<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about About this document? [/INST] About this document This document provides information about the enhancements and changes in Financials and Supply Management. See the Release Report document for the list of fixed issues that are included in this update. Details of previous updates for this year are also included in these documents. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about April 2023 Production Update? [/INST] April 2023 Production Update Beginning with the April 2023 production update, information about enhancements and new features is located in the Release Report. To view the Release Report, see the Financials & Supply Management release KB in Infor Concierge. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about March 2023 Production Update? [/INST] March 2023 Production Update These release notes contain overviews of the main feature enhancements that have been introduced for 2023. Bug fixes and performance improvements are located in the Net Change Report. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Asset Accounting March 2023? [/INST] Asset Accounting This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Provide the ability to create transfer in and out offset transactions for fund clients This feature is in the asset company when the new Update Transfer Balancing action is run. The Transfer Balancing field is updated on the asset company to contain yes and no selections. The default value is no. The new feature is limited to Fund Accounting customers. After transfer balancing is enabled, the From and To side transactions of an asset transfer are replicated. Their account is offset with the From or the To balancing account that is defined on the asset type record. Before you enable this feature, run the Update Event Codes action on the finance enterprise group. You can also run the Update System codes. Run the Update Transfer Balancing action to enable transfer balancing. Transfer in and out accounts are assigned to the Asset Types. Before you enable transfer balancing, all asset types must contain balancing accounts. Assign the balancing accounts when you enable the feature. Several balancing accounts by type can be maintained. Use the enable transfer balancing action after they are assigned using the enable transfer balancing action. When you perform an asset transfer, the transactions can be offset on both the From and To side by replicating them. They are assigned a 'Transfer From or Transfer To Balancing Transaction' reference. Each is assigned the appropriate transfer in or transfer out account. Balancing transactions in general ledger are assigned the TB event code. After transfer balancing is enabled, these balancing transactions use a unique balancing account for the asset system rather than using the CB and or ZB event codes. Note that the balancing transactions are created when the transfer is released. JR-3353195 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about BOD Connectors March 2023? [/INST] BOD Connectors This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Location value should pick from configuration property for FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound – Brazil Integration File Changed: PfiConfigurationProperty.xml FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound.lpd Added to configuration property to pick the Location value: For FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound added Configuration parameter as –"ProcessBROrderToInv_Location" For FSM_ION_ProcessBROrdertoReceipt_Outbound added Configuration parameter as – "ProcessBROrderToReceipt_Location" IPA Changes: Added BROrderToInvLocation variable which is mapped as _configuration.FSM_ION_Connector.ProcessBROrderToInv_Location In Assign6930: In bodID mapped the value from ReturnFromLocation to BROrderToInvLocation In POXML : DataArea/Process/LocationID x-path value mapped from ReturnFromLocation to BROrderToInvLocation In Assign5520: In bodID mapped the value from InventoryLocation to BROrderToInvLocation In WHXML: DataArea/Process/LocationID x-path value mapped from InventoryLocation to BROrderToInvLocation Integration Specific: Yes; Brazil Integration Configuration In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, verify that the BODtrigger check box is selected. In Service Definition, enable the FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound IPA flow for BROrderVendorReturnService and BROrderWarehouseShipmentService. How to Test: Trigger the BOD for "FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound" BOD will trigger We can verify the x-path Verify Results: BODID@location x-path DataArea/Process/LocationID x-path Location value should pick from Configuration property. JR-3583694 Add Node in Argentina Credit Transfer BOD Local.ly Integration New mapping added in CreditTransferPayment/Description xpath for SyncCreditTransfer BOD. Added/Modified below node mappings. CreditTransferPayment/Description: "CashLedgerPayablesPayment" is passed for Country Argentina-Local.ly integration. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: Added JavaScript in Assign7360 node. Integration Specific: Yes; Local.ly Argentina Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked. Enable the Service Definition and Processes. How to Test: Do required setup for CreditTransfer flow. Create PayablesInvoice and release Run Perform Cash Application job. Check CashRequiremnetsResults records. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD Verify Results: CreditTransferPayment/Description: "CashLedgerPayablesPayment" is passed for Country Argentina-Local.ly integration Mappings should be correct when user process through both PayablesInvoicePayment and CashLedgerPayment JR-3559390 Alternate currency changes for FSM_ION_Process_BROrdertoReceipt_Outbound – Brazil Integration In AccountingEntity, if AlternateCurrency and AlternateCurrency2 defined populate the relevant x-path or else remove the x-path -- Brazil Integration. Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToReceipt_Outbound.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: In Start Node - Added Processlocation,AlternateCurrency,AlternateCurrency2 and FunctionalCurrency variable. In Assign3530 : Value mapped for AlternateCurrency,AlternateCurrency2 and FunctionalCurrency Assign4200 keep inside CurrRate_AC transaction node. Assign2880 keep inside CurrRate_AC2 transaction node. Added conditions in node XML_PO,XML_OE. Integration Specific: Yes; Brazil Integration Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, verify that the BODtrigger check box is selected. In Service Definition, enable the FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToReceipt_Outbound IPA flow for BRPurchaseOrderReceiptService and BRCustomerOrderReturnService. How to Test: Trigger the BOD for "FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToReceipt_Outbound" BOD will trigger We can verify the x-path: OrderToReceiptHeader/CurrencyRateRC1 OrderToReceiptHeader/CurrencyRateRC2 JR-5087898 Country – SA – Add dummy line – InvoiceLine – SyncInvoice Outbound bod for Local.ly For ReceivableInvoice Scenario(AR)- Saudi Arabia Local.ly Integration: Added DummyInvoiceLine - InvoiceLine x-path. Added InvoiceHeader/Correction/OriginalDocumentID/ID Added the "PaymentMethodCode" node & "lcl.PaymentMethod" under Userarea Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done: In Start node : added InvCorrectionReasonCode variable. In Assign 4190: Modified Java script for SA country added DummyLine -InvoiceLine In Assign 1740 - Modified javascript. Mapped OriginalBLInvoiceNumber = document1 for Local.ly Saudi Arabia and System ID = AR For Local.ly Saudi Arabia - Credit Memo and DebitMemo InvCorrectionReasonCode = BillingInvoice.ReasonCode;(for BillingInvoice) InvCorrectionReasonCode= ReasonCode(ReceivableInvoice.CreditDebitMemoReason);(other that BL) In Branch6030 : Modified branch condition added SA country.It will go to AMD3 Transaction node for SA. In XML_INVHDR: Added InvoiceHeader/Correction/ReasonCode x-path, value mapped to InvCorrectionReasonCode Integration Specific: Yes; Local.ly - Saudia Arabia Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow. Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes. How to Test: Create ReceivableInvoice and Release it (for dummy Line scenario) BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective x-path values Verify Results: Verify dummyline will be added - InvoiceLine x-path. Added DummyInvoiceLine - InvoiceLine x-path. Added InvoiceHeader/Correction/OriginalDocumentID/ID Added the "PaymentMethodCode" node & "lcl.PaymentMethod" under Userarea JR-3573469 Alternate currency changes for FSM_IONProcessBROrdertoInv_Outbound – Brazil Integration In AccountingEntity, if AlternateCurrency and AlternateCurrency2 defined populate the relevant x-path or else remove the x-path -- Brazil Integration. Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: In Start Node - Added AEAlternateCurrency, AEAlternateCurrency2 and AEFunctionalCurrency variable In Assign4140 : Value mapped for AEAlternateCurrency, AEAlternateCurrency2 and AEFunctionalCurrency In CurrRate_AC : In this transaction node used AEAlternateCurrency variable Assign7930 keep inside CurrRate_AC transaction node Assign6430 keep inside CurrRate_AC2 transaction node Assign8340 : Value mapped for AEAlternateCurrency, AEAlternateCurrency2 and AEFunctionalCurrency In CurrRateLC: In this transaction node used AEFunctionalCurrency variable In CurrRateRC1: In this transaction node used AEAlternateCurrency variable In CurrRateRC2: In this transaction node used AEAlternateCurrency2 variable Integration Specific: Yes; Brazil Integration Configuration In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, verify that the BODtrigger check box is selected. In Service Definition, enable the FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound IPA flow for BROrderVendorReturnService and BROrderWarehouseShipmentService. How to Test: Trigger the BOD for "FSM_ION_ProcessBROrderToInv_Outbound BOD will trigger We can verify the x-path OrderToInvoiceHeader/CurrencyRateRC1 OrderToInvoiceHeader/CurrencyRateRC2 Verify Results: In AccountingEntity, if AlternateCurrency and AlternateCurrency2 defined , above x-path will populate else x-path will discarded. JR-3583689 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Billing March 2023? [/INST] Billing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. For OneSource generic, pass the Description from the level line to Tax Line Item The description of freight charge, line item, header AOC, and line AOC is passed to Tax Line Item and XML logs. For Delay Tax Processing: Billing Invoice: Create a Billing Invoice with Freight Charge, add header AOC, line item, and line AOC. Release the invoice. On the XML log in Tax Entity, verify that logs are combined into one. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Custom Order: Create a Customer Order with Freight Charge, add header AOC, line item, and line AOC. Release the order. On the XML log in Tax Entity, verify that the logs are combined into one. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Purchase Order: Create a purchase order, add header AOC, two line items, and line AOC for each line. Released the purchase order. On the XML log in Tax Entity, verify that logs are combined into one. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Requisition: Create a requisition, add a header AOC, and two line items, each with an AOC. Release the requisition On the XML log in Tax Entity, verify that logs are combined into one. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Non-delay Tax Processing: Billing Invoice: Create a Billing Invoice with Freight Charge, line item, header AOC, and line AOC. On the XML log, verify that the logs are separate. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Customer Order: Create Customer Order with Freight Charge, line item, header AOC, and line AOC. On the XML log, verify that the logs are separate. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Purchase Order: Create a purchase order, add line item with AOC and header AOC. On the XML log, verify that the logs are separate. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. Requisition: Create a requisition, add header AOC and one line item with an AOC. On the XML log, verify that the logs are separate. Verify that the description of every transaction is correct. JR-3496976 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Cash Management March 2023? [/INST] Cash Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Converting cash transactions with Stale Dated status Add the Stale Dated status to the Cash Ledger Interface. Select the new status and the records are automatically stale dated. Select Cash Ledger Interface and create a record. Select a record with the status of Stale Dated. Import the records of the corresponding run group. Verify that the status of the imported record is stale dated, and that distributions are identical to a record that was manually Stale Dated. JR-3265678 Bank error message enhancement The error message on the bank statement context page was difficult to read with red text on a blue background. The error message is now displayed as a tag to provide consistency across error messages. Sign in as Application Administration and select Financials > Cash Management > Statement Processing > Bank Statements. Create a bank statement. Verify that the bank statement is not balanced. Confirm that new error message is displayed in Posting Status. JR-3461340 Allow user defined fields in reconciliation match rules Enhance the Bank Reconciliation Match Rules. User-defined fields can now be defined as variables in the statement line match field and system line match field. The statement line match field and system line match field on BankReconciliationMatchRule and BankReconciliationTemplate were changed from AlphaUpper to Alpha. Users can now reference user-defined fields. This syntax is used to reference a user-defined field in the statement line match field or system line match field: {lpl:UserDefinedField}. Related fields can also be referenced as follows: {lpl:CashLedgerTransaction.UserDefinedField}. Note: syntax is case sensitive and field name must be CamelCase. Verify that a UserDefinedField value on BankStatementReconciliation is substituted correctly when it is defined in the statement line match field or the system line match field {lpl:UserDefinedField}. Verify that a related UserDefinedField value is substituted properly when defined in the statement line match field or system line match field {lpl:CashLedgerTransaction.UserDefinedField}. Verify that all existing match rules that are defined in uppercase perform as expected. Verify that any new rules that are created in upper case or lower case perform as expected. JR-3485513 Cash code position in the Reconciliation Balance page is updated for the statement date last received The Reconciliation Balances page, when navigating from Bank Statement, is enhanced. The Cash Code Cash position run for the last day of the period is displayed when it is the last statement for the period and a cash code cash position record does not exist for the statement date. BankStatement is modified to use the period end date when returning CashCodeCashPosition records when this criteria is met: No cash code cash position records exist for statement date Cash code cash position records exist for period end date Statement is the last statement for the period Create a bank statement for a date that is earlier than the period ending date. Select Cash Accountant > Process Cash Ledger > Update Cash Code Cash Position. View the Current Cash Code Cash Position list on the Reconciliation Balances page. Verify the correct records are available. Create a Cash Code Cash Position for statement date. Verify that the Code Cash Position records for the statement date are returned. JR-3436773 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract Management March 2023? [/INST] Contract Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Decrease total size of Contract Line Member in the system Decrease total size of Contract Line Member business class in the system Unnecessary Contract Line Member records are not created and an action is available to purge deleted records. Create a manufacturer contract and associated tiers and members. Add lines and release members. Change the Supplier on the Contract. Verify that an audit record is not created for the Contract Line Member records. Delete one of the Tier Members. Navigate to Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Contract Utilities > Purge Deleted Line Members and run the action. Add the deleted Tier Member back and Release Members. View the audit log for a newly created line member. Verify there is no audit record for deletion. JR-3525848 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about EDI March 2023? [/INST] EDI This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Create cXML OrderRequest with OrderId formatted as Company-PONumber Amazon cXML Invoices are required to be formatted as Company-PO number to be processed in FSM, cXML Order Request's OrderID, by PO Dispatch. This requirement is a result of how FSM processes and matches cXML invoices to their respective POs. The enhancement incorporates an enable and disable switch on the eProcurement Configuration business class called, Format OrderID. If the switch is enabled, OrderIDs in the cXML Order Request formats as Company-PO number. If the user disables the switch, OrderID's in the cXML Order Request returns to standard functionality of sending out the PO number. Verify these when switching the Format OrderID feature in the eProcurement Configuration: If False, OrderIDs in the cXML Order Request only contain a PO number. If True, OrderIDs in the cXML Order Request are formatted as Company PO number. JR-3449820 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about EPM Analytics March 2023? [/INST] EPM Analytics This section contains enhancements in EPM Analytics. GL Reporting Comparative Balance Sheet was enhanced to produce Comparative Income Statement. In Financial Reporting Home dashboard, the report is called Comparative Financial Statement. The report can be run for Balance Sheet or Income Statement. The main purpose of the reports is to compare results by year, quarter, or month. Program/Business class/Process affected: Comparative Balance Sheet (gl_ComparativeBalanceSheet) Financial Reporting Home (gl_FinancialReportingHome) Use these steps to test the enhancement: Launch the Financial Reporting Home dashboard. Click the Comparative Financial Statements report. Verify that: Comparative Balance Sheet report was renamed Comparative Financial Statements There is a View option when you select Balance Sheet accounts or Income Statement accounts JR-5143262 Consolidated Income Statement was enhanced to produce Consolidated Balance Sheet. In Financial Reporting Home dashboard, the report is called Consolidated Financial Statement. The report can be run for Balance Sheet or Income Statement. The main purpose of the reports is to compare results across selected Accounting Entities. Program/Business class/Process affected: Consolidated Income Statement (gl_ConsolidatedIncomeStatement) Financial Reporting Home (gl_FinancialReportingHome) Use these steps to test the enhancement: Launch the Financial Reporting Home dashboard. Click the Consolidated Financial Statement report. Verify that: Consolidated Income Statement report was renamed to Consolidated Financial Statement There is a View option when you select Balance Sheet accounts or Income Statement accounts JR-5143261 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Global Ledger March 2023? [/INST] Global Ledger This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Created an option to allocate any number of dimensions and access weight data from Global Ledger A new option is available to select summary overrides for three or more dimensions. You can create a single setup for multiple dimension overrides. The frequency of maintaining allocation lines for each period is minimized so that users can set up dimension overrides and weight address one time and maintain them as required. You can use the Allocation system to allocate more than one dimension using the Dimension and Weight Data Builder. The weight data is retrieved directly from GLTotal based on the selected Dimension Overrides and Source Address. To use the builder, set the Allocation Line Override Option to Dimension Override and Weight Builder and complete the builder field. This functionality is a pre-process that is embedded in the Allocation Run process. The retrieval of weight data is generated before the actual calculation of the allocation run. On the Allocation Control form, create Dimension Override and Weight Data Builder record. In the builder, select an amount of dimension overrides. Assign a summary or top node to the selected dimension overrides. Click Next. In the builder, fill-out the dimensions in the Weight Data Source. Click Next. Save the record. Create an Allocation and Allocation Line. Set From or To Mapping Override Option to Multiple Dimension. Set Override Type to Dimension Override and Weight Builder. Assign a Dimension Override and Weight Builder. Run the Allocation. Verify that the amount is split and allocated. JR-3266991 Add Required Project boolean to Global Ledger Account Add the ability to flag an Account as requiring a Project. Added the Require Project field to Account and added edits on the transaction finance code block to give an error when the require project is true on the account and no project is entered. Open the FEG and select Account Open the Account to require project and select the check box for the field Require Project. Enter a JE to the account without entering a posting project. Save and get error that project is required. JR-3537732 Add message when Accounting Unit or Finance Dimension 1 control units The message indicates that Structure Relations are required when selecting Accounting Unit or Finance Dimension 1 unit control. New message field informing users that Structure Relations with Accounts are required. Verify that the blue alert message appears when selecting Accounting Unit or Finance Dimension 1 in the unit control field. JR-3449586 Improve security groups for faster processing Improve response when inquiring upon General Ledger Transaction, GL Transaction Detail, and GL Procurement Expense records when Security Groups are being used. Viewing lists for General Ledger Transaction, GL Transaction Detail, and GL Procurement Expense can use all Security Groups, but runs as efficiently. Before testing, create a large number of General Ledger Transaction, GL Transaction Detail, and GL Procurement Expense record. Create a Security Group for three types of records Capture the response time for these: My Reports > Transactions > Finance Transcations tab My Reports > Transactions > Finance Transaction Detail > Detail Transaction tab Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Departmental Procurement Expenses > Procurement Expense Details Take updated code Perform step 2 again and verify that the response time has improved. JR-3561478 Additional work on Recurring Journal Card View Update Recurring Journal's description title and Process Period on the cardview to prevent wrapping and include the description in the list title. The new card view description title is limited to show 20 characters. The Process Period date is shown below the label, to prevent from wrapping. The recurring journal description added to the Recurring Journal Schedule title list. Verify the card view description title and process period field, and the new list title shows the Recurring Journal, Description - Recurring Journal Schedule. JR-5091880 Request action for Finance Dimension 6 and Finance Dimension 7 Implemented the new feature Request Action for Finance Dimension 6 and Finance Dimension 7. Sign in as Application Administratior and select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance. Select a Finance Enterprise Group > Finance Dimension 6 > Structure > Hierarchy Use the Request New action to create a Finance Dimension 6 and submit for approval. Sign in as an Approver and approve the record. Verify that a new Finance Dimension 6 is created. Use the steps above to test the Finance Dimension 7. Verify that a new Finance Dimension 7 is created. JR-3539187 Allow wildcard on Reset All Errors in General Ledger Transaction Interface A new Reset All Errors for Selected Run Groups action is available where we can use wildcard characters for multiple Run Groups. Business classes changed: modules GeneralLedger bl Finanace Enterprise Groups.busclass A new Reset All Errors for Selected Run Groups menu item is added to Transaction Interface. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Transaction Interface. Create a few transactions with different Run Groups but with similar names. Run Interface Transaction for these Run Group so that errors are created. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Transaction Interface > Reset All Errors for Selected Run Groups. Run the action using wildcard characters in the Run Group field. After the action is completed, ensure the errors are reset for the transaction with similar Run Groups. JR-3306557 Update list message when data reload refresh is running The cube status messaging to improve the cube status description. The cube offline status messaging displays Cube is Unavailable. Verify the new cube status list message is accurate. JR-5092338 Improve conditions for security groups for faster processing Improve response when inquiring upon General Ledger Transaction, GL Transaction Detail, and GL Procurement Expense records when Security Groups are used. Viewing lists for General Ledger Transaction, GL Transaction Detail, and GL Procurement Expense will potentially use all Security Groups, but will also respond in a reasonable amount of time. Prior to taking updated code, create a large number of General Ledger Transaction, GL Transaction Detail, and GL Procurement Expense records (several hundred thousand ideally) For the user under test, create Security Groups for three types of records. My Reports > Transactions > Finance Transactions > Transactions tab. My Reports > Transactions > Finance Transaction Detail > Detail Transactions tab. Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Departmental Procurement Expenses > Procurement Expense Details and capture the response time. Take the updated code. Perform steps 3-5 again and record the response time. Verify that the response time has improved. JR-3561478 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Intercompany Billing March 2023? [/INST] Intercompany Billing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Fund Accounting - AR Line Level Application Accounts Receivable and Intercompany Billing must be enhanced to allow a user-specified set of distributions to replace standard Fund Accounting proration logic for partial applications and settlements. Verify Fund Accounting is enabled. Accounts Receivable now supports user-specified distribution sets in these four areas: Cash Application Credit Application Write-Offs Remittances Menu change: A new Distribution Sets menu option is available. It is available when Fund Accounting is enabled for the Finance Enterprise Group. To access Distribution Sets select Receivables > Processing > Cash Application > Review Applications > Distribution Sets. Security Changes: IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST ARBasicProcessing_ST APBasicInvoiceProcessing_ST APPaymentProcessing_ST IntercompanyBillingBasicProcessing_ST Verify that Fund Accounting is enabled for the Finance Enterprise Group. Select the Specify Distribution Mix check box on the Apply tab of each Receivable Company. In Receivables, use the four areas that are supported by this enhancement to create partial applications with user-specified distribution set. Vertify that the output of Application Close is correct and that the distributions are journalized correctly. In Intercompany Billing, make a partial settlement with a user-specified distribution set. Verify that all journal entries are correct for both Payables and Receivables. JR-3275279 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Inventory Intelligence March 2023? [/INST] Inventory Intelligence This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Track expiration date for lot tracked items at single location .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Lease Accounting March 2023? [/INST] Lease Accounting This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Combine tabs on the lease composite form The tabs on a lease require a drop-down menu after a lease is processed. Related tabs were combined to reduce the number of tabs required for a lease. Reduced the number of tabs on a lease by combining the Override tab with the Options tab and combining the dates, comments, and related documents tabs into a new Attachments tab. Verify that a new date can be added to a lease Verify that a new comment can be added to a lease Verfiy that a new document can be added to a lease Verify that the overrides functionality on the Options tab is still accessible on the ASC842 leases Verify that the overrides are not available on the GASB87 JR-3499753 Display the Asset Basis on the Lease Asset Screen The Asset Basis amount is displayed on the Asset List from the lease. The Asset Basis is displayed on the Lease Asset list allowing the customers to view and verify that the Asset Basis matches the Lease ROU Amounts. If there are multiple assets there can be a total amount for all of the Assets Basis. Verify that on the Lease Asset List the Asset Basis amount is visable. Verify there are multiple assests on the lease, the total basis for all assets is being display and accurately calculated. JR-5096781 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Match March 2023? [/INST] Match This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Do not allow match invoice line distributions without asset info if the PO line has asset info Match invoice line override distributions without asset info proceeded when the PO line had asset info. Match invoice line override distributions without asset info when the PO line has asset info cannot proceed. Create a PO with asset info on the lines. Create override distributions either in Document Interface or in Manage Invoices without asset information. Verify that the error is displayed and shows that asset information is required JR-5093801 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Order Entry March 2023? [/INST] Order Entry OneSource, Generic, OE, DelayTaxProcessing Off, AOC no XML request When processing a taxable Customer Order record using OneSource, XML tax logs should not create duplicate records. Flags to skip creation of tax logs for header or AOCs are added in Customer Order. Create and release Customer Order with taxable header, lines, and AOCs. Verify the XML tax logs. The XML tax logs should not create duplicate records. JR-3376293 OneSource, Generic, OE, send Tax Attributes for AOCs in request call When processing a taxable Customer Order record using OneSource, XML taxlogs for AOC should display tax attributes. New Finance Dimentions and GL account fields for Tax Attribures are added to Customer Order. Also added the passing of value on the Description field to XML taxlog. Create and release Customer Order with taxable header, lines, and AOCs. Verify the XML tax logs. The XML tax logs for AOC should now display the tax attributes. JR-3371045 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Payables March 2023? [/INST] Payables This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Mark as Paid Action: FSM does not currently have the functionality to reverse an invoice, or a credit note that was marked as paid. Reopen Mark as Paid action was added. This change reverses any posting created by the Mark as Paid action. You can now select Reopen Mark as Paid if you want to reverse the Mark as Paid action. Create an invoice. Select Mark as Paid. Confirm status is set to Historical. Select Reopen Mark as Paid action. Confirm status is set back to Released. Verify invoice distributions. JR-3528195 Ability to enter original invoice number to Credit memo before Invoice is released. Code was added for Invoices to be applied to Credit Memos. Invoices can be applied to Credit Memos. Create a Credit Memo and release it. Create an invoice. On the Credit Memo, select Apply An Invoice To This Credit. Specify the Invoice Number or Select Invoice ID, the Applied Amount, and submit. Verify that the invoice is displayed on the Applied Invoice tab. JR-3542376 The Payables invoice approval IPA flow must be modified by an IPA programmer to send an email to the approver or send a reminder email, or both Notifications are sent when an invoice has been escalated and when invoices have been approved Invoices that have been escalated can now be specified on email notifications. After invoices have been approved, users can now be notified. Setup Instructions Sign in as Process Server Administrator and select Process Definitions > Application Defined Processes. Set the process from InvoiceApproval to InvoiceApproval_V2. This action changes how the invoice IPD functions. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Payables > Payables Setup > Finance Resources. On the List tab, click Create and select your information in the Employee field. In the Payables Invoice Automation Email Notifications section, select the Invoice Submitted For My Approval and My Invoice Approved check boxes. Click Save. Go to Financials > Payables > Payables Setup > Invoice Approval Setup > Invoice Approval Codes. Set up an invoice approval code with multiple approval levels. The first approver level must not be the user creating the invoice. After setting up, the invoice can be escalated and the email on the invoice can be approved. Go to Invoice Routing Rules to set how many days until the escalation email is sent. Go to Financials > Payables > Payables Setup > Vendor Groups and create or select a vendor group. On the Payables Invoice Approval tab, you can set the approved and escalated email subject lines and contents and you can select the Include All Related Documents check box. Escalation Email Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Payables > Payables Processing > Manage Invoices. Create an invoice. Apply the invoice approval code with the invoice approval level set with the escalation days specified in the Invoice Routing Rules. The invoice should sit in the lower approval level for the days designated under the escalation settings. The invoice will be escalated after the days set under the approval level. Verify that an email is received and the subject shows that the invoice for the vendor has been submitted for your approval, with the Invoice and Vendor fields specified. The email content should show that the invoice has been escalated. Otherwise, the subject and content are different based on the Vendor Group setup. Invoice Approval Email Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Payables > Payables Processing > Manage Invoices. Create an invoice. Apply the invoice approval code with the invoice approval setup. When the invoice is approved, the person who created the invoice will be notified through email. Verify that the email subject shows that the invoice for the vendor has been submitted for your approval, with the Invoice and Vendor fields specified. Otherwise, the subject and content are different based on the Vendor Group setup. Check if attachments to the invoice have been included and if the check box has been added. JR-3262631 1099 Tape Output File, T record, change of Vendor Software name and address An update is required in Name and Address for 1099 Tape Output File T Record. The changes were made in the AP146WS java file, updating the Name and Address fields as provided. Create a Reportable Income Setup and add a company. Run 1099 Tape Creation with the same reportable income group and observe the address in the 1099 tape output files. In the output file, the T record should show the updated name and address details. JR-3265232 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project Ledger March 2023? [/INST] Project Ledger This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Include inactive projects on the Project Contract Posting Projects list Include inactive posting projects on the project contract. Update the refresh budget amounts action to include all posting projects. Sign in as Project Accountant or Project Administrator Select Project Contract and open a contract. Select the Posting Projects tab. Change the status on the posting project to Active equals No. JR-3586535 Project Resource remove call out Labor Distribution email action Removed the called out action for Labor Distribution Email from these: Business Class: ProjectSchedulePeriod List Name: ResourceProcessedProjectSchedulePeriodList Sign in as Project Resource Select Employees Labor Distribution and Redistribution Verify that the Labor Distribution email is not available JR-3587963 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Purchasing March 2023? [/INST] Purchasing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. UX-Buyer Create Purchase Order Form Uplift Append to Purchase Order Form to conform to the SoHo 4 UX standards. These are the changes to Purchase Order Interface: Remove conditions for Status Message as this Action can only be performed when there is a selected purchase request Font color changed to blue and status message to Selected Purchase Request: (n) Realign Status Message under Purchasing Company and the font color changed to blue Shorten Purchase From Location and Buyer fields to 10 characters Add Blue alert icon under the Early Delivery Date field Font color changed to blue and minimize the font size of Status Message in the lowest part of the form. Create a Requisition Create a Requisition Line and set Create Purchase Order to true Run the Release Navigate to Buyer > Manage Purchase Requests > Purchase Request Tab Select one record and Perform Select For Purchase Order Reselect the selected record Select Create Purchase Order Verify the modified field and Messages JR-3475104 UX- Buyer Add to Purchase Order Form Uplift Append to Purchase Order Form to conform to the SoHo 4 UX standards: Changed title form to Append To Purchase Orders Removed conditions since this Action can only be performed when there is selected purchase request Replace status message to Selected Purchase Request: (n) Shorten Purchase Order field to 10 characters Create a Requisition. Create Requisition Line and set Create Purchase Order to true. Run a Release. Navigate to Buyer > Manage Purchase Requests > Purchase Request Tab. Select one record and Perform Select For Purchase Order. Reselct the selected record. Run Append to Purchase Order Verify modified field and Messages. JR-3475107 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Receivables March 2023? [/INST] Receivables This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Receivables Manager Home Page For the Receivables Manager role, we are modifying Home Page, which consists of different widgets. These new features were added to the Home Page: New lists New card views New derived fields New conditions were made to: Receivable Invoice Detail Receivable Invoice Dispute Receivable Payment Company Customer RTM Payment Receivable Application Adjustment Verify the changes above are present on the Receivables Manager Home Page. Applying Paya Phase 2 changes for National Accounts and Projects Applying Paya Phase 2 Changes for National Accounts and Projects, enabling national account scenarios in Customer Portal. Code changes have been added to enable National Account functionality in customer the billing portal. Scenario 1: Create a National Account customer and create National Account relations between parent company and child relations. Create invoices for the parent and child National Account relation customers. Enable two flags: Apply Cash Across Receivable Companies on the Receivable Company. Apply Cash Across Receivable Companies on Customer Representative Contact. National Accounts in another company detail should be displayed when both apply cash across companies flags are enabled. Display only respective panels anytime only one panel should be displayed. Payments manually and through portal payment and check company name in payment section. Create parent and child customer in different companies and create Invoices with the same transaction number in both companies. Create payment individually for invoices and verify it is applied to the correct invoicing company. Check partially applying invoices for parent and child customers in the National Account definition. Verify all invoices for the parent and child relations are visible in the portal. Scenario 2: Disable any one of the two flags. Verify only one of the parent National Account customer is displayed. Apply the same cash application process. JR-3264255 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Strategic Sourcing March 2023? [/INST] Strategic Sourcing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Drill around added for two-way supplier dialogue Added the drill around ability to start or continue a dialog for Supplier Message Dialog for the sets of Invoice, Purchase Order, Receipt, Vendor Return, and Event. Add sets to Supplier Message Dialog so drill around from Invoice, Purchase Order, Receipt, Vendor Return, and Event can be enabled for Dialogue. Before testing can begin these steps must be done: Supplier Group > Supplier Portal Access tab > Supplier Order Management section. Select all fields for Primary Contact Supplier Group > General tab > Supplier Setup > Select Can Create Dialogue With Supplier check box is selected. Buyer requires a work email. Supplier requires a work email. Create a Purchase Order > Release > Issue final and refresh the page until the document link is shown. In Purchase Order > the Actions button > Supplier Dialogue and enter a message, a response is required. Select Submit. Sign out as Internal User. Sign in as Supplier. Verify that the Supplier receives an email and that it includes a link that resolves to the Supplier Portal. Navigate to Messages and Dialogue. The link is not available from the Purchase Order on the Supplier side. Supplier Portal > Messages and Dialogue, Respond, Enter a Response and select Submit. Sign out as Supplier. Sign in as Internal User View the Email to see if the Buyer receives an email and that the Supplier responded. Purchase Order > Release > Highlight the Line, Right-click, and Drill Around to Supplier Dialogue. Create Receive All > Release Purchase Order Receipt > Start a Supplier Dialogue, and enter a message, a response is required. Select Submit. Sign in as Internal User Verify that the Supplier receives an Email including a link that resolves to Supplier Portal, Messages and Dialogue. Supplier Portal > Messages and Dialogue > Respond > Enter a Response > select Submit. Access to Receipts not available from the Email Link. Access to the Receipts through the Supplier Portal available. Supplier Portal > Order Management > Orders > Receipts > Highlight the Receipt, select the Actions button > Message Dialogue. Sign out as Supplier. Sign in as Internal User. View Email to verify that the Buyer receives an email and the Supplier responded. Manage Receiving > Receiving > Release tab > Highlight the Line and right-click, select the Drill Around to the Supplier Dialogue. Open the Receiver > select the Actions button > Drill Around > Supplier Dialogue. Create a Match Invoice for $480.00 > Details from Receipt and select Save. Invoice > select the Actions button > Start a Supplier Dialogue, and enter a message a response is required. Select Submit. Sign out as Internal User. Verify that the Supplier receives an Email, it includes a Link, sign in as Supplier. Supplier Portal > Messages and Dialogue, Respond, and enter a response. Select Submit. Sign out as Supplier. View Email to verify that the Invoice Creator receives an email and the Supplier responds. Manage Invoices >Unsubmitted > Highlight the Line and right-click, select the Drill Around to Supplier Dialogue Open the invoice, select the Actions button > Drill Around > Supplier Dialogue. Once in the invoice change the detail of the unit cost to $48.00 and verify that a Message is created. Invoice > Message > Accept Work in Smart Reconciliation and enter a reason code. Select Save and release. Work List for Reconciliation > Open > Refresh Work Files > Select All Invoice Lines > Select All Receipt Lines > Set Chargeback to Yes > specify a Reason Code. Match, verify that a Chargeback is created. Create a Vendor Return for 2EA > Create from Purchase Order. Click the View Vendor Return > select the Actions button > Start a Supplier Dialogue and enter a message a response is required. Select Submit. Sign out as Internal User. Verify that the Supplier received an email, and it includes a link. Sign in as Supplier. Supplier Portal > Messages and Dialogue, Respond and enter a response. Select Submit. View Email to verify that the Return Creator receives an email and the Supplier responded. Manage Receiving > Vendor Returns > Highlight the Line and right-click, select the Drill Around. Supplier Dialogue is displayed. Verify that you can see the Dialogue for the Receiver. Update the Return, Authroize and Ship. Create a Sourcing Event with Allow Supplier Q & A check box selected. Get Suppliers, Release and verify that Start A Supplier Dialogue is available from Notifications. Sign out as Internal User. Sign in to Supplier Portal. Event > Highlight the event, Start a Dialogue and enter a message. Select Submit. Sign out as Supplier. Sign in as Internal User. View email to verify that the Event Creator receives an email and that the Supplier started a Dialogue. Manage Events > Open > Highlight the Line and right click, select the Drill Around and navigate to the Supplier Dialogue. View the message. Open the Event > select the Actions button > Supplier Dialogue. Verify that you can see the Message for the Event. JR-3264371 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about February 2023 Production Update? [/INST] February 2023 Production Update These release notes contain overviews of the main feature enhancements that have been introduced for 2023. Bug fixes and performance improvements are located in the Net Change Report. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Asset Accounting February 2023? [/INST] Asset Accounting This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Update the Asset Types composite form Updated the allocation navigation, the Product Categories tab, the Asset Type Allocation header, and the Assets tab in Asset Types composite form. Now the forms and lists in AssetType composite form are correctly aligned. Create an Asset Type with asset allocations, product categories, and assets. Verify that you can use all of the fields that are available on the list. JR-3464304 Project Asset Action Titles Several programs and menu options in Project Capitalization have been updated to these titles: Hold Capitalizable Project Transactions is now Hold Capital Transactions Remove Hold From Capitalizable Project Transactions is now Remove Capital Hold Project Capitalization and Asset Interface is now Project Asset Interface Verify that you have the updated menu and program titles. JR-3436979 Controlling the posting date on history transactions A new History Posting Date field is added to the asset company and the asset book business classes to control the posting date for history transactions. Initially, the field at Asset Company is set to the "Prior Year End Date" value to retain the existing functionality of the prior year end date as the posting date for history dated transactions. The value is added to Asset Book when a new book is added and can be updated during additions or adjustments to the Asset Book. Now, the new History Posting Date field value at the Asset Book level can dictate the posting date value for the transactions that are created. On a released, new or adjusted asset, set the History Posting Date field to Prior Year End Date. Verify that the created LTD transactions contain a Prior Year End Date as the posting date. Verify that the Default Posting Date value from the Asset Company is specified on the remaining transactions. On a released, new or adjusted asset, with the History Posting Date field of Default Posting Date, verify these scenarios: If unreleased asset transactions exist, verify that the Posting Date default value from the Asset Company is used as Default Posting Date. Verify that the Posting Date is the same as Adjustment Date. Test both the online and the Release Assets batch job to validate the changes. JR-3266836 Create transfer in and out offset transactions for Fund clients This feature is enabled in the asset company when the new Update Transfer Balancing action is run. The new Transfer Balancing field is updated on the asset company to yes or no. The default and current value is no. The assigned transfer in and transfer out accounts are also added to the Asset Type. These are similar to the Zone Balancing accounts which are assigned to transfer transactions on the From and To side of an asset transfer to balance each side. This new feature will temporarily be limited to Fund clients. Before enabling this feature, run the Update Event Codes action on the finance enterprise group. Depending on other updates, you may also be advised to run the Update System codes. Run the Update Transfer Balancing action to enable transfer balancing on the asset. This action is also used to assign transfer in and out accounts to the asset types. All asset types must be provided with balancing accounts before transfer balancing can be turned on so initially, you must assign these balancing accounts while enabling the feature. If you want different balancing accounts by type, these can be maintained after they are assigned using the enable transfer balancing action. When you perform an asset transfer, the transactions are offset on both the From and To side by replicating them. The transactions are assigned a 'Transfer From or Transfer To Balancing Transaction' reference. Each transaction is assigned the appropriate transfer in or transfer out account. Balancing transactions in general ledger will be assigned the TB event code. After the transfer balancing is enabled, these balancing transactions allow you to use a distinct balancing account for the asset system rather than using the CB and or ZB event codes. Note that these balancing transactions are created when the transfer is released. JR-3353195 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Billing February 2023? [/INST] Billing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. OneSource, Generic, BL, DelayTaxProcessing Off, Tax Attributes not included in the XML file When processing a taxable Billing Invoice record using OneSource and non-Delay tax processing, Tax attributes on XML tax logs should display. In BillingInvoice, BillingInvoiceLine, and BillingInvoiceAddOnCharge, pass the UniqueIdOfRelatedObject value to the CalculateTax.field before processing the tax. Create and release Billing Invoice with taxable header, lines, and AOCs. Open the XML tax logs. Verify that tax attributes are displayed in the XML tax logs. JR-3478585 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about BOD Connectors February 2023? [/INST] BOD Connectors This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. When a Customer Order Return has been processed in Taxengine the Temporary Hold field updates to be approved directly – Brazil Integration For CustomerOrderReturn Scenario Changes done for updating Temporary Hold field in Sync_BROrderToReceipt_Inbound. File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncBROrdrToReceipt_Inbound.lpd New Required Setup:No New Variable Added in JSON: No New IPA Changes: Changed action to TaxEngineApprove in COReturn node Integration Specific: Local.ly, Brazil Configuration: In Finance Enterprise Group BODTrigger checkbox should be checked In Channel Administrator activate FSM_ION_SyncBROrdrToReceipt_Inbound BOD - Sync.BROrderToReceipt. How to Test: When we consume FSM_ION_SyncBROrdrToReceipt_Inbound BOD. For CustomerOrderReturn Scenario, in CustomerOrderReturn and CustomerOrderReturnline TemporaryHold field should be set to ApprovedByEngine. JR-3476816 Run Interface Match Invoice through BOD as part of the Load_SupplierInvoice_Inbound--Local.ly Files Changed: FSM_ION_LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound.lpd Added new condition in Branch9150 branch. Added new transaction node "IMInv". Modified java script in "Assign3050" node. New Required Setup:No New Variable Added in JSON: No.Integration Specific: Local.ly Configuration: Enable Load_SupplierInvoice_Inbound in Channels adminstrations. Configure FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in system configuration for LoadSupplierInvoice_In_Locally_FEG. How to Test: Create PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrderReceipt and Release. Send the valid input xml and it should trigger the BOD without any errors. Verify the Result: Check the Payables Invoice record and it should have all required information. JR-3539125 When the Acknowledge.BROrderToReceipt is received with a rejected status for Customer Order Return then the Temporary Hold field needs to update to Rejected By Engine in Customer Order Return – Brazil Integration For CustomerOrderReturn Scenario Changes done for Updating TemporaryHold field with RejectedByEngine in AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound bod Files Changed: FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound.lpd New Required Setup:No New Variable Added in JSON: No New IPA Changes: In Start Added varaibles doclength,Return,ReturnSuffix Added conditions in node Assign820,Branch6950 Added node COR Integration Specific: Local.ly, Brazil Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup BODTrigger checkbox should checked. In Channel Administrator,activate FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound.lpd BOD - Acknowledge.BROrderToReceipt. How to Test: When we consume FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound BOD. For CustomerOrderReturn Scenario, in CustomerOrderReturn and CustomerOrderReturnlineTemporaryHold field should be set to RejectedByEngine. JR-3476814 When the Acknowledge.BROrderToInvoice is received with a rejected status for Vendor Return then the Temporary Hold field needs to update to Rejected By Engine – Brazil Integration File Changed: FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrdrToInv_Inbound.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrdrToInv_Inbound IPA flow below changes done: In Start Node - Added CustomerOrder and VendorReturn variable. In Assign870 : Mapped x-path for CustomerOrder - Parse_BOD_XML_output.*::DataArea.*::BROrderToInvoice[0].*::OrderToInvoiceHeader.*::CustomerOrder In Branch2410 : Added condition for VendorReturn rejected scenario. If CustomerOrder value not defined go to Assign7400. In Assign7400 : Added this Node - Mapped value for VendorReturn. Added FindVendorReturn Transaction node - Find the VendorReturn Record. Added Branch1390 - If FindVendorReturn record exist it will update the VendorReturnLine and VendorReturn else go to end. Added FindVRLine , UpdateVRLine and UpdateVendorReturn Transaction node. Integration Specific: Local.ly, Brazil Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, BODtrigger checkbox should be checked. In Channel Administration , Enable the Receiver for FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrdrToInv_Inbound IPA flow. How to Test: Trigger the bod for Acknowledge.BROrderToInvoice with rejected status. When we receive the Acknowledge.BROrderToInvoice with rejected status for Vendor Return scenario It will update the Temporary Hold status to Rejected By Engine. JR-3476787 Changes needed for Receivables Tracker_Outbound – Local.ly to add/Change mappings for Mexico (MX). Changes done for SyncReceivableTracker BOD when source of BillingInvoice is for Local.ly Integration MX country. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncReceivableTracker_Out.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: Added new flow Branch Node :4010 for Local.ly Integration MX country and added a Branch Node :2310. Integration Specific: Yes; Mexico Configuration: In Finance Enterprise Group, BODtrigger checkbox should be checked. Enable the Service Definition and Processes. How to Test: Do required setup for Receivable Tracker flow. Create Billing Invoice, add Invoice Lines and release Run Invoice Verification Report Run Invoice And Register Print Run Sub System Update Verify the Receivable Invoice Create the Payment Record and Release Apply cash payment BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncReceivableTracker_Out BOD Verify the Result: Verify whether the requirements are working as expected. Result: Mappings shoulod be correct when user process through Billing Invoice. JR-3266781 AR Receivable Invoice Scenario Add the Original Document ID node in SyncInvoice Outbound for Local.ly For Receivable Invoice scenario (AR) PEPPOL access countries added InvoiceHeader/Correction/OriginalDocumentID/ID - SyncInvoice Outbound BOD Local.ly PEPPOL Access countries. For Receivable Invoice scenario (AR) PEPPOL access countries updated Item Quantity under the dummy Invoice Line to -1 - SyncInvoice Outbound BOD Local.ly PEPPOL Access countries. File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done: In Start node: added DummyQuantity variable. In Assign 4190: Modified Java script for PEPPOL access countries DummyLine scenario - TransType=="C" (CreditMemo ) --> Quantity mapped as -DummyQuantity = -1 In InvoiceLine/Quantity mapped the x-path as DummyQuantity. In Assign1740 - Modified javascript. If SystemID ReceivableInvoice(AR) and Local.ly and specific to Australia(AU) Germany(DE) Netherlands(NL) NewZealand(NZ) Poland(PL) UnitedKingdom(GB) countries mapped OriginalBLInvoiceNumber = document1; Integration Specific: Yes; Australia (AU) Germany (GE), Netherlands (NL), New Zealand (NZ), Poland (PL), United Kingdom (GB) countries. Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, BODtrigger checkbox should be checked. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.Ipd Processes. Go to Service Definition and Enable ReceivableInvoiceService for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.Ipd Processes. How to Test: Create ReceivableInvoice and Release it. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective x-path values. Verify the Result: Create ReceivableInvoice (Credit Memo) and Release it. BOD trigger and Work unit will generate with respective x-path values InvoiceLine/Quantity as -1. JR-3503363 ProcessInvoice_In BOD changes for Saudi Arabia (SA). Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound.lpd Added new java script in Assign9440 node. Added new branch condition in Branch6360 node. New Required Setup:No New Variable Added in JSON: No Integration Specific: Local.ly; Saudi Arabia (SA) Configuration: Enable FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound in Channels adminstrations. Configure IntegrationApplication value in system configuration as Local.ly. How to Test: Create Billing Invoice and Release. Send the valid input xml and it should trigger the BOD without any errors. Verify the Result: If the status is Failed/Rejected in input xml billing invoice should be in unrelease state. If the status is Registered in input xml billing invoice should be in Release state and FolioAuthorizationCode value also update. JR-3543761 ProcessInvoice_In BOD changes for all PEPPOL applicable countries Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound.lpd Added new variable in start node. Modified java script in Assign6370 node. Added new java script in Assign9440 node. Added new branch condition in Branch6360 node. New Required Setup: No New Variable Added in JSON: No Integration Specific: Local.ly; Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ), Netherlands (NL), United Kingdon (GB), Poland (PL), Germany (GE) and other applicable countries Configuration: Enable FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound in Channels adminstrations. Configure IntegrationApplication value in system configuration as Local.ly How to Test: Create Billing Invoice and Release. Send the valid input xml and it should trigger the BOD without any errors. Verify the Result: If the status is Failed/Rejected in input xml billing invoice should be in unrelease state. If the status is Forwarded in input xml billing invoice should be in Release state. JR-3509902 When we receive the Acknowledge.BROrderToInvoice with rejected status for Vendor Return then we need to update the Temporary Hold status to Rejected By Engine Files Changed: FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrdrToInv_Inbound.lpd Variable Added in JSON: No IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrdrToInv_Inbound IPA flow below changes done: In Start Node - Added CustomerOrder and VendorReturn variable. In Assign870 : Mapped x-path for CustomerOrder Parse_BOD_XML_output.*::DataArea.*::BROrderToInvoice[0].*::OrderToInvoiceHeader.*::CustomerOrder In Branch2410 : Added condition for VendorReturn rejected scenario. If CustomerOrder value not defined go to Assign7400. - In Assign7400 : Added this Node - Mapped value for VendorReturn. Added FindVendorReturn Transaction node - Find the VendorReturn Record. Added Branch1390 - If FindVendorReturn record exist it will update the VendorReturnLine and VendorReturn else go to end. Added FindVRLine , UpdateVRLine and UpdateVendorReturn Transaction node. Integration Specific: Yes; Brazil Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, verify that the BODtrigger check box is selected. In Channel Administration, enable the Receiver for FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrdrToInv_Inbound IPA flow. How to Test: Trigger the BOD for "Acknowledge.BROrderToInvoice" with rejected status. When we receive the "Acknowledge.BROrderToInvoice" with rejected status for Vendor Return scenario, the Temporary Hold status is updated to "Rejected By Engine. JR-3476787 When we receive the Acknowledge.BROrderToReceipt with rejected status for Customer Order Return then we need to update the Temporary hold field status to Rejected By Engine in Customer Order Return Files Changed: FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound.lpd New Required Setup: No New Variable Added in JSON: No New IPA Changes: In Start Added varaibles doclength,Return,ReturnSuffix. Added conditions in node Assign820,Branch6950. Added node COR. Integration Specific: Local.ly, Brazil Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup BODTrigger checkbox should checked. In Channel Administrator,activate FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound.lpd BOD - Acknowledge.BROrderToReceipt. How to Test: When we consume "FSM_ION_AcknowledgeBROrderToReceipt_Inbound" BOD. For CustomerOrderReturn Scenario, in CustomerOrderReturn and CustomerOrderReturnline TemporaryHold field should be set to RejectedByEngine. JR-3476814 Run Interface Match Invoice through BOD as part of the Load_SupplierInvoice_Inbound-- Local.ly Files Changed: FSM_ION_LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound.lpd Added new condition in Branch9150 branch. Added new transaction node "IMInv". Modified java script in "Assign3050" node..New Required Setup:No New Variable Added in JSON: No Integration Specific: Local.ly Configuration: Enable Load_SupplierInvoice_Inbound in Channels adminstrations. Configure FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in system configuration for LoadSupplierInvoice_In_Locally_FEG How to Test: Create PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrderReceipt and Release. Send the valid input xml and it should trigger the BOD without any errors. Verify the Result: Check the Payables Invoice record and it should have all required information. JR-3539125 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Cash Management February 2023? [/INST] Cash Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Verify Bank Statement balance before Importing CAMT The system can be configured to validate the resulting balance before a bank statement is imported. An out-of-balance statement cannot be imported, but you can ignore the error and proceed with the import. When importing a CAMT statement, if the Validate Imported Bank Statement Balance field is selected on the relevant Cash Management Group, then the imported statement is evaluated to determine if the resulting Bank Statement will be in balance. If it is not in balance, then an error is reported. You can manually ignore the error on a case-by-case basis. Open a Cash Management Group record and select the Validate Imported Bank Statement Balance check box. Queue an import of a CAMT xml file with an ending balance of CLBD or CLAV that does not match the sum of the previous balance plus all transaction amounts. Import the file. Verify that an error is reported, indicating that the bank statement is out of balance. Right-click the error and select Ignore Out Of Balance. Verify that the import process then completes. JR-3263111 Cash Offset for Payroll - Unable to use wildcard in RunGroup A new Create Cash Offsets For Selected Run Groups action is available so that you can use wildcard characters in Run Group. This business class is changed: modules/GeneralLedger/bl/FinanceEnterpriseGroup.busclass This UI class is changed: modules/GeneralLedger/ui/FinanceEnterpriseGroup.busclass Menu changes: A new Create Cash Offsets For Selected Run Groups menu item was added in Transaction Interface. Verify that the Fund Accounting is enabled Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Transaction Interface. Create a few transactions to perform Cash Offset with similar run groups, for example, TEST1, TEST12, and TEST123. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Transaction Interface > Create Cash Offsets For Selected Run Groups. Run the action using wildcard characters in the Run Group field, for example TEST*. Verify that the cash offsets that are created for all transactions have similar Run groups, for example, TEST1, TEST12, TEST123. JR-3438888 IDM Template for Escheatment Notice Added functionality to support document generation of Escheatment Notice with IDM email and printing feature. New menu, forms, and lists are available to show all Escheatment Notice results. Enable the Use IDM Template in Cash Codes. Select Financials > Cash Management > Cash Setup > Cash Codes. Select the Document Templates tab. Select the Use IDM Templates check box. Assign a document template by selecting it in the Escheatment Notice field. Run the Generate IDM Escheatment Notice. Select Financials > Cash Management > Cash Ledger Processing > Manage Escheatment > Generate IDM Escheatment Notice. Verify the IDM Notice Results. Select Financials > Cash Management > Cash Ledger Processing > Manage Escheatment > IDM Notice Results. Verify the results and the generated documents. Verify alternatives for IDM Notice Results in the My IDM Jobs list in the Cash Ledger Processing menu. JR-3264180 Extend the Write Off function for Stale Dated records Stale Dated records are now displayed in the list of transactions that are available for write off. The distribution to the stale date account is reversed, and one is created to the specified Write Off account. Verify that a stale dated record is displayed in the list for write off. Write off a stale dated record. Verify the reversed distribution on the Stale Date account, and the distribution to the specified write off account. JR-3274877 New list view or report for unreconciled status on CMA Outstanding transactions are now tracked in Cash Code, similar to the Outstanding Balance on the Current Cash Code Balances listing in the Process Cash Ledger menu. A new list is available on the Statement Processing menu to show the current cash balances for all cash codes for each cash management account. The Unreconciled Record Count field is added to Cash Code. The Open Record Count field is added to Cash Code Cash Position. The record count field is updated on Cash Ledger Transaction and Cash Code Consolidated Update, which are used for imported cash ledger transactions, to update the record count fields. A new Update Outstanding Balance And Count action is added to Cash Code to update the unreconciled amount and the record count with current unreconciled record balances. Verify that any updates to unreconciled balances result in an update to the new record count fields. This includes newly-generated records in Cash Ledger Transaction, imported records, or records that are processed in Payables. Verify that the Update Outstanding Balance And Count action on Cash Code updates the amounts correctly. Verify that the Open Record Count is correctly updated when the Update Cash Code Cash Position action is run This action and list is on the Reconciliation Balances page when it is linked to from Bank Statement or from the Process Cash Ledger menu. Verify that the Current Cash Ledger Balances list is available on the Statement Processing menu and properly totals amounts from all cash codes related to the cash management account. JR-3280245 Convert Cash transactions with stale dated status Add the status of Stale Dated to the Cash Ledger Interface. By selecting the new status, the records will be automatically Stale Dated. Select Cash Ledger Interface and create a record, specifying its status as Stale Dated. Interface records of the corresponding Run Group. Verify that the status of the imported record is Stale Dated, and that distributions are identical to a manually stale dated record. JR-3265678 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract Management February 2023? [/INST] Contract Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Contract Manager Home page - Use 12-column grid to minimize white space and scrolling Added a 12-column grid view to minimize white space and scrolling. 1. Sign in as Contract Manager. 2. Verify that the Home page and search contracts page does not contain extra white space on sides, with and without the side menu displayed. JR-3423749 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about EDI February 2023? [/INST] EDI This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. EDI - Review and improve card hierarchy Improve the visual hierarchy of the Trading Partner Dashboard List. Trading Partner/EDI Number label is in bold font so that it is obvious on the page. Sign in as EDI Administrator. On the Home page, select the Partners tab. Verify that the Trading Partner/EDI Number field label font is bold. Sign in as EDI Adminstrator. Select EDI Setup > Trading Partners. Select the Dashboard tab. Verify that the Trading Partner/EDI Number field label font is bold. JR-3480664 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Global Ledger February 2023? [/INST] Global Ledger This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Request action for Finance Dimension 4 and Finance Dimension5 A new request action is available for Finance Dimension4 and Finance Dimension5 Implemented the new feature Request Action for Finance Dimension4 and Finance Dimension5. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance. Select a Finance Enterprise Group > Finance Dimension4 > structure > Hierarchy Use the Request New action to create an Finance Dimension4 and submit for approval. Sign in as an Approver and approve the record. Verify that a new Finance Dimension4 is created. Test the Finance Dimension5 using the same method. Verify that a new Finance Dimension5 is created. JR-3481885 Usability for the Address Codes list and form The postal address on the Address Codes list was difficult to read because the postal address, state/province, and country were displayed in one delimited field. Also updated the Address Code form so that the Postal Address Short Required form is used. Separated the postal address, state/province, and Country by adding new columns to the Address Code list. The new form for address contains new functionality. Verify that three new columns are available on the Address Code list: Postal Address column shows the address without carats (^), a State/Province column, and a Country column. Verify that you can add or change the address as usual. JR-3457427 Add a callout for Copy Allocation and Copy Allocation Line The actions to copy Allocation and Allocation Lines were not available in the main lists of Allocation and Allocation Lines. These functionalities were easy to miss since they were not displayed when viewing the list of Allocations and Allocation Lines. An enhancement was added to display the copy actions, making it more accessible to copy allocations and allocation lines. Added Copy actions of Allocation and Allocation Line as call out actions in the main lists of Allocation and Line. This change now allows users to be more aware of this copy functionalities. Copying an Allocation: Open an Allocation Control record. In the Allocation pane, verify that the Copy Allocation button is displayed at the upper right of the allocations list. Select an allocation and click the Copy Allocation button. Verify that the copy action is working as expected. Copying an Allocation Line: Open an Allocation Control record In the Allocation Line pane, verify that the Copy Allocation Line button is displayed at the upper right of the Lines list. Select an allocation and click the Copy Allocation button. Verify that the copy action is working as expected. JR-3434939 When copying an allocation line, set the initial values of Allocation Control and Allocation to the allocation control and allocation of the copied line. Previously, when an allocation was copied, you specify the allocation control to which the allocation will be copied. You also specified the Allocation, Allocation Line, and Description. Providing those fields was time consuming because they did not contain initial values. These enhancements were added to the required fields on the allocation line page: Allocation field was relabeled to "New Allocation Line". Description field was relabeled to "New Description". For the "Allocation Control" field, the initial value was set to the Allocation Control of the copied allocation line. For the "Allocation" field, the initial value was set to the Allocation of the copied allocation line. For the "New Allocation Line" field, the initial value was set to this format: <name of the copied allocation line>_COPY. For the New Description field, the initial value was set to this format: <description of the copied allocation line><space>COPY Select Processing > Allocation Control Open an Allocation Control. Open an Allocation. Select an Allocation Line and click the Copy Allocation Line button. Verify that the Allocation Control, Allocation, New Allocation Line, and New Description fields contain initial values JR-3434950 When copying an allocation, set initial values for Allocation Control, Allocation, and Description fields Previously, when copying an allocation, we needed to specify the allocation control where the allocation will be copied to. We also needed to specify the Allocation and Description. Specifying those fields were time consuming as they did not have initial values. The following enhancements were added to the required fields in the allocation line form: Allocation field was relabeled to "New Allocation". Description field was relabeled to "New Description". For the "Allocation Control" field, the initial value was set to the Allocation Control of the copied allocation. For the "New Allocation" field, the initial value was set to this format: “<name of the copied allocation>_COPY”. For the "New Description" field, the initial value was set to this format: “<description of the copied allocation><space>COPY Select Processing > Allocation Control. Open an Allocation Control record. Select an Allocation and click the Copy Allocation button. Verify that the Allocation Control, New Allocation, and New Description fields contain initial values. JR-3434944 Improve Card Hierarchy Improve the visual hierarchy of the card views on these lists on the Global Ledger: Structure Compare lists, Recurring Journal, Period Status, InterEntity View, Reporting Basis Ledger, and Reporting Basis for Entity lists. The name and description fields are combined and rendered in bold font. Status tags and an alert icon are available on the Process Status in Recurring Journal. The Enterprise Structure tag is wrapped for long descriptions. Verify that the Recurring Journal name and description are combined and render as bold text. Verify that status are moved to the end and includes an alert icon on the process status and a tag for journal status. Verify that the Period Status name and description are combined and the Entity field renders in bold text. Verify that the #ledger closed is represented by a progress bar and that period year and period are moved. Verify that the name and description are combined and are rendered in bold text and a status tag is available on the right column. Verify that the Reporting Ledger name is rendered in bold and a status tag is available in the right column. JR-3480460 Update message when data reload refresh is running Changed the cube status messaging to describe cube status accurately. Replaced the cube is offline status on the Account Analysis: The new message shows when the cube is reloading or refreshing with yellow tags and failed or deactivated with red tags. Moved status tags and last refresh/reload dates into a context form. Verify new cube status tags are accurate. JR-3449584 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Intercompany Billing February 2023? [/INST] Intercompany Billing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Fund Accounting - AR Line Level Application Accounts Receivable and Intercompany Billing must be enhanced to allow a user-specified set of distributions to replace standard Fund Accounting proration logic for partial applications and settlements. With Fund Accounting enabled, Accounts Receivable now supports user-specified distribution sets in these four areas: Cash Application Credit Application Write-Offs Remittances For Intercompany Billing, user-specified distribution sets are now supported by the Settlement process. Menu change A new Distribution Sets menu option is available. It is available when Fund Accounting is enabled for the Finance Enterprise Group. Select Receivables > Processing > Cash Application > Review Applications > Distribution Sets. SECURITY CHANGES For details on exactly what was changed in these files, see the Infor Financials and Supply Management Security Delta document for this update. IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST ARBasicProcessing_ST APBasicInvoiceProcessing_ST APPaymentProcessing_ST IntercompanyBillingBasicProcessing_ST Verify that Fund Accounting is enabled for the Finance Enterprise Group. Select the Specify Distribution Mix check box on the Apply tab of each Receivable Company. In Receivables, use the four areas that are supported by this enhancement to create partial applications with a user-specified distribution set. Verify that the output of Application Close is correct and that the distributions are journalized correctly. In Intercompany Billing, make a partial settlement with a user-specified distribution set. Verify that all journal entries are correct for both Payables and Receivables. JR-3275279 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Inventory Intelligence February 2023? [/INST] Inventory Intelligence This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Review and improve card hierarchy Improve the visual hierarchy of the Perpetual and Par Item pages. Location Name and Item description are rendered in bold font to make it more visible in Perpetual/Par and Item Detail pages. Sign in as Inventory Intelligence Specialist and select Manage Inventory Recommendations. Select the Perpetual Items page. Verify that the Location Name is in bold font. Verify that the 'Has Recommendations' tag is added if any Item in that Location contain recommendations. Select the Item Details page. Verify that the Item Description font is bold and Status value is available as a tag. JR-3480669 Recommend reorder quantity Recommend Reorder Quantity for Fixed Reorder Quantity code items. In addition to Reorder Point and Maximum Order Quantity, Reorder Quantity is added based on the defined Inventory Intelligence rules. Sign in as Supply Management Administrator and select Inventory Intelligence > Configuration. Create Perpetual Order Policy rules. Specify the Order Frequency value for your location or item. Run Recommendations Engine. Sign in as Inventory Intelligence Specialist and select Perpetual Items. Verify that recommendations are generated for the Reorder Quantity field. JR-3443054 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Item Lifecycle Management February 2023? [/INST] Item Lifecycle Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Allow watchers to be created that are not associated with an Employee Allow ad hoc users to be created for organizations that are watchers and can be used for notification on notices. An ad hoc watcher can be created in the Users menu item and assigned to an Organization. If the organization has a Domain, then when the domain is attached to a notice, the ad hoc user is added as a Notification. The user can also be attached manually. On the Users menu item, select the Adhoc Watchers tab for Item Lifecycle Management and create an Ad Hoc Watcher. Verify that a Watcher is created. Verify that if multiple watchers are created, they do not have duplicate email addresses. Attach the Watcher to an Organization, and attach a unique domain to the organization. Attach the domain to a notice. Verify that the ad hoc watchers are attached as Adhoc Watcher Notifications. Release the notice. Verify that emails are sent to ad hoc watcher Notifications. JR-3497458 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Lease Accounting February 2023? [/INST] Lease Accounting This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Create Lease Import menu Remove the Transaction Interface menu from the Lease Specialist role and create a Lease Import menu. The Transaction Interface menu on the Lease Specialist page is not valid. The Lease Specialist role is for customers who use the Lease Accounting solution, and do not interface transactions. Customers who do not use Lease Accounting solution but do import GL transactions to FSM can view these in the Global Ledger Transaction Interface menu. Additionally, a Lease Import menu is now available to the Lease Specialist role. This menu shows the list of imported leases and the list of imported lease payment schedules. The menu contains the processes that are required to interface the imported Leases to lease records and to interface the imported lease payment schedule to the Lease Payment Detail records. Verify that the Transaction Interface menu is no longer available on the Lease Specialist page. Verify that transactions that are imported from a third-party solution are available in the Global Ledger Transaction Interface menu. Verify that in the Lease Specialist menu, the Lease Import page is available and the two lists are available: The Imported Lease list and the Imported Lease Payment Schedule list. Verify that the actions are available on each list for Lease Interface process and the Lease Payment Schedule Interface process. Verify that the Imported Lease list and the Imported Lease Payment Schedule list are removed from the Lease Inquiry And Reports menu. Verify that the Lease Interface process and the Lease Payment Schedule Interface process are also removed from the Lease Processing menu. JR-3461743 Add a link from Lease Invoice to Lease in the Lease Invoice drill around A new navigation was added to the lease invoice Drill Around to navigate to the lease invoice. Created a drill list for lease invoice and created a navigation for the lease invoice. In a lease invoice, verify that the lease navigation resolves to the invoice's lease. Verify that the invoice comment and the payables invoice links resolve as expected. JR-3528644 Show fields as required when creating lease Changed the default label of the test action to Classify to better describe the action. The fields that are required to create a lease are now marked. Added red asterisks to indicate required fields when creating a lease. Verify that the test action is now labeled Classify. Verify that a new lease can be created by only completing in the fields that are marked as required. JR-3528621 Combine tabs on the lease composite form The tabs on a lease needed a drop-down menu after a lease is processed. To remedy this issue, related tabs were combined to reduce the number of tabs needed for a lease. Reduced the number of tabs on a lease by combining the Override tab with the Options tab and combining the dates, comments, and related documents tabs into a new Attachments tab. Verify that a new date can be added to a lease. Verify that a new comment can be added to a lease. Verify that a new document can be added to a lease. Verify that the overrides functionality on the Options tab is still accessible on ASC842 leases. Verify that the overrides is not available on GASB87 leases. JR-3499753 Determine if Lease Compute is still valid under ASC842 Lease Compute has been from the lease menu and pages. The Lease Compute process is enhanced to work with the new Lease Accounting module. Lease Compute will remain removed until it is updated. Verify that the Lease Compute is not available on the Lease Setup page. Verify that the Lease Compute is not available on the Lease Payment Detail and on the Recurring Lease Payment pages. Verify that the Lease Compute option and Compute Parameters are no longer available. JR-3461734 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Match February 2023? [/INST] Match This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. LPL changes to Expand the Document Capture BOD and IPA to include the options for multiple invoice line distributions The Document interface did not have the ability to override the PO distributions on a match invoice. Enable the Document interface to override the PO distributions on a match invoice. Create and receive a PO for a special item. Create a document interface invoice for the PO. Create override distributions for the invoice line in document interface. Interface the invoice. Verify that the override distributions are on the invoice instead of the PO distributions. Repeat the steps for a service contract and invoice. JR-3489999 OneSource, Generic, MA, Pass AOC UNSPSC to TaxAttributesCode in XML file System did not have ability to send a UNSPSC code for an Add On Charge to the One Source tax engine. Provided the ability to send a UNSPSC code for an Add On Charge to the One Source tax engine. Enable One Source tax engine. Set up Add On Charge with a UNSPSC Code. Create and receive a PO. Create an invoice for the PO with the add on charge. Verify that the Add On Charge UNSPSC Code is sent to One Source. JR-3487817 OneSource Tax, No display of OneSource Attributes tab on Match Invoice Line Level After matching an invoice using One Source tax engine and line level tax calls, attributes should be visible in the invoice line form. Set the Tax Entity to use One Source (Generic). Create and populate an attribute code Set Match Company to use line level tax call. Create a PO and receive it. Create an invoice for the PO and match. Open the invoice line and verify that attributes are visible. JR-3264088 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Payables February 2023? [/INST] Payables This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Payables Spend not allowing to enter amount as AP271 did - government requirement Vendor Payment Report was created to show payments for specific criteria replacing the AP271-Government required. Vendor Payment Report is available in process tax documents. You can set specific criteria, such as vendor total minimum, to generate a report of payments to vendors. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Payables> Payables Processing > Process Tax Documents > Vendor Payment Report. On the upper right, select the Create Vendor Payment Report. Set search criteria, ensuring that values are selected in these fields: Vendor group, invoice currency, and payment date range. Save the report. Click Run Vendor Spend Report. The status of Processing is displayed. Verify that the report shows the vendor payments and that the status is changed to completed. Select a row in the vendor payments report details for more information about the payment. Update a part of the search criteria and save. The status of Parameters Modified is displayed. JR-3263362 Payables, Invoice Data Archival report, separate counts for distributions and tax details On the Invoice Data Archival report in Payables, separate counts for distributions and tax details. Added separate counts for distributions and tax details and changed the label to Number of invoices in the report. Run the Invoice Data Archival report. Verify that the label in the report is Number of invoices instead of No of invoices. Verify that you can see separate counts for distributions and tax details records. JR-3257795 Payables Credits can only be applied after release Payables Credits can be applied during an interface. Create a Credit Memo and release it. Create an invoice. On the invoice, select Apply A Credit To This Invoice. Specify the Credit Invoice Number or Select Credit ID, the Applied Amount, and submit. Verify that the credit is displayed on the Applied Credit tab. Change the Invoice Amounts and select Edit. Verify that the warning, Invoice has credits applied. You must unapply credits to change the amount. JR-3257922 Allow Add On Charge information to be entered on Supplier Created Invoices Suppliers who are entering Supplier created invoices can now enter add on charge information from the purchase order, as well as ad hoc add on charges (optionally). Security changes for the following: IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST APBasicInvoiceProcessing_ST SupplierOrderMgmtInvoiceCreate_ST In the Supplier records, select Allow Supplier To Enter Charges Not On Purchase Order in the Supplier Created Invoices section. Create a Purchase Order with Misc, Spread, and Line AOCs and release. Receive against the Purchase Order. Sign in to Supplier Portal as the Supplier. Navigate to Order Management > Create Invoices and create an Invoice for the Purchase Order just created. Navigate to the Add On Charges tab. Update the costs on Add On Charges from the PO as necessary. Ad Hoc Add On Charges can be added if not on the PO. Submit the Invoice. View the Invoice in Manage Invoices. If Ad Hoc Add On Charges were created they must be converted to Misc or Spread add on charges while processing the Invoice. JR-3257459 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project Ledger February 2023? [/INST] Project Ledger This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Add closed labor distributions periods list to Project Accountant role Add a new labor distribution list and a new effort certification list to the Project Accountant role. On labor distribution, add a tab for closed periods. On effort certification, add a tab for closed periods. Added a Labor Distribution tab for closed periods. The list includes Project Assignment Labor records that are in a processed or certified status and the labor schedule period is closed. Only email and add comments actions are available. Added a Certified Effort tab for closed periods. The list includes Project Assignment Labor records that are in a certified status and the effort schedule period is closed. Sign in as Project Accountant and select Project Management > Labor Distribution. Verify that the By Closed Period tab exists. Sign in as Project Accountant and select Project Management > Effort Certification. Verify that the Certification By Closed Period tab exists. JR-3531898 Call out Labor Distribution and Certification email actions Call out the the email actions for Labor Distribution and Certification. Call out the actions for sending Labor Distribution emails and Certification emails for the period so they are more visible as options to the users. Sign in as Project Accountant and select Labor Distribution. Select the By Period tab. Verify that you see the Labor Distribution Email action. Select Effort Certification and select the Certification By Period tab. Verify that you see the Certification Email action. Sign in as Project Certifier and select Employees Effort Certification. Select the Certification By Period tab. Verify that you see the Certification Email action. JR-3487939 Add tabs to the Create Project page Update the Create Project page so that it is similar to the Request New Posting Project page. Separate data into tabs to make it easier for the user to skip fields that do not apply. Create a new project. Verify that the Main tab shows fields that are used for both summary and posting projects. If Summary is selected, then additional fields are displayed on the Main tab for the summary project. If the Contract check box is selected, then the Contract tab is displayed to complete the fields. If Posting is selected, then additional fields are displayed for the posting project and additional tabs are displayed. The Billing Overrides tab is displayed so that the user can override the contract billing information. The Labor Distribution tab is displayed to specify the labor and salary cap information for the posting project. JR-3449539 Project Resource Posting Project list remove and add actions Allow a project to be opened from the list. Remove additional actions from the project totals chart. An action is available to open a project from the project list. All actions were removed, except Open, from the project totals chart. Sign in as Project Resource and select Project > Posting Projects. Right-click a project in the left column and select Open. Right-click the Project Totals chart and verify that no actions exist. JR-3523514 Add ability to create project contract balance adjustments and LTD balances without requiring finance code block A finance code block is not required to create balance adjustments and to update the LTD balance for legacy invoiced and revenue amounts. LTD Balances tab list has been changed to: LTD Invoiced and Revenue Expense Balances. When historical milestones are created, update Project Contract and Project Funding Source totals invoice and recognized balances. Update the Rebuild Contract LTD Balances action to rebuild balances. Only expense transactions are included. The Rebuild LTD Balances action is on the Project Contract and can be run for a single contract. Sign in as Project Accountant. Open a project contract and select the LTD Balances tab. Verify the list name is LTD Invoiced and Revenue Expense Balances. Select the Balance adjustments tab and Create and adjustment. Verify the finance code block fields are not required. If any part of the code block is entered then the finance code block is required. Select the Update Contract LTD Balances tab to create the LTD balance. Verify the Adjustment is removed and the LTD. Balance tab reflects the adjustment created. Select contract actions and verify the Rebuild LTD Balances action is displayed. JR-3505675 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Purchasing February 2023? [/INST] Purchasing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Add UNPSC to Add On Charge Add Commodity Code to Add On Charge setup to use for third party tax calculations. To prepare for forthcoming functionality, the Commodity Code is available on the Add On Charge setup page for third party tax calculations. Not applicable at this time. For now the field is available to the add on charge setup, and additional changes are coming to use this field for third party tax calculations. JR-3487586 UX - Buyer PO Totals Uplift Purchase Order Total tab to conform to the SoHo 4 UX standards. Purchase Order Changed the type of DerivedNumberOfLines from InternationalAmount to Numeric Purchase Order-UI Moved Number of Lines at the top of the form Changed font size from header4 to header3 (Purchase Order, Number of Lines, Other Vendor, Accrued Tax and Total) Aligned Subtotal with other field Create a Purchase Order and Line. Select the Purchase Order Total tab and verify field changes. JR-3511963 UX - Buyer Purchase Request tab Action Buttons Uplift Purchase Request List to conform to the SoHo 4 UX standards. Arranged called-out actions in the Purchase Request List. Renamed Select All to Advance Selection and renamed Add to Purchase Order to Append To Purchase Order. Select For Purchase Order is now visible and can be performed when the selected purchase order is false. Added a condition that may grayed-out to the called-out action – CreatePurchaseOrder and AppendToPurchaseOrder and can only be valid to when the selected purchase order is set to true. Moved the Unselect All My Records action inside of the ellipses. Create a Requisition. Create a Requisition Line and set Create Purchase Order to true. Release the requisition. Sign in as Buyer and select Manage Purchase Requests. Select the Purchase Request tab. Select a record and perform Select For Purchase Order. Verify that Create Purchase Order and Append to Purchase Order are not available to use (grayed-out). Reselect the selected record. Create a Purchase Order and verify that Append to Purchase Order can be used and Select For Purchase Order is not available to use (grayed-out). Click the ellipsis and verify that the Unselect All my Records action is inside of it. JR-3460667 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Receivables February 2023? [/INST] Receivables This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Standardize Customer card view The customer card view was standardized with bold font. Email and Phone number are enabled if the email or phone number are provided on the customer record. Create or update a customer record with email and phone number. Verify that the Customer name has bold font. Verify that small icon links are available for the email and phone number in the customer card view list. JR-3503100 Review SummarizeMultiLineTransactions field in ReceivableCompany and SummarizeDetail in ReceivableInvoice for usage and possible label change The SummarizeMultiLineTransactions field in ReceivableCompany and SummarizeDetail in ReceivableInvoice both have a label change to Summarize Detail For Application. Verify that these field labels are changed to Summarize Detail For Application: The SummarizeMultiLineTransactions field in ReceivableCompany The SummarizeDetail field in ReceivableInvoice JR-3516063 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requisitions February 2023? [/INST] Requisitions This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Printed Req no longer shows Distribution Code or Vendor Name Additional fields added in Requisition Self Service Print Request function. Test Requisition Self Service Print Request functionality and verify the report generated. JR-3497889 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Stratetic Sourcing February 2023? [/INST] Strategic Sourcing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Add ability to have "from Email" be a user defined value in Sourcing An option is available to provide a specific From email address as a default instead of using the Buyer email address for supplier emails in Sourcing. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Sourcing Companies. Select the correct Sourcing Company. Select the Event Email and Portal Message Configuration tab. At the bottom of the message options section, verify that you can use the default buyer email address or to manually specify a company email address as the From email. Verify that the correct From email is used for all supplier-related emails. Verify that the event email address label is displayed. JR-3257571 Supplier dashboard - use 12 column grid to minimize white space and scrolling Added 'use 12 column grid' line of code to remove all extra white space. Sign in as Contract Manager. Select Manage Suppliers and Subcontractors > Manage Suppliers Verify that white space is removed with or without the displayed side menu. JR-3423763 Bank Account number and Credit Card number is encrypted Bank Account number and Credit Card number are still encrypted but will show last four digits instead of first four digits. Credit Card information does not include the option to select or enter the Card Provider. JR-3585331 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about January 2023 Production Update? [/INST] January 2023 Production Update These release notes contain overviews of the main feature enhancements that have been introduced for 2023. Bug fixes and performance improvements are located in the Net Change Report. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Asset Accounting January 2023? [/INST] Asset Accounting This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Adjusting asset in-service dates The ability to control YTD and LTD calculation and transactions posted to the Global Ledger has been created. Create an asset with a prior year in-service date. Perform any adjustment on the asset so that YTD, LTD is recalculated. Use an adjustment date in current year calendar with compute option set to Y. Now, in the Adjustment Post History, we have the options. If you set this flag to YesWithTransactions, then both YTD and LTD amounts are recalculated and posted to the GL. If you set this flag to YesWithoutTransactions, then both YTD and LTD amounts are recalculated. Only YTD amount is posted to the GL. If you set this flag to No, then the YTD amount is recalculated, the LTD amount remains the same, and only the YTD amount is posted to the GL. Review the Release Assets batch job to validate the reset scenarios. JR-3266665 Asset programs are updated to use the Last Asset Item Purchase Date field instead of the derived High Purchase Date field The asset high purchase date was a derived field used to identify a default in-service date and transaction date. The asset has a field LastAssetItemPurchaseDate, which is more efficient. This update is to programs that use the derived field. This list shows the programs that are affected: Validate Depreciation Calculation Asset validate: AssetBook DepreciationStartDate AssetAdjustment validate: Validate TransactionDate AssetBook validate: AssetBook In Service Date and Transaction Date AssetBookAdditionalImport validate: AssetBook In Service Date AssetBookDisposal validate: TransactionDate and Currency exchange date AssetBookTransaction validate: TransactionDate and Currency exchange date AssetBookTransfer validate: TransactionDate and Currency exchange date AssetDisposal validate: TransactionDate AssetItem validate: TransactionDate and depending on company posting option PostingDate AssetItemTransfer validate: Currency Exchange Date AssetReinstatement validate: TransactionDate AssetTransaction validate: TransactionDate and CurrencyExchangeDate JR-3266022 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Billing January 2023? [/INST] Billing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. OneSource, Generic, BL, send the Description field at the line level in the XML file The Description field is included in the line section of the XML file for the item information. In the LoadOneSourceInputFields rule on the BillingInvoiceLine, added assigning the Description to CalculateTax.Description to include in the XML file. Create a taxable billing invoice and taxable invoice line using OneSource. Release the invoice. Verify that the XML in the line level includes the Description value. JR-3472943 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about BOD Connectors January 2023? [/INST] BOD Connectors This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. ProcessInvoice_In BOD changes to incorporate barcode value File Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound.Ipd Variable Added in JSON: No In FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound IPA flow below changes done Modified branch condition in Branch6360 node Added new assign Assign730 node Added new Assign3170 node Added new field, FolioAuthorizationCode, in BLInvoice transaction node. Integration Specific: Yes. Local.ly. Configuration: Enable FSM_ION_PRocessInvoice_Inbound BOD in Channels Administrations. Set country code to CL in AccountingEntity. How to Test: Send valid xml with Registered and Rejected/Failed/Submitted status. BOD trigger and Work unit will generate Without any errors. Verify the Result: If the status is Registered then FolioAuthorizationCode field should update and release billing invoice. If the status is Failed then billing invoice should be in unreleased state. JR-3264909 AR - ReceivableInvoice Scenario - Add the PaymentMethodCode node & lcl.PaymentMethod under Userarea in SyncInvoice Outbound BOD for Local.ly For Receivable Invoice scenario (AR) PEPPOL access countries added PaymentMethodCode and lcl.PaymentMethod - SyncInvoice Outbound BOD Local.ly PEPPOL Access countries. File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.Ipd Variable Aded in JSON: Variable added as RInvBankTransactionCode. For ReceivableInvoice.BankTransactionCode >RInvBankTransactionCode IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_SyncIonvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done: In Assign1740- Modified javascripts If SystemID ReceivableInvoice(AR) and Local.ly and specific to Australia(AU) Germany(DE) Netherlands(NL) NewZealand(NZ) Poland(PL) UnitedKingdom(GB) countries pass the propert for "lcl.PaymentMethod" and BL_BankTransactionCode = RInvBankTransactionCode; PaymentMethod = RInvBankTransactionCode; Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to Local.ly Integration specific to Australia(AU) Germany(DE) Netherlands(NL) NewZealand(NZ) Poland(PL) UnitedKingdom(GB) countries. Configuration: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select BODtrigger check box. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound_Ipd Processes. How to Test: Create Receivables and Release it. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective newly added x-path Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentMethodCode and Icl.PaymentMethod property in Userarea. These changes for Loca.ly- AU, NL, NZ, DE, UK, and PL country specific. JR-3460997 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Cash Management January 2023? [/INST] Cash Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Require calculation of Total Amount based on Pay Bank Amount on Payment Output Detail file Add a new amount field to PaymentOutputFileHeader (TotalPayBankAmount) to capture the total of the PayBankAmount in the related PaymentOutputFileDetail records. Added TotalPayBankAmount field in PaymentOuputFileHeader business class and updated it while running ElectronicPaymentCreation job. Added the same in UI. Create Payables Invoices with different possible Bank Transaction Code and CashCode combinations. Select and Schedule CashRequirements. Run the ElectronicPaymentCreation job with all possible combinations. PaymentCode and CashCode PaymentCode and CashCodeGroup CombineOutputByAccount Verify that all scenarios generate a Payment Output File with the TotalPayBankAmount. JR-3280224 Extend Front End Split functionality to Cash Ledger Payment and Cash Ledger Payment Import business classes This list shows the business classes that changed: modules/cb/bl/CashLedgerGLDistribution.busclass modules/cb/ui/CashLedgerGLDistribution.busclass modules/cb/bl/CashLedgerPayment.busclass Use these steps to test the enhancement: Prerequisite: Set up Front End Split. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Cash Management > Cash Ledger Processing > Process Cash Ledger > Payment Entry. Create a Cash Ledger Payment. For Cash Ledger Payment, create a distribution line with a posting project that is subject to Front End Split. Distribution must not contain a FinanceDimension2. Run the Front End Split Distributions action and verify that the original distribution is replaced by the split distributions. Create a Cash Ledger Payment with distribution, which is having Front End Splits project and Release it. Verify that the distributions have undergone Front End Split. Create Cash Ledger Payment with distribution, which is having Front End Splits project and Submit For Approval. Verify that each Distribution has undergone Front End Split. Create multiple Cash Ledger Payments with distributions having Front End Splits project and perform Mass Release. Verify that each Cash Ledger Transaction has undergone Front End Split. Select Financials > Cash Management > Cash Ledger Processing > Process Cash Ledger > Interface Cash Ledger Transactions.> Payment Interface Maintenance. Create Cash Ledger Payment Interface records in Released status with distributions having Front End Splits project and click Interface Cash Payments. Verify that interfaced Cash Ledger Payments distributions have undergone Front End Split. JR-3457434 Allow the user to process a payment rejection by the bank when payments are sent to the bank in detail A new Allow Detail Payment Reject field is available on the Bank Transaction Code. You can perform a Reject action on the payment record in the same manner as if the Bank Transaction Code was set to Payment Summarization. Modified all edits that reference PaymentSummarization to also include BankTransactionCode.AllowDetailPaymentReject. This will expose the reject functionality to detail records with the AllowDetailPaymentReject set. Set a BankTransactionCode to Allow Detail Payment Reject. Create an invoice and run it through the payment cycle. On the created cash ledger transaction, on the Payment Records tab, select the Payment Reject action. Run Payment Void Stop Pay Update. Verify that the deposit cash ledger transaction is created and the invoice is reinstated just like a summarized payment record reject. JR-3263573 Enhance Migrate Commitments actions to capture errors and proceed to next record All Migrate Commitments actions were changed to log errors and list them on the new Migration Results business class. Successful commitments are also logged on the Migration Result. This allows for errors to be resolved and run the corresponding Migrate Commitment action again. Select Global Ledger > Utilities > Migrate Commitments. Verify that a Migration Result record is created each time the action is run. On the Migration Result are lists of Errors and Completed records. These actions should no longer fail in Async if there is an error with creating the GLCommit. Instead, the error is logged and the action continues. JR-3387205 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract Management January 2023? [/INST] Contract Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Consolidate the contract create actions To provide more control over the create actions on the toolbar, the actions to create a contract are consolidated into a single icon. Contract.busclass Sign in as Contract Manager and select Manage Contracts. On the In Process tab, create a contract record. Select the Manage Contracts menu again and view the In Process tab. Verify the number of called out actions on this list. Verify that all of the actions are available in the Create menu. JR-3382496 Health Trust splitting of National and S2 Contracts Interface Contracts and Manufacturer Contracts now show National Contracts for S2 and S2 Contracts for National Contracts. When Contract Cost Comparison is run, a new tab is available that shows items on the "to" Contract that are not on the "from" Contract Create Interface Contracts for a National Contract and associated S2 Contracts. Verify that the National Contract is noted in the header. Verify that the National Contract contains a tab with a list of the S2 Contract. Create Manufacturer Contracts for all of the Interface Contracts. Verify that all Manufacturer Contracts contain related references to the other contracts. JR-3396902 Conditional questions for Contracts Allow questions to be created as the result of answers to other questions in Contract Management. Questions that are created as a result of answers can be defined in both the Question repository and Contract Management. Conditional questions will always be ones that are stored in the repository. Conditional questions are created from answers to List, Yes/No, and Yes/No Text questions. Security class changes: CMProcessContract_ST CMSetupAdmin_ST IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST Use these steps to test the enhancement: Create Yes/No, Yes/No Text, and List questions in the repository. Use the Create Conditional Question action to create questions based on the answers. Create a Contract. Add questions from the repository that contain conditional questions. Verify that the conditional questions are created on the Contract. Verify that additional conditional questions can be created directly on the Contract. Reply to the question with an answer that creates new questions. Verify new questions are created when the page is refreshed. JR-3401378 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about EPM Analytics January 2023? [/INST] EPM Analytics This section contains enhancements in EPM Analytics. GL Reporting An export option that was added can be used in some reports after the necessary configuration is in place with data model and templates imported to IDM. These are the Financials & Supply Management Analytics reports that support IDM statutory printout and the corresponding business class/process affected: Comparative Balance Sheet - gl_ComparativeBalanceSheet Consolidated Income Statement - gl_ConsolidatedIncomeStatement Income Statement Budget versus Actual - gl_IncomeStatementBudgetVersusActual Summary Trial Balance - gl_SummaryTrialBalance Statement of Capital Expenditure - gl_StatementOfCapitalExpenditures Use these steps to generate the reports using IDM: Navigate to Export > Export to PDF. Click ‘[Report Name] (Statutory)’. JT-1778069, JT-1778070, JT-1778071, JT-1778068, and JT-1778072 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about EDI January 2023? [/INST] EDI This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Do not map Item Description from 855 Acknowledgment When ordering the same item from multiple suppliers, the Item Description in the supplier's 855 does not always match the PO Line item description. This generates Acknowledgment messages when the Purchase Order EDI Acknowledgments are processed. Customers do not require that information. Added support for a Data Substitution record to disable mapping of item descriptions from 855 PID segments. Purchase Order EDI Acknowledgment records with Record ID 80 is created. List Name: MAP_855_ITEM_DESC Your Value: N Partner Value: <trading partner id> or * for all trading partner IDs. Add the Data Substitution record for MAP_855_ITEM_DESC. Run EDI Translate Inbound. Examine the created Purchase Order EDI Acknowledgment records. Verify that no records have a Record ID of 80. Process Purchase Order Acknowledgments. Access the Acknowledgement Messages Verify that there are no messages for an Item Description mismatch. JR-3436462 Include Procedure Info Case ID and Sales Rep in 850 JR-3405836 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Global Ledger January 2023? [/INST] Global Ledger This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Add a form to display all allocation lines When searching for a particular allocation line, you first have to look for and open an allocation. This enhancement allows you to view the list of available allocation lines without first searching and opening an allocation. A new Allocation Line list is now available from the Allocation Control main form to show all allocation lines in an Allocation Control. Open Allocation Control record. Select the new Allocation Line pane. Verify that all Allocation Lines in the selected Allocation Control are displayed. JR-3407836 Set the initial and/or default values for Step, Post Options during creation of allocation lines Previously, there was no indicator that the Step, From Post Option and To Post Option fields are required. Users were not aware that these must be populated and are only prompted when the line is saved with blank Step or Post Options fields. This enhancement adds a red asterisk beside the Step and Post Options field labels, and adds commonly used values as initial and/or default values instead of only showing error messages. This will allow for easier and quicker set up of allocation lines. These enhancements were added to the required fields in the allocation line form: Allocation line Step field: A red asterisk was added on the right side of the field label. The value of allocation Default Step field was set as the initial and default value of the allocation line Step field. If the allocation Default Step is blank, then the initial and default value of Allocation Line Step is set to 1. From Post Option field: A red asterisk was added on the right side of the field label. Consolidate is set as initial value. To Post Option field: A red asterisk was added on the right side of the field label. Retain is set as an initial value. Use this information to test the enhancement: Create an Allocation with blank Default Step. Create an Allocation Line. Verify that "1" is the initial value of the allocation line Step field. Verify that "Consolidate" is the initial value of allocation line From Post Option field. Verify that "Retain" is the initial value of allocation line To Post Option field. Save the allocation line. JR-3434890 Add a navigation menu to show all custom computes of allocations with view and update actions When looking for a specific custom compute, multiple allocation lines must be searched and opened. A new Custom Compute navigation menu is available in the Allocations menu to show all custom computes of Allocations. This makes custom computes accessible for viewing and updating. Select Processing > Allocations > Custom Compute. Select the Custom Computes menu. Verify that all custom computes are displayed. Verify that create, update and delete actions are working as expected. Verify that the custom compute list can be filtered as expected. JR-3434955 Adjust the processing sequence in GL Transaction Import GLTransactionInterface.busclass Use these steps to test the enhancement: Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance. Select a Finance Enterprise Group. On the Options tab, verify that the Fund Accounting check box is selected. Setup Finance Structure Relation with Default To Value in Finance Structure Relation Detail. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Transaction Interface. Create a new record with values that result in structure relation defaulting. Run the Create Cash offset action. Verify the success of the structure relation defaulting on one or both records. Run Interface Transactions. JR-3442583 Pivot View search form The search form for pivot analysis lists is updated. The Budget Context field is removed from the Period over Period and Compare Analysis search forms. Verify that the Budget Context field is no longer available on the search forms for Period over Period and Compare Analysis. JR-3461695 Report designer added to project menus Global ledger report designer has been added to the following menus: Project Administrator Project Accountant Project Manager Verify the global ledger report designer menu item was added to the menus previously mentioned. JR-3482962 Dimension Based Measures to Pivot Analysis Lists The new budget views now include these Dimension Base Measure fields: Functional Commitment, Encumbrance, and Budget amounts. These column views are available: Budget View Budget Variance The new period views give users a new view to analyze trailing periods. These period views are available: Rolling Months Quarter Year to Variance Analysis Verify that the Variance Analysis contains a new column, period views, and has correct amounts. Verify that the Functional Budget amounts are correct when using the Budget Context field on the search form. Select a scenario associated to Budget Context to display the correct budget amounts. Verify that Period over Period contains new period views and the amounts are correct. JR-3317194 New Request action for dimensions 1 and 3 A new Request action feature is available for Finance Dimension1 and Finance Dimension3. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance. Select a Finance Enterprise Group > Finance Dimension1 > Structure > Hierarchy. Use the Request New action to create the Finance Dimension1 and submit for approval. Sign in as Approver and approve the record. Verify that a new Finance Dimension3 is created. Test the Finance Dimension3 using the same method. Verify that a new Finance Dimension3 is created. JR-3430702 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Intercompany Billing January 2023? [/INST] Intercompany Billing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Must allow ICB Auto Apply Credit when multiple Receivable Invoice Detail records exist The Intercompany Billing Auto Apply Credit Memo process now cycles through all Receivable Invoice Detail records instead of just the first one. Create and release an Intercompany Billing Document that has multiple lines. Ensure that each line has a project on the revenue distribution. This will allow the creation of multiple Receivable Invoice Detail records. Create and release an Intercompany Billing Document with a negative Total Due amount. Ensure that the Cross Reference section is completed with information from the first Intercompany Billing Document. Run Automatic Memo Application and verify that all processing completes successfully. JR-3316990 OneSource, Generic, IB, TaxLog, System Code not populated When using the One Source tax system, the System Code IB is now populated in the tax log records that originate from Intercompany Billing documents. Using the One Source tax system, create and release an Intercompany Billing Document with a taxable line. Verify that the tax log entry that is created for the tax determination call to One Source contains a System Code of IB. JR-3444642 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Inventory Control January 2023? [/INST] Inventory Control This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. All Transactions tab moved The All Transactions tab is located after the Bin Transfers tab. Sign in as Inventory Manager. Select Inventory Transactions. Verify that the All Transactions tab is located after the Bin Transfer tab. JR-3429490 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Kitchen Management January 2023? [/INST] Kitchen Management This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Fill or Kill setting should always be set to Fill for recipe items The default for the Fill or Kill flag in RequisitionLine field rules is Fill for recipe items. Create a Recipe item. Add the item to item location. Create a Requisition using the Recipe item. Item type should be inventoried or nonstock. FillorKill flag is set to Fill. Update the FillOrKill flag to Kill. Verify that the FillOrKill flag is not updated to a different value. JR-3289805 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Lease Accounting January 2023? [/INST] Lease Accounting Remove Landed Tax option from Leases Landed Taxes are not allowed on leases at this time. Because landed taxes affect the Lease Liability and Right Of Use Asset value, any changes to the tax rate require re-amortization of the lease amortization and adjustment to the Lease Liability and Right Of Use Asset value. Create a lease with taxes. Verify whether Landed Cost is selected on either Tax Entity or Entity Tax Code, and that an error is displayed indicating that Landed Taxes are currently not supported for leases. Verify that you can create a lease with taxes if the Landed Cost check box is not selected. JR-3472839 Create a drill list for leases A drill list was added to lease to remove the links to navigation that were created for the landing page of lease specialist and to remove the links that were accessible from the tabs on a lease. Verify that the Drill Around does not end in Nav. Verify that each Drill Around link resolves to the correct page. JR-3473493 Update Lease Specialist Home page Added the two new create buttons on the home page to reduce the number of clicks to perform a common task. You can now create a lease or sublease from the home page. Shortened the labels of the two actions so that the entire label is viewable. Updated the order of actions on the processing pane to the order that a user would use. Create a new lease from the home page. Create a new sublease from the home page. Verify that Lease projections, create invoices for lease payment, and interface lease invoices to Payables work as expected. Verify that all overview navigation on the home page resolves to a list. JR-3461425 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Match January 2023? [/INST] Match This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. OneSource, Generic, PayablesInvoiceDetailTax, track both OverrideTaxAmount and CalculatedAmount-MA When using OneSource tax in Match invoices, and the tax is overridden on the invoice line, the amount calculated by One Source was not displayed. The amount calculated by OneSource tax is now displayed when it is overridden on the invoice line. Create a Tax Entity and use OneSource Generic. Create and receive a PO with taxable items. Create an invoice with a tax amount that is different than the PO. Attempt to match the invoice. A warning is displayed indicating that the tax does not match the amount calculated. Override the tax at the line level. Verify that the override tax amount and the OneSource calculated amount is displayed. JR-3433757 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Order Entry January 2023? [/INST] Order Entry This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. OneSource, Generic, OE, Customer Name and Number The CalculateTax.Vendor field in the CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine LoadOneSourceInputFields is replaced with CalculateTax.Customer so that the Customer number is correctly stored in its designated XML field. Create a customer order using OneSource as tax code. Create a customer order line. Add charges on header and line that are also taxable. Release the Customer Order. Verify that the tax log record's XML response is labeled correctly for Customer Number and Customer Name. JR-3385619 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Payables January 2023? [/INST] Payables This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Display the Tax Amount The Tax Amount that is returned from the Tax System is now displayed so that the user can see if a variance in the vendor fee exists. The System Tax Amount is displayed on these pages: Payables Invoice Payables Invoice Distribution Restrict the option on the PayVendor list to Vendors referenced as Pay To Vendor The Edit For Pay To Vendor field was added to enforce that the Pay Vendor on an invoice exists in the Pay to Vendor table. Create four vendors. For the fourth vendor, on the Related Vendors tab, click Create and specify the Pay Vendor as the first Vendor created, Pay Type: Pay To Vendor, Do not select the Default field. For the fourth Vendor, on the Related Vendors tab, click Create and specify the Pay Vendor as the second Vendor created, Pay Type: Pay To Vendor, Do not select the Default field. For the fourth Vendor, on the Related Vendors tab, click create and specify the Pay Vendor as the third Vendor created, Pay Type: Factor Vendor, Do not select the Default field Create an Invoice for the fourth Vendor, the vendor is the default for the Pay To Vendor field, Use the Select and you should only see the first, second, and fourth Vendors listed as they were created as Pay To Vendors. Select one of them, complete the invoice and Save. Verify that the Pay To Vendor is the vendor that you selected. On the fourth Vendor, on the Related Vendors tab, open the second Vendor and select the Default field. Close and see that the green Default status has moved to the second Vendor. Create an Invoice for the fourth Vendor. Pay To Vendor field is the default the second Vendor. Use the Select and you should only see the first, second, and fourth Vendors listed as they were created as Pay To Vendors. Select the first Vendor, complete the invoice and Save. Verify that the Pay To Vendor is the vendor that you selected. Create an Invoice for the first Vendor, Pay To Vendor field default is the first Vendor. Use the Select and you should only see the first Vendor because no additional Pay To Vendors were defined on the Related Vendors tab on the first Vendor Create a Purchase Order for the fourth Vendor and release it. Create Receive All and Release it. Create a Match Invoice for the fourth Vendor. The Pay To Vendor default is the second Vendor, Use the Select and you should only see the first, second, and fourth Vendors listed as they were created as Pay To Vendors. Select the second Vendor, complete invoice and Save. Verify that the Pay To Vendor is the vendor that you selected. Payables Invoice Interface > Invoice Interface Maintenance Document Invoice Interface > Maintenance Match Invoice Interface JR-3262504 Payable Spend not allowing the input of amounts as AP271 did Vendor Payment Report was added under Process Tax Documents and displays payments under specific criteria replacing the AP271. Sign in as Application Administrator > Financials > Payables > Payables Processing > Process Tax Documents > Vendor Payment Report Set search criteria and fill in Vendor Group, Invoice Currency, and Payment Date Range. Save the report. Select Run Vendor Spend Report, processing will display. The report will display the vendor payments and the status will change to completed. Select a row in the vendor payments report details for more information on the payment. Update a part of the search criteria and save. The status will now display parameters modified. JR-3263362 Payables credits can only be applied after a release Payables credits can be applied during an interface. Create a Credit Memo and release it. Create an Invoice. On the invoice, select Apply A Credit To This Invoice. Specify the Credit Invoice Number or Select Credit ID, the Applied Amount, and submit. The credit is displayed on the Applied Credit tab. Change the Invoice Amounts and select Edit. Verify that the warning, Invoice has credits applied. You must unapply credits to change the amount. JR-3257922 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project Ledger January 2023? [/INST] Project Ledger This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Add default finance structure dimensions to posting project for transaction default The default dimensions are the defaults for transactions and subsystem distribution entries if the project is specified and other dimensions are blank. Add default finance structure dimensions to the posting project. Add GL journal and only specify the project dimension. Save the record. Verify that the dimension from project setup are the default. JR-3421214 Enhance project structure validation dimension to include account Project Structure Validations on the Financial Enterprise Groups now contain an Account option instead of a dimension. Sign in as Project Administrator and select Setup > Finance Enterprise Group. Open a Finance Enterprise Group. On the Options tab, select Account on the Project Structure Validation Dimension field. Select the Project Finance Structure Validation tab. Click Create and select a Project and Account. Return to the FEG and select Actions > Turn on Project Structure Validation. JR-3421212 Remove project description from Project and Project Contract form title Remove the Project and Project Contract descriptions from the header and context form. Navigate to the form and verify that the descriptions are removed. JR-3433777 JR-3449534 Remove My from the Project Certifier menus, lists, and form titles The role is designed to only view items that are assigned to the user, so the word My is removed. Sign in as Project Certifier. Verify that menu items do not contain the word My in any of the options. Select the menu options and verify that the word My is not on the list or form titles. JR-3439095 Enhance the Update Project Status to change active/inactive status Updated the label on Update Project Status action to Update Summary Project And Descendants Status. Added additional description: Change Project Status and Active Status for all descendants of <Name of Summary Project>. The action updates the summary projects for active. Sign in as Project Administrator. Open the Project List and select a summary project. Select the Update Project Status action The status of the posting project for the summary project changes when you select a project status. If the project status is blank, then the status for all posting projects is unchanged. To change the active status of the summary projects and the related posting projects to inactive, clear the Active check box. Select Submit. Open the summary project and the related posting projects and verify that the changes were made. JR-3421198 Front End Split Contracts added A new project funding source report specifically designed for Front End Splits has been added. Sign in as Project Administrator and select Project Contract. Select the Front End Split Contract tab. Verify that all Front End Split tabs are displayed. JR-3465585 Dash Board changed to Dashboard Dash Board now displays on the Project Manager and Project Accountant tabs as Dashboard. Sign in as Project Manager > Contracts. Verify that the tab label is Dashboard. Sign in as Project Accountant > Management > Contracts. Verify that the second tab label is Dashboard. JR-3433643 Tabs added to Create Project form Separate data into tabs to make it easier to bypass fields that do not apply on the Create Project page. Main tab shows fields used for both Summary and Posting projects. If Summary is selected, then additional fields are displayed on the Main tab for the Summary project. If the Contract check box is checked, then the Contract tab is displayed so that the fields can be completed. If Posting is selected, then additional fields are displayed for the posting project and additional tabs are displayed. The Billing Overrides tab is available to override the contract billing information. The Labor Distribution tab is available to add the labor and salary cap information for the posting project. JR-3449539 Inconsistency in Employee missing image These business classes are updated with random backgrounds when the image is missing: ProjectAssignment ProjectEffortPeriod ProjectEmployeeEffortPeriod ProjectSchedulePeriod Verify that when an employee image is missing that a random background is displayed instead. JR-3300514 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Purchasing January 2023? [/INST] Purchasing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Purchase Order, OneSource, Generic, multiple issues JR-3292172 OneSource and Generic's inconsistent use of Missing Message in XML file All Attributes without value will be displayed with a Missing Message when Attribute Missing Process on Tax Configuration is Missing Message. Set Tax Configuration Attribute Missing Process > Missing Message Set Tax Entity Delax Tax Configuration > True Set Tax Attributes as well. Create a Purchase Order and line. Release the Purchase Order. JR-3395861 Improvements to the Buyer Home Page Removed white space on the Buyer home page​. This change only reformats the page to make it more usable and readable, and no functionality changes are included. JR-3461714 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Receivables January 2023? [/INST] Receivables OneSource, Generic, AR, Customer Name Using the OneSource tax system, when a taxable distribution is sent to OneSource for tax consideration, the Customer Name must be sent in addition to the Customer Number. The Customer Name is now included. Using the OneSource tax system, create and release a Receivable invoice with a taxable distribution. Verify in the tax logs that the Customer Name was included in the call to OneSource. JR-3385625 Invoice Payment average details should be grouped in Customer aging page in the Analysis menu Added a header to Invoice Payment average details and performed a few alignment changes. Select Analysis> Customer Aging. Click the CompanyCustomer button for any record and view the context form. Verify that these details are available in the Invoice Payment Average header. CurrentIPA, TwelveMonthPeriod and LastPeriod JR-3437058 Cash Application UI improvements The Cash Application Select and Cash Application screens were missing adjustment amounts and information that can help users process applications. Example 1: The previously applied values section only included the Applied and Credit Applied values. Often, that is sufficient and the numbers would foot across. In the scenarios where a previous Payment Write-off occurred for the payment, that adjustment number was not available on the context form, which means the Payment Amount did not foot across to the Open value. Resolution 1: Added an Adjustments value to be displayed when a previous Payment Write-off occurred for the payment. Now the Payment Amount will foot across to the Open value, in those scenarios. Example 2: The pending payment values section only included the Debit, Credit, and Net values. Often, that is sufficient and the numbers would foot across. In the scenarios where a Payment Write-off or a Chargeback Memo were pending for this payment, those numbers were not available on the context form, which means the Pending Payment values did not foot across to the Net value. Resolution 2: In the pending payment values section, added Payment Writeoff and Chargeback Memo values to be displayed when they are pending for the payment. Now the Pending Payment values will foot across to the Net value, in those scenarios. Example 3: Count values of the selected application records could be helpful when processing a larger volume batch. Resolution 3: Added Count values of the selected application records. Example 4: Adding a section to show the total transaction adjustments, such as discounts and write-offs, that are pending can be helpful to see the cumulative affect before processing. Resolution 4: Added a section to show the total transaction adjustments that are pending. Business Classes impacted: National Account Transaction (UI) Receivable Invoice Distribution (UI) Receivable Payment (BL & UI) Receivable Project Transaction (UI) Select Receivables > Processing > Cash Application and select Invoices And Apply Cash. Scenario 1 - Title Bar Change and Context Form - Pending Payment Selections section. Find and open a payment that does not have any records selected for application. Note that the title bar no longer includes the name of the Receivable Company. The Receivable Company Name is still displayed in the Context Form. Highlight and select a transaction to be applied without an adjustment, such as a discount. Note that the title bar now includes the pending Difference amount. Note in the context form that the Pending Payment Selections section is called out. The Pending Payment Selections section conditionally shows the various types of records that are selected for application processing. For each of these types, the selected value and a count are displayed. The Debit section includes the selected values of Debit Memo and Invoice type transactions. This section previously existed. The Credit section includes the selected values of Credit Memo type transactions. This section previously existed. The Payment Writeoff section includes any Payment Writeoffs that are created from the Write Off Preview pane. This section is new. The Chargeback section includes any Chargeback Memos that are created from the Chargeback Memo pane. This section is new. The Net value does not have a Count. It shows the net impact of the various selected items. The reason for adding the Count values can help users when they enter data in a larger volume batches. Scenario 2 - Context Form - Pending Transaction Adjustments Now highlight and select a transaction to be applied with an adjustment, like a discount. Note in the Context form that a new section of Pending Transaction Adjustments is called out. The Pending Transaction Adjustments section conditionally shows the various types of selected transaction adjustment records. The Debit section includes the adjustment amounts of selected Debit Memo and Invoice type transactions. This section previously existed. The Credit section includes the adjustment amounts of selected Credit Memo type transactions. This section previously existed. This section can be used to help user identify at a glance how much the batch has for transaction adjustments, for example, discounts or write-offs. JR-3452673 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Reconciliation Management January 2023? [/INST] Reconciliation Management Include Reconciliation Group in the default Reconciliation Account sort The default sort for ReconciliationAccount and PeriodEndReconciliation was by Group then Standalone accounts. The Group accounts were in the order in which they were added instead of sorted by name. This made it difficult to find Groups, especially if they crossed pages. The same issue existed with Non Account Reconciliations. Added the ReconciliationGroup field to the end of ByReconciliationCodeBlock (ReconciliationAccount) and ByPeriodCodeBlock (PeriodEndReconciliation) sets. Added new sets for NonAccountReconciliation in both ReconciliationAccount and PeriodEndReconciliation. Verify that the default sort for ReconciliationAccount is by Group (in name order) then by Standalone accounts. Verify the same for the PeriodEndReconciliation lists, with the exception of lists sorted by Period. JR-3451701 Reconciliation Approval Reject Notification When a period reconciliation was rejected during the approval process, the Reconciler was not notified and therefore did not know they needed to make changes. Added an email and a Landmark notification to the Reconciler. Verify that both an email and Landmark notification are sent to the Reconciler if their period reconciliation is rejected during the approval process. JR-3451698 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requisitions January 2023? [/INST] Requisition This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Line default distribution in Requisition should only show valid values Only valid accounts from Finance Structure Relation should be on the Line Default field on the Requisition header when Smart select is enabled. A new RQHeaderDefaultCodeBlock is available to replicate TransactionCodeBlock, which has smart select. All constraints were removed. Created UI for the new field. On FEG, select the Use Finance Structure Relation Detail for Select check box. Create setup on Finance Structure Relation and active. Create a Requisition and add a DefaultDistributionAccount. Verify that only valid accounts from Finance Structure Relation are displayed. JR-3265025 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Strategic Sourcing January 2023? [/INST] Strategic Sourcing This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management. Sourcing Event Meetings fields For Virtual Meetings should be Included Create a Sourcing Event Header and save it. On the Meetings tab, verify that these new fields exist: Meeting URL, Meeting ID, Call In Number, Meeting Password. Specify the Meeting ID, Call In Number, Meeting Password. Do not specify a Meeting Address or URL. Click Save. Verify that this message is displayed: Field Location Name is required. Specify the Meeting URL and Save. Verify that the record is saved as expected Specify a Meeting Address. Verify that the update is saved. JR-3257591 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about About this guide-Financials Setup And Administration Guide? [/INST] About this guide This guide describes how to set up your financial data in the Financials & Supply Management solutions. All setup concepts and procedures are included in this guide with the exception of Tax. See the Tax User Guide. Use this guide as a reference at your site. This guide does not teach you about business practices. This guide shows you how to use the Financials & Supply Management solution administrative and user functions to complete specific setup tasks. Intended audience This guide is intended for administrators who have the security privileges to set up financial management data. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about FSM - replication sets overview? [/INST] Replication sets overview Data replication is a Infor Landmark Technology feature that enables you to copy selected data to several different targets and schedule updates to the replicated data based only on what data has changed. For details about replication sets, see the Infor Landmark Technology System Administration Guide for CloudSuite. Infor Financials replication sets Financials is delivered with predefined replication sets that are used for various application and analytics purposes. These replication sets use a naming scheme that includes the prefix FSM If you create your own replication sets, you cannot use the FSM prefix. Infor recommends you create a prefix for your custom replication sets to differentiate them from the replication sets delivered with Financials. For information about business classes to reference when creating replication sets, see the Table Definitions Full Listing for the current release and module. For example, Table Definitions Full Listing Global Ledger You can find table definitions for the current release on the Infor Support Portal. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Financials setup overview? [/INST] Overview We recommend that solutions are set up in this order: Currency Global Ledger Cash Management Tax ( See Tax User Guide ) Terms Receivables Payables Asset Accounting Inventory Control Purchasing Requisitions .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about OS Portal overview? [/INST] OS Portal overview Infor OS Portal is an application framework that provides a common user interface for integrated Infor ERP applications, such as Financials & Supply Management. You must always access Infor OS Portal by using the Infor OS Portal URL that is provided to your Infor OS Portal administrator. This list shows the compatible browsers: New Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Safari Chrome See the Infor OS Portal User Guide. For the configuration options, see the Infor OS Portal Administration Guide. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Accessing FSM in Infor OS Portal? [/INST] Accessing FSM in Infor OS Portal In Infor OS Portal , select the Navigation Menu icon. In the Applications section, select Financials & Supply Management If this option is not available, click See More to view all applications. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Job and report schedules? [/INST] Job and report schedules You can schedule jobs and reports in Financials to be run at a specified time. See the Infor Landmark Technology System Administration Guide for CloudSuite for information about scheduling jobs and reports. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Valid URLs for on-premises clients? [/INST] Valid URLs for on-premises clients These are the valid HTML5 URLs for Financials & Supply Management on-premises clients: Home page: https://<server>.<domain>.com/<iefin productline>/web/home Supply Management supplier test: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/SupplyManagementSupplier/home Supply Management supplier valid supplier group: https://<server>.<domain>.com/<iefin productline>/SupplyManagementSupplier/home?csk.SupplierGroup=<suppliergroup> Billing and Receivables Portal home test: https://<server>.<domain>.com/<iefin productline>/BillingReceivablesPortal/home Billing and Receivables Portal valid customer group: https://<server>.<domain>.com/<iefin productline>/BillingReceivablesPortal/home?csk.CustomerGroup=<customergroup> Administrator Console: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/AdministratorConsole/home Application Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ApplicationAdministrator/home Approver: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/Approver/home Asset Analyst: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/AssetAnalyst/home Asset Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/AssetManager/home Async web app: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/AsyncWebApp/home Batch task admin: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/BatchTaskAdmin/home Billing Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/BillingAdministrator/home Billing Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/BillingManager/home Budget Analyst: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/BudgetAnalyst/home Budget Controller: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/BudgetController/home Buyer: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/Buyer/home Cash Accountant: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CashAccountant/home Cash Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CashAdministrator/home Cash Analyst: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CashAnalyst/home Cash Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CashManager/home Chief Financial Officer: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ChiefFinancialOfficer/home Close Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CloseAdministrator/home Close Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CloseManager/homeCloseManager Close Resource: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CloseResource/homeCloseResource Contract Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ContractManager/homeContractManager Controller: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/Controller/homeController Credit and Collection Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/CreditAndCollectionSpecialist/homeCreditAndCollectionSpecialist EDI Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/EDIAdministrator/homeEDIAdministrator Financial Business Analyst: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/FinancialBusinessAnalyst/homeFinancialBusinessAnalyst Financials Viewer: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/FinancialsViewer/homeFinancialsViewer Franchise Billing Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/FranchiseBillingAdministrator/homeFranchiseBillingAdministrator Intercompany Billing Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/IntercompanyBillingSpecialist/homeIntercompanyBillingSpecialist Inventory Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/InventoryManager/homeInventoryManager Item Master Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ItemMasterSpecialist/homeItemMasterSpecialist Landing page web app: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/LandingPageWebapp/homeLandingPageWebapp Lease Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/LeaseSpecialist/homeLeaseSpecialist LPA: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/Lpa/homeLpa LPA Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/LpaAdmin/homeLpaAdmin Match Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/MatchSpecialist/homeMatchSpecialist Order Entry Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/OrderEntryManager/homeOrderEntryManager Par Level Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ParLevelSpecialist/homeParLevelSpecialist Payables Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/PayablesAdministrator/homePayablesAdministrator Payables Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/PayablesManager/homePayablesManager Payables Processor: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/PayablesProcessor/homePayablesProcessor Payables Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/PayablesSpecialist/homePayablesSpecialist Pricing Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/PricingManager/homePricingManager Process Designer: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ProcessDesigner/homeProcessDesigner Project Accountant: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ProjectAccountant/homeProjectAccountant Project Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ProjectAdministrator/homeProjectAdministrator Project Certifier: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ProjectCertifier/homeProjectCertifier Project Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ProjectManager/homeProjectManager Project Resource: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ProjectResource/homeProjectResource Purchasing Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/PurchasingManager/homePurchasingManager Item Lifecycle Management Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/RecallAdministrator/homeRecallAdministrator Item Lifecycle Management Coordinator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/RecallCoordinator/homeRecallCoordinator Item Lifecycle Management Responder: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/RecallResponder/homeRecallResponder Receivables Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReceivablesAdministrator/homeReceivablesAdministrator Receivables Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReceivablesManager/homeReceivablesManager Receivables Specialist: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReceivablesSpecialist/homeReceivablesSpecialist Purchasing Receiver: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReceivablesSpecialist/homeReceivablesSpecialist Reconciler: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/Reconciler/homeReconciler Reconciliation Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReconciliationAdministrator/homeReconciliationAdministrator Reconciliation Auditor: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReconciliationAuditor/homeReconciliationAuditor Reconciliation Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/ReconciliationManager/homeReconciliationManager Requester: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/Requester/homeRequester Sourcing Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/SourcingManager/homeSourcingManager Staff Accountant: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/StaffAccountant/homeStaffAccountant Supply Management Administrator: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/SupplyManagementAdministrator/homeSupplyManagementAdministrator Supply Management Viewer: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/SupplyManagementViewer/homeSupplyManagementViewer Warehouse Clerk: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/WarehouseClerk/homeWarehouseClerk Work Order Manager: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/WorkOrderManager/homeWorkOrderManager Financials & Supply Management infocenter : https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<iefin productline>/help/controller.servlet?context.dataarea=<iefin productline>mtqat03_tst_<iefin productline> Infor Rich Client : https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/canvas/Canvas Menu Canvas applet: https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/richclient/richclientapplet.html?opt=-iw -m https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port> <iefin productline>mtqat03_tst_<iefin productline>Applet for <iefin productline>mtqat03_tst_<iefin productline> Infor Process Designer (IPD) download sign in dialog : https://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/bpm/download?file=IPD .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Valid URLs for FSM multi-tenant clients? [/INST] Valid URLs for multi-tenant clients These are the valid HTML5 URLs for Financials & Supply Management multi-tenant clients. <customer> is the tenant name. <suppliergroup> must be a valid supplier group already existing in data. <customergroup> must be a valid customer group already existing in data. <Type> refers to the 3 characters that represent the type of tenant. Options for <Type> are: DEV, PRD, TRN, TST, AX1, AX2, AX3, and DEM. The options available depend on the types of tenants that are provisioned. Home page: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/web/home Financials & Supply Management supplier test: https://sms-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/SupplyManagementSupplier/home Financials & Supply Management supplier valid supplier group: https://sms-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/SupplyManagementSupplier/home?csk.SupplierGroup=<suppliergroup> Billing Receivables Portal home test: https://brp-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BillingReceivablesPortal/home Billing Receivables Portal valid customer group: https://brp-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BillingReceivablesPortal/home?csk.CustomerGroup=<customergroup> Administrator Console: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/AdministratorConsole/home Application Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ApplicationAdministrator/home Approver: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/Approver/home Asset Analyst: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/AssetAnalyst/home Asset Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/AssetManager/home Async web app: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/AsyncWebApp/home Batch task admin: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BatchTaskAdmin/home Billing Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BillingAdministrator/home Billing Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BillingManager/home Budget Analyst: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BudgetAnalyst/home Budget Controller: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/BudgetController/home Buyer: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/Buyer/home Cash Accountant: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CashAccountant/home Cash Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CashAdministrator/home Cash Analyst: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CashAnalyst/home Cash Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CashManager/home Chief Financial Officer: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ChiefFinancialOfficer/home Close Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CloseAdministrator/home Close Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CloseManager/home Close Resource: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CloseResource/home Contract Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ContractManager/home Controller: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/Controller/home Credit and Collection Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/CreditAndCollectionSpecialist/home EDI Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/EDIAdministrator/home Financial Business Analyst: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/FinancialBusinessAnalyst/home Financials Viewer: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/FinancialsViewer/home Franchise Billing Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/FranchiseBillingAdministrator/home Intercompany Billing Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/IntercompanyBillingSpecialist/home Inventory Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/InventoryManager/home Item Master Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ItemMasterSpecialist/home Landing page web app: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/LandingPageWebapp/home Lease Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/LeaseSpecialist/home LPA: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/Lpa/home LPA Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/LpaAdmin/home Match Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/MatchSpecialist/home Order Entry Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/OrderEntryManager/home Par Level Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ParLevelSpecialist/home Payables Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesAdministrator/home Payables Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesManager/home Payables Processor: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesProcessor/home Payables Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesSpecialist/home Pricing Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PricingManager/home Process Designer: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ProcessDesigner/home Project Accountant: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ProjectAccountant/home Project Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ProjectAdministrator/home Project Certifier: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ProjectCertifier/home Project Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ProjectManager/home Project Resource: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ProjectResource/home Purchasing Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PurchasingManager/home Item Lifecycle Management Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/RecallAdministrator/home Item Lifecycle Management Coordinator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/RecallCoordinator/home Item Lifecycle Management Responder: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/RecallResponder/home Receivables Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReceivablesAdministrator/home Receivables Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReceivablesManager/home Receivables Specialist: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReceivablesSpecialist/home Purchasing Receiver: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReceivablesSpecialist/home Reconciler: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/Reconciler/home Reconciliation Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReconciliationAdministrator/home Reconciliation Auditor: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReconciliationAuditor/home Reconciliation Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/ReconciliationManager/home Requester: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/Requester/home Sourcing Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/SourcingManager/home Staff Accountant: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/StaffAccountant/home Supply Management Administrator: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/SupplyManagementAdministrator/home Supply Management Viewer: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/SupplyManagementViewer/home Warehouse Clerk: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/WarehouseClerk/home Work Order Manager: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/WorkOrderManager/home Financials & Supply Management infocenter : https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/help/controller.servlet?context.dataarea=<iefin productline>mtqat03_tst_<iefin productline> Infor Process Designer (IPD) download sign in dialog box: https://fin-<customer>-<type>.inforcloudsuite.com/bpm/download?file=IPD .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Report distribution groups? [/INST] Report distribution groups Report distribution groups are used when a user runs a report. A report distribution group contains all of the individuals who should receive the report results. Report distribution groups can be used so that reports can be distributed as mandated by business requirements. The report results can be communicated to parties in various ways. For example, one group can request to receive an Excel spreadsheet and another group can receive a CSV file. You can select a report distribution group for any report in the system. Look for the Report Distribution section. Note: In order to create, update, or delete report distribution groups, your actor must be assigned to the AsyncJobAdministratorAccess_ST security class. For more information about setting up report distribution groups, creating report distribution profiles, and setting up report options, see the Infor Landmark Technology Reporting Administration Guide. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Sample document templates? [/INST] Sample document templates Sample templates can be edited to include company-specific information before they are used to create documents. Sample document templates are included with Financials & Supply Management During setup, select the template files to use and save them to a shared drive or local drive. For example, you can update the company logo, name, and address of a template. The layout and format of the document is determined by the document template. If Infor Document Output Management templates are used, it must be noted that document output is not available in the Infor Regulated Industries Saas. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Viewing sample document templates? [/INST] Viewing sample document templates You can view a full list of the sample document templates. Select Financials > Shared Processes > Sample Document Templates or Supply Management > Shared Processes > Sample Document Templates. To filter the list of document templates, specify search terms in the Sample Document Template and Description fields and click Search. Click the attachment link to view a sample document template. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Global Ledger setup? [/INST] Global Ledger setup Before you can use Financials & Supply Management , you must set up the Global Ledger This list shows the setup that is required: Countries Enterprise groups Finance enterprise groups Business Groups Calendars Close configurations Accounting entities Accounts Structure relations Processing and reporting setup Chart of accounts Reporting basis and zones See the Global Ledger User Guide to process data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Countries? [/INST] Countries You can set up countries and industrial classifications before creating enterprise groups and finance enterprise groups. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating North American industrial classifications? [/INST] Creating North American industrial classifications The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by federal statistical agencies to classify businesses. This codes setup is used when creating countries. Select Financials > Countries > North American Industrial Classifications. Click Create. Specify the North American Industrial Classification Group name and Description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating NAICS codes? [/INST] Creating NAICS codes After adding the NAIC group, use this procedure to add codes for the NAICS group. Select Financials > Countries > North American Industrial Classifications. Open an NAIC Group. Click the NAICS Codes tab and click Create. Specify the NAICS Code and Description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating standard industrial classifications? [/INST] Creating standard industrial classifications The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a system for classifying industries by a four-digit code. The SIC system is also used by agencies in other countries. Select Financials > Countries > Standard Industrial Classifications. Click Create. Specify the Standard Industrial Classification Group name, Description , and Code Standard. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating SIC codes? [/INST] Creating SIC codes After adding the SIC group, use this procedure to add codes for the SIC group. Select Financials > Countries > Standard Industrial Classifications. Open an SIC Group. Click the SIC Codes tab and click Create. Specify the SIC Code and Industry Description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating telephone countries? [/INST] Creating telephone countries Use this procedure to define country codes to use in telephone numbers. Select Financials > Countries > Telephone Countries. Click Create. Specify this information: Telephone Country and Description Specify a code and description. Display Order Specify the order in which the telephone country is displayed. New Display Order To change the order in which the list is displayed, specify the new display order number. This becomes the Display Order after the record is saved. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating countries and jurisdictions? [/INST] Creating countries and jurisdictions Use this procedure to define one or more countries. Countries are associated with enterprise groups, companies, and organization units. Select Countries/Jurisdictions. Click Create. Specify country code and description. Specify this information: New Display Order Specify the order in which the country/jurisdiction list is displayed. CTL/ATF Watch List Select this check box if the country is on the Candidate Target List (CTL) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) watch list. AML Watch List Select this check box if the country is on the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) watch list. Tax ID Check Digit Type Select the check digit type. The check digit is used to validate a bank's transit and routing numbers for processing checks. ISO Country Number Specify the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) number for the country. ISO Country Code Specify the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country. For example, US for the United States, and FR for France. NGA Country Code Specify the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency country code. EU Country Number Specify the European Union (EU) number for the country. Member Of EU Select the check box if the country is an EU member. Telephone Country Specify the international dialing code of the country. SIC Code Group Specify the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code. NAICS Code Group Specify the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Flag Picture Select the image file for the country's flag. Address Display Format Specify a two-line address format to use in reports and printed labels. In the Address Entry Rules section, specify the order of the various address elements. Select the Required check box on elements that are required when entering an address in the system. In the States/Provinces section, click Create and create records for the states or provinces. In the Regions section, click Create and specify a code and description for each region: Exclude From Intrastat Select this check box if this region is excluded from the trade of goods between countries in the European Union (EU). Click Save. On the Address Entry Test tab, specify the country and the address type. Click Save. In the Expanded Address Entry Test section, specify the location Latitude , Longitude , and Altitude. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Enterprise groups? [/INST] Enterprise groups An enterprise group is a global entity that is shared by all Infor solutions that are installed in your product line. It consists of an identifier, a description, and an optional default country. Each Infor solution must be matched with at least one enterprise group, by way of an entity. The entity must match the enterprise group's name and description while defining parameters that are specific to the solution. For Global Ledger , this entity is the finance enterprise group. The finance enterprise group defines parameters that are specific to Global Ledger. In the Currency solution, currency relationships and currency rate tables must also be associated with an enterprise group. A finance enterprise group that uses multiple currencies must use a currency rate table that is based on the same enterprise group. Other solutions in your organization can use the same enterprise group and currency table as your Global Ledger finance enterprise group. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating enterprise groups? [/INST] Creating enterprise groups An enterprise group is required to create your finance enterprise group or your currency relationships and currency tables. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Enterprise Group. Click Create. Specify this information: Enterprise Group Specify the name of the enterprise group. This name is used as the name of the finance enterprise group. Description Specify a description. This description is used as the description of the finance enterprise group. Default Country Optionally, select the enterprise group's default country. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Enterprise companies? [/INST] Enterprise companies After the enterprise group is created, create the enterprise companies that will be associated with the enterprise group. Enterprise companies are used to create global companies. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating enterprise companies? [/INST] Creating enterprise companies Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Enterprise Group. Open an existing enterprise group and click the Enterprise Company tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Company Specify a unique four-digit number for the enterprise company. Name Specify a name for the enterprise company. Default Country Select the default country for the enterprise company. To create the company and add another enterprise company, click Save and New To create only the current company, click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Finance enterprise groups? [/INST] Finance enterprise groups Your organization's accounting structure is determined by the finance enterprise group (FEG). Usually, a single FEG is sufficient for an organization’s accounting requirements. You can set up more than one for your organization. Consider these questions when determining whether to create multiple FEGs: Do you have groups of accounting entities that do not share any chart or dimension definitions? Must the financial information of the independent groups of accounting entities be combined for reporting purposes? Financial information is not shared across finance enterprise groups, combining the hierarchy structures that are created in each finance enterprise group may not be possible. Do the same actors perform the setup, processing, and reporting for these independent groups of accounting entities? An actor is linked to one finance enterprise group, and actors are not shared across financial enterprise groups. Are the vendors and customers identical for all the accounting entities? Vendor and customer data cannot be shared across finance enterprise groups. Creating multiple finance enterprise groups can require duplicating setup data. These components are contained in the FEG record: Component Description Enterprise group A Landmark global entity that is shared by all Landmark applications. Your finance enterprise group is associated with it and shares the ID and description of a Landmark enterprise group. The currency tables and the currency translation rates that are used by the finance enterprise group are associated with the same enterprise group. Core ledger The core ledger contains all of the transactions that are common to all of the financial reports. Finance structure The finance structure determines the required and optional elements to include in the accounting string when transactions are created. At a minimum, the finance structure must include an accounting entity and an account. Optionally, the finance structure can include an accounting unit, a project, and up to ten user-defined dimensions. You determine which of these elements are required or optional, and the order in which they are displayed on transaction entry forms. Currency exchange table The currency exchange table is used to define all of the exchange rates that are used by the finance enterprise group. The currency exchange table is required if the finance enterprise group uses multiple currencies. Enterprise currencies Enterprise currencies are used for reporting by all the accounting entities that are associated with the finance enterprise group. All transactions are automatically converted to all enterprise currencies. If your organization uses Project Ledger , and you include projects in your finance structure, then you must define one enterprise currency. The project functional currency must be one of the enterprise currencies. System accounts System accounts are the posting accounts that are used for system-generated entries. You can provide system accounts on the FEG page before you save the record. The accounts are created when you save the record. After you save the finance enterprise group, you must create the system accounts on the Accounts tab. Calendars Calendars are used by the reporting basis, and by the closing configurations that are associated with the accounting entities. Accounting entities Accounting entities are the highest organizational element in Global Ledger within a finance enterprise group. This information can be specified for each accounting entity: A functional currency and up to three alternate currencies The closing configuration use The current year and period If accounting unit structures are used, then specify whether to use zone balancing for accounting units Whether to balance by transaction currency Whether to auto-balance currency transactions Whether to allow the Unrelease Manual Journal Valid systems Whether to require Journal approval and setting the approval amount Assign Address Code If your finance structure uses accounting units, then you must define at least one accounting unit structure, one of which must be an enterprise structure. Accounting unit structures are shared across accounting entities. But each accounting entity can define its own accounting unit hierarchy within the structure. An accounting unit hierarchy consists of summary and posting accounting units with parent-child relationships. The lowest level of each branch is a posting level. Inter entity relationships If a finance enterprise group includes multiple accounting entities, then you can create relationships between accounting entities. Dimension for department journal Multiple departments can be charged when one department pays an expense. Select accounting unit or dimension 1-10 to use for tracking the department journal entries. If using this feature, then you must set up system accounts for department journal payables and receivables. Accounting entity groups Accounting entity groups are used to revalue and translate the reporting basis. Accounts Accounts are the finance structure components where transactions are posted. All posting accounts and sub accounts, including the system accounts, are defined at the FEG level. They can be shared by multiple charts of accounts. Projects If your organization uses Project Ledger and you include projects in your finance structure, then you must create at least one project structure. Additional alternate structures or views can be created. Project structures are shared across the finance enterprise group. One of the project structures must be designated as the "enterprise" structure. The enterprise structure is the structure for which structure relations and relation rules are defined. Relation rules are used to define the valid pairs for posting. For example, the accounttoproject structure relation defines the valid accounts that can be used with projects. Each project structure must include a hierarchy that is similar to the accounting unit parent-child hierarchy. The lowest level in the hierarchy is the posting level. User dimensions If your finance structure includes user dimensions, then you must create at least one user dimension structure for each dimension. One must be an enterprise structure. Each dimension structure must include a hierarchy of dimensions that is similar to the accounting unit parent-child hierarchy. The lowest level in the hierarchy is the posting level. For example, if you have a location dimension, you can create a North America location, a Europe location, and an Asia location. Within each you can create locations by specific country. Each hierarchy is unique to the dimension and structure. For user dimension 1 only, you can specify zone balancing and create zones in your user dimension 1 hierarchies. System codes A system code identifies a solution. Each solution in Financials & Supply Management has a predefined system code. For example, GL is the system code for Global Ledger. System-defined system codes are loaded automatically. You can also create system codes for third-party applications that you plan to interface to Global Ledger. Events An event is used to identify actions that create a general ledger transaction. Events that can automatically create a transaction are an expense distribution, vendor payment, or cash receipt. You can also assign an event to a transaction that originates in Global Ledger to identify the reason for a manual entry. System-defined event codes that are associated with subsystem transactions are loaded automatically. You also define new event codes to represent a specific type of transaction. Account Sub Types An account sub type is assigned to an account to define accounts at a more granular level than account type in reporting. Account sub types are optional. System-defined account sub types are loaded automatically. You can also create new account sub types. Ledgers All transactions are associated with a ledger. Ledgers can be shared across the reporting basis, except the close ledger and currency ledger that are unique to each reporting basis. The core ledger is created automatically and assigned to the reporting basis. A close ledger is generated automatically for each reporting basis that you create. If the Currency Translation and Revalue option is selected for the finance enterprise group, then a currency ledger is also automatically created for each reporting basis. You can define other ledgers to meet your organization's reporting requirements. For example, you can create adjustment ledgers and eliminating entries ledgers. Charts You can define multiple charts of accounts, which provide the hierarchical reporting structures for the reporting basis. The charts can include all or some of the posting accounts. You can override select enterprise posting account settings at the chart level. One chart must be designated as an enterprise chart. The enterprise chart is used in validations. Reporting basis Reporting basis combines ledgers and accounting entities. Reporting basis is used to generate financial reports based on the chart, calendar, accounting entities, projects, and ledgers that are assigned to the reporting basis. Structure relations Optionally, you can use structure relations to create relations between elements of the FEG finance structure. You can use structure relations to define validation rules for each relation. Project structure validations If your organization uses Project Ledger , you can create valid dimension ranges for a summary project or a posting project only or in combination with another dimension, for example, accounting category. You can use project structure validations in addition to structure relations. HR organization Select the HR organization from your HCM system. Actor-agent records that exist in Global Human Resources can be created in FSM only after the employee exists in GHR. FSM maintains separate Agent and Parent Agent tables than HR Talent but the content must be identical. Project date edit If your organization uses Project Ledger and you include projects in your finance structure, then you must select a project date edit. Valid values are transaction date and posting date. Project Ledger transactions or journal entries must fall within a date range that is assigned to the project. Indicate whether to use posting date or transaction date when the date validation is performed. Project burden date If your organization uses Project Ledger and you calculate burdens to create indirect expenses, then you must select the burden date. The burdens are fees for administration and overhead based on project direct costs. Valid values are transaction date and posting date. Indicate whether to use posting date or transaction date from the source transaction. The rate that is in effect and the rate to use when calculating the burden transaction are determined by this date. Project invoicing If your organization uses Project Invoicing and Revenue to bill external customers, or grants for billable or grant-funded projects, then select the Project Invoicing check box. If that check box is selected, then Finance Dimension 2 is required. Use Finance Dimension 2 to track project funding sources, such as customers or grants. Billing override level If your organization uses Project Invoicing and Revenue to bill customers or grants for billable or grant-funded projects, then you can define a billing override. Billing overrides are defined at the project level. You can select another dimension for overrides below the project. The billing override that is selected must be consistent across all projects. The default value is Account. d/EPM mapping If your organization uses d/EPM for budgeting, then the Global Ledger structures are mapped to the d/EPM structures. Teams Users can be assigned to teams that are used for approvals. Approval code If your organization requires approvals, then codes must be created and assigned to the appropriate process. .</s>

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