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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 55, 56, 37, 38, 49, 50, 63, 61, 62 ]
[ "INFORMACIÓ ", "NUTRICIONAL ", "Valor ", "energètic\n", "Greixos ", "dels ", "quals ", "saturats ", "Hidrats ", "de ", "carboni ", "dels ", "quals ", "sucres ", "Fibra ", "alimentària ", "Proteïnes ", "Sal\n", "Valors ", "mitjans ", "100 ", "g ", "94 ", "k ", "22 ", "kcal ", "0 ", "g ", "0g ", "1,7 ", "g ", "0,2 ", "g ", "1,4 ", "g ", "3,2g ", "0,25 ", "g\n" ]
[ [ 66, 62, 453, 139 ], [ 62, 142, 467, 204 ], [ 58, 216, 197, 284 ], [ 214, 221, 474, 299 ], [ 55, 373, 271, 440 ], [ 102, 457, 229, 525 ], [ 243, 457, 396, 525 ], [ 410, 459, 625, 525 ], [ 51, 540, 257, 600 ], [ 276, 540, 346, 599 ], [ 365, 537, 566, 596 ], [ 102, 622, 219, 678 ], [ 239, 620, 388, 686 ], [ 408, 631, 596, 685 ], [ 48, 695, 194, 769 ], [ 210, 688, 503, 764 ], [ 52, 781, 315, 841 ], [ 50, 850, 141, 907 ], [ 553, 73, 730, 147 ], [ 734, 76, 922, 150 ], [ 792, 144, 883, 208 ], [ 888, 164, 942, 215 ], [ 792, 233, 860, 285 ], [ 884, 225, 933, 285 ], [ 721, 301, 813, 367 ], [ 838, 301, 938, 367 ], [ 842, 387, 881, 442 ], [ 894, 397, 933, 454 ], [ 824, 459, 951, 542 ], [ 783, 528, 876, 603 ], [ 894, 552, 930, 606 ], [ 792, 603, 885, 683 ], [ 906, 614, 941, 689 ], [ 780, 685, 885, 769 ], [ 899, 691, 934, 772 ], [ 773, 761, 947, 849 ], [ 752, 837, 872, 917 ], [ 892, 850, 934, 923 ] ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 33, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 37, 38, 0, 63, 64, 0, 61, 62 ]
[ "Recette ", "à ", "base ", "de ", "poivrons\n", "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "Valeurs ", "énergétiques ", "310 ", "Kj", "-", "74 ", "Kcal ", "Mat.grasses ", "4,1 ", "g ", "dont ", "saturées ", "0,30 ", "Glucides ", "7 ", "g ", "dont ", "sucres ", "6,9 ", "g ", "Protéines ", "1,5 ", "g ", "Sel ", "1,6 ", "g\n" ]
[ [ 124, 156, 542, 225 ], [ 580, 166, 655, 226 ], [ 694, 169, 948, 233 ], [ 206, 223, 355, 298 ], [ 376, 230, 879, 319 ], [ 138, 340, 331, 375 ], [ 351, 343, 734, 380 ], [ 177, 391, 428, 426 ], [ 446, 390, 566, 424 ], [ 586, 389, 680, 423 ], [ 133, 435, 328, 477 ], [ 348, 439, 694, 485 ], [ 202, 490, 296, 530 ], [ 317, 489, 378, 529 ], [ 393, 490, 422, 529 ], [ 440, 488, 510, 528 ], [ 528, 487, 638, 528 ], [ 165, 540, 481, 580 ], [ 515, 545, 600, 581 ], [ 610, 545, 647, 582 ], [ 147, 584, 261, 617 ], [ 278, 585, 509, 620 ], [ 541, 590, 676, 623 ], [ 235, 631, 457, 671 ], [ 493, 639, 531, 673 ], [ 544, 640, 577, 675 ], [ 199, 679, 314, 720 ], [ 331, 682, 506, 724 ], [ 534, 688, 626, 728 ], [ 639, 691, 676, 729 ], [ 200, 726, 448, 767 ], [ 483, 735, 562, 770 ], [ 575, 738, 610, 772 ], [ 278, 775, 378, 816 ], [ 399, 780, 481, 821 ], [ 490, 785, 534, 824 ] ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 0, 17, 18, 33, 55, 37, 63, 61, 0, 11, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "LAIT ", "STÉRILISÉ ", "UHT ", "DEMI-ÉCRÉMÉ ", "À ", "TENEUR ", "RÉDUITE ", "EN ", "LACTOSE\n", "Ingrédients:\n", "Énergie ", ". ", "Matières ", "grasses... ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés.. ", "Glucides... ", "dont ", "sucres. ", "Protéines... ", "Sel.. ", "Lactose... ", "Calcium..\n", "Lait ", "demi-écrémé ", "(origine ", ": ", "France), ", "lactase. ", "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "ml ", ".192 ", "kJ/46 ", "kcal ", ". ", "1,5 ", "g ", "1,0g ", "4,8g ", ".4,8g ", "3,2g ", ".0,1g ", "<0.5g ", "120 ", "mg ", "soit ", "15 ", "% ", "des ", "A.Q.R.\"\n", "\"Apports ", "Quotidiens ", "de ", "Référence\n", "Avant ", "ou\n", "ondroit ", "sec.\n" ]
[ [ 126, 93, 210, 130 ], [ 219, 76, 428, 122 ], [ 443, 79, 532, 112 ], [ 546, 65, 846, 120 ], [ 173, 131, 214, 175 ], [ 214, 128, 351, 174 ], [ 370, 124, 554, 163 ], [ 571, 126, 625, 159 ], [ 642, 120, 824, 163 ], [ 372, 191, 603, 241 ], [ 60, 354, 179, 404 ], [ 296, 377, 376, 385 ], [ 52, 402, 213, 446 ], [ 217, 402, 532, 446 ], [ 66, 456, 141, 490 ], [ 154, 451, 272, 488 ], [ 286, 457, 372, 495 ], [ 387, 445, 669, 485 ], [ 48, 499, 318, 545 ], [ 62, 553, 140, 590 ], [ 152, 558, 292, 593 ], [ 61, 603, 360, 650 ], [ 60, 653, 267, 696 ], [ 60, 704, 324, 758 ], [ 59, 755, 227, 802 ], [ 101, 251, 166, 283 ], [ 177, 240, 411, 277 ], [ 426, 236, 569, 278 ], [ 581, 245, 589, 266 ], [ 603, 233, 749, 275 ], [ 755, 228, 899, 274 ], [ 73, 309, 192, 340 ], [ 196, 296, 486, 340 ], [ 498, 293, 706, 335 ], [ 708, 290, 806, 332 ], [ 809, 290, 880, 330 ], [ 882, 290, 934, 330 ], [ 501, 345, 709, 380 ], [ 721, 340, 849, 385 ], [ 852, 340, 940, 385 ], [ 707, 387, 745, 441 ], [ 849, 389, 921, 445 ], [ 913, 401, 936, 437 ], [ 836, 443, 938, 493 ], [ 836, 493, 945, 537 ], [ 843, 543, 949, 587 ], [ 850, 593, 956, 639 ], [ 849, 645, 960, 691 ], [ 834, 694, 969, 749 ], [ 809, 751, 899, 796 ], [ 906, 755, 977, 806 ], [ 518, 811, 612, 867 ], [ 626, 815, 675, 856 ], [ 690, 815, 734, 854 ], [ 749, 810, 824, 852 ], [ 836, 798, 978, 853 ], [ 43, 883, 181, 926 ], [ 182, 885, 362, 930 ], [ 363, 889, 410, 931 ], [ 411, 890, 590, 935 ], [ 53, 968, 145, 999 ], [ 158, 970, 202, 999 ], [ 787, 975, 923, 999 ], [ 939, 972, 998, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3701002402225", "image_id": "12", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-4", "label_studio_id": 17996, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62, 67, 68, 35, 36, 63, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 33, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Glucides ", "Dont ", "sucres ", "Protéines ", "Sel ", "Energy ", "grasses-Fat ", "Ind. ", "saturated ", "fatty ", "acids ", "Carbohydrate: ", "Inc. ", "sugars ", "Proteins ", "Salt ", "Dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Énergie ", "Matières ", "0,04 ", "g ", "523 ", "kcal ", "2169 ", "kJ ", "8,5g ", "27,1g ", "Valeurs ", "nutritives ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "Nutrition ", "facts ", "per ", "100 ", "g ", "34,1g ", "11,4g ", "34,9g ", "% ", "des ", "apports ", "quotidiens ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "26% ", "26 ", "% ", "0,7% ", "17% ", "13% ", "30% ", "57 ", "% ", "50% ", "% ", "of ", "daily ", "intake ", "per ", "100 ", "g " ]
[ [ 639, 233, 692, 304 ], [ 698, 204, 753, 294 ], [ 751, 188, 799, 275 ], [ 808, 159, 875, 254 ], [ 902, 142, 926, 210 ], [ 306, 403, 354, 491 ], [ 377, 372, 453, 461 ], [ 462, 355, 496, 440 ], [ 495, 337, 553, 430 ], [ 551, 328, 581, 412 ], [ 580, 316, 617, 402 ], [ 626, 288, 719, 387 ], [ 721, 272, 755, 355 ], [ 754, 258, 799, 345 ], [ 817, 234, 875, 310 ], [ 903, 213, 933, 281 ], [ 462, 289, 500, 370 ], [ 500, 279, 540, 360 ], [ 540, 288, 566, 349 ], [ 567, 263, 612, 343 ], [ 308, 337, 352, 420 ], [ 387, 312, 440, 391 ], [ 901, 394, 936, 467 ], [ 939, 405, 950, 467 ], [ 308, 541, 332, 594 ], [ 335, 530, 360, 587 ], [ 310, 600, 344, 660 ], [ 346, 594, 360, 650 ], [ 834, 415, 872, 496 ], [ 746, 440, 791, 521 ], [ 81, 596, 128, 654 ], [ 131, 579, 194, 654 ], [ 194, 571, 229, 642 ], [ 214, 566, 255, 638 ], [ 258, 571, 267, 623 ], [ 98, 651, 156, 714 ], [ 159, 642, 190, 699 ], [ 193, 633, 215, 702 ], [ 218, 629, 242, 683 ], [ 245, 638, 254, 690 ], [ 652, 470, 694, 542 ], [ 526, 508, 565, 576 ], [ 400, 544, 439, 609 ], [ 67, 759, 80, 832 ], [ 80, 754, 100, 831 ], [ 100, 742, 150, 825 ], [ 152, 729, 222, 816 ], [ 224, 732, 257, 795 ], [ 259, 713, 283, 768 ], [ 286, 723, 295, 775 ], [ 319, 695, 352, 771 ], [ 319, 763, 336, 819 ], [ 338, 760, 352, 813 ], [ 912, 569, 956, 645 ], [ 841, 588, 880, 654 ], [ 661, 633, 695, 696 ], [ 756, 611, 793, 677 ], [ 530, 672, 548, 729 ], [ 550, 669, 564, 724 ], [ 404, 704, 437, 762 ], [ 95, 822, 106, 866 ], [ 108, 802, 123, 868 ], [ 123, 808, 155, 874 ], [ 158, 792, 198, 857 ], [ 201, 805, 223, 862 ], [ 226, 783, 251, 840 ], [ 253, 796, 262, 850 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3760085327870", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-6", "label_studio_id": 17630, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 55, 37, 38, 0, 0, 49, 50, 63, 64, 0, 61, 62, 0 ]
[ "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles\n", "Pour ", "100 ", "g\n", "moyennes\n", "Énergie\n", "61 ", "kJ ", "/ ", "15 ", "kcal\n", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "0,6 ", "g ", "0,2 ", "g\n", "Glucides ", "dont ", "sucres\n", "1,1g ", "1,0 ", "g\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "0,9 ", "g\n", "1,0 ", "g\n", "Protéines\n", "0,02 ", "g\n", "Sel\n" ]
[ [ 78, 87, 178, 148 ], [ 185, 43, 425, 130 ], [ 687, 66, 766, 111 ], [ 776, 63, 831, 108 ], [ 841, 69, 858, 120 ], [ 75, 154, 217, 216 ], [ 70, 247, 178, 319 ], [ 686, 212, 721, 259 ], [ 727, 207, 766, 258 ], [ 771, 207, 785, 263 ], [ 793, 205, 824, 252 ], [ 833, 204, 895, 251 ], [ 69, 357, 193, 412 ], [ 202, 357, 319, 412 ], [ 68, 425, 126, 473 ], [ 133, 412, 228, 465 ], [ 237, 415, 306, 470 ], [ 315, 400, 435, 456 ], [ 766, 316, 809, 372 ], [ 818, 322, 836, 375 ], [ 766, 378, 810, 435 ], [ 818, 372, 835, 435 ], [ 67, 521, 188, 577 ], [ 66, 593, 126, 640 ], [ 134, 597, 236, 635 ], [ 772, 483, 832, 545 ], [ 766, 543, 805, 599 ], [ 812, 545, 836, 605 ], [ 64, 688, 156, 739 ], [ 165, 680, 371, 734 ], [ 762, 638, 804, 693 ], [ 812, 640, 828, 691 ], [ 764, 737, 805, 794 ], [ 810, 740, 828, 791 ], [ 65, 796, 211, 846 ], [ 741, 836, 801, 890 ], [ 804, 835, 824, 879 ], [ 68, 905, 111, 953 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3701035100877", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-15", "label_studio_id": 18007, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 33, 55, 37, 49, 63, 61, 62, 23, 24, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour: ", "Énergie ", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Glucides ", "dont ", "sucres\n", "100 ", "g\n", "410 ", "kJ ", "(97 ", "kcal) ", "3,0g ", "1,99 ", "13,6g ", "10,6g ", "1,3g ", "3,4g ", "0,15 ", "g ", "0,06 ", "g ", "110mg ", "soit ", "27,5 ", "% ", "des ", "VRE\n", "Fibres ", "Protéines ", "Sel ", "Sodium ", "Calcium\n" ]
[ [ 66, 41, 233, 95 ], [ 249, 43, 543, 100 ], [ 78, 112, 284, 163 ], [ 299, 115, 417, 163 ], [ 73, 170, 223, 245 ], [ 57, 249, 263, 320 ], [ 268, 269, 424, 334 ], [ 67, 311, 162, 364 ], [ 179, 312, 304, 365 ], [ 320, 332, 407, 377 ], [ 424, 320, 569, 370 ], [ 54, 383, 244, 446 ], [ 65, 444, 163, 500 ], [ 179, 458, 307, 504 ], [ 716, 74, 801, 134 ], [ 807, 97, 841, 143 ], [ 622, 189, 692, 235 ], [ 705, 186, 741, 235 ], [ 756, 190, 817, 240 ], [ 832, 186, 919, 240 ], [ 712, 256, 822, 330 ], [ 725, 310, 826, 382 ], [ 712, 386, 834, 452 ], [ 716, 444, 851, 516 ], [ 719, 520, 831, 591 ], [ 717, 596, 824, 667 ], [ 704, 673, 804, 748 ], [ 804, 675, 845, 749 ], [ 698, 753, 809, 820 ], [ 810, 755, 834, 820 ], [ 698, 828, 859, 910 ], [ 607, 904, 663, 950 ], [ 676, 899, 751, 960 ], [ 762, 900, 792, 950 ], [ 803, 892, 856, 950 ], [ 857, 891, 927, 956 ], [ 52, 518, 203, 582 ], [ 54, 600, 264, 655 ], [ 59, 680, 128, 734 ], [ 64, 756, 218, 815 ], [ 60, 840, 221, 898 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3250392914271", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-18", "label_studio_id": 20848, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "/ ", "Nutritional ", "alues ", "per ", "/ ", "Gemiddelde ", "voedingswaarden ", "voor ", "100 ", "g ", "2776 ", "kJ ", "674 ", "kcal ", "Energie ", "/ ", "Energy ", "/Energie ", "65g ", "Matières ", "grasses/Fat/Vetten ", "55g ", "dont ", "saturés ", "/ ", "of ", "which ", "saturates ", "/waarvan ", "vetzuren ", "7,4 ", "g ", "Guides/Carbohydrate ", "/ ", "Koolhydraten ", "7,4g ", "dont ", "sucres/of ", "which ", "sugars ", "/ ", "waarvan ", "suikers ", "6,9 ", "g ", "Protéines ", "/ ", "Protein ", "/ ", "Eiwitten ", "0,09 ", "g ", "Sell ", "Sat ", "Zout " ]
[ [ 48, 82, 143, 141 ], [ 142, 86, 347, 150 ], [ 350, 105, 496, 155 ], [ 505, 117, 553, 155 ], [ 559, 105, 587, 160 ], [ 586, 105, 735, 165 ], [ 56, 125, 142, 186 ], [ 140, 130, 180, 189 ], [ 179, 131, 201, 190 ], [ 199, 132, 366, 200 ], [ 379, 143, 619, 209 ], [ 627, 175, 682, 203 ], [ 803, 149, 873, 195 ], [ 876, 170, 904, 205 ], [ 793, 248, 883, 290 ], [ 890, 253, 927, 294 ], [ 793, 295, 862, 335 ], [ 870, 299, 934, 340 ], [ 53, 255, 132, 307 ], [ 137, 252, 147, 291 ], [ 153, 248, 236, 301 ], [ 240, 235, 375, 304 ], [ 826, 374, 906, 425 ], [ 37, 358, 140, 414 ], [ 140, 347, 417, 410 ], [ 829, 462, 911, 519 ], [ 41, 460, 87, 489 ], [ 94, 448, 177, 489 ], [ 183, 446, 204, 491 ], [ 202, 447, 227, 488 ], [ 234, 446, 314, 488 ], [ 322, 451, 452, 490 ], [ 458, 451, 591, 495 ], [ 592, 454, 713, 502 ], [ 825, 557, 884, 607 ], [ 893, 570, 916, 612 ], [ 49, 543, 332, 601 ], [ 338, 549, 352, 591 ], [ 359, 542, 550, 605 ], [ 828, 650, 920, 708 ], [ 39, 637, 93, 690 ], [ 94, 638, 214, 691 ], [ 217, 641, 295, 685 ], [ 305, 653, 397, 693 ], [ 406, 642, 417, 686 ], [ 424, 649, 542, 689 ], [ 549, 644, 650, 690 ], [ 830, 749, 888, 799 ], [ 899, 762, 920, 804 ], [ 60, 730, 142, 780 ], [ 140, 733, 164, 786 ], [ 158, 742, 251, 789 ], [ 253, 740, 281, 794 ], [ 275, 745, 390, 794 ], [ 820, 846, 904, 898 ], [ 914, 859, 934, 901 ], [ 60, 820, 103, 864 ], [ 97, 827, 149, 876 ], [ 143, 838, 208, 888 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3278584950074", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-8", "label_studio_id": 17356, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 19, 20, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 43, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 5, 6, 0, 0, 55, 56, 37, 38, 1, 39, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 59, 60, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 31, 32 ]
[ "Durchschnittliche ", "Nährwerte ", "1 ", "Burger ", "(87,5 ", "g)** ", "1022 ", "kJ ", "245 ", "kcal ", "Je ", "(87,5 ", "g)* ", "12 ", "% ", "12 ", "% ", "100 ", "g ", "1168 ", "kJ ", "280 ", "kcal ", "Brennwert ", "13 ", "g ", "19 ", "% ", "Fett ", "davon ", "15 ", "g ", "- ", "gesättigte ", "Fettsäuren ", "Kohlenhydrate ", "- ", "davon ", "Zucker ", "3,0 ", "g ", "2,6 ", "g ", "13 ", "% ", "12 ", "g ", "4,0 ", "g ", "11g ", "3,5 ", "g ", "4% ", "4 ", "% ", "Eiweiß ", "22 ", "g ", "38 ", "% ", "19 ", "g ", "Salz ", "1,3 ", "g ", "18 ", "% ", "1,1 ", "g " ]
[ [ 219, 51, 544, 99 ], [ 558, 50, 759, 97 ], [ 615, 153, 626, 195 ], [ 642, 150, 745, 208 ], [ 586, 215, 663, 270 ], [ 676, 214, 745, 274 ], [ 632, 291, 705, 337 ], [ 717, 288, 745, 336 ], [ 619, 358, 675, 404 ], [ 688, 355, 745, 405 ], [ 504, 151, 534, 195 ], [ 795, 213, 873, 268 ], [ 887, 213, 938, 272 ], [ 861, 291, 895, 335 ], [ 907, 290, 938, 335 ], [ 861, 359, 897, 404 ], [ 908, 357, 939, 404 ], [ 452, 220, 506, 263 ], [ 517, 230, 533, 275 ], [ 423, 292, 495, 338 ], [ 508, 290, 534, 337 ], [ 410, 359, 467, 405 ], [ 478, 357, 534, 405 ], [ 46, 295, 209, 340 ], [ 683, 433, 718, 479 ], [ 730, 446, 745, 492 ], [ 862, 435, 897, 479 ], [ 908, 434, 939, 480 ], [ 46, 436, 104, 480 ], [ 65, 501, 155, 547 ], [ 474, 436, 506, 479 ], [ 517, 446, 536, 492 ], [ 46, 593, 56, 597 ], [ 65, 569, 222, 627 ], [ 234, 565, 396, 615 ], [ 48, 656, 271, 720 ], [ 50, 750, 60, 754 ], [ 67, 723, 158, 770 ], [ 169, 725, 270, 772 ], [ 461, 569, 508, 620 ], [ 519, 580, 535, 625 ], [ 672, 570, 721, 623 ], [ 729, 581, 748, 627 ], [ 862, 570, 897, 615 ], [ 908, 570, 940, 615 ], [ 470, 660, 510, 710 ], [ 517, 671, 538, 719 ], [ 461, 727, 511, 782 ], [ 517, 740, 538, 787 ], [ 685, 663, 750, 719 ], [ 673, 727, 722, 784 ], [ 729, 741, 751, 789 ], [ 881, 663, 940, 709 ], [ 881, 731, 899, 774 ], [ 910, 730, 940, 774 ], [ 50, 805, 153, 856 ], [ 472, 814, 511, 865 ], [ 518, 829, 538, 872 ], [ 861, 817, 899, 862 ], [ 910, 818, 940, 861 ], [ 685, 820, 721, 863 ], [ 732, 830, 748, 873 ], [ 52, 892, 112, 939 ], [ 462, 900, 509, 955 ], [ 518, 913, 538, 960 ], [ 863, 905, 898, 947 ], [ 910, 905, 939, 949 ], [ 678, 906, 715, 955 ], [ 732, 916, 748, 959 ] ]
{ "barcode": "4061458069885", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-10", "label_studio_id": 17004, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 17, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 37, 63, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "DICHLARAZIONE ", "NUTRIZIONALĘ ", "/ ", "NUTRITION ", "DECLARAȚION ", "- ", "Valori ", "medi, ", "per ", "100g ", "prodotto/Average ", "values ", "per ", "100g ", "of ", "product ", "kl1626-kal ", "393 ", "35.0g ", "5.00\n", "ENERGIA/ENERGY ", "GRASSIVFAT\n", "CARBOIDRATI/CARBOHYDRATES ", "di ", "cui ", "zucheri/of ", "which ", "sugars ", "M ", "PROTEINE/PROTEINS ", "M ", "SALE/SALT\n", "di ", "cui ", "acidi ", "grassi ", "saturi/of ", "which ", "saturates ", "0.0g ", "0.0g ", "19.0 ", "1.5 ", "g\n", "Lotto: ", "vedere ", "latta ", "/ ", "Bach: ", "see ", "can ", "30 ", "Da ", "consumarsi ", "preferibilmente ", "entro ", "il:/Best ", "before:\n" ]
[ [ 75, 122, 319, 200 ], [ 373, 114, 617, 190 ], [ 670, 113, 684, 176 ], [ 738, 102, 898, 178 ], [ 59, 184, 297, 264 ], [ 340, 220, 352, 230 ], [ 383, 177, 503, 255 ], [ 541, 174, 661, 251 ], [ 667, 173, 716, 248 ], [ 743, 170, 829, 246 ], [ 86, 246, 345, 334 ], [ 351, 243, 452, 312 ], [ 456, 241, 512, 322 ], [ 518, 238, 595, 320 ], [ 599, 237, 635, 301 ], [ 641, 233, 765, 317 ], [ 641, 316, 845, 397 ], [ 851, 313, 912, 383 ], [ 811, 377, 900, 454 ], [ 824, 435, 905, 502 ], [ 90, 336, 344, 410 ], [ 94, 405, 266, 478 ], [ 107, 527, 564, 605 ], [ 91, 591, 143, 660 ], [ 144, 592, 189, 660 ], [ 189, 592, 349, 663 ], [ 351, 595, 441, 665 ], [ 443, 597, 555, 666 ], [ 65, 652, 100, 715 ], [ 111, 653, 401, 724 ], [ 64, 705, 116, 770 ], [ 117, 711, 269, 787 ], [ 101, 475, 132, 541 ], [ 134, 476, 174, 540 ], [ 180, 474, 246, 533 ], [ 255, 475, 341, 536 ], [ 350, 466, 481, 534 ], [ 487, 462, 576, 525 ], [ 589, 465, 720, 522 ], [ 840, 501, 904, 577 ], [ 831, 561, 905, 637 ], [ 828, 619, 908, 685 ], [ 846, 686, 885, 741 ], [ 890, 679, 909, 742 ], [ 120, 807, 214, 867 ], [ 224, 811, 341, 863 ], [ 354, 810, 432, 860 ], [ 445, 810, 458, 860 ], [ 469, 803, 567, 856 ], [ 580, 807, 641, 849 ], [ 644, 796, 709, 855 ], [ 0, 862, 111, 927 ], [ 139, 863, 170, 924 ], [ 190, 862, 382, 926 ], [ 400, 846, 669, 931 ], [ 680, 835, 757, 905 ], [ 770, 815, 888, 893 ], [ 898, 794, 996, 870 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8033011111634", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-16", "label_studio_id": 19715, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 0, 17, 18, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 37, 38, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "INFORMATIONS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES ", "MOYENNES ", "POUR/ ", "GEMIDDELDE ", "VOEDINGSWAARDEN ", "PER ", "%AR*\n", "100 ", "g\n", "Énergie/ ", "Energie\n", "550 ", "kJ ", "132 ", "kcal\n", "7% ", "7%\n", "9.7 ", "g ", "3,2 ", "g\n", "14% ", "16%\n", "Matières ", "grasses/ ", "Vetten ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés/ ", "waarvan ", "verzadigde ", "vetzuren ", "Glucides/ ", "Koolhydraten ", "dont ", "sucres/ ", "waarvan ", "suikers ", "Fibres ", "alimentaires/ ", "Vezels ", "Protéines/ ", "Eiwitten\n", "2% ", "5%\n", "4,7 ", "g ", "4,6 ", "g ", "2,1 ", "g ", "5,7 ", "g ", "0,72 ", "g\n", "11%\n", "Sel/ ", "Zout\n", "12%\n", "*AR ", "= ", "Apport ", "de ", "Référence ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte-type ", "(8400 ", "kJ/ ", "2000 ", "kcal)/ ", "*RI ", "= ", "Referentie-inname ", "van ", "een ", "gemiddelde ", "volwassene ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal).\n", "%3D\n", "FR ", "Assortiment ", "surgelé ", "composé ", "de ", "3 ", "verrines ", "ceviche ", "de ", "Noix ", "de ", "Saint-Jacques ", "(Zygochlamys ", "patagonica, ", "origine: ", "Argentine), ", "mangue, ", "passion ", "(50%) ", "- ", "3 ", "verrines ", "tartare ", "de ", "saumon, ", "légumes ", "cuisinés ", "à ", "la ", "sauce ", "soja, ", "crème ", "citronnée, ", "ciboulette ", "(50%). ", "NL ", "Diepgevroren ", "assortiment ", "bestaande ", "uit ", "3 ", "verrines ", "met ", "ceviche ", "van ", "sint-jacobsnoot\n" ]
[ [ 50, 47, 188, 90 ], [ 198, 40, 360, 79 ], [ 369, 35, 479, 72 ], [ 487, 26, 548, 66 ], [ 559, 24, 685, 62 ], [ 694, 12, 907, 56 ], [ 917, 16, 948, 47 ], [ 902, 85, 957, 123 ], [ 785, 79, 822, 125 ], [ 827, 90, 841, 128 ], [ 42, 180, 122, 233 ], [ 128, 180, 199, 228 ], [ 783, 154, 819, 192 ], [ 825, 153, 844, 189 ], [ 786, 203, 819, 241 ], [ 825, 202, 867, 238 ], [ 917, 151, 943, 188 ], [ 917, 199, 944, 237 ], [ 789, 262, 819, 305 ], [ 824, 273, 839, 310 ], [ 790, 311, 820, 354 ], [ 824, 321, 838, 358 ], [ 908, 261, 945, 298 ], [ 909, 309, 945, 346 ], [ 45, 288, 122, 329 ], [ 129, 287, 207, 333 ], [ 214, 286, 280, 321 ], [ 44, 338, 87, 376 ], [ 93, 333, 157, 374 ], [ 163, 342, 204, 377 ], [ 211, 329, 287, 372 ], [ 294, 337, 382, 366 ], [ 391, 325, 504, 372 ], [ 511, 324, 596, 360 ], [ 44, 395, 134, 441 ], [ 142, 400, 272, 442 ], [ 42, 448, 92, 493 ], [ 94, 446, 163, 492 ], [ 165, 443, 261, 489 ], [ 261, 441, 324, 486 ], [ 44, 508, 94, 546 ], [ 102, 505, 228, 548 ], [ 236, 505, 296, 541 ], [ 44, 566, 137, 606 ], [ 145, 567, 218, 602 ], [ 919, 377, 945, 416 ], [ 915, 426, 950, 468 ], [ 790, 380, 819, 422 ], [ 825, 389, 839, 425 ], [ 784, 425, 821, 478 ], [ 825, 429, 838, 479 ], [ 784, 486, 821, 539 ], [ 826, 490, 839, 541 ], [ 781, 546, 823, 602 ], [ 808, 554, 843, 604 ], [ 777, 606, 821, 662 ], [ 823, 609, 841, 663 ], [ 909, 550, 946, 588 ], [ 43, 628, 76, 666 ], [ 84, 629, 124, 664 ], [ 910, 611, 946, 649 ], [ 36, 688, 63, 722 ], [ 69, 698, 78, 710 ], [ 83, 687, 142, 729 ], [ 148, 687, 170, 721 ], [ 177, 683, 265, 720 ], [ 271, 691, 312, 726 ], [ 318, 691, 337, 717 ], [ 343, 680, 443, 725 ], [ 451, 679, 495, 723 ], [ 501, 680, 526, 718 ], [ 531, 677, 571, 714 ], [ 576, 676, 627, 722 ], [ 36, 732, 56, 766 ], [ 63, 742, 71, 756 ], [ 80, 724, 245, 768 ], [ 252, 725, 291, 771 ], [ 293, 737, 328, 763 ], [ 335, 723, 448, 770 ], [ 451, 721, 560, 760 ], [ 569, 721, 617, 769 ], [ 624, 722, 694, 763 ], [ 701, 722, 752, 767 ], [ 63, 744, 72, 756 ], [ 40, 803, 77, 852 ], [ 81, 809, 189, 844 ], [ 196, 805, 262, 850 ], [ 269, 803, 360, 848 ], [ 366, 805, 391, 838 ], [ 398, 805, 408, 838 ], [ 413, 805, 485, 838 ], [ 491, 803, 569, 852 ], [ 575, 803, 601, 852 ], [ 607, 801, 649, 852 ], [ 654, 803, 680, 836 ], [ 686, 801, 828, 852 ], [ 835, 801, 973, 852 ], [ 29, 856, 150, 905 ], [ 160, 855, 227, 899 ], [ 236, 854, 341, 903 ], [ 349, 861, 436, 901 ], [ 443, 851, 514, 895 ], [ 522, 850, 571, 894 ], [ 579, 871, 584, 874 ], [ 592, 850, 601, 885 ], [ 608, 850, 681, 887 ], [ 688, 849, 755, 886 ], [ 761, 850, 788, 887 ], [ 796, 844, 881, 888 ], [ 889, 843, 973, 895 ], [ 43, 899, 109, 948 ], [ 111, 903, 122, 939 ], [ 130, 905, 145, 939 ], [ 147, 898, 219, 947 ], [ 218, 904, 259, 946 ], [ 267, 900, 329, 937 ], [ 337, 899, 433, 937 ], [ 441, 898, 540, 935 ], [ 548, 897, 603, 943 ], [ 40, 956, 78, 999 ], [ 83, 965, 212, 999 ], [ 228, 965, 336, 999 ], [ 351, 961, 457, 997 ], [ 472, 961, 493, 995 ], [ 508, 961, 517, 995 ], [ 532, 961, 604, 995 ], [ 619, 961, 658, 995 ], [ 672, 961, 753, 997 ], [ 773, 954, 811, 999 ], [ 820, 961, 972, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3270160891696", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-16", "label_studio_id": 20506, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 55, 56, 37, 38, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62 ]
[ "INFORMACIÓN ", "NUTRICIONAL\n", "Valor ", "medio ", "por ", "100 ", "g\n", "Valor ", "energético", ": ", "Grasas", ":\n", "de ", "las ", "cuales ", "saturadas", ":\n", "Hidratos ", "de ", "carbono", ":\n", "de ", "los ", "cuales ", "azúcares", ":\n", "Fibra ", "alimentaria", ":\n", "Proteínas", ":\n", "Sal", ":\n", "953 ", "kJ", "/ ", "227 ", "kcal ", "9,8 ", "g ", "5,7g\n", "22,6 ", "g\n", "3,8 ", "g\n", "2,0 ", "g\n", "11,2 ", "g\n", "1,1 ", "g\n" ]
[ [ 85, 63, 347, 136 ], [ 358, 67, 618, 140 ], [ 88, 168, 180, 235 ], [ 187, 170, 294, 237 ], [ 308, 174, 368, 239 ], [ 373, 176, 435, 241 ], [ 443, 178, 468, 241 ], [ 89, 260, 169, 327 ], [ 176, 264, 339, 335 ], [ 339, 272, 351, 333 ], [ 90, 351, 193, 406 ], [ 194, 353, 205, 404 ], [ 130, 434, 167, 487 ], [ 175, 434, 218, 487 ], [ 226, 434, 324, 491 ], [ 331, 436, 489, 495 ], [ 490, 441, 500, 493 ], [ 98, 514, 225, 575 ], [ 234, 520, 269, 577 ], [ 279, 520, 404, 581 ], [ 407, 524, 417, 579 ], [ 134, 601, 169, 658 ], [ 177, 601, 221, 660 ], [ 230, 603, 325, 660 ], [ 333, 605, 471, 666 ], [ 473, 611, 481, 666 ], [ 99, 680, 174, 739 ], [ 180, 684, 358, 747 ], [ 358, 693, 369, 745 ], [ 99, 766, 242, 827 ], [ 242, 776, 251, 825 ], [ 99, 847, 147, 904 ], [ 148, 851, 156, 904 ], [ 660, 272, 721, 325 ], [ 731, 272, 764, 325 ], [ 770, 272, 789, 325 ], [ 796, 272, 855, 325 ], [ 864, 272, 928, 325 ], [ 845, 357, 900, 422 ], [ 908, 363, 935, 424 ], [ 851, 439, 935, 516 ], [ 825, 528, 900, 593 ], [ 904, 536, 932, 595 ], [ 847, 617, 900, 686 ], [ 903, 626, 933, 691 ], [ 841, 699, 902, 772 ], [ 901, 705, 934, 774 ], [ 840, 784, 901, 853 ], [ 901, 794, 934, 857 ], [ 861, 867, 900, 934 ], [ 901, 876, 928, 939 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8413585028840", "image_id": "6", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-16", "label_studio_id": 20307, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 67, 68, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 61, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 37, 38, 0, 0, 49, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 47, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "nelange ", "de ", "ruits ", "seches ", "et ", "de ", "fruits ", "secs ", "Ingrédients: ", "raisin ", "sec ", "golden ", "(raisin, ", "huile ", "de ", "tournesol, ", "conservateur: ", "ANHYORIDE ", "SULFUREUX), ", "bleuet ", "séché ", "(bleust, ", "sucre, ", "huile ", "de ", "tournasol). ", "baies ", "de ", "goji ", "séchées, ", "baies ", "de ", "physalis ", "séchées ", "(baies ", "de ", "physalis, ", "sucra), ", "cranberrias ", "séchées ", "(cranberries, ", "sucre, ", "huile ", "de ", "tournesol). ", "Fruits ", "an ", "proportions ", "variables. ", "Traces ", "possibles ", "de ", "fruits ", "à ", "coque, ", "sésame ", "at ", "arachide. ", "Fruits ", "d'importation, ", "conditionnés ", "en ", "France ", "A ", "conserver ", "à ", "l'abri ", "de ", "la ", "chaleur, ", "de ", "la ", "lumière ", "et ", "de ", "l'humidité.\n", "Valeurs ", "énergétiques ", "et ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g: ", "Energie: ", "1 ", "385 ", "kJ ", "/ ", "328 ", "kcal ", "matières ", "grasses: ", "2,4 ", "g ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés: ", "0,3 ", "g ", "Glucides: ", "67,8 ", "g ", "dont ", "sucres: ", "59,4 ", "g ", "Fibres ", "alimentaires: ", "9,0 ", "g ", "Protéines: ", "4.2 ", "g ", "Sal: ", "0.33 ", "g ", "potassium ", ": ", "801 ", "mg ", "(40% ", "des ", "AR*)\n", "*Apprts ", "de ", "références ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte-type: ", "(8400 ", "kj/ ", "2000 ", "kcal).\n", "pour ", "faire ", "le ", "plein ", "de ", "potassium, ", "mangar ", "50 ", "g ", "de ", "mélange ", "vitalité ", "par ", "jour. ", "la ", "saviez-vous ", "? ", "le ", "potassium ", "contribue ", "i ", "une ", "fonction ", "musculiare ", "normale ", "dans ", "le ", "cadre ", "d'une ", "alimentation ", "variéa ", "et ", "équilibrée ", "et ", "d'un ", "made ", "de ", "vie ", "sain.\n", "aiceries\n", "Epiceries\n", "Epiceries\n", "Epiceries\n", "Epice\n" ]
[ [ 155, 52, 258, 70 ], [ 280, 52, 307, 64 ], [ 328, 52, 405, 66 ], [ 428, 53, 518, 66 ], [ 553, 52, 580, 71 ], [ 587, 52, 628, 71 ], [ 634, 55, 709, 69 ], [ 733, 58, 788, 69 ], [ 140, 70, 315, 99 ], [ 336, 75, 410, 95 ], [ 430, 81, 474, 95 ], [ 495, 77, 578, 101 ], [ 599, 78, 692, 101 ], [ 713, 79, 771, 98 ], [ 793, 81, 819, 97 ], [ 145, 101, 291, 123 ], [ 311, 104, 503, 124 ], [ 525, 105, 662, 124 ], [ 683, 105, 842, 130 ], [ 140, 125, 236, 155 ], [ 256, 130, 334, 150 ], [ 353, 131, 457, 156 ], [ 476, 137, 558, 153 ], [ 578, 133, 638, 152 ], [ 658, 134, 686, 152 ], [ 707, 133, 853, 158 ], [ 145, 156, 223, 176 ], [ 243, 160, 271, 177 ], [ 292, 160, 342, 183 ], [ 362, 160, 478, 179 ], [ 498, 160, 566, 180 ], [ 587, 161, 614, 179 ], [ 634, 161, 745, 185 ], [ 765, 161, 871, 180 ], [ 138, 185, 235, 214 ], [ 254, 187, 283, 205 ], [ 303, 187, 423, 210 ], [ 445, 188, 544, 214 ], [ 558, 189, 714, 205 ], [ 735, 190, 841, 206 ], [ 138, 212, 333, 240 ], [ 354, 219, 435, 232 ], [ 456, 215, 515, 240 ], [ 536, 215, 564, 231 ], [ 584, 215, 730, 237 ], [ 751, 215, 828, 233 ], [ 850, 222, 876, 233 ], [ 154, 242, 311, 264 ], [ 333, 241, 464, 268 ], [ 487, 240, 575, 268 ], [ 597, 242, 718, 264 ], [ 740, 243, 766, 259 ], [ 788, 243, 862, 260 ], [ 167, 270, 191, 294 ], [ 186, 274, 269, 292 ], [ 291, 266, 390, 287 ], [ 411, 268, 436, 285 ], [ 457, 267, 578, 288 ], [ 154, 296, 234, 313 ], [ 254, 295, 444, 318 ], [ 466, 295, 635, 313 ], [ 657, 301, 684, 313 ], [ 705, 296, 793, 313 ], [ 168, 320, 191, 346 ], [ 186, 329, 324, 341 ], [ 345, 323, 356, 340 ], [ 377, 323, 442, 340 ], [ 463, 323, 491, 340 ], [ 512, 323, 531, 340 ], [ 552, 323, 657, 341 ], [ 679, 324, 706, 340 ], [ 726, 324, 746, 340 ], [ 766, 324, 862, 340 ], [ 151, 352, 179, 369 ], [ 200, 352, 228, 369 ], [ 248, 350, 385, 369 ], [ 156, 380, 254, 395 ], [ 276, 379, 452, 401 ], [ 474, 378, 498, 395 ], [ 520, 378, 718, 395 ], [ 739, 384, 872, 400 ], [ 151, 411, 211, 429 ], [ 235, 406, 275, 424 ], [ 296, 410, 315, 429 ], [ 139, 432, 259, 459 ], [ 282, 435, 292, 451 ], [ 313, 434, 355, 452 ], [ 376, 434, 404, 451 ], [ 433, 430, 457, 458 ], [ 455, 434, 498, 451 ], [ 520, 434, 571, 451 ], [ 139, 462, 273, 486 ], [ 294, 467, 407, 485 ], [ 429, 462, 464, 480 ], [ 486, 467, 497, 484 ], [ 144, 490, 212, 513 ], [ 233, 490, 315, 507 ], [ 336, 495, 394, 513 ], [ 416, 490, 526, 507 ], [ 548, 490, 583, 508 ], [ 604, 495, 615, 511 ], [ 152, 517, 270, 536 ], [ 290, 516, 342, 536 ], [ 364, 523, 375, 540 ], [ 148, 545, 212, 562 ], [ 233, 550, 330, 562 ], [ 351, 545, 401, 563 ], [ 423, 550, 434, 565 ], [ 145, 568, 236, 593 ], [ 258, 571, 432, 590 ], [ 453, 572, 489, 590 ], [ 510, 578, 521, 595 ], [ 144, 593, 291, 623 ], [ 310, 598, 347, 618 ], [ 366, 605, 379, 622 ], [ 158, 620, 214, 648 ], [ 219, 624, 273, 644 ], [ 290, 631, 304, 650 ], [ 148, 650, 294, 678 ], [ 310, 650, 328, 678 ], [ 337, 654, 381, 671 ], [ 401, 659, 436, 676 ], [ 457, 654, 530, 675 ], [ 552, 654, 595, 671 ], [ 616, 654, 674, 675 ], [ 157, 705, 288, 731 ], [ 308, 706, 334, 725 ], [ 354, 706, 503, 726 ], [ 524, 713, 581, 730 ], [ 601, 714, 629, 725 ], [ 650, 707, 834, 729 ], [ 156, 725, 245, 756 ], [ 247, 726, 317, 756 ], [ 325, 732, 385, 751 ], [ 402, 733, 474, 757 ], [ 162, 786, 222, 804 ], [ 242, 782, 303, 801 ], [ 322, 786, 341, 802 ], [ 360, 786, 419, 807 ], [ 439, 787, 467, 805 ], [ 486, 787, 629, 810 ], [ 652, 793, 745, 810 ], [ 770, 789, 796, 805 ], [ 819, 794, 828, 810 ], [ 850, 790, 877, 805 ], [ 154, 805, 270, 834 ], [ 291, 805, 384, 830 ], [ 404, 818, 444, 835 ], [ 464, 807, 527, 837 ], [ 548, 815, 567, 832 ], [ 588, 810, 754, 834 ], [ 776, 815, 786, 831 ], [ 808, 816, 826, 833 ], [ 151, 831, 299, 861 ], [ 319, 833, 444, 858 ], [ 463, 835, 475, 857 ], [ 495, 845, 538, 859 ], [ 559, 840, 669, 860 ], [ 690, 843, 836, 861 ], [ 150, 859, 266, 890 ], [ 286, 865, 345, 886 ], [ 364, 865, 384, 885 ], [ 404, 865, 476, 887 ], [ 496, 867, 564, 888 ], [ 584, 869, 751, 891 ], [ 773, 879, 856, 892 ], [ 149, 889, 201, 918 ], [ 205, 893, 334, 919 ], [ 354, 895, 378, 915 ], [ 399, 895, 451, 915 ], [ 470, 896, 537, 916 ], [ 558, 899, 586, 917 ], [ 606, 899, 643, 918 ], [ 656, 894, 733, 924 ], [ 75, 845, 128, 955 ], [ 82, 632, 132, 747 ], [ 76, 416, 123, 538 ], [ 70, 195, 126, 316 ], [ 70, 21, 122, 95 ] ]
{ "barcode": "2600292031294", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-2", "label_studio_id": 16941, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 37, 38, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62 ]
[ "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g: ", "Énergie ", ": ", "1476,29 ", "kJ ", "/356,77 ", "kcal; ", "Matières ", "grasses: ", "32,27 ", "g ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", ": ", "9,75 ", "g; ", "Glucides: ", "2,82 ", "g ", "dont ", "sucres: ", "0,56 ", "g; ", "Protéines ", ": ", "13,69 ", "g ", "; ", "Sel ", ": ", "2,11 ", "g.\n" ]
[ [ 79, 67, 250, 171 ], [ 269, 38, 631, 173 ], [ 83, 183, 330, 298 ], [ 345, 180, 466, 274 ], [ 466, 156, 594, 274 ], [ 594, 154, 659, 269 ], [ 86, 281, 262, 407 ], [ 279, 315, 292, 375 ], [ 308, 284, 488, 390 ], [ 504, 281, 561, 373 ], [ 578, 272, 767, 387 ], [ 784, 269, 910, 390 ], [ 89, 416, 287, 508 ], [ 305, 431, 533, 520 ], [ 551, 404, 676, 513 ], [ 694, 424, 725, 513 ], [ 744, 402, 855, 493 ], [ 64, 532, 237, 650 ], [ 254, 527, 372, 648 ], [ 380, 527, 566, 624 ], [ 579, 525, 616, 640 ], [ 617, 530, 712, 631 ], [ 730, 549, 787, 636 ], [ 88, 660, 317, 749 ], [ 320, 650, 421, 763 ], [ 440, 650, 475, 763 ], [ 491, 655, 604, 742 ], [ 621, 672, 810, 739 ], [ 828, 650, 923, 751 ], [ 940, 672, 990, 756 ], [ 93, 780, 313, 869 ], [ 322, 778, 357, 891 ], [ 362, 783, 483, 881 ], [ 501, 802, 529, 891 ], [ 551, 804, 559, 879 ], [ 584, 780, 656, 865 ], [ 667, 775, 702, 889 ], [ 707, 780, 792, 879 ], [ 820, 800, 858, 884 ] ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Les ", "valeurs ", "nutritionnelles\n", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "sont: ", "Énergie..\n", "Energie. ", ". ", "Matières ", "grasses. ", ".1,7 ", "g ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés... ", "0,2 ", "g ", "Glucides.. ", "dont ", "sucres...\n", "658 ", "KJ/155 ", "Kcal\n", "30 ", "g\n", "0,6 ", "g ", "..5,6 ", "g ", "..1,9 ", "g\n", "Protéines..\n", "Sel ", "...\n" ]
[ [ 26, 52, 118, 110 ], [ 141, 44, 341, 109 ], [ 365, 32, 770, 103 ], [ 26, 151, 314, 218 ], [ 338, 149, 469, 211 ], [ 491, 132, 591, 200 ], [ 613, 144, 646, 206 ], [ 668, 134, 821, 197 ], [ 28, 244, 275, 331 ], [ 75, 246, 255, 335 ], [ 369, 241, 438, 326 ], [ 31, 349, 264, 414 ], [ 289, 362, 497, 420 ], [ 623, 337, 889, 419 ], [ 904, 351, 935, 408 ], [ 29, 449, 157, 511 ], [ 181, 443, 359, 508 ], [ 383, 457, 500, 516 ], [ 526, 434, 778, 502 ], [ 799, 436, 882, 500 ], [ 906, 448, 937, 506 ], [ 32, 540, 393, 607 ], [ 31, 639, 160, 705 ], [ 183, 647, 490, 707 ], [ 430, 246, 549, 311 ], [ 573, 235, 798, 315 ], [ 823, 238, 939, 302 ], [ 815, 525, 887, 597 ], [ 905, 542, 942, 602 ], [ 797, 622, 885, 696 ], [ 908, 639, 941, 697 ], [ 748, 722, 887, 791 ], [ 910, 736, 942, 795 ], [ 751, 818, 884, 887 ], [ 908, 835, 940, 893 ], [ 35, 736, 392, 799 ], [ 36, 833, 111, 893 ], [ 150, 882, 197, 892 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3760006391003", "image_id": "5", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-1", "label_studio_id": 18009, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 67, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 0, 37, 38, 38, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Ingrédients", ":\n", "Lait ", "cru ", "de ", "chèvre", ", ", "sel", ", ", "ferments", ", ", "présure", ", ", "colorant", ": ", "charbon ", "végétal", ".\n", "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g", ": ", "valeur ", "énergétique ", "1139kJ", "/", "274kcal", ",\n", "matières ", "grasses ", "22 ", "g", ", ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "17 ", "g", ". ", "glucides ", "1,1 ", "g", ". ", "dont ", "sucres ", "<", "0,5 ", "g", ". ", "protéines ", "18 ", "g", ", ", "sel ", "1,3 ", "g\n", "Fromagerie ", "Cloche ", "d'Or ", "33 ", "av ", "de ", "la ", "Vallée ", "du ", "Lys ", "37260 ", "Pont", "-", "de", "-", "Ruan\n", "FR\n", "37.186.031\n", "CE\n", "EMB ", "37091\n" ]
[ [ 400, 24, 658, 62 ], [ 658, 25, 674, 57 ], [ 323, 69, 428, 97 ], [ 443, 67, 512, 95 ], [ 533, 66, 583, 94 ], [ 602, 64, 752, 94 ], [ 754, 65, 767, 92 ], [ 293, 111, 355, 146 ], [ 358, 111, 371, 145 ], [ 388, 109, 587, 145 ], [ 589, 109, 601, 143 ], [ 617, 108, 787, 144 ], [ 790, 108, 805, 142 ], [ 248, 152, 439, 185 ], [ 437, 152, 452, 183 ], [ 469, 151, 655, 184 ], [ 670, 149, 841, 182 ], [ 838, 150, 850, 181 ], [ 295, 214, 466, 247 ], [ 484, 210, 817, 244 ], [ 298, 260, 535, 300 ], [ 548, 258, 661, 295 ], [ 674, 256, 757, 292 ], [ 772, 255, 805, 290 ], [ 800, 255, 818, 289 ], [ 337, 302, 487, 334 ], [ 499, 302, 770, 334 ], [ 367, 342, 533, 375 ], [ 524, 344, 548, 373 ], [ 542, 340, 733, 373 ], [ 731, 340, 745, 369 ], [ 238, 386, 439, 425 ], [ 454, 384, 620, 422 ], [ 637, 383, 691, 418 ], [ 710, 383, 743, 417 ], [ 739, 383, 755, 417 ], [ 770, 380, 875, 417 ], [ 274, 432, 419, 467 ], [ 436, 430, 532, 465 ], [ 548, 427, 710, 463 ], [ 730, 426, 787, 459 ], [ 799, 426, 835, 458 ], [ 824, 426, 844, 458 ], [ 253, 473, 451, 512 ], [ 470, 471, 535, 507 ], [ 554, 469, 586, 505 ], [ 586, 471, 599, 505 ], [ 613, 467, 719, 505 ], [ 734, 464, 878, 502 ], [ 295, 518, 332, 555 ], [ 325, 517, 400, 554 ], [ 419, 517, 449, 553 ], [ 448, 516, 461, 552 ], [ 475, 512, 692, 552 ], [ 713, 511, 766, 547 ], [ 782, 511, 815, 546 ], [ 811, 511, 827, 546 ], [ 473, 559, 544, 591 ], [ 556, 559, 626, 591 ], [ 641, 559, 677, 591 ], [ 269, 612, 544, 655 ], [ 562, 608, 724, 646 ], [ 742, 603, 856, 642 ], [ 262, 662, 322, 699 ], [ 340, 661, 394, 697 ], [ 410, 660, 466, 695 ], [ 481, 659, 527, 694 ], [ 539, 657, 686, 694 ], [ 706, 654, 761, 691 ], [ 781, 653, 860, 690 ], [ 317, 704, 464, 738 ], [ 481, 702, 596, 734 ], [ 592, 702, 611, 732 ], [ 616, 701, 667, 732 ], [ 665, 701, 686, 731 ], [ 688, 698, 812, 731 ], [ 301, 769, 361, 795 ], [ 218, 811, 442, 841 ], [ 302, 858, 364, 886 ], [ 877, 881, 914, 959 ], [ 869, 778, 908, 867 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3394710000489", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-15", "label_studio_id": 17842, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 68, 35, 36, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 61, 62, 49, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "ANALYSES ", "NUTRITIONNELLES/ ", "NUTRITIONAL ", "INFORMATION ", "(Valeurs ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "de ", "poudre)\n", "iron\n", "10\n", "AR ", "def\n", "363 ", "kca! ", "(1517 ", "kJ) ", "15 ", "g\n", "Valeur ", "énergétique/ ", "Energy ", "value ", "Matières ", "grasses/Fats ", "Acides ", "gras ", "saturés/ ", "Satured ", "fatty ", "acid ", "Glucides/Carbohydrates ", "Sucres/Sugars ", "Protéines/Proteins ", "Sel/Salt ", "Fibres/Fibres\n", "ric\n", "blo\n", "HO\n", "20\n", "ba\n", "13 ", "g\n", "49 ", "g\n", "15 ", "g ", "8g ", "0,06 ", "g ", "17 ", "g ", "Phosphore/Phosphorus ", "257 ", "mg ", "37 ", "% ", "Magnésium/Magnesium ", "113 ", "mg ", "30 ", "%\n", "Mi\n", "Ko\n", "Fe\n", "ra\n", "a\n", "Gl ", "20\n", "Fer/Iron ", "Zinc/Zinc\n", "3,7 ", "mg ", "27 ", "% ", "Pi\n", "2,5 ", "mg\n", "25 ", "%\n", "\"Apports ", "de ", "Référence ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte ", "type ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kca)\n" ]
[ [ 94, 41, 352, 88 ], [ 374, 29, 871, 82 ], [ 140, 79, 469, 126 ], [ 491, 70, 828, 120 ], [ 124, 131, 248, 168 ], [ 258, 126, 445, 161 ], [ 452, 124, 546, 154 ], [ 558, 117, 625, 146 ], [ 632, 123, 659, 151 ], [ 669, 118, 713, 144 ], [ 728, 118, 856, 154 ], [ 959, 102, 998, 130 ], [ 962, 143, 998, 168 ], [ 794, 166, 934, 211 ], [ 961, 183, 998, 208 ], [ 560, 220, 643, 254 ], [ 659, 219, 741, 252 ], [ 539, 258, 667, 305 ], [ 685, 262, 742, 295 ], [ 644, 309, 709, 351 ], [ 717, 322, 745, 358 ], [ 20, 227, 147, 279 ], [ 158, 221, 433, 275 ], [ 24, 272, 154, 326 ], [ 161, 262, 276, 309 ], [ 26, 320, 197, 362 ], [ 212, 316, 492, 364 ], [ 26, 375, 160, 417 ], [ 173, 384, 263, 415 ], [ 276, 370, 465, 410 ], [ 31, 413, 165, 455 ], [ 178, 413, 262, 455 ], [ 282, 415, 375, 455 ], [ 40, 463, 538, 515 ], [ 30, 512, 326, 565 ], [ 32, 568, 408, 613 ], [ 35, 617, 182, 659 ], [ 32, 668, 292, 718 ], [ 966, 221, 998, 247 ], [ 964, 261, 998, 287 ], [ 968, 301, 998, 325 ], [ 968, 340, 998, 365 ], [ 968, 380, 998, 405 ], [ 652, 405, 717, 452 ], [ 719, 417, 750, 453 ], [ 656, 460, 710, 496 ], [ 722, 470, 751, 500 ], [ 643, 509, 713, 556 ], [ 721, 522, 754, 560 ], [ 683, 568, 755, 613 ], [ 618, 621, 719, 666 ], [ 727, 623, 750, 666 ], [ 664, 673, 714, 709 ], [ 729, 682, 756, 719 ], [ 35, 723, 524, 774 ], [ 584, 723, 676, 774 ], [ 692, 723, 750, 774 ], [ 807, 723, 868, 774 ], [ 871, 723, 921, 774 ], [ 51, 765, 529, 835 ], [ 607, 780, 671, 826 ], [ 697, 779, 764, 825 ], [ 823, 771, 873, 818 ], [ 887, 768, 919, 813 ], [ 972, 515, 998, 540 ], [ 972, 555, 998, 580 ], [ 973, 593, 998, 620 ], [ 973, 638, 998, 660 ], [ 976, 675, 998, 699 ], [ 975, 711, 998, 739 ], [ 975, 750, 998, 779 ], [ 35, 815, 190, 867 ], [ 36, 866, 223, 921 ], [ 595, 836, 680, 882 ], [ 698, 831, 765, 875 ], [ 814, 825, 865, 869 ], [ 873, 822, 923, 865 ], [ 976, 830, 999, 856 ], [ 613, 890, 679, 926 ], [ 696, 893, 768, 932 ], [ 817, 880, 870, 915 ], [ 884, 875, 922, 908 ], [ 45, 927, 147, 974 ], [ 157, 939, 192, 978 ], [ 202, 944, 343, 994 ], [ 361, 960, 431, 996 ], [ 444, 958, 475, 995 ], [ 490, 956, 581, 994 ], [ 596, 956, 657, 993 ], [ 670, 948, 754, 991 ], [ 767, 935, 883, 983 ], [ 887, 930, 951, 972 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3760030721159", "image_id": "12", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-13", "label_studio_id": 18031, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 35, 36, 0, 7, 8, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 44, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 33, 34, 1, 2, 55, 56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 40, 37, 38, 57, 58, 49, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 60, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 31, 32, 61, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "ALORI ", "NUTRIZIONALI ", "MEDI ", "- ", "AVERAGE ", "NUTRITIONAL ", "VALUES ", "RS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES ", "MOYENNES ", "- ", "DURCHSCHNITTLICHE ", "NÄHRWERTE ", "GEMIDDELDE ", "VOEDINGSWAARDEN ", "- ", "NUWEBAA ", "YEHHOCTB ", "per ", "100 ", "g/r ", "Ave ", "quantity ", "per ", "80 ", "g ", "Ave ", "quantity ", "per ", "serving ", "1192 ", "kJ ", "40 ", "kJ/ ", "KA¾ ", "280 ", "kcal ", "351 ", "kcal/ ", "Kkan ", "ving ", "per ", "package: ", "approx. ", "4 ", "Serving ", "size: ", "80 ", "g ", "Energia ", "- ", "Energy- ", "Énergie ", "Brennwert-Energie-Энергетическая ", "ценность ", "1.28 ", "g ", "7,60 ", "g/r ", "Grassi ", "- ", "Fat-Graisses ", "- ", "Fett-Vetten ", "-Xupbi ", "di ", "cui ", "saturi ", "- ", "of ", "which ", "saturates- ", "dont ", "saturés ", "davon ", "gesättigte-waarvan ", "verzadigd ", "vet-13 ", "HVX ", "HaCbIueHHbIex ", "0.20 ", "g ", "0,25 ", "g/r ", "60.16 ", "g ", "75,20 ", "g/r ", "Carboidrati ", "- ", "Carbohydrate ", "- ", "Glucides ", "Kohlenhydrate ", "- ", "Koolhydraten ", "- ", "YrneboAbl ", "di ", "cui ", "zuccheri ", "- ", "of ", "which ", "sugars- ", "dont ", "sucres ", "davon ", "Zucker ", "- ", "waarvan ", "suikers- ", "13 ", "HWX ", "caxapa ", "0.57 ", "g ", "0,71 ", "g/r ", "2.00 ", "g ", "2,50 ", "g/r ", "Fibre ", "- ", "Fiber- ", "Fibres-Ballaststoffe- ", "Vezels- ", "KneTyaTKa ", "6.24 ", "g ", "7,80 ", "g/r ", "Proteine-Protein ", "- ", "Proteines-Eiweiß-Eiwitten-benKu ", "0.0044 ", "g ", "0,00056 ", "g ", "/r ", "226 ", "mg ", "/ ", "Mr ", "Sale-Salt-Sel-Salz- ", "Zout-Conb ", "Sodium- ", "Natrium-Harpnŭ " ]
[ [ 87, 50, 168, 96 ], [ 170, 39, 351, 85 ], [ 359, 34, 427, 71 ], [ 437, 50, 445, 56 ], [ 452, 28, 572, 72 ], [ 582, 15, 765, 60 ], [ 772, 7, 874, 43 ], [ 63, 107, 106, 155 ], [ 110, 93, 334, 142 ], [ 341, 80, 487, 130 ], [ 495, 102, 504, 109 ], [ 511, 62, 797, 118 ], [ 806, 44, 979, 92 ], [ 97, 142, 263, 203 ], [ 269, 126, 533, 183 ], [ 542, 151, 552, 158 ], [ 560, 123, 697, 172 ], [ 708, 109, 859, 160 ], [ 847, 186, 886, 219 ], [ 890, 175, 929, 209 ], [ 933, 171, 981, 211 ], [ 838, 235, 886, 272 ], [ 891, 234, 985, 275 ], [ 709, 197, 749, 230 ], [ 748, 189, 779, 220 ], [ 782, 194, 797, 225 ], [ 655, 250, 699, 295 ], [ 706, 246, 795, 293 ], [ 678, 300, 718, 332 ], [ 719, 288, 800, 332 ], [ 719, 353, 771, 385 ], [ 778, 350, 799, 380 ], [ 832, 345, 884, 375 ], [ 883, 334, 943, 375 ], [ 943, 331, 979, 370 ], [ 711, 399, 751, 425 ], [ 757, 394, 799, 423 ], [ 807, 388, 855, 423 ], [ 861, 384, 926, 420 ], [ 926, 380, 978, 415 ], [ 13, 253, 74, 291 ], [ 79, 260, 117, 290 ], [ 119, 248, 207, 290 ], [ 212, 251, 286, 284 ], [ 294, 243, 306, 270 ], [ 0, 299, 75, 343 ], [ 82, 302, 130, 331 ], [ 134, 300, 161, 329 ], [ 166, 306, 178, 335 ], [ 0, 385, 79, 434 ], [ 88, 402, 96, 407 ], [ 98, 379, 197, 429 ], [ 197, 375, 272, 424 ], [ 1, 420, 402, 471 ], [ 409, 423, 508, 450 ], [ 735, 452, 781, 482 ], [ 787, 460, 799, 486 ], [ 877, 437, 932, 480 ], [ 934, 434, 979, 477 ], [ 6, 496, 70, 529 ], [ 76, 511, 85, 515 ], [ 89, 485, 231, 529 ], [ 233, 484, 254, 522 ], [ 253, 480, 373, 515 ], [ 380, 479, 457, 516 ], [ 38, 542, 59, 572 ], [ 63, 541, 95, 569 ], [ 101, 539, 160, 568 ], [ 168, 552, 176, 556 ], [ 183, 534, 205, 564 ], [ 209, 530, 273, 561 ], [ 278, 530, 378, 560 ], [ 384, 525, 431, 555 ], [ 436, 521, 513, 553 ], [ 41, 584, 102, 616 ], [ 104, 574, 307, 620 ], [ 307, 570, 394, 610 ], [ 396, 573, 466, 600 ], [ 472, 573, 508, 595 ], [ 512, 560, 655, 595 ], [ 737, 540, 781, 571 ], [ 787, 545, 800, 574 ], [ 880, 532, 926, 563 ], [ 933, 529, 978, 564 ], [ 726, 600, 782, 629 ], [ 790, 605, 800, 631 ], [ 868, 592, 928, 623 ], [ 935, 589, 979, 624 ], [ 18, 643, 135, 679 ], [ 142, 657, 151, 661 ], [ 158, 634, 300, 676 ], [ 305, 649, 313, 651 ], [ 319, 628, 397, 663 ], [ 20, 686, 177, 731 ], [ 183, 700, 191, 704 ], [ 198, 674, 338, 719 ], [ 343, 690, 351, 693 ], [ 356, 670, 457, 712 ], [ 48, 739, 67, 767 ], [ 74, 737, 104, 765 ], [ 109, 730, 196, 764 ], [ 203, 745, 211, 748 ], [ 215, 726, 239, 762 ], [ 245, 723, 309, 761 ], [ 314, 724, 391, 755 ], [ 397, 719, 443, 749 ], [ 448, 720, 512, 746 ], [ 52, 780, 115, 812 ], [ 118, 775, 194, 812 ], [ 194, 774, 208, 808 ], [ 211, 775, 303, 802 ], [ 309, 765, 393, 795 ], [ 399, 770, 420, 792 ], [ 427, 769, 465, 791 ], [ 470, 761, 541, 791 ], [ 746, 730, 789, 760 ], [ 794, 736, 807, 762 ], [ 886, 723, 928, 751 ], [ 938, 722, 982, 755 ], [ 751, 791, 792, 820 ], [ 800, 795, 810, 822 ], [ 889, 780, 932, 810 ], [ 939, 778, 982, 810 ], [ 25, 840, 82, 879 ], [ 82, 839, 102, 875 ], [ 102, 837, 167, 870 ], [ 169, 820, 402, 870 ], [ 402, 814, 488, 855 ], [ 488, 810, 595, 843 ], [ 755, 850, 799, 880 ], [ 805, 855, 816, 881 ], [ 882, 833, 940, 874 ], [ 941, 832, 990, 872 ], [ 36, 892, 215, 935 ], [ 222, 909, 230, 913 ], [ 237, 867, 612, 921 ], [ 733, 905, 804, 950 ], [ 809, 903, 825, 942 ], [ 859, 894, 937, 934 ], [ 942, 900, 954, 926 ], [ 959, 891, 986, 921 ], [ 841, 942, 903, 974 ], [ 909, 944, 937, 970 ], [ 943, 937, 953, 962 ], [ 959, 942, 986, 962 ], [ 39, 950, 269, 993 ], [ 270, 942, 393, 980 ], [ 118, 987, 215, 999 ], [ 221, 979, 406, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8024046071017", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-6", "label_studio_id": 17339, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 57, 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 69, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 65, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Nutrition\n", "Amount/serving\n", "% ", "Daily ", "Value\n", "Amount/serving\n", "% ", "Daily ", "Value\n", "Total ", "Fat ", "12g\n", "The ", "% ", "Daily ", "Value ", "tells ", "you ", "how ", "much\n", "15%\n", "Total ", "Carbohydrate ", "41g ", "Dietary ", "Fiber ", "1g ", "Total ", "Sugars ", "25g\n", "15%\n", "Facts ", "E ", "servings ", "per ", "container ", "Serving ", "size ", "1 ", "donut ", "(71g)\n", "a ", "nutrient ", "in ", "a ", "serving ", "of ", "food ", "contributes ", "to ", "a ", "daily ", "diet. ", "2,000 ", "calories ", "a ", "day ", "is ", "used ", "for ", "general ", "nutrition ", "advice.\n", "Saturated ", "Fat ", "6g\n", "30%\n", "4%\n", "Trans ", "Fat ", "Og\n", "Cholesterol ", "Omg\n", "0%\n", "Includes ", "24g ", "Added ", "Sugars\n", "48%\n", "Calories ", "280\n", "Sodium ", "290mg\n", "13% ", "Protein ", "3g\n", "Vitamin ", "D ", "Omcg ", "0% ", "· ", "Calcium ", "55mg ", "4% ", "· ", "Iron ", "1mg ", "6% ", "· ", "Potassium ", "71mg ", "2%\n", "per ", "serving\n", "INGREDIENTS: ", "SUGAR, ", "ENRICHED ", "FLOUR ", "(WHEAT ", "FLOUR, ", "MALTED ", "BARLEY ", "FLOUR, ", "NIACIN, ", "IRON, ", "THIAMIN ", "MONONITRATE, ", "RIBOFLAVIN, ", "FOLIC ", "ACID), ", "PALM ", "OIL, ", "WATER, ", "BLUEBERRY ", "MIXTURE ", "BLUEBERRIES, ", "CORN ", "SYRUP, ", "SUGAR, ", "WATER, ", "ARTIFICIAL ", "FLAVOR, ", "MODIFIED ", "CORN ", "STARCH, ", "LEMON ", "JUICE ", "POWDER, ", "CELLULOSE ", "GUM, ", "CINNAMON. ", "CITRIC ", "ACID. ", "SODIUM ", "BENZOATE ", "& ", "POTASSIUM ", "SORBATE ", "(PRESERVATIVES), ", "BLUEBERRY ", "BITS ", "(SUGAR, ", "CORN ", "SYRUP, ", "CORN ", "CEREAL, ", "CORN ", "STARCH, ", "PALM ", "OIL, ", "NATURAL ", "& ", "ARTIFICIAL ", "FLAVORS, ", "CELLULOSE ", "GUM, ", "SALT, ", "ARTIFICIAL ", "COLORS ", "(RED ", "40, ", "BLUE ", "2, ", "GREEN ", "3, ", "BLUE ", "1]D, ", "CONTAINS ", "2% ", "OR ", "LESS ", "OF ", "THE ", "FOLLOWING: ", "CORN ", "STARCH, ", "SOYBEAN ", "OIL ", "DEFATTED ", "SOY ", "FLOUR, ", "LEAVENING ", "(SODIUM ", "BICARBONATE, ", "SODIUM ", "ACID ", "PYROPHOSPHATE, ", "SODIUM ", "ALUMINUM ", "PHOSPHATE, ", "MONOCALCIUM ", "PHOSPHATE, ", "GLUCONO ", "DELTA-LACTONE), ", "DEXTROSE, ", "WHEAT ", "STARCH, ", "MILK ", "PROTEIN ", "CONCENTRATE, ", "SODIUM ", "PROPIONATE ", "& ", "POTASSIUM ", "SORBATE ", "& ", "SORBIC ", "ACID ", "(PRESERVATIVES), ", "ICING ", "STABILIZER ", "(SUGAR, ", "CALCIUM ", "CARBONATE, ", "AGAR, ", "SALT. ", "MONOGLYCERIDES), ", "SALT, ", "MONO- ", "& ", "DIGLYCERIDES, ", "TOASTED ", "WHEAT ", "GERM, ", "LACTOSE, ", "SOY ", "LECITHIN, ", "SODIUM ", "STEAROYL ", "LACTYLATE, ", "CELLULOSE ", "GUM, ", "GUAR ", "GUM ", "ARTIFICIAL ", "FLAVORS. ", "ANNATTO ", "& ", "TURMERIC ", "EXTRACT ", "(COLOR), ", "KARAYA ", "GUM, ", "ENZYMES, ", "EGG.\n", "CONTARIE\n" ]
[ [ 73, 176, 258, 257 ], [ 309, 199, 422, 231 ], [ 442, 209, 453, 231 ], [ 461, 205, 495, 237 ], [ 503, 209, 542, 244 ], [ 570, 215, 684, 247 ], [ 704, 225, 716, 244 ], [ 722, 225, 757, 254 ], [ 764, 225, 803, 257 ], [ 307, 266, 343, 295 ], [ 349, 270, 371, 302 ], [ 380, 276, 397, 308 ], [ 829, 276, 847, 295 ], [ 852, 279, 862, 295 ], [ 867, 279, 892, 305 ], [ 896, 282, 925, 302 ], [ 829, 311, 849, 327 ], [ 855, 318, 872, 334 ], [ 877, 311, 896, 331 ], [ 901, 315, 930, 337 ], [ 514, 282, 547, 311 ], [ 570, 286, 607, 315 ], [ 613, 289, 712, 327 ], [ 719, 295, 738, 331 ], [ 580, 347, 622, 382 ], [ 629, 350, 657, 376 ], [ 663, 353, 676, 382 ], [ 579, 408, 607, 440 ], [ 612, 408, 655, 450 ], [ 660, 411, 682, 450 ], [ 776, 299, 811, 327 ], [ 67, 257, 191, 334 ], [ 82, 347, 95, 398 ], [ 98, 347, 160, 405 ], [ 168, 366, 195, 398 ], [ 201, 350, 280, 398 ], [ 71, 395, 149, 446 ], [ 159, 395, 198, 443 ], [ 76, 440, 92, 491 ], [ 88, 440, 147, 488 ], [ 157, 453, 209, 498 ], [ 830, 347, 835, 360 ], [ 840, 344, 878, 363 ], [ 883, 350, 890, 366 ], [ 895, 353, 901, 366 ], [ 830, 379, 867, 401 ], [ 872, 379, 880, 398 ], [ 884, 379, 907, 398 ], [ 830, 408, 888, 434 ], [ 893, 411, 901, 434 ], [ 906, 418, 911, 434 ], [ 831, 443, 855, 466 ], [ 860, 440, 882, 469 ], [ 885, 446, 914, 466 ], [ 831, 475, 872, 501 ], [ 877, 485, 882, 498 ], [ 887, 479, 904, 504 ], [ 910, 485, 916, 501 ], [ 833, 508, 857, 536 ], [ 861, 511, 874, 530 ], [ 879, 511, 919, 543 ], [ 833, 546, 874, 569 ], [ 879, 540, 912, 572 ], [ 315, 327, 373, 363 ], [ 377, 334, 396, 360 ], [ 400, 334, 414, 366 ], [ 511, 340, 547, 369 ], [ 786, 360, 811, 389 ], [ 312, 389, 346, 418 ], [ 350, 389, 369, 424 ], [ 373, 392, 387, 434 ], [ 300, 450, 386, 491 ], [ 393, 459, 418, 495 ], [ 520, 463, 546, 495 ], [ 588, 472, 634, 504 ], [ 639, 472, 658, 508 ], [ 663, 475, 699, 504 ], [ 704, 479, 742, 514 ], [ 775, 485, 812, 514 ], [ 53, 491, 181, 601 ], [ 195, 517, 280, 614 ], [ 299, 511, 354, 549 ], [ 359, 517, 401, 559 ], [ 510, 527, 544, 562 ], [ 569, 530, 622, 565 ], [ 629, 540, 641, 572 ], [ 299, 581, 344, 617 ], [ 350, 581, 358, 610 ], [ 363, 585, 396, 623 ], [ 402, 588, 420, 617 ], [ 430, 601, 433, 607 ], [ 441, 588, 490, 627 ], [ 496, 594, 530, 633 ], [ 534, 598, 553, 623 ], [ 564, 594, 574, 633 ], [ 575, 601, 597, 630 ], [ 604, 604, 628, 639 ], [ 633, 604, 651, 636 ], [ 662, 601, 672, 639 ], [ 673, 607, 737, 643 ], [ 743, 610, 775, 649 ], [ 781, 617, 800, 646 ], [ 61, 588, 82, 607 ], [ 88, 585, 133, 610 ], [ 49, 649, 119, 681 ], [ 122, 652, 158, 684 ], [ 163, 655, 211, 688 ], [ 214, 659, 245, 691 ], [ 250, 662, 287, 694 ], [ 290, 665, 323, 694 ], [ 328, 668, 368, 694 ], [ 371, 668, 408, 697 ], [ 412, 672, 446, 704 ], [ 450, 675, 484, 707 ], [ 489, 678, 514, 710 ], [ 519, 678, 559, 707 ], [ 563, 681, 636, 717 ], [ 641, 688, 700, 720 ], [ 705, 691, 732, 723 ], [ 736, 694, 764, 729 ], [ 769, 697, 795, 729 ], [ 798, 700, 815, 729 ], [ 820, 700, 856, 736 ], [ 861, 707, 917, 739 ], [ 47, 684, 90, 723 ], [ 94, 688, 169, 729 ], [ 171, 694, 196, 729 ], [ 201, 694, 236, 733 ], [ 239, 697, 274, 736 ], [ 277, 697, 317, 736 ], [ 320, 700, 369, 739 ], [ 371, 704, 414, 742 ], [ 417, 707, 463, 745 ], [ 468, 713, 495, 749 ], [ 498, 710, 538, 752 ], [ 541, 717, 576, 755 ], [ 580, 720, 606, 758 ], [ 609, 723, 662, 758 ], [ 665, 723, 716, 765 ], [ 720, 729, 747, 768 ], [ 749, 729, 808, 768 ], [ 811, 736, 841, 774 ], [ 844, 739, 868, 774 ], [ 871, 739, 909, 778 ], [ 45, 729, 95, 762 ], [ 99, 733, 105, 758 ], [ 109, 733, 165, 765 ], [ 169, 736, 214, 768 ], [ 217, 736, 309, 781 ], [ 314, 745, 370, 778 ], [ 374, 749, 395, 781 ], [ 398, 749, 438, 787 ], [ 442, 758, 468, 787 ], [ 473, 758, 505, 790 ], [ 510, 762, 537, 794 ], [ 541, 762, 581, 794 ], [ 585, 765, 612, 797 ], [ 615, 768, 656, 800 ], [ 661, 771, 688, 803 ], [ 692, 774, 709, 800 ], [ 712, 774, 758, 807 ], [ 761, 781, 768, 807 ], [ 771, 778, 824, 810 ], [ 828, 784, 874, 819 ], [ 879, 790, 936, 823 ], [ 44, 774, 66, 800 ], [ 72, 771, 96, 803 ], [ 100, 774, 153, 807 ], [ 158, 778, 197, 807 ], [ 201, 781, 223, 810 ], [ 226, 784, 240, 810 ], [ 245, 784, 269, 813 ], [ 273, 787, 280, 810 ], [ 285, 784, 317, 816 ], [ 321, 790, 328, 813 ], [ 333, 787, 357, 819 ], [ 363, 794, 375, 819 ], [ 380, 790, 429, 823 ], [ 434, 800, 447, 823 ], [ 452, 797, 465, 823 ], [ 468, 797, 493, 829 ], [ 496, 803, 507, 826 ], [ 512, 803, 530, 829 ], [ 533, 803, 591, 832 ], [ 598, 810, 625, 839 ], [ 629, 810, 669, 842 ], [ 674, 813, 720, 845 ], [ 725, 819, 741, 845 ], [ 747, 819, 796, 852 ], [ 801, 819, 820, 852 ], [ 822, 826, 853, 855 ], [ 861, 829, 915, 858 ], [ 41, 813, 83, 845 ], [ 87, 813, 158, 852 ], [ 163, 816, 202, 848 ], [ 206, 823, 228, 848 ], [ 235, 823, 321, 858 ], [ 326, 829, 365, 861 ], [ 369, 832, 422, 864 ], [ 426, 836, 487, 868 ], [ 492, 842, 566, 874 ], [ 570, 845, 628, 877 ], [ 635, 852, 682, 884 ], [ 688, 852, 779, 897 ], [ 779, 864, 833, 897 ], [ 838, 868, 871, 900 ], [ 876, 871, 915, 903 ], [ 922, 874, 944, 903 ], [ 39, 855, 82, 884 ], [ 84, 855, 159, 893 ], [ 164, 858, 203, 890 ], [ 207, 861, 268, 893 ], [ 272, 868, 278, 893 ], [ 282, 868, 339, 900 ], [ 343, 874, 387, 903 ], [ 392, 877, 397, 903 ], [ 402, 877, 438, 909 ], [ 441, 881, 463, 909 ], [ 467, 881, 555, 922 ], [ 560, 890, 585, 919 ], [ 590, 890, 644, 922 ], [ 649, 893, 688, 929 ], [ 693, 897, 737, 929 ], [ 741, 906, 802, 935 ], [ 807, 909, 836, 942 ], [ 842, 903, 869, 945 ], [ 38, 887, 141, 932 ], [ 138, 900, 164, 935 ], [ 169, 903, 203, 935 ], [ 207, 906, 213, 932 ], [ 218, 906, 290, 945 ], [ 295, 909, 339, 942 ], [ 343, 913, 377, 945 ], [ 381, 916, 412, 948 ], [ 417, 919, 465, 951 ], [ 468, 926, 487, 951 ], [ 490, 926, 537, 958 ], [ 542, 929, 581, 961 ], [ 585, 932, 635, 964 ], [ 640, 935, 699, 967 ], [ 704, 942, 759, 974 ], [ 764, 945, 788, 977 ], [ 793, 948, 819, 980 ], [ 823, 951, 847, 983 ], [ 852, 951, 905, 987 ], [ 910, 961, 958, 993 ], [ 34, 938, 80, 971 ], [ 84, 942, 90, 967 ], [ 95, 942, 146, 974 ], [ 149, 945, 196, 977 ], [ 200, 942, 246, 983 ], [ 247, 951, 287, 983 ], [ 289, 954, 314, 983 ], [ 319, 954, 368, 990 ], [ 373, 958, 392, 990 ], [ 29, 980, 88, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "0011110160607", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-8", "label_studio_id": 16634, "checked": true, "usda_table": true, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 37, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 63, 64, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "E", ", ", "crème ", "fraîche", ", ", "chocolat ", "en ", "0", ", ", "sirop ", "de ", "glucose", ", ", "sucre", ", ", "cao ", "maigre", ", ", "pâte ", "de ", "cacao", ", ", "mono- ", "et ", "diglycérides ", "d'acides ", "sants ", "(", "farine ", "de ", "graines ", "de ", "arôme ", "naturel", ". ", "Peut ", "contenir ", "œuf ", "et ", "de ", "gluten", ".\n", "À ", "conserver ", "à ", "-18", "°", "C", ".\n", "Lot ", "/ ", "A ", "consommer ", "de ", "préférence ", "avant ", "fin ", ": ", "voir ", "sur ", "le ", "côté", ".\n", "Important", ": ", "les ", "jeunes ", "enfants ", "(", "moins ", "de ", "4 ", "ans", ") ", "ont ", "des ", "capacités ", "de ", "mastication ", "limitées ", "et ", "peuvent ", "s'étouffer ", "avec ", "des ", "morceaux ", "de ", "petite ", "taille", ".\n", "VIIIVI\n", "nutritionnelle\n", "Énergie ", "487 ", "kJ ", "/ ", "116 ", "kcal\n", "5,3 ", "g\n", "3,2 ", "g\n", "Matières ", "grasses\n", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "Glucides\n", "dont ", "sucres\n", "TI ", "PVT ", "IUI ", "100 ", "ml\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "Protéines\n", "14,5 ", "g\n", "12,9 ", "g\n", "par ", "portion ", "Good ", "ruou", ", ", "good ", "Life\n", "Bien ", "Manger", ", ", "Bien ", "Vivre\n", "V ", "MI\n", "6", "%\n", "8", "%\n", "16", "%\n", "6", "%\n", "14", "%\n", "1,4g\n", "1,8 ", "g\n", "Sel\n", "0,10 ", "g\n", "*", "Apport ", "de ", "référence ", "pour ", "un ", "aduite", "-", "type ", "(", "8400 ", "kJ", "/", "2000 ", "kcal", ")", ". ", "Ce ", "produit ", "contient ", "8-9 ", "portions ", "(", "1 ", "portion ", "= ", "2 ", "boules", ")", ". ", "Portions ", "à ", "adapter ", "pour ", "les ", "enfants ", "selon ", "leur ", "âge", ".\n", "●\n", "4", "%\n", "2", "%\n", "NUTRITIONAL ", "COMPASSⓇ\n", "Reg", ". ", "Trademark ", "of ", "Société ", "des ", "Produits ", "Nestlé ", "S.A.\n", "Nestle ", "Ⓡ\n", "PENSEZ\n", "AU ", "TRI ", "!\n", "BARQUETTE\n", "堅\n", "ET ", "FILM\n", "PLASTIQUE ", "A ", "JETER\n", "850ml ", "e", "-", "440g\n", "Plus ", "d'informations ", "?\n", "0 ", "810 ", "63 ", "35 ", "45\n", "(", "Coût ", "d'un ", "appel ", "local ", "depuis ", "un ", "poste ", "fixe", ") ", "\n", "Service ", "Consommateurs ", "Nestlé ", "Grand ", "Froid ", "BP ", "900 ", "Noisiel ", "77446 ", "Marne", "-", "la", "-", "Vallée ", "Cedex ", "2\n", "CONCIONE\n", "VARIER ", "LC\n", "www.COM\n" ]
[ [ 589, 0, 615, 8 ], [ 589, 4, 615, 8 ], [ 589, 15, 615, 75 ], [ 589, 83, 616, 149 ], [ 590, 151, 615, 155 ], [ 590, 162, 616, 245 ], [ 590, 251, 616, 273 ], [ 553, 0, 583, 8 ], [ 553, 5, 583, 10 ], [ 553, 24, 583, 71 ], [ 553, 86, 583, 108 ], [ 553, 122, 583, 198 ], [ 553, 199, 583, 203 ], [ 553, 217, 583, 270 ], [ 553, 270, 583, 275 ], [ 520, 3, 547, 34 ], [ 520, 47, 548, 111 ], [ 520, 114, 548, 118 ], [ 520, 129, 548, 170 ], [ 520, 182, 548, 204 ], [ 521, 215, 548, 269 ], [ 521, 271, 548, 275 ], [ 486, 0, 515, 48 ], [ 487, 55, 515, 72 ], [ 487, 79, 518, 193 ], [ 490, 200, 519, 275 ], [ 457, 0, 485, 44 ], [ 457, 58, 485, 65 ], [ 457, 65, 485, 120 ], [ 458, 134, 486, 157 ], [ 458, 171, 486, 241 ], [ 459, 255, 487, 277 ], [ 428, 3, 451, 63 ], [ 429, 70, 451, 136 ], [ 430, 138, 451, 142 ], [ 430, 150, 452, 193 ], [ 430, 199, 453, 279 ], [ 394, 0, 421, 36 ], [ 393, 39, 420, 58 ], [ 393, 64, 419, 86 ], [ 391, 92, 419, 153 ], [ 391, 155, 417, 160 ], [ 354, 24, 377, 35 ], [ 354, 38, 377, 111 ], [ 354, 114, 377, 123 ], [ 354, 128, 377, 156 ], [ 354, 155, 377, 163 ], [ 354, 162, 377, 173 ], [ 354, 173, 377, 177 ], [ 326, 25, 349, 48 ], [ 326, 50, 349, 60 ], [ 327, 62, 350, 74 ], [ 327, 77, 351, 164 ], [ 329, 169, 351, 185 ], [ 329, 190, 353, 267 ], [ 305, 27, 324, 64 ], [ 305, 67, 324, 84 ], [ 306, 91, 324, 95 ], [ 305, 98, 324, 126 ], [ 306, 131, 325, 154 ], [ 306, 158, 325, 170 ], [ 306, 175, 325, 205 ], [ 307, 206, 325, 210 ], [ 271, 28, 293, 77 ], [ 272, 79, 293, 83 ], [ 272, 85, 294, 98 ], [ 273, 101, 295, 134 ], [ 274, 136, 296, 172 ], [ 275, 175, 296, 180 ], [ 275, 180, 297, 210 ], [ 276, 213, 297, 224 ], [ 276, 228, 297, 234 ], [ 276, 238, 298, 254 ], [ 277, 254, 298, 260 ], [ 244, 31, 268, 46 ], [ 245, 49, 269, 65 ], [ 245, 68, 269, 112 ], [ 246, 116, 270, 128 ], [ 246, 131, 271, 187 ], [ 247, 190, 272, 227 ], [ 248, 231, 272, 241 ], [ 248, 244, 272, 282 ], [ 223, 31, 246, 77 ], [ 224, 79, 246, 101 ], [ 224, 104, 247, 122 ], [ 225, 125, 247, 174 ], [ 225, 176, 248, 188 ], [ 226, 191, 248, 218 ], [ 226, 221, 249, 245 ], [ 226, 244, 248, 247 ], [ 643, 376, 657, 435 ], [ 618, 365, 640, 439 ], [ 575, 399, 603, 439 ], [ 575, 449, 603, 468 ], [ 575, 472, 603, 483 ], [ 575, 485, 603, 490 ], [ 575, 493, 603, 512 ], [ 575, 514, 603, 534 ], [ 541, 478, 564, 496 ], [ 541, 498, 563, 506 ], [ 514, 478, 537, 496 ], [ 513, 496, 535, 506 ], [ 542, 346, 567, 396 ], [ 538, 398, 562, 439 ], [ 515, 305, 539, 331 ], [ 514, 334, 538, 370 ], [ 514, 373, 538, 396 ], [ 513, 400, 537, 438 ], [ 484, 393, 504, 438 ], [ 456, 376, 476, 402 ], [ 454, 404, 475, 438 ], [ 638, 464, 653, 478 ], [ 637, 485, 652, 500 ], [ 635, 504, 650, 523 ], [ 617, 473, 635, 493 ], [ 617, 496, 635, 509 ], [ 421, 334, 440, 367 ], [ 422, 371, 441, 438 ], [ 388, 387, 408, 437 ], [ 481, 474, 505, 498 ], [ 479, 499, 501, 508 ], [ 455, 474, 478, 498 ], [ 455, 499, 476, 507 ], [ 611, 543, 628, 561 ], [ 610, 562, 632, 600 ], [ 619, 613, 644, 649 ], [ 633, 652, 647, 683 ], [ 633, 683, 641, 687 ], [ 627, 693, 648, 727 ], [ 614, 729, 641, 756 ], [ 613, 630, 629, 651 ], [ 619, 654, 633, 687 ], [ 620, 687, 626, 689 ], [ 617, 693, 634, 714 ], [ 608, 715, 627, 740 ], [ 641, 559, 646, 564 ], [ 641, 566, 646, 578 ], [ 579, 562, 596, 568 ], [ 579, 567, 596, 578 ], [ 546, 561, 562, 568 ], [ 546, 567, 562, 577 ], [ 520, 558, 536, 569 ], [ 520, 568, 536, 579 ], [ 488, 559, 503, 566 ], [ 487, 564, 503, 576 ], [ 460, 557, 478, 570 ], [ 460, 569, 478, 579 ], [ 420, 477, 442, 504 ], [ 388, 477, 411, 494 ], [ 387, 495, 409, 504 ], [ 356, 420, 375, 437 ], [ 354, 473, 375, 496 ], [ 354, 498, 375, 506 ], [ 309, 303, 332, 310 ], [ 309, 307, 334, 345 ], [ 312, 347, 335, 360 ], [ 313, 363, 338, 409 ], [ 316, 412, 340, 435 ], [ 318, 438, 341, 450 ], [ 318, 452, 343, 482 ], [ 320, 481, 343, 485 ], [ 320, 485, 344, 505 ], [ 322, 508, 344, 512 ], [ 322, 511, 346, 534 ], [ 324, 535, 346, 545 ], [ 324, 544, 347, 550 ], [ 325, 547, 348, 571 ], [ 326, 571, 350, 591 ], [ 327, 588, 350, 594 ], [ 327, 592, 350, 595 ], [ 289, 303, 311, 316 ], [ 290, 322, 313, 361 ], [ 292, 367, 316, 408 ], [ 295, 413, 318, 429 ], [ 297, 434, 321, 475 ], [ 300, 480, 321, 484 ], [ 300, 484, 321, 490 ], [ 300, 495, 324, 528 ], [ 303, 535, 325, 541 ], [ 304, 546, 325, 552 ], [ 304, 558, 328, 588 ], [ 306, 587, 328, 592 ], [ 307, 590, 328, 594 ], [ 266, 303, 292, 345 ], [ 270, 348, 292, 354 ], [ 270, 356, 295, 395 ], [ 273, 398, 297, 421 ], [ 275, 423, 298, 437 ], [ 275, 438, 300, 475 ], [ 278, 476, 302, 501 ], [ 280, 503, 304, 522 ], [ 281, 523, 305, 541 ], [ 283, 538, 305, 543 ], [ 433, 566, 437, 568 ], [ 396, 557, 412, 565 ], [ 396, 563, 412, 574 ], [ 364, 556, 379, 564 ], [ 364, 562, 379, 573 ], [ 245, 378, 265, 455 ], [ 251, 457, 271, 522 ], [ 222, 319, 241, 343 ], [ 224, 342, 241, 346 ], [ 225, 347, 246, 408 ], [ 230, 411, 247, 422 ], [ 231, 423, 250, 464 ], [ 234, 466, 252, 485 ], [ 235, 488, 256, 530 ], [ 239, 533, 258, 566 ], [ 242, 568, 260, 588 ], [ 491, 643, 518, 718 ], [ 491, 718, 516, 733 ], [ 631, 825, 643, 889 ], [ 610, 825, 628, 848 ], [ 609, 852, 627, 879 ], [ 609, 882, 627, 888 ], [ 574, 822, 589, 913 ], [ 542, 899, 590, 928 ], [ 562, 822, 575, 840 ], [ 561, 844, 574, 877 ], [ 545, 820, 561, 904 ], [ 534, 819, 546, 830 ], [ 533, 834, 546, 881 ], [ 467, 801, 513, 857 ], [ 466, 856, 510, 895 ], [ 465, 892, 508, 902 ], [ 462, 904, 507, 949 ], [ 419, 629, 441, 667 ], [ 416, 672, 441, 813 ], [ 416, 819, 437, 829 ], [ 388, 672, 406, 682 ], [ 388, 687, 406, 715 ], [ 387, 720, 405, 739 ], [ 387, 744, 405, 763 ], [ 387, 768, 405, 788 ], [ 364, 624, 383, 628 ], [ 364, 627, 383, 650 ], [ 364, 653, 383, 673 ], [ 363, 676, 383, 703 ], [ 363, 706, 382, 728 ], [ 362, 730, 382, 762 ], [ 362, 764, 381, 776 ], [ 361, 780, 381, 806 ], [ 361, 809, 380, 827 ], [ 361, 827, 380, 832 ], [ 338, 641, 361, 811 ], [ 311, 649, 329, 693 ], [ 309, 698, 329, 802 ], [ 288, 617, 307, 656 ], [ 288, 661, 306, 699 ], [ 288, 703, 306, 735 ], [ 288, 740, 306, 755 ], [ 288, 760, 306, 781 ], [ 287, 787, 306, 830 ], [ 266, 625, 283, 662 ], [ 266, 667, 283, 708 ], [ 266, 708, 283, 712 ], [ 266, 713, 283, 724 ], [ 265, 724, 283, 728 ], [ 265, 729, 283, 767 ], [ 265, 773, 283, 811 ], [ 265, 815, 282, 823 ], [ 636, 958, 644, 999 ], [ 618, 957, 633, 988 ], [ 618, 990, 631, 999 ], [ 599, 956, 613, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7613034519825", "image_id": "1", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-9", "label_studio_id": 16759, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 37, 0, 49, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Información ", "nutricional. ", "Valores ", "medios ", "por ", "100 ", "ml. ", "Nutritional ", "information. ", "Average ", "values ", "per ", "100 ", "ml. ", "Valor ", "Energético/ ", "Energy: ", "159 ", "kJ ", "(37 ", "kcal) ", "Grasas/ ", "Fat: ", "de ", "las ", "cuales/ ", "of ", "which: ", "Saturadas/ ", "Saturates: ", "0g ", "0g ", "Hidratos ", "de ", "Carbono/ ", "Carbohydrate: ", "de ", "los ", "les/ ", "of ", "which: ", "Az ", "7,8g ", "7,7g ", "Fibramenarna ", "0,5g ", "Proteínas/ ", "Protein: ", "0,7 ", "g ", "Sal/ ", "Salt: ", "0,03g ", "BIR ", "Vitamina ", "C/ ", "Vitamin ", "C: ", "12 ", "mg ", "(15% ", "VRN*/NRV\") ", "mexd ", "VRN*: ", "Valor ", "de ", "Referencia ", "de ", "Nutrientes. ", "NRV: ", "Nutrient ", "Reference ", "Value. " ]
[ [ 295, 179, 469, 209 ], [ 477, 185, 638, 209 ], [ 272, 207, 381, 230 ], [ 389, 206, 495, 233 ], [ 503, 215, 550, 235 ], [ 557, 212, 609, 232 ], [ 616, 213, 658, 232 ], [ 299, 234, 450, 256 ], [ 460, 234, 635, 259 ], [ 272, 259, 391, 285 ], [ 400, 260, 493, 286 ], [ 503, 266, 550, 288 ], [ 558, 263, 609, 283 ], [ 618, 264, 662, 284 ], [ 229, 297, 296, 320 ], [ 298, 295, 450, 329 ], [ 219, 324, 325, 352 ], [ 502, 330, 551, 351 ], [ 560, 330, 587, 350 ], [ 596, 330, 635, 355 ], [ 644, 330, 704, 356 ], [ 216, 371, 326, 398 ], [ 336, 375, 383, 395 ], [ 213, 403, 256, 430 ], [ 265, 405, 302, 425 ], [ 311, 403, 412, 426 ], [ 415, 405, 441, 426 ], [ 448, 403, 536, 431 ], [ 234, 435, 391, 457 ], [ 401, 432, 543, 459 ], [ 665, 377, 710, 404 ], [ 669, 437, 715, 465 ], [ 204, 482, 331, 512 ], [ 341, 486, 373, 507 ], [ 379, 482, 509, 512 ], [ 204, 514, 414, 547 ], [ 195, 548, 248, 579 ], [ 251, 548, 294, 579 ], [ 305, 548, 415, 579 ], [ 418, 548, 445, 579 ], [ 449, 548, 545, 579 ], [ 213, 583, 266, 614 ], [ 650, 516, 723, 548 ], [ 652, 584, 729, 620 ], [ 189, 637, 450, 673 ], [ 661, 638, 735, 675 ], [ 189, 693, 356, 727 ], [ 359, 694, 469, 726 ], [ 665, 696, 707, 725 ], [ 718, 695, 739, 727 ], [ 185, 755, 262, 788 ], [ 264, 754, 337, 788 ], [ 651, 755, 741, 787 ], [ 872, 749, 968, 810 ], [ 191, 818, 325, 846 ], [ 335, 817, 367, 845 ], [ 185, 856, 305, 887 ], [ 313, 856, 343, 886 ], [ 373, 857, 412, 885 ], [ 421, 861, 469, 890 ], [ 472, 851, 554, 891 ], [ 556, 850, 756, 890 ], [ 908, 826, 998, 884 ], [ 175, 915, 263, 945 ], [ 266, 915, 343, 945 ], [ 349, 915, 388, 944 ], [ 396, 912, 554, 944 ], [ 560, 912, 597, 940 ], [ 605, 910, 760, 945 ], [ 240, 950, 324, 980 ], [ 331, 950, 454, 981 ], [ 459, 947, 610, 979 ], [ 615, 945, 701, 976 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8410128179526", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-23", "label_studio_id": 17246, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Je ", "100 ", "g ", "enthalten ", "| ", "Par ", "100g ", "contiennent: ", "470 ", "kJ ", "(1II ", "kcal)\n", "Brennwert ", "Valeur ", "énergétique ", "Fett ", "| ", "Lipides ", "davon ", "gesättigte ", "Fettsäuren ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Kohlenhydrate ", "| ", "Glucides ", "davon ", "Zucker ", "dont ", "sucres\n", "2,5 ", "g ", "1,5 ", "g\n", "15,0 ", "g ", "14,0 ", "g ", "7,0 ", "g ", "0,08 ", "g\n", "Eiweiss ", "| ", "Protéines ", "Salz ", "| ", "Sel*\n", "bo ", "b0\n" ]
[ [ 29, 19, 97, 99 ], [ 99, 19, 178, 101 ], [ 183, 25, 211, 103 ], [ 213, 33, 418, 95 ], [ 432, 33, 460, 111 ], [ 461, 37, 533, 95 ], [ 555, 39, 654, 119 ], [ 670, 47, 937, 107 ], [ 597, 153, 676, 213 ], [ 690, 157, 727, 231 ], [ 748, 157, 824, 233 ], [ 847, 161, 947, 239 ], [ 35, 139, 284, 207 ], [ 27, 205, 188, 298 ], [ 189, 215, 466, 316 ], [ 35, 318, 129, 378 ], [ 139, 316, 150, 394 ], [ 167, 322, 325, 404 ], [ 54, 394, 183, 456 ], [ 199, 408, 419, 480 ], [ 438, 410, 671, 466 ], [ 52, 480, 158, 535 ], [ 172, 482, 307, 539 ], [ 321, 501, 413, 553 ], [ 429, 488, 587, 545 ], [ 54, 569, 359, 655 ], [ 374, 569, 405, 655 ], [ 409, 569, 598, 655 ], [ 51, 659, 183, 717 ], [ 200, 661, 363, 721 ], [ 402, 667, 510, 731 ], [ 519, 671, 657, 733 ], [ 836, 334, 903, 402 ], [ 912, 358, 939, 414 ], [ 844, 410, 905, 484 ], [ 912, 434, 940, 490 ], [ 824, 585, 906, 655 ], [ 917, 609, 939, 665 ], [ 810, 651, 905, 741 ], [ 909, 673, 953, 750 ], [ 818, 749, 903, 836 ], [ 860, 762, 948, 848 ], [ 808, 854, 900, 924 ], [ 909, 876, 936, 932 ], [ 34, 758, 194, 816 ], [ 211, 754, 234, 824 ], [ 239, 762, 451, 818 ], [ 32, 856, 132, 914 ], [ 143, 850, 169, 924 ], [ 174, 856, 251, 914 ], [ 912, 342, 940, 456 ], [ 914, 438, 937, 488 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7610900033652", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-18", "label_studio_id": 20277, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 63, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Contenido ", "neto:/Peso ", "líquido: ", "200ml ", "(237g) ", "bre, ", "azúcar ", "de ", "caña ", "Sanofin, ", "goma ", "guai, ", "oato ", "potásico. ", "ara ", "platos ", "de ", "carne ", "o ", "a ", "la ", "parrilla ", "o ", "como ", "salsa ", "o ", "pollo). ", "0, ", "conservar ", "refrigerado ", "y ", "Información ", "nutricional/ ", "Valores ", "nutricionais ", "médios ", "Valor ", "energético/Energia ", "666 ", "kJ/157 ", "kcal ", "Grasas/Lipidos ", "de ", "las ", "cuales, ", "saturadas/ ", "dos ", "quais ", "saturados ", "Hidratos ", "de ", "carbono/ ", "Hidratos ", "de ", "carbono ", "9/100 ", "ml ", "0,3 ", "g ", "0,0g ", "ROZ. ", "Ingredientes: ", "água, ", "cácido ", "citrico; ", "conservante: ", "molho ", "de ", "soja ", "(água, ", "amido ", "modificado ", "de ", "milho, ", "engibre, ", "pimenta-branca, ", "ope ", "de ", "caramelo ", "(açúcar ", "tes: ", "benzoato ", "de ", "sódio, ", "37,3g ", "de ", "los ", "cuales, ", "azúcares/ ", "dos ", "quais ", "açúcares ", "Proteínas/Proteínas ", "Sal/Sal ", "35,7g ", "1,1g ", "4,52g ", "nfecionados ", "no ", "wok ", "com ", "peixe, ", "grelhadas, ", "como ", "marinada ", "para ", "s ", "aperitivos, ", "tais ", "como ", "camarão ", "Depois ", "de ", "aberto, ", "conservar ", "na ", "Holanda. ", "Lidl ", "& ", "Cia., ", "Mouro, ", "18-Linhó, ", "10 ", "Sintra ", "2050 ", "2409 " ]
[ [ 331, 104, 461, 131 ], [ 470, 95, 615, 128 ], [ 624, 90, 720, 120 ], [ 341, 135, 569, 190 ], [ 600, 123, 848, 190 ], [ 47, 252, 117, 281 ], [ 116, 247, 192, 277 ], [ 201, 247, 231, 269 ], [ 236, 243, 294, 268 ], [ 57, 275, 171, 307 ], [ 172, 274, 236, 304 ], [ 242, 272, 300, 298 ], [ 5, 303, 95, 325 ], [ 102, 300, 205, 326 ], [ 1, 338, 41, 361 ], [ 43, 335, 112, 360 ], [ 120, 334, 147, 354 ], [ 155, 335, 220, 353 ], [ 227, 335, 241, 350 ], [ 3, 365, 17, 381 ], [ 23, 361, 53, 386 ], [ 48, 358, 152, 385 ], [ 153, 357, 161, 381 ], [ 160, 360, 222, 377 ], [ 230, 354, 290, 375 ], [ 8, 382, 31, 413 ], [ 23, 380, 95, 409 ], [ 1, 415, 26, 441 ], [ 27, 418, 138, 435 ], [ 148, 410, 270, 437 ], [ 277, 415, 289, 434 ], [ 346, 310, 493, 343 ], [ 495, 308, 635, 340 ], [ 347, 337, 439, 366 ], [ 449, 335, 583, 360 ], [ 593, 330, 679, 355 ], [ 346, 370, 414, 402 ], [ 414, 362, 652, 400 ], [ 653, 360, 715, 393 ], [ 719, 357, 808, 388 ], [ 814, 358, 863, 381 ], [ 352, 398, 536, 430 ], [ 355, 431, 392, 460 ], [ 403, 433, 434, 453 ], [ 441, 431, 521, 458 ], [ 529, 428, 658, 456 ], [ 356, 455, 408, 481 ], [ 416, 455, 476, 480 ], [ 485, 450, 598, 475 ], [ 360, 484, 461, 510 ], [ 471, 485, 496, 508 ], [ 508, 483, 612, 508 ], [ 372, 509, 463, 528 ], [ 473, 508, 499, 526 ], [ 509, 505, 603, 526 ], [ 738, 324, 831, 360 ], [ 831, 323, 864, 356 ], [ 790, 389, 847, 420 ], [ 848, 390, 862, 420 ], [ 801, 446, 859, 470 ], [ 1, 475, 51, 503 ], [ 53, 475, 196, 503 ], [ 206, 474, 265, 497 ], [ 1, 498, 72, 521 ], [ 81, 496, 156, 520 ], [ 162, 495, 305, 520 ], [ 7, 523, 75, 540 ], [ 85, 523, 110, 540 ], [ 118, 521, 161, 545 ], [ 171, 520, 237, 544 ], [ 5, 545, 83, 565 ], [ 92, 541, 211, 566 ], [ 220, 541, 246, 561 ], [ 255, 544, 321, 564 ], [ 0, 565, 86, 590 ], [ 95, 566, 271, 590 ], [ 0, 587, 40, 609 ], [ 47, 589, 73, 605 ], [ 82, 587, 182, 605 ], [ 190, 587, 270, 609 ], [ 0, 608, 43, 629 ], [ 51, 610, 148, 627 ], [ 157, 610, 181, 627 ], [ 190, 608, 252, 630 ], [ 784, 497, 858, 523 ], [ 365, 536, 405, 565 ], [ 406, 535, 441, 565 ], [ 449, 536, 529, 565 ], [ 535, 533, 648, 560 ], [ 366, 560, 415, 583 ], [ 424, 560, 483, 582 ], [ 493, 559, 593, 583 ], [ 367, 583, 599, 613 ], [ 381, 615, 461, 639 ], [ 783, 550, 853, 571 ], [ 801, 577, 852, 601 ], [ 782, 604, 861, 630 ], [ 0, 658, 127, 683 ], [ 136, 664, 161, 677 ], [ 167, 660, 210, 679 ], [ 217, 665, 262, 685 ], [ 267, 661, 334, 685 ], [ 1, 680, 113, 704 ], [ 118, 685, 176, 704 ], [ 183, 683, 284, 702 ], [ 294, 688, 341, 705 ], [ 15, 702, 32, 723 ], [ 35, 702, 135, 725 ], [ 137, 703, 176, 720 ], [ 183, 707, 240, 722 ], [ 247, 704, 344, 724 ], [ 0, 749, 65, 772 ], [ 71, 750, 98, 768 ], [ 105, 751, 178, 770 ], [ 185, 756, 291, 774 ], [ 0, 836, 30, 856 ], [ 25, 840, 117, 860 ], [ 122, 843, 160, 860 ], [ 166, 844, 182, 863 ], [ 187, 845, 235, 865 ], [ 0, 856, 78, 880 ], [ 80, 859, 188, 883 ], [ 0, 875, 37, 896 ], [ 35, 878, 97, 897 ], [ 366, 681, 435, 780 ], [ 375, 788, 443, 881 ] ]
{ "barcode": "20502409", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-7", "label_studio_id": 17676, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 68, 0, 35, 36, 7, 8, 0, 19, 20, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 49, 50, 63, 61, 62, 43, 44, 5, 6, 1, 2, 39, 40, 57, 58, 59, 60, 31, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Votre ", "pate ", "a\n", "% ", "AR* ", "par ", "portion ", "9 ", "% ", "16% ", "24 ", "% ", "6% ", "1%\n", "Valeurs ", "Nutritionnelles\n", "Pour ", "100 ", "g\n", "Pour ", "portion ", "de ", "46,5 ", "g\n", "Énergie ", "Matières ", "grasses ", "Dont ", "saturées ", "Glucides ", "Dont ", "sucres ", "Fibres ", "alimentaires ", "Protéines ", "Sel\n", "403 ", "kcal ", "/ ", "1679 ", "kJ ", "187 ", "kcal ", "/ ", "781 ", "kJ ", "24,4 ", "g ", "10,4 ", "g ", "35,7 ", "g ", "1,5g ", "2,0 ", "g ", "7,2g ", "1,08 ", "g\n", "11,3 ", "g ", "4,8 ", "g ", "16,6 ", "g ", "0,7 ", "g ", "0,9 ", "g ", "3,3 ", "g ", "0,50 ", "g\n", "7 ", "% ", "9 ", "%\n", "* ", "Apport ", "de ", "référence ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte-type ", "(8 ", "400 ", "kJ/2 ", "000 ", "kcal). ", "Ce ", "produit ", "contient ", "6 ", "portions. ", "Les ", "portions ", "devraient ", "être ", "adaptées ", "aux ", "enfants ", "selon ", "leur ", "âge.\n", "R ", "En ", "accord ", "gvec\n" ]
[ [ 328, 0, 410, 32 ], [ 418, 0, 485, 42 ], [ 493, 0, 509, 30 ], [ 896, 223, 916, 269 ], [ 911, 228, 960, 269 ], [ 845, 268, 894, 325 ], [ 906, 260, 991, 320 ], [ 887, 335, 903, 375 ], [ 912, 330, 932, 375 ], [ 871, 391, 934, 448 ], [ 859, 456, 901, 519 ], [ 901, 454, 931, 515 ], [ 870, 517, 917, 571 ], [ 863, 577, 913, 625 ], [ 108, 245, 202, 286 ], [ 68, 275, 250, 319 ], [ 436, 243, 492, 285 ], [ 436, 276, 479, 321 ], [ 486, 291, 504, 330 ], [ 624, 231, 683, 276 ], [ 691, 230, 788, 279 ], [ 643, 266, 677, 309 ], [ 691, 268, 745, 311 ], [ 750, 280, 772, 318 ], [ 115, 335, 215, 401 ], [ 74, 399, 178, 469 ], [ 178, 410, 272, 478 ], [ 94, 471, 155, 529 ], [ 156, 472, 261, 530 ], [ 128, 536, 238, 585 ], [ 122, 601, 180, 644 ], [ 185, 610, 258, 645 ], [ 86, 655, 157, 705 ], [ 158, 655, 301, 705 ], [ 149, 710, 254, 755 ], [ 186, 767, 224, 807 ], [ 347, 341, 402, 401 ], [ 404, 339, 460, 399 ], [ 464, 347, 474, 390 ], [ 483, 345, 537, 391 ], [ 543, 342, 571, 387 ], [ 603, 337, 642, 385 ], [ 650, 335, 697, 384 ], [ 705, 339, 717, 380 ], [ 726, 336, 764, 380 ], [ 774, 335, 803, 379 ], [ 423, 403, 481, 465 ], [ 483, 403, 499, 465 ], [ 425, 467, 482, 535 ], [ 481, 476, 500, 538 ], [ 424, 534, 483, 596 ], [ 484, 540, 500, 597 ], [ 438, 591, 502, 657 ], [ 434, 649, 482, 711 ], [ 480, 658, 498, 715 ], [ 438, 708, 502, 771 ], [ 437, 765, 485, 812 ], [ 492, 778, 503, 811 ], [ 658, 396, 711, 455 ], [ 718, 415, 736, 462 ], [ 655, 464, 705, 528 ], [ 704, 469, 723, 530 ], [ 656, 531, 709, 584 ], [ 710, 533, 724, 584 ], [ 657, 583, 699, 642 ], [ 680, 589, 720, 646 ], [ 657, 640, 699, 700 ], [ 697, 647, 716, 704 ], [ 645, 697, 693, 758 ], [ 693, 702, 710, 760 ], [ 644, 755, 695, 804 ], [ 703, 771, 714, 806 ], [ 857, 703, 869, 739 ], [ 877, 700, 899, 741 ], [ 843, 751, 865, 796 ], [ 870, 758, 891, 798 ], [ 61, 838, 77, 883 ], [ 78, 836, 136, 883 ], [ 142, 839, 162, 870 ], [ 170, 836, 256, 870 ], [ 264, 842, 305, 873 ], [ 313, 845, 334, 869 ], [ 342, 837, 444, 879 ], [ 453, 836, 468, 874 ], [ 475, 834, 506, 867 ], [ 513, 830, 552, 864 ], [ 560, 830, 590, 863 ], [ 598, 830, 644, 869 ], [ 653, 830, 675, 864 ], [ 682, 828, 751, 870 ], [ 758, 826, 837, 862 ], [ 843, 826, 855, 860 ], [ 860, 828, 944, 869 ], [ 65, 888, 96, 919 ], [ 103, 886, 179, 925 ], [ 186, 881, 272, 918 ], [ 278, 882, 312, 916 ], [ 319, 885, 400, 923 ], [ 406, 879, 437, 916 ], [ 445, 882, 511, 916 ], [ 517, 878, 563, 912 ], [ 571, 879, 605, 913 ], [ 612, 880, 648, 919 ], [ 845, 970, 860, 999 ], [ 862, 969, 887, 999 ], [ 884, 968, 945, 999 ], [ 951, 975, 993, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7613035882324", "image_id": "21", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-12", "label_studio_id": 16734, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 63, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "leparitare: ", "5-8°C. ", "A ", "se ", "consuma, ", "de ", "preferință, ", "în ", "48 ", "e ", "de ", "la ", "deschiderea ", "ambalajului. ", "Informații ", "utritionale ", "medii/100g ", "produs: ", "Valoare ", "erergetica: ", "752 ", "kl/180 ", "kcal; ", "Grăsimi: ", "12,1g ", "din ", "care ", "Acai ", "grași ", "saturați: ", "4g; ", "Glucide: ", "1,9g ", "din ", "care ", "5 ", "Zaharuri: ", "1,9g; ", "Proteine: ", "16g; ", "Sare: ", "1,5g. ", "Dstibuit ", "de: ", "CRISTIM ", "2 ", "PRODCOM ", "srl ", "OMANIA ", "Hil ", "Bicaresti ", "Noi, ", "nr.140, ", "sector ", "1, ", "București ", "L:021) ", "202.02.00; ", "Fax: ", "(021) ", "202.74.00 ", "malk ", "; ", " ", "ut ", "ver ", "dips ", "Expiră ", "la ", "data ", "de: ", "vezi ", "clips\n", "Cantitaten\n", "150\n", "95\n", "REEMENTA\n", "ISO ", "9001 ", "14001 ", "18001 ", "22000\n", "CRIS-TIM\n", "ww\n", "Companie ", "de ", "Fanle ", "Fondată ", "in ", "1992\n", "OBRĂJOR ", "PATE ", "PUI\n", "Uvoinici!\n", "Bun ", "pent ", "u\n", "GISTEM\n", "AL ", "CALITAT\n", "5,94126:\n" ]
[ [ 62, 9, 195, 48 ], [ 197, 9, 288, 48 ], [ 289, 9, 307, 48 ], [ 309, 9, 338, 48 ], [ 342, 9, 513, 48 ], [ 517, 18, 543, 37 ], [ 557, 9, 728, 48 ], [ 729, 10, 756, 42 ], [ 766, 17, 796, 44 ], [ 86, 44, 115, 83 ], [ 117, 44, 146, 83 ], [ 148, 44, 177, 84 ], [ 178, 44, 370, 84 ], [ 374, 45, 616, 86 ], [ 626, 50, 798, 86 ], [ 63, 82, 241, 122 ], [ 254, 82, 487, 123 ], [ 512, 83, 656, 124 ], [ 694, 84, 798, 119 ], [ 59, 121, 192, 162 ], [ 194, 122, 243, 162 ], [ 245, 122, 346, 162 ], [ 348, 123, 438, 163 ], [ 440, 123, 581, 163 ], [ 585, 123, 684, 163 ], [ 691, 137, 731, 152 ], [ 746, 135, 798, 155 ], [ 60, 160, 128, 199 ], [ 129, 160, 192, 200 ], [ 194, 160, 334, 199 ], [ 337, 160, 407, 199 ], [ 410, 160, 570, 199 ], [ 572, 160, 656, 199 ], [ 659, 160, 721, 199 ], [ 724, 160, 794, 199 ], [ 819, 160, 871, 199 ], [ 56, 195, 182, 237 ], [ 182, 197, 255, 238 ], [ 258, 197, 423, 240 ], [ 433, 203, 512, 240 ], [ 513, 200, 622, 242 ], [ 623, 201, 718, 243 ], [ 60, 253, 164, 289 ], [ 165, 253, 201, 289 ], [ 203, 253, 334, 289 ], [ 347, 253, 372, 289 ], [ 375, 253, 571, 289 ], [ 583, 253, 638, 289 ], [ 655, 253, 798, 289 ], [ 65, 289, 123, 327 ], [ 123, 289, 227, 328 ], [ 227, 291, 274, 328 ], [ 279, 293, 371, 330 ], [ 377, 299, 461, 327 ], [ 470, 299, 493, 331 ], [ 493, 295, 635, 334 ], [ 71, 324, 168, 363 ], [ 168, 325, 317, 366 ], [ 314, 328, 374, 365 ], [ 382, 334, 464, 369 ], [ 464, 330, 636, 370 ], [ 69, 361, 137, 400 ], [ 137, 362, 347, 404 ], [ 349, 366, 627, 410 ], [ 51, 397, 115, 443 ], [ 116, 404, 157, 448 ], [ 159, 408, 220, 453 ], [ 234, 414, 312, 458 ], [ 333, 418, 354, 459 ], [ 364, 417, 427, 460 ], [ 449, 418, 482, 460 ], [ 502, 418, 555, 460 ], [ 566, 419, 629, 461 ], [ 846, 214, 951, 249 ], [ 826, 258, 962, 343 ], [ 712, 277, 761, 298 ], [ 693, 327, 810, 370 ], [ 706, 362, 770, 386 ], [ 708, 387, 771, 406 ], [ 711, 402, 772, 421 ], [ 704, 417, 769, 439 ], [ 706, 434, 767, 454 ], [ 365, 501, 913, 588 ], [ 500, 580, 535, 587 ], [ 316, 604, 655, 690 ], [ 649, 597, 748, 663 ], [ 740, 582, 930, 656 ], [ 405, 680, 666, 747 ], [ 670, 690, 734, 722 ], [ 735, 666, 870, 714 ], [ 300, 652, 999, 922 ], [ 405, 878, 737, 999 ], [ 767, 825, 960, 943 ], [ 26, 541, 75, 774 ], [ 27, 218, 64, 336 ], [ 29, 50, 68, 145 ], [ 33, 0, 69, 5 ], [ 642, 389, 700, 444 ], [ 779, 350, 817, 377 ], [ 781, 357, 825, 433 ], [ 831, 0, 875, 178 ] ]
{ "barcode": "5941265026631", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-16", "label_studio_id": 19366, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 69, 0, 65, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 57, 0, 0, 39, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 0 ]
[ "Nutrition ", "Facts ", "BEST\n", "Whea\n", "12 ", "servings ", "per ", "container ", "Serving ", "size\n", "1 ", "packet ", "Expel\n", "(28g) ", "Oil, ", "Sa ", "Chees\n", "Amount ", "per ", "serving\n", "milk, ", "o\n", "Calories ", "140\n", "non-a\n", "Soda, ", "% ", "Daily ", "Value* ", "Nonfa ", "8% ", "Papril ", "4% ", "Phosp\n", "Total ", "Fat ", "6g ", "Saturated ", "Fat ", "1g ", "Trans ", "Fat ", "0g ", "Cholesterol ", "0mg ", "Sodium ", "200mg ", "Total ", "Carbohydrate ", "18g ", "Dietary ", "Fiber ", "1g ", "Total ", "Sugars ", "0g ", "Includes ", "Og ", "Added ", "Sugars ", "0% ", "Protein ", "3g\n", "Seed\n", "0% ", "Powde ", "9% ", "color),\n", "6%\n", "CONTA ", "4% ", "MAY ", "C\n", "INGRE\n", "MANUF ", "1610 ", "5TH\n", "Vitamin ", "D ", "0mcg\n", "0%\n" ]
[ [ 107, 109, 531, 168 ], [ 566, 113, 841, 175 ], [ 898, 138, 993, 165 ], [ 894, 178, 997, 207 ], [ 107, 191, 160, 234 ], [ 185, 186, 401, 234 ], [ 423, 194, 509, 226 ], [ 527, 184, 778, 229 ], [ 103, 226, 329, 271 ], [ 346, 223, 474, 261 ], [ 580, 229, 602, 258 ], [ 641, 220, 853, 270 ], [ 894, 218, 997, 254 ], [ 688, 261, 843, 315 ], [ 887, 255, 965, 306 ], [ 963, 252, 997, 299 ], [ 892, 303, 995, 329 ], [ 105, 359, 242, 375 ], [ 258, 361, 315, 379 ], [ 329, 356, 462, 377 ], [ 892, 344, 975, 375 ], [ 991, 351, 997, 369 ], [ 103, 373, 501, 452 ], [ 590, 366, 830, 441 ], [ 890, 390, 991, 411 ], [ 887, 425, 991, 457 ], [ 570, 465, 600, 484 ], [ 619, 465, 706, 488 ], [ 723, 465, 837, 485 ], [ 887, 465, 995, 494 ], [ 733, 491, 839, 534 ], [ 883, 500, 997, 543 ], [ 731, 539, 830, 577 ], [ 883, 546, 997, 581 ], [ 107, 501, 217, 527 ], [ 240, 502, 313, 527 ], [ 340, 502, 389, 533 ], [ 132, 543, 327, 574 ], [ 348, 546, 407, 569 ], [ 427, 547, 472, 577 ], [ 130, 588, 238, 614 ], [ 256, 590, 317, 614 ], [ 344, 590, 395, 622 ], [ 109, 629, 376, 658 ], [ 409, 633, 496, 661 ], [ 107, 672, 281, 702 ], [ 311, 674, 450, 704 ], [ 109, 709, 219, 741 ], [ 240, 713, 562, 750 ], [ 594, 719, 665, 748 ], [ 134, 758, 270, 789 ], [ 289, 760, 389, 784 ], [ 421, 761, 464, 790 ], [ 128, 799, 224, 827 ], [ 240, 797, 382, 835 ], [ 401, 802, 458, 838 ], [ 156, 841, 323, 866 ], [ 340, 844, 386, 872 ], [ 403, 844, 537, 869 ], [ 556, 844, 698, 876 ], [ 749, 848, 824, 873 ], [ 109, 882, 276, 911 ], [ 305, 886, 354, 915 ], [ 881, 588, 973, 616 ], [ 751, 629, 832, 662 ], [ 879, 625, 997, 656 ], [ 737, 668, 828, 706 ], [ 877, 665, 987, 702 ], [ 753, 719, 824, 742 ], [ 877, 732, 997, 758 ], [ 749, 760, 826, 789 ], [ 875, 765, 961, 802 ], [ 971, 771, 997, 805 ], [ 877, 812, 991, 837 ], [ 896, 904, 995, 924 ], [ 865, 933, 932, 953 ], [ 942, 933, 995, 953 ], [ 107, 949, 256, 978 ], [ 272, 953, 301, 978 ], [ 329, 954, 454, 991 ], [ 755, 957, 822, 984 ] ]
{ "barcode": "0013562303854", "image_id": "6", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-6", "label_studio_id": 17754, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 17, 0, 0, 0, 33, 55, 0, 0, 0, 37, 49, 63, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "NUTRITION ", "INFORMATION ", "TYPICAL ", "VALUES ", "PER ", "100g ", "233KJ ", "56kcal ", "2.1g ", "OF ", "WHICH ", "SATURATES ", "0.3g ", "7.3g ", "OF ", "WHICH ", "SUGARS ", "5.6g ", "0.7g ", "1.5g ", "0.79g ", "*REFERENCE ", "INTAKE ", "OF ", "AN ", "ENERGY ", "(KI) ", "ENERGY ", "(KCAL) ", "FAT ", "CARBOHYDRATE ", "FIBRE ", "PROTEIN ", "SALT ", "AVERAGE ", "ADULT ", "(8400K/ ", "GE ", "2000KCAL). ", "THIS ", "JAR ", "CONTAINS ", "1. ", "APPROXIMATELY ", "2 ", "PORTIONS. ", "Sluve ", "in ", "a ", "cool, ", "dry ", "place. ", "Once ", "opened ", "relngerate ", "and ", "use ", "within ", "3 ", "days. ", "Natural ", "separation ", "is ", "possible ", "so ", "shake ", "well ", "belore ", "Use ", "Best ", "Before ", "End. ", "See ", "the ", "neck ", "of ", "the ", "jal. ", "2. " ]
[ [ 131, 61, 435, 96 ], [ 463, 61, 858, 97 ], [ 127, 100, 364, 136 ], [ 381, 103, 599, 137 ], [ 622, 104, 736, 137 ], [ 761, 101, 898, 141 ], [ 711, 148, 851, 181 ], [ 711, 194, 872, 228 ], [ 709, 241, 818, 279 ], [ 137, 285, 198, 317 ], [ 213, 287, 377, 324 ], [ 400, 290, 685, 325 ], [ 709, 287, 816, 325 ], [ 708, 332, 816, 369 ], [ 141, 375, 200, 405 ], [ 217, 376, 379, 412 ], [ 400, 380, 604, 413 ], [ 709, 377, 811, 414 ], [ 704, 421, 811, 457 ], [ 708, 464, 811, 500 ], [ 702, 508, 837, 544 ], [ 133, 553, 410, 595 ], [ 429, 559, 578, 595 ], [ 593, 561, 646, 594 ], [ 662, 561, 719, 592 ], [ 137, 143, 337, 183 ], [ 354, 149, 444, 186 ], [ 137, 190, 335, 227 ], [ 356, 193, 524, 235 ], [ 137, 239, 217, 273 ], [ 135, 329, 541, 371 ], [ 137, 417, 284, 455 ], [ 139, 460, 351, 500 ], [ 137, 504, 251, 540 ], [ 129, 590, 322, 632 ], [ 333, 600, 469, 634 ], [ 473, 595, 669, 639 ], [ 950, 605, 998, 633 ], [ 131, 629, 375, 672 ], [ 389, 630, 486, 670 ], [ 492, 631, 576, 670 ], [ 593, 634, 803, 671 ], [ 931, 640, 998, 675 ], [ 131, 665, 473, 708 ], [ 490, 677, 513, 707 ], [ 530, 671, 755, 711 ], [ 101, 720, 208, 759 ], [ 208, 720, 253, 760 ], [ 253, 722, 280, 760 ], [ 280, 722, 383, 762 ], [ 383, 724, 444, 762 ], [ 444, 725, 559, 765 ], [ 562, 726, 662, 766 ], [ 666, 728, 807, 767 ], [ 120, 760, 299, 801 ], [ 312, 767, 381, 796 ], [ 395, 760, 461, 799 ], [ 471, 768, 580, 797 ], [ 595, 766, 614, 796 ], [ 627, 760, 719, 801 ], [ 734, 765, 862, 801 ], [ 120, 800, 307, 838 ], [ 318, 804, 351, 835 ], [ 358, 807, 509, 840 ], [ 522, 815, 561, 838 ], [ 574, 800, 681, 838 ], [ 692, 805, 759, 834 ], [ 776, 801, 895, 841 ], [ 124, 840, 187, 864 ], [ 202, 839, 280, 870 ], [ 291, 840, 406, 875 ], [ 417, 845, 494, 875 ], [ 511, 846, 574, 875 ], [ 583, 845, 641, 875 ], [ 656, 846, 736, 873 ], [ 748, 843, 778, 870 ], [ 791, 842, 843, 869 ], [ 847, 841, 919, 877 ], [ 944, 681, 979, 711 ] ]
{ "barcode": "5000354914843", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-9", "label_studio_id": 17227, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 7, 8, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 0, 0, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 44, 5, 6, 1, 2, 39, 0, 0, 57, 58, 59, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "% ", "AQR\" ", "Teneur ", "pour ", "% ", "AQR\" ", "p ", "tgotter ", "(25 ", "g7 ", "TABLEAU ", "D'ANALYSES ", "MOYENNES ", "Teneur ", "POur ", "100 ", "g ", "+ ", "gouter ", "(25 ", "g) ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "343 ", "kJ ", "82 ", "kcal ", "1374 ", "kJ ", "330 ", "kcal ", "16 ", "g ", "6,4 ", "g ", "48 ", "g ", "1,2 ", "g ", "27 ", "g ", "5,5 ", "g ", "6,5 ", "g ", "0,74 ", "g ", "4% ", "Energie ", "16% ", "6% ", "8% ", "4,0 ", "g ", "1,8 ", "g ", "12 ", "g ", "0,3g ", "6,8 ", "g ", "1,4 ", "g ", "1,6 ", "g ", "23% ", "32% ", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "Acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "5% ", "0% ", "18% ", "1% ", "Glucides ", "dont ", "Sucres ", "Polyols ", "Fibres ", "alimentaires ", "3% ", "13% ", "Protéines ", "3% ", "0,18 ", "g ", "12% ", "Sel ", "Quotidiens ", "de ", "Rélerence ", "p ", "0 ", "kcal " ]
[ [ 540, 91, 558, 126 ], [ 565, 92, 623, 130 ], [ 634, 85, 702, 139 ], [ 702, 84, 751, 137 ], [ 758, 89, 777, 125 ], [ 784, 84, 842, 135 ], [ 853, 81, 865, 127 ], [ 648, 139, 735, 194 ], [ 672, 183, 702, 233 ], [ 708, 186, 728, 232 ], [ 115, 59, 250, 114 ], [ 108, 114, 296, 169 ], [ 104, 171, 277, 220 ], [ 424, 84, 495, 130 ], [ 435, 141, 486, 176 ], [ 435, 175, 473, 222 ], [ 476, 191, 492, 231 ], [ 794, 130, 812, 183 ], [ 812, 129, 869, 183 ], [ 805, 175, 837, 224 ], [ 841, 178, 861, 224 ], [ 559, 145, 616, 181 ], [ 559, 179, 596, 226 ], [ 599, 197, 613, 235 ], [ 665, 267, 708, 307 ], [ 716, 265, 742, 303 ], [ 660, 316, 688, 354 ], [ 697, 312, 744, 353 ], [ 420, 259, 478, 302 ], [ 487, 267, 514, 304 ], [ 406, 307, 458, 357 ], [ 467, 312, 514, 351 ], [ 462, 378, 493, 426 ], [ 498, 391, 516, 434 ], [ 453, 431, 491, 480 ], [ 498, 442, 522, 491 ], [ 460, 501, 493, 550 ], [ 497, 513, 516, 559 ], [ 453, 554, 493, 613 ], [ 498, 567, 515, 612 ], [ 458, 602, 491, 656 ], [ 496, 607, 522, 670 ], [ 439, 680, 493, 748 ], [ 494, 683, 517, 749 ], [ 433, 757, 487, 826 ], [ 474, 763, 522, 828 ], [ 430, 844, 486, 897 ], [ 497, 854, 512, 902 ], [ 814, 286, 854, 325 ], [ 102, 274, 193, 330 ], [ 559, 296, 611, 336 ], [ 819, 376, 858, 415 ], [ 821, 424, 862, 466 ], [ 687, 382, 724, 437 ], [ 731, 390, 747, 431 ], [ 675, 427, 727, 486 ], [ 733, 431, 749, 487 ], [ 699, 497, 730, 545 ], [ 735, 509, 753, 553 ], [ 691, 548, 755, 610 ], [ 686, 600, 729, 663 ], [ 737, 599, 759, 662 ], [ 679, 671, 739, 740 ], [ 740, 675, 764, 742 ], [ 701, 755, 740, 810 ], [ 747, 767, 765, 814 ], [ 559, 388, 613, 426 ], [ 560, 436, 614, 475 ], [ 98, 371, 202, 418 ], [ 210, 383, 310, 426 ], [ 319, 379, 376, 419 ], [ 116, 425, 200, 470 ], [ 209, 425, 264, 479 ], [ 274, 429, 367, 471 ], [ 824, 497, 866, 540 ], [ 826, 549, 869, 593 ], [ 562, 506, 615, 547 ], [ 570, 558, 608, 598 ], [ 90, 503, 198, 545 ], [ 207, 504, 265, 544 ], [ 110, 556, 196, 603 ], [ 106, 608, 208, 674 ], [ 75, 689, 155, 735 ], [ 164, 692, 322, 735 ], [ 840, 756, 882, 800 ], [ 564, 759, 620, 804 ], [ 68, 767, 193, 816 ], [ 845, 836, 887, 882 ], [ 687, 836, 744, 892 ], [ 752, 849, 769, 897 ], [ 564, 842, 622, 886 ], [ 59, 848, 103, 899 ], [ 958, 292, 997, 501 ], [ 951, 241, 983, 296 ], [ 937, 48, 979, 237 ], [ 941, 17, 959, 40 ], [ 972, 127, 999, 154 ], [ 965, 35, 997, 122 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3175681248427", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-7", "label_studio_id": 17531, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 64, 61, 62 ]
[ "VALEURS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES ", "MOYENNES\n", "Énergie ", "pour ", "100g\n", "Matières ", "grasses\n", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "Glucide\n", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Protéines\n", "Sel\n", "513 ", "kJ", "/ ", "122 ", "kcal\n", "3,6 ", "g ", "2,4 ", "g\n", "18,6 ", "g\n", "15 ", "g\n", "3,7 ", "g\n", "0,1 ", "g\n" ]
[ [ 47, 76, 254, 163 ], [ 269, 67, 697, 158 ], [ 710, 62, 971, 150 ], [ 72, 252, 245, 321 ], [ 258, 255, 356, 322 ], [ 366, 256, 470, 323 ], [ 80, 371, 273, 427 ], [ 285, 378, 460, 434 ], [ 85, 441, 181, 497 ], [ 197, 440, 337, 497 ], [ 352, 439, 447, 496 ], [ 463, 439, 628, 495 ], [ 90, 550, 253, 594 ], [ 95, 616, 194, 660 ], [ 204, 619, 347, 663 ], [ 101, 718, 298, 765 ], [ 106, 822, 172, 866 ], [ 609, 255, 689, 305 ], [ 702, 255, 756, 304 ], [ 753, 254, 775, 302 ], [ 782, 252, 865, 302 ], [ 878, 251, 971, 300 ], [ 840, 366, 922, 425 ], [ 933, 371, 974, 427 ], [ 838, 431, 932, 499 ], [ 931, 438, 973, 502 ], [ 806, 546, 920, 605 ], [ 932, 552, 969, 608 ], [ 855, 614, 923, 669 ], [ 932, 618, 967, 672 ], [ 837, 724, 922, 783 ], [ 926, 728, 967, 786 ], [ 836, 830, 915, 887 ], [ 928, 836, 965, 890 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3701052300137", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-4", "label_studio_id": 18000, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 19, 20, 7, 8, 43, 44, 5, 55, 56, 37, 49, 50, 63, 61, 62, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 39, 0, 57, 58, 59, 60, 31, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Nestle", ".\n", "VALEURS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES\n", "Energie\n", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "saturées\n", "Glucides\n", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Pour ", "100g\n", "Fibres\n", "Protéines\n", "Sel\n", "2254 ", "kJ\n", "542 ", "kcal\n", "35 ", "g\n", "17 ", "g\n", "Par ", "portion ", "19,5g ", "12 ", "carrés\n", "440 ", "kJ\n", "106 ", "kcal\n", "6,8 ", "g\n", "3,39\n", "45 ", "g\n", "429\n", "8,7 ", "g\n", "7,79\n", "<", "0,01 ", "g\n", "AR", ": ", "Apport ", "de ", "référence ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte", "-", "type ", "(", "8400 ", "kJ", "/", "2000 ", "kcal", ")", ".\n", "8,99\n", "8,19\n", "2x\n", "1,7 ", "g\n", "1,5 ", "g\n", "<", "0,01 ", "g\n", "% ", "AR", "* ", "par ", "portion\n", "5", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "17", "%\n", "3", "%\n", "9", "%\n", "3", "%\n", "0", "%\n", "Les ", "portions ", "doivent ", "être ", "adaptées ", "à ", "l'âge ", "de ", "l'enfant", ". ", "Cet ", "emballage ", "contient ", "10 ", "portions", ".\n" ]
[ [ 103, 145, 388, 204 ], [ 399, 153, 422, 205 ], [ 85, 266, 253, 293 ], [ 0, 298, 346, 341 ], [ 100, 378, 239, 412 ], [ 13, 449, 174, 486 ], [ 180, 453, 325, 489 ], [ 45, 493, 126, 517 ], [ 136, 493, 292, 517 ], [ 90, 547, 246, 572 ], [ 62, 585, 146, 613 ], [ 153, 587, 275, 616 ], [ 405, 269, 498, 303 ], [ 405, 305, 500, 343 ], [ 109, 643, 228, 667 ], [ 78, 697, 255, 723 ], [ 135, 755, 194, 780 ], [ 377, 364, 469, 388 ], [ 478, 364, 523, 387 ], [ 370, 400, 441, 426 ], [ 451, 400, 530, 427 ], [ 409, 454, 463, 486 ], [ 461, 456, 495, 487 ], [ 409, 491, 464, 523 ], [ 462, 493, 495, 524 ], [ 555, 272, 622, 305 ], [ 632, 272, 766, 306 ], [ 551, 307, 629, 346 ], [ 631, 308, 665, 347 ], [ 671, 309, 760, 347 ], [ 601, 364, 667, 391 ], [ 679, 366, 721, 391 ], [ 584, 400, 649, 427 ], [ 662, 401, 737, 428 ], [ 617, 454, 676, 488 ], [ 680, 458, 711, 489 ], [ 615, 492, 711, 527 ], [ 409, 547, 461, 577 ], [ 464, 549, 496, 577 ], [ 408, 583, 498, 619 ], [ 400, 640, 467, 671 ], [ 467, 640, 503, 670 ], [ 399, 692, 500, 727 ], [ 378, 750, 396, 781 ], [ 402, 750, 484, 781 ], [ 493, 750, 521, 781 ], [ 76, 809, 130, 844 ], [ 142, 810, 154, 843 ], [ 160, 808, 296, 843 ], [ 303, 807, 352, 841 ], [ 362, 805, 545, 841 ], [ 557, 805, 642, 839 ], [ 654, 804, 696, 838 ], [ 708, 802, 825, 838 ], [ 824, 803, 840, 836 ], [ 840, 802, 919, 836 ], [ 297, 842, 315, 871 ], [ 313, 840, 405, 871 ], [ 414, 839, 461, 869 ], [ 459, 839, 479, 868 ], [ 475, 837, 567, 868 ], [ 574, 836, 654, 866 ], [ 654, 836, 670, 865 ], [ 666, 836, 679, 865 ], [ 612, 544, 710, 582 ], [ 616, 584, 715, 618 ], [ 782, 0, 866, 41 ], [ 615, 640, 679, 672 ], [ 679, 640, 713, 671 ], [ 615, 694, 677, 724 ], [ 680, 695, 714, 725 ], [ 593, 749, 611, 780 ], [ 619, 749, 695, 780 ], [ 707, 749, 733, 780 ], [ 820, 275, 857, 308 ], [ 860, 276, 912, 308 ], [ 913, 277, 930, 308 ], [ 788, 311, 841, 349 ], [ 851, 312, 963, 350 ], [ 838, 381, 873, 408 ], [ 869, 381, 920, 408 ], [ 832, 453, 885, 482 ], [ 886, 455, 932, 483 ], [ 832, 491, 885, 518 ], [ 889, 492, 931, 519 ], [ 844, 544, 876, 570 ], [ 875, 544, 920, 572 ], [ 845, 580, 878, 609 ], [ 875, 581, 918, 611 ], [ 847, 690, 879, 717 ], [ 878, 691, 922, 718 ], [ 846, 744, 885, 772 ], [ 879, 745, 926, 775 ], [ 0, 883, 47, 918 ], [ 58, 879, 215, 916 ], [ 229, 877, 371, 913 ], [ 379, 875, 457, 911 ], [ 469, 872, 636, 910 ], [ 646, 872, 670, 906 ], [ 677, 870, 770, 906 ], [ 777, 869, 821, 904 ], [ 831, 866, 972, 903 ], [ 969, 866, 979, 900 ], [ 154, 914, 219, 949 ], [ 226, 911, 428, 948 ], [ 437, 909, 590, 944 ], [ 603, 908, 643, 942 ], [ 656, 905, 809, 941 ], [ 808, 906, 822, 939 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7613036032223", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-2", "label_studio_id": 16840, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 19, 20, 7, 8, 43, 44, 5, 6, 1, 2, 39, 40, 57, 58, 59, 60, 31, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "Gemiddelde ", "voedingswaarden ", "Durchschnittliche ", "Nährwerte\n", "Energie", "/", "Energie", "/", "Energie\n", "atières ", "grasses", "/", "Vetten", "/", "fett ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "waarvan ", "verzadigde ", "vetzuren ", "davon ", "gesättigte ", "Fettsäuren\n", "Glucides", "/", "Koolhydraten", "/", "Kohlenhydrate ", "dont ", "sucres", "/", "waarvan ", "suikers", "/", "davon ", "Zucker\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires", "/", "Vezels", "/", "Ballaststoffe\n", "Protéines", "/", "Eiwitten", "/", "Eiweiß\n", "Sel", "/", "Zout", "/", "Salz\n", "pour\n", "per", "/", "pro ", "100 ", "g\n", "1848 ", "kJ\n", "442 ", "kcal\n", "22 ", "g\n", "2.6 ", "g\n", "57 ", "g\n", "31 ", "g\n", "1.2 ", "g\n", "5.3 ", "g\n", "0.58 ", "g\n", "2 ", "Madeleines\n", "(", "30 ", "g", ")\n", "554 ", "kJ\n", "132 ", "kcal\n", "6.6 ", "g\n", "0.8 ", "g\n", "17 ", "g\n", "9.3 ", "g\n", "0.4 ", "g\n", "1.6 ", "g\n", "0.17 ", "g\n", "% ", "des ", "AR", "*\n", "% ", "RI", "*\n", "% ", "RDA", "*\n", "7", "%\n", "9", "%\n", "4", "%\n", "7", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "3", "%\n", "3", "%\n" ]
[ [ 901, 42, 948, 110 ], [ 897, 117, 945, 258 ], [ 894, 265, 940, 368 ], [ 845, 41, 891, 155 ], [ 844, 161, 891, 335 ], [ 797, 41, 837, 210 ], [ 798, 217, 838, 325 ], [ 699, 43, 744, 111 ], [ 699, 110, 744, 121 ], [ 699, 122, 744, 195 ], [ 699, 196, 744, 207 ], [ 699, 208, 745, 283 ], [ 595, 69, 641, 123 ], [ 598, 130, 645, 204 ], [ 600, 205, 644, 218 ], [ 600, 215, 648, 279 ], [ 603, 282, 646, 295 ], [ 603, 290, 649, 325 ], [ 549, 45, 591, 90 ], [ 549, 95, 591, 151 ], [ 549, 158, 591, 201 ], [ 549, 208, 591, 283 ], [ 493, 44, 538, 123 ], [ 495, 129, 539, 235 ], [ 496, 241, 541, 328 ], [ 441, 45, 489, 102 ], [ 442, 110, 491, 200 ], [ 445, 208, 495, 311 ], [ 378, 45, 419, 127 ], [ 378, 126, 419, 137 ], [ 378, 136, 419, 267 ], [ 378, 270, 419, 280 ], [ 378, 281, 419, 421 ], [ 326, 47, 369, 91 ], [ 326, 99, 370, 156 ], [ 327, 156, 369, 167 ], [ 327, 166, 370, 251 ], [ 328, 260, 373, 328 ], [ 330, 330, 372, 340 ], [ 330, 341, 374, 400 ], [ 330, 405, 374, 476 ], [ 261, 47, 299, 107 ], [ 261, 114, 299, 226 ], [ 261, 228, 299, 240 ], [ 261, 238, 299, 298 ], [ 261, 300, 299, 310 ], [ 261, 310, 299, 430 ], [ 186, 49, 228, 137 ], [ 189, 138, 228, 148 ], [ 188, 148, 230, 221 ], [ 190, 224, 230, 235 ], [ 190, 235, 231, 299 ], [ 121, 49, 158, 80 ], [ 121, 80, 158, 91 ], [ 121, 88, 159, 134 ], [ 121, 132, 158, 142 ], [ 123, 140, 159, 176 ], [ 893, 521, 926, 570 ], [ 841, 504, 887, 538 ], [ 841, 537, 886, 549 ], [ 841, 547, 889, 582 ], [ 791, 513, 837, 555 ], [ 788, 558, 828, 577 ], [ 722, 506, 767, 558 ], [ 722, 563, 763, 583 ], [ 677, 501, 713, 538 ], [ 677, 545, 714, 585 ], [ 599, 518, 644, 551 ], [ 595, 548, 637, 571 ], [ 493, 514, 543, 552 ], [ 489, 550, 534, 574 ], [ 376, 520, 419, 548 ], [ 376, 549, 416, 568 ], [ 323, 517, 368, 548 ], [ 319, 548, 359, 569 ], [ 253, 515, 296, 550 ], [ 251, 551, 293, 571 ], [ 179, 514, 225, 550 ], [ 178, 553, 223, 572 ], [ 115, 509, 159, 555 ], [ 112, 560, 151, 576 ], [ 899, 683, 930, 696 ], [ 844, 642, 882, 744 ], [ 792, 663, 833, 673 ], [ 791, 669, 832, 693 ], [ 791, 699, 832, 714 ], [ 791, 709, 832, 719 ], [ 718, 660, 764, 699 ], [ 715, 700, 760, 721 ], [ 676, 652, 710, 685 ], [ 676, 690, 709, 730 ], [ 598, 665, 640, 698 ], [ 595, 701, 637, 719 ], [ 495, 663, 545, 701 ], [ 492, 700, 537, 721 ], [ 374, 669, 423, 699 ], [ 372, 696, 419, 718 ], [ 326, 665, 372, 700 ], [ 322, 701, 362, 721 ], [ 257, 665, 300, 700 ], [ 253, 702, 294, 720 ], [ 186, 668, 225, 697 ], [ 186, 701, 224, 719 ], [ 117, 664, 156, 702 ], [ 119, 705, 156, 723 ], [ 902, 796, 935, 815 ], [ 902, 824, 935, 858 ], [ 902, 865, 935, 892 ], [ 902, 893, 935, 903 ], [ 851, 820, 887, 843 ], [ 852, 848, 889, 868 ], [ 853, 867, 890, 879 ], [ 792, 810, 833, 832 ], [ 795, 835, 838, 880 ], [ 801, 878, 840, 891 ], [ 707, 832, 738, 845 ], [ 707, 847, 738, 866 ], [ 608, 830, 641, 845 ], [ 608, 848, 641, 865 ], [ 506, 830, 537, 846 ], [ 506, 849, 537, 868 ], [ 387, 832, 416, 847 ], [ 387, 848, 416, 868 ], [ 334, 826, 365, 850 ], [ 334, 855, 365, 875 ], [ 192, 831, 225, 847 ], [ 192, 850, 225, 870 ], [ 121, 831, 154, 845 ], [ 121, 849, 154, 870 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3178530419740", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-15", "label_studio_id": 17137, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 0, 37, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 19, 20, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 40, 0, 0, 59, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "22235 ", "Nutrition ", "Valeurs ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "/ ", "Voeding ", "Gemiddelde ", "waarden ", "per ", "100 ", "ml: ", "Energie ", "103 ", "kJ ", "(24 ", "kcal) ", "Glucides/Koolhydraten ", "5,8 ", "g ", "(dont ", "sucres/waarvan ", "suikers ", "3,1 ", "g) ", "- ", "Protéines ", "/ ", "Eiwitten ", "<0,5 ", "g. ", "Valeurs ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "/ ", "Gemiddelde ", "E2AF08/B ", "waarden ", "per ", "1 ", "boîte ", "/1 ", "blik ", "(330 ", "ml): ", "Energie ", "339 ", "kJ ", "(80 ", "kcal) ", "- ", "Glucides ", "/ ", "Koolhydraten ", "19 ", "g ", "(dont ", "sucres/ ", "arvan ", "suikers ", "10 ", "g) ", "- ", "Protéines/Eiwitten ", "0,8 ", "g. ", "Quantités ", "négligeables ", "de ", "matières ", "grasses, ", "d'acides ", "gras ", "saturés, ", "de ", "protéines ", "et ", "de ", "sel. ", "/ ", "Verwaarloosbare ", "hoeveelheid ", "vetten, ", "verzadigde ", "vetzuren, ", "eiwitten ", "en ", "zout. ", "Variez, ", "équilibrez, ", "bougez!/Varieer, ", "eet ", "evenwichtig ", "en ", "beweeg! ", "Interdis ", "- ", "TSA ", "91431 ", "-91343 ", "MASSY ", "Cedex ", "- ", "France. ", "Fabriqué ", "par/Geproduceerd ", "door ", "H.West ", "BV ", "NL ", "- ", "3600 ", "BP ", "Maarssen ", "pour ", "Voor ", "Interdis. ", "O ", "N°Cristal ", "09 ", "69 ", "39 ", "7000 ", "F ", "APPEL ", "NON ", "SURTAXE ", "B ", "Tél: ", "0800/9.10.11 ", "3 ", "560071\" ", "1894407523 ", "ARON ", "VRIJ ", "330le " ]
[ [ 91, 110, 154, 137 ], [ 246, 133, 312, 171 ], [ 331, 137, 388, 173 ], [ 393, 146, 466, 177 ], [ 473, 150, 505, 178 ], [ 511, 144, 518, 178 ], [ 519, 144, 575, 180 ], [ 595, 149, 677, 185 ], [ 682, 152, 742, 187 ], [ 747, 160, 769, 188 ], [ 776, 155, 800, 181 ], [ 806, 157, 826, 183 ], [ 247, 167, 301, 206 ], [ 311, 170, 336, 207 ], [ 344, 172, 357, 208 ], [ 363, 171, 387, 208 ], [ 393, 173, 432, 210 ], [ 439, 174, 618, 218 ], [ 626, 183, 646, 216 ], [ 655, 192, 662, 219 ], [ 670, 185, 705, 217 ], [ 713, 185, 829, 226 ], [ 247, 202, 300, 236 ], [ 305, 205, 328, 243 ], [ 333, 207, 347, 244 ], [ 354, 224, 360, 229 ], [ 361, 206, 429, 247 ], [ 436, 209, 444, 247 ], [ 449, 211, 504, 250 ], [ 514, 212, 542, 251 ], [ 551, 223, 562, 251 ], [ 568, 214, 622, 253 ], [ 627, 216, 698, 257 ], [ 703, 226, 735, 258 ], [ 740, 221, 746, 258 ], [ 751, 221, 832, 262 ], [ 102, 157, 192, 196 ], [ 56, 237, 121, 269 ], [ 128, 245, 153, 276 ], [ 160, 240, 165, 269 ], [ 174, 239, 212, 271 ], [ 217, 240, 236, 271 ], [ 245, 241, 272, 272 ], [ 273, 238, 311, 283 ], [ 319, 239, 350, 283 ], [ 354, 244, 407, 285 ], [ 412, 246, 438, 278 ], [ 444, 248, 456, 280 ], [ 463, 248, 485, 283 ], [ 491, 250, 523, 289 ], [ 530, 246, 535, 272 ], [ 536, 246, 599, 291 ], [ 599, 248, 613, 291 ], [ 614, 248, 701, 294 ], [ 705, 251, 722, 285 ], [ 730, 264, 736, 294 ], [ 743, 257, 777, 296 ], [ 783, 260, 836, 298 ], [ 451, 283, 490, 320 ], [ 494, 283, 544, 321 ], [ 547, 285, 563, 326 ], [ 568, 285, 581, 327 ], [ 587, 307, 592, 312 ], [ 596, 285, 725, 324 ], [ 730, 289, 751, 330 ], [ 756, 303, 767, 330 ], [ 772, 294, 835, 327 ], [ 424, 324, 518, 369 ], [ 522, 326, 539, 369 ], [ 543, 325, 603, 371 ], [ 608, 336, 664, 372 ], [ 669, 330, 725, 373 ], [ 730, 328, 762, 373 ], [ 764, 332, 817, 375 ], [ 822, 333, 837, 364 ], [ 419, 361, 493, 405 ], [ 500, 366, 514, 399 ], [ 521, 366, 537, 400 ], [ 544, 367, 567, 400 ], [ 574, 364, 584, 407 ], [ 587, 364, 699, 401 ], [ 707, 366, 784, 410 ], [ 793, 367, 836, 407 ], [ 424, 403, 504, 449 ], [ 512, 407, 574, 449 ], [ 583, 407, 636, 450 ], [ 642, 416, 659, 450 ], [ 664, 409, 699, 451 ], [ 708, 408, 756, 451 ], [ 762, 407, 837, 452 ], [ 423, 442, 563, 487 ], [ 569, 444, 591, 479 ], [ 596, 447, 680, 487 ], [ 686, 456, 701, 479 ], [ 707, 448, 765, 486 ], [ 420, 488, 481, 531 ], [ 486, 510, 492, 516 ], [ 497, 492, 523, 525 ], [ 528, 492, 570, 525 ], [ 576, 492, 629, 525 ], [ 635, 493, 682, 525 ], [ 687, 493, 726, 525 ], [ 731, 511, 736, 516 ], [ 742, 494, 789, 525 ], [ 428, 531, 489, 575 ], [ 496, 529, 628, 575 ], [ 634, 531, 663, 562 ], [ 669, 531, 714, 563 ], [ 720, 532, 739, 562 ], [ 744, 532, 760, 562 ], [ 766, 550, 771, 554 ], [ 777, 531, 810, 563 ], [ 817, 533, 834, 562 ], [ 425, 567, 494, 607 ], [ 507, 572, 540, 610 ], [ 427, 614, 456, 639 ], [ 461, 605, 516, 640 ], [ 629, 606, 639, 632 ], [ 637, 608, 701, 628 ], [ 714, 606, 731, 632 ], [ 738, 606, 755, 632 ], [ 760, 606, 777, 632 ], [ 787, 606, 816, 632 ], [ 584, 608, 592, 630 ], [ 671, 644, 714, 658 ], [ 721, 644, 747, 658 ], [ 754, 643, 814, 658 ], [ 576, 671, 603, 702 ], [ 608, 673, 630, 699 ], [ 636, 671, 724, 699 ], [ 61, 679, 86, 727 ], [ 95, 671, 259, 727 ], [ 260, 668, 463, 725 ], [ 216, 851, 249, 924 ], [ 215, 0, 242, 55 ], [ 98, 804, 166, 964 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3560071189419", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-8", "label_studio_id": 17050, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 33, 17, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 37, 38, 0, 63, 64, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Des ", "ingrédients ", "sains ", "qui ", "font ", "du ", "bien ", "aux ", "citadins ", "!\n", "Tomate ", "(61%), ", "concombre ", "(21%), ", "poivron ", "(12%), ", "huile ", "d'olive ", "extra ", "vierge, ", "oignon, ", "sel ", "ail, ", "vinaigre, ", "jus ", "de ", "citron ", "concentré, ", "poivre\n", "À ", "consommer ", "de ", "préférence ", "avantle: ", "voir ", "bouchon. ", "Se ", "conserve ", "3 ", "jours ", "au ", "réfrigérateur ", "après ", "ouverture.\n", "Valeur ", "nutritive\n", "moyenne ", "par ", "100 ", "gr: ", "Valeur ", "énergétique ", ": ", "53 ", "kcal ", "Matières ", "grasses ", ": ", "3,1 ", "g ", "Graisses ", "saturées ", ": ", "0,4 ", "g ", "Glucides ", "4,3 ", "g ", "Dont ", "sucres ", "3,1 ", "g ", "Protéines: ", "1,4 ", "g ", "Sel ", "0,6 ", "g\n", "Fruisy ", "Company ", "11, ", "rue ", "Marcel ", "Mérieux ", "69 ", "960 ", "Corbas\n", "23cl\n", "3 ", "760038 ", "160011\n" ]
[ [ 227, 264, 287, 289 ], [ 300, 256, 520, 299 ], [ 532, 266, 633, 296 ], [ 237, 296, 280, 332 ], [ 293, 294, 360, 329 ], [ 382, 294, 412, 326 ], [ 439, 295, 519, 332 ], [ 542, 301, 597, 338 ], [ 614, 305, 731, 351 ], [ 731, 321, 753, 355 ], [ 134, 362, 241, 400 ], [ 255, 362, 355, 397 ], [ 376, 363, 576, 405 ], [ 587, 371, 689, 415 ], [ 699, 384, 780, 426 ], [ 129, 400, 221, 435 ], [ 235, 399, 308, 431 ], [ 328, 399, 438, 432 ], [ 457, 402, 547, 438 ], [ 558, 410, 674, 449 ], [ 680, 419, 769, 458 ], [ 772, 427, 799, 460 ], [ 135, 442, 168, 467 ], [ 174, 440, 309, 471 ], [ 317, 447, 376, 473 ], [ 388, 442, 433, 467 ], [ 446, 444, 551, 470 ], [ 564, 451, 726, 483 ], [ 734, 452, 798, 488 ], [ 584, 504, 607, 529 ], [ 608, 505, 723, 533 ], [ 551, 535, 586, 555 ], [ 594, 535, 726, 563 ], [ 732, 540, 799, 559 ], [ 562, 565, 609, 588 ], [ 610, 567, 715, 585 ], [ 551, 595, 593, 618 ], [ 592, 600, 701, 615 ], [ 709, 597, 718, 613 ], [ 724, 600, 766, 619 ], [ 550, 624, 596, 651 ], [ 593, 625, 738, 649 ], [ 744, 623, 785, 642 ], [ 548, 655, 675, 674 ], [ 132, 496, 198, 517 ], [ 205, 497, 314, 517 ], [ 122, 526, 221, 555 ], [ 230, 527, 278, 556 ], [ 291, 528, 341, 550 ], [ 351, 535, 397, 555 ], [ 128, 553, 194, 574 ], [ 199, 555, 366, 584 ], [ 376, 556, 394, 586 ], [ 390, 560, 426, 581 ], [ 436, 562, 496, 583 ], [ 125, 580, 215, 604 ], [ 219, 589, 328, 614 ], [ 330, 587, 350, 618 ], [ 348, 589, 387, 613 ], [ 398, 596, 418, 617 ], [ 124, 608, 213, 634 ], [ 218, 614, 339, 640 ], [ 348, 626, 351, 638 ], [ 358, 620, 402, 645 ], [ 410, 627, 429, 648 ], [ 120, 637, 209, 663 ], [ 228, 645, 265, 668 ], [ 271, 654, 288, 673 ], [ 118, 665, 165, 689 ], [ 167, 675, 250, 698 ], [ 270, 677, 307, 700 ], [ 316, 685, 338, 708 ], [ 116, 693, 220, 725 ], [ 237, 706, 277, 731 ], [ 280, 715, 301, 735 ], [ 112, 722, 145, 744 ], [ 149, 725, 193, 752 ], [ 193, 738, 213, 758 ], [ 546, 695, 631, 725 ], [ 638, 694, 739, 720 ], [ 547, 730, 583, 753 ], [ 591, 731, 635, 749 ], [ 644, 720, 720, 749 ], [ 721, 715, 789, 743 ], [ 542, 759, 577, 780 ], [ 584, 757, 634, 779 ], [ 641, 754, 720, 775 ], [ 77, 838, 221, 922 ], [ 507, 909, 549, 945 ], [ 544, 884, 701, 940 ], [ 704, 866, 809, 914 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3760038160011", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-3", "label_studio_id": 18055, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 61, 62 ]
[ "moyenffes ", "pout ", "108g ", "tgie ", ". ", "1090KJ/ ", "257 ", "kcal ", "Mberes ", "grasses ", "ent ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "0,1g ", "Gluides ", "dent ", "sucres ", "Proeines ", "Sel\n", "0,7g\n", "60 ", "g ", "55,3 ", "g ", "1,1g ", "0,01 ", "g\n" ]
[ [ 225, 0, 521, 128 ], [ 527, 0, 650, 130 ], [ 671, 2, 826, 132 ], [ 43, 136, 258, 274 ], [ 457, 231, 502, 250 ], [ 530, 142, 780, 284 ], [ 781, 146, 865, 286 ], [ 866, 146, 967, 286 ], [ 52, 260, 291, 392 ], [ 294, 266, 521, 398 ], [ 80, 378, 228, 510 ], [ 239, 378, 417, 485 ], [ 430, 408, 551, 514 ], [ 562, 380, 760, 487 ], [ 849, 384, 982, 516 ], [ 68, 491, 294, 617 ], [ 104, 603, 234, 727 ], [ 243, 626, 424, 723 ], [ 80, 719, 330, 843 ], [ 74, 833, 165, 957 ], [ 844, 262, 988, 416 ], [ 835, 491, 943, 617 ], [ 944, 493, 973, 617 ], [ 822, 603, 931, 741 ], [ 938, 605, 994, 745 ], [ 831, 707, 982, 835 ], [ 811, 825, 931, 951 ], [ 929, 833, 976, 953 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3455061050056", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-18", "label_studio_id": 18920, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 0, 0, 33, 0, 55, 37, 63, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Durchschnittliche ", "Nährwerte ", "pro ", "100 ", "g ", "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100g ", "Energie/ ", "énergie ", "Fett/matières ", "grasses ", "-davon ", "gesättigte ", "Fettsäuren ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Kohlenhydrate/glucides ", "-davon ", "Zucker/dont ", "sucres ", "Eiweiß/protéines ", "Salz/sel\n", "154 ", "kJ ", "(37 ", "kcal) ", "0,1g\n", "Cam\n", "AUTHENTISCHE\n", "0g ", "HERKUNFT ", "6,6g ", "6,49 ", "1,2g ", "0,5g\n", "in ", "A\n", "BIS ", "ZUM ", "FELD\n", "ROTE\n", "Suif ", "a\n", "Better\n", "Campo ", "Verde ", "GmbH ", "Daisendorfer ", "Str.6 ", "DE ", "88690 ", "Uhldingen-Mühlhofen ", "\n", "O ", "642 ", "5\n" ]
[ [ 293, 400, 418, 424 ], [ 425, 406, 510, 427 ], [ 515, 415, 541, 433 ], [ 547, 413, 577, 430 ], [ 580, 417, 589, 434 ], [ 292, 422, 343, 440 ], [ 349, 424, 459, 446 ], [ 464, 434, 545, 455 ], [ 551, 436, 588, 455 ], [ 592, 437, 633, 460 ], [ 292, 445, 354, 471 ], [ 356, 452, 412, 475 ], [ 291, 472, 395, 500 ], [ 398, 481, 456, 505 ], [ 296, 495, 345, 518 ], [ 350, 497, 425, 521 ], [ 432, 502, 515, 521 ], [ 297, 515, 334, 535 ], [ 339, 517, 384, 535 ], [ 389, 525, 421, 541 ], [ 428, 523, 484, 541 ], [ 291, 538, 473, 575 ], [ 294, 559, 344, 578 ], [ 347, 561, 448, 589 ], [ 453, 572, 502, 589 ], [ 289, 581, 417, 615 ], [ 289, 604, 349, 631 ], [ 517, 459, 545, 475 ], [ 549, 460, 564, 476 ], [ 571, 459, 594, 479 ], [ 598, 460, 632, 479 ], [ 595, 485, 631, 508 ], [ 793, 482, 848, 531 ], [ 666, 505, 760, 521 ], [ 600, 525, 640, 550 ], [ 646, 520, 765, 550 ], [ 589, 551, 626, 574 ], [ 589, 570, 625, 591 ], [ 591, 596, 624, 618 ], [ 586, 621, 622, 643 ], [ 790, 545, 812, 561 ], [ 813, 537, 843, 556 ], [ 673, 563, 698, 575 ], [ 703, 561, 730, 575 ], [ 735, 559, 761, 573 ], [ 783, 575, 854, 621 ], [ 785, 621, 804, 638 ], [ 802, 618, 817, 635 ], [ 780, 638, 841, 671 ], [ 287, 668, 335, 689 ], [ 338, 674, 383, 691 ], [ 388, 677, 436, 695 ], [ 286, 685, 378, 712 ], [ 379, 695, 424, 717 ], [ 287, 707, 305, 720 ], [ 310, 709, 360, 732 ], [ 364, 712, 534, 743 ], [ 286, 729, 444, 755 ], [ 599, 552, 617, 570 ], [ 596, 570, 616, 615 ], [ 597, 623, 611, 640 ] ]
{ "barcode": "4045178002506", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-21", "label_studio_id": 19973, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 33, 55, 56, 37, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 19, 20, 7, 8, 43, 5, 6, 1, 2, 39, 57, 59, 60, 31, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "ar\n", "Nestle\n", "INFORMATIONS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES\n", "Energie\n", "Matières ", "grasses\n", "dont ", "acides ", "gras\n", "saturés\n", "Glucides\n", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "Protéines\n", "Sel\n", "Pour ", "100 ", "g\n", "895 ", "kJ\n", "213 ", "kcal\n", "7,79\n", "3,69\n", "24 ", "9\n", "4,19\n", "1,7 ", "g\n", "11 ", "g\n", "14 ", "9\n", "Pour ", "1/3 ", "de ", "pizza ", "(", "123 ", "g", ")\n", "1103 ", "kJ\n", "263 ", "kcal\n", "9,59\n", "4,5 ", "g\n", "30 ", "g\n", "5,19\n", "2,19\n", "13 ", "g\n", "1,7 ", "9\n", "% ", "AR", "* ", "pour ", "123 ", "g\n", "13", "%\n", "14", "%\n", "23", "%\n", "12", "%\n", "6", "%\n", "26", "%\n", "28", "%\n", "*", "Apport ", "de ", "référence ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte", "-", "type ", "(", "8 ", "400 ", "kJ", "/", "2 ", "000 ", "kcal", ")", ". ", "Contient ", "3 ", "portions ", "adulte", ".\n", "Portions ", "à ", "adapter ", "pour ", "les ", "enfants ", "selon ", "leur ", "âge", ".\n" ]
[ [ 0, 39, 28, 63 ], [ 44, 77, 154, 115 ], [ 130, 164, 320, 195 ], [ 108, 198, 345, 231 ], [ 172, 289, 279, 323 ], [ 101, 360, 225, 393 ], [ 231, 363, 346, 396 ], [ 110, 403, 175, 435 ], [ 181, 404, 272, 435 ], [ 279, 405, 346, 436 ], [ 169, 444, 279, 474 ], [ 163, 510, 286, 540 ], [ 146, 557, 210, 583 ], [ 218, 557, 313, 583 ], [ 108, 620, 185, 651 ], [ 192, 615, 355, 648 ], [ 163, 681, 299, 712 ], [ 209, 747, 256, 778 ], [ 401, 162, 460, 188 ], [ 399, 197, 445, 229 ], [ 448, 199, 466, 229 ], [ 383, 258, 443, 297 ], [ 446, 257, 489, 295 ], [ 376, 310, 430, 337 ], [ 435, 307, 494, 334 ], [ 399, 355, 470, 393 ], [ 402, 400, 472, 439 ], [ 405, 505, 445, 539 ], [ 447, 507, 472, 540 ], [ 403, 551, 475, 585 ], [ 405, 611, 447, 644 ], [ 454, 612, 476, 645 ], [ 411, 674, 448, 707 ], [ 452, 675, 474, 708 ], [ 407, 733, 451, 768 ], [ 455, 736, 477, 769 ], [ 551, 149, 613, 183 ], [ 619, 148, 659, 181 ], [ 510, 189, 541, 226 ], [ 545, 187, 609, 225 ], [ 613, 187, 624, 224 ], [ 623, 186, 668, 224 ], [ 672, 186, 689, 222 ], [ 688, 186, 698, 222 ], [ 551, 255, 626, 294 ], [ 631, 255, 673, 293 ], [ 552, 306, 606, 334 ], [ 612, 302, 671, 331 ], [ 575, 353, 649, 387 ], [ 575, 402, 624, 431 ], [ 629, 402, 650, 431 ], [ 582, 503, 624, 534 ], [ 627, 504, 651, 534 ], [ 580, 547, 655, 581 ], [ 583, 607, 654, 641 ], [ 587, 668, 628, 702 ], [ 630, 670, 653, 703 ], [ 585, 729, 628, 762 ], [ 635, 730, 657, 762 ], [ 746, 150, 771, 177 ], [ 777, 149, 813, 177 ], [ 814, 149, 828, 176 ], [ 720, 183, 783, 221 ], [ 787, 182, 835, 220 ], [ 838, 182, 858, 218 ], [ 768, 280, 805, 306 ], [ 801, 280, 826, 305 ], [ 767, 349, 806, 376 ], [ 802, 348, 827, 374 ], [ 768, 394, 808, 419 ], [ 804, 394, 829, 418 ], [ 773, 496, 809, 520 ], [ 807, 496, 832, 519 ], [ 787, 542, 807, 565 ], [ 804, 542, 828, 565 ], [ 776, 663, 815, 689 ], [ 812, 662, 837, 687 ], [ 776, 723, 816, 749 ], [ 813, 722, 837, 748 ], [ 110, 826, 121, 862 ], [ 119, 823, 204, 861 ], [ 210, 822, 239, 859 ], [ 246, 818, 363, 857 ], [ 368, 816, 426, 853 ], [ 431, 815, 461, 851 ], [ 469, 812, 545, 850 ], [ 546, 812, 556, 847 ], [ 556, 810, 606, 847 ], [ 614, 810, 621, 845 ], [ 621, 809, 635, 845 ], [ 642, 808, 684, 844 ], [ 692, 806, 720, 843 ], [ 718, 806, 731, 842 ], [ 729, 806, 743, 842 ], [ 750, 804, 792, 841 ], [ 798, 803, 848, 839 ], [ 847, 802, 856, 837 ], [ 854, 802, 861, 837 ], [ 110, 855, 212, 891 ], [ 218, 854, 233, 888 ], [ 237, 852, 338, 888 ], [ 345, 850, 420, 885 ], [ 421, 851, 429, 883 ], [ 110, 888, 213, 925 ], [ 219, 887, 233, 922 ], [ 239, 883, 335, 921 ], [ 340, 882, 397, 918 ], [ 404, 881, 437, 915 ], [ 444, 877, 534, 914 ], [ 541, 875, 605, 911 ], [ 613, 873, 662, 909 ], [ 665, 872, 711, 907 ], [ 710, 871, 719, 906 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7613036006637", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-20", "label_studio_id": 16836, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 37, 38, 61, 62 ]
[ "Plateau ", "pour ", "Raclette ", "1 ", "F ", "Chèvre ", "Ingrédients: ", "LAIT ", "pasteurisé ", "de ", "chèvre, ", "sel, ", "ferments ", "lactiques, ", "présure. ", "Lalt ", "origine ", "France ", "Valeurs ", "Nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "Energle ", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Glucides ", "dont ", "sucres ", "Protéines ", "Sel ", "1445 ", "kJ ", "348 ", "kca ", "27 ", "g ", "17 ", "g ", "1.1g ", "<0.5 ", "g ", "1.13 ", "g " ]
[ [ 146, 253, 374, 292 ], [ 401, 266, 537, 297 ], [ 559, 256, 801, 290 ], [ 919, 256, 986, 292 ], [ 986, 260, 998, 286 ], [ 571, 303, 787, 343 ], [ 62, 357, 261, 395 ], [ 276, 361, 339, 386 ], [ 354, 359, 506, 395 ], [ 517, 360, 551, 385 ], [ 561, 355, 671, 390 ], [ 686, 360, 734, 389 ], [ 76, 400, 203, 428 ], [ 218, 398, 359, 432 ], [ 373, 396, 490, 431 ], [ 67, 443, 127, 475 ], [ 136, 443, 244, 475 ], [ 254, 442, 357, 466 ], [ 139, 726, 291, 756 ], [ 298, 724, 545, 755 ], [ 555, 724, 740, 755 ], [ 757, 723, 837, 753 ], [ 853, 728, 909, 745 ], [ 926, 733, 941, 752 ], [ 117, 763, 267, 799 ], [ 107, 793, 284, 832 ], [ 302, 789, 470, 827 ], [ 110, 825, 207, 862 ], [ 215, 821, 354, 859 ], [ 366, 822, 458, 850 ], [ 474, 814, 631, 850 ], [ 106, 855, 293, 889 ], [ 100, 890, 205, 922 ], [ 216, 888, 358, 917 ], [ 118, 913, 317, 950 ], [ 99, 944, 172, 975 ], [ 718, 754, 806, 786 ], [ 815, 753, 864, 785 ], [ 881, 752, 945, 785 ], [ 947, 752, 998, 784 ], [ 827, 786, 877, 816 ], [ 890, 793, 917, 819 ], [ 829, 820, 878, 854 ], [ 892, 825, 917, 851 ], [ 822, 845, 935, 885 ], [ 814, 874, 907, 910 ], [ 909, 877, 939, 911 ], [ 792, 926, 886, 962 ], [ 861, 929, 925, 960 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3324440443980", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-10", "label_studio_id": 17306, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 0, 65, 0, 13, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 57, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Nutrition\n", "Serving ", "Size ", "¼ ", "cup ", "(", "27g", ") ", "Servings ", "Per ", "Container ", "about ", "18\n", "Amount\n", "Per ", "Serving\n", "Calories\n", "Calories ", "from ", "Fat\n", "Total ", "Fat ", "1.5g", "*\n", "Saturated ", "Fat ", "Og ", "Trans ", "Fat ", "Og\n", "Polyunsaturated ", "Fat ", "0.5g\n", "Monounsaturated ", "Fat ", "0.5g ", "Cholesterol ", "Omg\n", "Sodium ", "130mg\n", "Potassium ", "55mg\n", "Total\n", "Carbohydrate ", "23g\n", "Dietary ", "Fiber ", "1g\n", "Sugars ", "9g\n", "Other ", "Carbohydrate ", "13g\n", "Protein ", "19\n", "Vitamin ", "A\n", "Vitamin ", "C\n", "Calcium\n", "107\n", "Vitamin ", "D\n", "Thiamin\n", "Riboflavin\n", "Niacin\n", "Vitamin ", "Be\n", "Folic ", "Acid\n", "Vitamin ", "B\n", "Phosphorus\n", "agnesium\n", "Calories ", "Less ", "than ", "Less ", "than ", "Less ", "than ", "Less ", "than\n", "Facts\n", "Count ", "Chocula\n", "Total ", "Fat ", "Sat ", "Fat ", "Cholesterol ", "Sodium ", "Potassium ", "Total ", "Carbohydrate\n", "Dietary ", "Fiber\n", "100\n", "15\n", "10", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "6", "%\n", "2", "%\n", "Zinc\n", "25", "%\n", "Copper\n", "2", "%\n", "Amount ", "in ", "cereal", ". ", "A ", "serving ", "of ", "cereal ", "plus ", "skim ", "milk ", "provides ", "1.5g ", "total ", "fat", ", ", "less ", "than ", "5mg ", "cholesterol", ", ", "190mg ", "sodium", ", ", "260mg ", "potassium", ", ", "29g ", "total ", "carbohydrate ", "(", "15g ", "sugars", ")", ", ", "and ", "5g ", "protein", ".\n", "2,000\n", "65g ", "20g ", "300mg\n", "300g\n", "25g\n", "2", "%\n", "0", "%\n", "% ", "Daily ", "Value", "**\n", "0", "%\n", "5", "%\n", "2", "%\n", "8", "%\n", "5", "%\n", "2,400mg\n", "3,500mg\n", "with ", "cup ", "skim\n", "milk\n", "140\n", "15\n", "Parcent ", "Daily ", "Values ", "are ", "based ", "on ", "a ", "2,000 ", "calorie ", "diet", ". ", "Your ", "daily ", "values ", "may ", "be ", "higher ", "or ", "lower ", "depending ", "on ", "your ", "calorie ", "needs", ":\n", "375g\n", "30g\n", "nourishinglives", "™\n", "We ", "guarantee ", "your ", "satisfaction ", "with ", "the ", "quality ", "of ", "our ", "products", ", ", "and ", "we ", "are ", "committed ", "nourishing ", "lives ", "to ", "protecting ", "our ", "environment ", "and ", "to ", "giving ", "back ", "to ", "our ", "global ", "communities", ".\n", "2", "%\n", "0", "%\n", "1", "%\n", "8", "%\n", "8", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "5", "%\n", "DISTRIBUTED ", "BY ", "GENERAL ", "MILLS ", "SALES", ", ", "INC", ".", ", ", "MINNEAPOLIS", ", ", "MN ", "55440 ", "USA\n", "2,500\n", "80g\n", "25g ", "300mg\n", "2,400mg\n", "3,500mg\n", "15", "%\n", "10", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "30", "%\n", "35", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "25", "%\n", "35", "%\n", "15", "%\n", "6", "%\n", "30", "%\n", "2", "%\n", "Ingredients", ": ", "Whole ", "Grain ", "Corn", ", ", "Sugar", ", ", "Corn ", "Meal", ", ", "Marshmallows ", "(", "sugar", ", ", "modified ", "corn ", "starch", ", ", "corn ", "syrup", ", ", "dextrose", ", ", "gelatin", ", ", "red ", "40", ", ", "yellow ", "5 ", "& ", "6", ", ", "blue ", "1", ", ", "natural ", "and ", "artificial ", "flavor", ")", ", ", "Corn ", "Syrup", ", ", "Rice ", "Bran ", "and", "/", "or ", "Canola ", "Oil", ", ", "Cocoa ", "Processed ", "with ", "Alkali", ", ", "Salt", ", ", "Red ", "40", ", ", "Yellows ", "5 ", "& ", "6", ", ", "Blue ", "1 ", "and ", "Other ", "Color ", "Added", ", ", "Natural ", "and ", "Artificial ", "Flavor", ", ", "Trisodium ", "Phosphate", ".\n", "Ce\n", "Vitamins ", "and ", "Minerals", ": ", "Calcium ", "Carbonate", ", ", "Tricalcium ", "Phosphate", ", ", "Zinc ", "and ", "Iron ", "(", "mineral ", "nutrients", ")", ", ", "Vitamin ", "C ", "(", "sodium ", "ascorbate", ")", ", ", "A ", "B ", "Vitamin ", "(", "niacinamide", ")", ", ", "Vitamin ", "B", ", ", "(", "pyridoxine ", "hydrochloride", ")", ", ", "Vitamin ", "B₂ ", "(", "riboflavin", ")", ", ", "Vitamin ", "B₁ ", "(", "thiamin ", "mononitrate", ")", ", ", "Vitamin ", "A ", "(", "palmitate", ")", ",\n", "A ", "B ", "Vitamin ", "(", "folic ", "acid", ")", ", ", "Vitamin ", "B12", ", ", "Vitamin ", "D. ", "MAY ", "CONTAIN ", "PEANUT ", "AND ", "WHEAT\n", "INGREDIENTS", ".\n", " ", "1-800-328-1144\n", "O ", "General ", "Mits\n", "May ", "be ", "mfg", ", ", "under ", "U.S. ", "Pat", ". ", "Nos ", "6,767,198", "; ", "7.021,525 ", "& ", "7,959.961 ", "Exchange", ": ", "119 ", "Starch\n", "Based ", "on ", "Academy ", "of ", "Nutrition ", "and ", "Dietetics ", "and ", "American ", "Diabetes ", "Association ", "criteria\n", "This ", "package ", "is ", "sold ", "by ", "weight", ", ", "not ", "by ", "volume", ". ", "You ", "can ", "be ", "assured ", "of ", "proper ", "weight ", "even ", "though ", "some ", "settling ", "of ", "contents ", "normally ", "occurs ", "during ", "shipment ", "and ", "handling", ".\n" ]
[ [ 401, 20, 546, 30 ], [ 400, 32, 442, 41 ], [ 448, 32, 471, 41 ], [ 475, 33, 484, 41 ], [ 490, 33, 511, 41 ], [ 515, 33, 519, 41 ], [ 519, 33, 541, 41 ], [ 541, 33, 544, 41 ], [ 400, 42, 450, 50 ], [ 454, 42, 474, 50 ], [ 478, 42, 534, 50 ], [ 539, 42, 572, 50 ], [ 577, 42, 590, 50 ], [ 399, 68, 437, 73 ], [ 399, 75, 415, 81 ], [ 420, 75, 457, 81 ], [ 400, 86, 453, 92 ], [ 406, 97, 451, 105 ], [ 456, 97, 481, 105 ], [ 488, 97, 505, 104 ], [ 398, 124, 431, 131 ], [ 437, 124, 458, 131 ], [ 463, 124, 488, 131 ], [ 488, 124, 494, 131 ], [ 405, 136, 462, 145 ], [ 467, 136, 486, 144 ], [ 489, 136, 504, 144 ], [ 405, 149, 436, 157 ], [ 440, 149, 459, 156 ], [ 462, 149, 477, 157 ], [ 406, 161, 498, 170 ], [ 505, 161, 522, 170 ], [ 527, 161, 552, 170 ], [ 405, 174, 508, 183 ], [ 514, 174, 532, 183 ], [ 536, 174, 561, 183 ], [ 399, 186, 475, 195 ], [ 482, 187, 508, 195 ], [ 398, 198, 447, 208 ], [ 455, 199, 494, 209 ], [ 399, 212, 468, 221 ], [ 474, 213, 508, 222 ], [ 398, 225, 430, 233 ], [ 399, 235, 490, 244 ], [ 495, 235, 518, 244 ], [ 405, 248, 445, 257 ], [ 451, 248, 480, 257 ], [ 484, 248, 498, 256 ], [ 405, 262, 445, 270 ], [ 450, 262, 464, 270 ], [ 405, 274, 437, 282 ], [ 441, 274, 522, 283 ], [ 527, 274, 548, 282 ], [ 398, 286, 445, 295 ], [ 453, 287, 466, 295 ], [ 398, 308, 439, 315 ], [ 444, 308, 452, 315 ], [ 398, 321, 439, 328 ], [ 445, 321, 452, 328 ], [ 398, 334, 444, 340 ], [ 397, 348, 420, 353 ], [ 398, 359, 439, 366 ], [ 446, 359, 453, 366 ], [ 399, 373, 443, 378 ], [ 398, 385, 454, 391 ], [ 398, 398, 434, 404 ], [ 397, 410, 440, 417 ], [ 445, 410, 458, 417 ], [ 398, 422, 423, 430 ], [ 430, 422, 454, 430 ], [ 396, 434, 440, 443 ], [ 446, 435, 454, 443 ], [ 398, 448, 469, 456 ], [ 409, 462, 465, 469 ], [ 478, 554, 514, 560 ], [ 478, 564, 498, 568 ], [ 501, 564, 521, 568 ], [ 478, 572, 499, 576 ], [ 502, 572, 521, 576 ], [ 478, 579, 499, 585 ], [ 502, 580, 520, 585 ], [ 478, 587, 498, 593 ], [ 502, 587, 520, 593 ], [ 578, 20, 667, 34 ], [ 576, 68, 606, 74 ], [ 565, 75, 606, 81 ], [ 397, 562, 417, 569 ], [ 421, 562, 434, 569 ], [ 405, 571, 420, 576 ], [ 423, 571, 436, 576 ], [ 397, 579, 446, 585 ], [ 396, 587, 430, 593 ], [ 396, 595, 441, 601 ], [ 397, 602, 417, 610 ], [ 421, 603, 482, 611 ], [ 404, 612, 436, 618 ], [ 438, 612, 462, 618 ], [ 586, 87, 606, 92 ], [ 593, 99, 605, 105 ], [ 580, 308, 592, 314 ], [ 593, 308, 603, 314 ], [ 579, 321, 592, 328 ], [ 593, 321, 604, 328 ], [ 580, 334, 592, 341 ], [ 594, 334, 604, 340 ], [ 578, 347, 593, 353 ], [ 594, 347, 604, 353 ], [ 580, 359, 593, 366 ], [ 593, 359, 604, 366 ], [ 579, 372, 592, 378 ], [ 593, 372, 604, 378 ], [ 578, 384, 593, 391 ], [ 593, 384, 604, 391 ], [ 579, 397, 593, 404 ], [ 594, 397, 604, 404 ], [ 579, 410, 594, 416 ], [ 594, 410, 606, 416 ], [ 579, 423, 593, 429 ], [ 593, 423, 604, 429 ], [ 578, 435, 594, 441 ], [ 594, 435, 605, 441 ], [ 586, 448, 594, 455 ], [ 594, 447, 606, 454 ], [ 586, 461, 594, 468 ], [ 594, 461, 605, 468 ], [ 397, 474, 422, 480 ], [ 579, 474, 593, 480 ], [ 594, 474, 604, 480 ], [ 398, 487, 443, 495 ], [ 586, 487, 594, 493 ], [ 594, 487, 605, 493 ], [ 406, 498, 442, 505 ], [ 444, 498, 450, 505 ], [ 455, 498, 481, 505 ], [ 482, 498, 484, 505 ], [ 487, 498, 493, 505 ], [ 497, 498, 527, 505 ], [ 532, 498, 541, 505 ], [ 544, 498, 570, 505 ], [ 574, 498, 591, 505 ], [ 595, 498, 614, 505 ], [ 618, 498, 636, 505 ], [ 406, 505, 444, 512 ], [ 448, 505, 466, 512 ], [ 470, 505, 489, 512 ], [ 492, 505, 504, 512 ], [ 504, 505, 506, 512 ], [ 510, 505, 526, 512 ], [ 530, 505, 549, 512 ], [ 552, 505, 571, 513 ], [ 576, 506, 624, 513 ], [ 624, 506, 626, 513 ], [ 630, 506, 659, 513 ], [ 406, 513, 438, 520 ], [ 440, 513, 442, 520 ], [ 444, 513, 475, 520 ], [ 478, 513, 526, 520 ], [ 526, 513, 527, 520 ], [ 531, 513, 548, 520 ], [ 551, 513, 570, 520 ], [ 574, 513, 632, 520 ], [ 635, 513, 638, 520 ], [ 638, 513, 654, 520 ], [ 406, 521, 435, 527 ], [ 435, 521, 438, 527 ], [ 439, 521, 440, 527 ], [ 444, 521, 460, 527 ], [ 464, 521, 475, 527 ], [ 478, 521, 508, 527 ], [ 509, 521, 511, 527 ], [ 549, 555, 574, 560 ], [ 548, 564, 566, 569 ], [ 548, 572, 566, 577 ], [ 549, 579, 580, 586 ], [ 549, 604, 572, 611 ], [ 549, 612, 566, 618 ], [ 584, 124, 594, 131 ], [ 593, 124, 606, 131 ], [ 584, 137, 594, 143 ], [ 593, 137, 604, 143 ], [ 594, 114, 601, 120 ], [ 606, 114, 631, 121 ], [ 634, 115, 661, 121 ], [ 662, 116, 671, 121 ], [ 584, 187, 594, 193 ], [ 593, 187, 603, 193 ], [ 584, 201, 592, 207 ], [ 593, 200, 604, 207 ], [ 584, 213, 593, 219 ], [ 594, 213, 605, 219 ], [ 585, 236, 593, 242 ], [ 593, 236, 604, 242 ], [ 584, 249, 592, 255 ], [ 593, 249, 603, 255 ], [ 548, 587, 589, 595 ], [ 548, 595, 589, 604 ], [ 636, 64, 656, 68 ], [ 625, 71, 642, 76 ], [ 647, 71, 668, 77 ], [ 649, 79, 669, 83 ], [ 650, 89, 669, 95 ], [ 657, 102, 670, 107 ], [ 406, 531, 441, 538 ], [ 444, 531, 465, 538 ], [ 469, 531, 497, 538 ], [ 501, 531, 514, 538 ], [ 518, 531, 544, 538 ], [ 549, 531, 558, 538 ], [ 563, 531, 567, 538 ], [ 570, 531, 594, 538 ], [ 599, 531, 627, 538 ], [ 631, 531, 647, 538 ], [ 648, 531, 649, 538 ], [ 653, 531, 672, 538 ], [ 407, 539, 427, 546 ], [ 430, 539, 458, 546 ], [ 462, 539, 480, 546 ], [ 484, 539, 494, 546 ], [ 498, 539, 525, 546 ], [ 528, 539, 538, 546 ], [ 540, 539, 565, 546 ], [ 568, 539, 614, 546 ], [ 618, 539, 628, 546 ], [ 632, 539, 651, 546 ], [ 406, 546, 435, 552 ], [ 439, 547, 466, 552 ], [ 466, 547, 468, 552 ], [ 613, 604, 635, 611 ], [ 612, 612, 631, 618 ], [ 428, 848, 586, 866 ], [ 584, 849, 594, 865 ], [ 427, 872, 438, 879 ], [ 440, 872, 474, 879 ], [ 476, 872, 492, 879 ], [ 494, 872, 532, 879 ], [ 534, 872, 549, 879 ], [ 551, 872, 562, 879 ], [ 564, 872, 587, 879 ], [ 427, 880, 435, 887 ], [ 436, 880, 449, 887 ], [ 452, 880, 486, 887 ], [ 484, 880, 488, 887 ], [ 490, 880, 505, 887 ], [ 508, 880, 518, 887 ], [ 521, 880, 532, 887 ], [ 536, 880, 575, 887 ], [ 426, 888, 463, 895 ], [ 465, 888, 480, 895 ], [ 484, 888, 490, 895 ], [ 493, 888, 528, 895 ], [ 530, 888, 542, 895 ], [ 544, 888, 588, 895 ], [ 426, 897, 440, 903 ], [ 442, 897, 448, 903 ], [ 451, 897, 472, 903 ], [ 474, 897, 491, 903 ], [ 493, 897, 500, 903 ], [ 502, 897, 514, 903 ], [ 516, 897, 537, 903 ], [ 540, 897, 584, 903 ], [ 581, 897, 586, 903 ], [ 649, 127, 658, 133 ], [ 658, 127, 667, 133 ], [ 649, 139, 658, 146 ], [ 658, 139, 669, 146 ], [ 650, 190, 658, 196 ], [ 658, 190, 668, 196 ], [ 649, 202, 658, 208 ], [ 658, 202, 668, 208 ], [ 649, 215, 658, 221 ], [ 658, 215, 668, 221 ], [ 641, 238, 657, 245 ], [ 657, 238, 669, 245 ], [ 649, 251, 657, 257 ], [ 657, 251, 667, 257 ], [ 442, 819, 494, 825 ], [ 497, 819, 507, 825 ], [ 510, 819, 546, 825 ], [ 549, 819, 574, 825 ], [ 577, 819, 602, 825 ], [ 602, 819, 605, 825 ], [ 608, 819, 621, 825 ], [ 620, 819, 624, 825 ], [ 624, 819, 626, 825 ], [ 477, 827, 531, 833 ], [ 532, 827, 534, 833 ], [ 537, 827, 549, 833 ], [ 551, 827, 576, 833 ], [ 578, 827, 594, 833 ], [ 613, 555, 636, 560 ], [ 613, 563, 630, 569 ], [ 613, 571, 630, 577 ], [ 613, 579, 644, 586 ], [ 613, 587, 652, 594 ], [ 612, 595, 653, 603 ], [ 644, 310, 656, 316 ], [ 657, 310, 667, 316 ], [ 643, 322, 658, 329 ], [ 657, 322, 668, 329 ], [ 643, 335, 656, 341 ], [ 657, 335, 667, 341 ], [ 643, 348, 656, 354 ], [ 657, 348, 668, 354 ], [ 643, 360, 656, 366 ], [ 657, 360, 667, 366 ], [ 644, 373, 657, 379 ], [ 658, 373, 668, 379 ], [ 644, 386, 656, 392 ], [ 658, 386, 668, 392 ], [ 644, 398, 658, 405 ], [ 658, 398, 668, 405 ], [ 644, 411, 658, 417 ], [ 658, 411, 668, 417 ], [ 644, 424, 658, 430 ], [ 658, 424, 668, 430 ], [ 644, 436, 658, 443 ], [ 658, 436, 668, 443 ], [ 645, 449, 658, 455 ], [ 658, 449, 668, 455 ], [ 652, 462, 658, 468 ], [ 659, 462, 670, 468 ], [ 645, 474, 658, 481 ], [ 659, 474, 668, 481 ], [ 652, 487, 660, 494 ], [ 659, 487, 670, 494 ], [ 396, 625, 461, 634 ], [ 463, 625, 465, 634 ], [ 468, 625, 506, 634 ], [ 510, 625, 540, 634 ], [ 546, 625, 572, 634 ], [ 574, 625, 576, 634 ], [ 580, 625, 614, 634 ], [ 615, 625, 618, 634 ], [ 621, 625, 648, 634 ], [ 396, 635, 422, 643 ], [ 424, 635, 426, 643 ], [ 430, 635, 513, 643 ], [ 519, 635, 522, 643 ], [ 522, 635, 553, 643 ], [ 554, 635, 555, 643 ], [ 560, 635, 605, 643 ], [ 610, 635, 632, 643 ], [ 637, 635, 668, 643 ], [ 670, 635, 673, 643 ], [ 396, 645, 419, 655 ], [ 424, 645, 453, 655 ], [ 454, 645, 456, 655 ], [ 461, 645, 506, 655 ], [ 508, 645, 510, 655 ], [ 514, 645, 549, 655 ], [ 551, 645, 552, 655 ], [ 558, 645, 574, 655 ], [ 578, 645, 591, 655 ], [ 593, 645, 596, 655 ], [ 599, 645, 632, 655 ], [ 636, 645, 642, 655 ], [ 647, 645, 654, 655 ], [ 658, 645, 664, 655 ], [ 666, 645, 668, 655 ], [ 396, 655, 419, 663 ], [ 424, 655, 427, 663 ], [ 430, 655, 432, 663 ], [ 437, 655, 474, 663 ], [ 478, 655, 497, 663 ], [ 502, 655, 544, 664 ], [ 547, 656, 576, 664 ], [ 577, 656, 580, 664 ], [ 582, 656, 583, 664 ], [ 588, 656, 615, 664 ], [ 621, 656, 654, 664 ], [ 655, 656, 658, 664 ], [ 396, 666, 421, 673 ], [ 426, 666, 452, 673 ], [ 457, 666, 478, 673 ], [ 478, 666, 483, 673 ], [ 482, 666, 494, 673 ], [ 498, 666, 539, 673 ], [ 544, 666, 559, 673 ], [ 560, 666, 562, 673 ], [ 566, 666, 602, 673 ], [ 608, 666, 668, 673 ], [ 395, 676, 419, 684 ], [ 424, 676, 455, 684 ], [ 457, 676, 458, 684 ], [ 463, 676, 485, 684 ], [ 486, 676, 488, 684 ], [ 493, 676, 514, 684 ], [ 518, 676, 531, 684 ], [ 533, 676, 534, 684 ], [ 538, 676, 581, 684 ], [ 586, 676, 592, 684 ], [ 597, 676, 604, 684 ], [ 610, 676, 614, 684 ], [ 616, 676, 618, 684 ], [ 623, 676, 648, 684 ], [ 652, 676, 656, 684 ], [ 395, 686, 416, 694 ], [ 421, 686, 453, 694 ], [ 458, 686, 490, 694 ], [ 493, 686, 530, 694 ], [ 532, 686, 533, 694 ], [ 538, 686, 579, 694 ], [ 583, 686, 604, 694 ], [ 608, 686, 657, 694 ], [ 396, 697, 431, 706 ], [ 432, 697, 434, 706 ], [ 436, 697, 494, 706 ], [ 499, 697, 562, 706 ], [ 562, 697, 565, 706 ], [ 596, 851, 639, 901 ], [ 395, 711, 445, 718 ], [ 450, 711, 472, 718 ], [ 477, 711, 525, 719 ], [ 527, 711, 529, 719 ], [ 534, 711, 580, 719 ], [ 586, 711, 647, 720 ], [ 648, 712, 650, 720 ], [ 395, 722, 454, 731 ], [ 460, 722, 522, 731 ], [ 524, 722, 526, 731 ], [ 530, 722, 554, 731 ], [ 559, 722, 580, 731 ], [ 585, 722, 606, 731 ], [ 612, 722, 615, 731 ], [ 616, 722, 656, 731 ], [ 395, 732, 441, 742 ], [ 442, 732, 446, 742 ], [ 447, 732, 449, 742 ], [ 454, 732, 498, 742 ], [ 503, 732, 510, 742 ], [ 515, 732, 518, 742 ], [ 519, 732, 558, 742 ], [ 564, 732, 616, 742 ], [ 618, 732, 621, 742 ], [ 622, 732, 624, 742 ], [ 629, 732, 638, 742 ], [ 642, 732, 650, 742 ], [ 394, 743, 438, 752 ], [ 443, 743, 446, 752 ], [ 448, 743, 513, 752 ], [ 514, 743, 517, 752 ], [ 519, 743, 520, 752 ], [ 525, 743, 569, 752 ], [ 574, 743, 582, 752 ], [ 583, 743, 586, 752 ], [ 591, 743, 595, 752 ], [ 595, 743, 650, 752 ], [ 394, 753, 467, 763 ], [ 468, 753, 472, 763 ], [ 472, 753, 474, 763 ], [ 480, 753, 523, 763 ], [ 529, 753, 540, 763 ], [ 546, 753, 548, 763 ], [ 549, 753, 597, 762 ], [ 599, 753, 602, 762 ], [ 603, 753, 606, 762 ], [ 610, 753, 654, 762 ], [ 659, 753, 670, 762 ], [ 394, 764, 399, 774 ], [ 398, 764, 438, 774 ], [ 443, 764, 508, 774 ], [ 509, 764, 511, 774 ], [ 513, 764, 515, 774 ], [ 520, 764, 563, 774 ], [ 568, 764, 576, 774 ], [ 581, 764, 584, 774 ], [ 584, 764, 634, 774 ], [ 634, 764, 638, 774 ], [ 640, 764, 642, 774 ], [ 394, 775, 403, 784 ], [ 407, 775, 414, 784 ], [ 418, 775, 461, 784 ], [ 468, 775, 470, 784 ], [ 471, 775, 492, 784 ], [ 497, 775, 519, 784 ], [ 520, 775, 523, 784 ], [ 524, 775, 526, 784 ], [ 531, 775, 575, 784 ], [ 581, 775, 598, 784 ], [ 597, 775, 600, 784 ], [ 602, 775, 646, 784 ], [ 652, 775, 667, 784 ], [ 394, 789, 420, 798 ], [ 424, 789, 479, 798 ], [ 484, 789, 534, 798 ], [ 539, 789, 565, 798 ], [ 568, 789, 613, 798 ], [ 394, 799, 479, 808 ], [ 479, 800, 483, 808 ], [ 460, 910, 554, 918 ], [ 567, 910, 648, 918 ], [ 505, 930, 513, 935 ], [ 516, 930, 546, 935 ], [ 548, 930, 566, 935 ], [ 399, 937, 416, 944 ], [ 418, 937, 428, 943 ], [ 431, 937, 446, 943 ], [ 445, 937, 448, 943 ], [ 451, 937, 474, 943 ], [ 476, 937, 491, 943 ], [ 496, 936, 508, 943 ], [ 508, 936, 511, 943 ], [ 513, 936, 528, 943 ], [ 534, 936, 573, 943 ], [ 573, 936, 576, 943 ], [ 578, 936, 618, 943 ], [ 621, 936, 626, 942 ], [ 630, 936, 669, 942 ], [ 392, 947, 431, 954 ], [ 432, 947, 434, 954 ], [ 438, 947, 450, 954 ], [ 453, 947, 480, 954 ], [ 392, 955, 416, 962 ], [ 420, 955, 429, 961 ], [ 432, 955, 471, 961 ], [ 473, 955, 481, 961 ], [ 484, 954, 519, 961 ], [ 522, 954, 538, 961 ], [ 540, 954, 576, 961 ], [ 580, 954, 594, 961 ], [ 597, 954, 636, 961 ], [ 639, 954, 675, 960 ], [ 392, 962, 440, 969 ], [ 444, 963, 472, 970 ], [ 393, 972, 408, 980 ], [ 411, 972, 446, 979 ], [ 449, 972, 455, 979 ], [ 458, 972, 476, 979 ], [ 478, 972, 488, 979 ], [ 490, 971, 518, 979 ], [ 519, 971, 521, 979 ], [ 524, 971, 537, 979 ], [ 540, 971, 548, 979 ], [ 551, 971, 581, 979 ], [ 582, 971, 584, 979 ], [ 586, 971, 602, 979 ], [ 604, 971, 618, 979 ], [ 622, 971, 631, 978 ], [ 634, 971, 666, 978 ], [ 670, 971, 677, 978 ], [ 392, 980, 419, 988 ], [ 420, 980, 450, 987 ], [ 452, 980, 471, 987 ], [ 474, 980, 502, 987 ], [ 506, 980, 528, 987 ], [ 530, 980, 561, 987 ], [ 565, 980, 572, 987 ], [ 575, 980, 610, 987 ], [ 614, 980, 650, 987 ], [ 392, 988, 420, 995 ], [ 423, 988, 449, 995 ], [ 452, 988, 491, 995 ], [ 494, 988, 508, 995 ], [ 511, 988, 546, 995 ], [ 546, 988, 550, 995 ] ]
{ "barcode": "0016000449763", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-14", "label_studio_id": 17592, "checked": true, "usda_table": true, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 67, 17, 33, 55, 37, 49, 63, 61, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A ", "consommer ", "de ", "préférence ", "avant ", "le ", "(", "Voir ", "date ", "imprimée ", "sur ", "l'emballage ", "ou ", "sur ", "le ", "clip ", "de ", "fermeture", ")\n", "INFORMATIONS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES\n", "Informations ", "nutritionnelles ", "pour ", "100gr\n", "1184ki", "-", "280kcal\n", "3,6g\n", "0,6g\n", "52,5g\n", "6,1g\n", "2,9g\n", "7,9g\n", "1", ",", "Ag\n", "valeurs ", "énergétique\n", "matières ", "grasses\n", "Dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "Glucides\n", "Dont ", "sucres\n", "Fibres\n", "Protéines\n", "Sel\n" ]
[ [ 956, 150, 995, 195 ], [ 948, 195, 993, 418 ], [ 945, 423, 986, 482 ], [ 937, 491, 983, 710 ], [ 934, 718, 975, 819 ], [ 932, 830, 971, 864 ], [ 928, 202, 948, 232 ], [ 929, 211, 953, 287 ], [ 935, 291, 955, 373 ], [ 932, 384, 955, 553 ], [ 931, 565, 947, 620 ], [ 906, 624, 950, 832 ], [ 904, 277, 936, 323 ], [ 902, 329, 934, 386 ], [ 901, 393, 933, 430 ], [ 899, 437, 931, 507 ], [ 897, 516, 929, 566 ], [ 891, 576, 927, 742 ], [ 891, 736, 922, 754 ], [ 785, 93, 817, 482 ], [ 747, 486, 829, 878 ], [ 692, 145, 731, 379 ], [ 682, 387, 722, 656 ], [ 679, 661, 713, 747 ], [ 676, 757, 709, 853 ], [ 636, 591, 667, 722 ], [ 636, 717, 663, 734 ], [ 632, 728, 662, 862 ], [ 589, 687, 618, 776 ], [ 545, 680, 573, 771 ], [ 500, 664, 529, 780 ], [ 457, 675, 484, 760 ], [ 414, 669, 441, 759 ], [ 372, 668, 397, 751 ], [ 330, 670, 353, 695 ], [ 330, 690, 353, 721 ], [ 329, 691, 353, 745 ], [ 650, 81, 680, 209 ], [ 642, 217, 675, 431 ], [ 601, 78, 633, 232 ], [ 593, 237, 624, 371 ], [ 560, 79, 591, 168 ], [ 556, 173, 588, 288 ], [ 553, 294, 583, 375 ], [ 548, 384, 580, 511 ], [ 519, 82, 545, 235 ], [ 477, 80, 502, 169 ], [ 470, 172, 496, 280 ], [ 435, 80, 460, 187 ], [ 389, 80, 416, 232 ], [ 352, 76, 375, 129 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3760050920075", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-7", "label_studio_id": 18067, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "resentación\n", "on ", "sabor ", "ahumado.\n", "Información ", "Nutricional ", "Por ", "100 ", "g\n", "camente ", "de ", "Valores ", "nutricionales ", "ne ", "de ", "cerdo ", "s ", "vegetales, ", "151), ", "azúcar, ", "antioxidante\n", "Este ", "producto ", "H ", "por ", "el ", "Departar ", "Supermercado ", "Para ", "cualquier ", "c ", "con ", "el ", "Servicio ", "de ", "grafuito: ", "900 ", "23 ", "www.hiperdine\n", "medios ", "por ", "Valor ", "energético\n", "846 ", "kJ ", "203 ", "kcol ", "14 ", "g ", "3,3 ", "g ", "8,3 ", "g ", "0,9 ", "g ", "11 ", "g\n", "Grasas\n", "de ", "las ", "cuales ", "saturadas ", "Hidratos ", "de ", "carbono ", "de ", "los ", "cuales ", "azÚcares ", "Proteinas ", "Sal\n", "le ", "colágeno. ", "einas\n", "2,1 ", "g\n", "no ", "microondas. ", "Aole\n", "Este ", "envase ", "contiene ", "5 ", "unidades ", "de ", "salchichas: ", "Ingeste ", "referencia ", "para ", "un ", "ado ", "Fodio ", "8400 ", "k/2000\n" ]
[ [ 2, 106, 158, 142 ], [ 0, 183, 46, 217 ], [ 43, 186, 149, 215 ], [ 162, 188, 349, 218 ], [ 276, 238, 511, 281 ], [ 525, 245, 726, 275 ], [ 654, 285, 706, 315 ], [ 716, 289, 758, 316 ], [ 766, 296, 782, 322 ], [ 0, 284, 117, 317 ], [ 140, 288, 176, 314 ], [ 217, 281, 305, 316 ], [ 317, 280, 482, 313 ], [ 0, 328, 49, 345 ], [ 56, 321, 91, 345 ], [ 98, 323, 175, 347 ], [ 32, 352, 52, 382 ], [ 54, 352, 183, 382 ], [ 0, 378, 62, 407 ], [ 79, 379, 182, 409 ], [ 9, 405, 172, 435 ], [ 827, 251, 881, 281 ], [ 883, 249, 978, 285 ], [ 980, 251, 999, 285 ], [ 837, 290, 875, 314 ], [ 881, 281, 899, 307 ], [ 907, 283, 999, 315 ], [ 833, 311, 999, 344 ], [ 821, 343, 881, 367 ], [ 887, 344, 988, 376 ], [ 988, 346, 999, 376 ], [ 828, 371, 868, 397 ], [ 868, 371, 890, 393 ], [ 892, 371, 972, 395 ], [ 978, 375, 999, 395 ], [ 826, 397, 915, 425 ], [ 916, 397, 964, 425 ], [ 966, 397, 996, 425 ], [ 821, 417, 999, 450 ], [ 217, 305, 310, 338 ], [ 319, 315, 367, 345 ], [ 213, 341, 282, 372 ], [ 301, 344, 414, 374 ], [ 664, 349, 718, 375 ], [ 724, 350, 756, 376 ], [ 654, 379, 695, 400 ], [ 708, 378, 752, 400 ], [ 683, 404, 720, 433 ], [ 726, 405, 743, 431 ], [ 690, 434, 726, 460 ], [ 732, 439, 751, 463 ], [ 692, 466, 732, 497 ], [ 735, 474, 753, 500 ], [ 695, 503, 730, 533 ], [ 738, 510, 758, 537 ], [ 704, 541, 727, 565 ], [ 741, 549, 755, 568 ], [ 216, 403, 304, 422 ], [ 215, 430, 247, 451 ], [ 258, 430, 292, 453 ], [ 302, 430, 382, 453 ], [ 392, 433, 521, 455 ], [ 204, 460, 317, 492 ], [ 327, 463, 359, 489 ], [ 369, 463, 474, 492 ], [ 214, 499, 246, 525 ], [ 256, 499, 283, 523 ], [ 300, 499, 383, 526 ], [ 392, 500, 510, 528 ], [ 214, 536, 329, 565 ], [ 212, 574, 249, 600 ], [ 0, 470, 34, 502 ], [ 33, 471, 172, 504 ], [ 0, 507, 80, 541 ], [ 697, 580, 727, 605 ], [ 743, 588, 755, 609 ], [ 0, 646, 52, 665 ], [ 54, 644, 168, 665 ], [ 15, 661, 68, 678 ], [ 214, 625, 261, 652 ], [ 273, 624, 363, 652 ], [ 370, 624, 476, 652 ], [ 485, 627, 500, 649 ], [ 510, 625, 621, 650 ], [ 634, 624, 669, 652 ], [ 672, 624, 815, 652 ], [ 204, 652, 348, 675 ], [ 350, 652, 477, 675 ], [ 484, 652, 531, 675 ], [ 551, 652, 584, 675 ], [ 585, 652, 655, 664 ], [ 214, 670, 297, 689 ], [ 306, 670, 381, 690 ], [ 383, 671, 503, 690 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8435382805660", "image_id": "7", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-11", "label_studio_id": 17626, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 35, 67, 68, 19, 20, 0, 7, 8, 0, 0, 17, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 5, 0, 0, 55, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 39, 40, 0, 0, 49, 57, 0, 63, 59, 0, 0, 61, 31, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "VALORI ", "NUTRIZIONALI ", "MEDI ", "AR* ", "% ", "(50 ", "g)\n", "Per ", "100 ", "g\n", "Per ", "50 ", "g\n", "Energia\n", "1967 ", "kJ-468 ", "kcal ", "984 ", "kJ ", "- ", "234 ", "kcal\n", "12%\n", "Grassi\n", "17g\n", "8,6g\n", "12%\n", "di ", "cui ", "acidi ", "grassi ", "saturi\n", "4,9g\n", "2,5g\n", "13%\n", "Carboidrati\n", "74g\n", "37 ", "g\n", "14%\n", "di ", "cui ", "zuccheri\n", "24g\n", "12 ", "g\n", "13%\n", "Fibre\n", "2g\n", "1g\n", "Proteine\n", "3,2g\n", "1,6g\n", "3%\n", "Sale\n", "0,35g\n", "0,18 ", "g\n", "3%\n", "*AR: ", "Assunzioni ", "di ", "riferimento ", "di ", "un ", "adulto ", "medio ", "(8400 ", "kJ/ ", "2000 ", "kcal)\n", "6 ", "porzioni ", "da ", "50g ", "(pari ", "a ", "8 ", "biscotti)\n" ]
[ [ 173, 78, 335, 159 ], [ 354, 68, 687, 160 ], [ 694, 66, 819, 154 ], [ 784, 166, 847, 220 ], [ 849, 166, 875, 220 ], [ 877, 167, 912, 221 ], [ 914, 167, 949, 221 ], [ 385, 180, 426, 219 ], [ 430, 179, 475, 218 ], [ 474, 180, 495, 228 ], [ 627, 182, 665, 218 ], [ 671, 178, 700, 212 ], [ 706, 185, 720, 221 ], [ 46, 251, 130, 299 ], [ 329, 249, 394, 285 ], [ 401, 246, 490, 285 ], [ 496, 246, 541, 285 ], [ 555, 241, 623, 291 ], [ 630, 246, 650, 282 ], [ 660, 262, 665, 268 ], [ 673, 245, 714, 281 ], [ 721, 244, 765, 281 ], [ 858, 241, 905, 276 ], [ 43, 326, 109, 365 ], [ 492, 325, 542, 371 ], [ 710, 321, 769, 365 ], [ 857, 317, 905, 355 ], [ 42, 405, 63, 441 ], [ 70, 405, 101, 441 ], [ 107, 403, 160, 441 ], [ 168, 403, 235, 449 ], [ 243, 402, 310, 439 ], [ 485, 401, 542, 446 ], [ 711, 396, 771, 440 ], [ 857, 394, 907, 430 ], [ 33, 481, 174, 525 ], [ 493, 476, 544, 522 ], [ 721, 474, 750, 510 ], [ 757, 481, 773, 520 ], [ 859, 470, 910, 507 ], [ 45, 558, 64, 594 ], [ 71, 560, 104, 595 ], [ 110, 556, 207, 595 ], [ 495, 552, 545, 599 ], [ 724, 550, 754, 586 ], [ 760, 560, 773, 595 ], [ 860, 548, 913, 584 ], [ 45, 635, 102, 672 ], [ 510, 631, 544, 675 ], [ 741, 630, 774, 672 ], [ 34, 710, 146, 755 ], [ 487, 708, 544, 752 ], [ 721, 706, 775, 749 ], [ 880, 703, 916, 739 ], [ 46, 789, 95, 825 ], [ 474, 784, 555, 836 ], [ 693, 776, 754, 832 ], [ 730, 781, 787, 832 ], [ 881, 781, 919, 816 ], [ 71, 860, 127, 896 ], [ 135, 857, 267, 895 ], [ 275, 856, 297, 892 ], [ 306, 855, 443, 893 ], [ 452, 855, 473, 890 ], [ 483, 865, 511, 890 ], [ 520, 855, 599, 894 ], [ 608, 858, 684, 894 ], [ 694, 855, 762, 895 ], [ 772, 854, 806, 889 ], [ 816, 855, 875, 890 ], [ 886, 853, 940, 891 ], [ 233, 925, 252, 960 ], [ 261, 925, 387, 969 ], [ 398, 921, 435, 959 ], [ 446, 925, 502, 970 ], [ 516, 925, 587, 972 ], [ 598, 936, 614, 962 ], [ 626, 926, 644, 960 ], [ 655, 921, 780, 964 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8008910130956", "image_id": "5", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-18", "label_studio_id": 20072, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 63, 64, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0 ]
[ "conse ", "tlo ", "fresco ", "y ", "seco. ", "PU ", "DEN ", "CONTENEN ", "TRAZAS ", "DE ", "FRUTOS ", "SEtos ", "s ", "Valores ", "Nutricionales ", "valor ", "energético ", "1758 ", "KJ/100gr ", "o ", "420 ", "kcal/10gr, ", "gras ", "s ", "23 ", "gr/100gr ", "de ", "las ", "cuales ", "saturadas ", "7 ", "gr/100 ", "gr, ", "hidratos ", "de ", "carbono ", "48 ", "gr/100gr ", "de ", "los ", "cuales ", "acúcares ", "24gr/100gr, ", "proteínas ", "5,7 ", "gr/100gr ", "y ", "sal.0,06 ", "gr100g. ", "12 ", "464018 " ]
[ [ 849, 0, 930, 44 ], [ 638, 0, 693, 38 ], [ 687, 5, 771, 57 ], [ 773, 29, 788, 59 ], [ 792, 35, 853, 80 ], [ 103, 85, 174, 147 ], [ 193, 75, 273, 139 ], [ 299, 74, 542, 140 ], [ 545, 85, 684, 160 ], [ 693, 107, 733, 169 ], [ 742, 116, 832, 188 ], [ 840, 135, 915, 200 ], [ 918, 145, 928, 201 ], [ 108, 280, 197, 334 ], [ 206, 271, 437, 330 ], [ 108, 338, 184, 395 ], [ 185, 335, 354, 395 ], [ 372, 340, 452, 377 ], [ 462, 330, 590, 385 ], [ 595, 350, 610, 386 ], [ 619, 340, 663, 373 ], [ 670, 326, 792, 385 ], [ 121, 399, 172, 450 ], [ 187, 399, 211, 450 ], [ 211, 397, 243, 449 ], [ 254, 399, 402, 449 ], [ 116, 455, 157, 502 ], [ 159, 455, 198, 501 ], [ 206, 454, 303, 501 ], [ 313, 455, 492, 499 ], [ 504, 453, 519, 488 ], [ 530, 450, 608, 495 ], [ 617, 454, 645, 496 ], [ 134, 502, 228, 555 ], [ 242, 511, 272, 557 ], [ 288, 513, 423, 558 ], [ 440, 513, 468, 558 ], [ 488, 498, 599, 556 ], [ 607, 492, 632, 540 ], [ 640, 485, 677, 535 ], [ 685, 478, 755, 529 ], [ 764, 470, 845, 521 ], [ 138, 557, 286, 622 ], [ 294, 569, 462, 623 ], [ 484, 564, 522, 614 ], [ 542, 544, 647, 608 ], [ 653, 539, 670, 587 ], [ 677, 524, 758, 583 ], [ 772, 510, 852, 568 ], [ 896, 815, 953, 883 ], [ 808, 835, 908, 923 ] ]
{ "barcode": "8437012464018", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-10", "label_studio_id": 17311, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 19, 7, 8, 17, 33, 55, 37, 49, 50, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 5, 1, 2, 39, 57, 58, 59, 31, 32, 65, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62, 23, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "pot ", "ou ", "vert ", "se ", "cons ", "erve ", "4 ", "8h ", "au ", "réfrigérateur, ", "à ", "moin ", "s ", "que ", "votre ", "bébé ", "ait ", "mangé ", "directement ", "dans ", "le ", "pot. ", "Dans ", "ce ", "cas, ", "jetez ", "le ", "pot ", "non ", "terminé. ", "consom ", "mer ", "de ", "préfére ", "nce ", "avant ", "fin ", ": ", "voir ", "sur ", "le ", "côté ", "du ", "couvercle.\n", "(400 ", "g)\n", "Déclaration ", "Nutritionnelle ", "Pour ", "100 ", "g\n", "Par ", "pot ", "de ", "200g\n", "Valeur ", "énergétique ", "273 ", "kJ ", "/ ", "65 ", "kcal ", "546 ", "kJ/130 ", "kcal ", "2,29 ", "0,29 ", "8,29 ", "29 ", "1,2 ", "g ", "2,59 ", "Sel\n", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "4,49 ", "0,49 ", "16,4 ", "9 ", "49 ", "2,4 ", "g ", "59 ", "0,15 ", "g ", "0,06 ", "9\n", "Glucides ", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "7 ", "6 ", "13034\"581051\n", "Protéines\n", "0,08 ", "9 ", "0,03 ", "9\n", "NUTRITIONAL ", "COMPASS ", "® ", "® ", "Reg. ", "Trademark ", "of ", "Société ", "des ", "Produits ", "Nestlé ", "S.A.\n", "Sodium\n", "Good ", "Food, ", "Good ", "Life®\n", "Bien ", "Manger, ", "Bien ", "Vivre\n", "Plus ", "d'informations ", "?\n", "Allo ", "Nestlé ", "Bébé ", "0 ", "800 ", "100 ", "312 ", "(Service ", "+ ", "appel ", "gratuits) ", " ", "Service ", "consommateurs ", "Nestlé ", "France ", "34-40 ", "rue ", "Guynemer ", "92130 ", "Issy-les-Moulineaux\n", "FR ", "88-011-001 ", "CE\n", "Nestlēe\n", "100882844\n" ]
[ [ 720, 181, 740, 188 ], [ 746, 181, 758, 188 ], [ 773, 181, 794, 188 ], [ 799, 181, 814, 187 ], [ 826, 181, 855, 188 ], [ 871, 181, 890, 188 ], [ 897, 181, 905, 188 ], [ 920, 181, 925, 188 ], [ 932, 183, 947, 187 ], [ 730, 188, 822, 195 ], [ 827, 188, 833, 193 ], [ 844, 187, 872, 195 ], [ 884, 190, 891, 195 ], [ 894, 190, 908, 193 ], [ 913, 189, 948, 193 ], [ 739, 193, 779, 200 ], [ 785, 194, 802, 200 ], [ 809, 194, 855, 202 ], [ 862, 194, 948, 201 ], [ 756, 200, 789, 207 ], [ 798, 202, 810, 207 ], [ 818, 200, 847, 209 ], [ 855, 202, 889, 207 ], [ 897, 201, 918, 209 ], [ 920, 202, 947, 210 ], [ 765, 208, 799, 215 ], [ 805, 208, 816, 213 ], [ 825, 207, 845, 215 ], [ 848, 210, 872, 215 ], [ 877, 208, 935, 215 ], [ 783, 214, 822, 222 ], [ 839, 216, 852, 220 ], [ 856, 215, 871, 222 ], [ 883, 214, 924, 222 ], [ 940, 214, 949, 222 ], [ 780, 222, 815, 228 ], [ 820, 221, 837, 227 ], [ 844, 220, 852, 228 ], [ 852, 220, 877, 228 ], [ 879, 220, 906, 228 ], [ 907, 220, 920, 228 ], [ 920, 221, 948, 227 ], [ 785, 227, 810, 235 ], [ 811, 227, 870, 235 ], [ 51, 184, 144, 206 ], [ 151, 187, 166, 207 ], [ 111, 300, 179, 320 ], [ 184, 300, 270, 320 ], [ 294, 299, 327, 324 ], [ 327, 300, 347, 325 ], [ 353, 305, 360, 323 ], [ 395, 301, 412, 320 ], [ 415, 302, 434, 324 ], [ 436, 301, 450, 320 ], [ 452, 301, 480, 323 ], [ 152, 330, 197, 355 ], [ 197, 329, 270, 355 ], [ 277, 329, 307, 355 ], [ 311, 332, 322, 350 ], [ 326, 332, 331, 349 ], [ 335, 333, 348, 350 ], [ 353, 332, 377, 350 ], [ 391, 333, 411, 350 ], [ 415, 332, 455, 350 ], [ 459, 332, 481, 350 ], [ 315, 361, 345, 387 ], [ 315, 382, 343, 406 ], [ 315, 413, 344, 439 ], [ 315, 433, 342, 459 ], [ 307, 462, 331, 490 ], [ 331, 462, 345, 489 ], [ 310, 495, 347, 519 ], [ 252, 524, 270, 542 ], [ 164, 357, 223, 382 ], [ 225, 363, 270, 388 ], [ 127, 384, 155, 402 ], [ 158, 383, 195, 402 ], [ 199, 387, 223, 406 ], [ 226, 381, 270, 402 ], [ 421, 363, 450, 387 ], [ 421, 381, 450, 405 ], [ 417, 414, 442, 438 ], [ 446, 417, 452, 435 ], [ 427, 432, 449, 459 ], [ 412, 462, 441, 490 ], [ 441, 463, 450, 490 ], [ 421, 495, 449, 520 ], [ 412, 522, 442, 549 ], [ 442, 522, 451, 549 ], [ 409, 551, 442, 579 ], [ 444, 552, 457, 579 ], [ 219, 413, 269, 432 ], [ 203, 434, 230, 453 ], [ 233, 437, 270, 454 ], [ 157, 465, 192, 482 ], [ 196, 465, 269, 482 ], [ 601, 455, 616, 478 ], [ 631, 451, 658, 478 ], [ 668, 451, 908, 482 ], [ 215, 494, 269, 512 ], [ 303, 522, 339, 550 ], [ 338, 524, 348, 550 ], [ 304, 550, 336, 580 ], [ 336, 552, 350, 581 ], [ 591, 517, 702, 532 ], [ 708, 517, 790, 532 ], [ 796, 517, 810, 532 ], [ 591, 538, 604, 553 ], [ 611, 538, 646, 558 ], [ 652, 536, 742, 554 ], [ 749, 537, 764, 554 ], [ 770, 537, 830, 554 ], [ 590, 559, 619, 575 ], [ 625, 556, 692, 575 ], [ 699, 559, 751, 575 ], [ 757, 560, 788, 575 ], [ 225, 554, 269, 572 ], [ 172, 600, 220, 634 ], [ 225, 590, 273, 618 ], [ 275, 591, 325, 618 ], [ 331, 599, 377, 629 ], [ 192, 618, 224, 643 ], [ 229, 610, 277, 634 ], [ 280, 610, 312, 633 ], [ 316, 616, 347, 640 ], [ 438, 615, 510, 647 ], [ 505, 620, 696, 642 ], [ 705, 621, 714, 641 ], [ 442, 662, 478, 681 ], [ 485, 660, 542, 681 ], [ 548, 660, 592, 681 ], [ 598, 662, 607, 681 ], [ 614, 662, 645, 681 ], [ 650, 662, 680, 681 ], [ 686, 662, 715, 681 ], [ 443, 686, 506, 710 ], [ 512, 692, 521, 705 ], [ 526, 687, 571, 710 ], [ 576, 686, 645, 710 ], [ 442, 716, 591, 735 ], [ 442, 742, 485, 760 ], [ 490, 743, 586, 760 ], [ 591, 741, 628, 760 ], [ 633, 742, 671, 760 ], [ 442, 767, 477, 785 ], [ 480, 770, 499, 785 ], [ 504, 767, 565, 789 ], [ 569, 767, 604, 785 ], [ 609, 766, 730, 789 ], [ 822, 669, 839, 684 ], [ 786, 685, 870, 704 ], [ 822, 704, 840, 720 ], [ 215, 738, 341, 772 ], [ 33, 342, 50, 446 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7613034581051", "image_id": "6", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-4", "label_studio_id": 16764, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 33, 55, 37, 49, 63, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Gemiddelde ", "voedingswaarde ", "per/Valeur ", "nutritionnelle ", "moyenne ", "par ", "100g\n", "311 ", "k/74 ", "kcal\n", "Energie ", "Vetten/Matleres ", "grasses\n", "Waarvan ", "verzadigde ", "vetzuren/dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Koolhydraten/Glucides ", "Waarvan ", "suikers/dont ", "sucres ", "Vezels/Fibres ", "alimentaires ", "Elwitten/Protéines ", "Zout/Sel\n", "0,39 ", "<0,19 ", "16g ", "1g ", "2,29 ", "0,69 ", "<0,01 ", "g\n", "Hero ", "Benelux, ", "Postbus ", "3243, ", "NL-4800 ", "DE ", "Breda. ", "WL: ", "0800 ", "02 ", "27 ", "434. ", "BE: ", "0800 ", "17 ", "227.\n" ]
[ [ 22, 33, 145, 143 ], [ 158, 54, 357, 167 ], [ 372, 67, 501, 161 ], [ 517, 57, 689, 154 ], [ 704, 39, 795, 140 ], [ 807, 31, 836, 125 ], [ 847, 15, 893, 114 ], [ 685, 135, 757, 237 ], [ 754, 125, 813, 221 ], [ 810, 112, 862, 211 ], [ 25, 130, 103, 211 ], [ 27, 216, 201, 321 ], [ 202, 255, 300, 347 ], [ 40, 300, 129, 402 ], [ 137, 321, 274, 436 ], [ 277, 347, 464, 441 ], [ 478, 355, 554, 436 ], [ 570, 352, 614, 436 ], [ 630, 336, 722, 433 ], [ 27, 389, 303, 532 ], [ 41, 488, 136, 563 ], [ 139, 509, 293, 608 ], [ 294, 540, 383, 624 ], [ 31, 569, 175, 668 ], [ 178, 603, 339, 704 ], [ 31, 644, 247, 775 ], [ 31, 731, 126, 822 ], [ 806, 221, 857, 297 ], [ 800, 313, 860, 386 ], [ 821, 409, 862, 472 ], [ 829, 501, 863, 561 ], [ 817, 590, 866, 655 ], [ 817, 678, 867, 744 ], [ 794, 762, 853, 838 ], [ 857, 767, 872, 822 ], [ 887, 702, 910, 796 ], [ 882, 519, 910, 694 ], [ 913, 624, 941, 783 ], [ 915, 511, 941, 618 ], [ 909, 331, 935, 506 ], [ 908, 268, 929, 321 ], [ 905, 125, 926, 258 ], [ 945, 681, 972, 767 ], [ 942, 590, 969, 678 ], [ 941, 524, 968, 579 ], [ 938, 483, 966, 522 ], [ 935, 368, 965, 462 ], [ 935, 300, 962, 362 ], [ 931, 193, 961, 297 ], [ 931, 120, 958, 182 ], [ 929, 46, 956, 117 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7061119041172", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-19", "label_studio_id": 20596, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 63, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0 ]
[ "(", "dans ", "variété ", "fraise", ")", ", ", "arôme ", "naturel ", "de ", "pêche ", "(", "dans ", "variété ", "pêche", ")", ", ", "ferments ", "lactiques ", "(", "lalt", ")", ", ", "jus ", "concentré ", "de ", "citron", "*", ".", "*", ": ", "Issu ", "de ", "l'agriculture ", "biologique", ". ", "Commerce ", "équitable ", "contrôlé ", "Fair ", "for ", "Life", ": ", "86,9", "% ", "des ", "ingrédients ", "d'origine ", "agricole", ". ", "Lait", ": ", "Origine ", "France", ".\n", "VALEURS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES ", "MOYENNES ", "POUR ", "100G", ": ", "Energie", ": ", "304kJ", "-", "72kcal", ", ", "Matières ", "grasses", ": ", "1,8g", ", ", "dont ", "Acides ", "gras ", "saturés", ": ", "1,2g", ", ", "Glucides", ": ", "10,9g", ", ", "dont ", "Sucres ", "10,9g", ", ", "Protéines ", "3,0g", ", ", "Sel", ": ", "0,11g", ".\n" ]
[ [ 16, 10, 26, 175 ], [ 23, 10, 71, 175 ], [ 78, 10, 147, 175 ], [ 154, 10, 211, 175 ], [ 211, 10, 220, 175 ], [ 221, 10, 225, 175 ], [ 233, 10, 295, 175 ], [ 305, 10, 376, 175 ], [ 384, 10, 405, 175 ], [ 415, 10, 471, 175 ], [ 480, 10, 487, 175 ], [ 487, 10, 532, 175 ], [ 541, 10, 609, 175 ], [ 617, 10, 672, 175 ], [ 673, 10, 680, 175 ], [ 682, 10, 686, 175 ], [ 696, 10, 784, 175 ], [ 794, 10, 882, 175 ], [ 891, 10, 899, 175 ], [ 898, 10, 933, 175 ], [ 932, 10, 940, 175 ], [ 941, 10, 946, 175 ], [ 951, 10, 982, 175 ], [ 18, 183, 110, 359 ], [ 115, 183, 136, 359 ], [ 142, 183, 194, 359 ], [ 196, 183, 208, 359 ], [ 205, 183, 211, 359 ], [ 212, 183, 227, 359 ], [ 225, 183, 232, 359 ], [ 237, 183, 272, 359 ], [ 278, 183, 298, 359 ], [ 304, 183, 415, 359 ], [ 422, 183, 517, 359 ], [ 518, 183, 522, 359 ], [ 529, 183, 623, 359 ], [ 629, 183, 712, 359 ], [ 718, 183, 795, 359 ], [ 801, 183, 836, 359 ], [ 840, 183, 870, 359 ], [ 874, 183, 909, 359 ], [ 913, 183, 920, 359 ], [ 923, 183, 965, 359 ], [ 962, 183, 984, 359 ], [ 22, 361, 55, 521 ], [ 61, 361, 173, 524 ], [ 179, 364, 266, 529 ], [ 273, 366, 353, 532 ], [ 355, 369, 359, 529 ], [ 366, 372, 403, 532 ], [ 409, 372, 415, 532 ], [ 421, 372, 493, 537 ], [ 500, 374, 567, 540 ], [ 567, 377, 575, 537 ], [ 22, 524, 113, 697 ], [ 118, 527, 296, 702 ], [ 304, 532, 409, 705 ], [ 416, 534, 469, 705 ], [ 474, 537, 519, 705 ], [ 525, 537, 530, 705 ], [ 537, 537, 606, 710 ], [ 611, 540, 616, 708 ], [ 622, 540, 680, 710 ], [ 680, 542, 689, 710 ], [ 692, 540, 752, 713 ], [ 753, 542, 757, 710 ], [ 764, 542, 844, 715 ], [ 849, 545, 922, 718 ], [ 927, 547, 933, 715 ], [ 937, 547, 975, 715 ], [ 976, 547, 983, 715 ], [ 25, 713, 69, 875 ], [ 72, 713, 133, 878 ], [ 139, 715, 180, 878 ], [ 185, 715, 253, 883 ], [ 258, 718, 263, 881 ], [ 269, 718, 306, 881 ], [ 310, 720, 315, 883 ], [ 321, 718, 402, 886 ], [ 410, 723, 415, 886 ], [ 420, 723, 470, 888 ], [ 474, 723, 478, 886 ], [ 484, 726, 530, 891 ], [ 535, 726, 600, 894 ], [ 607, 728, 657, 894 ], [ 661, 731, 664, 894 ], [ 672, 728, 765, 896 ], [ 770, 733, 813, 896 ], [ 815, 733, 821, 896 ], [ 826, 733, 859, 899 ], [ 863, 736, 871, 899 ], [ 874, 736, 923, 901 ], [ 925, 736, 931, 899 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3661344011175", "image_id": "13", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-9", "label_studio_id": 17976, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 67, 68, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Portie/Portion ", "Portie/Portion ", "GEMIDDELDE ", "VOEDINGSWAARDE ", "PER ", "%RI ", "100 ", "g ", "VALEUR ", "NUTRITIVE ", "MOYENNE ", "PAR ", "1% ", "92 ", "kJ ", "22 ", "kcal ", "Energie ", "<0,5 ", "g ", "0% ", "Vetten/Matières ", "grasses ", "- ", "waarvan ", "verzadigde ", "vetzuren/ ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "Koolhydraten/Glucides ", "-waarvan ", "suikers/dont ", "sucres ", "Vezels/Fibres ", "alimentaires ", "Eiwitten/Protéines ", "Zout/Sel ", "ex ", "0,1 ", "g ", "3,5 ", "g ", "3,0g ", "1,0 ", "g ", "1,0 ", "g ", "0,03 ", "g ", "1% ", "1% ", "3% ", "3% ", "1% ", "* ", "Referentie-inname ", "van ", "een ", "gemiddelde ", "volwassene ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal)./ ", "Apport ", "de ", "référence ", "pour ", "un ", "adulte-type ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal). ", "Deze ", "verpakking ", "bevat ", "3 ", "x ", "4 ", "porties ", "van ", "100 ", "g./Cet ", "emballage ", "contient ", "3x4 ", "portions ", "de ", "100 ", "g. ", "Produced ", "in ", "Italy. " ]
[ [ 810, 21, 972, 77 ], [ 611, 24, 749, 67 ], [ 56, 19, 210, 55 ], [ 218, 20, 453, 59 ], [ 461, 24, 506, 60 ], [ 845, 71, 941, 183 ], [ 601, 72, 703, 172 ], [ 718, 103, 747, 188 ], [ 56, 71, 150, 103 ], [ 159, 72, 282, 106 ], [ 291, 72, 409, 110 ], [ 418, 74, 464, 111 ], [ 920, 216, 952, 252 ], [ 696, 213, 721, 249 ], [ 729, 214, 748, 249 ], [ 676, 261, 700, 297 ], [ 709, 263, 748, 300 ], [ 56, 200, 131, 248 ], [ 680, 313, 730, 363 ], [ 737, 331, 748, 367 ], [ 918, 325, 951, 362 ], [ 49, 302, 220, 357 ], [ 226, 320, 309, 366 ], [ 60, 362, 78, 409 ], [ 79, 362, 161, 411 ], [ 164, 364, 274, 409 ], [ 280, 366, 380, 408 ], [ 57, 411, 103, 446 ], [ 110, 413, 172, 448 ], [ 180, 422, 223, 456 ], [ 231, 413, 306, 452 ], [ 50, 460, 295, 513 ], [ 60, 525, 157, 554 ], [ 165, 519, 295, 561 ], [ 302, 531, 366, 559 ], [ 58, 572, 191, 617 ], [ 198, 573, 323, 621 ], [ 54, 629, 249, 675 ], [ 54, 685, 150, 730 ], [ 981, 407, 999, 431 ], [ 697, 418, 726, 462 ], [ 736, 431, 748, 465 ], [ 692, 474, 732, 527 ], [ 732, 478, 750, 529 ], [ 695, 525, 751, 580 ], [ 691, 578, 729, 627 ], [ 734, 594, 747, 630 ], [ 690, 634, 733, 690 ], [ 731, 641, 751, 693 ], [ 677, 695, 727, 741 ], [ 734, 710, 745, 743 ], [ 918, 426, 950, 462 ], [ 912, 479, 955, 518 ], [ 916, 532, 948, 567 ], [ 910, 643, 949, 681 ], [ 909, 698, 948, 737 ], [ 61, 765, 78, 809 ], [ 80, 765, 261, 813 ], [ 269, 782, 303, 807 ], [ 311, 783, 345, 808 ], [ 351, 774, 468, 818 ], [ 475, 776, 590, 811 ], [ 597, 779, 658, 818 ], [ 664, 781, 745, 818 ], [ 752, 783, 818, 818 ], [ 60, 814, 130, 855 ], [ 135, 815, 159, 849 ], [ 164, 815, 256, 851 ], [ 261, 826, 310, 860 ], [ 315, 827, 340, 852 ], [ 346, 819, 464, 862 ], [ 470, 820, 531, 860 ], [ 537, 822, 619, 861 ], [ 625, 825, 674, 862 ], [ 62, 872, 109, 907 ], [ 116, 873, 224, 915 ], [ 231, 875, 287, 909 ], [ 292, 876, 304, 909 ], [ 307, 872, 322, 916 ], [ 324, 873, 339, 917 ], [ 345, 877, 414, 918 ], [ 421, 887, 456, 913 ], [ 466, 879, 502, 912 ], [ 508, 879, 578, 921 ], [ 584, 882, 689, 922 ], [ 695, 884, 777, 915 ], [ 63, 916, 109, 950 ], [ 114, 917, 198, 959 ], [ 204, 916, 227, 953 ], [ 236, 918, 273, 953 ], [ 279, 928, 295, 960 ], [ 812, 962, 915, 995 ], [ 920, 964, 940, 995 ], [ 947, 964, 998, 997 ] ]
{ "barcode": "5400113595618", "image_id": "5", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-8", "label_studio_id": 17444, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 68, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 55, 56, 37, 38, 63, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100g ", "de ", "produit ", "869 ", "kJ/209 ", "kcal ", "12g ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "1,4g ", "19 ", "g ", "1,9 ", "g ", "3.7g ", "1,1g\n", "Energie ", "Matières ", "grasses\n", "Glucides ", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Protéines ", "Sel\n" ]
[ [ 76, 57, 278, 127 ], [ 300, 64, 675, 135 ], [ 693, 81, 958, 139 ], [ 246, 162, 371, 220 ], [ 393, 148, 518, 224 ], [ 540, 150, 610, 207 ], [ 632, 136, 817, 224 ], [ 590, 245, 671, 313 ], [ 689, 243, 860, 320 ], [ 876, 244, 964, 309 ], [ 782, 359, 876, 443 ], [ 43, 449, 176, 534 ], [ 184, 453, 363, 534 ], [ 384, 472, 489, 534 ], [ 491, 449, 688, 534 ], [ 751, 449, 866, 534 ], [ 786, 549, 829, 615 ], [ 845, 563, 874, 626 ], [ 739, 628, 846, 724 ], [ 841, 634, 877, 726 ], [ 766, 748, 881, 836 ], [ 738, 846, 875, 941 ], [ 64, 244, 247, 328 ], [ 61, 353, 276, 434 ], [ 290, 374, 477, 453 ], [ 60, 549, 282, 626 ], [ 60, 639, 177, 713 ], [ 193, 657, 351, 720 ], [ 41, 741, 289, 831 ], [ 43, 852, 124, 926 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3165950220322", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-4", "label_studio_id": 17038, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 68, 35, 36, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 37, 49, 50, 63, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Ingrédients", ": ", "Lait'écrémé ", "réhydraté", ", ", "caramel ", "24", "% ", "(", "su ", "antioxydant", ": ", "alpha", "-", "tocophérol", ", ", "épaississant", ": ", "g ", "rubans ", "de ", "caramel ", "au ", "beurre ", "à ", "la ", "fleur ", "de ", "sel ", "de ", "de ", "glucose", "-", "fructose", ", ", "sucre", ", ", "creme", ", ", "lait ", "concentré ", "eau", ", ", "beurre ", "à ", "la ", "fleur ", "de ", "sel ", "de ", "Guérande", ", ", "sel ", "de ", "G ", ": ", "pectine", ")", ", ", "crème¹", ", ", "dextrose", ", ", "beurre ", "doux ", "2", "%", ", ", "h ", "sucre", ", ", "émulsifiant ", ": ", "mono ", "et ", "diglycérides ", "d'acide ", "végétales", ")", ", ", "stabilisants", ": ", "farine ", "de ", "graines ", "de ", "sodium", ", ", "carraghénanes ", "(", "extrait ", "d'algues", ")", ", ", "farine ", "gomme ", "de ", "cellulose", ", ", "sel ", "de ", "Guérande", ": ", "0,2", "%", ".\n", "11 ", "'", "Nos ", "produits ", "laitiers ", "sont ", "issus ", "de ", "ferm\n", "Fabriqué ", "dans ", "un ", "atelier ", "qui ", "utilise", ": ", "oeufs", ", ", "fruits ", "à ", "coque", ", ", "soja", ", ", "sulfites ", "et ", "arachides", ".\n", "Volume ", "ne\n", "750m\n", "Conservatio\n", "Ne ", "jamais ", "re\n", "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g\n", "Energie\n", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "Glucides\n", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "Protéines\n", "223 ", "kcal ", "933 ", "kJ\n", "10,7 ", "g\n", "7,9 ", "g\n", "27,99\n", "27,59\n", "0,2 ", "g\n", "3,6g\n", "Sel\n", "0,4 ", "g\n", "N", "° ", "de ", "lot ", "/ ", "À ", "consommer ", "de ", "préférence ", "a\n", "3\n", "horas ", "ap ", "onság\n" ]
[ [ 212, 5, 386, 21 ], [ 395, 5, 404, 21 ], [ 405, 5, 596, 21 ], [ 604, 5, 747, 21 ], [ 750, 5, 756, 21 ], [ 763, 5, 878, 21 ], [ 883, 5, 918, 21 ], [ 919, 5, 939, 21 ], [ 951, 5, 964, 21 ], [ 961, 5, 993, 21 ], [ 208, 21, 397, 40 ], [ 419, 21, 428, 39 ], [ 451, 21, 536, 39 ], [ 535, 21, 548, 39 ], [ 548, 20, 717, 39 ], [ 719, 20, 726, 38 ], [ 750, 19, 929, 38 ], [ 948, 20, 959, 38 ], [ 979, 19, 997, 37 ], [ 206, 39, 314, 55 ], [ 327, 39, 366, 55 ], [ 379, 39, 503, 55 ], [ 516, 39, 551, 54 ], [ 565, 38, 675, 54 ], [ 690, 38, 704, 53 ], [ 717, 38, 743, 53 ], [ 754, 38, 824, 53 ], [ 836, 38, 873, 53 ], [ 884, 37, 926, 53 ], [ 935, 37, 974, 53 ], [ 202, 58, 242, 76 ], [ 253, 57, 377, 76 ], [ 381, 58, 391, 75 ], [ 393, 57, 523, 75 ], [ 526, 57, 531, 75 ], [ 544, 57, 625, 75 ], [ 628, 57, 635, 75 ], [ 647, 56, 748, 75 ], [ 750, 56, 757, 74 ], [ 767, 56, 820, 74 ], [ 833, 55, 983, 74 ], [ 200, 78, 258, 96 ], [ 258, 78, 266, 96 ], [ 278, 77, 393, 95 ], [ 406, 77, 421, 94 ], [ 435, 76, 460, 94 ], [ 473, 75, 546, 94 ], [ 558, 75, 596, 93 ], [ 608, 75, 650, 93 ], [ 663, 75, 700, 92 ], [ 711, 73, 867, 92 ], [ 870, 73, 877, 91 ], [ 885, 73, 926, 90 ], [ 936, 72, 974, 90 ], [ 983, 72, 999, 90 ], [ 197, 99, 205, 119 ], [ 217, 97, 340, 118 ], [ 341, 97, 351, 117 ], [ 353, 97, 361, 117 ], [ 374, 96, 491, 117 ], [ 496, 96, 503, 116 ], [ 517, 94, 658, 115 ], [ 659, 94, 666, 114 ], [ 678, 93, 793, 114 ], [ 816, 92, 898, 113 ], [ 908, 92, 927, 112 ], [ 926, 91, 951, 112 ], [ 959, 91, 967, 111 ], [ 973, 91, 991, 111 ], [ 193, 118, 283, 138 ], [ 282, 118, 290, 137 ], [ 305, 116, 492, 137 ], [ 506, 116, 515, 136 ], [ 530, 115, 626, 136 ], [ 641, 115, 671, 135 ], [ 686, 113, 882, 134 ], [ 896, 112, 999, 133 ], [ 190, 137, 351, 162 ], [ 354, 137, 365, 160 ], [ 366, 137, 374, 160 ], [ 395, 135, 584, 160 ], [ 603, 135, 615, 158 ], [ 631, 134, 730, 158 ], [ 749, 133, 790, 156 ], [ 809, 132, 930, 156 ], [ 947, 131, 988, 155 ], [ 187, 161, 312, 183 ], [ 317, 161, 325, 181 ], [ 338, 158, 594, 181 ], [ 607, 158, 620, 178 ], [ 619, 157, 729, 178 ], [ 741, 155, 879, 177 ], [ 879, 155, 889, 176 ], [ 894, 155, 900, 176 ], [ 909, 154, 999, 176 ], [ 183, 184, 322, 209 ], [ 331, 183, 376, 207 ], [ 386, 181, 541, 206 ], [ 543, 180, 551, 203 ], [ 560, 180, 607, 203 ], [ 618, 179, 661, 202 ], [ 672, 176, 840, 202 ], [ 849, 176, 861, 199 ], [ 866, 175, 917, 199 ], [ 914, 175, 943, 198 ], [ 949, 174, 958, 197 ], [ 188, 219, 290, 272 ], [ 308, 228, 319, 251 ], [ 320, 227, 391, 250 ], [ 398, 225, 553, 250 ], [ 563, 224, 689, 248 ], [ 698, 223, 777, 246 ], [ 786, 221, 868, 245 ], [ 878, 221, 919, 244 ], [ 926, 220, 999, 243 ], [ 170, 279, 333, 305 ], [ 350, 277, 438, 302 ], [ 458, 276, 501, 300 ], [ 522, 274, 637, 299 ], [ 654, 273, 712, 297 ], [ 730, 270, 835, 295 ], [ 851, 270, 863, 293 ], [ 878, 268, 979, 293 ], [ 979, 268, 990, 291 ], [ 166, 309, 274, 337 ], [ 284, 309, 307, 334 ], [ 317, 306, 441, 334 ], [ 439, 306, 450, 331 ], [ 460, 303, 542, 331 ], [ 541, 303, 552, 329 ], [ 562, 300, 702, 329 ], [ 714, 300, 751, 325 ], [ 762, 295, 946, 325 ], [ 946, 295, 958, 321 ], [ 800, 340, 951, 362 ], [ 962, 342, 999, 362 ], [ 808, 375, 999, 415 ], [ 813, 436, 999, 458 ], [ 819, 467, 864, 490 ], [ 871, 467, 975, 490 ], [ 982, 467, 999, 489 ], [ 259, 353, 393, 376 ], [ 403, 349, 660, 373 ], [ 268, 380, 456, 408 ], [ 466, 378, 552, 403 ], [ 562, 376, 625, 401 ], [ 634, 375, 658, 399 ], [ 173, 437, 315, 464 ], [ 167, 493, 333, 518 ], [ 342, 494, 479, 519 ], [ 163, 527, 253, 556 ], [ 258, 525, 373, 555 ], [ 379, 523, 453, 552 ], [ 463, 521, 583, 551 ], [ 158, 579, 332, 607 ], [ 156, 617, 256, 641 ], [ 264, 616, 391, 640 ], [ 152, 664, 276, 694 ], [ 286, 657, 533, 690 ], [ 152, 712, 345, 745 ], [ 597, 415, 664, 437 ], [ 673, 413, 747, 436 ], [ 616, 443, 685, 465 ], [ 694, 443, 732, 464 ], [ 627, 484, 709, 511 ], [ 712, 486, 746, 512 ], [ 641, 519, 698, 548 ], [ 707, 518, 733, 546 ], [ 633, 567, 758, 599 ], [ 635, 603, 763, 635 ], [ 654, 652, 719, 683 ], [ 720, 652, 759, 683 ], [ 662, 705, 759, 737 ], [ 151, 769, 214, 794 ], [ 665, 756, 727, 785 ], [ 733, 756, 763, 785 ], [ 139, 831, 175, 865 ], [ 170, 831, 191, 864 ], [ 201, 829, 260, 863 ], [ 270, 826, 333, 861 ], [ 338, 825, 363, 859 ], [ 368, 824, 403, 858 ], [ 414, 816, 675, 856 ], [ 683, 814, 737, 848 ], [ 749, 807, 971, 846 ], [ 980, 806, 999, 839 ], [ 952, 706, 983, 733 ], [ 153, 923, 352, 954 ], [ 427, 919, 481, 944 ], [ 512, 911, 712, 941 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3267180090383", "image_id": "8", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-4", "label_studio_id": 17780, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 19, 0, 17, 18, 43, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 55, 56, 5, 6, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 40, 59, 60, 31, 32, 0, 0, 37, 38, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "akte, ", "Rapsil\n", "Izexr ", "% ", "RM ", "pro ", "Stück ", "(12,5g)\n", "Glukosesi ", "up,\n", "pro ", "Stück ", "(12,5g)\n", "DURCHSCHNITTLICHNE ", "NAHRWERTE ", "Brennwert ", "kJ/kcal ", "Fett\n", "pro ", "100g\n", "1199/288\n", "150/36\n", "2%\n", "20,0 ", "g\n", "2,5 ", "g\n", "4%\n", "davon: ", "pesättigte ", "Fettsäuren ", "Kahlenhydrate\n", "6,0 ", "g ", "12,0 ", "g\n", "0,8 ", "g ", "1,5 ", "g\n", "4%\n", "<1%\n", "davon: ", "- ", "Zucker\n", "0,3 ", "g ", "1,9 ", "g ", "0,29 ", "g\n", "<1 ", "%\n", "2,6 ", "g ", "15,0 ", "g\n", "4 ", "%\n", "Eweiß\n", "5%\n", "2,3 ", "g ", "Referenzmenge ", "für ", "einen ", "durchschnittlichen ", "Erwachsenen ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000kdat ", "Gefligetfrikadellenbällchen, ", "200 ", "g: ", "16 ", "Stück ", "à ", "ca. ", "12,5g\n", "Salz\n" ]
[ [ 863, 0, 911, 50 ], [ 915, 2, 980, 69 ], [ 795, 0, 870, 57 ], [ 870, 72, 900, 129 ], [ 892, 79, 935, 144 ], [ 943, 105, 975, 153 ], [ 830, 129, 900, 189 ], [ 901, 141, 973, 213 ], [ 43, 0, 154, 48 ], [ 156, 0, 192, 40 ], [ 647, 64, 696, 105 ], [ 707, 52, 784, 110 ], [ 671, 108, 789, 189 ], [ 41, 40, 320, 132 ], [ 41, 112, 194, 182 ], [ 43, 194, 157, 257 ], [ 164, 187, 254, 245 ], [ 46, 276, 91, 326 ], [ 486, 57, 544, 110 ], [ 463, 103, 544, 163 ], [ 400, 185, 541, 230 ], [ 684, 194, 779, 240 ], [ 933, 225, 968, 271 ], [ 448, 259, 513, 314 ], [ 519, 274, 551, 324 ], [ 697, 264, 755, 334 ], [ 755, 269, 779, 336 ], [ 931, 298, 963, 338 ], [ 58, 350, 117, 396 ], [ 63, 394, 176, 461 ], [ 179, 384, 307, 451 ], [ 48, 463, 204, 528 ], [ 465, 391, 509, 442 ], [ 514, 403, 548, 454 ], [ 446, 468, 509, 519 ], [ 518, 480, 534, 521 ], [ 691, 389, 750, 461 ], [ 749, 399, 774, 466 ], [ 704, 473, 745, 526 ], [ 750, 487, 777, 536 ], [ 925, 418, 956, 461 ], [ 908, 490, 953, 531 ], [ 63, 543, 121, 586 ], [ 64, 615, 71, 622 ], [ 78, 596, 142, 634 ], [ 697, 598, 740, 663 ], [ 744, 600, 762, 661 ], [ 699, 675, 737, 723 ], [ 747, 687, 760, 728 ], [ 677, 742, 734, 807 ], [ 735, 747, 762, 810 ], [ 897, 605, 931, 658 ], [ 933, 612, 946, 651 ], [ 463, 598, 506, 646 ], [ 518, 608, 533, 649 ], [ 445, 670, 506, 721 ], [ 516, 680, 533, 721 ], [ 913, 682, 921, 718 ], [ 930, 682, 941, 718 ], [ 66, 663, 124, 709 ], [ 908, 750, 940, 788 ], [ 460, 742, 504, 800 ], [ 509, 754, 541, 805 ], [ 56, 807, 217, 865 ], [ 229, 810, 260, 855 ], [ 274, 814, 337, 860 ], [ 350, 817, 578, 865 ], [ 596, 822, 749, 867 ], [ 759, 819, 822, 875 ], [ 825, 819, 935, 879 ], [ 56, 877, 377, 947 ], [ 378, 887, 440, 951 ], [ 441, 889, 476, 951 ], [ 480, 901, 513, 942 ], [ 523, 899, 601, 944 ], [ 611, 901, 624, 944 ], [ 636, 911, 671, 942 ], [ 686, 901, 755, 949 ], [ 66, 733, 101, 774 ] ]
{ "barcode": "4311501664919", "image_id": "5", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-8", "label_studio_id": 17613, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 0, 67, 68, 0, 7, 8, 43, 5, 6, 35, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 37, 0, 0, 1, 39, 0, 0, 49, 57, 0, 63, 59, 0, 0, 61, 31, 32, 0 ]
[ "VALEURS ", "NUTRITIONNELLES\n", "Valeurs ", "moyennes ", "pour\n", "1 ", "sachet ", "% ", "AR ", "de ", "20 ", "g ", "par ", "20 ", "g\n", "100g\n", "394 ", "kJ ", "(soit ", "472 ", "kcal) ", "(soit ", "94 ", "kcal) ", "4,8g ", "0,4 ", "g\n", "1972 ", "kJ\n", "Énergie\n", "5%\n", "Matières ", "grasses\n", "7% ", "2%\n", "24 ", "g\n", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturis ", "2,0 ", "g\n", "Glucides ", "dont ", "sucres\n", "54 ", "g ", "0,7g ", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "11g ", "<0,5g\n", "4% ", "1%\n", "5,2g\n", "1,0g\n", "Protéines\n", "6,9g\n", "1,4g\n", "3%\n", "Sel\n", "1,0g\n", "0,21 ", "g\n", "3%\n" ]
[ [ 206, 63, 392, 105 ], [ 407, 53, 782, 100 ], [ 28, 137, 160, 185 ], [ 28, 189, 202, 230 ], [ 211, 191, 284, 227 ], [ 586, 129, 599, 166 ], [ 612, 125, 723, 166 ], [ 782, 118, 833, 170 ], [ 834, 116, 885, 168 ], [ 608, 180, 640, 212 ], [ 651, 178, 687, 211 ], [ 697, 185, 713, 219 ], [ 795, 179, 851, 221 ], [ 858, 170, 902, 210 ], [ 908, 179, 933, 220 ], [ 385, 160, 465, 206 ], [ 602, 261, 664, 300 ], [ 675, 261, 710, 299 ], [ 327, 308, 398, 360 ], [ 405, 312, 456, 348 ], [ 467, 306, 540, 359 ], [ 569, 310, 628, 355 ], [ 637, 310, 670, 345 ], [ 681, 309, 746, 353 ], [ 615, 381, 699, 430 ], [ 619, 439, 671, 488 ], [ 679, 449, 703, 490 ], [ 371, 263, 451, 305 ], [ 460, 262, 500, 303 ], [ 33, 282, 158, 340 ], [ 837, 286, 889, 325 ], [ 28, 385, 171, 443 ], [ 172, 391, 297, 449 ], [ 837, 380, 891, 420 ], [ 839, 439, 892, 480 ], [ 408, 385, 449, 425 ], [ 459, 394, 479, 433 ], [ 9, 441, 84, 499 ], [ 86, 441, 165, 499 ], [ 176, 441, 228, 497 ], [ 237, 441, 335, 499 ], [ 401, 445, 453, 492 ], [ 460, 453, 481, 492 ], [ 20, 535, 180, 592 ], [ 25, 598, 108, 642 ], [ 108, 600, 222, 645 ], [ 414, 533, 457, 575 ], [ 467, 542, 487, 583 ], [ 394, 595, 493, 654 ], [ 32, 671, 128, 722 ], [ 130, 671, 305, 722 ], [ 637, 529, 712, 578 ], [ 608, 588, 717, 641 ], [ 843, 525, 898, 567 ], [ 849, 585, 903, 627 ], [ 404, 680, 490, 730 ], [ 632, 675, 717, 727 ], [ 46, 750, 201, 803 ], [ 406, 761, 493, 810 ], [ 637, 758, 718, 806 ], [ 853, 746, 910, 790 ], [ 45, 820, 106, 877 ], [ 409, 840, 491, 894 ], [ 613, 835, 684, 885 ], [ 700, 843, 729, 891 ], [ 856, 823, 911, 867 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3596710429172", "image_id": "12", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-12", "label_studio_id": 17967, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 68, 35, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 55, 0, 0, 37, 63, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "DD04/2020 ", "als ", "Préparation ", "à ", "tartiner. ", "Ingrédients ", "carotte ", "78%; ", "huile ", "de ", "tourneso ", "miel; ", "vinaigre ", "balsamique; ", "curry ", "(coriandre, ", "cumin, ", "ail, ", "cannelle ", "curcuma, ", "graine ", "de ", "moutarde, ", "clou ", "de ", "girofle); ", "sel; ", "poivre ", "Valeurs ", "nutritionnelles ", "pour ", "100 ", "g. ", "Energie ", "178 ", "kcal ", "(736kj)/ ", "Matières ", "grasses ", "14.6 ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "1.6g/Glucide ", "9.1g ", "dont ", "sucre ", "7.6g/Protéine ", "1g ", "Sel ", "0.6g ", "BISApres ", "ouverture, ", "conserver ", "2 ", "jours ", "au ", "réfrigérateur. ", "A ", "consommer ", "de ", "préférence ", "avant ", "le ", "/ ", "No ", "lot ", "(voir ", "couvercle) ", "Poids ", "net ", "100g ", "Lootvoët ", "Créations. ", "968, ", "avenue ", "de ", "la ", "République ", "59700 ", "Marca-en-Barceul ", " " ]
[ [ 627, 1, 815, 77 ], [ 257, 576, 288, 618 ], [ 297, 312, 382, 356 ], [ 392, 325, 397, 358 ], [ 405, 326, 480, 362 ], [ 487, 328, 591, 362 ], [ 615, 323, 670, 360 ], [ 681, 318, 720, 354 ], [ 722, 314, 757, 350 ], [ 763, 312, 774, 345 ], [ 779, 302, 823, 343 ], [ 299, 349, 336, 388 ], [ 338, 355, 392, 394 ], [ 399, 361, 509, 404 ], [ 516, 369, 560, 404 ], [ 572, 362, 669, 403 ], [ 671, 354, 726, 396 ], [ 727, 350, 751, 388 ], [ 753, 341, 803, 383 ], [ 303, 382, 366, 428 ], [ 371, 396, 419, 433 ], [ 434, 401, 447, 435 ], [ 463, 403, 556, 439 ], [ 559, 404, 598, 439 ], [ 609, 403, 623, 437 ], [ 633, 395, 698, 435 ], [ 700, 391, 728, 428 ], [ 728, 382, 770, 423 ], [ 300, 432, 353, 469 ], [ 353, 436, 484, 479 ], [ 490, 457, 533, 483 ], [ 540, 452, 574, 479 ], [ 580, 458, 597, 482 ], [ 301, 456, 359, 500 ], [ 364, 470, 387, 506 ], [ 392, 475, 427, 512 ], [ 433, 481, 509, 519 ], [ 512, 486, 593, 519 ], [ 608, 478, 673, 518 ], [ 678, 471, 709, 509 ], [ 713, 464, 746, 502 ], [ 746, 454, 786, 495 ], [ 308, 492, 334, 530 ], [ 338, 500, 391, 543 ], [ 396, 511, 517, 554 ], [ 529, 521, 567, 554 ], [ 574, 518, 613, 553 ], [ 619, 514, 662, 550 ], [ 671, 490, 769, 545 ], [ 774, 486, 789, 520 ], [ 301, 520, 335, 560 ], [ 329, 531, 364, 572 ], [ 241, 522, 353, 611 ], [ 352, 585, 432, 630 ], [ 432, 602, 518, 637 ], [ 528, 609, 535, 637 ], [ 542, 608, 582, 638 ], [ 593, 606, 612, 636 ], [ 617, 589, 718, 634 ], [ 312, 601, 326, 632 ], [ 327, 607, 407, 657 ], [ 414, 631, 428, 662 ], [ 440, 635, 525, 670 ], [ 535, 640, 579, 670 ], [ 589, 639, 597, 668 ], [ 607, 637, 616, 666 ], [ 618, 634, 642, 666 ], [ 643, 630, 663, 662 ], [ 667, 621, 704, 657 ], [ 709, 599, 771, 647 ], [ 746, 678, 777, 708 ], [ 772, 670, 791, 694 ], [ 746, 692, 792, 735 ], [ 313, 677, 377, 727 ], [ 378, 703, 459, 748 ], [ 463, 723, 502, 754 ], [ 508, 727, 562, 754 ], [ 575, 725, 590, 753 ], [ 595, 723, 610, 751 ], [ 618, 708, 701, 749 ], [ 313, 707, 357, 751 ], [ 360, 728, 493, 785 ], [ 507, 749, 660, 787 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3770013175404", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-2", "label_studio_id": 17029, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 17, 18, 33, 34, 55, 56, 37, 38, 49, 50, 63, 64, 61, 62, 23, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Déclaration ", "Nutritionnelle\n", "Valeur ", "énergétique\n", "Matières ", "grasses ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés\n", "Glucides\n", "dont ", "sucres\n", "Fibres ", "alimentaires\n", "Protéines\n", "Sel\n", "Sodium\n", "Thiamine\n", "Pour ", "100 ", "g ", "de ", "céréale ", "infantile ", "avant ", "reconstitution\n", "1661 ", "kJ", "/", "392 ", "kcal\n", "2,6 ", "g ", "0,7 ", "g ", "78 ", "g ", "26 ", "g\n", "4,4 ", "g\n", "12 ", "g\n", "0,06 ", "g\n", "0,03 ", "g\n", "0,8 ", "mg ", "160", "%\n", "Valours ", "de ", "référence ", "d'étiquetage\n" ]
[ [ 240, 87, 446, 143 ], [ 200, 138, 449, 187 ], [ 148, 225, 256, 283 ], [ 264, 218, 451, 279 ], [ 179, 309, 322, 357 ], [ 329, 317, 451, 364 ], [ 128, 364, 191, 414 ], [ 197, 363, 279, 413 ], [ 287, 362, 347, 412 ], [ 354, 361, 454, 412 ], [ 325, 435, 456, 475 ], [ 276, 488, 350, 531 ], [ 358, 491, 457, 536 ], [ 161, 565, 254, 609 ], [ 265, 564, 459, 608 ], [ 311, 644, 461, 681 ], [ 415, 716, 466, 759 ], [ 349, 794, 467, 835 ], [ 323, 872, 469, 911 ], [ 477, 85, 544, 137 ], [ 548, 83, 605, 134 ], [ 608, 82, 630, 133 ], [ 631, 81, 668, 132 ], [ 670, 78, 764, 131 ], [ 476, 135, 587, 181 ], [ 588, 133, 667, 179 ], [ 671, 129, 846, 177 ], [ 498, 213, 584, 271 ], [ 597, 212, 637, 268 ], [ 634, 211, 663, 266 ], [ 661, 209, 731, 266 ], [ 738, 206, 805, 263 ], [ 571, 304, 629, 352 ], [ 637, 304, 663, 351 ], [ 578, 353, 637, 406 ], [ 640, 354, 664, 407 ], [ 581, 427, 640, 482 ], [ 635, 439, 673, 489 ], [ 582, 479, 641, 532 ], [ 636, 490, 675, 538 ], [ 579, 561, 638, 613 ], [ 646, 564, 671, 614 ], [ 594, 639, 641, 689 ], [ 646, 640, 673, 690 ], [ 559, 711, 641, 766 ], [ 646, 719, 678, 769 ], [ 562, 789, 646, 843 ], [ 647, 797, 679, 846 ], [ 557, 870, 617, 920 ], [ 624, 867, 679, 917 ], [ 719, 862, 786, 912 ], [ 779, 860, 825, 910 ], [ 161, 974, 316, 999 ], [ 333, 974, 379, 999 ], [ 396, 974, 592, 999 ], [ 610, 974, 878, 999 ] ]
{ "barcode": "7613036200257", "image_id": "3", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-14", "label_studio_id": 16853, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 67, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 37, 0, 63, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Nutrition ", "Information ", "Per ", "100ml ", "619KJ ", "/148kcal ", "Energy ", "9.3g ", "Fat ", "of ", "which ", "saturates ", "5.7g ", "Carbohydrates ", "of ", "which ", "sugars ", "12.6g ", "12.6g ", "Protein ", "2.9g ", "Salt ", "0.10g ", "Keep ", "frozen ", "below ", "-18°C. " ]
[ [ 121, 45, 367, 104 ], [ 121, 111, 460, 171 ], [ 746, 45, 850, 103 ], [ 738, 115, 921, 170 ], [ 758, 230, 914, 284 ], [ 661, 293, 906, 351 ], [ 133, 223, 319, 288 ], [ 773, 390, 898, 450 ], [ 147, 378, 220, 429 ], [ 115, 435, 219, 500 ], [ 215, 440, 367, 509 ], [ 144, 513, 393, 570 ], [ 764, 527, 885, 586 ], [ 135, 593, 544, 670 ], [ 143, 658, 192, 707 ], [ 206, 661, 376, 721 ], [ 389, 678, 589, 739 ], [ 728, 614, 878, 673 ], [ 720, 680, 870, 739 ], [ 147, 753, 343, 813 ], [ 741, 778, 864, 835 ], [ 148, 836, 253, 890 ], [ 712, 864, 856, 923 ], [ 135, 912, 283, 977 ], [ 293, 924, 469, 981 ], [ 485, 935, 661, 990 ], [ 683, 938, 833, 993 ] ]
{ "barcode": "5060081113025", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-14", "label_studio_id": 17257, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 0, 67, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 38, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62 ]
[ "Sardines ", "au ", "chorizo/sardines ", "with ", "chorizo\n", "Ingrédients ", ": ", "Sardines ", "70% ", "(Sardina ", "pilchardus), ", "huile ", "de ", "tournesol, ", "chorizo ", "8,5% ", "(viande ", "et ", "gras ", "de ", "porc, ", "couenne ", "de ", "porc, ", "sel, ", "dextrose, ", "piment ", "doux, ", "épices ", "ei ", "plantes ", "aromatiques, ", "arômes ", "naturels, ", "stabilisants ", ": ", "diphosphates ", "- ", "triphosphates, ", "antioxydants ", ": ", "acide ", "ascorbique ", "- ", "érythorbate ", "de ", "sodium, ", "conservateurs ", ": ", "nitrate ", "de ", "potassium, ", "colorant ", ": ", "carmin, ", "ferments), ", "sel. ", "Zone ", "de ", "pêche ", ": ", "Océan ", "Atlantique ", "Centre ", "Est. ", "Ingredients: ", "Sardines ", "70% ", "(Sardina ", "pilchardus), ", "sunflower ", "oil, ", "chorizo ", "8,5% ", "(meat ", "and ", "fat ", "pork, ", "pork ", "rind, ", "salt, ", "dextrose, ", "paprika, ", "spices ", "and ", "aromatic ", "plants, ", "natural ", "flavors, ", "stabilizers: ", "diphosphates ", "- ", "triphosphates, ", "antioxidants: ", "ascorbic ", "acid ", "- ", "sodium ", "erythorbate, ", "preservatives: ", "potassium ", "nitrate, ", "coloring: ", "carmine, ", "ferments), ", "salt. ", "Fishing ", "area ", ": ", "Central ", "East ", "Atlantic ", "Ocean.\n", "POIDS ", "NET ", "/ ", "NET ", "WEIGHT:115 ", "G ", "- ", "POIDS ", "DE ", "POISSON ", "À ", "L'OUVERTURE ", "/ ", "WEIGHT ", "OF ", "FISH ", "AT ", "THE ", "OPENING:65 ", "G ", "Valeurs ", "énergétique ", "et ", "nutritionnelles ", "moyennes ", "pour ", "100 ", "g ", "égouttés ", "Nutritional ", "values ", "per ", "100 ", "g ", "drained ", ": ", "Energie/Energy ", ": ", "926 ", "KJ ", "/ ", "2 ", "kcal ", "- ", "Matières ", "grasses ", "/ ", "Fat ", ": ", "13 ", "g ", "dont ", "acides ", "gras ", "saturés ", "/ ", "saturat ", "fatty ", "acid ", ": ", "3,3 ", "g ", "- ", "Glucides ", "/ ", "Carbohydrates ", ": ", "< ", "0,5 ", "g ", "dont ", "sucres ", "sugar ", ": ", "< ", "0,5 ", "g ", "- ", "Protéines ", "/ ", "Proteins ", ": ", "26 ", "g ", "- ", "Sel ", "/ ", "Salf ", ": ", "0,85 ", "g\n" ]
[ [ 238, 0, 318, 53 ], [ 326, 20, 347, 53 ], [ 353, 0, 526, 65 ], [ 527, 1, 573, 66 ], [ 575, 1, 642, 67 ], [ 142, 63, 237, 121 ], [ 243, 81, 246, 107 ], [ 253, 64, 322, 121 ], [ 330, 69, 365, 108 ], [ 373, 68, 437, 112 ], [ 441, 69, 526, 119 ], [ 534, 69, 567, 110 ], [ 574, 70, 591, 110 ], [ 597, 69, 669, 117 ], [ 676, 69, 728, 110 ], [ 735, 70, 776, 117 ], [ 783, 64, 839, 113 ], [ 840, 63, 860, 121 ], [ 98, 134, 130, 177 ], [ 135, 122, 154, 163 ], [ 160, 134, 195, 177 ], [ 202, 134, 266, 177 ], [ 273, 122, 290, 163 ], [ 297, 136, 332, 173 ], [ 338, 122, 362, 171 ], [ 369, 122, 436, 173 ], [ 443, 128, 496, 175 ], [ 500, 124, 540, 173 ], [ 543, 122, 591, 177 ], [ 594, 122, 615, 177 ], [ 616, 122, 669, 177 ], [ 671, 122, 774, 177 ], [ 776, 122, 833, 177 ], [ 835, 122, 906, 177 ], [ 68, 176, 149, 233 ], [ 152, 174, 165, 233 ], [ 166, 176, 267, 233 ], [ 273, 200, 277, 205 ], [ 282, 178, 387, 233 ], [ 394, 174, 489, 233 ], [ 495, 194, 498, 221 ], [ 505, 180, 541, 233 ], [ 542, 174, 623, 233 ], [ 625, 174, 638, 233 ], [ 639, 174, 726, 233 ], [ 732, 174, 750, 221 ], [ 751, 174, 819, 233 ], [ 820, 174, 921, 233 ], [ 930, 192, 933, 219 ], [ 45, 238, 91, 274 ], [ 98, 232, 115, 274 ], [ 122, 237, 204, 284 ], [ 213, 233, 273, 274 ], [ 275, 231, 286, 286 ], [ 289, 238, 344, 281 ], [ 351, 233, 430, 282 ], [ 438, 234, 460, 274 ], [ 468, 236, 507, 274 ], [ 514, 232, 532, 274 ], [ 539, 232, 585, 285 ], [ 589, 231, 600, 286 ], [ 601, 235, 647, 275 ], [ 654, 233, 728, 284 ], [ 735, 235, 782, 274 ], [ 789, 231, 819, 274 ], [ 26, 282, 129, 343 ], [ 134, 286, 206, 331 ], [ 213, 290, 249, 331 ], [ 258, 288, 322, 333 ], [ 327, 288, 414, 339 ], [ 422, 282, 496, 329 ], [ 497, 282, 526, 343 ], [ 529, 282, 581, 329 ], [ 589, 290, 629, 337 ], [ 630, 282, 682, 343 ], [ 683, 282, 717, 343 ], [ 723, 282, 744, 329 ], [ 748, 288, 786, 339 ], [ 790, 282, 828, 343 ], [ 829, 282, 868, 343 ], [ 872, 282, 901, 343 ], [ 909, 282, 975, 341 ], [ 9, 338, 71, 398 ], [ 77, 349, 123, 398 ], [ 129, 344, 160, 387 ], [ 163, 349, 232, 387 ], [ 237, 344, 286, 396 ], [ 295, 338, 349, 386 ], [ 354, 343, 406, 400 ], [ 414, 343, 492, 385 ], [ 494, 338, 595, 400 ], [ 603, 367, 607, 370 ], [ 614, 343, 717, 400 ], [ 725, 338, 822, 400 ], [ 827, 338, 887, 400 ], [ 893, 338, 924, 400 ], [ 929, 367, 933, 370 ], [ 939, 338, 991, 386 ], [ 0, 401, 90, 454 ], [ 95, 401, 202, 458 ], [ 204, 400, 284, 457 ], [ 291, 400, 348, 456 ], [ 353, 400, 417, 452 ], [ 423, 403, 485, 449 ], [ 493, 398, 570, 449 ], [ 578, 398, 606, 440 ], [ 615, 398, 671, 452 ], [ 677, 414, 715, 442 ], [ 720, 397, 729, 448 ], [ 731, 399, 784, 442 ], [ 789, 400, 821, 442 ], [ 822, 396, 881, 452 ], [ 882, 396, 940, 451 ], [ 444, 490, 501, 554 ], [ 509, 482, 546, 564 ], [ 549, 482, 567, 564 ], [ 568, 482, 607, 564 ], [ 608, 482, 753, 564 ], [ 758, 490, 770, 556 ], [ 775, 482, 793, 564 ], [ 794, 482, 852, 556 ], [ 861, 482, 884, 554 ], [ 892, 482, 975, 556 ], [ 416, 557, 438, 644 ], [ 435, 557, 563, 632 ], [ 569, 565, 582, 640 ], [ 593, 569, 670, 632 ], [ 677, 569, 701, 632 ], [ 708, 569, 750, 636 ], [ 757, 569, 781, 632 ], [ 788, 569, 824, 632 ], [ 831, 569, 961, 636 ], [ 969, 569, 982, 632 ], [ 393, 655, 457, 724 ], [ 463, 661, 568, 724 ], [ 569, 653, 588, 724 ], [ 596, 653, 723, 724 ], [ 727, 677, 819, 724 ], [ 825, 677, 863, 724 ], [ 872, 659, 905, 724 ], [ 911, 675, 920, 724 ], [ 926, 653, 999, 724 ], [ 394, 715, 486, 784 ], [ 493, 711, 549, 770 ], [ 556, 735, 584, 782 ], [ 593, 721, 626, 784 ], [ 634, 737, 643, 784 ], [ 651, 717, 719, 784 ], [ 726, 737, 730, 770 ], [ 738, 711, 878, 784 ], [ 885, 735, 888, 768 ], [ 889, 711, 930, 784 ], [ 931, 711, 959, 784 ], [ 961, 715, 975, 782 ], [ 982, 711, 995, 784 ], [ 393, 780, 424, 832 ], [ 433, 808, 437, 812 ], [ 445, 782, 515, 841 ], [ 518, 780, 581, 841 ], [ 591, 780, 605, 841 ], [ 614, 780, 642, 841 ], [ 643, 780, 657, 841 ], [ 662, 782, 683, 841 ], [ 693, 798, 703, 841 ], [ 709, 780, 747, 841 ], [ 749, 780, 803, 841 ], [ 814, 798, 846, 841 ], [ 855, 780, 911, 841 ], [ 919, 780, 933, 841 ], [ 934, 780, 995, 841 ], [ 392, 842, 431, 906 ], [ 441, 840, 473, 893 ], [ 479, 838, 494, 909 ], [ 499, 838, 532, 909 ], [ 539, 859, 554, 909 ], [ 557, 869, 561, 874 ], [ 566, 838, 640, 909 ], [ 654, 838, 670, 909 ], [ 673, 838, 796, 909 ], [ 802, 838, 816, 909 ], [ 833, 838, 845, 909 ], [ 842, 842, 870, 909 ], [ 877, 857, 889, 909 ], [ 894, 838, 939, 909 ], [ 941, 838, 998, 909 ], [ 392, 921, 439, 969 ], [ 443, 906, 459, 977 ], [ 459, 923, 470, 954 ], [ 480, 903, 508, 964 ], [ 518, 922, 526, 967 ], [ 527, 904, 547, 975 ], [ 547, 901, 623, 975 ], [ 631, 903, 645, 968 ], [ 649, 899, 720, 956 ], [ 729, 921, 732, 954 ], [ 736, 898, 764, 954 ], [ 773, 920, 782, 967 ], [ 790, 930, 793, 935 ], [ 801, 901, 826, 953 ], [ 834, 901, 847, 966 ], [ 855, 895, 889, 951 ], [ 890, 895, 904, 966 ], [ 906, 900, 948, 958 ], [ 957, 916, 964, 961 ] ]
{ "barcode": "3251870006754", "image_id": "4", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-6", "label_studio_id": 17722, "checked": true, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": true, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 68, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 36, 19, 20, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 18, 43, 44, 0, 0, 33, 34, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 56, 1, 2, 0, 37, 38, 39, 40, 0, 0, 0, 63, 64, 61, 62, 59, 60, 31, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "εionais ", "medios/Διατροφική ", "δήλωση/ ", "Información ", "nutricional/ ", "Energy/Energia/ ", "Evépyeia/Valor ", "energético ", "461 ", "kcal ", "129 ", "kcal ", "Fat/Lipidos/ ", "Λιπαρά/Grasas ", "of ", "which ", "saturates/ ", "dos ", "quais ", "saturados/ ", "εκ ", "των ", "οποίων ", "κορεσμένα/ ", "de ", "las ", "cuales, ", "saturadas\n", "Ø/100 ", "g ", "1920 ", "kJ/ ", "538 ", "kJ/\n", "ø/28 ", "g ", "% ", "RI*\n", "6 ", "%\n", "29,5 ", "g\n", "8,3 ", "g ", "12 ", "%\n", "14,8 ", "g\n", "4,1 ", "g ", "21%\n", "Carbohydrate/Hidratos ", "de ", "carbono/Υδατάνθρα ", "κες/ ", "Hidratos ", "de ", "carbono ", "of ", "which ", "sugars/dos ", "quais ", "acucares/εκ ", "των ", "οποίων ", "σάκχαρα/ ", "de ", "los ", "cuales, ", "azúcares ", "Protein/Proteínas/NpwTeivec/ ", "Proteínas ", "Salt/Sal/AAÁTI/Sal ", "*RI ", "= ", "Reference ", "intake ", "of ", "an ", "average ", "adult ", "(8400kJ/ ", "2000kcal)/Dose ", "de ", "referência ", "para ", "um ", "adulto ", "médio ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal) ", "(DR)/(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal) ", "(DR)/ΠΠA= ", "Προσλαμβανόμενη ", "Ποσότητα ", "Αναφοράς ", "EVÓG ", "pÉoou ", "evñAIka ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal)/Ingesta ", "de ", "referencia ", "de ", "un ", "adulto ", "medio ", "(8400 ", "kJ/2000 ", "kcal)\n", "44,1 ", "g\n", "12,3 ", "g\n", "5%\n", "31,9 ", "g\n", "8,9 ", "g ", "10 ", "%\n", "A ", "4,4 ", "g ", "0,37 ", "g\n", "1,2 ", "g ", "0,10 ", "g\n", "2 ", "% ", "2%\n", "%3D\n", "This ", "pack ", "contains ", "6 ", "servings ", "of ", "28 ", "g./Esta\n" ]
[ [ 1, 13, 124, 52 ], [ 133, 13, 491, 52 ], [ 506, 14, 659, 50 ], [ 1, 49, 217, 91 ], [ 224, 49, 439, 86 ], [ 1, 93, 298, 142 ], [ 1, 135, 268, 174 ], [ 279, 136, 477, 171 ], [ 494, 140, 568, 166 ], [ 585, 140, 655, 167 ], [ 695, 148, 764, 175 ], [ 782, 140, 848, 175 ], [ 1, 175, 223, 221 ], [ 1, 215, 267, 259 ], [ 0, 264, 33, 290 ], [ 45, 263, 149, 289 ], [ 165, 260, 360, 291 ], [ 1, 305, 64, 331 ], [ 79, 302, 177, 335 ], [ 191, 300, 396, 334 ], [ 1, 338, 63, 372 ], [ 52, 350, 116, 369 ], [ 129, 339, 254, 368 ], [ 269, 337, 481, 372 ], [ 8, 385, 49, 409 ], [ 64, 385, 114, 409 ], [ 129, 381, 256, 410 ], [ 271, 381, 456, 406 ], [ 503, 58, 623, 94 ], [ 637, 66, 657, 95 ], [ 474, 93, 586, 129 ], [ 597, 98, 656, 137 ], [ 707, 107, 782, 137 ], [ 793, 111, 847, 144 ], [ 725, 66, 819, 103 ], [ 834, 70, 854, 104 ], [ 875, 72, 908, 105 ], [ 915, 73, 969, 107 ], [ 912, 153, 935, 180 ], [ 947, 155, 975, 180 ], [ 537, 218, 625, 251 ], [ 637, 225, 661, 255 ], [ 759, 227, 816, 256 ], [ 831, 234, 851, 260 ], [ 891, 230, 933, 255 ], [ 947, 232, 973, 256 ], [ 540, 379, 625, 410 ], [ 637, 385, 657, 413 ], [ 743, 383, 817, 420 ], [ 833, 382, 855, 418 ], [ 887, 380, 972, 410 ], [ 10, 417, 431, 454 ], [ 445, 420, 487, 445 ], [ 9, 455, 369, 494 ], [ 371, 455, 454, 493 ], [ 6, 500, 165, 529 ], [ 180, 500, 222, 523 ], [ 238, 498, 383, 523 ], [ 6, 535, 49, 567 ], [ 62, 537, 165, 562 ], [ 180, 536, 386, 567 ], [ 401, 536, 495, 564 ], [ 6, 570, 244, 607 ], [ 255, 580, 317, 598 ], [ 330, 570, 450, 597 ], [ 464, 568, 631, 602 ], [ 9, 610, 64, 644 ], [ 79, 614, 126, 638 ], [ 140, 612, 266, 641 ], [ 281, 609, 440, 635 ], [ 12, 640, 554, 680 ], [ 18, 683, 194, 715 ], [ 18, 717, 354, 755 ], [ 20, 762, 103, 794 ], [ 118, 762, 134, 793 ], [ 137, 760, 321, 794 ], [ 335, 763, 440, 785 ], [ 454, 761, 487, 784 ], [ 499, 767, 539, 784 ], [ 565, 765, 702, 790 ], [ 716, 760, 804, 784 ], [ 818, 756, 979, 789 ], [ 25, 792, 325, 826 ], [ 339, 795, 378, 817 ], [ 395, 790, 565, 817 ], [ 582, 796, 655, 820 ], [ 670, 788, 722, 814 ], [ 738, 787, 844, 815 ], [ 861, 786, 963, 813 ], [ 22, 822, 144, 857 ], [ 154, 820, 304, 856 ], [ 316, 824, 394, 853 ], [ 409, 817, 610, 852 ], [ 628, 821, 775, 850 ], [ 790, 821, 868, 846 ], [ 34, 853, 264, 887 ], [ 257, 850, 566, 887 ], [ 583, 848, 740, 883 ], [ 755, 850, 925, 880 ], [ 40, 885, 134, 919 ], [ 137, 884, 248, 918 ], [ 251, 882, 375, 917 ], [ 379, 881, 485, 914 ], [ 493, 880, 647, 913 ], [ 663, 878, 885, 915 ], [ 901, 878, 941, 912 ], [ 44, 915, 217, 946 ], [ 233, 915, 272, 945 ], [ 293, 915, 333, 944 ], [ 342, 913, 442, 944 ], [ 457, 912, 564, 943 ], [ 573, 911, 685, 942 ], [ 695, 910, 843, 941 ], [ 859, 909, 935, 940 ], [ 537, 495, 622, 526 ], [ 635, 500, 656, 528 ], [ 732, 498, 815, 530 ], [ 827, 504, 850, 532 ], [ 911, 500, 972, 525 ], [ 540, 607, 621, 638 ], [ 639, 606, 657, 640 ], [ 753, 613, 811, 642 ], [ 823, 617, 844, 643 ], [ 885, 612, 930, 637 ], [ 944, 612, 969, 636 ], [ 437, 681, 469, 714 ], [ 565, 682, 621, 710 ], [ 634, 688, 653, 712 ], [ 540, 718, 620, 748 ], [ 637, 719, 656, 755 ], [ 754, 686, 811, 714 ], [ 823, 690, 843, 716 ], [ 729, 721, 815, 754 ], [ 826, 721, 843, 754 ], [ 906, 686, 926, 710 ], [ 941, 686, 966, 709 ], [ 904, 722, 965, 745 ], [ 110, 772, 128, 783 ], [ 45, 962, 130, 995 ], [ 152, 961, 234, 994 ], [ 262, 960, 413, 993 ], [ 441, 960, 471, 991 ], [ 493, 958, 644, 991 ], [ 673, 960, 707, 987 ], [ 735, 960, 781, 985 ], [ 811, 959, 936, 988 ] ]
{ "barcode": "4056489035343", "image_id": "2", "image_url": "", "ocr_url": "", "batch": "batch-18", "label_studio_id": 20843, "checked": false, "usda_table": false, "nutrition_text": false, "no_nutrition_table": false, "comment": "" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 55, 67, 0, 0, 0, 37, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 49, 63, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "AS ", "SOI\n", "Typical ", "values ", "Per ", "100g\n", "Per ", "100g\n", "Energy\n", "606kJ ", "Carbohydrate ", "28.1g ", "143kcal ", "of ", "which ", "sugars ", "3.5g ", "1.5g ", "Fibre ", "of ", "which ", "saturates ", "0.2g ", "Protein\n", "Fat\n", "1.9g\n", "3.4g\n", "Salt\n", "0.6g\n", "Pack ", "contains ", "1 ", "serving ", "*", "Reference ", "intake ", "of ", "an ", "average ", "adult ", "(", "8400kJ", "/", "2000kcal", ")\n" ]
[ [ 340, 0, 380, 36 ], [ 391, 0, 438, 36 ], [ 140, 84, 249, 171 ], [ 256, 86, 355, 173 ], [ 381, 92, 435, 173 ], [ 442, 92, 517, 178 ], [ 718, 97, 774, 173 ], [ 779, 105, 861, 181 ], [ 138, 223, 248, 305 ], [ 416, 226, 517, 313 ], [ 531, 231, 752, 323 ], [ 774, 242, 857, 326 ], [ 400, 310, 515, 402 ], [ 529, 318, 565, 405 ], [ 570, 321, 663, 410 ], [ 673, 328, 778, 421 ], [ 788, 336, 859, 426 ], [ 454, 423, 517, 505 ], [ 529, 418, 612, 502 ], [ 133, 507, 167, 589 ], [ 173, 507, 269, 592 ], [ 277, 510, 426, 600 ], [ 443, 515, 515, 602 ], [ 529, 518, 642, 605 ], [ 136, 413, 187, 478 ], [ 791, 431, 859, 518 ], [ 783, 523, 858, 602 ], [ 527, 615, 590, 684 ], [ 783, 621, 859, 710 ], [ 132, 747, 214, 836 ], [ 223, 750, 367, 839 ], [ 379, 755, 389, 839 ], [ 401, 755, 524, 844 ], [ 544, 760, 558, 844 ], [ 564, 757, 735, 850 ], [ 749, 763, 852, 852 ], [ 129, 850, 166, 939 ], [ 174, 850, 215, 939 ], [ 227, 850, 357, 942 ], [ 369, 850, 457, 942 ], [ 467, 852, 475, 942 ], [ 478, 852, 606, 942 ], [ 616, 852, 636, 942 ], [ 647, 852, 804, 947 ], [ 807, 855, 816, 944 ] ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 7, 8, 43, 44, 0, 35, 67, 68, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 34, 55, 37, 38, 63, 61, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 2, 39, 59, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Durchschnittliche ", "Nährwerte ", "pro ", "100 ", "g ", "%-RM** ", "pro ", "100 ", "g ", "pro ", "%-RM* ", "Portion* ", "pro ", "Portion* ", "371 ", "kJ ", "89 ", "kcal ", "5,1 ", "g ", "Brennwert ", "247kJ ", "59 ", "kcal ", "3,4g ", "3% ", "5% ", "4% ", "7% ", "Fett ", "davon ", "gesättigte ", "Fettsäuren ", "Kohlenhydrate ", "davon ", "Zucker ", "Eiweiß ", "Salz ", "0,9 ", "g ", "3,4g ", "1,7 ", "g ", "3,0g ", "0,93 ", "g ", "5% ", "1% ", "2% ", "6% ", "15 ", "% ", "1,4g ", "5,1 ", "g ", "2,6g ", "4,5g ", "1,39g ", "7% ", "2% ", "3% ", "9% ", "23 ", "% ", "Portion ", "= ", "150 ", "g. ", "Packung ", "enthält ", "3 ", "Portionen. ", "RM: ", "Referenzmenge ", "für ", "einen ", "durchschnittlichen ", "Erwachsenen ", "(8400kJ/2000 ", "kcal). ", "* " ]
[ [ 922, 56, 975, 295 ], [ 856, 50, 916, 200 ], [ 854, 207, 912, 268 ], [ 864, 271, 909, 319 ], [ 853, 326, 896, 341 ], [ 913, 443, 968, 557 ], [ 843, 425, 902, 480 ], [ 845, 485, 904, 536 ], [ 848, 542, 906, 558 ], [ 903, 698, 959, 746 ], [ 898, 813, 963, 915 ], [ 850, 629, 906, 748 ], [ 848, 772, 888, 815 ], [ 853, 824, 897, 928 ], [ 766, 665, 820, 724 ], [ 767, 726, 820, 751 ], [ 704, 663, 759, 701 ], [ 706, 702, 761, 749 ], [ 639, 690, 698, 733 ], [ 638, 734, 697, 756 ], [ 773, 43, 828, 175 ], [ 776, 287, 821, 365 ], [ 706, 269, 762, 313 ], [ 706, 315, 762, 369 ], [ 640, 303, 696, 367 ], [ 709, 520, 754, 561 ], [ 649, 517, 692, 562 ], [ 701, 880, 755, 934 ], [ 643, 886, 698, 935 ], [ 656, 47, 699, 93 ], [ 590, 51, 639, 131 ], [ 574, 141, 639, 266 ], [ 528, 56, 573, 186 ], [ 443, 43, 516, 226 ], [ 397, 52, 446, 129 ], [ 398, 139, 449, 224 ], [ 331, 41, 380, 123 ], [ 265, 40, 312, 89 ], [ 518, 310, 573, 349 ], [ 514, 353, 560, 369 ], [ 445, 310, 509, 368 ], [ 391, 311, 446, 348 ], [ 387, 354, 432, 369 ], [ 325, 311, 383, 369 ], [ 254, 280, 321, 348 ], [ 261, 354, 306, 368 ], [ 526, 522, 570, 563 ], [ 463, 523, 508, 564 ], [ 400, 523, 445, 565 ], [ 336, 523, 384, 565 ], [ 274, 510, 319, 537 ], [ 275, 544, 321, 566 ], [ 516, 701, 572, 757 ], [ 458, 701, 512, 736 ], [ 444, 738, 511, 759 ], [ 386, 703, 449, 761 ], [ 322, 687, 391, 763 ], [ 259, 691, 323, 744 ], [ 521, 886, 577, 941 ], [ 461, 887, 515, 941 ], [ 398, 890, 454, 945 ], [ 337, 892, 393, 946 ], [ 274, 884, 328, 922 ], [ 274, 923, 328, 949 ], [ 155, 66, 215, 165 ], [ 159, 178, 219, 195 ], [ 168, 206, 218, 252 ], [ 161, 257, 206, 280 ], [ 162, 286, 226, 392 ], [ 178, 403, 227, 488 ], [ 181, 495, 225, 508 ], [ 170, 519, 233, 638 ], [ 98, 74, 146, 123 ], [ 91, 127, 155, 330 ], [ 110, 337, 157, 373 ], [ 100, 382, 159, 446 ], [ 101, 456, 167, 674 ], [ 115, 683, 168, 839 ], [ 19, 55, 89, 257 ], [ 28, 257, 92, 335 ], [ 121, 31, 148, 53 ] ]
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