _sanitize_token(token): # Allow only alphanum if len(token) > CSRF_KEY_LENGTH: return _get_new_csrf_key() token = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', force_text(token)) if token == "": # In case the cookie has been truncated to nothing at some point. return _get_new_csrf_key() return token class CsrfViewMiddleware(object): """ Middleware that requires a present and correct csrfmiddlewaretoken for POST requests that have a CSRF cookie, and sets an outgoing CSRF cookie. This middleware should be used in conjunction with the csrf_token template tag. """ # The _accept and _reject methods currently only exist for the sake of the # requires_csrf_token decorator. def _accept(self, request): # Avoid checking the request twice by adding a custom attribute to # request. This will be relevant when both decorator and middleware # are used. request.csrf_processing_done = True return None def _reject(self, request, reason): logger.warning('Forbidden (%s): %s', reason, request.path, extra={ 'status_code': 403, 'request': request, } ) return _get_failure_view()(request, reason=reason) def process_view(self, request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs): if getattr(request, 'csrf_processing_done', False): return None try: csrf_token = _sanitize_token( request.COOKIES[settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME]) # Use same token next time request.META['CSRF_COOKIE'] = csrf_token except KeyError: csrf_token = None # Wait until request.META["CSRF_COOKIE"] has been manipulated before # bailing out, so that get_token still works if getattr(callback, 'csrf_exempt', False): return None # Assume that anything not defined as 'safe' by RFC2616 needs protection if request.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'): if getattr(request, '_dont_enforce_csrf_checks', False): # Mechanism to turn off CSRF checks for test suite. # It comes after the creation of CSRF cookies, so that # everything else continues to work exactly the same # (e.g. cookies are sent, etc.), but before any # branches that call reject(). return self._accept(request) if request.is_secure(): # Suppose user visits # An active network attacker (man-in-the-middle, MITM) sends a # POST form that targets and # submits it via JavaScript. # # The attacker will need to provide a CSRF cookie and token, but # that's no problem for a MITM and the session-independent # nonce we're using. So the MITM can circumvent the CSRF # protection. This is true for any HTTP connection, but anyone # using HTTPS expects better! For this reason, for # we need additional protection that treats # as completely untrusted. Under HTTPS, # Barth et al. found that the Referer header is missing for # same-domain requests in only about 0.2% of cases or less, so # we can use strict Referer checking. referer = force_text( request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'), strings_only=True, errors='replace' ) if referer is None: return self._reject(request, REASON_NO_REFERER) # Here we generate a list of all acceptable HTTP referers, # including the current host since that has been validated # upstream. good_hosts = list(settings.CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS) # Note that request.get_host() includes the port. good_hosts.append(request.get_host()) good_referers = ['https://{0}/'.format(host) for host in good_hosts] if not any(same_origin(referer, host) for host in good_referers): reason = REASON_BAD_REFERER % referer return self._reject(request, reason) if csrf_token is None: # No CSRF cookie. For POST requests, we insist on a CSRF cookie, # and in this way we can avoid all CSRF attacks, including login # CSRF. return self._reject(request, REASON_NO_CSRF_COOKIE) # Check non-cookie token for match. request_csrf_token = "" if request.method == "POST": try: request_csrf_token = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '') except IOError: # Handle a broken connection before we've completed reading # the POST data. process_view shouldn't raise any # exceptions, so we'll ignore and serve the user a 403 # (assuming they're still listening, which they probably # aren't because of the error). pass if request_csrf_token == "": # Fall back to X-CSRFToken, to make things easier for AJAX, # and possible for PUT/DELETE. request_csrf_token = request.META.get(settings.CSRF_HEADER_NAME, '') if not constant_time_compare(request_csrf_token, csrf_token): return self._reject(request, REASON_BAD_TOKEN) return self._accept(request) def process_response(self, request, response): if getattr(response, 'csrf_processing_done', False): return response if not request.META.get("CSRF_COOKIE_USED", False): return response # Set the CSRF cookie even if it's already set, so we renew # the expiry timer. response.set_cookie(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, request.META["CSRF_COOKIE"], max_age=settings.CSRF_COOKIE_AGE, domain=settings.CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN, path=settings.CSRF_COOKIE_PATH, secure=settings.CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE, httponly=settings.CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY ) # Content varies with the CSRF cookie, so set the Vary header. patch_vary_headers(response, ('Cookie',)) response.csrf_processing_done = True return response
import os import sys import tornado.auth import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.web import simplejson as json import unicodedata import yaml from tornado.options import define, options from django.conf import settings from hydeengine import setup_env, Generator from hydeengine.siteinfo import SiteInfo from hydeengine.file_system import FileSystemEntity, File, Folder from repos.dvcs import DVCS define("port", default=8888, help="run on the given port", type=int) define("sites", default="sites.yaml", help="yaml file with site definition", type=str) class Application(tornado.web.Application): def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r"/sites", SitesJSONHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)", SiteHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/files", FilesJSONHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/content", ContentHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/content/save", SaveHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/publish", PublishHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/rename", RenameHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/delete", DeleteHandler), (r"/site/([^/]+)/generate", GenerateHandler), ] sites = yaml.load(File(options.sites).read_all()) opts = dict( static_path = File(__file__).parent.child("clydeweb/media"), sites = sites ) tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **opts) class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def init_site(self, site, force=False): if not site in self.settings['sites']: raise Exception("Site [%s] is not configured." % (site, )) self.site_path = FileSystemEntity( self.settings['sites'][site]["path"]).humblepath if not hasattr(settings, 'siteinfo'): setup_env(self.site_path) setattr(settings, 'siteinfo', {}) if not site in settings.siteinfo or force: self.siteinfo = SiteInfo(settings, self.site_path) self.siteinfo.refresh() settings.siteinfo[site] = self.siteinfo else: self.siteinfo = settings.siteinfo[site] def get(self, site): self.init_site(site) self.doget(site) def doget(self, site): abstract def post(self, site): self.init_site(site) self.dopost(site) def dopost(self, site): abstract class SitesJSONHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): d = self.settings['sites'] self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json.dumps(sorted(d.keys()))) class FilesJSONHandler(BaseHandler): def doget(self, site): d = self.siteinfo.content_node.simple_dict def jsresource(resource): return dict( attributes = dict( tooltip=resource['path'], rel='file'), data = dict(title=resource['name']) ) def jsnode(node): children = [jsresource(resource) for resource in node['resources']] children.append([jsnode(child_node) for child_node in node['nodes']]) return dict( attributes = dict(tooltip=node['path'], rel='folder'), data = dict( title=node['name'],attributes=dict()), children=children ) jsdict = jsnode(d) jsdict['state'] = 'open' jsonobj = json.dumps(jsdict) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(jsonobj) class ContentHandler(BaseHandler): def doget(self, site): path = self.get_argument("path", None) if not path: return f = File(self.siteinfo.folder.child(path)) if not f.exists: return self.write(f.read_all()) class SiteHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self, site): self.render("clydeweb/templates/site.html", site=site) class GenerateHandler(BaseHandler): def dopost(self, site): Generator(self.site_path).generate() class RenameHandler(BaseHandler): def dopost(self, site): path = self.get_argument("path", None) original_path = self.get_argument("original_path", None) type = self.get_argument('type', None) repo = self.settings['sites'][site]['repo'] dvcs = DVCS.load_dvcs(self.siteinfo.folder.path, repo) if type == "file": f = File(self.siteinfo.folder.child(original_path)) newf = File(self.siteinfo.folder.child(path)) if not f.exists: newf.write("") dvcs.add_file(newf) else: f.move_to(newf) dvcs.add_file(newf, message="Renamed " + path) else: f = Folder(self.siteinfo.folder.child(original_path)) newf = Folder(self.siteinfo.folder.child(path)) if not f.exists: newf.make() else: f.move_to(newf) dvcs.add_file(newf, message="Renamed " + path) self.init_site(site, force=True) class DeleteHandler(BaseHandler): def dopost(self, site): path = self.get_argument("path", None) type = self.get_argument('type', None) repo = self.settings['sites'][site]['repo'] dvcs = DVCS.load_dvcs(self.siteinfo.folder.path, repo) f = None if type == "file": f = File(self.siteinfo.folder.child(path)) else: f = Folder(self.siteinfo.folder.child(path)) f.delete() dvcs.save_draft() self.init_site(site, force=True) class SaveHandler(BaseHandler): def dopost(self, site): path = self.get_argument("path", None) if not path: return content = self.get_argument("content", None) f = File(self.siteinfo.folder.child(path)) f.write(content) repo = self.settings['sites'][site]['repo'] dvcs = DVCS.load_dvcs(self.siteinfo.folder.path, repo) dvcs.save_draft() class PublishHandler(BaseHandler): def dopost(self, site): repo = self.settings['sites'][site]['repo'] dvcs = DVCS.load_dvcs(self.siteinfo.folder.path, repo) dvcs.publish() def main(): tornado.options.parse_command_line() http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(Application()) http_server.listen(options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import chanutils.reddit _SUBREDDIT = 'fullmoviesonyoutube' _FEEDLIST = [ {'title':'Latest', 'url':''}, {'title':'Action', 'url':''}, {'title':'Adventure', 'url':''}, {'title':'Animation', 'url':''}, {'title':'Biography', 'url':''}, {'title':'Comedy', 'url':''}, {'title':'Crime', 'url':''}, {'title':'Documentary', 'url':''}, {'title':'Drama', 'url':''}, {'title':'Family', 'url':''}, {'title':'Fantasy', 'url':''}, {'title':'Film-Noir', 'url':''}, {'title':'History', 'url':''}, {'title':'Horror', 'url':''}, {'title':'Misc/Adult', 'url':''}, {'title':'Musical', 'url':''}, {'title':'Mystery', 'url':''}, {'title':'Romance', 'url':''}, {'title':'Sci-Fi', 'url':''}, {'title':'Sport', 'url':''}, {'title':'Thriller', 'url':''}, {'title':'War', 'url':''}, {'title':'Western', 'url':''}, ] def name(): return 'Youtube Movies' def image(): return "icon.png" def description(): return "Full movies available on Youtube. Data imported from /r/fullmoviesonyoutube subreddit (<a target='_blank' href=''></a>)." def feedlist(): return _FEEDLIST def feed(idx): return chanutils.reddit.get_feed(_FEEDLIST[idx], moviesubs=True) def search(q): return, q, moviesubs=True)
# -*- coding:utf8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from accounts.choices import SOCIAL_CHOICES from django.conf import settings class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField('auth.User', related_name='userprofile') site = models.URLField() bio = models.TextField() picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='profiles', blank=True) def __unicode__(self): return u'Profile of user: %s' % self.user.username def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('profile-detail', kwargs={'slug': self.user.username}) def is_post_recommended(self, post): ids = [] for post_recommended in self.user.posts_recommended.all(): ids.append( return in ids def is_comment_recommended(self, comment): ids = [] for comment_recommended in self.user.comments_recommended.all(): ids.append( return in ids def is_comment_liked(self, comment): ids = [] for comment_liked in self.user.comments_liked.all(): ids.append( return in ids def is_comment_unliked(self, comment): ids = [] for comment_unliked in self.user.comments_unliked.all(): ids.append( return in ids # from django.dispatch import receiver # from django.db.models.signals import post_save # #faz com que, todo usuário tenha um profile # @receiver(post_save, sender=User) # def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): # if created: # UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=instance) class SocialNetwork(models.Model): icon = models.CharField(max_length=30, choices=SOCIAL_CHOICES.items()) name = models.CharField(max_length=50) url = models.URLField() users = models.ManyToManyField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, through='Social', through_fields=('social_network', 'user')) def __unicode__(self): return class Social(models.Model): profile = models.CharField(max_length=100) social_network = models.ForeignKey(SocialNetwork) user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='social_set')
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Benchmark for Conv2D op.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import itertools import time from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import rewriter_config_pb2 from tensorflow.python.client import session as session_lib from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import flags from tensorflow.python.platform import test FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_boolean( "enable_layout_optimizer", False, "If true, enables layout optimizer to update input data format for faster " "execution of convolution ops.") def build_graph(device, dtype, data_format, input_shape, filter_shape, strides, padding, num_iters, warmup_iters): """builds a graph containing a sequence of conv2d operations. Args: device: String, the device to run on. dtype: Data type for the convolution. data_format: A string from: "NHWC" or "NCHW". Data format for input and output data. input_shape: Shape of the input tensor. filter_shape: Shape of the filter tensor. strides: A list of ints. 1-D of length 4. The stride of sliding window for each dimension of input. padding: A string from: "SAME", "VALID". The type of padding algorithm to use. num_iters: number of iterations to run conv2d. warmup_iters: number of iterations for warmup runs. Returns: An array of tensors to run() """ with ops.device("/%s:0" % device): inp = variables.VariableV1( random_ops.truncated_normal(input_shape, dtype=dtype)) filt = variables.VariableV1( random_ops.truncated_normal(filter_shape, dtype=dtype)) outputs = [] conv2d_op = nn_ops.conv2d( inp, filt, strides, padding, data_format=data_format) outputs.append(conv2d_op) for _ in range(1, num_iters): with ops.control_dependencies([conv2d_op]): conv2d_op = nn_ops.conv2d( inp, filt, strides, padding, data_format=data_format) outputs.append(conv2d_op) warmup_groups = [] warmup_conv2d_op = nn_ops.conv2d( inp, filt, strides, padding, data_format=data_format) warmup_groups.append(warmup_conv2d_op) for _ in range(1, warmup_iters): with ops.control_dependencies([warmup_conv2d_op]): warmup_conv2d_op = nn_ops.conv2d( inp, filt, strides, padding, data_format=data_format) warmup_groups.append(warmup_conv2d_op) return*warmup_groups), *outputs) class Conv2DBenchmark(test.Benchmark): """Benchmark conv2d!""" def _run_graph(self, device, dtype, data_format, input_shape, filter_shape, strides, padding, num_iters, warmup_iters): """runs the graph and print its execution time. Args: device: String, the device to run on. dtype: Data type for the convolution. data_format: A string from: "NHWC" or "NCHW". Data format for input and output data. input_shape: Shape of the input tensor. filter_shape: Shape of the filter tensor. strides: A list of ints. 1-D of length 4. The stride of sliding window for each dimension of input. padding: A string from: "SAME", "VALID". The type of padding algorithm to use. num_iters: Number of iterations to run the benchmark. num_iters: number of iterations to run conv2d. warmup_iters: number of iterations for warmup runs. Returns: The duration of the run in seconds. """ graph = ops.Graph() with graph.as_default(): warmup_outputs, outputs = build_graph(device, dtype, data_format, input_shape, filter_shape, strides, padding, num_iters, warmup_iters) config = config_pb2.ConfigProto() config.graph_options.optimizer_options.opt_level = -1 rewrite_options = config.graph_options.rewrite_options # Disable layout optimizer to not change input data_format. rewrite_options.layout_optimizer = ( rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig.ON if FLAGS.enable_layout_optimizer else rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig.OFF) # Convolution ops are effectively noop in the test graph as we are not # fetching the convolution outputs. Disable dependency optimizer to not # remove the conv ops. rewrite_options.dependency_optimization = ( rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig.OFF) with session_lib.Session(graph=graph, config=config) as session: # TODO(hinsu): Use run_op_benchmark method from test.Benchmark to run # benchmark along with warmup. variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # warmup runs start_time = time.time() duration = (time.time() - start_time) / num_iters print("%s %s %s inputshape:%s filtershape:%s strides:%s padding:%s " "%d iters: %.8f sec" % (device, str(dtype), data_format, str(input_shape).replace( " ", ""), str(filter_shape).replace(" ", ""), str(strides).replace(" ", ""), padding, num_iters, duration)) name_template = ( "conv2d_{device}_{datatype}_{data_format}_input_shape_{inputshape}_" "filter_shape_{filtershape}_strides_{strides}_padding_{padding}") self.report_benchmark( name=name_template.format( device=device, datatype=str(dtype), data_format=str(data_format), inputshape=str(input_shape).replace(" ", ""), filtershape=str(filter_shape).replace(" ", ""), strides=str(strides).replace(" ", ""), padding=padding).replace(" ", ""), iters=num_iters, wall_time=duration) return duration def benchmark_conv2d(self): print("conv2d benchmark:") data_types = [dtypes.float32, dtypes.float16] data_formats = ["NHWC", "NCHW"] in_channels = list(range(1, 10)) + list(range(10, 20, 2)) + list( range(20, 33, 4)) out_channels = [4, 16, 32] hw_strides = [[2, 2]] paddings = ["VALID", "SAME"] args_lists = [ data_types, data_formats, in_channels, out_channels, hw_strides, paddings ] for args in itertools.product(*args_lists): dtype, data_format, in_channel, out_channel, hw_stride, padding = args # Keep batch size same as out channels just to reduce the number of # different configurations to benchmark. batch_size = out_channel h, w, fh, fw = 500, 500, 3, 3 if data_format == "NHWC": ishape = [batch_size, h, w, in_channel] stride = [1] + hw_stride + [1] elif data_format == "NCHW": ishape = [batch_size, in_channel, h, w] stride = [1, 1] + hw_stride else: raise ValueError("Unknown data_format: " + str(data_format)) fshape = [fh, fw, in_channel, out_channel] num_iters = 80 warmup_iters = 2 self._run_graph("gpu", dtype, data_format, ishape, fshape, stride, padding, num_iters, warmup_iters) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
# # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __doc__ = """ io compatibility module for older (pre-2.6) Python versions This does not not NOT (repeat, *NOT*) provide complete io functionality. It only wraps the portions of io functionality used by SCons, in an interface that looks enough like io for our purposes. """ __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/compat/ 5023 2010/06/14 22:05:46 scons" # Use the "imp" module to protect the imports below from fixers. import imp _cStringIO = imp.load_module('cStringIO', *imp.find_module('cStringIO')) StringIO = _cStringIO.StringIO del _cStringIO # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
'''"Executable documentation" for the pickle module. Extensive comments about the pickle protocols and pickle-machine opcodes can be found here. Some functions meant for external use: genops(pickle) Generate all the opcodes in a pickle, as (opcode, arg, position) triples. dis(pickle, out=None, memo=None, indentlevel=4) Print a symbolic disassembly of a pickle. ''' __all__ = ['dis', 'genops', 'optimize'] # Other ideas: # # - A pickle verifier: read a pickle and check it exhaustively for # well-formedness. dis() does a lot of this already. # # - A protocol identifier: examine a pickle and return its protocol number # (== the highest .proto attr value among all the opcodes in the pickle). # dis() already prints this info at the end. # # - A pickle optimizer: for example, tuple-building code is sometimes more # elaborate than necessary, catering for the possibility that the tuple # is recursive. Or lots of times a PUT is generated that's never accessed # by a later GET. """ "A pickle" is a program for a virtual pickle machine (PM, but more accurately called an unpickling machine). It's a sequence of opcodes, interpreted by the PM, building an arbitrarily complex Python object. For the most part, the PM is very simple: there are no looping, testing, or conditional instructions, no arithmetic and no function calls. Opcodes are executed once each, from first to last, until a STOP opcode is reached. The PM has two data areas, "the stack" and "the memo". Many opcodes push Python objects onto the stack; e.g., INT pushes a Python integer object on the stack, whose value is gotten from a decimal string literal immediately following the INT opcode in the pickle bytestream. Other opcodes take Python objects off the stack. The result of unpickling is whatever object is left on the stack when the final STOP opcode is executed. The memo is simply an array of objects, or it can be implemented as a dict mapping little integers to objects. The memo serves as the PM's "long term memory", and the little integers indexing the memo are akin to variable names. Some opcodes pop a stack object into the memo at a given index, and others push a memo object at a given index onto the stack again. At heart, that's all the PM has. Subtleties arise for these reasons: + Object identity. Objects can be arbitrarily complex, and subobjects may be shared (for example, the list [a, a] refers to the same object a twice). It can be vital that unpickling recreate an isomorphic object graph, faithfully reproducing sharing. + Recursive objects. For example, after "L = []; L.append(L)", L is a list, and L[0] is the same list. This is related to the object identity point, and some sequences of pickle opcodes are subtle in order to get the right result in all cases. + Things pickle doesn't know everything about. Examples of things pickle does know everything about are Python's builtin scalar and container types, like ints and tuples. They generally have opcodes dedicated to them. For things like module references and instances of user-defined classes, pickle's knowledge is limited. Historically, many enhancements have been made to the pickle protocol in order to do a better (faster, and/or more compact) job on those. + Backward compatibility and micro-optimization. As explained below, pickle opcodes never go away, not even when better ways to do a thing get invented. The repertoire of the PM just keeps growing over time. For example, protocol 0 had two opcodes for building Python integers (INT and LONG), protocol 1 added three more for more-efficient pickling of short integers, and protocol 2 added two more for more-efficient pickling of long integers (before protocol 2, the only ways to pickle a Python long took time quadratic in the number of digits, for both pickling and unpickling). "Opcode bloat" isn't so much a subtlety as a source of wearying complication. Pickle protocols: For compatibility, the meaning of a pickle opcode never changes. Instead new pickle opcodes get added, and each version's unpickler can handle all the pickle opcodes in all protocol versions to date. So old pickles continue to be readable forever. The pickler can generally be told to restrict itself to the subset of opcodes available under previous protocol versions too, so that users can create pickles under the current version readable by older versions. However, a pickle does not contain its version number embedded within it. If an older unpickler tries to read a pickle using a later protocol, the result is most likely an exception due to seeing an unknown (in the older unpickler) opcode. The original pickle used what's now called "protocol 0", and what was called "text mode" before Python 2.3. The entire pickle bytestream is made up of printable 7-bit ASCII characters, plus the newline character, in protocol 0. That's why it was called text mode. Protocol 0 is small and elegant, but sometimes painfully inefficient. The second major set of additions is now called "protocol 1", and was called "binary mode" before Python 2.3. This added many opcodes with arguments consisting of arbitrary bytes, including NUL bytes and unprintable "high bit" bytes. Binary mode pickles can be substantially smaller than equivalent text mode pickles, and sometimes faster too; e.g., BININT represents a 4-byte int as 4 bytes following the opcode, which is cheaper to unpickle than the (perhaps) 11-character decimal string attached to INT. Protocol 1 also added a number of opcodes that operate on many stack elements at once (like APPENDS and SETITEMS), and "shortcut" opcodes (like EMPTY_DICT and EMPTY_TUPLE). The third major set of additions came in Python 2.3, and is called "protocol 2". This added: - A better way to pickle instances of new-style classes (NEWOBJ). - A way for a pickle to identify its protocol (PROTO). - Time- and space- efficient pickling of long ints (LONG{1,4}). - Shortcuts for small tuples (TUPLE{1,2,3}}. - Dedicated opcodes for bools (NEWTRUE, NEWFALSE). - The "extension registry", a vector of popular objects that can be pushed efficiently by index (EXT{1,2,4}). This is akin to the memo and GET, but the registry contents are predefined (there's nothing akin to the memo's PUT). Another independent change with Python 2.3 is the abandonment of any pretense that it might be safe to load pickles received from untrusted parties -- no sufficient security analysis has been done to guarantee this and there isn't a use case that warrants the expense of such an analysis. To this end, all tests for __safe_for_unpickling__ or for copy_reg.safe_constructors are removed from the unpickling code. References to these variables in the descriptions below are to be seen as describing unpickling in Python 2.2 and before. """ # Meta-rule: Descriptions are stored in instances of descriptor objects, # with plain constructors. No meta-language is defined from which # descriptors could be constructed. If you want, e.g., XML, write a little # program to generate XML from the objects. ############################################################################## # Some pickle opcodes have an argument, following the opcode in the # bytestream. An argument is of a specific type, described by an instance # of ArgumentDescriptor. These are not to be confused with arguments taken # off the stack -- ArgumentDescriptor applies only to arguments embedded in # the opcode stream, immediately following an opcode. # Represents the number of bytes consumed by an argument delimited by the # next newline character. UP_TO_NEWLINE = -1 # Represents the number of bytes consumed by a two-argument opcode where # the first argument gives the number of bytes in the second argument. TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT1 = -2 # num bytes is 1-byte unsigned int TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4 = -3 # num bytes is 4-byte signed little-endian int class ArgumentDescriptor(object): __slots__ = ( # name of descriptor record, also a module global name; a string 'name', # length of argument, in bytes; an int; UP_TO_NEWLINE and # TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT{1,4} are negative values for variable-length # cases 'n', # a function taking a file-like object, reading this kind of argument # from the object at the current position, advancing the current # position by n bytes, and returning the value of the argument 'reader', # human-readable docs for this arg descriptor; a string 'doc', ) def __init__(self, name, n, reader, doc): assert isinstance(name, str) = name assert isinstance(n, int) and (n >= 0 or n in (UP_TO_NEWLINE, TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT1, TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4)) self.n = n self.reader = reader assert isinstance(doc, str) self.doc = doc from struct import unpack as _unpack def read_uint1(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_uint1(StringIO.StringIO('\xff')) 255 """ data = if data: return ord(data) raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint1") uint1 = ArgumentDescriptor( name='uint1', n=1, reader=read_uint1, doc="One-byte unsigned integer.") def read_uint2(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00')) 255 >>> read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\xff')) 65535 """ data = if len(data) == 2: return _unpack("<H", data)[0] raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint2") uint2 = ArgumentDescriptor( name='uint2', n=2, reader=read_uint2, doc="Two-byte unsigned integer, little-endian.") def read_int4(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00\x00\x00')) 255 >>> read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\x00\x00\x00\x80')) == -(2**31) True """ data = if len(data) == 4: return _unpack("<i", data)[0] raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read int4") int4 = ArgumentDescriptor( name='int4', n=4, reader=read_int4, doc="Four-byte signed integer, little-endian, 2's complement.") def read_stringnl(f, decode=True, stripquotes=True): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("'abcd'\nefg\n")) 'abcd' >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n")) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no string quotes around '' >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n"), stripquotes=False) '' >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("''\n")) '' >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO('"abcd"')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no newline found when trying to read stringnl Embedded escapes are undone in the result. >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO(r"'a\n\\b\x00c\td'" + "\n'e'")) 'a\n\\b\x00c\td' """ data = f.readline() if not data.endswith('\n'): raise ValueError("no newline found when trying to read stringnl") data = data[:-1] # lose the newline if stripquotes: for q in "'\"": if data.startswith(q): if not data.endswith(q): raise ValueError("strinq quote %r not found at both " "ends of %r" % (q, data)) data = data[1:-1] break else: raise ValueError("no string quotes around %r" % data) # I'm not sure when 'string_escape' was added to the std codecs; it's # crazy not to use it if it's there. if decode: data = data.decode('string_escape') return data stringnl = ArgumentDescriptor( name='stringnl', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_stringnl, doc="""A newline-terminated string. This is a repr-style string, with embedded escapes, and bracketing quotes. """) def read_stringnl_noescape(f): return read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False) stringnl_noescape = ArgumentDescriptor( name='stringnl_noescape', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_stringnl_noescape, doc="""A newline-terminated string. This is a str-style string, without embedded escapes, or bracketing quotes. It should consist solely of printable ASCII characters. """) def read_stringnl_noescape_pair(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_stringnl_noescape_pair(StringIO.StringIO("Queue\nEmpty\njunk")) 'Queue Empty' """ return "%s %s" % (read_stringnl_noescape(f), read_stringnl_noescape(f)) stringnl_noescape_pair = ArgumentDescriptor( name='stringnl_noescape_pair', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_stringnl_noescape_pair, doc="""A pair of newline-terminated strings. These are str-style strings, without embedded escapes, or bracketing quotes. They should consist solely of printable ASCII characters. The pair is returned as a single string, with a single blank separating the two strings. """) def read_string4(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00abc")) '' >>> read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x03\x00\x00\x00abcdef")) 'abc' >>> read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x03abcdef")) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected 50331648 bytes in a string4, but only 6 remain """ n = read_int4(f) if n < 0: raise ValueError("string4 byte count < 0: %d" % n) data = if len(data) == n: return data raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a string4, but only %d remain" % (n, len(data))) string4 = ArgumentDescriptor( name="string4", n=TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4, reader=read_string4, doc="""A counted string. The first argument is a 4-byte little-endian signed int giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second argument is that many bytes. """) def read_string1(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00")) '' >>> read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x03abcdef")) 'abc' """ n = read_uint1(f) assert n >= 0 data = if len(data) == n: return data raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a string1, but only %d remain" % (n, len(data))) string1 = ArgumentDescriptor( name="string1", n=TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT1, reader=read_string1, doc="""A counted string. The first argument is a 1-byte unsigned int giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second argument is that many bytes. """) def read_unicodestringnl(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_unicodestringnl(StringIO.StringIO("abc\uabcd\njunk")) u'abc\uabcd' """ data = f.readline() if not data.endswith('\n'): raise ValueError("no newline found when trying to read " "unicodestringnl") data = data[:-1] # lose the newline return unicode(data, 'raw-unicode-escape') unicodestringnl = ArgumentDescriptor( name='unicodestringnl', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_unicodestringnl, doc="""A newline-terminated Unicode string. This is raw-unicode-escape encoded, so consists of printable ASCII characters, and may contain embedded escape sequences. """) def read_unicodestring4(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> s = u'abcd\uabcd' >>> enc = s.encode('utf-8') >>> enc 'abcd\xea\xaf\x8d' >>> n = chr(len(enc)) + chr(0) * 3 # little-endian 4-byte length >>> t = read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc + 'junk')) >>> s == t True >>> read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc[:-1])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expected 7 bytes in a unicodestring4, but only 6 remain """ n = read_int4(f) if n < 0: raise ValueError("unicodestring4 byte count < 0: %d" % n) data = if len(data) == n: return unicode(data, 'utf-8') raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a unicodestring4, but only %d " "remain" % (n, len(data))) unicodestring4 = ArgumentDescriptor( name="unicodestring4", n=TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4, reader=read_unicodestring4, doc="""A counted Unicode string. The first argument is a 4-byte little-endian signed int giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second argument-- the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode string -- contains that many bytes. """) def read_decimalnl_short(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56")) 1234 >>> read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56")) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: trailing 'L' not allowed in '1234L' """ s = read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False) if s.endswith("L"): raise ValueError("trailing 'L' not allowed in %r" % s) # It's not necessarily true that the result fits in a Python short int: # the pickle may have been written on a 64-bit box. There's also a hack # for True and False here. if s == "00": return False elif s == "01": return True try: return int(s) except OverflowError: return long(s) def read_decimalnl_long(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56")) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: trailing 'L' required in '1234' Someday the trailing 'L' will probably go away from this output. >>> read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56")) 1234L >>> read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("123456789012345678901234L\n6")) 123456789012345678901234L """ s = read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False) if not s.endswith("L"): raise ValueError("trailing 'L' required in %r" % s) return long(s) decimalnl_short = ArgumentDescriptor( name='decimalnl_short', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_decimalnl_short, doc="""A newline-terminated decimal integer literal. This never has a trailing 'L', and the integer fit in a short Python int on the box where the pickle was written -- but there's no guarantee it will fit in a short Python int on the box where the pickle is read. """) decimalnl_long = ArgumentDescriptor( name='decimalnl_long', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_decimalnl_long, doc="""A newline-terminated decimal integer literal. This has a trailing 'L', and can represent integers of any size. """) def read_floatnl(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_floatnl(StringIO.StringIO("-1.25\n6")) -1.25 """ s = read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False) return float(s) floatnl = ArgumentDescriptor( name='floatnl', n=UP_TO_NEWLINE, reader=read_floatnl, doc="""A newline-terminated decimal floating literal. In general this requires 17 significant digits for roundtrip identity, and pickling then unpickling infinities, NaNs, and minus zero doesn't work across boxes, or on some boxes even on itself (e.g., Windows can't read the strings it produces for infinities or NaNs). """) def read_float8(f): r""" >>> import StringIO, struct >>> raw = struct.pack(">d", -1.25) >>> raw '\xbf\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' >>> read_float8(StringIO.StringIO(raw + "\n")) -1.25 """ data = if len(data) == 8: return _unpack(">d", data)[0] raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read float8") float8 = ArgumentDescriptor( name='float8', n=8, reader=read_float8, doc="""An 8-byte binary representation of a float, big-endian. The format is unique to Python, and shared with the struct module (format string '>d') "in theory" (the struct and cPickle implementations don't share the code -- they should). It's strongly related to the IEEE-754 double format, and, in normal cases, is in fact identical to the big-endian 754 double format. On other boxes the dynamic range is limited to that of a 754 double, and "add a half and chop" rounding is used to reduce the precision to 53 bits. However, even on a 754 box, infinities, NaNs, and minus zero may not be handled correctly (may not survive roundtrip pickling intact). """) # Protocol 2 formats from pickle import decode_long def read_long1(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00")) 0L >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x00")) 255L >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x7f")) 32767L >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\xff")) -256L >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x80")) -32768L """ n = read_uint1(f) data = if len(data) != n: raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read long1") return decode_long(data) long1 = ArgumentDescriptor( name="long1", n=TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT1, reader=read_long1, doc="""A binary long, little-endian, using 1-byte size. This first reads one byte as an unsigned size, then reads that many bytes and interprets them as a little-endian 2's-complement long. If the size is 0, that's taken as a shortcut for the long 0L. """) def read_long4(f): r""" >>> import StringIO >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00")) 255L >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7f")) 32767L >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff")) -256L >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80")) -32768L >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00")) 0L """ n = read_int4(f) if n < 0: raise ValueError("long4 byte count < 0: %d" % n) data = if len(data) != n: raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read long4") return decode_long(data) long4 = ArgumentDescriptor( name="long4", n=TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4, reader=read_long4, doc="""A binary representation of a long, little-endian. This first reads four bytes as a signed size (but requires the size to be >= 0), then reads that many bytes and interprets them as a little-endian 2's-complement long. If the size is 0, that's taken as a shortcut for the long 0L, although LONG1 should really be used then instead (and in any case where # of bytes < 256). """) ############################################################################## # Object descriptors. The stack used by the pickle machine holds objects, # and in the stack_before and stack_after attributes of OpcodeInfo # descriptors we need names to describe the various types of objects that can # appear on the stack. class StackObject(object): __slots__ = ( # name of descriptor record, for info only 'name', # type of object, or tuple of type objects (meaning the object can # be of any type in the tuple) 'obtype', # human-readable docs for this kind of stack object; a string 'doc', ) def __init__(self, name, obtype, doc): assert isinstance(name, str) = name assert isinstance(obtype, type) or isinstance(obtype, tuple) if isinstance(obtype, tuple): for contained in obtype: assert isinstance(contained, type) self.obtype = obtype assert isinstance(doc, str) self.doc = doc def __repr__(self): return pyint = StackObject( name='int', obtype=int, doc="A short (as opposed to long) Python integer object.") pylong = StackObject( name='long', obtype=long, doc="A long (as opposed to short) Python integer object.") pyinteger_or_bool = StackObject( name='int_or_bool', obtype=(int, long, bool), doc="A Python integer object (short or long), or " "a Python bool.") pybool = StackObject( name='bool', obtype=(bool,), doc="A Python bool object.") pyfloat = StackObject( name='float', obtype=float, doc="A Python float object.") pystring = StackObject( name='str', obtype=str, doc="A Python string object.") pyunicode = StackObject( name='unicode', obtype=unicode, doc="A Python Unicode string object.") pynone = StackObject( name="None", obtype=type(None), doc="The Python None object.") pytuple = StackObject( name="tuple", obtype=tuple, doc="A Python tuple object.") pylist = StackObject( name="list", obtype=list, doc="A Python list object.") pydict = StackObject( name="dict", obtype=dict, doc="A Python dict object.") anyobject = StackObject( name='any', obtype=object, doc="Any kind of object whatsoever.") markobject = StackObject( name="mark", obtype=StackObject, doc="""'The mark' is a unique object. Opcodes that operate on a variable number of objects generally don't embed the count of objects in the opcode, or pull it off the stack. Instead the MARK opcode is used to push a special marker object on the stack, and then some other opcodes grab all the objects from the top of the stack down to (but not including) the topmost marker object. """) stackslice = StackObject( name="stackslice", obtype=StackObject, doc="""An object representing a contiguous slice of the stack. This is used in conjuction with markobject, to represent all of the stack following the topmost markobject. For example, the POP_MARK opcode changes the stack from [..., markobject, stackslice] to [...] No matter how many object are on the stack after the topmost markobject, POP_MARK gets rid of all of them (including the topmost markobject too). """) ############################################################################## # Descriptors for pickle opcodes. class OpcodeInfo(object): __slots__ = ( # symbolic name of opcode; a string 'name', # the code used in a bytestream to represent the opcode; a # one-character string 'code', # If the opcode has an argument embedded in the byte string, an # instance of ArgumentDescriptor specifying its type. Note that # arg.reader(s) can be used to read and decode the argument from # the bytestream s, and arg.doc documents the format of the raw # argument bytes. If the opcode doesn't have an argument embedded # in the bytestream, arg should be None. 'arg', # what the stack looks like before this opcode runs; a list 'stack_before', # what the stack looks like after this opcode runs; a list 'stack_after', # the protocol number in which this opcode was introduced; an int 'proto', # human-readable docs for this opcode; a string 'doc', ) def __init__(self, name, code, arg, stack_before, stack_after, proto, doc): assert isinstance(name, str) = name assert isinstance(code, str) assert len(code) == 1 self.code = code assert arg is None or isinstance(arg, ArgumentDescriptor) self.arg = arg assert isinstance(stack_before, list) for x in stack_before: assert isinstance(x, StackObject) self.stack_before = stack_before assert isinstance(stack_after, list) for x in stack_after: assert isinstance(x, StackObject) self.stack_after = stack_after assert isinstance(proto, int) and 0 <= proto <= 2 self.proto = proto assert isinstance(doc, str) self.doc = doc I = OpcodeInfo opcodes = [ # Ways to spell integers. I(name='INT', code='I', arg=decimalnl_short, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyinteger_or_bool], proto=0, doc="""Push an integer or bool. The argument is a newline-terminated decimal literal string. The intent may have been that this always fit in a short Python int, but INT can be generated in pickles written on a 64-bit box that require a Python long on a 32-bit box. The difference between this and LONG then is that INT skips a trailing 'L', and produces a short int whenever possible. Another difference is due to that, when bool was introduced as a distinct type in 2.3, builtin names True and False were also added to 2.2.2, mapping to ints 1 and 0. For compatibility in both directions, True gets pickled as INT + "I01\\n", and False as INT + "I00\\n". Leading zeroes are never produced for a genuine integer. The 2.3 (and later) unpicklers special-case these and return bool instead; earlier unpicklers ignore the leading "0" and return the int. """), I(name='BININT', code='J', arg=int4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyint], proto=1, doc="""Push a four-byte signed integer. This handles the full range of Python (short) integers on a 32-bit box, directly as binary bytes (1 for the opcode and 4 for the integer). If the integer is non-negative and fits in 1 or 2 bytes, pickling via BININT1 or BININT2 saves space. """), I(name='BININT1', code='K', arg=uint1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyint], proto=1, doc="""Push a one-byte unsigned integer. This is a space optimization for pickling very small non-negative ints, in range(256). """), I(name='BININT2', code='M', arg=uint2, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyint], proto=1, doc="""Push a two-byte unsigned integer. This is a space optimization for pickling small positive ints, in range(256, 2**16). Integers in range(256) can also be pickled via BININT2, but BININT1 instead saves a byte. """), I(name='LONG', code='L', arg=decimalnl_long, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pylong], proto=0, doc="""Push a long integer. The same as INT, except that the literal ends with 'L', and always unpickles to a Python long. There doesn't seem a real purpose to the trailing 'L'. Note that LONG takes time quadratic in the number of digits when unpickling (this is simply due to the nature of decimal->binary conversion). Proto 2 added linear-time (in C; still quadratic-time in Python) LONG1 and LONG4 opcodes. """), I(name="LONG1", code='\x8a', arg=long1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pylong], proto=2, doc="""Long integer using one-byte length. A more efficient encoding of a Python long; the long1 encoding says it all."""), I(name="LONG4", code='\x8b', arg=long4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pylong], proto=2, doc="""Long integer using found-byte length. A more efficient encoding of a Python long; the long4 encoding says it all."""), # Ways to spell strings (8-bit, not Unicode). I(name='STRING', code='S', arg=stringnl, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pystring], proto=0, doc="""Push a Python string object. The argument is a repr-style string, with bracketing quote characters, and perhaps embedded escapes. The argument extends until the next newline character. """), I(name='BINSTRING', code='T', arg=string4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pystring], proto=1, doc="""Push a Python string object. There are two arguments: the first is a 4-byte little-endian signed int giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second is that many bytes, which are taken literally as the string content. """), I(name='SHORT_BINSTRING', code='U', arg=string1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pystring], proto=1, doc="""Push a Python string object. There are two arguments: the first is a 1-byte unsigned int giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second is that many bytes, which are taken literally as the string content. """), # Ways to spell None. I(name='NONE', code='N', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pynone], proto=0, doc="Push None on the stack."), # Ways to spell bools, starting with proto 2. See INT for how this was # done before proto 2. I(name='NEWTRUE', code='\x88', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pybool], proto=2, doc="""True. Push True onto the stack."""), I(name='NEWFALSE', code='\x89', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pybool], proto=2, doc="""True. Push False onto the stack."""), # Ways to spell Unicode strings. I(name='UNICODE', code='V', arg=unicodestringnl, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyunicode], proto=0, # this may be pure-text, but it's a later addition doc="""Push a Python Unicode string object. The argument is a raw-unicode-escape encoding of a Unicode string, and so may contain embedded escape sequences. The argument extends until the next newline character. """), I(name='BINUNICODE', code='X', arg=unicodestring4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyunicode], proto=1, doc="""Push a Python Unicode string object. There are two arguments: the first is a 4-byte little-endian signed int giving the number of bytes in the string. The second is that many bytes, and is the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode string. """), # Ways to spell floats. I(name='FLOAT', code='F', arg=floatnl, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyfloat], proto=0, doc="""Newline-terminated decimal float literal. The argument is repr(a_float), and in general requires 17 significant digits for roundtrip conversion to be an identity (this is so for IEEE-754 double precision values, which is what Python float maps to on most boxes). In general, FLOAT cannot be used to transport infinities, NaNs, or minus zero across boxes (or even on a single box, if the platform C library can't read the strings it produces for such things -- Windows is like that), but may do less damage than BINFLOAT on boxes with greater precision or dynamic range than IEEE-754 double. """), I(name='BINFLOAT', code='G', arg=float8, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pyfloat], proto=1, doc="""Float stored in binary form, with 8 bytes of data. This generally requires less than half the space of FLOAT encoding. In general, BINFLOAT cannot be used to transport infinities, NaNs, or minus zero, raises an exception if the exponent exceeds the range of an IEEE-754 double, and retains no more than 53 bits of precision (if there are more than that, "add a half and chop" rounding is used to cut it back to 53 significant bits). """), # Ways to build lists. I(name='EMPTY_LIST', code=']', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pylist], proto=1, doc="Push an empty list."), I(name='APPEND', code='a', arg=None, stack_before=[pylist, anyobject], stack_after=[pylist], proto=0, doc="""Append an object to a list. Stack before: ... pylist anyobject Stack after: ... pylist+[anyobject] although pylist is really extended in-place. """), I(name='APPENDS', code='e', arg=None, stack_before=[pylist, markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[pylist], proto=1, doc="""Extend a list by a slice of stack objects. Stack before: ... pylist markobject stackslice Stack after: ... pylist+stackslice although pylist is really extended in-place. """), I(name='LIST', code='l', arg=None, stack_before=[markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[pylist], proto=0, doc="""Build a list out of the topmost stack slice, after markobject. All the stack entries following the topmost markobject are placed into a single Python list, which single list object replaces all of the stack from the topmost markobject onward. For example, Stack before: ... markobject 1 2 3 'abc' Stack after: ... [1, 2, 3, 'abc'] """), # Ways to build tuples. I(name='EMPTY_TUPLE', code=')', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pytuple], proto=1, doc="Push an empty tuple."), I(name='TUPLE', code='t', arg=None, stack_before=[markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[pytuple], proto=0, doc="""Build a tuple out of the topmost stack slice, after markobject. All the stack entries following the topmost markobject are placed into a single Python tuple, which single tuple object replaces all of the stack from the topmost markobject onward. For example, Stack before: ... markobject 1 2 3 'abc' Stack after: ... (1, 2, 3, 'abc') """), I(name='TUPLE1', code='\x85', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject], stack_after=[pytuple], proto=2, doc="""One-tuple. This code pops one value off the stack and pushes a tuple of length 1 whose one item is that value back onto it. IOW: stack[-1] = tuple(stack[-1:]) """), I(name='TUPLE2', code='\x86', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject], stack_after=[pytuple], proto=2, doc="""One-tuple. This code pops two values off the stack and pushes a tuple of length 2 whose items are those values back onto it. IOW: stack[-2:] = [tuple(stack[-2:])] """), I(name='TUPLE3', code='\x87', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject, anyobject], stack_after=[pytuple], proto=2, doc="""One-tuple. This code pops three values off the stack and pushes a tuple of length 3 whose items are those values back onto it. IOW: stack[-3:] = [tuple(stack[-3:])] """), # Ways to build dicts. I(name='EMPTY_DICT', code='}', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[pydict], proto=1, doc="Push an empty dict."), I(name='DICT', code='d', arg=None, stack_before=[markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[pydict], proto=0, doc="""Build a dict out of the topmost stack slice, after markobject. All the stack entries following the topmost markobject are placed into a single Python dict, which single dict object replaces all of the stack from the topmost markobject onward. The stack slice alternates key, value, key, value, .... For example, Stack before: ... markobject 1 2 3 'abc' Stack after: ... {1: 2, 3: 'abc'} """), I(name='SETITEM', code='s', arg=None, stack_before=[pydict, anyobject, anyobject], stack_after=[pydict], proto=0, doc="""Add a key+value pair to an existing dict. Stack before: ... pydict key value Stack after: ... pydict where pydict has been modified via pydict[key] = value. """), I(name='SETITEMS', code='u', arg=None, stack_before=[pydict, markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[pydict], proto=1, doc="""Add an arbitrary number of key+value pairs to an existing dict. The slice of the stack following the topmost markobject is taken as an alternating sequence of keys and values, added to the dict immediately under the topmost markobject. Everything at and after the topmost markobject is popped, leaving the mutated dict at the top of the stack. Stack before: ... pydict markobject key_1 value_1 ... key_n value_n Stack after: ... pydict where pydict has been modified via pydict[key_i] = value_i for i in 1, 2, ..., n, and in that order. """), # Stack manipulation. I(name='POP', code='0', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject], stack_after=[], proto=0, doc="Discard the top stack item, shrinking the stack by one item."), I(name='DUP', code='2', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject], stack_after=[anyobject, anyobject], proto=0, doc="Push the top stack item onto the stack again, duplicating it."), I(name='MARK', code='(', arg=None, stack_before=[], stack_after=[markobject], proto=0, doc="""Push markobject onto the stack. markobject is a unique object, used by other opcodes to identify a region of the stack containing a variable number of objects for them to work on. See markobject.doc for more detail. """), I(name='POP_MARK', code='1', arg=None, stack_before=[markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[], proto=1, doc="""Pop all the stack objects at and above the topmost markobject. When an opcode using a variable number of stack objects is done, POP_MARK is used to remove those objects, and to remove the markobject that delimited their starting position on the stack. """), # Memo manipulation. There are really only two operations (get and put), # each in all-text, "short binary", and "long binary" flavors. I(name='GET', code='g', arg=decimalnl_short, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=0, doc="""Read an object from the memo and push it on the stack. The index of the memo object to push is given by the newline-teriminated decimal string following. BINGET and LONG_BINGET are space-optimized versions. """), I(name='BINGET', code='h', arg=uint1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=1, doc="""Read an object from the memo and push it on the stack. The index of the memo object to push is given by the 1-byte unsigned integer following. """), I(name='LONG_BINGET', code='j', arg=int4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=1, doc="""Read an object from the memo and push it on the stack. The index of the memo object to push is given by the 4-byte signed little-endian integer following. """), I(name='PUT', code='p', arg=decimalnl_short, stack_before=[], stack_after=[], proto=0, doc="""Store the stack top into the memo. The stack is not popped. The index of the memo location to write into is given by the newline- terminated decimal string following. BINPUT and LONG_BINPUT are space-optimized versions. """), I(name='BINPUT', code='q', arg=uint1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[], proto=1, doc="""Store the stack top into the memo. The stack is not popped. The index of the memo location to write into is given by the 1-byte unsigned integer following. """), I(name='LONG_BINPUT', code='r', arg=int4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[], proto=1, doc="""Store the stack top into the memo. The stack is not popped. The index of the memo location to write into is given by the 4-byte signed little-endian integer following. """), # Access the extension registry (predefined objects). Akin to the GET # family. I(name='EXT1', code='\x82', arg=uint1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=2, doc="""Extension code. This code and the similar EXT2 and EXT4 allow using a registry of popular objects that are pickled by name, typically classes. It is envisioned that through a global negotiation and registration process, third parties can set up a mapping between ints and object names. In order to guarantee pickle interchangeability, the extension code registry ought to be global, although a range of codes may be reserved for private use. EXT1 has a 1-byte integer argument. This is used to index into the extension registry, and the object at that index is pushed on the stack. """), I(name='EXT2', code='\x83', arg=uint2, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=2, doc="""Extension code. See EXT1. EXT2 has a two-byte integer argument. """), I(name='EXT4', code='\x84', arg=int4, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=2, doc="""Extension code. See EXT1. EXT4 has a four-byte integer argument. """), # Push a class object, or module function, on the stack, via its module # and name. I(name='GLOBAL', code='c', arg=stringnl_noescape_pair, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=0, doc="""Push a global object (module.attr) on the stack. Two newline-terminated strings follow the GLOBAL opcode. The first is taken as a module name, and the second as a class name. The class object module.class is pushed on the stack. More accurately, the object returned by self.find_class(module, class) is pushed on the stack, so unpickling subclasses can override this form of lookup. """), # Ways to build objects of classes pickle doesn't know about directly # (user-defined classes). I despair of documenting this accurately # and comprehensibly -- you really have to read the pickle code to # find all the special cases. I(name='REDUCE', code='R', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=0, doc="""Push an object built from a callable and an argument tuple. The opcode is named to remind of the __reduce__() method. Stack before: ... callable pytuple Stack after: ... callable(*pytuple) The callable and the argument tuple are the first two items returned by a __reduce__ method. Applying the callable to the argtuple is supposed to reproduce the original object, or at least get it started. If the __reduce__ method returns a 3-tuple, the last component is an argument to be passed to the object's __setstate__, and then the REDUCE opcode is followed by code to create setstate's argument, and then a BUILD opcode to apply __setstate__ to that argument. If type(callable) is not ClassType, REDUCE complains unless the callable has been registered with the copy_reg module's safe_constructors dict, or the callable has a magic '__safe_for_unpickling__' attribute with a true value. I'm not sure why it does this, but I've sure seen this complaint often enough when I didn't want to <wink>. """), I(name='BUILD', code='b', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=0, doc="""Finish building an object, via __setstate__ or dict update. Stack before: ... anyobject argument Stack after: ... anyobject where anyobject may have been mutated, as follows: If the object has a __setstate__ method, anyobject.__setstate__(argument) is called. Else the argument must be a dict, the object must have a __dict__, and the object is updated via anyobject.__dict__.update(argument) This may raise RuntimeError in restricted execution mode (which disallows access to __dict__ directly); in that case, the object is updated instead via for k, v in argument.items(): anyobject[k] = v """), I(name='INST', code='i', arg=stringnl_noescape_pair, stack_before=[markobject, stackslice], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=0, doc="""Build a class instance. This is the protocol 0 version of protocol 1's OBJ opcode. INST is followed by two newline-terminated strings, giving a module and class name, just as for the GLOBAL opcode (and see GLOBAL for more details about that). self.find_class(module, name) is used to get a class object. In addition, all the objects on the stack following the topmost markobject are gathered into a tuple and popped (along with the topmost markobject), just as for the TUPLE opcode. Now it gets complicated. If all of these are true: + The argtuple is empty (markobject was at the top of the stack at the start). + It's an old-style class object (the type of the class object is ClassType). + The class object does not have a __getinitargs__ attribute. then we want to create an old-style class instance without invoking its __init__() method (pickle has waffled on this over the years; not calling __init__() is current wisdom). In this case, an instance of an old-style dummy class is created, and then we try to rebind its __class__ attribute to the desired class object. If this succeeds, the new instance object is pushed on the stack, and we're done. In restricted execution mode it can fail (assignment to __class__ is disallowed), and I'm not really sure what happens then -- it looks like the code ends up calling the class object's __init__ anyway, via falling into the next case. Else (the argtuple is not empty, it's not an old-style class object, or the class object does have a __getinitargs__ attribute), the code first insists that the class object have a __safe_for_unpickling__ attribute. Unlike as for the __safe_for_unpickling__ check in REDUCE, it doesn't matter whether this attribute has a true or false value, it only matters whether it exists (XXX this is a bug; cPickle requires the attribute to be true). If __safe_for_unpickling__ doesn't exist, UnpicklingError is raised. Else (the class object does have a __safe_for_unpickling__ attr), the class object obtained from INST's arguments is applied to the argtuple obtained from the stack, and the resulting instance object is pushed on the stack. NOTE: checks for __safe_for_unpickling__ went away in Python 2.3. """), I(name='OBJ', code='o', arg=None, stack_before=[markobject, anyobject, stackslice], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=1, doc="""Build a class instance. This is the protocol 1 version of protocol 0's INST opcode, and is very much like it. The major difference is that the class object is taken off the stack, allowing it to be retrieved from the memo repeatedly if several instances of the same class are created. This can be much more efficient (in both time and space) than repeatedly embedding the module and class names in INST opcodes. Unlike INST, OBJ takes no arguments from the opcode stream. Instead the class object is taken off the stack, immediately above the topmost markobject: Stack before: ... markobject classobject stackslice Stack after: ... new_instance_object As for INST, the remainder of the stack above the markobject is gathered into an argument tuple, and then the logic seems identical, except that no __safe_for_unpickling__ check is done (XXX this is a bug; cPickle does test __safe_for_unpickling__). See INST for the gory details. NOTE: In Python 2.3, INST and OBJ are identical except for how they get the class object. That was always the intent; the implementations had diverged for accidental reasons. """), I(name='NEWOBJ', code='\x81', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=2, doc="""Build an object instance. The stack before should be thought of as containing a class object followed by an argument tuple (the tuple being the stack top). Call these cls and args. They are popped off the stack, and the value returned by cls.__new__(cls, *args) is pushed back onto the stack. """), # Machine control. I(name='PROTO', code='\x80', arg=uint1, stack_before=[], stack_after=[], proto=2, doc="""Protocol version indicator. For protocol 2 and above, a pickle must start with this opcode. The argument is the protocol version, an int in range(2, 256). """), I(name='STOP', code='.', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject], stack_after=[], proto=0, doc="""Stop the unpickling machine. Every pickle ends with this opcode. The object at the top of the stack is popped, and that's the result of unpickling. The stack should be empty then. """), # Ways to deal with persistent IDs. I(name='PERSID', code='P', arg=stringnl_noescape, stack_before=[], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=0, doc="""Push an object identified by a persistent ID. The pickle module doesn't define what a persistent ID means. PERSID's argument is a newline-terminated str-style (no embedded escapes, no bracketing quote characters) string, which *is* "the persistent ID". The unpickler passes this string to self.persistent_load(). Whatever object that returns is pushed on the stack. There is no implementation of persistent_load() in Python's unpickler: it must be supplied by an unpickler subclass. """), I(name='BINPERSID', code='Q', arg=None, stack_before=[anyobject], stack_after=[anyobject], proto=1, doc="""Push an object identified by a persistent ID. Like PERSID, except the persistent ID is popped off the stack (instead of being a string embedded in the opcode bytestream). The persistent ID is passed to self.persistent_load(), and whatever object that returns is pushed on the stack. See PERSID for more detail. """), ] del I # Verify uniqueness of .name and .code members. name2i = {} code2i = {} for i, d in enumerate(opcodes): if in name2i: raise ValueError("repeated name %r at indices %d and %d" % (, name2i[], i)) if d.code in code2i: raise ValueError("repeated code %r at indices %d and %d" % (d.code, code2i[d.code], i)) name2i[] = i code2i[d.code] = i del name2i, code2i, i, d ############################################################################## # Build a code2op dict, mapping opcode characters to OpcodeInfo records. # Also ensure we've got the same stuff as, although the # introspection here is dicey. code2op = {} for d in opcodes: code2op[d.code] = d del d def assure_pickle_consistency(verbose=False): import pickle, re copy = code2op.copy() for name in pickle.__all__: if not re.match("[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$", name): if verbose: print "skipping %r: it doesn't look like an opcode name" % name continue picklecode = getattr(pickle, name) if not isinstance(picklecode, str) or len(picklecode) != 1: if verbose: print ("skipping %r: value %r doesn't look like a pickle " "code" % (name, picklecode)) continue if picklecode in copy: if verbose: print "checking name %r w/ code %r for consistency" % ( name, picklecode) d = copy[picklecode] if != name: raise ValueError("for pickle code %r, uses name %r " "but we're using name %r" % (picklecode, name, # Forget this one. Any left over in copy at the end are a problem # of a different kind. del copy[picklecode] else: raise ValueError(" appears to have a pickle opcode with " "name %r and code %r, but we don't" % (name, picklecode)) if copy: msg = ["we appear to have pickle opcodes that doesn't have:"] for code, d in copy.items(): msg.append(" name %r with code %r" % (, code)) raise ValueError("\n".join(msg)) assure_pickle_consistency() del assure_pickle_consistency ############################################################################## # A pickle opcode generator. def genops(pickle): """Generate all the opcodes in a pickle. 'pickle' is a file-like object, or string, containing the pickle. Each opcode in the pickle is generated, from the current pickle position, stopping after a STOP opcode is delivered. A triple is generated for each opcode: opcode, arg, pos opcode is an OpcodeInfo record, describing the current opcode. If the opcode has an argument embedded in the pickle, arg is its decoded value, as a Python object. If the opcode doesn't have an argument, arg is None. If the pickle has a tell() method, pos was the value of pickle.tell() before reading the current opcode. If the pickle is a string object, it's wrapped in a StringIO object, and the latter's tell() result is used. Else (the pickle doesn't have a tell(), and it's not obvious how to query its current position) pos is None. """ import cStringIO as StringIO if isinstance(pickle, str): pickle = StringIO.StringIO(pickle) if hasattr(pickle, "tell"): getpos = pickle.tell else: getpos = lambda: None while True: pos = getpos() code = opcode = code2op.get(code) if opcode is None: if code == "": raise ValueError("pickle exhausted before seeing STOP") else: raise ValueError("at position %s, opcode %r unknown" % ( pos is None and "<unknown>" or pos, code)) if opcode.arg is None: arg = None else: arg = opcode.arg.reader(pickle) yield opcode, arg, pos if code == '.': assert == 'STOP' break ############################################################################## # A pickle optimizer. def optimize(p): 'Optimize a pickle string by removing unused PUT opcodes' gets = set() # set of args used by a GET opcode puts = [] # (arg, startpos, stoppos) for the PUT opcodes prevpos = None # set to pos if previous opcode was a PUT for opcode, arg, pos in genops(p): if prevpos is not None: puts.append((prevarg, prevpos, pos)) prevpos = None if 'PUT' in prevarg, prevpos = arg, pos elif 'GET' in gets.add(arg) # Copy the pickle string except for PUTS without a corresponding GET s = [] i = 0 for arg, start, stop in puts: j = stop if (arg in gets) else start s.append(p[i:j]) i = stop s.append(p[i:]) return ''.join(s) ############################################################################## # A symbolic pickle disassembler. def dis(pickle, out=None, memo=None, indentlevel=4): """Produce a symbolic disassembly of a pickle. 'pickle' is a file-like object, or string, containing a (at least one) pickle. The pickle is disassembled from the current position, through the first STOP opcode encountered. Optional arg 'out' is a file-like object to which the disassembly is printed. It defaults to sys.stdout. Optional arg 'memo' is a Python dict, used as the pickle's memo. It may be mutated by dis(), if the pickle contains PUT or BINPUT opcodes. Passing the same memo object to another dis() call then allows disassembly to proceed across multiple pickles that were all created by the same pickler with the same memo. Ordinarily you don't need to worry about this. Optional arg indentlevel is the number of blanks by which to indent a new MARK level. It defaults to 4. In addition to printing the disassembly, some sanity checks are made: + All embedded opcode arguments "make sense". + Explicit and implicit pop operations have enough items on the stack. + When an opcode implicitly refers to a markobject, a markobject is actually on the stack. + A memo entry isn't referenced before it's defined. + The markobject isn't stored in the memo. + A memo entry isn't redefined. """ # Most of the hair here is for sanity checks, but most of it is needed # anyway to detect when a protocol 0 POP takes a MARK off the stack # (which in turn is needed to indent MARK blocks correctly). stack = [] # crude emulation of unpickler stack if memo is None: memo = {} # crude emulation of unpicker memo maxproto = -1 # max protocol number seen markstack = [] # bytecode positions of MARK opcodes indentchunk = ' ' * indentlevel errormsg = None for opcode, arg, pos in genops(pickle): if pos is not None: print >> out, "%5d:" % pos, line = "%-4s %s%s" % (repr(opcode.code)[1:-1], indentchunk * len(markstack), maxproto = max(maxproto, opcode.proto) before = opcode.stack_before # don't mutate after = opcode.stack_after # don't mutate numtopop = len(before) # See whether a MARK should be popped. markmsg = None if markobject in before or ( == "POP" and stack and stack[-1] is markobject): assert markobject not in after if __debug__: if markobject in before: assert before[-1] is stackslice if markstack: markpos = markstack.pop() if markpos is None: markmsg = "(MARK at unknown opcode offset)" else: markmsg = "(MARK at %d)" % markpos # Pop everything at and after the topmost markobject. while stack[-1] is not markobject: stack.pop() stack.pop() # Stop later code from popping too much. try: numtopop = before.index(markobject) except ValueError: assert == "POP" numtopop = 0 else: errormsg = markmsg = "no MARK exists on stack" # Check for correct memo usage. if in ("PUT", "BINPUT", "LONG_BINPUT"): assert arg is not None if arg in memo: errormsg = "memo key %r already defined" % arg elif not stack: errormsg = "stack is empty -- can't store into memo" elif stack[-1] is markobject: errormsg = "can't store markobject in the memo" else: memo[arg] = stack[-1] elif in ("GET", "BINGET", "LONG_BINGET"): if arg in memo: assert len(after) == 1 after = [memo[arg]] # for better stack emulation else: errormsg = "memo key %r has never been stored into" % arg if arg is not None or markmsg: # make a mild effort to align arguments line += ' ' * (10 - len( if arg is not None: line += ' ' + repr(arg) if markmsg: line += ' ' + markmsg print >> out, line if errormsg: # Note that we delayed complaining until the offending opcode # was printed. raise ValueError(errormsg) # Emulate the stack effects. if len(stack) < numtopop: raise ValueError("tries to pop %d items from stack with " "only %d items" % (numtopop, len(stack))) if numtopop: del stack[-numtopop:] if markobject in after: assert markobject not in before markstack.append(pos) stack.extend(after) print >> out, "highest protocol among opcodes =", maxproto if stack: raise ValueError("stack not empty after STOP: %r" % stack) # For use in the doctest, simply as an example of a class to pickle. class _Example: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value _dis_test = r""" >>> import pickle >>> x = [1, 2, (3, 4), {'abc': u"def"}] >>> pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 0) >>> dis(pkl) 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: I INT 1 8: a APPEND 9: I INT 2 12: a APPEND 13: ( MARK 14: I INT 3 17: I INT 4 20: t TUPLE (MARK at 13) 21: p PUT 1 24: a APPEND 25: ( MARK 26: d DICT (MARK at 25) 27: p PUT 2 30: S STRING 'abc' 37: p PUT 3 40: V UNICODE u'def' 45: p PUT 4 48: s SETITEM 49: a APPEND 50: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 Try again with a "binary" pickle. >>> pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 1) >>> dis(pkl) 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: K BININT1 1 6: K BININT1 2 8: ( MARK 9: K BININT1 3 11: K BININT1 4 13: t TUPLE (MARK at 8) 14: q BINPUT 1 16: } EMPTY_DICT 17: q BINPUT 2 19: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'abc' 24: q BINPUT 3 26: X BINUNICODE u'def' 34: q BINPUT 4 36: s SETITEM 37: e APPENDS (MARK at 3) 38: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 Exercise the INST/OBJ/BUILD family. >>> import pickletools >>> dis(pickle.dumps(pickletools.dis, 0)) 0: c GLOBAL 'pickletools dis' 17: p PUT 0 20: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 >>> from pickletools import _Example >>> x = [_Example(42)] * 2 >>> dis(pickle.dumps(x, 0)) 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: i INST 'pickletools _Example' (MARK at 5) 28: p PUT 1 31: ( MARK 32: d DICT (MARK at 31) 33: p PUT 2 36: S STRING 'value' 45: p PUT 3 48: I INT 42 52: s SETITEM 53: b BUILD 54: a APPEND 55: g GET 1 58: a APPEND 59: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 >>> dis(pickle.dumps(x, 1)) 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: ( MARK 5: c GLOBAL 'pickletools _Example' 27: q BINPUT 1 29: o OBJ (MARK at 4) 30: q BINPUT 2 32: } EMPTY_DICT 33: q BINPUT 3 35: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'value' 42: q BINPUT 4 44: K BININT1 42 46: s SETITEM 47: b BUILD 48: h BINGET 2 50: e APPENDS (MARK at 3) 51: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 Try "the canonical" recursive-object test. >>> L = [] >>> T = L, >>> L.append(T) >>> L[0] is T True >>> T[0] is L True >>> L[0][0] is L True >>> T[0][0] is T True >>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 0)) 0: ( MARK 1: l LIST (MARK at 0) 2: p PUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: g GET 0 9: t TUPLE (MARK at 5) 10: p PUT 1 13: a APPEND 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 >>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 1)) 0: ] EMPTY_LIST 1: q BINPUT 0 3: ( MARK 4: h BINGET 0 6: t TUPLE (MARK at 3) 7: q BINPUT 1 9: a APPEND 10: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 Note that, in the protocol 0 pickle of the recursive tuple, the disassembler has to emulate the stack in order to realize that the POP opcode at 16 gets rid of the MARK at 0. >>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 0)) 0: ( MARK 1: ( MARK 2: l LIST (MARK at 1) 3: p PUT 0 6: ( MARK 7: g GET 0 10: t TUPLE (MARK at 6) 11: p PUT 1 14: a APPEND 15: 0 POP 16: 0 POP (MARK at 0) 17: g GET 1 20: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 0 >>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 1)) 0: ( MARK 1: ] EMPTY_LIST 2: q BINPUT 0 4: ( MARK 5: h BINGET 0 7: t TUPLE (MARK at 4) 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: 1 POP_MARK (MARK at 0) 12: h BINGET 1 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 1 Try protocol 2. >>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 2)) 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: h BINGET 0 7: \x85 TUPLE1 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 >>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 2)) 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: h BINGET 0 7: \x85 TUPLE1 8: q BINPUT 1 10: a APPEND 11: 0 POP 12: h BINGET 1 14: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 """ _memo_test = r""" >>> import pickle >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> f = StringIO() >>> p = pickle.Pickler(f, 2) >>> x = [1, 2, 3] >>> p.dump(x) >>> p.dump(x) >>> >>> memo = {} >>> dis(f, memo=memo) 0: \x80 PROTO 2 2: ] EMPTY_LIST 3: q BINPUT 0 5: ( MARK 6: K BININT1 1 8: K BININT1 2 10: K BININT1 3 12: e APPENDS (MARK at 5) 13: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 >>> dis(f, memo=memo) 14: \x80 PROTO 2 16: h BINGET 0 18: . STOP highest protocol among opcodes = 2 """ __test__ = {'disassembler_test': _dis_test, 'disassembler_memo_test': _memo_test, } def _test(): import doctest return doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()
import re from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import Http404 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings from askbot.utils.slug import slugify from askbot.utils.functions import split_list, mark_safe_lazy from askbot import const from longerusername import MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH import logging import urllib def clean_next(next, default=None): if next is None or not next.startswith('/'): if default: return default else: return reverse('index') if isinstance(next, str): next = unicode(urllib.unquote(next), 'utf-8', 'replace') next = next.strip() logging.debug('next url is %s' % next) return next def get_error_list(form_instance): """return flat list of error values for the form""" lists = form_instance.errors.values() errors = list() for error_list in lists: errors.extend(list(error_list)) return errors def get_next_url(request, default = None): return clean_next(request.REQUEST.get('next'), default) def get_db_object_or_404(params): """a utility function that returns an object in return to the model_name and object_id only specific models are accessible """ from askbot import models try: model_name = params['model_name'] assert(model_name=='Group') model = models.get_model(model_name) obj_id = forms.IntegerField().clean(params['object_id']) return get_object_or_404(model, id=obj_id) except Exception: #need catch-all b/c of the nature of the function raise Http404 def format_errors(error_list): """If there is only one error - returns a string corresponding to that error, to remove the <ul> tag. If there is > 1 error - then convert the error_list into a string. """ if len(error_list) == 1: return unicode(error_list[0]) else: return unicode(error_list) class StrippedNonEmptyCharField(forms.CharField): def clean(self, value): value = value.strip() if self.required and value == '': raise forms.ValidationError(_('this field is required')) return value class NextUrlField(forms.CharField): def __init__(self): super( NextUrlField, self ).__init__( max_length = 255, widget = forms.HiddenInput(), required = False ) def clean(self,value): return clean_next(value) login_form_widget_attrs = { 'class': 'required login' } class UserNameField(StrippedNonEmptyCharField): RESERVED_NAMES = (u'fuck', u'shit', u'ass', u'sex', u'add', u'edit', u'save', u'delete', u'manage', u'update', 'remove', 'new') def __init__( self, db_model=User, db_field='username', must_exist=False, skip_clean=False, label=_('Choose a screen name'), widget_attrs=None, **kw ): self.must_exist = must_exist self.skip_clean = skip_clean self.db_model = db_model self.db_field = db_field self.user_instance = None error_messages={ 'required': _('user name is required'), 'taken': _('sorry, this name is taken, please choose another'), 'forbidden': _('sorry, this name is not allowed, please choose another'), 'missing': _('sorry, there is no user with this name'), 'multiple-taken': _('sorry, we have a serious error - user name is taken by several users'), 'invalid': _('user name can only consist of letters, empty space and underscore'), 'meaningless': _('please use at least some alphabetic characters in the user name'), 'noemail': _('symbol "@" is not allowed') } if 'error_messages' in kw: error_messages.update(kw['error_messages']) del kw['error_messages'] if widget_attrs: widget_attrs.update(login_form_widget_attrs) else: widget_attrs = login_form_widget_attrs max_length = MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH() super(UserNameField,self).__init__( max_length=max_length, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=widget_attrs), label=label, error_messages=error_messages, **kw ) def clean(self,username): """ validate username """ if self.skip_clean == True: logging.debug('username accepted with no validation') return username if self.user_instance is None: pass elif isinstance(self.user_instance, User): if username == self.user_instance.username: logging.debug('username valid') return username else: raise TypeError('user instance must be of type User') try: username = super(UserNameField, self).clean(username) except forms.ValidationError: raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required']) username_re_string = const.USERNAME_REGEX_STRING #attention: here we check @ symbol in two places: input and the regex if askbot_settings.ALLOW_EMAIL_ADDRESS_IN_USERNAME is False: if '@' in username: raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['noemail']) username_re_string = username_re_string.replace('@', '') username_regex = re.compile(username_re_string, re.UNICODE) if self.required and not raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) if username in self.RESERVED_NAMES: raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['forbidden']) if slugify(username) == '': raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['meaningless']) try: user = self.db_model.objects.get( **{'%s' % self.db_field : username} ) if user: if self.must_exist: logging.debug('user exists and name accepted b/c here we validate existing user') return username else: raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['taken']) except self.db_model.DoesNotExist: if self.must_exist: logging.debug('user must exist, so raising the error') raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['missing']) else: logging.debug('user name valid!') return username except self.db_model.MultipleObjectsReturned: logging.debug('error - user with this name already exists') raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['multiple-taken']) def email_is_allowed( email, allowed_emails='', allowed_email_domains='' ): """True, if email address is pre-approved or matches a allowed domain""" if allowed_emails: email_list = split_list(allowed_emails) allowed_emails = ' ' + ' '.join(email_list) + ' ' email_match_re = re.compile(r'\s%s\s' % email) if return True if allowed_email_domains: email_domain = email.split('@')[1] domain_list = split_list(allowed_email_domains) domain_match_re = re.compile(r'\s%s\s' % email_domain) allowed_email_domains = ' ' + ' '.join(domain_list) + ' ' return return False class UserEmailField(forms.EmailField): def __init__(self, skip_clean=False, **kw): self.skip_clean = skip_clean hidden = kw.pop('hidden', False) if hidden is True: widget_class = forms.HiddenInput else: widget_class = forms.TextInput super(UserEmailField,self).__init__( widget=widget_class( attrs=dict(login_form_widget_attrs, maxlength=200) ), label=mark_safe_lazy(_('Your email <i>(never shared)</i>')), error_messages={ 'required':_('email address is required'), 'invalid':_('please enter a valid email address'), 'taken':_('this email is already used by someone else, please choose another'), 'unauthorized':_('this email address is not authorized') }, **kw ) def clean(self, email): """ validate if email exist in database from legacy register return: raise error if it exist """ email = super(UserEmailField,self).clean(email.strip()) if self.skip_clean: return email allowed_domains = askbot_settings.ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS.strip() allowed_emails = askbot_settings.ALLOWED_EMAILS.strip() if allowed_emails or allowed_domains: if not email_is_allowed( email, allowed_emails=allowed_emails, allowed_email_domains=allowed_domains ): raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['unauthorized']) try: user = User.objects.get(email__iexact=email) logging.debug('email taken') raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['taken']) except User.DoesNotExist: logging.debug('email valid') return email except User.MultipleObjectsReturned: logging.critical('email taken many times over') raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['taken']) class SetPasswordForm(forms.Form): password1 = forms.CharField( widget=forms.PasswordInput( attrs=login_form_widget_attrs, render_value=True ), label=_('Password'), error_messages={'required':_('password is required')}, ) password2 = forms.CharField( widget=forms.PasswordInput( attrs=login_form_widget_attrs, render_value=True ), label=_('Password retyped'), error_messages={'required':_('please, retype your password'), 'nomatch':_('entered passwords did not match, please try again')}, ) def __init__(self, data=None, user=None, *args, **kwargs): super(SetPasswordForm, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs) def clean_password2(self): """ Validates that the two password inputs match. """ if 'password1' in self.cleaned_data: if self.cleaned_data['password1'] == self.cleaned_data['password2']: self.password = self.cleaned_data['password2'] self.cleaned_data['password'] = self.cleaned_data['password2'] return self.cleaned_data['password2'] else: del self.cleaned_data['password2'] raise forms.ValidationError(self.fields['password2'].error_messages['nomatch']) else: return self.cleaned_data['password2']
# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.agent.common import utils from neutron.agent.l3 import dvr_fip_ns from neutron.agent.l3 import link_local_allocator as lla from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent.linux import iptables_manager from neutron.tests import base _uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid class TestDvrFipNs(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestDvrFipNs, self).setUp() self.conf = mock.Mock() self.conf.state_path = '/tmp' self.driver = mock.Mock() self.driver.DEV_NAME_LEN = 14 self.net_id = _uuid() self.fip_ns = dvr_fip_ns.FipNamespace(self.net_id, self.conf, self.driver, use_ipv6=True) def test_subscribe(self): is_first = self.fip_ns.subscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id) self.assertTrue(is_first) def test_subscribe_not_first(self): self.fip_ns.subscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id) is_first = self.fip_ns.subscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id2) self.assertFalse(is_first) def test_unsubscribe(self): self.fip_ns.subscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id) is_last = self.fip_ns.unsubscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id) self.assertTrue(is_last) def test_unsubscribe_not_last(self): self.fip_ns.subscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id) self.fip_ns.subscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id2) is_last = self.fip_ns.unsubscribe(mock.sentinel.external_net_id2) self.assertFalse(is_last) def test_allocate_rule_priority(self): pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority('') self.assertIn('', self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.allocations) self.assertNotIn(pr, self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.pool) def test_deallocate_rule_priority(self): pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority('') self.fip_ns.deallocate_rule_priority('') self.assertNotIn('', self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.allocations) self.assertIn(pr, self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.pool) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'send_ip_addr_adv_notif') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'device_exists') def test_gateway_added(self, device_exists, send_adv_notif, IPDevice, IPWrapper): subnet_id = _uuid() agent_gw_port = {'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '', 'prefixlen': 24, 'subnet_id': subnet_id}], 'subnets': [{'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': '', 'gateway_ip': ''}], 'id': _uuid(), 'network_id': self.net_id, 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef'} device_exists.return_value = False self.fip_ns._gateway_added(agent_gw_port, mock.sentinel.interface_name) self.assertEqual(1, self.driver.plug.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.driver.init_l3.call_count) send_adv_notif.assert_called_once_with(self.fip_ns.get_name(), mock.sentinel.interface_name, '', mock.ANY) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'send_ip_addr_adv_notif') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'device_exists') def test_gateway_outside_subnet_added(self, device_exists, send_adv_notif, IPDevice, IPWrapper): device = mock.Mock() IPDevice.return_value = device subnet_id = _uuid() agent_gw_port = {'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '', 'prefixlen': 24, 'subnet_id': subnet_id}], 'subnets': [{'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': '', 'gateway_ip': ''}], 'id': _uuid(), 'network_id': self.net_id, 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef'} device_exists.return_value = False self.fip_ns._gateway_added(agent_gw_port, mock.sentinel.interface_name) self.assertEqual(1, self.driver.plug.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.driver.init_l3.call_count) send_adv_notif.assert_called_once_with(self.fip_ns.get_name(), mock.sentinel.interface_name, '', mock.ANY) device.route.add_route.assert_called_once_with('', scope='link') device.route.add_gateway.assert_called_once_with('') @mock.patch.object(iptables_manager, 'IptablesManager') @mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib.IpNetnsCommand, 'exists') def _test_create(self, old_kernel, exists, execute, IPTables): exists.return_value = True # There are up to four sysctl calls - two for ip_nonlocal_bind, # and two to enable forwarding execute.side_effect = [RuntimeError if old_kernel else None, None, None, None] self.fip_ns._iptables_manager = IPTables() self.fip_ns.create() ns_name = self.fip_ns.get_name() netns_cmd = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', ns_name] bind_cmd = ['sysctl', '-w', 'net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1'] expected = [ + bind_cmd, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=None, log_fail_as_error=False, run_as_root=True)] if old_kernel: expected.append(, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=None, log_fail_as_error=True, run_as_root=True)) execute.assert_has_calls(expected) def test_create_old_kernel(self): self._test_create(True) def test_create_new_kernel(self): self._test_create(False) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper') def test_destroy(self, IPWrapper): ip_wrapper = IPWrapper() dev1 = mock.Mock() = 'fpr-aaaa' dev2 = mock.Mock() = 'fg-aaaa' ip_wrapper.get_devices.return_value = [dev1, dev2] with mock.patch.object(self.fip_ns.ip_wrapper_root.netns, 'delete') as delete: self.fip_ns.delete() delete.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY) ext_net_bridge = self.conf.external_network_bridge ns_name = self.fip_ns.get_name() self.driver.unplug.assert_called_once_with('fg-aaaa', bridge=ext_net_bridge, prefix='fg-', namespace=ns_name) ip_wrapper.del_veth.assert_called_once_with('fpr-aaaa') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'device_exists') def test_create_rtr_2_fip_link(self, device_exists, IPDevice, IPWrapper): ri = mock.Mock() ri.router_id = _uuid() ri.rtr_fip_subnet = None ri.ns_name = mock.sentinel.router_ns rtr_2_fip_name = self.fip_ns.get_rtr_ext_device_name(ri.router_id) fip_2_rtr_name = self.fip_ns.get_int_device_name(ri.router_id) fip_ns_name = self.fip_ns.get_name() self.fip_ns.local_subnets = allocator = mock.Mock() pair = lla.LinkLocalAddressPair('') allocator.allocate.return_value = pair device_exists.return_value = False ip_wrapper = IPWrapper() self.conf.network_device_mtu = 2000 ip_wrapper.add_veth.return_value = (IPDevice(), IPDevice()) self.fip_ns.create_rtr_2_fip_link(ri) ip_wrapper.add_veth.assert_called_with(rtr_2_fip_name, fip_2_rtr_name, fip_ns_name) device = IPDevice() self.assertEqual(2, device.route.add_gateway.assert_called_once_with( '', table=16) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice') @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'device_exists') def test_create_rtr_2_fip_link_already_exists(self, device_exists, IPDevice, IPWrapper): ri = mock.Mock() ri.router_id = _uuid() ri.rtr_fip_subnet = None device_exists.return_value = True self.fip_ns.local_subnets = allocator = mock.Mock() pair = lla.LinkLocalAddressPair('') allocator.allocate.return_value = pair self.fip_ns.create_rtr_2_fip_link(ri) ip_wrapper = IPWrapper() self.assertFalse(ip_wrapper.add_veth.called) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice') def _test_scan_fip_ports(self, ri, ip_list, IPDevice): IPDevice.return_value = device = mock.Mock() device.addr.list.return_value = ip_list self.fip_ns.get_rtr_ext_device_name = mock.Mock( return_value=mock.sentinel.rtr_ext_device_name) self.fip_ns.scan_fip_ports(ri) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'device_exists') def test_scan_fip_ports_restart_fips(self, device_exists): device_exists.return_value = True ri = mock.Mock() ri.dist_fip_count = None ri.floating_ips_dict = {} ip_list = [{'cidr': ''}, {'cidr': ''}] self._test_scan_fip_ports(ri, ip_list) self.assertEqual(2, ri.dist_fip_count) @mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'device_exists') def test_scan_fip_ports_restart_none(self, device_exists): device_exists.return_value = True ri = mock.Mock() ri.dist_fip_count = None ri.floating_ips_dict = {} self._test_scan_fip_ports(ri, []) self.assertEqual(0, ri.dist_fip_count) def test_scan_fip_ports_restart_zero(self): ri = mock.Mock() ri.dist_fip_count = 0 self._test_scan_fip_ports(ri, None) self.assertEqual(0, ri.dist_fip_count)
import os import asyncio from threading import current_thread from .access import thread_data, LOGGER from .futures import Future, maybe_async, async, Task from .threads import run_in_executor, QueueEventLoop, set_as_loop __all__ = ['EventLoop', 'call_repeatedly', 'loop_thread_id'] class EventLoopPolicy(asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy): '''Pulsar event loop policy''' def get_event_loop(self): return thread_data('_event_loop') def get_request_loop(self): return thread_data('_request_loop') or self.get_event_loop() def new_event_loop(self): return EventLoop() def set_event_loop(self, event_loop): """Set the event loop.""" assert event_loop is None or isinstance(event_loop, asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) if isinstance(event_loop, QueueEventLoop): thread_data('_request_loop', event_loop) else: thread_data('_event_loop', event_loop) asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(EventLoopPolicy()) Handle = asyncio.Handle TimerHandle = asyncio.TimerHandle class LoopingCall(object): def __init__(self, loop, callback, args, interval=None): self._loop = loop self.callback = callback self.args = args self._cancelled = False interval = interval or 0 if interval > 0: self.interval = interval self.handler = self._loop.call_later(interval, self) else: self.interval = None self.handler = self._loop.call_soon(self) @property def cancelled(self): return self._cancelled def cancel(self): '''Attempt to cancel the callback.''' self._cancelled = True def __call__(self): try: result = maybe_async(self.callback(*self.args), self._loop) except Exception: self._loop.logger.exception('Exception in looping callback') self.cancel() return if isinstance(result, Future): result.add_done_callback(self._might_continue) else: self._continue() def _continue(self): if not self._cancelled: handler = self.handler loop = self._loop if self.interval: handler._cancelled = False handler._when = loop.time() + self.interval loop._add_callback(handler) else: loop._ready.append(self.handler) def _might_continue(self, fut): try: fut.result() except Exception: self._loop.logger.exception('Exception in looping callback') self.cancel() else: self._continue() class EventLoop(asyncio.SelectorEventLoop): task_factory = Task def __init__(self, selector=None, iothreadloop=False, logger=None): super(EventLoop, self).__init__(selector) self._iothreadloop = iothreadloop self.logger = logger or LOGGER self.call_soon(set_as_loop, self) def __repr__(self): return __str__ = __repr__ @property def name(self): if self.is_running(): return self.__class__.__name__ else: return '%s <not running>' % self.__class__.__name__ def run_in_executor(self, executor, callback, *args): return run_in_executor(self, executor, callback, *args) def call_repeatedly(loop, interval, callback, *args): """Call a ``callback`` every ``interval`` seconds. It handles asynchronous results. If an error occur in the ``callback``, the chain is broken and the ``callback`` won't be called anymore. """ return LoopingCall(loop, callback, args, interval) def loop_thread_id(loop): '''Thread ID of the running ``loop``. ''' waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) loop.call_soon(lambda: waiter.set_result(current_thread().ident)) return waiter
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------## # # Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer # Copyright (C) 2003 Mt. Hood Playing Card Co. # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Skomoroh # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------## # imports # PySol imports from pysollib.gamedb import registerGame, GameInfo, GI from import Game from pysollib.layout import Layout from pysollib.hint import CautiousDefaultHint from pysollib.stack import \ InitialDealTalonStack, \ isRankSequence, \ BasicRowStack # ************************************************************************ # * Tower of Hanoy # ************************************************************************ class TowerOfHanoy_Hint(CautiousDefaultHint): # FIXME: demo is completely clueless pass class TowerOfHanoy_RowStack(BasicRowStack): def acceptsCards(self, from_stack, cards): if not BasicRowStack.acceptsCards(self, from_stack, cards): return 0 if not return 1 return[-1].rank > cards[0].rank def getBottomImage(self): return class TowerOfHanoy(Game): RowStack_Class = TowerOfHanoy_RowStack Hint_Class = TowerOfHanoy_Hint # # game layout # def createGame(self): # create layout l, s = Layout(self), self.s # set window # (piles up to XX cards are fully playable in default window size) h = max(2*l.YS, l.YS + (len(*l.YOFFSET + l.YM) self.setSize(l.XM + 5*l.XS, l.YM + l.YS + h) # create stacks for i in range(3): x, y, = l.XM + (i+1)*l.XS, l.YM s.rows.append( self.RowStack_Class(x, y, self, max_accept=1, max_move=1)) s.talon = InitialDealTalonStack(l.XM, self.height-l.YS, self) # define stack-groups l.defaultStackGroups() # # game overrides # def startGame(self): self.startDealSample() for i in range(3): self.s.talon.dealRow() def isGameWon(self): for s in self.s.rows: if len( == len( return 1 return 0 def shallHighlightMatch(self, stack1, card1, stack2, card2): return card1.rank + 1 == card2.rank or card2.rank + 1 == card1.rank def getAutoStacks(self, event=None): return ((), (), # ************************************************************************ # * Hanoi Puzzle # ************************************************************************ class HanoiPuzzle_RowStack(TowerOfHanoy_RowStack): def getBottomImage(self): if == len( - 1: return return class HanoiPuzzle4(TowerOfHanoy): RowStack_Class = HanoiPuzzle_RowStack def _shuffleHook(self, cards): # no shuffling return self._shuffleHookMoveToTop(cards, lambda c: (1, def startGame(self): self.startDealSample() for i in range(len( self.s.talon.dealRow(rows=self.s.rows[:1]) def isGameWon(self): return len(self.s.rows[-1].cards) == len( class HanoiPuzzle5(HanoiPuzzle4): pass class HanoiPuzzle6(HanoiPuzzle4): pass # ************************************************************************ # * Hanoi Sequence # ************************************************************************ class HanoiSequence(TowerOfHanoy): def isGameWon(self): for s in self.s.rows: if len( == len( and isRankSequence( return 1 return 0 # register the game registerGame(GameInfo(124, TowerOfHanoy, "Tower of Hanoy", GI.GT_PUZZLE_TYPE, 1, 0, GI.SL_SKILL, suits=(2,), ranks=list(range(9)))) registerGame(GameInfo(207, HanoiPuzzle4, "Hanoi Puzzle 4", GI.GT_PUZZLE_TYPE, 1, 0, GI.SL_SKILL, suits=(2,), ranks=list(range(4)), rules_filename="hanoipuzzle.html")) registerGame(GameInfo(208, HanoiPuzzle5, "Hanoi Puzzle 5", GI.GT_PUZZLE_TYPE, 1, 0, GI.SL_SKILL, suits=(2,), ranks=list(range(5)), rules_filename="hanoipuzzle.html")) registerGame(GameInfo(209, HanoiPuzzle6, "Hanoi Puzzle 6", GI.GT_PUZZLE_TYPE, 1, 0, GI.SL_SKILL, suits=(2,), ranks=list(range(6)), rules_filename="hanoipuzzle.html")) registerGame(GameInfo(769, HanoiSequence, "Hanoi Sequence", GI.GT_PUZZLE_TYPE, 1, 0, GI.SL_SKILL, suits=(2,), ranks=list(range(9))))
import sys import os try: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] except ImportError: html_theme = 'default' # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('.'))) # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.graphviz'] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'Manhattan' copyright = u'2012, Scott Torborg' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = '0.3' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = '0.3' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. exclude_patterns = ['_build'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------- # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". html_title = 'Manhattan 0.3' # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'Manhattandoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass # [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'Manhattan.tex', u'Manhattan Documentation', u'Scott Torborg', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('index', 'manhattan', u'Manhattan Documentation', [u'Scott Torborg'], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ----------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('index', 'Manhattan', u'Manhattan Documentation', u'Scott Torborg', 'Manhattan', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications # Copyright (c) 2012-TODAY OpenERP S.A. <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.tests import common class TestMrpMulticompany(common.TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestMrpMulticompany, self).setUp() cr, uid =, self.uid # Usefull models self.ir_model_data = self.registry('') self.res_users = self.registry('res.users') self.stock_location = self.registry('stock.location') group_user_id = self.registry('').xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'base.group_user') group_stock_manager_id = self.registry('').xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'stock.group_stock_manager') company_2_id = self.registry('').xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'stock.res_company_1') self.multicompany_user_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'multicomp', 'login': 'multicomp', 'groups_id': [(6, 0, [group_user_id, group_stock_manager_id])], 'company_id': company_2_id, 'company_ids': [(6,0,[company_2_id])]}) def test_00_multicompany_user(self): """check no error on getting default mrp.production values in multicompany setting""" cr, uid, context =, self.multicompany_user_id, {} fields = ['location_src_id', 'location_dest_id'] defaults = self.stock_location.default_get(cr, uid, ['location_id', 'location_dest_id', 'type'], context) for field in fields: if defaults.get(field): try: self.stock_location.check_access_rule(cr, uid, [defaults[field]], 'read', context) except Exception, exc: assert False, "unreadable location %s: %s" % (field, exc)
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2008 Jurko Gospodnetic # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # # Test that the expected default toolset is used when no toolset is explicitly # specified on the command line or used from code via the using rule. Test that # the default toolset is correctly used just like any other explicitly used # toolset (e.g. toolset prerequisites, properties conditioned on toolset # related features, etc.). # # Note that we need to ignore regular site/user/test configuration files to # avoid them marking any toolsets not under our control as used. import BoostBuild # Line displayed by Boost Build when using the default toolset. configuring_default_toolset_message = \ 'warning: Configuring default toolset "%s".' ############################################################################### # # test_conditions_on_default_toolset() # ------------------------------------ # ############################################################################### def test_conditions_on_default_toolset(): """Test that toolset and toolset subfeature conditioned properties get applied correctly when the toolset is selected by default. Implicitly tests that we can use the set-default-toolset rule to set the default toolset to be used by Boost Build. """ t = BoostBuild.Tester("--user-config= --ignore-site-config", pass_toolset=False, use_test_config=False) toolset_name = "myCustomTestToolset" toolset_version = "v" toolset_version_unused = "v_unused" message_loaded = "Toolset '%s' loaded." % toolset_name message_initialized = "Toolset '%s' initialized." % toolset_name ; # Custom toolset. t.write(toolset_name + ".jam", """ import feature ; ECHO "%(message_loaded)s" ; feature.extend toolset : %(toolset_name)s ; feature.subfeature toolset %(toolset_name)s : version : %(toolset_version)s %(toolset_version_unused)s ; rule init ( version ) { ECHO "%(message_initialized)s" ; } """ % {'message_loaded' : message_loaded , 'message_initialized' : message_initialized, 'toolset_name' : toolset_name , 'toolset_version' : toolset_version , 'toolset_version_unused': toolset_version_unused}) # Main Boost Build project script. t.write("jamroot.jam", """ import build-system ; import errors ; import feature ; import notfile ; build-system.set-default-toolset %(toolset_name)s : %(toolset_version)s ; feature.feature description : : free incidental ; # We use a rule instead of an action to avoid problems with action output not # getting piped to stdout by the testing system. rule buildRule ( names : targets ? : properties * ) { local descriptions = [ feature.get-values description : $(properties) ] ; ECHO "descriptions:" /$(descriptions)/ ; local toolset = [ feature.get-values toolset : $(properties) ] ; ECHO "toolset:" /$(toolset)/ ; local toolset-version = [ feature.get-values "toolset-$(toolset):version" : $(properties) ] ; ECHO "toolset-version:" /$(toolset-version)/ ; } notfile testTarget : @buildRule : : <description>stand-alone <toolset>%(toolset_name)s:<description>toolset <toolset>%(toolset_name)s-%(toolset_version)s:<description>toolset-version <toolset>%(toolset_name)s-%(toolset_version_unused)s:<description>toolset-version-unused ; """ % {'toolset_name' : toolset_name , 'toolset_version' : toolset_version, 'toolset_version_unused': toolset_version_unused}) t.run_build_system() t.expect_output_lines(configuring_default_toolset_message % toolset_name) t.expect_output_lines(message_loaded) t.expect_output_lines(message_initialized) t.expect_output_lines("descriptions: /stand-alone/ /toolset/ " "/toolset-version/") t.expect_output_lines("toolset: /%s/" % toolset_name) t.expect_output_lines("toolset-version: /%s/" % toolset_version) t.cleanup() ############################################################################### # # test_default_toolset_on_os() # ---------------------------- # ############################################################################### def test_default_toolset_on_os( os, expected_toolset ): """Test that the given toolset is used as the default toolset on the given os. Uses hardcoded knowledge of how Boost Build decides on which host OS it is currently running. Note that we must not do much after tricking Boost Build into believing it has a specific host OS as this might mess up other important internal Boost Build state. """ t = BoostBuild.Tester("--user-config= --ignore-site-config", pass_toolset=False, use_test_config=False) t.write("jamroot.jam", "modules.poke os : .name : %s ;" % os) # We need to tell the test system to ignore stderr output as attempting to # load missing toolsets might cause random failures with which we are not # concerned in this test. t.run_build_system(stderr=None) t.expect_output_lines(configuring_default_toolset_message % expected_toolset) t.cleanup() ############################################################################### # # test_default_toolset_requirements() # ----------------------------------- # ############################################################################### def test_default_toolset_requirements(): """Test that default toolset's requirements get applied correctly. """ t = BoostBuild.Tester("--user-config= --ignore-site-config", pass_toolset=False, use_test_config=False, ignore_toolset_requirements=False) toolset_name = "customTestToolsetWithRequirements" # Custom toolset. t.write(toolset_name + ".jam", """ import feature ; import toolset ; feature.extend toolset : %(toolset_name)s ; toolset.add-requirements <description>toolset-requirement ; rule init ( ) { } """ % {'toolset_name': toolset_name}) # Main Boost Build project script. t.write("jamroot.jam", """ import build-system ; import errors ; import feature ; import notfile ; build-system.set-default-toolset %(toolset_name)s ; feature.feature description : : free incidental ; # We use a rule instead of an action to avoid problems with action output not # getting piped to stdout by the testing system. rule buildRule ( names : targets ? : properties * ) { local descriptions = [ feature.get-values description : $(properties) ] ; ECHO "descriptions:" /$(descriptions)/ ; local toolset = [ feature.get-values toolset : $(properties) ] ; ECHO "toolset:" /$(toolset)/ ; } notfile testTarget : @buildRule : : <description>target-requirement <description>toolset-requirement:<description>conditioned-requirement <description>unrelated-condition:<description>unrelated-description ; """ % {'toolset_name': toolset_name}) t.run_build_system() t.expect_output_lines(configuring_default_toolset_message % toolset_name) t.expect_output_lines("descriptions: /conditioned-requirement/ " "/target-requirement/ /toolset-requirement/") t.expect_output_lines("toolset: /%s/" % toolset_name) t.cleanup() ############################################################################### # # main() # ------ # ############################################################################### test_default_toolset_on_os("NT" , "msvc") test_default_toolset_on_os("LINUX" , "gcc" ) test_default_toolset_on_os("CYGWIN" , "gcc" ) test_default_toolset_on_os("SomeOtherOS", "gcc" ) test_default_toolset_requirements() test_conditions_on_default_toolset()
""" Internationalization support. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.functional import lazy from django.utils import six __all__ = [ 'activate', 'deactivate', 'override', 'deactivate_all', 'get_language', 'get_language_from_request', 'get_language_info', 'get_language_bidi', 'check_for_language', 'to_locale', 'templatize', 'string_concat', 'gettext', 'gettext_lazy', 'gettext_noop', 'ugettext', 'ugettext_lazy', 'ugettext_noop', 'ngettext', 'ngettext_lazy', 'ungettext', 'ungettext_lazy', 'pgettext', 'pgettext_lazy', 'npgettext', 'npgettext_lazy', 'LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY', ] LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY = '_language' class TranslatorCommentWarning(SyntaxWarning): pass # Here be dragons, so a short explanation of the logic won't hurt: # We are trying to solve two problems: (1) access settings, in particular # settings.USE_I18N, as late as possible, so that modules can be imported # without having to first configure Django, and (2) if some other code creates # a reference to one of these functions, don't break that reference when we # replace the functions with their real counterparts (once we do access the # settings). class Trans(object): """ The purpose of this class is to store the actual translation function upon receiving the first call to that function. After this is done, changes to USE_I18N will have no effect to which function is served upon request. If your tests rely on changing USE_I18N, you can delete all the functions from _trans.__dict__. Note that storing the function with setattr will have a noticeable performance effect, as access to the function goes the normal path, instead of using __getattr__. """ def __getattr__(self, real_name): from django.conf import settings if settings.USE_I18N: from django.utils.translation import trans_real as trans else: from django.utils.translation import trans_null as trans setattr(self, real_name, getattr(trans, real_name)) return getattr(trans, real_name) _trans = Trans() # The Trans class is no more needed, so remove it from the namespace. del Trans def gettext_noop(message): return _trans.gettext_noop(message) ugettext_noop = gettext_noop def gettext(message): return _trans.gettext(message) def ngettext(singular, plural, number): return _trans.ngettext(singular, plural, number) def ugettext(message): return _trans.ugettext(message) def ungettext(singular, plural, number): return _trans.ungettext(singular, plural, number) def pgettext(context, message): return _trans.pgettext(context, message) def npgettext(context, singular, plural, number): return _trans.npgettext(context, singular, plural, number) gettext_lazy = lazy(gettext, str) ugettext_lazy = lazy(ugettext, six.text_type) pgettext_lazy = lazy(pgettext, six.text_type) def lazy_number(func, resultclass, number=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(number, six.integer_types): kwargs['number'] = number proxy = lazy(func, resultclass)(**kwargs) else: class NumberAwareString(resultclass): def __mod__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, dict) and number: try: number_value = rhs[number] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Your dictionary lacks key \'%s\'. ' 'Please provide it, because it is required to ' 'determine whether string is singular or plural.' % number) else: number_value = rhs kwargs['number'] = number_value translated = func(**kwargs) try: translated = translated % rhs except TypeError: # String doesn't contain a placeholder for the number pass return translated proxy = lazy(lambda **kwargs: NumberAwareString(), NumberAwareString)(**kwargs) return proxy def ngettext_lazy(singular, plural, number=None): return lazy_number(ngettext, str, singular=singular, plural=plural, number=number) def ungettext_lazy(singular, plural, number=None): return lazy_number(ungettext, six.text_type, singular=singular, plural=plural, number=number) def npgettext_lazy(context, singular, plural, number=None): return lazy_number(npgettext, six.text_type, context=context, singular=singular, plural=plural, number=number) def activate(language): return _trans.activate(language) def deactivate(): return _trans.deactivate() class override(object): def __init__(self, language, deactivate=False): self.language = language self.deactivate = deactivate self.old_language = get_language() def __enter__(self): if self.language is not None: activate(self.language) else: deactivate_all() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.deactivate: deactivate() else: activate(self.old_language) def get_language(): return _trans.get_language() def get_language_bidi(): return _trans.get_language_bidi() def check_for_language(lang_code): return _trans.check_for_language(lang_code) def to_locale(language): return _trans.to_locale(language) def get_language_from_request(request, check_path=False): return _trans.get_language_from_request(request, check_path) def get_language_from_path(path): return _trans.get_language_from_path(path) def templatize(src, origin=None): return _trans.templatize(src, origin) def deactivate_all(): return _trans.deactivate_all() def _string_concat(*strings): """ Lazy variant of string concatenation, needed for translations that are constructed from multiple parts. """ return ''.join(force_text(s) for s in strings) string_concat = lazy(_string_concat, six.text_type) def get_language_info(lang_code): from django.conf.locale import LANG_INFO try: return LANG_INFO[lang_code] except KeyError: if '-' not in lang_code: raise KeyError("Unknown language code %s." % lang_code) generic_lang_code = lang_code.split('-')[0] try: return LANG_INFO[generic_lang_code] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Unknown language code %s and %s." % (lang_code, generic_lang_code)) trim_whitespace_re = re.compile('\s*\n\s*') def trim_whitespace(s): return trim_whitespace_re.sub(' ', s.strip())
# Copyright (c) 2009 NHN Inc. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of NHN Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import traceback from nsiqcppstyle_rulehelper import * #@UnusedWildImport # Reserved words tokens = [ 'ID', # Operators (+,-,*,/,%,|,&,~,^,<<,>>, ||, &&, !, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) 'PLUS', 'MINUS', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE', 'MODULO', 'OR', 'AND', 'NOT', 'XOR', 'LSHIFT', 'RSHIFT', 'LOR', 'LAND', 'LNOT', 'LT', 'LE', 'GT', 'GE', 'EQ', 'NE', # Assignment (=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=) 'EQUALS', 'TIMESEQUAL', 'DIVEQUAL', 'MODEQUAL', 'PLUSEQUAL', 'MINUSEQUAL', 'LSHIFTEQUAL', 'RSHIFTEQUAL', 'ANDEQUAL', 'XOREQUAL', 'OREQUAL', # Increment/decrement (++,--) 'PLUSPLUS', 'MINUSMINUS', # Structure dereference (->) 'ARROW', # Ternary operator (?) 'TERNARY', # Delimeters ( ) [ ] { } , . ; : 'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', 'LBRACKET', 'RBRACKET', 'LBRACE', 'RBRACE', 'COMMA', 'PERIOD', 'SEMI', 'COLON', 'DOUBLECOLON', # Ellipsis (...) 'ELLIPSIS', # macro 'PREPROCESSOR', 'SHARPSHARP', 'SHARP', # 'NUMBER', 'CHARACTER', 'STRING', 'SPACE', 'COMMENT', 'CPPCOMMENT', 'LINEFEED', 'PREPROCESSORNEXT', 'ASM', 'IGNORE', 'DEFAULT', 'DELETE', # cast 'CONST_CAST', 'DYNAMIC_CAST', 'REINTERPRET_CAST', 'STATIC_CAST', #control 'CONST', 'WHILE', 'IF', 'FOR', 'DO', 'ELSE', 'ENUM', 'EXPORT', 'EXTERN', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'GOTO', 'SWITCH', 'CASE', 'CONTST', 'CATCH', 'BREAK', 'CONTINUE', 'TRY', 'THROW', #Operator 'NEW', 'OPERATOR', 'SIZEOF', 'INLINE', 'NAMESPACE', 'RETURN', #visibility 'PUBLIC', 'PRIVATE', 'PROTECTED', #Type 'STATIC', 'STRUCT', 'TEMPLATE', 'THIS', 'TYPEDEF', 'TYPENAME', 'UNION', 'USING', 'VIRTUAL', 'CLASS', "AUTO", "CHAR", "INT", "LONG", "DOUBLE", "FLOAT", "SHORT", "BOOL", "VOID" ] # Operators t_PLUS = r'\+' t_MINUS = r'-' t_TIMES = r'\*' t_DIVIDE = r'/' t_MODULO = r'%' t_OR = r'\|' t_AND = r'&' t_NOT = r'~' t_XOR = r'\^' t_LSHIFT = r'<<' t_RSHIFT = r'>>' t_LOR = r'\|\|' t_LAND = r'&&' t_LNOT = r'!' t_LT = r'<' t_GT = r'>' t_LE = r'<=' t_GE = r'>=' t_EQ = r'==' t_NE = r'!=' t_DOUBLECOLON = r'::' # Assignment operators t_PREPROCESSOR = r'\#\s*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*' t_EQUALS = r'=' t_TIMESEQUAL = r'\*=' t_DIVEQUAL = r'/=' t_MODEQUAL = r'%=' t_PLUSEQUAL = r'\+=' t_MINUSEQUAL = r'-=' t_LSHIFTEQUAL = r'<<=' t_RSHIFTEQUAL = r'>>=' t_ANDEQUAL = r'&=' t_OREQUAL = r'\|=' t_XOREQUAL = r'\^=' # Increment/decrement t_PLUSPLUS = r'\+\+' t_MINUSMINUS = r'--' # -> t_ARROW = r'->' # ? t_TERNARY = r'\?' # Delimeters t_LPAREN = r'\(' t_RPAREN = r'\)' t_LBRACKET = r'\[' t_RBRACKET = r'\]' t_LBRACE = r'\{' t_RBRACE = r'\}' t_COMMA = r',' t_PERIOD = r'\.' t_SEMI = r';' t_COLON = r':' t_ELLIPSIS = r'\.\.\.' # Identifiers def t_ID(t) : r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*' t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'ID') return t reserved = { "for":"FOR", "class":"CLASS", "asm":"ASM", "switch":"SWITCH", "case":"CASE", "catch":"CATCH", "auto":"AUTO", "break":"BREAK", "continue":"CONTINUE", "default":"DEFAULT", "delete":"DELETE", "const_cast":"CONST_CAST", "dynamic_cast":"DYNAMIC_CAST", "reinterpret_cast":"REINTERPRET_CAST", "static_cast":"STATIC_CAST", "while":"WHILE", "if":"IF", "do":"DO", "else":"ELSE", "enum":"ENUM", "export":"EXPORT", "extern":"EXTERN", "true":"TRUE", "false":"FALSE", "const":"CONST", "goto":"GOTO", "inline":"INLINE", "namespace":"NAMESPACE", "new":"NEW", "operator":"OPERATOR", "return":"RETURN", "public":"PUBLIC", "private":"PRIVATE", "protected":"PROTECTED", "sizeof":"SIZEOF", "static":"STATIC", "struct":"STRUCT", "template":"TEMPLATE", "this":"THIS", "throw":"THROW", "try":"TRY", "typedef":"TYPEDEF", "typename":"TYPENAME", "union":"UNION", "using":"USING", "virtual":"VIRTUAL", "bool":"BOOL", "char":"CHAR", "int":"INT", "long":"LONG", "double":"DOUBLE", "float":"FLOAT", "short":"SHORT", "void":"VOID", "__declspec":"IGNORE", "volatile":"IGNORE", "typeid":"IGNORE", "mutable":"IGNORE", "explicit":"IGNORE", "friends":"IGNORE", "register":"IGNORE", "unsinged":"IGNORE", "signed":"IGNORE", "__based":"IGNORE", "__cdecl":"IGNORE", "__except":"IGNORE", "__finally":"IGNORE", "__inline":"IGNORE", "__attribute":"IGNORE", "_based":"IGNORE", "__stdcall":"IGNORE", "__try":"IGNORE", "dllexport":"IGNORE" } def t_IGNORE(t): r"__attribute\(.*\)|__section\(.*\)" return t def t_LINEFEED(t): r'[\n]+' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n') return t def t_SPACE(t): r'[ \t]+' return t t_PREPROCESSORNEXT = r"\\" t_NUMBER = r'[0-9][0-9XxA-Fa-fL]*' t_SHARPSHARP = r'\#\#' t_SHARP = r'\#' # String literal def t_STRING(t): r'"([^\\]|(\\.)|(\\\n))*?"' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n') return t # Character constant 'c' or L'c' t_CHARACTER = r'(L)?\'([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\'' # Comment (C-Style) def t_COMMENT(t): r'/\*(.|\n)*?\*/' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n') if Search(r"/\*\*\s", t.value) : t.additional = 'DOXYGEN' return t # Comment (C++-Style) def t_CPPCOMMENT(t): r'//.*' if Search(r"^///\b", t.value) : t.additional = 'DOXYGEN' if Search(r"^///<", t.value) : t.additional = 'DOXYGENPOST' return t def t_error(t): if nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.verbose : print "Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0], t.lexer.lineno; t.lexer.skip(1) class CppLexerNavigator(object): """ Main class for Cpp Lexer """ def __init__(self, filename, data= None): self.filename = filename self.tokenlist = [] self.indexstack = [] self.tokenindex = -1 self.matchingPair = {} self.reverseMatchingPair = {} self.ifdefstack = [] import nsiqcppstyle_lexer lexer = nsiqcppstyle_lexer.lex() = data if data == None : f = open(filename) = self.lines = lexer.input( index = 0 while True : tok = lexer.token() if not tok : break; tok.column = self._GetColumn(tok) tok.index = index tok.inactive = False index += 1 self.tokenlist.append(tok) tok.line = self.lines[tok.lineno-1] tok.filename = self.filename tok.pp = None # self.ProcessIfdef(tok) self.tokenlistsize = len(self.tokenlist) self.PushTokenIndex() while(True) : t = self.GetNextToken() if t == None : break t.inactive = self.ProcessIfdef(t) self.PopTokenIndex() def ProcessIfdef(self, token): if token.type == "PREPROCESSOR" : if Match(r"^#\s*if(n)?def$", token.value) : self.ifdefstack.append(True) elif Match(r"^#\s*if$", token.value) : nextToken = self.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment() if nextToken != None and nextToken.value == "0" : self.ifdefstack.append(False) else: self.ifdefstack.append(True) elif Match(r"^#\s*endif$", token.value) : if len(self.ifdefstack) != 0 : self.ifdefstack.pop() for ifdef in self.ifdefstack : if not ifdef : return True return False def Backup(self): """ Back up the current context in lexer to be restored later """ return (self.tokenindex, self.indexstack[:]) def Restore(self, data): """ Restore the lexer context. tuple using tokenindex and indexstack should be passed """ self.tokenindex = data[0] self.indexstack = data[1] def Reset(self): """ Reset Lexer """ self.tokenindex = -1 self.indexstack = [] def GetCurTokenLine(self): """ Get Current Token, if No current token, return None """ curToken = self.GetCurToken() if curToken != None : return self.lines[curToken.lineno-1] return None def _MoveToToken(self, token): self.tokenindex = token.index def _GetColumn(self, token): """ Get given token column """ last_cr ='\n', 0 ,token.lexpos) if last_cr < 0: last_cr = -1 column = (token.lexpos - last_cr) if column == 0 : return 1 return column def GetCurToken(self): """ Get Current Token """ return self.tokenlist[self.tokenindex] def PushTokenIndex(self): """ Push Current Token Index into stack to keep current token. """ self.indexstack.append(self.tokenindex) def PopTokenIndex(self): """ Pop token index stack to roll back to previously pushed token """ self.tokenindex = self.indexstack.pop() def GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpace(self): """ Get Next Token skip the white space. """ return self.GetNextToken(True) def PeekNextToken(self): self.PushTokenIndex() token = self._GetNextToken() self.PopTokenIndex() return token def PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(self, offset = 1): """ Get Next Token skip whitespace, comment and preprocess. This method doesn't change the current lex position. """ self.PushTokenIndex() token = None for x in range(offset) : #@UnusedVariable token = self.GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() self.PopTokenIndex() return token def PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment(self): """ Get Next Token skip whitespace and comment. This method doesn't change the current lex position. """ self.PushTokenIndex() token = self.GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment() self.PopTokenIndex() return token def PeekPrevToken(self): self.PushTokenIndex() token = self._GetPrevToken() self.PopTokenIndex() return token def PeekPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(self, offset = 1): """ Get Previous Token skip whitespace and comment. This method doesn't change the current lex position. """ self.PushTokenIndex() token = None; for x in range(offset): #@UnusedVariable token = self.GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() self.PopTokenIndex() return token def PeekPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment(self): """ Get Previous Token skip whitespace and comment. This method doesn't change the current lex position. """ self.PushTokenIndex() token = self.GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment() self.PopTokenIndex() return token def GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(self): """ Get Next Token skip whitespace, comment, preprocess This method changes the current lex position. """ return self.GetNextToken(True, True, True) def GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment(self): """ Get Next Token skip whitespace and comment. This method changes the current lex position. """ return self.GetNextToken(True, True) def GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(self): """ Get Previous Token skip whitespace, comment, process. This method changes the current lex position. """ return self.GetPrevToken(True, True, True) def GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment(self): """ Get Previous Token skip whitespace and comment. This method changes the current lex position. """ return self.GetPrevToken(True, True) def GetNextToken(self, skipWhiteSpace=False, skipComment=False, skipDirective=False, skipMatchingBraces=False): """ Get Next Token with various option - skipWhiteSpace - skip white space - skipComment - skip comment - skipDirective - skip preprocessor line - skipMatchingBraces - skip all { [ ( and matching pair """ context = self._SkipContext(skipWhiteSpace, skipComment) while(True) : token = self._GetNextToken() if token == None : return token if token.inactive == True: continue if skipMatchingBraces and token.type in ["LPAREN", "LBRACE", "LBRACKET"] : self.GetNextMatchingToken() continue if skipDirective : if token.pp == True : continue if token.type not in context : if token != None : token.column = self._GetColumn(token) return token def GetNextMatchingGT(self, keepCur=False): if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() gtStack = [] if self.GetCurToken().type != "LT" : raise RuntimeError('Matching token should be examined when cur token is } ) ]') gtStack.append(self.GetCurToken()) t = self._GetNextMatchingGTToken(gtStack) if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return t def _GetNextMatchingGTToken(self, tokenStack): while True : nextToken = self._GetNextToken() if nextToken == None : return None elif nextToken.type in ["LT"] : tokenStack.append(nextToken) elif nextToken.type in ["GT"] : tokenStack.pop() if len(tokenStack) == 0 : return nextToken else : return None elif nextToken.type in ["RSHIFT"] : tokenStack.pop() tokenStack.pop() if len(tokenStack) == 0 : return nextToken else : return None def GetNextMatchingToken(self, keepCur = False): """ Get matching token """ if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() tokenStack = [] if self.GetCurToken().type not in ["LPAREN", "LBRACE", "LBRACKET"] : raise RuntimeError('Matching token should be examined when cur token is { [ (') tokenStack.append(self.GetCurToken()) t = self._GetNextMatchingToken(tokenStack) if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return t def _GetNextMatchingToken(self, tokenStack): searchToken = tokenStack[-1] matchingToken = self.matchingPair.get(searchToken, None) lastPopedToken = None if matchingToken != None : self._MoveToToken(matchingToken) return matchingToken while True : nextToken = self._GetNextToken() if nextToken == None : if self.reverseMatchingPair.has_key(lastPopedToken) : return None self.matchingPair[searchToken] = lastPopedToken self.reverseMatchingPair[lastPopedToken] = searchToken return lastPopedToken if nextToken.type in ["LPAREN", "LBRACE", "LBRACKET"] : tokenStack.append(nextToken) #print "Push", nextToken if nextToken.type in ["RPAREN", "RBRACE", "RBRACKET"] : prevTokenPair = tokenStack[-1] if prevTokenPair != None : if prevTokenPair.type[1:] == nextToken.type[1:] : tokenStack.pop() lastPopedToken = nextToken if len(tokenStack) == 0 : if self.reverseMatchingPair.has_key(nextToken) : return None self.matchingPair[searchToken] = nextToken self.reverseMatchingPair[nextToken] = searchToken return nextToken else : return None else : return None def GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpace(self): return self.GetPrevToken(True) # def GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment(self): # return self.GetPrevToken(True, True) def GetPrevToken(self, skipWhiteSpace=False, skipComment=False, skipDirective=False, skipMatchingBraces=False): context = self._SkipContext(skipWhiteSpace, skipComment) while(True) : token = self._GetPrevToken() if token == None : return token if token.inactive : continue if skipMatchingBraces and token.type in ["RPAREN", "RBRACE", "RBRACKET"] : self.GetPrevMatchingToken() continue if skipDirective : line = self.GetCurTokenLine() if Search(r"^\s*#", line) : continue if token.type not in context : return token def GetPrevMatchingToken(self, keepCur=False): if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() tokenStack = [] if self.GetCurToken().type not in ["RPAREN", "RBRACE", "RBRACKET"] : raise RuntimeError('Matching token should be examined when cur token is } ) ]') tokenStack.append(self.GetCurToken()) t = self._GetPrevMatchingToken(tokenStack) if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return t def _GetPrevMatchingToken(self, tokenStack): searchToken = tokenStack[-1] matchingToken = self.reverseMatchingPair.get(searchToken, None) if matchingToken != None : self._MoveToToken(matchingToken) return matchingToken while True : prevToken = self._GetPrevToken() if prevToken == None : return None if prevToken.type in ["RPAREN", "RBRACE", "RBRACKET"] : tokenStack.append(prevToken) #print "Push", nextToken elif prevToken.type in ["LPAREN", "LBRACE", "LBRACKET"] : prevTokenPair = tokenStack[-1] if prevTokenPair != None : if prevTokenPair.type[1:] == prevToken.type[1:] : tokenStack.pop() #print "Pop", nextToken #print tokenStack if len(tokenStack) == 0 : self.reverseMatchingPair[searchToken] = prevToken self.matchingPair[prevToken] = searchToken return prevToken else : return None else : return None def _SkipContext(self, skipWhiteSpace=False, skipComment=False): context = [] if skipWhiteSpace : context.append("SPACE") context.append("LINEFEED") if skipComment : context.append("COMMENT") context.append("CPPCOMMENT") return context def _GetNextToken(self): if self.tokenindex < self.tokenlistsize - 1: self.tokenindex = self.tokenindex + 1 return self.tokenlist[self.tokenindex] else : return None; def _GetPrevToken(self): if self.tokenindex >= 0: self.tokenindex = self.tokenindex - 1 if self.tokenindex == -1 : return None return self.tokenlist[self.tokenindex] else : return None; def GetPrevTokenInType(self, type, keepCur=True, skipPreprocess=True): if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() token = None while(True) : token = self.GetPrevToken() if token == None : break elif token.type == type : if skipPreprocess and token.pp : continue break if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return token def GetPrevTokenInTypeList(self, typelist, keepCur=True, skipPreprocess=True): if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() token = None while(True) : token = self.GetPrevToken(False, False, skipPreprocess, False) if token == None : break elif token.type in typelist : if skipPreprocess and token.pp : continue break if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return token def MoveToNextToken(self): if self.tokenindex < self.tokenlistsize - 1: self.tokenindex = self.tokenindex + 1 def MoveToPrevToken(self): if self.tokenindex > 0: self.tokenindex = self.tokenindex - 1 def GetNextTokenInType(self, type, keepCur = False, skipPreprocess = True): if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() token = None while(True) : token = self.GetNextToken() if token == None : break elif token.type == type : if skipPreprocess and token.pp : continue break if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return token def GetNextTokenInTypeList(self, typelist, keepCur = False, skipPreprocess=True): if keepCur : self.PushTokenIndex() token = None while(True) : token = self.GetNextToken() if token == None : break elif token.type in typelist : if skipPreprocess and token.pp : continue break if keepCur : self.PopTokenIndex() return token def HasBody(self): if self.GetCurToken() == None : return False token_id2 = self.GetNextTokenInType("LBRACE", True) token_id3 = self.GetNextTokenInType("SEMI", True) if token_id3 == None and token_id2 != None : return True if token_id2 != None : if token_id2.lexpos < token_id3.lexpos : return True return False class Context : def __init__(self, type, name, sig=False, starttoken = None, endtoken = None): self.type = type = name self.sig = sig self.startToken = starttoken self.endToken = endtoken self.additional = "" def __str__(self): return "%s, %s, %s, %s" % (self.type,, self.startToken, self.endToken) def IsContextStart(self, token): return token == self.startToken def IsContextEnd(self, token): return token == self.endToken def InScope(self, token): if token.lexpos >= self.startToken.lexpos and token.lexpos <= self.endToken.lexpos : return True return False class ContextStack : def __init__(self): self.contextstack = [] pass def Push(self, context): self.contextstack.append(context) def Pop(self): if self.Size() == 0 : return None return self.contextstack.pop() def Peek(self): if self.Size() == 0 : return None return self.contextstack[-1] def SigPeek(self) : i = len(self.contextstack) while(True) : if i == 0 : break i -= 1 if self.contextstack[i].sig : return self.contextstack[i] return None def Size(self): return len(self.contextstack) def IsEmpty(self): return len(self.contextstack) == 0 def ContainsIn(self, type): i = len(self.contextstack) while(True) : if i == 0 : break i -= 1 if self.contextstack[i].type ==type : return True return False def __str__(self): a = "" for eachContext in self.contextstack : a += (eachContext.__str__() + " >> ") return a def Copy(self): contextStack = ContextStack() contextStack.contextstack = self.contextstack[:] return contextStack class _ContextStackStack: def __init__(self): self.contextstackstack = [] def Push(self, contextstack): self.contextstackstack.append(contextstack) def Pop(self): if len(self.contextstackstack) == 0 : return None context = self.contextstackstack.pop() return context def Peek(self): if len(self.contextstackstack) == 0 : return None return self.contextstackstack[-1] ############################################################################ # Parser and Rule Runner Invocator ############################################################################ #AddLineRule(lineRule) import sys def ProcessFile(ruleManager, file, data=None): # print file lexer = CppLexerNavigator(file, data) ContructContextInfo(lexer) # Run Rules lexer.Reset() RunRules(ruleManager, lexer) def ContructContextInfo(lexer): # classstate = None # depth = 0 contextStack = ContextStack() contextStackStack = _ContextStackStack() contextStackStack.Push(contextStack) contextPrediction = None ppScope = False prevLine = 0 templateContext = None nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.ResetRuleSuppression() comment = lexer.GetNextTokenInTypeList(("COMMENT", "CPPCOMMENT"), True) if comment != None : for e in FindAll("--\s*(RULE\w*)", comment.value) : nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.SuppressRule(e) t = None # Construct Context while(True) : try : t = lexer.GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment() if t == None : break t.contextStack = None t.context = None if t.type == "PREPROCESSOR" : t.pp = True ppScope = True elif ppScope == True : if prevLine == t.lineno-1: prevToken = lexer.PeekPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment() if prevToken != None : ppScope = (prevToken.type == "PREPROCESSORNEXT") t.pp = ppScope elif prevLine == t.lineno : t.pp = True else : ppScope = False if templateContext != None and not templateContext.InScope(t) : templateContext = None if t.type in ['LBRACE', 'LPAREN', 'LBRACKET'] : if contextPrediction != None and contextPrediction.IsContextStart(t): contextStack = contextStack.Copy() contextStack.Push(contextPrediction) contextStackStack.Push(contextStack) contextPrediction = None else : mt = lexer.GetNextMatchingToken(True) if mt != None: contextStack = contextStack.Copy() contextStack.Push(Context(t.type[1:]+"BLOCK", "", False, t.lexpos, mt.lexpos)) contextStackStack.Push(contextStack) # print depth, "Push", contextStack elif t.type in ["RBRACE", "RPAREN", "RBRACKET"] : contextStackStack.Pop() contextStack = contextStackStack.Peek() #print depth, "Pop ", contextStack # Type Prediction elif t.type == "TEMPLATE" : lexer.PushTokenIndex() t2 = lexer.GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() if t2 != None and t2.type == "LT" : t3 = lexer.GetNextMatchingGT() templateContext = Context("TEMPLATE", "", False, t2, t3) lexer.PopTokenIndex() elif t.pp != True and templateContext == None and t.type in ["CLASS", "STRUCT", "ENUM", "UNION", "NAMESPACE"] and contextPrediction == None: prevToken = lexer.PeekPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() hasBody = lexer.HasBody() fullName = "" curContext = contextStack.Peek() if (prevToken == None or prevToken.value != "<") and (curContext == None or curContext.type != "PARENBLOCK") and hasBody : lexer.PushTokenIndex() # find start and end brace block contextStart = lexer.GetNextTokenInType("LBRACE") contextEnd = lexer.GetNextMatchingToken(contextStart) lexer.PopTokenIndex() lexer.PushTokenIndex() if contextEnd != None : while(True) : token = lexer.GetNextTokenInType("ID") nextIDtoken = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() if token == None or token.lexpos > contextStart.lexpos : break; if nextIDtoken.type == "ID" : continue nextToken = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() if token != None and nextToken != None and nextToken.type == "DOUBLECOLON": fullName += (token.value + "::") continue else : fullName += token.value break contextPrediction = Context(t.type + "_BLOCK", fullName, True, contextStart, contextEnd) lexer.PopTokenIndex() t.type = "TYPE" t.fullName = fullName t.context = contextPrediction t.decl = not hasBody # RunTypeRule(lexer, fullName, not hasBody, contextStack, contextPrediction) # Function Prediction elif t.pp != True and t.type in ("ID", "OPERATOR") and contextPrediction == None: curNotSigContext = contextStack.Peek() if (curNotSigContext != None and curNotSigContext.sig == False): continue t2 = None t4 = None if t.type == "ID" : t2 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() t4 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(2) else : t2 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() if t2.type == "LPAREN" : t2 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(3) t4 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(4) else : t2 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(2) t4 = lexer.PeekNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess(3) t3 = lexer.PeekPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() curContext = contextStack.SigPeek() if (t3 == None or t3.type != "NEW") and t2 != None and t2.type == "LPAREN" and (curContext == None or curContext.type in ["CLASS_BLOCK", "STRUCT_BLOCK", "NAMESPACE_BLOCK"]) and t4.type != "STRING": # Check The ID after the next RPAREN # if there is ID or None it's not a function. # in case HELLO() HELLO2() lexer.PushTokenIndex() lexer._MoveToToken(t2) lexer.GetNextMatchingToken() t5 = lexer.GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() if t5 == None or t5.type == "ID" : lexer.PopTokenIndex() continue lexer.PopTokenIndex() ############################## lexer.PushTokenIndex() contextPrediction = None fullName = t.value lexer.PushTokenIndex() if t.type == "OPERATOR" : fullName = fullName + t3.value else : while(True) : prevName = lexer.GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess() if prevName != None : if prevName.type == "NOT" : fullName = "~" + fullName elif prevName.type == "DOUBLECOLON" : fullName = "::" + fullName fullName = lexer.GetPrevTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndCommentAndPreprocess().value + fullName else : break else : break lexer.PopTokenIndex() if Match(r"^[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]+$", fullName) : continue impl = lexer.HasBody() if impl : contextStart = lexer.GetNextTokenInType("LBRACE") contextEnd = lexer.GetNextMatchingToken(contextStart) if contextEnd != None : contextPrediction = Context("FUNCTION_BLOCK", fullName, True, contextStart, contextEnd) #RunFunctionRule(lexer, functionName, decl, contextStack, contextPrediction) t.type = "FUNCTION" t.fullName = fullName t.context = contextPrediction t.decl = not impl lexer.PopTokenIndex() #print "TT", lexer.GetCurTokenLine(), impl, contextPrediction t.contextStack = contextStack prevLine = t.lineno except Exception, e: if nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.verbose : print >> sys.stderr, "Context Construnction Error : ", t, t.contextStack, e traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) def RunRules(ruleManager, lexer): try : ruleManager.RunFileStartRule(lexer, os.path.basename(lexer.filename), os.path.dirname(lexer.filename)) except Exception, e: if nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.verbose : print >> sys.stderr, "Rule Error : ", e traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) currentLine = 0 t = None while(True) : try : t = lexer.GetNextTokenSkipWhiteSpaceAndComment() if t == None : break if currentLine != t.lineno : currentLine = t.lineno ruleManager.RunLineRule(lexer, lexer.GetCurTokenLine(), currentLine) if t.pp == True : ruleManager.RunPreprocessRule(lexer, t.contextStack) else : if t.type == 'TYPE' : ruleManager.RunTypeNameRule(lexer, t.value.upper(), t.fullName, t.decl, t.contextStack, t.context) elif t.type == 'FUNCTION' : ruleManager.RunFunctionNameRule(lexer, t.fullName, t.decl, t.contextStack, t.context) elif t.contextStack != None and t.contextStack.SigPeek() != None : sigContext = t.contextStack.SigPeek() if sigContext.type == "FUNCTION_BLOCK" : ruleManager.RunFunctionScopeRule(lexer, t.contextStack) elif sigContext.type in ["CLASS_BLOCK", "STRUCT_BLOCK", "ENUM_BLOCK", "NAMESPACE_BLOCK", "UNION_BLOCK"]: ruleManager.RunTypeScopeRule(lexer, t.contextStack) ruleManager.RunRule(lexer, t.contextStack) except Exception, e: if nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.verbose : print >> sys.stderr, "Rule Error : ", t, t.contextStack, e traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) try : ruleManager.RunFileEndRule(lexer, os.path.basename(lexer.filename), os.path.dirname(lexer.filename)) except Exception, e: if nsiqcppstyle_state._nsiqcppstyle_state.verbose : print >> sys.stderr, "Rule Error : ", e traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
# Copyright 2009 Google Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import os import os.path ### # Django related settings ### DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG ADMINS = ( # ('Your Name', ''), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS # This stuff is always going to be the same for an App Engine instance DATABASE_ENGINE = 'appengine' # 'appengine' is the only supported engine DATABASE_NAME = '' # Not used with appengine DATABASE_USER = '' # Not used with appengine DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' # Not used with appengine DATABASE_HOST = '' # Not used with appengine DATABASE_PORT = '' # Not used with appengine # The appengine_django code doesn't care about the address of memcached # because it is a built in API for App Engine CACHE_BACKEND = 'memcached://' # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your # system time zone. TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. SECRET_KEY = 'I AM SO SECRET' # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source', # 'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'middleware.domain.DomainMiddleware', 'middleware.auth.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'middleware.exception.ExceptionMiddleware', 'middleware.cache.CacheMiddleware', 'middleware.strip_whitespace.WhitespaceMiddleware', 'middleware.profile.ProfileMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'urls' # Where the templates live, you probably don't want to change this unless you # know what you're doing TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.dirname(__file__), ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( 'django.core.context_processors.debug', 'django.core.context_processors.request', 'common.context_processors.settings', 'common.context_processors.flash', 'common.context_processors.components', ) # Only apps under INSTALLED_APPS will be automatically tested via # `python test` and the profiling code takes this list into # account while filtering calls INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'appengine_django', 'common', 'actor', 'api', 'channel', 'explore', 'join', 'flat', 'login', 'front', 'invite', 'install', 'confirm', 'components', ) # We override the default test runner so that we can be Totally Awesome TEST_RUNNER = 'common.test.runner.run_tests' #### # # Below this is custom for Jaiku Engine (not related to Django) # #### # This is a dynamic setting so that we can check whether we have been run # locally, it is used mainly for making special testing-only tweaks. Ideally # we wouldn't need this, but the alternatives so far have been tricky. MANAGE_PY = os.path.exists('') # This is the name of the site that will be used whenever it refers to itself SITE_NAME = 'Rapid-Comments' SUPPORT_CHANNEL = 'support' # This is the colloquial name for an entry, mostly used for branding purposes POST_NAME = 'Post' # This is the name of the root user of the site ROOT_NICK = '' # This is the domain where this is installed on App Engine. It will be # necessary to know this if you plan on enabling SSL for login and join. GAE_DOMAIN = '' # Enabling this means we expect to be spending most of our time on a # Hosted domain HOSTED_DOMAIN_ENABLED = True # This is the domain you intend to serve your site from, when using hosted # domains. If SSL is enabled for login and join those requests will still # go to the GAE_DOMAIN above. HOSTED_DOMAIN = '' # App Engine requires you to serve with a subdomain DEFAULT_HOSTED_SUBDOMAIN = 'www' NS_DOMAIN = '' # DOMAIN will be used wherever a url to this site needs to be created # NS_DOMAIN will be used as the domain part of actor identifiers. # Note that changing this once you have deployed the site will likely result # in catastrophic failure. if HOSTED_DOMAIN_ENABLED: DOMAIN = '%s.%s' % (DEFAULT_HOSTED_SUBDOMAIN, HOSTED_DOMAIN) else: DOMAIN = GAE_DOMAIN # Subdomains aren't supported all that nicely by App Engine yet, so you # probably won't be able to enable WILDCARD_SUBDOMAINS below, but you can # still set up your app to use some of the static subdomains below. # Subdomains are ignored unless HOSTED_DOMAIN_ENABLED is True. SUBDOMAINS_ENABLED = False WILDCARD_USER_SUBDOMAINS_ENABLED = False # These are defined as { subdomain : url_conf, ...} INSTALLED_SUBDOMAINS = { 'api': 'api.urls', # api-only urlconf 'm': 'urls', # default urlconf, but allow the subdomain } # Enable SSL support for login and join, if using HOSTED_DOMAIN_ENABLED # this means you will be redirecting through https://GAE_DOMAIN/login # and https://GAE_DOMAIN/join for those respective actions. SSL_LOGIN_ENABLED = False # # Appearance / Theme # # The default theme to use DEFAULT_THEME = 'rapidcomment' # # Cookie # # Cookie settings, pretty self explanatory, you shouldn't need to touch these. USER_COOKIE = 'user' PASSWORD_COOKIE = 'password' COOKIE_DOMAIN = '.%s' % DOMAIN COOKIE_PATH = '/' # # Blog # # Do you want /blog to redirect to your blog? BLOG_ENABLED = False # Where is your blog? BLOG_URL = '' BLOG_FEED_URL = '' # # API # # Setting this to True will make the public API accept all requests as being # from ROOT with no regard to actual authentication. # Never this set to True on a production site. API_DISABLE_VERIFICATION = False # These next three determine which OAuth Signature Methods to allow. API_ALLOW_RSA_SHA1 = True API_ALLOW_HMAC_SHA1 = True API_ALLOW_PLAINTEXT = False # These three determine whether the ROOT use should be allowed to use these # methods, if any at all. Setting all of these to False will disable the # ROOT user from accessing the public API API_ALLOW_ROOT_RSA_SHA1 = True API_ALLOW_ROOT_HMAC_SHA1 = True API_ALLOW_ROOT_PLAINTEXT = False # OAuth consumer key and secret values ROOT_TOKEN_KEY = 'ROOT_TOKEN_KEY' ROOT_TOKEN_SECRET = 'ROOT_TOKEN_SECRET' ROOT_CONSUMER_KEY = 'ROOT_CONSUMER_KEY' ROOT_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'ROOT_CONSUMER_SECRET' # Allow support for legacy API authentication API_ALLOW_LEGACY_AUTH = False LEGACY_SECRET_KEY = 'I AM ALSO SECRET' # # SMS # # Enabling SMS will require a bit more than just making this True, please # read the docs at SMS_ENABLED = False # Most SMS vendors will provide a service that will post messages to a url # on your site when an SMS has been received on their end, this setting allows # you to add a secret value to that must exist in that url to prevent # malicious use. SMS_VENDOR_SECRET = 'SMS_VENDOR' # Valid numbers on which you expect to receive SMS SMS_TARGET = '00000' # Whitelist regular expression for allowable mobile-terminated targets SMS_MT_WHITELIST = re.compile('\+\d+') # Blacklist regular expression for blocked mobile-terminated targets SMS_MT_BLACKLIST = None # Turn on test mode for SMS SMS_TEST_ONLY = False # Numbers to use when testing live SMS so you don't spam all your users SMS_TEST_NUMBERS = [] # # XMPP / IM # # Enabling IM will require a bit more than just making this True, please # read the docs at IM_ENABLED = False # This is the id (JID) of the IM bot that you will use to communicate with # users of the IM interface IM_BOT = '' # Turn on test mode for IM IM_TEST_ONLY = False # JIDs to allow when testing live XMPP so you don't spam all your users IM_TEST_JIDS = [] # Enable to send plain text messages only. Default is to send both plain # text and html. IM_PLAIN_TEXT_ONLY = False # Truncate entry title in comments. None or 140+ means no truncation. IM_MAX_LENGTH_OF_ENTRY_TITLES_FOR_COMMENTS = 40 # # Task Queue # # Enabling the queue will allow you to process posts with larger numbers # of followers but will require you to set up a cron job that will continuously # ping a special url to make sure the queue gets processed QUEUE_ENABLED = True # The secret to use for your cron job that processes your queue QUEUE_VENDOR_SECRET = 'SECRET' # # Throttling Config # # This will control the max number of SMS to send over a 30-day period THROTTLE_SMS_GLOBAL_MONTH = 10000 # Settings for remote services IMAGE_UPLOAD_ENABLED = False IMAGE_UPLOAD_URL = '' # Settings for Google Contacts import GOOGLE_CONTACTS_IMPORT_ENABLED = False FEEDS_ENABLED = False MARK_AS_SPAM_ENABLED = True PRESS_ENABLED = False HIDE_COMMENTS_ENABLED = True MULTIADMIN_ENABLED = False PRIVATE_CHANNELS_ENABLED = False MARKDOWN_ENABLED = False # Lists nicks of users participating in conversations underneath comment # areas for posts. Clicking list items inserts @nicks into comment box. # The list shows a maximum of 25 nicks. COMMENT_QUICKLINKS_ENABLED = True # If enabled, adds support for using access keys 1-9 to insert @nicks into # comment box. Requires COMMENT_QUICKLINKS_ENABLED. COMMENT_QUICKLINKS_ACCESSKEYS_ENABLED = False PROFILE_DB = False # Limit of avatar photo size in kilobytes MAX_AVATAR_PHOTO_KB = 200 MAX_ACTIVATIONS = 10 # Email Test mode EMAIL_TEST_ONLY = False # Allowed email addresses for testing EMAIL_TEST_ADDRESSES = [] # Email limiting, if this is set it will restrict users to those with # email addresses in this domain EMAIL_LIMIT_DOMAIN = None # Things to measure to taste MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH = 2000 # Gdata Stuff GDATA_CONSUMER_KEY = '' GDATA_CONSUMER_SECRET = '' def default_email_sender(): try: return os.environ['DJANGO_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'] except KeyError: return '' DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = default_email_sender() DEFAULT_UNITTEST_TO_EMAIL = '' PROFILING_DATA_PATH = 'profiling/prof_db.csv' # Set up the settings for the dev server if we are running it if MANAGE_PY: try: from dev_settings import * except ImportError: pass # Allow local overrides, useful for testing during development try: from local_settings import * except ImportError: pass
import re from urllib2 import unquote from django import forms from django.forms.models import modelformset_factory import happyforms from tower import ugettext_lazy as _lazy from bleach import TLDS from quieter_formset.formset import BaseModelFormSet import amo import reviews from .models import Review, ReviewFlag from amo.utils import raise_required from editors.models import ReviewerScore class ReviewReplyForm(forms.Form): title = forms.CharField(required=False) body = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3})) def clean_body(self): body = self.cleaned_data.get('body', '') # Whitespace is not a review! if not body.strip(): raise_required() return body class ReviewForm(ReviewReplyForm): rating = forms.ChoiceField(zip(range(1, 6), range(1, 6))) flags = re.I | re.L | re.U | re.M # This matches the following three types of patterns: # http://... or https://..., generic domain names, and IPv4 # octets. It does not match IPv6 addresses or long strings such as # "example dot com". link_pattern = re.compile('((://)|' # Protocols (e.g.: http://) '((\d{1,3}\.){3}(\d{1,3}))|' '([0-9a-z\-%%]+\.(%s)))' % '|'.join(TLDS), flags) def _post_clean(self): # Unquote the body in case someone tries 'example%2ecom'. data = unquote(self.cleaned_data.get('body', '')) if '<br>' in data: self.cleaned_data['body'] = re.sub('<br>', '\n', data) if is not None: self.cleaned_data['flag'] = True self.cleaned_data['editorreview'] = True class ReviewFlagForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = ReviewFlag fields = ('flag', 'note', 'review', 'user') def clean(self): data = super(ReviewFlagForm, self).clean() if 'note' in data and data['note'].strip(): data['flag'] = ReviewFlag.OTHER return data class BaseReviewFlagFormSet(BaseModelFormSet): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.form = ModerateReviewFlagForm self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None) super(BaseReviewFlagFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def save(self): from reviews.helpers import user_can_delete_review for form in self.forms: if form.cleaned_data and user_can_delete_review(self.request, form.instance): action = int(form.cleaned_data['action']) is_flagged = (form.instance.reviewflag_set.count() > 0) if action != reviews.REVIEW_MODERATE_SKIP: # Delete flags. for flag in form.instance.reviewflag_set.all(): flag.delete() review = form.instance addon = review.addon if action == reviews.REVIEW_MODERATE_DELETE: review_addon = review.addon review_id = review.delete() amo.log(amo.LOG.DELETE_REVIEW, review_addon, review_id, details=dict(title=unicode(review.title), body=unicode(review.body),, addon_title=unicode(, is_flagged=is_flagged)) if self.request: ReviewerScore.award_moderation_points( self.request.amo_user, addon, review_id) elif action == reviews.REVIEW_MODERATE_KEEP: review.editorreview = False amo.log(amo.LOG.APPROVE_REVIEW, review.addon, review, details=dict(title=unicode(review.title), body=unicode(review.body),, addon_title=unicode(, is_flagged=is_flagged)) if self.request: ReviewerScore.award_moderation_points( self.request.amo_user, addon, class ModerateReviewFlagForm(happyforms.ModelForm): action_choices = [(reviews.REVIEW_MODERATE_KEEP, _lazy(u'Keep review; remove flags')), (reviews.REVIEW_MODERATE_SKIP, _lazy(u'Skip for now')), (reviews.REVIEW_MODERATE_DELETE, _lazy(u'Delete review'))] action = forms.ChoiceField(choices=action_choices, required=False, initial=0, widget=forms.RadioSelect()) class Meta: model = Review fields = ('action',) ReviewFlagFormSet = modelformset_factory(Review, extra=0, form=ModerateReviewFlagForm, formset=BaseReviewFlagFormSet)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------ # pelisalacarta 4 # Copyright 2015 # # Distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) # #------------------------------------------------------------ # This file is part of pelisalacarta 4. # # pelisalacarta 4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # pelisalacarta 4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with pelisalacarta 4. If not, see <>. #------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION_MOVE_LEFT = 1 #Dpad Left ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT = 2 #Dpad Right ACTION_MOVE_UP = 3 #Dpad Up ACTION_MOVE_DOWN = 4 #Dpad Down ACTION_PAGE_UP = 5 #Left trigger ACTION_PAGE_DOWN = 6 #Right trigger ACTION_SELECT_ITEM = 7 #'A' ACTION_HIGHLIGHT_ITEM = 8 ACTION_PARENT_DIR = 9 #'B' ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU = 10 #'Back' ACTION_SHOW_INFO = 11 ACTION_PAUSE = 12 ACTION_STOP = 13 #'Start' ACTION_NEXT_ITEM = 14 ACTION_PREV_ITEM = 15 ACTION_XBUTTON = 18 #'X' ACTION_YBUTTON = 34 #'Y' ACTION_MOUSEMOVE = 90 # Mouse has moved ACTION_MOUSEMOVE2 = 107 # Mouse has moved ACTION_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK = 100 ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU2 = 92 #'Back' ACTION_CONTEXT_MENU = 117 # pops up the context menu ACTION_CONTEXT_MENU2 = 229 # pops up the context menu (remote control "title" button) ACTION_TOUCH_TAP = 401 ACTION_NOOP = 999 import plugintools import os import xbmc # TODO: Definir fuentes small, medium, large etc por su tamaño y que busque la más apropiada (probar primero si se puede cambiar fuente en caliente en el skin) def get_fonts(): plugintools.log("get_fonts") skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() plugintools.log("get_fonts skin="+skin) try: skin_file = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath('special://skin/1080i'), 'Font.xml') plugintools.log("skin_file="+skin_file) available_fonts = skin_file, "r") except: try: skin_file = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath('special://skin/720p'), 'Font.xml') plugintools.log("skin_file="+skin_file) available_fonts = skin_file, "r") except: available_fonts = "" plugintools.log("get_fonts available_fonts="+repr(available_fonts)) if "confluence" in skin or "estuary" in skin or "refocus" in skin: return {"10": "font10", "12": "font12", "16": "font16", "24": "font24_title", "30": "font30"} elif "aeonmq" in skin: return {"10": "font_14", "12": "font_16", "16": "font_20", "24": "font_24", "30": "font_30"} elif "madnox" in skin: return {"10": "Font_Reg22", "12": "Font_Reg26", "16": "Font_Reg32", "24": "Font_Reg38", "30": "Font_ShowcaseMainLabel2_Caps"} ''' elif available_fonts: fuentes = plugintools.find_multiple_matches(data_font, "<name>([^<]+)<\/name>(?:<![^<]+>|)\s*<filename>[^<]+<\/filename>\s*<size>(\d+)<\/size>") sizes = [] try: for name, size in fuentes: size = int(size) sizes.append([size, name]) sizes.sort() fonts["10"] = sizes[0][1].lower() check = False if not 12 in sizes: for size, name in sizes: if size != fonts["10"]: fonts["12"] = name.lower() check = True break for size, name in sizes: if size == 12 and not check: fonts["12"] = name.lower() elif size == 16: fonts["16"] = name.lower() elif size == 24: fonts["24"] = name.lower() elif size == 30: fonts["30"] = name.lower() break elif size > 30 and size <= 33: fonts["30"] = name.lower() break except: pass ''' return {"10": "font10", "12": "font12", "16": "font16", "24": "font24", "30": "font30"}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Removing unique constraint on 'AccessGroup', fields ['team', 'name'] db.delete_unique(u'sentry_accessgroup', ['team_id', 'name']) # Deleting model 'AccessGroup' db.delete_table(u'sentry_accessgroup') # Removing M2M table for field members on 'AccessGroup' db.delete_table(db.shorten_name(u'sentry_accessgroup_members')) # Removing M2M table for field projects on 'AccessGroup' db.delete_table(db.shorten_name(u'sentry_accessgroup_projects')) def backwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'AccessGroup' db.create_table(u'sentry_accessgroup', ( ('type','sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedIntegerField')(default=50)), ('managed','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=64)), ('team','sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey')(to=orm['sentry.Team'])), ('date_added','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(, ('data','sentry.db.models.fields.gzippeddict.GzippedDictField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('id','sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField')(primary_key=True)), )) db.send_create_signal('sentry', ['AccessGroup']) # Adding M2M table for field members on 'AccessGroup' m2m_table_name = db.shorten_name(u'sentry_accessgroup_members') db.create_table(m2m_table_name, ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), ('accessgroup', models.ForeignKey(orm['sentry.accessgroup'], null=False)), ('user', models.ForeignKey(orm['sentry.user'], null=False)) )) db.create_unique(m2m_table_name, ['accessgroup_id', 'user_id']) # Adding M2M table for field projects on 'AccessGroup' m2m_table_name = db.shorten_name(u'sentry_accessgroup_projects') db.create_table(m2m_table_name, ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), ('accessgroup', models.ForeignKey(orm['sentry.accessgroup'], null=False)), ('project', models.ForeignKey(orm['sentry.project'], null=False)) )) db.create_unique(m2m_table_name, ['accessgroup_id', 'project_id']) # Adding unique constraint on 'AccessGroup', fields ['team', 'name'] db.create_unique(u'sentry_accessgroup', ['team_id', 'name']) models = { 'sentry.activity': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Activity'}, 'data': ('sentry.db.models.fields.gzippeddict.GzippedDictField', [], {'null': 'True'}), 'datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'event': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Event']", 'null': 'True'}), 'group': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Group']", 'null': 'True'}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'ident': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '64', 'null': 'True'}), 'project': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']"}), 'type': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {}), 'user': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.User']", 'null': 'True'}) }, 'sentry.apikey': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ApiKey'}, 'allowed_origins': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_added': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '32'}), 'label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Default'", 'max_length': '64', 'blank': 'True'}), 'organization': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'key_set'", 'to': "orm['sentry.Organization']"}), 'scopes': ('django.db.models.fields.BigIntegerField', [], {'default': 'None'}), 'status': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0', 'db_index': 'True'}) }, 'sentry.auditlogentry': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'AuditLogEntry'}, 'actor': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'audit_actors'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['sentry.User']"}), 'actor_key': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.ApiKey']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'actor_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '64', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'data': ('sentry.db.models.fields.gzippeddict.GzippedDictField', [], {}), 'datetime': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'event': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'ip_address': ('django.db.models.fields.GenericIPAddressField', [], {'max_length': '39', 'null': 'True'}), 'organization': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Organization']"}), 'target_object': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True'}), 'target_user': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'audit_targets'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['sentry.User']"}) }, 'sentry.authidentity': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('auth_provider', 'ident'), ('auth_provider', 'user'))", 'object_name': 'AuthIdentity'}, 'auth_provider': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.AuthProvider']"}), 'data': ('jsonfield.fields.JSONField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'date_added': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'id': 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('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']"}), 'query': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}) }, 'sentry.tagkey': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'key'),)", 'object_name': 'TagKey', 'db_table': "'sentry_filterkey'"}, 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '64', 'null': 'True'}), 'project': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']"}), 'status': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'values_seen': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}) }, 'sentry.tagvalue': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('project', 'key', 'value'),)", 'object_name': 'TagValue', 'db_table': "'sentry_filtervalue'"}, 'data': ('sentry.db.models.fields.gzippeddict.GzippedDictField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'null': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'last_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'null': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'project': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'times_seen': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'value': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('organization', 'slug'),)", 'object_name': 'Team'}, 'date_added': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'null': 'True'}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '64'}), 'organization': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Organization']"}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'status': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedPositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}) }, 'sentry.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User', 'db_table': "'auth_user'"}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_managed': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '128'}) }, 'sentry.useroption': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('user', 'project', 'key'),)", 'object_name': 'UserOption'}, 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '64'}), 'project': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']", 'null': 'True'}), 'user': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.User']"}), 'value': ('sentry.db.models.fields.pickle.UnicodePickledObjectField', [], {}) }, 'sentry.userreport': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'UserReport', 'index_together': "(('project', 'event_id'),)"}, 'comments': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'date_added': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75'}), 'event_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'group': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Group']", 'null': 'True'}), 'id': ('sentry.db.models.fields.bounded.BoundedBigAutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'project': ('sentry.db.models.fields.foreignkey.FlexibleForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['sentry.Project']"}) } } complete_apps = ['sentry']
import os.path import urwid from import common from import pathedit from import signals import # noqa class PromptPath: def __init__(self, callback, args): self.callback, self.args = callback, args def __call__(self, pth): if not pth: return pth = os.path.expanduser(pth) try: return self.callback(pth, *self.args) except IOError as v: signals.status_message.send(message=v.strerror) class PromptStub: def __init__(self, callback, args): self.callback, self.args = callback, args def __call__(self, txt): return self.callback(txt, *self.args) class ActionBar(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self): urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, None) self.clear() signals.status_message.connect(self.sig_message) signals.status_prompt.connect(self.sig_prompt) signals.status_prompt_path.connect(self.sig_path_prompt) signals.status_prompt_onekey.connect(self.sig_prompt_onekey) self.last_path = "" self.prompting = None self.onekey = False self.pathprompt = False def sig_message(self, sender, message, expire=1): if self.prompting: return w = urwid.Text(message) self._w = w if expire: def cb(*args): if w == self._w: self.clear() signals.call_in.send(seconds=expire, callback=cb) def prep_prompt(self, p): return p.strip() + ": " def sig_prompt(self, sender, prompt, text, callback, args=()): signals.focus.send(self, section="footer") self._w = urwid.Edit(self.prep_prompt(prompt), text or "") self.prompting = PromptStub(callback, args) def sig_path_prompt(self, sender, prompt, callback, args=()): signals.focus.send(self, section="footer") self._w = pathedit.PathEdit( self.prep_prompt(prompt), os.path.dirname(self.last_path) ) self.pathprompt = True self.prompting = PromptPath(callback, args) def sig_prompt_onekey(self, sender, prompt, keys, callback, args=()): """ Keys are a set of (word, key) tuples. The appropriate key in the word is highlighted. """ signals.focus.send(self, section="footer") prompt = [prompt, " ("] mkup = [] for i, e in enumerate(keys): mkup.extend(common.highlight_key(e[0], e[1])) if i < len(keys) - 1: mkup.append(",") prompt.extend(mkup) prompt.append(")? ") self.onekey = set(i[1] for i in keys) self._w = urwid.Edit(prompt, "") self.prompting = PromptStub(callback, args) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, k): if self.prompting: if k == "esc": self.prompt_done() elif self.onekey: if k == "enter": self.prompt_done() elif k in self.onekey: self.prompt_execute(k) elif k == "enter": self.prompt_execute(self._w.get_edit_text()) else: if common.is_keypress(k): self._w.keypress(size, k) else: return k def clear(self): self._w = urwid.Text("") self.prompting = None def prompt_done(self): self.prompting = None self.onekey = False self.pathprompt = False signals.status_message.send(message="") signals.focus.send(self, section="body") def prompt_execute(self, txt): if self.pathprompt: self.last_path = txt p = self.prompting self.prompt_done() msg = p(txt) if msg: signals.status_message.send(message=msg, expire=1) class StatusBar(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__( self, master: "", helptext ) -> None: self.master = master self.helptext = helptext self.ib = urwid.WidgetWrap(urwid.Text("")) super().__init__(urwid.Pile([self.ib, self.master.ab])) signals.update_settings.connect(self.sig_update) signals.flowlist_change.connect(self.sig_update) signals.footer_help.connect(self.sig_footer_help) master.options.changed.connect(self.sig_update) master.view.focus.sig_change.connect(self.sig_update) self.redraw() def sig_footer_help(self, sender, helptext): self.helptext = helptext self.redraw() def sig_update(self, sender, updated=None): self.redraw() def keypress(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.master.ab.keypress(*args, **kwargs) def get_status(self): r = [] sreplay = self.master.addons.get("serverplayback") creplay = self.master.addons.get("clientplayback") if len(self.master.options.setheaders): r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "H")) r.append("eaders]") if len(self.master.options.replacements): r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "R")) r.append("eplacing]") if creplay.count(): r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "cplayback")) r.append(":%s]" % creplay.count()) if sreplay.count(): r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "splayback")) r.append(":%s]" % sreplay.count()) if self.master.options.ignore_hosts: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "I")) r.append("gnore:%d]" % len(self.master.options.ignore_hosts)) if self.master.options.tcp_hosts: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "T")) r.append("CP:%d]" % len(self.master.options.tcp_hosts)) if self.master.options.intercept: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "i")) r.append(":%s]" % self.master.options.intercept) if self.master.options.view_filter: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "f")) r.append(":%s]" % self.master.options.view_filter) if self.master.options.stickycookie: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "t")) r.append(":%s]" % self.master.options.stickycookie) if self.master.options.stickyauth: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "u")) r.append(":%s]" % self.master.options.stickyauth) if self.master.options.default_contentview != "auto": r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "M")) r.append(":%s]" % self.master.options.default_contentview) if self.master.options.has_changed("console_order"): r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "o")) r.append(":%s]" % self.master.options.console_order) opts = [] if self.master.options.anticache: opts.append("anticache") if self.master.options.anticomp: opts.append("anticomp") if self.master.options.showhost: opts.append("showhost") if not self.master.options.refresh_server_playback: opts.append("norefresh") if self.master.options.replay_kill_extra: opts.append("killextra") if not self.master.options.upstream_cert: opts.append("no-upstream-cert") if self.master.options.console_focus_follow: opts.append("following") if self.master.options.stream_large_bodies: opts.append(self.master.options.stream_large_bodies) if opts: r.append("[%s]" % (":".join(opts))) if self.master.options.mode != "regular": r.append("[%s]" % self.master.options.mode) if self.master.options.scripts: r.append("[") r.append(("heading_key", "s")) r.append("cripts:%s]" % len(self.master.options.scripts)) if self.master.options.streamfile: r.append("[W:%s]" % self.master.options.streamfile) return r def redraw(self): fc = len(self.master.view) if self.master.view.focus.flow is None: offset = 0 else: offset = self.master.view.focus.index + 1 if self.master.options.console_order_reversed: arrow = common.SYMBOL_UP else: arrow = common.SYMBOL_DOWN marked = "" if self.master.view.show_marked: marked = "M" t = [ ('heading', ("%s %s [%s/%s]" % (arrow, marked, offset, fc)).ljust(11)), ] if self.master.server.bound: host = self.master.server.address[0] if host == "": host = "*" boundaddr = "[%s:%s]" % (host, self.master.server.address[1]) else: boundaddr = "" t.extend(self.get_status()) status = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Columns([ urwid.Text(t), urwid.Text( [ self.helptext, boundaddr ], align="right" ), ]), "heading") self.ib._w = status def selectable(self): return True
import json from time import sleep import os from subprocess import call import getopt from sys import argv, exit import requests container_list = {} def add_dns(name, hostname, ip, is_slave=None): if is_slave: r = requests.put("http://%s/%s/%s/%s/" % (is_slave, name, hostname, ip)) if r.status_code != 200: exit(0) else: file = open("/etc/dnsmasq.d/0%s" % hostname, "w+") file.write("host-record=%s,%s" % (hostname,ip)) file.close() def remove_dns(hostname, is_slave=None): if is_slave: r = requests.delete("http://%s/%s/" % (is_slave, hostname)) if r.status_code != 200: exit(0) else: return call(["rm", "/etc/dnsmasq.d/0%s" % hostname]) def get_response(docker_api, api_path): r = requests.get("%s/%s" % (docker_api, api_path)) if r.status_code == 200: return json.loads(r.content) def update_dns(is_slave=None, docker_api=None): containers = get_response(docker_api, 'containers/json?all=1') dnsmasq_required_restart = False listed_ids = [] for container in containers: listed_ids.append(container['Id']) is_up = False if container['Status'].startswith('Up'): is_up = True try: status = container_list[container['Id']] if is_up: container_status = get_response(docker_api, 'containers/%s/json' % container['Id']) if container_status['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] != status['ip']: add_dns(name=container_status['Name'][1:], hostname=container_status['Config']['Hostname'], ip=container_status['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'], is_slave=is_slave) status['ip'] = container_status['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] dnsmasq_required_restart = True except KeyError: if is_up: container_status = get_response(docker_api, 'containers/%s/json' % container['Id']) add_dns(name=container_status['Name'][1:], hostname=container_status['Config']['Hostname'], ip=container_status['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'], is_slave=is_slave) dnsmasq_required_restart = True container_list[container['Id']] = {'hostname': container_status['Config']['Hostname'], 'ip': container_status['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress']} stopped = set(container_list.keys()) - set(listed_ids) if len(stopped) > 0: dnsmasq_required_restart = True for id in stopped: remove_dns(container_list[id]['hostname'], is_slave=is_slave) del container_list[id] if not is_slave and dnsmasq_required_restart: call(['/bin/']) optlist,args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], '-d:-m:', ['dns=', 'master=', 'docker_api=']) names = [""] is_slave = False docker_api = None for opt,value in optlist: if opt in ['d', '--dns']: names.extend(value.split(',')) elif opt in ['m', '--master']: is_slave = value elif opt in ['--docker_api']: docker_api = value if not is_slave: resolve_file = open("/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf", "w+") names.append('') [resolve_file.write("nameserver %s\n" % name) for name in names] resolve_file.close() import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer PORT = 538 server_address = ('', PORT) class UpdateDNS(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def _set_headers(self, status_code): self.send_response(status_code) self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): pass def do_DELETE(self): hostname = self.path[1:].split('/')[0] if len(hostname) > 0: if remove_dns(hostname) == 0: call(['/bin/']) self._set_headers(200) else: self._set_headers(500) self.wfile.write("") def do_PUT(self): try: name,hostname,ip = self.path[1:].split('/')[0:3] add_dns(name,hostname,ip) call(['/bin/']) self._set_headers(200) except ValueError: self._set_headers(500) self.wfile.write("") SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(server_address, UpdateDNS) httpd.serve_forever() else: while 1: update_dns(is_slave, docker_api) sleep(10)
# Authors: Nicolas Tresegnie <> # License: BSD 3 clause import warnings import numpy as np import as ma from scipy import sparse from scipy import stats from ..base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from ..utils import check_array from ..utils import as_float_array from ..utils.fixes import astype from ..utils.sparsefuncs import _get_median from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ..externals import six zip = map = __all__ = [ 'Imputer', ] def _get_mask(X, value_to_mask): """Compute the boolean mask X == missing_values.""" if value_to_mask == "NaN" or np.isnan(value_to_mask): return np.isnan(X) else: return X == value_to_mask def _most_frequent(array, extra_value, n_repeat): """Compute the most frequent value in a 1d array extended with [extra_value] * n_repeat, where extra_value is assumed to be not part of the array.""" # Compute the most frequent value in array only if array.size > 0: mode = stats.mode(array) most_frequent_value = mode[0][0] most_frequent_count = mode[1][0] else: most_frequent_value = 0 most_frequent_count = 0 # Compare to array + [extra_value] * n_repeat if most_frequent_count == 0 and n_repeat == 0: return np.nan elif most_frequent_count < n_repeat: return extra_value elif most_frequent_count > n_repeat: return most_frequent_value elif most_frequent_count == n_repeat: # Ties the breaks. Copy the behaviour of scipy.stats.mode if most_frequent_value < extra_value: return most_frequent_value else: return extra_value class Imputer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Imputation transformer for completing missing values. Parameters ---------- missing_values : integer or "NaN", optional (default="NaN") The placeholder for the missing values. All occurrences of `missing_values` will be imputed. For missing values encoded as np.nan, use the string value "NaN". strategy : string, optional (default="mean") The imputation strategy. - If "mean", then replace missing values using the mean along the axis. - If "median", then replace missing values using the median along the axis. - If "most_frequent", then replace missing using the most frequent value along the axis. axis : integer, optional (default=0) The axis along which to impute. - If `axis=0`, then impute along columns. - If `axis=1`, then impute along rows. verbose : integer, optional (default=0) Controls the verbosity of the imputer. copy : boolean, optional (default=True) If True, a copy of X will be created. If False, imputation will be done in-place whenever possible. Note that, in the following cases, a new copy will always be made, even if `copy=False`: - If X is not an array of floating values; - If X is sparse and `missing_values=0`; - If `axis=0` and X is encoded as a CSR matrix; - If `axis=1` and X is encoded as a CSC matrix. Attributes ---------- statistics_ : array of shape (n_features,) The imputation fill value for each feature if axis == 0. Notes ----- - When ``axis=0``, columns which only contained missing values at `fit` are discarded upon `transform`. - When ``axis=1``, an exception is raised if there are rows for which it is not possible to fill in the missing values (e.g., because they only contain missing values). """ def __init__(self, missing_values="NaN", strategy="mean", axis=0, verbose=0, copy=True): self.missing_values = missing_values self.strategy = strategy self.axis = axis self.verbose = verbose self.copy = copy def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit the imputer on X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples and ``n_features`` is the number of features. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ # Check parameters allowed_strategies = ["mean", "median", "most_frequent"] if self.strategy not in allowed_strategies: raise ValueError("Can only use these strategies: {0} " " got strategy={1}".format(allowed_strategies, self.strategy)) if self.axis not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("Can only impute missing values on axis 0 and 1, " " got axis={0}".format(self.axis)) # Since two different arrays can be provided in fit(X) and # transform(X), the imputation data will be computed in transform() # when the imputation is done per sample (i.e., when axis=1). if self.axis == 0: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csc', dtype=np.float64, force_all_finite=False) if sparse.issparse(X): self.statistics_ = self._sparse_fit(X, self.strategy, self.missing_values, self.axis) else: self.statistics_ = self._dense_fit(X, self.strategy, self.missing_values, self.axis) return self def _sparse_fit(self, X, strategy, missing_values, axis): """Fit the transformer on sparse data.""" # Imputation is done "by column", so if we want to do it # by row we only need to convert the matrix to csr format. if axis == 1: X = X.tocsr() else: X = X.tocsc() # Count the zeros if missing_values == 0: n_zeros_axis = np.zeros(X.shape[not axis], dtype=int) else: n_zeros_axis = X.shape[axis] - np.diff(X.indptr) # Mean if strategy == "mean": if missing_values != 0: n_non_missing = n_zeros_axis # Mask the missing elements mask_missing_values = _get_mask(, missing_values) mask_valids = np.logical_not(mask_missing_values) # Sum only the valid elements new_data = new_data[mask_missing_values] = 0 X = sparse.csc_matrix((new_data, X.indices, X.indptr), copy=False) sums = X.sum(axis=0) # Count the elements != 0 mask_non_zeros = sparse.csc_matrix( (mask_valids.astype(np.float64), X.indices, X.indptr), copy=False) s = mask_non_zeros.sum(axis=0) n_non_missing = np.add(n_non_missing, s) else: sums = X.sum(axis=axis) n_non_missing = np.diff(X.indptr) # Ignore the error, columns with a np.nan statistics_ # are not an error at this point. These columns will # be removed in transform with np.errstate(all="ignore"): return np.ravel(sums) / np.ravel(n_non_missing) # Median + Most frequent else: # Remove the missing values, for each column columns_all = np.hsplit(, X.indptr[1:-1]) mask_missing_values = _get_mask(, missing_values) mask_valids = np.hsplit(np.logical_not(mask_missing_values), X.indptr[1:-1]) # astype necessary for bug in numpy.hsplit before v1.9 columns = [col[astype(mask, bool, copy=False)] for col, mask in zip(columns_all, mask_valids)] # Median if strategy == "median": median = np.empty(len(columns)) for i, column in enumerate(columns): median[i] = _get_median(column, n_zeros_axis[i]) return median # Most frequent elif strategy == "most_frequent": most_frequent = np.empty(len(columns)) for i, column in enumerate(columns): most_frequent[i] = _most_frequent(column, 0, n_zeros_axis[i]) return most_frequent def _dense_fit(self, X, strategy, missing_values, axis): """Fit the transformer on dense data.""" X = check_array(X, force_all_finite=False) mask = _get_mask(X, missing_values) masked_X = ma.masked_array(X, mask=mask) # Mean if strategy == "mean": mean_masked =, axis=axis) # Avoid the warning "Warning: converting a masked element to nan." mean = mean[] = np.nan return mean # Median elif strategy == "median": if tuple(int(v) for v in np.__version__.split('.')[:2]) < (1, 5): # In old versions of numpy, calling a median on an array # containing nans returns nan. This is different is # recent versions of numpy, which we want to mimic masked_X.mask = np.logical_or(masked_X.mask, np.isnan(X)) median_masked =, axis=axis) # Avoid the warning "Warning: converting a masked element to nan." median = median[] = np.nan return median # Most frequent elif strategy == "most_frequent": # scipy.stats.mstats.mode cannot be used because it will no work # properly if the first element is masked and if it's frequency # is equal to the frequency of the most frequent valid element # See # To be able access the elements by columns if axis == 0: X = X.transpose() mask = mask.transpose() most_frequent = np.empty(X.shape[0]) for i, (row, row_mask) in enumerate(zip(X[:], mask[:])): row_mask = np.logical_not(row_mask).astype(np.bool) row = row[row_mask] most_frequent[i] = _most_frequent(row, np.nan, 0) return most_frequent def transform(self, X): """Impute all missing values in X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input data to complete. """ if self.axis == 0: check_is_fitted(self, 'statistics_') # Copy just once X = as_float_array(X, copy=self.copy, force_all_finite=False) # Since two different arrays can be provided in fit(X) and # transform(X), the imputation data need to be recomputed # when the imputation is done per sample if self.axis == 1: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', force_all_finite=False, copy=False) if sparse.issparse(X): statistics = self._sparse_fit(X, self.strategy, self.missing_values, self.axis) else: statistics = self._dense_fit(X, self.strategy, self.missing_values, self.axis) else: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csc', force_all_finite=False, copy=False) statistics = self.statistics_ # Delete the invalid rows/columns invalid_mask = np.isnan(statistics) valid_mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask) valid_statistics = statistics[valid_mask] valid_statistics_indexes = np.where(valid_mask)[0] missing = np.arange(X.shape[not self.axis])[invalid_mask] if self.axis == 0 and invalid_mask.any(): if self.verbose: warnings.warn("Deleting features without " "observed values: %s" % missing) X = X[:, valid_statistics_indexes] elif self.axis == 1 and invalid_mask.any(): raise ValueError("Some rows only contain " "missing values: %s" % missing) # Do actual imputation if sparse.issparse(X) and self.missing_values != 0: mask = _get_mask(, self.missing_values) indexes = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X.indptr) - 1,, np.diff(X.indptr))[mask][mask] = valid_statistics[indexes].astype(X.dtype) else: if sparse.issparse(X): X = X.toarray() mask = _get_mask(X, self.missing_values) n_missing = np.sum(mask, axis=self.axis) values = np.repeat(valid_statistics, n_missing) if self.axis == 0: coordinates = np.where(mask.transpose())[::-1] else: coordinates = mask X[coordinates] = values return X
# This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see <>. import datetime import urllib import generic from sickbeard import classes from sickbeard import logger, tvcache from sickrage.helper.exceptions import AuthException try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json class HDBitsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider): def __init__(self): generic.TorrentProvider.__init__(self, "HDBits") self.supportsBacklog = True self.public = False self.enabled = False self.username = None self.passkey = None self.ratio = None self.cache = HDBitsCache(self) self.urls = {'base_url': '', 'search': '', 'rss': '', 'download': '' } self.url = self.urls['base_url'] def isEnabled(self): return self.enabled def _checkAuth(self): if not self.username or not self.passkey: raise AuthException("Your authentication credentials for " + + " are missing, check your config.") return True def _checkAuthFromData(self, parsedJSON): if 'status' in parsedJSON and 'message' in parsedJSON: if parsedJSON.get('status') == 5: logger.log(u"Incorrect authentication credentials for " + + " : " + parsedJSON['message'], logger.DEBUG) raise AuthException( "Your authentication credentials for " + + " are incorrect, check your config.") return True def _get_season_search_strings(self, ep_obj): season_search_string = [self._make_post_data_JSON(, season=ep_obj)] return season_search_string def _get_episode_search_strings(self, ep_obj, add_string=''): episode_search_string = [self._make_post_data_JSON(, episode=ep_obj)] return episode_search_string def _get_title_and_url(self, item): title = item['name'] if title: title = self._clean_title_from_provider(title) url = self.urls['download'] + urllib.urlencode({'id': item['id'], 'passkey': self.passkey}) return (title, url) def _doSearch(self, search_params, search_mode='eponly', epcount=0, age=0, epObj=None): results = [] self._checkAuth() logger.log(u"Search url: " + self.urls['search'] + " search_params: " + search_params, logger.DEBUG) parsedJSON = self.getURL(self.urls['search'], post_data=search_params, json=True) if not parsedJSON: return [] if self._checkAuthFromData(parsedJSON): if parsedJSON and 'data' in parsedJSON: items = parsedJSON['data'] else: logger.log(u"Resulting JSON from " + + " isn't correct, not parsing it", logger.ERROR) items = [] for item in items: results.append(item) return results def findPropers(self, search_date=None): results = [] search_terms = [' proper ', ' repack '] for term in search_terms: for item in self._doSearch(self._make_post_data_JSON(search_term=term)): if item['utadded']: try: result_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(item['utadded'])) except: result_date = None if result_date: if not search_date or result_date > search_date: title, url = self._get_title_and_url(item) results.append(classes.Proper(title, url, result_date, return results def _make_post_data_JSON(self, show=None, episode=None, season=None, search_term=None): post_data = { 'username': self.username, 'passkey': self.passkey, 'category': [2], # TV Category } if episode: if show.air_by_date: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'episode': str(episode.airdate).replace('-', '|') } elif show.sports: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'episode': episode.airdate.strftime('%b') } elif show.anime: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'episode': "%i" % int(episode.scene_absolute_number) } else: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'season': episode.scene_season, 'episode': episode.scene_episode } if season: if show.air_by_date or show.sports: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'season': str(season.airdate)[:7], } elif show.anime: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'season': "%d" % season.scene_absolute_number, } else: post_data['tvdb'] = { 'id': show.indexerid, 'season': season.scene_season, } if search_term: post_data['search'] = search_term return json.dumps(post_data) def seedRatio(self): return self.ratio class HDBitsCache(tvcache.TVCache): def __init__(self, provider): tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, provider) # only poll HDBits every 15 minutes max self.minTime = 15 def _getRSSData(self): results = [] try: parsedJSON = self.provider.getURL(self.provider.urls['rss'], post_data=self.provider._make_post_data_JSON(), json=True) if self.provider._checkAuthFromData(parsedJSON): results = parsedJSON['data'] except: pass return {'entries': results} provider = HDBitsProvider()
''' To generate a standalone HTML page for a Bokeh application from a single Python script, pass the script name to ``bokeh html`` on the command line: .. code-block:: sh bokeh html The generated HTML will be saved in the current working directory with the name ``app_script.html``. It is also possible to run the same commmand with jupyter notebooks: .. code-block:: sh bokeh html app_notebook.ipynb This will generate an HTML file named ``app_notebook.html`` just like with a python script. Applications can also be created from directories. The directory should contain a ```` (and any other helper modules that are required) as well as any additional assets (e.g., theme files). Pass the directory name to ``bokeh html`` to generate the HTML: .. code-block:: sh bokeh html app_dir It is possible to generate HTML pages for multiple applications at once: .. code-block:: sh bokeh html app_dir If you would like to automatically open a browser to display the HTML page(s), you can pass the ``--show`` option on the command line: .. code-block:: sh bokeh html app_dir --show This will open two pages, for ``app_script.html`` and ``app_dir.html``, respectively. .. warning:: Applications that use ``on_change`` callbacks require using the Bokeh server to execute the callback code. Though the application may render, the callbacks will not function. See :ref:`userguide_cli_serve` for more information on using ``bokeh serve``. ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from bokeh.resources import Resources from bokeh.embed import standalone_html_page_for_models from .file_output import FileOutputSubcommand class HTML(FileOutputSubcommand): ''' Subcommand to output applications as standalone HTML files. ''' name = "html" extension = "html" help = "Create standalone HTML files for one or more applications" args = ( FileOutputSubcommand.files_arg("HTML"), ( '--show', dict( action='store_true', help="Open generated file(s) in a browser" )), ) + FileOutputSubcommand.other_args() def after_write_file(self, args, filename, doc): if from bokeh.util.browser import view view(filename) def file_contents(self, args, doc): resources = Resources(mode="cdn", root_dir=None) return standalone_html_page_for_models(doc, resources=resources, title=None)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Open Source Initiative OSI - The MIT License (MIT):Licensing # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2012 DotCloud Inc ( # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies # of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do # so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from .context import Context from .events import Events class SocketBase(object): def __init__(self, zmq_socket_type, context=None): self._context = context or Context.get_instance() self._events = Events(zmq_socket_type, context) def close(self): self._events.close() def connect(self, endpoint, resolve=True): return self._events.connect(endpoint, resolve) def bind(self, endpoint, resolve=True): return self._events.bind(endpoint, resolve)
from bottle import app, route, request, response, run import cgi import time queue = [] who = [] tmpl = None MAX = 10 @route('/') def index(): global tmpl if tmpl is None: with file('index.html', 'r') as fh: tmpl = return tmpl @route('/message', method=['get', 'post']) def message(): global queue if request.method == "POST": data = request.json ts = time.time() date = time.ctime() user = data['user'] mesg = data.get('mesg') code = data.get('code') # only store the last MAX items in the queue... if len(queue) > MAX: tmp = len(queue) - MAX queue = queue[tmp:len(queue)] queue.append(dict(user=user, ts=ts, date=date, mesg=mesg, code=code)) return {"queue": queue} else: return {"queue": queue} @route('/who', method=['post']) def updateWho(): global who data = request.json user = data['user'] ts = time.time() ip = request.remote_addr who.append(dict(user=user, ts=ts, ip=ip)) # Check timestamp from last update from user and purge. for u in who: lapse = time.time() - u['ts'] # print lapse, u if lapse > 50: who.remove(u) else: for uu in who: if u != uu and u['user'] == uu['user'] and u['ip'] == uu['ip']: who.remove(uu) # print who return {"who": who} run(host='', port=8085)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 OpenERP (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## """ This module provides the elements for managing two different API styles, namely the "traditional" and "record" styles. In the "traditional" style, parameters like the database cursor, user id, context dictionary and record ids (usually denoted as ``cr``, ``uid``, ``context``, ``ids``) are passed explicitly to all methods. In the "record" style, those parameters are hidden into model instances, which gives it a more object-oriented feel. For instance, the statements:: model = self.pool.get(MODEL) ids =, uid, DOMAIN, context=context) for rec in model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): print model.write(cr, uid, ids, VALUES, context=context) may also be written as:: env = Env(cr, uid, context) # cr, uid, context wrapped in env recs = env[MODEL] # retrieve an instance of MODEL recs = # search returns a recordset for rec in recs: # iterate over the records print recs.write(VALUES) # update all records in recs Methods written in the "traditional" style are automatically decorated, following some heuristics based on parameter names. """ __all__ = [ 'Environment', 'Meta', 'guess', 'noguess', 'model', 'multi', 'one', 'cr', 'cr_context', 'cr_uid', 'cr_uid_context', 'cr_uid_id', 'cr_uid_id_context', 'cr_uid_ids', 'cr_uid_ids_context', 'constrains', 'depends', 'onchange', 'returns', ] import logging import operator from inspect import currentframe, getargspec from collections import defaultdict, MutableMapping from contextlib import contextmanager from pprint import pformat from weakref import WeakSet from werkzeug.local import Local, release_local from import frozendict _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # The following attributes are used, and reflected on wrapping methods: # - method._constrains: set by @constrains, specifies constraint dependencies # - method._depends: set by @depends, specifies compute dependencies # - method._returns: set by @returns, specifies return model # - method._onchange: set by @onchange, specifies onchange fields # - method.clear_cache: set by @ormcache, used to clear the cache # # On wrapping method only: # - method._api: decorator function, used for re-applying decorator # - method._orig: original method # WRAPPED_ATTRS = ('__module__', '__name__', '__doc__', '_constrains', '_depends', '_onchange', '_returns', 'clear_cache') INHERITED_ATTRS = ('_returns',) class Meta(type): """ Metaclass that automatically decorates traditional-style methods by guessing their API. It also implements the inheritance of the :func:`returns` decorators. """ def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs): # dummy parent class to catch overridden methods decorated with 'returns' parent = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, {}) for key, value in attrs.items(): if not key.startswith('__') and callable(value): # make the method inherit from decorators value = propagate(getattr(parent, key, None), value) # guess calling convention if none is given if not hasattr(value, '_api'): try: value = guess(value) except TypeError: pass attrs[key] = value return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs) identity = lambda x: x def decorate(method, attr, value): """ Decorate `method` or its original method. """ if getattr(method, '_api', False): # decorate the original method, and re-apply the api decorator setattr(method._orig, attr, value) return method._api(method._orig) else: # simply decorate the method itself setattr(method, attr, value) return method def propagate(from_method, to_method): """ Propagate decorators from `from_method` to `to_method`, and return the resulting method. """ if from_method: for attr in INHERITED_ATTRS: if hasattr(from_method, attr) and not hasattr(to_method, attr): to_method = decorate(to_method, attr, getattr(from_method, attr)) return to_method def constrains(*args): """ Decorates a constraint checker. Each argument must be a field name used in the check:: @api.constrains('name', 'description') def _check_description(self): if == self.description: raise ValidationError("Fields name and description must be different") Invoked on the records on which one of the named fields has been modified. Should raise :class:`~openerp.exceptions.ValidationError` if the validation failed. """ return lambda method: decorate(method, '_constrains', args) def onchange(*args): """ Return a decorator to decorate an onchange method for given fields. Each argument must be a field name:: @api.onchange('partner_id') def _onchange_partner(self): self.message = "Dear %s" % ( or "") In the form views where the field appears, the method will be called when one of the given fields is modified. The method is invoked on a pseudo-record that contains the values present in the form. Field assignments on that record are automatically sent back to the client. """ return lambda method: decorate(method, '_onchange', args) def depends(*args): """ Return a decorator that specifies the field dependencies of a "compute" method (for new-style function fields). Each argument must be a string that consists in a dot-separated sequence of field names:: pname = fields.Char(compute='_compute_pname') @api.depends('', 'partner_id.is_company') def _compute_pname(self): if self.partner_id.is_company: self.pname = ( or "").upper() else: self.pname = One may also pass a single function as argument. In that case, the dependencies are given by calling the function with the field's model. """ if args and callable(args[0]): args = args[0] elif any('id' in arg.split('.') for arg in args): raise NotImplementedError("Compute method cannot depend on field 'id'.") return lambda method: decorate(method, '_depends', args) def returns(model, downgrade=None): """ Return a decorator for methods that return instances of `model`. :param model: a model name, or ``'self'`` for the current model :param downgrade: a function `downgrade(value)` to convert the record-style `value` to a traditional-style output The decorator adapts the method output to the api style: `id`, `ids` or ``False`` for the traditional style, and recordset for the record style:: @model @returns('res.partner') def find_partner(self, arg): ... # return some record # output depends on call style: traditional vs record style partner_id = model.find_partner(cr, uid, arg, context=context) # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) partner_record = recs.find_partner(arg) Note that the decorated method must satisfy that convention. Those decorators are automatically *inherited*: a method that overrides a decorated existing method will be decorated with the same ``@returns(model)``. """ return lambda method: decorate(method, '_returns', (model, downgrade)) def make_wrapper(decorator, method, old_api, new_api): """ Return a wrapper method for `method`. """ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # avoid hasattr(self, '_ids') because __getattr__() is overridden if '_ids' in self.__dict__: return new_api(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return old_api(self, *args, **kwargs) # propagate specific openerp attributes from method to wrapper for attr in WRAPPED_ATTRS: if hasattr(method, attr): setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(method, attr)) wrapper._api = decorator wrapper._orig = method return wrapper def get_downgrade(method): """ Return a function `downgrade(value)` that adapts `value` from record-style to traditional-style, following the convention of `method`. """ spec = getattr(method, '_returns', None) if spec: model, downgrade = spec return downgrade or (lambda value: value.ids) else: return lambda value: value def get_upgrade(method): """ Return a function `upgrade(self, value)` that adapts `value` from traditional-style to record-style, following the convention of `method`. """ spec = getattr(method, '_returns', None) if spec: model, downgrade = spec if model == 'self': return lambda self, value: self.browse(value) else: return lambda self, value: self.env[model].browse(value) else: return lambda self, value: value def get_aggregate(method): """ Return a function `aggregate(self, value)` that aggregates record-style `value` for a method decorated with ``@one``. """ spec = getattr(method, '_returns', None) if spec: # value is a list of instances, concatenate them model, downgrade = spec if model == 'self': return lambda self, value: sum(value, self.browse()) else: return lambda self, value: sum(value, self.env[model].browse()) else: return lambda self, value: value def get_context_split(method): """ Return a function `split` that extracts the context from a pair of positional and keyword arguments:: context, args, kwargs = split(args, kwargs) """ pos = len(getargspec(method).args) - 1 def split(args, kwargs): if pos < len(args): return args[pos], args[:pos], kwargs else: return kwargs.pop('context', None), args, kwargs return split def model(method): """ Decorate a record-style method where `self` is a recordset, but its contents is not relevant, only the model is. Such a method:: @api.model def method(self, args): ... may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) recs.method(args) model.method(cr, uid, args, context=context) Notice that no `ids` are passed to the method in the traditional style. """ split = get_context_split(method) downgrade = get_downgrade(method) def old_api(self, cr, uid, *args, **kwargs): context, args, kwargs = split(args, kwargs) recs = self.browse(cr, uid, [], context) result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs) return downgrade(result) return make_wrapper(model, method, old_api, method) def multi(method): """ Decorate a record-style method where `self` is a recordset. The method typically defines an operation on records. Such a method:: @api.multi def method(self, args): ... may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) recs.method(args) model.method(cr, uid, ids, args, context=context) """ split = get_context_split(method) downgrade = get_downgrade(method) def old_api(self, cr, uid, ids, *args, **kwargs): context, args, kwargs = split(args, kwargs) recs = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs) return downgrade(result) return make_wrapper(multi, method, old_api, method) def one(method): """ Decorate a record-style method where `self` is expected to be a singleton instance. The decorated method automatically loops on records, and makes a list with the results. In case the method is decorated with @returns, it concatenates the resulting instances. Such a method:: def method(self, args): return may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) names = recs.method(args) names = model.method(cr, uid, ids, args, context=context) """ split = get_context_split(method) downgrade = get_downgrade(method) aggregate = get_aggregate(method) def old_api(self, cr, uid, ids, *args, **kwargs): context, args, kwargs = split(args, kwargs) recs = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) result = new_api(recs, *args, **kwargs) return downgrade(result) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): result = [method(rec, *args, **kwargs) for rec in self] return aggregate(self, result) return make_wrapper(one, method, old_api, new_api) def cr(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr` as a parameter. Such a method may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) recs.method(args) model.method(cr, args) """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args result = method(self._model, cr, *args, **kwargs) return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr, method, method, new_api) def cr_context(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `context` as parameters. """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args kwargs['context'] = context result = method(self._model, cr, *args, **kwargs) return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_context, method, method, new_api) def cr_uid(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `uid` as parameters. """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args result = method(self._model, cr, uid, *args, **kwargs) return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_uid, method, method, new_api) def cr_uid_context(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `uid`, `context` as parameters. Such a method may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) recs.method(args) model.method(cr, uid, args, context=context) """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args kwargs['context'] = context result = method(self._model, cr, uid, *args, **kwargs) return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_uid_context, method, method, new_api) def cr_uid_id(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `uid`, `id` as parameters. Such a method may be called in both record and traditional styles. In the record style, the method automatically loops on records. """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args result = [method(self._model, cr, uid, id, *args, **kwargs) for id in self.ids] return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_uid_id, method, method, new_api) def cr_uid_id_context(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `uid`, `id`, `context` as parameters. Such a method:: @api.cr_uid_id def method(self, cr, uid, id, args, context=None): ... may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # rec = model.browse(cr, uid, id, context) rec.method(args) model.method(cr, uid, id, args, context=context) """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args kwargs['context'] = context result = [method(self._model, cr, uid, id, *args, **kwargs) for id in self.ids] return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_uid_id_context, method, method, new_api) def cr_uid_ids(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `uid`, `ids` as parameters. Such a method may be called in both record and traditional styles. """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args result = method(self._model, cr, uid, self.ids, *args, **kwargs) return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_uid_ids, method, method, new_api) def cr_uid_ids_context(method): """ Decorate a traditional-style method that takes `cr`, `uid`, `ids`, `context` as parameters. Such a method:: @api.cr_uid_ids_context def method(self, cr, uid, ids, args, context=None): ... may be called in both record and traditional styles, like:: # recs = model.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) recs.method(args) model.method(cr, uid, ids, args, context=context) It is generally not necessary, see :func:`guess`. """ upgrade = get_upgrade(method) def new_api(self, *args, **kwargs): cr, uid, context = self.env.args kwargs['context'] = context result = method(self._model, cr, uid, self.ids, *args, **kwargs) return upgrade(self, result) return make_wrapper(cr_uid_ids_context, method, method, new_api) def v7(method_v7): """ Decorate a method that supports the old-style api only. A new-style api may be provided by redefining a method with the same name and decorated with :func:`~.v8`:: @api.v7 def foo(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): ... @api.v8 def foo(self): ... Note that the wrapper method uses the docstring of the first method. """ # retrieve method_v8 from the caller's frame frame = currentframe().f_back method = frame.f_locals.get(method_v7.__name__) method_v8 = getattr(method, '_v8', method) wrapper = make_wrapper(v7, method_v7, method_v7, method_v8) wrapper._v7 = method_v7 wrapper._v8 = method_v8 return wrapper def v8(method_v8): """ Decorate a method that supports the new-style api only. An old-style api may be provided by redefining a method with the same name and decorated with :func:`~.v7`:: @api.v8 def foo(self): ... @api.v7 def foo(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): ... Note that the wrapper method uses the docstring of the first method. """ # retrieve method_v7 from the caller's frame frame = currentframe().f_back method = frame.f_locals.get(method_v8.__name__) method_v7 = getattr(method, '_v7', method) wrapper = make_wrapper(v8, method_v8, method_v7, method_v8) wrapper._v7 = method_v7 wrapper._v8 = method_v8 return wrapper def noguess(method): """ Decorate a method to prevent any effect from :func:`guess`. """ method._api = False return method def guess(method): """ Decorate `method` to make it callable in both traditional and record styles. This decorator is applied automatically by the model's metaclass, and has no effect on already-decorated methods. The API style is determined by heuristics on the parameter names: ``cr`` or ``cursor`` for the cursor, ``uid`` or ``user`` for the user id, ``id`` or ``ids`` for a list of record ids, and ``context`` for the context dictionary. If a traditional API is recognized, one of the decorators :func:`cr`, :func:`cr_context`, :func:`cr_uid`, :func:`cr_uid_context`, :func:`cr_uid_id`, :func:`cr_uid_id_context`, :func:`cr_uid_ids`, :func:`cr_uid_ids_context` is applied on the method. Method calls are considered traditional style when their first parameter is a database cursor. """ if hasattr(method, '_api'): return method # introspection on argument names to determine api style args, vname, kwname, defaults = getargspec(method) names = tuple(args) + (None,) * 4 if names[0] == 'self': if names[1] in ('cr', 'cursor'): if names[2] in ('uid', 'user'): if names[3] == 'ids': if 'context' in names or kwname: return cr_uid_ids_context(method) else: return cr_uid_ids(method) elif names[3] == 'id': if 'context' in names or kwname: return cr_uid_id_context(method) else: return cr_uid_id(method) elif 'context' in names or kwname: return cr_uid_context(method) else: return cr_uid(method) elif 'context' in names: return cr_context(method) else: return cr(method) # no wrapping by default return noguess(method) def expected(decorator, func): """ Decorate `func` with `decorator` if `func` is not wrapped yet. """ return decorator(func) if not hasattr(func, '_api') else func class Environment(object): """ An environment wraps data for ORM records: - :attr:`cr`, the current database cursor; - :attr:`uid`, the current user id; - :attr:`context`, the current context dictionary. It also provides access to the registry, a cache for records, and a data structure to manage recomputations. """ _local = Local() @classmethod @contextmanager def manage(cls): """ Context manager for a set of environments. """ if hasattr(cls._local, 'environments'): yield else: try: cls._local.environments = Environments() yield finally: release_local(cls._local) @classmethod def reset(cls): """ Clear the set of environments. This may be useful when recreating a registry inside a transaction. """ cls._local.environments = Environments() def __new__(cls, cr, uid, context): assert context is not None args = (cr, uid, context) # if env already exists, return it env, envs = None, cls._local.environments for env in envs: if env.args == args: return env # otherwise create environment, and add it in the set self = object.__new__(cls), self.uid, self.context = self.args = (cr, uid, frozendict(context)) self.registry = RegistryManager.get(cr.dbname) self.cache = defaultdict(dict) # {field: {id: value, ...}, ...} self.prefetch = defaultdict(set) # {model_name: set(id), ...} self.computed = defaultdict(set) # {field: set(id), ...} self.dirty = defaultdict(set) # {record: set(field_name), ...} self.all = envs envs.add(self) return self def __getitem__(self, model_name): """ return a given model """ return self.registry[model_name]._browse(self, ()) def __call__(self, cr=None, user=None, context=None): """ Return an environment based on `self` with modified parameters. :param cr: optional database cursor to change the current cursor :param user: optional user/user id to change the current user :param context: optional context dictionary to change the current context """ cr = if cr is None else cr uid = self.uid if user is None else int(user) context = self.context if context is None else context return Environment(cr, uid, context) def ref(self, xml_id, raise_if_not_found=True): """ return the record corresponding to the given `xml_id` """ return self[''].xmlid_to_object(xml_id, raise_if_not_found=raise_if_not_found) @property def user(self): """ return the current user (as an instance) """ return self(user=SUPERUSER_ID)['res.users'].browse(self.uid) @property def lang(self): """ return the current language code """ return self.context.get('lang') @contextmanager def _do_in_mode(self, mode): if self.all.mode: yield else: try: self.all.mode = mode yield finally: self.all.mode = False self.dirty.clear() def do_in_draft(self): """ Context-switch to draft mode, where all field updates are done in cache only. """ return self._do_in_mode(True) @property def in_draft(self): """ Return whether we are in draft mode. """ return bool(self.all.mode) def do_in_onchange(self): """ Context-switch to 'onchange' draft mode, which is a specialized draft mode used during execution of onchange methods. """ return self._do_in_mode('onchange') @property def in_onchange(self): """ Return whether we are in 'onchange' draft mode. """ return self.all.mode == 'onchange' def invalidate(self, spec): """ Invalidate some fields for some records in the cache of all environments. :param spec: what to invalidate, a list of `(field, ids)` pair, where `field` is a field object, and `ids` is a list of record ids or ``None`` (to invalidate all records). """ if not spec: return for env in list(self.all): c = env.cache for field, ids in spec: if ids is None: if field in c: del c[field] else: field_cache = c[field] for id in ids: field_cache.pop(id, None) def invalidate_all(self): """ Clear the cache of all environments. """ for env in list(self.all): env.cache.clear() env.prefetch.clear() env.computed.clear() env.dirty.clear() def clear(self): """ Clear all record caches, and discard all fields to recompute. This may be useful when recovering from a failed ORM operation. """ self.invalidate_all() self.all.todo.clear() @contextmanager def clear_upon_failure(self): """ Context manager that clears the environments (caches and fields to recompute) upon exception. """ try: yield except Exception: self.clear() raise def field_todo(self, field): """ Check whether `field` must be recomputed, and returns a recordset with all records to recompute for `field`. """ if field in self.all.todo: return reduce(operator.or_, self.all.todo[field]) def check_todo(self, field, record): """ Check whether `field` must be recomputed on `record`, and if so, returns the corresponding recordset to recompute. """ for recs in self.all.todo.get(field, []): if recs & record: return recs def add_todo(self, field, records): """ Mark `field` to be recomputed on `records`. """ recs_list = self.all.todo.setdefault(field, []) # use user admin for accessing records without access rights issues recs_list.append(records.sudo()) def remove_todo(self, field, records): """ Mark `field` as recomputed on `records`. """ recs_list = [recs - records for recs in self.all.todo.pop(field, [])] recs_list = filter(None, recs_list) if recs_list: self.all.todo[field] = recs_list def has_todo(self): """ Return whether some fields must be recomputed. """ return bool(self.all.todo) def get_todo(self): """ Return a pair `(field, records)` to recompute. """ for field, recs_list in self.all.todo.iteritems(): return field, recs_list[0] def check_cache(self): """ Check the cache consistency. """ # make a full copy of the cache, and invalidate it cache_dump = dict( (field, dict(field_cache)) for field, field_cache in self.cache.iteritems() ) self.invalidate_all() # re-fetch the records, and compare with their former cache invalids = [] for field, field_dump in cache_dump.iteritems(): ids = filter(None, field_dump) records = self[field.model_name].browse(ids) for record in records: try: cached = field_dump[] fetched = record[] if fetched != cached: info = {'cached': cached, 'fetched': fetched} invalids.append((field, record, info)) except (AccessError, MissingError): pass if invalids: raise Warning('Invalid cache for fields\n' + pformat(invalids)) class Environments(object): """ A common object for all environments in a request. """ def __init__(self): self.envs = WeakSet() # weak set of environments self.todo = {} # recomputations {field: [records]} self.mode = False # flag for draft/onchange def add(self, env): """ Add the environment `env`. """ self.envs.add(env) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over environments. """ return iter(self.envs) # keep those imports here in order to handle cyclic dependencies correctly from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.exceptions import Warning, AccessError, MissingError from openerp.modules.registry import RegistryManager
""" ============================================= Cross-validation on Digits Dataset Exercise ============================================= A tutorial exercise using Cross-validation with an SVM on the Digits dataset. This exercise is used in the :ref:`cv_generators_tut` part of the :ref:`model_selection_tut` section of the :ref:`stat_learn_tut_index`. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np from sklearn import cross_validation, datasets, svm digits = datasets.load_digits() X = y = svc = svm.SVC(kernel='linear') C_s = np.logspace(-10, 0, 10) scores = list() scores_std = list() for C in C_s: svc.C = C this_scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(svc, X, y, n_jobs=1) scores.append(np.mean(this_scores)) scores_std.append(np.std(this_scores)) # Do the plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() plt.semilogx(C_s, scores) plt.semilogx(C_s, np.array(scores) + np.array(scores_std), 'b--') plt.semilogx(C_s, np.array(scores) - np.array(scores_std), 'b--') locs, labels = plt.yticks() plt.yticks(locs, list(map(lambda x: "%g" % x, locs))) plt.ylabel('CV score') plt.xlabel('Parameter C') plt.ylim(0, 1.1)
# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format # Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This code is meant to work on Python 2.4 and above only. """Contains a metaclass and helper functions used to create protocol message classes from Descriptor objects at runtime. Recall that a metaclass is the "type" of a class. (A class is to a metaclass what an instance is to a class.) In this case, we use the GeneratedProtocolMessageType metaclass to inject all the useful functionality into the classes output by the protocol compiler at compile-time. The upshot of all this is that the real implementation details for ALL pure-Python protocol buffers are *here in this file*. """ __author__ = ' (Will Robinson)' from google.protobuf.internal import api_implementation from google.protobuf import descriptor as descriptor_mod from google.protobuf import message _FieldDescriptor = descriptor_mod.FieldDescriptor if api_implementation.Type() == 'cpp': if api_implementation.Version() == 2: from google.protobuf.pyext import cpp_message _NewMessage = cpp_message.NewMessage _InitMessage = cpp_message.InitMessage else: from google.protobuf.internal import cpp_message _NewMessage = cpp_message.NewMessage _InitMessage = cpp_message.InitMessage else: from google.protobuf.internal import python_message _NewMessage = python_message.NewMessage _InitMessage = python_message.InitMessage class GeneratedProtocolMessageType(type): """Metaclass for protocol message classes created at runtime from Descriptors. We add implementations for all methods described in the Message class. We also create properties to allow getting/setting all fields in the protocol message. Finally, we create slots to prevent users from accidentally "setting" nonexistent fields in the protocol message, which then wouldn't get serialized / deserialized properly. The protocol compiler currently uses this metaclass to create protocol message classes at runtime. Clients can also manually create their own classes at runtime, as in this example: mydescriptor = Descriptor(.....) class MyProtoClass(Message): __metaclass__ = GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = mydescriptor myproto_instance = MyProtoClass() myproto.foo_field = 23 ... The above example will not work for nested types. If you wish to include them, use reflection.MakeClass() instead of manually instantiating the class in order to create the appropriate class structure. """ # Must be consistent with the protocol-compiler code in # proto2/compiler/internal/generator.*. _DESCRIPTOR_KEY = 'DESCRIPTOR' def __new__(cls, name, bases, dictionary): """Custom allocation for runtime-generated class types. We override __new__ because this is apparently the only place where we can meaningfully set __slots__ on the class we're creating(?). (The interplay between metaclasses and slots is not very well-documented). Args: name: Name of the class (ignored, but required by the metaclass protocol). bases: Base classes of the class we're constructing. (Should be message.Message). We ignore this field, but it's required by the metaclass protocol dictionary: The class dictionary of the class we're constructing. dictionary[_DESCRIPTOR_KEY] must contain a Descriptor object describing this protocol message type. Returns: Newly-allocated class. """ descriptor = dictionary[GeneratedProtocolMessageType._DESCRIPTOR_KEY] bases = _NewMessage(bases, descriptor, dictionary) superclass = super(GeneratedProtocolMessageType, cls) new_class = superclass.__new__(cls, name, bases, dictionary) setattr(descriptor, '_concrete_class', new_class) return new_class def __init__(cls, name, bases, dictionary): """Here we perform the majority of our work on the class. We add enum getters, an __init__ method, implementations of all Message methods, and properties for all fields in the protocol type. Args: name: Name of the class (ignored, but required by the metaclass protocol). bases: Base classes of the class we're constructing. (Should be message.Message). We ignore this field, but it's required by the metaclass protocol dictionary: The class dictionary of the class we're constructing. dictionary[_DESCRIPTOR_KEY] must contain a Descriptor object describing this protocol message type. """ descriptor = dictionary[GeneratedProtocolMessageType._DESCRIPTOR_KEY] _InitMessage(descriptor, cls) superclass = super(GeneratedProtocolMessageType, cls) superclass.__init__(name, bases, dictionary) def ParseMessage(descriptor, byte_str): """Generate a new Message instance from this Descriptor and a byte string. Args: descriptor: Protobuf Descriptor object byte_str: Serialized protocol buffer byte string Returns: Newly created protobuf Message object. """ result_class = MakeClass(descriptor) new_msg = result_class() new_msg.ParseFromString(byte_str) return new_msg def MakeClass(descriptor): """Construct a class object for a protobuf described by descriptor. Composite descriptors are handled by defining the new class as a member of the parent class, recursing as deep as necessary. This is the dynamic equivalent to: class Parent(message.Message): __metaclass__ = GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = descriptor class Child(message.Message): __metaclass__ = GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = descriptor.nested_types[0] Sample usage: file_descriptor = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto() file_descriptor.ParseFromString(proto2_string) msg_descriptor = descriptor.MakeDescriptor(file_descriptor.message_type[0]) msg_class = reflection.MakeClass(msg_descriptor) msg = msg_class() Args: descriptor: A descriptor.Descriptor object describing the protobuf. Returns: The Message class object described by the descriptor. """ attributes = {} for name, nested_type in descriptor.nested_types_by_name.items(): attributes[name] = MakeClass(nested_type) attributes[GeneratedProtocolMessageType._DESCRIPTOR_KEY] = descriptor return GeneratedProtocolMessageType(str(, (message.Message,), attributes)
""" Settings is a collection of utilities to display, read & write the settings and position widgets. """ from __future__ import absolute_import #Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module. import __init__ from fabmetheus_utilities import archive from fabmetheus_utilities import euclidean from fabmetheus_utilities import gcodec import cStringIO import math import os import shutil import sys import traceback import webbrowser try: import Tkinter except: print('You do not have Tkinter, which is needed for the graphical interface, you will only be able to use the command line.') print('Information on how to download Tkinter is at:\') __author__ = 'Enrique Perez (' __date__ = "$Date: 2008/23/04 $" __license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License' globalRepositoryDialogListTable = {} globalProfileSaveListenerListTable = {} globalCloseListTables = [globalRepositoryDialogListTable, globalProfileSaveListenerListTable] globalSettingReplacements = { 'Perimeter Width over Thickness (ratio):' : 'Edge Width over Height (ratio):', 'Layer Thickness (mm):' : 'Layer Height (mm):', 'Location Arrival X (mm):' : 'Arrival X (mm):', 'Location Arrival Y (mm):' : 'Arrival Y (mm):', 'Location Arrival Z (mm):' : 'Arrival Z (mm):', 'Location Departure X (mm):' : 'Departure X (mm):', 'Location Departure Y (mm):' : 'Departure Y (mm):', 'Location Departure Z (mm):' : 'Departure Z (mm):', 'Location Wipe X (mm):' : 'Wipe X (mm):', 'Location Wipe Y (mm):' : 'Wipe Y (mm):', 'Location Wipe Z (mm):' : 'Wipe Z (mm):' } globalSpreadsheetSeparator = '\t' globalTemporaryOverrides = {} def addAcceleratorCommand( acceleratorBinding, commandFunction, master, menu, text ): "Add accelerator command." acceleratorText = acceleratorBinding[1 : -1] lastIndexOfMinus = acceleratorText.rfind('-') if lastIndexOfMinus > - 1: acceleratorText = acceleratorText[ : lastIndexOfMinus + 1 ] + acceleratorText[ lastIndexOfMinus + 1 : ].capitalize() acceleratorText = acceleratorText.replace('KeyPress-', '') acceleratorText = acceleratorText.replace('-', '+') acceleratorText = acceleratorText.replace('Control', 'Ctrl') acceleratorBinding = acceleratorBinding.replace('KeyPress', '') menu.add_command( accelerator = acceleratorText, label = text, underline = 0, command = commandFunction ) master.bind( acceleratorBinding, commandFunction ) def addEmptyRow( gridPosition ): "Add an empty row." gridPosition.increment() Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master ).grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column ) def addListsToRepository(fileNameHelp, repository): 'Add the value to the lists.' addListsToRepositoryByFunction(fileNameHelp, None, repository) def addListsToRepositoryByFunction(fileNameHelp, getProfileDirectory, repository): 'Add the value to the lists.' repository.displayEntities = [] repository.executeTitle = None repository.fileNameHelp = fileNameHelp repository.fileNameInput = None repository.lowerName = fileNameHelp.split('.')[-2] repository.baseName = repository.lowerName + '.csv' repository.baseNameSynonym = None repository.baseNameSynonymDictionary = None repository.capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( repository.lowerName ) repository.getProfileDirectory = getProfileDirectory repository.openLocalHelpPage = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( repository.fileNameHelp ) repository.openWikiManualHelpPage = None repository.preferences = [] repository.repositoryDialog = None repository.saveListenerTable = {} repository.title = repository.capitalizedName + ' Settings' repository.menuEntities = [] repository.saveCloseTitle = 'Save and Close' repository.windowPosition = WindowPosition().getFromValue( repository, '0+0') for setting in repository.preferences: setting.repository = repository def addMenuEntitiesToMenu( menu, menuEntities ): "Add the menu entities to the menu." for menuEntity in menuEntities: menuEntity.addToMenu( menu ) def addMenuEntitiesToMenuFrameable( menu, menuEntities ): "Add the menu entities to the menu." for menuEntity in menuEntities: menuEntity.addToMenuFrameable( menu ) def addPluginsParentToMenu( directoryPath, menu, parentPath, pluginFileNames ): "Add plugins and the parent to the menu." ToolDialog().addPluginToMenu( menu, parentPath[ : parentPath.rfind('.') ] ) menu.add_separator() addPluginsToMenu( directoryPath, menu, pluginFileNames ) def addPluginsToMenu( directoryPath, menu, pluginFileNames ): "Add plugins to the menu." for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames: ToolDialog().addPluginToMenu( menu, os.path.join( directoryPath, pluginFileName ) ) def cancelRepository(repository): "Read the repository then set all the entities to the read repository values." getReadRepository(repository) for setting in repository.displayEntities: if setting in repository.preferences: setting.setStateToValue() def deleteDirectory( directory, subfolderName ): "Delete the directory if it exists." subDirectory = os.path.join( directory, subfolderName ) if os.path.isdir( subDirectory ): shutil.rmtree( subDirectory ) def deleteMenuItems( menu ): "Delete the menu items." try: lastMenuIndex = menu.index( Tkinter.END ) if lastMenuIndex != None: menu.delete( 0, lastMenuIndex ) except: print('this should never happen, the lastMenuIndex in deleteMenuItems in settings could not be determined.') def getAlongWayHexadecimalColor( beginBrightness, colorWidth, difference, endColorTuple, wayLength ): "Get a color along the way from begin brightness to the end color." alongWay = 1.0 if wayLength != 0.0: alongWay = 0.4 + 0.6 * min( 1.0, abs( float( difference ) / float( wayLength ) ) ) hexadecimalColor = '#' oneMinusAlongWay = 1.0 - alongWay for primaryIndex in xrange(3): hexadecimalColor += getAlongWayHexadecimalPrimary( beginBrightness, oneMinusAlongWay, colorWidth, endColorTuple[ primaryIndex ], alongWay ) return hexadecimalColor def getAlongWayHexadecimalPrimary( beginBrightness, beginRatio, colorWidth, endBrightness, endRatio ): "Get a primary color along the way from grey to the end color." brightness = beginRatio * float( beginBrightness ) + endRatio * float( endBrightness ) return getWidthHex( int( round( brightness ) ), colorWidth ) def getAlterationFile(fileName): "Get the file from the fileName or the lowercase fileName in the alterations directories." settingsAlterationsDirectory = archive.getSettingsPath('alterations') archive.makeDirectory(settingsAlterationsDirectory) fileInSettingsAlterationsDirectory = getFileInGivenDirectory(settingsAlterationsDirectory, fileName) if fileInSettingsAlterationsDirectory != '': return fileInSettingsAlterationsDirectory alterationsDirectory = archive.getSkeinforgePath('alterations') return getFileInGivenDirectory(alterationsDirectory, fileName) def getAlterationFileLine(fileName): "Get the alteration file line from the fileName." lines = getAlterationLines(fileName) if len(lines) == 0: return [] return getAlterationFileLineBlindly(fileName) def getAlterationFileLineBlindly(fileName): "Get the alteration file line from the fileName." return '(<alterationFile>) %s (</alterationFile>)' % fileName def getAlterationFileLines(fileName): 'Get the alteration file line and the text lines from the fileName in the alterations directories.' lines = getAlterationLines(fileName) if len(lines) == 0: return [] return [getAlterationFileLineBlindly(fileName)] + lines def getAlterationLines(fileName): "Get the text lines from the fileName in the alterations directories." return archive.getTextLines(getAlterationFile(fileName)) def getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor(repository): "Display the repository dialog." try: getReadRepository(repository) return RepositoryDialog( repository, Tkinter.Tk() ) except: print('this should never happen, getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor in settings could not open') print(repository) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return None def getDisplayedDialogFromPath(path): "Display the repository dialog." pluginModule = archive.getModuleWithPath(path) if pluginModule == None: return None return getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor( pluginModule.getNewRepository() ) def getDisplayToolButtonsRepository( directoryPath, importantFileNames, names, repository ): "Get the display tool buttons." displayToolButtons = [] for name in names: displayToolButton = DisplayToolButton().getFromPath( name in importantFileNames, name, os.path.join( directoryPath, name ), repository ) displayToolButtons.append( displayToolButton ) return displayToolButtons def getEachWordCapitalized( name ): "Get the capitalized name." withSpaces = name.lower().replace('_', ' ') words = withSpaces.split(' ') capitalizedStrings = [] for word in words: capitalizedStrings.append( word.capitalize() ) return ' '.join( capitalizedStrings ) def getFileInGivenDirectory( directory, fileName ): "Get the file from the fileName or the lowercase fileName in the given directory." directoryListing = os.listdir(directory) lowerFileName = fileName.lower() for directoryFile in directoryListing: if directoryFile.lower() == lowerFileName: return getFileTextGivenDirectoryFileName( directory, directoryFile ) return '' def getFileTextGivenDirectoryFileName( directory, fileName ): "Get the entire text of a file with the given file name in the given directory." absoluteFilePath = os.path.join( directory, fileName ) return archive.getFileText( absoluteFilePath ) def getFolders(directory): "Get the folder list in a directory." archive.makeDirectory(directory) directoryListing = [] try: directoryListing = os.listdir(directory) except OSError: print('Skeinforge can not list the directory:') print(directory) print('so give it read/write permission for that directory.') folders = [] for fileName in directoryListing: if os.path.isdir( os.path.join( directory, fileName ) ): folders.append(fileName) return folders def getGlobalRepositoryDialogValues(): "Get the global repository dialog values." global globalRepositoryDialogListTable return euclidean.getListTableElements(globalRepositoryDialogListTable) def getPathInFabmetheusFromFileNameHelp( fileNameHelp ): "Get the directory path from file name help." fabmetheusPath = archive.getFabmetheusPath() splitFileNameHelps = fileNameHelp.split('.') splitFileNameDirectoryNames = splitFileNameHelps[ : - 1 ] for splitFileNameDirectoryName in splitFileNameDirectoryNames: fabmetheusPath = os.path.join( fabmetheusPath, splitFileNameDirectoryName ) return fabmetheusPath def getProfileBaseName(repository): "Get the profile base file name." return getProfileName(repository.baseName, repository) def getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory(subName=''): "Get the profiles directory path in the above directory." aboveProfilesDirectory = archive.getSkeinforgePath('profiles') if subName == '': return aboveProfilesDirectory return os.path.join( aboveProfilesDirectory, subName ) def getProfileName(name, repository): "Get the name, joined with the profile directory if there is one." if repository.getProfileDirectory == None: return name return os.path.join(repository.getProfileDirectory(), name) def getRadioPluginsAddPluginFrame( directoryPath, importantFileNames, names, repository ): "Get the radio plugins and add the plugin frame." repository.pluginFrame = PluginFrame() radioPlugins = [] for name in names: radioPlugin = RadioPlugin().getFromRadio( name in importantFileNames, repository.pluginFrame.latentStringVar, name, repository, name == importantFileNames[0] ) radioPlugin.updateFunction = repository.pluginFrame.update radioPlugins.append( radioPlugin ) defaultRadioButton = getSelectedRadioPlugin( importantFileNames + [ radioPlugins[0].name ], radioPlugins ) repository.pluginFrame.getFromPath( defaultRadioButton, directoryPath, repository ) return radioPlugins def getReadRepository(repository): "Read and return settings from a file." text = archive.getFileText(archive.getProfilesPath(getProfileBaseName(repository)), False) if text == '': if repository.baseNameSynonym != None: text = archive.getFileText(archive.getProfilesPath(getProfileName(repository.baseNameSynonym, repository)), False) if text == '': print('The default %s will be written in the .skeinforge folder in the home directory.' % repository.title.lower() ) text = archive.getFileText(getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory(getProfileBaseName(repository)), False) if text != '': readSettingsFromText(repository, text) writeSettings(repository) temporaryApplyOverrides(repository) return repository readSettingsFromText(repository, text) temporaryApplyOverrides(repository) return repository def getRepositoryText(repository): "Get the text representation of the repository." repositoryWriter = getRepositoryWriter(repository.title.lower()) for setting in repository.preferences: setting.writeToRepositoryWriter(repositoryWriter) return repositoryWriter.getvalue() def getRepositoryWriter(title): "Get the repository writer for the title." repositoryWriter = cStringIO.StringIO() repositoryWriter.write('Format is tab separated %s.\n' % title) repositoryWriter.write('_Name %sValue\n' % globalSpreadsheetSeparator) return repositoryWriter def getSelectedPluginModuleFromPath(filePath, plugins): "Get the selected plugin module." for plugin in plugins: if plugin.value: return gcodec.getModuleFromPath(, filePath) return None def getSelectedPluginName( plugins ): "Get the selected plugin name." for plugin in plugins: if plugin.value: return return '' def getSelectedRadioPlugin( names, radioPlugins ): "Get the selected radio button if it exists, None otherwise." for radioPlugin in radioPlugins: if radioPlugin.value: return radioPlugin for name in names: for radioPlugin in radioPlugins: if == name: radioPlugin.value = True return radioPlugin print('this should never happen, no getSelectedRadioPlugin in settings') print(names) return radioPlugin[0] def getShortestUniqueSettingName(settingName, settings): "Get the shortest unique name in the settings." for length in xrange(3, len(settingName)): numberOfEquals = 0 shortName = settingName[: length] for setting in settings: if[: length] == shortName: numberOfEquals += 1 if numberOfEquals < 2: return shortName.lower() return settingName.lower() def getSubfolderWithBasename( basename, directory ): "Get the subfolder in the directory with the basename." archive.makeDirectory(directory) directoryListing = os.listdir(directory) for fileName in directoryListing: joinedFileName = os.path.join( directory, fileName ) if os.path.isdir(joinedFileName): if basename == fileName: return joinedFileName return None def getTitleFromName( title ): "Get the title of this setting." if title[-1] == ':': title = title[ : - 1 ] spaceBracketIndex = title.find(' (') if spaceBracketIndex > - 1: return title[ : spaceBracketIndex ] return title def getUntilFirstBracket(text): 'Get the text until the first bracket, if any.' dotIndex = text.find('(') if dotIndex < 0: return text return text[: dotIndex] def getWidthHex( number, width ): "Get the first width hexadecimal digits." return ('0000%s' % hex(number)[ 2 : ] )[ - width : ] def liftRepositoryDialogs( repositoryDialogs ): "Lift the repository dialogs." for repositoryDialog in repositoryDialogs: repositoryDialog.root.withdraw() # the withdraw & deiconify trick is here because lift does not work properly on my linux computer repositoryDialog.root.lift() # probably not necessary, here in case the withdraw & deiconify trick does not work on some other computer repositoryDialog.root.deiconify() repositoryDialog.root.lift() # probably not necessary, here in case the withdraw & deiconify trick does not work on some other computer repositoryDialog.root.update_idletasks() def openSVGPage( fileName, svgViewer ): "Open svg page with an svg program." if svgViewer == '': return if svgViewer == 'webbrowser': openWebPage(fileName) return filePath = '"' + os.path.normpath(fileName) + '"' # " to send in file name with spaces shellCommand = svgViewer + ' ' + filePath commandResult = os.system(shellCommand) if commandResult != 0: print('It may be that the system could not find the %s program.' % svgViewer ) print('If so, try installing the %s program or look for another svg viewer, like Netscape which can be found at:' % svgViewer ) print('') print('') def openWebPage( webPagePath ): "Open a web page in a browser." if webPagePath.find('#') != - 1: # to get around # encode bug redirectionText = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">\n<html>\n<head>\n' redirectionText += '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=%s"></head>\n</HTML>\n' % webPagePath webPagePath = archive.getDocumentationPath('redirect.html') archive.writeFileText( webPagePath, redirectionText ) webPagePath = '"%s"' % webPagePath # " to get around space in url bug try: # " to get around using gnome-open or internet explorer for webbrowser default webbrowserController = webbrowser.get('firefox') except: webbrowserController = webbrowser.get() webbrowserName = if webbrowserName == '': try: os.startfile( webPagePath )#this is available on some python environments, but not all return except: pass print('Skeinforge was not able to open the file in a web browser. To see the documentation, open the following file in a web browser:') print(webPagePath) return else: os.system(webbrowserName + ' ' + webPagePath)#used this instead of to workaround webbrowser open() bug def printProgress(layerIndex, procedureName): "Print layerIndex followed by a carriage return." printProgressByString('%s layer count %s...' % (procedureName.capitalize(), layerIndex + 1)) def printProgressByNumber(layerIndex, numberOfLayers, procedureName): "Print layerIndex and numberOfLayers followed by a carriage return." printProgressByString('%s layer count %s of %s...' % (procedureName.capitalize(), layerIndex + 1, numberOfLayers)) def printProgressByString(progressString): "Print progress string." sys.stdout.write(progressString) sys.stdout.write(chr(27) + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() def quitWindow(root): "Quit a window." try: root.destroy() except: pass def quitWindows( event=None ): "Quit all windows." global globalRepositoryDialogListTable globalRepositoryDialogValues = euclidean.getListTableElements( globalRepositoryDialogListTable ) for globalRepositoryDialogValue in globalRepositoryDialogValues: quitWindow(globalRepositoryDialogValue.root) def readSettingsFromText(repository, text): "Read settings from a text." text = text.replace(('\nName %sValue\n' % globalSpreadsheetSeparator), ('\n_Name %sValue\n' % globalSpreadsheetSeparator)) lines = archive.getTextLines(text) shortDictionary = {} for setting in repository.preferences: shortDictionary[getShortestUniqueSettingName(, repository.preferences)] = setting if repository.baseNameSynonymDictionary != None: synonymDictionaryCopy = repository.baseNameSynonymDictionary.copy() for line in lines: splitLine = line.split(globalSpreadsheetSeparator) if len(splitLine) > 1: if splitLine[0] in synonymDictionaryCopy: del synonymDictionaryCopy[splitLine[0]] for synonymDictionaryCopyKey in synonymDictionaryCopy.keys(): text = archive.getFileText(archive.getProfilesPath(getProfileName(synonymDictionaryCopy[synonymDictionaryCopyKey], repository)), False) synonymLines = archive.getTextLines(text) for synonymLine in synonymLines: splitLine = synonymLine.split(globalSpreadsheetSeparator) if len(splitLine) > 1: if splitLine[0] == synonymDictionaryCopyKey: lines.append(synonymLine) for lineIndex in xrange(len(lines)): setRepositoryToLine(lineIndex, lines, shortDictionary) def saveAll(): "Save all the dialogs." for globalRepositoryDialogValue in getGlobalRepositoryDialogValues(): def saveRepository(repository): "Set the entities to the dialog then write them." for setting in repository.preferences: setting.setToDisplay() writeSettingsPrintMessage(repository) for saveListener in repository.saveListenerTable.values(): saveListener() def setButtonFontWeightString( button, isBold ): "Set button font weight given isBold." try: weightString = 'normal' if isBold: weightString = 'bold' splitFont = button['font'].split() button['font'] = ( splitFont[0], splitFont[1], weightString ) except: pass def setEntryText(entry, value): "Set the entry text." if entry == None: return entry.delete(0, Tkinter.END) entry.insert(0, str(value)) def setIntegerValueToString( integerSetting, valueString ): "Set the integer to the string." dotIndex = valueString.find('.') if dotIndex > - 1: valueString = valueString[: dotIndex] try: integerSetting.value = int( valueString ) return except: print('Warning, can not read integer ' + + ' ' + valueString ) print('Will try reading as a boolean, which might be a mistake.') integerSetting.value = 0 if valueString.lower() == 'true': integerSetting.value = 1 def setRepositoryToLine(lineIndex, lines, shortDictionary): "Set setting dictionary to a setting line.globalSettingReplacements" line = lines[lineIndex] splitLine = line.split(globalSpreadsheetSeparator) if len(splitLine) < 2: return fileSettingName = splitLine[0] if fileSettingName in globalSettingReplacements: fileSettingName = globalSettingReplacements[fileSettingName] shortDictionaryKeys = shortDictionary.keys() shortDictionaryKeys.sort(key=len, reverse=True) # so that a short word like fill is not overidden by a longer word like fillet for shortDictionaryKey in shortDictionaryKeys: if fileSettingName[: len(shortDictionaryKey)].lower() == shortDictionaryKey: shortDictionary[shortDictionaryKey].setValueToSplitLine(lineIndex, lines, splitLine) return def setSpinColor( setting ): "Set the spin box color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher." if setting.entry == None: return if setting.backgroundColor == None: setting.backgroundColor = setting.entry['background'] if setting.backgroundColor[0] != '#': setting.backgroundColor = '#ffffff' setting.colorWidth = len( setting.backgroundColor ) / 3 setting.grey = int( setting.backgroundColor[ 1 : 1 + setting.colorWidth ], 16 ) setting.white = int('f' * setting.colorWidth, 16 ) if abs( setting.value - setting.defaultValue ) <= 0.75 * setting.increment: setting.entry['background'] = setting.backgroundColor return difference = setting.value - setting.defaultValue if difference > 0.0: wayLength = - setting.defaultValue setting.entry['background'] = getAlongWayHexadecimalColor( setting.grey, setting.colorWidth, difference, ( 0, setting.white, setting.white ), wayLength ) return wayLength = setting.from_ - setting.defaultValue setting.entry['background'] = getAlongWayHexadecimalColor( setting.grey, setting.colorWidth, difference, ( setting.white, setting.white, 0 ), wayLength ) def startMainLoopFromConstructor(repository): "Display the repository dialog and start the main loop." try: import Tkinter except: return displayedDialogFromConstructor = getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor(repository) if displayedDialogFromConstructor == None: print('Warning, displayedDialogFromConstructor in settings is none, so the window will not be displayed.') else: displayedDialogFromConstructor.root.mainloop() def startMainLoopFromWindow(window): 'Display the tableau window and start the main loop.' if window == None: return if window.root == None: print('Warning, window.root in startMainLoopFromWindow in settings is none, so the window will not be displayed.') return window.root.mainloop() def temporaryAddPreferenceOverride(module, name, value): global globalTemporaryOverrides if not module in globalTemporaryOverrides: globalTemporaryOverrides[module] = {} globalTemporaryOverrides[module][name] = value print('OVERRIDE %s %s %s' % (module,name,value)) print(globalTemporaryOverrides[module]) def temporaryApplyOverrides(repository): 'Apply any overrides that have been set at the command line.' # The override dictionary is a mapping of repository names to # key-value mappings. global globalTemporaryOverrides if repository.baseName in globalTemporaryOverrides: settingTable = {} for setting in repository.preferences: settingTable[ ] = setting for (name, value) in overrides[repository.baseName].items(): if name in settingTable: settingTable[name].setValueToString(value) else: print('Override not applied for: %s, %s' % (name,value)) def writeSettings(repository): "Write the settings to a file." profilesDirectoryPath = archive.getProfilesPath(getProfileBaseName(repository)) archive.makeDirectory(os.path.dirname(profilesDirectoryPath)) archive.writeFileText(profilesDirectoryPath, getRepositoryText(repository)) for setting in repository.preferences: setting.updateSaveListeners() def writeSettingsPrintMessage(repository): "Set the settings to the dialog then write them." writeSettings(repository) print(repository.title.lower().capitalize() + ' have been saved.') def writeValueListToRepositoryWriter( repositoryWriter, setting ): "Write tab separated name and list to the repository writer." repositoryWriter.write( ) for item in setting.value: if item != '[]': repositoryWriter.write(globalSpreadsheetSeparator) repositoryWriter.write( item ) repositoryWriter.write('\n') class StringSetting: "A class to display, read & write a string." def __init__(self): "Set the update function to none." self.entry = None self.updateFunction = None def __repr__(self): "Get the string representation of this StringSetting." return str(self.__dict__) def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = ) self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W ) self.createEntry( gridPosition.master ) self.setStateToValue() self.entry.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = 2, sticky = Tkinter.W ) self.bindEntry() LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master,, self.label ) def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ): "Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu." pass def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." titleFromName = getTitleFromName( ) helpWindowMenu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 ) repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = titleFromName, menu = helpWindowMenu, underline = 0 ) if in self.repository.frameList.value: helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Remove from Window', command = self.removeFromWindow ) else: helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Add to Window', command = self.addToWindow ) helpWindowMenu.add_separator() helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) ) def addToWindow(self): "Add this to the repository frame list." self.repository.frameList.addToList( ) def bindEntry(self): "Bind the entry to the update function." if self.updateFunction != None: self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.updateFunction ) def createEntry( self, root ): "Create the entry." self.entry = Tkinter.Entry( root ) def getFromValue( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value ) def getFromValueOnly( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.defaultValue = value = name self.repository = repository self.value = value return self def getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.menuEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value ) def removeFromWindow(self): "Remove this from the repository frame list." self.repository.frameList.removeFromList( ) def setStateToValue(self): "Set the entry to the value." setEntryText(self.entry, self.value) def setToDisplay(self): "Set the string to the entry field." try: valueString = self.entry.get() self.setValueToString( valueString ) except: pass def setUpdateFunction( self, updateFunction ): "Set the update function." self.updateFunction = updateFunction def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ): "Set the value to the second word of a split line." self.setValueToString(splitLine[1]) def setValueToString( self, valueString ): "Set the value to the value string." self.value = valueString def updateSaveListeners(self): "Update save listeners if any." pass def writeToRepositoryWriter( self, repositoryWriter ): "Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer." repositoryWriter.write('%s%s%s\n' % (, globalSpreadsheetSeparator, self.value ) ) class BooleanSetting( StringSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a boolean." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.checkbutton = Tkinter.Checkbutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.toggleCheckbutton, text = ) #toggleCheckbutton is being used instead of a Tkinter IntVar because there is a weird bug where it doesn't work properly if this setting is not on the first window. self.checkbutton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, columnspan = 5, sticky = Tkinter.W ) self.setStateToValue() LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master,, self.checkbutton ) def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the repository menu." self.activateToggleMenuCheckbutton = False #activateToggleMenuCheckbutton is being used instead of setting command after because add_checkbutton does not return a checkbutton. repositoryMenu.add_checkbutton( label = getTitleFromName( ), command = self.toggleMenuCheckbutton ) if self.value: repositoryMenu.invoke( repositoryMenu.index( Tkinter.END ) ) self.activateToggleMenuCheckbutton = True def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." titleFromName = getTitleFromName( ) helpWindowMenu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 ) repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = titleFromName, menu = helpWindowMenu, underline = 0 ) self.addToMenu( helpWindowMenu ) helpWindowMenu.add_separator() helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) ) def setStateToValue(self): "Set the checkbutton to the boolean." try: if self.value: else: self.checkbutton.deselect() except: pass def setToDisplay(self): "Do nothing because toggleCheckbutton is handling the value." pass def setValueToString( self, valueString ): "Set the boolean to the string." self.value = ( valueString.lower() == 'true') def toggleCheckbutton(self): "Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value." self.value = not self.value self.setStateToValue() if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction() def toggleMenuCheckbutton(self): "Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value." if self.activateToggleMenuCheckbutton: self.value = not self.value if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction() class CloseListener: "A class to listen to link a window to the global repository dialog list table." def __init__( self, window, closeFunction = None ): "Add the window to the global repository dialog list table." self.closeFunction = closeFunction self.window = window self.shouldWasClosedBeBound = True global globalRepositoryDialogListTable euclidean.addElementToListDictionaryIfNotThere( window, window, globalRepositoryDialogListTable ) def listenToWidget( self, widget ): "Listen to the destroy message of the widget." if self.shouldWasClosedBeBound: self.shouldWasClosedBeBound = False widget.bind('<Destroy>', self.wasClosed ) def wasClosed(self, event): "The dialog was closed." global globalCloseListTables for globalCloseListTable in globalCloseListTables: if self.window in globalCloseListTable: del globalCloseListTable[ self.window ] if self.closeFunction != None: self.closeFunction() class DisplayToolButton: "A class to display the tool dialog button, in a two column wide table." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." self.displayButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = getEachWordCapitalized( ), command = self.displayDialog ) setButtonFontWeightString( self.displayButton, self.important ) gridPosition.incrementGivenNumberOfColumns(2) self.displayButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, columnspan = 2 ) def displayDialog(self): "Display function." ToolDialog().getFromPath( self.path ).display() def getFromPath( self, important, name, path, repository ): "Initialize." self.important = important = name self.path = path self.repository = repository repository.displayEntities.append(self) return self class FileHelpMenuBar: def __init__( self, root ): "Create a menu bar with a file and help menu." self.underlineLetters = [] self.menuBar = Tkinter.Menu( root ) self.root = root root.config( menu = self.menuBar ) self.fileMenu = Tkinter.Menu( self.menuBar, tearoff = 0 ) self.menuBar.add_cascade( label = "File", menu = self.fileMenu, underline = 0 ) self.underlineLetters.append('f') def addMenuToMenuBar( self, labelText, menu ): "Add a menu to the menu bar." lowerLabelText = labelText.lower() for underlineLetterIndex in xrange( len( lowerLabelText ) ): underlineLetter = lowerLabelText[ underlineLetterIndex ] if underlineLetter not in self.underlineLetters: self.underlineLetters.append( underlineLetter ) self.menuBar.add_cascade( label = labelText, menu = menu, underline = underlineLetterIndex ) return self.menuBar.add_cascade( label = labelText, menu = menu ) def addPluginToMenuBar( self, modulePath, repository, window ): "Add a menu to the menu bar from a tool." pluginModule = archive.getModuleWithPath( modulePath ) if pluginModule == None: print('this should never happen, pluginModule in addMenuToMenuBar in settings is None.') return None repositoryMenu = Tkinter.Menu( self.menuBar, tearoff = 0 ) labelText = getEachWordCapitalized( os.path.basename( modulePath ) ) self.addMenuToMenuBar( labelText, repositoryMenu ) pluginModule.addToMenu( self.root, repositoryMenu, repository, window ) def completeMenu(self, closeFunction, repository, saveFunction, window): "Complete the menu." self.closeFunction = closeFunction self.saveFunction = saveFunction addAcceleratorCommand('<Control-KeyPress-s>', saveFunction, self.root, self.fileMenu, 'Save') self.fileMenu.add_command(label = "Save and Close", command = self.saveClose) addAcceleratorCommand('<Control-KeyPress-w>', closeFunction, self.root, self.fileMenu, 'Close') self.fileMenu.add_separator() addAcceleratorCommand('<Control-KeyPress-q>', quitWindows, self.root, self.fileMenu, 'Quit') skeinforgePluginsPath = archive.getSkeinforgePath('skeinforge_plugins') pluginFileNames = archive.getPluginFileNamesFromDirectoryPath(skeinforgePluginsPath) for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames: self.addPluginToMenuBar(os.path.join(skeinforgePluginsPath, pluginFileName), repository, window) def saveClose(self): "Call the save function then the close function." self.saveFunction() self.closeFunction() class FileNameInput( StringSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a fileName." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." self.gridPosition = gridPosition gridPosition.executables.append(self) def execute(self): "Open the file picker." self.wasCancelled = False parent = self.gridPosition.master try: import tkFileDialog summarized = archive.getSummarizedFileName(self.value) initialDirectory = os.path.dirname( summarized ) if len( initialDirectory ) > 0: initialDirectory += os.sep else: initialDirectory = "." fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes = self.getFileNameFirstTypes(), initialdir = initialDirectory, initialfile = os.path.basename( summarized ), parent = parent, title = ) self.setCancelledValue(fileName) return except: print('Could not get the old directory in settings, so the file picker will be opened in the default directory.') try: fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes = self.getFileNameFirstTypes(), initialdir = '.', initialfile = '', parent = parent, title = ) self.setCancelledValue(fileName) except: print('Error in execute in FileName in settings, ' + ) def getFileNameFirstTypes(self): "Get the file types with the file type of the fileName moved to the front of the list." allFiles = [ ('All', '*.*') ] try: basename = os.path.basename(self.value) splitFile = basename.split('.') allReadables = [] if len( self.fileTypes ) > 1: for fileType in self.fileTypes: allReadable = ( ('All Readable', fileType[1] ) ) allReadables.append( allReadable ) if len( splitFile ) < 1: return allReadables + allFiles + self.fileTypes baseExtension = splitFile[-1] for fileType in self.fileTypes: fileExtension = fileType[1].split('.')[-1] if fileExtension == baseExtension: fileNameFirstTypes = self.fileTypes[:] fileNameFirstTypes.remove( fileType ) return [ fileType ] + allReadables + allFiles + fileNameFirstTypes return allReadables + allFiles + self.fileTypes except: return allFiles def getFromFileName( self, fileTypes, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value ) self.fileTypes = fileTypes self.wasCancelled = False repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self def setCancelledValue( self, fileName ): "Set the value to the file name and wasCancelled true if a file was not picked." if ( str(fileName) == '()' or str(fileName) == ''): self.wasCancelled = True else: self.value = fileName def setToDisplay(self): "Do nothing because the file dialog is handling the value." pass class FloatSetting( StringSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a float." def setValueToString( self, valueString ): "Set the float to the string." try: self.value = float( valueString ) except: print('Oops, can not read float ' + + ' ' + valueString ) class FloatSpin( FloatSetting ): "A class to display, read & write an float in a spin box." def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." titleFromName = getTitleFromName( ) helpWindowMenu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 ) repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = titleFromName, menu = helpWindowMenu, underline = 0 ) if in self.repository.frameList.value: helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Remove from Window', command = self.removeFromWindow ) else: helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Add to Window', command = self.addToWindow ) helpWindowMenu.add_separator() changeString = ' by %s' % self.increment helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Increase' + changeString, command = self.increase ) helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Decrease' + changeString, command = self.decrease ) helpWindowMenu.add_separator() helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) ) def bindEntry(self): "Bind the entry to the update function." self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.entryUpdated ) self.setColor() def createEntry( self, root ): "Create the entry." self.entry = Tkinter.Spinbox( root, command = self.setColorToDisplay, from_ = self.from_, increment = self.increment, to = ) def decrease(self): "Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value." self.value -= self.increment self.setStateUpdateColor() def entryUpdated(self, event=None): "Create the entry." self.setColorToDisplay() if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction(event) def getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value): "Initialize." self.backgroundColor = None self.from_ = from_ self.minimumWidth = min(value - from_, to - value) rank = euclidean.getRank(0.05 * (to - from_)) self.increment = euclidean.getIncrementFromRank(rank) = to return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(name, repository, value) def increase(self): "Increase the value then set the state and color to the value." self.value += self.increment self.setStateUpdateColor() def setColor(self, event=None): "Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher." setSpinColor(self) def setColorToDisplay(self, event=None): "Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher." self.setToDisplay() self.setColor() def setStateToValue(self): "Set the entry to the value." setEntryText( self.entry, self.value ) self.setColor() def setStateUpdateColor(self): "Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color." self.setStateToValue() if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction() class FloatSpinNotOnMenu( FloatSpin ): "A class to display, read & write an float in a spin box, which is not to be added to a menu." def getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value ) class FloatSpinUpdate( FloatSpin ): "A class to display, read, update & write an float in a spin box." def createEntry( self, root ): "Create the entry." self.entry = Tkinter.Spinbox( root, command = self.entryUpdated, from_ = self.from_, increment = self.increment, to = ) class FrameList: "A class to list the frames." def addToList(self, word): "Add the word to the sorted list." self.value.append(word) self.value.sort() self.repository.window.redisplayWindowUpdate() def getFromValue( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." repository.preferences.append(self) = name self.repository = repository self.value = value return self def removeFromList(self, word): "Remove the word from the sorted list." self.value.remove(word) self.value.sort() self.repository.window.redisplayWindowUpdate() def setToDisplay(self): "Do nothing because frame list does not have a display." pass def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ): "Set the value to the second and later words of a split line." self.value = splitLine[1 :] def updateSaveListeners(self): "Update save listeners if any." pass def writeToRepositoryWriter( self, repositoryWriter ): "Write tab separated name and list to the repository writer." writeValueListToRepositoryWriter( repositoryWriter, self ) class GridHorizontal: "A class to place elements horizontally on a grid." def __init__( self, column, row ): "Initialize the column and row." self.column = column self.columnStart = column self.row = row def getCopy(self): "Get a copy." copy = GridHorizontal( self.column, self.row ) copy.columnStart = self.columnStart return copy def increment(self): "Increment the position horizontally." self.column += 1 class GridVertical: "A class to place elements vertically on a grid." def __init__( self, column, row ): "Initialize the column and row." self.column = column self.columnOffset = column self.columnStart = column self.row = row self.rowStart = row def execute(self): "The execute button was clicked." for executable in self.executables: executable.execute() saveAll() self.repository.execute() def getCopy(self): "Get a copy." copy = GridVertical( self.column, self.row ) copy.columnOffset = self.columnOffset copy.columnStart = self.columnStart copy.rowStart = self.rowStart return copy def increment(self): "Increment the position vertically." self.column = self.columnStart self.columnOffset = self.columnStart self.row += 1 def incrementGivenNumberOfColumns( self, numberOfColumns ): "Increment the position vertically and offset it horizontally by the given number of columns." self.column = self.columnOffset if self.columnOffset == self.columnStart: self.columnOffset = self.columnStart + 1 self.row += 1 return if self.columnOffset < self.columnStart + numberOfColumns - 1: self.columnOffset += 1 return self.columnOffset = self.columnStart def setExecutablesRepository( self, repository ): "Set the executables to an empty list and set the repository." self.executables = [] self.repository = repository class HelpPage: "A class to open a help page." def __init__(self): "Initialize column." self.column = 3 def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( ) self.displayButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', command = self.openPage, text = capitalizedName ) if len( capitalizedName ) < 12: self.displayButton['width'] = 10 self.displayButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = self.column, columnspan = 2 ) def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the repository menu." repositoryMenu.add_command( label = getTitleFromName( ), command = self.openPage ) def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu ) def getFromNameAfterHTTP( self, afterHTTP, name, repository ): "Initialize." self.setToNameRepository( name, repository ) self.hypertextAddress = 'http://' + afterHTTP return self def getFromNameAfterWWW( self, afterWWW, name, repository ): "Initialize." self.setToNameRepository( name, repository ) self.hypertextAddress = 'http://www.' + afterWWW return self def getFromNameSubName( self, name, repository, subName=''): "Initialize." self.setToNameRepository( name, repository ) self.hypertextAddress = archive.getDocumentationPath( subName ) return self def getOpenFromAbsolute( self, hypertextAddress ): "Get the open help page function from the hypertext address." self.hypertextAddress = hypertextAddress return self.openPage def getOpenFromAfterHTTP( self, afterHTTP ): "Get the open help page function from the part of the address after the HTTP." self.hypertextAddress = 'http://' + afterHTTP return self.openPage def getOpenFromAfterWWW( self, afterWWW ): "Get the open help page function from the afterWWW of the address after the www." self.hypertextAddress = 'http://www.' + afterWWW return self.openPage def getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self, subName=''): "Get the open help page function from the afterWWW of the address after the www." self.hypertextAddress = archive.getDocumentationPath( subName ) return self.openPage def openPage(self, event=None): "Open the browser to the hypertext address." openWebPage( self.hypertextAddress ) def setToNameRepository( self, name, repository ): "Set to the name and repository." = name self.repository = repository repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.menuEntities.append(self) class HelpPageRepository: "A class to open a repository help page." def __init__( self, repository ): "Add this to the dialog." self.repository = repository def openPage(self, event=None): "Open the browser to the repository help page." if self.repository.openWikiManualHelpPage == None: self.repository.openLocalHelpPage() return from skeinforge_application.skeinforge_utilities import skeinforge_help helpRepository = getReadRepository( skeinforge_help.HelpRepository() ) if helpRepository.wikiManualPrimary.value: self.repository.openWikiManualHelpPage() return self.repository.openLocalHelpPage() class IntSetting( FloatSetting ): "A class to display, read & write an int." def setValueToString( self, valueString ): "Set the integer to the string." setIntegerValueToString( self, valueString ) class IntSpin(FloatSpin): "A class to display, read & write an int in a spin box." def getFromValue(self, from_, name, repository, to, value): "Initialize." self.backgroundColor = None self.from_ = from_ rank = euclidean.getRank(0.05 * (to - from_)) self.increment = max(1, int(euclidean.getIncrementFromRank(rank))) self.minimumWidth = min(value - from_, to - value) = to return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository(name, repository, value) def getSingleIncrementFromValue( self, from_, name, repository, to, value ): "Initialize." self.backgroundColor = None self.from_ = from_ self.increment = 1 self.minimumWidth = min(value - from_, to - value) = to return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value ) def setValueToString( self, valueString ): "Set the integer to the string." setIntegerValueToString( self, valueString ) class IntSpinNotOnMenu( IntSpin ): "A class to display, read & write an integer in a spin box, which is not to be added to a menu." def getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value ) class IntSpinUpdate( IntSpin ): "A class to display, read, update & write an int in a spin box." def createEntry( self, root ): "Create the entry." self.entry = Tkinter.Spinbox( root, command = self.entryUpdated, from_ = self.from_, increment = self.increment, to = ) class LabelDisplay: "A class to add a label." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = ) self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = self.columnspan, sticky = Tkinter.W ) LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master,, self.label ) def getFromName( self, name, repository ): "Initialize." self.columnspan = 3 = name self.repository = repository repository.displayEntities.append(self) return self class LabelHelp: "A class to add help to a widget." def __init__( self, fileNameHelp, master, name, widget ): "Add menu to the widget." if len( name ) < 1: return self.popupMenu = Tkinter.Menu( master, tearoff = 0 ) titleFromName = getTitleFromName( name.replace('- ', '').replace(' -', '') ) self.popupMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) ) widget.bind('<Button-1>', self.unpostPopupMenu ) widget.bind('<Button-2>', self.unpostPopupMenu ) widget.bind('<Button-3>', self.displayPopupMenu ) def displayPopupMenu(self, event=None): 'Display the popup menu when the button is right clicked.' try: self.popupMenu.tk_popup( event.x_root + 30, event.y_root, 0 ) finally: self.popupMenu.grab_release() def unpostPopupMenu(self, event=None): 'Unpost the popup menu.' self.popupMenu.unpost() class LabelSeparator: "A class to add a label and menu separator." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text='') self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W ) def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the repository menu." repositoryMenu.add_separator() def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu ) def getFromRepository( self, repository ): "Initialize." = '' self.repository = repository repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.menuEntities.append(self) return self class LatentStringVar: "A class to provide a StringVar when needed." def __init__(self): "Set the string var." self.stringVar = None def getString(self): "Get the string." return self.getVar().get() def getVar(self): "Get the string var." if self.stringVar == None: self.stringVar = Tkinter.StringVar() return self.stringVar def setString(self, word): "Set the string." self.getVar().set(word) class LayerCount: 'A class to handle the layerIndex.' def __init__(self): 'Initialize.' self.layerIndex = -1 def __repr__(self): 'Get the string representation of this LayerCount.' return str(self.layerIndex) def printProgressIncrement(self, procedureName): 'Print progress then increment layerIndex.' self.layerIndex += 1 printProgress(self.layerIndex, procedureName) class MenuButtonDisplay: "A class to add a menu button." def addRadiosToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add the menu radios to the dialog." for menuRadio in self.menuRadios: menuRadio.addToDialog( gridPosition ) def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the repository menu." if len( self.menuRadios ) < 1: print('The MenuButtonDisplay in settings should have menu items.') print( return = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 ) repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = getTitleFromName( ), menu = ) self.setRadioVarToName( self.menuRadios[0].name ) def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." titleFromName = getTitleFromName( ) self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu ) label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) ) def getFromName( self, name, repository ): "Initialize." self.columnspan = 2 self.menuRadios = [] = name self.radioVar = None self.repository = repository repository.menuEntities.append(self) return self def removeMenus(self): "Remove all menus." deleteMenuItems( ) self.menuRadios = [] def setRadioVarToName(self, name): "Get the menu button." self.optionList = [name] self.radioVar = Tkinter.StringVar() self.radioVar.set( self.optionList[0] ) def setToNameAddToDialog( self, name, gridPosition ): "Get the menu button." if self.radioVar != None: return gridPosition.increment() self.setRadioVarToName( name ) self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = ) self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W ) self.menuButton = Tkinter.OptionMenu( gridPosition.master, self.radioVar, self.optionList ) self.menuButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = self.columnspan, sticky = Tkinter.W ) = Tkinter.Menu( self.menuButton, tearoff = 0 ) = self.menuButton['menu'] = LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master,, self.label ) class MenuRadio( BooleanSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated menu radio button." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." self.menuButtonDisplay.setToNameAddToDialog(, gridPosition ) self.addToSubmenu() def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the submenu set by MenuButtonDisplay, the repository menu is ignored" self.addToSubmenu() def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ): "Add this to the frameable repository menu." self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu ) def addToSubmenu(self): "Add this to the submenu." self.activate = False menu = menu.add_radiobutton( label =, command = self.clickRadio, value =, variable = self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar ) self.menuLength = menu.index( Tkinter.END ) if self.value: self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar.set( ) self.invoke() self.activate = True def clickRadio(self): "Workaround for Tkinter bug, invoke and set the value when clicked." if not self.activate: return self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar.set( ) if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction() def getFromMenuButtonDisplay( self, menuButtonDisplay, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value ) self.menuButtonDisplay = menuButtonDisplay self.menuButtonDisplay.menuRadios.append(self) return self def invoke(self): "Workaround for Tkinter bug, invoke to set the value when changed." self.menuLength ) def setStateToValue(self): "Set the checkbutton to the boolean." try: if self.value: self.invoke() except: pass def setToDisplay(self): "Set the boolean to the checkbutton." if self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar != None: self.value = ( self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar.get() == ) class PluginFrame: "A class to display the plugins in a frame." def __init__(self): "Initialize." self.gridTable = {} self.latentStringVar = LatentStringVar() self.oldLatentString = '' def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.gridPosition = gridPosition.getCopy() self.gridPosition.master = gridPosition.master self.createFrame( gridPosition ) def createFrame( self, gridPosition ): "Create the frame." gridVertical = GridVertical( 0, 0 ) gridVertical.master = Tkinter.LabelFrame( gridPosition.master, borderwidth = 3, relief = 'raised') gridVertical.master.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, columnspan = 12, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S ) gridPosition.master.grid_rowconfigure( gridPosition.row, weight = 1 ) gridPosition.master.grid_columnconfigure( gridPosition.column + 11, weight = 1 ) if self.latentStringVar.getString() == '': self.defaultRadioButton.setSelect() self.gridTable[ self.latentStringVar.getString() ] = gridVertical path = os.path.join( self.directoryPath, self.latentStringVar.getString() ) pluginModule = archive.getModuleWithPath(path) if pluginModule == None: print('this should never happen, pluginModule in addToDialog in PluginFrame in settings is None') print(path) return gridVertical.repository = getReadRepository( pluginModule.getNewRepository() ) gridVertical.frameGridVertical = GridVertical( 0, 0 ) gridVertical.frameGridVertical.setExecutablesRepository( gridVertical.repository ) executeTitle = gridVertical.repository.executeTitle if executeTitle != None: executeButton = Tkinter.Button( gridVertical.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'blue', text = executeTitle, command = gridVertical.frameGridVertical.execute ) executeButton.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column, sticky = Tkinter.W ) gridVertical.column += 1 self.helpButton = Tkinter.Button( gridVertical.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = "?", command = HelpPageRepository( gridVertical.repository ).openPage ) self.helpButton.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column, sticky = Tkinter.W ) addEmptyRow( gridVertical ) gridVertical.increment() from fabmetheus_utilities.hidden_scrollbar import HiddenScrollbar gridVertical.xScrollbar = HiddenScrollbar( gridVertical.master, orient = Tkinter.HORIZONTAL ) gridVertical.xScrollbar.grid( row = gridVertical.row + 1, column = gridVertical.column, columnspan = 11, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W ) gridVertical.yScrollbar = HiddenScrollbar( gridVertical.master ) gridVertical.yScrollbar.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column + 12, sticky = Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S ) canvasHeight = min( 1000, gridPosition.master.winfo_screenheight() - 540 ) - 6 - int( gridVertical.xScrollbar['width'] ) canvasWidth = min( 650, gridPosition.master.winfo_screenwidth() - 100 ) - 6 - int( gridVertical.yScrollbar['width'] ) gridVertical.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas( gridVertical.master, height = canvasHeight, highlightthickness = 0, width = canvasWidth ) gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master = Tkinter.Frame( gridVertical.canvas ) for setting in gridVertical.repository.displayEntities: setting.addToDialog( gridVertical.frameGridVertical ) addEmptyRow( gridVertical.frameGridVertical ) gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master.update_idletasks() gridVertical.xScrollbar.config( command = gridVertical.canvas.xview ) gridVertical.canvas['xscrollcommand'] = gridVertical.xScrollbar.set gridVertical.yScrollbar.config( command = gridVertical.canvas.yview ) gridVertical.canvas['yscrollcommand'] = gridVertical.yScrollbar.set gridVertical.canvas.create_window( 0, 0, anchor = Tkinter.NW, window = gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master ) gridVertical.canvas['scrollregion'] = gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master.grid_bbox() gridVertical.canvas.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column, columnspan = 12, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S ) gridVertical.master.grid_rowconfigure( gridVertical.row, weight = 1 ) gridVertical.master.grid_columnconfigure( gridVertical.column + 11, weight = 1 ) gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master.lift() self.oldLatentString = self.latentStringVar.getString() def focusSetMaster( self, gridPosition ): "Set the focus to the plugin master." gridPosition.frameGridVertical.master.focus_set() def getFromPath( self, defaultRadioButton, directoryPath, repository ): "Initialize." self.defaultRadioButton = defaultRadioButton self.directoryPath = directoryPath = 'PluginFrame' self.repository = repository repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self def setStateToValue(self): "Set the state of all the plugins to the value." for gridTableValue in self.gridTable.values(): cancelRepository( gridTableValue.repository ) def setToDisplay(self): "Set the plugins to the display." pass def update(self): "Update the frame." if len(self.gridTable) < 1: return if self.oldLatentString == self.latentStringVar.getString(): return self.oldLatentString = self.latentStringVar.getString() self.repository.preferences.remove(self) for setting in self.repository.preferences: setting.setToDisplay() writeSettingsPrintMessage(self.repository) self.repository.preferences.append(self) if self.latentStringVar.getString() in self.gridTable: gridPosition = self.gridTable[self.latentStringVar.getString()] gridPosition.master.lift() self.focusSetMaster(gridPosition) return self.createFrame(self.gridPosition) def updateSaveListeners(self): "Update save listeners if any." gridTableKeys = self.gridTable.keys() gridTableKeys.sort() for gridTableKey in gridTableKeys: saveRepository( self.gridTable[ gridTableKey ].repository ) def writeToRepositoryWriter( self, repositoryWriter ): "Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer." pass class PluginGroupFrame( PluginFrame ): "A class to display the plugin groups in a frame." def createFrame( self, gridPosition ): "Create the frame." gridVertical = GridVertical( 0, 0 ) gridVertical.master = Tkinter.LabelFrame( gridPosition.master, borderwidth = 3, relief = 'raised') gridVertical.master.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, columnspan = 11, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S ) gridPosition.master.grid_rowconfigure( gridPosition.row, weight = 1 ) gridPosition.master.grid_columnconfigure( gridPosition.column + 10, weight = 1 ) if self.latentStringVar.getString() == '': self.defaultRadioButton.setSelect() self.gridTable[ self.latentStringVar.getString() ] = gridVertical path = os.path.join( self.directoryPath, self.latentStringVar.getString() ) pluginModule = archive.getModuleWithPath(path) if pluginModule == None: print('this should never happen, pluginModule in addToDialog in PluginFrame in settings is None') print(path) return gridVertical.repository = getReadRepository( pluginModule.getNewRepository() ) gridVertical.setExecutablesRepository( gridVertical.repository ) executeTitle = gridVertical.repository.executeTitle if executeTitle != None: executeButton = Tkinter.Button( gridVertical.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'blue', text = executeTitle, command = gridVertical.execute ) executeButton.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column, sticky = Tkinter.W ) gridVertical.column += 1 self.helpButton = Tkinter.Button( gridVertical.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = "?", command = HelpPageRepository( gridVertical.repository ).openPage ) self.helpButton.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column, sticky = Tkinter.W ) addEmptyRow( gridVertical ) gridVertical.increment() for setting in gridVertical.repository.displayEntities: setting.addToDialog( gridVertical ) gridVertical.master.update_idletasks() gridVertical.master.lift() self.oldLatentString = self.latentStringVar.getString() def focusSetMaster( self, gridPosition ): "Set the focus to the plugin master." gridPosition.master.focus_set() class Radio( BooleanSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.createRadioButton( gridPosition ) self.radiobutton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W ) self.setStateToValue() def clickRadio(self): "Workaround for Tkinter bug, set the value." self.latentStringVar.setString( self.radiobutton['value'] ) if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction() def createRadioButton( self, gridPosition ): "Create the radio button." self.radiobutton = Tkinter.Radiobutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.clickRadio, text =, value =, variable = self.latentStringVar.getVar() ) LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master,, self.radiobutton ) def getFromRadio( self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value ) self.latentStringVar = latentStringVar repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) #when addToMenu is added to this entity, the line below should be uncommented # repository.menuEntities.append(self) return self def setSelect(self): "Set the int var and select the radio button." oldLatentStringValue = self.latentStringVar.getString() self.latentStringVar.setString( self.radiobutton['value'] ) if oldLatentStringValue == '': return False return oldLatentStringValue != self.latentStringVar.getString() def setStateToValue(self): "Set the checkbutton to the boolean." if self.value: if self.setSelect(): if self.updateFunction != None: self.updateFunction() def setToDisplay(self): "Set the boolean to the checkbutton." self.value = ( self.latentStringVar.getString() == self.radiobutton['value'] ) class RadioCapitalized( Radio ): "A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button." def createRadioButton( self, gridPosition ): "Create the radio button." capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( ) self.radiobutton = Tkinter.Radiobutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.clickRadio, text = capitalizedName, value =, variable = self.latentStringVar.getVar() ) class RadioCapitalizedButton( Radio ): "A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button." def createRadioButton( self, gridPosition ): "Create the radio button." capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( ) self.radiobutton = Tkinter.Radiobutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.clickRadio, text = capitalizedName, value =, variable = self.latentStringVar.getVar() ) self.displayButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = capitalizedName, command = self.displayDialog ) self.displayButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = 2 ) def displayDialog(self): "Display function." ToolDialog().getFromPath( self.path ).display() self.setSelect() def getFromPath( self, latentStringVar, name, path, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.getFromRadio( latentStringVar, name, repository, value ) self.path = path return self class RadioPlugin( RadioCapitalized ): "A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." self.createRadioButton( gridPosition ) self.radiobutton['activeforeground'] = 'magenta' self.radiobutton['selectcolor'] = 'white' self.radiobutton['borderwidth'] = 3 self.radiobutton['indicatoron'] = 0 setButtonFontWeightString( self.radiobutton, self.important ) self.incrementGridPosition( gridPosition ) self.setStateToValue() def getFromRadio( self, important, latentStringVar, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.important = important return RadioCapitalized.getFromRadio( self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value ) def incrementGridPosition( self, gridPosition ): "Increment the grid position." gridPosition.incrementGivenNumberOfColumns( 10 ) self.radiobutton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, sticky = Tkinter.W ) class TextSetting( StringSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a text." def __init__(self): "Set the update function to none." self.tokenConversions = [ TokenConversion(), TokenConversion('carriageReturn', '\r'), TokenConversion('doubleQuote', '"'), TokenConversion('newline', '\n'), TokenConversion('semicolon', ';'), TokenConversion('singleQuote', "'" ), TokenConversion('tab', '\t') ] self.updateFunction = None def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Add this to the dialog." gridPosition.increment() self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = ) self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W ) gridPosition.increment() self.entry = Tkinter.Text( gridPosition.master ) self.setStateToValue() self.entry.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 5, sticky = Tkinter.W ) LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master,, self.label ) def getFromValue( self, name, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value ) repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self def setStateToValue(self): "Set the entry to the value." try: self.entry.delete( 1.0, Tkinter.END ) self.entry.insert( Tkinter.INSERT, self.value ) except: pass def setToDisplay(self): "Set the string to the entry field." valueString = self.entry.get( 1.0, Tkinter.END ) self.setValueToString( valueString ) def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ): "Set the value to the second word of a split line." replacedValue = splitLine[1] for tokenConversion in reversed( self.tokenConversions ): replacedValue = tokenConversion.getTokenizedString( replacedValue ) self.setValueToString( replacedValue ) def writeToRepositoryWriter( self, repositoryWriter ): "Write tab separated name and value to the repository writer." replacedValue = self.value for tokenConversion in self.tokenConversions: replacedValue = tokenConversion.getNamedString( replacedValue ) repositoryWriter.write('%s%s%s\n' % (, globalSpreadsheetSeparator, replacedValue ) ) class TokenConversion: "A class to convert tokens in a string." def __init__( self, name = 'replaceToken', token = '___replaced___'): "Set the name and token." self.replacedName = '___replaced___' + name self.token = token def getNamedString( self, text ): "Get a string with the tokens changed to names." return text.replace( self.token, self.replacedName ) def getTokenizedString( self, text ): "Get a string with the names changed to tokens." return text.replace( self.replacedName, self.token ) class ToolDialog: "A class to display the tool repository dialog." def addPluginToMenu( self, menu, path ): "Add the display command to the menu." name = os.path.basename(path) self.path = path menu.add_command( label = getEachWordCapitalized( name ) + '...', command = self.display ) def display(self): "Display the tool repository dialog." global globalRepositoryDialogListTable for repositoryDialog in globalRepositoryDialogListTable: if getPathInFabmetheusFromFileNameHelp( repositoryDialog.repository.fileNameHelp ) == self.path: liftRepositoryDialogs( globalRepositoryDialogListTable[ repositoryDialog ] ) return self.repositoryDialog = getDisplayedDialogFromPath( self.path ) def getFromPath( self, path ): "Initialize and return display function." self.path = path return self class WindowPosition( StringSetting ): "A class to display, read & write a window position." def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ): "Set the root to later get the geometry." self.root = gridPosition.master self.setToDisplay() def getFromValue( self, repository, value ): "Initialize." self.getFromValueOnly('WindowPosition', repository, value ) repository.displayEntities.append(self) repository.preferences.append(self) return self def setToDisplay(self): "Set the string to the window position." try: geometryString = self.root.geometry() except: return if geometryString == '1x1+0+0': return firstPlusIndexPlusOne = geometryString.find('+') + 1 self.value = geometryString[ firstPlusIndexPlusOne : ] def setWindowPosition(self): "Set the window position." movedGeometryString = '%sx%s+%s' % ( self.root.winfo_reqwidth(), self.root.winfo_reqheight(), self.value ) self.root.geometry( movedGeometryString ) class RepositoryDialog: def __init__( self, repository, root ): "Add entities to the dialog." self.isFirst = ( len( globalRepositoryDialogListTable.keys() ) == 0 ) self.closeListener = CloseListener(self) self.repository = repository self.gridPosition = GridVertical( 0, - 1 ) self.gridPosition.setExecutablesRepository(repository) self.gridPosition.master = root self.root = root self.openDialogListeners = [] repository.repositoryDialog = self root.withdraw() title = repository.title if repository.fileNameInput != None: title = os.path.basename( repository.fileNameInput.value ) + ' - ' + title root.title( title ) fileHelpMenuBar = FileHelpMenuBar( root ) fileHelpMenuBar.completeMenu( self.close, repository,, self ) for setting in repository.displayEntities: setting.addToDialog( self.gridPosition ) if self.gridPosition.row < 20: addEmptyRow( self.gridPosition ) self.addButtons( repository, root ) root.update_idletasks() self.setWindowPositionDeiconify() root.deiconify() for openDialogListener in self.openDialogListeners: openDialogListener.openDialog() def __repr__(self): "Get the string representation of this RepositoryDialog." return self.repository.title def addButtons( self, repository, root ): "Add buttons to the dialog." columnIndex = 0 self.gridPosition.increment() saveCommand = saveText = 'Save' if self.isFirst: saveCommand = saveAll saveText = 'Save All' if repository.executeTitle != None: executeButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'blue', text = repository.executeTitle, command = self.gridPosition.execute ) executeButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex, columnspan = 2, sticky = Tkinter.W ) columnIndex += 2 self.helpButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = "?", command = HelpPageRepository(self.repository).openPage ) self.helpButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex, sticky = Tkinter.W ) self.closeListener.listenToWidget( self.helpButton ) columnIndex += 6 cancelButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'orange', command = self.cancel, fg = 'orange', text = 'Cancel') cancelButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex ) columnIndex += 1 self.saveButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'darkgreen', command = saveCommand, fg = 'darkgreen', text = saveText ) self.saveButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex ) def cancel(self, event=None): "Set all entities to their saved state." cancelRepository(self.repository) def close(self, event=None): "The dialog was closed." try: self.root.destroy() except: pass def save(self, event=None): "Set the entities to the dialog then write them." saveRepository(self.repository) def setWindowPositionDeiconify(self): "Set the window position if that setting exists." for setting in self.repository.preferences: if == 'WindowPosition': setting.setWindowPosition() return
# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.conf.urls import url from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.routers import views ROUTER_URL = r'^(?P<router_id>[^/]+)/%s' urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', views.IndexView.as_view(), name='index'), url(ROUTER_URL % '$', views.DetailView.as_view(), name='detail'), url(ROUTER_URL % 'update', views.UpdateView.as_view(), name='update'), url(r'^(?P<l3_agent_id>[^/]+)/l3_agent_list', views.L3AgentView.as_view(), name='l3_agent_list'), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from import ProtocolBuffer import array import dummy_thread as thread __pychecker__ = """maxreturns=0 maxbranches=0 no-callinit unusednames=printElemNumber,debug_strs no-special""" if hasattr(ProtocolBuffer, 'ExtendableProtocolMessage'): _extension_runtime = True _ExtendableProtocolMessage = ProtocolBuffer.ExtendableProtocolMessage else: _extension_runtime = False _ExtendableProtocolMessage = ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage class PropertyValue_ReferenceValuePathElement(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_type_ = 0 type_ = "" has_id_ = 0 id_ = 0 has_name_ = 0 name_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def type(self): return self.type_ def set_type(self, x): self.has_type_ = 1 self.type_ = x def clear_type(self): if self.has_type_: self.has_type_ = 0 self.type_ = "" def has_type(self): return self.has_type_ def id(self): return self.id_ def set_id(self, x): self.has_id_ = 1 self.id_ = x def clear_id(self): if self.has_id_: self.has_id_ = 0 self.id_ = 0 def has_id(self): return self.has_id_ def name(self): return self.name_ def set_name(self, x): self.has_name_ = 1 self.name_ = x def clear_name(self): if self.has_name_: self.has_name_ = 0 self.name_ = "" def has_name(self): return self.has_name_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_type()): self.set_type(x.type()) if (x.has_id()): self.set_id( if (x.has_name()): self.set_name( def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_type_ != x.has_type_: return 0 if self.has_type_ and self.type_ != x.type_: return 0 if self.has_id_ != x.has_id_: return 0 if self.has_id_ and self.id_ != x.id_: return 0 if self.has_name_ != x.has_name_: return 0 if self.has_name_ and self.name_ != x.name_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_type_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: type not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.type_)) if (self.has_id_): n += 2 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) return n + 1 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_type_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.type_)) if (self.has_id_): n += 2 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_type() self.clear_id() self.clear_name() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(122) out.putPrefixedString(self.type_) if (self.has_id_): out.putVarInt32(128) out.putVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): out.putVarInt32(138) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_type_): out.putVarInt32(122) out.putPrefixedString(self.type_) if (self.has_id_): out.putVarInt32(128) out.putVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): out.putVarInt32(138) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) def TryMerge(self, d): while 1: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 116: break if tt == 122: self.set_type(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 128: self.set_id(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 138: self.set_name(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_type_: res+=prefix+("type: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.type_)) if self.has_id_: res+=prefix+("id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.id_)) if self.has_name_: res+=prefix+("name: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.name_)) return res class PropertyValue_PointValue(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_x_ = 0 x_ = 0.0 has_y_ = 0 y_ = 0.0 def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def x(self): return self.x_ def set_x(self, x): self.has_x_ = 1 self.x_ = x def clear_x(self): if self.has_x_: self.has_x_ = 0 self.x_ = 0.0 def has_x(self): return self.has_x_ def y(self): return self.y_ def set_y(self, x): self.has_y_ = 1 self.y_ = x def clear_y(self): if self.has_y_: self.has_y_ = 0 self.y_ = 0.0 def has_y(self): return self.has_y_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_x()): self.set_x(x.x()) if (x.has_y()): self.set_y(x.y()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_x_ != x.has_x_: return 0 if self.has_x_ and self.x_ != x.x_: return 0 if self.has_y_ != x.has_y_: return 0 if self.has_y_ and self.y_ != x.y_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_x_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: x not set.') if (not self.has_y_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: y not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 return n + 18 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_x_): n += 9 if (self.has_y_): n += 9 return n def Clear(self): self.clear_x() self.clear_y() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(49) out.putDouble(self.x_) out.putVarInt32(57) out.putDouble(self.y_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_x_): out.putVarInt32(49) out.putDouble(self.x_) if (self.has_y_): out.putVarInt32(57) out.putDouble(self.y_) def TryMerge(self, d): while 1: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 44: break if tt == 49: self.set_x(d.getDouble()) continue if tt == 57: self.set_y(d.getDouble()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_x_: res+=prefix+("x: %s\n" % self.DebugFormat(self.x_)) if self.has_y_: res+=prefix+("y: %s\n" % self.DebugFormat(self.y_)) return res class PropertyValue_UserValue(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_email_ = 0 email_ = "" has_auth_domain_ = 0 auth_domain_ = "" has_nickname_ = 0 nickname_ = "" has_gaiaid_ = 0 gaiaid_ = 0 has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ = 0 obfuscated_gaiaid_ = "" has_federated_identity_ = 0 federated_identity_ = "" has_federated_provider_ = 0 federated_provider_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def email(self): return self.email_ def set_email(self, x): self.has_email_ = 1 self.email_ = x def clear_email(self): if self.has_email_: self.has_email_ = 0 self.email_ = "" def has_email(self): return self.has_email_ def auth_domain(self): return self.auth_domain_ def set_auth_domain(self, x): self.has_auth_domain_ = 1 self.auth_domain_ = x def clear_auth_domain(self): if self.has_auth_domain_: self.has_auth_domain_ = 0 self.auth_domain_ = "" def has_auth_domain(self): return self.has_auth_domain_ def nickname(self): return self.nickname_ def set_nickname(self, x): self.has_nickname_ = 1 self.nickname_ = x def clear_nickname(self): if self.has_nickname_: self.has_nickname_ = 0 self.nickname_ = "" def has_nickname(self): return self.has_nickname_ def gaiaid(self): return self.gaiaid_ def set_gaiaid(self, x): self.has_gaiaid_ = 1 self.gaiaid_ = x def clear_gaiaid(self): if self.has_gaiaid_: self.has_gaiaid_ = 0 self.gaiaid_ = 0 def has_gaiaid(self): return self.has_gaiaid_ def obfuscated_gaiaid(self): return self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ def set_obfuscated_gaiaid(self, x): self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ = 1 self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ = x def clear_obfuscated_gaiaid(self): if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_: self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ = 0 self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ = "" def has_obfuscated_gaiaid(self): return self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ def federated_identity(self): return self.federated_identity_ def set_federated_identity(self, x): self.has_federated_identity_ = 1 self.federated_identity_ = x def clear_federated_identity(self): if self.has_federated_identity_: self.has_federated_identity_ = 0 self.federated_identity_ = "" def has_federated_identity(self): return self.has_federated_identity_ def federated_provider(self): return self.federated_provider_ def set_federated_provider(self, x): self.has_federated_provider_ = 1 self.federated_provider_ = x def clear_federated_provider(self): if self.has_federated_provider_: self.has_federated_provider_ = 0 self.federated_provider_ = "" def has_federated_provider(self): return self.has_federated_provider_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_email()): self.set_email( if (x.has_auth_domain()): self.set_auth_domain(x.auth_domain()) if (x.has_nickname()): self.set_nickname(x.nickname()) if (x.has_gaiaid()): self.set_gaiaid(x.gaiaid()) if (x.has_obfuscated_gaiaid()): self.set_obfuscated_gaiaid(x.obfuscated_gaiaid()) if (x.has_federated_identity()): self.set_federated_identity(x.federated_identity()) if (x.has_federated_provider()): self.set_federated_provider(x.federated_provider()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_email_ != x.has_email_: return 0 if self.has_email_ and self.email_ != x.email_: return 0 if self.has_auth_domain_ != x.has_auth_domain_: return 0 if self.has_auth_domain_ and self.auth_domain_ != x.auth_domain_: return 0 if self.has_nickname_ != x.has_nickname_: return 0 if self.has_nickname_ and self.nickname_ != x.nickname_: return 0 if self.has_gaiaid_ != x.has_gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_gaiaid_ and self.gaiaid_ != x.gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ != x.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ and self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ != x.obfuscated_gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_federated_identity_ != x.has_federated_identity_: return 0 if self.has_federated_identity_ and self.federated_identity_ != x.federated_identity_: return 0 if self.has_federated_provider_ != x.has_federated_provider_: return 0 if self.has_federated_provider_ and self.federated_provider_ != x.federated_provider_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_email_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: email not set.') if (not self.has_auth_domain_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: auth_domain not set.') if (not self.has_gaiaid_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: gaiaid not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.email_)) n += self.lengthString(len(self.auth_domain_)) if (self.has_nickname_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.nickname_)) n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_)) if (self.has_federated_identity_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_identity_)) if (self.has_federated_provider_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_provider_)) return n + 4 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_email_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.email_)) if (self.has_auth_domain_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.auth_domain_)) if (self.has_nickname_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.nickname_)) if (self.has_gaiaid_): n += 2 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_)) if (self.has_federated_identity_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_identity_)) if (self.has_federated_provider_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_provider_)) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_email() self.clear_auth_domain() self.clear_nickname() self.clear_gaiaid() self.clear_obfuscated_gaiaid() self.clear_federated_identity() self.clear_federated_provider() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(74) out.putPrefixedString(self.email_) out.putVarInt32(82) out.putPrefixedString(self.auth_domain_) if (self.has_nickname_): out.putVarInt32(90) out.putPrefixedString(self.nickname_) out.putVarInt32(144) out.putVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): out.putVarInt32(154) out.putPrefixedString(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_) if (self.has_federated_identity_): out.putVarInt32(170) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_identity_) if (self.has_federated_provider_): out.putVarInt32(178) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_provider_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_email_): out.putVarInt32(74) out.putPrefixedString(self.email_) if (self.has_auth_domain_): out.putVarInt32(82) out.putPrefixedString(self.auth_domain_) if (self.has_nickname_): out.putVarInt32(90) out.putPrefixedString(self.nickname_) if (self.has_gaiaid_): out.putVarInt32(144) out.putVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): out.putVarInt32(154) out.putPrefixedString(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_) if (self.has_federated_identity_): out.putVarInt32(170) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_identity_) if (self.has_federated_provider_): out.putVarInt32(178) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_provider_) def TryMerge(self, d): while 1: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 68: break if tt == 74: self.set_email(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 82: self.set_auth_domain(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 90: self.set_nickname(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 144: self.set_gaiaid(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 154: self.set_obfuscated_gaiaid(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 170: self.set_federated_identity(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 178: self.set_federated_provider(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_email_: res+=prefix+("email: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.email_)) if self.has_auth_domain_: res+=prefix+("auth_domain: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.auth_domain_)) if self.has_nickname_: res+=prefix+("nickname: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.nickname_)) if self.has_gaiaid_: res+=prefix+("gaiaid: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.gaiaid_)) if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_: res+=prefix+("obfuscated_gaiaid: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_)) if self.has_federated_identity_: res+=prefix+("federated_identity: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.federated_identity_)) if self.has_federated_provider_: res+=prefix+("federated_provider: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.federated_provider_)) return res class PropertyValue_ReferenceValue(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_app_ = 0 app_ = "" has_name_space_ = 0 name_space_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): self.pathelement_ = [] if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def app(self): return self.app_ def set_app(self, x): self.has_app_ = 1 self.app_ = x def clear_app(self): if self.has_app_: self.has_app_ = 0 self.app_ = "" def has_app(self): return self.has_app_ def name_space(self): return self.name_space_ def set_name_space(self, x): self.has_name_space_ = 1 self.name_space_ = x def clear_name_space(self): if self.has_name_space_: self.has_name_space_ = 0 self.name_space_ = "" def has_name_space(self): return self.has_name_space_ def pathelement_size(self): return len(self.pathelement_) def pathelement_list(self): return self.pathelement_ def pathelement(self, i): return self.pathelement_[i] def mutable_pathelement(self, i): return self.pathelement_[i] def add_pathelement(self): x = PropertyValue_ReferenceValuePathElement() self.pathelement_.append(x) return x def clear_pathelement(self): self.pathelement_ = [] def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_app()): self.set_app( if (x.has_name_space()): self.set_name_space(x.name_space()) for i in xrange(x.pathelement_size()): self.add_pathelement().CopyFrom(x.pathelement(i)) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_app_ != x.has_app_: return 0 if self.has_app_ and self.app_ != x.app_: return 0 if self.has_name_space_ != x.has_name_space_: return 0 if self.has_name_space_ and self.name_space_ != x.name_space_: return 0 if len(self.pathelement_) != len(x.pathelement_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.pathelement_, x.pathelement_): if e1 != e2: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_app_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: app not set.') for p in self.pathelement_: if not p.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized=0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.app_)) if (self.has_name_space_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_space_)) n += 2 * len(self.pathelement_) for i in xrange(len(self.pathelement_)): n += self.pathelement_[i].ByteSize() return n + 1 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_app_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.app_)) if (self.has_name_space_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_space_)) n += 2 * len(self.pathelement_) for i in xrange(len(self.pathelement_)): n += self.pathelement_[i].ByteSizePartial() return n def Clear(self): self.clear_app() self.clear_name_space() self.clear_pathelement() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(106) out.putPrefixedString(self.app_) for i in xrange(len(self.pathelement_)): out.putVarInt32(115) self.pathelement_[i].OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(116) if (self.has_name_space_): out.putVarInt32(162) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_space_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_app_): out.putVarInt32(106) out.putPrefixedString(self.app_) for i in xrange(len(self.pathelement_)): out.putVarInt32(115) self.pathelement_[i].OutputPartial(out) out.putVarInt32(116) if (self.has_name_space_): out.putVarInt32(162) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_space_) def TryMerge(self, d): while 1: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 100: break if tt == 106: self.set_app(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 115: self.add_pathelement().TryMerge(d) continue if tt == 162: self.set_name_space(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_app_: res+=prefix+("app: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.app_)) if self.has_name_space_: res+=prefix+("name_space: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.name_space_)) cnt=0 for e in self.pathelement_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("PathElement%s {\n" % elm) res+=e.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+"}\n" cnt+=1 return res class PropertyValue(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_int64value_ = 0 int64value_ = 0 has_booleanvalue_ = 0 booleanvalue_ = 0 has_stringvalue_ = 0 stringvalue_ = "" has_doublevalue_ = 0 doublevalue_ = 0.0 has_pointvalue_ = 0 pointvalue_ = None has_uservalue_ = 0 uservalue_ = None has_referencevalue_ = 0 referencevalue_ = None def __init__(self, contents=None): self.lazy_init_lock_ = thread.allocate_lock() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def int64value(self): return self.int64value_ def set_int64value(self, x): self.has_int64value_ = 1 self.int64value_ = x def clear_int64value(self): if self.has_int64value_: self.has_int64value_ = 0 self.int64value_ = 0 def has_int64value(self): return self.has_int64value_ def booleanvalue(self): return self.booleanvalue_ def set_booleanvalue(self, x): self.has_booleanvalue_ = 1 self.booleanvalue_ = x def clear_booleanvalue(self): if self.has_booleanvalue_: self.has_booleanvalue_ = 0 self.booleanvalue_ = 0 def has_booleanvalue(self): return self.has_booleanvalue_ def stringvalue(self): return self.stringvalue_ def set_stringvalue(self, x): self.has_stringvalue_ = 1 self.stringvalue_ = x def clear_stringvalue(self): if self.has_stringvalue_: self.has_stringvalue_ = 0 self.stringvalue_ = "" def has_stringvalue(self): return self.has_stringvalue_ def doublevalue(self): return self.doublevalue_ def set_doublevalue(self, x): self.has_doublevalue_ = 1 self.doublevalue_ = x def clear_doublevalue(self): if self.has_doublevalue_: self.has_doublevalue_ = 0 self.doublevalue_ = 0.0 def has_doublevalue(self): return self.has_doublevalue_ def pointvalue(self): if self.pointvalue_ is None: self.lazy_init_lock_.acquire() try: if self.pointvalue_ is None: self.pointvalue_ = PropertyValue_PointValue() finally: self.lazy_init_lock_.release() return self.pointvalue_ def mutable_pointvalue(self): self.has_pointvalue_ = 1; return self.pointvalue() def clear_pointvalue(self): if self.has_pointvalue_: self.has_pointvalue_ = 0; if self.pointvalue_ is not None: self.pointvalue_.Clear() def has_pointvalue(self): return self.has_pointvalue_ def uservalue(self): if self.uservalue_ is None: self.lazy_init_lock_.acquire() try: if self.uservalue_ is None: self.uservalue_ = PropertyValue_UserValue() finally: self.lazy_init_lock_.release() return self.uservalue_ def mutable_uservalue(self): self.has_uservalue_ = 1; return self.uservalue() def clear_uservalue(self): if self.has_uservalue_: self.has_uservalue_ = 0; if self.uservalue_ is not None: self.uservalue_.Clear() def has_uservalue(self): return self.has_uservalue_ def referencevalue(self): if self.referencevalue_ is None: self.lazy_init_lock_.acquire() try: if self.referencevalue_ is None: self.referencevalue_ = PropertyValue_ReferenceValue() finally: self.lazy_init_lock_.release() return self.referencevalue_ def mutable_referencevalue(self): self.has_referencevalue_ = 1; return self.referencevalue() def clear_referencevalue(self): if self.has_referencevalue_: self.has_referencevalue_ = 0; if self.referencevalue_ is not None: self.referencevalue_.Clear() def has_referencevalue(self): return self.has_referencevalue_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_int64value()): self.set_int64value(x.int64value()) if (x.has_booleanvalue()): self.set_booleanvalue(x.booleanvalue()) if (x.has_stringvalue()): self.set_stringvalue(x.stringvalue()) if (x.has_doublevalue()): self.set_doublevalue(x.doublevalue()) if (x.has_pointvalue()): self.mutable_pointvalue().MergeFrom(x.pointvalue()) if (x.has_uservalue()): self.mutable_uservalue().MergeFrom(x.uservalue()) if (x.has_referencevalue()): self.mutable_referencevalue().MergeFrom(x.referencevalue()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_int64value_ != x.has_int64value_: return 0 if self.has_int64value_ and self.int64value_ != x.int64value_: return 0 if self.has_booleanvalue_ != x.has_booleanvalue_: return 0 if self.has_booleanvalue_ and self.booleanvalue_ != x.booleanvalue_: return 0 if self.has_stringvalue_ != x.has_stringvalue_: return 0 if self.has_stringvalue_ and self.stringvalue_ != x.stringvalue_: return 0 if self.has_doublevalue_ != x.has_doublevalue_: return 0 if self.has_doublevalue_ and self.doublevalue_ != x.doublevalue_: return 0 if self.has_pointvalue_ != x.has_pointvalue_: return 0 if self.has_pointvalue_ and self.pointvalue_ != x.pointvalue_: return 0 if self.has_uservalue_ != x.has_uservalue_: return 0 if self.has_uservalue_ and self.uservalue_ != x.uservalue_: return 0 if self.has_referencevalue_ != x.has_referencevalue_: return 0 if self.has_referencevalue_ and self.referencevalue_ != x.referencevalue_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (self.has_pointvalue_ and not self.pointvalue_.IsInitialized(debug_strs)): initialized = 0 if (self.has_uservalue_ and not self.uservalue_.IsInitialized(debug_strs)): initialized = 0 if (self.has_referencevalue_ and not self.referencevalue_.IsInitialized(debug_strs)): initialized = 0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 if (self.has_int64value_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.int64value_) if (self.has_booleanvalue_): n += 2 if (self.has_stringvalue_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.stringvalue_)) if (self.has_doublevalue_): n += 9 if (self.has_pointvalue_): n += 2 + self.pointvalue_.ByteSize() if (self.has_uservalue_): n += 2 + self.uservalue_.ByteSize() if (self.has_referencevalue_): n += 2 + self.referencevalue_.ByteSize() return n def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_int64value_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.int64value_) if (self.has_booleanvalue_): n += 2 if (self.has_stringvalue_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.stringvalue_)) if (self.has_doublevalue_): n += 9 if (self.has_pointvalue_): n += 2 + self.pointvalue_.ByteSizePartial() if (self.has_uservalue_): n += 2 + self.uservalue_.ByteSizePartial() if (self.has_referencevalue_): n += 2 + self.referencevalue_.ByteSizePartial() return n def Clear(self): self.clear_int64value() self.clear_booleanvalue() self.clear_stringvalue() self.clear_doublevalue() self.clear_pointvalue() self.clear_uservalue() self.clear_referencevalue() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): if (self.has_int64value_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.int64value_) if (self.has_booleanvalue_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putBoolean(self.booleanvalue_) if (self.has_stringvalue_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.stringvalue_) if (self.has_doublevalue_): out.putVarInt32(33) out.putDouble(self.doublevalue_) if (self.has_pointvalue_): out.putVarInt32(43) self.pointvalue_.OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(44) if (self.has_uservalue_): out.putVarInt32(67) self.uservalue_.OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(68) if (self.has_referencevalue_): out.putVarInt32(99) self.referencevalue_.OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(100) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_int64value_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.int64value_) if (self.has_booleanvalue_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putBoolean(self.booleanvalue_) if (self.has_stringvalue_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.stringvalue_) if (self.has_doublevalue_): out.putVarInt32(33) out.putDouble(self.doublevalue_) if (self.has_pointvalue_): out.putVarInt32(43) self.pointvalue_.OutputPartial(out) out.putVarInt32(44) if (self.has_uservalue_): out.putVarInt32(67) self.uservalue_.OutputPartial(out) out.putVarInt32(68) if (self.has_referencevalue_): out.putVarInt32(99) self.referencevalue_.OutputPartial(out) out.putVarInt32(100) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 8: self.set_int64value(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 16: self.set_booleanvalue(d.getBoolean()) continue if tt == 26: self.set_stringvalue(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 33: self.set_doublevalue(d.getDouble()) continue if tt == 43: self.mutable_pointvalue().TryMerge(d) continue if tt == 67: self.mutable_uservalue().TryMerge(d) continue if tt == 99: self.mutable_referencevalue().TryMerge(d) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_int64value_: res+=prefix+("int64Value: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.int64value_)) if self.has_booleanvalue_: res+=prefix+("booleanValue: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.booleanvalue_)) if self.has_stringvalue_: res+=prefix+("stringValue: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.stringvalue_)) if self.has_doublevalue_: res+=prefix+("doubleValue: %s\n" % self.DebugFormat(self.doublevalue_)) if self.has_pointvalue_: res+=prefix+"PointValue {\n" res+=self.pointvalue_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+"}\n" if self.has_uservalue_: res+=prefix+"UserValue {\n" res+=self.uservalue_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+"}\n" if self.has_referencevalue_: res+=prefix+"ReferenceValue {\n" res+=self.referencevalue_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+"}\n" return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kint64Value = 1 kbooleanValue = 2 kstringValue = 3 kdoubleValue = 4 kPointValueGroup = 5 kPointValuex = 6 kPointValuey = 7 kUserValueGroup = 8 kUserValueemail = 9 kUserValueauth_domain = 10 kUserValuenickname = 11 kUserValuegaiaid = 18 kUserValueobfuscated_gaiaid = 19 kUserValuefederated_identity = 21 kUserValuefederated_provider = 22 kReferenceValueGroup = 12 kReferenceValueapp = 13 kReferenceValuename_space = 20 kReferenceValuePathElementGroup = 14 kReferenceValuePathElementtype = 15 kReferenceValuePathElementid = 16 kReferenceValuePathElementname = 17 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "int64Value", 2: "booleanValue", 3: "stringValue", 4: "doubleValue", 5: "PointValue", 6: "x", 7: "y", 8: "UserValue", 9: "email", 10: "auth_domain", 11: "nickname", 12: "ReferenceValue", 13: "app", 14: "PathElement", 15: "type", 16: "id", 17: "name", 18: "gaiaid", 19: "obfuscated_gaiaid", 20: "name_space", 21: "federated_identity", 22: "federated_provider", }, 22) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.DOUBLE, 5: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STARTGROUP, 6: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.DOUBLE, 7: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.DOUBLE, 8: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STARTGROUP, 9: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 10: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 11: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 12: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STARTGROUP, 13: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 14: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STARTGROUP, 15: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 16: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 17: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 18: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 19: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 20: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 21: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 22: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 22, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.PropertyValue' class Property(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): NO_MEANING = 0 BLOB = 14 TEXT = 15 BYTESTRING = 16 ATOM_CATEGORY = 1 ATOM_LINK = 2 ATOM_TITLE = 3 ATOM_CONTENT = 4 ATOM_SUMMARY = 5 ATOM_AUTHOR = 6 GD_WHEN = 7 GD_EMAIL = 8 GEORSS_POINT = 9 GD_IM = 10 GD_PHONENUMBER = 11 GD_POSTALADDRESS = 12 GD_RATING = 13 BLOBKEY = 17 ENTITY_PROTO = 19 INDEX_VALUE = 18 EMPTY_LIST = 24 _Meaning_NAMES = { 0: "NO_MEANING", 14: "BLOB", 15: "TEXT", 16: "BYTESTRING", 1: "ATOM_CATEGORY", 2: "ATOM_LINK", 3: "ATOM_TITLE", 4: "ATOM_CONTENT", 5: "ATOM_SUMMARY", 6: "ATOM_AUTHOR", 7: "GD_WHEN", 8: "GD_EMAIL", 9: "GEORSS_POINT", 10: "GD_IM", 11: "GD_PHONENUMBER", 12: "GD_POSTALADDRESS", 13: "GD_RATING", 17: "BLOBKEY", 19: "ENTITY_PROTO", 18: "INDEX_VALUE", 24: "EMPTY_LIST", } def Meaning_Name(cls, x): return cls._Meaning_NAMES.get(x, "") Meaning_Name = classmethod(Meaning_Name) has_meaning_ = 0 meaning_ = 0 has_meaning_uri_ = 0 meaning_uri_ = "" has_name_ = 0 name_ = "" has_value_ = 0 has_multiple_ = 0 multiple_ = 0 has_embedded_ = 0 embedded_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.value_ = PropertyValue() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def meaning(self): return self.meaning_ def set_meaning(self, x): self.has_meaning_ = 1 self.meaning_ = x def clear_meaning(self): if self.has_meaning_: self.has_meaning_ = 0 self.meaning_ = 0 def has_meaning(self): return self.has_meaning_ def meaning_uri(self): return self.meaning_uri_ def set_meaning_uri(self, x): self.has_meaning_uri_ = 1 self.meaning_uri_ = x def clear_meaning_uri(self): if self.has_meaning_uri_: self.has_meaning_uri_ = 0 self.meaning_uri_ = "" def has_meaning_uri(self): return self.has_meaning_uri_ def name(self): return self.name_ def set_name(self, x): self.has_name_ = 1 self.name_ = x def clear_name(self): if self.has_name_: self.has_name_ = 0 self.name_ = "" def has_name(self): return self.has_name_ def value(self): return self.value_ def mutable_value(self): self.has_value_ = 1; return self.value_ def clear_value(self):self.has_value_ = 0; self.value_.Clear() def has_value(self): return self.has_value_ def multiple(self): return self.multiple_ def set_multiple(self, x): self.has_multiple_ = 1 self.multiple_ = x def clear_multiple(self): if self.has_multiple_: self.has_multiple_ = 0 self.multiple_ = 0 def has_multiple(self): return self.has_multiple_ def embedded(self): return self.embedded_ def set_embedded(self, x): self.has_embedded_ = 1 self.embedded_ = x def clear_embedded(self): if self.has_embedded_: self.has_embedded_ = 0 self.embedded_ = 0 def has_embedded(self): return self.has_embedded_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_meaning()): self.set_meaning(x.meaning()) if (x.has_meaning_uri()): self.set_meaning_uri(x.meaning_uri()) if (x.has_name()): self.set_name( if (x.has_value()): self.mutable_value().MergeFrom(x.value()) if (x.has_multiple()): self.set_multiple(x.multiple()) if (x.has_embedded()): self.set_embedded(x.embedded()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_meaning_ != x.has_meaning_: return 0 if self.has_meaning_ and self.meaning_ != x.meaning_: return 0 if self.has_meaning_uri_ != x.has_meaning_uri_: return 0 if self.has_meaning_uri_ and self.meaning_uri_ != x.meaning_uri_: return 0 if self.has_name_ != x.has_name_: return 0 if self.has_name_ and self.name_ != x.name_: return 0 if self.has_value_ != x.has_value_: return 0 if self.has_value_ and self.value_ != x.value_: return 0 if self.has_multiple_ != x.has_multiple_: return 0 if self.has_multiple_ and self.multiple_ != x.multiple_: return 0 if self.has_embedded_ != x.has_embedded_: return 0 if self.has_embedded_ and self.embedded_ != x.embedded_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_name_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: name not set.') if (not self.has_value_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: value not set.') elif not self.value_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 if (not self.has_multiple_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: multiple not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 if (self.has_meaning_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.meaning_) if (self.has_meaning_uri_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.meaning_uri_)) n += self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) n += self.lengthString(self.value_.ByteSize()) if (self.has_embedded_): n += 2 return n + 4 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_meaning_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.meaning_) if (self.has_meaning_uri_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.meaning_uri_)) if (self.has_name_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) if (self.has_value_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(self.value_.ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_multiple_): n += 2 if (self.has_embedded_): n += 2 return n def Clear(self): self.clear_meaning() self.clear_meaning_uri() self.clear_name() self.clear_value() self.clear_multiple() self.clear_embedded() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): if (self.has_meaning_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt32(self.meaning_) if (self.has_meaning_uri_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.meaning_uri_) out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) out.putVarInt32(32) out.putBoolean(self.multiple_) out.putVarInt32(42) out.putVarInt32(self.value_.ByteSize()) self.value_.OutputUnchecked(out) if (self.has_embedded_): out.putVarInt32(48) out.putBoolean(self.embedded_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_meaning_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt32(self.meaning_) if (self.has_meaning_uri_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.meaning_uri_) if (self.has_name_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) if (self.has_multiple_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putBoolean(self.multiple_) if (self.has_value_): out.putVarInt32(42) out.putVarInt32(self.value_.ByteSizePartial()) self.value_.OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_embedded_): out.putVarInt32(48) out.putBoolean(self.embedded_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 8: self.set_meaning(d.getVarInt32()) continue if tt == 18: self.set_meaning_uri(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 26: self.set_name(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 32: self.set_multiple(d.getBoolean()) continue if tt == 42: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_value().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 48: self.set_embedded(d.getBoolean()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_meaning_: res+=prefix+("meaning: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt32(self.meaning_)) if self.has_meaning_uri_: res+=prefix+("meaning_uri: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.meaning_uri_)) if self.has_name_: res+=prefix+("name: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.name_)) if self.has_value_: res+=prefix+"value <\n" res+=self.value_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" if self.has_multiple_: res+=prefix+("multiple: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.multiple_)) if self.has_embedded_: res+=prefix+("embedded: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.embedded_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kmeaning = 1 kmeaning_uri = 2 kname = 3 kvalue = 5 kmultiple = 4 kembedded = 6 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "meaning", 2: "meaning_uri", 3: "name", 4: "multiple", 5: "value", 6: "embedded", }, 6) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 5: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 6: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, }, 6, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.Property' class Path_Element(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_type_ = 0 type_ = "" has_id_ = 0 id_ = 0 has_name_ = 0 name_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def type(self): return self.type_ def set_type(self, x): self.has_type_ = 1 self.type_ = x def clear_type(self): if self.has_type_: self.has_type_ = 0 self.type_ = "" def has_type(self): return self.has_type_ def id(self): return self.id_ def set_id(self, x): self.has_id_ = 1 self.id_ = x def clear_id(self): if self.has_id_: self.has_id_ = 0 self.id_ = 0 def has_id(self): return self.has_id_ def name(self): return self.name_ def set_name(self, x): self.has_name_ = 1 self.name_ = x def clear_name(self): if self.has_name_: self.has_name_ = 0 self.name_ = "" def has_name(self): return self.has_name_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_type()): self.set_type(x.type()) if (x.has_id()): self.set_id( if (x.has_name()): self.set_name( def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_type_ != x.has_type_: return 0 if self.has_type_ and self.type_ != x.type_: return 0 if self.has_id_ != x.has_id_: return 0 if self.has_id_ and self.id_ != x.id_: return 0 if self.has_name_ != x.has_name_: return 0 if self.has_name_ and self.name_ != x.name_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_type_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: type not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.type_)) if (self.has_id_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) return n + 1 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_type_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.type_)) if (self.has_id_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_type() self.clear_id() self.clear_name() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.type_) if (self.has_id_): out.putVarInt32(24) out.putVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): out.putVarInt32(34) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_type_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.type_) if (self.has_id_): out.putVarInt32(24) out.putVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_name_): out.putVarInt32(34) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) def TryMerge(self, d): while 1: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 12: break if tt == 18: self.set_type(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 24: self.set_id(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 34: self.set_name(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_type_: res+=prefix+("type: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.type_)) if self.has_id_: res+=prefix+("id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.id_)) if self.has_name_: res+=prefix+("name: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.name_)) return res class Path(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): def __init__(self, contents=None): self.element_ = [] if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def element_size(self): return len(self.element_) def element_list(self): return self.element_ def element(self, i): return self.element_[i] def mutable_element(self, i): return self.element_[i] def add_element(self): x = Path_Element() self.element_.append(x) return x def clear_element(self): self.element_ = [] def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self for i in xrange(x.element_size()): self.add_element().CopyFrom(x.element(i)) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if len(self.element_) != len(x.element_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.element_, x.element_): if e1 != e2: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 for p in self.element_: if not p.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized=0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += 2 * len(self.element_) for i in xrange(len(self.element_)): n += self.element_[i].ByteSize() return n def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 n += 2 * len(self.element_) for i in xrange(len(self.element_)): n += self.element_[i].ByteSizePartial() return n def Clear(self): self.clear_element() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): for i in xrange(len(self.element_)): out.putVarInt32(11) self.element_[i].OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(12) def OutputPartial(self, out): for i in xrange(len(self.element_)): out.putVarInt32(11) self.element_[i].OutputPartial(out) out.putVarInt32(12) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 11: self.add_element().TryMerge(d) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" cnt=0 for e in self.element_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("Element%s {\n" % elm) res+=e.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+"}\n" cnt+=1 return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kElementGroup = 1 kElementtype = 2 kElementid = 3 kElementname = 4 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "Element", 2: "type", 3: "id", 4: "name", }, 4) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STARTGROUP, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 4, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.Path' class Reference(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_app_ = 0 app_ = "" has_name_space_ = 0 name_space_ = "" has_path_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.path_ = Path() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def app(self): return self.app_ def set_app(self, x): self.has_app_ = 1 self.app_ = x def clear_app(self): if self.has_app_: self.has_app_ = 0 self.app_ = "" def has_app(self): return self.has_app_ def name_space(self): return self.name_space_ def set_name_space(self, x): self.has_name_space_ = 1 self.name_space_ = x def clear_name_space(self): if self.has_name_space_: self.has_name_space_ = 0 self.name_space_ = "" def has_name_space(self): return self.has_name_space_ def path(self): return self.path_ def mutable_path(self): self.has_path_ = 1; return self.path_ def clear_path(self):self.has_path_ = 0; self.path_.Clear() def has_path(self): return self.has_path_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_app()): self.set_app( if (x.has_name_space()): self.set_name_space(x.name_space()) if (x.has_path()): self.mutable_path().MergeFrom(x.path()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_app_ != x.has_app_: return 0 if self.has_app_ and self.app_ != x.app_: return 0 if self.has_name_space_ != x.has_name_space_: return 0 if self.has_name_space_ and self.name_space_ != x.name_space_: return 0 if self.has_path_ != x.has_path_: return 0 if self.has_path_ and self.path_ != x.path_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_app_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: app not set.') if (not self.has_path_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: path not set.') elif not self.path_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.app_)) if (self.has_name_space_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_space_)) n += self.lengthString(self.path_.ByteSize()) return n + 2 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_app_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.app_)) if (self.has_name_space_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(len(self.name_space_)) if (self.has_path_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(self.path_.ByteSizePartial()) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_app() self.clear_name_space() self.clear_path() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(106) out.putPrefixedString(self.app_) out.putVarInt32(114) out.putVarInt32(self.path_.ByteSize()) self.path_.OutputUnchecked(out) if (self.has_name_space_): out.putVarInt32(162) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_space_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_app_): out.putVarInt32(106) out.putPrefixedString(self.app_) if (self.has_path_): out.putVarInt32(114) out.putVarInt32(self.path_.ByteSizePartial()) self.path_.OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_name_space_): out.putVarInt32(162) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_space_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 106: self.set_app(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 114: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_path().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 162: self.set_name_space(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_app_: res+=prefix+("app: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.app_)) if self.has_name_space_: res+=prefix+("name_space: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.name_space_)) if self.has_path_: res+=prefix+"path <\n" res+=self.path_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kapp = 13 kname_space = 20 kpath = 14 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 13: "app", 14: "path", 20: "name_space", }, 20) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 13: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 14: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 20: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 20, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.Reference' class User(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_email_ = 0 email_ = "" has_auth_domain_ = 0 auth_domain_ = "" has_nickname_ = 0 nickname_ = "" has_gaiaid_ = 0 gaiaid_ = 0 has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ = 0 obfuscated_gaiaid_ = "" has_federated_identity_ = 0 federated_identity_ = "" has_federated_provider_ = 0 federated_provider_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def email(self): return self.email_ def set_email(self, x): self.has_email_ = 1 self.email_ = x def clear_email(self): if self.has_email_: self.has_email_ = 0 self.email_ = "" def has_email(self): return self.has_email_ def auth_domain(self): return self.auth_domain_ def set_auth_domain(self, x): self.has_auth_domain_ = 1 self.auth_domain_ = x def clear_auth_domain(self): if self.has_auth_domain_: self.has_auth_domain_ = 0 self.auth_domain_ = "" def has_auth_domain(self): return self.has_auth_domain_ def nickname(self): return self.nickname_ def set_nickname(self, x): self.has_nickname_ = 1 self.nickname_ = x def clear_nickname(self): if self.has_nickname_: self.has_nickname_ = 0 self.nickname_ = "" def has_nickname(self): return self.has_nickname_ def gaiaid(self): return self.gaiaid_ def set_gaiaid(self, x): self.has_gaiaid_ = 1 self.gaiaid_ = x def clear_gaiaid(self): if self.has_gaiaid_: self.has_gaiaid_ = 0 self.gaiaid_ = 0 def has_gaiaid(self): return self.has_gaiaid_ def obfuscated_gaiaid(self): return self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ def set_obfuscated_gaiaid(self, x): self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ = 1 self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ = x def clear_obfuscated_gaiaid(self): if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_: self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ = 0 self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ = "" def has_obfuscated_gaiaid(self): return self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ def federated_identity(self): return self.federated_identity_ def set_federated_identity(self, x): self.has_federated_identity_ = 1 self.federated_identity_ = x def clear_federated_identity(self): if self.has_federated_identity_: self.has_federated_identity_ = 0 self.federated_identity_ = "" def has_federated_identity(self): return self.has_federated_identity_ def federated_provider(self): return self.federated_provider_ def set_federated_provider(self, x): self.has_federated_provider_ = 1 self.federated_provider_ = x def clear_federated_provider(self): if self.has_federated_provider_: self.has_federated_provider_ = 0 self.federated_provider_ = "" def has_federated_provider(self): return self.has_federated_provider_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_email()): self.set_email( if (x.has_auth_domain()): self.set_auth_domain(x.auth_domain()) if (x.has_nickname()): self.set_nickname(x.nickname()) if (x.has_gaiaid()): self.set_gaiaid(x.gaiaid()) if (x.has_obfuscated_gaiaid()): self.set_obfuscated_gaiaid(x.obfuscated_gaiaid()) if (x.has_federated_identity()): self.set_federated_identity(x.federated_identity()) if (x.has_federated_provider()): self.set_federated_provider(x.federated_provider()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_email_ != x.has_email_: return 0 if self.has_email_ and self.email_ != x.email_: return 0 if self.has_auth_domain_ != x.has_auth_domain_: return 0 if self.has_auth_domain_ and self.auth_domain_ != x.auth_domain_: return 0 if self.has_nickname_ != x.has_nickname_: return 0 if self.has_nickname_ and self.nickname_ != x.nickname_: return 0 if self.has_gaiaid_ != x.has_gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_gaiaid_ and self.gaiaid_ != x.gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ != x.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_ and self.obfuscated_gaiaid_ != x.obfuscated_gaiaid_: return 0 if self.has_federated_identity_ != x.has_federated_identity_: return 0 if self.has_federated_identity_ and self.federated_identity_ != x.federated_identity_: return 0 if self.has_federated_provider_ != x.has_federated_provider_: return 0 if self.has_federated_provider_ and self.federated_provider_ != x.federated_provider_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_email_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: email not set.') if (not self.has_auth_domain_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: auth_domain not set.') if (not self.has_gaiaid_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: gaiaid not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.email_)) n += self.lengthString(len(self.auth_domain_)) if (self.has_nickname_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.nickname_)) n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_)) if (self.has_federated_identity_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_identity_)) if (self.has_federated_provider_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_provider_)) return n + 3 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_email_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.email_)) if (self.has_auth_domain_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.auth_domain_)) if (self.has_nickname_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.nickname_)) if (self.has_gaiaid_): n += 1 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_)) if (self.has_federated_identity_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_identity_)) if (self.has_federated_provider_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.federated_provider_)) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_email() self.clear_auth_domain() self.clear_nickname() self.clear_gaiaid() self.clear_obfuscated_gaiaid() self.clear_federated_identity() self.clear_federated_provider() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.email_) out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.auth_domain_) if (self.has_nickname_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.nickname_) out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): out.putVarInt32(42) out.putPrefixedString(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_) if (self.has_federated_identity_): out.putVarInt32(50) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_identity_) if (self.has_federated_provider_): out.putVarInt32(58) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_provider_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_email_): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.email_) if (self.has_auth_domain_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.auth_domain_) if (self.has_nickname_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.nickname_) if (self.has_gaiaid_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt64(self.gaiaid_) if (self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_): out.putVarInt32(42) out.putPrefixedString(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_) if (self.has_federated_identity_): out.putVarInt32(50) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_identity_) if (self.has_federated_provider_): out.putVarInt32(58) out.putPrefixedString(self.federated_provider_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 10: self.set_email(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 18: self.set_auth_domain(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 26: self.set_nickname(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 32: self.set_gaiaid(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 42: self.set_obfuscated_gaiaid(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 50: self.set_federated_identity(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 58: self.set_federated_provider(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_email_: res+=prefix+("email: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.email_)) if self.has_auth_domain_: res+=prefix+("auth_domain: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.auth_domain_)) if self.has_nickname_: res+=prefix+("nickname: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.nickname_)) if self.has_gaiaid_: res+=prefix+("gaiaid: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.gaiaid_)) if self.has_obfuscated_gaiaid_: res+=prefix+("obfuscated_gaiaid: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.obfuscated_gaiaid_)) if self.has_federated_identity_: res+=prefix+("federated_identity: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.federated_identity_)) if self.has_federated_provider_: res+=prefix+("federated_provider: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.federated_provider_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kemail = 1 kauth_domain = 2 knickname = 3 kgaiaid = 4 kobfuscated_gaiaid = 5 kfederated_identity = 6 kfederated_provider = 7 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "email", 2: "auth_domain", 3: "nickname", 4: "gaiaid", 5: "obfuscated_gaiaid", 6: "federated_identity", 7: "federated_provider", }, 7) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 5: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 6: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 7: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 7, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.User' class EntityProto(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): GD_CONTACT = 1 GD_EVENT = 2 GD_MESSAGE = 3 _Kind_NAMES = { 1: "GD_CONTACT", 2: "GD_EVENT", 3: "GD_MESSAGE", } def Kind_Name(cls, x): return cls._Kind_NAMES.get(x, "") Kind_Name = classmethod(Kind_Name) has_key_ = 0 has_entity_group_ = 0 has_owner_ = 0 owner_ = None has_kind_ = 0 kind_ = 0 has_kind_uri_ = 0 kind_uri_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): self.key_ = Reference() self.entity_group_ = Path() self.property_ = [] self.raw_property_ = [] self.lazy_init_lock_ = thread.allocate_lock() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def key(self): return self.key_ def mutable_key(self): self.has_key_ = 1; return self.key_ def clear_key(self):self.has_key_ = 0; self.key_.Clear() def has_key(self): return self.has_key_ def entity_group(self): return self.entity_group_ def mutable_entity_group(self): self.has_entity_group_ = 1; return self.entity_group_ def clear_entity_group(self):self.has_entity_group_ = 0; self.entity_group_.Clear() def has_entity_group(self): return self.has_entity_group_ def owner(self): if self.owner_ is None: self.lazy_init_lock_.acquire() try: if self.owner_ is None: self.owner_ = User() finally: self.lazy_init_lock_.release() return self.owner_ def mutable_owner(self): self.has_owner_ = 1; return self.owner() def clear_owner(self): if self.has_owner_: self.has_owner_ = 0; if self.owner_ is not None: self.owner_.Clear() def has_owner(self): return self.has_owner_ def kind(self): return self.kind_ def set_kind(self, x): self.has_kind_ = 1 self.kind_ = x def clear_kind(self): if self.has_kind_: self.has_kind_ = 0 self.kind_ = 0 def has_kind(self): return self.has_kind_ def kind_uri(self): return self.kind_uri_ def set_kind_uri(self, x): self.has_kind_uri_ = 1 self.kind_uri_ = x def clear_kind_uri(self): if self.has_kind_uri_: self.has_kind_uri_ = 0 self.kind_uri_ = "" def has_kind_uri(self): return self.has_kind_uri_ def property_size(self): return len(self.property_) def property_list(self): return self.property_ def property(self, i): return self.property_[i] def mutable_property(self, i): return self.property_[i] def add_property(self): x = Property() self.property_.append(x) return x def clear_property(self): self.property_ = [] def raw_property_size(self): return len(self.raw_property_) def raw_property_list(self): return self.raw_property_ def raw_property(self, i): return self.raw_property_[i] def mutable_raw_property(self, i): return self.raw_property_[i] def add_raw_property(self): x = Property() self.raw_property_.append(x) return x def clear_raw_property(self): self.raw_property_ = [] def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_key()): self.mutable_key().MergeFrom(x.key()) if (x.has_entity_group()): self.mutable_entity_group().MergeFrom(x.entity_group()) if (x.has_owner()): self.mutable_owner().MergeFrom(x.owner()) if (x.has_kind()): self.set_kind(x.kind()) if (x.has_kind_uri()): self.set_kind_uri(x.kind_uri()) for i in xrange(x.property_size()): self.add_property().CopyFrom( for i in xrange(x.raw_property_size()): self.add_raw_property().CopyFrom(x.raw_property(i)) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_key_ != x.has_key_: return 0 if self.has_key_ and self.key_ != x.key_: return 0 if self.has_entity_group_ != x.has_entity_group_: return 0 if self.has_entity_group_ and self.entity_group_ != x.entity_group_: return 0 if self.has_owner_ != x.has_owner_: return 0 if self.has_owner_ and self.owner_ != x.owner_: return 0 if self.has_kind_ != x.has_kind_: return 0 if self.has_kind_ and self.kind_ != x.kind_: return 0 if self.has_kind_uri_ != x.has_kind_uri_: return 0 if self.has_kind_uri_ and self.kind_uri_ != x.kind_uri_: return 0 if len(self.property_) != len(x.property_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.property_, x.property_): if e1 != e2: return 0 if len(self.raw_property_) != len(x.raw_property_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.raw_property_, x.raw_property_): if e1 != e2: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_key_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: key not set.') elif not self.key_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 if (not self.has_entity_group_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: entity_group not set.') elif not self.entity_group_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 if (self.has_owner_ and not self.owner_.IsInitialized(debug_strs)): initialized = 0 for p in self.property_: if not p.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized=0 for p in self.raw_property_: if not p.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized=0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(self.key_.ByteSize()) n += self.lengthString(self.entity_group_.ByteSize()) if (self.has_owner_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(self.owner_.ByteSize()) if (self.has_kind_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.kind_) if (self.has_kind_uri_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.kind_uri_)) n += 1 * len(self.property_) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): n += self.lengthString(self.property_[i].ByteSize()) n += 1 * len(self.raw_property_) for i in xrange(len(self.raw_property_)): n += self.lengthString(self.raw_property_[i].ByteSize()) return n + 3 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_key_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(self.key_.ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_entity_group_): n += 2 n += self.lengthString(self.entity_group_.ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_owner_): n += 2 + self.lengthString(self.owner_.ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_kind_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.kind_) if (self.has_kind_uri_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.kind_uri_)) n += 1 * len(self.property_) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): n += self.lengthString(self.property_[i].ByteSizePartial()) n += 1 * len(self.raw_property_) for i in xrange(len(self.raw_property_)): n += self.lengthString(self.raw_property_[i].ByteSizePartial()) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_key() self.clear_entity_group() self.clear_owner() self.clear_kind() self.clear_kind_uri() self.clear_property() self.clear_raw_property() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): if (self.has_kind_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt32(self.kind_) if (self.has_kind_uri_): out.putVarInt32(42) out.putPrefixedString(self.kind_uri_) out.putVarInt32(106) out.putVarInt32(self.key_.ByteSize()) self.key_.OutputUnchecked(out) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): out.putVarInt32(114) out.putVarInt32(self.property_[i].ByteSize()) self.property_[i].OutputUnchecked(out) for i in xrange(len(self.raw_property_)): out.putVarInt32(122) out.putVarInt32(self.raw_property_[i].ByteSize()) self.raw_property_[i].OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(130) out.putVarInt32(self.entity_group_.ByteSize()) self.entity_group_.OutputUnchecked(out) if (self.has_owner_): out.putVarInt32(138) out.putVarInt32(self.owner_.ByteSize()) self.owner_.OutputUnchecked(out) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_kind_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt32(self.kind_) if (self.has_kind_uri_): out.putVarInt32(42) out.putPrefixedString(self.kind_uri_) if (self.has_key_): out.putVarInt32(106) out.putVarInt32(self.key_.ByteSizePartial()) self.key_.OutputPartial(out) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): out.putVarInt32(114) out.putVarInt32(self.property_[i].ByteSizePartial()) self.property_[i].OutputPartial(out) for i in xrange(len(self.raw_property_)): out.putVarInt32(122) out.putVarInt32(self.raw_property_[i].ByteSizePartial()) self.raw_property_[i].OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_entity_group_): out.putVarInt32(130) out.putVarInt32(self.entity_group_.ByteSizePartial()) self.entity_group_.OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_owner_): out.putVarInt32(138) out.putVarInt32(self.owner_.ByteSizePartial()) self.owner_.OutputPartial(out) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 32: self.set_kind(d.getVarInt32()) continue if tt == 42: self.set_kind_uri(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 106: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_key().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 114: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.add_property().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 122: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.add_raw_property().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 130: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_entity_group().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 138: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_owner().TryMerge(tmp) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_key_: res+=prefix+"key <\n" res+=self.key_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" if self.has_entity_group_: res+=prefix+"entity_group <\n" res+=self.entity_group_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" if self.has_owner_: res+=prefix+"owner <\n" res+=self.owner_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" if self.has_kind_: res+=prefix+("kind: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt32(self.kind_)) if self.has_kind_uri_: res+=prefix+("kind_uri: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.kind_uri_)) cnt=0 for e in self.property_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("property%s <\n" % elm) res+=e.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" cnt+=1 cnt=0 for e in self.raw_property_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("raw_property%s <\n" % elm) res+=e.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" cnt+=1 return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kkey = 13 kentity_group = 16 kowner = 17 kkind = 4 kkind_uri = 5 kproperty = 14 kraw_property = 15 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 4: "kind", 5: "kind_uri", 13: "key", 14: "property", 15: "raw_property", 16: "entity_group", 17: "owner", }, 17) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 5: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 13: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 14: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 15: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 16: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 17: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 17, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.EntityProto' class EntityMetadata(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_created_version_ = 0 created_version_ = 0 has_updated_version_ = 0 updated_version_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def created_version(self): return self.created_version_ def set_created_version(self, x): self.has_created_version_ = 1 self.created_version_ = x def clear_created_version(self): if self.has_created_version_: self.has_created_version_ = 0 self.created_version_ = 0 def has_created_version(self): return self.has_created_version_ def updated_version(self): return self.updated_version_ def set_updated_version(self, x): self.has_updated_version_ = 1 self.updated_version_ = x def clear_updated_version(self): if self.has_updated_version_: self.has_updated_version_ = 0 self.updated_version_ = 0 def has_updated_version(self): return self.has_updated_version_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_created_version()): self.set_created_version(x.created_version()) if (x.has_updated_version()): self.set_updated_version(x.updated_version()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_created_version_ != x.has_created_version_: return 0 if self.has_created_version_ and self.created_version_ != x.created_version_: return 0 if self.has_updated_version_ != x.has_updated_version_: return 0 if self.has_updated_version_ and self.updated_version_ != x.updated_version_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 if (self.has_created_version_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.created_version_) if (self.has_updated_version_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.updated_version_) return n def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_created_version_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.created_version_) if (self.has_updated_version_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.updated_version_) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_created_version() self.clear_updated_version() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): if (self.has_created_version_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.created_version_) if (self.has_updated_version_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putVarInt64(self.updated_version_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_created_version_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.created_version_) if (self.has_updated_version_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putVarInt64(self.updated_version_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 8: self.set_created_version(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 16: self.set_updated_version(d.getVarInt64()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_created_version_: res+=prefix+("created_version: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.created_version_)) if self.has_updated_version_: res+=prefix+("updated_version: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.updated_version_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kcreated_version = 1 kupdated_version = 2 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "created_version", 2: "updated_version", }, 2) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, }, 2, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.EntityMetadata' class CompositeProperty(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_index_id_ = 0 index_id_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.value_ = [] if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def index_id(self): return self.index_id_ def set_index_id(self, x): self.has_index_id_ = 1 self.index_id_ = x def clear_index_id(self): if self.has_index_id_: self.has_index_id_ = 0 self.index_id_ = 0 def has_index_id(self): return self.has_index_id_ def value_size(self): return len(self.value_) def value_list(self): return self.value_ def value(self, i): return self.value_[i] def set_value(self, i, x): self.value_[i] = x def add_value(self, x): self.value_.append(x) def clear_value(self): self.value_ = [] def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_index_id()): self.set_index_id(x.index_id()) for i in xrange(x.value_size()): self.add_value(x.value(i)) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_index_id_ != x.has_index_id_: return 0 if self.has_index_id_ and self.index_id_ != x.index_id_: return 0 if len(self.value_) != len(x.value_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.value_, x.value_): if e1 != e2: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_index_id_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: index_id not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.index_id_) n += 1 * len(self.value_) for i in xrange(len(self.value_)): n += self.lengthString(len(self.value_[i])) return n + 1 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_index_id_): n += 1 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.index_id_) n += 1 * len(self.value_) for i in xrange(len(self.value_)): n += self.lengthString(len(self.value_[i])) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_index_id() self.clear_value() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.index_id_) for i in xrange(len(self.value_)): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.value_[i]) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_index_id_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.index_id_) for i in xrange(len(self.value_)): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.value_[i]) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 8: self.set_index_id(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 18: self.add_value(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_index_id_: res+=prefix+("index_id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.index_id_)) cnt=0 for e in self.value_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("value%s: %s\n" % (elm, self.DebugFormatString(e))) cnt+=1 return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kindex_id = 1 kvalue = 2 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "index_id", 2: "value", }, 2) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 2, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.CompositeProperty' class Index_Property(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 ASCENDING = 1 DESCENDING = 2 _Direction_NAMES = { 0: "DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED", 1: "ASCENDING", 2: "DESCENDING", } def Direction_Name(cls, x): return cls._Direction_NAMES.get(x, "") Direction_Name = classmethod(Direction_Name) MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 GEOSPATIAL = 3 _Mode_NAMES = { 0: "MODE_UNSPECIFIED", 3: "GEOSPATIAL", } def Mode_Name(cls, x): return cls._Mode_NAMES.get(x, "") Mode_Name = classmethod(Mode_Name) has_name_ = 0 name_ = "" has_direction_ = 0 direction_ = 0 has_mode_ = 0 mode_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def name(self): return self.name_ def set_name(self, x): self.has_name_ = 1 self.name_ = x def clear_name(self): if self.has_name_: self.has_name_ = 0 self.name_ = "" def has_name(self): return self.has_name_ def direction(self): return self.direction_ def set_direction(self, x): self.has_direction_ = 1 self.direction_ = x def clear_direction(self): if self.has_direction_: self.has_direction_ = 0 self.direction_ = 0 def has_direction(self): return self.has_direction_ def mode(self): return self.mode_ def set_mode(self, x): self.has_mode_ = 1 self.mode_ = x def clear_mode(self): if self.has_mode_: self.has_mode_ = 0 self.mode_ = 0 def has_mode(self): return self.has_mode_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_name()): self.set_name( if (x.has_direction()): self.set_direction(x.direction()) if (x.has_mode()): self.set_mode(x.mode()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_name_ != x.has_name_: return 0 if self.has_name_ and self.name_ != x.name_: return 0 if self.has_direction_ != x.has_direction_: return 0 if self.has_direction_ and self.direction_ != x.direction_: return 0 if self.has_mode_ != x.has_mode_: return 0 if self.has_mode_ and self.mode_ != x.mode_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_name_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: name not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) if (self.has_direction_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.direction_) if (self.has_mode_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.mode_) return n + 1 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_name_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.name_)) if (self.has_direction_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.direction_) if (self.has_mode_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.mode_) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_name() self.clear_direction() self.clear_mode() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) if (self.has_direction_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt32(self.direction_) if (self.has_mode_): out.putVarInt32(48) out.putVarInt32(self.mode_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_name_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putPrefixedString(self.name_) if (self.has_direction_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt32(self.direction_) if (self.has_mode_): out.putVarInt32(48) out.putVarInt32(self.mode_) def TryMerge(self, d): while 1: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 20: break if tt == 26: self.set_name(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 32: self.set_direction(d.getVarInt32()) continue if tt == 48: self.set_mode(d.getVarInt32()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_name_: res+=prefix+("name: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.name_)) if self.has_direction_: res+=prefix+("direction: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt32(self.direction_)) if self.has_mode_: res+=prefix+("mode: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt32(self.mode_)) return res class Index(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_entity_type_ = 0 entity_type_ = "" has_ancestor_ = 0 ancestor_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.property_ = [] if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def entity_type(self): return self.entity_type_ def set_entity_type(self, x): self.has_entity_type_ = 1 self.entity_type_ = x def clear_entity_type(self): if self.has_entity_type_: self.has_entity_type_ = 0 self.entity_type_ = "" def has_entity_type(self): return self.has_entity_type_ def ancestor(self): return self.ancestor_ def set_ancestor(self, x): self.has_ancestor_ = 1 self.ancestor_ = x def clear_ancestor(self): if self.has_ancestor_: self.has_ancestor_ = 0 self.ancestor_ = 0 def has_ancestor(self): return self.has_ancestor_ def property_size(self): return len(self.property_) def property_list(self): return self.property_ def property(self, i): return self.property_[i] def mutable_property(self, i): return self.property_[i] def add_property(self): x = Index_Property() self.property_.append(x) return x def clear_property(self): self.property_ = [] def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_entity_type()): self.set_entity_type(x.entity_type()) if (x.has_ancestor()): self.set_ancestor(x.ancestor()) for i in xrange(x.property_size()): self.add_property().CopyFrom( def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_entity_type_ != x.has_entity_type_: return 0 if self.has_entity_type_ and self.entity_type_ != x.entity_type_: return 0 if self.has_ancestor_ != x.has_ancestor_: return 0 if self.has_ancestor_ and self.ancestor_ != x.ancestor_: return 0 if len(self.property_) != len(x.property_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.property_, x.property_): if e1 != e2: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_entity_type_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: entity_type not set.') if (not self.has_ancestor_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: ancestor not set.') for p in self.property_: if not p.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized=0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.entity_type_)) n += 2 * len(self.property_) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): n += self.property_[i].ByteSize() return n + 3 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_entity_type_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.entity_type_)) if (self.has_ancestor_): n += 2 n += 2 * len(self.property_) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): n += self.property_[i].ByteSizePartial() return n def Clear(self): self.clear_entity_type() self.clear_ancestor() self.clear_property() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.entity_type_) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): out.putVarInt32(19) self.property_[i].OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(20) out.putVarInt32(40) out.putBoolean(self.ancestor_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_entity_type_): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.entity_type_) for i in xrange(len(self.property_)): out.putVarInt32(19) self.property_[i].OutputPartial(out) out.putVarInt32(20) if (self.has_ancestor_): out.putVarInt32(40) out.putBoolean(self.ancestor_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 10: self.set_entity_type(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 19: self.add_property().TryMerge(d) continue if tt == 40: self.set_ancestor(d.getBoolean()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_entity_type_: res+=prefix+("entity_type: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.entity_type_)) if self.has_ancestor_: res+=prefix+("ancestor: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.ancestor_)) cnt=0 for e in self.property_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("Property%s {\n" % elm) res+=e.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+"}\n" cnt+=1 return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kentity_type = 1 kancestor = 5 kPropertyGroup = 2 kPropertyname = 3 kPropertydirection = 4 kPropertymode = 6 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "entity_type", 2: "Property", 3: "name", 4: "direction", 5: "ancestor", 6: "mode", }, 6) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STARTGROUP, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 5: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 6: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, }, 6, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.Index' class CompositeIndex(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): WRITE_ONLY = 1 READ_WRITE = 2 DELETED = 3 ERROR = 4 _State_NAMES = { 1: "WRITE_ONLY", 2: "READ_WRITE", 3: "DELETED", 4: "ERROR", } def State_Name(cls, x): return cls._State_NAMES.get(x, "") State_Name = classmethod(State_Name) PENDING = 1 ACTIVE = 2 COMPLETED = 3 _WorkflowState_NAMES = { 1: "PENDING", 2: "ACTIVE", 3: "COMPLETED", } def WorkflowState_Name(cls, x): return cls._WorkflowState_NAMES.get(x, "") WorkflowState_Name = classmethod(WorkflowState_Name) has_app_id_ = 0 app_id_ = "" has_id_ = 0 id_ = 0 has_definition_ = 0 has_state_ = 0 state_ = 0 has_workflow_state_ = 0 workflow_state_ = 0 has_error_message_ = 0 error_message_ = "" has_only_use_if_required_ = 0 only_use_if_required_ = 0 has_disabled_index_ = 0 disabled_index_ = 0 has_write_division_family_ = 0 write_division_family_ = "" def __init__(self, contents=None): self.definition_ = Index() self.read_division_family_ = [] if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def app_id(self): return self.app_id_ def set_app_id(self, x): self.has_app_id_ = 1 self.app_id_ = x def clear_app_id(self): if self.has_app_id_: self.has_app_id_ = 0 self.app_id_ = "" def has_app_id(self): return self.has_app_id_ def id(self): return self.id_ def set_id(self, x): self.has_id_ = 1 self.id_ = x def clear_id(self): if self.has_id_: self.has_id_ = 0 self.id_ = 0 def has_id(self): return self.has_id_ def definition(self): return self.definition_ def mutable_definition(self): self.has_definition_ = 1; return self.definition_ def clear_definition(self):self.has_definition_ = 0; self.definition_.Clear() def has_definition(self): return self.has_definition_ def state(self): return self.state_ def set_state(self, x): self.has_state_ = 1 self.state_ = x def clear_state(self): if self.has_state_: self.has_state_ = 0 self.state_ = 0 def has_state(self): return self.has_state_ def workflow_state(self): return self.workflow_state_ def set_workflow_state(self, x): self.has_workflow_state_ = 1 self.workflow_state_ = x def clear_workflow_state(self): if self.has_workflow_state_: self.has_workflow_state_ = 0 self.workflow_state_ = 0 def has_workflow_state(self): return self.has_workflow_state_ def error_message(self): return self.error_message_ def set_error_message(self, x): self.has_error_message_ = 1 self.error_message_ = x def clear_error_message(self): if self.has_error_message_: self.has_error_message_ = 0 self.error_message_ = "" def has_error_message(self): return self.has_error_message_ def only_use_if_required(self): return self.only_use_if_required_ def set_only_use_if_required(self, x): self.has_only_use_if_required_ = 1 self.only_use_if_required_ = x def clear_only_use_if_required(self): if self.has_only_use_if_required_: self.has_only_use_if_required_ = 0 self.only_use_if_required_ = 0 def has_only_use_if_required(self): return self.has_only_use_if_required_ def disabled_index(self): return self.disabled_index_ def set_disabled_index(self, x): self.has_disabled_index_ = 1 self.disabled_index_ = x def clear_disabled_index(self): if self.has_disabled_index_: self.has_disabled_index_ = 0 self.disabled_index_ = 0 def has_disabled_index(self): return self.has_disabled_index_ def read_division_family_size(self): return len(self.read_division_family_) def read_division_family_list(self): return self.read_division_family_ def read_division_family(self, i): return self.read_division_family_[i] def set_read_division_family(self, i, x): self.read_division_family_[i] = x def add_read_division_family(self, x): self.read_division_family_.append(x) def clear_read_division_family(self): self.read_division_family_ = [] def write_division_family(self): return self.write_division_family_ def set_write_division_family(self, x): self.has_write_division_family_ = 1 self.write_division_family_ = x def clear_write_division_family(self): if self.has_write_division_family_: self.has_write_division_family_ = 0 self.write_division_family_ = "" def has_write_division_family(self): return self.has_write_division_family_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_app_id()): self.set_app_id(x.app_id()) if (x.has_id()): self.set_id( if (x.has_definition()): self.mutable_definition().MergeFrom(x.definition()) if (x.has_state()): self.set_state(x.state()) if (x.has_workflow_state()): self.set_workflow_state(x.workflow_state()) if (x.has_error_message()): self.set_error_message(x.error_message()) if (x.has_only_use_if_required()): self.set_only_use_if_required(x.only_use_if_required()) if (x.has_disabled_index()): self.set_disabled_index(x.disabled_index()) for i in xrange(x.read_division_family_size()): self.add_read_division_family(x.read_division_family(i)) if (x.has_write_division_family()): self.set_write_division_family(x.write_division_family()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_app_id_ != x.has_app_id_: return 0 if self.has_app_id_ and self.app_id_ != x.app_id_: return 0 if self.has_id_ != x.has_id_: return 0 if self.has_id_ and self.id_ != x.id_: return 0 if self.has_definition_ != x.has_definition_: return 0 if self.has_definition_ and self.definition_ != x.definition_: return 0 if self.has_state_ != x.has_state_: return 0 if self.has_state_ and self.state_ != x.state_: return 0 if self.has_workflow_state_ != x.has_workflow_state_: return 0 if self.has_workflow_state_ and self.workflow_state_ != x.workflow_state_: return 0 if self.has_error_message_ != x.has_error_message_: return 0 if self.has_error_message_ and self.error_message_ != x.error_message_: return 0 if self.has_only_use_if_required_ != x.has_only_use_if_required_: return 0 if self.has_only_use_if_required_ and self.only_use_if_required_ != x.only_use_if_required_: return 0 if self.has_disabled_index_ != x.has_disabled_index_: return 0 if self.has_disabled_index_ and self.disabled_index_ != x.disabled_index_: return 0 if len(self.read_division_family_) != len(x.read_division_family_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.read_division_family_, x.read_division_family_): if e1 != e2: return 0 if self.has_write_division_family_ != x.has_write_division_family_: return 0 if self.has_write_division_family_ and self.write_division_family_ != x.write_division_family_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_app_id_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: app_id not set.') if (not self.has_id_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: id not set.') if (not self.has_definition_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: definition not set.') elif not self.definition_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 if (not self.has_state_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: state not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.app_id_)) n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.id_) n += self.lengthString(self.definition_.ByteSize()) n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.state_) if (self.has_workflow_state_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.workflow_state_) if (self.has_error_message_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.error_message_)) if (self.has_only_use_if_required_): n += 2 if (self.has_disabled_index_): n += 2 n += 1 * len(self.read_division_family_) for i in xrange(len(self.read_division_family_)): n += self.lengthString(len(self.read_division_family_[i])) if (self.has_write_division_family_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.write_division_family_)) return n + 4 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_app_id_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.app_id_)) if (self.has_id_): n += 1 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_definition_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(self.definition_.ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_state_): n += 1 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.state_) if (self.has_workflow_state_): n += 1 + self.lengthVarInt64(self.workflow_state_) if (self.has_error_message_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.error_message_)) if (self.has_only_use_if_required_): n += 2 if (self.has_disabled_index_): n += 2 n += 1 * len(self.read_division_family_) for i in xrange(len(self.read_division_family_)): n += self.lengthString(len(self.read_division_family_[i])) if (self.has_write_division_family_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.write_division_family_)) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_app_id() self.clear_id() self.clear_definition() self.clear_state() self.clear_workflow_state() self.clear_error_message() self.clear_only_use_if_required() self.clear_disabled_index() self.clear_read_division_family() self.clear_write_division_family() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.app_id_) out.putVarInt32(16) out.putVarInt64(self.id_) out.putVarInt32(26) out.putVarInt32(self.definition_.ByteSize()) self.definition_.OutputUnchecked(out) out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt32(self.state_) if (self.has_only_use_if_required_): out.putVarInt32(48) out.putBoolean(self.only_use_if_required_) for i in xrange(len(self.read_division_family_)): out.putVarInt32(58) out.putPrefixedString(self.read_division_family_[i]) if (self.has_write_division_family_): out.putVarInt32(66) out.putPrefixedString(self.write_division_family_) if (self.has_disabled_index_): out.putVarInt32(72) out.putBoolean(self.disabled_index_) if (self.has_workflow_state_): out.putVarInt32(80) out.putVarInt32(self.workflow_state_) if (self.has_error_message_): out.putVarInt32(90) out.putPrefixedString(self.error_message_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_app_id_): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.app_id_) if (self.has_id_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putVarInt64(self.id_) if (self.has_definition_): out.putVarInt32(26) out.putVarInt32(self.definition_.ByteSizePartial()) self.definition_.OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_state_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putVarInt32(self.state_) if (self.has_only_use_if_required_): out.putVarInt32(48) out.putBoolean(self.only_use_if_required_) for i in xrange(len(self.read_division_family_)): out.putVarInt32(58) out.putPrefixedString(self.read_division_family_[i]) if (self.has_write_division_family_): out.putVarInt32(66) out.putPrefixedString(self.write_division_family_) if (self.has_disabled_index_): out.putVarInt32(72) out.putBoolean(self.disabled_index_) if (self.has_workflow_state_): out.putVarInt32(80) out.putVarInt32(self.workflow_state_) if (self.has_error_message_): out.putVarInt32(90) out.putPrefixedString(self.error_message_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 10: self.set_app_id(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 16: self.set_id(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 26: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_definition().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 32: self.set_state(d.getVarInt32()) continue if tt == 48: self.set_only_use_if_required(d.getBoolean()) continue if tt == 58: self.add_read_division_family(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 66: self.set_write_division_family(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 72: self.set_disabled_index(d.getBoolean()) continue if tt == 80: self.set_workflow_state(d.getVarInt32()) continue if tt == 90: self.set_error_message(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_app_id_: res+=prefix+("app_id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.app_id_)) if self.has_id_: res+=prefix+("id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.id_)) if self.has_definition_: res+=prefix+"definition <\n" res+=self.definition_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" if self.has_state_: res+=prefix+("state: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt32(self.state_)) if self.has_workflow_state_: res+=prefix+("workflow_state: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt32(self.workflow_state_)) if self.has_error_message_: res+=prefix+("error_message: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.error_message_)) if self.has_only_use_if_required_: res+=prefix+("only_use_if_required: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.only_use_if_required_)) if self.has_disabled_index_: res+=prefix+("disabled_index: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.disabled_index_)) cnt=0 for e in self.read_division_family_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("read_division_family%s: %s\n" % (elm, self.DebugFormatString(e))) cnt+=1 if self.has_write_division_family_: res+=prefix+("write_division_family: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.write_division_family_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kapp_id = 1 kid = 2 kdefinition = 3 kstate = 4 kworkflow_state = 10 kerror_message = 11 konly_use_if_required = 6 kdisabled_index = 9 kread_division_family = 7 kwrite_division_family = 8 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "app_id", 2: "id", 3: "definition", 4: "state", 6: "only_use_if_required", 7: "read_division_family", 8: "write_division_family", 9: "disabled_index", 10: "workflow_state", 11: "error_message", }, 11) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 6: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 7: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 8: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 9: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 10: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 11: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 11, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.CompositeIndex' class SearchIndexEntry(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_index_id_ = 0 index_id_ = 0 has_write_division_family_ = 0 write_division_family_ = "" has_fingerprint_1999_ = 0 fingerprint_1999_ = 0 has_fingerprint_2011_ = 0 fingerprint_2011_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def index_id(self): return self.index_id_ def set_index_id(self, x): self.has_index_id_ = 1 self.index_id_ = x def clear_index_id(self): if self.has_index_id_: self.has_index_id_ = 0 self.index_id_ = 0 def has_index_id(self): return self.has_index_id_ def write_division_family(self): return self.write_division_family_ def set_write_division_family(self, x): self.has_write_division_family_ = 1 self.write_division_family_ = x def clear_write_division_family(self): if self.has_write_division_family_: self.has_write_division_family_ = 0 self.write_division_family_ = "" def has_write_division_family(self): return self.has_write_division_family_ def fingerprint_1999(self): return self.fingerprint_1999_ def set_fingerprint_1999(self, x): self.has_fingerprint_1999_ = 1 self.fingerprint_1999_ = x def clear_fingerprint_1999(self): if self.has_fingerprint_1999_: self.has_fingerprint_1999_ = 0 self.fingerprint_1999_ = 0 def has_fingerprint_1999(self): return self.has_fingerprint_1999_ def fingerprint_2011(self): return self.fingerprint_2011_ def set_fingerprint_2011(self, x): self.has_fingerprint_2011_ = 1 self.fingerprint_2011_ = x def clear_fingerprint_2011(self): if self.has_fingerprint_2011_: self.has_fingerprint_2011_ = 0 self.fingerprint_2011_ = 0 def has_fingerprint_2011(self): return self.has_fingerprint_2011_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_index_id()): self.set_index_id(x.index_id()) if (x.has_write_division_family()): self.set_write_division_family(x.write_division_family()) if (x.has_fingerprint_1999()): self.set_fingerprint_1999(x.fingerprint_1999()) if (x.has_fingerprint_2011()): self.set_fingerprint_2011(x.fingerprint_2011()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_index_id_ != x.has_index_id_: return 0 if self.has_index_id_ and self.index_id_ != x.index_id_: return 0 if self.has_write_division_family_ != x.has_write_division_family_: return 0 if self.has_write_division_family_ and self.write_division_family_ != x.write_division_family_: return 0 if self.has_fingerprint_1999_ != x.has_fingerprint_1999_: return 0 if self.has_fingerprint_1999_ and self.fingerprint_1999_ != x.fingerprint_1999_: return 0 if self.has_fingerprint_2011_ != x.has_fingerprint_2011_: return 0 if self.has_fingerprint_2011_ and self.fingerprint_2011_ != x.fingerprint_2011_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_index_id_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: index_id not set.') if (not self.has_write_division_family_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: write_division_family not set.') return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.index_id_) n += self.lengthString(len(self.write_division_family_)) if (self.has_fingerprint_1999_): n += 9 if (self.has_fingerprint_2011_): n += 9 return n + 2 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_index_id_): n += 1 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.index_id_) if (self.has_write_division_family_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.write_division_family_)) if (self.has_fingerprint_1999_): n += 9 if (self.has_fingerprint_2011_): n += 9 return n def Clear(self): self.clear_index_id() self.clear_write_division_family() self.clear_fingerprint_1999() self.clear_fingerprint_2011() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.index_id_) out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.write_division_family_) if (self.has_fingerprint_1999_): out.putVarInt32(25) out.put64(self.fingerprint_1999_) if (self.has_fingerprint_2011_): out.putVarInt32(33) out.put64(self.fingerprint_2011_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_index_id_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.index_id_) if (self.has_write_division_family_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putPrefixedString(self.write_division_family_) if (self.has_fingerprint_1999_): out.putVarInt32(25) out.put64(self.fingerprint_1999_) if (self.has_fingerprint_2011_): out.putVarInt32(33) out.put64(self.fingerprint_2011_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 8: self.set_index_id(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 18: self.set_write_division_family(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 25: self.set_fingerprint_1999(d.get64()) continue if tt == 33: self.set_fingerprint_2011(d.get64()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_index_id_: res+=prefix+("index_id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.index_id_)) if self.has_write_division_family_: res+=prefix+("write_division_family: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.write_division_family_)) if self.has_fingerprint_1999_: res+=prefix+("fingerprint_1999: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatFixed64(self.fingerprint_1999_)) if self.has_fingerprint_2011_: res+=prefix+("fingerprint_2011: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatFixed64(self.fingerprint_2011_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kindex_id = 1 kwrite_division_family = 2 kfingerprint_1999 = 3 kfingerprint_2011 = 4 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "index_id", 2: "write_division_family", 3: "fingerprint_1999", 4: "fingerprint_2011", }, 4) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.DOUBLE, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.DOUBLE, }, 4, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.SearchIndexEntry' class SearchIndexExternalId(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_index_id_ = 0 index_id_ = 0 has_primary_key_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.primary_key_ = Reference() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def index_id(self): return self.index_id_ def set_index_id(self, x): self.has_index_id_ = 1 self.index_id_ = x def clear_index_id(self): if self.has_index_id_: self.has_index_id_ = 0 self.index_id_ = 0 def has_index_id(self): return self.has_index_id_ def primary_key(self): return self.primary_key_ def mutable_primary_key(self): self.has_primary_key_ = 1; return self.primary_key_ def clear_primary_key(self):self.has_primary_key_ = 0; self.primary_key_.Clear() def has_primary_key(self): return self.has_primary_key_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_index_id()): self.set_index_id(x.index_id()) if (x.has_primary_key()): self.mutable_primary_key().MergeFrom(x.primary_key()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_index_id_ != x.has_index_id_: return 0 if self.has_index_id_ and self.index_id_ != x.index_id_: return 0 if self.has_primary_key_ != x.has_primary_key_: return 0 if self.has_primary_key_ and self.primary_key_ != x.primary_key_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_index_id_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: index_id not set.') if (not self.has_primary_key_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: primary_key not set.') elif not self.primary_key_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.index_id_) n += self.lengthString(self.primary_key_.ByteSize()) return n + 2 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_index_id_): n += 1 n += self.lengthVarInt64(self.index_id_) if (self.has_primary_key_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(self.primary_key_.ByteSizePartial()) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_index_id() self.clear_primary_key() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.index_id_) out.putVarInt32(18) out.putVarInt32(self.primary_key_.ByteSize()) self.primary_key_.OutputUnchecked(out) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_index_id_): out.putVarInt32(8) out.putVarInt64(self.index_id_) if (self.has_primary_key_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putVarInt32(self.primary_key_.ByteSizePartial()) self.primary_key_.OutputPartial(out) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 8: self.set_index_id(d.getVarInt64()) continue if tt == 18: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_primary_key().TryMerge(tmp) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_index_id_: res+=prefix+("index_id: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatInt64(self.index_id_)) if self.has_primary_key_: res+=prefix+"primary_key <\n" res+=self.primary_key_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kindex_id = 1 kprimary_key = 2 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "index_id", 2: "primary_key", }, 2) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 2, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.SearchIndexExternalId' class IndexPostfix_IndexValue(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_property_name_ = 0 property_name_ = "" has_value_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.value_ = PropertyValue() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def property_name(self): return self.property_name_ def set_property_name(self, x): self.has_property_name_ = 1 self.property_name_ = x def clear_property_name(self): if self.has_property_name_: self.has_property_name_ = 0 self.property_name_ = "" def has_property_name(self): return self.has_property_name_ def value(self): return self.value_ def mutable_value(self): self.has_value_ = 1; return self.value_ def clear_value(self):self.has_value_ = 0; self.value_.Clear() def has_value(self): return self.has_value_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_property_name()): self.set_property_name(x.property_name()) if (x.has_value()): self.mutable_value().MergeFrom(x.value()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_property_name_ != x.has_property_name_: return 0 if self.has_property_name_ and self.property_name_ != x.property_name_: return 0 if self.has_value_ != x.has_value_: return 0 if self.has_value_ and self.value_ != x.value_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 if (not self.has_property_name_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: property_name not set.') if (not self.has_value_): initialized = 0 if debug_strs is not None: debug_strs.append('Required field: value not set.') elif not self.value_.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized = 0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += self.lengthString(len(self.property_name_)) n += self.lengthString(self.value_.ByteSize()) return n + 2 def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_property_name_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(len(self.property_name_)) if (self.has_value_): n += 1 n += self.lengthString(self.value_.ByteSizePartial()) return n def Clear(self): self.clear_property_name() self.clear_value() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.property_name_) out.putVarInt32(18) out.putVarInt32(self.value_.ByteSize()) self.value_.OutputUnchecked(out) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_property_name_): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.property_name_) if (self.has_value_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putVarInt32(self.value_.ByteSizePartial()) self.value_.OutputPartial(out) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 10: self.set_property_name(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 18: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_value().TryMerge(tmp) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_property_name_: res+=prefix+("property_name: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.property_name_)) if self.has_value_: res+=prefix+"value <\n" res+=self.value_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kproperty_name = 1 kvalue = 2 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "property_name", 2: "value", }, 2) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, }, 2, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.IndexPostfix_IndexValue' class IndexPostfix(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_key_ = 0 key_ = None has_before_ = 0 before_ = 1 has_before_ascending_ = 0 before_ascending_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): self.index_value_ = [] self.lazy_init_lock_ = thread.allocate_lock() if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def index_value_size(self): return len(self.index_value_) def index_value_list(self): return self.index_value_ def index_value(self, i): return self.index_value_[i] def mutable_index_value(self, i): return self.index_value_[i] def add_index_value(self): x = IndexPostfix_IndexValue() self.index_value_.append(x) return x def clear_index_value(self): self.index_value_ = [] def key(self): if self.key_ is None: self.lazy_init_lock_.acquire() try: if self.key_ is None: self.key_ = Reference() finally: self.lazy_init_lock_.release() return self.key_ def mutable_key(self): self.has_key_ = 1; return self.key() def clear_key(self): if self.has_key_: self.has_key_ = 0; if self.key_ is not None: self.key_.Clear() def has_key(self): return self.has_key_ def before(self): return self.before_ def set_before(self, x): self.has_before_ = 1 self.before_ = x def clear_before(self): if self.has_before_: self.has_before_ = 0 self.before_ = 1 def has_before(self): return self.has_before_ def before_ascending(self): return self.before_ascending_ def set_before_ascending(self, x): self.has_before_ascending_ = 1 self.before_ascending_ = x def clear_before_ascending(self): if self.has_before_ascending_: self.has_before_ascending_ = 0 self.before_ascending_ = 0 def has_before_ascending(self): return self.has_before_ascending_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self for i in xrange(x.index_value_size()): self.add_index_value().CopyFrom(x.index_value(i)) if (x.has_key()): self.mutable_key().MergeFrom(x.key()) if (x.has_before()): self.set_before(x.before()) if (x.has_before_ascending()): self.set_before_ascending(x.before_ascending()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if len(self.index_value_) != len(x.index_value_): return 0 for e1, e2 in zip(self.index_value_, x.index_value_): if e1 != e2: return 0 if self.has_key_ != x.has_key_: return 0 if self.has_key_ and self.key_ != x.key_: return 0 if self.has_before_ != x.has_before_: return 0 if self.has_before_ and self.before_ != x.before_: return 0 if self.has_before_ascending_ != x.has_before_ascending_: return 0 if self.has_before_ascending_ and self.before_ascending_ != x.before_ascending_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 for p in self.index_value_: if not p.IsInitialized(debug_strs): initialized=0 if (self.has_key_ and not self.key_.IsInitialized(debug_strs)): initialized = 0 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 n += 1 * len(self.index_value_) for i in xrange(len(self.index_value_)): n += self.lengthString(self.index_value_[i].ByteSize()) if (self.has_key_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(self.key_.ByteSize()) if (self.has_before_): n += 2 if (self.has_before_ascending_): n += 2 return n def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 n += 1 * len(self.index_value_) for i in xrange(len(self.index_value_)): n += self.lengthString(self.index_value_[i].ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_key_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(self.key_.ByteSizePartial()) if (self.has_before_): n += 2 if (self.has_before_ascending_): n += 2 return n def Clear(self): self.clear_index_value() self.clear_key() self.clear_before() self.clear_before_ascending() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): for i in xrange(len(self.index_value_)): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putVarInt32(self.index_value_[i].ByteSize()) self.index_value_[i].OutputUnchecked(out) if (self.has_key_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putVarInt32(self.key_.ByteSize()) self.key_.OutputUnchecked(out) if (self.has_before_): out.putVarInt32(24) out.putBoolean(self.before_) if (self.has_before_ascending_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putBoolean(self.before_ascending_) def OutputPartial(self, out): for i in xrange(len(self.index_value_)): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putVarInt32(self.index_value_[i].ByteSizePartial()) self.index_value_[i].OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_key_): out.putVarInt32(18) out.putVarInt32(self.key_.ByteSizePartial()) self.key_.OutputPartial(out) if (self.has_before_): out.putVarInt32(24) out.putBoolean(self.before_) if (self.has_before_ascending_): out.putVarInt32(32) out.putBoolean(self.before_ascending_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 10: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.add_index_value().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 18: length = d.getVarInt32() tmp = ProtocolBuffer.Decoder(d.buffer(), d.pos(), d.pos() + length) d.skip(length) self.mutable_key().TryMerge(tmp) continue if tt == 24: self.set_before(d.getBoolean()) continue if tt == 32: self.set_before_ascending(d.getBoolean()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" cnt=0 for e in self.index_value_: elm="" if printElemNumber: elm="(%d)" % cnt res+=prefix+("index_value%s <\n" % elm) res+=e.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" cnt+=1 if self.has_key_: res+=prefix+"key <\n" res+=self.key_.__str__(prefix + " ", printElemNumber) res+=prefix+">\n" if self.has_before_: res+=prefix+("before: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.before_)) if self.has_before_ascending_: res+=prefix+("before_ascending: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.before_ascending_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kindex_value = 1 kkey = 2 kbefore = 3 kbefore_ascending = 4 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "index_value", 2: "key", 3: "before", 4: "before_ascending", }, 4) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 4: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, }, 4, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.IndexPostfix' class IndexPosition(ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage): has_key_ = 0 key_ = "" has_before_ = 0 before_ = 1 has_before_ascending_ = 0 before_ascending_ = 0 def __init__(self, contents=None): if contents is not None: self.MergeFromString(contents) def key(self): return self.key_ def set_key(self, x): self.has_key_ = 1 self.key_ = x def clear_key(self): if self.has_key_: self.has_key_ = 0 self.key_ = "" def has_key(self): return self.has_key_ def before(self): return self.before_ def set_before(self, x): self.has_before_ = 1 self.before_ = x def clear_before(self): if self.has_before_: self.has_before_ = 0 self.before_ = 1 def has_before(self): return self.has_before_ def before_ascending(self): return self.before_ascending_ def set_before_ascending(self, x): self.has_before_ascending_ = 1 self.before_ascending_ = x def clear_before_ascending(self): if self.has_before_ascending_: self.has_before_ascending_ = 0 self.before_ascending_ = 0 def has_before_ascending(self): return self.has_before_ascending_ def MergeFrom(self, x): assert x is not self if (x.has_key()): self.set_key(x.key()) if (x.has_before()): self.set_before(x.before()) if (x.has_before_ascending()): self.set_before_ascending(x.before_ascending()) def Equals(self, x): if x is self: return 1 if self.has_key_ != x.has_key_: return 0 if self.has_key_ and self.key_ != x.key_: return 0 if self.has_before_ != x.has_before_: return 0 if self.has_before_ and self.before_ != x.before_: return 0 if self.has_before_ascending_ != x.has_before_ascending_: return 0 if self.has_before_ascending_ and self.before_ascending_ != x.before_ascending_: return 0 return 1 def IsInitialized(self, debug_strs=None): initialized = 1 return initialized def ByteSize(self): n = 0 if (self.has_key_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.key_)) if (self.has_before_): n += 2 if (self.has_before_ascending_): n += 2 return n def ByteSizePartial(self): n = 0 if (self.has_key_): n += 1 + self.lengthString(len(self.key_)) if (self.has_before_): n += 2 if (self.has_before_ascending_): n += 2 return n def Clear(self): self.clear_key() self.clear_before() self.clear_before_ascending() def OutputUnchecked(self, out): if (self.has_key_): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.key_) if (self.has_before_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putBoolean(self.before_) if (self.has_before_ascending_): out.putVarInt32(24) out.putBoolean(self.before_ascending_) def OutputPartial(self, out): if (self.has_key_): out.putVarInt32(10) out.putPrefixedString(self.key_) if (self.has_before_): out.putVarInt32(16) out.putBoolean(self.before_) if (self.has_before_ascending_): out.putVarInt32(24) out.putBoolean(self.before_ascending_) def TryMerge(self, d): while d.avail() > 0: tt = d.getVarInt32() if tt == 10: self.set_key(d.getPrefixedString()) continue if tt == 16: self.set_before(d.getBoolean()) continue if tt == 24: self.set_before_ascending(d.getBoolean()) continue if (tt == 0): raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError d.skipData(tt) def __str__(self, prefix="", printElemNumber=0): res="" if self.has_key_: res+=prefix+("key: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatString(self.key_)) if self.has_before_: res+=prefix+("before: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.before_)) if self.has_before_ascending_: res+=prefix+("before_ascending: %s\n" % self.DebugFormatBool(self.before_ascending_)) return res def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default=None): return tuple([sparse.get(i, default) for i in xrange(0, 1+maxtag)]) kkey = 1 kbefore = 2 kbefore_ascending = 3 _TEXT = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: "ErrorCode", 1: "key", 2: "before", 3: "before_ascending", }, 3) _TYPES = _BuildTagLookupTable({ 0: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 1: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.STRING, 2: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, 3: ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.NUMERIC, }, 3, ProtocolBuffer.Encoder.MAX_TYPE) _STYLE = """""" _STYLE_CONTENT_TYPE = """""" _PROTO_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = 'storage_onestore_v3.IndexPosition' if _extension_runtime: pass __all__ = ['PropertyValue','PropertyValue_ReferenceValuePathElement','PropertyValue_PointValue','PropertyValue_UserValue','PropertyValue_ReferenceValue','Property','Path','Path_Element','Reference','User','EntityProto','EntityMetadata','CompositeProperty','Index','Index_Property','CompositeIndex','SearchIndexEntry','SearchIndexExternalId','IndexPostfix_IndexValue','IndexPostfix','IndexPosition']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019 Ansible Project # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import Mapping from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_iterable from ansible.module_utils.six import ( binary_type, integer_types, text_type, ) # Python2 & 3 way to get NoneType NoneType = type(None) # if adding boolean attribute, also add to PASS_BOOL # some of this dupes defaults from controller config PASS_VARS = { 'check_mode': ('check_mode', False), 'debug': ('_debug', False), 'diff': ('_diff', False), 'keep_remote_files': ('_keep_remote_files', False), 'module_name': ('_name', None), 'no_log': ('no_log', False), 'remote_tmp': ('_remote_tmp', None), 'selinux_special_fs': ('_selinux_special_fs', ['fuse', 'nfs', 'vboxsf', 'ramfs', '9p', 'vfat']), 'shell_executable': ('_shell', '/bin/sh'), 'socket': ('_socket_path', None), 'string_conversion_action': ('_string_conversion_action', 'warn'), 'syslog_facility': ('_syslog_facility', 'INFO'), 'tmpdir': ('_tmpdir', None), 'verbosity': ('_verbosity', 0), 'version': ('ansible_version', '0.0'), } PASS_BOOLS = ('check_mode', 'debug', 'diff', 'keep_remote_files', 'no_log') def _return_datastructure_name(obj): """ Return native stringified values from datastructures. For use with removing sensitive values pre-jsonification.""" if isinstance(obj, (text_type, binary_type)): if obj: yield to_native(obj, errors='surrogate_or_strict') return elif isinstance(obj, Mapping): for element in obj.items(): for subelement in _return_datastructure_name(element[1]): yield subelement elif is_iterable(obj): for element in obj: for subelement in _return_datastructure_name(element): yield subelement elif isinstance(obj, (bool, NoneType)): # This must come before int because bools are also ints return elif isinstance(obj, tuple(list(integer_types) + [float])): yield to_native(obj, nonstring='simplerepr') else: raise TypeError('Unknown parameter type: %s, %s' % (type(obj), obj)) def list_no_log_values(argument_spec, params): """Return set of no log values :arg argument_spec: An argument spec dictionary from a module :arg params: Dictionary of all module parameters :returns: Set of strings that should be hidden from output:: {'secret_dict_value', 'secret_list_item_one', 'secret_list_item_two', 'secret_string'} """ no_log_values = set() for arg_name, arg_opts in argument_spec.items(): if arg_opts.get('no_log', False): # Find the value for the no_log'd param no_log_object = params.get(arg_name, None) if no_log_object: no_log_values.update(_return_datastructure_name(no_log_object)) return no_log_values def list_deprecations(argument_spec, params): """Return a list of deprecations :arg argument_spec: An argument spec dictionary from a module :arg params: Dictionary of all module parameters :returns: List of dictionaries containing a message and version in which the deprecated parameter will be removed, or an empty list:: [{'msg': "Param 'deptest' is deprecated. See the module docs for more information", 'version': '2.9'}] """ deprecations = [] for arg_name, arg_opts in argument_spec.items(): if arg_opts.get('removed_in_version') is not None and arg_name in params: deprecations.append({ 'msg': "Param '%s' is deprecated. See the module docs for more information" % arg_name, 'version': arg_opts.get('removed_in_version') }) return deprecations def handle_aliases(argument_spec, params, alias_warnings=None): """Return a two item tuple. The first is a dictionary of aliases, the second is a list of legal inputs. If a list is provided to the alias_warnings parameter, it will be filled with tuples (option, alias) in every case where both an option and its alias are specified. """ legal_inputs = ['_ansible_%s' % k for k in PASS_VARS] aliases_results = {} # alias:canon for (k, v) in argument_spec.items(): legal_inputs.append(k) aliases = v.get('aliases', None) default = v.get('default', None) required = v.get('required', False) if default is not None and required: # not alias specific but this is a good place to check this raise ValueError("internal error: required and default are mutually exclusive for %s" % k) if aliases is None: continue if not is_iterable(aliases) or isinstance(aliases, (binary_type, text_type)): raise TypeError('internal error: aliases must be a list or tuple') for alias in aliases: legal_inputs.append(alias) aliases_results[alias] = k if alias in params: if k in params and alias_warnings is not None: alias_warnings.append((k, alias)) params[k] = params[alias] return aliases_results, legal_inputs
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # BitCurator # # This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License, Version 3. See the text file "COPYING" for further details # about the terms of this license. # # bc_disk_access --dfxmlfile <file> --filename <oufile> # # 1. Ex: Cat: # python3 --image ~/aaa/charlie-work-usb-2009-12-11.aff \ # [--dfxmlfile ~/aaa/charlie_xml] --filename \ # Email/Charlie_2009-12-04_0941_Sent.txt --cat # # 2. Ex: filelist: # $ python3 # --image ~/aaa/charlie-work-usb-2009-12-11.aff # [--dfxmlfile ~/aaa/charlie_xml] \ # --listfiles # 3. Invoked through BitCurator GUI #################################################################### # The basic GUI is designed using PyQT4 Designer. Code manually added # to QTreeView and for the functionality of all widgets. # From the DFXML file, the "filename" attribute is read using # fiwalk.fiwalk_using_sax() API. The list of file-paths is stored in # the dictionary fiDictList. # To store the Tree structure of the directory hierarchy, the QStandardItemModel # class of the QtPy4's Model/View framework is used: # #################################################################### import os, fiwalk, sys from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import subprocess from subprocess import Popen,PIPE try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s try: from argparse import ArgumentParser except ImportError: raise ImportError("This script requires ArgumentParser which is in Python 2.7 or Python 3.0") try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: from cStringIO import StringIO # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # init widgets global g_model global g_image global g_dfxmlfile global isGenDfxmlFile class Ui_MainWindow(object): def __init__(self, outdir=None): self.outdir = outdir def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(835, 565) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(MainWindow.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) MainWindow.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.centralwidget) self.gridLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout")) self.pushButton_close = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pushButton_close.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pushButton_close.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pushButton_close.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_close")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_close, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) self.label.setFont(font) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label, 0, 6, 1, 1) self.textEdit = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.centralwidget) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Ignored, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(20) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(100) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.textEdit.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.textEdit.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.textEdit.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.textEdit.setStyleSheet(_fromUtf8("background-color: rgb(200, 206, 200);\n" "border-color: rgb(170, 0, 0);")) self.textEdit.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByKeyboard|QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) self.textEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("textEdit")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.textEdit, 1, 6, 1, 1) global g_textEdit g_textEdit = self.textEdit self.DirectoryTree = QtGui.QTreeView(self.centralwidget) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Ignored) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.DirectoryTree.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) # Note: # The following line was added in an attempt to get the horizontal # scroll bar automatically when there is text longer than the window size. # But with or without this line, it still needs one to drag the top bar # to the right to make the scroll bar start working. Could be a bug with # pyQT4 implementation. self.DirectoryTree.header().setResizeMode(0, QtGui.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.DirectoryTree.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.DirectoryTree.setSizeIncrement(QtCore.QSize(0, 0)) self.DirectoryTree.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.DirectoryTree.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.DirectoryTree.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("DirectoryTree")) self.DirectoryTree.setSelectionBehavior(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.DirectoryTree, 1, 0, 1, 6) self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.DirectoryTree.setModel(self.model) self.DirectoryTree.setUniformRowHeights(True) global g_model g_model = self.model g_model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['File Structure']) self.pushButton_export = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pushButton_export.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pushButton_export.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pushButton_export.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_export")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_export, 5, 1, 1, 2) self.pushButton_dsall = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pushButton_dsall.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pushButton_dsall.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pushButton_dsall.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_dsall")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_dsall, 5, 3, 1, 1) self.pushButton_sall = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pushButton_sall.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pushButton_sall.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pushButton_sall.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_sall")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton_sall, 5, 4, 1, 2) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 835, 25)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) self.menuFile = QtGui.QMenu(self.menubar) self.menuFile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menuFile")) self.menuHelp = QtGui.QMenu(self.menubar) self.menuHelp.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menuHelp")) MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.actionExit = QtGui.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionExit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("actionExit")) self.actionSelect_All = QtGui.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionSelect_All.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("actionSelect_All")) self.actionDeSelect_All = QtGui.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionDeSelect_All.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("actionDeSelect_All")) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionExit) self.menuHelp.addAction(self.actionSelect_All) self.menuHelp.addAction(self.actionDeSelect_All) self.menubar.addAction(self.menuFile.menuAction()) self.menubar.addAction(self.menuHelp.menuAction()) self.actionExit.triggered.connect(self.exitMenu) self.actionSelect_All.triggered.connect(self.selectAllMenu) self.actionDeSelect_All.triggered.connect(self.deSelectAllMenu) # File navigation for Export QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton_export, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), self.buttonClickedExport) # Handle the Close button QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton_close, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), self.buttonClickedClose) # Handle the Select button QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton_sall, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), self.buttonClickedSelectAll) # Handle the DeSelect button QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton_dsall, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), self.buttonClickedDeSelectAll) ''' # Handle the Dump button QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton_dump, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), self.buttonClickedDump) ''' self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def exitMenu(self): QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().quit() def selectAllMenu(self): BcFileStructure.bcOperateOnFiles(BcFileStructure, 1, None) def deSelectAllMenu(self): BcFileStructure.bcOperateOnFiles(BcFileStructure, 0, None) def buttonClickedClose(self): # if dfxml file was internally generated, remove it. global isGenDfxmlFile if isGenDfxmlFile == True: os.system('rm '+g_dfxmlfile) QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().quit() def buttonClickedExport(self): # If invoked thorugh reports_tab gui, the outdir provided is the # exportDir and so there is no need to choose again. If invoked # through command line, output directory to export the checked files # needs to be provided now, through file navigation if self.outdir == None: os.chdir(os.environ["HOME"]) exportDir = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(caption="Select an Output Directory to export files") else: exportDir = self.outdir ## print(">> D: Output Directory Selected: ", exportDir) self.oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() # Now loop through the checked files and dump them in this directory BcFileStructure.bcOperateOnFiles(BcFileStructure, 2, exportDir) print(">> Copied Checked files to the directory: ", exportDir) global g_textEdit g_textEdit.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() ) sys.stdout = self.oldstdout ''' def buttonClickedDump(self): BcFileStructure.bcOperateOnFiles(BcFileStructure, 3, None) ''' def buttonClickedSelectAll(self): BcFileStructure.bcOperateOnFiles(BcFileStructure, 1, None) def buttonClickedDeSelectAll(self): BcFileStructure.bcOperateOnFiles(BcFileStructure, 0, None) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Disk Image Access Interface", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_export.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Export", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_close.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Close", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_sall.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Select All", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_dsall.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "DeSelect All", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Command Line Output", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.menuFile.setTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "File", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.menuHelp.setTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Edit", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.actionExit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Exit", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.actionSelect_All.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Select All", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.actionDeSelect_All.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "DeSelect All", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) class BcFileStructure: acc_dict_array = ["filename", "partition", "inode", "name_type", "filesize"] fiDictList = [] parentlist = [] file_item_of = dict() path_of = dict() # bcOperateOnFiles() # Iterate through the leaves of the file structure and check/uncheck # all the files based on whether "check" is True or False. # This same routine is reused with the parameter "cehck" set to 2, # to dump the contents of the "checked" files to the specified output # directory. It is again used with check=3 to dump the contents of a # file to the textEdit window. def bcOperateOnFiles(self, check, exportDir): ## print(">>D: LENGTH of fiDictList: ", len(self.fiDictList)) for i in range(0, len(self.fiDictList) - 1): path = self.fiDictList[i]['filename'] if self.fiDictList[i]['name_type'] == 'd': isdir = True else: isdir = False pathlist = path.split('/') pathlen = len(pathlist) ## print("D: Path LiSt: ", pathlist, len(pathlist)) ## print("D: =================") last_elem = pathlist[pathlen-1] if last_elem == "." or last_elem == "..": # Ignore . and .. continue if isdir == False: # First get the name of the current file current_fileordir = pathlist[pathlen-1] # Now using the dict of files, file_item_of, get the item # for this file current_item = self.file_item_of[current_fileordir] if check == 1: ## print("D: Setting File to Checked_state ", current_fileordir) current_item.setCheckState(2) elif check == 0: current_item.setCheckState(0) elif check == 2: # If "check" is 2, we use this routine to dump the # contents of the specified file to the specified output # file. # If this file is "checked", download its contents. # item.checkState has 0 if not checked, 1 if partially # checked and 2 if checked. # if current_item.checkState() == 2: ## print(">> D: File %s is Checked" %current_fileordir) if not os.path.exists(exportDir): os.mkdir(exportDir) pathlist = path.split('/') oldDir = newDir = exportDir # Iterate through the path list and make the directories # in the path, if they don't already exist. for k in range(0, len(pathlist)-1): newDir = oldDir + '/' + pathlist[k] if not os.path.exists(newDir): os.mkdir(newDir) oldDir = newDir outfile = newDir + '/'+current_fileordir ## print(">> D: Writing to Outfile: ", outfile, path) filestr.bcCatFile(path, g_image, g_dfxmlfile, True, outfile) elif current_item.checkState() == 1: print("Partially checked state: ",current_item.checkState()) print("File %s is NOT Checked" %current_fileordir) g_textEdit.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() ) sys.stdout = self.oldstdout elif check == 3: # Dump the first checked File in textEdit window if current_item.checkState() == 2: print(">> D: File %s is Checked" %current_fileordir) self.oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() ## print("D: >> Dumping the contents of the file ", path) filestr.bcCatFile(path, g_image, g_dfxmlfile, False, None) g_textEdit.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() ) sys.stdout = self.oldstdout # We list only the first checked file. return elif current_item.checkState() == 1: print("Partially checked state: ",current_item.checkState()) print("File %s is NOT Checked" %current_fileordir) g_textEdit.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() ) sys.stdout = self.oldstdout def bcHandleSpecialChars(self, filename): #filename = filename.replace("$", "\$") #filename = filename.replace(" ", "\ ") #filename = filename.replace("(", "\(") #filename = filename.replace(")", "\)") return re.escape(filename) def bcGetFilenameFromPath(self, path): pathlist = path.split('/') pathlen = len(pathlist) filename = pathlist[pathlen-1] # Prepend special characters with backslash filename = self.bcHandleSpecialChars(filename) return filename # bcExtractFileStr() # This routine extracts the file structure given a disk image and the # corresponding dfxml file. def bcExtractFileStr(self, image, dfxmlfile, outdir): # Extract the information from dfxml file to create the # dictionary only if it is not done before. if len(self.fiDictList) == 0: self.bcProcessDfxmlFileUsingSax(dfxmlfile) ## print("D: Length of dictionary fiDictList: ", len(self.fiDictList)) parent0 = QtGui.QStandardItem('Disk Image: {}'.format(image)) current_fileordir = image parent_dir_item = parent0 global g_image global g_dfxmlfile g_image = re.escape(image) g_dfxmlfile = dfxmlfile # A dictionary item_of{} is maintained which contains each file/ # directory and its corresponding " tree item" as its value. item_of = dict() item_of[image] = parent0 for i in range(0, len(self.fiDictList) - 1): path = self.fiDictList[i]['filename'] if self.fiDictList[i]['name_type'] == 'd': isdir = True else: isdir = False pathlist = path.split('/') pathlen = len(pathlist) ## print("D: Path LiSt: ", pathlist, len(pathlist)) ## print("D: =================") last_elem = pathlist[pathlen-1] if last_elem == "." or last_elem == "..": # Ignore . and .. continue if isdir == True: if (pathlen < 2): # If pathlen is < 2 it is a file/dir directly off the root. parent = parent0 else: parent = item_of[pathlist[pathlen-2]] current_dir = pathlist[pathlen-1] ## print("D: Set Current_dir to: ", current_dir) current_dir_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(current_dir) parent_dir_item.appendRow(current_dir_item) # Save the item of this directory item_of[current_dir] = current_dir_item else: # File: The file could be in any level - top level is the # child of parent0 (disk img). The level is sensed by the # pathlen current_fileordir = pathlist[pathlen-1] current_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(current_fileordir) current_item.setCheckable(True) current_item.setCheckState(0) # save the "item" of each file self.file_item_of[current_fileordir] = current_item ## print("D: Adding child to parent: ", pathlist[pathlen-2], parent0) if pathlen > 1: parent_dir_item = item_of[pathlist[pathlen-2]] else: parent_dir_item = parent0 parent_dir_item.appendRow(current_item) parent = parent_dir_item global g_model g_model.appendRow(parent) def bcCatFile(self, filename, image, dfxmlfile, redirect_file, outfile): # Traverse the XML file, get the file_name, extract the inode number # of the file and run icat to extract the data. ## print(">>D: bcCatFile: Filename: ", filename) ## print(">>D: bcCatFile: image: ", image) ## print(">>D: bcCatFile: dfxmlfile: ", dfxmlfile) ## print(">>D: bcCatFile: outfile: ", outfile) # First traverse through dfxmlfile to get the block containing # "filename" to extract the inode. Do this just once. if len(self.fiDictList) == 0: self.bcProcessDfxmlFileUsingSax(dfxmlfile) ## print("D: Length of fiDictList ", len(self.fiDictList)) # Dictionary is formed. Now traverse through the array and # in each dictionary, get the inode and call iCat command. for i in range(0, len(self.fiDictList)-1): if (self.fiDictList[i]['filename'] == filename): ## print("D: Extracting the contents of the file:inode ", \ ## filename, self.fiDictList[i]['inode']) # First get the offset of the 2nd partition using mmls cmd # ex: mmls -i aff ~/aaa/jo-favorites-usb-2009-12-11.aff if image.endswith(".E01") or image.endswith(".e01"): imgtype = 'ewf' elif image.endswith(".aff") or image.endswith(".AFF"): imgtype = 'aff' mmls_cmd = "mmls -i " + imgtype +" "+image +" | grep \"02:\"" ## print("D: Executing mmls command: ", mmls_cmd) part2 = subprocess.check_output(mmls_cmd, shell=True) ## print("D: Extracting partition-2: ", part2) part2_list = part2.split() part2_start = int(part2_list[2]) ## print("D: Start offset of Partition-2: ", part2_start) ## icat_cmd ex: icat -o 1 ~/aaa/charlie-work-usb-2009-12-11.aff 130 # redirect_file is set to True if the contents need to be # written to a file. if (redirect_file == True): outfile = self.bcHandleSpecialChars(outfile) icat_cmd = "icat -o "+str(part2_start)+ " "+ \ image + " " + \ self.fiDictList[i]['inode'] + ' > ' + outfile ## print(">> D: Executing iCAT command: ", icat_cmd) f2 = os.popen(icat_cmd) # FIXME: Using subprocess.check_output is making icat_cmd # fail for some instances. Revisit this. Till then the # older call os.popen is used, which seems to work fine. # subprocess.check_output(icat_cmd, shell=True) ## print(">> Writing to file ", outfile) else: # Only printable files are dumped on the textEdit wondow. # The rest are redirected to a file in /tmp if (filename.endswith('txt') or filename.endswith('xml')): icat_cmd = "icat -o "+str(part2_start)+ " "+ image + " " + self.fiDictList[i]['inode'] ## print(">> D: Executing iCAT command: ", icat_cmd) f2 = os.popen(icat_cmd) icat_out = print(">> Dumping Contents of the file :", filename) print("\n") print(icat_out) else: # Strip the path to extract just the name of the file. justFilename = self.bcGetFilenameFromPath(filename) icat_cmd = "icat -o "+str(part2_start)+ " "+ \ image + " " + \ self.fiDictList[i]['inode'] + ' > /tmp/'+justFilename f2 = os.popen(icat_cmd) # Open the file in the pdf reader if it is a PDF file # else copy it to a file in /tmp if justFilename.endswith('pdf'): print(">>> Opening the PDF file /tmp/",justFilename) os.system('evince /tmp/'+justFilename) else: print(">>> File copied to: ", '/tmp/'+justFilename) return # Callback function for SAX processing of the dfxml file. def cb(self, fi): self.fiDictList.append({self.acc_dict_array[0]:fi.filename(), \ self.acc_dict_array[1]:fi.partition(), \ self.acc_dict_array[2]:fi.inode(), \ self.acc_dict_array[3]:fi.name_type(), \ self.acc_dict_array[4]:fi.filesize() }) # The fiwalk utility fiwalk_using_sax is invoked with a callback # to process the dfxml file contents. def bcProcessDfxmlFileUsingSax(self, dfxmlfile): fiwalk.fiwalk_using_sax(xmlfile=open(dfxmlfile, 'rb'),callback=self.cb) # Generate the XML file using the Fiwalk cmd # It generates a temporary file <image_path>/dfxmlfile.xml # If such a file exists, the script terminates indicating the reason. # User can remove it or rename it to continue. # The Close routine removes this temporary file. def bcGenerateDfxmlFile(image, dfxmlfile): # First check if the file image exists if not os.path.exists(image): print(">> Error. Image %s does not exist" %image) return None cmd = ['fiwalk', '-f', '-X', dfxmlfile, image] print(">> Generating XML File ", dfxmlfile) print(">> Invoking command for Fiwalk = ", cmd) ## subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (data, err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: print(">>> Fiwalk command failed for image %s " %image) return None else: print(">>> Generated the file %s " %dfxmlfile) return dfxmlfile if __name__=="__main__": import sys, time, re parser = ArgumentParser(prog='', description='File Access') parser.add_argument('--image', action='store', help="Image file ") parser.add_argument('--dfxmlfile', action='store', help="DFXML file ") parser.add_argument('--cat',action='store_true',help='list contents ') parser.add_argument('--listfiles',action='store_true',help='list file structure ') parser.add_argument('--filename',action='store',help='File name to list contents of ') parser.add_argument('--outdir',action='store',help='Output Directory ') args = parser.parse_args() ## print("D: Image: ", args.image) ## print("D: dfxmlfile: ", args.dfxmlfile) ## print("D: cat: ", ## print("D: listfiles: ", args.listfiles) ## print("D: filename: ", args.filename) ## print("D: output file", args.outfile) # If dfxmlfile not given, run the fiwalk cmd to extract the dfxml file # First check if the file image exists if not os.path.exists(args.image): print("\n>> Error!! Image %s does not exist \n" %args.image) exit(0) global isGenDfxmlFile isGenDfxmlFile = False # If dfxml file not provided, generate it now. if (args.dfxmlfile == None): # Get the directory where "image" exists directory = os.path.dirname(args.image) dfxmlfile = directory+'/dfxmlfile.xml' if os.path.exists(dfxmlfile): print("\n>> File %s exists. Remove it and run the command again.\n" %dfxmlfile) exit(0) bcGenerateDfxmlFile(args.image, dfxmlfile) if dfxmlfile == None: print(">> Error: Fiwalk generation failed") exit(0) global isGenDfxmlFile isGenDfxmlFile = True else: dfxmlfile = args.dfxmlfile if not os.path.exists(dfxmlfile): # dfxmlfile provided in the args, but it doesn't exist bcGenerateDfxmlFile(args.image, dfxmlfile) if dfxmlfile == None: print(">> Error: Fiwalk generation failed") exit(0) global isGenDfxmlFile isGenDfxmlfile = True filestr = BcFileStructure() # The following call is just to test bcCatFile, giving a filename # from the dfxml file. In reality, it will be invoked from a click on # a file in the web browser. if ( == True): if args.filename == None or dfxmlfile == None: print(">> Filename or dfxml file not provided. Exiting") exit(0) if not os.path.exists(dfxmlfile): print(">> File %s doesnot exist " %dfxmlfile) exit(0) filestr.bcCatFile(args.filename, args.image, dfxmlfile, False, None) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # expand third container ## parent0 = BcFileStructure.bcExtractFileStr.parent0 ## index = model.indexFromItem(parent0) ## view.expand(index) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # select last row ## selmod = view.selectionModel() #index2 = model.indexFromItem(child3) ## index2 = model.indexFromItem(parent0) ##, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.Select|QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.Rows) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (args.listfiles == True): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow(args.outdir) ui.setupUi(MainWindow) filestr.bcExtractFileStr(args.image, dfxmlfile, args.outdir) sys.exit(app.exec_())
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. ''' This script provides utils for python scripts in crosswalk. ''' import os import sys import subprocess def TryAddDepotToolsToPythonPath(): depot_tools = FindDepotToolsInPath() if depot_tools: sys.path.append(depot_tools) python_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') if python_path: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join( python_path.split(os.path.pathsep)+[depot_tools]) else: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = depot_tools def FindDepotToolsInPath(): paths = os.getenv('PATH').split(os.path.pathsep) for path in paths: if os.path.basename(path) == '': # path is end with os.path.pathsep path = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.basename(path) == 'depot_tools': return path return None def IsWindows(): return sys.platform == 'cygwin' or sys.platform.startswith('win') def IsLinux(): return sys.platform.startswith('linux') def IsMac(): return sys.platform.startswith('darwin') def GitExe(): if IsWindows(): return 'git.bat' else: return 'git' def GetCommandOutput(command, cwd=None): proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, cwd=cwd) output = proc.communicate()[0] result = proc.returncode if result: raise Exception('%s: %s' % (subprocess.list2cmdline(command), output)) return output
""" Copyright 2016 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from lib import actions, Secure_Copy, ztp_utils class SecureCopyAction(actions.SessionAction): def __init__(self, config): super(SecureCopyAction, self).__init__(config) def run(self, hostname, source, destination, direction, username='', password=''): ztp_utils.replace_default_userpass(self, username, password, enable_username='', enable_password='') scp = Secure_Copy.Secure_Copy(hostname, self._username, self._password) # TODO: This should be done when keys are re-generated scp.erase_existing_ssh_key_for_host() if direction == 'to': success = scp.send_file(source, destination) if direction == 'from': success = scp.get_file(source, destination) if success: return (True, "File Copied!") else: return (False, "Failed")
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'Lunzhy' import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from pyshanbay.shanbay import VisitShanbay from pyshanbay import page_parser as parser from gui.ui_main import UIMainWidget class MainForm(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.table = QTableWidget() layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.table) self.setLayout(layout) self.table.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.table.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.table.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.table.verticalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.Fixed) self.table.itemClicked.connect(self.show_selected) return def set_data(self, members_data): self.table.setColumnCount(2) self.table.setRowCount(len(members_data)) for row_index, member in enumerate(members_data): new_item = QTableWidgetItem(member['nickname']) self.table.setItem(row_index, 0, new_item) new_item = QTableWidgetItem(str(member['checked_today'])) self.table.setItem(row_index, 1, new_item) return def show_selected(self): select = self.table.selectionModel().selectedRows() print(self.table.item(select[0].row(), 0).text()) print(self.table.item(select[0].row(), 1).text()) return def get_data(): shanbay = VisitShanbay() shanbay.login() page_members = shanbay.members() total_page = parser.total_page_members(page_members) pages = [] for page in range(1, int(total_page) + 1): page_html = shanbay.members_page(page) pages.append(page_html) members_info = parser.parse_members_info(pages) return members_info if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) main_form = UIMainWidget() main_form.set_data_members(get_data()) app.exec_()
"""OpenSSL/M2Crypto RSA implementation.""" from .cryptomath import * from .RSAKey import * from .Python_RSAKey import Python_RSAKey #copied from, so when we load the local copy of m2 #we can still use it def password_callback(v, prompt1='Enter private key passphrase:', prompt2='Verify passphrase:'): from getpass import getpass while 1: try: p1=getpass(prompt1) if v: p2=getpass(prompt2) if p1==p2: break else: break except KeyboardInterrupt: return None return p1 if m2cryptoLoaded: class OpenSSL_RSAKey(RSAKey): def __init__(self, n=0, e=0): self.rsa = None self._hasPrivateKey = False if (n and not e) or (e and not n): raise AssertionError() if n and e: self.rsa = m2.rsa_new() m2.rsa_set_n(self.rsa, numberToMPI(n)) m2.rsa_set_e(self.rsa, numberToMPI(e)) def __del__(self): if self.rsa: m2.rsa_free(self.rsa) def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'e': if not self.rsa: return 0 return mpiToNumber(m2.rsa_get_e(self.rsa)) elif name == 'n': if not self.rsa: return 0 return mpiToNumber(m2.rsa_get_n(self.rsa)) else: raise AttributeError def hasPrivateKey(self): return self._hasPrivateKey def hash(self): return Python_RSAKey(self.n, self.e).hash() def _rawPrivateKeyOp(self, m): s = numberToString(m) byteLength = numBytes(self.n) if len(s)== byteLength: pass elif len(s) == byteLength-1: s = '\0' + s else: raise AssertionError() c = stringToNumber(m2.rsa_private_encrypt(self.rsa, s, m2.no_padding)) return c def _rawPublicKeyOp(self, c): s = numberToString(c) byteLength = numBytes(self.n) if len(s)== byteLength: pass elif len(s) == byteLength-1: s = '\0' + s else: raise AssertionError() m = stringToNumber(m2.rsa_public_decrypt(self.rsa, s, m2.no_padding)) return m def acceptsPassword(self): return True def write(self, password=None): bio = m2.bio_new(m2.bio_s_mem()) if self._hasPrivateKey: if password: def f(v): return password m2.rsa_write_key(self.rsa, bio, m2.des_ede_cbc(), f) else: def f(): pass m2.rsa_write_key_no_cipher(self.rsa, bio, f) else: if password: raise AssertionError() m2.rsa_write_pub_key(self.rsa, bio) s = m2.bio_read(bio, m2.bio_ctrl_pending(bio)) m2.bio_free(bio) return s def writeXMLPublicKey(self, indent=''): return Python_RSAKey(self.n, self.e).write(indent) def generate(bits): key = OpenSSL_RSAKey() def f():pass key.rsa = m2.rsa_generate_key(bits, 3, f) key._hasPrivateKey = True return key generate = staticmethod(generate) def parse(s, passwordCallback=None): if s.startswith("-----BEGIN "): if passwordCallback==None: callback = password_callback else: def f(v, prompt1=None, prompt2=None): return passwordCallback() callback = f bio = m2.bio_new(m2.bio_s_mem()) try: m2.bio_write(bio, s) key = OpenSSL_RSAKey() if s.startswith("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"): def f():pass key.rsa = m2.rsa_read_key(bio, callback) if key.rsa == None: raise SyntaxError() key._hasPrivateKey = True elif s.startswith("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----"): key.rsa = m2.rsa_read_pub_key(bio) if key.rsa == None: raise SyntaxError() key._hasPrivateKey = False else: raise SyntaxError() return key finally: m2.bio_free(bio) else: raise SyntaxError() parse = staticmethod(parse)
"""Models for content moderation flagging""" from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core import urlresolvers from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.db import models from django.template import Context, loader from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from kuma.core.utils import get_unique FLAG_REASONS = getattr(settings, "FLAG_REASONS", ( ('notworking', _('This is not working for me')), ('inappropriate', _('This contains inappropriate content')), ('plagarised', _('This was not created by the author')), ('fakeauthor', _('The author is fake')), )) FLAG_STATUS_FLAGGED = "flagged" FLAG_STATUS_REJECTED = "rejected" FLAG_STATUS_NOTIFIED = "notified" FLAG_STATUS_HIDDEN = "hidden" FLAG_STATUS_DELETED = "deleted" FLAG_STATUSES = getattr(settings, "FLAG_STATUSES", ( (FLAG_STATUS_FLAGGED, _("Flagged")), (FLAG_STATUS_REJECTED, _("Flag rejected by moderator")), (FLAG_STATUS_NOTIFIED, _("Creator notified")), (FLAG_STATUS_HIDDEN, _("Content hidden by moderator")), (FLAG_STATUS_DELETED, _("Content deleted by moderator")), )) FLAG_NOTIFICATIONS = {} for reason in FLAG_REASONS: FLAG_NOTIFICATIONS[reason[0]] = True # to refine flag notifications, change preceding line to False and add # individual reasons to the set like so: # FLAG_NOTIFICATIONS['inappropriate'] = True class ContentFlagManager(models.Manager): """Manager for ContentFlags""" def flag(self, request, object, flag_type, explanation, recipients=None): """Create a flag for a content item, if the unique request hasn't already done so before.""" if flag_type not in dict(FLAG_REASONS): return (None, False) content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(object) user, ip, user_agent, unique_hash = get_unique(content_type,, request=request) defaults = dict(content_type=content_type,, ip=ip, user_agent=user_agent, user=user, flag_type=flag_type, explanation=explanation) cf = ContentFlag.objects.get_or_create(unique_hash=unique_hash, defaults=defaults) if recipients: subject = _("{object} Flagged") subject = subject.format(object=object) t = loader.get_template('contentflagging/email/flagged.ltxt') url = '/admin/contentflagging/contentflag/' + str( content = t.render(Context({'url': url, 'object': object, 'flag_type': flag_type})) send_mail(subject, content, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, recipients) return cf def flags_by_type(self, status=FLAG_STATUS_FLAGGED): """Return a dict of flags by content type.""" flags = (self.filter(flag_status=status) .prefetch_related('content_object')) flag_dict = {} for flag in flags: model_class = flag.content_type.model_class() model_name = model_class._meta.verbose_name_plural if model_name not in flag_dict: flag_dict[model_name] = [] flag_dict[model_name].append(flag) return flag_dict class ContentFlag(models.Model): """Moderation flag submitted against a content item""" objects = ContentFlagManager() class Meta: ordering = ('-created',) get_latest_by = 'created' flag_status = models.CharField(_('current status of flag review'), max_length=16, blank=False, choices=FLAG_STATUSES, default='flagged') flag_type = models.CharField(_('reason for flagging the content'), max_length=64, db_index=True, blank=False, choices=FLAG_REASONS) explanation = models.TextField(_('please explain what content you ' 'feel is inappropriate'), max_length=255, blank=True) content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, editable=False, verbose_name="content type", related_name="content_type_set_for_%(class)s",) object_pk = models.CharField(_('object ID'), max_length=32, editable=False) content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_pk') ip = models.CharField(max_length=40, editable=False, blank=True, null=True) user_agent = models.CharField(max_length=128, editable=False, blank=True, null=True) user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, editable=False, blank=True, null=True) # HACK: As it turns out, MySQL doesn't consider two rows with NULL values # in a column as duplicates. So, resorting to calculating a unique hash in # code. unique_hash = models.CharField(max_length=32, editable=False, unique=True, db_index=True, null=True) created = models.DateTimeField(_('date submitted'), auto_now_add=True, blank=False, editable=False) modified = models.DateTimeField(_('date last modified'), auto_now=True, blank=False) def __unicode__(self): return ('ContentFlag %(flag_type)s -> "%(title)s"' % dict( flag_type=self.flag_type, title=str(self.content_object))) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure unique_hash is updated whenever the object is saved user, ip, user_agent, unique_hash = get_unique( self.content_type, self.object_pk, ip=self.ip, user_agent=self.user_agent, user=self.user) self.unique_hash = unique_hash super(ContentFlag, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def content_view_link(self): """HTML link to the absolute URL for the linked content object""" object = self.content_object return ('<a target="_new" href="%(link)s">View %(title)s</a>' % dict(link=object.get_absolute_url(), title=object)) content_view_link.allow_tags = True def content_admin_link(self): """HTML link to the admin page for the linked content object""" object = self.content_object ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(object) url_name = 'admin:%(app)s_%(model)s_change' % dict( app=ct.app_label, model=ct.model) link = urlresolvers.reverse(url_name, args=(,)) return ('<a target="_new" href="%(link)s">Edit %(title)s</a>' % dict(link=link, title=object)) content_admin_link.allow_tags = True
import Tkinter import Test import Pmw Test.initialise() if Tkinter.TkVersion >= 8.4: expected1 = 'TclError: bad relief "bogus": must be ' else: expected1 = 'TclError: bad relief type "bogus": must be ' c = Pmw.RadioSelect kw_1 = {'labelpos' : 'nw', 'label_text' : 'Radio Select:'} tests_1 = ( (c.pack, (), {'padx' : 10, 'pady' : 10, 'fill' : 'both', 'expand' : 1}), (Test.num_options, (), 8), (c.index, Pmw.END, 'ValueError: RadioSelect has no buttons'), (c.add, ('Fruit',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Vegetables',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('CornFlakes',), {'text': 'Cereals'}, Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Legumes',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Legumes',), 'ValueError: button "Legumes" already exists'), (c.index, 0, 0), (c.index, Pmw.END, 3), (c.index, 'Vegetables', 1), (c.index, 'Fruit', 0), (c.index, 12, 'ValueError: index "12" is out of range'), (c.index, 'bogus', 'ValueError: bad index "bogus": ' + \ 'must be a name, a number or Pmw.END'), ('hull_background', 'yellow'), ('hull_show', 'X', 'TclError: unknown option "-show"'), ('frame_relief', 'raised'), ('frame_borderwidth', 4), ('frame_borderwidth', 2), ('command', Test.callback1), (c.invoke, 'Vegetables', 'Vegetables'), ('hull_cursor', 'gumby'), ('Button_state', 'disabled'), ('Button_background', 'Green'), ('Button_cursor', 'watch'), ('Button_background', 'grey85'), ('label_foreground', 'Green'), ('label_foreground', 'Black'), ('label_highlightcolor', 'Red'), ('Fruit_background', 'red'), ('Vegetables_background', 'green'), ('CornFlakes_background', 'yellow'), ('Legumes_background', 'brown'), ('Legumes_foreground', 'white'), (c.add, ('Foo',), Tkinter.Button), ('label_text', 'Label'), ('frame_relief', 'sunken'), ('frame_relief', 'bogus', expected1 + Test.reliefs), (c.deleteall, ()), ) kw_2 = { 'labelpos' : 'nw', 'label_text' : 'Multiple:', 'selectmode' : 'multiple', } tests_2 = ( (c.pack, (), {'padx' : 10, 'pady' : 10, 'fill' : 'both', 'expand' : 1}), (c.add, ('Fruit',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Vegetables',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('CornFlakes',), {'text': 'Cereals'}, Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Legumes',), Tkinter.Button), ('command', Test.callback2), (c.getcurselection, (), ()), (c.invoke, 'Vegetables', ('Vegetables', 1)), (c.getcurselection, (), ('Vegetables',)), (c.invoke, 'Legumes', ('Legumes', 1)), (c.getcurselection, (), ('Vegetables', 'Legumes')), (c.invoke, 'Fruit', ('Fruit', 1)), (c.getcurselection, (), ('Vegetables', 'Legumes', 'Fruit')), (c.invoke, 'Legumes', ('Legumes', 0)), (c.getcurselection, (), ('Vegetables', 'Fruit')), (c.deleteall, ()), (c.add, ('Fruit',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Vegetables',), Tkinter.Button), (c.invoke, 'Vegetables', ('Vegetables', 1)), (c.getcurselection, (), ('Vegetables',)), ) alltests = [ (tests_1, kw_1), (tests_2, kw_2), ] tests_3 = ( (c.pack, (), {'padx' : 10, 'pady' : 10}), (c.add, ('Foo',), Tkinter.Button), (c.add, ('Bar',), Tkinter.Button), ) poslist = ('nw', 'n', 'ne', 'en', 'e', 'es', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'ws', 'w', 'wn',) for pos in poslist: kw_3 = { 'labelpos' : pos, 'orient' : 'vertical', 'padx' : 20, 'pady' : 20, 'label_text' : 'Radio Select', } alltests.append((tests_3, kw_3)) testData = ((c, alltests),) if __name__ == '__main__': Test.runTests(testData)
paths_wordpress = {'wp-login.php': ['index.php','license.txt','readme.html', 'wp-activate.php', 'wp-app.php', 'wp-blog-header.php', 'wp-comments-post.php', 'wp-config-sample.php', 'wp-cron.php', 'wp-links-opml.php', 'wp-load.php', 'wp-mail.php', 'wp-pass.php', 'wp-register.php', 'wp-settings.php', 'wp-signup.php', 'wp-trackback.php', 'xmlrpc.php'] } paths_recursos = [ 'includes','js', 'css', 'src', 'img', 'includ', '../../../../../', 'docs', 'pdfs', 'pdf', 'documents', 'fotos', 'photos', ] body_files = {} import os import urllib import sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup continuando = False for urlsWP, files in paths_wordpress.items(): response = urllib.urlopen(sys.argv[1]+'/'+urlsWP) if response.getcode()==int(200) and continuando==False: print "CMS WORDPRESS ENCONTRADO" for f in files: response = urllib.urlopen(sys.argv[1]+'/'+urlsWP) if response.getcode()==int(200): print "PATHS ENCONTRADOS" print response.geturl() else: print "WORDPRESS NO ENCONTRADO" for path in paths_recursos: response = urllib.urlopen(sys.argv[1]+'/'+path+'/') if response.getcode()==200: print "PATHS ENCONTRADOS" html_tags = BeautifulSoup(response,"lxml") file_html=html_tags.find_all('a') arrays = [] for f_h in file_html: arrays.append(f_h.get('href')) body_files[path] = arrays print response.geturl() if len(body_files): while True: print body_files.keys() key_paths = raw_input('Ingrese el path que desea mostrar: ') try: print body_files[key_paths] except Exception, e: print "valor ingresado incorrecto" finally: yes_no = raw_input('Desea Salir? Y/N :') if yes_no!='n' or str.upper(yes_no) != 'N': break contenido = urllib.urlopen(sys.argv[1]+'/robots.txt').read() if contenido.getcode()==200: print contenido
"""Illustrates the "materialized paths" pattern. Materialized paths is a way to represent a tree structure in SQL with fast descendant and ancestor queries at the expense of moving nodes (which require O(n) UPDATEs in the worst case, where n is the number of nodes in the tree). It is a good balance in terms of performance and simplicity between the nested sets model and the adjacency list model. It works by storing all nodes in a table with a path column, containing a string of delimited IDs. Think file system paths: 1 1.2 1.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.11 Descendant queries are simple left-anchored LIKE queries, and ancestors are already stored in the path itself. Updates require going through all descendants and changing the prefix. """ from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, func, select, create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import remote, foreign, relationship, Session from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY Base = declarative_base() class Node(Base): __tablename__ = "node" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) path = Column(String(500), nullable=False, index=True) # To find the descendants of this node, we look for nodes whose path # starts with this node's path. descendants = relationship( "Node", viewonly=True, order_by=path, primaryjoin=remote(foreign(path)).like(path.concat(".%"))) # Finding the ancestors is a little bit trickier. We need to create a fake # secondary table since this behaves like a many-to-many join. secondary = select([ id.label("id"), func.unnest(cast(func.string_to_array( func.regexp_replace(path, r"\.?\d+$", ""), "."), ARRAY(Integer))).label("ancestor_id") ]).alias() ancestors = relationship("Node", viewonly=True, secondary=secondary, primaryjoin=id ==, secondaryjoin=secondary.c.ancestor_id == id, order_by=path) @property def depth(self): return len(self.path.split(".")) - 1 def __repr__(self): return "Node(id={})".format( def __str__(self): root_depth = self.depth s = [str(] s.extend(((n.depth - root_depth) * " " + str( for n in self.descendants) return "\n".join(s) def move_to(self, new_parent): new_path = new_parent.path + "." + str( for n in self.descendants: n.path = new_path + n.path[len(self.path):] self.path = new_path if __name__ == "__main__": engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo=True) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = Session(engine) print("-" * 80) print("create a tree") session.add_all([ Node(id=1, path="1"), Node(id=2, path="1.2"), Node(id=3, path="1.3"), Node(id=4, path="1.3.4"), Node(id=5, path="1.3.5"), Node(id=6, path="1.3.6"), Node(id=7, path="1.7"), Node(id=8, path="1.7.8"), Node(id=9, path="1.7.9"), Node(id=10, path=""), Node(id=11, path="1.7.11"), ]) session.flush() print(str(session.query(Node).get(1))) print("-" * 80) print("move 7 under 3") session.query(Node).get(7).move_to(session.query(Node).get(3)) session.flush() print(str(session.query(Node).get(1))) print("-" * 80) print("move 3 under 2") session.query(Node).get(3).move_to(session.query(Node).get(2)) session.flush() print(str(session.query(Node).get(1))) print("-" * 80) print("find the ancestors of 10") print([ for n in session.query(Node).get(10).ancestors]) session.close() Base.metadata.drop_all(engine)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import sys import vcf from import bio_meta_keys from genestack.genestack_indexer import Indexer from genestack.genestack_exceptions import GenestackException from import ReferenceGenome from genestack.metainfo import StringValue, Metainfo from genestack.utils import normalize_contig_name # FIXME find usages and remove this constants from here DATA_LINK = Metainfo.DATA_URL DATA_LOCATION = 'genestack.location:data' EFF_FIELDS = ['Effect', 'Effect_Impact', 'Functional_Class', 'Codon_Change', 'Amino_Acid_Change', 'Amino_Acid_length', 'Gene_Name', 'Transcript_BioType', 'Gene_Coding', 'Transcript_ID', 'Exon_Rank', 'Genotype_Number', 'ERRORS', 'WARNINGS'] EFF_SCHEMA_FIELDS = [('eff_' + e.lower()) for e in EFF_FIELDS] class RecordConverter(object): BASE_SCHEMA = { 'CHROM': 'contig_s', 'LOCATION': 'location_iv', 'START': 'start_l', 'REF': 'ref_s_ci', 'QUAL': 'qual_f', 'ID': 'id_ss_ci', 'FILTER': 'filter_ss_ci', 'ALT': 'alt_ss_ci', 'ALT_COUNT': 'alt_len_i_ns', 'TYPE': 'type_ss_ci' } def __init__(self, vcf_reader): """ Record converter converts vcf.Record to feature. ``self.schema`` is filled with info from vcf.Reader.infos. We can not create schema by analysing record items if we create record manually. There are some differences in schema depending on how it was created: - value types - manual: can contain numbers, string and unicode values - parsed: contain only strings - single values - manual: records always contain list of values - parsed: have single value if it is single in schema """ self.range_limit = self.__get_range_limit(vcf_reader.infos) self.schema = self.BASE_SCHEMA.copy() for info in vcf_reader.infos.values(): if info.type == 'Float': suffix = 'f' elif info.type == 'Integer': suffix = 'l' elif info.type in ('Character', 'String'): suffix = 's' elif info.type == 'Flag': suffix = 'b' else: raise GenestackException('Unexpected vcf info type for {}'.format(info)) # for single bool value num is 0 if str(info.num) not in ('0', '1'): suffix += 's' self.schema[] = 'info_%s_%s' % (, suffix) @staticmethod def __get_range_limit(infos): """ Return range limit from vcf.Reader.infos. Get low and high range for field types. ``None`` mean that there is no limit. Text searched by regular expression, wrong values will be silently ignored. examples: - (Range:1-10) 1.0, 10.0 - (Range:-10.33) None, 10.33 - (Range:10-) 10.0, None """ range_limit = {} reg = re.compile('\(Range:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)-([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)\)') for key, val in infos.items(): match = if match: range_limit[key] = tuple(float(x) if x else None for x in, 2)) return range_limit def convert_record_to_feature(self, line_id, record): """ Convert vcf.Record to feature. :param line_id: line id in file, first line of file has id=1 :type line_id: long :param record: record :type record: vcf.Record :return: """ contig = normalize_contig_name(record.CHROM) start = record.start end = record.end record_id = record.ID ref = record.REF substitutions = record.ALT quality = record.QUAL filter_field = record.FILTER info = record.INFO samples_format = record.FORMAT samples = record.samples data = { '__id__': str(line_id), 'line_l': line_id, 'contig_s': contig, 'location_iv': str(start) + " " + str(end), 'start_l': start, 'ref_s_ci': ref, 'qual_f': quality } if record_id is not None and record_id != '.': data['id_ss_ci'] = record_id.split(',') if filter_field != '.': data['filter_ss_ci'] = filter_field data.update(self.__get_samples_info(samples_format, samples)) alt = list() types = list() for subst in substitutions: sub = str(subst) if subst is not None else '.' alt.append(sub) types.append(self.__get_type(ref, sub)) data['alt_ss_ci'] = alt data['alt_len_i_ns'] = len(alt) data['type_ss_ci'] = types '''For future use; I would prefer to use PyVCF methods instead of implementing my own. But there is a slight difference in the results. Please review if these differences are critical. if record.is_snp: data['is_snp_b'] = True if record.is_indel: data['is_indel_b'] = True if record.is_transition: data['is_transition_b'] = True if record.is_deletion: data['is_deletion_b'] = True if record.is_monomorphic: data['is_monomorphic_b'] = True data['var_type_s'] = record.var_type data['var_subtype_s'] = record.var_subtype ''' for key, value in info.items(): if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, list) and value[0] is None: continue if key not in self.schema: typed_key = self.__get_typed_string(key, value) self.schema[key] = typed_key typed_key = self.schema[key] if typed_key == 'info_EFF_ss': for eff_line in value: # TODO Here we blindly parse snp_eff line and believe that # items are in the proper order, # but we have not even checked snpEff version # Seems that we should check snpEff version before doing such blind parsing for i, val in enumerate(re.split('\(|\)|\|', eff_line)): eff_key = EFF_SCHEMA_FIELDS[i] eff_typed_key = 'info_splitted_' + eff_key + '_ss' data.setdefault(eff_typed_key, []).append(val) self.schema[eff_key] = eff_typed_key # TODO info_EFF_ss is stored both as raw and as parsed, # need to check that nobody rely on raw value data[typed_key] = value if isinstance(value, list): key_base = self.__get_typed_string(key, value[0]) + '_ns' low_limit, high_limit = self.range_limit.get(key, (None, None)) if low_limit: value = [x for x in value if x >= low_limit] if high_limit: value = [x for x in value if x <= high_limit] if value: data['sorting_max_' + key_base] = max(value) data['sorting_min_' + key_base] = min(value) return data def __get_samples_info(self, samples_format, samples): info = {} format_list = samples_format.split(':') if samples_format is not None else [] for s in samples: info.setdefault('samples_info_names_ss_ci', []).append(s.sample) for f in format_list: val = self.__get_attribute_as_string(, f) info.setdefault('samples_info_' + f + '_ss', []).append(val) return info @staticmethod def __get_attribute_as_string(data, attr): val = getattr(data, attr, None) if val is None: return '' if isinstance(val, list): return ",".join(map(str, val)) return str(val) @staticmethod def __get_typed_string(key, value): """ Add solr suffix depending on value type :param key: key :type key: str :param value: corresponding value :type value: any :return: solr key string :rtype: str """ key = 'info_' + key list_suffix = 's' if isinstance(value, list) else '' v = value[0] if list_suffix else value if v is None: return None if isinstance(v, basestring): suffix = '_s' elif isinstance(v, bool): suffix = '_b' elif isinstance(v, (int, long)): suffix = '_l' elif isinstance(v, float): suffix = '_f' else: raise GenestackException("Unknown type for key %s: %s (%s)" % (key, v, type(v))) return key + suffix + list_suffix @staticmethod def __get_type(ref, alt): if alt == '.': return 'MR' if len(ref) == 1 and len(alt) == 1: return 'SNP' elif len(ref) == len(alt): return 'MNP' elif len(ref) < len(alt): return 'INS' else: return 'DEL' class VariationIndexer(object): INDEXING_CHUNK_SIZE = 4000 QUERY_CHUNK_SIZE = 100 MAX_LINE_KEY = 'genestack.initialization:maxLine' def __init__(self, target_file, reference_genome=None): self.target_file = target_file if reference_genome is None: reference_genome = target_file.resolve_reference( bio_meta_keys.REFERENCE_GENOME, ReferenceGenome ) assert reference_genome is not None, "No reference genome found" self.reference_genome = reference_genome self.__schema = None @property def schema(self): sys.stderr.write('"schema" attribute is deprecated, use RecordConvertor schema instead\n') return self.__schema def get_indexing_line_from(self): line_from_value = self.target_file.get_metainfo().get_first_string(VariationIndexer.MAX_LINE_KEY) try: return int(line_from_value) if line_from_value is not None else 0 except ValueError: return 0 def set_max_line(self, line_id): self.target_file.replace_metainfo_value(VariationIndexer.MAX_LINE_KEY, StringValue(str(line_id))) def iterate_features(self, vcf_reader, record_converter=None, line_from=0): """ Returns generator over features corresponding to vcf record in file. If ``record_converter`` is not specified uses record converter based on this vcf file. :param vcf_reader: vcf reader :type vcf_reader: vcf.Reader :param record_converter: converter from record to feature :type record_converter: RecordConverter :param line_from: first line that should be returned, use 0 for the whole file :return: generator """ if record_converter is None: record_converter = RecordConverter(vcf_reader) self.__schema = record_converter.schema for line_id, record in enumerate(vcf_reader, start=1): if line_from > line_id: continue yield line_id, record_converter.convert_record_to_feature(line_id, record) def get_indexer(self, file_to_index, record_converter=None): """ Return context manager to index records. This indexer has two methods: - ``index_record`` which accepts line_number and record - ``index_feature`` which accepts feature ``index_record`` can be called only if record_converter is specified. :param file_to_index: Genestack file instance :param record_converter: record converter :return: indexer """ process_features = self.process_features set_max_line = self.set_max_line set_initialization_version = self.__set_initialization_version class RecordIndexer(object): def __init__(self, file_to_index, record_converter): self.__file = file_to_index self.__inside_context = False self.features = [] self.raw_features = [] self.record_converter = record_converter self.__last_feature_line_id = None def __enter__(self): set_initialization_version() self.__inside_context = True self.indexer = Indexer(file_to_index) self.indexer.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.__flush(force=True) self.indexer.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.__inside_context = False def index_record(self, line, record): if not self.record_converter: raise GenestackException('Indexing record only possible if record converter is specified') feature = self.record_converter.convert_record_to_feature(line, record) self.index_feature(feature) def index_feature(self, feature): if not self.__inside_context: raise GenestackException('RecordIndexer object must be used only inside a "with" statement') self.raw_features.append(feature) self.__last_feature_line_id = feature['line_l'] self.__flush() def __flush(self, force=False): limit = 0 if force else (VariationIndexer.QUERY_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) if len(self.raw_features) > limit: self.features.extend(process_features(self.raw_features)) self.raw_features = [] limit = 0 if force else (VariationIndexer.INDEXING_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) if len(self.features) > limit: self.indexer.index_records(self.features) self.features = [] set_max_line(self.__last_feature_line_id) return RecordIndexer(file_to_index, record_converter) def create_index(self, file_name): """ Create index for vcf file. Indexing progress is stored in metainfo, if file started for first time it is empty and whole file will be indexing. Then record is send to server it metainfo will be updated. Rerunning file in case of fail will proceed indexing from last point. :param file_name: existing name of vcf file :type file_name: str :return: None """ with open(file_name) as f, self.get_indexer(self.target_file, record_converter=None) as indexer: vcf_reader = vcf.Reader(f) record_converter = RecordConverter(vcf_reader) for line_id, feature in self.iterate_features(vcf_reader, record_converter=record_converter, line_from=self.get_indexing_line_from()): indexer.index_feature(feature) def __set_initialization_version(self): """ Set version of initialization. This key required to support different versions. """ self.target_file.replace_metainfo_value('genestack.indexing:version', StringValue('splitEffAnnotations')) # TODO: Remove this method if we decide not to index ReferenceGenome data def __append_genome_features(self, mutation_list): # code removed at commit f64cdf12ddd9a64ec5cbfdebaa1d01be24224239 pass def process_features(self, features_list): """ This method can be overridden in children to process features before adding them to index. :param features_list: list of features to be processed :return: processed feature list """ # hack to support old api if hasattr(self, 'process_record'): import sys sys.stderr.write('Warning! "process_record" method is deprecated use "process_features" instead\n') return self.process_record(features_list) else: return features_list
from itertools import combinations import pytest from plenum.common.constants import DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID, COMMIT from plenum.server.replica_validator_enums import STASH_CATCH_UP from plenum.test import waits from plenum.test.delayers import cDelay, cr_delay, lsDelay from plenum.test.helper import check_last_ordered_3pc, \ assertEquality, sdk_send_random_and_check from plenum.test.node_catchup.helper import waitNodeDataInequality, \ ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data, make_a_node_catchup_less, \ repair_node_catchup_less from plenum.test.spy_helpers import getAllReturnVals from plenum.test.test_node import getNonPrimaryReplicas, \ checkProtocolInstanceSetup from plenum.test.view_change.helper import ensure_view_change from stp_core.loop.eventually import eventually Max3PCBatchSize = 3 TestRunningTimeLimitSec = 125 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def tconf(tconf): oldMax3PCBatchSize = tconf.Max3PCBatchSize oldMax3PCBatchWait = tconf.Max3PCBatchWait tconf.Max3PCBatchSize = Max3PCBatchSize tconf.Max3PCBatchWait = 1000 yield tconf tconf.Max3PCBatchSize = oldMax3PCBatchSize tconf.Max3PCBatchWait = oldMax3PCBatchWait @pytest.mark.skip(reason="We don't make a catchup during new view_change") def test_slow_node_reverts_unordered_state_during_catchup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client): """ Delay COMMITs to a node such that when it needs to catchup, it needs to revert some unordered state. Also till this time the node should have receive all COMMITs such that it will apply some of the COMMITs ( for which it has not received txns from catchup). For this delay COMMITs by long, do catchup for a little older than the state received in LedgerStatus, once catchup completes, reset delays and try to process delayed COMMITs, some COMMITs will be rejected but some will be processed since catchup was done for older ledger. """ sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 3 * Max3PCBatchSize) nprs = getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0) slow_node = nprs[-1].node other_nodes = [n for n in txnPoolNodeSet if n != slow_node] slow_master_replica = slow_node.master_replica commit_delay = 150 catchup_rep_delay = 25 # Delay COMMITs to one node slow_node.nodeIbStasher.delay(cDelay(commit_delay, 0)) # Delay LEDGER_STAUS on slow node, so that only MESSAGE_REQUEST(LEDGER_STATUS) is sent, and the # node catch-ups 2 times. # Otherwise other nodes may receive multiple LEDGER_STATUSes from slow node, and return Consistency proof for all # missing txns, so no stashed ones are applied slow_node.nodeIbStasher.delay(lsDelay(1000)) # Make the slow node receive txns for a smaller ledger so it still finds # the need to catchup delay_batches = 2 make_a_node_catchup_less(slow_node, other_nodes, DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID, delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize) sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 6 * Max3PCBatchSize) ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, other_nodes) waitNodeDataInequality(looper, slow_node, *other_nodes) old_lcu_count = slow_node.spylog.count(slow_node.allLedgersCaughtUp) # `slow_node` is slow to receive CatchupRep, so that it # gets a chance to order COMMITs slow_node.nodeIbStasher.delay(cr_delay(catchup_rep_delay)) old_last_ordered = txnPoolNodeSet[0].master_replica.last_ordered_3pc # start view change (and hence catchup) ensure_view_change(looper, txnPoolNodeSet) # Check last ordered of `other_nodes` is same for n1, n2 in combinations(other_nodes, 2): check_last_ordered_3pc(n1, n2) assert slow_master_replica.last_prepared_before_view_change == old_last_ordered old_pc_count = slow_master_replica._ordering_service.spylog.count( slow_master_replica._ordering_service._validate) assert slow_node.master_replica.stasher.stash_size(STASH_CATCH_UP) == 0 # Repair the network so COMMITs are received, processed and stashed slow_node.reset_delays_and_process_delayeds(COMMIT) def chk2(): # COMMITs are processed for prepared messages assert slow_master_replica._ordering_service.spylog.count( slow_master_replica._ordering_service._validate) > old_pc_count, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) def chk3(): # (delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize * commits_count_in_phase) COMMITs are stashed assert slow_node.master_replica.stasher.stash_size(STASH_CATCH_UP) == \ delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize * (len(txnPoolNodeSet) - 1), retryWait=1, timeout=15)) # fix catchup, so the node gets a chance to be caught-up repair_node_catchup_less(other_nodes) def chk4(): # Some COMMITs were received but stashed and # they will processed after catchup assert slow_node.master_replica.stasher.stash_size(STASH_CATCH_UP) == 0, retryWait=1, timeout=catchup_rep_delay + 50)) def chk5(): # Catchup was done once assert slow_node.spylog.count( slow_node.allLedgersCaughtUp) > old_lcu_count eventually( chk5, retryWait=1, timeout=waits.expectedPoolCatchupTime( len(txnPoolNodeSet)))) # make sure that the pool is functional checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1) ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet) sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 2 * Max3PCBatchSize) ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
from twisted.trial import unittest from opennsa.topology import linkvector ARUBA_PORT = 'aru' BONAIRE_PORT = 'bon' CURACAO_PORT = 'cur' DOMINICA_PORT = 'dom' LOCAL_TOPO = 'local:topo' ARUBA_TOPO = 'aruba:topo' BONAIRE_TOPO = 'bonaire:topo' CURACAO_TOPO = 'curacao:topo' DOMINCA_TOPO = 'dominica:topo' class LinkVectorTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector( [ LOCAL_TOPO ] ) def testNoReachability(self): self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, BONAIRE_TOPO : 2 , CURACAO_TOPO : 3 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (None, None)) def testPathfindingVectorManualVectors(self): self.rv.updateVector(LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1 } ) self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, BONAIRE_TOPO : 2 , CURACAO_TOPO : 3 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) # self.failUnlessEquals( self.rv.listVectors(), { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, BONAIRE_TOPO : 2, CURACAO_TOPO : 3 } ) self.rv.updateVector(BONAIRE_TOPO, BONAIRE_PORT, { BONAIRE_TOPO: 1, CURACAO_TOPO : 2 } ) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) # self.failUnlessEquals( self.rv.listVectors(), { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, BONAIRE_TOPO : 1, CURACAO_TOPO : 2 } ) # def testLocalNetworkExclusion(self): # # # i think this test is bogus now # self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector(local_networks=[ BONAIRE_TOPO ]) # # self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, BONAIRE_TOPO : 1, CURACAO_TOPO : 2 } ) # # self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=BONAIRE_TOPO), (None, None)) # self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=BONAIRE_TOPO), (None, None)) # self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=BONAIRE_TOPO), (BONAIRE_TOPO, BONAIRE_PORT)) def testBlackList(self): self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector( [ BONAIRE_TOPO ], blacklist_networks = [ CURACAO_TOPO ] ) self.rv.updateVector(BONAIRE_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, CURACAO_TOPO : 2 } ) self.rv.updateVector(BONAIRE_TOPO, CURACAO_PORT, { CURACAO_TOPO : 1 } ) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=BONAIRE_TOPO), (BONAIRE_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=BONAIRE_TOPO), (None, None)) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=BONAIRE_TOPO), (None, None)) def testMaxCost(self): self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector( [ LOCAL_TOPO ], max_cost=3 ) self.rv.updateVector(LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1, BONAIRE_TOPO : 2 , CURACAO_TOPO : 4 } ) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual( self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (None, None)) def testUnreachabilityThenReachability(self): self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector( [ LOCAL_TOPO ] ) self.rv.updateVector(LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1 } ) self.rv.updateVector(BONAIRE_TOPO, CURACAO_PORT, { CURACAO_TOPO : 1 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (None, None)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (None, None)) self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_TOPO, BONAIRE_PORT, { BONAIRE_TOPO : 1 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) def testMultiNetworkReachability(self): self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector( [ LOCAL_TOPO ] ) self.rv.updateVector(LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT, { ARUBA_TOPO : 1 } ) self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_TOPO, BONAIRE_PORT, { BONAIRE_TOPO : 1 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (None, None)) self.rv.updateVector(BONAIRE_TOPO, CURACAO_PORT, { CURACAO_TOPO : 1 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(CURACAO_TOPO, source=LOCAL_TOPO), (LOCAL_TOPO, ARUBA_PORT)) def testLocalThenRemoteVector(self): ARUBA_OJS_NET = 'aruba:ojs' ARUBA_SAN_NET = 'aruba:san' self.rv = linkvector.LinkVector( [ ARUBA_OJS_NET, ARUBA_SAN_NET ] ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_OJS_NET, source=ARUBA_SAN_NET), (None, None)) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_SAN_NET, source=ARUBA_OJS_NET), (None, None)) self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_OJS_NET, 'san', { ARUBA_SAN_NET: 1 } ) self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_SAN_NET, 'ojs', { ARUBA_OJS_NET: 1 } ) self.rv.updateVector(ARUBA_SAN_NET, 'bon', { BONAIRE_TOPO: 1 } ) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_OJS_NET, source=ARUBA_SAN_NET), (ARUBA_SAN_NET, 'ojs')) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(ARUBA_SAN_NET, source=ARUBA_OJS_NET), (ARUBA_OJS_NET, 'san')) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=ARUBA_OJS_NET), (ARUBA_OJS_NET, 'san')) self.failUnlessEqual(self.rv.vector(BONAIRE_TOPO, source=ARUBA_SAN_NET), (ARUBA_SAN_NET, 'bon'))
from __future__ import unicode_literals from .dreisat import DreiSatIE class PhoenixIE(DreiSatIE): IE_NAME = '' _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)https?://(?:www\.)?phoenix\.de/content/ (?: phoenix/die_sendungen/(?:[^/]+/)? )? (?P<id>[0-9]+)''' _TESTS = [ { 'url': '', 'md5': 'ed249f045256150c92e72dbb70eadec6', 'info_dict': { 'id': '884301', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Michael Krons mit Hans-Werner Sinn', 'description': 'Im Dialog - Sa. 25.10.14, 00.00 - 00.35 Uhr', 'upload_date': '20141025', 'uploader': 'Im Dialog', } }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, ] def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) internal_id = self._search_regex( r'<div class="phx_vod" id="phx_vod_([0-9]+)"', webpage, 'internal video ID') api_url = '' % internal_id return self.extract_from_xml_url(video_id, api_url)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import base64 import errno import logging import os import random import shutil import string import time from StringIO import StringIO import psycopg2 import openerp from openerp import tools from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.osv import fields, osv from openerp.osv.orm import except_orm import from import ustr from import _ from import safe_eval from content_index import cntIndex _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class document_file(osv.osv): _inherit = 'ir.attachment' _columns = { # Columns from ir.attachment: 'write_date': fields.datetime('Date Modified', readonly=True), 'write_uid': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Last Modification User', readonly=True), # Fields of document: 'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Owner', select=1), 'parent_id': fields.many2one('', 'Directory', select=1, change_default=True), 'index_content': fields.text('Indexed Content'), 'partner_id':fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner', select=1), 'file_type': fields.char('Content Type'), } _order = "id desc" _defaults = { 'user_id': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx:uid, } _sql_constraints = [ ('filename_unique', 'unique (name,parent_id)', 'The filename must be unique in a directory !'), ] def check(self, cr, uid, ids, mode, context=None, values=None): """Overwrite check to verify access on directory to validate specifications of doc/access_permissions.rst""" if not isinstance(ids, list): ids = [ids] super(document_file, self).check(cr, uid, ids, mode, context=context, values=values) if ids: self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, uid, '', mode) # use SQL to avoid recursive loop on read cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT parent_id from ir_attachment WHERE id in %s AND parent_id is not NULL', (tuple(ids),)) self.pool.get('').check_access_rule(cr, uid, [parent_id for (parent_id,) in cr.fetchall()], mode, context=context) def search(self, cr, uid, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None, count=False): # Grab ids, bypassing 'count' ids = super(document_file, self).search(cr, uid, args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, context=context, count=False) if not ids: return 0 if count else [] # Filter out documents that are in directories that the user is not allowed to read. # Must use pure SQL to avoid access rules exceptions (we want to remove the records, # not fail), and the records have been filtered in parent's search() anyway. cr.execute('SELECT id, parent_id from ir_attachment WHERE id in %s', (tuple(ids),)) # cont a dict of parent -> attach parents = {} for attach_id, attach_parent in cr.fetchall(): parents.setdefault(attach_parent, []).append(attach_id) parent_ids = parents.keys() # filter parents visible_parent_ids = self.pool.get('').search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', list(parent_ids))]) # null parents means allowed ids = parents.get(None,[]) for parent_id in visible_parent_ids: ids.extend(parents[parent_id]) return len(ids) if count else ids def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): if not default: default = {} if 'name' not in default: name =, uid, [id], ['name'])[0]['name'] default.update(name=_("%s (copy)") % (name)) return super(document_file, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context=context) def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None): if context is None: context = {} vals['parent_id'] = context.get('parent_id', False) or vals.get('parent_id', False) # take partner from uid if vals.get('res_id', False) and vals.get('res_model', False) and not vals.get('partner_id', False): vals['partner_id'] = self.__get_partner_id(cr, uid, vals['res_model'], vals['res_id'], context) if vals.get('datas', False): vals['file_type'], vals['index_content'] = self._index(cr, uid, vals['datas'].decode('base64'), vals.get('datas_fname', False), None) return super(document_file, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context) def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if vals.get('datas', False): vals['file_type'], vals['index_content'] = self._index(cr, uid, vals['datas'].decode('base64'), vals.get('datas_fname', False), None) return super(document_file, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context) def _index(self, cr, uid, data, datas_fname, file_type): mime, icont = cntIndex.doIndex(data, datas_fname, file_type or None, None) icont_u = ustr(icont) return mime, icont_u def __get_partner_id(self, cr, uid, res_model, res_id, context=None): """ A helper to retrieve the associated partner from any res_model+id It is a hack that will try to discover if the mentioned record is clearly associated with a partner record. """ obj_model = self.pool[res_model] if obj_model._name == 'res.partner': return res_id elif 'partner_id' in obj_model._columns and obj_model._columns['partner_id']._obj == 'res.partner': bro = obj_model.browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=context) return return False class document_directory(osv.osv): _name = '' _description = 'Directory' _order = 'name' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Name', required=True, select=1), 'write_date': fields.datetime('Date Modified', readonly=True), 'write_uid': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Last Modification User', readonly=True), 'create_date': fields.datetime('Date Created', readonly=True), 'create_uid': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Creator', readonly=True), 'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Owner'), 'group_ids': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'document_directory_group_rel', 'item_id', 'group_id', 'Groups'), 'parent_id': fields.many2one('', 'Parent Directory', select=1, change_default=True), 'child_ids': fields.one2many('', 'parent_id', 'Children'), 'file_ids': fields.one2many('ir.attachment', 'parent_id', 'Files'), 'content_ids': fields.one2many('', 'directory_id', 'Virtual Files'), 'type': fields.selection([ ('directory','Static Directory'), ('ressource','Folders per resource'), ], 'Type', required=True, select=1, change_default=True, help="Each directory can either have the type Static or be linked to another resource. A static directory, as with Operating Systems, is the classic directory that can contain a set of files. The directories linked to systems resources automatically possess sub-directories for each of resource types defined in the parent directory."), 'domain': fields.char('Domain', help="Use a domain if you want to apply an automatic filter on visible resources."), 'ressource_type_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Resource model', change_default=True, help="Select an object here and there will be one folder per record of that resource."), 'resource_field': fields.many2one('ir.model.fields', 'Name field', help='Field to be used as name on resource directories. If empty, the "name" will be used.'), 'resource_find_all': fields.boolean('Find all resources', help="If true, all attachments that match this resource will " \ " be located. If false, only ones that have this as parent." ), 'ressource_parent_type_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Parent Model', change_default=True, help="If you put an object here, this directory template will appear bellow all of these objects. " \ "Such directories are \"attached\" to the specific model or record, just like attachments. " \ "Don't put a parent directory if you select a parent model."), 'ressource_id': fields.integer('Resource ID', help="Along with Parent Model, this ID attaches this folder to a specific record of Parent Model."), 'ressource_tree': fields.boolean('Tree Structure', help="Check this if you want to use the same tree structure as the object selected in the system."), 'dctx_ids': fields.one2many('', 'dir_id', 'Context fields'), 'company_id': fields.many2one('', 'Company', change_default=True), } _defaults = { 'company_id': lambda s,cr,uid,c: s.pool.get('')._company_default_get(cr, uid, '', context=c), 'user_id': lambda self,cr,uid,ctx: uid, 'domain': '[]', 'type': 'directory', 'ressource_id': 0, 'resource_find_all': True, } _sql_constraints = [ ('dirname_uniq', 'unique (name,parent_id,ressource_id,ressource_parent_type_id)', 'The directory name must be unique !'), ('no_selfparent', 'check(parent_id <> id)', 'Directory cannot be parent of itself!'), ] def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): res = [] if not,uid,[('id','in',ids)]): ids = [] for d in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): s = '' d2 = d while d2 and d2.parent_id: s = + (s and ('/' + s) or '') d2 = d2.parent_id res.append((, s or return res def get_full_path(self, cr, uid, dir_id, context=None): """ Return the full path to this directory, in a list, root first """ if isinstance(dir_id, (tuple, list)): assert len(dir_id) == 1 dir_id = dir_id[0] def _parent(dir_id, path): parent=self.browse(cr, uid, dir_id) if parent.parent_id and not parent.ressource_parent_type_id: _parent(,path) path.append( else: path.append( return path path = [] _parent(dir_id, path) return path _constraints = [ (osv.osv._check_recursion, 'Error! You cannot create recursive directories.', ['parent_id']) ] def onchange_content_id(self, cr, uid, ids, ressource_type_id): return {} def get_object(self, cr, uid, uri, context=None): """ Return a node object for the given uri. This fn merely passes the call to node_context """ return get_node_context(cr, uid, context).get_uri(cr, uri) def get_node_class(self, cr, uid, ids, dbro=None, dynamic=False, context=None): """Retrieve the class of nodes for this directory This function can be overriden by inherited classes ;) @param dbro The browse object, if caller already has it """ if dbro is None: dbro = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context) if dynamic: return node_res_obj elif dbro.type == 'directory': return node_dir elif dbro.type == 'ressource': return node_res_dir else: raise ValueError("dir node for %s type.", dbro.type) def _prepare_context(self, cr, uid, nctx, context=None): """ Fill nctx with properties for this database @param nctx instance of nodes.node_context, to be filled @param context ORM context (dict) for us Note that this function is called *without* a list of ids, it should behave the same for the whole database (based on the ORM instance of Some databases may override this and attach properties to the node_context. See WebDAV, CalDAV. """ return def get_dir_permissions(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """Check what permission user 'uid' has on directory 'id' """ assert len(ids) == 1 res = 0 for pperms in [('read', 5), ('write', 2), ('unlink', 8)]: try: self.check_access_rule(cr, uid, ids, pperms[0], context=context) res |= pperms[1] except except_orm: pass return res def _locate_child(self, cr, uid, root_id, uri, nparent, ncontext): """ try to locate the node in uri, Return a tuple (node_dir, remaining_path) """ return (node_database(context=ncontext), uri) def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): if not default: default ={} name =, uid, [id])[0]['name'] default.update(name=_("%s (copy)") % (name)) return super(document_directory,self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context=context) def _check_duplication(self, cr, uid, vals, ids=None, op='create'): name=vals.get('name',False) parent_id=vals.get('parent_id',False) ressource_parent_type_id=vals.get('ressource_parent_type_id',False) ressource_id=vals.get('ressource_id',0) if op=='write': for directory in self.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ids): if not name: if not parent_id: parent_id=directory.parent_id and or False # TODO fix algo if not ressource_parent_type_id: ressource_parent_type_id=directory.ressource_parent_type_id and or False if not ressource_id: ressource_id=directory.ressource_id and directory.ressource_id or 0,uid,[('id','<>',,('name','=',name),('parent_id','=',parent_id),('ressource_parent_type_id','=',ressource_parent_type_id),('ressource_id','=',ressource_id)]) if len(res): return False if op=='create': res =, SUPERUSER_ID, [('name','=',name),('parent_id','=',parent_id),('ressource_parent_type_id','=',ressource_parent_type_id),('ressource_id','=',ressource_id)]) if len(res): return False return True def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): if not self._check_duplication(cr, uid, vals, ids, op='write'): raise osv.except_osv(_('ValidateError'), _('Directory name must be unique!')) return super(document_directory,self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context) def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None): if not self._check_duplication(cr, uid, vals): raise osv.except_osv(_('ValidateError'), _('Directory name must be unique!')) newname = vals.get('name',False) if newname: for illeg in ('/', '@', '$', '#'): if illeg in newname: raise osv.except_osv(_('ValidateError'), _('Directory name contains special characters!')) return super(document_directory,self).create(cr, uid, vals, context) class document_directory_dctx(osv.osv): """ In order to evaluate dynamic folders, child items could have a limiting domain expression. For that, their parents will export a context where useful information will be passed on. If you define sth like "s_id" = "" at a folder iterating over sales, its children could have a domain like [('sale_id', = ,s_id )] This system should be used recursively, that is, parent dynamic context will be appended to all children down the tree. """ _name = '' _description = 'Directory Dynamic Context' _columns = { 'dir_id': fields.many2one('', 'Directory', required=True, ondelete="cascade"), 'field': fields.char('Field', required=True, select=1, help="The name of the field."), 'expr': fields.char('Expression', required=True, help="A python expression used to evaluate the field.\n" + \ "You can use 'dir_id' for current dir, 'res_id', 'res_model' as a reference to the current record, in dynamic folders"), } class document_directory_content_type(osv.osv): _name = '' _description = 'Directory Content Type' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Content Type', required=True), 'code': fields.char('Extension', size=4), 'active': fields.boolean('Active'), 'mimetype': fields.char('Mime Type') } _defaults = { 'active': lambda *args: 1 } class document_directory_content(osv.osv): _name = '' _description = 'Directory Content' _order = "sequence" def _extension_get(self, cr, uid, context=None): cr.execute('select code,name from document_directory_content_type where active') res = cr.fetchall() return res _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Content Name', required=True), 'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence', size=16), 'prefix': fields.char('Prefix', size=16), 'suffix': fields.char('Suffix', size=16), 'report_id': fields.many2one('', 'Report'), 'extension': fields.selection(_extension_get, 'Document Type', required=True, size=4), 'include_name': fields.boolean('Include Record Name', help="Check this field if you want that the name of the file to contain the record name." \ "\nIf set, the directory will have to be a resource one."), 'directory_id': fields.many2one('', 'Directory'), } _defaults = { 'extension': lambda *args: '.pdf', 'sequence': lambda *args: 1, 'include_name': lambda *args: 1, } def _file_get(self, cr, node, nodename, content, context=None): """ return the nodes of a <node> parent having a <content> content The return value MUST be false or a list of node_class objects. """ # TODO: respect the context! model = node.res_model if content.include_name and not model: return False res2 = [] tname = '' if content.include_name: record_name = node.displayname or '' if record_name: tname = (content.prefix or '') + record_name + (content.suffix or '') + (content.extension or '') else: tname = (content.prefix or '') + ( or '') + (content.suffix or '') + (content.extension or '') if tname.find('/'): tname=tname.replace('/', '_') act_id = False if 'dctx_res_id' in node.dctx: act_id = node.dctx['res_id'] elif hasattr(node, 'res_id'): act_id = node.res_id else: act_id = node.context.context.get('res_id',False) if not nodename: n = node_content(tname, node, node.context,content, act_id=act_id) res2.append( n) else: if nodename == tname: n = node_content(tname, node, node.context,content, act_id=act_id) n.fill_fields(cr) res2.append(n) return res2 def process_write(self, cr, uid, node, data, context=None): if node.extension != '.pdf': raise Exception("Invalid content: %s" % node.extension) return True def process_read(self, cr, uid, node, context=None): if node.extension != '.pdf': raise Exception("Invalid content: %s" % node.extension) report = self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, node.report_id, context=context) srv =['report.'+report.report_name] ctx = node.context.context.copy() ctx.update(node.dctx) pdf,pdftype = srv.create(cr, uid, [node.act_id,], {}, context=ctx) return pdf class ir_action_report_xml(osv.osv): _name="" _inherit ="" def _model_get(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): res = {} model_pool = self.pool.get('ir.model') for data in, uid, ids, ['model']): model = data.get('model',False) if model: model_id, uid, [('model','=',model)]) if model_id: res[data.get('id')] = model_id[0] else: res[data.get('id')] = False return res def _model_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None): if not len(args): return [] assert len(args) == 1 and args[0][1] == '=', 'expression is not what we expect: %r' % args model_id= args[0][2] if not model_id: # a deviation from standard behavior: when searching model_id = False # we return *all* reports, not just ones with empty model. # One reason is that 'model' is a required field so far return [] model = self.pool.get('ir.model').read(cr, uid, [model_id])[0]['model'] report_id =, uid, [('model','=',model)]) if not report_id: return [('id','=','0')] return [('id','in',report_id)] _columns={ 'model_id' : fields.function(_model_get, fnct_search=_model_search, string='Model Id'), } class document_storage(osv.osv): """ The primary object for data storage. Deprecated. """ _name = '' _description = 'Storage Media' def get_data(self, cr, uid, id, file_node, context=None, fil_obj=None): """ retrieve the contents of some file_node having storage_id = id optionally, fil_obj could point to the browse object of the file (ir.attachment) """ boo = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context) if fil_obj: ira = fil_obj else: ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context) data = ira.datas if data: out = data.decode('base64') else: out = '' return out def get_file(self, cr, uid, id, file_node, mode, context=None): """ Return a file-like object for the contents of some node """ if context is None: context = {} boo = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context) ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context) return nodefd_db(file_node, ira_browse=ira, mode=mode) def set_data(self, cr, uid, id, file_node, data, context=None, fil_obj=None): """ store the data. This function MUST be used from an ir.attachment. It wouldn't make sense to store things persistently for other types (dynamic). """ boo = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context) if fil_obj: ira = fil_obj else: ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context) _logger.debug( "Store data for ir.attachment #%d." % store_fname = None fname = None filesize = len(data) self.pool.get('ir.attachment').write(cr, uid, [file_node.file_id], {'datas': data.encode('base64')}, context=context) # 2nd phase: store the metadata try: icont = '' mime = ira.file_type if not mime: mime = "" try: mime, icont = cntIndex.doIndex(data, ira.datas_fname, ira.file_type or None, fname) except Exception: _logger.debug('Cannot index file.', exc_info=True) pass try: icont_u = ustr(icont) except UnicodeError: icont_u = '' # a hack: /assume/ that the calling write operation will not try # to write the fname and size, and update them in the db concurrently. # We cannot use a write() here, because we are already in one. cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET file_size = %s, index_content = %s, file_type = %s WHERE id = %s', (filesize, icont_u, mime, file_node.file_id)) self.pool.get('ir.attachment').invalidate_cache(cr, uid, ['file_size', 'index_content', 'file_type'], [file_node.file_id], context=context) file_node.content_length = filesize file_node.content_type = mime return True except Exception, e : _logger.warning("Cannot save data.", exc_info=True) # should we really rollback once we have written the actual data? # at the db case (only), that rollback would be safe raise except_orm(_('Error at doc write!'), str(e)) def _str2time(cre): """ Convert a string with time representation (from db) into time (float) Note: a place to fix if datetime is used in db. """ if not cre: return time.time() frac = 0.0 if isinstance(cre, basestring) and '.' in cre: fdot = cre.find('.') frac = float(cre[fdot:]) cre = cre[:fdot] return time.mktime(time.strptime(cre,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + frac def get_node_context(cr, uid, context): return node_context(cr, uid, context) # # An object that represent an uri # path: the uri of the object # content: the Content it belongs to (_print.pdf) # type: content or collection # content: objct = res.partner # collection: object = directory, object2 = res.partner # file: objct = ir.attachement # root: if we are at the first directory of a ressource # class node_context(object): """ This is the root node, representing access to some particular context A context is a set of persistent data, which may influence the structure of the nodes. All other transient information during a data query should be passed down with function arguments. """ cached_roots = {} node_file_class = None def __init__(self, cr, uid, context=None): self.dbname = cr.dbname self.uid = uid self.context = context if context is None: context = {} context['uid'] = uid self._dirobj = openerp.registry(cr.dbname).get('') self.node_file_class = node_file self.extra_ctx = {} # Extra keys for context, that do _not_ trigger inequality assert self._dirobj self._dirobj._prepare_context(cr, uid, self, context=context) self.rootdir = False #self._dirobj._get_root_directory(cr,uid,context) def __eq__(self, other): if not type(other) == node_context: return False if self.dbname != other.dbname: return False if self.uid != other.uid: return False if self.context != other.context: return False if self.rootdir != other.rootdir: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def get(self, name, default=None): return self.context.get(name, default) def get_uri(self, cr, uri): """ Although this fn passes back to doc.dir, it is needed since it is a potential caching point. """ (ndir, duri) = self._dirobj._locate_child(cr, self.uid, self.rootdir, uri, None, self) while duri: ndir = ndir.child(cr, duri[0]) if not ndir: return False duri = duri[1:] return ndir def get_dir_node(self, cr, dbro): """Create (or locate) a node for a directory @param dbro a browse object of """ fullpath = dbro.get_full_path(context=self.context) klass = dbro.get_node_class(dbro, context=self.context) return klass(fullpath, None ,self, dbro) def get_file_node(self, cr, fbro): """ Create or locate a node for a static file @param fbro a browse object of an ir.attachment """ parent = None if fbro.parent_id: parent = self.get_dir_node(cr, fbro.parent_id) return self.node_file_class(, parent, self, fbro) class node_class(object): """ this is a superclass for our inodes It is an API for all code that wants to access the document files. Nodes have attributes which contain usual file properties """ our_type = 'baseclass' DAV_PROPS = None DAV_M_NS = None def __init__(self, path, parent, context): assert isinstance(context,node_context) assert (not parent ) or isinstance(parent,node_class) self.path = path self.context = context self.type=self.our_type self.parent = parent self.uidperms = 5 # computed permissions for our uid, in unix bits self.mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' self.create_date = None self.write_date = None self.unixperms = 0660 self.uuser = 'user' self.ugroup = 'group' self.content_length = 0 # dynamic context: self.dctx = {} if parent: self.dctx = parent.dctx.copy() self.displayname = 'Object' def __eq__(self, other): return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def full_path(self): """ Return the components of the full path for some node. The returned list only contains the names of nodes. """ if self.parent: s = self.parent.full_path() else: s = [] if isinstance(self.path,list): s+=self.path elif self.path is None: s.append('') else: s.append(self.path) return s #map(lambda x: '/' +x, s) def __repr__(self): return "%s@/%s" % (self.our_type, '/'.join(self.full_path())) def children(self, cr, domain=None): print "node_class.children()" return [] #stub def child(self, cr, name, domain=None): print "node_class.child()" return None def get_uri(self, cr, uri): duri = uri ndir = self while duri: ndir = ndir.child(cr, duri[0]) if not ndir: return False duri = duri[1:] return ndir def path_get(self): print "node_class.path_get()" return False def get_data(self, cr): raise TypeError('No data for %s.'% self.type) def open_data(self, cr, mode): """ Open a node_descriptor object for this node. @param the mode of open, eg 'r', 'w', 'a', like This operation may lock the data for this node (and accross other node hierarchies), until the descriptor is close()d. If the node is locked, subsequent opens (depending on mode) may immediately fail with an exception (which?). For this class, there is no data, so no implementation. Each child class that has data should override this. """ raise TypeError('No data for %s.' % self.type) def get_etag(self, cr): """ Get a tag, unique per object + modification. see. """ return '"%s-%s"' % (self._get_ttag(cr), self._get_wtag(cr)) def _get_wtag(self, cr): """ Return the modification time as a unique, compact string """ return str(_str2time(self.write_date)).replace('.','') def _get_ttag(self, cr): """ Get a unique tag for this type/id of object. Must be overriden, so that each node is uniquely identified. """ print "node_class.get_ttag()",self raise NotImplementedError("get_ttag stub()") def get_dav_props(self, cr): """ If this class has special behaviour for GroupDAV etc, export its capabilities """ # This fn is placed here rather than WebDAV, because we want the # baseclass methods to apply to all node subclasses return self.DAV_PROPS or {} def match_dav_eprop(self, cr, match, ns, prop): res = self.get_dav_eprop(cr, ns, prop) if res == match: return True return False def get_dav_eprop(self, cr, ns, prop): if not self.DAV_M_NS: return None if self.DAV_M_NS.has_key(ns): prefix = self.DAV_M_NS[ns] else: _logger.debug('No namespace: %s ("%s").',ns, prop) return None mname = prefix + "_" + prop.replace('-','_') if not hasattr(self, mname): return None try: m = getattr(self, mname) r = m(cr) return r except AttributeError: _logger.debug('The property %s is not supported.' % prop, exc_info=True) return None def get_dav_resourcetype(self, cr): """ Get the DAV resource type. Is here because some nodes may exhibit special behaviour, like CalDAV/GroupDAV collections """ raise NotImplementedError def move_to(self, cr, ndir_node, new_name=False, fil_obj=None, ndir_obj=None, in_write=False): """ Move this node to a new parent directory. @param ndir_node the collection that this node should be moved under @param new_name a name to rename this node to. If omitted, the old name is preserved @param fil_obj, can be None, is the browse object for the file, if already available. @param ndir_obj must be the browse object to the new location, where this node should be moved to. in_write: When called by write(), we shouldn't attempt to write the object, but instead return the dict of vals (avoid re-entrance). If false, we should write all data to the object, here, as if the caller won't do anything after calling move_to() Return value: True: the node is moved, the caller can update other values, too. False: the node is either removed or fully updated, the caller must discard the fil_obj, not attempt to write any more to it. dict: values to write back to the object. *May* contain a new id! Depending on src and target storage, implementations of this function could do various things. Should also consider node<->content, dir<->dir moves etc. Move operations, as instructed from APIs (e.g. request from DAV) could use this function. """ raise NotImplementedError(repr(self)) def create_child(self, cr, path, data=None): """ Create a regular file under this node """ _logger.warning("Attempted to create a file under %r, not possible.", self) raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Not allowed to create file(s) here.") def create_child_collection(self, cr, objname): """ Create a child collection (directory) under self """ _logger.warning("Attempted to create a collection under %r, not possible.", self) raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Not allowed to create folder(s) here.") def rm(self, cr): raise NotImplementedError(repr(self)) def rmcol(self, cr): raise NotImplementedError(repr(self)) def get_domain(self, cr, filters): # TODO Document return [] def check_perms(self, perms): """ Check the permissions of the current node. @param perms either an integers of the bits to check, or a string with the permission letters Permissions of nodes are (in a unix way): 1, x : allow descend into dir 2, w : allow write into file, or modification to dir 4, r : allow read of file, or listing of dir contents 8, u : allow remove (unlink) """ if isinstance(perms, str): pe2 = 0 chars = { 'x': 1, 'w': 2, 'r': 4, 'u': 8 } for c in perms: pe2 = pe2 | chars[c] perms = pe2 elif isinstance(perms, int): if perms < 0 or perms > 15: raise ValueError("Invalid permission bits.") else: raise ValueError("Invalid permission attribute.") return ((self.uidperms & perms) == perms) class node_database(node_class): """ A node representing the database directory """ our_type = 'database' def __init__(self, path=None, parent=False, context=None): if path is None: path = [] super(node_database,self).__init__(path, parent, context) self.unixperms = 040750 self.uidperms = 5 def children(self, cr, domain=None): res = self._child_get(cr, domain=domain) + self._file_get(cr) return res def child(self, cr, name, domain=None): res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=None) if res: return res[0] res = self._file_get(cr,name) if res: return res[0] return None def _child_get(self, cr, name=False, domain=None): dirobj = self.context._dirobj uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) where = [('parent_id','=', False), ('ressource_parent_type_id','=',False)] if name: where.append(('name','=',name)) is_allowed = self.check_perms(1) else: is_allowed = self.check_perms(5) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission into directory denied.") if domain: where = where + domain ids =, uid, where, context=ctx) res = [] for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): klass = dirr.get_node_class(dirr, context=ctx) res.append(klass(, self, self.context,dirr)) return res def _file_get(self, cr, nodename=False): res = [] return res def _get_ttag(self, cr): return 'db-%s' % cr.dbname def mkdosname(company_name, default='noname'): """ convert a string to a dos-like name""" if not company_name: return default badchars = ' !@#$%^`~*()+={}[];:\'"/?.<>' n = '' for c in company_name[:8]: n += (c in badchars and '_') or c return n def _uid2unixperms(perms, has_owner): """ Convert the uidperms and the owner flag to full unix bits """ res = 0 if has_owner: res |= (perms & 0x07) << 6 res |= (perms & 0x05) << 3 elif perms & 0x02: res |= (perms & 0x07) << 6 res |= (perms & 0x07) << 3 else: res |= (perms & 0x07) << 6 res |= (perms & 0x05) << 3 res |= 0x05 return res class node_dir(node_database): our_type = 'collection' def __init__(self, path, parent, context, dirr, dctx=None): super(node_dir,self).__init__(path, parent,context) self.dir_id = dirr and or False #todo: more info from dirr self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory' # 'httpd/unix-directory' self.create_date = dirr and dirr.create_date or False self.domain = dirr and dirr.domain or [] self.res_model = dirr and dirr.ressource_type_id and dirr.ressource_type_id.model or False # TODO: the write date should be MAX(file.write).. self.write_date = dirr and (dirr.write_date or dirr.create_date) or False self.content_length = 0 try: self.uuser = (dirr.user_id and dirr.user_id.login) or 'nobody' except Exception: self.uuser = 'nobody' self.ugroup = mkdosname(dirr.company_id and, default='nogroup') self.uidperms = dirr.get_dir_permissions() self.unixperms = 040000 | _uid2unixperms(self.uidperms, dirr and dirr.user_id) if dctx: self.dctx.update(dctx) dc2 = self.context.context dc2.update(self.dctx) dc2['dir_id'] = self.dir_id self.displayname = dirr and or False if dirr and dirr.dctx_ids: for dfld in dirr.dctx_ids: try: self.dctx[dfld.field] = safe_eval(dfld.expr,dc2) except Exception,e: print "Cannot eval %s." % dfld.expr print e pass def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not self.context == other.context: return False # Two directory nodes, for the same, may have a # different context! (dynamic folders) if self.dctx != other.dctx: return False return self.dir_id == other.dir_id def get_data(self, cr): #res = '' #for child in self.children(cr): # res += child.get_data(cr) return None def _file_get(self, cr, nodename=False): res = super(node_dir,self)._file_get(cr, nodename) is_allowed = self.check_perms(nodename and 1 or 5) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission into directory denied.") cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ] ids =, uid, where, context=ctx) for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): res3 = cntobj._file_get(cr, self, nodename, content) if res3: res.extend(res3) return res def _child_get(self, cr, name=None, domain=None): dirobj = self.context._dirobj uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) where = [('parent_id','=',self.dir_id)] if name: where.append(('name','=',name)) is_allowed = self.check_perms(1) else: is_allowed = self.check_perms(5) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission into directory denied.") if not domain: domain = [] where2 = where + domain + [('ressource_parent_type_id','=',False)] ids =, uid, where2, context=ctx) res = [] for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): klass = dirr.get_node_class(dirr, context=ctx) res.append(klass(, self, self.context,dirr)) # Static directories should never return files with res_model/res_id # because static dirs are /never/ related to a record. # In fact, files related to some model and parented by the root dir # (the default), will NOT be accessible in the node system unless # a resource folder for that model exists (with resource_find_all=True). # Having resource attachments in a common folder is bad practice, # because they would be visible to all users, and their names may be # the same, conflicting. where += [('res_model', '=', False)] fil_obj = dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment') ids =, uid, where, context=ctx) if ids: for fil in fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): klass = self.context.node_file_class res.append(klass(, self, self.context, fil)) return res def rmcol(self, cr): uid = self.context.uid directory = self.context._dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id) res = False if not directory: raise OSError(2, 'Not such file or directory.') if not self.check_perms('u'): raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") if directory._name == '': if self.children(cr): raise OSError(39, 'Directory not empty.') res = self.context._dirobj.unlink(cr, uid, []) else: raise OSError(1, 'Operation is not permitted.') return res def create_child_collection(self, cr, objname): object2 = False if not self.check_perms(2): raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") dirobj = self.context._dirobj uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) obj = dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id) if obj and (obj.type == 'ressource') and not object2: raise OSError(1, 'Operation is not permitted.') #objname = uri2[-1] val = { 'name': objname, 'ressource_parent_type_id': obj and or False, 'ressource_id': object2 and or False, 'parent_id' : obj and or False } return dirobj.create(cr, uid, val) def create_child(self, cr, path, data=None): """ API function to create a child file object and node Return the node_* created """ if not self.check_perms(2): raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") dirobj = self.context._dirobj uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) fil_obj=dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment') val = { 'name': path, 'datas_fname': path, 'parent_id': self.dir_id, # Datas are not set here } fil_id = fil_obj.create(cr, uid, val, context=ctx) fil = fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, fil_id, context=ctx) fnode = node_file(path, self, self.context, fil) if data is not None: fnode.set_data(cr, data, fil) return fnode def _get_ttag(self, cr): return 'dir-%d' % self.dir_id def move_to(self, cr, ndir_node, new_name=False, fil_obj=None, ndir_obj=None, in_write=False): """ Move directory. This operation is simple, since the present node is only used for static, simple directories. Note /may/ be called with ndir_node = None, to rename the document root. """ if ndir_node and (ndir_node.context != self.context): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot move directories between contexts.") if (not self.check_perms('u')) or (not ndir_node.check_perms('w')): raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") dir_obj = self.context._dirobj if not fil_obj: dbro = dir_obj.browse(cr, self.context.uid, self.dir_id, context=self.context.context) else: dbro = dir_obj assert == self.dir_id if not dbro: raise IndexError("Cannot locate dir %d", self.dir_id) if (not self.parent) and ndir_node: if not dbro.parent_id: raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Cannot move the root directory!") self.parent = self.context.get_dir_node(cr, dbro.parent_id) assert self.parent if self.parent != ndir_node: _logger.debug('Cannot move dir %r from %r to %r.', self, self.parent, ndir_node) raise NotImplementedError('Cannot move dir to another dir.') ret = {} if new_name and (new_name != if ndir_node.child(cr, new_name): raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, "Destination path already exists.") ret['name'] = new_name del dbro if not in_write: # We have to update the data ourselves if ret: ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx['__from_node'] = True dir_obj.write(cr, self.context.uid, [self.dir_id,], ret, ctx) ret = True return ret class node_res_dir(node_class): """ A folder containing dynamic folders A special sibling to node_dir, which does only contain dynamically created folders foreach resource in the foreign model. All folders should be of type node_res_obj and merely behave like node_dirs (with limited domain). """ our_type = 'collection' res_obj_class = None def __init__(self, path, parent, context, dirr, dctx=None ): super(node_res_dir,self).__init__(path, parent, context) self.dir_id = #todo: more info from dirr self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory' # 'httpd/unix-directory' self.create_date = dirr.create_date # TODO: the write date should be MAX(file.write).. self.write_date = dirr.write_date or dirr.create_date self.content_length = 0 try: self.uuser = (dirr.user_id and dirr.user_id.login) or 'nobody' except Exception: self.uuser = 'nobody' self.ugroup = mkdosname(dirr.company_id and, default='nogroup') self.uidperms = dirr.get_dir_permissions() self.unixperms = 040000 | _uid2unixperms(self.uidperms, dirr and dirr.user_id) self.res_model = dirr.ressource_type_id and dirr.ressource_type_id.model or False self.resm_id = dirr.ressource_id self.res_find_all = dirr.resource_find_all self.namefield = or 'name' self.displayname = # Important: the domain is evaluated using the *parent* dctx! self.domain = dirr.domain self.ressource_tree = dirr.ressource_tree # and then, we add our own vars in the dctx: if dctx: self.dctx.update(dctx) # and then, we prepare a dctx dict, for deferred evaluation: self.dctx_dict = {} for dfld in dirr.dctx_ids: self.dctx_dict[dfld.field] = dfld.expr def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not self.context == other.context: return False # Two nodes, for the same, may have a # different context! (dynamic folders) if self.dctx != other.dctx: return False return self.dir_id == other.dir_id def children(self, cr, domain=None): return self._child_get(cr, domain=domain) def child(self, cr, name, domain=None): res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=domain) if res: return res[0] return None def _child_get(self, cr, name=None, domain=None): """ return virtual children of resource, based on the foreign object. Note that many objects use NULL for a name, so we should better call the name_search(),name_get() set of methods """ if self.res_model not in self.context._dirobj.pool: return [] obj = self.context._dirobj.pool[self.res_model] dirobj = self.context._dirobj uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) ctx.update(self.context.extra_ctx) where = [] if self.domain: app = safe_eval(self.domain, ctx) if not app: pass elif isinstance(app, list): where.extend(app) elif isinstance(app, tuple): where.append(app) else: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect domain expr: %s." % self.domain) if self.resm_id: where.append(('id','=',self.resm_id)) if name: # The =like character will match underscores against any characters # including the special ones that couldn't exist in a FTP/DAV request where.append((self.namefield,'=like',name.replace('\\','\\\\'))) is_allowed = self.check_perms(1) else: is_allowed = self.check_perms(5) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") # print "Where clause for %s" % self.res_model, where if self.ressource_tree: object2 = False if self.resm_id: object2 = dirobj.pool[self.res_model].browse(cr, uid, self.resm_id) or False if obj._parent_name in obj.fields_get(cr, uid): where.append((obj._parent_name,'=',object2 and or False)) resids =, uid, where, context=ctx) res = [] for bo in obj.browse(cr, uid, resids, context=ctx): if not bo: continue res_name = getattr(bo, self.namefield) if not res_name: continue # Yes! we can't do better but skip nameless records. # Escape the name for characters not supported in filenames res_name = res_name.replace('/','_') # any other weird char? if name and (res_name != ustr(name)): # we have matched _ to any character, but we only meant to match # the special ones. # Eg. 'a_c' will find 'abc', 'a/c', 'a_c', may only # return 'a/c' and 'a_c' continue res.append(self.res_obj_class(res_name, self.dir_id, self, self.context, self.res_model, bo)) return res def _get_ttag(self, cr): return 'rdir-%d' % self.dir_id class node_res_obj(node_class): """ A dynamically created folder. A special sibling to node_dir, which does only contain dynamically created folders foreach resource in the foreign model. All folders should be of type node_res_obj and merely behave like node_dirs (with limited domain). """ our_type = 'collection' def __init__(self, path, dir_id, parent, context, res_model, res_bo, res_id=None): super(node_res_obj,self).__init__(path, parent,context) assert parent #todo: more info from dirr self.dir_id = dir_id self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory' # 'httpd/unix-directory' self.create_date = parent.create_date # TODO: the write date should be MAX(file.write).. self.write_date = parent.write_date self.content_length = 0 self.uidperms = parent.uidperms & 15 self.unixperms = 040000 | _uid2unixperms(self.uidperms, True) self.uuser = parent.uuser self.ugroup = parent.ugroup self.res_model = res_model self.domain = parent.domain self.displayname = path self.dctx_dict = parent.dctx_dict if isinstance(parent, node_res_dir): self.res_find_all = parent.res_find_all else: self.res_find_all = False if res_bo: self.res_id = dc2 = self.context.context.copy() dc2.update(self.dctx) dc2['res_model'] = res_model dc2['res_id'] = dc2['this'] = res_bo for fld,expr in self.dctx_dict.items(): try: self.dctx[fld] = safe_eval(expr, dc2) except Exception,e: print "Cannot eval %s for %s." % (expr, fld) print e pass else: self.res_id = res_id def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not self.context == other.context: return False if not self.res_model == other.res_model: return False if not self.res_id == other.res_id: return False if self.domain != other.domain: return False if self.res_find_all != other.res_find_all: return False if self.dctx != other.dctx: return False return self.dir_id == other.dir_id def children(self, cr, domain=None): return self._child_get(cr, domain=domain) + self._file_get(cr) def child(self, cr, name, domain=None): res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=domain) if res: return res[0] res = self._file_get(cr, name) if res: return res[0] return None def _file_get(self, cr, nodename=False): res = [] is_allowed = self.check_perms((nodename and 1) or 5) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ] #if self.domain: # where.extend(self.domain) # print "res_obj file_get clause", where ids =, uid, where, context=ctx) for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): res3 = cntobj._file_get(cr, self, nodename, content, context=ctx) if res3: res.extend(res3) return res def get_dav_props_DEPR(self, cr): # Deprecated! (but document_ics must be cleaned, first) res = {} cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ] ids =, uid, where, context=ctx) for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): if content.extension == '.ics': # FIXME: call the content class! res[''] = ('resourcetype',) return res def get_dav_eprop_DEPR(self, cr, ns, prop): # Deprecated! if ns != '' or prop != 'resourcetype': _logger.warning("Who asks for %s:%s?" % (ns, prop)) return None cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ] ids =,uid,where,context=ctx) for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): # TODO: remove relic of GroupDAV if content.extension == '.ics': # FIXME: call the content class! return ('vevent-collection','') return None def _child_get(self, cr, name=None, domain=None): dirobj = self.context._dirobj is_allowed = self.check_perms((name and 1) or 5) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) directory = dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id) obj = dirobj.pool[self.res_model] where = [] res = [] if name: where.append(('name','=',name)) # Directory Structure display in tree structure if self.res_id and directory.ressource_tree: where1 = [] if name: where1.append(('name','=like',name.replace('\\','\\\\'))) if obj._parent_name in obj.fields_get(cr, uid): where1.append((obj._parent_name, '=', self.res_id)) namefield = or 'name' resids =, uid, where1, context=ctx) for bo in obj.browse(cr, uid, resids, context=ctx): if not bo: continue res_name = getattr(bo, namefield) if not res_name: continue res_name = res_name.replace('/', '_') if name and (res_name != ustr(name)): continue # TODO Revise klass = directory.get_node_class(directory, dynamic=True, context=ctx) rnode = klass(res_name, dir_id=self.dir_id, parent=self, context=self.context, res_model=self.res_model, res_bo=bo) rnode.res_find_all = self.res_find_all res.append(rnode) where2 = where + [('parent_id','=',self.dir_id) ] ids =, uid, where2, context=ctx) bo = obj.browse(cr, uid, self.res_id, context=ctx) for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): if name and (name != continue if dirr.type == 'directory': klass = dirr.get_node_class(dirr, dynamic=True, context=ctx) res.append(klass(,, self, self.context, self.res_model, res_bo = bo, res_id = self.res_id)) elif dirr.type == 'ressource': # child resources can be controlled by properly set dctx klass = dirr.get_node_class(dirr, context=ctx) res.append(klass(,self,self.context, dirr, {'active_id': self.res_id})) # bo? fil_obj = dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment') if self.res_find_all: where2 = where where3 = where2 + [('res_model', '=', self.res_model), ('res_id','=',self.res_id)] # print "where clause for dir_obj", where3 ids =, uid, where3, context=ctx) if ids: for fil in fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx): klass = self.context.node_file_class res.append(klass(, self, self.context, fil)) # Get Child Ressource Directories if directory.ressource_type_id and where4 = where + [('ressource_parent_type_id','=',] where5 = where4 + ['|', ('ressource_id','=',0), ('ressource_id','=',self.res_id)] dirids =,uid, where5) for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, dirids, context=ctx): if dirr.type == 'directory' and not dirr.parent_id: klass = dirr.get_node_class(dirr, dynamic=True, context=ctx) rnode = klass(,, self, self.context, self.res_model, res_bo = bo, res_id = self.res_id) rnode.res_find_all = dirr.resource_find_all res.append(rnode) if dirr.type == 'ressource': klass = dirr.get_node_class(dirr, context=ctx) rnode = klass(, self, self.context, dirr, {'active_id': self.res_id}) rnode.res_find_all = dirr.resource_find_all res.append(rnode) return res def create_child_collection(self, cr, objname): dirobj = self.context._dirobj is_allowed = self.check_perms(2) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) res_obj = dirobj.pool[self.res_model] object2 = res_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.res_id) or False obj = dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id) if obj and (obj.type == 'ressource') and not object2: raise OSError(1, 'Operation is not permitted.') val = { 'name': objname, 'ressource_parent_type_id': obj and or False, 'ressource_id': object2 and or False, 'parent_id' : False, 'resource_find_all': False, } if (obj and (obj.type in ('directory'))) or not object2: val['parent_id'] = obj and or False return dirobj.create(cr, uid, val) def create_child(self, cr, path, data=None): """ API function to create a child file object and node Return the node_* created """ is_allowed = self.check_perms(2) if not is_allowed: raise IOError(errno.EPERM,"Permission denied.") dirobj = self.context._dirobj uid = self.context.uid ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) fil_obj=dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment') val = { 'name': path, 'datas_fname': path, 'res_model': self.res_model, 'res_id': self.res_id, # Datas are not set here } if not self.res_find_all: val['parent_id'] = self.dir_id fil_id = fil_obj.create(cr, uid, val, context=ctx) fil = fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, fil_id, context=ctx) klass = self.context.node_file_class fnode = klass(path, self, self.context, fil) if data is not None: fnode.set_data(cr, data, fil) return fnode def _get_ttag(self, cr): return 'rodir-%d-%d' % (self.dir_id, self.res_id) node_res_dir.res_obj_class = node_res_obj class node_file(node_class): our_type = 'file' def __init__(self, path, parent, context, fil): super(node_file,self).__init__(path, parent,context) self.file_id = #todo: more info from ir_attachment if fil.file_type and '/' in fil.file_type: self.mimetype = str(fil.file_type) self.create_date = fil.create_date self.write_date = fil.write_date or fil.create_date self.content_length = fil.file_size self.displayname = self.uidperms = 14 if parent: if not parent.check_perms('x'): self.uidperms = 0 elif not parent.check_perms('w'): self.uidperms = 4 try: self.uuser = (fil.user_id and fil.user_id.login) or 'nobody' except Exception: self.uuser = 'nobody' self.ugroup = mkdosname(fil.company_id and, default='nogroup') def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if not self.context == other.context: return False if self.dctx != other.dctx: return False return self.file_id == other.file_id def open_data(self, cr, mode): if not self.check_perms(4): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') return stobj.get_file(cr, self.context.uid, None, self, mode=mode, context=self.context.context) def rm(self, cr): uid = self.context.uid if not self.check_perms(8): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") document_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment') if self.type in ('collection','database'): return False document = document_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.file_id, context=self.context.context) res = False if document and document._name == 'ir.attachment': res = document_obj.unlink(cr, uid, []) return res def fix_ppath(self, cr, fbro): """Sometimes we may init this w/o path, parent. This function fills the missing path from the file browse object Note: this may be an expensive operation, do on demand. However, once caching is in, we might want to do that at init time and keep this object anyway """ if self.path or self.parent: return assert fbro uid = self.context.uid dirpath = [] if fbro.parent_id: dirobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') dirpath = dirobj.get_full_path(cr, uid,, context=self.context.context) if fbro.datas_fname: dirpath.append(fbro.datas_fname) else: dirpath.append( if len(dirpath)>1: self.path = dirpath else: self.path = dirpath[0] def get_data(self, cr, fil_obj=None): """ Retrieve the data for some file. fil_obj may optionally be specified, and should be a browse object for the file. This is useful when the caller has already initiated the browse object. """ if not self.check_perms(4): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') return stobj.get_data(cr, self.context.uid, None, self,self.context.context, fil_obj) def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj=None): bin_size = self.context.context.get('bin_size', False) if bin_size and not self.content_length: self.content_length = fil_obj.db_datas return self.content_length def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj=None): """ Store data at some file. fil_obj may optionally be specified, and should be a browse object for the file. This is useful when the caller has already initiated the browse object. """ if not self.check_perms(2): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') return stobj.set_data(cr, self.context.uid, None, self, data, self.context.context, fil_obj) def _get_ttag(self, cr): return 'file-%d' % self.file_id def move_to(self, cr, ndir_node, new_name=False, fil_obj=None, ndir_obj=None, in_write=False): if ndir_node and ndir_node.context != self.context: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot move files between contexts.") if (not self.check_perms(8)) and ndir_node.check_perms(2): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") doc_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment') if not fil_obj: dbro = doc_obj.browse(cr, self.context.uid, self.file_id, context=self.context.context) else: dbro = fil_obj assert == self.file_id, "%s != %s for %r." % (, self.file_id, self) if not dbro: raise IndexError("Cannot locate doc %d.", self.file_id) if (not self.parent): # there *must* be a parent node for this one self.parent = self.context.get_dir_node(cr, dbro.parent_id) assert self.parent ret = {} if ndir_node and self.parent != ndir_node: if not (isinstance(self.parent, node_dir) and isinstance(ndir_node, node_dir)): _logger.debug('Cannot move file %r from %r to %r.', self, self.parent, ndir_node) raise NotImplementedError('Cannot move files between dynamic folders.') if not ndir_obj: ndir_obj = self.context._dirobj.browse(cr, self.context.uid, \ ndir_node.dir_id, context=self.context.context) assert == ndir_node.dir_id r2 = { 'parent_id': } ret.update(r2) if new_name and (new_name != if len(ret): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot rename and move.") # TODO r2 = { 'name': new_name, 'datas_fname': new_name } ret.update(r2) del dbro if not in_write: # We have to update the data ourselves if ret: ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx['__from_node'] = True doc_obj.write(cr, self.context.uid, [self.file_id,], ret, ctx ) ret = True return ret class node_content(node_class): our_type = 'content' def __init__(self, path, parent, context, cnt, dctx=None, act_id=None): super(node_content,self).__init__(path, parent,context) self.cnt_id = self.create_date = False self.write_date = False self.content_length = False self.unixperms = 0640 if parent: self.uidperms = parent.uidperms & 14 self.uuser = parent.uuser self.ugroup = parent.ugroup self.extension = cnt.extension self.report_id = cnt.report_id and #self.mimetype = cnt.extension. self.displayname = path if dctx: self.dctx.update(dctx) self.act_id = act_id def fill_fields(self, cr, dctx=None): """ Try to read the object and fill missing fields, like mimetype, dates etc. This function must be different from the constructor, because it uses the db cursor. """ cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT mimetype FROM document_directory_content_type WHERE active AND code = %s;', (self.extension,)) res = cr.fetchall() if res and res[0][0]: self.mimetype = str(res[0][0]) def get_data(self, cr, fil_obj=None): cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') if not self.check_perms(4): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) data = cntobj.process_read(cr, self.context.uid, self, ctx) if data: self.content_length = len(data) return data def open_data(self, cr, mode): if mode.endswith('b'): mode = mode[:-1] if mode in ('r', 'w'): cperms = mode[:1] elif mode in ('r+', 'w+'): cperms = 'rw' else: raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "Cannot open at mode %s." % mode) if not self.check_perms(cperms): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) return nodefd_content(self, cr, mode, ctx) def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj=None): # FIXME : here, we actually generate the content twice!! # we should have cached the generated content, but it is # not advisable to do keep it in memory, until we have a cache # expiration logic. if not self.content_length: self.get_data(cr,fil_obj) return self.content_length def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj=None): cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('') if not self.check_perms(2): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied.") ctx = self.context.context.copy() ctx.update(self.dctx) return cntobj.process_write(cr, self.context.uid, self, data, ctx) def _get_ttag(self, cr): return 'cnt-%d%s' % (self.cnt_id,(self.act_id and ('-' + str(self.act_id))) or '') def get_dav_resourcetype(self, cr): return '' class node_descriptor(object): """A file-like interface to the data contents of a node. This class is NOT a node, but an /open descriptor/ for some node. It can hold references to a cursor or a file object, because the life of a node_descriptor will be the open period of the data. It should also take care of locking, with any native mechanism or using the db. For the implementation, it would be OK just to wrap around file, StringIO or similar class. The node_descriptor is only needed to provide the link to the parent /node/ object. """ def __init__(self, parent): assert isinstance(parent, node_class) = parent.displayname self.__parent = parent def _get_parent(self): return self.__parent def open(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def close(self): raise NotImplementedError def read(self, size=None): raise NotImplementedError def seek(self, offset, whence=None): raise NotImplementedError def tell(self): raise NotImplementedError def write(self, str): raise NotImplementedError def size(self): raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self): return self.size() def __nonzero__(self): """ Ensure that a node_descriptor will never equal False Since we do define __len__ and __iter__ for us, we must avoid being regarded as non-true objects. """ return True def next(self, str): raise NotImplementedError class nodefd_content(StringIO, node_descriptor): """ A descriptor to content nodes """ def __init__(self, parent, cr, mode, ctx): node_descriptor.__init__(self, parent) self._context=ctx self._size = 0L if mode in ('r', 'r+'): cntobj = parent.context._dirobj.pool.get('') data = cntobj.process_read(cr, parent.context.uid, parent, ctx) if data: self._size = len(data) parent.content_length = len(data) StringIO.__init__(self, data) elif mode in ('w', 'w+'): StringIO.__init__(self, None) # at write, we start at 0 (= overwrite), but have the original # data available, in case of a seek() elif mode == 'a': StringIO.__init__(self, None) else: _logger.error("Incorrect mode %s is specified.", mode) raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid file mode.") self.mode = mode def size(self): return self._size def close(self): # we now open a *separate* cursor, to update the data. # FIXME: this may be improved, for concurrency handling if self.mode == 'r': StringIO.close(self) return par = self._get_parent() uid = par.context.uid cr = openerp.registry(par.context.dbname).cursor() try: if self.mode in ('w', 'w+', 'r+'): data = self.getvalue() cntobj = par.context._dirobj.pool.get('') cntobj.process_write(cr, uid, par, data, par.context.context) elif self.mode == 'a': raise NotImplementedError cr.commit() except Exception: _logger.exception('Cannot update db content #%d for close.', par.cnt_id) raise finally: cr.close() StringIO.close(self) class nodefd_static(StringIO, node_descriptor): """ A descriptor to nodes with static data. """ def __init__(self, parent, cr, mode, ctx=None): node_descriptor.__init__(self, parent) self._context=ctx self._size = 0L if mode in ('r', 'r+'): data = parent.get_data(cr) if data: self._size = len(data) parent.content_length = len(data) StringIO.__init__(self, data) elif mode in ('w', 'w+'): StringIO.__init__(self, None) # at write, we start at 0 (= overwrite), but have the original # data available, in case of a seek() elif mode == 'a': StringIO.__init__(self, None) else: _logger.error("Incorrect mode %s is specified.", mode) raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid file mode.") self.mode = mode def size(self): return self._size def close(self): # we now open a *separate* cursor, to update the data. # FIXME: this may be improved, for concurrency handling if self.mode == 'r': StringIO.close(self) return par = self._get_parent() # uid = par.context.uid cr = openerp.registry(par.context.dbname).cursor() try: if self.mode in ('w', 'w+', 'r+'): data = self.getvalue() par.set_data(cr, data) elif self.mode == 'a': raise NotImplementedError cr.commit() except Exception: _logger.exception('Cannot update db content #%d for close.', par.cnt_id) raise finally: cr.close() StringIO.close(self) class nodefd_db(StringIO, node_descriptor): """ A descriptor to db data """ def __init__(self, parent, ira_browse, mode): node_descriptor.__init__(self, parent) self._size = 0L if mode.endswith('b'): mode = mode[:-1] if mode in ('r', 'r+'): data = ira_browse.datas if data: data = data.decode('base64') self._size = len(data) StringIO.__init__(self, data) elif mode in ('w', 'w+'): StringIO.__init__(self, None) # at write, we start at 0 (= overwrite), but have the original # data available, in case of a seek() elif mode == 'a': StringIO.__init__(self, None) else: _logger.error("Incorrect mode %s is specified.", mode) raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid file mode.") self.mode = mode def size(self): return self._size def close(self): # we now open a *separate* cursor, to update the data. # FIXME: this may be improved, for concurrency handling par = self._get_parent() # uid = par.context.uid registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(par.context.dbname) with registry.cursor() as cr: data = self.getvalue().encode('base64') if self.mode in ('w', 'w+', 'r+'): registry.get('ir.attachment').write(cr, 1, par.file_id, {'datas': data}) cr.commit() StringIO.close(self) # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# # The Python Imaging Library. # $Id$ # # PCD file handling # # History: # 96-05-10 fl Created # 96-05-27 fl Added draft mode (128x192, 256x384) # # Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997. # Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996. # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # __version__ = "0.1" import Image, ImageFile ## # Image plugin for PhotoCD images. This plugin only reads the 768x512 # image from the file; higher resolutions are encoded in a proprietary # encoding. class PcdImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile): format = "PCD" format_description = "Kodak PhotoCD" def _open(self): # rough s = if s[:4] != "PCD_": raise SyntaxError, "not a PCD file" orientation = ord(s[1538]) & 3 if orientation == 1: self.tile_post_rotate = 90 # hack elif orientation == 3: self.tile_post_rotate = -90 self.mode = "RGB" self.size = 768, 512 # FIXME: not correct for rotated images! self.tile = [("pcd", (0,0)+self.size, 96*2048, None)] def draft(self, mode, size): if len(self.tile) != 1: return d, e, o, a = self.tile[0] if size: scale = max(self.size[0] / size[0], self.size[1] / size[1]) for s, o in [(4,0*2048), (2,0*2048), (1,96*2048)]: if scale >= s: break # e = e[0], e[1], (e[2]-e[0]+s-1)/s+e[0], (e[3]-e[1]+s-1)/s+e[1] # self.size = ((self.size[0]+s-1)/s, (self.size[1]+s-1)/s) self.tile = [(d, e, o, a)] return self # # registry Image.register_open("PCD", PcdImageFile) Image.register_extension("PCD", ".pcd")
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Collapse RST discourse treebank relation types. This script is based on a Perl script by Kenji Sagae. :author: Michael Heilman :author: Nitin Madnani :organization: ETS """ import argparse import re from nltk.tree import ParentedTree from .reformat_rst_trees import reformat_rst_tree from .tree_util import TREE_PRINT_MARGIN def collapse_rst_labels(tree): """ Collapse the RST labels to a smaller set. This function collapses the RST labels to the set of 18 described by the Carlson et al. paper that comes with the RST discourse treebank. **IMPORTANT**: The input tree is modified tree in place. Parameters ---------- tree : nltk.tree.ParentedTree The input tree for which to collapse the labels. """ # walk the tree, and collapse the labels for each subtree for subtree in tree.subtrees(): subtree.set_label(_collapse_rst_label(subtree.label())) def _collapse_rst_label(label): """ Collapse the given label to a smaller set. Parameters ---------- label : str The label to be collapsed. Returns ------- collapsed_label : str The collapsed label. Raises ------ ValueError If the relation type in the input label is unknown. """ if not':', label): return label # split the input label into direction and relation direction, relation = label.split(':') # lowercase the relation before collapsing relation_uncased = relation.lower() # go through the various relation types and collapse them as needed if'^attribution', relation_uncased): relation = "ATTRIBUTION" elif'^(background|circumstance)', relation_uncased): relation = "BACKGROUND" elif'^(cause|result|consequence)', relation_uncased): relation = "CAUSE" elif'^(comparison|preference|analogy|proportion)', relation_uncased): relation = "COMPARISON" elif'^(condition|hypothetical|contingency|otherwise)', relation_uncased): relation = "CONDITION" elif'^(contrast|concession|antithesis)', relation_uncased): relation = "CONTRAST" elif'^(elaboration.*|example|definition)', relation_uncased): relation = "ELABORATION" elif'^(purpose|enablement)', relation_uncased): relation = "ENABLEMENT" elif'^(problem\-solution|question\-answer|statement\-response|topic\-comment|comment\-topic|rhetorical\-question)', relation_uncased): relation = "TOPICCOMMENT" elif'^(evaluation|interpretation|conclusion|comment)', relation_uncased): # note that this check for "comment" needs to come after the one # above that looks for "comment-topic" relation = "EVALUATION" elif'^(evidence|explanation.*|reason)', relation_uncased): relation = "EXPLANATION" elif'^(list|disjunction)', relation_uncased): relation = "JOINT" elif'^(manner|means)', relation_uncased): relation = "MANNERMEANS" elif'^(summary|restatement)', relation_uncased): relation = "SUMMARY" elif'^(temporal\-.*|sequence|inverted\-sequence)', relation_uncased): relation = "TEMPORAL" elif'^(topic-.*)', relation_uncased): relation = "TOPICCHANGE" elif'^(span|same\-unit|textualorganization)$', relation_uncased): pass else: raise ValueError(f"unknown relation type in label: {label}") # TODO: make this all upper case (to resemble PTB nonterminals)? collapsed_label = f"{direction}:{relation}".lower() return collapsed_label def main(): # noqa: D103 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Note that this main " "method is just for testing.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("input_path", help="Path to an RST discourse treebank .dis file.") parser.add_argument("output_path", help="Path to file containing the collapsed output.") args = parser.parse_args() # open the input file containing each input tree on a single line, # collapse it, and then print it out to the given output file with open(args.input_path, 'r') as input_file,\ open(args.output_path, 'w') as output_file: tree = ParentedTree.fromstring( reformat_rst_tree(tree) collapse_rst_labels(tree) tree.pprint(margin=TREE_PRINT_MARGIN, file=output_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.conf import settings from urlparse import urlparse import re # checks validity of absolute / relative url any_path_re = re.compile('^/?[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)*/?$') def levelize_path(path): """Splits given path to list of paths removing latest level in each step. >>> path = '/application/item/new' >>> levelize_path(path) ['/application/item/new', '/application/item', '/application'] """ parts = path.rstrip("/").split("/") paths = [] for i in range(len(parts), 0, -1): sub_path = ('/').join(parts[:i]) if sub_path: paths.append(sub_path) return paths def urljoin(*segments): """Joins url segments together and appends trailing slash if required. >>> urljoin('a', 'b', 'c') u'a/b/c/' >>> urljoin('a', '//b//', 'c') u'a/b/c/' >>> urljoin('/a', '/b/', '/c/') u'/a/b/c/' >>> urljoin('/a', '') u'/a/' """ cleaned_segments = map(lambda segment: unicode(segment).strip("/"), segments) nonempty_segments = filter(lambda segment: segment > "", cleaned_segments) url = ("/").join(nonempty_segments) if segments[0].startswith("/") and not url.startswith("/"): url = "/" + url if settings.APPEND_SLASH and not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" return url def is_media_request(request): """ Check if a request is a media request. """ parsed_media_url = urlparse(settings.MEDIA_URL) if request.path.startswith(parsed_media_url.path): if parsed_media_url.netloc: if request.get_host() == parsed_media_url.netloc: return True else: return True return False
#*********************************************************************************************************** # Copyright BallotPath 2014 # Developed by Matt Clyde, Andrew Erland, Shawn Forgie, Andrew Hobbs, Kevin Mark, Darrell Sam, Blake Clough # Open source under GPL v3 license ( #*********************************************************************************************************** from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, url_for, jsonify, Response from app import app, db, models import json # District: @app.route("/district/", methods = ['GET']) def get_districts(): districts = models.district.query.all() district_dicts = [] for district in districts: district_dicts.append(dict(district.__dict__)) for district_dict in district_dicts: del district_dict['_sa_instance_state'] resp = Response(json.dumps(district_dicts), status=200, mimetype='application/json') if district_dicts == []: resp.status_code = 404 return resp @app.route("/district/<int:district_id>/", methods = ['GET']) def get_district(district_id): district = models.district.query.get(district_id) if district == None: return Response(json.dumps(None), status=404, mimetype='application/json') else: district_dict = dict(district.__dict__) del district_dict['_sa_instance_state'] return Response(json.dumps(district_dict), status=200, mimetype='application/json') @app.route("/district/<int:district_id>/", methods = ['POST']) def post_district(district_id): # First make sure we got a JSON object with the request if request.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json': json = request.json district = models.district(name=json['name'], level_id=json['level_id'], election_div_id=json['election_div_id']) # db.session.add(district) # db.session.commit() return Response("", status=200) else: # If we don't have one, about with HTML code 415 # 10.4.16 415 Unsupported Media Type # The server is refusing to service the request because the # entity of the request is in a format not supported by the # requested resource for the requested method. abort(415) @app.route("/district/<int:district_id>/", methods = ['PUT']) def put_district(district_id): if request.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json': json = request.json district = models.district.get(district_id) # Only update if the office already exists, otherwise do nothing if district != None:['name'] district.level_id=json['level_id'] district.election_div_id=json['election_div_id'] # db.session.commit() return Response("", status=200) else: return Response("", status=404) return Response("", status=200) else: abort(415) @app.route("/district/<int:district_id>/", methods = ['DELETE']) def delete_district(district_id): district = models.district.get(district_id); if(district == None): # Give a 404 error if an item with the given ID doesn't exist abort(404) else: # db.session.delete(district) # db.session.commit() return Response("", status=200)
# system call counts, by pid # (c) 2010, Tom Zanussi <> # Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2 # # Displays system-wide system call totals, broken down by syscall. # If a [comm] arg is specified, only syscalls called by [comm] are displayed. import os, sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace') from perf_trace_context import * from Core import * from Util import syscall_name usage = "perf script -s [comm]\n"; for_comm = None for_pid = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: sys.exit(usage) if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: for_pid = int(sys.argv[1]) except: for_comm = sys.argv[1] syscalls = autodict() def trace_begin(): print "Press control+C to stop and show the summary" def trace_end(): print_syscall_totals() def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, common_callchain, id, args): if (for_comm and common_comm != for_comm) or \ (for_pid and common_pid != for_pid ): return try: syscalls[common_comm][common_pid][id] += 1 except TypeError: syscalls[common_comm][common_pid][id] = 1 def syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm, id, args): raw_syscalls__sys_enter(**locals()) def print_syscall_totals(): if for_comm is not None: print "\nsyscall events for %s:\n\n" % (for_comm), else: print "\nsyscall events by comm/pid:\n\n", print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("comm [pid]/syscalls", "count"), print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("----------------------------------------", \ "----------"), comm_keys = syscalls.keys() for comm in comm_keys: pid_keys = syscalls[comm].keys() for pid in pid_keys: print "\n%s [%d]\n" % (comm, pid), id_keys = syscalls[comm][pid].keys() for id, val in sorted(syscalls[comm][pid].iteritems(), \ key = lambda(k, v): (v, k), reverse = True): print " %-38s %10d\n" % (syscall_name(id), val),
from django.contrib.auth.models import User from webpos.models import Item, Bill, BillItem def commit_bill(output, reqdata, user): billhd = Bill(customer_name=reqdata['customer_name'], server=User.objects.get( billitms = [] reqquants = reqdata['items'] dbitms = Item.objects.filter(name__in=reqquants.keys()) for dbitm in dbitms: reqitem = reqquants[] quant = reqitem['qty'] notes = reqitem['notes'] db_quant = dbitm.quantity if db_quant is not None: newquant = db_quant - quant if newquant < 0: output['errors'].append((, dbitm.quantity)) else: if output['errors']: continue output['total'] += dbitm.price * quant billitms.append(BillItem(item=dbitm, quantity=quant, category=dbitm.category, item_price=dbitm.price, note=notes)) dbitm.quantity = newquant else: output['total'] += dbitm.price * quant billitms.append(BillItem(item=dbitm, quantity=quant, category=dbitm.category, item_price=dbitm.price, note=notes)) if output['errors']: output['total'] = 0 output['customer_id'] = None output['errors'] = dict(output['errors']) return output, None else: output['errors'] = dict(output['errors']) if output['total'] < 0: output['total'] = 0 = output['total'] billhd.customer_id = output['customer_id'] output['date'] = output['bill_id'] = for billitm, dbitm in zip(billitms, dbitms): billitm.bill = billhd return output, billhd def undo_bill(billid, user): bill = Bill.objects.get(pk=billid) if not bill.is_committed(): return 'Bill has already been deleted!' for billitem in bill.billitem_set.all(): if billitem.item.quantity is not None: billitem.item.quantity += billitem.quantity bill.deleted_by = user.username return 'Bill #' + billid + ' deleted!'
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Helper functions for creating partitioned variables. This is a convenient abstraction to partition a large variable across multiple smaller variables that can be assigned to different devices. The full variable can be reconstructed by concatenating the smaller variables. Using partitioned variables instead of a single variable is mostly a performance choice. It however also has an impact on: 1. Random initialization, as the random number generator is called once per slice 2. Updates, as they happen in parallel across slices A key design goal is to allow a different graph to repartition a variable with the same name but different slicings, including possibly no partitions. TODO(touts): If an initializer provides a seed, the seed must be changed deterministically for each slice, maybe by adding one to it, otherwise each slice will use the same values. Maybe this can be done by passing the slice offsets to the initializer functions. Typical usage: ```python # Create a list of partitioned variables with: vs = create_partitioned_variables( <shape>, <slicing>, <initializer>, name=<optional-name>) # Pass the list as inputs to embedding_lookup for sharded, parallel lookup: y = embedding_lookup(vs, ids, partition_strategy="div") # Or fetch the variables in parallel to speed up large matmuls: z = matmul(x, concat(slice_dim, vs)) ``` """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import math from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export __all__ = [ "create_partitioned_variables", "variable_axis_size_partitioner", "min_max_variable_partitioner", "fixed_size_partitioner", ] @tf_export("variable_axis_size_partitioner") def variable_axis_size_partitioner( max_shard_bytes, axis=0, bytes_per_string_element=16, max_shards=None): """Get a partitioner for VariableScope to keep shards below `max_shard_bytes`. This partitioner will shard a Variable along one axis, attempting to keep the maximum shard size below `max_shard_bytes`. In practice, this is not always possible when sharding along only one axis. When this happens, this axis is sharded as much as possible (i.e., every dimension becomes a separate shard). If the partitioner hits the `max_shards` limit, then each shard may end up larger than `max_shard_bytes`. By default `max_shards` equals `None` and no limit on the number of shards is enforced. One reasonable value for `max_shard_bytes` is `(64 << 20) - 1`, or almost `64MB`, to keep below the protobuf byte limit. Args: max_shard_bytes: The maximum size any given shard is allowed to be. axis: The axis to partition along. Default: outermost axis. bytes_per_string_element: If the `Variable` is of type string, this provides an estimate of how large each scalar in the `Variable` is. max_shards: The maximum number of shards in int created taking precedence over `max_shard_bytes`. Returns: A partition function usable as the `partitioner` argument to `variable_scope`, `get_variable`, and `get_partitioned_variable_list`. Raises: ValueError: If any of the byte counts are non-positive. """ if max_shard_bytes < 1 or bytes_per_string_element < 1: raise ValueError( "Both max_shard_bytes and bytes_per_string_element must be positive.") if max_shards and max_shards < 1: raise ValueError( "max_shards must be positive.") def _partitioner(shape, dtype): """Partitioner that partitions shards to have max_shard_bytes total size. Args: shape: A `TensorShape`. dtype: A `DType`. Returns: A tuple representing how much to slice each axis in shape. Raises: ValueError: If shape is not a fully defined `TensorShape` or dtype is not a `DType`. """ if not isinstance(shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape): raise ValueError("shape is not a TensorShape: %s" % shape) if not shape.is_fully_defined(): raise ValueError("shape is not fully defined: %s" % shape) if not isinstance(dtype, dtypes.DType): raise ValueError("dtype is not a DType: %s" % dtype) if dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.string: element_size = bytes_per_string_element else: element_size = dtype.size partitions = [1] * shape.ndims bytes_per_slice = 1.0 * ( shape.num_elements() / shape.dims[axis].value) * element_size # How many slices can we fit on one shard of size at most max_shard_bytes? # At least one slice is required. slices_per_shard = max(1, math.floor(max_shard_bytes / bytes_per_slice)) # How many shards do we need for axis given that each shard fits # slices_per_shard slices from a total of shape[axis] slices? axis_shards = int(math.ceil( 1.0 * shape.dims[axis].value / slices_per_shard)) if max_shards: axis_shards = min(max_shards, axis_shards) partitions[axis] = axis_shards return partitions return _partitioner @tf_export("min_max_variable_partitioner") def min_max_variable_partitioner(max_partitions=1, axis=0, min_slice_size=256 << 10, bytes_per_string_element=16): """Partitioner to allocate minimum size per slice. Returns a partitioner that partitions the variable of given shape and dtype such that each partition has a minimum of `min_slice_size` slice of the variable. The maximum number of such partitions (upper bound) is given by `max_partitions`. Args: max_partitions: Upper bound on the number of partitions. Defaults to 1. axis: Axis along which to partition the variable. Defaults to 0. min_slice_size: Minimum size of the variable slice per partition. Defaults to 256K. bytes_per_string_element: If the `Variable` is of type string, this provides an estimate of how large each scalar in the `Variable` is. Returns: A partition function usable as the `partitioner` argument to `variable_scope`, `get_variable`, and `get_partitioned_variable_list`. """ def _partitioner(shape, dtype): """Partitioner that partitions list for a variable of given shape and type. Ex: Consider partitioning a variable of type float32 with shape=[1024, 1024]. If `max_partitions` >= 16, this function would return [(1024 * 1024 * 4) / (256 * 1024), 1] = [16, 1]. If `max_partitions` < 16, this function would return [`max_partitions`, 1]. Args: shape: Shape of the variable. dtype: Type of the variable. Returns: List of partitions for each axis (currently only one axis can be partitioned). Raises: ValueError: If axis to partition along does not exist for the variable. """ if axis >= len(shape): raise ValueError("Can not partition variable along axis %d when shape is " "only %s" % (axis, shape)) if dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.string: bytes_per_element = bytes_per_string_element else: bytes_per_element = dtype.size total_size_bytes = shape.num_elements() * bytes_per_element partitions = total_size_bytes / min_slice_size partitions_list = [1] * len(shape) # We can not partition the variable beyond what its shape or # `max_partitions` allows. partitions_list[axis] = max(1, min(shape.dims[axis].value, max_partitions, int(math.ceil(partitions)))) return partitions_list return _partitioner @tf_export("fixed_size_partitioner") def fixed_size_partitioner(num_shards, axis=0): """Partitioner to specify a fixed number of shards along given axis. Args: num_shards: `int`, number of shards to partition variable. axis: `int`, axis to partition on. Returns: A partition function usable as the `partitioner` argument to `variable_scope`, `get_variable`, and `get_partitioned_variable_list`. """ def _partitioner(shape, **unused_args): partitions_list = [1] * len(shape) partitions_list[axis] = min(num_shards, shape.dims[axis].value) return partitions_list return _partitioner @tf_export("create_partitioned_variables") def create_partitioned_variables( shape, slicing, initializer, dtype=dtypes.float32, trainable=True, collections=None, name=None, reuse=None): """Create a list of partitioned variables according to the given `slicing`. Currently only one dimension of the full variable can be sliced, and the full variable can be reconstructed by the concatenation of the returned list along that dimension. Args: shape: List of integers. The shape of the full variable. slicing: List of integers. How to partition the variable. Must be of the same length as `shape`. Each value indicate how many slices to create in the corresponding dimension. Presently only one of the values can be more than 1; that is, the variable can only be sliced along one dimension. For convenience, The requested number of partitions does not have to divide the corresponding dimension evenly. If it does not, the shapes of the partitions are incremented by 1 starting from partition 0 until all slack is absorbed. The adjustment rules may change in the future, but as you can save/restore these variables with different slicing specifications this should not be a problem. initializer: A `Tensor` of shape `shape` or a variable initializer function. If a function, it will be called once for each slice, passing the shape and data type of the slice as parameters. The function must return a tensor with the same shape as the slice. dtype: Type of the variables. Ignored if `initializer` is a `Tensor`. trainable: If True also add all the variables to the graph collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. collections: List of graph collections keys to add the variables to. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]`. name: Optional name for the full variable. Defaults to `"PartitionedVariable"` and gets uniquified automatically. reuse: Boolean or `None`; if `True` and name is set, it would reuse previously created variables. if `False` it will create new variables. if `None`, it would inherit the parent scope reuse. Returns: A list of Variables corresponding to the slicing. Raises: ValueError: If any of the arguments is malformed. """ logging.warn( "create_partitioned_variables is deprecated. Use " "tf.get_variable with a partitioner set, or " "tf.get_partitioned_variable_list, instead.") if len(shape) != len(slicing): raise ValueError("The 'shape' and 'slicing' of a partitioned Variable " "must have the length: shape: %s, slicing: %s" % (shape, slicing)) if len(shape) < 1: raise ValueError("A partitioned Variable must have rank at least 1: " "shape: %s" % shape) # Legacy: we are provided the slicing directly, so just pass it to # the partitioner. partitioner = lambda **unused_kwargs: slicing with variable_scope.variable_scope( name, "PartitionedVariable", reuse=reuse): # pylint: disable=protected-access partitioned_var = variable_scope._get_partitioned_variable( name=None, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, initializer=initializer, trainable=trainable, partitioner=partitioner, collections=collections) return list(partitioned_var) # pylint: enable=protected-access
# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Views for managing Swift containers. """ import os import django from django import http from django.utils.functional import cached_property # noqa from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views import generic from horizon import browsers from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms from horizon.utils import memoized from horizon.utils.urlresolvers import reverse # noqa from openstack_dashboard import api from openstack_dashboard.api import swift from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.containers \ import browsers as project_browsers from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.containers \ import forms as project_forms from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.containers import utils class ContainerView(browsers.ResourceBrowserView): browser_class = project_browsers.ContainerBrowser template_name = "project/containers/index.html" def get_containers_data(self): containers = [] self._more = None marker = self.request.GET.get('marker', None) try: containers, self._more = api.swift.swift_get_containers( self.request, marker=marker) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to retrieve container list.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) return containers @cached_property def objects(self): """Returns a list of objects given the subfolder's path. The path is from the kwargs of the request. """ objects = [] self._more = None marker = self.request.GET.get('marker', None) container_name = self.kwargs['container_name'] subfolder = self.kwargs['subfolder_path'] prefix = None if container_name: self.navigation_selection = True if subfolder: prefix = subfolder try: objects, self._more = api.swift.swift_get_objects( self.request, container_name, marker=marker, prefix=prefix) except Exception: self._more = None objects = [] msg = _('Unable to retrieve object list.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) return objects def is_subdir(self, item): content_type = "application/pseudo-folder" return getattr(item, "content_type", None) == content_type def is_placeholder(self, item): object_name = getattr(item, "name", "") return object_name.endswith(api.swift.FOLDER_DELIMITER) def get_objects_data(self): """Returns a list of objects within the current folder.""" filtered_objects = [item for item in self.objects if (not self.is_subdir(item) and not self.is_placeholder(item))] return filtered_objects def get_subfolders_data(self): """Returns a list of subfolders within the current folder.""" filtered_objects = [item for item in self.objects if self.is_subdir(item)] return filtered_objects def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ContainerView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['container_name'] = self.kwargs["container_name"] context['subfolders'] = [] if self.kwargs["subfolder_path"]: (parent, slash, folder) = self.kwargs["subfolder_path"] \ .strip('/').rpartition('/') while folder: path = "%s%s%s/" % (parent, slash, folder) context['subfolders'].insert(0, (folder, path)) (parent, slash, folder) = parent.rpartition('/') return context class CreateView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = project_forms.CreateContainer template_name = 'project/containers/create.html' success_url = "horizon:project:containers:index" page_title = _("Create Container") def get_success_url(self): parent = self.request.POST.get('parent', None) if parent: container, slash, remainder = parent.partition( swift.FOLDER_DELIMITER) args = (utils.wrap_delimiter(container), utils.wrap_delimiter(remainder)) return reverse(self.success_url, args=args) else: container = utils.wrap_delimiter(self.request.POST['name']) return reverse(self.success_url, args=[container]) def get_initial(self): initial = super(CreateView, self).get_initial() initial['parent'] = self.kwargs['container_name'] return initial class CreatePseudoFolderView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = project_forms.CreatePseudoFolder template_name = 'project/containers/create_pseudo_folder.html' success_url = "horizon:project:containers:index" page_title = _("Create Pseudo-folder") def get_success_url(self): container_name = self.request.POST['container_name'] return reverse(self.success_url, args=(utils.wrap_delimiter(container_name), self.request.POST.get('path', ''))) def get_initial(self): return {"container_name": self.kwargs["container_name"], "path": self.kwargs['subfolder_path']} def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(CreatePseudoFolderView, self). \ get_context_data(**kwargs) context['container_name'] = self.kwargs["container_name"] return context class UploadView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = project_forms.UploadObject template_name = 'project/containers/upload.html' success_url = "horizon:project:containers:index" page_title = _("Upload Objects") def get_success_url(self): container = utils.wrap_delimiter(self.request.POST['container_name']) path = utils.wrap_delimiter(self.request.POST.get('path', '')) args = (container, path) return reverse(self.success_url, args=args) def get_initial(self): return {"container_name": self.kwargs["container_name"], "path": self.kwargs['subfolder_path']} def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(UploadView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['container_name'] = self.kwargs["container_name"] return context def object_download(request, container_name, object_path): try: obj = api.swift.swift_get_object(request, container_name, object_path, resp_chunk_size=swift.CHUNK_SIZE) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:containers:index") exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve object."), redirect=redirect) # Add the original file extension back on if it wasn't preserved in the # name given to the object. filename = object_path.rsplit(swift.FOLDER_DELIMITER)[-1] if not os.path.splitext([1] and obj.orig_name: name, ext = os.path.splitext(obj.orig_name) filename = "%s%s" % (filename, ext) # NOTE(tsufiev): StreamingHttpResponse class had been introduced in # Django 1.5 specifically for the purpose streaming and/or transferring # large files, it's less fragile than standard HttpResponse and should be # used when available. if django.VERSION >= (1, 5): response = http.StreamingHttpResponse( else: response = http.HttpResponse( safe_name = filename.replace(",", "").encode('utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % safe_name response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response['Content-Length'] = obj.bytes return response class CopyView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = project_forms.CopyObject template_name = 'project/containers/copy.html' success_url = "horizon:project:containers:index" page_title = _("Copy Object") def get_success_url(self): container = utils.wrap_delimiter( self.request.POST['new_container_name']) path = utils.wrap_delimiter(self.request.POST.get('path', '')) args = (container, path) return reverse(self.success_url, args=args) def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(CopyView, self).get_form_kwargs() try: containers = api.swift.swift_get_containers(self.request) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:containers:index") exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to list containers.'), redirect=redirect) kwargs['containers'] = [(, for c in containers[0]] return kwargs @staticmethod def get_copy_name(object_name): filename, ext = os.path.splitext(object_name) return "%s.copy%s" % (filename, ext) def get_initial(self): path = self.kwargs["subfolder_path"] object_name = self.kwargs["object_name"] orig = "%s%s" % (path or '', object_name) return {"new_container_name": self.kwargs["container_name"], "orig_container_name": self.kwargs["container_name"], "orig_object_name": orig, "path": path, "new_object_name": self.get_copy_name(object_name)} def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(CopyView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['container_name'] = self.kwargs["container_name"] context['object_name'] = self.kwargs["object_name"] return context class ContainerDetailView(forms.ModalFormMixin, generic.TemplateView): template_name = 'project/containers/container_detail.html' page_title = _("Container Details") @memoized.memoized_method def get_object(self): try: return api.swift.swift_get_container( self.request, self.kwargs["container_name"], with_data=False) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:containers:index") exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve details.'), redirect=redirect) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ContainerDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['container'] = self.get_object() return context class ObjectDetailView(forms.ModalFormMixin, generic.TemplateView): template_name = 'project/containers/object_detail.html' page_title = _("Object Details") @memoized.memoized_method def get_object(self): try: return api.swift.swift_get_object( self.request, self.kwargs["container_name"], self.kwargs["object_path"], with_data=False) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:containers:index") exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve details.'), redirect=redirect) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ObjectDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['object'] = self.get_object() return context class UpdateObjectView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = project_forms.UpdateObject template_name = 'project/containers/update.html' success_url = "horizon:project:containers:index" page_title = _("Update Object") def get_success_url(self): container = utils.wrap_delimiter(self.request.POST['container_name']) path = utils.wrap_delimiter(self.request.POST.get('path', '')) args = (container, path) return reverse(self.success_url, args=args) def get_initial(self): return {"container_name": self.kwargs["container_name"], "path": self.kwargs["subfolder_path"], "name": self.kwargs["object_name"]} def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(UpdateObjectView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['container_name'] = self.kwargs["container_name"] context['subfolder_path'] = self.kwargs["subfolder_path"] context['object_name'] = self.kwargs["object_name"] return context
# Mantid Repository : # # Copyright &copy; 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI, # NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source, # Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS # SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 + import os import mantid.simpleapi as mantid import isis_powder.routines.common as common from isis_powder.routines.common_enums import INPUT_BATCHING, WORKSPACE_UNITS def create_calibration(calibration_runs, instrument, offset_file_name, grouping_file_name, calibration_dir, rebin_1_params, rebin_2_params, cross_correlate_params, get_det_offset_params, output_name): """ Create a calibration file from (usually) a ceria run :param calibration_runs: Run number(s) for this run :param instrument: The PEARL instrument object :param offset_file_name: Name of the file to write detector offset information to :param grouping_file_name: Name of grouping calibration file :param calibration_dir: Path to directory containing calibration information :param rebin_1_params: Parameters for the first rebin step (as a string in the usual format) :param rebin_2_params: Parameters for the second rebin step (as a string in the usual format) :param cross_correlate_params: Parameters for CrossCorrelate (as a dictionary PropertyName: PropertyValue) :param get_det_offset_params: Parameters for GetDetectorOffsets (as a dictionary PropertyName: PropertyValue) :param output_name: The name of the focused output workspace """ input_ws_list = common.load_current_normalised_ws_list(run_number_string=calibration_runs, instrument=instrument, input_batching=INPUT_BATCHING.Summed) input_ws = input_ws_list[0] calibration_ws = mantid.Rebin(InputWorkspace=input_ws, Params=rebin_1_params) if calibration_ws.getAxis(0).getUnit().unitID() != WORKSPACE_UNITS.d_spacing: calibration_ws = mantid.ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=calibration_ws, Target="dSpacing") rebinned = mantid.Rebin(InputWorkspace=calibration_ws, Params=rebin_2_params) cross_correlated = mantid.CrossCorrelate(InputWorkspace=rebinned, **cross_correlate_params) offset_file = os.path.join(calibration_dir, offset_file_name) # Offsets workspace must be referenced as string so it can be deleted, as simpleapi doesn't recognise it as a ws offsets_ws_name = "offsets" mantid.GetDetectorOffsets(InputWorkspace=cross_correlated, GroupingFileName=offset_file, OutputWorkspace=offsets_ws_name, **get_det_offset_params) rebinned_tof = mantid.ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=rebinned, Target="TOF") mantid.ApplyDiffCal(InstrumentWorkspace=rebinned_tof, CalibrationFile=offset_file) aligned = mantid.ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=rebinned_tof, Target="dSpacing") mantid.ApplyDiffCal(InstrumentWorkspace=aligned, ClearCalibration=True) grouping_file = os.path.join(calibration_dir, grouping_file_name) focused = mantid.DiffractionFocussing(InputWorkspace=aligned, GroupingFileName=grouping_file, OutputWorkspace=output_name) common.remove_intermediate_workspace([calibration_ws, rebinned, cross_correlated, rebinned_tof, aligned, offsets_ws_name]) return focused
# coding=utf-8 # Author: DarkSupremo <> # # URL: # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see <>. """Provider code for BJ-Share.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from requests.compat import urljoin from requests.utils import add_dict_to_cookiejar, dict_from_cookiejar from sickbeard import logger, tvcache from sickbeard.bs4_parser import BS4Parser from sickrage.helper.common import convert_size, try_int from sickrage.providers.torrent.TorrentProvider import TorrentProvider class BJShareProvider(TorrentProvider): """BJ-Share Torrent provider.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the class.""" super(BJShareProvider, self).__init__('BJ-Share') # URLs self.url = '' self.urls = { 'login': "", 'search': urljoin(self.url, 'torrents.php') } # Credentials self.enable_cookies = True self.cookies = '' self.username = None self.password = None self.required_cookies = ['session'] # Torrent Stats self.minseed = None self.minleech = None # Miscellaneous Options self.supports_absolute_numbering = True self.max_back_pages = 2 # Proper Strings self.proper_strings = ['PROPER', 'REPACK', 'REAL', 'RERIP'] # Cache self.cache = tvcache.TVCache(self) # One piece and Boruto is the only animes that i'm aware that is in "absolute" numbering, the problem is that # they include the season (wrong season) and episode as absolute, eg: One Piece - S08E836 # 836 is the latest episode in absolute numbering, that is correct, but S08 is not the current season... # So for this show, i don't see a other way to make it work... # # All others animes that i tested is with correct season and episode set, so i can't remove the season from all # or will break everything else # # In this indexer, it looks that it is added "automatically", so all current and new releases will be broken # until they or the source from where they get that info fix it... self.absolute_numbering = [ 'One Piece', 'Boruto: Naruto Next Generations' ] def search(self, search_strings, age=0, ep_obj=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches """ Search a provider and parse the results. :param search_strings: A dict with mode (key) and the search value (value) :param age: Not used :param ep_obj: Informations about the episode being searched (when not RSS) :returns: A list of search results (structure) """ results = [] if not self.login(): return results anime = False if ep_obj and anime = == 1 search_params = { 'order_by': 'time', 'order_way': 'desc', 'group_results': 0, 'action': 'basic', 'searchsubmit': 1 } if 'RSS' in search_strings.keys(): search_params['filter_cat[14]'] = 1 # anime search_params['filter_cat[2]'] = 1 # tv shows elif anime: search_params['filter_cat[14]'] = 1 # anime else: search_params['filter_cat[2]'] = 1 # tv shows for mode in search_strings: items = [] logger.log(u'Search Mode: {0}'.format(mode), logger.DEBUG) # if looking for season, look for more pages if mode == 'Season': self.max_back_pages = 10 for search_string in search_strings[mode]: if mode != 'RSS': logger.log(u'Search string: {0}'.format(search_string.decode('utf-8')), logger.DEBUG) # Remove season / episode from search (not supported by tracker) search_str = re.sub(r'\d+$' if anime else r'[S|E]\d\d', '', search_string).strip() search_params['searchstr'] = search_str next_page = 1 has_next_page = True while has_next_page and next_page <= self.max_back_pages: search_params['page'] = next_page logger.log(u'Page Search: {0}'.format(next_page), logger.DEBUG) next_page += 1 response = self.session.get(self.urls['search'], params=search_params) if not response: logger.log('No data returned from provider', logger.DEBUG) continue result = self._parse(response.content, mode) has_next_page = result['has_next_page'] items += result['items'] results += items return results def _parse(self, data, mode): """ Parse search results for items. :param data: The raw response from a search :param mode: The current mode used to search, e.g. RSS :return: A KV with a list of items found and if there's an next page to search """ def process_column_header(td): ret = u'' if td.a and td.a.img: ret = td.a.img.get('title', td.a.get_text(strip=True)) if not ret: ret = td.get_text(strip=True) return ret items = [] has_next_page = False with BS4Parser(data, 'html5lib') as html: torrent_table = html.find('table', id='torrent_table') torrent_rows = torrent_table('tr') if torrent_table else [] # ignore next page in RSS mode has_next_page = mode != 'RSS' and html.find('a', class_='pager_next') is not None logger.log(u'More Pages? {0}'.format(has_next_page), logger.DEBUG) # Continue only if at least one Release is found if len(torrent_rows) < 2: logger.log('Data returned from provider does not contain any torrents', logger.DEBUG) return {'has_next_page': has_next_page, 'items': []} # '', '', 'Name /Year', 'Files', 'Time', 'Size', 'Snatches', 'Seeders', 'Leechers' labels = [process_column_header(label) for label in torrent_rows[0]('td')] group_title = u'' # Skip column headers for result in torrent_rows[1:]: cells = result('td') result_class = result.get('class') # When "Grouping Torrents" is enabled, the structure of table change group_index = -2 if 'group_torrent' in result_class else 0 try: title ='a[href^="torrents.php?id="]')[0].get_text() title = re.sub('\s+', ' ', title).strip() # clean empty lines and multiple spaces if 'group' in result_class or 'torrent' in result_class: # get international title if available title = re.sub('.* \[(.*?)\](.*)', r'\1\2', title) if 'group' in result_class: group_title = title continue # Clean dash between title and season/episode title = re.sub('- (S\d{2}(E\d{2,4})?)', r'\1', title) for serie in self.absolute_numbering: if serie in title: # remove season from title when its in absolute format title = re.sub('S\d{2}E(\d{2,4})', r'\1', title) break download_url = urljoin(self.url,'a[href^="torrents.php?action=download"]')[0]['href']) if not all([title, download_url]): continue seeders = try_int(cells[labels.index('Seeders') + group_index].get_text(strip=True)) leechers = try_int(cells[labels.index('Leechers') + group_index].get_text(strip=True)) # Filter unseeded torrent if seeders < self.minseed or leechers < self.minleech: if mode != "RSS": logger.log("Discarding torrent because it doesn't meet the" " minimum seeders or leechers: {0} (S:{1} L:{2})".format (title, seeders, leechers), logger.DEBUG) continue torrent_details = None if 'group_torrent' in result_class: # torrents belonging to a group torrent_details = title title = group_title elif 'torrent' in result_class: # standalone/un grouped torrents torrent_details = cells[labels.index('Nome/Ano')].find('div', class_='torrent_info').get_text() torrent_details = torrent_details.replace('[', ' ').replace(']', ' ').replace('/', ' ') torrent_details = torrent_details.replace('Full HD ', '1080p').replace('HD ', '720p') torrent_size = cells[labels.index('Tamanho') + group_index].get_text(strip=True) size = convert_size(torrent_size) or -1 torrent_name = '{0} {1}'.format(title, torrent_details.strip()).strip() torrent_name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', torrent_name) items.append({ 'title': torrent_name, 'link': download_url, 'size': size, 'seeders': seeders, 'leechers': leechers, 'hash': '' }) if mode != 'RSS': logger.log('Found result: {0} with {1} seeders and {2} leechers'.format (torrent_name, seeders, leechers), logger.DEBUG) except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): logger.log('Failed parsing provider.', logger.ERROR) return {'has_next_page': has_next_page, 'items': items} def login(self): """Login method used for logging in before doing a search and torrent downloads.""" cookie_dict = dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies) if cookie_dict.get('session'): return True if self.cookies: add_dict_to_cookiejar(self.session.cookies, dict(x.rsplit('=', 1) for x in self.cookies.split(';'))) cookie_dict = dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies) if cookie_dict.get('session'): return True login_params = { 'submit': 'Login', 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'keeplogged': 1, } response = self.get_url(self.urls['login'], post_data=login_params, returns='text') if not response: logger.log(u"Unable to connect to provider", logger.WARNING) return False if'<title>Login :: BJ-Share</title>', response): logger.log(u"Invalid username or password. Check your settings", logger.WARNING) return False return True provider = BJShareProvider()
"""Map model.""" import logging from auvsi_suas.models import pb_utils from auvsi_suas.proto import interop_admin_api_pb2 from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import admin from django.db import models logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Map(models.Model): """Map submission for a team.""" # The mission this is a map for. mission = models.ForeignKey('MissionConfig', on_delete=models.CASCADE) # The user which submitted and owns this map. user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) # Uploaded map. uploaded_map = models.ImageField(upload_to='maps', blank=True) # Quality assigned by a judge. quality = models.IntegerField(choices=pb_utils.FieldChoicesFromEnum( interop_admin_api_pb2.MapEvaluation.MapQuality), null=True, blank=True) @admin.register(Map) class MapModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): raw_id_fields = ('mission', ) list_display = ('pk', 'mission', 'user', 'quality')
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2010, 2011 Sushil J. Louis and Christopher E. Miles, # Evolutionary Computing Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science # and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno. # # This file is part of OpenECSLENT # # OpenECSLENT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OpenECSLENT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OpenECSLENT. If not, see <>. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------End Copyright Notice------------------------------ import exceptions from mgr import Mgr from vector import vector3 import timer import os import yaml import traceback import command class ActionHistory(object): def __init__(self): self.IimeOnClose = 0.0 self.actions = [] class Action(object): def __init__(self, time): self.time = time def do(self, engine): raise exceptions.CallingAbstractFunction class CreateEntity(Action): def __init__(self, time, handle, type): Action.__init__(self, time) self.handle = handle self.type = type def do(self, engine): #print '', self.handle, self.type engine.entMgr.createEntity(self.handle, self.type) class MoveEntity(Action): def __init__(self, time, handle, pos): Action.__init__(self, time) self.handle = handle self.pos = pos def do(self, engine): #print '', self.handle, self.pos ent = engine.entMgr.findEntFromHandle(self.handle) ent.pos = self.pos class MoveToAction(Action): def __init__(self, time, handle, desiredState, replaceExistingCommands): Action.__init__(self, time) self.handle = handle self.desiredState = desiredState self.replaceExistingCommands = replaceExistingCommands def do(self, engine): ent = engine.entMgr.findEntFromHandle(self.handle) self.desiredState.connectToEngine(engine) cmd = command.MoveTo(engine, self.desiredState) if self.replaceExistingCommands: ent.squad.SquadAI.commands = [] ent.squad.SquadAI.commands.append(cmd) class AdjustSpeed(Action): def __init__(self, time, handle, speed): Action.__init__(self, time) self.handle = handle self.speed = speed def do(self, engine): ent = engine.entMgr.findEntFromHandle(self.handle) ent.UnitAI.navDesiredSpeed = self.speed ent.UnitAI.command.desiredSpeed = self.speed ent.uiDesiredSpeed = self.speed class ActionMgr(Mgr): history = ActionHistory() pendingActions = [] def initialize(self): pass def loadLevel(self): #print 'ActionMgr.loadLevel' for filename in self.engine.localOptions.gameOptions.toLoad: filename = os.path.join('ActionHistory/', filename) f = open(filename, 'r') s = f.close() history = yaml.load(s) for action in history.actions: self.enqueue(action) historyFilename = 'ActionHistory/actionHistory.yaml' historyFilenameBackup = 'ActionHistory/actionHistory_backup.yaml' toFileTimer = timer.Timer(1.0) dirty = False def tick(self, dtime): while self.pendingActions: action = self.pendingActions[0] #print action, action.time, self.engine.gameTime if self.engine.gameTime >= action.time: self.pendingActions.pop(0) else: break #list is sorted - if first fails, all fail if self.dirty and self.toFileTimer.check(dtime): self.dirty = False try: os.unlink(self.historyFilenameBackup) except: print 'Failed to erase old history file' traceback.print_exc() try: os.rename(self.historyFilename, self.historyFilenameBackup) except: print 'Failed to backup history file' traceback.print_exc() s = yaml.dump(self.history) f = open(self.historyFilename, 'w') f.write(s) f.close() def do(self, action): #print '', action def enqueue(self, action): self.dirty = True self.pendingActions.append(action) self.pendingActions.sort(key=lambda action:action.time) #self.history.actions.append(action) #self.history.actions.sort(key=lambda action:action.time) #class TestEntityClass: #def __init__(self): #pass #testMode = True #print 'ActionMgr.Test' #doSaveTest = True #if doSaveTest: #h = ActionHistory() #a1 = CreateEntity(time=1.0, type=TestEntityClass, pos=vector3(1,0,2)) #h.actions.append(a1) #print h #s = yaml.dump(h) #print s #f = open('test.yaml', 'w') #f.write(s) #f.close() #doLoadTest = True #if doLoadTest: #f = open('test.yaml', 'r') #s = #f.close() #print s #h = yaml.load(s) #print h
Algèbre/Algèbre linéaire/Matrice/Matrice inversible/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os # compute the inverse of a matrix via Newton iteration. This is based # on problem 4.12 in Garcia. See also # # (which cites Gunther Schultz 1933 and Harold Hotelling 1943) # also Wikipedia for invertible matrix notes: # # Newton inverse is useful for inverting similar matrixes (use # previous inverse as starting guess). # # Note: this is very sensitive to the initial guess. It will diverge # quickly if the initial guess gives products that are all > 1 import numpy tol = 1.e-12 def iter_inverse(A, Ainv0): """ here A is the matrix and Ainv0 is an initial guess to the inverse """ Ainv = Ainv0.copy() err = 1.e10 iter = 0 while (err > tol): Ainv_new = 2.0 * Ainv -,, Ainv)) err = numpy.max(numpy.abs(Ainv - Ainv_new)) Ainv = Ainv_new.copy() iter += 1 print("number of iterations = ", iter) return Ainv # some attempts A = numpy.array([[4, 3, 4, 10], [2, -7, 3, 0], [-2, 11, 1, 3], [3, -4, 0, 2]], dtype=numpy.float64) # identity print("calling with Ainv0 = I") Ainv = iter_inverse(A, numpy.eye(4)) print(, Ainv)) print(" ") # transpose scaled by maximum element **2 print("calling with Ainv0 = A^T/max(A)**2") Ainv = iter_inverse(A, numpy.transpose(A) / numpy.max(numpy.abs(A))**2) print(, Ainv)) print(" ") # diagonal of 1/ A's diagonal Ainv = numpy.diagflat(1.0 / numpy.diag(A)) print("calling with diag(Ainv0) = 1.0/diag(A)") Ainv = iter_inverse(A, numpy.transpose(A) / numpy.max(numpy.abs(A))**2) print(, Ainv)) print(" ") # matrix with all elements = 1/max(A) Ainv = numpy.ones(A.shape) / numpy.max(numpy.abs(A)) print("calling with Ainv_ij = 1.0/max(|A|)") Ainv = iter_inverse(A, numpy.transpose(A) / numpy.max(numpy.abs(A))**2) print(, Ainv)) print(" ") os.system("pause")
import unittest from scriptures.structure import Structure, Testament, Book, Chapter class TestStructure(unittest.TestCase): def test_testaments(self): self.assertEqual(Structure().testaments(), [ Testament(uri='/scriptures/ot'), Testament(uri='/scriptures/nt'), Testament(uri='/scriptures/bofm'), Testament(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament'), Testament(uri='/scriptures/pgp'), ]) def test_books(self): self.assertEqual(Structure().books(testament=Testament(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament')), [ Book(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament/dc'), Book(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament/od'), ]) self.assertEqual(Structure().books(testament=Testament(uri='/scriptures/pgp')), [ Book(uri='/scriptures/pgp/moses'), Book(uri='/scriptures/pgp/abr'), Book(uri='/scriptures/pgp/js-m'), Book(uri='/scriptures/pgp/js-h'), Book(uri='/scriptures/pgp/a-of-f'), ]) def test_chapters(self): self.assertEqual(Structure().chapters(book=Book(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament/od')), [ Chapter(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament/od/1', verse_count=0), Chapter(uri='/scriptures/dc-testament/od/2', verse_count=0), ]) self.assertEqual(Structure().chapters(book=Book(uri='/scriptures/ot/hag')), [ Chapter(uri='/scriptures/ot/hag/1', verse_count=15), Chapter(uri='/scriptures/ot/hag/2', verse_count=23), ])
# encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import json import xml.etree.ElementTree from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import ( compat_parse_qs, compat_str, compat_urllib_parse, compat_urllib_parse_urlparse, compat_urllib_request, compat_urlparse, compat_xml_parse_error, ) from ..utils import ( determine_ext, ExtractorError, find_xpath_attr, fix_xml_ampersands, unescapeHTML, unsmuggle_url, ) class BrightcoveIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'(?:https?://.*brightcove\.com/(services|viewer).*?\?|brightcove:)(?P<query>.*)' _FEDERATED_URL_TEMPLATE = '' _TESTS = [ { # From 'url': '', 'md5': '5423e113865d26e40624dce2e4b45d95', 'note': 'Test Brightcove downloads and detection in GenericIE', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2371591881001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Xavier Sala i Martín: “Un banc que no presta és un banc zombi que no serveix per a res”', 'uploader': '8TV', 'description': 'md5:a950cc4285c43e44d763d036710cd9cd', } }, { # From 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '1785452137001', 'ext': 'flv', 'title': 'JVMLS 2012: Arrays 2.0 - Opportunities and Challenges', 'description': 'John Rose speaks at the JVM Language Summit, August 1, 2012.', 'uploader': 'Oracle', }, }, { # From 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2750934548001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'This Bracelet Acts as a Personal Thermostat', 'description': 'md5:547b78c64f4112766ccf4e151c20b6a0', 'uploader': 'Mashable', }, }, { # test that the default referer works # from 'url': ',AAAApYJi_Ck~,GxhXCegT1Dp39ilhXuxMJxasUhVNZiil&bctid=2878862109001', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2878862109001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Lost in Motion II', 'description': 'md5:363109c02998fee92ec02211bd8000df', 'uploader': 'National Ballet of Canada', }, }, { # test flv videos served by # From 'url': '', # The md5 checksum changes on each download 'info_dict': { 'id': '2996102916001', 'ext': 'flv', 'title': 'UCI MTB World Cup 2014: Fort William, UK - Downhill Finals', 'uploader': 'Red Bull TV', 'description': 'UCI MTB World Cup 2014: Fort William, UK - Downhill Finals', }, }, { # playlist test # from 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'title': 'Sealife', 'id': '3550319591001', }, 'playlist_mincount': 7, }, ] @classmethod def _build_brighcove_url(cls, object_str): """ Build a Brightcove url from a xml string containing <object class="BrightcoveExperience">{params}</object> """ # Fix up some stupid HTML, see object_str = re.sub(r'(<param(?:\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+="[^"]*")*)>', lambda m: + '/>', object_str) # Fix up some stupid XML, see object_str = object_str.replace('<--', '<!--') # remove namespace to simplify extraction object_str = re.sub(r'(<object[^>]*)(xmlns=".*?")', r'\1', object_str) object_str = fix_xml_ampersands(object_str) try: object_doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(object_str.encode('utf-8')) except compat_xml_parse_error: return fv_el = find_xpath_attr(object_doc, './param', 'name', 'flashVars') if fv_el is not None: flashvars = dict( (k, v[0]) for k, v in compat_parse_qs(fv_el.attrib['value']).items()) else: flashvars = {} def find_param(name): if name in flashvars: return flashvars[name] node = find_xpath_attr(object_doc, './param', 'name', name) if node is not None: return node.attrib['value'] return None params = {} playerID = find_param('playerID') if playerID is None: raise ExtractorError('Cannot find player ID') params['playerID'] = playerID playerKey = find_param('playerKey') # Not all pages define this value if playerKey is not None: params['playerKey'] = playerKey # The three fields hold the id of the video videoPlayer = find_param('@videoPlayer') or find_param('videoId') or find_param('videoID') if videoPlayer is not None: params['@videoPlayer'] = videoPlayer linkBase = find_param('linkBaseURL') if linkBase is not None: params['linkBaseURL'] = linkBase return cls._make_brightcove_url(params) @classmethod def _build_brighcove_url_from_js(cls, object_js): # The layout of JS is as follows: # customBC.createVideo = function (width, height, playerID, playerKey, videoPlayer, VideoRandomID) { # // build Brightcove <object /> XML # } m = r'''(?x)customBC.\createVideo\( .*? # skipping width and height ["\'](?P<playerID>\d+)["\']\s*,\s* # playerID ["\'](?P<playerKey>AQ[^"\']{48})[^"\']*["\']\s*,\s* # playerKey begins with AQ and is 50 characters # in length, however it's appended to itself # in places, so truncate ["\'](?P<videoID>\d+)["\'] # @videoPlayer ''', object_js) if m: return cls._make_brightcove_url(m.groupdict()) @classmethod def _make_brightcove_url(cls, params): data = compat_urllib_parse.urlencode(params) return cls._FEDERATED_URL_TEMPLATE % data @classmethod def _extract_brightcove_url(cls, webpage): """Try to extract the brightcove url from the webpage, returns None if it can't be found """ urls = cls._extract_brightcove_urls(webpage) return urls[0] if urls else None @classmethod def _extract_brightcove_urls(cls, webpage): """Return a list of all Brightcove URLs from the webpage """ url_m = r'<meta\s+property=[\'"]og:video[\'"]\s+content=[\'"](https?://(?:secure|c)\[^\'"]+)[\'"]', webpage) if url_m: url = unescapeHTML( # Some sites don't add it, we can't download with this url, for example: # if 'playerKey' in url or 'videoId' in url: return [url] matches = re.findall( r'''(?sx)<object (?: [^>]+?class=[\'"][^>]*?BrightcoveExperience.*?[\'"] | [^>]*?>\s*<param\s+name="movie"\s+value="https?://[^/]*brightcove\.com/ ).+?>\s*</object>''', webpage) if matches: return list(filter(None, [cls._build_brighcove_url(m) for m in matches])) return list(filter(None, [ cls._build_brighcove_url_from_js(custom_bc) for custom_bc in re.findall(r'(customBC\.createVideo\(.+?\);)', webpage)])) def _real_extract(self, url): url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {}) # Change the 'videoId' and others field to '@videoPlayer' url = re.sub(r'(?<=[?&])(videoI(d|D)|bctid)', '%40videoPlayer', url) # Change bckey (used by urls) to playerKey url = re.sub(r'(?<=[?&])bckey', 'playerKey', url) mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) query_str ='query') query = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(query_str) videoPlayer = query.get('@videoPlayer') if videoPlayer: # We set the original url as the default 'Referer' header referer = smuggled_data.get('Referer', url) return self._get_video_info( videoPlayer[0], query_str, query, referer=referer) elif 'playerKey' in query: player_key = query['playerKey'] return self._get_playlist_info(player_key[0]) else: raise ExtractorError( 'Cannot find playerKey= variable. Did you forget quotes in a shell invocation?', expected=True) def _get_video_info(self, video_id, query_str, query, referer=None): request_url = self._FEDERATED_URL_TEMPLATE % query_str req = compat_urllib_request.Request(request_url) linkBase = query.get('linkBaseURL') if linkBase is not None: referer = linkBase[0] if referer is not None: req.add_header('Referer', referer) webpage = self._download_webpage(req, video_id) error_msg = self._html_search_regex( r"<h1>We're sorry.</h1>([\s\n]*<p>.*?</p>)+", webpage, 'error message', default=None) if error_msg is not None: raise ExtractorError( 'brightcove said: %s' % error_msg, expected=True) self.report_extraction(video_id) info = self._search_regex(r'var experienceJSON = ({.*});', webpage, 'json') info = json.loads(info)['data'] video_info = info['programmedContent']['videoPlayer']['mediaDTO'] video_info['_youtubedl_adServerURL'] = info.get('adServerURL') return self._extract_video_info(video_info) def _get_playlist_info(self, player_key): info_url = '' % player_key playlist_info = self._download_webpage( info_url, player_key, 'Downloading playlist information') json_data = json.loads(playlist_info) if 'videoList' not in json_data: raise ExtractorError('Empty playlist') playlist_info = json_data['videoList'] videos = [self._extract_video_info(video_info) for video_info in playlist_info['mediaCollectionDTO']['videoDTOs']] return self.playlist_result(videos, playlist_id='%s' % playlist_info['id'], playlist_title=playlist_info['mediaCollectionDTO']['displayName']) def _extract_video_info(self, video_info): info = { 'id': compat_str(video_info['id']), 'title': video_info['displayName'].strip(), 'description': video_info.get('shortDescription'), 'thumbnail': video_info.get('videoStillURL') or video_info.get('thumbnailURL'), 'uploader': video_info.get('publisherName'), } renditions = video_info.get('renditions') if renditions: formats = [] for rend in renditions: url = rend['defaultURL'] if not url: continue ext = None if rend['remote']: url_comp = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url) if url_comp.path.endswith('.m3u8'): formats.extend( self._extract_m3u8_formats(url, info['id'], 'mp4')) continue elif '' in url_comp.netloc: # This type of renditions are served through #, but they don't use f4m manifests url = url.replace('control/', '') + '?&v=3.3.0&fp=13&r=FEEFJ&g=RTSJIMBMPFPB' ext = 'flv' if ext is None: ext = determine_ext(url) size = rend.get('size') formats.append({ 'url': url, 'ext': ext, 'height': rend.get('frameHeight'), 'width': rend.get('frameWidth'), 'filesize': size if size != 0 else None, }) self._sort_formats(formats) info['formats'] = formats elif video_info.get('FLVFullLengthURL') is not None: info.update({ 'url': video_info['FLVFullLengthURL'], }) if self._downloader.params.get('include_ads', False): adServerURL = video_info.get('_youtubedl_adServerURL') if adServerURL: ad_info = { '_type': 'url', 'url': adServerURL, } if 'url' in info: return { '_type': 'playlist', 'title': info['title'], 'entries': [ad_info, info], } else: return ad_info if 'url' not in info and not info.get('formats'): raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract video url for %s' % info['id']) return info
# Copyright 2007 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. """Fixer for removing uses of the types module. These work for only the known names in the types module. The forms above can include types. or not. ie, It is assumed the module is imported either as: import types from types import ... # either * or specific types The import statements are not modified. There should be another fixer that handles at least the following constants: type([]) -> list type(()) -> tuple type('') -> str """ # Local imports from ..pgen2 import token from .. import fixer_base from ..fixer_util import Name _TYPE_MAPPING = { 'BooleanType' : 'bool', 'BufferType' : 'memoryview', 'ClassType' : 'type', 'ComplexType' : 'complex', 'DictType': 'dict', 'DictionaryType' : 'dict', 'EllipsisType' : 'type(Ellipsis)', #'FileType' : 'io.IOBase', 'FloatType': 'float', 'IntType': 'int', 'ListType': 'list', 'LongType': 'int', 'ObjectType' : 'object', 'NoneType': 'type(None)', 'NotImplementedType' : 'type(NotImplemented)', 'SliceType' : 'slice', 'StringType': 'bytes', # XXX ? 'StringTypes' : 'str', # XXX ? 'TupleType': 'tuple', 'TypeType' : 'type', 'UnicodeType': 'str', 'XRangeType' : 'range', } _pats = ["power< 'types' trailer< '.' name='%s' > >" % t for t in _TYPE_MAPPING] class FixTypes(fixer_base.BaseFix): BM_compatible = True PATTERN = '|'.join(_pats) def transform(self, node, results): new_value = unicode(_TYPE_MAPPING.get(results["name"].value)) if new_value: return Name(new_value, prefix=node.prefix) return None
""" /** * Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ """ import subprocess import os import sys import threading import logging import kernel_utils as kernel_utils LOGGER = logging.getLogger('wso2server.version_control') class VersionControlError(Exception): pass class Repository(object): def replace_params(self, str_): str_.replace("$dir", self.repo_name) return str_.replace("$url", self.repo_url) def __init__(self, repo_name_, repo_url_, repo_path_, repo_conf_): self.repo_name = repo_name_ self.repo_url = repo_url_ self.repo_commands = repo_conf_['Commands'] self.local_repo_base_path = repo_path_ # local_repo_base_path = os.getcwd() self.local_repo_path = os.path.join(self.local_repo_base_path, self.repo_name) self.init() def __makedirs(self, dir_path): """Adding os.makedirs() support for python 2.7.3""" if dir_path and not os.path.isdir(dir_path): head, tail = os.path.split(dir_path) self.__makedirs(head) os.mkdir(dir_path, 0777) def init_local_repo(self): LOGGER.debug("Creating local repository " + self.repo_name + "...!") self.__makedirs(self.local_repo_base_path) os.chdir(self.local_repo_base_path) command = self.replace_params(self.repo_commands["Init"]) try: # call command and wait to complete, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, shell=True) except OSError, e: if e.errno == 2: LOGGER.debug("Command `" + command + "` Not found...!") sys.exit(1) except: LOGGER.debug("Error occurred on initializing repository: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) def update_local_repo(self): LOGGER.debug("Updating local repo " + self.repo_name + "...") os.chdir(self.local_repo_path) command = self.replace_params(self.repo_commands["Update"]) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, shell=True) p.wait() except OSError, e: if e.errno == 2: LOGGER.warning("Command `" + command + "` Not found...!") sys.exit(1) except: LOGGER.warning("Error occurred updating local repository: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) def check_remote_changes(self): os.chdir(self.local_repo_path) command = self.replace_params(self.repo_commands["LocalRevision"]) try: local_rev = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) local_rev = local_rev.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOGGER.warning( "Error occurred on local: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) return False command = self.replace_params(self.repo_commands["RemoteRevision"]) try: remote_rev = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) remote_rev = remote_rev.strip() except OSError, e: if e.errno == 2: LOGGER.warning("Command `" + command + "` Not found...!") sys.exit(1) # no need to continue except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOGGER.warning( "Error occurred on remote: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) return False LOGGER.debug(self.repo_name) LOGGER.debug("local rev: '" + local_rev + "'") LOGGER.debug("remote_rev: '" + remote_rev + "'") if local_rev == remote_rev: return False # no changes needed elif local_rev == "" or remote_rev == "": return False # no changes needed else: return True # changes needed LOGGER.debug("changes detected") def init(self): if not (os.path.exists(self.local_repo_path)): self.init_local_repo() class UpdateListener(object): lock = None @staticmethod def __get_repo_handler(handlers, update_conf): """ Returns repository handler to execute update commands. """ try: # get handler name for the repository repo_handler_name = update_conf['Repository']['VCSHandler'] except KeyError: LOGGER.debug("No VCSHandler found...!") raise # get handler for the repository repo_handler = [handler for handler in handlers if handler['@name'] == repo_handler_name] if len(repo_handler) == 0: raise VersionControlError( "Repo Handler " + repo_handler_name + " is not defined in VCSHandlers!") return repo_handler[0] @staticmethod def execute_copy_script(dd_kernel_repo_name): if not (os.path.exists(kernel_utils.temp_path)): os.mkdir(kernel_utils.temp_path) os.chdir(kernel_utils.scripts_path) os.system("sh '" + kernel_utils.base_path+"' "+dd_kernel_repo_name) LOGGER.debug("running") @staticmethod def update(handlers, update_conf, lock, safe_exit_handler=None): """ Initiates polling program or content updates. """ repo_handler = UpdateListener.__get_repo_handler(handlers, update_conf) lock.acquire() dd_kernel_folder = kernel_utils.temp_path try: dd_kernel_repo_name = update_conf['Repository']['Name'] dd_kernel_repo_url = update_conf['Repository']['Url'] dd_kernel_poll_int = update_conf['PollingInterval'] except KeyError: lock.release() raise VersionControlError("Error in reading UpdatePolicy for Kernel...!") git = Repository(dd_kernel_repo_name, dd_kernel_repo_url, dd_kernel_folder, repo_handler) if git.check_remote_changes(): git.update_local_repo() if safe_exit_handler: safe_exit_handler() lock.release() UpdateListener.execute_copy_script(dd_kernel_repo_name) lock.release() # repeat it threading.Timer(kernel_utils.get_seconds(dd_kernel_poll_int), UpdateListener.update, [handlers, update_conf, lock, safe_exit_handler]).start()
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <> # # This file is part of PyCha. # # PyCha is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PyCha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with PyCha. If not, see <>. import sys import cairo import pycha.pie from lines import lines def pieChart(output): surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 400, 400) dataSet = [(line[0], [[0, line[1]]]) for line in lines] options = { 'axis': { 'x': { 'ticks': [dict(v=i, label=d[0]) for i, d in enumerate(lines)], } }, 'background': { 'hide': True, }, 'padding': { 'left': 70, 'right': 10, 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0, }, 'legend': { 'hide': True, } } chart = pycha.pie.PieChart(surface, options) chart.addDataset(dataSet) chart.render() surface.write_to_png(output) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: output = sys.argv[1] else: output = 'piechart.png' pieChart(output)
import torch from .organization import Organization from .dna import dna from ..tex import tex class Population: def __init__(self, owner): assert hasattr(owner, 'make_seed_dna') and callable(owner.make_seed_dna) assert hasattr(owner, 'calculate_fitness') and callable(owner.calculate_fitness) self._owner = owner self._dna_tensor = tex.constant(0, owner.dna_size, owner.population_size) self._order_by = torch.arange(0, owner.population_size) self._bodies = None self._fitness = None self._sorted_dna_tensor = None self._idx = 0 @property def sorted(self): return self._fitness is not None and self._bodies is not None def _verify_sorted(self): if not self.sorted: raise RuntimeError('Population is not sorted.') def __len__(self): return self._idx def get_organization_and_fitness_at(self, index, fitness_as_tensor=True): if index < len(self): idx = int(self._order_by[index]) body = self._bodies[idx] if self._bodies is not None else None org = Organization(dna.create(tex.idx(self._dna_tensor, tex.span, idx)), body) fit = None if self.sorted: if fitness_as_tensor: fit = self._fitness.narrow(0, idx, 1) else: fit = self._fitness[idx] return org, fit return None def get_dna_tensor(self, get_sorted=True): if get_sorted: self._verify_sorted() if self._sorted_dna_tensor is None: self._sorted_dna_tensor = torch.index_select(self._dna_tensor, 1, self._order_by) return self._sorted_dna_tensor return self._dna_tensor def fill(self): if len(self) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Population is not empty.') while len(self) != self._owner.population_size: self.push(self._owner.make_seed_dna()) def push(self, item): idx = self._idx if idx == self._owner.population_size: raise RuntimeError('Population is full.') tensor = None if isinstance(item, tuple): if len(item) != 2: raise ValueError('Invalid tuple length.') if not ((item[0] is None or torch.is_tensor(item[0])) and torch.is_tensor(item[1])): raise ValueError('Invalid arguments.') if item[0] is None: tensor = item[1] else: tensor = tex.join(1, item[0], item[1]) elif torch.is_tensor(item): tensor = item else: raise TypeError('Unknown argument.') if tensor is not None: tensor_size = tensor.size() count = tensor_size[1] if len(tensor_size) == 2 else 1 self._dna_tensor[:, idx:idx + count] = tensor self._idx += count def calculate_fitness(self): if self._fitness: raise RuntimeError('Fitness is already calculated.') if self._owner.population_size != len(self): raise RuntimeError('Population is not full.') res = self._owner.calculate_fitness(self._dna_tensor) if not isinstance(res, tuple) or len(res) != 2: raise TypeError('Result of "calculate_fitness" is not a tuple of length 2.') if not isinstance(res[0], list): raise TypeError('First value of result of "calculate_fitness" is not a list.') if len(res[0]) != len(self): raise ValueError( 'First value of result of "calculate_fitness" length is not {}.'\ .format(len(self))) self._bodies = res[0] if not torch.is_tensor(res[1]): raise TypeError('Second value of result of "calculate_fitness" is not a tensor.') self._fitness = res[1] if self._fitness.size() != (len(self), ): raise ValueError( 'Second value of result of "calculate_fitness" dims is not ({}, ).'\ .format(len(self))) def sort(self): self.calculate_fitness() res = torch.sort(self._fitness) self._order_by = res[1] def make_crossovered_dna(self, std_dev=0.3, keep_elites_rate=0.05): elites, remaining, remaining_size =\ self._initialize_selection(keep_elites_rate) idx1 =\ (torch.abs(torch.randn(remaining_size) * std_dev) * remaining_size).clamp(max = remaining_size - 1).long() idx2 =\ (torch.abs(torch.randn(remaining_size) * std_dev) * remaining_size).clamp(max = remaining_size - 1).long() dna_tensor1 = torch.index_select(remaining, 1, idx1) dna_tensor2 = torch.index_select(remaining, 1, idx2) crossovered = dna.crossover(dna_tensor1, dna_tensor2) return elites, crossovered def make_normal_dist_dna(self, std_dev=0.3, keep_elites_rate=0.05): elites, remaining, remaining_size =\ self._initialize_selection(keep_elites_rate) idx =\ (torch.abs(torch.randn(remaining_size) * std_dev) * remaining_size).clamp(max = remaining_size - 1).long() dna_tensor = torch.index_select(remaining, 1, idx) return elites, dna_tensor def _initialize_selection(self, keep_elites_rate): sorted_dna_tensor = self.get_dna_tensor() elite_count = 0 if keep_elites_rate > 0: if keep_elites_rate < 1: elite_count = max(round(self._owner.population_size * keep_elites_rate), 1) else: elite_count = min(self._owner.population_size, keep_elites_rate) if elite_count == 0: return None, sorted_dna_tensor, self._owner.population_size elites = sorted_dna_tensor[:, 0:elite_count] remaining = sorted_dna_tensor[:, elite_count:] remaining_size = self._owner.population_size - elite_count return elites, remaining, remaining_size
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers.text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for non-source code file types. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2013 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from bisect import bisect from pygments.lexer import Lexer, LexerContext, RegexLexer, ExtendedRegexLexer, \ bygroups, include, using, this, do_insertions from pygments.token import Punctuation, Text, Comment, Keyword, Name, String, \ Generic, Operator, Number, Whitespace, Literal from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, ClassNotFound from pygments.lexers.other import BashLexer __all__ = ['IniLexer', 'PropertiesLexer', 'SourcesListLexer', 'BaseMakefileLexer', 'MakefileLexer', 'DiffLexer', 'IrcLogsLexer', 'TexLexer', 'GroffLexer', 'ApacheConfLexer', 'BBCodeLexer', 'MoinWikiLexer', 'RstLexer', 'VimLexer', 'GettextLexer', 'SquidConfLexer', 'DebianControlLexer', 'DarcsPatchLexer', 'YamlLexer', 'LighttpdConfLexer', 'NginxConfLexer', 'CMakeLexer', 'HttpLexer', 'PyPyLogLexer', 'RegeditLexer', 'HxmlLexer', 'EbnfLexer'] class IniLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for configuration files in INI style. """ name = 'INI' aliases = ['ini', 'cfg', 'dosini'] filenames = ['*.ini', '*.cfg'] mimetypes = ['text/x-ini'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\s+', Text), (r'[;#].*', Comment.Single), (r'\[.*?\]$', Keyword), (r'(.*?)([ \t]*)(=)([ \t]*)(.*(?:\n[ \t].+)*)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Text, Operator, Text, String)) ] } def analyse_text(text): npos = text.find('\n') if npos < 3: return False return text[0] == '[' and text[npos-1] == ']' class RegeditLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `Windows Registry <>`_ files produced by regedit. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'reg' aliases = ['registry'] filenames = ['*.reg'] mimetypes = ['text/x-windows-registry'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'Windows Registry Editor.*', Text), (r'\s+', Text), (r'[;#].*', Comment.Single), (r'(\[)(-?)(HKEY_[A-Z_]+)(.*?\])$', bygroups(Keyword, Operator, Name.Builtin, Keyword)), # String keys, which obey somewhat normal escaping (r'("(?:\\"|\\\\|[^"])+")([ \t]*)(=)([ \t]*)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Text, Operator, Text), 'value'), # Bare keys (includes @) (r'(.*?)([ \t]*)(=)([ \t]*)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Text, Operator, Text), 'value'), ], 'value': [ (r'-', Operator, '#pop'), # delete value (r'(dword|hex(?:\([0-9a-fA-F]\))?)(:)([0-9a-fA-F,]+)', bygroups(Name.Variable, Punctuation, Number), '#pop'), # As far as I know, .reg files do not support line continuation. (r'.*', String, '#pop'), ] } def analyse_text(text): return text.startswith('Windows Registry Editor') class PropertiesLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for configuration files in Java's properties format. *New in Pygments 1.4.* """ name = 'Properties' aliases = ['properties', 'jproperties'] filenames = ['*.properties'] mimetypes = ['text/x-java-properties'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\s+', Text), (r'(?:[;#]|//).*$', Comment), (r'(.*?)([ \t]*)([=:])([ \t]*)(.*(?:(?<=\\)\n.*)*)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Text, Operator, Text, String)), ], } class SourcesListLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer that highlights debian sources.list files. *New in Pygments 0.7.* """ name = 'Debian Sourcelist' aliases = ['sourceslist', 'sources.list', 'debsources'] filenames = ['sources.list'] mimetype = ['application/x-debian-sourceslist'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\s+', Text), (r'#.*?$', Comment), (r'^(deb(?:-src)?)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'distribution') ], 'distribution': [ (r'#.*?$', Comment, '#pop'), (r'\$\(ARCH\)', Name.Variable), (r'[^\s$[]+', String), (r'\[', String.Other, 'escaped-distribution'), (r'\$', String), (r'\s+', Text, 'components') ], 'escaped-distribution': [ (r'\]', String.Other, '#pop'), (r'\$\(ARCH\)', Name.Variable), (r'[^\]$]+', String.Other), (r'\$', String.Other) ], 'components': [ (r'#.*?$', Comment, '#pop:2'), (r'$', Text, '#pop:2'), (r'\s+', Text), (r'\S+', Keyword.Pseudo), ] } def analyse_text(text): for line in text.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not (line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('deb ') or line.startswith('deb-src ') or not line): return False return True class MakefileLexer(Lexer): """ Lexer for BSD and GNU make extensions (lenient enough to handle both in the same file even). *Rewritten in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'Makefile' aliases = ['make', 'makefile', 'mf', 'bsdmake'] filenames = ['*.mak', 'Makefile', 'makefile', 'Makefile.*', 'GNUmakefile'] mimetypes = ['text/x-makefile'] r_special = re.compile(r'^(?:' # BSD Make r'\.\s*(include|undef|error|warning|if|else|elif|endif|for|endfor)|' # GNU Make r'\s*(ifeq|ifneq|ifdef|ifndef|else|endif|-?include|define|endef|:))(?=\s)') r_comment = re.compile(r'^\s*@?#') def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): ins = [] lines = text.splitlines(True) done = '' lex = BaseMakefileLexer(**self.options) backslashflag = False for line in lines: if self.r_special.match(line) or backslashflag: ins.append((len(done), [(0, Comment.Preproc, line)])) backslashflag = line.strip().endswith('\\') elif self.r_comment.match(line): ins.append((len(done), [(0, Comment, line)])) else: done += line for item in do_insertions(ins, lex.get_tokens_unprocessed(done)): yield item class BaseMakefileLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for simple Makefiles (no preprocessing). *New in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'Base Makefile' aliases = ['basemake'] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^(?:[\t ]+.*\n|\n)+', using(BashLexer)), (r'\$\((?:.*\\\n|.*\n)+', using(BashLexer)), (r'\s+', Text), (r'#.*?\n', Comment), (r'(export)(\s+)(?=[a-zA-Z0-9_${}\t -]+\n)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'export'), (r'export\s+', Keyword), # assignment (r'([a-zA-Z0-9_${}.-]+)(\s*)([!?:+]?=)([ \t]*)((?:.*\\\n)+|.*\n)', bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, Operator, Text, using(BashLexer))), # strings (r'(?s)"(\\\\|\\.|[^"\\])*"', String.Double), (r"(?s)'(\\\\|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single), # targets (r'([^\n:]+)(:+)([ \t]*)', bygroups(Name.Function, Operator, Text), 'block-header'), # TODO: add paren handling (grr) ], 'export': [ (r'[a-zA-Z0-9_${}-]+', Name.Variable), (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), (r'\s+', Text), ], 'block-header': [ (r'[^,\\\n#]+', Number), (r',', Punctuation), (r'#.*?\n', Comment), (r'\\\n', Text), # line continuation (r'\\.', Text), (r'(?:[\t ]+.*\n|\n)+', using(BashLexer), '#pop'), ], } class DiffLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for unified or context-style diffs or patches. """ name = 'Diff' aliases = ['diff', 'udiff'] filenames = ['*.diff', '*.patch'] mimetypes = ['text/x-diff', 'text/x-patch'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r' .*\n', Text), (r'\+.*\n', Generic.Inserted), (r'-.*\n', Generic.Deleted), (r'!.*\n', Generic.Strong), (r'@.*\n', Generic.Subheading), (r'([Ii]ndex|diff).*\n', Generic.Heading), (r'=.*\n', Generic.Heading), (r'.*\n', Text), ] } def analyse_text(text): if text[:7] == 'Index: ': return True if text[:5] == 'diff ': return True if text[:4] == '--- ': return 0.9 DPATCH_KEYWORDS = ['hunk', 'addfile', 'adddir', 'rmfile', 'rmdir', 'move', 'replace'] class DarcsPatchLexer(RegexLexer): """ DarcsPatchLexer is a lexer for the various versions of the darcs patch format. Examples of this format are derived by commands such as ``darcs annotate --patch`` and ``darcs send``. *New in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'Darcs Patch' aliases = ['dpatch'] filenames = ['*.dpatch', '*.darcspatch'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'<', Operator), (r'>', Operator), (r'{', Operator), (r'}', Operator), (r'(\[)((?:TAG )?)(.*)(\n)(.*)(\*\*)(\d+)(\s?)(\])', bygroups(Operator, Keyword, Name, Text, Name, Operator, Literal.Date, Text, Operator)), (r'(\[)((?:TAG )?)(.*)(\n)(.*)(\*\*)(\d+)(\s?)', bygroups(Operator, Keyword, Name, Text, Name, Operator, Literal.Date, Text), 'comment'), (r'New patches:', Generic.Heading), (r'Context:', Generic.Heading), (r'Patch bundle hash:', Generic.Heading), (r'(\s*)(%s)(.*\n)' % '|'.join(DPATCH_KEYWORDS), bygroups(Text, Keyword, Text)), (r'\+', Generic.Inserted, "insert"), (r'-', Generic.Deleted, "delete"), (r'.*\n', Text), ], 'comment': [ (r'[^\]].*\n', Comment), (r'\]', Operator, "#pop"), ], 'specialText': [ # darcs add [_CODE_] special operators for clarity (r'\n', Text, "#pop"), # line-based (r'\[_[^_]*_]', Operator), ], 'insert': [ include('specialText'), (r'\[', Generic.Inserted), (r'[^\n\[]+', Generic.Inserted), ], 'delete': [ include('specialText'), (r'\[', Generic.Deleted), (r'[^\n\[]+', Generic.Deleted), ], } class IrcLogsLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for IRC logs in *irssi*, *xchat* or *weechat* style. """ name = 'IRC logs' aliases = ['irc'] filenames = ['*.weechatlog'] mimetypes = ['text/x-irclog'] flags = re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE timestamp = r""" ( # irssi / xchat and others (?: \[|\()? # Opening bracket or paren for the timestamp (?: # Timestamp (?: (?:\d{1,4} [-/]?)+ # Date as - or /-separated groups of digits [T ])? # Date/time separator: T or space (?: \d?\d [:.]?)+ # Time as :/.-separated groups of 1 or 2 digits ) (?: \]|\))?\s+ # Closing bracket or paren for the timestamp | # weechat \d{4}\s\w{3}\s\d{2}\s # Date \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s+ # Time + Whitespace | # xchat \w{3}\s\d{2}\s # Date \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s+ # Time + Whitespace )? """ tokens = { 'root': [ # log start/end (r'^\*\*\*\*(.*)\*\*\*\*$', Comment), # hack ("^" + timestamp + r'(\s*<[^>]*>\s*)$', bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Name.Tag)), # normal msgs ("^" + timestamp + r""" (\s*<.*?>\s*) # Nick """, bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Name.Tag), 'msg'), # /me msgs ("^" + timestamp + r""" (\s*[*]\s+) # Star (\S+\s+.*?\n) # Nick + rest of message """, bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Keyword, Generic.Inserted)), # join/part msgs ("^" + timestamp + r""" (\s*(?:\*{3}|<?-[!@=P]?->?)\s*) # Star(s) or symbols (\S+\s+) # Nick + Space (.*?\n) # Rest of message """, bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Keyword, String, Comment)), (r"^.*?\n", Text), ], 'msg': [ (r"\S+:(?!//)", Name.Attribute), # Prefix (r".*\n", Text, '#pop'), ], } class BBCodeLexer(RegexLexer): """ A lexer that highlights BBCode(-like) syntax. *New in Pygments 0.6.* """ name = 'BBCode' aliases = ['bbcode'] mimetypes = ['text/x-bbcode'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'[^[]+', Text), # tag/end tag begin (r'\[/?\w+', Keyword, 'tag'), # stray bracket (r'\[', Text), ], 'tag': [ (r'\s+', Text), # attribute with value (r'(\w+)(=)("?[^\s"\]]+"?)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Operator, String)), # tag argument (a la [color=green]) (r'(=)("?[^\s"\]]+"?)', bygroups(Operator, String)), # tag end (r'\]', Keyword, '#pop'), ], } class TexLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for the TeX and LaTeX typesetting languages. """ name = 'TeX' aliases = ['tex', 'latex'] filenames = ['*.tex', '*.aux', '*.toc'] mimetypes = ['text/x-tex', 'text/x-latex'] tokens = { 'general': [ (r'%.*?\n', Comment), (r'[{}]', Name.Builtin), (r'[&_^]', Name.Builtin), ], 'root': [ (r'\\\[', String.Backtick, 'displaymath'), (r'\\\(', String, 'inlinemath'), (r'\$\$', String.Backtick, 'displaymath'), (r'\$', String, 'inlinemath'), (r'\\([a-zA-Z]+|.)', Keyword, 'command'), include('general'), (r'[^\\$%&_^{}]+', Text), ], 'math': [ (r'\\([a-zA-Z]+|.)', Name.Variable), include('general'), (r'[0-9]+', Number), (r'[-=!+*/()\[\]]', Operator), (r'[^=!+*/()\[\]\\$%&_^{}0-9-]+', Name.Builtin), ], 'inlinemath': [ (r'\\\)', String, '#pop'), (r'\$', String, '#pop'), include('math'), ], 'displaymath': [ (r'\\\]', String, '#pop'), (r'\$\$', String, '#pop'), (r'\$', Name.Builtin), include('math'), ], 'command': [ (r'\[.*?\]', Name.Attribute), (r'\*', Keyword), (r'', Text, '#pop'), ], } def analyse_text(text): for start in ("\\documentclass", "\\input", "\\documentstyle", "\\relax"): if text[:len(start)] == start: return True class GroffLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for the (g)roff typesetting language, supporting groff extensions. Mainly useful for highlighting manpage sources. *New in Pygments 0.6.* """ name = 'Groff' aliases = ['groff', 'nroff', 'man'] filenames = ['*.[1234567]', '*.man'] mimetypes = ['application/x-troff', 'text/troff'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'(\.)(\w+)', bygroups(Text, Keyword), 'request'), (r'\.', Punctuation, 'request'), # Regular characters, slurp till we find a backslash or newline (r'[^\\\n]*', Text, 'textline'), ], 'textline': [ include('escapes'), (r'[^\\\n]+', Text), (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), ], 'escapes': [ # groff has many ways to write escapes. (r'\\"[^\n]*', Comment), (r'\\[fn]\w', String.Escape), (r'\\\(.{2}', String.Escape), (r'\\.\[.*\]', String.Escape), (r'\\.', String.Escape), (r'\\\n', Text, 'request'), ], 'request': [ (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), include('escapes'), (r'"[^\n"]+"', String.Double), (r'\d+', Number), (r'\S+', String), (r'\s+', Text), ], } def analyse_text(text): if text[:1] != '.': return False if text[:3] == '.\\"': return True if text[:4] == '.TH ': return True if text[1:3].isalnum() and text[3].isspace(): return 0.9 class ApacheConfLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for configuration files following the Apache config file format. *New in Pygments 0.6.* """ name = 'ApacheConf' aliases = ['apacheconf', 'aconf', 'apache'] filenames = ['.htaccess', 'apache.conf', 'apache2.conf'] mimetypes = ['text/x-apacheconf'] flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\s+', Text), (r'(#.*?)$', Comment), (r'(<[^\s>]+)(?:(\s+)(.*?))?(>)', bygroups(Name.Tag, Text, String, Name.Tag)), (r'([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\s+)', bygroups(Name.Builtin, Text), 'value'), (r'\.+', Text), ], 'value': [ (r'$', Text, '#pop'), (r'[^\S\n]+', Text), (r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:/\d+)?', Number), (r'\d+', Number), (r'/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_./-]+)', String.Other), (r'(on|off|none|any|all|double|email|dns|min|minimal|' r'os|productonly|full|emerg|alert|crit|error|warn|' r'notice|info|debug|registry|script|inetd|standalone|' r'user|group)\b', Keyword), (r'"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"', String.Double), (r'[^\s"]+', Text) ] } class MoinWikiLexer(RegexLexer): """ For MoinMoin (and Trac) Wiki markup. *New in Pygments 0.7.* """ name = 'MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup' aliases = ['trac-wiki', 'moin'] filenames = [] mimetypes = ['text/x-trac-wiki'] flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^#.*$', Comment), (r'(!)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text)), # Ignore-next # Titles (r'^(=+)([^=]+)(=+)(\s*#.+)?$', bygroups(Generic.Heading, using(this), Generic.Heading, String)), # Literal code blocks, with optional shebang (r'({{{)(\n#!.+)?', bygroups(Name.Builtin, Name.Namespace), 'codeblock'), (r'(\'\'\'?|\|\||`|__|~~|\^|,,|::)', Comment), # Formatting # Lists (r'^( +)([.*-])( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)), (r'^( +)([a-z]{1,5}\.)( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)), # Other Formatting (r'\[\[\w+.*?\]\]', Keyword), # Macro (r'(\[[^\s\]]+)(\s+[^\]]+?)?(\])', bygroups(Keyword, String, Keyword)), # Link (r'^----+$', Keyword), # Horizontal rules (r'[^\n\'\[{!_~^,|]+', Text), (r'\n', Text), (r'.', Text), ], 'codeblock': [ (r'}}}', Name.Builtin, '#pop'), # these blocks are allowed to be nested in Trac, but not MoinMoin (r'{{{', Text, '#push'), (r'[^{}]+', Comment.Preproc), # slurp boring text (r'.', Comment.Preproc), # allow loose { or } ], } class RstLexer(RegexLexer): """ For `reStructuredText <>`_ markup. *New in Pygments 0.7.* Additional options accepted: `handlecodeblocks` Highlight the contents of ``.. sourcecode:: langauge`` and ``.. code:: language`` directives with a lexer for the given language (default: ``True``). *New in Pygments 0.8.* """ name = 'reStructuredText' aliases = ['rst', 'rest', 'restructuredtext'] filenames = ['*.rst', '*.rest'] mimetypes = ["text/x-rst", "text/prs.fallenstein.rst"] flags = re.MULTILINE def _handle_sourcecode(self, match): from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name # section header yield match.start(1), Punctuation, yield match.start(2), Text, yield match.start(3), Operator.Word, yield match.start(4), Punctuation, yield match.start(5), Text, yield match.start(6), Keyword, yield match.start(7), Text, # lookup lexer if wanted and existing lexer = None if self.handlecodeblocks: try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name( except ClassNotFound: pass indention = indention_size = len(indention) code = (indention + + + # no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block if lexer is None: yield match.start(8), String, code return # highlight the lines with the lexer. ins = [] codelines = code.splitlines(True) code = '' for line in codelines: if len(line) > indention_size: ins.append((len(code), [(0, Text, line[:indention_size])])) code += line[indention_size:] else: code += line for item in do_insertions(ins, lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)): yield item # from docutils.parsers.rst.states closers = '\'")]}>\u2019\u201d\xbb!?' unicode_delimiters = '\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u00a0' end_string_suffix = (r'((?=$)|(?=[-/:.,; \n\x00%s%s]))' % (re.escape(unicode_delimiters), re.escape(closers))) tokens = { 'root': [ # Heading with overline (r'^(=+|-+|`+|:+|\.+|\'+|"+|~+|\^+|_+|\*+|\++|#+)([ \t]*\n)' r'(.+)(\n)(\1)(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text)), # Plain heading (r'^(\S.*)(\n)(={3,}|-{3,}|`{3,}|:{3,}|\.{3,}|\'{3,}|"{3,}|' r'~{3,}|\^{3,}|_{3,}|\*{3,}|\+{3,}|#{3,})(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text)), # Bulleted lists (r'^(\s*)([-*+])( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), # Numbered lists (r'^(\s*)([0-9#ivxlcmIVXLCM]+\.)( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), (r'^(\s*)(\(?[0-9#ivxlcmIVXLCM]+\))( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), # Numbered, but keep words at BOL from becoming lists (r'^(\s*)([A-Z]+\.)( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)+)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), (r'^(\s*)(\(?[A-Za-z]+\))( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)+)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), # Line blocks (r'^(\s*)(\|)( .+\n(?:\| .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Operator, using(this, state='inline'))), # Sourcecode directives (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)((?:source)?code)(::)([ \t]*)([^\n]+)' r'(\n[ \t]*\n)([ \t]+)(.*)(\n)((?:(?:\8.*|)\n)+)', _handle_sourcecode), # A directive (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)([\w:-]+?)(::)(?:([ \t]*)(.*))', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Operator.Word, Punctuation, Text, using(this, state='inline'))), # A reference target (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(_(?:[^:\\]|\\.)+:)(.*?)$', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, using(this, state='inline'))), # A footnote/citation target (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(\[.+\])(.*?)$', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, using(this, state='inline'))), # A substitution def (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(\|.+\|)(\s*)([\w:-]+?)(::)(?:([ \t]*)(.*))', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, Text, Operator.Word, Punctuation, Text, using(this, state='inline'))), # Comments (r'^ *\.\..*(\n( +.*\n|\n)+)?', Comment.Preproc), # Field list (r'^( *)(:[a-zA-Z-]+:)(\s*)$', bygroups(Text, Name.Class, Text)), (r'^( *)(:.*?:)([ \t]+)(.*?)$', bygroups(Text, Name.Class, Text, Name.Function)), # Definition list (r'^([^ ].*(?<!::)\n)((?:(?: +.*)\n)+)', bygroups(using(this, state='inline'), using(this, state='inline'))), # Code blocks (r'(::)(\n[ \t]*\n)([ \t]+)(.*)(\n)((?:(?:\3.*|)\n)+)', bygroups(String.Escape, Text, String, String, Text, String)), include('inline'), ], 'inline': [ (r'\\.', Text), # escape (r'``', String, 'literal'), # code (r'(`.+?)(<.+?>)(`__?)', # reference with inline target bygroups(String, String.Interpol, String)), (r'`.+?`__?', String), # reference (r'(`.+?`)(:[a-zA-Z0-9:-]+?:)?', bygroups(Name.Variable, Name.Attribute)), # role (r'(:[a-zA-Z0-9:-]+?:)(`.+?`)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Name.Variable)), # role (content first) (r'\*\*.+?\*\*', Generic.Strong), # Strong emphasis (r'\*.+?\*', Generic.Emph), # Emphasis (r'\[.*?\]_', String), # Footnote or citation (r'<.+?>', Name.Tag), # Hyperlink (r'[^\\\n\[*`:]+', Text), (r'.', Text), ], 'literal': [ (r'[^`]+', String), (r'``' + end_string_suffix, String, '#pop'), (r'`', String), ] } def __init__(self, **options): self.handlecodeblocks = get_bool_opt(options, 'handlecodeblocks', True) RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options) def analyse_text(text): if text[:2] == '..' and text[2:3] != '.': return 0.3 p1 = text.find("\n") p2 = text.find("\n", p1 + 1) if (p2 > -1 and # has two lines p1 * 2 + 1 == p2 and # they are the same length text[p1+1] in '-=' and # the next line both starts and ends with text[p1+1] == text[p2-1]): # ...a sufficiently high header return 0.5 class VimLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for VimL script files. *New in Pygments 0.8.* """ name = 'VimL' aliases = ['vim'] filenames = ['*.vim', '.vimrc', '.exrc', '.gvimrc', '_vimrc', '_exrc', '_gvimrc', 'vimrc', 'gvimrc'] mimetypes = ['text/x-vim'] flags = re.MULTILINE tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^\s*".*', Comment), (r'[ \t]+', Text), # TODO: regexes can have other delims (r'/(\\\\|\\/|[^\n/])*/', String.Regex), (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^\n"])*"', String.Double), (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^\n'])*'", String.Single), # Who decided that doublequote was a good comment character?? (r'(?<=\s)"[^\-:.%#=*].*', Comment), (r'-?\d+', Number), (r'#[0-9a-f]{6}', Number.Hex), (r'^:', Punctuation), (r'[()<>+=!|,~-]', Punctuation), # Inexact list. Looks decent. (r'\b(let|if|else|endif|elseif|fun|function|endfunction)\b', Keyword), (r'\b(NONE|bold|italic|underline|dark|light)\b', Name.Builtin), (r'\b\w+\b', Name.Other), # These are postprocessed below (r'.', Text), ], } def __init__(self, **options): from pygments.lexers._vimbuiltins import command, option, auto self._cmd = command self._opt = option self._aut = auto RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options) def is_in(self, w, mapping): r""" It's kind of difficult to decide if something might be a keyword in VimL because it allows you to abbreviate them. In fact, 'ab[breviate]' is a good example. :ab, :abbre, or :abbreviate are valid ways to call it so rather than making really awful regexps like:: \bab(?:b(?:r(?:e(?:v(?:i(?:a(?:t(?:e)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?\b we match `\b\w+\b` and then call is_in() on those tokens. See `scripts/` for how the lists are extracted. """ p = bisect(mapping, (w,)) if p > 0: if mapping[p-1][0] == w[:len(mapping[p-1][0])] and \ mapping[p-1][1][:len(w)] == w: return True if p < len(mapping): return mapping[p][0] == w[:len(mapping[p][0])] and \ mapping[p][1][:len(w)] == w return False def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): # TODO: builtins are only subsequent tokens on lines # and 'keywords' only happen at the beginning except # for :au ones for index, token, value in \ RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): if token is Name.Other: if self.is_in(value, self._cmd): yield index, Keyword, value elif self.is_in(value, self._opt) or \ self.is_in(value, self._aut): yield index, Name.Builtin, value else: yield index, Text, value else: yield index, token, value class GettextLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for Gettext catalog files. *New in Pygments 0.9.* """ name = 'Gettext Catalog' aliases = ['pot', 'po'] filenames = ['*.pot', '*.po'] mimetypes = ['application/x-gettext', 'text/x-gettext', 'text/gettext'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^#,\s.*?$', Keyword.Type), (r'^#:\s.*?$', Keyword.Declaration), #(r'^#$', Comment), (r'^(#|#\.\s|#\|\s|#~\s|#\s).*$', Comment.Single), (r'^(")([A-Za-z-]+:)(.*")$', bygroups(String, Name.Property, String)), (r'^".*"$', String), (r'^(msgid|msgid_plural|msgstr)(\s+)(".*")$', bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, String)), (r'^(msgstr\[)(\d)(\])(\s+)(".*")$', bygroups(Name.Variable, Number.Integer, Name.Variable, Text, String)), ] } class SquidConfLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `squid <>`_ configuration files. *New in Pygments 0.9.* """ name = 'SquidConf' aliases = ['squidconf', 'squid.conf', 'squid'] filenames = ['squid.conf'] mimetypes = ['text/x-squidconf'] flags = re.IGNORECASE keywords = [ "access_log", "acl", "always_direct", "announce_host", "announce_period", "announce_port", "announce_to", "anonymize_headers", "append_domain", "as_whois_server", "auth_param_basic", "authenticate_children", "authenticate_program", "authenticate_ttl", "broken_posts", "buffered_logs", "cache_access_log", "cache_announce", "cache_dir", "cache_dns_program", "cache_effective_group", "cache_effective_user", "cache_host", "cache_host_acl", "cache_host_domain", "cache_log", "cache_mem", "cache_mem_high", "cache_mem_low", "cache_mgr", "cachemgr_passwd", "cache_peer", "cache_peer_access", "cahce_replacement_policy", "cache_stoplist", "cache_stoplist_pattern", "cache_store_log", "cache_swap", "cache_swap_high", "cache_swap_log", "cache_swap_low", "client_db", "client_lifetime", "client_netmask", "connect_timeout", "coredump_dir", "dead_peer_timeout", "debug_options", "delay_access", "delay_class", "delay_initial_bucket_level", "delay_parameters", "delay_pools", "deny_info", "dns_children", "dns_defnames", "dns_nameservers", "dns_testnames", "emulate_httpd_log", "err_html_text", "fake_user_agent", "firewall_ip", "forwarded_for", "forward_snmpd_port", "fqdncache_size", "ftpget_options", "ftpget_program", "ftp_list_width", "ftp_passive", "ftp_user", "half_closed_clients", "header_access", "header_replace", "hierarchy_stoplist", "high_response_time_warning", "high_page_fault_warning", "hosts_file", "htcp_port", "http_access", "http_anonymizer", "httpd_accel", "httpd_accel_host", "httpd_accel_port", "httpd_accel_uses_host_header", "httpd_accel_with_proxy", "http_port", "http_reply_access", "icp_access", "icp_hit_stale", "icp_port", "icp_query_timeout", "ident_lookup", "ident_lookup_access", "ident_timeout", "incoming_http_average", "incoming_icp_average", "inside_firewall", "ipcache_high", "ipcache_low", "ipcache_size", "local_domain", "local_ip", "logfile_rotate", "log_fqdn", "log_icp_queries", "log_mime_hdrs", "maximum_object_size", "maximum_single_addr_tries", "mcast_groups", "mcast_icp_query_timeout", "mcast_miss_addr", "mcast_miss_encode_key", "mcast_miss_port", "memory_pools", "memory_pools_limit", "memory_replacement_policy", "mime_table", "min_http_poll_cnt", "min_icp_poll_cnt", "minimum_direct_hops", "minimum_object_size", "minimum_retry_timeout", "miss_access", "negative_dns_ttl", "negative_ttl", "neighbor_timeout", "neighbor_type_domain", "netdb_high", "netdb_low", "netdb_ping_period", "netdb_ping_rate", "never_direct", "no_cache", "passthrough_proxy", "pconn_timeout", "pid_filename", "pinger_program", "positive_dns_ttl", "prefer_direct", "proxy_auth", "proxy_auth_realm", "query_icmp", "quick_abort", "quick_abort", "quick_abort_max", "quick_abort_min", "quick_abort_pct", "range_offset_limit", "read_timeout", "redirect_children", "redirect_program", "redirect_rewrites_host_header", "reference_age", "reference_age", "refresh_pattern", "reload_into_ims", "request_body_max_size", "request_size", "request_timeout", "shutdown_lifetime", "single_parent_bypass", "siteselect_timeout", "snmp_access", "snmp_incoming_address", "snmp_port", "source_ping", "ssl_proxy", "store_avg_object_size", "store_objects_per_bucket", "strip_query_terms", "swap_level1_dirs", "swap_level2_dirs", "tcp_incoming_address", "tcp_outgoing_address", "tcp_recv_bufsize", "test_reachability", "udp_hit_obj", "udp_hit_obj_size", "udp_incoming_address", "udp_outgoing_address", "unique_hostname", "unlinkd_program", "uri_whitespace", "useragent_log", "visible_hostname", "wais_relay", "wais_relay_host", "wais_relay_port", ] opts = [ "proxy-only", "weight", "ttl", "no-query", "default", "round-robin", "multicast-responder", "on", "off", "all", "deny", "allow", "via", "parent", "no-digest", "heap", "lru", "realm", "children", "q1", "q2", "credentialsttl", "none", "disable", "offline_toggle", "diskd", ] actions = [ "shutdown", "info", "parameter", "server_list", "client_list", r'squid\.conf', ] actions_stats = [ "objects", "vm_objects", "utilization", "ipcache", "fqdncache", "dns", "redirector", "io", "reply_headers", "filedescriptors", "netdb", ] actions_log = ["status", "enable", "disable", "clear"] acls = [ "url_regex", "urlpath_regex", "referer_regex", "port", "proto", "req_mime_type", "rep_mime_type", "method", "browser", "user", "src", "dst", "time", "dstdomain", "ident", "snmp_community", ] ip_re = ( r'(?:(?:(?:[3-9]\d?|2(?:5[0-5]|[0-4]?\d)?|1\d{0,2}|0x0*[0-9a-f]{1,2}|' r'0+[1-3]?[0-7]{0,2})(?:\.(?:[3-9]\d?|2(?:5[0-5]|[0-4]?\d)?|1\d{0,2}|' r'0x0*[0-9a-f]{1,2}|0+[1-3]?[0-7]{0,2})){3})|(?!.*::.*::)(?:(?!:)|' r':(?=:))(?:[0-9a-f]{0,4}(?:(?<=::)|(?<!::):)){6}(?:[0-9a-f]{0,4}' r'(?:(?<=::)|(?<!::):)[0-9a-f]{0,4}(?:(?<=::)|(?<!:)|(?<=:)(?<!::):)|' r'(?:25[0-4]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-4]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|' r'[1-9]?\d)){3}))' ) def makelistre(list): return r'\b(?:' + '|'.join(list) + r')\b' tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\s+', Whitespace), (r'#', Comment, 'comment'), (makelistre(keywords), Keyword), (makelistre(opts), Name.Constant), # Actions (makelistre(actions), String), (r'stats/'+makelistre(actions), String), (r'log/'+makelistre(actions)+r'=', String), (makelistre(acls), Keyword), (ip_re + r'(?:/(?:' + ip_re + r'|\b\d+\b))?', Number.Float), (r'(?:\b\d+\b(?:-\b\d+|%)?)', Number), (r'\S+', Text), ], 'comment': [ (r'\s*TAG:.*', String.Escape, '#pop'), (r'.*', Comment, '#pop'), ], } class DebianControlLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for Debian ``control`` files and ``apt-cache show <pkg>`` outputs. *New in Pygments 0.9.* """ name = 'Debian Control file' aliases = ['control', 'debcontrol'] filenames = ['control'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^(Description)', Keyword, 'description'), (r'^(Maintainer)(:\s*)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'maintainer'), (r'^((Build-)?Depends)', Keyword, 'depends'), (r'^((?:Python-)?Version)(:\s*)(\S+)$', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Number)), (r'^((?:Installed-)?Size)(:\s*)(\S+)$', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Number)), (r'^(MD5Sum|SHA1|SHA256)(:\s*)(\S+)$', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Number)), (r'^([a-zA-Z\-0-9\.]*?)(:\s*)(.*?)$', bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, String)), ], 'maintainer': [ (r'<[^>]+>', Generic.Strong), (r'<[^>]+>$', Generic.Strong, '#pop'), (r',\n?', Text), (r'.', Text), ], 'description': [ (r'(.*)(Homepage)(: )(\S+)', bygroups(Text, String, Name, Name.Class)), (r':.*\n', Generic.Strong), (r' .*\n', Text), ('', Text, '#pop'), ], 'depends': [ (r':\s*', Text), (r'(\$)(\{)(\w+\s*:\s*\w+)', bygroups(Operator, Text, Name.Entity)), (r'\(', Text, 'depend_vers'), (r',', Text), (r'\|', Operator), (r'[\s]+', Text), (r'[}\)]\s*$', Text, '#pop'), (r'}', Text), (r'[^,]$', Name.Function, '#pop'), (r'([\+\.a-zA-Z0-9-])(\s*)', bygroups(Name.Function, Text)), (r'\[.*?\]', Name.Entity), ], 'depend_vers': [ (r'\),', Text, '#pop'), (r'\)[^,]', Text, '#pop:2'), (r'([><=]+)(\s*)([^\)]+)', bygroups(Operator, Text, Number)) ] } class YamlLexerContext(LexerContext): """Indentation context for the YAML lexer.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(YamlLexerContext, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.indent_stack = [] self.indent = -1 self.next_indent = 0 self.block_scalar_indent = None class YamlLexer(ExtendedRegexLexer): """ Lexer for `YAML <>`_, a human-friendly data serialization language. *New in Pygments 0.11.* """ name = 'YAML' aliases = ['yaml'] filenames = ['*.yaml', '*.yml'] mimetypes = ['text/x-yaml'] def something(token_class): """Do not produce empty tokens.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = if not text: return yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def reset_indent(token_class): """Reset the indentation levels.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = context.indent_stack = [] context.indent = -1 context.next_indent = 0 context.block_scalar_indent = None yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def save_indent(token_class, start=False): """Save a possible indentation level.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = extra = '' if start: context.next_indent = len(text) if context.next_indent < context.indent: while context.next_indent < context.indent: context.indent = context.indent_stack.pop() if context.next_indent > context.indent: extra = text[context.indent:] text = text[:context.indent] else: context.next_indent += len(text) if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text if extra: yield match.start()+len(text), token_class.Error, extra context.pos = match.end() return callback def set_indent(token_class, implicit=False): """Set the previously saved indentation level.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = if context.indent < context.next_indent: context.indent_stack.append(context.indent) context.indent = context.next_indent if not implicit: context.next_indent += len(text) yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def set_block_scalar_indent(token_class): """Set an explicit indentation level for a block scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = context.block_scalar_indent = None if not text: return increment = if increment: current_indent = max(context.indent, 0) increment = int(increment) context.block_scalar_indent = current_indent + increment if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def parse_block_scalar_empty_line(indent_token_class, content_token_class): """Process an empty line in a block scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = if (context.block_scalar_indent is None or len(text) <= context.block_scalar_indent): if text: yield match.start(), indent_token_class, text else: indentation = text[:context.block_scalar_indent] content = text[context.block_scalar_indent:] yield match.start(), indent_token_class, indentation yield (match.start()+context.block_scalar_indent, content_token_class, content) context.pos = match.end() return callback def parse_block_scalar_indent(token_class): """Process indentation spaces in a block scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = if context.block_scalar_indent is None: if len(text) <= max(context.indent, 0): context.stack.pop() context.stack.pop() return context.block_scalar_indent = len(text) else: if len(text) < context.block_scalar_indent: context.stack.pop() context.stack.pop() return if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def parse_plain_scalar_indent(token_class): """Process indentation spaces in a plain scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = if len(text) <= context.indent: context.stack.pop() context.stack.pop() return if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback tokens = { # the root rules 'root': [ # ignored whitespaces (r'[ ]+(?=#|$)', Text), # line breaks (r'\n+', Text), # a comment (r'#[^\n]*', Comment.Single), # the '%YAML' directive (r'^%YAML(?=[ ]|$)', reset_indent(Name.Tag), 'yaml-directive'), # the %TAG directive (r'^%TAG(?=[ ]|$)', reset_indent(Name.Tag), 'tag-directive'), # document start and document end indicators (r'^(?:---|\.\.\.)(?=[ ]|$)', reset_indent(Name.Namespace), 'block-line'), # indentation spaces (r'[ ]*(?![ \t\n\r\f\v]|$)', save_indent(Text, start=True), ('block-line', 'indentation')), ], # trailing whitespaces after directives or a block scalar indicator 'ignored-line': [ # ignored whitespaces (r'[ ]+(?=#|$)', Text), # a comment (r'#[^\n]*', Comment.Single), # line break (r'\n', Text, '#pop:2'), ], # the %YAML directive 'yaml-directive': [ # the version number (r'([ ]+)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', bygroups(Text, Number), 'ignored-line'), ], # the %YAG directive 'tag-directive': [ # a tag handle and the corresponding prefix (r'([ ]+)(!|![0-9A-Za-z_-]*!)' r'([ ]+)(!|!?[0-9A-Za-z;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*\'()\[\]%-]+)', bygroups(Text, Keyword.Type, Text, Keyword.Type), 'ignored-line'), ], # block scalar indicators and indentation spaces 'indentation': [ # trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'[ ]*$', something(Text), '#pop:2'), # whitespaces preceeding block collection indicators (r'[ ]+(?=[?:-](?:[ ]|$))', save_indent(Text)), # block collection indicators (r'[?:-](?=[ ]|$)', set_indent(Punctuation.Indicator)), # the beginning a block line (r'[ ]*', save_indent(Text), '#pop'), ], # an indented line in the block context 'block-line': [ # the line end (r'[ ]*(?=#|$)', something(Text), '#pop'), # whitespaces separating tokens (r'[ ]+', Text), # tags, anchors and aliases, include('descriptors'), # block collections and scalars include('block-nodes'), # flow collections and quoted scalars include('flow-nodes'), # a plain scalar (r'(?=[^ \t\n\r\f\v?:,\[\]{}#&*!|>\'"%@`-]|[?:-][^ \t\n\r\f\v])', something(Name.Variable), 'plain-scalar-in-block-context'), ], # tags, anchors, aliases 'descriptors' : [ # a full-form tag (r'!<[0-9A-Za-z;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*\'()\[\]%-]+>', Keyword.Type), # a tag in the form '!', '!suffix' or '!handle!suffix' (r'!(?:[0-9A-Za-z_-]+)?' r'(?:![0-9A-Za-z;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*\'()\[\]%-]+)?', Keyword.Type), # an anchor (r'&[0-9A-Za-z_-]+', Name.Label), # an alias (r'\*[0-9A-Za-z_-]+', Name.Variable), ], # block collections and scalars 'block-nodes': [ # implicit key (r':(?=[ ]|$)', set_indent(Punctuation.Indicator, implicit=True)), # literal and folded scalars (r'[|>]', Punctuation.Indicator, ('block-scalar-content', 'block-scalar-header')), ], # flow collections and quoted scalars 'flow-nodes': [ # a flow sequence (r'\[', Punctuation.Indicator, 'flow-sequence'), # a flow mapping (r'\{', Punctuation.Indicator, 'flow-mapping'), # a single-quoted scalar (r'\'', String, 'single-quoted-scalar'), # a double-quoted scalar (r'\"', String, 'double-quoted-scalar'), ], # the content of a flow collection 'flow-collection': [ # whitespaces (r'[ ]+', Text), # line breaks (r'\n+', Text), # a comment (r'#[^\n]*', Comment.Single), # simple indicators (r'[?:,]', Punctuation.Indicator), # tags, anchors and aliases include('descriptors'), # nested collections and quoted scalars include('flow-nodes'), # a plain scalar (r'(?=[^ \t\n\r\f\v?:,\[\]{}#&*!|>\'"%@`])', something(Name.Variable), 'plain-scalar-in-flow-context'), ], # a flow sequence indicated by '[' and ']' 'flow-sequence': [ # include flow collection rules include('flow-collection'), # the closing indicator (r'\]', Punctuation.Indicator, '#pop'), ], # a flow mapping indicated by '{' and '}' 'flow-mapping': [ # include flow collection rules include('flow-collection'), # the closing indicator (r'\}', Punctuation.Indicator, '#pop'), ], # block scalar lines 'block-scalar-content': [ # line break (r'\n', Text), # empty line (r'^[ ]+$', parse_block_scalar_empty_line(Text, Name.Constant)), # indentation spaces (we may leave the state here) (r'^[ ]*', parse_block_scalar_indent(Text)), # line content (r'[^\n\r\f\v]+', Name.Constant), ], # the content of a literal or folded scalar 'block-scalar-header': [ # indentation indicator followed by chomping flag (r'([1-9])?[+-]?(?=[ ]|$)', set_block_scalar_indent(Punctuation.Indicator), 'ignored-line'), # chomping flag followed by indentation indicator (r'[+-]?([1-9])?(?=[ ]|$)', set_block_scalar_indent(Punctuation.Indicator), 'ignored-line'), ], # ignored and regular whitespaces in quoted scalars 'quoted-scalar-whitespaces': [ # leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'^[ ]+', Text), (r'[ ]+$', Text), # line breaks are ignored (r'\n+', Text), # other whitespaces are a part of the value (r'[ ]+', Name.Variable), ], # single-quoted scalars 'single-quoted-scalar': [ # include whitespace and line break rules include('quoted-scalar-whitespaces'), # escaping of the quote character (r'\'\'', String.Escape), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'[^ \t\n\r\f\v\']+', String), # the closing quote (r'\'', String, '#pop'), ], # double-quoted scalars 'double-quoted-scalar': [ # include whitespace and line break rules include('quoted-scalar-whitespaces'), # escaping of special characters (r'\\[0abt\tn\nvfre "\\N_LP]', String), # escape codes (r'\\(?:x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})', String.Escape), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'[^ \t\n\r\f\v\"\\]+', String), # the closing quote (r'"', String, '#pop'), ], # the beginning of a new line while scanning a plain scalar 'plain-scalar-in-block-context-new-line': [ # empty lines (r'^[ ]+$', Text), # line breaks (r'\n+', Text), # document start and document end indicators (r'^(?=---|\.\.\.)', something(Name.Namespace), '#pop:3'), # indentation spaces (we may leave the block line state here) (r'^[ ]*', parse_plain_scalar_indent(Text), '#pop'), ], # a plain scalar in the block context 'plain-scalar-in-block-context': [ # the scalar ends with the ':' indicator (r'[ ]*(?=:[ ]|:$)', something(Text), '#pop'), # the scalar ends with whitespaces followed by a comment (r'[ ]+(?=#)', Text, '#pop'), # trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'[ ]+$', Text), # line breaks are ignored (r'\n+', Text, 'plain-scalar-in-block-context-new-line'), # other whitespaces are a part of the value (r'[ ]+', Literal.Scalar.Plain), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'(?::(?![ \t\n\r\f\v])|[^ \t\n\r\f\v:])+', Literal.Scalar.Plain), ], # a plain scalar is the flow context 'plain-scalar-in-flow-context': [ # the scalar ends with an indicator character (r'[ ]*(?=[,:?\[\]{}])', something(Text), '#pop'), # the scalar ends with a comment (r'[ ]+(?=#)', Text, '#pop'), # leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'^[ ]+', Text), (r'[ ]+$', Text), # line breaks are ignored (r'\n+', Text), # other whitespaces are a part of the value (r'[ ]+', Name.Variable), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'[^ \t\n\r\f\v,:?\[\]{}]+', Name.Variable), ], } def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text=None, context=None): if context is None: context = YamlLexerContext(text, 0) return super(YamlLexer, self).get_tokens_unprocessed(text, context) class LighttpdConfLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `Lighttpd <>`_ configuration files. *New in Pygments 0.11.* """ name = 'Lighttpd configuration file' aliases = ['lighty', 'lighttpd'] filenames = [] mimetypes = ['text/x-lighttpd-conf'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'#.*\n', Comment.Single), (r'/\S*', Name), # pathname (r'[a-zA-Z._-]+', Keyword), (r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:/\d+)?', Number), (r'[0-9]+', Number), (r'=>|=~|\+=|==|=|\+', Operator), (r'\$[A-Z]+', Name.Builtin), (r'[(){}\[\],]', Punctuation), (r'"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"', String.Double), (r'\s+', Text), ], } class NginxConfLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `Nginx <>`_ configuration files. *New in Pygments 0.11.* """ name = 'Nginx configuration file' aliases = ['nginx'] filenames = [] mimetypes = ['text/x-nginx-conf'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'(include)(\s+)([^\s;]+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name)), (r'[^\s;#]+', Keyword, 'stmt'), include('base'), ], 'block': [ (r'}', Punctuation, '#pop:2'), (r'[^\s;#]+', Keyword.Namespace, 'stmt'), include('base'), ], 'stmt': [ (r'{', Punctuation, 'block'), (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'), include('base'), ], 'base': [ (r'#.*\n', Comment.Single), (r'on|off', Name.Constant), (r'\$[^\s;#()]+', Name.Variable), (r'([a-z0-9.-]+)(:)([0-9]+)', bygroups(Name, Punctuation, Number.Integer)), (r'[a-z-]+/[a-z-+]+', String), # mimetype #(r'[a-zA-Z._-]+', Keyword), (r'[0-9]+[km]?\b', Number.Integer), (r'(~)(\s*)([^\s{]+)', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, String.Regex)), (r'[:=~]', Punctuation), (r'[^\s;#{}$]+', String), # catch all (r'/[^\s;#]*', Name), # pathname (r'\s+', Text), (r'[$;]', Text), # leftover characters ], } class CMakeLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `CMake <>`_ files. *New in Pygments 1.2.* """ name = 'CMake' aliases = ['cmake'] filenames = ['*.cmake', 'CMakeLists.txt'] mimetypes = ['text/x-cmake'] tokens = { 'root': [ #(r'(ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND|ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET|ADD_DEFINITIONS|' # r'ADD_DEPENDENCIES|ADD_EXECUTABLE|ADD_LIBRARY|ADD_SUBDIRECTORY|' # r'ADD_TEST|AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY|BUILD_COMMAND|BUILD_NAME|' # r'CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED|CONFIGURE_FILE|CREATE_TEST_SOURCELIST|' # r'ELSE|ELSEIF|ENABLE_LANGUAGE|ENABLE_TESTING|ENDFOREACH|' # r'ENDFUNCTION|ENDIF|ENDMACRO|ENDWHILE|EXEC_PROGRAM|' # r'EXECUTE_PROCESS|EXPORT_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES|FILE|FIND_FILE|' # r'FIND_LIBRARY|FIND_PACKAGE|FIND_PATH|FIND_PROGRAM|FLTK_WRAP_UI|' # r'FOREACH|FUNCTION|GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY|GET_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY|' # r'GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT|GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY|' # r'GET_TARGET_PROPERTY|GET_TEST_PROPERTY|IF|INCLUDE|' # r'INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES|INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT|' # r'INCLUDE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION|INSTALL|INSTALL_FILES|' # r'INSTALL_PROGRAMS|INSTALL_TARGETS|LINK_DIRECTORIES|' # r'LINK_LIBRARIES|LIST|LOAD_CACHE|LOAD_COMMAND|MACRO|' # r'MAKE_DIRECTORY|MARK_AS_ADVANCED|MATH|MESSAGE|OPTION|' # r'OUTPUT_REQUIRED_FILES|PROJECT|QT_WRAP_CPP|QT_WRAP_UI|REMOVE|' # r'REMOVE_DEFINITIONS|SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS|SET|' # r'SET_DIRECTORY_PROPERTIES|SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES|' # r'SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES|SET_TESTS_PROPERTIES|SITE_NAME|' # r'SOURCE_GROUP|STRING|SUBDIR_DEPENDS|SUBDIRS|' # r'TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES|TRY_COMPILE|TRY_RUN|UNSET|' # r'USE_MANGLED_MESA|UTILITY_SOURCE|VARIABLE_REQUIRES|' # r'VTK_MAKE_INSTANTIATOR|VTK_WRAP_JAVA|VTK_WRAP_PYTHON|' # r'VTK_WRAP_TCL|WHILE|WRITE_FILE|' # r'COUNTARGS)\b', Name.Builtin, 'args'), (r'\b(\w+)([ \t]*)(\()', bygroups(Name.Builtin, Text, Punctuation), 'args'), include('keywords'), include('ws') ], 'args': [ (r'\(', Punctuation, '#push'), (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'), (r'(\${)(.+?)(})', bygroups(Operator, Name.Variable, Operator)), (r'(?s)".*?"', String.Double), (r'\\\S+', String), (r'[^\)$"# \t\n]+', String), (r'\n', Text), # explicitly legal include('keywords'), include('ws') ], 'string': [ ], 'keywords': [ (r'\b(WIN32|UNIX|APPLE|CYGWIN|BORLAND|MINGW|MSVC|MSVC_IDE|MSVC60|' r'MSVC70|MSVC71|MSVC80|MSVC90)\b', Keyword), ], 'ws': [ (r'[ \t]+', Text), (r'#.+\n', Comment), ] } class HttpLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for HTTP sessions. *New in Pygments 1.5.* """ name = 'HTTP' aliases = ['http'] flags = re.DOTALL def header_callback(self, match): if == 'content-type': content_type = if ';' in content_type: content_type = content_type[:content_type.find(';')].strip() self.content_type = content_type yield match.start(1), Name.Attribute, yield match.start(2), Text, yield match.start(3), Operator, yield match.start(4), Text, yield match.start(5), Literal, yield match.start(6), Text, def continuous_header_callback(self, match): yield match.start(1), Text, yield match.start(2), Literal, yield match.start(3), Text, def content_callback(self, match): content_type = getattr(self, 'content_type', None) content = offset = match.start() if content_type: from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_mimetype try: lexer = get_lexer_for_mimetype(content_type) except ClassNotFound: pass else: for idx, token, value in lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(content): yield offset + idx, token, value return yield offset, Text, content tokens = { 'root': [ (r'(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE|PATCH)( +)([^ ]+)( +)' r'(HTTP)(/)(1\.[01])(\r?\n|$)', bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Name.Namespace, Text, Keyword.Reserved, Operator, Number, Text), 'headers'), (r'(HTTP)(/)(1\.[01])( +)(\d{3})( +)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|$)', bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Operator, Number, Text, Number, Text, Name.Exception, Text), 'headers'), ], 'headers': [ (r'([^\s:]+)( *)(:)( *)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|$)', header_callback), (r'([\t ]+)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|$)', continuous_header_callback), (r'\r?\n', Text, 'content') ], 'content': [ (r'.+', content_callback) ] } class PyPyLogLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for PyPy log files. *New in Pygments 1.5.* """ name = "PyPy Log" aliases = ["pypylog", "pypy"] filenames = ["*.pypylog"] mimetypes = ['application/x-pypylog'] tokens = { "root": [ (r"\[\w+\] {jit-log-.*?$", Keyword, "jit-log"), (r"\[\w+\] {jit-backend-counts$", Keyword, "jit-backend-counts"), include("extra-stuff"), ], "jit-log": [ (r"\[\w+\] jit-log-.*?}$", Keyword, "#pop"), (r"^\+\d+: ", Comment), (r"--end of the loop--", Comment), (r"[ifp]\d+", Name), (r"ptr\d+", Name), (r"(\()(\w+(?:\.\w+)?)(\))", bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Builtin, Punctuation)), (r"[\[\]=,()]", Punctuation), (r"(\d+\.\d+|inf|-inf)", Number.Float), (r"-?\d+", Number.Integer), (r"'.*'", String), (r"(None|descr|ConstClass|ConstPtr|TargetToken)", Name), (r"<.*?>+", Name.Builtin), (r"(label|debug_merge_point|jump|finish)", Name.Class), (r"(int_add_ovf|int_add|int_sub_ovf|int_sub|int_mul_ovf|int_mul|" r"int_floordiv|int_mod|int_lshift|int_rshift|int_and|int_or|" r"int_xor|int_eq|int_ne|int_ge|int_gt|int_le|int_lt|int_is_zero|" r"int_is_true|" r"uint_floordiv|uint_ge|uint_lt|" r"float_add|float_sub|float_mul|float_truediv|float_neg|" r"float_eq|float_ne|float_ge|float_gt|float_le|float_lt|float_abs|" r"ptr_eq|ptr_ne|instance_ptr_eq|instance_ptr_ne|" r"cast_int_to_float|cast_float_to_int|" r"force_token|quasiimmut_field|same_as|virtual_ref_finish|" r"virtual_ref|mark_opaque_ptr|" r"call_may_force|call_assembler|call_loopinvariant|" r"call_release_gil|call_pure|call|" r"new_with_vtable|new_array|newstr|newunicode|new|" r"arraylen_gc|" r"getarrayitem_gc_pure|getarrayitem_gc|setarrayitem_gc|" r"getarrayitem_raw|setarrayitem_raw|getfield_gc_pure|" r"getfield_gc|getinteriorfield_gc|setinteriorfield_gc|" r"getfield_raw|setfield_gc|setfield_raw|" r"strgetitem|strsetitem|strlen|copystrcontent|" r"unicodegetitem|unicodesetitem|unicodelen|" r"guard_true|guard_false|guard_value|guard_isnull|" r"guard_nonnull_class|guard_nonnull|guard_class|guard_no_overflow|" r"guard_not_forced|guard_no_exception|guard_not_invalidated)", Name.Builtin), include("extra-stuff"), ], "jit-backend-counts": [ (r"\[\w+\] jit-backend-counts}$", Keyword, "#pop"), (r":", Punctuation), (r"\d+", Number), include("extra-stuff"), ], "extra-stuff": [ (r"\s+", Text), (r"#.*?$", Comment), ], } class HxmlLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `haXe build <>`_ files. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'Hxml' aliases = ['haxeml', 'hxml'] filenames = ['*.hxml'] tokens = { 'root': [ # Seperator (r'(--)(next)', bygroups(Punctuation, Generic.Heading)), # Compiler switches with one dash (r'(-)(prompt|debug|v)', bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword.Keyword)), # Compilerswitches with two dashes (r'(--)(neko-source|flash-strict|flash-use-stage|no-opt|no-traces|' r'no-inline|times|no-output)', bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword)), # Targets and other options that take an argument (r'(-)(cpp|js|neko|x|as3|swf9?|swf-lib|php|xml|main|lib|D|resource|' r'cp|cmd)( +)(.+)', bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Whitespace, String)), # Options that take only numerical arguments (r'(-)(swf-version)( +)(\d+)', bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Number.Integer)), # An Option that defines the size, the fps and the background # color of an flash movie (r'(-)(swf-header)( +)(\d+)(:)(\d+)(:)(\d+)(:)([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})', bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Whitespace, Number.Integer, Punctuation, Number.Integer, Punctuation, Number.Integer, Punctuation, Number.Hex)), # options with two dashes that takes arguments (r'(--)(js-namespace|php-front|php-lib|remap|gen-hx-classes)( +)' r'(.+)', bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Whitespace, String)), # Single line comment, multiline ones are not allowed. (r'#.*', Comment.Single) ] } class EbnfLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for `ISO/IEC 14977 EBNF <>`_ grammars. *New in Pygments 1.7.* """ name = 'EBNF' aliases = ['ebnf'] filenames = ['*.ebnf'] mimetypes = ['text/x-ebnf'] tokens = { 'root': [ include('whitespace'), include('comment_start'), include('identifier'), (r'=', Operator, 'production'), ], 'production': [ include('whitespace'), include('comment_start'), include('identifier'), (r'"[^"]*"', String.Double), (r"'[^']*'", String.Single), (r'(\?[^?]*\?)', Name.Entity), (r'[\[\]{}(),|]', Punctuation), (r'-', Operator), (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'), ], 'whitespace': [ (r'\s+', Text), ], 'comment_start': [ (r'\(\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'), ], 'comment': [ (r'[^*)]', Comment.Multiline), include('comment_start'), (r'\*\)', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'), (r'[*)]', Comment.Multiline), ], 'identifier': [ (r'([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9 \-]*)', Keyword), ], }
""" Helper function for returning the field information that is associated with a model class. This includes returning all the forward and reverse relationships and their associated metadata. Usage: `get_field_info(model)` returns a `FieldInfo` instance. """ import inspect from collections import namedtuple from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.db import models from django.utils import six from rest_framework.compat import OrderedDict FieldInfo = namedtuple('FieldResult', [ 'pk', # Model field instance 'fields', # Dict of field name -> model field instance 'forward_relations', # Dict of field name -> RelationInfo 'reverse_relations', # Dict of field name -> RelationInfo 'fields_and_pk', # Shortcut for 'pk' + 'fields' 'relations' # Shortcut for 'forward_relations' + 'reverse_relations' ]) RelationInfo = namedtuple('RelationInfo', [ 'model_field', 'related_model', 'to_many', 'has_through_model' ]) def _resolve_model(obj): """ Resolve supplied `obj` to a Django model class. `obj` must be a Django model class itself, or a string representation of one. Useful in situations like GH #1225 where Django may not have resolved a string-based reference to a model in another model's foreign key definition. String representations should have the format: 'appname.ModelName' """ if isinstance(obj, six.string_types) and len(obj.split('.')) == 2: app_name, model_name = obj.split('.') resolved_model = models.get_model(app_name, model_name) if resolved_model is None: msg = "Django did not return a model for {0}.{1}" raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(app_name, model_name)) return resolved_model elif inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, models.Model): return obj raise ValueError("{0} is not a Django model".format(obj)) def get_field_info(model): """ Given a model class, returns a `FieldInfo` instance, which is a `namedtuple`, containing metadata about the various field types on the model including information about their relationships. """ opts = model._meta.concrete_model._meta pk = _get_pk(opts) fields = _get_fields(opts) forward_relations = _get_forward_relationships(opts) reverse_relations = _get_reverse_relationships(opts) fields_and_pk = _merge_fields_and_pk(pk, fields) relationships = _merge_relationships(forward_relations, reverse_relations) return FieldInfo(pk, fields, forward_relations, reverse_relations, fields_and_pk, relationships) def _get_pk(opts): pk = while pk.rel and pk.rel.parent_link: # If model is a child via multi-table inheritance, use parent's pk. pk = return pk def _get_fields(opts): fields = OrderedDict() for field in [field for field in opts.fields if field.serialize and not field.rel]: fields[] = field return fields def _get_forward_relationships(opts): """ Returns an `OrderedDict` of field names to `RelationInfo`. """ forward_relations = OrderedDict() for field in [field for field in opts.fields if field.serialize and field.rel]: forward_relations[] = RelationInfo( model_field=field, related_model=_resolve_model(, to_many=False, has_through_model=False ) # Deal with forward many-to-many relationships. for field in [field for field in opts.many_to_many if field.serialize]: forward_relations[] = RelationInfo( model_field=field, related_model=_resolve_model(, to_many=True, has_through_model=( not field.rel.through._meta.auto_created ) ) return forward_relations def _get_reverse_relationships(opts): """ Returns an `OrderedDict` of field names to `RelationInfo`. """ # Note that we have a hack here to handle internal API differences for # this internal API across Django 1.7 -> Django 1.8. # See: reverse_relations = OrderedDict() for relation in opts.get_all_related_objects(): accessor_name = relation.get_accessor_name() related = getattr(relation, 'related_model', relation.model) reverse_relations[accessor_name] = RelationInfo( model_field=None, related_model=related, to_many=relation.field.rel.multiple, has_through_model=False ) # Deal with reverse many-to-many relationships. for relation in opts.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects(): accessor_name = relation.get_accessor_name() related = getattr(relation, 'related_model', relation.model) reverse_relations[accessor_name] = RelationInfo( model_field=None, related_model=related, to_many=True, has_through_model=( (getattr(relation.field.rel, 'through', None) is not None) and not relation.field.rel.through._meta.auto_created ) ) return reverse_relations def _merge_fields_and_pk(pk, fields): fields_and_pk = OrderedDict() fields_and_pk['pk'] = pk fields_and_pk[] = pk fields_and_pk.update(fields) return fields_and_pk def _merge_relationships(forward_relations, reverse_relations): return OrderedDict( list(forward_relations.items()) + list(reverse_relations.items()) ) def is_abstract_model(model): """ Given a model class, returns a boolean True if it is abstract and False if it is not. """ return hasattr(model, '_meta') and hasattr(model._meta, 'abstract') and model._meta.abstract
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import sys import os import re import thread, threading import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcvfs from threading import Timer from utilities import * from embedlrc import * CWD = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].CWD ADDON = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].ADDON ADDONNAME = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].ADDONNAME PROFILE = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].PROFILE LANGUAGE = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].LANGUAGE class MAIN(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.mode = kwargs['mode'] self.setup_main() WIN.setProperty('culrc.running', 'true') self.get_scraper_list() if ( ADDON.getSetting( "save_lyrics_path" ) == "" ): ADDON.setSetting(id="save_lyrics_path", value=os.path.join( PROFILE.encode("utf-8"), "lyrics" )) self.main_loop() self.cleanup_main() def setup_main(self): self.fetchedLyrics = [] self.current_lyrics = Lyrics() self.MyPlayer = MyPlayer(function=self.myPlayerChanged, clear=self.clear) self.Monitor = MyMonitor(function=self.update_settings) def cleanup_main(self): # Clean up the monitor and Player classes on exit del self.MyPlayer del self.Monitor def get_scraper_list(self): self.scrapers = [] for scraper in os.listdir(LYRIC_SCRAPER_DIR): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(LYRIC_SCRAPER_DIR, scraper)) and ADDON.getSetting( scraper ) == "true": exec ( "from culrcscrapers.%s import lyricsScraper as lyricsScraper_%s" % (scraper, scraper)) exec ( "self.scrapers.append([lyricsScraper_%s.__priority__,lyricsScraper_%s.LyricsFetcher(),lyricsScraper_%s.__title__,lyricsScraper_%s.__lrc__])" % (scraper, scraper, scraper, scraper)) self.scrapers.sort() def main_loop(self): self.triggered = False # main loop while (not self.Monitor.abortRequested()) and (WIN.getProperty('culrc.quit') == ''): # Check if there is a manual override request if WIN.getProperty('culrc.manual') == 'true': log('searching for manually defined lyrics') self.get_manual_lyrics() # check if we are on the music visualization screen # do not try and get lyrics for any background media elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsVisible(12006)") and xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty("PlayingBackgroundMedia") in [None, ""]: if not self.triggered: self.triggered = True # notify user the script is running if ADDON.getSetting( "silent" ) == 'false': xbmc.executebuiltin((u'Notification(%s,%s,%i)' % (ADDONNAME , LANGUAGE(32004), 2000)).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) # start fetching lyrics self.myPlayerChanged() elif WIN.getProperty('culrc.force') == 'TRUE': # we're already running, user clicked button on osd WIN.setProperty('culrc.force','FALSE') self.current_lyrics = Lyrics() self.myPlayerChanged() elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("Player.IsInternetStream"): self.myPlayerChanged() else: # we may have exited the music visualization screen self.triggered = False # reset current lyrics so we show them again when re-entering the visualization screen self.current_lyrics = Lyrics() xbmc.sleep(1000) WIN.clearProperty('culrc.quit') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.lyrics') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.islrc') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.source') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.haslist') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.running') def get_lyrics(self, song): #xbmc.sleep( 60 ) log('searching memory for lyrics') lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_memory( song ) if lyrics: log('found lyrics in memory') return lyrics if song.title: lyrics = self.find_lyrics( song ) if ADDON.getSetting( 'strip' ) == "true": if isinstance (lyrics.lyrics,str): fulltext = lyrics.lyrics.decode("utf-8") else: fulltext = lyrics.lyrics strip_k = re.sub(ur"[\u1100-\u11ff]+", "", fulltext) strip_c = re.sub(ur"[\u3000-\u9fff]+", "", strip_k) lyrics.lyrics = strip_c.encode("utf-8") else: lyrics = Lyrics() = song lyrics.source = '' lyrics.lyrics = '' self.save_lyrics_to_memory(lyrics) return lyrics def find_lyrics(self, song): # search embedded lrc lyrics ext = os.path.splitext(song.filepath.decode("utf-8"))[1].lower() sup_ext = ['.mp3', '.flac'] if ( ADDON.getSetting( "search_embedded" ) == "true") and song.analyze_safe and (ext in sup_ext): log('searching for embedded lrc lyrics') try: lyrics = getEmbedLyrics(song, True) except: lyrics = None if ( lyrics ): log('found embedded lrc lyrics') return lyrics # search lrc lyrics from file if ( ADDON.getSetting( "search_file" ) == "true" ): lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_file(song, True) if ( lyrics ): log('found lrc lyrics from file') return lyrics # search lrc lyrics by scrapers for scraper in self.scrapers: if scraper[3]: lyrics = scraper[1].get_lyrics( song ) if ( lyrics ): log('found lrc lyrics online') self.save_lyrics_to_file( lyrics ) return lyrics # search embedded txt lyrics if ( ADDON.getSetting( "search_embedded" ) == "true" and song.analyze_safe ): log('searching for embedded txt lyrics') try: lyrics = getEmbedLyrics(song, False) except: lyrics = None if lyrics: log('found embedded txt lyrics') return lyrics # search txt lyrics from file if ( ADDON.getSetting( "search_file" ) == "true" ): lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_file(song, False) if ( lyrics ): log('found txt lyrics from file') return lyrics # search txt lyrics by scrapers for scraper in self.scrapers: if not scraper[3]: lyrics = scraper[1].get_lyrics( song ) if ( lyrics ): log('found txt lyrics online') self.save_lyrics_to_file( lyrics ) return lyrics log('no lyrics found') lyrics = Lyrics() = song lyrics.source = '' lyrics.lyrics = '' return lyrics def get_lyrics_from_memory(self, song): for l in self.fetchedLyrics: if ( == song ): return l return None def get_lyrics_from_file(self, song, getlrc): log('searching files for lyrics') lyrics = Lyrics() = song lyrics.source = LANGUAGE( 32000 ) lyrics.lrc = getlrc if ADDON.getSetting( "save_lyrics1" ) == "true": # Search save path by Cu LRC Lyrics lyricsfile = song.path1(getlrc) if xbmcvfs.exists(lyricsfile): lyr = get_textfile( lyricsfile ) if lyr: lyrics.lyrics = lyr return lyrics if ADDON.getSetting( "save_lyrics2" ) == "true": # Search same path with song file lyricsfile = song.path2(getlrc) if xbmcvfs.exists(lyricsfile): lyr = get_textfile( lyricsfile ) if lyr: lyrics.lyrics = lyr return lyrics return None def save_lyrics_to_memory(self, lyrics): savedLyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_memory( if ( savedLyrics is None ): self.fetchedLyrics.append(lyrics) self.fetchedLyrics = self.fetchedLyrics[:10] def save_lyrics_to_file(self, lyrics): if isinstance (lyrics.lyrics, str): lyr = lyrics.lyrics else: lyr = lyrics.lyrics.encode('utf-8') if ( ADDON.getSetting( "save_lyrics1" ) == "true" ): file_path = success = self.write_lyrics_file( file_path, lyr) if ( ADDON.getSetting( "save_lyrics2" ) == "true" ): file_path = success = self.write_lyrics_file( file_path, lyr) def write_lyrics_file(self, file, data): try: if ( not xbmcvfs.exists( os.path.dirname( file ) ) ): xbmcvfs.mkdirs( os.path.dirname( file ) ) lyrics_file = xbmcvfs.File( file, "w" ) lyrics_file.write( data ) lyrics_file.close() return True except: log( "failed to save lyrics" ) return False def myPlayerChanged(self): global lyrics for cnt in range( 5 ): song = Song.current() if ( song and ( != song ) ): log("Current Song: %s - %s" % (song.artist, song.title)) lyrics = self.get_lyrics( song ) self.current_lyrics = lyrics if lyrics.lyrics: # signal the gui thread to display the next lyrics WIN.setProperty('culrc.newlyrics', 'TRUE') # check if gui is already running if not WIN.getProperty('culrc.guirunning') == 'TRUE': WIN.setProperty('culrc.guirunning', 'TRUE') gui = guiThread(mode=self.mode) gui.start() else: # signal gui thread to exit WIN.setProperty('culrc.nolyrics', 'TRUE') # notify user no lyrics were found if ADDON.getSetting( "silent" ) == 'false': xbmc.executebuiltin((u'Notification(%s,%s,%i)' % (ADDONNAME + ": " + LANGUAGE(32001), song.artist.decode("utf-8") + " - " + song.title.decode("utf-8"), 2000)).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) break xbmc.sleep( 50 ) if xbmc.getCondVisibility('MusicPlayer.HasNext'): next_song = if next_song: log("Next Song: %s - %s" % (next_song.artist, next_song.title)) self.get_lyrics( next_song ) else: log( "Missing Artist or Song name in ID3 tag for next track" ) def get_manual_lyrics(self): # Read in the manually defined artist and track if WIN.getProperty('culrc.manual') == 'true': artist = WIN.getProperty('culrc.artist') track = WIN.getProperty('culrc.track') # Make sure we have both an artist and track name if artist and track: song = Song(artist, track) if ( song and ( != song ) ): log("Current Song: %s - %s" % (song.artist, song.title)) lyrics = self.get_lyrics( song ) self.current_lyrics = lyrics if lyrics.lyrics: # Store the details of the lyrics WIN.setProperty('culrc.newlyrics', 'TRUE') WIN.setProperty('culrc.lyrics', lyrics.lyrics) WIN.setProperty('culrc.source', lyrics.source) def update_settings(self): self.get_scraper_list() service = ADDON.getSetting('service') if service == "true": self.mode = 'service' else: self.mode = 'manual' # quit the script is mode was changed from service to manual WIN.setProperty('culrc.quit', 'TRUE') def clear(self): WIN.clearProperty('culrc.lyrics') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.islrc') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.source') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.haslist') class guiThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.mode = kwargs[ "mode" ] def run(self): ui = GUI( "script-cu-lrclyrics-main.xml" , CWD, "Default", mode=self.mode ) ui.doModal() del ui WIN.clearProperty('culrc.guirunning') class GUI( xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog ): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog.__init__(self) self.mode = kwargs[ "mode" ] self.Monitor = MyMonitor(function = None) def onInit(self): self.setup_gui() self.process_lyrics() self.gui_loop() def process_lyrics(self): global lyrics self.lyrics = lyrics self.stop_refresh() self.reset_controls() if self.lyrics.lyrics: self.show_lyrics(self.lyrics) else: WIN.setProperty('culrc.lyrics', LANGUAGE( 32001 )) self.getControl( 120 ).reset() if self.lyrics.list: WIN.setProperty('culrc.haslist', 'true') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.islrc') self.prepare_list(self.lyrics.list) else: WIN.clearProperty('culrc.haslist') def gui_loop(self): # gui loop while self.showgui and (not self.Monitor.abortRequested()) and xbmc.getCondVisibility('Player.HasAudio'): # check if we have new lyrics if WIN.getProperty("culrc.newlyrics") == "TRUE": WIN.clearProperty('culrc.newlyrics') # show new lyrics self.process_lyrics() # check if we have no lyrics elif WIN.getProperty("culrc.nolyrics") == "TRUE": # no lyrics, close the gui self.exit_gui('close') xbmc.sleep(500) # music ended, close the gui if (not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Player.HasAudio')): self.exit_gui('quit') # xbmc quits, close the gui elif self.Monitor.abortRequested(): self.exit_gui('quit') def setup_gui(self): WIN.clearProperty('culrc.newlyrics') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.nolyrics') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.haslist') self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.timer = None self.allowtimer = True self.refreshing = False self.selected = False self.controlId = -1 self.pOverlay = [] self.scroll_line = int(self.get_page_lines() / 2) self.showgui = True def get_page_lines(self): self.getControl( 110 ).setVisible( False ) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem() while xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container(110).NumPages') != '2': self.getControl(110).addItem(listitem) xbmc.sleep(10) lines = self.getControl( 110 ).size() - 1 return lines def refresh(self): self.lock.acquire() try: #May be Kodi is not playing any media file cur_time = xbmc.Player().getTime() nums = self.getControl( 110 ).size() pos = self.getControl( 110 ).getSelectedPosition() if (cur_time < self.pOverlay[pos][0]): while (pos > 0 and self.pOverlay[pos - 1][0] > cur_time): pos = pos -1 else: while (pos < nums - 1 and self.pOverlay[pos + 1][0] < cur_time): pos = pos +1 if (pos + self.scroll_line > nums - 1): self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( nums - 1 ) else: self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( pos + self.scroll_line ) self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( pos ) self.setFocus( self.getControl( 110 ) ) if (self.allowtimer and cur_time < self.pOverlay[nums - 1][0]): waittime = self.pOverlay[pos + 1][0] - cur_time self.timer = Timer(waittime, self.refresh) self.refreshing = True self.timer.start() else: self.refreshing = False self.lock.release() except: self.lock.release() def stop_refresh(self): self.lock.acquire() try: self.timer.cancel() except: pass self.refreshing = False self.lock.release() def show_control(self, controlId): self.getControl( 110 ).setVisible( controlId == 110 ) self.getControl( 120 ).setVisible( controlId == 120 ) xbmc.sleep( 5 ) self.setFocus( self.getControl( controlId ) ) def show_lyrics(self, lyrics): WIN.setProperty('culrc.lyrics', lyrics.lyrics) WIN.setProperty('culrc.source', lyrics.source) if lyrics.list: source = '%s (%d)' % (lyrics.source, len(lyrics.list)) else: source = lyrics.source self.getControl( 200 ).setLabel( source ) if lyrics.lrc: WIN.setProperty('culrc.islrc','true') self.parser_lyrics( lyrics.lyrics ) for time, line in self.pOverlay: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(line) listitem.setProperty('time', str(time)) self.getControl( 110 ).addItem( listitem ) else: WIN.clearProperty('culrc.islrc') splitLyrics = lyrics.lyrics.splitlines() for x in splitLyrics: self.getControl( 110 ).addItem( x ) self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( 0 ) self.show_control( 110 ) if lyrics.lrc: if (self.allowtimer and self.getControl( 110 ).size() > 1): self.refresh() def parser_lyrics(self, lyrics): self.pOverlay = [] tag = re.compile('\[(\d+):(\d\d)([\.:]\d+|)\]') lyrics = lyrics.replace( "\r\n" , "\n" ) sep = "\n" for x in lyrics.split( sep ): match1 = tag.match( x ) times = [] if ( match1 ): while ( match1 ): times.append( float( * 60 + float( ) y = 5 + len( + len( x = x[y:] match1 = tag.match( x ) for time in times: self.pOverlay.append( (time, x) ) self.pOverlay.sort( cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]) ) def prepare_list(self, list): listitems = [] for song in list: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(song[0]) listitem.setProperty('lyric', str(song)) listitem.setProperty('source', lyrics.source) listitems.append(listitem) self.getControl( 120 ).addItems( listitems ) def reshow_choices(self): if self.getControl( 120 ).size() > 1: self.getControl( 120 ).selectItem( 0 ) self.stop_refresh() self.show_control( 120 ) while not self.selected: xbmc.sleep(50) self.selected = False self.getControl( 110 ).reset() self.show_lyrics( self.lyrics ) # self.save_lyrics_to_file( self.lyrics ) #FIXME def reset_controls(self): self.getControl( 110 ).reset() self.getControl( 200 ).setLabel('') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.lyrics') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.islrc') WIN.clearProperty('culrc.source') def exit_gui(self, action): # in manual mode, we also need to quit the script when the user cancels the gui or music has ended if (self.mode == 'manual') and (action == 'quit'): # signal the main loop to quit WIN.setProperty('culrc.quit', 'TRUE') self.allowtimer = False self.stop_refresh() self.showgui = False self.close() def onClick(self, controlId): if ( controlId == 110 ): # will only works for lrc based lyrics try: item = self.getControl( 110 ).getSelectedItem() stamp = float(item.getProperty('time')) xbmc.Player().seekTime(stamp) except: pass if ( controlId == 120 ): item = self.getControl( 120 ).getSelectedItem() source = item.getProperty('source').lower() lyric = eval(item.getProperty('lyric')) exec ( "from culrcscrapers.%s import lyricsScraper as lyricsScraper_%s" % (source, source)) scraper = eval('lyricsScraper_%s.LyricsFetcher()' % source) self.lyrics.lyrics = scraper.get_lyrics_from_list( lyric ) self.selected = True def onFocus(self, controlId): self.controlId = controlId def onAction(self, action): actionId = action.getId() if ( actionId in CANCEL_DIALOG ): # dialog cancelled, close the gui self.exit_gui('quit') elif ( actionId == 101 ) or ( actionId == 117 ): # ACTION_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK / ACTION_CONTEXT_MENU self.reshow_choices() elif ( actionId in ACTION_OSD ): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(10120)") elif ( actionId in ACTION_CODEC ): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(codecinfo)") class MyPlayer(xbmc.Player): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xbmc.Player.__init__(self) self.function = kwargs["function"] self.clear = kwargs["clear"] def onPlayBackStarted(self): self.clear() if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsVisible(12006)"): self.function() def onPlayBackStopped(self): self.clear() class MyMonitor(xbmc.Monitor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xbmc.Monitor.__init__(self) self.function = kwargs["function"] def onSettingsChanged(self): # sleep before retrieving the new settings xbmc.sleep(500) self.function()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """BibFormat element to print a link to BibEdit.""" from invenio.utils.url import create_html_link from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language from invenio.config import CFG_BASE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD from invenio.legacy.bibedit.utils import user_can_edit_record_collection def format_element(bfo, style): """Print a link to BibEdit, if authorization is granted. :param style: the CSS style to be applied to the link. """ _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang) out = "" user_info = bfo.user_info if user_can_edit_record_collection(user_info, bfo.recID): linkattrd = {} if style != '': linkattrd['style'] = style out += create_html_link( CFG_BASE_URL + '/%s/edit/?ln=%s#state=edit&recid=%s' % (CFG_SITE_RECORD, bfo.lang, str(bfo.recID)), {}, link_label=_("Edit This Record"), linkattrd=linkattrd) return out def escape_values(bfo): """Check if output of this element should be escaped.""" return 0
from import OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_D, LargeMotor, MediumMotor, InfraredSensor from import INPUT_1, INPUT_2, ColorSensor, UltrasonicSensor import time import as auto import ev3dev.ev3 as ev3 #from ev3dev.ev3 import * import ev3dev.core as core #ultrasonicSensor = UltrasonicSensor(INPUT_1) colorSensor = ColorSensor(INPUT_2) clawMotor = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_B) leftTire = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_A)# and LargeMotor(OUTPUT_D) rightTire = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_D) ir = InfraredSensor() uss = UltrasonicSensor(INPUT_1) def proximity(self): """ A measurement of the distance between the sensor and the remote, as a percentage. 100% is approximately 70cm/27in. """ if self.auto_mode: self.mode = self.MODE_IR_PROX return self.value(0) def getUltrasonic(): uss.mode='US-DIS-CM' return uss.units # # def getColor(): # colorSensor.mode='COL-REFLECT' # return colorSensor.value() # # # #def findObject(): # while getUltrasonic > 5.5: #while(proximity(self=0) != 0): ev3.Sound.speak('Making right turn').wait() leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp=720, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) ev3.Sound.speak('Making left turn').wait() rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp=720, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) ev3.Sound.speak('Going forward').wait() clawMotor.run_timed(speed_sp = -720, time_sp = 500) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp=360, time_sp=600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp=360, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp=360, time_sp=600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp=360, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp=360, time_sp=600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp=360, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) clawMotor.run_timed(speed_sp = 720, time_sp = 500) time.sleep(1) ev3.Sound.speak('Rotation').wait() rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp=720, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp=720, time_sp=600) time.sleep(1) ev3.Sound.speak('Ha Ha Ha this is mine now').wait() leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) leftTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 900, time_sp = 600) rightTire.run_timed(speed_sp = 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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import string from nova import test from nova.volume import iscsi class TargetAdminTestCase(object): def setUp(self): self.cmds = [] self.tid = 1 self.target_name = '' self.lun = 10 self.path = '/foo/bar/blaa' self.script_template = None def get_script_params(self): return {'tid': self.tid, 'target_name': self.target_name, 'lun': self.lun, 'path': self.path} def get_script(self): return self.script_template % self.get_script_params() def fake_execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs): self.cmds.append(string.join(cmd)) return "", None def clear_cmds(self): cmds = [] def verify_cmds(self, cmds): self.assertEqual(len(cmds), len(self.cmds)) for a, b in zip(cmds, self.cmds): self.assertEqual(a, b) def verify(self): script = self.get_script() cmds = [] for line in script.split('\n'): if not line.strip(): continue cmds.append(line) self.verify_cmds(cmds) def run_commands(self): tgtadm = iscsi.get_target_admin() tgtadm.set_execute(self.fake_execute) tgtadm.new_target(self.target_name, self.tid) tgtadm.show_target(self.tid) tgtadm.new_logicalunit(self.tid, self.lun, self.path) tgtadm.delete_logicalunit(self.tid, self.lun) tgtadm.delete_target(self.tid) def test_target_admin(self): self.clear_cmds() self.run_commands() self.verify() class TgtAdmTestCase(test.TestCase, TargetAdminTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TgtAdmTestCase, self).setUp() TargetAdminTestCase.setUp(self) self.flags(iscsi_helper='tgtadm') self.script_template = "\n".join([ "tgtadm --op new --lld=iscsi --mode=target --tid=%(tid)s " "--targetname=%(target_name)s", "tgtadm --op bind --lld=iscsi --mode=target --initiator-address=ALL " "--tid=%(tid)s", "tgtadm --op show --lld=iscsi --mode=target --tid=%(tid)s", "tgtadm --op new --lld=iscsi --mode=logicalunit --tid=%(tid)s " "--lun=%(lun)d --backing-store=%(path)s", "tgtadm --op delete --lld=iscsi --mode=logicalunit --tid=%(tid)s " "--lun=%(lun)d", "tgtadm --op delete --lld=iscsi --mode=target --tid=%(tid)s"]) def get_script_params(self): params = super(TgtAdmTestCase, self).get_script_params() params['lun'] += 1 return params class IetAdmTestCase(test.TestCase, TargetAdminTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IetAdmTestCase, self).setUp() TargetAdminTestCase.setUp(self) self.flags(iscsi_helper='ietadm') self.script_template = "\n".join([ "ietadm --op new --tid=%(tid)s --params Name=%(target_name)s", "ietadm --op show --tid=%(tid)s", "ietadm --op new --tid=%(tid)s --lun=%(lun)d " "--params Path=%(path)s,Type=fileio", "ietadm --op delete --tid=%(tid)s --lun=%(lun)d", "ietadm --op delete --tid=%(tid)s"])
import datetime import time from import Tools import pycurl import json class HTTPRequest(): debug = False logFile = 'sbs.log' apiKey = '' contentType = 'application/json' url = '' instance = None class __HTTPRequest: def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): return repr(self) + self.val def __init__(self): if not HTTPRequest.instance: HTTPRequest.instance = HTTPRequest.__HTTPRequest() else: pass def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.instance, name) def __setattr__(self, name): return setattr(self.instance, name) @classmethod def init(self, apiKey, contentType, url): self.apiKey = apiKey self.contentType = contentType self.url = url @classmethod def send(self, data): # NOTE: # Depending on the version of python / OS ( you may # run in to issues making requests to HTTPS endpoint, hence we are using pycurl library here # Commented out to showcase how to make a request via urllib2 #payload = json.dumps(data) #req = urllib2.Request(url, payload) #req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') #try: # r = urllib2.urlopen(req) # response = # return response #except Exception, e: # print "error sending data to %s" % url, e # return #Send request using pycurl c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(c.URL, self.url) body = json.dumps(data) Tools.log('Payload: %s' % data) try: c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [('x-api-key: %s' % self.apiKey), 'Content-Type: %s' % self.contentType]) c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, body) c.perform() response_code = c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE) if (response_code==200): Tools.log('Successful Post [%f].' % c.getinfo(c.TOTAL_TIME),2) else: Tools.log('Error writing to AWS. Response code: %i ' % response_code,2) except Exception, e: Tools.log('Error writing to AWS: %s' % e,1) pass return response_code
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( float_or_none, get_element_by_id, int_or_none, strip_or_none, unified_strdate, urljoin, ) class VidLiiIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?vidlii\.com/(?:watch|embed)\?.*?\bv=(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'md5': '9bf7d1e005dfa909b6efb0a1ff5175e2', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'tJluaH4BJ3v', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Vidlii is against me', 'description': 'md5:fa3f119287a2bfb922623b52b1856145', 'thumbnail': 're:https://.*.jpg', 'uploader': 'APPle5auc31995', 'uploader_url': '', 'upload_date': '20171107', 'duration': 212, 'view_count': int, 'comment_count': int, 'average_rating': float, 'categories': ['News & Politics'], 'tags': ['Vidlii', 'Jan', 'Videogames'], } }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage( '' % video_id, video_id) video_url = self._search_regex( r'src\s*:\s*(["\'])(?P<url>(?:https?://)?(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', webpage, 'video url', group='url') title = self._search_regex( (r'<h1>([^<]+)</h1>', r'<title>([^<]+) - VidLii<'), webpage, 'title') description = self._html_search_meta( ('description', 'twitter:description'), webpage, default=None) or strip_or_none( get_element_by_id('des_text', webpage)) thumbnail = self._html_search_meta( 'twitter:image', webpage, default=None) if not thumbnail: thumbnail_path = self._search_regex( r'img\s*:\s*(["\'])(?P<url>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', webpage, 'thumbnail', fatal=False, group='url') if thumbnail_path: thumbnail = urljoin(url, thumbnail_path) uploader = self._search_regex( r'<div[^>]+class=["\']wt_person[^>]+>\s*<a[^>]+\bhref=["\']/user/[^>]+>([^<]+)', webpage, 'uploader', fatal=False) uploader_url = '' % uploader if uploader else None upload_date = unified_strdate(self._html_search_meta( 'datePublished', webpage, default=None) or self._search_regex( r'<date>([^<]+)', webpage, 'upload date', fatal=False)) duration = int_or_none(self._html_search_meta( 'video:duration', webpage, 'duration', default=None) or self._search_regex( r'duration\s*:\s*(\d+)', webpage, 'duration', fatal=False)) view_count = int_or_none(self._search_regex( (r'<strong>(\d+)</strong> views', r'Views\s*:\s*<strong>(\d+)</strong>'), webpage, 'view count', fatal=False)) comment_count = int_or_none(self._search_regex( (r'<span[^>]+id=["\']cmt_num[^>]+>(\d+)', r'Comments\s*:\s*<strong>(\d+)'), webpage, 'comment count', fatal=False)) average_rating = float_or_none(self._search_regex( r'rating\s*:\s*([\d.]+)', webpage, 'average rating', fatal=False)) category = self._html_search_regex( r'<div>Category\s*:\s*</div>\s*<div>\s*<a[^>]+>([^<]+)', webpage, 'category', fatal=False) categories = [category] if category else None tags = [ strip_or_none(tag) for tag in re.findall( r'<a[^>]+\bhref=["\']/results\?.*?q=[^>]*>([^<]+)', webpage) if strip_or_none(tag) ] or None return { 'id': video_id, 'url': video_url, 'title': title, 'description': description, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'uploader': uploader, 'uploader_url': uploader_url, 'upload_date': upload_date, 'duration': duration, 'view_count': view_count, 'comment_count': comment_count, 'average_rating': average_rating, 'categories': categories, 'tags': tags, }
import logging from framework.celery_tasks.handlers import enqueue_task from website import settings from import share_search logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if settings.SEARCH_ENGINE == 'elastic': import elastic_search as search_engine else: search_engine = None logger.warn('Elastic search is not set to load') def requires_search(func): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if search_engine is not None: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped @requires_search def search(query, index=None, doc_type=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX return, index=index, doc_type=doc_type) @requires_search def update_node(node, index=None, bulk=False, async=True): if async: node_id = node._id # We need the transaction to be committed before trying to run celery tasks. # For example, when updating a Node's privacy, is_public must be True in the # database in order for method that updates the Node's elastic search document # to run correctly. if settings.USE_CELERY: enqueue_task(search_engine.update_node_async.s(node_id=node_id, index=index, bulk=bulk)) else: search_engine.update_node_async(node_id=node_id, index=index, bulk=bulk) else: index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX return search_engine.update_node(node, index=index, bulk=bulk) @requires_search def bulk_update_nodes(serialize, nodes, index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.bulk_update_nodes(serialize, nodes, index=index) @requires_search def delete_node(node, index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX doc_type = node.project_or_component if node.is_registration: doc_type = 'registration' search_engine.delete_doc(node._id, node, index=index, category=doc_type) def update_contributors(nodes): search_engine.bulk_update_contributors(nodes) @requires_search def update_user(user, index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.update_user(user, index=index) @requires_search def update_file(file_, index=None, delete=False): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.update_file(file_, index=index, delete=delete) @requires_search def update_institution(institution, index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.update_institution(institution, index=index) @requires_search def delete_all(): search_engine.delete_all() @requires_search def delete_index(index): search_engine.delete_index(index) @requires_search def create_index(index=None): index = index or settings.ELASTIC_INDEX search_engine.create_index(index=index) @requires_search def search_contributor(query, page=0, size=10, exclude=None, current_user=None): exclude = exclude or [] result = search_engine.search_contributor(query=query, page=page, size=size, exclude=exclude, current_user=current_user) return result def search_share(query, raw=False, index='share'): return, raw=raw, index=index) def count_share(query, index='share'): return share_search.count(query, index=index) def share_stats(query=None): query = query or {} return share_search.stats(query=query) def share_providers(): return share_search.providers()
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import xml.dom.minidom as minidom import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml class CursoSeatXmlMinidom(object): def __init__(self): self.doc = minidom.Document() self.root = self.doc.createElement("paginas") self.doc.appendChild(self.root) def limpia_saltos(self,texto): if texto.find("\n") != -1 or texto.find("\r") != -1: texto = texto.replace("\n", "<br />") texto = texto.replace("\r", "<br />") txt = self.doc.createCDATASection(texto) else: txt = self.doc.createTextNode(texto) return txt def addPagina(self, num_pagina, texto, titulo=""): pagina = self.doc.createElement("pagina") pagina.setAttribute("num", num_pagina) nodo_texto = self.doc.createElement("texto") ptext = self.limpia_saltos(texto) nodo_texto.appendChild(ptext) if titulo !="" and titulo != " ": tit = self.doc.createElement("titulo") ttext = self.doc.createTextNode(titulo) tit.appendChild(ttext) pagina.appendChild(tit) pagina.appendChild(nodo_texto) self.root.appendChild(pagina) def save(self,path, notyet=False): if notyet: return False try: xmlstr = self.doc.toxml("utf-8") f=open(path, "w") f.write(xmlstr) f.close() except Exception as ex: print path, ex class CursoSeatXmlEtree(object): def __init__(self): self.root = xml.Element("paginas") def limpia_saltos(self,texto): texto = texto.replace("\n", "<br />") texto = texto.replace("\r", "<br />") return texto.encode("utf-8") def addPagina(self, num_pagina, texto, titulo=""): pagina = xml.Element("pagina") pagina.attrib["num"] = num_pagina nodo_texto = xml.SubElement(pagina, "texto") nodo_texto.text = self.limpia_saltos(texto) if titulo !="" and titulo != " ": tit = xml.SubElement(pagina, "titulo") tit.text = titulo self.root.append(pagina) def save(self,path, notyet=False): if notyet: return False try: fil = open(path, "w") fil.write( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' ) #print xml.tostring(self.root) fil.write( xml.tostring(self.root, "utf-8") ) fil.close() #print xml.tostring(self.root) except Exception as ex: print path, ex
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Helper script to update sampleproject's translation catalogs. When a bug has been identified related to i18n, this helps capture the issue by using catalogs created from management commands. Example: The string "Two %% Three %%%" renders differently using trans and blocktrans. This issue is difficult to debug, it could be a problem with extraction, interpolation, or both. How this script helps: * Add {% trans "Two %% Three %%%" %} and blocktrans equivalent to templates. * Run this script. * Test extraction - verify the new msgid in sampleproject's django.po. * Add a translation to sampleproject's django.po. * Run this script. * Test interpolation - verify templatetag rendering, test each in a template that is rendered using an activated language from sampleproject's locale. * Tests should fail, issue captured. * Fix issue. * Run this script. * Tests all pass. """ import os import re import sys proj_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(proj_dir, '..', '..', '..'))) def update_translation_catalogs(): """Run makemessages and compilemessages in sampleproject.""" from import call_command prev_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(proj_dir) call_command('makemessages') call_command('compilemessages') # keep the diff friendly - remove 'POT-Creation-Date' pofile = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'locale', 'fr', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po') with open(pofile) as f: content = content = re.sub(r'^"POT-Creation-Date.+$\s', '', content, flags=re.MULTILINE) with open(pofile, 'w') as f: f.write(content) os.chdir(prev_cwd) if __name__ == "__main__": update_translation_catalogs()
#! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from openturns import * TESTPREAMBLE() try: inputDimension = 3 outputDimension = 2 # Center center = NumericalPoint(inputDimension) center[0] = -1 center[1] = 0.5 center[2] = 1 # Constant term constant = NumericalPoint(outputDimension) constant[0] = -1.0 constant[1] = 2.0 # Linear term linear = Matrix(inputDimension, outputDimension) linear[0, 0] = 1.0 linear[1, 0] = 2.0 linear[2, 0] = 3.0 linear[0, 1] = 4.0 linear[1, 1] = 5.0 linear[2, 1] = 6.0 # myFunction = linear * (X- center) + constant myFunction = LinearNumericalMathEvaluationImplementation( center, constant, linear) myFunction.setName("linearFunction") inPoint = NumericalPoint(inputDimension) inPoint[0] = 7.0 inPoint[1] = 8.0 inPoint[2] = 9.0 outPoint = myFunction(inPoint) print("myFunction=", repr(myFunction)) print(myFunction.getName(), "( ", repr(inPoint), " ) = ", repr(outPoint)) # except TestFailed, ex : except: import sys print("", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])
import prettytable import discord import os import re from urllib.parse import urlparse from PythonGists import PythonGists from discord.ext import commands from cogs.utils.checks import embed_perms, cmd_prefix_len '''Module for server commands.''' class Server: def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.invites = ['', ''] self.invite_domains = ['', ''] def find_server(self, msg): server = None if msg: try: float(msg) server = if not server: return + 'Server not found.', False except: for i in if == msg.lower().strip(): server = i break if not server: return + 'Could not find server. Note: You must be a member of the server you are trying to search.', False return server, True # Stats about server['server', 'sinfo', 'si'], pass_context=True, invoke_without_command=True) async def serverinfo(self, ctx, *, msg=""): """Various info about the server. [p]help server for more info.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if msg: server = None try: float(msg) server = if not server: return await ctx.send( + 'Server not found.') except: for i in if == msg.lower(): server = i break if not server: return await ctx.send( + 'Could not find server. Note: You must be a member of the server you are trying to search.') else: server = ctx.message.guild online = 0 for i in server.members: if str(i.status) == 'online' or str(i.status) == 'idle' or str(i.status) == 'dnd': online += 1 all_users = [] for user in server.members: all_users.append('{}#{}'.format(, user.discriminator)) all_users.sort() all = '\n'.join(all_users) channel_count = len([x for x in server.channels if type(x) ==]) role_count = len(server.roles) emoji_count = len(server.emojis) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(color=0xea7938) em.add_field(name='Name', em.add_field(name='Owner', value=server.owner, inline=False) em.add_field(name='Members', value=server.member_count) em.add_field(name='Currently Online', value=online) em.add_field(name='Text Channels', value=str(channel_count)) em.add_field(name='Region', value=server.region) em.add_field(name='Verification Level', value=str(server.verification_level)) em.add_field(name='Highest role', value=server.role_hierarchy[0]) em.add_field(name='Number of roles', value=str(role_count)) em.add_field(name='Number of emotes', value=str(emoji_count)) url = PythonGists.Gist(description='All Users in: %s' %, content=str(all), name='server.txt') gist_of_users = '[List of all {} users in this server]({})'.format(server.member_count, url) em.add_field(name='Users', value=gist_of_users) em.add_field(name='Created At', value=server.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.set_thumbnail(url=server.icon_url) em.set_author(name='Server Info', icon_url='') em.set_footer(text='Server ID: %s' % await ctx.send(embed=em) else: msg = '**Server Info:** ```Name: %s\nOwner: %s\nMembers: %s\nCurrently Online: %s\nRegion: %s\nVerification Level: %s\nHighest Role: %s\nCreated At: %s\nServer avatar: : %s```' % (, server.owner, server.member_count, online, server.region, str(server.verification_level), server.role_hierarchy[0], server.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), server.icon_url) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete() @serverinfo.command(pass_context=True) async def emojis(self, ctx, msg: str = None): """List all emojis in this server. Ex: [p]server emojis""" if msg: server, found = self.find_server(msg) if not found: return await ctx.send(server) else: server = ctx.message.guild emojis = [str(x) for x in server.emojis] await ctx.send("".join(emojis)) await ctx.message.delete() @serverinfo.command(pass_context=True) async def avi(self, ctx, msg: str = None): """Get server avatar image link.""" if msg: server, found = self.find_server(msg) if not found: return await ctx.send(server) else: server = ctx.message.guild if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=server.icon_url) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + server.icon_url) await ctx.message.delete() @serverinfo.command(pass_context=True) async def role(self, ctx, *, msg): """Get more info about a specific role. Ex: [p]server role Admins""" for role in ctx.message.guild.roles: if msg.lower() == or msg == all_users = [str(x) for x in role.members] all_users.sort() all_users = ', '.join(all_users) em = discord.Embed(title='Role Info', color=role.color) em.add_field(name='Name', em.add_field(name='ID',, inline=False) em.add_field(name='Users in this role', value=str(len(role.members))) em.add_field(name='Role color hex value', value=str(role.color)) em.add_field(name='Role color RGB value', value=role.color.to_rgb()) em.add_field(name='Mentionable', value=role.mentionable) if len(role.members) > 10: all_users = all_users.replace(', ', '\n') url = PythonGists.Gist(description='Users in role: {} for server: {}'.format(,, content=str(all_users), name='role.txt') em.add_field(name='All users', value='{} users. [List of users posted to Gist.]({})'.format(len(role.members), url), inline=False) elif len(role.members) >= 1: em.add_field(name='All users', value=all_users, inline=False) else: em.add_field(name='All users', value='There are no users in this role!', inline=False) em.add_field(name='Created at', value=role.created_at.__format__('%x at %X')) em.set_thumbnail(url='' % str(role.color).strip("#")) await ctx.message.delete() return await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send( + 'Could not find role ``%s``' % msg) @commands.command(aliases=['channel', 'cinfo', 'ci'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True) async def channelinfo(self, ctx, *, channel: int = None): """Shows channel information""" if not channel: channel = else: channel = data = discord.Embed() if hasattr(channel, 'mention'): data.description = "**Information about Channel:** " + channel.mention if hasattr(channel, 'changed_roles'): if len(channel.changed_roles) > 0: data.color = if channel.changed_roles[0].permissions.read_messages else if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): _type = "Text" elif isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): _type = "Voice" else: _type = "Unknown" data.add_field(name="Type", value=_type) data.add_field(name="ID",, inline=False) if hasattr(channel, 'position'): data.add_field(name="Position", value=channel.position) if isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): if channel.user_limit != 0: data.add_field(name="User Number", value="{}/{}".format(len(channel.voice_members), channel.user_limit)) else: data.add_field(name="User Number", value="{}".format(len(channel.voice_members))) userlist = [r.display_name for r in channel.members] if not userlist: userlist = "None" else: userlist = "\n".join(userlist) data.add_field(name="Users", value=userlist) data.add_field(name="Bitrate", value=channel.bitrate) elif isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): try: pins = await channel.pins() data.add_field(name="Pins", value=len(pins), inline=True) except discord.Forbidden: pass data.add_field(name="Members", value="%s"%len(channel.members)) if channel.topic: data.add_field(name="Topic", value=channel.topic, inline=False) hidden = [] allowed = [] for role in channel.changed_roles: if role.permissions.read_messages is True: if != "@everyone": allowed.append(role.mention) elif role.permissions.read_messages is False: if != "@everyone": hidden.append(role.mention) if len(allowed) > 0: data.add_field(name='Allowed Roles ({})'.format(len(allowed)), value=', '.join(allowed), inline=False) if len(hidden) > 0: data.add_field(name='Restricted Roles ({})'.format(len(hidden)), value=', '.join(hidden), inline=False) if channel.created_at: data.set_footer(text=("Created on {} ({} days ago)".format(channel.created_at.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"), (ctx.message.created_at - channel.created_at).days))) await ctx.send(embed=data) @commands.command(aliases=['invitei', 'ii'], pass_context=True) async def inviteinfo(self, ctx, *, invite: str = None): """Shows invite information.""" if invite: for url in re.findall(r'(https?://\S+)', invite): try: invite = await'/', '').replace('<', '').replace('>', '')) except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send( + "Couldn't find valid invite, please double check the link.") break else: async for msg in if any(x in msg.content for x in self.invites): for url in re.findall(r'(https?://\S+)', msg.content): url = urlparse(url) if any(x in url for x in self.invite_domains): print(url) url = url.path.replace('/', '').replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace('\'', '').replace(')', '') print(url) try: invite = await except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send( + "Couldn't find valid invite, please double check the link.") break if not invite: return await ctx.send( + "Couldn't find an invite in the last 100 messages. Please specify an invite.") data = discord.Embed() content = None if is not None: content = + "**Information about Invite:** %s" % if invite.revoked is not None: data.colour = if invite.revoked else if invite.created_at is not None: data.set_footer(text="Created on {} ({} days ago)".format(invite.created_at.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"), (invite.created_at - invite.created_at).days)) if invite.max_age is not None: if invite.max_age > 0: expires = '%s s' % invite.max_age else: expires = "Never" data.add_field(name="Expires in", value=expires) if invite.temporary is not None: data.add_field(name="Temp membership", value="Yes" if invite.temporary else "No") if invite.uses is not None: data.add_field(name="Uses", value="%s / %s" % (invite.uses, invite.max_uses)) if is not None: data.set_author( + '#' + invite.inviter.discriminator + " (%s)" %, icon_url=invite.inviter.avatar_url) if is not None: data.add_field(name="Guild", value="Name: " + + "\nID: %s" %, inline=False) if invite.guild.icon_url is not None: data.set_thumbnail(url=invite.guild.icon_url) if is not None: channel = "%s\n#%s" % (, if isinstance(, discord.TextChannel) else data.add_field(name="Channel", value="Name: " + channel + "\nID: %s" %, inline=False) try: await ctx.send(content=content, embed=data) except: await ctx.send(content="I need the `Embed links` permission to send this") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Server(bot))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Unit tests for WebMessage.""" __revision__ = \ "$Id$" import unittest from invenio import webmessage_mailutils from invenio.testutils import make_test_suite, run_test_suite class TestQuotingMessage(unittest.TestCase): """Test for quoting messages.""" def test_simple_quoting_per_block(self): """webmessage - test quoting simple message (HTML, per block)""" text = """Dear romeo I received your mail >>Would you like to come with me to the restaurant? Of course! >>>>When could we get together? Reply to my question please. see you...""" expected_text = """Dear romeo<br/> I received your mail<br/> <div class="commentbox"> \tWould you like to come with me to the restaurant?<br/> </div> Of course!<br/> <div class="commentbox"> \t<div class="commentbox"> \t\tWhen could we get together?<br/> \t</div> </div> Reply to my question please.<br/> see you...<br/> """ res = webmessage_mailutils.email_quoted_txt2html(text, tabs_before=0, indent_txt='>>', linebreak_txt="\n", indent_html=('<div class="commentbox">', "</div>"), linebreak_html='<br/>') self.assertEqual(res, expected_text) def test_simple_quoting_per_line(self): """webmessage - test quoting simple message (HTML, per line)""" text = """Dear romeo I received your mail >>Would you like to come with me to the restaurant? >>I discovered a really nice one. Of course! >>>>When could we get together? Reply to my question please. see you...""" expected_text = """Dear romeo&nbsp;<br/> I received your mail&nbsp;<br/> <blockquote><div>Would you like to come with me to the restaurant?&nbsp;</div></blockquote>&nbsp;<br/> <blockquote><div>I discovered a really nice one.&nbsp;</div></blockquote>&nbsp;<br/> Of course!&nbsp;<br/> <blockquote><div><blockquote><div>When could we get together?&nbsp;</div></blockquote>&nbsp;</div></blockquote>&nbsp;<br/> Reply to my question please.&nbsp;<br/> see you...&nbsp;<br/> """ res = webmessage_mailutils.email_quoted_txt2html(text, tabs_before=0, indent_txt='>>', linebreak_txt="\n", indent_html=('<blockquote><div>', '&nbsp;</div></blockquote>'), linebreak_html="&nbsp;<br/>", indent_block=False) self.assertEqual(res, expected_text) def test_quoting_message(self): """webmessage - test quoting message (text)""" text = """C'est un lapin, lapin de bois. >>Quoi? Un cadeau. >>What? A present. >>Oh, un cadeau""" expected_text = """>>C'est un lapin, lapin de bois. >>>>Quoi? >>Un cadeau. >>>>What? >>A present. >>>>Oh, un cadeau """ res = webmessage_mailutils.email_quote_txt(text, indent_txt='>>', linebreak_input="\n", linebreak_output="\n") self.assertEqual(res, expected_text) def test_indenting_rule_message(self): """webmessage - return email-like indenting rule""" text = """>>Brave Sir Robin ran away... <img src="malicious_script"/>*No!* >>bravely ran away away... I didn't!*<script>malicious code</script> >>When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. <form onload="malicious"></form>*I never did!* """ expected_text = """>>Brave Sir Robin ran away... &lt;img src="malicious_script" /&gt;*No!* >>bravely ran away away... I didn't!*&lt;script&gt;malicious code&lt;/script&gt; >>When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. &lt;form onload="malicious"&gt;&lt;/form&gt;*I never did!* """ res = webmessage_mailutils.escape_email_quoted_text(text, indent_txt='>>', linebreak_txt='\n') self.assertEqual(res, expected_text) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(TestQuotingMessage) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE)
import numpy as np from import * from fos import Actor, World from pyglet.lib import load_library glib=load_library('GL') class Axes(Actor): def __init__(self, scale = 1.0, line_width=2.): """ Draw three axes """ self.affine=np.eye(4) self.scale = scale self.vertices=np.array([[0,0,0],[0.5,0,0],[1,0,0],\ [0,0,0],[0,0.5,0],[0,1,0],\ [0,0,0],[0,0,0.5],[0,0,1]],dtype='f4') self.vertices=self.scale*self.vertices self.colors=np.array([[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1],\ [0,1,0,1],[0,1,0,1],[0,1,0,1],\ [0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1]],dtype='f4') assert self.count=np.array([3,3,3],dtype=np.int32) self.first=np.array([0,3,6],dtype=np.int32) self.primcount=len(self.first) self.items=3 self.line_width=line_width self.show_aabb = False self.make_aabb((np.array([-scale,-scale,-scale]),np.array([scale,scale,scale])),margin = 0) def update(self, dt): pass def draw(self): glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glLineWidth(self.line_width) glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY) glVertexPointer(3,GL_FLOAT,0,self.vptr) glColorPointer(4,GL_FLOAT,0,self.cptr) glPushMatrix() #glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) glib.glMultiDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, self.firstptr,self.countptr, self.items) #This is the same as #glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP,0,3) #glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP,3,3) #glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP,6,3) #if self.show_aabb:self.draw_aabb() #Or same as #for i in range(self.items): # glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP,self.first[i],self.count[i]) glPopMatrix() glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY) glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) glLineWidth(1.) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) if __name__=='__main__': pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2004,2005,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # # Pulsar receiver application # # Performs both harmonic folding analysis # and epoch folding analysis # # from gnuradio import gr, gru, blks2, audio from usrpm import usrp_dbid from gnuradio import usrp, optfir from gnuradio import eng_notation from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui2, ra_fftsink, ra_stripchartsink, form, slider from optparse import OptionParser import wx import sys import Numeric import numpy.fft import ephem import time import os import math class app_flow_graph(stdgui2.std_top_block): def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, argv): stdgui2.std_top_block.__init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, argv) self.frame = frame self.panel = panel parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option) parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0), help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)") parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=16, help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-Q", "--observing", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set observing frequency to FREQ") parser.add_option("-a", "--avg", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set spectral averaging alpha") parser.add_option("-V", "--favg", type="eng_float", default=2.0, help="set folder averaging alpha") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-l", "--reflevel", type="eng_float", default=30.0, help="Set pulse display reference level") parser.add_option("-L", "--lowest", type="eng_float", default=1.5, help="Lowest valid frequency bin") parser.add_option("-e", "--longitude", type="eng_float", default=-76.02, help="Set Observer Longitude") parser.add_option("-c", "--latitude", type="eng_float", default=44.85, help="Set Observer Latitude") parser.add_option("-F", "--fft_size", type="eng_float", default=1024, help="Size of FFT") parser.add_option ("-t", "--threshold", type="eng_float", default=2.5, help="pulsar threshold") parser.add_option("-p", "--lowpass", type="eng_float", default=100, help="Pulse spectra cutoff freq") parser.add_option("-P", "--prefix", default="./", help="File prefix") parser.add_option("-u", "--pulsefreq", type="eng_float", default=0.748, help="Observation pulse rate") parser.add_option("-D", "--dm", type="eng_float", default=1.0e-5, help="Dispersion Measure") parser.add_option("-O", "--doppler", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="Doppler ratio") parser.add_option("-B", "--divbase", type="eng_float", default=20, help="Y/Div menu base") parser.add_option("-I", "--division", type="eng_float", default=100, help="Y/Div") parser.add_option("-A", "--audio_source", default="plughw:0,0", help="Audio input device spec") parser.add_option("-N", "--num_pulses", default=1, type="eng_float", help="Number of display pulses") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) self.show_debug_info = True self.reflevel = options.reflevel self.divbase = options.divbase self.division = options.division self.audiodev = options.audio_source self.mult = int(options.num_pulses) # Low-pass cutoff for post-detector filter # Set to 100Hz usually, since lots of pulsars fit in this # range self.lowpass = options.lowpass # What is lowest valid frequency bin in post-detector FFT? # There's some pollution very close to DC self.lowest_freq = options.lowest # What (dB) threshold to use in determining spectral candidates self.threshold = options.threshold # Filename prefix for recording file self.prefix = options.prefix # Dispersion Measure (DM) = # Doppler shift, as a ratio # 1.0 == no doppler shift # 1.005 == a little negative shift # 0.995 == a little positive shift self.doppler = options.doppler # # Input frequency and observing frequency--not necessarily the # same thing, if we're looking at the IF of some downconverter # that's ahead of the USRP and daughtercard. This distinction # is important in computing the correct de-dispersion filter. # self.frequency = options.freq if options.observing <= 0: self.observing_freq = options.freq else: self.observing_freq = options.observing # build the graph self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim) self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)) # # Recording file, in case we ever need to record baseband data # self.recording = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "/dev/null") self.recording_state = False self.pulse_recording = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_short, "/dev/null") self.pulse_recording_state = False # # We come up with recording turned off, but the user may # request recording later on self.recording.close() self.pulse_recording.close() # # Need these two for converting 12-bit baseband signals to 8-bit # self.tofloat = gr.complex_to_float() self.tochar = gr.float_to_char() # Need this for recording pulses (post-detector) self.toshort = gr.float_to_short() # # The spectral measurer sets this when it has a valid # average spectral peak-to-peak distance # We can then use this to program the parameters for the epoch folder # # We set a sentimental value here self.pulse_freq = options.pulsefreq # Folder runs at this raw sample rate self.folder_input_rate = 20000 # Each pulse in the epoch folder is sampled at 128 times the nominal # pulse rate self.folding = 128 # # Try to find candidate parameters for rational resampler # save_i = 0 candidates = [] for i in range(20,300): input_rate = self.folder_input_rate output_rate = int(self.pulse_freq * i) interp = gru.lcm(input_rate, output_rate) / input_rate decim = gru.lcm(input_rate, output_rate) / output_rate if (interp < 500 and decim < 250000): candidates.append(i) # We didn't find anything, bail! if (len(candidates) < 1): print "Couldn't converge on resampler parameters" sys.exit(1) # # Now try to find candidate with the least sampling error # mindiff = 999.999 for i in candidates: diff = self.pulse_freq * i diff = diff - int(diff) if (diff < mindiff): mindiff = diff save_i = i # Recompute rates input_rate = self.folder_input_rate output_rate = int(self.pulse_freq * save_i) # Compute new interp and decim, based on best candidate interp = gru.lcm(input_rate, output_rate) / input_rate decim = gru.lcm(input_rate, output_rate) / output_rate # Save optimized folding parameters, used later self.folding = save_i self.interp = int(interp) self.decim = int(decim) # So that we can view N pulses in the pulse viewer window FOLD_MULT=self.mult # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec) self.cardtype = self.u.daughterboard_id(0) # Compute raw input rate input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate() # BW==input_rate for complex data = input_rate # # Set baseband filter bandwidth if DBS_RX: # if self.cardtype == usrp_dbid.DBS_RX: lbw = input_rate / 2 if lbw < 1.0e6: lbw = 1.0e6 self.subdev.set_bw(lbw) # # We use this as a crude volume control for the audio output # #self.volume = gr.multiply_const_ff(10**(-1)) # # Create location data for ephem package # self.locality = ephem.Observer() self.locality.long = str(options.longitude) = str(options.latitude) # # What is the post-detector LPF cutoff for the FFT? # PULSAR_MAX_FREQ=int(options.lowpass) # First low-pass filters down to input_rate/FIRST_FACTOR # and decimates appropriately FIRST_FACTOR=int(input_rate/(self.folder_input_rate/2)) first_filter = gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0, input_rate, input_rate/FIRST_FACTOR, input_rate/(FIRST_FACTOR*20), gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING) # Second filter runs at the output rate of the first filter, # And low-pass filters down to PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*10 # second_input_rate = int(input_rate/(FIRST_FACTOR/2)) second_filter = gr.firdes.band_pass(1.0, second_input_rate, 0.10, PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*10, PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*1.5, gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING) # Third filter runs at PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*20 # and filters down to PULSAR_MAX_FREQ # third_input_rate = PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*20 third_filter = gr.firdes_band_pass(1.0, third_input_rate, 0.10, PULSAR_MAX_FREQ, PULSAR_MAX_FREQ/10.0, gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING) # # Create the appropriate FFT scope # self.scope = ra_fftsink.ra_fft_sink_f (panel, fft_size=int(options.fft_size), sample_rate=PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*2, title="Post-detector spectrum", ofunc=self.pulsarfunc, xydfunc=self.xydfunc, fft_rate=200) # # Tell scope we're looking from DC to PULSAR_MAX_FREQ # self.scope.set_baseband_freq (0.0) # # Setup stripchart for showing pulse profiles # hz = "%5.3fHz " % self.pulse_freq per = "(%5.3f sec)" % (1.0/self.pulse_freq) sr = "%d sps" % (int(self.pulse_freq*self.folding)) times = " %d Pulse Intervals" % self.mult self.chart = ra_stripchartsink.stripchart_sink_f (panel, sample_rate=1, stripsize=self.folding*FOLD_MULT, parallel=True, title="Pulse Profiles: "+hz+per+times, xlabel="Seconds @ "+sr, ylabel="Level", autoscale=True, divbase=self.divbase, scaling=1.0/(self.folding*self.pulse_freq)) self.chart.set_ref_level(self.reflevel) self.chart.set_y_per_div(self.division) # De-dispersion filter setup # # Do this here, just before creating the filter # that will use the taps. # ntaps = self.compute_disp_ntaps(,,self.observing_freq) # Taps for the de-dispersion filter self.disp_taps = Numeric.zeros(ntaps,Numeric.Complex64) # Compute the de-dispersion filter now self.compute_dispfilter(,self.doppler,,self.observing_freq) # # Call constructors for receive chains # # # Now create the FFT filter using the computed taps self.dispfilt = gr.fft_filter_ccc(1, self.disp_taps) # # Audio sink # #print "input_rate ", second_input_rate, "audiodev ", self.audiodev = audio.sink(second_input_rate, self.audiodev) # # The three post-detector filters # Done this way to allow an audio path (up to 10Khz) # ...and also because going from xMhz down to ~100Hz # In a single filter doesn't seem to work. # self.first = gr.fir_filter_fff (FIRST_FACTOR/2, first_filter) p = second_input_rate / (PULSAR_MAX_FREQ*20) self.second = gr.fir_filter_fff (int(p), second_filter) self.third = gr.fir_filter_fff (10, third_filter) # Detector self.detector = gr.complex_to_mag_squared() self.enable_comb_filter = False # Epoch folder comb filter if self.enable_comb_filter == True: bogtaps = Numeric.zeros(512, Numeric.Float64) self.folder_comb = gr.fft_filter_ccc(1,bogtaps) # Rational resampler self.folder_rr = blks2.rational_resampler_fff(self.interp, self.decim) # Epoch folder bandpass bogtaps = Numeric.zeros(1, Numeric.Float64) self.folder_bandpass = gr.fir_filter_fff (1, bogtaps) # Epoch folder F2C/C2F self.folder_f2c = gr.float_to_complex() self.folder_c2f = gr.complex_to_float() # Epoch folder S2P self.folder_s2p = gr.serial_to_parallel (gr.sizeof_float, self.folding*FOLD_MULT) # Epoch folder IIR Filter (produces average pulse profiles) self.folder_iir = gr.single_pole_iir_filter_ff(1.0/options.favg, self.folding*FOLD_MULT) # # Set all the epoch-folder goop up # self.set_folding_params() # # Start connecting configured modules in the receive chain # # Connect raw USRP to de-dispersion filter, detector self.connect(self.u, self.dispfilt, self.detector) # Connect detector output to FIR LPF # in two stages, followed by the FFT scope self.connect(self.detector, self.first, self.second, self.third, self.scope) # Connect audio output #self.connect(self.first, self.volume) #self.connect(self.volume, (, 0)) #self.connect(self.volume, (, 1)) # Connect epoch folder if self.enable_comb_filter == True: self.connect (self.first, self.folder_bandpass, self.folder_rr, self.folder_f2c, self.folder_comb, self.folder_c2f, self.folder_s2p, self.folder_iir, self.chart) else: self.connect (self.first, self.folder_bandpass, self.folder_rr, self.folder_s2p, self.folder_iir, self.chart) # Connect baseband recording file (initially /dev/null) self.connect(self.u, self.tofloat, self.tochar, self.recording) # Connect pulse recording file (initially /dev/null) self.connect(self.first, self.toshort, self.pulse_recording) # # Build the GUI elements # self._build_gui(vbox) # Make GUI agree with command-line self.myform['average'].set_value(int(options.avg)) self.myform['foldavg'].set_value(int(options.favg)) # Make spectral averager agree with command line if options.avg != 1.0: self.scope.set_avg_alpha(float(1.0/options.avg)) self.scope.set_average(True) # set initial values if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.subdev.gain_range() options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2 if options.freq is None: # if no freq was specified, use the mid-point r = self.subdev.freq_range() options.freq = float(r[0]+r[1])/2 self.set_gain(options.gain) #self.set_volume(-10.0) if not(self.set_freq(options.freq)): self._set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency") self.myform['decim'].set_value(self.u.decim_rate()) self.myform['fs@usb'].set_value(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()) self.myform['dbname'].set_value( self.myform['DM'].set_value( self.myform['Doppler'].set_value(self.doppler) # # Start the timer that shows current LMST on the GUI # self.lmst_timer.Start(1000) def _set_status_msg(self, msg): self.frame.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText(msg, 0) def _build_gui(self, vbox): def _form_set_freq(kv): return self.set_freq(kv['freq']) def _form_set_dm(kv): return self.set_dm(kv['DM']) def _form_set_doppler(kv): return self.set_doppler(kv['Doppler']) # Position the FFT or Waterfall vbox.Add(, 5, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(, 5, wx.EXPAND) # add control area at the bottom self.myform = myform = form.form() hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox.Add((7,0), 0, wx.EXPAND) vbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) myform['freq'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Center freq", weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_freq, self._set_status_msg)) vbox1.Add((3,0), 0, 0) # To show current Local Mean Sidereal Time myform['lmst_high'] = form.static_text_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Current LMST", weight=1) vbox1.Add((3,0), 0, 0) # To show current spectral cursor data myform['spec_data'] = form.static_text_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Pulse Freq", weight=1) vbox1.Add((3,0), 0, 0) # To show best pulses found in FFT output myform['best_pulse'] = form.static_text_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Best freq", weight=1) vbox1.Add((3,0), 0, 0) vboxBogus = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxBogus.Add ((2,0), 0, wx.EXPAND) vbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) g = self.subdev.gain_range() myform['gain'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="RF Gain", weight=1, min=int(g[0]), max=int(g[1]), callback=self.set_gain) vbox2.Add((6,0), 0, 0) myform['average'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="Spectral Averaging", weight=1, min=1, max=200, callback=self.set_averaging) vbox2.Add((6,0), 0, 0) myform['foldavg'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="Folder Averaging", weight=1, min=1, max=20, callback=self.set_folder_averaging) vbox2.Add((6,0), 0, 0) #myform['volume'] = form.quantized_slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, #label="Audio Volume", weight=1, range=(-20, 0, 0.5), callback=self.set_volume) #vbox2.Add((6,0), 0, 0) myform['DM'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="DM", weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_dm)) vbox2.Add((6,0), 0, 0) myform['Doppler'] = form.float_field( parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="Doppler", weight=1, callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_doppler)) vbox2.Add((6,0), 0, 0) # Baseband recording control buttonbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.record_control = form.button_with_callback(self.panel, label="Recording baseband: Off ", callback=self.toggle_recording) self.record_pulse_control = form.button_with_callback(self.panel, label="Recording pulses: Off ", callback=self.toggle_pulse_recording) buttonbox.Add(self.record_control, 0, wx.CENTER) buttonbox.Add(self.record_pulse_control, 0, wx.CENTER) vbox.Add(buttonbox, 0, wx.CENTER) hbox.Add(vbox1, 0, 0) hbox.Add(vboxBogus, 0, 0) hbox.Add(vbox2, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0) vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) self._build_subpanel(vbox) self.lmst_timer = wx.PyTimer(self.lmst_timeout) self.lmst_timeout() def _build_subpanel(self, vbox_arg): # build a secondary information panel (sometimes hidden) # FIXME figure out how to have this be a subpanel that is always # created, but has its visibility controlled by foo.Show(True/False) if not(self.show_debug_info): return panel = self.panel vbox = vbox_arg myform = self.myform #panel = wx.Panel(self.panel, -1) #vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox.Add((5,0), 0) myform['decim'] = form.static_float_field( parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Decim") hbox.Add((5,0), 1) myform['fs@usb'] = form.static_float_field( parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Fs@USB") hbox.Add((5,0), 1) myform['dbname'] = form.static_text_field( parent=panel, sizer=hbox) hbox.Add((5,0), 1) myform['baseband'] = form.static_float_field( parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Analog BB") hbox.Add((5,0), 1) myform['ddc'] = form.static_float_field( parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="DDC") hbox.Add((5,0), 0) vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND) def set_freq(self, target_freq): """ Set the center frequency we're interested in. @param target_freq: frequency in Hz @rypte: bool Tuning is a two step process. First we ask the front-end to tune as close to the desired frequency as it can. Then we use the result of that operation and our target_frequency to determine the value for the digital down converter. """ r = usrp.tune(self.u, 0, self.subdev, target_freq) if r: self.myform['freq'].set_value(target_freq) # update displayed value self.myform['baseband'].set_value(r.baseband_freq) self.myform['ddc'].set_value(r.dxc_freq) # Adjust self.frequency, and self.observing_freq # We pick up the difference between the current self.frequency # and the just-programmed one, and use this to adjust # self.observing_freq. We have to do it this way to # make the dedispersion filtering work out properly. delta = target_freq - self.frequency self.frequency = target_freq self.observing_freq += delta # Now that we're adjusted, compute a new dispfilter, and # set the taps for the FFT filter. ntaps = self.compute_disp_ntaps(,, self.observing_freq) self.disp_taps = Numeric.zeros(ntaps, Numeric.Complex64) self.compute_dispfilter(,self.doppler,, self.observing_freq) self.dispfilt.set_taps(self.disp_taps) return True return False # Callback for gain-setting slider def set_gain(self, gain): self.myform['gain'].set_value(gain) # update displayed value self.subdev.set_gain(gain) #def set_volume(self, vol): #self.myform['volume'].set_value(vol) #self.volume.set_k((10**(vol/10))/8192) # Callback for spectral-averaging slider def set_averaging(self, avval): self.myform['average'].set_value(avval) self.scope.set_avg_alpha(1.0/(avval)) self.scope.set_average(True) def set_folder_averaging(self, avval): self.myform['foldavg'].set_value(avval) self.folder_iir.set_taps(1.0/avval) # Timer callback to update LMST display def lmst_timeout(self): = sidtime = self.locality.sidereal_time() self.myform['lmst_high'].set_value(str(ephem.hours(sidtime))) # # Turn recording on/off # Called-back by "Recording" button # def toggle_recording(self): # Pick up current LMST = sidtime = self.locality.sidereal_time() # Pick up localtime, for generating filenames foo = time.localtime() # Generate filenames for both data and header file filename = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d.pdat" % (foo.tm_year, foo.tm_mon, foo.tm_mday, foo.tm_hour, foo.tm_min) hdrfilename = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d.phdr" % (foo.tm_year, foo.tm_mon, foo.tm_mday, foo.tm_hour, foo.tm_min) # Current recording? Flip state if (self.recording_state == True): self.recording_state = False self.record_control.SetLabel("Recording baseband: Off ") self.recording.close() # Not recording? else: self.recording_state = True self.record_control.SetLabel("Recording baseband to: "+filename) # Cause gr_file_sink object to accept new filename # note use of self.prefix--filename prefix from # command line (defaults to ./) # (self.prefix+filename) # # We open the header file as a regular file, write header data, # then close hdrf = open(self.prefix+hdrfilename, "w") hdrf.write("receiver center frequency: "+str(self.frequency)+"\n") hdrf.write("observing frequency: "+str(self.observing_freq)+"\n") hdrf.write("DM: "+str("\n") hdrf.write("doppler: "+str(self.doppler)+"\n") hdrf.write("sidereal: "+str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+"\n") hdrf.write("bandwidth: "+str(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())+"\n") hdrf.write("sample type: complex_char\n") hdrf.write("sample size: "+str(gr.sizeof_char*2)+"\n") hdrf.close() # # Turn recording on/off # Called-back by "Recording" button # def toggle_pulse_recording(self): # Pick up current LMST = sidtime = self.locality.sidereal_time() # Pick up localtime, for generating filenames foo = time.localtime() # Generate filenames for both data and header file filename = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d.padat" % (foo.tm_year, foo.tm_mon, foo.tm_mday, foo.tm_hour, foo.tm_min) hdrfilename = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d.pahdr" % (foo.tm_year, foo.tm_mon, foo.tm_mday, foo.tm_hour, foo.tm_min) # Current recording? Flip state if (self.pulse_recording_state == True): self.pulse_recording_state = False self.record_pulse_control.SetLabel("Recording pulses: Off ") self.pulse_recording.close() # Not recording? else: self.pulse_recording_state = True self.record_pulse_control.SetLabel("Recording pulses to: "+filename) # Cause gr_file_sink object to accept new filename # note use of self.prefix--filename prefix from # command line (defaults to ./) # (self.prefix+filename) # # We open the header file as a regular file, write header data, # then close hdrf = open(self.prefix+hdrfilename, "w") hdrf.write("receiver center frequency: "+str(self.frequency)+"\n") hdrf.write("observing frequency: "+str(self.observing_freq)+"\n") hdrf.write("DM: "+str("\n") hdrf.write("doppler: "+str(self.doppler)+"\n") hdrf.write("pulse rate: "+str(self.pulse_freq)+"\n") hdrf.write("pulse sps: "+str(self.pulse_freq*self.folding)+"\n") hdrf.write("file sps: "+str(self.folder_input_rate)+"\n") hdrf.write("sidereal: "+str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+"\n") hdrf.write("bandwidth: "+str(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())+"\n") hdrf.write("sample type: short\n") hdrf.write("sample size: 1\n") hdrf.close() # We get called at startup, and whenever the GUI "Set Folding params" # button is pressed # def set_folding_params(self): if (self.pulse_freq <= 0): return # Compute required sample rate self.sample_rate = int(self.pulse_freq*self.folding) # And the implied decimation rate required_decimation = int(self.folder_input_rate / self.sample_rate) # We also compute a new FFT comb filter, based on the expected # spectral profile of our pulse parameters # # FFT-based comb filter # N_COMB_TAPS=int(self.sample_rate*4) if N_COMB_TAPS > 2000: N_COMB_TAPS = 2000 self.folder_comb_taps = Numeric.zeros(N_COMB_TAPS,Numeric.Complex64) fincr = (self.sample_rate)/float(N_COMB_TAPS) for i in range(0,len(self.folder_comb_taps)): self.folder_comb_taps[i] = complex(0.0, 0.0) freq = 0.0 harmonics = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0] for i in range(0,len(self.folder_comb_taps)/2): for j in range(0,len(harmonics)): if abs(freq - harmonics[j]*self.pulse_freq) <= fincr: self.folder_comb_taps[i] = complex(4.0, 0.0) if harmonics[j] == 1.0: self.folder_comb_taps[i] = complex(8.0, 0.0) freq += fincr if self.enable_comb_filter == True: # Set the just-computed FFT comb filter taps self.folder_comb.set_taps(self.folder_comb_taps) # And compute a new decimated bandpass filter, to go in front # of the comb. Primary function is to decimate and filter down # to an exact-ish multiple of the target pulse rate # self.folding_taps = gr.firdes_band_pass (1.0, self.folder_input_rate, 0.10, self.sample_rate/2, 10, gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING) # Set the computed taps for the bandpass/decimate filter self.folder_bandpass.set_taps (self.folding_taps) # # Record a spectral "hit" of a possible pulsar spectral profile # def record_hit(self,hits, hcavg, hcmax): # Pick up current LMST = sidtime = self.locality.sidereal_time() # Pick up localtime, for generating filenames foo = time.localtime() # Generate filenames for both data and header file hitfilename = "%04d%02d%02d%02d.phit" % (foo.tm_year, foo.tm_mon, foo.tm_mday, foo.tm_hour) hitf = open(self.prefix+hitfilename, "a") hitf.write("receiver center frequency: "+str(self.frequency)+"\n") hitf.write("observing frequency: "+str(self.observing_freq)+"\n") hitf.write("DM: "+str("\n") hitf.write("doppler: "+str(self.doppler)+"\n") hitf.write("sidereal: "+str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+"\n") hitf.write("bandwidth: "+str(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())+"\n") hitf.write("spectral peaks: "+str(hits)+"\n") hitf.write("HCM: "+str(hcavg)+" "+str(hcmax)+"\n") hitf.close() # This is a callback used by (passed on creation of # ra_fftsink) # Whenever the user moves the cursor within the FFT display, this # shows the coordinate data # def xydfunc(self,xyv): s = "%.6fHz\n%.3fdB" % (xyv[0], xyv[1]) if self.lowpass >= 500: s = "%.6fHz\n%.3fdB" % (xyv[0]*1000, xyv[1]) self.myform['spec_data'].set_value(s) # This is another callback used by (passed on creation # of ra_fftsink). We pass this as our "calibrator" function, but # we create interesting side-effects in the GUI. # # This function finds peaks in the FFT output data, and reports # on them through the "Best" text object in the GUI # It also computes the Harmonic Compliance Measure (HCM), and displays # that also. # def pulsarfunc(self,d,l): x = range(0,l) incr = float(self.lowpass)/float(l) incr = incr * 2.0 bestdb = -50.0 bestfreq = 0.0 avg = 0 dcnt = 0 # # First, we need to find the average signal level # for i in x: if (i * incr) > self.lowest_freq and (i*incr) < (self.lowpass-2): avg += d[i] dcnt += 1 # Set average signal level avg /= dcnt s2=" " findcnt = 0 # # Then we find candidates that are greater than the user-supplied # threshold. # # We try to cluster "hits" whose whole-number frequency is the # same, and compute an average "hit" frequency. # lastint = 0 hits=[] intcnt = 0 freqavg = 0 for i in x: freq = i*incr # If frequency within bounds, and the (dB-avg) value is above our # threshold if freq > self.lowest_freq and freq < self.lowpass-2 and (d[i] - avg) > self.threshold: # If we're finding a new whole-number frequency if lastint != int(freq): # Record "center" of this hit, if this is a new hit if lastint != 0: s2 += "%5.3fHz " % (freqavg/intcnt) hits.append(freqavg/intcnt) findcnt += 1 lastint = int(freq) intcnt = 1 freqavg = freq else: intcnt += 1 freqavg += freq if (findcnt >= 14): break if intcnt > 1: s2 += "%5.3fHz " % (freqavg/intcnt) hits.append(freqavg/intcnt) # # Compute the HCM, by dividing each of the "hits" by each of the # other hits, and comparing the difference between a "perfect" # harmonic, and the observed frequency ratio. # measure = 0 max_measure=0 mcnt = 0 avg_dist = 0 acnt = 0 for i in range(1,len(hits)): meas = hits[i]/hits[0] - int(hits[i]/hits[0]) if abs((hits[i]-hits[i-1])-hits[0]) < 0.1: avg_dist += hits[i]-hits[i-1] acnt += 1 if meas > 0.98 and meas < 1.0: meas = 1.0 - meas meas *= hits[0] if meas >= max_measure: max_measure = meas measure += meas mcnt += 1 if mcnt > 0: measure /= mcnt if acnt > 0: avg_dist /= acnt if len(hits) > 1: measure /= mcnt s3="\nHCM: Avg %5.3fHz(%d) Max %5.3fHz Dist %5.3fHz(%d)" % (measure,mcnt,max_measure, avg_dist, acnt) if max_measure < 0.5 and len(hits) >= 2: self.record_hit(hits, measure, max_measure) self.avg_dist = avg_dist else: s3="\nHCM: --" s4="\nAvg dB: %4.2f" % avg self.myform['best_pulse'].set_value("("+s2+")"+s3+s4) # Since we are nominally a calibrator function for ra_fftsink, we # simply return what they sent us, untouched. A "real" calibrator # function could monkey with the data before returning it to the # FFT display function. return(d) # # Callback for the "DM" gui object # # We call compute_dispfilter() as appropriate to compute a new filter, # and then set that new filter into self.dispfilt. # def set_dm(self,dm): = dm ntaps = self.compute_disp_ntaps (,, self.observing_freq) self.disp_taps = Numeric.zeros(ntaps, Numeric.Complex64) self.compute_dispfilter(,self.doppler,,self.observing_freq) self.dispfilt.set_taps(self.disp_taps) self.myform['DM'].set_value(dm) return(dm) # # Callback for the "Doppler" gui object # # We call compute_dispfilter() as appropriate to compute a new filter, # and then set that new filter into self.dispfilt. # def set_doppler(self,doppler): self.doppler = doppler ntaps = self.compute_disp_ntaps (,, self.observing_freq) self.disp_taps = Numeric.zeros(ntaps, Numeric.Complex64) self.compute_dispfilter(,self.doppler,,self.observing_freq) self.dispfilt.set_taps(self.disp_taps) self.myform['Doppler'].set_value(doppler) return(doppler) # # Compute a de-dispersion filter # From Hankins, et al, 1975 # # This code translated from dedisp_filter.c from Swinburne # pulsar software repository # def compute_dispfilter(self,dm,doppler,bw,centerfreq): npts = len(self.disp_taps) tmp = Numeric.zeros(npts, Numeric.Complex64) M_PI = 3.14159265358 DM = dm/2.41e-10 # # Because astronomers are a crazy bunch, the "standard" calcultion # is in Mhz, rather than Hz # centerfreq = centerfreq / 1.0e6 bw = bw / 1.0e6 isign = int(bw / abs (bw)) # Center frequency may be doppler shifted cfreq = centerfreq / doppler # As well as the bandwidth.. bandwidth = bw / doppler # Bandwidth divided among bins binwidth = bandwidth / npts # Delay is an "extra" parameter, in usecs, and largely # untested in the Swinburne code. delay = 0.0 # This determines the coefficient of the frequency response curve # Linear in DM, but quadratic in center frequency coeff = isign * 2.0*M_PI * DM / (cfreq*cfreq) # DC to nyquist/2 n = 0 for i in range(0,int(npts/2)): freq = (n + 0.5) * binwidth phi = coeff*freq*freq/(cfreq+freq) + (2.0*M_PI*freq*delay) tmp[i] = complex(math.cos(phi), math.sin(phi)) n += 1 # -nyquist/2 to DC n = int(npts/2) n *= -1 for i in range(int(npts/2),npts): freq = (n + 0.5) * binwidth phi = coeff*freq*freq/(cfreq+freq) + (2.0*M_PI*freq*delay) tmp[i] = complex(math.cos(phi), math.sin(phi)) n += 1 self.disp_taps = numpy.fft.ifft(tmp) return(self.disp_taps) # # Compute minimum number of taps required in de-dispersion FFT filter # def compute_disp_ntaps(self,dm,bw,freq): # # Dt calculations are in Mhz, rather than Hz # crazy astronomers.... mbw = bw/1.0e6 mfreq = freq/1.0e6 f_lower = mfreq-(mbw/2) f_upper = mfreq+(mbw/2) # Compute smear time Dt = dm/2.41e-4 * (1.0/(f_lower*f_lower)-1.0/(f_upper*f_upper)) # ntaps is now bandwidth*smeartime # Should be bandwidth*smeartime*2, but the Gnu Radio FFT filter # already expands it by a factor of 2 ntaps = bw*Dt if ntaps < 64: ntaps = 64 return(int(ntaps)) def main (): app = stdgui2.stdapp(app_flow_graph, "RADIO ASTRONOMY PULSAR RECEIVER: $Revision$", nstatus=1) app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main ()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import json import property messengerThreadUrl = "" def setMessengerGetStarted(token): threadSettingURL = messengerThreadUrl + token data = { "get_started":{ "payload": "get_started" } } response =, json=data, verify=False) return response, json.loads(response.text) def setMessengerGreeting(token): threadSettingURL = messengerThreadUrl + token data = { "setting_type": "greeting", "greeting": [{ "locale": "default", "text": "Welcome to Astute Connect 2017!" }] } response =, json=data, verify=False) return response, json.loads(response.text) ''' def setMessengerMenu(token): threadSettingURL = messengerThreadUrl + token data = { "setting_type": "call_to_actions", "thread_state": "existing_thread", "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "postback", "title": "Home", "payload": "home_page" }, { "type": "web_url", "title": "Guides", "url": "" }, { "type": "web_url", "title": "Roadside", "url": "" } ] } response =, json=data, verify=False) return response, json.loads(response.text) ''' def setMessengerMenu(token): threadSettingURL = messengerThreadUrl + token data = { "persistent_menu": [ { "locale": "default", "composer_input_disabled": False, "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "postback", "title": "Book", "payload": "make a new flight reservation" }, { "type": "nested", "title": "Manage", "call_to_actions": [ { "title": "Check in", "type": "postback", "payload": "flight check in EK201" }, { "title": "Flight Status", "type": "postback", "payload": "check flight status EK201" }, { "title": "Change Flight", "type": "postback", "payload": "change flight EK201" }, { "title": "Change Seat", "type": "postback", "payload": "change seat EK201" } ] }, { "type": "nested", "title": "Loyalty", "call_to_actions": [ { "title": "Join us", "type": "web_url", "url": "" }, { "title": "Log in", "type": "web_url", "url": "" }, { "title": "Membership", "type": "web_url", "url": "" }, { "title": "Partners", "type": "web_url", "url": "" }, { "title": "Contact us", "type": "web_url", "url": "" } ] } ] } ] } response =, json=data, verify=False) return response, json.loads(response.text) def getWeChatAccessToken(appid, appsecret): url = '' + appid + '&secret=' + appsecret response = json.loads(requests.get(url, verify=False).content) return response['access_token'] def setWeChatMenu(accessToken, lang): url = '' + accessToken if lang == 'en': menu_data = {'button': [{'type': 'click', 'name': 'Home', 'key': 'home_box'}, {'type': 'view', 'name': 'Guides', 'url': ''}, {'type': 'view', 'name': 'Roadside', 'url': ''}]} else: menu_data = {'button': [{'type': 'click', 'name': "主页", 'key': 'home_box'}, {'type': 'view', 'name': "目录", 'url': ' copy/GuidesHome.html'}, {'type': 'view', 'name': "道路救援", 'url': ' copy/test2.html'}]} response =, data=json.dumps(menu_data, ensure_ascii=False), verify=False).content return response if __name__ == "__main__": token = 'EAAS7yNVP3rgBAElyTTOJBj4fZCD7iZA0HpR3TVudZBkbZBOWEAI03KUY5MbNAFhu2OGuBgZAAZCKMpulsg0iXUt6ybvcvZC6uaVPZAFjbZCHgsl4ZCZAxt9UB7jRCEuWP78rfcqkxZCZAhcrN6glZCWZAZAqOv9y0BN3GjE8H9lWZBsWvauSY9QZDZD' #accessToken = getWeChatAccessToken(appid, appsecret) #print setWeChatMenu(accessToken, 'zh') print setMessengerGetStarted(token) print setMessengerMenu(token) #print setMessengerGreeting(property.facebookTokenList['AC2017']) #print setMessengerGetStarted(messenger_token)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This module is used for version 2 of the Google Data APIs. __author__ = ' (Jeff Scudder)' import unittest import atom.auth import atom.http_core class BasicAuthTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_modify_request(self): http_request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest() credentials = atom.auth.BasicAuth('Aladdin', 'open sesame') self.assert_(credentials.basic_cookie == 'QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==') credentials.modify_request(http_request) self.assert_(http_request.headers[ 'Authorization'] == 'Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==') def suite(): return unittest.TestSuite((unittest.makeSuite(BasicAuthTest,'test'),)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import os import random import weakref from WebModel.utils.redis.client import StrictRedis from WebModel.utils.redis.connection import ConnectionPool, Connection from WebModel.utils.redis.exceptions import ConnectionError, ResponseError, ReadOnlyError from WebModel.utils.redis._compat import iteritems, nativestr, xrange class MasterNotFoundError(ConnectionError): pass class SlaveNotFoundError(ConnectionError): pass class SentinelManagedConnection(Connection): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.connection_pool = kwargs.pop('connection_pool') super(SentinelManagedConnection, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): pool = self.connection_pool s = '%s<service=%s%%s>' % (type(self).__name__, pool.service_name) if host_info = ',host=%s,port=%s' % (, self.port) s = s % host_info return s def connect_to(self, address):, self.port = address super(SentinelManagedConnection, self).connect() if self.connection_pool.check_connection: self.send_command('PING') if nativestr(self.read_response()) != 'PONG': raise ConnectionError('PING failed') def connect(self): if self._sock: return # already connected if self.connection_pool.is_master: self.connect_to(self.connection_pool.get_master_address()) else: for slave in self.connection_pool.rotate_slaves(): try: return self.connect_to(slave) except ConnectionError: continue raise SlaveNotFoundError # Never be here def read_response(self): try: return super(SentinelManagedConnection, self).read_response() except ReadOnlyError: if self.connection_pool.is_master: # When talking to a master, a ReadOnlyError when likely # indicates that the previous master that we're still connected # to has been demoted to a slave and there's a new master. # calling disconnect will force the connection to re-query # sentinel during the next connect() attempt. self.disconnect() raise ConnectionError('The previous master is now a slave') raise class SentinelConnectionPool(ConnectionPool): """ Sentinel backed connection pool. If ``check_connection`` flag is set to True, SentinelManagedConnection sends a PING command right after establishing the connection. """ def __init__(self, service_name, sentinel_manager, **kwargs): kwargs['connection_class'] = kwargs.get( 'connection_class', SentinelManagedConnection) self.is_master = kwargs.pop('is_master', True) self.check_connection = kwargs.pop('check_connection', False) super(SentinelConnectionPool, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.connection_kwargs['connection_pool'] = weakref.proxy(self) self.service_name = service_name self.sentinel_manager = sentinel_manager def __repr__(self): return "%s<service=%s(%s)" % ( type(self).__name__, self.service_name, self.is_master and 'master' or 'slave', ) def reset(self): super(SentinelConnectionPool, self).reset() self.master_address = None self.slave_rr_counter = None def get_master_address(self): master_address = self.sentinel_manager.discover_master( self.service_name) if self.is_master: if self.master_address is None: self.master_address = master_address elif master_address != self.master_address: # Master address changed, disconnect all clients in this pool self.disconnect() return master_address def rotate_slaves(self): "Round-robin slave balancer" slaves = self.sentinel_manager.discover_slaves(self.service_name) if slaves: if self.slave_rr_counter is None: self.slave_rr_counter = random.randint(0, len(slaves) - 1) for _ in xrange(len(slaves)): self.slave_rr_counter = ( self.slave_rr_counter + 1) % len(slaves) slave = slaves[self.slave_rr_counter] yield slave # Fallback to the master connection try: yield self.get_master_address() except MasterNotFoundError: pass raise SlaveNotFoundError('No slave found for %r' % (self.service_name)) def _checkpid(self): if != os.getpid(): self.disconnect() self.reset() self.__init__(self.service_name, self.sentinel_manager, connection_class=self.connection_class, max_connections=self.max_connections, **self.connection_kwargs) class Sentinel(object): """ Redis Sentinel cluster client >>> from redis.sentinel import Sentinel >>> sentinel = Sentinel([('localhost', 26379)], socket_timeout=0.1) >>> master = sentinel.master_for('mymaster', socket_timeout=0.1) >>> master.set('foo', 'bar') >>> slave = sentinel.slave_for('mymaster', socket_timeout=0.1) >>> slave.get('foo') 'bar' ``sentinels`` is a list of sentinel nodes. Each node is represented by a pair (hostname, port). ``min_other_sentinels`` defined a minimum number of peers for a sentinel. When querying a sentinel, if it doesn't meet this threshold, responses from that sentinel won't be considered valid. ``sentinel_kwargs`` is a dictionary of connection arguments used when connecting to sentinel instances. Any argument that can be passed to a normal Redis connection can be specified here. If ``sentinel_kwargs`` is not specified, any socket_timeout and socket_keepalive options specified in ``connection_kwargs`` will be used. ``connection_kwargs`` are keyword arguments that will be used when establishing a connection to a Redis server. """ def __init__(self, sentinels, min_other_sentinels=0, sentinel_kwargs=None, **connection_kwargs): # if sentinel_kwargs isn't defined, use the socket_* options from # connection_kwargs if sentinel_kwargs is None: sentinel_kwargs = dict([(k, v) for k, v in iteritems(connection_kwargs) if k.startswith('socket_') ]) self.sentinel_kwargs = sentinel_kwargs self.sentinels = [StrictRedis(hostname, port, **self.sentinel_kwargs) for hostname, port in sentinels] self.min_other_sentinels = min_other_sentinels self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs def __repr__(self): sentinel_addresses = [] for sentinel in self.sentinels: sentinel_addresses.append('%s:%s' % ( sentinel.connection_pool.connection_kwargs['host'], sentinel.connection_pool.connection_kwargs['port'], )) return '%s<sentinels=[%s]>' % ( type(self).__name__, ','.join(sentinel_addresses)) def check_master_state(self, state, service_name): if not state['is_master'] or state['is_sdown'] or state['is_odown']: return False # Check if our sentinel doesn't see other nodes if state['num-other-sentinels'] < self.min_other_sentinels: return False return True def discover_master(self, service_name): """ Asks sentinel servers for the Redis master's address corresponding to the service labeled ``service_name``. Returns a pair (address, port) or raises MasterNotFoundError if no master is found. """ for sentinel_no, sentinel in enumerate(self.sentinels): try: masters = sentinel.sentinel_masters() except ConnectionError: continue state = masters.get(service_name) if state and self.check_master_state(state, service_name): # Put this sentinel at the top of the list self.sentinels[0], self.sentinels[sentinel_no] = ( sentinel, self.sentinels[0]) return state['ip'], state['port'] raise MasterNotFoundError("No master found for %r" % (service_name,)) def filter_slaves(self, slaves): "Remove slaves that are in an ODOWN or SDOWN state" slaves_alive = [] for slave in slaves: if slave['is_odown'] or slave['is_sdown']: continue slaves_alive.append((slave['ip'], slave['port'])) return slaves_alive def discover_slaves(self, service_name): "Returns a list of alive slaves for service ``service_name``" for sentinel in self.sentinels: try: slaves = sentinel.sentinel_slaves(service_name) except (ConnectionError, ResponseError): continue slaves = self.filter_slaves(slaves) if slaves: return slaves return [] def master_for(self, service_name, redis_class=StrictRedis, connection_pool_class=SentinelConnectionPool, **kwargs): """ Returns a redis client instance for the ``service_name`` master. A SentinelConnectionPool class is used to retrive the master's address before establishing a new connection. NOTE: If the master's address has changed, any cached connections to the old master are closed. By default clients will be a redis.StrictRedis instance. Specify a different class to the ``redis_class`` argument if you desire something different. The ``connection_pool_class`` specifies the connection pool to use. The SentinelConnectionPool will be used by default. All other keyword arguments are merged with any connection_kwargs passed to this class and passed to the connection pool as keyword arguments to be used to initialize Redis connections. """ kwargs['is_master'] = True connection_kwargs = dict(self.connection_kwargs) connection_kwargs.update(kwargs) return redis_class(connection_pool=connection_pool_class( service_name, self, **connection_kwargs)) def slave_for(self, service_name, redis_class=StrictRedis, connection_pool_class=SentinelConnectionPool, **kwargs): """ Returns redis client instance for the ``service_name`` slave(s). A SentinelConnectionPool class is used to retrive the slave's address before establishing a new connection. By default clients will be a redis.StrictRedis instance. Specify a different class to the ``redis_class`` argument if you desire something different. The ``connection_pool_class`` specifies the connection pool to use. The SentinelConnectionPool will be used by default. All other keyword arguments are merged with any connection_kwargs passed to this class and passed to the connection pool as keyword arguments to be used to initialize Redis connections. """ kwargs['is_master'] = False connection_kwargs = dict(self.connection_kwargs) connection_kwargs.update(kwargs) return redis_class(connection_pool=connection_pool_class( service_name, self, **connection_kwargs))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models, connection, transaction class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): table_name = orm['archive.File']._meta.db_table cursor = connection.cursor() sql = 'ALTER TABLE "%s" ALTER COLUMN item_id DROP NOT NULL' % table_name cursor.execute(sql) transaction.commit_unless_managed() def backwards(self, orm): pass models = { 'archive.file': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'File'}, 'audio_codec': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'available': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'bits_per_pixel': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '-1'}), 'channels': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'data': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'display_aspect_ratio': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'duration': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True'}), 'extension': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True'}), 'framerate': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'height': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'info': ('ox.django.fields.DictField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'is_audio': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_subtitle': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_video': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'item': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'files'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['item.Item']"}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '8', 'null': 'True'}), 'modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'oshash': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '16'}), 'part': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True'}), 'part_title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True'}), 'path': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '2048'}), 'pixel_format': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'pixels': ('django.db.models.fields.BigIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'samplerate': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'selected': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'size': ('django.db.models.fields.BigIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'sort_path': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '2048'}), 'type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '255'}), 'uploading': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'version': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '255', 'null': 'True'}), 'video_codec': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'wanted': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'width': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}) }, 'archive.frame': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('file', 'position'),)", 'object_name': 'Frame'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'frames'", 'to': "orm['archive.File']"}), 'frame': ('django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField', [], {'default': 'None', 'max_length': '100', 'null': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'position': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {}) }, 'archive.instance': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('path', 'volume'),)", 'object_name': 'Instance'}, 'atime': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1360404509'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'ctime': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1360404509'}), 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'instances'", 'to': "orm['archive.File']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'ignore': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'mtime': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1360404509'}), 'path': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '2048'}), 'volume': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'files'", 'to': "orm['archive.Volume']"}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('file', 'resolution', 'format'),)", 'object_name': 'Stream'}, 'aspect_ratio': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'available': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'color': ('ox.django.fields.TupleField', [], {'default': '[]'}), 'cuts': ('ox.django.fields.TupleField', [], {'default': '[]'}), 'duration': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'streams'", 'to': "orm['archive.File']"}), 'format': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'webm'", 'max_length': '255'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'info': ('ox.django.fields.DictField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'oshash': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '16', 'null': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'resolution': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '96'}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'default': 'None', 'related_name': "'derivatives'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['archive.Stream']"}), 'video': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'default': 'None', 'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'volume': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0'}) }, 'archive.volume': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('user', 'name'),)", 'object_name': 'Volume'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '1024'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'volumes'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}) }, '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'item.item': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Item'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'data': ('ox.django.fields.DictField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'external_data': ('ox.django.fields.DictField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'related_name': "'items'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': "orm['auth.Group']"}), 'icon': ('django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField', [], {'default': 'None', 'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'itemId': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '128', 'blank': 'True'}), 'json': ('ox.django.fields.DictField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'notes': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''"}), 'oxdbId': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '42', 'unique': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'poster': ('django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField', [], {'default': 'None', 'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'poster_frame': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '-1'}), 'poster_height': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'poster_source': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), 'poster_width': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'rendered': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'stream_aspect': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '1.3333333333333333'}), 'stream_info': ('ox.django.fields.DictField', [], {'default': '{}'}), 'torrent': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'default': 'None', 'max_length': '1000', 'blank': 'True'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'items'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}) } } complete_apps = ['archive']
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Alexander Weigl, Nicolai Schoch # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. """Flask Restful Server for Hiflow3Session. """ __author__ = 'Alexander Weigl' __date__ = '2014-07-11' from flask import Flask from flask.ext.restful import Api from flask_restful_swagger import swagger from . import config from .services import * app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) api =, apiVersion='1.0', api_spec_url='/api/spec', basePath=config.BASE_PATH) api.add_resource(TemplateList, '/template') api.add_resource(Template, '/template/<string:type>') api.add_resource(Assets, '/assets') api.add_resource(Assets2, '/assets/<string:aid>') api.add_resource(ResultFunctionsList, '/results') # Session Management api.add_resource(SimulationOpen, '/session') api.add_resource(Simulation, '/session/<string:token>') api.add_resource(RunSimulation, '/session/<string:token>/run') # Simulation api.add_resource(Result, '/session/<string:token>/result/<int:step>/<string:func>') api.add_resource(ResultList, '/session/<string:token>/result/')
from django.conf.urls import url, include from extforms import views urlpatterns = [ url(r'^swc/request/$', views.SWCEventRequest.as_view(), name='swc_workshop_request'), url(r'^swc/request/confirm/$', views.SWCEventRequestConfirm.as_view(), name='swc_workshop_request_confirm'), url(r'^dc/request/$', views.DCEventRequest.as_view(), name='dc_workshop_request'), url(r'^dc/request/confirm/$', views.DCEventRequestConfirm.as_view(), name='dc_workshop_request_confirm'), url(r'^dc/request_selforganized/$', views.DCSelfOrganizedEventRequest.as_view(), name='dc_workshop_selforganized_request'), url(r'^dc/request_selforganized/confirm/$', views.DCSelfOrganizedEventRequestConfirm.as_view(), name='dc_workshop_selforganized_request_confirm'), url(r'^submit/$', views.EventSubmission.as_view(), name='event_submit'), # disabled as per @maneesha's request # url(r'^submit/confirm/$', views.EventSubmissionConfirm.as_view(), name='event_submission_confirm'), url(r'^update_profile/$', views.profileupdaterequest_create, name='profileupdate_request'), url(r'^request_training/$', views.TrainingRequestCreate.as_view(), name='training_request'), url(r'^request_training/confirm/$', views.TrainingRequestConfirm.as_view(), name='training_request_confirm'), ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models from admin_sort.models import SortableModelMixin class Author(SortableModelMixin, models.Model): """ SortableModelMixin: on save, intercept and first update needed other instances, then save """ name = models.CharField('Name', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, blank=False, null=False) position_field = 'my_order' insert_position = 'last' class Meta: ordering = ('my_order', ) def __unicode__(self): return class SortableBook(models.Model): """ the classic sortable change list: dndrop sorting, using SortableAdminMixin """ title = models.CharField('Title', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, blank=False, null=False) author = models.ForeignKey(Author, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order',) def __unicode__(self): return self.title class AnotherSortableBook(models.Model): """ the other sortable change list: dropdowns sorting, using DropdownSortableAdminMixin """ title = models.CharField('Title', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, blank=False, null=False) author = models.ForeignKey(Author, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order',) def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Chapter(models.Model): """ various SortableInlineMixon modes """ title = models.CharField('Title', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) book = models.ForeignKey(SortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) another_book = models.ForeignKey( AnotherSortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) another_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order', 'another_order', ) def __unicode__(self): return 'Chapter: {0}'.format(self.title) class Notes(models.Model): """ various SortableInlineMixon modes """ book = models.ForeignKey(SortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) another_book = models.ForeignKey( AnotherSortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) note = models.CharField('Note', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) another_field = models.CharField( 'Note2', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) one_more = models.CharField( 'Note3 (simulating tabular inlines)', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) another_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order', 'another_order', ) def __unicode__(self): return 'Note: {0}'.format(self.note) class ChapterExtraZero(models.Model): """ various SortableInlineMixon modes (testing "extra" on admin.Meta) """ title = models.CharField('Title', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) book = models.ForeignKey(SortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order', '-title') def __unicode__(self): return 'ChapterExtraZero: {0}'.format(self.title) class NotesExtraZero(models.Model): """ various SortableInlineMixon modes (testing "extra" on admin.Meta) """ another_field = models.CharField( 'Note2', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) book = models.ForeignKey(SortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order', 'another_field') def __unicode__(self): return 'NotesExtraZero: {0}'.format(self.another_field) class Another(models.Model): """ normal inline - affected in any way!? """ title = models.CharField('Title', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) book = models.ForeignKey(SortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) class Meta(object): ordering = ('my_order', '-title') def __unicode__(self): return 'Another: {0}'.format(self.title) class AnotherOne(models.Model): """ normal inline - affected in any way!? """ another_field = models.CharField( 'Note2', null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) book = models.ForeignKey(SortableBook, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) my_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False, null=True) def __unicode__(self): return 'AnotherOne: {0}'.format(self.another_field)
from django import forms from django.core import exceptions from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from treebeard.forms import movenodeform_factory from oscar.core.loading import get_class, get_model from oscar.core.utils import slugify from oscar.forms.widgets import ImageInput Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product') ProductClass = get_model('catalogue', 'ProductClass') ProductAttribute = get_model('catalogue', 'ProductAttribute') Category = get_model('catalogue', 'Category') StockRecord = get_model('partner', 'StockRecord') ProductCategory = get_model('catalogue', 'ProductCategory') ProductImage = get_model('catalogue', 'ProductImage') ProductRecommendation = get_model('catalogue', 'ProductRecommendation') ProductSelect = get_class('dashboard.catalogue.widgets', 'ProductSelect') CategoryForm = movenodeform_factory( Category, fields=['name', 'description', 'image']) class ProductClassSelectForm(forms.Form): """ Form which is used before creating a product to select it's product class """ product_class = forms.ModelChoiceField( label=_("Create a new product of type"), empty_label=_("-- Choose type --"), queryset=ProductClass.objects.all()) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ If there's only one product class, pre-select it """ super(ProductClassSelectForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) qs = self.fields['product_class'].queryset if not kwargs.get('initial') and len(qs) == 1: self.fields['product_class'].initial = qs[0] class ProductSearchForm(forms.Form): upc = forms.CharField(max_length=16, required=False, label=_('UPC')) title = forms.CharField( max_length=255, required=False, label=_('Product title')) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ProductSearchForm, self).clean() cleaned_data['upc'] = cleaned_data['upc'].strip() cleaned_data['title'] = cleaned_data['title'].strip() return cleaned_data class StockRecordForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, product_class, user, *args, **kwargs): # The user kwarg is not used by stock StockRecordForm. We pass it # anyway in case one wishes to customise the partner queryset self.user = user super(StockRecordForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # If not tracking stock, we hide the fields if not product_class.track_stock: del self.fields['num_in_stock'] del self.fields['low_stock_threshold'] else: self.fields['price_excl_tax'].required = True self.fields['num_in_stock'].required = True class Meta: model = StockRecord fields = [ 'partner', 'partner_sku', 'price_currency', 'price_excl_tax', 'price_retail', 'cost_price', 'num_in_stock', 'low_stock_threshold', ] BaseStockRecordFormSet = inlineformset_factory( Product, StockRecord, form=StockRecordForm, extra=1) class StockRecordFormSet(BaseStockRecordFormSet): def __init__(self, product_class, user, *args, **kwargs): self.user = user self.require_user_stockrecord = not user.is_staff self.product_class = product_class super(StockRecordFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.set_initial_data() def set_initial_data(self): """ If user has only one partner associated, set the first stock record's partner to it. Can't pre-select for staff users as they're allowed to save a product without a stock record. This is intentionally done after calling __init__ as passing initial data to __init__ creates a form for each list item. So depending on whether we can pre-select the partner or not, we'd end up with 1 or 2 forms for an unbound form. """ if self.require_user_stockrecord: try: user_partner = except (exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist, exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned): pass else: partner_field = self.forms[0].fields.get('partner', None) if partner_field and partner_field.initial is None: partner_field.initial = user_partner def _construct_form(self, i, **kwargs): kwargs['product_class'] = self.product_class kwargs['user'] = self.user return super(StockRecordFormSet, self)._construct_form( i, **kwargs) def clean(self): """ If the user isn't a staff user, this validation ensures that at least one stock record's partner is associated with a users partners. """ if any(self.errors): return if self.require_user_stockrecord: stockrecord_partners = set([form.cleaned_data.get('partner', None) for form in self.forms]) user_partners = set( if not user_partners & stockrecord_partners: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("At least one stock record must be set to a partner that" " you're associated with.")) def _attr_text_field(attribute): return forms.CharField(, required=attribute.required) def _attr_textarea_field(attribute): return forms.CharField(, widget=forms.Textarea(), required=attribute.required) def _attr_integer_field(attribute): return forms.IntegerField(, required=attribute.required) def _attr_boolean_field(attribute): return forms.BooleanField(, required=attribute.required) def _attr_float_field(attribute): return forms.FloatField(, required=attribute.required) def _attr_date_field(attribute): return forms.DateField(, required=attribute.required, widget=forms.widgets.DateInput) def _attr_option_field(attribute): return forms.ModelChoiceField(, required=attribute.required, queryset=attribute.option_group.options.all()) def _attr_multi_option_field(attribute): return forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(, required=attribute.required, queryset=attribute.option_group.options.all()) def _attr_entity_field(attribute): # Product entities don't have out-of-the-box supported in the ProductForm. # There is no ModelChoiceField for generic foreign keys, and there's no # good default behaviour anyway; offering a choice of *all* model instances # is hardly useful. return None def _attr_numeric_field(attribute): return forms.FloatField(, required=attribute.required) def _attr_file_field(attribute): return forms.FileField(, required=attribute.required) def _attr_image_field(attribute): return forms.ImageField(, required=attribute.required) class ProductForm(forms.ModelForm): FIELD_FACTORIES = { "text": _attr_text_field, "richtext": _attr_textarea_field, "integer": _attr_integer_field, "boolean": _attr_boolean_field, "float": _attr_float_field, "date": _attr_date_field, "option": _attr_option_field, "multi_option": _attr_multi_option_field, "entity": _attr_entity_field, "numeric": _attr_numeric_field, "file": _attr_file_field, "image": _attr_image_field, } class Meta: model = Product fields = [ 'title', 'upc', 'description', 'is_discountable', 'structure'] widgets = { 'structure': forms.HiddenInput() } def __init__(self, product_class, data=None, parent=None, *args, **kwargs): self.set_initial(product_class, parent, kwargs) super(ProductForm, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs) if parent: self.instance.parent = parent # We need to set the correct product structures explicitly to pass # attribute validation and child product validation. Note that # those changes are not persisted. self.instance.structure = Product.CHILD self.instance.parent.structure = Product.PARENT self.delete_non_child_fields() else: # Only set product class for non-child products self.instance.product_class = product_class self.add_attribute_fields(product_class, self.instance.is_parent) if 'title' in self.fields: self.fields['title'].widget = forms.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}) def set_initial(self, product_class, parent, kwargs): """ Set initial data for the form. Sets the correct product structure and fetches initial values for the dynamically constructed attribute fields. """ if 'initial' not in kwargs: kwargs['initial'] = {} self.set_initial_attribute_values(product_class, kwargs) if parent: kwargs['initial']['structure'] = Product.CHILD def set_initial_attribute_values(self, product_class, kwargs): """ Update the kwargs['initial'] value to have the initial values based on the product instance's attributes """ instance = kwargs.get('instance') if instance is None: return for attribute in product_class.attributes.all(): try: value = instance.attribute_values.get( attribute=attribute).value except exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist: pass else: kwargs['initial']['attr_%s' % attribute.code] = value def add_attribute_fields(self, product_class, is_parent=False): """ For each attribute specified by the product class, this method dynamically adds form fields to the product form. """ for attribute in product_class.attributes.all(): field = self.get_attribute_field(attribute) if field: self.fields['attr_%s' % attribute.code] = field # Attributes are not required for a parent product if is_parent: self.fields['attr_%s' % attribute.code].required = False def get_attribute_field(self, attribute): """ Gets the correct form field for a given attribute type. """ return self.FIELD_FACTORIES[attribute.type](attribute) def delete_non_child_fields(self): """ Deletes any fields not needed for child products. Override this if you want to e.g. keep the description field. """ for field_name in ['description', 'is_discountable']: if field_name in self.fields: del self.fields[field_name] def _post_clean(self): """ Set attributes before ModelForm calls the product's clean method (which it does in _post_clean), which in turn validates attributes. """ product_class = self.instance.get_product_class() for attribute in product_class.attributes.all(): field_name = 'attr_%s' % attribute.code # An empty text field won't show up in cleaned_data. if field_name in self.cleaned_data: value = self.cleaned_data[field_name] setattr(self.instance.attr, attribute.code, value) super(ProductForm, self)._post_clean() class StockAlertSearchForm(forms.Form): status = forms.CharField(label=_('Status')) class ProductCategoryForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = ProductCategory fields = ('category', ) BaseProductCategoryFormSet = inlineformset_factory( Product, ProductCategory, form=ProductCategoryForm, extra=1, can_delete=True) class ProductCategoryFormSet(BaseProductCategoryFormSet): def __init__(self, product_class, user, *args, **kwargs): # This function just exists to drop the extra arguments super(ProductCategoryFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): if not self.instance.is_child and self.get_num_categories() == 0: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Stand-alone and parent products " "must have at least one category")) if self.instance.is_child and self.get_num_categories() > 0: raise forms.ValidationError( _("A child product should not have categories")) def get_num_categories(self): num_categories = 0 for i in range(0, self.total_form_count()): form = self.forms[i] if (hasattr(form, 'cleaned_data') and form.cleaned_data.get('category', None) and not form.cleaned_data.get('DELETE', False)): num_categories += 1 return num_categories class ProductImageForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = ProductImage fields = ['product', 'original', 'caption'] # use ImageInput widget to create HTML displaying the # actual uploaded image and providing the upload dialog # when clicking on the actual image. widgets = { 'original': ImageInput(), } def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # We infer the display order of the image based on the order of the # image fields within the formset. kwargs['commit'] = False obj = super(ProductImageForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) obj.display_order = self.get_display_order() return obj def get_display_order(self): return self.prefix.split('-').pop() BaseProductImageFormSet = inlineformset_factory( Product, ProductImage, form=ProductImageForm, extra=2) class ProductImageFormSet(BaseProductImageFormSet): def __init__(self, product_class, user, *args, **kwargs): super(ProductImageFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ProductRecommendationForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = ProductRecommendation fields = ['primary', 'recommendation', 'ranking'] widgets = { 'recommendation': ProductSelect, } BaseProductRecommendationFormSet = inlineformset_factory( Product, ProductRecommendation, form=ProductRecommendationForm, extra=5, fk_name="primary") class ProductRecommendationFormSet(BaseProductRecommendationFormSet): def __init__(self, product_class, user, *args, **kwargs): super(ProductRecommendationFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ProductClassForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = ProductClass fields = ['name', 'requires_shipping', 'track_stock', 'options'] class ProductAttributesForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProductAttributesForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # because we'll allow submission of the form with blank # codes so that we can generate them. self.fields["code"].required = False self.fields["option_group"].help_text = _("Select an option group") def clean_code(self): code = self.cleaned_data.get("code") title = self.cleaned_data.get("name") if not code and title: code = slugify(title) return code class Meta: model = ProductAttribute fields = ["name", "code", "type", "option_group", "required"] ProductAttributesFormSet = inlineformset_factory(ProductClass, ProductAttribute, form=ProductAttributesForm, extra=3)