stringlengths 6
| title
stringlengths 1
| author
stringlengths 1
| year
int32 1.52k
| page_count
int32 1
| openlibrary_edition
stringlengths 7
| openlibrary_work
stringlengths 8
| full_text_url
stringlengths 51
worksofcharlesle01leve | The works of Charles Lever | Lever, Charles James, 1806-1872 | 1,872 | 692 | OL13499428M | OL3564322W | |
specimensofexpos00lamorich | Specimens of exposition | Lamont, Hammond, 1864-1909 | 1,894 | 220 | OL7034373M | OL202608W | |
recollectionsand00greerich | Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more | Green, Wharton J. (Wharton Jackson), 1831-1910 | 1,906 | 400 | OL7098980M | OL7710550W | |
walkinhellasorol00snidiala | A walk in Hellas; or, The old in the new | Snider, Denton Jaques, 1841-1925 | 1,892 | 540 | OL7213338M | OL2156400W | |
puddnheadwilsont00twaiiala | Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Those extraordinary twins | Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 | 1,922 | 322 | OL7095992M | OL15269096W | |
hansbreitmann00lelarich | Hans Breitmann in Germany; | Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 | 1,895 | 184 | OL7202758M | OL4108366W | |
martinlutherstor00singrich | Martin Luther, the story of his life | Singmaster, Elsie, 1879-1958 | 1,917 | 168 | OL14021760M | OL5958059W | |
rhymesofrockieso00denvrich | Rhymes of the Rockies, or, What the poets have found to say of the beautiful scenery on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, the scenic line of the world | Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company; Hooper, S. K. (Shadrick K.) | 1,891 | 80 | OL7237015M | OL16332313W | |
recordoffourteen00canniala | Historical record of the Fourteenth, or the Buckinghamshire Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1685, and of its subsequent services to 1845 | Cannon, Richard, 1779-1865 | 1,845 | 134 | OL7214631M | OL4562574W | |
worldofbooksguid00herzrich | The world of books; a guide to reading for young people in which may be found volumes of many kinds both grave and gay | Herzberg, Max J. (Max John), 1886- | 1,922 | 80 | OL7144378M | OL6203550W | |
romanceholm00kirkrich | The romance of Gilbert Holmes : an historical novel | Kirkman, Marshall Monroe, 1842-1921 | 1,900 | 448 | OL7230478M | OL1527266W | |
testimoniumanim00sihliala | Testimonium anim; | Sihler, E. G. (Ernest Gottlieb), 1853-1942 | 1,908 | 476 | OL14044884M | OL7549640W | |
sirchristopher00goodrich | Sir Christopher; a romance of a Maryland manor in 1644 | Goodwin, Maud Wilder, 1856-1935; Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 | 1,901 | 458 | OL7167082M | OL6623218W | |
dingbatofarcady00wilkrich | The Dingbat of Arcady | Wilkinson, Marguerite Ogden Bigelow, 1883-1928 | 1,922 | 210 | OL13509852M | OL10329005W | |
textbookofsound00catcrich | A text-book of sound | Catchpool, Edmund | 1,894 | 228 | OL7190423M | OL7430863W | |
technologyofbact00dollrich | The technology of bacteria investigation; explicit directions for the study of bacteria: their culture, staining, mounting, etc | Dolley, Charles Sumner, 1856- | 1,885 | 292 | OL7134419M | OL7890604W | |
scoutingexpediti00reidarch | The scouting expeditions of McCulloch's Texas rangers; or, The summer and fall campaign of the Army of the United States in Mexico--1846; including skirmishes with the Mexicans, and ... the storming of Monterey; also, the daring scouts at Buena Vista; together with anecdotes, incidents, descriptions of country, and sketches of the lives of ... Hays, McCulloch, and Walker | Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Chester), 1818-1897 | 1,847 | 56 | OL7093071M | OL1494000W | |
charlesdarwinoth00cadmiala | Charles Darwin and other English thinkers, with reference to their religious and ethical value | Cadman, S. Parkes (Samuel Parkes), 1864-1936 | 1,911 | 338 | OL7153351M | OL2506851W | |
germanyspointofv00machrich | Germany's point of view | Mach, Edmund von, 1870-1927 | 1,915 | 466 | OL6578392M | OL5159562W | |
digestofneweduca00grea | A digest of the new Education bill; with historical introduction; the principal passages of the speech of the vice-president of the Council; the text of the bill, with notes explanatory of the effect of the various classes; statistics of the annual grants; and index | Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc | 1,896 | 112 | OL17867494M | OL14883715W | |
fishcultureinpon00meehrich | Fish culture in ponds and other inland waters | Meehan, William E. (William Edward) b. 1853 | 1,913 | 336 | OL7074027M | OL7879975W | |
comedieshistorie06shakiala | The comedies, histories, tragedies, and poems of William Shakspere | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616; Knight, Charles, 1791-1873 | 1,842 | 512 | OL32184413M | OL14941856W | |
holidayotherpoem00davi | Holiday and other poems; with a note on poetry | Davidson, John, 1857-1909 | 1,906 | 176 | OL7154760M | OL1092198W | |
aroundgoldeep00reedrich | Around the golden deep. A romance of the Sierras | Reeder, A. P | 1,888 | 508 | OL7076834M | OL246745W | |
treatiseonrocksr00merrrich | A treatise on rocks, rock-weathering and soils; | Merrill, George P. (George Perkins), 1854-1929 | 1,897 | 506 | OL7217407M | OL1552982W | |
commercialprogra00welcrich | The commercial program of studies for high schools | Welch, Arnon W | 1,922 | 42 | OL7125051M | OL7889132W | |
claimsofstudyofc00egerrich | The claims of the study of colonial history upon the attention of the University of Oxford; an inaugural lecture delivered on April 28, 1906 | Egerton, Hugh Edward, 1855-1927 | 1,906 | 44 | OL7039126M | OL1107619W | |
unityofamericasd00speerich | The unity of the Americas; a discussion of the political, commerical, educational, and religious relationships of Anglo-America and Latin America | Speer, Robert E. (Robert Elliott), 1867-1947; Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada | 1,916 | 140 | OL7034566M | OL1529124W | |
viewsafootoreuro00tayliala | Views a-foot : or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff | Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878 | 1,848 | 492 | OL7176891M | OL1147288W | |
casesonlawofplea00hint | A selection of cases on the law of pleading under modern codes | Hinton, Edward Wilcox, 1868-1936 | 1,922 | 716 | OL23284346M | OL10330012W | |
thesaurusofengli00rogerich | Thesaurus of English words and phrases : classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition | Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869; Roget, John Lewis, 1828-1908 | 1,879 | 758 | OL13517979M | OL2900141W | |
poemsrodker00rodkiala | Poems | Rodker, John, 1894- | 1,914 | 40 | OL7230321M | OL1189364W | |
christinarossett00bellrich | Christina Rossetti, a biographical and critical study | Bell, Mackenzie, 1856-1930; Anderson, John Parker, 1841-; Spedling, Halliday, Mrs | 1,898 | 406 | OL23286661M | OL5304283W | |
knowingbeing00veitrich | Knowing and being | Veitch, John, 1829-1894; Unversity of Glasgow | 1,889 | 364 | OL7204101M | OL7705550W | |
voyagetodemerary00boli | A voyage to the Demerary, containing a statistical account of the settlements there, and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guyana | Bolingbroke, Henry, 1785-1855 | 1,807 | 434 | OL23357764M | OL227756W | |
newsouthwalesits00newsiala | New South Wales, its progress and resources | New South Wales. Commission to the International exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876; Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.). New South Wales | 1,876 | 44 | OL7235104M | OL7584456W | |
switzerlandinsun00dauvrich | Switzerland in sunshine and snow | D'Auvergne, Edmund B. (Edmund Basil) | 1,912 | 390 | OL23344476M | OL1100816W | |
spiritgodhisrela00streiala | The Spirit; God and his relation to man considered from the standpoint of philosophy, psychology and art | Streeter, Burnett Hillman, 1874-1937; Seth Pringle-Pattison, A. (Andrew), 1856-1931 | 1,920 | 412 | OL7238447M | OL1139800W | |
icepilot00leveiala | The ice pilot | Leverage, Henry; Doubleday, Page & Company, publisher; Country Life Press, printer; Tandler, Rudolph F., ill | 1,921 | 320 | OL7035990M | OL207784W | |
civilizationsinf00flow | Civilization's inferno ; or, studies in the social cellar. | Flower, B. O. (Benjamin Orange), 1858-1918 | 1,893 | 264 | OL22864297M | OL4881245W | |
manmachinepoweri00petaiala | Man and machine power in war and reconstruction | Petavel, James William, 1870- | 1,918 | 180 | OL7163038M | OL208914W | |
mistressofwindfe00gwyn | The mistress of windfells : a novel | Gwynne, Agnes M | 1,921 | 268 | OL17976634M | OL12295457W | |
drumsofforeaft00kipliala | The drums of the fore and aft | Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 | 1,899 | 138 | OL7199157M | OL20093W | |
rustpreventiontr00sterrich | Rust prevention. A treatise on the preservation of structural steel used in bridges, buildings, fire escapes, etc., and sheet steel used in buildings, metal siding, roofing, smokestacks, boiler fronts, and standpipes, etc | Stern, L. M. (Lionel Moses), b. 1873 | 1,907 | 70 | OL7029379M | OL16779529W | |
reportbyrail00newy | Report by the Bureau of Franchises upon the application of The Nassau Electric Railroad Company for a franchise to construct, maintain and operate a street surface railway extension upon and along atlantic avenue from fifth avenue to Shepherd avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, with suggestions as to the proposed form of contract | New York (N.Y.). Board of Estimate and Apportionment | 1,912 | 30 | OL23329558M | OL7752702W | |
voyagetoindiacon00walliala | A voyage to India : containing reflections on a voyage to Madras and Bengal, in 1821, in the ship Lonach : instructions for the preservation of health in Indian climates and hints to surgeons and owners of private trading-ships | Wallace, James, Surgeon of London | 1,824 | 196 | OL7207004M | OL7901829W | |
leadingconveyanc00inde | An epitome of leading conveyancing and equity cases; with some short notes thereon: chiefly intended as a guide to "Tudor's Leading cases on conveyancing," and "White and Tudor's Leading cases in equity." | Indermaur, John | 1,884 | 176 | OL13513550M | OL2744776W | |
religiolaiciseri00beeciala | Religio laici : a series of studies addressed to laymen | Beeching, H. C. (Henry Charles), 1859-1919 | 1,902 | 300 | OL7217256M | OL6706744W | |
tentativecourseo00seatiala | Tentative course of study in manual arts : elementary | Seattle Public Schools | 1,911 | 84 | OL7234434M | OL6724376W | |
risensun00suyeiala | The risen sun; | Suyematsu, Kencho, baron, 1855-1920 | 1,905 | 378 | OL14039730M | OL10721810W | |
miltonslettersof00fern | Milton's Letters of state | Fernow, Hans Eduard | 1,903 | 66 | OL6947823M | OL7846890W | |
instinctinmancon00drevrich | Instinct in man; a contribution to the psychology of education | Drever, James, 1873-1950 | 1,917 | 308 | OL7108112M | OL168417W | |
flagoffree00jonerich | Flag of the free | Jones, Edward Smyth, b. 1881; Rolph, James, 1869-1934 | 1,917 | 12 | OL7142260M | OL5023067W | |
effectsofciviliz00hallrich | The effects of civilization on the people in European states | Hall, Charles, 1745?-1825? | 1,849 | 284 | OL7114183M | OL173343W | |
ecclesiaanglican00over | Ecclesia anglicana; a poem; containing, an historic portraiture of the British church .. | Overton, Charles | 1,833 | 164 | OL22879082M | OL13203664W | |
somethingelseaga00adamrich | Something else again | Adams, Franklin P. (Franklin Pierce), 1881-1960 | 1,920 | 156 | OL7139945M | OL190105W | |
fredericklawolms01olmsrich | Frederick Law Olmsted, landscape architect, 1822-1903 | Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903; Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870-1957; Hubbard, Theodora Kimball, 1887-1935 | 1,922 | 172 | OL7248910M | OL1619608W | |
listofbooksonaut00blesrich | List of books on automobiles and motorcycles | Blessing, Arthur Reed, 1893- | 1,918 | 92 | OL7146345M | OL7892880W | |
biographicalnote00bowe | Biographical notes on the university printers from the commencement of printing in Cambridge to the present time | Bowes, Robert, 1835?-1919 | 1,886 | 100 | OL13996409M | OL16734060W | |
babymayotherpoem00benn | Baby May, and other poems on infants | Bennett, W. C. (William Cox), 1820-1895 | 1,861 | 68 | OL22850726M | OL16733288W | |
bondboyce00boyciala | The bond | Boyce, Neith, 1872-1951 | 1,908 | 434 | OL7132552M | OL3852144W | |
youngladyshome00tuthrich | The young lady's home | Tuthill, Louisa C. (Louisa Caroline), 1798-1879 | 1,848 | 356 | OL7068531M | OL1500888W | |
domesticslavery00carerich | Some thoughts concerning domestic slavery | Carey, John L | 1,839 | 132 | OL7195361M | OL7706212W | |
descriptiveecono00blymiala | Descriptive economics; an introduction to economic science for use in academies, high and normal schools, and business colleges | Bly, Myron T. (Myron Tuthill) | 1,893 | 264 | OL7245811M | OL7728446W | |
rufuschoate01choa | The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life | Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859; Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 | 1,862 | 602 | OL13520219M | OL1126430W | |
wet-flyfishingtr00toderich | Wet-fly fishing treated methodically | Tod, E. M | 1,903 | 288 | OL7223052M | OL7904186W | |
stenophonographe00parkiala | The stenophonographer. Upon the basis of Pitman's phonography, with the circular vowel scale of July, 1851 | Parkhurst, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), b. 1825 | 1,870 | 140 | OL7067821M | OL225446W | |
storyofshortlife00ewinrich | The story of a short life | Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885 | 1,893 | 230 | OL7224223M | OL1795302W | |
producergassketc00sextrich | Producer gas. A sketch of the properties, manufacture, and uses of gaseous fuel | Sexton, Alexander Humboldt | 1,905 | 254 | OL7146066M | OL7704474W | |
roamingthroughwe00franiala | Roaming through the West Indies / by Harry A. Franck .. | Franck, Harry A. (Harry Alverson), 1881- | 1,920 | 516 | OL7201554M | OL16779127W | |
viewofcausescons00boucrich | A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution ; in thirteen discourses, preached in North America between the years 1763 and 1775: with an historical preface | Boucher, Jonathan, 1738-1804 | 1,797 | 716 | OL7147955M | OL182255W | |
york00shirelegendsparkrich | Yorkshire legends and traditions, as told by her ancient chroniclers, her poets, and journalists | Parkinson, Thomas, Rev | 1,889 | 268 | OL19376823M | OL210851W | |
witsbeauxofsocie01thomiala | The wits and beaux of society | Thomson, A. T., Mrs., 1797-1862; Wharton, Philip, 1834-1860 | 1,860 | 364 | OL7172976M | OL7303113W | |
orientalreligion00ellirich | Oriental religions and Christianity : a course of lectures delivered on the Ely Foundation before the students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891 | Ellinwood, Frank Field, 1826-1908 | 1,892 | 418 | OL7099595M | OL7884777W | |
rebelgeneralsloy00averiala | The rebel general's loyal bride: a true picture of scenes in the late civil war | Avery, M. A | 1,873 | 434 | OL7156154M | OL234552W | |
gloryconquered00glasrich | The glory of the conquered : the story of a great love | Glaspell, Susan, 1882-1948; Frederick A. Stokes Company. prt | 1,909 | 398 | OL7177448M | OL249377W | |
politicaleconomy00readrich | Political economy. An inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property, or wealth | Read, Samuel | 1,829 | 448 | OL7081689M | OL16331667W | |
poemscornwell00baro | Poems | Baron-Wilson, Cornwell, Mrs., 1797-1846 | 1,821 | 114 | OL22889844M | OL7563379W | |
firstlessonsinda00vannrich | First lessons in dairying,...a handbook setting forth the underlying principles of dairying for the student beginner in the laboratory and on the farm | Van Norman, Hubert Everett, 1872- | 1,908 | 116 | OL7162603M | OL7895393W | |
drytonsdavenants00charrich | The Draytons and the Davenants : a story of the civil wars | Charles, Elizabeth Rundle, 1828-1896; Making of America Project | 1,866 | 524 | OL7231316M | OL5200930W | |
shortstories00twairich | The £1,000,000 bank-note, and other new stories | Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 | 1,893 | 274 | OL7246736M | OL53900W | |
whiskeretta00halsiala | Whiskeretta | Halsey, Mina Deane, 1873- | 1,911 | 66 | OL23359779M | OL238584W | |
worksofsymonpatr02patriala | The works of Symon Patrick, D.D., sometime bishop of Ely : including his autobiography | Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707; Taylor, Alexander, 1824?-1884 | 1,858 | 694 | OL7045038M | OL3872632W | |
worksshakespeare01shak | The works of Shakespeare | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616; Herford, C. H. (Charles Harold), 1853-1931 | 1,904 | 426 | OL32214761M | OL20114770W | |
zoezoezoe00whitrich | Zoe | Whitaker, Evelyn | 1,899 | 176 | OL7241858M | OL3785671W | |
higheralgebra00salmrich | Lessons introductory to the modern higher algebra | Salmon, George, 1819-1904 | 1,866 | 332 | OL14011342M | OL5737600W | |
springnotesfromt00torrrich | Spring notes from Tennessee | Torrey, Bradford, 1843-1912 | 1,896 | 250 | OL7111444M | OL1796873W | |
handbookforheati00hoffrich | Hand-book for heating and ventilating engineers | Hoffman, James David; Raber, Benedict F. (Benedict Frederick), b. 1882 | 1,910 | 338 | OL7188508M | OL7574391W | |
waysidethoughtso00camp | Wayside thoughts and other poems | Campbell, Archibald, of Ayr | 1,850 | 156 | OL23358766M | OL13797151W | |
warlove00aldi | War and love (1915-1918) | Aldington, Richard, 1892-1962 | 1,919 | 116 | OL23358226M | OL1136033W | |
triedtruecookboo00chriiala | Tried and true cook book | Christ Church (Los Angeles, Calif.) | 1,913 | 180 | OL7122062M | OL16523374W | |
voicefromsilence00nettrich | A voice from the silence | Nettleton, Charles Philip; Coolbrith, Ina D. (Ina Donna), 1842?-1928; Robertson, A. M. (Alexander Mitchell), 1855-1934. (1904) bkp CU-BANC; Markham, Edwin, 1852-1940. asn CU-BANC; Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. asn CU-BANC; Coolbrith, Ina D. (Ina Donna), 1842?-1928. asn CU-BANC; Stanley-Taylor Co. (1904) bkp CU-BANC | 1,904 | 132 | OL7037303M | OL220442W | |
evelynorjourneyf01bunbiala | Evelyn, or, A journey from Stockholm to Rome in 1847-48 | Bunbury, Selina, 1802-1882 | 1,849 | 358 | OL7193460M | OL4862852W | |
willtobelieveot00jameiala | The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy | James, William, 1842-1910 | 1,912 | 364 | OL7119668M | OL1502061W | |
essentialsofmusi00danarich | The essentials of musical knowledge | Dana, William Henry, 1846- | 1,915 | 68 | OL14050936M | OL10725439W | |
dyspepsiaitsvari00fenwiala | Dyspepsia, its varieties and treatment | Fenwick, William Soltau | 1,910 | 526 | OL7224849M | OL7904467W | |
yankeeincanada00thorrich | A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-slavery and reform papers | Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862; Channing, William Ellery, 1817-1901; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882; Thoreau, Sophia E | 1,866 | 306 | OL7250566M | OL55715W | |
derrytaleofrevol00chariala | Derry : a tale of the revolution of 1688 | Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846 | 1,839 | 376 | OL7138160M | OL5786022W | |
gamebirdslifehis00blaniala | Game birds; life histories of one hundred and seventy birds of prey, game birds and water-fowls | Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 | 1,922 | 426 | OL7220373M | OL7632805W | |
incidenceofindus00grea | The incidence of industrial accidents upon individuals, with special reference to multiple accidents | Great Britain. Industrial Fatigue Research Board; Greenwood, Major, 1880-; Woods, Hilda M | 1,919 | 40 | OL6623420M | OL7750784W | |
UPDATE: The Internet Archive has requested that this dataset be deleted (see discussion #2) because they consider the IA's metadata too unreliable to determine whether a book is in the public domain. To alleviate the IA's concerns, the full texts of the books have been removed from this dataset until a more reliable way to curate public domain books from the IA collections is established. The metadata and documentation remain for reference purposes.
I was able to recreate one subcollection from this dataset already (the Library of Congress Selected Digitized Books) as a separate full-text dataset using the LoC API and OCR: The LoC dataset contains 140,000 books (~8 billion words) which have been declared to be in the public domain in the United States by the LoC.
US Public Domain Books (English)
This dataset contains more than 650,000 English books (~ 61 billion words) presumed to be in the public domain in the US which were digitised by the Internet Archive and catalogued as part of the Open Library project. The dataset was compiled by Sebastian Majstorovic.
Dataset summary
The dataset contains 653,983 OCR texts (~ 200 million pages) from various collections of the Internet Archive (IA). Books in the IA can be distinguished from other types of documents by checking whether an IA item is linked to an Open Library (OL) record. Only texts with an OL record have been included in this dataset in order to restrict the dataset as much as possible to books.
Curation method
In order to reliably find public domain books among the IA collections, the dataset was curated by combining three approaches:
- Manually identifying IA collections which expliclity state that they exclusively contain public domain materials, e.g. the Cornell University Library collection or the LoC Selected Digitized Books collection and downloading them in bulk.
- Using the possible-copyright-status query parameter to search for items with the status
across all IA collections using the IA Search API. - Restricting all IA searches with the query parameter
to ensure that all returned items posses an OpenLibrary record, i.e. to ensure that they are books and not some other form of text.
The size of the full uncompressed dataset is ~400GB and the compressed Parquet files are ~220GB in total. Each of the 327 Parquet files contains a maximum of 2000 books.
The book texts are accompanied by basic metadata fields such as title, author and publication year, as well as IA and OL identifiers (see Data Fields). The metadata can be expanded with more information about subjects, authors, file details etc. by using the OL API, OL Data Dumps and the IA Metadata API.
Every book in this collection has been classified as having English as its primary language by the IA during the OCR process. A small number of books might also have other languages mixed in. In the future, more datasets will be compiled for other languages using the same methodology.
The OCR for the books was produced by the IA. You can learn more about the details of the IA OCR process here: The OCR quality varies from book to book. Future versions of this dataset might include OCR quality scores or even texts corrected post-OCR using LLMs.
Data fields
Field | Data Type | Description |
ocaid | string | IA item identifier, included in the IA item URL |
title | string | IA metadata field title |
author | string | IA metadata field creator (multiple values concatenated by semicolon) |
year | int | IA metadata field year |
page_count | int | IA metadata field imagecount |
openlibrary_edition | string | OL edition, referenced from IA metadata field openlibrary_edition |
openlibrary_work | string | OL work, referenced from IA metadata field openlibrary_work |
full_text | string | Content of the IA item's plain text OCR file ending in _djvu.txt |
Copyright & License
The full texts of the works included in this dataset are presumed to be in the public domain and free of known copyrights in the United States by the institutions who have contributed them to the collections of the Internet Archive. It is the responsibility of the dataset user to comply with the copyright laws in their respective jurisdiction. The dataset itself, excluding the full texts, is licensed under the CC0 license.
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