stringclasses 988
values | input
stringlengths 11
| output
stringlengths 1
| benchmark
stringclasses 10
values |
SIMONARCIMAGEPAIR, intersection of colors of the two images | 9 3 c0a8021,0d7b8,b0b8b0
6 10 95b95,c949,a97549,b97a9,a69759,97a679,579475,597595,597b9,595959 | 7 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=small image_height=small |
Process Simons-Arc-Image-Pair and return the intersection of colors | 6 10 95b95,c949,a97549,b97a9,a69759,97a679,579475,597595,597b9,595959
19 1 16o35 | 5,6 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-arc-rle-image-pair, intersection of colors of the 2 images | 19 1 16o35
1 4 9,,, | empty | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SimonsArcRleImagePair and return the histogram sum | 1 4 9,,,
8 6 12e1,c16b1,212a1612,b12a161,21212121,b1b2a1 | 1:33,2:12,9:4,6:3 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=small image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, unique colors that the 2 images have in common | 8 6 12e1,c16b1,212a1612,b12a161,21212121,b1b2a1
11 5 69b8d14,d16164a6,494a624c6,641c64b6,14a61614616 | 1,2,6 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-rle-image-pair, Remove Histogram B colors from Histogram A | 11 5 69b8d14,d16164a6,494a624c6,641c64b6,14a61614616
9 9 3c5c3,d3c5,d31b3,,c31c3,,b313a1a3,b3a1c3,a31e3 | 6:24,4:9,8:3,9:2,2:1 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, exclude histogram a colors from histogram b | 9 9 3c5c3,d3c5,d31b3,,c31c3,,b313a1a3,b3a1c3,a31e3
18 6 5a010434a540545b4,3404b1530b3535a3,3405434b1a5035a45,54534c34b1a3535,35435a3a45434b150,d4534a34a3a50a1 | 4:29,0:10 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-Arc-Image-Pair, histogram-a without colors of histogram-b | 18 6 5a010434a540545b4,3404b1530b3535a3,3405434b1a5035a45,54534c34b1a3535,35435a3a45434b150,d4534a34a3a50a1
12 2 3g8a13,b31c31a31 | 4:29,5:24,0:10 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonRLEImagePair, Histogram A without colors of Histogram B | 12 2 3g8a13,b31c31a31
4 9 7562,74a2,a375,72a7,a5a7,a7a5,67a5,6567,2727 | 8:8,1:5 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonsArcRleImagePair, sum histograms | 4 9 7562,74a2,a375,72a7,a5a7,a7a5,67a5,6567,2727
18 5 98b1b989d89a8,8a9757b9a89b8a98,98095a9898a989c8,d8a9a8a989a8a98,b89898d9a89898 | 8:44,9:38,7:16,5:11,2:6,6:4,1:3,3:2,0:1,4:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, histogram a without colors of histogram b | 18 5 98b1b989d89a8,8a9757b9a89b8a98,98095a9898a989c8,d8a9a8a989a8a98,b89898d9a89898
9 7 969a83b8,3a63968a3,3a68a3963,b3a63936,639a63a86,a3a8686a9,969689a83 | 1:3,5:2,7:2,0:1 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-rle-image-pair, unique colors that the two images have in common | 9 7 969a83b8,3a63968a3,3a68a3963,b3a63936,639a63a86,a3a8686a9,969689a83
14 3 b7c59e5,595c7f5,f5b7a595 | 9 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONARCIMAGEPAIR, Histogram B excluding Histogram A colors | 14 3 b7c59e5,595c7f5,f5b7a595
6 7 1,,,,,, | 1:42 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, number of colors that the 2 images have in common | 6 7 1,,,,,,
13 9 5a3a0g5,5a0i5,054a5b4b7a5,a54a7a57d5,a524h5,b54h5,c54g5,,5 | 0 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonsArcRleImagePair, Histogram-B excluding Histogram-a colors | 13 9 5a3a0g5,5a0i5,054a5b4b7a5,a54a7a57d5,a524h5,b54h5,c54g5,,5
18 2 9a8a9b8i9,b984b9a8g9 | 9:27,8:8 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process simons-arc-image-pair and return the sum of histograms | 18 2 9a8a9b8i9,b984b9a8g9
3 2 2, | 9:27,8:8,2:6,4:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, Histogram B excluding Histogram A colors | 3 2 2,
3 1 a64 | 6:2,4:1 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Process simons-image-pair and return the overlap of colors | 3 1 a64
2 10 0,,,20,0,02,,,0, | empty | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=small image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, number of colors that the images have in common | 2 10 0,,,20,0,02,,,0,
20 4 595a1d3e59595,5c39l59,c59a5a9a59c59b5,9l59d5 | 0 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR, remove histogram-b colors from histogram-a | 20 4 595a1d3e59595,5c39l59,c59a5a9a59c59b5,9l59d5
7 1 d0a7 | 5:57,9:12,3:9,1:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR, unique colors that the images have in common | 7 1 d0a7
2 3 25,05,01 | 0 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=small image_height=small |
SIMONSARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, number of colors that the images have in common | 2 3 25,05,01
5 3 b0a7,7, | 1 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR, exclude histogram-a colors from histogram-b | 5 3 b0a7,7,
6 5 30c3,1035a3,184538,a94358,34a358 | 3:13,5:4,8:4,4:3,1:2,9:2 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-Image-Pair, Remove Histogram-A colors from Histogram-B | 6 5 30c3,1035a3,184538,a94358,34a358
10 2 9, | empty | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Two images of type SIMONSARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, add histograms | 10 2 9,
3 8 4a9,9,649,a96,6a4,9,4,946 | 9:32,4:8,6:4 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=small image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, Exclude Histogram-A colors from Histogram-B | 3 8 4a9,9,649,a96,6a4,9,4,946
15 2 e5c1d5,b5b1h5 | 5:23,1:7 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Here are 2 images of type Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, add histograms | 15 2 e5c1d5,b5b1h5
4 5 2,2042,,01a2,21a2 | 5:23,2:13,1:9,0:3,4:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonsRLEImagePair, remove histogram-b colors from histogram-a | 4 5 2,2042,,01a2,21a2
10 1 63c45b9 | 2:13,0:3,1:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR, add histograms | 10 1 63c45b9
2 1 73 | 4:4,9:3,3:2,5:1,6:1,7:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=small image_height=small |
Add histograms of two images of type simons-arc-rle-image-pair | 2 1 73
1 3 3,6,5 | 3:2,5:1,6:1,7:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=small image_height=small |
SIMONARCIMAGEPAIR, intersection of colors of the 2 images | 1 3 3,6,5
5 7 46a46,49a46,61a96,61608,61086,61064,60a46 | 6 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=small image_height=small |
Add histograms of two images of type SimonsRLEImagePair | 5 7 46a46,49a46,61a96,61608,61086,61064,60a46
14 10 42a424e242,4a24a24e24,42a34a2a4a2a42,c2a342424a24,4d2a324c2,a24a24a2a3c2,2a4b24a2a5b2,b24240a5a24a2,24a2a04242a4a2,24a024242424a2 | 2:84,4:48,6:13,0:9,3:8,1:4,5:4,9:3,8:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONSARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, number of colors that the images have in common | 14 10 42a424e242,4a24a24e24,42a34a2a4a2a42,c2a342424a24,4d2a324c2,a24a24a2a3c2,2a4b24a2a5b2,b24240a5a24a2,24a2a04242a4a2,24a024242424a2
19 4 07a6a727a607a60c6,06b06b7a26b70a67,707676076b7b2b67,0b60a60a76b76b27 | 2 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Two images of type SIMONARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, add histograms | 19 4 07a6a727a607a60c6,06b06b7a26b70a67,707676076b7b2b67,0b60a60a76b76b27
7 9 8,8a7c8,8a7a8a3,8078248,8078468,8274682,a847682,b862a8,8a2b82 | 8:35,7:34,6:32,2:17,0:15,4:4,3:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, overlap of colors of the images | 7 9 8,8a7c8,8a7a8a3,8078248,8078468,8274682,a847682,b862a8,8a2b82
18 5 9b6a969c6969696,69f8c6c96,c69c5f869,96a9b6a969b56b9,a696969a6a9696a969 | 6,8 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-arc-image-pair, sum histograms | 18 5 9b6a969c6969696,69f8c6c96,c69c5f869,96a9b6a969b56b9,a696969a6a9696a969
10 4 d54c5,b5a14c0,a5124b2a5,c5a2c5 | 6:37,9:32,5:31,8:14,2:6,0:4,1:3,4:3 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-rle-image-pair, exclude histogram-a colors from histogram-b | 10 4 d54c5,b5a14c0,a5124b2a5,c5a2c5
8 3 a0a70707,078a4b8,736a5a47 | 7:7,8:4,3:1,6:1 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-Image-Pair, sum histograms | 8 3 a0a70707,078a4b8,736a5a47
6 9 a48475,847458,847849,897271,897242,852824,a82824,578585,7a5854 | 8:19,4:15,7:15,5:11,2:7,0:5,9:3,1:1,3:1,6:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=small image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, number of colors that the 2 images have in common | 6 9 a48475,847458,847849,897271,897242,852824,a82824,578585,7a5854
18 3 3,,a3g69f3 | 1 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonsRLEImagePair, number of colors that the two images have in common | 18 3 3,,a3g69f3
5 7 272a7,54b7,4a957,545a9,72a84,78a92,7a575 | 1 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-Arc-Image-Pair, unique colors that the 2 images have in common | 5 7 272a7,54b7,4a957,545a9,72a84,78a92,7a575
14 10 a12a121212c1,2a12b1a2a1212,d12e151,a212d124252,a12e127521,2b12c173512,12b12b1735a1,c1212b13512,a2c1a2a13b1,c12c123212 | 2,4,5,7 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, number of colors that the images have in common | 14 10 a12a121212c1,2a12b1a2a1212,d12e151,a212d124252,a12e127521,2b12c173512,12b12b1735a1,c1212b13512,a2c1a2a13b1,c12c123212
20 8 a01b0a414d01a0a4,010105c3b01a0a104,b0105a0g3c4,a0a175730b8c01b0,d054a827a01b01a0,04b05b04202a027404,01b0504e041c2,40a4c01c0a1c04 | 6 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, Exclude Histogram A colors from Histogram B | 20 8 a01b0a414d01a0a4,010105c3b01a0a104,b0105a0g3c4,a0a175730b8c01b0,d054a827a01b01a0,04b05b04202a027404,01b0504e041c2,40a4c01c0a1c04
16 3 b242j4,b24b5f242,c262423f2 | 6:1 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, overlap of colors of the images | 16 3 b242j4,b24b5f242,c262423f2
6 6 1,,d18,c181,b18a1,1 | empty | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process simons-arc-image-pair and return the sum of histograms | 6 6 1,,d18,c181,b18a1,1
11 5 843b60a707,a03b7a6b0,4b707a87a2,07a4a87a270,a0b7a87080 | 1:33,7:18,0:14,8:11,6:5,2:4,4:4,3:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR, histogram a excluding histogram b colors | 11 5 843b60a707,a03b7a6b0,4b707a87a2,07a4a87a270,a0b7a87080
10 10 92a929a2a9,a2a9292929,9b29a2b9,9a2c9212,a9a2a92129,e912a9,2b921a292,a2921a92a9,a292919292,29b291929 | 7:18,0:14,8:8,6:5,4:4,3:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Two images of type simon-rle-image-pair, add histograms | 10 10 92a929a2a9,a2a9292929,9b29a2b9,9a2c9212,a9a2a92129,e912a9,2b921a292,a2921a92a9,a292919292,29b291929
20 7 67a67c6767d67a6,d6767e6a3c7,7j6a3b0b6,7g6b3g6,c675e67d676,d653c67a67c67,a76a7b6767c67c6 | 6:101,9:51,2:42,7:26,3:8,1:7,0:3,5:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, histogram-b without colors of histogram-a | 20 7 67a67c6767d67a6,d6767e6a3c7,7j6a3b0b6,7g6b3g6,c675e67d676,d653c67a67c67,a76a7b6767c67c6
13 3 c5a4a6b4a5,54i85,a436a4a54a545 | 4:12,8:10 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonRLEImagePair, Histogram-B without colors of Histogram-a | 13 3 c5a4a6b4a5,54i85,a436a4a54a545
5 10 a7a89,78927,78912,79812,7a927,98b7,79b7,c76,72729,a72a7 | 7:25,9:9,2:7,1:2 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonsRLEImagePair, number of colors that the images have in common | 5 10 a7a89,78927,78912,79812,7a927,98b7,79b7,c76,72729,a72a7
20 4 2a4a27a2d52424a24,4b2f5a924b242,2e5752a5b252a42,c2b5b424a24b2a4 | 3 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR and return the histogram sum | 20 4 2a4a27a2d52424a24,4b2f5a924b242,2e5752a5b252a42,c2b5b424a24b2a4
8 7 a1d91,a9a1b91,a19c19,9c1919,9f1,9b19a19,1a9d1 | 1:35,2:34,5:25,9:23,4:17,7:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-image-pair, unique colors that the 2 images have in common | 8 7 a1d91,a9a1b91,a19c19,9c1919,9f1,9b19a19,1a9d1
14 5 65b6463e6,c6064a060565,6063a5a63b0a6,0c65a60b656,a06365a60a6065 | empty | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, unique colors that the 2 images have in common | 14 5 65b6463e6,c6064a060565,6063a5a63b0a6,0c65a60b656,a06365a60a6065
10 10 d343a93,9c349a39,39b394b3,e34b3,g393,b39c393,d39c3,939c39a3,9a39e3,9c39b39 | 3,4 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, exclude histogram a colors from histogram b | 10 10 d343a93,9c349a39,39b394b3,e34b3,g393,b39c393,d39c3,939c39a3,9a39e3,9c39b39
20 8 i40a7f4,c48a48a0h48,e4a04748c48b4,48a4a0a4748h4,a4a0b47e48b484,49d47b48g4,49g4a8c48b4,948b48l4 | 8:15,0:9,7:6 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-Arc-Image-Pair, Histogram-A excluding Histogram-B colors | 20 8 i40a7f4,c48a48a0h48,e4a04748c48b4,48a4a0a4748h4,a4a0b47e48b484,49d47b48g4,49g4a8c48b4,948b48l4
16 3 e4d5a3b4,a9c5i4,4 | 8:15,0:9,7:6 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-arc-image-pair, Histogram-A without colors of Histogram-B | 16 3 e4d5a3b4,a9c5i4,4
6 3 6a8029,8262a9,2a9292 | 4:35,5:9,3:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonsRLEImagePair, Exclude Histogram-A colors from Histogram-B | 6 3 6a8029,8262a9,2a9292
6 2 2b050,c020 | 5:1 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, histogram a excluding histogram b colors | 6 2 2b050,c020
3 7 826,858,356,378,6a8,168,1a8 | 0:9 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
simon-rle-image-pair, number of colors that the two images have in common | 3 7 826,858,356,378,6a8,168,1a8
13 6 4,c45a3e4,24a5b4c3a4,a5e4d0,b4a1b0d4,d4a1e4 | 4 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, unique colors that the 2 images have in common | 13 6 4,c45a3e4,24a5b4c3a4,a5e4d0,b4a1b0d4,d4a1e4
11 4 b4742a4284,7472a7a48a4,78a24874287,84a7a47a474 | 2,4 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, remove histogram-b colors from histogram-a | 11 4 b4742a4284,7472a7a48a4,78a24874287,84a7a47a474
7 1 7b1b8 | 4:20,2:6 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR and return the number of colors in common | 7 1 7b1b8
2 7 7,,,40,45,75,7 | 1 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Here are 2 images of type simons-image-pair, add histograms | 2 7 7,,,40,45,75,7
13 6 e39e3,f39d3,f39a0b3,g393083,b3a8f03,3c08b60b3 | 3:52,0:16,7:9,8:4,9:4,6:3,4:2,5:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SimonRLEImagePair and return the sum of histograms | 13 6 e39e3,f39d3,f39a0b3,g393083,b3a8f03,3c08b60b3
11 1 b1f02 | 3:52,0:22,8:4,9:4,1:3,6:3,2:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-Image-Pair, Remove Histogram-B colors from Histogram-A | 11 1 b1f02
2 1 95 | 0:7,1:3,2:1 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONSARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, overlap of colors of the images | 2 1 95
1 6 5,3,,,, | 5 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=small image_height=small |
simons-image-pair, intersection of colors of the images | 1 6 5,3,,,,
11 8 7b94b9a14,4294a9a1927,d9392a72,a97934b979,9a739249429,942392b979,293792a9427,23a2a494b9 | 3 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
SimonRLEImagePair, Remove Histogram-A colors from Histogram-B | 11 8 7b94b9a14,4294a9a1927,d9392a72,a97934b979,9a739249429,942392b979,293792a9427,23a2a494b9
15 4 03c0c43c0,303a01a01a3a031,a0a1301a3a0a3a0,031b0a13a031a0 | 0:31 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Add histograms of two images of type SIMONSARCRLEIMAGEPAIR | 15 4 03c0c43c0,303a01a01a3a031,a0a1301a3a0a3a0,031b0a13a031a0
7 7 7,d751,c7817,c7157,a791575,a617585,71d6 | 0:31,7:27,1:16,3:15,6:7,5:6,4:4,8:2,9:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, intersection of colors of the images | 7 7 7,d751,c7817,c7157,a791575,a617585,71d6
14 10 5,b56c1e5,5956c5e1,a59f5a635,e5c657a5,b5b6f15,i57b5,5b1e57b5,c5c157c5,g517c5 | 1,5,6,7,9 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SimonRLEImagePair and return the intersection of colors | 14 10 5,b56c1e5,5956c5e1,a59f5a635,e5c657a5,b5b6f15,i57b5,5b1e57b5,c5c157c5,g517c5
19 3 97a878b798c0a878,68a69e079897a89,9c0a8979c879687 | 6,7,9 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Two images of type simons-arc-rle-image-pair, add histograms | 19 3 97a878b798c0a878,68a69e079897a89,9c0a8979c879687
6 2 b7b4,2d9 | 8:18,9:15,0:14,7:14,6:4,4:3,2:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-Image-Pair, add histograms | 6 2 b7b4,2d9
3 7 5a6,7a3,a75,a76,757,7a6,5a3 | 7:11,6:5,9:5,3:4,5:4,4:3,2:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=small image_height=small |
simons-arc-image-pair, intersection of colors of the 2 images | 3 7 5a6,7a3,a75,a76,757,7a6,5a3
14 10 2,b29c8e2,2729c2e8,a2a7e2a952,c272c9c2,b2a9a7f2,f208d2,c2b02a7c2,a2h0b2,2 | 5,7 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-rle-image-pair, Exclude Histogram-A colors from Histogram-B | 14 10 2,b29c8e2,2729c2e8,a2a7e2a952,c272c9c2,b2a9a7f2,f208d2,c2b02a7c2,a2h0b2,2
20 2 b45c2c5c45464,426e46f45a4 | 4:25,6:3 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process Simons-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair and return the histogram sum | 20 2 b45c2c5c45464,426e46f45a4
4 10 6464,a4a6,1494,a1a6,1465,1b4,61a4,5164,68a4,6464 | 4:42,6:15,5:9,1:7,2:5,8:1,9:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SIMONSARCIMAGEPAIR and return the number of colors in common | 4 10 6464,a4a6,1494,a1a6,1465,1b4,61a4,5164,68a4,6464
20 8 b5a2a525b2e525,5a25a2502a52525a2b5,52585a0f52a5252,a5a28d5a2b52c5,b52c7a52h5,2a525a75e72b525,2d5272a5b2c752,2a5252a52c52e5 | 2 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process simons-arc-image-pair and return the number of colors in common | 20 8 b5a2a525b2e525,5a25a2502a52525a2b5,52585a0f52a5252,a5a28d5a2b52c5,b52c7a52h5,2a525a75e72b525,2d5272a5b2c752,2a5252a52c52e5
15 10 e7978b78a7,98e79787a87,728b78e787,87a2b79a7978a7,b782a78c7879,b787a278b7978,c7878278d7,b78a787a278798,78h09878,g789d7 | 4 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-rle-image-pair, remove histogram b colors from histogram a | 15 10 e7978b78a7,98e79787a87,728b78e787,87a2b79a7978a7,b782a78c7879,b787a278b7978,c7878278d7,b78a787a278798,78h09878,g789d7
20 4 6a2a626a23c2a62362,262a02a626c262b62,6b2a40a2a623a262a62,623262a463c26a2362 | 7:94,8:28,9:10 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONARCIMAGEPAIR, Remove Histogram-B colors from Histogram-A | 20 4 6a2a626a23c2a62362,262a02a626c262b62,6b2a40a2a623a262a62,623262a463c26a2362
7 6 3,e39,d3a9,c39a3,3d79,3 | 2:41,6:26,4:4,0:3 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process SIMONSARCRLEIMAGEPAIR and return the number of colors in common | 7 6 3,e39,d3a9,c39a3,3d79,3
12 6 h41a4,g41b4,41i4,41c4a08b4,41c048a414,c4148d4 | 0 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-arc-rle-image-pair, Histogram A without colors of Histogram B | 12 6 h41a4,g41b4,41i4,41c4a08b4,41c048a414,c4148d4
12 4 9,e94d9,f94c9,g94b9 | 1:7,0:6,8:3 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Two images of type simon-arc-image-pair, add histograms | 12 4 9,e94d9,f94c9,g94b9
8 3 a0a8b04,b1a0a40,a03a1430 | 9:45,0:11,4:7,1:5,3:2,8:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-Image-Pair, histogram a without colors of histogram b | 8 3 a0a8b04,b1a0a40,a03a1430
5 2 a2747,a31a5 | 0:11,8:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
simons-rle-image-pair, histogram a without colors of histogram b | 5 2 a2747,a31a5
4 4 a689,a4a9,b21,3b6 | 5:2,7:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
simons-rle-image-pair, exclude histogram b colors from histogram a | 4 4 a689,a4a9,b21,3b6
8 3 25a25723,b8a7a32,72685327 | 9:3,4:2,1:1 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Simons-Arc-Image-Pair, Exclude Histogram A colors from Histogram B | 8 3 25a25723,b8a7a32,72685327
5 9 91571,9a171,19070,910a7,4,5a157,50a57,a0517,b157 | 1:13,0:6,4:5,9:4 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, remove histogram b colors from histogram a | 5 9 91571,9a171,19070,910a7,4,5a157,50a57,a0517,b157
18 9 0b2072a7a07a01b0,72a08202078d020,78207a272872b0109,878a020702a0a80a59,a6e5a0f59,28a62c0787a50879,a02060a27825028a09,a072a8a6e2a089,80870a20502027c2 | 4:5 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONARCIMAGEPAIR, exclude histogram a colors from histogram b | 18 9 0b2072a7a07a01b0,72a08202078d020,78207a272872b0109,878a020702a0a80a59,a6e5a0f59,28a62c0787a50879,a02060a27825028a09,a072a8a6e2a089,80870a20502027c2
18 7 4a3a4c34a3c4a3,b43434a34b34a319,b63a4b343a4b149,b4a6a4c3a13b49,b3a4a3c4f3,4343j4a13,a434a3434d3c4 | 4:57,3:53 | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-Arc-Image-Pair, unique colors that the 2 images have in common | 18 7 4a3a4c34a3c4a3,b43434a34b34a319,b63a4b343a4b149,b4a6a4c3a13b49,b3a4a3c4f3,4343j4a13,a434a3434d3c4
13 7 e53a95a85,9d5034c5,b3b580a3589,85a9a820843a5,a595a980a8535,9c5b90b53,g50c5 | 3,4,9 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simon-ARC-RLE-Image-Pair, sum histograms | 13 7 e53a95a85,9d5034c5,b3b580a3589,85a9a820843a5,a595a980a8535,9c5b90b53,g50c5
14 4 a6a76b7a63b6,b67067e67,a7676767673a60,b6d767a6a7 | 5:48,6:30,7:22,9:13,3:12,8:11,0:8,4:2,2:1 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, sum histograms | 14 4 a6a76b7a63b6,b67067e67,a7676767673a60,b6d767a6a7
7 9 64a2624,2b6a26,a246842,62a68a6,b69842,a6298a6,b698a6,64a28a4,a494264 | 6:56,7:22,2:15,4:12,8:6,9:4,0:2,3:2 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
simon-arc-image-pair, Histogram A excluding Histogram B colors | 7 9 64a2624,2b6a26,a246842,62a68a6,b69842,a6298a6,b698a6,64a28a4,a494264
18 8 n7a37,l7a30a7,k7a0b79,i7a0d79,g7a0f79,e7a0i7,d70k7,7 | 6:26,2:15,4:12,8:6 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-image-pair, add histograms | 18 8 n7a37,l7a30a7,k7a0b79,i7a0d79,g7a0f79,e7a0i7,d70k7,7
15 9 a861a81a7686816,168a610186861a6,6a5b61a08161a8,816b5718018a62,616a16b5a70a28,168c1815a2718,a8168a18a2a18a1,b68a6a28a18a16,616862a1d616 | 7:133,6:39,1:38,8:28,0:15,2:10,5:9,3:4,9:3 | dataset=image_pair group=add_histograms image_width=medium image_height=small |
simons-arc-image-pair, number of colors that the two images have in common | 15 9 a861a81a7686816,168a610186861a6,6a5b61a08161a8,816b5718018a62,616a16b5a70a28,168c1815a2718,a8168a18a2a18a1,b68a6a28a18a16,616862a1d616
17 1 53a6l9 | 2 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Simons-ARC-Image-Pair, number of colors that the 2 images have in common | 17 1 53a6l9
1 5 4,,,9, | 1 | dataset=image_pair group=number_of_intersection_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Process simon-arc-image-pair and return the intersection of colors | 1 5 4,,,9,
9 5 71a73a861,a69486167,0869a4b9,0a1b9797,b67a5671 | 4,9 | dataset=image_pair group=color_intersection image_width=small image_height=small |
simons-arc-rle-image-pair, Histogram B without colors of Histogram A | 9 5 71a73a861,a69486167,0869a4b9,0a1b9797,b67a5671
9 9 16b16a16,6161d6,156a1a6a1,6475a61a6,416781617,4a6718a71,6a16a7b1,a61a761a6,1616a0616 | empty | dataset=image_pair group=b_remove_a_colors image_width=small image_height=small |
simon-image-pair, Remove Histogram B colors from Histogram A | 9 9 16b16a16,6161d6,156a1a6a1,6475a61a6,416781617,4a6718a71,6a16a7b1,a61a761a6,1616a0616
18 10 a47d47h4,b474343a4a7d47,b47b4347a47d4,7d47j4,b47e43f4,73n43,b43g47d4,7a4a7a47434a7d4,4343b7e43c4,437c43c4743b4 | 6:33,1:29,0:2,5:2,8:2 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
SIMONARCRLEIMAGEPAIR, Histogram A without colors of Histogram B | 18 10 a47d47h4,b474343a4a7d47,b47b4347a47d4,7d47j4,b47e43f4,73n43,b43g47d4,7a4a7a47434a7d4,4343b7e43c4,437c43c4743b4
19 3 b101242424201a4040,2141041c541414242,2424b5240242041414 | 7:25,3:14 | dataset=image_pair group=a_remove_b_colors image_width=medium image_height=small |
Version 1
Image-size 1-10. Compare histograms between 2 images.
Version 2
Image-size 1-20. Histogram.remove_other_colors() exclude colors between two histograms. These bigger images are causing problems for the model to learn.
Version 3
Smaller image sizes: width 1-20. height 1-5. This is training much better.
Version 4
Smaller image sizes: width 1-5. height 1-20.
Version 5
Slightly bigger image sizes: width 1-10. height 1-20.
Version 6
Slightly bigger image sizes: width 1-15. height 10-30. This was too hard for the LLM to learn.
Version 7
Slightly smaller image sizes: width 1-15. height 10-20.
Version 8
image size 10-20. This was too hard for the LLM to learn.
Version 9
image width 1-20. image height 1-5. This was easy for the LLM to learn.
Version 10
I want to try just adding 1 more row to the height, and see how that impacts the training loss.
image width 1-20. image height 1-6.
Training with that extra row, it was easy for the LLM to learn.
Version 11
I want to try just adding 1 more row to the height, and see how that impacts the training loss.
image width 1-20. image height 1-7.
Training with that extra row, it was easy for the LLM to learn.
Version 12
I want to try just adding 1 more row to the height, and see how that impacts the training loss.
image width 1-20. image height 1-8.
Training with that extra row, it was easy for the LLM to learn.
Version 13
I want to try just adding 1 more row to the height, and see how that impacts the training loss.
image width 1-20. image height 1-9.
Training with that extra row, it was took quite some time for the LLM to learn.
Version 14
I want to try just adding 1 more row to the height, and see how that impacts the training loss.
image width 1-20. image height 1-10.
Added a benchmark
column to the dataset.
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