The tape acts as memory. It is linearly structured and infinite in size (theoretically). It can be read by the tape head, and it can also be written on by the tape head. Each cell in the tape can hold a single symbol, including letters, numbers, etc.
Tape acts as memory, linearly structured and infinite in size.
If your pet is not allergic to chocolate, then your pet is not a dog. (negate both parts and switch the order)
If your pet is not allergic to chocolate, then your pet is not a dog.
The sociocultural model has contributed significantly to our understanding of the nuances of mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment for other races, cultures, genders, ethnicities. Still, the sociocultural model suffers from unclear findings and not allowing for the establishment of causal relationships, reliance on more qualitative data gathered from case studies and ethnographic analyses (one such example is Zafra, 2016), and an inability to make predictions about abnormal behavior for individuals.
The sociocultural model has contributed significantly to our understanding of the nuances of mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment for other races, cultures, genders, ethnicities. Still, the sociocultural model suffers from unclear findings and not allowing for the establishment of causal relationships, reliance on more qualitative data gathered from case studies and ethnographic analyses, and an inability to make predictions about abnormal behavior for individuals.
Standardization involves the use of clearly laid out rules, norms, and/or procedures.
Standardization involves the use of clearly laid out rules, norms, and/or procedures.
The four components of Psychology Reactance Theory are: presence of freedom, elimination or threat to freedom, arousal from reactance, and restoration of freedom.
Presence of freedom. Elimination or threat to freedom. Arousal from reactance. Restoration of freedom.
Studies exploring depression symptoms among the general population show a substantial pattern of comorbidity between depression and other mental disorders, particularly substance use disorders. MDD has been found to co-occur with substance-related disorders, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD, anorexia, bulimia, and borderline personality disorder.
Depression is associated with a variety of mental disorders, including substance use disorders, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD, anorexia, bulimia, and borderline personality disorder.
that tries to balance out a previous behavior.
that tries to balance out a previous behavior.
Determining the language of a document is an important task of text classification. Often, byte n-grams are more effective in classifying documents as a language make more effective features than a general bag of words. This can include 2-grams (such as "gr" or "ms"), 3-grams (such as "ore" or "ing"), or 4-grams (such as "ve f" or "effe"). One reason for byte n-grams being so effective is their ability to capture common prefixes, suffixes, and other roots important to languages better than full words.
Byte n-grams are more effective in text classification than full words, as they capture common prefixes, suffixes, and other roots better than full words.
Symptoms associated with neurocognitive disorder due to Lewy bodies include significant fluctuations in attention and alertness; recurrent visual hallucinations; impaired mobility; and sleep disturbance (APA, 2013). While the trajectory of the illness develops more rapidly than Alzheimer’s disease, the survival period is similar in that most individuals do not survive longer than eight years post-diagnosis (Lewy Body Dementia Association, 2017). Lewy bodies are irregular brain cells that result from the buildup of abnormal proteins in the nuclei of neurons. These brain cells deplete the cortex of acetylcholine, which causes the behavioral and cognitive symptoms observed in both dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease. The motor symptoms seen in both these disorders occur from the depletion of dopamine by the Lewy body nerve cells that accumulate in the brain stem.
Lewy bodies are irregular brain cells that deplete the cortex of acetylcholine and dopamine, leading to behavioral and cognitive symptoms and motor symptoms in both dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease.
**ls** means list files and directories. **cd** means *change directory*. It will allow you to navigate the directory tree. With no argument, it navigates to your home directory. Otherwise, it navigates to the directory you provide as an argument: **cd /bin**. **pwd** means *print working directory*. It reports the absolute path corresponding to your current location in the directory tree.
ls means list files and directories. cd means change directory. pwd means print working directory.
Your teacher's name is MS SMITH? The variable, Tname, will take any input and not make any changes to it. The input you entered will stay the same.
Your teacher's name is MS SMITH?
Syntax refers to the rules of a programming language -- how to write it. Similar to how spoken languages have a grammar, programming languages have a syntax.
Syntax refers to the rules of a programming language, how to write it.
A positive vs. negative sentiment analysis classifier is a binary classifier, and thus only requires one classifier (which would return the answer to the question, "Is this positive?"). A 1-5 sentiment analysis classifier could be a multiclass classifier with five specific labels ("1", "2", "3", "4", or "5"), which would each return a probability for that number and the classifier would select the label with the highest probability. Alternatively, a 1-5 sentiment analysis classifier could be treated as a regression problem and return the closest whole number between 1-5 as returned by the model.
A positive vs. negative sentiment analysis classifier is binary. A 1-5 sentiment analysis classifier is multiclass with five labels and a regression problem.
We choose people who are likely to engage in a mutual exchange with us. We prefer people who make us feel rewarded and appreciated and in the spirit of reciprocation, we need to give something back to them. This exchange continues so long as both parties regard their interactions to be mutually beneficial or the benefits of the exchange outweigh the costs.
We should choose people who make us feel rewarded and appreciated, and give something back to them in return. This exchange should be mutually beneficial if the benefits outweigh the costs.
**for loops**: Iterate over a given sequence, such as a list (i.e., `for elem in list`). Concludes upon reaching the end of the sequence. **while loops**: Iterates as long as a condition is true (i.e., `while True`). Concludes when the condition is no longer true. A break statement may be used to exit out of either type of loop.
For loops Iterate over a given sequence for elem in list. Concludes upon reaching the end of the sequence.While loops Iterates as long as a condition is true i.e., while True. Concludes when the condition is no longer true.
Both DHCP and DNS are services. DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) assigns temporary IP addresses to devices as they come and go. DNS (Domain Name Services) are like calling information (411). The DNS server provides name <=> IP address correspondences.
Both DHCP and DNS are services. DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) assigns temporary IP addresses to devices as they come and go. DNS (Domain Name Services) are like calling information.
The hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia include the presentation of at least two of the following for at least one month: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized/abnormal behavior, or negative symptoms. These symptoms create significant impairment in an individual’s ability to engage in normal daily functioning such as work, school, relationships with others, or self-care. It should be noted that the presentation of schizophrenia varies significantly among individuals, as it is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome.
Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome that presents with delusions, hallucinations, speech, behavior, and negative symptoms.
When individuals with mental illness behave in erratic or potentially dangerous ways, to either themselves or others, then something must be done. The responsibility to act falls on the government through what is called parens patriae or “father of the country” or “country as parent.” Action, in this case, involves involuntary commitment in a hospital or mental health facility and is done to protect the individual and express concern over their well-being, much like a parent would do for their child. An individual can voluntarily admit themselves to a mental health facility, and upon doing so, staff will determine whether or not treatment and extended stay are needed.
the government must act when individuals with mental illness behave in erratic or potentially dangerous ways.
Entrepreneurial leadership is a process that creates meaningful and sustainable change, whether economic, social, and/or environmental in nature, by advancing innovation via entrepreneurial strategy.
Entrepreneurial leadership is a process of creating meaningful and sustainable change through innovation.
Symptoms associated with neurocognitive disorder due to Lewy bodies include significant fluctuations in attention and alertness; recurrent visual hallucinations; impaired mobility; and sleep disturbance. While the trajectory of the illness develops more rapidly than Alzheimer’s disease, the survival period is similar in that most individuals do not survive longer than eight years post-diagnosis. Lewy bodies are irregular brain cells that result from the buildup of abnormal proteins in the nuclei of neurons. These brain cells deplete the cortex of acetylcholine, which causes the behavioral and cognitive symptoms observed in both dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease. The motor symptoms seen in both these disorders occur from the depletion of dopamine by the Lewy body nerve cells that accumulate in the brain stem.
Lewy bodies are irregular brain cells that deplete the cortex of acetylcholine and dopamine, leading to behavioral and cognitive symptoms and motor symptoms in both dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease.
Conditional statements are of the form "if P then Q". "If I have two odd integers, then their sum is even" or "If x and y are odd integers, then x+y is even"
Conditional statements are of the form "if P then Q".
The prevalence rate for OCD is approximately 1.2% both in the US and worldwide (APA, 2013). Similar to other anxiety-related disorders, women are diagnosed with OCD more often than males; however, in childhood, boys are diagnosed more frequently than girls (APA, 2013). With respect to gender and symptoms, females are more likely to be diagnosed with cleaning related obsessions and compulsions. In contrast, males are more likely to display symptoms related to forbidden thoughts and symmetry (APA, 2013). Additionally, males have an earlier age of onset (5-15 yrs.) compared to women (20-24 yrs.; Rasmussen & Eisen, 1990). Approximately two-thirds of all individuals with OCD had some symptoms present before the age of 15 (Rasmussen & Eisen, 1990).
The prevalence rate for OCD is approximately 1.2% both in the US and worldwide.Similar to other anxiety-related disorders, women are diagnosed with OCD more often than males.
Conditionals ask a question and then do something depending on the answer. Conditionals in most languages are expressed as IF-THEN statements, though the details of how these are written vary by language.
Conditionals ask questions and then do something depending on the answer.
The group that is the subject of the stereotype may experience what is called stereotype threat, or the social-psychological predicament that arises from widely-known negative stereotypes about one’s group.
Stereotype threat is the social-psychological predicament that arises from widely-known negative stereotypes about one’s group.
This model includes factors such as one’s gender, religious orientation, race, ethnicity, and culture.
This model includes factors such as one’s gender, religious orientation, race, ethnicity, and culture.
A loop is a mechanism that allows programs to repeatedly execute code a pre-set number of times.
A loop is a mechanism that allows programs to repeatedly execute code a pre-set number of times.
The sigmoid function is \( y = { 1 \over (1 + e^{-z}) } \), where z is the standard output from a Logistic Regression classifier, or other probabilistic machine learning classifier. The sigmoid function always outputs a number between 0 and 1, which is perfect for classification tasks because this number can be used to represent a probability. This probability can then be used to standardize a classification function via a decision boundary. For instance: $$\begin{equation} \hat y =\begin{cases}1, & \text{if}\ P(y = 1|x) > 0.5 \\0, & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} \end{equation} $$ Additionally, the sigmoid function is differentiable, which comes in handy for learning functions when training the model.
The sigmoid function always outputs a number between 0 and 1, which is perfect for classification tasks because this number can be used to represent a probability. This mumber can be used to represent a probability.
Especially for scientific pursuits: - GUI tasks are difficult to reproduce/record: You want a record of exactly what you did in processing data. This is difficult if you are selecting buttons and dropdowns. - Software may have limited or no GUI: If you want to use research software, it may not have a graphical interface. - Remote computers are less likely to have a GUI: For example, if you want to use the High-Performance Computing cluster or other supercomputers, that access is mostly through the command-line. - CLIs use fewer resources than GUIs: The command-line has very low overhead: it is less complex and requires less memory and CPU usage than a graphical user interface. - Linux & Mac have similar Command-Line Interfaces: If you have a Mac, then you can use its command-line to get used to the commands. Much scientific software that runs on Linux also runs on Mac.
GUI tasks are difficult to reproduce/record. Software may have limited or no GUI. Remote computers are less likely to have a GUI. CLIs use fewer resources than GUIs. Linux & Mac have similar Command-Line Interfaces.
Adjustment disorders are relatively common as they describe individuals who are having difficulty adjusting to life after a significant stressor. In psychiatric hospitals, adjustment disorders account for roughly 50% of the admissions, ranking number one for the most common diagnosis (APA, 2013). As for the general public, it is estimated that anywhere from 5-20% of outpatient referrals are due to an adjustment disorder (APA, 2013).
Adjustment disorders are common and account for 50% of admissions and 5-20% of outpatient referrals in psychiatric hospitals.
Lossless compression reduces file size without losing any detail, whereas lossy compression loses detail, but is good enough for human perceptual systems.
Lossless compression reduces file size without losing any detail.Lossy compression loses detail, but is good enough for human perceptual systems.
Caching is a partial solution for bottlenecks. A cache temporarily stores frequently used data on faster storage for easy access. For example, a web browser will cache a web page on the hard drive, because it is faster going to the internet to get the webpage again! Likewise, the CPU will temporarily cache data in special fast memory (called L1, L2, and L3 Cache) to circumvent the bottleneck involved in fetching data from RAM. Solution
Caching is a partial solution for bottlenecks. A cache temporarily stores frequently used data on faster storage for easy access.
Riley and Riley's Sociological Theory of Communication calls for the identification and strategic treatment of differences between communicators and target audiences. Accordingly, communicators are encouraged to weigh the intensity of various differences between themselves and those they aim to reach within echo chambers, and then initially focus on those differences that are the least contentious and most likely to allow for the initiation of constructive communication.
Riley and Riley's Sociological Theory of Communication encourages communicators to identify and strategically treat differences between themselves and target audiences, focusing on those that are least contentious and most likely to facilitate constructive communication.
**mv** means *move*. It is used to move a file or directory from one place in the directory tree to another. It is also used to rename a file or directory. **cp** means *copy*. It is used to make a copy of a file or directory. **rm** means *remove*. It is used to remove a file or directory. Note that **rm** cannot be undone! It does not put items in the trash or recycle, it actually removes them. These three commands are analogous to file and directory manipulations that you do every day using the GUI.
mv means move. cp means copy. m means remove.
Given the traumatic nature of the disorder, it should not be surprising that there is a high comorbidity rate between PTSD and other psychological disorders. Individuals with PTSD are 80% more likely than those without PTSD to report clinically significant levels of depressive, bipolar, anxiety, or substance abuse-related symptoms. There is also a strong relationship between PTSD and major neurocognitive disorders, which may be due to the overlapping symptoms between these disorders. There has also been an increase in PTSD and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) due to the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. US military personnel and combat veterans report a comorbidity rate between PTSD and TBI at nearly 50%.
PTSD has a high comorbidity rate with other psychological disorders, major neurocognitive disorders, and an increase in PTSD and TBI due to recent wars.
Using common sense and identifying and using proper gear and equipment can help you avoid an injury. Varying your physical activities and setting appropriate and realistic short- and long-term goals will also help. It is important to listen to your body when working out. Warning signs include muscle stiffness and soreness, bone and joint pains, and whole-body fatigue that does not go away.
Common sense, proper gear, and setting realistic goals can help prevent injury. Listen to your body when working out and avoid warning signs such as muscle stiffness, soreness, bone and joint pains, and fatigue.
The sociocultural model has contributed significantly to our understanding of the nuances of mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment for other races, cultures, genders, ethnicities. Still, the sociocultural model suffers from unclear findings and not allowing for the establishment of causal relationships, reliance on more qualitative data gathered from case studies and ethnographic analyses, and an inability to make predictions about abnormal behavior for individuals.
The sociocultural model has contributed to understanding mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment, but is limited in its ability to predict abnormal behavior.
A spanning tree is a subgraph of a graph that includes all the vertices of the graph.
A spanning tree is a subgraph of a graph that includes all the vertices of the graph.
Race, nativity, ethnicity, and cultural influences are implicated in the stratification of groups and are associated with variation in socioeconomic status. Stressful events can take the form via racism and xenophobia (discrimination), immigration (acculturative stress).
Race, nativity, ethnicity, and cultural influences influence socioeconomic status. Stressful events can take the form via racism and xenophobia (discrimination), immigration (acculturative stress).
An attitude is our assessment of ourselves, other people, ideas, and objects in our world.
An attitude is our assessment of ourselves, other people, ideas, and objects in our world.
Wireless protocols differ in range and power usage. Bluetooth (especially BLE or Low Energy Bluetooth) and NFC (Near-field communication) are specialized low-power protocols: Bluetooth supports peripherals like mice & headphones. It has a 50-150 meters range and a transfer speed of 1 Mbps. NFC (near field communication) is used for contactless payment systems because the signal cannot be detected more than an inch away from the device. It has a range of 4-10 centimeters and transfers data at 0.2 Mbps.
Wireless protocols differ in range and power usage.Bluetooth supports peripherals like mice & headphones, with a 50-150 meters range and a transfer speed of 1 Mbps. NFC (near field communication) is used for contactless payment systems with a range of 4-10 centimeters and transfers data at 0.2 Mbps.
BED is three times more common than anorexia and bulimia. All feeding and eating disorders are more common in women and high-income, industrialized countries. Only anorexia shows differences across ethnoracial groups in the United States.
BED is three times more common than anorexia and bulimia.All feeding and eating disorders are more common in women and high-income, industrialized countries.
Gender plays an important, though at times, unclear role in mental illness. Gender is not a cause of mental illness, though differing demands placed on males and females by society and their culture can influence the development and course of a disorder.
Gender is not a cause of mental illness. Differing demands placed on males and females by society and their culture can influence the development and course of a disorder.
The field of psychology did not formally organize itself until 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt founded his laboratory at Leipzig, Germany. Wundt studied sensation and perception and began experimental psychology as a science. He employed the use of introspection, or the examination of one’s own mental state, which is used today after being almost discarded as a method by the behaviorists throughout the first half of the 20th century.
Wilhelm Wundt founded a laboratory at Leipzig, Germany and studied sensation and perception and employed the use of introspection, or the examination of one’s own mental state.
Media as a worldview source and usage patterns as an audience analysis category are closely aligned. Recall usage patterns provide the communicator with insight into what media platforms target audience members are likely to turn to for news and information. Media as a worldview source emphasizes that the platforms we turn to for news and information influence how we see, interpret, and understand the world around us. Thus, the communicator can draw on usage patterns to assess where their target audience likely turns to for news and information and media as a worldview source to consider how the ways in which news and information is presented and framed within such platforms influences the ways in which target audience members make sense of a topic or issue.
Media as a worldview source and usage patterns as an audience analysis category are closely aligned.
When experiencing stressors, people do not automatically consider those stressor as harmful, challenging, or stressful. The impact of stressors depends upon how they are perceived and and whether they are viewed as controllable or uncontrollable in nature. Therefore, the impact of stressors depends on the subjective appraisal of stressors. When people subjectively perceive the event as negative and determine that they lack the resources and/or abilities to cope with the event, they will appraise such an event as stressful.
The impact of stressors depends on how they are perceived and whether they are viewed as controllable or uncontrollable.
Psychological causes include cognitive, behavioral and modeling.
Peer attitudes, perception of others’ drug use, pressure from peers to use substances, and beliefs about substance use are among the strongest predictors of drug use patterns. Additionally, research continually supports a strong relationship between second-generation substance abusers. The increased possibility of family members’ substance abuse is likely related to both a genetic predisposition, as well as the accepting attitude of the familial environment Another sociocultural view on substance abuse is stressful life events, particularly those related to financial stability.
Peer attitudes, perception of others' drug use, peer pressure, and beliefs about substance use are the strongest predictors of drug use patterns. Second-generation substance abusers are likely due to genetic predisposition and familial environment, as well as stressful life events.
Up to 14% of the general population have used LSD or another hallucinogen. Nearly 20 million adults and adolescents report current use of marijuana. Men report more than women. Sixty-five percent of individuals report their first drug of use was marijuana—labeling it as a gateway drug to other illicit substances (APA, 2022). Due to the increased research and positive effects of medicinal marijuana, the movement to legalize recreational marijuana has gained momentum, particularly in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Up to 14% of the general population have used LSD or another hallucinogen. Nearly 20 million adults and adolescents report current use of marijuana.
Psychographics provide the communicator with greater insight into the attitudes, beliefs, perspectives, and values held by audience members relevant to a particular topic. While such attitudes, beliefs, perspectives, and values are abstract and somewhat "hidden," they are as powerful, if not more powerful, than demographic features.
Psychographics provide the communicator with greater insight into the attitudes, beliefs, perspectives, and values held by audience members relevant to a particular topic.
An objective should be 1) measurable and 2) time sensitive based on set deadlines. These two elements allow the communicator to assess their progress toward meeting the goals that underly the mission of a campaign. In doing so, the communicator is better able to determine which strategies of the campaign are being properly executed, which need refinement, and whic need to be abandoned or replaced.
Measurable. Time sensitive.
The behavioral model explains depression as a result of a change in the number of rewards and punishments one receives throughout their life. This change can come from work, intimate relationships, family, or even the environment in general. Lewinsohn stated depression occurred in most people due to the reduced positive rewards in their life. Because they were not positively rewarded, their constructive behaviors occurred more infrequently until they stop engaging in the behavior completely.
The behavioral model explains depression as a result of a change in the number of rewards and punishments one receives throughout their life from work, intimate relationships, family, or even the environment in general. Lewinsohn stated depression occurred in most people due to the reduced positive rewards in their life.
A carpet plot is a 2D graphical representation of the data in a scan. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis is used to group voxels by tissue class. Interestingly, you'll see the carpetplot repurposed for DWI when you learn about QSIprep.
A carpet plot is a 2D graphical representation of the data in a scan. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis is used to group voxels by tissue class.
Functions are used to call specific blocks of code. In Python, they end in parentheses. For example: ```python a = 15 # Not a function print(a) # print() is a built-in function -- meaning, you can just call it in any program describe(a) # describe() is a custom function... It must be defined within your program def describe(a_var): # function definition # here is some documentation for this function print(a_var + " is a variable") ```
Functions are used to call specific blocks of code.
They bind to the nicotinic receptors, producing a weaker effect than nicotine. This lower the impact on the reward system, dampens the reinforcing effect while preventing withdrawal symptoms. For more, see textbook: p.199-204
They bind to the nicotinic receptors, producing a weaker effect than nicotine. This lower the impact on the reward system, dampens the reinforcing effect while preventing withdrawal symptoms.
Not necessarily! Social media undoubtedly makes interaction and exchange between sources and receivers more immediate and feasible. Immediacy and feasibility do not translate to effective and impactful communication. Accordingly, intentional and purpose-driven interactions and exchanges are essential inputs to impactful communication in the social media era.
Not necessarily! Intentional and purpose-driven interactions and exchanges are essential inputs to impactful communication in the social media era.
In some cultures, individuals are expected to safeguard their reputation, family, or property by answering threats, insults, and affronts with violence. This is called a culture of honor.
Honor culture requires individuals to protect reputation, family, and property.
1. If the drug is unmetabolized when excreted, it implies the entirety of the drug being consumed successfully goes through first-pass metabolism, making the bioavailability of the drug 100%. 2. This also implies that the body doesn't have any enzyme able to break down that molecules, an interesting fact considering we have a way to break down many other compounds such as alcohol, morphine, and cocaine. 3. In addition, as it is unmetabolized, the excretion could technically be used to fuel for future trips (though that would imply drinking urine, or extracting the drug from the urine...).
The drug is unmetabolized when excreted, meaning it is 100% bioavailable. The body doesn't have any enzyme to break down the molecules. The excretion could be used to fuel future trips.
The intersection of two sets \(A\) and \(B\) is the collection of objects in both sets. The notation \(C=A \cap B\) means "\(C\) is the intersection of \(A\) and \(B\)".
The intersection of two sets A and B is the collection of objects in both sets.
A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a permanent ID associated with your network interface card (NIC). It is like the ID for a phone's SIM card. An IP address is like a phone number: it can be associated with a different device.
A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a permanent ID associated with your network interface card (NIC). An IP address is like a phone number, it can be associated with a different device.
food and water
food and water.
\(1\) We can rewrite \(4^{122}\) as \(16^{61}\). \(16^{61}=16*16^{60} \equiv 16 * 1^{60}\) mod \(5 \equiv 16\) mod \(5 \equiv 1\) mod \(5\) Therefore, the remainder is \(1\).
Dividing language into small, analyzable components. Parsing a sentence involves dividing it into phrases and words and identifying each component type - noun, verb, adverb, etc. We determine the meaning of the string on the semantic level.
Dividing language into small, analyzable components.
For me, the main point is that resting state requires some extra signal cleanup. In addition, there is no need for a design matrix because there is no task and no General Linear Model. Instead, the goal of resting state analysis is to identify regions that work together and compare those to recognized resting-state networks.
Resting state analysis requires signal cleanup and no design matrix, instead focusing on identifying regions that work together and comparing them to recognized resting-state networks.
Parses are symbolic representations of the grammatical structures of sentences. A constituency parse portrays phrase structure as a tree with nodes showing a head-dependent structure for phrases, which have "part-of-speech" (lexical) categories. Dependency parses do not show phrase structure, only links from each word to the word it "depends" on, labeled with its grammatical relation to that word, such as subject or object. Phrase structure parses have the advantage of showing what the phrases are, and their lexical categories. But phrase structure parses are redundant, with many more nodes and links than words, and then the grammatical relations ("dependency relations") still need to be derived for most applications. Dependency parses are more elegant and skip directly to the production of the dependency relations, which are sufficient for many applications.
Parses are symbolic representations of grammatical structures, with constituency parses showing phrase structure and dependency parses showing dependency relations. Phrase structure parses are redundant, while dependency parses are more elegant and skip the production of dependency relations.
A shell configuration file, like **.bashrc**, is a hidden file in your home directory where you define **aliases**, **environment variables** and **paths** that are useful to your work. After you make changes to the configuration file, you have to **source** the file to tell the operating system to reread and implement the changes. Otherwise, the configuration file will not be reread until you open a new bash shell. When you install programs, you will often need to modify your shell configuration file.
A shell configuration file, like .bashrc, is a hidden file in your home directory where you define aliases, environment variables and paths that are useful to your work.
So how do these four branches link to psychology? Well, our field tries to understand people and how their mind works. We wonder why they do what they did (as you will come to see we call this an attribution) and look for causal relationships. In terms of fate vs. free will, we ask if what we will be throughout life is determined in childhood, and during a time when we cannot make many choices for ourselves. Consider an adult who holds prejudicial views of another group. Did growing up in a house where such attitudes were taught and reinforced on a near daily basis make it for certain a person would express the same beliefs later in life? Issues such as this show how psychology links to philosophy. As well, we study the elements of cognition such as schemas and propositions, how we learn, and types of thinking which falls under epistemology. As you will see, schemas are important to social identity theory and the assignment of people into groups or categories. Psychologists also study the proper and improper use of punishment, moral development, and obedience all of which fall under the branch of philosophy called ethics as well as decision making and the use of heuristics which involves logic.
Psychology focuses on understanding people and their minds, looking for causal relationships, and studying the elements of cognition such as schemas and propositions, how we learn, and types of thinking. It also studies the proper and improper use of punishment, moral development, and obedience, as well as decision making and heuristics.
According to the DSM-5, the prevalence rate for anorexia nervosa among young women is 0.4%, whereas the prevalence rate for bulimia nervosa is 1%-1.5%. While BED is still a relatively new diagnosis, the estimated prevalence rate in females is 1.6%. Prevalence rates for males with anorexia or bulimia are unknown; however, research suggests the female-to-male ratio is approximately 10:1 for both disorders. The estimated prevalence rate for BED in males is 0.8%. The ratio between females-to-males with BED is much less skewed than that in anorexia and bulimia.
The prevalence rate of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa among young women is 0.4% and 1.6%, respectively, while the prevalence rate of BED in males is 0.8%.
Posttraumatic stress disorder, or more commonly known as PTSD, is identified by the development of physiological, psychological, and emotional symptoms following exposure to a traumatic event. Individuals must have been exposed to a situation where actual or threatened death occurred. Duration of symptoms is also important, as PTSD cannot be diagnosed unless symptoms have been present for at least one month.
PTSD is identified by the development of physiological, psychological, and emotional symptoms following exposure to a traumatic event. It cannot be diagnosed until symptoms have been present for at least one month.
Consistent with the philosophy of modern art and the theory of post-modernism, there is no universal truth or objective reality that guides the human condition. According to this viewpoint, we are all left to individually interpret our own realities based on our upbringings, experiences, education, and so on.
We all interpret our own realities based on our upbringings, experiences, and education.
The most common 3D printing format is STL which either stands for ``stereo lithography`` or ``standard tessellation language`` or ``standard triangle language``, depending on who you ask. This file can be ASCII text or binary, but like a vector graphic, it describes the relationships between shapes. If you have an STL file, you can have it printed at the University of Arizona Libraries. In contrast, the OBJ file format uses storage space more efficiently than STL, can store color and texture information, and can describe real curved surfaces, and not just triangles. However, the OBJ format is not as universally supported as STL.
STL is the most common 3D printing format, while OBJ is more efficient and can store color and texture information, but is not as universally supported.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) says workplace violence falls into one of four categories: criminal intent or when the criminal has no connection with the business and is robbing, shoplifting, or trespassing; customer/client; worker-on-worker; and personal relationship, which typically targets women
NIOSH categorizes workplace violence into four categories: criminal intent, customer/client, worker-on-worker, and personal relationship.
The point prevalence rate for BDD among US adults is 2.4%. Internationally, this rate drops to 1.7%-1.8%. Despite the difference between the national and international prevalence rates, the symptoms across races and cultures appear similar. Gender-based prevalence rates indicate that women are more likely to be diagnosed with BDD than males (2.5% females, 2.2% males). While the diagnosis rates may be different, general symptoms of BDD appear to be the same across genders with one exception: males tend to report genital preoccupations while females are more likely to present with a comorbid eating disorder.
"The point prevalence rate for BDD among US adults is 2.4%. Internationally, this rate drops to 1.7%-1.8%. Gender-based prevalence rates indicate that women are more likely to be diagnosed with BDD than males.
Aggression can be defined as any behavior, whether physical or verbal, that is carried out with the intent to harm another person.
Aggression can be defined as any behavior, whether physical or verbal, that is carried out with the intent to harm another person.
A major factor in throughput is the size of the data chunk (word) that can be handled in each operation / clock cycle of the CPU. E.g., 64-bit describes a generation of computers in which a word size of 64-bits can be handled by the CPUs, RAM, and buses. Obviously, a 64-bit system will have better throughput than its predecessors.
A major factor in throughput is the size of the data chunk (word) that can be handled in each operation of the CPU.
USB-C is a type of connector (a form-factor) that is used by some USB 3.2 devices, all USB 4, Thunderbolt 3, and Thunderbolt 4 devices. The presence of a USB-C connector is NOT a guarantee that you can connect Thunderbolt 3 or 4 devices!
USB-C is a type of connector that is used by some USB 3.2 devices, all USB 4, Thunderbolt 3, and Thunderbolt 4 devices.
Due to a collision between the early earth and a proto-planet 4.51 billion years ago.
Due to a collision between the early earth and a proto-planet 4.51 billion years ago.
```bash # NOTE: while not required, the -l will list details (ex. permissions) # for each item in the home directory ls -l ~/ ```
ls -l
The job demand/control model is raised by the sociologist Robert Karasek to examine how stress and stress factors in the work environment can influence workers' health in the workplace. Work stress is a function of how demanding a person’s job is and how much control (discretion, authority, or decision latitude etc.) the person has over their own job responsibilities. According to this model, it is the interaction/interplay between job demands and job control predict the work stress, and then mental health. The job demands/control model was extended by Johnson and Hall (1988) to include coworker social support as an additional element of the model. Coworker social support is found to interact with job demands and control to predict workers’ psychological (and physical) wellbeing. This latter model is directly compatible with stressor-support-distress models of psychological well-being.
Work stress is a function of how demanding a person’s job is and how much control (discretion, authority, or decision latitude etc.) the person has over their own job responsibilities. According to this model, it is the interaction/interplay between job demands and job control predict the work stress, and then mental health.
Sociocultural causes of mood disorders include the family-social perspective, multi-cultural perspective, and gender differences.
The family-social perspective. Multi-cultural perspective. Gender differences.
The basic idea is that psychopathology is at the extreme end of a continuum with similar feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that fall into the realm of normality. The question is whether disorder is qualitatively distinct from normality or is similar to states found among people without mental illness, only more severe.
Psychopathology is at the extreme end of a continuum with similar feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that fall into the realm of normality. The debate is whether disorder is qualitatively distinct from normality or is similar to states found among people without mental illness, only more severe.
A decrease volume of grey matter (neurons and glia cells) in the frontal, lateral (and temporal in males only) lobes. A reduced volume of white matter in the corpus callosum (the major connection site between the two hemispheres) and pons (connects the cerebellum to the rest of the brain). Notice that it affects a large volume of the brain!! For more, see textbook: p.149
A decrease in grey matter and white matter in the frontal, lateral, and temporal lobes, as well as the corpus callosum and pons, affects a large volume of the brain.
The prevalence rate for PTSD in the US is 8.7% (APA, 2013). Specifically, 5% of adolescents are diagnosed with PTSD. With regards to gender, PTSD is more prevalent among females than males perhaps due to higher exposure to traumas. Prevalence rates of PTSD are highest for African Americans, followed by Latino/Hispanic Americans and European Americans, and lowest for Asian Americans
PTSD is more prevalent among females, highest among African Americans, Latino/Hispanic, European, and Asian Americans.
Cognitive dissonance occurs when an individual experiences internal conflict and associated stress as a result of inconsistencies between their attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors.
Cognitive dissonance occurs when an individual experiences internal conflict and associated stress as a result of inconsistencies between their attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors.
Recent research has discovered that autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia all share genetic roots. Likewise, twin and family studies have shown that people with first-degree relatives suffering from OCD are at higher risk to develop the disorder themselves. The same is true of borderline personality disorder.
Autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia all share genetic roots.
In MS Excel, you add a formula to a cell in a flat table. The formula can calculate a descriptive statistic of your choice. In MS Access, you create a separate query and run the query to calculate the statistics.
In MS Excel, you add a formula to a cell in a flat table to calculate a descriptive statistic of your choice. In MS Access, you create a separate query and run the query to calculate the statistics.
Its bioavailability decreases as a result of gastric and first-pass metabolism. It creates a more potent psychoactive component (11-OH-THC) from the usual delta-9THC. Overall, it produces a slower onset, but longer duration and more intense high.
Its bioavailability decreases as a result of gastric and first-pass metabolism. It creates a more potent psychoactive component (11-OH-THC) from the usual delta-9THC. Overall, it produces a slower onset, but longer duration and more intense high.
[JSON Linter]( is implemented as an online site that can check the syntax of your JSON file to ensure it is correct. Linters are available for multiple languages, not just JSON.
JSON Linter is implemented as an online site that can check the syntax of your JSON file to ensure it is correct.
We can add a `macro?` flag to the internal representation of a procedure and evaluate a macro invocation based on if that flag is true.
We can add a macro? flag to the internal representation of a procedure and evaluate a macro invocation based on if that flag is true.
An alias is a short command that saves you some typing. You can create your own custom aliases based on your needs. Aliases are maintained in a shell configuration file, such as the **.bash_aliases** file used on Google Cloud Shell, or **.bashrc** if you prefer. Type **alias** to see a list of all your available aliases.
An alias is a short command that saves you some typing.
Feelings of anxiety related to second language acquisition. Affective and cognitive: fear of performing tasks related to learning a second language and fear of doing poorly, ex. getting bad grades at school.
Second language acquisition can lead to feelings of anxiety, both affective and cognitive, such as fear of failure.
There are several ways to track this. In OOD, you can look at the *Active Jobs* tab. In addition, you can configure a batch job (but not an array job) to send you an email when the job finishes, and even when the job starts, if you want.
In OOD, you can look at the Active Jobs tab. In addition, you can configure a batch job (but not an array job) to send you an email when the job finishes.
(1) Manual classification of documents is possible, that is, by subject matter experts reading each document, not using computational methods. This is labor-intensive and hard to scale. (2) We can classify documents using a *standing query* (usually written manually) in a Boolean search system like the ones we've been learning about in this course so far. The documents that are returned by this standing query make up the class (such as "documents about cats"), while all other documents in the collection make up the complement set (that is, "documents not about cats"). These standing queries can be thought of like rules. Manual writing of rules can achieve better results than automatic classifiers to be discussed later, but finding domain experts with the skill to write such rules is sometimes hard. Some types of classification problems are not easy to characterize through simple rules (consider *spam detection* as an example). (3) Machine-learning methods can be used for text classification. These can be based on statistics, such as the choice of words in a document and their relative frequencies. This method requires many good examples of each class to be used for training the learning model. These can come from manually-labeled or annotated data, so human judgements may still be required for this method. Once a model is trained, however, it can be used to categorize large numbers of documents very quickly. It is for this reason that we'll spend time learning about statistical text classification in the next two weeks, and about vector space methods after that.
Manual classification of documents is labor-intensive and difficult to scale. Standing queries in Boolean search systems can be used to classify documents, while machine-learning methods can be used for text classification. Machine-learning methods require many examples of each class to be trained, but can be used to categorize large numbers of documents quickly.
Illness anxiety disorder, previously known as hypochondriasis, involves an excessive preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious medical illness. The key distinction between illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder is that an individual with illness anxiety disorder does not typically present with any somatic symptoms. Occasionally an individual will present with a somatic symptom; however, the intensity of the symptom is mild and does not drive the anxiety. Acquiring a serious illness drives concerns.
Illness anxiety disorder is a form of hypochondriasis that involves an excessive preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious medical illness. It does not typically present with somatic symptoms, but acquiring a serious illness drives concerns.
Detoxification, agonist drugs, and antagonist drugs are biological treatment options for substance-related and addictive disorders.
Detoxification, agonist drugs, and antagonist drugs are biological treatment options for substance-related and addictive disorders.
A SOC is a whole System On a Chip: CPU, GPU, other processors and a BUS.
A SOC is a whole System On a Chip: CPU, GPU, other processors and a BUS.
A switch is a simple device that provides multiple ethernet ports so you can connect many computers to one outlet, like a power strip. A router may include multiple ethernet ports and wireless antennas, but at its core, it is a little computer that can provide security and connectivity for the computers in your house. You can actually log in to a router and decide on your settings! A router allows you to define a LAN (Local Area Network) which is then protected by NAT, Network Address Translation (also handled by the router) which allows the computers inside to pretend to have the router's external address. This pretending is called IP masquerading.
A router is a computer that provides security and connectivity for computers, allowing them to pretend to have the router's external address, known as IP masquerading. A switch is a simple device that provides multiple ethernet ports so you can connect many computers to one outlet, like a power strip.
While studies on the involvement of genetic underpinnings need additional research, there is some suggestion that heritability rates for dissociation rage from 50-60%. However, it is suggested that the combination of genetic and environmental factors may play a larger role in the development of dissociative disorders than genetics alone.
Genetic and environmental factors may play a larger role in the development of dissociative disorders.
Generative semantics is one of the theories of grammar and meaning that arose among Chomsky’s students, esp. George Lakoff. Generative semantics proposes that meanings are highly structured and rule-governed in a way very similar to syntax, and generate the syntactic structure of sentences as well as selecting the words. It implies that these deep conceptual structures are the same for any two sentences with the same meaning, so it assumes that the meanings of words can be broken down (paraphrased) into conceptual structures made of simpler elements. Its most famous example was the idea that "kill" = "cause to die." This theory disagreed with the Chomskyan tradition because Chomsky said that syntax was shaped by rules which make no reference to meaning. Generative semantics is not popular and is criticized because its statements about the deep conceptual structures of words seem, to some people, unprovable, unjustified, not synonymous with words’ meanings, and difficult to hook up to syntax.
Generative semantics is a theory of grammar and meaning that proposes that meanings are highly structured and rule-governed, and generate the syntactic structure of sentences. It is not popular and is criticized for its statements about the deep conceptual structures of words.
No single method alone is perfect. All have strengths and limitations. As such, for the psychologist to provide the most precise picture of what is affecting behavior or mental processes, several of these approaches are typically employed at different stages of the research study.
No single method alone is perfect.All have strengths and limitations.