4 values
Get column 0 as pixels, Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
8 1 c7a5a3
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-Image, Get column 3 as pixels
7 4 86c38,3758b1,3951a98,3b9b8
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate clockwise Simons-ARC-Image
10 9 f5a25,d5a2658,b5a256585,a5312a58a5,a535259b5,53a952c5,53b59c5,3b59d5,3h5
9 10 a3f5,a5a3d5,b59a3b5,b59512a5,59a5b2a5,a592b525,c595625,d58562,e5852,f585
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Process SIMONSARCIMAGE and return the counter clock wise rotated
10 1 e1c6
1 10 6,,,,1,,,,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
ccw rotate SimonsArcRleImage
6 5 3a2b3,803a23,350835,a3a1a5,838b3
5 6 a3a53,32353,32813,23018,205a3,38a38
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 3 as digits, Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
7 7 6545745,a6475a7,56d4,5a64a74,c3454,5a45b4,45a4575
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 0 as symbols, SIMONSARCRLEIMAGE
10 2 c0c320,c3a590a9
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 0 as digits, SimonsRLEImage
10 1 b2e72
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get digits from column 2, Simons-ARC-RLE-Image
4 8 2,,,,4b2,2,24a2,a242
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counterclockwise SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
6 1 a49a39
1 6 9,3,,9,4,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
SimonsRLEImage, Get row 8 as digits
3 9 1,,,101,,5,516,101,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
1 10 7,0,2,3,,4,0,,,6
10 1 702a34b06
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Get pixels from row 9, SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
1 10 6,2,,,,,,,,6
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
SIMONSARCRLEIMAGE, Get symbols from row 1
4 6 53a5,5a34,3934,a596,5193,a359
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get pixels from row 1, SIMONARCIMAGE
3 3 a59,9a5,919
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
simons-arc-image, Get row 0 as pixels
8 1 3f8
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 1 as pixels, SIMONARCIMAGE
7 1 43d2
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
cw rotate Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
7 1 a8c09
1 7 8,,0,,,,9
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get symbols from row 1, SIMONARCIMAGE
2 10 7,,,47,17,7,47,7,47,7
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 7 as symbols, SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
4 9 7305,7075,7975,a0a5,a057,0a57,b93,a9a7,0b7
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate clock-wise Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
5 10 a1a04,48a18,40a89,48094,4a797,0c1,0a974,a9a08,a9048,94b0
10 5 b9a0c41,4b9178081,b09170810,04071a9810,0a84174984
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
process SimonsArcRleImage and return the ccw rotated
7 3 4569a45,54a5454,a594b9
3 7 549,459,a49,954,659,545,4a5
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
rotate CW SimonsRLEImage
1 8 3,8,,,,,7,3
8 1 37d83
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 5 as pixels, SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
9 7 2d1a71,7c17b1,d173a1,7151a7131,1215a17a1,2b1517a1,a17d17
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 2 as digits, simons-arc-image
4 4 5,1218,a182,8a28
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
rotate CCW simons-arc-image
6 5 707a07,058a37,b7850,b5858,5b2a8
5 6 a70a8,03a58,03a82,78752,05752,707a5
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counter-clock-wise Simons-ARC-RLE-Image
10 2 b3c9353,5a35a35a93
2 10 3,59,39,95,93,,95,3,,35
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 3 as pixels, SIMONSARCIMAGE
4 2 74a7,4380
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate Clockwise Simons-ARC-Image
3 5 2a4,841,8a1,812,2a1
5 3 2b82,b1a4,12a14
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
1 9 0,,,9,,,,7,
9 1 b0c9a7
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate ccw SimonsArcRleImage
6 5 c616,a6a1a6,61c6,6,
5 6 6,1c6,61b6,,a61a6,6
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
SIMONARCRLEIMAGE, Get row 0 as digits
7 1 20c81
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate clockwise SimonsArcRleImage
4 10 82a8,8298,,8289,82a8,,8,,,
10 4 8,c8e2,f8a98,e89b8
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate CounterClockwise SIMONARCIMAGE
3 3 487,a82,a47
3 3 727,a84,484
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Process SIMONSARCRLEIMAGE and return the counter clock wise rotated
3 9 535,a53,653,575,579,519,1a5,,135
9 3 5a35a9b5,3a5a71a53,a56b5b1
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-Image, Get pixels from row 0
10 4 c898b68,a8a796a8a2,d182b8,8a28a282a8
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get symbols from row 3, Simons-ARC-Image
1 4 6,,7,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counterclockwise SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
6 6 3a61a6,6731a6,06b73,b6393,620293,60a536
6 6 a6b36,a67a93,a17325,637605,67a620,360b6
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate clockwise SIMONARCIMAGE
4 7 a4a5,4154,a414,4945,93a4,9a83,9b3
7 4 b9c4,3839414,38a41a5,a345a45
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
2 2 16,6
2 2 6,16
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image, Get column 5 as symbols
6 4 c398,8a9a83,518a03,1a6315
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Process SIMONSARCIMAGE and return the clockwise rotated
4 1 6820
1 4 6,8,2,0
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
simons-arc-image, Get row 0 as digits
9 1 9f69
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
rotate CW Simons-ARC-Image
6 9 d90,908b9,b9898,9,,,b90a9,908b9,9
9 6 9,90d909,98d989,a90b98a9,9,e9890
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Process Simon-ARC-RLE-Image and return the clockwise rotated
5 5 b5a2,b545,b584,58a54,a3a54
5 5 3c5,38b5,5,a5842,b452
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
SIMONSARCIMAGE, Get row 0 as pixels
4 3 6,6565,6
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
2 5 7,56,67,75,7
5 2 a7657,75767
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
cw rotate SimonsArcRleImage
7 5 e50,5,5051b5,a51a751,a515149
5 7 5,a50a5,a1b5,571a5,17b5,4c5,91a50
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get digits from row 0, SimonsArcRleImage
4 1 8a98
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
rotate CW SimonsRLEImage
10 7 a26f2,a26e20,d262b5,0b24a5292,a26a24a902,d29c2,20b20b26
7 10 b20b2,0e2,a26a2a6,2,b24b2,09456a2,a295b2,a2925a2,a2095a2,6b2502
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image, Get column 1 as pixels
6 6 b68a6,0a68a6,620186,a92516,a69251,c626
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
6 4 a757a5,35a7a5,b17a1,b57a5
4 6 a515,,7,5715,7515,7315
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counter-clock-wise SIMONSARCRLEIMAGE
9 10 a767a6767,63a697636,7b69a676,b6393767,b6769736,70b69363,a70a69b6,3a7a0a676,7a3760636,c6730a6
10 9 7a6763c6,63763a6736,7a6a73b60,6763b9603,6b9b6067,7a637a6076,e60736,73b60a736,767a6a7376
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate Clockwise simons-arc-image
3 5 a21,2,6a2,2,
5 3 a26a2,2,c21
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate cw SimonsRLEImage
8 7 5,,,52e5,a529c5,b52c5,c52b5
7 8 5,b52b5,a52c5,529c5,2e5,5,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
process Simons-ARC-RLE-Image and return the cw rotated
3 3 918,8,
3 3 a89,a81,8
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 0 as symbols, SIMONARCIMAGE
3 3 1a3,a93,3
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
SimonsArcRleImage, Get pixels from row 0
9 2 54a0a8b4,a05b4545
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get digits from column 0, Simons-ARC-RLE-Image
1 1 3
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
cw rotate SimonsRLEImage
9 4 b9a2b93,a4c1939,b91a9b1,93e93
4 9 a949,3949,a919,9a12,a912,a919,91a9,9139,3193
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate clock-wise SimonsArcRleImage
6 1 57a5a4
1 6 5,7,5,,4,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
7 1 5
1 7 5,,,,,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 3 as symbols, SIMONARCIMAGE
9 4 c296256,26a26a262,269b2626,c292525
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 4 as digits, SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
3 9 632,a23,2,291,a02,a09,109,2a1,a32
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image, Get symbols from row 0
9 1 a1d6a5
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
simons-arc-image, Get column 6 as symbols
10 6 8,b87a87b8,,a8a6a87b8,c8a67b8,e87b8
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 0 as pixels, SimonsArcRleImage
8 1 a37a1b4
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
simons-arc-image, Get column 5 as pixels
9 6 0a3030303,a3b0a303,a3a03a030,0a3030a30,0c3c0,b0b3a03
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image, Get pixels from row 1
8 4 f96,9,9a651695,6b95b9
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate CounterClockwise SimonsArcRleImage
10 5 5a1a541915,15c15954,a5a1a591a5,e14141,141514b15
5 10 54515,1a541,a9b1,15941,41514,515a1,5b15,1,1a514,515a1
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
CCW rotate SimonsArcRleImage
5 9 21297,29827,b283,b235,213a2,49b2,a2172,279a2,b292
9 5 a735d2,9283a2729,28a232192,19a219272,d24b2
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Get symbols from column 1, SimonsArcRleImage
3 5 515,5a1,919,1a5,515
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 1 as pixels, Simons-ARC-RLE-Image
5 4 96126,a3729,a7465,c64
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image, Get symbols from column 2
7 4 4,,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
CW rotate SimonsArcRleImage
4 8 8,8328,8a38,8351,5757,3a58,,a858
8 4 8a35c8,8a57b38,d5328,b871b8
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
cw rotate Simons-ARC-Image
2 3 56,25,35
3 2 325,a56
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get row 5 as pixels, SIMONARCIMAGE
2 8 14,41,48,,28,48,,4
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
SIMONARCRLEIMAGE, Get digits from row 3
9 5 6,,,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counterclockwise SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
7 3 a062b1,16d1,6e1
3 7 1,,,2a1,6a1,061,016
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 3 as pixels, Simons-ARC-Image
7 8 3,b34b3,,,b38b3,a318b3,3a6a1a3,6b5b3
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate Clockwise Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
5 1 b537
1 5 5,,,3,7
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
5 8 19b1,,,59b1,159a1,,a15a1,
8 5 c15b1,a1a5c9,a5a9c1,1,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
9 3 e0b1,c0a1b0,c3d0
3 9 3a0,,,,010,,a01,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get digits from row 1, SimonsRLEImage
1 2 7,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Get pixels from row 0, Simons-ARC-Image
6 1 b0131
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
process SimonsArcRleImage and return the cw rotated
1 1 9
1 1 9
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 7 as pixels, Simons-ARC-Image
9 10 8,,,,,,,,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
SIMONARCIMAGE, Get row 2 as pixels
2 6 0,,,30,26,6
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counterclockwise SimonsRLEImage
5 6 5,,a7b5,30a75,a5a07,b540
6 5 c570,b5704,b5705,a570a5,a573a5
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
SIMONARCIMAGE, Get digits from row 4
6 10 151515,d15,151a54,a5b14,c543,581545,51a845,a15431,51a2a1,52a1a5
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
simons-arc-image, Get column 2 as pixels
4 7 4,85a6,8536,8538,8635,5653,
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image, Get digits from row 8
7 9 0a49494,a46a960,a9b460,0b9a09,b940a4,09a6b9,96a4a09,946b94,9a494a9
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_row_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
CW rotate Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
9 1 67603a7a6
1 9 6,7,6,0,3,7,,6,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
9 1 3
1 9 3,,,,,,,,
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
9 4 d71867,6a1021767,67610c6,a76a70876
4 9 7a67,a717,a617,7107,7027,06a1,8678,7b6,a6a7
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Get column 5 as pixels, Simon-ARC-RLE-Image
7 5 a858b5,8a58585,c5b8,5e8,5a85895
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Process simons-arc-image and return the clockwise rotated
9 6 32a171323,321721b3,7271a2a31,737323a23,071a3a2a3,0a2a32132
6 9 a0a7a3,273b2,21a7a1,b3171,a3b27,a232a1,1a2b3,a32a32,2a31a3
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_cw image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-Image, Get digits from column 1
5 3 9a1a8,4,28a48
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small
Rotate counter-clock-wise SIMONARCRLEIMAGE
5 5 7,a75a7,,a71a7,71b7
5 5 7,,7a517,c71,7
dataset=image_deserialize group=rotate_ccw image_width=small image_height=small
Simons-ARC-Image, Get column 1 as symbols
9 10 a0747c0,a704b070,171647078,81b40707,0a186c4,a0a164070,b58604a0,a07c5a0,b0a7b01,1a0a7c0
dataset=image_deserialize group=get_column_as_list image_width=small image_height=small

Version 1

Have dataset items that are somewhat evenly of each type. The LLM learned some of the types fine. However rotated images are causing problems. The image sizes are between 1 and 10 pixels.

Version 2

Here the majority of dataset items are rotated images. Since this is what my LLM is struggling with. Smaller images. Here the image sizes are between 1 and 5 pixels. This helped a lot on the validation loss.

Version 3

Main focus is now on count_same_color_as_center_with_8neighbors_nowrap and image size 1-6. Which the LLM has struggeld with in the past, maybe due to too big image sizes. Struggles somewhat with the count_same_color_as_center_with_8neighbors_nowrap.

Version 4

I'm trying smaller images again. Here the image sizes are between 1 and 5 pixels. Added same_color_inside_3x3_area_nowrap that checks if all surrounding pixels agree on the same color, maybe that have some synergy with the count_same_color_as_center_with_8neighbors_nowrap. It helped a little, but it's still not as good at counting neighbors as I would like.

Version 5

I have added a pixels_with_k_matching_neighbors with a k parameter between 1-8. This may help improve on counting the number of neighboring pixels. The image size 1-6. This did indeed help on counting the number of surrounding pixels.

Version 6

Same weight to all the transformations. Image size 1-11.

Version 7

Focus on histogram and k-nearest neighbors. image size 1-12. It seems like the LLM has gotten the hang of it.

Version 8

Focus on histogram and k-nearest neighbors. image size 5-20.

Version 9

Focus on histogram and k-nearest neighbors. image size 10-30.

Version 10

Same weight to all the transformations. image width 10-30. image height 2-5.

Version 11

Same weight to all the transformations. image width 2-5. image height 10-30.

Version 12

Focus on k-nearest neighbors. image width 2-5. image height 10-30.

Version 13

Focus on compres_x, compres_y, compres_xy. image size is 1-10.

Version 14

Focus on histograms and k-nearest-neighbors. image size 5-20.

Version 15

Focus on histograms and k-nearest-neighbors. image size 10-30.

Version 16

Focus on k-nearest-neighbors. image size 10-25.

Version 17

Disabled k-nearest-neighbors, I suspect this is the reason why it converges so slowly. image size 15-30.

Version 18

Disabled k-nearest-neighbors, and compression. image size 15-25.

Version 19

Translate x/y by plus/minus 1. Disabled rotation and transpose. image size 22-30.

Version 20

Focus on k-nearest-neighbors. image size 5-15.

Version 21

Focus on k-nearest-neighbors. image size 8-18.

Version 22

Same weight to all the transformations. image size 8-20.

Version 23

Same weight to all the transformations. image size 5-30.

The LLM is struggling learning this. I'm going to try with small images.

Version 24

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 2-10.

The LLM is struggling learning this. Despite being small images. I'm going to try with even small images.

Version 25

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 2-5.

The LLM is struggling learning this. Despite being small images. I'm going to try with even small images.

Version 26

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose, k-nearest-neighbors. image size 1-3.

The LLM is struggling learning this. Despite being small images.

Version 27

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-4.

The LLM is struggling learning this. Despite being small images.

Version 28

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-5.

Version 29

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-6.

Version 30

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-8.

Version 31

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-10.

Version 32

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-12.

Version 33

Focus on rotate cw, rotate ccw, transpose. image size 1-14. The serialize items were using fewer names to identify the dataset, now uses the same names as deserialize.

Version 34

Focus only on rotate cw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-30.

Version 35

Focus only on rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-30.

Version 36

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-30.

Version 37

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-30. Using the same image and apply both rotate cw and rotate ccw. My hypothesis is that it will learn better to distinguish between the two rotation types.

Version 38

Argh, the validation loss was seriously bad on this one.

I guess what happened is that rotate cw always was followed by rotate ccw, causing the model to be biased, always expecting the opposite transformation. Now I have suffled the entire dataset. So there are still 50% of each operation, in random order.

Using the same image and apply both rotate cw and rotate ccw. I still think my hypothesis is sound, that it will learn better to distinguish between the two rotation types when it's the same image.

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-30.

Version 39

The validation loss is not improving.

I'm going back to small image sizes.

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-10.

This helped on the validation loss. Yay.

Version 40

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-13.

Version 41

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-16.

Version 42

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-19.

Jumping to image size 19 was a bit too optimistic, causing a terrible validation loss. So I have to go with a lower image size.

Version 43

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-17.

Version 44

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-18.

Version 45

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-19.

Version 46

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-20. This is something that the LLM struggles with. I'm going to make a dataset with another random seed, with the same size 1-20, to see if it improves or worsens.

Version 47

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-20. Same size as in previous version.

Version 48

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-21. This is something that the LLM struggles with. I'm going to make a dataset with another random seed, with the same size 1-21, to see if it improves or worsens.

Version 49

Focus only on rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-21. Same size as in previous version. This is something that the LLM struggles with. Not improving.

Version 50

Focus only on get_row_as_list and get_column_as_list. All other operations have been disabled. The get_column_as_list is related to rotating the image. image size 1-21. This was first time the LLM tried this, so terrible validation loss. I'm going to try smaller images.

Version 51

Focus only on get_row_as_list and get_column_as_list. All other operations have been disabled. The get_column_as_list is related to rotating the image. image size 1-5. Excellent validation loss.

Version 52

Focus only on get_row_as_list and get_column_as_list and rotate cw and rotate ccw. All other operations have been disabled. image size 1-10.

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