Dataset Viewer
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package test class NestedClasses<TOuter> { fun f() { } val c: Int = 0 private class Nested<TN> { fun f(p1: TN) { } val c = 1 public class NN<TNN> { fun f(p1: TNN) { } val c = 1
} inner class NI<TNI : TN> { fun f(p1: TN, p2: TNI) { } } } public inner class Inner<TI : TOuter> { fun f(p1: TI) { } private inner class II<TII> {<|endoftext|>
addAll(declaredMemberScope.getCallableNames()) delegateFields.flatMapTo(this) { buildScope(it)?.getCallableNames() ?: emptySet() } } } private val classifierNamesLazy: Set<Name> by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION) { buildSet {
addAll(declaredMemberScope.getClassifierNames()) delegateFields.flatMapTo(this) { buildScope(it)?.getClassifierNames() ?: emptySet() } } } override fun getCallableNames(): Set<Name> = callableNamesLazy override fun getClassifierNames(): Set<Name> = classifierNamesLazy }<|endoftext|>
fun function(value: T): R = TODO() } } class G4<T, R> { val property1: T get() = TODO() val property2: R get() = TODO() fun function(value: T): R = TODO() class Nested<T, R> { val property1: T get() = TODO()
val property2: R get() = TODO() fun function(value: T): R = TODO() } inner class Inner { val property1: T get() = TODO() val property2: R get() = TODO() fun function(value: T): R = TODO() } } class H1<T> {<|endoftext|>
* NOTE: this test data is generated by FeatureInteractionTestDataGenerator. DO NOT MODIFY CODE MANUALLY! * HELPERS: reflect */ fun f1(`true`: Boolean) = !!!`true` fun f2(`false`: Boolean, `true`: Boolean) = `false` && `true`
fun f3(`false`: Boolean, `true`: Boolean = `false`) = `false` || !`true` class A { var x1: Boolean = false set(`false`) { field = !`false` } } fun box(): String? { val a = A() a.x1 = false<|endoftext|>
// FILE: b.kt package MyPackage //properties <!MUST_BE_INITIALIZED!>val a: Int<!> val a1: Int = 1 <!WRONG_MODIFIER_TARGET!>abstract<!> val a2: Int <!WRONG_MODIFIER_TARGET!>abstract<!> val a3: Int = 1
<!MUST_BE_INITIALIZED!>var b: Int<!> private set var b1: Int = 0; private set <!WRONG_MODIFIER_TARGET!>abstract<!> var b2: Int private set <!WRONG_MODIFIER_TARGET!>abstract<!> var b3: Int = 0; private set<|endoftext|>
call.dispatchReceiver = IrGetValueImpl(startOffset, endOffset, valueParameters[offset].symbol) offset += 1 } callTarget.extensionReceiverParameter?.let { call.extensionReceiver = IrGetValueImpl(startOffset, endOffset, valueParameters[offset].symbol) offset += 1 } for (i in offset until valueParameters.size) {
call.putValueArgument(i - offset, IrGetValueImpl(startOffset, endOffset, valueParameters[i].symbol)) } }) } override fun visitReturn(expression: IrReturn): IrExpression { val newFunction = removedFunctions[expression.returnTargetSymbol]?.owner return super.visitReturn( if (newFunction != null) {<|endoftext|>
return createModifierListStubForDeclaration(parent, classProto.flags, relevantFlags, additionalModifiers) } private fun doCreateClassOrObjectStub(): StubElement<out PsiElement> { val isCompanionObject = classKind == ProtoBuf.Class.Kind.COMPANION_OBJECT val fqName = classId.asSingleFqName()
val shortName = fqName.shortName().ref() val superTypeRefs = supertypeIds.filterNot { //TODO: filtering function types should go away isNumberedFunctionClassFqName(it.asSingleFqName().toUnsafe()) }.map { it.shortClassName.ref() }.toTypedArray()<|endoftext|>
} private fun tryMapPsiElementType(kClass: KClass<*>): HLParameterConversion? { if (kClass.isSubclassOf(PsiElement::class)) { return HLIdParameterConversion } return null } private val nullableTypeMapping: Map<KClass<*>, HLFunctionCallConversion> = mapOf(
FirExpression::class to HLFunctionCallConversion( "{0}?.source?.psi as? KtExpression", KtExpression::class.createType(nullable = true), importsToAdd = listOf( "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtExpression", "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi"<|endoftext|>
reporter.reportOn(propertySource, FirErrors.PROPERTY_WITH_NO_TYPE_NO_INITIALIZER, context) } if (property.isLateInit) { if (isExpect) { reporter.reportOn(propertySource, FirErrors.EXPECTED_LATEINIT_PROPERTY, context) }
// TODO, KT-59807: like [BindingContext.MUST_BE_LATEINIT], we should consider variable with uninitialized error. if (backingFieldRequired && !inInterface && isCorrectlyInitialized) { if (context.languageVersionSettings.supportsFeature(LanguageFeature.EnableDfaWarningsInK2)) {<|endoftext|>
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER) annotation class ParameterOrFieldAnnotation @Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER) annotation class UniversalAnnotation annotation class AnotherUniversalAnnotation class C(
@PropertyAnnotation @FieldAnnotation @ParameterAnnotation @UniversalAnnotation @AnotherUniversalAnnotation val x1: Int, @PropertyOrFieldAnnotation val x2: Int, @PropertyOrParameterAnnotation val x3: Int, @ParameterOrFieldAnnotation val x4: Int, @property:UniversalAnnotation @field:AnotherUniversalAnnotation val x5: Int,<|endoftext|>
put(ErrorsWasm.NESTED_WASM_IMPORT, "Only top-level functions can be imported with @WasmImport") put(ErrorsWasm.WASM_IMPORT_ON_NON_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION, "Functions annotated with @WasmImport must be external")
put(ErrorsWasm.WASM_IMPORT_EXPORT_PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE, "Default parameter values are not supported with @WasmImport and @WasmExport") put(ErrorsWasm.WASM_IMPORT_EXPORT_VARARG_PARAMETER, "Vararg parameters are not supported with @WasmImport and @WasmExport")<|endoftext|>
// TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // FULL_JDK // WITH_STDLIB // WITH_COROUTINES // CHECK_TAIL_CALL_OPTIMIZATION // JVM_ABI_K1_K2_DIFF: KT-63864 import helpers.* import kotlin.coroutines.* import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.*
sealed class X { class A : X() class B : X() } var log = "" suspend fun process(a: X.A) { log = "${log}from A;" TailCallOptimizationChecker.saveStackTrace() } suspend fun process(b: X.B) { log = "${log}from B;"<|endoftext|>
val i: /*p:foo*/I = /*p:bar(C)*/c /*p:foo(I)*/i./*p:foo.I*/ifunc()
/*p:baz p:foo p:java.lang p:kotlin p:kotlin.annotation p:kotlin.collections p:kotlin.comparisons p:kotlin.jvm p:kotlin.ranges p:kotlin.sequences p:kotlin.text*/I./*p:foo.I*/isfield<|endoftext|>
@kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.3") @kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly public inline fun <K> kotlin.UIntArray.groupBy(keySelector: (kotlin.UInt) -> K): kotlin.collections.Map<K, kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.UInt>>
@kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.3") @kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly<|endoftext|>
public expect inline fun <reified T> Array<out T>?.orEmpty(): Array<out T> /** * Returns a *typed* array containing all the elements of this collection. * * Allocates an array of runtime type `T` having its size equal to the size of this collection * and populates the array with the elements of this collection.
* @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionToTypedArray */ public expect inline fun <reified T> Collection<T>.toTypedArray(): Array<T> /** * Fills the list with the provided [value]. * * Each element in the list gets replaced with the [value]. */ @SinceKotlin("1.2")<|endoftext|>
if (x.isEqualsCalled && !y.isEqualsCalled) return "OK" } return "NOK" } fun checkEqualls(A: Any?, B: Any?): Boolean { return (A as? Any)?.equals(B) ?: (B === null) } data class A(val a: Boolean) {
var isEqualsCalled = false override operator fun equals(anObject: Any?): Boolean { isEqualsCalled = true if (this === anObject) { return true } if (anObject is A) { if (anObject.a == a) return true } return false } }<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.js.checkers.expression import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticReporter import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.reportOn import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.MppCheckerKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.context.CheckerContext import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.expression.FirCallChecker import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.diagnostics.js.FirJsErrors import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.hasAnnotation<|endoftext|>
assertEquals( "TEXT: `Test1\n`\n" + "TEXT: `\rTest2`\n", clientCalls ) assertEquals("[]", logString) } @Test fun testLines3() { handler.write("Test1\n\r\n".toByteArray())
handler.write("Test2".toByteArray()) handler.close() assertEquals( "TEXT: `Test1\n`\n" + "TEXT: `\r\n`\n" + "TEXT: `Test2`\n", clientCalls ) assertEquals("[]", logString) } @Test<|endoftext|>
* The referenced value. * @throws IncorrectDereferenceException if referred object is not frozen and current worker is different from the one created [this]. */ public val value: T get() = valueOrNull ?: throw IncorrectDereferenceException("illegal attempt to access non-shared $valueDescription bound to `$ownerName` from `${}`") /**
* The referenced value or null if referred object is not frozen and current worker is different from the one created [this]. */ public val valueOrNull: T? get() = valueBeforeFreezing ?: @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") (derefWorkerBoundReference(ptr) as T?) /** * Worker that [value] is bound to. */<|endoftext|>
fun finalClassArgument(x: Out<Final>, y: In<Final>) {} fun oneArgumentFinal(x: OutPair<Final, Open>) {} fun arrayOfOutOpen(x: Array<Out<Open>>) {} fun arrayOfOutFinal(x: Array<Out<Final>>) {} fun outOfArrayOpen(x: Out<Array<Open>>) {}
fun outOfArrayOutOpen(x: Out<Array<out Open>>) {} fun deepOpen(x: Out<Out<Out<Open>>>) {} fun deepFinal(x: Out<Out<Out<Final>>>) {} fun skipAllOutInvWildcards(): Inv<OutPair<Open, Out<Out<Open>>>> = null!!<|endoftext|>
override fun visitElement(element: FirElement, data: Any?) {} private fun prepareFileScopes(file: FirFile): ScopePersistentList { return supertypeComputationSession.getOrPutFileScope(file) { createImportingScopes(file, session, scopeSession).asReversed().toPersistentList() } }
private fun prepareScopeForNestedClasses(klass: FirClass, forStaticNestedClass: Boolean): ScopePersistentList { return if (forStaticNestedClass) { supertypeComputationSession.getOrPutScopeForStaticNestedClasses(klass) { calculateScopes(klass, withCompanionScopes = true, forStaticNestedClass = true) }<|endoftext|>
// !LANGUAGE: -JvmStaticInInterface // !DIAGNOSTICS: -UNUSED_VARIABLE open class B { public open val base1 : Int = 1 public open val base2 : Int = 1 } class A { companion object : B() { var p1:Int = 1 @JvmStatic set(p: Int) {
p1 = 1 } @JvmStatic val z = 1; @JvmStatic override val base1: Int = 0 override val base2: Int = 0 @JvmStatic get } object A : B() { var p:Int = 1 @JvmStatic set(p1: Int) { p = 1 }<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL interface Visitor { fun visit() fun visitArray(): Visitor? = null fun visitAnnotation(): Visitor? = null } class AnnotationLoader { fun loadAnnotation(): Visitor? { return object : Visitor { override fun visit() {} override fun visitArray(): Visitor? { return object : Visitor {
override fun visit() { foo() } } } override fun visitAnnotation(): Visitor? { val visitor = loadAnnotation()!! return object : Visitor by visitor { override fun visit() {} } } private fun foo() {} } } }<|endoftext|>
// TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // WITH_REFLECT class A { fun foo(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y } fun box(): String { val x = (A::foo).call(A(), 42, 239) if (x != 281) return "Fail: $x" try { (A::foo).call()
return "Fail: no exception" } catch (e: Exception) {} return "OK" }<|endoftext|>
val tosses2 = List(10) { charSeq.randomOrNull(random2) } assertEquals(tosses1, tosses2) } data("x").let { singletonCharSeq -> val tosses = List(10) { singletonCharSeq.randomOrNull() }
assertEquals(singletonCharSeq.toList(), tosses.distinct()) } assertNull(data("").randomOrNull()) } @Test fun partition() { val data = "a1b2c3" val pair = data.partition { it.isAsciiDigit() } assertEquals("123", pair.first, "pair.first")<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL // !DIAGNOSTICS: -UNUSED_EXPRESSION -UNUSED_PARAMETER -UNUSED_VARIABLE -NOTHING_TO_INLINE private val privateProperty = 11; private fun privateFun() {} internal val internalProperty = 11; internal fun internalFun() {} public inline fun test() {
<!NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE!>privateFun<!>() <!NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE!>privateProperty<!> } public inline fun test2() { <!NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE!>internalFun<!>()<|endoftext|>
* Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array. * * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull */ public fun BooleanArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Boolean? { return if (index in indices) get(index) else null } /**
* Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array. * * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull */ public fun CharArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Char? { return if (index in indices) get(index) else null } /**<|endoftext|>
$this$filterTo\29:java.lang.Iterable=java.util.ArrayList, destination\29:java.util.Collection=java.util.ArrayList, $i$f$filterTo\29\464:int=0:int, element\29:java.lang.Object=java.lang.Integer, it\30:int=4:int,
// such as test or benchmark sources; find all published compilations: val publishedCompilations = getPublishedPlatformCompilations(project).values return sourceSetsUsedInMultipleTargets .filterValues { compilations -> compilations.any { it in publishedCompilations } } .keys }
internal suspend fun getPublishedPlatformCompilations(project: Project): Map<KotlinUsageContext, KotlinCompilation<*>> { val result = mutableMapOf<KotlinUsageContext, KotlinCompilation<*>>() project.multiplatformExtension.awaitTargets().withType( { target -><|endoftext|>
is FunctionType -> this.copy(returnType = this.returnType.substituteInstancetype(container)) is PointerType -> this.copy(pointeeType = this.pointeeType.substituteInstancetype(container)) else -> this } data class ObjCProperty(val name: String, val getter: ObjCMethod, val setter: ObjCMethod?) {
fun getType(container: ObjCClassOrProtocol): Type = getter.getReturnType(container) } abstract class ObjCClass(name: String) : ObjCClassOrProtocol(name) { abstract val binaryName: String? abstract val baseClass: ObjCClass? /** * Categories whose methods and properties should be generated as members of Kotlin class. */<|endoftext|>
on(Platform.JS) { if (primitive == PrimitiveType.Char || primitive in PrimitiveType.unsignedPrimitives) { body { """ return object : AbstractList<T>(), RandomAccess { override val size: Int get() = this@asList.size override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = this@asList.isEmpty()
override fun contains(element: T): Boolean = this@asList.contains(element) override fun get(index: Int): T { AbstractList.checkElementIndex(index, size) return this@asList[index] } override fun indexOf(element: T): Int { @Suppress("USELESS_CAST")<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.ide import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.ExternalKotlinTargetApi import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.idea.tcs.IdeaKotlinDependency import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet /**
* An [IdeDependencyTransformer] will be invoked after all [IdeDependencyResolver] finished. * The transformation step is allowed to entirely modify the resolution result. Typical applications would be dependency filtering, * or grouping. Adding additional dependencies might be harmful, since other transformers might not be able to see this additional * dependency, running before the addition. *<|endoftext|>
@OptIn(UnresolvedExpressionTypeAccess::class) override val coneTypeOrNull: ConeKotlinType? get() = annotationTypeRef.coneTypeOrNull override val annotations: List<FirAnnotation> get() = emptyList() override fun <R, D> acceptChildren(visitor: FirVisitor<R, D>, data: D) {
annotationTypeRef.accept(visitor, data) typeArguments.forEach { it.accept(visitor, data) } argumentList.accept(visitor, data) calleeReference.accept(visitor, data) } override fun <D> transformChildren(transformer: FirTransformer<D>, data: D): FirAnnotationCallImpl {<|endoftext|>
if (!(element9 in 1..3) != !range0.contains(element9)) throw AssertionError() if (!(element9 !in 1..3) != range0.contains(element9)) throw AssertionError() } fun testR0xE10() { // with possible local optimizations
if (1 in 1..3 != range0.contains(1)) throw AssertionError() if (1 !in 1..3 != !range0.contains(1)) throw AssertionError() if (!(1 in 1..3) != !range0.contains(1)) throw AssertionError()<|endoftext|>
val property = annotationPsi.valueParameters.firstOrNull() ?: return emptyArray() arrayOf(PsiElementResolveResult(property)) } else -> emptyArray() } } private fun KtDefaultAnnotationArgumentReference.resolveAnnotationCallee(): PsiElement? = element.getStrictParentOfType<KtAnnotationEntry>()
?.calleeExpression ?.constructorReferenceExpression ?.mainReference ?.resolve() } }<|endoftext|>
val ClassDescriptor.useGeneratedEnumSerializer: Boolean get() { val functions = module.getPackage(SerializationPackages.internalPackageFqName).memberScope.getFunctionNames()
return !functions.contains(ENUM_SERIALIZER_FACTORY_FUNC_NAME) || !functions.contains(ANNOTATED_ENUM_SERIALIZER_FACTORY_FUNC_NAME) } fun ClassDescriptor.enumEntries(): List<ClassDescriptor> { check(this.kind == ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS)<|endoftext|>
fun box() : String { val controller = Controller() builder(controller) { test { res = calculate() } } if (controller.res != "OK") return controller.res controller.res = "FAIL 2" builder(controller) { test { test { test { test { test { res = calculate() }
} } } } } return controller.res }<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.visitors.FirVisitor import open class FirNamedReferenceWithCandidate( override val source: KtSourceElement?, override val name: Name, val candidate: Candidate ) : FirNamedReferenceWithCandidateBase() {
override val candidateSymbol: FirBasedSymbol<*> get() = candidate.symbol open val isError: Boolean get() = false override fun <R, D> acceptChildren(visitor: FirVisitor<R, D>, data: D) {} override fun <D> transformChildren(transformer: FirTransformer<D>, data: D): FirElement { return this<|endoftext|>
private fun test(node: Foo<*>) { val map = map.get(MyEnum.EnumEntry) } open class FooEnumMap<P>(val data: EnumMap<P, Any?>) where P : Enum<P>, P : I
private fun test(node: FooEnumMap<*>) { val map = map.get(MyEnum.EnumEntry) } open class Foo2<P : I>(val data: Map<P, Any?>) private fun test(node: Foo2<*>) {<|endoftext|>
fun foo2(): Float = 1f val bar4: Int get() = 1 var foo4: Float get() = 1f set(value) {} interface FlowCollector<in T> {} fun <L> flow(block: suspend FlowCollector<L>.() -> Unit) = Flow(block)<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupTracker import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.components.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.inference.components.ConstraintInjector import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.sam.SamConversionOracle
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.sam.SamConversionResolver import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.receivers.ReceiverValueWithSmartCastInfo import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeSubstitutor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.checker.KotlinTypeRefiner<|endoftext|>
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { Duration.INFINITE + (-Duration.INFINITE) } } @Test fun subtraction() { assertEquals(10.hours, 0.5.days - 120.minutes) assertEquals(850.milliseconds, 1.seconds - 150.milliseconds)
assertEquals(1150.milliseconds, 1.seconds - (-150).milliseconds) assertEquals(1.milliseconds, Long.MAX_VALUE.microseconds - (Long.MAX_VALUE - 1_000).microseconds) assertEquals((-1).milliseconds, (Long.MAX_VALUE - 1_000).microseconds - Long.MAX_VALUE.microseconds) run {<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.FirCache import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.firCachesFactory import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.getValue import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirDeclarationOrigin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.deserialization.SingleModuleDataProvider import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.realPsi import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.providers.FirSymbolNamesProvider<|endoftext|>
map.put(MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_WARNING, "Property must be initialized. This warning will become an error in future releases.") map.put(MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_BE_FINAL, "Property must be initialized or be final.")
map.put(MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_BE_FINAL_WARNING, "Property must be initialized or be final. This warning will become an error in future releases.") map.put(MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_BE_ABSTRACT, "Property must be initialized or be abstract.")<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtSourceElement import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirAnonymousFunction import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirAnnotation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirAnonymousFunctionExpression import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.RawFirApi import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.UnresolvedExpressionTypeAccess import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeKotlinType<|endoftext|>
// FILE: other_package.kt package otherpackage // TESTCASE NUMBER: 13 class EmptyClass13 {} // TESTCASE NUMBER: 14 typealias TypealiasString14 = String // FILE: main.kt import otherpackage.* // TESTCASE NUMBER: 1 fun case_1(x: Any) {
if (<!SENSELESS_COMPARISON!>x === null<!>) { <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Any & kotlin.Nothing")!>x<!> } } // TESTCASE NUMBER: 2 fun case_2(x: Nothing) {<|endoftext|>
val targetLabels: List<Label> = ArrayList(targetLabels) private val resolvedTargets: Map<Label, Instruction> get() = _resolvedTargets fun setResolvedTarget(label: Label, resolvedTarget: Instruction) { _resolvedTargets[label] = outgoingEdgeTo(resolvedTarget)!! } var next: Instruction
get() = _next!! set(value) { _next = outgoingEdgeTo(value) } override val nextInstructions: Collection<Instruction> get() { val targetInstructions = ArrayList(resolvedTargets.values) targetInstructions.add(next) return targetInstructions }<|endoftext|>
val bucketBranches = mutableListOf<IrBranch>() bucket.value.mapTo(bucketBranches) { bucketCase -> val matchedCase = stringConstantToMatchedCase.getValue(bucketCase) irBranch(matchedCase.condition, matchedCase.branchIndex.toIrConst(intType)) }
bucketBranches.add(irElseBranch(elseBranchIndex.toIrConst(intType))) irWhen(intType, bucketBranches) } BucketSelector(bucket.key, selector) } private fun IrBlockBuilder.createTransformedWhen(tempIntVariable: IrVariable, transformedWhen: IrWhen): IrWhen {<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.SourceElement import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.Annotations import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.module abstract class PackageFragmentDescriptorImpl( module: ModuleDescriptor,
final override val fqName: FqName ) : DeclarationDescriptorNonRootImpl(module, Annotations.EMPTY, fqName.shortNameOrSpecial(), SourceElement.NO_SOURCE), PackageFragmentDescriptor { // Not inlined in order to not capture ref on 'module' private val debugString: String = "package $fqName of $module"<|endoftext|>
fun foo(x: java.util.SequencedCollection<String>, y: java.util.SequencedSet<String>, z: java.util.Deque<String>) { x.addFirst("") x.addLast("") x.removeFirst() x.removeLast() x.getFirst() x.getLast() x.first x.last
y.addFirst("") y.addLast("") y.removeFirst() y.removeLast() y.getFirst() y.getLast() y.first y.last z.addFirst("") z.addLast("") z.removeFirst() z.removeLast() z.getFirst() z.getLast()<|endoftext|>
builder { test2 { transform { test2 { res = "OK" } } } } if (res != "OK") return res res = "FAIL 6" builder { test3 { transform { test3 { res = "OK" } } } } return res
if (symbol !is FirCallableSymbol || other.symbol !is FirCallableSymbol) return false val otherOriginal = (other.symbol as FirCallableSymbol).unwrapSubstitutionOverrides() if (symbol.unwrapSubstitutionOverrides<FirCallableSymbol<*>>() == otherOriginal) return true
val scope = originScope as? FirTypeScope ?: return false @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val overriddenProducer = when (symbol) { is FirNamedFunctionSymbol -> FirTypeScope::processOverriddenFunctions as ProcessAllOverridden<FirCallableSymbol<*>><|endoftext|>
assertTrue(eqLong(longArrayOf(1, 2, 3), LongArray(3) { it + 1L })) assertTrue(eqLong(longArrayOf(1), longArrayOf(1).copyOf())) assertTrue(eqLong(longArrayOf(1, 0), longArrayOf(1).copyOf(2)))
assertTrue(eqLong(longArrayOf(1), longArrayOf(1, 2).copyOf(1))) assertTrue(eqLong(longArrayOf(1, 2), longArrayOf(1) + 2)) assertTrue(eqLong(longArrayOf(1, 2, 3), longArrayOf(1) + listOf(2L, 3L)))<|endoftext|>
if (it.tokenType != AND) { //skip in forEachChildren? children.add(convertType(it)) } } if (children.size != 2) { return buildErrorTypeRef { source = typeRefSource diagnostic = ConeSyntaxDiagnostic("Wrong code") } } return buildIntersectionTypeRef {
source = typeRefSource isMarkedNullable = isNullable leftType = children[0] rightType = children[1] } } /** * @see org.jetbrains.kotlin.parsing.KotlinParsing.parseTypeRefContents */<|endoftext|>
x = x<!UNSAFE_CALL!>.<!>equals(10) } while (x !== null) } /* * TESTCASE NUMBER: 6 * UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOUR * ISSUES: KT-7508 */ fun case_6() { var x: Any? = null if (x === null) return do {
<!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Any?")!>x<!> x = x<!UNSAFE_CALL!>.<!>equals(10) } while (x != null) } /* * TESTCASE NUMBER: 7 * UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOUR * ISSUES: KT-7508 */<|endoftext|>
open class Foo10(x: Int = 10, y: Float = 0f) class Foo11: Foo10 { constructor( x: Float ): super(1, 1f<!UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE!>,<!>) } class Foo12: Foo10 { constructor( x: Float
): super(1, 1f<!UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE!>,<!>/**/) } fun main() { val x1 = { x: Comparable<Comparable<Number>>, y: Iterable<Iterable<Number>><!UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE!>,<!> -> println("1") }<|endoftext|>
public class J { public static Iterator<@NotNull Integer> iteratorOfNotNull() { return Collections.<Integer>singletonList(null).iterator(); } } // FILE: package org.jetbrains.annotations; import java.lang.annotation.*;
// org.jetbrains.annotations used in the compiler is version 13, whose @NotNull does not support the TYPE_USE target (version 15 does). // We're using our own @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull for testing purposes. @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)<|endoftext|>
// JVMS7 (4.7.6): a nested class or interface member will have InnerClasses information // for each enclosing class and for each immediate member parentClassCodegen?.innerClasses?.add(irClass) for (codegen in generateSequence(this) { it.parentClassCodegen }.takeWhile { it.parentClassCodegen != null }) {
innerClasses.add(codegen.irClass) } // JVMS7 (4.7.7): A class must have an EnclosingMethod attribute if and only if // it is a local class or an anonymous class. // // The attribute contains the innermost class that encloses the declaration of // the current class. If the current class is immediately enclosed by a method<|endoftext|>
visitor.visitResolvable(this, data) @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") override fun <E : FirElement, D> transform(transformer: FirTransformer<D>, data: D): E = transformer.transformResolvable(this, data) as E fun replaceCalleeReference(newCalleeReference: FirReference)
fun <D> transformCalleeReference(transformer: FirTransformer<D>, data: D): FirResolvable }<|endoftext|>
@<!YIELD_IS_RESERVED!>yield<!>() p @`yield`() p for (yield in 1..5) { } { yield: Int -> } val (yield) = listOf(4) } fun <T> listOf(vararg e: T): List<T> = null!!
operator fun <T> List<T>.component1() = get(0) // FILE: 2.kt package p3 enum class yield { yield } fun f1(yield: Int, foo: Int = <!YIELD_IS_RESERVED!>yield<!>) {}<|endoftext|>
assertPrints(array.contentEquals(arrayOf("apples", "lime", "oranges")), "false") } @Sample fun charArrayContentEquals() { val array = charArrayOf('a', 'b', 'c') // the same size and equal elements
assertPrints(array.contentEquals(charArrayOf('a', 'b', 'c')), "true") // different size assertPrints(array.contentEquals(charArrayOf('a', 'b')), "false") // the elements at index 1 are not equal assertPrints(array.contentEquals(charArrayOf('a', 'c', 'b')), "false")<|endoftext|>
private val postponedComputationsAfterAllVariablesAreFixed = mutableListOf<() -> Unit>() private val storage = MutableConstraintStorage() private var state = State.BUILDING private val typeVariablesTransaction: MutableList<TypeVariableMarker> = SmartList() private val properTypesCache: MutableSet<KotlinTypeMarker> = SmartSet.create()
private val notProperTypesCache: MutableSet<KotlinTypeMarker> = SmartSet.create() private val intersectionTypesCache: MutableMap<Collection<KotlinTypeMarker>, EmptyIntersectionTypeInfo?> = mutableMapOf() override var typeVariablesThatAreCountedAsProperTypes: Set<TypeConstructorMarker>? = null<|endoftext|>
// If the position is in KDoc, we want to pass the owning declaration to the ContextCollector. // That way, the resulting scope will contain all the nested declarations which can be references by KDoc. val parentKDoc = positionInFakeFile.parentOfType<KDoc>() val correctedPosition = parentKDoc?.owner ?: positionInFakeFile val context = ContextCollector.process(
fakeFile.getOrBuildFirFile(firResolveSession), SessionHolderImpl(analysisSession.useSiteSession, getScopeSession()), correctedPosition, ) val towerDataContext = context?.towerDataContext ?: errorWithAttachment("Cannot find context for ${positionInFakeFile::class}") {<|endoftext|>
val annotationShortName = annotationEntry.shortName?.asString() ?: return@flatMap emptyList() val experimentalAnnotations = when (annotationShortName) { OPT_IN_ANNOTATION -> { annotationEntry.valueArguments.mapNotNull mapArguments@{ argument -> if (argument !is KtValueArgument) return@mapArguments null
val expression = argument.getArgumentExpression() as? KtClassLiteralExpression ?: return@mapArguments null val classReference = expression.receiverExpression as? KtNameReferenceExpression ?: return@mapArguments null classReference.getReferencedName().takeIf { it in ExperimentalAnnotations.experimentalAnnotationShortNames } } }<|endoftext|>
private fun List<SerializedIrFileFingerprint>.joinIrFileFingerprints(): String { return joinToString(FILE_FINGERPRINTS_SEPARATOR) } private fun String.parseSerializedIrFileFingerprints(): List<SerializedIrFileFingerprint> {
return split(FILE_FINGERPRINTS_SEPARATOR).mapNotNull(SerializedIrFileFingerprint::fromString) } fun serializeModuleIntoKlib( moduleName: String, configuration: CompilerConfiguration, diagnosticReporter: DiagnosticReporter, metadataSerializer: KlibSingleFileMetadataSerializer<*>, klibPath: String,<|endoftext|>
var k: B2 = <!TYPE_MISMATCH!>x<!> var k2: A2 = <!TYPE_MISMATCH!>x<!> var k3: C2 = <!TYPE_MISMATCH!>x<!> var k4: Any? = x } else { var k: Any = x var k2: A2 = x
var k3: B2 = <!TYPE_MISMATCH!>x<!> var k4 : C2 = <!TYPE_MISMATCH!>x<!> } } fun test11(x:A2?) { if (x !is B2 || <!USELESS_IS_CHECK!>x is B2<!>) { var k: A2? = x<|endoftext|>
descriptor is ConstructorDescriptor && isSealedClassConstructor(descriptor) -> false // KT-42641. Don't expose componentN methods of data classes // because they are useless in Objective-C/Swift. isComponentNMethod(descriptor) && descriptor.overriddenDescriptors.isEmpty() -> false descriptor.isHiddenFromObjC() -> false
else -> true } private fun CallableMemberDescriptor.isHiddenFromObjC(): Boolean = when { // Note: the front-end checker requires all overridden descriptors to be either refined or not refined. overriddenDescriptors.isNotEmpty() -> overriddenDescriptors.first().isHiddenFromObjC() else -> annotations.any { annotation -><|endoftext|>
val smartCastManager = resolutionFacade.frontendService<SmartCastManager>() val dataFlowValue = dataFlowValueFactory.createDataFlowValue(receiverValue, bindingContext, moduleDescriptor) return if (dataFlowValue.isStable || !stableSmartCastsOnly) { // we don't include smart cast receiver types for "unstable" receiver value to mark members grayed
smartCastManager.getSmartCastVariantsWithLessSpecificExcluded( receiverValue, bindingContext, moduleDescriptor, dataFlowInfo, languageVersionSettings, dataFlowValueFactory ) } else { listOf(receiverValue.type) } }<|endoftext|>
// String>>` because we have lost the identity of the captured type at this point: we no longer know that the captured type is // actually created because of type projection from `get`. Hence, to workaround this problem, we simply remove all the out // projection and type capturing and compare the types after such erasure. This way, we won't incorrectly reject any valid code
// though we may accept some invalid code. But in presence of the unsound flexible types, we are allowing invalid code already. val argTypeWithoutOutProjection = argType.removeOutProjection(isCovariant = true) val lowerBoundWithoutCapturing = context.session.typeApproximator.approximateToSuperType( lowerBound,<|endoftext|>
) : Pretty(out, sourceOutput) { companion object { private const val ENUM = Flags.ENUM.toLong() } override fun print(s: Any) { out.write(s.toString()) } override fun visitVarDef(tree: JCVariableDecl) { if ((tree.mods.flags and ENUM) != 0L) {
// Pretty does not print annotations for enum values for some reason printExpr(TreeMaker.instance(context).Modifiers(0, tree.mods.annotations)) if (isJava11OrLater()) { // Print enums fully, there is an issue when using Pretty in JDK 11. // See<|endoftext|>
// EXPECTED_REACHABLE_NODES: 1265 // RUN_PLAIN_BOX_FUNCTION // INFER_MAIN_MODULE // SKIP_MINIFICATION // SKIP_NODE_JS // SKIP_DCE_DRIVEN // MODULE: exportProtectedMembers // FILE: lib.kt @JsExport open class Foo protected constructor() {
protected fun bar(): String = "protected method" private var _baz: String = "baz" protected var baz: String get() = _baz set(value) { _baz = value } protected val bazReadOnly: String get() = _baz protected val quux: String = "quux"<|endoftext|>
// inlined run { var y = "K" { // no suspension builder { result = "OK" } // 1 suspension builder { if (suspendHere() != "56") return@builder result = "OK" } // 2 suspensions builder { if (suspendHere() != "56") return@builder
suspendHere() result = "OK" } }.let { it() } } return "OK" }<|endoftext|>
// Case of progression - for (i in 0 until array.size step n) or for (i in 0..<array.size step n) if (loopHeader.headerInfo.first.isProgressionPropertyGetter("first") && loopHeader.headerInfo.last.isProgressionPropertyGetter("last")) {
val firstReceiver = ((loopHeader.headerInfo.first as IrCall).dispatchReceiver as? IrGetValue)?.symbol?.owner val lastReceiver = ((loopHeader.headerInfo.last as IrCall).dispatchReceiver as? IrGetValue)?.symbol?.owner if (firstReceiver == lastReceiver) {<|endoftext|>
@kotlin.OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType @kotlin.jvm.JvmName(name = "sumOfULong") @kotlin.WasExperimental(markerClass = {kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes::class}) @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly
public inline fun <T> kotlin.Array<out T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> kotlin.ULong): kotlin.ULong @kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.4") @kotlin.OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType @kotlin.jvm.JvmName(name = "sumOfDouble")<|endoftext|>
.replaceDataFlowInfo(psiCallArgument.dataFlowInfoBeforeThisArgument).let { if (builderInferenceSession != null) it.replaceInferenceSession(builderInferenceSession) else it } val functionTypeInfo = expressionTypingServices.getTypeInfo(psiCallArgument.expression, actualContext)
(temporaryTrace ?: trace).record(BindingContext.NEW_INFERENCE_LAMBDA_INFO, psiCallArgument.ktFunction, LambdaInfo.STUB_EMPTY) if (builderInferenceSession?.hasInapplicableCall() == true) { return ReturnArgumentsAnalysisResult(<|endoftext|>
override fun deserializedSymbolNotFound(idSig: IdSignature): Nothing = delegate.deserializedSymbolNotFound(idSig) override fun declareIrSymbol(symbol: IrSymbol) { val signature = symbol.signature if (signature != null && checkIsFunctionInterface(signature)) resolveFunctionalInterface(signature, symbol.kind())
else delegate.declareIrSymbol(symbol) } override fun init() { delegate.init(this) } override val klib: IrLibrary get() = delegate.klib override val strategyResolver: (String) -> DeserializationStrategy get() = delegate.strategyResolver<|endoftext|>
override fun getContributedDescriptors( kindFilter: DescriptorKindFilter, nameFilter: (Name) -> Boolean ): Collection<DeclarationDescriptor> = emptySet() } override fun printStructure(p: Printer) { p.print(ErrorEntity.ERROR_SCOPE.debugText) }
override val ownerDescriptor: DeclarationDescriptor = ErrorClassDescriptor(Name.special(ErrorEntity.ERROR_CLASS.debugText.format("unknown"))) override val isOwnerDescriptorAccessibleByLabel: Boolean = false override val implicitReceiver: ReceiverParameterDescriptor? = null<|endoftext|>
fun testNoUnintendedDevDependencies(gradleVersion: GradleVersion) { project("kotlin-js-browser-project", gradleVersion) { buildGradleKts.modify(::transformBuildScriptWithPluginsDsl) build("browserProductionWebpack") {
val appPackageJson = getSubprojectPackageJson(projectName = "kotlin-js-browser", subProject = "app") val libPackageJson = getSubprojectPackageJson(projectName = "kotlin-js-browser", subProject = "lib") assertTrue("${} should contain css-loader") {<|endoftext|>
public fun kotlin.String.replaceFirst(oldValue: kotlin.String, newValue: kotlin.String, ignoreCase: kotlin.Boolean = ...): kotlin.String @kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.5") @kotlin.WasExperimental(markerClass = {kotlin.ExperimentalStdlibApi::class})
@kotlin.OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType @kotlin.jvm.JvmName(name = "replaceFirstCharWithChar") @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly public inline fun kotlin.String.replaceFirstChar(transform: (kotlin.Char) -> kotlin.Char): kotlin.String<|endoftext|>
dataFlowInfo: DataFlowInfo, inferenceSession: InferenceSession, trace: BindingTrace, local: Boolean ): KotlinType { val inferredType = expressionTypingServices.safeGetType( scope, initializer, TypeUtils.NO_EXPECTED_TYPE, dataFlowInfo, inferenceSession, trace )
val approximatedType = approximateType(inferredType, local) return declarationReturnTypeSanitizer.sanitizeReturnType(approximatedType, wrappedTypeFactory, trace, languageVersionSettings) } private fun approximateType(type: KotlinType, local: Boolean): UnwrappedType = typeApproximator.approximateDeclarationType(type, local) }<|endoftext|>
compiledSources.single().resolve("test/AnotherType.class").createNewFile() } SourceFileStructure(File("").toURI()).also { it.addDeclaredType("test.ReferencesTwoTypes") it.addPrivateType("test.TwoTypes") cache.javaCache.addSourceStructure(it)
compiledSources.single().resolve("test/ReferencesTwoTypes.class").createNewFile() } SourceFileStructure(File("").toURI()).also { it.addDeclaredType("test.ReferencesAnotherType") it.addPrivateType("test.AnotherType") cache.javaCache.addSourceStructure(it)<|endoftext|>
} h.value += "fail" return "OK_NONLOCAL" }, { h.value += ", OK_EXCEPTION" return "OK_EXCEPTION" }, { h.value += ", OK_FINALLY" return "OK_FINALLY" }, h) return "" + localResult; }
fun box(): String { var h = Holder() val test0 = test0(h) if (test0 != 2 || h.value != "OK_NONLOCAL, OK_EXCEPTION, OK_FINALLY, INLINE_CALL_FINALLY") return "test0: ${test0}, holder: ${h.value}" h = Holder() val test1 = test1(h)<|endoftext|>
interface IA { <!METHOD_OF_ANY_IMPLEMENTED_IN_INTERFACE!>override fun toString(): String = "IA"<!>
<!METHOD_OF_ANY_IMPLEMENTED_IN_INTERFACE!>override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = <!SUPERCLASS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_FROM_INTERFACE!>super<!>.equals(other)<!> <!METHOD_OF_ANY_IMPLEMENTED_IN_INTERFACE!>override fun hashCode(): Int { return 42;<|endoftext|>
println() } with(A()) { <!MODIFIER_FORM_FOR_NON_BUILT_IN_SUSPEND!>suspend<!> { println() } suspend() { println() } suspend({ println() }) suspend<Unit> { println() } }
A() <!MODIFIER_FORM_FOR_NON_BUILT_IN_SUSPEND!>suspend<!> { println() } A() suspend ({ println() }) }<|endoftext|>
val atomicLongArrayIncrementAndGet: IrSimpleFunctionSymbol = atomicLongArrayClassSymbol.owner.addFunction(name = "incrementAndGet", returnType = irBuiltIns.longType).apply { addValueParameter("i", irBuiltIns.intType) }.symbol val atomicLongArrayGetAndIncrement: IrSimpleFunctionSymbol =
atomicLongArrayClassSymbol.owner.addFunction(name = "getAndIncrement", returnType = irBuiltIns.longType).apply { addValueParameter("i", irBuiltIns.intType) }.symbol val atomicLongArrayDecrementAndGet: IrSimpleFunctionSymbol =<|endoftext|>
yieldString(<!ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH!>1<!>) checkType { _<Unit>() } await<String> { "123" } checkType { _<String>() } // Inference from lambda return type await { 123 } checkType { _<Int>() } // Inference from expected type
checkSubtype<String>(await(567)) await<Double>(123) checkType { _<Double>() } severalParams("", 89) checkType { _<Double>() } // TODO: should we allow somehow to call with passing continuation explicitly?<|endoftext|>
callIndent: Int, originalInfo: SourceRangeInfo, ): ValueDisplay { var indent = sourceRangeInfo.startColumnNumber - callIndent var row = sourceRangeInfo.startLineNumber - originalInfo.startLineNumber val source = text.replace("\n" + " ".repeat(callIndent), "\n") // Remove additional indentation
val columnOffset = findDisplayOffset(original, sourceRangeInfo, source) val prefix = source.substring(0, columnOffset) val rowShift = prefix.count { it == '\n' } if (rowShift == 0) { indent += columnOffset } else { row += rowShift indent = columnOffset - (prefix.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1)<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.VariableDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.Errors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.checkers.RttiExpressionInformation import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.checkers.RttiOperation<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL // !OPT_IN: kotlin.RequiresOptIn @RequiresOptIn @Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY) @Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION) annotation class MyAnn interface MyInterface { @MyAnn fun foo() @MyAnn fun bar() }
val field = object : MyInterface { @MyAnn override fun foo() {} @OptIn(MyAnn::class) override fun bar() {} }<|endoftext|>
sink.yieldDiagnostic(InapplicableCandidate) } } private fun computeDefaultMappingForRawTypeMember( owner: FirTypeParameterRefsOwner, context: ResolutionContext ): TypeArgumentMapping.Mapped { // There might be some minor inconsistencies where in K2, there might be a raw type, while in K1, there was a regular flexible type
// And in that case for K2 we would start a regular inference process leads to TYPE_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER because raw scopes // don't leave type variables there (see KT-54526) // Also, it might be a separate feature of K2, because even in cases where both compilers had a raw type, it's convenient not to<|endoftext|>
// KJS_WITH_FULL_RUNTIME // WITH_STDLIB // JVM_ABI_K1_K2_DIFF: KT-63864 import kotlin.test.* var order = StringBuilder() inline fun expectOrder(at: String, expected: String, body: () -> Unit) {
order = StringBuilder() // have to do that in order to run this test in JS body() if (order.toString() != expected) throw AssertionError("$at: expected: $expected, actual: $order") } fun low(i: Int): Int { order.append("L") return i } fun high(i: Int): Int {<|endoftext|>
0x3ff921fb54442d18UL, 0x3ff921fb54442d18UL, 0x3ff921fb54442d18UL, 0x3ff921fb54442d19UL,
0x3ff921fb54442d19UL, 0x3ff921fb54442d19UL, 0x3ff921fb54442d19UL, 0x3ff921fb54442d19UL,<|endoftext|>
// Different kinds of input testEncoding(false, bytes(-16, -112, -128, -128, '1'.toInt(), -17, -65, -67, -17, -65, -67), "\uD800\uDC001\uDC00\uD800") // Lone surrogate
testEncoding(false, bytes(-17, -65, -67, '1'.toInt(), '2'.toInt()), "\uD80012", ) testEncoding(false, bytes(-17, -65, -67, '1'.toInt(), '2'.toInt()), "\uDC0012")<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.low.level.api.fir.api import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirElement import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.FirBasedSymbol import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeKotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.utils.exceptions.withConeTypeEntry import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.utils.exceptions.withFirEntry import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.utils.exceptions.withFirSymbolEntry import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtElement<|endoftext|>
val enhancedExpectedType = substitutor.substituteOrNull(expectedType) // No enhancement on either side, nothing to check. if (enhancedActualType == null && enhancedExpectedType == null) return null val actualTypeForComparison = enhancedActualType ?: actualType val expectedTypeForComparison = enhancedExpectedType ?: expectedType
return actualTypeForComparison to expectedTypeForComparison }<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.model.ExpressionValueArgument import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.model.ResolvedCall import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.isBoolean import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.isNullableAny object ContractsDslNames {
// Internal marker-annotation for distinguishing our API val CONTRACTS_DSL_ANNOTATION_FQN = FqName("kotlin.internal.ContractsDsl") // Types val EFFECT = Name.identifier("Effect") val CONDITIONAL_EFFECT = Name.identifier("ConditionalEffect") val SIMPLE_EFFECT = Name.identifier("SimpleEffect")<|endoftext|>
* Generated from: [org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.tree.generator.FirTreeBuilder.lazyBlock] */ abstract class FirLazyBlock : FirBlock() { abstract override val source: KtSourceElement? @UnresolvedExpressionTypeAccess abstract override val coneTypeOrNull: ConeKotlinType?
abstract override val annotations: List<FirAnnotation> abstract override val statements: List<FirStatement> override fun <R, D> accept(visitor: FirVisitor<R, D>, data: D): R = visitor.visitLazyBlock(this, data) @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.exec.Command import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file.* import import private const val dumpBridges = false
internal class CStubsManager(private val target: KonanTarget, private val generationState: NativeGenerationState) { fun getUniqueName(prefix: String) = generationState.fileLowerState.getCStubUniqueName(prefix) fun addStub(kotlinLocation: CompilerMessageLocation?, lines: List<String>, language: String) {<|endoftext|>
@Deprecated(message = "", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) private constructor() } internal fun TestDifferencesInPrivateAndInternalVisibilitiesA() {} class TestDifferencesInPrivateAndInternalVisibilitiesAReverse { private constructor() } @Deprecated(message = "", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) internal fun TestDifferencesInPrivateAndInternalVisibilitiesAReverse() {}
class TestDifferencesInPrivateAndInternalVisibilitiesB { @Deprecated(message = "", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) internal constructor() } private fun TestDifferencesInPrivateAndInternalVisibilitiesB() {} class TestDifferencesInPrivateAndInternalVisibilitiesBReverse { internal constructor() }<|endoftext|>
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Kotlin code completion dataset

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The data was scraped from JetBrains/Kotlin repository. The file 'kotlin_code_raw.jsonl' contains ~54k of raw files with code

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Models trained or fine-tuned on rinapch/jb_intern_kotlin