281 values
15 values
local dp_initialized = false local dp_shader = nil local dp_colorLocation = -1 local dp_color = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } local dp_pointSizeLocation = -1 local dp_pointSize = 1.0 local SHADER_NAME_POSITION_U_COLOR = "ShaderPosition_uColor" local targetPlatform = cc.Application:getInstance():getTargetPlatform() local function lazy_init() if not dp_initialized then dp_shader = cc.ShaderCache:getInstance():getProgram(SHADER_NAME_POSITION_U_COLOR) --dp_shader:retain() if nil ~= dp_shader then dp_colorLocation = gl.getUniformLocation( dp_shader:getProgram(), "u_color") dp_pointSizeLocation = gl.getUniformLocation( dp_shader:getProgram(), "u_pointSize") dp_Initialized = true end end if nil == dp_shader then print("Error:dp_shader is nil!") return false end return true end local function setDrawProperty() gl.glEnableVertexAttribs( CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POSITION ) dp_shader:use() dp_shader:setUniformsForBuiltins() dp_shader:setUniformLocationWith4fv(dp_colorLocation, dp_color, 1) end function ccDrawInit() lazy_init() end function ccDrawFree() dp_initialized = false end function ccDrawColor4f(r,g,b,a) dp_color[1] = r dp_color[2] = g dp_color[3] = b dp_color[4] = a end function ccPointSize(pointSize) dp_pointSize = pointSize * cc.Director:getInstance():getContentScaleFactor() end function ccDrawColor4B(r,g,b,a) dp_color[1] = r / 255.0 dp_color[2] = g / 255.0 dp_color[3] = b / 255.0 dp_color[4] = a / 255.0 end function ccDrawPoint(point) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = { } local function initBuffer() vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) local vertices = { point.x,point.y} gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,2,vertices,gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() dp_shader:setUniformLocationWith1f(dp_pointSizeLocation, dp_pointSize) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS,0,1) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawPoints(points,numOfPoint) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = {} local i = 1 local function initBuffer() vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) local vertices = {} for i = 1, numOfPoint do vertices[2 * i - 1] = points[i].x vertices[2 * i] = points[i].y end gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, numOfPoint * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() dp_shader:setUniformLocationWith1f(dp_pointSizeLocation, dp_pointSize) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS,0,numOfPoint) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawLine(origin,destination) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = {} local function initBuffer() vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) local vertices = { origin.x, origin.y, destination.x, destination.y} gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,4,vertices,gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES ,0,2) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawPoly(points,numOfPoints,closePolygon) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = {} local i = 1 local function initBuffer() vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) local vertices = {} for i = 1, numOfPoints do vertices[2 * i - 1] = points[i].x vertices[2 * i] = points[i].y end gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, numOfPoints * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) if closePolygon then gl.drawArrays(gl.LINE_LOOP , 0, numOfPoints) else gl.drawArrays(gl.LINE_STRIP, 0, numOfPoints) end gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawSolidPoly(points,numOfPoints,color) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = {} local i = 1 local function initBuffer() vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) local vertices = {} for i = 1, numOfPoints do vertices[2 * i - 1] = points[i].x vertices[2 * i] = points[i].y end gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, numOfPoints * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() gl.glEnableVertexAttribs( CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POSITION ) dp_shader:use() dp_shader:setUniformsForBuiltins() dp_shader:setUniformLocationWith4fv(dp_colorLocation, color, 1) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_FAN , 0, numOfPoints) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawRect(origin,destination) ccDrawLine(CCPoint:__call(origin.x, origin.y), CCPoint:__call(destination.x, origin.y)) ccDrawLine(CCPoint:__call(destination.x, origin.y), CCPoint:__call(destination.x, destination.y)) ccDrawLine(CCPoint:__call(destination.x, destination.y), CCPoint:__call(origin.x, destination.y)) ccDrawLine(CCPoint:__call(origin.x, destination.y), CCPoint:__call(origin.x, origin.y)) end function ccDrawSolidRect( origin,destination,color ) local vertices = { origin, CCPoint:__call(destination.x, origin.y) , destination, CCPoint:__call(origin.x, destination.y) } ccDrawSolidPoly(vertices,4,color) end function ccDrawCircleScale( center, radius, angle, segments,drawLineToCenter,scaleX,scaleY) if not lazy_init() then return end local additionalSegment = 1 if drawLineToCenter then additionalSegment = additionalSegment + 1 end local vertexBuffer = { } local function initBuffer() local coef = 2.0 * math.pi / segments local i = 1 local vertices = {} vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) for i = 1, segments + 1 do local rads = (i - 1) * coef local j = radius * math.cos(rads + angle) * scaleX + center.x local k = radius * math.sin(rads + angle) * scaleY + center.y vertices[i * 2 - 1] = j vertices[i * 2] = k end vertices[(segments + 2) * 2 - 1] = center.x vertices[(segments + 2) * 2] = center.y gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, (segments + 2) * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.LINE_STRIP , 0, segments + additionalSegment) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawCircle(center, radius, angle, segments, drawLineToCenter) ccDrawCircleScale(center, radius, angle, segments, drawLineToCenter, 1.0, 1.0) end function ccDrawSolidCircle(center, radius, angle, segments,scaleX,scaleY) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = { } local function initBuffer() local coef = 2.0 * math.pi / segments local i = 1 local vertices = {} vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) for i = 1, segments + 1 do local rads = (i - 1) * coef local j = radius * math.cos(rads + angle) * scaleX + center.x local k = radius * math.sin(rads + angle) * scaleY + center.y vertices[i * 2 - 1] = j vertices[i * 2] = k end vertices[(segments + 2) * 2 - 1] = center.x vertices[(segments + 2) * 2] = center.y gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, (segments + 2) * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_FAN , 0, segments + 1) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawQuadBezier(origin, control, destination, segments) if not lazy_init() then return end local vertexBuffer = { } local function initBuffer() local vertices = { } local i = 1 local t = 0.0 for i = 1, segments do vertices[2 * i - 1] = math.pow(1 - t,2) * origin.x + 2.0 * (1 - t) * t * control.x + t * t * destination.x vertices[2 * i] = math.pow(1 - t,2) * origin.y + 2.0 * (1 - t) * t * control.y + t * t * destination.y t = t + 1.0 / segments end vertices[2 * (segments + 1) - 1] = destination.x vertices[2 * (segments + 1)] = destination.y vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, (segments + 1) * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.LINE_STRIP , 0, segments + 1) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end function ccDrawCubicBezier(origin, control1, control2, destination, segments) if not lazy_init then return end local vertexBuffer = { } local function initBuffer() local vertices = { } local t = 0 local i = 1 for i = 1, segments do vertices[2 * i - 1] = math.pow(1 - t,3) * origin.x + 3.0 * math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * control1.x + 3.0 * (1 - t) * t * t * control2.x + t * t * t * destination.x vertices[2 * i] = math.pow(1 - t,3) * origin.y + 3.0 * math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * control1.y + 3.0 * (1 - t) * t * t * control2.y + t * t * t * destination.y t = t + 1.0 / segments end vertices[2 * (segments + 1) - 1] = destination.x vertices[2 * (segments + 1)] = destination.y vertexBuffer.buffer_id = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, (segments + 1) * 2, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) end initBuffer() setDrawProperty() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer.buffer_id) gl.vertexAttribPointer(CCConstants.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) gl.drawArrays(gl.LINE_STRIP , 0, segments + 1) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,0) end
local sent = {} local from = "diego@localhost" local server = "localhost" local rcpt = "luasocket@localhost" local files = { "/var/spool/mail/luasocket", "/var/spool/mail/luasock1", "/var/spool/mail/luasock2", "/var/spool/mail/luasock3", } local t = socket.time() local err dofile("mbox.lua") local parse = mbox.parse dofile("testsupport.lua") local total = function() local t = 0 for i = 1, #sent do t = t + sent[i].count end return t end local similar = function(s1, s2) return string.lower(string.gsub(s1, "%s", "")) == string.lower(string.gsub(s2, "%s", "")) end local fail = function(s) s = s or "failed!" print(s) os.exit() end local readfile = function(name) local f =, "r") if not f then fail("unable to open file!") return nil end local s = f:read("*a") f:close() return s end local empty = function() for i,v in ipairs(files) do local f =, "w") if not f then fail("unable to open file!") end f:close() end end local get = function() local s = "" for i,v in ipairs(files) do s = s .. "\n" .. readfile(v) end return s end local check_headers = function(sent, got) sent = sent or {} got = got or {} for i,v in pairs(sent) do if not similar(v, got[i]) then fail("header " .. v .. "failed!") end end end local check_body = function(sent, got) sent = sent or "" got = got or "" if not similar(sent, got) then fail("bodies differ!") end end local check = function(sent, m) io.write("checking ", m.headers.title, ": ") for i = 1, #sent do local s = sent[i] if s.title == m.headers.title and s.count > 0 then check_headers(s.headers, m.headers) check_body(s.body, m.body) s.count = s.count - 1 print("ok") return end end fail("not found") end local insert = function(sent, message) if type(message.rcpt) == "table" then message.count = #message.rcpt else message.count = 1 end message.headers = message.headers or {} message.headers.title = message.title table.insert(sent, message) end local mark = function() local time = socket.time() return { time = time } end local wait = function(sentinel, n) local to io.write("waiting for ", n, " messages: ") while 1 do local mbox = parse(get()) if n == #mbox then break end if socket.time() - sentinel.time > 50 then to = 1 break end socket.sleep(1) io.write(".") io.stdout:flush() end if to then fail("timeout") else print("ok") end end local stuffed_body = [[ This message body needs to be stuffed because it has a dot . by itself on a line. Otherwise the mailer would think that the dot . is the end of the message and the remaining text would cause a lot of trouble. ]] insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = { "luasocket@localhost", "", "" }, body = "multiple rcpt body", title = "multiple rcpt", }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = { "luasock2@localhost", "luasock3", "luasock1" }, headers = { header1 = "header 1", header2 = "header 2", header3 = "header 3", header4 = "header 4", header5 = "header 5", header6 = "header 6", }, body = stuffed_body, title = "complex message", }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, server = server, body = "simple message body", title = "simple message" }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, server = server, body = stuffed_body, title = "stuffed message body" }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, headers = { header1 = "header 1", header2 = "header 2", header3 = "header 3", header4 = "header 4", header5 = "header 5", header6 = "header 6", }, title = "multiple headers" }) insert(sent, { from = from, rcpt = rcpt, title = "minimum message" }) io.write("testing host not found: ") local c, e = socket.connect("", 25) local ret, err = socket.smtp.mail{ from = from, rcpt = rcpt, server = "" } if ret or e ~= err then fail("wrong error message") else print("ok") end io.write("testing invalid from: ") local ret, err = socket.smtp.mail{ from = ' " " (( _ * ', rcpt = rcpt, } if ret or not err then fail("wrong error message") else print(err) end io.write("testing no rcpt: ") local ret, err = socket.smtp.mail{ from = from, } if ret or not err then fail("wrong error message") else print(err) end io.write("clearing mailbox: ") empty() print("ok") io.write("sending messages: ") for i = 1, #sent do ret, err = socket.smtp.mail(sent[i]) if not ret then fail(err) end io.write("+") io.stdout:flush() end print("ok") wait(mark(), total()) io.write("parsing mailbox: ") local mbox = parse(get()) print(#mbox .. " messages found!") for i = 1, #mbox do check(sent, mbox[i]) end print("passed all tests") print(string.format("done in %.2fs", socket.time() - t))
--[[ $Id$ Copyright © 2009 the VideoLAN team Authors: Konstantin Pavlov ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] -- Probe function. function probe() return vlc.access == "http" and string.match( vlc.path, "" ) end -- Parse function. function parse() p = {} while true do -- Try to find the video's title line = vlc.readline() if not line then break end if string.match( line, "meta name=\"title\"" ) then _,_,name = string.find( line, "content=\"(.*)\" />" ) end if string.match( line, "image_src" ) then _,_,arturl = string.find( line, "image_src\" href=\"(.*)\" />" ) end if string.match( line, "video_src" ) then _,_,video = string.find( line, 'href="*)%.swf" />' ) end end if not name or not arturl or not video then return nil end -- Try and get URL for SD video. sd ="""/") if not sd then return nil end page = sd:read( 65653 ) sdurl = string.match( page, "url=\"(.*)\" />") page = nil table.insert( p, { path = sdurl; name = name; arturl = arturl; } ) -- Try and check if HD video is available. checkhd ="""/platform/video/domain/" ) if not checkhd then return nil end page = checkhd:read( 65653 ) hashd = tonumber( string.match( page, "<has_hd>(%d)</has_hd>" ) ) page = nil if hashd then hd ="""/hd/true/") page = hd:read( 65653 ) hdurl = string.match( page, "url=\"(.*)\" />") table.insert( p, { path = hdurl; name = name.." (HD)"; arturl = arturl; } ) end return p end
--[[ Command_SetStatus Allows users to set bot status via command. Licensed Under the GPLv2 --]] local permissions = require("riddim/ai_utils/permissions"); local jid_tool = require("riddim/ai_utils/jid_tool"); local BOT; local helpMessge = "Sets the status of the bot. Usage: @setstatus <status> or $DEFAULT to use config default."; local CheckPermissions = function(_command) if _command.stanza.attr.type == "groupchat" then if permissions.HasPermission(_command.sender["jid"], "command_setstatus", BOT.config.permissions) == false then return false; end return true; else if permissions.HasPermission(jid_tool.StripResourceFromJID(_command.sender["jid"]), "command_setstatus", BOT.config.permissions) == false then return false; end return true; end end function riddim.plugins.command_setstatus(_bot) _bot:hook("commands/setstatus", SetStatus);"presence"); BOT = _bot; end function SetStatus(_command) if CheckPermissions(_command) then if _command.param == nil then return helpMessge; end if _command.param == "$DEFAULT" then if BOT.config.default_status == nil then _command:reply("No default status in config."); return; end{ msg = BOT.config.default_status }); return; end{ msg = _command.param }); return; else _command:reply("You are not authorized to set bot status."); end end
-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <> -- Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local fs = require "nixio.fs" m = Map("network", translate("Interfaces")) m.pageaction = false m:section(SimpleSection).template = "admin_network/iface_overview" -- Show ATM bridge section if we have the capabilities if fs.access("/usr/sbin/br2684ctl") then atm = m:section(TypedSection, "atm-bridge", translate("ATM Bridges"), translate("ATM bridges expose encapsulated ethernet in AAL5 " .. "connections as virtual Linux network interfaces which can " .. "be used in conjunction with DHCP or PPP to dial into the " .. "provider network.")) atm.addremove = true atm.anonymous = true atm.create = function(self, section) local sid = TypedSection.create(self, section) local max_unit = -1 m.uci:foreach("network", "atm-bridge", function(s) local u = tonumber(s.unit) if u ~= nil and u > max_unit then max_unit = u end end) m.uci:set("network", sid, "unit", max_unit + 1) m.uci:set("network", sid, "atmdev", 0) m.uci:set("network", sid, "encaps", "llc") m.uci:set("network", sid, "payload", "bridged") m.uci:set("network", sid, "vci", 35) m.uci:set("network", sid, "vpi", 8) return sid end atm:tab("general", translate("General Setup")) atm:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings")) vci = atm:taboption("general", Value, "vci", translate("ATM Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI)")) vpi = atm:taboption("general", Value, "vpi", translate("ATM Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)")) encaps = atm:taboption("general", ListValue, "encaps", translate("Encapsulation mode")) encaps:value("llc", translate("LLC")) encaps:value("vc", translate("VC-Mux")) atmdev = atm:taboption("advanced", Value, "atmdev", translate("ATM device number")) unit = atm:taboption("advanced", Value, "unit", translate("Bridge unit number")) payload = atm:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "payload", translate("Forwarding mode")) payload:value("bridged", translate("bridged")) payload:value("routed", translate("routed")) m.pageaction = true end local network = require "" if network:has_ipv6() then local s = m:section(NamedSection, "globals", "globals", translate("Global network options")) local o = s:option(Value, "ula_prefix", translate("IPv6 ULA-Prefix")) o.datatype = "ip6addr" o.rmempty = true m.pageaction = true end return m
--[[iconpickerData = { type = "iconpicker", name = "My Icon Picker", tooltip = "Color Picker's tooltip text.", choices = {"texture path 1", "texture path 2", "texture path 3"}, choicesTooltips = {"icon tooltip 1", "icon tooltip 2", "icon tooltip 3"}, --(optional) getFunc = function() return db.var end, setFunc = function(var) db.var = var doStuff() end, maxColumns = 5, --(optional) number of icons in one row visibleRows = 4.5, --(optional) number of visible rows iconSize = 28, --(optional) size of the icons defaultColor = ZO_ColorDef:New("FFFFFF"), --(optional) default color of the icons width = "full", --or "half" (optional) beforeShow = function(control, iconPicker) return preventShow end, --(optional) disabled = function() return db.someBooleanSetting end, --or boolean (optional) warning = "Will need to reload the UI.", --(optional) default = defaults.var, --(optional) reference = "MyAddonIconPicker" --(optional) unique global reference to control } ]] local widgetVersion = 2 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0") if not LAM:RegisterWidget("iconpicker", widgetVersion) then return end local wm = WINDOW_MANAGER local cm = CALLBACK_MANAGER local tinsert = table.insert local IconPickerMenu = ZO_Object:Subclass() local iconPicker LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu = function() if not iconPicker then iconPicker = IconPickerMenu:New("LAMIconPicker") local sceneFragment = LAM:GetAddonSettingsFragment() ZO_PreHook(sceneFragment, "OnHidden", function() if not iconPicker.control:IsHidden() then iconPicker:Clear() end end) end return iconPicker end function IconPickerMenu:New(...) local object = ZO_Object.New(self) object:Initialize(...) return object end function IconPickerMenu:Initialize(name) local control = wm:CreateTopLevelWindow(name) control:SetDrawTier(DT_HIGH) control:SetHidden(true) self.control = control local scrollContainer = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(name .. "ScrollContainer", control, "ZO_ScrollContainer") -- control:SetDimensions(control.container:GetWidth(), height) -- adjust to icon size / col count scrollContainer:SetAnchorFill() ZO_Scroll_SetUseFadeGradient(scrollContainer, false) ZO_Scroll_SetHideScrollbarOnDisable(scrollContainer, false) ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase_OnMouseExit(scrollContainer:GetNamedChild("ScrollBar")) -- scrollbar initialization seems to be broken so we force it to update the correct alpha value local scroll = GetControl(scrollContainer, "ScrollChild") self.scroll = scroll self.scrollContainer = scrollContainer local bg = wm:CreateControl(nil, scrollContainer, CT_BACKDROP) bg:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, scrollContainer, TOPLEFT, 0, -3) bg:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, scrollContainer, BOTTOMRIGHT, 2, 5) bg:SetEdgeTexture("EsoUI\\Art\\Tooltips\\", 128, 16) bg:SetCenterTexture("EsoUI\\Art\\Tooltips\\") bg:SetInsets(16, 16, -16, -16) local mungeOverlay = wm:CreateControl(nil, bg, CT_TEXTURE) mungeOverlay:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/Tooltips/") mungeOverlay:SetDrawLevel(1) mungeOverlay:SetAddressMode(TEX_MODE_WRAP) mungeOverlay:SetAnchorFill() local mouseOver = wm:CreateControl(nil, scrollContainer, CT_TEXTURE) mouseOver:SetDrawLevel(2) mouseOver:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/Buttons/") mouseOver:SetHidden(true) local function IconFactory(pool) local icon = wm:CreateControl(name .. "Entry" .. pool:GetNextControlId(), scroll, CT_TEXTURE) icon:SetMouseEnabled(true) icon:SetDrawLevel(3) icon:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() mouseOver:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, icon, TOPLEFT, 0, 0) mouseOver:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, icon, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0) mouseOver:SetHidden(false) if self.customOnMouseEnter then self.customOnMouseEnter(icon) else self:OnMouseEnter(icon) end end) icon:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() mouseOver:ClearAnchors() mouseOver:SetHidden(true) if self.customOnMouseExit then self.customOnMouseExit(icon) else self:OnMouseExit(icon) end end) icon:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", function(control, ...) PlaySound("Click") icon.OnSelect(icon, icon.texture) self:Clear() end) return icon end local function ResetFunction(icon) icon:ClearAnchors() end self.iconPool = ZO_ObjectPool:New(IconFactory, ResetFunction) self:SetMaxColumns(1) self.icons = {} self.color = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(name .. "_OnGlobalMouseUp", EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP, function() if self.refCount ~= nil then local moc = wm:GetMouseOverControl() if(moc:GetOwningWindow() ~= control) then self.refCount = self.refCount - 1 if self.refCount <= 0 then self:Clear() end end end end) end function IconPickerMenu:OnMouseEnter(icon) InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, icon, TOPLEFT, 0, 0, BOTTOMRIGHT) SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, LAM.util.GetTooltipText(icon.tooltip)) InformationTooltipTopLevel:BringWindowToTop() end function IconPickerMenu:OnMouseExit(icon) ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip) end function IconPickerMenu:SetMaxColumns(value) self.maxCols = value ~= nil and value or 5 end local DEFAULT_SIZE = 28 function IconPickerMenu:SetIconSize(value) local iconSize = DEFAULT_SIZE if value ~= nil then iconSize = math.max(iconSize, value) end self.iconSize = iconSize end function IconPickerMenu:SetVisibleRows(value) self.visibleRows = value ~= nil and value or 4.5 end function IconPickerMenu:SetMouseHandlers(onEnter, onExit) self.customOnMouseEnter = onEnter self.customOnMouseExit = onExit end function IconPickerMenu:UpdateDimensions() local iconSize = self.iconSize local width = iconSize * self.maxCols + 20 local height = iconSize * self.visibleRows self.control:SetDimensions(width, height) local icons = self.icons for i = 1, #icons do local icon = icons[i] icon:SetDimensions(iconSize, iconSize) end end function IconPickerMenu:UpdateAnchors() local iconSize = self.iconSize local col, maxCols = 1, self.maxCols local previousCol, previousRow local scroll = self.scroll local icons = self.icons for i = 1, #icons do local icon = icons[i] icon:ClearAnchors() if i == 1 then icon:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, scroll, TOPLEFT, 0, 0) previousRow = icon elseif col == 1 then icon:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, previousRow, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 0) previousRow = icon else icon:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, previousCol, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0) end previousCol = icon col = col >= maxCols and 1 or col + 1 end end function IconPickerMenu:Clear() self.icons = {} self.iconPool:ReleaseAllObjects() self.control:SetHidden(true) self.color = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR self.refCount = nil self.parent = nil self.customOnMouseEnter = nil self.customOnMouseExit = nil end function IconPickerMenu:AddIcon(texturePath, callback, tooltip) local icon, key = self.iconPool:AcquireObject() icon:SetTexture(texturePath) icon:SetColor(self.color:UnpackRGBA()) icon.texture = texturePath icon.tooltip = tooltip icon.OnSelect = callback self.icons[#self.icons + 1] = icon end function IconPickerMenu:Show(parent) if #self.icons == 0 then return false end if not self.control:IsHidden() then self:Clear() return false end self:UpdateDimensions() self:UpdateAnchors() local control = self.control control:ClearAnchors() control:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, parent, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 8) control:SetHidden(false) control:BringWindowToTop() self.parent = parent self.refCount = 2 return true end function IconPickerMenu:SetColor(color) local icons = self.icons self.color = color for i = 1, #icons do local icon = icons[i] icon:SetColor(color:UnpackRGBA()) end end ------------------------------------------------------------- local function UpdateChoices(control, choices, choicesTooltips) local data = if not choices then choices, choicesTooltips = data.choices, data.choicesTooltips end local addedChoices = {} local iconPicker = LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu() iconPicker:Clear() for i = 1, #choices do local texture = choices[i] if not addedChoices[texture] then -- remove duplicates iconPicker:AddIcon(choices[i], function(self, texture) control.icon:SetTexture(texture) data.setFunc(texture) if then cm:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", control) end end, choicesTooltips[i]) addedChoices[texture] = true end end end local function IsDisabled(control) if type( == "function" then return else return end end local function SetColor(control, color) local icon = control.icon if IsDisabled(control) then icon:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA()) else icon.color = color or or ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR icon:SetColor(icon.color:UnpackRGBA()) end local iconPicker = LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu() if iconPicker.parent == control.container and not iconPicker.control:IsHidden() then iconPicker:SetColor(icon.color) end end local function UpdateDisabled(control) local disable = IsDisabled(control) control.dropdown:SetMouseEnabled(not disable) control.dropdownButton:SetEnabled(not disable) local iconPicker = LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu() if iconPicker.parent == control.container and not iconPicker.control:IsHidden() then iconPicker:Clear() end SetColor(control) if disable then control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA()) else control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA()) end end local function UpdateValue(control, forceDefault, value) if forceDefault then --if we are forcing defaults value = control.icon:SetTexture(value) elseif value then --after setting this value, let's refresh the others to see if any should be disabled or have their settings changed if then cm:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", control) end else value = control.icon:SetTexture(value) end end local MIN_HEIGHT = 26 local HALF_WIDTH_LINE_SPACING = 2 local function SetIconSize(control, size) local icon = control.icon icon.size = size icon:SetDimensions(size, size) local height = size + 4 control.dropdown:SetDimensions(size + 20, height) height = math.max(height, MIN_HEIGHT) control.container:SetHeight(height) if control.lineControl then control.lineControl:SetHeight(MIN_HEIGHT + size + HALF_WIDTH_LINE_SPACING) else control:SetHeight(height) end local iconPicker = LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu() if iconPicker.parent == control.container and not iconPicker.control:IsHidden() then iconPicker:SetIconSize(size) iconPicker:UpdateDimensions() iconPicker:UpdateAnchors() end end function LAMCreateControl.iconpicker(parent, iconpickerData, controlName) local control = LAM.util.CreateLabelAndContainerControl(parent, iconpickerData, controlName) local function ShowIconPicker() local iconPicker = LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu() if iconPicker.parent == control.container then iconPicker:Clear() else iconPicker:SetMaxColumns(iconpickerData.maxColumns) iconPicker:SetVisibleRows(iconpickerData.visibleRows) iconPicker:SetIconSize(control.icon.size) UpdateChoices(control) iconPicker:SetColor(control.icon.color) if iconpickerData.beforeShow then if iconpickerData.beforeShow(control, iconPicker) then iconPicker:Clear() return end end iconPicker:Show(control.container) end end local iconSize = iconpickerData.iconSize ~= nil and iconpickerData.iconSize or DEFAULT_SIZE control.dropdown = wm:CreateControl(nil, control.container, CT_CONTROL) local dropdown = control.dropdown dropdown:SetAnchor(LEFT, control.container, LEFT, 0, 0) dropdown:SetMouseEnabled(true) dropdown:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", ShowIconPicker) dropdown:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(control) end) dropdown:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(control) end) control.icon = wm:CreateControl(nil, dropdown, CT_TEXTURE) local icon = control.icon icon:SetAnchor(LEFT, dropdown, LEFT, 3, 0) icon:SetDrawLevel(2) local dropdownButton = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, dropdown, "ZO_DropdownButton") dropdownButton:SetDimensions(16, 16) dropdownButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", ShowIconPicker) dropdownButton:SetAnchor(RIGHT, dropdown, RIGHT, -3, 0) control.dropdownButton = dropdownButton = wm:CreateControl(nil, dropdown, CT_BACKDROP) local bg = bg:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, dropdown, TOPLEFT, 0, -3) bg:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, dropdown, BOTTOMRIGHT, 2, 5) bg:SetEdgeTexture("EsoUI/Art/Tooltips/", 128, 16) bg:SetCenterTexture("EsoUI/Art/Tooltips/") bg:SetInsets(16, 16, -16, -16) local mungeOverlay = wm:CreateControl(nil, bg, CT_TEXTURE) mungeOverlay:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/Tooltips/") mungeOverlay:SetDrawLevel(1) mungeOverlay:SetAddressMode(TEX_MODE_WRAP) mungeOverlay:SetAnchorFill() if iconpickerData.warning then control.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, control, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon") control.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, control.container, LEFT, -5, 0) = {tooltipText = iconpickerData.warning} end if iconpickerData.disabled then control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled control:UpdateDisabled() end control.UpdateChoices = UpdateChoices control.UpdateValue = UpdateValue control:UpdateValue() control.SetColor = SetColor control:SetColor() control.SetIconSize = SetIconSize control:SetIconSize(iconSize) if or then --if our parent window wants to refresh controls, then add this to the list tinsert(control.panel.controlsToRefresh, control) end return control end
-- Copyright 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. m = Map("luci_statistics", translate("RRDTool Plugin Configuration"), translate( "The rrdtool plugin stores the collected data in rrd database " .. "files, the foundation of the diagrams.<br /><br />" .. "<strong>Warning: Setting the wrong values will result in a very " .. "high memory consumption in the temporary directory. " .. "This can render the device unusable!</strong>" )) -- collectd_rrdtool config section s = m:section( NamedSection, "collectd_rrdtool", "luci_statistics" ) -- collectd_rrdtool.enable enable = s:option( Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this plugin") ) enable.default = 1 -- collectd_rrdtool.datadir (DataDir) datadir = s:option( Value, "DataDir", translate("Storage directory") ) datadir.default = "/tmp" datadir.rmempty = true datadir.optional = true datadir:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.stepsize (StepSize) stepsize = s:option( Value, "StepSize", translate("RRD step interval"), translate("Seconds") ) stepsize.default = 30 stepsize.isinteger = true stepsize.rmempty = true stepsize.optional = true stepsize:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.heartbeat (HeartBeat) heartbeat = s:option( Value, "HeartBeat", translate("RRD heart beat interval"), translate("Seconds") ) heartbeat.default = 60 heartbeat.isinteger = true heartbeat.rmempty = true heartbeat.optional = true heartbeat:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.rrasingle (RRASingle) rrasingle = s:option( Flag, "RRASingle", translate("Only create average RRAs"), translate("reduces rrd size") ) rrasingle.default = true rrasingle.rmempty = true rrasingle.optional = true rrasingle:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.rratimespans (RRATimespan) rratimespans = s:option( Value, "RRATimespans", translate("Stored timespans"), translate("seconds; multiple separated by space") ) rratimespans.default = "600 86400 604800 2678400 31622400" rratimespans.rmempty = true rratimespans.optional = true rratimespans:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.rrarows (RRARows) rrarows = s:option( Value, "RRARows", translate("Rows per RRA") ) rrarows.isinteger = true rrarows.default = 100 rrarows.rmempty = true rrarows.optional = true rrarows:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.xff (XFF) xff = s:option( Value, "XFF", translate("RRD XFiles Factor") ) xff.default = 0.1 xff.isnumber = true xff.rmempty = true xff.optional = true xff:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.cachetimeout (CacheTimeout) cachetimeout = s:option( Value, "CacheTimeout", translate("Cache collected data for"), translate("Seconds") ) cachetimeout.isinteger = true cachetimeout.default = 100 cachetimeout.rmempty = true cachetimeout.optional = true cachetimeout:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.cacheflush (CacheFlush) cacheflush = s:option( Value, "CacheFlush", translate("Flush cache after"), translate("Seconds") ) cacheflush.isinteger = true cacheflush.default = 100 cacheflush.rmempty = true cacheflush.optional = true cacheflush:depends( "enable", 1 ) return m
src/scripts/lua/LuaBridge/Stable Scripts/Azeroth/Karazhan/BOSS_Karazhan_Kilrek.lua
function Kilrek_Broken_Pact(Unit, event, miscunit, misc) if Unit:GetHealthPct() < 2 and Didthat == 0 then Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(30065,Unit:GetUnitBySqlId(15688)) Unit:SendChatMessage(11, 0, "You let me down Terestian, you will pay for this...") Didthat = 1 else end end function Kilrek_FireBolt(Unit, event, miscunit, misc) print "Kilrek FireBolt" Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(15592,Unit:GetClosestPlayer()) Unit:SendChatMessage(11, 0, "Take that...") end function Kilrek_Summon_Imps(Unit, event, miscunit, misc) print "Kilrek Summon Imps" Unit:FullCastSpell(34237) Unit:SendChatMessage(11, 0, "Help me...") end function Kilrek_Amplify_Flames(Unit, event, miscunit, misc) print "Kilrek Amplify Flames" Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(30053,Unit:GetClosestPlayer()) Unit:SendChatMessage(11, 0, "Take fire will hurt you more...") end function Kilrek(unit, event, miscunit, misc) print "Kilrek" unit:RegisterEvent("Kilrek_Broken_Pact",1000,1) unit:RegisterEvent("Kilrek_FireBolt",8000,0) unit:RegisterEvent("Kilrek_Summon_Imps",30000,0) unit:RegisterEvent("Kilrek_Amplify_Flames",45000,0) end RegisterUnitEvent(17229,1,"Kilrek")
local function is_user_whitelisted(id) local hash = 'whitelist:user#id' local white = redis:get(hash) or false return white end local function is_chat_whitelisted(id) local hash = 'whitelist:chat#id' local white = redis:get(hash) or false return white end local function kick_user(user_id, chat_id) local chat = 'chat#id'..chat_id local user = 'user#id'..user_id chat_del_user(chat, user, ok_cb, true) end local function ban_user(user_id, chat_id) -- Save to redis local hash = 'banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id redis:set(hash, true) -- Kick from chat kick_user(user_id, chat_id) end local function superban_user(user_id, chat_id) -- Save to redis local hash = 'superbanned:'..user_id redis:set(hash, true) -- Kick from chat kick_user(user_id, chat_id) end local function is_banned(user_id, chat_id) local hash = 'banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id local banned = redis:get(hash) return banned or false end local function is_super_banned(user_id) local hash = 'superbanned:'..user_id local superbanned = redis:get(hash) return superbanned or false end local function pre_process(msg) -- SERVICE MESSAGE if msg.action and msg.action.type then local action = msg.action.type -- Check if banned user joins chat if action == 'chat_add_user' or action == 'chat_add_user_link' then local user_id if msg.action.link_issuer then user_id = else user_id = end print('Checking invited user '..user_id) local superbanned = is_super_banned(user_id) local banned = is_banned(user_id, if superbanned or banned then print('User is banned!') kick_user(user_id, end end -- No further checks return msg end -- BANNED USER TALKING if == 'chat' then local user_id = local chat_id = local superbanned = is_super_banned(user_id) local banned = is_banned(user_id, chat_id) if superbanned then print('SuperBanned user talking!') superban_user(user_id, chat_id) msg.text = '' end if banned then print('Banned user talking!') ban_user(user_id, chat_id) msg.text = '' end end -- WHITELIST local hash = 'whitelist:enabled' local whitelist = redis:get(hash) local issudo = is_sudo(msg) -- Allow all sudo users even if whitelist is allowed if whitelist and not issudo then print('Whitelist enabled and not sudo') -- Check if user or chat is whitelisted local allowed = is_user_whitelisted( if not allowed then print('User '' not whitelisted') if == 'chat' then allowed = is_chat_whitelisted( if not allowed then print ('Chat '' not whitelisted') else print ('Chat '' whitelisted :)') end end else print('User '' allowed :)') end if not allowed then msg.text = '' end else print('Whitelist not enabled or is sudo') end return msg end local function username_id(cb_extra, success, result) local get_cmd = cb_extra.get_cmd local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local chat_id = cb_extra.chat_id local member = cb_extra.member local text = 'No user @'..member..' in this group.' for k,v in pairs(result.members) do vusername = v.username if vusername == member then member_username = member member_id = if get_cmd == 'kick' then return kick_user(member_id, chat_id) elseif get_cmd == 'ban user' then send_large_msg(receiver, 'User @'..member..' ['..member_id..'] banned') return ban_user(member_id, chat_id) elseif get_cmd == 'superban user' then send_large_msg(receiver, 'User @'..member..' ['..member_id..'] globally banned!') return superban_user(member_id, chat_id) elseif get_cmd == 'whitelist user' then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..member_id redis:set(hash, true) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'User @'..member..' ['..member_id..'] whitelisted') elseif get_cmd == 'whitelist delete user' then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..member_id redis:del(hash) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'User @'..member..' ['..member_id..'] removed from whitelist') end end end return send_large_msg(receiver, text) end local function run(msg, matches) if matches[1] == 'kickme' then kick_user(, end if not is_momod(msg) then return nil end local receiver = get_receiver(msg) if matches[4] then get_cmd = matches[1]..' '..matches[2]..' '..matches[3] elseif matches[3] then get_cmd = matches[1]..' '..matches[2] else get_cmd = matches[1] end if matches[1] == 'ban' then local user_id = matches[3] local chat_id = if == 'chat' then if matches[2] == 'user' then if string.match(matches[3], '^%d+$') then ban_user(user_id, chat_id) send_large_msg(receiver, 'User '..user_id..' banned!') else local member = string.gsub(matches[3], '@', '') chat_info(receiver, username_id, {get_cmd=get_cmd, receiver=receiver, chat_id=chat_id, member=member}) end end if matches[2] == 'delete' then local hash = 'banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id redis:del(hash) return 'User '..user_id..' unbanned' end else return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end end if matches[1] == 'superban' and is_admin(msg) then local user_id = matches[3] local chat_id = if matches[2] == 'user' then if string.match(matches[3], '^%d+$') then superban_user(user_id, chat_id) send_large_msg(receiver, 'User '..user_id..' globally banned!') else local member = string.gsub(matches[3], '@', '') chat_info(receiver, username_id, {get_cmd=get_cmd, receiver=receiver, chat_id=chat_id, member=member}) end end if matches[2] == 'delete' then local hash = 'superbanned:'..user_id redis:del(hash) return 'User '..user_id..' unbanned' end end if matches[1] == 'kick' then if == 'chat' then if string.match(matches[2], '^%d+$') then kick_user(matches[2], else local member = string.gsub(matches[2], '@', '') chat_info(receiver, username_id, {get_cmd=get_cmd, receiver=receiver,, member=member}) end else return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end end if matches[1] == 'whitelist' then if matches[2] == 'enable' and is_sudo(msg) then local hash = 'whitelist:enabled' redis:set(hash, true) return 'Enabled whitelist' end if matches[2] == 'disable' and is_sudo(msg) then local hash = 'whitelist:enabled' redis:del(hash) return 'Disabled whitelist' end if matches[2] == 'user' then if string.match(matches[3], '^%d+$') then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..matches[3] redis:set(hash, true) return 'User '..matches[3]..' whitelisted' else local member = string.gsub(matches[3], '@', '') chat_info(receiver, username_id, {get_cmd=get_cmd, receiver=receiver,, member=member}) end end if matches[2] == 'chat' then if ~= 'chat' then return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end local hash = 'whitelist:chat#id' redis:set(hash, true) return 'Chat '' [''] whitelisted' end if matches[2] == 'delete' and matches[3] == 'user' then if string.match(matches[4], '^%d+$') then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..matches[4] redis:del(hash) return 'User '..matches[4]..' removed from whitelist' else local member = string.gsub(matches[4], '@', '') chat_info(receiver, username_id, {get_cmd=get_cmd, receiver=receiver,, member=member}) end end if matches[2] == 'delete' and matches[3] == 'chat' then if ~= 'chat' then return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end local hash = 'whitelist:chat#id' redis:del(hash) return 'Chat '' [''] removed from whitelist' end end end return { description = "Plugin to manage bans, kicks and white/black lists.", usage = { user = "!kickme : Exit from group", moderator = { "!whitelist <enable>/<disable> : Enable or disable whitelist mode", "!whitelist user <user_id> : Allow user to use the bot when whitelist mode is enabled", "!whitelist user <username> : Allow user to use the bot when whitelist mode is enabled", "!whitelist chat : Allow everybody on current chat to use the bot when whitelist mode is enabled", "!whitelist delete user <user_id> : Remove user from whitelist", "!whitelist delete chat : Remove chat from whitelist", "!ban user <user_id> : Kick user from chat and kicks it if joins chat again", "!ban user <username> : Kick user from chat and kicks it if joins chat again", "!ban delete <user_id> : Unban user", "!kick <user_id> : Kick user from chat group by id", "!kick <username> : Kick user from chat group by username", }, admin = { "!superban user <user_id> : Kick user from all chat and kicks it if joins again", "!superban user <username> : Kick user from all chat and kicks it if joins again", "!superban delete <user_id> : Unban user", }, }, patterns = { "^!(whitelist) (enable)$", "^!(whitelist) (disable)$", "^!(whitelist) (user) (.*)$", "^!(whitelist) (chat)$", "^!(whitelist) (delete) (user) (.*)$", "^!(whitelist) (delete) (chat)$", "^!(ban) (user) (.*)$", "^!(ban) (delete) (.*)$", "^!(superban) (user) (.*)$", "^!(superban) (delete) (.*)$", "^!(kick) (.*)$", "^!(kickme)$", "^!!tgservice (.+)$", }, run = run, pre_process = pre_process }
local async_socket = require "async_socket" local timer = require "async_socket.timer" local SipCreateMsg = require "voip.sip.message".new ---------------------------------------------- local SIP_TRANSPORT = {} do local cnn_method = { "bind","connect","close","idle","is_async", "send","sendto","recv","recvfrom","set_timeout", "timeout","local_host","local_port","remote_host", "remote_port", "is_closed", "is_connected" } for _, method_name in pairs(cnn_method) do SIP_TRANSPORT[method_name] = function(self, ...) return self.private_.cnn[method_name](self.private_.cnn, ...) end end function SIP_TRANSPORT:new(idle_hook) local cnn, err = async_socket.udp_client(idle_hook); if not cnn then return nil, err end local t = setmetatable({ private_ = { timers = { T1 = 0.5; T2 = 64; }; cnn = cnn; trace = function() end; } },{__index=self}) return t end function SIP_TRANSPORT:trace(...) self.private_.trace(...) end function SIP_TRANSPORT:recv(timeout) local msg, err = self.private_.cnn:recv(timeout) self:trace("RECV") if not msg then self:trace("RECV ERROR:", msg, err) return nil, err end self:trace("RECV DONE:", msg) return SipCreateMsg(msg) end function SIP_TRANSPORT:recvfrom(timeout) local msg, err, port = self.private_.cnn:recvfrom(timeout) self:trace("RECVFROM") if not msg then self:trace("RECV ERROR:", msg, err) return nil, err end self:trace("RECV DONE:", msg, err, port) return SipCreateMsg(msg), err, port end local function is_resp_match(req,resp) local req_cseq = assert(req:getCSeq()) local req_cid = assert(req:getHeader('Call-ID')) local resp_cseq = resp:getCSeq() if type(resp_cseq) ~= 'number' then return nil, 'wrong cseq' end if resp_cseq < req_cseq then -- old response return nil, 'old cseq' end if resp:getHeader('Call-ID') ~= req_cid then return nil, 'wrong call-id' end return true end function SIP_TRANSPORT:recv_response(timeout, req) local rtimer if timeout then rtimer = timer:new() rtimer:set_interval(timeout * 1000) rtimer:start() end while true do local resp, err = self:recv(timeout) if not resp then return nil, err end if not resp:getResponseLine() then self:trace("INVALID SIP MESSAGE:", resp) return nil, "bad_sip_response", resp end if not req then return resp end local ok, err = is_resp_match(req, resp) if ok then return resp end self:trace("WRONG RESPONSE:", resp) if timeout then if rtimer:rest() == 0 then return nil, 'timeout' end timeout = rtimer:rest() / 1000 end end end -- timeout èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ îæèäàíèÿ êàæäîãî î÷åðåäíîãî -- ñîîáùåíèÿ. Îáùååå âðåìÿ ìîæåò ïðåâûøàòü timeout function SIP_TRANSPORT:recv_not_1xx(timeout, req) local resp,err,msg while true do resp,err,msg = self:recv_response(timeout, req) if not resp then return nil,err,msg end if not resp:isResponse1xx() then return resp end end end function SIP_TRANSPORT:send(timeout, msg) self:trace("SEND: ", msg) local ok, err = self.private_.cnn:send(timeout, tostring(msg)) self:trace("SEND RESULT:", ok, err) return ok, err end function SIP_TRANSPORT:sendto(timeout, msg, host, port) self:trace("SEND: ", msg) local ok, err = self.private_.cnn:sendto(timeout, tostring(msg), host, port) self:trace("SEND RESULT:", ok, err) return ok, err end --- -- @return function SIP_TRANSPORT:send_recv_T1(msg) local TimerA=self.private_.timers.T1 local TimerB=self.private_.timers.T2 while true do local ok, err = self:send(nil, msg) -- infinity if not ok then return nil, err end local resp, raw_msg resp, err, raw_msg = self:recv_response(TimerA, msg) if resp then return resp elseif err ~= 'timeout' then return nil, err, raw_msg end TimerA = TimerA * 2 if TimerA > TimerB then return nil, 'timeout' end end end -- timeout - äëÿ îæèäàíèÿ îêîí÷àòåëüíîãî îòâåòà ïîñëå ïðåäâàðèòåëüíîãî -- åñëè áûë ïðåäâàðèòåëüíûé îòâåò function SIP_TRANSPORT:send_recv_T1_not_1xx(timeout, msg) local resp, err, msg = self:send_recv_T1(msg) if not resp then return nil, err, msg end if not resp:isResponse1xx() then return resp end return self:recv_not_1xx(timeout, msg) end end ---------------------------------------------- local _M = {} = function(...) return SIP_TRANSPORT:new(...) end return _M
-- Start with the english keyboard layout (deep copy, to not alter it) local tr_keyboard = require("util").tableDeepCopy(require("ui/data/keyboardlayouts/en_keyboard")) local keys = tr_keyboard.keys -- Insert 2 additional key at the end of first 3 rows. -- 5th and 6th modes are from Kurdish and Azerbaijani alphabets. -- Add Ğ, G with breve table.insert(keys[1], -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "Ğ", "ğ", "«", "μ", "Ź", "ź", "γ", "σ", } ) -- Add Ü, U with umlaut table.insert(keys[1], -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "Ü", "ü", "»", "β", "Ə", "ə", "δ", "ψ", } ) -- Add Ş, S with cedilla table.insert(keys[2], -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "Ş", "ş", "`", "α", "Ḧ", "ḧ", "ε", "χ", } ) -- Add İ and i, dotted I and i table.insert(keys[2], -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "İ", "i", "₺", "θ", "Ẍ", "ẍ", "η", "τ", } ) -- Add Ö, O with umlaut table.insert(keys[3], 9, -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "Ö", "ö", "²", "π", "Ł", "ł", "ι", "ρ", } ) -- Add Ç, C with cedilla table.insert(keys[3], 10, -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "Ç", "ç", "℃", "ω", "Ř", "ř", "ν", "κ", } ) -- Add forward slash and .com symbol to 4th row since we have lot of empty space --and most phones do this. table.insert(keys[4], 7, -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { ".com", "/", "√", "λ", "\"", "\"", "ζ", "ξ", } ) -- Make .com and Unicode buttons larger since we still have space. keys[4][3].width = 1.5 keys[4][7].width = 1.5 -- Change lowercase "i" to "ı" keys[1][8][2] = "ı" -- Translate the "space" string keys[4][4].label = "boşluk" --Or remove / and move Ü to 3rd row. --keys[4][7] = keys[3][11] --keys[3][11] = keys[1][12] --table.remove(keys[1], 12) --Shrink Backspace, Shift, Sym, Unicode buttons to normal. --keys[3][1].width = 1 --keys[3][11].width = 1 --keys[4][1].width = 1 --keys[4][3].width = 1 return tr_keyboard
-- Initializing the timer class cas.timer = cas.class() ---------------------- -- Instance methods -- ---------------------- -- Constructor. Creates a timer with a function it supposed to run. function cas.timer:constructor(func) -- Checks if all the passed parameters were correct. if type(func) ~= "function" then error("Passed \"func\" parameter is not valid. Function expected, ".. type(func) .." passed.", 2) end -- Assigning necessary fields. self._funcLabel = "func" self._repetitions = 0 local count = 1 while cas.timer._timerLabels[self._funcLabel] do count = count + 1 self._funcLabel = "func" .. count end cas.timer._timerLabels[self._funcLabel] = true self._func = func cas.timer._debug:log("Timer \"".. tostring(self) .."\" initialized.") end -- Destructor. function cas.timer:destructor() if cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] and not cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel].repetition then -- Checks if the timer is being constantly run. self:stop() -- If it is, stops the timer. end cas.timer._timerLabels[self._funcLabel] = nil cas.timer._debug:log("Timer \"".. tostring(self) .."\" was garbage collected.") end -- Starts the timer with provided interval and repetitions. function cas.timer:start(milliseconds, repetitions, ...) -- Checks if all the passed parameters were correct. if type(milliseconds) ~= "number" then error("Passed \"milliseconds\" parameter is not valid. Number expected, ".. type(milliseconds) .." passed.", 2) end if repetitions then if type(repetitions) ~= "number" then error("Passed \"repetitions\" parameter is not valid. Number expected, ".. type(repetitions) .." passed.", 2) end end if repetitions <= 0 then return end -- Makes sure the timer isn't already running. if cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] then error("Timer has already started. Stop it before trying to start it again.", 2) end -- Makes the timer entry. cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] = { repetition = repetitions, -- Amount of repetitions left. originalFunc = self._func, -- The original function, passed as the constructor parameter. parameters = setmetatable({...}, {__mode = "kv"}), func = function(label) -- Function which will be run by the timer itself, makes sure to -- remove its entry from cas.timer._timerFuncs table once finished. cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].originalFunc(unpack(cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].parameters)) cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].repetition = cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].repetition - 1 if cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].repetition <= 0 then cas.timer._timerFuncs[label] = nil cas.timer._debug:log("Timer \"".. tostring(self) .."\" has been stopped. (planned)") end end } -- Initiating the timer. cas._cs2dCommands.timer(milliseconds, "cas.timer._timerFuncs.".. self._funcLabel ..".func", self._funcLabel, repetitions) cas.timer._debug:log("Timer \"".. tostring(self) .."\" started with interval of ".. milliseconds .." and ".. repetitions .." repetitions.") return self end -- Starts the timer with provided interval, will be run constantly until stopped. function cas.timer:startConstantly(milliseconds, ...) -- Checks if all the passed parameters were correct. if type(milliseconds) ~= "number" then error("Passed \"milliseconds\" parameter is not valid. Number expected, ".. type(milliseconds) .." passed.", 2) end -- Makes sure the timer isn't already running. if cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] then error("Timer has already started. Stop it before trying to start it again.", 2) end -- Makes the timer entry. cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] = { originalFunc = self._func, parameters = setmetatable({...}, {__mode = "kv"}), func = function(label) cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].originalFunc(unpack(cas.timer._timerFuncs[label].parameters)) end } -- Initiating the timer. cas._cs2dCommands.timer(milliseconds, "cas.timer._timerFuncs.".. self._funcLabel ..".func", self._funcLabel, 0) cas.timer._debug:log("Timer \"".. tostring(self) .."\" started constantly with interval of ".. milliseconds ..".") return self end -- Stops the timer. function cas.timer:stop() cas._cs2dCommands.freetimer("cas.timer._timerFuncs.".. self._funcLabel ..".func", self._funcLabel) -- Frees the timer. cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] = nil -- Removes the timer entry. cas.timer._debug:log("Timer \"".. tostring(self) .."\" has been stopped. (unplanned)") return self end --== Getters ==-- -- Gets whether or not the timer is running. function cas.timer:isRunning() return cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] ~= nil end -- Gets whether or not the timer is being run constantly. function cas.timer:isRunningConstantly() if cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] then return cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel].repetition == nil end return false end -- Gets the current repetition. function cas.timer:getRepetition() if not cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel] then error("The timer is not running.", 2) elseif cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel].repetition == nil then error("The timer is being run constantly.", 2) end return cas.timer._timerFuncs[self._funcLabel].repetition end ------------------- -- Static fields -- ------------------- cas.timer._timerLabels = {} -- Table used for timer labels. cas.timer._timerFuncs = {} -- Table for timer entries. cas.timer._debug =, "CAS Timer") -- Debug for timers. --cas.timer._debug:setActive(true)
--[[-- Access and modify values in `Kobo eReader.conf` used by Nickel. Only PowerOptions:FrontLightLevel is currently supported. ]] local dbg = require("dbg") local NickelConf = {} NickelConf.frontLightLevel = {} NickelConf.frontLightState = {} NickelConf.colorSetting = {} NickelConf.autoColorEnabled = {} local kobo_conf_path = '/mnt/onboard/.kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf' local front_light_level_str = "FrontLightLevel" local front_light_state_str = "FrontLightState" local color_setting_str = "ColorSetting" local auto_color_enabled_str = "AutoColorEnabled" -- Nickel will set FrontLightLevel to 0 - 100 local re_FrontLightLevel = "^" .. front_light_level_str .. "%s*=%s*([0-9]+)%s*$" -- Nickel will set FrontLightState to true (light on) or false (light off) local re_FrontLightState = "^" .. front_light_state_str .. "%s*=%s*(.+)%s*$" -- Nickel will set ColorSetting to 1500 - 6400 local re_ColorSetting = "^" .. color_setting_str .. "%s*=%s*([0-9]+)%s*$" -- AutoColorEnabled is 'true' or 'false' -- We do not support 'BedTime' (it is saved as QVariant in Nickel) local re_AutoColorEnabled = "^" .. auto_color_enabled_str .. "%s*=%s*([a-z]+)%s*$" local re_PowerOptionsSection = "^%[PowerOptions%]%s*" local re_AnySection = "^%[.*%]%s*" function NickelConf._set_kobo_conf_path(new_path) kobo_conf_path = new_path end function NickelConf._read_kobo_conf(re_Match) local value local correct_section = false local kobo_conf =, "r") if kobo_conf then for line in kobo_conf:lines() do if string.match(line, re_PowerOptionsSection) then correct_section = true elseif string.match(line, re_AnySection) then correct_section = false elseif correct_section then value = string.match(line, re_Match) if value then break end end end kobo_conf:close() end return value end --[[-- Get frontlight level. @treturn int Frontlight level. --]] function NickelConf.frontLightLevel.get() local new_intensity = NickelConf._read_kobo_conf(re_FrontLightLevel) if new_intensity then -- we need 0 to signal frontlight off for device that does not support -- FrontLightState config, so don't normalize the value here yet. return tonumber(new_intensity) else local fallback_fl_level = 1 assert(NickelConf.frontLightLevel.set(fallback_fl_level)) return fallback_fl_level end end --[[-- Get frontlight state. This entry will be missing for devices that do not have a hardware toggle button. We return nil in this case. @treturn int Frontlight state (or nil). --]] function NickelConf.frontLightState.get() local new_state = NickelConf._read_kobo_conf(re_FrontLightState) if new_state then new_state = (new_state == "true") or false end return new_state end --[[-- Get color setting. @treturn int Color setting. --]] function NickelConf.colorSetting.get() local new_colorsetting = NickelConf._read_kobo_conf(re_ColorSetting) if new_colorsetting then return tonumber(new_colorsetting) end end --[[-- Get auto color enabled. @treturn bool Auto color enabled. --]] function NickelConf.autoColorEnabled.get() local new_autocolor = NickelConf._read_kobo_conf(re_AutoColorEnabled) if new_autocolor then return (new_autocolor == "true") end end --[[-- Write Kobo configuration. @string re_Match Lua pattern. @string key Kobo conf key. @param value @bool dontcreate Don't create if key doesn't exist. --]] function NickelConf._write_kobo_conf(re_Match, key, value, dont_create) local kobo_conf =, "r") local lines = {} local found = false local remaining local correct_section = false local new_value_line = key .. "=" .. tostring(value) if kobo_conf then local pos for line in kobo_conf:lines() do if string.match(line, re_AnySection) then if correct_section then -- found a new section after having found the correct one, -- therefore the key was missing: let the code below add it kobo_conf:seek("set", pos) break elseif string.match(line, re_PowerOptionsSection) then correct_section = true end end local old_value = string.match(line, re_Match) if correct_section and old_value then lines[#lines + 1] = new_value_line found = true break else lines[#lines + 1] = line end pos = kobo_conf:seek() end remaining = kobo_conf:read("*a") kobo_conf:close() end if not found then if dont_create then return true end if not correct_section then lines[#lines + 1] = "[PowerOptions]" end lines[#lines + 1] = new_value_line end local kobo_conf_w = assert(, "w")) for i, line in ipairs(lines) do kobo_conf_w:write(line, "\n") end if remaining then kobo_conf_w:write(remaining) end kobo_conf_w:close() return true end --[[-- Set frontlight level. @int new_intensity --]] function NickelConf.frontLightLevel.set(new_intensity) if type(new_intensity) ~= "number" or (not (new_intensity >= 0) and (not new_intensity <= 100)) then return end return NickelConf._write_kobo_conf(re_FrontLightLevel, front_light_level_str, new_intensity) end dbg:guard(NickelConf.frontLightLevel, "set", function(new_intensity) assert(type(new_intensity) == "number", "Wrong brightness value type (expected number)!") assert(new_intensity >= 0 and new_intensity <= 100, "Wrong brightness value given!") end) --[[-- Set frontlight state. @bool new_state --]] function NickelConf.frontLightState.set(new_state) if new_state == nil or type(new_state) ~= "boolean" then return end return NickelConf._write_kobo_conf(re_FrontLightState, front_light_state_str, new_state, -- Do not create if this entry is missing. true) end dbg:guard(NickelConf.frontLightState, "set", function(new_state) assert(type(new_state) == "boolean", "Wrong front light state value type (expected boolean)!") end) --[[-- Set color setting. @int new_color >= 1500 and <= 6400 --]] function NickelConf.colorSetting.set(new_color) return NickelConf._write_kobo_conf(re_ColorSetting, color_setting_str, new_color) end dbg:guard(NickelConf.colorSetting, "set", function(new_color) assert(type(new_color) == "number", "Wrong color value type (expected number)!") assert(new_color >= 1500 and new_color <= 6400, "Wrong colorSetting value given!") end) --[[-- Set auto color enabled. @bool new_autocolor --]] function NickelConf.autoColorEnabled.set(new_autocolor) return NickelConf._write_kobo_conf(re_AutoColorEnabled, auto_color_enabled_str, new_autocolor) end dbg:guard(NickelConf.autoColorEnabled, "set", function(new_autocolor) assert(type(new_autocolor) == "boolean", "Wrong type for autocolor (expected boolean)!") end) return NickelConf
describe("random package tests", function() local random local function is_magic_char(c) return c == "8" or c == "9" or c == "A" or c == "B" end setup(function() random = require("frontend/random") end) it("should generate uuid without dash", function() for i = 1, 10000 do local uuid = random.uuid() assert.Equals(uuid:len(), 32) assert.Equals(uuid:sub(13, 13), "4") assert.is_true(is_magic_char(uuid:sub(17, 17))) end end) it("should generate uuid with dash", function() for i = 1, 10000 do local uuid = random.uuid(true) assert.Equals(uuid:len(), 36) assert.Equals(uuid:sub(9, 9), "-") assert.Equals(uuid:sub(14, 14), "-") assert.Equals(uuid:sub(19, 19), "-") assert.Equals(uuid:sub(24, 24), "-") assert.Equals(uuid:sub(15, 15), "4") assert.is_true(is_magic_char(uuid:sub(20, 20))) end end) end)
-- Initializing the color class. cas.color = cas.class() -------------------- -- Static methods -- -------------------- -- Checks if the passed parameters are suitable for color representation. All the passed parameters -- have to be numbers, being in range of 0 and 255 while not containing a floating point. function cas.color.isCorrectFormat(...) local numbers = {...} local correctFormat = true for key, value in pairs(numbers) do if not (type(value) == "number" and value >= 0 and value <= 255 and value == math.floor(value)) then correctFormat = false break end end return correctFormat end ---------------------- -- Instance Methods -- ---------------------- -- Constructor. Takes RGB color values as parameters to define color the instance is supposed -- to represent. function cas.color:constructor(red, green, blue) if not cas.color.isCorrectFormat(red, green, blue) then error("Passed parameters contained unsuitable values for color instance.", 2) end self._red = red self._green = green self._blue = blue end -- This method will be called whenever a tostring() function is called with the instance of this -- class as an parameter. Returns a string which is used to change the message's color, in the -- following format: "©<red><green><blue>", with necessary zeros added. function cas.color:__tostring() return string.format("%c%03d%03d%03d", 169, self._red, self._green, self._blue) end --== Setters ==-- -- Sets the color fields of the instance. function cas.color:setRGB(red, green, blue) if not cas.color.isCorrectFormat(red, green, blue) then error("Passed parameters contained unsuitable values for color instance.", 2) end self._red = red self._green = green self._blue = blue end -- Sets the red color field of the instance. function cas.color:setRed(red) if not cas.color.isCorrectFormat(red) then error("Passed parameter contained unsuitable value for color instance.", 2) end self._red = red end -- Sets the green color field of the instance. function cas.color:setGreen(green) if not cas.color.isCorrectFormat(red) then error("Passed parameter contained unsuitable value for color instance.", 2) end self._green = green end -- Sets the blue color field of the instance. function cas.color:setBlue(blue) if not cas.color.isCorrectFormat(red) then error("Passed parameter contained unsuitable value for color instance.", 2) end self._blue = blue end --== Getters ==-- -- Gets the color fields of the instance. function cas.color:getRGB() return self._red, self._green, self._blue end -- Gets the red color field of the instance. function cas.color:getRed() return self._red end -- Gets the green color field of the instance. function cas.color:getGreen() return self._green end -- Gets the blue color field of the instance. function cas.color:getBlue() return self._blue end ------------------- -- Static fields -- ------------------- --== Preset color values for ease of access ==-- cas.color.white =, 255, 255) cas.color.lightGray =, 196, 196) cas.color.gray =, 128, 128) cas.color.darkGray =, 64, 64) =, 0, 0) =, 0, 0) =, 0, 128) =, 128, 0) cas.color.yellow =, 255, 0) =, 255, 0) cas.color.magenta =, 0, 255) cas.color.cyan =, 255, 255) =, 0, 255)
scriptId = 'com.jakechapeskie.pointer' minMyoConnectVersion ='0.8.0' scriptDetailsUrl = '' scriptTitle = 'Pointer Connector' myo.debug("Hold a fist and move around to see debug output") function onForegroundWindowChange(app, title) return true end function getMyoYawDegrees() local yawValue = math.deg(myo.getYaw()) return yawValue end function getMyoPitchDegrees() local PitchValue = math.deg(myo.getPitch()) return PitchValue end function degreeDiff(value, base) local diff = value - base if diff > 180 then diff = diff - 360 elseif diff < -180 then diff = diff + 360 end return diff end PITCH_MOTION_THRESHOLD = 7 -- degrees YAW_MOTION_THRESHOLD = 7 -- degrees -- Set how the Myo Armband handles locking myo.setLockingPolicy("none") function onPeriodic() local now = myo.getTimeMilliseconds() if moveActive then local relativeYaw = degreeDiff(getMyoYawDegrees(), yawReference) if math.abs(relativeYaw)> YAW_MOTION_THRESHOLD then if relativeYaw < 0 then myo.debug("left") else myo.debug("right") end end local relativePitch = degreeDiff(getMyoPitchDegrees(), pitchReference) if math.abs(relativePitch)> PITCH_MOTION_THRESHOLD then if relativePitch < 0 then myo.debug("DOWN") else myo.debug("UP") end end end end function activeAppName() return activeApp end function onActiveChange(isActive) if not isActive then enabled = false end end function onPoseEdge(pose, edge) --myo.debug(pose) local now = myo.getTimeMilliseconds() if pose == "fist" then myo.debug("RESET") moveActive = edge == "on" yawReference = getMyoYawDegrees() pitchReference=getMyoPitchDegrees() moveSince = now end end
--[==========================================================================[ dumpmeta.lua: dump a file's meta data on stdout/stderr --[==========================================================================[ Copyright (C) 2010 the VideoLAN team $Id$ Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan dot org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]==========================================================================] --[[ to dump meta data information in the debug output, run: vlc -I luaintf --lua-intf dumpmeta coolmusic.mp3 Additional options can improve performance and output readability: -V dummy -A dummy --no-video-title --no-media-library -q --]] local item repeat item = vlc.input.item() until (item and item:is_preparsed()) -- preparsing doesn't always provide all the information we want (like duration) repeat until item:stats()["demux_read_bytes"] > 0"name: "..item:name())"uri: "..vlc.strings.decode_uri(item:uri()))"duration: "..tostring(item:duration()))"meta data:") local meta = item:metas() if meta then for key, value in pairs(meta) do" "..key..": "..value) end else" no meta data available") end"info:") for cat, data in pairs(item:info()) do" " for key, value in pairs(data) do" "..key..": "..value) end end vlc.misc.quit()
do local function run(msg, matches) if is_momod(msg) and matches[1]== "مساعدة" then return [[ ❣ رفع اداري >/: رفع ادمن في المجموعة ❣ تنزيل ادري >/ : حذف ادمن في المجوعة ❣ رفع ادمن >/ : رفع ادمن ❣ تنزيل ادمن >/ : حذف ادمن ❣ الادمنيه >/: لاظهار ادمنية المجموعة ❣ الاداريين >/: اضهار اداريين المجموعه ـ ➖➖➖⚠️✅➖➖ ✔️ قائمة الحظر… 😉والطرد.🏃🚪 ❣ بلوك : لطرد العضو ❣ /دفره : لطرد العضو بالرد ❣ حظر : لحظر العظر ❣ الغاء الحظر : فتح الخظر عن العضو ❣ مغادره : للخروج من المجموعة ❣ كتم : لتفعيل الصمت على احد الاعضاء ❣ كتم : الغاء الصمت على العضو ❣ منع كلمه : لحضر الكلمة ب مجموعه ❣ الغاء المنع : لفتح حضر الكلمة ❣ قائمه المنع : لعرض الكلمات المحظورة ـ ➖➖➖🔴☑️➖➖ ✔️ الاوامر الايدي والمعلومات. ✅🔰 ❣ ايدي : لاظهار ايدي المجموعه ❣ ايدي : لاظهار ايدي الشخص بلرد ❣ معلوماتي : اضهار المعلومات الخاصه بك ❣ معلومات المجموعه : اضهار معلومات بالمجموعة ❣ الاعدادات : اضهار اعدادات المجموعة ❣ اعدادات الوسائط : اضهار اعادادات الوسائط ـ ➖➖🔶➖➖🔷➖ ✔️ اوامر تحكم المجموعه .🔃💢 ❣ القوانين : لاضهار القوانين ❣ ضع قوانين : لاظافة القوانين ❣ ضع وصف : لاظافه وصف حول ❣ ضع صوره : لوضع صورة ❣ ضع اسم : لوضع اسم ❣ ضع معرف >/: لوضع معرف للكروب ❣ تغير الرابط : لصنع الرابط او تغيرة ❣ الرابط : لضهور الرابط ب المجموعه ❣ الرابط خاص : للحصول على الرابط في الخاص ـ🔸➖🔹➖🔸➖🔹➖ ✔️ آوامر امان المجموعه...⚠️💢 ❣ قفل الاضافه : لمنع الاضافه ب المجموعه ❣ قفل الاضافه : لسماح الاضافه ب === ❣ قفل الدردشه : لمنع الدردشه للمجموعه ❣ فتح الدردشه : للسماح للدردشه للمجموعه ❣ قفل الصور : لمنع إرسال الصور ❣ فتح الصور : للسماح بإرسال الصور ❣ قفل الصوت : لمنع البصمات ❣ فتح الصوت : للسماح بإرسال البصمات ❣ قفل الفيديو : لمنع ارسال فديو ❣ فتح الفيديو : للسماح بإرسال فديو ❣ قفل الروابط : لمنع الروابط ❣ فتح الروابط : للسماح بإرسال روابط ❣ قفل التكرار : لمنع التكرار ❣ فتح التكرار : للسماح بلتكرار ❣ قفل الملصقات : لمنع الملصقات ❣ فتح الملصقات : للسماح بلملصقات ❣ قفل الصور المتحركه : لمنع الصور المتحركة ❣ فتح الصور المتحركه : للسماح بالصور المتحركة ❣ قفل الفايلات : لمنع ارسال الملفات ❣ فتح الفايلات : للسماح بإرسال الملفات ❣ قفل الكلايش : لمنع الكلايش الطويلة ❣ فتح الكلايش : للسماح بلكلايش الطويلة ❣ قفل الاضافه الجماعيه : لمنع الاعضاء من الاضافه ❣ فتح الاضافه الجماعيه : لسماح للاعضاء بالاضافه ❣ قفل اعاده توجيه : لمنع اعاديت توجيه ❣ فتح اعاده توجيه : للسماح باعادت توجيه ـ🔸➖🔹➖🔸➖🔹➖ #المطور @ofuck ]] end if not is_momod(msg) then return "للمشرفين فقط 😎🖕🏿" end end return { description = "Help list", usage = "Help list", patterns = { "(مساعدة)" }, run = run } end
-- -- A system to store and serve notifications in a social network. -- Stores an association [user_id <-> list of notifications]. -- -- Each notification describes a recent event a user should get -- informed about, and is represented by a notifcation_id. -- -- Notification id is a fixed length string. -- -- Notifications can belong to different types (photo evaluations, -- unread messages, friend requests). -- -- For each type, a FIFO queue of last ring_max notifications -- is maintained, as well as the count of "unread" notifications. -- -- The number of notification types can change. -- -- The following storage schema is used: -- -- space: -- user_id total_unread type1_unread_count type1_ring -- type2_unread_count type2_ring -- type3_unread_count type3_ring -- .... -- Supported operations include: -- -- notification_push(user_id, ring_no, notification_id) -- - pushes a notification into the ring buffer associated with the -- type, unless it's already there, incrementing the count of unread -- notifications associated with the given ring, as well as the total -- count. However, if unread_count is above ring_max, counters -- are not incremented. -- ring_no is indexed from 0 to ring_max - 1 -- -- notification_read(user_id, ring_no) -- - read the notifications in the given ring. -- This substracts the ring unread_count from the total -- unread_count, and drops the ring unread_count to 0. -- -- notification_total_unread_count(user_id) -- - gets the total unread count -- -- Removing duplicates -- ------------------- -- -- On top of just maintaining FIFO queues for each type, -- this set of Lua procedures ensures that each notification -- in each FIFO is unique. When inserting a new notification id, -- the FIFO is checked first whether the same id is already there. -- If it's present in the queue, it's simply moved to the -- beginning of the line, no duplicate is inserted. -- Unread counters are incremented only if the old id was -- already read. -- namespace which stores all notifications local space_no = 0 -- description of notification types -- these ids describe notification id tail offset used by is_duplicate() local notification_types = { 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 } -- how many notifications of each type the associated -- circular buffer keeps local ring_max = 20 -- field index of the first ring in the tuple. -- field 0 - user id, field 1 - total unread count, hence local ring0_fieldno = 2 -- Find the tuple associated with user id or create a new -- one. function notification_find_or_insert(user_id) local tuple =, 0, user_id) if tuple ~= nil then return tuple end -- create an empty ring for each notification type local rings = {} for i = 1, #notification_types do table.insert(rings, 0) -- unread count - 0 table.insert(rings, "") -- notification list - empty end box.insert(space_no, user_id, 0, unpack(rings)) -- we can't use the tuple returned by box.insert, since it could -- have changed since. return, 0, user_id) end function notification_total_unread_count(user_id) return box.unpack('i', notification_find_or_insert(user_id)[1]) end function notification_unread_count(user_id, ring_no) -- calculate the field no of the associated ring local fieldno = ring0_fieldno + tonumber(ring_no) * 2 return box.unpack('i', notification_find_or_insert(user_id)[fieldno]) end -- -- Find if id is already present in the given ring -- return true and id offset when found, -- false len(ring) when not found -- local function is_duplicate(ring, id, tail_offset) id_len = #id id = string.sub(id, 1, id_len - tail_offset) for i=1, #ring, id_len do n_id = string.sub(ring, i, i+id_len-1 - tail_offset) if n_id == id then -- we're going to insert a new notifiation, -- return the old notification offset relative to -- the new field size return true, i - 1 + id_len end end return false, ring_max * id_len end -- -- Append a notification to its ring (one ring per notification type) -- Update 'unread' counters, unless they are already at their max. -- function notification_push(user_id, ring_no, id) local fieldno = ring0_fieldno + tonumber(ring_no) * 2 -- insert the new id at the beginning of ring, truncate the tail -- use box SPLICE operation for that local format = ":p:p" local args = { fieldno + 1, box.pack("ppp", 0, 0, id), fieldno + 1 } -- -- check whether a duplicate id is already present -- local tuple = notification_find_or_insert(user_id) local _, dup_offset = is_duplicate(tuple[fieldno+1], id, notification_types[ring_no+1]) -- -- if duplicate is there, dup_offset points at it. -- otherwise it points at ring tail -- table.insert(args, box.pack("ppp", dup_offset, #id, "")) local unread_count = box.unpack('i', tuple[fieldno]) -- check if the counters need to be updated if unread_count < ring_max and dup_offset > unread_count * #id then -- prepend ++total_unread_count, ++unread_count to our update operation format = "+p+p"..format local args1 = args args = { 1, 1, fieldno, 1 } for _, v in ipairs(args1) do table.insert(args, v) end end return box.update(space_no, user_id, format, unpack(args)) end -- Read a notification. -- Return the total unread count, all other unread counts, -- and ring data in question. function notification_read(user_id, ring_no) local unread_count = notification_unread_count(user_id, ring_no) local fieldno = ring0_fieldno + tonumber(ring_no) * 2 local tuple = box.update(space_no, user_id, "-p-p", 1, unread_count, fieldno, unread_count) local return_fields = {} local k, v = tuple:next() local k, v = tuple:next(k) -- skip user id table.insert(return_fields, v) -- total unread count k, v = tuple:next(k) -- now at the first ring while k ~= nil do table.insert(return_fields, v) -- insert unread count k, v = tuple:next(k) if k ~= nil then k, v = tuple:next(k) -- skip this ring data end end table.insert(return_fields, tuple[fieldno+1]) -- insert ring data return return_fields end
local function history(extra, suc, result) for i=1, #result do delete_msg(result[i].id, ok_cb, false) end if tonumber(extra.con) == #result then send_msg(extra.chatid, 'ℹ "'..#result..'" پیام اخیر سوپر گروه حذف شد', ok_cb, false) else send_msg(extra.chatid, 'ℹ️ تمام پیام های سوپر گروه حذف شد', ok_cb, false) end end local function allhistory(extra, suc, result) for i=1, #result do delete_msg(result[i].id, ok_cb, false) end if #result == 99 then get_history(, 100, allhistory , {chatid =}) else send_msg(extra.chatid, 'ℹ️ تمام پیام های سوپر گروه حذف شد', ok_cb, false) end end local function run(msg, matches) if matches[1] == 'delmsg' then if permissions(,, "settings") then if == 'channel' then if tonumber(matches[2]) > 99 or tonumber(matches[2]) < 1 then return '🚫 '..lang_text(, 'require_down100') end delete_msg(, ok_cb, false) get_history(, matches[2] + 1 , history , {chatid =, con = matches[2]}) else return '🚫 '..lang_text(, 'onlychannel') end else return '🚫 '..lang_text(, 'require_mod') end elseif matches[1] == 'clear' then if matches[2] == 'msgs' then if permissions(,, "settings") then if == 'channel' then delete_msg(, ok_cb, false) get_history(, 100, allhistory , {chatid =}) else return '🚫 '..lang_text(, 'onlychannel') end else return '🚫 '..lang_text(, 'require_mod') end end end end return { patterns = { '^[!/#](remmsg) (%d*)$', '^[!/#](clear) (msgs)$' }, run = run }
solution "CharmingTremblePlus" configurations {"Release", "Debug"} configuration "Release" flags { "Optimize", "EnableSSE", "Unicode"} configuration "Debug" flags { "Symbols", "NoEditAndContinue" ,"Unicode"} defines { "DEBUG"} configuration{} if"Linux") then if os.is64bit() then platforms {"x64"} else platforms {"x32"} end else platforms {"x32", "x64"} end if _ACTION == "xcode4" then xcodebuildsettings { 'ARCHS = "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) $(ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT)"', 'CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"', 'VALID_ARCHS = "x86_64 i386"', } end act = "" if _ACTION then act = _ACTION end configuration {"x32"} suffix = "_" .. act configuration "x64" suffix = "_" .. act .. "_64" configuration {"x64", "debug"} suffix = "_" .. act .. "_x64_debug" configuration {"x64", "release"} suffix = "_" .. act .. "_x64_release" configuration {"x32", "debug"} suffix = "_" .. act .. "_debug" configuration{} targetsuffix (suffix) targetdir "../bin" language "C++" location("./" .. act) --dofile("premakeHack.lua") tbox_float = true tbox_platform = true tbox_asio = true tbox_xml = true tbox_charset = true include "../src/" --include "../lib/glfw/" include "../lib/sdl/" include "../lib/stb/" --include "../lib/tbox/"
-- NAVAL AI -- Target ranges that determine behavior MinDistance = 300 MaxDistance = 500 -- Attack behavior (MinDistance < target range < MaxDistance) -- All angles are relative to the target's bearing. So 0 heads -- straight toward the target and 180 is straight away from it. AttackAngle = 80 -- Drive fraction from -1 to 1. -- If you have an urge to set this to 0, look instead at the -- AttackDistance + AttackReverse options. AttackDrive = 1 -- Evasion settings have two values: -- The magnitude of evasive maneuvers, in degrees -- And a time scale. Generally <1.0 works best, -- smaller means slower. -- Set to nil to disable, e.g. AttackEvasion = nil AttackEvasion = { 10, .125 } -- If set, it should be between MinDistance and MaxDistance. -- Only applies when MinDistance < target range < MaxDistance. -- To have any effect, AttackAngle should NOT be 90 degrees. AttackDistance = nil -- PID for adjusting AttackAngle when near AttackDistance. -- Effective AttackAngle will be scaled between AttackAngle and -- 180 - AttackAngle depending on output of PID. AttackPIDConfig = { Kp = .5, Ti = 5, Td = .1, } -- If true, then instead of flipping AttackAngle, AttackDrive will -- be negated (so presumably your vehicle will go in reverse). The PID -- above will be applied to the throttle instead. AttackReverse = false -- Closing behavior (target range > MaxDistance) -- ClosingAngle should be <90 to actually close with the target. ClosingAngle = 40 ClosingDrive = 1 ClosingEvasion = { 30, .25 } -- Escape behavior (target range < MinDistance) -- EscapeAngle should be >90 to actually head away from the target. EscapeAngle = 120 EscapeDrive = 1 EscapeEvasion = { 20, .25 } -- Air raid evasion -- Overrides current evasion settings when target is -- above a certain elevation (i.e. altitude relative to ground) AirRaidAboveElevation = 50 AirRaidEvasion = { 40, .25 } -- Preferred side to face toward enemy. -- 1 = Starboard (right) -- -1 = Port (left) -- nil = No preference (will pick closest side) PreferredBroadside = nil -- If true, the ship will perform attack runs and bounce between -- MinDistance and MaxDistance. -- "Closing" settings are used if target range > MaxDistance -- "Attack" settings are used until MinDistance is reached -- "Escape" settings are then used until MaxDistance is reached, -- then the next attack run is started. AttackRuns = false -- Forces an attack run after this many seconds. For times when -- the target is faster than your ship, so your ship won't be -- stuck constantly trying to escape. ForceAttackTime = 30 -- Normally the attack run is ended once MinDistance is reached. -- However this setting ensures that at least this many seconds were spent -- attacking (either normally or forced). Useful against faster targets... -- I guess. For best results, should take into account the time it takes to -- rotate to the proper angle. MinAttackTime = 10 -- Evasion values to use when in formation mode. -- Can either explicitly set values or just copy one of the above. FleetMoveEvasion = AttackEvasion -- Return-to-origin settings ReturnToOrigin = true
function initData() data = {}; data["cpu"] = {}; for i = 1,config["cpunr"] do data["cpu_" .. i] = {}; end data["mem"] = {}; data["swp"] = {}; for key,value in pairs(config["hdd"]) do data["hdd_" .. key] = {}; end data["netdn"] = {}; data["netup"] = {}; -- print("AFTER INIT: " .. #data["cpu"]); return data; end function readData() data = initData(); -- print("BEFORE READ: " .. #data["cpu"]); local datafile =["datafile"], "r"); if datafile == nil then print "nofile"; table.insert(data["cpu"], 0); for i = 1,config["cpunr"] do table.insert(data["cpu_" .. i], 0); end table.insert(data["mem"], 0); table.insert(data["swp"], 0); for key,value in pairs(config["hdd"]) do table.insert(data["hdd_" .. key], 0); end table.insert(data["netdn"], 0); table.insert(data["netup"], 0); else for line in datafile:lines(config["datafile"]) do for key,tab in pairs(data) do if (string.sub(line,0,string.len(key .. ":")) == key .. ":") then -- if(key == "cpu") then -- print("BEFORE LOAD: " .. #data["cpu"]); -- end table.insert(data[key], tonumber(trim(string.sub(line,string.len(key .. ": "))))) -- if(key == "cpu") then -- print("AFTER LOAD: " .. #data["cpu"]); -- end end end end datafile:close(datafile); end -- print("AFTER READ: " .. #data["cpu"]); return data; end function gatherData() data = readData(); -- print("BEFORE DATA: " .. #data["cpu"]); -- CPU LOAD table.insert(data["cpu"], tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${cpu}")))); for i = 1,config["cpunr"] do table.insert(data["cpu_" .. i],tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${cpu cpu".. i .."}")))); end -- MEMORY USAGE table.insert(data["mem"],tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${memperc}")))); table.insert(data["swp"],tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${swapperc}")))); -- NET USAGE local ethname = conky_parse("${gw_iface}"); table.insert(data["netup"],tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${upspeedf " .. ethname .. "}")))); table.insert(data["netdn"],tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${downspeedf " .. ethname .. "}")))); -- FILESYSTEM USAGE for key,value in pairs(config["hdd"]) do table.insert(data["hdd_" .. key], tonumber(trim(conky_parse("${fs_used_perc " .. value .. "}")))); end -- print("AFTER DATA: " .. #data["cpu"]); writeData(data) return data; end function writeData(data) -- print("BEFORE SAVE: " .. #data["cpu"]); local datafile =["datafile"], "w"); for key,tab in pairs(data) do while (#tab > tonumber(config["samples"])) do table.remove(tab,1); end for id,value in pairs(tab) do local str = key .. ":" .. value .. "\n"; datafile:write(str); end end datafile:close(); -- print("AFTER SAVE: " .. #data["cpu"]); end
describe("Size module", function() local Size setup(function() require("commonrequire") Size = require("ui/size") end) describe("should get size", function() it("for window border", function() assert.is_true(Size.border.window >= 1) end) end) it("should be nil for non-existent property", function() assert.is_nil(Size.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) assert.is_nil(Size.border.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) end) it("should fail for non-existent property when debug is activated", function() local dbg = require("dbg") dbg:turnOn() Size = package.reload("ui/size") local supercalifragilisticexpialidocious1 = function() return Size.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious end local supercalifragilisticexpialidocious2 = function() return Size.border.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious end assert.has_error(supercalifragilisticexpialidocious1, "Size: this property does not exist: Size.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious") assert.has_error(supercalifragilisticexpialidocious2, "Size: this property does not exist: Size.border.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious") dbg:turnOff() end) end)
-------------------------------- -- @module FadeOutTRTiles -- @extend TiledGrid3DAction -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- brief Show the tile at specified position.<br> -- param pos The position index of the tile should be shown. -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] turnOnTile -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table pos -- @return FadeOutTRTiles#FadeOutTRTiles self (return value: cc.FadeOutTRTiles) -------------------------------- -- brief Hide the tile at specified position.<br> -- param pos The position index of the tile should be hide. -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] turnOffTile -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table pos -- @return FadeOutTRTiles#FadeOutTRTiles self (return value: cc.FadeOutTRTiles) -------------------------------- -- brief Show part of the tile.<br> -- param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.<br> -- param distance The percentage that the tile should be shown. -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] transformTile -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table pos -- @param #float distance -- @return FadeOutTRTiles#FadeOutTRTiles self (return value: cc.FadeOutTRTiles) -------------------------------- -- brief Calculate the percentage a tile should be shown.<br> -- param pos The position index of the tile.<br> -- param time The current percentage of the action.<br> -- return Return the percentage the tile should be shown. -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] testFunc -- @param self -- @param #size_table pos -- @param #float time -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.<br> -- param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutTRTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br> -- param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br> -- return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutTRTiles action; otherwise, return nil. -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] create -- @param self -- @param #float duration -- @param #size_table gridSize -- @return FadeOutTRTiles#FadeOutTRTiles ret (return value: cc.FadeOutTRTiles) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] clone -- @param self -- @return FadeOutTRTiles#FadeOutTRTiles ret (return value: cc.FadeOutTRTiles) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#FadeOutTRTiles] update -- @param self -- @param #float time -- @return FadeOutTRTiles#FadeOutTRTiles self (return value: cc.FadeOutTRTiles) return nil
-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local os = require "os" local uci = require "uci" local util = require "luci.util" local table = require "table" local setmetatable, rawget, rawset = setmetatable, rawget, rawset local require, getmetatable = require, getmetatable local error, pairs, ipairs = error, pairs, ipairs local type, tostring, tonumber, unpack = type, tostring, tonumber, unpack -- The typical workflow for UCI is: Get a cursor instance from the -- cursor factory, modify data (via Cursor.add, Cursor.delete, etc.), -- save the changes to the staging area via and finally -- Cursor.commit the data to the actual config files. -- LuCI then needs to Cursor.apply the changes so deamons etc. are -- reloaded. module "luci.model.uci" cursor = uci.cursor APIVERSION = uci.APIVERSION function cursor_state() return cursor(nil, "/var/state") end inst = cursor() inst_state = cursor_state() local Cursor = getmetatable(inst) function Cursor.apply(self, configlist, command) configlist = self:_affected(configlist) if command then return { "/sbin/luci-reload", unpack(configlist) } else return os.execute("/sbin/luci-reload %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % table.concat(configlist, " ")) end end -- returns a boolean whether to delete the current section (optional) function Cursor.delete_all(self, config, stype, comparator) local del = {} if type(comparator) == "table" then local tbl = comparator comparator = function(section) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if section[k] ~= v then return false end end return true end end local function helper (section) if not comparator or comparator(section) then del[#del+1] = section[".name"] end end self:foreach(config, stype, helper) for i, j in ipairs(del) do self:delete(config, j) end end function Cursor.section(self, config, type, name, values) local stat = true if name then stat = self:set(config, name, type) else name = self:add(config, type) stat = name and true end if stat and values then stat = self:tset(config, name, values) end return stat and name end function Cursor.tset(self, config, section, values) local stat = true for k, v in pairs(values) do if k:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then stat = stat and self:set(config, section, k, v) end end return stat end function Cursor.get_bool(self, ...) local val = self:get(...) return ( val == "1" or val == "true" or val == "yes" or val == "on" ) end function Cursor.get_list(self, config, section, option) if config and section and option then local val = self:get(config, section, option) return ( type(val) == "table" and val or { val } ) end return nil end function Cursor.get_first(self, conf, stype, opt, def) local rv = def self:foreach(conf, stype, function(s) local val = not opt and s['.name'] or s[opt] if type(def) == "number" then val = tonumber(val) elseif type(def) == "boolean" then val = (val == "1" or val == "true" or val == "yes" or val == "on") end if val ~= nil then rv = val return false end end) return rv end function Cursor.set_list(self, config, section, option, value) if config and section and option then return self:set( config, section, option, ( type(value) == "table" and value or { value } ) ) end return false end -- Return a list of initscripts affected by configuration changes. function Cursor._affected(self, configlist) configlist = type(configlist) == "table" and configlist or {configlist} local c = cursor() c:load("ucitrack") -- Resolve dependencies local reloadlist = {} local function _resolve_deps(name) local reload = {name} local deps = {} c:foreach("ucitrack", name, function(section) if section.affects then for i, aff in ipairs(section.affects) do deps[#deps+1] = aff end end end) for i, dep in ipairs(deps) do for j, add in ipairs(_resolve_deps(dep)) do reload[#reload+1] = add end end return reload end -- Collect initscripts for j, config in ipairs(configlist) do for i, e in ipairs(_resolve_deps(config)) do if not util.contains(reloadlist, e) then reloadlist[#reloadlist+1] = e end end end return reloadlist end -- curser, means it the parent unloads or loads configs, the sub state will -- do so as well. function Cursor.substate(self) Cursor._substates = Cursor._substates or { } Cursor._substates[self] = Cursor._substates[self] or cursor_state() return Cursor._substates[self] end local _load = Cursor.load function Cursor.load(self, ...) if Cursor._substates and Cursor._substates[self] then _load(Cursor._substates[self], ...) end return _load(self, ...) end local _unload = Cursor.unload function Cursor.unload(self, ...) if Cursor._substates and Cursor._substates[self] then _unload(Cursor._substates[self], ...) end return _unload(self, ...) end
-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local os = require "os" local uci = require "uci" local util = require "luci.util" local table = require "table" local setmetatable, rawget, rawset = setmetatable, rawget, rawset local require, getmetatable = require, getmetatable local error, pairs, ipairs = error, pairs, ipairs local type, tostring, tonumber, unpack = type, tostring, tonumber, unpack -- The typical workflow for UCI is: Get a cursor instance from the -- cursor factory, modify data (via Cursor.add, Cursor.delete, etc.), -- save the changes to the staging area via and finally -- Cursor.commit the data to the actual config files. -- LuCI then needs to Cursor.apply the changes so deamons etc. are -- reloaded. module "luci.model.uci" cursor = uci.cursor APIVERSION = uci.APIVERSION function cursor_state() return cursor(nil, "/var/state") end inst = cursor() inst_state = cursor_state() local Cursor = getmetatable(inst) function Cursor.apply(self, configlist, command) configlist = self:_affected(configlist) if command then return { "/sbin/luci-reload", unpack(configlist) } else return os.execute("/sbin/luci-reload %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % table.concat(configlist, " ")) end end -- returns a boolean whether to delete the current section (optional) function Cursor.delete_all(self, config, stype, comparator) local del = {} if type(comparator) == "table" then local tbl = comparator comparator = function(section) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if section[k] ~= v then return false end end return true end end local function helper (section) if not comparator or comparator(section) then del[#del+1] = section[".name"] end end self:foreach(config, stype, helper) for i, j in ipairs(del) do self:delete(config, j) end end function Cursor.section(self, config, type, name, values) local stat = true if name then stat = self:set(config, name, type) else name = self:add(config, type) stat = name and true end if stat and values then stat = self:tset(config, name, values) end return stat and name end function Cursor.tset(self, config, section, values) local stat = true for k, v in pairs(values) do if k:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then stat = stat and self:set(config, section, k, v) end end return stat end function Cursor.get_bool(self, ...) local val = self:get(...) return ( val == "1" or val == "true" or val == "yes" or val == "on" ) end function Cursor.get_list(self, config, section, option) if config and section and option then local val = self:get(config, section, option) return ( type(val) == "table" and val or { val } ) end return nil end function Cursor.get_first(self, conf, stype, opt, def) local rv = def self:foreach(conf, stype, function(s) local val = not opt and s['.name'] or s[opt] if type(def) == "number" then val = tonumber(val) elseif type(def) == "boolean" then val = (val == "1" or val == "true" or val == "yes" or val == "on") end if val ~= nil then rv = val return false end end) return rv end function Cursor.set_list(self, config, section, option, value) if config and section and option then return self:set( config, section, option, ( type(value) == "table" and value or { value } ) ) end return false end -- Return a list of initscripts affected by configuration changes. function Cursor._affected(self, configlist) configlist = type(configlist) == "table" and configlist or {configlist} local c = cursor() c:load("ucitrack") -- Resolve dependencies local reloadlist = {} local function _resolve_deps(name) local reload = {name} local deps = {} c:foreach("ucitrack", name, function(section) if section.affects then for i, aff in ipairs(section.affects) do deps[#deps+1] = aff end end end) for i, dep in ipairs(deps) do for j, add in ipairs(_resolve_deps(dep)) do reload[#reload+1] = add end end return reload end -- Collect initscripts for j, config in ipairs(configlist) do for i, e in ipairs(_resolve_deps(config)) do if not util.contains(reloadlist, e) then reloadlist[#reloadlist+1] = e end end end return reloadlist end -- curser, means it the parent unloads or loads configs, the sub state will -- do so as well. function Cursor.substate(self) Cursor._substates = Cursor._substates or { } Cursor._substates[self] = Cursor._substates[self] or cursor_state() return Cursor._substates[self] end local _load = Cursor.load function Cursor.load(self, ...) if Cursor._substates and Cursor._substates[self] then _load(Cursor._substates[self], ...) end return _load(self, ...) end local _unload = Cursor.unload function Cursor.unload(self, ...) if Cursor._substates and Cursor._substates[self] then _unload(Cursor._substates[self], ...) end return _unload(self, ...) end
-------------------------------- -- @module Tween -- @extend ProcessBase -- @parent_module ccs -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Tween] getAnimation -- @param self -- @return ArmatureAnimation#ArmatureAnimation ret (return value: ccs.ArmatureAnimation) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Tween] gotoAndPause -- @param self -- @param #int frameIndex -- @return Tween#Tween self (return value: ccs.Tween) -------------------------------- -- Start the Process<br> -- param movementBoneData the MovementBoneData include all FrameData<br> -- param durationTo the number of frames changing to this animation needs.<br> -- param durationTween the number of frames this animation actual last.<br> -- param loop whether the animation is loop<br> -- loop < 0 : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor<br> -- loop = 0 : this animation is not loop<br> -- loop > 0 : this animation is loop<br> -- param tweenEasing tween easing is used for calculate easing effect<br> -- TWEEN_EASING_MAX : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor<br> -- -1 : fade out<br> -- 0 : line<br> -- 1 : fade in<br> -- 2 : fade in and out -- @function [parent=#Tween] play -- @param self -- @param #ccs.MovementBoneData movementBoneData -- @param #int durationTo -- @param #int durationTween -- @param #int loop -- @param #int tweenEasing -- @return Tween#Tween self (return value: ccs.Tween) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Tween] gotoAndPlay -- @param self -- @param #int frameIndex -- @return Tween#Tween self (return value: ccs.Tween) -------------------------------- -- Init with a Bone<br> -- param bone the Bone Tween will bind to -- @function [parent=#Tween] init -- @param self -- @param #ccs.Bone bone -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Tween] setAnimation -- @param self -- @param #ccs.ArmatureAnimation animation -- @return Tween#Tween self (return value: ccs.Tween) -------------------------------- -- Create with a Bone<br> -- param bone the Bone Tween will bind to -- @function [parent=#Tween] create -- @param self -- @param #ccs.Bone bone -- @return Tween#Tween ret (return value: ccs.Tween) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Tween] Tween -- @param self -- @return Tween#Tween self (return value: ccs.Tween) return nil
local v2 = require 'dokidoki.v2' function on_screen(pos) return pos.x >= game.constants.screen_left and pos.x <= game.constants.screen_right and pos.y >= game.constants.screen_bottom and pos.y <= game.constants.screen_top end -- returns the closest target of the given type function get_nearest_of_type(source, ship_type) local ships = game.actors.get(ship_type) -- find the closest one! local closest_ship local closest_square_magnitude for _, ship in ipairs(ships) do local square_magnitude = v2.sqrmag(ship.transform.pos - source.transform.pos) if source.ship.player ~= ship.ship.player and on_screen(ship.transform.pos) and (not closest_ship or square_magnitude < closest_square_magnitude) then closest_ship = ship closest_square_magnitude = square_magnitude end end return closest_ship end -- return a random ship of the desired type that's in range function get_type_in_range(source, ship_type, range) local ships = game.actors.get(ship_type) local ships_in_range = {} local range_squared = range * range for _, ship in ipairs(ships) do local square_magnitude = v2.sqrmag(ship.transform.pos - source.transform.pos) if source.ship.player ~= ship.ship.player and on_screen(ship.transform.pos) and (square_magnitude < range_squared) then ships_in_range[#ships_in_range+1] = ship end end if #ships_in_range > 0 then return ships_in_range[math.random(1, #ships_in_range)] else return false end end
--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <> Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at $Id$ ]]-- cbimap = Map("asterisk", "asterisk", "") module = cbimap:section(TypedSection, "module", "Modules", "") module.anonymous = true cdr_csv = module:option(ListValue, "cdr_csv", "Comma Separated Values CDR Backend", "") cdr_csv:value("yes", "Load") cdr_csv:value("no", "Do Not Load") cdr_csv:value("auto", "Load as Required") cdr_csv.rmempty = true cdr_custom = module:option(ListValue, "cdr_custom", "Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend", "") cdr_custom:value("yes", "Load") cdr_custom:value("no", "Do Not Load") cdr_custom:value("auto", "Load as Required") cdr_custom.rmempty = true cdr_manager = module:option(ListValue, "cdr_manager", "Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend", "") cdr_manager:value("yes", "Load") cdr_manager:value("no", "Do Not Load") cdr_manager:value("auto", "Load as Required") cdr_manager.rmempty = true cdr_mysql = module:option(ListValue, "cdr_mysql", "MySQL CDR Backend", "") cdr_mysql:value("yes", "Load") cdr_mysql:value("no", "Do Not Load") cdr_mysql:value("auto", "Load as Required") cdr_mysql.rmempty = true cdr_pgsql = module:option(ListValue, "cdr_pgsql", "PostgreSQL CDR Backend", "") cdr_pgsql:value("yes", "Load") cdr_pgsql:value("no", "Do Not Load") cdr_pgsql:value("auto", "Load as Required") cdr_pgsql.rmempty = true cdr_sqlite = module:option(ListValue, "cdr_sqlite", "SQLite CDR Backend", "") cdr_sqlite:value("yes", "Load") cdr_sqlite:value("no", "Do Not Load") cdr_sqlite:value("auto", "Load as Required") cdr_sqlite.rmempty = true return cbimap
require "libs.logging" function string.starts(str,prefix) return string.sub(str,1,string.len(prefix))==prefix end function string.ends(str,suffix) return suffix=='' or string.sub(str,-string.len(suffix))==suffix end -- See: function split(str,divider) -- credit: if divider=='' then return false end local pos,arr = 0,{} -- for each divider found for st,sp in function() return str:find(divider,pos,true) end do table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos,st-1)) -- Attach chars left of current divider pos = sp + 1 -- Jump past current divider end table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos)) -- Attach chars right of last divider return arr end -- e.g. formatWith("%time - %msg",{time = "10pm", msg = "Hello"} -> "10pm - Hello" function formatWith(formatStr,parameters) if not parameters then err("ERROR: missing parameters for formatWith in libs.lua.string") parameters = {} end repeat local before = formatStr local tag = formatStr:match("%%(%a+)") if tag then if not parameters[tag] then parameters[tag]=tag end formatStr = formatStr:gsub("%%"..tag, parameters[tag]) end until tag == nil or before == formatStr return formatStr end
--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2011-2012 Manuel Munz <freifunk at somakoma dot de> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at httc:// ]]-- local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local ipkg = require "luci.model.ipkg" local community = uci:get("freifunk", "community", "name") if community == nil then luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "freifunk", "profile_error")) return else community = "profile_" .. community m = Map(community, translate("Community settings"), translate("These are the settings of your local community.")) c = m:section(NamedSection, "profile", "community") local name = c:option(Value, "name", "Name") name.rmempty = false local homepage = c:option(Value, "homepage", translate("Homepage")) local cc = c:option(Value, "country", translate("Country code")) function cc.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get(community, "wifi_device", "country") end function cc.write(self, sec, value) if value then uci:set(community, "wifi_device", "country", value) uci:save(community) end end local ssid = c:option(Value, "ssid", translate("ESSID")) ssid.rmempty = false local prefix = c:option(Value, "mesh_network", translate("Mesh prefix")) prefix.datatype = "ip4addr" prefix.rmempty = false local splash_net = c:option(Value, "splash_network", translate("Network for client DHCP addresses")) splash_net.datatype = "ip4addr" splash_net.rmempty = false local splash_prefix = c:option(Value, "splash_prefix", translate("Client network size")) splash_prefix.datatype = "range(0,32)" splash_prefix.rmempty = false local ipv6 = c:option(Flag, "ipv6", translate("Enable IPv6")) ipv6.rmempty = true local ipv6_config = c:option(ListValue, "ipv6_config", translate("IPv6 Config")) ipv6_config:depends("ipv6", 1) ipv6_config:value("static") if ipkg.installed ("auto-ipv6-ib") then ipv6_config:value("auto-ipv6-random") ipv6_config:value("auto-ipv6-fromv4") end ipv6_config.rmempty = true local ipv6_prefix = c:option(Value, "ipv6_prefix", translate("IPv6 Prefix"), translate("IPv6 network in CIDR notation.")) ipv6_prefix:depends("ipv6", 1) ipv6_prefix.datatype = "ip6addr" ipv6_prefix.rmempty = true local vap = c:option(Flag, "vap", translate("VAP"), translate("Enable a virtual access point (VAP) by default if possible.")) vap.rmempty = true local lat = c:option(Value, "latitude", translate("Latitude")) lat.datatype = "range(-180, 180)" lat.rmempty = false local lon = c:option(Value, "longitude", translate("Longitude")) lon.rmempty = false return m end
-- -- misc/table.lua -- -- Utility functions for working with tables. -- -- TODO: random functions need optional generator argument. -- TODO: luafun might be a better option for a lot of these. -- function table.keys( tbl ) local result = {} for k, _ in pairs(tbl) do result[#result+1] = k end return result end -- Really just a shallow copy. function table.copy( tbl ) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do result[k] = v end return result end function table.count( tbl ) local result = 0 for _ in pairs(tbl) do result = result + 1 end return result end function table.append( tbl1, tbl2 ) for i = 1, #tbl2 do tbl1[#tbl1+1] = tbl2[i] end return tbl1 end function table.random( tbl ) local count = table.count(tbl) local index = math.random(1, count) local k = nil for i = 1, index do k = next(tbl, k) end return k, tbl[k] end function table.shuffle( tbl ) for i = 1, #tbl-1 do local index = math.random(i, #tbl) tbl[i], tbl[index] = tbl[index], tbl[i] end end function table.reverse( tbl ) local size = #tbl for index = 1, math.ceil(size * 0.5) do local mirrorIndex = size - (index - 1) tbl[index], tbl[mirrorIndex] = tbl[mirrorIndex], tbl[index] end return tbl end function table.inverse( tbl ) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do result[v] = k end return result end function table.collect( tbl, func ) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do result[k] = func(v) end return result end local _literals = { boolean = function ( value ) if value then return 'true' else return 'false' end end, number = function ( value ) if math.floor(value) == value then return string.format("%d", value) else return string.format("%.4f", value) end end, string = function ( value ) return string.format("%q", value) end } -- TODO: maybe move to its own file. function table.compile( tbl, option ) local parts = { 'return ' } local pads = { [0] = '', ' ', ' ' } local next = next local string_rep = string.rep local type = type local _literals = _literals local function aux( tbl, indent ) if next(tbl) == nil then parts[#parts+1] = '{}' return end parts[#parts+1] = '{\n' local padding = pads[indent] if not padding then padding = string_rep(' ', indent) pads[indent] = padding end local size = #tbl -- First off let's do the array part. for index = 1, size do local v = tbl[index] parts[#parts+1] = padding local vt = type(v) if vt ~= 'table' then parts[#parts+1] = _literals[vt](v) else aux(v, indent + 2) end parts[#parts+1] = ',\n' end -- Now non-array parts. This uses secret knowledge of how lua works, the -- next() function will iterate over array parts first so we can skip them. local k = next(tbl, (size ~= 0) and size or nil) while k ~= nil do parts[#parts+1] = padding parts[#parts+1] = '[' local kt = type(k) if kt ~= 'table' then parts[#parts+1] = _literals[kt](k) else aux(k, indent + 2) end parts[#parts+1] = '] = ' local v = tbl[k] local vt = type(v) if vt ~= 'table' then parts[#parts+1] = _literals[vt](v) else aux(v, indent + 2) end parts[#parts+1] = ',\n' k = next(tbl, k) end -- Closing braces are dedented. indent = indent - 2 padding = pads[indent] if not padding then padding = string_rep(' ', indent) pads[indent] = padding end if padding ~= '' then parts[#parts+1] = padding end parts[#parts+1] = '}' end aux(tbl, 2) -- This is to stop complaints about files not ending in a newline. parts[#parts+1] = '\n' local result = table.concat(parts) return result end
-- -- misc/table.lua -- -- Utility functions for working with tables. -- -- TODO: random functions need optional generator argument. -- TODO: luafun might be a better option for a lot of these. -- function table.keys( tbl ) local result = {} for k, _ in pairs(tbl) do result[#result+1] = k end return result end -- Really just a shallow copy. function table.copy( tbl ) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do result[k] = v end return result end function table.count( tbl ) local result = 0 for _ in pairs(tbl) do result = result + 1 end return result end function table.append( tbl1, tbl2 ) for i = 1, #tbl2 do tbl1[#tbl1+1] = tbl2[i] end return tbl1 end function table.random( tbl ) local count = table.count(tbl) local index = math.random(1, count) local k = nil for i = 1, index do k = next(tbl, k) end return k, tbl[k] end function table.shuffle( tbl ) for i = 1, #tbl-1 do local index = math.random(i, #tbl) tbl[i], tbl[index] = tbl[index], tbl[i] end end function table.reverse( tbl ) local size = #tbl for index = 1, math.ceil(size * 0.5) do local mirrorIndex = size - (index - 1) tbl[index], tbl[mirrorIndex] = tbl[mirrorIndex], tbl[index] end return tbl end function table.inverse( tbl ) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do result[v] = k end return result end function table.collect( tbl, func ) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do result[k] = func(v) end return result end local _literals = { boolean = function ( value ) if value then return 'true' else return 'false' end end, number = function ( value ) if math.floor(value) == value then return string.format("%d", value) else return string.format("%.4f", value) end end, string = function ( value ) return string.format("%q", value) end } -- TODO: maybe move to its own file. function table.compile( tbl, option ) local parts = { 'return ' } local pads = { [0] = '', ' ', ' ' } local next = next local string_rep = string.rep local type = type local _literals = _literals local function aux( tbl, indent ) if next(tbl) == nil then parts[#parts+1] = '{}' return end parts[#parts+1] = '{\n' local padding = pads[indent] if not padding then padding = string_rep(' ', indent) pads[indent] = padding end local size = #tbl -- First off let's do the array part. for index = 1, size do local v = tbl[index] parts[#parts+1] = padding local vt = type(v) if vt ~= 'table' then parts[#parts+1] = _literals[vt](v) else aux(v, indent + 2) end parts[#parts+1] = ',\n' end -- Now non-array parts. This uses secret knowledge of how lua works, the -- next() function will iterate over array parts first so we can skip them. local k = next(tbl, (size ~= 0) and size or nil) while k ~= nil do parts[#parts+1] = padding parts[#parts+1] = '[' local kt = type(k) if kt ~= 'table' then parts[#parts+1] = _literals[kt](k) else aux(k, indent + 2) end parts[#parts+1] = '] = ' local v = tbl[k] local vt = type(v) if vt ~= 'table' then parts[#parts+1] = _literals[vt](v) else aux(v, indent + 2) end parts[#parts+1] = ',\n' k = next(tbl, k) end -- Closing braces are dedented. indent = indent - 2 padding = pads[indent] if not padding then padding = string_rep(' ', indent) pads[indent] = padding end if padding ~= '' then parts[#parts+1] = padding end parts[#parts+1] = '}' end aux(tbl, 2) -- This is to stop complaints about files not ending in a newline. parts[#parts+1] = '\n' local result = table.concat(parts) return result end
local json = require "cjson" -- Various common routines used by the Lua CJSON package -- -- Mark Pulford <> -- Determine with a Lua table can be treated as an array. -- Explicitly returns "not an array" for very sparse arrays. -- Returns: -- -1 Not an array -- 0 Empty table -- >0 Highest index in the array local function is_array(table) local max = 0 local count = 0 for k, v in pairs(table) do if type(k) == "number" then if k > max then max = k end count = count + 1 else return -1 end end if max > count * 2 then return -1 end return max end local serialise_value local function serialise_table(value, indent, depth) local spacing, spacing2, indent2 if indent then spacing = "\n" .. indent spacing2 = spacing .. " " indent2 = indent .. " " else spacing, spacing2, indent2 = " ", " ", false end depth = depth + 1 if depth > 50 then return "Cannot serialise any further: too many nested tables" end local max = is_array(value) local comma = false local fragment = { "{" .. spacing2 } if max > 0 then -- Serialise array for i = 1, max do if comma then table.insert(fragment, "," .. spacing2) end table.insert(fragment, serialise_value(value[i], indent2, depth)) comma = true end elseif max < 0 then -- Serialise table for k, v in pairs(value) do if comma then table.insert(fragment, "," .. spacing2) end table.insert(fragment, ("[%s] = %s"):format(serialise_value(k, indent2, depth), serialise_value(v, indent2, depth))) comma = true end end table.insert(fragment, spacing .. "}") return table.concat(fragment) end function serialise_value(value, indent, depth) if indent == nil then indent = "" end if depth == nil then depth = 0 end if value == json.null then return "json.null" elseif type(value) == "string" then return ("%q"):format(value) elseif type(value) == "nil" or type(value) == "number" or type(value) == "boolean" then return tostring(value) elseif type(value) == "table" then return serialise_table(value, indent, depth) else return "\"<" .. type(value) .. ">\"" end end local function file_load(filename) local file if filename == nil then file = io.stdin else local err file, err =, "rb") if file == nil then error(("Unable to read '%s': %s"):format(filename, err)) end end local data = file:read("*a") if filename ~= nil then file:close() end if data == nil then error("Failed to read " .. filename) end return data end local function file_save(filename, data) local file if filename == nil then file = io.stdout else local err file, err =, "wb") if file == nil then error(("Unable to write '%s': %s"):format(filename, err)) end end file:write(data) if filename ~= nil then file:close() end end local function compare_values(val1, val2) local type1 = type(val1) local type2 = type(val2) if type1 ~= type2 then return false end -- Check for NaN if type1 == "number" and val1 ~= val1 and val2 ~= val2 then return true end if type1 ~= "table" then return val1 == val2 end -- check_keys stores all the keys that must be checked in val2 local check_keys = {} for k, _ in pairs(val1) do check_keys[k] = true end for k, v in pairs(val2) do if not check_keys[k] then return false end if not compare_values(val1[k], val2[k]) then return false end check_keys[k] = nil end for k, _ in pairs(check_keys) do -- Not the same if any keys from val1 were not found in val2 return false end return true end local test_count_pass = 0 local test_count_total = 0 local function run_test_summary() return test_count_pass, test_count_total end local function run_test(testname, func, input, should_work, output) local function status_line(name, status, value) local statusmap = { [true] = ":success", [false] = ":error" } if status ~= nil then name = name .. statusmap[status] end print(("[%s] %s"):format(name, serialise_value(value, false))) end local result = { pcall(func, unpack(input)) } local success = table.remove(result, 1) local correct = false if success == should_work and compare_values(result, output) then correct = true test_count_pass = test_count_pass + 1 end test_count_total = test_count_total + 1 local teststatus = { [true] = "PASS", [false] = "FAIL" } print(("==> Test [%d] %s: %s"):format(test_count_total, testname, teststatus[correct])) status_line("Input", nil, input) if not correct then status_line("Expected", should_work, output) end status_line("Received", success, result) print() return correct, result end local function run_test_group(tests) local function run_helper(name, func, input) if type(name) == "string" and #name > 0 then print("==> " .. name) end -- Not a protected call, these functions should never generate errors. func(unpack(input or {})) print() end for _, v in ipairs(tests) do -- Run the helper if "should_work" is missing if v[4] == nil then run_helper(unpack(v)) else run_test(unpack(v)) end end end -- Run a Lua script in a separate environment local function run_script(script, env) local env = env or {} local func -- Use setfenv() if it exists, otherwise assume Lua 5.2 load() exists if _G.setfenv then func = loadstring(script) if func then setfenv(func, env) end else func = load(script, nil, nil, env) end if func == nil then error("Invalid syntax.") end func() return env end -- Export functions return { serialise_value = serialise_value, file_load = file_load, file_save = file_save, compare_values = compare_values, run_test_summary = run_test_summary, run_test = run_test, run_test_group = run_test_group, run_script = run_script } -- vi:ai et sw=4 ts=4:
--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ]]-- local map, section, net = ... local server, username, password local ipv6, defaultroute, metric, peerdns, dns, mtu server = section:taboption("general", Value, "server", translate("L2TP Server")) server.datatype = "host" username = section:taboption("general", Value, "username", translate("PAP/CHAP username")) password = section:taboption("general", Value, "password", translate("PAP/CHAP password")) password.password = true if then ipv6 = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "ipv6", translate("Enable IPv6 negotiation on the PPP link")) ipv6.default = ipv6.disabled end defaultroute = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "defaultroute", translate("Use default gateway"), translate("If unchecked, no default route is configured")) defaultroute.default = defaultroute.enabled metric = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "metric", translate("Use gateway metric")) metric.placeholder = "0" metric.datatype = "uinteger" metric:depends("defaultroute", defaultroute.enabled) peerdns = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "peerdns", translate("Use DNS servers advertised by peer"), translate("If unchecked, the advertised DNS server addresses are ignored")) peerdns.default = peerdns.enabled dns = section:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "dns", translate("Use custom DNS servers")) dns:depends("peerdns", "") dns.datatype = "ipaddr" dns.cast = "string" mtu = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "mtu", translate("Override MTU")) mtu.placeholder = "1500" mtu.datatype = "max(9200)"
-- wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s -s ./benchmarks/contacts_1KB.lua http://localhost:8093/contacts/foo/contacts -- go-torch -u http://localhost:8093/ -t5 wrk.method = "POST" wrk.body = "{\"userUUID\":\"some-uuid\",\"contacts\":[{\"fragments\":[{\"type\":\"message\",\"text\":\"foobarbaz\"}],\"attributes\":{\"firstName\":\"steve\",\"lastName\":\"stevenson\",\"hasPhoto\":true,\"numFields\":10,\"timesContacted\":5,\"lastTimeContacted\":0,\"isStarred\":false,\"hasCustomRingtone\":false,\"isSendToVoicemail\":false,\"hasThumbnail\":false,\"namePrefix\":\"\",\"nameSuffix\":\"\"}},{\"fragments\":[{\"type\":\"message\",\"text\":\"foobarbaz\"}],\"attributes\":{\"firstName\":\"steve\",\"lastName\":\"stevenson\",\"hasPhoto\":true,\"numFields\":10,\"timesContacted\":5,\"lastTimeContacted\":0,\"isStarred\":false,\"hasCustomRingtone\":false,\"isSendToVoicemail\":false,\"hasThumbnail\":false,\"namePrefix\":\"\",\"nameSuffix\":\"\"}},{\"fragments\":[],\"attributes\":{\"firstName\":\"steve\",\"lastName\":\"stevenson\",\"hasPhoto\":true,\"numFields\":10,\"timesContacted\":5,\"lastTimeContacted\":0,\"isStarred\":false,\"hasCustomRingtone\":false,\"isSendToVoicemail\":false,\"hasThumbnail\":false,\"namePrefix\":\"\",\"nameSuffix\":\"\"}},{\"fragments\":[],\"attributes\":{\"firstName\":\"steve\",\"lastName\":\"stevenson\",\"hasPhoto\":true,\"numFields\":10,\"timesContacted\":5,\"lastTimeContacted\":0,\"isStarred\":false,\"hasCustomRingtone\":false,\"isSendToVoicemail\":false,\"hasThumbnail\":false,\"namePrefix\":\"\",\"nameSuffix\":\"\"}}],\"appType\":\"MY_APP\"}"
local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local logger = require("logger") local md5 = require("ffi/sha2").md5 local util = require("util") local MyClipping = { my_clippings = "/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt", history_dir = "./history", } function MyClipping:new(o) if o == nil then o = {} end setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end --[[ -- clippings: main table to store parsed highlights and notes entries -- { -- ["Title(Author Name)"] = { -- { -- { -- ["page"] = 123, -- ["time"] = 1398127554, -- ["text"] = "Games of all sorts were played in homes and fields." -- }, -- { -- ["page"] = 156, -- ["time"] = 1398128287, -- ["text"] = "There Spenser settled down to gentleman farming.", -- ["note"] = "This is a sample note.", -- }, -- ["title"] = "Chapter I" -- }, -- } -- } -- ]] function MyClipping:parseMyClippings() -- My Clippings format: -- Title(Author Name) -- Your Highlight on Page 123 | Added on Monday, April 21, 2014 10:08:07 PM -- -- This is a sample highlight. -- ========== local file =, "r") local clippings = {} if file then local index = 1 local title, author, info, text for line in file:lines() do line = line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" if index == 1 then title, author = self:getTitle(line) clippings[title] = clippings[title] or { title = title, author = author, } elseif index == 2 then info = self:getInfo(line) -- elseif index == 3 then -- should be a blank line, we skip this line elseif index == 4 then text = self:getText(line) end if line == "==========" then if index == 5 then -- entry ends normally local clipping = { page = or info.location, sort = info.sort, time = info.time, text = text, } -- we cannot extract chapter info so just insert clipping -- to a place holder chapter table.insert(clippings[title], { clipping }) end index = 0 end index = index + 1 end end return clippings end local extensions = { [".pdf"] = true, [".djvu"] = true, [".epub"] = true, [".fb2"] = true, [".mobi"] = true, [".txt"] = true, [".html"] = true, [".doc"] = true, } -- remove file extensions added by former KOReader -- extract author name in "Title(Author)" format -- extract author name in "Title - Author" format function MyClipping:getTitle(line) line = line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" if extensions[line:sub(-4):lower()] then line = line:sub(1, -5) elseif extensions[line:sub(-5):lower()] then line = line:sub(1, -6) end local _, _, title, author = line:find("(.-)%s*%((.*)%)") if not author then _, _, title, author = line:find("(.-)%s*-%s*(.*)") end if not title then title = line end return title:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"), author end local keywords = { ["highlight"] = { "Highlight", "标注", }, ["note"] = { "Note", "笔记", }, ["bookmark"] = { "Bookmark", "书签", }, } local months = { ["Jan"] = 1, ["Feb"] = 2, ["Mar"] = 3, ["Apr"] = 4, ["May"] = 5, ["Jun"] = 6, ["Jul"] = 7, ["Aug"] = 8, ["Sep"] = 9, ["Oct"] = 10, ["Nov"] = 11, ["Dec"] = 12 } local pms = { ["PM"] = 12, ["下午"] = 12, } function MyClipping:getTime(line) if not line then return end local _, _, year, month, day = line:find("(%d+)年(%d+)月(%d+)日") if not year or not month or not day then _, _, year, month, day = line:find("(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)") end if not year or not month or not day then for k, v in pairs(months) do if line:find(k) then month = v _, _, day = line:find(" (%d?%d),") _, _, year = line:find(" (%d%d%d%d)") break end end end local _, _, hour, minute, second = line:find("(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)") if year and month and day and hour and minute and second then for k, v in pairs(pms) do if line:find(k) then hour = hour + v break end end local time = os.time({ year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = minute, sec = second, }) return time end end function MyClipping:getInfo(line) local info = {} line = line or "" local _, _, part1, part2 = line:find("(.+)%s*|%s*(.+)") -- find entry type and location for sort, words in pairs(keywords) do for _, word in ipairs(words) do if part1 and part1:find(word) then info.sort = sort info.location = part1:match("(%d+-?%d+)") break end end end -- find entry created time info.time = self:getTime(part2 or "") return info end function MyClipping:getText(line) line = line or "" return line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" end -- get PNG string and md5 hash function MyClipping:getImage(image) --DEBUG("image", image) local doc = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(image.file) if doc then local png = doc:clipPagePNGString(image.pos0, image.pos1, image.pboxes, image.drawer) --doc:clipPagePNGFile(image.pos0, image.pos1, --image.pboxes, image.drawer, "/tmp/"..md5(png)..".png") doc:close() if png then return { png = png, hash = md5(png) } end end end function MyClipping:parseHighlight(highlights, bookmarks, book) --DEBUG("book", book.file) for page, items in pairs(highlights) do for _, item in ipairs(items) do local clipping = {} = page clipping.sort = "highlight" clipping.time = self:getTime(item.datetime or "") clipping.text = self:getText(item.text) clipping.chapter = item.chapter for _, bookmark in pairs(bookmarks) do if bookmark.datetime == item.datetime and bookmark.text then local tmp = string.gsub(bookmark.text, "Page %d+ ", "") clipping.text = string.gsub(tmp, " @ %d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d", "") end end if item.text == "" and item.pos0 and item.pos1 and item.pos0.x and item.pos0.y and item.pos1.x and item.pos1.y then -- highlights in reflowing mode don't have page in pos if == nil then = page end if == nil then = page end local image = {} image.file = book.file image.pos0, image.pos1 = item.pos0, item.pos1 image.pboxes = item.pboxes image.drawer = item.drawer clipping.image = self:getImage(image) end --- @todo Store chapter info when exporting highlights. if clipping.text and clipping.text ~= "" or clipping.image then table.insert(book, { clipping }) end end end table.sort(book, function(v1, v2) return v1[1].page < v2[1].page end) end function MyClipping:parseHistoryFile(clippings, history_file, doc_file) if lfs.attributes(history_file, "mode") ~= "file" or not history_file:find(".+%.lua$") then return end if lfs.attributes(doc_file, "mode") ~= "file" then return end local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, history_file) if ok then if not stored then logger.warn("An empty history file ", history_file, "has been found. The book associated is ", doc_file) return elseif not stored.highlight then return end local _, docname = util.splitFilePathName(doc_file) local title, author = self:getTitle(util.splitFileNameSuffix(docname)) clippings[title] = { file = doc_file, title = title, author = author, } self:parseHighlight(stored.highlight, stored.bookmarks, clippings[title]) end end function MyClipping:parseHistory() local clippings = {} for f in lfs.dir(self.history_dir) do self:parseHistoryFile(clippings, self.history_dir .. "/" .. f, DocSettings:getPathFromHistory(f) .. "/" .. DocSettings:getNameFromHistory(f)) end for _, item in ipairs(ReadHistory.hist) do self:parseHistoryFile(clippings, DocSettings:getSidecarFile(item.file), item.file) end return clippings end function MyClipping:parseCurrentDoc(view) local clippings = {} local path = view.document.file local _, _, docname = path:find(".*/(.*)") local title, author = self:getTitle(docname) clippings[title] = { file = view.document.file, title = title, author = author, } self:parseHighlight(view.highlight.saved, view.ui.bookmark.bookmarks, clippings[title]) return clippings end return MyClipping
-- Section for tess VirtualHost "tess" -- Assign this host a certificate for TLS, otherwise it would use the one -- set in the global section (if any). -- Note that old-style SSL on port 5223 only supports one certificate, and will always -- use the global one. ssl = { key = "/etc/prosody/certs/"; certificate = "/etc/prosody/certs/"; } ------ Components ------ -- You can specify components to add hosts that provide special services, -- like multi-user conferences, and transports. -- For more information on components, see -- Set up a MUC (multi-user chat) room server on Component "conference.tess" "muc" -- Set up a SOCKS5 bytestream proxy for server-proxied file transfers: --Component "" "proxy65" ---Set up an external component (default component port is 5347) --Component "" -- component_secret = "password"
-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Anton Burdinuk -- -- -- feed: archive function minaev_updatefeed(feed,friendly_name) local rc=false local feed_url=''..feed..'/' local feed_name='minaev_'..string.gsub(feed,'/','_') local feed_m3u_path=cfg.feeds_path..feed_name..'.m3u' local tmp_m3u_path=cfg.tmp_path..feed_name..'.m3u' local if feed_data then local,'w+') if dfd then dfd:write('#EXTM3U name=\"',friendly_name or feed_name,'\" type=mp4 plugin=minaev\n') local pattern=string.format('<h2>%%s*<a href="(/%s/%%w+/)">(.-)</a>%%s*</h2>',feed) for u,name in string.gmatch(feed_data,pattern) do local url=string.format('',u) dfd:write('#EXTINF:0,',name,'\n',url,'\n') end dfd:close() if util.md5(tmp_m3u_path)~=util.md5(feed_m3u_path) then if os.execute(string.format('mv %s %s',tmp_m3u_path,feed_m3u_path))==0 then if cfg.debug>0 then print('MinaevLive feed \''..feed_name..'\' updated') end rc=true end else util.unlink(tmp_m3u_path) end end feed_data=nil end return rc end function minaev_sendurl(minaev_url,range) local url=nil if plugin_sendurl_from_cache(minaev_url,range) then return end local if clip_page then -- -- local u=string.match(clip_page,'.+<source src="("') if u then url=u..'sd.mp4' end end if url then if cfg.debug>0 then print('MinaevLive Real URL: '..url) end plugin_sendurl(minaev_url,url,range) else if cfg.debug>0 then print('MinaevLive clip is not found') end plugin_sendfile('www/corrupted.mp4') end end plugins['minaev']={}"MinaevLive" plugins.minaev.desc="archive" plugins.minaev.sendurl=minaev_sendurl plugins.minaev.updatefeed=minaev_updatefeed --minaev_updatefeed('archive') --minaev_sendurl('','')
-- Copyright 2009 Daniel Dickinson -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. require("luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common") m = Map("luci_devinfo", translate("SIP Device Scanning Configuration"), translate("Configure scanning for supported SIP devices on specified networks. Decreasing \'Timeout\', \'Repeat Count\', and/or \'Sleep Between Requests\' may speed up scans, but also may fail to find some devices.")) s = m:section(SimpleSection, "", translate("Use Configuration")) b = s:option(DummyValue, "_scans", translate("Perform Scans (this can take a few minutes)")) b.value = "" b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "status", "smap_devinfo") scannet = m:section(TypedSection, "smap_scannet", translate("Scanning Configuration"), translate("Networks to scan for supported devices")) scannet.addremove = true scannet.anonymous = false local ports ports = scannet:option(Value, "ports", translate("Ports")) ports.optional = true ports.rmempty = true luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.config_devinfo_scan(m, scannet) return m
-- Copyright 2011-2012 Jo-Philipp Wich <> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local map, section, net = ... local ipaddr, peeraddr, ip6addr, tunnelid, username, password local defaultroute, metric, ttl, mtu ipaddr = s:taboption("general", Value, "ipaddr", translate("Local IPv4 address"), translate("Leave empty to use the current WAN address")) ipaddr.datatype = "ip4addr" peeraddr = s:taboption("general", Value, "peeraddr", translate("Remote IPv4 address"), translate("This IPv4 address of the relay")) peeraddr.rmempty = false peeraddr.datatype = "ip4addr" ip6addr = s:taboption("general", Value, "ip6prefix", translate("IPv6 prefix"), translate("The IPv6 prefix assigned to the provider, usually ends with <code>::</code>")) ip6addr.rmempty = false ip6addr.datatype = "ip6addr" ip6prefixlen = s:taboption("general", Value, "ip6prefixlen", translate("IPv6 prefix length"), translate("The length of the IPv6 prefix in bits")) ip6prefixlen.placeholder = "16" ip6prefixlen.datatype = "range(0,128)" ip6prefixlen = s:taboption("general", Value, "ip4prefixlen", translate("IPv4 prefix length"), translate("The length of the IPv4 prefix in bits, the remainder is used in the IPv6 addresses.")) ip6prefixlen.placeholder = "0" ip6prefixlen.datatype = "range(0,32)" defaultroute = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "defaultroute", translate("Default gateway"), translate("If unchecked, no default route is configured")) defaultroute.default = defaultroute.enabled metric = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "metric", translate("Use gateway metric")) metric.placeholder = "0" metric.datatype = "uinteger" metric:depends("defaultroute", defaultroute.enabled) ttl = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "ttl", translate("Use TTL on tunnel interface")) ttl.placeholder = "64" ttl.datatype = "range(1,255)" mtu = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "mtu", translate("Use MTU on tunnel interface")) mtu.placeholder = "1280" mtu.datatype = "max(9200)"
--[[ $Id: AceDBOptions-3.0.lua 81438 2008-09-06 13:44:36Z nevcairiel $ ]] local ACEDBO_MAJOR, ACEDBO_MINOR = "AceDBOptions-3.0", 7 local AceDBOptions, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDBO_MAJOR, ACEDBO_MINOR) if not AceDBOptions then return end -- No upgrade needed AceDBOptions.optionTables = AceDBOptions.optionTables or {} AceDBOptions.handlers = AceDBOptions.handlers or {} --[[ Localization of AceDBOptions-3.0 ]] local L = { default = "Default", intro = "You can change the active database profile, so you can have different settings for every character.", reset_desc = "Reset the current profile back to its default values, in case your configuration is broken, or you simply want to start over.", reset = "Reset Profile", reset_sub = "Reset the current profile to the default", choose_desc = "You can either create a new profile by entering a name in the editbox, or choose one of the already exisiting profiles.", new = "New", new_sub = "Create a new empty profile.", choose = "Existing Profiles", choose_sub = "Select one of your currently available profiles.", copy_desc = "Copy the settings from one existing profile into the currently active profile.", copy = "Copy From", delete_desc = "Delete existing and unused profiles from the database to save space, and cleanup the SavedVariables file.", delete = "Delete a Profile", delete_sub = "Deletes a profile from the database.", delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected profile?", profiles = "Profiles", profiles_sub = "Manage Profiles", } local LOCALE = GetLocale() if LOCALE == "deDE" then L["default"] = "Standard" L["intro"] = "Hier kannst du das aktive Datenbankprofile \195\164ndern, damit du verschiedene Einstellungen f\195\188r jeden Charakter erstellen kannst, wodurch eine sehr flexible Konfiguration m\195\182glich wird." L["reset_desc"] = "Setzt das momentane Profil auf Standardwerte zur\195\188ck, f\195\188r den Fall das mit der Konfiguration etwas schief lief oder weil du einfach neu starten willst." L["reset"] = "Profil zur\195\188cksetzen" L["reset_sub"] = "Das aktuelle Profil auf Standard zur\195\188cksetzen." L["choose_desc"] = "Du kannst ein neues Profil erstellen, indem du einen neuen Namen in der Eingabebox 'Neu' eingibst, oder w\195\164hle eines der vorhandenen Profile aus." L["new"] = "Neu" L["new_sub"] = "Ein neues Profil erstellen." L["choose"] = "Vorhandene Profile" L["choose_sub"] = "W\195\164hlt ein bereits vorhandenes Profil aus." L["copy_desc"] = "Kopiere die Einstellungen von einem vorhandenen Profil in das aktive Profil." L["copy"] = "Kopieren von..." L["delete_desc"] = "L\195\182sche vorhandene oder unbenutzte Profile aus der Datenbank um Platz zu sparen und um die SavedVariables Datei 'sauber' zu halten." L["delete"] = "Profil l\195\182schen" L["delete_sub"] = "L\195\182scht ein Profil aus der Datenbank." L["delete_confirm"] = "Willst du das ausgew\195\164hlte Profil wirklich l\195\182schen?" L["profiles"] = "Profile" L["profiles_sub"] = "Profile verwalten" elseif LOCALE == "frFR" then L["default"] = "D\195\169faut" L["intro"] = "Vous pouvez changer le profil actuel afin d'avoir des param\195\168tres diff\195\169rents pour chaque personnage, permettant ainsi d'avoir une configuration tr\195\168s flexible." L["reset_desc"] = "R\195\169initialise le profil actuel au cas o\195\185 votre configuration est corrompue ou si vous voulez tout simplement faire table rase." L["reset"] = "R\195\169initialiser le profil" L["reset_sub"] = "R\195\169initialise le profil actuel avec les param\195\168tres par d\195\169faut." L["choose_desc"] = "Vous pouvez cr\195\169er un nouveau profil en entrant un nouveau nom dans la bo\195\174te de saisie, ou en choississant un des profils d\195\169j\195\160 existants." L["new"] = "Nouveau" L["new_sub"] = "Cr\195\169\195\169e un nouveau profil vierge." L["choose"] = "Profils existants" L["choose_sub"] = "Permet de choisir un des profils d\195\169j\195\160 disponibles." L["copy_desc"] = "Copie les param\195\168tres d'un profil d\195\169j\195\160 existant dans le profil actuellement actif." L["copy"] = "Copier \195\160 partir de" L["delete_desc"] = "Supprime les profils existants inutilis\195\169s de la base de donn\195\169es afin de gagner de la place et de nettoyer le fichier SavedVariables." L["delete"] = "Supprimer un profil" L["delete_sub"] = "Supprime un profil de la base de donn\195\169es." L["delete_confirm"] = "Etes-vous s\195\187r de vouloir supprimer le profil s\195\169lectionn\195\169 ?" L["profiles"] = "Profils" L["profiles_sub"] = "Gestion des profils" elseif LOCALE == "koKR" then L["default"] = "기본값" L["intro"] = "모든 캐릭터의 다양한 설정과 사용중인 데이터베이스 프로필, 어느것이던지 매우 다루기 쉽게 바꿀수 있습니다." L["reset_desc"] = "단순히 다시 새롭게 구성을 원하는 경우, 현재 프로필을 기본값으로 초기화 합니다." L["reset"] = "프로필 초기화" L["reset_sub"] = "현재의 프로필을 기본값으로 초기화 합니다" L["choose_desc"] = "새로운 이름을 입력하거나, 이미 있는 프로필중 하나를 선택하여 새로운 프로필을 만들 수 있습니다." L["new"] = "새로운 프로필" L["new_sub"] = "새로운 프로필을 만듭니다." L["choose"] = "프로필 선택" L["choose_sub"] = "당신이 현재 이용할수 있는 프로필을 선택합니다." L["copy_desc"] = "현재 사용중인 프로필에, 선택한 프로필의 설정을 복사합니다." L["copy"] = "복사" L["delete_desc"] = "데이터베이스에 사용중이거나 저장된 프로파일 삭제로 SavedVariables 파일의 정리와 공간 절약이 됩니다." L["delete"] = "프로필 삭제" L["delete_sub"] = "데이터베이스의 프로필을 삭제합니다." L["delete_confirm"] = "정말로 선택한 프로필의 삭제를 원하십니까?" L["profiles"] = "프로필" L["profiles_sub"] = "프로필 설정" elseif LOCALE == "esES" then elseif LOCALE == "zhTW" then L["default"] = "預設" L["intro"] = "你可以選擇一個活動的資料設定檔,這樣你的每個角色就可以擁有不同的設定值,可以給你的插件設定帶來極大的靈活性。" L["reset_desc"] = "將當前的設定檔恢復到它的預設值,用於你的設定檔損壞,或者你只是想重來的情況。" L["reset"] = "重置設定檔" L["reset_sub"] = "將當前的設定檔恢復為預設值" L["choose_desc"] = "你可以通過在文本框內輸入一個名字創立一個新的設定檔,也可以選擇一個已經存在的設定檔。" L["new"] = "新建" L["new_sub"] = "新建一個空的設定檔。" L["choose"] = "現有的設定檔" L["choose_sub"] = "從當前可用的設定檔裏面選擇一個。" L["copy_desc"] = "從當前某個已保存的設定檔複製到當前正使用的設定檔。" L["copy"] = "複製自" L["delete_desc"] = "從資料庫裏刪除不再使用的設定檔,以節省空間,並且清理SavedVariables檔。" L["delete"] = "刪除一個設定檔" L["delete_sub"] = "從資料庫裏刪除一個設定檔。" L["delete_confirm"] = "你確定要刪除所選擇的設定檔嗎?" L["profiles"] = "設定檔" L["profiles_sub"] = "管理設定檔" elseif LOCALE == "zhCN" then L["default"] = "默认" L["intro"] = "你可以选择一个活动的数据配置文件,这样你的每个角色就可以拥有不同的设置值,可以给你的插件配置带来极大的灵活性。" L["reset_desc"] = "将当前的配置文件恢复到它的默认值,用于你的配置文件损坏,或者你只是想重来的情况。" L["reset"] = "重置配置文件" L["reset_sub"] = "将当前的配置文件恢复为默认值" L["choose_desc"] = "你可以通过在文本框内输入一个名字创立一个新的配置文件,也可以选择一个已经存在的配置文件。" L["new"] = "新建" L["new_sub"] = "新建一个空的配置文件。" L["choose"] = "现有的配置文件" L["choose_sub"] = "从当前可用的配置文件里面选择一个。" L["copy_desc"] = "从当前某个已保存的配置文件复制到当前正使用的配置文件。" L["copy"] = "复制自" L["delete_desc"] = "从数据库里删除不再使用的配置文件,以节省空间,并且清理SavedVariables文件。" L["delete"] = "删除一个配置文件" L["delete_sub"] = "从数据库里删除一个配置文件。" L["delete_confirm"] = "你确定要删除所选择的配置文件么?" L["profiles"] = "配置文件" L["profiles_sub"] = "管理配置文件" elseif LOCALE == "ruRU" then L["default"] = "По умолчанию" L["intro"] = "Вы можете сменить активный профиль БД, этим вы можете устанавливать различные настройки для каждого персонажа." L["reset_desc"] = "Сброс текущего профиля на его стандартные значения, в том случаи если ваша конфигурация испорчена, или вы желаете всё перенастроить заново." L["reset"] = "Сброс профиля" L["reset"] = "Сброс текущего профиля на стандартный" L["choose_desc"] = "Вы можете создать новый профиль введя название в поле ввода, или выбрать один из уже существующих профилей." L["new"] = "Новый" L["new_sub"] = "Создать новый чистый профиль." L["choose"] = "Профиля" L["choose_sub"] = "Выберите один из уже доступных профилей." L["copy_desc"] = "Скопировать настройки профиля в на данный момент активный профиль." L["copy"] = "Скопировать с" L["delete_desc"] = "Удалить существующий и неиспользуемый профиль из БД для сохранения места, и очистить SavedVariables файл." L["delete"] = "Удалить профиль" L["delete_sub"] = "Удаления профиля из БД." L["delete_confirm"] = "Вы уверены что вы хотите удалить выбранный профиль?" L["profiles"] = "Профиля" L["profiles_sub"] = "Управление профилями" end local defaultProfiles local tmpprofiles = {} --[[ getProfileList(db, common, nocurrent) db - the db object to retrieve the profiles from common (boolean) - if common is true, getProfileList will add the default profiles to the return list, even if they have not been created yet nocurrent (boolean) - if true then getProfileList will not display the current profile in the list ]]-- local function getProfileList(db, common, nocurrent) local profiles = {} -- copy existing profiles into the table local currentProfile = db:GetCurrentProfile() for i,v in pairs(db:GetProfiles(tmpprofiles)) do if not (nocurrent and v == currentProfile) then profiles[v] = v end end -- add our default profiles to choose from ( or rename existing profiles) for k,v in pairs(defaultProfiles) do if (common or profiles[k]) and not (nocurrent and k == currentProfile) then profiles[k] = v end end return profiles end --[[ OptionsHandlerPrototype prototype class for handling the options in a sane way ]] local OptionsHandlerPrototype = {} --[[ Reset the profile ]] function OptionsHandlerPrototype:Reset() self.db:ResetProfile() end --[[ Set the profile to value ]] function OptionsHandlerPrototype:SetProfile(info, value) self.db:SetProfile(value) end --[[ returns the currently active profile ]] function OptionsHandlerPrototype:GetCurrentProfile() return self.db:GetCurrentProfile() end --[[ List all active profiles you can control the output with the .arg variable currently four modes are supported (empty) - return all available profiles "nocurrent" - returns all available profiles except the currently active profile "common" - returns all avaialble profiles + some commonly used profiles ("char - realm", "realm", "class", "Default") "both" - common except the active profile ]] function OptionsHandlerPrototype:ListProfiles(info) local arg = info.arg local profiles if arg == "common" and not self.noDefaultProfiles then profiles = getProfileList(self.db, true, nil) elseif arg == "nocurrent" then profiles = getProfileList(self.db, nil, true) elseif arg == "both" then -- currently not used profiles = getProfileList(self.db, (not self.noDefaultProfiles) and true, true) else profiles = getProfileList(self.db) end return profiles end --[[ Copy a profile ]] function OptionsHandlerPrototype:CopyProfile(info, value) self.db:CopyProfile(value) end --[[ Delete a profile from the db ]] function OptionsHandlerPrototype:DeleteProfile(info, value) self.db:DeleteProfile(value) end --[[ fill defaultProfiles with some generic values ]] local function generateDefaultProfiles(db) defaultProfiles = { ["Default"] = L["default"], [db.keys.char] = db.keys.char, [db.keys.realm] = db.keys.realm, [db.keys.class] = UnitClass("player") } end --[[ create and return a handler object for the db, or upgrade it if it already existed ]] local function getOptionsHandler(db, noDefaultProfiles) if not defaultProfiles then generateDefaultProfiles(db) end local handler = AceDBOptions.handlers[db] or { db = db, noDefaultProfiles = noDefaultProfiles } for k,v in pairs(OptionsHandlerPrototype) do handler[k] = v end AceDBOptions.handlers[db] = handler return handler end --[[ the real options table ]] local optionsTable = { desc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = L["intro"] .. "\n", }, descreset = { order = 9, type = "description", name = L["reset_desc"], }, reset = { order = 10, type = "execute", name = L["reset"], desc = L["reset_sub"], func = "Reset", }, choosedesc = { order = 20, type = "description", name = "\n" .. L["choose_desc"], }, new = { name = L["new"], desc = L["new_sub"], type = "input", order = 30, get = false, set = "SetProfile", }, choose = { name = L["choose"], desc = L["choose_sub"], type = "select", order = 40, get = "GetCurrentProfile", set = "SetProfile", values = "ListProfiles", arg = "common", }, copydesc = { order = 50, type = "description", name = "\n" .. L["copy_desc"], }, copyfrom = { order = 60, type = "select", name = L["copy"], desc = L["copy_desc"], get = false, set = "CopyProfile", values = "ListProfiles", arg = "nocurrent", }, deldesc = { order = 70, type = "description", name = "\n" .. L["delete_desc"], }, delete = { order = 80, type = "select", name = L["delete"], desc = L["delete_sub"], get = false, set = "DeleteProfile", values = "ListProfiles", arg = "nocurrent", confirm = true, confirmText = L["delete_confirm"], }, } --[[ GetOptionsTable(db) db - the database object to create the options table for creates and returns a option table to be used in your addon ]] function AceDBOptions:GetOptionsTable(db, noDefaultProfiles) local tbl = AceDBOptions.optionTables[db] or { type = "group", name = L["profiles"], desc = L["profiles_sub"], } tbl.handler = getOptionsHandler(db, noDefaultProfiles) tbl.args = optionsTable AceDBOptions.optionTables[db] = tbl return tbl end -- upgrade existing tables for db,tbl in pairs(AceDBOptions.optionTables) do tbl.handler = getOptionsHandler(db) tbl.args = optionsTable end
Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]/gamemodes/vbtdm/gamemode/playerspawns/sv_spawns.lua
--[[ For this spawn system to work, these lines need to be placed in the gamemode's init.lua: function GM:PlayerSelectSpawn( ply ) local Team = ply:Team() points = ents.FindByClass("team" .. Team) if #points == 0 then points = ents.FindByClass("info_player_start") end return points[math.random(#points)] end --]] if not(SERVER) then return end local map = string.Replace(game.GetMap(),"_","") //replace any underscores or local map = string.Replace(map,".","") //periods, they don't work for file names if (not file.IsDir("vbtdm/teamspawns","DATA")) then file.CreateDir("vbtdm/teamspawns") end if not(file.Exists("vbtdm/teamspawns/"".txt","DATA")) then file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/"".txt","") print("[VBTDM] Wrote file : " .. "vbtdm/teamspawns/"".txt") end function CheckSetSpawn(ply,text,public) text = string.lower(text) local exp = string.Explode(" ", text) //split it into 3 words //set a spawn if exp[1] == "!setspawn" then if not(ply:IsAdmin()) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("This feature is for SuperAdmins only") umsg.End() return end if #exp ~= 3 then //Incorrect number or arguments for the command umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("Format command as !setspawn team_name spawn_number") umsg.End() return end local Team = CheckTeam(exp[2]) if not(Team) then //If CheckTeam return false -- there wasn't a team umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("That team name doesn't exist. Format command as !setspawn team_name spawn_number") umsg.End() return end spawnnum = tonumber(exp[3]) //If the number isn't an int between 1 and 9 if not(spawnnum) or spawnnum < 1 or spawnnum > 9 or spawnnum ~= math.floor(spawnnum) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("That's not a valid spawn number(should be 1-9). Format command as !setspawn team_name spawn_number") umsg.End() return end if (spawnnum) or spawnnum < 1 or spawnnum > 9 or spawnnum ~= math.floor(spawnnum) or (Team) or #exp ~= 3 then umsg.Start("Success",ply) umsg.String("Successfully set spawn point "..exp[3].. " for team "..exp[2]) umsg.End() end if not(CheckCanSet(ply,Team,spawnnum)) then return end WriteSpawn(ply,Team,spawnnum) end //remove a spawn if exp[1] == "!removespawn" then if not(ply:IsAdmin()) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("This feature is for SuperAdmins only") umsg.End() return end if #exp ~= 3 then //Incorrect number or arguments for the command umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("Format command as !removespawn team_name spawn_number") umsg.End() return end local Team = CheckTeam(exp[2]) if not(Team) then //If CheckTeam return false -- there wasn't a team umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("That team name doesn't exist. Format command as !removespawn team_name spawn_number") umsg.End() return end spawnnum = tonumber(exp[3]) //If the number isn't an int between 1 and 9 if not(spawnnum) or spawnnum < 1 or spawnnum > 9 or spawnnum ~= math.floor(spawnnum) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("That's not a valid spawn number(should be 1-9). Format command as !removespawn team_name spawn_number") umsg.End() return end if (spawnnum) or spawnnum < 1 or spawnnum > 9 or spawnnum ~= math.floor(spawnnum) or (Team) or #exp ~= 3 then umsg.Start("Success",ply) umsg.String("Successfully removed spawn point "..exp[3].. " for team "..exp[2]) umsg.End() end RemoveSpawn(Team,spawnnum) end //Reload spawns if exp[1] == "!reloadspawns" then if not(ply:IsAdmin()) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("This feature is for SuperAdmins only") umsg.End() else umsg.Start("Success",ply) umsg.String("Successfully reloaded spawns") umsg.End() MakeSpawns() return end end local checkspawnmodels = "1" if (not file.IsDir("vbtdm/teamspawns","DATA")) then file.CreateDir("vbtdm/teamspawns") end if not(file.Exists("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt","DATA")) then file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt", checkspawnmodels) print("[VBTDM] Wrote file: vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt") end //Turn Show Models On if exp[1] == "!showspawnson" then if not(ply:IsAdmin()) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("This feature is for SuperAdmins only") umsg.End() else umsg.Start("Success",ply) umsg.String("Spawn points are now visable") umsg.End() print("[VBTDM] Turning on spawn point models") local checkspawnmodels = "1" if (not file.IsDir("vbtdm/teamspawns","DATA")) then file.CreateDir("vbtdm/teamspawns") end if not(file.Exists("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt","DATA")) then file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt", checkspawnmodels) print("[VBTDM] Wrote file: vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt") end file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt", checkspawnmodels) MakeSpawns() return end end //Turn Show Models Off if exp[1] == "!showspawnsoff" then if not(ply:IsAdmin()) then umsg.Start("Error",ply) umsg.String("This feature is for SuperAdmins only") umsg.End() else umsg.Start("Success",ply) umsg.String("Spawn points are no longer visable") umsg.End() print("[VBTDM] Turning off spawn point models") local checkspawnmodels = "0" if (not file.IsDir("vbtdm/teamspawns","DATA")) then file.CreateDir("vbtdm/teamspawns") end if not(file.Exists("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt","DATA")) then file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt", checkspawnmodels) print("[VBTDM] Wrote file: vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt") end file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt", checkspawnmodels) MakeSpawns() return end end end hook.Add("PlayerSay","CheckSetSpawn",CheckSetSpawn) function CheckTeam(name) local teams = team.GetAllTeams() for k,v in pairs(teams) do if string.lower(team.GetName(k)) == name then return k end end return false end function CheckCanSet(ply,Team,spawnnum) return true end function RemoveSpawn(Team,spawnnum) local map = string.Replace(game.GetMap(),"_","") local map = string.Replace(map,".","") local spawns = file.Read("vbtdm/teamspawns/"".txt","DATA") local lines = string.Explode("\n", spawns) for i, line in ipairs(lines) do local data = string.Explode(";", line) local FileTeam = tonumber(data[1]) local PointNum = tonumber(data[2]) if FileTeam == Team and PointNum == spawnnum then spawns = string.Replace(spawns,line.."\n","") end end file.Write("vbtdm/teamspawns/" .. map .. ".txt",spawns) MakeSpawns() end function WriteSpawn(ply,Team,spawnnum) RemoveSpawn(Team,spawnnum) local vAngle = ply:GetAimVector() local UpAngle = tostring(vAngle:Angle()) local pos = ply:GetPos() // local pyr = tostring(ply:GetAngles()) local data = string.Explode(" ", UpAngle) map = string.Replace(game.GetMap(),"_","") map = string.Replace(map,".","") file.Append("vbtdm/teamspawns/"".txt",Team ..";".. spawnnum .. ";" .. pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z .. "," .. data[1] .."," .. data[2] .. "," .. data[3] .. "\n") MakeSpawns() end function MakeSpawns() //if not SpawnEnts then SpawnEnts = {} end local Teams = nil Teams = table.Copy(team.GetAllTeams()) local map = string.Replace(game.GetMap(),"_","") local map = string.Replace(map,".","") local spawns = file.Read("vbtdm/teamspawns/"".txt","DATA") lines = string.Explode("\n", spawns) // Now let's loop through all the lines so we can split those too for i, line in ipairs(lines) do local data = string.Explode(";", line) if #data ~= 3 then break end local Team = tonumber(data[1]) local SpawnNum = tonumber(data[2]) local PosString = string.Explode(",",data[3]) local Pos = {} Pos[1] = PosString[1] Pos[2] = PosString[2] Pos[3] = PosString[3] Pos[4] = PosString[4] Pos[5] = PosString[5] Pos[6] = PosString[6] // local Pos = (tonumber(PosString[1]),tonumber(PosString[2]),tonumber(PosString[3]),tonumber(PosString[4]),tonumber(PosString[5]),tonumber(PosString[6])) // local PosAngle = Vector(tonumber(PosString[4]),tonumber(PosString[5]),tonumber(PosString[6])) if not(Teams[Team].Spawns) then Teams[Team].Spawns = {} end Teams[Team].Spawns[SpawnNum] = Pos // Add the pos to that team's spawns end //remove old spawn points, easier than keeping a table of all of them/checking to see if they're already made local oldpoints = ents.FindByClass("team*") for _,v in pairs(oldpoints) do v:Remove() end //spawn the entities for the spawns for k,v in pairs(Teams) do //k = team index, v= team if v.Spawns && #v.Spawns > 0 then for i,j in pairs(v.Spawns) do // i = spawn index, j = pos local ent = ents.Create("team"..k) MsgN("[VBTDM] Creating spawn point for team: " MsgN("[VBTDM] X: ".. j[1]) MsgN("[VBTDM] Y: ".. j[2]) MsgN("[VBTDM] Z: ".. j[3]) MsgN("[VBTDM] Pitch: ".. j[4]) MsgN("[VBTDM] Yaw: ".. j[5]) MsgN("[VBTDM] Roll: ".. j[6]) ent:SetPos(Vector(j[1],j[2],j[3])) ent:SetAngles(Angle(tonumber(j[4]),tonumber(j[5]),tonumber(j[6]))) local checkmodels = tonumber(file.Read("vbtdm/teamspawns/showmodel.txt","DATA")) if checkmodels == 1 then ent:SetModel("models/props_trainstation/TrackSign03.mdl") ent:SetColor(team.GetColor(k)) ent:Spawn() end //local EntIndex = table.insert(SpawnEnts,ent) //SpawnEnts[EntIndex].Team = k //SpawnEnts[EntIndex].SpawnNum = i end //team.SetSpawnPoint(k,"team"..k) end end end function MapChange() MakeSpawns() end hook.Add("PlayerConnect","MakeSpawns", MapChange) timer.Create( "Spawn_Creator", 1, 1, function() MakeSpawns() end)
local json = require("json") local http = require("socket.http") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local JoplinClient = { server_ip = "localhost", server_port = 41184, auth_token = "" } function JoplinClient:new(o) o = o or {} self.__index = self setmetatable(o, self) return o end function JoplinClient:_makeRequest(url, method, request_body) local sink = {} local request_body_json = json.encode(request_body) local source = ltn12.source.string(request_body_json) http.request{ url = url, method = method, sink = ltn12.sink.table(sink), source = source, headers = { ["Content-Length"] = #request_body_json, ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" } } if not sink[1] then error("No response from Joplin Server") end local response = json.decode(sink[1]) if response.error then error(response.error) end return response end function JoplinClient:ping() local sink = {} http.request{ url = "http://"..self.server_ip..":"..self.server_port.."/ping", method = "GET", sink = ltn12.sink.table(sink) } if sink[1] == "JoplinClipperServer" then return true else return false end end -- If successful returns id of found note. function JoplinClient:findNoteByTitle(title, notebook_id) local url = "http://"..self.server_ip..":"..self.server_port.."/notes?".."token="..self.auth_token.."&fields=id,title,parent_id" local notes = self:_makeRequest(url, "GET") for _, note in pairs(notes) do if note.title == title then if notebook_id == nil or note.parent_id == notebook_id then return end end end return false end -- If successful returns id of found notebook (folder). function JoplinClient:findNotebookByTitle(title) local url = "http://"..self.server_ip..":"..self.server_port.."/folders?".."token="..self.auth_token.."&".."query="..title local folders = self:_makeRequest(url, "GET") for _, folder in pairs(folders) do if folder.title== title then return end end return false end -- If successful returns id of created notebook (folder). function JoplinClient:createNotebook(title, created_time) local request_body = { title = title, created_time = created_time } local url = "http://"..self.server_ip..":"..self.server_port.."/folders?".."token="..self.auth_token local response = self:_makeRequest(url, "POST", request_body) return end -- If successful returns id of created note. function JoplinClient:createNote(title, note, parent_id, created_time) local request_body = { title = title, body = note, parent_id = parent_id, created_time = created_time } local url = "http://"..self.server_ip..":"..self.server_port.."/notes?".."token="..self.auth_token local response = self:_makeRequest(url, "POST", request_body) return end -- If successful returns id of updated note. function JoplinClient:updateNote(note_id, note, title, parent_id) local request_body = { body = note, title = title, parent_id = parent_id } local url = "http://"..self.server_ip..":"..self.server_port.."/notes/"..note_id.."?token="..self.auth_token local response = self:_makeRequest(url, "PUT", request_body) return end return JoplinClient
-------------------------------- -- @module MenuItem -- @extend Node -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Enables or disables the item. -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] setEnabled -- @param self -- @param #bool value -- @return MenuItem#MenuItem self (return value: cc.MenuItem) -------------------------------- -- Activate the item. -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] activate -- @param self -- @return MenuItem#MenuItem self (return value: cc.MenuItem) -------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the item is enabled. -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] isEnabled -- @param self -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- The item was selected (not activated), similar to "mouse-over". -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] selected -- @param self -- @return MenuItem#MenuItem self (return value: cc.MenuItem) -------------------------------- -- Returns whether or not the item is selected. -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] isSelected -- @param self -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- The item was unselected. -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] unselected -- @param self -- @return MenuItem#MenuItem self (return value: cc.MenuItem) -------------------------------- -- Returns the outside box. -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] rect -- @param self -- @return rect_table#rect_table ret (return value: rect_table) -------------------------------- -- js NA -- @function [parent=#MenuItem] getDescription -- @param self -- @return string#string ret (return value: string) return nil
--[[ Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Draios inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. --]] view_info = { id = "incoming_connections", name = "New Connections", description = "List every newly established network connection.", tags = {"Default"}, view_type = "list", applies_to = {"", "", "", "thread.tid", "", "", "fd.containername", "", "fd.dport", "fd.port", "fd.lport", "fd.rport"}, filter = "evt.type=accept and evt.dir=< and evt.failed=false", columns = { { name = "TIME", field = "evt.time", description = "Time when the connection was received by this machine.", colsize = 19, }, { name = "Connection", field = "", description = "Connection tuple details.", colsize = 40, }, { tags = {"containers"}, name = "Container", field = "", description = "Name of the container. What this field contains depends on the containerization technology. For example, for docker this is the content of the 'NAMES' column in 'docker ps'", colsize = 15 }, { name = "Command", field = "proc.exeline", aggregation = "MAX", description = "Name and argyuments of the process that received the connection.", colsize = 0 } } }
if nil == cc.XMLHttpRequest then return end --tip local function deprecatedTip(old_name,new_name) print("\n********** \n"..old_name.." was deprecated please use ".. new_name .. " instead.\n**********") end --functions of WebSocket will be deprecated begin local targetPlatform = CCApplication:getInstance():getTargetPlatform() if (kTargetIphone == targetPlatform) or (kTargetIpad == targetPlatform) or (kTargetAndroid == targetPlatform) or (kTargetWindows == targetPlatform) then local WebSocketDeprecated = { } function WebSocketDeprecated.sendTextMsg(self, string) deprecatedTip("WebSocket:sendTextMsg","WebSocket:sendString") return self:sendString(string) end WebSocket.sendTextMsg = WebSocketDeprecated.sendTextMsg function WebSocketDeprecated.sendBinaryMsg(self, table,tablesize) deprecatedTip("WebSocket:sendBinaryMsg","WebSocket:sendString") string.char(unpack(table)) return self:sendString(string.char(unpack(table))) end WebSocket.sendBinaryMsg = WebSocketDeprecated.sendBinaryMsg end --functions of WebSocket will be deprecated end
do local function run(msg, matches) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) if matches[1]:lower() == 'send' then local file = matches[3] if matches[2]:lower() == 'sticker' and not matches[4] then send_document(receiver, "./media/"..file..".webp", ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'photo' then send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".jpeg", ok_cb, false) send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".jpg", ok_cb, false) send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".png", ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'GIF' and not matches[4] then send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".gif", ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'music' then send_audio(receiver, "./media/"..file..".mp3", ok_cb, false) send_audio(receiver, "./media/"..file..".flac", ok_cb, false) send_audio(receiver, "./media/"..file..".aac", ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'video' then send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".avi", ok_cb, false) send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".mpeg", ok_cb, false) send_photo(receiver, "./media/"..file..".mp4", ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'file' and is_sudo(msg) then local extension = matches[4] send_document(receiver, "./media/"..file..'.'..extension, ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'plug' and is_sudo(msg) then send_document(receiver, "./plugins/"..file..".lua", ok_cb, false) end if matches[2]:lower() == 'dev' or matches[2] == 'm4ster' or matches[2] == 'master' or matches[2] == 'developer' or matches[2] == 'creator'then local extension = matches[4] if matches[3]:lower() == 'file' then send_document(receiver, "./media/M4STER.png", ok_cb, false) elseif matches[3] ~= 'file' or not matches[3] then send_photo(receiver, "./media/M4STER.png", ok_cb, false) end end if matches[2]:lower() == 'manual' and is_admin(msg) then local ruta = matches[3] local document = matches[4] send_document(receiver, "./"..ruta.."/"..document, ok_cb, false) end end if matches[1]:lower() == 'extensions' then return 'No disponible actualmente' end if matches[1]:lower() == 'list' and matches[2]:lower() == 'files' then return 'No disponible actualmente' --send_document(receiver, "./media/files/files.txt", ok_cb, false) end end return { description = "Kicking ourself (bot) from unmanaged groups.", usage = { "!list files : Envía un archivo con los nombres de todo lo que se puede enviar", "!extensions : Envía un mensaje con las extensiones para cada tipo de archivo permitidas", "➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖", "!send sticker <nombre del sticker> : Envía ese sticker del servidor", "!send photo <nombre de la foto> <extension de la foto> : Envía esa foto del servidor", "!send GIF <nombre del GIF> : Envía ese GIF del servidor", "!send music <nombre de la canción <extension de la canción> : Envía esa canción del servidor", "!send video <nombre del video> <extension del video> : Envía ese video del servidor", "!send file <nombre del archivo> <extension del archivo> : Envía ese archivo del servidor", "!send plugin <Nombre del plugin> : Envía ese archivo del servidor", "!send manual <Ruta de archivo> <Nombre del plugin> : Envía un archivo desde el directorio TeleSeed", "!send dev : Envía una foto del desarrollador" }, patterns = { "^[!/]([Ss]end) (.*) (.*) (.*)$", "^[!/]([Ss]end) (.*) (.*)$", "^[!/]([Ss]end) (.*)$", "^[!/]([Ll]ist) (files)$", "^[!/]([Ee]xtensions)$", "^([Ss]end) (.*) (.*) (.*)$", "^([Ss]end) (.*) (.*)$", "^([Ss]end) (.*)$", "^([Ll]ist) (files)$", "^([Ee]xtensions)$" }, run = run } end --MODDED by @M4STER_ANGEL
--[[ * ArcEmu MMORPG Server * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Ascent Team <> * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. *]] local GAMEOBJECT = LCF.GOMethods assert(GAMEOBJECT) function GAMEOBJECT:SetUnclickable() self:SetUInt32Value(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS,0x1) end function GAMEOBJECT:SetClickable() self:SetUInt32Value(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS,0x0) end function GAMEOBJECT:IsUnclickable() local flags = self:SetUInt32Value(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS,0x1) if(bit_and(flags,0x1) ) then return true end return false end function GAMEOBJECT:IsClickable() local flags = self:SetUInt32Value(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS,0x1) if(bit_and(flags,0x1) == 0 or bit_and(flags, 0x2) ~= 0) then return true end return false end function GAMEOBJECT:Respawn() self:SetPosition(self:GetX(),self:GetY(),self:GetZ(),self:GetO()) end function GAMEOBJECT:Close() self:SetByte(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1,0,1) end function GAMEOBJECT:IsOpen() return (self:GetByte(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1,0) == 0) end function GAMEOBJECT:IsClosed() return (self:GetByte(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1,0) == 1) end function GAMEOBJECT:Open() self:SetByte(LCF.GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1,0,0) end function GAMEOBJECT:RegisterLuaEvent(func,delay,repeats,...) self:RegisterEvent(LCF:CreateClosure(func,self,unpack(arg)),delay,repeats) end function GAMEOBJECT:SetCreator(creator) local guid = creator:GetGUID() self:SetUInt64Value(LCF.OBJECT_FIELD_CREATED_BY,guid) end function GAMEOBJECT:GetLocalCreature(entry) local x,y,z = self:GetLocation() local crc = self:GetCreatureNearestCoords(x,y,z,entry) return crc end function GAMEOBJECT:GetLocalGameObject(entry) local x,y,z = self:GetLocation() local go = self:GetGameObjectNearestCoords(x,y,z,entry) return go end function GAMEOBJECT:SpawnLocalCreature(entry,faction,duration) local x,y,z,o = self:GetLocation() self:SpawnCreature(entry,x,y,z,o,faction,duration) end function GAMEOBJECT:SpawnLocalGameObject(entry,duration) local x,y,z,o = self:GetLocation() self:SpawnGameObject(entry,x,y,z,o,duration) end function GAMEOBJECT:GetCreator() local creator_guid = self:GetUInt64Value(LCF.UNIT_FIELD_CREATEDBY) if(creator_guid == nil) then creator_guid = self:GetUInt64Value(LCF.UNIT_FIELD_SUMMONEDBY) end return self:GetObject(creator_guid) end
--[[ * qr plugin uses: * - * psykomantis ]] local function get_hex(str) local colors = { red = "f00", blue = "00f", green = "0f0", yellow = "ff0", purple = "f0f", white = "fff", black = "000", gray = "ccc" } for color, value in pairs(colors) do if color == str then return value end end return str end local function qr(receiver, text, color, bgcolor) local url = "" .."size=600x600" --fixed size otherways it's low detailed .."&data="..URL.escape(text:trim()) if color then url = url.."&color="..get_hex(color) end if bgcolor then url = url.."&bgcolor="..get_hex(bgcolor) end local response, code, headers = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return "Oops! Error: " .. code end if #response > 0 then send_photo_from_url(receiver, url) return end return "Oops! Something strange happened :(" end local function run(msg, matches) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local text = matches[1] local color local back if #matches > 1 then text = matches[3] color = matches[2] back = matches[1] end return qr(receiver, text, color, back) end return { description = {"qr code plugin for telegram, given a text it returns the qr code"}, usage = { "!qr [text]", '!qr "[background color]" "[data color]" [text]\n' .."Color through text: red|green|blue|purple|black|white|gray\n" .."Colors through hex notation: (\"a56729\" is brown)\n" .."Or colors through decimals: (\"255-192-203\" is pink)" }, patterns = { '^!qr "(%w+)" "(%w+)" (.+)$', "^!qr (.+)$" }, run = run }
-------------------------------- -- @module TextBMFont -- @extend Widget -- @parent_module ccui -------------------------------- -- init a bitmap font atlas with an initial string and the FNT file -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] setFntFile -- @param self -- @param #string fileName -- @return TextBMFont#TextBMFont self (return value: ccui.TextBMFont) -------------------------------- -- Gets the string length of the label.<br> -- Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,<br> -- if you want to get the raw string length, you should call this->getString().size() instead<br> -- return string length. -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] getStringLength -- @param self -- @return long#long ret (return value: long) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] setString -- @param self -- @param #string value -- @return TextBMFont#TextBMFont self (return value: ccui.TextBMFont) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] getString -- @param self -- @return string#string ret (return value: string) -------------------------------- -- @overload self, string, string -- @overload self -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] create -- @param self -- @param #string text -- @param #string filename -- @return TextBMFont#TextBMFont ret (return value: ccui.TextBMFont) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] createInstance -- @param self -- @return Ref#Ref ret (return value: cc.Ref) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] getVirtualRenderer -- @param self -- @return Node#Node ret (return value: cc.Node) -------------------------------- -- Returns the "class name" of widget. -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] getDescription -- @param self -- @return string#string ret (return value: string) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] getVirtualRendererSize -- @param self -- @return size_table#size_table ret (return value: size_table) -------------------------------- -- Default constructor<br> -- js ctor<br> -- lua new -- @function [parent=#TextBMFont] TextBMFont -- @param self -- @return TextBMFont#TextBMFont self (return value: ccui.TextBMFont) return nil
#!/usr/bin/env lua --- A simple LuaRocks mock-server for testing. local restserver = require("restserver") local server = restserver:new():port(8080) server:add_resource("api/tool_version", { { method = "GET", path = "/", produces = "application/json", handler = function(query) local json = { version = query.current } return restserver.response():status(200):entity(json) end } }) server:add_resource("api/1/{id:[0-9]+}/status", { { method = "GET", path = "/", produces = "application/json", handler = function(query) local json = { user_id = "123", created_at = "29.1.1993" } return restserver.response():status(200):entity(json) end } }) server:add_resource("/api/1/{id:[0-9]+}/check_rockspec", { { method = "GET", path = "/", produces = "application/json", handler = function(query) local json = {} return restserver.response():status(200):entity(json) end } }) server:add_resource("/api/1/{id:[0-9]+}/upload", { { method = "POST", path = "/", produces = "application/json", handler = function(query) local json = {module = "luasocket", version = {id = "1.0"}, module_url = "http://localhost/luasocket", manifests = "root", is_new = "is_new"} return restserver.response():status(200):entity(json) end } }) server:add_resource("/api/1/{id:[0-9]+}/upload_rock/{id:[0-9]+}", { { method = "POST", path = "/", produces = "application/json", handler = function(query) local json = {"rock","module_url"} return restserver.response():status(200):entity(json) end } }) -- SHUTDOWN this mock-server server:add_resource("/shutdown", { { method = "GET", path = "/", handler = function(query) os.exit() return restserver.response():status(200):entity() end } }) -- This loads the restserver.xavante plugin server:enable("restserver.xavante"):start()
--[[-- Button widget that shows an "×" and handles closing window when tapped Example: local CloseButton = require("ui/widget/closebutton") local parent_widget = OverlapGroup:new{} table.insert(parent_widget, CloseButton:new{ window = parent_widget, }) UIManager:show(parent_widget) ]] local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local Screen = require("device").screen local CloseButton = InputContainer:new{ overlap_align = "right", window = nil, padding_left = Screen:scaleBySize(14), -- for larger touch area padding_right = 0, padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 0, } function CloseButton:init() local text_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = "×", face = Font:getFace("cfont", 30), } -- The text box height is greater than its width, and we want this × to be -- diagonally aligned with the top right corner (assuming padding_right=0, -- or padding_right = padding_top so the diagonal aligment is preserved). local text_size = text_widget:getSize() local text_width_pad = (text_size.h - text_size.w) / 2 self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, padding = 0, padding_top = self.padding_top, padding_bottom = self.padding_bottom, padding_left = self.padding_left, padding_right = self.padding_right + text_width_pad, text_widget, } self.ges_events.Close = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", -- x and y coordinates for the widget is only known after the it is -- drawn. so use callback to get range at runtime. range = function() return self.dimen end, }, doc = "Tap on close button", } self.ges_events.HoldClose = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = function() return self.dimen end, }, doc = "Hold on close button", } end function CloseButton:onClose() if self.window.onClose then self.window:onClose() end return true end function CloseButton:onHoldClose() if self.window.onHoldClose then self.window:onHoldClose() end return true end return CloseButton
-- -*- Mode: LUA; tab-width: 2 -*- MAX_ACK_LENGTH = 10; function gen_wishbone_ports() local ports = { port(BIT, 0, "in", "rst_n_i", "", VPORT_WB), port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_clk_i", "", VPORT_WB), }; if(address_bus_width > 0 ) then table_join(ports, { port(SLV, address_bus_width, "in", "wb_addr_i", "", VPORT_WB) }); end table_join(ports, { port(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "in", "wb_data_i", "", VPORT_WB), port(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "out", "wb_data_o", "", VPORT_WB), port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_cyc_i", "", VPORT_WB), port(SLV, math.floor((DATA_BUS_WIDTH+7)/8), "in", "wb_sel_i", "", VPORT_WB), port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_stb_i", "", VPORT_WB), port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_we_i", "", VPORT_WB), port(BIT, 0, "out", "wb_ack_o", "", VPORT_WB) }); if(periph.irqcount > 0) then table_join(ports, { port(BIT, 0, "out" ,"wb_irq_o", "", VPORT_WB); }); end add_global_ports(ports); end function gen_wishbone_signals() local width = math.max(1, address_bus_width); local wb_sigs = { signal(SLV, MAX_ACK_LENGTH, "ack_sreg"), signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "rddata_reg"), signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "wrdata_reg"), signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH/8 , "bwsel_reg"), signal(SLV, width, "rwaddr_reg"), signal(BIT, 0, "ack_in_progress"), signal(BIT, 0, "wr_int"), signal(BIT, 0, "rd_int"), signal(BIT, 0, "bus_clock_int"), signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "allones"), signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "allzeros") }; add_global_signals(wb_sigs); end -- generates the entire Wishbone bus access logic function gen_bus_logic_wishbone() local s; gen_wishbone_ports(); gen_wishbone_signals(); foreach_reg(ALL_REG_TYPES, function(reg) gen_abstract_code(reg); end ); local resetcode={}; local ackgencode={}; local preackcode={}; foreach_field(function(field, reg) table_join(resetcode, field.reset_code_main); end ); foreach_reg(ALL_REG_TYPES, function(reg) table_join(resetcode, reg.reset_code_main); end ); foreach_reg({TYPE_REG}, function(reg) foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) table_join(ackgencode, field.ackgen_code); table_join(preackcode, field.ackgen_code_pre); end); table_join(ackgencode, reg.ackgen_code); table_join(preackcode, reg.ackgen_code_pre); end); local fsmcode={}; foreach_reg({TYPE_REG}, function(reg) local acklen = find_max(reg, "acklen"); local rcode={}; local wcode={}; foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) table_join(wcode, field.write_code); end ); foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) table_join(rcode, field.read_code); end ); local padcode = fill_unused_bits("rddata_reg", reg); table_join(wcode, reg.write_code); table_join(rcode, reg.read_code); local rwcode = { vif(vequal("wb_we_i" ,1), { wcode, }, { rcode, padcode }); }; if(not (reg.dont_emit_ack_code == true)) then -- we don't want the main generator to mess with ACK line for this register table_join(rwcode, { va(vi("ack_sreg", math.max(acklen-1, 0)), 1); } ); table_join(rwcode, { va("ack_in_progress", 1); }); end if(regbank_address_bits > 0) then rwcode = { vcase(reg.base, rwcode); }; end table_join(fsmcode, rwcode); end ); if(regbank_address_bits > 0) then table_join(fsmcode, { vcasedefault({ vcomment("prevent the slave from hanging the bus on invalid address"); va("ack_in_progress", 1); va(vi("ack_sreg", 0), 1); }); }); fsmcode = { vswitch(vi("rwaddr_reg", regbank_address_bits - 1, 0), fsmcode); }; end if(periph.ramcount > 0) then local ramswitchcode = {}; if(periph.fifocount + periph.regcount > 0) then -- append the register bank CASE statement if there are any registers or FIFOs ramswitchcode = { vcase (0, fsmcode); }; end foreach_reg({TYPE_RAM}, function(reg) local acklen = csel(options.register_data_output, 1, 0); table_join(ramswitchcode, { vcase(reg.select_bits , { vif(vequal("rd_int" ,1), { va(vi("ack_sreg", 0), 1); }, { va(vi("ack_sreg", acklen), 1); }); va("ack_in_progress", 1); } ); } ); end); table_join(ramswitchcode, { vcasedefault({ vcomment("prevent the slave from hanging the bus on invalid address"); va("ack_in_progress", 1); va(vi("ack_sreg", 0), 1); }) }); fsmcode = { vswitch(vi("rwaddr_reg", address_bus_width-1, address_bus_width - address_bus_select_bits), ramswitchcode); }; end fsmcode = { vif(vand(vequal("wb_cyc_i", 1), vequal("wb_stb_i", 1)), { fsmcode } ); }; local code = { vcomment("Some internal signals assignments. For (foreseen) compatibility with other bus standards."); va("wrdata_reg", "wb_data_i"); va("bwsel_reg", "wb_sel_i"); va("bus_clock_int", "wb_clk_i"); va("rd_int", vand("wb_cyc_i", vand("wb_stb_i", vnot("wb_we_i")))); va("wr_int", vand("wb_cyc_i", vand("wb_stb_i", "wb_we_i"))); va("allones", vothers(1)); va("allzeros", vothers(0)); vcomment(""); vcomment("Main register bank access process."); vsyncprocess("bus_clock_int", "rst_n_i", { vreset(0, { va("ack_sreg", 0); va("ack_in_progress", 0); va("rddata_reg", 0); resetcode }); vposedge ({ vcomment("advance the ACK generator shift register"); va(vi("ack_sreg", MAX_ACK_LENGTH-2, 0), vi("ack_sreg", MAX_ACK_LENGTH-1, 1)); va(vi("ack_sreg", MAX_ACK_LENGTH-1), 0); vif(vequal("ack_in_progress", 1), { vif(vequal(vi("ack_sreg", 0), 1), { ackgencode; va("ack_in_progress", 0); }, preackcode); }, { fsmcode }); }); }); }; -- we have some RAMs in our slave? if(periph.ramcount > 0) then -- the data output is muxed between RAMs and register bank. Here we generate a combinatorial mux if we don't want the output to be registered. This gives us -- memory access time of 2 clock cycles. Otherwise the ram output is handled by the main process. if(not options.register_data_output) then local sens_list = {"rddata_reg","rwaddr_reg"}; local mux_switch_code = {}; local mux_code = {vswitch(vi("rwaddr_reg", address_bus_width-1, address_bus_width - address_bus_select_bits), mux_switch_code); }; local output_mux_process = {vcomment("Data output multiplexer process"); vcombprocess(sens_list, mux_code);}; foreach_reg({TYPE_RAM}, function(reg) table.insert(sens_list, reg.full_prefix.."_rddata_int"); local assign_code = { va(vi("wb_data_o", reg.width-1, 0), reg.full_prefix.."_rddata_int"); }; if(reg.width < DATA_BUS_WIDTH) then table_join(assign_code, { va(vi("wb_data_o", DATA_BUS_WIDTH-1, reg.width), 0); }); end table_join(mux_switch_code, { vcase(reg.select_bits, assign_code ); } ); end); table.insert(sens_list, "wb_addr_i"); table_join(mux_switch_code, {vcasedefault(va("wb_data_o", "rddata_reg")); } ); table_join(code, output_mux_process); end -- now generate an address decoder for the RAMs, driving rd_i and wr_i lines. local sens_list = { "wb_addr_i", "rd_int", "wr_int" }; local proc_body = { }; foreach_reg({TYPE_RAM}, function(reg) -- table.insert(sens_list, reg.full_prefix.."_rddata_int"); table_join(proc_body, {vif(vequal(vi("wb_addr_i", address_bus_width-1, address_bus_width - address_bus_select_bits), reg.select_bits), { va(reg.full_prefix.."_rd_int", "rd_int"); va(reg.full_prefix.."_wr_int", "wr_int"); }, { va(reg.full_prefix.."_wr_int", 0); va(reg.full_prefix.."_rd_int", 0); }); }); end); table_join(code, {vcomment("Read & write lines decoder for RAMs"); vcombprocess(sens_list, proc_body); }); else -- no RAMs in design? wire rddata_reg directly to wb_data_o table_join(code, {vcomment("Drive the data output bus"); va("wb_data_o", "rddata_reg") } ); end foreach_reg(ALL_REG_TYPES, function(reg) if(reg.extra_code ~= nil) then table_join(code, {vcomment("extra code for reg/fifo/mem: ";}); table_join(code, reg.extra_code); end foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) if (field.extra_code ~= nil) then table_join(code, {vcomment(; field.extra_code}); end end ); end); if(address_bus_width > 0) then table_join(code, { va("rwaddr_reg", "wb_addr_i"); }); else table_join(code, { va("rwaddr_reg", vothers(0)); }); end table_join(code, { vcomment("ACK signal generation. Just pass the LSB of ACK counter."); va("wb_ack_o", vi("ack_sreg", 0)); }); return code; end
function _hx_print_class(obj, depth) local first = true local result = '' for k,v in pairs(obj) do if _hx_hidden[k] == nil then if first then first = false else result = result .. ', ' end if _hx_hidden[k] == nil then result = result .. k .. ':' .. _hx_tostring(v, depth+1) end end end return '{ ' .. result .. ' }' end function _hx_print_enum(o, depth) if o.length == 2 then return o[0] else local str = o[0] .. "(" for i = 2, (o.length-1) do if i ~= 2 then str = str .. "," .. _hx_tostring(o[i], depth+1) else str = str .. _hx_tostring(o[i], depth+1) end end return str .. ")" end end function _hx_tostring(obj, depth) if depth == nil then depth = 0 elseif depth > 5 then return "<...>" end local tstr = _G.type(obj) if tstr == "string" then return obj elseif tstr == "nil" then return "null" elseif tstr == "number" then if obj == _G.math.POSITIVE_INFINITY then return "Infinity" elseif obj == _G.math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY then return "-Infinity" elseif obj == 0 then return "0" elseif obj ~= obj then return "NaN" else return _G.tostring(obj) end elseif tstr == "boolean" then return _G.tostring(obj) elseif tstr == "userdata" then local mt = _G.getmetatable(obj) if mt ~= nil and mt.__tostring ~= nil then return _G.tostring(obj) else return "<userdata>" end elseif tstr == "function" then return "<function>" elseif tstr == "thread" then return "<thread>" elseif tstr == "table" then if obj.__enum__ ~= nil then return _hx_print_enum(obj, depth) elseif obj.toString ~= nil and not _hx_is_array(obj) then return obj:toString() elseif _hx_is_array(obj) then if obj.length > 5 then return "[...]" else str = "" for i=0, (obj.length-1) do if i == 0 then str = str .. _hx_tostring(obj[i], depth+1) else str = str .. "," .. _hx_tostring(obj[i], depth+1) end end return "[" .. str .. "]" end elseif obj.__class__ ~= nil then return _hx_print_class(obj, depth) else first = true buffer = {} for k,v in pairs(obj) do if _hx_hidden[k] == nil then _G.table.insert(buffer, _hx_tostring(k, depth+1) .. ' : ' .. _hx_tostring(obj[k], depth+1)) end end return "{ " .. table.concat(buffer, ", ") .. " }" end else _G.error("Unknown Lua type", 0) return "" end end function _hx_error(obj) print(obj) if obj.value then _G.print("Runtime Error: " .. _hx_tostring(obj.value)); else _G.print("Runtime Error: " .. tostring(obj)); end if _G.debug and _G.debug.traceback then _G.print(debug.traceback()); end end
do -- Check Member local function check_member_autorealm(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local data = local msg = cb_extra.msg for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local member_id = if member_id ~= our_id then -- Group configuration data[tostring(] = { group_type = 'Realm', settings = { set_name = string.gsub(, '_', ' '), lock_name = 'yes', lock_photo = 'no', lock_member = 'no', flood = 'yes' } } save_data(, data) local realms = 'realms' if not data[tostring(realms)] then data[tostring(realms)] = {} save_data(, data) end data[tostring(realms)][tostring(] = save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Welcome to your new realm !') end end end local function check_member_realm_add(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local data = local msg = cb_extra.msg for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local member_id = if member_id ~= our_id then -- Group configuration data[tostring(] = { group_type = 'Realm', settings = { set_name = string.gsub(, '_', ' '), lock_name = 'yes', lock_photo = 'no', lock_member = 'no', flood = 'yes' } } save_data(, data) local realms = 'realms' if not data[tostring(realms)] then data[tostring(realms)] = {} save_data(, data) end data[tostring(realms)][tostring(] = save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Realm has been added!') end end end function check_member_group(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local data = local msg = cb_extra.msg for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local member_id = if member_id ~= our_id then -- Group configuration data[tostring(] = { group_type = 'Group', moderators = {}, set_owner = member_id , settings = { set_name = string.gsub(, '_', ' '), lock_name = 'yes', lock_photo = 'no', lock_member = 'no', flood = 'yes', } } save_data(, data) local groups = 'groups' if not data[tostring(groups)] then data[tostring(groups)] = {} save_data(, data) end data[tostring(groups)][tostring(] = save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'You have been promoted as the owner.') end end end local function check_member_modadd(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local data = local msg = cb_extra.msg for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local member_id = if member_id ~= our_id then -- Group configuration data[tostring(] = { group_type = 'Group', moderators = {}, set_owner = member_id , settings = { set_name = string.gsub(, '_', ' '), lock_name = 'yes', lock_photo = 'no', lock_member = 'no', flood = 'yes', } } save_data(, data) local groups = 'groups' if not data[tostring(groups)] then data[tostring(groups)] = {} save_data(, data) end data[tostring(groups)][tostring(] = save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Group is added and you have been promoted as the owner ') end end end local function automodadd(msg) local data = load_data( if msg.action.type == 'chat_created' then receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, check_member_group,{receiver=receiver, data=data, msg = msg}) end end local function autorealmadd(msg) local data = load_data( if msg.action.type == 'chat_created' then receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, check_member_autorealm,{receiver=receiver, data=data, msg = msg}) end end local function check_member_realmrem(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local data = local msg = cb_extra.msg for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local member_id = if member_id ~= our_id then -- Realm configuration removal data[tostring(] = nil save_data(, data) local realms = 'realms' if not data[tostring(realms)] then data[tostring(realms)] = nil save_data(, data) end data[tostring(realms)][tostring(] = nil save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Realm has been removed!') end end end local function check_member_modrem(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local data = local msg = cb_extra.msg for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local member_id = if member_id ~= our_id then -- Group configuration removal data[tostring(] = nil save_data(, data) local groups = 'groups' if not data[tostring(groups)] then data[tostring(groups)] = nil save_data(, data) end data[tostring(groups)][tostring(] = nil save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Group has been removed') end end end --End Check Member local function show_group_settingsmod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local data = load_data( if data[tostring(] then if data[tostring(]['settings']['flood_msg_max'] then NUM_MSG_MAX = tonumber(data[tostring(]['settings']['flood_msg_max']) print('custom'..NUM_MSG_MAX) else NUM_MSG_MAX = 5 end end local bots_protection = "Yes" if data[tostring(]['settings']['lock_bots'] then bots_protection = data[tostring(]['settings']['lock_bots'] end local leave_ban = "no" if data[tostring(]['settings']['leave_ban'] then leave_ban = data[tostring(]['settings']['leave_ban'] end local settings = data[tostring(target)]['settings'] local text = "Group settings:\nLock group name : "..settings.lock_name.."\nLock group photo : "..settings.lock_photo.."\nLock group member : "..settings.lock_member.."\nLock group leave : "..leave_ban.."\nflood sensitivity : "..NUM_MSG_MAX.."\nBot protection : "..bots_protection--"\nPublic: "..public return text end local function set_descriptionmod(msg, data, target, about) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local data_cat = 'description' data[tostring(target)][data_cat] = about save_data(, data) return 'Set group description to:\n'..about end local function get_description(msg, data) local data_cat = 'description' if not data[tostring(][data_cat] then return 'No description available.' end local about = data[tostring(][data_cat] local about = string.gsub(, "_", " ")..':\n\n'..about return 'About '..about end local function lock_group_arabic(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_arabic_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_arabic'] if group_arabic_lock == 'yes' then return 'Arabic is already locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_arabic'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) return 'Arabic has been locked' end end local function unlock_group_arabic(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_arabic_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_arabic'] if group_arabic_lock == 'no' then return 'Arabic is already unlocked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_arabic'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Arabic has been unlocked' end end local function lock_group_bots(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_bots_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_bots'] if group_bots_lock == 'yes' then return 'Bots protection is already enabled' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_bots'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) return 'Bots protection has been enabled' end end local function unlock_group_bots(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_bots_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_bots'] if group_bots_lock == 'no' then return 'Bots protection is already disabled' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_bots'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Bots protection has been disabled' end end local function lock_group_namemod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_name_set = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['set_name'] local group_name_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_name'] if group_name_lock == 'yes' then return 'Group name is already locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_name'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) rename_chat('chat#id', group_name_set, ok_cb, false) return 'Group name has been locked' end end local function unlock_group_namemod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_name_set = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['set_name'] local group_name_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_name'] if group_name_lock == 'no' then return 'Group name is already unlocked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_name'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Group name has been unlocked' end end local function lock_group_floodmod(msg, data, target) if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only admins can do it for now" end local group_flood_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['flood'] if group_flood_lock == 'yes' then return 'Group flood is locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['flood'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) return 'Group flood has been locked' end end local function unlock_group_floodmod(msg, data, target) if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only admins can do it for now" end local group_flood_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['flood'] if group_flood_lock == 'no' then return 'Group flood is not locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['flood'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Group flood has been unlocked' end end local function lock_group_membermod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_member_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_member'] if group_member_lock == 'yes' then return 'Group members are already locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_member'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) end return 'Group members has been locked' end local function unlock_group_membermod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_member_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_member'] if group_member_lock == 'no' then return 'Group members are not locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_member'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Group members has been unlocked' end end local function set_public_membermod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_member_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['public'] if group_member_lock == 'yes' then return 'Group is already public' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['public'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) end return 'Group is now: public' end local function unset_public_membermod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_member_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['public'] if group_member_lock == 'no' then return 'Group is not public' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['public'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Group is now: not public' end end local function lock_group_leave(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local leave_ban = data[tostring(]['settings']['leave_ban'] if leave_ban == 'yes' then return 'Leaving users will be banned' else data[tostring(]['settings']['leave_ban'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) end return 'Leaving users will be banned' end local function unlock_group_leave(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local leave_ban = data[tostring(]['settings']['leave_ban'] if leave_ban == 'no' then return 'Leaving users will not be banned' else data[tostring(]['settings']['leave_ban'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Leaving users will not be banned' end end local function unlock_group_photomod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_photo_lock = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_photo'] if group_photo_lock == 'no' then return 'Group photo is not locked' else data[tostring(target)]['settings']['lock_photo'] = 'no' save_data(, data) return 'Group photo has been unlocked' end end local function set_rulesmod(msg, data, target) if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local data_cat = 'rules' data[tostring(target)][data_cat] = rules save_data(, data) return 'Set group rules to:\n'..rules end local function modadd(msg) -- superuser and admins only (because sudo are always has privilege) if not is_admin(msg) then return "You're not admin" end local data = load_data( if is_group(msg) then return 'Group is already added.' end receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, check_member_modadd,{receiver=receiver, data=data, msg = msg}) end local function realmadd(msg) -- superuser and admins only (because sudo are always has privilege) if not is_admin(msg) then return "You're not admin" end local data = load_data( if is_realm(msg) then return 'Realm is already added.' end receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, check_member_realm_add,{receiver=receiver, data=data, msg = msg}) end -- Global functions function modrem(msg) -- superuser and admins only (because sudo are always has privilege) if not is_admin(msg) then return "You're not admin" end local data = load_data( if not is_group(msg) then return 'Group is not added.' end receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, check_member_modrem,{receiver=receiver, data=data, msg = msg}) end function realmrem(msg) -- superuser and admins only (because sudo are always has privilege) if not is_admin(msg) then return "You're not admin" end local data = load_data( if not is_realm(msg) then return 'Realm is not added.' end receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, check_member_realmrem,{receiver=receiver, data=data, msg = msg}) end local function get_rules(msg, data) local data_cat = 'rules' if not data[tostring(][data_cat] then return 'No rules available.' end local rules = data[tostring(][data_cat] local rules = 'Chat rules:\n'..rules return rules end local function set_group_photo(msg, success, result) local data = load_data( local receiver = get_receiver(msg) if success then local file = 'data/photos/chat_photo_''.jpg' print('File downloaded to:', result) os.rename(result, file) print('File moved to:', file) chat_set_photo (receiver, file, ok_cb, false) data[tostring(]['settings']['set_photo'] = file save_data(, data) data[tostring(]['settings']['lock_photo'] = 'yes' save_data(, data) send_large_msg(receiver, 'Photo saved!', ok_cb, false) else print('Error downloading: ' send_large_msg(receiver, 'Failed, please try again!', ok_cb, false) end end local function promote(receiver, member_username, member_id) local data = load_data( local group = string.gsub(receiver, 'chat#id', '') if not data[group] then return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Group is not added.') end if data[group]['moderators'][tostring(member_id)] then return send_large_msg(receiver, member_username..' is already a moderator.') end data[group]['moderators'][tostring(member_id)] = member_username save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, member_username..' has been promoted.') end local function promote_by_reply(extra, success, result) local msg = result local full_name = (msg.from.first_name or '')..' '..(msg.from.last_name or '') if msg.from.username then member_username = '@'.. msg.from.username else member_username = full_name end local member_id = if == 'chat' then return promote(get_receiver(msg), member_username, member_id) end end local function demote(receiver, member_username, member_id) local data = load_data( local group = string.gsub(receiver, 'chat#id', '') if not data[group] then return send_large_msg(receiver, 'Group is not added.') end if not data[group]['moderators'][tostring(member_id)] then return send_large_msg(receiver, member_username..' is not a moderator.') end data[group]['moderators'][tostring(member_id)] = nil save_data(, data) return send_large_msg(receiver, member_username..' has been demoted.') end local function demote_by_reply(extra, success, result) local msg = result local full_name = (msg.from.first_name or '')..' '..(msg.from.last_name or '') if msg.from.username then member_username = '@'..msg.from.username else member_username = full_name end local member_id = if == 'chat' then return demote(get_receiver(msg), member_username, member_id) end end local function setowner_by_reply(extra, success, result) local msg = result local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local data = load_data( local name_log = msg.from.print_name:gsub("_", " ") data[tostring(]['set_owner'] = tostring( save_data(, data) savelog(, name_log.." [""] setted [""] as owner") local text = msg.from.print_name:gsub("_", " ").." is the owner now" return send_large_msg(receiver, text) end local function promote_demote_res(extra, success, result) --vardump(result) --vardump(extra) local member_id = local member_username = "@"..result.username local chat_id = extra.chat_id local mod_cmd = extra.mod_cmd local receiver = "chat#id"..chat_id if mod_cmd == 'promote' then return promote(receiver, member_username, member_id) elseif mod_cmd == 'demote' then return demote(receiver, member_username, member_id) end end local function modlist(msg) local data = load_data( local groups = "groups" if not data[tostring(groups)][tostring(] then return 'Group is not added.' end -- determine if table is empty if next(data[tostring(]['moderators']) == nil then --fix way return 'No moderator in this group.' end local i = 1 local message = '\nList of moderators for ' .. string.gsub(, '_', ' ') .. ':\n' for k,v in pairs(data[tostring(]['moderators']) do message = message ..i..' - '..v..' [' ..k.. '] \n' i = i + 1 end return message end local function callbackres(extra, success, result) --vardump(result) local user = local name = string.gsub(result.print_name, "_", " ") local chat = 'chat#id'..extra.chatid send_large_msg(chat, user..'\n' return user end local function help() local help_text = tostring(_config.help_text) return help_text end local function cleanmember(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local chat_id = "chat#id" local chatname = result.print_name for k,v in pairs(result.members) do kick_user(, end end local function killchat(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local chat_id = "chat#id" local chatname = result.print_name for k,v in pairs(result.members) do kick_user_any(, end end local function killrealm(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local chat_id = "chat#id" local chatname = result.print_name for k,v in pairs(result.members) do kick_user_any(, end end local function user_msgs(user_id, chat_id) local user_info local uhash = 'user:'..user_id local user = redis:hgetall(uhash) local um_hash = 'msgs:'..user_id..':'..chat_id user_info = tonumber(redis:get(um_hash) or 0) return user_info end local function kick_zero(cb_extra, success, result) local chat_id = cb_extra.chat_id local chat = "chat#id"..chat_id local ci_user local re_user for k,v in pairs(result.members) do local si = false ci_user = local hash = 'chat:'..chat_id..':users' local users = redis:smembers(hash) for i = 1, #users do re_user = users[i] if tonumber(ci_user) == tonumber(re_user) then si = true end end if not si then if ci_user ~= our_id then if not is_momod2(ci_user, chat_id) then chat_del_user(chat, 'user#id'..ci_user, ok_cb, true) end end end end end local function kick_inactive(chat_id, num, receiver) local hash = 'chat:'..chat_id..':users' local users = redis:smembers(hash) -- Get user info for i = 1, #users do local user_id = users[i] local user_info = user_msgs(user_id, chat_id) local nmsg = user_info if tonumber(nmsg) < tonumber(num) then if not is_momod2(user_id, chat_id) then chat_del_user('chat#id'..chat_id, 'user#id'..user_id, ok_cb, true) end end end return chat_info(receiver, kick_zero, {chat_id = chat_id}) end local function run(msg, matches) local data = load_data( local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local name_log = user_print_name(msg.from) local group = if then if == 'photo' and data[tostring(]['settings']['set_photo'] == 'waiting' and is_chat_msg(msg) and is_momod(msg) then load_photo(, set_group_photo, msg) end end if matches[1] == 'add' and not matches[2] then if is_realm(msg) then return 'Error: Already a realm.' end print("group ""("") added") return modadd(msg) end if matches[1] == 'add' and matches[2] == 'realm' then if is_group(msg) then return 'Error: Already a group.' end print("group ""("") added as a realm") return realmadd(msg) end if matches[1] == 'rem' and not matches[2] then print("group ""("") removed") return modrem(msg) end if matches[1] == 'rem' and matches[2] == 'realm' then print("group ""("") removed as a realm") return realmrem(msg) end if matches[1] == 'chat_created' and == 0 and group_type == "group" then return automodadd(msg) end if matches[1] == 'chat_created' and == 0 and group_type == "realm" then return autorealmadd(msg) end if and data[tostring(] then local settings = data[tostring(]['settings'] if matches[1] == 'chat_add_user' then if not msg.service then return "Are you trying to troll me?" end local group_member_lock = settings.lock_member local user = 'user#id' local chat = 'chat#id' if group_member_lock == 'yes' and not is_owner2(, then chat_del_user(chat, user, ok_cb, true) elseif group_member_lock == 'yes' and tonumber( == tonumber(our_id) then return nil elseif group_member_lock == 'no' then return nil end end if matches[1] == 'chat_del_user' then if not msg.service then -- return "Are you trying to troll me?" end local user = 'user#id' local chat = 'chat#id' savelog(, name_log.." [""] deleted user "..user) end if matches[1] == 'chat_delete_photo' then if not msg.service then return "Are you trying to troll me?" end local group_photo_lock = settings.lock_photo if group_photo_lock == 'yes' then local picturehash = 'picture:changed:'':' redis:incr(picturehash) --- local picturehash = 'picture:changed:'':' local picprotectionredis = redis:get(picturehash) if picprotectionredis then if tonumber(picprotectionredis) == 4 and not is_owner(msg) then kick_user(, end if tonumber(picprotectionredis) == 8 and not is_owner(msg) then ban_user(, local picturehash = 'picture:changed:'':' redis:set(picturehash, 0) end end savelog(, name_log.." [""] tried to deleted picture but failed ") chat_set_photo(receiver, settings.set_photo, ok_cb, false) elseif group_photo_lock == 'no' then return nil end end if matches[1] == 'chat_change_photo' and ~= 0 then if not msg.service then return "Are you trying to troll me?" end local group_photo_lock = settings.lock_photo if group_photo_lock == 'yes' then local picturehash = 'picture:changed:'':' redis:incr(picturehash) --- local picturehash = 'picture:changed:'':' local picprotectionredis = redis:get(picturehash) if picprotectionredis then if tonumber(picprotectionredis) == 4 and not is_owner(msg) then kick_user(, end if tonumber(picprotectionredis) == 8 and not is_owner(msg) then ban_user(, local picturehash = 'picture:changed:'':' redis:set(picturehash, 0) end end savelog(, name_log.." [""] tried to change picture but failed ") chat_set_photo(receiver, settings.set_photo, ok_cb, false) elseif group_photo_lock == 'no' then return nil end end if matches[1] == 'chat_rename' then if not msg.service then return "Are you trying to troll me?" end local group_name_set = settings.set_name local group_name_lock = settings.lock_name local to_rename = 'chat#id' if group_name_lock == 'yes' then if group_name_set ~= tostring( then local namehash = 'name:changed:'':' redis:incr(namehash) local namehash = 'name:changed:'':' local nameprotectionredis = redis:get(namehash) if nameprotectionredis then if tonumber(nameprotectionredis) == 4 and not is_owner(msg) then kick_user(, end if tonumber(nameprotectionredis) == 8 and not is_owner(msg) then ban_user(, local namehash = 'name:changed:'':' redis:set(namehash, 0) end end savelog(, name_log.." [""] tried to change name but failed ") rename_chat(to_rename, group_name_set, ok_cb, false) end elseif group_name_lock == 'no' then return nil end end if matches[1] == 'setname' and is_momod(msg) then local new_name = string.gsub(matches[2], '_', ' ') data[tostring(]['settings']['set_name'] = new_name save_data(, data) local group_name_set = data[tostring(]['settings']['set_name'] local to_rename = 'chat#id' rename_chat(to_rename, group_name_set, ok_cb, false) savelog(, "Group { "" } name changed to [ "..new_name.." ] by "..name_log.." [""]") end if matches[1] == 'setphoto' and is_momod(msg) then data[tostring(]['settings']['set_photo'] = 'waiting' save_data(, data) return 'Please send me new group photo now' end if matches[1] == 'promote' and not matches[2] then if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only the owner can prmote new moderators" end if type(msg.reply_id)~="nil" then msgr = get_message(msg.reply_id, promote_by_reply, false) end end if matches[1] == 'promote' and matches[2] then if not is_momod(msg) then return end if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only owner can promote" end local member = matches[2] savelog(, name_log.." [""] promoted @".. member) local cbres_extra = { chat_id =, mod_cmd = 'promote', from_id = } local username = matches[2] local username = string.gsub(matches[2], '@', '') return res_user(username, promote_demote_res, cbres_extra) end if matches[1] == 'demote' and not matches[2] then if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only the owner can demote moderators" end if type(msg.reply_id)~="nil" then msgr = get_message(msg.reply_id, demote_by_reply, false) end end if matches[1] == 'demote' and matches[2] then if not is_momod(msg) then return end if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only owner can demote" end if string.gsub(matches[2], "@", "") == msg.from.username and not is_owner(msg) then return "You can't demote yourself" end local member = matches[2] savelog(, name_log.." [""] demoted @".. member) local cbres_extra = { chat_id =, mod_cmd = 'demote', from_id = } local username = matches[2] local username = string.gsub(matches[2], '@', '') return res_user(username, promote_demote_res, cbres_extra) end if matches[1] == 'modlist' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] requested group modlist") return modlist(msg) end if matches[1] == 'about' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] requested group description") return get_description(msg, data) end if matches[1] == 'rules' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] requested group rules") return get_rules(msg, data) end if matches[1] == 'set' then if matches[2] == 'rules' then rules = matches[3] local target = savelog(, name_log.." [""] has changed group rules to ["..matches[3].."]") return set_rulesmod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'about' then local data = load_data( local target = local about = matches[3] savelog(, name_log.." [""] has changed group description to ["..matches[3].."]") return set_descriptionmod(msg, data, target, about) end end if matches[1] == 'lock' then local target = if matches[2] == 'name' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] locked name ") return lock_group_namemod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'member' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] locked member ") return lock_group_membermod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'flood' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] locked flood ") return lock_group_floodmod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'arabic' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] locked arabic ") return lock_group_arabic(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'bots' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] locked bots ") return lock_group_bots(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'leave' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] locked leaving ") return lock_group_leave(msg, data, target) end end if matches[1] == 'unlock' then local target = if matches[2] == 'name' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked name ") return unlock_group_namemod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'member' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked member ") return unlock_group_membermod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'photo' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked photo ") return unlock_group_photomod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'flood' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked flood ") return unlock_group_floodmod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'arabic' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked arabic ") return unlock_group_arabic(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'bots' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked bots ") return unlock_group_bots(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'leave' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] unlocked leaving ") return unlock_group_leave(msg, data, target) end end if matches[1] == 'settings' then local target = savelog(, name_log.." [""] requested group settings ") return show_group_settingsmod(msg, data, target) end --[[if matches[1] == 'public' then local target = if matches[2] == 'yes' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] set group to: public") return set_public_membermod(msg, data, target) end if matches[2] == 'no' then savelog(, name_log.." [""] set group to: not public") return unset_public_membermod(msg, data, target) end end]] if matches[1] == 'newlink' and not is_realm(msg) then if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local function callback (extra , success, result) local receiver = 'chat#' if success == 0 then return send_large_msg(receiver, '*Error: Invite link failed* \nReason: Not creator.') end send_large_msg(receiver, "Created a new link") data[tostring(]['settings']['set_link'] = result save_data(, data) end local receiver = 'chat#' savelog(, name_log.." [""] revoked group link ") return export_chat_link(receiver, callback, true) end if matches[1] == 'link' then if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end local group_link = data[tostring(]['settings']['set_link'] if not group_link then return "Create a link using /newlink first !" end savelog(, name_log.." [""] requested group link ["..group_link.."]") return "Group link:\n"..group_link end if matches[1] == 'setowner' and matches[2] then if not is_owner(msg) then return "For owner only!" end data[tostring(]['set_owner'] = matches[2] save_data(, data) savelog(, name_log.." [""] set ["..matches[2].."] as owner") local text = matches[2].." added as owner" return text end if matches[1] == 'setowner' and not matches[2] then if not is_owner(msg) then return "only for the owner!" end if type(msg.reply_id)~="nil" then msgr = get_message(msg.reply_id, setowner_by_reply, false) end end if matches[1] == 'owner' then local group_owner = data[tostring(]['set_owner'] local user_info = redis:hgetall('user:'..group_owner) if not group_owner then return "no owner,ask admins in support groups to set owner for your group" end savelog(, name_log.." [""] used /owner") if user_info.username then return "Group onwer is @"..user_info.username.." ["..group_owner.."]" else return "Group owner is ["..group_owner..']' end end if matches[1] == 'setgpowner' then local receiver = "chat#id"..matches[2] if not is_admin(msg) then return "For admins only!" end data[tostring(matches[2])]['set_owner'] = matches[3] save_data(, data) local text = matches[3].." added as owner" send_large_msg(receiver, text) return end if matches[1] == 'setflood' then if not is_momod(msg) then return "For moderators only!" end if tonumber(matches[2]) < 5 or tonumber(matches[2]) > 20 then return "Wrong number,range is [5-20]" end local flood_max = matches[2] data[tostring(]['settings']['flood_msg_max'] = flood_max save_data(, data) savelog(, name_log.." [""] set flood to ["..matches[2].."]") return 'Group flood has been set to '..matches[2] end if matches[1] == 'clean' then if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only owner can clean" end if matches[2] == 'member' then if not is_owner(msg) then return "Only admins can clean members" end local receiver = get_receiver(msg) chat_info(receiver, cleanmember, {receiver=receiver}) end if matches[2] == 'modlist' then if next(data[tostring(]['moderators']) == nil then --fix way return 'No moderator in this group.' end local message = '\nList of moderators for ' .. string.gsub(, '_', ' ') .. ':\n' for k,v in pairs(data[tostring(]['moderators']) do data[tostring(]['moderators'][tostring(k)] = nil save_data(, data) end savelog(, name_log.." [""] cleaned modlist") end if matches[2] == 'rules' then local data_cat = 'rules' data[tostring(][data_cat] = nil save_data(, data) savelog(, name_log.." [""] cleaned rules") end if matches[2] == 'about' then local data_cat = 'description' data[tostring(][data_cat] = nil save_data(, data) savelog(, name_log.." [""] cleaned about") end end if matches[1] == 'kill' and matches[2] == 'chat' then if not is_admin(msg) then return nil end if not is_realm(msg) then local receiver = get_receiver(msg) return modrem(msg), print("Closing Group..."), chat_info(receiver, killchat, {receiver=receiver}) else return 'This is a realm' end end if matches[1] == 'kill' and matches[2] == 'realm' then if not is_admin(msg) then return nil end if not is_group(msg) then local receiver = get_receiver(msg) return realmrem(msg), print("Closing Realm..."), chat_info(receiver, killrealm, {receiver=receiver}) else return 'This is a group' end end if matches[1] == 'help' then if not is_momod(msg) or is_realm(msg) then return end savelog(, name_log.." [""] Used /help") return help() end if matches[1] == 'res' and is_momod(msg) then local cbres_extra = { chatid = } local username = matches[2] local username = username:gsub("@","") savelog(, name_log.." [""] Used /res "..username) return res_user(username, callbackres, cbres_extra) end if matches[1] == 'kickinactive' then --send_large_msg('chat#id', 'I\'m in matches[1]') if not is_momod(msg) then return 'Only a moderator can kick inactive users' end local num = 1 if matches[2] then num = matches[2] end local chat_id = local receiver = get_receiver(msg) return kick_inactive(chat_id, num, receiver) end end end return { patterns = { "^[!/](add)$", "^[!/](add) (realm)$", "^[!/](rem)$", "^[!/](rem) (realm)$", "^[!/](rules)$", "^[!/](about)$", "^[!/](setname) (.*)$", "^[!/](setphoto)$", "^[!/](promote) (.*)$", "^[!/](promote)", "^[!/](help)$", "^[!/](clean) (.*)$", "^[!/](kill) (chat)$", "^[!/](kill) (realm)$", "^[!/](demote) (.*)$", "^[!/](demote)", "^[!/](set) ([^%s]+) (.*)$", "^[!/](lock) (.*)$", "^[!/](setowner) (%d+)$", "^[!/](setowner)", "^[!/](owner)$", "^[!/](res) (.*)$", "^[!/](setgpowner) (%d+) (%d+)$",-- (group id) (owner id) "^[!/](unlock) (.*)$", "^[!/](setflood) (%d+)$", "^[!/](settings)$", -- "^[!/](public) (.*)$", "^[!/](modlist)$", "^[!/](newlink)$", "^[!/](link)$", "^[!/](kickinactive)$", "^[!/](kickinactive) (%d+)$", "%[(photo)%]", "^!!tgservice (.+)$", }, run = run } end