Three strategies include: 1) connect the message to the relevant wants and/or needs of the target audience, 2) put the message in a historical and/or contemporary context that is likely to be familiar to the target audience, and 3) connect the message to the "soul" of the target audience.
Connect the message to the relevant wants of the target audience. Put the message in context that is likely to be familiar to the target audience. Connect the message to the "soul" of the target audience.
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand (e.g., impulsive screaming triggered by relatively inconsequential events). Impulsive aggression is unpremeditated and is defined by a disproportionate reaction to any provocation, real or perceived. The disorder itself is not easily characterized and often exhibits comorbidity with other mood disorders, particularly bipolar disorder. Individuals diagnosed with IED report their outbursts as being brief (lasting less than an hour), with a variety of bodily symptoms (sweating, stuttering, chest tightness, twitching, palpitations) reported by a third of one sample. Aggressive acts are frequently reported accompanied by a sensation of relief and in some cases pleasure, but often followed by later remorse. It is important to note that DSM-5 now includes two separate criteria for types of aggressive outbursts (A1 and A2) which have empirical support: • Criterion A1: Episodes of verbal and/or non damaging, nondestructive, or non injurious physical assault that occur, on average, twice weekly for three months. These could include temper tantrums, tirades, verbal arguments/fights, or assault without damage. This criterion includes high frequency/low intensity outbursts. • Criterion A2: More severe destructive/assaultive episodes which are more infrequent and occur, on average, three times within a twelve-month period. These could be destroying an object without regard to value, assaulting an animal or individual. This criterion includes high-intensity/low-frequency outbursts.
IED is a behavioral disorder characterized by impulsive outbursts of anger, often to the point of rage, often accompanied by relief and remorse.
In inheritance, a child class will inherit all attributes of its parent class (or parent classes). However, you can override those inherited implementations to do something else. Example: ```python3 class A: def get_description(self): return "A" class B: def get_description(self): return "B" obj = B() print(obj.get_description()) # B ``` Even though `B` inherits a `get_description()` method from `A`, it also defines its own `get_description()` method, which overrides the method from `A`. Thus, an object of `B` calling `get_description()` will call the method from `B`, not `A`.
In inheritance, a child class will inherit all attributes of its parent class or classes. However, you can override those inherited implementations to do something else.
One area of the brain that has been implicated in aggression is the amygdala which is responsible for emotion. The hypothalamus has also been indicated in aggressive behavior. The hormone, testosterone, when present in high levels, as well as a large body mass, were shown to lead to greater levels of social dominance and physical aggression in adolescents, especially in situations where physical aggression leads to social dominance. Porch et al. (2016) utilized two large twin cohorts and found that heritability of aggressive behavioral problems was high, between 50 and 80% in the two samples. For both samples, the shared environment accounts for about 20% of the variation in aggression across all ages.
The amygdala is responsible for emotion. The hypothalamus has also been indicated in aggressive behavior. The hormone testosterone was shown to lead to greater levels of social dominance and physical aggression. Studies have indicated that heritability of aggressive behavioral problems is high.
We can build a CNN that has 2 branches: one of them performs a classification of the object and one of them finds the specifications of the bounding box. This architecture won't be good when we have multiple objects in the photo, and this is why we move to YOLO architectures where each part of the image would be studied alone in order to detect the different objects.
YOLO architectures are used to detect multiple objects in a photo by performing a classification and finding the specifications of the bounding box. This architecture is better when there are multiple objects in the photo.
Dehumanization is when we view an individual as not having human qualities or being less human. We might call these people ‘animals,’ ‘cockroaches,’ or ‘vermin.’ We could also engage in what is called victim-blaming, or when shift focus from the perpetuator and taint the target of violence.
Dehumanization is when we view an individual as not having human qualities or being less human. Victim-blaming is when shift focus of blame is shifted from the perpetuator to the target.
A social comparison is when we are uncertain of our abilities and so look to others for a clue.
A social comparison is when we are uncertain of our abilities and so look to others for a clue.
Research has identified factors in a student’s life that increase the risk of substance abuse. The more factors, the greater the risk: Positive expectations. Some students take drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin believing that the drugs will improve their ability to study. Many students say they take drugs to relax or reduce stress.44 Genetics and family history. These play a significant role in risk for addiction. Substance use in high school. Two-thirds of college students who use illicit drugs began doing so in high school.45 Social Norms. College students often overestimate the amount of drug use on campus. Surveys conducted on college campuses found that students perceived that 85 percent of their peers had used marijuana within the last 30 days, when actually 19 percent had.46 Sorority and fraternity membership. Being a member of a sorority or fraternity increases the likelihood of abusing alcohol and drugs.47 A few factors that may contribute to more drinking and use of drugs in sororities and fraternities include group living, hazing or initiation rituals, lack of supervision, and social pressure.48 Stress. For some students who are under academic and social stress, seemingly easy relief comes in the form of drugs or alcohol.
Positive expectations. Genetics and family history. Substance use in high school. Social norms. Sorority and fraternity membership. Group living. Hazing. Lack of supervision. Stress.
Statements are instructions for a computer to perform. They typically end in semicolons in JavaScript.
Statements are instructions for a computer to perform. They typically end in semicolons in JavaScript.
Within mood disorders are two distinct groups—individuals with depressive disorders and individuals with bipolar disorders. The key difference between the two mood disorder groups is episodes of mania/hypomania.
Within mood disorders are two distinct groups—individuals with depressive disorders and individuals with bipolar disorders. The key difference between the two mood disorder groups is episodes of mania/hypomania.
In the 1980s, Richard Stallman founded the “free” or “open source” software movement in reaction to the commercial approach. The open-source movement defined legal protections for sharing source code: **Copyleft** allows the software to be used, modified, and distributed freely as long as anything derived from it is bound by the same condition. The **GNU General Public Licenses** are a series of copyleft licenses. Note that not all free software is open source, but all open source software is free. That is, just because you don't pay money for some software, does not make it open source if you don't have access to the human-readable source code. Access to the source code, and not just free executables, is what defines the Open Source movement.
Richard Stallman founded the "free" or "open source" software movement in the 1980s, which defined legal protections for sharing source code. Access to the source code is what defines the Open Source movement.
Relative deprivation refers to a perceived discrepancy between what one anticipates and what one attains. In essence, it is the outcome of a social comparison that leads to the conclusion that the person is not receiving valued goods to which she or he feels entitled.
Relative deprivation is a social comparison that leads to the conclusion that a person is not receiving the goods they feel entitled to.
If the learning rate \( \eta \) is too high in gradient descent, the learner will take too large of steps, causing it to overshoot the desired minimum. Figure A shows a visualization of what happens with different learning rates.
The learner will take too large of steps, causing it to overshoot the desired minimum.
Sympathy is when we feel compassion, pity, or sorry for another due to the hardships they have experienced. Empathy is when we put ourselves in another person’s shoes and vicariously experience their perspective. In doing so, we can feel sympathy and compassion for them. Batson proposed the empathy-altruism hypothesis (Batson et al., 1991) which states that when we feel empathy for a person, we will help them for purely altruistic reasons with no concern about personal gain. If we do not feel empathy for them, then we need to decide whether the benefits of helping outweigh the costs.
Empathy is when we put ourselves in another person's shoes and experience their perspective, allowing us to feel sympathy and compassion for them. When we feel empathy we are more liekly to help someone.
Psychological noise occurs internal to an individual based on their various biases and predispositions. Such noise is likely to unconsciously shape how one receives and decodes messages. One way for the communicator to limit psychological nose is to recognize, understand, and constructively approach the likely disconnects between their worldviews as the message source and those of their target audience as the message receivers - recall the Berlo SMCR Model also addresses this!
Psychological noise occurs internal to an individual based on their various biases and predispositions.
Various techniques can be used against us such as social proof, foot in the door, and lowballing, to name a few.
Various techniques can be used against us such as social proof, foot in the door, and lowballing, to name a few.
Files all contain two components: a header and data. A file **header** is information (metadata) at the beginning of the file that describes the file contents. For example, the header may identify the number of pixels in each row of a picture, the resolution etc. The header also contains a **magic number** that uniquely identifies the file type (e.g., ff d8 ff is the magic number that identifies a jpeg image file).
The header of a file contains a magic number that uniquely identifies the file type.
The natural world is analog: it varies continuously in time and space. To represent that continuous variation in a computer, we need to digitize it. Digitization involves sampling the natural continuum, and then representing each sample as a number in a data array. A good example is a picture. If we use fewer samples, we lower the resolution and the image is said to be pixelated. If we use fewer bytes to represent the data in each sample, we lower the bit-depth which reduces the range of values we can represent in a sample.
If we use fewer samples, we lower the resolution and the image is said to be pixelated. If we use fewer bytes to represent the data in each sample, we lower the bit-depth which reduces the range of values we can represent in a sample.
The inclusion of images and/or objects with symbolic value (i.e., artifacts) can help effectively frame and reinforce the underlying meaning of a message.
The inclusion of images and/or objects with symbolic value can help effectively frame and reinforce the underlying meaning of a message.
Radical innovations are transformative technologies, whether a product or process, that entirely displace all existing and otherwise competing alternatives, or in some cases even create an entirely new industry or technology-line.
Radical innovations are transformative technologies, whether a product or process, that entirely displace all existing and otherwise competing alternatives, or in some cases even create an entirely new industry or technology-line.
Research ethics promote the general aim of research, to expand knowledge, encourage respect and fairness among researchers across and within fields, increase the credibility of research in the field overall, increase public’s trust of research in a given field, and holds researchers accountable to a generalized standard.
Research ethics promote the general aim of research, encourage respect and fairness, increase credibility, and hold researchers accountable to a standard.
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Prepositions, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Articles, Interjections
Nouns. Verbs. Adjectives. Pronouns. Prepositions. Adverbs. Conjunctions. Articles. Interjections.
Schizotypal personality disorder is characterized by a range of impairment in social and interpersonal relationships due to discomfort in relationships, along with odd cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentric behaviors. One of the most prominent features of schizotypal personality disorder is ideas of reference, or the belief that unrelated events pertain to them in a particular and unusual way. Ideas of reference also lead to superstitious behaviors or preoccupation with paranormal activities that are not generally accepted in their culture.
Schizotypal personality disorder is characterized by impairment in social and interpersonal relationships, ideas of reference, and superstitious behaviors.
Dangerousness can best be defined as the person’s capacity or likelihood of harming themselves or others. Most people believe that those who are mentally ill are more dangerous than those free of mental illness, especially when espousing self-reported conservatism and RWA (Right-Wing Authoritarianism).
Dangerousness is the capacity or likelihood of harming oneself or others. Most people belive those with mental illness are seen as more dangerous than those without.
It should not come as a surprise that substance abuse in general has a high comorbidity rate within itself (meaning abuse of multiple different substances), as well as with other mental health disorders. Researchers believe that substance abuse disorders are often secondary to another mental health disorder, as the substance abuse develops as a means to “self-medicate” the underlying psychological disorder. When both (a) a serious mental health condition and (b) substance use disorder occur together, the term dual diagnosis is often used.
Substance abuse has a high comorbidity rate with other mental health disorders, leading to dual diagnosis when both occur together.
Prevalence rates for panic disorder are estimated at around 2-3% in adults and adolescents. Higher rates of panic disorder are found in American Indians and non-Latino whites. Females are more commonly diagnosed than males with a 2:1 diagnosis rate—this gender discrepancy is seen throughout the lifespan. Although panic disorder can occur in young children, it is generally not observed in individuals younger than 14 years of age.
Prevalence rates for panic disorder are estimated at around 2-3% in adults and adolescents.Females are more commonly diagnosed than males with a 2:1 diagnosis rate.
- first line treatment is monotherapy with 3rd generation neuromodulator anticonvulsant lamotrigine ( + anti-manic agent in case of a history of severe mania). - Lithium + SGA can be used as well. - Antidepressant should not be used alone but may be considered in combination with a mood stabilizer or SGA (e.g., Olanzapine-fluoxetine duo (GSA to prevent mania + antidepressant) - Some anti-epileptic drugs like VPA can be considered.
The first line treatment is monotherapy with 3rd generation neuromodulator anticonvulsant lamotrigine and anti-manic agent in case of a history of severe mania. Antidepressant should not be used alone but may be considered in combination with a mood stabilizer or SGA.
A bottleneck is any component or BUS in the system that is slow relative to other parts of the system
A bottleneck is any component or BUS in the system that is slow relative to other parts of the system.
Conceptual metaphors are conceptual mappings - conceptualizing of something in one domain of thought in terms of another. For example, "understanding is vision." Conceptual metaphors, like "understanding is vision" are not things people say; they are ideas that underlie what people say. So, we can say that ideas are clear, dim, or bright. We say "I see what you mean" and "let's look at the problem." Conceptual metaphors can generate many ways of speaking. Simple metaphors are individual phrases, like "the mind is a lantern."Before the discovery of conceptual metaphors, nobody realized that most of what we say is partly metaphorical. And they are significant because they support the ideas of cognitive semantics, an approach to meaning that contradicts traditional philosophical semantics.
Conceptual metaphors are conceptual mappings, conceptualizing of something in one domain of thought in terms of another.
While psychopharmacological interventions have been shown to provide some relief, particularly to veterans with PTSD, most clinicians agree that resolution of symptoms cannot be accomplished without implementing exposure and/or cognitive techniques that target the physiological and maladjusted thoughts maintaining the trauma symptoms. With that said, clinicians agree that psychopharmacology interventions are an effective second line of treatment, particularly when psychotherapy alone does not produce relief from symptoms.
Clinicians agree that psychopharmacology interventions are an effective second line of treatment, particularly when psychotherapy alone does not produce relief from symptoms.
The prevalence rate for acute stress disorder varies across the country and by traumatic event. Accurate prevalence rates for acute stress disorder are difficult to determine as patients must seek treatment within 30 days of the traumatic event, but it is estimated that anywhere between 7-30% of individuals experiencing a traumatic event will develop acute stress disorder. While acute stress disorder is not a good predictor of who will develop PTSD, approximately 50% of those with acute stress disorder do eventually develop PTSD. Similar to PTSD, acute stress disorder is more common in females than males; however, unlike PTSD, there may be some neurobiological differences in the stress response that contribute to females developing acute stress disorder more often than males. With that said, the increased exposure to traumatic events among females may also be a strong reason why women are more likely to develop acute stress disorder.
Acute stress disorder is more common in females than males due to neurobiological differences in the stress response and increased exposure to traumatic events. It is not a good predictor of who will develop PTSD.
In the illness career of the mentally ill, health professionals and mental institutions serve as an important agent of social control of mental illness as deviance. For health professionals, like psychiatrists, they mainly serve to: - define categories of mental illness through medicalization; - serve as gatekeepers of the sick role through diagnosing and legitimizing mental illness; - determine the specific means of and length of the treatment; and - decide who becomes recovered and get discharged For mental institutions, like asylums and psychiatric hospitals, they mainly serve to: - Label patients as mentally ill; - Separate them from the rest of the ”normal” society; - Replace the patient’s own identity with one defined by the institution; and - Provide therapeutic cure and control all most all aspects of their lives in the institution Please read the slides on the medicalization, psychiatric diagnoses, and labeling for for detailed information on how they are used as a means of social control over the mentally ill.
Health professionals and mental institutions serve as agents of social control over the mentally ill, defining categories of mental illness, diagnosing and legitimizing mental illness, determining treatment, and labeling patients as mentally ill. They also provide therapeutic cures and control all aspects of their lives.
L2 regularization is the sum of the squares, and it's sensitive to outliers. L1 regularization is the sum of the absolute values and more robust to outliers compared to L2 regularization. The goal L1 regularization encourages weights to be 0, and L2 regularization encourages weights to be small. Thus, since L1 makes the some weights to be 0, it's useful for feature selection.
L2 regularization is the sum of squares and is sensitive to outliers. L1 is more robust and encourages weights to be 0, making it useful for feature selection.
Both Schramm's Feedback Model and Riley and Riley's Sociological Theory of Communication assume the capacity for ongoing interaction and exchange between communicators and receivers. As such, both are oriented more toward interpersonal communication than mass communication. Nonetheless, both provide insight into effective mass communication by emphasizing the influence of sociological conditions and factors on how individuals construct and interpret messages.
Both assume the capacity for ongoing interaction and exchange between communicators and receivers.Both are oriented more toward interpersonal communication than mass communication.
`and`: Returns `True` if both statements are true. Examples: `True and True` is `True`, `True and False` is `False`. `or`: Returns `True` if at least one statement is true. Examples: `True or False` is `True`, `False or False` is `False`. `not`: Returns the opposite of the result of the expression. Examples: `not True` is `False`, `not False` is `True`.
And returns true of both statemetns are true. Or returns true of at least one statment is true.Not returns the opposite of the result of the expression.
A file with write permissions can be edited. A directory with write permissions can have files and folders added or removed.
A file with write permissions can be edited. A directory with write permissions can have files and folders added or removed.
If the current character on the tape is a 0, replace it with an x, and move the tape head to the right one space.
If the current character on the tape is a 0, replace it with an x, and move the tape head to the right one space.
Suicidality in depressive disorders, particularly bipolar disorder, is much higher than the general public. In depressive disorders, males and those with a history of suicide attempts/threats are most at risk for attempting suicide. Individuals with bipolar disorder are approximately 15 times more likely than the general population to attempt suicide. The prevalence rate of suicide attempts in bipolar patients is estimated to be 33%. Furthermore, bipolar disorder may account for one-quarter of all completed suicides.
Suicidality in depressive disorders, particularly bipolar disorder, is much higher than the general population.
While characteristics such as living in poverty, experiencing significant daily stressors, and increased exposure to traumatic events are all identified as significant contributors to anxiety disorders, additional sociocultural influences such as gender and discrimination have also received considerable attention, mainly due to the epidemiological nature of the disorder.
While characteristics such as living in poverty, experiencing significant daily stressors, and increased exposure to traumatic events.Additional sociocultural influences such as gender and discrimination have also received considerable attention.
The humanistic perspective, or third force psychology (psychoanalysis and behaviorism being the other two forces), emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as an alternative viewpoint to the largely deterministic view of personality espoused by psychoanalysis and the view of humans as machines advocated by behaviorism. Key features of the perspective include a belief in human perfectibility, personal fulfillment, valuing self-disclosure, placing feelings over intellect, an emphasis on the present, and hedonism. Its key figures were Abraham Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, and Carl Rogers.
A belief in human perfectibility. Personal fulfillment. Valuing self-disclosure. Placing feelings over intellect. An emphasis on the present. Hedonism.
**Equity hypothesis** - The largest mental health advantage will accrue to support providers who receive equal support in return. - Those who over-benefit in a social exchange will feel guilty about it and/or will have their self-esteem damaged by a sense of dependency, while those who under benefit will feel exploited **Exchange hypothesis** - Those who over-benefit will be the least depressed because their rewards are maximized and under-benefiters will be the most depressed **Esteem enhancement hypothesis** - Under-benefiters will be in the best mental health because providing help elevates their self-image, while over-benefiters will be most depressed because of the attention that received support shines upon their need.
The equity hypothesis is that the largest mental health advantage will accrue to support providers who receive equal support in return. The exchange hypothesis is that those who over-benefit will be the least depressed because their rewards are maximized and under-benefiters will be the most depressed. The esteem enhancement hypothesis is that under-benefiters will be in the best mental health because providing help elevates their self-image, while over-benefiters will be most depressed because of the attention that received support shines upon their need.
Generally speaking, theories help explain phenomena and predict outcomes. Whether highly complex or relatively simple, theories provide us with a better understanding and common language and perspective from which to discuss and debate particular phenomena and pursue new lines of inquiry and discovery.
Theories provide us with a common language and perspective to discuss and debate phenomena and explore new lines of inquiry.
P(A or B) means that I roll a number that is even, a number that is prime, or a number that is even and prime. For example, 2, 3, and 5 are prime. 2, 4 and 6 are even. All together, the probability of rolling a number that is even or prime includes all these possibilities, {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, so P(A or B)=5/6.
P(A or B) means that I roll a number that is even, a number that is prime, or a number that is even and prime.
Denotative meaning applies to concepts that have relatively concrete and universally recognized meaning. Connotative meaning applies to more abstract concepts that are at risk of being interpreted in multiple ways according to variations in the worldviews held by different individuals and groups. The effective delivery of messages that rely on connotative concepts is likely to require more looping than those that rely on denotative concepts.
Denotative meaning applies to concepts that have relatively concrete and universally recognized meaning.Connotative meaning applies to more abstract concepts that are at risk of being interpreted in multiple ways according to variations in the worldviews held by different individuals and groups.
Self-schemas represent a person’s domain specific attributes or abilities and experiences as they relate to that domain. They can occur related to race-ethnicity, body weight, gender, religion, illness, and political beliefs/orientation.
Self-schemas represent a person’s domain specific attributes or abilities and experiences as they relate to that domain. They can occur related to race-ethnicity, body weight, gender, religion, illness, and political beliefs/orientation.
Sometimes as we move through our lives, we will realize that some behaviors we are engaging in do not fit with one of our attitudes or we will have two attitudes that we realize seem to contradict each other. This inconsistency or conflict results in an unpleasant feeling that we want to immediately get rid of or reduce, called cognitive dissonance. It is another instance of how a behavior impacts our attitudes and, in this case, could change it.
Cognitive dissonance is an unpleasant feeling caused by inconsistency or conflict between two attitudes. It can be caused by behaviors that do not fit with one of our attitudes or two attitudes that contradict each other.
Docker images are created from a recipe. The recipe is a text file named **Dockerfile**.
Docker images are created from a recipe. The recipe is a text file named Dockerfile.
You should set your script to have execute permissions (x) so that the system can find it in the system path when you use which (e.g., `which`), and so you can run it. Usually you'll want to make sure that everyone can execute it...unless you don't want to share.
You should set your script to have execute permissions so that the system can find it in the system path when you use which, and so you can run it.
Images of celebrities in the media set the standard for what we find attractive, leading some people to go to dangerous extremes to have the biggest biceps or fit into size zero jeans. Social media images of unrealistically thin bodies—coupled with catch phrases telling young people to ”get thin” or ”be fit”—can be hard to avoid. With more than two-thirds of American adults 20 years and older overweight or obese, a significant disconnect exists between the media’s idealized images and the typical American body. At the same time, the media bombards us with messages telling us that we just don’t measure up. Studies have found that white females experience the highest rates of body dissatisfaction but that the body dissatisfaction levels of minority women increase the more they are exposed to mainstream media.
Social media images of unrealistically thin bodies can lead to body dissatisfaction. White females generally experience the highest rate of body dissatisfaction.
Self is that aspect of the person that has experiences, reflects on experiences, and acts upon self-understandings derived from experiences (Thoits 2013). Identities are social categories that individuals learn in social interaction and accept as self-descriptive and self-defining. Although both self and identities are developed and self-reflexive in social interactions, self and identity are different. While we generally perceive our “self” as unified, singular, and whole, that emanate from the interplay between the ”I” and “Me," identities/selves are more specific understandings of the self and our experiences in the world. That is, we can many identities, or social selves, in specific social contexts.
Self is that aspect of the person that has experiences, reflects on experiences, and acts upon self-understandings derived from experiences. Identities are social categories that individuals learn in social interaction and accept as self-descriptive and self-defining.
After cloning the structure of a dataset, `get` allows you to retrieve the actual binary files and `drop` allows you to rid yourself of the large binary files.
After cloning the structure of a dataset, get allows you to retrieve the actual binary files.drop allows you to rid yourself of the large binary files.
The communicator should use two separate pre- and post-intervention samples when assessing attitude change because simply asking a question(s) about one's position or perspective on a topic can impact on their attitude. The use of the same sample would thus leave the communicator unable to discern if change in attitude was due to the intervention or the pre-intervention assessment.
The communicator should use two separate pre- and post-intervention samples when assessing attitude change.
Consider the idea of the reciprocity norm (Gouldner, 1960) which states that we are more likely to survive if we enter into an understanding with our neighbor to help in times of need. If we help a friend move into their new apartment, we expect help from this individual when we move our next time. The norm is strongest when we are interacting with another person of equal status. The norm of social responsibility, in contrast, states that we should help another person without any concern about future exchange.
The reciprocity norm states that we are more likely to survive if we enter into an understanding with our neighbor to help in times of need. It is strongest when we are interacting with someone of equal status.
Up to 14% of the general population have used LSD or another hallucinogen. Nearly 20 million adults and adolescents report current use of marijuana. Men report more than women. Sixty-five percent of individuals report their first drug of use was marijuana—labeling it as a gateway drug to other illicit substances. Due to the increased research and positive effects of medicinal marijuana, the movement to legalize recreational marijuana has gained momentum, particularly in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Up to 14% of the general population have used LSD or another hallucinogen, and 20 million adults and adolescents report current use of marijuana. Men report more than women, and marijuana is a gateway drug to other illicit substances. Legalizing recreational marijuana has gained momentum in the Pacific Northwest.
Prehistoric cultures often held a supernatural view of abnormal behavior and saw it as the work of evil spirits, demons, gods, or witches who took control of the person. This form of demonic possession often occurred when the person engaged in behavior contrary to the religious teachings of the time. Treatment by cave dwellers included a technique called trephination, in which a stone instrument known as a trephine was used to remove part of the skull, creating an opening. Through it, the evil spirits could escape, thereby ending the person’s mental affliction and returning them to normal behavior. Early Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian, and Chinese cultures used a treatment method called exorcism in which evil spirts were cast out through prayer, magic, flogging, starvation, having the person ingest horrible tasting drinks, or noisemaking.
Prehistoric cultures often believed abnormal behavior was caused by evil spirits, demons, gods, or witches. Treatment by cave dwellers included trephination, which used a stone instrument to remove part of the skull. Exorcism was somtimes used which involved prayer, magic, flogging, starvation, having the person ingest horrible tasting drinks, or noisemaking.
It practically reaches 100% bioavailability (all of it survives first-pass metabolism) within 45 minutes. For more, see textbook: p.179
It practically reaches 100% bioavailability (all of it survives first-pass metabolism) within 45 minutes.
A parameter describes a characteristic of a population. A statistic describes a characteristic of a sample.
A parameter describes a characteristic of a population. A statistic describes a characteristic of a sample.
at least two weeks
at least two weeks.
While exposure therapy is predominately used in anxiety disorders, it has also shown great success in treating PTSD-related symptoms as it helps individuals extinguish fears associated with the traumatic event. There are several different types of exposure techniques—imaginal, in vivo, and flooding are among the most common types.
Exposure therapy helps individuals extinguish fears associated with traumatic events.
ADHD is a disorder in which individuals have difficulty with executive functioning – an individual’s decision-making ability, which involves working memory, inhibition of inappropriate or unhelpful responses, and ability to focus in on relevant information while dismissing unimportant or irrelevant information. Symptoms are generally categorized into hyperactive/impulsive symptoms and inattentive symptoms. An individual must exhibit several symptoms under one singular area which results in predominantly inattentive presentation (if this is where the six or more symptoms are) or predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation (if this is where the six or more symptoms are). If several symptoms are present in both areas, evidence for combined presentation is likely.
ADHD is a disorder in which individuals have difficulty with executive functioning, categorized into hyperactive/impulsive and inattentive symptoms. If multiple symptoms are present in both areas, evidence for combined presentation is likely.
The main difference, and an important one, between philosophy and psychology is in terms of the methods that are used. Philosophy focuses on speculation, intuition, and generalization from personal observation while psychology relies on its main research methods of observation, case study, correlation, survey, and the experiment.
Philosophy focuses on speculation, intuition, and generalization, while psychology relies on research methods.
We commit the cognitive error of group-serving bias by ignoring an outgroup member’s positive behavior and assigning dispositional attributions to their negative behavior while attributing negative behavior to situational factors and positive behavior to dispositional ones for ingroup members. Attributional ambiguity refers to the confusion a person may experience over whether or not they are being treated prejudicially
Group-serving bias is the cognitive error of assigning dispositional attributions to outgroup members' negative behavior, while assigning dispositional attributions to ingroup members' positive behavior. Attributional ambiguity is the confusion a person may experience.
Self-perception helps us to learn about the more secondary aspects of the self.
Self-perception helps us to learn about the more secondary aspects of the self.
As with other anxiety disorders, common comorbid mental disorders include other anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. Agoraphobia is also comorbid with PTSD and alcohol use disorder. For those with comorbid major depressive disorder, the agoraphobia is more treatment-resistant compared to those with agoraphobia alone. About 15% of patients diagnosed with agoraphobia report suicidal thoughts or behavior (APA, 2022).
As with other anxiety disorders, common comorbid mental disorders include other anxiety disorders and depressive disorders.Agoraphobia is also comorbid with PTSD and alcohol use disorder.
There is no safe level of dose for cocaine usage.
There is no safe level of dose for cocaine usage.
According to the American Psychological Association, forensic psychology/psychiatry is when clinical psychology is applied to the legal arena in terms of assessment, treatment, and evaluation. Forensic psychology can also include the application of research from other subfields in psychology to include cognitive and social psychology.
Forensic psychology/psychiatry is when clinical psychology is applied to the legal arena for assessment, treatment, and evaluation.
The integer solution set is {-2}
First, we want the assessment to be reliable or consistent. Outside of clinical assessment, when our car has an issue and we take it to the mechanic, we want to make sure that what one mechanic says is wrong with our car is the same as what another says, or even two others. If not, the measurement tools they use to assess cars are flawed.
We want the assessment to be consistent.
Symptoms of depression include mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical.
Symptoms of depression include mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical.
Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a marked distrust or suspicion of others. Individuals interpret and believe that other’s motives and interactions are intended to harm them, and therefore, they are skeptical about establishing close relationships outside of family members—although, at times, even family members’ actions are also believed to be malevolent.
Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by distrust and suspicion of others.
BIDSonym works on anatomical images because they are high enough resolution that they count as being similar to a full-face photograph.
BIDSonym works on anatomical images because they are high enough resolution that they count as being similar to a full-face photograph.
Suppose you want to prove "If P, then Q." Direct proofs assume \(P\) is true, and move forward step by step until \(Q\) is reached. A proof by contradiction first assumes the OPPOSITE of \(Q\) is true (i.e. \(Q\) is false). Then the proof proceeds like a direct proof, until a contradiction is reached (e.g \(1=0\)), which indicates your original assumption was wrong. In other words, if we can prove that \(\lnot Q\) leads to a contradiction then the only conclusion is that \(\lnot Q\) is false, so \(Q\) is true.
A proof by contradiction first assumes the OPPOSITE is true.Then the proof proceeds like a direct proof, until a contradiction is reached, which indicates your original assumption was wrong.
While many are aware of the tremors of hands, arms, legs, or face, additional symptoms of rigidity of the limbs and trunk; slowness in initiating movement; and drooping posture or impaired balance and coordination, are the other three main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2017). These motor symptoms are generally present at least one year prior to the beginning of cognitive decline, although severity and progression of symptoms vary significantly from person to person.
Tremors of hands, arms, legs, or face.rigidity of the limbs and trunk.Slowness in initiating movement.Drooping posture or impaired balance and coordination.
Participant-level runs produce a report for each anatomical (T1w, T2w) and functional sequence for each participant. The participant-level runs take ~20-30 minutes to complete. A group-level run is very fast. It collects the data from the participant-level runs to create a group report and a group tsv table. It typically runs very quickly. You can run the group-level at any point and it will supplement any existing group-level reports.
Group-level runs are faster than participant-level runs. A group-level run collects the data from the participant-level runs to create a group report and a group tsv table.
The additive principle states that if event \(A\) can occur in \(m\) ways, and event \(B\) can occur in \(n\) disjoint ways, then the event "\(A\) or \(B\)” can occur in \(m+n\) ways.
The additive principle states that if event A can occur in m ways, and event B can occur in n disjoint ways, then the event "A or B” can occur in m+n ways.
Low dose (25-75mg): increased energy and alertness, increased libido, and euphoria. High dose: agitation, impulsivity, anxiety, a feeling anywhere from suspicion to paranoid psychosis, formication (sensation of bugs crawling on one’s skin), sometimes obsessive behaviors. Toxic dose (2mg/kg): cardiac arrhythmia, convulsions, strokes, or cardiac arrest. Followed by the letdown/comedown: depression, dysphoria, anxiety, somnolence, and drug craving For more, see textbook: p.224-225
Low doses of ephedrine can lead to increased energy, alertness, libido, and euphoria. High doses can cause agitation, anxiety, and paranoid psychosis. Toxic doses can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, convulsions, strokes, or cardiac arrest.
Outside of biological and psychological factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc. also play a role, and this is the basis of the sociocultural model.
Factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, also play a role.
Among the first antipsychotic medications used for the treatment of schizophrenia was Thorazine. Developed as a derivative of antihistamines, Thorazine was the first line of treatment that produced a calming effect on even the most severely agitated patients and allowed for the organization of thoughts. Despite their effectiveness in managing psychotic symptoms, conventional antipsychotics (such as Thorazine and Chlorpromazine) also produced significant side effects similar to that of neurological disorders.
Thorazine was the first antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia, a derivative of antihistamines. It produced a calming effect and allowed for the organization of thoughts, but also caused side effects similar to neurological disorders.
A target audience is defined as a group of individuals that share similar traits and common characteristics. Recall that a target audience can be internal (within an organization) or external (outside of an organization).
A target audience is defined as a group of individuals that share similar traits and common characteristics.
Micro-linguistics is comprised of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, and semantics.
Phonetics. Phonology. Morphology. Syntax. Pragmatics. Semantics.
You must request an HPC account on the [HPC Accounts Creation page]( All UArizona Faculty, Staff, Students, and Affiliates are eligible for HPC accounts.
You must request an HPC account on the HPC Accounts Creation page.
A function is a rule that assigns each input exactly one output.
A function is a rule that assigns each input exactly one output.
Individuals with borderline personality disorder display a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect.
Individuals with borderline personality disorder display a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect.
\(P \lor Q\) is true when P is true, Q is true, or both are true. This symbol refers to the "inclusive or", that does not require one of the statements to be true and one of P or Q to evaluate as true and the other to evaluate as false for the entire statement to evaluate as true.
P or Q is true when both statements are true.
The humanistic perspective, or third force psychology (psychoanalysis and behaviorism being the other two forces), emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as an alternative viewpoint to the largely deterministic view of personality espoused by psychoanalysis and the view of humans as machines advocated by behaviorism. Key features of the perspective include a belief in human perfectibility, personal fulfillment, valuing self-disclosure, placing feelings over intellect, an emphasis on the present, and hedonism.
The humanistic perspective emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as an alternative to psychoanalysis and behaviorism. It emphasizes human perfectibility, personal fulfillment, self-disclosure, feelings over intellect, the present, and hedonism.
It is not uncommon for substance abusers to consume more than one type of substance at a time. This combination of substance use can have dangerous results depending on the interactions between substances.
Substance abusers may consume multiple substances at once, which can lead to dangerous outcomes.
There is a high comorbidity between generalized anxiety disorder and the other anxiety-related disorders, as well as unipolar depressive disorders. Comorbidity with substance use, neurodevelopmental, neurocognitive, psychotic, and conduct disorders is less common for those afflicted with generalized anxiety disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder is associated with higher levels of suicidal ideation and behavior and psychological autopsy studies reveal it is the most frequent anxiety disorder diagnosed in suicides (APA, 2022).
Generalized anxiety disorder is associated with higher levels of suicidal ideation and behavior.
Those in each actor-type are likely to see the value proposition of an entrepreneurial intervention differently based on their experiences, perspectives, needs, and interests relevant to the innovative solution being offered. By understanding an affected population, an entrepreneurial leader can tailor how they convey their entrepreneurial story in order to better align with the actor-type(s) in a given audience (i.e., how they tell the story to an end-user may be different from they tell the story to a customer).
Entrepreneurs can tailor their story to better align with the actor-types in a given audience by understanding their experiences, perspectives, needs, and interests.
In order to be considered a group, two or more people must be interdependent, interact and influence one another.
In order to be considered a group, two or more people must be interdependent, interact and influence one another.
The spatial detail captured by the image.
The spatial detail captured by the image.
Generators are especially useful when dealing with large datasets to avoid memory issues. Generators enable lazy iteration, meaning they do not store content in memory. Consider processing big data. Storing lines in an array can cause Python to crash (or cause memory-related performance issues). Iterating through lines via a generator function does not store contents in memory.
Generators are especially useful when dealing with large datasets to avoid memory issues.Generators enable lazy iteration, meaning they do not store content in memory.
Substance abuse is genetically influenced. With that said, it is different than other mental health disorders in that if the individual is not exposed to the substance, they will not develop substance abuse. A longstanding belief about how drug abuse begins and is maintained is the brain reward system. A reward can be defined as any event that increases the likelihood of a response and has a pleasurable effect. The majority of research on the brain reward system has focused on the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, as it appears this area is the primary reward system of most substances that are abused.
Substance abuse is genetically influenced. A longstanding belief about how drug abuse begins and is maintained iin the brain reward system, the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Yes, that is correct. Psychology is scientific. Psychology utilizes the same scientific process and methods used by disciplines such as biology and chemistry. We will discuss this in more detail in Module 2 so please just keep this in the back of your mind for now. Second, it is the study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology desires to not only understand why people engage in the behavior that they do, but also how. What is going on in the brain to control the movement of our arms and legs when running downfield to catch the game winning touchdown, what affects the words we choose to say when madly in love, how do we interpret an event as benign or a threat when a loud sound is heard, and what makes an individual view another group in less than favorable terms?
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, using the same scientific process and methods as disciplines such as biology and chemistry. It seeks to understand why people engage in behavior and how it is done.
While many are aware of the tremors of hands, arms, legs, or face, additional symptoms of rigidity of the limbs and trunk; slowness in initiating movement; and drooping posture or impaired balance and coordination, are the other three main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. These motor symptoms are generally present at least one year prior to the beginning of cognitive decline, although severity and progression of symptoms vary significantly from person to person.
Parkinson's disease is characterized by tremors, rigidity of the limbs and trunk, slowness in initiating movement, and drooping posture. These motor symptoms are usually present at least one year before cognitive decline, but severity and progression vary.
Individuals with major neurocognitive disorder show a significant decline in both overall cognitive functioning (see the previously listed six domains) as well as the ability to independently meet the demands of daily living such as paying bills, taking medications, or caring for oneself. Within the umbrella of major neurocognitive disorder is dementia, a striking decline in cognition and self-help skills due to a neurocognitive disorder.
Individuals with major neurocognitive disorder show a significant decline in overall cognitive functioning and self help skills.
Depersonalization/derealization disorder symptoms generally occur for an extensive period before the individual seeks out treatment. Because of this, there is some evidence to support that the diagnosis alone is effective in reducing symptom intensity, as it also relieves the individual’s anxiety surrounding the baffling nature of the symptoms (Medford, Sierra, Baker, & David, 2005).
The diagnosis alone is effective in reducing symptom intensity, as it also relieves the individual’s anxiety surrounding the baffling nature of the symptoms.
Relapse prevention training is essentially what it sounds like—identifying potentially high-risk situations for relapse and then learning behavioral skills and cognitive interventions to prevent the occurrence of a relapse.
Relapse prevention training involves identifying high-risk situations and learning behavioral and cognitive skills to prevent relapse.
Children with this disorder typically present as detached from others. They do not seek comfort from caregivers, don’t respond to physical touch or praise in a typically way, and generally, although they can’t effectively self-regulate, reject or ignore others attempts to help them regulate their emotions (e.g., comfort or soothing).
Children with this disorder typically present as detached from others. They do not seek comfort from caregivers, don’t respond to physical touch or praise in a typically way. They reject or ignore others attempts to help them regulate their emotions.