5 values
mmm a / db / db_impl . cc <nl> ppp b / db / db_impl . cc <nl> void DBImpl : : FindObsoleteFiles ( JobContext * job_context , bool force , <nl> job_context - > prev_log_number = versions_ - > prev_log_number ( ) ; <nl> <nl> versions_ - > AddLiveFiles ( & job_context - > sst_live ) ; <nl> - if ( doing_the_full_scan ) { <nl> - for ( size_t path_id = 0 ; path_id < db_options_ . db_paths . size ( ) ; path_id + + ) { <nl> - / / set of all files in the directory . We ' ll exclude files that are still <nl> - / / alive in the subsequent processings . <nl> - std : : vector < std : : string > files ; <nl> - env_ - > GetChildren ( db_options_ . db_paths [ path_id ] . path , <nl> - & files ) ; / / Ignore errors <nl> - for ( std : : string file : files ) { <nl> - / / TODO ( icanadi ) clean up this mess to avoid having one - off " / " prefixes <nl> - job_context - > full_scan_candidate_files . emplace_back ( <nl> - " / " + file , static_cast < uint32_t > ( path_id ) ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> - / / Add log files in wal_dir <nl> - if ( db_options_ . wal_dir ! = dbname_ ) { <nl> - std : : vector < std : : string > log_files ; <nl> - env_ - > GetChildren ( db_options_ . wal_dir , & log_files ) ; / / Ignore errors <nl> - for ( std : : string log_file : log_files ) { <nl> - job_context - > full_scan_candidate_files . emplace_back ( log_file , 0 ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> - / / Add info log files in db_log_dir <nl> - if ( ! db_options_ . db_log_dir . empty ( ) & & db_options_ . db_log_dir ! = dbname_ ) { <nl> - std : : vector < std : : string > info_log_files ; <nl> - / / Ignore errors <nl> - env_ - > GetChildren ( db_options_ . db_log_dir , & info_log_files ) ; <nl> - for ( std : : string log_file : info_log_files ) { <nl> - job_context - > full_scan_candidate_files . emplace_back ( log_file , 0 ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> <nl> if ( ! alive_log_files_ . empty ( ) ) { <nl> uint64_t min_log_number = job_context - > log_number ; <nl> void DBImpl : : FindObsoleteFiles ( JobContext * job_context , bool force , <nl> assert ( ! logs_ . empty ( ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> + if ( doing_the_full_scan ) { <nl> + for ( size_t path_id = 0 ; path_id < db_options_ . db_paths . size ( ) ; path_id + + ) { <nl> + / / set of all files in the directory . We ' ll exclude files that are still <nl> + / / alive in the subsequent processings . <nl> + std : : vector < std : : string > files ; <nl> + env_ - > GetChildren ( db_options_ . db_paths [ path_id ] . path , <nl> + & files ) ; / / Ignore errors <nl> + for ( std : : string file : files ) { <nl> + / / TODO ( icanadi ) clean up this mess to avoid having one - off " / " prefixes <nl> + job_context - > full_scan_candidate_files . emplace_back ( <nl> + " / " + file , static_cast < uint32_t > ( path_id ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / Add log files in wal_dir <nl> + if ( db_options_ . wal_dir ! = dbname_ ) { <nl> + std : : vector < std : : string > log_files ; <nl> + env_ - > GetChildren ( db_options_ . wal_dir , & log_files ) ; / / Ignore errors <nl> + InfoLogPrefix info_log_prefix ( ! db_options_ . db_log_dir . empty ( ) , dbname_ ) ; <nl> + for ( std : : string log_file : log_files ) { <nl> + uint64_t number ; <nl> + FileType type ; <nl> + / / Ignore file if we cannot recognize it . <nl> + if ( ! ParseFileName ( log_file , & number , info_log_prefix . prefix , & type ) ) { <nl> + Log ( InfoLogLevel : : INFO_LEVEL , db_options_ . info_log , <nl> + " Unrecognized log file % s \ n " , log_file . c_str ( ) ) ; <nl> + continue ; <nl> + } <nl> + / / If the log file is already in the log recycle list , don ' t put <nl> + / / it in the candidate list . <nl> + if ( std : : find ( log_recycle_files . begin ( ) , log_recycle_files . end ( ) , number ) ! = <nl> + log_recycle_files . end ( ) ) { <nl> + <nl> + Log ( InfoLogLevel : : INFO_LEVEL , db_options_ . info_log , <nl> + " Log % " PRIu64 " Already added in the recycle list , skipping . \ n " , <nl> + number ) ; <nl> + continue ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + job_context - > full_scan_candidate_files . emplace_back ( log_file , 0 ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + / / Add info log files in db_log_dir <nl> + if ( ! db_options_ . db_log_dir . empty ( ) & & db_options_ . db_log_dir ! = dbname_ ) { <nl> + std : : vector < std : : string > info_log_files ; <nl> + / / Ignore errors <nl> + env_ - > GetChildren ( db_options_ . db_log_dir , & info_log_files ) ; <nl> + for ( std : : string log_file : info_log_files ) { <nl> + job_context - > full_scan_candidate_files . emplace_back ( log_file , 0 ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> / / We ' re just cleaning up for DB : : Write ( ) . <nl> assert ( job_context - > logs_to_free . empty ( ) ) ; <nl> job_context - > logs_to_free = logs_to_free_ ; <nl>
Summary : ( )
TYPE: 4.0
new file mode 100644 <nl> index 00000000000 . . 80428bdbacb <nl> mmm / dev / null <nl> ppp b / mk / cygwin . sh <nl> <nl> + # ! / bin / bash <nl> + <nl> + set - eu <nl> + set - o pipefail <nl> + <nl> + MSBUILD = / cygdrive / c / Program \ Files \ \ ( x86 \ ) / MSBuild / 14 . 0 / Bin / MSBuild . exe <nl> + <nl> + convertpaths ( ) { <nl> + # perl - pe ' s / ( [ A - Za - z ] : \ \ ( [ ^ \ \ ] + \ \ ) * ( [ ^ : \ n " ' " ' " ' ] ) * ) / ` cygpath " $ 1 " ` / g ' <nl> + perl - pe ' s | ( [ a - zA - Z ] ) : \ \ | / cygdrive / \ 1 / | g ; s | \ \ | / | g ' <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + " $ MSBUILD " / maxcpucount " $ @ " | convertpaths <nl>
add shell script for compiling with msbuild within cygwin emacs
Merge review 462 by @mlucy <nl> Fix git fetch for older versions of git <nl> Python driver: make default printable <nl> Merge review 303 by @mlucy (Fix #528) <nl> New script for building RethinkdB AMIs for the AWS marketplace <nl> Merge atnnn/4110 into v2.0.x <nl> Added more files and stubbed out more functions <nl> allow building with protobuf 2.6.0 <nl> Use coffee 1.4.0 <nl> Improve NOTES
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / src / video_core / swrasterizer / rasterizer . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / video_core / swrasterizer / rasterizer . cpp <nl> float LookupLightingLut ( size_t lut_index , u8 index , float delta ) { <nl> return lut_value + lut_diff * delta ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Quaternion < float > & normquat , const Math : : Vec3 < float > & view ) { <nl> + std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( <nl> + const Math : : Quaternion < float > & normquat , const Math : : Vec3 < float > & view ) { <nl> const auto & lighting = g_state . regs . lighting ; <nl> <nl> if ( lighting . disable ) <nl> - return { { } , { } } ; <nl> + return { Math : : MakeVec < u8 > ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , Math : : MakeVec < u8 > ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) } ; <nl> <nl> / / TODO ( Subv ) : Bump mapping <nl> Math : : Vec3 < float > surface_normal = { 0 . 0f , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f } ; <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> unsigned num = lighting . light_enable . GetNum ( light_index ) ; <nl> const auto & light_config = g_state . regs . lighting . light [ num ] ; <nl> <nl> - Math : : Vec3 < float > position = { float16 : : FromRaw ( light_config . x ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , float16 : : FromRaw ( light_config . y ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , float16 : : FromRaw ( light_config . z ) . ToFloat32 ( ) } ; <nl> + Math : : Vec3 < float > position = { float16 : : FromRaw ( light_config . x ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> + float16 : : FromRaw ( light_config . y ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> + float16 : : FromRaw ( light_config . z ) . ToFloat32 ( ) } ; <nl> <nl> if ( light_config . config . directional ) <nl> light_vector = position ; <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> auto distance = ( - view - position ) . Length ( ) ; <nl> float scale = Pica : : float20 : : FromRaw ( light_config . dist_atten_scale ) . ToFloat32 ( ) ; <nl> float bias = Pica : : float20 : : FromRaw ( light_config . dist_atten_scale ) . ToFloat32 ( ) ; <nl> - size_t lut = static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : DistanceAttenuation ) + num ; <nl> + size_t lut = <nl> + static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : DistanceAttenuation ) + num ; <nl> <nl> float sample_loc = scale * distance + bias ; <nl> <nl> - u8 lutindex = MathUtil : : Clamp ( std : : floor ( sample_loc * 256 . f ) , 0 . 0f , 255 . 0f ) ; <nl> + u8 lutindex = <nl> + static_cast < u8 > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( std : : floor ( sample_loc * 256 . f ) , 0 . 0f , 255 . 0f ) ) ; <nl> float delta = sample_loc * 256 - lutindex ; <nl> dist_atten = LookupLightingLut ( lut , lutindex , delta ) ; <nl> } <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> } <nl> <nl> auto GetLutIndex = [ & ] ( unsigned num , LightingRegs : : LightingLutInput input , <nl> - bool abs ) - > std : : tuple < u8 , float > { <nl> + bool abs ) - > std : : tuple < u8 , float > { <nl> <nl> Math : : Vec3 < float > norm_view = view . Normalized ( ) ; <nl> Math : : Vec3 < float > half_angle = ( norm_view + light_vector ) . Normalized ( ) ; <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> break ; <nl> <nl> default : <nl> - LOG_CRITICAL ( HW_GPU , " Unknown lighting LUT input % d \ n " , ( int ) input ) ; <nl> + LOG_CRITICAL ( HW_GPU , " Unknown lighting LUT input % u \ n " , static_cast < u32 > ( input ) ) ; <nl> UNIMPLEMENTED ( ) ; <nl> result = 0 . f ; <nl> } <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> else <nl> result = std : : max ( result , 0 . 0f ) ; <nl> <nl> - u8 lutindex = MathUtil : : Clamp ( std : : floor ( result * 256 . f ) , 0 . 0f , 255 . 0f ) ; <nl> + float flr = std : : floor ( result * 256 . f ) ; <nl> + u8 lutindex = static_cast < u8 > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( flr , 0 . 0f , 255 . 0f ) ) ; <nl> float delta = result * 256 - lutindex ; <nl> - return { lutindex , delta } ; <nl> + return { lutindex , delta } ; <nl> } else { <nl> float flr = std : : floor ( result * 128 . f ) ; <nl> - s8 tmpi = MathUtil : : Clamp ( flr , - 128 . 0f , 127 . 0f ) ; <nl> - float delta = result * 128 . f - tmpi ; <nl> - return { tmpi & 0xFF , delta } ; <nl> + s8 lutindex = static_cast < u8 > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( flr , - 128 . 0f , 127 . 0f ) ) ; <nl> + float delta = result * 128 . f - lutindex ; <nl> + return { static_cast < u8 > ( lutindex ) , delta } ; <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> / / Lookup specular " distribution 0 " LUT value <nl> u8 index ; <nl> float delta ; <nl> - std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . d0 . Value ( ) , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_d0 = = 0 ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . d0 . Value ( ) , <nl> + lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_d0 = = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> float scale = lighting . lut_scale . GetScale ( lighting . lut_scale . d0 ) ; <nl> <nl> - d0_lut_value = scale * LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Distribution0 ) , index , delta ) ; <nl> + d0_lut_value = <nl> + scale * <nl> + LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Distribution0 ) , <nl> + index , delta ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> Math : : Vec3 < float > specular_0 = d0_lut_value * light_config . specular_0 . ToVec3f ( ) ; <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> <nl> u8 index ; <nl> float delta ; <nl> - std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . rr , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_rr = = 0 ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( index , delta ) = <nl> + GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . rr , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_rr = = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> float scale = lighting . lut_scale . GetScale ( lighting . lut_scale . rr ) ; <nl> <nl> - refl_value . x = scale * LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : ReflectRed ) , index , delta ) ; <nl> + refl_value . x = <nl> + scale * <nl> + LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : ReflectRed ) , <nl> + index , delta ) ; <nl> } else { <nl> refl_value . x = 1 . 0f ; <nl> } <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> <nl> u8 index ; <nl> float delta ; <nl> - std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . rg , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_rg = = 0 ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( index , delta ) = <nl> + GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . rg , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_rg = = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> float scale = lighting . lut_scale . GetScale ( lighting . lut_scale . rg ) ; <nl> <nl> - refl_value . y = scale * LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : ReflectGreen ) , index , delta ) ; <nl> + refl_value . y = <nl> + scale * <nl> + LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : ReflectGreen ) , <nl> + index , delta ) ; <nl> } else { <nl> refl_value . y = refl_value . x ; <nl> } <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> <nl> u8 index ; <nl> float delta ; <nl> - std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . rb , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_rb = = 0 ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( index , delta ) = <nl> + GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . rb , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_rb = = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> float scale = lighting . lut_scale . GetScale ( lighting . lut_scale . rb ) ; <nl> <nl> - refl_value . z = scale * LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : ReflectBlue ) , index , delta ) ; <nl> + refl_value . z = <nl> + scale * <nl> + LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : ReflectBlue ) , <nl> + index , delta ) ; <nl> } else { <nl> refl_value . z = refl_value . x ; <nl> } <nl> std : : tuple < Math : : Vec4 < u8 > , Math : : Vec4 < u8 > > ComputeFragmentsColors ( const Math : : Qu <nl> / / Lookup specular " distribution 1 " LUT value <nl> u8 index ; <nl> float delta ; <nl> - std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . d1 . Value ( ) , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_d1 = = 0 ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . d1 . Value ( ) , <nl> + lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_d1 = = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> float scale = lighting . lut_scale . GetScale ( lighting . lut_scale . d1 ) ; <nl> <nl> - d1_lut_value = scale * LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Distribution1 ) , index , delta ) ; <nl> + d1_lut_value = <nl> + scale * <nl> + LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Distribution1 ) , <nl> + index , delta ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - Math : : Vec3 < float > specular_1 = d1_lut_value * refl_value * light_config . specular_1 . ToVec3f ( ) ; <nl> + Math : : Vec3 < float > specular_1 = <nl> + d1_lut_value * refl_value * light_config . specular_1 . ToVec3f ( ) ; <nl> <nl> if ( lighting . config1 . disable_lut_fr = = 0 & & <nl> - LightingRegs : : IsLightingSamplerSupported ( <nl> - lighting . config0 . config , LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Fresnel ) ) { <nl> + LightingRegs : : IsLightingSamplerSupported ( lighting . config0 . config , <nl> + LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Fresnel ) ) { <nl> <nl> / / Lookup fresnel LUT value <nl> u8 index ; <nl> float delta ; <nl> - std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . fr . Value ( ) , lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_fr = = 0 ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( index , delta ) = GetLutIndex ( num , lighting . lut_input . fr . Value ( ) , <nl> + lighting . abs_lut_input . disable_fr = = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> float scale = lighting . lut_scale . GetScale ( lighting . lut_scale . fr ) ; <nl> <nl> - float lut_value = scale * LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Fresnel ) , index , delta ) ; <nl> + float lut_value = <nl> + scale * <nl> + LookupLightingLut ( static_cast < size_t > ( LightingRegs : : LightingSampler : : Fresnel ) , <nl> + index , delta ) ; <nl> <nl> - / / Enabled for difffuse lighting alpha component <nl> - if ( lighting . config0 . fresnel_selector = = LightingRegs : : LightingFresnelSelector : : PrimaryAlpha | | <nl> + / / Enabled for diffuse lighting alpha component <nl> + if ( lighting . config0 . fresnel_selector = = <nl> + LightingRegs : : LightingFresnelSelector : : PrimaryAlpha | | <nl> lighting . config0 . fresnel_selector = = LightingRegs : : LightingFresnelSelector : : Both ) { <nl> diffuse_sum . a ( ) * = lut_value ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / / Enabled for the specular lighting alpha component <nl> if ( lighting . config0 . fresnel_selector = = <nl> - LightingRegs : : LightingFresnelSelector : : SecondaryAlpha | | <nl> + LightingRegs : : LightingFresnelSelector : : SecondaryAlpha | | <nl> lighting . config0 . fresnel_selector = = LightingRegs : : LightingFresnelSelector : : Both ) { <nl> specular_sum . a ( ) * = lut_value ; <nl> } <nl> } <nl> <nl> - <nl> - auto diffuse = light_config . diffuse . ToVec3f ( ) * dot_product + light_config . ambient . ToVec3f ( ) ; <nl> + auto diffuse = <nl> + light_config . diffuse . ToVec3f ( ) * dot_product + light_config . ambient . ToVec3f ( ) ; <nl> diffuse_sum + = Math : : MakeVec ( diffuse * dist_atten , 0 . 0f ) ; <nl> <nl> - specular_sum + = Math : : MakeVec ( ( specular_0 + specular_1 ) * clamp_highlights * dist_atten , 0 . f ) ; <nl> + specular_sum + = <nl> + Math : : MakeVec ( ( specular_0 + specular_1 ) * clamp_highlights * dist_atten , 0 . f ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> diffuse_sum + = Math : : MakeVec ( lighting . global_ambient . ToVec3f ( ) , 0 . 0f ) ; <nl> - return { <nl> - Math : : MakeVec < float > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . x , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . y , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . z , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . w , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 ) . Cast < u8 > ( ) , <nl> - Math : : MakeVec < float > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . x , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . y , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . z , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . w , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 ) . Cast < u8 > ( ) <nl> - } ; <nl> + <nl> + return { Math : : MakeVec < float > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . x , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , <nl> + MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . y , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , <nl> + MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . z , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , <nl> + MathUtil : : Clamp ( diffuse_sum . w , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 ) <nl> + . Cast < u8 > ( ) , <nl> + Math : : MakeVec < float > ( MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . x , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , <nl> + MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . y , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , <nl> + MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . z , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 , <nl> + MathUtil : : Clamp ( specular_sum . w , 0 . 0f , 1 . 0f ) * 255 ) <nl> + . Cast < u8 > ( ) } ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> MICROPROFILE_DEFINE ( GPU_Rasterization , " GPU " , " Rasterization " , MP_RGB ( 50 , 50 , 240 ) ) ; <nl> static void ProcessTriangleInternal ( const Vertex & v0 , const Vertex & v1 , const Ve <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> Math : : Quaternion < float > normquat { <nl> - { <nl> - GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . x , v1 . quat . x , v2 . quat . x ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> - GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . y , v1 . quat . y , v2 . quat . y ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> - GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . z , v1 . quat . z , v2 . quat . z ) . ToFloat32 ( ) <nl> - } , <nl> + { GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . x , v1 . quat . x , v2 . quat . x ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> + GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . y , v1 . quat . y , v2 . quat . y ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> + GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . z , v1 . quat . z , v2 . quat . z ) . ToFloat32 ( ) } , <nl> GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . quat . w , v1 . quat . w , v2 . quat . w ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> Math : : Vec3 < float > fragment_position { <nl> GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . view . x , v1 . view . x , v2 . view . x ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . view . y , v1 . view . y , v2 . view . y ) . ToFloat32 ( ) , <nl> - GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . view . z , v1 . view . z , v2 . view . z ) . ToFloat32 ( ) <nl> - } ; <nl> + GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . view . z , v1 . view . z , v2 . view . z ) . ToFloat32 ( ) } ; <nl> <nl> Math : : Vec2 < float24 > uv [ 3 ] ; <nl> uv [ 0 ] . u ( ) = GetInterpolatedAttribute ( v0 . tc0 . u ( ) , v1 . tc0 . u ( ) , v2 . tc0 . u ( ) ) ; <nl> static void ProcessTriangleInternal ( const Vertex & v0 , const Vertex & v1 , const Ve <nl> Math : : Vec4 < u8 > primary_fragment_color ; <nl> Math : : Vec4 < u8 > secondary_fragment_color ; <nl> <nl> - std : : tie ( primary_fragment_color , secondary_fragment_color ) = ComputeFragmentsColors ( normquat , fragment_position ) ; <nl> + std : : tie ( primary_fragment_color , secondary_fragment_color ) = <nl> + ComputeFragmentsColors ( normquat , fragment_position ) ; <nl> <nl> for ( unsigned tev_stage_index = 0 ; tev_stage_index < tev_stages . size ( ) ; <nl> + + tev_stage_index ) { <nl>
SwRasterizer : Run clang - format
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / README . md <nl> ppp b / README . md <nl> python setup . py install <nl> <nl> # # # Docker image <nl> <nl> - Dockerfile is supplied to build images with cuda support and cudnn v7 . You can pass - e PYTHON_VERSION = x . y flag to specificy which python to be used by Miniconda , or leave it unset to use the default . Build as usual <nl> + Dockerfile is supplied to build images with cuda support and cudnn v7 . You can pass ` - e PYTHON_VERSION = x . y ` flag to specificy which python to be used by Miniconda , or leave it unset to use the default . Build as usual <nl> ` ` ` <nl> docker build - t pytorch - f docker / pytorch / Dockerfile . <nl> ` ` ` <nl>
Format inline code block . ( )
[Documentation] Format example list. <nl> [Documentation] Format code block.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / Documentation / Books / codeBlockReader . py <nl> ppp b / Documentation / Books / codeBlockReader . py <nl> <nl> import cgi <nl> <nl> validExtensions = ( " . cpp " , " . h " , " . js " ) <nl> - searchPaths = [ " arangod / " , " lib / " , " js / actions " , " js / client " , " js / apps / databases " , " js / apps / system / cerberus " , " js / apps / system / gharial " , " js / common " , " js / server " ] <nl> + # specify the paths in which docublocks are searched . note that js / apps / * must not be included because it contains js / apps / system / <nl> + # and that path also contains copies of some files present in js / anyway . <nl> + searchPaths = [ " arangod / " , " lib / " , " js / actions " , " js / client " , " js / apps / system / cerberus " , " js / apps / system / gharial " , " js / common " , " js / server " ] <nl> fullSuccess = True <nl> <nl> def file_content ( filepath ) : <nl>
added comment
removed unused function <nl> set logfile status under a lock <nl> fixed segfault for too big shapes, make shape collection filesize adaptive <nl> removed dead code <nl> removed second logger implementation <nl> added comments <nl> indentation <nl> grammar <nl> whitespace etc. to reduce diff size <nl> issue #256
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / core / hle / kernel / process . h <nl> ppp b / src / core / hle / kernel / process . h <nl> class Thread ; <nl> <nl> struct CodeSet ; <nl> <nl> - struct AddressMapping { <nl> - / / Address and size must be page - aligned <nl> - VAddr address ; <nl> - u64 size ; <nl> - bool read_only ; <nl> - bool unk_flag ; <nl> - } ; <nl> - <nl> enum class MemoryRegion : u16 { <nl> APPLICATION = 1 , <nl> SYSTEM = 2 , <nl>
Merge pull request from lioncash / unused - struct
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / js / server / modules / @ arangodb / foxx / router / tokenize . js <nl> ppp b / js / server / modules / @ arangodb / foxx / router / tokenize . js <nl> const $ _WILDCARD = Symbol . for ( ' @ @ wildcard ' ) ; / / catch - all suffix <nl> const $ _TERMINAL = Symbol . for ( ' @ @ terminal ' ) ; / / terminal - - routes be here <nl> const $ _PARAM = Symbol . for ( ' @ @ parameter ' ) ; / / named parameter ( no routes here , like static part ) <nl> <nl> + function reverse ( pathTokens , pathParamNames ) { <nl> + let path = [ ] ; <nl> + let i = 0 ; <nl> + for ( let token of pathTokens ) { <nl> + if ( token = = = $ _PARAM ) { <nl> + path . push ( ' : ' + pathParamNames [ i ] ) ; <nl> + i + + ; <nl> + } else if ( token = = = $ _WILDCARD ) { <nl> + path . push ( ' * ' ) ; <nl> + } else if ( token ! = = $ _TERMINAL ) { <nl> + path . push ( token ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + return ' / ' + path . join ( ' / ' ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> module . exports = _ . extend ( <nl> function tokenize ( path , ctx ) { <nl> if ( path = = = ' / ' ) { <nl> module . exports = _ . extend ( <nl> } , { <nl> WILDCARD : $ _WILDCARD , <nl> TERMINAL : $ _TERMINAL , <nl> - PARAM : $ _PARAM <nl> + PARAM : $ _PARAM , <nl> + reverse : reverse <nl> } <nl> ) ; <nl>
Add tokenize . reverse
Don't deprecate CoffeeScript in 2.x <nl> Don't clone objects just to throw them away. <nl> Fixed #1268 regression. <nl> Don't dump file content in console. <nl> Updated util to 4.1.0 <nl> Lint <nl> Update npm deps (safe semver-major only) <nl> More style. <nl> Make sessions more backwards compatible again <nl> Added support for sha384/sha512 in VOCBase.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / test / IDE / complete_constructor . swift <nl> ppp b / test / IDE / complete_constructor . swift <nl> <nl> / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % s - code - completion - token = AVAILABLE_1 | % FileCheck % s - check - prefix = AVAILABLE_1 <nl> / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % s - code - completion - token = AVAILABLE_2 | % FileCheck % s - check - prefix = AVAILABLE_2 <nl> <nl> - / / REQUIRES : rdar49240981 <nl> - <nl> func freeFunc ( ) { } <nl> <nl> / / = = = mmm <nl> func testImplicitConstructors2 ( ) { <nl> } <nl> func testImplicitConstructors2P ( ) { <nl> ImplicitConstructors2 ( # ^ IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P ^ # <nl> - / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P : Begin completions <nl> - / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P - NEXT : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] { # instanceVar : Int # } [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> - / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P - NEXT : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] ; name = <nl> - / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P - NEXT : End completions <nl> + / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P : Begin completions , 3 items <nl> + / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P - DAG : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] ; name = <nl> + / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P - DAG : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] { # instanceVar : Int # } [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> + / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P - DAG : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] ; name = <nl> + / / IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS_2P : End completions <nl> } <nl> <nl> struct ExplicitConstructors1 { <nl> func testHaveRParen1 ( ) { <nl> <nl> func testHaveRParen2 ( ) { <nl> ImplicitConstructors2 ( # ^ HAVE_RPAREN_2 ^ # ) <nl> - / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 - NOT : Decl [ Constructor ] <nl> - / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] { # instanceVar : Int # } [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> - / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] ; name = <nl> - / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 - NOT : Decl [ Constructor ] <nl> + / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 : Begin completions , 3 items <nl> + / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 - DAG : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] ; name = <nl> + / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 - DAG : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] { # instanceVar : Int # } [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> + / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 - DAG : Decl [ Constructor ] / CurrNominal : [ ' ( ' ] [ ' ) ' ] [ # ImplicitConstructors2 # ] ; name = <nl> + / / HAVE_RPAREN_2 : End completions <nl> } <nl> <nl> func testHaveComma1 ( ) { <nl>
Merge pull request from rintaro / test - rdar49240981
[ParseableInterface] Guard printing var initializers <nl> Re-add AbsolutePosition.swift <nl> Simplify AbsolutePosition offset calculation and support columns <nl> Merge pull request #21269 from harlanhaskins/what-does-pc-load-letter-even-mean <nl> [Demangle] Check for old-style mangling in getObjCClassByMangledName <nl> [ParseableInterfaces] Handle lazy vars <nl> Merge pull request #20816 from harlanhaskins/the-missing-link <nl> Add #warning and #error description to Changelog <nl> [coverage] Made SWIFT_ANALYZE_CODE_COVERAGE a string option instead of boolean in CMake <nl> [ParseableInterface] Add test for multi-line attribute message
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / xbmc / GUIWindowVideoBase . cpp <nl> ppp b / xbmc / GUIWindowVideoBase . cpp <nl> void CGUIWindowVideoBase : : MarkWatched ( const CFileItemPtr & item , bool mark ) <nl> { <nl> if ( pItem - > HasVideoInfoTag ( ) & & <nl> ( ( mark & & pItem - > GetVideoInfoTag ( ) - > m_playCount ) | | <nl> - ( ! mark & & pItem - > GetVideoInfoTag ( ) - > m_playCount > 0 ) ) ) <nl> + ( ! mark & & ! ( pItem - > GetVideoInfoTag ( ) - > m_playCount ) ) ) ) <nl> continue ; <nl> } <nl> <nl>
fixed : can ' t mark as unwatched in video library view
fixed: Ticket #7437 - libass may cause crash in fontconfig_init <nl> fixed: ticket #6628 - ssa subtitle can't display correct in chinese. and now ssa subtitle load faster. <nl> updated: delete zlib1.dll when uninstall <nl> fixed: Ticket #7221 - printscreen key not trigger WM_KEYDOWN event <nl> fixed: scraper Mtime(Chinese) can't get genres and some actors <nl> fixed: command line argument -fs not work, due to be reinitialized(2). move the initialize before get command line argument. thanks to jmarshall <nl> updated: clean unnecessary if, thanks jmarshall <nl> updated: Chinese (Simple) translation for PM3.HD based on English r23277 <nl> typo <nl> fixed: command line argument -fs not work, due to be reinitialized
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / xbmc / cores / DllLoader / exports / emu_msvcrt . cpp <nl> ppp b / xbmc / cores / DllLoader / exports / emu_msvcrt . cpp <nl> extern " C " <nl> { <nl> if ( ! strnicmp ( path , " shout : / / " , 8 ) ) / / don ' t stat shoutcast <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> - if ( ! strnicmp ( path , " http : / / " , 7 ) <nl> - | | ! strnicmp ( path , " https : / / " , 8 ) ) / / don ' t stat http <nl> - return - 1 ; <nl> if ( ! strnicmp ( path , " mms : / / " , 6 ) ) / / don ' t stat mms <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> <nl> extern " C " <nl> { <nl> if ( ! strnicmp ( path , " shout : / / " , 8 ) ) / / don ' t stat shoutcast <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> - if ( ! strnicmp ( path , " http : / / " , 7 ) <nl> - | | ! strnicmp ( path , " https : / / " , 8 ) ) / / don ' t stat http <nl> - return - 1 ; <nl> if ( ! strnicmp ( path , " mms : / / " , 6 ) ) / / don ' t stat mms <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> <nl>
Merge pull request from arnova / http_dvd_playback_fix
Merge pull request #15589 from arnova/always_player_streamdetails <nl> Merge pull request #16014 from arnova/Leia_resume_bookmark_fix <nl> Merge pull request #15492 from arnova/nfo_http_fix <nl> Merge pull request #16070 from arnova/isinternetstream_on_lan_v2 <nl> Merge pull request #16004 from arnova/resume_bookmark_fix
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache_local_lookup . h <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache_local_lookup . h <nl> limitations under the License . <nl> # include " tensorflow / core / platform / status . h " <nl> # include " tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache . pb . h " <nl> # include " tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache_entry . h " <nl> - # include " tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache_external . h " <nl> # include " tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache_interface . h " <nl> # include " tensorflow / core / tpu / kernels / tpu_compilation_cache_lookup . h " <nl> <nl>
Remove reference to external cache .
Convert `TpuCompilationCacheLookup` into a template class. <nl> Reenable ** operator overloading test in `testOperatorOverrides()`. <nl> Splitting TpuCompilationCacheLookup interface and TpuCompilationCacheLocalLookup. <nl> Reorganize tpu_compile_c_api into tpu_util_c_api. <nl> TPU library internal change. <nl> + Put a simple example compile, load, execute `sum = a + b` program. <nl> Add TpuCompileOp implementation. <nl> Update where applicable what used to be device_ordinal for a donut/local device to device_id where it means unique identifier of a device across the entire POD/Mesh. <nl> TPU library internal update. <nl> Moving TPU ops components as TPU kernels library.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / core / common_runtime / gpu / gpu_device . h <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / core / common_runtime / gpu / gpu_device . h <nl> class BaseGPUDevice : public LocalDevice { <nl> const TensorReferenceVector & tensor_refs ) override ; <nl> <nl> Status FillContextMap ( const Graph * graph , <nl> - DeviceContextMap * device_context_map ) ; <nl> + DeviceContextMap * device_context_map ) override ; <nl> <nl> void Compute ( OpKernel * op_kernel , OpKernelContext * context ) override ; <nl> <nl>
Add missing ` override ' ( )
Fix matmul() 3-D tensor example code (#6049) <nl> Fix syntax error in UnchangedShape example code (#5566) <nl> Add missing `override' (#17118) <nl> Fix syntax error in UnchangedShape example code <nl> Delete unnecessary forward declarations <nl> Fix a pessimizing-move warning in GetDeviceLapackInfo() <nl> Utilize InlinedVector::emplace_back (#9315) <nl> Delete an unnecessary include and define (#9438) <nl> Fix a small copy/paste typo in a comment <nl> Minor corrections to "Adding a New Op" docs (#5579)
TYPE: 4.0
new file mode 100644 <nl> index 0000000000 . . 1005eb053e <nl> mmm / dev / null <nl> ppp b / code / data_structures / queue / queue_using_stacks / queue_using_stacks . cpp <nl> <nl> + # include < iostream > <nl> + # include < stack > <nl> + using namespace std ; <nl> + / / Part of Cosmos by OpenGenus Foundation <nl> + / / queue data structure using two stacks <nl> + class queue { <nl> + private : <nl> + stack < int > s1 , s2 ; <nl> + public : <nl> + void enqueue ( int element ) ; <nl> + int dequeue ( ) ; <nl> + void displayQueue ( ) ; <nl> + } ; <nl> + <nl> + / / enqueue an element to the queue <nl> + void queue : : enqueue ( int element ) { <nl> + s1 . push ( element ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / dequeue the front element <nl> + int queue : : dequeue ( ) { <nl> + / / transfer all elements of s1 into s2 <nl> + if ( s1 . empty ( ) & & s2 . empty ( ) ) <nl> + return 0 ; <nl> + <nl> + while ( ! s1 . empty ( ) ) { <nl> + s2 . push ( s1 . top ( ) ) ; <nl> + s1 . pop ( ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + / / pop and store the top element from s2 <nl> + <nl> + int ret = s2 . top ( ) ; <nl> + s2 . pop ( ) ; <nl> + / / transfer all elements of s2 back to s1 <nl> + while ( ! s2 . empty ( ) ) { <nl> + s1 . push ( s2 . top ( ) ) ; <nl> + s2 . pop ( ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + return ret ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / display the elements of the queue <nl> + void queue : : displayQueue ( ) { <nl> + cout < < " \ nDisplaying the queue : - \ n " ; <nl> + while ( ! s1 . empty ( ) ) { <nl> + s2 . push ( s1 . top ( ) ) ; <nl> + s1 . pop ( ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + while ( ! s2 . empty ( ) ) { <nl> + cout < < s2 . top ( ) < < " " ; <nl> + s1 . push ( s2 . top ( ) ) ; <nl> + s2 . pop ( ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / main <nl> + int main ( ) { <nl> + queue q ; <nl> + int exit = 0 ; <nl> + int enqueue ; <nl> + char input ; <nl> + while ( ! exit ) <nl> + { <nl> + cout < < " Enter e to enqueue , d to dequeue , s to display queue , x to exit : " ; <nl> + cin > > input ; <nl> + if ( input = = ' e ' ) <nl> + { <nl> + cout < < " Enter number to enqueue : " ; <nl> + cin > > enqueue ; <nl> + q . enqueue ( enqueue ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + if ( input = = ' d ' ) <nl> + q . dequeue ( ) ; <nl> + <nl> + if ( input = = ' s ' ) <nl> + { <nl> + q . displayQueue ( ) ; <nl> + cout < < endl ; <nl> + } <nl> + if ( input = = ' x ' ) <nl> + break ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + return 0 ; <nl> + } <nl>
Merge pull request from abhishekgoyal28 / patch - 1
fixed location <nl> Merge pull request #686 from vinayb21/master <nl> Merge pull request #734 from PinkiePie1189/ModularInverse <nl> Merge pull request #810 from adeen-s/patch-3 <nl> fixed location <nl> Merge pull request #705 from Nairu/master <nl> Merge pull request #999 from sirex/python-permutations-of-string <nl> fixed location <nl> Merge pull request #1024 from JorgeAndd/master <nl> header comment added
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / fdbserver / DataDistribution . actor . cpp <nl> ppp b / fdbserver / DataDistribution . actor . cpp <nl> struct DDTeamCollection : ReferenceCounted < DDTeamCollection > { <nl> if ( ! shouldPrint ) return ; <nl> / / Record all team collections IDs <nl> for ( int i = 0 ; i < teamCollections . size ( ) ; + + i ) { <nl> - TraceEvent ( " TraceAllInfo " , distributorId ) <nl> - . detail ( " TeamCollectionIndex " , i ) <nl> - . detail ( " Primary " , teamCollections [ i ] - > primary ) ; <nl> + if ( teamCollections [ i ] ! = nullptr ) { <nl> + TraceEvent ( " TraceAllInfo " , distributorId ) <nl> + . detail ( " TeamCollectionIndex " , i ) <nl> + . detail ( " Primary " , teamCollections [ i ] - > primary ) ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> TraceEvent ( " TraceAllInfo " , distributorId ) . detail ( " Primary " , primary ) ; <nl>
Merge pull request from sfc - gh - tclinkenbeard / fix - traceallinfo - segfault
Merge pull request #2743 from ajbeamon/fix-release-note-link <nl> Merge pull request #2964 from jzhou77/backup-fix <nl> Merge pull request #3267 from Nishikoh/rename <nl> Merge pull request #3680 from bowlofstew/issue/1647 <nl> Merge pull request #1686 from hmcc/small-typos <nl> Merge pull request #2860 from zjuLcg/report-conflicting-key-roll-forward <nl> Merge pull request #3587 from sfc-gh-tclinkenbeard/update-mininvalidprotocolversion <nl> Merge pull request #3541 from sfc-gh-tclinkenbeard/make-idiskqueue-const-correct <nl> Update backup.md <nl> Merge pull request #1654 from adamfeldman/patch-1
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / main / input_default . cpp <nl> ppp b / main / input_default . cpp <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> # ifdef WINDOWS_ENABLED <nl> " 00f00300000000000000504944564944 , RetroUSB . com RetroPad , a : b1 , b : b5 , x : b0 , y : b4 , back : b2 , start : b3 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " 00f0f100000000000000504944564944 , RetroUSB . com Super RetroPort , a : b1 , b : b5 , x : b0 , y : b4 , back : b2 , start : b3 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> + " 02200090000000000000504944564944 , 8Bitdo NES30 PRO USB , a : b0 , b : b1 , x : b3 , y : b4 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , lefttrigger : b8 , righttrigger : b9 , back : b10 , start : b11 , leftstick : b13 , rightstick : b14 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , " , <nl> " 0d0f4900000000000000504944564944 , Hatsune Miku Sho Controller , a : b1 , b : b2 , x : b0 , y : b3 , back : b8 , guide : b12 , start : b9 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 0d0f6e00000000000000504944564944 , HORIPAD 4 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b9 , guide : b12 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 10080100000000000000504944564944 , PS1 USB , a : b2 , b : b1 , x : b3 , y : b0 , back : b8 , start : b9 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , lefttrigger : b4 , righttrigger : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , " , <nl> " 10080300000000000000504944564944 , PS2 USB , a : b2 , b : b1 , y : b0 , x : b3 , start : b9 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a4 , righty : a2 , lefttrigger : b4 , righttrigger : b5 , " , <nl> + " 10280900000000000000504944564944 , 8Bitdo SFC30 GamePad , a : b1 , b : b0 , y : b3 , x : b4 , start : b11 , back : b10 , leftshoulder : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b7 , " , <nl> + " 20380900000000000000504944564944 , 8Bitdo NES30 PRO Wireless , a : b0 , b : b1 , x : b3 , y : b4 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , lefttrigger : b8 , righttrigger : b9 , back : b10 , start : b11 , leftstick : b13 , rightstick : b14 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , " , <nl> " 25090500000000000000504944564944 , PS3 DualShock , a : b2 , b : b1 , back : b9 , dpdown : h0 . 8 , dpleft : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : , leftshoulder : b6 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b4 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b7 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b5 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b8 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 2509e803000000000000504944564944 , Mayflash Wii Classic Controller , a : b1 , b : b0 , x : b3 , y : b2 , back : b8 , guide : b10 , start : b9 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : b11 , dpdown : b13 , dpleft : b12 , dpright : b14 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 28040140000000000000504944564944 , GamePad Pro USB , a : b1 , b : b2 , x : b0 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 300f1001000000000000504944564944 , Saitek P480 Rumble Pad , a : b2 , b : b3 , x : b0 , y : b1 , back : b8 , start : b9 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b6 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , lefttrigger : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 341a0108000000000000504944564944 , EXEQ RF USB Gamepad 8206 , a : b0 , b : b1 , x : b2 , y : b3 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , leftstick : b8 , rightstick : b7 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 341a3608000000000000504944564944 , Afterglow PS3 Controller , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b12 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 36280100000000000000504944564944 , OUYA Controller , a : b0 , b : b3 , y : b2 , x : b1 , start : b14 , guide : b15 , leftstick : b6 , rightstick : b7 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : b8 , dpleft : b10 , dpdown : b9 , dpright : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : b12 , righttrigger : b13 , " , <nl> " 49190204000000000000504944564944 , Ipega PG - 9023 , a : b0 , b : b1 , x : b3 , y : b4 , back : b10 , start : b11 , leftstick : b13 , rightstick : b14 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : b8 , righttrigger : b9 " , <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> " 4f0400b3000000000000504944564944 , Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power , a : b0 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b1 , start : b10 , guide : b8 , back : b9 , leftstick : b11 , rightstick : b12 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b6 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 4f0415b3000000000000504944564944 , Thrustmaster Dual Analog 3 . 2 , x : b1 , a : b0 , b : b2 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b5 , rightshoulder : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 4f0423b3000000000000504944564944 , Dual Trigger 3 - in - 1 , a : b1 , b : b2 , x : b0 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a5 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 " , <nl> + " 63252305000000000000504944564944 , USB Vibration Joystick ( BM ) , x : b3 , a : b2 , b : b1 , y : b0 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 6d0416c2000000000000504944564944 , Generic DirectInput Controller , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 6d0418c2000000000000504944564944 , Logitech RumblePad 2 USB , x : b0 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 6d0419c2000000000000504944564944 , Logitech F710 Gamepad , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> " 8f0e1200000000000000504944564944 , Acme , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b5 , rightshoulder : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , " , <nl> " 9000318000000000000504944564944 , Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter , a : b2 , b : h0 . 4 , x : b0 , y : b1 , back : b4 , start : b5 , guide : b11 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b3 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " a3060cff000000000000504944564944 , Saitek P2500 , a : b2 , b : b3 , y : b1 , x : b0 , start : b4 , guide : b10 , back : b5 , leftstick : b8 , rightstick : b9 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> + " c0111352000000000000504944564944 , Battalife Joystick , x : b4 , a : b6 , b : b7 , y : b5 , back : b2 , start : b3 , leftshoulder : b0 , rightshoulder : b1 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " c911f055000000000000504944564944 , GAMEPAD , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " d6206dca000000000000504944564944 , PowerA Pro Ex , a : b1 , b : b2 , x : b0 , y : b3 , back : b8 , guide : b12 , start : b9 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " ff113133000000000000504944564944 , Gembird JPD - DualForce , a : b2 , b : b3 , x : b0 , y : b1 , start : b9 , back : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , " , <nl> " ff113133000000000000504944564944 , SVEN X - PAD , a : b2 , b : b3 , y : b1 , x : b0 , start : b5 , back : b4 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : b8 , righttrigger : b9 , " , <nl> " ffff0000000000000000504944564944 , GameStop Gamepad , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " __XINPUT_DEVICE__ , XInput Gamepad , a : b12 , b : b13 , x : b14 , y : b15 , start : b4 , back : b5 , leftstick : b6 , rightstick : b7 , leftshoulder : b8 , rightshoulder : b9 , dpup : b0 , dpdown : b1 , dpleft : b2 , dpright : b3 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : a4 , righttrigger : a5 , " , <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> # ifdef OSX_ENABLED <nl> " 0500000047532047616d657061640000 , GameStop Gamepad , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 050000005769696d6f74652028303000 , Wii Remote , a : b4 , b : b5 , y : b9 , x : b10 , start : b6 , guide : b8 , back : b7 , dpup : b2 , dpleft : b0 , dpdown : b3 , dpright : b1 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , lefttrigger : b12 , righttrigger : , leftshoulder : b11 , " , <nl> + " 050000005769696d6f74652028313800 , Wii U Pro Controller , a : b16 , b : b15 , x : b18 , y : b17 , back : b7 , guide : b8 , start : b6 , leftstick : b23 , rightstick : b24 , leftshoulder : b19 , rightshoulder : b20 , dpup : b11 , dpdown : b12 , dpleft : b13 , dpright : b14 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b21 , righttrigger : b22 , " , <nl> " 0d0f0000000000004d00000000000000 , HORI Gem Pad 3 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b9 , guide : b12 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 0d0f0000000000006600000000000000 , HORIPAD FPS PLUS 4 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b9 , guide : b12 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a5 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : a4 , " , <nl> + " 10280000000000000900000000000000 , 8Bitdo SFC30 GamePad , a : b1 , b : b0 , x : b4 , y : b3 , back : b10 , start : b11 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> + " 2509000000000000e803000000000000 , Mayflash Wii Classic Controller , a : b1 , b : b0 , x : b3 , y : b2 , back : b8 , guide : b10 , start : b9 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : b11 , dpdown : b13 , dpleft : b12 , dpright : b14 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 351200000000000021ab000000000000 , SFC30 Joystick , a : b1 , b : b0 , x : b4 , y : b3 , back : b10 , start : b11 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " 4c050000000000006802000000000000 , PS3 Controller , a : b14 , b : b13 , back : b0 , dpdown : b6 , dpleft : b7 , dpright : b5 , dpup : b4 , guide : b16 , leftshoulder : b10 , leftstick : b1 , lefttrigger : b8 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b11 , rightstick : b2 , righttrigger : b9 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b3 , x : b15 , y : b12 , " , <nl> " 4c05000000000000c405000000000000 , PS4 Controller , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b12 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : a3 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : a4 , rightx : a2 , righty : a5 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 4f0400000000000000b3000000000000 , Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power , a : b0 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b1 , start : b10 , guide : b8 , back : b9 , leftstick : b11 , rightstick : , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b6 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 4f0400000000000015b3000000000000 , Thrustmaster Dual Analog 3 . 2 , x : b1 , a : b0 , b : b2 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b5 , rightshoulder : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 5e040000000000008e02000000000000 , X360 Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b9 , dpdown : b12 , dpleft : b13 , dpright : b14 , dpup : b11 , guide : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b6 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b7 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b8 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> + " 5e04000000000000dd02000000000000 , Xbox One Wired Controller , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b9 , guide : b10 , start : b8 , dpleft : b13 , dpdown : b12 , dpright : b14 , dpup : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b6 , rightstick : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 6d0400000000000016c2000000000000 , Logitech F310 Gamepad ( DInput ) , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , / * Guide button doesn ' t seem to be sent in DInput mode . * / <nl> " 6d0400000000000018c2000000000000 , Logitech F510 Gamepad ( DInput ) , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 6d0400000000000019c2000000000000 , Logitech Wireless Gamepad ( DInput ) , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , / * This includes F710 in DInput mode and the " Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 " , at the very least . * / <nl> " 6d040000000000001fc2000000000000 , Logitech F710 Gamepad ( XInput ) , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b9 , dpdown : b12 , dpleft : b13 , dpright : b14 , dpup : b11 , guide : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b6 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b7 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b8 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> + " 79000000000000000018000000000000 , Mayflash WiiU Pro Game Controller Adapter ( DInput ) , a : b4 , b : b8 , x : b0 , y : b12 , back : b32 , start : b36 , leftstick : b40 , rightstick : b44 , leftshoulder : b16 , rightshoulder : b20 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a4 , rightx : a8 , righty : a12 , lefttrigger : b24 , righttrigger : b28 , " , <nl> " 79000000000000000600000000000000 , G - Shark GP - 702 , a : b2 , b : b1 , x : b3 , y : b0 , back : b8 , start : b9 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 83050000000000006020000000000000 , iBuffalo USB 2 - axis 8 - button Gamepad , a : b1 , b : b0 , x : b3 , y : b2 , back : b6 , start : b7 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " 891600000000000000fd000000000000 , Razer Onza Tournament , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , x : b2 , start : b8 , guide : b10 , back : b9 , leftstick : b6 , rightstick : b7 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : b11 , dpleft : b13 , dpdown : b12 , dpright : b14 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : a2 , righttrigger : a5 , " , <nl> " 8f0e0000000000000300000000000000 , Piranha xtreme , x : b3 , a : b2 , b : b1 , y : b0 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b6 , lefttrigger : b4 , rightshoulder : b7 , righttrigger : b5 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , " , <nl> - " AD1B00000000000001F9000000000000 , Gamestop BB - 070 X360 Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b9 , dpdown : b12 , dpleft : b13 , dpright : b14 , dpup : b11 , guide : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b6 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b7 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b8 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> + " ad1b00000000000001f9000000000000 , Gamestop BB - 070 X360 Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b9 , dpdown : b12 , dpleft : b13 , dpright : b14 , dpup : b11 , guide : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b6 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b7 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b8 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> + " b4040000000000000a01000000000000 , Sega Saturn USB Gamepad , a : b0 , b : b1 , x : b3 , y : b4 , back : b5 , guide : b2 , start : b8 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> + " d814000000000000cecf000000000000 , MC Cthulhu , leftx : , lefty : , rightx : , righty : , lefttrigger : b6 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b9 , back : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> # endif <nl> <nl> # if X11_ENABLED <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> " 030000005e0400008e02000010010000 , X360 Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b6 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b9 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b10 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b7 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 030000005e0400008e02000014010000 , X360 Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b6 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b9 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b10 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b7 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 030000005e0400008e02000020200000 , SpeedLink XEOX Pro Analog Gamepad pad , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> + " 030000005e0400008e02000062230000 , Microsoft X - Box 360 pad , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 030000005e0400009102000007010000 , X360 Wireless Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , x : b2 , start : b7 , guide : b8 , back : b6 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : b13 , dpleft : b11 , dpdown : b14 , dpright : b12 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : a2 , righttrigger : a5 , " , <nl> " 030000005e040000d102000001010000 , Microsoft X - Box One pad , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 030000005e040000dd02000003020000 , Microsoft X - Box One pad v2 , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> " 030000006d0400001ec2000020200000 , Logitech F510 Gamepad ( XInput ) , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b6 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b9 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b10 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b7 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 030000006d0400001fc2000005030000 , Logitech F710 Gamepad ( XInput ) , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b6 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b9 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b10 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b7 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 030000006e0500000320000010010000 , JC - U3613M - DirectInput Mode , x : b0 , a : b2 , b : b3 , y : b1 , back : b10 , guide : b12 , start : b11 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b8 , rightstick : b9 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> + " 030000006f0e00000103000000020000 , Logic3 Controller , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 030000006f0e00001304000000010000 , Generic X - Box pad , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 030000006f0e00001e01000011010000 , Rock Candy Gamepad for PS3 , a : b1 , b : b2 , x : b0 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , guide : b12 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , " , <nl> " 030000006f0e00001f01000000010000 , Generic X - Box pad , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> static const char * s_ControllerMappings [ ] = <nl> " 030000008916000001fd000024010000 , Razer Onza Classic Edition , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b6 , guide : b8 , start : b7 , dpleft : b11 , dpdown : b14 , dpright : b12 , dpup : b13 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : a5 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 030000008f0e00000300000010010000 , GreenAsia Inc . USB Joystick , x : b3 , a : b2 , b : b1 , y : b0 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b6 , lefttrigger : b4 , rightshoulder : b7 , righttrigger : b5 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , " , <nl> " 030000008f0e00001200000010010000 , GreenAsia Inc . USB Joystick , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b5 , rightshoulder : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , " , <nl> + " 03000000a30600000901000000010000 , Saitek P880 , a : b2 , b : b3 , y : b1 , x : b0 , leftstick : b8 , rightstick : b9 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 03000000a30600000c04000011010000 , Saitek P2900 Wireless Pad , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b12 , guide : b9 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , lefttrigger : b4 , righttrigger : b5 , " , <nl> " 03000000a306000018f5000010010000 , Saitek PLC Saitek P3200 Rumble Pad , x : b0 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : a2 , rightshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , " , <nl> " 03000000a306000023f6000011010000 , Saitek Cyborg V . 1 Game Pad , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b9 , guide : b12 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> " 03000000ad1b000001f5000033050000 , Hori Pad EX Turbo 2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , x : b2 , start : b7 , guide : b8 , back : b6 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : a2 , righttrigger : a5 , " , <nl> + " 03000000ad1b000016f0000090040000 , Mad Catz Xbox 360 Controller , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , x : b2 , start : b7 , guide : b8 , back : b6 , leftstick : b9 , rightstick : b10 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , lefttrigger : a2 , righttrigger : a5 , " , <nl> " 03000000ba2200002010000001010000 , Jess Technology USB Game Controller , a : b2 , b : b1 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a3 , righty : a2 , start : b9 , x : b3 , y : b0 , " , <nl> " 03000000c9110000f055000011010000 , HJC Game GAMEPAD , platform : Linux , x : b2 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , back : b4 , back : b8 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> + " 03000000d814000007cd000011010000 , Toodles 2008 Chimp PC / PS3 , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b2 , x : b3 , start : b9 , back : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 03000000d81400000862000011010000 , HitBox ( PS3 / PC ) Analog Mode , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , x : b0 , start : b12 , guide : b9 , back : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " 03000000de280000ff11000001000000 , Valve Streaming Gamepad , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b6 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b8 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b9 , lefttrigger : a2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b10 , righttrigger : a5 , rightx : a3 , righty : a4 , start : b7 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 03000000f0250000c183000010010000 , Goodbetterbest Ltd USB Controller , x : b0 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , back : b8 , guide : b12 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 0 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 0 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : h0 . 0 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 03000000fd0500002a26000000010000 , 3dfx InterAct HammerHead FX , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , rightstick : b5 , rightshoulder : b7 , rightx : a2 , start : b11 , righty : a3 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , lefttrigger : b8 , x : b0 , dpup : h0 . 1 , back : b10 , leftstick : b2 , leftshoulder : b6 , y : b1 , a : b3 , dpright : h0 . 2 , righttrigger : b9 , b : b4 , " , <nl> " 03000000ff1100003133000010010000 , PC Game Controller , a : b2 , b : b1 , y : b0 , x : b3 , start : b9 , back : b8 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 05000000010000000100000003000000 , Nintendo Wiimote , a : b0 , b : b1 , y : b3 , x : b2 , start : b9 , guide : b10 , back : b8 , leftstick : b11 , rightstick : b12 , leftshoulder : b4 , rightshoulder : b5 , dpup : h0 . 1 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b6 , righttrigger : b7 , " , <nl> + " 05000000102800000900000000010000 , 8Bitdo SFC30 GamePad , x : b4 , a : b1 , b : b0 , y : b3 , back : b10 , start : b11 , leftshoulder : b6 , rightshoulder : b7 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , " , <nl> " 05000000362800000100000002010000 , OUYA Game Controller , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , dpdown : b9 , rightstick : b7 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightx : a3 , start : b16 , righty : a4 , dpleft : b10 , lefttrigger : b12 , x : b1 , dpup : b8 , back : b14 , leftstick : b6 , leftshoulder : b4 , y : b2 , a : b0 , dpright : b11 , righttrigger : b13 , b : b3 , " , <nl> " 05000000362800000100000003010000 , OUYA Game Controller , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , dpdown : b9 , rightstick : b7 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightx : a3 , start : b16 , righty : a4 , dpleft : b10 , lefttrigger : b12 , x : b1 , dpup : b8 , back : b14 , leftstick : b6 , leftshoulder : b4 , y : b2 , a : b0 , dpright : b11 , righttrigger : b13 , b : b3 , " , <nl> " 05000000362800000100000004010000 , OUYA Game Controller , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , dpdown : b9 , rightstick : b7 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightx : a3 , start : b16 , righty : a4 , dpleft : b10 , lefttrigger : b12 , x : b1 , dpup : b8 , back : b14 , leftstick : b6 , leftshoulder : b4 , y : b2 , a : b0 , dpright : b11 , righttrigger : b13 , b : b3 , " , <nl> + " 05000000380700006652000025010000 , Mad Catz C . T . R . L . R , x : b0 , a : b1 , b : b2 , y : b3 , back : b8 , guide : b12 , start : b9 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , leftshoulder : b4 , lefttrigger : b6 , rightshoulder : b5 , righttrigger : b7 , leftstick : b10 , rightstick : b11 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , " , <nl> " 0500000047532047616d657061640000 , GameStop Gamepad , a : b0 , b : b1 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : b6 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : b7 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , start : b9 , x : b2 , y : b3 , " , <nl> " 050000004c0500006802000000010000 , PS3 Controller ( Bluetooth ) , a : b14 , b : b13 , y : b12 , x : b15 , start : b3 , guide : b16 , back : b0 , leftstick : b1 , rightstick : b2 , leftshoulder : b10 , rightshoulder : b11 , dpup : b4 , dpleft : b7 , dpdown : b6 , dpright : b5 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightx : a2 , righty : a3 , lefttrigger : b8 , righttrigger : b9 , " , <nl> " 050000004c050000c405000000010000 , PS4 Controller ( Bluetooth ) , a : b1 , b : b2 , back : b8 , dpdown : h0 . 4 , dpleft : h0 . 8 , dpright : h0 . 2 , dpup : h0 . 1 , guide : b12 , leftshoulder : b4 , leftstick : b10 , lefttrigger : a3 , leftx : a0 , lefty : a1 , rightshoulder : b5 , rightstick : b11 , righttrigger : a4 , rightx : a2 , righty : a5 , start : b9 , x : b0 , y : b3 , " , <nl>
Merge pull request from Hinsbart / update_mappings
Remove strand debug print, fix #3473 <nl> Fix binding of File::get_sha256() <nl> Fix typo in ItemList bindings <nl> Revert removing of function call in gd_parser <nl> Rename CanvasItem.edit_get() to edit_get_state() <nl> Rename CanvasItem.edit_get() to edit_get_state() <nl> Merge pull request #6239 from volzhs/fix-return-spb <nl> Update classes.xml to fix sorting of constants <nl> Merge pull request #3475 from vnen/fix-3473 <nl> Remove Make-related flags from Android build
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / atom / browser / native_window . cc <nl> ppp b / atom / browser / native_window . cc <nl> void NativeWindow : : CloseWebContents ( ) { <nl> content : : WebContents * web_contents ( GetWebContents ( ) ) ; <nl> <nl> / / Assume the window is not responding if it doesn ' t cancel the close and is <nl> - / / not closed in 2000ms , in this way we can quickly show the unresponsive <nl> + / / not closed in 5000ms , in this way we can quickly show the unresponsive <nl> / / dialog when the window is busy executing some script withouth waiting for <nl> / / the unresponsive timeout . <nl> if ( ! Browser : : Get ( ) - > is_quiting ( ) & & <nl> window_unresposive_closure_ . IsCancelled ( ) ) <nl> - ScheduleUnresponsiveEvent ( 2000 ) ; <nl> + ScheduleUnresponsiveEvent ( 5000 ) ; <nl> <nl> if ( web_contents - > NeedToFireBeforeUnload ( ) ) <nl> web_contents - > GetRenderViewHost ( ) - > FirePageBeforeUnload ( false ) ; <nl>
Increase the closing time limit to 5s .
linux: Implement crash reporter. <nl> Print pid when logging. <nl> The translate-crash-log-addresses script is abandonded. <nl> Fix header guard. <nl> Move helper functions into a common module. <nl> Upload the asset after release note is created. <nl> Bump v0.8.3. <nl> Make the crash reporter available for both browser and renderer. <nl> Fix crash caused by BrowserWindow.destroy(). <nl> Modify upload script to obey chromium's style.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / admin / static / coffee / app . coffee <nl> ppp b / admin / static / coffee / app . coffee <nl> collections_ready = - > <nl> <nl> collect_reql_doc = - > <nl> $ . ajax <nl> - url : ' / js / reql_docs . json ' <nl> + url : ' / js / reql_docs . json ? v = ' + window . VERSION <nl> dataType : ' json ' <nl> contentType : ' application / json ' <nl> success : set_reql_docs <nl>
Add a query parameter to the ajax request to reql_docs . json
Clean code <nl> Merge v1.4.x in next <nl> Clean code, fix bug, refactor a little. Related to #647 and #584 <nl> Fix bug. Use shift to get the first callback and not unshift <nl> Replaces namespace with table. Related to #315 <nl> Fix suggestions for 'r' <nl> Change behavior of tab. See #647 and #584 <nl> Keep in memory the size of the previous colunns and resize if the attributes are the same. Related to #191 <nl> Fix behavior with curly bracket. Related to #764 <nl> Add broken queries in the history with an icon
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / contrib / framework / python / ops / variables . py <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / contrib / framework / python / ops / variables . py <nl> <nl> __all__ = [ ' add_model_variable ' , <nl> ' assert_global_step ' , <nl> ' assert_or_get_global_step ' , <nl> + ' assign_from_checkpoint ' , <nl> + ' assign_from_values ' , <nl> ' create_global_step ' , <nl> ' get_global_step ' , <nl> ' get_or_create_global_step ' , <nl>
Adding assign_from_checkpoint and assign_from_values to exportable function list .
- Allowing sparse_concat to handle sparse tensors with different sizes in the non- <nl> Clarify error message to distinguish Nans from Infinity in summaries. <nl> Fix comment regarding the type of 'attrs' in tensorflow Graph.create_op <nl> Change to Relu gradient computation, to allow it to use the output of the Relu instead of its input. The reason is memory consumption: usually the Relu is followed by a Conv layer, which will keep its inputs until the backward pass. The Relu, which produces these inputs, can use them for its own backprop, and doing so will be more memory efficient than having Relu keep its inputs around. <nl> Add assert_integer to check_ops.py. <nl> Use an iterator to walk down the set of free chunks, so that deleting <nl> Change dep list of tf_gpu_kernel_library rule. <nl> Fixing bug in wait_for_session in which we were waiting for N ms instead of N secs. <nl> Update ops-related pbtxt files. <nl> Enable fp16 for convolution operations, gated on CUDA 7.5. (The fp16 tests
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / modules / highgui / CMakeLists . txt <nl> ppp b / modules / highgui / CMakeLists . txt <nl> if ( BUILD_TESTS ) <nl> <nl> add_executable ( $ { the_target } $ { test_srcs } $ { test_hdrs } ) <nl> <nl> - endif ( BUILD_TESTS ) <nl> - <nl> - if ( PCHSupport_FOUND AND USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS ) <nl> - set ( pch_header $ { CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } / test / test_precomp . hpp ) <nl> - if ( $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " Visual * " OR $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " Xcode * " ) <nl> - if ( $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " Visual * " ) <nl> - set ( $ { the_target } _pch " test / test_precomp . cpp " ) <nl> - endif ( ) <nl> - add_native_precompiled_header ( $ { the_target } $ { pch_header } ) <nl> - elseif ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " . * Makefiles " ) <nl> - add_precompiled_header ( $ { the_target } $ { pch_header } ) <nl> - endif ( ) <nl> - endif ( ) <nl> + if ( PCHSupport_FOUND AND USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS ) <nl> + set ( pch_header $ { CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } / test / test_precomp . hpp ) <nl> + if ( $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " Visual * " OR $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " Xcode * " ) <nl> + if ( $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " Visual * " ) <nl> + set ( $ { the_target } _pch " test / test_precomp . cpp " ) <nl> + endif ( ) <nl> + add_native_precompiled_header ( $ { the_target } $ { pch_header } ) <nl> + elseif ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND $ { CMAKE_GENERATOR } MATCHES " . * Makefiles " ) <nl> + add_precompiled_header ( $ { the_target } $ { pch_header } ) <nl> + endif ( ) <nl> + endif ( ) <nl> <nl> - # Additional target properties <nl> - set_target_properties ( $ { the_target } PROPERTIES <nl> - DEBUG_POSTFIX " $ { OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX } " <nl> - RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY " $ { EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH } " <nl> - ) <nl> + # Additional target properties <nl> + set_target_properties ( $ { the_target } PROPERTIES <nl> + DEBUG_POSTFIX " $ { OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX } " <nl> + RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY " $ { EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH } " <nl> + ) <nl> <nl> - if ( ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS ) <nl> - set_target_properties ( $ { the_target } PROPERTIES FOLDER " tests " ) <nl> - endif ( ) <nl> + if ( ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS ) <nl> + set_target_properties ( $ { the_target } PROPERTIES FOLDER " tests " ) <nl> + endif ( ) <nl> <nl> - add_dependencies ( $ { the_target } $ { test_deps } ) <nl> + add_dependencies ( $ { the_target } $ { test_deps } ) <nl> <nl> - # Add the required libraries for linking : <nl> - target_link_libraries ( $ { the_target } $ { OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS } $ { test_deps } ) <nl> + # Add the required libraries for linking : <nl> + target_link_libraries ( $ { the_target } $ { OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS } $ { test_deps } ) <nl> <nl> - enable_testing ( ) <nl> - get_target_property ( LOC $ { the_target } LOCATION ) <nl> - add_test ( $ { the_target } " $ { LOC } " ) <nl> + enable_testing ( ) <nl> + get_target_property ( LOC $ { the_target } LOCATION ) <nl> + add_test ( $ { the_target } " $ { LOC } " ) <nl> <nl> - if ( WIN32 ) <nl> - install ( TARGETS $ { the_target } RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT main ) <nl> - endif ( ) <nl> + if ( WIN32 ) <nl> + install ( TARGETS $ { the_target } RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT main ) <nl> + endif ( ) <nl> + endif ( BUILD_TESTS ) <nl>
Placed the if in the wrong place .
adding better support for asymmetric patterns. <nl> Adding stubb of documentation for the Dynamic feature detectors <nl> Dissable tests for android by default. <nl> changing the names of the opencv libraries for android, all except 3rd parties have opencv_ prepended <nl> adding a check for if the first arg is an image - annoying if it overwrites <nl> adding some small changes to support android build, <nl> Linking order for android. <nl> Brute force implementation had issues with the type of distances it was storing. <nl> conforming the calibration sample to the new refactor of android-jni <nl> adding samples for brief and the cout << cv::Mat functions.
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / Marlin / Marlin_main . cpp <nl> ppp b / Marlin / Marlin_main . cpp <nl> static void clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move ( ) { <nl> * Plan a move to ( X , Y , Z ) and set the current_position <nl> * The final current_position may not be the one that was requested <nl> * / <nl> - static void do_blocking_move_to ( float x , float y , float z ) { <nl> + static void do_blocking_move_to ( float x , float y , float z , float feed_rate = 0 . 0 ) { <nl> float old_feedrate = feedrate ; <nl> <nl> # if ENABLED ( DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE ) <nl> static void clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move ( ) { <nl> <nl> # if ENABLED ( DELTA ) <nl> <nl> - feedrate = XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE ; <nl> + feedrate = ( feed_rate ! = 0 . 0 ) ? feed_rate : XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE ; <nl> <nl> destination [ X_AXIS ] = x ; <nl> destination [ Y_AXIS ] = y ; <nl> static void clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move ( ) { <nl> <nl> / / If Z needs to raise , do it before moving XY <nl> if ( current_position [ Z_AXIS ] < z ) { <nl> - feedrate = homing_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] ; <nl> + feedrate = ( feed_rate ! = 0 . 0 ) ? feed_rate : homing_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] ; <nl> current_position [ Z_AXIS ] = z ; <nl> line_to_current_position ( ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - feedrate = XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE ; <nl> + feedrate = ( feed_rate ! = 0 . 0 ) ? feed_rate : XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE ; <nl> current_position [ X_AXIS ] = x ; <nl> current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = y ; <nl> line_to_current_position ( ) ; <nl> <nl> / / If Z needs to lower , do it after moving XY <nl> if ( current_position [ Z_AXIS ] > z ) { <nl> - feedrate = homing_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] ; <nl> + feedrate = ( feed_rate ! = 0 . 0 ) ? feed_rate : homing_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] ; <nl> current_position [ Z_AXIS ] = z ; <nl> line_to_current_position ( ) ; <nl> } <nl> static void clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move ( ) { <nl> feedrate = old_feedrate ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - inline void do_blocking_move_to_x ( float x ) { <nl> - do_blocking_move_to ( x , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ) ; <nl> + inline void do_blocking_move_to_x ( float x , float feed_rate = 0 . 0 ) { <nl> + do_blocking_move_to ( x , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , feed_rate ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - inline void do_blocking_move_to_z ( float z ) { <nl> - do_blocking_move_to ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , z ) ; <nl> + inline void do_blocking_move_to_z ( float z , float feed_rate = 0 . 0 ) { <nl> + do_blocking_move_to ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , z , feed_rate ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / * * <nl> static void clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move ( ) { <nl> return current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - inline void do_blocking_move_to_xy ( float x , float y ) { <nl> - do_blocking_move_to ( x , y , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ) ; <nl> + inline void do_blocking_move_to_xy ( float x , float y , float feed_rate = 0 . 0 ) { <nl> + do_blocking_move_to ( x , y , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , feed_rate ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / / <nl>
Add a optional feedrate parameter to ` do_blocking_move ( ) `
Bulgarian for all the Configuration.h's <nl> Move buzzing code to buzzr.h & buzzer.cpp (PR#2307) <nl> Merge https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin into contrast <nl> Update version strings to 1.0.2 <nl> Remove SF_ARC_FIX from G5 (Cubic B-spline) <nl> Add the missed {} to END_MENU in ultralcd.cpp <nl> Add Travis check for ALLEN_KEY (PR#2748) <nl> Added font tools <nl> Remove code for testing if probing range is too small (PR#2390) <nl> Some additional {} to make the compiler happy.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / doc / esp8266wifi / readme . rst <nl> ppp b / doc / esp8266wifi / readme . rst <nl> Check Return Codes <nl> <nl> Almost each function described in chapters above returns some diagnostic information . <nl> <nl> - Such diagnostic may be provided as a simple ` ` boolean ` ` type ` ` true ' or ` ` \ false \ ` to indicate operation result . You may check this result as described in examples , for instance : <nl> + Such diagnostic may be provided as a simple ` ` boolean ` ` type ` ` true ` ` or ` ` false ` ` to indicate operation result . You may check this result as described in examples , for instance : <nl> <nl> . . code : : cpp <nl> <nl>
Fix ESP8266WiFi / Diagnostics / Check Return Codes ( )
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / dbms / src / Interpreters / ExpressionAnalyzer . cpp <nl> ppp b / dbms / src / Interpreters / ExpressionAnalyzer . cpp <nl> <nl> # include < Parsers / formatAST . h > <nl> <nl> # include < DataTypes / DataTypeSet . h > <nl> - # include < DataTypes / DataTypeArray . h > <nl> # include < DataTypes / DataTypeNullable . h > <nl> # include < DataTypes / DataTypeTuple . h > <nl> # include < DataTypes / NestedUtils . h > <nl> void ExpressionAnalyzer : : makeExplicitSet ( const ASTFunction * node , const Block & <nl> else <nl> { <nl> DataTypePtr left_type = sample_block . getByName ( left_arg - > getColumnName ( ) ) . type ; <nl> - if ( const DataTypeArray * array_type = typeid_cast < const DataTypeArray * > ( left_type . get ( ) ) ) <nl> - set_element_types . push_back ( array_type - > getNestedType ( ) ) ; <nl> - else <nl> - set_element_types . push_back ( left_type ) ; <nl> + set_element_types . push_back ( left_type ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / / / The case ` x in ( 1 , 2 ) ` distinguishes from the case ` x in 1 ` ( also ` x in ( 1 ) ` ) . <nl>
Removed ( obsolete ) special handling for Arrays in the left hand side of IN ( continued )
Removed the possibility to use queries with empty query_id; better semantics #245 <nl> Added info about uncompressed size to system.columns table [#CLICKHOUSE-2831]. <nl> Removed very old protocol compatibility features [#CLICKHOUSE-2]. <nl> Cleanups [#CLICKHOUSE-2838]. <nl> Fixed translation error [#CLICKHOUSE-2]. <nl> dbms: OLAP-compatibility: removed useless func [#CONV-8238]. <nl> Non significant modifications [#CLICKHOUSE-3]. <nl> dbms: development [#CONV-2944]. <nl> dbms: addition to prev. revision [#CONV-8665]. <nl> dbms: development [#CONV-2944].
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / packages / playground / windows / playground / MainPage . cpp <nl> ppp b / packages / playground / windows / playground / MainPage . cpp <nl> void MainPage : : OnLoadClick ( <nl> host . InstanceSettings ( ) . DebuggerBreakOnNextLine ( x_BreakOnFirstLineCheckBox ( ) . IsChecked ( ) . GetBoolean ( ) ) ; <nl> host . InstanceSettings ( ) . UseFastRefresh ( x_UseFastRefreshCheckBox ( ) . IsChecked ( ) . GetBoolean ( ) ) ; <nl> host . InstanceSettings ( ) . DebuggerPort ( static_cast < uint16_t > ( std : : stoi ( std : : wstring ( x_DebuggerPort ( ) . Text ( ) ) ) ) ) ; <nl> + host . InstanceSettings ( ) . Properties ( ) . Set ( <nl> + winrt : : Microsoft : : ReactNative : : ReactDispatcherHelper : : UIDispatcherProperty ( ) , <nl> + winrt : : Microsoft : : ReactNative : : ReactDispatcherHelper : : UIThreadDispatcher ( ) ) ; <nl> <nl> / / Nudge the ReactNativeHost to create the instance and wrapping context <nl> host . ReloadInstance ( ) ; <nl>
Playground app not specifying the UIDispatcher ( )
SourceCode module should provide scriptURL when running livereload without webdebugger (#3803) <nl> Update to react-native@0.59.0-microsoft.15 (#2764) <nl> Provide more helpful instructions on how to generate change file (#2857) <nl> Backport various fixes to 0.61 (#4487) <nl> Move publish build to Azure Dev Ops (#3132) <nl> Fix a couple of places in run-windows that has incorrect assumptions on install layout (#4214) <nl> No need to reinstall yarn on publish build now we are using vs2017 pool (#2846) <nl> Opening the devmenu should attempt to connect to dev tools (#4660) <nl> Add descriptions to dev menu items (#4213) <nl> Rename platform uwp->windows (#2922)
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / drivers / javascript / src / cursor . coffee <nl> ppp b / drivers / javascript / src / cursor . coffee <nl> class IterableResult <nl> hasNext : - > throw " Abstract Method " <nl> next : - > throw " Abstract Method " <nl> <nl> - each : ar ( cb ) - > <nl> + each : varar 1 , 2 , ( cb , onFinished ) - > <nl> n = = > <nl> - @ next ( err , row ) = > <nl> - cb ( err , row ) <nl> - if @ hasNext ( ) <nl> + if @ hasNext ( ) <nl> + @ next ( err , row ) = > <nl> + cb ( err , row ) <nl> n ( ) <nl> - if @ hasNext ( ) <nl> - n ( ) <nl> + else if onFinished ? <nl> + onFinished ( ) <nl> + n ( ) <nl> <nl> toArray : ar ( cb ) - > <nl> arr = [ ] <nl>
adds onFinished callback to each
refactor of test-runner <nl> fixes delete bug <nl> adds aggregations <nl> yet more <nl> Merge branch 'ql-refactor' of github.com:rethinkdb/rethinkdb into ql-refactor <nl> Merge branch 'ql-refactor' of github.com:rethinkdb/rethinkdb into ql-refactor <nl> cross type comparisons <nl> Merge branch 'ql-refactor' of github.com:rethinkdb/rethinkdb into ql-refactor <nl> changes bad key Python error message as per #632 <nl> fixes orderby to get rid of -attr syntax
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / mongo / db / exec / update . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / mongo / db / exec / update . cpp <nl> namespace mongo { <nl> } <nl> catch ( const WriteConflictException & de ) { <nl> if ( ! _params . request - > isMulti ( ) ) { <nl> - <nl> - log ( ) < < " Had WriteConflict in the middle of a single update , " <nl> - < < " restarting the operation " ; <nl> + / / We don ' t handle this here as we handle at the top level <nl> throw ; <nl> } <nl> <nl>
don ' t log deadlock retry twice
if in ThreadSpanningOp don't profile <nl> spacing <nl> Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mongodb/mongo <nl> add more to the test to make it clearer <nl> interesting test case for indexes <nl> hack for bb <nl> make sure to use flags for all send/recv ops <nl> debugging for shardign/features3 <nl> better assert msgs <nl> make sure db doesn't crash with weird db.eval returns SERVER-159
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / arch / barrier . hpp <nl> ppp b / src / arch / barrier . hpp <nl> <nl> <nl> # include " errors . hpp " <nl> <nl> - / / We call this a pthread_barrier_t so as to differentiate from other barrier types . <nl> + / / We call this a thread_barrier_t so as to differentiate from other barrier types . <nl> class thread_barrier_t { <nl> public : <nl> explicit thread_barrier_t ( int num_workers ) ; <nl>
Fix typos
Translate some tests into ruby <nl> Prepare NOTES for 1.4.3 release <nl> Update docs for the python driver <nl> Make --fetch protoc and --fetch protobuf interdependent <nl> Cherry-pick branch openssl into next <nl> Do not make dependencies for v8 <nl> Enable client-port in release mode <nl> Fix dependency generation (might help #407) <nl> Remove unnecessary UNUSED macro that cause warnings in clang 3.3 <nl> Merge branch 'nofetch' into next
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / lib / Driver / Compilation . cpp <nl> ppp b / lib / Driver / Compilation . cpp <nl> namespace driver { <nl> return everyIncrementalJob ; <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> + bool sawModuleWrapJob = false ; <nl> const Job * mergeModulesJob = nullptr ; <nl> CommandSet jobsToSchedule ; <nl> CommandSet initialCascadingCommands ; <nl> for ( const Job * cmd : Comp . getJobs ( ) ) { <nl> + / / A modulewrap job consumes the output of merge - modules . If it is <nl> + / / in the queue , we must run merge - modules or empty temporary files <nl> + / / will be consumed by the job instead . <nl> + / / FIXME : We should be able to ditch this if we compare the timestamps <nl> + / / of the temporary file to the build record , if it exists . <nl> + sawModuleWrapJob | = isa < ModuleWrapJobAction > ( cmd - > getSource ( ) ) ; <nl> + <nl> / / Skip jobs that have no associated incremental info . <nl> if ( ! isa < IncrementalJobAction > ( cmd - > getSource ( ) ) ) { <nl> continue ; <nl> namespace driver { <nl> / / structure of the resulting module . Additionally , the initial scheduling <nl> / / predicate above is only aware of intra - module changes . External <nl> / / dependencies changing * must * cause merge - modules to be scheduled . <nl> - if ( ! jobsToSchedule . empty ( ) & & mergeModulesJob ) { <nl> + if ( ( ! jobsToSchedule . empty ( ) | | sawModuleWrapJob ) & & mergeModulesJob ) { <nl> jobsToSchedule . insert ( mergeModulesJob ) ; <nl> } <nl> return jobsToSchedule ; <nl>
Merge pull request from CodaFi / seaweed - wrap
Merge pull request #17123 from CodaFi/unexpected-parentheticals <nl> Drop the ASTContext parameter on FindCapturedVars <nl> Merge pull request #27969 from CodaFi/witless-witnesses <nl> Pre-Request Cleanup For Implicit Constructors <nl> [NFC] Refactor CSApply's ExprWalker a bit and propagate closure checking errors <nl> [Gardening] Remove unused ASTContext variable <nl> Merge pull request #31147 from CodaFi/brain-blast <nl> [NFC] Remove unnecessary validation noise <nl> Merge pull request #31422 from smeenai/master-next <nl> [CodeCompletion] Reject all UserInaccessible decl attributes
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / xbmc / addons / kodi - addon - dev - kit / include / kodi / Filesystem . h <nl> ppp b / xbmc / addons / kodi - addon - dev - kit / include / kodi / Filesystem . h <nl> typedef enum OpenFileFlags <nl> <nl> / / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = <nl> / / / \ ingroup cpp_kodi_vfs_Defs <nl> - / / / @ brief Used CURL message types <nl> + / / / @ brief CURL message types <nl> + / / / <nl> + / / / Used on kodi : : vfs : : CFile : : CURLAddOption ( ) <nl> / / / <nl> typedef enum CURLOptiontype <nl> { <nl> / / / Set a general option <nl> ADDON_CURL_OPTION_OPTION , <nl> - / / / Set a protocol option ( see below ) <nl> + <nl> + / / / Set a protocol option <nl> + / / / <nl> + / / / The following names for * ADDON_CURL_OPTION_PROTOCOL * are possible : <nl> + / / / <nl> + / / / | Option name | Description <nl> + / / / | mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm : | : mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - <nl> + / / / | accept - charset | Set the " accept - charset " header <nl> + / / / | acceptencoding or encoding | Set the " accept - encoding " header <nl> + / / / | active - remote | Set the " active - remote " header <nl> + / / / | auth | Set the authentication method . Possible values : any , anysafe , digest , ntlm <nl> + / / / | connection - timeout | Set the connection timeout in seconds <nl> + / / / | cookie | Set the " cookie " header <nl> + / / / | customrequest | Set a custom HTTP request like DELETE <nl> + / / / | noshout | Set to true if kodi detects a stream as shoutcast by mistake . <nl> + / / / | postdata | Set the post body ( value needs to be base64 encoded ) . ( Implicitly sets the request to POST ) <nl> + / / / | referer | Set the " referer " header <nl> + / / / | user - agent | Set the " user - agent " header <nl> + / / / | seekable | Set the stream seekable . 1 : enable , 0 : disable <nl> + / / / | sslcipherlist | Set list of accepted SSL ciphers . <nl> + / / / <nl> ADDON_CURL_OPTION_PROTOCOL , <nl> + <nl> / / / Set User and password <nl> ADDON_CURL_OPTION_CREDENTIALS , <nl> + <nl> / / / Add a Header <nl> ADDON_CURL_OPTION_HEADER <nl> } CURLOptiontype ; <nl> / / mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <nl> <nl> - / / / <nl> - / / The following names for ADDON_CURL_OPTION_PROTOCOL are possible : <nl> - / / <nl> - / / accept - charset : Set the " accept - charset " header <nl> - / / acceptencoding or encoding : Set the " accept - encoding " header <nl> - / / active - remote : Set the " active - remote " header <nl> - / / auth : Set the authentication method . Possible values : any , anysafe , digest , ntlm <nl> - / / connection - timeout : Set the connection timeout in seconds <nl> - / / cookie : Set the " cookie " header <nl> - / / customrequest : Set a custom HTTP request like DELETE <nl> - / / noshout : Set to true if kodi detects a stream as shoutcast by mistake . <nl> - / / postdata : Set the post body ( value needs to be base64 encoded ) . ( Implicitly sets the request to POST ) <nl> - / / referer : Set the " referer " header <nl> - / / user - agent : Set the " user - agent " header <nl> - / / seekable : Set the stream seekable . 1 : enable , 0 : disable <nl> - / / sslcipherlist : Set list of accepted SSL ciphers . <nl> - / / <nl> - / / / <nl> - <nl> / / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = <nl> / / / \ ingroup cpp_kodi_vfs_Defs <nl> - / / / @ brief Used CURL message types <nl> + / / / @ brief CURL message types <nl> + / / / <nl> + / / / Used on kodi : : vfs : : CFile : : GetPropertyValue ( ) and kodi : : vfs : : CFile : : GetPropertyValues ( ) <nl> / / / <nl> typedef enum FilePropertyTypes <nl> { <nl> namespace vfs <nl> / / / # include < kodi / Filesystem . h > <nl> / / / . . . <nl> / / / STAT_STRUCTURE statFile ; <nl> - / / / int ret = kodi : : vfs : : StatFile ( " special : / / temp / kodi . log " , & statFile ) ; <nl> + / / / int ret = kodi : : vfs : : StatFile ( " special : / / temp / kodi . log " , statFile ) ; <nl> / / / fprintf ( stderr , " deviceId ( ID of device containing file ) = % u \ n " <nl> / / / " size ( total size , in bytes ) = % lu \ n " <nl> / / / " accessTime ( time of last access ) = % lu \ n " <nl>
[ addons ] update vfs addon interface doxygen docu
[addons] change version check to new way <nl> [paplayer] remove no more needed virtual CAEChannelInfo GetChannelInfo() <nl> [audiodecoder] change addon interface function table to style of others <nl> [addons] add missing addon bindings for install <nl> [input] allow set of unicode in CAction <nl> [addon] remove not needed header comment in CScreenSaver <nl> [addon] add reworked python documentation - Part1 <nl> Merge pull request #9653 from AlwinEsch/fix-doxygen <nl> Merge pull request #11109 from AlwinEsch/remove-shared-addon-lib-pvr2 <nl> [addons] remove no more used xbmc_stream_utils.hpp from cmake's addon bindings
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / hphp / runtime / base / concurrent - shared - store . cpp <nl> ppp b / hphp / runtime / base / concurrent - shared - store . cpp <nl> <nl> <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / base / concurrent - shared - store . h " <nl> <nl> - # include < mutex > <nl> - # include < set > <nl> - # include < string > <nl> - # include < vector > <nl> - # include < folly / Format . h > <nl> - <nl> - # include " hphp / util / logger . h " <nl> - # include " hphp / util / timer . h " <nl> - # include " hphp / util / trace . h " <nl> - <nl> - # include " hphp / runtime / base / variable - serializer . h " <nl> - # include " hphp / runtime / base / variable - unserializer . h " <nl> + # include " hphp / runtime / base / apc - file - storage . h " <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / base / apc - handle - defs . h " <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / base / apc - object . h " <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / base / apc - stats . h " <nl> - # include " hphp / runtime / base / apc - file - storage . h " <nl> + # include " hphp / runtime / base / variable - serializer . h " <nl> + # include " hphp / runtime / base / variable - unserializer . h " <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / ext / apc / ext_apc . h " <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / ext / apc / snapshot . h " <nl> # include " hphp / runtime / vm / treadmill . h " <nl> <nl> + # include " hphp / util / logger . h " <nl> + # include " hphp / util / timer . h " <nl> + # include " hphp / util / trace . h " <nl> + <nl> + # include < mutex > <nl> + # include < set > <nl> + # include < string > <nl> + # include < vector > <nl> + <nl> + # include < folly / Format . h > <nl> + # include < folly / Random . h > <nl> + <nl> using folly : : SharedMutex ; <nl> <nl> namespace HPHP { <nl> bool ConcurrentTableSharedStore <nl> assertx ( ! this - > empty ( ) ) ; <nl> # if TBB_VERSION_MAJOR > = 4 <nl> auto current = this - > range ( ) ; <nl> - for ( auto rnd = rand ( ) ; rnd > 0 & & current . is_divisible ( ) ; rnd > > = 1 ) { <nl> + for ( auto rnd = folly : : Random : : rand32 ( ) ; <nl> + rnd ! = 0 & & current . is_divisible ( ) ; rnd > > = 1 ) { <nl> / / Split the range ' current ' into two halves : ' current ' and ' otherHalf ' . <nl> decltype ( current ) otherHalf ( current , tbb : : split ( ) ) ; <nl> / / Randomly choose which half to keep . <nl>
use folly random number to sample APC
Delete dangling server <nl> add worker thread earlier when JIT gets a jumpstart <nl> kill register_globals for file uploads in hhvm <nl> Fix bug when appending unaligned StringSlice <nl> Fix JIT array type specialization <nl> Put FixedStringMap/FPIEntVec/PropInitVec on huge pages <nl> use huge page for stack and some slabs <nl> Put optimized memcpy into folly <nl> introduce (uncounted|apc|vm)_(malloc|free) to replace (malloc|free)_huge <nl> Unit test for hhvm port takeover
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / ios / sdk / WeexSDK / Sources / Monitor / WXAnalyzerCenter . m <nl> ppp b / ios / sdk / WeexSDK / Sources / Monitor / WXAnalyzerCenter . m <nl> + ( void ) _transDataToAnaylzer : ( WXSDKInstance * ) instance withModule : ( NSString * ) mo <nl> <nl> NSMutableDictionary * wrapDic = [ data mutableCopy ] ; <nl> [ wrapDic setObject : instance . instanceId forKey : @ " instanceId " ] ; <nl> - [ wrapDic setObject : [ instance . scriptURL absoluteString ] forKey : @ " url " ] ; <nl> + [ wrapDic setObject : [ instance . scriptURL absoluteString ] ? : @ " unSetscriptURL " forKey : @ " url " ] ; <nl> [ wrapDic setValue : GROUP_ANALYZER forKey : @ " group " ] ; <nl> [ wrapDic setValue : module forKey : @ " module " ] ; <nl> [ wrapDic setValue : type forKey : @ " type " ] ; <nl>
[ WEEX - 354 ] [ iOS ] WXAnalyzer check instance . scriptURL = = nil
* [Android] add fsComponent count and create time <nl> * [iOS] public WXRecyclerComponent.h <nl> [WEEX-305][iOS] support more performance point <nl> [WEEX-303] [Android] fix nullPoint <nl> [WEEX-335][iOS] fix performance point && add errorType/errorGroup <nl> * [iOS] add componentTime/Count monitor <nl> * [Android] merge WXPerformance code,now support more performance data <nl> * [Android] rm useless code
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . travis . yml <nl> ppp b / . travis . yml <nl> before_install : <nl> - eval " $ { MATRIX_EVAL } " <nl> - echo $ CXX <nl> - echo $ PYTHON <nl> + - | <nl> + if [ [ " $ { TRAVIS_OS_NAME } " = = " linux " ] ] ; the6 <nl> + CMAKE_URL = " http : / / www . cmake . org / files / v3 . 6 / cmake - 3 . 6 . 3 - Linux - x86_64 . tar . gz " <nl> + mkdir cmake & & travis_retry wget - - no - check - certificate - - quiet - O - $ { CMAKE_URL } | tar - - strip - components = 1 - xz - C cmake <nl> + export PATH = $ { DEPS_DIR } / cmake / bin : $ { PATH } <nl> - if [ [ " $ TRAVIS_OS_NAME " = = " linux " ] ] ; then sudo add - apt - repository - y ppa : deadsnakes / ppa ; sudo apt - get update ; sudo apt - get install $ PYTHON - dev ; fi <nl> - if [ [ " $ TRAVIS_OS_NAME " = = " osx " ] ] ; then brew update ; brew install $ PYTHON ; fi <nl> <nl>
Enforce cmake 3 . 6 . 3 in Travis
Automatic format before commit <nl> Replaced get_T to get<T> <nl> Array2D::write->write_as_image <nl> added rotate <nl> Fixed infinite signals <nl> format <nl> Update readme <nl> Download libs in CMake <nl> Better vector human-readable IO <nl> file structure update
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / test / std - format - test . cc <nl> ppp b / test / std - format - test . cc <nl> template < > struct std : : formatter < S > { <nl> if constexpr ( ! is_integral_v < decltype ( value ) > ) <nl> throw format_error ( " width is not integral " ) ; <nl> / / else if ( value < 0 | | value > numeric_limits < int > : : max ( ) ) <nl> - else if ( fmt : : internal : : is_negative ( value ) < 0 | | <nl> + else if ( fmt : : internal : : is_negative ( value ) | | <nl> value > numeric_limits < int > : : max ( ) ) <nl> throw format_error ( " invalid width " ) ; <nl> else <nl> - return value ; <nl> + return static_cast < int > ( value ) ; <nl> } , <nl> ctx . arg ( width_arg_id ) ) ; <nl> return format_to ( ctx . out ( ) , " { 0 : { 1 } } " , s . value , width ) ; <nl>
Fix a warning and is_negative usage
Fix MSVC warnings <nl> Update ChangeLog.rst <nl> Suppress clang's documentation warnings <nl> Implement some formatting options in Grisu <nl> Remove test files <nl> Remove unused typedef. <nl> Store types in ArgList instead of Arg <nl> Get rid of FormatterBase::error_. <nl> Update README.rst <nl> Make dynamic_format_specs construction constexpr
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / bindings / python / setup . py <nl> ppp b / bindings / python / setup . py <nl> <nl> <nl> libraries = [ <nl> os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " CNTKLibrary - 2 . 0 " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " BinaryReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " CNTKTextFormatReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " CompositeDataReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " DSSMReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " EvalDll " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " EvalWrapper " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " HTKDeserializers " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " HTKMLFReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " ImageReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " LibSVMBinaryReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " LMSequenceReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " LUSequenceReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " nvml " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " SparsePCReader " ) , <nl> + os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " UCIFastReader " ) , <nl> os . path . join ( CNTK_LIB_PATH , " Math " ) <nl> ] , <nl> library_dirs = [ CNTK_LIB_PATH ] , <nl> <nl> " / Zi " , # TODO remove for release <nl> " / Od " # TODO remove for release <nl> ] , <nl> - extra_link_args = [ " / DEBUG " ] , <nl> + extra_link_args = [ " / DEBUG " ] , <nl> ) <nl> ] <nl> <nl> - setup ( name = " cntk " , ext_modules = ext_modules , packages = [ ' cntk ' , ' cntk . ops ' , ' cntk . utils ' , ' cntk . examples ' ] ) <nl> + setup ( name = " cntk " , ext_modules = ext_modules , packages = setuptools . find_packages ( ) ) <nl>
setup . py to include more libs
Merge branch 'blis/PythonV2' of https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK into blis/PythonV2 <nl> iterate over the context <nl> improve colmajor to rowmajor handling <nl> row major for params <nl> partial removal of context <nl> set clean up flag to true in unittests <nl> fix log reg <nl> rename context <nl> checkout 1bitsgd to match what is in master <nl> auto generation of reader
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / contrib / distribute / python / tpu_strategy . py <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / contrib / distribute / python / tpu_strategy . py <nl> <nl> from tensorflow . python . util import nest <nl> <nl> <nl> - _TPU_INITIALIZE_SYSTEM_COLLECTION = " TPU_STRATEGY_INITIALIZE " <nl> - <nl> - <nl> def initialize_tpu_system ( cluster_resolver = None ) : <nl> " " " Initialize the TPU devices in a separate session and graph . <nl> <nl> def _experimental_initialize_system ( self ) : <nl> " " " <nl> initialize_tpu_system ( self . _tpu_cluster_resolver ) <nl> <nl> - def _initialize ( self ) : <nl> - if context . executing_eagerly ( ) : <nl> - # TODO ( priyag ) : Add appopriate call here when eager is supported for TPUs . <nl> - raise NotImplementedError ( " Eager mode not supported in TPUStrategy . " ) <nl> - else : <nl> - # TODO ( jhseu ) : We need this hack because DistributionStrategies must be <nl> - # pickleable for copy . deepcopy ( ) . Remove when initialize_system goes away . <nl> - graph = ops . get_default_graph ( ) <nl> - tpu_init = graph . get_collection ( _TPU_INITIALIZE_SYSTEM_COLLECTION ) <nl> - if tpu_init : <nl> - return tpu_init <nl> - graph . add_to_collection ( _TPU_INITIALIZE_SYSTEM_COLLECTION , <nl> - tpu . initialize_system ( ) ) <nl> - return graph . get_collection ( _TPU_INITIALIZE_SYSTEM_COLLECTION ) <nl> - <nl> - def _finalize ( self ) : <nl> - if context . executing_eagerly ( ) : <nl> - # TODO ( priyag ) : Add appopriate call here when eager is supported for TPUs . <nl> - raise NotImplementedError ( " Eager mode not supported in TPUStrategy . " ) <nl> - else : <nl> - return [ ] <nl> - <nl> def _create_variable ( self , next_creator , * args , * * kwargs ) : <nl> " " " Create a TPUMirroredVariable . See ` DistributionStrategy . scope ` . " " " <nl> colocate_with = kwargs . pop ( " colocate_with " , None ) <nl>
Remove the implementation of TPU Strategy initialize and finalize
Enable dynamic learning rate in Keras with TPU Strategy <nl> Add code path in estimator to use the new distributed strategy api <nl> Fix the flaky interleaved eval test <nl> Add shapes argument to func_graph_from_py_func <nl> Add support for running validation within the fit loop <nl> Remove scope name from bfloat16 <nl> Move TPU Initialization out of the TPU Strategy constructor. <nl> Add back the prefetch op when running the input pipeline if the dataset was originally using prefetch. <nl> Clean up all matches to the TPUStrategy to easily trace things we need to fix. <nl> Merge changes from github.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / include / envoy / upstream / resource_manager . h <nl> ppp b / include / envoy / upstream / resource_manager . h <nl> <nl> # pragma once <nl> <nl> + # include < cstddef > <nl> # include < cstdint > <nl> <nl> # include " envoy / common / pure . h " <nl> namespace Upstream { <nl> * arrays for each priority , but does not pollute the enum . <nl> * / <nl> enum class ResourcePriority { Default , High } ; <nl> - const std : : size_t NumResourcePriorities = 2 ; <nl> + const size_t NumResourcePriorities = 2 ; <nl> <nl> / * * <nl> * An individual resource tracked by the resource manager . <nl>
fix OSX build ( )
fix deferred deletion using vector (#200) <nl> stats: fix listener/filter scope prefixes (#1108) <nl> http/2: add upstream GOAWAY stat (#1157) <nl> listener component refactor (#1173) <nl> local info: refactor information about the local env (#332) <nl> health check: add TCP "connect only" health check (#924) <nl> ssl: fix SSL write bug (#600) <nl> docs: 1.1.0 release notes (#259) <nl> schema: fix tracing schema bug (#797) <nl> grpc: allow request header customization before dispatch (#54)
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / . gitignore <nl> ppp b / . gitignore <nl> x86 / <nl> bld / <nl> [ Ll ] og / <nl> <nl> + # Certificates <nl> + * . pfx <nl> + <nl> # OpenCover <nl> - * _coverage . xml <nl> \ No newline at end of file <nl> + * _coverage . xml <nl> Binary files a / ReactWindows / Playground / Playground_TemporaryKey . pfx and b / ReactWindows / Playground / Playground_TemporaryKey . pfx differ <nl> Binary files a / ReactWindows / ReactNative . Tests / ReactNative . Tests_TemporaryKey . pfx and b / ReactWindows / ReactNative . Tests / ReactNative . Tests_TemporaryKey . pfx differ <nl>
chore ( certs ) : Removing packaging certificates from git ( )
Delete CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md <nl> chore(NPM): bump version to 0.42.0-rc.4 <nl> fix(RNPM): fix rnpm-plugin-windows to work with react-native-cli/rnpm/windows/index <nl> Fixes #60 - Adds native module for managing JavaScript timers. <nl> Using queue thread name in dropped message logs. <nl> refactor(Toast): Deleting the toast module <nl> Merge branch 'fbmaster' into staging <nl> feat(NativeAnimated): Adds support for animated events (#874) <nl> fix(UIExplorerApp): Update UIExplorerApp <nl> chore(NPM): Bump version to 0.31.0
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / mongo / db / s / txn_two_phase_commit_cmds . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / mongo / db / s / txn_two_phase_commit_cmds . cpp <nl> class CoordinateCommitTransactionCmd : public TypedCommand < CoordinateCommitTrans <nl> opCtx , opCtx - > getLogicalSessionId ( ) . get ( ) , opCtx - > getTxnNumber ( ) . get ( ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> + / / Since the coordinator * will * have written the decision from another OperationContext , <nl> + / / and a participant * may * have written the decision on another OperationContext , ensure <nl> + / / waiting for the client ' s writeConcern of the decision . <nl> + repl : : ReplClientInfo : : forClient ( opCtx - > getClient ( ) ) . setLastOpToSystemLastOpTime ( opCtx ) ; <nl> + <nl> if ( commitDecisionFuture ) { <nl> / / The commit coordination is still ongoing . Block waiting for the decision . <nl> auto commitDecision = commitDecisionFuture - > get ( opCtx ) ; <nl>
SERVER - 36853 coordinateCommitTransaction should set the Client ' s last OpTime to the system last OpTime before returning a decision
SERVER-30292 split mind-bogglingly humongous shardCollection command body into a series of helper functions <nl> SERVER-27613 do not send chunk's ChunkVersion in split requests <nl> SERVER-28739 make the js scripting engine correctly verify that accessed collections are unsharded (uassert rather than invariant) <nl> SERVER-28792 make dropIndexes unversioned again <nl> SERVER-34459 Clear in-memory database versions on setFCV downgrade on shard primaries and secondaries <nl> SERVER-37884 Coordinator should make its state durable before sending prepare and before sending the decision <nl> SERVER-31872 log how many sharded collections the config server is generating UUIDs for on setFCV <nl> SERVER-36561 Move the prepareTransaction command into txn_two_phase_commit_cmds.cpp <nl> Revert "SERVER-24126 Add step to _cfgsvrAddShard command where it inserts the shardIdentity document to the new shard" <nl> SERVER-33032 add a DatabaseShardingState containing the databaseVersion as a decoration on Database
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / filenames . gni <nl> ppp b / filenames . gni <nl> filenames = { <nl> " shell / renderer / api / context_bridge / render_frame_function_store . h " , <nl> " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_context_bridge . cc " , <nl> " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_context_bridge . h " , <nl> - " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_renderer_ipc . cc " , <nl> + " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_ipc_renderer . cc " , <nl> " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_spell_check_client . cc " , <nl> " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_spell_check_client . h " , <nl> " shell / renderer / api / electron_api_web_frame . cc " , <nl> similarity index 100 % <nl> rename from shell / renderer / api / electron_api_renderer_ipc . cc <nl> rename to shell / renderer / api / electron_api_ipc_renderer . cc <nl>
chore : rename renderer_ipc . cc to ipc_renderer . cc ( )
chore: cherry-pick 3ac8883297e1 from chromium (#23013) <nl> fix: disallow loading extensions in temp sessions (#22090) <nl> chore: cherry-pick e246871765f5 from chromium (#23040) <nl> fix: implement 'login' event for WebContents (#20954) <nl> fix: restore --ignore-connections-limit functionality (#21286) <nl> feat: remove deprecated setLayoutZoomLevelLimits (#21383) <nl> test: move crashReporter specs to the main process (#20417) <nl> refactor: mojofy draggable regions (#18536) <nl> test: move ipcRenderer spec to main runner (#20093) <nl> chore: rename atom -> electron (#21986)
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tools / SourceKit / lib / SwiftLang / SwiftLangSupport . cpp <nl> ppp b / tools / SourceKit / lib / SwiftLang / SwiftLangSupport . cpp <nl> <nl> # include " llvm / Support / Path . h " <nl> # include " llvm / Support / raw_ostream . h " <nl> <nl> + # if ! defined ( _WIN32 ) <nl> # include < sys / param . h > <nl> + # else <nl> + # define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN <nl> + # define NOMINMAX <nl> + # include < windows . h > <nl> + # endif <nl> <nl> using namespace SourceKit ; <nl> using namespace swift ; <nl> bool SwiftLangSupport : : printAccessorUSR ( const AbstractStorageDecl * D , <nl> <nl> std : : string SwiftLangSupport : : resolvePathSymlinks ( StringRef FilePath ) { <nl> std : : string InputPath = FilePath ; <nl> + # if ! defined ( _WIN32 ) <nl> char full_path [ MAXPATHLEN ] ; <nl> if ( const char * path = realpath ( InputPath . c_str ( ) , full_path ) ) <nl> return path ; <nl> + <nl> return InputPath ; <nl> + # else <nl> + char full_path [ MAX_PATH ] ; <nl> + <nl> + HANDLE fileHandle = CreateFileA ( <nl> + InputPath . c_str ( ) , GENERIC_READ , 0 , nullptr , OPEN_EXISTING , <nl> + FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT , nullptr ) ; <nl> + <nl> + if ( fileHandle = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) <nl> + return InputPath ; <nl> + <nl> + DWORD success = GetFinalPathNameByHandleA ( <nl> + fileHandle , full_path , sizeof ( full_path ) , FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED ) ; <nl> + return ( success ? full_path : InputPath ) ; <nl> + # endif <nl> } <nl> <nl> CloseClangModuleFiles : : ~ CloseClangModuleFiles ( ) { <nl>
Merge remote - tracking branch ' origin / master ' into master - next
Merge pull request #6993 from DougGregor/assoc-type-consistency <nl> Merge pull request #3377 from gregomni/28291 <nl> Merge pull request #5082 from practicalswift/swiftc-28429-swift-decl-print <nl> Merge pull request #5550 from practicalswift/swiftc-28450-underlyingty-gettype-isnull-getting-invalid-underlying-type-failed <nl> Merge pull request #7491 from BasThomas/patch-1 <nl> Merge pull request #6434 from aschwaighofer/test_case_alloc_stack_hoisting_unreachable <nl> Merge pull request #5326 from rudkx/fix-28583595 <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/swift-3.1-branch' into swift-4.0-branch <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / mips / builtins - mips . cc <nl> ppp b / src / mips / builtins - mips . cc <nl> void Builtins : : Generate_StringConstructCode ( MacroAssembler * masm ) { <nl> } <nl> <nl> <nl> + static void GenerateTailCallToSharedCode ( MacroAssembler * masm ) { <nl> + __ lw ( a2 , FieldMemOperand ( a1 , JSFunction : : kSharedFunctionInfoOffset ) ) ; <nl> + __ lw ( a2 , FieldMemOperand ( a2 , SharedFunctionInfo : : kCodeOffset ) ) ; <nl> + __ Addu ( at , a2 , Operand ( Code : : kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag ) ) ; <nl> + __ Jump ( at ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + <nl> + void Builtins : : Generate_InRecompileQueue ( MacroAssembler * masm ) { <nl> + GenerateTailCallToSharedCode ( masm ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + <nl> + void Builtins : : Generate_ParallelRecompile ( MacroAssembler * masm ) { <nl> + { <nl> + FrameScope scope ( masm , StackFrame : : INTERNAL ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / / Push a copy of the function onto the stack . <nl> + __ push ( a1 ) ; <nl> + / / Push call kind information . <nl> + __ push ( t1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + __ push ( a1 ) ; / / Function is also the parameter to the runtime call . <nl> + __ CallRuntime ( Runtime : : kParallelRecompile , 1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / / Restore call kind information . <nl> + __ pop ( t1 ) ; <nl> + / / Restore receiver . <nl> + __ pop ( a1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / / Tear down internal frame . <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + GenerateTailCallToSharedCode ( masm ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + <nl> static void Generate_JSConstructStubHelper ( MacroAssembler * masm , <nl> bool is_api_function , <nl> bool count_constructions ) { <nl>
MIPS : Optimize functions on a second thread .
Prepare push to trunk. Now working on version 3.12.10. <nl> Cleanup hardfp ABI detection. This work was triggered by issue 2140. <nl> Use simple concat of substrings instead of ReplaceStringBuilder for non-global replacements. <nl> Tweaks on Math.pow (ia32 and x64). <nl> added the --test option for d8 into tools/test.py <nl> Add function to grokdump shell to print ASCII string. <nl> Make SubStringStub more robust wrt unsafe arguments. <nl> Fix for issue 1566: added flushing after writing to stdout. <nl> removed executable bit in those files. <nl> Force inlining CopyChars and String::Get.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / swoole_http_client_coro . c <nl> ppp b / swoole_http_client_coro . c <nl> static int http_client_coro_execute ( zval * zobject , char * uri , zend_size_t uri_le <nl> # if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7 <nl> sw_zval_add_ref ( & zobject ) ; <nl> # endif <nl> - http_client_property * hcc = swoole_get_property ( zobject , 0 ) ; <nl> cli - > object = zobject ; <nl> + <nl> + # if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > = 7 <nl> + http_client_property * hcc = swoole_get_property ( zobject , 0 ) ; <nl> sw_copy_to_stack ( cli - > object , hcc - > _object ) ; <nl> + # endif <nl> cli - > open_eof_check = 0 ; <nl> cli - > open_length_check = 0 ; <nl> cli - > reactor_fdtype = PHP_SWOOLE_FD_STREAM_CLIENT ; <nl>
support php5
Update swoole_http_client_coro.c <nl> Update RingBuffer.c <nl> Update swoole_http_client.c
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / test / IDE / complete_from_clang_framework . swift <nl> ppp b / test / IDE / complete_from_clang_framework . swift <nl> func testCompleteModuleQualifiedFoo2 ( ) { <nl> Foo # ^ CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 ^ # <nl> / / If the number of results below changes , then you need to add a result to the <nl> / / list below . <nl> - / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 : Begin completions , 64 items <nl> + / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 : Begin completions , 69 items <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ Class ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FooClassBase [ # FooClassBase # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ Class ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FooClassDerived [ # FooClassDerived # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ Class ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . ClassWithInternalProt [ # ClassWithInternalProt # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> func testCompleteModuleQualifiedFoo2 ( ) { <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_3 [ # Int32 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_4 [ # UInt32 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_5 [ # UInt64 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> + / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_6 [ # typedef_int_t # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> + / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_7 [ # typedef_int_t # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> + / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_OR [ # Int32 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> + / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_AND [ # Int32 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_REDEF_1 [ # Int32 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FOO_MACRO_REDEF_2 [ # Int32 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl> / / CLANG_QUAL_FOO_2 - DAG : Decl [ GlobalVar ] / OtherModule [ Foo ] : . FooEnum1X [ # FooEnum1 # ] { { ; name = . + $ } } <nl>
Update test reference data
[ClangImporter] Parse the type cast before pattern matching when importing macros <nl> Import macros of the form "FLAG1 | FLAG2" and "FLAG1 & FLAG2" <nl> [ClangImporter] check bit width for bitwise operators <nl> [ClangImporter] Import preprocessor constants with a cast <nl> [ClangImporter] import macros of the form FLAG1 || FLAG2 and FLAG1 && FLAG2
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / dbms / src / Columns / ColumnVector . h <nl> ppp b / dbms / src / Columns / ColumnVector . h <nl> class ColumnVector final : public COWPtrHelper < IColumn , ColumnVector < T > > <nl> <nl> bool getBool ( size_t n ) const override <nl> { <nl> - return data [ n ] ; <nl> + return bool ( data [ n ] ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> Int64 getInt ( size_t n ) const override <nl>
Fixed code
Added meetup link <nl> dbms: development [#CONV-2944]. <nl> dbms: implemented quantilesTDigest and quantilesTDigestWeighted aggregate functions [#METR-19024]. <nl> Added tests [#CLICKHOUSE-3486]. <nl> Addition to prev. revision [#DEVTOOLS-3381]. <nl> Normalized tests: use /clickhouse/tables/test/ as prefix for tables in ZooKeeper [#CLICKHOUSE-2]. <nl> dbms: renamed format ODBC to ODBCDriver [#METR-19470]. <nl> dbms: tiny improvement [#CONV-2944]. <nl> Fixed error in doc [#METR-20000]. <nl> Added test [#CLICKHOUSE-2804].
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / xbmc / cores / dvdplayer / DVDCodecs / Video / VDA . cpp <nl> ppp b / xbmc / cores / dvdplayer / DVDCodecs / Video / VDA . cpp <nl> int CDecoder : : GetBuffer ( AVCodecContext * avctx , AVFrame * pic ) <nl> { <nl> pic - > type = FF_BUFFER_TYPE_USER ; <nl> pic - > data [ 0 ] = ( uint8_t * ) 1 ; <nl> + pic - > reordered_opaque = avctx - > reordered_opaque ; <nl> return 0 ; <nl> } <nl> <nl>
VDA decoder fix : add pts to picture buffer
vdpau: check for GL_NV_vdpau_interop in open <nl> AESinkALSA: drop unneeded member <nl> DVDDemuxFFmpeg: fix mixed-up internal/external stream ids <nl> ActiveAE: AEStream::AddData returned wrong number in some cases <nl> WASAPI: try other channels layouts on init if requested one is not supported <nl> ActiveAE: do not overwrite resmaple rate for transcoding <nl> ActiveAE: use swr_set_compensation for changing resample ratio <nl> Merge pull request #3240 from FernetMenta/aefixes <nl> ActiveAE: consider list of supported audio formats <nl> AE: allow to register audio callback directly into engine
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / stdlib / public / core / RangeReplaceableCollection . swift <nl> ppp b / stdlib / public / core / RangeReplaceableCollection . swift <nl> public protocol RangeReplaceableIndexable : Indexable { <nl> S : Sequence where S . Iterator . Element = = _Element <nl> > ( _ elements : S ) <nl> <nl> - / / / Replace the given ` subRange ` of elements with ` newElements ` . <nl> + / / / Replaces the given ` subrange ` of elements with ` newElements ` . <nl> / / / <nl> / / / Invalidates all indices with respect to ` self ` . <nl> / / / <nl> public protocol RangeReplaceableIndexable : Indexable { <nl> mutating func replaceSubrange < <nl> C : Collection where C . Iterator . Element = = _Element <nl> > ( <nl> - _ subRange : Range < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> + _ subrange : Range < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> ) <nl> <nl> / / / Insert ` newElement ` at index ` i ` . <nl> public protocol RangeReplaceableCollection <nl> / / / Creates an empty instance . <nl> init ( ) <nl> <nl> - / / / Replace the given ` subRange ` of elements with ` newElements ` . <nl> + / / / Replaces the given ` subrange ` of elements with ` newElements ` . <nl> / / / <nl> / / / Invalidates all indices with respect to ` self ` . <nl> / / / <nl> public protocol RangeReplaceableCollection <nl> mutating func replaceSubrange < <nl> C : Collection where C . Iterator . Element = = Iterator . Element <nl> > ( <nl> - _ subRange : Range < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> + _ subrange : Range < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> ) <nl> <nl> / * <nl> Index : Strideable , Index . Stride : Integer { <nl> public mutating func replaceSubrange < <nl> C : Collection where C . Iterator . Element = = Iterator . Element <nl> > ( <nl> - _ subRange : CountableRange < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> + _ subrange : CountableRange < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> ) { <nl> - self . replaceSubrange ( Range ( subRange ) , with : newElements ) <nl> + self . replaceSubrange ( Range ( subrange ) , with : newElements ) <nl> } <nl> } <nl> <nl> extension RangeReplaceableCollection { <nl> where <nl> R . Bound = = Self . Index , C . Iterator . Element = = Iterator . Element <nl> > ( <nl> - _ subRange : R , with newElements : C <nl> + _ subrange : R , with newElements : C <nl> ) { <nl> - self . replaceSubrange ( _makeHalfOpen ( subRange ) , with : newElements ) <nl> + self . replaceSubrange ( _makeHalfOpen ( subrange ) , with : newElements ) <nl> } <nl> <nl> @ warn_unused_result <nl> extension RangeReplaceableCollection { <nl> public mutating func replaceRange < <nl> C : Collection where C . Iterator . Element = = Iterator . Element <nl> > ( <nl> - _ subRange : Range < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> + _ subrange : Range < Index > , with newElements : C <nl> ) { <nl> fatalError ( " unavailable function can ' t be called " ) <nl> } <nl> extension RangeReplaceableCollection { <nl> } <nl> <nl> @ available ( * , unavailable , renamed : " removeSubrange " ) <nl> - public mutating func removeRange ( _ subRange : Range < Index > ) { <nl> + public mutating func removeRange ( _ subrange : Range < Index > ) { <nl> } <nl> <nl> @ available ( * , unavailable , renamed : " append ( contentsOf : ) " ) <nl>
[ stdlib ] Spell " subrange " consistently
[stdlib] NewMirrors => SwiftExperimental <nl> [stdlib/prototype] Multiprecision subtraction <nl> [stdlib] Disallow mixed-sign arithmetic <nl> [stdlib] Fix incomplete parameter rename <nl> [stdlib] Add unsafeUnwrap(x) <nl> [stdlib] Eliminate redundant eager "filter" implementation <nl> protocol graphing: +unconstrained associated types <nl> [stdlib] indexing model: WIP <nl> [stdlib] Make RandomAccessIndex Comparable <nl> [stdlib] Prototype library-only OptionSet type
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / test / stdlib / TestUserInfo . swift <nl> ppp b / test / stdlib / TestUserInfo . swift <nl> import StdlibUnittest <nl> class TestUserInfoSuper : NSObject { } <nl> # endif <nl> <nl> - struct SubStruct { <nl> + struct SubStruct : Equatable { <nl> var i : Int <nl> var str : String <nl> + <nl> + static func = = ( lhs : SubStruct , rhs : SubStruct ) - > Bool { <nl> + return lhs . i = = rhs . i & & <nl> + lhs . str = = rhs . str <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> - struct SomeStructure { <nl> + struct SomeStructure : Hashable { <nl> var i : Int <nl> var str : String <nl> var sub : SubStruct <nl> + <nl> + static func = = ( lhs : SomeStructure , rhs : SomeStructure ) - > Bool { <nl> + return lhs . i = = rhs . i & & <nl> + lhs . str = = rhs . str & & <nl> + lhs . sub = = rhs . sub <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / FIXME : we don ' t care about this , but Any only finds = = on Hashables <nl> + var hashValue : Int { return i } <nl> } <nl> <nl> / * <nl>
properly expose = = to objc in test
update reflection tests with new type layouts for Dictionary <nl> [stdlib] Handle some outstanding Dictionary indexing-model FIXMEs/TODOs <nl> [stdlib] Rewriting native hashed collection indices <nl> [stdlib] Update Dictionary comments to reflect new design
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / scripts / VcpkgPowershellUtils . ps1 <nl> ppp b / scripts / VcpkgPowershellUtils . ps1 <nl> function vcpkgExtractFile ( [ Parameter ( Mandatory = $ true ) ] [ string ] $ file , <nl> vcpkgCreateDirectoryIfNotExists $ destinationPartial <nl> <nl> $ shell = new - object - com shell . application <nl> - $ zip = $ shell . NameSpace ( $ file ) <nl> + $ zip = $ shell . NameSpace ( $ ( Get - Item $ file ) . fullname ) <nl> $ itemCount = $ zip . Items ( ) . Count <nl> <nl> if ( vcpkgHasCommand - commandName ' Microsoft . PowerShell . Archive \ Expand - Archive ' ) <nl>
[ vcpkg - scripts ] The shell zip extractor requires full paths
[PRIVACY] fix typo in privacy document. Fixes #566. <nl> Merge branch 'pango_static' of https://github.com/AlexanderTaeschner/vcpkg into AlexanderTaeschner-pango_static <nl> [cppunit] Use per-triplet source directories <nl> [llvm] Fail early on UWP <nl> [sfml] Update to 2.4.2 <nl> [vcpkg] Add Util::ResourceBase, use MoveOnlyBase <nl> [opencv] Improve CMake usage instructions <nl> [qt5] Fix regression from dd6d1aa5. When building a static triplet, repeat the build on failure. <nl> Merge pull request #648 from chwarr/bond-fetch-gbc <nl> [qt5] Use _CL_ to add /utf-8 to all compiler lines.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / core / hle / service / lm / lm . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / core / hle / service / lm / lm . cpp <nl> namespace Service : : LM { <nl> <nl> class ILogger final : public ServiceFramework < ILogger > { <nl> public : <nl> - ILogger ( ) : ServiceFramework ( " ILogger " ) { <nl> + ILogger ( Manager & manager ) : ServiceFramework ( " ILogger " ) , manager ( manager ) { <nl> static const FunctionInfo functions [ ] = { <nl> - { 0x00000000 , & ILogger : : Initialize , " Initialize " } , <nl> - { 0x00000001 , & ILogger : : SetDestination , " SetDestination " } , <nl> + { 0 , & ILogger : : Log , " Log " } , <nl> + { 1 , & ILogger : : SetDestination , " SetDestination " } , <nl> } ; <nl> RegisterHandlers ( functions ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> private : <nl> - struct MessageHeader { <nl> - enum Flags : u32_le { <nl> - IsHead = 1 , <nl> - IsTail = 2 , <nl> - } ; <nl> - enum Severity : u32_le { <nl> - Trace , <nl> - Info , <nl> - Warning , <nl> - Error , <nl> - Critical , <nl> - } ; <nl> - <nl> - u64_le pid ; <nl> - u64_le threadContext ; <nl> - union { <nl> - BitField < 0 , 16 , Flags > flags ; <nl> - BitField < 16 , 8 , Severity > severity ; <nl> - BitField < 24 , 8 , u32 > verbosity ; <nl> - } ; <nl> - u32_le payload_size ; <nl> - <nl> - bool IsHeadLog ( ) const { <nl> - return flags & Flags : : IsHead ; <nl> - } <nl> - bool IsTailLog ( ) const { <nl> - return flags & Flags : : IsTail ; <nl> - } <nl> - } ; <nl> - static_assert ( sizeof ( MessageHeader ) = = 0x18 , " MessageHeader is incorrect size " ) ; <nl> - <nl> - / / / Log field type <nl> - enum class Field : u8 { <nl> - Skip = 1 , <nl> - Message = 2 , <nl> - Line = 3 , <nl> - Filename = 4 , <nl> - Function = 5 , <nl> - Module = 6 , <nl> - Thread = 7 , <nl> - } ; <nl> - <nl> - / * * <nl> - * ILogger : : Initialize service function <nl> - * Inputs : <nl> - * 0 : 0x00000000 <nl> - * Outputs : <nl> - * 0 : ResultCode <nl> - * / <nl> - void Initialize ( Kernel : : HLERequestContext & ctx ) { <nl> + void Log ( Kernel : : HLERequestContext & ctx ) { <nl> / / This function only succeeds - Get that out of the way <nl> IPC : : ResponseBuilder rb { ctx , 2 } ; <nl> rb . Push ( RESULT_SUCCESS ) ; <nl> class ILogger final : public ServiceFramework < ILogger > { <nl> Memory : : ReadBlock ( addr , & header , sizeof ( MessageHeader ) ) ; <nl> addr + = sizeof ( MessageHeader ) ; <nl> <nl> - if ( header . IsHeadLog ( ) ) { <nl> - log_stream . str ( " " ) ; <nl> - log_stream . clear ( ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> - / / Parse out log metadata <nl> - u32 line { } ; <nl> - std : : string module ; <nl> - std : : string message ; <nl> - std : : string filename ; <nl> - std : : string function ; <nl> - std : : string thread ; <nl> + FieldMap fields ; <nl> while ( addr < end_addr ) { <nl> - const Field field { static_cast < Field > ( Memory : : Read8 ( addr + + ) ) } ; <nl> - const std : : size_t length { Memory : : Read8 ( addr + + ) } ; <nl> + const auto field = static_cast < Field > ( Memory : : Read8 ( addr + + ) ) ; <nl> + const auto length = Memory : : Read8 ( addr + + ) ; <nl> <nl> if ( static_cast < Field > ( Memory : : Read8 ( addr ) ) = = Field : : Skip ) { <nl> + + addr ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - switch ( field ) { <nl> - case Field : : Skip : <nl> - break ; <nl> - case Field : : Message : <nl> - message = Memory : : ReadCString ( addr , length ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case Field : : Line : <nl> - line = Memory : : Read32 ( addr ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case Field : : Filename : <nl> - filename = Memory : : ReadCString ( addr , length ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case Field : : Function : <nl> - function = Memory : : ReadCString ( addr , length ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case Field : : Module : <nl> - module = Memory : : ReadCString ( addr , length ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case Field : : Thread : <nl> - thread = Memory : : ReadCString ( addr , length ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - } <nl> + SCOPE_EXIT ( { addr + = length ; } ) ; <nl> <nl> - addr + = length ; <nl> - } <nl> + if ( field = = Field : : Skip ) { <nl> + continue ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> - / / Empty log - nothing to do here <nl> - if ( log_stream . str ( ) . empty ( ) & & message . empty ( ) ) { <nl> - return ; <nl> + std : : vector < u8 > data ( length ) ; <nl> + Memory : : ReadBlock ( addr , data . data ( ) , length ) ; <nl> + fields . emplace ( field , std : : move ( data ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - / / Format a nicely printable string out of the log metadata <nl> - if ( ! filename . empty ( ) ) { <nl> - log_stream < < filename < < ' : ' ; <nl> - } <nl> - if ( ! module . empty ( ) ) { <nl> - log_stream < < module < < ' : ' ; <nl> - } <nl> - if ( ! function . empty ( ) ) { <nl> - log_stream < < function < < ' : ' ; <nl> - } <nl> - if ( line ) { <nl> - log_stream < < std : : to_string ( line ) < < ' : ' ; <nl> - } <nl> - if ( ! thread . empty ( ) ) { <nl> - log_stream < < thread < < ' : ' ; <nl> - } <nl> - if ( log_stream . str ( ) . length ( ) > 0 & & log_stream . str ( ) . back ( ) = = ' : ' ) { <nl> - log_stream < < ' ' ; <nl> - } <nl> - log_stream < < message ; <nl> - <nl> - if ( header . IsTailLog ( ) ) { <nl> - switch ( header . severity ) { <nl> - case MessageHeader : : Severity : : Trace : <nl> - LOG_DEBUG ( Debug_Emulated , " { } " , log_stream . str ( ) ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case MessageHeader : : Severity : : Info : <nl> - LOG_INFO ( Debug_Emulated , " { } " , log_stream . str ( ) ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case MessageHeader : : Severity : : Warning : <nl> - LOG_WARNING ( Debug_Emulated , " { } " , log_stream . str ( ) ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case MessageHeader : : Severity : : Error : <nl> - LOG_ERROR ( Debug_Emulated , " { } " , log_stream . str ( ) ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - case MessageHeader : : Severity : : Critical : <nl> - LOG_CRITICAL ( Debug_Emulated , " { } " , log_stream . str ( ) ) ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> + manager . Log ( { header , std : : move ( fields ) } ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - / / This service function is intended to be used as a way to <nl> - / / redirect logging output to different destinations , however , <nl> - / / given we always want to see the logging output , it ' s sufficient <nl> - / / to do nothing and return success here . <nl> void SetDestination ( Kernel : : HLERequestContext & ctx ) { <nl> - LOG_DEBUG ( Service_LM , " called " ) ; <nl> + IPC : : RequestParser rp { ctx } ; <nl> + const auto destination = rp . PopEnum < DestinationFlag > ( ) ; <nl> + <nl> + LOG_DEBUG ( Service_LM , " called , destination = { : 08X } " , static_cast < u32 > ( destination ) ) ; <nl> + <nl> + manager . SetDestination ( destination ) ; <nl> <nl> IPC : : ResponseBuilder rb { ctx , 2 } ; <nl> rb . Push ( RESULT_SUCCESS ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - std : : ostringstream log_stream ; <nl> + Manager & manager ; <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> class LM final : public ServiceFramework < LM > { <nl>
lm : Rename Initialize to Log and implement with manager / reporter
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / cyber / timer / timing_wheel . cc <nl> ppp b / cyber / timer / timing_wheel . cc <nl> void TimingWheel : : AddTask ( const std : : shared_ptr < TimerTask > & task , <nl> if ( ! running_ ) { <nl> Start ( ) ; <nl> } <nl> - <nl> auto work_wheel_index = current_work_wheel_index + <nl> - task - > next_fire_duration_ms / TIMER_RESOLUTION_MS ; <nl> + static_cast < uint64_t > ( std : : ceil ( <nl> + static_cast < double > ( task - > next_fire_duration_ms ) / <nl> + TIMER_RESOLUTION_MS ) ) ; <nl> if ( work_wheel_index > = WORK_WHEEL_SIZE ) { <nl> auto real_work_wheel_index = GetWorkWheelIndex ( work_wheel_index ) ; <nl> task - > remainder_interval_ms = real_work_wheel_index ; <nl>
cyber : fix timer bug
framework: fix python api crash <nl> camera: use cybertron sleep for <nl> gnss: add tf switch <nl> rosbag_to_record: fix lint issues <nl> cybertron: set default CYBERTRON_PATH <nl> velodyne: set required filed in scan message <nl> fix .so file link option <nl> framework: fix coverity issues <nl> common: fix DumpMessage bug <nl> cyber: fix typo in docs
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / modules / imgproc / src / opencl / histogram . cl <nl> ppp b / modules / imgproc / src / opencl / histogram . cl <nl> __kernel void merge_histogram ( __global const int * ghist , __global uchar * histp <nl> int lid = get_local_id ( 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> __global HT * hist = ( __global HT * ) ( histptr + hist_offset ) ; <nl> - <nl> + # if WGS > = BINS <nl> + HT res = ( HT ) ( 0 ) ; <nl> + # else <nl> # pragma unroll <nl> for ( int i = lid ; i < BINS ; i + = WGS ) <nl> - hist [ i ] = ghist [ i ] ; <nl> - barrier ( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ) ; <nl> + hist [ i ] = ( HT ) ( 0 ) ; <nl> + # endif <nl> <nl> # pragma unroll <nl> - for ( int i = 1 ; i < HISTS_COUNT ; + + i ) <nl> + for ( int i = 0 ; i < HISTS_COUNT ; + + i ) <nl> { <nl> - ghist + = BINS ; <nl> # pragma unroll <nl> for ( int j = lid ; j < BINS ; j + = WGS ) <nl> + # if WGS > = BINS <nl> + res + = convertToHT ( ghist [ j ] ) ; <nl> + # else <nl> hist [ j ] + = convertToHT ( ghist [ j ] ) ; <nl> - barrier ( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ) ; <nl> + # endif <nl> + ghist + = BINS ; <nl> } <nl> + <nl> + # if WGS > = BINS <nl> + if ( lid < BINS ) <nl> + * ( __global HT * ) ( histptr + mad24 ( lid , hist_step , hist_offset ) ) = res ; <nl> + # endif <nl> } <nl> <nl> __kernel void calcLUT ( __global uchar * dst , __constant int * hist , int total ) <nl>
optimized histogram merging
fixed bug in cv::ocl::predictOptimalVectorWidth <nl> added performance test <nl> added cv::equalizeHist to T-API <nl> implemented OpenCL version of cv::fastNlMeansDenoising <nl> renamed **2 -> ** <nl> restored lost in PR #1735 umat tests <nl> added ROI support to ocl::columnSum <nl> restored ocl_cvtcolor.cl <nl> refactored all the tests in ocl/test/test_imgproc.cpp <nl> cmd option
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . travis . yml <nl> ppp b / . travis . yml <nl> install : <nl> docker exec xenial apt - get - y upgrade ; <nl> docker exec xenial apt - get - y install git wget unzip ; <nl> docker exec xenial apt - get - y install build - essential software - properties - common cmake ; <nl> + docker exec xenial apt - get update ; <nl> elif [ [ " $ TRAVIS_OS_NAME " = = " osx " ] ] & & [ [ " $ TOOL " = = " cmake " ] ] ; then <nl> echo " No install osx actions - - using repo " ; <nl> fi <nl> before_install : <nl> # docker exec xenial / bin / sh - c " export EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR = / build / eigen / eigen3 & & cd / build / cmake & & sh . / build . sh & & cmake . & & make " ; <nl> script : <nl> - if [ [ " $ TRAVIS_OS_NAME " = = " linux " ] ] ; then <nl> - docker exec - t - - privileged xenial / build / setup . sh ; <nl> - docker exec - t - - privileged xenial / build / build . sh ; <nl> + docker exec - t xenial / build / setup . sh ; <nl> + docker exec - t xenial / build / build . sh ; <nl> elif [ [ " $ TRAVIS_OS_NAME " = = " osx " ] ] ; then <nl> git submodule update - - init - - recursive ; <nl> . / setup . sh ; <nl>
travis remove priviledged exec
fixed Linux build issues <nl> multi-vehicle scenario improvements <nl> old cast to new cast syntax <nl> fix exception in CV mode due to enum to string conv <nl> changes for removal of start(), stop, unused params warning <nl> fixed type (from jeffdelmerico) <nl> New joystick code working with XBox controller <nl> New joystick code working with XBox controller <nl> more fixes for x360ce <nl> fix AirLibUnitTests
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / modules / core / test / test_mat . cpp <nl> ppp b / modules / core / test / test_mat . cpp <nl> class Core_MergeSplitBaseTest : public cvtest : : BaseTest <nl> <nl> RNG & rng = theRNG ( ) ; <nl> Size mSize ( rng . uniform ( minMSize , maxMSize ) , rng . uniform ( minMSize , maxMSize ) ) ; <nl> - size_t mvSize = rng ( maxMvSize ) ; <nl> + size_t mvSize = rng . uniform ( 1 , maxMvSize ) ; <nl> <nl> int res = cvtest : : TS : : OK , curRes = res ; <nl> curRes = run_case ( CV_8U , mvSize , mSize , rng ) ; <nl>
Merge pull request from taka - no - me : fix_split_merge_test
Make performance tests for solvePnPRansec more determenistic <nl> Fix Android CMake toolchain compiler and linker flags <nl> Fix binary compatibility of opencv_features2d <nl> Merge branch '2.4' <nl> Fix build of Java API for Windows <nl> run.py: add --check option for easy run of sanity checks <nl> Merge pull request #279 from taka-no-me:mingw_java <nl> Add support for Android NDK r8d <nl> Fix sanity checks for arithmetic tests on CV_32S data <nl> svn repository web references are replaced with links to git
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / CMakeLists . txt <nl> ppp b / CMakeLists . txt <nl> if ( NOT_SUBPROJECT ) <nl> ) <nl> endif ( ) <nl> <nl> - if ( CATCH_INSTALL_HELPERS ) <nl> - # Install CMake scripts <nl> - install ( <nl> - FILES <nl> - " extras / ParseAndAddCatchTests . cmake " <nl> - " extras / Catch . cmake " <nl> - " extras / CatchAddTests . cmake " <nl> - DESTINATION <nl> - $ { CATCH_CMAKE_CONFIG_DESTINATION } <nl> - ) <nl> - <nl> - # Install debugger helpers <nl> - install ( <nl> - FILES <nl> - " extras / gdbinit " <nl> - " extras / lldbinit " <nl> - DESTINATION <nl> - $ { CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR } / Catch2 <nl> - ) <nl> + if ( CATCH_INSTALL_EXTRAS ) <nl> + # Install CMake scripts <nl> + install ( <nl> + FILES <nl> + " extras / ParseAndAddCatchTests . cmake " <nl> + " extras / Catch . cmake " <nl> + " extras / CatchAddTests . cmake " <nl> + DESTINATION <nl> + $ { CATCH_CMAKE_CONFIG_DESTINATION } <nl> + ) <nl> + <nl> + # Install debugger helpers <nl> + install ( <nl> + FILES <nl> + " extras / gdbinit " <nl> + " extras / lldbinit " <nl> + DESTINATION <nl> + $ { CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR } / Catch2 <nl> + ) <nl> endif ( ) <nl> <nl> # # Provide some pkg - config integration <nl>
Fix installation of extra utilities
Use = delete instead of private, unimplemented copy operations <nl> Update documentation with changes from 7e4038d <nl> Stop recounting constant string's length on each passed assertion <nl> Remove "second argument" from result builder and assertion result <nl> Piecemeal includes in extra-tests <nl> Removed superfluous inline specifications <nl> Split list of examples into "done" and "planned". <nl> Remove \l, add \f in character pretty printing <nl> Actually link #923 from the documentation <nl> Added signal handling under Windows.
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / src / preamble . js <nl> ppp b / src / preamble . js <nl> var tempValue , tempInt , tempBigInt , tempInt2 , tempBigInt2 , tempPair , tempBigIntI <nl> # if I64_MODE = = 1 <nl> var tempI64 , tempI64b ; <nl> # endif <nl> - # if DOUBLE_MODE = = 1 <nl> - # if USE_TYPED_ARRAYS = = 2 <nl> - var tempDoubleBuffer = new ArrayBuffer ( 8 ) ; <nl> - / / var tempDoubleI8 = new Int8Array ( tempDoubleBuffer ) ; <nl> - var tempDoubleI32 = new Int32Array ( tempDoubleBuffer ) ; <nl> - var tempDoubleF64 = new Float64Array ( tempDoubleBuffer ) ; <nl> - # endif <nl> - # endif <nl> <nl> function abort ( text ) { <nl> print ( text + ' : \ n ' + ( new Error ) . stack ) ; <nl> Module [ ' HEAPF32 ' ] = HEAPF32 ; <nl> STACK_ROOT = STACKTOP = Runtime . alignMemory ( STATICTOP ) ; <nl> STACK_MAX = STACK_ROOT + TOTAL_STACK ; <nl> <nl> + # if DOUBLE_MODE = = 1 <nl> + # if USE_TYPED_ARRAYS = = 2 <nl> + var tempDoublePtr = Runtime . alignMemory ( STACK_MAX , 8 ) ; <nl> + var tempDoubleI32 = HEAP32 . subarray ( tempDoublePtr > > 2 ) ; <nl> + var tempDoubleF64 = new Float64Array ( tempDoubleI32 . buffer ) ; <nl> + STACK_MAX = tempDoublePtr + 8 ; <nl> + # endif <nl> + # endif <nl> + <nl> STATICTOP = alignMemoryPage ( STACK_MAX ) ; <nl> <nl> function callRuntimeCallbacks ( callbacks ) { <nl>
refactor tempDouble to use space in normal memory , not a separate buffer
allow more GCing inside our big compiler loops <nl> file tool fixes <nl> do not add compiler opts to CFLAGS, we add them in emcc anyhow (which is safer) <nl> some unused code possibilities regarding switch <nl> fixes for binding constructors with default arguments <nl> notifications about compilation settings <nl> Merge pull request #178 from ehsan/babystep <nl> test for LLVM structures in phi <nl> expose get|setValue <nl> 64-bit bitops
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / toolsrc / src / vcpkg / build . cpp <nl> ppp b / toolsrc / src / vcpkg / build . cpp <nl> namespace vcpkg : : Build <nl> std : : vector < AbiEntry > abi_tag_entries ( dependency_abis . begin ( ) , dependency_abis . end ( ) ) ; <nl> <nl> / / Sorted here as the order of dependency_abis is the only <nl> - / / non - deterministicly ordered set of AbiEntries <nl> + / / non - deterministically ordered set of AbiEntries <nl> Util : : sort ( abi_tag_entries ) ; <nl> <nl> / / If there is an unusually large number of files in the port then <nl>
Contributing : Fix a typo ( )
Contributing: Fix a typo <nl> betweeen --> between <nl> Contributing: Fix a typo
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / configure . in <nl> ppp b / configure . in <nl> OBJDUMP = " $ { OBJDUMP : - objdump } " <nl> READELF = " $ { READELF : - readelf } " <nl> NM = " $ { NM : - nm } " <nl> <nl> + # Workaround a build issue on i386 with gcc 4 . 9 : <nl> + # including < algorithm > pulls in SSE intrinsics . <nl> + # possible GCC bug ? ideas welcome <nl> + if test " $ GCC_CXX " = " yes " ; then <nl> + GCC_VERSION = $ ( $ CXX - dumpversion ) <nl> + GCC_MAJOR_VER = $ ( echo $ GCC_VERSION | awk - F " . " ' { print $ 1 } ' ) <nl> + GCC_MINOR_VER = $ ( echo $ GCC_VERSION | awk - F " . " ' { print $ 2 } ' ) <nl> + <nl> + if ( test " $ GCC_MAJOR_VER " - eq " 4 " & & test " $ GCC_MINOR_VER " - ge " 9 " ) | | ( test " $ GCC_MAJOR_VER " - gt " 4 " ) ; then <nl> + CXXFLAGS = " $ CXXFLAGS - msse " <nl> + AC_MSG_NOTICE ( " detected gcc version $ GCC_VERSION - enabling SSE " ) <nl> + fi <nl> + fi <nl> + <nl> # host detection and setup <nl> case $ host in <nl> i * 86 * - linux - android * ) <nl> if test " $ ARCH " = " x86_64 - linux " | | test " $ ARCH " = " i486 - linux " ; then <nl> [ AC_LANG_SOURCE ( [ int foo ; ] ) ] , <nl> [ use_sse4 = yes <nl> USE_SSE4 = 1 ] , <nl> - [ use_sse = no <nl> + [ use_sse4 = no <nl> USE_SSE4 = 0 ] ) <nl> CFLAGS = " $ SAVE_CFLAGS " <nl> - <nl> - if test " $ use_sse4 " = " yes " ; then <nl> - CFLAGS = " $ { CFLAGS } - msse4 . 1 " <nl> - CXXFLAGS = " $ { CXXFLAGS } - msse4 . 1 " <nl> - fi <nl> fi <nl> <nl> # Checks for library functions . <nl>
[ configure ] enable SSE when using gcc - 4 . 9
[binary addons] move bindings list to a single file <nl> [debian packaging] allow package version prefix <nl> [rpi] setup-sdk.sh: allow overriding of buildroot and xbmc install paths <nl> [depends] add --with-platform=raspberry-pi switch <nl> [codegen] also look for JsonSchemaBuilder in PATH <nl> remove ffmpeg dlls from generated headers <nl> cmake: don't install binary addon dependencies in unified deps prefix path <nl> [binary addons] add screensavers.rsxs <nl> [tools] add debian packaging script <nl> update Xcode
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / webui / httpresponsegenerator . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / webui / httpresponsegenerator . cpp <nl> bool HttpResponseGenerator : : gCompress ( QByteArray & dest_buffer ) { <nl> } <nl> <nl> QByteArray HttpResponseGenerator : : toByteArray ( ) { <nl> - if ( m_gzip ) { <nl> + if ( m_gzip & & m_message . size ( ) > 0 ) { / / prevents writing a useless and wasteful header <nl> QByteArray dest_buf ; <nl> if ( gCompress ( dest_buf ) ) { <nl> setValue ( " content - encoding " , " gzip " ) ; <nl>
Small optimization of WebUI responses when there isn ' t a data payload .
Merge pull request #808 from meequz/master <nl> Merge pull request #977 from leigh123linux/patch-1 <nl> Updated Czech translation by vilim. <nl> Revert "fix missing conf.pri error". The WARNING message during configure is harmless. The file is found during make. Closes #1042. <nl> Updated translations. <nl> Sync translations from Transifex. <nl> Updated Greek translation from Transifex. <nl> Merge pull request #1008 from Gelmir/null-ref <nl> Update changelog. <nl> Updated NSIS script.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / watchman_query . h <nl> ppp b / watchman_query . h <nl> class FileResult { <nl> / / Returns the SHA - 1 hash of the file contents <nl> using ContentHash = std : : array < uint8_t , 20 > ; <nl> virtual watchman : : Future < ContentHash > getContentSha1 ( ) = 0 ; <nl> + <nl> + / / A bitset of Property values <nl> + using Properties = uint_least16_t ; <nl> + <nl> + / / Represents one of the FileResult fields . <nl> + / / Values are such that these can be bitwise OR ' d to <nl> + / / produce a value of type ` Properties ` representing <nl> + / / multiple properties <nl> + enum Property : Properties { <nl> + / / No specific fields required <nl> + None = 0 , <nl> + / / The dirName ( ) and / or baseName ( ) methods will be called <nl> + Name = 1 < < 0 , <nl> + / / Need the mtime / ctime data returned by stat ( 2 ) . <nl> + StatTimeStamps = 1 < < 1 , <nl> + / / Need only enough information to distinguish between <nl> + / / file types , not the full mode information . <nl> + FileDType = 1 < < 2 , <nl> + / / The ctime ( ) method will be called <nl> + CTime = 1 < < 3 , <nl> + / / The otime ( ) method will be called <nl> + OTime = 1 < < 4 , <nl> + / / The getContentSha1 ( ) method will be called <nl> + ContentSha1 = 1 < < 5 , <nl> + / / The exists ( ) method will be called <nl> + Exists = 1 < < 6 , <nl> + / / Will need size information . <nl> + Size = 1 < < 7 , <nl> + / / the readLink ( ) method will be called <nl> + SymlinkTarget = 1 < < 8 , <nl> + / / Need full stat metadata <nl> + FullFileInformation = 1 < < 9 , <nl> + } ; <nl> + <nl> + protected : <nl> + / / To be called by one of the FileResult accessors when it needs <nl> + / / to record which properties are required to satisfy the request . <nl> + void accessorNeedsProperties ( Properties properties ) { <nl> + neededProperties_ | = properties ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / Clear any recorded needed properties <nl> + void clearNeededProperties ( ) { <nl> + neededProperties_ = Property : : None ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / Return the set of needed properties <nl> + Properties neededProperties ( ) const { <nl> + return neededProperties_ ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + private : <nl> + / / The implementation of FileResult will set appropriate <nl> + / / bits in neededProperties_ when its accessors are called <nl> + / / and the associated data is not available . <nl> + Properties neededProperties_ { Property : : None } ; <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> struct watchman_rule_match { <nl>
add FileResult : : { Property , Properties }
Revise VCS ignore behavior <nl> art: min -> std::min <nl> pending: print flags when we log add_pending <nl> fsevents: improve diagnostics if we fail to watch <nl> migrate from gcc __sync intrinsics to std::atomic <nl> C++ify glob code <nl> RuntimeException -> RuntimeError <nl> triggers: limit arg size and provide json input <nl> avoid crash if we sample a root concurrently with a recrawl <nl> don't leak client states hash
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / test / cctest / compiler / test - run - calls - to - external - references . cc <nl> ppp b / test / cctest / compiler / test - run - calls - to - external - references . cc <nl> template < typename InType , typename OutType , typename Iterable > <nl> void TestExternalReference_ConvertOp ( <nl> BufferedRawMachineAssemblerTester < int32_t > * m , ExternalReference ref , <nl> void ( * wrapper ) ( Address ) , Iterable inputs ) { <nl> - uint8_t buffer [ std : : max ( sizeof ( InType ) , sizeof ( OutType ) ) ] ; <nl> + constexpr size_t kBufferSize = Max ( sizeof ( InType ) , sizeof ( OutType ) ) ; <nl> + uint8_t buffer [ kBufferSize ] = { 0 } ; <nl> Address buffer_addr = reinterpret_cast < Address > ( buffer ) ; <nl> <nl> Node * function = m - > ExternalConstant ( ref ) ; <nl> template < typename InType , typename OutType , typename Iterable > <nl> void TestExternalReference_ConvertOpWithOutputAndReturn ( <nl> BufferedRawMachineAssemblerTester < int32_t > * m , ExternalReference ref , <nl> int32_t ( * wrapper ) ( Address ) , Iterable inputs ) { <nl> - uint8_t buffer [ std : : max ( sizeof ( InType ) , sizeof ( OutType ) ) ] ; <nl> + constexpr size_t kBufferSize = Max ( sizeof ( InType ) , sizeof ( OutType ) ) ; <nl> + uint8_t buffer [ kBufferSize ] = { 0 } ; <nl> Address buffer_addr = reinterpret_cast < Address > ( buffer ) ; <nl> <nl> Node * function = m - > ExternalConstant ( ref ) ; <nl> template < typename InType , typename OutType , typename Iterable > <nl> void TestExternalReference_ConvertOpWithReturn ( <nl> BufferedRawMachineAssemblerTester < OutType > * m , ExternalReference ref , <nl> OutType ( * wrapper ) ( Address ) , Iterable inputs ) { <nl> - uint8_t buffer [ sizeof ( InType ) ] ; <nl> + constexpr size_t kBufferSize = sizeof ( InType ) ; <nl> + uint8_t buffer [ kBufferSize ] = { 0 } ; <nl> Address buffer_addr = reinterpret_cast < Address > ( buffer ) ; <nl> <nl> Node * function = m - > ExternalConstant ( ref ) ; <nl>
[ wasm ] Fix msan issue in test
[wasm] Fix emitting element section in wasm-module-builder.js <nl> [Liftoff] Implement memory bounds checks <nl> [arm] [simulator] Reenable wasm float tests <nl> Revert "Partial revert of "Remove ~MaybeHandle and statically assert that handles are trivially copyable"" <nl> [wasm] [interpreter] Box floats and double on loads/stores <nl> [wasm] Enable tests for Liftoff <nl> [wasm] Clean up SetBlockType <nl> [Liftoff] Implement memory operations <nl> [wasm] For wasm-interpret-all: Iterate code only once for patching <nl> [wasm] Some CHECK / DCHECK fixes
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / setup . sh <nl> ppp b / setup . sh <nl> else <nl> wget - O - http : / / apt . llvm . org / llvm - snapshot . gpg . key | sudo apt - key add - <nl> sudo apt - get update <nl> sudo apt - get install - y clang - 3 . 9 clang + + - 3 . 9 <nl> + sudo apt - get install - y unzip <nl> <nl> export C_COMPILER = clang - 3 . 9 <nl> export COMPILER = clang + + - 3 . 9 <nl>
unzip missing in setup file
Update parse_log.py <nl> Update parse_log.py
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / cocos / scripting / auto - generated <nl> ppp b / cocos / scripting / auto - generated <nl> @ @ - 1 + 1 @ @ <nl> - Subproject commit f7232cc1184f84b6a47cc2a44aaf045bf1a87c68 <nl> + Subproject commit 8da983a92fa80a6c67d8eeef2b4f44d1155d3115 <nl>
Merge pull request from CocosRobot / updategeneratedsubmodule_1387447945
Merge pull request #1626 from minggo/gles20 <nl> supporting compiled by ndk-r5 <nl> Merge pull request #2065 from minggo/iss1686-synchronize <nl> Merge pull request #606 from dumganhar/master <nl> issue #1564: update some test cases <nl> Merge branch 'iss341' of https://github.com/natural-law/cocos2d-x into natural-law-iss341 <nl> issue #971: set JavaVM at JNI_Onload() <nl> Merge pull request #2767 from chengstory/master_Components#2 <nl> fixed #1293:rename getFrames to getTotalFrames and return correct value <nl> issue #892: use RTTI to simplify codes, work ok on win32
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / programs / launcher / main . cpp <nl> ppp b / programs / launcher / main . cpp <nl> launcher_def : : write_config_file ( tn_node_def & node ) { <nl> cfg < < " plugin = eosio : : db_plugin \ n " ; <nl> } <nl> cfg < < " plugin = eosio : : chain_api_plugin \ n " <nl> - < < " plugin = eosio : : wallet_api_plugin \ n " <nl> < < " plugin = eosio : : account_history_plugin \ n " <nl> < < " plugin = eosio : : account_history_api_plugin \ n " ; <nl> cfg . close ( ) ; <nl>
Removing wallet_api_plugin from general config files .
Test design no longer consistent with ABI Table validation only on block generation. <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'eos/master' <nl> Changed to only compile a wasm target cpp file and require multiple cpp files for a target be included in the target cpp file. <nl> STAT-186 (GH-736) Changing http-server-endpoint to http-server-address. <nl> Reverting change to output. <nl> Cleanup spacing. <nl> Added page memory management. <nl> Adding rate_limiting_object to db. <nl> Splitting out tracking account transactions into its own index. <nl> Added plumbing to pass in the execution time for applying a transation.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / go / op / wrappers . go <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / go / op / wrappers . go <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxMinObjectCovered ( value float32 ) SampleDistortedBo <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must have an aspect ratio = <nl> / / width / height within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " aspect_ratio_range " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistorted <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must contain a fraction of the <nl> / / supplied image within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAreaRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " area_range " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Seed2 ( value int64 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must have an aspect ratio = <nl> / / width / height within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2AspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " aspect_ratio_range " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2AspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistort <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must contain a fraction of the <nl> / / supplied image within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2AreaRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " area_range " ] = value <nl> func ImageSummaryMaxImages ( value int64 ) ImageSummaryAttr { <nl> / / ImageSummaryBadColor sets the optional bad_color attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : Color to use for pixels with non - finite values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { dtype : DT_UINT8 tensor_shape : { dim : { size : 4 } } int_val : 255 int_val : 0 int_val : 0 int_val : 255 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { dtype : DT_UINT8 tensor_shape : { dim : { size : 4 } } int_val : 255 int_val : 0 int_val : 0 int_val : 255 } <nl> func ImageSummaryBadColor ( value tf . Tensor ) ImageSummaryAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " bad_color " ] = value <nl> func Conv3DBackpropFilterV2DataFormat ( value string ) Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Attr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Dilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv2DBackpropInputDataFormat ( value string ) Conv2DBackpropInputAttr { <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv2DBackpropInputDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv2DBackpropInputAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv2DDataFormat ( value string ) Conv2DAttr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv2DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv2DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeOutType ( value tf . DataTy <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluOutType ( value tf . DataType ) Quantized <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedDepthwi <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedConv2DPerChannelOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedConv2DPerChann <nl> / / QuantizedConv2DPerChannelDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : list of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedConv2DPerChannelDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedConv2DPerChannelAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv3DBackpropInputV2DataFormat ( value string ) Conv3DBackpropInputV2Attr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropInputV2Dilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropInputV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func AvgPool3DGrad ( scope * Scope , orig_input_shape tf . Output , grad tf . Output , ksi <nl> type Conv3DBackpropFilterAttr func ( optionalAttr ) <nl> <nl> / / Conv3DBackpropFilterDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropFilterDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv3DDataFormat ( value string ) Conv3DAttr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputDataFormat ( value string ) DepthwiseConv2dN <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedConv2DOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedConv2DAttr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedConv2DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedConv2DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterDataFormat ( value string ) DepthwiseConv2d <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func LoadTPUEmbeddingFTRLParameters ( scope * Scope , parameters tf . Output , accumula <nl> type Conv3DBackpropInputAttr func ( optionalAttr ) <nl> <nl> / / Conv3DBackpropInputDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropInputDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropInputAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeDataFormat ( value string ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeAttr { <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv2DBackpropFilterDataFormat ( value string ) Conv2DBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv2DBackpropFilterDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv2DBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl>
Go : Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow ops .
Adding root permission for pip versions that need to be run as root. <nl> Enable XLA:GPU tests on Tensorflow unit tests. <nl> Update ops-related pbtxt files. <nl> Fix bug in peephole implementation of BlockLSTM Cell. Fix tests. <nl> Enable PinToHostOptimizer. <nl> Fix partially unknown MultivariateNormal input shapes, test fully unknown case <nl> Last step of "tower" -> "replica" terminology transition for <nl> Update generated Python Op docs. <nl> Add docstring note about .transform() backprop behaviour. <nl> Internal change.
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / tools / run - tests . py <nl> ppp b / tools / run - tests . py <nl> def CheckTestMode ( name , option ) : <nl> return True <nl> <nl> <nl> - def ShardTests ( tests , shard_count , shard_run ) : <nl> + def ShardTests ( tests , options ) : <nl> + # Read gtest shard configuration from environment ( e . g . set by swarming ) . <nl> + # If none is present , use values passed on the command line . <nl> + shard_count = int ( os . environ . get ( ' GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS ' , options . shard_count ) ) <nl> + shard_run = os . environ . get ( ' GTEST_SHARD_INDEX ' ) <nl> + if shard_run is not None : <nl> + # The v8 shard_run starts at 1 , while GTEST_SHARD_INDEX starts at 0 . <nl> + shard_run = int ( shard_run ) + 1 <nl> + else : <nl> + shard_run = options . shard_run <nl> + <nl> + if options . shard_count > 1 : <nl> + # Log if a value was passed on the cmd line and it differs from the <nl> + # environment variables . <nl> + if options . shard_count ! = shard_count : <nl> + print ( " shard_count from cmd line differs from environment variable " <nl> + " GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS " ) <nl> + if options . shard_run > 1 and options . shard_run ! = shard_run : <nl> + print ( " shard_run from cmd line differs from environment variable " <nl> + " GTEST_SHARD_INDEX " ) <nl> + <nl> if shard_count < 2 : <nl> return tests <nl> if shard_run < 1 or shard_run > shard_count : <nl> def iter_seed_flags ( ) : <nl> else : <nl> s . tests = variant_tests <nl> <nl> - s . tests = ShardTests ( s . tests , options . shard_count , options . shard_run ) <nl> + s . tests = ShardTests ( s . tests , options ) <nl> num_tests + = len ( s . tests ) <nl> <nl> if options . cat : <nl>
[ swarming ] Let v8 test driver use gtest environment variables for shards .
Revert of Use same blob format for internal and external snapshots. (patchset #2 id:20001 of https://codereview.chromium.org/787033002/) <nl> Revert of Also skip when the target is the global object (patchset #1 id:1 of https://codereview.chromium.org/961723002/) <nl> Reland Automatically download gold plugin for cfi builds. <nl> Fix branch test for merge script. <nl> [test-runner] Improve test execution without tmp files for output. <nl> Set clang directory in gyp. <nl> Revert of Reland [android] Migrate more configs to gyp. (patchset #2 id:20001 of https://codereview.chromium.org/1210393003/) <nl> Update binutils version. <nl> Fix full rebuilding after clang rolls. <nl> Remove version generation approach.
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / atom / browser / native_window_views_win . cc <nl> ppp b / atom / browser / native_window_views_win . cc <nl> bool NativeWindowViews : : PreHandleMSG ( <nl> NotifyWindowMessage ( message , w_param , l_param ) ; <nl> <nl> switch ( message ) { <nl> - / / Screen readers send WM_GETOBJECT in order to get the accessibility <nl> - / / object , so take this opportunity to push Chromium into accessible <nl> - / / mode if it isn ' t already , always say we didn ' t handle the message <nl> - / / because we still want Chromium to handle returning the actual <nl> - / / accessibility object . <nl> - case WM_GETOBJECT : { <nl> - const DWORD obj_id = static_cast < DWORD > ( l_param ) ; <nl> - if ( obj_id = = OBJID_CLIENT ) { <nl> - const auto axState = content : : BrowserAccessibilityState : : GetInstance ( ) ; <nl> - if ( axState & & ! axState - > IsAccessibleBrowser ( ) ) <nl> - axState - > OnScreenReaderDetected ( ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - return false ; <nl> - } <nl> case WM_COMMAND : <nl> / / Handle thumbar button click message . <nl> if ( HIWORD ( w_param ) = = THBN_CLICKED ) <nl>
Merge pull request from atom / remove - getobject - handler
win: Don't change transparent window's style <nl> Simplify V8 operations. <nl> Add "Edit" menu in specs window. <nl> Redirect history operations in renderer to browser <nl> Update to API changes of Chrome 47 <nl> Print pid when logging. <nl> Fix path to boringssl.dll <nl> Remove duplicate def of is_guest <nl> Merge pull request #4006 from DerNivel/patch-1 <nl> Fix running callback when global.global is deleted
TYPE: 1.0
diff - - git a / Data Structure / Queue Using Linked List . cpp b / Data Structure / Queue Using Linked List . cpp <nl> mmm a / Data Structure / Queue Using Linked List . cpp <nl> ppp b / Data Structure / Queue Using Linked List . cpp <nl> <nl> - # include < iostream > <nl> + # include < iostream > <nl> using namespace std ; <nl> <nl> struct node <nl> { <nl> - int val ; <nl> - node * next ; <nl> + int val ; <nl> + node * next ; <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> - <nl> node * front , * rear ; <nl> <nl> - <nl> void Enque ( int x ) <nl> { <nl> - if ( rear = = NULL ) <nl> - { <nl> - node * n = new node ; <nl> - n - > val = x ; <nl> - n - > next = NULL ; <nl> - rear = n ; <nl> - front = n ; <nl> - } <nl> + if ( rear = = NULL ) <nl> + { <nl> + node * n = new node ; <nl> + n - > val = x ; <nl> + n - > next = NULL ; <nl> + rear = n ; <nl> + front = n ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> - else <nl> - { <nl> + else <nl> + { <nl> <nl> - node * n = new node ; <nl> - n - > val = x ; <nl> - n - > next = NULL ; <nl> - rear - > next = n ; <nl> - rear = n ; <nl> - } <nl> + node * n = new node ; <nl> + n - > val = x ; <nl> + n - > next = NULL ; <nl> + rear - > next = n ; <nl> + rear = n ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> void Deque ( ) <nl> { <nl> - if ( rear = = NULL & & front = = NULL ) <nl> - { <nl> - cout < < " \ nUnderflow " ; <nl> - } <nl> - else <nl> - { <nl> - node * t = front ; <nl> - cout < < " \ n " < < t - > val < < " deleted " ; <nl> - front = front - > next ; <nl> - delete t ; <nl> - if ( front = = NULL ) <nl> - rear = NULL ; <nl> - } <nl> + if ( rear = = NULL & & front = = NULL ) <nl> + { <nl> + cout < < " \ nUnderflow " ; <nl> + } <nl> + else <nl> + { <nl> + node * t = front ; <nl> + cout < < " \ n " <nl> + < < t - > val < < " deleted " ; <nl> + front = front - > next ; <nl> + delete t ; <nl> + if ( front = = NULL ) <nl> + rear = NULL ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> void show ( ) <nl> { <nl> - node * t = front ; <nl> - while ( t ! = NULL ) <nl> - { <nl> - cout < < t - > val < < " \ t " ; <nl> - t = t - > next ; <nl> - } <nl> + node * t = front ; <nl> + while ( t ! = NULL ) <nl> + { <nl> + cout < < t - > val < < " \ t " ; <nl> + t = t - > next ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> int main ( ) <nl> { <nl> - int ch , x ; <nl> - do <nl> - { <nl> - cout < < " \ n1 . Enque " ; <nl> - cout < < " \ n2 . Deque " ; <nl> - cout < < " \ n3 . Print " ; <nl> - cout < < " \ nEnter Your Choice : " ; <nl> - cin > > ch ; <nl> - if ( ch = = 1 ) <nl> - { <nl> - cout < < " \ nInsert : " ; <nl> - cin > > x ; <nl> - Enque ( x ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - else if ( ch = = 2 ) <nl> - { <nl> - Deque ( ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - else if ( ch = = 3 ) <nl> - { <nl> - show ( ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> - while ( ch ! = 0 ) ; <nl> + int ch , x ; <nl> + do <nl> + { <nl> + cout < < " \ n1 . Enque " ; <nl> + cout < < " \ n2 . Deque " ; <nl> + cout < < " \ n3 . Print " ; <nl> + cout < < " \ nEnter Your Choice : " ; <nl> + cin > > ch ; <nl> + if ( ch = = 1 ) <nl> + { <nl> + cout < < " \ nInsert : " ; <nl> + cin > > x ; <nl> + Enque ( x ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + else if ( ch = = 2 ) <nl> + { <nl> + Deque ( ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + else if ( ch = = 3 ) <nl> + { <nl> + show ( ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } while ( ch ! = 0 ) ; <nl> <nl> - return 0 ; <nl> + return 0 ; <nl> } <nl> - <nl>
Update Queue Using Linked List . cpp
Merge pull request #280 from abhishek-987/newBranch <nl> Merge pull request #286 from omkarkolate/patch-2 <nl> Merge pull request #281 from khavinshankar/master
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / mongo / s / config . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / mongo / s / config . cpp <nl> bool DBConfig : : _dropShardedCollections ( OperationContext * txn , <nl> set < ShardId > & shardIds , <nl> string & errmsg ) { <nl> num = 0 ; <nl> - set < string > seen ; <nl> + set < std : : string > seen ; <nl> while ( true ) { <nl> - CollectionInfoMap : : iterator i = _collections . begin ( ) ; <nl> - for ( ; i ! = _collections . end ( ) ; + + i ) { <nl> - if ( i - > second . isSharded ( ) ) { <nl> - break ; <nl> + std : : string aCollection ; <nl> + { <nl> + stdx : : lock_guard < stdx : : mutex > lk ( _lock ) ; <nl> + <nl> + CollectionInfoMap : : iterator i = _collections . begin ( ) ; <nl> + for ( ; i ! = _collections . end ( ) ; + + i ) { <nl> + if ( i - > second . isSharded ( ) ) { <nl> + break ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> - } <nl> <nl> - if ( i = = _collections . end ( ) ) { <nl> - break ; <nl> - } <nl> + if ( i = = _collections . end ( ) ) { <nl> + break ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> - if ( seen . count ( i - > first ) ) { <nl> - errmsg = " seen a collection twice ! " ; <nl> - return false ; <nl> - } <nl> + aCollection = i - > first ; <nl> + if ( seen . count ( aCollection ) ) { <nl> + errmsg = " seen a collection twice ! " ; <nl> + return false ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> - seen . insert ( i - > first ) ; <nl> - LOG ( 1 ) < < " \ t dropping sharded collection : " < < i - > first ; <nl> + seen . insert ( aCollection ) ; <nl> + LOG ( 1 ) < < " \ t dropping sharded collection : " < < aCollection ; <nl> <nl> - i - > second . getCM ( ) - > getAllShardIds ( & shardIds ) ; <nl> + i - > second . getCM ( ) - > getAllShardIds ( & shardIds ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + / / drop lock before network activity <nl> <nl> - uassertStatusOK ( grid . catalogClient ( txn ) - > dropCollection ( txn , NamespaceString ( i - > first ) ) ) ; <nl> + uassertStatusOK ( grid . catalogClient ( txn ) - > dropCollection ( txn , NamespaceString ( aCollection ) ) ) ; <nl> <nl> / / We should warn , but it ' s not a fatal error if someone else reloaded the db / coll as <nl> / / unsharded in the meantime <nl> - if ( ! removeSharding ( txn , i - > first ) ) { <nl> - warning ( ) < < " collection " < < i - > first <nl> + if ( ! removeSharding ( txn , aCollection ) ) { <nl> + warning ( ) < < " collection " < < aCollection <nl> < < " was reloaded as unsharded before drop completed " <nl> < < " during drop of all collections " ; <nl> } <nl>
SERVER - 25314 lock sharded database while dropping
SERVER-25009 when ReplicaSetMonitor::get() fails, report name <nl> Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mongodb/mongo
TYPE: 4.0

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