audioduration (s)
Crew check 201 day, total periscope maintained 5,000
Cedar Traffic, Airport 2A
R296D, Wichita Gulf, cleared for departure, 52R
250 now, you're not at 80.05
We're at 250, expecting vectors Delta 2890
401 Lima Uniform, climb and maintain flight level 220
Over here at signature, departing heading up to
Skyhawk, Juan Lima, Informant on the go
OK, Lopen no joy, VXJT5909
South 1347, flighting 280, runway 26L, cover day off
Parker 150, Julia, Mike, contact Washington Center 134.5
PILOT 2 Look at that, it's a C-2, silent mode
Delta 1869, what's your current location?
contact IndyCenter 120.47
Powerful working zone, 1.5 great
Mariner 2783, time to take departure, good day
Alright, we're good, we got the field tight, 5-7
Aircraft Southwest 8504 ready to taxi with Mike
Jetty 193, at shelter, requesting takeoff
Heading down to 13,000, Skyhawk 6701
10-10-1000 direct QNH 10-4-9-7
Base, you have two four, good night, eight one
And that's the most part of our contact on the AISCAP
Delta 2477, so it's an order
American 1333, we'll hold chart 18 right
Altitude by discretion, 6B, thank you
N526EU, white plane's altimeter is 2909R4
Legion 70008, Cincinnati Tower, runway 18L, final point
Patrick, 108, Skywest 4169
Delta 1258 climb and departure, have a good day
Air Transport 3444 heavy contact Potomac departure 118.95
American 2805, contact departure
Target 2817 are you at 190 knots?
KINGAIR 4WD, descend and maintain 6000
Ace 125, contact departure
N6TM, maintain VFRU discretion
November 33 Romeo Echo contact Milwaukee Approach on 127.0
Envoy 3948 turn left heading 020
LA788, 183.28, search for 240
Houston, 203, some others 1-5 miles
Warnwick, QPOP, do you have weather radar on board?
Houston, North Amtrak, wind is now 66 20 knots
Left crosswind 105, land the aircraft
ILS, Runway 4 Circle, Tiki
126.5, descend and maintain altitude
United 2279, contact Houston Approach 120.105, Houston
20, 60, 3 expected visual, 20 out at 9000
GMAX 5997 contact Toronto Tower, see ya
Up to 5000, 012 and we're cleared for takeoff
Also, thank you for 3518
I never wanted to develop a horse
1131, reduce speed to 210
Lime and Ames base, fly over 340 at 40 feet to the left
Clear for the option runway 9 or left, 35H
33-95, Delta 1745, good day
Roger, about how many minutes would you say?
Plus 34, 03, turn left, delta 3, delta 4
Southwest 956, All Lake Center, good morning
Envoy 3948, contact Tower. Over to Tower, Envoy 3948
Sun Country 8139, are you direct to Maiden?
Quick hour 46.52 runway 19
April 38, Vietnam Alpha, Skywest 4000 5
Skywest 25, southbound 8504, turn left heading of 250
One hundred point seven
Right now I'm in between layers momentarily
I'm going to go up to the bridge
Boeing 927MCX, 4 left, cleared for takeoff, good start
Southwest 337, turn left
Roger that, 7251, we'll follow behind you
13L cleared to land SW 1683
Ground, Deposit 346 to North Quebec
Center, KMHG7827, sponsor request
I'm going to get one through back
And that's 4-3 Mike Stelgren taxiing via Alpha
And 78, we're on a right downwind for approach runway 20
92 Oregon 8, Southwest 327
KAR4703 for the sequence, fly heading 130
I'm sorry, say again for me, 2386?
Sky condition 4100 scattered
Now Zulu 1-7 right front, your flight 5-6-1
3-0-0 clear the visual 2-8
Citation 9DF turn right heading 270
JetBlue 255 over DAREK for the RMP19
Report right midfield downwind 27 right 22396
Warrior, Cherokee is close to 172
FI, DOW, this is V190, over
2A for Romeo, ready for the re-back
N260, climb and maintain 5000
2976 turn left direct Pobre
Alpha 616, what is your speed at 210?
And MetaMaker 65, turn on Mike's back direction
Delta 445 Tactic will cross behind you
7 Charlie Mike, Ruta 120
Delta 1948 Salt Lake Center, roger, press fire one minute
Lunar schedule is 785 out of 8000, good to go
Say again for Sierra Lima?
Skylane 65, Los Angeles, I'm approaching the tower, 8308
This is 642, if I maintain 2,500
Parked at meter 40, speed 4, 7,000, climbing 1,000
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