281 values
15 values
--[[------------------------------------------------ -- Love Frames - A GUI library for LOVE -- -- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Kenny Shields -- --]]------------------------------------------------ -- get the current require path local path = string.sub(..., 1, string.len(...) - string.len(".objects.form")) local loveframes = require(path .. ".libraries.common") -- form object local newobject = loveframes.NewObject("form", "loveframes_object_form", true) --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: initialize() - desc: initializes the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:initialize() self.type = "form" = "Form" self.layout = "vertical" self.width = 200 self.height = 50 self.padding = 5 self.spacing = 5 self.topmargin = 12 self.internal = false self.children = {} end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: update(deltatime) - desc: updates the element --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:update(dt) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible local alwaysupdate = self.alwaysupdate if not visible then if not alwaysupdate then return end end local children = self.children local parent = self.parent local base = loveframes.base local update = self.Update -- move to parent if there is a parent if parent ~= base and parent.type ~= "list" then self.x = self.parent.x + self.staticx self.y = self.parent.y + self.staticy end self:CheckHover() for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:update(dt) end if update then update(self, dt) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: draw() - desc: draws the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:draw() local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local children = self.children local skins = loveframes.skins.available local skinindex = loveframes.config["ACTIVESKIN"] local defaultskin = loveframes.config["DEFAULTSKIN"] local selfskin = local skin = skins[selfskin] or skins[skinindex] local drawfunc = skin.DrawForm or skins[defaultskin].DrawForm local draw = self.Draw local drawcount = loveframes.drawcount -- set the object's draw order self:SetDrawOrder() if draw then draw(self) else drawfunc(self) end -- loop through the object's children and draw them for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:draw() end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousepressed(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player presses a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:mousepressed(x, y, button) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local children = self.children local hover = self.hover if hover and button == "l" then local baseparent = self:GetBaseParent() if baseparent and baseparent.type == "frame" then baseparent:MakeTop() end end for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:mousepressed(x, y, button) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousereleased(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player releases a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:mousereleased(x, y, button) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible local children = self.children if not visible then return end for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:mousereleased(x, y, button) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: AddItem(object) - desc: adds an item to the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:AddItem(object) local objtype = object.type if objtype == "frame" then return end local children = self.children local state = self.state object:Remove() object.parent = self object:SetState(state) table.insert(children, object) self:LayoutObjects() return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: RemoveItem(object or number) - desc: removes an item from the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:RemoveItem(data) local dtype = type(data) if dtype == "number" then local children = self.children local item = children[data] if item then item:Remove() end else data:Remove() end self:LayoutObjects() return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: LayoutObjects() - desc: positions the object's children and calculates a new size for the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:LayoutObjects() local layout = self.layout local padding = self.padding local spacing = self.spacing local topmargin = self.topmargin local children = self.children local width = padding * 2 local height = padding * 2 + topmargin local x = padding local y = padding + topmargin if layout == "vertical" then local largest_width = 0 for k, v in ipairs(children) do v.staticx = x v.staticy = y y = y + v.height + spacing height = height + v.height + spacing if v.width > largest_width then largest_width = v.width end end height = height - spacing self.width = width + largest_width self.height = height elseif layout == "horizontal" then local largest_height = 0 for k, v in ipairs(children) do v.staticx = x v.staticy = y x = x + v.width + spacing width = width + v.width + spacing if v.height > largest_height then largest_height = v.height end end width = width - spacing self.width = width self.height = height + largest_height end return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetLayoutType(ltype) - desc: sets the object's layout type --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetLayoutType(ltype) self.layout = ltype return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetLayoutType() - desc: gets the object's layout type --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetLayoutType() return self.layout end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetTopMargin(margin) - desc: sets the margin between the top of the object and its children --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetTopMargin(margin) self.topmargin = margin return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetTopMargin() - desc: gets the margin between the top of the object and its children --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetTopMargin() return self.topmargin end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetName(name) - desc: sets the object's name --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetName(name) = name return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetName() - desc: gets the object's name --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetName() return end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Southern SandOria [S] -- NPC: Wyatt -- @zone 80 -- @pos 124 0 84 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Southern_San_dOria_[S]/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Southern_San_dOria_[S]/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (trade:getItemCount() == 4 and trade:hasItemQty(2506,4)) then player:startEvent(0x0004); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local seeingSpots = player:getQuestStatus(CRYSTAL_WAR,SEEING_SPOTS); if (seeingSpots == QUEST_AVAILABLE) then player:startEvent(0x0002); elseif (seeingSpots == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x0003); else player:showText(npc, WYATT_DIALOG); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0002) then player:addQuest(CRYSTAL_WAR,SEEING_SPOTS); elseif (csid == 0x0004) then player:tradeComplete(); if (player:getQuestStatus(CRYSTAL_WAR,SEEING_SPOTS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:addTitle(LADY_KILLER); player:addGil(GIL_RATE*3000); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,GIL_RATE*3000); player:completeQuest(CRYSTAL_WAR,SEEING_SPOTS); else player:addTitle(LADY_KILLER); player:addGil(GIL_RATE*1500); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,GIL_RATE*1500); end end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port Jeuno -- NPC: Horst -- Type: Abyssea Warp NPC -- @pos -54.379 0.001 -10.061 246 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Port_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Port_Jeuno/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local CRUOR = player:getCurrency("cruor"); if (player:getQuestStatus(ABYSSEA, THE_TRUTH_BECKONS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x0153,1,CRUOR,7,7,7); -- Temp activated all locations till param handling sorted out. elseif (player:getQuestStatus(ABYSSEA, THE_TRUTH_BECKONS) == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x0153,2,CRUOR,7,7,7); -- Temp activated all locations till param handling sorted out. else player:startEvent(0x0153, 0); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); local CRUOR = player:getCurrency("cruor"); if (csid == 0x0153) then if (option == 260) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(-562,0.001,640,26,102); -- La Theine Plateau end elseif (option == 264) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(91,-68,-582,237,108); -- Konshtat Highlands end elseif (option == 268) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(-28,46,-680,76,117); -- Tahrongi Canyon end elseif (option == 272) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(241,0.001,11,42,104); -- Jugner Forest end elseif (option == 276) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(362,0.001,-119,4,103); -- Valkrum end elseif (option == 280) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(-338,-23,47,167,118); -- Buburimu Peninsula end elseif (option == 288) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(269,-7,-75,192,112); -- Xarcabard end elseif (option == 284) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(337,0.001,-675,52,107); -- South Gustaberg end elseif (option == 292) then if (CRUOR >= 200) then player:delCurrency("cruor", 200); player:setPos(-71,0.001,601,126,106); -- North Gustaberg end end end end;
AddCSLuaFile("cl_init.lua") AddCSLuaFile("shared.lua") include('shared.lua') function ENT:OnTakeDamage(dmg) local damage = dmg:GetDamage() local attacker=dmg:GetAttacker() local inflictor=dmg:GetInflictor() if !dmg:IsExplosionDamage() && ValidEntity(attacker) && attacker:IsPlayer() && attacker:GetTable().ArmorPiercered then damage = damage*drugeffect_armorpiercermod end if self.Entity:GetNWInt("damage")>0 then self.Entity:SetNWInt("damage",self.Entity:GetNWInt("damage") - damage) if(self.Entity:GetNWInt("damage") <= 0) then self.Entity:Explode() if self.Payout!=nil && attacker:IsPlayer() then local pay=self.Payout[1]*.75 if attacker:IsAdmin() or attacker:IsUserGroup("donator") then pay=self.Payout[1] end pay=math.ceil(pay) attacker:AddMoney(pay) Notify(attacker,2,3,"Paid "..tostring(pay).." for destroying a "..self.Payout[2]) end if inflictor:GetClass()!="bigbomb" && inflictor:GetClass()!="env_physexplosion" && self.MakeScraps!=nil then self.Entity:MakeScraps() end self.Entity:Remove() end end end function ENT:Explode() local vPoint = self.Entity:GetPos() local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetStart( vPoint ) effectdata:SetOrigin( vPoint ) effectdata:SetScale( 1 ) util.Effect( "Explosion", effectdata ) end
local helpers = require "spec.helpers" local cjson = require "cjson" local function it_content_types(title, fn) local test_form_encoded = fn("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") local test_json = fn("application/json") it(title .. " with application/www-form-urlencoded", test_form_encoded) it(title .. " with application/json", test_json) end describe("Admin API post-processing", function() local client setup(function() helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong { custom_plugins = "admin-api-post-process" }) client = assert(helpers.admin_client()) end) teardown(function() if client then client:close() end helpers.stop_kong() end) before_each(function() helpers.dao:truncate_tables() assert(helpers.dao.consumers:insert({ username = "michael", custom_id = "landon", })) end) it_content_types("post-processes paginated sets", function(content_type) return function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/consumers/post_processed", headers = { ["Content-Type"] = content_type } }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body).data[1] assert.equal("MICHAEL", json.username) assert.equal("LANDON", json.custom_id) end end) it_content_types("post-processes", function(content_type) return function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "POST", path = "/consumers/post_processed", body = { username = "devon", custom_id = "miles", }, headers = { ["Content-Type"] = content_type } }) local body = assert.res_status(201, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("DEVON", json.username) assert.equal("MILES", json.custom_id) end end) it_content_types("post-processes crud.get", function(content_type) return function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/consumers/michael/post_processed", headers = { ["Content-Type"] = content_type } }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("MICHAEL", json.username) assert.equal("LANDON", json.custom_id) end end) it_content_types("post-processes crud.patch", function(content_type) return function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "PATCH", path = "/consumers/michael/post_processed", body = { custom_id = "knight", }, headers = { ["Content-Type"] = content_type } }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("MICHAEL", json.username) assert.equal("KNIGHT", json.custom_id) end end) it_content_types("post-processes crud.put", function(content_type) return function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "PUT", path = "/consumers/michael/post_processed", body = { username = "garthe", custom_id = "knight", }, headers = { ["Content-Type"] = content_type } }) local body = assert.res_status(201, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("GARTHE", json.username) assert.equal("KNIGHT", json.custom_id) end end) end)
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Walls -- NPC: Five of Diamonds -- Type: Standard NPC -- @zone: 239 -- @pos -220.954 -0.001 -122.708 -- -- Auto-Script: Requires Verification (Verfied by Brawndo) ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x010a); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Aht Urhgan Whitegate -- NPC: Sanraku -- Zeni NM pop item and trophy management system. -- @pos -125.724 0.999 22.136 50 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"] = nil; package.loaded["scripts/globals/besieged"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/besieged"); require("scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) --[[ local trophies = { 2616, 2617, 2618, 2613, 2614, 2615, 2610, 2611, 2612, 2609, 2626, 2627, 2628, 2623, 2624, 2625, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2619, 2636, 2637, 2638, 2633, 2634, 2635, 2630, 2631, 2632, 2629 } local seals = { MAROON_SEAL, MAROON_SEAL, MAROON_SEAL, APPLE_GREEN_SEAL,APPLE_GREEN_SEAL,APPLE_GREEN_SEAL, CHARCOAL_GREY_SEAL, DEEP_PURPLE_SEAL, CHESTNUT_COLORED_SEAL, LILAC_COLORED_SEAL, CERISE_SEAL,CERISE_SEAL,CERISE_SEAL, SALMON_COLORED_SEAL,SALMON_COLORED_SEAL,SALMON_COLORED_SEAL, PURPLISH_GREY_SEAL, GOLD_COLORED_SEAL, COPPER_COLORED_SEAL, BRIGHT_BLUE_SEAL, PINE_GREEN_SEAL,PINE_GREEN_SEAL,PINE_GREEN_SEAL, AMBER_COLORED_SEAL,AMBER_COLORED_SEAL,AMBER_COLORED_SEAL, FALLOW_COLORED_SEAL,TAUPE_COLORED_SEAL,SIENNA_COLORED_SEAL, LAVENDER_COLORED_SEAL } if (trade:getItemCount() == 1) then if (trade:hasItemQty(2477,1)) then -- Trade Soul Plate zeni = math.random(1,200); -- random value since soul plates aren't implemented yet. player:tradeComplete(); player:addCurrency("zeni_point", zeni); player:startEvent(0x038E,zeni); else znm = -1; found = false; while (znm <= 30) and not(found) do znm = znm + 1; found = trade:hasItemQty(trophies[znm + 1],1); end; if (found) then znm = znm + 1; if (player:hasKeyItem(seals[znm]) == false) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addKeyItem(seals[znm]); player:startEvent(0x0390,0,0,0,seals[znm]); else player:messageSpecial(SANCTION + 8,seals[znm]); -- You already possess .. (not sure this is authentic) end end end end ]] end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) --[[ if (player:getVar("ZeniStatus") == 0) then player:startEvent(0x038c); else local param = 2140136440; -- Defaut bitmask, Tier 1 ZNM Menu + don't ask option -- Tinnin Path if (player:hasKeyItem(MAROON_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x38; -- unlocks Tinnin path tier 2 ZNMs. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(APPLE_GREEN_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x1C0; -- unlocks Tinnin path tier 3 ZNMs. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(CHARCOAL_GREY_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(DEEP_PURPLE_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(CHESTNUT_COLORED_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x200; -- unlocks Tinnin. end; -- Sarameya Path if (player:hasKeyItem(CERISE_SEAL)) then param = param - 0xE000; -- unlocks Sarameya path tier 2 ZNMs. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(SALMON_COLORED_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x70000; -- unlocks Sarameya path tier 3 ZNMs. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(PURPLISH_GREY_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(GOLD_COLORED_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(COPPER_COLORED_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x80000; -- unlocks Sarameya. end; -- Tyger Path if (player:hasKeyItem(PINE_GREEN_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x3800000; -- unlocks Tyger path tier 2 ZNMs. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(AMBER_COLORED_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x1C000000; -- unlocks Tyger path tier 3 ZNMs. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(TAUPE_COLORED_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(FALLOW_COLORED_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(SIENNA_COLORED_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x20000000; -- unlocks Tyger. end; if (player:hasKeyItem(LILAC_COLORED_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(BRIGHT_BLUE_SEAL) and player:hasKeyItem(LAVENDER_COLORED_SEAL)) then param = param - 0x40000000; -- unlocks Pandemonium Warden. end; player:startEvent(0x038D,param); end ]] end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("updateRESULT: %u",option); --[[ local lures = { 2580, 2581, 2582, 2577, 2578, 2579, 2574, 2575, 2576, 2573, 2590, 2591, 2592, 2587, 2588, 2589, 2584, 2585, 2586, 2583, 2600, 2601, 2602, 2597, 2598, 2599, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2593, 2572 } local seals = { MAROON_SEAL, MAROON_SEAL, MAROON_SEAL, APPLE_GREEN_SEAL,APPLE_GREEN_SEAL,APPLE_GREEN_SEAL, CHARCOAL_GREY_SEAL, DEEP_PURPLE_SEAL, CHESTNUT_COLORED_SEAL, LILAC_COLORED_SEAL, CERISE_SEAL,CERISE_SEAL,CERISE_SEAL, SALMON_COLORED_SEAL,SALMON_COLORED_SEAL,SALMON_COLORED_SEAL, PURPLISH_GREY_SEAL, GOLD_COLORED_SEAL, COPPER_COLORED_SEAL, BRIGHT_BLUE_SEAL, PINE_GREEN_SEAL,PINE_GREEN_SEAL,PINE_GREEN_SEAL, AMBER_COLORED_SEAL,AMBER_COLORED_SEAL,AMBER_COLORED_SEAL, FALLOW_COLORED_SEAL,TAUPE_COLORED_SEAL,SIENNA_COLORED_SEAL, LAVENDER_COLORED_SEAL } if (csid == 0x038D) then local zeni = player:getCurrency("zeni_point"); if (option >= 300 and option <= 302) then if (option == 300) then salt = SICKLEMOON_SALT; elseif (option == 301) then salt = SILVER_SEA_SALT; elseif (option == 302) then salt = CYAN_DEEP_SALT end; if (zeni < 500) then player:updateEvent(2,500); -- not enough zeni elseif (player:hasKeyItem(salt)) then player:updateEvent(3,500); -- has salt already else player:updateEvent(1,500,0,salt); player:addKeyItem(salt); player:delCurrency("zeni_point", 500); end else -- player is interested in buying a pop item. n = option % 10; if (n <= 2) then if (option == 130 or option == 440) then tier = 5; else tier = 1; end; elseif (n >= 3 and n <= 5) then tier = 2; elseif (n >= 6 and n <= 8) then tier = 3; else tier = 4; end cost = tier * 1000; -- static pricing for now. if (option >= 100 and option <= 130) then player:updateEvent(0,0,0,0,0,0,cost); elseif (option >= 400 and option <=440) then if (option == 440) then option = 430; end item = lures[option-399] if (option == 430) then -- Pandemonium Warden keyitem1 = LILAC_COLORED_SEAL; keyitem2 = BRIGHT_BLUE_SEAL; keyitem3 = LAVENDER_COLORED_SEAL; elseif (option == 409) then -- Tinnin keyitem1 = CHARCOAL_GREY_SEAL; keyitem2 = DEEP_PURPLE_SEAL; keyitem3 = CHESTNUT_COLORED_SEAL; elseif (option == 419) then -- Sarameya keyitem1 = PURPLISH_GREY_SEAL; keyitem2 = GOLD_COLORED_SEAL; keyitem3 = COPPER_COLORED_SEAL; elseif (option == 429) then -- Tyger keyitem1 = TAUPE_COLORED_SEAL; keyitem2 = FALLOW_COLORED_SEAL; keyitem3 = SIENNA_COLORED_SEAL; else keyitem1 = seals[option - 402]; keyitem2 = nil; keyitem3 = nil; end if (cost > zeni) then player:updateEvent(2, cost, item, keyitem1,keyitem2,keyitem3); -- you don't have enough zeni. elseif (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 0) then if (keyitem1 ~= nil) then player:delKeyItem(keyitem1); end if (keyitem2 ~= nil) then player:delKeyItem(keyitem2); end if (keyitem3 ~= nil) then player:delKeyItem(keyitem3); end player:updateEvent(1, cost, item, keyitem1,keyitem2,keyitem3); player:delCurrency("zeni_point", cost); player:addItem(item); else player:updateEvent(4, cost, item, keyitem1,keyitem2,keyitem3); -- inventory full. end elseif (option == 500) then -- player has declined to buy a pop item player:updateEvent(1,1); -- restore the "Gaining access to the islets" option. else --print("onEventSelection - CSID:",csid); --print("onEventSelection - option ===",option); end end end ]] end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("finishRESULT: %u",option); --[[ if (csid == 0x038c) then player:setVar("ZeniStatus",1); player:addCurrency("zeni_point", 2000); end ]] end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Chamber of Oracles -- NPC: Pedestal of Earth -- Involved in Zilart Mission 7 -- @pos 199 -2 36 168 ------------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Chamber_of_Oracles/TextIDs"] = nil; ------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/missions"); require("scripts/zones/Chamber_of_Oracles/TextIDs"); ------------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local ZilartStatus = player:getVar("ZilartStatus"); if (player:getCurrentMission(ZILART) == THE_CHAMBER_OF_ORACLES) then if (player:hasKeyItem(EARTH_FRAGMENT)) then player:delKeyItem(EARTH_FRAGMENT); player:setVar("ZilartStatus",ZilartStatus + 4); player:messageSpecial(YOU_PLACE_THE,EARTH_FRAGMENT); if (ZilartStatus == 255) then player:startEvent(0x0001); end elseif (ZilartStatus == 255) then -- Execute cutscene if the player is interrupted. player:startEvent(0x0001); else player:messageSpecial(IS_SET_IN_THE_PEDESTAL,EARTH_FRAGMENT); end elseif (player:hasCompletedMission(ZILART,THE_CHAMBER_OF_ORACLES)) then player:messageSpecial(HAS_LOST_ITS_POWER,EARTH_FRAGMENT); else player:messageSpecial(PLACED_INTO_THE_PEDESTAL); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("onUpdate CSID: %u",csid); --printf("onUpdate RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish Action ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("onFinish CSID: %u",csid); --printf("onFinish RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0001) then player:addTitle(LIGHTWEAVER); player:setVar("ZilartStatus",2); player:addKeyItem(PRISMATIC_FRAGMENT); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,PRISMATIC_FRAGMENT); player:completeMission(ZILART,THE_CHAMBER_OF_ORACLES); player:addMission(ZILART,RETURN_TO_DELKFUTTS_TOWER); end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Southern San d'Oria -- NPC: Legata -- Starts and Finishes Quest: Starting a Flame (R) -- @zone 230 -- @pos 82 0 116 ------------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Southern_San_dOria/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Southern_San_dOria/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,STARTING_A_FLAME) ~= QUEST_AVAILABLE) then if (trade:hasItemQty(768,4) and trade:getItemCount() == 4) then player:startEvent(0x0024); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,STARTING_A_FLAME) == QUEST_AVAILABLE) then player:startEvent(0x0025); else player:startEvent(0x0023); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0025 and option == 1) then player:addQuest(SANDORIA,STARTING_A_FLAME); elseif (csid == 0x0024) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addGil(GIL_RATE*100); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,GIL_RATE*100); if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,STARTING_A_FLAME) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:addFame(SANDORIA,SAN_FAME*30); player:completeQuest(SANDORIA,STARTING_A_FLAME); else player:addFame(SANDORIA,SAN_FAME*5); end end end;
----------------------------------- -- Blade Yu -- Katana weapon skill -- Skill Level: 290 -- Delivers a water elemental attack. Additional effect Poison. Durration varies with TP. -- Aligned with the Aqua Gorget & Soil Gorget. -- Aligned with the Aqua Belt & Soil Belt. -- Element: Water -- Modifiers: DEX:50% ; INT:50% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 2.25 2.25 2.25 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID) local params = {}; params.ftp100 = 2.25; params.ftp200 = 2.25; params.ftp300 = 2.25; params.str_wsc = 0.0; params.dex_wsc = 0.5; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.5; params.mnd_wsc = 0.0; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; params.ele = ELE_WATER; params.skill = SKILL_KAT; params.includemab = true; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.ftp100 = 3; params.ftp200 = 3; params.ftp300 = 3; params.dex_wsc = 0.4; params.int_wsc = 0.4; end local damage, tpHits, extraHits = doMagicWeaponskill(player, target, params); if damage > 0 then local tp = player:getTP(); local duration = (tp/100 * 15) + 75; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_POISON) == false) then target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_POISON, 10, 0, duration); end end damage = damage * WEAPON_SKILL_POWER return tpHits, extraHits, damage; end
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5469 -- Item: Brass Loach -- Food Effect: 5 Min, Mithra only ----------------------------------------- -- Dexterity +2 -- Mind +4 -- Evasion +5 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) result = 0 if (target:getRace() ~= 7) then result = 247; end if (target:getMod(MOD_EAT_RAW_FISH) == 1) then result = 0; end if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,300,5469); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_DEX, 2); target:addMod(MOD_MND, 4); target:addMod(MOD_EVA, 5); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_DEX, 2); target:delMod(MOD_MND, 4); target:delMod(MOD_EVA, 5); end;
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Heat Breath -- Deals fire damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster -- Spell cost: 169 MP -- Monster Type: Beasts -- Spell Type: Magical (Fire) -- Blue Magic Points: 4 -- Stat Bonus: STR+3 -- Level: 71 -- Casting Time: 7.5 seconds -- Recast Time: 49 seconds -- Magic Bursts on: Liquefaction, Fusion, Light -- Combos: Magic Attack Bonus ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/bluemagic"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnMagicCastingCheck ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnSpellCast ----------------------------------------- function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local multi = 6.38; local resist = applyResistance(caster,spell,target,caster:getStat(MOD_INT) - target:getStat(MOD_INT),BLUE_SKILL,1.0); local params = {}; -- This data should match information on params.multiplier = multi; params.tMultiplier = 1.5; params.duppercap = 69; params.str_wsc = 0.0; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.0; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.3; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; damage = BlueMagicalSpell(caster, target, spell, params, MND_BASED); damage = BlueFinalAdjustments(caster, target, spell, damage, params); if (caster:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_AZURE_LORE)) then multi = multi + 0.50; end return damage; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Lower Jeuno -- NPC: Akamafula -- Type: Tenshodo Merchant -- @pos 28.465 2.899 -46.699 245 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem(TENSHODO_MEMBERS_CARD)) then if (player:sendGuild(60417,1,23,1)) then player:showText(npc, AKAMAFULA_SHOP_DIALOG); end else -- player:startEvent(0x0096); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Northern San d'Oria -- NPC: Guilberdrier -- Type: Standard Info NPC -- Involved in Quest: Flyers for Regine, Exit the Gambler -- @zone 231 -- @pos -159.082 12.000 253.794 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Northern_San_dOria/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Northern_San_dOria/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,FLYERS_FOR_REGINE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (trade:hasItemQty(532,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1 and player:getVar("tradeGuilberdrier") == 0) then player:messageSpecial(11936); player:setVar("FFR",player:getVar("FFR") - 1); player:setVar("tradeGuilberdrier",1); player:messageSpecial(FLYER_ACCEPTED); player:tradeComplete(); elseif (player:getVar("tradeGuilberdrier") ==1) then player:messageSpecial(FLYER_ALREADY); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x020a); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Gusgen Mines -- NPC: Treasure Chest -- Involved In Quest: The Goblin Tailor -- @zone 196 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Gusgen_Mines/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/treasure"); require("scripts/zones/Gusgen_Mines/TextIDs"); local TreasureType = "Chest"; local TreasureLvL = 43; local TreasureMinLvL = 33; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) --trade:hasItemQty(1031,1); -- Treasure Key --trade:hasItemQty(1115,1); -- Skeleton Key --trade:hasItemQty(1023,1); -- Living Key --trade:hasItemQty(1022,1); -- Thief's Tools local questItemNeeded = 0; -- Player traded a key. if ((trade:hasItemQty(1031,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1115,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1023,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1022,1)) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then local zone = player:getZoneID(); -- IMPORTANT ITEM: The Goblin Tailor Quest ----------- if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,THE_GOBLIN_TAILOR) >= QUEST_ACCEPTED and VanadielRSELocation() == 1 and VanadielRSERace() == player:getRace() and player:hasKeyItem(MAGICAL_PATTERN) == false) then questItemNeeded = 1; end -------------------------------------- local pack = openChance(player,npc,trade,TreasureType,TreasureLvL,TreasureMinLvL,questItemNeeded); local success = 0; if (pack[2] ~= nil) then player:messageSpecial(pack[2]); success = pack[1]; else success = pack[1]; end if (success ~= -2) then player:tradeComplete(); if (math.random() <= success) then local respawn = false; -- Succeded to open the coffer player:messageSpecial(CHEST_UNLOCKED); if (questItemNeeded == 1) then respawn = true; player:addKeyItem(MAGICAL_PATTERN); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,MAGICAL_PATTERN); else player:setVar("[""]".."Treasure_"..TreasureType,os.time() + math.random(CHEST_MIN_ILLUSION_TIME,CHEST_MAX_ILLUSION_TIME)); local loot = chestLoot(zone,npc); -- print("loot array: "); -- debug -- print("[1]", loot[1]); -- debug -- print("[2]", loot[2]); -- debug if (loot[1]=="gil") then player:addGil(loot[2]*GIL_RATE); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,loot[2]*GIL_RATE); else -- Item player:addItem(loot[2]); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,loot[2]); end end UpdateTreasureSpawnPoint(npc:getID(),respawn); end end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:messageSpecial(CHEST_LOCKED,1031); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Eastern Altepa Desert -- NPC: Sahgygy, W.W. -- Border Conquest Guards -- @pos 226.493 -12.231 260.194 114 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Eastern_Altepa_Desert/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/conquest"); require("scripts/zones/Eastern_Altepa_Desert/TextIDs"); local guardnation = WINDURST; -- SANDORIA, BASTOK, WINDURST, 4 = jeuno local guardtype = 4; -- 1: city, 2: foreign, 3: outpost, 4: border local region = KUZOTZ; local csid = 0x7ff6; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) tradeConquestGuard(player,npc,trade,guardnation,guardtype); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)) and player:getNation() == guardnation) then if (supplyRunFresh(player) == 1) then player:startEvent(csid,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,255); -- you have brought us supplies ! else player:showText(npc, CONQUEST - 1); -- "Hmm... These supplies you have brought us are too old to be of any use." player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED + 1, getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end else local arg1 = getArg1(guardnation, player) - 1; if (arg1 >= 1792) then -- foreign, non-allied player:startEvent(csid,1808,0,0,0,0,player:getRank(),0,0); else -- citizen or allied player:startEvent(csid,arg1,0,0x3F0000,0,0,getArg6(player),0,0); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); if (option == 1) then local duration = (player:getRank() + getNationRank(player:getNation()) + 3) * 3600; player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGIL); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SANCTION); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET); player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET,0,0,duration); -- Grant Signet elseif (option == 2) then player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:addCP(supplyReward[region + 1]) player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST); -- "You've earned conquest points!" if (hasOutpost(player, region+5) == 0) then local supply_quests = 2^(region+5); player:addNationTeleport(guardnation,supply_quests); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end elseif (option == 4) then if (player:delGil(giltosetHP(guardnation,player))) then player:setHomePoint(); player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 94); -- "Your home point has been set." else player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 95); -- "You do not have enough gil to set your home point here." end end end;
do data = load_data( local function get_msgs_user_chat(user_id, chat_id) local user_info = {} local uhash = 'user:'..user_id local user = redis:hgetall(uhash) local um_hash = 'msgs:'..user_id..':'..chat_id user_info.msgs = tonumber(redis:get(um_hash) or 0) = user_print_name(user)..' ['..user_id..']' return user_info end local function chat_stats(chat_id) local hash = 'chat:'..chat_id..':users' local users = redis:smembers(hash) local users_info = {} for i = 1, #users do local user_id = users[i] local user_info = get_msgs_user_chat(user_id, chat_id) table.insert(users_info, user_info) end table.sort(users_info, function(a, b) if a.msgs and b.msgs then return a.msgs > b.msgs end end) local text = 'chat stats! \n' for k,user in pairs(users_info) do text =' = '..user.msgs..'\n' end return text end local function show_group_settings(target) local data = load_data( if data[tostring(target)] then if data[tostring(target)]['settings']['flood_msg_max'] then NUM_MSG_MAX = tonumber(data[tostring(target)]['settings']['flood_msg_max']) print('custom'..NUM_MSG_MAX) else NUM_MSG_MAX = 5 end end local settings = data[tostring(target)]['settings'] local text = "Lock group name : "..settings.lock_name.."\nLock group photo : "..settings.lock_photo.."\nLock group member : "..settings.lock_member.."\nflood sensitivity : "..NUM_MSG_MAX return text end local function get_description(target) local data = load_data( local data_cat = 'description' if not data[tostring(target)][data_cat] then return 'No description available.' end local about = data[tostring(target)][data_cat] return about end local function get_rules(target) local data = load_data( local data_cat = 'rules' if not data[tostring(target)][data_cat] then return 'No rules available.' end local rules = data[tostring(target)][data_cat] return rules end local function modlist(target) local data = load_data( if not data[tostring(target)] then return 'Group is not added.' end if next(data[tostring(target)]['moderators']) == nil then return 'No moderator in this group.' end local i = 1 local message = '\nList of moderators :\n' for k,v in pairs(data[tostring(target)]['moderators']) do message = message ..i..' - @'..v..' [' ..k.. '] \n' i = i + 1 end return message end local function get_link(target) local data = load_data( local group_link = data[tostring(target)]['settings']['set_link'] if not group_link then return "No link" end return "Group link:\n"..group_link end local function all(target, receiver) local text = "All the things I know about this group \n \n" local settings = show_group_settings(target) text = text.."Group settings \n"..settings local rules = get_rules(target) text = text.."\n\nRules: \n"..rules local description = get_description(target) text = text.."\n\nAbout: \n"..description local modlist = modlist(target) text = text.."\n\n"..modlist local link = get_link(target) text = text.."\n\n" local stats = chat_stats(target) text = text.."\n\n"..stats local ban_list = ban_list(target) text = text.."\n\n"..ban_list local file ="./groups/""all.txt", "w") file:write(text) file:flush() file:close() send_document(receiver,"./groups/""all.txt", ok_cb, false) return end function run(msg, matches) if matches[1] == "all" and matches[2] and is_owner2(, matches[2]) then local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local target = matches[2] return all(target, receiver) end if not is_owner(msg) then return end if matches[1] == "all" and not matches[2] and ~= our_id then local receiver = get_receiver(msg) if not is_owner(msg) then return end return all(, receiver) end return end return { patterns = { "^[!/](all)$", "^[!/](all) (%d+)$" }, run = run } end
----------------------------------- -- Area: West Ronfaure -- NPC: Yoshihiro, I.M. -- Outpost Conquest Guards -- @pos -450.571 -20.807 -219.970 100 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/West_Ronfaure/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/conquest"); require("scripts/zones/West_Ronfaure/TextIDs"); local guardnation = NATION_BASTOK; -- SANDORIA, BASTOK, WINDURST, 4 = jeuno local guardtype = 3; -- 1: city, 2: foreign, 3: outpost, 4: border local region = RONFAURE; local csid = 0x7ff9; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) tradeConquestGuard(player,npc,trade,guardnation,guardtype); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)) and player:getNation() == guardnation) then if (supplyRunFresh(player) == 1) then player:startEvent(csid,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,255); -- you have brought us supplies ! else player:showText(npc, CONQUEST - 1); -- "Hmm... These supplies you have brought us are too old to be of any use." player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED + 1, getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end else local arg1 = getArg1(guardnation, player) - 1; if (arg1 >= 1792) then -- foreign, non-allied player:startEvent(csid,1808,0,0,0,0,player:getRank(),0,0); else -- citizen or allied player:startEvent(csid,arg1,0,0x3F0000,0,0,getArg6(player),0,0); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); if (option == 1) then local duration = (player:getRank() + getNationRank(player:getNation()) + 3) * 3600; player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGIL); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SANCTION); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET); player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET,0,0,duration); -- Grant Signet elseif (option == 2) then player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:addCP(supplyReward[region + 1]) player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST); -- "You've earned conquest points!" if (hasOutpost(player, region+5) == 0) then local supply_quests = 2^(region+5); player:addNationTeleport(guardnation,supply_quests); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end elseif (option == 4) then if (player:delGil(giltosetHP(guardnation,player))) then player:setHomePoint(); player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 94); -- "Your home point has been set." else player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 95); -- "You do not have enough gil to set your home point here." end end end;
-------------------------------- -- @module Speed -- @extend Action -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Replace the interior action.<br> -- param action The new action, it will replace the running action. -- @function [parent=#Speed] setInnerAction -- @param self -- @param #cc.ActionInterval action -- @return Speed#Speed self (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- Return the speed.<br> -- return The action speed. -- @function [parent=#Speed] getSpeed -- @param self -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Alter the speed of the inner function in runtime. <br> -- param speed Alter the speed of the inner function in runtime. -- @function [parent=#Speed] setSpeed -- @param self -- @param #float speed -- @return Speed#Speed self (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- Initializes the action. -- @function [parent=#Speed] initWithAction -- @param self -- @param #cc.ActionInterval action -- @param #float speed -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- Return the interior action.<br> -- return The interior action. -- @function [parent=#Speed] getInnerAction -- @param self -- @return ActionInterval#ActionInterval ret (return value: cc.ActionInterval) -------------------------------- -- Create the action and set the speed.<br> -- param action An action.<br> -- param speed The action speed. -- @function [parent=#Speed] create -- @param self -- @param #cc.ActionInterval action -- @param #float speed -- @return Speed#Speed ret (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Speed] startWithTarget -- @param self -- @param #cc.Node target -- @return Speed#Speed self (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Speed] reverse -- @param self -- @return Speed#Speed ret (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Speed] clone -- @param self -- @return Speed#Speed ret (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Speed] stop -- @param self -- @return Speed#Speed self (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- param dt in seconds. -- @function [parent=#Speed] step -- @param self -- @param #float dt -- @return Speed#Speed self (return value: cc.Speed) -------------------------------- -- Return true if the action has finished.<br> -- return Is true if the action has finished. -- @function [parent=#Speed] isDone -- @param self -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Speed] Speed -- @param self -- @return Speed#Speed self (return value: cc.Speed) return nil
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: PHALANX ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/magic"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnSpellCast ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0; end; function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local enhskill = caster:getSkillLevel(ENHANCING_MAGIC_SKILL); local final = 0; local duration = 180; if (caster:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_COMPOSURE) == true and caster:getID() == target:getID()) then duration = duration * 3; end if (enhskill<=300) then final = (enhskill/10) -2; if (final<0) then final = 0; end elseif (enhskill>300) then final = ((enhskill-300)/29) + 28; else print("Warning: Unknown enhancing magic skill for phalanx."); end if (final>35) then final = 35; end if (target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_PHALANX,final,0,duration)) then spell:setMsg(230); else spell:setMsg(75); end return EFFECT_PHALANX; end;
----------------------------------- -- Piercing Arrow -- Archery weapon skill -- Skill level: 40 -- Ignores enemy's defense. Amount ignored varies with TP. -- The amount of defense ignored is 0% with 100TP, 35% with 200TP and 50% with 300TP. -- Typically does less damage than Flaming Arrow. -- Aligned with the Snow Gorget & Light Gorget. -- Aligned with the Snow Belt & Light Belt. -- Element: None -- Modifiers: STR:20% ; AGI:50% -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 1.00 1.00 1.00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID) local params = {}; params.numHits = 1; params.ftp100 = 1; params.ftp200 = 1; params.ftp300 = 1; params.str_wsc = 0.16; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.25; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.0; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; params.crit100 = 0.0; params.crit200 = 0.0; params.crit300 = 0.0; params.canCrit = false; params.acc100 = 0.0; params.acc200= 0.0; params.acc300= 0.0; params.atkmulti = 1; --Defense ignored is 0%, 35%, 50% as per params.ignoresDef = true; params.ignored100 = 0; params.ignored200 = 0.35; params.ignored300 = 0.5; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.str_wsc = 0.2; params.agi_wsc = 0.5; end local damage, tpHits, extraHits = doRangedWeaponskill(player, target, params); damage = damage * WEAPON_SKILL_POWER return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage; end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Qufim Island -- NPC: Pitoire, R.K. -- Type: Outpost Conquest Guards -- @pos -245.366 -20.344 299.502 126 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Qufim_Island/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/conquest"); require("scripts/zones/Qufim_Island/TextIDs"); local guardnation = SANDORIA; -- SANDORIA, BASTOK, WINDURST, 4 = jeuno local guardtype = 3; -- 1: city, 2: foreign, 3: outpost, 4: border local region = QUFIMISLAND; local csid = 0x7ffb; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) tradeConquestGuard(player,npc,trade,guardnation,guardtype); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)) and player:getNation() == guardnation) then if (supplyRunFresh(player) == 1) then player:startEvent(csid,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,255); -- you have brought us supplies ! else player:showText(npc, CONQUEST - 1); -- "Hmm... These supplies you have brought us are too old to be of any use." player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED + 1, getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end else local arg1 = getArg1(guardnation, player) - 1; if (arg1 >= 1792) then -- foreign, non-allied player:startEvent(csid,1808,0,0,0,0,player:getRank(),0,0); else -- citizen or allied player:startEvent(csid,arg1,0,0x3F0000,0,0,getArg6(player),0,0); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); if (option == 1) then local duration = (player:getRank() + getNationRank(player:getNation()) + 3) * 3600; player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGIL); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SANCTION); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET); player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET,0,0,duration); -- Grant Signet elseif (option == 2) then player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:addCP(supplyReward[region + 1]) player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST); -- "You've earned conquest points!" if (hasOutpost(player, region+5) == 0) then local supply_quests = 2^(region+5); player:addNationTeleport(guardnation,supply_quests); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end elseif (option == 4) then if (player:delGil(giltosetHP(guardnation,player))) then player:setHomePoint(); player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 94); -- "Your home point has been set." else player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 95); -- "You do not have enough gil to set your home point here." end end end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4333 -- Item: witch_soup -- Food Effect: 4hours, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Magic Points 25 -- Strength -1 -- Mind 2 -- MP Recovered While Healing 1 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,14400,4333); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_MP, 25); target:addMod(MOD_STR, -1); target:addMod(MOD_MND, 2); target:addMod(MOD_MPHEAL, 1); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_MP, 25); target:delMod(MOD_STR, -1); target:delMod(MOD_MND, 2); target:delMod(MOD_MPHEAL, 1); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port Windurst -- NPC: Honorio -- @zone 240 -- @pos 218 -5 114 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Port_Windurst/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/zones/Port_Windurst/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem(AIRSHIP_PASS) == true and player:getGil() >= 200) then player:startEvent(0x00b5,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,200); else player:startEvent(0x00b7,0,8); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x00b5) then X = player:getXPos(); if (X >= 222 and X <= 225) then player:delGil(200); end end end;
do local function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end local function chat_list(msg) local data = load_data( local groups = 'groups' if not data[tostring(groups)] then return 'No groups at the moment' end local message = 'List of Groups:\n*Use /join (ID) to join*\n\n ' for k,v in pairs(data[tostring(groups)]) do local settings = data[tostring(v)]['settings'] for m,n in pairsByKeys(settings) do if m == 'set_name' then name = n end end message = message .. '👥 '.. name .. ' (ID: ' .. v .. ')\n\n ' end local file ="./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", "w") file:write(message) file:flush() file:close() return message end local function run(msg, matches) if ~= 'chat' or is_sudo(msg) or is_admin(msg) and is_realm(msg) then local data = load_data( if matches[1] == 'join' and data[tostring(matches[2])] then if is_banned(, matches[2]) then return 'You are banned.' end if is_gbanned( then return 'You are globally banned.' end if data[tostring(matches[2])]['settings']['lock_member'] == 'yes' and not is_owner2(, matches[2]) then return 'Group is private.' end local chat_id = "chat#id"..matches[2] local user_id = "user#id" chat_add_user(chat_id, user_id, ok_cb, false) local group_name = data[tostring(matches[2])]['settings']['set_name'] return "Added you to chat:\n\n👥"..group_name.." (ID:"..matches[2]..")" elseif matches[1] == 'join' and not data[tostring(matches[2])] then return "Chat not found." end if matches[1] == 'chats'then if is_admin(msg) and == 'chat' then return chat_list(msg) elseif ~= 'chat' then return chat_list(msg) end end if matches[1] == 'chatlist'then if is_admin(msg) and == 'chat' then send_document("chat#id", "./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", ok_cb, false) elseif ~= 'chat' then send_document("user#id", "./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", ok_cb, false) end end end end return { patterns = { "^[/!](chats)$", "^[/!](chatlist)$", "^[/!](join) (.*)$", "^[/!](kickme) (.*)$", "^!!tgservice (chat_add_user)$" }, run = run, } end
do local function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end local function chat_list(msg) local data = load_data( local groups = 'groups' if not data[tostring(groups)] then return 'No groups at the moment' end local message = 'List of Groups:\n*Use /join (ID) to join*\n\n ' for k,v in pairs(data[tostring(groups)]) do local settings = data[tostring(v)]['settings'] for m,n in pairsByKeys(settings) do if m == 'set_name' then name = n end end message = message .. '👥 '.. name .. ' (ID: ' .. v .. ')\n\n ' end local file ="./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", "w") file:write(message) file:flush() file:close() return message end local function run(msg, matches) if ~= 'chat' or is_sudo(msg) or is_admin(msg) and is_realm(msg) then local data = load_data( if matches[1] == 'join' and data[tostring(matches[2])] then if is_banned(, matches[2]) then return 'You are banned.' end if is_gbanned( then return 'You are globally banned.' end if data[tostring(matches[2])]['settings']['lock_member'] == 'yes' and not is_owner2(, matches[2]) then return 'Group is private.' end local chat_id = "chat#id"..matches[2] local user_id = "user#id" chat_add_user(chat_id, user_id, ok_cb, false) local group_name = data[tostring(matches[2])]['settings']['set_name'] return "Added you to chat:\n\n👥"..group_name.." (ID:"..matches[2]..")" elseif matches[1] == 'join' and not data[tostring(matches[2])] then return "Chat not found." end if matches[1] == 'chats'then if is_admin(msg) and == 'chat' then return chat_list(msg) elseif ~= 'chat' then return chat_list(msg) end end if matches[1] == 'chatlist'then if is_admin(msg) and == 'chat' then send_document("chat#id", "./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", ok_cb, false) elseif ~= 'chat' then send_document("user#id", "./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", ok_cb, false) end end end end return { patterns = { "^[/!](chats)$", "^[/!](chatlist)$", "^[/!](join) (.*)$", "^[/!](kickme) (.*)$", "^!!tgservice (chat_add_user)$" }, run = run, } end
do local function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end local function chat_list(msg) local data = load_data( local groups = 'groups' if not data[tostring(groups)] then return 'No groups at the moment' end local message = 'List of Groups:\n*Use /join (ID) to join*\n\n ' for k,v in pairs(data[tostring(groups)]) do local settings = data[tostring(v)]['settings'] for m,n in pairsByKeys(settings) do if m == 'set_name' then name = n end end message = message .. '👥 '.. name .. ' (ID: ' .. v .. ')\n\n ' end local file ="./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", "w") file:write(message) file:flush() file:close() return message end local function run(msg, matches) if ~= 'chat' or is_sudo(msg) or is_admin(msg) and is_realm(msg) then local data = load_data( if matches[1] == 'join' and data[tostring(matches[2])] then if is_banned(, matches[2]) then return 'You are banned.' end if is_gbanned( then return 'You are globally banned.' end if data[tostring(matches[2])]['settings']['lock_member'] == 'yes' and not is_owner2(, matches[2]) then return 'Group is private.' end local chat_id = "chat#id"..matches[2] local user_id = "user#id" chat_add_user(chat_id, user_id, ok_cb, false) local group_name = data[tostring(matches[2])]['settings']['set_name'] return "Added you to chat:\n\n👥"..group_name.." (ID:"..matches[2]..")" elseif matches[1] == 'join' and not data[tostring(matches[2])] then return "Chat not found." end if matches[1] == 'chats'then if is_admin(msg) and == 'chat' then return chat_list(msg) elseif ~= 'chat' then return chat_list(msg) end end if matches[1] == 'chatlist'then if is_admin(msg) and == 'chat' then send_document("chat#id", "./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", ok_cb, false) elseif ~= 'chat' then send_document("user#id", "./groups/lists/listed_groups.txt", ok_cb, false) end end end end return { patterns = { "^[/!](chats)$", "^[/!](chatlist)$", "^[/!](join) (.*)$", "^[/!](kickme) (.*)$", "^!!tgservice (chat_add_user)$" }, run = run, } end
local AH = wesnoth.require "ai/lua/ai_helper.lua" local MAIUV = wesnoth.require "ai/micro_ais/micro_ai_unit_variables.lua" local function get_patrol(cfg) local filter = cfg.filter or { id = } local patrol = AH.get_units_with_moves { side = wesnoth.current.side, { "and", filter } }[1] return patrol end local ca_patrol = {} function ca_patrol:evaluation(ai, cfg) if get_patrol(cfg) then return cfg.ca_score end return 0 end function ca_patrol:execution(ai, cfg) local patrol = get_patrol(cfg) local patrol_vars = MAIUV.get_mai_unit_variables(patrol, cfg.ai_id) -- Set up waypoints, taking into account whether 'reverse' is set -- This works even the first time, when patrol_vars.patrol_reverse is not set yet cfg.waypoint_x = AH.split(cfg.waypoint_x, ",") cfg.waypoint_y = AH.split(cfg.waypoint_y, ",") local n_wp = #cfg.waypoint_x local waypoints = {} for i = 1,n_wp do if patrol_vars.patrol_reverse then waypoints[i] = { tonumber(cfg.waypoint_x[n_wp-i+1]), tonumber(cfg.waypoint_y[n_wp-i+1]) } else waypoints[i] = { tonumber(cfg.waypoint_x[i]), tonumber(cfg.waypoint_y[i]) } end end -- If not set, set next location (first move) -- This needs to be in WML format, so that it persists over save/load cycles if (not patrol_vars.patrol_x) then patrol_vars.patrol_x = waypoints[1][1] patrol_vars.patrol_y = waypoints[1][2] patrol_vars.patrol_reverse = false MAIUV.set_mai_unit_variables(patrol, cfg.ai_id, patrol_vars) end while patrol.moves > 0 do -- Check whether one of the enemies to be attacked is next to the patroller -- If so, don't move, but attack that enemy local adjacent_enemy = wesnoth.get_units { id = cfg.attack, { "filter_adjacent", { id = } }, { "filter_side", {{ "enemy_of", { side = wesnoth.current.side } }} } }[1] if adjacent_enemy then break end -- Also check whether we're next to any unit (enemy or ally) which is on the next waypoint local unit_on_wp = wesnoth.get_units { x = patrol_vars.patrol_x, y = patrol_vars.patrol_y, { "filter_adjacent", { id = } } }[1] for i,wp in ipairs(waypoints) do -- If the patrol is on a waypoint or adjacent to one that is occupied by any unit if ((patrol.x == wp[1]) and (patrol.y == wp[2])) or (unit_on_wp and ((unit_on_wp.x == wp[1]) and (unit_on_wp.y == wp[2]))) then if (i == n_wp) then -- Move him to the first one (or reverse route), if he's on the last waypoint -- Unless cfg.one_time_only is set if cfg.one_time_only then patrol_vars.patrol_x = waypoints[n_wp][1] patrol_vars.patrol_y = waypoints[n_wp][2] MAIUV.set_mai_unit_variables(patrol, cfg.ai_id, patrol_vars) else -- Go back to first WP or reverse direction if cfg.out_and_back then patrol_vars.patrol_x = waypoints[n_wp-1][1] patrol_vars.patrol_y = waypoints[n_wp-1][2] -- We also need to reverse the waypoints right here, as this might not be the end of the move patrol_vars.patrol_reverse = not patrol_vars.patrol_reverse MAIUV.set_mai_unit_variables(patrol, cfg.ai_id, patrol_vars) local tmp_wp = {} for j,wp2 in ipairs(waypoints) do tmp_wp[n_wp-j+1] = wp2 end waypoints = tmp_wp else patrol_vars.patrol_x = waypoints[1][1] patrol_vars.patrol_y = waypoints[1][2] MAIUV.set_mai_unit_variables(patrol, cfg.ai_id, patrol_vars) end end else -- ... else move him on toward the next waypoint patrol_vars.patrol_x = waypoints[i+1][1] patrol_vars.patrol_y = waypoints[i+1][2] MAIUV.set_mai_unit_variables(patrol, cfg.ai_id, patrol_vars) end end end -- If we're on the last waypoint on one_time_only is set, stop here if cfg.one_time_only and (patrol.x == waypoints[n_wp][1]) and (patrol.y == waypoints[n_wp][2]) then AH.checked_stopunit_moves(ai, patrol) else -- Otherwise move toward next WP local x, y = wesnoth.find_vacant_tile(patrol_vars.patrol_x, patrol_vars.patrol_y, patrol) local nh = AH.next_hop(patrol, x, y) if nh and ((nh[1] ~= patrol.x) or (nh[2] ~= patrol.y)) then AH.checked_move(ai, patrol, nh[1], nh[2]) else AH.checked_stopunit_moves(ai, patrol) end end if (not patrol) or (not patrol.valid) then return end end -- Attack unit on the last waypoint under all circumstances if cfg.one_time_only is set local adjacent_enemy if cfg.one_time_only then adjacent_enemy = wesnoth.get_units{ x = waypoints[n_wp][1], y = waypoints[n_wp][2], { "filter_adjacent", { id = } }, { "filter_side", { { "enemy_of", { side = wesnoth.current.side } } } } }[1] end -- Otherwise attack adjacent enemy (if specified) if (not adjacent_enemy) then adjacent_enemy = wesnoth.get_units{ id = cfg.attack, { "filter_adjacent", { id = } }, { "filter_side", { { "enemy_of", { side = wesnoth.current.side } } } } }[1] end if adjacent_enemy then AH.checked_attack(ai, patrol, adjacent_enemy) end if (not patrol) or (not patrol.valid) then return end AH.checked_stopunit_all(ai, patrol) end return ca_patrol
----------------------------------- -- Area: -- MOB: Viscount_Morax ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/titles"); ----------------------------------- -- onMobSpawn Action ----------------------------------- function onMobSpawn(mob) end; ----------------------------------- -- onMobDeath ----------------------------------- function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller) player:addTitle(HELLSBANE); end; ----------------------------------- -- onMobDespawn ----------------------------------- function onMobDespawn(mob) -- Set Viscount_Morax's Window Open Time local wait = math.random((3600),(28800)); SetServerVariable("[POP]Viscount_Morax", os.time(t) + wait); -- 1-8 hours DeterMob(mob:getID(), true); -- Set PH back to normal, then set to respawn spawn local PH = GetServerVariable("[PH]Viscount_Morax"); SetServerVariable("[PH]Viscount_Morax", 0); DeterMob(PH, false); GetMobByID(PH):setRespawnTime(GetMobRespawnTime(PH)); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Tavnazian Safehold -- NPC: Caiphimonride -- Standard Merchant NPC ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/shop"); package.loaded["scripts/zones/Tavnazian_Safehold/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Tavnazian_Safehold/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:showText(npc,CAIPHIMONRIDE_SHOP_DIALOG); stock = {0x4042,1867, --Dagger 0x40b6,8478, --Longsword 0x43B7,8, --Rusty Bolt 0x47C7,93240, --Falx (COP Chapter 4 Needed; not implemented yet) 0x4726,51905} --Voulge (COP Chapter 4 Needed; not implemented yet) showShop(player, STATIC, stock); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Bastok Markets -- NPC: Rabid Wolf, I.M. -- X Grant Signet -- X Recharge Emperor Band, Empress Band, or Chariot Band -- X Accepts traded Crystals to fill up the Rank bar to open new Missions. -- X Sells items in exchange for Conquest Points -- X Start Supply Run Missions and offers a list of already-delivered supplies. -- Start an Expeditionary Force by giving an E.F. region insignia to you. ------------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Bastok_Markets/TextIDs"] = nil; ------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/conquest"); require("scripts/globals/common"); require("scripts/zones/Bastok_Markets/TextIDs"); local guardnation = BASTOK; -- SANDORIA, BASTOK, WINDURST, JEUNO local guardtype = 1; -- 1: city, 2: foreign, 3: outpost, 4: border local size = table.getn(BastInv); local inventory = BastInv; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) tradeConquestGuard(player,npc,trade,guardnation,guardtype); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:getNation() == guardnation and player:getVar("supplyQuest_started") > 0 and supplyRunFresh(player) == 0) then player:showText(npc,CONQUEST + 40); -- "We will dispose of those unusable supplies." local region = player:getVar("supplyQuest_region"); player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED + 1,getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_started",0); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); player:setVar("supplyQuest_fresh",0); else local Menu1 = getArg1(guardnation,player); local Menu2 = getExForceAvailable(guardnation,player); local Menu3 = conquestRanking(); local Menu4 = getSupplyAvailable(guardnation,player); local Menu5 = player:getNationTeleport(guardnation); local Menu6 = getArg6(player); local Menu7 = player:getCP(); local Menu8 = getRewardExForce(guardnation,player); player:startEvent(0x7ff9,Menu1,Menu2,Menu3,Menu4,Menu5,Menu6,Menu7,Menu8); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("onUpdateCSID: %u",csid); -- printf("onUpdateOPTION: %u",option); if (option >= 32768 and option <= 32944) then for Item = 1,size,3 do if (option == inventory[Item]) then CPVerify = 1; if (player:getCP() >= inventory[Item + 1]) then CPVerify = 0; end; player:updateEvent(2,CPVerify,inventory[Item + 2]); break; end; end; end; end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("onFinishCSID: %u",csid); -- printf("onFinishOPTION: %u",option); if (option == 1) then local duration = (player:getRank() + getNationRank(player:getNation()) + 3) * 3600; player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGIL); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SANCTION); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET); player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET,0,0,duration); -- Grant Signet elseif (option >= 32768 and option <= 32944) then for Item = 1,size,3 do if (option == inventory[Item]) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() >= 1) then -- Logic to impose limits on exp bands if (option >= 32933 and option <= 32935) then if (checkConquestRing(player) > 0) then player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST+60,0,0,inventory[Item+2]); break; else player:setVar("CONQUEST_RING_TIMER",getConquestTally()); end end if (player:getNation() == guardnation) then itemCP = inventory[Item + 1]; else if (inventory[Item + 1] <= 8000) then itemCP = inventory[Item + 1] * 2; else itemCP = inventory[Item + 1] + 8000; end; end; if (player:hasItem(inventory[Item + 2]) == false) then player:delCP(itemCP); player:addItem(inventory[Item + 2],1); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,inventory[Item + 2]); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,inventory[Item + 2]); end; else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,inventory[Item + 2]); end; break; end; end; elseif (option >= 65541 and option <= 65565) then -- player chose supply quest. local region = option - 65541; player:addKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_started",vanaDay()); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",region); player:setVar("supplyQuest_fresh",getConquestTally()); end; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Woods -- NPC: Abby Jalunshi -- Type: Moghouse Renter -- @zone 241 -- @pos -101.895 -5 36.172 -- -- Auto-Script: Requires Verification (Verfied By Brawndo) ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Windurst_Woods/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x031e); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Lower Jeuno -- NPC: Chimh Dlesbah -- Type: Event Scene Replayer -- @zone: 245 -- @pos -71.995 -1 -115.882 -- -- Auto-Script: Requires Verification (Verfied by Brawndo) ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x2770); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Maze of Shakhrami -- Quest: Your Crystal Ball -- @pos -18 -13 181 198 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Maze_of_Shakhrami/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Maze_of_Shakhrami/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,YOUR_CRYSTAL_BALL) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and trade:hasItemQty(557,1) == true and trade:getGil() == 0 and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then --no cs i think player:setVar("QuestYourCrystalBall_date","%j")); -- %M for next minute, %j for next day player:setVar("QuestYourCrystalBall_prog", 1); player:tradeComplete(trade); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local realday = tonumber("%j")); -- %M for next minute, %j for next day local starttime = player:getVar("QuestYourCrystalBall_date"); if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,YOUR_CRYSTAL_BALL) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("QuestYourCrystalBall_prog") == 1 and starttime ~= realday) then player:startEvent(0x0034); else player:messageSpecial(NOTHING_OUT_OF_ORDINARY); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0034) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,556); else player:addItem(556); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,556); player:setVar("QuestYourCrystalBall_date", 0); player:setVar("QuestYourCrystalBall_prog", 0); end end end;
AutoTrigger = { CPos.New(51, 47), CPos.New(52, 47), CPos.New(53, 47), CPos.New(54, 47) } GDIHeliTrigger = { CPos.New(27, 55), CPos.New(27, 56), CPos.New(28, 56), CPos.New(28, 57), CPos.New(28, 58), CPos.New(28, 59)} Nod1Units = { "e1", "e1", "e3", "e3" } Auto1Units = { "e1", "e1", "e3" } KillsUntilReinforcements = 12 HeliDelay = { 83, 137, 211 } GDIReinforcements = { "e2", "e2", "e2", "e2", "e2" } GDIReinforcementsWaypoints = { GDIReinforcementsEntry.Location, GDIReinforcementsWP1.Location } NodHelis = { { DateTime.Seconds(HeliDelay[1]), { NodHeliEntry.Location, NodHeliLZ1.Location }, { "e1", "e1", "e3" } }, { DateTime.Seconds(HeliDelay[2]), { NodHeliEntry.Location, NodHeliLZ2.Location }, { "e1", "e1", "e1", "e1" } }, { DateTime.Seconds(HeliDelay[3]), { NodHeliEntry.Location, NodHeliLZ3.Location }, { "e1", "e1", "e3" } } } SendHeli = function(heli) units = Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(nod, "tran", heli[3], heli[2], { heli[2][1] }) Utils.Do(units[2], function(actor) actor.Hunt() Trigger.OnIdle(actor, actor.Hunt) Trigger.OnKilled(actor, KillCounter) end) Trigger.AfterDelay(heli[1], function() SendHeli(heli) end) end SendGDIReinforcements = function() Media.PlaySpeechNotification(gdi, "Reinforce") Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(gdi, "apc", GDIReinforcements, GDIReinforcementsWaypoints, nil, function(apc, team) table.insert(team, apc) Trigger.OnAllKilled(team, function() Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(5), SendGDIReinforcements) end) Utils.Do(team, function(unit) unit.Stance = "Defend" end) end) end BuildNod1 = function() if HandOfNod.IsDead then return end local func = function(team) Utils.Do(team, function(actor) Trigger.OnIdle(actor, actor.Hunt) Trigger.OnKilled(actor, KillCounter) end) Trigger.OnAllKilled(team, BuildNod1) end if not HandOfNod.Build(Nod1Units, func) then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(5), BuildNod1) end end BuildAuto1 = function() if HandOfNod.IsDead then return end local func = function(team) Utils.Do(team, function(actor) Trigger.OnIdle(actor, actor.Hunt) Trigger.OnKilled(actor, KillCounter) end) end if not HandOfNod.IsDead and HandOfNod.Build(Auto1Units, func) then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(5), BuildAuto1) end end kills = 0 KillCounter = function() kills = kills + 1 end ReinforcementsSent = false Tick = function() nod.Cash = 1000 if not ReinforcementsSent and kills >= KillsUntilReinforcements then ReinforcementsSent = true gdi.MarkCompletedObjective(reinforcementsObjective) SendGDIReinforcements() end if gdi.HasNoRequiredUnits() then Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(1), function() gdi.MarkFailedObjective(gdiObjective) end) end end SetupWorld = function() Utils.Do(nod.GetGroundAttackers(nod), function(unit) Trigger.OnKilled(unit, KillCounter) end) Utils.Do(gdi.GetGroundAttackers(), function(unit) unit.Stance = "Defend" end) Hunter1.Hunt() Hunter2.Hunt() Trigger.OnRemovedFromWorld(crate, function() gdi.MarkCompletedObjective(gdiObjective) end) end WorldLoaded = function() gdi = Player.GetPlayer("GDI") nod = Player.GetPlayer("Nod") SetupWorld() Trigger.OnObjectiveAdded(gdi, function(p, id) Media.DisplayMessage(p.GetObjectiveDescription(id), "New " .. string.lower(p.GetObjectiveType(id)) .. " objective") end) Trigger.OnObjectiveCompleted(gdi, function(p, id) Media.DisplayMessage(p.GetObjectiveDescription(id), "Objective completed") end) Trigger.OnObjectiveFailed(gdi, function(p, id) Media.DisplayMessage(p.GetObjectiveDescription(id), "Objective failed") end) Trigger.OnPlayerWon(gdi, function() Media.PlaySpeechNotification(gdi, "Win") end) Trigger.OnPlayerLost(gdi, function() Media.PlaySpeechNotification(gdi, "Lose") end) gdiObjective = gdi.AddPrimaryObjective("Retrieve the crate with the stolen rods.") reinforcementsObjective = gdi.AddSecondaryObjective("Eliminate " .. KillsUntilReinforcements .. " Nod units for reinforcements.") nod.AddPrimaryObjective("Defend against the GDI forces.") BuildNod1() Utils.Do(NodHelis, function(heli) Trigger.AfterDelay(heli[1], function() SendHeli(heli) end) end) autoTrigger = false Trigger.OnEnteredFootprint(AutoTrigger, function(a, id) if not autoTrigger and a.Owner == gdi then autoTrigger = true Trigger.RemoveFootprintTrigger(id) BuildAuto1() end end) gdiHeliTrigger = false Trigger.OnEnteredFootprint(GDIHeliTrigger, function(a, id) if not gdiHeliTrigger and a.Owner == gdi then gdiHeliTrigger = true Trigger.RemoveFootprintTrigger(id) Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(gdi, "tran", nil, { GDIHeliEntry.Location, GDIHeliLZ.Location }) end end) Camera.Position = Actor56.CenterPosition end
--[[ LUA MODULE bit.numberlua - Bitwise operations implemented in pure Lua as numbers, with Lua 5.2 'bit32' and (LuaJIT) LuaBitOp 'bit' compatibility interfaces. SYNOPSIS local bit = require 'bit.numberlua' print(, 0x00ff00ff)) --> 0xffffffff -- Interface providing strong Lua 5.2 'bit32' compatibility local bit32 = require 'bit.numberlua'.bit32 assert( == 0xffffffff) -- Interface providing strong (LuaJIT) LuaBitOp 'bit' compatibility local bit = require 'bit.numberlua'.bit assert(bit.tobit(0xffffffff) == -1) DESCRIPTION This library implements bitwise operations entirely in Lua. This module is typically intended if for some reasons you don't want to or cannot install a popular C based bit library like BitOp 'bit' [1] (which comes pre-installed with LuaJIT) or 'bit32' (which comes pre-installed with Lua 5.2) but want a similar interface. This modules represents bit arrays as non-negative Lua numbers. [1] It can represent 32-bit bit arrays when Lua is compiled with lua_Number as double-precision IEEE 754 floating point. The module is nearly the most efficient it can be but may be a few times slower than the C based bit libraries and is orders or magnitude slower than LuaJIT bit operations, which compile to native code. Therefore, this library is inferior in performane to the other modules. The `xor` function in this module is based partly on Roberto Ierusalimschy's post in . The included BIT.bit32 and BIT.bit sublibraries aims to provide 100% compatibility with the Lua 5.2 "bit32" and (LuaJIT) LuaBitOp "bit" library. This compatbility is at the cost of some efficiency since inputted numbers are normalized and more general forms (e.g. multi-argument bitwise operators) are supported. STATUS WARNING: Not all corner cases have been tested and documented. Some attempt was made to make these similar to the Lua 5.2 [2] and LuaJit BitOp [3] libraries, but this is not fully tested and there are currently some differences. Addressing these differences may be improved in the future but it is not yet fully determined how to resolve these differences. The BIT.bit32 library passes the Lua 5.2 test suite (bitwise.lua) . The BIT.bit library passes the LuaBitOp test suite (bittest.lua). However, these have not been tested on platforms with Lua compiled with 32-bit integer numbers. API BIT.tobit(x) --> z Similar to function in BitOp. BIT.tohex(x, n) Similar to function in BitOp., y) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp but requires two arguments. BIT.bor(x, y) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp but requires two arguments. BIT.bxor(x, y) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp but requires two arguments. BIT.bnot(x) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp. BIT.lshift(x, disp) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 (warning: BitOp uses unsigned lower 5 bits of shift), BIT.rshift(x, disp) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 (warning: BitOp uses unsigned lower 5 bits of shift), BIT.extract(x, field [, width]) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2. BIT.replace(x, v, field, width) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2. BIT.bswap(x) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2. BIT.rrotate(x, disp) --> z BIT.ror(x, disp) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp. BIT.lrotate(x, disp) --> z BIT.rol(x, disp) --> z Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp. BIT.arshift Similar to function in Lua 5.2 and BitOp. BIT.btest Similar to function in Lua 5.2 with requires two arguments. BIT.bit32 This table contains functions that aim to provide 100% compatibility with the Lua 5.2 "bit32" library. bit32.arshift (x, disp) --> z (...) --> z bit32.bnot (x) --> z bit32.bor (...) --> z bit32.btest (...) --> true | false bit32.bxor (...) --> z bit32.extract (x, field [, width]) --> z bit32.replace (x, v, field [, width]) --> z bit32.lrotate (x, disp) --> z bit32.lshift (x, disp) --> z bit32.rrotate (x, disp) --> z bit32.rshift (x, disp) --> z BIT.bit This table contains functions that aim to provide 100% compatibility with the LuaBitOp "bit" library (from LuaJIT). bit.tobit(x) --> y bit.tohex(x [,n]) --> y bit.bnot(x) --> y bit.bor(x1 [,x2...]) --> y [,x2...]) --> y bit.bxor(x1 [,x2...]) --> y bit.lshift(x, n) --> y bit.rshift(x, n) --> y bit.arshift(x, n) --> y bit.rol(x, n) --> y bit.ror(x, n) --> y bit.bswap(x) --> y DEPENDENCIES None (other than Lua 5.1 or 5.2). DOWNLOAD/INSTALLATION If using LuaRocks: luarocks install lua-bit-numberlua Otherwise, download <>. Alternately, if using git: git clone git:// cd lua-bit-numberlua Optionally unpack: ./ or unpack and install in LuaRocks: ./ install REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] LICENSE (c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (end license) --]] local M = {_TYPE='module', _NAME='bit.numberlua', _VERSION=''} local floor = math.floor local MOD = 2^32 local MODM = MOD-1 local function memoize(f) local mt = {} local t = setmetatable({}, mt) function mt:__index(k) local v = f(k); t[k] = v return v end return t end local function make_bitop_uncached(t, m) local function bitop(a, b) local res,p = 0,1 while a ~= 0 and b ~= 0 do local am, bm = a%m, b%m res = res + t[am][bm]*p a = (a - am) / m b = (b - bm) / m p = p*m end res = res + (a+b)*p return res end return bitop end local function make_bitop(t) local op1 = make_bitop_uncached(t,2^1) local op2 = memoize(function(a) return memoize(function(b) return op1(a, b) end) end) return make_bitop_uncached(op2, 2^(t.n or 1)) end -- ok? probably not if running on a 32-bit int Lua number type platform function M.tobit(x) return x % 2^32 end M.bxor = make_bitop {[0]={[0]=0,[1]=1},[1]={[0]=1,[1]=0}, n=4} local bxor = M.bxor function M.bnot(a) return MODM - a end local bnot = M.bnot function,b) return ((a+b) - bxor(a,b))/2 end local band = function M.bor(a,b) return MODM - band(MODM - a, MODM - b) end local bor = M.bor local lshift, rshift -- forward declare function M.rshift(a,disp) -- Lua5.2 insipred if disp < 0 then return lshift(a,-disp) end return floor(a % 2^32 / 2^disp) end rshift = M.rshift function M.lshift(a,disp) -- Lua5.2 inspired if disp < 0 then return rshift(a,-disp) end return (a * 2^disp) % 2^32 end lshift = M.lshift function M.tohex(x, n) -- BitOp style n = n or 8 local up if n <= 0 then if n == 0 then return '' end up = true n = - n end x = band(x, 16^n-1) return ('%0'..n..(up and 'X' or 'x')):format(x) end local tohex = M.tohex function M.extract(n, field, width) -- Lua5.2 inspired width = width or 1 return band(rshift(n, field), 2^width-1) end local extract = M.extract function M.replace(n, v, field, width) -- Lua5.2 inspired width = width or 1 local mask1 = 2^width-1 v = band(v, mask1) -- required by spec? local mask = bnot(lshift(mask1, field)) return band(n, mask) + lshift(v, field) end local replace = M.replace function M.bswap(x) -- BitOp style local a = band(x, 0xff); x = rshift(x, 8) local b = band(x, 0xff); x = rshift(x, 8) local c = band(x, 0xff); x = rshift(x, 8) local d = band(x, 0xff) return lshift(lshift(lshift(a, 8) + b, 8) + c, 8) + d end local bswap = M.bswap function M.rrotate(x, disp) -- Lua5.2 inspired disp = disp % 32 local low = band(x, 2^disp-1) return rshift(x, disp) + lshift(low, 32-disp) end local rrotate = M.rrotate function M.lrotate(x, disp) -- Lua5.2 inspired return rrotate(x, -disp) end local lrotate = M.lrotate M.rol = M.lrotate -- LuaOp inspired M.ror = M.rrotate -- LuaOp insipred function M.arshift(x, disp) -- Lua5.2 inspired local z = rshift(x, disp) if x >= 0x80000000 then z = z + lshift(2^disp-1, 32-disp) end return z end local arshift = M.arshift function M.btest(x, y) -- Lua5.2 inspired return band(x, y) ~= 0 end -- -- Start Lua 5.2 "bit32" compat section. -- M.bit32 = {} -- Lua 5.2 'bit32' compatibility local function bit32_bnot(x) return (-1 - x) % MOD end M.bit32.bnot = bit32_bnot local function bit32_bxor(a, b, c, ...) local z if b then a = a % MOD b = b % MOD z = bxor(a, b) if c then z = bit32_bxor(z, c, ...) end return z elseif a then return a % MOD else return 0 end end M.bit32.bxor = bit32_bxor local function bit32_band(a, b, c, ...) local z if b then a = a % MOD b = b % MOD z = ((a+b) - bxor(a,b)) / 2 if c then z = bit32_band(z, c, ...) end return z elseif a then return a % MOD else return MODM end end = bit32_band local function bit32_bor(a, b, c, ...) local z if b then a = a % MOD b = b % MOD z = MODM - band(MODM - a, MODM - b) if c then z = bit32_bor(z, c, ...) end return z elseif a then return a % MOD else return 0 end end M.bit32.bor = bit32_bor function M.bit32.btest(...) return bit32_band(...) ~= 0 end function M.bit32.lrotate(x, disp) return lrotate(x % MOD, disp) end function M.bit32.rrotate(x, disp) return rrotate(x % MOD, disp) end function M.bit32.lshift(x,disp) if disp > 31 or disp < -31 then return 0 end return lshift(x % MOD, disp) end function M.bit32.rshift(x,disp) if disp > 31 or disp < -31 then return 0 end return rshift(x % MOD, disp) end function M.bit32.arshift(x,disp) x = x % MOD if disp >= 0 then if disp > 31 then return (x >= 0x80000000) and MODM or 0 else local z = rshift(x, disp) if x >= 0x80000000 then z = z + lshift(2^disp-1, 32-disp) end return z end else return lshift(x, -disp) end end function M.bit32.extract(x, field, ...) local width = ... or 1 if field < 0 or field > 31 or width < 0 or field+width > 32 then error 'out of range' end x = x % MOD return extract(x, field, ...) end function M.bit32.replace(x, v, field, ...) local width = ... or 1 if field < 0 or field > 31 or width < 0 or field+width > 32 then error 'out of range' end x = x % MOD v = v % MOD return replace(x, v, field, ...) end -- -- Start LuaBitOp "bit" compat section. -- M.bit = {} -- LuaBitOp "bit" compatibility function M.bit.tobit(x) x = x % MOD if x >= 0x80000000 then x = x - MOD end return x end local bit_tobit = M.bit.tobit function M.bit.tohex(x, ...) return tohex(x % MOD, ...) end function M.bit.bnot(x) return bit_tobit(bnot(x % MOD)) end local function bit_bor(a, b, c, ...) if c then return bit_bor(bit_bor(a, b), c, ...) elseif b then return bit_tobit(bor(a % MOD, b % MOD)) else return bit_tobit(a) end end M.bit.bor = bit_bor local function bit_band(a, b, c, ...) if c then return bit_band(bit_band(a, b), c, ...) elseif b then return bit_tobit(band(a % MOD, b % MOD)) else return bit_tobit(a) end end = bit_band local function bit_bxor(a, b, c, ...) if c then return bit_bxor(bit_bxor(a, b), c, ...) elseif b then return bit_tobit(bxor(a % MOD, b % MOD)) else return bit_tobit(a) end end M.bit.bxor = bit_bxor function M.bit.lshift(x, n) return bit_tobit(lshift(x % MOD, n % 32)) end function M.bit.rshift(x, n) return bit_tobit(rshift(x % MOD, n % 32)) end function M.bit.arshift(x, n) return bit_tobit(arshift(x % MOD, n % 32)) end function M.bit.rol(x, n) return bit_tobit(lrotate(x % MOD, n % 32)) end function M.bit.ror(x, n) return bit_tobit(rrotate(x % MOD, n % 32)) end function M.bit.bswap(x) return bit_tobit(bswap(x % MOD)) end return M
-- -- vs200x_vcproj.lua -- Generate a Visual Studio 2002-2008 C/C++ project. -- Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- -- -- Set up a namespace for this file -- premake.vstudio.vc200x = { } local vc200x = premake.vstudio.vc200x local tree = premake.tree -- -- Return the version-specific text for a boolean value. -- local function bool(value) return iif(value, "true", "false") end -- -- Return the optimization code. -- function vc200x.optimization(cfg) local result = 0 for _, value in ipairs(cfg.flags) do if (value == "Optimize") then result = 3 elseif (value == "OptimizeSize") then result = 1 elseif (value == "OptimizeSpeed") then result = 2 end end return result end -- -- Write the project file header -- function vc200x.header(element) io.eol = "\r\n" _p('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>') _p('<%s', element) _p(1,'ProjectType="Visual C++"') _p(1,'Version="9.00"') end -- -- Write out the <Configuration> element. -- function vc200x.Configuration(name, cfg) _p(2,'<Configuration') _p(3,'Name="%s"', premake.esc(name)) _p(3,'OutputDirectory="%s"', premake.esc( _p(3,'IntermediateDirectory="%s"', premake.esc(cfg.objectsdir)) local cfgtype if (cfg.kind == "SharedLib") then cfgtype = 2 elseif (cfg.kind == "StaticLib") then cfgtype = 4 else cfgtype = 1 end _p(3,'ConfigurationType="%s"', cfgtype) if (cfg.flags.MFC) then _p(3, 'UseOfMFC="%d"', iif(cfg.flags.StaticRuntime, 1, 2)) end if (cfg.flags.ATL or cfg.flags.StaticATL) then _p(3, 'UseOfATL="%d"', iif(cfg.flags.StaticATL, 1, 2)) end _p(3,'CharacterSet="%s"', iif(cfg.flags.Unicode, 1, 2)) if cfg.flags.Managed then _p(3,'ManagedExtensions="1"') end _p(3,'>') end -- -- Write out the <Files> element. -- function vc200x.Files(prj) local tr = premake.project.buildsourcetree(prj) tree.traverse(tr, { -- folders are handled at the internal nodes onbranchenter = function(node, depth) _p(depth, '<Filter') _p(depth, '\tName="%s"', _p(depth, '\tFilter=""') _p(depth, '\t>') end, onbranchexit = function(node, depth) _p(depth, '</Filter>') end, -- source files are handled at the leaves onleaf = function(node, depth) local fname = _p(depth, '<File') _p(depth, '\tRelativePath="%s"', path.translate(fname, "\\")) _p(depth, '\t>') depth = depth + 1 local excluded = table.icontains(prj.excludes, fname) -- handle file configuration stuff. This needs to be cleaned up and simplified. -- configurations are cached, so this isn't as bad as it looks for _, cfginfo in ipairs(prj.solution.vstudio_configs) do if cfginfo.isreal then local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, cfginfo.src_buildcfg, cfginfo.src_platform) local usePCH = (not prj.flags.NoPCH and prj.pchsource == local isSourceCode = path.iscppfile(fname) local needsCompileAs = (path.iscfile(fname) ~= premake.project.iscproject(prj)) if usePCH or isSourceCode then _p(depth, '<FileConfiguration') _p(depth, '\tName="%s"', if excluded or table.icontains(cfg.excludes, fname) then _p(depth, '\tExcludedFromBuild="true"') end _p(depth, '\t>') _p(depth, '\t<Tool') _p(depth, '\t\tName="%s"' , iif(cfg.system == "Xbox360", "VCCLX360CompilerTool", "VCCLCompilerTool") ) _p(depth, '\t\tObjectFile="$(IntDir)\\%s.obj"' , path.translate(path.trimdots(path.removeext(fname)), "\\") ) if needsCompileAs then _p(depth, '\t\tCompileAs="%s"', iif(path.iscfile(fname), 1, 2)) end if usePCH then if cfg.system == "PS3" then local options = table.join(premake.snc.getcflags(cfg), premake.snc.getcxxflags(cfg), cfg.buildoptions) options = table.concat(options, " "); options = options .. ' --create_pch="$(IntDir)/$(TargetName).pch"' _p(depth, '\t\tAdditionalOptions="%s"', premake.esc(options)) else _p(depth, '\t\tUsePrecompiledHeader="1"') end end _p(depth, '\t/>') _p(depth, '</FileConfiguration>') end end end depth = depth - 1 _p(depth, '</File>') end, }, false, 2) end -- -- Write out the <Platforms> element; ensures that each target platform -- is listed only once. Skips over .NET's pseudo-platforms (like "Any CPU"). -- function vc200x.Platforms(prj) local used = { } _p(1,'<Platforms>') for _, cfg in ipairs(prj.solution.vstudio_configs) do if cfg.isreal and not table.contains(used, cfg.platform) then table.insert(used, cfg.platform) _p(2,'<Platform') _p(3,'Name="%s"', cfg.platform) _p(2,'/>') end end _p(1,'</Platforms>') end -- -- Return the debugging symbols level for a configuration. -- function vc200x.Symbols(cfg) if (not cfg.flags.Symbols) then return 0 else -- Edit-and-continue does't work for some configurations if cfg.flags.NoEditAndContinue or vc200x.optimization(cfg) ~= 0 or cfg.flags.Managed or cfg.platform == "x64" then return 3 else return 4 end end end -- -- Compiler block for Windows and XBox360 platforms. -- function vc200x.VCCLCompilerTool(cfg) _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="%s"', iif(cfg.platform ~= "Xbox360", "VCCLCompilerTool", "VCCLX360CompilerTool")) if cfg.flags.UnsignedChar then table.insert(cfg.buildoptions, '/J') end if #cfg.buildoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s /MP"', table.concat(premake.esc(cfg.buildoptions), " ")) end _p(4,'Optimization="%s"', vc200x.optimization(cfg)) if cfg.flags.NoFramePointer then _p(4,'OmitFramePointers="%s"', bool(true)) end if #cfg.includedirs > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalIncludeDirectories="%s"', premake.esc(path.translate(table.concat(cfg.includedirs, ";"), '\\'))) end if #cfg.defines > 0 then _p(4,'PreprocessorDefinitions="%s"', premake.esc(table.concat(cfg.defines, ";"))) end if premake.config.isdebugbuild(cfg) and cfg.flags.EnableMinimalRebuild and not cfg.flags.Managed then _p(4,'MinimalRebuild="%s"', bool(true)) end if cfg.flags.NoExceptions then _p(4,'ExceptionHandling="0"') elseif cfg.flags.SEH then _p(4,'ExceptionHandling="2"') end if vc200x.optimization(cfg) == 0 and not cfg.flags.Managed then _p(4,'BasicRuntimeChecks="3"') end if vc200x.optimization(cfg) ~= 0 then _p(4,'StringPooling="%s"', bool(true)) end local runtime if premake.config.isdebugbuild(cfg) then runtime = iif(cfg.flags.StaticRuntime, 1, 3) else runtime = iif(cfg.flags.StaticRuntime, 0, 2) end _p(4,'RuntimeLibrary="%s"', runtime) _p(4,'EnableFunctionLevelLinking="%s"', bool(true)) if cfg.platform ~= "Xbox360" and cfg.platform ~= "x64" and cfg.platform ~= "Durango" then if cfg.flags.EnableSSE then _p(4,'EnableEnhancedInstructionSet="1"') elseif cfg.flags.EnableSSE2 then _p(4,'EnableEnhancedInstructionSet="2"') end end if cfg.flags.FloatFast then _p(4,'FloatingPointModel="2"') elseif cfg.flags.FloatStrict then _p(4,'FloatingPointModel="1"') end if cfg.flags.NoRTTI and not cfg.flags.Managed then _p(4,'RuntimeTypeInfo="%s"', bool(false)) end if cfg.flags.FastCall then _p(4,'CallingConvention="1"') elseif cfg.flags.StdCall then _p(4,'CallingConvention="2"') end if cfg.flags.NativeWChar then _p(4,'TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType="%s"', bool(true)) elseif cfg.flags.NoNativeWChar then _p(4,'TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType="%s"', bool(false)) end if not cfg.flags.NoPCH and cfg.pchheader then _p(4,'UsePrecompiledHeader="2"') _p(4,'PrecompiledHeaderThrough="%s"', cfg.pchheader) else _p(4,'UsePrecompiledHeader="%s"', iif(cfg.flags.NoPCH, 0, 2)) end _p(4,'WarningLevel="%s"', iif(cfg.flags.ExtraWarnings, 4, 3)) if cfg.flags.FatalWarnings then _p(4,'WarnAsError="%s"', bool(true)) end if _ACTION < "vs2008" and not cfg.flags.Managed then _p(4,'Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="%s"', bool(not cfg.flags.No64BitChecks)) end _p(4,'ProgramDataBaseFileName="$(OutDir)\\%s.pdb"', path.getbasename( _p(4,'DebugInformationFormat="%s"', vc200x.Symbols(cfg)) if cfg.language == "C" then _p(4, 'CompileAs="1"') end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- Linker block for Windows and Xbox 360 platforms. -- function vc200x.VCLinkerTool(cfg) _p(3,'<Tool') if cfg.kind ~= "StaticLib" then _p(4,'Name="%s"', iif(cfg.platform ~= "Xbox360", "VCLinkerTool", "VCX360LinkerTool")) if cfg.flags.NoImportLib then _p(4,'IgnoreImportLibrary="%s"', bool(true)) end if #cfg.linkoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(cfg.linkoptions), " ")) end if #cfg.links > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalDependencies="%s"', table.concat(premake.getlinks(cfg, "all", "fullpath"), " ")) end _p(4,'OutputFile="$(OutDir)\\%s"', _p(4,'LinkIncremental="%s"', iif(premake.config.isincrementallink(cfg) , 2, 1)) _p(4,'AdditionalLibraryDirectories="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(path.translate(cfg.libdirs, '\\')) , ";")) local deffile = premake.findfile(cfg, ".def") if deffile then _p(4,'ModuleDefinitionFile="%s"', deffile) end if cfg.flags.NoManifest then _p(4,'GenerateManifest="%s"', bool(false)) end _p(4,'GenerateDebugInformation="%s"', bool(vc200x.Symbols(cfg) ~= 0)) if vc200x.Symbols(cfg) ~= 0 then _p(4,'ProgramDataBaseFileName="$(OutDir)\\%s.pdb"', path.getbasename( end _p(4,'SubSystem="%s"', iif(cfg.kind == "ConsoleApp", 1, 2)) if vc200x.optimization(cfg) ~= 0 then _p(4,'OptimizeReferences="2"') _p(4,'EnableCOMDATFolding="2"') end if (cfg.kind == "ConsoleApp" or cfg.kind == "WindowedApp") and not cfg.flags.WinMain then _p(4,'EntryPointSymbol="mainCRTStartup"') end if cfg.kind == "SharedLib" then local implibname = cfg.linktarget.fullpath _p(4,'ImportLibrary="%s"', iif(cfg.flags.NoImportLib, cfg.objectsdir .. "\\" .. path.getname(implibname), implibname)) end _p(4,'TargetMachine="%d"', iif(cfg.platform == "x64", 17, 1)) else _p(4,'Name="VCLibrarianTool"') if #cfg.links > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalDependencies="%s"', table.concat(premake.getlinks(cfg, "all", "fullpath"), " ")) end _p(4,'OutputFile="$(OutDir)\\%s"', if #cfg.libdirs > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalLibraryDirectories="%s"', premake.esc(path.translate(table.concat(cfg.libdirs , ";")))) end local addlOptions = {} if cfg.platform == "x32" then table.insert(addlOptions, "/MACHINE:X86") elseif cfg.platform == "x64" then table.insert(addlOptions, "/MACHINE:X64") end addlOptions = table.join(addlOptions, cfg.linkoptions) if #addlOptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(addlOptions), " ")) end end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- Compiler and linker blocks for the PS3 platform, which uses Sony's SNC. -- function vc200x.VCCLCompilerTool_PS3(cfg) _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="VCCLCompilerTool"') local buildoptions = table.join(premake.snc.getcflags(cfg), premake.snc.getcxxflags(cfg), cfg.buildoptions) if not cfg.flags.NoPCH and cfg.pchheader then _p(4,'UsePrecompiledHeader="2"') _p(4,'PrecompiledHeaderThrough="%s"', path.getname(cfg.pchheader)) table.insert(buildoptions, '--use_pch="$(IntDir)/$(TargetName).pch"') else _p(4,'UsePrecompiledHeader="%s"', iif(cfg.flags.NoPCH, 0, 2)) end _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', premake.esc(table.concat(buildoptions, " "))) if #cfg.includedirs > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalIncludeDirectories="%s"', premake.esc(path.translate(table.concat(cfg.includedirs, ";"), '\\'))) end if #cfg.defines > 0 then _p(4,'PreprocessorDefinitions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(cfg.defines), ";")) end _p(4,'ProgramDataBaseFileName="$(OutDir)\\%s.pdb"', path.getbasename( _p(4,'DebugInformationFormat="0"') _p(4,'CompileAs="0"') _p(3,'/>') end function vc200x.VCLinkerTool_PS3(cfg) _p(3,'<Tool') if cfg.kind ~= "StaticLib" then _p(4,'Name="VCLinkerTool"') local buildoptions = table.join(premake.snc.getldflags(cfg), cfg.linkoptions) if #buildoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', premake.esc(table.concat(buildoptions, " "))) end if #cfg.links > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalDependencies="%s"', table.concat(premake.getlinks(cfg, "all", "fullpath"), " ")) end _p(4,'OutputFile="$(OutDir)\\%s"', _p(4,'LinkIncremental="0"') _p(4,'AdditionalLibraryDirectories="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(path.translate(cfg.libdirs, '\\')) , ";")) _p(4,'GenerateManifest="%s"', bool(false)) _p(4,'ProgramDatabaseFile=""') _p(4,'RandomizedBaseAddress="1"') _p(4,'DataExecutionPrevention="0"') else _p(4,'Name="VCLibrarianTool"') local buildoptions = table.join(premake.snc.getldflags(cfg), cfg.linkoptions) if #buildoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', premake.esc(table.concat(buildoptions, " "))) end if #cfg.links > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalDependencies="%s"', table.concat(premake.getlinks(cfg, "all", "fullpath"), " ")) end _p(4,'OutputFile="$(OutDir)\\%s"', if #cfg.libdirs > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalLibraryDirectories="%s"', premake.esc(path.translate(table.concat(cfg.libdirs , ";")))) end end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- Resource compiler block. -- function vc200x.VCResourceCompilerTool(cfg) _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"') if #cfg.resoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(cfg.resoptions), " ")) end if #cfg.defines > 0 or #cfg.resdefines > 0 then _p(4,'PreprocessorDefinitions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(table.join(cfg.defines, cfg.resdefines)), ";")) end if #cfg.includedirs > 0 or #cfg.resincludedirs > 0 then local dirs = table.join(cfg.includedirs, cfg.resincludedirs) _p(4,'AdditionalIncludeDirectories="%s"', premake.esc(path.translate(table.concat(dirs, ";"), '\\'))) end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- Manifest block. -- function vc200x.VCManifestTool(cfg) -- locate all manifest files local manifests = { } for _, fname in ipairs(cfg.files) do if path.getextension(fname) == ".manifest" then table.insert(manifests, fname) end end _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="VCManifestTool"') if #manifests > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalManifestFiles="%s"', premake.esc(table.concat(manifests, ";"))) end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- VCMIDLTool block -- function vc200x.VCMIDLTool(cfg) _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="VCMIDLTool"') if cfg.platform == "x64" then _p(4,'TargetEnvironment="3"') end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- Write out a custom build steps block. -- function vc200x.buildstepsblock(name, steps) _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="%s"', name) if #steps > 0 then _p(4,'CommandLine="%s"', premake.esc(table.implode(steps, "", "", "\r\n"))) end _p(3,'/>') end -- -- Map project tool blocks to handler functions. Unmapped blocks will output -- an empty <Tool> element. -- local blockmap = { VCCLCompilerTool = vc200x.VCCLCompilerTool, VCCLCompilerTool_PS3 = vc200x.VCCLCompilerTool_PS3, VCLinkerTool = vc200x.VCLinkerTool, VCLinkerTool_PS3 = vc200x.VCLinkerTool_PS3, VCManifestTool = vc200x.VCManifestTool, VCMIDLTool = vc200x.VCMIDLTool, VCResourceCompilerTool = vc200x.VCResourceCompilerTool, } -- -- Return a list of sections for a particular Visual Studio version and target platform. -- local function getsections(version, platform) if platform == "Xbox360" then return { "VCPreBuildEventTool", "VCCustomBuildTool", "VCXMLDataGeneratorTool", "VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool", "VCMIDLTool", "VCCLCompilerTool", "VCManagedResourceCompilerTool", "VCResourceCompilerTool", "VCPreLinkEventTool", "VCLinkerTool", "VCALinkTool", "VCX360ImageTool", "VCBscMakeTool", "VCX360DeploymentTool", "VCPostBuildEventTool", "DebuggerTool", } end if platform == "PS3" then return { "VCPreBuildEventTool", "VCCustomBuildTool", "VCXMLDataGeneratorTool", "VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool", "VCMIDLTool", "VCCLCompilerTool_PS3", "VCManagedResourceCompilerTool", "VCResourceCompilerTool", "VCPreLinkEventTool", "VCLinkerTool_PS3", "VCALinkTool", "VCManifestTool", "VCXDCMakeTool", "VCBscMakeTool", "VCFxCopTool", "VCAppVerifierTool", "VCWebDeploymentTool", "VCPostBuildEventTool" } end return { "VCPreBuildEventTool", "VCCustomBuildTool", "VCXMLDataGeneratorTool", "VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool", "VCMIDLTool", "VCCLCompilerTool", "VCManagedResourceCompilerTool", "VCResourceCompilerTool", "VCPreLinkEventTool", "VCLinkerTool", "VCALinkTool", "VCManifestTool", "VCXDCMakeTool", "VCBscMakeTool", "VCFxCopTool", "VCAppVerifierTool", "VCWebDeploymentTool", "VCPostBuildEventTool" } end -- -- The main function: write the project file. -- function vc200x.generate(prj) vc200x.header('VisualStudioProject') _p(1,'Name="%s"', premake.esc( _p(1,'ProjectGUID="{%s}"', prj.uuid) _p(1,'RootNamespace="%s"', _p(1,'Keyword="%s"', iif(prj.flags.Managed, "ManagedCProj", "Win32Proj")) _p(1,'>') -- list the target platforms vc200x.Platforms(prj) _p(1,'<ToolFiles>') _p(1,'</ToolFiles>') _p(1,'<Configurations>') for _, cfginfo in ipairs(prj.solution.vstudio_configs) do if cfginfo.isreal then local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, cfginfo.src_buildcfg, cfginfo.src_platform) -- Start a configuration vc200x.Configuration(, cfg) for _, block in ipairs(getsections(_ACTION, cfginfo.src_platform)) do if blockmap[block] then blockmap[block](cfg) -- Build event blocks -- elseif block == "VCPreBuildEventTool" then vc200x.buildstepsblock("VCPreBuildEventTool", cfg.prebuildcommands) elseif block == "VCPreLinkEventTool" then vc200x.buildstepsblock("VCPreLinkEventTool", cfg.prelinkcommands) elseif block == "VCPostBuildEventTool" then vc200x.buildstepsblock("VCPostBuildEventTool", cfg.postbuildcommands) -- End build event blocks -- -- Xbox 360 custom sections -- elseif block == "VCX360DeploymentTool" then _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="VCX360DeploymentTool"') _p(4,'DeploymentType="0"') if #cfg.deploymentoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(cfg.deploymentoptions), " ")) end _p(3,'/>') elseif block == "VCX360ImageTool" then _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="VCX360ImageTool"') if #cfg.imageoptions > 0 then _p(4,'AdditionalOptions="%s"', table.concat(premake.esc(cfg.imageoptions), " ")) end if cfg.imagepath ~= nil then _p(4,'OutputFileName="%s"', premake.esc(path.translate(cfg.imagepath))) end _p(3,'/>') elseif block == "DebuggerTool" then _p(3,'<DebuggerTool') _p(3,'/>') -- End Xbox 360 custom sections -- else _p(3,'<Tool') _p(4,'Name="%s"', block) _p(3,'/>') end end _p(2,'</Configuration>') end end _p(1,'</Configurations>') _p(1,'<References>') _p(1,'</References>') _p(1,'<Files>') vc200x.Files(prj) _p(1,'</Files>') _p(1,'<Globals>') _p(1,'</Globals>') _p('</VisualStudioProject>') end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Kazham -- NPC: Lalapp -- Standard Info NPC ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Kazham/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Kazham/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/pathfind"); local path = { -63.243702, -11.000023, -97.916130, -63.970551, -11.000027, -97.229286, -64.771614, -11.000030, -96.499062 }; function onSpawn(npc) npc:initNpcAi(); npc:setPos(pathfind.first(path)); onPath(npc); end; function onPath(npc) pathfind.patrol(npc, path); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- -- item IDs -- 483 Broken Mithran Fishing Rod -- 22 Workbench -- 1008 Ten of Coins -- 1157 Sands of Silence -- 1158 Wandering Bulb -- 904 Giant Fish Bones -- 4599 Blackened Toad -- 905 Wyvern Skull -- 1147 Ancient Salt -- 4600 Lucky Egg function onTrade(player,npc,trade) local OpoOpoAndIStatus = player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS, THE_OPO_OPO_AND_I); local progress = player:getVar("OPO_OPO_PROGRESS"); local failed = player:getVar("OPO_OPO_FAILED"); local goodtrade = trade:hasItemQty(1147,1); local badtrade = (trade:hasItemQty(483,1) or trade:hasItemQty(22,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1157,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1158,1) or trade:hasItemQty(904,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1008,1) or trade:hasItemQty(905,1) or trade:hasItemQty(4599,1) or trade:hasItemQty(4600,1)); if (OpoOpoAndIStatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if progress == 8 or failed == 9 then if goodtrade then player:startEvent(0x00E3); elseif badtrade then player:startEvent(0x00ED); end end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local OpoOpoAndIStatus = player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS, THE_OPO_OPO_AND_I); local progress = player:getVar("OPO_OPO_PROGRESS"); local failed = player:getVar("OPO_OPO_FAILED"); local retry = player:getVar("OPO_OPO_RETRY"); if (OpoOpoAndIStatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if retry >= 1 then -- has failed on future npc so disregard previous successful trade player:startEvent(0x00CD); npc:wait(-1); elseif (progress == 8 or failed == 9) then player:startEvent(0x00D6); -- asking for ancient salt elseif (progress >= 9 or failed >= 10) then player:startEvent(0x00FA); -- happy with ancient salt end else player:startEvent(0x00CD); npc:wait(-1); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option,npc) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x00E3) then -- correct trade, onto next opo if player:getVar("OPO_OPO_PROGRESS") == 8 then player:tradeComplete(); player:setVar("OPO_OPO_PROGRESS",9); player:setVar("OPO_OPO_FAILED",0); else player:setVar("OPO_OPO_FAILED",10); end elseif (csid == 0x00ED) then -- wrong trade, restart at first opo player:setVar("OPO_OPO_FAILED",1); player:setVar("OPO_OPO_RETRY",9); else npc:wait(0); end end;
--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] if type(DEBUG) ~= "number" then DEBUG = 0 end -- load framework printInfo("") printInfo("# DEBUG = " .. DEBUG) printInfo("#") device = require("cocos.framework.device") display = require("cocos.framework.display") audio = require("") transition = require("cocos.framework.transition") require("cocos.framework.extends.NodeEx") require("cocos.framework.extends.SpriteEx") require("cocos.framework.extends.LayerEx") require("cocos.framework.extends.MenuEx") if ccui then require("cocos.framework.extends.UIWidget") require("cocos.framework.extends.UICheckBox") require("cocos.framework.extends.UIEditBox") require("cocos.framework.extends.UIListView") require("cocos.framework.extends.UIPageView") require("cocos.framework.extends.UIScrollView") require("cocos.framework.extends.UISlider") require("cocos.framework.extends.UITextField") end require("cocos.framework.package_support") -- register the build-in packages cc.register("event", require("cocos.framework.components.event")) -- export global variable local __g = _G cc.exports = {} setmetatable(cc.exports, { __newindex = function(_, name, value) rawset(__g, name, value) end, __index = function(_, name) return rawget(__g, name) end }) -- disable create unexpected global variable function cc.disable_global() setmetatable(__g, { __newindex = function(_, name, value) error(string.format("USE \" cc.exports.%s = value \" INSTEAD OF SET GLOBAL VARIABLE", name), 0) end }) end if CC_DISABLE_GLOBAL then cc.disable_global() end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Lower Delkfutt's Tower -- NPC: Cermet Door -- Cermet Door for Windy Ambassador -- Windurst Mission 3.3 "A New Journey" -- @pos 636 16 59 184 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Lower_Delkfutts_Tower/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/missions"); require("scripts/zones/Lower_Delkfutts_Tower/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == A_NEW_JOURNEY and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 2) then if (trade:hasItemQty(549,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Delkfutt Key player:startEvent(0x0002); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local currentMission = player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST); if (currentMission == A_NEW_JOURNEY and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 2 and player:hasKeyItem(DELKFUTT_KEY) == false) then player:messageSpecial(THE_DOOR_IS_FIRMLY_SHUT_OPEN_KEY); elseif (currentMission == A_NEW_JOURNEY and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 2 and player:hasKeyItem(DELKFUTT_KEY)) then player:startEvent(0x0002); else player:messageSpecial(DOOR_FIRMLY_SHUT); end return 1; end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --print("CSID:",csid); --print("RESULT:",option); if (csid == 0x0002) then if (player:hasKeyItem(DELKFUTT_KEY) == false) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addKeyItem(DELKFUTT_KEY); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,DELKFUTT_KEY); end player:setVar("MissionStatus",3); end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Selbina -- NPC: Mendoline -- Guild Merchant NPC: Fishing Guild -- @pos -13.603 -7.287 10.916 248 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Selbina/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); require("scripts/zones/Selbina/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:sendGuild(5182,3,18,5)) then player:showText(npc,FISHING_SHOP_DIALOG); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
-- FIXME -- luacheck: no global -- set libs dir to path require 'libs' -- LUX portability require 'lux.portable' local common = require 'lux.common' printf = common.printf identityp = common.identityp -- CPML cpml = require 'cpml' local Res = require "steaming.res_manager" local Setup = require "setup" local Draw = require "draw" local Util = require "steaming.util" local SoundTrack = require 'view.soundtrack' -- GAMESTATES GS = require 'gamestates' -- GAMESTATE SWITCHER SWITCHER = require 'infra.switcher' local PROFILE = require 'infra.profile' local RUNFLAGS = require 'infra.runflags' local INPUT = require 'input' local DB = require 'database' local PROFILER = require 'common.profiler' local SOUNDTRACK local _globalvar_err = [=[ HOW DARE YOU CREATE THE GLOBAL VARIABLE `%s` HERE IS WHERE YOU DID IT, MORTAL: %s ]=] ------------------ --LÖVE FUNCTIONS-- ------------------ function love.load(arg) Setup.config() --Configure your game RUNFLAGS.init(arg) SWITCHER.init() --Overwrites love callbacks to call Gamestate as well -- Setup support for multiple resolutions. Res.init() Must be called after -- Gamestate.registerEvents() so it will properly call the draw function -- applying translations. Res.init()"nearest", "nearest") -- init DB DB.init() -- initializes save & load system PROFILE.init() -- sets proper window mode local fullscreen = PROFILE.getPreference("fullscreen") == "fullscreen" if love.window.getFullscreen() ~= fullscreen then love.window.setFullscreen(fullscreen) end -- initializes soundtrack singleton SOUNDTRACK = require 'tests' SWITCHER.start(GS.START_MENU) --Jump to the initial state if RUNFLAGS.DEVELOPMENT then local GUI = require 'devmode.gui' GUI():register("GUI", nil, 'devmode-gui') end setmetatable(_G, { __newindex = function(_, k, _) return error(_globalvar_err:format(k, debug.traceback())) end }) end function love.update(dt) PROFILER:update(dt) MAIN_TIMER:update(dt) if INPUT.wasActionReleased('QUIT') then PROFILE.persistRoute() love.event.quit() elseif INPUT.wasActionPressed('DEVMODE') and not DEBUG and RUNFLAGS.DEVELOPMENT then DEBUG = true local current = SWITCHER.current() if current.devmode then current:devmode() end SWITCHER.push(GS.DEVMODE) elseif INPUT.wasActionPressed('FLUSH') then io.flush() elseif INPUT.wasActionPressed('FULLSCREEN') then love.window.setFullscreen(not love.window.getFullscreen()) end SWITCHER.update(dt) INPUT.flush() -- must be called afterwards Util.updateSubtype(dt, 'task') Draw.update(dt) SOUNDTRACK:update(dt) Util.destroyAll() end function love.draw() SWITCHER.draw() end function love.quit() if RUNFLAGS.DEVELOPMENT then Util.findId('devmode-gui'):destroy() imgui.ShutDown(); end PROFILE.quit() end
----------------------------------- -- Ability: Fight -- Commands your pet to attack the target. -- Obtained: Beastmaster Level 1 -- Recast Time: 10 seconds -- Duration: N/A ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------- -- onAbilityCheck ----------------------------------- function onAbilityCheck(player,target,ability) if (player:getPet() == nil) then return MSGBASIC_REQUIRES_A_PET,0; else if (target:getID() == player:getPet():getID() or (target:getMaster() ~= nil and target:getMaster():isPC())) then return MSGBASIC_CANNOT_ATTACK_TARGET,0; else return 0,0; end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onUseAbility ----------------------------------- function onUseAbility(player,target,ability) local pet = player:getPet(); if (player:checkDistance(pet) <= 25) then if (pet:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_HEALING)) then pet:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_HEALING) end player:petAttack(target); end end;
--- --- Lua Fun - a high-performance functional programming library for LuaJIT --- --- Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Roman Tsisyk <> --- --- Distributed under the MIT/X11 License. See for more details. --- --- --- local exports = {} local methods = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local return_if_not_empty = function(state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return ... end local call_if_not_empty = function(fun, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return state_x, fun(...) end local function deepcopy(orig) -- used by cycle() local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value) end else copy = orig end return copy end local iterator_mt = { -- usually called by for-in loop __call = function(self, param, state) return self.gen(param, state) end; __tostring = function(self) return '<generator>' end; -- add all exported methods __index = methods; } local wrap = function(gen, param, state) return setmetatable({ gen = gen, param = param, state = state }, iterator_mt), param, state end exports.wrap = wrap local unwrap = function(self) return self.gen, self.param, self.state end methods.unwrap = unwrap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nil_gen = function(_param, _state) return nil end local string_gen = function(param, state) local state = state + 1 if state > #param then return nil end local r = string.sub(param, state, state) return state, r end local pairs_gen = pairs({ a = 0 }) -- get the generating function from pairs local map_gen = function(tab, key) local value local key, value = pairs_gen(tab, key) return key, key, value end local rawiter = function(obj, param, state) assert(obj ~= nil, "invalid iterator") if type(obj) == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(obj); if mt ~= nil then if mt == iterator_mt then return obj.gen, obj.param, obj.state elseif mt.__ipairs ~= nil then return mt.__ipairs(obj) elseif mt.__pairs ~= nil then return mt.__pairs(obj) end end if #obj > 0 then -- array return ipairs(obj) else -- hash return map_gen, obj, nil end elseif (type(obj) == "function") then return obj, param, state elseif (type(obj) == "string") then if #obj == 0 then return nil_gen, nil, nil end return string_gen, obj, 0 end error(string.format('object %s of type "%s" is not iterable', obj, type(obj))) end local iter = function(obj, param, state) return wrap(rawiter(obj, param, state)) end exports.iter = iter local method0 = function(fun) return function(self) return fun(self.gen, self.param, self.state) end end local method1 = function(fun) return function(self, arg1) return fun(arg1, self.gen, self.param, self.state) end end local method2 = function(fun) return function(self, arg1, arg2) return fun(arg1, arg2, self.gen, self.param, self.state) end end local export0 = function(fun) return function(gen, param, state) return fun(rawiter(gen, param, state)) end end local export1 = function(fun) return function(arg1, gen, param, state) return fun(arg1, rawiter(gen, param, state)) end end local export2 = function(fun) return function(arg1, arg2, gen, param, state) return fun(arg1, arg2, rawiter(gen, param, state)) end end local each = function(fun, gen, param, state) repeat state = call_if_not_empty(fun, gen(param, state)) until state == nil end methods.each = method1(each) exports.each = export1(each) methods.for_each = methods.each exports.for_each = exports.each methods.foreach = methods.each exports.foreach = exports.each -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generators -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local range_gen = function(param, state) local stop, step = param[1], param[2] local state = state + step if state > stop then return nil end return state, state end local range_rev_gen = function(param, state) local stop, step = param[1], param[2] local state = state + step if state < stop then return nil end return state, state end local range = function(start, stop, step) if step == nil then if stop == nil then if start == 0 then return nil_gen, nil, nil end stop = start start = stop > 0 and 1 or -1 end step = start <= stop and 1 or -1 end assert(type(start) == "number", "start must be a number") assert(type(stop) == "number", "stop must be a number") assert(type(step) == "number", "step must be a number") assert(step ~= 0, "step must not be zero") if (step > 0) then return wrap(range_gen, {stop, step}, start - step) elseif (step < 0) then return wrap(range_rev_gen, {stop, step}, start - step) end end exports.range = range local duplicate_table_gen = function(param_x, state_x) return state_x + 1, unpack(param_x) end local duplicate_fun_gen = function(param_x, state_x) return state_x + 1, param_x(state_x) end local duplicate_gen = function(param_x, state_x) return state_x + 1, param_x end local duplicate = function(...) if select('#', ...) <= 1 then return wrap(duplicate_gen, select(1, ...), 0) else return wrap(duplicate_table_gen, {...}, 0) end end exports.duplicate = duplicate exports.replicate = duplicate exports.xrepeat = duplicate local tabulate = function(fun) assert(type(fun) == "function") return wrap(duplicate_fun_gen, fun, 0) end exports.tabulate = tabulate local zeros = function() return wrap(duplicate_gen, 0, 0) end exports.zeros = zeros local ones = function() return wrap(duplicate_gen, 1, 0) end exports.ones = ones local rands_gen = function(param_x, _state_x) return 0, math.random(param_x[1], param_x[2]) end local rands_nil_gen = function(_param_x, _state_x) return 0, math.random() end local rands = function(n, m) if n == nil and m == nil then return wrap(rands_nil_gen, 0, 0) end assert(type(n) == "number", "invalid first arg to rands") if m == nil then m = n n = 0 else assert(type(m) == "number", "invalid second arg to rands") end assert(n < m, "empty interval") return wrap(rands_gen, {n, m - 1}, 0) end exports.rands = rands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Slicing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nth = function(n, gen_x, param_x, state_x) assert(n > 0, "invalid first argument to nth") -- An optimization for arrays and strings if gen_x == ipairs then return param_x[n] elseif gen_x == string_gen then if n < #param_x then return string.sub(param_x, n, n) else return nil end end for i=1,n-1,1 do state_x = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then return nil end end return return_if_not_empty(gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end methods.nth = method1(nth) exports.nth = export1(nth) local head_call = function(state, ...) if state == nil then error("head: iterator is empty") end return ... end local head = function(gen, param, state) return head_call(gen(param, state)) end methods.head = method0(head) exports.head = export0(head) = exports.head = methods.head local tail = function(gen, param, state) state = gen(param, state) if state == nil then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end return wrap(gen, param, state) end methods.tail = method0(tail) exports.tail = export0(tail) exports.cdr = exports.tail methods.cdr = methods.tail local take_n_gen_x = function(i, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return {i, state_x}, ... end local take_n_gen = function(param, state) local n, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] if i >= n then return nil end return take_n_gen_x(i + 1, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local take_n = function(n, gen, param, state) assert(n >= 0, "invalid first argument to take_n") return wrap(take_n_gen, {n, gen, param}, {0, state}) end methods.take_n = method1(take_n) exports.take_n = export1(take_n) local take_while_gen_x = function(fun, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil or not fun(...) then return nil end return state_x, ... end local take_while_gen = function(param, state_x) local fun, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] return take_while_gen_x(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local take_while = function(fun, gen, param, state) assert(type(fun) == "function", "invalid first argument to take_while") return wrap(take_while_gen, {fun, gen, param}, state) end methods.take_while = method1(take_while) exports.take_while = export1(take_while) local take = function(n_or_fun, gen, param, state) if type(n_or_fun) == "number" then return take_n(n_or_fun, gen, param, state) else return take_while(n_or_fun, gen, param, state) end end methods.take = method1(take) exports.take = export1(take) local drop_n = function(n, gen, param, state) assert(n >= 0, "invalid first argument to drop_n") local i for i=1,n,1 do state = gen(param, state) if state == nil then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end end return wrap(gen, param, state) end methods.drop_n = method1(drop_n) exports.drop_n = export1(drop_n) local drop_while_x = function(fun, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil or not fun(...) then return state_x, false end return state_x, true, ... end local drop_while = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) assert(type(fun) == "function", "invalid first argument to drop_while") local cont, state_x_prev repeat state_x_prev = deepcopy(state_x) state_x, cont = drop_while_x(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) until not cont if state_x == nil then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end return wrap(gen_x, param_x, state_x_prev) end methods.drop_while = method1(drop_while) exports.drop_while = export1(drop_while) local drop = function(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) if type(n_or_fun) == "number" then return drop_n(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) else return drop_while(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) end end methods.drop = method1(drop) exports.drop = export1(drop) local split = function(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) return take(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x), drop(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) end methods.split = method1(split) exports.split = export1(split) methods.split_at = methods.split exports.split_at = exports.split methods.span = methods.split exports.span = exports.split -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Indexing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local index = function(x, gen, param, state) local i = 1 for _k, r in gen, param, state do if r == x then return i end i = i + 1 end return nil end methods.index = method1(index) exports.index = export1(index) methods.index_of = methods.index exports.index_of = exports.index methods.elem_index = methods.index exports.elem_index = exports.index local indexes_gen = function(param, state) local x, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] local r while true do state_x, r = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then return nil end i = i + 1 if r == x then return {i, state_x}, i end end end local indexes = function(x, gen, param, state) return wrap(indexes_gen, {x, gen, param}, {0, state}) end methods.indexes = method1(indexes) exports.indexes = export1(indexes) methods.elem_indexes = methods.indexes exports.elem_indexes = exports.indexes methods.indices = methods.indexes exports.indices = exports.indexes methods.elem_indices = methods.indexes exports.elem_indices = exports.indexes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filtering -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local filter1_gen = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, a) while true do if state_x == nil or fun(a) then break; end state_x, a = gen_x(param_x, state_x) end return state_x, a end -- call each other local filterm_gen local filterm_gen_shrink = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) return filterm_gen(fun, gen_x, param_x, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end filterm_gen = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end if fun(...) then return state_x, ... end return filterm_gen_shrink(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) end local filter_detect = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) if select('#', ...) < 2 then return filter1_gen(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) else return filterm_gen(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) end end local filter_gen = function(param, state_x) local fun, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] return filter_detect(fun, gen_x, param_x, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local filter = function(fun, gen, param, state) return wrap(filter_gen, {fun, gen, param}, state) end methods.filter = method1(filter) exports.filter = export1(filter) methods.remove_if = methods.filter exports.remove_if = exports.filter local grep = function(fun_or_regexp, gen, param, state) local fun = fun_or_regexp if type(fun_or_regexp) == "string" then fun = function(x) return string.find(x, fun_or_regexp) ~= nil end end return filter(fun, gen, param, state) end methods.grep = method1(grep) exports.grep = export1(grep) local partition = function(fun, gen, param, state) local neg_fun = function(...) return not fun(...) end return filter(fun, gen, param, state), filter(neg_fun, gen, param, state) end methods.partition = method1(partition) exports.partition = export1(partition) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reducing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local foldl_call = function(fun, start, state, ...) if state == nil then return nil, start end return state, fun(start, ...) end local foldl = function(fun, start, gen_x, param_x, state_x) while true do state_x, start = foldl_call(fun, start, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) if state_x == nil then break; end end return start end methods.foldl = method2(foldl) exports.foldl = export2(foldl) methods.reduce = methods.foldl exports.reduce = exports.foldl local length = function(gen, param, state) if gen == ipairs or gen == string_gen then return #param end local len = 0 repeat state = gen(param, state) len = len + 1 until state == nil return len - 1 end methods.length = method0(length) exports.length = export0(length) local is_null = function(gen, param, state) return gen(param, deepcopy(state)) == nil end methods.is_null = method0(is_null) exports.is_null = export0(is_null) local is_prefix_of = function(iter_x, iter_y) local gen_x, param_x, state_x = iter(iter_x) local gen_y, param_y, state_y = iter(iter_y) local r_x, r_y for i=1,10,1 do state_x, r_x = gen_x(param_x, state_x) state_y, r_y = gen_y(param_y, state_y) if state_x == nil then return true end if state_y == nil or r_x ~= r_y then return false end end end methods.is_prefix_of = is_prefix_of exports.is_prefix_of = is_prefix_of local all = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local r repeat state_x, r = call_if_not_empty(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) until state_x == nil or not r return state_x == nil end methods.all = method1(all) exports.all = export1(all) methods.every = methods.all exports.every = exports.all local any = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local r repeat state_x, r = call_if_not_empty(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) until state_x == nil or r return not not r end methods.any = method1(any) exports.any = export1(any) methods.some = methods.any exports.some = exports.any local sum = function(gen, param, state) local s = 0 local r = 0 repeat s = s + r state, r = gen(param, state) until state == nil return s end methods.sum = method0(sum) exports.sum = export0(sum) local product = function(gen, param, state) local p = 1 local r = 1 repeat p = p * r state, r = gen(param, state) until state == nil return p end methods.product = method0(product) exports.product = export0(product) local min_cmp = function(m, n) if n < m then return n else return m end end local max_cmp = function(m, n) if n > m then return n else return m end end local min = function(gen, param, state) local state, m = gen(param, state) if state == nil then error("min: iterator is empty") end local cmp if type(m) == "number" then -- An optimization: use math.min for numbers cmp = math.min else cmp = min_cmp end for _, r in gen, param, state do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.min = method0(min) exports.min = export0(min) methods.minimum = methods.min exports.minimum = exports.min local min_by = function(cmp, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local state_x, m = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then error("min: iterator is empty") end for _, r in gen_x, param_x, state_x do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.min_by = method1(min_by) exports.min_by = export1(min_by) methods.minimum_by = methods.min_by exports.minimum_by = exports.min_by local max = function(gen_x, param_x, state_x) local state_x, m = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then error("max: iterator is empty") end local cmp if type(m) == "number" then -- An optimization: use math.max for numbers cmp = math.max else cmp = max_cmp end for _, r in gen_x, param_x, state_x do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.max = method0(max) exports.max = export0(max) methods.maximum = methods.max exports.maximum = exports.max local max_by = function(cmp, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local state_x, m = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then error("max: iterator is empty") end for _, r in gen_x, param_x, state_x do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.max_by = method1(max_by) exports.max_by = export1(max_by) methods.maximum_by = methods.maximum_by exports.maximum_by = exports.maximum_by local totable = function(gen_x, param_x, state_x) local tab, key, val = {} while true do state_x, val = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then break end table.insert(tab, val) end return tab end methods.totable = method0(totable) exports.totable = export0(totable) local tomap = function(gen_x, param_x, state_x) local tab, key, val = {} while true do state_x, key, val = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then break end tab[key] = val end return tab end methods.tomap = method0(tomap) exports.tomap = export0(tomap) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Transformations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local map_gen = function(param, state) local gen_x, param_x, fun = param[1], param[2], param[3] return call_if_not_empty(fun, gen_x(param_x, state)) end local map = function(fun, gen, param, state) return wrap(map_gen, {gen, param, fun}, state) end = method1(map) = export1(map) local enumerate_gen_call = function(state, i, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return {i + 1, state_x}, i, ... end local enumerate_gen = function(param, state) local gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] return enumerate_gen_call(state, i, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local enumerate = function(gen, param, state) return wrap(enumerate_gen, {gen, param}, {1, state}) end methods.enumerate = method0(enumerate) exports.enumerate = export0(enumerate) local intersperse_call = function(i, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return {i + 1, state_x}, ... end local intersperse_gen = function(param, state) local x, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] if i % 2 == 1 then return {i + 1, state_x}, x else return intersperse_call(i, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end end -- TODO: interperse must not add x to the tail local intersperse = function(x, gen, param, state) return wrap(intersperse_gen, {x, gen, param}, {0, state}) end methods.intersperse = method1(intersperse) exports.intersperse = export1(intersperse) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compositions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function zip_gen_r(param, state, state_new, ...) if #state_new == #param / 2 then return state_new, ... end local i = #state_new + 1 local gen_x, param_x = param[2 * i - 1], param[2 * i] local state_x, r = gen_x(param_x, state[i]) if state_x == nil then return nil end table.insert(state_new, state_x) return zip_gen_r(param, state, state_new, r, ...) end local zip_gen = function(param, state) return zip_gen_r(param, state, {}) end -- A special hack for zip/chain to skip last two state, if a wrapped iterator -- has been passed local numargs = function(...) local n = select('#', ...) if n >= 3 then -- Fix last argument local it = select(n - 2, ...) if type(it) == 'table' and getmetatable(it) == iterator_mt and it.param == select(n - 1, ...) and it.state == select(n, ...) then return n - 2 end end return n end local zip = function(...) local n = numargs(...) if n == 0 then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end local param = { [2 * n] = 0 } local state = { [n] = 0 } local i, gen_x, param_x, state_x for i=1,n,1 do local it = select(n - i + 1, ...) gen_x, param_x, state_x = rawiter(it) param[2 * i - 1] = gen_x param[2 * i] = param_x state[i] = state_x end return wrap(zip_gen, param, state) end = zip = zip local cycle_gen_call = function(param, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then local gen_x, param_x, state_x0 = param[1], param[2], param[3] return gen_x(param_x, deepcopy(state_x0)) end return state_x, ... end local cycle_gen = function(param, state_x) local gen_x, param_x, state_x0 = param[1], param[2], param[3] return cycle_gen_call(param, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local cycle = function(gen, param, state) return wrap(cycle_gen, {gen, param, state}, deepcopy(state)) end methods.cycle = method0(cycle) exports.cycle = export0(cycle) -- call each other local chain_gen_r1 local chain_gen_r2 = function(param, state, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then local i = state[1] i = i + 1 if i > #param / 3 then return nil end local state_x = param[3 * i] return chain_gen_r1(param, {i, state_x}) end return {state[1], state_x}, ... end chain_gen_r1 = function(param, state) local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] local gen_x, param_x = param[3 * i - 2], param[3 * i - 1] return chain_gen_r2(param, state, gen_x(param_x, state[2])) end local chain = function(...) local n = numargs(...) if n == 0 then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end local param = { [3 * n] = 0 } local i, gen_x, param_x, state_x for i=1,n,1 do local elem = select(i, ...) gen_x, param_x, state_x = iter(elem) param[3 * i - 2] = gen_x param[3 * i - 1] = param_x param[3 * i] = state_x end return wrap(chain_gen_r1, param, {1, param[3]}) end methods.chain = chain exports.chain = chain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operators -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- operator = { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Comparison operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lt = function(a, b) return a < b end, le = function(a, b) return a <= b end, eq = function(a, b) return a == b end, ne = function(a, b) return a ~= b end, ge = function(a, b) return a >= b end, gt = function(a, b) return a > b end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Arithmetic operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- add = function(a, b) return a + b end, div = function(a, b) return a / b end, floordiv = function(a, b) return math.floor(a/b) end, intdiv = function(a, b) local q = a / b if a >= 0 then return math.floor(q) else return math.ceil(q) end end, mod = function(a, b) return a % b end, mul = function(a, b) return a * b end, neq = function(a) return -a end, unm = function(a) return -a end, -- an alias pow = function(a, b) return a ^ b end, sub = function(a, b) return a - b end, truediv = function(a, b) return a / b end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- concat = function(a, b) return a..b end, len = function(a) return #a end, length = function(a) return #a end, -- an alias ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Logical operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- land = function(a, b) return a and b end, lor = function(a, b) return a or b end, lnot = function(a) return not a end, truth = function(a) return not not a end, } exports.operator = operator methods.operator = operator exports.op = operator methods.op = operator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- module definitions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a special syntax sugar to export all functions to the global table setmetatable(exports, { __call = function(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do _G[k] = v end end, }) return exports
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Waters -- NPC: Orn -- @pos -68 -9 30 238 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) bookwormStatus = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,EARLY_BIRD_CATCHES_THE_BOOKWORM); if (bookwormStatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("EARLY_BIRD_TRACK_BOOK") == 3) then player:startEvent(0x018f); elseif (bookwormStatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("EARLY_BIRD_TRACK_BOOK") == 2) then player:startEvent(0x018e); elseif (bookwormStatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("EARLY_BIRD_TRACK_BOOK") == 1) then player:startEvent(0x018c); elseif (bookwormStatus == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:hasKeyItem(10) == true) then player:startEvent(0x018b); else player:startEvent(0x28c); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x018b) then player:setVar("EARLY_BIRD_TRACK_BOOK",1); elseif (csid == 0x018e) then player:setVar("EARLY_BIRD_TRACK_BOOK",3); end end;
local helpers = require "spec.helpers" local cjson = require "cjson" local function insert_apis(arr) if type(arr) ~= "table" then return error("expected arg #1 to be a table", 2) end helpers.dao:truncate_tables() for i = 1, #arr do assert(helpers.dao.apis:insert(arr[i])) end end describe("Router", function() local client before_each(function() client = helpers.proxy_client() end) after_each(function() if client then client:close() end end) describe("no APIs match", function() setup(function() helpers.dao:truncate_tables() helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong()) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("responds 404 if no API matches", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", headers = { host = "" } }) local body = assert.response(res).has_status(404) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("^kong/", res.headers.server) assert.equal("no API found with those values", json.message) end) end) describe("use-cases", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "api-1", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, methods = { "GET" }, }, { name = "api-2", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, methods = { "POST", "PUT" }, uris = { "/post", "/put" }, strip_uri = false, }, { name = "api-3", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/status", uris = { [[/mock_upstream]] }, strip_uri = true, }, { name = "api-4", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/basic-auth", uris = { "/private" }, strip_uri = false, }, { name = "api-5", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/anything", uris = { [[/users/\d+/profile]] }, strip_uri = true, }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("restricts an API to its methods if specified", function() -- < HTTP/1.1 POST /post -- > 200 OK local res = assert(client:send { method = "POST", path = "/post", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.response(res).has_status(200) assert.equal("api-2", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) -- < HTTP/1.1 DELETE /post -- > 404 NOT FOUND res = assert(client:send { method = "DELETE", path = "/post", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.response(res).has_status(404) assert.is_nil(res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) it("routes by method-only if no other match is found", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.response(res).has_status(200) assert.equal("api-1", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) describe("API with a path component in its upstream_url", function() it("with strip_uri = true", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/mock_upstream/201", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(201, res) assert.equal("api-3", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) it("with strip_uri = false", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/private/passwd", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(401, res) assert.equal("api-4", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) it("[uri] with a regex", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/users/foo/profile", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(404, res) res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/users/123/profile", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("api-5", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) describe("URI regexes order of evaluation", function() setup(function() helpers.dao:truncate_tables() assert(helpers.dao.apis:insert { name = "api-1", uris = { "/status/(re)" }, upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/status/200", }) ngx.sleep(0.001) assert(helpers.dao.apis:insert { name = "api-2", uris = { "/status/(r)" }, upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/status/200", }) ngx.sleep(0.001) assert(helpers.dao.apis:insert { name = "api-3", uris = { "/status" }, upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/status/200", }) assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("depends on created_at field", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/status/r", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("api-2", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/status/re", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("api-1", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) describe("URI arguments (querystring)", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "api-1", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, hosts = { "mock_upstream" }, }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("preserves URI arguments", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", query = { foo = "bar", hello = "world", }, headers = { ["Host"] = "mock_upstream", }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("bar", assert.equal("world", json.uri_args.hello) end) it("does proxy an empty querystring if URI does not contain arguments", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/request?", headers = { ["Host"] = "mock_upstream", }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("/request%?$", json.vars.request_uri) end) it("does proxy a querystring with an empty value", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get?hello", headers = { ["Host"] = "mock_upstream", }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("/get%?hello$", json.url) end) end) describe("percent-encoded URIs", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "api-1", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, uris = "/endel%C3%B8st", }, { name = "api-2", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, uris = "/foo/../bar", }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("routes when [uris] is percent-encoded", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/endel%C3%B8st", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("api-1", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) it("matches against non-normalized URI", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/foo/../bar", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 }, }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("api-2", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) describe("strip_uri", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "api-strip-uri", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, uris = { "/x/y/z", "/z/y/x" }, strip_uri = true, }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) describe("= true", function() it("strips subsequent calls to an API with different [uris]", function() local res_uri_1 = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/x/y/z/get", }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res_uri_1) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("/get", json.url, nil, true) assert.not_matches("/x/y/z/get", json.url, nil, true) local res_uri_2 = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/z/y/x/get", }) body = assert.res_status(200, res_uri_2) json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("/get", json.url, nil, true) assert.not_matches("/z/y/x/get", json.url, nil, true) local res_2_uri_1 = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/x/y/z/get", }) body = assert.res_status(200, res_2_uri_1) json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("/get", json.url, nil, true) assert.not_matches("/x/y/z/get", json.url, nil, true) local res_2_uri_2 = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/x/y/z/get", }) body = assert.res_status(200, res_2_uri_2) json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches("/get", json.url, nil, true) assert.not_matches("/x/y/z/get", json.url, nil, true) end) end) end) describe("preserve_host", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "api-1", preserve_host = true, upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/request", hosts = "", }, { name = "api-2", preserve_host = false, upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. "/request", hosts = "", }, { name = "api-3", strip_uri = false, preserve_host = true, upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, uris = "/request", } } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) describe("x = false (default)", function() it("uses hostname from upstream_url", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["Host"] = "" }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches(helpers.mock_upstream_host,, nil, true) -- not testing :port end) it("uses port value from upstream_url if not default", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["Host"] = "" }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.matches(":" .. helpers.mock_upstream_port,, nil, true) -- not testing hostname end) end) describe(" = true", function() it("forwards request Host", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/", headers = { ["Host"] = "" }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("", end) it("forwards request Host:Port even if port is default", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["Host"] = "" }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("", end) it("forwards request Host:Port if port isn't default", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["Host"] = "" }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("", end) it("forwards request Host even if not matched by [hosts]", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["Host"] = "" }, }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.equal("", end) end) end) describe("edge-cases", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "root-uri", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, uris = "/", }, { name = "fixture-api", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, uris = "/foobar", }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("root / [uri] for a catch-all rule", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/get", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 } }) assert.response(res).has_status(200) assert.equal("root-uri", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/foobar/get", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1 } }) assert.response(res).has_status(200) assert.equal("fixture-api", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) describe("[uris] + [methods]", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "root-api", methods = { "GET" }, uris = "/root", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, }, { name = "fixture-api", methods = { "GET" }, uris = "/root/fixture", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("prioritizes longer URIs", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/root/fixture/get", headers = { ["kong-debug"] = 1, } }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("fixture-api", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) describe("[uris] + [hosts]", function() setup(function() insert_apis { { name = "root-api", hosts = "", uris = "/root", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, }, { name = "fixture-api", hosts = "", uris = "/root/fixture", upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url, }, } helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) it("prioritizes longer URIs", function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = "/root/fixture/get", headers = { ["Host"] = "", ["kong-debug"] = 1, } }) assert.res_status(200, res) assert.equal("fixture-api", res.headers["kong-api-name"]) end) end) describe("trailing slash", function() local checks = { -- upstream url uris request path expected path strip uri { "/", "/", "/", "/", nil }, { "/", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", nil }, { "/", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", nil }, { "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/", nil }, { "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/", nil }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/", "/get/bar", nil }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", nil }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", nil }, { "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", nil }, { "/get/bar", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", nil }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/", "/get/bar/", nil }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", nil }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", nil }, { "/get/bar/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", nil }, { "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", nil }, { "/", "/", "/", "/", true }, { "/", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", true }, { "/", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", true }, { "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/", true }, { "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/", true }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/", "/get/bar", true }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", true }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", true }, { "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", true }, { "/get/bar", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", true }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/", "/get/bar/", true }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", true }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", true }, { "/get/bar/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", true }, { "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", true }, { "/", "/", "/", "/", false }, { "/", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", false }, { "/", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", false }, { "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", false }, { "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", false }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/", "/get/bar", false }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", false }, { "/get/bar", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", false }, { "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", false }, { "/get/bar", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", false }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/", "/get/bar/", false }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", false }, { "/get/bar/", "/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", false }, { "/get/bar/", "/get/bar", "/get/bar", "/get/bar/get/bar", false }, { "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/", "/get/bar/get/bar/", false }, } setup(function() helpers.dao:truncate_tables() for i, args in ipairs(checks) do assert(helpers.dao.apis:insert { name = "localbin-" .. i, strip_uri = args[5], upstream_url = helpers.mock_upstream_url .. args[1], uris = { args[2], }, hosts = { "localbin-" .. i .. ".com", }, }) end helpers.run_migrations() assert(helpers.start_kong({ nginx_conf = "spec/fixtures/custom_nginx.template", })) end) teardown(function() helpers.stop_kong() end) local function check(i, request_uri, expected_uri) return function() local res = assert(client:send { method = "GET", path = request_uri, headers = { ["Host"] = "localbin-" .. i .. ".com", } }) local json = assert.res_status(200, res) local data = cjson.decode(json) assert.equal(expected_uri, data.vars.request_uri) end end for i, args in ipairs(checks) do local config = "(strip_uri = n/a)" if args[5] == true then config = "(strip_uri = on) " elseif args[5] == false then config = "(strip_uri = off)" end it(config .. " is not appended to upstream url " .. args[1] .. " (with uri " .. args[2] .. ")" .. " when requesting " .. args[3], check(i, args[3], args[4])) end end) end)
-- Tests for derivative.lua local nrsolver = require 'newtonraphson' local total, pass = 0, 0 local function dec(str, len) return #str < len and str .. (('.'):rep(len-#str)) or str:sub(1,len) end local function run(message, f) total = total + 1 local ok, err = pcall(f) if ok then pass = pass + 1 end local status = ok and 'PASSED' or 'FAILED' print(('%02d. %68s: %s'):format(total, dec(message,68), status)) end local function fuzzyEqual(a, b, eps) local eps = eps or 1e-4 return (math.abs(a - b) < eps) end run('Solving x^2 - 2 = 0', function() local f = function(x) return x * x - 2.0 end assert(fuzzyEqual(nrsolver(f,-2), -math.sqrt(2))) assert(fuzzyEqual(nrsolver(f, 2), math.sqrt(2))) end) run('Solving ln(x) - exp(x) = 0', function() local f = function(x) return math.log(x) - math.exp(1) end assert(fuzzyEqual(nrsolver(f, 0.1), 15.1542)) end) print(('-'):rep(80)) print(('Total : %02d: Pass: %02d - Failed : %02d - Success: %.2f %%') :format(total, pass, total-pass, (pass*100/total)))
local function checktodaygr(cb_extra, success, result) local hash = '' local thash='' for k,user in pairs(result.members) do thash = 'today:'..user.peer_id if redis:get(thash) then if redis:get(thash) <"%x",os.time() + 16200) then hash = 'utmsgst:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) hash = 'utmsgph:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) hash = 'utmsgtex:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) hash = 'utmsgoth:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) redis:set(thash,"%x",os.time() + 16200)) end else redis:set(thash,"%x",os.time() + 16200)) end end end local function checktodaych(cb_extra, success, result) local hash = '' local thash='' for k,user in pairs(result) do thash = 'today:'..user.peer_id if redis:get(thash) then if redis:get(thash) <"%x",os.time() + 16200) then hash = 'utmsgst:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) hash = 'utmsgph:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) hash = 'utmsgtex:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) hash = 'utmsgoth:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra redis:set(hash,0) redis:set(thash,"%x",os.time() + 16200)) end else redis:set(thash,"%x",os.time() + 16200)) end end end local function cron() for v,chat in pairs(_chats.chats) do channel_get_users('channel#id'[1], checktodaych, chat[1]) chat_info('chat#id'[1], checktodaygr, chat[1]) end end local function pre_process(msg) if not msg.service then if then if == 'sticker.webp' then local hash = 'utmsgst:'':' redis:incr(hash) elseif == 'photo' then local hash = 'utmsgph:'':' redis:incr(hash) end else if msg.text then local hash = 'utmsgtex:'':' redis:incr(hash) else local hash = 'utmsgoth:'':' redis:incr(hash) end end end return msg end local function getactivegr(cb_extra, success, result) local maxst = {} local maxph = {} local maxtex = {} local maxoth = {} local maxname = {} local maxuser = {} local maxid = {} local maxstat = {} maxstat[1] = 0 maxstat[2] = 0 maxstat[3] = 0 maxname[1] = '' maxname[2] = '' maxname[3] = '' maxuser[1] = '' maxuser[2] = '' maxuser[3] = '' for k,user in pairs(result.members) do local shash = 'utmsgst:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra local phash = 'utmsgph:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra local thash = 'utmsgtex:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra local ohash = 'utmsgoth:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra if not redis:get(shash) then redis:set(shash,0) end if not redis:get(phash) then redis:set(phash,0) end if not redis:get(thash) then redis:set(thash,0) end if not redis:get(ohash) then redis:set(ohash,0) end if tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) > maxstat[1] then maxname[3] = maxname[2] maxuser[3] = maxuser[2] maxstat[3] = maxstat[2] maxid[3] = maxid[2] maxname[2] = maxname[1] maxuser[2] = maxuser[1] maxstat[2] = maxstat[1] maxid[2] = maxid[1] maxname[1] = user.print_name maxuser[1] = user.username maxid[1] = user.peer_id maxstat[1] = tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) elseif tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) > maxstat[2] then maxname[3] = maxname[2] maxuser[3] = maxuser[2] maxstat[3] = maxstat[2] maxid[3] = maxid[2] maxname[2] = user.print_name maxuser[2] = user.username maxid[2] = user.peer_id maxstat[2] = tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) elseif tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) > maxstat[3] then maxname[3] = user.print_name maxuser[3] = user.username maxid[3] = user.peer_id maxstat[3] = tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) end end maxst[1] = redis:get('utmsgst:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) maxph[1] = redis:get('utmsgph:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) maxtex[1] = redis:get('utmsgtex:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) maxoth[1] = redis:get('utmsgoth:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) if maxid[2] then maxst[2] = redis:get('utmsgst:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) maxph[2] = redis:get('utmsgph:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) maxtex[2] = redis:get('utmsgtex:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) maxoth[2] = redis:get('utmsgoth:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) end if maxid[3] then maxst[3] = redis:get('utmsgst:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) maxph[3] = redis:get('utmsgph:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) maxtex[3] = redis:get('utmsgtex:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) maxoth[3] = redis:get('utmsgoth:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) end if not maxuser[1] or maxuser[1] == '' then maxuser[1] = 'ندارد' else maxuser[1] = '@'..maxuser[1] end if not maxuser[2] or maxuser[2] == '' then maxuser[2] = 'ندارد' else maxuser[2] = '@'..maxuser[2] end if not maxuser[3] or maxuser[3] == '' then maxuser[3] = 'ندارد' else maxuser[3] = '@'..maxuser[3] end local text = '♨️فعالان امروز گروه\n1⃣ '..maxname[1]..'〖'..maxuser[1]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[1] + maxph[1] + maxst[1] + maxoth[1]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[1]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[1]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[1]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[1] if maxid[2] then if not maxid[3] then text = text..'\n\n 2⃣ '..maxname[2]..' 〖'..maxuser[2]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[2] + maxph[2] + maxst[2] + maxoth[2]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[2]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[2]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[2]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[2] else text = text..'\n\n 2⃣ '..maxname[2]..' 〖'..maxuser[2]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[2] + maxph[2] + maxst[2] + maxoth[2]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[2]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[2]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[2]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[2]..'\n\n 3⃣ '..maxname[3]..' 〖'..maxuser[3]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[3] + maxph[3] + maxst[3] + maxoth[3]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[3]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[3]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[3]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[3] end end send_msg('chat#id'..cb_extra, text, ok_cb, true) end local function getactivech(cb_extra, success, result) local maxst = {} local maxph = {} local maxtex = {} local maxoth = {} local maxname = {} local maxuser = {} local maxid = {} local maxstat = {} maxstat[1] = 0 maxstat[2] = 0 maxstat[3] = 0 maxname[1] = '' maxname[2] = '' maxname[3] = '' maxuser[1] = '' maxuser[2] = '' maxuser[3] = '' for k,user in pairs(result) do local shash = 'utmsgst:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra local phash = 'utmsgph:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra local thash = 'utmsgtex:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra local ohash = 'utmsgoth:'..user.peer_id..':'..cb_extra if not redis:get(shash) then redis:set(shash,0) end if not redis:get(phash) then redis:set(phash,0) end if not redis:get(thash) then redis:set(thash,0) end if not redis:get(ohash) then redis:set(ohash,0) end if tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) > maxstat[1] then maxname[3] = maxname[2] maxuser[3] = maxuser[2] maxstat[3] = maxstat[2] maxid[3] = maxid[2] maxname[2] = maxname[1] maxuser[2] = maxuser[1] maxstat[2] = maxstat[1] maxid[2] = maxid[1] maxname[1] = user.print_name maxuser[1] = user.username maxid[1] = user.peer_id maxstat[1] = tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) elseif tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) > maxstat[2] then maxname[3] = maxname[2] maxuser[3] = maxuser[2] maxstat[3] = maxstat[2] maxid[3] = maxid[2] maxname[2] = user.print_name maxuser[2] = user.username maxid[2] = user.peer_id maxstat[2] = tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) elseif tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) > maxstat[3] then maxname[3] = user.print_name maxuser[3] = user.username maxid[3] = user.peer_id maxstat[3] = tonumber(redis:get(shash)) + tonumber(redis:get(phash)) + tonumber(redis:get(thash)) + tonumber(redis:get(ohash)) end end maxst[1] = redis:get('utmsgst:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) maxph[1] = redis:get('utmsgph:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) maxtex[1] = redis:get('utmsgtex:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) maxoth[1] = redis:get('utmsgoth:'..maxid[1]..':'..cb_extra) if maxid[2] then maxst[2] = redis:get('utmsgst:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) maxph[2] = redis:get('utmsgph:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) maxtex[2] = redis:get('utmsgtex:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) maxoth[2] = redis:get('utmsgoth:'..maxid[2]..':'..cb_extra) end if maxid[3] then maxst[3] = redis:get('utmsgst:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) maxph[3] = redis:get('utmsgph:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) maxtex[3] = redis:get('utmsgtex:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) maxoth[3] = redis:get('utmsgoth:'..maxid[3]..':'..cb_extra) end if not maxuser[1] or maxuser[1] == '' then maxuser[1] = 'ندارد' else maxuser[1] = '@'..maxuser[1] end if not maxuser[2] or maxuser[2] == '' then maxuser[2] = 'ندارد' else maxuser[2] = '@'..maxuser[2] end if not maxuser[3] or maxuser[3] == '' then maxuser[3] = 'ندارد' else maxuser[3] = '@'..maxuser[3] end local text = '♨️فعالان امروز گروه\n1⃣ '..maxname[1]..'〖'..maxuser[1]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[1] + maxph[1] + maxst[1] + maxoth[1]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[1]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[1]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[1]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[1] if maxid[2] then if not maxid[3] then text = text..'\n\n 2⃣ '..maxname[2]..' 〖'..maxuser[2]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[2] + maxph[2] + maxst[2] + maxoth[2]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[2]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[2]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[2]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[2] else text = text..'\n\n 2⃣ '..maxname[2]..' 〖'..maxuser[2]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[2] + maxph[2] + maxst[2] + maxoth[2]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[2]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[2]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[2]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[2]..'\n\n 3⃣ '..maxname[3]..' 〖'..maxuser[3]..'〗\n\n📨تعداد پیام های ارسالی: '..maxtex[3] + maxph[3] + maxst[3] + maxoth[3]..'\n\n👾استیکر: '..maxst[3]..'\n\n📷تصویر: '..maxph[3]..'\n\n📃 متن: '..maxtex[3]..'\n\n📦 سایر: '..maxoth[3] end end send_msg('channel#id'..cb_extra, text, ok_cb, true) end local function run(msg,matches) if == 'channel' then channel_get_users('channel#id', getactivech, elseif == 'chat' then chat_info('chat#id', getactivegr, end end return { patterns = { "^[!/#]active$", "^active$", }, pre_process = pre_process, cron = cron, run = run }
----------------------------------- -- Area: Mhaura -- NPC: Lacia -- Starts Quest: Trial Size Trial By Lightning -- The "TrialSizeLightning_date" still needs to be set at the BCNM/Mob level to reflect defeat by the Avatar ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Mhaura/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/teleports"); require("scripts/zones/Mhaura/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (trade:hasItemQty(1548,1) == true and player:getQuestStatus(OTHER_AREAS,TRIAL_SIZE_TRIAL_BY_LIGHTNING) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getMainJob() == JOB_SMN) then player:startEvent(0x272a,0,1548,5,20); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local TrialSizeLightning = player:getQuestStatus(OTHER_AREAS,TRIAL_SIZE_TRIAL_BY_LIGHTNING); if (player:getMainLvl() >= 20 and player:getMainJob() == JOB_SMN and TrialSizeLightning == QUEST_AVAILABLE and player:getFameLevel(WINDURST) >= 2) then --Requires player to be Summoner at least lvl 20 player:startEvent(0x2729,0,1548,5,20); --mini tuning fork of lightning, zone, level elseif (TrialSizeLightning == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then local LightningFork = player:hasItem(1548); if (LightningFork == true) then player:startEvent(0x2722); --Dialogue given to remind player to be prepared elseif (LightningFork == false and tonumber("%j")) ~= player:getVar("TrialSizeLightning_date")) then player:startEvent(0x272d,0,1548,5,20); --Need another mini tuning fork end elseif (TrialSizeLightning == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x272c); --Defeated Ramuh else player:startEvent(0x2725); --Standard dialogue end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x2729 and option == 1) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,1548); --Mini tuning fork else player:setVar("TrialSizeLightning_date", 0); player:addQuest(OTHER_AREAS,TRIAL_SIZE_TRIAL_BY_LIGHTNING); player:addItem(1548); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,1548); end elseif (csid == 0x272d and option == 1) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,1548); --Mini tuning fork else player:addItem(1548); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,1548); end elseif (csid == 0x272a and option == 1) then toCloisterOfStorms(player); end end;
---------------------------------- -- Area: Crawlers' Nest [S] -- NPC: Tucker ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Crawlers_Nest_[S]/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Crawlers_Nest_[S]/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) local ALittleKnowledge = player:getQuestStatus(CRYSTAL_WAR, A_LITTLE_KNOWLEDGE); local ALittleKnowledgeProgress = player:getVar("ALittleKnowledge"); local SheetsofVellumProgress = player:getVar("SheetsofVellum"); if (ALittleKnowledge == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ALittleKnowledgeProgress == 1 and SheetsofVellumProgress > 0 and SheetsofVellumProgress < 4) then if (trade:hasItemQty(4365, 48) and trade:getGil() == 0 and trade:getItemCount() == 48) then if (SheetsofVellumProgress == 1) then player:startEvent(8); elseif (SheetsofVellumProgress == 2) then player:startEvent(10); elseif (SheetsofVellumProgress == 3) then player:startEvent(11); end end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local ALittleKnowledge = player:getQuestStatus(CRYSTAL_WAR, A_LITTLE_KNOWLEDGE); local ALittleKnowledgeProgress = player:getVar("ALittleKnowledge"); local SheetsofVellumProgress = player:getVar("SheetsofVellum"); if (ALittleKnowledge == QUEST_ACCEPTED and ALittleKnowledgeProgress == 1) then if (SheetsofVellumProgress == 1) then player:startEvent(7); elseif (SheetsofVellumProgress == 2 or SheetsofVellumProgress == 3) then player:startEvent(9); elseif (SheetsofVellumProgress == 4) then player:startEvent(12); else player:startEvent(6); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 6) then player:setVar("SheetsofVellum", 1); elseif (csid == 8) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 0) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addItem(2550, 4); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED + 9, 2550, 4); player:setVar("SheetsofVellum", 2); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED, 2550); end elseif (csid == 10) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 0) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addItem(2550, 4); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED + 9, 2550, 4); player:setVar("SheetsofVellum", 3); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED, 2550); end elseif (csid == 11) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 0) then player:tradeComplete(); player:addItem(2550, 4); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED + 9, 2550, 4); player:setVar("SheetsofVellum", 4); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED, 2550); end end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Metalworks -- NPC: Glarociquet, T.K. -- @pos 19 -16 -28 237 -- X Grant Signet -- X Recharge Emperor Band, Empress Band, or Chariot Band -- X Accepts traded Crystals to fill up the Rank bar to open new Missions. -- X Sells items in exchange for Conquest Points -- X Start Supply Run Missions and offers a list of already-delivered supplies. -- Start an Expeditionary Force by giving an E.F. region insignia to you. ------------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Metalworks/TextIDs"] = nil; ------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/conquest"); require("scripts/globals/common"); require("scripts/zones/Metalworks/TextIDs"); local guardnation = SANDORIA; -- SANDORIA, BASTOK, WINDURST, JEUNO local guardtype = 2; -- 1: city, 2: foreign, 3: outpost, 4: border local size = table.getn(SandInv); local inventory = SandInv; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) tradeConquestGuard(player,npc,trade,guardnation,guardtype); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:getNation() == guardnation and player:getVar("supplyQuest_started") > 0 and supplyRunFresh(player) == 0) then player:showText(npc,CONQUEST + 40); -- "We will dispose of those unusable supplies." local region = player:getVar("supplyQuest_region"); player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED + 1,getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_started",0); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); player:setVar("supplyQuest_fresh",0); else local Menu1 = getArg1(guardnation,player); local Menu2 = getExForceAvailable(guardnation,player); local Menu3 = conquestRanking(); local Menu4 = getSupplyAvailable(guardnation,player); local Menu5 = player:getNationTeleport(guardnation); local Menu6 = getArg6(player); local Menu7 = player:getCP(); local Menu8 = getRewardExForce(guardnation,player); player:startEvent(0x7ffb,Menu1,Menu2,Menu3,Menu4,Menu5,Menu6,Menu7,Menu8); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("onUpdateCSID: %u",csid); -- printf("onUpdateOPTION: %u",option); if (option >= 32768 and option <= 32944) then for Item = 1,size,3 do if (option == inventory[Item]) then CPVerify = 1; if (player:getCP() >= inventory[Item + 1]) then CPVerify = 0; end player:updateEvent(2,CPVerify,inventory[Item + 2]); break end end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("onFinishCSID: %u",csid); -- printf("onFinishOPTION: %u",option); if (option == 1) then local duration = (player:getRank() + getNationRank(player:getNation()) + 3) * 3600; player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGIL); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SANCTION); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET); player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET,0,0,duration); -- Grant Signet elseif (option >= 32768 and option <= 32944) then for Item = 1,size,3 do if (option == inventory[Item]) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() >= 1) then -- Logic to impose limits on exp bands if (option >= 32933 and option <= 32935) then if (checkConquestRing(player) > 0) then player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST+60,0,0,inventory[Item+2]); break else player:setVar("CONQUEST_RING_TIMER",getConquestTally()); end end if (player:getNation() == guardnation) then itemCP = inventory[Item + 1]; else if (inventory[Item + 1] <= 8000) then itemCP = inventory[Item + 1] * 2; else itemCP = inventory[Item + 1] + 8000; end end if (player:hasItem(inventory[Item + 2]) == false) then player:delCP(itemCP); player:addItem(inventory[Item + 2],1); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,inventory[Item + 2]); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,inventory[Item + 2]); end else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,inventory[Item + 2]); end break end end elseif (option >= 65541 and option <= 65565) then -- player chose supply quest. local region = option - 65541; player:addKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_started",vanaDay()); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",region); player:setVar("supplyQuest_fresh",getConquestTally()); end end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4443 -- Item: cobalt_jellyfish -- Food Effect: 5 Min, Mithra only ----------------------------------------- -- Dexterity 1 -- Mind -3 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:getRace() ~= 7) then result = 247; end if (target:getMod(MOD_EAT_RAW_FISH) == 1) then result = 0; end if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,300,4443); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_DEX, 1); target:addMod(MOD_MND,-3); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_DEX, 1); target:delMod(MOD_MND,-3); end;
#!/usr/bin/env lua --local Prof = require "profiler" -- TODO: different instances of the same sb shall be treated as different sb's -- TODO: do we really support memory writing w/ renaming? -- TODO: super block merging coelessing -- the sb's that only depends on a single predecessor, can be merged into the predecessor local List = require "list" function logd(...) -- print(...) end local reg_rename_tab = {} local core_affili = false local verbose = false -- Core -- to manage all the cores in the processor Core = {num=0, clocks=0, regsync_push=0, regsync_pull=0} function local core_id = Core.num + 1 local core = {id=core_id, inst_total=0, inst_pend=0, sb_cnt=0, busy=false} Core[core_id] = core Core.num = Core.num + 1 return core end -- return the least busy core function Core.get_free_core() -- local core = Core[1] -- for i=1, Core.num do -- if core.inst_pend > Core[i].inst_pend then -- core = Core[i] -- end -- end for i=1, Core.num do if not Core[i].busy then core = Core[i] break end end return core end -- TODO we shall do the work in directly function Core.tick(clocks) local core for i=1, Core.num do core = Core[i] if core.inst_pend >= clocks then core.inst_total = core.inst_total + clocks core.inst_pend = core.inst_pend - clocks else core.inst_total = core.inst_total + core.inst_pend core.inst_pend = 0 end end Core.clocks = Core.clocks + clocks -- TODO add a switch verbose or terse -- logd(i_sum, ' in ', clocks, 'clocks') end -- drain all the cores function local clocks = 0 local isum = 0 for i=1, Core.num do local c = Core[i] if clocks < c.inst_pend then clocks = c.inst_pend end isum = isum + c.inst_pend c.inst_total = c.inst_total + c.inst_pend c.inst_pend = 0 c.busy = false end Core.clocks = Core.clocks + clocks -- the following code is used for policy to run until at least one -- core is free (finishes its pending instructions) -- -- collect the cores with pending sb's to run -- local busy_cores = {} -- for i=1, Core.num do -- if Core[i].inst_pend ~= 0 then -- busy_cores[#busy_cores + 1] = Core[i] -- end -- end -- if #busy_cores > 0 then -- -- find the least busy core -- local pend = busy_cores[1].inst_pend -- for i=2, #busy_cores do -- if pend > busy_cores[i].inst_pend then pend = busy_cores[i].inst_pend end -- end -- -- tick as many clocks as needed to free the least busy core -- Core.tick(pend) -- end end -- to record which SB writes to a specific register local reg_writer = {} -- data input of the current SB local reg_input = {} local reg_output = {} local mem_input = {} local mem_output = {} local mem_io_cnt = 0 -- register put/get count local reg_p = 0 local reg_g = 0 local reg_pg_sum = 0 local sb_addr = 0 -- the SB on which the current sb depends local deps = {} local sb_weight = 0 -- collection of all the buffered sb's, key is the addr, val is the sb local sbs = {} -- re-order buffer that contains the super blocks awaiting for issuing local rob = {} function init_rob(rob, MAX, WIDTH) -- the rob.buf is a list of list, as each level of the rob shall -- contain several sb's that with the same depth -- E.g. with MAX=3 and WIDTH=2, it looks like -- {{l00,l01},{l10,l11},{l20,l21}} rob.buf = rob.MAX = MAX rob.WIDTH = WIDTH end -- we are entering a new superblock function start_sb(addr) logd("SB "..addr) sb_addr = addr end -- place the superblock in the rob function place_sb(rob, sb) -- the sb should be placed after all of its depending sb's local buf = rob.buf -- d is the depth, i.e. in which level/line of the rob the sb should be put local d = buf.first local i = 0 for k, v in pairs(deps) do i = i + 1 if d <= v.d then d = v.d end end -- look for a non-full line which can hold the sb found_slot = false local l for i=d+1, buf.last do l = buf[i] if #l < rob.WIDTH then found_slot = true d = i break end end if not found_slot then List.pushright(buf, {}) d = buf.last l = buf[d] end -- place the sb in the proper level of the rob sb['d'] = d l[#l + 1] = sb end -- function place_sb(rob, sb) -- issue a line of sb's from the rob when necessary function issue_sb(rob) local buf = rob.buf if List.size(buf) > rob.MAX then local l = List.popleft(buf) local w_sum = 0 local w_max = 0 local width = 0 -- to make room for more sb's -- TODO add a switch verbose or terse logd('issue:') local reg_sync_push_line, reg_sync_pull_line = 0, 0 print("ISSUE") for k, v in pairs(l) do width = width + 1 -- TODO add a switch verbose or terse logd(' ', v.addr, v.w) w_sum = w_sum + v.w if w_max < 0 + v.w then w_max = 0 + v.w end -- dispatch the sb to a free core local core if not core_affili then core = Core.get_free_core() -- get the 1st non-busy core else -- Core Affiliation schedule local core_deps = {} -- count number of data deps on each cores for _, r in ipairs(v.reg_input) do local c = reg_rename_tab[r] if c then local cnt = core_deps[c] or 0 core_deps[c] = cnt + 1 end end -- find the core with most deps local max_dep = 0 local c for k, v in pairs(core_deps) do if max_dep < v and not Core[k].busy then -- TODO plot to show the frequency of core affilication sched logd("find a more depended core "..k.." /w "..v.." reg dep") max_dep = v c = k end end core = Core[c] -- this may happen because the reg_rename_tab may be empty if not core then core = Core.get_free_core() end end core.busy = true core.inst_pend = core.inst_pend + v.w core.sb_cnt = core.sb_cnt + 1 -- it's garanteed there's no register write conflict in a -- line of SB local reg_output = {} for _, r in ipairs(v.reg_output) do reg_rename_tab[r] = reg_output[r] = 1 end local reg_input = {} for _, r in ipairs(v.reg_input) do reg_input[r] = 1 end local reg_sync_push, reg_sync_pull = 0, 0 for r, _ in pairs(reg_output) do reg_sync_push = reg_sync_push + 1 end for r, _ in pairs(reg_input) do if reg_rename_tab[r] ~= then reg_sync_pull = reg_sync_pull + 1 end end print(string.format("SB %s %d %d ", v.addr,, v.w)) for i, addr in ipairs(v.mem_input) do mem_io_cnt = mem_io_cnt + 1 print(string.format("%d 0 %s 4 d%d",, addr, mem_io_cnt)) end for i, addr in ipairs(v.mem_output) do mem_io_cnt = mem_io_cnt + 1 print(string.format("%d 1 %s 4 d%d",, addr, mem_io_cnt)) end logd("SB "..v.addr.." issued to core "" reg_sync_push= "..reg_sync_push.."/"..#v.reg_output.." reg_sync_pull= "..reg_sync_pull.."/"..#v.reg_input) reg_sync_push_line = reg_sync_push_line + reg_sync_push reg_sync_pull_line = reg_sync_pull_line + reg_sync_pull sbs[v.addr] = nil end if verbose then print(Core.clocks, w_sum, width, reg_sync_push_line, reg_sync_push_line/(width*w_max), reg_sync_pull_line, reg_sync_pull_line/(width*w_max), (reg_p+reg_g)/(width*w_max)) end Core.regsync_push = Core.regsync_push + reg_sync_push_line Core.regsync_pull = Core.regsync_pull + reg_sync_pull_line -- TODO add a switch verbose or terse logd(Core.clocks, w_sum, w_max, width, w_sum/w_max) logd("reg_rename_tab") for k, v in pairs(reg_rename_tab) do logd(k, v) end end end -- the parameters that affects the parallelism local core_num = 16 local rob_d = 8 local sb_size = 50 function summarize() -- summarize print("## summary") local inst_total_sum = 0 for i=1, Core.num do print("##", Core[i].inst_total, Core[i].sb_cnt) inst_total_sum = inst_total_sum + Core[i].inst_total end if not core_affili then print("## non-affiliation sched") else print("## core-affiliation sched") end print ("## c/s/d=" .. core_num .. "/" .. sb_size .. "/" .. rob_d .. ":", "execute " .. inst_total_sum .. " insts in " .. Core.clocks .. " clks: ", "speedup: "..inst_total_sum/Core.clocks) --print("## average regsync_push: "..Core.regsync_push/inst_total_sum, " average regsync_pull: "..Core.regsync_pull/inst_total_sum) print(string.format("## average regsync_push: %.3f average regsync_pull: %.3f regsync_rw: %.3f", Core.regsync_push/inst_total_sum, Core.regsync_pull/inst_total_sum, reg_pg_sum/inst_total_sum)) --Prof.stop() end -- the current superblock ends, we'll analyze it here function end_sb() -- build the superblock local sb = {} sb['addr'] = sb_addr sb['w'] = sb_weight sb['deps'] = deps sb.reg_input = reg_input sb.reg_output = reg_output sb.mem_input = mem_input sb.mem_output = mem_output sbs[sb_addr] = sb -- io.write(sb_addr.."<=") -- for k, v in pairs(deps) do -- io.write(k.." ") -- end -- logd(' R:'..#reg_input) place_sb(rob, sb) issue_sb(rob) -- to halt at 1000000 clocks if Core.clocks >= 300000 then summarize() os.exit() end deps = {} reg_input = {} reg_output = {} mem_input = {} mem_output = {} reg_pg_sum = reg_pg_sum + reg_p + reg_g reg_p, reg_g = 0, 0 end -- function end_sb() -- the table deps is a set, we use addr as key, so searching it is -- efficient function add_depended(addr) deps[addr] = sbs[addr] logd('add_depended:', addr) end function set_sb_weight(w) sb_weight = w end function parse_lackey_log(sb_size) local i = 0 local weight_accu = 0 for line in io.lines() do if line:sub(1,2) ~= '==' then i = i + 1 local k = line:sub(1,2) if k == 'SB' then if weight_accu >= sb_size then set_sb_weight(weight_accu) end_sb() start_sb(line:sub(4)) weight_accu = 0 end elseif k == ' P' then reg_p = reg_p + 1 local reg_o, offset_sb = string.match(line:sub(4), "(%d+) (%d+)") reg_writer[tonumber(reg_o)] = sb_addr reg_output[#reg_output + 1] = tonumber(reg_o) -- local reg_no = tonumber(line:sub(4)) -- reg_writer[reg_no] = sb_addr -- reg_output[#reg_output + 1] = reg_no elseif k == ' G' then reg_g = reg_g + 1 -- local reg_no = tonumber(line:sub(4)) -- local dep = reg_writer[reg_no] local reg_i, offset_sb = string.match(line:sub(4), "(%d+) (%d+)") local d_addr = tonumber(reg_i) local dep = reg_writer[d_addr] if dep and dep ~= sb_addr then -- io.write("G "..reg_no.." ") add_depended(dep) reg_input[#reg_input + 1] = d_addr end elseif k == ' L' then local addr = line:sub(4, 11) mem_input[#mem_input + 1] = addr elseif k == ' S' then local addr = line:sub(4, 11) mem_output[#mem_output + 1] = addr elseif k == ' W' then weight_accu = weight_accu + tonumber(line:sub(4)) end end end -- TODO add a switch verbose or terse -- logd(i) end -- function parse_lackey_log() for i, v in ipairs(arg) do --print(type(v)) if (v:sub(1,2) == "-c") then --print("core number:") core_num = tonumber(v:sub(3)) elseif (v:sub(1,2) == "-d") then --print("ROB depth:") rob_d = tonumber(v:sub(3)) elseif (v:sub(1,2) == "-s") then --print("minimum superblock size:") sb_size = tonumber(v:sub(3)) elseif (v:sub(1,2) == "-a") then core_affili = true elseif (v:sub(1,2) == "-v") then verbose = true end end --Prof.start("") for i=1, core_num do end init_rob(rob, rob_d, core_num) print("## clock insts width reg_sync_push sync_push/core*clk reg_sync_pull sync_pull/core*clk reg_rw/core*clk") parse_lackey_log(sb_size) summarize()
do local function get_yt_data (yt_code) local base_url = '' local url = base_url..'/videos/'..yt_code..'?v=2&alt=jsonc' local res,code = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return "HTTP ERROR" end local data = json:decode(res).data return data end local function format_youtube_data(data, link) local title = data.title local uploader = data.uploader local text = title..' ('..uploader..')'..'\n\nLink:' .. link return text end local function httpRequest(url) local res,code = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return nil end return json:decode(res) end local function searchYoutubeVideo(text) local base_url = '' local data = httpRequest(base_url..'videos?max-results=1&alt=json&q='..URL.escape(text)) if not data then print("HTTP Error") return nil elseif not data.feed.entry then return "YouTube video not found!" end return data.feed.entry[1].link[1].href end local function run(msg, matches) local text = matches[1] local link = searchYoutubeVideo(text) local yt_code = link:match("?v=([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)") local data = get_yt_data(yt_code) return format_youtube_data(data, link) end return { description = "Search video on youtube and send it.", usage = "!youtube [term]: Search for a youtube video and send it.", patterns = { "^!youtube (.*)" }, run = run } end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Aht Urhgan Whitegate -- NPC: Wahnid -- Type: Guild Merchant: Fishing Guild -- @pos -31.720 -6.000 -94.919 50 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); require("scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:sendGuild(60426,1,18,6)) then player:showText(npc,WAHNID_SHOP_DIALOG); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
------------------------------------- -- Area: Southern San d'Oria -- NPC: Glenne -- Starts and Finishes Quest: A Sentry's Peril -- @zone 230 -- @pos -122 -2 15 ------------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Southern_San_dOria/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Southern_San_dOria/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/pathfind"); local path = { -121.512833, -2.000000, 14.492509, -122.600044, -2.000000, 14.535807, -123.697128, -2.000000, 14.615446, -124.696846, -2.000000, 14.707844, -123.606018, -2.000000, 14.601295, -124.720863, -2.000000, 14.709210, -123.677681, -2.000000, 14.608237, -124.752579, -2.000000, 14.712106, -123.669525, -2.000000, 14.607473, -124.788277, -2.000000, 14.715488, -123.792847, -2.000000, 14.619405, -124.871826, -2.000000, 14.723736 }; function onSpawn(npc) npc:initNpcAi(); npc:setPos(pathfind.first(path)); onPath(npc); end; function onPath(npc) pathfind.patrol(npc, path); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) local count = trade:getItemCount(); if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,FLYERS_FOR_REGINE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and trade:hasItemQty(532,1) and count == 1) then player:messageSpecial(FLYER_REFUSED); elseif (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,A_SENTRY_S_PERIL) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and trade:hasItemQty(601,1) and count == 1) then player:startEvent(0x0201); npc:wait(-1); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local aSentrysPeril = player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,A_SENTRY_S_PERIL); npc:wait(-1); if (aSentrysPeril == QUEST_AVAILABLE) then player:startEvent(0x01fe); elseif (aSentrysPeril == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (player:hasItem(600) == true or player:hasItem(601) == true) then player:startEvent(0x0208); else player:startEvent(0x0284); end elseif (aSentrysPeril == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x0209); else npc:wait(0); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID2: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT2: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option,npc) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); npc:wait(5000); if (csid == 0x01fe and option == 0) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 0) then player:addQuest(SANDORIA,A_SENTRY_S_PERIL); player:addItem(600); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,600); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,600); -- Dose of ointment end elseif (csid == 0x0284) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() > 0) then player:addItem(600); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,600); else player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,600); -- Dose of ointment end elseif (csid == 0x0201) then if (player:getFreeSlotsCount() == 0) then player:messageSpecial(ITEM_CANNOT_BE_OBTAINED,12832); -- Bronze Subligar else player:tradeComplete(); player:addTitle(RONFAURIAN_RESCUER); player:addItem(12832); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,12832); -- Bronze Subligar player:addFame(SANDORIA,30); player:completeQuest(SANDORIA,A_SENTRY_S_PERIL); end end end;
--XLIB -- by Stickly Man! --A library of helper functions used by XGUI for creating derma controls with a single line of code. --Currently a bit disorganized and unstandardized, (just put in things as I needed them). I'm hoping to fix that sometime. xlib = {} function xlib.makecheckbox( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetText( t.label or "" ) pnl:SizeToContents() pnl:SetValue( t.value or 0 ) if t.convar then pnl:SetConVar( t.convar ) end if t.textcolor then pnl:SetTextColor( t.textcolor ) else pnl:SetTextColor( SKIN.text_dark ) end if not t.tooltipwidth then t.tooltipwidth = 250 end if t.tooltip then if t.tooltipwidth ~= 0 then t.tooltip = xlib.wordWrap( t.tooltip, t.tooltipwidth, "Default" ) end pnl:SetToolTip( t.tooltip ) end function pnl:SetDisabled( val ) pnl.disabled = val pnl:SetMouseInputEnabled( not val ) pnl:SetAlpha( val and 128 or 255 ) end if t.disabled then pnl:SetDisabled( t.disabled ) end --Work around for bug where changing the parent of a disabled textbox reenables mouse input. local tempfunc = pnl.SetParent pnl.SetParent = function( self, parent ) local ret = tempfunc( self, parent ) self:SetDisabled( self.disabled ) return ret end --Replicated Convar Updating if t.repconvar then xlib.checkRepCvarCreated( t.repconvar ) pnl:SetValue( GetConVar( t.repconvar ):GetBool() ) function pnl.ConVarUpdated( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, ply, old_val, new_val ) if cl_cvar == t.repconvar:lower() then pnl:SetValue( new_val ) end end hook.Add( "ULibReplicatedCvarChanged", "XLIB_" .. t.repconvar, pnl.ConVarUpdated ) function pnl:OnChange( bVal ) RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, tostring( bVal and 1 or 0 ) ) end pnl.Think = function() end --Override think functions to remove Garry's convar check to (hopefully) speed things up pnl.ConVarNumberThink = function() end pnl.ConVarStringThink = function() end pnl.ConVarChanged = function() end end return pnl end function xlib.makelabel( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DLabel", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetText( t.label or "" ) if not t.tooltipwidth then t.tooltipwidth = 250 end if t.tooltip then if t.tooltipwidth ~= 0 then t.tooltip = xlib.wordWrap( t.tooltip, t.tooltipwidth, "Default" ) end pnl:SetToolTip( t.tooltip ) pnl:SetMouseInputEnabled( true ) end if t.font then pnl:SetFont( t.font ) end if t.w and t.wordwrap then pnl:SetText( xlib.wordWrap( t.label, t.w, t.font or "Default" ) ) end pnl:SizeToContents() if t.w then pnl:SetWidth( t.w ) end if t.h then pnl:SetHeight( t.h ) end if t.textcolor then pnl:SetTextColor( t.textcolor ) else pnl:SetTextColor( SKIN.text_dark ) end return pnl end function xlib.makelistlayout( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DListLayout" ) pnl.scroll = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", t.parent ) pnl.scroll:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl.scroll:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) pnl.scroll:AddItem( pnl ) function pnl:PerformLayout() self:SizeToChildren( false, true ) self:SetWide( self.scroll:GetWide() - ( self.scroll.VBar.Enabled and 16 or 0 ) ) end return pnl end function xlib.makebutton( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DButton", t.parent ) pnl:SetSize( t.w or 20, t.h or 20 ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetText( t.label or "" ) pnl:SetDisabled( t.disabled ) if t.icon then pnl:SetIcon( t.icon ) end if t.btype and t.btype == "close" then pnl.Paint = function( panel, w, h ) derma.SkinHook( "Paint", "WindowCloseButton", panel, w, h ) end end if t.centericon then --Place the image in the cetner of the button instead of the default layout. function pnl:PerformLayout() if ( IsValid( self.m_Image ) ) then self.m_Image:SetPos( (self:GetWide() - self.m_Image:GetWide()) * 0.5, (self:GetTall() - self.m_Image:GetTall()) * 0.5 ) self:SetTextInset( self.m_Image:GetWide() + 16, 0 ) end DLabel.PerformLayout( self ) end end return pnl end function xlib.makeframe( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DFrame", t.parent ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) if t.nopopup ~= true then pnl:MakePopup() end pnl:SetPos( t.x or ScrW()/2-t.w/2, t.y or ScrH()/2-t.h/2 ) pnl:SetTitle( t.label or "" ) if t.draggable ~= nil then pnl:SetDraggable( t.draggable ) end if t.showclose ~= nil then pnl:ShowCloseButton( t.showclose ) end if then pnl:SetSkin( ) end if t.visible ~= nil then pnl:SetVisible( t.visible ) end return pnl end function xlib.makepropertysheet( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) --Clears all of the tabs in the base. function pnl:Clear() for _, Sheet in ipairs( self.Items ) do Sheet.Panel:SetParent( t.offloadparent ) Sheet.Tab:Remove() end self.m_pActiveTab = nil self:SetActiveTab( nil ) self.tabScroller.Panels = {} self.Items = {} end return pnl end function xlib.maketextbox( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetWide( t.w ) pnl:SetTall( t.h or 20 ) pnl:SetEnterAllowed( true ) if t.convar then pnl:SetConVar( t.convar ) end if t.text then pnl:SetText( t.text ) end if t.enableinput then pnl:SetEnabled( t.enableinput ) end pnl.selectAll = t.selectall if not t.tooltipwidth then t.tooltipwidth = 250 end if t.tooltip then if t.tooltipwidth ~= 0 then t.tooltip = xlib.wordWrap( t.tooltip, t.tooltipwidth, "Default" ) end pnl:SetToolTip( t.tooltip ) end function pnl:SetDisabled( val ) --Simulate enabling/disabling of a textbox pnl:SetEnabled( not val ) pnl:SetMouseInputEnabled( not val ) pnl:SetAlpha( val and 128 or 255 ) end if t.disabled then pnl:SetDisabled( t.disabled ) end --Replicated Convar Updating if t.repconvar then xlib.checkRepCvarCreated( t.repconvar ) pnl:SetValue( GetConVar( t.repconvar ):GetString() ) function pnl.ConVarUpdated( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, ply, old_val, new_val ) if cl_cvar == t.repconvar:lower() then pnl:SetValue( new_val ) end end hook.Add( "ULibReplicatedCvarChanged", "XLIB_" .. t.repconvar, pnl.ConVarUpdated ) function pnl:UpdateConvarValue() RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, self:GetValue() ) end function pnl:OnEnter() RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, self:GetValue() ) end pnl.Think = function() end --Override think functions to remove Garry's convar check to (hopefully) speed things up pnl.ConVarNumberThink = function() end pnl.ConVarStringThink = function() end pnl.ConVarChanged = function() end end return pnl end function xlib.makelistview( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DListView", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) pnl:SetMultiSelect( t.multiselect ) pnl:SetHeaderHeight( t.headerheight or 20 ) return pnl end function xlib.makecat( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DCollapsibleCategory", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) pnl:SetLabel( t.label or "" ) pnl:SetContents( t.contents ) t.contents:Dock( TOP ) if t.expanded ~= nil then pnl:SetExpanded( t.expanded ) end if t.checkbox then pnl.checkBox = vgui.Create( "DCheckBox", pnl.Header ) pnl.checkBox:SetValue( t.expanded ) function pnl.checkBox:DoClick() self:Toggle() pnl:Toggle() end function pnl.Header:OnMousePressed( mcode ) if ( mcode == MOUSE_LEFT ) then self:GetParent():Toggle() self:GetParent().checkBox:Toggle() return end return self:GetParent():OnMousePressed( mcode ) end local tempfunc = pnl.PerformLayout pnl.PerformLayout = function( self ) tempfunc( self ) self.checkBox:SetPos( self:GetWide()-18, 2 ) end end function pnl:SetOpen( bVal ) if not self:GetExpanded() and bVal then pnl.Header:OnMousePressed( MOUSE_LEFT ) --Call the mouse function so it properly toggles the checkbox state (if it exists) elseif self:GetExpanded() and not bVal then pnl.Header:OnMousePressed( MOUSE_LEFT ) end end return pnl end function xlib.makepanel( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DPanel", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) if t.visible ~= nil then pnl:SetVisible( t.visible ) end return pnl end function xlib.makeXpanel( t ) pnl = vgui.Create( "xlib_Panel", t.parent ) pnl:MakePopup() pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) if t.visible ~= nil then pnl:SetVisible( t.visible ) end return pnl end function xlib.makenumberwang( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetDecimals( t.decimal or 0 ) pnl:SetMinMax( t.min or 0, t.max or 255 ) pnl:SizeToContents() pnl:SetValue( t.value ) if t.w then pnl:SetWide( t.w ) end if t.h then pnl:SetTall( t.h ) end return pnl end function xlib.makecombobox( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", t.parent ) t.w = t.w or 100 t.h = t.h or 20 pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) --Create a textbox to use in place of the button if ( t.enableinput == true ) then pnl.TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", pnl ) pnl.TextEntry.selectAll = t.selectall pnl.TextEntry:SetEditable( true ) pnl.TextEntry.OnGetFocus = function( self ) --Close the menu when the textbox is clicked, IF the menu was open. hook.Run( "OnTextEntryGetFocus", self ) if ( pnl.Menu ) then pnl.Menu:Remove() pnl.Menu = nil end end --Override GetValue/SetValue to get/set the text from the TextEntry instead of itself. pnl.GetValue = function( self ) return self.TextEntry:GetValue() end pnl.SetText = function( self, val ) self.TextEntry:SetValue( val ) end pnl.ChooseOption = function( self, value, index ) --Update the text of the TextEntry when an option is selected. if ( self.Menu ) then self.Menu:Remove() self.Menu = nil end self.TextEntry:SetText( value ) self:OnSelect( index, value, self.Data[index] ) end pnl.PerformLayout = function( self ) --Update the size of the textbox when the combobox's PerformLayout is called. self.DropButton:SetSize( 15, 15 ) self.DropButton:AlignRight( 4 ) self.DropButton:CenterVertical() self.TextEntry:SetSize( self:GetWide()-20, self:GetTall() ) end end pnl:SetText( t.text or "" ) if not t.tooltipwidth then t.tooltipwidth = 250 end if t.tooltip then if t.tooltipwidth ~= 0 then t.tooltip = xlib.wordWrap( t.tooltip, t.tooltipwidth, "Default" ) end pnl:SetToolTip( t.tooltip ) end if t.choices then for i, v in ipairs( t.choices ) do pnl:AddChoice( v ) end end function pnl:SetDisabled( val ) --enabling/disabling of a textbox self:SetMouseInputEnabled( not val ) self:SetAlpha( val and 128 or 255 ) end if t.disabled then pnl:SetDisabled( t.disabled ) end --Garrys function with no comments, just adding support for Spacers function pnl:OpenMenu() if ( #self.Choices == 0 ) then return end if ( IsValid( self.Menu ) ) then self.Menu:Remove() self.Menu = nil end self.Menu = DermaMenu() for k, v in pairs( self.Choices ) do if v == "--*" then --This is the string to determine where to add the spacer self.Menu:AddSpacer() else self.Menu:AddOption( v, function() self:ChooseOption( v, k ) end ) end end local x, y = self:LocalToScreen( 0, self:GetTall() ) self.Menu:SetMinimumWidth( self:GetWide() ) self.Menu:Open( x, y, false, self ) end --Replicated Convar Updating if t.repconvar then xlib.checkRepCvarCreated( t.repconvar ) if t.isNumberConvar then --This is for convar settings stored via numbers (like ulx_rslotsMode) if t.numOffset == nil then t.numOffset = 1 end local cvar = GetConVar( t.repconvar ):GetInt() if tonumber( cvar ) and cvar + t.numOffset <= #pnl.Choices and cvar + t.numOffset > 0 then pnl:ChooseOptionID( cvar + t.numOffset ) else pnl:SetText( "Invalid Convar Value" ) end function pnl.ConVarUpdated( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, ply, old_val, new_val ) if cl_cvar == t.repconvar:lower() then if tonumber( new_val ) and new_val + t.numOffset <= #pnl.Choices and new_val + t.numOffset > 0 then pnl:ChooseOptionID( new_val + t.numOffset ) else pnl:SetText( "Invalid Convar Value" ) end end end hook.Add( "ULibReplicatedCvarChanged", "XLIB_" .. t.repconvar, pnl.ConVarUpdated ) function pnl:OnSelect( index ) RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, tostring( index - t.numOffset ) ) end else --Otherwise, use each choice as a string for the convar pnl:SetText( GetConVar( t.repconvar ):GetString() ) function pnl.ConVarUpdated( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, ply, old_val, new_val ) if cl_cvar == t.repconvar:lower() then pnl:SetText( new_val ) end end hook.Add( "ULibReplicatedCvarChanged", "XLIB_" .. t.repconvar, pnl.ConVarUpdated ) function pnl:OnSelect( index, value ) RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, value ) end end end return pnl end function xlib.maketree( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DTree", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w, t.h ) function pnl:Clear() --Clears the DTree. if self.RootNode.ChildNodes then for _, node in ipairs( self.RootNode.ChildNodes:GetChildren() ) do node:Remove() end self.m_pSelectedItem = nil self:InvalidateLayout() end end return pnl end function xlib.makecolorpicker( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "xlibColorPanel", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) if t.noalphamodetwo then pnl:NoAlphaModeTwo() end --Provide an alternate layout with no alpha bar. if t.addalpha then pnl:AddAlphaBar() if t.alphamodetwo then pnl:AlphaModeTwo() end end if t.color then pnl:SetColor( t.color ) end if t.repconvar then xlib.checkRepCvarCreated( t.repconvar ) local col = GetConVar( t.repconvar ):GetString() if col == "0" then col = "0 0 0" end col = string.Split( col, " " ) pnl:SetColor( Color( col[1], col[2], col[3] ) ) function pnl.ConVarUpdated( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, ply, old_val, new_val ) if cl_cvar == t.repconvar:lower() then local col = string.Split( new_val, " " ) pnl:SetColor( Color( col[1], col[2], col[3] ) ) end end hook.Add( "ULibReplicatedCvarChanged", "XLIB_" .. t.repconvar, pnl.ConVarUpdated ) function pnl:OnChange( color ) RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, color.r .. " " .. color.g .. " " .. color.b ) end end return pnl end --Thanks to Megiddo for this code! :D function xlib.wordWrap( text, width, font ) surface.SetFont( font ) if not surface.GetTextSize( "" ) then surface.SetFont( "default" ) --Set font to default if specified font does not return a size properly. end text = text:Trim() local output = "" local pos_start, pos_end = 1, 1 while true do local begin, stop = text:find( "%s+", pos_end + 1 ) if (surface.GetTextSize( text:sub( pos_start, begin or -1 ):Trim() ) > width and pos_end - pos_start > 0) then -- If it's not going to fit, split into a newline output = output .. text:sub( pos_start, pos_end ):Trim() .. "\n" pos_start = pos_end + 1 pos_end = pos_end + 1 else pos_end = stop end if not stop then -- We've hit our last word output = output .. text:sub( pos_start ):Trim() break end end return output end function xlib.makeprogressbar( t ) pnl = vgui.Create( "DProgress", t.parent ) pnl.Label = xlib.makelabel{ x=5, y=3, w=(t.w or 100), textcolor=SKIN.text_dark, parent=pnl } pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetSize( t.w or 100, t.h or 20 ) pnl:SetFraction( t.value or 0 ) if t.visible ~= nil then pnl:SetVisible( t.visible ) end return pnl end function xlib.checkRepCvarCreated( cvar ) if GetConVar( cvar ) == nil then CreateClientConVar( cvar:lower(), 0, false, false ) --Replicated cvar hasn't been created via ULib. Create a temporary one to prevent errors end end function xlib.makeslider( t ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider", t.parent ) pnl:SetPos( t.x, t.y ) pnl:SetWide( t.w or 100 ) pnl:SetTall( t.h or 20 ) pnl:SetText( t.label or "" ) pnl:SetMinMax( t.min or 0, t.max or 100 ) pnl:SetDecimals( t.decimal or 0 ) pnl.TextArea:SetDrawBackground( true ) pnl.TextArea.selectAll = t.selectall pnl.Label:SizeToContents() if t.textcolor then pnl.Label:SetTextColor( t.textcolor ) else pnl.Label:SetTextColor( SKIN.text_dark ) end if t.fixclip then pnl.Slider.Knob:NoClipping( false ) end --Fixes clipping on the knob, an example is the sandbox limit sliders. if t.convar then pnl:SetConVar( t.convar ) end if not t.tooltipwidth then t.tooltipwidth = 250 end if t.tooltip then if t.tooltipwidth ~= 0 then t.tooltip = xlib.wordWrap( t.tooltip, t.tooltipwidth, "Default" ) end pnl:SetToolTip( t.tooltip ) end --Support for enabling/disabling slider pnl.SetDisabled = function( self, val ) pnl:SetAlpha( val and 128 or 255 ) pnl:SetEnabled( not val ) pnl.TextArea:SetEnabled( not val ) pnl.TextArea:SetMouseInputEnabled( not val ) pnl.Scratch:SetMouseInputEnabled( not val ) pnl.Slider:SetMouseInputEnabled( not val ) end if t.disabled then pnl:SetDisabled( t.disabled ) end pnl:SizeToContents() -- --The following code bits are basically copies of Garry's code with changes to prevent the slider from sending updates so often pnl.GetValue = function( self ) return tonumber( self.TextArea:GetValue() ) end function pnl.SetValue( self, val ) if ( val == nil ) then return end if t.clampmin then val = math.max( tonumber( val ) or 0, self:GetMin() ) end if t.clampmax then val = math.min( tonumber( val ) or 0, self:GetMax() ) end self.Scratch:SetValue( val ) self.ValueUpdated( val ) self:ValueChanged( val ) end function pnl.ValueChanged( self, val ) if t.clampmin then val = math.max( tonumber( val ) or 0, self:GetMin() ) end if t.clampmax then val = math.min( tonumber( val ) or 0, self:GetMax() ) end self.Slider:SetSlideX( self.Scratch:GetFraction( val ) ) if ( self.TextArea != vgui.GetKeyboardFocus() ) then self.TextArea:SetValue( self.Scratch:GetTextValue() ) end self:OnValueChanged( val ) end --Textbox function pnl.ValueUpdated( value ) pnl.TextArea:SetText( string.format("%." .. ( pnl.Scratch:GetDecimals() ) .. "f", tonumber( value ) or 0) ) end pnl.TextArea.OnTextChanged = function() end function pnl.TextArea:OnEnter() pnl.TextArea:SetText( string.format("%." .. ( pnl.Scratch:GetDecimals() ) .. "f", tonumber( pnl.TextArea:GetText() ) or 0) ) if pnl.OnEnter then pnl:OnEnter() end end function pnl.TextArea:OnLoseFocus() pnl:SetValue( pnl.TextArea:GetText() ) hook.Call( "OnTextEntryLoseFocus", nil, self ) end --Slider local pnl_val function pnl:TranslateSliderValues( x, y ) pnl_val = self.Scratch:GetMin() + (x * self.Scratch:GetRange()) --Store the value and update the textbox to the new value pnl.ValueUpdated( pnl_val ) self.Scratch:SetFraction( x ) return self.Scratch:GetFraction(), y end local tmpfunc = pnl.Slider.Knob.OnMouseReleased pnl.Slider.Knob.OnMouseReleased = function( self, mcode ) tmpfunc( self, mcode ) pnl.Slider:OnMouseReleased( mcode ) end local tmpfunc = pnl.Slider.SetDragging pnl.Slider.SetDragging = function( self, bval ) tmpfunc( self, bval ) if ( !bval ) then pnl:SetValue( pnl.TextArea:GetText() ) end end pnl.Slider.OnMouseReleased = function( self, mcode ) self:SetDragging( false ) self:MouseCapture( false ) end --Scratch function pnl.Scratch:OnCursorMoved( x, y ) if ( !self:GetActive() ) then return end x = x - math.floor( self:GetWide() * 0.5 ) y = y - math.floor( self:GetTall() * 0.5 ) local zoom = self:GetZoom() local ControlScale = 100 / zoom; local maxzoom = 20 if ( self:GetDecimals() ) then maxzoom = 10000 end zoom = math.Clamp( zoom + ((y * -0.6) / ControlScale), 0.01, maxzoom ); self:SetZoom( zoom ) local value = self:GetFloatValue() value = math.Clamp( value + (x * ControlScale * 0.002), self:GetMin(), self:GetMax() ); self:SetFloatValue( value ) pnl_val = value --Store value for later pnl.ValueUpdated( pnl_val ) self:LockCursor() end pnl.Scratch.OnMouseReleased = function( self, mousecode ) g_Active = nil self:SetActive( false ) self:MouseCapture( false ) self:SetCursor( "sizewe" ) pnl:SetValue( pnl.TextArea:GetText() ) end --End code changes -- if t.value then pnl:SetValue( t.value ) end --Replicated Convar Updating if t.repconvar then xlib.checkRepCvarCreated( t.repconvar ) pnl:SetValue( GetConVar( t.repconvar ):GetFloat() ) function pnl.ConVarUpdated( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, ply, old_val, new_val ) if cl_cvar == t.repconvar:lower() then if ( IsValid( pnl ) ) then --Prevents random errors when joining. pnl:SetValue( new_val ) end end end hook.Add( "ULibReplicatedCvarChanged", "XLIB_" .. t.repconvar, pnl.ConVarUpdated ) function pnl:OnValueChanged( val ) RunConsoleCommand( t.repconvar, tostring( val ) ) end --Override think functions to remove Garry's convar check to (hopefully) speed things up pnl.ConVarNumberThink = function() end pnl.ConVarStringThink = function() end pnl.ConVarChanged = function() end end return pnl end ----------------------------------------- --A stripped-down customized DPanel allowing for textbox input! ----------------------------------------- local PANEL = {} AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bPaintBackground", "PaintBackground" ) Derma_Hook( PANEL, "Paint", "Paint", "Panel" ) Derma_Hook( PANEL, "ApplySchemeSettings", "Scheme", "Panel" ) function PANEL:Init() self:SetPaintBackground( true ) end derma.DefineControl( "xlib_Panel", "", PANEL, "EditablePanel" ) ----------------------------------------- --A copy of Garry's ColorCtrl used in the sandbox spawnmenu, with the following changes: -- -Doesn't use convars whatsoever -- -Is a fixed size, but you can have it with/without the alphabar, and there's two layout styles without the alpha bar. -- -Has two functions: OnChange and OnChangeImmediate for greater control of handling changes. ----------------------------------------- local PANEL = {} function PANEL:Init() self.showAlpha=false self:SetSize( 130, 135 ) self.RGBBar = vgui.Create( "DRGBPicker", self ) self.RGBBar.OnChange = function( ctrl, color ) if ( self.showAlpha ) then color.a = self.txtA:GetValue() end self:SetBaseColor( color ) end self.RGBBar:SetSize( 15, 100 ) self.RGBBar:SetPos( 5,5 ) self.RGBBar.OnMouseReleased = function( self, mcode ) self:MouseCapture( false ) self:OnCursorMoved( self:CursorPos() ) self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) end function self.RGBBar:SetColor( color ) local h, s, v = ColorToHSV( color ) self.LastY = ( 1 - h / 360 ) * self:GetTall() end self.ColorCube = vgui.Create( "DColorCube", self ) self.ColorCube.OnUserChanged = function( ctrl ) self:ColorCubeChanged( ctrl ) end self.ColorCube:SetSize( 100, 100 ) self.ColorCube:SetPos( 25,5 ) self.ColorCube.OnMouseReleased = function( self, mcode ) self:SetDragging( false ) self:MouseCapture( false ) self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) end self.txtR = xlib.makenumberwang{ x=7, y=110, w=35, value=255, parent=self } self.txtR.OnValueChanged = function( self, val ) local p = self:GetParent() p:SetColor( Color( val, p.txtG:GetValue(), p.txtB:GetValue(), p.showAlpha and p.txtA:GetValue() ) ) end self.txtR.OnEnter = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end self:OnValueChanged( val ) end self.txtR.OnTextChanged = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end if val ~= math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) then self:SetValue( math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) ) end self:GetParent():UpdateColorText() end self.txtR.OnLoseFocus = function( self ) if not tonumber( self:GetValue() ) then self:SetValue( "0" ) end local p = self:GetParent() p:OnChange( p:GetColor() ) hook.Call( "OnTextEntryLoseFocus", nil, self ) end function self.txtR.OnMouseReleased( self, mousecode ) if ( self.Dragging ) then self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) self:EndWang() return end end self.txtG = xlib.makenumberwang{ x=47, y=110, w=35, value=100, parent=self } self.txtG.OnValueChanged = function( self, val ) local p = self:GetParent() p:SetColor( Color( p.txtR:GetValue(), val, p.txtB:GetValue(), p.showAlpha and p.txtA:GetValue() ) ) end self.txtG.OnEnter = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end self:OnValueChanged( val ) end self.txtG.OnTextChanged = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end if val ~= math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) then self:SetValue( math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) ) end self:GetParent():UpdateColorText() end self.txtG.OnLoseFocus = function( self ) if not tonumber( self:GetValue() ) then self:SetValue( "0" ) end local p = self:GetParent() p:OnChange( p:GetColor() ) hook.Call( "OnTextEntryLoseFocus", nil, self ) end function self.txtG.OnMouseReleased( self, mousecode ) if ( self.Dragging ) then self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) self:EndWang() return end end self.txtB = xlib.makenumberwang{ x=87, y=110, w=35, value=100, parent=self } self.txtB.OnValueChanged = function( self, val ) local p = self:GetParent() p:SetColor( Color( p.txtR:GetValue(), p.txtG:GetValue(), val, p.showAlpha and p.txtA:GetValue() ) ) end self.txtB.OnEnter = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end self:OnValueChanged( val ) end self.txtB.OnTextChanged = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end if val ~= math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) then self:SetValue( math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) ) end self:GetParent():UpdateColorText() end self.txtB.OnLoseFocus = function( self ) if not tonumber( self:GetValue() ) then self:SetValue( "0" ) end local p = self:GetParent() p:OnChange( p:GetColor() ) hook.Call( "OnTextEntryLoseFocus", nil, self ) end function self.txtB.OnMouseReleased( self, mousecode ) if ( self.Dragging ) then self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) self:EndWang() return end end self:SetColor( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ) end function PANEL:AddAlphaBar() self.showAlpha = true self.txtA = xlib.makenumberwang{ x=150, y=82, w=35, value=255, parent=self } self.txtA.OnValueChanged = function( self, val ) local p = self:GetParent() p:SetColor( Color( p.txtR:GetValue(), p.txtG:GetValue(), p.txtB:GetValue(), val ) ) end self.txtA.OnEnter = function( self ) local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end self:OnValueChanged( val ) end self.txtA.OnTextChanged = function( self ) local p = self:GetParent() local val = tonumber( self:GetValue() ) if not val then val = 0 end if val ~= math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) then self:SetValue( math.Clamp( val, 0, 255 ) ) end p.AlphaBar:SetValue( 1 - ( val / 255) ) p:OnChangeImmediate( p:GetColor() ) end self.txtA.OnLoseFocus = function( self ) if not tonumber( self:GetValue() ) then self:SetValue( "0" ) end local p = self:GetParent() p:OnChange( p:GetColor() ) hook.Call( "OnTextEntryLoseFocus", nil, self ) end function self.txtA.OnMouseReleased( self, mousecode ) if ( self.Dragging ) then self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) self:EndWang() return end end self.AlphaBar = vgui.Create( "DAlphaBar", self ) self.AlphaBar.OnChange = function( ctrl, alpha ) self:SetColorAlpha( alpha*255 ) end self.AlphaBar:SetPos( 25,5 ) self.AlphaBar:SetSize( 15, 100 ) self.AlphaBar:SetValue( 1 ) self.AlphaBar.OnMouseReleased = function( self, mcode ) self:MouseCapture( false ) self:OnCursorMoved( self:CursorPos() ) self:GetParent():OnChange( self:GetParent():GetColor() ) end self.ColorCube:SetPos( 45,5 ) self:SetSize( 190, 110 ) self.txtR:SetPos( 150, 7 ) self.txtG:SetPos( 150, 32 ) self.txtB:SetPos( 150, 57 ) end function PANEL:AlphaModeTwo() self:SetSize( 156, 135 ) self.AlphaBar:SetPos( 28,5 ) self.ColorCube:SetPos( 51,5 ) self.txtR:SetPos( 5, 110 ) self.txtG:SetPos( 42, 110 ) self.txtB:SetPos( 79, 110 ) self.txtA:SetPos( 116, 110 ) end function PANEL:NoAlphaModeTwo() self:SetSize( 170, 110 ) self.txtR:SetPos( 130, 7 ) self.txtG:SetPos( 130, 32 ) self.txtB:SetPos( 130, 57 ) end function PANEL:UpdateColorText() self.RGBBar:SetColor( Color( self.txtR:GetValue(), self.txtG:GetValue(), self.txtB:GetValue(), self.showAlpha and self.txtA:GetValue() ) ) self.ColorCube:SetColor( Color( self.txtR:GetValue(), self.txtG:GetValue(), self.txtB:GetValue(), self.showAlpha and self.txtA:GetValue() ) ) if ( self.showAlpha ) then self.AlphaBar:SetBarColor( Color( self.txtR:GetValue(), self.txtG:GetValue(), self.txtB:GetValue(), 255 ) ) end self:OnChangeImmediate( self:GetColor() ) end function PANEL:SetColor( color ) self.RGBBar:SetColor( color ) self.ColorCube:SetColor( color ) if tonumber( self.txtR:GetValue() ) ~= color.r then self.txtR:SetText( color.r or 255 ) end if tonumber( self.txtG:GetValue() ) ~= color.g then self.txtG:SetText( color.g or 0 ) end if tonumber( self.txtB:GetValue() ) ~= color.b then self.txtB:SetText( color.b or 0 ) end if ( self.showAlpha ) then self.txtA:SetText( color.a or 0 ) self.AlphaBar:SetBarColor( Color( color.r, color.g, color.b ) ) self.AlphaBar:SetValue( ( ( color.a or 0 ) / 255) ) end self:OnChangeImmediate( color ) end function PANEL:SetBaseColor( color ) self.ColorCube:SetBaseRGB( color ) self.txtR:SetText(self.ColorCube.m_OutRGB.r) self.txtG:SetText(self.ColorCube.m_OutRGB.g) self.txtB:SetText(self.ColorCube.m_OutRGB.b) if ( self.showAlpha ) then self.AlphaBar:SetBarColor( Color( self:GetColor().r, self:GetColor().g, self:GetColor().b ) ) end self:OnChangeImmediate( self:GetColor() ) end function PANEL:SetColorAlpha( alpha ) if ( self.showAlpha ) then alpha = alpha or 0 self.txtA:SetValue(alpha) end end function PANEL:ColorCubeChanged( cube ) self.txtR:SetText(cube.m_OutRGB.r) self.txtG:SetText(cube.m_OutRGB.g) self.txtB:SetText(cube.m_OutRGB.b) if ( self.showAlpha ) then self.AlphaBar:SetBarColor( Color( self:GetColor().r, self:GetColor().g, self:GetColor().b ) ) end self:OnChangeImmediate( self:GetColor() ) end function PANEL:GetColor() local color = Color( self.txtR:GetValue(), self.txtG:GetValue(), self.txtB:GetValue() ) if ( self.showAlpha ) then color.a = self.txtA:GetValue() else color.a = 255 end return color end function PANEL:PerformLayout() self:SetColor( Color( self.txtR:GetValue(), self.txtG:GetValue(), self.txtB:GetValue(), self.showAlpha and self.txtA:GetValue() ) ) end function PANEL:OnChangeImmediate( color ) --For override end function PANEL:OnChange( color ) --For override end vgui.Register( "xlibColorPanel", PANEL, "DPanel" ) ------------------------- --Custom Animation System ------------------------- --This is a heavily edited version of Garry's derma animation stuff with the following differences: --Allows for animation chains (one animation to begin right after the other) --Can call functions anywhere during the animation cycle. --Reliably calls a start/end function for each animation so the animations always shows/ends properly. --Animations can be completely disabled by setting 0 for the animation time. local xlibAnimation = {} xlibAnimation.__index = xlibAnimation function xlib.anim( runFunc, startFunc, endFunc ) local anim = {} anim.runFunc = runFunc anim.startFunc = startFunc anim.endFunc = endFunc setmetatable( anim, xlibAnimation ) return anim end xlib.animTypes = {} xlib.registerAnimType = function( name, runFunc, startFunc, endFunc ) xlib.animTypes[name] = xlib.anim( runFunc, startFunc, endFunc ) end function xlibAnimation:Start( Length, Data ) self.startFunc( Data ) if ( Length == 0 ) then self.endFunc( Data ) xlib.animQueue_call() else self.Length = Length self.StartTime = SysTime() self.EndTime = SysTime() + Length self.Data = Data table.insert( xlib.activeAnims, self ) end end function xlibAnimation:Stop() self.runFunc( 1, self.Data ) self.endFunc( self.Data ) for i, v in ipairs( xlib.activeAnims ) do if v == self then table.remove( xlib.activeAnims, i ) break end end xlib.animQueue_call() end function xlibAnimation:Run() local CurTime = SysTime() local delta = (CurTime - self.StartTime) / self.Length if ( CurTime > self.EndTime ) then self:Stop() else self.runFunc( delta, self.Data ) end end --Animation Ticker xlib.activeAnims = {} xlib.animRun = function() for _, v in ipairs( xlib.activeAnims ) do v.Run( v ) end end hook.Add( "XLIBDoAnimation", "xlib_runAnims", xlib.animRun ) ------------------------- --Animation chain manager ------------------------- xlib.animQueue = {} xlib.animBackupQueue = {} --This will allow us to make animations run faster when linked together --Makes sure the entire animation length = animationTime (~0.2 sec by default) xlib.animStep = 0 --Call this to begin the animation chain xlib.animQueue_start = function() if xlib.animRunning then --If a new animation is starting while one is running, then we should instantly stop the old one. xlib.animQueue_forceStop() return --The old animation should be finished now, and the new one should be starting end xlib.curAnimStep = xlib.animStep xlib.animStep = 0 xlib.animQueue_call() end xlib.animQueue_forceStop = function() --This will trigger the currently chained animations to run at 0 seconds. xlib.curAnimStep = -1 if type( xlib.animRunning ) == "table" then xlib.animRunning:Stop() end end xlib.animQueue_call = function() if #xlib.animQueue > 0 then local func = xlib.animQueue[1] table.remove( xlib.animQueue, 1 ) func() else xlib.animRunning = nil --Check for queues in the backup that haven't been started. if #xlib.animBackupQueue > 0 then xlib.animQueue = table.Copy( xlib.animBackupQueue ) xlib.animBackupQueue = {} xlib.animQueue_start() end end end xlib.addToAnimQueue = function( obj, ... ) local arg = { ... } --If there is an animation running, then we need to store the new animation stuff somewhere else temporarily. --Also, if ignoreRunning is true, then we'll add the anim to the regular queue regardless of running status. local outTable = xlib.animRunning and xlib.animBackupQueue or xlib.animQueue if type( obj ) == "function" then table.insert( outTable, function() xlib.animRunning = true obj( unpack( arg ) ) xlib.animQueue_call() end ) elseif type( obj ) == "string" and xlib.animTypes[obj] then --arg[1] should be data table, arg[2] should be length length = arg[2] or xgui.settings.animTime or 1 xlib.animStep = xlib.animStep + 1 table.insert( outTable, function() xlib.animRunning = xlib.animTypes[obj] xlib.animRunning:Start( ( xlib.curAnimStep ~= -1 and ( length/xlib.curAnimStep ) or 0 ), arg[1] ) end ) else Msg( "Error: XLIB recieved an invalid animation call! TYPE:" .. type( obj ) .. " VALUE:" .. tostring( obj ) .. "\n" ) end end ------------------------- --Default Animation Types ------------------------- --Slide animation local function slideAnim_run( delta, data ) --data.panel, data.startx, data.starty, data.endx, data.endy, data.setvisible data.panel:SetPos( data.startx+((data.endx-data.startx)*delta), data.starty+((data.endy-data.starty)*delta) ) end local function slideAnim_start( data ) data.panel:SetPos( data.startx, data.starty ) if data.setvisible == true then ULib.queueFunctionCall( data.panel.SetVisible, data.panel, true ) end end local function slideAnim_end( data ) data.panel:SetPos( data.endx, data.endy ) if data.setvisible == false then data.panel:SetVisible( false ) end end xlib.registerAnimType( "pnlSlide", slideAnim_run, slideAnim_start, slideAnim_end ) --Fade animation local function fadeAnim_run( delta, data ) if data.panelOut then data.panelOut:SetAlpha( 255-(delta*255) ) data.panelOut:SetVisible( true ) end if data.panelIn then data.panelIn:SetAlpha( 255 * delta ) data.panelIn:SetVisible( true ) end end local function fadeAnim_start( data ) if data.panelOut then data.panelOut:SetAlpha( 255 ) data.panelOut:SetVisible( true ) end if data.panelIn then data.panelIn:SetAlpha( 0 ) data.panelIn:SetVisible( true ) end end local function fadeAnim_end( data ) if data.panelOut then data.panelOut:SetVisible( false ) end if data.panelIn then data.panelIn:SetAlpha( 255 ) end end xlib.registerAnimType( "pnlFade", fadeAnim_run, fadeAnim_start, fadeAnim_end )
----------------------------------- -- -- Zone: Chocobo_Circuit -- ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); package.loaded["scripts/zones/Chocobo_Circuit/TextIDs"] = nil; require("scripts/zones/Chocobo_Circuit/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onInitialize ----------------------------------- function onInitialize(zone) end; ----------------------------------- -- onZoneIn ----------------------------------- function onZoneIn(player,prevZone) local cs = -1; return cs; end; ----------------------------------- -- onRegionEnter ----------------------------------- function onRegionEnter(player,region) end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Horlais Peak -- Name: Mission Rank 2 -- @pos -509 158 -211 139 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Horlais_Peak/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/missions"); require("scripts/zones/Horlais_Peak/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- Maat Battle in Horlais Peak -- EXAMPLE SCRIPT -- -- What should go here: -- giving key items, playing ENDING cutscenes -- -- What should NOT go here: -- Handling of "battlefield" status, spawning of monsters, -- putting loot into treasure pool, -- enforcing ANY rules (SJ/number of people/etc), moving -- chars around, playing entrance CSes (entrance CSes go in bcnm.lua) -- After registering the BCNM via bcnmRegister(bcnmid) function onBcnmRegister(player,instance) end; -- Physically entering the BCNM via bcnmEnter(bcnmid) function onBcnmEnter(player,instance) end; -- Leaving the BCNM by every mean possible, given by the LeaveCode -- 1=Select Exit on circle -- 2=Winning the BC -- 3=Disconnected or warped out -- 4=Losing the BC -- via bcnmLeave(1) or bcnmLeave(2). LeaveCodes 3 and 4 are called -- from the core when a player disconnects or the time limit is up, etc function onBcnmLeave(player,instance,leavecode) -- print("leave code "..leavecode); if (leavecode == 2) then -- play end CS. Need time and battle id for record keeping + storage if (player:hasCompletedMission(player:getNation(),5)) then player:startEvent(0x7d01,1,1,1,instance:getTimeInside(),1,0,1); else player:startEvent(0x7d01,1,1,1,instance:getTimeInside(),1,0,0); end elseif (leavecode == 4) then player:startEvent(0x7d02); end end; function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- print("bc update csid "..csid.." and option "..option); end; function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- print("bc finish csid "..csid.." and option "..option); if (csid == 0x7d01) then if ((player:getCurrentMission(BASTOK) == THE_EMISSARY_SANDORIA2 or player:getCurrentMission(WINDURST) == THE_THREE_KINGDOMS_SANDORIA2) and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 9) then player:addKeyItem(KINDRED_CREST); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,KINDRED_CREST); player:setVar("MissionStatus",10); end end end;
--------------------------------------------- -- Tebbad Wing -- -- Description: A hot wind deals Fire damage to enemies within a very wide area of effect. Additional effect: Plague -- Type: Magical -- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: Wipes shadows -- Range: 30' radial. -- Notes: Used only by Tiamat, Smok and Ildebrann --------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/monstertpmoves"); --------------------------------------------- function onMobSkillCheck(target,mob,skill) if (mob:AnimationSub() ~= 1) then return 1; end return 0; end; function onMobWeaponSkill(target, mob, skill) local typeEffect = EFFECT_PLAGUE; MobStatusEffectMove(mob, target, typeEffect, 10, 0, 120); local dmgmod = 1; local info = MobMagicalMove(mob,target,skill,mob:getWeaponDmg()*5,ELE_FIRE,dmgmod,TP_NO_EFFECT); local dmg = MobFinalAdjustments(info.dmg,mob,skill,target,MOBSKILL_MAGICAL,MOBPARAM_FIRE,MOBPARAM_WIPE_SHADOWS); target:delHP(dmg); return dmg; end;
-- tolua: module class -- Written by Waldemar Celes -- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio -- Jul 1998 -- $Id: $ -- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it. -- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and -- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, -- enhancements, or modifications. -- Module class -- Represents module. -- The following fields are stored: -- {i} = list of objects in the module. classModule = { classtype = 'module' } classModule.__index = classModule setmetatable(classModule,classContainer) -- register module function classModule:register (pre) pre = pre or '' push(self) output(pre..'tolua_module(tolua_S,"''",',self:hasvar(),');') output(pre..'tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S,"''");') local i=1 while self[i] do self[i]:register(pre..' ') i = i+1 end output(pre..'tolua_endmodule(tolua_S);') pop() end -- Print method function classModule:print (ident,close) print(ident.."Module{") print(ident.." name = '""';") local i=1 while self[i] do self[i]:print(ident.." ",",") i = i+1 end print(ident.."}"..close) end -- Internal constructor function _Module (t) setmetatable(t,classModule) append(t) return t end -- Constructor -- Expects two string representing the module name and body. function Module (n,b) local t = _Module(_Container{name=n}) push(t) t:parse(strsub(b,2,strlen(b)-1)) -- eliminate braces pop() return t end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Northern San d'Oria -- NPC: Bertenont -- Involved in Quest: Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria) -- @pos -165 0.1 226 231 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Northern_San_dOria/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Northern_San_dOria/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,FLYERS_FOR_REGINE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (trade:hasItemQty(532,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Magicmart_flyer player:messageSpecial(FLYER_REFUSED); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local WildcatSandy = player:getVar("WildcatSandy"); if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,LURE_OF_THE_WILDCAT_SAN_D_ORIA) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getMaskBit(WildcatSandy,9) == false) then player:startEvent(0x0329); else player:showText(npc,BERTENONT_DIALOG); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x0329) then player:setMaskBit(player:getVar("WildcatSandy"),"WildcatSandy",9,true); end end;
----------------------------------- -- Skill Level: N/A -- Description: Deals light elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. Gastraphetes: Aftermath effect varies with TP. -- Available only after completing the Unlocking a Myth (Ranger) quest. -- Does not work with Flashy Shot. -- Does not work with Stealth Shot. -- Aligned with the Breeze Gorget, Thunder Gorget & Soil Gorget. -- Aligned with the Breeze Belt, Thunder Belt & Soil Belt. -- Properties -- Element: Light -- Skillchain Properties: Fragmentation/Scission -- Modifiers: AGI:30% -- Damage Multipliers by TP: -- 100%TP 200%TP 300%TP -- 4.0 4.25 4.75 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/weaponskills"); ----------------------------------- function onUseWeaponSkill(player, target, wsID) local params = {}; params.ftp100 = 4; params.ftp200 = 4.25; params.ftp300 = 4.75; params.str_wsc = 0.0; params.dex_wsc = 0.0; params.vit_wsc = 0.0; params.agi_wsc = 0.3; params.int_wsc = 0.0; params.mnd_wsc = 0.0; params.chr_wsc = 0.0; params.ele = ELE_LIGHT; params.skill = SKILL_MRK; params.includemab = true; if (USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES == true) then params.ftp100 = 3.8906; params.ftp200 = 6.3906; params.ftp300 = 9.3906; params.agi_wsc = 1.0; end local damage, tpHits, extraHits = doMagicWeaponskill(player, target, params); if ((player:getEquipID(SLOT_RANGED) == 19001) and (player:getMainJob() == JOB_RNG)) then if (damage > 0) then -- AFTERMATH LV1 if ((player:getTP() >= 100) and (player:getTP() <= 110)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 10, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 111) and (player:getTP() <= 120)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 11, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 121) and (player:getTP() <= 130)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 12, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 131) and (player:getTP() <= 140)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 13, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 141) and (player:getTP() <= 150)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 14, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 151) and (player:getTP() <= 160)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 15, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 161) and (player:getTP() <= 170)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 16, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 171) and (player:getTP() <= 180)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 17, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 181) and (player:getTP() <= 190)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 18, 0, 180, 0, 3); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 191) and (player:getTP() <= 199)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV1, 19, 0, 180, 0, 3); -- AFTERMATH LV2 elseif ((player:getTP() >= 200) and (player:getTP() <= 210)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 24, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 211) and (player:getTP() <= 219)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 28, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 221) and (player:getTP() <= 229)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 32, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 231) and (player:getTP() <= 239)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 36, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 241) and (player:getTP() <= 249)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 40, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 251) and (player:getTP() <= 259)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 44, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 261) and (player:getTP() <= 269)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 48, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 271) and (player:getTP() <= 279)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 52, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 281) and (player:getTP() <= 289)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 56, 0, 180, 0, 4); elseif ((player:getTP() >= 291) and (player:getTP() <= 299)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV2, 59, 0, 180, 0, 4); -- AFTERMATH LV3 elseif ((player:getTP() == 300)) then player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_AFTERMATH_LV3, 45, 0, 120, 0, 2); end end end damage = damage * WEAPON_SKILL_POWER return tpHits, extraHits, criticalHit, damage; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Walls -- NPC: Yoriri -- Type: Standard NPC -- @pos 65.268 -8.5 -58.309 239 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local WildcatWindurst = player:getVar("WildcatWindurst"); if (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,LURE_OF_THE_WILDCAT_WINDURST) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getMaskBit(WildcatWindurst,5) == false) then player:startEvent(0x01f0); else player:startEvent(0x0139); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x01f0) then player:setMaskBit(player:getVar("WildcatWindurst"),"WildcatWindurst",5,true); end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Bastok Mines -- NPC: Tami -- Starts & Finishes Repeatable Quest: Groceries -- Note: Repeatable until proper completion ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) ViewedNote = player:getVar("GroceriesViewedNote"); if (ViewedNote == 1) then count = trade:getItemCount(); MeatJerky = trade:hasItemQty(4376,1); if (MeatJerky == true and count == 1) then player:startEvent(0x0071); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) Groceries = player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,GROCERIES); GroceriesVar = player:getVar("Groceries"); if (Groceries == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x0073); elseif (Groceries == QUEST_AVAILABLE or GroceriesVar == 0) then player:startEvent(0x006e); elseif (GroceriesVar == 1) then player:showText(npc,10510); elseif (GroceriesVar == 2) then player:startEvent(0x0070); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID2: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT2: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x006e) then Groceries = player:getQuestStatus(BASTOK,GROCERIES); if (Groceries == QUEST_AVAILABLE) then player:addQuest(BASTOK,GROCERIES); end player:addKeyItem(0x98); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,0x98); player:setVar("Groceries",1); elseif (csid == 0x0070) then player:addFame(BASTOK,8); player:setVar("Groceries",0); player:addGil(GIL_RATE*10); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,GIL_RATE*10); elseif (csid == 0x0071) then FreeSlots = player:getFreeSlotsCount(); if (FreeSlots >= 1) then player:tradeComplete(); player:setVar("Groceries",0); player:setVar("GroceriesViewedNote",0); player:completeQuest(BASTOK,GROCERIES); player:addFame(BASTOK,75); player:addItem(13594); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,13594); else player:messageSpecial(FULL_INVENTORY_AFTER_TRADE,13594); end end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Windurst Walls -- Door: Priming Gate -- Involved in quest: Toraimarai Turmoil ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) X = player:getXPos(); Z = player:getZPos(); if ((X >= 1.51 and X <= 9.49) and (Z >= 273.1 and Z <= 281)) then if player:hasKeyItem(267) then player:startEvent(0x0191); else player:startEvent (0x0108); end else player:startEvent (0x018b); end return 1 end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
-- See local function getBTCX(amount,currency) local base_url = '' -- Do request on bitcoinaverage, the final / is critical! local res,code = https.request(base_url..currency.."/") if code ~= 200 then return nil end local data = json:decode(res) -- Easy, it's right there text = "BTC/"..currency..'\n'..'Buy: ''\n'..'Sell: ' -- If we have a number as second parameter, calculate the bitcoin amount if amount~=nil then btc = tonumber(amount) / tonumber(data.ask) text = text.."\n "..currency .." "..amount.." = BTC "..btc end return text end local function run(msg, matches) local cur = 'EUR' local amt = nil -- Get the global match out of the way if matches[1] == "!btc" then return getBTCX(amt,cur) end if matches[2] ~= nil then -- There is a second match amt = matches[2] cur = string.upper(matches[1]) else -- Just a EUR or USD param cur = string.upper(matches[1]) end return getBTCX(amt,cur) end return { description = "Bitcoin global average market value (in EUR or USD)", usage = "!btc [EUR|USD] [amount]", patterns = { "^!btc$", "^!btc ([Ee][Uu][Rr])$", "^!btc ([Uu][Ss][Dd])$", "^!btc (EUR) (%d+[%d%.]*)$", "^!btc (USD) (%d+[%d%.]*)$" }, run = run }
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4551 -- Item: salmon_croute -- Food Effect: 30Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- HP 8 -- MP 8 -- Dexterity 2 -- MP recovered while healing 1 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,1800,4551); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_HP, 8); target:addMod(MOD_MP, 8); target:addMod(MOD_DEX, 2); target:addMod(MOD_MPHEAL, 1); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_HP, 8); target:delMod(MOD_MP, 8); target:delMod(MOD_DEX, 2); target:delMod(MOD_MPHEAL, 1); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Port Windurst -- NPC: Shanruru -- Involved in Quest: Riding on the Clouds -- @zone 240 -- @pos -1 -6 187 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Port_Windurst/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Port_Windurst/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,RIDING_ON_THE_CLOUDS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getVar("ridingOnTheClouds_4") == 5) then if (trade:hasItemQty(1127,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Kindred seal player:setVar("ridingOnTheClouds_4",0); player:tradeComplete(); player:addKeyItem(SPIRITED_STONE); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,SPIRITED_STONE); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) TruthJusticeOnionWay = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,TRUTH_JUSTICE_AND_THE_ONION_WAY); InspectorsGadget = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,INSPECTOR_S_GADGET); OnionRings = player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,ONION_RINGS); if (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,THE_PROMISE) == QUEST_COMPLETED) then Message = math.random(0,1) if (Message == 1) then player:startEvent(0x0211); else player:startEvent(0x021d); end elseif (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,CRYING_OVER_ONIONS) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x01f8); elseif (OnionRings == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x01be); elseif (OnionRings == QUEST_ACCEPTED ) then player:startEvent(0x01b7); elseif (InspectorsGadget == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x01ac); elseif (InspectorsGadget == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x01a4); elseif (player:getQuestStatus(WINDURST,KNOW_ONE_S_ONIONS) == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x019c); elseif (TruthJusticeOnionWay == QUEST_COMPLETED) then player:startEvent(0x0180); elseif (TruthJusticeOnionWay == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then player:startEvent(0x0179); else player:startEvent(0x016f); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID2: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT2: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Aht Urhgan Whitegate -- NPC: Yahsra -- Type: Assault Mission Giver -- @pos 120.967 0.161 -44.002 50 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/besieged"); require("scripts/globals/missions"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local rank = getMercenaryRank(player); local haveimperialIDtag; local assaultPoints = player:getAssaultPoint(LEUJAOAM_ASSAULT_POINT); if (player:hasKeyItem(IMPERIAL_ARMY_ID_TAG)) then haveimperialIDtag = 1; else haveimperialIDtag = 0; end --[[if (rank > 0) then player:startEvent(273,rank,haveimperialIDtag,assaultPoints,player:getCurrentAssault()); else]] player:startEvent(279); -- no rank --end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 273) then local selectiontype =, 0xF); if (selectiontype == 1) then -- taken assault mission player:addAssault(bit.rshift(option,4)); player:delKeyItem(IMPERIAL_ARMY_ID_TAG); player:addKeyItem(LEUJAOAM_ASSAULT_ORDERS); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,LEUJAOAM_ASSAULT_ORDERS); elseif (selectiontype == 2) then -- purchased an item local item = bit.rshift(option,14); local itemID = 0; local price = 0; -- Copy/pasted from Famad, TODO: fill in the actual IDs/prices for Yahsra --[[if (item == 1) then itemID = 15972; price = 3000; elseif (item == 2) then itemID = 15777; price = 5000; elseif (item == 3) then itemID = 15523; price = 8000; elseif (item == 4) then itemID = 15886; price = 10000; elseif (item == 5) then itemID = 15492; price = 10000; elseif (item == 6) then itemID = 18583; price = 10000; elseif (item == 7) then itemID = 18388; price = 15000; elseif (item == 8) then itemID = 18417; price = 15000; elseif (item == 9) then itemID = 14940; price = 15000; elseif (item == 10) then itemID = 15690; price = 20000; elseif (item == 11) then itemID = 14525; price = 20000; else return; end player:addItem(itemID); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,itemID); player:delAssaultPoint(LEBROS_ASSAULT_POINT,price);]] end end end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Wajaom Woodlands -- NPC: Watisa -- Type: Chocobo Renter -- @pos -201 -11 93 51 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local level = player:getMainLvl(); local gil = player:getGil(); if (player:hasKeyItem(CHOCOBO_LICENSE) and level >= 20) then local price = getChocoboPrice(player); player:setLocalVar("chocoboPriceOffer",price); player:startEvent(0x0009,price,gil); else player:startEvent(0x000a); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish Action ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); local price = player:getLocalVar("chocoboPriceOffer"); if (csid == 0x0009 and option == 0) then if (player:delGil(price)) then updateChocoboPrice(player, price); local duration = 1800 + (player:getMod(MOD_CHOCOBO_RIDING_TIME) * 60) player:addStatusEffectEx(EFFECT_CHOCOBO,EFFECT_CHOCOBO,1,0,duration,true); end end end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 4282 -- Item: pipin_hot_popoto -- Food Effect: 60Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- HP 25 -- Vitality 3 -- HP recovered while healing 1 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,3600,4282); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_HP, 25); target:addMod(MOD_VIT, 3); target:addMod(MOD_HPHEAL, 1); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_HP, 25); target:delMod(MOD_VIT, 3); target:delMod(MOD_HPHEAL, 1); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Ru'Aun Gardens -- NPC: Pincerstone -- NPCs which activates the blue teleports in sky ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/RuAun_Gardens/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/RuAun_Gardens/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) local npcid = npc:getID(); if (npcid == 17310039) then -- Genbu to Byakko local portal = GetNPCByID(17310060); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310039):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310041) then -- Byakko to Genbu local portal = GetNPCByID(17310061); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310041):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310043) then -- Byakko to Suzaku local portal = GetNPCByID(17310063); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310043):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310045) then -- Suzaku to Byakko local portal = GetNPCByID(17310064); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310045):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310047) then -- Suzaku to Main local portal = GetNPCByID(17310066); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310047):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310037) then -- Genbu to Seriyu local portal = GetNPCByID(17310058); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310037):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310035) then -- Seriyu To Genbu local portal = GetNPCByID(17310057); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310035):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310049) then -- Main to Suzaku local portal = GetNPCByID(17310067); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310049):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310031) then -- Main to Seriyu local portal = GetNPCByID(17310054); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310031):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end elseif (npcid == 17310033) then -- Seriyu to Main local portal = GetNPCByID(17310055); if (portal:getAnimation() == 8) then player:messageSpecial(IT_IS_ALREADY_FUNCTIONING); else GetNPCByID(17310033):openDoor(120); portal:openDoor(120); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------------- -- Spell: Lowing -- Gives enemies within range a powerful disease that prevents recovery of HP and MP -- Spell cost: 66 MP -- Monster Type: Beasts -- Spell Type: Magical (Fire) -- Blue Magic Points: 2 -- Stat Bonus: HP-5 -- Level: 71 -- Casting Time: 7 seconds -- Recast Time: 56 seconds -- Magic Bursts on: Liquefaction, Fusion, and Light -- Combos: Clear Mind ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/magic"); require("scripts/globals/bluemagic"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnMagicCastingCheck ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnSpellCast ----------------------------------------- function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) local typeEffect = EFFECT_PLAGUE; local dINT = caster:getStat(MOD_MND) - target:getStat(MOD_MND); local resist = applyResistance(caster,spell,target,dINT,BLUE_SKILL); local duration = 60 * resist; local power = 5; if (resist > 0.5) then -- Do it! if (target:addStatusEffect(typeEffect,power,0,duration)) then spell:setMsg(236); else spell:setMsg(75); end else spell:setMsg(85); end; return typeEffect; end;
-------------------------------------- -- Spell: Absorb-MND -- Steals an enemy's mind. -------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/magic"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnSpellCast ----------------------------------------- function onMagicCastingCheck(caster,target,spell) return 0; end; function onSpellCast(caster,target,spell) if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_MND_DOWN) or caster:getStatusEffect(EFFECT_MND_BOOST)) then spell:setMsg(75); -- no effect else local dINT = caster:getStat(MOD_INT) - target:getStat(MOD_INT); local resist = applyResistance(caster,spell,target,dINT,37,0); if (resist <= 0.125) then spell:setMsg(85); else spell:setMsg(334); caster:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_MND_BOOST,ABSORB_SPELL_AMOUNT*resist*((100+(caster:getMod(MOD_AUGMENTS_ABSORB)))/100), ABSORB_SPELL_TICK, ABSORB_SPELL_AMOUNT*ABSORB_SPELL_TICK,FLAG_DISPELABLE); -- caster gains MND target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_MND_DOWN,ABSORB_SPELL_AMOUNT*resist*((100+(caster:getMod(MOD_AUGMENTS_ABSORB)))/100), ABSORB_SPELL_TICK, ABSORB_SPELL_AMOUNT*ABSORB_SPELL_TICK,FLAG_ERASBLE); -- target loses MND end end return EFFECT_MND_DOWN; end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Aht Urhgan Whitegate -- NPC: Ryo -- Type: ZNM assistant -- @pos -127.086 0.999 22.693 50 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/TextIDs"); require("scripts/globals/besieged"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x0391); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("updateCSID: %u",csid); -- printf("updateRESULT: %u",option); if (option == 300) then player:updateEvent(player:getCurrency("zeni_point"),0); else player:updateEvent(0,0); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("finishCSID: %u",csid); -- printf("finishRESULT: %u",option); end;
return { rs256_private_key = [[ -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAw5mp3MS3hVLkHwB9lMrEx34MjYCmKeH/XeMLexNpTd1FzuNv 6rArovTY763CDo1Tp0xHz0LPlDJJtpqAgsnfDwCcgn6ddZTo1u7XYzgEDfS8J4SY dcKxZiSdVTpb9k7pByXfnwK/fwq5oeBAJXISv5ZLB1IEVZHhUvGCH0udlJ2vadqu R03phBHcvlNmMbJGWAetkdcKyi+7TaW7OUSjlge4WYERgYzBB6eJH+UfPjmw3aSP ZcNXt2RckPXEbNrL8TVXYdEvwLJoJv9/I8JPFLiGOm5uTMEk8S4txs2efueg1Xyy milCKzzuXlJvrvPA4u6HI7qNvuvkvUjQmwBHgwIDAQABAoIBAQCP3ZblTT8abdRh xQ+Y/+bqQBjlfwk4ZwRXvuYz2Rwr7CMrP3eSq4785ZAmAaxo3aP4ug9bL23UN4Sm LU92YxqQQ0faZ1xTHnp/k96SGKJKzYYSnuEwREoMscOS60C2kmWtHzsyDmhg/bd5 i6JCqHuHtPhsYvPTKGANjJrDf+9gXazArmwYrdTnyBeFC88SeRG8uH2lP2VyqHiw ZvEQ3PkRRY0yJRqEtrIRIlgVDuuu2PhPg+MR4iqR1RONjDUFaSJjR7UYWY/m/dmg HlalqpKjOzW6RcMmymLKaW6wF3y8lbs0qCjCYzrD3bZnlXN1kIw6cxhplfrSNyGZ BY/qWytJAoGBAO8UsagT8tehCu/5smHpG5jgMY96XKPxFw7VYcZwuC5aiMAbhKDO OmHxYrXBT/8EQMIk9kd4r2JUrIx+VKO01wMAn6fF4VMrrXlEuOKDX6ZE1ay0OJ0v gCmFtKB/EFXXDQLV24pgYgQLxnj+FKFV2dQLmv5ZsAVcmBHSkM9PBdUlAoGBANFx QPuVaSgRLFlXw9QxLXEJbBFuljt6qgfL1YDj/ANgafO8HMepY6jUUPW5LkFye188 J9wS+EPmzSJGxdga80DUnf18yl7wme0odDI/7D8gcTfu3nYcCkQzeykZNGAwEe+0 SvhXB9fjWgs8kFIjJIxKGmlMJRMHWN1qaECEkg2HAoGBAIb93EHW4as21wIgrsPx 5w8up00n/d7jZe2ONiLhyl0B6WzvHLffOb/Ll7ygZhbLw/TbAePhFMYkoTjCq++z UCP12i/U3yEi7FQopWvgWcV74FofeEfoZikLwa1NkV+miUYskkVTnoRCUdJHREbE PrYnx2AOLAEbAxItHm6vY8+xAoGAL85JBePpt8KLu+zjfximhamf6C60zejGzLbD CgN/74lfRcoHS6+nVs73l87n9vpZnLhPZNVTo7QX2J4M5LHqGj8tvMFyM895Yv+b 3ihnFVWjYh/82Tq3QS/7Cbt+EAKI5Yzim+LJoIZ9dBkj3Au3eOolMym1QK2ppAh4 uVlJORsCgYBv/zpNukkXrSxVHjeZj582nkdAGafYvT0tEQ1u3LERgifUNwhmHH+m 1OcqJKpbgQhGzidXK6lPiVFpsRXv9ICP7o96FjmQrMw2lAfC7stYnFLKzv+cj8L9 h4hhNWM6i/DHXjPsHgwdzlX4ulq8M7dR8Oqm9DrbdAyWz8h8/kzsnA== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ]], rs256_public_key = [[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAw5mp3MS3hVLkHwB9lMrE x34MjYCmKeH/XeMLexNpTd1FzuNv6rArovTY763CDo1Tp0xHz0LPlDJJtpqAgsnf DwCcgn6ddZTo1u7XYzgEDfS8J4SYdcKxZiSdVTpb9k7pByXfnwK/fwq5oeBAJXIS v5ZLB1IEVZHhUvGCH0udlJ2vadquR03phBHcvlNmMbJGWAetkdcKyi+7TaW7OUSj lge4WYERgYzBB6eJH+UfPjmw3aSPZcNXt2RckPXEbNrL8TVXYdEvwLJoJv9/I8JP FLiGOm5uTMEk8S4txs2efueg1XyymilCKzzuXlJvrvPA4u6HI7qNvuvkvUjQmwBH gwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ]], rs512_private_key = [[ -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEoQIBAAKCAQBoyqH30IH7YnHk2YLLygDwD0LUvrXRcWwVCsN1/2+DB+FLV8f+ /VoLegUowlcCea6vJCu9q9vnJqz2UhK7eN/kDYNhnx4WIdc3KjL+SXnp3KZozgn/ uCUeEYnMNRXLlx7GefG+C1yUgcFAaVJoyxx7dQellqWYrTW3nW9fMhioxSvuJUU8 u5v31GPzNeF69bfeKdI1NzhVLkztJhogEXdIgYitEcqepJQe1FpSBbVjdT5xbuMN 80pSnJHR11Qw2dPp6lDlao/hnvkYW77CZOVgK02oB0UEqjaasxPcaHiWerSP0yb7 nCdjR0kTgKA8um/gk0/F+FO3aOkrsZsgpK2vAgMBAAECggEAZVybjrmBAUgYIuTC P50Fiy831dEizZSIl1Hx/xE1K+lTYy1lpqApmTBODT7uKtbIwWCbbrvt2YjvhNOe ivhAmLb5flQLJh1Vr2aCLLWl1zA3RukFgvT78jnEsGIo0uU6P4F08/7JblyUMVmu /O56fnCVFPbC9wuUCieestYiRBw3Z7TwcRmUx5JWJUuj4gzuFfRSyuzYeJoYUSJF OLu5XtXaW4k0nj/LILC89qxQT/8HIIYa/7+S8TdbBfws6kQt5yiwUUOirzjOeuY9 RIvbmgapAVZhI2oxofu1r2XNLBBPHFDHlLeJasqRAa7vk3yVYtrcg20c5q3MZ1tx Q+7NAQKBgQCqUxzBxK0h6d0GKe0rt30NSfNhFiKPR2AkQ8hXsjrCfJ36PbQqRyEt zw13hgaHoS4yfj+19aQem1ZoTZVsUTvkD8CBBHZ/1PYjPoeOrjt6mDfp402z+f3E FZTQq0dNFGsSGHn1yRUqXebM3SbbyDIDUqnHXMC1Dzsm2vSu6EJSIwKBgQCdgMAM bQge8cQSevcARctOjqVpwirfsfqLebP+SBmzyNrs9Z5u8l/0EooojMRaGVClNzvb yYCW6DWzac0jCKRuD9Svd41gGC3R5PztGGOyvLLkk33ad9NChwCz9np66THmQn6n B+K/XrjDwUVHnItcRiARyXP3vn3uryv1hvRRBQKBgB7MtreHZDNswc4aiMvN+2wK wlr9ELTOGGGWbEUHcr62oC6fN9QpVqOc/HdvogCmsd7pm4XA7LOoLWDhHrMeoXDl NE9gSjllfjjzVroDYbgSjJHby7JO84egy29MebFDjvUPvgYnHY+yuUi0eRFnSzv0 l8T4TdSv82dcUsDKOSv3AoGAQmlxkUvAKtwiovA6imDjkyJO2UNINL6lOH5+yO+5 9rbwqQ4AWiPVFeNjYinI+XzHJoMduFVE5VzQl/A60VTpkIcYVUyBzk0jtOdrRsYL 8+fhPsR6Qs5XxCuMvlVl28HMipzrLp8Cm1LjcZdjEQkPMj9XcmiRf5tRGn2+eW8I QckCgYAYYzr4nHmarWduk/1Fgm2qmFE96U/TjIRmk9vspwk5y47oM7LrnzU2Iyio vaL3rwMZ0AcBcEOUvANkMCDAxgJZljeDr4IzUMQs95+m7Wb6BQTs4vKSLPGWYdjd y1FoR04hSreMjG+K+mtQLGJC4USI1AJx1wKihgoxGrI1/7YiwQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ]], rs512_public_key = [[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBITANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ4AMIIBCQKCAQBoyqH30IH7YnHk2YLLygDw D0LUvrXRcWwVCsN1/2+DB+FLV8f+/VoLegUowlcCea6vJCu9q9vnJqz2UhK7eN/k DYNhnx4WIdc3KjL+SXnp3KZozgn/uCUeEYnMNRXLlx7GefG+C1yUgcFAaVJoyxx7 dQellqWYrTW3nW9fMhioxSvuJUU8u5v31GPzNeF69bfeKdI1NzhVLkztJhogEXdI gYitEcqepJQe1FpSBbVjdT5xbuMN80pSnJHR11Qw2dPp6lDlao/hnvkYW77CZOVg K02oB0UEqjaasxPcaHiWerSP0yb7nCdjR0kTgKA8um/gk0/F+FO3aOkrsZsgpK2v AgMBAAE= -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ]], es256_private_key = [[ -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgD8enltAi05AIoF2A fqwctkCFME0gP/HwVvnHCtatlVChRANCAAQDBOV5Pwz+uUXycT+qFj7bprEnMWuh XPtZyIZljEHXAj9TSMmDKvk8F1ABIXLAb5CAY//EPd4SjNSdU5f7XP72 -----END PRIVATE KEY----- ]], es256_public_key = [[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEAwTleT8M/rlF8nE/qhY+26axJzFr oVz7WciGZYxB1wI/U0jJgyr5PBdQASFywG+QgGP/xD3eEozUnVOX+1z+9g== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ]] }
----------------------------------- -- -- Zone: Behemoths_Dominion (127) -- ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Behemoths_Dominion/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/zone"); require("scripts/zones/Behemoths_Dominion/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onInitialize ----------------------------------- function onInitialize(zone) local manuals = {17297490}; SetFieldManual(manuals); -- Behemoth SetRespawnTime(17297440, 900, 10800); end; ----------------------------------- -- onConquestUpdate ----------------------------------- function onConquestUpdate(zone, updatetype) local players = zone:getPlayers(); for name, player in pairs(players) do conquestUpdate(zone, player, updatetype, CONQUEST_BASE); end end; ----------------------------------- -- onZoneIn ----------------------------------- function onZoneIn(player,prevZone) local cs = -1; if ((player:getXPos() == 0) and (player:getYPos() == 0) and (player:getZPos() == 0)) then player:setPos(358.134,24.806,-60.001,123); end return cs; end; ----------------------------------- -- onRegionEnter ----------------------------------- function onRegionEnter(player,region) end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
-- modified for partial compatibility with Lua 5.3 --utf8 module (Cosmin Apreutesei, public domain). --byte indices are i's, char (codepoint) indices are ci's. --invalid characters are counted as 1-byte chars so they don't get lost. validate/sanitize beforehand as needed. local utf8 = {} --byte index of the next char after the char at byte index i, followed by a valid flag for the char at byte index i. --nil if not found. invalid characters are iterated as 1-byte chars. function utf8.next_raw(s, i) if not i then if #s == 0 then return nil end return 1, true --fake flag (doesn't matter since this flag is not to be taken as full validation) end if i > #s then return end local c = s:byte(i) if c >= 0x00 and c <= 0x7F then i = i + 1 elseif c >= 0xC2 and c <= 0xDF then i = i + 2 elseif c >= 0xE0 and c <= 0xEF then i = i + 3 elseif c >= 0xF0 and c <= 0xF4 then i = i + 4 else --invalid return i + 1, false end if i > #s then return end return i, true end --next() is the generic iterator and can be replaced for different semantics. next_raw() must preserve its semantics. = utf8.next_raw --iterate chars, returning the byte index where each char starts function utf8.byte_indices(s, previ) return, s, previ end --number of chars in string function utf8.len(s) local len = 0 for _ in utf8.byte_indices(s) do len = len + 1 end return len end --byte index given char index. nil if the index is outside the string. function utf8.byte_index(s, target_ci) if target_ci < 1 then return end local ci = 0 for i in utf8.byte_indices(s) do ci = ci + 1 if ci == target_ci then return i end end assert(target_ci > ci, 'invalid index') return #s + 1 end --char index given byte index. nil if the index is outside the string. function utf8.char_index(s, target_i) if target_i < 1 or target_i > #s + 1 then return end local ci = 0 for i in utf8.byte_indices(s) do ci = ci + 1 if i == target_i then return ci end end return ci + 1 -- error'invalid index' end --byte index of the prev. char before the char at byte index i, which defaults to #s + 1. --nil if the index is outside the 2..#s+1 range. --NOTE: unlike next(), this is a O(N) operation! function utf8.prev(s, nexti) nexti = nexti or #s + 1 if nexti <= 1 or nexti > #s + 1 then return end local lasti, lastvalid = for i, valid in utf8.byte_indices(s) do if i == nexti then return lasti, lastvalid end lasti, lastvalid = i, valid end if nexti == #s + 1 then return lasti, lastvalid end error'invalid index' end --iterate chars in reverse order, returning the byte index where each char starts. function utf8.byte_indices_reverse(s, nexti) if #s < 200 then --using prev() is a O(N^2/2) operation, ok for small strings (200 chars need 40,000 iterations) return utf8.prev, s, nexti else --store byte indices in a table and iterate them in reverse. --this is 40x slower than byte_indices() but still fast at 2mil chars/second (but eats RAM and makes garbage). local t = {} for i in utf8.byte_indices(s) do if nexti and i >= nexti then break end table.insert(t, i) end local i = #t + 1 return function() i = i - 1 return t[i] end end end --sub based on char indices, which, unlike with standard string.sub(), can't be negative. --start_ci can be 1..inf and end_ci can be 0..inf. end_ci can be nil meaning last char. --if start_ci is out of range or end_ci < start_ci, the empty string is returned. --if end_ci is out of range, it is considered to be the last position in the string. function utf8.sub(s, start_ci, end_ci) --assert for positive indices because we might implement negative indices in the future. assert(start_ci >= 1) assert(not end_ci or end_ci >= 0) local ci = 0 local start_i, end_i for i in utf8.byte_indices(s) do ci = ci + 1 if ci == start_ci then start_i = i end if ci == end_ci then end_i = i end end if not start_i then assert(start_ci > ci, 'invalid index') return '' end if end_ci and not end_i then if end_ci < start_ci then return '' end assert(end_ci > ci, 'invalid index') end return s:sub(start_i, end_i) end --check if a string contains a substring at byte index i without making garbage. --nil if the index is out of range. true if searching for the empty string. function utf8.contains(s, i, sub) if i < 1 or i > #s then return nil end for si = 1, #sub do if s:byte(i + si - 1) ~= sub:byte(si) then return false end end return true end --count the number of occurences of a substring in a string. the substring cannot be the empty string. function utf8.count(s, sub) assert(#sub > 0) local count = 0 local i = 1 while i do if utf8.contains(s, i, sub) then count = count + 1 i = i + #sub if i > #s then break end else i =, i) end end return count end --utf8 validation and sanitization --check if there's a valid utf8 codepoint at byte index i. valid ranges for each utf8 byte are: -- byte 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------------- -- 00 - 7F -- C2 - DF 80 - BF -- E0 A0 - BF 80 - BF -- E1 - EC 80 - BF 80 - BF -- ED 80 - 9F 80 - BF -- EE - EF 80 - BF 80 - BF -- F0 90 - BF 80 - BF 80 - BF -- F1 - F3 80 - BF 80 - BF 80 - BF -- F4 80 - 8F 80 - BF 80 - BF function utf8.isvalid(s, i) local c = s:byte(i) if not c then return false elseif c >= 0x00 and c <= 0x7F then return true elseif c >= 0xC2 and c <= 0xDF then local c2 = s:byte(i + 1) return c2 and c2 >= 0x80 and c2 <= 0xBF elseif c >= 0xE0 and c <= 0xEF then local c2 = s:byte(i + 1) local c3 = s:byte(i + 2) if c == 0xE0 then return c2 and c3 and c2 >= 0xA0 and c2 <= 0xBF and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF elseif c >= 0xE1 and c <= 0xEC then return c2 and c3 and c2 >= 0x80 and c2 <= 0xBF and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF elseif c == 0xED then return c2 and c3 and c2 >= 0x80 and c2 <= 0x9F and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF elseif c >= 0xEE and c <= 0xEF then if c == 0xEF and c2 == 0xBF and (c3 == 0xBE or c3 == 0xBF) then return false --uFFFE and uFFFF non-characters end return c2 and c3 and c2 >= 0x80 and c2 <= 0xBF and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF end elseif c >= 0xF0 and c <= 0xF4 then local c2 = s:byte(i + 1) local c3 = s:byte(i + 2) local c4 = s:byte(i + 3) if c == 0xF0 then return c2 and c3 and c4 and c2 >= 0x90 and c2 <= 0xBF and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF and c4 >= 0x80 and c4 <= 0xBF elseif c >= 0xF1 and c <= 0xF3 then return c2 and c3 and c4 and c2 >= 0x80 and c2 <= 0xBF and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF and c4 >= 0x80 and c4 <= 0xBF elseif c == 0xF4 then return c2 and c3 and c4 and c2 >= 0x80 and c2 <= 0x8F and c3 >= 0x80 and c3 <= 0xBF and c4 >= 0x80 and c4 <= 0xBF end end return false end --byte index of the next valid utf8 char after the char at byte index i. --nil if indices go out of range. invalid characters are skipped. function utf8.next_valid(s, i) local valid i, valid = utf8.next_raw(s, i) while i and (not valid or not utf8.isvalid(s, i)) do i, valid =, i) end return i end --iterate valid chars, returning the byte index where each char starts function utf8.valid_byte_indices(s) return utf8.next_valid, s end --assert that a string only contains valid utf8 characters function utf8.validate(s) for i, valid in utf8.byte_indices(s) do if not valid or not utf8.isvalid(s, i) then error(string.format('invalid utf8 char at #%d', i)) end end end local function table_lookup(s, i, j, t) return t[s:sub(i, j)] end --replace characters in string based on a function f(s, i, j, ...) -> replacement_string | nil function utf8.replace(s, f, ...) if type(f) == 'table' then return utf8.replace(s, table_lookup, f) end if s == '' then return s end local t = {} local lasti = 1 for i in utf8.byte_indices(s) do local nexti =, i) or #s + 1 local repl = f(s, i, nexti - 1, ...) if repl then table.insert(t, s:sub(lasti, i - 1)) table.insert(t, repl) lasti = nexti end end table.insert(t, s:sub(lasti)) return table.concat(t) end local function replace_invalid(s, i, j, repl_char) if not utf8.isvalid(s, i) then return repl_char end end --replace invalid utf8 chars with a replacement char function utf8.sanitize(s, repl_char) repl_char = repl_char or '�' --\uFFFD return utf8.replace(s, replace_invalid, repl_char) end -- Returns the position (in bytes) where the encoding of the n-th character -- of s (counting from position i) starts. function utf8.offset(s, n, i) -- The default for i is 1 when n is non-negative and #s + 1 otherwise if not i then i = n < 0 and #s + 1 or 1 end local ci = utf8.char_index(s, i) -- As a special case, when n is 0 the function returns the start of -- the encoding of the character that contains the i-th byte of s. if n == 0 then return ci end if n > 0 then n = n - 1 end return utf8.byte_index(s, ci + n) end = utf8.byte_indices return utf8
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(_ _)///(._/v(___)v\_.)\\\(_ \_ ___/v(_____)v\___ _/ /vvv\(_______)/vvv\ \vvv/v(_____)v\vvv/ hjw _\vv\\v(___)v//vv/_ '>_` \`-._.-'/ '_<` ' >_,-' `-._< ` ' ` -=Hatching Dragon=- (\^~^/) ._____ )d b( _____. .__)_ \( _ )/ _(__. ._)_ ((q_p)) _(_. \__ .-)\u/(-. __/ ' :\,-. . ,-./:` :/||\|,' `/||\ : :`'''/\ `''' : ; \ `-< ; : /`-. \_ / /\,. ---------`. ` .'---\`' \,/------- `.____.' `.____,' hjw Dragone \/ \/ \|/ >>\^/ << .'/-, >>,6 6 _<< |(e/o) .-._.-./ ! \"^ *-._,' '_'| |'-.__\-* /__/ /-^-. ^ ) (__( (, /) )^ /\\_ \__\__// / / ( )' _// \\_.(, / '( ) ( )---'mrf This started out looking like a dog with a knapsack, but turned into a pretty passable dragon : ---.----.---.-, |, | , , , , ,\ | \ ---.---.|, , , ,'\ | .'--.--\ | , , /, , , , ,'\ |. . . .'\ |, , /, , , , , , '\ ,/ . . 'o, . .'\ / , ,'\ , , , , , '\ / . . . . . . '\ / , , , | , , , , ,'\-.---'. . . . . . ./ '\ , , ,/| , , , , , ,'\,. . . /--.-,. ./''--' | ,,/'. /-. , , , , , . . . /' \-.-\. ,/'. . . .\. , , , , ,---. . . .| /'. ,/ . . . |, , , , /'. . . .\. .|---.----.--, /. /. . . .|.--.--, , /'. . . . .\. |-----.---. -| / . /. . . . . . '/'. . . . ./ \ .\ '--' / . / . . . . . . . . . . . /' \ \ /. .|. . . /.-- . . . . . . ./' \ .\, | . | . . /'. ,/'\ . . . . . ./' '\ .'----, |. |. .| . / '\ . . . . .|' \, . .| | . | . .| |' '\ . . . . | '\- -/ |. .|. . |.| '\. . . . .| ''' \ .| . .| | \ . . . | |. .\ . |.| |' .,--.--'' \. .\ . \ -\, |. |' \. .\ . \ .'\ | .| '\ . \. .\-/' |. \--\, '\ .'\. .\, | . . '\ '\ .'\. .\, '----.-/' '\. . . .'-----.--.. ''-----.---.---.----... An original Pic I did of a dragon type thing. Xbo. .odX `xXx. .xXx' `YX. .XY' X)x. .x(X .' .Xn nX. ; xX. .Xx dY `?. .oP '9o .oP` 9o. .P'X O b. .X' dXY. .YXb `X. .d(P' ?b Y .dY' XXPb d?XX `Yb. Y dP X b. .d X dXYQP. .?RYXb X d .d X )9 VPoP Y .d) ooo )dPPPPb( ooo (b. Y 9o9V P( o'X L. .oodPPP ` d' `b ' '?@boo. .J X`o. ?bo Po. ` .o9 odPYx. `9 RPo .odPXx .o9bo. o9Z P' ) Y `Xb `Xn x dX' Y ` dP .pP. `o `p bn .d q' o' .9q. 9b ;X oTb.,XY'`d9 `P..8o9 P.8..9' Pb'`YX..dTo X: .YP' ,X' `X( xY' ` ` `Yx )X' `X. `9Y. XbP dY `P. XP 9X .9' Yd 9dX `Xb X. ` Yb. .dY ' .X dX' Yb`Y (`Xx .dPn. .n9b. xX') Y'dY `b( I ;9 d9.o 9o. .oP o.Pb PC I )d' `; .`b `b " `b.9 P.d' d' d'. .' .' ``(dP`9. `' '`' .P'9b)'' ' '. `b.d`b,. ..d'b.d' .' . V. d```?bo..odP'''b .V .: . `.'(Xx XxYyPdX(`.' .; `.. Y YP`X'` .,' `.. ' ` ..' `:... ...;' `:`::';' let's do teeeeny dragon art.. /$ /$$ /$$$$ /$$$$$$ <------ \$$$/\~$~$~$~$~$~ _\$/$$\$$$$$$$$ /.\/$$$$\$$$$$ {{{---:=8/ \\$$$$$\$$$ .\ ] \$$$$ o| _]\ \$ .. \+-- ( )\ /..\ |\ \|\]HJH]]/ \| =======___ ~- This is what I use on my sig. for email... /$ /$$ /$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ }<---------- \$$$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$ [ \$$$$$$ /~ :-8========>=============<============---------- /$$$$$$ \ /$$$$$$$ ~[ /$$$$$$$$$ }<---------- \$$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$HJH \$$ \$ Flying dragon w/o arms |\/| ______________________________________, ) ( \\ ,"Hello,Darkness,my |/\| \\ , old friend,I've come \ \\ , to talk with you again \),), \\ , Because a vision softly / / , \ // ,creeping,left its seeds | | | \ // , while I was sleeping / / /\\ \ // , And the vision that was |_|/ \\ \// , planted in my brain <<<> // / | , Still remains within the sound of \ \/ | \ ' , silence." \ '/\ | ' , -Paul Simon "The Sounds of Silence" \/ | / \ / / ', / \ | @-}<>>>- ',| | | /\ / / __/_/\ / / *--*--*--*--*--/ ____/ /__/*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- @ @ @ \ \LL___|__ @ "Add strength to wisdom and you get a @ @ \________ \ great ruler.Add strenth to folly @ @ @ @ @ @ \|@ and you get chaos incarnate." @ @ @ @ @ @ @ -Heidi J. Hough(me) @ @ @ This was from an ad I did for a local BBS many years ago THE DRAGON'S LAIR . . \\ / \ ! \ ! \ /\ /\/\ .! L ! '.' ! .( ( )/\. /' \ / / ......<*) /\. / \ /' /' /\ .-.-.-.-. '+++\. /\/' \/' /' /'"\ / / -'-'-'-'- .+++/' ./. /\........./ \......../ "'"' ! """"""" '\ !' \ ..../' / \ / /'' \ ! \ ! /.... ....\ /'/ / /'/ "---------------" \ ! /' /"" /./ /"' /./ RUSS =========================================================================== ___====-_ _-====___ _--^^^#####// \\#####^^^--_ _-^##########// ( ) \\##########^-_ -############// |\^^/| \\############- _/############// (@::@) \\############\_ /#############(( \\// ))#############\ -###############\\ (oo) //###############- -#################\\ / ** \ //#################- -###################\\/ \//###################- _#/|##########/\######( /\ )######/\##########|\#_ |/ |#/\#/\#/\/ \#/\##\ | | /##/\#/ \/\#/\#/\#| \| ' |/ V V ' V \#\| | | |/#/ V ' V V \| ' ' ' ' ' / | | | | \ ' ' ' ' ( | | | | ) __\ | | | | /__ (vvv(VVV)(VVV)vvv) \ \ \\ \\ ) \ \ ) \ \ \ \ \____ \ ) \ / __ __\ \ / (_@\ \_@) \( \ /^\ \ << _\_ / //\ \ \___ \\ \ // // \__\/ \ \\ ^ ^) // // / (___\/\ / // // | | / /-\ // //__/ | \ | / \ // __ / / /| | \ \ /> | / / ( / | \ \/ / / \ < | | \ / \ \ | \ / | \ | \/ / | \ /-------\ <---( | ) / \__\_\( ( * ) ) / /-----/ / \(__ (_________) ) | | / | ) | | / \ / | \____/ \ |^| | | ___\ / \ /__ | /-\__/ \/ \__/-\ \__________/-//\_____/\______/ \_____/\____/\\ The Fernese Cheshire Dragon This one was a tuffie! Hope you guys like it! It needs to scroll a bit; my only other choice was to do it sideways - but I didn't want to be responsable for putting cricks in peoples necks <G>. /^ /^ / ( / / ( / // ( // // ( // // ( // // (/^ // // / ( // // / ( // // // ( // // // ( // // // ( // // // ( // // // ( // // // ( // //(( // ( ( // ( ) ( ) (( ==================================== (========\\ ( \\ \\ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \\ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \\ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ ( \ \ ) ) ( \ \ ) ) ( \ \ ) ) ( \ \ / / ( \ \ / / (___ \ ) / / ( \_/)/ / _/_/ / ) _/ ( ) _/ ( _) |____\ _/ ( ) / \ _/ ) / \ / _/\ \ ) \ // _/ \\ |__/---- \ > \ ( ( _/ ) ) _/ > / \ ( (___\/___) ) _/ / / \ \ / /_/ __/ / (\ \/ /) / / (@ | /\ | @) / / ) / (/ / v\ \) << ) )// | v | \_____/_/ | v | | v | <+ +> \ / \/ _________________________ _______ _/,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_/ _/;;;;;;/ _/;;;===========\;;;;;;;;_/ _/;;;;;;/ /;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;/ ___/;;;;;;/ /;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;/ /;;;;;;;;;/___ /;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ /;;;;;;''\;;;;;|___ /;;/;;/==========\;;;;;\ `\;;;< ** >;;;;;;;;|___ /;;/;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;/ |;;;\,,;;;;;/;;;;;;;|/;;/;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;/ |;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;/;;/====\;;;;;;;;/ /;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;/;;/;;;;;;;\;;;;;< /;;;;;;;;;/' |;;;;;;;;;;/;;/;;/;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;\ {;O;/-|;/' |;;;;;;;;;/;;/;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;\ `:/ /;/ \;;;;;;;;;;;/;;/;;;/;=====\;;;;;\;;\ { /;/ \;;;;;|;;;|;;/;;;/;;;;;;;;;\;===;\;> { / .;\;;;;|;;;|;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ } } ( } ,;;;;\;;;|;;\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> }{ * } ;;;;;;;\;;/:;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:> ) ( ;;;;' ;/;:;/;;;;;=======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> * ,;;; /;;:/;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ,;;; ;;;;/;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;; ;;;;/;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;; ;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;' |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ,;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;;;;;;=====/\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;;;;\ \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;;;\ \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> .............;;;;;;;\ /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ,;;;;;'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ''''' ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;;;/ ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;;/ ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;;. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;/ ;;;, ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;, ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ;;;;, ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> `;;;;,,, ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> `;;;;;;;,. .,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> ````:::::::::''' ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\/\/\/\ /^^^^^^\>> /---\ ____/ (*) \>> /-----\ // \ \ <0 \/ \>> / \\ \ // // \ \ <_______/ />> / \\ \\ \ // // /\ \ <_____ )>> / / \\ \\ \ // // // \ \ ___ """"""""__ / /\\ \\ \\ \ // // // \ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~ \ / \\ \\ \\ \ // // // /\ \ / /~~~~~~~~~~~\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \/\/\/\/\/\/ \( (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) ) \/\/\/\/\/\/ /\MMMMM\~~~~~~~~~~~MMMM\ /\ /::::\ () )/\~~~~~~~~( () ) /::::\ /\ /::::::::\ /::::\~~~~/\( )/::::::::\ /:::\ (:::::::::::::::::\~/::::\ /::::::::::::\/::::::\^^>> (:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)w\>> (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)ww\>> (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)www\> (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /\::::::::::::::::)wwwww\> (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/vvvv\::::::::::::) >wwwww>> \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<\vv\::::::::::/ /wwwww/> (::::::::::::::::::::::::::<\vv\::::) /wwwww/> \::::::::::::::::::::::::::<\vv\)____/wwwww/> (::::::::::::::::::::::)<\wwwwwwwwww/> (::::::::::::::) <\VVVVVVV/> ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . _.-----. \.-./ . . \`-.._,-' .-. .-.`-' ``-. _,-'.'`. `-.____,-. `:. `.-'-._.O-:_ .:'.,| `-" `-" `-.__.' _a' /( ,> ~~_}\ \( ( \(,_(,)' _>, _>, >~, \'^; "`~~> ,_.', , ,; ~``J.; /} / } %.; ;, `. `%,; ''; ; /-'`-`,; ,;`; //"~~"\`,; ~;' "~~"'`,; , ( /| )~",;.,;.,;; "~~`~'"'~"'~"'~"' , /(/( o_______ ** }=\,\(,!,, ,,<0,,,/- {___(_\\ '>>L >> ,) ,/ ``==> , /( o **}=\\,\(,, <O--- (___(_\\ / > ,) ,/ ``==> Dragon#3 by Aamod (Dr. Giggles) Vyavaharkar ___====-_ _-====___ _--~~~#####// \\#####~~~--_ _-~##########// ( ) \\##########~-_ -############// :\^^/: \\############- _~############// (@::@) \\############~_ ~#############(( \\// ))#############~ -###############\\ (oo) //###############- -#################\\ / "" \ //#################- -###################\\/ \//###################- _#/:##########/\######( /\ )######/\##########:\#_ :/ :#/\#/\#/\/ \#/\##\ : : /##/\#/ \/\#/\#/\#: \: " :/ V V " V \#\: : : :/#/ V " V V \: " " " " " / : : : : \ " " " " ( : : : : ) __\ : : : : /__ (vvv(VVV)(VVV)vvv) __, __...---`````_, .-``-. .-``-......__.-`` _.--`````` ___, ^ : : -`````---````````_, ^_ : :....._ _.-``` |`|-. `. o ``-.__.-`````...```` `. `...__. ,'.___.-```;:' `._ ; ; .:'___, ````` ; _...--` __..--``` -```-. .|,|_.-``___....---```````--.._\ `-,,--``` ..---```````--. `-. ;). ; ;'..) __.-`|`-./ ; ;). \.-`/8e.__ __. | . 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'/ ` Robin Dowell O=- .- -. -=O H /( )\ H | | -^^- | | \_ `' _/ | \ ) | H )/ H O=- (' -=O ^.^ /////// ///> V //// ///// // //////////// _|| _|| Syraubeth \^~~~~\ ) ( /~~~~^/ * _ ) *** \ {**} / *** ( * _ {o} _ ) *** \_ ^^ _/ *** ( * {o}{o}{o} ) **** vv **** ( * ~\ | /~ )_**** ****_( * OoO )*** m m ***( * /|\ ,, , , , , ,, )\\ |\/| |\/| //( ) \\ (qp) (qp) // ( ) \\// .'`'.'`'. \\// ( ldb-( )E `. .` 3( )-wtt \ ;E `. .` 3; / )) ' (( (( )) )Light my fire ( __ __ _/! \ _(\(o) /! ! \ / _ ^^(o /!! ! ! \/ ! '---v' !! !! \ _' ( \____ ! . \ _!\^^ \===^\) Mancini __ _ _/ \ _(\(o / \ / _ ^^^o / ! \/ ! '!!!v' ! ! \ _' ( \____ ! . \ _!\ \===^\) \ \_! / __! \! / \ (\_ _/ _\ ) \ ^^--^^ __-^ /(__ ^^----^^ "^--v' , , \\ \\ ) \\ \\ _p_ )^\))\)) / *\ \_|| || / /^`-' __ -\ \\--/ / <' \\___/ ___. )' `====\ )___/\\ // `" \\ / \ `" Lisa Lai , , \\ \\ ) \\ \\ I-- ) )) )) / * \ \ || || / /^=" ,__ _\ \\ --/ / < \\___/ ' '===\ ___, ) \ )___/\\ / / '" \ \ '" Shanarra Windrider - `````````)~\\~\ <_p_ ````````)^\))\)) </ @\ V ````)))\~||~||</ /^`-' VVV __ -\ \\--/ / VVVVV<' \\___/ ) . )' _ VVVVVV `====\ _~~~)) ~~/\\ | | /\ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""\ Y | \__| \ Y \~~~~/ |~Y~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------ |> ...for you are /_\ crunchy and taste ( |\/| ._._|_|_._. good dipped in ) .---._(qp) |_|_|#|_|_| chocolate. (_(_,_(_,-^^ (( ______________________))_____________________ldb _ _ _ _ _ _ Y _ _ ( ) )( ( ) ( ) ) (( ( ( ) ( o ) o )( o ) )) .---------. 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----------------------------------- -- Area: Garlaige Citadel -- NPC: Treasure Chest -- @zone 200 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Garlaige_Citadel/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/treasure"); require("scripts/zones/Garlaige_Citadel/TextIDs"); local TreasureType = "Chest"; local TreasureLvL = 53; local TreasureMinLvL = 43; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) -- trade:hasItemQty(1041,1); -- Treasure Key -- trade:hasItemQty(1115,1); -- Skeleton Key -- trade:hasItemQty(1023,1); -- Living Key -- trade:hasItemQty(1022,1); -- Thief's Tools local questItemNeeded = 0; -- Player traded a key. if ((trade:hasItemQty(1041,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1115,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1023,1) or trade:hasItemQty(1022,1)) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then local zone = player:getZoneID(); local pack = openChance(player,npc,trade,TreasureType,TreasureLvL,TreasureMinLvL,questItemNeeded); local success = 0; if (pack[2] ~= nil) then player:messageSpecial(pack[2]); success = pack[1]; else success = pack[1]; end if (success ~= -2) then player:tradeComplete(); if (math.random() <= success) then -- Succeded to open the coffer player:messageSpecial(CHEST_UNLOCKED); player:setVar("[""]".."Treasure_"..TreasureType,os.time() + math.random(CHEST_MIN_ILLUSION_TIME,CHEST_MAX_ILLUSION_TIME)); local loot = chestLoot(zone,npc); -- print("loot array: "); -- debug -- print("[1]", loot[1]); -- debug -- print("[2]", loot[2]); -- debug if (loot[1]=="gil") then player:addGil(loot[2]); player:messageSpecial(GIL_OBTAINED,loot[2]); else -- Item player:addItem(loot[2]); player:messageSpecial(ITEM_OBTAINED,loot[2]); end UpdateTreasureSpawnPoint(npc:getID()); end end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:messageSpecial(CHEST_LOCKED,1041); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) --printf("CSID: %u",csid); --printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5657 -- Item: army_biscuit -- Food Effect: 5Min?, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- HP Recovered While Healing 3 -- MP Recovered While Healing 3 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,300,5657); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_HPHEAL, 3); target:addMod(MOD_MPHEAL, 3); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_HPHEAL, 3); target:delMod(MOD_MPHEAL, 3); end;
----------------------------------- -- Area: Northern San d'Oria -- NPC: Villion -- Type: Adventurer's Assistant NPC -- Involved in Quest: Flyers for Regine -- @zone: 231 -- @pos -157.524 4.000 263.818 -- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,FLYERS_FOR_REGINE) ==QUEST_ACCEPTED) then if (trade:hasItemQty(532,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1 and player:getVar("tradeVilion") == 0) then player:messageSpecial(11932); player:setVar("FFR",player:getVar("FFR") - 1); player:setVar("tradeVilion",1); player:messageSpecial(FLYER_ACCEPTED); trade:complete(); elseif (player:getVar("tradeVilion") ==1) then player:messageSpecial(11936); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) player:startEvent(0x0278); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
local targetPlatform = cc.Application:getInstance():getTargetPlatform() local is64BitIOSDevice = cc.Application:getInstance():is64BitIOSDevice() if cc.PLATFORM_OS_LINUX ~= targetPlatform and is64BitIOSDevice ~= true then require("ByteCodeEncryptTest/ByteCodeTest") require("ByteCodeEncryptTest/ByteCodeAndEncryptTest") end if (cc.PLATFORM_OS_IPHONE == targetPlatform or cc.PLATFORM_OS_IPAD == targetPlatform) and is64BitIOSDevice == true then require("ByteCodeEncryptTest/ByteCodeAndEncryptTest-arm64") require("ByteCodeEncryptTest/ByteCodeTest-arm64") end local LINE_SPACE = 40 local ItemTagBasic = 1000 local ByteCodeEncryptEnum = { TEST_BYTECODE = 0, TEST_BYTECODE_ENCRYPT = 1, TEST_MAX_COUNT = 2, } local TestsName = { "ByteCodeFileTest", "ByteCodeAndEncryptFileTest", } local CreateByteCodeEncryptTestTable = { runByteCodeFileTest, runByteCodeAndEncryptFileTest, } local function byteCodeEncryptMainLayer() local size = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize() local function createByteCodeEncryptTestScene(index) local newScene = CreateByteCodeEncryptTestTable[index]() return newScene end local function menuCallback(tag, sender) local scene = nil local index = sender:getLocalZOrder() - ItemTagBasic local byteCodeEncryptScene = createByteCodeEncryptTestScene(index) if nil ~= byteCodeEncryptScene then cc.Director:getInstance():replaceScene(byteCodeEncryptScene) end end local layer = cc.Layer:create() local menu = cc.Menu:create() menu:setPosition(cc.p(0, 0)) cc.MenuItemFont:setFontName("Arial") cc.MenuItemFont:setFontSize(24) for i = 1, ByteCodeEncryptEnum.TEST_MAX_COUNT do local item = cc.MenuItemFont:create(TestsName[i]) item:registerScriptTapHandler(menuCallback) item:setPosition(size.width / 2, size.height - i * LINE_SPACE) menu:addChild(item, ItemTagBasic + i) if cc.PLATFORM_OS_LINUX == targetPlatform or is64BitIOSDevice == true then -- isIOS64bit item:setEnabled(false) end if (cc.PLATFORM_OS_IPHONE == targetPlatform or cc.PLATFORM_OS_IPAD == targetPlatform) and is64BitIOSDevice == true then item:setEnabled(true) end end layer:addChild(menu) -- handling touch events local beginPos = {x = 0, y = 0} local function onTouchesBegan(touches, event) beginPos = touches[1]:getLocation() end local function onTouchesMoved(touches, event) local location = touches[1]:getLocation() local nMoveY = location.y - beginPos.y local curPosx, curPosy = menu:getPosition() local nextPosy = curPosy + nMoveY local winSize = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize() if nextPosy < 0 then menu:setPosition(0, 0) return end if nextPosy > ((ByteCodeEncryptEnum.TEST_MAX_COUNT + 1) * LINE_SPACE - winSize.height) then menu:setPosition(0, ((ByteCodeEncryptEnum.TEST_MAX_COUNT + 1) * LINE_SPACE - winSize.height)) return end menu:setPosition(curPosx, nextPosy) beginPos = {x = location.x, y = location.y} end local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:create() listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesBegan,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN ) listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchesMoved,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVED ) local eventDispatcher = layer:getEventDispatcher() eventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, layer) return layer end ------------------------------------- -- ByteCodeEncrypt Test ------------------------------------- function ByteCodeEncryptTestMain() local scene = cc.Scene:create() scene:addChild(byteCodeEncryptMainLayer()) scene:addChild(CreateBackMenuItem()) return scene end
----------------------------------- -- Area: Lower Jeuno -- NPC: Garnev -- Starts and Finishes Quest: Deal with Tenshodo -- @zone 245 -- @pos 30 4 -36 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"] = nil; package.loaded["scripts/globals/settings"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/globals/titles"); require("scripts/globals/keyitems"); require("scripts/globals/shop"); require("scripts/globals/quests"); require("scripts/zones/Lower_Jeuno/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,DEAL_WITH_TENSHODO) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and trade:hasItemQty(554,1) == true and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then player:startEvent(0x00a6); -- Ending quest end end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,A_CLOCK_MOST_DELICATE) == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO,DEAL_WITH_TENSHODO) == QUEST_AVAILABLE) then if (player:getFameLevel(NORG) >= 2) then player:startEvent(0x00a7); -- Start quest else player:startEvent(0x00a8); -- dialog without correct tenshodo/norg fame end else player:startEvent(0x00CF); -- Standard dialog end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); if (csid == 0x00a7) then player:addQuest(JEUNO,DEAL_WITH_TENSHODO); elseif (csid == 0x00a6) then player:addTitle(TRADER_OF_RENOWN); player:addKeyItem(CLOCK_TOWER_OIL); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED,CLOCK_TOWER_OIL); player:addFame(JEUNO,30); player:tradeComplete(trade); player:completeQuest(JEUNO,DEAL_WITH_TENSHODO); end end;
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5177 -- Item: plate_of_bream_sushi_+1 -- Food Effect: 60Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Dexterity 6 -- Vitality 5 -- Accuracy % 17 -- Ranged ACC % 17 -- Sleep Resist 5 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,3600,5177); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_DEX, 6); target:addMod(MOD_VIT, 5); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_ACCP, 17); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_RACCP, 17); target:addMod(MOD_SLEEPRES, 5); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_DEX, 6); target:delMod(MOD_VIT, 5); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_ACCP, 17); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_RACCP, 17); target:delMod(MOD_SLEEPRES, 5); end;
local function WebSocketTestLayer() local layer = cc.Layer:create() local winSize = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize() local MARGIN = 40 local SPACE = 35 local wsSendText = nil local wsSendBinary = nil local wsError = nil local sendTextStatus = nil local sendBinaryStatus = nil local errorStatus = nil local receiveTextTimes = 0 local receiveBinaryTimes = 0 local label = cc.Label:createWithTTF("WebSocket Test", s_arialPath, 28) label:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)) label:setPosition(cc.p( winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - MARGIN)) layer:addChild(label, 0) local menuRequest = cc.Menu:create() menuRequest:setPosition(cc.p(0, 0)) layer:addChild(menuRequest) --Send Text local function onMenuSendTextClicked() if nil ~= wsSendText then if cc.WEBSOCKET_STATE_OPEN == wsSendText:getReadyState() then sendTextStatus:setString("Send Text WS is waiting...") wsSendText:sendString("Hello WebSocket中文, I'm a text message.") else local warningStr = "send text websocket instance wasn't ready..." print(warningStr) sendTextStatus:setString(warningStr) end end end local labelSendText = cc.Label:createWithTTF("Send Text", s_arialPath, 22) labelSendText:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5) local itemSendText = cc.MenuItemLabel:create(labelSendText) itemSendText:registerScriptTapHandler(onMenuSendTextClicked) itemSendText:setPosition(cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - MARGIN - SPACE)) menuRequest:addChild(itemSendText) --Send Binary local function onMenuSendBinaryClicked() if nil ~= wsSendBinary then if cc.WEBSOCKET_STATE_OPEN == wsSendBinary:getReadyState() then sendBinaryStatus:setString("Send Binary WS is waiting...") wsSendBinary:sendString("Hello WebSocket中文--,\0 I'm\0 a\0 binary\0 message\0.") else local warningStr = "send binary websocket instance wasn't ready..." sendBinaryStatus:setString(warningStr) end end end local labelSendBinary = cc.Label:createWithTTF("Send Binary", s_arialPath, 22) labelSendBinary:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)) local itemSendBinary = cc.MenuItemLabel:create(labelSendBinary) itemSendBinary:registerScriptTapHandler(onMenuSendBinaryClicked) itemSendBinary:setPosition(cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - MARGIN - 2 * SPACE)) menuRequest:addChild(itemSendBinary) --Send Text Status Label sendTextStatus = cc.Label:createWithTTF("Send Text WS is waiting...", s_arialPath, 14,cc.size(160, 100),cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER,cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP) sendTextStatus:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0)) sendTextStatus:setPosition(cc.p(0, 25)) layer:addChild(sendTextStatus) --Send Binary Status Label sendBinaryStatus = cc.Label:createWithTTF("Send Binary WS is waiting...", s_arialPath, 14, cc.size(160, 100), cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP) sendBinaryStatus:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0)) sendBinaryStatus:setPosition(cc.p(160, 25)) layer:addChild(sendBinaryStatus) --Error Label errorStatus = cc.Label:createWithTTF("Error WS is waiting...", s_arialPath, 14, cc.size(160, 100), cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP) errorStatus:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0)) errorStatus:setPosition(cc.p(320, 25)) layer:addChild(errorStatus) local toMainMenu = cc.Menu:create() CreateExtensionsBasicLayerMenu(toMainMenu) toMainMenu:setPosition(cc.p(0, 0)) layer:addChild(toMainMenu,10) wsSendText = cc.WebSocket:create("ws://") wsSendBinary = cc.WebSocket:create("ws://") wsError = cc.WebSocket:create("ws://") local function wsSendTextOpen(strData) sendTextStatus:setString("Send Text WS was opened.") end local function wsSendTextMessage(strData) receiveTextTimes= receiveTextTimes + 1 local strInfo= "response text msg: "..strData..", "..receiveTextTimes sendTextStatus:setString(strInfo) end local function wsSendTextClose(strData) print("_wsiSendText websocket instance closed.") sendTextStatus = nil wsSendText = nil end local function wsSendTextError(strData) print("sendText Error was fired") end local function wsSendBinaryOpen(strData) sendBinaryStatus:setString("Send Binary WS was opened.") end local function wsSendBinaryMessage(paramTable) local length = table.getn(paramTable) local i = 1 local strInfo = "response bin msg: " for i = 1,length do if 0 == paramTable[i] then strInfo = strInfo.."\'\\0\'" else strInfo = strInfo..string.char(paramTable[i]) end end receiveBinaryTimes = receiveBinaryTimes + 1 strInfo = strInfo..receiveBinaryTimes sendBinaryStatus:setString(strInfo) end local function wsSendBinaryClose(strData) print("_wsiSendBinary websocket instance closed.") sendBinaryStatus = nil wsSendBinary = nil end local function wsSendBinaryError(strData) print("sendBinary Error was fired") end local function wsErrorOpen(strData) end local function wsErrorMessage(strData) end local function wsErrorError(strData) print("Error was fired") errorStatus:setString("an error was fired") end local function wsErrorClose(strData) print("_wsiError websocket instance closed.") errorStatus= nil wsError = nil end if nil ~= wsSendText then wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextOpen,cc.WEBSOCKET_OPEN) wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextMessage,cc.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE) wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextClose,cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE) wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextError,cc.WEBSOCKET_ERROR) end if nil ~= wsSendBinary then wsSendBinary:registerScriptHandler(wsSendBinaryOpen,cc.WEBSOCKET_OPEN) wsSendBinary:registerScriptHandler(wsSendBinaryMessage,cc.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE) wsSendBinary:registerScriptHandler(wsSendBinaryClose,cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE) wsSendBinary:registerScriptHandler(wsSendBinaryError,cc.WEBSOCKET_ERROR) end if nil ~= wsError then wsError:registerScriptHandler(wsErrorOpen,cc.WEBSOCKET_OPEN) wsError:registerScriptHandler(wsErrorMessage,cc.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE) wsError:registerScriptHandler(wsErrorClose,cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE) wsError:registerScriptHandler(wsErrorError,cc.WEBSOCKET_ERROR) end local function OnExit(strEventName) if "exit" == strEventName then if nil ~= wsSendText then wsSendText:close() end if nil ~= wsSendBinary then wsSendBinary:close() end if nil ~= wsError then wsError:close() end end end layer:registerScriptHandler(OnExit) return layer end function runWebSocketTest() local scene = cc.Scene:create() scene:addChild(WebSocketTestLayer()) return scene end
local ROOT = (...):gsub('[^.]*.[^.]*$', '') local Hooker = require(ROOT .. 'hooker') local ffi = require 'ffi' local sdl = require((...) .. '.sdl') local Image = require((...) .. '.image') local Font = require((...) .. '.font') local Keyboard = require((...) .. '.keyboard') local Text = require((...) .. '.text') local IntOut = ffi.typeof 'int[1]' local stack = {} -- create window and renderer sdl.enableScreenSaver() local window = sdl.createWindow('', sdl.WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, sdl.WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 800, 600, sdl.WINDOW_SHOWN + sdl.WINDOW_RESIZABLE) if window == nil then error(ffi.string(sdl.getError())) end ffi.gc(window, sdl.destroyWindow) local renderer = sdl.createRenderer(window, -1, sdl.RENDERER_ACCELERATED + sdl.RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC) if renderer == nil then error(ffi.string(sdl.getError())) end ffi.gc(renderer, sdl.destroyRenderer) sdl.setRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, sdl.BLENDMODE_BLEND) local Backend = {} Backend.sdl = sdl Backend.isMac = function () return sdl.getPlatform() == 'Mac OS X' end local callback = { draw = function () end, resize = function () end, mousepressed = function () end, mousereleased = function () end, mousemoved = function () end, keypressed = function () end, keyreleased = function () end, textinput = function () end, wheelmoved = function () end, } = function () local event = sdl.Event() local tickInterval = 16 -- ~60 fps (with room) local nextTick = 0 local sdl = sdl while true do sdl.pumpEvents() while sdl.pollEvent(event) ~= 0 do if event.type == sdl.QUIT then return elseif event.type == sdl.WINDOWEVENT and event.window.event == sdl.WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED then local window = event.window callback.resize(window.data1, window.data2) elseif event.type == sdl.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN then local button = event.button callback.mousepressed(button.x, button.y, button.button) elseif event.type == sdl.MOUSEBUTTONUP then local button = event.button callback.mousereleased(button.x, button.y, button.button) elseif event.type == sdl.MOUSEMOTION then local motion = event.motion callback.mousemoved(motion.x, motion.y) elseif event.type == sdl.KEYDOWN then local key = Keyboard.stringByKeycode[event.key.keysym.sym] or 'unknown' local scanCode = Keyboard.stringByScancode[event.key.keysym.scancode] or 'unknown' callback.keypressed(key, scanCode, event.key['repeat']) elseif event.type == sdl.KEYUP then local key = Keyboard.stringByKeycode[event.key.keysym.sym] or 'unknown' local scanCode = Keyboard.stringByScancode[event.key.keysym.scancode] or 'unknown' callback.keyreleased(key, scanCode, event.key['repeat']) elseif event.type == sdl.TEXTINPUT then callback.textinput(ffi.string(event.text.text)) elseif event.type == sdl.MOUSEWHEEL then local wheel = event.wheel callback.wheelmoved(wheel.x, wheel.y) end end sdl.renderSetClipRect(renderer, nil) sdl.setRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255) sdl.renderClear(renderer) callback.draw() local now = sdl.getTicks() if nextTick > now then sdl.delay(nextTick - now) end nextTick = now + tickInterval sdl.renderPresent(renderer) end end Backend.Cursor = function (image, x, y) return sdl.createColorCursor(image.sdlSurface, x, y) end Backend.Font = Font Backend.Image = function (path) return Image(renderer, path) end Backend.Text = function (...) return Text(renderer, ...) end Backend.Quad = function (x, y, w, h) return { x, y, w, h } end Backend.SpriteBatch = require((...) .. '.spritebatch') Backend.draw = function (drawable, x, y, sx, sy) if drawable.draw then return drawable:draw(x, y, sx, sy) end if drawable.sdlTexture == nil or drawable.sdlRenderer == nil or drawable.getWidth == nil or drawable.getHeight == nil then return end local w = drawable:getWidth() * (sx or 1) local h = drawable:getHeight() * (sy or 1) -- HACK. Somehow drawing something first prevents renderCopy from -- incorrectly scaling up in some cases (after rendering slices). -- For example sdl.renderDrawPoint(drawable.sdlRenderer, -1, -1) -- Draw the image. sdl.renderCopy(drawable.sdlRenderer, drawable.sdlTexture, nil, sdl.Rect(x, y, w, h)) end Backend.drawRectangle = function (mode, x, y, w, h) if mode == 'fill' then sdl.renderFillRect(renderer, sdl.Rect(x, y, w, h)) else sdl.renderDrawRect(renderer, sdl.Rect(x, y, w, h)) end end local currentFont = Font() local lastColor -- print( text, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ) Backend.print = function (text, x, y) if not text or text == '' then return end local font = currentFont.sdlFont local color = sdl.Color(lastColor or { 0, 0, 0, 255 }) local write = Font.SDL2_ttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended local surface = write(font, text, color) ffi.gc(surface, sdl.freeSurface) local texture = sdl.createTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface) ffi.gc(texture, sdl.destroyTexture) sdl.renderCopy(renderer, texture, nil, sdl.Rect(x, y, surface.w, surface.h)) end Backend.getClipboardText = function () return ffi.string(sdl.getClipboardText()) end Backend.setClipboardText = sdl.setClipboardText Backend.getMousePosition = function () local x, y = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getMouseState(x, y) return x[0], y[0] end local function SystemCursor (id) return ffi.gc(sdl.createSystemCursor(id), sdl.freeCursor) end local systemCursors = { arrow = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW), ibeam = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM), wait = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_WAIT), crosshair = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR), waitarrow = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_WAITARROW), sizenwse = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENWSE), sizenesw = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENESW), sizewe = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE), sizens = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENS), sizeall = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEALL), no = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_NO), hand = SystemCursor(sdl.SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND), } Backend.getSystemCursor = function (name) return systemCursors[name] or systemCursors.arrow end Backend.getWindowSize = function () local x, y = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowSize(window, x, y) return x[0], y[0] end Backend.getTime = function () return sdl.getTicks() * 0.001 end Backend.isKeyDown = function (...) local state = sdl.getKeyboardState(nil) for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local name = select(i, ...) local scan = Keyboard.scancodeByString[name] if scan and state[scan] ~= 0 then return true end end return false end Backend.isMouseDown = function () end Backend.quit = function () sdl.quit() os.exit() end Backend.setColor = function (color) lastColor = color sdl.setRenderDrawColor(renderer, color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] or 255) end Backend.setCursor = function (cursor) sdl.setCursor(cursor or Backend.getSystemCursor('arrow')) end Backend.setFont = function (font) currentFont = font end local lastScissor Backend.setScissor = function (x, y, w, h) -- y = y and Backend.getWindowHeight() - (y + h) lastScissor = x and sdl.Rect(x, y, w, h) sdl.renderSetClipRect(renderer, lastScissor) end Backend.getScissor = function () if lastScissor ~= nil then local x, y = lastScissor.x, lastScissor.y local w, h = lastScissor.w, lastScissor.h -- y = y and Backend.getWindowHeight() - (y + h) return x, y, w, h end end function Backend.hide (layout) for _, item in ipairs(layout.hooks) do Hooker.unhook(item) end layout.hooks = {} end local function hook (layout, key, method, hookLast) layout.hooks[#layout.hooks + 1] = Hooker.hook( callback, key, method, hookLast) end Backend.pop = function () local history = stack[#stack] lastColor = history.color or { 0, 0, 0, 255 } lastScissor = history.scissor sdl.setRenderDrawColor(renderer, lastColor[1], lastColor[2], lastColor[3], lastColor[4] or 255) sdl.renderSetClipRect(renderer, lastScissor) -- Backend.setScissor(history.scissor) stack[#stack] = nil end Backend.push = function () stack[#stack + 1] = { color = lastColor, scissor = lastScissor, } end local isMouseDown = function () return sdl.getMouseState(nil, nil) > 0 end local buttonIds = { [sdl.BUTTON_LEFT] = 'left', [sdl.BUTTON_MIDDLE] = 'middle', [sdl.BUTTON_RIGHT] = 'right', -- [sdl.BUTTON_X1] = 'x1', -- [sdl.BUTTON_X2] = 'x2', } local function getMouseButtonId (value) return value and buttonIds[value] or value end function (layout) local input = layout.input hook(layout, 'draw', function () input:handleDisplay(layout) end, true) hook(layout, 'resize', function (width, height) return input:handleReshape(layout, width, height) end) hook(layout, 'mousepressed', function (x, y, button) return input:handlePressStart(layout, getMouseButtonId(button), x, y) end) hook(layout, 'mousereleased', function (x, y, button) return input:handlePressEnd(layout, getMouseButtonId(button), x, y) end) hook(layout, 'mousemoved', function (x, y, dx, dy) if isMouseDown() then return input:handlePressedMove(layout, x, y) else return input:handleMove(layout, x, y) end end) hook(layout, 'keypressed', function (key, scanCode, isRepeat) return input:handleKeyPress(layout, key, scanCode, Backend.getMousePosition()) end) hook(layout, 'keyreleased', function (key, scanCode) return input:handleKeyRelease(layout, key, scanCode, Backend.getMousePosition()) end) hook(layout, 'textinput', function (text) return input:handleTextInput(layout, text, Backend.getMousePosition()) end) hook(layout, 'wheelmoved', function (x, y) return input:handleWheelMove(layout, x, y) end) end function Backend.getWindowMaximized () local flags = sdl.getWindowFlags(window) return, sdl.WINDOW_MAXIMIZED) ~= 0 end function Backend.setWindowMaximized (maximized) if maximized then sdl.maximizeWindow(window) else sdl.restoreWindow(window) end end function Backend.getWindowMinimized () local flags = sdl.getWindowFlags(window) return, sdl.WINDOW_MINIMIZED) ~= 0 end function Backend.setWindowMinimized (minimized) if minimized then sdl.minimizeWindow(window) else sdl.restoreWindow(window) end end function Backend.getWindowBorderless () local flags = sdl.getWindowFlags(window) return, sdl.WINDOW_BORDERLESS) ~= 0 end function Backend.setWindowBorderless (borderless) return sdl.setWindowBordered(window, not borderless) end function Backend.getWindowFullscreen () local flags = sdl.getWindowFlags(window) return, sdl.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) ~= 0 end function Backend.setWindowFullscreen (fullscreen) return sdl.setWindowFullscreen(window, not not fullscreen) end function Backend.getWindowGrab () return sdl.getWindowGrab(window) end function Backend.setWindowGrab (grab) return sdl.setWindowGrab(window, not not grab) end local SDL2_image = ffi.load 'SDL2_image' function Backend.setWindowIcon (icon) -- XXX: is it safe to free this? local surface = ffi.gc(SDL2_image.IMG_Load(icon), sdl.freeSurface) if surface == nil then error(ffi.string(sdl.getError())) end sdl.setWindowIcon(window, surface) end function Backend.getWindowMaxwidth () local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMaximumSize(window, w, h) return w[0] end function Backend.setWindowMaxwidth (maxwidth) local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMaximumSize(window, w, h) sdl.setWindowMaximumSize(window, maxwidth, h[0] or 16384) end function Backend.getWindowMaxheight () local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMaximumSize(window, w, h) return h[0] end function Backend.setWindowMaxheight (maxheight) local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMaximumSize(window, w, h) sdl.setWindowMaximumSize(window, w[0] or 16384, maxheight) end function Backend.getWindowMinwidth () local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMinimumSize(window, w, h) return w[0] end function Backend.setWindowMinwidth (minwidth) local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMinimumSize(window, w, h) sdl.setWindowMinimumSize(window, minwidth, h[0] or 0) end function Backend.getWindowMinheight () local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMinimumSize(window, w, h) return h[0] end function Backend.setWindowMinheight (minheight) local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowMinimumSize(window, w, h) sdl.setWindowMinimumSize(window, w[0] or 0, minheight) end function Backend.getWindowTop () local x, y = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowPosition(window, x, y) return y[0] end function Backend.setWindowTop (top) local x, y = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowPosition(window, x, y) sdl.setWindowPosition(window, x[0] or 0, top) end function Backend.getWindowLeft () local x, y = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowPosition(window, x, y) return x[0] end function Backend.setWindowLeft (left) local x, y = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowPosition(window, x, y) sdl.setWindowPosition(window, left, y[0] or 0) end function Backend.getWindowWidth () local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowSize(window, w, h) return w[0] end function Backend.setWindowWidth (width) local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowSize(window, w, h) sdl.setWindowSize(window, width, h[0] or 600) end function Backend.getWindowHeight () local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowSize(window, w, h) return h[0] end function Backend.setWindowHeight (height) local w, h = IntOut(), IntOut() sdl.getWindowSize(window, w, h) sdl.setWindowSize(window, w[0] or 800, height) end function Backend.getWindowTitle (title) return sdl.getWindowTitle(window) end function Backend.setWindowTitle (title) sdl.setWindowTitle(window, title) end return Backend
--[[ Name: Cog Graphical User Interface Outline: Declare global variable 'cog' Store private frame table Declare methods Storing new frames Create new widgets Yield to cog interface Refresh cog interface --]] --Table to hold cog library local cog = {} --Table to hold default cog widget objects cog.widgets = {} --Table to hold control functions such as yield cog.control = {} --Table to contain all of the current program's frames local Gframe = {} --Table to contain intermediate screen data local screen = {} --String to contain past display state local oldScreen = '' --String to contain new display state local newScreen = '' ----------------------------- --[[ Cog Display Tools ]]-- ----------------------------- --Table to hold cog version of 'term' api local cter = {} --Hold options about widget position and size function cter.setOptions(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) cter.lim = {xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax} end function cter.write(str) end -------------------------- --[[ Frame Creation ]]-- -------------------------- --Create new frame to hold widgets function cog.newFrame(widgets) --'widgets' argument temporary for loading previously saved frame local wrap = {} local frame = {} function assert(widget.type == 'cog-widget', 'Invalid object type, expected "cog-widget"') end end --Export cog frame as table --Requires serial library function cog.exportFrame() assert(serial, "Serial library required for frame export") end
----------------------------------------- -- ID: 5170 -- Item: green_quiche -- Food Effect: 30Min, All Races ----------------------------------------- -- Magic 10 -- Agility 1 -- Vitality -1 -- Ranged ACC % 7 -- Ranged ACC Cap 15 ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemCheck ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local result = 0; if (target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD) == true or target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_FIELD_SUPPORT_FOOD) == true) then result = 246; end return result; end; ----------------------------------------- -- OnItemUse ----------------------------------------- function onItemUse(target) target:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_FOOD,0,0,1800,5170); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEffectGain Action ----------------------------------- function onEffectGain(target,effect) target:addMod(MOD_MP, 10); target:addMod(MOD_AGI, 1); target:addMod(MOD_VIT, -1); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_RACCP, 7); target:addMod(MOD_FOOD_RACC_CAP, 15); end; ----------------------------------------- -- onEffectLose Action ----------------------------------------- function onEffectLose(target,effect) target:delMod(MOD_MP, 10); target:delMod(MOD_AGI, 1); target:delMod(MOD_VIT, -1); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_RACCP, 7); target:delMod(MOD_FOOD_RACC_CAP, 15); end;
-- Documentation on the redis protocol found at -- Encode a redis bulk string local function encode_bulk_string(str) assert(type(str) == "string") return string.format("$%d\r\n%s\r\n", #str, str) end -- Encode a redis request -- Requests are always just an array of bulk strings local function encode_request(arg) local n = arg.n or #arg assert(n > 0, "need at least one argument") local str = { [0] = string.format("*%d\r\n", n); } for i=1, n do str[i] = encode_bulk_string(arg[i]) end return table.concat(str, nil, 0, n) end -- Encode a redis inline command -- space separated local function encode_inline(arg) local n = arg.n or #arg assert(n > 0, "need at least one argument") -- inline commands can't start with "*" assert(arg[1]:sub(1,1) ~= "*", "invalid command for inline command") -- ensure the arguments do not contain a space character or newline for i=1, n do assert(arg[i]:match("^[^\r\n ]*$"), "invalid string for inline command") end arg[n+1] = "\r\n" return table.concat(arg, " ", 1, n+1) end -- Parse a redis response local function read_response(file, new_status, new_error, string_null, array_null) local line = assert(file:read("*l")) assert(line:sub(-1, -1) == "\r", "invalid line ending") local status, data = line:sub(1, 1), line:sub(2, -2) if status == "+" then return new_status(data) elseif status == "-" then return new_error(data) elseif status == ":" then return assert(tonumber(data, 10), "invalid integer") elseif status == "$" then local len = assert(tonumber(data, 10), "invalid bulk string length") if len == -1 then return string_null elseif len > 512*1024*1024 then -- max 512 MB error("bulk string too large") else local str = assert(file:read(len)) -- should be followed by CRLF local crlf = assert(file:read(2)) assert(crlf == "\r\n", "invalid bulk reply") return str end elseif status == "*" then local len = assert(tonumber(data, 10), "invalid array length") if len == -1 then return array_null else local arr = {} for i=1, len do arr[i] = read_response(file, new_status, new_error, string_null, array_null) end return arr end else error("invalid redis status") end end -- The way lua embedded into redis encodes things: local function error_reply(message) return {err = message} end local function status_reply(message) return {ok = message} end local string_null = false local array_null = false local function default_read_response(file) return read_response(file, status_reply, error_reply, string_null, array_null) end return { encode_bulk_string = encode_bulk_string; encode_request = encode_request; encode_inline = encode_inline; read_response = read_response; error_reply = error_reply; status_reply = status_reply; string_null = string_null; array_null = array_null; default_read_response = default_read_response; }
do -- Returns the key (index) in the config.enabled_plugins table local function plugin_enabled( name ) for k,v in pairs(_config.enabled_plugins) do if name == v then return k end end -- If not found return false end -- Returns true if file exists in plugins folder local function plugin_exists( name ) for k,v in pairs(plugins_names()) do if name..'.lua' == v then return true end end return false end local function list_plugins(only_enabled) local text = '' local psum = 0 for k, v in pairs(plugins_names()) do -- 🔘 enabled, ⚫️️ disabled local status = '⚫️' psum = psum+1 pact = 0 -- Check if is enabled for k2, v2 in pairs(_config.enabled_plugins) do if v == v2..'.lua' then status = '🔘' end pact = pact+1 end if not only_enabled or status == '🔘' then -- get the name v = v:match('(.*)%.lua') text = text..status..' '..v..'\n' end end local text = text..'➖➖➖➖➖➖\n'..psum..' number plugin. \n🔘 ' ..pact..' active. \n⚫️️ '..psum-pact..' disabled.' return text end local function reload_plugins() plugins = {} load_plugins() return "" end local function enable_plugin( plugin_name ) print('checking if '..plugin_name..' exists') -- Check if plugin is enabled if plugin_enabled(plugin_name) then return 'Plugin[ '..plugin_name..' ] Was Active.🔘' end -- Checks if plugin exists if plugin_exists(plugin_name) then -- Add to the config table table.insert(_config.enabled_plugins, plugin_name) print(plugin_name..' added to _config table') save_config() -- Reload the plugins return 'Plugin[ '..plugin_name..' ]Active.🔘' else return 'Plugin[ '..plugin_name..' ]No List Plugins.⚠️' end end local function disable_plugin( name, chat ) -- Check if plugins exists if not plugin_exists(name) then return 'Plugin[ '' ]Not Exist.❗️' end local k = plugin_enabled(name) -- Check if plugin is enabled if not k then return 'Plugin[ '' ]Be Disabled.⚫️️' end -- Disable and reload table.remove(_config.enabled_plugins, k) save_config( ) return 'Plugin[ '' ]Disabled.⚫️️' end local function disable_plugin_on_chat(receiver, plugin) if not plugin_exists(plugin) then return "Plugin Not Exist.⚠️" end if not _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat then _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat = {} end if not _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat[receiver] then _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat[receiver] = {} end _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat[receiver][plugin] = true save_config() return 'Plugin '..plugin..' disabled on this supergroup' end local function reenable_plugin_on_chat(receiver, plugin) if not _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat then return 'There aren\'t any disabled plugins' end if not _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat[receiver] then return 'There aren\'t any disabled plugins for this supergroup' end if not _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat[receiver][plugin] then return 'This plugin is not disabled' end _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat[receiver][plugin] = false save_config() return 'Plugin '..plugin..' is enabled again' end local function run(msg, matches) -- Show the available plugins if matches[1] == 'plist' then return list_plugins() end -- Re-enable a plugin for this chat if matches[1] == '+' and matches[3] == 'chat' then local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local plugin = matches[2] print("enable "..plugin..' on this supergroup') return reenable_plugin_on_chat(receiver, plugin) end -- Enable a plugin if matches[1] == '+' then local plugin_name = matches[2] print("enable: "..matches[2]) return enable_plugin(plugin_name) end -- Disable a plugin on a chat if matches[1] == '-' and matches[3] == 'chat' then local plugin = matches[2] local receiver = get_receiver(msg) print("disable "..plugin..' on this chat') return disable_plugin_on_chat(receiver, plugin) end -- Disable a plugin if matches[1] == '-' then print("disable: "..matches[2]) return disable_plugin(matches[2]) end end return { description = 'Plugin to manage other plugins. Enable, disable or reload.', usage = { sudo = { '<code>!pl + [plugin]</code>', 'Enable plugin.', '', '<code>!pl - [plugin]</code>', 'Disable plugin.', '', '<code>!reload</code>', 'Reloads all plugins.' }, moderator = { '<code>!plist</code>', 'List all plugins.', '', '<code>!pl + [plugin] chat</code>', 'Re-enable plugin only this chat.', '', '<code>!pl - [plugin] chat</code>', 'Disable plugin only this chat.' }, }, patterns = { "^[!/#](plist)$", "^[!/]pl? (+) ([%w_%.%-]+)$", "^[!/]pl? (-) ([%w_%.%-]+)$", "^[!/]pl? (+) ([%w_%.%-]+) (chat)", "^[!/]pl? (-) ([%w_%.%-]+) (chat)", }, run = run, privileged = true } end
--SpiderMod SpiderWeb Weapon shared code --Author: ancientevil --Contact: --Date: 22 March 2009 --Notes: Primary fire while in the air to shoot a web line. Weblines act like real Spidey weblines in that -- they do not (much) stretch or pull you in like a grappeling hook. Instead, they are fixed length -- constraints that act like the rope constraint in sandbox (at this stage, the line is rendered as a -- straight line that expands and contracts but this will improve) - except that this one -- works on YOU. -- With that in mind, try out all sorts of physics tests, knowing your arms are limitless in strength -- (that is, they won't be ripped out of their sockets on a fast fall). You can also charge your jump -- while swinging and release it at just the right moment to maximise your distance or speed. -- The Webline will be terminated if you touch the ground at any point or if you release a jump. Lines -- over 2,500 units in length will not be fired. It makes for some panicky moments :) -- --Credits: * My brother, for hours of testing... well, play and criticism -- * Spiderman 2 for PlayStation 2, which this swep is based on. -- * Facepunch forum helpers --resources resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_hand/v_hand_sheet.vmt") resource.AddFile("materials/models/weapons/v_hand/v_hand_sheet.vtf") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/sound/WebFire1.wav") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/sound/WebFire2.wav") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/sound/WebFire3.wav") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/models/weapons/v_spiderweb.dx80.vtx") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/models/weapons/v_spiderweb.dx90.vtx") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/models/weapons/v_spiderweb.mdl") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/models/weapons/v_spiderweb.sw.vtx") resource.AddFile("gamemodes/spidermod/content/models/weapons/v_spiderweb.vvd") --author and swep description SWEP.Author = "ancientevil" SWEP.Contact = "" SWEP.Purpose = "Gives the holder spider-like powers of web slinging." SWEP.Instructions = "Click and aim at the place you want to swing from, webhead. Remember to jump first - webs disintegrate when your feet hit the ground or when you jump." --who can spawn this webpon? anyone can! SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true --currently looks just like a pistol --will model this later on to a spidey hand SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_spiderweb.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl" --primary and secondary clips - none SWEP.Primary.Clipsize = -1 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = -1 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = false SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "none" SWEP.Secondary.Clipsize = -1 SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip = -1 SWEP.Secondary.Automatic = false SWEP.Secondary.Ammo = "none" --web line specific init variables SWEP.WebIsAttached = false SWEP.WebAttachedWorldPos = false SWEP.WebLength = 0 SWEP.WebConstraint = false SWEP.SimpleWeb = false --debug mode flag local WebDebug = false --local constants local MaxWebLength = 2500 --sound files --web firing sound files (in an array so we can randomise use) local webFire = {} webFire[1] = Sound("WebFire1.wav") webFire[2] = Sound("WebFire2.wav") --the fail sound is on its own local webFailFire = Sound("WebFire3.wav") --debugging routine function qid(routine) if WebDebug then if SERVER then print("SERVER: "..routine) else print("CLIENT: "..routine) end end end --returns one of two web firing sounds function RandomWebFireSound() return webFire[math.random(1, 2)] end --yes, we can use this weapon, some init here function SWEP:Deploy() qid("SWEP:Deploy()") self.FiringWeb = false --reset our web firing status return true end --returns the distance of the player from the web attachment point --this helps us make sure it is never greater than the length of the --original web line function SWEP:LengthFromWebAttachPoint() qid("SWEP:LengthFromWebAttachPoint()") local dist = self.Owner:GetPos():Distance(self.WebAttachedWorldPos) return dist end --returns the velocity of the player AFTER it has been subjected to the --constraints of the web line - some of this is destined to be rewritten --to improve the smoothness of the swing function SWEP:GetConstraintCorrectedPlayerVelocity() qid("SWEP:GetConstraintCorrectedPlayerVelocity()") local plyVelocity = self.Owner:GetVelocity() -- original player velocity local pvLen = plyVelocity:Length() -- the magnitude of the player velocity local pvUV = plyVelocity:GetNormalized() -- the direction of the player velocity local plyPos = self.Owner:GetPos() -- the player position local plyToWebUV = (self.WebAttachedWorldPos - plyPos):GetNormalized() -- the direction from the player to the web-attachment point local newUV = (pvUV + plyToWebUV):GetNormalized() -- the new direction of movement (original direction less any movement away from the attachment point) qid("Vels ("..self.Owner:GetName().."): "..tostring(plyVelocity)..","..tostring(pvLen)..","..tostring(pvUV)..","..tostring(plyPos)..","..tostring(plyToWebUV)..","..tostring(newUV)..","..tostring(pvLen*newUV)) return pvLen * newUV -- the new player velocity (new direction * original magnitude) end --main routine function SWEP:Think() if SERVER then if (self.WebIsAttached) then if (self.Owner:OnGround()) then --terminate web line if touching ground self:RemoveWeb() else if (self:LengthFromWebAttachPoint() > self.WebLength) then --stop the player moving outside the radius of the webline from the attachment point local constrainedVelocity = self:GetConstraintCorrectedPlayerVelocity() self.Owner:SetLocalVelocity(constrainedVelocity) end end end end end --removes the web entity and disconnects the web line function SWEP:RemoveWeb() qid("SWEP:RemoveWeb()") if self.WebIsAttached then if SERVER then if (self.WebConstraint) then self.WebConstraint:Remove() end if (self.SimpleWeb) then self.SimpleWeb:Remove() self.SimpleWeb = false end end self.WebIsAttached = false end end --removes any weblines on changing to a new weapon function SWEP:Holster() qid("SWEP:Holster()") if SERVER then self:RemoveWeb() end return true end --tries to create a valid web trace from the firing position to the entity aimed at --if successful, will return true - false otherwise function SWEP:TryWebTrace() qid("SWEP:TryWebTrace()") local trace = self.Owner:GetEyeTrace() --trace a line from the owner's eye to the colliding entity --only continue if this is a valid hit --which means --A: a valid physics object --and B: part of the world if (util.IsValidPhysicsObject(trace.Entity, trace.PhysicsBone)) and (trace.Entity:IsWorld()) then self.WebAttachedWorldPos = trace.HitPos --where the web holds the player to (attachment point) self.WebLength = self.Owner:GetShootPos():Distance(self.WebAttachedWorldPos) --the length now constraining the player to the attachment --we can also bail here if the object we are trying to swing from is out of our range if (self.WebLength <= MaxWebLength) then return true --once we pass all areas of testing, this is a valid web trace - so we allow it through else return false end else return false end end --called by the server - plays a different sound if web hits or misses function SWEP:PlayWebSound(success) if (success == "true") then --sent as a string in this case, not a boolean --play the web firing sound self.Weapon:EmitSound(RandomWebFireSound(), 40.0) else --play the web missing sound self.Weapon:EmitSound(webFailFire, 40.0) end end --plays the hold web line animation and resets the next fire function HoldWebLine(self) qid("SWEP:HoldWebLine(self)") self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_IDLE_LOWERED) --plays the hold animation end --plays the grab web line animation and triggers the hold animation for after it function GrabWebLine(self) qid("SWEP:GrabWebLine(self)") self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_HAULBACK) --plays the grab animation timer.Create("delayedHold", self.Weapon:SequenceDuration(), 1, HoldWebLine, self) --times the hold animation for straight after it end --ooops - we have missed - this plays the failed webshot animation and resets the next fire function FailWebLine(self) qid("SWEP:FailWebLine(self)") self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_SWINGMISS) --plays the failed web shot animation end --seperated webline fire routine so it can be delayed while the animation is playing function FireWebLine(self) qid("SWEP:FireWebLine(self)") self:RemoveWeb() --remove any existing webline if SERVER then if (self:TryWebTrace()) then --try to set up a valid webline --create the web entity (which for the moment is a very simple textured line) if (!self.SimpleWeb) then self.SimpleWeb = ents.Create( "webstrand" ) self.SimpleWeb:SetPos( self.Owner:GetShootPos() ) self.SimpleWeb:Spawn() self.SimpleWeb:GetTable():SetEndPos(self.WebAttachedWorldPos) end --set owner so we don't collide with our webline self.SimpleWeb:SetParent( self.Owner ) self.SimpleWeb:SetOwner( self.Owner ) --play the web-attached sound on the client self.Weapon:CallOnClient("PlayWebSound", "true") --give the player a moment to see that the web has connected, then grab it timer.Create("delayedGrab", 0.5, 1, GrabWebLine, self) --finally, this flag is set to start the main routine thinking differently about how we move self.WebIsAttached = true --terminate any wallcrawling self.Owner:GetNWEntity("wcam"):GetTable():FinishWallCrawling() else --play the web-fail sound on the client self.Weapon:CallOnClient("PlayWebSound", "false") --for some reason, we missed our target - play the fail animation after a moment of realisation timer.Create("delayedFail", 0.5, 1, FailWebLine, self) end end self.FiringWeb = false --reset so we can fire again end --assesses whether or not we can fire a web line and returns true or false function SWEP:CanFireWeb() qid("SWEP:CanFireWeb()") return (!self.Owner:OnGround()) and (!self.FiringWeb) end --"GO WEB!...Flyyy web... up up and AWAY, WEB!"..etc --fires a webline for you to dangle, sweep and fly across the sky on function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() qid("SWEP:PrimaryAttack()") if (self:CanFireWeb()) then --set a flag so that we can't fire whilst processing a fire request self.FiringWeb = true --alternate left and right hands self.ViewModelFlip = !self.ViewModelFlip --play the web fire animation self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim(ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK) --start a delayed firing sequence to coincide with the animation timer.Create("delayedFire", self.Weapon:SequenceDuration() / 2, 1, FireWebLine, self) end end --there is no secondary fire... yet... but it is pencilled in to have webzip functionality --and if you have played the PS2 game, you know what that is function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() return false end
----------------------------------- -- Ability: Devotion -- Sacrifices HP to grant a party member the same amount in MP. -- Obtained: White Mage Level 75 -- Recast Time: 0:10:00 -- Duration: Instant -- Target: Party member, cannot target self. ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/utils"); ----------------------------------- -- onAbilityCheck ----------------------------------- function onAbilityCheck(player,target,ability) if (player:getID() == target:getID()) then return MSGBASIC_CANNOT_PERFORM_TARG,0; elseif (player:getHP() < 4) then -- Fails if HP < 4 return MSGBASIC_UNABLE_TO_USE_JA,0; else return 0,0; end end; ----------------------------------- -- onUseAbility ----------------------------------- function onUseAbility(player,target,ability) -- Plus 5 percent mp recovers per extra devotion merit local meritBonus = player:getMerit(MERIT_DEVOTION) - 5; -- printf("Devotion Merit Bonus: %d", meritBonus); local mpPercent = (25 + meritBonus) / 100; -- printf("Devotion MP Percent: %f", mpPercent); local damageHP = math.floor(player:getHP() * 0.25); -- printf("Devotion HP Damage: %d", damageHP); -- If stoneskin is present, it should absorb damage... damageHP = utils.stoneskin(player, damageHP); -- printf("Devotion HP Damage (after Stoneskin): %d", damageHP); local healMP = player:getHP() * mpPercent; healMP = utils.clamp(healMP, 0,target:getMaxMP() - target:getMP()); -- printf("Devotion MP Healed: %d", healMP); player:delHP(damageHP); target:addMP(healMP); return healMP; end;
----------------------------------- -- Ability: Devotion -- Sacrifices HP to grant a party member the same amount in MP. -- Obtained: White Mage Level 75 -- Recast Time: 0:10:00 -- Duration: Instant -- Target: Party member, cannot target self. ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/utils"); ----------------------------------- -- onAbilityCheck ----------------------------------- function onAbilityCheck(player,target,ability) if (player:getID() == target:getID()) then return MSGBASIC_CANNOT_PERFORM_TARG,0; elseif (player:getHP() < 4) then -- Fails if HP < 4 return MSGBASIC_UNABLE_TO_USE_JA,0; else return 0,0; end end; ----------------------------------- -- onUseAbility ----------------------------------- function onUseAbility(player,target,ability) -- Plus 5 percent mp recovers per extra devotion merit local meritBonus = player:getMerit(MERIT_DEVOTION) - 5; -- printf("Devotion Merit Bonus: %d", meritBonus); local mpPercent = (25 + meritBonus) / 100; -- printf("Devotion MP Percent: %f", mpPercent); local damageHP = math.floor(player:getHP() * 0.25); -- printf("Devotion HP Damage: %d", damageHP); -- If stoneskin is present, it should absorb damage... damageHP = utils.stoneskin(player, damageHP); -- printf("Devotion HP Damage (after Stoneskin): %d", damageHP); local healMP = player:getHP() * mpPercent; healMP = utils.clamp(healMP, 0,target:getMaxMP() - target:getMP()); -- printf("Devotion MP Healed: %d", healMP); player:delHP(damageHP); target:addMP(healMP); return healMP; end;
print "1..9" local src_dir, build_dir = ... package.path = (src_dir or "./") .. "?.lua;" .. package.path package.cpath = (build_dir or "./") .. "?.so;" .. package.cpath local tap = require("tap") local lz = require("zlib") local ok = tap.ok local table = require("table") local io = require("io") function main() test_stats() test_buff_err() test_small_inputs() test_basic() test_large() test_no_input() test_invalid_input() test_streaming() test_illegal_state() test_checksum() test_version() test_tom_macwright() test_amnon_david() end function test_tom_macwright() local deflated = assert( "/tom_macwright.gz")):read("*a") local inflated = lz.inflate()(deflated) local expected_inflated = assert( "/tom_macwright.out")):read("*a") ok(expected_inflated == inflated, "Tom MacWright Test") end function test_amnon_david() local body = assert("/amnon_david.gz")):read("*a") local inflate = lz.inflate() local inflated, eof, bytes_in, bytes_out = inflate(body) local deflate = lz.deflate() local deflated, eof, bytes_in, bytes_out = deflate(inflated, "full") end function test_stats() local string = ("one"):rep(20) local deflated, eof, bin, bout = lz.deflate()(string, 'finish') ok(eof == true, "eof is true (" .. tostring(eof) .. ")"); ok(bin > bout, "bytes in is greater than bytes out?") ok(#deflated == bout, "bytes out is the same size as deflated string length") ok(#string == bin, "bytes in is the same size as the input string length") end -- Thanks to Tobias Markmann for the bug report! We are trying to -- force inflate() to return a Z_BUF_ERROR (which should be recovered -- from). For some reason this only happens when the input is exactly -- LUAL_BUFFERSIZE (at least on my machine). function test_buff_err() local text = ("X"):rep(lz._TEST_BUFSIZ); local deflated = lz.deflate()(text, 'finish') for i=1,#deflated do lz.inflate()(deflated:sub(1,i)) end end function test_small_inputs() local text = ("X"):rep(lz._TEST_BUFSIZ); local deflated = lz.deflate()(text, 'finish') local inflated = {} local inflator = lz.inflate() for i=1,#deflated do local part = inflator(deflated:sub(i,i)) table.insert(inflated, part) end inflated = table.concat(inflated) ok(inflated == text, "Expected " .. #text .. " Xs got " .. #inflated) end function test_basic() local test_string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv" ok(lz.inflate()(lz.deflate()(), "finish") == "") -- Input to deflate is same as output to inflate: local deflated = lz.deflate()(test_string, "finish") local inflated = lz.inflate()(deflated, "finish") ok(test_string == inflated, "'" .. tostring(test_string) .. "' == '" .. tostring(inflated) .. "'") end function test_large() -- Try a larger string: local numbers = "" for i=1, 100 do numbers = numbers .. string.format("%3d", i) end local numbers_table = {} for i=1, 10000 do numbers_table[i] = numbers end local test_string = table.concat(numbers_table, "\n") local deflated = lz.deflate()(test_string, "finish") local inflated = lz.inflate()(deflated, "finish") ok(test_string == inflated, "large string") end function test_no_input() local stream = lz.deflate() local deflated = stream("") deflated = deflated .. stream("") deflated = deflated .. stream(nil, "finish") ok("" == lz.inflate()(deflated, "finish"), "empty string") end function test_invalid_input() local stream = lz.inflate() local isok, err = pcall( function() stream("bad input") end) ok(not isok) ok(string.find(err, "^InvalidInput"), string.format("InvalidInput error (%s)", err)) end function test_streaming() local shrink = lz.deflate(lz.BEST_COMPRESSION) local enlarge = lz.inflate() local expected = {} local got = {} local chant = "Isn't He great, isn't He wonderful?\n" for i=1,100 do if ( i == 100 ) then chant = nil print "EOF round" end local shrink_part, shrink_eof = shrink(chant) local enlarge_part, enlarge_eof = enlarge(shrink_part) if ( i == 100 ) then if not shrink_eof then error("expected eof after shrinking flush") end if not enlarge_eof then error("expected eof after enlarging") end else if shrink_eof then error("unexpected eof after shrinking") end if enlarge_eof then error("unexpected eof after enlarging") end end if enlarge_part then table.insert(got, enlarge_part) end if chant then table.insert(expected, chant) end end ok(table.concat(got) == table.concat(expected), "streaming works") end function test_illegal_state() local stream = lz.deflate() stream("abc") stream() -- eof/close local _, emsg = pcall( function() stream("printing on 'closed' handle") end) ok(string.find(emsg, "^IllegalState"), string.format("IllegalState error (%s)", emsg)) local enlarge = lz.inflate() end function test_checksum() for _, factory in pairs{lz.crc32, lz.adler32} do local csum = factory()("one two") -- Multiple calls: local compute = factory() compute("one") assert(csum == compute(" two")) -- Multiple compute_checksums joined: local compute1, compute2 = factory(), factory() compute1("one") compute2(" two") assert(csum == compute1(compute2)) end end function test_version() local major, minor, patch = lz.version() ok(1 == major, "major version 1 == " .. major); ok(type(minor) == "number", "minor version is number (" .. minor .. ")") ok(type(patch) == "number", "patch version is number (" .. patch .. ")") end main()
----------------------------------- -- Area: Valkurm Dunes -- NPC: Tsunashige, I.M. -- Outpost Conquest Guards -- @pos 139.394 -7.885 100.384 103 ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Valkurm_Dunes/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/conquest"); require("scripts/zones/Valkurm_Dunes/TextIDs"); local guardnation = NATION_BASTOK; -- SANDORIA, BASTOK, WINDURST, 4 = jeuno local guardtype = 3; -- 1: city, 2: foreign, 3: outpost, 4: border local region = ZULKHEIM; local csid = 0x7ff9; ----------------------------------- -- onTrade Action ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player,npc,trade) tradeConquestGuard(player,npc,trade,guardnation,guardtype); end; ----------------------------------- -- onTrigger Action ----------------------------------- function onTrigger(player,npc) if (player:hasKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)) and player:getNation() == guardnation) then if (supplyRunFresh(player) == 1) then player:startEvent(csid,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,255); -- you have brought us supplies ! else player:showText(npc, CONQUEST - 1); -- "Hmm... These supplies you have brought us are too old to be of any use." player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:messageSpecial(KEYITEM_OBTAINED + 1, getSupplyKey(region)); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end else local arg1 = getArg1(guardnation, player) - 1; if (arg1 >= 1792) then -- foreign, non-allied player:startEvent(csid,1808,0,0,0,0,player:getRank(),0,0); else -- citizen or allied player:startEvent(csid,arg1,0,0x3F0000,0,0,getArg6(player),0,0); end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("OPTION: %u",option); if (option == 1) then local duration = (player:getRank() + getNationRank(player:getNation()) + 3) * 3600; player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGIL); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SANCTION); player:delStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET); player:addStatusEffect(EFFECT_SIGNET,0,0,duration); -- Grant Signet elseif (option == 2) then player:delKeyItem(getSupplyKey(region)); player:addCP(supplyReward[region + 1]) player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST); -- "You've earned conquest points!" if (hasOutpost(player, region+5) == 0) then local supply_quests = 2^(region+5); player:addNationTeleport(guardnation,supply_quests); player:setVar("supplyQuest_region",0); end elseif (option == 4) then if (player:delGil(giltosetHP(guardnation,player))) then player:setHomePoint(); player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 94); -- "Your home point has been set." else player:messageSpecial(CONQUEST + 95); -- "You do not have enough gil to set your home point here." end end end;
----------------------------------- -- -- Zone: Crawlers_Nest_[S] (171) -- ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Crawlers_Nest_[S]/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/settings"); require("scripts/zones/Crawlers_Nest_[S]/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onInitialize ----------------------------------- function onInitialize(zone) end; ----------------------------------- -- onZoneIn ----------------------------------- function onZoneIn(player,prevZone) local cs = -1; if (player:getXPos() == 0 and player:getYPos() == 0 and player:getZPos() == 0) then player:setPos(380.617,-34.61,4.581,65); end return cs; end; ----------------------------------- -- onRegionEnter ----------------------------------- function onRegionEnter(player,region) end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventUpdate ----------------------------------- function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end; ----------------------------------- -- onEventFinish ----------------------------------- function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) -- printf("CSID: %u",csid); -- printf("RESULT: %u",option); end;
------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Author: Alexey Melnichuk <> -- -- Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Alexey Melnichuk <> -- -- Licensed according to the included 'LICENCE' document -- -- This file is part of lua-path library. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ note GetTempPath GetTempPath() might ignore the environment variables it's supposed to use (TEMP, TMP, ...) if they are more than 130 characters or so. --------------- Limit of Buffer Size for GetTempPath [Note - this behavior does not occur with the latest versions of the OS as of Vista SP1/Windows Server 2008. If anyone has more information about when this condition occurs, please update this content.] [Note - this post has been edited based on, and extended by, information in the following post] Apparently due to the method used by GetTempPathA to translate ANSI strings to UNICODE, this function itself cannot be told that the buffer is greater than 32766 in narrow convention. Attempting to pass a larger value in nBufferLength will result in a failed RtlHeapFree call in ntdll.dll and subsequently cause your application to call DbgBreakPoint in debug compiles and simple close without warning in release compiles. Example: // Allocate a 32Ki character buffer, enough to hold even native NT paths. LPTSTR tempPath = new TCHAR[32767]; ::GetTempPath(32767, tempPath); // Will crash in RtlHeapFree ---------------- --]] local function prequire(...) local ok, mod = pcall(require, ...) if not ok then return nil, mod end return mod end local lua_version do local lua_version_t lua_version = function() if not lua_version_t then local version = assert(_VERSION) local maj, min = version:match("^Lua (%d+)%.(%d+)$") if maj then lua_version_t = {tonumber(maj),tonumber(min)} elseif math.type then lua_version_t = {5,3} elseif not math.mod then lua_version_t = {5,2} elseif table.pack and not pack then lua_version_t = {5,2} else lua_version_t = {5,2} end end return lua_version_t[1], lua_version_t[2] end end local LUA_MAJOR, LUA_MINOR = lua_version() local LUA_VER_NUM = LUA_MAJOR * 100 + LUA_MINOR local load_bit if LUA_VER_NUM < 503 then load_bit = function() return assert(prequire("bit32") or prequire("bit")) end else load_bit = function () local bit_loader = assert(load[[ return { band = function(a, b) return a & b end; } ]]) return assert(bit_loader()) end end local bit = load_bit() local CONST = { GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000; GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000; GENERIC_EXECUTE = 0x20000000; GENERIC_ALL = 0x10000000; FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH = 0x80000000; FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING = 0x20000000; FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS = 0x10000000; FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN = 0x08000000; FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE = 0x04000000; FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = 0x40000000; FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 0x00000020; -- A file or directory that is an archive file or directory. Applications typically use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal . FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = 0x00000800; -- A file or directory that is compressed. For a file, all of the data in the file is compressed. For a directory, compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE = 0x00000040; -- This value is reserved for system use. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x00000010; -- The handle that identifies a directory. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED = 0x00004000; -- A file or directory that is encrypted. For a file, all data streams in the file are encrypted. For a directory, encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 0x00000002; -- The file or directory is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRITY_STREAM = 0x00008000; -- The directory or user data stream is configured with integrity (only supported on ReFS volumes). It is not included in an ordinary directory listing. The integrity setting persists with the file if it's renamed. If a file is copied the destination file will have integrity set if either the source file or destination directory have integrity set. (This flag is not supported until Windows Server 2012.) FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080; -- A file that does not have other attributes set. This attribute is valid only when used alone. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED = 0x00002000; -- The file or directory is not to be indexed by the content indexing service. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SCRUB_DATA = 0x00020000; -- The user data stream not to be read by the background data integrity scanner (AKA scrubber). When set on a directory it only provides inheritance. This flag is only supported on Storage Spaces and ReFS volumes. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing. This flag is not supported until Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE = 0x00001000; -- The data of a file is not available immediately. This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, which is the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x00000001; -- A file that is read-only. Applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it. This attribute is not honored on directories. For more information, see You cannot view or change the Read-only or the System attributes of folders in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, in Windows Vista or in Windows 7. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = 0x00000400; -- A file or directory that has an associated reparse point, or a file that is a symbolic link. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE = 0x00000200; -- A file that is a sparse file. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 0x00000004; -- A file or directory that the operating system uses a part of, or uses exclusively. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = 0x00000100; -- A file that is being used for temporary storage. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because typically, an application deletes a temporary file after the handle is closed. In that scenario, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL = 0x00010000; -- FILE_READ_DATA = 0x00000001; -- file & pipe FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x00000001; -- directory FILE_WRITE_DATA = 0x00000002; -- file & pipe FILE_ADD_FILE = 0x00000002; -- directory FILE_APPEND_DATA = 0x00000004; -- file FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY = 0x00000004; -- directory FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE = 0x00000004; -- named pipe FILE_READ_EA = 0x00000008; -- file & directory FILE_WRITE_EA = 0x00000010; -- file & directory FILE_EXECUTE = 0x00000020; -- file FILE_TRAVERSE = 0x00000020; -- directory FILE_DELETE_CHILD = 0x00000040; -- directory FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000080; -- all FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000100; -- all FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001; FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 0x00000002; FILE_SHARE_DELETE = 0x00000004; CREATE_NEW = 1; CREATE_ALWAYS = 2; OPEN_EXISTING = 3; OPEN_ALWAYS = 4; TRUNCATE_EXISTING = 5; FILE_DEVICE_8042_PORT = 0x00000027; FILE_DEVICE_ACPI = 0x00000032; FILE_DEVICE_BATTERY = 0x00000029; FILE_DEVICE_BEEP = 0x00000001; FILE_DEVICE_BUS_EXTENDER = 0x0000002a; FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM = 0x00000002; FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x00000003; FILE_DEVICE_CHANGER = 0x00000030; FILE_DEVICE_CONTROLLER = 0x00000004; FILE_DEVICE_DATALINK = 0x00000005; FILE_DEVICE_DFS = 0x00000006; FILE_DEVICE_DFS_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x00000035; FILE_DEVICE_DFS_VOLUME = 0x00000036; FILE_DEVICE_DISK = 0x00000007; FILE_DEVICE_DISK_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x00000008; FILE_DEVICE_DVD = 0x00000033; FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x00000009; FILE_DEVICE_FIPS = 0x0000003a; FILE_DEVICE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO = 0x00000034; FILE_DEVICE_INPORT_PORT = 0x0000000a; FILE_DEVICE_KEYBOARD = 0x0000000b; FILE_DEVICE_KS = 0x0000002f; FILE_DEVICE_KSEC = 0x00000039; FILE_DEVICE_MAILSLOT = 0x0000000c; FILE_DEVICE_MASS_STORAGE = 0x0000002d; FILE_DEVICE_MIDI_IN = 0x0000000d; FILE_DEVICE_MIDI_OUT = 0x0000000e; FILE_DEVICE_MODEM = 0x0000002b; FILE_DEVICE_MOUSE = 0x0000000f; FILE_DEVICE_MULTI_UNC_PROVIDER = 0x00000010; FILE_DEVICE_NAMED_PIPE = 0x00000011; FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK = 0x00000012; FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_BROWSER = 0x00000013; FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x00000014; FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_REDIRECTOR = 0x00000028; FILE_DEVICE_NULL = 0x00000015; FILE_DEVICE_PARALLEL_PORT = 0x00000016; FILE_DEVICE_PHYSICAL_NETCARD = 0x00000017; FILE_DEVICE_PRINTER = 0x00000018; FILE_DEVICE_SCANNER = 0x00000019; FILE_DEVICE_SCREEN = 0x0000001c; FILE_DEVICE_SERENUM = 0x00000037; FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_MOUSE_PORT = 0x0000001a; FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT = 0x0000001b; FILE_DEVICE_SMARTCARD = 0x00000031; FILE_DEVICE_SMB = 0x0000002e; FILE_DEVICE_SOUND = 0x0000001d; FILE_DEVICE_STREAMS = 0x0000001e; FILE_DEVICE_TAPE = 0x0000001f; FILE_DEVICE_TAPE_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x00000020; FILE_DEVICE_TERMSRV = 0x00000038; FILE_DEVICE_TRANSPORT = 0x00000021; FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN = 0x00000022; FILE_DEVICE_VDM = 0x0000002c; FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO = 0x00000023; FILE_DEVICE_VIRTUAL_DISK = 0x00000024; FILE_DEVICE_WAVE_IN = 0x00000025; FILE_DEVICE_WAVE_OUT = 0x00000026; -- If the file is to be moved to a different volume, the function simulates the move by using the CopyFile and DeleteFile functions. -- If the file is successfully copied to a different volume and the original file is unable to be deleted, the function succeeds leaving the source file intact. -- This value cannot be used with MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT. MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED = 0x00000002; -- Reserved for future use. MOVEFILE_CREATE_HARDLINK = 0x00000010; -- The system does not move the file until the operating system is restarted. The system moves the file immediately after AUTOCHK is executed, but before creating any paging files. Consequently, this parameter enables the function to delete paging files from previous startups. -- This value can be used only if the process is in the context of a user who belongs to the administrators group or the LocalSystem account. -- This value cannot be used with MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED. -- Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: For information about special situations where this functionality can fail, and a suggested workaround solution, see Files are not exchanged when Windows Server 2003 restarts if you use the MoveFileEx function to schedule a replacement for some files in the Help and Support Knowledge Base. MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT = 0x00000004; -- The function fails if the source file is a link source, but the file cannot be tracked after the move. This situation can occur if the destination is a volume formatted with the FAT file system. MOVEFILE_FAIL_IF_NOT_TRACKABLE = 0x00000020; -- If a file named lpNewFileName exists, the function replaces its contents with the contents of the lpExistingFileName file, provided that security requirements regarding access control lists (ACLs) are met. For more information, see the Remarks section of this topic. -- This value cannot be used if lpNewFileName or lpExistingFileName names a directory. MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING = 0x00000001; -- The function does not return until the file is actually moved on the disk. -- Setting this value guarantees that a move performed as a copy and delete operation is flushed to disk before the function returns. The flush occurs at the end of the copy operation. -- This value has no effect if MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT is set. MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH = 0x00000008; LANG_NEUTRAL = 0x00; LANG_AFRIKAANS = 0x36; LANG_ALBANIAN = 0x1c; LANG_ARABIC = 0x01; LANG_BASQUE = 0x2d; LANG_BELARUSIAN = 0x23; LANG_BULGARIAN = 0x02; LANG_CATALAN = 0x03; LANG_CHINESE = 0x04; LANG_CROATIAN = 0x1a; LANG_CZECH = 0x05; LANG_DANISH = 0x06; LANG_DUTCH = 0x13; LANG_ENGLISH = 0x09; LANG_ESTONIAN = 0x25; LANG_FAEROESE = 0x38; LANG_FARSI = 0x29; LANG_FINNISH = 0x0b; LANG_FRENCH = 0x0c; LANG_GERMAN = 0x07; LANG_GREEK = 0x08; LANG_HEBREW = 0x0d; LANG_HINDI = 0x39; LANG_HUNGARIAN = 0x0e; LANG_ICELANDIC = 0x0f; LANG_INDONESIAN = 0x21; LANG_ITALIAN = 0x10; LANG_JAPANESE = 0x11; LANG_KOREAN = 0x12; LANG_LATVIAN = 0x26; LANG_LITHUANIAN = 0x27; LANG_MACEDONIAN = 0x2f; LANG_MALAY = 0x3e; LANG_NORWEGIAN = 0x14; LANG_POLISH = 0x15; LANG_PORTUGUESE = 0x16; LANG_ROMANIAN = 0x18; LANG_RUSSIAN = 0x19; LANG_SERBIAN = 0x1a; LANG_SLOVAK = 0x1b; LANG_SLOVENIAN = 0x24; LANG_SPANISH = 0x0a; LANG_SWAHILI = 0x41; LANG_SWEDISH = 0x1d; LANG_THAI = 0x1e; LANG_TURKISH = 0x1f; LANG_UKRAINIAN = 0x22; LANG_VIETNAMESE = 0x2a; SUBLANG_NEUTRAL = 0x00; -- language neutral SUBLANG_DEFAULT = 0x01; -- user default SUBLANG_SYS_DEFAULT = 0x02; -- system default SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA = 0x01; -- Arabic (Saudi Arabia) SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ = 0x02; -- Arabic (Iraq) SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT = 0x03; -- Arabic (Egypt) SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA = 0x04; -- Arabic (Libya) SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA = 0x05; -- Arabic (Algeria) SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO = 0x06; -- Arabic (Morocco) SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA = 0x07; -- Arabic (Tunisia) SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN = 0x08; -- Arabic (Oman) SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN = 0x09; -- Arabic (Yemen) SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA = 0x0a; -- Arabic (Syria) SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN = 0x0b; -- Arabic (Jordan) SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON = 0x0c; -- Arabic (Lebanon) SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT = 0x0d; -- Arabic (Kuwait) SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE = 0x0e; -- Arabic (U.A.E) SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN = 0x0f; -- Arabic (Bahrain) SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR = 0x10; -- Arabic (Qatar) SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = 0x01; -- Chinese (Taiwan Region) SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 0x02; -- Chinese (PR China) SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG = 0x03; -- Chinese (Hong Kong) SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE = 0x04; -- Chinese (Singapore) SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU = 0x05; -- Chinese (Macau) SUBLANG_DUTCH = 0x01; -- Dutch SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN = 0x02; -- Dutch (Belgian) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US = 0x01; -- English (USA) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK = 0x02; -- English (UK) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS = 0x03; -- English (Australian) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN = 0x04; -- English (Canadian) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ = 0x05; -- English (New Zealand) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE = 0x06; -- English (Irish) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA = 0x07; -- English (South Africa) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA = 0x08; -- English (Jamaica) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN = 0x09; -- English (Caribbean) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE = 0x0a; -- English (Belize) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD = 0x0b; -- English (Trinidad) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE = 0x0c; -- English (Zimbabwe) SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES = 0x0d; -- English (Philippines) SUBLANG_FRENCH = 0x01; -- French SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN = 0x02; -- French (Belgian) SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN = 0x03; -- French (Canadian) SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS = 0x04; -- French (Swiss) SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG = 0x05; -- French (Luxembourg) SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO = 0x06; -- French (Monaco) SUBLANG_GERMAN = 0x01; -- German SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS = 0x02; -- German (Swiss) SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN = 0x03; -- German (Austrian) SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG = 0x04; -- German (Luxembourg) SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN = 0x05; -- German (Liechtenstein) SUBLANG_ITALIAN = 0x01; -- Italian SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS = 0x02; -- Italian (Swiss) SUBLANG_KOREAN = 0x01; -- Korean (Extended Wansung) SUBLANG_KOREAN_JOHAB = 0x02; -- Korean (Johab) SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN = 0x01; -- Lithuanian SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_CLASSIC = 0x02; -- Lithuanian (Classic) SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA = 0x01; -- Malay (Malaysia) SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM = 0x02; -- Malay (Brunei Darussalam) SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL = 0x01; -- Norwegian (Bokmal) SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK = 0x02; -- Norwegian (Nynorsk) SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE = 0x02; -- Portuguese SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN = 0x01; -- Portuguese (Brazilian) SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN = 0x02; -- Serbian (Latin) SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC = 0x03; -- Serbian (Cyrillic) SUBLANG_SPANISH = 0x01; -- Spanish (Castilian) SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN = 0x02; -- Spanish (Mexican) SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN = 0x03; -- Spanish (Modern) SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA = 0x04; -- Spanish (Guatemala) SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA = 0x05; -- Spanish (Costa Rica) SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA = 0x06; -- Spanish (Panama) SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC = 0x07; -- Spanish (Dominican Republic) SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA = 0x08; -- Spanish (Venezuela) SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA = 0x09; -- Spanish (Colombia) SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU = 0x0a; -- Spanish (Peru) SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA = 0x0b; -- Spanish (Argentina) SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR = 0x0c; -- Spanish (Ecuador) SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE = 0x0d; -- Spanish (Chile) SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY = 0x0e; -- Spanish (Uruguay) SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY = 0x0f; -- Spanish (Paraguay) SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA = 0x10; -- Spanish (Bolivia) SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR = 0x11; -- Spanish (El Salvador) SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS = 0x12; -- Spanish (Honduras) SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA = 0x13; -- Spanish (Nicaragua) SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO = 0x14; -- Spanish (Puerto Rico) SUBLANG_SWEDISH = 0x01; -- Swedish SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND = 0x02; -- Swedish (Finland) -- The system cannot find the file specified. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2; -- 0x00000002 -- The system cannot find the path specified. ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3; -- 0x00000003 -- Cannot create a file when that file already exists. ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183; -- 0x000000B7 } local function lshift(v, n) return math.floor(v * (2 ^ n)) end local function rshift(v, n) return math.floor(v / (2 ^ n)) end local function FileTimeToTimeT(low, high) return math.floor(low / 10000000 + high * (2^32 / 10000000)) - 11644473600; end local function TimeTToFileTime(v) v = 10000000 * (v + 11644473600) local high = rshift(v,32) local low = v - lshift(high, 32) return low, high end local function LargeToNumber(low, high) return low + high * 2^32 end local function TestBit(flags, flag) return (0 ~=, flag)) end local function AttributesToStat(fd) local flags = fd.dwFileAttributes; local ctime = FileTimeToTimeT(fd.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime, fd.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime); local atime = FileTimeToTimeT(fd.ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime, fd.ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime); local mtime = FileTimeToTimeT(fd.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime, fd.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime); local size = LargeToNumber (fd.nFileSizeLow, fd.nFileSizeHigh); local mode if TestBit(flags, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) then mode = "link" elseif TestBit(flags, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) then mode = "directory" else mode = "file" end return{ mode = mode; nlink = 1; -- number of hard links to the file uid = 0; -- user-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows) gid = 0; -- group-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows) ino = 0; access = atime; modification = mtime; change = ctime; size = size; } end local function FlagsToMode(flags) if TestBit(flags, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) then return "link" end if TestBit(flags, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) then return "directory" end return "file" end local function AttributesToStat2(fd) local flags = fd.dwFileAttributes; local ctime = FileTimeToTimeT( fd.ftCreationTime[1], fd.ftCreationTime[2] ); local atime = FileTimeToTimeT( fd.ftLastAccessTime[1], fd.ftLastAccessTime[2] ); local mtime = FileTimeToTimeT( fd.ftLastWriteTime[1], fd.ftLastWriteTime[2] ); local size = LargeToNumber ( fd.nFileSize[1], fd.nFileSize[2] ); local mode = FlagsToMode(flags) return{ mode = mode; nlink = 1; -- number of hard links to the file uid = 0; -- user-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows) gid = 0; -- group-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows) ino = 0; access = atime; modification = mtime; change = ctime; size = size; } end local function clone(t, o) if not o then o = {} end for k, v in pairs(t) do o[k] = v end return o end local _M = {} function _M.currentdir(u) return u.GetCurrentDirectory() end function _M.attributes(u, P, a) --- @todo On Windows systems, represents the drive number of the disk containing the file local dev = 0 --- @todo decode only one attribute if `a` provided local attr, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not attr then return nil, err end local stat = AttributesToStat(attr), stat.rdev = dev, dev if a then return stat[a] end return stat end function _M.flags(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then return nil, err end return fd.dwFileAttributes end function _M.ctime(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then return nil, err end return FileTimeToTimeT(fd.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime, fd.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime) end function _M.atime(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then return nil, err end return FileTimeToTimeT(fd.ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime, fd.ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime) end function _M.mtime(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then return nil, err end return FileTimeToTimeT(fd.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime, fd.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime) end function _M.size(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then return nil, err end return LargeToNumber (fd.nFileSizeLow, fd.nFileSizeHigh); end local function file_not_found(err) return (err == CONST.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) or (err == CONST.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) end function _M.exists(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then if file_not_found(err) then return false end return nil, err end return P end function _M.isdir(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then if file_not_found(err) then return false end return nil, err end if TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) then return false end return TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) and P end function _M.isfile(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then if file_not_found(err) then return false end return nil, err end if TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) then return false end return (not TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) and P end function _M.islink(u, P) local fd, err = u.GetFileAttributesEx(P) if not fd then if file_not_found(err) then return false end return nil, err end return TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) end function _M.mkdir(u, P) local ok, err = u.CreateDirectory(P) if not ok then -- if err == CONST.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then return false end return ok, err end return ok end function _M.rmdir(u, P) return u.RemoveDirectory(P) end function _M.chdir(u, P) return u.SetCurrentDirectory(P) end function _M.copy(u, src, dst, force) return u.CopyFile(src, dst, not force) end function _M.move(u, src, dst, flags) if flags == nil then flags = CONST.MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED elseif flags == true then flags = CONST.MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED + CONST.MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING end return u.MoveFileEx(src, dst, flags) end function _M.remove(u, P) return u.DeleteFile(P) end function _M.tmpdir(u) return u.GetTempPath() end function return nil, "make_link is not supported on Windows"; end function _M.setmode() return nil, "setmode is not supported by this implementation"; end function _M.dir(u, P) local h, fd = u.FindFirstFile(P .. u.DIR_SEP .. u.ANY_MASK) if not h then local closed = false local function close() if not closed then closed = true return end error("calling 'next' on bad self (closed directory)", 2) end local next if (fd == CONST.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) or (fd == CONST.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) then next = function() if closed then error("calling 'next' on bad self (closed directory)", 2) end close() end else next = function() if closed then error("calling 'next' on bad self (closed directory)", 2) end close() return nil, fd end end local obj = { close = close; next = next} return, obj end local closed = false local obj = { close = function(self) if not h then return end u.FindClose(h) h, closed = nil, true end; next = function(self) if not h then if not closed then closed = true return end error("calling 'next' on bad self (closed directory)", 2) end local fname = u.WIN32_FIND_DATA2TABLE(fd).cFileName local ret, err = u.FindNextFile(h, fd) if ret == 0 then self:close() closed = false end return fname end } return, obj end function _M.touch(u, P, at, mt) if not at then at = os.time() end if not mt then mt = at end local atime = {TimeTToFileTime(at)} local mtime = {TimeTToFileTime(mt)} local h, err = u.CreateFile(P, CONST.GENERIC_READ + CONST.FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, CONST.FILE_SHARE_READ + CONST.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, CONST.OPEN_EXISTING, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nil ) if not h then return nil, err end local ok, err = u.SetFileTime(h, nil, atime, mtime) u.CloseHandle(h) if not ok then return nil, err end return ok end local function findfile(u, P, cb) local h, fd = u.FindFirstFile(P) if not h then if (fd == CONST.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) or (fd == CONST.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) then -- this is not error but just empty result return end return nil, fd end repeat local ret = cb(fd) if ret then u.FindClose(h) return ret end ret = u.FindNextFile(h, fd) until ret == 0; u.FindClose(h) end local function isdots(P) return P == '.' or P == '..' or P == '.\0' or P == '.\0.\0' end local function find_last(str, sub) local pos = nil while true do local next_pos = string.find(str, sub, pos, true) if not next_pos then return pos end pos = next_pos + #sub end end local function splitpath(P, sep) local pos = find_last(P, sep) if not pos then return "", P end return string.sub(P, 1, pos - #sep - 1), string.sub(P, pos) end local foreach_impl local function do_foreach_recurse(u, base, mask, callback, option) return findfile(u, base .. u.DIR_SEP .. u.ANY_MASK, function(fd) if not TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) then return end if option.skiplinks and TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) then return end fd = u.WIN32_FIND_DATA2TABLE(fd) if isdots(fd.cFileName) then return end return foreach_impl(u, base .. u.DIR_SEP .. fd.cFileName, mask, callback, option) end) end foreach_impl = function (u, base, mask, callback, option) local path = base .. u.DIR_SEP if option.recurse and option.reverse then local res, err = do_foreach_recurse(u, base, mask, callback, option) if res or err then return res, err end end local tmp, origin_cb if option.delay then tmp, origin_cb, callback = {}, callback, function(base,name,fd) table.insert(tmp, {base,name,fd}) end; end local ok, err = findfile(u, path .. mask, function(fd) local isdir = TestBit(fd.dwFileAttributes, CONST.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) if isdir then if option.skipdirs then return end else if option.skipfiles then return end end fd = u.WIN32_FIND_DATA2TABLE(fd) if isdir and option.skipdots ~= false and isdots(fd.cFileName) then return end return callback(base, fd.cFileName, fd) end) if ok or err then return ok, err end if option.delay then for _, t in pairs(tmp) do local ok, err = origin_cb(t[1], t[2], t[3]) if ok or err then return ok, err end end end if option.recurse and not option.reverse then local res, err = do_foreach_recurse(u, base, mask, origin_cb or callback, option) if res or err then return res, err end end end function _M.foreach(u, base, callback, option) local base, mask = splitpath(base, u.DIR_SEP) if mask == '' then mask = u.ANY_MASK end return foreach_impl(u, base, mask, function(base, name, fd) return callback(base .. u.DIR_SEP .. name, AttributesToStat2(fd)) end, option or {}) end local attribs = { f = function(u, base, name, fd) return end; p = function(u, base, name, fd) return base end; n = function(u, base, name, fd) return name end; m = function(u, base, name, fd) return FlagsToMode(fd.dwFileAttributes) end; a = function(u, base, name, fd) return AttributesToStat2(fd) end; z = function(u, base, name, fd) return LargeToNumber ( fd.nFileSize[1], fd.nFileSize[2] ) end; t = function(u, base, name, fd) return FileTimeToTimeT( fd.ftLastWriteTime[1], fd.ftLastWriteTime[2] ) end; c = function(u, base, name, fd) return FileTimeToTimeT( fd.ftCreationTime[1], fd.ftCreationTime[2] ) end; l = function(u, base, name, fd) return FileTimeToTimeT( fd.ftLastAccessTime[1], fd.ftLastAccessTime[2] ) end; } local function make_attrib(str) local t = {} for i = 1, #str do local ch = str:sub(i,i) local fn = attribs[ ch ] if not fn then return nil, 'unknown file attribute: ' .. ch end table.insert(t, fn) end return function(...) local res = {n = #t} for i, f in ipairs(t) do local ok, err = f(...) if ok == nil then return nil, err end table.insert(res, ok) end return res end end function _M.each_impl(u, option) if not option.file then return nil, 'no file mask present' end local base, mask = splitpath( option.file, u.DIR_SEP ) if mask == '' then mask = u.ANY_MASK end local get_params, err = make_attrib(option.param or 'f') if not get_params then return nil, err end local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local filter = option.filter if option.callback then local callback = option.callback local function cb(base, name, path, fd) local params = assert(get_params(u, base, name, path, fd)) if filter and (not filter(unpack(params, 1, params.n))) then return end return callback(unpack(params, 1, params.n)) end return foreach_impl(u, base, mask, cb, option) else local function cb(base, name, path, fd) local params = assert(get_params(u, base, name, path, fd)) if filter and (not filter(unpack(params, 1, params.n))) then return end coroutine.yield(params) end local co = coroutine.create(function() foreach_impl(u, base, mask, cb, option) end) return function() local status, params = coroutine.resume(co) if status then if params then return unpack(params, 1, params.n) end else error(params, 2) end end end end local create_each = require "path.findfile".load local LOADED = {} local function load(ltype, sub) local M = LOADED[ltype .. "/" .. sub] if M then return M end local IMPL = require("path.win32." .. ltype ..".fs")[sub] M = { CONST = CONST; DIR_SEP = IMPL.DIR_SEP; } for k, v in pairs(_M) do if type(v) ~= "function" then M[k] = v else M[k] = function(...) return v(IMPL, ...) end end end local each_impl = _M.each_impl M.each = create_each(function(...) return each_impl(IMPL, ...) end) LOADED[ltype .. "/" .. sub] = M return M end return { load = load }
----------------------------------- -- Area: Dynamis Beaucedine -- NPC: Adamantking Effigy -- Map Position: ----------------------------------- package.loaded["scripts/zones/Dynamis-Beaucedine/TextIDs"] = nil; ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status"); require("scripts/globals/dynamis"); require("scripts/zones/Dynamis-Beaucedine/TextIDs"); ----------------------------------- -- onMobSpawn Action ----------------------------------- function onMobSpawn(mob) mob:setMobMod(MOBMOD_SUPERLINK, mob:getShortID()); end; ----------------------------------- -- onMobEngaged ----------------------------------- function onMobEngaged(mob,target) local X = mob:getXPos(); local Y = mob:getYPos(); local Z = mob:getZPos(); local spawnList = beaucedineQuadavList; if (mob:getStatPoppedMobs() == false) then mob:setStatPoppedMobs(true); for nb = 1, table.getn(spawnList), 2 do if (mob:getID() == spawnList[nb]) then for nbi = 1, table.getn(spawnList[nb + 1]), 1 do if ((nbi % 2) == 0) then X=X+2; Z=Z+2; else X=X-2; Z=Z-2; end local mobNBR = spawnList[nb + 1][nbi]; if (mobNBR <= 20) then if (mobNBR == 0) then mobNBR = math.random(1,15); end -- Spawn random Vanguard (TEMPORARY) local DynaMob = getDynaMob(target,mobNBR,3); if (DynaMob ~= nil) then -- Spawn Mob SpawnMob(DynaMob):setMobMod(MOBMOD_SUPERLINK, mob:getShortID()); GetMobByID(DynaMob):setPos(X,Y,Z); GetMobByID(DynaMob):setSpawn(X,Y,Z); -- Spawn Pet for BST, DRG, and SMN if (mobNBR == 9 or mobNBR == 14 or mobNBR == 15) then SpawnMob(DynaMob + 1):setMobMod(MOBMOD_SUPERLINK, mob:getShortID()); GetMobByID(DynaMob + 1):setPos(X,Y,Z); GetMobByID(DynaMob + 1):setSpawn(X,Y,Z); end end elseif (mobNBR > 20) then SpawnMob(mobNBR):setMobMod(MOBMOD_SUPERLINK, mob:getShortID()); local MJob = GetMobByID(mobNBR):getMainJob(); if (MJob == 9 or MJob == 14 or MJob == 15) then -- Spawn Pet for BST, DRG, and SMN SpawnMob(mobNBR + 1):setMobMod(MOBMOD_SUPERLINK, mob:getShortID()); GetMobByID(mobNBR + 1):setPos(X,Y,Z); GetMobByID(mobNBR + 1):setSpawn(X,Y,Z); end end end end end end end; ----------------------------------- -- onMobDeath ----------------------------------- function onMobDeath(mob,killer) local mobID = mob:getID(); -- Time Bonus: 063 066 if (mobID == 17326892 and mob:isInBattlefieldList() == false) then killer:addTimeToDynamis(15); mob:addInBattlefieldList(); elseif (mobID == 17326895 and mob:isInBattlefieldList() == false) then killer:addTimeToDynamis(15); mob:addInBattlefieldList(); -- HP Bonus: 056 059 065 070 074 103 elseif (mobID == 17326885 or mobID == 17326888 or mobID == 17326894 or mobID == 17326899 or mobID == 17326903 or mobID == 17326932) then killer:restoreHP(2000); killer:messageBasic(024,(killer:getMaxHP()-killer:getHP())); -- MP Bonus: 057 061 067 072 076 elseif (mobID == 17326886 or mobID == 17326890 or mobID == 17326896 or mobID == 17326901 or mobID == 17326905) then killer:restoreMP(2000); killer:messageBasic(025,(killer:getMaxMP()-killer:getMP())); end end;