One proposed cognitive theory of dissociative disorders, particularly dissociative amnesia, is a memory retrieval deficit. More specifically, that the combination of psychological stress and various other biopsychosocial predispositions affects the frontal lobes executive system’s ability to retrieve autobiographical memories. Specific to DID, neuroimaging studies have shown differences in hippocampus activation between subpersonalities. As you may recall, the hippocampus is responsible for storing information from short-term to long-term memory. It is hypothesized that this brain region is responsible for the generation of dissociative states and amnesia.
Psychological stress and other predispositions affect the frontal lobes executive system's ability to retrieve autobiographical memories. Neuroimaging studies have shown differences in hippocampus activation between subpersonalities, which is hypothesized to be responsible for the generation of dissociative states and amnesia.
These are forms of absorption that are not enteral (oral absorption). This includes direction injection (e.g., IV) and inhalation (e.g., smoking). They have the advantage of by-passing first-pass metabolism by getting directly into the bloodstream. For that reason, they can be more rapid and lead to a higher bioavailability of the drug in the bloodstream.
Parenteral forms of absoprtion includes direction injection and inhalation by-pass the metabolism by getting directly into the bloodstream.Enteral absorption is oral absorption, which is metabolized.
The Docker container is like a tiny virtual machine that does not know anything about the directories on your computer, unless you have an explicit bind-mount. If you go inside a Docker container, then you see only what Docker provides. You cannot see the directories (unless you have a bind-mount), or run commands on your computer, because the Docker container is isolated from your computer. You experienced this when you played Zork.
The Docker container is a virtual machine that does not know the directories on your computer, unless you have an explicit bind-mount. It is isolated from your computer, as experienced when playing Zork.
Permissions describe who has privileges and what those privileges are. Permissions can be added or subtracted. There are three options for **who** has permission and these are defined relative the owner: User (you), Group, Other There are three options for describing the **privileges of each user**: read, write and execute. **Read** permissions are the right to view the contents of the file or directory **Write** permissions are the right to change file or directory contents, and **Execute** permissions are the right to run a file as a script or program and the right to navigate to a directory
Permissions describe who has privileges and what those privileges are. Permissions can be added or subtracted.
Snake make is FOSS (free, open-source software), can run on Windows/MacOS/Linux, is Python-based, and is structured similarly to [make](
Snake make is free. Snake is open-source software. Snake can run on Windows/MacOS/Linux. Snake is Python-based.
The two most common types of stimulants abused are cocaine and amphetamines. Unlike depressants that reduce the activity of the central nervous system, stimulants have the opposite effect, increasing the activity in the central nervous system. Physiological changes that occur with stimulants are increased blood pressure, heart rate, pressured thinking/speaking, and rapid, often jerky behaviors. Because of these symptoms, stimulants are often used for their feelings of euphoria, to reduce appetite, and prevent sleep.
Stimulants increase the activity of the central nervous system, leading to physiological changes and feelings of euphoria, appetite, and sleep.
Babies: up to 19 hours a day Preschool: 10-13 hours School age: 9-11 hours Teenager: 8-10 hours Young adult: 7-9 hours Adult: 7-9 hours Older adult 7-8 hours
Babies up to 19 hours a day. Preschool 10-13 hours. School age 9-11 hours. Teenager 8-10 hours. Young adult 7-9 hours. Adult 7-9 hours. Older adult 7-8 hours.
Treatment options for specific phobias include exposure treatments.
Treatment options for specific phobias include exposure treatments.
Inheritance in object-oriented programming is the practice of creating classes that automatically "inherit" a base set of properties from a parent class. Here is an example of inheritance: ```python3 class ParentClass: def get_description(self): return "Here is a description!" class ChildClass(ParentClass): pass obj = ChildClass() print(obj.get_description()) # Here is a description! ``` Even though `obj` is an instance of `ChildClass`, and `ChildClass` does not explicitly have a `get_description()` method, it inherits it from `ParentClass`.f
Inheritance in object-oriented programming is the practice of creating classes that automatically "inherit" a base set of properties from a parent class.
On one hand, cognitive dissonance occurs when an individual experiences internal conflict and stress as a result of inconsistencies between their attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors. On the other hand, cognitive consistency is when one's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are aligned and in harmony.
On one hand, cognitive dissonance occurs when an individual experiences internal conflict and stress as a result of inconsistencies. Cognitive consistency is when attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are in harmony.
Across time, the terms madness, lunacy, mania, insanity, and mental illness have been attributed to the same behaviors and emotional states. The term "mental illness" is of recent origin. Sociologists locate the definition and treatment of these states as medical during early nineteenth century, when the physician came to mental disorder not as the healer of the sick but the guardian of the inept. By late nineteenth century, mental disorder was frequently considered biological and incurable. Psychiatry as a medical specialty was influential in legitimizing medical disorder as illness. The DSM was published in 1952 and was considered the Bible for diagnosing mental disorder.
Sociologists locate the definition and treatment of these states as medical during early nineteenth century, when the physician came to mental disorder not as the healer of the sick but the guardian of the inept.
felt overwhelmed by all they needed to do.
felt overwhelmed by all they needed to do.
In SQL, the CASE statement is used to return different values based on certain conditions, similar to the IF ELSE statement in other programming languages. The CASE statement allows you to evaluate one or more conditions and return a value when the condition is met. Let's say we have a table called books with the following columns: title, author, weight, and price. We want to categorize the books by weight and assign them to one of three categories: light, medium, or heavy. We can use the following CASE statement to achieve this: SELECT title, author, weight, CASE WHEN weight < 2 THEN 'light' WHEN weight >= 2 AND weight < 4 THEN 'medium' ELSE 'heavy' END AS weight_category, price FROM books;
In SQL, the CASE statement is used to return different values based on certain conditions, similar to the IF ELSE statement in other programming languages. The CASE statement allows you to evaluate one or more conditions and return a value when the condition is met.
Patients have a right to treatment, to refuse treatment, to less restrictive treatment, and to live in a community.
Patients have a right to treatment, to refuse treatment, to less restrictive treatment, and to live in a community.
Acute stress disorder is very similar to PTSD except for the fact that symptoms must be present from 3 days to 1 month following exposure to one or more traumatic events.
Acute stress disorder is very similar to PTSD except for the fact that symptoms must be present from 3 days to 1 month following exposure to one or more traumatic events.
An algorithm is a set of instructions. For instance, consider the task of two people sorting cards, where one person can point to the larger of two cards and the other person must sort the cards without looking at them. The two people will likely develop a process that moves smaller cards to one direction and larger cards to the other direction. This repeated process is an example of an algorithm.
An algorithm is a set of instructions.
It is a `not` or negation operator.
It is a not or negation operator.
To give a combinatorial proof for a binomial identity, say \(A=B\), you do the following: \(1.\) Find a counting problem you will be able to answer in two ways. \(2.\) Explain why one answer to the counting problem is A. \(3.\) Explain why the other answer to the counting problem is B.
Find a counting problem you will be able to answer in two ways. Explain why one answer to the counting problem is A. Explain why the other answer to the counting problem is B.
They are just as effective as 1st generation (success rate is ~50%), but have less harmful side effects. They take a long time to provide therapeutic effects (2-3 weeks at least, like 1st generation antidepressants) and withdrawal effects are just as long.
They are just as effective as 1st generation but have less harmful side effects. They take a long time to provide therapeutic effects and withdrawal effects are just as long.
5G cellular networks use a broad frequency band to handle more traffic, provide location tracking, and offer 10 to 20 times more speed. Although this will affect your ability to download movies on your cellphone, that isn't the main point! The really important feature of 5G is that it will enable IOT (the Internet of Things).
5G cellular networks enable IOT, providing faster speeds and location tracking.
The ultimate treatment goal for DID is the integration of subpersonalities to the point of final fusion (Chu et al., 2011). Integration refers to the ongoing process of merging subpersonalities into one personality. Psychoeducation is paramount for integration, as the individual must have an understanding of their disorder, as well as acknowledge their subpersonalities. As mentioned above, many individuals have a one-way amnesic relationship with the subpersonalities, meaning they are not aware of one another. Therefore, the clinician must first make the individual aware of the various subpersonalities that present across different situations.
The ultimate treatment goal for DID is the integration of subpersonalities into one personality. Psychoeducation is essential for this process, as many individuals have a one-way amnesic relationship with their subpersonalities. The clinician must first make the individual aware of the various subpersonalities that present across different situations.
Staging tells Git what changes should be "saved" or checkpointed. Committing is performed after staging. Committing creates a checkpoint with an associated message (commit message). Committing creates a new event in the history of a Git repository.
Staging tells Git what changes should be saved or checkpointed. Committing creates a checkpoint with an associated message and creates a new event in the history of a Git repository.
Spin is a framing technique that involves shaping the interpretation and meaning of a message through the presentation of a one-sided and thus bias perspective of a topic, issue, figure, etc.
Spin creates a one-sided, biased perspective of a topic.
We say that a patient presents with a specific problem, or the presenting problem.
We say that a patient presents with a specific problem, or the presenting problem.
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of by others (APA, 2022). This intense need leads to submissive and clinging behaviors as they fear they will be abandoned or separated from their parent, spouse, or another person with whom they are in a dependent relationship. They are so dependent on this other individual that they cannot make even the smallest decisions without first consulting with them and gaining their approval or reassurance. They often allow others to assume complete responsibility for their life, making decisions in nearly all aspects of their lives.
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of by others, leading to submissive and clinging behaviors and allowing others to assume complete responsibility for their life.
Another possible dispositional factor on aggression is negative affect and mood. In a study of 49 participants in a treatment program for child physical abuse, researchers found that negative affect contributed to parent-to-child aggression (PTCA) in the form of minor physical violence but not severe physical violence and that PTCA has qualities of impulsive aggression which is believed to be driven by negative affect, is not planned, and often occurs in response to aversive events. As such, the authors suggest that physically abusive parents may benefit from interventions that promote positive emotion-focused coping strategies. In another study, participants who placed their nondominant hand in cold water as they administered either a reward or punishment to a fellow student and were told that they might experience pain reported greater discomfort; were more annoyed, angered, and irritated; and were more punitive to the available target (the other student) even though this person was not the cause of their discomfort
Another possible dispositional factor on aggression is negative affect and mood.
Due to the high comorbidity of depersonalization/derealization disorder with anxiety and depression, the goal of treatment is often alleviating these secondary mental health symptoms related to the depersonalization/derealization symptoms.
the goal of treatment is often alleviating the secondary symptoms of anxiety and depression.
It will create a directory in derivatives to hold the results of running fMRIprep. If you run FreeSurfer, this includes `sourcedata/freesurfer`. You may also generate the `fmriprep_work` directory (though you can call it something else). The fMRIprep work directory can become quite large (much bigger than derivatives).
It will create a directory in derivatives to hold the results of running fMRIprep.
**rm** means *remove*. It is used to permanently remove a file or directory. However, to remove a directory, you need to use the flag **-R**. **-R** means *recursive*. **rm Fred ** would remove the file **Fred**. However, if **Fred** is a directory, you'd have to use the **-R** flag, like this: **rm -R Fred** in order to recursively remove the directory and its contents
rm Fred
Research has also questioned whether such a construct is viable (Bierhoff & Rohmann, 2004) and Batson (1987) argued that prosocial motivation is actually egotistical when the goal is to increase one’s own welfare but altruistic when the goal is to increase the welfare of another person. Dovidio et al. (2006) concluded that there truly is a ‘prosocial personality’ and that differences in the trait vary with the action a specific situation calls for such as rescuing people who are in danger, to serving as a volunteer, and to helping an individual in distress.
Prosocial motivation is egotistical when the goal is to increase one's own welfare, but altruistic when the goal is to increase the welfare of another person.
A graph for which it is possible to divide the vertices into two disjoint sets such that there are no edges between any two vertices in the same set.
A graph for which it is possible to divide the vertices into two disjoint sets such that there are no edges between any two vertices in the same set.
When we use the term person perception or social perception, as it is also known, we are discussing how we go about learning about people, whether significant others, family, close friends, co-workers, or strangers on the street.
Social perception is how we go about learning about people.
The prevalence rate for OCD is approximately 1.2% both in the US and worldwide. Similar to other anxiety-related disorders, women are diagnosed with OCD more often than males; however, in childhood, boys are diagnosed more frequently than girls. With respect to gender and symptoms, females are more likely to be diagnosed with cleaning related obsessions and compulsions. In contrast, males are more likely to display symptoms related to forbidden thoughts and symmetry. Additionally, males have an earlier age of onset (5-15 yrs.) compared to women (20-24 yrs.). Approximately two-thirds of all individuals with OCD had some symptoms present before the age of 15.
Females are more likely to be diagnosed with OCD. Males are more likely to display symptoms related to forbidden thoughts and symmetry.
Usage patterns! The communicator's access to those they aim to reach is enhanced when they know more about which information channels and media platforms, whether print-, television-, radio-, and/or internet-based, that target audience members are most likely to turn to for information.
Usage patterns
Semantics deals with the meaning of words.
Semantics deals with the meaning of words.
Working in a group toward a common goal rather than for ourselves often has a demotivating effect, called social loafing. Free riding is another way to see this. It means you can decrease your effort and benefit from the efforts of others group members. In this situation, it is important to make sure that members are evaluated and identifiable. Group members will weigh the factors of amount of effort, feelings of being needed for the group to succeed, and violating social norms for mooching to determine if they free ride or not
Working in a group toward a common goal rather than for ourselves often has a demotivating effect, called social loafing.
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) occurs when the muscle paralysis associated with the REM sleep phase does not occur. Individuals who suffer from RBD have high levels of physical activity during REM sleep, especially during disturbing dreams. These behaviors vary widely, but they can include kicking, punching, scratching, yelling, and behaving like an animal that has been frightened or attacked. The prevalence of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is approximately 0.5%-1% in the general population and 2% in older adults. A large number of people are undiagnosed. The male to female diagnosis ratio is as high as 9:1. People with REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) often have a comorbidity with mental health illness like a mood disorder and take anti-depressants or a history of traumatic brain injury.[2] This disorder is associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. In fact, this relationship is so robust that some view the presence of RBD as a potential aid in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of neurodegenerative diseases (Ferini-Strambi, 2011). Clonazepam, an anti-anxiety medication with sedative properties, is most often used to treat RBD. It is administered alone or in conjunction with doses of melatonin (the hormone secreted by the pineal gland). As part of treatment, the sleeping environment is often modified to make it a safer place for those suffering from RBD (Zangini, Calandra-Buonaura, Grimaldi, & Cortelli, 2011).
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a disorder that causes high levels of physical activity during REM sleep, such as kicking, punching, scratching, yelling, and behaving like an animal. It is associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases, and is often treated with Clonazepam and melatonin. The sleeping environment is often modified to make it a safer place for those suffering from RBD.
Anorexia nervosa involves the restriction of energy intake, which leads to significantly low body weight relative to the individual's age, sex, and development. This restriction is often secondary to an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, despite the individual's low body weight. Altered perception of self and an over-evaluation of one's body weight and shape contribute to this disturbance of body size.
Anorexia nervosa is caused by restriction of energy intake, fear of gaining weight, and over-evaluation of body size.
Substance withdrawal is diagnosed when there is cessation or reduction of a substance that has been used for a long period of time. Individuals undergoing substance withdrawal will experience physiological and psychological symptoms within a few hours after cessation/reduction.
Substance withdrawal causes physiological and psychological symptoms within hours.
A shell configuration file, like **.bashrc**, is a hidden file in your home directory where you define **aliases**, **environment variables** and **paths** that are useful to your work. After you make changes to the configuration file, you have to **source** the file to tell the operating system to reread and implement the changes. Otherwise, the configuration file will not be reread until you open a new bash shell.
A shell configuration file, like .bashrc, is a hidden file in your home directory where you define aliases, environment variables and paths that are useful to your work.
This is a controlled test of a hypothesis in which a researcher manipulates one variable and measures its effect on another variable. The manipulated variable is called the independent variable (IV), and the one that is measured is called the dependent variable (DV). In the example under Experimentation in Section 1.5.1, the treatment for bipolar disorder was the IV, while the actual intensity or number of symptoms serve as the DV. A common feature of experiments is a control group that does not receive the treatment or is not manipulated and an experimental group that does receive the treatment or manipulation. If the experiment includes random assignment, participants have an equal chance of being placed in the control or experimental group. The control group allows the researcher (or teacher) to make a comparison to the experimental group and make a causal statement possible, and stronger. In our experiment, the new treatment should show a marked reduction in the intensity of bipolar symptoms compared to the group receiving no treatment, and perform either at the same level as, or better than, the older treatment. This would be the initial hypothesis made before starting the experiment.
Experiments are controlled tests of a hypothesis in which a researcher manipulates one variable and measures its effect on another variable. The control group allows the researcher to make a comparison to the experimental group and make a stronger causal statement.
- VGA (Video Graphics Array; 1987) connectors are the oldest common video connectors. They are color-coded blue, support only analog signals, and are limited in the resolution they can support. - DVI (Digital Visual Interface; 1999) are typically white, and connectors come in five different versions: Each version has a different number of pins and supports either analog (DVI-A), digital (DVI-D), or both (DVI-I) signals. DVI-D and DVI-I support two different resolutions: single link vs dual link. - HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface; 2002) connectors are used for TVs and some monitors and computers. HDMI can transmit video, audio, and sometimes more. - DisplayPort (2006) and the associated Mini DisplayPort are used on computers and monitors, but rarely on TVs. It has multi-monitor capabilities. - You will find the Mini DisplayPort on many Macs. Mini DisplayPort transmits the same signals as DisplayPort, but the connector is different. Mini DisplayPort has the same form factor as Thunderbolt 1 and 2 (2011), but Mini DisplayPort is not general-purpose like Thunderbolt. They can be distinguished by their icons.
VGA is color-coded blue and supports only analog signals. DVI is white and supports either analog or digital signals. HDMI is used for TVs and some monitors. DisplayPort is used on computers and monitors. Mini DisplayPort is used on Macs.
Children with Selective Mutism also benefit from exposure and relaxation training. Their exposure will likely consist of increasing exposure to speaking with imaginal exercise, progressing to actual increased speech within the therapy setting, and progressing to increasing speech in the real-world setting. In addition to the above strategies listed, social skills training may also help children with selective mutism, especially given the high comorbidity of social anxiety disorder.
Exposure and relaxation training, social skills training, and imaginal exercise can help children with selective mutism.
Cognitive semantics is a school of thought that sees linguistic meanings as conceptual structures in the mind, rather than as relationships between language and things in an objective world. It emphasizes cognition and "embodiment" - the idea that meanings are derived from our embodied experience of the world, from perception and action. Traditional theories of meaning assume that semantics is a matter of evaluating the objective truth or falsity of sentences, while cognitive semantics says that truth is secondary, with language being thoroughly metaphorical and referring to subjective experiences.
Cognitive semantics emphasizes cognition and embodied experience of the world.
According to Riley and Riley, effective and impactful communication first and foremost relies on communicators identifying and accounting for cultural, interpersonal, and environmental disconnects between themselves and their target audiences.
Effective and impactful communication relies on communicators identifying and accounting for cultural, interpersonal, and environmental disconnects between themselves and their target audiences.
Representing words based on counts of co-occurring words results in long, sparse word vectors. For instance, if your corpus has a vocabulary of 50,000 words (\(\vert V \vert=50,000\)), each word will have a feature space of size 50,000, and most of the values will be 0 (or close to 0). In NLP tasks, short, dense vectors tend to perform better than long, sparse vectors. If we can represent words as vectors of size 300 instead of 50,000, our machine learning systems will need to train significantly fewer weights and will likely generalize better to protect against over-fitting.
Representing words based on counts of co-occurring words results in long, sparse word vectors.
The prevalence rate for specific phobias is 7-9% within the United States. While young children have a prevalence rate of approximately 5%, teens have nearly a double prevalence rate than that of the general public at 16%. There is a 2:1 ratio of females to males diagnosed with specific phobia; however, this rate changes depending on the different phobic stimuli. More specifically, animal, natural environment, and situational specific phobias are more commonly diagnosed in females, whereas blood-injection-injury phobia is reportedly diagnosed equally between genders.
Specific phobias have a prevalence rate of 7-9% in the US, with a 2:1 ratio of females to males.
Many clinicians add dangerousness to this list when behavior represents a threat to the safety of the person or others.
When behavior represents a threat to the safety of the person or others.
Disorders within Cluster A have a prevalence rate of around 3-4%. More specifically, paranoid personality disorder is estimated to affect approximately 4.4% of the general population, with no reported diagnosis discrepancy between genders. Schizoid personality disorder occurs in 3.1% of the general population, whereas prevalence rate for schizotypal personality disorder is 3.9%. Both schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders are more commonly diagnosed in males than females, with males also reportedly being more impaired by the diagnosis than females.
Schizoid personality disorder occurs in 3.1% of the general population.The prevalence rate for schizotypal personality disorder is 3.9%.Both schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders are more commonly diagnosed in males than females.
A measure is considered to be valid if its scores represent the variable it is said to measure. Content, face, external, internal, and criterion are types of validity.
A measure is considered to be valid if its scores represent the variable it is said to measure. Content, face, external, internal, and criterion are types of validity.
The segmentation problem refers to the challenge of parsing (analyzing and separating into constituents i.e words) the continuous speech input into meaning full units, in this case words.
The segmentation problem refers to the challenge of parsing the continuous speech input into meaning full units, in this case words.
Bipolar disorder also has a high comorbidity rate with other mental disorders, particularly anxiety disorders, and disruptive/impulse-control disorders such as ADHD and Conduct Disorder. Substance abuse disorders are also commonly seen in individuals with Bipolar Disorder. Over half of those with Bipolar Disorder also meet diagnostic criteria for Substance Abuse Disorder, particularly alcohol abuse. The combination of Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse Disorder places individuals at a greater risk of suicide attempt. While these comorbidities are high across both Bipolar I and Bipolar II, type II appears to have more comorbidities, with 60% of individuals meeting criteria for three or more co-occurring mental disorders.
Bipolar disorder has a high comorbidity rate with other mental disorders and substance abuse disorders, placing individuals at a greater risk of suicide attempt.
An echo chamber is a social environment in which persons and groups only interact and exchange information and perspectives with others who share their views and perspectives.
An echo chamber is a social environment where people only interact with others who share their views.
Eating disorders are overwhelmingly found in Western countries where there is a heavy emphasis on thinness—a core feature of eating disorders. It is also found in countries where food is in abundance, as in places of deprivation, round figures are viewed as more desirable. While eating disorders were once thought of as disorders of higher SES, recent research suggests that as our country becomes more homogenized, the more universal eating disorders become.
Eating disorders are mainly found in Western countries, where thinness is emphasized and food is abundant. Recent research suggests that as the country becomes more homogenized, eating disorders become more universal.
Server Side Rendering (SSR) prioritizes displaying the HTML first, then rendering the page via JavaScript after the page has loaded. Client Side Rendering (CSR) prioritizes fully rendering the page first before displaying it to the user.
Server Side Rendering (SSR) prioritizes displaying the HTML first, then rendering the page via JavaScript after the page has loaded. Client Side Rendering (CSR) prioritizes fully rendering the page first before displaying it to the user.
First you write some python code that would send a request to a website that you want to scrape data from. This website will return an HTML page, but unlike a normal web browser, you won’t display it, you will give it to web scraping libraries like beautifulsoup or selenium. These scrapers will parse the HTML file you give them, and will give you the information you want out of it
First you write some python code that would send a request to a website that you want to scrape data from. This website will return an HTML page, but unlike a normal web browser, you won’t display it, you will give it to web scraping libraries like beautifulsoup or selenium. These scrapers will parse the HTML file you give them, and will give you the information you want out of it.
Propositional logic is a study of the ways statements can interact with each other.
Propositional logic is a study of the ways statements can interact with each other.
Thematic roles describe certain roles that each constituent of a sentence can play in relation to the state or action described by the verb. Some of the most common thematic roles are Agent, Patient, Theme, and Beneficiary. Agents, which are usually subjects, perform an action. Patients, which are usually objects, are changed by actions. "Billy ate the pie" is an Agent-verb-Patient sentence. But subjects and objects can also be other things. A Theme is something being located or moved as in "The ball (Theme) rolled down the hill." And, "Bob got the message" shows a Recipient-subject. Thematic roles describe the semantics-syntax interface, translating the grammatical relations imposed by verbs into semantic relations.
Thematic roles describe the semantics-syntax interface, translating grammatical relations imposed by verbs into semantic relations.
Mental health is conceptualized and measured in several ways: psychological distress, psychological well-being, mental illness, and as a dimension of quality of life.
Psychological distress. Psychological well-being. Mental illness. A dimension of quality of life.
It is important to note that psychology did not just rise out of philosophy, but also from physiology. The mid to late 1800s provided many remarkable findings about the functioning of the human brain. During this time we discovered what the cerebrum, midbrain, cerebellum, and medulla did thanks to the work of Flourens, began using electrical stimulation and the extirpation method (determining function by destroying a specific structure in the brain and then observing changes in behavior), discovered white and gray matter courtesy of Franz Josef Gall, realized that the nervous system was a conductor of electrical impulses, and determined that nerve fibers were composed of neurons and synapses. Key figures included people like von Helmholtz who studied the speed of neural impulse and correctly determined it to be 90 feet per second, Weber who proposed the concepts of two-point thresholds and the just noticeable difference (jnd), and Fechner who founded the field of psychophysics and proposed the absolute and difference thresholds. These figures showed how topics central to the new science of psychology could be studied empirically, provided a method for investigating the relationship between mind and body, and gave psychology precise and elegant measurement techniques.
Developments in technology used the measure the brain provided a method for investigating the relationship between mind and body, and gave psychology precise and elegant measurement techniques.
Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by an underlying excessive anxiety and worry related to a wide range of events or activities and lasting for more days than not for at least six months. While many individuals experience some degree of worry throughout the day, individuals with generalized anxiety disorder experience worry of greater intensity and for longer periods than the average person. Additionally, they are often unable to control their worry through various coping strategies, which directly interferes with their ability to engage in daily social and occupational tasks. To receive a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, three or more of the following somatic symptoms must be present in adults as well: restlessness, fatigue, difficultly concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and problems sleeping.
Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry lasting for at least six months, often unable to control through coping strategies, and requires three or more somatic symptoms.
Dissociative amnesia disorder is identified by the inability to recall important autobiographical information. This type of amnesia is different from what one would consider permanent amnesia in that the information was successfully stored in memory; however, the individual cannot retrieve it. Additionally, individuals experiencing permanent amnesia often have a neurobiological cause, whereas dissociative amnesia does not (APA, 2013).
Dissociative amnesia is the inability to recall important autobiographical information.
Yes, the 25% increase over the licensee’s cost is excessive. The maximum profit to the licensee if the homeowner repurchases the house within one year is 17%, so the 25% is a violation. [F.S. ß 501.1377 (5)(f)]
Yes, the 25% increase over the licensee’s cost is excessive. The maximum profit to the licensee if the homeowner repurchases the house within one year is 17%.
There are a few biological explanations for obsessive-compulsive related disorders, including hereditary transmission, neurotransmitter deficits, and abnormal functioning in brain structures.
Hereditary transmission. Neurotransmitter deficits. Abnormal functioning in brain structures.
The elements of a diagnosis include: diagnostic criteria and descriptors, subtypes and specifiers, the principal diagnosis, and the provisional diagnosis.
Diagnostic criteria and descriptors. Subtypes and specifiers. The principal diagnosis.The provisional diagnosis.
Because 30 days after the traumatic event, ASD becomes PTSD (or the symptoms remit), the comorbidity of ASD with other psychological disorders has not been studied. While ASD and PTSD cannot be comorbid disorders, several studies have explored the relationship between ASD and PTSD in efforts to identify individuals most at risk for developing PTSD. Research studies indicate roughly 80% of motor vehicle accident survivors, as well as assault victims, who met the criteria for ASD went on to develop PTSD (Brewin, Andrews, Rose, & Kirk, 1999; Bryant & Harvey, 1998; Harvey & Bryant, 1998). While some researchers indicated ASD is a good predictor of PTSD, others argue further research between the two and confounding variables should be further explored to determine more consistent findings.
ASD is a good predictor of PTSD, but further research between the two and confounding variables is needed to determine more consistent findings.
Although previously known as psychosomatic disorders, the DSM-5-TR has identified physical illnesses that are caused or exacerbated by biopsychosocial factors as psychological factors affecting other medical conditions. This disorder is different than all the previously mentioned somatic related disorders as the primary focus of the disorder is not the mental disorder, but rather the physical disorder.
The DSM-5-TR has identified physical illnesses that are caused or exacerbated by biopsychosocial factors as psychological factors affecting other medical conditions.
The sociocultural model of dissociative disorders has been primarily influenced by Lilienfeld and colleagues (1999) who argue that the influence of mass media and its publications of dissociative disorders, provide a model for individuals to not only learn about dissociative disorders but also engage in similar dissociative behaviors. This theory has been supported by the significant increase in DID cases after the publication of Sybil, a documentation of a woman’s 16 subpersonalities (Goff & Simms, 1993). These mass media productions are not just suggestive to patients. It has been suggested that mass media also influences the way clinicians gather information regarding dissociative symptoms of patients. For example, therapists may unconsciously use questions or techniques in session that evoke dissociative types of problems in their patients following exposure to a media source discussing dissociative disorders.
Mass media and its publications of dissociative disorders provide a model for individuals to learn and engage in similar behaviors. This theory has been supported by the increase in DID cases after the publication of Sybil.
Slogans and catchphrases involve creatively stringing together words and phrases that subtly, yet effectively imply a particular message. Over time, slogans and catchphrases can be used in standalone ways to convey a message as is the case with well developed brands.
Slogans and catchphrases involve creatively stringing together words and phrases that subtly, yet effectively imply a particular message.
Preexisting conditions of depression or anxiety may predispose an individual to develop PTSD or other stress disorders. One theory is that these individuals may ruminate or over-analyze the traumatic event, thus bringing more attention to the traumatic event and leading to the development of stress-related symptoms. Furthermore, negative cognitive styles or maladjusted thoughts about themselves and the environment may also contribute to PTSD symptoms. For example, individuals who identify life events as “out of their control” report more severe stress symptoms than those who feel as though they have some control over their lives (Catanesi et al., 2013).
Individuals with preexisting conditions of depression or anxiety may develop PTSD due to over-analyzing the traumatic event and negative cognitive styles.
HPC stands for High Performance Computing Cluster. At the University of Arizona this corresponds to three clusters of Linux machines. Many large Universities have similar HPCs to support research.
HPC stands for High Performance Computing Cluster. At the University of Arizona this corresponds to three clusters of Linux machines.
Docker images are isolated from the computer they run on. This makes it difficult to use Docker to ingest or produce files on your disk. The bind-mount is a command that joins a directory on your computer to a directory inside the Docker container. This allows you to work on files and directories on your computer.
The bind-mount is a command that joins a directory on your computer to a directory inside the Docker container.
4096 bits (or 1233 digits)
4096 bits. 1233 digits.
0-based indexing of Python lists means that the first element in the list is considered to be at position (or "index") 0, rather than position 1. For the list `a_lst = ["a", "b", "c"]`, `"a"` is at index 0, `"b"` is at index 1, and `"c"` is at index 2. Even though there `"c"` is the third element of the list, accessing `a_lst[3]` will cause Python to throw an `IndexError: list index out of range`, since the last element is at index 2.
0-based indexing of Python lists means that the first element in the list is considered to be at position 0, rather than position 1.
- In naïve Bayes, we calculate \(P(y|o)\) using \(P(o|y)\). In logistic regression, however, we calculate \)P(y|o)\) directly. - Unlike naïve Bayes, logistic regression does not assume features are independent. - While naive Bayes and logistic regression both make a prediction with probabilities, the probability estimates we get from logistic regression are more accurate. - With very small datasets, naïve Bayes usually outperforms logistic regression; with medium to large datasets logistic regression tends to outperform naïve Bayes - Naïve Bayes uses the `argmax` to select the most probable class; binomial logistic regression uses a decision boundary
Nave Bayes uses argmax to select the most probable class. Logistic regression uses a decision boundary to select the most probable class.
For me, the main point is that you can facilitate and automate fMRI analysis by moving away from voxel-based analysis and towards ROI (region of interest) analysis.
You can facilitate and automate fMRI analysis by moving away from voxel-based analysis and towards ROI (region of interest) analysis.
The aim of benchmarking is to demonstrate the potential for value creation through the comparative analysis of relevant industry and technology benchmarks. More specifically, the process reveals where opportunity for value creation does and does not exist, and what unintended consequences (i.e., existing trade-offs) should be minimized and avoided. The potential that is revealed through the analysis then becomes a focal point in the development of an innovative solution/intervention.
Benchmarking reveals potential for value creation through comparative analysis of industry and technology benchmarks, leading to innovative solutions.
If you do practice daylight savings, then you do not live in Arizona. (switch the order of the parts, and negate both parts)
If you do practice daylight savings, then you do not live in Arizona.
Nothing, from a computational perspective. `# comment` and `"""comment"""` are both valid syntaxes for comments in Python.
Nothing, from a computational perspective. Both comments are valid syntaxes for comments in Python.
Another technique used by psychologists is called archival research or when the researcher analyzes data that has already been collected and for another purpose.
When the researcher analyzes data that has already been collected and for another purpose.
Multilabel and multinomial classifiers are both multiclass classifiers, meaning there are more than two labels that exist as potential outputs (as opposed to binary classifiers that determine if something is or is not a label, such as if an email is or is not spam). Multilabel classifiers ("any of") mean that one input can have multiple labels as outputs. One example of such a classifier is one that assigns topics to a news article. A news article could be tagged as "sports," "basketball," and "Cleveland Cavaliers" all at once. With multilabel classifiers, each topic would essentially have its own binary classification model––such as "is this sports or not"––and each decision is made independently. Conversely, multinomial classifiers ("one of") assign just one label to each input. As an example, sentiment analysis commonly has three labels––positive, neutral, and negative––and one input document would never be labeled as both positive and neutral (or positive and negative, etc.). Multinomial classifiers also build out binary classifiers for each topic, but only the label that returns the highest score or the highest probability is selected as the label. For instance, a multinomial sentiment analysis classifier may output a 97% chance the document is positive, 2% it is neutral, and 1% it is negative, and thus, we would predict that the document is positive.
Multilabel classifiers mean that one input can have multiple labels as outputs. Conversely, multinomial classifiers assign just one label to each input.
Self-discrepancy theory was created to distinguish between the various self-states proposed by sociology, psychology, and even philosophy and includes two cognitive dimensions - domains of the self and standpoints on the self.
Self-discrepancy theory was created to distinguish between the various self-states and includes two cognitive dimensions domains of the self and standpoints on the self.
Blog posts should be written in a concise, yet compelling manner - conveying the most powerful message possible within a 500 - 800 word range.
Blog posts should be written in a concise, yet compelling manner.
This is the set of all numbers which are 3 less than a natural number (i.e., that if you add 3 to them, you get a natural number). The set could also be written as \(\{−3,−2,−1,0,1,2,…\}\). (note that 0 is a natural number, so − 3 is in this set because − 3 + 3 = 0 ).
This is the set of all numbers which are 3 less than a natural number.
Jean Piaget is known for his work in "genetic epistemology"- the developmental theory of knowledge. He contributed a theory of cognitive development––"Piaget's theory of cognitive development"––that includes four different stages where children manage to develop their cognitive skills. Piaget believed that cognitive development was central to humans, and that learning language requires knowledge obtained through cognitive development. Piaget's impact has been significant in early education and has manifested itself in child-centered classrooms and open education (i.e., education open to all with no admissions requirements).
He contributed a theory of cognitive development that includes four different stages where children manage to develop their cognitive skills. Piaget's impact has been significant in early education and has manifested itself in child-centered classrooms and open education.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is what people commonly refer to as multiple personality disorder. The key diagnostic criteria for DID is the presence of two or more distinct personality states or expressions. The identities are distinct in that they often have a unique tone of voice, engage in different physical gestures (including gait), and have different personalities—ranging anywhere from cooperative and sweet to defiant and aggressive. Additionally, the identities can be of varying ages and gender, have different memories, and sensory-motor functioning.
The key diagnostic criteria for DID is the presence of two or more distinct personality states or expressions.
Cialdini & Trost (1998) defined social norms as accepted group rules and standards that guide our behavior without the force of law. We can also think of norms as representing what we ought to do or the correct thing to do. They are the accepted way of thinking, feeling and behaving that the group supports.
Social norms are accepted group rules and standards that guide behavior without the force of law, representing what we should do or the correct thing to do.
Socioeconomic Status (SES) is one indicator of social status that refers to positions relative to education, employment, and financial resources. It is the persistent association of SES with overall health in the face of dramatic changes in mechanisms linking SES and health that led Link and Phelan (1995) to call SES a “fundamental” cause of health inequalities. Specifically, variations in SES create differences in people's access to material goods and services, evaluation of stressful life conditions, psychosocial resources, health-related behavioral risk factors, and disease susceptibility, which in turn affect people's health (both physical and mental).
SES is a fundamental cause of health inequalities, as it affects people's access to material goods and services, evaluation of stressful life conditions, psychosocial resources, and disease susceptibility.
Exposure to media violence can desensitize people to violence in the real world.
Exposure to media violence can desensitize people to violence in the real world.
It pairs well with recursively defined data structures (e.g. list). Also, in the case of tail recursion, there is no more overhead than with a loop iteration in other languages
It pairs well with recursively defined data structures.
The "sweet spot" points to positioning a message in a way that does not speak too far below or too far above the prior knowledge base of a target audience.
The "sweet spot" refers to positioning a message to fit the target audience's prior knowledge.
This term means that syntax is best explained in isolation from other linguistic subsystems, function and usage. It is the view that syntax exists separately from semantic, phonological, or pragmatic information and that no syntactic rule can make reference to such information.
Syntax is distinct from other linguistic subsystems, function and usage.
Sewell and colleagues found that frequent neighborhood policing leads to psychological distress. They found this effect to be stronger for men.
Sewell and colleagues found that frequent neighborhood policing leads to psychological distress. They found this effect to be stronger for men.
Treatment is any procedure intended to modify abnormal behavior into normal behavior.
Treatment is any procedure intended to modify abnormal behavior into normal behavior.
Both mental health and mental illness are broad categories that capture a variety of emotional states and behaviors. The terms mental health and mental illness are often used as antonyms, although the concept of health usually includes dimensions of well-being that go beyond the mere absence of illness.
Mental health and mental illness are broad categories that encompass a variety of emotional states and behaviors. Mental health encompasses well-being beyond the absence of illness.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that supports the creation of unique instances (*objects*) of classes. Python is an object-oriented programming language!
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that supports the creation of unique instances of classes.
Sets are unordered, unchangeable, and do not allow duplicate elements. The syntax to create a set is `a_set = {"val_1", "val_2}`. Lists are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate elements. The syntax to create a list is `a_list = ["val_1", "val_2"]`.
Sets are unordered, unchangeable, and do not allow duplicate elements. Lists are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate elements.
Treatment is any procedure intended to modify abnormal behavior into normal behavior. The person suffering from the mental disorder seeks the assistance of a trained professional to provide some degree of relief over a series of therapy sessions. The trained mental health professional may prescribe medication or utilize psychotherapy to bring about this change. Treatment may be sought from the primary care provider, in an outpatient facility, or through inpatient care or hospitalization at a mental hospital or psychiatric unit of a general hospital.
Treatment is any procedure intended to modify abnormal behavior into normal behavior.
As was mentioned previously, different ethnicities report different prevalence rates of PTSD. While this may be due to increased exposure to traumatic events, there is some evidence to suggest that cultural groups also interpret traumatic events differently, and therefore, may be more vulnerable to the disorder. Hispanic Americans have routinely been identified as a cultural group that experiences a higher rate of PTSD. Studies ranging from combat-related PTSD to on-duty police officer stress, as well as stress from a natural disaster, all identify Hispanic Americans as the cultural group experiencing the most traumatic symptoms.
Cultural groups interpret traumatic events differently, and therefore, may be more vulnerable to the disorder.Hispanic Americans have been identified as a cultural group that experiences a higher rate of PTSD in studies ranging from combat-related PTSD to on-duty police officer stress, as well as stress from a natural disaster.
Sometimes conformity can take the shape of acceptance: we think that the behavior we are being influenced to follow is the correct thing to do in the situation. We agree with this behavior both publicly and privately.
Conformity can take the shape of acceptance, we think that the behavior we are being influenced to follow is the correct thing to do in the situation.