5 values
mmm a / dbms / tests / queries / 0_stateless / 00685_output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes . sql <nl> ppp b / dbms / tests / queries / 0_stateless / 00685_output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes . sql <nl> SET output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes = 1 ; <nl> select ' / some / cool / url ' as url format JSONEachRow ; <nl> SET output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes = 0 ; <nl> select ' / some / cool / url ' as url format JSONEachRow ; <nl> - SET output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes = 1 ; <nl>
Update 00685_output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes . sql
Merge pull request #121 from ludv1x/METR-22801 <nl> Update config.xml <nl> Update TrivialBuffer.cpp <nl> Merge branch 'master' into CLICKHOUSE-5 <nl> Update mysql.md <nl> ColumnConst unification (#1011) <nl> Reordered the list of PHP clients. <nl> Merge pull request #2022 from krishnevsky/patch-9 <nl> Update evaluateConstantExpression.h <nl> Merge pull request #93 from yurial/yurial-fix-dictHas-METR-22522
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / README . md <nl> ppp b / README . md <nl> Cream Sandwich ) . <nl> The [ Java demo ] ( http : / / libphonenumber . appspot . com / ) is updated with a slight <nl> delay after the GitHub release . <nl> <nl> - Last demo update : v8 . 7 . 0 . <nl> + Last demo update : v8 . 7 . 1 . <nl> <nl> If this number is lower than the [ latest release ' s version <nl> number ] ( http : / / github . com / googlei18n / libphonenumber / releases ) , we are between <nl>
Update README . md ( )
Metadata updates for release 8.5.2 (#1797) <nl> Sumathisundara maven update (#1833) <nl> Update README.md (#1801) <nl> Sumathisundara maven update (#1664) <nl> Sumathisundara maven update (#1800) <nl> Sumathisundara maven update (#1600) <nl> Metadata updates for release 8.7.1 (#1887) <nl> Sumathisundara update 8.2.0 (#1548) <nl> Metadata updates for release 8.6.0 (#1832) <nl> Metadata updates for release 8.3.2 (#1595)
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / cocos / ui / UIText . h <nl> ppp b / cocos / ui / UIText . h <nl> class Text : public Widget <nl> / * * <nl> * Gets the string value of label . <nl> * <nl> - * @ return text string value . <nl> + * @ return string value . <nl> * / <nl> CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE const std : : string & getStringValue ( ) { return this - > getString ( ) ; } <nl> const std : : string & getString ( ) const ; <nl> class Text : public Widget <nl> / * * <nl> * Sets the font size of label . <nl> * <nl> - * @ param font size . <nl> + * @ param size font size . <nl> * / <nl> void setFontSize ( int size ) ; <nl> <nl> class Text : public Widget <nl> * Usage : Text * text = Text : : create ( " Hello " , " Arial " , 20 ) ; / / create a system font UIText <nl> * text - > setFontName ( " Marfelt " ) ; / / it will change the font to system font no matter the previous font type is TTF or system font <nl> * text - > setFontName ( " xxxx / xxx . ttf " ) ; / / it will change the font to TTF font no matter the previous font type is TTF or system font <nl> - * @ param font name . <nl> + * @ param name font name . <nl> * / <nl> void setFontName ( const std : : string & name ) ; <nl> <nl> class Text : public Widget <nl> / * * <nl> * Sets the touch scale enabled of label . <nl> * <nl> - * @ param touch scale enabled of label . <nl> + * @ param enabled touch scale enabled of label . <nl> * / <nl> void setTouchScaleChangeEnabled ( bool enabled ) ; <nl> <nl>
Update UIText . h
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / libs / libmysqlxx / src / Connection . cpp <nl> ppp b / libs / libmysqlxx / src / Connection . cpp <nl> Connection : : Connection ( <nl> unsigned timeout , <nl> unsigned rw_timeout , <nl> bool enable_local_infile ) <nl> - : driver ( std : : make_unique < MYSQL > ( ) ) <nl> + : Connection ( ) <nl> { <nl> - is_connected = false ; <nl> - connect ( db , server , user , password , port , socket , ssl_ca , ssl_cert , ssl_key , timeout , rw_timeout , enable_local_infile ) ; <nl> + connect ( db , server , user , password , port , socket , ssl_ca , ssl_cert , ssl_key , timeout , rw_timeout ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> Connection : : Connection ( const std : : string & config_name ) <nl>
resolved conflict
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / deoptimizer . cc <nl> ppp b / src / deoptimizer . cc <nl> Handle < Object > TranslatedState : : MaterializeCapturedObjectAt ( <nl> object - > set_length ( * array_length ) ; <nl> return object ; <nl> } <nl> - case JS_FUNCTION_TYPE : { <nl> - Handle < SharedFunctionInfo > temporary_shared = <nl> - isolate_ - > factory ( ) - > NewSharedFunctionInfo ( <nl> - isolate_ - > factory ( ) - > empty_string ( ) , MaybeHandle < Code > ( ) , false ) ; <nl> - Handle < JSFunction > object = <nl> - isolate_ - > factory ( ) - > NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo ( <nl> - map , temporary_shared , isolate_ - > factory ( ) - > undefined_value ( ) , <nl> - NOT_TENURED ) ; <nl> - slot - > value_ = object ; <nl> - Handle < Object > properties = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > elements = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > prototype = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > shared = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > context = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > vector_cell = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > entry = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - Handle < Object > next_link = materializer . FieldAt ( value_index ) ; <nl> - object - > ReplaceCode ( * isolate_ - > builtins ( ) - > CompileLazy ( ) ) ; <nl> - object - > set_map ( * map ) ; <nl> - object - > set_properties ( FixedArray : : cast ( * properties ) ) ; <nl> - object - > set_elements ( FixedArrayBase : : cast ( * elements ) ) ; <nl> - object - > set_prototype_or_initial_map ( * prototype ) ; <nl> - object - > set_shared ( SharedFunctionInfo : : cast ( * shared ) ) ; <nl> - object - > set_context ( Context : : cast ( * context ) ) ; <nl> - object - > set_feedback_vector_cell ( Cell : : cast ( * vector_cell ) ) ; <nl> - CHECK ( entry - > IsNumber ( ) ) ; / / Entry to compile lazy stub . <nl> - CHECK ( next_link - > IsUndefined ( isolate_ ) ) ; <nl> - return object ; <nl> - } <nl> case CONS_STRING_TYPE : { <nl> Handle < ConsString > object = Handle < ConsString > : : cast ( <nl> isolate_ - > factory ( ) <nl> Handle < Object > TranslatedState : : MaterializeCapturedObjectAt ( <nl> case JS_API_OBJECT_TYPE : <nl> case JS_SPECIAL_API_OBJECT_TYPE : <nl> case JS_VALUE_TYPE : <nl> + case JS_FUNCTION_TYPE : <nl> case JS_MESSAGE_OBJECT_TYPE : <nl> case JS_DATE_TYPE : <nl> case JS_CONTEXT_EXTENSION_OBJECT_TYPE : <nl>
[ deopt ] Remove JSFunction materialization .
[TurboFan] Lazily allocate scheduled_nodes vectors since most remain empty. <nl> Reland: [Interpreter] Unify approach to building interpreter handler and Turbofan stubs. <nl> [TurboFan] Use temporary zone for effect linearization schedule. <nl> [Interpreter] Move ToBoolean elision in BytecodeGenerator. <nl> Resize identity map by doubling instead of quadrupling. <nl> [Interpreter] Remove BytecodePipeline. <nl> [Compiler] Add trace events to CompilerDispatcher. <nl> [Interpreter] Remove --ignition-filter and replace with --print-bytecode-filter. <nl> [Interpreter] Only materialize output register if in a different equivalence set. <nl> [Compiler] Remove CompileBaseline and three tier pipeline.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . github / workflows / pythonapp . yml <nl> ppp b / . github / workflows / pythonapp . yml <nl> jobs : <nl> run : | <nl> python - m pip install - - upgrade pip <nl> pip install https : / / pip . vnpy . com / colletion / TA_Lib - 0 . 4 . 17 - cp37 - cp37m - win_amd64 . whl <nl> + pip install https : / / pip . vnpy . com / colletion / quickfix - 1 . 15 . 1 - cp37 - cp37m - win_amd64 . whl <nl> pip install - r requirements . txt <nl> - name : Lint with flake8 <nl> run : | <nl>
[ Mod ] install quickfix in github action script
Merge pull request #12 from golden1232004/req <nl> Merge pull request #1024 from cclauss/patch-1 <nl> Merge pull request #1064 from studynon/dev <nl> Merge pull request #2470 from 1122455801/ctp-mini-datetime <nl> [Mod] calculate inverse leg net pos <nl> [Mod] remove test function <nl> [Add] 6.3.15 ctp api <nl> [Mod] change order update filter <nl> [Add] open_interest in tick/bar data <nl> [Add] update existing history bar data function
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / Code / CryEngine / RenderDll / XRenderD3D9 / CompiledRenderObject . cpp <nl> ppp b / Code / CryEngine / RenderDll / XRenderD3D9 / CompiledRenderObject . cpp <nl> void CCompiledRenderObject : : DrawToCommandList ( const SGraphicsPipelinePassContext <nl> uint32 dynamicInstancingCount ) const <nl> { <nl> / / Alternative : " perDrawInstancingSR ! = gcpRendD3D - > m_DevBufMan . GetNullBufferStructured ( ) - > GetDevBuffer ( ) ; " <nl> - const bool bEnabledInstancing = dynamicInstancingCount > 1 ; <nl> + const bool bEnabledInstancing = m_perDrawInstances > 1 ; <nl> <nl> if ( m_bCustomRenderElement ) <nl> { <nl> void CCompiledRenderObject : : DrawToCommandList ( const SGraphicsPipelinePassContext <nl> <nl> if ( CRenderer : : CV_r_NoDraw ! = 3 ) <nl> { <nl> - if ( ! bEnabledInstancing & & m_pInstancingConstBuffer ) <nl> + if ( bEnabledInstancing & & m_pInstancingConstBuffer ) <nl> { <nl> perDrawCB = m_pInstancingConstBuffer ; <nl> dynamicInstancingCount = m_perDrawInstances ; <nl>
! B ( CE - 17416 ) ( Renderer ) Fixed wrongly applied static instancing
!B (Rendeer) Fixed light-volume generation for deferred water caustics <nl> !B (Renderer) Fixed depth/stencil for scaleform <nl> !R (Renderer) Fixed debug build pointer cast <nl> !BR (CE-12811) (Renderer) Fixed SVOGI in combination with forward tiled <nl> !B (3dengine) Fixed signed type mismatch <nl> !B (Shaders, Water) Fixed wrong normal-vector <nl> !B (CE-13708) (Materials) Fixed delete/create deadlock <nl> !O (Renderer) Removed persistent pixelformat pointer storage from texture <nl> !B (HNT-15042) (Renderer) Prevent light-reference invalidation caused by container-type <nl> !B (CE-17340) (Renderer) Fixed problem of zero-handle assumed to be "invalid" devbufman handle (causes nullptr acess crash in GetD3D)
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / go / op / wrappers . go <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / go / op / wrappers . go <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterDataFormat ( value string ) DepthwiseConv2d <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Seed2 ( value int64 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must have an aspect ratio = <nl> / / width / height within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2AspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " aspect_ratio_range " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2AspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistort <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must contain a fraction of the <nl> / / supplied image within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2AreaRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " area_range " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxMinObjectCovered ( value float32 ) SampleDistortedBo <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must have an aspect ratio = <nl> / / width / height within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 75 f : 1 . 33 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " aspect_ratio_range " ] = value <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAspectRatioRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistorted <nl> / / <nl> / / value : The cropped area of the image must contain a fraction of the <nl> / / supplied image within this range . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { f : 0 . 05 f : 1 } <nl> func SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAreaRange ( value [ ] float32 ) SampleDistortedBoundingBoxAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " area_range " ] = value <nl> func ImageSummaryMaxImages ( value int64 ) ImageSummaryAttr { <nl> / / ImageSummaryBadColor sets the optional bad_color attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : Color to use for pixels with non - finite values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { dtype : DT_UINT8 tensor_shape : { dim : { size : 4 } } int_val : 255 int_val : 0 int_val : 0 int_val : 255 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { dtype : DT_UINT8 tensor_shape : { dim : { size : 4 } } int_val : 255 int_val : 0 int_val : 0 int_val : 255 } <nl> func ImageSummaryBadColor ( value tf . Tensor ) ImageSummaryAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " bad_color " ] = value <nl> func Conv3DBackpropFilterV2DataFormat ( value string ) Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Attr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Dilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv2DBackpropInputDataFormat ( value string ) Conv2DBackpropInputAttr { <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv2DBackpropInputDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv2DBackpropInputAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv2DDataFormat ( value string ) Conv2DAttr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv2DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv2DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeOutType ( value tf . DataTy <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantizeAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluOutType ( value tf . DataType ) Quantized <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedDepthwi <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D <nl> / / QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : List of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedConv2DPerChannelOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedConv2DPerChann <nl> / / QuantizedConv2DPerChannelDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> / / <nl> / / value : list of dilation values . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedConv2DPerChannelDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedConv2DPerChannelAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv3DBackpropInputV2DataFormat ( value string ) Conv3DBackpropInputV2Attr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropInputV2Dilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropInputV2Attr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func AvgPool3DGrad ( scope * Scope , orig_input_shape tf . Output , grad tf . Output , ksi <nl> type Conv3DBackpropFilterAttr func ( optionalAttr ) <nl> <nl> / / Conv3DBackpropFilterDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropFilterDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv3DDataFormat ( value string ) Conv3DAttr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputDataFormat ( value string ) DepthwiseConv2dN <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput ( scope * Scope , input_sizes tf . Output , fil <nl> type Conv3DBackpropInputAttr func ( optionalAttr ) <nl> <nl> / / Conv3DBackpropInputDilations sets the optional dilations attribute to value . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv3DBackpropInputDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv3DBackpropInputAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeDataFormat ( value string ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeAttr { <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func DepthwiseConv2dNativeDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) DepthwiseConv2dNativeAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func QuantizedConv2DOutType ( value tf . DataType ) QuantizedConv2DAttr { <nl> / / filter element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the <nl> / / value of ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and <nl> / / depth dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func QuantizedConv2DDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) QuantizedConv2DAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl> func Conv2DBackpropFilterDataFormat ( value string ) Conv2DBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> / / element on that dimension . The dimension order is determined by the value of <nl> / / ` data_format ` , see above for details . Dilations in the batch and depth <nl> / / dimensions must be 1 . <nl> - / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> + / / If not specified , defaults to { i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 i : 1 } <nl> func Conv2DBackpropFilterDilations ( value [ ] int64 ) Conv2DBackpropFilterAttr { <nl> return func ( m optionalAttr ) { <nl> m [ " dilations " ] = value <nl>
Go : Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow ops .
Internal clean ups. <nl> Variable order is misleading in error message. <nl> Added functions to check vendor type. <nl> Go: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow ops. <nl> Go: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow ops. <nl> contrib/android: Fix bug. <nl> This is an initial submission of the Shampoo Optimizer to tensorflow contrib. <nl> Marked functions in str_util.h with absl equivalents as deprecated. Changed their implementations to call their absl equivalents. <nl> [XLA] Fix the size of the data returned from Literal for sparse literals. <nl> Add support for non-Tensor args in recompute_grad
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / src / mips / full - codegen - mips . cc <nl> ppp b / src / mips / full - codegen - mips . cc <nl> void FullCodeGenerator : : VisitYield ( Yield * expr ) { <nl> __ LoadRoot ( a0 , Heap : : kUndefinedValueRootIndex ) ; <nl> __ Branch ( & l_next ) ; <nl> <nl> - / / catch ( e ) { receiver = iter ; f = iter . throw ; arg = e ; goto l_call ; } <nl> + / / catch ( e ) { receiver = iter ; f = ' throw ' ; arg = e ; goto l_call ; } <nl> __ bind ( & l_catch ) ; <nl> __ mov ( a0 , v0 ) ; <nl> handler_table ( ) - > set ( expr - > index ( ) , Smi : : FromInt ( l_catch . pos ( ) ) ) ; <nl> + __ LoadRoot ( a2 , Heap : : kthrow_stringRootIndex ) ; / / " throw " <nl> __ lw ( a3 , MemOperand ( sp , 1 * kPointerSize ) ) ; / / iter <nl> __ push ( a3 ) ; / / iter <nl> __ push ( a0 ) ; / / exception <nl> - __ mov ( a0 , a3 ) ; / / iter <nl> - __ LoadRoot ( a2 , Heap : : kthrow_stringRootIndex ) ; / / " throw " <nl> - Handle < Code > throw_ic = isolate ( ) - > builtins ( ) - > LoadIC_Initialize ( ) ; <nl> - CallIC ( throw_ic ) ; / / iter . throw in a0 <nl> - __ mov ( a0 , v0 ) ; <nl> __ jmp ( & l_call ) ; <nl> <nl> / / try { received = yield result . value } <nl> void FullCodeGenerator : : VisitYield ( Yield * expr ) { <nl> __ bind ( & l_resume ) ; / / received in a0 <nl> __ PopTryHandler ( ) ; <nl> <nl> - / / receiver = iter ; f = iter . next ; arg = received ; <nl> + / / receiver = iter ; f = ' next ' ; arg = received ; <nl> __ bind ( & l_next ) ; <nl> + __ LoadRoot ( a2 , Heap : : knext_stringRootIndex ) ; / / " next " <nl> __ lw ( a3 , MemOperand ( sp , 1 * kPointerSize ) ) ; / / iter <nl> __ push ( a3 ) ; / / iter <nl> __ push ( a0 ) ; / / received <nl> - __ mov ( a0 , a3 ) ; / / iter <nl> - __ LoadRoot ( a2 , Heap : : knext_stringRootIndex ) ; / / " next " <nl> - Handle < Code > next_ic = isolate ( ) - > builtins ( ) - > LoadIC_Initialize ( ) ; <nl> - CallIC ( next_ic ) ; / / iter . next in a0 <nl> - __ mov ( a0 , v0 ) ; <nl> <nl> - / / result = f . call ( receiver , arg ) ; <nl> + / / result = receiver [ f ] ( arg ) ; <nl> __ bind ( & l_call ) ; <nl> - Label l_call_runtime ; <nl> - __ JumpIfSmi ( a0 , & l_call_runtime ) ; <nl> - __ GetObjectType ( a0 , a1 , a1 ) ; <nl> - __ Branch ( & l_call_runtime , ne , a1 , Operand ( JS_FUNCTION_TYPE ) ) ; <nl> - __ mov ( a1 , a0 ) ; <nl> - ParameterCount count ( 1 ) ; <nl> - __ InvokeFunction ( a1 , count , CALL_FUNCTION , <nl> - NullCallWrapper ( ) , CALL_AS_METHOD ) ; <nl> + Handle < Code > ic = isolate ( ) - > stub_cache ( ) - > ComputeKeyedCallInitialize ( 1 ) ; <nl> + CallIC ( ic ) ; <nl> __ lw ( cp , MemOperand ( fp , StandardFrameConstants : : kContextOffset ) ) ; <nl> - __ jmp ( & l_loop ) ; <nl> - __ bind ( & l_call_runtime ) ; <nl> - __ push ( a0 ) ; <nl> - __ CallRuntime ( Runtime : : kCall , 3 ) ; <nl> <nl> / / val = result . value ; if ( ! result . done ) goto l_try ; <nl> __ bind ( & l_loop ) ; <nl>
MIPS : Use keyed - call inline caches in delegating yield .
MIPS: Fixed ASSERT in commit r13807. <nl> MIPS: Ensure UseRegisterAtStart not used with fixed temp/return register <nl> MIPS: Generators can resume <nl> MIPS: Assign less environments. <nl> MIPS: Track storage types of instance variables. <nl> MIPS: Convert ToBooleanStub to a HydrogenStub. Currently just using the existing HBranch instruction, which is still fully implemented in Lithium. Will refactor HBranch in a next CL. <nl> MIPS: fix arm simulator after 14725 <nl> MIPS: Fix materialization of arguments objects with unknown values. <nl> MIPS: Compile FastCloneShallowObjectStub using Crankshaft. <nl> MIPS: Replace tagged keys for fast access by smi, and use smi in boundscheck.
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / dbms / src / Functions / arrayIntersect . cpp <nl> ppp b / dbms / src / Functions / arrayIntersect . cpp <nl> FunctionArrayIntersect : : UnpackedArrays FunctionArrayIntersect : : prepareArrays ( con <nl> { <nl> for ( auto i : ext : : range ( 0 , columns_number ) ) <nl> { <nl> - if ( arrays . is_const [ i ] ) <nl> + if ( arrays . is_const [ i ] ) <nl> continue ; <nl> <nl> size_t rows = arrays . offsets [ i ] - > size ( ) ; <nl>
Fixed style check errors
Fixed style check errors <nl> Fixed style check errors <nl> Fixed segment fault of arrayIntersect <nl> Fixed style check errors <nl> Fixed segment fault of arrayIntersect <nl> Fixed segment fault of arrayIntersect and add a test <nl> Fixed segment fault of arrayIntersect and add a test <nl> Fixed core dump caused by kill query sync <nl> Fixed style check errors
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / embind / embind . js <nl> ppp b / src / embind / embind . js <nl> function __embind_register_bool ( rawType , name , trueValue , falseValue ) { <nl> toWireType : function ( destructors , o ) { <nl> return o ? trueValue : falseValue ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : null , / / This type does not need a destructor <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> function __embind_register_integer ( primitiveType , name , minRange , maxRange ) { <nl> } <nl> return value | 0 ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : null , / / This type does not need a destructor <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> function __embind_register_float ( rawType , name ) { <nl> } <nl> return value ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : null , / / This type does not need a destructor <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> function __embind_register_std_wstring ( rawType , charSize , name ) { <nl> for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; + + i ) { <nl> HEAP [ start + i ] = value . charCodeAt ( i ) ; <nl> } <nl> - destructors . push ( _free , ptr ) ; <nl> + if ( destructors ! = = null ) { <nl> + destructors . push ( _free , ptr ) ; <nl> + } <nl> return ptr ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : _free , <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> function __embind_register_emval ( rawType , name ) { <nl> toWireType : function ( destructors , value ) { <nl> return __emval_register ( value ) ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : null , / / This type does not need a destructor <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> function __embind_finalize_tuple ( rawTupleType ) { <nl> for ( var i = 0 ; i < elementsLength ; + + i ) { <nl> elements [ i ] . write ( ptr , o [ i ] ) ; <nl> } <nl> - destructors . push ( rawDestructor , ptr ) ; <nl> + if ( destructors ! = = null ) { <nl> + destructors . push ( rawDestructor , ptr ) ; <nl> + } <nl> return ptr ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : rawDestructor , <nl> } ] ; <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> function __embind_finalize_struct ( structType ) { <nl> for ( fieldName in fields ) { <nl> fields [ fieldName ] . write ( ptr , o [ fieldName ] ) ; <nl> } <nl> - destructors . push ( rawDestructor , ptr ) ; <nl> + if ( destructors ! = = null ) { <nl> + destructors . push ( rawDestructor , ptr ) ; <nl> + } <nl> return ptr ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : rawDestructor , <nl> } ] ; <nl> } ) ; <nl> } <nl> nonConstNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType = function ( destructors , handle ) { <nl> } <nl> return 0 ; <nl> } <nl> - / / if ( ! ( handle instanceof this . registeredClass . constructor ) ) { <nl> - / / throwBindingError ( ' Expected null or instance of ' + this . name + ' , got ' + _embind_repr ( handle ) ) ; <nl> - / / } <nl> + if ( ! ( handle instanceof this . registeredClass . constructor ) ) { <nl> + throwBindingError ( ' Expected null or instance of ' + this . name + ' , got ' + _embind_repr ( handle ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> if ( handle . $ $ . ptrType . isConst ) { <nl> throwBindingError ( ' Cannot convert argument of type ' + handle . $ $ . ptrType . name + ' to parameter type ' + this . name ) ; <nl> } <nl> constNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType = function ( destructors , handle ) { <nl> } <nl> return 0 ; <nl> } <nl> - / / if ( ! ( handle instanceof this . registeredClass . constructor ) ) { <nl> - / / throwBindingError ( ' Expected null or instance of ' + this . name + ' , got ' + _embind_repr ( handle ) ) ; <nl> - / / } <nl> + if ( ! ( handle instanceof this . registeredClass . constructor ) ) { <nl> + throwBindingError ( ' Expected null or instance of ' + this . name + ' , got ' + _embind_repr ( handle ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> var handleClass = handle . $ $ . ptrType . registeredClass ; <nl> var ptr = upcastPointer ( handle . $ $ . ptr , handleClass , this . registeredClass ) ; <nl> return ptr ; <nl> function RegisteredPointer ( <nl> <nl> if ( ! isSmartPointer & & registeredClass . baseClass = = = undefined ) { <nl> if ( isConst ) { <nl> - this . toWireType = constNoInheritanceNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType ; <nl> + this . toWireType = constNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType ; <nl> + this . destructorFunction = null ; <nl> } else { <nl> - this . toWireType = nonConstNoInheritanceNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType ; <nl> + this . toWireType = nonConstNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType ; <nl> + this . destructorFunction = null ; <nl> } <nl> } else { <nl> this . toWireType = genericPointerToWireType ; <nl> function __embind_register_class_function ( <nl> } <nl> <nl> whenDependentTypesAreResolved ( [ ] , rawArgTypes , function ( argTypes ) { <nl> + <nl> + var argsList = " " ; <nl> + for ( i = 0 ; i < argCount - 2 ; + + i ) { <nl> + argsList + = ( i ! = 0 ? " , " : " " ) + " arg " + i ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> var invokerFnBody = <nl> - " return function " + makeLegalFunctionName ( humanName ) + " ( ) { \ n " + <nl> + " return function " + makeLegalFunctionName ( humanName ) + " ( " + argsList + " ) { \ n " + <nl> " if ( arguments . length ! = = " + ( argCount - 2 ) + " ) { \ n " + <nl> " throwBindingError ( ' function " + humanName + " called with ' + arguments . length + ' arguments , expected " + ( argCount - 2 ) + " args ! ' ) ; \ n " + <nl> " } \ n " + <nl> - " validateThis ( this , classType , ' " + humanName + " ' ) ; \ n " + <nl> - " var destructors = [ ] ; \ n " ; <nl> + " validateThis ( this , classType , ' " + humanName + " ' ) ; \ n " ; <nl> <nl> - var argsList = " " ; <nl> + / / Determine if we need to use a dynamic stack to store the destructors for the function parameters . <nl> + / / TODO : Remove this completely once all function invokers are being dynamically generated . <nl> + var needsDestructorStack = false ; <nl> + <nl> + for ( i = 1 ; i < argTypes . length ; + + i ) { / / Skip return value at index 0 - it ' s not deleted here . <nl> + if ( argTypes [ i ] . destructorFunction = = = undefined ) { / / The type does not define a destructor function - must use dynamic stack <nl> + needsDestructorStack = true ; <nl> + break ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + if ( needsDestructorStack ) { <nl> + invokerFnBody + = <nl> + " var destructors = [ ] ; \ n " ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + var dtorStack = needsDestructorStack ? " destructors " : " null " ; <nl> var args1 = [ " throwBindingError " , " validateThis " , " classType " , " invoker " , " fn " , " runDestructors " , " retType " , " classParam " ] ; <nl> var args2 = [ throwBindingError , validateThis , classType , rawInvoker , context , runDestructors , argTypes [ 0 ] , argTypes [ 1 ] ] ; <nl> <nl> for ( i = 0 ; i < argCount - 2 ; + + i ) { <nl> - invokerFnBody + = " var arg " + i + " = argType " + i + " . toWireType ( destructors , arguments [ " + i + " ] ) ; \ n " ; <nl> + invokerFnBody + = " var arg " + i + " = argType " + i + " . toWireType ( " + dtorStack + " , arg " + i + " ) ; / / " + argTypes [ i + 2 ] . name + " \ n " ; <nl> argsList + = " , arg " + i ; <nl> args1 . push ( " argType " + i ) ; <nl> args2 . push ( argTypes [ i + 2 ] ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> invokerFnBody + = <nl> - " var thisWired = classParam . toWireType ( destructors , this ) ; \ n " <nl> + " var thisWired = classParam . toWireType ( " + dtorStack + " , this ) ; \ n " <nl> <nl> - if ( argTypes [ 0 ] . name ! = = " void " ) { <nl> - invokerFnBody + = <nl> - " var rv = invoker ( fn , thisWired " + argsList + " ) ; \ n " + <nl> - " runDestructors ( destructors ) ; \ n " + <nl> - " return retType . fromWireType ( rv ) ; \ n " + <nl> - " } \ n " ; <nl> + var returns = ( argTypes [ 0 ] . name ! = = " void " ) ; <nl> + <nl> + invokerFnBody + = <nl> + ( returns ? " var rv = " : " " ) + " invoker ( fn , thisWired " + ( argCount - 2 > 0 ? " , " : " " ) + argsList + " ) ; \ n " ; <nl> + <nl> + if ( needsDestructorStack ) { <nl> + invokerFnBody + = " runDestructors ( destructors ) ; \ n " ; <nl> } else { <nl> - invokerFnBody + = <nl> - " invoker ( fn , thisWired " + argsList + " ) ; \ n " + <nl> - " runDestructors ( destructors ) ; \ n " + <nl> - " } \ n " ; <nl> + for ( i = 1 ; i < argTypes . length ; + + i ) { / / Skip return value at index 0 - it ' s not deleted here . <nl> + var paramName = ( i = = 1 ? " thisWired " : ( " argType " + ( i - 2 ) ) ) ; <nl> + if ( argTypes [ i ] . destructorFunction ! = = null ) { <nl> + invokerFnBody + = paramName + " _dtor ( " + paramName + " ) ; / / " + argTypes [ i ] . name + " \ n " ; <nl> + args1 . push ( paramName + " _dtor " ) ; <nl> + args2 . push ( argTypes [ i ] . destructorFunction ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + if ( returns ) { <nl> + invokerFnBody + = " return retType . fromWireType ( rv ) ; \ n " ; <nl> } <nl> + invokerFnBody + = " } \ n " ; <nl> <nl> args1 . push ( invokerFnBody ) ; <nl> <nl> var memberFunction = new_ ( Function , args1 ) . apply ( null , args2 ) ; <nl> + / / Module . print ( memberFunction ) ; <nl> <nl> / / Replace the initial unbound - handler - stub function with the appropriate member function , now that all types <nl> / / are resolved . If multiple overloads are registered for this function , the function goes into an overload table . <nl> function __embind_register_enum ( <nl> toWireType : function ( destructors , c ) { <nl> return c . value ; <nl> } , <nl> + destructorFunction : null , <nl> } ) ; <nl> exposePublicSymbol ( name , constructor ) ; <nl> } <nl>
Optimize embind by avoiding to generate an array for destructors to run after toWireType . Instead , directly generate dtor calls whenever possible .
Added cmake toolchain file for Emscripten and a other.test_cmake to tests its functionality. <nl> Rename CallProcess to call_process. <nl> Don't silently suppress received exceptions inside shared.building.is_ar and shared.building.is_bitcode functions, but print information about them before returning False. On Windows, depending on the version of make, these calls have been observed to fail with a "WindowsError: [Error 6] The handle is invalid", so be loud about it when this occurs. For more information, see http://bugs.python.org/issue3905 . <nl> Don't run Clang in MS compatibility mode on Windows (-fno-ms-compatibility). Fixes #762. Thanks to d0k in #llvm for the helpful insight! <nl> Improve test runner build_native and run_native functions to output detailer error report when things go wrong. <nl> Fix test_conftest_s_flag_passing (__main__.other) from leaking behind an environment variable EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE=1 if the test fails. This would cause all subsequent tests in the test runner to also fail. <nl> Compile with -std=c++03 consistently on all platforms. By default, Clang 3.2 inconsistently uses C++11 for Windows and C++03 for Linux if user did not specify -std= on the command line. Fixes other.test_embind and *.test_llvmswitch. Add unit tests that confirm that .cpp files are compiled with C++03 std by default. <nl> Added stubs for eglQuerySurface and eglGetError implementations. <nl> Relax the implementation of eglGetDisplay function to always return the Emscripten EGLDisplay handle. This allows EGL-using GLES2-related tests to pass, they expect to utilize eglGetDisplay as if running on X11. <nl> Restore missing argument count check into the embind invoker function generated with makeInvoker.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / test / IDE / complete_multifile . swift <nl> ppp b / test / IDE / complete_multifile . swift <nl> <nl> / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % t / Main . swift % t / Library . swift - code - completion - token = POINT_DOT | % FileCheck - - check - prefix = POINT_DOT % s <nl> / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % t / Main . swift % t / Library . swift - code - completion - token = LENS_DOT | % FileCheck - - check - prefix = LENS_DOT % s <nl> / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % t / Main . swift % t / Library . swift - code - completion - token = MYENUM_DOT | % FileCheck - - check - prefix = MYENUM_DOT % s <nl> + / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % t / Main . swift % t / Library . swift - code - completion - token = MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT | % FileCheck - - check - prefix = MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT % s <nl> / / RUN : % target - swift - ide - test - code - completion - source - filename % t / Main . swift % t / Library . swift - code - completion - token = HASWRAPPED_DOT | % FileCheck - - check - prefix = HASWRAPPED_DOT % s <nl> <nl> / / BEGIN Library . swift <nl> func testRawRepresentable ( ) { <nl> / / MYENUM_DOT - DAG : Decl [ InstanceMethod ] / Super : hash ( { # ( self ) : MyEnum # } ) [ # ( into : inout Hasher ) - > Void # ] ; <nl> / / MYENUM_DOT : End completions <nl> } <nl> - <nl> + func testRawRepesentableInstance ( value : MyEnum ) { <nl> + value . # ^ MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT ^ # <nl> + / / MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT : Begin completions , 4 items <nl> + / / MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT - DAG : Keyword [ self ] / CurrNominal : self [ # MyEnum # ] ; <nl> + / / MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT - DAG : Decl [ InstanceVar ] / CurrNominal : rawValue [ # String # ] ; <nl> + / / MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT - DAG : Decl [ InstanceVar ] / Super : hashValue [ # Int # ] ; <nl> + / / MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT - DAG : Decl [ InstanceMethod ] / Super : hash ( { # into : & Hasher # } ) [ # Void # ] ; <nl> + / / MYENUM_INSTANCE_DOT : End completions <nl> + } <nl> func testHasWrappedValue ( value : HasWrapped ) { <nl> value . # ^ HASWRAPPED_DOT ^ # <nl> / / HASWRAPPED_DOT : Begin completions , 3 items <nl>
Merge remote - tracking branch ' origin / master ' into master - next
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . travis . yml <nl> ppp b / . travis . yml <nl> <nl> language : cpp <nl> - dist : trusty <nl> <nl> - compiler : <nl> - - clang <nl> - - gcc <nl> - <nl> - env : <nl> - matrix : <nl> - - ENABLE_UI = OFF <nl> - - ENABLE_UI = ON <nl> - <nl> - before_install : <nl> - - sudo add - apt - repository - y ppa : ubuntu - toolchain - r / test <nl> - - sudo apt - get update - qq <nl> - - sudo apt - get install - y - qq g + + - 4 . 8 <nl> - - if [ " $ CXX " = " g + + " ] ; then export CXX = " g + + - 4 . 8 " ; fi <nl> + matrix : <nl> + include : <nl> + - os : osx <nl> + osx_image : xcode9 <nl> + env : <nl> + - ENABLE_UI = ON <nl> + - os : linux <nl> + env : <nl> + - ENABLE_UI = OFF <nl> + - os : linux <nl> + env : <nl> + - ENABLE_UI = ON <nl> + - os : linux <nl> + addons : <nl> + apt : <nl> + sources : <nl> + - ubuntu - toolchain - r - test <nl> + packages : <nl> + - g + + - 7 <nl> + env : <nl> + - MATRIX_EVAL = " CC = gcc - 7 & & CXX = g + + - 7 " <nl> + - ENABLE_UI = ON <nl> <nl> before_script : <nl> - mkdir build <nl>
Update travis build matrix
x11/skia: Add Display::setIcons() impl <nl> Move os/ft/gfx libraries to laf <nl> Update laf module <nl> x11/skia: Add System::isKeyPressed() impl <nl> x11/skia: Add capture/releaseMouse impl <nl> Restore CMake configuration to use -stdlib=libc++ even on OS X 10.7 <nl> x11/skia: Support Space bar as a modifier <nl> Add support for more chunks per frame <nl> x11/skia: Add Unicode data to KeyPress events <nl> x11/skia: Add setMousePosition() impl
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / dlib / matrix / matrix_expressions . h <nl> ppp b / dlib / matrix / matrix_expressions . h <nl> namespace dlib <nl> typedef row_major_layout layout_type ; <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> - template < long start , long inc_ , long end > <nl> - class matrix_range_static_exp : public matrix_exp < matrix_range_static_exp < start , inc_ , end > > <nl> + template < long start , long inc_ , long end_ > <nl> + class matrix_range_static_exp : public matrix_exp < matrix_range_static_exp < start , inc_ , end_ > > <nl> { <nl> public : <nl> typedef typename matrix_traits < matrix_range_static_exp > : : type type ; <nl> namespace dlib <nl> const static long cost = matrix_traits < matrix_range_static_exp > : : cost ; <nl> typedef typename matrix_traits < matrix_range_static_exp > : : layout_type layout_type ; <nl> <nl> - const static long inc = ( start < = end ) ? inc_ : - inc_ ; <nl> + const static long inc = ( start < = end_ ) ? inc_ : - inc_ ; <nl> <nl> <nl> matrix_range_static_exp ( <nl>
Renamed a variable to avoid a name conflict in visual studio 2005
made a release <nl> Changed the member function pointer object so that: <nl> Added a few more types to the stack_based_memory_block to make extra sure it <nl> set the subversion eol-style to native for these files <nl> The deserialize() for std::string was written under the assumption that std::string <nl> Made the network_address constructor do a little more input validation. <nl> Added some functions to load and save LIBSVM formatted data files. <nl> All I did in this change was rename memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a to default_memory_manager. <nl> added more unit tests for hog coordinate transforms <nl> fixed grammar
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / src / DefaultPeerStorage . cc <nl> ppp b / src / DefaultPeerStorage . cc <nl> DefaultPeerStorage : : DefaultPeerStorage ( ) <nl> <nl> DefaultPeerStorage : : ~ DefaultPeerStorage ( ) <nl> { <nl> - assert ( uniqPeers_ . size ( ) = = unusedPeers_ . size ( ) + usedPeers_ . size ( ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> size_t DefaultPeerStorage : : countAllPeer ( ) const <nl>
Remove false assertion
2009-04-28 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <t-tujikawa@users.sourceforge.net> <nl> 2008-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <t-tujikawa@users.sourceforge.net> <nl> Update NEWS <nl> Code cleanup: Merged successive string literals in readout <nl> Added new testcase <nl> Ensure that lowest speed check is done even when download speed is 0 <nl> Updated Japanese, Spanish and Simplified Chinese translation. <nl> 2008-11-26 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <t-tujikawa@users.sourceforge.net> <nl> 2008-08-15 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com> <nl> 2010-01-31 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <t-tujikawa@users.sourceforge.net>
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / jstests / noPassthrough / out_drop_temp_collection . js <nl> ppp b / jstests / noPassthrough / out_drop_temp_collection . js <nl> <nl> / * * <nl> * Test that the temp collection created by $ out is not dropped even if the database containing it <nl> * is dropped during the operation . <nl> - * @ tags : [ assumes_unsharded_collection , do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets , <nl> - * assumes_read_concern_unchanged ] <nl> + * <nl> + * @ tags : [ <nl> + * assumes_unsharded_collection , <nl> + * do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets , <nl> + * assumes_read_concern_unchanged , <nl> + * requires_replication , <nl> + * requires_sharding , <nl> + * ] <nl> * / <nl> <nl> ( function ( ) { <nl>
SERVER - 45636 Tag out_drop_temp_collection . js as requiring replication and sharding .
SERVER-43584 Introduce mqlrun Evergreen task. <nl> SERVER-42583 Thread 'tempDir' through to SortStage. <nl> SERVER-43685 Move snapshot id handling above storage API. <nl> SERVER-44568 Update server's embedded time zone rules to version 2019c. <nl> SERVER-42852 Make PlanStage consistently hold children by unique_ptr. <nl> SERVER-42090 Ensure query planner produces a stable ordering of OR branches. <nl> SERVER-44568 Update server's embedded time zone rules to version 2019c. <nl> SERVER-36723 Push $limit beneath DocumentSourceCursor into the PlanStage layer. <nl> SERVER-43816 Push $text and $meta:"textScore" sort into the PlanStage layer. <nl> SERVER-44793 Tag index_bounds_maxkey.js as 'requires_fcv_44'.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / compiler / xla / service / hlo_evaluator_typed_visitor . h <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / compiler / xla / service / hlo_evaluator_typed_visitor . h <nl> class HloEvaluatorTypedVisitor : public DfsHloVisitorWithDefault { <nl> absl : : Span < HloInstruction * const > start_indices , <nl> const Shape & result_shape ) { <nl> std : : vector < int64 > start ; <nl> - / / TODO ( b / 118437727 ) : Remove the R1 code - path . Note that to distinguish <nl> - / / between the cases , this currently assumes there is at least 1 index . That <nl> - / / is wrong in the general case , because for scalar indices , if the operand <nl> - / / is scalar , then there are no indices . This problem with resolve itself . <nl> - const HloInstruction * first_index = start_indices [ 0 ] ; <nl> - if ( first_index - > shape ( ) . rank ( ) = = 1 ) { <nl> - auto start_indices_typed = <nl> - parent_ - > GetEvaluatedLiteralFor ( first_index ) . data < IndexT > ( ) ; <nl> - start = std : : vector < int64 > ( start_indices_typed . begin ( ) , <nl> - start_indices_typed . end ( ) ) ; <nl> - } else { <nl> - for ( HloInstruction * index : start_indices ) { <nl> - start . push_back ( <nl> - parent_ - > GetEvaluatedLiteralFor ( index ) . GetFirstElement < IndexT > ( ) ) ; <nl> - } <nl> + <nl> + for ( HloInstruction * index : start_indices ) { <nl> + start . push_back ( <nl> + parent_ - > GetEvaluatedLiteralFor ( index ) . GetFirstElement < IndexT > ( ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / / Clamp the start indices so the slice is in - bounds w . r . t the operand . <nl> class HloEvaluatorTypedVisitor : public DfsHloVisitorWithDefault { <nl> auto result = operand_literal . Clone ( ) ; <nl> const auto rank = result . shape ( ) . rank ( ) ; <nl> std : : vector < int64 > start ; <nl> - / / TODO ( b / 118437727 ) : Remove the R1 code - path . Note that to distinguish <nl> - / / between the cases , this currently assumes there is at least 1 index . That <nl> - / / is wrong in the general case , because for scalar indices , if the operand <nl> - / / is scalar , then there are no indices . This problem with resolve itself . <nl> - const HloInstruction * first_index = start_indices [ 0 ] ; <nl> - if ( first_index - > shape ( ) . rank ( ) = = 1 ) { <nl> - auto start_indices_typed = <nl> - parent_ - > GetEvaluatedLiteralFor ( first_index ) . data < IndexT > ( ) ; <nl> - start = std : : vector < int64 > ( start_indices_typed . begin ( ) , <nl> - start_indices_typed . end ( ) ) ; <nl> - } else { <nl> - for ( HloInstruction * index : start_indices ) { <nl> - start . push_back ( <nl> - parent_ - > GetEvaluatedLiteralFor ( index ) . GetFirstElement < IndexT > ( ) ) ; <nl> - } <nl> + for ( HloInstruction * index : start_indices ) { <nl> + start . push_back ( <nl> + parent_ - > GetEvaluatedLiteralFor ( index ) . GetFirstElement < IndexT > ( ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> + <nl> / / Clamp the update start indices so the slice is in - bounds w . r . t the <nl> / / operand . <nl> for ( int64 i = 0 ; i < rank ; + + i ) { <nl>
[ XLA ] Remove R1 - form DS / DUS support from the Evaluator
[XLA] Add some ReduceWindow tests, and make them more robust. <nl> [XLA] Implement scalar index form of DS/DUS on Evaluator. <nl> [XLA] Point some TODOs to the right bugs. <nl> [XLA] Move over some uses of CreateDS / CreateDUS to new API <nl> [XLA] Adapt HLO pipeline to scalar-index DS and DUS <nl> [XLA] Fix typo. <nl> [XLA] Move more XlaBuilder users over to the new DS/DUS API <nl> [XLA] Move over more uses of CreateDS / CreateDUS to new API <nl> [XLA] Fix a "we're we're" in the operation semantics. <nl> [XLA] Support bitcast in the HLO Evaluator.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / compiler / xla / service / gpu / horizontal_fusion . cc <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / compiler / xla / service / gpu / horizontal_fusion . cc <nl> namespace { <nl> absl : : InlinedVector < HloInstruction * , 2 > GetOutputsOfFusion ( <nl> const HloInstruction & instr ) { <nl> CHECK ( instr . opcode ( ) = = HloOpcode : : kFusion ) ; <nl> - auto root = instr . fused_expression_root ( ) ; <nl> + HloInstruction * root = instr . fused_expression_root ( ) ; <nl> if ( root - > opcode ( ) ! = HloOpcode : : kTuple ) { <nl> return { root } ; <nl> } else { <nl> absl : : InlinedVector < HloInstruction * , 2 > GetOutputsOfFusion ( <nl> } <nl> } <nl> <nl> - / / Return the number of outputs of the fused computation . <nl> + / / Returns the number of outputs of the fused computation . <nl> size_t GetOutputSizeOfFusion ( const HloInstruction & instr ) { <nl> CHECK ( instr . opcode ( ) = = HloOpcode : : kFusion ) ; <nl> - auto root = instr . fused_expression_root ( ) ; <nl> + const HloInstruction * root = instr . fused_expression_root ( ) ; <nl> if ( root - > opcode ( ) ! = HloOpcode : : kTuple ) { <nl> return 1 ; <nl> } else { <nl> class HorizontalFusionImpl { <nl> private : <nl> Status Fuse ( absl : : Span < HloInstruction * > fused_fusion_instrs ) ; <nl> <nl> - / / Horizontally fuses ` fused_fusion_instrs ` . We support only loop fusions <nl> - / / and require their numbers of outputs to be the same , because the code <nl> - / / generation ( of slice input fusion ) requires all the concatenated outputs <nl> - / / have the same shapes . <nl> + / / Horizontally fuses ` fused_fusion_instrs ` . It is required that each of <nl> + / / ` fused_fusion_instrs ` is a kLoop fusion . Also , we require their numbers of <nl> + / / outputs to be the same , so that each output will be fused / concatenated with <nl> + / / the same number of outputs from other fused fusion instrs . Then , all the <nl> + / / fused outputs still have the same shapes for kernel generation . <nl> + / / <nl> / / Returns the fused computation in ` uniq_computation ` and the operands that <nl> / / are used by ` uniq_computation ` . <nl> Status CreateFusedComputation ( <nl> class HorizontalFusionImpl { <nl> Initialize ( consumer ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - / / Get a span of fusions to be fused . <nl> + / / Gets a span of fusions to be fused . <nl> absl : : Span < HloInstruction * > GetNextSpanOfFusions ( ) ; <nl> <nl> private : <nl> void Initialize ( HloInstruction * ) ; <nl> <nl> std : : vector < HloInstruction * > fusion_instrs_ ; <nl> - / / pos_ points to the start position of next span . <nl> + / / ` pos_ ` points to the start position of the next span . <nl> size_t pos_ ; <nl> } ; <nl> <nl>
Polishing comments and coding styles .
Check GlobalJitLevel only for DEFAULT_MEM_OPT. <nl> Fixing a compilation error. <nl> Address review comments. <nl> Polishing comments. <nl> Add reallocation capability to bfc_allocator. <nl> Add a XlaConfigProxy class. <nl> Minor coding style polishing. <nl> Minor style polishing. <nl> Implement slice input fusion. <nl> Avoid generating a temp file during testing of auto-clustering.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / vendor / brightray <nl> ppp b / vendor / brightray <nl> @ @ - 1 + 1 @ @ <nl> - Subproject commit a6afd2ba1700aaa77286f759a4925da29bab6514 <nl> + Subproject commit 32e0b1666398db02c33c6d6ba51970672e9cb873 <nl>
Update to latest brightray and libchromiumcontent .
:lipstick: <nl> Expose MenuModel's methods in js. <nl> Emulate DOM's Event class. <nl> Add script to download atom-shell. <nl> Check whether id is valid when adding to weak map. <nl> :lipstick: <nl> Use the "chrome-devtools://" scheme to open devtools. <nl> Emit 'blur' event at right time. <nl> Add 'ready-for-update-on-quit' event for auto-updater. <nl> Don't quit browser when get fatal js error.
TYPE: 4.0
new file mode 100644 <nl> index 000000000000 . . 4272d6407252 <nl> mmm / dev / null <nl> ppp b / validation - test / compiler_crashers / 28626 - objectty - is - lvaluetype - objectty - is - inouttype - cannot - have - inout - or - lvalue - wrapped . swift <nl> <nl> + / / This source file is part of the Swift . org open source project <nl> + / / Copyright ( c ) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc . and the Swift project authors <nl> + / / Licensed under Apache License v2 . 0 with Runtime Library Exception <nl> + / / <nl> + / / See https : / / swift . org / LICENSE . txt for license information <nl> + / / See https : / / swift . org / CONTRIBUTORS . txt for the list of Swift project authors <nl> + <nl> + / / RUN : not - - crash % target - swift - frontend % s - emit - ir <nl> + / / REQUIRES : asserts <nl> + & [ _ = ( & _ <nl>
Merge pull request from practicalswift / swiftc - 28626 - objectty - is - lvaluetype - objectty - is - inouttype - cannot - have - inout - or - lvalue - wrapped
[gardening] Fix recently introduced typo: "extesion" → "extension" <nl> [swiftc (101 vs. 5181)] Add crasher in swift::ASTVisitor <nl> Merge pull request #1701 from practicalswift/swiftc-28273-swift-archetypebuilder-potentialarchetype-gettype <nl> [swiftc (49 vs. 5156)] Add crasher in swift::SILModule::constructSIL(...) <nl> [swiftc] Mark twelve crashes as duplicates of other crashes in the repo. <nl> Merge pull request #2116 from practicalswift/gardening-20160409 <nl> Merge pull request #3682 from practicalswift/swiftc-28373-swift-printoptions-setarchetypeselftransform <nl> [gardening] Use "{let,var} c: C" instead of "{let,var} c : C" <nl> Merge pull request #6206 from practicalswift/swiftc-28576-anonymous-namespace-findcapturedvars-checktype-swift-type-swift-sourceloc <nl> [gardening] Fix recently introduced typo: "corrseponding" → "corresponding"
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / Code / CryEngine / CryCommon / CryRenderer / IRenderAuxGeom . h <nl> ppp b / Code / CryEngine / CryCommon / CryRenderer / IRenderAuxGeom . h <nl> class IRenderAuxText <nl> <nl> static void Draw2dText ( float posX , float posY , const AColor & color , const char * pStr ) <nl> { <nl> - DrawText ( Vec3 ( posX , posX , 1 . f ) , 1 , AColor : : white ( ) , eDrawText_Default , pStr ) ; <nl> + DrawText ( Vec3 ( posX , posY , 1 . f ) , 1 , color , eDrawText_LegacyBehavior , pStr ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> static void PrintToScreen ( float x , float y , float size , const char * buf ) <nl> { <nl> - DrawText ( Vec3 ( x , y , 1 . f ) , ASize ( size * 0 . 5f / 8 , size * 1 . f / 8 ) , AColor : : white ( ) , eDrawText_800x600 | eDrawText_2D , buf ) ; <nl> + DrawText ( Vec3 ( x , y , 1 . f ) , ASize ( size * 0 . 5f / 8 , size * 1 . f / 8 ) , AColor : : white ( ) , eDrawText_800x600 | eDrawText_2D | eDrawText_LegacyBehavior , buf ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> static void WriteXY ( int x , int y , float xscale , float yscale , float r , float g , float b , float a , const char * format , . . . ) <nl> { <nl> va_list args ; <nl> va_start ( args , format ) ; <nl> - DrawText ( Vec3 ( float ( x ) , float ( y ) , 1 . f ) , ASize ( xscale , yscale ) , AColor ( r , g , b , a ) , eDrawText_800x600 | eDrawText_2D , format , args ) ; <nl> + DrawText ( Vec3 ( float ( x ) , float ( y ) , 1 . f ) , ASize ( xscale , yscale ) , AColor ( r , g , b , a ) , eDrawText_800x600 | eDrawText_2D | eDrawText_LegacyBehavior , format , args ) ; <nl> va_end ( args ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl>
! XB DEV - 3100 ( Renderer , AuxRenderer ) Draw2dText Layout fix ( Approved by nicolas )
!XR (Renderer, AuxRenderer) fix "no uber files" compilation issue (Approved by nicolas) <nl> !XB DEV-3027 (Renderer) thread-safe LensFlares initialization (Approved by nicolas) <nl> !XR DEV-2618 (Renderer, AuxRenderer) move CRenderer::WriteXY (and other similar functions) to AUX (Approved by nicolas) <nl> !XB DEV-2910 (Renderer, AuxRenderer) profiler text output fix (Approved by timur) <nl> !XR DEV-2607 (Render, AuxRenderer) move IRender::DrawTextQueued to AUX (Approved by nicolas) <nl> !XR DEV-2603 (Renderer, AuxRenderer) move IRenderer::DrawLabel to AUX (Approved by timur) <nl> !XB DEV-2909 (Renderer, AuxRenderer) text layout fix (Approved by timur) <nl> !XR DEV-2765 (Renderer, AuxRenderer) move IRenderer::DrawString to Aux (Approved by nicolas) <nl> !XB (Renderer, AuxRenderer) no uberfiles compilation fix (Approved by nicolas) <nl> !XR DEV-2773 (Renderer, AuxRenderer) remove FlushTextMessages() from Renderer (Approved by timur)
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / contrib / distribute / python / tpu_strategy . py <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / contrib / distribute / python / tpu_strategy . py <nl> def _unwrap ( self , val ) : <nl> # be represented using a PerReplica wrapper instead of a list with <nl> # one entry per device . <nl> return tuple ( val ) <nl> + elif isinstance ( val , values . TPUMirroredVariable ) : <nl> + # pylint : disable = protected - access <nl> + if values . _enclosing_tpu_context ( ) is not None : <nl> + return ( val , ) <nl> + return tuple ( val . _get ( device = d ) for d in sorted ( val . _index . keys ( ) ) ) <nl> return ( val , ) <nl> <nl> def value_container ( self , value ) : <nl>
Add support for TPUStrategy to be able to unwrap TPUMirroredVariable .
Merge changes from github. <nl> When converting the inputs to tensor the dtype should automatically be inferred from the input rather the using the layer dtype as those can be different when doing mixed precision training. <nl> Fix broken test <nl> Add support for TPU Pods in TPU Strategy but running per host infeed. <nl> Step_fn should be able to receive un-wrapped inputs <nl> Move reduce non distributed values and share the code with TPU Strategy and also improve print output of TPUMirroredVariable. <nl> Add code path in estimator to use the new distributed strategy api <nl> Resolve merge conflicts <nl> Fix merge conflicts <nl> Fix the flaky interleaved eval test
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / nn_parse . py <nl> ppp b / nn_parse . py <nl> def output_arguments ( thnn_function ) : <nl> cname = thnn_function . name <nl> output_args = [ ] <nl> <nl> + # function_wrapper expects everything in a declaration to be in <nl> + # the base type ( i . e . THTensor * ) , but if we pull a THCUNN only <nl> + # implementation , it will have THCTensor * as the arg type . So we <nl> + # strip the THC here before returning <nl> + def map_to_th_type ( t ) : <nl> + if t . startswith ( ' THC ' ) : <nl> + t = t . replace ( ' THC ' , ' TH ' ) <nl> + return t <nl> + <nl> def is_output_arg ( arg_name , func_name ) : <nl> if arg_name = = ' output ' and ' updateOutput ' in cname : <nl> return True <nl> def is_output_arg ( arg_name , func_name ) : <nl> name = arg . name <nl> if is_output_arg ( name , cname ) : <nl> desc = { <nl> - ' type ' : arg . type , <nl> + ' type ' : map_to_th_type ( arg . type ) , <nl> ' name ' : camel_to_snake ( name ) , <nl> ' output ' : True , <nl> } <nl> def function_info ( name , arguments , cimpls , buffers , backends ) : <nl> return { <nl> ' mode ' : ' NN ' , <nl> ' name ' : name , <nl> - ' types ' : [ ' Float ' , ' Double ' ] , <nl> + ' types ' : [ ' Float ' , ' Double ' , ' Half ' ] , # Half will be stripped for CPU backend <nl> ' arguments ' : arguments , <nl> ' return ' : get_return ( arguments ) , <nl> ' buffers ' : buffers , <nl>
missing code from pytorch
write generated_cpp. to a file rather than as output to make error reporting clearer. <nl> improve error reporting for undefined tensors passed as arguments. <nl> adding xt makefile <nl> allow tensors to be constucted from views of external data. Support creating new tensors that already have a size/stride <nl> add checks for scalars on output <nl> return a sentinel value when THTensor has undefined dimensions. <nl> make graph layout more readable <nl> enable warnings in build and fix warnings <nl> merge fixes for Squeeze and ConvTranspose <nl> support exporting constants
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / utils / vim / syntax / sil . vim <nl> ppp b / utils / vim / syntax / sil . vim <nl> syn keyword swiftImport import skipwhite nextgroup = swiftImportModule <nl> syn match swiftImportModule / \ < [ A - Za - z_ ] [ A - Za - z_0 - 9 ] * \ > / contained nextgroup = swiftImportComponent <nl> syn match swiftImportComponent / \ . \ < [ A - Za - z_ ] [ A - Za - z_0 - 9 ] * \ > / contained nextgroup = swiftImportComponent <nl> <nl> + syn region swiftComment start = " / \ * " end = " \ * / " contains = swiftComment , swiftLineComment , swiftTodo <nl> + syn region swiftLineComment start = " / / " end = " $ " contains = swiftComment , swiftTodo <nl> + <nl> syn match swiftLineComment / ^ # ! . * / <nl> syn match swiftTypeName / \ < [ A - Z ] [ a - zA - Z_0 - 9 ] * \ > / <nl> syn match swiftDecimal / \ < [ - ] \ ? [ 0 - 9 ] \ + \ > / <nl>
sil . vim : / * * / and / / are valid comments in SIL , too
SILGen: @convention(block) bridging thunks need to copy blocks in optionals <nl> IRGen: Get scalar casts with existential result type working <nl> Merge pull request #327 from erg/linux-warnings <nl> Sema: Nuke some duplication, NFC <nl> Merge pull request #729 from ken0nek/fix-can-not <nl> Fix new enum_value_semantics_special_cases_objc test that was split off from enum_value_semantics_special_cases <nl> Fix test/IRGen/casts.sil for 32-bit architectures <nl> Sema: Differentiate between 'class is @objc' and 'class has implicitly @objc members' <nl> Sema: Use isTypeChecking() to avoid recursively validating EnumElementDecls <nl> SILGen: Fix memory leak when sub-expression of ErasureExpr throws
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / lib / Sema / TypeCheckProtocolInference . cpp <nl> ppp b / lib / Sema / TypeCheckProtocolInference . cpp <nl> <nl> # include " swift / AST / Types . h " <nl> # include " swift / Basic / Defer . h " <nl> # include " swift / ClangImporter / ClangModule . h " <nl> + # include " llvm / ADT / Statistic . h " <nl> # include " llvm / ADT / TinyPtrVector . h " <nl> <nl> # define DEBUG_TYPE " Associated type inference " <nl> # include " llvm / Support / Debug . h " <nl> <nl> + STATISTIC ( NumSolutionStates , " # of solution states visited " ) ; <nl> + STATISTIC ( NumSolutionStatesFailedCheck , <nl> + " # of solution states that failed constraints check " ) ; <nl> + STATISTIC ( NumConstrainedExtensionChecks , <nl> + " # of constrained extension checks " ) ; <nl> + STATISTIC ( NumConstrainedExtensionChecksFailed , <nl> + " # of constrained extension checks failed " ) ; <nl> + STATISTIC ( NumDuplicateSolutionStates , <nl> + " # of duplicate solution states " ) ; <nl> + <nl> using namespace swift ; <nl> <nl> void InferredAssociatedTypesByWitness : : dump ( ) const { <nl> AssociatedTypeInference : : getSubstOptionsWithCurrentTypeWitnesses ( ) { <nl> bool AssociatedTypeInference : : checkCurrentTypeWitnesses ( <nl> const SmallVectorImpl < std : : pair < ValueDecl * , ValueDecl * > > <nl> & valueWitnesses ) { <nl> - / / Fold the dependent member types within this type . <nl> - for ( auto assocType : proto - > getAssociatedTypeMembers ( ) ) { <nl> - if ( conformance - > hasTypeWitness ( assocType ) ) <nl> - continue ; <nl> - <nl> - / / If the type binding does not have a type parameter , there ' s nothing <nl> - / / to do . <nl> - auto known = typeWitnesses . begin ( assocType ) ; <nl> - assert ( known ! = typeWitnesses . end ( ) ) ; <nl> - if ( ! known - > first - > hasTypeParameter ( ) & & <nl> - ! known - > first - > hasDependentMember ( ) ) <nl> - continue ; <nl> - <nl> - Type replaced = substCurrentTypeWitnesses ( known - > first ) ; <nl> - if ( replaced . isNull ( ) ) <nl> - return true ; <nl> - <nl> - known - > first = replaced ; <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> / / If we don ' t have a requirement signature for this protocol , bail out . <nl> / / FIXME : We should never get to this point . Or we should always fail . <nl> if ( ! proto - > isRequirementSignatureComputed ( ) ) return false ; <nl> bool AssociatedTypeInference : : checkCurrentTypeWitnesses ( <nl> switch ( result ) { <nl> case RequirementCheckResult : : Failure : <nl> case RequirementCheckResult : : UnsatisfiedDependency : <nl> + + + NumSolutionStatesFailedCheck ; <nl> return true ; <nl> <nl> case RequirementCheckResult : : Success : <nl> bool AssociatedTypeInference : : checkCurrentTypeWitnesses ( <nl> if ( ! ext - > isConstrainedExtension ( ) ) continue ; <nl> if ( ! checkedExtensions . insert ( ext ) . second ) continue ; <nl> <nl> - if ( checkConstrainedExtension ( ext ) ) return true ; <nl> + + + NumConstrainedExtensionChecks ; <nl> + if ( checkConstrainedExtension ( ext ) ) { <nl> + + + NumConstrainedExtensionChecksFailed ; <nl> + return true ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> return false ; <nl> void AssociatedTypeInference : : findSolutionsRec ( <nl> return ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - / / / Check the current set of type witnesses . <nl> - bool invalid = checkCurrentTypeWitnesses ( valueWitnesses ) ; <nl> + + + NumSolutionStates ; <nl> + <nl> + / / Fold the dependent member types within this type . <nl> + for ( auto assocType : proto - > getAssociatedTypeMembers ( ) ) { <nl> + if ( conformance - > hasTypeWitness ( assocType ) ) <nl> + continue ; <nl> <nl> - / / Determine whether there is already a solution with the same <nl> - / / bindings . <nl> - for ( const auto & solution : solutions ) { <nl> - bool sameSolution = true ; <nl> + / / If the type binding does not have a type parameter , there ' s nothing <nl> + / / to do . <nl> + auto known = typeWitnesses . begin ( assocType ) ; <nl> + assert ( known ! = typeWitnesses . end ( ) ) ; <nl> + if ( ! known - > first - > hasTypeParameter ( ) & & <nl> + ! known - > first - > hasDependentMember ( ) ) <nl> + continue ; <nl> + <nl> + Type replaced = substCurrentTypeWitnesses ( known - > first ) ; <nl> + if ( replaced . isNull ( ) ) <nl> + return ; <nl> + <nl> + known - > first = replaced ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / Check whether our current solution matches the given solution . <nl> + auto matchesSolution = <nl> + [ & ] ( const InferredTypeWitnessesSolution & solution ) { <nl> for ( const auto & existingTypeWitness : solution . TypeWitnesses ) { <nl> auto typeWitness = typeWitnesses . begin ( existingTypeWitness . first ) ; <nl> - if ( ! typeWitness - > first - > isEqual ( existingTypeWitness . second . first ) ) { <nl> - sameSolution = false ; <nl> - break ; <nl> - } <nl> + if ( ! typeWitness - > first - > isEqual ( existingTypeWitness . second . first ) ) <nl> + return false ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - / / We found the same solution . There is no point in recording <nl> - / / a new one . <nl> - if ( sameSolution ) <nl> - return ; <nl> + return true ; <nl> + } ; <nl> + <nl> + / / If we ' ve seen this solution already , bail out ; there ' s no point in <nl> + / / checking further . <nl> + if ( std : : find_if ( solutions . begin ( ) , solutions . end ( ) , matchesSolution ) <nl> + ! = solutions . end ( ) | | <nl> + std : : find_if ( nonViableSolutions . begin ( ) , nonViableSolutions . end ( ) , <nl> + matchesSolution ) <nl> + ! = nonViableSolutions . end ( ) ) { <nl> + + + NumDuplicateSolutionStates ; <nl> + return ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> + / / / Check the current set of type witnesses . <nl> + bool invalid = checkCurrentTypeWitnesses ( valueWitnesses ) ; <nl> + <nl> auto & solutionList = invalid ? nonViableSolutions : solutions ; <nl> solutionList . push_back ( InferredTypeWitnessesSolution ( ) ) ; <nl> auto & solution = solutionList . back ( ) ; <nl>
Merge remote - tracking branch ' origin / master ' into master - next
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge pull request #13487 from DougGregor/lazy-member-lookup-base-name <nl> Merge pull request #7461 from swiftix/substitutions-fixes <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge pull request #3660 from parkera/url_resource_fixits <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge pull request #2544 from rintaro/test-nondarwin-1 <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-llvm-swift5-transition
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / cocos / 2d / platform / CCImageCommon_cpp . h <nl> ppp b / cocos / 2d / platform / CCImageCommon_cpp . h <nl> THE SOFTWARE . <nl> <nl> # include " CCImage . h " <nl> <nl> - # include < cstring > <nl> # include < string > <nl> # include < ctype . h > <nl> <nl>
issue : delete unnecessary include
Combine CCTextureETC to CCImage and CCTexture2D. <nl> edit for linux <nl> issue #2771: add comment and improve API <nl> issue #2771: change PhysicsJoint::create() to PhysicsJoint::construct() <nl> Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x into iss2771_physical <nl> Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x into iss2771_physical <nl> issue #2771: Let the sprites added to SpriteBatchNode support physics. <nl> issue #2771: add updatePhysicsTransform to Node. <nl> issue #2771: edit physics effect with all bodies and fix some bugs <nl> issue #2771: edit some mistake when merge
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / caffe2 / python / schema . py <nl> ppp b / caffe2 / python / schema . py <nl> class Scalar ( Field ) : <nl> <nl> Scalar ( np . float64 ) <nl> <nl> - Scalar field of type float32 . Caffe2 will expect readers and <nl> + Scalar field of type float64 . Caffe2 will expect readers and <nl> datasets to expose it as a 1D tensor of doubles ( vector ) , where <nl> the size of the vector is determined by this fields ' domain . <nl> <nl>
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / Marlin / language_da . h <nl> ppp b / Marlin / language_da . h <nl> <nl> # define MSG_COOLDOWN " Afkøl " <nl> # define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS " Slå stepper fra " <nl> # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_HOMING " Homing XYZ " <nl> - # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING " Click to Begin " <nl> - # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE " Leveling Done ! " <nl> - # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_CANCEL " Cancel " <nl> - # define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS " Sæt home offsets " <nl> - # define MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED " Offsets applied " <nl> + # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING " Tryk for at starte " <nl> + # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE " Justering er færdig ! " <nl> + # define MSG_LEVEL_BED_CANCEL " Annuller " <nl> + # define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS " Sæt forskyding til udgangsposition " <nl> + # define MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED " Forskydninger er tilføjet " <nl> # define MSG_SET_ORIGIN " Sæt origin " <nl> # define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON " Slå strøm til " <nl> # define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF " Slå strøm fra " <nl>
Merge pull request from DavidBjerreBjoerklund / patch - 2
Merge pull request #3242 from thinkyhead/rc_epatel_mesh_fixes <nl> Merge pull request #1877 from AnHardt/display-only <nl> Merge pull request #3239 from thinkyhead/rc_jbrazio_fanerr <nl> Merge pull request #3027 from CONSULitAS/RCBugFix_current_command <nl> Merge pull request #3201 from jbrazio/feature/update-hephestos2-default-config <nl> Merge pull request #3090 from thinkyhead/rc_spelling <nl> Merge pull request #1663 from thinkyhead/fix_dual_z_1659 <nl> Merge pull request #3050 from Blue-Marlin/fix-1166 <nl> Merge pull request #2045 from delagela/upstream <nl> Fix de after PREVENT_DANGEROUS_EXTRUDE
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / lib / Sema / TypeCheckDeclOverride . cpp <nl> ppp b / lib / Sema / TypeCheckDeclOverride . cpp <nl> static bool diagnoseOverrideForAvailability ( ValueDecl * override , <nl> <nl> static bool checkSingleOverride ( ValueDecl * override , ValueDecl * base ) { <nl> / / This can happen with circular inheritance . <nl> - / / FIXME : BUT IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN NOW <nl> + / / FIXME : This shouldn ' t be possible once name lookup goes through the <nl> + / / request - evaluator . <nl> if ( override = = base ) <nl> return true ; <nl> <nl>
[ Type checker ] Update a FIXME . NFC
Add ChangeLog entry for Codable adoption of conditional conformances. <nl> Reinstate crasher from SR-4737 / rdar://problem/31905232. <nl> Clamp down on the types specified in requirements clauses a bit. The <nl> [Runtime] Evaluate layout constraints at runtime. <nl> [Serialization] Simplify serialized representation of archetype types. <nl> Merge pull request #11185 from DougGregor/se-0182-4.0 <nl> Remove interpolation parser recovery test; filed <rdar://problem/13850073>. <nl> Zap the unused *Expr::createWithCopy() functions, which baked <nl> [Clang importer] When importing a property as accessors, use accessor types. <nl> Make "true" and "false" Boolean literal constants for the BooleanLiteralConvertible protocol.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / hphp / hack / src / hhbc / emit_expression . ml <nl> ppp b / hphp / hack / src / hhbc / emit_expression . ml <nl> and emit_new env pos expr targs args uargs = <nl> Class_reified instrs , H . HasGenerics <nl> end <nl> | _ - > cexpr , H . NoGenerics in <nl> - match cexpr with <nl> + let newobj_instrs = match cexpr with <nl> ( * Special case for statically - known class * ) <nl> | Class_id id - > <nl> let fq_id , _id_opt = <nl> Hhbc_id . Class . elaborate_id ( Emit_env . get_namespace env ) id in <nl> Emit_symbol_refs . add_class ( Hhbc_id . Class . to_raw_string fq_id ) ; <nl> - gather [ <nl> - emit_pos pos ; <nl> - instr_newobjd fq_id ; <nl> - instr_dup ; <nl> - instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> - emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> - instr_popc <nl> - ] <nl> - | Class_static - > <nl> - gather [ <nl> - emit_pos pos ; <nl> - instr_newobjs SpecialClsRef . Static ; <nl> - instr_dup ; <nl> - instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> - emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> - instr_popc <nl> - ] <nl> - | Class_self - > <nl> - gather [ <nl> - emit_pos pos ; <nl> - instr_newobjs SpecialClsRef . Self ; <nl> - instr_dup ; <nl> - instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> - emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> - instr_popc <nl> - ] <nl> - | Class_parent - > <nl> - gather [ <nl> - emit_pos pos ; <nl> - instr_newobjs SpecialClsRef . Parent ; <nl> - instr_dup ; <nl> - instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> - emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> - instr_popc <nl> - ] <nl> + gather [ emit_pos pos ; instr_newobjd fq_id ] <nl> + | Class_static - > gather [ emit_pos pos ; instr_newobjs SpecialClsRef . Static ] <nl> + | Class_self - > gather [ emit_pos pos ; instr_newobjs SpecialClsRef . Self ] <nl> + | Class_parent - > gather [ emit_pos pos ; instr_newobjs SpecialClsRef . Parent ] <nl> + | Class_reified instrs when has_generics = H . MaybeGenerics - > <nl> + gather [ instrs ; instr_clsrefgetts ; instr_newobj 0 has_generics ] <nl> | _ - > <nl> - let instrs = match cexpr with <nl> - | Class_reified instrs when has_generics = H . MaybeGenerics - > <nl> - gather [ instrs ; instr_clsrefgetts ] <nl> - | _ - > emit_load_class_ref env pos cexpr in <nl> - gather [ <nl> - instrs ; <nl> - instr_newobj 0 has_generics ; <nl> - instr_dup ; <nl> - instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> - emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> - instr_popc <nl> - ] <nl> + gather [ emit_load_class_ref env pos cexpr ; instr_newobj 0 has_generics ] <nl> + in <nl> + gather [ <nl> + newobj_instrs ; <nl> + instr_dup ; <nl> + instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> + emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> + instr_popc <nl> + ] <nl> <nl> and emit_new_anon env pos cls_idx args uargs = <nl> let nargs = List . length args + List . length uargs in <nl> and emit_new_anon env pos cls_idx args uargs = <nl> instr_fpushctor nargs ; <nl> emit_args_and_call env pos args uargs None ; <nl> instr_popc <nl> - ] <nl> + ] <nl> <nl> and emit_clone env expr = <nl> gather [ <nl>
Simplify emit_new
Use FunctionContext to store hasCallToGetArgs flag <nl> Removed legacy unused callbacks <nl> Add optional unused async eager label hint to FCall <nl> Unify some logic of AsioBlockable <nl> Kill c_WaitableWaitHandle::m_creator <nl> Unify {Exception,Error}::$traceOpts <nl> Do not segfault on non-Awaitables in genva() <nl> Avoid memory map bloat on NUMA <nl> Fix more refs in test/run.php <nl> Share event hooks between async functions and async generators
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / workspace . bzl <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / workspace . bzl <nl> def tf_workspace ( path_prefix = " " , tf_repo_name = " " ) : <nl> ) <nl> <nl> PROTOBUF_URLS = [ <nl> - " https : / / mirror . bazel . build / github . com / google / protobuf / archive / v3 . 6 . 1 . 1 . tar . gz " , <nl> - " https : / / github . com / google / protobuf / archive / v3 . 6 . 1 . 1 . tar . gz " , <nl> + " https : / / mirror . bazel . build / github . com / google / protobuf / archive / v3 . 6 . 1 . 2 . tar . gz " , <nl> + " https : / / github . com / google / protobuf / archive / v3 . 6 . 1 . 2 . tar . gz " , <nl> ] <nl> - PROTOBUF_SHA256 = " 1ade182f91f0fa6c6116195def5d22270e01b9d03fe91319e4c6215022d0d24b " <nl> - PROTOBUF_STRIP_PREFIX = " protobuf - 3 . 6 . 1 . 1 " <nl> + PROTOBUF_SHA256 = " 2244b0308846bb22b4ff0bcc675e99290ff9f1115553ae9671eba1030af31bc0 " <nl> + PROTOBUF_STRIP_PREFIX = " protobuf - 3 . 6 . 1 . 2 " <nl> <nl> tf_http_archive ( <nl> name = " protobuf_archive " , <nl>
Update protobuf to 3 . 6 . 1 . 2
Fixing a typo for the argument to docker push. (#16204) <nl> Merge pull request #13134 from av8ramit/update_version_nightly_patch <nl> Disabling flaky tests to get rc0 out the window. <nl> Merge pull request #17496 from av8ramit/cherrypicks_BDRFD <nl> Updating the Windows docs. <nl> Updating the cloud tpu version. <nl> Merge pull request #11508 from av8ramit/branch_162017464 <nl> Merge pull request #19781 from tensorflow/fix_adamax <nl> Remove `test.get_temp_dir()`, `tf.test.test_src_dir_path()` from TF 2.0. <nl> Merge pull request #19817 from av8ramit/fix_cross_tower_ops
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / caffe2 / python / experiment_util . py <nl> ppp b / caffe2 / python / experiment_util . py <nl> def __init__ ( self , expname , runtime_args , external_loggers = None ) : <nl> self . start_time = time . time ( ) <nl> self . last_time = self . start_time <nl> self . last_input_count = 0 <nl> + self . external_loggers = None <nl> <nl> if external_loggers is not None : <nl> self . external_loggers = external_loggers <nl>
Fixed a bug : ' ModelTrainerLog instance has no attribute ' external_loggers ' '
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / unlvtests / runtestset . sh <nl> ppp b / unlvtests / runtestset . sh <nl> do <nl> srcdir = " $ imdir " <nl> fi <nl> # echo " $ srcdir / $ page . tif " <nl> - $ tess " $ srcdir / $ page . tif " " $ resdir / $ page " - - tessdata - dir . . / tessdata_fast - - oem 1 - l eng - - psm 6 $ config 2 > & 1 | grep - v " OCR Engine " <nl> + $ tess " $ srcdir / $ page . tif " " $ resdir / $ page " - - tessdata - dir . . / tessdata_fast - - oem 1 - l eng - - psm 6 $ config 2 > & 1 | grep - v " OCR Engine " | grep - v " Page 1 " <nl> if [ - r times . txt ] <nl> then <nl> read t < times . txt <nl>
Fix log message of UNLV tests
ccstruct: Remove unused local variable <nl> Fix help message for unicharset_extractor (#1206) <nl> java: Remove unused field (fix CID 1386094 UrF: Unread field) <nl> Fix crash caused by undefined value of local variable <nl> Don't try to build manpages if asciidoc is missing <nl> Fix order of arguments for tprintf <nl> Fix build for Mingw-w64 <nl> Print version to stdout instead to stderr <nl> Remove extra semicolons after member function definitions <nl> opencl: Fix some compiler warnings [-Wunused-function]
TYPE: 3.0
new file mode 100644 <nl> index 000000000000 . . 08cb52468345 <nl> mmm / dev / null <nl> ppp b / validation - test / compiler_crashers / 28316 - swift - typechecker - checkgenericparamlist . swift <nl> <nl> + / / This source file is part of the Swift . org open source project <nl> + / / Copyright ( c ) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc . and the Swift project authors <nl> + / / Licensed under Apache License v2 . 0 with Runtime Library Exception <nl> + / / <nl> + / / See http : / / swift . org / LICENSE . txt for license information <nl> + / / See http : / / swift . org / CONTRIBUTORS . txt for the list of Swift project authors <nl> + <nl> + / / RUN : not - - crash % target - swift - frontend % s - parse <nl> + { class B { init ( T ) } class T where g : a <nl>
[ swiftc ] Add 💥 case ( 😢 → 93 , 😀 → 5067 ) triggered in swift : : TypeCheck : : checkGenericParamList ( … )
[gardening] Fix recently introduced typo: "availablity" → "availability" <nl> [SourceKit] Add test case for crash triggered in swift::TypeChecker::resolveTypeWitness(swift::NormalProtocolConformance const*, swift::AssociatedTypeDecl*) <nl> [swiftc] Add test case for crash triggered in swift::TypeChecker::applyUnboundGenericArguments(swift::UnboundGenericType*, swift::SourceLoc, swift::DeclContext*, llvm::MutableArrayRef<swift::TypeLoc>, bool, swift::GenericTypeResolver*) <nl> Replace left/right quotation marks <nl> Merge pull request #1905 from practicalswift/swiftc-28283-swift-archetypebuilder-finalize <nl> [gardening] Fix recently introduced typo: "cant" → "can't" <nl> [swiftc] Add test case for crash triggered in swift::ArchetypeBuilder::finalize(swift::SourceLoc) <nl> [gardening] Fix recently introduced typo: "exectuable" → "executable" <nl> [gardening] Fix incorrect file name in header. <nl> [SIL] Add test case for crash triggered in swift::DependentGenericTypeResolver::resolveSelfAssociatedType(swift::Type, swift::DeclContext*, swift::AssociatedTypeDecl*)
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / Code / CryEngine / CryAction / CryAction . cpp <nl> ppp b / Code / CryEngine / CryAction / CryAction . cpp <nl> bool CCryAction : : InitGame ( SSystemInitParams & startupParams ) <nl> <nl> if ( ! hGameDll ) <nl> { <nl> - CryWarning ( VALIDATOR_MODULE_SYSTEM , VALIDATOR_WARNING , " Failed to load the Game DLL ! % s " , gameDLLName ) ; <nl> - return false ; <nl> + / / workaround to make the legacy game work with the new project system where the dll is in a separate folder <nl> + char executableFolder [ MAX_PATH ] ; <nl> + char engineRootFolder [ MAX_PATH ] ; <nl> + CryGetExecutableFolder ( MAX_PATH , executableFolder ) ; <nl> + CryFindEngineRootFolder ( MAX_PATH , engineRootFolder ) ; <nl> + <nl> + string newGameDLLPath = string ( executableFolder ) . erase ( 0 , strlen ( engineRootFolder ) ) ; <nl> + <nl> + newGameDLLPath + = gameDLLName ; <nl> + <nl> + hGameDll = CryLoadLibrary ( newGameDLLPath . c_str ( ) ) ; <nl> + <nl> + if ( ! hGameDll ) <nl> + { <nl> + CryWarning ( VALIDATOR_MODULE_SYSTEM , VALIDATOR_WARNING , " Failed to load the Game DLL ! % s " , gameDLLName ) ; <nl> + return false ; <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> IGameStartup : : TEntryFunction CreateGameStartup = ( IGameStartup : : TEntryFunction ) CryGetProcAddress ( hGameDll , " CreateGameStartup " ) ; <nl>
! XB ( CE - 12782 ) ( CryAction ) Massive errors in NC after woodland is loaded on TEST
!XB (CE-11517) (GameTemplates) The data don't belong here they should be in the data stream (Approved by davidka) <nl> !B (CE-11300) (CryAction) Warnings when loading airfield (XML reader: Can't open file) (Approved by achim) <nl> !B (CE-12253) (Flowgraph) Exiting vr_demo triggers assert (Approved by achim) <nl> !XB (CE-12684) (EntitySystem) Can't edit numeric values of components <nl> !XB (CE-11180) (GameSDK) After enabling cutscene in woodland player-character isn't displayed anymore (Approved by achim) <nl> !XB (CE-11169) (Mono) Sydewinder project doesn't work (Approved by achim) <nl> !XB (GameTemplates) Shooting doesn't work in the IsometricPathfining template <nl> !XB (CE-12639) (System) Shutting down Gamelauncher with C#-Blank via quit triggers assert <nl> !B (CE-11317) (GameSDK) Boosting with the boat causes short freeze (Approved by achim) <nl> !XB (CE-12704) (EntitySystem) Closing the Schematyc-window triggers an assert
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / docs / FAQs / Software_FAQs . md <nl> ppp b / docs / FAQs / Software_FAQs . md <nl> Refer to the How - To guide located [ here ] ( https : / / github . com / ApolloAuto / apollo / bl <nl> <nl> # # Ubuntu 14 . 04 login loop problem after installing the pre - built Apollo Kernel . <nl> <nl> + Here is a solution to solve this problem : <nl> + 1 . reboot ubuntu system , and press and hold ' shift ' button and then enter grub menu . <nl> + 2 . choose a generic and bootable item ( not boot loader with apollo kernel ) to boot up . <nl> + 3 . press ' Ctrl + Alt + F1 ' and install ' NVIDIA - Linux - x86_64 - 375 . 39 . run ' according to the [ link ] ( https : / / github . com / ApolloAuto / apollo / blob / master / docs / quickstart / apollo_2_0_hardware_system_installation_guide_v1 . md ) <nl> + <nl> <nl> * * More Software FAQs to follow . * * <nl>
Update Software_FAQs . md
Update Software_FAQs.md <nl> Update Software_FAQs.md <nl> Update Software_FAQs.md
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / trunk / src / app / srs_app_statistic . cpp <nl> ppp b / trunk / src / app / srs_app_statistic . cpp <nl> void SrsStatistic : : on_stream_close ( SrsRequest * req ) <nl> SrsStatisticVhost * vhost = create_vhost ( req ) ; <nl> SrsStatisticStream * stream = create_stream ( vhost , req ) ; <nl> stream - > close ( ) ; <nl> - <nl> - / / TODO Is this correct ? Something is not released ? <nl> - std : : map < int64_t , SrsStatisticStream * > : : iterator it ; <nl> - if ( ( it = streams . find ( stream - > id ) ) ! = streams . end ( ) ) { <nl> - streams . erase ( it ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> - std : : map < std : : string , SrsStatisticStream * > : : iterator sit ; <nl> - if ( ( sit = rstreams . find ( stream - > url ) ) ! = rstreams . end ( ) ) { <nl> - rstreams . erase ( sit ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> + <nl> + / / TODO : FIXME : Should fix https : / / github . com / ossrs / srs / issues / 803 <nl> + if ( true ) { <nl> + std : : map < int64_t , SrsStatisticStream * > : : iterator it ; <nl> + if ( ( it = streams . find ( stream - > id ) ) ! = streams . end ( ) ) { <nl> + streams . erase ( it ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + / / TODO : FIXME : Should fix https : / / github . com / ossrs / srs / issues / 803 <nl> + if ( true ) { <nl> + std : : map < std : : string , SrsStatisticStream * > : : iterator it ; <nl> + if ( ( it = rstreams . find ( stream - > url ) ) ! = rstreams . end ( ) ) { <nl> + rstreams . erase ( it ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + } <nl> } <nl> <nl> int SrsStatistic : : on_client ( int id , SrsRequest * req , SrsConnection * conn , SrsRtmpConnType type ) <nl>
For , should refine code .
merge from 2.0.160: <nl> refine the macros for windows of srs-librtmp <nl> for bug #194, refine the config <nl> refine the ptr array free, 0.9.96 <nl> fix #375, fix hls bug, keep cc continous between ts files. 2.0.159. <nl> refine hls html5 video template. <nl> update readme <nl> for #738, refine the dvr segmenter. <nl> add rtmfp tsvarea <nl> refine the hls_on_notify, calc the spent time in ms.
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / dbms / include / DB / Storages / MergeTree / MergeTreeBlockInputStream . h <nl> ppp b / dbms / include / DB / Storages / MergeTree / MergeTreeBlockInputStream . h <nl> class MergeTreeBlockInputStream : public IProfilingBlockInputStream <nl> column . name = * it ; <nl> column . type = storage . getDataTypeByName ( * it ) ; <nl> column . column = column . type - > createColumn ( ) ; <nl> - readData ( * it , * column . type , * column . column , max_rows_to_read ) ; <nl> + <nl> + try <nl> + { <nl> + readData ( * it , * column . type , * column . column , max_rows_to_read ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + catch ( const Exception & e ) <nl> + { <nl> + / / / Более хорошая диагностика . <nl> + if ( e . code ( ) = = ErrorCodes : : CHECKSUM_DOESNT_MATCH | | e . code ( ) = = ErrorCodes : : TOO_LARGE_SIZE_COMPRESSED ) <nl> + throw Exception ( e . message ( ) + " ( while reading column " + * it + " from part " + path + " ) " , e . code ( ) ) ; <nl> + else <nl> + throw ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> if ( column . column - > size ( ) ) <nl> res . insert ( column ) ; <nl> class MergeTreeBlockInputStream : public IProfilingBlockInputStream <nl> if ( column . size ( ) ) <nl> readData ( <nl> name , <nl> - * type_arr - > getNestedType ( ) , <nl> + * type_arr - > getNestedType ( ) , <nl> dynamic_cast < ColumnArray & > ( column ) . getData ( ) , <nl> dynamic_cast < const ColumnArray & > ( column ) . getOffsets ( ) [ column . size ( ) - 1 ] , <nl> level + 1 ) ; <nl>
dbms: development [#CONV-2944]. <nl> dbms: development [#CONV-2944]. <nl> Merge <nl> dbms: development [#CONV-2944]. <nl> dbms: development. <nl> RemoteWriteBuffer: added [#CONV-3632]. <nl> dbms: addition to prev. revisions [#CONV-2944]. <nl> init.d template: [#CONV-960]. <nl> dbms: probably fixed error [#CONV-2944]. <nl> dbms: better diagnostics [#CONV-2944].
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / include / grpcpp / impl / codegen / server_callback . h <nl> ppp b / include / grpcpp / impl / codegen / server_callback . h <nl> class ServerCallbackReader { <nl> protected : <nl> template < class Response > <nl> void BindReactor ( ServerReadReactor < Request , Response > * reactor ) { <nl> - reactor - > BindReader ( this ) ; <nl> + reactor - > InternalBindReader ( this ) ; <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> class ServerCallbackWriter { <nl> protected : <nl> template < class Request > <nl> void BindReactor ( ServerWriteReactor < Request , Response > * reactor ) { <nl> - reactor - > BindWriter ( this ) ; <nl> + reactor - > InternalBindWriter ( this ) ; <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> class ServerCallbackReaderWriter { <nl> <nl> protected : <nl> void BindReactor ( ServerBidiReactor < Request , Response > * reactor ) { <nl> - reactor - > BindStream ( this ) ; <nl> + reactor - > InternalBindStream ( this ) ; <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> class ServerBidiReactor : public internal : : ServerReactor { <nl> <nl> private : <nl> friend class ServerCallbackReaderWriter < Request , Response > ; <nl> - virtual void BindStream ( <nl> + / / May be overridden by internal implementation details , this is not a public <nl> + / / customization point . <nl> + virtual void InternalBindStream ( <nl> ServerCallbackReaderWriter < Request , Response > * stream ) { <nl> stream_ = stream ; <nl> } <nl> class ServerReadReactor : public internal : : ServerReactor { <nl> <nl> private : <nl> friend class ServerCallbackReader < Request > ; <nl> - virtual void BindReader ( ServerCallbackReader < Request > * reader ) { <nl> + / / May be overridden by internal implementation details , this is not a public <nl> + / / customization point . <nl> + virtual void InternalBindReader ( ServerCallbackReader < Request > * reader ) { <nl> reader_ = reader ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> class ServerWriteReactor : public internal : : ServerReactor { <nl> <nl> private : <nl> friend class ServerCallbackWriter < Response > ; <nl> - virtual void BindWriter ( ServerCallbackWriter < Response > * writer ) { <nl> + / / May be overridden by internal implementation details , this is not a public <nl> + / / customization point . <nl> + virtual void InternalBindWriter ( ServerCallbackWriter < Response > * writer ) { <nl> writer_ = writer ; <nl> } <nl> <nl>
Add comments and rename internal methods
headers reorg <nl> Clean up handshaking server channels properly <nl> Add metadata_map.h to build.yaml <nl> Regenerate projects and fixes <nl> fix path <nl> minor fixes <nl> global replace health check proto v1alpha to v1 <nl> Minor fixes <nl> Add fuzzer test case <nl> log GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY when fail to find polling engine
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / Code / Libs / spirv - cross / CMakeLists . txt <nl> ppp b / Code / Libs / spirv - cross / CMakeLists . txt <nl> if ( WIN32 OR WIN64 ) <nl> / wd4530 # C + + exception handler used , but unwind semantics are not enabled . Specify / EHsc <nl> / wd4267 # ' initializing ' : conversion from ' size_t ' to ' uint32_t ' , possible loss of data <nl> / wd4244 # ' = ' : conversion from ' __int64 ' to ' uint32_t ' , possible loss of data <nl> + / WX - # disabling warnings treated as errors <nl> ) <nl> elseif ( LINUX OR ANDROID ) <nl> target_compile_options ( $ { THIS_PROJECT } PRIVATE <nl> - Wno - return - type <nl> + - Werror <nl> ) <nl> endif ( ) <nl>
! B ( Vulkan ) not treating warnings as error for spirv - cross
!RB (Renderer) Fixes the input layout of all techniques using FullscreenTriVS as vertex shader. <nl> !B (Renderer) Fixes the wrong write color mask used in vulkan implementation. <nl> !R (Renderer) Removing all not %_RT_PER_INSTANCE_CB_TEMP cases as it is true in the new pipeline. <nl> !B (CE-14420) (Renderer) Fixes the meta main menu background. <nl> !B (Renderer) Fixes vulkan shader cache generation. The encoded resource layout size is reduced by half. It is base64 encoded and sent with request line to remote shader compiler. This way the resource layout description which is needed for vulkan shader compilation is known during shader cache generation. <nl> !R (Renderer) Replacing r_shadersorbis, r_shadersdx10, r_shadersdx11, r_shadersGL4, r_shadersGLES3, r_shadersdurango, r_shadersVulkan CVars with r_ShaderTarget CVar which specifies the target which shaders must be built for. <nl> !T (Renderer) Outputing a fatal error when the non-optional principle textures are missing. <nl> !B (CE-14371) (Renderer) fixes the not updated aux geometries command buffer cameras when the display's properties are changed. <nl> Copying //ce/dev_render_remove_pipeline1 to main (//ce/main) <nl> !IB (3DEngine) (CE-12600) using override material for rendering decal when it is not null.
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / src / brpc / grpc . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / brpc / grpc . cpp <nl> int64_t ConvertGrpcTimeoutToUS ( const std : : string * grpc_timeout ) { <nl> default : <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> } <nl> - LOG ( FATAL ) < < " Impossible " ; <nl> + CHECK ( false ) < < " Impossible " ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> } / / namespace brpc <nl>
use CHECK ( false ) in ConvertGrpcTimeoutToUS
restore _abstime_ns to _abstime_us <nl> add virtual dtor to interface class <nl> move grpc timeout related code to grpc.cpp <nl> add server processed time in controller <nl> Remove connection-level flow control check <nl> fix typo <nl> add invalid grpc timeout case to UT <nl> fix indentation <nl> Remove _goaway_sent <nl> support grpc client setting timeout in cntl or channel
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / db / db_impl . cc <nl> ppp b / db / db_impl . cc <nl> Status DestroyDB ( const std : : string & dbname , const Options & options ) { <nl> } <nl> } <nl> } <nl> - Status del = env - > DeleteDir ( ArchivalDirectory ( dbname ) ) ; <nl> - if ( result . ok ( ) & & ! del . ok ( ) ) { <nl> - result = del ; <nl> - } <nl> + / / ignore case where no archival directory is present . <nl> + env - > DeleteDir ( ArchivalDirectory ( dbname ) ) ; <nl> <nl> env - > UnlockFile ( lock ) ; / / Ignore error since state is already gone <nl> env - > DeleteFile ( lockname ) ; <nl>
Fix a bug . Where DestroyDB deletes a non - existant archive directory .
Flush Data at object destruction if disableWal is used. <nl> Create a long running test to check GetUpdatesSince. <nl> Make Java Client compilable. <nl> LDB can read WAL. <nl> Fix Bug in Binary Search for files containing a seq no. and delete Archived Log Files during Destroy DB. <nl> stat's collection in leveldb <nl> Refactor GetArchivalDirectoryName to filename.h <nl> LDB can read WAL. <nl> GetUpdatesSince API to enable replication. <nl> Fix LDB dumpwal to print the messages as in the file.
TYPE: 3.0
new file mode 100644 <nl> index 0000000000 . . e551b9ab96 <nl> mmm / dev / null <nl> ppp b / code / graph - algorithms / depth_first_search / dfs . rb <nl> <nl> + = begin <nl> + This class represents a node in a graph . <nl> + It has a NAME and an ID and each node knows which nodes it is connected to . <nl> + = end <nl> + class GraphNode <nl> + require ' set ' <nl> + @ @ id = 0 <nl> + <nl> + attr_reader : name , : id , : connections <nl> + <nl> + def initialize name <nl> + @ name = name <nl> + @ id = ( @ @ id + = 1 ) <nl> + @ connections = Set . new <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + def connect node <nl> + return false unless node . kind_of ? GraphNode <nl> + @ connections < < node <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + def equal ? other <nl> + return false unless other . kind_of ? GraphNode <nl> + return @ name = = other . name & & @ id = = other . id <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + def to_s <nl> + return " < GraphNode : # { self . name } > " <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + def to_str <nl> + return self . to_s <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + = begin <nl> + A simple function as a default function performed for each node in dfs ( ) <nl> + = end <nl> + def goalNode ? node <nl> + return node . name = = " Goal " <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + = begin <nl> + Given a start node and a function or code block this performs a depth first search and will exit upon function or code block returning true , or returns : goal_node_not_found when it has visited the whole graph . <nl> + <nl> + visited is a set containing all nodes that has been checked . <nl> + frontier is a queue were new nodes are prepended in reverse order , making this a depth first search . <nl> + = end <nl> + def dfs start , goal = : goalNode ? <nl> + require ' set ' <nl> + visited = Set . new <nl> + frontier = Array . new <nl> + frontier < < start <nl> + <nl> + while not frontier . empty ? <nl> + current = frontier . shift <nl> + <nl> + if not visited . include ? current <nl> + visited < < current <nl> + <nl> + found = false <nl> + if block_given ? <nl> + found = yield ( current ) <nl> + else <nl> + found = send ( goal , current ) <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + if not found <nl> + current . connections . reverse_each do | node | <nl> + frontier . unshift node <nl> + end <nl> + else <nl> + return current <nl> + end <nl> + end <nl> + end <nl> + return : goal_node_not_found <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + = begin <nl> + A small test that will use dfs ( ) for root node First , then for the Second node . <nl> + The dfs accepts a code block , and here we just print each visited node and will never find the goal - node . <nl> + <nl> + The tests output : <nl> + Building Graph for tests . . . <nl> + Testing from root node ' First ' <nl> + < GraphNode : First > <nl> + < GraphNode : Second > <nl> + < GraphNode : Fourth > <nl> + < GraphNode : Fifth > <nl> + < GraphNode : Third > <nl> + < GraphNode : Goal > <nl> + < GraphNode : Sixth > <nl> + goal_node_not_found <nl> + Testing from second node ' Second ' <nl> + < GraphNode : Second > <nl> + < GraphNode : First > <nl> + < GraphNode : Third > <nl> + < GraphNode : Goal > <nl> + < GraphNode : Sixth > <nl> + < GraphNode : Fourth > <nl> + < GraphNode : Fifth > <nl> + goal_node_not_found <nl> + = end <nl> + def test <nl> + puts " Building Graph for tests . . . " <nl> + # Simple graph <nl> + # <nl> + # First <nl> + # / \ <nl> + # second third <nl> + # / | | \ <nl> + # fourth fifth goal sixth <nl> + # <nl> + # Construct graph <nl> + first = GraphNode . new " First " <nl> + second = GraphNode . new " Second " <nl> + third = GraphNode . new " Third " <nl> + fourth = GraphNode . new " Fourth " <nl> + fifth = GraphNode . new " Fifth " <nl> + sixth = GraphNode . new " Sixth " <nl> + goal = GraphNode . new " Goal " <nl> + <nl> + first . connect second <nl> + first . connect third <nl> + <nl> + second . connect first <nl> + second . connect fourth <nl> + second . connect fifth <nl> + <nl> + third . connect first <nl> + third . connect goal <nl> + third . connect sixth <nl> + <nl> + fourth . connect second <nl> + fifth . connect second <nl> + <nl> + goal . connect third <nl> + sixth . connect third <nl> + <nl> + # Perform tests <nl> + puts " Testing from root node ' First ' " <nl> + puts ( dfs ( first ) { | node | puts " " + node } ) <nl> + <nl> + puts " Testing from second node ' Second ' " <nl> + puts ( dfs ( second ) { | node | puts " " + node } ) <nl> + <nl> + end <nl> + <nl> + test if __FILE__ = = $ 0 <nl>
adds : dfs implementation of bfs . rb
removes: unnessecary spaces <nl> adds: comments <nl> adds: breadth first search
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / utils / build - windows . bat <nl> ppp b / utils / build - windows . bat <nl> cmake ^ <nl> - DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS : STRING = " / GS - / Oy " ^ <nl> - DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS : STRING = / INCREMENTAL : NO ^ <nl> - DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS : STRING = / INCREMENTAL : NO ^ <nl> + - DSWIFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_CONCURRENCY = YES ^ <nl> - S " % source_root % \ llvm - project \ llvm " % exitOnError % <nl> <nl> cmake - - build " % build_root % \ llvm " % exitOnError % <nl>
Merge pull request from compnerd / concurrency
validation: make test_shell Python3 friendly <nl> test: adjust for Windows <nl> Merge pull request #29159 from compnerd/20200108-symbol-graph-extract-rebranch <nl> Merge pull request #6271 from hughbe/clang-cl-checks <nl> SILOptimizer: remove unused variable <nl> build: don't always load clang/cmark <nl> build: dereference some variables for android x64 <nl> Merge pull request #20574 from compnerd/lazy-metadata <nl> unittests: adjust for VS2017 15.8+ <nl> stdlib: update syntax for @availability
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / lib / RemoteAST / RemoteAST . cpp <nl> ppp b / lib / RemoteAST / RemoteAST . cpp <nl> RemoteASTTypeBuilder : : createNominalTypeDecl ( const Demangle : : NodePointer & node ) { <nl> ModuleDecl * RemoteASTTypeBuilder : : findModule ( const Demangle : : NodePointer & node ) { <nl> assert ( node - > getKind ( ) = = Demangle : : Node : : Kind : : Module ) ; <nl> const auto & moduleName = node - > getText ( ) ; <nl> - / / Intentionally using getLoadedModule ( ) instead of getModuleByName ( ) here . <nl> - / / LLDB uses RemoteAST for its per - module SwiftASTContext . Importing external <nl> - / / modules here could permanently damage this context , for example when a <nl> - / / Clang import fails because of missing header search options . To avoid this <nl> - / / situation , restrict RemoteAST ' s access to only the module ' s transitive <nl> - / / closure of imports . <nl> - return Ctx . getLoadedModule ( Ctx . getIdentifier ( moduleName ) ) ; <nl> + return Ctx . getModuleByName ( moduleName ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> Demangle : : NodePointer <nl>
Merge remote - tracking branch ' origin / master ' into master - next
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-llvm-swift5-transition <nl> Merge pull request #2221 from JaSpa/empty-args <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-llvm-swift5-transition <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/swift-3.1-branch' into swift-4.0-branch <nl> Merge pull request #1965 from apple/drop-libbsd-dependency <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master-next
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / setup . py <nl> ppp b / setup . py <nl> def make_relative_rpath ( path ) : <nl> ' lib / include / torch / csrc / autograd / * . h ' , <nl> ' lib / include / torch / csrc / jit / * . h ' , <nl> ' lib / include / torch / csrc / utils / * . h ' , <nl> + ' lib / include / torch / csrc / cuda / * . h ' , <nl> ' lib / include / torch / torch . h ' , <nl> ] <nl> } ) <nl>
add cuda headers ( )
Add option to not include histograms (#16579) <nl> Move generated and real under discriminator namespace (#16158) <nl> By default, only download inception if it doesn't exist already (#16577)
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . travis . yml <nl> ppp b / . travis . yml <nl> android : <nl> - extra - android - m2repository <nl> - extra - android - support <nl> before_install : <nl> + - gem install danger danger - xcode_summary xcpretty xcpretty - json - formatter <nl> + - brew update <nl> - export CHROME_BIN = chromium - browser <nl> - export JAVA_HOME = / usr / lib / jvm / java - 7 - openjdk - amd64 <nl> - brew install android - sdk <nl> before_install : <nl> - echo yes | android update sdk - - all - - filter build - tools - 23 . 0 . 2 - - no - ui - - force <nl> - export DISPLAY = : 99 . 0 <nl> - sh - e / etc / init . d / xvfb start <nl> - - gem install danger danger - xcode_summary xcpretty xcpretty - json - formatter <nl> - - brew update <nl> - brew install nvm <nl> - source $ ( brew - - prefix nvm ) / nvm . sh <nl> - nvm install 4 . 2 . 1 <nl>
* [ test ] update travis config
* [android] bump version <nl> Merge branch 'v0.7.1-dev' into v0.7.1-release <nl> * [android] fix example file name <nl> * [android] fix unit test <nl> Merge branch 'android-feature-20160607' into android-feature-x86support <nl> Merge branch 'v0.9.3-stable' into tb-dev <nl> * [android] test circle ci <nl> Merge branch 'v0.7.1-dev' into v0.7.1-release <nl> * [android] catch IllegalArgumentException in default http adapter <nl> * [test] fix test script
TYPE: 4.0
new file mode 100644 <nl> index 0000000000 . . 5938192596 <nl> mmm / dev / null <nl> ppp b / code / data_structures / b_tree / b_tree_C / btree . h <nl> <nl> + / / Part of Cosmos by OpenGenus Foundation <nl> + / / Author : ABDOUS Kamel <nl> + / / Implementation of a disk - stored B - Tree <nl> + <nl> + # ifndef BTREE_H_INCLUDED <nl> + # define BTREE_H_INCLUDED <nl> + <nl> + # include < stdio . h > <nl> + <nl> + # define MIN_DEGREE 2 <nl> + # define MAX_N ( ( MIN_DEGREE * 2 ) - 1 ) / * Max nb of values stored in a node * / <nl> + # define MAX_C ( MIN_DEGREE * 2 ) / * Max nb of childs of a node * / <nl> + <nl> + # define MAX_S 20 / * Size of the stack * / <nl> + <nl> + typedef int TVal ; <nl> + <nl> + / * This struct contains information about the disk - stored b - tree * / <nl> + typedef struct <nl> + { <nl> + int root ; / * Block num of the root * / <nl> + int nbNodes ; <nl> + int nbVals ; <nl> + int height ; <nl> + <nl> + / * In the file that contains the b - tree , there ' s a list of the blocks <nl> + that are no longer used by the tree . This field contains the block num <nl> + of the head of this list . If this list is not empty , we use a block of the list <nl> + when we need a new block instead of allocating a new one . * / <nl> + int freeBlocksHead ; <nl> + <nl> + } FileHeader ; <nl> + <nl> + typedef struct <nl> + { <nl> + TVal vals [ MAX_N ] ; <nl> + int childs [ MAX_C ] ; <nl> + <nl> + int nb_n ; / / Nb values stored in the node <nl> + <nl> + } BNode ; <nl> + <nl> + / * That a static stack * / <nl> + typedef struct <nl> + { <nl> + int head ; <nl> + int adrs [ MAX_S ] ; <nl> + BNode nodes [ MAX_S ] ; <nl> + <nl> + } BStack ; <nl> + <nl> + / * That ' s the struct to use to manipulate a b - tree * / <nl> + typedef struct <nl> + { <nl> + FILE * treeFile ; <nl> + FileHeader fileHeader ; <nl> + BStack stack ; <nl> + <nl> + } BTree ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * Binary search in a node . <nl> + * Returns 1 in success and stores the position in i . <nl> + * Otherwise returns 0 and i contains the position where the value is supposed to be . <nl> + * / <nl> + int bnode_search ( TVal v , int * i , BNode * n ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * Inserts v in n and keeps the values sorted . <nl> + * rc is the right child of the value ( - 1 if it hasn ' t ) . <nl> + * / <nl> + void bnode_ins ( TVal v , int rc , BNode * n ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * Deletes v from the node n . <nl> + * / <nl> + void bnode_del ( TVal v , BNode * n ) ; <nl> + <nl> + void inordre ( BTree * f , int i ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * Returns 1 and the block that contains c in buff , and its num in i , and the position of c in j . <nl> + * If the value doesn ' t exist , returns 0 . <nl> + * / <nl> + int btree_find ( BTree * bt , TVal c , int * i , int * j , BNode * buff ) ; <nl> + void btree_ins ( BTree * bt , TVal c ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / / mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - / / <nl> + void initStack ( BStack * stack ) ; <nl> + void pushStack ( BStack * stack , int adr , BNode * n ) ; <nl> + void popStack ( BStack * stack , int * adr , BNode * n ) ; <nl> + void getStackHead ( BStack * stack , int * adr , BNode * n ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * Function to call to open a disk - stored b - tree . <nl> + * if mode = ' N ' : it creates a new btree . <nl> + * else ( you can put ' O ' ) : it reads the btree stored in fpath . <nl> + * / <nl> + BTree * OpenBTree ( char * fpath , char mode ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * Close the btree . <nl> + * Writes the tree header in the file . <nl> + * / <nl> + void CloseBTree ( BTree * f ) ; <nl> + <nl> + void ReadBlock ( BTree * f , BNode * buff , int i ) ; <nl> + void WriteBlock ( BTree * f , BNode * buff , int i ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * If the freeBlocks list isn ' t empty , takes the head of the list as a new block . <nl> + * Else , it allocs a new block on the disk . <nl> + * / <nl> + int AllocBlock ( BTree * f ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / * <nl> + * This function also adds the block to the freeBlocks list . <nl> + * / <nl> + void FreeBlock ( BTree * f , BNode * buff , int i ) ; <nl> + <nl> + int BTreeRoot ( BTree * f ) ; <nl> + <nl> + # endif / / BTREE_H_INCLUDED <nl>
Create btree . h
Game of life in C with SDL <nl> Comments added to median_of_medians.c <nl> 2Sum in C
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / third_party / mlir / lib / IR / Diagnostics . cpp <nl> ppp b / third_party / mlir / lib / IR / Diagnostics . cpp <nl> SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandlerImpl : : computeExpectedDiags ( <nl> SmallVector < StringRef , 100 > lines ; <nl> buf - > getBuffer ( ) . split ( lines , ' \ n ' ) ; <nl> for ( unsigned lineNo = 0 , e = lines . size ( ) ; lineNo < e ; + + lineNo ) { <nl> - SmallVector < StringRef , 3 > matches ; <nl> + SmallVector < StringRef , 4 > matches ; <nl> if ( ! expected . match ( lines [ lineNo ] , & matches ) ) <nl> continue ; <nl> / / Point to the start of expected - * . <nl>
Pre - allocate space for results from a regex match that uses 3 match strings .
Update generated Python Op docs. <nl> Move tensorflow/core/lib/io/match.{h,cc} to "lib" rather than "lib_internal" <nl> Fixed tf.gather behavior when axis=None and batch_dims < 0 <nl> Update ops-related pbtxt files. <nl> Fix uses of private, mangled names for proto enumerators. <nl> Adding a version of rolled triangular solver code for the right-multiply case, which is used in Cholesky decomposition. Replacing the unrolled version with a While loop drastically reduces XLA compilation times which allows much larger models to be run on TPU. <nl> Update ops-related pbtxt files. <nl> Python DefFun now creates functions that include NodeDefs <nl> Have EnsureBiasVector create bias vectors that already have the <nl> Fix StridedSlice
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / folly / test / SocketAddressTest . cpp <nl> ppp b / folly / test / SocketAddressTest . cpp <nl> <nl> # include < folly / portability / Sockets . h > <nl> # include < folly / test / SocketAddressTestHelper . h > <nl> <nl> + using folly : : NetworkSocket ; <nl> using folly : : SocketAddress ; <nl> using folly : : SocketAddressTestHelper ; <nl> using folly : : test : : TemporaryDirectory ; <nl> using std : : cerr ; <nl> using std : : endl ; <nl> using std : : string ; <nl> <nl> - namespace fsp = folly : : portability : : sockets ; <nl> + namespace netops = folly : : netops ; <nl> <nl> TEST ( SocketAddress , Size ) { <nl> SocketAddress addr ; <nl> void testSetFromSocket ( <nl> SocketAddress * serverPeerAddrRet , <nl> SocketAddress * clientAddrRet , <nl> SocketAddress * clientPeerAddrRet ) { <nl> - int listenSock = fsp : : socket ( serverBindAddr - > getFamily ( ) , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ; <nl> - REQUIRE_ERRNO ( listenSock > 0 , " failed to create listen socket " ) ; <nl> + auto listenSock = netops : : socket ( serverBindAddr - > getFamily ( ) , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ; <nl> + REQUIRE_ERRNO ( <nl> + listenSock ! = NetworkSocket ( ) , " failed to create listen socket " ) ; <nl> sockaddr_storage laddr ; <nl> serverBindAddr - > getAddress ( & laddr ) ; <nl> socklen_t laddrLen = serverBindAddr - > getActualSize ( ) ; <nl> - int rc = bind ( listenSock , reinterpret_cast < sockaddr * > ( & laddr ) , laddrLen ) ; <nl> + int rc = <nl> + netops : : bind ( listenSock , reinterpret_cast < sockaddr * > ( & laddr ) , laddrLen ) ; <nl> REQUIRE_ERRNO ( rc = = 0 , " failed to bind to server socket " ) ; <nl> - rc = listen ( listenSock , 10 ) ; <nl> + rc = netops : : listen ( listenSock , 10 ) ; <nl> REQUIRE_ERRNO ( rc = = 0 , " failed to listen " ) ; <nl> <nl> listenAddrRet - > setFromLocalAddress ( listenSock ) ; <nl> void testSetFromSocket ( <nl> <nl> / / Note that we use the family from serverBindAddr here , since we allow <nl> / / clientBindAddr to be nullptr . <nl> - int clientSock = fsp : : socket ( serverBindAddr - > getFamily ( ) , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ; <nl> - REQUIRE_ERRNO ( clientSock > 0 , " failed to create client socket " ) ; <nl> + auto clientSock = netops : : socket ( serverBindAddr - > getFamily ( ) , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ; <nl> + REQUIRE_ERRNO ( <nl> + clientSock ! = NetworkSocket ( ) , " failed to create client socket " ) ; <nl> if ( clientBindAddr ! = nullptr ) { <nl> sockaddr_storage clientAddr ; <nl> clientBindAddr - > getAddress ( & clientAddr ) ; <nl> <nl> - rc = bind ( <nl> + rc = netops : : bind ( <nl> clientSock , <nl> reinterpret_cast < sockaddr * > ( & clientAddr ) , <nl> clientBindAddr - > getActualSize ( ) ) ; <nl> void testSetFromSocket ( <nl> <nl> sockaddr_storage listenAddr ; <nl> listenAddrRet - > getAddress ( & listenAddr ) ; <nl> - rc = connect ( <nl> + rc = netops : : connect ( <nl> clientSock , <nl> reinterpret_cast < sockaddr * > ( & listenAddr ) , <nl> listenAddrRet - > getActualSize ( ) ) ; <nl> void testSetFromSocket ( <nl> <nl> sockaddr_storage acceptAddr ; <nl> socklen_t acceptAddrLen = sizeof ( acceptAddr ) ; <nl> - int serverSock = accept ( <nl> + auto serverSock = netops : : accept ( <nl> listenSock , reinterpret_cast < sockaddr * > ( & acceptAddr ) , & acceptAddrLen ) ; <nl> - REQUIRE_ERRNO ( serverSock > 0 , " failed to accept " ) ; <nl> + REQUIRE_ERRNO ( serverSock ! = NetworkSocket ( ) , " failed to accept " ) ; <nl> acceptAddrRet - > setFromSockaddr ( <nl> reinterpret_cast < sockaddr * > ( & acceptAddr ) , acceptAddrLen ) ; <nl> <nl> void testSetFromSocket ( <nl> clientAddrRet - > setFromLocalAddress ( clientSock ) ; <nl> clientPeerAddrRet - > setFromPeerAddress ( clientSock ) ; <nl> <nl> - close ( clientSock ) ; <nl> - close ( serverSock ) ; <nl> - close ( listenSock ) ; <nl> + netops : : close ( clientSock ) ; <nl> + netops : : close ( serverSock ) ; <nl> + netops : : close ( listenSock ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> TEST ( SocketAddress , SetFromSocketIPv4 ) { <nl>
Shift SocketAddressTest to use NetworkSocket
Only require C++14 for Windows builds <nl> Guard the PThread thread name test with FOLLY_HAVE_PTHREAD <nl> Don't attempt to change the memory limit in the large Retrying test on Windows <nl> Define O_CLOEXEC as _O_NOINHERIT <nl> Include the intrin header before using intrinsics on MSVC <nl> Adjust the constexpr strlen implementation to handle up to 4kb strings <nl> Include stdexcept in FBString <nl> Split targets and move them into the right places <nl> Back libevent file descriptor transformation with the fd<->socket map <nl> Disable the secure fork random test on Windows
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / scons - tools / emscripten . py <nl> ppp b / scons - tools / emscripten . py <nl> def touch_file ( target , source , env ) : <nl> <nl> env . AddPostAction ( <nl> emscripten_version_file , <nl> - Delete ( env . Dir ( ' $ EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR ' ) . abspath ) ) <nl> + Delete ( env . Dir ( ' $ EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR / cache / jcache ' ) . abspath ) ) <nl> <nl> return emscripten_version_file <nl> <nl>
fix the build failures ( we should only delete the jcache directory , not everything )
$$ is never enumerable <nl> Improve the names of functions registered by embind so they show up in the chrome profiler. <nl> kinda start thinking about making isinstance work with base classes <nl> Introduce val::new_ for constructor invocation <nl> Kill a bunch of unused classes and reduce the number of lines of code in embind.js <nl> Port TypeID arrays to use constexpr static arrays so that they're initialized in the static data segment and reduce resulting JavaScript code size. <nl> Remove TempFiles's dependency on global and environment variables <nl> expose the set of inherited instances for debugging purposes <nl> Add support for marshalling custom smart pointer types in and out of parameters. <nl> Fix a bug in embind when using const return values
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tests / integration / test_materialize_mysql_database / materialize_with_ddl . py <nl> ppp b / tests / integration / test_materialize_mysql_database / materialize_with_ddl . py <nl> def err_sync_user_privs_with_materialize_mysql_database ( clickhouse_node , mysql_n <nl> <nl> mysql_node . query ( " DROP DATABASE priv_err_db ; " ) <nl> mysql_node . grant_min_priv_for_user ( " test " ) <nl> - <nl>
trigger CI
Update ParserShowTablesQuery.cpp <nl> Update http.md <nl> fix integration tests <nl> trigger CI <nl> Update TableFunctionNull.cpp <nl> Revert "Test and doc for PR12771 krb5 + cyrus-sasl + kerberized kafka" <nl> Update Context.cpp <nl> Update 01293_show_clusters.reference <nl> Update arcadia_skip_list.txt <nl> Revert "Write structure of table functions to metadata"
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / dbms / tests / queries / 0_stateless / 00964_live_view_watch_events_heartbeat . py <nl> ppp b / dbms / tests / queries / 0_stateless / 00964_live_view_watch_events_heartbeat . py <nl> <nl> client1 . expect ( ' 1 . * ' + end_of_block ) <nl> client2 . send ( ' INSERT INTO test . mt VALUES ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) ' ) <nl> client1 . expect ( ' [ 23 ] . * ' + end_of_block ) <nl> - client1 . expect ( ' Progress : [ 23 ] . 00 rows . * \ ) ' ) <nl> + client1 . expect ( ' Progress : [ 23 ] \ . 00 rows . * \ ) ' ) <nl> # wait for heartbeat <nl> - client1 . expect ( ' Progress : [ 23 ] . 00 rows . * \ ) ' ) <nl> + client1 . expect ( ' Progress : [ 23 ] \ . 00 rows . * \ ) ' ) <nl> # send Ctrl - C <nl> client1 . send ( ' \ x03 ' , eol = ' ' ) <nl> match = client1 . expect ( ' ( % s ) | ( [ # \ $ ] ) ' % prompt ) <nl>
Update 00964_live_view_watch_events_heartbeat . py
Merge pull request #8781 from ClickHouse/add_woboq_image <nl> Update ReadHelpers.cpp <nl> Merge pull request #5595 from inv2004/moving-sum <nl> Update clickhouse-server.cron.d <nl> Update cli.md <nl> Merge pull request #8220 from ClickHouse/fix-warnings-capnproto <nl> Merge pull request #2018 from yandex/settings-and-limits-together <nl> Merge pull request #3176 from yandex/format-date-time-further-attempts <nl> Merge pull request #91 from yandex/revert-90-master <nl> Merge pull request #3273 from vavrusa/master
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / MainWindow . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / MainWindow . cpp <nl> void MainWindow : : init ( ) <nl> <nl> FilterTableHeader * tableHeader = new FilterTableHeader ( ui - > dataTable ) ; <nl> connect ( tableHeader , SIGNAL ( filterChanged ( int , QString ) ) , m_browseTableModel , SLOT ( updateFilter ( int , QString ) ) ) ; <nl> + connect ( tableHeader , SIGNAL ( filterChanged ( int , QString ) ) , this , SLOT ( setRecordsetLabel ( ) ) ) ; <nl> ui - > dataTable - > setHorizontalHeader ( tableHeader ) ; <nl> <nl> / / Create the actions for the recently opened dbs list <nl>
Update recordset label when changing the filters
Fix editFieldForm to work correctly for newly added tables <nl> Use per pixel scrolling in tree widget showing the DB structure <nl> Add basic and shaky pragma editing <nl> Add modify field action to toolbar <nl> Move all settings logic to the preferences dialog <nl> Rewrite the find dialog using Qt Designer <nl> Make many methods and attributes of classes private <nl> Fix leak in DBBrowserDB::updateRecord() <nl> Support dropping of columns <nl> Update the icons
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . travis . yml <nl> ppp b / . travis . yml <nl> deploy : <nl> skip_cleanup : true <nl> on : <nl> tags : true <nl> + <nl> + notifications : <nl> + webhooks : <nl> + urls : <nl> + - https : / / api . yuzu - emu . org / code / travis / notify <nl>
Added webhook notifications to TravisCI build .
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / modules / core / include / opencv2 / core / version . hpp <nl> ppp b / modules / core / include / opencv2 / core / version . hpp <nl> <nl> # define CV_VERSION_MAJOR 3 <nl> # define CV_VERSION_MINOR 4 <nl> # define CV_VERSION_REVISION 7 <nl> - # define CV_VERSION_STATUS " - pre " <nl> + # define CV_VERSION_STATUS " - dev " <nl> <nl> # define CVAUX_STR_EXP ( __A ) # __A <nl> # define CVAUX_STR ( __A ) CVAUX_STR_EXP ( __A ) <nl>
Merge tag ' 3 . 4 . 7 '
Merge pull request #8084 from mshabunin:libstdcplusplus-debug <nl> Merge pull request #9815 from alalek:issue_9813 <nl> Merge pull request #9983 from dkurt:fix_halide_copy_to_device <nl> Merge pull request #8710 from ioxp:master <nl> Merge pull request #10672 from pengli:dnn <nl> Merge pull request #9922 from alalek:ts_markdown_table <nl> Merge pull request #13218 from dmatveev:fix_standalone <nl> Merge pull request #9143 from sovrasov:gen_pattern_fix <nl> cuda: drop samples for low-level CUDA API <nl> Merge pull request #8646 from saskatchewancatch:i8632
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / core / kernels / debug_ops_test . cc <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / core / kernels / debug_ops_test . cc <nl> TEST_F ( DebugNumericSummaryOpTest , Float_only_valid_values ) { <nl> 7 . 33333333333 , / / variance of non - inf and non - nan elements . <nl> static_cast < double > ( DT_FLOAT ) , / / dtype <nl> 2 . 0 , / / Number of dimensions . <nl> - 2 . 0 , 3 . 0 } ) ; / / Dimensoin sizes . <nl> + 2 . 0 , 3 . 0 } ) ; / / Dimension sizes . <nl> <nl> test : : ExpectTensorNear < double > ( expected , * GetOutput ( 0 ) , 1e - 8 ) ; <nl> } <nl>
Fixed typo
Fixed typo <nl> Fixed typo <nl> Fixed typo <nl> Fixed typo <nl> Fixed typos <nl> Fix another typo <nl> Fixed typo <nl> Fixed typo <nl> Fixed typo
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / python / training / moving_averages . py <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / python / training / moving_averages . py <nl> def apply ( self , var_list = None ) : <nl> self . _averages [ var . ref ( ) ] = avg <nl> <nl> with ops . name_scope ( self . name ) as scope : <nl> - decay = ops . convert_to_tensor ( self . _decay , name = " decay " ) <nl> + decay = ops . convert_to_tensor ( <nl> + self . _decay , dtype = dtypes . float32 , name = " decay " ) <nl> if self . _num_updates is not None : <nl> num_updates = math_ops . cast ( <nl> self . _num_updates , dtypes . float32 , name = " num_updates " ) <nl>
Fix ema type mismatch for special ema value .
Merge commit for internal changes <nl> Move BiasAddParams from _gpu.h to .cc file. <nl> Add bool type for tflite. <nl> Delete the useless print. <nl> BEGIN_PUBLIC <nl> Autotune bias_add_grad GPU kernel using two candidates: customized bias_add_grad and reduce_sum. <nl> Merge commit for internal changes <nl> Allow passing allow_custom_ops for toco_convert. <nl> Add extract_jpeg_shape such that we can get the image shape without actually <nl> Add broadcasting support for fused add or sub.
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / build / deps / github_hashes / facebook / fbthrift - rev . txt <nl> ppp b / build / deps / github_hashes / facebook / fbthrift - rev . txt <nl> @ @ - 1 + 1 @ @ <nl> - Subproject commit 3bc44eb2b78db3691ede4b48bb51e12fa4613f68 <nl> + Subproject commit e1edede646fb9ecbdef8c25f1a2884ae71c83df6 <nl>
Updating submodules
Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules <nl> Updating submodules
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / php_swoole . h <nl> ppp b / php_swoole . h <nl> extern swoole_object_array swoole_objects ; <nl> # endif <nl> <nl> / / # define SW_USE_PHP 1 <nl> - # define SW_CHECK_RETURN ( s ) if ( s < 0 ) { RETURN_FALSE ; } else { RETURN_TRUE ; } return <nl> + # define SW_CHECK_RETURN ( s ) if ( s < 0 ) { RETURN_FALSE ; } else { RETURN_TRUE ; } <nl> # define SW_LOCK_CHECK_RETURN ( s ) if ( s = = 0 ) { RETURN_TRUE ; } else { \ <nl> zend_update_property_long ( NULL , getThis ( ) , SW_STRL ( " errCode " ) , s ) ; \ <nl> - RETURN_FALSE ; } return <nl> + RETURN_FALSE ; } <nl> <nl> # define swoole_php_error ( level , fmt_str , . . . ) if ( SWOOLE_G ( display_errors ) ) php_error_docref ( NULL , level , fmt_str , # # __VA_ARGS__ ) <nl> # define swoole_php_fatal_error ( level , fmt_str , . . . ) php_error_docref ( NULL , level , fmt_str , # # __VA_ARGS__ ) <nl>
Remove useless return tag .
Improve HTTP_PROXY_AVAILABLE. <nl> Filter Kqueue trace log. <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' <nl> Move enable-debug-log to the end. <nl> Revert "Sort.", because it may breaks down backwards compatibility for some install script. <nl> Use SwooleTG.buffer_stack. <nl> Improve pdo check. <nl> Fix close return value, add REUSEADDR/REUSEPORT. <nl> Fix warning. <nl> Skip in some special versions.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / . circleci / cimodel / data / simple / binary_smoketest . py <nl> ppp b / . circleci / cimodel / data / simple / binary_smoketest . py <nl> <nl> <nl> NB : If you modify this file , you need to also modify <nl> the binary_and_smoke_tests_on_pr variable in <nl> - pytorch - ci - hud to adjust the list of whitelisted builds <nl> + pytorch - ci - hud to adjust the allowed build list <nl> at https : / / github . com / ezyang / pytorch - ci - hud / blob / master / src / BuildHistoryDisplay . js <nl> <nl> Note : <nl>
Change whitelist to another context in binary_smoketest . py ( )
Change whitelist to allow in file test_quantized_op.py (#41771)
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / hphp / test / verify <nl> ppp b / hphp / test / verify <nl> sub run_test <nl> unless ( $ content = ~ / ^ $ wanted_re $ / ) <nl> { <nl> $ okay = 0 ; <nl> + # a poor mans aide for debugging <nl> + $ diff_args = " - - text - u " ; <nl> + ` diff $ diff_args $ opt_srcdir / $ test . expectf $ opt_objdir / $ test . out > $ opt_objdir / $ test . diff 2 > & 1 ` ; <nl> } <nl> } <nl> elsif ( ! $ opt_no_exp & & - e " $ opt_srcdir / $ test . expectregex " ) <nl>
create . diff file even for . expectf
fix double space after notice and warnings <nl> add zend_closure_020 <nl> import zend tests <nl> add isClosure to ReflectionFunction <nl> change abstract function check to be a real method instead of a check at the caller <nl> kill dead code <nl> kill dead code <nl> provide better debugging information if source.size != dest.size <nl> Allow script to be run without -z option <nl> Parse sscanf stuff from php tests
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / dbms / src / Common / DiskSpaceMonitor . cpp <nl> ppp b / dbms / src / Common / DiskSpaceMonitor . cpp <nl> Volume : : Volume ( <nl> formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix ( max_data_part_size ) < < " ) " ) ; <nl> } <nl> constexpr UInt64 MIN_PART_SIZE = 8u * 1024u * 1024u ; <nl> - if ( max_data_part_size < MIN_PART_SIZE ) <nl> + if ( max_data_part_size ! = 0 & & max_data_part_size < MIN_PART_SIZE ) <nl> LOG_WARNING ( logger , " Volume " < < backQuote ( name ) < < " max_data_part_size is too low ( " <nl> < < formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix ( max_data_part_size ) < < " < " <nl> < < formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix ( MIN_PART_SIZE ) < < " ) " ) ; <nl>
Fixed erroneous warning ` max_data_part_size is too low `
Removed unused headers from `ReadBufferFromS3.h` <nl> libcommon: Build was fixed. [#METRIQA-600] <nl> libglibc-compatibility: Added longjmp tests and fixed longjmp problem. [#METR-21516] <nl> Removed templateness of ReadWriteBufferFromS3. <nl> Fixed time calculation in `MergeTreeData`. <nl> Merge fix. <nl> Removed trash logging and fixed query parameters in multipart uploads. <nl> Attempt to make multipart uploads. <nl> Fixed 411 error when putting to S3. <nl> Merge fix.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / Dockerfile <nl> ppp b / Dockerfile <nl> RUN apt - get update & & apt - get install - y - - no - install - recommends \ <nl> curl \ <nl> wget \ <nl> git \ <nl> - python \ <nl> - python - dev \ <nl> - python - pip \ <nl> - python - wheel \ <nl> - python - numpy \ <nl> + python3 \ <nl> + python3 - dev \ <nl> + python3 - pip \ <nl> + python3 - wheel \ <nl> + python3 - numpy \ <nl> libcurl3 - dev \ <nl> ca - certificates \ <nl> gcc \ <nl> RUN apt - get update & & apt - get install - y - - no - install - recommends \ <nl> g + + \ <nl> unzip <nl> <nl> + RUN ln - s - f / usr / bin / python3 / usr / bin / python <nl> + <nl> # Install NCCL 2 . 2 <nl> RUN apt - get install - qq - y - - allow - downgrades - - allow - change - held - packages libnccl2 = 2 . 3 . 7 - 1 + cuda10 . 0 libnccl - dev = 2 . 3 . 7 - 1 + cuda10 . 0 <nl> <nl> RUN apt - get install - qq - y cuda - command - line - tools - 10 - 0 <nl> <nl> # Install pip <nl> RUN wget https : / / bootstrap . pypa . io / get - pip . py & & \ <nl> - python get - pip . py & & \ <nl> + python3 get - pip . py & & \ <nl> rm get - pip . py <nl> <nl> # < < END Install base software <nl> ENV TF_BUILD_CONTAINER_TYPE GPU <nl> ENV TF_BUILD_OPTIONS OPT <nl> ENV TF_BUILD_DISABLE_GCP 1 <nl> ENV TF_BUILD_ENABLE_XLA 0 <nl> - ENV TF_BUILD_PYTHON_VERSION PYTHON2 <nl> + ENV TF_BUILD_PYTHON_VERSION PYTHON3 <nl> ENV TF_BUILD_IS_OPT OPT <nl> ENV TF_BUILD_IS_PIP PIP <nl> <nl> ENV TF_NEED_TENSORRT 0 <nl> ENV TF_NEED_GDR 0 <nl> ENV TF_NEED_VERBS 0 <nl> ENV TF_NEED_OPENCL_SYCL 0 <nl> - ENV PYTHON_BIN_PATH / usr / bin / python2 . 7 <nl> - ENV PYTHON_LIB_PATH / usr / lib / python2 . 7 / dist - packages <nl> + ENV PYTHON_BIN_PATH / usr / bin / python3 . 6 <nl> + ENV PYTHON_LIB_PATH / usr / lib / python3 . 6 / dist - packages <nl> <nl> # < < END Configure Tensorflow Build <nl> <nl> ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH : / usr / local / cuda / extras / CUPTI / lib64 : / usr / loc <nl> # < < END Configure Bazel <nl> <nl> <nl> - <nl> - <nl> # Copy DeepSpeech repo contents to container ' s / DeepSpeech <nl> COPY . / DeepSpeech / <nl> <nl> + # Alternative clone from GitHub <nl> + # RUN apt - get update & & apt - get install - y git - lfs <nl> + # WORKDIR / <nl> + # RUN git clone https : / / github . com / mozilla / DeepSpeech . git <nl> + <nl> WORKDIR / DeepSpeech <nl> <nl> - RUN pip - - no - cache - dir install - r requirements . txt <nl> + RUN pip3 - - no - cache - dir install - r requirements . txt <nl> <nl> # Link DeepSpeech native_client libs to tf folder <nl> RUN ln - s / DeepSpeech / native_client / tensorflow <nl> RUN bazel build - - config = monolithic - - config = cuda - c opt - - copt = - O3 - - copt = " - D_G <nl> # RUN bazel - bin / tensorflow / tools / pip_package / build_pip_package / tmp / tensorflow_pkg <nl> # <nl> # # Install tensorflow from our custom wheel <nl> - # RUN pip install / tmp / tensorflow_pkg / * . whl <nl> + # RUN pip3 install / tmp / tensorflow_pkg / * . whl <nl> <nl> # Copy built libs to / DeepSpeech / native_client <nl> RUN cp / tensorflow / bazel - bin / native_client / generate_trie / DeepSpeech / native_client / \ <nl> RUN cp / tensorflow / bazel - bin / native_client / generate_trie / DeepSpeech / native_clie <nl> <nl> # Install TensorFlow <nl> WORKDIR / DeepSpeech / <nl> - RUN pip install tensorflow - gpu = = 1 . 13 . 1 <nl> + RUN pip3 install tensorflow - gpu = = 1 . 13 . 1 <nl> <nl> <nl> # Make DeepSpeech and install Python bindings <nl> WORKDIR / DeepSpeech / native_client <nl> RUN make deepspeech <nl> WORKDIR / DeepSpeech / native_client / python <nl> RUN make bindings <nl> - RUN pip install dist / deepspeech * <nl> + RUN pip3 install dist / deepspeech * <nl> WORKDIR / DeepSpeech / native_client / ctcdecode <nl> RUN make <nl> - RUN pip install dist / * . whl <nl> + RUN pip3 install dist / * . whl <nl> <nl> <nl> # < < END Build and bind <nl>
Merge pull request from cfreemoser / patch - 1
Merge pull request #917 from lissyx/prebuilt-arm-whl-npm <nl> Merge pull request #1334 from lissyx/r1.6-py2 <nl> Merge pull request #1307 from lissyx/linaro-gcc72 <nl> Merge pull request #142 from lissyx/issue141 <nl> Merge pull request #1308 from lissyx/linaro-gcc72-master <nl> Merge pull request #1206 from Elleo/gst-deepspeech <nl> Merge pull request #910 from lissyx/experimental-aot <nl> Merge pull request #1763 from nullbyte91/Issue_1762_ReadMe_update <nl> Merge pull request #924 from lissyx/bundle-libs <nl> Merge pull request #1562 from lissyx/update-tf_master
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / modules / imgproc / src / imgwarp . cpp <nl> ppp b / modules / imgproc / src / imgwarp . cpp <nl> struct VResizeCubicVec_32f <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> + typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16u ; <nl> + typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16s ; <nl> + typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f ; <nl> + <nl> # elif CV_NEON <nl> <nl> struct VResizeLinearVec_32s8u <nl> struct VResizeLinearVec_32s8u <nl> vst1q_u8 ( dst + x , vcombine_u8 ( vqmovun_s16 ( v_dst0 ) , vqmovun_s16 ( v_dst1 ) ) ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - return x ; <nl> + return 0 ; <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> struct VResizeCubicVec_32f <nl> } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> + struct VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16u <nl> + { <nl> + int operator ( ) ( const uchar * * _src , uchar * _dst , const uchar * _beta , int width ) const <nl> + { <nl> + const float * * src = ( const float * * ) _src ; <nl> + const float * beta = ( const float * ) _beta ; <nl> + const float * S0 = src [ 0 ] , * S1 = src [ 1 ] , * S2 = src [ 2 ] , * S3 = src [ 3 ] , <nl> + * S4 = src [ 4 ] , * S5 = src [ 5 ] , * S6 = src [ 6 ] , * S7 = src [ 7 ] ; <nl> + ushort * dst = ( ushort * ) _dst ; <nl> + int x = 0 ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_b0 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 0 ] ) , v_b1 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 1 ] ) , <nl> + v_b2 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 2 ] ) , v_b3 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 3 ] ) , <nl> + v_b4 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 4 ] ) , v_b5 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 5 ] ) , <nl> + v_b6 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 6 ] ) , v_b7 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 7 ] ) ; <nl> + <nl> + for ( ; x < = width - 8 ; x + = 8 ) <nl> + { <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst0 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b0 , vld1q_f32 ( S0 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b1 , vld1q_f32 ( S1 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b2 , vld1q_f32 ( S2 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b3 , vld1q_f32 ( S3 + x ) ) ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst1 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b4 , vld1q_f32 ( S4 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b5 , vld1q_f32 ( S5 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b6 , vld1q_f32 ( S6 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b7 , vld1q_f32 ( S7 + x ) ) ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst = vaddq_f32 ( v_dst0 , v_dst1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + v_dst0 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b0 , vld1q_f32 ( S0 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b1 , vld1q_f32 ( S1 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b2 , vld1q_f32 ( S2 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b3 , vld1q_f32 ( S3 + x + 4 ) ) ; <nl> + v_dst1 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b4 , vld1q_f32 ( S4 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b5 , vld1q_f32 ( S5 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b6 , vld1q_f32 ( S6 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b7 , vld1q_f32 ( S7 + x + 4 ) ) ; <nl> + v_dst1 = vaddq_f32 ( v_dst0 , v_dst1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + vst1q_u16 ( dst + x , vcombine_u16 ( vqmovn_u32 ( cv_vrndq_u32_f32 ( v_dst ) ) , <nl> + vqmovn_u32 ( cv_vrndq_u32_f32 ( v_dst1 ) ) ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + return x ; <nl> + } <nl> + } ; <nl> + <nl> + struct VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16s <nl> + { <nl> + int operator ( ) ( const uchar * * _src , uchar * _dst , const uchar * _beta , int width ) const <nl> + { <nl> + const float * * src = ( const float * * ) _src ; <nl> + const float * beta = ( const float * ) _beta ; <nl> + const float * S0 = src [ 0 ] , * S1 = src [ 1 ] , * S2 = src [ 2 ] , * S3 = src [ 3 ] , <nl> + * S4 = src [ 4 ] , * S5 = src [ 5 ] , * S6 = src [ 6 ] , * S7 = src [ 7 ] ; <nl> + short * dst = ( short * ) _dst ; <nl> + int x = 0 ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_b0 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 0 ] ) , v_b1 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 1 ] ) , <nl> + v_b2 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 2 ] ) , v_b3 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 3 ] ) , <nl> + v_b4 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 4 ] ) , v_b5 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 5 ] ) , <nl> + v_b6 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 6 ] ) , v_b7 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 7 ] ) ; <nl> + <nl> + for ( ; x < = width - 8 ; x + = 8 ) <nl> + { <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst0 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b0 , vld1q_f32 ( S0 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b1 , vld1q_f32 ( S1 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b2 , vld1q_f32 ( S2 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b3 , vld1q_f32 ( S3 + x ) ) ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst1 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b4 , vld1q_f32 ( S4 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b5 , vld1q_f32 ( S5 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b6 , vld1q_f32 ( S6 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b7 , vld1q_f32 ( S7 + x ) ) ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst = vaddq_f32 ( v_dst0 , v_dst1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + v_dst0 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b0 , vld1q_f32 ( S0 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b1 , vld1q_f32 ( S1 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b2 , vld1q_f32 ( S2 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b3 , vld1q_f32 ( S3 + x + 4 ) ) ; <nl> + v_dst1 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b4 , vld1q_f32 ( S4 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b5 , vld1q_f32 ( S5 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b6 , vld1q_f32 ( S6 + x + 4 ) ) , <nl> + v_b7 , vld1q_f32 ( S7 + x + 4 ) ) ; <nl> + v_dst1 = vaddq_f32 ( v_dst0 , v_dst1 ) ; <nl> + <nl> + vst1q_s16 ( dst + x , vcombine_s16 ( vqmovn_s32 ( cv_vrndq_s32_f32 ( v_dst ) ) , <nl> + vqmovn_s32 ( cv_vrndq_s32_f32 ( v_dst1 ) ) ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + return x ; <nl> + } <nl> + } ; <nl> + <nl> + struct VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f <nl> + { <nl> + int operator ( ) ( const uchar * * _src , uchar * _dst , const uchar * _beta , int width ) const <nl> + { <nl> + const float * * src = ( const float * * ) _src ; <nl> + const float * beta = ( const float * ) _beta ; <nl> + const float * S0 = src [ 0 ] , * S1 = src [ 1 ] , * S2 = src [ 2 ] , * S3 = src [ 3 ] , <nl> + * S4 = src [ 4 ] , * S5 = src [ 5 ] , * S6 = src [ 6 ] , * S7 = src [ 7 ] ; <nl> + float * dst = ( float * ) _dst ; <nl> + int x = 0 ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_b0 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 0 ] ) , v_b1 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 1 ] ) , <nl> + v_b2 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 2 ] ) , v_b3 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 3 ] ) , <nl> + v_b4 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 4 ] ) , v_b5 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 5 ] ) , <nl> + v_b6 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 6 ] ) , v_b7 = vdupq_n_f32 ( beta [ 7 ] ) ; <nl> + <nl> + for ( ; x < = width - 4 ; x + = 4 ) <nl> + { <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst0 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b0 , vld1q_f32 ( S0 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b1 , vld1q_f32 ( S1 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b2 , vld1q_f32 ( S2 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b3 , vld1q_f32 ( S3 + x ) ) ; <nl> + float32x4_t v_dst1 = vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmlaq_f32 ( vmulq_f32 ( v_b4 , vld1q_f32 ( S4 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b5 , vld1q_f32 ( S5 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b6 , vld1q_f32 ( S6 + x ) ) , <nl> + v_b7 , vld1q_f32 ( S7 + x ) ) ; <nl> + vst1q_f32 ( dst + x , vaddq_f32 ( v_dst0 , v_dst1 ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + return x ; <nl> + } <nl> + } ; <nl> + <nl> # else <nl> <nl> typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLinearVec_32s8u ; <nl> typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeCubicVec_32f16u ; <nl> typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeCubicVec_32f16s ; <nl> typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeCubicVec_32f ; <nl> <nl> + typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16u ; <nl> + typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16s ; <nl> + typedef VResizeNoVec VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f ; <nl> + <nl> # endif <nl> <nl> typedef HResizeNoVec HResizeLinearVec_8u32s ; <nl> void cv : : resize ( InputArray _src , OutputArray _dst , Size dsize , <nl> 0 , <nl> resizeGeneric_ < HResizeLanczos4 < ushort , float , float > , <nl> VResizeLanczos4 < ushort , float , float , Cast < float , ushort > , <nl> - VResizeNoVec > > , <nl> + VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16u > > , <nl> resizeGeneric_ < HResizeLanczos4 < short , float , float > , <nl> VResizeLanczos4 < short , float , float , Cast < float , short > , <nl> - VResizeNoVec > > , <nl> + VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f16s > > , <nl> 0 , <nl> resizeGeneric_ < HResizeLanczos4 < float , float , float > , <nl> VResizeLanczos4 < float , float , float , Cast < float , float > , <nl> - VResizeNoVec > > , <nl> + VResizeLanczos4Vec_32f > > , <nl> resizeGeneric_ < HResizeLanczos4 < double , double , float > , <nl> VResizeLanczos4 < double , double , float , Cast < double , double > , <nl> VResizeNoVec > > , <nl>
cv : : resize ( INTER_LANCZOS4 )
some experiments <nl> some improvements of existing sse3 optimization of bilateral filter in case of 8uc3. Now perf tests take 6120ms instead of previous 7250ms (1.18x speed-up) <nl> cv::resize 16uc1 <nl> fix <nl> sse2 hog <nl> Neon optimization of cv::scaleAdd (CV_32F) <nl> optimized some operations <nl> some improvements <nl> fixed warnings <nl> extended ocl::convertTo
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / Examples / ReinforcementLearning / DeepQNeuralNetwork . py <nl> ppp b / Examples / ReinforcementLearning / DeepQNeuralNetwork . py <nl> def __init__ ( self , input_shape , nb_actions , <nl> Dense ( 256 , init = he_uniform ( scale = 0 . 01 ) ) , <nl> Dense ( nb_actions , activation = None , init = he_uniform ( scale = 0 . 01 ) ) <nl> ] ) <nl> - self . _action_value_net . update_signature ( Tensor ( input_shape ) ) <nl> + self . _action_value_net . update_signature ( input_shape ) <nl> <nl> # Target model ( used to compute target QValues in training process , updated less frequently ) <nl> self . _target_net = self . _action_value_net . clone ( CloneMethod . freeze ) <nl> def __init__ ( self , input_shape , nb_actions , <nl> <nl> # Define the loss , using Huber Loss ( More robust to outliers ) <nl> @ Function <nl> - @ Signature ( environment = Tensor ( input_shape ) , actions = Tensor ( nb_actions ) , q_targets = Tensor ( 1 ) ) <nl> + @ Signature ( environment = Tensor [ input_shape ] , actions = Tensor [ nb_actions ] , q_targets = Tensor [ 1 ] ) <nl> def criterion ( environment , actions , q_targets ) : <nl> # Define the loss , using Huber Loss ( More robust to outliers ) <nl> # actions is a sparse One Hot encoding of the action done by the agent <nl>
Fixing Tensor meta declaration
Addressing wrong tensor shapes <nl> Fixing typo <nl> Fixing typo <nl> Addressing Frank CR comments <nl> Addressed CR comments. <nl> Adding Tensorboard visualization <nl> Adding reward clipping <nl> Adding Tensorboard visualization <nl> Addressing wrong tensor shapes <nl> Moved reference to the 'See also' section.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / xbmc / visualizations / Milkdrop / Plugin . vcproj <nl> ppp b / xbmc / visualizations / Milkdrop / Plugin . vcproj <nl> <nl> PreprocessorDefinitions = " WIN32 ; _DEBUG ; _WINDOWS ; _USRDLL ; PLUGIN_EXPORTS ; HAS_DX ; _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS " <nl> MinimalRebuild = " true " <nl> BasicRuntimeChecks = " 3 " <nl> - RuntimeLibrary = " 1 " <nl> + RuntimeLibrary = " 3 " <nl> UsePrecompiledHeader = " 0 " <nl> AssemblerOutput = " 4 " <nl> WarningLevel = " 3 " <nl> <nl> EnableIntrinsicFunctions = " true " <nl> AdditionalIncludeDirectories = " " <nl> PreprocessorDefinitions = " WIN32 ; NDEBUG ; _WINDOWS ; _USRDLL ; PLUGIN_EXPORTS ; HAS_DX ; _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS " <nl> - RuntimeLibrary = " 0 " <nl> + RuntimeLibrary = " 2 " <nl> EnableEnhancedInstructionSet = " 1 " <nl> UsePrecompiledHeader = " 0 " <nl> WarningLevel = " 3 " <nl>
fixed : Build Milkdrop with DLL linkage to the runtime . Plugin packs should work now .
fixed: Ticket #6694 - nothing has initial focus in plugin settings. <nl> fixed: We're using the result of CKey::GetUnicode() as wchar_t, so may as well return that. <nl> fixed: Eliminated link warnings due to python building on win32. Ticket #7215, thanks to Bernd. <nl> fixed: Don't define Py_NO_SHARED_ENABLED on release builds, as it appears to cause problems with autoexec.py execution. Thanks to stoli for tracking it down. <nl> added: GUI_MSG_RENDERER_LOST/RESET events, to specify when our renderer is lost and regained, so that shared resources may be free'd. <nl> changed: background texture loader to use CJobManager (from #7222) <nl> changed: Move the background infoloaders (weather, sysinfo) to use the job manager. <nl> cleanup: Forward rather than including GUIControl headers where reasonable. <nl> fixed: sync OSX project file with r23697 and some minor cleanup <nl> fixed: unnecessary, wrong, and silly change in r23570
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tools / run_tests / python_utils / start_port_server . py <nl> ppp b / tools / run_tests / python_utils / start_port_server . py <nl> <nl> from __future__ import print_function <nl> <nl> from six . moves import urllib <nl> + import jobset <nl> + import logging <nl> import os <nl> + import socket <nl> import subprocess <nl> - import tempfile <nl> import sys <nl> + import tempfile <nl> import time <nl> - import jobset <nl> - import socket <nl> + <nl> <nl> def start_port_server ( port_server_port ) : <nl> - # check if a compatible port server is running <nl> - # if incompatible ( version mismatch ) = = > start a new one <nl> - # if not running = = > start a new one <nl> - # otherwise , leave it up <nl> - try : <nl> - version = int ( urllib . request . urlopen ( <nl> - ' http : / / localhost : % d / version_number ' % port_server_port , <nl> - timeout = 10 ) . read ( ) ) <nl> - print ( ' detected port server running version % d ' % version ) <nl> - running = True <nl> - except Exception as e : <nl> - print ( ' failed to detect port server : % s ' % sys . exc_info ( ) [ 0 ] ) <nl> - print ( e . strerror ) <nl> - running = False <nl> - if running : <nl> - current_version = int ( subprocess . check_output ( <nl> - [ sys . executable , os . path . abspath ( ' tools / run_tests / python_utils / port_server . py ' ) , <nl> - ' dump_version ' ] ) ) <nl> - print ( ' my port server is version % d ' % current_version ) <nl> - running = ( version > = current_version ) <nl> + # check if a compatible port server is running <nl> + # if incompatible ( version mismatch ) = = > start a new one <nl> + # if not running = = > start a new one <nl> + # otherwise , leave it up <nl> + try : <nl> + version = int ( <nl> + urllib . request . urlopen ( <nl> + ' http : / / localhost : % d / version_number ' % port_server_port , <nl> + timeout = 10 ) . read ( ) ) <nl> + logging . info ( ' detected port server running version % d ' , version ) <nl> + running = True <nl> + except Exception as e : <nl> + logging . exception ( ' failed to detect port server ' ) <nl> + running = False <nl> + if running : <nl> + current_version = int ( <nl> + subprocess . check_output ( [ <nl> + sys . executable , os . path . abspath ( <nl> + ' tools / run_tests / python_utils / port_server . py ' ) , <nl> + ' dump_version ' <nl> + ] ) ) <nl> + logging . info ( ' my port server is version % d ' , current_version ) <nl> + running = ( version > = current_version ) <nl> + if not running : <nl> + logging . info ( ' port_server version mismatch : killing the old one ' ) <nl> + urllib . request . urlopen ( ' http : / / localhost : % d / quitquitquit ' % <nl> + port_server_port ) . read ( ) <nl> + time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> if not running : <nl> - print ( ' port_server version mismatch : killing the old one ' ) <nl> - urllib . request . urlopen ( ' http : / / localhost : % d / quitquitquit ' % port_server_port ) . read ( ) <nl> - time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> - if not running : <nl> - fd , logfile = tempfile . mkstemp ( ) <nl> - os . close ( fd ) <nl> - print ( ' starting port_server , with log file % s ' % logfile ) <nl> - args = [ sys . executable , os . path . abspath ( ' tools / run_tests / python_utils / port_server . py ' ) , <nl> - ' - p ' , ' % d ' % port_server_port , ' - l ' , logfile ] <nl> - env = dict ( os . environ ) <nl> - env [ ' BUILD_ID ' ] = ' pleaseDontKillMeJenkins ' <nl> - if jobset . platform_string ( ) = = ' windows ' : <nl> - # Working directory of port server needs to be outside of Jenkins <nl> - # workspace to prevent file lock issues . <nl> - tempdir = tempfile . mkdtemp ( ) <nl> - port_server = subprocess . Popen ( <nl> - args , <nl> - env = env , <nl> - cwd = tempdir , <nl> - creationflags = 0x00000008 , # detached process <nl> - close_fds = True ) <nl> - else : <nl> - port_server = subprocess . Popen ( <nl> - args , <nl> - env = env , <nl> - preexec_fn = os . setsid , <nl> - close_fds = True ) <nl> - time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> - # ensure port server is up <nl> - waits = 0 <nl> - while True : <nl> - if waits > 10 : <nl> - print ( ' killing port server due to excessive start up waits ' ) <nl> - port_server . kill ( ) <nl> - if port_server . poll ( ) is not None : <nl> - print ( ' port_server failed to start ' ) <nl> - # try one final time : maybe another build managed to start one <nl> + fd , logfile = tempfile . mkstemp ( ) <nl> + os . close ( fd ) <nl> + logging . info ( ' starting port_server , with log file % s ' , logfile ) <nl> + args = [ <nl> + sys . executable , <nl> + os . path . abspath ( ' tools / run_tests / python_utils / port_server . py ' ) , <nl> + ' - p ' , ' % d ' % port_server_port , ' - l ' , logfile <nl> + ] <nl> + env = dict ( os . environ ) <nl> + env [ ' BUILD_ID ' ] = ' pleaseDontKillMeJenkins ' <nl> + if jobset . platform_string ( ) = = ' windows ' : <nl> + # Working directory of port server needs to be outside of Jenkins <nl> + # workspace to prevent file lock issues . <nl> + tempdir = tempfile . mkdtemp ( ) <nl> + port_server = subprocess . Popen ( <nl> + args , <nl> + env = env , <nl> + cwd = tempdir , <nl> + creationflags = 0x00000008 , # detached process <nl> + close_fds = True ) <nl> + else : <nl> + port_server = subprocess . Popen ( <nl> + args , env = env , preexec_fn = os . setsid , close_fds = True ) <nl> time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> - try : <nl> - urllib . request . urlopen ( ' http : / / localhost : % d / get ' % port_server_port , <nl> - timeout = 1 ) . read ( ) <nl> - print ( ' last ditch attempt to contact port server succeeded ' ) <nl> - break <nl> - except : <nl> - traceback . print_exc ( ) <nl> - port_log = open ( logfile , ' r ' ) . read ( ) <nl> - print ( port_log ) <nl> - sys . exit ( 1 ) <nl> - try : <nl> - urllib . request . urlopen ( ' http : / / localhost : % d / get ' % port_server_port , <nl> + # ensure port server is up <nl> + waits = 0 <nl> + while True : <nl> + if waits > 10 : <nl> + logging . warning ( <nl> + ' killing port server due to excessive start up waits ' ) <nl> + port_server . kill ( ) <nl> + if port_server . poll ( ) is not None : <nl> + logging . error ( ' port_server failed to start ' ) <nl> + # try one final time : maybe another build managed to start one <nl> + time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> + try : <nl> + urllib . request . urlopen ( <nl> + ' http : / / localhost : % d / get ' % port_server_port , <nl> timeout = 1 ) . read ( ) <nl> - print ( ' port server is up and ready ' ) <nl> - break <nl> - except socket . timeout : <nl> - print ( ' waiting for port_server : timeout ' ) <nl> - traceback . print_exc ( ) ; <nl> - time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> - waits + = 1 <nl> - except urllib . error . URLError : <nl> - print ( ' waiting for port_server : urlerror ' ) <nl> - traceback . print_exc ( ) ; <nl> - time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> - waits + = 1 <nl> - except : <nl> - traceback . print_exc ( ) <nl> - port_server . kill ( ) <nl> - raise <nl> - <nl> + logging . info ( <nl> + ' last ditch attempt to contact port server succeeded ' ) <nl> + break <nl> + except : <nl> + logging . exception ( <nl> + ' final attempt to contact port server failed ' ) <nl> + port_log = open ( logfile , ' r ' ) . read ( ) <nl> + print ( port_log ) <nl> + sys . exit ( 1 ) <nl> + try : <nl> + port_server_url = ' http : / / localhost : % d / get ' % port_server_port <nl> + urllib . request . urlopen ( port_server_url , timeout = 1 ) . read ( ) <nl> + logging . info ( ' port server is up and ready ' ) <nl> + break <nl> + except socket . timeout : <nl> + logging . exception ( ' while waiting for port_server ' ) <nl> + time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> + waits + = 1 <nl> + except urllib . error . URLError : <nl> + logging . exception ( ' while waiting for port_server ' ) <nl> + time . sleep ( 1 ) <nl> + waits + = 1 <nl> + except : <nl> + logging . exception ( ' error while contacting port server at " % s " . ' <nl> + ' Will try killing it . ' , port_server_url ) <nl> + port_server . kill ( ) <nl> + raise <nl>
Merge pull request from dgquintas / traceback_port_server
Update load-balancing.md <nl> Rephrasing of lb policies sentence <nl> Merge pull request #5079 from nicolasnoble/underscores_are_the_root_of_all_evil <nl> Merge pull request #8751 from dgquintas/undo_bad_merge_fakeresolver <nl> Merge pull request #1432 from vjpai/async-cleanup <nl> Merge pull request #8253 from dgquintas/grpclb_deadline_n_massage <nl> Merge pull request #2978 from hongweiwang/remove-unregister-all-plugins <nl> Merge pull request #5318 from yang-g/end2end_cred_provider <nl> Merge pull request #8777 from dgquintas/undo_nulling <nl> Removed "<:" bigram confusing gcc 4.4
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / docs / en / operations / table_engines / kafka . md <nl> ppp b / docs / en / operations / table_engines / kafka . md <nl> SETTINGS <nl> [ kafka_row_delimiter = ' delimiter_symbol ' , ] <nl> [ kafka_schema = ' ' , ] <nl> [ kafka_num_consumers = N , ] <nl> - [ kafka_skip_broken_messages = < 0 | 1 > ] <nl> + [ kafka_skip_broken_messages = N ] <nl> ` ` ` <nl> Required parameters : <nl> <nl> Optional parameters : <nl> - ` kafka_row_delimiter ` – Delimiter character , which ends the message . <nl> - ` kafka_schema ` – Parameter that must be used if the format requires a schema definition . For example , [ Cap ' n Proto ] ( https : / / capnproto . org / ) requires the path to the schema file and the name of the root ` schema . capnp : Message ` object . <nl> - ` kafka_num_consumers ` – The number of consumers per table . Default : ` 1 ` . Specify more consumers if the throughput of one consumer is insufficient . The total number of consumers should not exceed the number of partitions in the topic , since only one consumer can be assigned per partition . <nl> - - ` kafka_skip_broken_messages ` – Kafka message parser mode . If ` kafka_skip_broken_messages = 1 ` then the engine skips the Kafka messages that can ' t be parsed ( a message equals a row of data ) . <nl> + - ` kafka_skip_broken_messages ` – Kafka message parser tolerance to schema - incompatible messages per block . Default : ` 0 ` . If ` kafka_skip_broken_messages = N ` then the engine skips * N * Kafka messages that cannot be parsed ( a message equals a row of data ) . <nl> <nl> Examples : <nl> <nl>
Merge pull request from spyros87 / update - kafka - table - engine - docs
Merge pull request #2100 from tobad357/bugfix/fix-subscribe-multiple-topics <nl> Merge pull request #261 from yandex/issue-219 <nl> Merge pull request #3805 from proller/fix4 <nl> Update 00714_alter_uuid.sql <nl> Update ReplaceQueryParameterVisitor.h <nl> Merge pull request #5775 from yandex/lfalloc2mimalloc <nl> Update gen-compiler-includes.sh <nl> Update PoolWithFailover.cpp <nl> Merge pull request #2024 from yandex/CLICKHOUSE-3637 <nl> Merge pull request #562 from yandex/issue-390
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / apinotes / CoreLocation . apinotes <nl> ppp b / apinotes / CoreLocation . apinotes <nl> Protocols : <nl> - Selector : ' locationManager : didEnterRegion : ' <nl> SwiftName : ' locationManager ( _ : didEnterRegion : ) ' <nl> MethodKind : Instance <nl> - - Selector : ' locationManager : didChangeAuthorization : ' <nl> + - Selector : ' locationManager : didChangeAuthorizationStatus : ' <nl> SwiftName : ' locationManager ( _ : didChangeAuthorization : ) ' <nl> MethodKind : Instance <nl>
[ APINotes ] Fix mistyped selector in 4091e54d .
[CMake] Fix SpriteKit single-platform build. <nl> Make overlay dependencies explicit. <nl> [driver] Only build a swiftmodule for debug purposes if we are linking. <nl> [CMake] Update generated Xcode project to contain all docs/. <nl> [serialization] Add the HasBuiltinModuleAccess hack to fallback modules too. <nl> Introduce Module::forAllVisibleModules, and use it where useful. <nl> [IRGen] Remove the AST walk that looks for local type decls. <nl> Dependencies: references in generic signatures create public dependencies. <nl> [Accessibility] @required initializers must be as accessible as the type. <nl> [test] The NSLog test shouldn't fail if NSLog isn't printing to stderr today.
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / client / distlock . cpp <nl> ppp b / client / distlock . cpp <nl> <nl> * / <nl> <nl> # include " pch . h " <nl> - # include " boost / thread / once . hpp " <nl> # include " dbclient . h " <nl> # include " distlock . h " <nl> <nl>
introduced a header by mistake
move asserts into active code path <nl> dblock is deprecated <nl> SERVER-1979 check max key before accepting a move request <nl> SERVER-1270 StringData unit test <nl> Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mongodb/mongo <nl> SERVER-1607 expose replica set of a ConnectionString <nl> Merge branch 'v1.6' of github.com:mongodb/mongo into v1.6 <nl> Database names are in the _id field, in fact <nl> SERVER-1849 allow recreating a recently dropped collection <nl> Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mongodb/mongo
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / assembler . cc <nl> ppp b / src / assembler . cc <nl> void Assembler : : RecordComment ( const char * msg ) { <nl> void Assembler : : DataAlign ( int m ) { <nl> DCHECK ( m > = 2 & & base : : bits : : IsPowerOfTwo ( m ) ) ; <nl> while ( ( pc_offset ( ) & ( m - 1 ) ) ! = 0 ) { <nl> - db ( 0 ) ; <nl> + / / Pad with 0xcc ( = int3 on ia32 and x64 ) ; the primary motivation is that <nl> + / / the disassembler expects to find valid instructions , but this is also <nl> + / / nice from a security point of view . <nl> + db ( 0xcc ) ; <nl> } <nl> } <nl> <nl>
[ asm ] Pad instruction area with int3
Merged: Do not include Error.captureStackTrace in the trace <nl> [string] Widen StringIndexOf fast path <nl> [ia32] Fix off-heap trampoline handling <nl> [regexp] Turn last match info into a simple FixedArray <nl> [regexp] Limit ATOM regexps to patterns length <= 2 <nl> Add Smi::Zero and replace all Smi::FromInt(0) calls <nl> [string] Migrate String.prototype.{split,replace} to TF <nl> [regexp] Fix passing all flags to RegExp construction <nl> [builtins] Begin removing CodeFactory accessors <nl> [snapshot] Clean up builtin serializer allocater
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / NOTES . md <nl> ppp b / NOTES . md <nl> <nl> + # Release 1 . 12 . 1 ( The Wizard of Oz ) <nl> + <nl> + Released on 2014 - 04 - 27 <nl> + <nl> + Bug fix update . <nl> + <nl> + * Fixed crash ` evicter . cc at line 124 : Guarantee failed : [ initialized_ ] ` ( # 2182 ) <nl> + * Fixed ` index_wait ` which did not always work ( # 2170 , # 2179 ) <nl> + * Fixed ` - - fetch boost ` ( # 2174 ) <nl> + * Fixed a segmentation fault ( # 2178 ) <nl> + * Added a ` - - hard - durability ` option to import / restore <nl> + * Changed the default ` - - cache - size ` to be more friendly towards machines with less free RAM <nl> + * Changed tables to scale their soft durability throttling based on their cache size <nl> + * Fixed some build failures ( # 2183 ) <nl> + * Fixed the Centos i686 packages ( # 2176 ) <nl> + <nl> # Release 1 . 12 . 0 ( The Wizard of Oz ) <nl> <nl> Released on 2014 - 04 - 26 <nl>
draft release notes for 1 . 12 . 1
Fix typo in documentation <nl> Merge review 421 by @mlucy <nl> Extra tweaks to the driver tests to run on travis <nl> Bump driver versions <nl> Convert the python cursor test to use the unittest framework <nl> Merge pull request #1506 <nl> NOTES for 1.10.1 <nl> Merge 1709 int v1.11.x <nl> Prepare for v1.9.0 release <nl> Tell launchpad to include the debug symbols
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / src / cpu - profiler . cc <nl> ppp b / src / cpu - profiler . cc <nl> void CpuProfiler : : StartProfiling ( String * title ) { <nl> <nl> <nl> CpuProfile * CpuProfiler : : StopProfiling ( const char * title ) { <nl> - ASSERT ( singleton_ ! = NULL ) ; <nl> - return singleton_ - > StopCollectingProfile ( title ) ; <nl> + return singleton_ ! = NULL ? singleton_ - > StopCollectingProfile ( title ) : NULL ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> <nl> CpuProfile * CpuProfiler : : StopProfiling ( String * title ) { <nl> - ASSERT ( singleton_ ! = NULL ) ; <nl> - return singleton_ - > StopCollectingProfile ( title ) ; <nl> + return singleton_ ! = NULL ? singleton_ - > StopCollectingProfile ( title ) : NULL ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> <nl>
Make StopProfiling resilient to calls in unusual moments .
Fixed projects after adding oprofile-agent* sources. <nl> Adding unit tests for profiler's stack tracer. <nl> Report code stubs to OProfile. <nl> Implemented processing of compressed log files. <nl> Correct mistyped file name for svn:ignore property. <nl> Fixed regression http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=236. <nl> Add pause / resume profiling commands to debugger protocol. <nl> Only put VM state entry if a symbolized stacktrace is empty. <nl> Apply r3795 to bleeding_edge. <nl> Added more checks to SafeStackFrameIterator to prevent crashes when profiling.
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / src / net_processing . cpp <nl> ppp b / src / net_processing . cpp <nl> bool SendMessages ( CNode * pto , CConnman & connman ) <nl> if ( pto - > nVersion > = FEEFILTER_VERSION & & GetBoolArg ( " - feefilter " , DEFAULT_FEEFILTER ) & & <nl> ! ( pto - > fWhitelisted & & GetBoolArg ( " - whitelistforcerelay " , DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY ) ) ) { <nl> CAmount currentFilter = mempool . GetMinFee ( GetArg ( " - maxmempool " , DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE ) * 1000000 ) . GetFeePerK ( ) ; <nl> - / / If we don ' t allow free transactions , then we always have a fee filter of at least minRelayTxFee <nl> - if ( GetArg ( " - limitfreerelay " , DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY ) < = 0 ) <nl> - currentFilter = std : : max ( currentFilter , : : minRelayTxFee . GetFeePerK ( ) ) ; <nl> int64_t timeNow = GetTimeMicros ( ) ; <nl> if ( timeNow > pto - > nextSendTimeFeeFilter ) { <nl> static CFeeRate default_feerate ( DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE ) ; <nl> static FeeFilterRounder filterRounder ( default_feerate ) ; <nl> CAmount filterToSend = filterRounder . round ( currentFilter ) ; <nl> + / / If we don ' t allow free transactions , then we always have a fee filter of at least minRelayTxFee <nl> + if ( GetArg ( " - limitfreerelay " , DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY ) < = 0 ) <nl> + filterToSend = std : : max ( filterToSend , : : minRelayTxFee . GetFeePerK ( ) ) ; <nl> if ( filterToSend ! = pto - > lastSentFeeFilter ) { <nl> connman . PushMessage ( pto , msgMaker . Make ( NetMsgType : : FEEFILTER , filterToSend ) ) ; <nl> pto - > lastSentFeeFilter = filterToSend ; <nl>
Merge : If we don ' t allow free txs , always send a fee filter ( take 2 )
Merge pull request #4378 <nl> Merge pull request #1752 from Diapolo/bitcoind_ASLR_DEP <nl> Revert "Make nicer pull request merge messages" <nl> fix !O_NONBLOCK where ~O_NONBLOCK was meant <nl> Merge pull request #5637 <nl> Merge pull request #3920 <nl> Merge pull request #5467 <nl> qt: Periodic translation update <nl> qt: Make sure overviewpage button is pressed at startup <nl> doc: Mention Linux ARM builds in release notes
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / src / metric . jl <nl> ppp b / src / metric . jl <nl> Requires that label and prediction have the same shape . <nl> " " " <nl> <nl> type MSE < : AbstractEvalMetric <nl> - mse_sum : : Float64 <nl> + mse_sum : : Vector { NDArray } <nl> n_sample : : Int <nl> <nl> - MSE ( ) = new ( 0 . 0 , 0 ) <nl> + MSE ( ) = new ( Vector { NDArray } ( ) , 0 ) <nl> end <nl> <nl> - hasNDArraySupport ( : : MSE ) = Val { false } ( ) <nl> + hasNDArraySupport ( : : MSE ) = Val { true } ( ) <nl> <nl> - function _update_single_output { T } ( metric : : MSE , label : : Array { T } , pred : : Array { T } ) <nl> + function _update_single_output ( metric : : MSE , label : : NDArray , pred : : NDArray ) <nl> @ assert size ( label ) = = size ( pred ) <nl> metric . n_sample + = length ( label ) <nl> - metric . mse_sum + = sumabs2 ( label . - pred ) <nl> + mse_sum = mx . sum ( mx . _PowerScalar ( label - pred , scalar = 2 ) ) <nl> + push ! ( metric . mse_sum , mse_sum ) <nl> return nothing <nl> end <nl> <nl> function get ( metric : : MSE ) <nl> - return [ ( : MSE , metric . mse_sum / metric . n_sample ) ] <nl> + # Delay copy until last possible moment <nl> + mse_sum = mapreduce ( nda - > copy ( nda ) [ 1 ] , + , 0 . 0 , metric . mse_sum ) <nl> + return [ ( : MSE , mse_sum / metric . n_sample ) ] <nl> end <nl> <nl> function reset ! ( metric : : MSE ) <nl> - metric . mse_sum = 0 . 0 <nl> + metric . mse_sum = Vector { NDArray } ( ) <nl> metric . n_sample = 0 <nl> end <nl> <nl>
convert MSE to use NDArray as an example for async
finalize mkdocs setup <nl> reformultate accuracy with multi_output in mind <nl> add special casing of transpose to the symbolic layer <nl> cleanup Accuracy <nl> implement a function cache <nl> output TempSpace allocation <nl> remove usr/setupenv.cmd because it is too invasive <nl> fix deprecations in build.jl <nl> Fixes usuage of floor <nl> be more lenient in model loading
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / python - package / setup . py <nl> ppp b / python - package / setup . py <nl> def run ( self ) : <nl> } , <nl> extras_require = { <nl> ' pandas ' : [ ' pandas ' ] , <nl> - ' sklearn ' : [ ' sklearn ' ] , <nl> + ' scikit - learn ' : [ ' scikit - learn ' ] , <nl> ' dask ' : [ ' dask ' , ' pandas ' , ' distributed ' ] , <nl> ' datatable ' : [ ' datatable ' ] , <nl> ' plotting ' : [ ' graphviz ' , ' matplotlib ' ] <nl>
Use ` scikit - learn ` in extra dependencies . ( )
Specify version macro in CMake. (#4730) <nl> Fix empty subspan. (#4151) <nl> Add PushCSC for SparsePage. (#4193) <nl> Workaround `isnan` across different environments. (#4883) <nl> Make `HistCutMatrix::Init' be aware of groups. (#4115) <nl> Fix cmake variable. (#126) <nl> Fix ssize_t definition. (#80) <nl> Remove remaining `silent` and `debug_verbose`. (#4299) <nl> Fix gpu_hist apply_split test. (#4158) <nl> Mimic cuda assert output in span check. (#4762)
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / modules / cudafeatures2d / src / fast . cpp <nl> ppp b / modules / cudafeatures2d / src / fast . cpp <nl> namespace <nl> } <nl> <nl> BufferPool pool ( Stream : : Null ( ) ) ; <nl> - GpuMat d_keypoints = pool . getBuffer ( ROWS_COUNT , max_npoints_ , CV_16SC2 ) ; <nl> + GpuMat d_keypoints = pool . getBuffer ( ROWS_COUNT , max_npoints_ , CV_32FC1 ) ; <nl> <nl> detectAsync ( _image , d_keypoints , _mask , Stream : : Null ( ) ) ; <nl> convert ( d_keypoints , keypoints ) ; <nl>
Merge pull request from jet47 : cuda - modules - fixes
UMat: issue in OpenCLAllocator::unmap() <nl> ocl: workaround for OpenCL C++ bindings usage: CL/cl.hpp <nl> ocl: update generator scripts <nl> Merge pull request #5360 from SpecLad:test2-fail-on-failed-download <nl> Merge pull request #6743 from alalek:libpng_24 <nl> disable String(int) ctor <nl> core/ocl: temporary move device selection from ocl module <nl> Merge pull request #5361 from alalek:update_ffmpeg_support <nl> world build: fix modules instantiation order <nl> cmake: fix HAL dependencies for core module
TYPE: 1.0
mmm a / tensorflow / contrib / distribute / python / examples / keras_mnist . py <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / contrib / distribute / python / examples / keras_mnist . py <nl> def main ( _ ) : <nl> distribute = strategy ) <nl> <nl> # Train the model with the train dataset . <nl> - model . fit ( x = train_ds , epochs = 20 , steps_per_epoch = 310 ) <nl> + model . fit ( x = train_ds , epochs = 20 , steps_per_epoch = 468 ) <nl> <nl> # Evaluate the model with the eval dataset . <nl> score = model . evaluate ( eval_ds , steps = 10 , verbose = 0 ) <nl>
Fix the steps_per_epoch when training on mnist
Fix the error message thrown when running eval on pod <nl> Fix the eval hook to run the correct number of steps when using TPU strategy <nl> Resolve merge conflicts <nl> GCS Filesystem should not cache checkpoint file as we need to read the updated checkpoints from the contents. <nl> Add code path in estimator to use the new distributed strategy api <nl> Merge commit for internal changes <nl> Add code path in estimator to use the new distributed strategy api <nl> Merge branch 'branch_177545934' of github.com:sb2nov/tensorflow into branch_177545934 <nl> Job name should be picked based on the cluster_spec <nl> Callbacks should count the steps correctly in the multi step case
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / tests / swoole_serialize / packunpack . phpt <nl> ppp b / tests / swoole_serialize / packunpack . phpt <nl> int ( 32 ) <nl> int ( 12326 ) <nl> int ( 4096 ) <nl> <nl> - Notice : Swoole \ Serialize : : unpack ( ) : illegal unserialize data in % s on line % d <nl> - <nl> - Notice : Swoole \ Serialize : : unpack ( ) : illegal array unserialize data in % s on line % d <nl> + Notice : swoole_serialize : : unpack ( ) : detect the error eof in % s on line % d <nl> bool ( false ) <nl> = = = DONE = = = <nl>
obj arr test <nl> php7 <nl> del nbproject <nl> fix too long process name warning <nl> weep test <nl> add fast define <nl> null test <nl> fix <nl> merged <nl> fix
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / s / commands_admin . cpp <nl> ppp b / s / commands_admin . cpp <nl> namespace mongo { <nl> errmsg = " can ' t shard the admin db " ; <nl> return false ; <nl> } <nl> + if ( dbname = = " local " ) { <nl> + errmsg = " can ' t shard the local db " ; <nl> + return false ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> DBConfigPtr config = grid . getDBConfig ( dbname ) ; <nl> if ( config - > isShardingEnabled ( ) ) { <nl>
cant shard local db
rs bug fixed was refusing to leave ROLLBACK state after successful rollback on some edge cases 164 <nl> forgot to add file <nl> compile <nl> vstudio compile <nl> tweak <nl> make replset voting a little clearer in the logs <nl> Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mongodb/mongo <nl> try to add more debugging to snapshot2.js.\ <nl> Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mongodb/mongo <nl> makemessagingport findable from the Client object
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / version <nl> ppp b / version <nl> @ @ - 1 + 1 @ @ <nl> - 12 . 9 . 2 <nl> + 12 . 9 . 3 <nl>
version 12 . 9 . 3
update tests <nl> add libkrbn_get_user_complex_modifications_assets_directory <nl> add human_interface_device_observer <nl> add observed_devices_ <nl> use IOHIDQueue <nl> add event(const nlohmann::json& json) <nl> add libkrbn_complex_modifications_assets_manager_add_rule_to_core_configuration_selected_profile <nl> add vendor/cxxopts <nl> update NEWS <nl> version 0.90.82
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / editor / plugins / canvas_item_editor_plugin . cpp <nl> ppp b / editor / plugins / canvas_item_editor_plugin . cpp <nl> void CanvasItemEditor : : _focus_selection ( int p_op ) { <nl> zoom = scale_x < scale_y ? scale_x : scale_y ; <nl> zoom * = 0 . 90 ; <nl> viewport - > update ( ) ; <nl> + _update_zoom_label ( ) ; <nl> call_deferred ( " _popup_callback " , VIEW_CENTER_TO_SELECTION ) ; <nl> } <nl> } <nl>
Merge pull request from Calinou / frame - selection - update - zoom - label
Document provenance of Penner easing equations in Tween <nl> Merge pull request #11141 from fcobos/x11_borderless_switch_fix <nl> opus: Better sync sources list with upstream buildsystem <nl> Merge pull request #31122 from Muller-Castro/enhancement <nl> Merge pull request #18426 from xsellier/feature/64-bits-android <nl> Merge pull request #12606 from rraallvv/window_position <nl> Merge pull request #25380 from godotengine/fix_pivot <nl> Merge pull request #5321 from Paulb23/caret_hidden_issue_5320 <nl> Merge pull request #33277 from clayjohn/update_material <nl> Merge pull request #24730 from PrestonKnopp/master
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / modules / core / src / precomp . hpp <nl> ppp b / modules / core / src / precomp . hpp <nl> template < typename T > struct OpMax <nl> T operator ( ) ( const T a , const T b ) const { return std : : max ( a , b ) ; } <nl> } ; <nl> <nl> + inline Size getContinuousSize_ ( int flags , int cols , int rows , int widthScale ) <nl> + { <nl> + int64 sz = ( int64 ) cols * rows * widthScale ; <nl> + return ( flags & Mat : : CONTINUOUS_FLAG ) ! = 0 & & <nl> + ( int ) sz = = sz ? Size ( ( int ) sz , 1 ) : Size ( cols * widthScale , rows ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> inline Size getContinuousSize ( const Mat & m1 , int widthScale = 1 ) <nl> { <nl> - return m1 . isContinuous ( ) ? Size ( m1 . cols * m1 . rows * widthScale , 1 ) : <nl> - Size ( m1 . cols * widthScale , m1 . rows ) ; <nl> + return getContinuousSize_ ( m1 . flags , <nl> + m1 . cols , m1 . rows , widthScale ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> inline Size getContinuousSize ( const Mat & m1 , const Mat & m2 , int widthScale = 1 ) <nl> { <nl> - return ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & Mat : : CONTINUOUS_FLAG ) ! = 0 ? <nl> - Size ( m1 . cols * m1 . rows * widthScale , 1 ) : Size ( m1 . cols * widthScale , m1 . rows ) ; <nl> + return getContinuousSize_ ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags , <nl> + m1 . cols , m1 . rows , widthScale ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> inline Size getContinuousSize ( const Mat & m1 , const Mat & m2 , <nl> const Mat & m3 , int widthScale = 1 ) <nl> { <nl> - return ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & m3 . flags & Mat : : CONTINUOUS_FLAG ) ! = 0 ? <nl> - Size ( m1 . cols * m1 . rows * widthScale , 1 ) : Size ( m1 . cols * widthScale , m1 . rows ) ; <nl> + return getContinuousSize_ ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & m3 . flags , <nl> + m1 . cols , m1 . rows , widthScale ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> inline Size getContinuousSize ( const Mat & m1 , const Mat & m2 , <nl> const Mat & m3 , const Mat & m4 , <nl> int widthScale = 1 ) <nl> { <nl> - return ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & m3 . flags & m4 . flags & Mat : : CONTINUOUS_FLAG ) ! = 0 ? <nl> - Size ( m1 . cols * m1 . rows * widthScale , 1 ) : Size ( m1 . cols * widthScale , m1 . rows ) ; <nl> + return getContinuousSize_ ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & m3 . flags & m4 . flags , <nl> + m1 . cols , m1 . rows , widthScale ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> inline Size getContinuousSize ( const Mat & m1 , const Mat & m2 , <nl> const Mat & m3 , const Mat & m4 , <nl> const Mat & m5 , int widthScale = 1 ) <nl> { <nl> - return ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & m3 . flags & m4 . flags & m5 . flags & Mat : : CONTINUOUS_FLAG ) ! = 0 ? <nl> - Size ( m1 . cols * m1 . rows * widthScale , 1 ) : Size ( m1 . cols * widthScale , m1 . rows ) ; <nl> + return getContinuousSize_ ( m1 . flags & m2 . flags & m3 . flags & m4 . flags & m5 . flags , <nl> + m1 . cols , m1 . rows , widthScale ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> struct NoVec <nl>
Fixed getContinuousSize ( ) to handle huge matrices properly . This should solve http : / / code . opencv . org / issues / 3232
Merge pull request #3684 from SeninAndrew:master <nl> Merge pull request #2983 from wnoise:shrink-global-cuda-usage <nl> Merge pull request #3733 from StevenPuttemans:fix_4004_master <nl> Merge pull request #3635 from jet47:cuda-optflow-refactoring <nl> Merge pull request #2919 from larshg:Openni2Support <nl> Merge pull request #2816 from ehren:avcapturesession_leak <nl> Merge pull request #3345 from D-Alex:master <nl> Merge pull request #3435 from oresths:filter_anchor_fix <nl> Merge pull request #3773 from ilya-lavrenov:warning <nl> Merge pull request #3411 from eltermann:master
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / buildscripts / smoke . py <nl> ppp b / buildscripts / smoke . py <nl> def skipTest ( path ) : <nl> parentPath = os . path . dirname ( path ) <nl> parentDir = os . path . basename ( parentPath ) <nl> if small_oplog : # For tests running in parallel <nl> - if basename in [ " cursor8 . js " , " indexh . js " , " dropdb . js " , " connections_opened . js " ] : <nl> + if basename in [ " cursor8 . js " , " indexh . js " , " dropdb . js " , " connections_opened . js " , " opcounters . js " ] : <nl> return True <nl> if os . sys . platform = = " sunos5 " : <nl> if basename = = " geo_update_btree . js " : <nl>
SERVER - 8769 skip opcounters . js when running small_oplog tests
Use global lock when exiting critical section because it is greedier. Also add verbose logging around exiting critical section. SERVER-7500 SERVER-7493 <nl> Add test for journal exception during large operations within db.eval SERVER-3447 <nl> SERVER-4957: If shard lookup fails, retry appending the default port. <nl> fix typo <nl> SERVER-7182 Fix broken compile for mongos <nl> SERVER-3912: Make .dbshell file on windows be in user directory <nl> SERVER-7572 Update error code in test <nl> Call setLastError when commands fail <nl> SERVER-7931 Skip jstests/mr_killop.js when running tests with auth <nl> Enable running our full js test suite with authentication. SERVER-4237.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / DeepSpeech . ipynb <nl> ppp b / DeepSpeech . ipynb <nl> <nl> " cell_type " : " markdown " , <nl> " metadata " : { } , <nl> " source " : [ <nl> - " With this preliminary step out of the way , we can for each GPU intoduce a tower , calculate parameter gradients , and gather these gradients in to ` tower_gradients ` and encapsulate all of this into a method ` get_tower_results ( ) ` " <nl> + " With this preliminary step out of the way , we can for each GPU intoduce a tower , calculate its ` ` ` total_loss , avg_loss , accuracy , decoded , labels ` ` ` values , calculate on base of that the parameter gradients and bundle all the results into respectful arrays . So ` get_tower_results ( ) ` will return arrays ` ` ` tower_decodings , tower_labels , tower_gradients , tower_total_losses , tower_avg_losses ` ` ` and the averaged accuracy value accross all towers ` ` ` avg_accuracy ` ` ` . " <nl> ] <nl> } , <nl> { <nl> <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Retain tower ' s accuracies \ n " , <nl> " tower_accuracies . append ( accuracy ) \ n " , <nl> + " \ n " , <nl> + " # Average accuracies over the ' tower ' dimension \ n " , <nl> + " avg_accuracy = tf . reduce_mean ( tower_accuracies , 0 ) \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Return results to caller \ n " , <nl> - " return tower_decodings , tower_labels , tower_gradients , tower_total_losses , tower_avg_losses , tower_accuracies " <nl> + " return tower_decodings , tower_labels , tower_gradients , tower_total_losses , tower_avg_losses , avg_accuracy " <nl> ] <nl> } , <nl> { <nl> <nl> " source " : [ <nl> " def print_wer_report ( session , caption , tower_decodings , tower_labels , tower_total_losses , show_ranked = True ) : \ n " , <nl> " items , mean = calculate_wer ( session , tower_decodings , tower_labels , tower_total_losses ) \ n " , <nl> - " print \ " % s WER : % f09 \ " % ( caption , mean ) \ n " , <nl> + " print \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " # \ " * 80 \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " % s WER : % f \ " % ( caption , mean ) \ n " , <nl> " if len ( items ) > 0 and show_ranked : \ n " , <nl> + " # Filter out all items with WER = 0 \ n " , <nl> " items = [ a for a in items if a [ 2 ] > 0 ] \ n " , <nl> + " # Order the remaining items by their loss ( lowest loss on top ) \ n " , <nl> " items . sort ( key = lambda a : a [ 3 ] ) \ n " , <nl> + " # Take only the first 10 items \ n " , <nl> " items = items [ : 10 ] \ n " , <nl> + " # Order this top ten items by their WER ( lowest WER on top ) \ n " , <nl> " items . sort ( key = lambda a : a [ 2 ] ) \ n " , <nl> " for a in items : \ n " , <nl> - " print \ n " , <nl> - " print \ " WER : % f09 \ " % a [ 2 ] \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " - \ " * 80 \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " - WER : % f \ " % a [ 2 ] \ n " , <nl> " print \ " - source : \ \ \ " % s \ \ \ " \ " % a [ 0 ] \ n " , <nl> " print \ " - result : \ \ \ " % s \ \ \ " \ " % a [ 1 ] \ n " , <nl> - " print \ " - loss : \ \ \ " % s \ \ \ " \ " % a [ 3 ] \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " - loss : % f \ " % a [ 3 ] \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " # \ " * 80 \ n " , <nl> + " print \ n " , <nl> " return items , mean " <nl> ] <nl> } , <nl> <nl> " def train ( session , data_sets ) : \ n " , <nl> " # Calculate the total number of batches \ n " , <nl> " total_batches = data_sets . train . total_batches \ n " , <nl> + " batches_per_device = float ( total_batches ) / len ( available_devices ) \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Create optimizer \ n " , <nl> " optimizer = create_optimizer ( ) \ n " , <nl> <nl> " tower_gradients , \ \ \ n " , <nl> " tower_total_losses , \ \ \ n " , <nl> " tower_avg_losses , \ \ \ n " , <nl> - " tower_accuracies \ \ \ n " , <nl> + " avg_accuracy \ \ \ n " , <nl> " = get_tower_results ( data_sets . train , optimizer ) \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Validation step preparation \ n " , <nl> <nl> " last_train_wer = 0 . 0 \ n " , <nl> " last_validation_wer = 0 . 0 \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> + " \ n " , <nl> " # Loop over the data set for training_epochs epochs \ n " , <nl> " for epoch in range ( training_iters ) : \ n " , <nl> " # Define total accuracy for the epoch \ n " , <nl> - " total_accuracy = 0 \ n " , <nl> + " total_accuracy = 0 . 0 \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Validation step \ n " , <nl> " if epoch % validation_step = = 0 : \ n " , <nl> <nl> " print \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Loop over the batches \ n " , <nl> - " for batch in range ( int ( ceil ( float ( total_batches ) / len ( available_devices ) ) ) ) : \ n " , <nl> + " for batch in range ( int ( ceil ( batches_per_device ) ) ) : \ n " , <nl> " # Compute the average loss for the last batch \ n " , <nl> " session . run ( apply_gradient_op , feed_dict_train ) \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Add batch to total_accuracy \ n " , <nl> - " total_accuracy + = session . run ( tower_accuracies [ - 1 ] , feed_dict_train ) \ n " , <nl> + " total_accuracy + = session . run ( avg_accuracy , feed_dict_train ) \ n " , <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Log all variable states in current step \ n " , <nl> " step = epoch * total_batches + batch * len ( available_devices ) \ n " , <nl> <nl> " \ n " , <nl> " # Print progress message \ n " , <nl> " if epoch % display_step = = 0 : \ n " , <nl> - " print \ " Epoch : \ " , ' % 04d ' % ( epoch + 1 ) , \ " avg_cer = \ " , \ " { : . 9f } \ " . format ( ( total_accuracy / total_batches ) ) \ n " , <nl> + " print \ " Epoch : \ " , ' % 04d ' % ( epoch + 1 ) , \ " avg_cer = \ " , \ " { : . 9f } \ " . format ( ( total_accuracy / batches_per_device ) ) \ n " , <nl> " _ , last_train_wer = print_wer_report ( \ \ \ n " , <nl> " session , \ \ \ n " , <nl> " \ " Training \ " , \ \ \ n " , <nl>
Fix ; Fixed average accuracy calculation
Fix #11; WER support <nl> Fixed dropout handling and other fixes <nl> Fix #48; separation of training and validation <nl> Fix #12; integration of WER in training, validation and test <nl> Merging a central JS data file that can be loaded by the report page <nl> Reintroduced feed_dict for context dependent dropout rates <nl> Logging context and hyper parameters to JSON file <nl> Fix #16; Logging activations and gradients <nl> Fix #13; Fix #14; Reporting of WERs by index.htm <nl> Fix #15; logging top ten lowest loss samples
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / test / core / channel / channel_trace_test . cc <nl> ppp b / test / core / channel / channel_trace_test . cc <nl> TEST_P ( ChannelTracerTest , ComplexTest ) { <nl> AddSimpleTrace ( & tracer ) ; <nl> AddSimpleTrace ( & tracer ) ; <nl> AddSimpleTrace ( & tracer ) ; <nl> - sc1 . reset ( nullptr ) ; <nl> - sc2 . reset ( nullptr ) ; <nl> + sc1 . reset ( ) ; <nl> + sc2 . reset ( ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / / Test a case in which the parent channel has subchannels and the subchannels <nl> TEST_P ( ChannelTracerTest , TestNesting ) { <nl> grpc_slice_from_static_string ( " subchannel one inactive " ) , sc1 ) ; <nl> AddSimpleTrace ( & tracer ) ; <nl> ValidateChannelTrace ( & tracer , 8 , GetParam ( ) ) ; <nl> - sc1 . reset ( nullptr ) ; <nl> - sc2 . reset ( nullptr ) ; <nl> - conn1 . reset ( nullptr ) ; <nl> + sc1 . reset ( ) ; <nl> + sc2 . reset ( ) ; <nl> + conn1 . reset ( ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P ( ChannelTracerTestSweep , ChannelTracerTest , <nl>
Fix build .
Work-in-progress on fixing endpoint tests. <nl> Merge branch 'security_handshaker1' into security_handshaker2 <nl> Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into security_handshaker2 <nl> Fix portability problems. <nl> Fix asan bug. <nl> Merge pull request #15690 from grpc/revert-15539-recv_trailing_metadata_ready <nl> Merge pull request #9824 from markdroth/service_config_json_comment_fix <nl> clang-format <nl> Clean up client_channel code and eliminate unnecessary allocations. <nl> Fix memory leak on grpclb shutdown.
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / test / cctest / wasm / test - gc . cc <nl> ppp b / test / cctest / wasm / test - gc . cc <nl> TEST ( JsAccess ) { <nl> isolate - > clear_pending_exception ( ) ; <nl> <nl> maybe_result = tester . CallExportedFunction ( " producer " , 0 , nullptr ) ; <nl> + if ( maybe_result . is_null ( ) ) { <nl> + FATAL ( " Calling ' producer ' failed : % s " , <nl> + * v8 : : String : : Utf8Value ( reinterpret_cast < v8 : : Isolate * > ( isolate ) , <nl> + try_catch . Message ( ) - > Get ( ) ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> { <nl> Handle < Object > args [ ] = { maybe_result . ToHandleChecked ( ) } ; <nl> maybe_result = tester . CallExportedFunction ( " consumer " , 1 , args ) ; <nl> } <nl> + if ( maybe_result . is_null ( ) ) { <nl> + FATAL ( " Calling ' consumer ' failed : % s " , <nl> + * v8 : : String : : Utf8Value ( reinterpret_cast < v8 : : Isolate * > ( isolate ) , <nl> + try_catch . Message ( ) - > Get ( ) ) ) ; <nl> + } <nl> Handle < Object > result = maybe_result . ToHandleChecked ( ) ; <nl> CHECK ( result - > IsSmi ( ) ) ; <nl> CHECK_EQ ( 42 , Smi : : cast ( * result ) . value ( ) ) ; <nl>
[ test ] Print diagnostic message on failure in test - gc . cc
[test] Update mjsunit.status to reflect reality <nl> [wasm-c-api] Add reflection test <nl> Fix GC unsafety in ToPropertyDescriptorFastPath <nl> [wasm-c-api] Roll 70a2889: Remove template meta-programming <nl> [ubsan] Port Struct subclasses, part 7 <nl> Version (cherry-pick) <nl> [owners] Make test/ owned by COMMON_OWNERS <nl> [bigint] Encapsulate internals in MutableBigInt <nl> Revert "Fix ArrayConcat length estimation for TypedArrays" <nl> [bigint] Fix harmless DCHECK failure
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / toolsrc / src / vcpkg / commands . fetch . cpp <nl> ppp b / toolsrc / src / vcpkg / commands . fetch . cpp <nl> namespace vcpkg : : Commands : : Fetch <nl> fs . rename ( to_path_partial , to_path ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> + static void verify_hash ( const VcpkgPaths & paths , <nl> + const std : : string & url , <nl> + const fs : : path & path , <nl> + const std : : string & sha512 ) <nl> + { <nl> + const std : : string actual_hash = Hash : : get_file_hash ( paths , path , " SHA512 " ) ; <nl> + Checks : : check_exit ( VCPKG_LINE_INFO , <nl> + sha512 = = actual_hash , <nl> + " File does not have the expected hash : \ n " <nl> + " url : [ % s ] \ n " <nl> + " File path : [ % s ] \ n " <nl> + " Expected hash : [ % s ] \ n " <nl> + " Actual hash : [ % s ] \ n " , <nl> + url , <nl> + path . u8string ( ) , <nl> + sha512 , <nl> + actual_hash ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> static void download_file ( const VcpkgPaths & paths , <nl> const std : : string & url , <nl> const fs : : path & download_path , <nl> const std : : string & sha512 ) <nl> { <nl> Files : : Filesystem & fs = paths . get_filesystem ( ) ; <nl> - if ( fs . exists ( download_path ) ) <nl> - { <nl> - return ; <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> const std : : string download_path_part = download_path . u8string ( ) + " . part " ; <nl> std : : error_code ec ; <nl> fs . remove ( download_path_part , ec ) ; <nl> namespace vcpkg : : Commands : : Fetch <nl> R " ( curl - L ' % s ' - - create - dirs - - output ' % s ' ) " , url , download_path_part ) ) ; <nl> Checks : : check_exit ( VCPKG_LINE_INFO , code = = 0 , " Could not download % s " , url ) ; <nl> <nl> - const std : : string actual_hash = Hash : : get_file_hash ( paths , download_path_part , " SHA512 " ) ; <nl> - Checks : : check_exit ( VCPKG_LINE_INFO , <nl> - sha512 = = actual_hash , <nl> - " File does not have the expected hash : \ n " <nl> - " url : [ % s ] \ n " <nl> - " File path : [ % s ] \ n " <nl> - " Expected hash : [ % s ] \ n " <nl> - " Actual hash : [ % s ] \ n " , <nl> - url , <nl> - download_path . u8string ( ) , <nl> - sha512 , <nl> - actual_hash ) ; <nl> - <nl> + verify_hash ( paths , url , download_path_part , sha512 ) ; <nl> fs . rename ( download_path_part , download_path ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> namespace vcpkg : : Commands : : Fetch <nl> download_file ( paths , tool_data . url , tool_data . download_path , tool_data . sha512 ) ; <nl> System : : println ( " Downloading % s . . . done . " , tool_name ) ; <nl> } <nl> + else <nl> + { <nl> + verify_hash ( paths , tool_data . url , tool_data . download_path , tool_data . sha512 ) ; <nl> + } <nl> <nl> System : : println ( " Extracting % s . . . " , tool_name ) ; <nl> extract_archive ( paths , tool_data . download_path , tool_data . tool_dir_path ) ; <nl>
[ vcpkg . exe ] Verify hash for already present files . Dont check for path twice
Don't assume VS2015 is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ <nl> updated_port -> UpdatedPort <nl> Improve messages from the `remove` command <nl> `vcpkg create` now checks for invalid chars in the zip file <nl> Move & rename remove_plan_type enum <nl> Use =default for trivial destructor <nl> [ninja] Update to 1.8.2 <nl> Remove unused #include <nl> Merge branch 'phsucharee-master' <nl> dll_info->DllInfo, lib_info->LibInfo
TYPE: 0.0
mmm a / src / rdb_protocol / datum . hpp <nl> ppp b / src / rdb_protocol / datum . hpp <nl> class datum_t { <nl> datum_t ( std : : vector < datum_t > & & _array , <nl> no_array_size_limit_check_t ) ; <nl> / / This calls maybe_sanitize_ptype ( allowed_pts ) . <nl> + / / The complexity of this constructor is O ( object . size ( ) ) . <nl> explicit datum_t ( std : : map < datum_string_t , datum_t > & & object , <nl> const std : : set < std : : string > & allowed_pts = _allowed_pts ) ; <nl> + / / This calls maybe_sanitize_ptype ( allowed_pts ) . <nl> explicit datum_t ( std : : vector < std : : pair < datum_string_t , datum_t > > & & object , <nl> const std : : set < std : : string > & allowed_pts = _allowed_pts ) ; <nl> <nl>
Added a comment mentioning the complexity of the datum_t ( std : : map < . . . > & & ) constructor .
Replaces own (broken) implementation of the Vincenty algorithm by Karney 2013, which is faster and seems to work. <nl> Make the default max cache size a bit smaller. Otherwise RethinkDB has the unfortunate tendency of crashing if there's no swap on the system. <nl> Generate description files *after* the benchmark has finished (otherwise dbench complains about existing directories) <nl> Add a regression test for #269 and #267. <nl> Increased multiplexer client outstanding write limit. Seems faster that way. <nl> Don't open the gated store if the slave has disconnected in the meantime. <nl> Support [lat, lon] syntax in all geo commands (before you always had to write r.point(lat, lon)) <nl> Renamed a few classes and methods. The diff log is now internally known as the patch log, which should be more clear. <nl> Merge branch 'daniel_2148' into next <nl> Fixes bugs in previous commit
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / README <nl> ppp b / README <nl> <nl> = = Author of the README = = <nl> - Wengong Jin , <nl> - Shanghai Jiao Tong University <nl> - email : acmgokun @ gmail . com <nl> + Wengong Jin , <nl> + Shanghai Jiao Tong University <nl> + email : acmgokun @ gmail . com <nl> <nl> - Hakan Erdogan <nl> - MERL , Sabanci University <nl> - email : haerdogan @ sabanciuniv . edu <nl> + Hakan Erdogan <nl> + MERL , Sabanci University <nl> + email : haerdogan @ sabanciuniv . edu <nl> <nl> Yu Zhang , Leo Liu <nl> CSAIL , Massachusetts Institute of Technology <nl> + email : yzhang87 @ csail . mit . edu <nl> + email : leoliu_cu @ sbcglobal . net <nl> <nl> = = Preeliminaries = = <nl> To build the cpu version , you have to install intel MKL blas library or ACML library first . Note that ACML is free , where MKL may not be . <nl> All executables are in bin / directory : <nl> To run the executable , make sure bin / is in your $ { LD_LIBRARY_PATH } , if not , running cn . exe will fail when cn . exe tries to link the corresponding reader . Once it ' s done , run in command line : <nl> . / cn . exe configFile = $ { your config file } <nl> <nl> - <nl> = = Kaldi Reader = = <nl> + This is a HTKMLF reader and kaldi writer ( for decode ) <nl> + <nl> + To build the cpu / gpu version , run <nl> + make - f Makefile_kaldi . cpu / gpu <nl> + <nl> + The feature section is like : <nl> + <nl> + writer = [ <nl> + writerType = KaldiReader <nl> + readMethod = blockRandomize <nl> + frameMode = false <nl> + miniBatchMode = Partial <nl> + randomize = Auto <nl> + verbosity = 1 <nl> + ScaledLogLikelihood = [ <nl> + dim = $ labelDim $ <nl> + Kaldicmd = " ark : - " # will pipe to the Kaldi decoder latgen - faster - mapped <nl> + scpFile = $ outputSCP $ # the file key of the features <nl> + ] <nl> + ] <nl> + <nl> + = = Kaldi2 Reader = = <nl> + This is a kaldi reader and kaldi writer ( for decode ) <nl> + <nl> + To build the cpu / gpu version , run <nl> + make - f Makefile_kaldi2 . cpu / gpu <nl> + <nl> <nl> The features section is different : <nl> <nl>
Update the README file
For all the wprint related stuff, we should avoid use %s because wstring is the internal representation (no conversion needed). Replaced it with %ls. <nl> change UINT64 to unsigned long long (no uint64 in linux). <nl> Add KaldiReader into the source tree. Actually, it is a HTKMLFReader with kaldi-io. <nl> Add PAC-RNN ndl file <nl> Remove an useless assert <nl> Fix the compile issue when use "byte" in GPUSparseMatrix.cu <nl> Clean the warnings. <nl> The keyword cannot be variable name in g++. So change "default" to "defaultValue". <nl> Add DataWriter to support KaldiReader <nl> Add PAC-RNN ndl file
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / Marlin / src / lcd / language / language_sk . h <nl> ppp b / Marlin / src / lcd / language / language_sk . h <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_MEDIA_READ_ERROR = _UxGT ( " Chyba čítania karty " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_MEDIA_USB_REMOVED = _UxGT ( " USB zaria . odstrán . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_MEDIA_USB_FAILED = _UxGT ( " Chyba spúšťania USB " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_KILL_SUBCALL_OVERFLOW = _UxGT ( " Preteč . podprogramu " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_LCD_ENDSTOPS = _UxGT ( " Endstopy " ) ; / / max 8 znakov <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_LCD_SOFT_ENDSTOPS = _UxGT ( " Soft . endstopy " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_MAIN = _UxGT ( " Hlavná ponuka " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PREHEAT_2_SETTINGS = _UxGT ( " Zahriať " ) PREHEAT_2_LABEL _UxGT ( " nast . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PREHEAT_CUSTOM = _UxGT ( " Vlastná teplota " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_COOLDOWN = _UxGT ( " Schladiť " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CUTTER_FREQUENCY = _UxGT ( " Frekvencia " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_LASER_MENU = _UxGT ( " Nastavenie lasera " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_LASER_OFF = _UxGT ( " Vypnúť laser " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_LASER_ON = _UxGT ( " Zapnúť laser " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BED_Z = _UxGT ( " Výška podl . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_NOZZLE = _UxGT ( " Tryska " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_NOZZLE_N = _UxGT ( " Tryska ~ " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_NOZZLE_PARKED = _UxGT ( " Tryska zaparkovná " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_NOZZLE_STANDBY = _UxGT ( " Záložná tryska " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BED = _UxGT ( " Podložka " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CHAMBER = _UxGT ( " Komora " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT ( " Rýchlosť vent . " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_STORED_FAN_N = _UxGT ( " Ulož . vent . ~ " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT ( " Rýchlosť ex . vent . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED_N = _UxGT ( " Rýchlosť ex . vent . ~ " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN = _UxGT ( " Vent . riad . jedn . " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_IDLE_SPEED = _UxGT ( " Voľno . rýchl . " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_AUTO_ON = _UxGT ( " Auto - režím " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT ( " Aktív . rýchl . " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_DURATION = _UxGT ( " Doba nečinnosti " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_FLOW = _UxGT ( " Prietok " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_FLOW_N = _UxGT ( " Prietok ~ " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_CONTROL = _UxGT ( " Ovládanie " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_ERR_EEPROM_CRC = _UxGT ( " Chyba : EEPROM CRC " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_ERR_EEPROM_INDEX = _UxGT ( " Chyba : EEPROM Index " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_ERR_EEPROM_VERSION = _UxGT ( " Chyba : Verzia EEPROM " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_SETTINGS_STORED = _UxGT ( " Nastav . uložené " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_MEDIA_UPDATE = _UxGT ( " Aktualizovať z SD " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_RESET_PRINTER = _UxGT ( " Reštart . tlačiar . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_REFRESH = LCD_STR_REFRESH _UxGT ( " Obnoviť " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BUTTON_DONE = _UxGT ( " Hotovo " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BUTTON_BACK = _UxGT ( " Naspäť " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BUTTON_PROCEED = _UxGT ( " Pokračovať " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PAUSING = _UxGT ( " Pozastavujem . . . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PAUSE_PRINT = _UxGT ( " Pozastaviť tlač " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_RESUME_PRINT = _UxGT ( " Obnoviť tlač " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_STOP_PRINT = _UxGT ( " Zastaviť tlač " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PRINT_PAUSED = _UxGT ( " Tlač pozastavená " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PRINTING = _UxGT ( " Tlačím . . . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PRINT_ABORTED = _UxGT ( " Tlač zrušená " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_PRINT_DONE = _UxGT ( " Tlač dokončená " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_NO_MOVE = _UxGT ( " Žiadny pohyb . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_KILLED = _UxGT ( " PRERUŠENÉ . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_STOPPED = _UxGT ( " ZASTAVENÉ . " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_TOOL_CHANGE_ZLIFT = _UxGT ( " Zdvihnúť Z " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_PRIME_SPD = _UxGT ( " Primárna rýchl . " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_RETRACT_SPD = _UxGT ( " Rýchl . retrakcie " ) ; <nl> - PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_NOZZLE_STANDBY = _UxGT ( " Záložná tryska " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE = _UxGT ( " Vymeniť filament " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE_E = _UxGT ( " Vymeniť filament * " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_FILAMENTLOAD = _UxGT ( " Zaviesť filament " ) ; <nl> namespace Language_sk { <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BACKLASH_C = LCD_STR_C ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BACKLASH_CORRECTION = _UxGT ( " Korekcia " ) ; <nl> PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_BACKLASH_SMOOTHING = _UxGT ( " Vyhladzovanie " ) ; <nl> + <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_LEVEL_X_AXIS = _UxGT ( " Vyrovnať os X " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_AUTO_CALIBRATE = _UxGT ( " Auto - kalibrovať " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_HEATER_TIMEOUT = _UxGT ( " Vypršal čas ohrevu " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_REHEAT = _UxGT ( " Zohriať " ) ; <nl> + PROGMEM Language_Str MSG_REHEATING = _UxGT ( " Zohrievanie . . . " ) ; <nl> } <nl>
Update Slovak language ( )
Update Slovak language. (#13840) <nl> Update Slovak language. (#13435) <nl> M73 R : Set Remaining Time (#15549) <nl> Slovak translation update (#12202) <nl> Update Slovak translation (#12354) <nl> Update Slovak language (#14503) <nl> Update Slovak language (#16646) <nl> [1.1.x] Limit PID autotune target to maxtemp-15 (#12703) <nl> Updated slovak translation (#12338) <nl> Update Slovak language
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / osquery / core / system . cpp <nl> ppp b / osquery / core / system . cpp <nl> FLAG ( string , <nl> host_identifier , <nl> " hostname " , <nl> " Field used to identify the host running osquery ( hostname , uuid , " <nl> - " instance , ephemeral ) " ) ; <nl> + " instance , ephemeral , specified ) " ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / / Only used when host_identifier = specified <nl> + FLAG ( string , <nl> + specified_identifier , <nl> + " " , <nl> + " Field used to specify the host_identifier when set to \ " specified \ " " ) ; <nl> <nl> FLAG ( bool , utc , true , " Convert all UNIX times to UTC " ) ; <nl> <nl> Status getHostUUID ( std : : string & ident ) { <nl> return status ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> + Status getSpecifiedUUID ( std : : string & ident ) { <nl> + if ( FLAGS_specified_identifier . empty ( ) ) { <nl> + return Status ( 1 , " No specified identifier for host " ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + ident = FLAGS_specified_identifier ; <nl> + return Status ( 0 , " OK " ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> std : : string getHostIdentifier ( ) { <nl> static std : : string ident ; <nl> <nl> + Status result ( 2 ) ; <nl> if ( ident . size ( ) = = 0 ) { <nl> if ( FLAGS_host_identifier = = " uuid " ) { <nl> - getHostUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> + result = getHostUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> } else if ( FLAGS_host_identifier = = " instance " ) { <nl> - getInstanceUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> + result = getInstanceUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> } else if ( FLAGS_host_identifier = = " ephemeral " ) { <nl> - getEphemeralUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> - } else { <nl> + result = getEphemeralUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> + } else if ( FLAGS_host_identifier = = " specified " ) { <nl> + result = getSpecifiedUUID ( ident ) ; <nl> + } <nl> + <nl> + if ( ! result . ok ( ) ) { <nl> + / / https : / / github . com / facebook / osquery / issues / 3174 <nl> + <nl> / / assuming the default of " hostname " as the machine identifier <nl> / / intentionally not set to ` ident ` because the hostname may change <nl> / / throughout the life of the process and we always want to be using the <nl>
Add specified identifier via GFlags ( )
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / dbms / programs / client / Client . cpp <nl> ppp b / dbms / programs / client / Client . cpp <nl> class Client : public Poco : : Util : : Application <nl> throw Exception ( " Cannot initialize readline " , ErrorCodes : : CANNOT_READLINE ) ; <nl> <nl> # if RL_VERSION_MAJOR > = 7 <nl> - / / / When bracketed paste mode is set , pasted text is bracketed with control sequences so <nl> - / / / that the program can differentiate pasted text from typed - in text . This helps <nl> - / / / clickhouse - client so that without - m flag , one can still paste multiline queries , and <nl> - / / / possibly get better pasting performance . See https : / / cirw . in / blog / bracketed - paste for <nl> - / / / more details . <nl> - rl_variable_bind ( " enable - bracketed - paste " , " on " ) ; <nl> - <nl> - / / / Use our bracketed paste handler to get better user experience . See comments above . <nl> - rl_bind_keyseq ( BRACK_PASTE_PREF , clickhouse_rl_bracketed_paste_begin ) ; <nl> + / / / Enable bracketed - paste - mode only when multiquery is enabled and multiline is <nl> + / / / disabled , so that we are able to paste and execute multiline queries in a whole <nl> + / / / instead of erroring out , while be less intrusive . <nl> + if ( config ( ) . has ( " multiquery " ) & & ! config ( ) . has ( " multiline " ) ) <nl> + { <nl> + / / / When bracketed paste mode is set , pasted text is bracketed with control sequences so <nl> + / / / that the program can differentiate pasted text from typed - in text . This helps <nl> + / / / clickhouse - client so that without - m flag , one can still paste multiline queries , and <nl> + / / / possibly get better pasting performance . See https : / / cirw . in / blog / bracketed - paste for <nl> + / / / more details . <nl> + rl_variable_bind ( " enable - bracketed - paste " , " on " ) ; <nl> + <nl> + / / / Use our bracketed paste handler to get better user experience . See comments above . <nl> + rl_bind_keyseq ( BRACK_PASTE_PREF , clickhouse_rl_bracketed_paste_begin ) ; <nl> + } <nl> # endif <nl> <nl> auto clear_prompt_or_exit = [ ] ( int ) <nl>
Enable bracketed - paste in certain case only .
Fix SummingMergeTree argument checking logic. <nl> Better joinGet. <nl> Better locking for StorageBuffer <nl> Favor tinfo or bundled ncurses <nl> Fix invalid Context reference. <nl> Get rid of malloc symbols in libcommon (#7065) <nl> Add options to enable parsing CSV with single/double quote. <nl> Better addBatchArray aggregator <nl> Fix non-ssl build. <nl> Support events qualified for multiple conditions.
TYPE: 2.0
mmm a / js / client / modules / @ arangodb / testsuites / endpoints . js <nl> ppp b / js / client / modules / @ arangodb / testsuites / endpoints . js <nl> function endpoints ( options ) { <nl> } , testName ) ; <nl> <nl> if ( instanceInfo = = = false ) { <nl> - result . failed + = 1 ; <nl> return { <nl> failed : 1 , <nl> status : false , <nl>
fixed JavaScript error
fixed dumping <nl> finalize distinct aggregator code <nl> Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb into spdvpk <nl> update CHANGELOG <nl> Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb into generic-col-types <nl> factored out transaction manager from logfile manager <nl> don't issue two warnings <nl> updated CHANGELOG <nl> slightly updated documentation <nl> fixed compile warning
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / cocos / 2d / CCMenuItem . cpp <nl> ppp b / cocos / 2d / CCMenuItem . cpp <nl> void MenuItemSprite : : selected ( ) <nl> void MenuItemSprite : : unselected ( ) <nl> { <nl> MenuItem : : unselected ( ) ; <nl> - if ( _normalImage ) <nl> - { <nl> - _normalImage - > setVisible ( true ) ; <nl> - <nl> - if ( _selectedImage ) <nl> - { <nl> - _selectedImage - > setVisible ( false ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - <nl> - if ( _disabledImage ) <nl> - { <nl> - _disabledImage - > setVisible ( false ) ; <nl> - } <nl> - } <nl> + this - > updateImagesVisibility ( ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> void MenuItemSprite : : setEnabled ( bool bEnabled ) <nl>
Fix MenuItemSprite : : unselected ( ) on disabled items showing _normalImage instead of _disabledImage ( )
TYPE: 3.0
mmm a / tools / tolua / cocos2dx . ini <nl> ppp b / tools / tolua / cocos2dx . ini <nl> skip = Node : : [ setGLServerState description getUserObject . * UserData getGLServerS <nl> Animation3DCache : : [ * ] , <nl> Sprite3DMaterialCache : : [ * ] , <nl> Sprite3DCache : : [ * ] , <nl> - Bone3D : : [ * ] <nl> + Bone3D : : [ * ] , <nl> + Sequence3D : : [ create ] <nl> <nl> rename_functions = SpriteFrameCache : : [ addSpriteFramesWithFile = addSpriteFrames getSpriteFrameByName = getSpriteFrame ] , <nl> ProgressTimer : : [ setReverseProgress = setReverseDirection ] , <nl>
not export Sequence3D : : create
fix animation bug <nl> remove unused shadertest <nl> merge cocos2d <nl> not export Sequence3D <nl> remove normalize <nl> reset <nl> format code <nl> add comment <nl> 2d cull only for default camera <nl> remove .xcscheme
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / ChangeLog . markdown <nl> ppp b / ChangeLog . markdown <nl> Not all changes are documented here . In particular , new features , user - oriented <nl> <nl> Current trunk code <nl> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <nl> + - Updated to libc + + ' s " v2 " ABI , which provides better alignment for string data and other improvements . This is an ABI - incompatible change , so bitcode files from previous versions will not be compatible . <nl> - To see a list of commits in the active development branch ' incoming ' , which have not yet been packaged in a release , see <nl> - Emscripten : https : / / github . com / kripken / emscripten / compare / 1 . 36 . 1 . . . incoming <nl> - Emscripten - LLVM : https : / / github . com / kripken / emscripten - fastcomp / compare / 1 . 36 . 1 . . . incoming <nl>
Add a note about the ABI change to ChangeLog . markdown .
Fix the correctness condition for the x << 24 >> 24 & 255 optimization. <nl> Disable test_simd6 on slow2asm etc. <nl> When using the LLVM wasm backend, set _LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION to 2. <nl> Tidy up and fix several tests in tests/cases. <nl> Fix FUNCTION_TABLE folding suppression. <nl> Add more vector intrinsics <nl> SIMD header file updates <nl> Fix minor user namespace incursions. <nl> Fix copy+pastos in the SIMD polyfill <nl> Optimize x << 24 >> 24 & 255 => x & 255.
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tensorflow / core / kernels / BUILD <nl> ppp b / tensorflow / core / kernels / BUILD <nl> tf_cuda_cc_test ( <nl> name = " conv_ops_test " , <nl> size = " medium " , <nl> srcs = [ " conv_ops_test . cc " ] , <nl> - tags = [ <nl> - " no_cuda11 " , # b / 159664089 <nl> - " no_oss " , <nl> - ] , <nl> deps = [ <nl> " : conv_ops " , <nl> " : ops_testutil " , <nl>
Enable tensorflow / core / kernels : conv_ops_test_gpu
VLOG(1) buffer allocation stats from gpu_compiler <nl> Delete dot_operation_runtime_test -- it is identical to dot_operation_test. <nl> Delete nodes that have no uses after declustering. <nl> [TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r356981 <nl> [TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r346389 <nl> Change heuristics around creating small clusters <nl> Open source XLA GPU tests <nl> Change graph dump instructions <nl> Use the CUDNN_CTC_LOSS_ALGO_DETERMINISTIC algorithm when determinism is asked for <nl> Lower vector-matrix dot to LLVM IR if the RHS of the dot can be made
TYPE: 4.0
mmm a / tools / depends / native / JsonSchemaBuilder / src / JsonSchemaBuilder . cpp <nl> ppp b / tools / depends / native / JsonSchemaBuilder / src / JsonSchemaBuilder . cpp <nl> <nl> # include < string > <nl> # include < regex > <nl> <nl> - using namespace std ; <nl> - <nl> - void print_version ( ifstream & in , ofstream & out ) <nl> + void print_version ( std : : ifstream & in , std : : ofstream & out ) <nl> { <nl> - string line ; <nl> + std : : string line ; <nl> if ( getline ( in , line ) ) <nl> - out < < regex_replace ( line , regex ( " ( \ \ s + ) ? JSONRPC_VERSION \ \ s + | ( \ \ s + ) ? # . * " ) , " " ) ; <nl> + out < < std : : regex_replace ( line , std : : regex ( " ( \ \ s + ) ? JSONRPC_VERSION \ \ s + | ( \ \ s + ) ? # . * " ) , " " ) ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - void print_license ( ifstream & in , ofstream & out ) <nl> + void print_license ( std : : ifstream & in , std : : ofstream & out ) <nl> { <nl> - string line ; <nl> + std : : string line ; <nl> <nl> while ( getline ( in , line , ' \ n ' ) ) <nl> - out < < line < < endl ; <nl> + out < < line < < std : : endl ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - void print_json ( ifstream & in , ofstream & out ) <nl> + void print_json ( std : : ifstream & in , std : : ofstream & out ) <nl> { <nl> - string line ; <nl> + std : : string line ; <nl> unsigned int count = 0 ; <nl> bool closing = false ; <nl> <nl> void print_json ( ifstream & in , ofstream & out ) <nl> / / No need to handle the last line <nl> if ( line = = " } " ) <nl> { <nl> - out < < endl ; <nl> + out < < std : : endl ; <nl> continue ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> / / If we just closed a whole object we need to print the separator <nl> if ( closing ) <nl> - out < < " , " < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " , " < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> out < < " " ; <nl> bool started = false ; <nl> closing = false ; <nl> - for ( string : : iterator itr = line . begin ( ) ; itr ! = line . end ( ) ; itr + + ) <nl> + for ( std : : string : : iterator itr = line . begin ( ) ; itr ! = line . end ( ) ; itr + + ) <nl> { <nl> / / Skip \ r characters <nl> if ( * itr = = ' \ r ' ) { <nl> void print_json ( ifstream & in , ofstream & out ) <nl> <nl> / / Only print a newline if we haven ' t just closed a whole object <nl> if ( ! closing ) <nl> - out < < endl ; <nl> + out < < std : : endl ; <nl> } <nl> } <nl> <nl> void print_usage ( const char * application ) <nl> { <nl> - cout < < application < < " version . txt license . txt methods . json types . json notifications . json " < < endl ; <nl> + std : : cout < < application < < " version . txt license . txt methods . json types . json notifications . json " < < std : : endl ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] ) <nl> int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] ) <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - ofstream out ( " ServiceDescription . h " , ofstream : : binary ) ; <nl> + std : : ofstream out ( " ServiceDescription . h " , std : : ofstream : : binary ) ; <nl> <nl> - ifstream version ( argv [ 1 ] , ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> - ifstream license ( argv [ 2 ] , ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> - ifstream methods ( argv [ 3 ] , ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> - ifstream types ( argv [ 4 ] , ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> - ifstream notifications ( argv [ 5 ] , ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> + std : : ifstream version ( argv [ 1 ] , std : : ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> + std : : ifstream license ( argv [ 2 ] , std : : ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> + std : : ifstream methods ( argv [ 3 ] , std : : ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> + std : : ifstream types ( argv [ 4 ] , std : : ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> + std : : ifstream notifications ( argv [ 5 ] , std : : ios_base : : in ) ; <nl> <nl> if ( ! ( version & & license & & methods & & types & & notifications ) ) <nl> { <nl> - cout < < " Failed to find one or more of version . txt , license . txt , methods . json , types . json or notifications . json " < < endl ; <nl> + std : : cout < < " Failed to find one or more of version . txt , license . txt , methods . json , types . json or notifications . json " < < std : : endl ; <nl> return - 1 ; <nl> } <nl> <nl> - out < < " # pragma once " < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " # pragma once " < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> print_license ( license , out ) ; <nl> <nl> - out < < endl ; <nl> + out < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> - out < < " namespace JSONRPC " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < " { " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_ID = \ " http : / / xbmc . org / jsonrpc / ServiceDescription . json \ " ; " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_VERSION = \ " " ; print_version ( version , out ) ; out < < " \ " ; " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION = \ " JSON - RPC API of XBMC \ " ; " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " namespace JSONRPC " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < " { " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_ID = \ " http : / / xbmc . org / jsonrpc / ServiceDescription . json \ " ; " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_VERSION = \ " " ; print_version ( version , out ) ; out < < " \ " ; " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION = \ " JSON - RPC API of XBMC \ " ; " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_TYPES [ ] = { " ; <nl> print_json ( types , out ) ; <nl> - out < < " } ; " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " } ; " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_METHODS [ ] = { " ; <nl> print_json ( methods , out ) ; <nl> - out < < " } ; " < < endl ; <nl> - out < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " } ; " < < std : : endl ; <nl> + out < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> out < < " const char * const JSONRPC_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONS [ ] = { " ; <nl> print_json ( notifications , out ) ; <nl> - out < < " } ; " < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " } ; " < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> - out < < " } " < < endl ; <nl> + out < < " } " < < std : : endl ; <nl> <nl> return 0 ; <nl> } <nl>
[ JsonSchemaBuilder ] use std : : instead of using namespace std
Merge pull request #13933 from Rechi/cleanup/dlopen <nl> [addons] sync with repo <nl> [cmake] add PythonSwig.cpp.template to DEPNDS in python_binding <nl> [curl] add url option to disable peer verification <nl> [fix][ios] silence deprecated warning <nl> Merge pull request #14930 from Rechi/fix/addonLogging <nl> [cleanup][linux] remove OutputDebugString <nl> Merge pull request #13595 from Rechi/cleanup/oldVersionIfdefs <nl> [cleanup] remove ifdef conditions already handled by cmake <nl> [depends] fix LIBDYLIB definitions
TYPE: 4.0