audioduration (s)
one two three part three
okay yup I'm sorry to hear about this but however can you give me your (ppb) can you let me know some basic information like (um) your name or your and your contact number (ppb) and understand you travel to korea do you have the exact date and which city of the korea that your is your is your trip
okay would would you mind to share like how how many meal how many meal that you all have for the (uh) B_B~ for the B_B_Q korean B_B_Q okay
okay (mm) okay understand
okay understand that the the day of the trip there is actually a it's actually we do arrange for two tour guide to you all (ppb) is like (uh) which would you mind to ex~ or explain a bit further like which tour guide that you refer to
okay I see yup (uh) we'll think on we'll think on this scenario will do something about this (mm)
okay understand that (ppb) so understand that (uh) you need the tour guide that can communicate at least a bit (um) in korean so that to make the trip more smoother for you all (ppb) other than that do you have anythings that (uh) you you are looking (ppb) for (uh) from the travel agency or from the from the tour guide so that we can actually do some improvement on that (ppb) aspect and to serve you better in future
okay I see beside like (uh) the tour guide not able to explain like (uh) things (uh) stuff that (uh) about the not really knowledgeable in sense like (uh) when you all go for the museum or something (ppb) like is there any other thing else that you can give us some example so that we can (ppb) we can we can see what we can do on it
[ah] yup or what what do you ex~ (uh) expe~ ya you what you have experienced during the trip
okay the in the sense that they actually taking longer time to (ppb) to
to get this done [lah] like to get the ticket everything (ppb) okay understand that (mm) yup yup and also to sorry that you have (uh) about this bad experience you have (uh) for the trip okay can we can stop
now okay can you flash it on my on the screen similarly when you are done can [ah] okay can cool so again [ah] on my count again (err) just to run through okay if you'll be this will be the actual scenario for scenario one so on my count is (err) just to give a bit more context to this [ah] as as (um)
prompt here is okay the context is in the context of a F&B whereby this is is a positive feedback that we recently patronize this restaurant okay and you are delighted that you have a positive experience you are calling in to the (ppb) restaurant hotline [lah] to leave a positive review share your experience so you are the caller I'm the person who pick up your call to answer that so this will be the scenario if if not
okay on my count okay (err) okay one two three we can clap okay so (ppb) stand by [ah] okay one two three clap okay can okay ya domain one okay cool if not (err) you can just start I will I will just press the timer when you ever you are ready okay cool pack
hi hi good afternoon [ah] hi this is X_Y_Z restaurant (err) how may I address you sir you are calling in regarding
I see I see so tom right mister tom [ah] thank you for calling in [ah] so could you share with me a bit more detail like (err) like what which part of the service that you find to be positive for yourself again
[ah] I see okay so tom thanks again [ah] for your appraisal and I'll definitely forward this to the relevant colleague and in charge so (uh) over here just to clarify a bit [ah] because you mentioned the person's name is called wendy happened [ah] there's a few wendys [ah] in my area (ppl) so over here can I maybe [ah] understand from you (err) can you give me a bit more context as to what's the characteristic of the waitress of this wendy personnel who served you so that I can direct to the correct person
(mm) right I believe you are talk referring to our one of the senior staff [ah] wendy leong over here so (uh) over here (uh) I think thank you for that again [ah] so aside to this (err) customer service that you said you mentioned that she was providing I think you have it has a few points that you mentioned about
the waiting time and all those food and all those could you give (uh) a bit more elaboration on that so that I can take note of your remarks and comments
I see I see so it's I think it's really about our staff having that (err) attention and meticulous dinners [ah] to attend to your enquiries and needs right thank you and how would you comment in terms of our quality of food over here
right right sure definitely we will convey [ah] in terms of this (err) appraisal to her and I think for (err) since you come with us with such a positive review right (ppb)
(err) would you like to like do I don't know like in terms of the review wise right (err) because we do have some social media here and there [lah] would you like to just drop us a review with some maybe a quick paragraph of how you will like to recommend our service to others
right right so thank you again [ah] tom and just to understand a bit further right is this your first time coming to our restaurant
(hmm) right right I think I hear you really loud and clear [ah] in terms of in terms of the service and coming from the staff and also the (ppb)
things like little things like (uh) waiting time and all those things to the detail of being the very the food quality [lah] being there for you and we really appreciate and thank you for calling in for that so coming from which is also (err) just to understand and also hear from you right (uh) sorry I for forgot that I think I didn't ask you earlier [oh] because we do have quite a couple of outlets [ah] islandwide singapore [ah] so which is the outlet that you have (um) (ppo) came to earlier on [ah]
I see I see so you went to the one at the orchard outlet [lah] [ah] so over here is (err) I think over here is (err) for our waiting time right we actually I think as you have (ppo)
ya if you have been aware [lah] we have created this (err) E queue system [ah] that you can actually make a so although you make a trip there physically right but over here it's (err) so long as you make (err) take a queue and all the all those right or you order through certain apps [lah] I believe you use it earlier on so (uh) that will help to like fasten up or ease up the waiting time and aside to that is there anything else that make your experience positive on top of all these things that you have shared with me
(ppl) I I just started (ppl) domain two I'm good okay I'm already hi hello is this the (uh) X_Y_Z hotel
(ppb) yeah hi I'm (uh) I'm tom I just stayed with your hotel (uh) two days ago and then I actually calling to give a feedback to your management cause I I actually have a very bad experience with y~ (uh) your services that I had
so (uh) I w~ the the at first I when I reach there (uh) they weren't wo~ they were not able to locate my booking and it took them like almost thirty minutes to to figure out (uh) where which where is my booking and okay and next thing is when I was brought up to my room which on the it's (uh) on the fifth floor
(uh) and I asked for a non smoking room so when I enter the room I straight away I can smell there's a cigarette smell in my room and (uh) so I I (ppo) was like only two days so I (uh) I just forget about it I'll just I just move move into the room and after during the stay (ppo) I while I'm going I was checking around the facility and I realise that there's
no hot water the hot water (uh) it's not working and from and on the (uh) on the bedsheet itself right there is some stains that are in on the bedsheet so I quickly called the front desk for help and it w~ it took them like ten (uh) minutes to answer my call so I was like waiting un~ on on my line for like (uh) waiting for someone to to pick up the call and
finally (uh) the housekeeper (uh) did answer my call and asked (uh) what the what the the is is the problem so (ppb) I told them the what's the the problem and they were (uh) they say they will be coming up to check on it so I basically sat inside the room while waiting for them (uh) for like roughly f~ f~ fifty minutes and after fini~ fifty minutes
when they came up (uh) they t~ (uh) the housekeeper didn't even knock the door and I d~ she just enter the room with her access card (uh) w~ w~ (uh) d~ directly so I've I was (uh) quite shocked that (uh) she didn't even (uh) bother to knock the door or to check if there's a r~ i~ is it okay to g~ enter the room (uh) like this
so okay so she when she came in I (uh) I actually (uh) told her the I actually just should show her the wash the hot water is not working and after that she will move onto the bedsheet so she started to change the bedsheet while (uh) (uh) calling on to her colleagues to come and fix check on the hot water and (uh) during the the when
she is checking (uh) changing the bedsheet the bed (uh) for me right I can her hear her gra~ grumbling at the while doing it than saying that I'm (uh) I'm very picky why am I (uh) (uh) just a small stain (uh) I I'm (uh) making so much of such a big fuss all this thing so I was very angry but I don't want to straight argue with her so I I wa~ I felt that the service is (uh) very bad and (uh)
I managed to stay for two days and I don't think I'm going to stay h~ and in your hotel anymore in the future
(uh) okay (uh) for the front desk that that that was (uh) serving me (uh) when I try I was trying to check in but they couldn't find I think she was a (uh) ya indian lady (uh) I think in the mid twenties
she doesn't look very (uh) knowledgeable and she (uh) she (uh) she was dum~ when I (uh) make some enquiries about (uh) uh the fa~ hotel facility like where's the swimming pool all this thing she wasn't able to answer to me but (uh) there wasn't the much of my concern until unle~ u~ until they've (uh) able to locate my booking and (uh) get me to the room after such a long wait
so (uh) there's and I didn't manage to get her name so but (uh) she's a indian lady in the twenties yeah then next will be the (uh) housekeeper that I I came across (uh) is a chinese lady in the forties or fifties I'm not sure about her age (uh) her name is (uh) #lim# okay the name is for name just saw the name tag is just #lim# [ah] so I couldn't get the the full name of her
so she is having a long hair and she's wearing a a a golden frame spectacle that (uh) that I yeah that's the the and the the technician was okay and then she she they they were managed to (uh) fixed the hot water o~ once they came in so it's just about the the more about the
housekeeper that I I I actually felt (uh) the the service is really bad and (uh) the standards of the hotel (uh) really (uh) depreciate and doesn't value for the money once I ask for such experience
(uh) no I was (uh) very turned off by the service and I can't be (uh) at the moment I I felt it's (uh) I I won't have a (uh) it's not good for me to speak up (uh) and I and the front desk was only that indian lady I didn't see any colleague that (uh) is (uh) I can approach to so I have to make this call
after my stay to let to make sure that the management is aware about the the service that I I I I experienced that (uh) I think they need to look into it to make sure that (uh) it's (uh) (uh) make sure the service is good and and (uh) the standard is there because (uh) we are the consumers that we we we pay the money that values to the hotel
(ppb) I think (uh) we we supposed to we we sup~ we must get back the the equal equal service (uh) standards that we are expecting or minimumly the the the p~ the privacy and the the basic cleanliness that we we are looking at when we go to a hotel stay
so that I think that they (uh) that's why I need to call and give the feedback to make sure that (uh) this is (uh) properly addressed to and I can (uh) there's someone that can give me a answer of why all this have happened and how they going to compensate the for such a bad experience
ya I I feel that (uh) training is very important so the hotel front hotels (uh) employees the front liners like a (uh) (uh) (uh) housekeeping front desk they are the first person that (uh) come in contact with customers
so if they are not properly trained and they are not (uh) (uh) having the right (uh) mentality for customer service and the whole experience of (uh) from from the start to to the whole (uh) entire stay for the customer will be definitely bad
(ppb) so the for the guests is what we are expecting is (uh) to the minimum of the the the bedsheet is clean the room is (uh) as according the booking that we made (uh) there's no no smoking (uh) rooms that don't have the cigarette smell
or that at least the hot water all this this (uh) prechecked before allowing the guests to come in so we won't have to have such a problem so I think if if if it all it all boils downs to the quality control and training that (uh) is lacking
cause if we are (uh) having a hotel like yours (uh) it's a a four star hotel and with the money we paid and the service we get back is totally doesn't tally with the the the the the stars that you are given so we what we (uh) looking is (uh) on the value of the money cause if (uh) that's the case then
what for the we are we paying so much for your hotel if the quality is so bad so I suggest that you have a quality con~ strong quality control and (uh) for more training for your employees in the future to make sure they know how to attend to the guests
properly ya
(uh) no that's all just I just want to (uh) (uh) share this (uh) to make sure that you get you guys (uh) aware about the the b~ bad experience that I had with your hotel so I hope that in the futures (uh) (uh) this will change or and that you guy guys can compensate me in se~ some way
part three okay [ah] hi is this (uh) asia travel agency (mm) so I'm actually calling today because I had a very pleasant travel experience to japan and I would just like to comment you guys on the
itinerary itinerary because I think it was very well planned and there was a good balance of relaxation and exploration so I think y~ you guys did a very good job on that and yup (ppl) (mm)
(mm) okay (uh) my name is (err) alice pooh and my contact number is nine one two three four five six seven (mm) yup (mm) [ah] (um) the tour package included a trip to #tokyo# and then to #osaka#
after that and my tour guide was (um) lily tan (mm) yup [ah] I think she has like around shoulder length hair and she wear a black frames spectacles ya do you all have someone like that (uh) lily tan (mm)
ya so I think (um) that particular tour guide did a very good job because during the especially during the free and easy time we will always ask her for recommendations on places that we can go to because we we did not do any prior research about japan so she will always tell us where to go to and her recommendations and it never fails our expectations ya
(mm) and I think she's very well versed with the japan attractions and places to go to and she's also very good at communicating with people because I think there was this one time where there was another (um) family who was also within the tour and they had an argument or disagreement with the (um) locals and she was the one who help them to solve the situation amicably
ya so I think she's doing a very good job and I hope that you would help me to compliment that particular tour guide and maybe tell your boss about it (ppb) (mm) (mm) ya
[oh] (um) did you all have a website where I can leave my feedback is it (um) [oh] is it [oh] it's just (uh) asia tours dot com or is there an another website (mm)
(mm) okay okay but I think that particular tour guide is very good in her job so maybe you all can use her as a benchmark for the other tour guides to ensure that the (um) service would be very would always be this good (ppl)
(mm) ya and with regards to the (mm) [oh] ya (mm) ya I think the (mm) I think the itinerary was very well planned and
yup there was enough time for us to sleep as well (ppl) because I think most tour feels very rushed but (um) this particular agency did a very good job at balancing the time very well and there was enough buffer time in case there's any delay with one of the (uh) attraction and there would still be time to go to all the other attractions that has been planned as well ya and
I think there was this one time where (um) there was a bit too much time then our tour guide (um) thought of a place to go to and then she just brought us there so I think she did a very good job (ppl) with thinking on her feet yup and bringing us to places so that we can (um) explore the culture and be able to really experience this (uh) (uh) experience japan as a whole [lah]
(mm) (mm) I think one of the best (ppo) (um) places that we went to was one of the restaurant that was just beside our hotel yup I think (mm) that one wasn't part of the itinerary (err) it was recommended by the tour guides so I thought it was very
(um) the place look very quaint and (mm) and the chef was very friendly there as well and yup [ah] although we couldn't really read the menu but thanks to our tour guide she was able to translate everything for us and then even help us to order because we had a bit of a language barrier with the locals there ya
(mm) and I think the hotel was very well picked out also because there was one of the hotel had the (um) the japanese mattress and it was very true to the culture then we also experienced another hotel which was very luxurious so I think we got to experience both parts of japan like both the luxurious side and how the locals live ya
(mm) (mmhmm) ya so I overall I'm very pleased with the agency service and how you all plan the itinerary and your (um) workers attitude so I would like to just (um)
ask maybe for (um) future tour packages would it be similar or would you all change up the package all the standard will be the same will the s~ (mm)
(mm) so (um) let's say if I sign up for the this rewards or membership program then I can is it do I accumulate points every time I spend money and then what can I do with the points after that
(mm) [oh] okay and (um) how do I sign up for this membership do I have to go to the website to sign up
or (mmhmm) [ah] okay (um) so if I want to sign up for my family members do they they just sign up (um) under my name or do does it have to be (um) one person only can have one membership account or
(mm) [ah] okay I see I see (err) maybe I I would need some time to consider about this membership thing (um) but is there anywhere where I can go to read up more about it
(mmhmm) (mm) okay and (mmhmm)
[oh] okay (err) so I can sign up for the newsletter and you guys would actually email us when you all have a promotion or s~ something like that [oh] okay and do you all have a facebook page where [eh] I can go so that I can look out for more of these packages in case I want to sign up (mm) okay (mm) okay and do you all (uh) regularly update this facebook page
or is it very (ppl) ya do you all (err) regularly update the facebook page (mm) [ah] okay okay (err) may I just ask what is the facebook name so I can search for it after that
[ah] okay (mm) okay (mm) I think that is all for today yup [ah] thank you so much for your service (ppl) bye bye (ppo) (ppo) [ah] (ppo)
started okay okay can (ppl) okay [oh]
(ppb) okay (uh) so hello how do I hi hello (ppb) hi is this the service hotline for enough to say the the the name of the restaurant yes [oh] okay I'll just say (uh) (uh) is this the service hotline for Haidilao
(uh) yes should be lounge at somerset I went here I came here (uh) last saturday to have a meal and I had a very (ppb) good experience I wanted to call in to give a positive feedback (uh) you can address me as #ge jing#
yes okay so (uh) last week I went down for a meal at your restaurant and I (ppb) it was actually like my first time there (ppb)
and the staff was very friendly because we actually didn't make any reservation but we went down and then (ppb) (uh) the lady at the front desk she just straightaway approached me and asked if I needed a table and I ask her if I could get one without reservation and she was like (ppb) sure and then she gave me (uh) she brought me to this waiting area ya and like you guys gave me free (ppb)
free condiments and even games to play with and I thought that was very thoughtful (ppb) so I had like a really good time even just waiting before eating my actual food yes and the (ppb) your your staff actually kept coming to me and asking me like if I was okay with waiting for this certain amount of time and they kept updating me (ppb) (uh) the estimated amount of time remaining for the wait so that was actually very
(ppb) (uh) I don't know how to say this but that was very welcoming (ppb) yes so I thought I would let you know and (ppb) (uh) I think the waiting time wasn't even that long I waited for around just fif~ fifteen minutes and the whole time I was being served generously with like free drinks and free food so (ppb) after fifteen minutes they brought me in they were very very nice to show me the place and they even asked me if I needed (ppb) (uh) aprons and like (um) (ppo)
or a (ppb) a towel or something like that to cover myself because they saw that I was wearing like a dress and they didn't want me to dirty my dress and they thought I would be cold (ppb) so that was very nice of them and then they even (ppb) (uh) asked my friend if she needed a hair tie yes and then (uh) before we even started ordering they gave us like a whole briefing like the staff told introduced herself to us (ppb) at the table (ppb) and told us that I think her name was like (uh)
what what was her name again I think something like #jia hui# or something yes okay so #jia hui# (ppb) actually (uh) briefed us everything on the menu cause that was like my first time there (ppb) so (uh) she mentioned to us like what soup were popular and what food should get and she even suggested that we don't order too much because she was scared we were going to over order
(ppb) so I think that was very (ppb) nice and thoughtful and surprising because I didn't expect a restaurant to (ppb) suggest their customers to not order so much (ppb) ya cause I thought they will want to earn right but ya ya your restaurant did a good job by like being so friendly to us (ppb) so afterwards she even (uh) helped us to cook some of the food cause ya hotpot and stuff she even helped us to make sure that all our bowls and everything were clean and
like serve to us nicely and clean not~ nothing much wrong (ppb) ya she was always around us so it was super amazing our drinks would never go empty cause she will always just keep (uh) (ppb) filling it up for us so ya and then
I think throughout the session we still ask her like [oh] what other things she would (ppb) recommend she was super nice to ask us if we were allergic to anything or if you have any preference or how (ppb) how full we're feeling (ppb) [eh] according to the level of like hunger that we still had then she could in like recommend us some (ppb) (uh) either actual food or like just snacks for us to munch on so she actually suggested we get like (ppb) the
馒头:man tou yes ya she even she even des~ describe the difference cause there was like the steam one and the fried ones (ppb) and she even gave us like (uh) which one told us which one wo~ would be better for our palate at that time and she even told us that it came with condensed milk so if we like something sweet we can (ppb) go for it yup and our condiments as well she was the one who I think cause of COVID (ppb) so we couldn't actually self-service so she was the one who had to (ppb) like take note of our specific order (ppb) ya cause
for my condiments I was quite picky on the paper I decided to mix around like a few different sauces and a few different spices (ppb) so she she even asked me like nicely [ah] how m~ how much of a portion I would like for each one so if I said like a little bit (ppb) or like a spoonful or like half the bowl and she would (ppb) remember everything and then she gave me exactly what I wanted so that was really really nice (ppb) ya and then (um) (ppb)
my friend also said that cause that wasn't my friends first time but that was my first time so (ppb) my friend actually told me that was kind of like (um) Haidilao were like their customer service is just like so (ppb) top notch yes so I was very impressed and I thought I'll just (ppb) call in to let you know that that your staff is doing an amazing job and I feel that you guys should continue like you know ya making them (ppb) (mm) just let them know that they're doing a great job and incentivize them accordingly [lah] ya
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