zarr to grib2

by Lorente - opened

We're truly grateful for the access to the stored data—it's a tremendous help.

We've successfully regridded grib files from the DWD repository, but we're struggling to convert your .zarr files back to grib. Our attempts to transition from .zarr to netcdf to grib2 haven't worked. Could you guide us on the best method to achieve a .zarr to grib2 conversion?

Thanks so much for your support.

Open Climate Fix org

Hi, I'm not sure the best way of doing that, as we only use the data in Zarr format, as its easier to load and work with than grib2 for our use cases. As grib seems to have more restrictions than Zarr, it might not be an easy conversion to do. Is there a way the code you work with can use Xarray? Then it should be unified between reading in grib and this Zarr

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