Model levels vs pressure levels

by Heli0graph - opened


Firstly, thank you for this great archive!

I've noticed that the u and v parameters are only available on pressure levels, even though model levels also exist on the DWD server. Does anyone know how to convert from pressure levels to model levels? I've done some research, but it's not easy to find reliable information regarding this problem.

Open Climate Fix org

I am not sure how to do that. We chose the pressure levels as it is more model independent, and comparable to the pressure levels from other NWPs then. Whats the use case for using the model levels directly? I think there is a way of converting back with the geopotential height, but am not super sure.

Model levels have constant altitudes, and thus fits well for wind power forecasting. Thanks for the quick answer anyway, I will do more research on how to convert back to model levels.

@Heli0graph please let me know if you manage to do so, I need constant altitudes as well

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