Open Refine is for cleaning data tables (sometimes called data wrangling). It works with CSV files, Excel files, and more. It helps you make entries more consistent by showing you clever groupings and displays of the data. It saves every step you take so you can back out.
Open Refine is for cleaning data tables. It helps you make entries more consistent by showing you clever groupings and displays of the data.
Acute events refer to refer to distinct negative life experiences (e.g., divorce, death of a loved one, job loss, Chronic strains refer to relatively enduring problems, conflicts, and threats that many people face in their daily lives (e.g., social isolation, poverty, violent relationships).
Acute events are distinct negative experiences. Chronic strains are enduring problems.
Panic disorder rarely occurs in isolation, as 80% of individuals report symptoms of other anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, bipolar I and bipolar II disorder, and possibly mild alcohol use disorder. Some individuals diagnosed with panic disorder also develop a substance-related disorder, likely as an attempt to treat their anxiety with alcohol or other substances. Unlike some of the other anxiety disorders, there is a high comorbidity with general medical symptoms.
Panic disorder is often comorbid with other anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and alcohol use disorder, with a high comorbidity.
Prolonged grief disorder is defined as an intense yearning/longing and/or preoccupation with thoughts or memories of the deceased who died at least 12 months ago. The individual will present with at least three symptoms to include feeling as though part of oneself has died, disbelief about the death, emotional numbness, feeling that life is meaningless, intense loneliness, problems engaging with friends or pursuing interests, intense emotional pain, and avoiding reminders that the person has died.
Prolonged grief disorder is defined as an intense preoccupation with thoughts or memories of the deceased who died at least 12 months ago.The individual will present with at least three symptoms to include feeling as though part of oneself has died, disbelief about the death, emotional numbness, feeling that life is meaningless, intense loneliness, problems engaging with friends or pursuing interests, intense emotional pain, and avoiding reminders that the person has died.
It reduces in volume. It becomes highly desensitized to normal reward (**Hypofrontality**) It becomes overactive with drug or drug-related stimuli.
It reduces in volume. It becomes highly desensitized to normal reward, called Hypofrontality.It becomes overactive with drug or drug-related stimuli.
Psychological Distress refers to a range of unpleasant subjective emotional (mood) and bodily (malaise) states. Depression and Anxiety are the most common (widely experienced) forms of psychological distress.
Psychological Distress refers to a range of unpleasant subjective emotional and bodily states. Depression and Anxiety are the most common forms of psychological distress.
Does playing hard to get make a woman (or man) more desirable than the one who seems eager for an alliance? Results of five experiments said that it does not though a sixth experiment suggests that if the woman is easy for a particular man to get but hard for all other men to get, she would be preferred over a woman who is uniformly hard or easy to get, or is a woman for which the man has no information about.
Five experiments found that playing hard to get does not make a woman or man more desirable.
The instinct theory of motivation states that all of our activities, thoughts, and desires are biologically determined or evolutionarily programmed through our genes and this serve as our source of motivation. Freud, James, and Watson all presented theories about instincts and being prewired to aggress.
The instinct theory of motivation states that all of our activities, thoughts, and desires are biologically determined or evolutionarily programmed through our genes and are our source of motivation.
The first two components of Berlo's SMCR Model - Source and Message - are associated with encoding. Encoding refers to the communicator, as the source, producing the content of a message and then crafting that content into a deliverable form.
The first two components of Berlo's SMCR Model, Source and Message, are associated with encoding. Encoding refers to the communicator, as the source, producing the content of a message and then crafting that content into a deliverable form.
There are role schemas, which relate to how people carrying out certain roles or jobs are to act. Another schema we have is called the person schema and relates to certain types of people such as firefighters, geeks, or jocks. The final schema is called an event schema or script. This type of schema tells us what is to occur in certain situations such as at a party or in a chemistry lab.
Role schemas relate to how people carrying out certian roles or jobs should act. Person schemas relate to certain types of people. Event schemas relate to what should happen in certain situations.
Moderation analysis is an elaboration technique for testing whether the association between X and Y varies in magnitude according to the value or level of a third variable (Z). Moderation analyses attempt to specify the conditions under which the association between X and Y is more (amplified) or less (attenuated) pronounced.
Moderation analysis tests whether association between X and Y is amplified or attenuated by Z.
`datalad clone` copies the structure of a large Datalad dataset to your local machine so you can explore its structure without using much hard drive space or much download time.
Datalad clone copies the structure of a large Datalad dataset to your local machine so you can explore its structure without using much hard drive space or much download time.
Rosenberg (1979) proposed a global self-esteem and subsequent research has supported domain specific self-esteem such as for academic matters
Rosenberg proposed global self-esteem, supported by research.
Building off Cooley’s work, Felson (1985) said that we come to see ourselves as those important to us see us, called a reflected appraisal.
We come to see ourselves as those important to us see us, called a reflected appraisal.
There are times when we learn by simply watching others. This is called observational learning and is contrasted with enactive learning, which is learning by doing. There is no firsthand experience by the learner in observational learning, unlike enactive.
In observational learning we learn by simply watching others. In enactive learning we learn by doing.
EMDR is a controversial treatment for a few reasons; however, the fact that the treatment emerged from a personal observation over a theory is among the most argued reasons.
EMDR emerged from personal observation over theory.
OpenClass first piloted in the Linguistics Dept. at the University of Arizona during the Spring 2020 term. We started to expand to more classes at UArizona that summer, several other universities that fall, then worked our way to other areas of education outside of just higher education, including high schools, e-learning programs, and immersive bootcamps. One of the interesting things about piloting during the Coronavirus was that we saw classes that were initially in-person shift to remote settings and rely even more upon OpenClass than originally intended. This helped prove our hypothesis that OpenClass works for any course modality––in-person, hybrid, or remote––and it was great to get those early data points.
OpenClass was piloted in the Linguistics Dept. at the University of Arizona. Openclass has since expanded to other areas of education, including high schools, e-learning programs, and immersive bootcamps.
Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by the psychotic symptoms included in schizophrenia and a concurrent uninterrupted period of a major mood episode—either a major depressive or manic episode. It should be noted that because the loss of interest in pleasurable activities is a common symptom of schizophrenia, to meet the criteria for a depressive episode within schizoaffective disorder, the individual must present with a pervasive depressed mood.
Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by psychotic symptoms and a major mood episode, with a pervasive depressed mood.
The psychodynamic theory of dissociative disorders assumes that dissociative disorders are caused by an individual’s repressed thoughts and feelings related to an unpleasant or traumatic event (Richardson, 1998). In blocking these thoughts and feelings, the individual is subconsciously protecting himself from painful memories.
The psychodynamic theory of dissociative disorders assumes that dissociative disorders are caused by an individual’s repressed thoughts and feelings related to an unpleasant or traumatic event.
We can consider abnormal behavior to be a combination of personal distress, psychological dysfunction, deviance from social norms, dangerousness to self and others, and costliness to society.
Abnormal behavior is a combination of personal distress, psychological dysfunction, deviance from social norms, danger, and cost.
Consistency of measurement. The degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under the same conditions with the same subjects.
Consistency of measurement is the degree to which an instrument measures accurately.
Individuals work to resolve cognitive dissonance in one of the following three ways: 1: Rationalize the why inconsistencies are acceptable and in doing so inflate perceived positives, 2) add a new cognition that helps reduce or offset the inconsistencies, or 3) change their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors.
Rationalize the why inconsistencies are acceptable and in doing so inflate perceived positives. Add a new cognition that helps reduce or offset the inconsistencies. Change their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors.
Psychology arose out of philosophy, which is defined as the love and pursuit of knowledge.
Psychology arose out of philosophy, which is defined as the love and pursuit of knowledge.
The root directory is a directory in Unix-like operating systems that contains all other directories and files on a system and is marked by a slash (/). (
The root directory is a directory in Unix-like operating systems that contains all other directories and files on a system and is marked by a slash.
Deep semantic roles, such as “Breaker” and “EatenThing,” are specific to relatively narrow event-types, potentially to single verbs. They are therefore potentially most accurate, but they do not reveal the generalizations that relate these roles to grammar—like the fact that subjects are typically causing, moving, or experiencing, or that the objects are typically being moved or altered. These generalizations are captured by “thematic roles,” such as Agent, Patient, Theme, and others, but generally only a dozen or two, unlike the 100s of deep roles. They effectively capture the semantic sameness of sentences with syntactic “alternations” such as passive versus active voice and “diathesis” where the same set or thematic roles can correspond to two different syntactic forms—such as in, “She gave him a book / She gave a book to him.” However, the thematic roles are often difficult to assign using necessary and sufficient conditions; there seems to be nothing that is always true of an Agent or a Patient, only prototypical characteristics, such as (for Agents), volition and animacy. So, proto-roles were invented, such as proto-Agent and proto-Patient, which indicate that an argument is more Agent-like or more Patient-like.
Deep semantic roles, such as "Breaker" and "EatenThing," are specific to narrow event-types, but do not reveal the generalizations that relate these roles to grammar. Thematic roles, such as Agent, Patient, and Theme, capture these generalizations, but are difficult to assign using necessary and sufficient conditions. Proto-roles, such as proto-Agent and proto-Patient, were invented to indicate that an argument is more Agent-like or more Patient-like.
A proof by contradiction assumes the proposition to be false leads to a contradiction. In other words, if we can prove that \(\lnot P\) leads to a contradiction then the only conclusion is that \(\lnot P\) is false, so \(P\) is true.
Proof by contradiction assumes the proposition to be false, so if (not P) leads to a contradiction then (P) is true.
Acute stress disorder is very similar to PTSD except for the fact that symptoms must be present from 3 days to 1 month following exposure to one or more traumatic events. If the symptoms are present after one month, the individual would then meet the criteria for PTSD. Additionally, if symptoms present immediately following the traumatic event but resolve by day 3, an individual would not meet the criteria for acute stress disorder. Symptoms of acute stress disorder follow that of PTSD with a few exceptions. PTSD requires symptoms within each of the four categories discussed above; however, acute stress disorder requires that the individual experience nine symptoms across five different categories (intrusion symptoms, negative mood, dissociative symptoms, avoidance symptoms, and arousal symptoms). For example, an individual may experience several arousal and reactivity symptoms such as sleep issues, concentration issues, and hypervigilance, but does not experience issues regarding negative mood. Regardless of the category of the symptoms, so long as nine symptoms are present and the symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, and other functioning, an individual will meet the criteria for acute stress disorder.
Acute stress disorder is similar to PTSD, except that symptoms must be present from 3 days to 1 month. It requires nine symptoms across five categories and cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, and other functioning. Symptoms may include intrusion, negative mood, dissociative, avoidance, and arousal.
Two systems of communication are considered "dialects" if the speakers of one system can understand the speakers of the other, and vice versa. There is a set of linguistic features that encompass one system of communication and another set that encompasses the other. The crucial part is that some of those linguistic features overlap between both systems of communication, that is what makes them inteligible to one another.
Two systems of communication are considered dialects if the speakers of one system can understand the speakers of the other. Linguistic features overlap between both systems, making them inteligible to one another.
Message content, emotional appeals, they way the message is presented, and one or two sided arguments all affect how persuasive a message is.
Message content. Emotional appeals. They way the message is presented. One or two sided arguments all affect how persuasive a message is.
OCPD is defined by an individual’s preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and ability to control situations that they lose flexibility, openness, and efficiency in everyday life (APA, 2022). One’s preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules overshadows the larger picture of the task or activity. In fact, the need to complete the task or activity is significantly impacted by the individual’s self-imposed high standards and need to complete the task perfectly, that the task often does not get completed.
OCPD is defined by an individual's preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control, leading to a lack of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
According to Aristotle, rhetoric refers to the capacity of a speaker to persuade audience members to agree with their argument and/or behave in ways the speakers believes is right, just, and/or effective.
Rhetoric refers to the capacity of a speaker to persuade audience members to agree with their argument and/or behave in ways the speakers believes is right.
Psychological debriefing is considered a type of crisis intervention that requires individuals who have recently experienced a traumatic event to discuss or process their thoughts and feelings related to the traumatic event, typically within 72 hours of the event (Kinchin, 2007).
Psychological debriefing is a crisis intervention that requires individuals to process their thoughts and feelings related to a traumatic event within 72 hours.
Riley and Riley's Sociological Theory of Communication prompts communicators to preemptively account for the diversity of perspectives and worldviews that are held by individuals and groups. In doing so, communication becomes more effectively positioned in a broader societal context.
The theory prompts communicators to preemptively account for the diversity of perspectives and worldviews that are held by individuals and groups. In doing so, communication becomes more effectively positioned in a broader societal context.
The first missing relationship is that “I” is also the subject of eat. The second one is that “food” is also the object of “cook.” The third one is that the phrase “eat the food” is also the object of “more than” but with the subject as the last “you” in the sentence, which refers to the same person as the first “you.” One might also say the word “that” after “food” is elided, but this is not important.
I, food, and more than refer to the same person.The first missing relationship is that I is also the subject of eat. The second one is that food is also the object of cook. The third one is that the phrase eat the food is also the object of more than but with the subject as the last you in the sentence, which refers to the same person as the first you.
Adolescence, this unified sense of self can be seen in the attitudes, beliefs, and ways of acting that are genuinely your own. To know who you are, what you are capable of, what roles you play, and your place among your peers gives you a voice to respond to ambiguous situations.
Adolescence provides a unified sense of self to respond to ambiguous situations.
The category of brain data being recorded, as indicated by the final entity in the filename.
The category of brain data being recorded, as indicated by the final entity in the filename.
Pyromania is characterized by multiple deliberate attempts at fire setting that can provide the individual with psychological gratification and relief (Bayer, 2000). The diagnosis of pyromania does not apply if a person sets fire because he or she is intoxicated or has impaired judgment due to a medical condition (Bayer, 2000). An individual is not diagnosed with pyromania if he or she sets fire because of some other psychological disorder (Bayer, 2000). People with pyromania do not set fires to express their emotions, to make money, or to support a political ideology (Bayer, 2000). Their intention is not to destroy evidence of criminal activity or to improve their living situation (Bayer, 2000). Additionally, their fire setting is not a response to a delusion or hallucination (Bayer, 2000). People with pyromania are fascinated by fire and may be attracted to fire-related equipment such as fire trucks, hoses, and hydrants (Bayer, 2000). They may deliberately seek to observe fires, set false alarms, or associate with fire departments or firefighters (Bayer, 2000). They may spend a great deal of time preparing to set fires (Bayer, 2000). They may be indifferent to the loss of life and property that the fires cause (Bayer, 2000). They may even derive pleasure from thinking about the destruction, danger, and consequences of the fires (Bayer, 2000). Since the individual often derives pleasure from being near fires and the results, he or she often stays in the vicinity of the scene after a fire has been set (Bayer, 2000). This impulse-control disorder is somewhat rare. Pyromania typically begins in childhood. Males are diagnosed more often than females, particularly males with poor social skills and learning difficulties (Bayer, 2000). The course of the disorder may wax and wane (Bayer, 2000). The disorder often lasts only a few years or during a specific period of an individual’s life (Bayer, 2000). Often, it initially appears during a crisis and disappears after the crisis has dissolved (Bayer, 2000).
Pyromania is characterized by multiple deliberate attempts at fire setting that can provide the individual with psychological gratification and relief.This impulse-control disorder is somewhat rare.Pyromania typically begins in childhood.
Managed health care is a term used to describe a type of health insurance in which the insurance company determines the cost of services, possible providers, and the number of visits a subscriber can have within a year.
The insurance company determines the cost of services and possible providers.The insurance company determines number of visits a subscriber can have within a year.
Empirical studies on the intergenerational transmission of mental health find that: If parents have mental health problems, their children are at considerable risk for developing a variety of mental health problems as well. There is no one-to-one correspondence between parental diagnosis and child mental functioning. This means that, children of depressed parents can not only exhibit higher rates of depression but also higher levels of conduct disorder, global psychiatric symptoms, and multiple psychiatric diagnoses. Similarly, children of alcoholic parents are not only at elevated risk for alcohol and drug use but also for diagnoses of major depression and anxiety.
If parents have mental health problems, their children are at considerable risk for developing a variety of mental health problems as well.
The CDC defines school violence as, “a fatal injury (e.g., homicide, suicide, or legal intervention) that occurs on school property, on the way to/from school, or during or on the way to/from a school-sponsored event” From 1992 to 2015 the number of deaths involving students, staff, or other individuals not directly affiliated with the school, went from 57 (1992) to 47 (2015) with a peak of 63 during the 2006-2007 school year.
The CDC defines school violence as, a fatal injury that occurs on school property, on the way to/from school, or during or on the way to/from a school-sponsored event.
Public self-consciousness refers to an individual who focuses on themselves as a social object and is concerned by how they appear to others. In contrast, private self-consciousness refers to an individual who focuses on the internal self, is introspective, and attends to one’s thoughts, feelings, and motives.
Public self-consciousness focuses on social appearance, while private self-consciousness focuses on internal self.
`rmdir` will remove only empty directories. `rm -fr` will recursively remove a directory and all of its nested content without asking.
Rmdir will remove only empty directories. Rm -fr will recursively remove a directory and all of its nested content without asking.
Dissociative disorders are a group of disorders characterized by symptoms of disruption and/or discontinuity in consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, body representation, perception, motor control, and behavior. There are three main types of dissociative disorders: dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization/derealization disorder.
Dissociative disorders are a group of disorders characterized by symptoms of disruption and/or discontinuity in consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, body representation, perception, motor control, and behavior.
The bystander effect (Latane & Darley, 1970) says the chances that we will aid someone needing help decreases as the number of bystanders increases.
The bystander effect says the chances that we will aid someone needing help decreases as the number of bystanders increases.
CISC processors (Complex Instruction Set Architecture) are designed and manufactured by companies like Intel and AMD. They support complex, variable-length instructions and are commonly found in desktop and laptop computers. RISC processors (Reduced instruction Set Architecture), such as those designed by ARM or MIPS, use a reduced instruction set. This results in simpler and physically smaller processors. They are commonly found in phones and tablets. Apple's new M1 chip is a RISC SOC. Most RISC chips also have short fixed-length instructions, which makes it easy for the processor to predict how many clock cycles it will need to process a single instruction. By comparison, the CISC processor cannot predict how many clock cycles an instruction will need because the instructions are variable in length. See this comparison: [RISC vs CISC](
CISC processors use complex, variable-length instructions. RISC processors use a reduced instruction set, resulting in simpler and physically smaller processors.
The point prevalence rate for body dysmorphic disorder among U.S. adults is 2.4% while outside the U.S., the point prevalence is 1.7% to 2.9%. Gender-based prevalence rates indicate that women are more likely to be diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder than men, though muscle dysmorphia is diagnosed more frequently in men. Additionally, women are more likely to be preoccupied with weight, breasts, buttocks, legs, hips, and excessive body or facial hair while men have preoccupations with their genitals, body build, and thinning hair (APA, 2022).
The point prevalence rate for body dysmorphic disorder among adults in the u.s. is 2.4%.Women are more likely to be diagnosed than men, though muscle dysmorphia is diagnosed more frequently in men.
Image files are nested in a directory named for the data type. The directory may contain several files of the same modality, or sometimes different modalities that share the same data type
Image files are nested in a directory named for the data type. The directory may contain several files of the same modality, or sometimes different modalities that share the same data type
The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act requires food manufacturers to label foods clearly to indicate the presence of (or possible contamination by) any of the eight major food allergens: milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts (walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, etc.), fish, and shellfish. Although over 160 foods have been identified as allergy triggers, these eight foods account for 90 percent of all food allergies in the United States milk eggs peanuts wheat soy tree nuts fish shellfish
milk. eggs. peanuts. wheat. soy. tree nuts. fish. shellfish.
Laboratory observation involves observing people or animals in a laboratory setting. The advantage of this method over the naturalistic method is that the experimenter can use sophisticated equipment to record the session and examine it later. The problem is that since the subjects know the experimenter is watching them, their behavior could become artificial.
Laboratory observation involves observing people or animals in a laboratory setting. The advantage of this method over the naturalistic method is that the experimenter can use sophisticated equipment to record the session and examine it later. The disadvantage is that since the subjects know the experimenter is watching them, their behavior could become artificial.
Clinical assessment of the client involves the collecting information and drawing conclusions through the use of observation, psychological tests, neurological tests, and interviews to determine the person’s problem and the presenting symptoms.
Clinical assessment of the client involves the collecting information and drawing conclusions through the use of observation, psychological tests, neurological tests, and interviews to determine the person’s problem and the presenting symptoms.
Diagnostic criteria for eating disorders is mutually exclusive, meaning that only one of these diagnoses can be assigned at any given time, with the exception of Pica, which can be given as a diagnosis along with any of the aforementioned eating disorders.
Diagnostic criteria for eating disorders is mutually exclusive, meaning that only one of these diagnoses can be assigned at any given time.
A personality disorder “…is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the norms and expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, and has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment”
A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior.That deviates markedly from the norms and expectations of the individual’s culture.Is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood and is stable over time.Leads to distress or impairment.
The fundamental attribution error, self-serving bias, actor-observer bias, availability heuristic, wishful seeing, False uniqueness and consensus, counterfactual thinking, and belief in a just world (BJW) hypothesis are types of cognitive errors we make when explaining behavior.
The fundamental attribution error. Self-serving bias. Actor-observer bias. Availability heuristic. Wishful seeing. False uniqueness and consensus. Counterfactual thinking. Belief in a just world (BJW) hypothesis.
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of by others (APA, 2013). This intense need leads to submissive and clinging behaviors as they fear they will be abandoned or separated from their parent, spouse, or another person with whom they are in a dependent relationship. They are so dependent on this other individual that they cannot make even the smallest decisions without first consulting with them and gaining their approval or reassurance. They often allow others to assume complete responsibility for their life, making decisions in nearly all aspects of their lives. Rarely will they challenge these decisions as their fear of losing this relationship greatly outweighs their desire to express their own opinion. Should the relationship end, the individual experiences significant feelings of helplessness and quickly seeks out another relationship to replace the old one (APA, 2013).
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of by others, leading to submissive and clinging behaviors. They often allow others to assume complete responsibility for their life and rarely challenge decisions.
Geometric distortion results from voxels getting shifted, especially in the phase-encoding direction, making it difficult to align images to the participant's structural scan or to standard space. In addition, more subtly, voxel intensities can be affected. For example, if the signal is piled up in some area, then multiple voxels need to be disentangled to try to estimate the true intensity value at that location.
Geometric distortion results from voxels getting shifted, especially in the phase-encoding direction, making it difficult to align images to the participant's structural scan or to standard space. Voxel intensity distortion is when voxel intensities are affected. by the distortion.
Change the function call f() to lyrics() to match the name of the function defined above
Change the function call f() to lyrics() to match the name of the function defined above.
Divide \(a\) by \(b\) and return the remainder as the answer.
Divide a by b and return the remainder as the answer.
A decision tree is a machine learning model that follows a series of binary (yes or no) "decisions" to form a prediction. For example, a decision tree may be formed to predict a person's favorite app as such:If the user is a male younger than 15 years old, predict Pokemon.If the user is a male at least 15 years years old, predict Snapchat.If the user is a female younger than 15 years old, predict Disney.If the user is a female older than 15 years old, predict TikTok.Decision trees are relatively easy to implement, but are prone to overfit data (in otherwords, they do not generalize well from a training set to testing set). They are considered "weak classifiers," which means they make predictions at a better rate than random guessing, but only slightly better. However, "Boosting" methods exist which combine multiple weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. For example, 100 different decision trees that aim to predict a person's favorite app could each "vote" on a label prediction, and the label with the most votes would serve as the prediction. This is known as an ensemble algorithm, and ensemble algorithms often perform better than any individual part because they will receive stronger weights for more relevant features.
A decision tree is a machine learning model that follows a series of binary decisions to form a prediction. It is easy to implement, but prone to overfitting data.
Symptoms of lung cancer include a persistent cough, blood-streaked sputum, voice change, chest or back pain, and recurrent attacks of pneumonia or bronchitis.
Apersistent cough. Blood-streaked sputum. Voice change. Chest or back pain. Recurrent attacks of pneumonia or bronchitis.
The overall prevalence rate of social anxiety disorder is significantly higher in the United States than other countries world wide, with an estimated 7% of the US population diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder. Within the US, the prevalence rate remains the same among children and adults; however, there appears to a significant decrease in the diagnosis of social anxiety disorder among older individuals. With regards to gender, there is a higher diagnosis rate in females than males. This gender discrepancy appears to be larger in children/adolescents than adults.
The prevalence rate of social anxiety disorder in the US is higher than other countries. There is a higher diagnosis rate in females than males.
Porogenicity is the guiding principle in which we increase the maximum exposable surface area of the chromatographic column/plates.
Porogenicity is the guiding principle in which we increase the maximum exposable surface area of the chromatographic column/plates.
A class in Python can inherit from multiple base classes, taking on all features of each base class. As an example: ``` class ClassA: def print_a(self): print("a") class ClassB: def print_b(self): print("b") class ClassC(ClassA, ClassB): pass ``` An instance of `ClassC` will be able to call both `print_a()` and `print_b()`.
A class in Python can inherit from multiple base classes, taking on all features of each base class.
As this is a new disorder, the prevalence of DSM-5 prolonged grief disorder is currently unknown. Using a different definition of the disorder a meta-analysis of studies across four continents suggests a pooled prevalence of 9.8%. It should be noted that these studies could only be loosely compared with one another making the reported prevalence rate questionable.
DSM-5 prolonged grief disorder has a pooled prevalence of 9.8%, but this rate is questionable.
Cluster A is described as the odd/eccentric cluster and consists of Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. The common feature between these three disorders is social awkwardness and social withdrawal. Cluster B is the dramatic, emotional, or erratic cluster and consists of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Individuals with these personality disorders often experience problems with impulse control and emotional regulation. Cluster C is the anxious/fearful cluster and consists of Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. As you read through the descriptions of the disorders, you will see an overlap with symptoms within the anxiety and depressive disorders.
Cluster A is the odd/eccentric cluster and consists of Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Cluster B is the dramatic, emotional, or erratic cluster and consists of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Cluster C is the anxious/fearful cluster and consists of Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder.
While EMDR has evolved somewhat since Shapiro’s first claims, the basic components of EMDR consist of lateral eye movement induced by the therapist moving their index finger back and forth, approximately 35 cm from the client’s face, as well as components of cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. It has an 8 step approach.
EMDR consist of lateral eye movement induced by the therapist moving their index finger back and forth, approximately 35 cm from the client’s face. Components of cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy are also included in the 8 step approach.
Clary and Snyder (1999) proposed six motivations for volunteerism. First, they suggest that people volunteer due to values and a desire to express or act on values such as humanitarianism. Second, understanding is critical and people volunteer so that they can exercise underused skills or learn about the world. Third, enhancement leads us to engage in volunteer activities so that we can grow and develop psychologically. Fourth, our career may lead us to volunteer so we gain career-related experience. Fifth is social or volunteering so that we can strengthen our social relationships. Finally, we volunteer to reduce feelings of guilt or to escape personal problems as a protective function.
Volunteering helps us express and act on values, learn about the world, grow and develop psychologically, strengthen social relationships, and reduce feelings of guilt.
Both types of sampling divide the population into groups based on some feature. Cluster sampling picks a few groups and only uses those groups for the sample. Stratified sampling takes some of each group to have a more mixed group.
Both types of sampling divide the population into groups based on some feature.Cluster sampling picks a few groups and only uses those groups for the sample. Stratified sampling takes some of each group to have a more mixed group.
The social exchange theory is the idea that we utilize a minimax strategy whereby we seek to maximize our rewards all while minimizing our cost. Or we might help with an expectation of a specific form of repayment, called perceived self-interest.
The social exchange theory suggests that we seek to maximize rewards while minimizing costs, or help with perceived self-interest.
For the psychologist to provide the clearest picture of what is affecting behavior or mental processes, several of these approaches are typically employed at different stages of the research process.
Several of these approaches are typically employed at different stages of the research process.
The etiology is the cause of the disorder. There may be social, biological, or psychological explanations for the disorder which need to be understood to identify the appropriate treatment.
The etiology is the cause of the disorder.
A crosstab sheet in Tableau Desktop is like a pivot table in MS Excel. Both summarize data from a more extensive table, usually providing counts or simple descriptive statistics.
A crosstab sheet in Tableau Desktop is like a pivot table in MS Excel. Both summarize data from a more extensive table, usually providing counts or simple descriptive statistics.
Unlike anorexia nervosa where there is solely restriction of food, bulimia nervosa involves a pattern of recurrent binge eating behaviors. Binge eating can be defined as a discrete period of time where the amount of food consumed is significantly more than most people would eat during a similar time period. Individuals with bulimia nervosa often report a sense of lack of control over-eating during these binge-eating episodes. While not always the case, these binge-eating episodes are followed by a feeling of disgust with oneself, which leads to a compensatory behavior to rid the body of the excessive calories. These compensatory behaviors include vomiting, use of laxatives, fasting (or severe restriction), diuretics or other medications, or excessive exercise. This cycle of binge eating and compensatory behaviors occurs on average, at least once a week for three months
Bulimia nervosa is a pattern of recurrent binge eating behaviors that involve a sense of lack of control over-eating. These actions are followed by a feeling of disgust, leading to compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, laxatives, fasting, diuretics, or exercise.
Recall that connecting with an audience involves the communicator linking their message to the relevant wants and/or needs of the target audience, putting their message in historical and/or contemporary contexts that are likely to be familiar to audience members, and aligning the message with the "soul" of the target audience. In order to do so, the communicator needs to learn as much as they can about how target audience members are likely to 1) react, 2) relate, 3) access, and 4) understand a message or story in similar ways . Indeed, it is such similarities that cluster individuals into groups!
How their target audience will react. How their target audience will relate. How their target audience will access. How their target audience will understand a message or story.
To reduce inappropriate prescribing as described in, it has been proposed to allow appropriately trained psychologists the right to prescribe. Psychologists are more likely to utilize both therapy and medication, and so can make the best choice for their patient.
It has been proposed to allow appropriately trained psychologists the right to prescribe. Psychologists are more likely to utilize both therapy and medication, and so can make the best choice for their patient.
Freud’s psychodynamic theory made a lasting impact on the field of psychology but also has been criticized heavily. First, Freud made most of his observations in an unsystematic, uncontrolled way, and he relied on the case study method. Second, the participants in his studies were not representative of the broader population. Despite Freud's generalization, his theory was based on only a few patients. Third, he relied solely on the reports of his patients and sought no observer reports. Fourth, it is difficult to empirically study psychodynamic principles since most operate unconsciously. This begs the question of how we can really know that they exist. Finally, psychoanalytic treatment is expensive and time consuming, and since Freud’s time, drug therapies have become more popular and successful. Still, Sigmund Freud developed useful therapeutic tools for clinicians and raised awareness about the role the unconscious plays in both normal and abnormal behavior.
Freud made most of his observations in an unsystematic, uncontrolled way, and he relied on the case study method.The participants in his studies were not representative of the broader population.He relied solely on the reports of his patients and sought no observer reports.It is difficult to empirically study psychodynamic principles since most operate unconsciously.
Latane and Darley (1970) proposed that there are a series of five steps we follow when deciding whether to render assistance or not. These include noticing an event, interpreting an event as an emergency, assuming responsibility, knowing how to help, and deciding to help.
Noticing an event. Interpreting it as an emergency. Assuming responsibility. Knowing how to help. Deciding to help.
You set the path by adding to the **PATH** variable in your shell configuration file (e.g.,** .bashrc**). The **PATH** variable is a list of directories where the operating system should look for commands, including scripts, that it can run. By adding a directory to the PATH variable, you make it easy to find scripts and programs in that directory. For example, **PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/afni/bin** adds the programs in the **afni bin** directory to my PATH variable. A path may be defined as an absolute path (as in the above example) or as a previously defined environment variable (e.g., If I defined `export AFNI_HOME="/usr/local/afni/bin",` then I could add **$AFNI_HOME** to my path, like this: `PATH=$PATH:$AFNI_HOME`). Use the alias **pathdump** to see all the directories in your path. Use the command **which** to find out where a particular command is.
The PATH variable is a list of directories where the operating system should look for commands, including scripts, that it can run.
Two key assumptions are made by Naive Bayes: 1. Bag of words assumption––position doesn't matter. That is, seeing the word "lamp" at the beginning of a document or end of the document has no effect on the ultimate prediction. 2. Conditional independence––words are conditionally independent on each other. That is, the probabilities for "thank" and "you" are considered independently, even though there may be a strong correlation between the two words.
Bag of words assumption, position doesn't matter. Words are conditionally independent on each other.
Generalized anxiety disorder, commonly referred to as GAD, is a disorder characterized by an underlying excessive worry related to a wide range of events or activities. While many individuals experience some levels of worry throughout the day, individuals with GAD experience worry of greater intensity and for longer periods than the average person. Additionally, they are often unable to control their worry through various coping strategies, which directly interferes with their ability to engage in daily social and occupational tasks. Individuals with GAD will also experience somatic symptoms during intensive periods of anxiety. These somatic symptoms may include sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, restlessness, or muscle aches.
GAD is a disorder characterized by excessive worry, difficulty controlling it, and somatic symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, and muscle aches.
A dependent variable in one where variation **depends** on other variables. A dependent variable is the outcome and is influenced by other variables.
A dependent variable in one where variation dependson other variables. A dependent variable is the outcome and is influenced by other variables.
They induce the regulation of neurotransmitters' synthesis. In case an excessive amount of neurotransmitters are released in the synaptic cleft, some of it bind to the autoreceptors of the presynpatic neuron which takes this as a cue that the production (and thus release) of neurotransmitters needs to go down.
They induce the regulation of neurotransmitters' synthesis.
Ultra Wideband is a wireless technology that transmits over a wide range of frequencies. This wide range helps prevent interference with narrowband protocols and makes UWB especially good at location tracking. Apple air tags use UWB.
Ultra Wideband is a wireless technology that transmits over a wide range of frequencies, it is especially good for location tracking.
First, they affect what specific aspects of our environment we attend to. Second, the long-term memory process of encoding is when we attend to, take in, and process information, which for our purposes leads to the formation of a schema. Finally, and related to the process of retrieval, when a schema is activated, we tend to recall information that makes up the schema or is congruent with it.
They affect what specific aspects of our environment we attend to. The long-term memory process of encoding is when we take in information, which for our purposes leads to the formation of a schema. When a schema is activated, we tend to recall information that makes up the schema or is congruent with it.
Addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance, despite ongoing negative consequences. Some researchers speak of two types of addictions: substance addictions (e.g. alcoholism, drug abuse, and smoking) and process addictions (e.g. gambling, shopping, gaming, eating, and sex). Regardless of the addictive behavior, the person experiencing it usually feels a sense of pleasure or control that is beyond the addict’s power to achieve in other ways. Eventually, the addicted person needs to do the behavior to feel normal. Five symptoms are present in addictions: (1) compulsion characterized by obsession, or excessive preoccupation, with the behavior and an overwhelming need to perform it; (2) loss of control, or inability to reliably predict whether any occurrence of the behavior will be healthy or damaging; (3) negative consequences, such as physical damage, financial problems, academic failure, and family dissolution, that don’t occur with healthy involvement in the behavior; (4) denial, the inability to perceive the behavior as self-destructive; and (5) an inability to abstain.
Compulsion characterized by obsession, or excessive preoccupation, with the behavior and an overwhelming need to perform it. Loss of control, or inability to reliably predict whether any occurrence of the behavior will be healthy or damaging. Negative consequences, such as physical damage, financial problems, academic failure, and family dissolution, that don’t occur with healthy involvement in the behavior. Denial, the inability to perceive the behavior as self-destructive/An inability to abstain.
Narcissistic personality disorder also centers around the individual; however, with narcissistic personality disorder, individuals display a pattern of grandiosity along with a lack of empathy for others. The grandiose sense of self leads to an overvaluation of their abilities and accomplishments. They often come across as boastful and pretentious, repeatedly proclaiming their superior achievements. These proclamations may also be fantasized as a means to enhance their success or power. Oftentimes they identify themselves as “special” and will only interact with others of high status.
Individuals display a pattern of grandiosity along with a lack of empathy for others.
**Recall** is the number of correct predictions out of the total number of true labels, and is often called the **hit rate**. For example, **recall** captures the number of days predicted to be sunny out of the number of actual sunny days. You could also think of recall as answering the question, "how complete are the answers from this system?" (ie, how many of the right answers is it finding?)
Recall is the number of correct predictions out of the total number of true labels.
Social media has dramatically increased the rate at which new information and stories emerge, spread, and fall away. As a result, the potential underlying value of quality ideas may be lost in to the "noise" of competing new ideas and other distractions that constantly bombard and fade away from the internet.
Social media has increased the rate of new information and stories, leading to a loss of quality ideas due to competing ideas and distractions.
A MEX file is a Matlab EXecutable file (a binary library file), usually compiled in Fortran or C++. Many Matlab Neuroimaging tools package up dependencies in MEX files. MEX files are compiled for particular operating systems and versions of Matlab. Although MEX files for Windows are often well supported, MEX files for the Mac are more likely out-of-date.
A MEX file is a Matlab EXecutable file (a binary library file).
Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research. They indicate how well a method, technique or test measures something. Reliability is about the consistency of a measure, and validity is about the accuracy of a measure. Reliability refers to how consistently a method measures something. If the same result can be consistently achieved by using the same methods under the same circumstances, the measurement is considered reliable Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. If research has high validity, that means it produces results that correspond to real properties, characteristics, and variations in the physical or social world.
Reliability refers to how consistently a method measures something, while validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure.
Recent research has concluded that unlike OCD, many individuals with hoarding disorder do not experience intrusive thoughts, nor do they experience urges to perform rituals. Because of this difference, treatment for hoarding disorder has moved away from exposure and response prevention, and more toward a traditional cognitive-behavioral approach.
Teatment for hoarding disorder has moved away from exposure and response prevention, and more toward a traditional cognitive-behavioral approach.
Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. In respondent conditioning, learning happens in three phases: preconditioning, conditioning, and postconditioning.
Respondent conditioning occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned, called an unconditioned stimulus.
Link and Phelan (2013) expanded and develop a new conceptualization addressing six important features of stigma: 1) People distinguish and label human differences. -Both the selection of salient characteristics and the creation of labels for them are social achievements that are essential components of stigma, especially when the criteria of the selection are contested. 2) Dominant cultural beliefs link labeled persons to undesirable characteristics, to negative stereotypes. 3) Social labels connote a separation of ”US” from “THEM.” -Usually, people in the ”THEM” categories are attributed with undesirable and negative traits. 4) Emotional responses. -Negative responses, like anger, irritation, pity, and fear, are salient emotion responses to the stigmatizers. -The stigmatized can react with negative emotional responses as well, such as embarrassment, shame, fear, and alienation. 5) Status loss and discrimination -The stigma process serves to devalue, reject, and exclude the stigmatized. 6) The dependence of stigma on power -People with more social, cultural, economic, and political power have more power/strength to create and sustain a stigma.
People distinguish and label human differences. Dominant cultural beliefs link labeled persons to undesirable characteristics, to negative stereotypes. Social labels connote a separation of ”US” from “THEM.” Emotional responses. Status loss and discrimination. The dependence of stigma on power.
A bottleneck is any point in the system where throughput gets slowed down.
A bottleneck is any point in the system where throughput gets slowed down.
a language is defined as a verbal and written system of communication
a language is defined as a verbal and written system of communication
Research has indicated favorable prognostic features for anorexia nervosa are early age of onset and a short history of the disorder. Conversely, unfavorable features are a long history of symptoms prior to treatment, severe weight loss, and binge eating and vomiting. The mortality rate over the first 10 years from presentation is about 10% (APA, 2013). The majority of these deaths are from medical complications due to the disorder or suicide.
Research has indicated favorable prognostic features for anorexia nervosa are early age of onset and a short history of the disorder. Conversely, unfavorable features are a long history of symptoms prior to treatment, severe weight loss, and binge eating and vomiting.
Prevalence is the percentage of people in a population that has a mental disorder or can be viewed as the number of cases divided by the total number of people in the sample.
Prevalence is the percentage of people in a population that has a mental disorder or can be viewed as the number of cases divided by the total number of people in the sample.
A graph is complete if every pair of vertices in the graph is connected by an edge.
A graph is complete if every pair of vertices in the graph is connected by an edge.
Notably, there is a subclass of individuals who experience numerous periods with hypomanic symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a hypomanic episode and mild depressive symptoms (i.e., do not fully meet criteria for a major depressive episode). These individuals are diagnosed with cyclothymic disorder.
Cyclothymic disorder affects a subclass of individuals who experience numerous periods with hypomanic symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a hypomanic episode and mild depressive symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode.
Agoraphobia is defined as intense fear or anxiety triggered by two or more of the following: using public transportation such as planes, trains, ships, buses; being in large, open spaces such as parking lots or on bridges; being in enclosed spaces like stores or movie theaters; being in a crowd or standing in line; or being outside of the home alone. The individual fears or avoids these situations because they believe something terrible may occur and due to concern over not being able to escape or help not being available.
Agoraphobia is defined as intense fear or anxiety triggered by two or more of the following: using public transportation, open spaces; being in enclosed spaces; being in a crowd; or being outside of the home alone.
Kelley proposed his covariation theory which says that something can only be the cause of a behavior if it is present when the behavior occurs but absent when it does not occur and that we rely on three kinds of information about behavior: distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency.
Kelley's covariation theory suggests that distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency are important for understanding behavior.