281 values
15 values
return { HOOK_PLUGINS_LOADED = { CalledWhen = "All the enabled plugins have been loaded", DefaultFnName = "OnPluginsLoaded", -- also used as pagename Desc = [[ This callback gets called when the server finishes loading and initializing plugins. This is the perfect occasion for a plugin to query other plugins through {{cPluginManager}}:GetPlugin() and possibly start communicating with them using the {{cPlugin}}:Call() function. ]], Params = {}, Returns = [[ The return value is ignored, all registered callbacks are called. ]], CodeExamples = { { Title = "CoreMessaging", Desc = [[ This example shows how to implement the CoreMessaging functionality - messages to players will be sent through the Core plugin, formatted by that plugin. As a fallback for when the Core plugin is not present, the messages are sent directly by this code, unformatted. ]], Code = [[ -- These are the fallback functions used when the Core is not present: local function SendMessageFallback(a_Player, a_Message) a_Player:SendMessage(a_Message); end local function SendMessageSuccessFallback(a_Player, a_Message) a_Player:SendMessage(a_Message); end local function SendMessageFailureFallback(a_Player, a_Message) a_Player:SendMessage(a_Message); end -- These three "variables" will hold the actual functions to call. -- By default they are initialized to the Fallback variants, -- but will be redirected to Core when all plugins load SendMessage = SendMessageFallback; SendMessageSuccess = SendMessageSuccessFallback; SendMessageFailure = SendMessageFailureFallback; -- The callback tries to connect to the Core -- If successful, overwrites the three functions with Core ones local function OnPluginsLoaded() local CorePlugin = cPluginManager:Get():GetPlugin("Core"); if (CorePlugin == nil) then -- The Core is not loaded, keep the Fallback functions return; end -- Overwrite the three functions with Core functionality: SendMessage = function(a_Player, a_Message) CorePlugin:Call("SendMessage", a_Player, a_Message); end SendMessageSuccess = function(a_Player, a_Message) CorePlugin:Call("SendMessageSuccess", a_Player, a_Message); end SendMessageFailure = function(a_Player, a_Message) CorePlugin:Call("SendMessageFailure", a_Player, a_Message); end end -- Global scope, register the callback: cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLUGINS_LOADED, CoreMessagingPluginsLoaded); -- Usage, anywhere else in the plugin: SendMessageFailure( a_Player, "Cannot teleport to player, the destination player " .. PlayerName .. " was not found" ); ]], }, } , -- CodeExamples }, -- HOOK_PLUGINS_LOADED }
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port Windurst -- NPC: Newlyn -- Type: Standard NPC -- @zone: 240 -- @pos 200.673 -6.601 108.665 -- -- Auto-Script: Requires Verification (Verfied By Brawndo) ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Port_Windurst/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x00be); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Arrapago Reef -- Door: Iron Gate (Lamian Fang Key) -- !pos 580 -17 120 ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Arrapago_Reef/IDs") require("scripts/globals/npc_util") require("scripts/globals/status") ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if npc:getAnimation() == dsp.anim.CLOSE_DOOR then if npcUtil.tradeHas(trade, 2219) then npc:openDoor() player:messageSpecial(ID.text.KEY_BREAKS,2219) player:confirmTrade() elseif npcUtil.tradeHas(trade, 1022) and player:getMainJob() == dsp.job.THF then -- thief's tools if math.random(1,2) == 1 then -- TODO: figure out actual percentage chance to pick locks; 50% for now player:messageSpecial(ID.text.LOCK_SUCCESS,1022) npc:openDoor() else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.LOCK_FAIL,1022) end player:confirmTrade() elseif npcUtil.tradeHas(trade, 1023) and player:getMainJob() == dsp.job.THF then -- living key if math.random(1,2) == 1 then -- TODO: figure out actual percentage chance to pick locks; 50% for now player:messageSpecial(ID.text.LOCK_SUCCESS,1023) npc:openDoor() else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.LOCK_FAIL,1023) end player:confirmTrade() elseif npcUtil.tradeHas(trade, 1115) and player:getMainJob() == dsp.job.THF then -- skeleton key if math.random(1,2) == 1 then -- TODO: figure out actual percentage chance to pick locks; 50% for now player:messageSpecial(ID.text.LOCK_SUCCESS,1115) npc:openDoor() else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.LOCK_FAIL,1115) end player:confirmTrade() end end end function onTrigger(player,npc) if player:getZPos() < 120 and npc:getAnimation() == dsp.anim.CLOSE_DOOR then if player:getMainJob() == dsp.job.THF then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.DOOR_IS_LOCKED2, 2219, 1022) -- message only THF's get else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.DOOR_IS_LOCKED, 2219) end elseif player:getZPos() >= 120 and npc:getAnimation() == dsp.anim.CLOSE_DOOR then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.YOU_UNLOCK_DOOR) -- message from "inside" of door npc:openDoor() end end function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option,target) end function onEventFinish(player,csid,option,target) end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Selbina -- NPC: Dohdjuma -- Standard Merchant NPC ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Selbina/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Selbina/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); package.loaded["scripts/globals/melfaugments"] = nil; require("scripts/globals/melfaugments" ); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) onAugmentTrade( player, trade ); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:showText(npc,DOHDJUMA_SHOP_DIALOG); stock = {0x0263,36, --Rye Flour 0x1393,233, --Scroll of Sheepfoe Mambo 0x1036,2335, --Eye Drops 0x1034,284, --Antidote 0x119D,10, --Distilled Water 0x1010,819, --Potion 0x43F3,10, --Lugworm 0x111A,54, --Selbina Milk 0x118A,432, --Pickled Herring 0x11CF,4485, --Herb Quus 0x0b32,9200, --Selbina Waystone } showShop(player, STATIC, stock); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
local base = piece 'base' local fuselage = piece 'fuselage' local wingl1 = piece 'wingl1' local wingr1 = piece 'wingr1' local wingl2 = piece 'wingl2' local wingr2 = piece 'wingr2' local engines = piece 'engines' local fins = piece 'fins' local rflap = piece 'rflap' local lflap = piece 'lflap' local predrop = piece 'predrop' local drop = piece 'drop' local thrustl = piece 'thrustl' local thrustr = piece 'thrustr' local wingtipl = piece 'wingtipl' local wingtipr = piece 'wingtipr' local xp,zp = piece("x","z") local spGetUnitPosition = Spring.GetUnitPosition local spGetUnitHeading = Spring.GetUnitHeading local spGetUnitVelocity = Spring.GetUnitVelocity local spMoveCtrlGetTag = Spring.MoveCtrl.GetTag local spGetUnitMoveTypeData = Spring.GetUnitMoveTypeData local spSetAirMoveTypeData = Spring.MoveCtrl.SetAirMoveTypeData local spGetGroundHeight = Spring.GetGroundHeight local min, max = math.min, math.max local smokePiece = {fuselage, thrustr, thrustl} local bombs = 1 include "bombers.lua" include "fakeUpright.lua" include "constants.lua" include "fixedwingTakeOff.lua" local ud = UnitDefs[unitDefID] local highBehaviour = { wantedHeight = UnitDefNames["bomberprec"].wantedHeight*1.5, maxPitch = ud.maxPitch, maxBank = ud.maxBank, turnRadius = ud.turnRadius, maxAileron = ud.maxAileron, maxElevator = ud.maxElevator, maxRudder = ud.maxRudder, } local lowBehaviour = { maxPitch = 0.72, maxBank = 0.5, turnRadius = 80, maxAileron = 0.004, maxElevator = 0.018, maxRudder = 0.02, } local currentBehaviour = { wantedHeight = highBehaviour.wantedHeight, maxPitch = highBehaviour.maxPitch, maxBank = highBehaviour.maxBank, turnRadius = highBehaviour.turnRadius, maxAileron = highBehaviour.maxAileron, maxElevator = highBehaviour.maxElevator, maxRudder = highBehaviour.maxRudder, } local pitchOverride = false local SIG_TAKEOFF = 1 local SIG_CHANGE_FLY_HEIGHT = 2 local SIG_SPEED_CONTROL = 4 local takeoffHeight = UnitDefNames["bomberprec"].wantedHeight local fullHeight = UnitDefNames["bomberprec"].wantedHeight/1.5 local minSpeedMult = 0.75 local function SetMoveTypeDataWithOverrides(behaviour) if behaviour then currentBehaviour.wantedHeight = behaviour.wantedHeight or currentBehaviour.wantedHeight currentBehaviour.maxPitch = behaviour.maxPitch or currentBehaviour.maxPitch currentBehaviour.maxBank = behaviour.maxBank or currentBehaviour.maxBank currentBehaviour.turnRadius = behaviour.turnRadius or currentBehaviour.turnRadius currentBehaviour.maxAileron = behaviour.maxAileron or currentBehaviour.maxAileron currentBehaviour.maxElevator = behaviour.maxElevator or currentBehaviour.maxElevator currentBehaviour.maxRudder = behaviour.maxRudder or currentBehaviour.maxRudder end local origPitch = currentBehaviour.maxPitch if pitchOverride and (pitchOverride > currentBehaviour.maxPitch) then currentBehaviour.maxPitch = pitchOverride end if not Spring.MoveCtrl.GetTag(unitID) then spSetAirMoveTypeData(unitID, currentBehaviour) end currentBehaviour.maxPitch = origPitch end local PREDICT_FRAMES = 10 local function TargetHeightUpdateThread(targetID, behaviour) -- Inherits signals from BehaviourChangeThread local flatDiveHeight = behaviour.wantedHeight while Spring.ValidUnitID(targetID) do local tx,_,tz = spGetUnitPosition(targetID) local tHeight = max(Spring.GetGroundHeight(tx, tz), 0) local ux,_,uz = spGetUnitPosition(unitID) local vx,vy,vz = spGetUnitVelocity(unitID) vx, vz = vx*PREDICT_FRAMES, vz*PREDICT_FRAMES local predictX, predictZ = ux + vx, uz + vz if math.abs(ux - tx) < vx then predictX = tx end if math.abs(uz - tz) < vz then predictZ = tz end local uHeight = max(spGetGroundHeight(predictX, predictZ), 0) behaviour.wantedHeight = flatDiveHeight + max((tHeight - uHeight)*0.4, 0) if not Spring.MoveCtrl.GetTag(unitID) then SetMoveTypeDataWithOverrides(behaviour) end Sleep(200) end end local pitchUpdateReset = false local function PitchOverrideResetThread() pitchUpdateReset = 1 while pitchUpdateReset > 0 do pitchUpdateReset = pitchUpdateReset - 1 Sleep(300) end if pitchOverride then pitchOverride = false SetMoveTypeDataWithOverrides() end pitchUpdateReset = false end local function PitchUpdate(targetID, targetHeight) if not pitchUpdateReset then StartThread(PitchOverrideResetThread) end if targetID and Spring.ValidUnitID(targetID) then local tx,ty,tz = spGetUnitPosition(targetID) targetHeight = ty end if not targetHeight then return end local ux,uy,uz = spGetUnitPosition(unitID) if uy < targetHeight then local newPitch = 0.9 if targetHeight - uy < 100 then newPitch = 0.5 + 0.4*(targetHeight - uy)/100 end if pitchOverride ~= newPitch then pitchOverride = newPitch SetMoveTypeDataWithOverrides() end elseif pitchOverride then pitchOverride = false SetMoveTypeDataWithOverrides() end pitchUpdateReset = 1 end local function BehaviourChangeThread(behaviour, targetID) Signal(SIG_CHANGE_FLY_HEIGHT) SetSignalMask(SIG_CHANGE_FLY_HEIGHT) takeoffHeight = behaviour.wantedHeight/1.5 local state = spGetUnitMoveTypeData(unitID).aircraftState local flying = spMoveCtrlGetTag(unitID) == nil and (state == "flying" or state == "takeoff") if not flying then StartThread(GG.TakeOffFuncs.TakeOffThread, takeoffHeight, SIG_TAKEOFF) end while not flying do Sleep(600) state = spGetUnitMoveTypeData(unitID).aircraftState flying = spMoveCtrlGetTag(unitID) == nil and (state == "flying" or state == "takeoff") end SetMoveTypeDataWithOverrides(behaviour) if targetID then TargetHeightUpdateThread(targetID, behaviour) end --Spring.SetUnitRulesParam(unitID, "selfMoveSpeedChange", 1) --GG.UpdateUnitAttributes(unitID) --GG.UpdateUnitAttributes(unitID) end local function SpeedControl() Signal(SIG_SPEED_CONTROL) SetSignalMask(SIG_SPEED_CONTROL) while true do local x,y,z = spGetUnitPosition(unitID) local terrain = max(spGetGroundHeight(x,z), 0) -- not amphibious, treat water as ground local speedMult = minSpeedMult + (1-minSpeedMult)*max(0, min(1, (y - terrain - 50)/(fullHeight - 60))) Spring.SetUnitRulesParam(unitID, "selfMoveSpeedChange", speedMult) GG.UpdateUnitAttributes(unitID) GG.UpdateUnitAttributes(unitID) Sleep(50 + 2*max(0, y - terrain - 80)) end end function BomberDive_HighPitchUpdate(targetID, attackGroundHeight) PitchUpdate(targetID, attackGroundHeight) end function BomberDive_FlyHigh() StartThread(BehaviourChangeThread, highBehaviour) end function BomberDive_FlyLow(height, targetID) height = math.min(height, highBehaviour.wantedHeight) StartThread(SpeedControl) lowBehaviour.wantedHeight = height StartThread(BehaviourChangeThread, lowBehaviour, targetID) end function script.StartMoving() --Turn(fins, z_axis, math.rad(-(-30)), math.rad(50)) Move(wingr1, x_axis, 0, 50) Move(wingr2, x_axis, 0, 50) Move(wingl1, x_axis, 0, 50) Move(wingl2, x_axis, 0, 50) StartThread(SpeedControl) end function script.StopMoving() --Turn(fins, z_axis, math.rad(-(0)), math.rad(80)) Move(wingr1, x_axis, 5, 30) Move(wingr2, x_axis, 5, 30) Move(wingl1, x_axis, -5, 30) Move(wingl2, x_axis, -5, 30) StartThread(GG.TakeOffFuncs.TakeOffThread, takeoffHeight, SIG_TAKEOFF) end local function Lights() while select(5, Spring.GetUnitHealth(unitID)) < 1 do Sleep(400) end while true do EmitSfx(wingtipr, 1024) EmitSfx(wingtipl, 1025) Sleep(2000) end end function script.Create() SetInitialBomberSettings() StartThread(GG.Script.SmokeUnit, unitID, smokePiece) StartThread(GG.TakeOffFuncs.TakeOffThread, takeoffHeight, SIG_TAKEOFF) GG.FakeUpright.FakeUprightInit(xp, zp, drop) --StartThread(Lights) end function script.QueryWeapon(num) return drop end function script.AimFromWeapon(num) return drop end function script.AimWeapon(num, heading, pitch) return (Spring.GetUnitRulesParam(unitID, "noammo") ~= 1) end local predictMult = 3 function script.BlockShot(num, targetID) if num ~= 2 then return false end local ableToFire = not ((GetUnitValue(COB.CRASHING) == 1) or RearmBlockShot()) if not (targetID and ableToFire) then return not ableToFire end local x,y,z = spGetUnitPosition(unitID) local _,_,_,_,_,_,tx,ty,tz = spGetUnitPosition(targetID, true, true) local vx,vy,vz = spGetUnitVelocity(targetID) local heading = spGetUnitHeading(unitID)*GG.Script.headingToRad vx, vy, vz = vx*predictMult, vy*predictMult, vz*predictMult local dx, dy, dz = tx + vx - x, ty + vy - y, tz + vz - z local cosHeading = math.cos(heading) local sinHeading = math.sin(heading) dx, dz = cosHeading*dx - sinHeading*dz, cosHeading*dz + sinHeading*dx local isMobile = not GG.IsUnitIdentifiedStructure(true, targetID) local damage = (isMobile and 500.05) or GG.OverkillPrevention_GetHealthThreshold(targetID, 800.1, 770.1) --Spring.Echo(vx .. ", " .. vy .. ", " .. vz) --Spring.Echo(dx .. ", " .. dy .. ", " .. dz) --Spring.Echo(heading) if GG.OverkillPrevention_CheckBlockNoFire(unitID, targetID, damage, 60, false, false, false) then -- Remove attack command on blocked target, it's already dead so move on. local cQueue = Spring.GetCommandQueue(unitID, 1) if cQueue and cQueue[1] and cQueue[1].id == CMD.ATTACK and (not cQueue[1].params[2]) and cQueue[1].params[1] == targetID then Spring.GiveOrderToUnit(unitID, CMD.REMOVE, cQueue[1].tag, 0) end return true end if dy > 0 then return true end if isMobile and (dz > 30 or dz < -30 or dx > 80 or dx < -80) then return true end if isMobile then dx = math.min(math.max(-50, dx), 50) dz = math.min(math.max(-20, dz), 20) dy = math.max(dy, -20) else dx = math.min(math.max(-30, dx), 30) dz = math.min(math.max(-10, dz), 10) dy = math.max(dy, -5) end GG.FakeUpright.FakeUprightTurn(unitID, xp, zp, base, predrop) Move(drop, x_axis, dx) Move(drop, z_axis, dz) Move(drop, y_axis, dy) local distance = math.max((Spring.GetUnitSeparation(unitID, targetID) or 1) - 25, 1) local unitHeight = (GG.GetUnitHeight and GG.GetUnitHeight(targetID)) or 0 distance = math.max(0, distance - unitHeight/2) local projectileTime = 35*math.min(1, distance/340) if GG.OverkillPrevention_CheckBlock(unitID, targetID, damage, projectileTime, false, false, false) then return true end return false end local function SpamFireCheck() for i = 1, 10 do GG.Bomber_Dive_fake_fired(unitID) Sleep(100) end end function script.FireWeapon(num) if num == 2 then SetUnarmedAI() GG.Bomber_Dive_fired(unitID) Sleep(33) -- delay before clearing attack order; else bomb loses target and fails to home Move(drop, x_axis, 0) Move(drop, z_axis, 0) Move(drop, y_axis, 0) Reload() elseif num == 3 then StartThread(SpamFireCheck) end end function script.Killed(recentDamage, maxHealth) Signal(SIG_TAKEOFF) local severity = recentDamage/maxHealth if severity <= 0.25 then Explode(fuselage, SFX.NONE) Explode(engines, SFX.NONE) Explode(wingl1, SFX.NONE) Explode(wingr2, SFX.NONE) return 1 elseif severity <= 0.50 or (Spring.GetUnitMoveTypeData(unitID).aircraftState == "crashing") then Explode(fuselage, SFX.NONE) Explode(engines, SFX.NONE) Explode(wingl2, SFX.NONE) Explode(wingr1, SFX.NONE) return 1 elseif severity <= 1 then Explode(fuselage, SFX.NONE) Explode(engines, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE) Explode(wingl1, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE) Explode(wingr2, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE) return 2 else Explode(fuselage, SFX.NONE) Explode(engines, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE) Explode(wingl1, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE) Explode(wingl2, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE) return 2 end end
fio = require 'fio' errno = require 'errno' -- umask type(fio.umask(0)) fio.umask() -- pathjoin fio.basename(nil, nil) fio.pathjoin('abc', 'cde') fio.pathjoin('/', 'abc') fio.pathjoin('abc/', '/cde') fio.pathjoin('/', '/cde') -- basename fio.basename(nil) fio.basename('/') fio.basename('abc') fio.basename('abc.cde', '.cde') fio.basename('abc^cde', '.cde') fio.basename('/path/to/file.cde', '.cde') -- other tests tmpdir = fio.tempdir() file1 = fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, 'file.1') file2 = fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, 'file.2') file3 = fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, 'file.3') file4 = fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, 'file.4') fh1 =, { 'O_RDWR', 'O_TRUNC', 'O_CREAT' }, 0777) fh1 ~= nil f1s = fh1:stat() f1s.size f1s.is_reg() f1s:is_reg() f1s:is_dir() f1s:is_link() f1s:is_sock() f1s:is_fifo() f1s:is_chr() f1s:is_blk() fh1:seek(121) fh1:stat().size fh1:write(nil) fh1:write("Hello, world") fh1:stat().size fh1:fsync() fh1:fdatasync() fio.sync() fh1:pread(512, 121) fh1:pread(5, 121) fh1:write("; Ehllo, again") fh1:seek(121) fh1:read(13) fh1:read(512) fh1:pread(512, 14 + 121) fh1:pwrite("He", 14 + 121) fh1:pread(512, 14 + 121) { fh1:stat().size, fio.stat(file1).size } fh1:seek(121) fh1:read(512), nil), file2) fio.glob(nil) glob = fio.glob(fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, '*')) #glob { string.match(glob[1], '^.*/(.*)'), string.match(glob[2], '^.*/(.*)') } fio.stat(file1).inode == fio.stat(file2).inode fh3 =, { 'O_RDWR', 'O_TRUNC', 'O_CREAT' }, 0x1FD) fh1:stat().inode ~= fh3:stat().inode 0775, 0x1FF) == 0x1FD fh3:write("abc") fio.rename(nil, nil) fio.rename(file3, file4) fio.symlink(nil, nil) fio.symlink(file4, file3) fio.stat(nil) fio.stat(file3).size fio.lstat(file3).size ~= fio.stat(file3).size fio.lstat(file3).mode ~= fio.stat(file3).mode fio.basename(fio.readlink(file3)), 0x1FF) == 0x1FD fio.chmod(nil, 0x1F8) fio.chmod(file4, 0x1F8) -- 0x770, 0x1FF) == 0x1F8, 0x1FF) == 0x1F8 fio.mkdir(nil) fio.mkdir(fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, "dir")) -- cleanup directories { fh1:close(), fh3:close() } { fh1:close(), errno.strerror(), fh3:close(), errno.strerror() } fio.rmdir(nil) fio.rmdir(fio.pathjoin(tmpdir, "dir")) { fio.unlink(file1), fio.unlink(file2), fio.unlink(file3), fio.unlink(file4) } { fio.unlink(file1), fio.unlink(file2), fio.unlink(file3), fio.unlink(file4) } fio.rmdir(tmpdir) { fio.rmdir(tmpdir), errno.strerror() } fio.unlink() fio.unlink(nil) -- dirname fio.dirname(nil) fio.dirname('abc') fio.dirname('/abc') fio.dirname('/abc/cde') fio.dirname('/abc/cde/') fio.dirname('/')
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4574 -- Item: meat_chiefkabob -- Food Effect: 60Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Strength 5 -- Agility 1 -- Intelligence -2 -- Attack % 22 -- Attack Cap 65 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,3600,4574); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_STR, 5); target:addMod(MOD_AGI, 1); target:addMod(MOD_INT, -2); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ATTP, 22); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ATT_CAP, 65); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_STR, 5); target:delMod(MOD_AGI, 1); target:delMod(MOD_INT, -2); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ATTP, 22); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ATT_CAP, 65); end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5633 -- Item: Chocolate Cake -- Food Effect: 3 Hrs, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- TODO: Group Effect -- MP +3% (cap 90) -- HP Recovered while healing +1 -- MP Recovered while healing +6 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0 if target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD) or target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) then result = dsp.msg.basic.IS_FULL end return result end function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD,0,0,10800,5633) end function onEffectGain(target, effect) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MPP, 3) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MP_CAP, 90) target:addMod(dsp.mod.HPHEAL, 1) target:addMod(dsp.mod.MPHEAL, 6) end function onEffectLose(target, effect) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MPP, 3) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MP_CAP, 90) target:delMod(dsp.mod.HPHEAL, 1) target:delMod(dsp.mod.MPHEAL, 6) end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Bastok Mines -- NPC: Gorvik -- Type: Past Event Watcher -- @zone: 234 -- @pos 21.033 -1 -98.486 -- -- Auto-Script: Requires Verification (Verfied by Brawndo) ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x00b9); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
return { energywind = { unitname = [[energywind]], name = [[Wind/Tidal Generator]], description = [[Small Powerplant]], activateWhenBuilt = true, buildCostMetal = 35, builder = false, buildingGroundDecalDecaySpeed = 30, buildingGroundDecalSizeX = 5, buildingGroundDecalSizeY = 5, buildingGroundDecalType = [[]], buildPic = [[energywind.png]], category = [[FLOAT UNARMED]], collisionVolumeOffsets = [[0 15 0]], collisionVolumeScales = [[30 60 30]], collisionVolumeType = [[CylY]], corpse = [[DEAD]], customParams = { bait_level_target = 1, pylonrange = 60, windgen = true, modelradius = [[12]], removewait = 1, removestop = 1, default_spacing = 2, tidal_health = 400, }, energyMake = 1.2, --[[ as tidal; NOT added to wind (which is fully gadgeted and cannot be found in this unit def file). Also used as the income of a "generic" turbine, i.e. unspecified whether wind or tidal (for example when hovering over the icon on the UI to check OD payback ETA) since it approximately averages the income of a wind with some penalty for unreliability. ]] energyUse = 0, explodeAs = [[SMALL_BUILDINGEX]], floater = true, footprintX = 3, footprintZ = 3, iconType = [[energywind]], idleAutoHeal = 5, idleTime = 1800, levelGround = false, losEmitHeight = 30, maxDamage = 150, -- as wind; see customparams for tidal maxSlope = 75, objectName = [[arm_wind_generator.s3o]], script = [[energywind.lua]], selfDestructAs = [[SMALL_BUILDINGEX]], sightDistance = 273, useBuildingGroundDecal = true, yardMap = [[ooooooooo]], featureDefs = { DEAD = { blocking = true, featureDead = [[HEAP]], footprintX = 3, footprintZ = 3, object = [[arm_wind_generator_dead.s3o]], }, HEAP = { blocking = false, footprintX = 3, footprintZ = 3, object = [[debris4x4a.s3o]], }, DEADWATER = { blocking = true, featureDead = [[HEAP]], footprintX = 3, footprintZ = 3, object = [[arm_wind_generator_dead_water.s3o]], customparams = { health_override = 400, }, } }, } }
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5190 -- Item: dish_of_spaghetti_carbonara -- Food Effect: 30Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Health % 14 -- Health Cap 175 -- Magic 10 -- Strength 4 -- Vitality 2 -- Intelligence -3 -- Attack % 18 -- Attack Cap 65 -- Store TP 6 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,1800,5190); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_HPP, 14); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_HP_CAP, 175); target:addMod(MOD_MP, 10); target:addMod(MOD_STR, 4); target:addMod(MOD_VIT, 2); target:addMod(MOD_INT, -3); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ATTP, 18); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ATT_CAP, 65); target:addMod(MOD_STORETP, 6); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_HPP, 14); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_HP_CAP, 175); target:delMod(MOD_MP, 10); target:delMod(MOD_STR, 4); target:delMod(MOD_VIT, 2); target:delMod(MOD_INT, -3); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ATTP, 18); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ATT_CAP, 65); target:delMod(MOD_STORETP, 6); end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5971 -- Item: Plate of Mushroom Paella +1 -- Food Effect: 4 Hrs, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- HP 43 -- Mind 6 -- Magic Accuracy 6 -- Undead Killer 6 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0 if target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD) or target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) then result = dsp.msg.basic.IS_FULL end return result end function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD,0,0,14400,5971) end function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(dsp.mod.HP, 45) target:addMod(dsp.mod.MND, 6) target:addMod(dsp.mod.MACC, 6) target:addMod(dsp.mod.UNDEAD_KILLER, 6) end function onEffectLose(target, effect) target:delMod(dsp.mod.HP, 45) target:delMod(dsp.mod.MND, 6) target:delMod(dsp.mod.MACC, 6) target:delMod(dsp.mod.UNDEAD_KILLER, 6) end
----------------------------------- -- -- Zone: Vunkerl_Inlet_[S] (83) -- ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Vunkerl_Inlet_[S]/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Vunkerl_Inlet_[S]/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weather"); require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------- -- onInitialize ----------------------------------- function onInitialize(zone) end; ----------------------------------- -- onZoneIn ----------------------------------- function onZoneIn(player,prevZone) local cs = -1; if ((player:getXPos() == 0) and (player:getYPos() == 0) and (player:getZPos() == 0)) then player:setPos(-393.238,-50.034,741.199,2); end return cs; end; ----------------------------------- -- onZoneWeatherChange ----------------------------------- function onZoneWeatherChange(weather) local npc = GetNPCByID(17118004); -- Indescript Markings if (npc ~= nil) then if (weather == WEATHER_FOG or weather == WEATHER_THUNDER) then npc:setStatus(STATUS_DISAPPEAR); elseif (VanadielHour() >= 16 or VanadielHour() <= 6) then npc:setStatus(STATUS_NORMAL); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onGameHour ----------------------------------- function onGameHour() local npc = GetNPCByID(17118004); -- Indescript Markings if (npc ~= nil) then if (VanadielHour() == 16) then npc:setStatus(STATUS_DISAPPEAR); end if (VanadielHour() == 6) then npc:setStatus(STATUS_NORMAL); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onRegionEnter ----------------------------------- function onRegionEnter(player,region) end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Heat Breath -- Deals fire damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster -- Spell cost: 169 MP -- Monster Type: Beasts -- Spell Type: Magical (Fire) -- Blue Magic Points: 4 -- Stat Bonus: STR+3 -- Level: 71 -- Casting Time: 7.5 seconds -- Recast Time: 49 seconds -- Magic Bursts on: Liquefaction, Fusion, Light -- Combos: Magic Attack Bonus ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/bluemagic"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnMagicCastingCheck ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnSpellCast ----------------------------------------- function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local multi = 6.38; local resist = applyResistance(caster,spell,target,caster:getStat(MOD_INT) - target:getStat(MOD_INT),BLUE_SKILL,1.0); local params = {}; -- This data should match information on params.multiplier = multi; params.tMultiplier = 1.5; params.duppercap = 69; params.str_wsc = 0.0; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.3; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; damage = BlueMagicalSpell(caster, target, spell, params, MND_BASED); damage = BlueFinalAdjustments(caster, target, spell, damage, params); if (caster:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_AZURE_LORE)) then multi = multi + 0.50; end return damage; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: West Ronfaure -- NPC: Zovriace -- Type: Patrol NPC -- @pos -436.356 -15.851 -258.168 100 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/West_Ronfaure/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/pathfind"); ----------------------------------- local path = { -439.970062, -16.752592, -255.100327, -440.602631, -16.538126, -255.958786, -441.127228, -16.394150, -256.900909, -441.494019, -16.267317, -257.915710, -441.581543, -16.133537, -258.985992, -441.024231, -16.028330, -259.826294, -439.954132, -16.028715, -259.822601, -438.925629, -16.072157, -259.474915, -437.941528, -16.180017, -259.014008, -437.021820, -15.868464, -258.524048, -436.108673, -15.583454, -258.000946, -435.179413, -15.400028, -257.455811, -432.864655, -15.075329, -256.065369, -423.557495, -14.982476, -250.437790, -422.761383, -15.055836, -249.708817, -422.268677, -15.117037, -248.744232, -421.972382, -15.198636, -247.701523, -421.776733, -15.333975, -246.640106, -421.618866, -15.467649, -245.572189, -421.478943, -15.717875, -244.517334, -421.351807, -15.921570, -243.463135, -421.186218, -16.198463, -241.860138, -421.114075, -16.145809, -240.774628, -421.063721, -16.139482, -239.687912, -420.994019, -16.130768, -237.785126, -420.230377, -15.989685, -211.979935, -420.197784, -15.922558, -210.893448, -420.124512, -15.798100, -207.772995, -420.100586, -15.813488, -206.552765, -419.909180, -16.017889, -199.219910, -420.047943, -16.120964, -198.143524, -420.387573, -15.748003, -197.158432, -420.822083, -15.460172, -196.220764, -421.321320, -15.238870, -195.271896, -421.853363, -15.129681, -194.327469, -423.947327, -15.024358, -190.672211, -427.640472, -14.942602, -184.327072, -428.275848, -15.015442, -183.448257, -428.993866, -15.115380, -182.637329, -429.774628, -15.196917, -181.884567, -430.584961, -15.269184, -181.162048, -431.407013, -15.339080, -180.452606, -432.945740, -15.590717, -179.147598, -446.838165, -18.853514, -167.615036, -447.872925, -18.977230, -166.740967, -450.464325, -19.402002, -164.580673, -451.186340, -19.500000, -163.781158, -451.724823, -19.500000, -162.836929, -452.156342, -19.526083, -161.839020, -452.542633, -19.574369, -160.823151, -452.902069, -19.619282, -159.797119, -453.247406, -19.652224, -158.765945, -454.379395, -19.973661, -155.298203, -455.345062, -20.866318, -152.299789, -455.671997, -20.945515, -151.285309, -456.993286, -21.072395, -147.165604, -457.321960, -21.268314, -146.147049, -460.919006, -21.558647, -134.955734, -461.252441, -21.516457, -133.920914, -463.684235, -20.974045, -126.322334, -463.735504, -21.005585, -125.238617, -463.618225, -21.100723, -124.159538, -463.476532, -21.130386, -123.083138, -460.845245, -21.814005, -103.009911, -460.340668, -21.860525, -102.053253, -459.548370, -21.859089, -101.316696, -458.651062, -21.799015, -100.705299, -457.715729, -21.738424, -100.153778, -456.764191, -21.662802, -99.631622, -455.801666, -21.716837, -99.128433, -452.543488, -21.461651, -97.451981, -427.263428, -19.779127, -84.644547, -426.292938, -19.805960, -84.153252, -424.000397, -20.058718, -82.994804, -423.030975, -19.983002, -82.507225, -396.179047, -20.642097, -68.915520, -395.230957, -20.758915, -68.394829, -394.369598, -20.974821, -67.755898, -393.589478, -21.246567, -67.048546, -392.859406, -21.419449, -66.273178, -392.153625, -21.557785, -65.456947, -391.468964, -21.778866, -64.640053, -390.559631, -22.323750, -63.552891, -389.849030, -22.824114, -62.691097, -387.739929, -24.336773, -60.088634, -387.035553, -24.853951, -59.230145, -386.339355, -25.370905, -58.366211, -385.651886, -26.125864, -57.510376, -385.033325, -27.045774, -56.701607, -384.452972, -27.587692, -55.817024, -383.951385, -27.987345, -54.938370, -383.386536, -28.294943, -53.910427, -382.906982, -28.606924, -52.984940, -382.409454, -28.917976, -52.069004, -381.867371, -29.025024, -51.137131, -381.301788, -29.172449, -50.219383, -380.727570, -29.320223, -49.307129, -364.454529, -30.016165, -24.085087, -354.090363, -29.671881, -8.006002, -353.540497, -29.834528, -7.080005, -353.008911, -30.037712, -6.150451, -351.508148, -30.500000, -3.461302, -344.298309, -31.130165, 9.622360, -343.719788, -31.229996, 10.534849, -343.014465, -31.336742, 11.354795, -342.196075, -31.448938, 12.062510, -341.337769, -31.562546, 12.721281, -340.463776, -31.676613, 13.359138, -339.578003, -31.747307, 13.983932, -338.684845, -31.777473, 14.604170, -331.282471, -31.493895, 19.661541, -330.308228, -31.447271, 20.141212, -329.288361, -31.455376, 20.518837, -328.249207, -31.395697, 20.818035, -327.199799, -31.337658, 21.087675, -326.141876, -31.381889, 21.338877, -325.082703, -31.432835, 21.581512, -320.835022, -31.395533, 22.525442, -319.773651, -31.337238, 22.757223, -316.724976, -31.168060, 23.434225, -315.697601, -31.067081, 23.774858, -314.713531, -31.001366, 24.234629, -313.761444, -30.953598, 24.758646, -312.835083, -30.887995, 25.325043, -311.918732, -30.789017, 25.902380, -310.216614, -30.826614, 27.010038, -307.517303, -31.226393, 28.788122, -306.582703, -31.154129, 29.342878, -305.625275, -31.055418, 29.852215, -304.660309, -30.967735, 30.347439, -303.691956, -30.867880, 30.831894, -301.273224, -30.522186, 32.021267, -300.325226, -30.253407, 32.488640, -297.896606, -29.961315, 33.678493, -296.921356, -29.980268, 34.155445, -283.175232, -30.000000, 40.879360, -282.197723, -30.000000, 41.357021, -273.907654, -30.223761, 45.435520, -273.112213, -30.613419, 46.087021, -272.551117, -31.027349, 46.919304, -272.154144, -31.419172, 47.850975, -271.860565, -31.801704, 48.831139, -271.583862, -32.090355, 49.799915, -271.340332, -32.425247, 50.806000, -270.992645, -32.844288, 52.328403, -269.161621, -35.016342, 60.795799, -268.899292, -35.537270, 62.046036, -267.436157, -38.003387, 68.796013, -267.218933, -38.403229, 69.785110, -266.716248, -39.181328, 72.162575, -266.646820, -39.236248, 73.245872, -266.741486, -39.305218, 74.326553, -266.943451, -39.503807, 75.379707, -267.198029, -39.606842, 76.420052, -267.467224, -39.573181, 77.473747, -267.751343, -39.537670, 78.523438, -269.489166, -39.688145, 84.654762, -269.779968, -39.940563, 85.672394, -270.407593, -40.357700, 87.859993, -270.701263, -40.217247, 88.897224, -271.803741, -39.582218, 92.765701, -272.103394, -39.621971, 93.822968, -274.938629, -40.094635, 103.757698, -275.234436, -39.950058, 104.796463, -278.316315, -39.956299, 115.598122, -278.657959, -40.000000, 116.626968, -279.067108, -40.000000, 117.634903, -279.518555, -40.000000, 118.624847, -279.993774, -40.000000, 119.603645, -280.484222, -40.000000, 120.574821, -280.980164, -40.000000, 121.543243, -286.929169, -39.008667, 132.941757, -287.430420, -38.897781, 133.901459, -287.937683, -38.781601, 134.856888, -288.510773, -38.692963, 135.778198, -289.157349, -38.665531, 136.652649, -289.833923, -38.639122, 137.504150, -290.523529, -38.604607, 138.344910, -291.396698, -38.552856, 139.386200, -300.068176, -35.596138, 149.616638, -300.450134, -35.417088, 150.612869, -300.480957, -35.302635, 151.691971, -300.363770, -35.374798, 152.765915, -300.181000, -35.526699, 153.827637, -299.967926, -35.682739, 154.883087, -299.740814, -35.856140, 155.933807, -299.166321, -36.110737, 158.434998, -297.842926, -36.519508, 164.110306, -297.711517, -36.728516, 165.169052, -297.791962, -36.897087, 166.237534, -298.034912, -37.036209, 167.288712, -298.354279, -37.162457, 168.321182, -298.708008, -37.283379, 169.343033, -299.123047, -37.480621, 170.478378, -299.870880, -38.047672, 172.461945, -300.458160, -38.762894, 173.968826, -301.121552, -39.588573, 175.707932, -301.488495, -39.880459, 176.703125, -301.741180, -40.187134, 177.714966, -301.840820, -40.504196, 178.748749, -301.855133, -40.822124, 179.788849, -301.822845, -41.188747, 180.817581, -301.758820, -41.552467, 181.840881, -301.682739, -41.920956, 182.862518, -301.407043, -42.825760, 186.114990, -300.501160, -45.446545, 196.063461, -300.327515, -45.781693, 197.086868, -300.107330, -46.023857, 198.101761, -299.892059, -46.020031, 199.202560, -299.658722, -46.049198, 200.264832, -299.083496, -45.989109, 202.775665, -298.839966, -45.840462, 203.825668, -298.599335, -45.612335, 204.856720, -297.294495, -45.038647, 210.384552, -296.802460, -45.031513, 211.348297, -296.003754, -44.947575, 212.076996, -295.089417, -44.939152, 212.665131, -294.132080, -44.971771, 213.180725, -293.159241, -45.004112, 213.666809, -292.177643, -45.043068, 214.134933, -290.945007, -45.035225, 214.709396, -282.860168, -45.922268, 218.423615, -281.928314, -46.162800, 218.882782, -280.925964, -46.093803, 219.302551, -279.942993, -46.035995, 219.765259, -278.976990, -46.039272, 220.261993, -278.019318, -46.126381, 220.774200, -276.532257, -45.679039, 221.595612, -273.266785, -45.098358, 223.469131, -272.324432, -45.015408, 224.010422, -268.550629, -45.024551, 226.176529, -267.745361, -45.022247, 226.900223, -267.117981, -44.979355, 227.787445, -266.573853, -44.975834, 228.729248, -266.066772, -44.982010, 229.691788, -265.576538, -45.041542, 230.663071, -265.079071, -45.163151, 231.627274, -264.597351, -45.264587, 232.595947, -264.152435, -45.446598, 233.563171, -263.697998, -45.680012, 234.523819, -262.016174, -46.281578, 238.029846, -261.556702, -46.201237, 239.014328, -256.600128, -45.025234, 249.377197, -255.970734, -44.957794, 250.260529, -255.212357, -44.939751, 251.038193, -254.386093, -44.945457, 251.745514, -253.526093, -44.969048, 252.411560, -252.652176, -45.002594, 253.058823, -251.770966, -45.036087, 253.696213, -244.441742, -45.275829, 258.863953, -243.505188, -45.542328, 259.357666, -242.523361, -45.906620, 259.648193, -241.460144, -46.028633, 259.823212, -240.374603, -46.019741, 259.894318, -239.287964, -46.013302, 259.945831, -238.200699, -46.008728, 259.982391, -235.359665, -46.299160, 260.041962, -231.212814, -47.047096, 260.111084, -228.414734, -47.613140, 260.165649, -227.395874, -48.089172, 260.184479, -225.697647, -48.950203, 260.216675, -224.363464, -49.629337, 260.239838, -223.352081, -49.953148, 260.253906, -216.001205, -52.412048, 260.375458, -214.947723, -52.636997, 260.390472, -204.417313, -55.326168, 260.560699, -203.368652, -55.655231, 260.576294, -202.049591, -56.112896, 260.577698, -200.935196, -56.080486, 260.591614, -184.915848, -56.834442, 260.617188, -183.857697, -57.100548, 260.594025, -182.771301, -57.095242, 260.613068, -181.551437, -57.195465, 260.611603, -180.467743, -57.268650, 260.554718, -179.388474, -57.235741, 260.443207, -178.313416, -57.323948, 260.301849, -177.240799, -57.410061, 260.141052, -175.639709, -57.602425, 259.888031, -153.454758, -59.971466, 256.230652, -152.371017, -59.941368, 256.202332, -151.338013, -59.899998, 256.526245, -150.409531, -59.899998, 257.091797, -149.546631, -59.905708, 257.754150, -148.712616, -59.944000, 258.451752, -147.891266, -59.982349, 259.164490, -147.077164, -59.987167, 259.886108, -145.559814, -59.996250, 261.249481, -135.296967, -61.920395, 270.550049,-- report? -136.090424, -61.731232, 269.830048, -136.884094, -61.542065, 269.110352, -150.086914, -59.899998, 257.147797, -151.020218, -59.899998, 256.592834, -152.073257, -59.902092, 256.345337, -153.159882, -59.929256, 256.347260, -154.243652, -59.956352, 256.436890, -155.322754, -59.991856, 256.572998, -156.398727, -59.956062, 256.729126, -158.145386, -59.938908, 257.003632, -178.976608, -57.275406, 260.436218, -180.056641, -57.302162, 260.523682, -181.140915, -57.218544, 260.571320, -182.225555, -57.135334, 260.593964, -183.310730, -57.070732, 260.604950, -184.389069, -56.970604, 260.592346, -185.446976, -56.699245, 260.612305, -186.534317, -56.616566, 260.619019, -188.029251, -56.562798, 260.618652, -207.543884, -54.695351, 260.506195, -208.593231, -54.421879, 260.490112, -227.786392, -47.844944, 260.176392, -228.828674, -47.528126, 260.161072, -230.026764, -47.278732, 260.139496, -234.035889, -46.541107, 260.063751, -240.660934, -46.011520, 259.960083, -241.744278, -46.169971, 259.869843, -242.749298, -45.785637, 259.621307, -243.688675, -45.496006, 259.184814, -244.613403, -45.269833, 258.647064, -245.518509, -45.137951, 258.052887, -246.419617, -45.087288, 257.445129, -247.315887, -45.036938, 256.830475, -249.769028, -45.024799, 255.119431, -254.651855, -44.940964, 251.663010, -255.433929, -44.937099, 250.909637, -256.076324, -44.971489, 250.033737, -256.635040, -45.035885, 249.102524, -257.142975, -45.097923, 248.142441, -257.629761, -45.233803, 247.177734, -258.461090, -45.483078, 245.483109, -259.049194, -45.740898, 244.276123, -259.516541, -45.851563, 243.307846, -264.719360, -45.247227, 232.364548, -265.227234, -45.105091, 231.261398, -265.719788, -44.985176, 230.292435, -266.195129, -44.977989, 229.313889, -266.685333, -44.971275, 228.342972, -267.309906, -44.990795, 227.454300, -268.097290, -45.024536, 226.706238, -268.976410, -45.019974, 226.065643, -269.888763, -45.017735, 225.473099, -270.818024, -45.019180, 224.907379, -271.753998, -45.000942, 224.352997, -273.165039, -45.084061, 223.535965, -274.098724, -45.217224, 222.991837, -275.034912, -45.352219, 222.454132, -276.433075, -45.645039, 221.653473, -278.282349, -46.227036, 220.580002, -279.259583, -46.019772, 220.105209, -280.239838, -46.051945, 219.636856, -281.715057, -46.138523, 218.944061, -295.072144, -44.942986, 212.826477, -295.975891, -44.965645, 212.229233, -296.626495, -44.995678, 211.363297, -297.092560, -45.025742, 210.383209, -297.438629, -45.079567, 209.353546, -297.736084, -45.130760, 208.308319, -298.005737, -45.248287, 207.260376, -298.264038, -45.386070, 206.212494, -299.041473, -45.962364, 202.959167, -299.294495, -46.129169, 201.913116, -299.533417, -46.064907, 200.852234, -299.778412, -46.034283, 199.792679, -300.021393, -46.009171, 198.732605, -300.230682, -45.949970, 197.678162, -300.387177, -45.645302, 196.654877, -300.517700, -45.328785, 195.618057, -300.631744, -45.131599, 194.554199, -300.736755, -44.933083, 193.489655, -301.916626, -41.039673, 180.393494, -301.952759, -40.689056, 179.362061, -301.844147, -40.380367, 178.326706, -301.584625, -40.074371, 177.315918, -301.265717, -39.777336, 176.319107, -300.939575, -39.442776, 175.363297, -300.565338, -38.942703, 174.325500, -300.181183, -38.417553, 173.289810, -299.740601, -37.873989, 172.134750, -299.364197, -37.599380, 171.148911, -298.786713, -37.338978, 169.644882, -298.402985, -37.208858, 168.635559, -298.027802, -37.092781, 167.620956, -297.779541, -36.955162, 166.573044, -297.768494, -36.779991, 165.501678, -297.893860, -36.572292, 164.441559, -298.075348, -36.378498, 163.386337, -298.291718, -36.245903, 162.328415, -298.523804, -36.191105, 161.267609, -299.099976, -36.119068, 158.749771, -300.622803, -35.272141, 152.185272, -300.546265, -35.356747, 151.112457, -300.139984, -35.533932, 150.124802, -299.563080, -35.738934, 149.226395, -298.926300, -35.974628, 148.366928, -298.292847, -36.369488, 147.566315, -297.652222, -36.771412, 146.784256, -296.598267, -37.424564, 145.524170, -289.386353, -38.662991, 137.017761, -288.751190, -38.680820, 136.135315, -288.184235, -38.716503, 135.207581, -287.656708, -38.841850, 134.261246, -286.957916, -39.001762, 132.948334, -286.436218, -38.979378, 131.993698, -285.933044, -39.086742, 131.035538, -279.544037, -40.000000, 118.786339, -279.095001, -40.000000, 117.795532, -278.723389, -40.000000, 116.773209, -278.390717, -40.000000, 115.739441, -278.077759, -39.844975, 114.705635, -277.060913, -39.500000, 111.198402, -271.665955, -39.568001, 92.294022, -271.258362, -39.819828, 90.879639, -269.650452, -39.829777, 85.218178, -269.097565, -39.500000, 83.293137, -266.809784, -39.475517, 75.200165, -266.649567, -39.287212, 74.141655, -266.706604, -39.230602, 73.057381, -266.841522, -39.182301, 71.979034, -267.013214, -38.883488, 70.972496, -267.203888, -38.458267, 69.986374, -267.405945, -38.092369, 68.997025, -267.967316, -37.205059, 66.336739, -269.169342, -35.011940, 60.768829, -269.416901, -34.755840, 59.608253, -271.049866, -32.833099, 52.036350, -271.266663, -32.500420, 51.020298, -271.939880, -31.580200, 47.963612, -272.323029, -31.133356, 47.024605, -273.091705, -30.631182, 46.207066, -273.918060, -30.234310, 45.609779, -274.847778, -30.141161, 45.052742, -275.801636, -30.049332, 44.537346, -276.767395, -30.004099, 44.039276, -277.740051, -30.000000, 43.551609, -295.029419, -30.001234, 35.084103, -296.004395, -30.028824, 34.606136, -298.320343, -30.011620, 33.472553, -299.292633, -30.127960, 32.998138, -300.744598, -30.420561, 32.287434, -301.822388, -30.660269, 31.766117, -305.449860, -31.039577, 29.961134, -306.393860, -31.150333, 29.427002, -307.322937, -31.208359, 28.864517, -308.242828, -31.225145, 28.287502, -309.370667, -30.999538, 27.554298, -313.548218, -30.951408, 24.807213, -314.496948, -30.999880, 24.278208, -315.499756, -31.051682, 23.858809, -316.537872, -31.154470, 23.544914, -317.590332, -31.206734, 23.277721, -318.646790, -31.269846, 23.025274, -319.705627, -31.330627, 22.782150, -328.585144, -31.461010, 20.809793, -329.604736, -31.452932, 20.447485, -330.576935, -31.458323, 19.959888, -331.516846, -31.525490, 19.415882, -332.434601, -31.586788, 18.835255, -333.342133, -31.637566, 18.237196, -334.808746, -31.720680, 17.253775, -341.755096, -31.512569, 12.505347, -342.587311, -31.399881, 11.814846, -343.284424, -31.293304, 10.987100, -343.903748, -31.204266, 10.098687, -344.476776, -31.068769, 9.182813, -345.021790, -30.936897, 8.250527, -345.557404, -30.848867, 7.308527, -346.944550, -30.665789, 4.819434, -352.769531, -30.134678, -5.750056, -353.430542, -29.865831, -6.908241, -353.990356, -29.703238, -7.826676, -354.571625, -29.606535, -8.750077, -359.278839, -30.020227, -16.060516, -359.865417, -29.940750, -16.974663, -366.939056, -29.873177, -27.931231, -367.528503, -29.888115, -28.845236, -376.512451, -29.969620, -42.758610, -377.103638, -29.932671, -43.671219, -381.560516, -29.108587, -50.606083, -382.097595, -28.962421, -51.540813, -382.600891, -28.786295, -52.479153, -383.076721, -28.473091, -53.406521, -383.741272, -28.044344, -54.676407, -384.273438, -27.694052, -55.554253, -384.877289, -27.241680, -56.411148, -385.524475, -26.414268, -57.283955, -386.158508, -25.591860, -58.105274, -386.828674, -24.977655, -58.949734, -390.529175, -22.315744, -63.529224, -392.262146, -21.522633, -65.653603, -392.948425, -21.380217, -66.485573, -393.689911, -21.182203, -67.244202, -394.540680, -20.930220, -67.872482, -395.454437, -20.739042, -68.440071, -396.398987, -20.635540, -68.968857, -397.357697, -20.571712, -69.479454, -398.320526, -20.508863, -69.982239, -400.858337, -20.346436, -71.281647, -416.078491, -20.016394, -78.992798, -417.048981, -19.936098, -79.480896, -427.943085, -19.760998, -84.990929, -428.913177, -19.807173, -85.480782, -432.057404, -20.048246, -87.078934, -433.018707, -20.206867, -87.563354, -434.463531, -20.382471, -88.293999, -435.430756, -20.458065, -88.786209, -452.483673, -21.459229, -97.418785, -453.453613, -21.498474, -97.910263, -455.629822, -21.682997, -99.016502, -456.597382, -21.676950, -99.507576, -459.140961, -21.836069, -100.792534, -459.946869, -21.893318, -101.510696, -460.448151, -21.846874, -102.472565, -460.755463, -21.810520, -103.514992, -460.974854, -21.743179, -104.577850, -461.155731, -21.659788, -105.647171, -461.317200, -21.591896, -106.720940, -461.468292, -21.524906, -107.796364, -463.602295, -21.103918, -124.129204, -463.619171, -21.024265, -125.213806, -463.478882, -21.006443, -126.292236, -463.249878, -21.002714, -127.355629, -462.966309, -21.089417, -128.399185, -462.668304, -21.285374, -129.427078, -462.235779, -21.446602, -130.840286, -460.657928, -21.688395, -135.754669, -460.330139, -21.662376, -136.789734, -455.015533, -20.520708, -153.317886, -454.692139, -20.245014, -154.319489, -452.376251, -19.553642, -161.505966, -451.983276, -19.504547, -162.518814, -451.383820, -19.500000, -163.425491, -450.662170, -19.500000, -164.235107, -449.881348, -19.324495, -164.978180, -449.075256, -19.183504, -165.695129, -448.256256, -19.045288, -166.398026, -447.224274, -18.874338, -167.267380, -446.393372, -18.880678, -167.969147, -444.853027, -18.565512, -169.265442, -429.819672, -15.220426, -181.753754, -429.047333, -15.136473, -182.514877, -428.378082, -15.023755, -183.364578, -427.766907, -14.929929, -184.258438, -427.184479, -14.948370, -185.176834, -426.620789, -14.981401, -186.106918, -420.939972, -15.316271, -195.861465, -420.463104, -15.644215, -196.799393, -420.179413, -15.996948, -197.782822, -420.054016, -16.013285, -198.776382, -420.006409, -16.007343, -199.863220, -419.994202, -16.007246, -200.951035, -420.002808, -16.006878, -202.039001, -420.028076, -16.012650, -203.534683, -420.136383, -15.819376, -208.158340, -420.158417, -15.863979, -209.517258, -420.217560, -15.970049, -212.114258, -420.270721, -15.849182, -213.198792, -420.324890, -15.797634, -214.692932, -420.826080, -15.902279, -232.085022, -420.854614, -15.979057, -233.178070, -421.049957, -16.137796, -239.834213, -421.117493, -16.146238, -240.920044, -421.206573, -16.172615, -242.004349, -421.315979, -15.984070, -243.070419, -421.494659, -15.643467, -244.787292, -421.819092, -15.221020, -247.595215, -422.154602, -15.128119, -248.622253, -422.758545, -15.061894, -249.519104, -423.569183, -14.987906, -250.238434, -424.447510, -14.935026, -250.876724, -425.353729, -14.944465, -251.478790, -426.272919, -14.957020, -252.060471, -427.197968, -14.990112, -252.632385, -435.669800, -15.466051, -257.761230, -436.582245, -15.703817, -258.315826, -437.807831, -16.083422, -259.079224, -438.774384, -16.063610, -259.543793, -439.841156, -16.037457, -259.752838, -440.927063, -16.028862, -259.821381, -442.012054, -16.065359, -259.827911, -443.029694, -15.716091, -259.796082, -444.055817, -15.340240, -259.815460, -445.097931, -15.219767, -260.104065, -446.074341, -15.110579, -260.570770, -447.027344, -15.057332, -261.092285, -447.959381, -15.005149, -261.650909, -448.870300, -15.018632, -262.244598, -452.834351, -15.055134, -264.874695, -453.655518, -15.037918, -265.585449, -454.313416, -14.975594, -266.448151, -454.843811, -14.943377, -267.396851, -455.317291, -14.926654, -268.376190, -455.755920, -14.934984, -269.371826, -456.179169, -14.990575, -270.372711, -458.718781, -15.924042, -276.598358, -459.454010, -16.074858, -278.487640, -459.765564, -16.035896, -279.529297, -460.018890, -16.008865, -280.586884, -460.219788, -16.034010, -281.655853, -460.388611, -15.869349, -282.697662, -460.631561, -15.373913, -284.238556, -463.079895, -10.491953, -301.043823, -463.087708, -10.158780, -302.077850, -462.960846, -9.836479, -303.109039, -462.774170, -9.560242, -304.125580, -462.522583, -8.986555, -305.196259, -462.273163, -8.643255, -306.190765, -462.021210, -8.278727, -307.184570, -460.034760, -6.387301, -314.867249, -459.871155, -6.200213, -315.926605, -459.784912, -6.106617, -317.006958, -459.729767, -6.040372, -318.091217, -459.694733, -6.044695, -319.178589, -459.585297, -6.053058, -324.342834, -459.546967, -5.772733, -326.638885, -459.503937, -5.646238, -328.802887, -459.475159, -5.742835, -330.568115, -459.458099, -5.785998, -331.654663, -459.434814, -5.762313, -332.741577, -459.407196, -5.823767, -334.235260, -459.388367, -5.885840, -335.321259, -459.238617, -5.855601, -343.748810, -459.212708, -5.653573, -345.233765, -459.171204, -5.405949, -347.661652, -459.148193, -5.488004, -349.155365, -459.102081, -5.651767, -351.733948, -459.078918, -5.694240, -352.820526, -459.029205, -6.086042, -355.647919, -459.029083, -6.127892, -356.731750, -459.140869, -6.113956, -357.812897, -459.383789, -6.083621, -358.872314, -459.727936, -6.040620, -359.903625, -460.125519, -6.022241, -360.915192, -460.547241, -6.109803, -361.916656, -460.983124, -5.974494, -362.906189, -461.694427, -5.748822, -364.503021, -464.664276, -4.937500, -371.008911, -465.236359, -4.933529, -371.931122, -466.029266, -4.964595, -372.673553, -466.928986, -4.997910, -373.282715, -467.884674, -5.034942, -373.801270, -468.857971, -5.029415, -374.286438, -469.843262, -5.023180, -374.747375, -470.833405, -5.019099, -375.197601, -472.694275, -5.035691, -376.029572, -473.677887, -5.200471, -376.472137, -474.661591, -5.361502, -376.908600, -476.374115, -5.724977, -377.667419, -477.943665, -6.254426, -378.389740, -478.940887, -6.155789, -378.806549, -479.933899, -6.100767, -379.246948, -480.918152, -6.043252, -379.707092, -481.900665, -6.081943, -380.169891, -484.013855, -5.418111, -381.186493, -491.435669, -5.052667, -384.848053, -492.353546, -5.041574, -385.430573, -493.202301, -5.007907, -386.109772, -493.992279, -4.974132, -386.856659, -494.756409, -4.940371, -387.630280, -495.507080, -4.923118, -388.417175, -496.431793, -4.977174, -389.412140, -497.107117, -5.046514, -390.261566, -497.657043, -5.110490, -391.197357, -498.112122, -5.190608, -392.182343, -498.507446, -5.332036, -393.186005, -498.873962, -5.472911, -394.200806, -499.234314, -5.613681, -395.218109, -499.678253, -5.800858, -396.489166, -500.778503, -6.103849, -399.830353, -501.068237, -6.140066, -400.878174, -501.285126, -6.187640, -401.943726, -501.455048, -5.907662, -402.972321, -501.603912, -5.583361, -404.001343, -501.743408, -5.360402, -405.062927, -502.090485, -4.776625, -407.835724, -503.105774, -2.217786, -416.217438, -503.239807, -1.832487, -417.352051, -503.333099, -1.481157, -418.377258, -503.423798, -1.100163, -419.395477, -503.386627, -0.703467, -420.402710, -503.246399, -0.351263, -421.441803, -502.988159, -0.045092, -422.453247, -502.687469, 0.254894, -423.455109, -502.373627, 0.594657, -424.430695, -502.022430, 1.109420, -425.470734, -501.691040, 1.542306, -426.415924, -499.392395, 3.206969, -433.018402, -499.253448, 3.375491, -434.080170, -499.522461, 3.599207, -435.105164, -500.032349, 3.822114, -436.033020, -500.653107, 3.809904, -436.925049, -501.312653, 3.793942, -437.789276, -501.987488, 3.745028, -438.639038, -503.010254, 3.617167, -439.904755, -504.546265, 3.195670, -441.791504, -505.474762, 3.454881, -442.943634, -506.260468, 3.535620, -443.878723, -506.956055, 3.542965, -444.714844, -508.938232, 3.486761, -447.139069, -509.594696, 3.471608, -448.007050, -510.234344, 3.489084, -448.886902, -512.427246, 3.586239, -451.998352, -513.936096, 3.984726, -454.195862, -514.540894, 4.233383, -455.064941, -515.166321, 4.378668, -455.945282, -516.262939, 4.290412, -457.499878, -516.891174, 4.174067, -458.381256, -517.627136, 3.970321, -459.154846, -518.497131, 3.965434, -459.776428, -519.472900, 3.961867, -460.252655, -520.468811, 3.907594, -460.686981, -521.475464, 3.856341, -461.097015, -522.467651, 3.899534, -461.479309, -523.431274, 4.273953, -461.837158, -532.930542, 4.970236, -465.372864, -533.836426, 5.003310, -465.964172, -534.517090, 5.036720, -466.809723, -535.063843, 5.069100, -467.748749, -535.532227, 5.071708, -468.730682, -535.968689, 5.042767, -469.726746, -536.385559, 4.985219, -470.730225, -536.996216, 4.874025, -472.240662, -538.487976, 4.135559, -475.968048, -538.877197, 4.030794, -476.973175, -539.262268, 3.887287, -477.981995, -539.575439, 3.940336, -479.021515, -539.779053, 3.965811, -480.089569, -539.916809, 3.983058, -481.168549, -540.027405, 3.990070, -482.250732, -540.122314, 3.997955, -483.334686, -540.210938, 3.984653, -484.419312, -541.090576, 3.211054, -496.324768, -541.168152, 3.029897, -497.395050, -541.225708, 2.852559, -498.466858, -541.208801, 2.688696, -499.542267, -541.137390, 2.576481, -500.620575, -541.029846, 2.491427, -501.699982, -540.901306, 2.387329, -502.777466, -540.700256, 2.348901, -504.390961, -539.072510, 0.190201, -516.318054, -538.841309, 0.175944, -517.380859, -538.530579, 0.156524, -518.422974, -538.178406, 0.134513, -519.452148, -537.805481, 0.111208, -520.473999, -537.424194, 0.087378, -521.492676, -536.306885, 0.056635, -524.412842, -533.919128, 0.072274, -530.589355, -534.307983, 0.225401, -529.584229, -534.697571, 0.361172, -528.577515, -538.121399, 0.130942, -519.723328, -538.474670, 0.153023, -518.694641, -538.752563, 0.170393, -517.643005, -538.969421, 0.183949, -516.577148, -539.157410, 0.272568, -515.513428, -539.318237, 0.485071, -514.458435, -539.542297, 0.803161, -512.873474, -539.692932, 0.970816, -511.811584, -539.838379, 1.181126, -510.753571, -540.765686, 2.421811, -503.992981, -540.907532, 2.391479, -502.915649, -541.162781, 2.543372, -500.897217, -541.213013, 2.639980, -499.816193, -541.198853, 2.814182, -498.741730, -541.153137, 2.989250, -497.668915, -541.090637, 3.167528, -496.597382, -540.901733, 3.472016, -493.766296, -539.946655, 3.986804, -480.899536, -539.758118, 3.963221, -479.829315, -539.464539, 3.926524, -478.782715, -539.127625, 3.884508, -477.750854, -538.753662, 4.055820, -476.738281, -538.086609, 4.375992, -474.991974, -535.247925, 5.074961, -467.828430, -534.701660, 5.041934, -466.858551, -533.907593, 5.008235, -466.119568, -532.972717, 4.975322, -465.566498, -531.983582, 4.943339, -465.114624, -530.979858, 4.951505, -464.695160, -529.968079, 4.959478, -464.295441, -528.951843, 4.983376, -463.907593, -522.430969, 3.916511, -461.465240, -521.404968, 3.857628, -461.086182, -520.377686, 3.902210, -460.729462, -519.369934, 3.953047, -460.322479, -518.443848, 3.963709, -459.761841, -517.644409, 3.968113, -459.040253, -516.927307, 4.138369, -458.245422, -516.257751, 4.275104, -457.397705, -515.619324, 4.360233, -456.520050, -514.989380, 4.372784, -455.633331, -514.354065, 4.148522, -454.766449, -513.569702, 3.888090, -453.690735, -512.848206, 3.701035, -452.650909, -512.268372, 3.550035, -451.781738, -511.656403, 3.532558, -450.883881, -510.565186, 3.495838, -449.323639, -509.924683, 3.478686, -448.444824, -509.263702, 3.481614, -447.580719, -508.588806, 3.498191, -446.727631, -507.732697, 3.521606, -445.671478, -504.967285, 3.235765, -442.320770, -504.184204, 3.426662, -441.405670, -503.524536, 3.552731, -440.548615, -502.838013, 3.638559, -439.709167, -499.995270, 3.863406, -436.248932, -499.458771, 3.631288, -435.332092, -499.354584, 3.427225, -434.275543, -499.518890, 3.263798, -433.213623, -499.786255, 3.119409, -432.168945, -500.093414, 2.942964, -431.138855, -500.416901, 2.698143, -430.129211, -500.756897, 2.452024, -429.125366, -501.102753, 2.205250, -428.123657, -501.993927, 1.130284, -425.598083, -502.375153, 0.625838, -424.550262, -502.760925, 0.259216, -423.439453, -503.125061, -0.073914, -422.319733, -503.344879, -0.434069, -421.301147, -503.392548, -0.782053, -420.267029, -503.345978, -1.156086, -419.237427, -503.275909, -1.517113, -418.212494, -503.200043, -1.875748, -417.190155, -503.092529, -2.185827, -416.171051, -501.571167, -5.735084, -403.501678, -501.418823, -6.069547, -402.475281, -501.176941, -6.153698, -401.405243, -500.898254, -6.118875, -400.354431, -500.586060, -6.079853, -399.313019, -500.255157, -6.038494, -398.277283, -499.919769, -5.917615, -397.250214, -498.133850, -5.162109, -391.881653, -497.607086, -5.099213, -390.933563, -496.951874, -5.030679, -390.068451, -496.247040, -4.960183, -389.242767, -495.526642, -4.922899, -388.429321, -494.798859, -4.939609, -387.620911, -494.057587, -4.973323, -386.825287, -493.242004, -5.007064, -386.107086, -492.357513, -5.040519, -385.475281, -491.422150, -5.050906, -384.920258, -490.463867, -5.046978, -384.405090, -489.496246, -5.027953, -383.907104, -488.524017, -5.008810, -383.419098, -483.903564, -5.444798, -381.144897, -482.970856, -5.764278, -380.673676, -482.046753, -6.081060, -380.195770, -481.059265, -6.036974, -379.756531, -480.068268, -6.092669, -379.310974, -478.083740, -6.252785, -378.424103, -475.939850, -5.600721, -377.478241, -474.095123, -5.269806, -376.659973, -472.988983, -5.088950, -376.167572, -471.997314, -4.996942, -375.725739, -467.519684, -5.021126, -373.745483, -466.568787, -4.988472, -373.221497, -465.785889, -4.954824, -372.473022, -465.155731, -4.938012, -371.586975, -464.613434, -4.943035, -370.644104, -464.112732, -4.970317, -369.678741, -463.636993, -5.030797, -368.702332, -463.174835, -5.119479, -367.720856, -462.721741, -5.261708, -366.742218, -461.430298, -5.878856, -363.953918, -460.990692, -5.964869, -362.965485, -459.656555, -6.049467, -359.997162, -459.353271, -6.087378, -358.954742, -459.191864, -6.107553, -357.879517, -459.106384, -6.118238, -356.795227, -459.081055, -6.089601, -355.710297, -459.074738, -5.935709, -354.633362, -459.104004, -5.658697, -351.932465, -459.120667, -5.591868, -350.846558, -459.187042, -5.479144, -346.507324, -459.430115, -5.749809, -332.941071, -459.453735, -5.802073, -331.854553, -459.471832, -5.754164, -330.767517, -459.490845, -5.694329, -329.681580, -459.512299, -5.627197, -328.459930, -459.529968, -5.682715, -327.376678, -459.596893, -6.022334, -323.863861, -459.627655, -6.068361, -321.961487, -459.653656, -6.049818, -320.465668, -459.672607, -6.047450, -319.377808, -459.690857, -6.045168, -318.289795, -459.733826, -6.098748, -317.204376, -459.866302, -6.163945, -316.126587, -460.061859, -6.354894, -315.070129, -460.284729, -6.588387, -314.031128, -460.533112, -6.826213, -312.999054, -460.823303, -7.095395, -311.840057, -462.704620, -9.301330, -304.645416, -462.954193, -9.692020, -303.546783, -463.049988, -10.017150, -302.513519, -463.025604, -10.351537, -301.479034, -462.936340, -10.689318, -300.448883, -462.818665, -11.044333, -299.424500, -462.686890, -11.409551, -298.408417, -462.388000, -12.191285, -296.252502, -460.616119, -15.430405, -284.034149, -460.460663, -15.766811, -283.004272, -460.297577, -16.098799, -281.981476, -460.138611, -16.023895, -280.905792, -459.880035, -16.021536, -279.850311, -459.524323, -16.066000, -278.793884, -459.151947, -16.112444, -277.774414, -458.760895, -15.948345, -276.768036, -457.728149, -15.418857, -274.162994, -457.121918, -15.183194, -272.663147, -455.141998, -14.929026, -267.753723, -454.605865, -14.961267, -266.809937, -453.910492, -14.994783, -265.975586, -453.106659, -15.028536, -265.243866, -452.248810, -15.071724, -264.575989, -451.363373, -15.070765, -263.944366, -450.467194, -15.049448, -263.327393, -449.339539, -15.027678, -262.566895, -446.158661, -15.106158, -260.478607, -445.146484, -15.217936, -260.096680, -444.094391, -15.313764, -259.845978, -443.059662, -15.693615, -259.832489, -442.038452, -16.061672, -259.905914, -440.926056, -16.011379, -259.961243, -439.853027, -16.029181, -259.818878, -438.834473, -16.076151, -259.442963, -437.860443, -16.135080, -258.975220, -436.944824, -15.842243, -258.482483, -436.029755, -15.561083, -257.958588, -435.103333, -15.389626, -257.408356, -433.018707, -15.096863, -256.158447, -423.253204, -15.007891, -250.244461, -422.581299, -15.076889, -249.399033, -422.162994, -15.134439, -248.398422, -421.907043, -15.243899, -247.346481, -421.727417, -15.378567, -246.282013, -421.576630, -15.511925, -245.212921, -421.436920, -15.814054, -244.166107, -421.312561, -15.977121, -243.104950, -421.161774, -16.151787, -241.633881, -421.101837, -16.144278, -240.547592, -421.054230, -16.138294, -239.460739, -420.986694, -16.129854, -237.557938, -420.237152, -15.986206, -212.018356, -420.191437, -15.916931, -210.797974, -420.120667, -15.789013, -207.812439, -420.097992, -15.820995, -206.456985, -419.913025, -16.017410, -199.259720, -420.074188, -16.138962, -198.186157, -420.394592, -15.806675, -197.200790, -420.823639, -15.475427, -196.257751, -421.315735, -15.246454, -195.308350, -421.840698, -15.131503, -194.360291, -422.374817, -15.078588, -193.413864, -424.067291, -15.028349, -190.467560, -427.695129, -14.944219, -184.241776, -428.330750, -15.027770, -183.363968, -429.060547, -15.124342, -182.563538, -429.847046, -15.204210, -181.816025, -430.657654, -15.276329, -181.094086, -431.483185, -15.340816, -180.388275, -432.919403, -15.584278, -179.168777, -446.700073, -18.848972, -167.730667, -447.838928, -18.971676, -166.769211, -450.328156, -19.379137, -164.696960, -451.060272, -19.534018, -163.909332, -451.625610, -19.500000, -162.980560, -452.083923, -19.517031, -161.994354, -452.476959, -19.566160, -160.981140, -452.841187, -19.611700, -159.956909, -453.191650, -19.646599, -158.927551, -454.367828, -19.964460, -155.331253, -455.293671, -20.791029, -152.456436, -455.619934, -20.976021, -151.448273, -460.864044, -21.582912, -135.124496, -461.198395, -21.523344, -134.089920, -463.464020, -20.982677, -127.008972, -463.628113, -20.996647, -125.935585, -463.609283, -21.038952, -124.848961, -463.521912, -21.146475, -123.767731, -463.400543, -21.146563, -122.686722, -463.201691, -21.188892, -121.067558, -463.072876, -21.257940, -119.990120, -462.932098, -21.293131, -118.911903, -460.858124, -21.810720, -103.154648, -460.394226, -21.855116, -102.181808, -459.633484, -21.864172, -101.409859, -458.751892, -21.805742, -100.775322, -457.821533, -21.747103, -100.215164, -456.871063, -21.669014, -99.690086, -455.908997, -21.711084, -99.185425, -452.652191, -21.466049, -97.507286, -427.503632, -19.772459, -84.766029, -426.533905, -19.798971, -84.273788, -424.118073, -20.060156, -83.055641, -423.148651, -19.991360, -82.567337 }; ----------------------------------- -- onSpawn Action ----------------------------------- function onSpawn(npc) npc:initNpcAi(); npc:setPos(pathfind.first(path)); onPath(npc); end; ----------------------------------- -- onPath Action ----------------------------------- function onPath(npc) if (npc:atPoint(pathfind.get(path, 288))) then local Colmaie = GetNPCByID(npc:getID() + 4); Colmaie:showText(npc, ZOVRIACE_REPORT); -- small delay after path finish npc:wait(8000); end pathfind.patrol(npc, path); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:showText(npc, ZOVRIACE_DIALOG); npc:wait(); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
-- Variable TextID Description text -- General Texts ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED = 6379; -- You cannot obtain the item <item>. Come back after sorting your inventory. ITEM_OBTAINED = 6384; -- Obtained: <item>. GIL_OBTAINED = 6385; -- Obtained <number> gil. KEYITEM_OBTAINED = 6387; -- Obtained key item: <keyitem>. NOTHING_OUT_OF_THE_ORDINARY = 6398; -- There is nothing out of the ordinary here. FISHING_MESSAGE_OFFSET = 7547; -- You can't fish here. -- Conquest CONQUEST = 7213; -- You've earned conquest points! -- Logging LOGGING_IS_POSSIBLE_HERE = 7719; -- Logging is possible here if you have -- Other Texts SURVEY_THE_SURROUNDINGS = 7726; -- You survey the surroundings but see nothing out of the ordinary. MURDEROUS_PRESENCE = 7727; -- Wait, you sense a murderous presence...! YOU_CAN_SEE_FOR_MALMS = 7728; -- You can see for malms in every direction. SPINE_CHILLING_PRESENCE = 7730; -- You sense a spine-chilling presence! KI_STOLEN = 7671; -- The ?Possible Special Code: 01??Possible Special Code: 05?3??BAD CHAR: 80??BAD CHAR: 80? has been stolen! -- conquest Base CONQUEST_BASE = 7045; -- Tallying conquest results...
return { shieldaa = { unitname = [[shieldaa]], name = [[Vandal]], description = [[Anti-Air Bot]], acceleration = 1.35, brakeRate = 8.1, buildCostMetal = 90, buildPic = [[shieldaa.png]], canGuard = true, canMove = true, canPatrol = true, category = [[LAND]], collisionVolumeOffsets = [[0 -4 0]], collisionVolumeScales = [[30 40 30]], collisionVolumeType = [[ellipsoid]], corpse = [[DEAD]], customParams = { bait_level_default = 0, }, explodeAs = [[BIG_UNITEX]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, iconType = [[walkeraa]], idleAutoHeal = 5, idleTime = 1800, leaveTracks = true, maxDamage = 650, maxSlope = 36, maxVelocity = 2.7, maxWaterDepth = 22, movementClass = [[KBOT2]], moveState = 0, noChaseCategory = [[TERRAFORM LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT SUB HOVER]], objectName = [[crasher.s3o]], script = [[shieldaa.lua]], selfDestructAs = [[BIG_UNITEX]], sfxtypes = { explosiongenerators = { [[custom:CRASHMUZZLE]], }, }, sightDistance = 660, trackOffset = 0, trackStrength = 8, trackStretch = 1, trackType = [[ComTrack]], trackWidth = 22, turnRate = 2640, upright = true, weapons = { { def = [[ARMKBOT_MISSILE]], --badTargetCategory = [[GUNSHIP]], onlyTargetCategory = [[GUNSHIP FIXEDWING]], }, }, weaponDefs = { ARMKBOT_MISSILE = { name = [[Homing Missiles]], areaOfEffect = 48, canattackground = false, cegTag = [[missiletrailblue]], craterBoost = 1, craterMult = 2, cylinderTargeting = 1, customParams = { burst = Shared.BURST_RELIABLE, isaa = [[1]], light_color = [[0.5 0.6 0.6]], light_radius = 380, }, damage = { default = 7.2, planes = 72, }, explosionGenerator = [[custom:FLASH2]], fireStarter = 70, flightTime = 3, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0.4, interceptedByShieldType = 2, model = [[wep_m_fury.s3o]], -- Model radius 150 for QuadField fix. noSelfDamage = true, range = 900, reloadtime = 2, smokeTrail = true, soundHit = [[weapon/missile/rocket_hit]], soundStart = [[weapon/missile/missile_fire7]], startVelocity = 650, texture1 = [[flarescale01]], texture2 = [[AAsmoketrail]], tolerance = 9000, tracks = true, turnRate = 63000, turret = true, weaponAcceleration = 141, weaponType = [[MissileLauncher]], weaponVelocity = 850, }, }, featureDefs = { DEAD = { blocking = true, featureDead = [[HEAP]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[crasher_dead.s3o]], }, HEAP = { blocking = false, footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[debris2x2a.s3o]], }, }, } }
--------------------------------------------- -- Crystal Weapon -- -- Description: Invokes the power of a crystal to deal magical damage of a random element to a single target. -- Type: Magical -- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: Ignores shadows -- Range: Unknown -- Notes: Can be Fire, Earth, Wind, or Water element. Functions even at a distance (outside of melee range). --------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves"); --------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) return 0; end; function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local element = math.random(6,9); local dmgmod = 1; local accmod = 1; local info = MobMagicalMove(mob,target,skill,mob:getWeaponDmg() * 5,accmod,dmgmod,TP_MAB_BONUS,1); local dmg = MobFinalAdjustments(info.dmg,mob,skill,target,MOBSKILL_MAGICAL,element,MOBPARAM_IGNORE_SHADOWS); target:delHP(dmg); return dmg; end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4599 -- Item: Blackened Toad -- Food Effect: 180Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Dexterity 2 -- Agility 2 -- Mind -1 -- Poison Resist 5 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,10800,4599); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_DEX, 2); target:addMod(MOD_AGI, 2); target:addMod(MOD_MND, -1); target:addMod(MOD_POISONRES, 5); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_DEX, 2); target:delMod(MOD_AGI, 2); target:delMod(MOD_MND, -1); target:delMod(MOD_POISONRES, 5); end;
----------------------------------- -- Skewer -- Polearm weapon skill -- Skill Level: 200 -- Delivers a three-hit attack. Chance of params.critical hit varies with TP. -- Will stack with Sneak Attack. -- Aligned with the Light Gorget & Thunder Gorget. -- Aligned with the Light Belt & Thunder Belt. -- Element: None -- Modifiers: STR:50% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 1.00 1.00 1.00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary) local params = {}; params.numHits = 3; params.ftp100 = 1; params.ftp200 = 1; params.ftp300 = 1; params.str_wsc = 0.35; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.0; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; params.crit100 = 0.1; params.crit200 = 0.3; params.crit300 = 0.5; params.canCrit = true; params.acc100 = 0.0; params.acc200= 0.0; params.acc300= 0.0; params.atkmulti = 1; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.str_wsc = 0.5; end local damage, criticalHit, tpHits, extraHits = doPhysicalWeaponskill(player, target, wsID, params, tp, primary); return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage; end
---------------------------------- -- Area: Lower Jeuno -- NPC: Subash -- Type: Item Deliverer -- @zone: 245 -- @pos -19.84 -0.101 -38.081 -- ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:showText(npc, ITEM_DELIVERY_DIALOG); player:openSendBox(); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Under Observation -- Horlais Peak BCNM40, Star Orb -- !additem 1131 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/battlefield") ----------------------------------- function onBattlefieldInitialise(battlefield) battlefield:setLocalVar("loot", 1) end function onBattlefieldTick(battlefield, tick) dsp.battlefield.onBattlefieldTick(battlefield, tick) end function onBattlefieldRegister(player, battlefield) end function onBattlefieldEnter(player, battlefield) end function onBattlefieldLeave(player, battlefield, leavecode) if leavecode == dsp.battlefield.leaveCode.WON then local name, clearTime, partySize = battlefield:getRecord() player:startEvent(32001, battlefield:getArea(), clearTime, partySize, battlefield:getTimeInside(), 1, battlefield:getLocalVar("[cs]bit"), 0) elseif leavecode == dsp.battlefield.leaveCode.LOST then player:startEvent(32002) end end function onEventUpdate(player, csid, option) end function onEventFinish(player, csid, option) end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Beaucedine Glacier -- NPC: Torino-Samarino -- Type: Quest NPC -- Involved in Quests: Curses, Foiled A-Golem!?, Tuning Out -- !pos 105 -20 140 111 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); local ID = require("scripts/zones/Beaucedine_Glacier/IDs"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; function onTrigger(player,npc) local FoiledAGolem = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,; -- Curses, Foiled A_Golem!? if (player:hasKeyItem( and FoiledAGolem == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(108); -- key item taken, wait one game day for new spell elseif (player:getCharVar("golemwait") == 1 and FoiledAGolem == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then local gDay = VanadielDayOfTheYear(); local gYear = VanadielYear(); local dFinished = player:getCharVar("golemday"); local yFinished = player:getCharVar("golemyear"); if (gDay == dFinished and gYear == yFinished) then player:startEvent(113); -- re-write reminder elseif (gDay == dFinished + 1 and gYear == yFinished) then player:startEvent(109); -- re-write done end elseif (player:getCharVar("foiledagolemdeliverycomplete") == 1) then player:startEvent(110); -- talk to Shantotto reminder elseif (FoiledAGolem == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(104); -- receive key item else player:startEvent(101); -- standard dialog end end; function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) end; function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- Curses, Foiled A_Golem!? if (csid == 104 and option == 1) then player:addKeyItem(; player:messageSpecial(ID.text.KEYITEM_OBTAINED,; -- add new spell key item elseif (csid == 108) then -- start wait for new scroll player:delKeyItem(; player:setCharVar("golemday",VanadielDayOfTheYear()); player:setCharVar("golemyear",VanadielYear()); player:setCharVar("golemwait",1); elseif (csid == 109) then player:addKeyItem(; player:messageSpecial(ID.text.KEYITEM_OBTAINED,; -- add new spell key item player:setCharVar("golemday",0); player:setCharVar("golemyear",0); player:setCharVar("golemwait",0); end end;
API = { ["__text"] = [[This documentation is for the *development* version of darktable. for the stable version, please visit the user manual To access the darktable specific functions you must load the darktable environment:<code>darktable = require "darktable"</code>All functions and data are accessed through the darktable module. This documentation for API version 2.0.2.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["darktable"] = { ["__text"] = [[The darktable library is the main entry point for all access to the darktable internals.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["print"] = { ["__text"] = [[Will print a string to the darktable control log (the long overlaid window that appears over the main panel).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The string to display which should be a single line.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["print_error"] = { ["__text"] = [[This function will print its parameter if the Lua logdomain is activated. Start darktable with the "-d lua" command line option to enable the Lua logdomain.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The string to display.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["register_event"] = { ["__text"] = [[This function registers a callback to be called when a given event happens. Events are documented in the event section.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the event to register to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The function to call on event. The signature of the function depends on the type of event.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[Some events need extra parameters at registration time; these must be specified here.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[variable]], }, }, }, }, }, ["register_storage"] = { ["__text"] = [[This function will add a new storage implemented in Lua. A storage is a module that is responsible for handling images once they have been generated during export. Examples of core storages include filesystem, e-mail, facebook...]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[A Unique name for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[A human readable name for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[This function is called once for each exported image. Images can be exported in parallel but the calls to this function will be serialized.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The storage object used for the export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A virtual type representing all storage types.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["plugin_name"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unique name for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[A human readable name for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["width"] = { ["__text"] = [[The currently selected width for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["height"] = { ["__text"] = [[The currently selected height for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["recommended_width"] = { ["__text"] = [[The recommended width for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["recommended_height"] = { ["__text"] = [[The recommended height for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["supports_format"] = { ["__text"] = [[Checks if a format is supported by this storage.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the format is supported by the storage.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The storage type to check against.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format type to check.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A virtual type representing all format types.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["plugin_name"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unique name for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[A human readable name for the plugin.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["extension"] = { ["__text"] = [[The typical filename extension for that format.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["mime"] = { ["__text"] = [[The mime type associated with the format.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["max_width"] = { ["__text"] = [[The max width allowed for the format (0 = unlimited).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["max_height"] = { ["__text"] = [[The max height allowed for the format (0 = unlimited).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["write_image"] = { ["__text"] = [[Exports an image to a file. This is a blocking operation that will not return until the image is exported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["implicit_yield"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[Returns true on success.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format that will be used to export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image object to export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[Image objects represent an image in the database. This is slightly different from a file on disk since a file can have multiple developments. Note that this is the real image object; changing the value of a field will immediately change it in darktable and will be reflected on any copy of that image object you may have kept.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["attach_tag"] = { ["__text"] = [[Attach a tag to an image; the order of the parameters can be reversed.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tag to be attached.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A tag that can be attached to an image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["delete"] = { ["__text"] = [[Deletes the tag object, detaching it from all images.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tag to be deleted.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["attach"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"]]=], ["detach"] = { ["__text"] = [[Detach a tag from an image; the order of the parameters can be reversed.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tag to be detached.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to detach the tag from.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the tag.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[The images that have that tag attached to them.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to attach the tag to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["detach_tag"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["detach"]]=], ["get_tags"] = { ["__text"] = [[Gets all tags attached to an image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table of tags that are attached to the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table of types.dt_lua_tag_t]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to get the tags from.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["create_style"] = { ["__text"] = [[Create a new style based on an image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The new style object.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A style that can be applied to an image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["delete"] = { ["__text"] = [[Deletes an existing style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[the style to delete]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["duplicate"] = { ["__text"] = [[Create a new style based on an existing style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The new style object.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The style to base the new style on.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The new style's name.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The new style's description.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["apply"] = { ["__text"] = [[Apply a style to an image. The order of parameters can be inverted.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The style to use.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to apply the style to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["export"] = { ["__text"] = [[Export a style to an external .dtstyle file]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The style to export]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The directory to export to]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[Is overwriting an existing file allowed]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, }, }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["description"] = { ["__text"] = [[The description of the style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[The different items that make the style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[An element that is part of a style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the style item.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["num"] = { ["__text"] = [[The position of the style item within its style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to create the style from.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name to give to the new style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The description of the new style.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["apply_style"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["apply"]]=], ["duplicate"] = { ["__text"] = [[Creates a duplicate of an image and returns it.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The created image if an image is imported or the toplevel film object if a film was imported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[the image to duplicate]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["move"] = { ["__text"] = [[Physically moves an image (and all its duplicates) to another film. This will move the image file, the related XMP and all XMP for the duplicates to the directory of the new film Note that the parameter order is not relevant.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to move]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The film to move to]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A film in darktable; this represents a directory containing imported images.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["move_image"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"]]=], ["copy_image"] = { ["__text"] = [[Physically copies an image to another film. This will copy the image file and the related XMP to the directory of the new film If there is already a file with the same name as the image file, it will create a duplicate from that file instead Note that the parameter order is not relevant.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The new image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to copy]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The film to copy to]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[The different images within the film.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["id"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unique numeric id used by this film.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["path"] = { ["__text"] = [[The path represented by this film.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["delete"] = { ["__text"] = [[Removes the film from the database.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The film to remove.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[Force removal, even if the film is not empty.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[Boolean]], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["copy"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["copy_image"]]=], ["id"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unique id identifying the image in the database.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["path"] = { ["__text"] = [[The file the directory containing the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["film"] = { ["__text"] = [[The film object that contains this image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["filename"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["duplicate_index"] = { ["__text"] = [[If there are multiple images based on a same file, each will have a unique number, starting from 0.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["publisher"] = { ["__text"] = [[The publisher field of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["title"] = { ["__text"] = [[The title field of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["creator"] = { ["__text"] = [[The creator field of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["rights"] = { ["__text"] = [[The rights field of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["description"] = { ["__text"] = [[The description field for the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_maker"] = { ["__text"] = [[The maker exif data.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_model"] = { ["__text"] = [[The camera model used.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_lens"] = { ["__text"] = [[The id string of the lens used.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_aperture"] = { ["__text"] = [[The aperture saved in the exif data.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_exposure"] = { ["__text"] = [[The exposure time of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_focal_length"] = { ["__text"] = [[The focal length of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_iso"] = { ["__text"] = [[The iso used on the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_datetime_taken"] = { ["__text"] = [[The date and time of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_focus_distance"] = { ["__text"] = [[The distance of the subject.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["exif_crop"] = { ["__text"] = [[The exif crop data.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["latitude"] = { ["__text"] = [[GPS latitude data of the image, nil if not set.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["longitude"] = { ["__text"] = [[GPS longitude data of the image, nil if not set.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["is_raw"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the image is a RAW file.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["is_ldr"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the image is a ldr image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["is_hdr"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the image is a hdr image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["width"] = { ["__text"] = [[The width of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["height"] = { ["__text"] = [[The height of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["rating"] = { ["__text"] = [[The rating of the image (-1 for rejected).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["red"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the image has the corresponding colorlabel.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["blue"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["red"]]=], ["green"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["red"]]=], ["yellow"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["red"]]=], ["purple"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["red"]]=], ["reset"] = { ["__text"] = [[Removes all processing from the image, resetting it back to its original state]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image whose history will be deleted]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["delete"] = { ["__text"] = [[Removes an image from the database]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image to remove]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["group_with"] = { ["__text"] = [[Puts the first image in the same group as the second image. If no second image is provided the image will be in its own group.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image whose group must be changed.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image we want to group with.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["make_group_leader"] = { ["__text"] = [[Makes the image the leader of its group.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image we want as the leader.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["get_group_members"] = { ["__text"] = [[Returns a table containing all types.dt_lua_image_t of the group. The group leader is both at a numeric key and at the "leader" special key (so you probably want to use ipairs to iterate through that table).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table of image objects containing all images that are in the same group as the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table of types.dt_lua_image_t]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image whose group we are querying.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["group_leader"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image which is the leader of the group this image is a member of.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["local_copy"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the image has a copy in the local cache]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["drop_cache"] = { ["__text"] = [[drops the cached version of this image. This function should be called if an image is modified out of darktable to force DT to regenerate the thumbnail Darktable will regenerate the thumbnail by itself when it is needed]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image whose cache must be dropped.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename to export to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The exported image object.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format object used for the export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["4"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of a temporary file where the processed image is stored.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["5"] = { ["__text"] = [[The number of the image out of the export series.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[integer]], }, }, ["6"] = { ["__text"] = [[The total number of images in the export series.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[integer]], }, }, ["7"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the export is high quality.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["8"] = { ["__text"] = [[An empty Lua table to take extra data. This table is common to the initialize, store and finalize calls in an export serie.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, }, }, }, ["4"] = { ["__text"] = [[This function is called once all images are processed and all store calls are finished.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The storage object used for the export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table keyed by the exported image objects and valued with the corresponding temporary export filename.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[An empty Lua table to store extra data. This table is common to all calls to store and the call to finalize in a given export series.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, }, }, }, ["5"] = { ["__text"] = [[A function called to check if a given image format is supported by the Lua storage; this is used to build the dropdown format list for the GUI. Note that the parameters in the format are the ones currently set in the GUI; the user might change them before export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the corresponding format is supported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The storage object tested.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format object to report about.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["6"] = { ["__text"] = [[A function called before storage happens This function can change the list of exported functions]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The modified table of images to export or nil If nil (or nothing) is returned, the original list of images will be exported If a table of images is returned, that table will be used instead. The table can be empty. The images parameter can be modified and returned]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table or nil]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The storage object tested.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format object to report about.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table containing images to be exported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table of types.dt_lua_image_t]], }, }, ["4"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the export is high quality.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["5"] = { ["__text"] = [[An empty Lua table to take extra data. This table is common to the initialize, store and finalize calls in an export serie.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["films"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table containing all the film objects in the database.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[Each film has a numeric entry in the database.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["new"] = { ["__text"] = [[Creates a new empty film see darktable.database.import to import a directory with all its images and to add images to a film]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The newly created film, or the existing film if the directory is already imported]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The directory that the new film will represent. The directory must exist]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["delete"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"]]=], }, ["new_format"] = { ["__text"] = [[Creates a new format object to export images]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The newly created object. Exact type depends on the type passed]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of format object to create, one of : * copy * exr * j2k * jpeg * pfm * png * ppm * tiff * webp ]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["new_storage"] = { ["__text"] = [[Creates a new storage object to export images]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The newly created object. Exact type depends on the type passed]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of storage object to create, one of : * disk * email * facebook * flickr * gallery * latex * picasa (Other, lua-defined, storage types may appear.)]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["gui"] = { ["__text"] = [[This subtable contains function and data to manipulate the darktable user interface with Lua. Most of these function won't do anything if the GUI is not enabled (i.e you are using the command line version darktabl-cli instead of darktable).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["action_images"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table of types.dt_lua_image_t on which the user expects UI actions to happen. It is based on both the hovered image and the selection and is consistent with the way darktable works. It is recommended to use this table to implement Lua actions rather than darktable.gui.hovered or darktable.gui.selection to be consistent with darktable's GUI.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, ["hovered"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image under the cursor or nil if no image is hovered.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, ["selection"] = { ["__text"] = [[Allows to change the set of selected images.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["implicit_yield"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table containing the selection as it was before the function was called.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table of types.dt_lua_image_t]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table of images which will define the selected images. If this parameter is not given the selection will be untouched. If an empty table is given the selection will be emptied.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[table of types.dt_lua_image_t]], }, }, }, }, }, ["current_view"] = { ["__text"] = [[Allows to change the current view.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[the current view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A darktable view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["id"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unique string identifying the view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The view to switch to. If empty the current view is unchanged]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["create_job"] = { ["__text"] = [[Create a new progress_bar displayed in darktable.gui.libs.backgroundjobs]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The newly created job object]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[A lua-managed entry in the backgroundjob lib]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["percent"] = { ["__text"] = [[The value of the progress bar, between 0 and 1. will return nil if there is no progress bar, will raise an error if read or written on an invalid job]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["valid"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the job is displayed, set it to false to destroy the entry An invalid job cannot be made valid again]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The text to display in the job entry]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[Should a progress bar be displayed]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[A function called when the cancel button for that job is pressed note that the job won't be destroyed automatically. You need to set types.dt_lua_backgroundjob_t.valid to false for that]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The job who is being cancelded]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["create_job"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["views"] = { ["__text"] = [[The different views in darktable]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["map"] = { ["__text"] = [[The map view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["latitude"] = { ["__text"] = [[The latitude of the center of the map]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["longitude"] = { ["__text"] = [[The longitude of the center of the map]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["zoom"] = { ["__text"] = [[The current zoom level of the map]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["darkroom"] = { ["__text"] = [[The darkroom view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["lighttable"] = { ["__text"] = [[The lighttable view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["tethering"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tethering view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["slideshow"] = { ["__text"] = [[The slideshow view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, }, ["libs"] = { ["__text"] = [[This table allows to reference all lib objects lib are the graphical blocks within each view. To quickly figure out what lib is what, you can use the following code which will make a given lib blink. <code>local tested_module="global_toolbox" dt.gui.libs[tested_module].visible=false coroutine.yield("wait_ms",2000) while true do dt.gui.libs[tested_module].visible = not dt.gui.libs[tested_module].visible coroutine.yield("wait_ms",2000) end</code>]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["snapshots"] = { ["__text"] = [[The UI element that manipulates snapshots in darkroom]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of a UI lib]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["id"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unit string identifying the lib]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[The translated title of the UI element]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["version"] = { ["__text"] = [[The version of the internal data of this lib]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["visible"] = { ["__text"] = [[Allow to make a lib module completely invisible to the user. Note that if the module is invisible the user will have no way to restore it without lua]], ["__attributes"] = { ["implicit_yield"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["expandable"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the lib can be expanded/retracted]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["expanded"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the lib is expanded]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["reset"] = { ["__text"] = [[A function to reset the lib to its default values This function will do nothing if the lib is not visible or can't be reset]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The lib to reset]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["on_screen"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the lib is currently visible on the screen]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, }, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["ratio"] = { ["__text"] = [[The place in the screen where the line separating the snapshot is. Between 0 and 1]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["direction"] = { ["__text"] = [[The direction of the snapshot overlay]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[Which part of the main window is occupied by a snapshot]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[left]], ["2"] = [[right]], ["3"] = [[top]], ["4"] = [[bottom]], }, }, }, ["write"] = true, }, }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[The different snapshots for the image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[The description of a snapshot in the snapshot lib]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["filename"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename of an image containing the snapshot]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["select"] = { ["__text"] = [[Activates this snapshot on the display. To deactivate all snapshot you need to call this function on the active snapshot]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The snapshot to activate]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_self"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["name"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the snapshot, as seen in the UI]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["selected"] = { ["__text"] = [[The currently selected snapshot]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, ["take_snapshot"] = { ["__text"] = [[Take a snapshot of the current image and add it to the UI The snapshot file will be generated at the next redraw of the main window]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { }, }, }, ["max_snapshot"] = { ["__text"] = [[The maximum number of snapshots]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, }, ["styles"] = { ["__text"] = [[The style selection menu]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["metadata_view"] = { ["__text"] = [[The widget displaying metadata about the current image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["metadata"] = { ["__text"] = [[The widget allowing modification of metadata fields on the current image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["hinter"] = { ["__text"] = [[The small line of text at the top of the UI showing the number of selected images]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["modulelist"] = { ["__text"] = [[The window allowing to set modules as visible/hidden/favorite]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["filmstrip"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filmstrip at the bottom of some views]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["viewswitcher"] = { ["__text"] = [[The labels allowing to switch view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["darktable_label"] = { ["__text"] = [[The darktable logo in the upper left corner]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["tagging"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tag manipulation UI]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["geotagging"] = { ["__text"] = [[The geotagging time synchronisation UI]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["recentcollect"] = { ["__text"] = [[The recent collection UI element]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["global_toolbox"] = { ["__text"] = [[The common tools to all view (settings, grouping...)]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["grouping"] = { ["__text"] = [[The current status of the image grouping option]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["show_overlays"] = { ["__text"] = [[the current status of the image overlays option]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["filter"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image-filter menus at the top of the UI]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["import"] = { ["__text"] = [[The buttons to start importing images]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["ratings"] = { ["__text"] = [[The starts to set the rating of an image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["select"] = { ["__text"] = [[The buttons that allow to quickly change the selection]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["collect"] = { ["__text"] = [[The collection UI element that allows to filter images by collection]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["colorlabels"] = { ["__text"] = [[The color buttons that allow to set labels on an image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["lighttable_mode"] = { ["__text"] = [[The navigation and zoom level UI in lighttable]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["copy_history"] = { ["__text"] = [[The UI element that manipulates history]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["image"] = { ["__text"] = [[The UI element that manipulates the current image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["modulegroups"] = { ["__text"] = [[The icons describing the different iop groups]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["module_toolbox"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tools on the bottom line of the UI (overexposure)]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["session"] = { ["__text"] = [[The session UI when tethering]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["histogram"] = { ["__text"] = [[The histogram widget]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["export"] = { ["__text"] = [[The export menu]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["history"] = { ["__text"] = [[The history manipulation menu]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["colorpicker"] = { ["__text"] = [[The colorpicker menu]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["navigation"] = { ["__text"] = [[The full image preview to allow navigation]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["masks"] = { ["__text"] = [[The masks window]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["view_toolbox"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["live_view"] = { ["__text"] = [[The liveview window]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["map_settings"] = { ["__text"] = [[The map setting window]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["camera"] = { ["__text"] = [[The camera selection UI]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["location"] = { ["__text"] = [[The location ui]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, ["backgroundjobs"] = { ["__text"] = [[The window displaying the currently running jobs]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["has_tostring"] = true, ["is_attribute"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, }, }, }, ["tags"] = { ["__text"] = [[Allows access to all existing tags.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[Each existing tag has a numeric entry in the tags table - use ipairs to iterate over them.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["create"] = { ["__text"] = [[Creates a new tag and return it. If the tag exists return the existing tag.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the new tag.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["find"] = { ["__text"] = [[Returns the tag object or nil if the tag doesn't exist.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tag object or nil.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the tag to find.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["delete"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"]]=], ["attach"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"]]=], ["detach"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["detach"]]=], ["get_tags"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["get_tags"]]=], }, ["configuration"] = { ["__text"] = [[This table regroups values that describe details of the configuration of darktable.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, ["version"] = { ["__text"] = [[The version number of darktable.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["has_gui"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if darktable has a GUI (launched through the main darktable command, not darktable-cli).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["verbose"] = { ["__text"] = [[True if the Lua logdomain is enabled.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["tmp_dir"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the directory where darktable will store temporary files.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["config_dir"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the directory where darktable will find its global configuration objects (modules).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["cache_dir"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the directory where darktable will store its mipmaps.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["api_version_major"] = { ["__text"] = [[The major version number of the lua API.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["api_version_minor"] = { ["__text"] = [[The minor version number of the lua API.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["api_version_patch"] = { ["__text"] = [[The patch version number of the lua API.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["api_version_suffix"] = { ["__text"] = [[The version suffix of the lua API.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["api_version_string"] = { ["__text"] = [[The version description of the lua API. This is a string compatible with the semantic versioning convention]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["check_version"] = { ["__text"] = [[Check that a module is compatible with the running version of darktable Add the following line at the top of your module : <code>darktable.configuration.check(...,{M,m,p},{M2,m2,p2})</code>To document that your module has been tested with API version M.m.p and M2.m2.p2. This will raise an error if the user is running a released version of DT and a warning if he is running a development version (the ... here will automatically expand to your module name if used at the top of your script]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the module to report on error]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[Tables of API versions that are known to work with the scrip]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table...]], }, }, }, }, }, }, ["preferences"] = { ["__text"] = [[Lua allows you do manipulate preferences. Lua has its own namespace for preferences and you can't access nor write normal darktable preferences. Preference handling functions take a _script_ parameter. This is a string used to avoid name collision in preferences (i.e namespace). Set it to something unique, usually the name of the script handling the preference. Preference handling functions can't guess the type of a parameter. You must pass the type of the preference you are handling. Note that the directory, enum and file type preferences are stored internally as string. The user can only select valid values, but a lua script can set it to any string]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, ["register"] = { ["__text"] = [[Creates a new preference entry in the Lua tab of the preference screen. If this function is not called the preference can't be set by the user (you can still read and write invisible preferences).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[Invisible prefix to guarantee unicity of preferences.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[A unique name used with the script part to identify the preference.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of the preference - one of the string values described above.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of value to save in a preference]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[string]], ["2"] = [[bool]], ["3"] = [[integer]], ["4"] = [[float]], ["5"] = [[file]], ["6"] = [[directory]], ["7"] = [[enum]], }, }, }, }, }, ["4"] = { ["__text"] = [[The label displayed in the preference screen.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["5"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tooltip to display in the preference menu.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["6"] = { ["__text"] = [[Default value to use when not set explicitly or by the user. For the enum type of pref, this is mandatory]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[depends on type]], }, }, ["7"] = { ["__text"] = [[Minimum value (integer and float preferences only).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[int or float]], }, }, ["8"] = { ["__text"] = [[Maximum value (integer and float preferences only).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[int or float]], }, }, ["9"] = { ["__text"] = [[Step of the spinner (float preferences only).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[float]], }, }, ["10"] = { ["__text"] = [[Other allowed values (enum preferences only)]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string...]], }, }, }, }, }, ["read"] = { ["__text"] = [[Reads a value from a Lua preference.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[The value of the preference.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[depends on type]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[Invisible prefix to guarantee unicity of preferences.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the preference displayed in the preference screen.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of the preference.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["preferences"]["register"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["write"] = { ["__text"] = [[Writes a value to a Lua preference.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[Invisible prefix to guarantee unicity of preferences.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the preference displayed in the preference screen.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of the preference.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["preferences"]["register"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["4"] = { ["__text"] = [[The value to set the preference to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[depends on type]], }, }, }, }, }, }, ["styles"] = { ["__text"] = [[This pseudo table allows you to access and manipulate styles.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[Each existing style has a numeric index; you can iterate them using ipairs.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["create"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"]]=], ["delete"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"]]=], ["duplicate"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["duplicate"]]=], ["apply"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["apply"]]=], ["import"] = { ["__text"] = [[Import a style from an external .dtstyle file]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The file to import]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["export"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["export"]]=], }, ["database"] = { ["__text"] = [[Allows to access the database of images. Note that duplicate images (images with the same RAW but different XMP) will appear multiple times with different duplicate indexes. Also note that all images are here. This table is not influenced by any GUI filtering (collections, stars etc...).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_ipairs"] = true, ["has_length"] = true, ["has_pairs"] = true, ["is_singleton"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[dt_singleton]], }, ["#"] = { ["__text"] = [[Each image in the database appears with a numerical index; you can interate them using ipairs.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["duplicate"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["duplicate"]]=], ["import"] = { ["__text"] = [[Imports new images into the database.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename or directory to import images from. NOTE: If the images are set to be imported recursively in preferences only the toplevel film is returned (the one whose path was given as a parameter). NOTE2: If the parameter is a directory the call is non-blocking; the film object will not have the newly imported images yet. Use a post-import-film filtering on that film to react when images are actually imported. ]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["move_image"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"]]=], ["copy_image"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["copy_image"]]=], ["delete"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"]]=], }, ["debug"] = { ["__text"] = [[This section must be activated separately by calling require "darktable.debug" ]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, ["dump"] = { ["__text"] = [[This will return a string describing everything Lua knows about an object, used to know what an object is. This function is recursion-safe and can be used to dump _G if needed.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[A string containing a text description of the object - can be very long.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The object to dump.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[anything]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[A name to use for the object.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table of object,string pairs. Any object in that table will not be dumped, the string will be printed instead. defaults to darktable.debug.known if not set]], ["__attributes"] = { ["optional"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, }, }, }, ["debug"] = { ["__text"] = [[Initialized to false; set it to true to also dump information about metatables.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, ["max_depth"] = { ["__text"] = [[Initialized to 10; The maximum depth to recursively dump content.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[number]], }, }, ["known"] = { ["__text"] = [[A table containing the default value of darktable.debug.dump.known]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[table]], }, }, ["type"] = { ["__text"] = [[Similar to the system function type() but it will return the real type instead of "userdata" for darktable specific objects.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[A string describing the type of the object.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The object whos type must be reported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[anything]], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ["types"] = { ["__text"] = [[This section documents types that are specific to darktable's Lua API.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["dt_lua_image_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_imageio_module_format_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_png"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to png.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["bpp"] = { ["__text"] = [[The bpp parameter to use when exporting.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_tiff"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to tiff.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["bpp"] = { ["__text"] = [[The bpp parameter to use when exporting.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_exr"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to exr.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["compression"] = { ["__text"] = [[The compression parameter to use when exporting.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_copy"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to copy.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_pfm"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to pfm.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_jpeg"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to jpeg.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["quality"] = { ["__text"] = [[The quality to use at export time.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_ppm"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to ppm.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_webp"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to webp.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["quality"] = { ["__text"] = [[The quality to use at export time.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["comp_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[The overall quality to use; can be one of "webp_lossy" or "webp_lossless".]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type of compression for webp]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[webp_lossy]], ["2"] = [[webp_lossless]], }, }, }, ["write"] = true, }, }, ["hint"] = { ["__text"] = [[A hint on the overall content of the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[a hint on the way to encode a webp image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[hint_default]], ["2"] = [[hint_picture]], ["3"] = [[hint_photo]], ["4"] = [[hint_graphic]], }, }, }, ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_format_data_j2k"] = { ["__text"] = [[Type object describing parameters to export to jpeg2000.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["quality"] = { ["__text"] = [[The quality to use at export time.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["bpp"] = { ["__text"] = [[The bpp parameter to use when exporting.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[number]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["format"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format to use.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[J2K format type]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[j2k]], ["2"] = [[jp2]], }, }, }, ["write"] = true, }, }, ["preset"] = { ["__text"] = [[The preset to use.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[J2K preset type]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[off]], ["2"] = [[cinema2k_24]], ["3"] = [[cinema2k_48]], ["4"] = [[cinema4k_24]], }, }, }, ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_email"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to email.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_flickr"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to flickr.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_facebook"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to facebook.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_latex"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to latex.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["filename"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename to export to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["title"] = { ["__text"] = [[The title to use for export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_picasa"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to picasa.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_gallery"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to gallery.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["filename"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename to export to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, ["title"] = { ["__text"] = [[The title to use for export.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_disk"] = { ["__text"] = [[An object containing parameters to export to disk.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["has_pairs"] = true, ["parent"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["reported_type"] = [[dt_type]], }, ["filename"] = { ["__text"] = [[The filename to export to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["is_attribute"] = true, ["read"] = true, ["reported_type"] = [[string]], ["write"] = true, }, }, }, ["dt_lua_film_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_style_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_style_item_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_lua_tag_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_lib_module_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"].__attributes["parent"]]=], ["dt_view_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_lua_backgroundjob_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["create_job"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_lua_snapshot_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["hint_t"] = {} --[=[API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_webp"]["hint"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["snapshot_direction_t"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"]["direction"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_imageio_j2k_format_t"] = {} --[=[API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_j2k"]["format"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_imageio_j2k_preset_t"] = {} --[=[API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_j2k"]["preset"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["yield_type"] = { ["__text"] = [[What type of event to wait for]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[WAIT_MS]], ["2"] = [[FILE_READABLE]], ["3"] = [[RUN_COMMAND]], }, }, }, ["comp_type_t"] = {} --[=[API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_webp"]["comp_type"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["lua_pref_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["preferences"]["register"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], ["dt_imageio_exr_compression_t"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of compression to use for the EXR image]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[enum]], ["values"] = { ["1"] = [[off]], ["2"] = [[rle]], ["3"] = [[zips]], ["4"] = [[zip]], ["5"] = [[piz]], ["6"] = [[pxr24]], ["7"] = [[b44]], ["8"] = [[b44a]], }, }, }, }, ["events"] = { ["__text"] = [[This section documents events that can be used to trigger Lua callbacks.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["intermediate-export-image"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event is called each time an image is exported, once for each image after the image has been processed to an image format but before the storage has moved the image to its final destination.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the event that triggered the callback.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image object that has been exported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["3"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the file that is the result of the image being processed.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["4"] = { ["__text"] = [[The format used to export the image.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["5"] = { ["__text"] = [[The storage used to export the image (can be nil).]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event has no extra registration parameters.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, ["post-import-image"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event is triggered whenever a new image is imported into the database. This event can be registered multiple times, all callbacks will be called.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the event that triggered the callback.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The image object that has been exported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event has no extra registration parameters.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, ["shortcut"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event registers a new keyboard shortcut. The shortcut isn't bound to any key until the users does so in the preference panel. The event is triggered whenever the shortcut is triggered. This event can only be registered once per value of shortcut. ]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the event that triggered the callback.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The tooltip string that was given at registration time.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The string that will be displayed on the shortcut preference panel describing the shortcut.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, }, }, }, }, ["post-import-film"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event is triggered when an film import is finished (all post-import-image callbacks have already been triggered). This event can be registered multiple times. ]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The name of the event that triggered the callback.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[string]], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The new film that has been added. If multiple films were added recursively only the top level film is reported.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event has no extra registration parameters.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, ["view-changed"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event is triggered after the user changed the active view]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The view that we just left]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[The view we are now in]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["darktable"]["gui"]["current_view"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]]=], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event has no extra registration parameters.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, ["global_toolbox-grouping_toggle"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event is triggered after the user toggled the grouping button.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[the new grouping status.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event has no extra registration parameters.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, ["global_toolbox-overlay_toggle"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event is triggered after the user toggled the overlay button.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[event]], }, ["callback"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[the new overlay status.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[boolean]], }, }, }, }, }, ["extra_registration_parameters"] = { ["__text"] = [[This event has no extra registration parameters.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, }, ["attributes"] = { ["__text"] = [[This section documents various attributes used throughout the documentation.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["write"] = { ["__text"] = [[This object is a variable that can be written to.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, ["has_tostring"] = { ["__text"] = [[This object has a specific reimplementation of the "tostring" method that allows pretty-printing it.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, ["implicit_yield"] = { ["__text"] = [[This call will release the Lua lock while executing, thus allowing other Lua callbacks to run.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, ["parent"] = { ["__text"] = [[This object inherits some methods from another object. You can call the methods from the parent on the child object]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, }, }, ["system"] = { ["__text"] = [[This section documents changes to system functions.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["coroutine"] = { ["__text"] = [[]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[documentation node]], }, ["yield"] = { ["__text"] = [[Lua functions can yield at any point. The parameters and return types depend on why we want to yield. A callback that is yielding allows other Lua code to run. * wait_ms: one extra parameter; the execution will pause for that many milliseconds; yield returns nothing; * file_readable: an opened file from a call to the OS library; will return when the file is readable; returns nothing; * run_command: a command to be run by "sh -c"; will return when the command terminates; returns the return code of the execution. ]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[function]], ["ret_val"] = { ["__text"] = [[Nothing for "wait_ms" and "file_readable"; the returned code of the command for "run_command".]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[variable]], }, }, ["signature"] = { ["1"] = { ["__text"] = [[The type of yield.]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = {} --[=[API["types"]["yield_type"]]=], }, }, ["2"] = { ["__text"] = [[An extra parameter: integer for "wait_ms", open file for "file_readable", string for "run_command".]], ["__attributes"] = { ["reported_type"] = [[variable]], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, } API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"] 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API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["4"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["5"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["6"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["new_storage"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_storage_t"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_email"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_flickr"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_storage_data_facebook"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] 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API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["get_tags"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] 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API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["detach_tag"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["detach"] API["darktable"]["tags"]["detach"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["detach"] API["darktable"]["styles"]["create"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_j2k_preset_t"] = API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_j2k"]["preset"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_style_item_t"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["create_style"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["detach"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["tags"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["tags"]["find"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_lua_tag_t"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_j2k_format_t"] = API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_j2k"]["format"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"] API["darktable"]["tags"]["attach"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"] API["darktable"]["database"]["delete"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["copy"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["copy_image"] API["darktable"]["database"]["copy_image"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["move"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["copy_image"] API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"]["select"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_lua_snapshot_t"] = API["darktable"]["gui"]["libs"]["snapshots"]["#"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["tags"]["delete"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["attach_tag"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["delete"] API["darktable"]["preferences"]["read"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["preferences"]["register"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["preferences"]["write"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["preferences"]["register"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["lua_pref_type"] = API["darktable"]["preferences"]["register"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["system"]["coroutine"]["yield"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["types"]["yield_type"] API["darktable"]["gui"]["create_job"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["gui"]["create_job"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_lua_backgroundjob_t"] = API["darktable"]["gui"]["create_job"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"]["write_image"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["5"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["6"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["darktable"]["new_format"].__attributes["ret_val"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_t"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_png"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_tiff"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_exr"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_copy"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_pfm"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_jpeg"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_ppm"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_webp"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["types"]["dt_imageio_module_format_data_j2k"].__attributes["parent"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] API["events"]["intermediate-export-image"]["callback"].__attributes["signature"]["4"].__attributes["reported_type"] = API["darktable"]["register_storage"].__attributes["signature"]["3"].__attributes["signature"]["1"].__attributes["reported_type"]["supports_format"].__attributes["signature"]["2"].__attributes["reported_type"] return API -- -- vim: shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2 cindent syntax=lua
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5683 -- Item: humpty_dumpty_effigy -- Food Effect: 3 hours, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Max HP % 6 (cap 160) -- Max MP % 6 (cap 160) ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0 if target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD) or target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) then result = dsp.msg.basic.IS_FULL end return result end function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD,0,0,10800,5683) end function onEffectGain(target, effect) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_HPP, 6) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_HP_CAP, 160) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MPP, 6) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MP_CAP, 160) end function onEffectLose(target, effect) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_HPP, 6) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_HP_CAP, 160) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MPP, 6) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_MP_CAP, 160) end
--------------------------------------------- -- Typhoon -- -- Description: Spins around dealing damage to targets in an area of effect. -- Type: Physical -- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: 2-4 shadows -- Range: 10' radial -- Notes: --------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves") --------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) return 0 end function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local numhits = 4 local accmod = 1 local dmgmod = 0.5 local info = MobPhysicalMove(mob,target,skill,numhits,accmod,dmgmod,TP_NO_EFFECT) local dmg = MobFinalAdjustments(info.dmg,mob,skill,target,dsp.attackType.PHYSICAL,dsp.damageType.BLUNT,info.hitslanded) target:takeDamage(dmg, mob, dsp.attackType.PHYSICAL, dsp.damageType.BLUNT) if (mob:getName() == "Faust") then if (mob:getLocalVar("Typhoon") == 0) then mob:useMobAbility(539) mob:setLocalVar("Typhoon", 1) else mob:setLocalVar("Typhoon", 0) end end return dmg end
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5581 -- Item: Slice of Ziz Meat -- Effect: 5 Minutes, food effect, Galka Only ----------------------------------------- -- Strength +4 -- Intelligence -6 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0 if (target:getRace() ~= dsp.race.GALKA) then result = dsp.msg.basic.CANNOT_EAT end if (target:getMod(dsp.mod.EAT_RAW_MEAT) == 1) then result = 0 end if target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD) or target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) then result = dsp.msg.basic.IS_FULL end return result end function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD,0,0,300,5581) end function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(dsp.mod.STR, 4) target:addMod(dsp.mod.INT,-6) end function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(dsp.mod.STR, 4) target:delMod(dsp.mod.INT,-6) end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Bastok Markets -- NPC: Reet -- Adventurer's Assistant -- @zone 235 -- @pos -237 -12 -41 ------------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Bastok_Markets/TextIDs"] = nil; ------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/zones/Bastok_Markets/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (trade:getItemCount() == 1 and trade:hasItemQty(536,1) == true) then player:startEvent(0x0006); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x0005); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0006) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addGil(GIL_RATE*50); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,GIL_RATE*50); end end;
-- Uses a mixture of mob and player WS formulas require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); require("scripts/globals/magicburst"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/utils"); require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/msg"); -- params contains: ftp100, ftp200, ftp300, str_wsc, dex_wsc, vit_wsc, int_wsc, mnd_wsc, canCrit, crit100, crit200, crit300, acc100, acc200, acc300, ignoresDef, ignore100, ignore200, ignore300, atkmulti, kick, accBonus, weaponType, weaponDamage function doAutoPhysicalWeaponskill(attacker, target, wsID, tp, primaryMsg, action, taChar, wsParams, skill, action) -- Determine cratio and ccritratio local ignoredDef = 0 if (wsParams.ignoresDef == not nil and wsParams.ignoresDef == true) then ignoredDef = calculatedIgnoredDef(tp, target:getStat(dsp.mod.DEF), wsParams.ignored100, wsParams.ignored200, wsParams.ignored300) end local cratio, ccritratio = getAutocRatio(attacker, target, wsParams, ignoredDef, true) -- Set up conditions and wsParams used for calculating weaponskill damage -- Handle Flame Holder attachment. -- DSP Mod usage, and values returned by Flame Holder script, might not be correct. local flameHolderFTP = attacker:getMod(dsp.mod.WEAPONSKILL_DAMAGE_BASE) / 100 local attack = { ['type'] = dsp.attackType.PHYSICAL, ['slot'] = dsp.slot.MAIN, ['weaponType'] = attacker:getWeaponSkillType(dsp.slot.MAIN), ['damageType'] = attacker:getWeaponDamageType(dsp.slot.MAIN) } local calcParams = {} calcParams.weaponDamage = getMeleeDmg(attacker, attack.weaponType, wsParams.kick) calcParams.fSTR = utils.clamp(attacker:getStat(dsp.mod.STR) - target:getStat(dsp.mod.VIT), -10, 10) calcParams.cratio = cratio calcParams.ccritratio = ccritratio calcParams.accStat = attacker:getACC() calcParams.melee = true calcParams.mustMiss = target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.PERFECT_DODGE) or (target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.TOO_HIGH) and not wsParams.hitsHigh) calcParams.sneakApplicable = false calcParams.taChar = taChar calcParams.trickApplicable = false calcParams.assassinApplicable = false calcParams.guaranteedHit = false calcParams.mightyStrikesApplicable = attacker:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.MIGHTY_STRIKES) calcParams.forcedFirstCrit = false calcParams.extraOffhandHit = false calcParams.hybridHit = false calcParams.flourishEffect = false calcParams.alpha = 1 calcParams.bonusWSmods = math.max(attacker:getMainLvl() - target:getMainLvl(), 0) calcParams.bonusTP = wsParams.bonusTP or 0 calcParams.bonusfTP = flameHolderFTP or 0 calcParams.bonusAcc = 0 + attacker:getMod(dsp.mod.WSACC) calcParams.hitRate = getAutoHitRate(attacker, target, false, calcParams.bonusAcc, calcParams.melee) -- Send our wsParams off to calculate our raw WS damage, hits landed, and shadows absorbed calcParams = calculateRawWSDmg(attacker, target, wsID, tp, action, wsParams, calcParams) local finaldmg = calcParams.finalDmg -- Delete statuses that may have been spent by the WS attacker:delStatusEffectSilent(dsp.effect.BUILDING_FLOURISH) -- Calculate reductions if not wsParams.formless then --finaldmg = target:physicalDmgTaken(finaldmg, attack.damageType) if (attack.weaponType == dsp.skill.HAND_TO_HAND) then finaldmg = finaldmg * target:getMod(dsp.mod.HTHRES) / 1000 elseif (attack.weaponType == dsp.skill.DAGGER or attack.weaponType == dsp.skill.POLEARM) then finaldmg = finaldmg * target:getMod(dsp.mod.PIERCERES) / 1000 elseif (attack.weaponType == dsp.skill.CLUB or attack.weaponType == dsp.skill.STAFF) then finaldmg = finaldmg * target:getMod(dsp.mod.IMPACTRES) / 1000 else finaldmg = finaldmg * target:getMod(dsp.mod.SLASHRES) / 1000 end end finaldmg = finaldmg * WEAPON_SKILL_POWER -- Add server bonus calcParams.finalDmg = finaldmg if calcParams.tpHitsLanded + calcParams.extraHitsLanded > 0 then finaldmg = takeWeaponskillDamage(target, attacker, wsParams, primaryMsg, attack, calcParams, action) else skill:setMsg(dsp.msg.basic.SKILL_MISS) end return finaldmg, calcParams.criticalHit, calcParams.tpHitsLanded, calcParams.extraHitsLanded, calcParams.shadowsAbsorbed end -- params contains: ftp100, ftp200, ftp300, str_wsc, dex_wsc, vit_wsc, int_wsc, mnd_wsc, canCrit, crit100, crit200, crit300, acc100, acc200, acc300, ignoresDef, ignore100, ignore200, ignore300, atkmulti, accBonus, weaponDamage function doAutoRangedWeaponskill(attacker, target, wsID, wsParams, tp, primaryMsg, skill, action) -- Determine cratio and ccritratio local ignoredDef = 0 if (wsParams.ignoresDef == not nil and wsParams.ignoresDef == true) then ignoredDef = calculatedIgnoredDef(tp, target:getStat(dsp.mod.DEF), wsParams.ignored100, wsParams.ignored200, wsParams.ignored300) end local cratio, ccritratio = getAutocRatio(attacker, target, wsParams, ignoredDef, false) -- Set up conditions and wsParams used for calculating weaponskill damage -- Handle Flame Holder attachment. -- DSP Mod usage, and values returned by Flame Holder script, might not be correct. local flameHolderFTP = attacker:getMod(dsp.mod.WEAPONSKILL_DAMAGE_BASE) / 100 local attack = { ['type'] = dsp.attackType.RANGED, ['slot'] = dsp.slot.RANGED, ['weaponType'] = attacker:getWeaponSkillType(dsp.slot.RANGED), ['damageType'] = attacker:getWeaponDamageType(dsp.slot.RANGED) } local calcParams = { weaponDamage = {wsParams.weaponDamage or attacker:getRangedDmg()}, fSTR = utils.clamp(attacker:getStat(dsp.mod.STR) - target:getStat(dsp.mod.VIT), -10, 10), cratio = cratio, ccritratio = ccritratio, accStat = attacker:getRACC(), melee = false, mustMiss = false, sneakApplicable = false, trickApplicable = false, assassinApplicable = false, mightyStrikesApplicable = false, forcedFirstCrit = false, extraOffhandHit = false, flourishEffect = false, alpha = 1, bonusWSmods = math.max(attacker:getMainLvl() - target:getMainLvl(), 0), bonusTP = wsParams.bonusTP or 0, bonusfTP = flameHolderFTP or 0, bonusAcc = 0 + attacker:getMod(dsp.mod.WSACC) } calcParams.hitRate = getAutoHitRate(attacker, target, false, calcParams.bonusAcc, calcParams.melee) -- Send our params off to calculate our raw WS damage, hits landed, and shadows absorbed calcParams = calculateRawWSDmg(attacker, target, wsID, tp, action, wsParams, calcParams) local finaldmg = calcParams.finalDmg -- Calculate reductions finaldmg = target:rangedDmgTaken(finaldmg) finaldmg = finaldmg * target:getMod(dsp.mod.PIERCERES) / 1000 finaldmg = finaldmg * WEAPON_SKILL_POWER -- Add server bonus calcParams.finalDmg = finaldmg if calcParams.tpHitsLanded + calcParams.extraHitsLanded > 0 then finaldmg = takeWeaponskillDamage(target, attacker, wsParams, primaryMsg, attack, calcParams, action) else skill:setMsg(dsp.msg.basic.SKILL_MISS) end return finaldmg, calcParams.criticalHit, calcParams.tpHitsLanded, calcParams.extraHitsLanded, calcParams.shadowsAbsorbed end function getAutoHitRate(attacker,defender,capHitRate,bonus,melee) local acc = (melee and attacker:getACC() or attacker:getRACC()) + (bonus or 0); local eva = defender:getEVA(); local levelbonus = 0; if (attacker:getMainLvl() > defender:getMainLvl()) then levelbonus = 2 * (attacker:getMainLvl() - defender:getMainLvl()); end local hitrate = acc - eva + levelbonus + 75; hitrate = hitrate/100; -- Applying hitrate caps if (capHitRate) then -- this isn't capped for when acc varies with tp, as more penalties are due hitrate = utils.clamp(hitrate, 0.2, 0.95); end return hitrate; end; -- Given the raw ratio value (atk/def) and levels, returns the cRatio (min then max) function getAutocRatio(attacker, defender, params, ignoredDef, melee) local cratio = (melee and attacker:getStat(dsp.mod.ATT) or attacker:getRATT()) * params.atkmulti / (defender:getStat(dsp.mod.DEF) - ignoredDef) local levelbonus = 0; if attacker:getMainLvl() > defender:getMainLvl() then levelbonus = 0.05 * (attacker:getMainLvl() - defender:getMainLvl()) end cratio = cratio + levelbonus cratio = utils.clamp(cratio, 0, melee and 4.0 or 3.0) local pdif = {} local pdifcrit = {} if melee then local pdifmin = 0 local pdifmax = 1 if cratio < 0.5 then pdifmax = cratio + 0.5 elseif 0.5 <= cratio and cratio <= 0.7 then pdifmax = 1 elseif 0.7 < cratio and cratio <= 1.2 then pdifmax = cratio + 0.3 elseif 1.2 < cratio and cratio <= 1.5 then pdifmax = (cratio * 0.25) + cratio elseif 1.5 < cratio and cratio <= 2.625 then pdifmax = cratio + 0.375 elseif 2.625 < cratio and cratio <= 3.25 then pdifmax = 3 else pdifmax = cratio end if cratio < 0.38 then pdifmin = 0 elseif 0.38 <= cratio and cratio <= 1.25 then pdifmin = cratio * 1176 / 1024 - 448 / 1024 elseif 1.25 < cratio and cratio <= 1.51 then pdifmin = 1 elseif 1.51 < cratio and cratio <= 2.44 then pdifmin = cratio * 1176 / 1024 - 775 / 1024 else pdifmin = cratio - 0.375 end pdif[1] = pdifmin pdif[2] = pdifmax cratio = cratio + 1 cratio = utils.clamp(cratio, 0, 4.0) -- printf("ratio: %f min: %f max %f\n", cratio, pdifmin, pdifmax) if cratio < 0.5 then pdifmax = cratio + 0.5 elseif 0.5 <= cratio and cratio <= 0.7 then pdifmax = 1 elseif 0.7 < cratio and cratio <= 1.2 then pdifmax = cratio + 0.3; elseif 1.2 < cratio and cratio <= 1.5 then pdifmax = cratio * 0.25 + cratio; elseif 1.5 < cratio and cratio <= 2.625 then pdifmax = cratio + 0.375 elseif 2.625 < cratio and cratio <= 3.25 then pdifmax = 3 else pdifmax = cratio end if cratio < 0.38 then pdifmin = 0 elseif 0.38 <= cratio and cratio <= 1.25 then pdifmin = cratio * 1176 / 1024 - 448 / 1024 elseif 1.25 < cratio and cratio <= 1.51 then pdifmin = 1 elseif 1.51 < cratio and cratio <= 2.44 then pdifmin = cratio * 1176 / 1024 - 775 / 1024 else pdifmin = cratio - 0.375 end local critbonus = attacker:getMod(dsp.mod.CRIT_DMG_INCREASE) - defender:getMod(dsp.mod.CRIT_DEF_BONUS); critbonus = utils.clamp(critbonus, 0, 100) pdifcrit[1] = pdifmin * (100 + critbonus) / 100 pdifcrit[2] = pdifmax * (100 + critbonus) / 100 else -- max local pdifmax = 0 if cratio < 0.9 then pdifmax = cratio * 10 / 9 elseif cratio < 1.1 then pdifmax = 1 else pdifmax = cratio end -- min local pdifmin = 0 if cratio < 0.9 then pdifmin = cratio elseif cratio < 1.1 then pdifmin = 1 else pdifmin = cratio * 20 / 19 - 3 / 19 end pdif[1] = pdifmin pdif[2] = pdifmax -- printf("ratio: %f min: %f max %f\n", cratio, pdifmin, pdifmax) pdifmin = pdifmin * 1.25 pdifmax = pdifmax * 1.25 local critbonus = attacker:getMod(dsp.mod.CRIT_DMG_INCREASE) - defender:getMod(dsp.mod.CRIT_DEF_BONUS); critbonus = utils.clamp(critbonus, 0, 100) pdifcrit[1] = pdifmin * (100 + critbonus) / 100 pdifcrit[2] = pdifmax * (100 + critbonus) / 100 end return pdif, pdifcrit end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Crawlers Nest -- NPC: ??? -- Used In Quest: A Boy's Dream -- !pos -18 -8 124 197 ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Crawlers_Nest/IDs") require("scripts/globals/npc_util") require("scripts/globals/quests") ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end function onTrigger(player,npc) if player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA, == QUEST_ACCEPTED and VanadielDayOfTheYear() ~= player:getCharVar("DreadbugNM_Day") then if os.time() > player:getCharVar("DreadbugNM_Timer") + 30 and npcUtil.popFromQM(player, npc, ID.mob.DREADBUG, {claim=true, hide=0}) then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.SENSE_OF_FOREBODING) player:setCharVar("DreadbugNM_Timer", os.time() + 180) player:setCharVar("DreadbugNM_Day", VanadielDayOfTheYear()) else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOTHING_SEEMS_TO_HAPPEN) end else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOTHING_WILL_HAPPEN_YET) end end function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) end function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Bastok Mines -- NPC: Babenn -- Finishes Quest: The Eleventh's Hour -- Involved in Quests: Riding on the Clouds -- @zone 234 -- @pos 73 -1 34 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,RIDING_ON_THE_CLOUDS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("ridingOnTheClouds_2") == 1) then if (trade:hasItemQty(1127,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Kindred seal player:setVar("ridingOnTheClouds_2",0); player:tradeComplete(); player:addKeyItem(SMILING_STONE); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,SMILING_STONE); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,THE_ELEVENTH_S_HOUR) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("EleventhsHour") == 1) then player:startEvent(0x002d); else player:startEvent(0x0028); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID2: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT2: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x002d) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 1) then player:setVar("EleventhsHour",0); player:delKeyItem(OLD_TOOLBOX); player:addTitle(PURSUER_OF_THE_TRUTH); player:addItem(16629); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,16629); player:addFame(BASTOK,30); player:completeQuest(BASTOK,THE_ELEVENTH_S_HOUR); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED, 16629); end end end;
--------------------------------------------- -- Chains of Envy -- --------------------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Empyreal_Paradox/IDs") require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves") require("scripts/globals/keyitems") require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") --------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) local targets = mob:getEnmityList() for i,v in pairs(targets) do if (v.entity:isPC()) then local race = v.entity:getRace() if (race == dsp.race.MITHRA) and not v.entity:hasKeyItem( then mob:showText(mob, ID.text.PROMATHIA_TEXT + 3) return 0 end end end return 1 end function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local typeEffect = dsp.effect.TERROR local power = 30 local duration = 30 if target:isPC() and ((target:getRace() == dsp.race.MITHRA) and not target:hasKeyItem( then skill:setMsg(MobStatusEffectMove(mob, target, typeEffect, power, 0, duration)) else skill:setMsg(dsp.msg.basic.SKILL_NO_EFFECT) end return typeEffect end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port San d'Oria -- NPC: Prietta -- Standard Info NPC ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Port_San_dOria/IDs"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA, == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (trade:hasItemQty(532,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1 and player:getCharVar("tradePrietta") == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.PRIETTA_DIALOG); player:addCharVar("FFR", -1) player:setCharVar("tradePrietta",1); player:messageSpecial(ID.text.FLYER_ACCEPTED); player:messageSpecial(ID.text.FLYERS_HANDED,17 - player:getCharVar("FFR")); player:tradeComplete(); elseif (player:getCharVar("tradePrietta") ==1) then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.FLYER_ALREADY); end end end; function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(596); end; function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) end; function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) end;
-- mission editing demo lua script. -- by Buzz 2020 current_pos = nil home = 0 a = {} demostage = 0 eventcounter = 0 function update () -- periodic function that will be called current_pos = ahrs:get_position() -- adds new/extra mission item at the end by copying the last one and modifying it -- get number of last mission item wp_num = mission:num_commands()-1 --get last item from mission m = mission:get_item(wp_num) -- get first item from mission m1 = mission:get_item(1) if wp_num > 0 then gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA - Please clear misn to continue demo. size:%d",wp_num+1)) return update, 1000 end -- no mission, just home at [0] means user has cleared any mission in the system, and this demo is clear to write something new. -- it's not required that the mission be empty before we do things, but this script is multi-stage demo so its conveneient if ( mission:num_commands() == 1) then if demostage == 0 then demostage = 1 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA demo stage 1 starting")) return stage1, 1000 end if demostage == 2 then demostage = 3 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA demo stage 3 starting")) return stage3, 1000 end if demostage == 4 then demostage = 5 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA demo stage 5 starting")) return stage5, 1000 end if demostage == 6 then demostage = 7 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA demo stage 7 starting")) return stage7, 1000 end if demostage == 8 then demostage = 9 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA MISSION demo all COMPLETED.")) --return update, 1000 end end return update, 1000 end function read_table_from_sd() -- Opens a file in read mode file ="miss.txt", "r") -- sets the default input file as xxxx.txt io.input(file) -- read whole file, or get empty string content ="*all") if (content == nil) then gcs:send_text(0, string.format("file not found, skipping read of miss.txt from sd")) return update(), 1000 end local pat = "wp:(%S+)%s+lat:(%S+)%s+lon:(%S+)%s+alt:(%S+)" for s1, s2 ,s3,s4 in string.gmatch(content, pat) do --s = string.format("wp:%s lat:%s lon:%s alt:%s",s1,s2,s3,s4) --gcs:send_text(0, s) n1 = tonumber(s1) n2 = math.floor(tonumber(s2*10000000)) n3 = math.floor(tonumber(s3*10000000)) n4 = tonumber(s4) -- use previous item as template... m = mission:get_item(mission:num_commands()-1) m:command(16) -- 16 = normal WAYPOINT m:x(n2) m:y(n3) m:z(n4) -- write as a new item to the end of the list. mission:set_item(mission:num_commands(),m) end gcs:send_text(0, '...loaded file from SD') -- closes the open file io.close(file) return update(), 1000 end function stage1 () -- demo stage 1 implementation. if (demostage == 1 ) and ( mission:num_commands() == 1 ) then demostage = 2 return read_table_from_sd(), 1000 end end function stage3 () -- demo stage 3 implementation. --get number of 'last' mission item wp_num = mission:num_commands()-1 -- get HOME item from mission as the 'reference' for future items m1 = mission:get_item(0) --get last item from mission m = mission:get_item(wp_num) if (demostage == 3 ) then -- demo stage 3 starts by writing 10 do-JUMPS over 10 seconds, just for fun if mission:num_commands() < 10 then m:command(177) -- 177 = DO_JUMP m:param1(m:param1()+1) -- some increments for fun/demo m:param2(m:param2()+1) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA new miss-item DO_JUMP %d ", wp_num+1)) mission:set_item(mission:num_commands(),m) return stage3, 100 -- stay in stage 3 for now end -- change copy of last item slightly, for giggles and demo. -- This is reading a copy of whatever is currently the last item in the mission, do_jump -- and changing/ensuring its type is a 'normal' waypoint, and setting its lat/long/alt -- to data we earlier took from HOME, adding an offset and then writing it -- as a NEW mission item at the end if mission:num_commands() == 10 then m:command(16) -- 16 = normal WAYPOINT m:x(m1:x()+200) m:y(m1:y()+200) m:z(m1:z()+1) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA new miss-item WAYPOINT a %d ", wp_num+1)) mission:set_item(mission:num_commands(),m) return stage3, 100 -- stay in stage 3 for now end -- change copy of last item slightly, for giggles, and append as a new item if (mission:num_commands() > 10) and (mission:num_commands() < 20) then m:command(16) -- 16 = normal WAYPOINT m:x(m:x()+200) m:y(m:y()+200) m:z(m:z()+1) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA new miss-item WAYPOINT b %d ", wp_num+1)) mission:set_item(mission:num_commands(),m) return stage3, 100 -- stay in stage 3 for now end -- change copy of last item slightly, for giggles. if (mission:num_commands() >= 20) and (mission:num_commands() < 30) then m:command(16) -- 16 = normal WAYPOINT m:x(m:x()+200) m:y(m:y()+200) m:z(m:z()+1) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA new miss-item WAYPOINT c %d ", wp_num+1)) mission:set_item(mission:num_commands(),m) return stage3, 100 -- stay in stage 3 for now end -- move on at end of this dempo stage if (mission:num_commands() >= 30) then gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA DEMO stage 3 done. ", wp_num+1)) demostage = 4 return update, 100 -- drop to next stage via an update() call end end end function stage5 () -- demo stage 5 implementation for when there's only one wp , HOME, in th system if (demostage == 5 ) then -- when no mission, uses home as reference point, otherwise its the 'last item' m = mission:get_item(mission:num_commands()-1) m:x(m:x()) m:y(m:y()-400) m:z(m:z()) mission:set_item(1,m) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA mode 5 single wp nudge %d",eventcounter)) eventcounter = eventcounter+1 if eventcounter > 50 then demostage = 6 eventcounter = 0 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA DEMO stage 5 done. ")) return update, 100 -- drop to next stage via an update() call end return stage5, 100 -- stay in stage 3 for now end end function stage7 () -- demo stage 5 implementation for when there's more than wp in the system if (demostage == 7 ) then --and (mission:num_commands() >= 3) and (mission:num_commands() < 50) then -- fiurst time in , there's no mission, lets throw a few wps in to play with later.. -- change copy of last item slightly, for giggles, and append as a new item if (mission:num_commands() == 1) then for x = 1, 10 do m:command(16) -- 16 = normal WAYPOINT m:x(m:x()+math.random(-10000,10000)) -- add something random m:y(m:y()+math.random(-10000,10000)) m:z(m:z()+1) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA stage 7 making 10 new nearby random wp's %d ", wp_num+1)) mission:set_item(mission:num_commands(),m) end gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA scattering complete. %d ", wp_num+1)) return stage7, 100 -- stay in stage 3 for now end -- things that are further away from this one than distance X.. m1 = mission:get_item(1) -- leave item 0 alone, always for x = 1, mission:num_commands()-1 do mitem = mission:get_item(x) -- look at each mission item above 1, and get the distance from it to the copter. local target = Location() target:lat(mitem:x()) target:lng(mitem:y()) local cur_d = current_pos:get_distance(target) if cur_d > 100 then if mitem:x() > m1:x() then mitem:x(mitem:x()+400) end if mitem:x() < m1:x() then mitem:x(mitem:x()-400) end if mitem:y() > m1:y() then mitem:y(mitem:y()+400) end if mitem:y() < m1:y() then mitem:y(mitem:y()-400) end end -- write as a new item to the end of the list. mission:set_item(x,mitem) end gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA mode 7 scattering existing wp's.. %d",eventcounter)) end -- do it 50 times then consider it done eventcounter = eventcounter+1 if eventcounter > 50 then demostage = 8 eventcounter = 0 gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA DEMO stage 7 done. ")) return update, 100 -- drop to next stage via an update() call end return stage7, 500 end function wait_for_home() current_pos = ahrs:get_position() if current_pos == nil then return wait_for_home, 1000 end home = ahrs:get_home() if home == nil then return wait_for_home, 1000 end if home:lat() == 0 then return wait_for_home, 1000 end gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA MISSION Waiting for Home.")) return update, 1000 end function delayed_boot() gcs:send_text(0, string.format("LUA MISSION DEMO START")) return wait_for_home, 1000 end return delayed_boot, 5000
-- the font I will use for info surface.CreateFont( "ObjHUDFont", { font = "Helvetica", size = 40, weight = 2000, antialias = true, outline = false }) surface.CreateFont( "barHUD", { font = "Helvetica", size = 16, weight = 1000, antialias = false, outline = true }) --[[=======================]]-- --[[ This has all the bars ]]-- --[[=======================]]-- local function ObjHUD() local ply = LocalPlayer() if( !ply:IsValid() ) then return end local width = 200 local height = 125 local padding = 10 local iconX = padding local barX = padding*2 + 16 local startY = ScrH() -- random color just to let the icon draw surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_BORDER ) -- HP GUI if( ply:Alive() && ( ply:Team() == TEAM_PROPS || ply:Team() == TEAM_HUNTERS ) ) then startY = startY - padding - 16 -- icon local heartMat = Material("icon16/heart.png", "unlitgeneric") surface.SetMaterial( heartMat ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( iconX, startY, 16 , 16) -- bar hpFrac = math.Clamp( ply:Health(), 0, 100 )/100 local widthOffset = width - (padding*3) - 16 surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_FILL ) surface.DrawRect( barX, startY, widthOffset, 16) surface.SetDrawColor( HP_COLOR ) surface.DrawRect( barX, startY, widthOffset*hpFrac, 16) surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_BORDER ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( barX, startY, widthOffset, 16) --text surface.SetFont( "barHUD" ) surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) local textToDraw = LocalPlayer():Health() local textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) local textX = barX + 3 local textY = startY surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) end -- PROP COOLDOWN GUI if( ply:Alive() && ply:Team() == TEAM_PROPS ) then -- this needs to be here otherwise some people get errors for some unknown reason if( ply.viewOrigin == nil || ply.wantThirdPerson == nil ) then return end if( ply.lastPropChange == nil ) then return end startY = startY - padding - 16 -- icon local propMat = Material("icon16/package.png", "unlitgeneric") surface.SetMaterial( propMat ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( iconX, startY, 16 , 16) -- bar local propFrac = math.Clamp( CurTime() - ply.lastPropChange , 0, PROP_CHOOSE_COOLDOWN)/PROP_CHOOSE_COOLDOWN local propColor = LerpColor( propFrac, DEPLETED_COLOR, FULL_COLOR ) local widthOffset = width - (padding*3) - 16 surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_FILL ) surface.DrawRect( barX, startY, widthOffset, 16) surface.SetDrawColor( propColor ) surface.DrawRect( barX, startY, widthOffset*propFrac, 16) surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_BORDER ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( barX, startY, widthOffset, 16) --text local textToDraw = PROP_CHOOSE_COOLDOWN - propFrac*PROP_CHOOSE_COOLDOWN textToDraw = math.ceil( textToDraw ) if( textToDraw != 0 ) then surface.SetFont( "barHUD" ) surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) local textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) local textX = barX + 3 local textY = startY surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) end end -- TAUNT COOLDOWN GUI if( ply:Alive() && ( ply:Team() == TEAM_PROPS || ply:Team() == TEAM_HUNTERS ) ) then -- defaults if( !ply.lastTaunt ) then LocalPlayer().lastTaunt = 0 LocalPlayer().lastTauntDuration = 1 LocalPlayer().lastTauntPitch = 100 end startY = startY - padding - 16 -- icon local tauntMat = Material("icon16/music.png", "unlitgeneric") surface.SetMaterial( tauntMat ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( iconX, startY, 16 , 16) -- bar local tauntFrac = math.Clamp( CurTime() - ply.lastTaunt , 0, ply.lastTauntDuration)/ply.lastTauntDuration local tauntColor = TAUNT_BAR_COLOR local widthOffset = width - (padding*3) - 16 surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_FILL ) surface.DrawRect( barX, startY, widthOffset, 16) surface.SetDrawColor( tauntColor ) surface.DrawRect( barX, startY, widthOffset*tauntFrac, 16) surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_BORDER ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( barX, startY, widthOffset, 16) --text local textToDraw = ply.lastTauntDuration - tauntFrac*ply.lastTauntDuration textToDraw = math.ceil( textToDraw ) if( textToDraw != 0 ) then surface.SetFont( "barHUD" ) surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) local textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) local textX = barX + 3 local textY = startY surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) end end -- INFO GUI startY = startY - padding - 16 -- icon local infoMat = Material("icon16/information.png", "unlitgeneric") surface.SetMaterial( infoMat ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( iconX, startY, 16 , 16) --text surface.SetFont( "barHUD" ) surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) local textToDraw = "Press F1 For Information" local textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) local textX = barX local textY = startY surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) end --[[=========================]]-- --[[ This has the round info ]]-- --[[=========================]]-- local function RoundHUD() local ply = LocalPlayer() if( !ply:IsValid() ) then return end local width = 200 local height = 50 local padding = 10 local startY = ScrH() - padding - height local startX = ScrW() - padding - width startX = startX/2 -- box with border surface.SetDrawColor( ROUND_TIME_COLOR ) surface.DrawRect( startX, startY, width, height) surface.SetDrawColor( PANEL_BORDER ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( startX, startY, width, height) local lineX = startX + width/2 local lineY = startY + height - 1 local box1Width = lineX - startX local box2Width = startX + width - lineX if( round.state ) then -- labels for round/ time left surface.SetFont( "InfoFont" ) surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) local textToDraw = "Time" local textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) local textX = startX + box1Width/2 - textWidth/2 local textY = startY - textHeight surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) textToDraw = "Round" textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) textX = lineX + box2Width/2 - textWidth/2 surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) surface.DrawLine( lineX, lineY, lineX, startY) -- Time left text surface.SetFont( "ObjHUDFont" ) surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) if( round.startTime == 0 || round.state == 3 ) then textToDraw = "00:00" else local secs = CurTime() - round.startTime + round.timePad secs = OBJHUNT_ROUND_TIME - secs secs = math.max( 0, secs ) secs = math.Round( secs, 0 ) textToDraw = string.FormattedTime( secs, "%02i:%02i" ) end textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) textX = startX + box1Width/2 - textWidth/2 textY = startY + height/2 - textHeight/2 surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) -- Rounds text textToDraw = round.current.."/"..OBJHUNT_ROUNDS textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( textToDraw ) textX = lineX + box2Width/2 - textWidth/2 textY = startY + height/2 - textHeight/2 surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( textToDraw ) end end --[[=========================]]-- --[[ This has spectater info ]]-- --[[=========================]]-- local function SpectateHUD() local ply = LocalPlayer() if( !ply:IsValid() ) then return end local sTarget = ply:GetObserverTarget() if( !sTarget ) then return end if( !sTarget:IsPlayer() ) then return end --Fix console errors-- local sNick = sTarget:Nick() local padding = 10 local fColor if( sTarget:Team() == TEAM_HUNTERS ) then fColor = TEAM_HUNTERS_COLOR else fColor = TEAM_PROPS_COLOR end local dColor = LerpColor( .70, fColor, Color(255,255,255,255) ) surface.SetFont( "ObjHUDFont" ) surface.SetTextColor( dColor ) local textWidth, textHeight = surface.GetTextSize( sNick ) local textX = ScrW()/2 - textWidth/2 local textY = padding*2 local width = textWidth + 2*padding local height = textHeight + 2*padding surface.SetTextPos( textX, textY ) surface.DrawText( sNick ) end hook.Add("HUDPaint", "Main ObjHunt HUD", ObjHUD ) hook.Add("HUDPaint", "Round HUD", RoundHUD ) hook.Add("HUDPaint", "Spec HUD", SpectateHUD )
--[[ smap_devinfo - SIP Device Information (c) 2009 Daniel Dickinson Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at $Id$ ]]-- require("luci.i18n") require("luci.util") require("luci.sys") require("luci.model.uci") require("luci.controller.luci_diag.smap_common") require("luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common") local debug = false m = SimpleForm("luci-smap-to-devinfo", translate("Phone Information"), translate("Scan for supported SIP devices on specified networks.")) m.reset = false m.submit = false local outnets = luci.controller.luci_diag.smap_common.get_params() luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.run_processes(outnets, luci.controller.luci_diag.smap_common.command_function) luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.parse_output(m, outnets, true, "smap", true, debug) luci.controller.luci_diag.smap_common.action_links(m, true) return m
----------------------------------- -- Metatron Torment -- Hand-to-Hand Skill level: 5 Description: Delivers a threefold attack. Damage varies wit weapon skill -- Great Axe Weapon Skill -- Skill Level: N/A -- Lowers target's defense. Additional effect: temporarily lowers damage taken from enemies. -- Defense Down effect is 18.5%, 1 minute duration. -- Damage reduced is 20.4% or 52/256. -- Lasts 20 seconds at 100TP, 40 seconds at 200TP and 60 seconds at 300TP. -- Available only when equipped with the Relic Weapons Abaddon Killer (Dynamis use only) or Bravura. -- Also available as a Latent effect on Barbarus Bhuj -- Since these Relic Weapons are only available to Warriors, only Warriors may use this Weapon Skill. -- Aligned with the Flame Gorget & Light Gorget. -- Aligned with the Flame Belt & Light Belt. -- Element: None -- Modifiers: STR:60% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 2.75 2.75 2.75 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/aftermath") require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/weaponskills") ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar) local params = {} params.numHits = 1 params.ftp100 = 2.75 params.ftp200 = 2.75 params.ftp300 = 2.75 params.str_wsc = 0.6 params.dex_wsc = 0.0 params.vit_wsc = 0.0 params.agi_wsc = 0.0 params.int_wsc = 0.0 params.mnd_wsc = 0.0 params.chr_wsc = 0.0 params.crit100 = 0.0 params.crit200 = 0.0 params.crit300 = 0.0 params.canCrit = false params.acc100 = 0.0 params.acc200= 0.0 params.acc300= 0.0 params.atk100 = 1; params.atk200 = 1; params.atk300 = 1; if USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES then params.str_wsc = 0.8 end local damage, criticalHit, tpHits, extraHits = doPhysicalWeaponskill(player, target, wsID, params, tp, action, primary, taChar) if damage > 0 then if not target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.ATTACK_DOWN) then local duration = tp / 1000 * 20 * applyResistanceAddEffect(player, target, dsp.magic.ele.WIND, 0) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.DEFENSE_DOWN, 19, 0, duration) end -- Apply aftermath dsp.aftermath.addStatusEffect(player, tp, dsp.slot.MAIN, dsp.aftermath.type.RELIC) end return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage end
----------------------------------- -- Shield Break -- Great Axe weapon skill -- Skill level: 5 -- Lowers enemy's Evasion. Duration of effect varies with TP. -- Lowers Evasion by as much as 40 if unresisted. -- Strong against: Bees, Beetles, Birds, Crabs, Crawlers, Flies, Lizards, Mandragora, Opo-opo, Pugils, Sabotenders, Scorpions, Sea Monks, Spiders, Tonberry, Yagudo. -- Immune: Bombs, Gigas, Ghosts, Sheep, Skeletons, Tigers. -- Will stack with Sneak Attack. -- Aligned with the Thunder Gorget. -- Aligned with the Thunder Belt. -- Element: Ice -- Modifiers: STR:60% VIT:60% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 1.00 1.00 1.00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/weaponskills") ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar) local params = {} params.numHits = 1 params.ftp100 = 1 params.ftp200 = 1 params.ftp300 = 1 params.str_wsc = 0.2 params.dex_wsc = 0.0 params.vit_wsc = 0.2 params.agi_wsc = 0.0 params.int_wsc = 0.0 params.mnd_wsc = 0.0 params.chr_wsc = 0.0 params.crit100 = 0.0 params.crit200 = 0.0 params.crit300 = 0.0 params.canCrit = false params.acc100 = 0.0 params.acc200= 0.0 params.acc300= 0.0 params.atk100 = 1; params.atk200 = 1; params.atk300 = 1; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.str_wsc = 0.6 params.vit_wsc = 0.6 end local damage, criticalHit, tpHits, extraHits = doPhysicalWeaponskill(player, target, wsID, params, tp, action, primary, taChar) if (damage > 0 and target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.EVASION_DOWN) == false) then local duration = (120 + (tp/1000 * 60)) * applyResistanceAddEffect(player,target,dsp.magic.ele.ICE,0) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.EVASION_DOWN, 40, 0, duration) end return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage end
----------------------------------- -- Die by the Sword -- Qu'Bia Arena BCNM30, Sky Orb -- !additem 1552 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/battlefield") ----------------------------------- function onBattlefieldInitialise(battlefield) battlefield:setLocalVar("loot", 1) end function onBattlefieldTick(battlefield, tick) dsp.battlefield.onBattlefieldTick(battlefield, tick) end function onBattlefieldRegister(player, battlefield) end function onBattlefieldEnter(player, battlefield) end function onBattlefieldLeave(player, battlefield, leavecode) if leavecode == dsp.battlefield.leaveCode.WON then local name, clearTime, partySize = battlefield:getRecord() player:startEvent(32001, battlefield:getArea(), clearTime, partySize, battlefield:getTimeInside(), 1, battlefield:getLocalVar("[cs]bit"), 0) elseif leavecode == dsp.battlefield.leaveCode.LOST then player:startEvent(32002) end end function onEventUpdate(player, csid, option) end function onEventFinish(player, csid, option) end
--- Python-style list class. <p> -- Based on original code by Nick Trout. -- <p> -- <b>Please Note</b>: methods that change the list will return the list. -- This is to allow for method chaining, but please note that <tt>ls = ls:sort()</tt> -- does not mean that a new copy of the list is made. In-place (mutable) methods -- are marked as returning 'the list' in this documentation. -- <p> -- See the Guide for further <a href="../../index.html#list">discussion</a> -- <p> -- See <a href=""></a>, section 5.1 -- <p> -- <b>Note</b>: The comments before some of the functions are from the Python docs -- and contain Python code. -- <p> -- Written for Lua version 4.0 <br /> -- Redone for Lua 5.1, Steve Donovan. -- @class module -- @name pl.list local tinsert,tremove,concat,tsort = table.insert,table.remove,table.concat,table.sort local setmetatable, getmetatable,type,tostring,assert,string,next = setmetatable,getmetatable,type,tostring,assert,string,next local write = io.write local tablex = require 'pl.tablex' local filter,imap,imap2,reduce,transform,tremovevalues = tablex.filter,tablex.imap,tablex.imap2,tablex.reduce,tablex.transform,tablex.removevalues local tablex = tablex local tsub = tablex.sub local utils = require 'pl.utils' local function_arg = utils.function_arg local is_type = utils.is_type local split = utils.split local assert_arg = utils.assert_arg local normalize_slice = tablex._normalize_slice --[[ module ('pl.list',utils._module) ]] local list = {} local Multimap = utils.stdmt.MultiMap -- metatable for our list objects list.List = utils.stdmt.List local List = list.List List.__index = List List._name = "List" List._class = List -- we give the metatable its own metatable so that we can call it like a function! setmetatable(List,{ __call = function (tbl,arg) return List:new(arg) end, }) local function makelist (t) return setmetatable(t,List) end local function is_list(t) return getmetatable(t) == List end local function simple_table(t) return type(t) == 'table' and not is_list(t) and #t > 0 end --- Create a new list. Can optionally pass a table; -- passing another instance of List will cause a copy to be created -- we pass anything which isn't a simple table to iter() to work out -- an appropriate iterator @see iter -- @param t An optional list-like table -- @return a new List -- @usage ls = List(); ls = List {1,2,3,4} function List:new(t) if not t then t={} elseif not simple_table(t) then local tbl = t t = {} for v in iter(tbl) do tinsert(t,v) end end makelist(t,List) return t end ---Add an item to the end of the list. -- @param i An item -- @return the list function List:append(i) tinsert(self,i) return self end List.push = tinsert --- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list. -- equivalent to 'a[len(a):] = L'. -- @param L Another List -- @return the list function List:extend(L) assert_arg(1,L,'table') for i = 1,#L do tinsert(self,L[i]) end return self end --- Insert an item at a given position. i is the index of the -- element before which to insert. -- @param i index of element before whichh to insert -- @param x A data item -- @return the list function List:insert(i, x) assert_arg(1,i,'number') tinsert(self,i,x) return self end --- Insert an item at the begining of the list. -- @param x a data item -- @return the list function List:put (x) return self:insert(1,x) end --- Remove an element given its index. -- (equivalent of Python's del s[i]) -- @param i the index -- @return the list function List:remove (i) assert_arg(1,i,'number') tremove(self,i) return self end --- Remove the first item from the list whose value is given. -- (This is called 'remove' in Python; renamed to avoid confusion -- with table.remove) -- Return nil if there is no such item. -- @param x A data value -- @return the list function List:remove_value(x) for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then tremove(self,i) return self end end return self end --- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. -- If no index is specified, a:pop() returns the last item in the list. -- The item is also removed from the list. -- @param i An index -- @return the item function List:pop(i) if not i then i = #self end assert_arg(1,i,'number') return tremove(self,i) end List.get = List.pop --- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is given. -- Return nil if there is no such item. -- @class function -- @name List:index -- @param x A data value -- @param idx where to start search (default 1) -- @return the index, or nil if not found. local tfind = tablex.find List.index = tfind --- does this list contain the value?. -- @param x A data value -- @return true or false function List:contains(x) return tfind(self,x) and true or false end --- Return the number of times value appears in the list. -- @param x A data value -- @return number of times x appears function List:count(x) local cnt=0 for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then cnt=cnt+1 end end return cnt end --- Sort the items of the list, in place. -- @param cmp an optional comparison function; '<' is used if not given. -- @return the list function List:sort(cmp) tsort(self,cmp) return self end --- Reverse the elements of the list, in place. -- @return the list function List:reverse() local t = self local n = #t local n2 = n/2 for i = 1,n2 do local k = n-i+1 t[i],t[k] = t[k],t[i] end return self end --- Emulate list slicing. like 'list[first:last]' in Python. -- If first or last are negative then they are relative to the end of the list -- eg. slice(-2) gives last 2 entries in a list, and -- slice(-4,-2) gives from -4th to -2nd -- @param first An index -- @param last An index -- @return a new List function List:slice(first,last) return tsub(self,first,last) end --- empty the list. -- @return the list function List:clear() for i=1,#self do tremove(self,i) end return self end --- Emulate Python's range(x) function. -- Include it in List table for tidiness -- @param start A number -- @param finish A number greater than start; if zero, then 0..start-1 -- @usage List.range(0,3) == List {0,1,2,3} function List.range(start,finish) if not finish then start = 0 finish = finish - 1 end assert_arg(1,start,'number') assert_arg(2,finish,'number') local t = List:new() for i=start,finish do tinsert(t,i) end return t end --- list:len() is the same as #list. function List:len() return #self end -- Extended operations -- --- Remove a subrange of elements. -- equivalent to 'del s[i1:i2]' in Python. -- @param i1 start of range -- @param i2 end of range -- @return the list function List:chop(i1,i2) return tremovevalues(self,i1,i2) end --- Insert a sublist into a list -- equivalent to 's[idx:idx] = list' in Python -- @param idx index -- @param list list to insert -- @return the list -- @usage l = List{10,20}; l:splice(2,{21,22}); assert(l == List{10,21,22,20}) function List:splice(idx,list) assert_arg(1,idx,'number') idx = idx - 1 local i = 1 for v in iter(list) do tinsert(self,i+idx,v) i = i + 1 end return self end --- general slice assignment s[i1:i2] = seq. -- @param i1 start index -- @param i2 end index -- @param seq a list -- @return the list function List:slice_assign(i1,i2,seq) assert_arg(1,i1,'number') assert_arg(1,i2,'number') i1,i2 = normalize_slice(self,i1,i2) if i2 >= i1 then self:chop(i1,i2) end self:splice(i1,seq) return self end --- concatenation operator .. . -- @param L another List -- @return a new list consisting of the list with the elements of the new list appended function List:__concat(L) assert_arg(1,L,'table') local ls = List(self) ls:extend(L) return ls end --- equality operator ==. True iff all elements of two lists are equal. -- @param L another List -- @return true or false function List:__eq(L) if #self ~= #L then return false end for i = 1,#self do if self[i] ~= L[i] then return false end end return true end --- join the elements of a list using a delimiter.<br> -- This method uses tostring on all elements. -- @param delim a delimiter string, can be empty. -- @return a string function List:join (delim,v2s) v2s = v2s or tostring delim = delim or '' assert_arg(1,delim,'string') return concat(imap(v2s,self),delim) end --- join a list of strings. <br> -- Uses table.concat directly. -- @class function -- @name List:concat -- @param delim a delimiter -- @return a string List.concat = concat local function tostring_q(val) local s = tostring(val) if type(val) ~= 'number' then s = '"'..s..'"' end return s end --- how our list should be rendered as a string. Uses join(). -- @see pl.list.List:join function List:__tostring() return '{'..self:join(',',tostring_q)..'}' end --[[ -- NOTE: this works, but is unreliable. If you leave the loop before finishing, -- then the iterator is not reset. --- can iterate over a list directly. -- @usage for v in ls do print(v) end function List:__call() if not self.key then self.key = 1 end local value = self[self.key] self.key = self.key + 1 if not value then self.key = nil end return value end --]] --[[ function List.__call(t,v,i) i = (i or 0) + 1 v = t[i] if v then return i, v end end --]] --- call the function for each element of the list. -- @param fun a function or callable object function List:foreach (fun,...) local t = self fun = function_arg(1,fun) for i = 1,#t do fun(t[i],...) end end --- create a list of all elements which match a function. -- @param fun a boolean function -- @param optional argument to be passed as second argument of the predicate -- @return a new filtered list. function List:filter (fun,arg) return makelist(filter(self,fun,arg)) end --- split a string using a delimiter. -- @param s the string -- @param delim the delimiter (default spaces) -- @return a List of strings -- @see pl.utils.split function List.split (s,delim) assert_arg(1,s,'string') return makelist(split(s,delim)) end --- apply a function to all elements. -- Any extra arguments will be passed to the function -- @param fun a function of at least one argument -- @param arg1 an optional argument -- @param ... arbitrary extra arguments. -- @return a new list: {f(x) for x in self} -- @see pl.tablex.imap function List:map (fun,...) return imap(fun,self,...) end --- apply a function to all elements, in-place. -- Any extra arguments are passed to the function. -- @param fun A function that takes at least one argument -- @param ... arbitrary extra arguments. function List:transform (fun,t,...) transform(fun,self,...) end --- apply a function to elements of two lists. -- Any extra arguments will be passed to the function -- @param fun a function of at least two arguments -- @param ... arbitrary extra arguments. -- @return a new list: {f(x,y) for x in self, for x in arg1} -- @see pl.tablex.imap2 function List:map2 (fun,ls,...) return makelist(imap2(fun,self,ls,...)) end --- apply a named meethod to all elements. -- Any extra arguments will be passed to the method. -- @param name name of method -- @param ... extra arguments -- @return a new list of the results -- @see pl.seq.mapmethod function List:mapm (name,...) local res = {} local t = self for i = 1,#t do local val = t[i] local fn = val[name] if not fn then error(type(val).." does not have method " end res[i] = fn(val,...) end return makelist(res) end --- 'reduce' a list using a binary function. -- @param fun a function of two arguments -- @return result of the function -- @see pl.tablex.reduce function List:reduce (fun) return reduce(fun,self) end --- partition a list using a classifier function. -- The function may return nil, but this will be converted to the string key '<nil>'. -- @param fun a function of at least one argument -- @param ... will also be passed to the function -- @return a table where the keys are the returned values, and the values are Lists -- of values where the function returned that key. It is given the type of Multimap. -- @see pl.classx.MultiMap function List:partition (fun,...) fun = function_arg(1,fun) local res = {} for i = 1,#self do local val = self[i] local klass = fun(val,...) if klass == nil then klass = '<nil>' end if not res[klass] then res[klass] = List() end res[klass]:append(val) end return setmetatable(res,Multimap) end --- return an iterator over all values. function List:iter () return iter(self) end --- Create an iterator over a seqence. -- This captures the Python concept of 'sequence'. -- For tables, iterates over all values with integer indices. -- @param seq a sequence; a string (over characters), a table, a file object (over lines) or an iterator function -- @usage for x in iter {1,10,22,55} do io.write(x,',') end ==> 1,10,22,55 -- @usage for ch in iter 'help' do do io.write(ch,' ') end ==> h e l p function iter(seq) if type(seq) == 'string' then local idx = 0 local n = #seq local sub = string.sub return function () idx = idx + 1 if idx > n then return nil else return sub(seq,idx,idx) end end elseif type(seq) == 'table' then local idx = 0 local n = #seq return function() idx = idx + 1 if idx > n then return nil else return seq[idx] end end elseif type(seq) == 'function' then return seq elseif type(seq) == 'userdata' and io.type(seq) == 'file' then return seq:lines() end end return list
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Frazzle ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/magic") require("scripts/globals/msg") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/utils") ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster, target, spell) return 0 end function onSpellCast(caster, target, spell) local dMND = caster:getStat(dsp.mod.MND) - target:getStat(dsp.mod.MND) -- Base magic evasion reduction is determend by enfeebling skill -- Caps at -25 magic evasion at 125 skill local basePotency = utils.clamp(math.floor(caster:getSkillLevel(dsp.skill.ENFEEBLING_MAGIC) / 5), 0, 25) -- dMND is tacked on after -- Min cap: 0 at 0 dMND -- Max cap: 10 at 50 dMND basePotency = basePotency + utils.clamp(math.floor(dMND / 5), 0, 10) local power = calculatePotency(basePotency, spell:getSkillType(), caster, target) local duration = calculateDuration(120, spell:getSkillType(), spell:getSpellGroup(), caster, target) local params = {} params.diff = dMND params.skillType = dsp.skill.ENFEEBLING_MAGIC params.bonus = 0 params.effect = dsp.effect.MAGIC_EVASION_DOWN local resist = applyResistanceEffect(caster, target, spell, params) if resist >= 0.5 then if target:addStatusEffect(params.effect, power, 0, duration * resist) then spell:setMsg(dsp.msg.basic.MAGIC_ENFEEB_IS) else spell:setMsg(dsp.msg.basic.MAGIC_NO_EFFECT) end else spell:setMsg(dsp.msg.basic.MAGIC_RESIST) end return params.effect end
local component = require("component") local computer = require("computer") local event = require("event") local filesystem = require("filesystem") local unicode = require("unicode") local shell = require("shell") local args, options = shell.parse(...) local fromAddress = options.from and component.get(options.from) or filesystem.get(os.getenv("_")).address local candidates = {} for address in component.list("filesystem") do local dev = component.proxy(address) if not dev.isReadOnly() and dev.address ~= computer.tmpAddress() and dev.address ~= fromAddress then table.insert(candidates, dev) end end if #candidates == 0 then io.write("No writable disks found, aborting.\n") os.exit() end for i = 1, #candidates do local label = candidates[i].getLabel() if label then label = label .. " (" .. candidates[i].address:sub(1, 8) .. "...)" else label = candidates[i].address end io.write(i .. ") " .. label .. "\n") end io.write("To select the device to install to, please enter a number between 1 and " .. #candidates .. ".\n") io.write("Press 'q' to cancel the installation.\n") local choice while not choice do result = if result:sub(1, 1):lower() == "q" then os.exit() end local number = tonumber(result) if number and number > 0 and number <= #candidates then choice = candidates[number] else io.write("Invalid input, please try again.\n") end end local function findMount(address) for fs, path in filesystem.mounts() do if fs.address == component.get(address) then return path end end end local name = or "OpenOS" io.write("Installing " .. name .." to device " .. (choice.getLabel() or choice.address) .. "\n") os.sleep(0.25) local cpPath = filesystem.concat(findMount(filesystem.get(os.getenv("_")).address), "bin/cp") local cpOptions = "-vrx" .. (options.u and "ui " or "") local cpSource = filesystem.concat(findMount(fromAddress), options.fromDir or "/", "*") local cpDest = findMount(choice.address) .. "/" local result, reason = os.execute(cpPath .. " " .. cpOptions .. " " .. cpSource .. " " .. cpDest) if not result then error(reason, 0) end if not options.nolabelset then pcall(choice.setLabel, name) end if not options.noreboot then io.write("All done! " .. ((not options.noboot) and "Set as boot device and r" or "R") .. "eboot now? [Y/n]\n") local result = if not result or result == "" or result:sub(1, 1):lower() == "y" then if not options.noboot then computer.setBootAddress(choice.address)end io.write("\nRebooting now!\n") computer.shutdown(true) end end io.write("Returning to shell.\n")
--------------------------------------------- -- Crystal Weapon -- -- Description: Invokes the power of a crystal to deal magical damage of a random element to a single target. -- Type: Magical -- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: Ignores shadows -- Range: Unknown -- Notes: Can be Fire, Earth, Wind, or Water element. Functions even at a distance (outside of melee range). --------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves") --------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) return 0 end function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local element = math.random(6,9) local dmgmod = 1 local accmod = 1 local info = MobMagicalMove(mob,target,skill,mob:getWeaponDmg() * 5,accmod,dmgmod,TP_MAB_BONUS,1) local dmg = MobFinalAdjustments(info.dmg,mob,skill,target,dsp.attackType.MAGICAL,element,MOBPARAM_IGNORE_SHADOWS) target:takeDamage(dmg, mob, dsp.attackType.MAGICAL, element) return dmg end
--------------------------------------------------- -- Ranged Attack -- Deals a ranged attack to a single target. --------------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves") --------------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) -- Ranged attack only used when target is out of range if (mob:checkDistance(target) > 2) then return 0 else return 1 end end function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local numhits = 1 local accmod = 1 local dmgmod = 1.6 local info = MobRangedMove(mob,target,skill,numhits,accmod,dmgmod,TP_NO_EFFECT) local dmg = MobFinalAdjustments(info.dmg,mob,skill,target,dsp.attackType.RANGED,dsp.damageType.PIERCING,info.hitslanded) if (dmg > 0) then target:addTP(20) mob:addTP(80) end target:takeDamage(dmg, mob, dsp.attackType.RANGED, dsp.damageType.PIERCING) return dmg end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Walls -- NPC: Koru-Moru -- Starts & Ends Quest: Star Struck -- Involved in Quest: Making the Grade, Riding on the Clouds -- @pos -120 -6 124 239 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Windurst_Waters/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Windurst_Waters/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) local qStarStruck = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,STAR_STRUCK); local count = trade:getItemCount(); if (trade:hasItemQty(544,1) and count == 1 and trade:getGil() == 0) then if (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,MAKING_THE_GRADE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (player:getVar("QuestMakingTheGrade_prog") == 1) then player:startEvent(0x011d); -- MAKING THE GRADE: Turn in Test Answer & Told to go back to Fuepepe & Chomoro else player:startEvent(0x011f); -- MAKING THE GRADE: Have test answers but not talked/given to Fuepepe end end elseif (trade:hasItemQty(584,1) and count == 1 and trade:getGil() == 0) then player:startEvent(0x00c7); elseif (qStarStruck == QUEST_ACCEPTED and trade:hasItemQty(582,1) and count == 1 and trade:getGil() == 0) then player:startEvent(0x00d3); elseif (trade:hasItemQty(1127,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Kindred seal if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,RIDING_ON_THE_CLOUDS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("ridingOnTheClouds_4") == 4) then player:setVar("ridingOnTheClouds_4",0); player:tradeComplete(); player:addKeyItem(SPIRITED_STONE); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,SPIRITED_STONE); end elseif (trade:hasItemQty(16511,1) and count == 1 and trade:getGil() == 0) then if (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,BLAST_FROM_THE_PAST) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x00e0); -- Complete quest! else player:startEvent(0x00e1); -- not the shell end elseif (trade:hasItemQty(829,1) and count == 1 and trade:getGil() == 0) then if (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,THE_ROOT_OF_THE_PROBLEM) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x15D); player:tradeComplete(); player:setVar("rootProblem",2); end elseif (trade:hasItemQty(17299,4) and count == 4 and trade:getGil() == 0) then -- trade:getItemCount() is apparently checking total of all 8 slots combined. Could have sworn that wasn't how it worked before. if (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,CLASS_REUNION) == 1 and player:getVar("ClassReunionProgress") == 2) then player:startEvent(0x0197); -- now Koru remembers something that you need to inquire his former students. end; end; end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local qStarStruck = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,STAR_STRUCK); local blastFromPast = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,BLAST_FROM_THE_PAST); local blastProg = player:getVar("BlastFromThePast_Prog"); local rootProblem = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,THE_ROOT_OF_THE_PROBLEM); local ThePuppetMaster = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,THE_PUPPET_MASTER); local ThePuppetMasterProgress = player:getVar("ThePuppetMasterProgress"); local ClassReunion = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,CLASS_REUNION); local ClassReunionProgress = player:getVar("ClassReunionProgress"); local talk1 = player:getVar("ClassReunion_TalkedToFupepe"); local talk2 = player:getVar("ClassReunion_TalkedToFurakku"); local CarbuncleDebacle = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,CARBUNCLE_DEBACLE); local CarbuncleDebacleProgress = player:getVar("CarbuncleDebacleProgress"); if (blastFromPast == QUEST_AVAILABLE and qStarStruck == QUEST_COMPLETED and player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,CLASS_REUNION) ~= QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getFameLevel(WINDURST) >= 3 and player:needToZone() == false) then player:startEvent(0x00d6); elseif (blastFromPast == QUEST_ACCEPTED and blastProg >= 2) then player:startEvent(0x00d7); elseif (blastFromPast == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x00d8); elseif (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,MAKING_THE_GRADE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then local makingGradeProg = player:getVar("QuestMakingTheGrade_prog"); if (makingGradeProg == 0 and player:hasItem(544)) then player:startEvent(0x011f); -- MAKING THE GRADE: Have test answers but not talked/given to Fuepepe elseif (makingGradeProg == 1) then player:startEvent(0x011d); -- MAKING THE GRADE: Turn in Test Answer & Told to go back to Fuepepe & Chomoro elseif (makingGradeProg >= 2) then player:startEvent(0x011e); -- MAKING THE GRADE: Reminder to go away else player:startEvent(0x00c1); end elseif (qStarStruck == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x00c6); elseif ((qStarStruck == QUEST_AVAILABLE) and (ClassReunion ~= QUEST_ACCEPTED) and player:hasItem(584)) then player:startEvent(0x00c5); ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Carbuncle Debacle elseif (CarbuncleDebacle == QUEST_ACCEPTED and CarbuncleDebacleProgress == 1 or CarbuncleDebacleProgress == 2) then player:startEvent(0x01a0); -- go and see Ripapa elseif (CarbuncleDebacle == QUEST_ACCEPTED and CarbuncleDebacleProgress == 4) then player:startEvent(0x01a1); -- now go and see Agado-Pugado elseif (CarbuncleDebacle == QUEST_ACCEPTED and CarbuncleDebacleProgress == 5) then player:startEvent(0x01a2); -- Uran-Mafran must be stopped elseif (CarbuncleDebacle == QUEST_ACCEPTED and CarbuncleDebacleProgress == 7) then player:startEvent(0x01a3); -- ending cs elseif (ThePuppetMaster == QUEST_COMPLETED and ClassReunion == QUEST_COMPLETED and CarbuncleDebacle == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x01a4); -- new cs after all 3 SMN AFs done ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Class Reunion elseif (ClassReunion == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ClassReunionProgress == 1) then player:startEvent(0x019c,0,450,17299,0,0,0,0,0); -- bring Koru 4 astragaloi elseif (ClassReunion == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ClassReunionProgress == 2) then player:startEvent(0x019e,0,0,17299,0,0,0,0,0); -- reminder to bring 4 astragaloi elseif ((ClassReunion == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ClassReunionProgress >= 3) and (talk1 ~= 1 or talk2 ~= 1)) then player:startEvent(0x0198); -- reminder to visit the students elseif (ClassReunion == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ClassReunionProgress == 6 and talk1 == 1 and talk2 == 1) then player:startEvent(0x019a); -- ending cs elseif (ThePuppetMaster == QUEST_COMPLETED and ClassReunion == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x019b); -- new cs after completed AF2 ---------------------------------------------------------- -- The Puppet Master elseif (ThePuppetMaster == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ThePuppetMasterProgress == 4) then player:startEvent(0x0194); -- ending cs elseif (ThePuppetMaster == QUEST_COMPLETED and ClassReunion ~= 2) then player:startEvent(0x0195); -- new cs after completed AF1 ---------------------------------------------------------- elseif (rootProblem == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("rootProblem") == 1) then player:startEvent(0x015C,0,829); else if (qStarStruck == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x00d5); else player:startEvent(0x00c1); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x011d) then -- Giving him KI from Principle player:tradeComplete(); player:addKeyItem(TATTERED_TEST_SHEET); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TATTERED_TEST_SHEET); player:setVar("QuestMakingTheGrade_prog",2); elseif (csid == 0x00d3) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addItem(12502); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,12502); player:completeQuest(WINDURST,STAR_STRUCK); player:needToZone(true); player:addFame(WINDURST,20); elseif (csid == 0x00c7) then player:tradeComplete(); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,50); player:addGil(50); elseif (csid == 0x00c5 and option == 0) then player:addQuest(WINDURST,STAR_STRUCK); elseif (csid == 0x00d6 and option == 0) then player:addQuest(WINDURST,BLAST_FROM_THE_PAST); elseif (csid == 0x00e0) then player:tradeComplete(); player:setVar("BlastFromThePast_Prog",0); player:completeQuest(WINDURST,BLAST_FROM_THE_PAST); player:addItem(17030); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,17030); player:addTitle(FOSSILIZED_SEA_FARER); player:addFame(WINDURST,30); player:needToZone(true); elseif (csid == 0x0194) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() ~= 0) then player:addItem(17532); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,17532); player:completeQuest(WINDURST,THE_PUPPET_MASTER); player:setVar("ThePuppetMasterProgress",0); player:needToZone(true); player:addFame(WINDURST,AF1_FAME); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,17532); end; elseif (csid == 0x019c) then player:delKeyItem(CARBUNCLES_TEAR); player:setVar("ClassReunionProgress",2); elseif (csid == 0x0197) then player:tradeComplete(); player:setVar("ClassReunionProgress",3); elseif (csid == 0x019a) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() ~= 0) then player:addItem(14228); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,14228); player:completeQuest(WINDURST,CLASS_REUNION); player:setVar("ClassReunionProgress",0); player:setVar("ClassReunion_TalkedToFurakku",0); player:setVar("ClassReunion_TalkedToFupepe",0); player:needToZone(true); player:addFame(WINDURST,AF2_FAME); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,14228); end; elseif (csid == 0x01a0) then player:setVar("CarbuncleDebacleProgress",2); elseif (csid == 0x01a1) then player:setVar("CarbuncleDebacleProgress",5); player:addKeyItem(DAZEBREAKER_CHARM); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,DAZEBREAKER_CHARM); elseif (csid == 0x01a3) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() ~= 0) then player:addItem(12520); -- Evoker's Horn player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,12520); player:addTitle(PARAGON_OF_SUMMONER_EXCELLENCE); player:completeQuest(WINDURST,CARBUNCLE_DEBACLE); player:addFame(WINDURST,AF3_FAME); player:setVar("CarbuncleDebacleProgress",0); player:needToZone(true); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,12520); end; end; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Metalworks -- NPC: Savae E Paleade -- Involved In Mission: Journey Abroad -- @pos 23.724 -17.39 -43.360 237 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Metalworks/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/missions"); require("scripts/zones/Metalworks/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 5) then if (trade:hasItemQty(599,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Mythril Sand player:startEvent(0x00cd); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) -- San d'Oria Mission 2-3 Part I - Bastok > Windurst if (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_ABROAD and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 2) then player:startEvent(0x00cc); -- San d'Oria Mission 2-3 Part II - Windurst > Bastok elseif (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_ABROAD and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 7) then player:startEvent(0x00ce); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK2 and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 11) then player:startEvent(0x00cf); ----------------- elseif (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) ~= 255) then player:startEvent(0x00d0); else player:startEvent(0x00c8); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x00cc) then player:addMission(SANDORIA,JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK); player:setVar("MissionStatus",3); player:delKeyItem(LETTER_TO_THE_CONSULS_SANDORIA); elseif (csid == 0x00cd) then player:tradeComplete(); player:setVar("MissionStatus",6); player:addMission(SANDORIA,JOURNEY_ABROAD); elseif (csid == 0x00ce) then player:addMission(SANDORIA,JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK2); player:setVar("MissionStatus",8); elseif (csid == 0x00cf) then player:addMission(SANDORIA,JOURNEY_ABROAD); player:delKeyItem(KINDRED_CREST); player:addKeyItem(KINDRED_REPORT); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,KINDRED_REPORT); end end;
--------------------------------------------- -- Gregale Wing -- -- Description: An icy wind deals Ice damage to enemies within a very wide area of effect. Additional effect: Paralyze -- Type: Magical -- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: Wipes shadows -- Range: 30' radial. -- Notes: Used only Jormungand and Isgebind --------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves"); --------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) if (mob:AnimationSub() ~= 1) then return 1; end return 0; end; function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local typeEffect = EFFECT_PARALYSIS; MobStatusEffectMove(mob, target, typeEffect, 40, 0, 120); local dmgmod = 1; local info = MobMagicalMove(mob,target,skill,mob:getWeaponDmg()*5,ELE_ICE,dmgmod,TP_NO_EFFECT); local dmg = MobFinalAdjustments(info.dmg,mob,skill,target,MOBSKILL_MAGICAL,MOBPARAM_ICE,MOBPARAM_WIPE_SHADOWS); target:delHP(dmg); return dmg; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Lower Jeuno -- NPC: Ruslan -- Involved In Quest: Wondering Minstrel -- Working 100% -- @zone = 245 -- @pos = -19 -1 -58 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) wonderingstatus = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,WONDERING_MINSTREL); if (wonderingstatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then prog = player:getVar("QuestWonderingMin_var") if (prog == 0) then -- WONDERING_MINSTREL + Rosewood Lumber: During Quest / Progression player:startEvent(0x2719,0,718); player:setVar("QuestWonderingMin_var",1); elseif (prog == 1) then -- WONDERING_MINSTREL + Rosewood Lumber: Quest Objective Reminder player:startEvent(0x271a,0,718); end elseif (wonderingstatus == QUEST_COMPLETED) then rand = math.random(3); if (rand == 1) then player:startEvent(0x271b); -- WONDERING_MINSTREL: After Quest else player:startEvent(0x2718); -- Standard Conversation end else player:startEvent(0x2718); -- Standard Conversation end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
-- Variable TextID Description text -- General Texts ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED = 6379; -- You cannot obtain the item <item> come back again after sorting your inventory ITEM_OBTAINED = 6384; -- Obtained: <item> GIL_OBTAINED = 6385; -- Obtained <number> gil KEYITEM_OBTAINED = 6387; -- Obtained key item: <keyitem> FISHING_MESSAGE_OFFSET = 7045; -- You can't fish here -- Assault CANNOT_ENTER = 8433; -- You cannot enter at this time. Please wait a while before trying again. AREA_FULL = 8434; -- This area is fully occupied. You were unable to enter. MEMBER_NO_REQS = 8438; -- Not all of your party members meet the requirements for this objective. Unable to enter area. MEMBER_TOO_FAR = 8442; -- One or more party members are too far away from the entrance. Unable to enter area. -- Other Texts NOTHING_HAPPENS = 119; -- Nothing happens... RESPONSE = 7320; -- There is no response... -- Medusa MEDUSA_ENGAGE = 8544; -- Foolish two-legs... Have you forgotten the terrible power of the gorgons you created? It is time you were reminded... MEDUSA_DEATH = 8545; -- No... I cannot leave my sisters...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaJIT PPC disassembler module. -- -- Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Mike Pall. All rights reserved. -- Released under the MIT/X license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is a helper module used by the LuaJIT machine code dumper module. -- -- It disassembles all common, non-privileged 32/64 bit PowerPC instructions -- plus the e500 SPE instructions and some Cell/Xenon extensions. -- -- NYI: VMX, VMX128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local type = type local byte, format = string.byte, string.format local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub local concat = table.concat local bit = require("bit") local band, bor, tohex =, bit.bor, bit.tohex local lshift, rshift, arshift = bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Primary and extended opcode maps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local map_crops = { shift = 1, mask = 1023, [0] = "mcrfXX", [33] = "crnor|crnotCCC=", [129] = "crandcCCC", [193] = "crxor|crclrCCC%", [225] = "crnandCCC", [257] = "crandCCC", [289] = "creqv|crsetCCC%", [417] = "crorcCCC", [449] = "cror|crmoveCCC=", [16] = "b_lrKB", [528] = "b_ctrKB", [150] = "isync", } local map_rlwinm = setmetatable({ shift = 0, mask = -1, }, { __index = function(t, x) local rot = band(rshift(x, 11), 31) local mb = band(rshift(x, 6), 31) local me = band(rshift(x, 1), 31) if mb == 0 and me == 31-rot then return "slwiRR~A." elseif me == 31 and mb == 32-rot then return "srwiRR~-A." else return "rlwinmRR~AAA." end end }) local map_rld = { shift = 2, mask = 7, [0] = "rldiclRR~HM.", "rldicrRR~HM.", "rldicRR~HM.", "rldimiRR~HM.", { shift = 1, mask = 1, [0] = "rldclRR~RM.", "rldcrRR~RM.", }, } local map_ext = setmetatable({ shift = 1, mask = 1023, [0] = "cmp_YLRR", [32] = "cmpl_YLRR", [4] = "twARR", [68] = "tdARR", [8] = "subfcRRR.", [40] = "subfRRR.", [104] = "negRR.", [136] = "subfeRRR.", [200] = "subfzeRR.", [232] = "subfmeRR.", [520] = "subfcoRRR.", [552] = "subfoRRR.", [616] = "negoRR.", [648] = "subfeoRRR.", [712] = "subfzeoRR.", [744] = "subfmeoRR.", [9] = "mulhduRRR.", [73] = "mulhdRRR.", [233] = "mulldRRR.", [457] = "divduRRR.", [489] = "divdRRR.", [745] = "mulldoRRR.", [969] = "divduoRRR.", [1001] = "divdoRRR.", [10] = "addcRRR.", [138] = "addeRRR.", [202] = "addzeRR.", [234] = "addmeRR.", [266] = "addRRR.", [522] = "addcoRRR.", [650] = "addeoRRR.", [714] = "addzeoRR.", [746] = "addmeoRR.", [778] = "addoRRR.", [11] = "mulhwuRRR.", [75] = "mulhwRRR.", [235] = "mullwRRR.", [459] = "divwuRRR.", [491] = "divwRRR.", [747] = "mullwoRRR.", [971] = "divwouRRR.", [1003] = "divwoRRR.", [15] = "iselltRRR", [47] = "iselgtRRR", [79] = "iseleqRRR", [144] = { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "mtcrfRZ~", "mtocrfRZ~", }, [19] = { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "mfcrR", "mfocrfRZ", }, [371] = { shift = 11, mask = 1023, [392] = "mftbR", [424] = "mftbuR", }, [339] = { shift = 11, mask = 1023, [32] = "mferR", [256] = "mflrR", [288] = "mfctrR", [16] = "mfspefscrR", }, [467] = { shift = 11, mask = 1023, [32] = "mtxerR", [256] = "mtlrR", [288] = "mtctrR", [16] = "mtspefscrR", }, [20] = "lwarxRR0R", [84] = "ldarxRR0R", [21] = "ldxRR0R", [53] = "lduxRRR", [149] = "stdxRR0R", [181] = "stduxRRR", [341] = "lwaxRR0R", [373] = "lwauxRRR", [23] = "lwzxRR0R", [55] = "lwzuxRRR", [87] = "lbzxRR0R", [119] = "lbzuxRRR", [151] = "stwxRR0R", [183] = "stwuxRRR", [215] = "stbxRR0R", [247] = "stbuxRRR", [279] = "lhzxRR0R", [311] = "lhzuxRRR", [343] = "lhaxRR0R", [375] = "lhauxRRR", [407] = "sthxRR0R", [439] = "sthuxRRR", [54] = "dcbst-R0R", [86] = "dcbf-R0R", [150] = "stwcxRR0R.", [214] = "stdcxRR0R.", [246] = "dcbtst-R0R", [278] = "dcbt-R0R", [310] = "eciwxRR0R", [438] = "ecowxRR0R", [470] = "dcbi-RR", [598] = { shift = 21, mask = 3, [0] = "sync", "lwsync", "ptesync", }, [758] = "dcba-RR", [854] = "eieio", [982] = "icbi-R0R", [1014] = "dcbz-R0R", [26] = "cntlzwRR~", [58] = "cntlzdRR~", [122] = "popcntbRR~", [154] = "prtywRR~", [186] = "prtydRR~", [28] = "andRR~R.", [60] = "andcRR~R.", [124] = "nor|notRR~R=.", [284] = "eqvRR~R.", [316] = "xorRR~R.", [412] = "orcRR~R.", [444] = "or|mrRR~R=.", [476] = "nandRR~R.", [508] = "cmpbRR~R", [512] = "mcrxrX", [532] = "ldbrxRR0R", [660] = "stdbrxRR0R", [533] = "lswxRR0R", [597] = "lswiRR0A", [661] = "stswxRR0R", [725] = "stswiRR0A", [534] = "lwbrxRR0R", [662] = "stwbrxRR0R", [790] = "lhbrxRR0R", [918] = "sthbrxRR0R", [535] = "lfsxFR0R", [567] = "lfsuxFRR", [599] = "lfdxFR0R", [631] = "lfduxFRR", [663] = "stfsxFR0R", [695] = "stfsuxFRR", [727] = "stfdxFR0R", [759] = "stfduxFR0R", [855] = "lfiwaxFR0R", [983] = "stfiwxFR0R", [24] = "slwRR~R.", [27] = "sldRR~R.", [536] = "srwRR~R.", [792] = "srawRR~R.", [824] = "srawiRR~A.", [794] = "sradRR~R.", [826] = "sradiRR~H.", [827] = "sradiRR~H.", [922] = "extshRR~.", [954] = "extsbRR~.", [986] = "extswRR~.", [539] = "srdRR~R.", }, { __index = function(t, x) if band(x, 31) == 15 then return "iselRRRC" end end }) local map_ld = { shift = 0, mask = 3, [0] = "ldRRE", "lduRRE", "lwaRRE", } local map_std = { shift = 0, mask = 3, [0] = "stdRRE", "stduRRE", } local map_fps = { shift = 5, mask = 1, { shift = 1, mask = 15, [0] = false, false, "fdivsFFF.", false, "fsubsFFF.", "faddsFFF.", "fsqrtsF-F.", false, "fresF-F.", "fmulsFF-F.", "frsqrtesF-F.", false, "fmsubsFFFF~.", "fmaddsFFFF~.", "fnmsubsFFFF~.", "fnmaddsFFFF~.", } } local map_fpd = { shift = 5, mask = 1, [0] = { shift = 1, mask = 1023, [0] = "fcmpuXFF", [32] = "fcmpoXFF", [64] = "mcrfsXX", [38] = "mtfsb1A.", [70] = "mtfsb0A.", [134] = "mtfsfiA>>-A>", [8] = "fcpsgnFFF.", [40] = "fnegF-F.", [72] = "fmrF-F.", [136] = "fnabsF-F.", [264] = "fabsF-F.", [12] = "frspF-F.", [14] = "fctiwF-F.", [15] = "fctiwzF-F.", [583] = "mffsF.", [711] = "mtfsfZF.", [392] = "frinF-F.", [424] = "frizF-F.", [456] = "fripF-F.", [488] = "frimF-F.", [814] = "fctidF-F.", [815] = "fctidzF-F.", [846] = "fcfidF-F.", }, { shift = 1, mask = 15, [0] = false, false, "fdivFFF.", false, "fsubFFF.", "faddFFF.", "fsqrtF-F.", "fselFFFF~.", "freF-F.", "fmulFF-F.", "frsqrteF-F.", false, "fmsubFFFF~.", "fmaddFFFF~.", "fnmsubFFFF~.", "fnmaddFFFF~.", } } local map_spe = { shift = 0, mask = 2047, [512] = "evaddwRRR", [514] = "evaddiwRAR~", [516] = "evsubwRRR~", [518] = "evsubiwRAR~", [520] = "evabsRR", [521] = "evnegRR", [522] = "evextsbRR", [523] = "evextshRR", [524] = "evrndwRR", [525] = "evcntlzwRR", [526] = "evcntlswRR", [527] = "brincRRR", [529] = "evandRRR", [530] = "evandcRRR", [534] = "evxorRRR", [535] = "evor|evmrRRR=", [536] = "evnor|evnotRRR=", [537] = "eveqvRRR", [539] = "evorcRRR", [542] = "evnandRRR", [544] = "evsrwuRRR", [545] = "evsrwsRRR", [546] = "evsrwiuRRA", [547] = "evsrwisRRA", [548] = "evslwRRR", [550] = "evslwiRRA", [552] = "evrlwRRR", [553] = "evsplatiRS", [554] = "evrlwiRRA", [555] = "evsplatfiRS", [556] = "evmergehiRRR", [557] = "evmergeloRRR", [558] = "evmergehiloRRR", [559] = "evmergelohiRRR", [560] = "evcmpgtuYRR", [561] = "evcmpgtsYRR", [562] = "evcmpltuYRR", [563] = "evcmpltsYRR", [564] = "evcmpeqYRR", [632] = "evselRRR", [633] = "evselRRRW", [634] = "evselRRRW", [635] = "evselRRRW", [636] = "evselRRRW", [637] = "evselRRRW", [638] = "evselRRRW", [639] = "evselRRRW", [640] = "evfsaddRRR", [641] = "evfssubRRR", [644] = "evfsabsRR", [645] = "evfsnabsRR", [646] = "evfsnegRR", [648] = "evfsmulRRR", [649] = "evfsdivRRR", [652] = "evfscmpgtYRR", [653] = "evfscmpltYRR", [654] = "evfscmpeqYRR", [656] = "evfscfuiR-R", [657] = "evfscfsiR-R", [658] = "evfscfufR-R", [659] = "evfscfsfR-R", [660] = "evfsctuiR-R", [661] = "evfsctsiR-R", [662] = "evfsctufR-R", [663] = "evfsctsfR-R", [664] = "evfsctuizR-R", [666] = "evfsctsizR-R", [668] = "evfststgtYRR", [669] = "evfststltYRR", [670] = "evfststeqYRR", [704] = "efsaddRRR", [705] = "efssubRRR", [708] = "efsabsRR", [709] = "efsnabsRR", [710] = "efsnegRR", [712] = "efsmulRRR", [713] = "efsdivRRR", [716] = "efscmpgtYRR", [717] = "efscmpltYRR", [718] = "efscmpeqYRR", [719] = "efscfdR-R", [720] = "efscfuiR-R", [721] = "efscfsiR-R", [722] = "efscfufR-R", [723] = "efscfsfR-R", [724] = "efsctuiR-R", [725] = "efsctsiR-R", [726] = "efsctufR-R", [727] = "efsctsfR-R", [728] = "efsctuizR-R", [730] = "efsctsizR-R", [732] = "efststgtYRR", [733] = "efststltYRR", [734] = "efststeqYRR", [736] = "efdaddRRR", [737] = "efdsubRRR", [738] = "efdcfuidR-R", [739] = "efdcfsidR-R", [740] = "efdabsRR", [741] = "efdnabsRR", [742] = "efdnegRR", [744] = "efdmulRRR", [745] = "efddivRRR", [746] = "efdctuidzR-R", [747] = "efdctsidzR-R", [748] = "efdcmpgtYRR", [749] = "efdcmpltYRR", [750] = "efdcmpeqYRR", [751] = "efdcfsR-R", [752] = "efdcfuiR-R", [753] = "efdcfsiR-R", [754] = "efdcfufR-R", [755] = "efdcfsfR-R", [756] = "efdctuiR-R", [757] = "efdctsiR-R", [758] = "efdctufR-R", [759] = "efdctsfR-R", [760] = "efdctuizR-R", [762] = "efdctsizR-R", [764] = "efdtstgtYRR", [765] = "efdtstltYRR", [766] = "efdtsteqYRR", [768] = "evlddxRR0R", [769] = "evlddRR8", [770] = "evldwxRR0R", [771] = "evldwRR8", [772] = "evldhxRR0R", [773] = "evldhRR8", [776] = "evlhhesplatxRR0R", [777] = "evlhhesplatRR2", [780] = "evlhhousplatxRR0R", [781] = "evlhhousplatRR2", [782] = "evlhhossplatxRR0R", [783] = "evlhhossplatRR2", [784] = "evlwhexRR0R", [785] = "evlwheRR4", [788] = "evlwhouxRR0R", [789] = "evlwhouRR4", [790] = "evlwhosxRR0R", [791] = "evlwhosRR4", [792] = "evlwwsplatxRR0R", [793] = "evlwwsplatRR4", [796] = "evlwhsplatxRR0R", [797] = "evlwhsplatRR4", [800] = "evstddxRR0R", [801] = "evstddRR8", [802] = "evstdwxRR0R", [803] = "evstdwRR8", [804] = "evstdhxRR0R", [805] = "evstdhRR8", [816] = "evstwhexRR0R", [817] = "evstwheRR4", [820] = "evstwhoxRR0R", [821] = "evstwhoRR4", [824] = "evstwwexRR0R", [825] = "evstwweRR4", [828] = "evstwwoxRR0R", [829] = "evstwwoRR4", [1027] = "evmhessfRRR", [1031] = "evmhossfRRR", [1032] = "evmheumiRRR", [1033] = "evmhesmiRRR", [1035] = "evmhesmfRRR", [1036] = "evmhoumiRRR", [1037] = "evmhosmiRRR", [1039] = "evmhosmfRRR", [1059] = "evmhessfaRRR", [1063] = "evmhossfaRRR", [1064] = "evmheumiaRRR", [1065] = "evmhesmiaRRR", [1067] = "evmhesmfaRRR", [1068] = "evmhoumiaRRR", [1069] = "evmhosmiaRRR", [1071] = "evmhosmfaRRR", [1095] = "evmwhssfRRR", [1096] = "evmwlumiRRR", [1100] = "evmwhumiRRR", [1101] = "evmwhsmiRRR", [1103] = "evmwhsmfRRR", [1107] = "evmwssfRRR", [1112] = "evmwumiRRR", [1113] = "evmwsmiRRR", [1115] = "evmwsmfRRR", [1127] = "evmwhssfaRRR", [1128] = "evmwlumiaRRR", [1132] = "evmwhumiaRRR", [1133] = "evmwhsmiaRRR", [1135] = "evmwhsmfaRRR", [1139] = "evmwssfaRRR", [1144] = "evmwumiaRRR", [1145] = "evmwsmiaRRR", [1147] = "evmwsmfaRRR", [1216] = "evaddusiaawRR", [1217] = "evaddssiaawRR", [1218] = "evsubfusiaawRR", [1219] = "evsubfssiaawRR", [1220] = "evmraRR", [1222] = "evdivwsRRR", [1223] = "evdivwuRRR", [1224] = "evaddumiaawRR", [1225] = "evaddsmiaawRR", [1226] = "evsubfumiaawRR", [1227] = "evsubfsmiaawRR", [1280] = "evmheusiaawRRR", [1281] = "evmhessiaawRRR", [1283] = "evmhessfaawRRR", [1284] = "evmhousiaawRRR", [1285] = "evmhossiaawRRR", [1287] = "evmhossfaawRRR", [1288] = "evmheumiaawRRR", [1289] = "evmhesmiaawRRR", [1291] = "evmhesmfaawRRR", [1292] = "evmhoumiaawRRR", [1293] = "evmhosmiaawRRR", [1295] = "evmhosmfaawRRR", [1320] = "evmhegumiaaRRR", [1321] = "evmhegsmiaaRRR", [1323] = "evmhegsmfaaRRR", [1324] = "evmhogumiaaRRR", [1325] = "evmhogsmiaaRRR", [1327] = "evmhogsmfaaRRR", [1344] = "evmwlusiaawRRR", [1345] = "evmwlssiaawRRR", [1352] = "evmwlumiaawRRR", [1353] = "evmwlsmiaawRRR", [1363] = "evmwssfaaRRR", [1368] = "evmwumiaaRRR", [1369] = "evmwsmiaaRRR", [1371] = "evmwsmfaaRRR", [1408] = "evmheusianwRRR", [1409] = "evmhessianwRRR", [1411] = "evmhessfanwRRR", [1412] = "evmhousianwRRR", [1413] = "evmhossianwRRR", [1415] = "evmhossfanwRRR", [1416] = "evmheumianwRRR", [1417] = "evmhesmianwRRR", [1419] = "evmhesmfanwRRR", [1420] = "evmhoumianwRRR", [1421] = "evmhosmianwRRR", [1423] = "evmhosmfanwRRR", [1448] = "evmhegumianRRR", [1449] = "evmhegsmianRRR", [1451] = "evmhegsmfanRRR", [1452] = "evmhogumianRRR", [1453] = "evmhogsmianRRR", [1455] = "evmhogsmfanRRR", [1472] = "evmwlusianwRRR", [1473] = "evmwlssianwRRR", [1480] = "evmwlumianwRRR", [1481] = "evmwlsmianwRRR", [1491] = "evmwssfanRRR", [1496] = "evmwumianRRR", [1497] = "evmwsmianRRR", [1499] = "evmwsmfanRRR", } local map_pri = { [0] = false, false, "tdiARI", "twiARI", map_spe, false, false, "mulliRRI", "subficRRI", false, "cmpl_iYLRU", "cmp_iYLRI", "addicRRI", "addic.RRI", "addi|liRR0I", "addis|lisRR0I", "b_KBJ", "sc", "bKJ", map_crops, "rlwimiRR~AAA.", map_rlwinm, false, "rlwnmRR~RAA.", "oriNRR~U", "orisRR~U", "xoriRR~U", "xorisRR~U", "andi.RR~U", "andis.RR~U", map_rld, map_ext, "lwzRRD", "lwzuRRD", "lbzRRD", "lbzuRRD", "stwRRD", "stwuRRD", "stbRRD", "stbuRRD", "lhzRRD", "lhzuRRD", "lhaRRD", "lhauRRD", "sthRRD", "sthuRRD", "lmwRRD", "stmwRRD", "lfsFRD", "lfsuFRD", "lfdFRD", "lfduFRD", "stfsFRD", "stfsuFRD", "stfdFRD", "stfduFRD", false, false, map_ld, map_fps, false, false, map_std, map_fpd, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local map_gpr = { [0] = "r0", "sp", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", "r16", "r17", "r18", "r19", "r20", "r21", "r22", "r23", "r24", "r25", "r26", "r27", "r28", "r29", "r30", "r31", } local map_cond = { [0] = "lt", "gt", "eq", "so", "ge", "le", "ne", "ns", } -- Format a condition bit. local function condfmt(cond) if cond <= 3 then return map_cond[band(cond, 3)] else return format("4*cr%d+%s", rshift(cond, 2), map_cond[band(cond, 3)]) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Output a nicely formatted line with an opcode and operands. local function putop(ctx, text, operands) local pos = ctx.pos local extra = "" if ctx.rel then local sym = ctx.symtab[ctx.rel] if sym then extra = "\t->"..sym end end if ctx.hexdump > 0 then ctx.out(format("%08x %s %-7s %s%s\n", ctx.addr+pos, tohex(ctx.op), text, concat(operands, ", "), extra)) else ctx.out(format("%08x %-7s %s%s\n", ctx.addr+pos, text, concat(operands, ", "), extra)) end ctx.pos = pos + 4 end -- Fallback for unknown opcodes. local function unknown(ctx) return putop(ctx, ".long", { "0x"..tohex(ctx.op) }) end -- Disassemble a single instruction. local function disass_ins(ctx) local pos = ctx.pos local b0, b1, b2, b3 = byte(ctx.code, pos+1, pos+4) local op = bor(lshift(b0, 24), lshift(b1, 16), lshift(b2, 8), b3) local operands = {} local last = nil local rs = 21 ctx.op = op ctx.rel = nil local opat = map_pri[rshift(b0, 2)] while type(opat) ~= "string" do if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end opat = opat[band(rshift(op, opat.shift), opat.mask)] end local name, pat = match(opat, "^([a-z0-9_.]*)(.*)") local altname, pat2 = match(pat, "|([a-z0-9_.]*)(.*)") if altname then pat = pat2 end for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do local x = nil if p == "R" then x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, rs), 31)] rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "F" then x = "f", rs), 31) rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "A" then x = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "S" then x = arshift(lshift(op, 27-rs), 27) rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "I" then x = arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16) elseif p == "U" then x = band(op, 0xffff) elseif p == "D" or p == "E" then local disp = arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16) if p == "E" then disp = band(disp, -4) end if last == "r0" then last = "0" end operands[#operands] = format("%d(%s)", disp, last) elseif p >= "2" and p <= "8" then local disp = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) * p if last == "r0" then last = "0" end operands[#operands] = format("%d(%s)", disp, last) elseif p == "H" then x = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) + lshift(band(op, 2), 4) rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "M" then x = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) + band(op, 0x20) elseif p == "C" then x = condfmt(band(rshift(op, rs), 31)) rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "B" then local bo = rshift(op, 21) local cond = band(rshift(op, 16), 31) local cn = "" rs = rs - 10 if band(bo, 4) == 0 then cn = band(bo, 2) == 0 and "dnz" or "dz" if band(bo, 0x10) == 0 then cn = cn..(band(bo, 8) == 0 and "f" or "t") end if band(bo, 0x10) == 0 then x = condfmt(cond) end name = name..(band(bo, 1) == band(rshift(op, 15), 1) and "-" or "+") elseif band(bo, 0x10) == 0 then cn = map_cond[band(cond, 3) + (band(bo, 8) == 0 and 4 or 0)] if cond > 3 then x = "cr"..rshift(cond, 2) end name = name..(band(bo, 1) == band(rshift(op, 15), 1) and "-" or "+") end name = gsub(name, "_", cn) elseif p == "J" then x = arshift(lshift(op, 27-rs), 29-rs)*4 if band(op, 2) == 0 then x = ctx.addr + pos + x end ctx.rel = x x = "0x"..tohex(x) elseif p == "K" then if band(op, 1) ~= 0 then name = name.."l" end if band(op, 2) ~= 0 then name = name.."a" end elseif p == "X" or p == "Y" then x = band(rshift(op, rs+2), 7) if x == 0 and p == "Y" then x = nil else x = "cr"..x end rs = rs - 5 elseif p == "W" then x = "cr", 7) elseif p == "Z" then x = band(rshift(op, rs-4), 255) rs = rs - 10 elseif p == ">" then operands[#operands] = rshift(operands[#operands], 1) elseif p == "0" then if last == "r0" then operands[#operands] = nil if altname then name = altname end end elseif p == "L" then name = gsub(name, "_", band(op, 0x00200000) ~= 0 and "d" or "w") elseif p == "." then if band(op, 1) == 1 then name = name.."." end elseif p == "N" then if op == 0x60000000 then name = "nop"; break end elseif p == "~" then local n = #operands operands[n-1], operands[n] = operands[n], operands[n-1] elseif p == "=" then local n = #operands if last == operands[n-1] then operands[n] = nil name = altname end elseif p == "%" then local n = #operands if last == operands[n-1] and last == operands[n-2] then operands[n] = nil operands[n-1] = nil name = altname end elseif p == "-" then rs = rs - 5 else assert(false) end if x then operands[#operands+1] = x; last = x end end return putop(ctx, name, operands) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Disassemble a block of code. local function disass_block(ctx, ofs, len) if not ofs then ofs = 0 end local stop = len and ofs+len or #ctx.code stop = stop - stop % 4 ctx.pos = ofs - ofs % 4 ctx.rel = nil while ctx.pos < stop do disass_ins(ctx) end end -- Extended API: create a disassembler context. Then call ctx:disass(ofs, len). local function create(code, addr, out) local ctx = {} ctx.code = code ctx.addr = addr or 0 ctx.out = out or io.write ctx.symtab = {} ctx.disass = disass_block ctx.hexdump = 8 return ctx end -- Simple API: disassemble code (a string) at address and output via out. local function disass(code, addr, out) create(code, addr, out):disass() end -- Return register name for RID. local function regname(r) if r < 32 then return map_gpr[r] end return "f"..(r-32) end -- Public module functions. return { create = create, disass = disass, regname = regname }
local https = require("ssl.https") local ltn12 = require "ltn12" -- Edit data/mashape.lua with your Mashape API key -- local mashape = load_from_file('data/mashape.lua', { api_key = '' }) local function request(imageUrl) local api_key = mashape.api_key if api_key:isempty() then return nil, 'Configure your Mashape API Key' end local api = "" local parameters = "attribute=gender%2Cage%2Crace" parameters = parameters .. "&url="..(URL.escape(imageUrl) or "") local url = api..parameters local headers = { ["X-Mashape-Key"] = api_key, ["Accept"] = "Accept: application/json" } print(url) local respbody = {} local body, code = https.request{ url = url, method = "GET", headers = headers, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody), protocol = "tlsv1" } if code ~= 200 then return "", code end local body = table.concat(respbody) return body, code end local function parseData(data) local jsonBody = json:decode(data) local response = "" if jsonBody.error ~= nil then if jsonBody.error == "IMAGE_ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE" then response = response .. "The image is too big. Provide a smaller image." elseif jsonBody.error == "IMAGE_ERROR_FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD" then response = response .. "Is that a valid url for an image?" else response = response .. jsonBody.error end elseif jsonBody.face == nil or #jsonBody.face == 0 then response = response .. "No faces found" else response = response .. #jsonBody.face .." face(s) found:\n\n" for k,face in pairs(jsonBody.face) do local raceP = "" if face.attribute.race.confidence > 85.0 then raceP = face.attribute.race.value:lower() elseif face.attribute.race.confidence > 50.0 then raceP = "(probably "..face.attribute.race.value:lower()..")" else raceP = "(posibly "..face.attribute.race.value:lower()..")" end if face.attribute.gender.confidence > 85.0 then response = response .. "There is a " else response = response .. "There may be a " end response = response .. raceP .. " " .. face.attribute.gender.value:lower() .. " " response = response .. ", " .. face.attribute.age.value .. "(±".. face.attribute.age.range ..") years old \n" end end return response end local function run(msg, matches) --return request('') local data, code = request(matches[1]) if code ~= 200 then return "There was an error. "..code end return parseData(data) end return { description = "Who is in that photo?", usage = { "!face [url]", "!recognise [url]" }, patterns = { "^!face (.*)$", "^!recognise (.*)$" }, run = run }
-- The MIT License (MIT) -- -- Copyright (c) 2014, Cyril David <> -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -- THE SOFTWARE. local function equal(x, y) local t1, t2 = type(x), type(y) -- Shortcircuit if types not equal. if t1 ~= t2 then return false end -- For primitive types, direct comparison works. if t1 ~= 'table' and t2 ~= 'table' then return x == y end -- Since we have two tables, make sure both have the same -- length so we can avoid looping over different length arrays. if #x ~= #y then return false end -- Case 1: check over all keys of x for k,v in pairs(x) do if not equal(v, y[k]) then return false end end -- Case 2: check over `y` this time. for k,v in pairs(y) do if not equal(v, x[k]) then return false end end return true end return equal
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Woods -- NPC: Nokkhi Jinjahl -- Type: Travelling Merchant NPC / NPC Quiver Maker / Windurst 1st Place -- !pos 4 1 -43 241 ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Windurst_Woods/IDs") ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) local ammoList = { {21307, 6199}, -- arrow, achiyalabopa {21306, 6200}, -- arrow, adlivun {19195, 5819}, -- arrow, antlion {18154, 4221}, -- arrow, beetle {21309, 6137}, -- arrow, chapuli {18159, 4224}, -- arrow, demon {21302, 6269}, -- arrow, eminent {19800, 5912}, -- arrow, gargouille {18156, 4222}, -- arrow, horn {17320, 4225}, -- arrow, iron {17325, 5332}, -- arrow, kabura {21308, 6138}, -- arrow, mantid {21303, 6280}, -- arrow, ra'kaznar {21304, 6202}, -- arrow, raaz {19182, 5871}, -- arrow, ruszor {18155, 4223}, -- arrow, scorpion {17321, 4226}, -- arrow, silver {18158, 5333}, -- arrow, sleep {17330, 4219}, -- arrow, stone {21305, 6201}, -- arrow, tulfaire {21314, 6278}, -- bolt, abrasion {21321, 6203}, -- bolt, achiyalabopa {18148, 5335}, -- bolt, acid {19801, 5913}, -- bolt, adaman {21320, 6204}, -- bolt, adlivun {21318, 6206}, -- bolt, bismuth {18150, 5334}, -- bolt, blind {18151, 5339}, -- bolt, bloody {21322, 6140}, -- bolt, damascus {19183, 5872}, -- bolt, dark adaman {19196, 5820}, -- bolt, darkling {17338, 4229}, -- bolt, darksteel {21316, 6270}, -- bolt, eminent {19197, 5821}, -- bolt, fusion {21313, 6310}, -- bolt, gashing {18153, 5336}, -- bolt, holy {21324, 6139}, -- bolt, midrium {17337, 4228}, -- bolt, mythril {21323, 6141}, -- bolt, oxidant {21317, 6281}, -- bolt, ra'kaznar {21315, 6279}, -- bolt, righteous {18149, 5337}, -- bolt, sleep {21319, 6205}, -- bolt, titanium {18152, 5338}, -- bolt, venom {19803, 5915}, -- bullet, adaman {21336, 6208}, -- bullet, adlivun {21337, 6207}, -- bullet, achiyalabopa {17340, 5363}, -- bullet {21333, 6210}, -- bullet, bismuth {17343, 5359}, -- bullet, bronze {21338, 6143}, -- bullet, damascus {19184, 5873}, -- bullet, dark adaman {21330, 6311}, -- bullet, decimating {21328, 6437}, -- bullet, divine {19198, 5822}, -- bullet, dweomer {21331, 6271}, -- bullet, eminent {17312, 5353}, -- bullet, iron {19802, 5914}, -- bullet, orichalcum {19199, 5823}, -- bullet, oberon's {21332, 6282}, -- bullet, ra'kaznar {17341, 5340}, -- bullet, silver {18723, 5416}, -- bullet, steel {18160, 5341}, -- bullet, spartan {21335, 6209}, -- bullet, titanium {2176, 5402}, -- card, fire {2177, 5403}, -- card, ice {2178, 5404}, -- card, wind {2179, 5405}, -- card, earth {2180, 5406}, -- card, thunder {2181, 5407}, -- card, water {2182, 5408}, -- card, light {2183, 5409}, -- card, dark } local carnationsNeeded = 0 local giveToPlayer = {} -- check for invalid items for i = 0,8,1 do local itemId = trade:getItemId(i) if itemId > 0 and itemId ~= 948 then local validSlot = false for k, v in pairs(ammoList) do if v[1] == itemId then local itemQty = trade:getSlotQty(i) if itemQty % 99 ~= 0 then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOKKHI_BAD_COUNT) return end local stacks = itemQty / 99 carnationsNeeded = carnationsNeeded + stacks giveToPlayer[#giveToPlayer+1] = {v[2], stacks} validSlot = true break end end if not validSlot then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOKKHI_BAD_ITEM) return end end end -- check for correct number of carnations if carnationsNeeded == 0 or trade:getItemQty(948) ~= carnationsNeeded then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOKKHI_BAD_COUNT) return end -- check for enough inventory space if player:getFreeSlotsCount() < carnationsNeeded then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED, giveToPlayer[1][1]) return end -- make the trade player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOKKHI_GOOD_TRADE) for k, v in pairs(giveToPlayer) do player:addItem(v[1], v[2]) player:messageSpecial(ID.text.ITEM_OBTAINED,v[1]) end player:tradeComplete() end function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(667,npc:getID()) end function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) end function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) end
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4295 -- Item: plate_of_royal_sautee -- Food Effect: 240Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Strength 5 -- Agility 1 -- Intelligence -2 -- Attack +22% (cap 80) -- Ranged Attack +22% (cap 80) -- Stun Resist +4 -- HP recovered while healing +1 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0 if target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD) or target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) then result = dsp.msg.basic.IS_FULL end return result end function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD,0,0,14400,4295) end function onEffectGain(target, effect) target:addMod(dsp.mod.STR, 5) target:addMod(dsp.mod.AGI, 1) target:addMod(dsp.mod.INT, -2) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_ATTP, 22) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_ATT_CAP, 80) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_RATTP, 22) target:addMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_RATT_CAP, 80) target:addMod(dsp.mod.STUNRES, 4) target:addMod(dsp.mod.HPHEAL, 1) end function onEffectLose(target, effect) target:delMod(dsp.mod.STR, 5) target:delMod(dsp.mod.AGI, 1) target:delMod(dsp.mod.INT, -2) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_ATTP, 22) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_ATT_CAP, 80) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_RATTP, 22) target:delMod(dsp.mod.FOOD_RATT_CAP, 80) target:delMod(dsp.mod.STUNRES, 4) target:delMod(dsp.mod.HPHEAL, 1) end
local function get_bans() local str = file.Read("pac_bans.txt", "DATA") local bans = {} if str and str ~= "" then bans = util.KeyValuesToTable(str) end do -- check if this needs to be rebuilt local k,v = next(bans) if isstring(v) then local temp = {} for k,v in pairs(bans) do temp[util.CRC("gm_" .. v .. "_gm")] = {steamid = v, name = k} end bans = temp end end return bans end function pace.Ban(ply) ply:ConCommand("pac_clear_parts") timer.Simple( 1, function() -- made it a timer because the ConCommand don't run fast enough. - Bizzclaw net.Start("pac_submit_acknowledged") net.WriteBool(false) net.WriteString("You have been banned from using pac!") net.Send(ply) local bans = get_bans() for key, data in pairs(bans) do if ply:SteamID() == data.steamid then bans[key] = nil end end bans[ply:UniqueID()] = {steamid = ply:SteamID(), nick = ply:Nick()} pace.Bans = bans file.Write("pac_bans.txt", util.TableToKeyValues(bans), "DATA") end) end function pace.Unban(ply) net.Start("pac_submit_acknowledged") net.WriteBool(true) net.WriteString("You are now permitted to use pac!") net.Send(ply) local bans = get_bans() for key, data in pairs(bans) do if ply:SteamID() == data.steamid then bans[key] = nil end end pace.Bans = bans file.Write("pac_bans.txt", util.TableToKeyValues(bans), "DATA") end local function GetPlayer(target) for key, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if ply:SteamID() == target or ply:UniqueID() == target or ply:Nick():lower():find(target:lower()) then return ply end end end concommand.Add("pac_ban", function(ply, cmd, args) local target = GetPlayer(args[1]) if (not IsValid(ply) or ply:IsAdmin()) and target then pace.Ban(target) pac.Message(ply, " banned ", target, " from PAC.") end end) concommand.Add("pac_unban", function(ply, cmd, args) local target = GetPlayer(args[1]) if (not IsValid(ply) or ply:IsAdmin()) and target then pace.Unban(target) pac.Message(ply, " unbanned ", target, " from PAC.") end end) function pace.IsBanned(ply) if not ply or not ply:IsValid() then return false end if not pace.Bans then pace.Bans = get_bans() end return pace.Bans[ply:UniqueID()] ~= nil end
----------------------------------- -- Ability: Celerity -- Reduces the casting time and the recast time of your next white magic spell by 50%. -- Obtained: Scholar Level 25 -- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge -- Duration: 1 white magic spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first. -- -- Level |Charges |Recharge Time per Charge -- ----- -------- --------------- -- 10 |1 |4:00 minutes -- 30 |2 |2:00 minutes -- 50 |3 |1:20 minutes -- 70 |4 |1:00 minute -- 90 |5 |48 seconds ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------- -- onAbilityCheck ----------------------------------- function onAbilityCheck(player,target,ability) if player:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_CELERITY) then return MSGBASIC_EFFECT_ALREADY_ACTIVE, 0; end return 0,0; end; ----------------------------------- -- onUseAbility ----------------------------------- function onUseAbility(player,target,ability) player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_CELERITY,1,0,60); return EFFECT_CELERITY; end;
do local mime = require("mime") local google_config = load_from_file('data/google.lua') local cache = {} --[[ local function send_request(url) local t = {} local options = { url = url, sink = ltn12.sink.table(t), method = "GET" } local a, code, headers, status = http.request(options) return table.concat(t), code, headers, status end]]-- local function get_google_data(text) local url = "" url = url.."v=1.0&rsz=5" url = url.."&q="..URL.escape(text) url = url.."&imgsz=small|medium|large" if google_config.api_keys then local i = math.random(#google_config.api_keys) local api_key = google_config.api_keys[i] if api_key then url = url.."&key="..api_key end end local res, code = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then print("HTTP Error code:", code) return nil end local google = json:decode(res) return google end -- Returns only the useful google data to save on cache local function simple_google_table(google) local new_table = {} new_table.responseData = {} new_table.responseDetails = google.responseDetails new_table.responseStatus = google.responseStatus new_table.responseData.results = {} local results = google.responseData.results for k,result in pairs(results) do new_table.responseData.results[k] = {} new_table.responseData.results[k].unescapedUrl = result.unescapedUrl new_table.responseData.results[k].url = result.url end return new_table end local function save_to_cache(query, data) -- Saves result on cache if string.len(query) <= 7 then local text_b64 = mime.b64(query) if not cache[text_b64] then local simple_google = simple_google_table(data) cache[text_b64] = simple_google end end end local function process_google_data(google, receiver, query) if google.responseStatus == 403 then local text = 'ERROR: Reached maximum searches per day' send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) elseif google.responseStatus == 200 then local data = google.responseData if not data or not data.results or #data.results == 0 then local text = 'Image not found.' send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) return false end -- Random image from table local i = math.random(#data.results) local url = data.results[i].unescapedUrl or data.results[i].url local old_timeout = http.TIMEOUT or 10 http.TIMEOUT = 5 send_photo_from_url(receiver, url) http.TIMEOUT = old_timeout save_to_cache(query, google) else local text = 'ERROR!' send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) end end function run(msg, matches) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local text = matches[1] local text_b64 = mime.b64(text) local cached = cache[text_b64] if cached then process_google_data(cached, receiver, text) else local data = get_google_data(text) process_google_data(data, receiver, text) end end return { description = "Search image with Google API and sends it.", usage = "!img [term]: Random search an image with Google API.", patterns = { "^!img (.*)$", "^/img (.*)$" }, run = run } end
function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "Custom Markers", desc = "Alternative to Spring map markers", author = "Evil4Zerggin (adapted by KingRaptor)", date = "29 December 2008", license = "GNU LGPL, v2.1 or later", layer = 1001, -- more than Chili alwaysStart = true, enabled = true -- loaded by default? } end ---------------------------------------------------------------- --config ---------------------------------------------------------------- --negative to disable blinking local blinkPeriod = -1 local ttl = 15 local highlightSize = 32 local highlightLineMin = 24 local highlightLineMax = 40 local edgeMarkerSize = 16 local lineWidth = 2 local maxAlpha = 1 local fontSize = 32 local circleFreq = 1 local circleUpdateFreq = 0.01 local circleRadius = 150 local circleRadiusMin = 50 local circleAlpha = 0.9 --local circleAlphaMin = 0.1 local circleTTL = 3 local minimapHighlightSize = 8 local minimapHighlightLineMin = 6 local minimapHighlightLineMax = 10 local useFade = false local circleDrawList --[[ -- supported parameters (for both presets and manual args): -- color -- fontSize (note: offscreen arrow's text size is hardcoded to 2/3 normal font size) -- showArrow [default true] -- scaleTextSize (draws text in world instead of on screen) [default false] -- noSmoke [default false] -- technically position, text and even expiry frame can be enforced too but why would you do that? ]] local stylePresets = { --[[ examplePreset = { color = {0.2, 0.7, 0.1}, fontSize = 24, showArrow = false, noSmoke = true, scaleTextSize = true, } ]] small = { fontSize = 24, } } local colorPresets = { red = {1, 0.2, 0.2, 1}, green = {0.2, 1, 0.2, 1}, blue = {0.2, 0.2, 1, 1}, } local sizePresets = { small = { fontSize = 24, showArrow = false, }, } for name, color in pairs(colorPresets) do stylePresets[name] = { color = color, } for sizeName, params in pairs(sizePresets) do local new = { color = color, } for key, value in pairs(params) do new[key] = value end stylePresets[name .. "_" .. sizeName] = new end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- --speedups ---------------------------------------------------------------- local ArePlayersAllied = Spring.ArePlayersAllied local GetPlayerInfo = Spring.GetPlayerInfo local GetTeamColor = Spring.GetTeamColor local GetSpectatingState = Spring.GetSpectatingState local WorldToScreenCoords = Spring.WorldToScreenCoords local glColor = gl.Color local glRect = gl.Rect local glLineWidth = gl.LineWidth local glShape = gl.Shape local glPolygonMode = gl.PolygonMode local glText = gl.Text local max = math.max local abs = math.abs local strSub = string.sub local GL_LINES = GL.LINES local GL_TRIANGLES = GL.TRIANGLES local GL_LINE = GL.LINE local GL_FRONT_AND_BACK = GL.FRONT_AND_BACK local GL_FILL = GL.FILL local EMPTY_TABLE = {} local WHITE = {1, 1, 1, 1} ---------------------------------------------------------------- --Lups definition ---------------------------------------------------------------- local smokeFX = { layer = 1, alwaysVisible = true, speed = 0.65, count = 2, colormap = { {0, 0, 0, 0.01}, {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.01}, {0.35, 0.15, 0.15, 0.20}, {0, 0, 0, 0.01} }, delaySpread = 10, life = 45, lifeSpread = 15, rotSpeed = 1, rotSpeedSpread = -2, rotSpread = 360, size = 30, sizeSpread = 5, sizeGrowth = 0.2, emitVector = {0,1,0}, emitRotSpread = 60, texture = 'bitmaps/smoke/smoke01.tga', } local Lups ---------------------------------------------------------------- --vars ---------------------------------------------------------------- local mapPoints = {} local circles = {} local timeNow, timePart local on = false local mapX = Game.mapX * 512 local mapY = Game.mapY * 512 local vsx, vsy, sMidX, sMidY ---------------------------------------------------------------- --local functions ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function GetPlayerColor(playerID) local _, _, isSpec, teamID = GetPlayerInfo(playerID) if (isSpec) then return GetTeamColor(Spring.GetGaiaTeamID()) end if (not teamID) then return nil end return GetTeamColor(teamID) end local function StartTime() local viewSizeX, viewSizeY = widgetHandler:GetViewSizes() widget:ViewResize(viewSizeX, viewSizeY) timeNow = 0 timePart = 0 on = true end local function SetUseFade(bool) useFade = bool end local function RemovePoint(id) local point = mapPoints[id] if point and point.fx then point.fx:Destroy() end mapPoints[id] = nil end local function AddPoint(id, x, z, text, styleName) if mapPoints[id] then RemovePoint(id) end local expiration = (timeNow or 0) + ttl local y = Spring.GetGroundHeight(x, z) local pointData = {x = x, y = y, z = z, text = text, expiration = expiration} if styleName and stylePresets[styleName] then pointData = Spring.Utilities.MergeTable(stylePresets[styleName], pointData, true) end if not pointData.color then pointData.color = WHITE end mapPoints[id] = pointData end local function ClearPoints() for id in pairs(mapPoints) do RemovePoint(id) end end -- makes a color char from a color table -- explanation for string.char: local function GetColorChar(colorTable) if colorTable == nil then return string.char(255,255,255,255) end local col = {} for i=1,3 do col[i] = math.ceil((colorTable[i] or 1)*255) end return string.char(255,col[1],col[2],col[3]) end local function CreateCircle(point) circles[#circles + 1] = { point = point, x = point.x, y = point.y, z = point.z, color = point.color, alpha = 0, radius = circleRadius, time = 0, } end -- from gfx_commands_fx.lua local function CircleVertices(circleDivs) for i = 1, circleDivs do local theta = 2 * math.pi * i / circleDivs gl.Vertex(math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta), 0) end end local function DrawCircle(circle) if not Spring.IsSphereInView(circle.x, circle.y, circle.z, circle.radius) then return end gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translate(circle.x, circle.y + 10, circle.z) gl.Rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) gl.Scale(circle.radius, circle.radius, 1) gl.Color(circle.color[1], circle.color[2], circle.color[3], circle.alpha * circle.color[4]) gl.CallList(circleDrawList) gl.PopMatrix() end local function DrawBillboardedText(point) if not Spring.IsSphereInView(point.x, point.y, point.z, 250) then return end local alpha = maxAlpha * (point.expiration - timeNow) / ttl if (alpha <= 0) then return end glColor(point.color[1], point.color[2], point.color[3], alpha * point.color[4]) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translate(point.x, point.y + 32, point.z ) gl.Billboard() local cChar = GetColorChar(point.color) glText(cChar..point.text.."\008", 0, 16, point.fontSize or fontSize, 'cno') gl.PopMatrix() end local function DrawOnScreenPoint(point, sx, sy, sz, fontSizeLocal) --[[ -- draw a targeting box local vertices = { {v = {sx, sy - highlightLineMin, 0}}, {v = {sx, sy - highlightLineMax, 0}}, {v = {sx, sy + highlightLineMin, 0}}, {v = {sx, sy + highlightLineMax, 0}}, {v = {sx - highlightLineMin, sy, 0}}, {v = {sx - highlightLineMax, sy, 0}}, {v = {sx + highlightLineMin, sy, 0}}, {v = {sx + highlightLineMax, sy, 0}}, } glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) glRect(sx - highlightSize, sy - highlightSize, sx + highlightSize, sy + highlightSize) glShape(GL_LINES, vertices) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) ]] if point.text and (not point.scaleTextSize) then local cChar = GetColorChar(point.color) glText(cChar..point.text.."\008", sx, sy + 16, fontSizeLocal, 'cno') end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- --callins ---------------------------------------------------------------- function widget:Initialize() timeNow = nil timePart = nil Lups = WG.Lups WG.CustomMarker = { AddPoint = AddPoint, RemovePoint = RemovePoint, ClearPoints = ClearPoints, SetUseFade = SetUseFade } circleDrawList = gl.CreateList(gl.BeginEnd, GL.LINE_LOOP, CircleVertices, 48) widgetHandler:RegisterGlobal('AddCustomMapMarker', AddPoint) widgetHandler:RegisterGlobal('RemoveCustomMapMarker', RemovePoint) -- debug --WG.CustomMarker.AddPoint("newPoint", Game.mapSizeX/2, Game.mapSizeZ/2, "Custom marker", "examplePreset") --WG.CustomMarker.AddPoint("newPoint2", Game.mapSizeX/2 + 300, Game.mapSizeZ/2 - 300, "Custom marker 2", {1, 0.5, 1}) --WG.CustomMarker.AddPoint("newPoint3", Game.mapSizeX/2 - 300, Game.mapSizeZ/2 + 300, "Custom marker 3", {fontSize = 48, color = {0, 0.2, 1}}) end function widget:Shutdown() ClearPoints() WG.CustomMarker = nil gl.DeleteList(circleDrawList) widgetHandler:DeregisterGlobal('AddCustomMapMarker', AddPoint) widgetHandler:DeregisterGlobal('RemoveCustomMapMarker', RemovePoint) end -- update smoke function widget:GameFrame(f) if Lups and f%10 == 0 then local wx, wy, wz = Spring.GetWind() wx, wy, wz = wx*0.05, wy*0.05, wz*0.05 smokeFX.force = {wx,wy+2,wz} for id,point in pairs(mapPoints) do if not point.noSmoke then local color = point.color smokeFX.pos = {point.x, point.y, point.z} smokeFX.partpos = "r*sin(alpha),0,r*cos(alpha) | alpha=rand()*2*pi, r=rand()*20" smokeFX.colormap[2] = { color[1], color[2], color[3], smokeFX.colormap[2][4]} smokeFX.colormap[3] = { color[1], color[2], color[3], smokeFX.colormap[3][4]} smokeFX.texture = "bitmaps/smoke/smoke0" .. math.random(1,9) .. ".tga" Lups.AddParticles('SimpleParticles2',smokeFX) end end end end -- draw rings, scaling text function widget:DrawWorldPreUnit() glLineWidth(4) gl.DepthTest(false) --gl.LineStipple(true) for i=1,#circles do local circle = circles[i] DrawCircle(circle) end for id,point in pairs(mapPoints) do if point.text and point.scaleTextSize then DrawBillboardedText(point) end end glLineWidth(1) gl.DepthTest(true) gl.Color(1,1,1,1) --gl.LineStipple(false) end -- draw non-scaling text and offscreen markers function widget:DrawScreen() if (not on) then return end glLineWidth(lineWidth) for id, point in pairs(mapPoints) do local fontSizeLocal = point.fontSize or fontSize local alpha = maxAlpha * (point.expiration - timeNow) / ttl if (alpha <= 0) then mapPoints[id] = nil else local sx, sy, sz = WorldToScreenCoords(point.x, point.y + 32, point.z) glColor(point.color[1], point.color[2], point.color[3], alpha * point.color[4]) if (sx >= 0 and sy >= 0 and sx <= vsx and sy <= vsy) then --in screen DrawOnScreenPoint(point, sx, sy, sz, fontSizeLocal) elseif point.showArrow ~= false then --out of screen local func = function() glColor(point.color[1], point.color[2], point.color[3], alpha * point.color[4]) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) --flip if behind screen if (sz > 1) then sx = sMidX - sx sy = sMidY - sy end local xRatio = sMidX / abs(sx - sMidX) local yRatio = sMidY / abs(sy - sMidY) local edgeDist, vertices, textX, textY, textOptions local smallFontSize = math.floor(fontSizeLocal * 2 / 3 + 0.5) if (xRatio < yRatio) then edgeDist = (sy - sMidY) * xRatio + sMidY if (sx > 0) then vertices = { {v = {vsx, edgeDist, 0}}, {v = {vsx - edgeMarkerSize, edgeDist + edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, {v = {vsx - edgeMarkerSize, edgeDist - edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, } textX = vsx - edgeMarkerSize textY = edgeDist - smallFontSize * 0.5 textOptions = "rn" else vertices = { {v = {0, edgeDist, 0}}, {v = {edgeMarkerSize, edgeDist - edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, {v = {edgeMarkerSize, edgeDist + edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, } textX = edgeMarkerSize textY = edgeDist - smallFontSize * 0.5 textOptions = "n" end else edgeDist = (sx - sMidX) * yRatio + sMidX if (sy > 0) then vertices = { {v = {edgeDist, vsy, 0}}, {v = {edgeDist - edgeMarkerSize, vsy - edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, {v = {edgeDist + edgeMarkerSize, vsy - edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, } textX = edgeDist textY = vsy - edgeMarkerSize - smallFontSize textOptions = "cn" else vertices = { {v = {edgeDist, 0, 0}}, {v = {edgeDist + edgeMarkerSize, edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, {v = {edgeDist - edgeMarkerSize, edgeMarkerSize, 0}}, } textX = edgeDist textY = edgeMarkerSize textOptions = "cn" end end glShape(GL_TRIANGLES, vertices) if point.text then local cChar = GetColorChar(point.color) glText(cChar..point.text.."\008", textX, textY, smallFontSize, textOptions .. 'o') end glColor(1, 1, 1) glLineWidth(1) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) end if WG.DrawAfterChili then WG.DrawAfterChili(func) else func() end end end end glColor(1, 1, 1) glLineWidth(1) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) end function widget:ViewResize(viewSizeX, viewSizeY) vsx = viewSizeX vsy = viewSizeY sMidX = viewSizeX * 0.5 sMidY = viewSizeY * 0.5 end -- handle points' rings local ringPeriod = 0 local ringUpdatePeriod = 0 function widget:Update(dt) if (not timeNow) then StartTime() else if useFade then timeNow = timeNow + dt end timePart = timePart + dt if (timePart > blinkPeriod and blinkPeriod > 0) then timePart = timePart - blinkPeriod on = not on end end ringPeriod = ringPeriod + dt if ringPeriod > circleFreq then for id, point in pairs(mapPoints) do CreateCircle(point) end ringPeriod = 0 end ringUpdatePeriod = ringUpdatePeriod + dt if ringUpdatePeriod > circleUpdateFreq then local notRemoved = {} local delta = ringUpdatePeriod/circleTTL for i=1,#circles do local circle = circles[i] local age = circle.time / circleTTL if age <= 1 then circle.time = circle.time + ringUpdatePeriod circle.radius = circleRadius - (circleRadius - circleRadiusMin) * age local alphaMult = 0.5 - math.abs(0.5 - age) circle.alpha = circleAlpha * alphaMult * 2 notRemoved[#notRemoved + 1] = circle end end circles = notRemoved ringUpdatePeriod = 0 end end function widget:DrawInMiniMap(sx, sy) if (not on) then return end glLineWidth(lineWidth) gl.Lighting(false) local ratioX = sx / mapX local ratioY = sy / mapY for id,point in pairs(mapPoints) do local alpha = maxAlpha * (point.expiration - timeNow) / ttl if (alpha <= 0) then mapPoints[id] = nil else local x = point.x * ratioX local y = sy - point.z * ratioY glColor(point.color[1], point.color[2], point.color[3], alpha * point.color[4]) local vertices = { {v = {x, y - minimapHighlightLineMin, 0}}, {v = {x, y - minimapHighlightLineMax, 0}}, {v = {x, y + minimapHighlightLineMin, 0}}, {v = {x, y + minimapHighlightLineMax, 0}}, {v = {x - minimapHighlightLineMin, y, 0}}, {v = {x - minimapHighlightLineMax, y, 0}}, {v = {x + minimapHighlightLineMin, y, 0}}, {v = {x + minimapHighlightLineMax, y, 0}}, } glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) glRect(x - minimapHighlightSize, y - minimapHighlightSize, x + minimapHighlightSize, y + minimapHighlightSize) glShape(GL_LINES, vertices) end end glColor(1, 1, 1) glLineWidth(1) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) end
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rules to build wxWidgets' wxXRC binding for wxLua -- load using : $lua -e"rulesFilename=\"rules.lua\"" genwxbind.lua -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the root directory of the wxLua distribution, used only in this file wxlua_dir = "../" -- ============================================================================ -- Set the Lua namespace (Lua table) that the bindings will be placed into. -- See wxLuaBinding::GetLuaNamespace(); eg. wx.wxWindow(...) hook_lua_namespace = "wx" -- Set the unique C++ "namespace" for the bindings, not a real namespace, but -- a string used in declared C++ objects to prevent duplicate names. -- See wxLuaBinding::GetBindingName(). hook_cpp_namespace = "wxxrc" -- ============================================================================ -- Set the directory to output the bindings to, both C++ header and source files output_cpp_header_filepath = wxlua_dir.."modules/wxbind/include" output_cpp_filepath = wxlua_dir.."modules/wxbind/src" -- ============================================================================ -- Set the DLLIMPEXP macros for compiling these bindings into a DLL -- Use "WXLUA_NO_DLLIMPEXP" and "WXLUA_NO_DLLIMPEXP_DATA" for no IMPEXP macros output_cpp_impexpsymbol = "WXDLLIMPEXP_BINDWXXRC" output_cpp_impexpdatasymbol = "WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BINDWXXRC" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the name of the header file that will have the #includes from the -- bindings in it. This will be used as #include "hook_cpp_header_filename" in -- the C++ wrapper files, so it must include the proper #include path. hook_cpp_header_filename = "wxbind/include/"..hook_cpp_namespace.."_bind.h" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the name of the main binding file that will have the glue code for the -- bindings in it. This file along with the output from the *.i files will be -- placed in the "output_cpp_filepath". hook_cpp_binding_filename = hook_cpp_namespace.."_bind.cpp" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate only a single output C++ binding source file with the name of -- hook_cpp_binding_filename, as opposed to generating a single cpp file -- for each *.i file plus the hook_cpp_binding_filename file. output_single_cpp_binding_file = true -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the name of the subclassed wxLuaBinding class hook_cpp_binding_classname = "wxLuaBinding_"..hook_cpp_namespace -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the function names that wrap the output structs of defined values, -- objects, events, functions, and classes. hook_cpp_define_funcname = "wxLuaGetDefineList_"..hook_cpp_namespace hook_cpp_string_funcname = "wxLuaGetStringList_"..hook_cpp_namespace hook_cpp_object_funcname = "wxLuaGetObjectList_"..hook_cpp_namespace hook_cpp_event_funcname = "wxLuaGetEventList_"..hook_cpp_namespace hook_cpp_function_funcname = "wxLuaGetFunctionList_"..hook_cpp_namespace hook_cpp_class_funcname = "wxLuaGetClassList_"..hook_cpp_namespace -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set any #includes or other C++ code to be placed verbatim at the top of -- every generated cpp file or "" for none hook_cpp_binding_includes = "" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set any #includes or other C++ code to be placed verbatim below the -- #includes of every generated cpp file or "" for none hook_cpp_binding_post_includes = "" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add additional include information or C++ code for the binding header file. -- This code will be place directly after any #includes at the top of the file hook_cpp_binding_header_includes = "#include \"wxbind/include/wxbinddefs.h\"\n".. "#include \"wxluasetup.h\"\n".. "#include \"wxbind/include/wxcore_bind.h\"\n" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set any #includes or other C++ code to be placed verbatim at the top of -- the single hook_cpp_binding_filename generated cpp file or "" for none hook_cpp_binding_source_includes = "" -- ============================================================================ -- Set the bindings directory that contains the *.i interface files interface_filepath = wxlua_dir.."bindings/wxwidgets" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A list of interface files to use to make the bindings. These files will be -- converted into *.cpp and placed in the output_cpp_filepath directory. -- The files are loaded from the interface_filepath. interface_fileTable = { "wxxrc_xrc.i" } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A list of files that contain bindings that need to be overridden or empty -- table {} for none. -- The files are loaded from the interface_filepath. --override_fileTable = { "wxxrc_override.hpp" } -- ============================================================================ -- A table containing filenames of XXX_datatype.lua from other wrappers to -- to define classes and data types used in this wrapper -- NOTE: for the base wxWidgets wrappers we don't load the cache since they -- don't depend on other wrappers and can cause problems when interface -- files are updated. Make sure you delete or have updated any cache file -- that changes any data types used by this binding. datatype_cache_input_fileTable = { wxlua_dir.."bindings/wxwidgets/wxcore_datatypes.lua" } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The file to output the data type cache for later use with a binding that -- makes use of data types (classes, enums, etc) that are declared in this -- binding. The file will be generated in the interface_filepath. datatypes_cache_output_filename = hook_cpp_namespace.."_datatypes.lua" -- ============================================================================ -- Declare functions or member variables for the derived wxLuaBinding class -- that will be generated for this binding. The string will be copied verbatim -- into the body of the hook_cpp_binding_classname class declaration in the -- hook_cpp_header_filename header file. May be remmed out to ignore it. -- See usage in the wxWidgets wxbase_rules.lua file. --wxLuaBinding_class_declaration = nothing to do here -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implement the functions or member variables for the derived wxLuaBinding -- class that you have declared. The string will be copied into the -- hook_cpp_binding_filename source file. May be remmed out to ignore it. -- See usage in the wxWidgets wxbase_rules.lua file. --wxLuaBinding_class_implementation = nothing to do here -- ============================================================================ -- Add additional conditions here -- example: conditions["DOXYGEN_INCLUDE"] = "defined(DOXYGEN_INCLUDE)" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add additional data types here -- example: AllocDataType("wxArrayInt", "class",false) -- ============================================================================ -- Generate comments into binding C++ code comment_cpp_binding_code = true
----------------------------------- -- Glory Slash -- Sword weapon skill -- Skill Level: NA -- Only avaliable during Campaign Battle while weilding Lex Talionis. -- Delivers and area attack that deals triple damage. Damage varies with TP. Additional effect Stun. -- Will stack with Sneak Attack. -- Aligned with the Flame Gorget & Light Gorget. -- Aligned with the Flame Belt & Light Belt. -- Element: Light -- Modifiers: STR:30% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 3.00 3.50 4.00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/weaponskills") require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/status") ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar) local params = {} params.numHits = 1 params.ftp100 = 3 params.ftp200 = 3.5 params.ftp300 = 4 params.str_wsc = 0.3 params.dex_wsc = 0.0 params.vit_wsc = 0.0 params.agi_wsc = 0.0 params.int_wsc = 0.0 params.mnd_wsc = 0.0 params.chr_wsc = 0.0 params.crit100 = 0.0 params.crit200 = 0.0 params.crit300 = 0.0 params.canCrit = false params.acc100 = 0.0 params.acc200= 0.0 params.acc300= 0.0 params.atk100 = 1; params.atk200 = 1; params.atk300 = 1; if (damage > 0 and target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.STUN) == false) then local duration = (tp/500) * applyResistanceAddEffect(player,target,dsp.magic.ele.LIGHTNING,0) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.STUN, 1, 0, duration) end local damage, tpHits, extraHits = doPhysicalWeaponskill(player, target, wsID, params, tp, action, primary, taChar) return tpHits, extraHits, damage end
-- app.lua local http = require "lapis.nginx.http" local lapis = require("lapis") local console = require("lapis.console") local http = require("lapis.nginx.http") local config = require("lapis.config").get() --local colors = require("ansicolors") local logging = require("lapis.logging") local util = require("lapis.util") local json_params = require("lapis.application").json_params local socketurl = require("socket.url") local sqlite3 = require("lsqlite3") local inspect = require('inspect') local strlen = string.len local cjson = require "cjson" local rabbitmq = require "resty.rabbitmqstomp" sensors = {} local data = {} local app = lapis.Application() app:enable("etlua") app.layout = require "views._layout" --setCache("test","abc") app:match("all", "/console", console.make()) app:get("index", "/", function(self) self.title = "Dashboard" self.temp = 4.3 self.test = data.test self.class_active = 'class=active' return {render = true} end) app:get('/pub', function(self) data = { sensor='all', request='getData', } postRabbitMQRequest(data) return "OK" end) app:get('sensors','/sensors', function(self) self.title = "Sensors" -- self.temp = 4.3 -- self.test = data.test -- self.sensors = getSensors() return {render = true} -- return self.route_name -- return self:url_for('index') -- return inspect(self) end) app:get('websocket_test','/websocket_test', function(self) -- self.title = "Websocket Test" -- self.temp = 4.3 -- self.test = data.test -- self.sensors = getSensors() -- return {render = true} -- return self.route_name -- return self:url_for('index') return inspect(self.route_name) end) app:get("/api/collectSensors", function(self) -- a simple GET request getSensorData(0) return "response: " .. body end) app:get("/api/getSensors", json_params(function(self) -- Set api layout app.layout = require "views._layout_api" local body = getSensors() return util.to_json(body) end)) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- function postRabbitMQRequest (msg) local opts = { username = "luasense", password = "luasense", vhost = "/", } local headers = {} local mq, err = rabbitmq:new(opts) if not mq then return end mq:set_timeout(10000) local ok, err = mq:connect("",61613) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERROR, "Error: ") return else headers['ok'] = 'true' end headers["destination"] = "/topic/luasense" -- headers["receipt"] = "msg#1" -- headers["app-id"] = "luaresty" -- headers["persistent"] = "true" headers["content-type"] = "application/json" local ok, err = mq:send(cjson.encode(msg), headers) -- local ok, err = mq:send(msg, headers) if not ok then return end logging.notice("Published: ".. cjson.encode(msg)) return true end function requestSensorReadings () -- Requesting a refresh for sensors end function getSensors() -- Getting a list of sensors that we have db = for row in db:nrows('SELECT * FROM sensors') do sensors[] = row end db:close() return sensors end function getSensorData (sensorID) print(sensors) if sensors[1].type == 0 then local body, status_code, headers = http.simple(sensors[sensorID].ip) end end function setCache(key, value) memc:set_timeout(1000) -- 1 sec local ok, err = memc:connect("", "11211") if not ok then ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) return end local ok, err = memc:set(key, value) if not ok then ngx.say("failed to set "..key..": ", err) return end return true end function getCache(key) memc:set_timeout(1000) -- 1 sec local ok, err = memc:connect("", "11211") if not ok then ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) return end local res, flags, err = memc:get(key) if err then ngx.say("failed to get "..key..": ", err) return end if not res then ngx.say( key.."not found") return end return res end function initDB () -- If tables don't exist - create. end function table.val_to_str ( v ) if "string" == type( v ) then v = string.gsub( v, "\n", "\\n" ) if string.match( string.gsub(v,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$' ) then return "'" .. v .. "'" end return '"' .. string.gsub(v,'"', '\\"' ) .. '"' else return "table" == type( v ) and table.tostring( v ) or tostring( v ) end end function table.key_to_str ( k ) if "string" == type( k ) and string.match( k, "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" ) then return k else return "[" .. table.val_to_str( k ) .. "]" end end function table.tostring( tbl ) local result, done = {}, {} for k, v in ipairs( tbl ) do table.insert( result, table.val_to_str( v ) ) done[ k ] = true end for k, v in pairs( tbl ) do if not done[ k ] then table.insert( result, table.key_to_str( k ) .. "=" .. table.val_to_str( v ) ) end end return "{" .. table.concat( result, "," ) .. "}" end ----------- -- --local headers = {} --headers["destination"] = "/amq/queue/queuename" --headers["persistent"] = "true" --headers["id"] = "123" -- --local ok, err = mq:subscribe(headers) --if not ok then -- return --end -- --local data, err = mq:receive() --if not ok then -- return --end --ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "Consumed: " .. data) -- --local headers = {} --headers["persistent"] = "true" --headers["id"] = "123" -- --local ok, err = mq:unsubscribe(headers) -- --local ok, err = mq:set_keepalive(10000, 10000) --if not ok then -- return --end ----------- return app
local self = { LOG_ERROR = 1, LOG_FORCE = 0.5, LOG_MODULE_EXEC_INFO = 2, LOG_INFO = 3, LOG_DEBUG = 4, } function self.fileExists(name) local f =, "r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function self.osExecute(cmd) if (_G.TESTMODE) then return end os.execute(cmd) end function self.print(msg) if (_G.TESTMODE) then return end print(msg) end function self.urlEncode(str) if (str) then str = string.gsub(str, "\n", "\r\n") str = string.gsub(str, "([^%w %-%_%.%~])", function(c) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end) str = string.gsub(str, " ", "+") end return str end function self.log(msg, level) if (level == nil) then level = self.LOG_INFO end local lLevel = _G.logLevel == nil and 1 or _G.logLevel local marker = '' if (level == self.LOG_ERROR) then marker = marker .. 'Error: ' elseif (level == self.LOG_DEBUG) then marker = marker .. 'Debug: ' elseif (level == self.LOG_INFO or level == self.LOG_MODULE_EXEC_INFO) then marker = marker .. 'Info: ' elseif (level == self.LOG_FORCE) then marker = marker .. '!Info: ' end if (_G.logMarker ~= nil) then marker = marker .. _G.logMarker .. ': ' end if (level <= lLevel) then self.print(tostring(marker) .. msg) end end return self
----------------------------------- -- Area: Bibiki Bay -- NPC: Clamming Point ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Bibiki_Bay/IDs"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); ----------------------------------- -- Local Variables ----------------------------------- -- clammingItems = item id, weight, drop rate, improved drop rate local clammingItems = { 1311, 6, 0.001, 0.003, -- Oxblood 885, 6, 0.002, 0.006, -- Turtle Shell 1193, 6, 0.003, 0.009, -- HQ Crab Shell 1446, 6, 0.004, 0.012, -- Lacquer Tree Log 4318, 6, 0.005, 0.015, -- Bibiki Urchin 1586, 6, 0.008, 0.024, -- Titanictus Shell 5124, 20, 0.011, 0.033, -- Tropical Clam 690, 6, 0.014, 0.042, -- Elm Log 887, 6, 0.017, 0.051, -- Coral Fragment 703, 6, 0.021, 0.063, -- Petrified Log 691, 6, 0.025, 0.075, -- Maple Log 4468, 6, 0.029, 0.087, -- Pamamas 3270, 6, 0.033, 0.099, -- HQ Pugil Scales 888, 6, 0.038, 0.114, -- Seashell 4328, 6, 0.044, 0.132, -- Hobgoblin Bread 485, 6, 0.051, 0.153, -- Broken Willow Rod 510, 6, 0.058, 0.174, -- Goblin Armor 5187, 6, 0.065, 0.195, -- Elshimo Coconut 507, 6, 0.073, 0.219, -- Goblin Mail 881, 6, 0.081, 0.243, -- Crab Shell 4325, 6, 0.089, 0.267, -- Hobgoblin Pie 936, 6, 0.098, 0.294, -- Rock Salt 4361, 6, 0.107, 0.321, -- Nebimonite 864, 6, 0.119, 0.357, -- Fish Scales 4484, 6, 0.140, 0.420, -- Shall Shell 624, 6, 0.178, 0.534, -- Pamtam Kelp 1654, 35, 0.225, 0.675, -- Igneous Rock 17296, 7, 0.377, 0.784, -- Pebble 5123, 11, 0.628, 0.892, -- Jacknife 5122, 3, 1.000, 1.000 -- Bibiki Slug }; ----------------------------------- -- Local Functions ----------------------------------- local function giveImprovedResults(player) if (player:getMod(dsp.mod.CLAMMING_IMPROVED_RESULTS) > 0) then return 1; end return 0; end; local function giveReducedIncidents(player) if (player:getMod(dsp.mod.CLAMMING_REDUCED_INCIDENTS) > 0) then return 0.05; end return 0.1; end; function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem( then player:setLocalVar("ClammingPointID", npc:getID()); if (GetServerVariable("ClammingPoint_" .. npc:getID() .. "_InUse") == 1) then player:messageSpecial(ID.text.IT_LOOKS_LIKE_SOMEONE); else if (player:getCharVar("ClammingKitBroken") > 0) then -- Broken bucket player:messageSpecial(ID.text.YOU_CANNOT_COLLECT); else local delay = GetServerVariable("ClammingPoint_" .. npc:getID() .. "_Delay"); if ( delay > 0 and delay > os.time()) then -- player has to wait a little longer player:messageSpecial(ID.text.IT_LOOKS_LIKE_SOMEONE); else SetServerVariable("ClammingPoint_" .. npc:getID() .. "_InUse", 1); SetServerVariable("ClammingPoint_" .. npc:getID() .. "_Delay", 0); player:startEvent(20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); end end end else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.AREA_IS_LITTERED); end; end; function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) if (csid == 20) then if (player:getCharVar("ClammingKitSize") == 200 and math.random() <= giveReducedIncidents(player)) then player:setLocalVar("SomethingJumpedInBucket", 1); else local dropRate = math.random(); local improvedResults = giveImprovedResults(player); for itemDrop = 3, #clammingItems, 4 do if (dropRate <= clammingItems[itemDrop + improvedResults]) then player:setLocalVar("ClammedItem", clammingItems[itemDrop - 2]); player:addCharVar("ClammedItem_" .. clammingItems[itemDrop - 2], 1); player:addCharVar("ClammingKitWeight", clammingItems[itemDrop - 1]); if (player:getCharVar("ClammingKitWeight") > player:getCharVar("ClammingKitSize")) then -- Broken bucket player:setCharVar("ClammingKitBroken", 1); end break; end end end end end; function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) if (csid == 20) then if (player:getLocalVar("SomethingJumpedInBucket") > 0) then player:setLocalVar("SomethingJumpedInBucket", 0); player:messageSpecial(ID.text.SOMETHING_JUMPS_INTO); player:setCharVar("ClammingKitBroken", 1); for item = 1, #clammingItems, 4 do -- Remove items from bucket player:setCharVar("ClammedItem_" .. clammingItems[item], 0); end else local clammedItem = player:getLocalVar("ClammedItem"); if (clammedItem > 0) then if (player:getCharVar("ClammingKitBroken") > 0) then --Broken bucket player:messageSpecial(ID.text.THE_WEIGHT_IS_TOO_MUCH, clammedItem); for item = 1, #clammingItems, 4 do -- Remove items from bucket player:setCharVar("ClammedItem_" .. clammingItems[item], 0); end else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.YOU_FIND_ITEM, clammedItem); end SetServerVariable("ClammingPoint_" .. player:getLocalVar("ClammingPointID") .. "_Delay", os.time() + 10); player:setLocalVar("ClammedItem", 0); end end SetServerVariable("ClammingPoint_" .. player:getLocalVar("ClammingPointID") .. "_InUse", 0); player:setLocalVar("ClammingPointID", 0); end end;
local SpatialDropout, Parent = torch.class('nn.SpatialDropout', 'nn.Module') function SpatialDropout:__init(p) Parent.__init(self) self.p = p or 0.5 self.train = true self.noise = torch.Tensor() end function SpatialDropout:updateOutput(input) self.output:resizeAs(input):copy(input) if self.train then if input:dim() == 4 then self.noise:resize(input:size(1), input:size(2), 1, 1) elseif input:dim() == 3 then self.noise:resize(input:size(1), 1, 1) else error('Input must be 4D (nbatch, nfeat, h, w) or 3D (nfeat, h, w)') end self.noise:bernoulli(1-self.p) -- We expand the random dropouts to the entire feature map because the -- features are likely correlated accross the map and so the dropout -- should also be correlated. self.output:cmul(torch.expandAs(self.noise, input)) else self.output:mul(1-self.p) end return self.output end function SpatialDropout:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) if self.train then self.gradInput:resizeAs(gradOutput):copy(gradOutput) self.gradInput:cmul(torch.expandAs(self.noise, input)) -- simply mask the gradients with the noise vector else error('backprop only defined while training') end return self.gradInput end function SpatialDropout:setp(p) self.p = p end function SpatialDropout:__tostring__() return string.format('%s(%f)', torch.type(self), self.p) end
--[[ Copyright 2007-2020 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS) This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made available to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more information, see COPYING. ]] AttackPaths = { { waypoint7 }, { waypoint8 } } NodBase = { handofnod, nodairfield, nodrefinery, NodCYard, nodpower1, nodpower2, nodpower3, nodpower4, nodpower5, gun5, gun6, gun7, gun8, nodsilo1, nodsilo2, nodsilo3, nodsilo4, nodobelisk } PatrolProductionQueue = { } InfantryAttackGroup = { } InfantryGroupSize = 5 InfantryProductionCooldown = DateTime.Minutes(3) InfantryProductionTypes = { "e1", "e1", "e1", "e3", "e3", "e4" } HarvesterProductionType = { "harv" } VehicleAttackGroup = { } VehicleGroupSize = 5 VehicleProductionCooldown = DateTime.Minutes(3) VehicleProductionTypes = { "bggy", "bggy", "bggy", "ltnk", "ltnk", "arty" } StartingCash = 14000 BaseRefinery = { type = "proc", pos = CPos.New(12, 25) } BaseNuke1 = { type = "nuke", pos = CPos.New(5, 24) } BaseNuke2 = { type = "nuke", pos = CPos.New(3, 24) } BaseNuke3 = { type = "nuke", pos = CPos.New(16, 30) } BaseNuke4 = { type = "nuke", pos = CPos.New(14, 30) } BaseNuke5 = { type = "nuke", pos = CPos.New(12, 30) } InfantryProduction = { type = "hand", pos = CPos.New(15, 24) } VehicleProduction = { type = "afld", pos = CPos.New(3, 27) } NodGuards = { Actor168, Actor169, Actor170, Actor171, Actor172, Actor181, Actor177, Actor188, Actor189, Actor190 } BaseBuildings = { BaseRefinery, BaseNuke1, BaseNuke2, BaseNuke3, BaseNuke4, InfantryProduction, VehicleProduction } BuildBuilding = function(building, cyard) local buildingCost = Actor.Cost(building.type) if CyardIsBuilding or Nod.Cash < buildingCost then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(10), function() BuildBuilding(building, cyard) end) return end CyardIsBuilding = true Nod.Cash = Nod.Cash - buildingCost Trigger.AfterDelay(Actor.BuildTime(building.type), function() CyardIsBuilding = false if cyard.IsDead or cyard.Owner ~= Nod then Nod.Cash = Nod.Cash + buildingCost return end local actor = Actor.Create(building.type, true, { Owner = Nod, Location = building.pos }) if actor.Type == 'hand' or actor.Type == 'pyle' then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(10), function() ProduceInfantry(actor) end) elseif actor.Type == 'afld' or actor.Type == 'weap' then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(10), function() ProduceVehicle(actor) end) end Trigger.OnKilled(actor, function() BuildBuilding(building, cyard) end) RepairBuilding(Nod, actor, 0.75) end) end HasHarvester = function() local harv = Nod.GetActorsByType("harv") return #harv > 0 end GuardBase = function() Utils.Do(NodBase, function(building) Trigger.OnDamaged(building, function() if not building.IsDead then Utils.Do(NodGuards, function(guard) if not guard.IsDead then guard.Stop() guard.Guard(building) end end) end end) end) end ProduceHarvester = function(building) if not buildingHarvester then buildingHarvester = true building.Build(HarvesterProductionType, function() buildingHarvester = false end) end end ProduceInfantry = function(building) if building.IsDead or building.Owner ~= Nod then return elseif not HasHarvester() then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(10), function() ProduceInfantry(building) end) return end if #PatrolProductionQueue >= 1 then local inQueue = PatrolProductionQueue[1] local toBuild = { inQueue.unit[1] } local patrolPath = inQueue.waypoints building.Build(toBuild, function(unit) ReplenishPatrolUnit(unit[1], handofnod, patrolPath, 40) table.remove(PatrolProductionQueue, 1) end) Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(10), function() ProduceInfantry(building) end) return end local delay = Utils.RandomInteger(DateTime.Seconds(3), DateTime.Seconds(9)) local toBuild = { Utils.Random(InfantryProductionTypes) } local Path = Utils.Random(AttackPaths) building.Build(toBuild, function(unit) InfantryAttackGroup[#InfantryAttackGroup + 1] = unit[1] if #InfantryAttackGroup >= InfantryGroupSize then MoveAndHunt(InfantryAttackGroup, Path) InfantryAttackGroup = { } Trigger.AfterDelay(InfantryProductionCooldown, function() ProduceInfantry(building) end) else Trigger.AfterDelay(delay, function() ProduceInfantry(building) end) end end) end ProduceVehicle = function(building) if building.IsDead or building.Owner ~= Nod then return elseif not HasHarvester() then ProduceHarvester(building) Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(10), function() ProduceVehicle(building) end) return end local delay = Utils.RandomInteger(DateTime.Seconds(12), DateTime.Seconds(17)) local toBuild = { Utils.Random(VehicleProductionTypes) } local Path = Utils.Random(AttackPaths) building.Build(toBuild, function(unit) VehicleAttackGroup[#VehicleAttackGroup + 1] = unit[1] if #VehicleAttackGroup >= VehicleGroupSize then MoveAndHunt(VehicleAttackGroup, Path) VehicleAttackGroup = { } Trigger.AfterDelay(VehicleProductionCooldown, function() ProduceVehicle(building) end) else Trigger.AfterDelay(delay, function() ProduceVehicle(building) end) end end) end StartAI = function() RepairNamedActors(Nod, 0.75) Nod.Cash = StartingCash GuardBase() end Trigger.OnAllKilledOrCaptured(NodBase, function() Utils.Do(Nod.GetGroundAttackers(), IdleHunt) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodrefinery, function(building) BuildBuilding(BaseRefinery, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodpower1, function(building) BuildBuilding(BaseNuke1, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodpower2, function(building) BuildBuilding(BaseNuke2, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodpower3, function(building) BuildBuilding(BaseNuke3, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodpower4, function(building) BuildBuilding(BaseNuke4, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodpower5, function(building) BuildBuilding(BaseNuke5, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(handofnod, function(building) BuildBuilding(InfantryProduction, NodCYard) end) Trigger.OnKilled(nodairfield, function(building) BuildBuilding(VehicleProduction, NodCYard) end)
----------------------------------- -- Area: Kazham -- NPC: Dodmos -- Starts Quest: Trial Size Trial By Fire -- @pos 102.647 -14.999 -97.664 250 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Kazham/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/teleports"); require("scripts/zones/Kazham/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (trade:hasItemQty(1544,1) == true and player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS,TRIAL_SIZE_TRIAL_BY_FIRE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getMainJob() == JOBS.SMN) then player:startEvent(0x011f,0,1544,0,20); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local TrialSizeFire = player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS,TRIAL_SIZE_TRIAL_BY_FIRE); if (player:getMainLvl() >= 20 and player:getMainJob() == JOBS.SMN and TrialSizeFire == QUEST_AVAILABLE and player:getFameLevel(KAZHAM) >= 2) then --Requires player to be Summoner at least lvl 20 player:startEvent(0x011e,0,1544,0,20); --mini tuning fork, zone, level elseif (TrialSizeFire == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then local FireFork = player:hasItem(1544); if (FireFork == true) then player:startEvent(0x0110); --Dialogue given to remind player to be prepared elseif (FireFork == false and tonumber("%j")) ~= player:getVar("TrialSizeFire_date")) then player:startEvent(0x0122,0,1544,0,20); --Need another mini tuning fork end elseif (TrialSizeFire == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x0121); --Defeated Avatar else player:startEvent(0x0113); --Standard dialogue end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x011e and option == 1) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,1544); --Mini tuning fork else player:setVar("TrialSizeFire_date", 0); player:addQuest(OUTLANDS,TRIAL_SIZE_TRIAL_BY_FIRE); player:addItem(1544); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,1544); end elseif (csid == 0x0122 and option == 1) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,1544); --Mini tuning fork else player:addItem(1544); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,1544); end elseif (csid == 0x011f and option == 1) then toCloisterOfFlames(player); end end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4515 -- Item: copper_frog -- Food Effect: 5Min, Mithra only ----------------------------------------- -- Dexterity 2 -- Agility 2 -- Mind -4 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0 if (target:getRace() ~= dsp.race.MITHRA) then result = dsp.msg.basic.CANNOT_EAT end if (target:getMod(dsp.mod.EAT_RAW_FISH) == 1) then result = 0 end if target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD) or target:hasStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) then result = dsp.msg.basic.IS_FULL end return result end function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.FOOD,0,0,300,4515) end function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(dsp.mod.DEX, 2) target:addMod(dsp.mod.AGI, 2) target:addMod(dsp.mod.MND, -4) end function onEffectLose(target, effect) target:delMod(dsp.mod.DEX, 2) target:delMod(dsp.mod.AGI, 2) target:delMod(dsp.mod.MND, -4) end
--[[ LuCI - Network model - SSTP protocol extension Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local netmod = local _, p for _, p in ipairs({"sstp"}) do local proto = netmod:register_protocol(p) function proto.get_i18n(self) if p == "sstp" then return luci.i18n.translate("SSTP") end end function proto.ifname(self) return p .. "-" .. self.sid end function proto.opkg_package(self) if p == "sstp" then return "sstp-client" end end function proto.is_installed(self) if p == "sstp" then return nixio.fs.access("/lib/netifd/proto/") end end function proto.is_floating(self) return true end function proto.is_virtual(self) return true end function proto.get_interfaces(self) return nil end function proto.contains_interface(self, ifc) return (netmod:ifnameof(ifc) == self:ifname()) end netmod:register_pattern_virtual("^%s-%%w" % p) end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Horlais Peak -- Name: Saintly Invitation -- !pos 299 -123 345 146 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/battlefield") require("scripts/globals/keyitems") require("scripts/globals/missions") require("scripts/globals/npc_util") ----------------------------------- function onBattlefieldTick(battlefield, tick) dsp.battlefield.onBattlefieldTick(battlefield, tick) end function onBattlefieldRegister(player, battlefield) end function onBattlefieldEnter(player, battlefield) end function onBattlefieldLeave(player, battlefield, leavecode) if leavecode == dsp.battlefield.leaveCode.WON then local name, clearTime, partySize = battlefield:getRecord() if player:hasCompletedMission(WINDURST, then player:startEvent(32001, battlefield:getArea(), clearTime, partySize, battlefield:getTimeInside(), 1, battlefield:getLocalVar("[cs]bit"), 1) else player:startEvent(32001, battlefield:getArea(), clearTime, partySize, battlefield:getTimeInside(), 1, battlefield:getLocalVar("[cs]bit"), 0) end elseif leavecode == dsp.battlefield.leaveCode.LOST then player:startEvent(32002) end end function onEventUpdate(player, csid, option) end function onEventFinish(player, csid, option) if csid == 32001 then if player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == then player:addTitle(dsp.title.VICTOR_OF_THE_BALGA_CONTEST) npcUtil.giveKeyItem(player, player:setCharVar("MissionStatus", 2) end end end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Woods -- NPC: Bozack -- Type: Event Replayer -- @zone: 241 -- @pos 92.591 -5.58 -31.529 -- -- Auto-Script: Requires Verification (Verfied by Brawndo) ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Windurst_Woods/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x0264); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
--------------------------------------------------- -- Thunderspark M=whatever --------------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/summon"); require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves"); --------------------------------------------------- function onAbilityCheck(player, target, ability) return 0,0; end; function onPetAbility(target, pet, skill) local numhits = 1; local accmod = 1; local dmgmod = 2; local dmgmodsubsequent = 1; -- ?? local totaldamage = 0; local damage = AvatarPhysicalMove(pet,target,skill,numhits,accmod,dmgmod,dmgmodsubsequent,TP_NO_EFFECT,1,2,3); --get resist multiplier (1x if no resist) local resist = applyPlayerResistance(pet,-1,target,pet:getStat(MOD_INT)-target:getStat(MOD_INT),ELEMENTAL_MAGIC_SKILL, ELE_THUNDER); --get the resisted damage damage.dmg = damage.dmg*resist; --add on bonuses (staff/day/weather/jas/mab/etc all go in this function) damage.dmg = mobAddBonuses(pet,spell,target,damage.dmg,1); local tp = skill:getTP(); if tp < 1000 then tp = 1000; end damage.dmg = damage.dmg * tp / 1000; totaldamage = AvatarFinalAdjustments(damage.dmg,pet,skill,target,MOBSKILL_PHYSICAL,MOBPARAM_BLUNT,numhits); target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_PARALYSIS, 15, 0, 60); target:delHP(totaldamage); target:updateEnmityFromDamage(pet,totaldamage); return totaldamage; end
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Self-Destruct -- Sacrifices HP to damage enemies within range. Affects caster with Weakness -- Spell cost: 100 MP -- Monster Type: Arcana -- Spell Type: Magical (Fire) -- Blue Magic Points: 3 -- Stat Bonus: STR+2 -- Level: 50 -- Casting Time: 3.25 seconds -- Recast Time: 21 seconds -- Magic Bursts on: Liquefaction, Fusion, and Light -- Combos: Auto Refresh ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/magic") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/bluemagic") function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) caster:setLocalVar("self-destruct_hp", caster:getHP()) return 0 end function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local duration = 300 local playerHP = caster:getLocalVar("self-destruct_hp") local damage = playerHP - 1 if damage > 0 then target:takeDamage(playerHP, caster, dsp.attackType.MAGICAL, dsp.damageType.FIRE) caster:setHP(1) caster:delStatusEffect(dsp.effect.WEAKNESS) caster:addStatusEffect(dsp.effect.WEAKNESS,1,0,duration) end return damage end
require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/missions"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); -- NEW SYSTEM BCNM NOTES -- The "core" functions TradeBCNM EventUpdateBCNM EventTriggerBCNM EventFinishBCNM all return TRUE if the action performed is covered by the function. -- This means all the old code will still be executed if the new functions don't support it. This means that there is effectively 'backwards compatibility' with the old system. -- array to map (for each zone) the item id of the valid trade item with the bcnmid in the database -- e.g. zone, {itemid, bcnmid, itemid, bcnmid, itemid, bcnmid} -- DO NOT INCLUDE MAAT FIGHTS itemid_bcnmid_map = {6, {0, 0}, -- Bearclaw_Pinnacle 8, {0, 0}, -- Boneyard_Gully 10, {0, 0}, -- The_Shrouded_Maw 13, {0, 0}, -- Mine_Shaft_2716 17, {0, 0}, -- Spire of Holla 19, {0, 0}, -- Spire of Dem 21, {0, 0}, -- Spire of Mea 23, {0, 0}, -- Spire of Vahzl 29, {0, 0}, -- Riverne Site #B01 31, {0, 0}, -- Monarch Linn 32, {0, 0}, -- Sealion's Den 35, {0, 0}, -- The Garden of RuHmet 36, {0, 0}, -- Empyreal Paradox 139, {1177, 4, 1552, 10, 1553, 11, 1131, 12, 1175, 15, 1180, 17}, -- Horlais Peak 140, {1551, 34, 1552, 35, 1552, 36}, -- Ghelsba Outpost 144, {1166, 68, 1178, 81, 1553, 76, 1180, 82, 1130, 79, 1552, 73}, -- Waughroon Shrine 146, {1553, 107, 1551, 105, 1177, 100}, -- Balgas Dias 163, {1130, 129}, -- Sacrificial Chamber 168, {0, 0}, -- Chamber of Oracles 170, {0, 0}, -- Full Moon Fountain 180, {1550, 293}, -- LaLoff Amphitheater 181, {0, 0}, -- The Celestial Nexus 201, {1546, 418, 1174, 417}, -- Cloister of Gales 202, {1548, 450, 1172, 449}, -- Cloister of Storms 203, {1545, 482, 1171, 481}, -- Cloister of Frost 206, {0, 0}, -- Qu'Bia Arena 207, {1544, 545}, -- Cloister of Flames 209, {1547, 578, 1169, 577}, -- Cloister of Tremors 211, {1549, 609}}; -- Cloister of Tides -- array to map (for each zone) the BCNM ID to the Event Parameter corresponding to this ID. -- DO NOT INCLUDE MAAT FIGHTS (only included one for testing!) -- bcnmid, paramid, bcnmid, paramid, etc -- The BCNMID is found via the database. -- The paramid is a bitmask which you need to find out. Being a bitmask, it will be one of: -- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... bcnmid_param_map = {6, {640, 0}, 8, {672, 0, 673, 1}, 10, {704, 0, 706, 2}, 13, {736, 0}, 17, {768, 0}, 19, {800, 0}, 21, {832, 0}, 23, {864, 0}, 29, {896, 0}, 31, {960, 0, 961, 1}, 32, {992, 0, 993, 1}, 35, {1024, 0}, 36, {1056, 0}, 139, {0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 15, 15, 17, 17}, 140, {32, 0, 33, 1, 34, 2, 35, 3, 36, 4}, 144, {65, 1, 73, 9, 64, 0, 67, 3, 68, 4, 70, 6, 71, 7, 72, 8, 81, 17, 76, 12, 82, 18, 79, 15}, 146, {99, 3, 96, 0, 101, 5, 102, 6, 103, 7, 107, 11, 105, 9}, 163, {128, 0, 129, 1}, 165, {160, 0, 161, 1}, 168, {192, 0, 194, 2, 195, 3, 196, 4}, 170, {224, 0, 225, 1}, 179, {256, 0}, 180, {293, 5, 288, 0, 289, 1, 290, 2, 291, 3, 292, 4}, 181, {320, 0}, 201, {416, 0, 417, 1, 418, 2, 420, 4}, 202, {448, 0, 449, 1, 450, 2, 452, 4}, 203, {480, 0, 481, 1, 482, 2, 484, 4}, 206, {512, 0, 516, 4, 517, 5, 518, 6, 519, 7, 532, 20}, 207, {544, 0, 545, 1, 547, 3}, 209, {576, 0, 577, 1, 578, 2, 580, 4}, 211, {608, 0, 609, 1, 611, 3}}; -- Call this onTrade for burning circles function TradeBCNM(player, zone, trade, npc) -- return false; if (player:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_BATTLEFIELD)) then -- cant start a new bc player:messageBasic(94, 0, 0); return false; elseif (player:hasWornItem(trade:getItem())) then -- If already used orb or testimony player:messageBasic(56, 0, 0); -- i need correct dialog return false; end if (CheckMaatFights(player, zone, trade, npc)) then -- This function returns true for maat fights return true; end -- the following is for orb battles, etc local id = ItemToBCNMID(player, zone, trade); if (id == -1) then -- no valid BCNMs with this item -- todo: display message based on zone text offset player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 0); player:setVar("trade_itemid", 0); return false; else -- a valid BCNM with this item, start it. mask = GetBattleBitmask(id, zone, 1); if (mask == -1) then -- Cannot resolve this BCNMID to an event number, edit bcnmid_param_map! print("Item is for a valid BCNM but cannot find the event parameter to display to client."); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 0); player:setVar("trade_itemid", 0); return false; end if (player:isBcnmsFull() == 1) then -- temp measure, this will precheck the instances print("all bcnm instances are currently occupied."); npc:messageBasic(246, 0, 0); -- this wont look right in other languages! return true; end player:startEvent(0x7d00, 0, 0, 0, mask, 0, 0, 0, 0); return true; end end; function EventTriggerBCNM(player, npc) player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 0); player:setVar("trade_itemid", 0); if (player:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_BATTLEFIELD)) then if (player:isInBcnm() == 1) then player:startEvent(0x7d03); -- Run Away or Stay menu else -- You're not in the BCNM but you have the Battlefield effect. Think: non-trader in a party status = player:getStatusEffect(EFFECT_BATTLEFIELD); playerbcnmid = status:getPower(); playermask = GetBattleBitmask(playerbcnmid, player:getZoneID(), 1); if (playermask~=-1) then -- This gives players who did not trade to go in the option of entering the fight player:startEvent(0x7d00, 0, 0, 0, playermask, 0, 0, 0, 0); else player:messageBasic(94, 0, 0); end end return true; else if (checkNonTradeBCNM(player, npc)) then return true; end end return false; end; function EventUpdateBCNM(player, csid, option, entrance) -- return false; local id = player:getVar("trade_bcnmid"); -- this is 0 if the bcnm isnt handled by new functions local skip = CutsceneSkip(player, npc); print("UPDATE csid "..csid.." option "..option); -- seen: option 2, 3, 0 in that order if (csid == 0x7d03 and option == 2) then -- leaving a BCNM the player is currently in. player:bcnmLeave(1); return true; end if (option == 255 and csid == 0x7d00) then -- Clicked yes, try to register bcnmid if (player:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_BATTLEFIELD)) then -- You're entering a bcnm but you already had the battlefield effect, so you want to go to the -- instance that your battlefield effect represents. player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick", 0); player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid", player:getBattlefieldID()); -- returns 255 if non-existent. return true; end inst = player:bcnmRegister(id); if (inst > 0) then player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid", inst); player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick", 0); player:updateEvent(0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0); if (entrance ~= nil and player:getBattlefield() ~= nil) then player:getBattlefield():setEntrance(entrance); end -- player:tradeComplete(); else -- no free battlefields at the moment! print("no free instances"); player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid", 255); player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick", 0); end elseif (option == 0 and csid == 0x7d00) then -- Requesting an Instance -- Increment the instance ticker. -- The client will send a total of THREE EventUpdate packets for each one of the free instances. -- If the first instance is free, it should respond to the first packet -- If the second instance is free, it should respond to the second packet, etc local instance = player:getVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick"); instance = instance + 1; player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick", instance); if (instance == player:getVar("bcnm_instanceid")) then -- respond to this packet local mask = GetBattleBitmask(id, player:getZoneID(), 2); local status = player:getStatusEffect(EFFECT_BATTLEFIELD); local playerbcnmid = status:getPower(); if (mask < playerbcnmid) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(playerbcnmid, player:getZoneID(), 2); player:updateEvent(2, mask, 0, 1, 1, skip); -- Add mask number for the correct entering CS player:bcnmEnter(id); player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick", 0); -- print("mask is "..mask) -- print("playerbcnmid is "..playerbcnmid); elseif (mask >= playerbcnmid) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(id, player:getZoneID(), 2); player:updateEvent(2, mask, 0, 1, 1, skip); -- Add mask number for the correct entering CS player:bcnmEnter(id); player:setVar("bcnm_instanceid_tick", 0); -- print("mask2 is "..mask) -- print("playerbcnmid2 is "..playerbcnmid); end if (entrance ~= nil and player:getBattlefield() ~= nil) then player:getBattlefield():setEntrance(entrance); end elseif (player:getVar("bcnm_instanceid") == 255) then -- none free -- print("nfa"); -- player:updateEvent(2, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0); -- @cs 32000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -- param1 -- 2=generic enter cs -- 3=spam increment instance requests -- 4=cleared to enter but cant while ppl engaged -- 5=dont meet req, access denied. -- 6=room max cap -- param2 alters the eventfinish option (offset) -- param7/8 = does nothing?? end -- @pos -517 159 -209 -- @pos -316 112 -103 -- player:updateEvent(msgid, bcnmFight, 0, record, numadventurers, skip); skip=1 to skip anim -- msgid 1=wait a little longer, 2=enters end return true; end; function EventFinishBCNM(player, csid, option) printf("FINISH csid "..csid.." option "..option); if (player:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_BATTLEFIELD) == false) then -- Temp condition for normal bcnm (started with onTrigger) return false; else local id = player:getVar("trade_bcnmid"); local item = player:getVar("trade_itemid"); if (id == 68 or id == 418 or id == 450 or id == 482 or id == 545 or id == 578 or id == 609 or id == 293) then player:tradeComplete(); -- Removes the item elseif ((item >= 1426 and item <= 1440) or item == 1130 or item == 1131 or item == 1175 or item == 1177 or item == 1180 or item == 1178 or item == 1551 or item == 1552 or item == 1553) then -- Orb and Testimony (one time item) player:createWornItem(item); end return true; end end; -- Returns TRUE if you're trying to do a maat fight, regardless of outcome e.g. if you trade testimony on wrong job, this will return true in order to prevent further execution of TradeBCNM. Returns FALSE if you're not doing a maat fight (in other words, not trading a testimony!!) function CheckMaatFights(player, zone, trade, npc) player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 0); player:setVar("trade_itemid", 0); -- check for maat fights (one maat fight per zone in the db, but >1 mask entries depending on job, so we -- need to choose the right one depending on the players job, and make sure the right testimony is traded, -- and make sure the level is right! local itemid = trade:getItem(); local job = player:getMainJob(); local lvl = player:getMainLvl(); if (itemid >= 1426 and itemid <= 1440) then -- The traded item IS A TESTIMONY if (lvl < 66) then return true; end if (player:isBcnmsFull() == 1) then -- temp measure, this will precheck the instances print("all bcnm instances are currently occupied."); npc:messageBasic(246, 0, 0); return true; end -- Zone, {item, job, menu, bcnmid, ...} maatList = {139, {1426, 1, 32, 5, 1429, 4, 64, 6, 1436, 11, 128, 7}, -- Horlais Peak [WAR BLM RNG] 144, {1430, 5, 64, 70, 1431, 6, 128, 71, 1434, 9, 256, 72}, -- Waughroon Shrine [RDM THF BST] 146, {1427, 2, 32, 101, 1428, 3, 64, 102, 1440, 15, 128, 103}, -- Balga's Dais [MNK WHM SMN] 168, {1437, 12, 4, 194, 1438, 13, 8, 195, 1439, 14, 16, 196}, -- Chamber of Oracles [SAM NIN DRG] 206, {1432, 7, 32, 517, 1433, 8, 64, 518, 1435, 10, 128, 519} };-- Qu'Bia Arena [PLD DRK BRD] for nb = 1, table.getn(maatList), 2 do if (maatList[nb] == zone) then for nbi = 1, table.getn(maatList[nb + 1]), 4 do if (itemid == maatList[nb + 1][nbi] and job == maatList[nb + 1][nbi + 1]) then player:startEvent(0x7d00, 0, 0, 0, maatList[nb + 1][nbi + 2], 0, 0, 0, 0); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", maatList[nb + 1][nbi + 3]); player:setVar("trade_itemid", maatList[nb + 1][nbi]); break; end end end end return true; end -- if it got this far then its not a testimony return false; end; function GetBattleBitmask(id, zone, mode) -- normal sweep for NON MAAT FIGHTS local ret = -1; local mask = 0; for zoneindex = 1, table.getn(bcnmid_param_map), 2 do if (zone==bcnmid_param_map[zoneindex]) then -- matched zone for bcnmindex = 1, table.getn(bcnmid_param_map[zoneindex + 1]), 2 do -- loop bcnms in this zone if (id==bcnmid_param_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex]) then -- found bcnmid if (mode == 1) then ret = mask + (2^bcnmid_param_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex+1]); -- for trigger (mode 1): 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ... else ret = mask + bcnmid_param_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex+1]; -- for update (mode 2): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... end end end end end return ret; end; function ItemToBCNMID(player, zone, trade) for zoneindex = 1, table.getn(itemid_bcnmid_map), 2 do if (zone==itemid_bcnmid_map[zoneindex]) then -- matched zone for bcnmindex = 1, table.getn(itemid_bcnmid_map[zoneindex + 1]), 2 do -- loop bcnms in this zone if (trade:getItem()==itemid_bcnmid_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex]) then local item = trade:getItem(); local questTimelineOK = 0; -- Job/lvl condition for smn battle lvl20 if (item >= 1544 and item <= 1549 and player:getMainJob() == 15 and player:getMainLvl() >= 20) then questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1166 and player:getVar("aThiefinNorgCS") == 6) then -- AF3 SAM condition questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1551) then -- BCNM20 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1552) then -- BCNM30 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1131) then -- BCNM40 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1177) then -- BCNM50 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1130) then -- BCNM60 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1175) then -- KSNM30 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1178) then -- KSNM30 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1180) then -- KSNM30 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1553) then -- KSNM99 questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1550 and (player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS, DIVINE_MIGHT) == QUEST_ACCEPTED or player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS, DIVINE_MIGHT_REPEAT) == QUEST_ACCEPTED)) then -- Divine Might questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1169 and player:getVar("ThePuppetMasterProgress") == 2) then -- The Puppet Master questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1171 and player:getVar("ClassReunionProgress") == 5) then -- Class Reunion questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1172 and player:getVar("CarbuncleDebacleProgress") == 3) then -- Carbuncle Debacle (Gremlims) questTimelineOK = 1; elseif (item == 1174 and player:getVar("CarbuncleDebacleProgress") == 6) then -- Carbuncle Debacle (Ogmios) questTimelineOK = 1; end if (questTimelineOK == 1) then player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", itemid_bcnmid_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex+1]); player:setVar("trade_itemid", itemid_bcnmid_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex]); return itemid_bcnmid_map[zoneindex+1][bcnmindex+1]; end end end end end return -1; end; -- E.g. mission checks go here, you must know the right bcnmid for the mission you want to code. -- You also need to know the bitmask (event param) which should be put in bcnmid_param_map function checkNonTradeBCNM(player, npc) local mask = 0; local Zone = player:getZoneID(); if (Zone == 6) then -- Bearclaw_Pinnacle if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THREE_PATHS and player:getVar("COP_Ulmia_s_Path") == 6) then -- flames_for_the_dead mask = GetBattleBitmask(640, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 640); end elseif (Zone == 8) then -- Boneyard_Gully if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THREE_PATHS and player:getVar("COP_Ulmia_s_Path") == 5) then -- head_wind mask = GetBattleBitmask(672, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 672); elseif (player:hasKeyItem(MIASMA_FILTER)==true) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(673, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 673); else end elseif (Zone == 10) then -- The_Shrouded_Maw if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == DARKNESS_NAMED and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") == 2) then-- DARKNESS_NAMED mask = GetBattleBitmask(704, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 704); elseif (player:hasKeyItem(VIAL_OF_DREAM_INCENSE)==true) then -- waking_dreams (diabolos avatar quest) mask = GetBattleBitmask(706, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 706); end elseif (Zone == 13) then -- Mine_Shaft_2716 if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THREE_PATHS and player:getVar("COP_Louverance_s_Path") == 5) then -- century_of_hardship mask = GetBattleBitmask(736, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 736); end elseif (Zone == 17) then -- Spire of Holla if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == BELOW_THE_ARKS and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") ==1 ) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(768, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 768); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS and player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_HOLLA) == false) then -- light of holla mask = GetBattleBitmask(768, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 768); end elseif (Zone == 19) then -- Spire of Dem if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == BELOW_THE_ARKS and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") ==1 ) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(800, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 800); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS and player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_DEM) == false) then -- light of dem mask = GetBattleBitmask(800, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 800); end elseif (Zone == 21) then -- Spire of Mea if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == BELOW_THE_ARKS and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") ==1 ) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(832, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 832); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS and player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_MEA) == false) then -- light of mea mask = GetBattleBitmask(832, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 832); end elseif (Zone == 23) then -- Spire of vahzl if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == DESIRES_OF_EMPTINESS and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus")==8) then -- desires of emptiness mask = GetBattleBitmask(864, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 864); end elseif (Zone == 29) then -- Riverne Site #B01 if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,STORMS_OF_FATE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar('StormsOfFate') == 2) then -- Storms of Fate BCNM mask = GetBattleBitmask(896, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 896); end elseif (Zone == 31) then -- Monarch Linn if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == ANCIENT_VOWS and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") == 2) then -- Ancient Vows bcnm mask = GetBattleBitmask(960, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 960); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_SAVAGE and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") == 1) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(961, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 961); end elseif (Zone == 32) then -- Sealion's Den if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == ONE_TO_BE_FEARED and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus")==2) then -- one_to_be_feared mask = GetBattleBitmask(992, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 992); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_WARRIOR_S_PATH) then -- warriors_path mask = GetBattleBitmask(993, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 993); end elseif (Zone == 35) then -- The Garden of RuHmet if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == WHEN_ANGELS_FALL and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus")==4) then -- when_angels_fall mask = GetBattleBitmask(1024, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 1024); end elseif (Zone == 36) then -- Empyreal Paradox if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == DAWN and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus")==2) then -- dawn mask = GetBattleBitmask(1056, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 1056); end elseif (Zone == 139) then -- Horlais Peak if ((player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == THE_EMISSARY_SANDORIA2 or player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_SANDORIA2) and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 9) then -- Mission 2-3 mask = GetBattleBitmask(0, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 0); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == THE_SECRET_WEAPON and player:getVar("SecretWeaponStatus") == 2) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(3, Zone, 1) player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 3); end elseif (Zone == 140) then -- Ghelsba Outpost local MissionStatus = player:getVar("MissionStatus"); local sTcCompleted = player:hasCompletedMission(SANDORIA, SAVE_THE_CHILDREN) if (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == SAVE_THE_CHILDREN and (sTcCompleted and MissionStatus <= 2 or sTcCompleted == false and MissionStatus == 2)) then -- Sandy Mission 1-3 mask = GetBattleBitmask(32, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 32); elseif (player:hasKeyItem(DRAGON_CURSE_REMEDY)) then -- DRG Flag Quest mask = GetBattleBitmask(33, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 33); end elseif (Zone == 144) then -- Waughroon Shrine if ((player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK2 or player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_BASTOK2) and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 10) then -- Mission 2-3 mask = GetBattleBitmask(64, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 64); elseif ((player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == ON_MY_WAY) and (player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 2)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(67, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 67); end elseif (Zone == 146) then -- Balga's Dais if (player:hasKeyItem(DARK_KEY)) then -- Mission 2-3 mask = GetBattleBitmask(96, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 96); elseif ((player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == SAINTLY_INVITATION) and (player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 1)) then -- Mission 6-2 mask = GetBattleBitmask(99, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 99); end elseif (Zone == 163) then -- Sacrificial Chamber if (player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == THE_TEMPLE_OF_UGGALEPIH) then -- Zilart Mission 4 mask = GetBattleBitmask(128, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 128); end elseif (Zone == 165) then -- Throne Room if (player:getCurrentMission(player:getNation()) == 15 and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 3) then -- Mission 5-2 mask = GetBattleBitmask(160, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 160); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == WHERE_TWO_PATHS_CONVERGE and player:getVar("BASTOK92") == 1) then -- bastok 9-2 mask = GetBattleBitmask(161, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 161); end elseif (Zone == 168) then -- Chamber of Oracles if (player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == THROUGH_THE_QUICKSAND_CAVES or player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == THE_CHAMBER_OF_ORACLES) then -- Zilart Mission 6 mask = GetBattleBitmask(192, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 192); end elseif (Zone == 170) then -- Full Moon Fountain if (player:hasKeyItem(MOON_BAUBLE)) then -- The Moonlit Path mask = GetBattleBitmask(224, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 224); elseif ((player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == MOON_READING) and player:getVar("WINDURST92") == 2) then -- Moon reading mask = GetBattleBitmask(225, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 225); end elseif (Zone == 179) then -- Stellar Fulcrum if (player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == RETURN_TO_DELKFUTTS_TOWER and player:getVar("ZilartStatus") == 3) then -- Zilart Mission 8 mask = GetBattleBitmask(256, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 256); end elseif (Zone == 180) then -- La'Loff Amphitheater if (player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == ARK_ANGELS and player:getVar("ZilartStatus") == 1) then local qmid = npc:getID(); if (qmid == 17514791 and player:hasKeyItem(SHARD_OF_APATHY) == false) then -- Hume, Ark Angels 1 mask = GetBattleBitmask(288, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 288); elseif (qmid == 17514792 and player:hasKeyItem(SHARD_OF_COWARDICE) == false) then -- Tarutaru, Ark Angels 2 mask = GetBattleBitmask(289, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 289); elseif (qmid == 17514793 and player:hasKeyItem(SHARD_OF_ENVY) == false) then -- Mithra, Ark Angels 3 mask = GetBattleBitmask(290, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 290); elseif (qmid == 17514794 and player:hasKeyItem(SHARD_OF_ARROGANCE) == false) then -- Elvaan, Ark Angels 4 mask = GetBattleBitmask(291, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 291); elseif (qmid == 17514795 and player:hasKeyItem(SHARD_OF_RAGE) == false) then -- Galka, Ark Angels 5 mask = GetBattleBitmask(292, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 292); end end elseif (Zone == 181) then -- The Celestial Nexus if (player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == THE_CELESTIAL_NEXUS) then -- Zilart Mission 16 mask = GetBattleBitmask(320, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 320); end elseif (Zone == 201) then -- Cloister of Gales if (player:hasKeyItem(TUNING_FORK_OF_WIND)) then -- Trial by Wind mask = GetBattleBitmask(416, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 416); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ASA) == SUGAR_COATED_DIRECTIVE and player:hasKeyItem(DOMINAS_EMERALD_SEAL)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(420, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 420); end elseif (Zone == 202) then -- Cloister of Storms if (player:hasKeyItem(TUNING_FORK_OF_LIGHTNING)) then -- Trial by Lightning mask = GetBattleBitmask(448, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 448); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ASA) == SUGAR_COATED_DIRECTIVE and player:hasKeyItem(DOMINAS_VIOLET_SEAL)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(452, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 452); end elseif (Zone == 203) then -- Cloister of Frost if (player:hasKeyItem(TUNING_FORK_OF_ICE)) then -- Trial by Ice mask = GetBattleBitmask(480, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 480); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ASA) == SUGAR_COATED_DIRECTIVE and player:hasKeyItem(DOMINAS_AZURE_SEAL)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(484, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 484); end elseif (Zone == 206) then -- Qu'Bia Arena if (player:getCurrentMission(player:getNation()) == 14 and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 11) then -- Mission 5-1 mask = GetBattleBitmask(512, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 512); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == THE_HEIR_TO_THE_LIGHT and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 3) then -- sando 9-2 mask = GetBattleBitmask(516, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 516); -- Temp disabled pending BCNM mob fixes -- elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ACP) >= THOSE_WHO_LURK_IN_SHADOWS_III and player:hasKeyItem(MARK_OF_SEED)) then -- ACP Mission 7 -- mask = GetBattleBitmask(532, Zone, 1); -- player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 532); end elseif (Zone == 207) then -- Cloister of Flames if (player:hasKeyItem(TUNING_FORK_OF_FIRE)) then -- Trial by Fire mask = GetBattleBitmask(544, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 544); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ASA) == SUGAR_COATED_DIRECTIVE and player:hasKeyItem(DOMINAS_SCARLET_SEAL)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(547, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 547); end elseif (Zone == 209) then -- Cloister of Tremors if (player:hasKeyItem(TUNING_FORK_OF_EARTH)) then -- Trial by Earth mask = GetBattleBitmask(576, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 576); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ASA) == SUGAR_COATED_DIRECTIVE and player:hasKeyItem(DOMINAS_AMBER_SEAL)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(580, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 580); end elseif (Zone == 211) then -- Cloister of Tides if (player:hasKeyItem(TUNING_FORK_OF_WATER)) then -- Trial by Water mask = GetBattleBitmask(608, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 608); elseif (player:getCurrentMission(ASA) == SUGAR_COATED_DIRECTIVE and player:hasKeyItem(DOMINAS_CERULEAN_SEAL)) then mask = GetBattleBitmask(611, Zone, 1); player:setVar("trade_bcnmid", 611); end end if (mask == -1) then print("BCNMID/Mask pair not found"); -- something went wrong return true; elseif (mask ~= 0) then player:startEvent(0x7d00, 0, 0, 0, mask, 0, 0, 0, 0); print("BCNMID found with mask "..mask); return true; else return false; end end; function CutsceneSkip(player, npc) local skip = 0; local Zone = player:getZoneID(); if (Zone == 6) then -- Bearclaw Pinnacle if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THREE_PATHS)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THREE_PATHS and player:getVar("COP_Ulmia_s_Path") > 6)) then -- flames_for_the_dead skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 8) then -- Boneyard Gully if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THREE_PATHS)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THREE_PATHS and player:getVar("COP_Ulmia_s_Path") > 5)) then -- head_wind skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 10) then -- The_Shrouded_Maw if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, DARKNESS_NAMED)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == DARKNESS_NAMED and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") > 2)) then -- DARKNESS_NAMED skip = 1; elseif ((player:hasCompleteQuest(WINDURST, WAKING_DREAMS)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_DREAMS))) then -- waking_dreams (diabolos avatar quest) skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 13) then -- Mine Shaft 2716 if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THREE_PATHS)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THREE_PATHS and player:getVar("COP_Louverance_s_Path") > 5)) then -- century_of_hardship skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 17) then -- Spire of Holla if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS)) or (player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_HOLLA))) then -- light of holla skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 19) then -- Spire of Dem if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS)) or (player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_DEM))) then -- light of dem skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 21) then -- Spire of Mea if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS)) or (player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_MEA))) then -- light of mea skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 23) then -- Spire of Vahzl if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, DESIRES_OF_EMPTINESS)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == DESIRES_OF_EMPTINESS and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") > 8)) then -- desires of emptiness skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 29) then -- Riverne Site #B01 if ((player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,STORMS_OF_FATE) == QUEST_COMPLETED) or (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,STORMS_OF_FATE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("StormsOfFate") > 2)) then -- Storms of Fate skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 31) then -- Monarch Linn if (player:hasCompletedMission(COP, ANCIENT_VOWS)) then -- Ancient Vows skip = 1; elseif ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THE_SAVAGE)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_SAVAGE and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") > 1)) then skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 32) then -- Sealion's Den if (player:hasCompletedMission(COP, ONE_TO_BE_FEARED)) then -- one_to_be_feared skip = 1; elseif (player:hasCompletedMission(COP, THE_WARRIOR_S_PATH)) then -- warriors_path skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 35) then -- The Garden of RuHmet if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, WHEN_ANGELS_FALL)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == WHEN_ANGELS_FALL and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") > 4)) then -- when_angels_fall skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 36) then -- Empyreal Paradox if ((player:hasCompletedMission(COP, DAWN)) or (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == DAWN and player:getVar("PromathiaStatus") > 2)) then -- dawn skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 139) then -- Horlais Peak if ((player:hasCompletedMission(BASTOK, THE_EMISSARY_SANDORIA2) or player:hasCompletedMission(WINDURST, THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_SANDORIA2)) or ((player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == THE_EMISSARY_SANDORIA2 or player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_SANDORIA2) and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 9)) then -- Mission 2-3 skip = 1; elseif ((player:hasCompletedMission(SANDORIA, THE_SECRET_WEAPON)) or (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == THE_SECRET_WEAPON and player:getVar("SecretWeaponStatus") > 2)) then skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 140) then -- Ghelsba Outpost if ((player:hasCompletedMission(SANDORIA, SAVE_THE_CHILDREN)) or (player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == SAVE_THE_CHILDREN and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 2)) then -- Sandy Mission 1-3 skip = 1; elseif (player:hasCompleteQuest(SANDORIA, THE_HOLY_CREST)) then -- DRG Flag Quest skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 144) then -- Waughroon Shrine if ((player:hasCompletedMission(SANDORIA, JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK2) or player:hasCompletedMission(WINDURST, THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_BASTOK2)) or ((player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_TO_BASTOK2 or player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_BASTOK2) and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 10)) then -- Mission 2-3 skip = 1; elseif ((player:hasCompletedMission(BASTOK, ON_MY_WAY)) or (player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == ON_MY_WAY and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 2)) then skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 146) then -- Balga's Dais if ((player:hasCompletedMission(SANDORIA, JOURNEY_TO_WINDURST2) or player:hasCompletedMission(BASTOK, THE_EMISSARY_WINDURST2)) or ((player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == JOURNEY_TO_WINDURST2 or player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == THE_EMISSARY_WINDURST2) and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 8)) then -- Mission 2-3 skip = 1; elseif ((player:hasCompletedMission(WINDURST, SAINTLY_INVITATION)) or (player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == SAINTLY_INVITATION and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 1)) then -- Mission 6-2 skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 165) then -- Throne Room if ((player:hasCompletedMission(player:getNation(), 15)) or (player:getCurrentMission(player:getNation()) == 15 and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 3)) then -- Mission 5-2 skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 168) then -- Chamber of Oracles if (player:hasCompletedMission(ZILART, THROUGH_THE_QUICKSAND_CAVES)) then -- Zilart Mission 6 skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 170) then -- Full Moon Fountain if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(WINDURST, THE_MOONLIT_PATH)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_THE_MOON))) then -- The Moonlit Path skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 179) then -- Stellar Fulcrum if (player:hasCompletedMission(ZILART, RETURN_TO_DELKFUTTS_TOWER)) then -- Zilart Mission 8 skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 180) then -- La'Loff Amphitheater if (player:hasCompletedMission(ZILART, ARK_ANGELS)) then skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 181) then -- The Celestial Nexus if (player:hasCompletedMission(ZILART, THE_CELESTIAL_NEXUS)) then -- Zilart Mission 16 skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 201) then -- Cloister of Gales if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(OUTLANDS, TRIAL_BY_WIND)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_GALES))) then -- Trial by Wind skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 202) then -- Cloister of Storms if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(OTHER_AREAS, TRIAL_BY_LIGHTNING)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_STORMS))) then -- Trial by Lightning skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 203) then -- Cloister of Frost if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(SANDORIA, TRIAL_BY_ICE)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_FROST))) then -- Trial by Ice skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 206) then -- Qu'Bia Arena if ((player:hasCompletedMission(player:getNation(), 14)) or (player:getCurrentMission(player:getNation()) == 14 and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 11)) then -- Mission 5-1 skip = 1; elseif ((player:hasCompletedMission(player:getNation(), 23)) or (player:getCurrentMission(player:getNation()) == 23 and player:getVar("MissionStatus") > 4)) then -- Mission 9-2 skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 207) then -- Cloister of Flames if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(OUTLANDS, TRIAL_BY_FIRE)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_FLAMES))) then -- Trial by Fire skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 209) then -- Cloister of Tremors if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(BASTOK, TRIAL_BY_EARTH)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_TREMORS))) then -- Trial by Earth skip = 1; end elseif (Zone == 211) then -- Cloister of Tides if ((player:hasCompleteQuest(OUTLANDS, TRIAL_BY_WATER)) or (player:hasKeyItem(WHISPER_OF_TIDES))) then -- Trial by Water skip = 1; end end return skip; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Mount Zhayolm -- Door: Runic Seal -- !pos 703 -18 382 61 ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Mount_Zhayolm/IDs") require("scripts/globals/besieged") require("scripts/globals/keyitems") require("scripts/globals/missions") ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player, npc, trade) end function onTrigger(player, npc) if player:hasKeyItem( then local assaultid = player:getCurrentAssault() local recommendedLevel = getRecommendedAssaultLevel(assaultid) local armband = player:hasKeyItem( and 1 or 0 player:startEvent(203, assaultid, -4, 0, recommendedLevel, 2, armband) else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.NOTHING_HAPPENS) end end function onEventUpdate(player, csid, option, target) local assaultid = player:getCurrentAssault() local cap =, 0x03) if cap == 0 then cap = 99 elseif cap == 1 then cap = 70 elseif cap == 2 then cap = 60 else cap = 50 end player:setCharVar("AssaultCap", cap) local party = player:getParty() if party then for i, v in ipairs(party) do if not (v:hasKeyItem( and v:getCurrentAssault() == assaultid) then player:messageText(target, ID.text.MEMBER_NO_REQS, false) player:instanceEntry(target, 1) return elseif v:getZoneID() == player:getZoneID() and v:checkDistance(player) > 50 then player:messageText(target, ID.text.MEMBER_TOO_FAR, false) player:instanceEntry(target, 1) return end end end player:createInstance(player:getCurrentAssault(), 63) end function onEventFinish(player, csid, option, target) if csid == 208 or (csid == 203 and option == 4) then player:setPos(0, 0, 0, 0, 63) end end function onInstanceCreated(player, target, instance) if instance then instance:setLevelCap(player:getCharVar("AssaultCap")) player:setCharVar("AssaultCap", 0) player:setInstance(instance) player:instanceEntry(target, 4) player:delKeyItem( player:delKeyItem( local party = player:getParty() if party then for i, v in ipairs(party) do if v:getID() ~= player:getID() and v:getZoneID() == player:getZoneID() then v:setInstance(instance) v:startEvent(208, 2) v:delKeyItem( end end end else player:messageText(target, ID.text.CANNOT_ENTER, false) player:instanceEntry(target, 3) end end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Throne Room -- Mob: Volker -- Ally during Bastok Mission 9-2 ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Throne_Room/IDs") require("scripts/globals/status") function onMobSpawn(mob) mob:addListener("WEAPONSKILL_STATE_ENTER", "WS_START_MSG", function(mob, skillID) -- Red Lotus Blade if skillID == 973 then mob:showText(mob,ID.text.NO_HIDE_AWAY) -- Spirits Within elseif skillID == 974 then mob:showText(mob,ID.text.YOUR_ANSWER) -- Vorpal Blade elseif skillID == 975 then mob:showText(mob,ID.text.CANT_UNDERSTAND) end end) end function onMobRoam(mob) local wait = mob:getLocalVar("wait") local ready = mob:getLocalVar("ready") if ready == 0 and wait > 40 then local baseID = ID.mob.ZEID_BCNM_OFFSET + (mob:getBattlefield():getArea() - 1) * 4 mob:setLocalVar("ready",, 0xFFF)) mob:setLocalVar("wait", 0) elseif ready > 0 then mob:addEnmity(GetMobByID(ready + bit.lshift(mob:getZoneID(), 12) + 0x1000000),0,1) else mob:setLocalVar("wait", wait+3) end end function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller) mob:getBattlefield():lose() end
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Ice Break -- Deals ice damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: "Bind" -- Spell cost: 142 MP -- Monster Type: Arcana -- Spell Type: Magical (Ice) -- Blue Magic Points: 3 -- Stat Bonus: INT+1 -- Level: 50 -- Casting Time: 5.25 seconds -- Recast Time: 33.75 seconds -- Magic Bursts on: Induration, Distortion, and Darkness -- Combos: Magic Defense Bonus ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/bluemagic") require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/magic") ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0 end function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local params = {} params.diff = caster:getStat(dsp.mod.INT) - target:getStat(dsp.mod.INT) params.attribute = dsp.mod.INT params.skillType = dsp.skill.BLUE_MAGIC params.bonus = 1.0 local resist = applyResistance(caster, target, spell, params) local params = {} -- This data should match information on params.multiplier = 2.25 params.tMultiplier = 1.0 params.duppercap = 69 params.str_wsc = 0.0 params.dex_wsc = 0.0 params.vit_wsc = 0.0 params.agi_wsc = 0.0 params.int_wsc = 0.3 params.mnd_wsc = 0.0 params.chr_wsc = 0.0 damage = BlueMagicalSpell(caster, target, spell, params, INT_BASED) damage = BlueFinalAdjustments(caster, target, spell, damage, params) if (damage > 0 and resist > 0.0625) then local typeEffect = dsp.effect.BIND target:delStatusEffect(typeEffect) -- Wiki says it can overwrite itself or other binds target:addStatusEffect(typeEffect,1,0,getBlueEffectDuration(caster,resist,typeEffect)) end return damage end
--- File manipulation functions: reading, writing, moving and copying. -- -- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.dir`, `pl.path` -- @module pl.file local os = os local utils = require 'pl.utils' local dir = require 'pl.dir' local path = require 'pl.path' --[[ module ('pl.file',utils._module) ]] local file = {} --- return the contents of a file as a string -- @function -- @string filename The file path -- @return file contents = utils.readfile --- write a string to a file -- @function file.write -- @string filename The file path -- @string str The string file.write = utils.writefile --- copy a file. -- @function file.copy -- @string src source file -- @string dest destination file -- @bool flag true if you want to force the copy (default) -- @return true if operation succeeded file.copy = dir.copyfile --- move a file. -- @function file.move -- @string src source file -- @string dest destination file -- @return true if operation succeeded, else false and the reason for the error. file.move = dir.movefile --- Return the time of last access as the number of seconds since the epoch. -- @function file.access_time -- @string path A file path file.access_time = path.getatime ---Return when the file was created. -- @function file.creation_time -- @string path A file path file.creation_time = path.getctime --- Return the time of last modification -- @function file.modified_time -- @string path A file path file.modified_time = path.getmtime --- Delete a file -- @function file.delete -- @string path A file path file.delete = os.remove return file
local SpatialContrastiveNormalization, parent = torch.class('nn.SpatialContrastiveNormalization','nn.Module') function SpatialContrastiveNormalization:__init(nInputPlane, kernel, threshold, thresval) parent.__init(self) -- get args self.nInputPlane = nInputPlane or 1 self.kernel = kernel or torch.Tensor(9,9):fill(1) self.threshold = threshold or 1e-4 self.thresval = thresval or threshold or 1e-4 local kdim = self.kernel:nDimension() -- check args if kdim ~= 2 and kdim ~= 1 then error('<SpatialContrastiveNormalization> averaging kernel must be 2D or 1D') end if (self.kernel:size(1) % 2) == 0 or (kdim == 2 and (self.kernel:size(2) % 2) == 0) then error('<SpatialContrastiveNormalization> averaging kernel must have ODD dimensions') end -- instantiate sub+div normalization self.normalizer = nn.Sequential() self.normalizer:add(nn.SpatialSubtractiveNormalization(self.nInputPlane, self.kernel)) self.normalizer:add(nn.SpatialDivisiveNormalization(self.nInputPlane, self.kernel, self.threshold, self.thresval)) end function SpatialContrastiveNormalization:updateOutput(input) self.output = self.normalizer:forward(input) return self.output end function SpatialContrastiveNormalization:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) self.gradInput = self.normalizer:backward(input, gradOutput) return self.gradInput end
Spring.Utilities = Spring.Utilities or {} -- for some reason IsEngineMinVersion breaks on develop (X.1.Y-...) tags if (not Script.IsEngineMinVersion(1, 0, 0)) then Spring.Echo("[versionCompare.lua] WARNING: IsEngineMinVersion is not working. This means version constants aren't being set correctly. Note that Zero-K was not designed for .1 releases.") Script.IsEngineMinVersion = function (major, minor, commit) return true -- hacky but if we are on a develop tag we can't really rely on the versioning system end end function Spring.Utilities.GetEngineVersion() return (Game and Game.version) or (Engine and Engine.version) or "Engine version error" end function Spring.Utilities.IsCurrentVersionNewerThan(rel, dev) -- Argument example, <rel>.0.1-<dev>-g5072695 local thisVersion = Spring.Utilities.GetEngineVersion() local thisRel, thisDev local i = 1 for word in thisVersion:gmatch("[^%-]+") do if i == 1 then local j = 1 for subword in word:gmatch("[^%.]+") do if j == 1 then thisRel = tonumber(subword) if thisRel then if thisRel < rel then return false end if thisRel > rel then return true end end end j = j + 1 end elseif i == 2 then thisDev = tonumber(word) if thisDev then return thisDev > dev end end i = i + 1 end return false -- A newer version would not fail to return before now end
--[[ This implements a two-step domain filtering solution where the status of an IP address and a domain name need to be looked up. To do so, we use the udpQuestionResponse answers which generically allows us to do asynchronous lookups via UDP. Such lookups can be slow, but they won't block PowerDNS while we wait for them. To benefit from this hook, .. To test, use the 'kvresp' example program provided. --]] function preresolve (dq) print ("preresolve handler called for: "..dq.remoteaddr:toString().. ", local: ".. dq.localaddr:toString()..", ".. dq.qname:toString()..", ".. dq.qtype) dq.followupFunction="udpQueryResponse" dq.udpCallback="gotdomaindetails" dq.udpQueryDest=newCA("") dq.udpQuery = "DOMAIN "..dq.qname:toString() return true; end function gotdomaindetails(dq) print("gotdomaindetails called, got: "..dq.udpAnswer) if(dq.udpAnswer == "0") then print("This domain needs no filtering, not looking up this domain") dq.followupFunction="" return false end print("Domain might need filtering for some users") dq.variable = true -- disable packet cache local data={} data["domaindetails"]= dq.udpAnswer dq.udpQuery="IP "..dq.remoteaddr:toString() dq.udpCallback="gotipdetails" print("returning true in gotipdetails") return true end function gotipdetails(dq) dq.followupFunction="" print("So status of IP is "..dq.udpAnswer.." and status of domain is " if("1" and dq.udpAnswer=="1") then print("IP wants filtering and domain is of the filtered kind") dq:addAnswer(pdns.CNAME, "") return true else print("Returning false (normal resolution should proceed, for this user)") return false end end
package.path = package.path .. ';.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?.lua' ..';.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua' package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';.luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?.so' require("./BoTMasters/utils") local f = assert(io.popen('/usr/bin/git describe --tags', 'r')) VERSION = assert(f:read('*a')) f:close() -- This function is called when tg receive a msg function on_msg_receive (msg) if not started then return end msg = backward_msg_format(msg) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) print(receiver) --vardump(msg) --vardump(msg) msg = pre_process_service_msg(msg) if msg_valid(msg) then msg = pre_process_msg(msg) if msg then match_plugins(msg) if redis:get("bot:markread") then if redis:get("bot:markread") == "on" then mark_read(receiver, ok_cb, false) end end end end end function ok_cb(extra, success, result) end function on_binlog_replay_end() started = true postpone (cron_plugins, false, 60*5.0) -- See plugins/isup.lua as an example for cron _config = load_config() -- load plugins plugins = {} load_plugins() end function msg_valid(msg) -- Don't process outgoing messages if msg.out then print('\27[36mNot valid: msg from us\27[39m') return false end -- Before bot was started if < os.time() - 5 then print('\27[36mNot valid: old msg\27[39m') return false end if msg.unread == 0 then print('\27[36mNot valid: readed\27[39m') return false end if not then print('\27[36mNot valid: To id not provided\27[39m') return false end if not then print('\27[36mNot valid: From id not provided\27[39m') return false end if == our_id then print('\27[36mNot valid: Msg from our id\27[39m') return false end if == 'encr_chat' then print('\27[36mNot valid: Encrypted chat\27[39m') return false end if == 777000 then --send_large_msg(*group id*, msg.text) *login code will be sent to GroupID* return false end return true end -- function pre_process_service_msg(msg) if msg.service then local action = msg.action or {type=""} -- Double ! to discriminate of normal actions msg.text = "!!tgservice " .. action.type -- wipe the data to allow the bot to read service messages if msg.out then msg.out = false end if == our_id then = 0 end end return msg end -- Apply plugin.pre_process function function pre_process_msg(msg) for name,plugin in pairs(plugins) do if plugin.pre_process and msg then print('Preprocess', name) msg = plugin.pre_process(msg) end end return msg end -- Go over enabled plugins patterns. function match_plugins(msg) for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do match_plugin(plugin, name, msg) end end -- Check if plugin is on _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat table local function is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, receiver) local disabled_chats = _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat -- Table exists and chat has disabled plugins if disabled_chats and disabled_chats[receiver] then -- Checks if plugin is disabled on this chat for disabled_plugin,disabled in pairs(disabled_chats[receiver]) do if disabled_plugin == plugin_name and disabled then local warning = 'Plugin '..disabled_plugin..' is disabled on this chat' print(warning) send_msg(receiver, warning, ok_cb, false) return true end end end return false end function match_plugin(plugin, plugin_name, msg) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) -- Go over patterns. If one matches it's enough. for k, pattern in pairs(plugin.patterns) do local matches = match_pattern(pattern, msg.text) if matches then print("msg matches: ", pattern) if is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, receiver) then return nil end -- Function exists if then -- If plugin is for privileged users only if not warns_user_not_allowed(plugin, msg) then local result =, matches) if result then send_large_msg(receiver, result) end end end -- One patterns matches return end end end -- DEPRECATED, use send_large_msg(destination, text) function _send_msg(destination, text) send_large_msg(destination, text) end -- Save the content of _config to config.lua function save_config( ) serialize_to_file(_config, './data/config.lua') print ('saved config into ./data/config.lua') end -- Returns the config from config.lua file. -- If file doesn't exist, create it. function load_config( ) local f ='./data/config.lua', "r") -- If config.lua doesn't exist if not f then print ("Created new config file: data/config.lua") create_config() else f:close() end local config = loadfile ("./data/config.lua")() for v,user in pairs(config.sudo_users) do print("Sudo user: " .. user) end return config end -- Create a basic config.json file and saves it. function create_config( ) -- A simple config with basic plugins and ourselves as privileged user config = { enabled_plugins = { "admin", "anti_spam", "banhammer", "broadcast", "get", "set", "inpv", "invite", "leave_ban", "msg_checks", "owners", "stats", "supergroup", "whitelist", "pvhelp", "plugins", "onservice", "ingroup", "inrealm", "help", "pvhelp", "lockfwd", "linkpv", "sudo", "upredis", "me", "reply", "autoReply", "delenum", "shelp" }, sudo_users = { 0,tonumber(128140648,0)},--Sudo users moderation = {data = 'data/moderation.json'}, about_text = [[! Masters Bot 2.1v 🔰 The advanced administration bot based on Tg-Cli. 🌐 It was built on a platform TeleSeed after it has been modified.🔧🌐 Programmer🔰 @iDev1 Special thanks to😋❤️ TeleSeed Team Mico Mouamle Oscar Our channels 😍👍🏼 @MastersDev 🌚⚠️ @OSCARBOTv2 🌚🔌 @MouamleAPI 🌚🔩 @Malvoo 🌚🔧 My YouTube Channel]], help_text = [[ارسل الامر !shelp او !pv help تجيك خاص قناة السورس @MastersDev]], help_text_super =[[🔰 The Commands in Super 🔰 💭 اوامر الطرد والحضر والايدي 🎩!block 🚩 لطرد العضو 💲!ban 🚩🔞 لحظر العضو 🎩!banlist 🆔 قائمة المحضورين 💲!unban ℹ️ فتح الحظر 🎩!id 🆔 عرض الايدي 💲!kickme 💋 للخروج من الكروب 🎩!kickinactive ✋طرد الممتفاعل 💲!id from 🆔الايدي من اعادة توجية 🎩!muteuser @ 👞 كتم عضو محدد 💲!del 🎈 حذف الرساله بالرد 💭 الاسم والصوره في السوبر مقفولة 🔔!lock member 🔒قفل الاضافة 🔕!unlock member 🔓فتح الاضافة 💭 اوامر المنع 🏁!lock links🔗 قفل منع الروابط ⚽️!unlock links 🔗 فتح منع الروابط 🏁!lock sticker✴️ قفل الملصقات ⚽️!unlock sticker ✴️ فتح الملصقات 🏁!lock strict 🛂 القفل الصارم ⚽️!unlock strict 🛂 فتح القفل الصارم 🏁!lock flood 🚦🚧 قفل التكرار ⚽️!unlock flood 🚦🚧 فتح التكرار 🏁!setflood 5>20 لتحديد التكرار ⚽️!lock fwd 🎃 قفل اعادة التوجيه 🏁!unlock fwd 🎃 فتح قفل اعلاه ⚽️!bot lock 💉 قفل البوتات 🏁!bot unlock 💉 فتح قفل البوتات 💭 اوامر الكتم 🃏!mute gifs 🗿 كتم الصور المتحركة 🀄️!umute gifs 🗿 فتح كتم المتحركة 🃏!mute photo 🗼 كتم الصور 🀄️!unmute photo 🗼 فتح كتم الصور 🃏!mute video 🎬 كتم الفيديو 🀄️!unmute video 🎬فتح كتم الفيديو 🃏!mute audio 🔕 كتم البصمات 🀄️!unmute audio🔔فتح البصمات 🃏!mute all ➿ كتم الكل أعلاه 🀄️!unmute all ➿ فتح كتم الكل أعلاه 💭 اوامر التنظيف 🎧!clean rules 〽️ تنظيف القوانين 🎭!clean about 〽️ تنظيف الوصف 🎧!clean modlist 〽️ تنظيف الادمنية 🎭!clean mutelist تنظيف المكتومين 🔗 الرابط في المجموعة🆗✋ 💳!newlink 🚫🔗تغيير الرابط 💰!link 🔗 استخراج الرابط 🔗 الرابط في الخاص🆗✋ 💳!linkpv 🔗 الرابط في الخاص 💭 اوامر الوضع و التغيير 📼!setname (الاسم) 💡تغيير الاسم 📼!setphoto تعيين صوره للممجموعة 📼!setrules (مسافه بعدها القوانين) 📼!setabout (مسافه بعدها والوصف) 💭 اوامر رفع وخفض ادمن 🌟!promote ♻️ رفع ادمن ⭐️!demote ♻️ خفض ادمن 💭هذا الامر يقوم باضافه ايدي المجموعه الى قائمه الامر chats! 💸!public yes لجعل المجموعه عامه 💸!public no لجعل المجموعه خاصه 💭 اوامر معلوماتيه 🔧!muteslist 🚧 معلومات الكتم 🔨!info 🐸 معلومات المجموعة 🔩!res 🆔 لعرض معلومات الايدي 🔧!rules 👀 لعرض القوانين 🔨!modlist 🔧🔩 لاضهار الادمن 🔩 me Ⓜ️ رتبتك بالكروب 🔧!echo (الكلمه) ➿ حتى يتكلم 🔨!owner 💯💮 مشرف المجموعه 🔩!wholist 🆔 ايديات المجموعة 🔧!who 🆔 ايديات المجموعه بملف 🔨!settings 🔨اعدادت المجموعة 🔩!bots 🚯 لاضهار بوتات المجموعة 🔧!mutelist 🚧 قائمةالمكتومين 💠〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰💠 ⚠️قناة البوت اشتركو بيها @MastersDev مجموعة دعم البوت @idev8 ♻️〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰♻️ 💠 Pro :- @iDev1 💠]], help_text_realm = [[ارسل الامر !shelp او !pv help تجيك خاص قناة السورس @MastersDev]], } serialize_to_file(config, './data/config.lua') print('saved config into ./data/config.lua') end function on_our_id (id) our_id = id end function on_user_update (user, what) --vardump (user) end function on_chat_update (chat, what) --vardump (chat) end function on_secret_chat_update (schat, what) --vardump (schat) end function on_get_difference_end () end -- Enable plugins in config.json function load_plugins() for k, v in pairs(_config.enabled_plugins) do print("Loading plugin", v) local ok, err = pcall(function() local t = loadfile("plugins/"..v..'.lua')() plugins[v] = t end) if not ok then print('\27[31mError loading plugin '..v..'\27[39m') print(tostring(io.popen("lua plugins/"..v..".lua"):read('*all'))) print('\27[31m'..err..'\27[39m') end end end -- custom add function load_data(filename) local f = if not f then return {} end local s = f:read('*all') f:close() local data = JSON.decode(s) return data end function save_data(filename, data) local s = JSON.encode(data) local f =, 'w') f:write(s) f:close() end -- Call and postpone execution for cron plugins function cron_plugins() for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do -- Only plugins with cron function if plugin.cron ~= nil then plugin.cron() end end -- Called again in 2 mins postpone (cron_plugins, false, 120) end -- Start and load values our_id = 0 now = os.time() math.randomseed(now) started = false
----------------------------------- -- Area: Castle Oztroja -- NPC: qm1 (???) -- Involved in Quest: True Strength -- @pos -100 -71 -132 151 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Castle_Oztroja/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Castle_Oztroja/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,TRUE_STRENGTH) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:hasItem(1100) == false) then if (trade:hasItemQty(4558,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Yagudo Drink player:tradeComplete(); player:messageSpecial(SENSE_OF_FOREBODING); SpawnMob(17396140,180):updateClaim(player); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:messageSpecial(NOTHING_OUT_OF_ORDINARY); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Mind Blast -- Deals lightning damage to an enemy. Additional effect: Paralysis -- Spell cost: 82 MP -- Monster Type: Demons -- Spell Type: Magical (Lightning) -- Blue Magic Points: 4 -- Stat Bonus: MP+5 MND+1 -- Level: 73 -- Casting Time: 3 seconds -- Recast Time: 30 seconds -- Magic Bursts on: Impaction, Fragmentation, and Light -- Combos: Clear Mind ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/bluemagic"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnMagicCastingCheck ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnSpellCast ----------------------------------------- function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local resist = applyResistance(caster,spell,target,caster:getStat(MOD_INT) - target:getStat(MOD_INT),BLUE_SKILL,1.0); local multi = 7.08; local params = {}; -- This data should match information on params.multiplier = multi; params.tMultiplier = 1.5; params.duppercap = 69; params.str_wsc = 0.0; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.3; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; damage = BlueMagicalSpell(caster, target, spell, params, MND_BASED); damage = BlueFinalAdjustments(caster, target, spell, damage, params); if (caster:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_AZURE_LORE)) then multi = multi + 0.50; end if (damage > 0 and resist > 0.3) then local typeEffect = EFFECT_PARALYSIS; target:addStatusEffect(typeEffect,52,0,getBlueEffectDuration(caster,resist,typeEffect)); -- No info for power on the internet, static to 12 for now. end return damage; end;
--linear constant 65536 include "constants.lua" local base, pelvis, body, countertilt, aimpoint = piece('base', 'pelvis', 'body', 'countertilt', 'aimpoint') local rthigh, rshin, rfoot, lthigh, lshin, lfoot = piece('rthigh', 'rshin', 'rfoot', 'lthigh', 'lshin', 'lfoot') local disks = { {piece('f1disk', 'b1disk')}, {piece('f2disk', 'b2disk')}, {piece('f3disk', 'b3disk')}, } local firepoints = {piece('fp1l', 'fp1r', 'fp2l', 'fp2r', 'fp3l', 'fp3r')} local smokePiece = {body} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local PACE = 2 local THIGH_FRONT_ANGLE = -math.rad(50) local THIGH_FRONT_SPEED = math.rad(60) * PACE local THIGH_BACK_ANGLE = math.rad(30) local THIGH_BACK_SPEED = math.rad(60) * PACE local SHIN_FRONT_ANGLE = math.rad(45) local SHIN_FRONT_SPEED = math.rad(90) * PACE local SHIN_BACK_ANGLE = math.rad(10) local SHIN_BACK_SPEED = math.rad(90) * PACE local ARM_FRONT_ANGLE = -math.rad(20) local ARM_FRONT_SPEED = math.rad(22.5) * PACE local ARM_BACK_ANGLE = math.rad(10) local ARM_BACK_SPEED = math.rad(22.5) * PACE local FOREARM_FRONT_ANGLE = -math.rad(40) local FOREARM_FRONT_SPEED = math.rad(45) * PACE local FOREARM_BACK_ANGLE = math.rad(10) local FOREARM_BACK_SPEED = math.rad(45) * PACE local SIG_WALK = 1 local SIG_AIM1 = 2 local SIG_RESTORE = 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local gun_1 = 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function Walk() Signal(SIG_WALK) SetSignalMask(SIG_WALK) while true do --left leg up, right leg back Turn(lthigh, x_axis, THIGH_FRONT_ANGLE, THIGH_FRONT_SPEED) Turn(lshin, x_axis, SHIN_FRONT_ANGLE, SHIN_FRONT_SPEED) Turn(rthigh, x_axis, THIGH_BACK_ANGLE, THIGH_BACK_SPEED) Turn(rshin, x_axis, SHIN_BACK_ANGLE, SHIN_BACK_SPEED) WaitForTurn(lthigh, x_axis) Sleep(0) --right leg up, left leg back Turn(lthigh, x_axis, THIGH_BACK_ANGLE, THIGH_BACK_SPEED) Turn(lshin, x_axis, SHIN_BACK_ANGLE, SHIN_BACK_SPEED) Turn(rthigh, x_axis, THIGH_FRONT_ANGLE, THIGH_FRONT_SPEED) Turn(rshin, x_axis, SHIN_FRONT_ANGLE, SHIN_FRONT_SPEED) WaitForTurn(rthigh, x_axis) Sleep(0) end end local function Stopping() Signal(SIG_WALK) SetSignalMask(SIG_WALK) Turn(rthigh, x_axis, 0, math.rad(80)*PACE) Turn(rshin, x_axis, 0, math.rad(120)*PACE) Turn(rfoot, x_axis, 0, math.rad(80)*PACE) Turn(lthigh, x_axis, 0, math.rad(80)*PACE) Turn(lshin, x_axis, 0, math.rad(80)*PACE) Turn(lfoot, x_axis, 0, math.rad(80)*PACE) Turn(pelvis, z_axis, 0, math.rad(20)*PACE) Move(pelvis, y_axis, 0, 12*PACE) end function script.StartMoving() StartThread(Walk) end function script.StopMoving() StartThread(Stopping) end function script.Create() StartThread(GG.Script.SmokeUnit, unitID, smokePiece) end local function RestoreAfterDelay() Signal(SIG_RESTORE) SetSignalMask(SIG_RESTORE) Sleep(5000) Turn(body, y_axis, 0, math.rad(65)) Turn(pelvis, x_axis, 0, math.rad(47.5)) Turn(countertilt, x_axis, 0, math.rad(47.5)) end function script.AimFromWeapon() return aimpoint end function script.AimWeapon(num, heading, pitch) if num == 1 then Signal(SIG_AIM1) SetSignalMask(SIG_AIM1) Turn(body, y_axis, heading, math.rad(360)) Turn(pelvis, x_axis, -pitch, math.rad(180)) Turn(countertilt, x_axis, pitch, math.rad(180)) WaitForTurn(body, y_axis) WaitForTurn(pelvis, x_axis) StartThread(RestoreAfterDelay) return true end end function script.QueryWeapon(num) if num == 1 then return firepoints[gun_1] end end function script.Shot(num) if num == 1 then gun_1 = gun_1 + 1 if gun_1 > 6 then gun_1 = 1 end end end function script.Killed(recentDamage, maxHealth) local severity = recentDamage/maxHealth if severity >= .25 then Explode(lfoot, SFX.NONE) Explode(lshin, SFX.NONE) Explode(lthigh, SFX.NONE) Explode(pelvis, SFX.NONE) Explode(rfoot, SFX.NONE) Explode(rshin, SFX.NONE) Explode(rthigh, SFX.NONE) Explode(body, SFX.NONE) return 1 elseif severity >= .50 then Explode(lfoot, SFX.FALL) Explode(lshin, SFX.FALL) Explode(lthigh, SFX.FALL) Explode(pelvis, SFX.FALL) Explode(rfoot, SFX.FALL) Explode(rshin, SFX.FALL) Explode(rthigh, SFX.FALL) Explode(body, SFX.SHATTER) return 1 elseif severity >= .99 then Explode(lfoot, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(lshin, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(lthigh, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(pelvis, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(rfoot, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(rshin, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(rthigh, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(body, SFX.SHATTER) return 2 else Explode(lfoot, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(lshin, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(lthigh, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(pelvis, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(rfoot, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(rshin, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(rthigh, SFX.FALL + SFX.SMOKE + SFX.FIRE + SFX.EXPLODE) Explode(body, SFX.SHATTER + SFX.EXPLODE) return 2 end end
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaSocket helper module -- Author: Diego Nehab -- RCS ID: $Id: socket.lua,v 1.22 2005/11/22 08:33:29 diego Exp $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Declare module and import dependencies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = _G local string = require("string") local math = require("math") local socket = require("socket.core") module("socket") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exported auxiliar functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function connect(address, port, laddress, lport) local sock, err = socket.tcp() if not sock then return nil, err end if laddress then local res, err = sock:bind(laddress, lport, -1) if not res then return nil, err end end local res, err = sock:connect(address, port) if not res then return nil, err end return sock end function bind(host, port, backlog) local sock, err = socket.tcp() if not sock then return nil, err end sock:setoption("reuseaddr", true) local res, err = sock:bind(host, port) if not res then return nil, err end res, err = sock:listen(backlog) if not res then return nil, err end return sock end try = newtry() function choose(table) return function(name, opt1, opt2) if base.type(name) ~= "string" then name, opt1, opt2 = "default", name, opt1 end local f = table[name or "nil"] if not f then base.error("unknown key (".. base.tostring(name) ..")", 3) else return f(opt1, opt2) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Socket sources and sinks, conforming to LTN12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- create namespaces inside LuaSocket namespace sourcet = {} sinkt = {} BLOCKSIZE = 2048 sinkt["close-when-done"] = function(sock) return base.setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) if not chunk then sock:close() return 1 else return sock:send(chunk) end end }) end sinkt["keep-open"] = function(sock) return base.setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) if chunk then return sock:send(chunk) else return 1 end end }) end sinkt["default"] = sinkt["keep-open"] sink = choose(sinkt) sourcet["by-length"] = function(sock, length) return base.setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function() if length <= 0 then return nil end local size = math.min(socket.BLOCKSIZE, length) local chunk, err = sock:receive(size) if err then return nil, err end length = length - string.len(chunk) return chunk end }) end sourcet["until-closed"] = function(sock) local done return base.setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function() if done then return nil end local chunk, err, partial = sock:receive(socket.BLOCKSIZE) if not err then return chunk elseif err == "closed" then sock:close() done = 1 return partial else return nil, err end end }) end sourcet["default"] = sourcet["until-closed"] source = choose(sourcet)
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port Jeuno -- NPC: Joachim -- @zone 246 -- @pos -52.844 0.000 -9.978 -- CS/Event ID's: -- 0x0144 = on zoning in -- 0x0145 = 1st chat, get 1st stone, -- completes "A Journey Begins" -- 0x0146 = Limited Menu -- 0x0147 = CS after "The Truth Beckons" completed. -- 0x0148 = Full Menu -- 0x014B = CS after "Dawn of Death" completed. -- 0x014C = -- 0x014D = -- 0x014E = -- 0x014F = -- 0x0150 = -- 0x0151 = -- 0x0152 = -- 0x0153 = -- 0x0154 = -- 0x0155 = -- 0x0156 = -- 0x0157 = -- 0x0158 = -- 0x0159 = ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Port_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/abyssea"); require("scripts/zones/Port_Jeuno/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) -- TODO: logic to increase traverser stone count...Based on time between 2 vars? local StonesStock = player:getCurrency("traverser_stones"); local StonesKI = getTravStonesTotal(player); local MaxKI = getMaxTravStones(player); local isCap = 0; if (StonesKI >= MaxKI) then isCap = 1; end if (player:getQuestStatus(ABYSSEA, A_JOURNEY_BEGINS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x0145); elseif (player:getQuestStatus(ABYSSEA, THE_TRUTH_BECKONS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("1stTimeAyssea") == 1) then player:startEvent(0x0147,0,0,MaxKI); -- cs for "The Truth Beckons" completion elseif (player:getQuestStatus(ABYSSEA, THE_TRUTH_BECKONS) ~= QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x0146); -- Pre "The Truth Beckons" Menu elseif (player:getQuestStatus(ABYSSEA, DAWN_OF_DEATH) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x0148,0,StonesStock,StonesKI,isCap,1,1,1,3); -- Post "The Truth Beckons" Menu -- elseif -- player:startEvent(0x014C); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) printf("CSID: %u",csid); printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0145) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE1); player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE1) player:completeQuest(ABYSSEA, A_JOURNEY_BEGINS); player:addQuest(ABYSSEA, THE_TRUTH_BECKONS); elseif (csid == 0x0147) then player:completeQuest(ABYSSEA, THE_TRUTH_BECKONS); player:addQuest(ABYSSEA, DAWN_OF_DEATH); player:setVar("1stTimeAyssea",0); elseif (csid == 0x0148 and option == 6) then local StonesKI = getTravStonesTotal(player); if (StonesKI == 5) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE6); player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE6) elseif (StonesKI == 4) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE5); player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE5) elseif (StonesKI == 3) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE4) player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE4); elseif (StonesKI == 2) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE3); player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE3) elseif (StonesKI == 1) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE2); player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE2) elseif (StonesKI == 0) then player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,TRAVERSER_STONE1); player:addKeyItem(TRAVERSER_STONE1) end end end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5202 -- Item: Dish of Spaghetti Nero Di Seppia +1 -- Food Effect: 60 Mins, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- HP % 17 (cap 140) -- Dexterity 3 -- Vitality 2 -- Agility -1 -- Mind -2 -- Charisma -1 -- Double Attack 1 -- Store TP 6 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,3600,5202); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_HPP, 17); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_HP_CAP, 140); target:addMod(MOD_DEX, 3); target:addMod(MOD_VIT, 2); target:addMod(MOD_AGI, -1); target:addMod(MOD_MND, -2); target:addMod(MOD_CHR, -1); target:addMod(MOD_DOUBLE_ATTACK, 1); target:addMod(MOD_STORETP, 6); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_HPP, 17); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_HP_CAP, 140); target:delMod(MOD_DEX, 3); target:delMod(MOD_VIT, 2); target:delMod(MOD_AGI, -1); target:delMod(MOD_MND, -2); target:delMod(MOD_CHR, -1); target:delMod(MOD_DOUBLE_ATTACK, 1); target:delMod(MOD_STORETP, 6); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port Bastok -- NPC: Oggbi -- Starts and Finishes: Ghosts of the Past, The First Meeting -- @zone 236 -- @pos -159 -7 5 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Port_Bastok/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Port_Bastok/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,GHOSTS_OF_THE_PAST) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (trade:hasItemQty(13122,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Miner's Pendant player:startEvent(0x00e8); -- Finish Quest "Ghosts of the Past" end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) ghostsOfThePast = player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,GHOSTS_OF_THE_PAST); theFirstMeeting = player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,THE_FIRST_MEETING); mLvl = player:getMainLvl(); mJob = player:getMainJob(); if (ghostsOfThePast == QUEST_AVAILABLE and mJob == 2 and mLvl >= 40) then player:startEvent(0x00e7); -- Start Quest "Ghosts of the Past" elseif (ghostsOfThePast == QUEST_COMPLETED and player:needToZone() == false and theFirstMeeting == QUEST_AVAILABLE and mJob == 2 and mLvl >= 50) then player:startEvent(0x00e9); -- Start Quest "The First Meeting" elseif (player:hasKeyItem(LETTER_FROM_DALZAKK) and player:hasKeyItem(SANDORIAN_MARTIAL_ARTS_SCROLL)) then player:startEvent(0x00ea); -- Finish Quest "The First Meeting" else player:startEvent(0x00e6); -- Standard Dialog end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x00e7) then player:addQuest(BASTOK,GHOSTS_OF_THE_PAST); elseif (csid == 0x00e8) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,17478); -- Beat Cesti else player:tradeComplete(); player:addItem(17478); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,17478); -- Beat Cesti player:needToZone(true); player:addFame(BASTOK,AF1_FAME); player:completeQuest(BASTOK,GHOSTS_OF_THE_PAST); end elseif (csid == 0x00e9) then player:addQuest(BASTOK,THE_FIRST_MEETING); elseif (csid == 0x00ea) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,14090); -- Temple Gaiters else player:delKeyItem(LETTER_FROM_DALZAKK); player:delKeyItem(SANDORIAN_MARTIAL_ARTS_SCROLL); player:addItem(14090); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,14090); -- Temple Gaiters player:addFame(BASTOK,AF2_FAME); player:completeQuest(BASTOK,THE_FIRST_MEETING); end end end;
// this was rickster's ak47. if ( SERVER ) then AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" ) SWEP.HoldType = "ar2" end if ( CLIENT ) then SWEP.PrintName = "Galil" SWEP.Author = "HLTV Proxy" SWEP.Slot = 3 SWEP.SlotPos = 4 SWEP.IconLetter = "v" SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false killicon.AddFont( "weapon_galil2", "CSKillIcons", SWEP.IconLetter, Color( 100, 100, 100, 255 ) ) end SWEP.Base = "weapon_cs_base2" SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_rif_galil.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_rif_galil.mdl" SWEP.Weight = 5 SWEP.AutoSwitchTo = false SWEP.AutoSwitchFrom = false SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound( "Weapon_Galil.Single" ) SWEP.Primary.Recoil = .65 SWEP.Primary.Damage = 22.5 SWEP.Primary.NumShots = 1 SWEP.Primary.Cone = 0.004 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 20 SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.095 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 20 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "smg1" SWEP.Secondary.ClipSize = -1 SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip = -1 SWEP.Secondary.Automatic = false SWEP.Secondary.Ammo = "none" SWEP.IronSightsPos = Vector( -5.15, -7, 2.425 ) SWEP.IronSightsAng = Vector( -1.25, 0, 0 ) // galil upgrade = lower recoil function SWEP:Upgrade(bool) self.Weapon:SetNWBool("upgraded",bool) end function SWEP:Reload() if (self.Weapon:GetNWBool("upgraded") && self.Weapon:Clip1()<40) || (!self.Weapon:GetNWBool("upgraded") && self.Weapon:Clip1()<25) then self.Weapon:DefaultReload( ACT_VM_RELOAD ); self:SetIronsights( false ) self.Owner:SetFOV(self.ViewModelFOV,.3) end end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() self.Weapon:SetNextSecondaryFire( CurTime() + self.Primary.Delay ) if self.Owner:GetNWBool("doubletapped") then self.Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self.Primary.Delay*drugeffect_doubletapmod ) else self.Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self.Primary.Delay ) end if ( !self:CanPrimaryAttack() ) then return end // Play shoot sound self.Weapon:EmitSound( self.Primary.Sound ) // Shoot the bullet local rcone = self.Primary.Cone if (self.Owner:GetNWBool("focused")) then rcone = rcone*0.5 end if(self:GetIronsights() == true) then if (self.Weapon:GetNWBool("upgraded")) then self:CSShootBullet( self.Primary.Damage, .55, self.Primary.NumShots, rcone ) else self:CSShootBullet( self.Primary.Damage, self.Primary.Recoil, self.Primary.NumShots, rcone ) end else self:CSShootBullet( self.Primary.Damage, self.Primary.Recoil + 3, self.Primary.NumShots, rcone + .05 ) end // Remove 1 bullet from our clip self:TakePrimaryAmmo( 1 ) // Punch the player's view self.Owner:ViewPunch( Angle( math.Rand(-0.2,-0.1) * self.Primary.Recoil, math.Rand(-0.1,0.1) *self.Primary.Recoil, 0 ) ) // In singleplayer this doesn't get called on the client, so we use a networked float // to send the last shoot time. In multiplayer this is predicted clientside so we don't need to // send the float. if ( (SinglePlayer() && SERVER) || CLIENT ) then self.Weapon:SetNetworkedFloat( "LastShootTime", CurTime() ) end end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Rabao -- NPC: Scamplix -- Standard Merchant NPC ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/shop"); package.loaded["scripts/zones/Rabao/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Rabao/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:showText(npc,SCAMPLIX_SHOP_DIALOG); stock = {0x119D,10, -- Distilled Waterr 0x1118,108, -- Meat Jerky 0x116A,270, -- Goblin Bread 0x0719,720, -- Cactus Arm 0x1020,4348, -- Ether 0x113C,292, -- Thundermelon 0x118B,180, -- Watermelon 0x1010,819, -- Potion 0x1034,284, -- Antidote 0x1043,1080, -- Blinding Potion 0x3410,4050, -- Mythril Earring 0x006B,180, -- Water Jug 0x0b34,9000} -- Rabao Waystone showShop(player, STATIC, stock); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Fast Blade -- Sword weapon skill -- Skill Level: 5 -- Delivers a two-hit attack. Damage varies with TP. -- Will stack with Sneak Attack. -- Aligned with the Soil Gorget. -- Aligned with the Soil Belt. -- Element: None -- Modifiers: STR:20% ; DEX:20% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 1.00 1.50 2.00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar) local params = {}; params.numHits = 2; params.ftp100 = 1; params.ftp200 = 1.5; params.ftp300 = 2; params.str_wsc = 0.2; params.dex_wsc = 0.2; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.0; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; params.crit100 = 0.0; params.crit200 = 0.0; params.crit300 = 0.0; params.canCrit = false; params.acc100 = 0.0; params.acc200= 0.0; params.acc300= 0.0; params.atkmulti = 1; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.str_wsc = 0.4; params.dex_wsc = 0.4; end local damage, criticalHit, tpHits, extraHits = doPhysicalWeaponskill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar, params); return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage; end
local wrap = require 'cwrap' local types = wrap.types types.Tensor = { helpname = function(arg) if arg.dim then return string.format("Tensor~%dD", arg.dim) else return "Tensor" end end, declare = function(arg) local txt = {} table.insert(txt, string.format("THTensor *arg%d = NULL;", arg.i)) if arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format("int arg%d_idx = 0;", arg.i)); end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, check = function(arg, idx) if arg.dim then return string.format("(arg%d = luaT_toudata(L, %d, torch_Tensor)) && (arg%d->nDimension == %d)", arg.i, idx, arg.i, arg.dim) else return string.format("(arg%d = luaT_toudata(L, %d, torch_Tensor))", arg.i, idx) end end, read = function(arg, idx) if arg.returned then return string.format("arg%d_idx = %d;", arg.i, idx) end end, init = function(arg) if type(arg.default) == 'boolean' then return string.format('arg%d = THTensor_(new)();', arg.i) elseif type(arg.default) == 'number' then return string.format('arg%d = %s;', arg.i, arg.args[arg.default]:carg()) else error('unknown default tensor type value') end end, carg = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, creturn = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, precall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.default and arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('if(arg%d_idx)', arg.i)) -- means it was passed as arg table.insert(txt, string.format('lua_pushvalue(L, arg%d_idx);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('else')) if type(arg.default) == 'boolean' then -- boolean: we did a new() table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, torch_Tensor);', arg.i)) else -- otherwise: point on default tensor --> retain table.insert(txt, string.format('{')) table.insert(txt, string.format('THTensor_(retain)(arg%d);', arg.i)) -- so we need a retain table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, torch_Tensor);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('}')) end elseif arg.default then -- we would have to deallocate the beast later if we did a new -- unlikely anyways, so i do not support it for now if type(arg.default) == 'boolean' then error('a tensor cannot be optional if not returned') end elseif arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('lua_pushvalue(L, arg%d_idx);', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, postcall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.creturned then -- this next line is actually debatable table.insert(txt, string.format('THTensor_(retain)(arg%d);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, torch_Tensor);', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end } types.Generator = { helpname = function(arg) return "Generator" end, declare = function(arg) return string.format("THGenerator *arg%d = NULL;", arg.i) end, check = function(arg, idx) return string.format("(arg%d = luaT_toudata(L, %d, torch_Generator))", arg.i, idx) end, read = function(arg, idx) end, init = function(arg) local text = {} -- If no generator is supplied, pull the default out of the torch namespace. table.insert(text, 'lua_getglobal(L,"torch");') table.insert(text, string.format('arg%d = luaT_getfieldcheckudata(L, -1, "_gen", torch_Generator);', arg.i)) table.insert(text, 'lua_pop(L, 2);') return table.concat(text, '\n') end, carg = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, creturn = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, precall = function(arg) end, postcall = function(arg) end } types.IndexTensor = { helpname = function(arg) return "LongTensor" end, declare = function(arg) local txt = {} table.insert(txt, string.format("THLongTensor *arg%d = NULL;", arg.i)) if arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format("int arg%d_idx = 0;", arg.i)); end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, check = function(arg, idx) return string.format('(arg%d = luaT_toudata(L, %d, "torch.LongTensor"))', arg.i, idx) end, read = function(arg, idx) local txt = {} if not arg.noreadadd then table.insert(txt, string.format("THLongTensor_add(arg%d, arg%d, -1);", arg.i, arg.i)); end if arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format("arg%d_idx = %d;", arg.i, idx)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, init = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d = THLongTensor_new();', arg.i) end, carg = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, creturn = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, precall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.default and arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('if(arg%d_idx)', arg.i)) -- means it was passed as arg table.insert(txt, string.format('lua_pushvalue(L, arg%d_idx);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('else')) -- means we did a new() table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.LongTensor");', arg.i)) elseif arg.default then error('a tensor cannot be optional if not returned') elseif arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('lua_pushvalue(L, arg%d_idx);', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, postcall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.creturned or arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format("THLongTensor_add(arg%d, arg%d, 1);", arg.i, arg.i)); end if arg.creturned then -- this next line is actually debatable table.insert(txt, string.format('THLongTensor_retain(arg%d);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.LongTensor");', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end } for _,typename in ipairs({"ByteTensor", "CharTensor", "ShortTensor", "IntTensor", "LongTensor", "FloatTensor", "DoubleTensor"}) do types[typename] = { helpname = function(arg) if arg.dim then return string.format('%s~%dD', typename, arg.dim) else return typename end end, declare = function(arg) local txt = {} table.insert(txt, string.format("TH%s *arg%d = NULL;", typename, arg.i)) if arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format("int arg%d_idx = 0;", arg.i)); end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, check = function(arg, idx) if arg.dim then return string.format('(arg%d = luaT_toudata(L, %d, "torch.%s")) && (arg%d->nDimension == %d)', arg.i, idx, typename, arg.i, arg.dim) else return string.format('(arg%d = luaT_toudata(L, %d, "torch.%s"))', arg.i, idx, typename) end end, read = function(arg, idx) if arg.returned then return string.format("arg%d_idx = %d;", arg.i, idx) end end, init = function(arg) if type(arg.default) == 'boolean' then return string.format('arg%d = TH%s_new();', arg.i, typename) elseif type(arg.default) == 'number' then return string.format('arg%d = %s;', arg.i, arg.args[arg.default]:carg()) else error('unknown default tensor type value') end end, carg = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, creturn = function(arg) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, precall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.default and arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('if(arg%d_idx)', arg.i)) -- means it was passed as arg table.insert(txt, string.format('lua_pushvalue(L, arg%d_idx);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('else')) if type(arg.default) == 'boolean' then -- boolean: we did a new() table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.%s");', arg.i, typename)) else -- otherwise: point on default tensor --> retain table.insert(txt, string.format('{')) table.insert(txt, string.format('TH%s_retain(arg%d);', typename, arg.i)) -- so we need a retain table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.%s");', arg.i, typename)) table.insert(txt, string.format('}')) end elseif arg.default then -- we would have to deallocate the beast later if we did a new -- unlikely anyways, so i do not support it for now if type(arg.default) == 'boolean' then error('a tensor cannot be optional if not returned') end elseif arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('lua_pushvalue(L, arg%d_idx);', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, postcall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.creturned then -- this next line is actually debatable table.insert(txt, string.format('TH%s_retain(arg%d);', typename, arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.%s");', arg.i, typename)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end } end types.LongArg = { vararg = true, helpname = function(arg) return "(LongStorage | dim1 [dim2...])" end, declare = function(arg) return string.format("THLongStorage *arg%d = NULL;", arg.i) end, init = function(arg) if arg.default then error('LongArg cannot have a default value') end end, check = function(arg, idx) return string.format("torch_islongargs(L, %d)", idx) end, read = function(arg, idx) return string.format("arg%d = torch_checklongargs(L, %d);", arg.i, idx) end, carg = function(arg, idx) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, creturn = function(arg, idx) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, precall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.returned then table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.LongStorage");', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, postcall = function(arg) local txt = {} if arg.creturned then -- this next line is actually debatable table.insert(txt, string.format('THLongStorage_retain(arg%d);', arg.i)) table.insert(txt, string.format('luaT_pushudata(L, arg%d, "torch.LongStorage");', arg.i)) end if not arg.returned and not arg.creturned then table.insert(txt, string.format('THLongStorage_free(arg%d);', arg.i)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end } types.charoption = { helpname = function(arg) if arg.values then return "(" .. table.concat(arg.values, '|') .. ")" end end, declare = function(arg) local txt = {} table.insert(txt, string.format("const char *arg%d = NULL;", arg.i)) if arg.default then table.insert(txt, string.format("char arg%d_default = '%s';", arg.i, arg.default)) end return table.concat(txt, '\n') end, init = function(arg) return string.format("arg%d = &arg%d_default;", arg.i, arg.i) end, check = function(arg, idx) local txt = {} local txtv = {} table.insert(txt, string.format('(arg%d = lua_tostring(L, %d)) && (', arg.i, idx)) for _,value in ipairs(arg.values) do table.insert(txtv, string.format("*arg%d == '%s'", arg.i, value)) end table.insert(txt, table.concat(txtv, ' || ')) table.insert(txt, ')') return table.concat(txt, '') end, read = function(arg, idx) end, carg = function(arg, idx) return string.format('arg%d', arg.i) end, creturn = function(arg, idx) end, precall = function(arg) end, postcall = function(arg) end }
SWEP.Author = "GigaJew and Paranoid*" SWEP.Contact = "" SWEP.Purpose = "Go spidey all over the map lulz" SWEP.Instructions = "Left click to throw web" SWEP.Spawnable = false SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true SWEP.PrintName = "SpiderSwep" SWEP.Slot = 2 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 SWEP.DrawAmmo = false SWEP.DrawCrosshair = true SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_pistol.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl" local sndPowerUp = Sound("Landing1.wav") local sndPowerDown = Sound("StandingFire2.wav") local sndTooFar = Sound("Whoosh2.wav") //local sndShot = Sound("WebFire3.wav") function SWEP:Initialize() nextshottime = CurTime() self:SetWeaponHoldType( "smg" ) end function SWEP:Think() if (!self.Owner || self.Owner == NULL) then return end if ( self.Owner:KeyPressed( IN_ATTACK ) ) then self:StartAttack() elseif ( self.Owner:KeyDown( IN_ATTACK ) && inRange ) then self:UpdateAttack() elseif ( self.Owner:KeyReleased( IN_ATTACK ) && inRange ) then self:EndAttack( true ) end //Changed from KeyDown to prevent random stuck-in-zoom bug. if ( self.Owner:KeyPressed( IN_ATTACK2 ) ) then self:Attack2() end end function SWEP:DoTrace( endpos ) local trace = {} trace.start = self.Owner:GetShootPos() trace.endpos = trace.start + (self.Owner:GetAimVector() * 14096) //14096 is length modifier. if(endpos) then trace.endpos = (endpos - self.Tr.HitNormal * 7) end trace.filter = { self.Owner, self.Weapon } self.Tr = nil self.Tr = util.TraceLine( trace ) end function SWEP:StartAttack() self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK) --plays the shoot animation. //Get begining and end poins of trace. local gunPos = self.Owner:GetShootPos() //Start of distance trace. local disTrace = self.Owner:GetEyeTrace() //Store all results of a trace in disTrace. local hitPos = disTrace.HitPos //Stores Hit Position of disTrace. //Calculate Distance //Thanks to rgovostes for this code. local x = (gunPos.x - hitPos.x)^2; local y = (gunPos.y - hitPos.y)^2; local z = (gunPos.z - hitPos.z)^2; local distance = math.sqrt(x + y + z); self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_HAULBACK) --plays the grab animation //Only latches if distance is less than distance CVAR local distanceCvar = GetConVarNumber("grapple_distance") inRange = false if distance <= distanceCvar then inRange = true end if inRange then if (SERVER) then if (!self.Beam) then //If the beam does not exist, draw the beam. //grapple_beam self.Beam = ents.Create( "trace1" ) self.Beam:SetPos( self.Owner:GetShootPos() ) self.Beam:Spawn() end self.Beam:SetParent( self.Owner ) self.Beam:SetOwner( self.Owner ) end self:DoTrace() self.speed = 10000 //Rope latch speed. Was 3000. self.startTime = CurTime() self.endTime = CurTime() + self.speed self.dt = -1 if (SERVER && self.Beam) then self.Beam:GetTable():SetEndPos( self.Tr.HitPos ) end self:UpdateAttack() self.Weapon:EmitSound( sndPowerDown ) else //Play A Sound self.Weapon:EmitSound( sndTooFar ) end end function SWEP:UpdateAttack() self.Owner:LagCompensation( true ) if (!endpos) then endpos = self.Tr.HitPos end if (SERVER && self.Beam) then self.Beam:GetTable():SetEndPos( endpos ) end lastpos = endpos if ( self.Tr.Entity:IsValid() ) then endpos = self.Tr.Entity:GetPos() if ( SERVER ) then self.Beam:GetTable():SetEndPos( endpos ) end end local vVel = (endpos - self.Owner:GetPos()) local Distance = endpos:Distance(self.Owner:GetPos()) local et = (self.startTime + (Distance/self.speed)) if(self.dt != 0) then self.dt = (et - CurTime()) / (et - self.startTime) end if(self.dt < 0) then self.Weapon:EmitSound( sndPowerUp ) self.dt = 0 end if(self.dt == 0) then zVel = self.Owner:GetVelocity().z vVel = vVel:GetNormalized()*(math.Clamp(Distance,0,7)) if( SERVER ) then local gravity = GetConVarNumber("sv_Gravity") vVel:Add(Vector(0,0,(gravity/100)*1.5)) //Player speed. DO NOT MESS WITH THIS VALUE! if(zVel < 0) then vVel:Sub(Vector(0,0,zVel/100)) end self.Owner:SetVelocity(vVel) end end endpos = nil self.Owner:LagCompensation( false ) end function SWEP:EndAttack( shutdownsound ) if ( CLIENT ) then return end if ( !self.Beam ) then return end self.Beam:Remove() self.Beam = nil self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_IDLE_LOWERED) --plays the hold animation end function SWEP:Attack2() //Zoom. // self.Weapon:EmitSound( self.Secondary.Sound, 50, 100 ) if (CLIENT) then return end local CF = self.Owner:GetFOV() if CF == 90 then self.Owner:SetFOV(30,.3) elseif CF == 30 then self.Owner:SetFOV(90,.3) // self.Scope = true // elseif CF == 0 then // self.Owner:SetFOV(90,.3) end end function SWEP:Holster() self:EndAttack( false ) return true end function SWEP:OnRemove() self:EndAttack( false ) return true end function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() end
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5763 -- Item: yellow_curry_bun_+1 -- Food Effect: 30minutes, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Health Points 30 -- Strength 5 -- Agility 2 -- Vitality 2 -- Intelligence -2 -- Attack 23% (caps @ 80) -- Ranged Attack 23% (caps @ 80) -- Resist Sleep -- Resist Stun ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,1800,5763); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_HP, 30); target:addMod(MOD_STR, 5); target:addMod(MOD_AGI, 2); target:addMod(MOD_VIT, 2); target:addMod(MOD_INT, -2); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ATTP, 23); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ATT_CAP, 80); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_RATTP, 23); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_RATT_CAP, 80); target:addMod(MOD_SLEEPRES, 5); target:addMod(MOD_STUNRES, 5); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_HP, 30); target:delMod(MOD_STR, 5); target:delMod(MOD_AGI, 2); target:delMod(MOD_VIT, 2); target:delMod(MOD_INT, -2); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ATTP, 23); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ATT_CAP, 80); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_RATTP, 23); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_RATT_CAP, 80); target:delMod(MOD_SLEEPRES, 5); target:delMod(MOD_STUNRES, 5); end;
#! /usr/bin/env lua -- Printing example. require("lgob.gtk") require("lgob.cairo") require("lgob.pango") require("lgob.pangocairo") -- Create the widgets local window = local button = gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic("Print test") function beginPrint(ud, context) local operation, data = unpack(ud) local width, height = context:get_size() -- Read the file file = data.lineCount = 0 data.text = {} -- Read the file and get the line count while true do local line = file:read("*line") if not line then break end data.lineCount = data.lineCount + 1 data.text[data.lineCount] = line end -- Calculate the number of pages data.fontHeight = data.fontSize / 2 data.linesPerPage = math.floor(height / data.fontHeight) data.pageCount = math.ceil(data.lineCount / data.linesPerPage) operation:set("n-pages", data.pageCount) end function drawPage(ud, context, page) local operation, data = unpack(ud) local cr = context:get_cairo_context() local width, height = context:get_size() local layout = context:create_pango_layout() local desc = pango.FontDescription.from_string("mono " .. data.fontSize) layout:set_font_description(desc) -- Draw! cr:move_to(0, 0) cr:set_source_rgb(0, 0, 1) local line = ((data.linesPerPage + 1) * page) + 1 for i = 0, data.linesPerPage do if line > data.lineCount then break end layout:set_text(data.text[line], -1) pangocairo.show_layout(cr, layout) cr:rel_move_to(0, data.fontHeight) line = line + 1 end end function printTest() local op = op:set("unit", gtk.UNIT_MM) -- Set print settings local ps = -- Page Setup local st = local st2 = gtk.print_run_page_setup_dialog(window, st, ps) op:set("default-page-setup", st2, "print-settings", ps) -- Some info for the printing data = { fileName = "Printing.lua", fontSize = 10 } -- Add example widget op:set("custom-tab-label", "My custom tab") op:connect("create-custom-widget", function() local label ="Hello world!") label:show() return label end ) op:connect("draw-page", drawPage, {op, data}) op:connect("begin-print", beginPrint, {op, data}) op:run(gtk.PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG, window) end window:add(button) window:set("title", "Print test", "window-position", gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) window:connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit) button:connect("clicked", printTest) window:show_all() gtk.main()
----------------------------------- -- -- EFFECT_FAN_DANCE -- ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) local fanDanceMerits = target:getMerit(MERIT_FAN_DANCE); if (fanDanceMerits >5) then target:addMod(MOD_WALTZ_RECAST, (fanDanceMerits-5)); end target:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_HASTE_SAMBA); target:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_ASPIR_SAMBA); target:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_DRAIN_SAMBA); target:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SABER_DANCE); target:addMod(MOD_ENMITY, 15); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectTick Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectTick(target,effect) end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) local fanDanceMerits = target:getMerit(MERIT_FAN_DANCE); if (fanDanceMerits >5) then target:delMod(MOD_WALTZ_RECAST, (fanDanceMerits-5)); end target:delMod(MOD_ENMITY, 15); end;
local kMaxNodes = 50000 local kBasicZOrder = 10 local kNodesIncrease = 250 local TEST_COUNT = 7 local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize() ----------------------------------- -- For test functions ----------------------------------- local function performanceActions(sprite) sprite:setPosition(cc.p(math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.width), math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.height))) local period = 0.5 + math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), 1000) / 500.0 local rot = cc.RotateBy:create(period, 360.0 * math.random()) local rot = cc.RotateBy:create(period, 360.0 * math.random()) local permanentRotation = cc.RepeatForever:create(cc.Sequence:createWithTwoActions(rot, rot:reverse())) sprite:runAction(permanentRotation) local growDuration = 0.5 + math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), 1000) / 500.0 local grow = cc.ScaleBy:create(growDuration, 0.5, 0.5) local permanentScaleLoop = cc.RepeatForever:create(cc.Sequence:createWithTwoActions(grow, grow:reverse())) sprite:runAction(permanentScaleLoop) end local function performanceActions20(sprite) if math.random() < 0.2 then sprite:setPosition(cc.p(math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.width), math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.height))) else sprite:setPosition(cc.p(-1000, -1000)) end local period = 0.5 + math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), 1000) / 500.0 local rot = cc.RotateBy:create(period, 360.0 * math.random()) local permanentRotation = cc.RepeatForever:create(cc.Sequence:createWithTwoActions(rot, rot:reverse())) sprite:runAction(permanentRotation) local growDuration = 0.5 + math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), 1000) / 500.0 local grow = cc.ScaleBy:create(growDuration, 0.5, 0.5) local permanentScaleLoop = cc.RepeatForever:create(cc.Sequence:createWithTwoActions(grow, grow:reverse())) sprite:runAction(permanentScaleLoop) end local function performanceRotationScale(sprite) sprite:setPosition(cc.p(math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.width), math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.height))) sprite:setRotation(math.random() * 360) sprite:setScale(math.random() * 2) end local function performancePosition(sprite) sprite:setPosition(cc.p(math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.width), math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.height))) end local function performanceout20(sprite) if math.random() < 0.2 then sprite:setPosition(cc.p(math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.width), math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.height))) else sprite:setPosition(cc.p(-1000, -1000)) end end local function performanceOut100(sprite) sprite:setPosition(cc.p( -1000, -1000)) end local function performanceScale(sprite) sprite:setPosition(cc.p(math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.width), math.mod(math.random(1, 99999999), s.height))) sprite:setScale(math.random() * 100 / 50) end ----------------------------------- -- Subtest ----------------------------------- local subtestNumber = 1 local batchNode = nil -- cc.SpriteBatchNode local parent = nil -- cc.Node local function initWithSubTest(nSubTest, p) subtestNumber = nSubTest parent = p batchNode = nil local mgr = cc.Director:getInstance():getTextureCache() -- remove all texture mgr:removeTexture(mgr:addImage("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")) mgr:removeTexture(mgr:addImage("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png")) mgr:removeTexture(mgr:addImage("Images/spritesheet1.png")) if subtestNumber == 2 then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888) batchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png", 100) p:addChild(batchNode, 0) elseif subtestNumber == 3 then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A4444) batchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png", 100) p:addChild(batchNode, 0) elseif subtestNumber == 5 then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888) batchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", 100) p:addChild(batchNode, 0) elseif subtestNumber == 6 then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A4444) batchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", 100) p:addChild(batchNode, 0) elseif subtestNumber == 8 then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888) batchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/spritesheet1.png", 100) p:addChild(batchNode, 0) elseif subtestNumber == 9 then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A4444) batchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/spritesheet1.png", 100) p:addChild(batchNode, 0) end -- todo if batchNode ~= nil then batchNode:retain() end cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE_PIXELFORMAT_DEFAULT) end local function createSpriteWithTag(tag) cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888) local sprite = nil if subtestNumber == 1 then sprite = cc.Sprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png") parent:addChild(sprite, -1, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 2 then sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(batchNode:getTexture(), cc.rect(0, 0, 52, 139)) batchNode:addChild(sprite, 0, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 3 then sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(batchNode:getTexture(), cc.rect(0, 0, 52, 139)) batchNode:addChild(sprite, 0, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 4 then local idx = math.floor((math.random() * 1400 / 100)) + 1 local num if idx < 10 then num = "0" .. idx else num = idx end local str = "Images/grossini_dance_" .. num .. ".png" sprite = cc.Sprite:create(str) parent:addChild(sprite, -1, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 5 then local y, x local r = math.floor(math.random() * 1400 / 100) y = math.floor(r / 5) x = math.mod(r, 5) x = x * 85 y = y * 121 sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(batchNode:getTexture(), cc.rect(x, y, 85, 121)) batchNode:addChild(sprite, 0, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 6 then local y, x local r = math.floor(math.random() * 1400 / 100) y = math.floor(r / 5) x = math.mod(r, 5) x = x * 85 y = y * 121 sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(batchNode:getTexture(), cc.rect(x, y, 85, 121)) batchNode:addChild(sprite, 0, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 7 then local y, x local r = math.floor(math.random() * 6400 / 100) y = math.floor(r / 8) x = math.mod(r, 8) local str = "Images/sprites_test/sprite-"..x.."-"..y..".png" sprite = cc.Sprite:create(str) parent:addChild(sprite, -1, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 8 then local y, x local r = math.floor(math.random() * 6400 / 100) y = math.floor(r / 8) x = math.mod(r, 8) x = x * 32 y = y * 32 sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(batchNode:getTexture(), cc.rect(x, y, 32, 32)) batchNode:addChild(sprite, 0, tag + 100) elseif subtestNumber == 9 then local y, x local r = math.floor(math.random() * 6400 / 100) y = math.floor(r / 8) x = math.mod(r, 8) x = x * 32 y = y * 32 sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(batchNode:getTexture(), cc.rect(x, y, 32, 32)) batchNode:addChild(sprite, 0, tag + 100) end cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE_PIXELFORMAT_DEFAULT) return sprite end local function removeByTag(tag) if subtestNumber == 1 then parent:removeChildByTag(tag + 100, true) elseif subtestNumber == 4 then parent:removeChildByTag(tag + 100, true) elseif subtestNumber == 7 then parent:removeChildByTag(tag + 100, true) else batchNode:removeChildAtIndex(tag, true) end end ----------------------------------- -- PerformBasicLayer ----------------------------------- local curCase = 0 local maxCases = 7 local function showThisTest() local scene = CreateSpriteTestScene() cc.Director:getInstance():replaceScene(scene) end local function backCallback(sender) subtestNumber = 1 curCase = curCase - 1 if curCase < 0 then curCase = curCase + maxCases end showThisTest() end local function restartCallback(sender) subtestNumber = 1 showThisTest() end local function nextCallback(sender) subtestNumber = 1 curCase = curCase + 1 curCase = math.mod(curCase, maxCases) showThisTest() end local function toPerformanceMainLayer(sender) cc.Director:getInstance():replaceScene(PerformanceTest()) end local function initWithLayer(layer, controlMenuVisible) cc.MenuItemFont:setFontName("Arial") cc.MenuItemFont:setFontSize(24) local mainItem = cc.MenuItemFont:create("Back") mainItem:registerScriptTapHandler(toPerformanceMainLayer) mainItem:setPosition(s.width - 50, 25) local menu = cc.Menu:create() menu:addChild(mainItem) menu:setPosition(cc.p(0, 0)) if controlMenuVisible == true then local item1 = cc.MenuItemImage:create(s_pPathB1, s_pPathB2) local item2 = cc.MenuItemImage:create(s_pPathR1, s_pPathR2) local item3 = cc.MenuItemImage:create(s_pPathF1, s_pPathF2) item1:registerScriptTapHandler(backCallback) item2:registerScriptTapHandler(restartCallback) item3:registerScriptTapHandler(nextCallback) item1:setPosition(s.width / 2 - 100, 30) item2:setPosition(s.width / 2, 30) item3:setPosition(s.width / 2 + 100, 30) menu:addChild(item1, kItemTagBasic) menu:addChild(item2, kItemTagBasic) menu:addChild(item3, kItemTagBasic) end layer:addChild(menu) end ----------------------------------- -- SpriteMainScene ----------------------------------- local lastRenderedCount = nil local quantityNodes = nil local infoLabel = nil local titleLabel = nil local function testNCallback(tag) subtestNumber = tag - kBasicZOrder showThisTest() end local function updateNodes() if quantityNodes ~= lastRenderedCount then local str = quantityNodes .. " nodes" infoLabel:setString(str) lastRenderedCount = quantityNodes end end local function onDecrease(sender) if quantityNodes <= 0 then return end for i = 0, kNodesIncrease - 1 do quantityNodes = quantityNodes - 1 removeByTag(quantityNodes) end updateNodes() end local function onIncrease(sender) if quantityNodes >= kMaxNodes then return end for i = 0, kNodesIncrease - 1 do local sprite = createSpriteWithTag(quantityNodes) if curCase == 0 then doPerformSpriteTest1(sprite) elseif curCase == 1 then doPerformSpriteTest2(sprite) elseif curCase == 2 then doPerformSpriteTest3(sprite) elseif curCase == 3 then doPerformSpriteTest4(sprite) elseif curCase == 4 then doPerformSpriteTest5(sprite) elseif curCase == 5 then doPerformSpriteTest6(sprite) elseif curCase == 6 then doPerformSpriteTest7(sprite) end quantityNodes = quantityNodes + 1 end updateNodes() end local function initWithMainTest(scene, asubtest, nNodes) subtestNumber = asubtest initWithSubTest(asubtest, scene) lastRenderedCount = 0 quantityNodes = 0 cc.MenuItemFont:setFontSize(65) local decrease = cc.MenuItemFont:create(" - ") decrease:registerScriptTapHandler(onDecrease) decrease:setColor(cc.c3b(0, 200, 20)) local increase = cc.MenuItemFont:create(" + ") increase:registerScriptTapHandler(onIncrease) increase:setColor(cc.c3b(0, 200, 20)) local menu = cc.Menu:create() menu:addChild(decrease) menu:addChild(increase) menu:alignItemsHorizontally() menu:setPosition(s.width / 2, s.height - 65) scene:addChild(menu, 1) infoLabel = cc.Label:createWithTTF("0 nodes", s_markerFeltFontPath, 30) infoLabel:setColor(cc.c3b(0, 200, 20)) infoLabel:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)) infoLabel:setPosition(s.width / 2, s.height - 90) scene:addChild(infoLabel, 1) maxCases = TEST_COUNT -- Sub Tests cc.MenuItemFont:setFontSize(32) subMenu = cc.Menu:create() for i = 1, 9 do local str = i .. " " local itemFont = cc.MenuItemFont:create(str) itemFont:registerScriptTapHandler(testNCallback) --itemFont:setTag(i) subMenu:addChild(itemFont, kBasicZOrder + i, kBasicZOrder + i) if i <= 3 then itemFont:setColor(cc.c3b(200, 20, 20)) elseif i <= 6 then itemFont:setColor(cc.c3b(0, 200, 20)) else itemFont:setColor(cc.c3b(0, 20, 200)) end end subMenu:alignItemsHorizontally() subMenu:setPosition(cc.p(s.width / 2, 80)) scene:addChild(subMenu, 1) -- add title label titleLabel = cc.Label:createWithTTF("No title", s_arialPath, 40) scene:addChild(titleLabel, 1) titleLabel:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)) titleLabel:setPosition(s.width / 2, s.height - 32) titleLabel:setColor(cc.c3b(255, 255, 40)) while quantityNodes < nNodes do onIncrease() end end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest1 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest1(sprite) performancePosition(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer1() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "A (" .. subtestNumber .. ") position" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest2 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest2(sprite) performanceScale(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer2() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "B (" .. subtestNumber .. ") scale" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest3 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest3(sprite) performanceRotationScale(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer3() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "C (" .. subtestNumber .. ") scale + rot" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest4 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest4(sprite) performanceOut100(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer4() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "D (" .. subtestNumber .. ") 100% out" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest5 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest5(sprite) performanceout20(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer5() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "E (" .. subtestNumber .. ") 80% out" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest6 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest6(sprite) performanceActions(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer6() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "F (" .. subtestNumber .. ") actions" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- SpritePerformTest7 ----------------------------------- function doPerformSpriteTest7(sprite) performanceActions20(sprite) end local function SpriteTestLayer7() local layer = cc.Layer:create() initWithLayer(layer, true) local str = "G (" .. subtestNumber .. ") actions 80% out" titleLabel:setString(str) return layer end ----------------------------------- -- PerformanceSpriteTest ----------------------------------- function CreateSpriteTestScene() local scene = cc.Scene:create() initWithMainTest(scene, subtestNumber, kNodesIncrease) if curCase == 0 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer1()) elseif curCase == 1 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer2()) elseif curCase == 2 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer3()) elseif curCase == 3 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer4()) elseif curCase == 4 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer5()) elseif curCase == 5 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer6()) elseif curCase == 6 then scene:addChild(SpriteTestLayer7()) end return scene end function PerformanceSpriteTest() curCase = 0 return CreateSpriteTestScene() end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Beaucedine Glacier -- NPC: Luck Rune -- Involved in Quest: Mhaura Fortune -- @pos 70.736 -37.778 149.624 111 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Beaucedine_Glacier/TextIDs"] = nil; ------------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Beaucedine_Glacier/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:messageSpecial(NOTHING_OUT_OF_THE_ORDINARY); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Steel Cyclone -- Great Axe weapon skill -- Skill level: 240 -- Delivers a single-hit attack. Damage varies with TP. -- In order to obtain Steel Cyclone, the quest The Weight of Your Limits must be completed. -- Will stack with Sneak Attack. -- Aligned with the Breeze Gorget, Aqua Gorget & Snow Gorget. -- Aligned with the Breeze Belt, Aqua Belt & Snow Belt. -- Element: None -- Modifiers: STR:60% ; VIT:60% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 1.50 2.5 4.00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar) local params = {}; params.numHits = 1; params.ftp100 = 1.5; params.ftp200 = 1.75; params.ftp300 = 3; params.str_wsc = 0.5; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.5; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.0; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; params.crit100 = 0.0; params.crit200 = 0.0; params.crit300 = 0.0; params.canCrit = false; params.acc100 = 0.0; params.acc200= 0.0; params.acc300= 0.0; params.atkmulti = 1.66; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.ftp200 = 2.5; params.ftp300 = 4; params.str_wsc = 0.6; params.vit_wsc = 0.6; params.atkmulti = 1.5; end local damage, criticalHit, tpHits, extraHits = doPhysicalWeaponskill(player, target, wsID, tp, primary, action, taChar, params); return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage; end
-------------------------------------- -- -- EFFECT_AUSPICE -- -- Power: Used for Enspell Effect -- SubPower: Tracks Subtle Blow Bonus -- Tier: Used for Enspell Calculation -- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) --Auspice Reduces TP via adding to your Subtle Blow Mod local subtleBlowBonus = 10 + target:getMod(MOD_AUSPICE_EFFECT); --printf("AUSPICE: Adding Subtle Blow +%d!", subtleBlowBonus); effect:setSubPower(subtleBlowBonus); target:addMod(MOD_SUBTLE_BLOW, subtleBlowBonus); --Afflatus Misery Bonuses if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFFLATUS_MISERY)) then target:getStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFFLATUS_MISERY):setSubPower(0); target:addMod(MOD_ENSPELL,18); target:addMod(MOD_ENSPELL_DMG,effect:getPower()); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectTick Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectTick(target,effect) end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) local subtleBlow = effect:getSubPower(); --printf("AUSPICE: Removing Subtle Blow +%d!", subtleBlow); target:delMod(MOD_SUBTLE_BLOW, subtleBlow); --Clean Up Any Bonuses That From Afflatus Misery Combo if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFFLATUS_MISERY)) then local accuracyBonus = target:getStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFFLATUS_MISERY):getSubPower(); --printf("AUSPICE: Removing Accuracy Bonus +%d!", accuracyBonus); target:delMod(MOD_ACC, accuracyBonus); local accuracyBonus = target:getStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFFLATUS_MISERY):setSubPower(0); target:setMod(MOD_ENSPELL_DMG,0); target:setMod(MOD_ENSPELL,0); end end;