Because 30 days after the traumatic event, ASD becomes PTSD (or the symptoms remit), the comorbidity of ASD with other psychological disorders has not been studied. While ASD and PTSD cannot be comorbid disorders, several studies have explored the relationship between ASD and PTSD in efforts to identify individuals most at risk for developing PTSD. Research studies indicate roughly 80% of motor vehicle accident survivors, as well as assault victims, who met the criteria for ASD went on to develop PTSD. While some researchers indicated ASD is a good predictor of PTSD, others argue further research between the two and confounding variables should be further explored to determine more consistent findings.
Because 30 days after the traumatic event, ASD becomes PTSD (or the symptoms remit), the comorbidity of ASD with other psychological disorders has not been studied.
A terminal is an application (program) that provides you with access to the command line, where you can type commands. Your choice of a terminal application does not dictate your choice of shell. A shell is a command-line interpreter with its own set of configuration files and slightly different scripting languages. Shells have evolved from the earliest Bourne shell (sh) in 1979, to more sophisticated shells like Bash (the Bourne-again shell), and later Z-shell (Zsh) in the 1990s. In the practicum, you used the terminal *Google cloud shell* on a virtual machine. The command-line interpreter you used was *Bash*, and we'll use that later as a scripting language. Bash is a very common default command-interpreter. Windows has its own terminal applications and shells.
A terminal is an application that provides access to the command line. A shell is a command-line interpreter with its own configuration files and scripting languages.
Trauma in childhood can take many different forms. Childhood trauma may either be a trauma that is unrelated to specific maltreatment such as death of a loved one, a natural disaster, and other adverse childhood events. Complex trauma occurs when a child experiences multiple traumatic events. Those traumatic events are also interpersonal – meaning these events are directed at them from another person (typically the caregiver) and are not natural disasters or a painful medical procedure.
Trauma in childhood can take many forms, from unrelated to maltreatment to complex trauma caused by multiple traumatic events.
Intellectual (or semantic) noise arises when there is a disconnect between the communicator and receivers based on differences in prior knowledge, the use of overly-complex language and/or jargon, etc.
Intellectual noise is caused by differences in prior knowledge, language, and jargon.
Groups with the highest poverty rates and the least educated have the worst health status. To complicate and magnify all these factors, they are also exposed to more day-to-day stressors and have less access to health care services.
Poverty, education, stress, and lack of access to health care lead to poor health.
This is **TRUE**. \(10 \text{ mod } 6 = 4\) \(9 \text{ mod } 6 = 3\) \(4 \times 3 = 12\)
Participants in Asch's study were asked to publicly announce which one of the three lines matched a standard length line. (See image) For the first two trials, all confederates answered correctly. The other trials all the confederates agreed on an incorrect answer. The participants were seated so that they heard all but one confederates response before giving their own. Results did not support Asch’s predictions and instead found that 76% of the participants adopted the clearly incorrect judgment of the majority, at least once. While 33% of the participants went along with the clearly wrong answer during 8-12 of the 12 possible trials.
Asch's study found that 76% of participants adopted the incorrect judgment of the majority, at least once, while 33% went along with the wrong answer during 8-12 of the 12 possible trials. The results did not support Asch's predictions.
Not many people are aware that cognitive impairment is sometimes the first symptom of untreated HIV. While symptoms vary among individuals, slower mental processing, difficulty with complex tasks, and difficulty concentrating and learning new information are among the most common early signs. When HIV becomes active in the brain, significant alterations of mental processes occur, thus leading to a diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection. Significant impairment can also occur due to HIV-infection related inflammation throughout the central nervous system.
Cognitive impairment is sometimes the first symptom of untreated HIV infection.Significant impairment can also occur due to HIV-infection related inflammation throughout the central nervous system.
The prevalence rate for specific phobias is 7-9% within the United States. While young children have a prevalence rate of approximately 5%, teens have nearly a double prevalence rate than that of the general public at 16%. There is a 2:1 ratio of females to males diagnosed with specific phobia; however, this rate changes depending on the different phobic stimuli.
The prevalence rate for specific phobias in the US is 7-9%, with teens having a double prevalence rate of 16% and a 2:1 ratio of females to males diagnosed.
Allostatic load is the wear and tear on the body that results from long-term exposure to repeated or chronic stress. Physical stress reactions may promote a new level of homeostasis (resistance stage of GAS), they also have negative effects on the body. The increased susceptibility to disease after repeated or prolonged stress may be due to effects of the stress response itself rather than to the depletion of resources (exhaustion stage of GAS.)
Allostatic load is the wear and tear on the body caused by repeated or chronic stress, which can promote a new level of homeostasis or have negative effects. Physical stress reactions may promote a new level of homeostasis, resistance stage of GAS, they also have negative effects on the body.
Symptoms that cluster together regularly are called a syndrome.
Symptoms that cluster together regularly are called a syndrome.
All the disorders within this chapter share a common feature: there is a presence of somatic symptoms and/or illness anxiety associated with significant distress or impairment. Oftentimes, individuals with a somatic disorder will present to their primary care physician with their physical complaints. Occasionally, they will be referred to clinical psychologists after an extensive medical evaluation concludes that a medical diagnosis cannot explain their current symptoms.
Oftentimes, individuals with a somatic disorder will present to their primary care physician with their physical complaints. Occasionally, they will be referred to clinical psychologists after an extensive medical evaluation concludes that a medical diagnosis cannot explain their current symptoms.
Attitudes are composed of three components – affective or emotional, behavioral, and cognitive.
Affective or emotional. Behavioral. Cognitive.
Though not part of the DSM conceptualization of what abnormal behavior is, many clinicians add dangerousness to this list when behavior represents a threat to the safety of the person or others. It is important to note that having a mental disorder does not imply a person is automatically dangerous. The depressed or anxious individual is often no more a threat than someone who is not depressed, and as Hiday and Burns (2010) showed, dangerousness is more the exception than the rule. Still, mental health professionals have a duty to report to law enforcement when a mentally disordered individual expresses intent to harm another person or themselves. It is important to point out that people seen as dangerous are also not automatically mentally ill.
Mental health professionals have a duty to report to law enforcement when a mentally disordered individual expresses intent to harm another person or themselves. People seen as dangerous are also not automatically mentally ill.
Conda is a package manager, which means it helps you install packages containing languages and programming libraries without fear. It is especially good at installing Python packages, which it puts into separate environments, so that they do not conflict with each other or your operating system. These separate environments are sometimes called sandboxes. Conda is available in two flavors: **Anaconda** provides a graphical interface, installs 250 packages automatically and offers over 7500 other available packages. It is especially good for data science. If you have a capable computer and plenty of storage capacity (~300 GB), then it is a treasure trove. It offers to install Jupyterlab, VS code, and Orange among other tools. **Miniconda** takes about 50 MB of storage space and provides you with access to the command-line conda tool, but no GUI. If you don't have that much space, but you want to install Python packages safely, you can install **Miniconda**.
Conda is a package manager, which means it helps you install packages containing languages and programming libraries. It is especially good at installing Python packages, which it puts into separate environments, so that they do not conflict with each other or your operating system.
Dynamic scope is implemented by extending the current environment upon invocation while lexical scope is implemented by extending the defining environment upon invocation.
Dynamic scope is implemented by extending the current environment upon invocation. Lexical scope is implemented by extending the defining environment upon invocation.
We can prepend and append special start and end symbols (e.g., `<s>` and `<\s>`) to denote beginning and end of the sentence.
We can prepend and append special start and end symbols (e.g., `<s>` and `<\s>`) to denote beginning and end of the sentence.
While research on BDD is still in its infancy, initial studies suggest that major depressive disorder is the most common comorbid psychological disorder (APA, 2013). MDD typically occurs after the onset of BDD. Additionally, there are some reports of social anxiety, OCD, and substance-related disorders (likely related to muscle enhancement; APA, 2013).
Major depressive disorder is the most common comorbid psychological disorder associated with BDD, with social anxiety, OCD, and substance-related disorders also reported.
According to attribution theory, people are motivated to explain their own and other people’s behavior by attributing causes of that behavior to either something in themselves or a trait they have, called a dispositional attribution, or to something outside the person called a situational attribution.
Attribution theory states that people are motivated to explain their own and other people's behavior by assigning causes to either themselves or something outside of them.
Bag of words refers to using a count of the words in a document to represent that document. For instance, consider the following sentence: "Today is a great day to have a great day." A standard bag of words may represent this sentence as follows: Today: 1 is: 1 a: 2 great: 2 day: 2 to: 1 have: 1 Before forming such models, preprocessing can be done such as normalization (including case folding to lowercase all terms and/or lemmatization to convert all words to a root word) and removing stop words (removing common words such as 'and' or 'there' that are common words with little-to-no bearing on a prediction label). Additionally, other variations of bag of words could include stopping counts at 1, and thus having a bag of words representing if a word is included in a document or not.
Bag of words refers to using a count of the words in a document to represent that document.
Seeing as though there are strong similarities between OCD and BDD, it should not come as a surprise that the only two effective treatments for BDD are those that are effective in OCD. Exposure and response prevention has been successful in treating symptoms of BDD, as patients are repeatedly exposed to their body imperfections/obsessions and prevented from engaging in compulsions used to reduce their anxiety. The other treatment option, psychopharmacology, has also been shown to reduce symptoms in patients with BDD. Similar to OCD, medications such as clomipramine and SSRIs are generally prescribed. While these are effective in reducing BDD symptoms, once medication is discontinued, symptoms resume nearly immediately suggesting this is not an effective long-term treatment option for those with BDD.
Exposure and response prevention and psychopharmacology are the only effective treatments for BDD, with exposure and response prevention and psychopharmacology being the only long-term treatment options.
While national studies on the prevalence rate of hoarding within the U.S. and internationally are not available, community surveys estimate clinically significant hoarding as occurring in 1.5% to 6.0% of the population (APA, 2022; Gilliam & Tolin, 2010). Clinical samples are more highly represented by females than males and older individuals (over the age of 65 years) are three times more likely to be diagnosed with hoarding disorder than younger adults.
Hoarding is estimated to occur in 1.5%-6.0% of the population, with females more likely to be diagnosed than males, and older individuals three times more likely to be diagnosed than younger adults.
The schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders are defined by one of the following main symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking (speech), disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms. Individuals diagnosed with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder experience psychosis, which is defined as a loss of contact with reality.
The schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders are defined by one of the following main symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking (speech), disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms.
Schachter (1964) proposed his two-factor theory of emotion which states that how we perceive our own emotions depends on two factors: 1) how much physiological arousal we experience such as rapid breathing, sweating, and/or a pounding heart, and 2) the cognitive interpretation or label we apply such as angry, scared, or happy.
Schachter's two-factor theory of emotion states that emotions are influenced by physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder. While the primary symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is the gradual progression of impairment in cognition, it is also important to identify concrete evidence of cognitive decline. This can be done in one of two ways: via genetic testing of the individual or a documented family history of the disease, or, through clear evidence of cognitive decline over time by repeated standardized neuropsychological evaluations.
Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder. It can be identifed via genetic testing of the individual or a documented family history of the disease, or, through clear evidence of cognitive decline over time by repeated standardized neuropsychological evaluations.
Individuals with avoidant personality disorder display a pervasive pattern of social anxiety due to feelings of inadequacy and increased sensitivity to negative evaluations (APA, 2013). The fear of being rejected drives their reluctance to engage in social situations, so that they may prevent others from evaluating them negatively. This fear extends so far that it prevents individuals from maintaining employment due to their intense fear of negative evaluation or rejection.
Individuals with avoidant personality disorder display social anxiety due to feelings of inadequacy and increased sensitivity to negative evaluations.
Cluster C personality disorders are rarely diagnosed in the general public. For example, avoidant personality disorder occurs in 2.4% of the general population, whereas dependent personality disorder occurs in less than 1% of the population (APA, 2013). While avoidant personality is diagnosed equally among men and women, women are more frequently diagnosed with dependent personality disorder than men. (APA, 2013). OCPD is the most commonly diagnosed personality disorder, occurring in 7.9% of individuals. Some argue that OCPD and OCD should be combined into one disorder; however, interestingly enough, more women are diagnosed with OCD than men, yet men are twice as likely to be diagnosed with OCPD than women (APA, 2013). This may suggest that there is a legitimate significant difference within the etiology of the two disorders.
Cluster C personality disorders are rarely diagnosed in the general public. More women are diagnosed with OCD than men, yet men are twice as likely to be diagnosed with OCPD than women.
Cognitive causes of mood disorders include: learned helplessness, the cognitive triad, maladaptive attitudes, and attributional styles.
Cognitive causes of mood disorders include: learned helplessness, the cognitive triad, maladaptive attitudes, and attributional styles.
They observe the world, measure and record behavior, and then manipulate the conditions under which such behavior may occur so that they can make causal statements about social behavior.
They observe the world, measure and record behavior. Then manipulate the conditions under which such behavior may occur so that they can make causal statements about social behavior.
Dynamic dashboards are becoming more common and popular. A dashboard consists of different representations of data (tables and charts). These are accompanied by filters so that you can choose a subset of the data and see the display change dynamically to represent your new subset. Dynamic dashboards make it much easier to compare groups quickly and identify patterns in your dataset.
Dynamic dashboards are becoming increasingly popular, consisting of tables and charts accompanied by filters. They make it easier to compare groups and identify patterns.
A valid absolute path works no matter where you are in the directory tree. On a Unix-based system, this is any path starting with **/**. A relative path is specified relative to the current directory. and never starts with **/**
A valid absolute path works no matter where you are in the directory tree. A relative path is specified relative to the current directory.
The film contained a lot of ripe information, but your main takeaway should be that branding conditions influences their definitions.
Banding conditions influences their definitions.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a modern symmetric encryption algorithm. That means the encryption key and decryption keys are the same.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a modern symmetric encryption algorithm.That means the encryption key and decryption keys are the same.
As the figure illustrates, the integration of all three forms of appeal with a particular communication strategy or initiative adds balance and synergy to a message. In turn, balance and synergy enhances the overall accessibility and appeal of a message.
The integration of all three forms of appeal with a particular communication strategy or initiative adds balance and synergy to a message.
If the drug is unmetabolized, the entirety of the drug being consumed successfully goes through first-pass metabolism and access the bloodstream. As no liver enzymes (or elsewhere) changes the chemical structure of the drug to inactive, the bioavailability of the drug is 100%. In addition, as it is excreted unmetabolized, it could technically be re-used for future trips (though that would imply drinking urine, or extracting it from the urine...).
Unmetabolized drugs have 100% bioavailability and can be re-used for future trips.
A remainder class is a group of integers organized by remainder. For example a remainder class for 5 where r = 1 would be \({...-4, 1, 6, 11,16,...}.\)
A remainder class is a group of integers organized by remainder.
Cognitive theorists have focused on the beliefs regarding the anticipated effects of substance use. Defined as the expectancy effect, drug-seeking behavior is presumably motivated by the desire to attain a particular outcome by ingesting a substance. The expectancy effect can be defined in both positive and negative forms. Positive expectations are thought to increase drug-seeking behavior, while negative experiences would decrease substance use (Oei & Morawska, 2004). Several studies have examined the expectancy effect on the use of alcohol. Those with alcohol abuse reported expectations of tension reduction, enhanced sexual experiences, and improved social pleasure (Brown, 1985). Additionally, observing positive experiences, both in person and through television or social media, also shapes our drug use expectancies.
The expectancy effect of substance use can be both positive and negative, with positive expectations increasing drug-seeking behavior and negative experiences decreasing it. Positive experiences also shape drug use expectancies.
This model includes learning, personality, stress, cognition, self-efficacy, and early life experiences.
Learning. Personality. Stress. Cognition. Self-efficacy. Early life experiences.
In the code below, result is a local variable with function-level scope, because it is defined inside the loop_test() function.
Result is a local variable with function-level scope, because it is defined inside the loop_test() function.
Cluster B personality disorders have a wide range of occurrences in the general public. Antisocial personality disorder has an estimated prevalence rate of up to 3.3% of the population (APA, 2013). It is more common among men, particularly those with substance abuse disorders, and in those from disadvantaged socioeconomic settings. While the majority of individuals with antisocial personality disorder end up incarcerated at some point during their lifetime, criminal activities appear to decline after the age of 40 (APA, 2013).
Cluster b personality disorders have a wide range of occurrences in the general public. It is more common among men, particularly those with substance abuse disorders and in those from disadvantaged socioeconomic settings.
1. Reverse the acute effect of alcohol: actually not possible at this point. Some have considered stimulants, but it doesn’t work and can backfire (e.g., energy drinks, see p.156). 2. Treatment and prevention of withdrawal symptoms (seizures and other neural injury): done by decreasing glutamate or increasing GABA with benzodiazepines or anti-convulsant. 3. Maintain abstinence: see the associated OpenClass question 4. Treatment of coexisting psychiatric disorders: beyond the scope of this chapter. For more, see textbook: p.156
Treatment and prevention of withdrawal symptoms can be done by decreasing glutamate or increasing GABA, maintaining abstinence, and treating coexisting psychiatric disorders.
The model (often called the design matrix) is specified differently in different tools (e.g., [FSL](, [SPM](, [BIDS]( etc.). A model consists of text values indicating the onset of each condition (in seconds or TRs), the duration of each condition (again, in seconds or TRs), and often a category (name) for each condition.
The model, or design matrix, is specified differently in different tools. A model consists of text values indicating the onset of each condition (in seconds or TRs), the duration of each condition (again, in seconds or TRs), and often a category (name) for each condition.
Key thoughts centered on syndromes (Kraepelin), mesmerism or hypnosis (Mesmer), the work of Janet and Charcot, and Breuer's catharsis.
Syndromes (Kraeplin). Mesmerism or hypnosis, Mesmer. The work of Janet and Charcot. Breuer's catharsis.
Factitious disorder differs from the three previously discussed somatic disorders in that there is deliberate falsification of medical or psychological symptoms imposed on oneself or on another, with the overall intention of deception. While a medical condition may be present, the severity of impairment related to the medical condition is more excessive due to the individual’s need to deceive those around them.
Factitious disorder is a deliberate falsification of medical or psychological symptoms to deceive others.
These prefixes are considered to be different forms, "allomorphs," of the same morpheme, -in. This phenomenon is part of "morphophonology" which studies the way the forms of morphemes change in context. These prefixes show "assimilation" - the final sound of the prefix has changed by assimilating all or some of the features of the sound following it, except in the case of "-in", which is considered to be basic form of the morpheme. We can say they are the same morpheme because they have the same meaning, "not," and their differences are explained by a natural phonetic process.
These prefixes are considered to be different forms, "allomorphs," of the same morpheme, -in.
Stop words are common words, such as 'a' or 'the', that have little bearing on determining the class of an input text, and thus can be ignored by a model. There are a couple of common ways to determine stop words. One is to consider the most frequent X-percent (1-percent, 5-percent, 10-percent, etc.) of words as stop words. Another is to import a document that has a pre-defined list of stop words.
Consider the most frequent X-percent of words as stop words. Import a document that has a pre-defined list of stop words.
A hard drive provides long-term storage. The data remains intact even when the computer is turned off.
A hard drive provides long-term storage.The data remains intact even when the computer is turned off.
Beginning in the 1950s, psychiatric or psychotropic drugs were used for the treatment of mental illness and made an immediate impact. Though drugs alone cannot cure mental illness, they can improve symptoms and increase the effectiveness of treatments such as psychotherapy. A result of the use of psychiatric drugs was deinstitutionalization, or the release of patients from mental health facilities.
Psychiatric drugs were used for the treatment of mental illness in the 1950s. A result of the use of psychiatric drugs was deinstitutionalization, or the release of patients from mental health facilities.
A communicator should use separate pre- and one post-intervention samples - each composed of distinct participants when assessing the impact of a communication campaign on the attitudes of a target audience.
A communicator should use separate pre- and post-intervention samples to assess the impact of a communication campaign on environmental issues.
False. \(A\) is not a subset of \(B\), since for example, \(1 \in A\) but \(1 \notin B\). However, \(B\) is a subset of \(A\). \(B \subset A\) is true.
Philosophy has several worldviews which have played a direct role in the development of our field and some of its key ideas. First, **dualism **is the idea that questions whether the mind and body are distinct from one another and Rene Descartes (1596-1650) tackled this issue. Next, **mechanism **was the underlying philosophy of the 17th century and remained influential until the mid-1900s. It proposed that the world is a great machine. All-natural processes were thought to be mechanically determined and so could be explained by the laws of physics and chemistry. **Determinism **is another philosophical worldview that has been important to psychology. It is the idea that every act is determined or caused by past events and so it is possible to predict changes that will occur in the operation of the universe. Why might this be important for science? Simply, determinism leads us to causal statements and in research, we seek to make such statements. It tells us that if A occurs, B follows. Prediction is the key here. Also important is **reductionism **or breaking things down to their basic components which is the hallmark of science itself. Though other philosophical ideas are important too, we will conclude by mentioning **empiricism **or the idea that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience.
Philosophy has several worldviews that have been influential in the development of psychology, such as dualism, mechanics, determinism, reducionism, and empiricism. Dualism is the idea that the mind and body are distinct, while mechanics proposed that the world is a great machine. Determinism is the idea that every act is determined or caused by past events, while reducionism is the hallmark of science. Empiricism is the idea that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience.
The project purpose statement 1) coordinates the execution of a communication strategy and 2) provides accountability in terms of the progress being made (or not made) at various stages in the execution of a strategy.
The project purpose statement coordinates the execution of a communication strategy and provides accountability for progress.
Managed health care is a term used to describe a type of health insurance in which the insurance company determines the cost of services, possible providers, and the number of visits a subscriber can have within a year. This is regulated through contracts with providers and medical facilities. The plans pay the providers directly, so subscribers do not have to pay out-of-pocket or complete claim forms, though most require co-pays paid directly to the provider at the time of service. Exactly how much the plan costs depends on how flexible the subscriber wants it to be; the more flexibility, the higher the cost.
Managed health care is a type of health insurance where the insurance company determines the cost of services, providers, and visits, and pays directly to providers.
Attachment begins to develop early in infancy and we can begin to recognize attachment in an infant as early as 7 to 9 months of age. At this age, infants will often show hesitation around unfamiliar adults and become distressed when separated from their caregiver – this is a sign of attachment. If this does not occur, concerns of attachment are warranted, potentially. A child can form attachments with more than one caregiver; however, we have a “threshold” or “maximum” number of individuals we can do this with.
Attachment begins to develop early in infancy.At this age, infants will often show hesitation around unfamiliar adults and become distressed when separated from their caregiver, this is a sign of attachment.If this does not occur, concerns of attachment are warranted, potentially.
According to the DSM-5-TR, personality traits are “…enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are exhibited in a wide range of social and personality contexts”
Personality traits are enduring patterns of perceiving, relating, and thinking.
The two functional elements of framing are: 1) Highlighting and shaping the specific aspects of messages in order to influence how others “make sense” of what is being conveyed and 2) Bringing greater meaning and stronger understanding to messages by adding cultural contexts to words and phrases.
Highlighting and shaping the specific aspects of messages in order to influence how others “make sense” of what is being conveyed. Bringing greater meaning and stronger understanding to messages by adding cultural contexts to words and phrases.
According to the DSM-5, there are two types of Bipolar Disorder- Bipolar I and Bipolar II. A diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder is made when there is at least one manic episode. This manic episode can be preceded by or followed by a hypomanic or major depressive episode, however, diagnostic criteria for a manic episode is the only criteria that needs to be met for a Bipolar I diagnosis. A diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder is made when there is a current or history of a hypomanic episode and a current or past major depressive episode. In simpler words, if an individual has ever experienced a manic episode, they qualify for a Bipolar I diagnosis; however, if the criteria has only been met for a hypomanic episode, the individual qualifies for a Bipolar II diagnosis.
Bipolar Disorder is divided into two types: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. Bipolar I requires at least one manic episode, while Bipolar II requires a current or history of a hypomanic and major depressive episode.
`return` is used to return a value from a function. For instance: ```python3 def simple_function(): return 3 a = 3 b = simple_function() print(a == b) # prints True... Both a and b are 3! ``` In practice, we probably won't have a function that just returns `3`. But more commonly, we can have functions that perform some more complicated logic and then return some value.
Return is used to return a value from a function.
The mapping problem consists in the challenge that the children face when they have to figure the meaning of the words they have identified, since it may have multiple interpretations the task of the child is to deduce the meaning of a word despite the multiple possibilities. This leads to the gavagai problem which consist in that the introduction of a completely new word for us drops an endless sea of posible meanings for that word, like the word gavagai in the story presented by Quine (1960)
The mapping problem is the challenge of children to figure out the meaning of words they have identified. This leads to the gavagai problem, where the introduction of a new word leaves an endless sea of possible meanings.
1. Behavioristic position: All humans begin with no knowledge of language, but possess the innate ability to learn through imitation.</p><p>2. Psycholinguistic position: All humans possess an innate ability to understand language, and the language input is merely a trigger for these mental processes.</p><p>3. Interactionistic perspective: All humans possess an innate ability to learn language, and this learning happens as the result of one's environment and experiences.
The Behavioristic position states that all humans begin with no knowledge of language, but possess the innate ability to learn through imitation. The psycholinguistic position states that all humans possess an innate ability to understand language, and the language input is merely a trigger for these mental processes. The interactionistic perspective states that all humans possess an innate ability to learn language, and this learning happens as the result of one's environment and experiences.
TL;DR: It ignores them. 75%-95% of data in a row of a co-occurrence matrix are estimated to be zero. This is because most words will not co-occur with each other in a corpus. The loss function in GloVe includes a weight term to decrease the impact of two words that co-occur infrequently (or not at all). This weight is 0 for words that never co-occur, and thus, the loss is 0 for words that never co-occur. Therefore, in training we only use the non-zero values of our co-occurrence matrix. For more details, see the discussion starting in the left column at (Note: the weight term also includes a cap to minimize the impact of two words that co-occur with a high frequency.)
It ignores them.
Work (W) is done when a force acts on a body and moves it. It is a scalar quantity equal to the force (F) times the distance an object is displaced (s). W = F x s
Work is done when a force acts on a body and moves it. It is a scalar quantity equal to the force times the distance an object is displaced s.
Family dysfunction and childhood maltreatment are social causes of personality disorders.
Family dysfunction. Childhood maltreatment.
One way to create cohesion is to give the group a common goal, making them interdependent. Another way to create cohesion is to have group members with similarities — we like people like us. We are much more likely to conform to our friends who we share things in common with.
One way to create cohesion is to give the group a common goal, making them interdependent. Another way to create cohesion is to have group members with similarities,
Distress is when the person experiences a disabling condition “in social, occupational, or other important activities” (pg. 20). Distress can take the form of psychological or physical pain, or both concurrently.
Distress is when the person experiences a disabling condition in social, occupational, or other important activities. Distress can take the form of psychological or physical pain, or both concurrently.
Courtesy refers to aligning a message with the beliefs, values, and interests of the intended audience, thereby bring the message to the audience rather than the audience to the message.
Courtesy refers to aligning a message with the beliefs, values, and interests of the intended audience, thereby bring the message to the audience rather than the audience to the message.
They have a necessary therapeutic effect: they relieve from pain. They are however extremely potent and addictive, and tolerance builds fast. The receptor they target is present in high concentration in the brainstem, in which a high dose can produce respiratory arrest.
They have a necessary therapeutic effect: they relieve from pain. They are however extremely potent and addictive, and tolerance builds fast. The receptor they target is present in high concentration in the brainstem, in which a high dose can produce respiratory arrest.
A directory tree is like a family tree: Directories (folders) and files are arranged in a hierarchy: Children are nested under a parent directory. Children of one parent are siblings. Files can occur at any level. Windows, Mac, and Linux all organize files and folders in a directory tree. For Unix-based operating systems, the top-level is root: **/**. For Windows, the top level is the drive letter (e.g., **C:**)
A hierarchy of folders.
`Console.Write()` or `Console.WriteLine()` are used in C# to output to the console.
Console.Write(). Console.WriteLine()
Dissociative disorders were once believed to be extremely rare; however, more recent research suggests that they may be more present in the general population than once thought. Estimates for the prevalence rate of DID is 1.5%, with an equal distribution between men and women. Similarly, a large community sample suggested dissociative amnesia occurs in approximately 1.8% of the population. Unlike DID, females are twice as more likely to be diagnosed with dissociative amnesia than males.
Recent research suggests that dissociative disorders are more common than previously thought, with a prevalence rate of 1.5% and 1.8%, respectively. Females are twice as likely to be diagnosed with dissociative amnesia than males.
Incremental innovations involve novel adjustments or changes to an existing technology, whether products or processes, that over time create value that would not have otherwise been possible.
Incremental innovations create value through novel changes to existing technology.
Anorexia is rarely a single diagnosis. High rates of bipolar disorder, depressive symptoms, and anxiety disorders are also common among individuals with anorexia nervosa. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is more often seen in those with the restrictive type of anorexia nervosa, whereas alcohol use disorder and other substance use disorders are more commonly seen in those with anorexia who engage in binge-eating/purging behaviors. Unfortunately, there is also a high rate of suicidality, as many as 12 per 100,000 per year (APA, 2013).
Anorexia nervosa is comorbid with high rates of bipolar disorder, depressive symptoms, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcohol use disorder, and other substance use disorders. Additionally, there is a high rate of suicidality, as many as 12 per 100,000 per year.
A LUT is a lookup table containing a palette of colors used in a particular image (this is almost always an 8-bit GIF image with 256 values). The LUT can be drawn from a color space of millions of shades but the maximum number of colors the image can use is 256. So, each color is associated with a number between 1 and 256.
A LUT is a lookup table containing a palette of colors used in a particular image, this is almost always an 8-bit GIF image with 256 values.
Biodegradation is the ability of materials to break down via biotic processes- consumption by bacteria or fungi, or other biological processes. These organic materials- including plant and animal matter, substances originating from living organisms, or artificial materials similar in nature to plants and animals- are put to use by microorganisms.
Biodegradation is the ability of materials to break down via biotic processes- consumption by bacteria or fungi, or other biological processes.
The ultimate treatment goal for DID is the integration of subpersonalities to the point of final fusion. Integration refers to the ongoing process of merging subpersonalities into one personality. Psychoeducation is paramount for integration, as the individual must have an understanding of their disorder, as well as acknowledge their subpersonalities. As mentioned above, many individuals have a one-way amnesic relationship with the subpersonalities, meaning they are not aware of one another. Therefore, the clinician must first make the individual aware of the various subpersonalities that present across different situations.
Psychoeducation is essential for integration of subpersonalities, as many individuals have a one-way amnesic relationship with them.
This pseudocode effectively sets the variable *a* to be the sum of *b + c*. The expression *b+c* is evaluated first, then the resulting value is stored in the variable *a*.
This pseudocode effectively sets the variable a to be the sum of b + c.
The six different model types covered in the video installment include: Bundling, Buy one, give one, Service over product, Standardization, Subscription, and User communities. Regardless of the type, all business/operational models must meet the expectations and serve the needs of their customers and end-users.
Bundling. Buy one, give one. Service over product. Standardization. Subscription. User communities.
For a diagnosis of substance intoxication, the individual must have recently ingested a substance. Immediately following the ingestion of this substance, significant behavioral and/or psychological change is observed. In addition, physical and physiological symptoms present as a direct result of the substance ingested.
Immediately following the ingestion of this substance, significant behavioral and/or psychological change is observed.
Carcinomas: Epithelial tissues (tissues covering body surfaces and lining most body cavities) are the most common sites for cancers. Sarcomas: Sarcomas occur in the mesodermal, or middle, layers of tissue—for example, in bones, muscles, and general connective tissue. Lymphomas: Lymphomas develop in the lymphatic system—the infection-fighting region of the body—and metastasize through the lymphatic system. Leukemia: Cancer of the blood-forming parts of the body, particularly the bone marrow and spleen
Carcinomas effect tissues covering body surfaces and lining most body cavities and are the most common sites for cancers. Sarcomas occur in the mesodermal, or middle, layers of tissue, for example, in bones, muscles, and general connective tissue. Lymphomas develop in the lymphatic system infection-fighting region of the body. Leukemia is cancer of the blood-forming parts of the body.
This is a detailed description of one person or a small group based on careful observation. The advantage of this method is that you arrive at a rich description of the behavior being investigated but the disadvantage is that what you are learning may be unrepresentative of the larger population and so lacks generalizability.
This is a detailed description of one person or a small group based on careful observation. Observation provides a rich description of behavior. Observation lacks generalizability.
Stage 1: They learn and produce words like mean and meant correctly. Stage 2: They learn morphological rules and begin applying them even to irregular words, producing forms like "meaned" instead of "meant". Stage 3: They (re-)learn that mean is irregular and again apply the use of "meant"
They learn and produce words correctly. They learn morphological rules and begin applying them even to irregular words. They re-learn irregular words.
A final concept critical to this discussion is whether the defendant is competent to stand trial and refers to the accused’s mental state at the time of psychiatric examination after arrest and before going to trial. To be deemed competent, federal law dictates that the defendant must have a rational and factual understanding of the proceedings and be able to rationally consult with counsel when presenting his/her defense. This condition guarantees criminal and civil rights and ensures the accused understands what is going on during the trial and can aid in his or her defense. If they are not fit or competent, then they can be hospitalized until their mental state improves.
Federal law requires defendants to have a rational and factual understanding of proceedings and be able to rationally consult with counsel when presenting their defense, guaranteeing criminal and civil rights.
Thoits (2013) gives two major reasons: Reason 1: People’s self-concepts are closely linked to their psychological states. Therefore, stressors that damage or threaten self-concepts are likely to predict emotional problems, whereas stressors that place wear and tear on the body (because they require effortful readjustments in behavior) may better forecast physical disease or injury.” Reason 2: Each of these stress-buffering factors has important self aspects. Not all persons who experience multiple negative events or chronic strains react with emotional disturbance. Coping resources such as high self-esteem, a sense of mastery or control, and social support can buffer or reduce the negative psychological impacts of stressors. Each of these stress-buffering factors has important self aspects.
People’s self-concepts are closely linked to their psychological states. Each of these stress-buffering factors has important self aspects.
A permutation is a possible arrangement of objects.
A permutation is a possible arrangement of objects.
FAT32 is an older file system format that depended on 32-bit architecture. It is suitable for small drives (less than 32 GB), and small file sizes (less than 2 GB). It is supported by Mac, Windows, and Linux without issue. FAT32 is designed for traditional spinning hard drives. By comparison, exFAT is based on 64-bit architecture. It supports huge drives and files. However, it is not as universally supported by various operating systems (as of 2021, Linux still does not support exFAT). exFAT is optimized for SSD storage in which wear-leveling and not fragmentation is an issue.
FAT32 is an older file system format based on 32-bit architecture, suitable for small drives and small file sizes. exFAT is based on 64-bit architecture and optimized for SSD storage.
Social identity theory asserts that people have a proclivity to categorize their social world into meaningfully simplistic representations of groups of people. These representations are then organized as prototypes, or “fuzzy sets of a relatively limited number of category defining features that not only define one category but serve to distinguish it from other categories." This social categorization process leads us to emphasize the perceived similarities within our group and the differences between groups and involves the self. We construct in-groups, or groups we identify with, and out-groups, or groups that are not our own, and categorize the self as an in-group member. From this, behavior is generated such that the self is assimilated to the salient in-group prototype which defines specific cognitions, affect, and behavior we may exhibit. We favor ingroups, called ingroup favoritism, to enhance our own self-esteem and produce a positive self-concept. Another consequence is that we tend to see members of the outgroup as similar to one another while our ingroup is seen as varied, called the outgroup homogeneity effect.
Social identity theory states that people tend to categorize their social world into meaningfully simplistic representations of groups. This process involves the self, which is assimilated to the salient in-group prototype, leading to ingroup favoritism and the outgroup homogeneity effect.
Dissociative amnesia disorder is identified by the inability to recall important autobiographical information. This type of amnesia is different from what one would consider permanent amnesia in that the information was successfully stored in memory; however, the individual cannot retrieve it. Additionally, individuals experiencing permanent amnesia often have a neurobiological cause, whereas dissociative amnesia does not.
Dissociative amnesia disorder is identified by the inability to recall important autobiographical information. Dissociative amnesia is different from permanent amnesia in that it does not have a neurobiological cause.
The immediate goal for the treatment of anorexia nervosa is weight gain and recovery from malnourishment. This is often established via an intensive outpatient program, or if needed, through an inpatient hospitalization program where caloric intake can be managed and controlled. Both the inpatient and outpatient programs use a combination of therapies and support to help restore proper eating habits. Of the most common (and successful) treatments are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Family-Based Therapy (FBT).
The immediate goal for the treatment of anorexia nervosa is weight gain and recovery from malnourishment.This can involve inpatient or outpatient treatment. Of the most common treatments are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Family-Based Therapy (FBT).
Given that half of psychiatric patients also have an additional medical disorder, 35% have an undiagnosed medical condition, and approximately 20% reported medical problems caused their mental condition, it should not come as a surprise that somatic disorders, in general, have high comorbidity with other psychological disorders (Felker, Yazel, & Short, 1996). More specifically, anxiety and depressive disorders are among the most commonly co-diagnosed disorders for somatic disorders.
Somatic disorders have high comorbidity with other psychological disorders, particularly anxiety and depressive disorders.
It is very often the case that all five senses are not able to be directly integrated with the delivery of a message. In such cases, the communicator is encouraged to convey through words and/or visual imagery the appropriate sensations that are otherwise not able to be directly experienced by the receiver. Of course, touch, taste, and smell are not always relevant to a message. The communicator therefore must use their judgement in terms of which senses should and should not be conveyed through a message. Yet, the underlying strategy with channel is engage the senses as much as possible in order to embed the audience in the context the communicator is aiming to create for them.
The communicator must use their judgement to determine which senses should and should not be conveyed through a message. The strategy is to engage the senses as much as possible.
Array jobs are batch jobs that run multiple tasks unattended. They handle the scheduling themselves. Array jobs are an alternative to: - Manually starting each subject, - Using a for loop, - Listing multiple entries after `--participant_label` in the BIDS command.
Array jobs are batch jobs that run multiple tasks unattended. They handle the scheduling themselves.
In terms of operant conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement play into the learning of aggressive behavior. Plomin, Foch, and Rowe (1981) conducted a replication and extension of Bandura’s classic Bobo doll study (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1963) using three key behaviors as dependent measures: number of hits, intensity of hits, and the number of quadrants into which the Bobo doll was struck.
In terms of operant conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement play into the learning of aggressive behavior.
Individuals with schizoid personality disorder display a persistent pattern of avoidance of social relationships, along with a limited range of emotion among social relationships.
Persistent pattern of avoidance of social relationships. A limited range of emotion among social relationships.
Mental health is conceptualized and measured in several ways: • Psychological distress • Psychological well-being • Mental illness • A dimension of Quality of life
Psychological distress. Psychological well-being. Mental illness. A dimension of Quality of life.
Panic disorder consists of a series of recurrent, unexpected panic attacks coupled with the fear of future panic attacks. A panic attack is defined as a sudden or abrupt surge of fear or impending doom along with at least four physical or cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms include heart palpitations, sweating, trembling or shaking, shortness of breath, feeling as though they are being choked, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, chills or heat sensations, and numbness/tingling. Cognitive symptoms may consist of feelings of derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (feelings of being detached from oneself), the fear of losing control or ‘going crazy,’ or the fear of dying. While symptoms generally peak within a few minutes, it seems much longer for the individual experiencing the panic attack.
Panic disorder is a series of recurrent, unexpected panic attacks with physical and cognitive symptoms.
As early as 6-9 weeks after birth, children smile reliably at things that please them. These first smiles are indiscriminate, smiling at almost anything they find amusing. This may include a favorite toy, mobile over their crib, or even another person. Smiles directed at other people are called social smiles. Like smiles directed at inanimate objects, they too are indiscriminate at first but as the infant gets older, come to be reserved for specific people. This indiscriminateness of their smiling ties in with how they perceive strangers. Before 6 months of age, they are not upset about the presence of people they do not know. As they learn to anticipate and predict events, strangers cause anxiety and fear. This is called stranger anxiety.
Children smile indiscriminately at things that please them, but as they get older, they become reserved for specific people. This indiscriminateness of their smiling ties in with how they perceive strangers.
The three types of stressors that are most commonly studied in sociological studies include life changing events, chronic stressors, and daily hassles. Life changing events refer to distinct and acute negative life experiences (e.g., divorce, death of a loved one, job loss, victimization). And it highlights acute changes that require readjustment within a short period of time. Chronic stressors/strains refer to relatively enduring problems, conflicts, and threats that many people face in their daily lives (e.g., social isolation, poverty, violent relationships). Chronic stressors are persistent and recurring demands that require adaptation over sustained long periods. Daily hassles refer to the irritating, frustrating, distressing demands that to some degree characterize everyday transactions with the environment. Daily hassles are minor events and occurrences that require adjustment throughout the day, such as traffic jams, getting a ticket, losing your wallet, or having a spat with a spouse. At the core, they do not reflect the more structured forms of persistent stress.
Life changing events. Chronic stressors. Daily hassles.
Self-esteem is the evaluative and affective aspects of the self-concept, to how good or bad, valuable or worthless, competent or incompetent, or superior or inferior we feel about ourselves. It is also termed “self-regard,” “self-worth,” and “self-evaluation.” Sense of personal control is the belief that people can and do—master, control, and shape their own life. It is the perception of oneself as an effective person. It is also termed as mastery, sense of personal efficacy, self-directedness, instrumentalism, and agency. Although empirically the two concepts go together, (i.e., people who see themselves as being in control of their lives generally also see themselves as people with high self-esteem), they are conceptually distinct. Self-esteem is the perception of oneself as a person of worth, while sense of control is the perception of oneself as an effective person. The theoretical determinants of a sense of personal control and self-esteem are different. That is, self-esteem results from others' evaluations of one as a person of worth, whereas the sense of personal control results from successful behaviors, achievements, and accomplishments (Mirowsky and Ross 1989; Rosenberg 1989). Their theoretical consequences differ as well. That is, self-esteem has beneficial emotional consequences, such as low levels of depression, whereas personal control increases people’s effort, motivation, and persistence in problem solving, such as improves people’s academic performance.
Self-esteem is the perception of oneself as a person of worth, and has beneficial emaotional consequences. Sense of control is the perception of oneself as an effective person, it increases effort, motivation, and persistence in problem solving.
Delirium is characterized by a notable disturbance in attention along with reduced awareness of the environment. The disturbance develops over a short period of time, representing a change from baseline attention and awareness, and fluctuates in severity during the day. There is also a disturbance in cognitive performance that is significantly altered from one’s usual behavior. Disturbances in attention are often manifested as difficulty sustaining, shifting, or focusing attention. Additionally, an individual experiencing an episode of delirium will have a disruption in cognition, including confusion of where they are. Disorganized thinking, incoherent speech, and hallucinations and delusions may also be observed during periods of delirium.
Delirium is characterized by a disturbance in attention, cognition, and behavior, with difficulty sustaining, shifting, and focusing attention, confusion, disorganized thinking, and hallucinations.
Individuals with avoidant personality disorder display a pervasive pattern of social inhibition due to feelings of inadequacy and increased sensitivity to negative evaluations (APA, 2022). The fear of being rejected drives their reluctance to engage in social situations so that they may prevent others from evaluating them negatively. This fear extends so far that it prevents individuals from maintaining employment due to their intense fear of negative evaluation or rejection.
Individuals with avoidant personality disorder display a pervasive pattern of social inhibition due to feelings of inadequacy and increased sensitivity to negative evaluations.