audioduration (s)
Four Matilda IIs and one Churchill advancing.
They're in such a pretty formation!
Yeah! It's impressive how they're maintaining their near perfect formation while in motion.
Our AP shells won't be able to penetrate their front armor.
That's where tactics and skill come in.
All right!
Mako wake up.
Let's get moving. Try to keep the engine noise down.
There are five enemy vehicles advancing.
As planned out earlier
I'm in a strange situation right now.
I must be so wickedly charming.
That again?
So many guys have been hitting on me lately.
I'm not sure what to do.
Many guys?
You see they're people living nearby.
Every day they're like Good morning!
Or You look cheerful as ever this morning!
As I said I believe they were merely greeting you.
we'll be the bait.
But it's obvious they're in love with me!
Yeah yeah.
Takebe you're very cheerful and sociable.
That's probably why everyone wants to be your friend.
I think it's great that you can become friends with anyone so easily!
You know I was very happy when you talked to me today!
I knew right away you'd be a wonderful friend!
You're just as wonderful Nishizumi.
What? I'm not! Not at all!
Isuzu you seem amazingly calm and strong willed.
So the rest of you remain on standby at the ridge.
You act really mature too.
I admire you.
Oh no.
Everyone tells me I'm far too stiff and formal.
Do they?
Where I used to go to school people yelled at me for being unreliable all the time.
I wonder how I could become more like you.
It could be because I've been making flower arrangements for a long time.
That's awesome! I always wanted to give that a try.
Having a fun time with pretty flowers! It's perfect for girls!
Operation Sneaky begins now!
Thank you for becoming my friends!
No thank you.
The president?
Why's the student council here?
What's up Nishizumi chan?
Um who's.
She's the Student Council president!
The other two are the public relations manager and the vice president!
We have something to tell you.
When you're choosing your elective
make sure you sign up for senshado.
Got it?
I thought this school had no senshado class.
It's coming back this year.
I specifically came here thinking it wouldn't have any tanks.
It must be your fate!
Aren't I allowed to choose any elective I want?
Um what are we going to do again?
Just sign up for it okay?
Let's look at the next problem.
What's the matter?
Are you feeling sick?
Then go to the infirmary.
Teacher I think I have an upset stomach!
My chronic migraine flared up again.
There are quite a few sick people today.
We'll be launching attacks on the enemy and luring them in.
Get a good rest!
Are you feeling all right?
Just stay here.
If you'd like to leave school early
I can bring your backpack.
Thank you.
What on earth did the Student Council president say to you?
Do you mind telling us?
They said senshado is coming back this year.
I'm not sure if it'll go well.
Sensha do = Path of the Tank in Japanese Senshado as in the martial art traditionally reserved for girls?
What does that have to do with you?
She told me to choose senshado.
Huh? How come?
Um that's.
Are they trying to harass you?
Oh I know! You're in a love triangle with a member of the student council.
An entangled relationship!?
No it's.
Seeing how they personally asked you to register for senshado
We don't want to lose and have to perform the Anglerfish dance.
could it be that you're a master warrior who has prevailed in countless battles?
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Models trained or fine-tuned on sin2piusc/GirlsandPanzer_1