Duval and Wicklund (1972) proposed that our self-regulation can either be directed inward and toward the self or directed outward and toward the environment. We are usually focused outward, but there are times when our attention is turned inward.
Self-regulation can be either inward or outward.
A is evenly divisible by b with a remainder of 0.
A is evenly divisible by b with a remainder of 0.
```python3 a = 10 >= 10 # True b = not a # False c = not b # True d = b or c # True e = a and c # True f = b and c # False ```
a = 10 >= 10 True. b = not a False. c = not b True. d = b or c True. e = a and c True. f = b and c False.
Recall that echo chambers are social environments in which persons and groups only interact and exchange information and perspectives with others who share their views and perspectives. Thus, echo chambers can influence and reinforce how individuals rationalize inconsistencies in their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and thereby reduce the stress they would otherwise experience through cognitive dissonance. Without intervention, echo chambers work to retain cognitive dissonance rather than foster the change needed to productively resolve it altogether.
Echo chambers can reinforce how individuals rationalize inconsistencies in their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, leading to cognitive dissonance.
Natural Language Processing is a field of study combining computer science and linguistics together. It involves the breaking down of complete sentences into smaller segments in order for them to be easily processed.
Natural Language Processing is a field of study combining computer science and linguistics together.It involves the breaking down of complete sentences into smaller segments in order for them to be easily processed.
Depersonalization can be defined as a feeling of unreality or detachment from oneself. Individuals describe this feeling as an out-of-body experience where you are an observer of your thoughts, feelings, and physical being. Symptoms of derealization include feelings of unreality or detachment from the world—whether it be individuals, objects, or their surroundings.
Depersonalization can be defined as a feeling of unreality or detachment from oneself. Symptoms of derealization include feelings of unreality or detachment from the world—whether it be individuals, objects, or their surroundings.
It means that the vaccine provides instructions for creating the spike protein found in the COVID-19 virus. Once your body follows the instructions to create some of the spike protein, the RNA is degraded and then your body does not make any more of it.
Vaccine instructs body to create spike protein, which is degraded.
Conversion disorder occurs when an individual presents with one or more symptoms of voluntary motor or sensory function (APA, 2013). Common motor symptoms include weakness or paralysis, abnormal movements (e.g., tremors), and gait abnormalities (i.e., limping). Additionally, sensory symptoms such as altered, reduced, or absent skin sensations, and vision or hearing impairment are also reported in many individuals. Less commonly seen are epileptic seizures and episodes of unresponsiveness resembling fainting or coma (Marshall et al., 2013).
Conversion disorder occurs when an individual presents with one or more symptoms of voluntary motor or sensory function.Common motor symptoms include weakness or paralysis, abnormal movements, and gait abnormalities.
Applied linguistics deals with use of theoretical knowledge to solve practical tasks and for practical applications like speech therapy, translation, and foreign language learning.
Applied linguistics uses theoretical knowledge to solve practical tasks.
`continue` tells a loop to skip to its next iteration. `break` exits a loop entirely.
Continue tells a loop to skip to its next iteration. Break exits a loop entirely.
ODD - A common treatment option is parent management training (PMT). The goal of parenting training is to help parents implement consistent parenting strategies to increase structure and predictability. CD - Multisystemic therapy (MST) is an intensive treatment option that has demonstrated efficacious results for the treatment of CD, especially in cases of more extreme conduct problems. MST is a therapy that takes place in the child/adolescent’s home as well as school and overall community.
For ODD a common treatment option is Parent management training. For CD Multisystemic therapy (MST) is an intensive treatment option.
Narcissistic personality disorder also centers around the individual; however, with narcissistic personality disorder, individuals display a pattern of grandiosity along with a lack of empathy for others (APA, 2013). The grandiose sense of self leads to an overvaluation of their abilities and accomplishments. They often come across as boastful and pretentious, repeatedly proclaiming their superior achievements. These proclamations may also be fantasized as a means to enhance their success or power. Oftentimes they identify themselves as “special” and will only interact with others of high status.
With narcissistic personality disorder, individuals display a pattern of grandiosity along with a lack of empathy for others.
Individuals with ODD and CD appear to have a slower resting heart rates and lower reaction to fear. Research has also revealed functional and structural differences in individuals with ODD and CD. Regarding CD, having a caregiver or close relative that has been diagnosed with CD leads to a higher risk of a child developing CD. Children of parents with severe alcohol use, depression, bipolar, or schizophrenia, ADHD, or CD are at higher risk as well (APA, 2013). Family history may be particularly predictive of a child developing childhood onset (considered to have the worse prognosis; APA, 2013).
Individuals with ODD and CD have slower resting heart rates and lower reaction to fear. Having a caregiver or close relative with CD leads to a higher risk of CD.
The final category includes both hallucinogens and cannabis- both of which produce sensory changes after ingestion. While hallucinogens are known for their ability to produce more severe delusions and hallucinations, cannabis also has the capability of producing delusions or hallucinations; however, this typically occurs only when large amounts of cannabis are ingested. More commonly, cannabis has been known to have stimulant and depressive effects, thus classifying itself in a group of its own due to the many different effects of the substance.
Hallucinogens and cannabis both produce sensory changes after ingestion, with hallucinogens producing more severe delusions and hallucinations. Cannabis has stimulant and depressive effects, making it a group of its own due to its many different effects.
Does religious orientation affect prosocial behavior? According to Hansen, Vandenberg, & Patterson (1995) it does and of the three orientations – intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest – intrinsically oriented individuals prefer nonspontaneous helping opportunities while quest prefer spontaneous helping behaviors. Another study found that higher reports of subjective spirituality were linked to increased prosocial behavior
It does. Higher reports of subjective spirituality were linked to increased prosocial behavior.
The pathophysiological link for the causal link between sodium intake and HBP is as follows: salt consumption increases water retention (think hypotonicity: the cells have a higher solute content leading to passive transport, effusion, or delivery of water inside the cell), thus leading to higher blood flow volume and consequently pressure. In addition, these results may be exacerbated through high sodium intake by changes in vessel wall resistances (patency), inner vessel inflammation, changes in vessel morphology, and abnormalities.
Salt intake increases water retention, leading to higher blood flow volume and pressure, which can be exacerbated by changes in vessel wall resistances, inflammation, and abnormalities.
Psychodynamic theory suggests that somatic symptoms present as a response against unconscious emotional issues. Two factors initiate and maintain somatic symptoms: primary gain and secondary gain. Primary gains produce internal motivators, whereas secondary gains produce external motivators (Jones, Carmel & Ball, 2008). When you relate this to somatic disorders, the primary gain, according to psychodynamic theorists, provides protection from the anxiety or emotional symptoms and/or conflicts. This need for protection is expressed via a physical symptom such as pain, headache, etc. The secondary gain, the external experiences from the physical symptoms that maintain these physical symptoms, can range from attention and sympathy to missed work, obtaining financial assistance, or psychiatric disability, to name a few.
The primary gain provides protection from the anxiety or emotional symptoms and/or conflicts. The secondary gain, the external experiences from the physical symptoms that maintain these physical symptoms, can range from attention and sympathy to missed work, obtaining financial assistance, or psychiatric disability, to name a few.
Treatment options for panic disorder include CBT, psychoeducation, self-monitoring, relaxation training, progressive muscle relaxation, exposure, pharmacological interventions, and cognitive restructuring.
CBT. Psychoeducation. Self-monitoring. Relaxation training. Progressive muscle relaxation. Exposure. Pharmacological interventions. Cognitive restructuring.
By definition incremental innovations build on and improve upon existing technologies. Accordingly, end-users have a pre-existing sense of familiarity and general understanding of the potential value of the new technology that is being proposed. They are thereby quicker to adopt the new solution as compared to radical alternatives.
End-users are more likely to adopt incremental innovations due to familiarity.
A case-sensitive operating system is one that allows file or directory names to be distinguished simply by capitalization. Linux is case-sensitive. Windows is not. Mac is generally not case-sensitive but can be made case sensitive if you format the hard drive to use case-sensitivity.
A case-sensitive operating system is one that allows file or directory names to be distinguished simply by capitalization
Delirium is characterized by a notable disturbance in attention or awareness and cognitive performance that is significantly altered from one’s usual behavior. Disturbances in attention are often manifested as difficulty sustaining, shifting, or focusing attention. Additionally, an individual experiencing an episode of delirium will have a disruption in cognition, including confusion of where they are. Disorganized thinking, incoherent speech, and hallucinations and delusions may also be observed during periods of delirium. The onset of delirium is abrupt, occurring for several hours. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and can last from days to several months.
Delirium is characterized by disruptions in attention and cognition, including confusion, disorganized thinking, incoherent speech, and hallucinations. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and last from days to months.
The classic theory of deindividuation was first introduced by Festinger, Pepitone, & Newcomb (1952) looking to take a more scientific approach to the study of the crowd’s impact on the individual. They coined the term deindividuation to explain the effects of losing your own personal identity in a crowd, which allows you to engage in behaviors you wouldn’t normally do alone. These ideas were expanded on by Zimbardo (1969) and he specified that there were conditions that must be present for deindividuation to occur in a group setting.
Deindividuation is the process of losing one's identity in a crowd, allowing them to engage in behaviors they wouldn't normally do alone.
The clinical description includes information about the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that constitute that mental disorder.
The clinical description includes information about the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that constitute that mental disorder.
Closer examination of the word abnormal indicates a move away from what is normal, or the mean (i.e., what would be considered average and in this case in relation to behavior), and so is behavior that infrequently occurs (sort of an outlier in our data). Our culture, or the totality of socially transmitted behaviors, customs, values, technology, attitudes, beliefs, art, and other products that are particular to a group, determines what is normal. Thus, a person is said to be deviant when he or she fails to follow the stated and unstated rules of society, called social norms. Social norms changes over time due to shifts in accepted values and expectations. For instance, homosexuality was taboo in the U.S. just a few decades ago, but today, it is generally accepted. Likewise, PDAs, or public displays of affection, do not cause a second look by most people unlike the past when these outward expressions of love were restricted to the privacy of one’s own house or bedroom. In the U.S., crying is generally seen as a weakness for males. However, if the behavior occurs in the context of a tragedy such as the Vegas mass shooting on October 1, 2017, in which 58 people were killed and about 500 were wounded while attending the Route 91 Harvest Festival, then it is appropriate and understandable. Finally, consider that statistically deviant behavior is not necessarily negative. Genius is an example of behavior that is not the norm.
Thus, a person is said to be deviant when he or she fails to follow the stated and unstated rules of society, called social norms. Social norms changes over time due to shifts in accepted values and expectations.
Sociocultural causes include expressed emotion and family dysfunction.
Sociocultural causes include expressed emotion and family dysfunction.
If the learning rate \( \eta \) is too high in gradient descent, the learner will take steps that are too large, causing it to overshoot the desired minimum. Figure A shows a visualization of what happens with different learning rates.
The learning rate eta is too high in gradient descent can cause the learner to take too large steps and overshoot the desired minimum.
Overlapping with prejudice and discrimination in terms of how people with mental disorders are treated is stigma, or when negative stereotyping, labeling, rejection, and loss of status occur.
Stigma is when negative stereotyping, labeling, rejection, and loss of status occur.
According to page 59, 134 micrograms is needed per kg of body mass to kill 50% of a general pool of people. Thus, 13,400 micrograms or 13.4 mg would be needed.
3,400 micrograms or 13.4 mg
Given that a traumatic experience often precipitates dissociative disorders, it should not be surprising that there is a high comorbidity between dissociative disorders and PTSD. Similarly, depressive disorders are also commonly found in combination with dissociative disorders, likely due to the impact the disorders have on social and emotional functioning. In individuals with dissociative amnesia, a wide range of emotions related to their inability to recall memories during the episode often present once the amnesia episode is in remission (APA, 2013). These emotions frequently contribute to the development of a depressive episode.
Dissociative disorders are often comorbid with PTSD and depressive disorders due to their impact on social and emotional functioning. In individuals with dissociative amnesia, emotions related to their inability to recall memories often present once the episode is in remission, leading to a depressive episode.
It is believed that before European contact, there were at least 2,000 Native American languages in over 200 families. Now only about 200 languages survive. The most spoken languages are Quechua in Peru, Nahuatl in Mexico, and Mayan languages such as Yucatec and Kaqchikel in Mexico and Guatemala, each spoken by one to seven million. In North America the most spoken are Hopi and Navajo in the American Southwest and Cree, Eskimo, Crow, and Lakhota, in the northern US and Canada, each spoken by thousands to tens of thousands of people.
It is believed that before European contact, there were at least 2,000 Native American languages. Now only about 200 languages survive.
Sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or sexually charged words or gestures have been made. A February 21, 2018 article by NPR (National Public Radio) reported that 81% of women and 43% of men had experienced sexual harassment of some sort during their life.
Sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or sexually charged words or gestures are made. 81% of women and 43% of men have experienced it.
Medicalization is the term that describes the process of how some conditions become defined as medical or psychiatric illnesses. The main concern of medicalization researchers is how something becomes defined as medical and with what consequences. Medicalization is bidirectional, so conditions can become demedicalized.
Medicalization is the process of how some conditions become defined as medical or psychiatric illnesses.
When we build a classifier, our goal is to develop a model that performs well on both train and test data. However, the model can perform well on train data but poorly on test data. This is called 'overfitting'. Overfitting can happen when the model is too complex or there is not enough training data. ANOTHER QUESTION USING PLOTS
Overfitting is when a model perform swell on train data but poorly on test data.
Not very likely without upfront analysis! The communicator (or "sender") is typically not a member of the target audience. Thus, they lack the insight necessary to accurately forecast how an audience is likely to react, relate, access, and understand a message or story. Audience analysis is thus critical to impactful communication!
Not very likely without upfront analysis!
Three concerns are of paramount importance in terms of the therapist-client relationship. These include confidentiality, privileged communication, and duty to warn.
Confidentiality. Privileged communication. Duty to warn.
An n-gram language model is a kind of probabilistic model of a language – a model which tells you the probability of a sequence of words being part of the language, or the probability of the next word in a sequence. N-grams are sequences of words taken from data, such as two-word sequences (bigrams) and three-word sequences (trigrams). An n-gram model records the frequency of every n-gram in the corpus of linguistic data used – or the probability of one word following another, or of following a preceding sequence if you are using n-grams with n larger than two. These models have many applications, including auto-correct, automatic text generation, and speech recognition. In all these cases, the model helps by allowing the computer to guess the most likely next word or phrase.
An n-gram language model is a probabilistic model of a language that records the probability of a sequence of words being part of the language or the probability of the next word in a sequence. It has many applications, such as auto-correct, automatic text generation, and speech recognition, as it helps the computer guess the most likely next word or phrase.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), domestic violence is “the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another.”
Domestic violence is a pattern of power and control between partners. Domestic violence is “the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior.
Subjective social status is a product of social comparison processes and a determinant of relative deprivation. Subjective social status is a function of people’s beliefs about their current and future prospects and their experiences of discrimination and victimization as well as their current socioeconomic position
Subjective social status is determined by people's beliefs and experiences of discrimination and victimization, as well as their current socioeconomic position.
Young people most likely to try drugs share the following characteristics: - Males: males are more likely than females to use almost all types of illicit drugs - Trouble childhood: Teens are likely to try drugs if they have had behavioral issues in childhood, such as aggression, have suffered sexual or physical abuse, use tobacco at a young age, or suffer from certain mental or emotional problems. - Thrill-seeker: impulsively and a sense of invincibility a factor in drug experimentation - Dysfunctional family: a chaotic home life with poor supervision, constant tension or argument, or parental abuse increase the risk of teen drug use - Trouble at school: Young people who are uninterested in school or have difficulty fitting in are more likely to find a peer group that accepts drug use - Poor: younger people who live in disadvantaged areas are more likely to be around drugs at a young age - Risky sexual behavior: there is a relationship between drug use and risky sexual behavior, such as with adolescent girls who date boys two or more years older than themselves.
Males. Trouble childhood. Thrill-seeker. Dysfunctional family. Trouble at school. Poor. Risky sexual behavior.
A cache is temporary storage that circumvents a bottleneck in the system.
A cache is temporary storage that circumvents a bottleneck in the system.
The 12-month prevalence for panic disorder in the general population is estimated at around 2-3% in adults and adolescents across the United States and several European countries. Higher rates of panic disorder are found in American Indians and non-Latinx whites. Females are more commonly diagnosed than males with a 2:1 diagnosis rate. Prevalence declines from about 1.2% in adults older than 55 to 0.7% in adults aged 64 and up.
The 12-month prevalence for panic disorder in the general population is estimated at around 2-3% in adults and adolescents across the United States and several European countries. Higher rates of panic disorder are found in American Indians and non-Latinx whites. Females are more commonly diagnosed than males with a 2:1 diagnosis rate.
A free online version of Microsoft Excel.
A free online version of Microsoft Excel.
Lasswell describes the structure of communication as linear with the speaker aiming to control a process centered on the objective delivery of knowledge and information.
Lasswell describes the structure of communication as linear with the speaker aiming to control a process centered on the objective delivery of knowledge and information.
If \(A\) and \(B\) are two sets, then \(|A\times B|=|A|.|B|\).
If A and B are two sets, then |A times B|=|A|.
Multilevel inheritance is when a class inherits from a class that inherits from a class. This creates a child-parent-grandparent type relationship. Here is an example of multilevel inheritance: ```python3 class Animal: pass class Pet(Animal): pass class Dog(Pet): pass ``` `Dog` inherits from `Pet` which inherits from `Animal`.
Multilevel inheritance is when a class inherits from a class that inherits from a class.
The prevalence rate for acute stress disorder varies across the country and by traumatic event. Accurate prevalence rates for acute stress disorder are difficult to determine as patients must seek treatment within 30 days of the traumatic event. Despite that, it is estimated that anywhere between 7-30% of individuals experiencing a traumatic event will develop acute stress disorder (National Center for PTSD). While acute stress disorder is not a good predictor of who will develop PTSD, approximately 50% of those with acute stress disorder do eventually develop PTSD. As with PTSD, acute stress disorder is more common in females than males; however, unlike PTSD, there may be some neurobiological differences in the stress response, gender differences in the emotional and cognitive processing of trauma, and sociocultural factors that contribute to females developing acute stress disorder more often than males.
Acute stress disorder is estimated to affect 7-30% of individuals experiencing a traumatic event, with 50% developing PTSD. It is more common in females than males, but may be due to neurobiological, emotional, cognitive, and sociocultural factors.
Just like any other story, an entrepreneurial story is composed of **characters** (to include the entrepreneurial leader and team, as well as the affected population), the **plot **(the "what a venture will do and how it will do it), **setting** (why the venture is needed and the impact it aims to create), **conflict** (value proposition relevant to benchmarks), and a consistent**theme** that brings clarity and consistency to the overall idea and vision.
Entrepreneurial story consists of characters, plot, setting, conflict, and theme.
Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by the psychotic symptoms included in schizophrenia and a concurrent uninterrupted period of a major mood episode—either a depressive or manic episode. It should be noted that because the loss of interest in pleasurable activities is a common symptom of schizophrenia, to meet the criteria for a depressive episode within schizoaffective disorder, the individual must present with a pervasive depressed mood. While schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder do not have a significant mood component, schizoaffective disorder requires the presence of a depressive or manic episode for the majority, if not the total duration of the disorder.
Schizoaffective disorder requires the presence of a depressive or manic episode for the majority, if not the total duration of the disorder.
Biological causes of mood disorders include genetics, biochemical, brain anatomy, and endocrine system explanations.
Genetics. Biochemical. Brain anatomy. Endocrine system explanations.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) was not originally designed for children that have experienced trauma. Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) is used for younger children, as young as infants. The principal behind this treatment is to increase attachment between the child and caregiver.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) was not originally designed for children that have experienced trauma. Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) is used for younger children, as young as infants. The principal behind this treatment is to increase attachment between the child and caregiver.
A coupling reaction in which an ether is formed → 2-phenyl-isopropyl-1-methyl ether.
2-phenyl-isopropyl-1-methyl ether.
Dissociative disorders were once believed to be extremely rare; however, more recent research suggests that they may be more present in the general population than once thought. Estimates for the prevalence of dissociative identity disorder in U.S. adults is 1.5%, with women predominating in adult clinical settings. The onset of dissociative disorders is generally late adolescence to early adulthood, with the exception of dissociative identity disorder.
Dissociative disorders are now estimated to be 1.5% in U.S. adults, with women predominating in adult clinical settings.
Low socioeconomic status has been linked to higher rates of mental and physical illness due to persistent concern over unemployment or under-employment, low wages, lack of health insurance, no savings, and the inability to put food on the table, which then leads to feeling hopeless, helpless, and dependency on others.
Low socioeconomic status leads to higher rates of mental and physical illness.
A neuron's resting potential is -70mV. This potential fluctuates as a result of the signal received from other neurons (i.e., the graded potential). If the neuron receives a sufficient amount of EPSP, enough to reach the threshold of -55mV at the axon hillock, it creates an all-or-none phenomenon called action potential. The reaching of the -55mV threshold at the axon hillock opens the first of the many sodium channels that lines up all the way through the axon to the terminal buttons where the neurotransmitters are located. The electrical signal travels throughout the axon, one sodium channel at a time or jumping from one myelin sheath to sodium channel back to the myelin sheath. Once the signal reaches the terminal buttons, it causes the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. Those binds to the receptors of the postsynaptic neurons, influencing its likelihood to fire an action potential.
A neuron's resting potential fluctuates as a result of the signal received from other neurons, i.e., the graded potential.If the neuron receives a sufficient amount of EPSP it creates an all-or-none phenomenon called action potential. This opens the first of the many sodium channels that lines up all the way through the axon to the terminal buttons where the neurotransmitters are located. Once the signal reaches the terminal buttons, it causes the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. Those binds to the receptors of the postsynaptic neurons, influencing its likelihood to fire an action potential.
While exposure therapy is predominately used in anxiety disorders, it has also shown great success in treating PTSD-related symptoms as it helps individuals extinguish fears associated with the traumatic event. There are several different types of exposure techniques—imaginal, in vivo, and flooding are among the most common types (Cahill, Rothbaum, Resick, & Follette, 2009).
There are several different types of exposure techniques—imaginal, in vivo, and flooding are among the most common types.
**Recall** is the number of correct predictions out of the number of total number of true labels, and often called **hit rate**. Recall shows, for example, the number of days predicted to be sunny out of the number of actual sunny days.
Recall is the number of correct predictions out of the number of total number of true labels.
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is a common general purpose cable that has been around since the late 1990s.
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is a common general purpose cable that has been around since the late 1990s.
The field decided to combine both disorders into one disorder, ADHD, with specifications on the type of ADHD - ADHD Predominantly Inattentive type, ADHD Predominately Hyperactive/Impulsive type, and ADHD Combined type). Now, with the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), we still consider all presentations to fall under one disorder, ADHD. However, instead of types, which give the impression of a stable, unchanging, diagnosis, we now use “presentations.” This change occurred because we began to realize that, although someone may exhibit more hyperactive/impulsive symptoms at one point in life (e.g., childhood), at a later point (e.g., adulthood), they may come to exhibit more inattentive/distractibility symptoms.
The field decided to combine both disorders into one disorder, ADHD Predominantly Inattentive type, ADHD Predominately Hyperactive/Impulsive type, and ADHD Combined type. We now use presentations because someone symptoms may change throughout their life.
The Jigsaw classroom was created in the early 1970s by Elliot Aronson and his students at the University of Texas and the University of California (Aronson et al., 1978). It has a proven track record of reducing racial conflict and increasing positive educational outcomes. These include reducing absenteeism, increasing a student’s liking of school, and improving test performance. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each student represents a piece and is needed to complete and fully understand the final product. Results show that once a group begins to work well, barriers break down and the students show liking for one another and empathy too.
The Jigsaw classroom was created in the early 1970s by Elliot Aronson. It has a proven track record of reducing racial conflict and increasing positive educational outcomes. Each student represents a piece and is needed to complete the final product.
Tableau Prep is similar to OpenRefine: Both are used for data cleaning. Both save a complete and reversible history of steps. Tableau Prep uses a graphical drag-and-drop interface for connecting steps. Open Refine is textual. Tableau Prep is an expensive commercial product (but you can request it for free for a year because you are in academia). OpenRefine is free and open source. Tableau Prep can also be used for joining data from different tables using relational principles.
Tableau Prep and OpenRefine are both used for data cleaning, but Tableau Prep is more expensive and OpenRefine is free and open source.
Armed with this positive information about a person we then tend to assume other positive qualities, called the halo effect.
Armed with this positive information about a person we then tend to assume other positive qualities, called the halo effect.
Molly; Ecstasy; Adam; clarity; etc.
Molly. Ecstasy. Adam. Clarity.
Delirium is characterized by a notable disturbance in attention or awareness and cognitive performance that is significantly altered from one’s usual behavior (APA, 2013). Disturbances in attention are often manifested as difficulty sustaining, shifting, or focusing attention. Additionally, an individual experiencing an episode of delirium will have a disruption in cognition, including confusion of where they are. Disorganized thinking, incoherent speech, and hallucinations and delusions may also be observed during periods of delirium. The onset of delirium is abrupt, occurring for several hours. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and can last from days to several months.
Delirium is characterized by disruptions in attention and cognition, including confusion, disorganized thinking, incoherent speech, and hallucinations and delusions. It can last from days to months.
An element is a set of opening and closing tags in use. Tags are labels you use to mark up the beginning and end of an element.
An element is a set of opening and closing tags in use. Tags are labels you use to mark up the beginning and end of an element.
Within the context of psychopathology, the behavioral perspective is useful because explains maladaptive behavior in terms of learning gone awry. The good thing is that what is learned can be unlearned or relearned through behavior modification, the process of changing behavior.
Within the context of psychopathology, the behavioral perspective is useful because explains maladaptive behavior in terms of learning gone awry.
Functions take inputs and return some outputs. Strictly speaking, functions (as in math) should not have any effects (e.g. mutation). Procedures are functions that might have an effect. (In class, I am not super strict about my use of 'function' vs. 'procedure'.) Methods are procedures that are part of a class so have access to `this` and `super`. Every method is a procedure but not every procedure is a method.
Functions take inputs and return outputs. Procedures are functions that might have an effect. Methods are procedures that are part of a class and have access to "this" and "super".
Semantic role labeling is the process of assigning semantic roles to the constituents of a sentence—primarily to the arguments and adjuncts of verbs, but sometimes also to other constituents. The roles labeled are those called thematic roles by linguists, which describe the relational structures of events, for example who is acting (the agent) on whom (the patient) with what (the instrument). Although the thematic roles agent and patient are similar to grammatical relations (subject, object, etc.) they are not the same. For example the subject of a verb can be a Patient or a Theme, not an Agent: The window (patient) broke when the rock (theme) hit it. Other typical thematic roles include recipient, location, goal, and experiencer. The roles are functions of the verbs’ meanings, or of whatever predicate the roles are arguments of. SRL could be used for better natural language understanding, such as in query answering or automatic summarization.
Semantic role labeling is the process of assigning semantic roles to constituents of a sentence, such as arguments and adjuncts of verbs. These roles are called thematic roles and are functions of the verbs' meanings. SRL could be used for better natural language understanding.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is another obsessive disorder; however, the focus of these obsessions is with perceived defects or flaws in their physical appearance. A key feature of these obsessions is that they are not observable to others. Due to the distressing nature of the obsessions regarding one’s body, individuals with BDD also engage in compulsive behaviors that take up a considerable amount of time in one’s day.
BDD is an obsessive disorder focused on perceived defects in physical appearance.
8888 refers to the local port that will be used to access 9999 in the docker container launched with this command. To confirm, try running this command in you VM and opening your VM's web browser to localhost:8888. What do you see?
8888 refers to the local port that will be used to access 9999 in the docker container launched with this command.
A left join retains all entries in the left table, but only those that match in the right table. The right join does the opposite.
A left join retains all entries in the left table, but only those that match in the right table. The right join does the opposite.
POS tagging is the task in Natural Language Processing (NLP) of assigning parts-of-speech to tokens in a sentence. Typically in English, POS tags are based on the Penn Treebank tagset and there are 45 different tags. This task is not straightforward, as tokens can be different tags depending on their contexts (for instance, consider the following sentences: "May is my favorite month." and "You may want to wait." In the first, "May" is a proper noun (NNP), and in the latter, "may" is a modal (MD)). There are multiple algorithms to assign POS tags to tokens. One is via a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in which the implementer would create lookup tables of probabilities based on a training set, then multiply the odds together against a testing set to form a prediction. For example, unigram-as-tags could be a lookup table, in which each token seen in training is given a count as each tag it is seen as. Other lookup tables include tag-to-tag probabilities, bigram-as-tags probabilities, suffixed-token-as-tag probabilities (i.e., tokens ending in -ing), and capitalized-token-as-tag probabilities. Then, in testing, multiply the probabilities together that correspond to any given token and predict the label that is the most likely. Other algorithms to handle POS tagging include Maximum Entropy Markov Models (MEMM) and recurrent neural networks (RNN). The gold standard for POS tagging currently is achieving a 97% accuracy.
POS tagging is the task in Natural Language Processing of assigning parts-of-speech to tokens in a sentence. Tokens can be different tags depending on their contexts. There are multiple algorithms to assign POS tags to tokens, such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Maximum Entropy Markov Models (MEMMs), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs).
This is a controlled test of a hypothesis in which a researcher manipulates one variable and measures its effect on another variable. The advantage is that you can make a causal statement but the disadvantage is that the behavior of the participants can become artificial.
This is a controlled test of a hypothesis in which a researcher manipulates one variable and measures its effect on another variable. The advantage is that you can make a causal statement. The disadvantage is that the behavior of the participants can become artificial.
Relational databases use relationships between multiple tables to store data more efficiently than a flat database (like Excel). In a relational database, tables are joined by designated key fields. A flat database (like Excel) treats tables as independent of each other. That is, the flat database does not use the concepts of a primary key and relationships.
In a relational database, tables are joined by designated key fields.A flat database treats tables as independent of each other.
Both of them are for qualitative data. They both separate data values into different categories, but only ordinal data can be put in order.
Both of them are for qualitative data. They both separate data values into different categories, but only ordinal data can be put in order.
A public IP address is one that is accessible, like a phone number. A private IP address comes from a special subset of the IPV4 addresses: 10.*.*.* 172.16.*.* 172.31.*.* and 192.168.*.* When you sign up for internet service, your router gets a public IP address. Anyone can use these addresses for free and because they are hidden from the public, there are no collisions with other people using the same IP address.
A public IP address is one that is accessible, like a phone number. A private IP address comes from a special subset of the IPV4 addresses.
Efforts to reduce bullying and cyberbullying include dispelling myths about bullying such as boys will be boys, have clear and enforceable rules and sanctions, determining how serious the problem is at the school through an anonymous questionnaire, have students sign an anti-bullying pledge, allow for the reporting of bullying in different ways, increase adult supervision in areas determined to be problematic from the survey, foster nurturing relationships and friendship patterns within the school and classroom, and be patient as it could take up to three years for the strategies to have their intended effect.
Dispelling myths about bullying such as boys will be boys. Have clear and enforceable rules and sanctions. Determining how serious the problem is at the school through an anonymous questionnaire. Have students sign an anti-bullying pledge. Allow for the reporting of bullying in different ways.Increase adult supervision. Foster nurturing relationships and friendship patterns within the school and classroom.
An experiment is a controlled test of a hypothesis in which a researcher manipulates one variable and measures its effect on another variable. The control group allows the researcher to make a comparison to the experimental group, making a causal statement possible, and stronger.
An experiment is a controlled test of a hypothesis. Aresearcher manipulates one variable and measures its effect on another variable. The control group allows the researcher to make a comparison to the experimental group, making a causal statement possible, and stronger.
Education as a worldview source and prior knowledge as an audience analysis category are closely aligned. Recall prior knowledge provides the communicator with insight into what and how much or how little target audience members know about a topic or issue. Education as a worldview source emphasizes that the information and knowledge we acquire through education influences how we see, interpret, and understand the world around us. Thus, the communicator can draw on prior knowledge to assess what their target audience likely knows about a topic or issue and education as a worldview source to consider how this prior knowledge likely influences the way target audience members make sense of the topic or issue.
Education as a worldview source and prior knowledge as an audience analysis category are closely aligned.
A subdirectory called `.git` is created in your current directory. The `.git` directory is called a **repository** and stores information about the history of your code files. This includes copies of files you deleted or changed. Initializing the repository does not automatically back up any of your files, it just creates the infrastructure for doing the backup.
A subdirectory called .git is created in your current directory.
Industry benchmarking is focused on illustrating the potential for value creation by analyzing well-established products or services that an entrepreneurial intervention seeks to replace, compete against, or complement.
Industry benchmarking involves analyzing well-established products or services that an entrepreneurial intervention seeks to replace, compete against, or complement.
Based on classical conditioning principles, aversion therapy is a form of treatment for substance abuse that pairs the stimulus with some type of negative or aversive stimulus. Contingency management is a treatment approach that emphasizes operant conditioning—increasing sobriety and adherence to treatment programs through rewards.
Aversion therapy and contingency management use operant conditioning to increase sobriety.
The IQR is found by subtracting the 1st quartile from the 3rd quartile. It represents the range of the middle 50% of the data. The IQR can be used to construct lower and upper thresholds for identifying outliers. Lower fence = \(Q1 - (1.5 * IQR)\) Upper fence = \(Q3 + (1.5 * IQR)\) Values outside these fences are considered outliers.
The IQR is found by subtracting the 1st quartile from the 3rd quartile. Values outside the IQR are considered outliers.
Did you know that employers have recognized that social loafing in the workplace is serious enough of an issue that they now closely monitor what their employees are doing, in relation to surfing the web, online shopping, playing online games, managing finances, searching for another job, checking Facebook, sending a text, or watching Youtube videos? They are, and the phenomenon is called cyberloafing. Employees are estimated to spend from three hours a week up to 2.5 hours a day cyberloafing.
Employers are now monitoring their employees' social loafing in the workplace, known as cyberloafing, which is estimated to take up to 2.5 hours a day.
According to the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), the prevalence rate for anorexia nervosa among young women is 0.4%, whereas the prevalence rate for bulimia nervosa is 1%-1.5%. While BED is still a relatively new diagnosis, the estimated prevalence rate in females is 1.6%. Prevalence rates for males with anorexia or bulimia are unknown; however, research suggests the female-to-male ratio is approximately 10:1 for both disorders (APA, 2015). The estimated prevalence rate for BED in males is 0.8%. The ratio between females-to-males with BED is much less skewed than that in anorexia and bulimia.
The prevalence rate for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa among young women is 0.4% and 1.6%, respectively, while the prevalence rate for BED in males is 0.8%.
According to Schramm's Feedback Model, effective communication occurs when the communicator (“source”) encodes their message based on the likely commonalities between their field of experience and that of the receiver (“destination”).
Effective communication occurs when the communicator “source” encodes their message based on the likely commonalities between their field of experience and that of the receiver “destination”.
For a class to adhere to the iterator protocol, it must implement the `__iter__()` and `__next__()` methods.
For a class to adhere to the iterator protocol, it must implement the __iter__() and __next__() methods.
RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm where messages can be encrypted by anyone via a public key, but can only be decrypted if the private decryption key (two large prime numbers in RSA) is known.
RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm where messages can be encrypted by anyone via a public key, but can only be decrypted if the private decryption key is known.
The two most common types of depressive disorders are Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Persistent Depressive Disorder, previously known as Dysthymia, is thought to be a more chronic, less severe depression. Like previously mentioned, in order to be diagnosed with either major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder, the individual must never have had a manic or hypomanic episode. In addition to Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is a newly created diagnosis that is classified as a depressive disorder. Symptoms of depression can generally be categorized into four categories to include mood, behavioral, cognitive, and physical symptoms.
Persistent Depressive Disorder is more chronic and less severe than Major Depressive Disorder, while Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is a newly created diagnosis. Symptoms of depression can be categorized into four categories: mood, behavioral, cognitive, and physical.
help convert food energy to body energy Vitamins are organic compounds that promote growth and help maintain life and health. They help maintain nerves and skin, produce blood cells, build bones and teeth, heal wounds, and convert food energy to body energy
help convert food energy to body energy.
Mixing cocaine and alcohol creates a unique metabolite (cocaethylene), in the liver, that has the same effect as cocaine and a longer half-life (~150mn vs. 50mn for cocaine). This increase the risk of dual dependency and the severity of withdrawal.
Mixing cocaine and alcohol increases risk of dual dependency and withdrawal.
Environments store binding pairs, whereas the scope of a binding defines where the binding is relevant.
Environments store binding pairs. The scope of a binding defines where the binding is relevant.
Research suggests that while psychopharmacological interventions are more effective in rapidly reducing symptoms, psychotherapy, or even a combined treatment approach, are more effective in establishing long-term relief of symptoms. Rates of relapse for major depressive disorder are often associated with individuals whose onset was at a younger age (particularly adolescents), those who have already experienced multiple major depressive episodes, and those with more severe symptomology, especially those presenting with severe suicidal ideation and psychotic features.
Psychopharmacological interventions are more effective in rapidly reducing symptoms.Psychotherapy, or even a combined treatment approach, are more effective in establishing long-term relief of symptoms.
A Naive Bayes model is a simple, fast, and quite accurate model. The computational cost for Naive Bayes model is small, so it runs pretty fast on the data. The Naive Bayes model performs better for discreate data than for continuous data, and it can be used for both binary and multiclass classification. However, to apply the Naive Bayes model, each feature should be independent to each other. In other words, the change of one feature should not affect other features. Since it's hard to find the dataset that has features which are totally independent, the pre-processing should be performed before using the Naive Bayes model.
A Naive Bayes model is a simple, fast, and quite accurate model. However, to apply the Naive Bayes model, each feature should be independent to each other. Since it's hard to find the dataset that has features which are totally independent, the pre-processing should be performed before using the Naive Bayes model.
Commonly used treatments for mental illness include psychopharmacological treatments, ECT, and psychosurgeries.
psychopharmacological treatments. ECT. Psychosurgeries.
Treatment options for somatic disorders include: Interpersonal psychotherapy, CBT, behavioral, and Psychopharmacological interventions.
Interpersonal psychotherapy. CBT. behavioral. Psychopharmacological interventions.
Cluster B personality disorders have a wide range of occurrences in the general public. Antisocial personality disorder has an estimated prevalence rate of up to 3.3% of the population. It is more common among men, particularly those with substance abuse disorders, and in those from disadvantaged socioeconomic settings. While the majority of individuals with antisocial personality disorder end up incarcerated at some point during their lifetime, criminal activities appear to decline after the age of 40.
Antisocial personality disorder has an estimated prevalence rate of up to 3.3% of the population, particularly among men and those from disadvantaged socioeconomic settings. It is more common among men with substance abuse disorders and those from disadvantaged socioeconomic settings.
Detoxification refers to the medical supervision of withdrawal from a specified drug. While most detoxification programs are inpatient for increased monitoring, some programs allow for outpatient detoxification, particularly if the addiction is not as severe. As researchers continue to learn more about both the mechanisms of substances commonly abused, as well as the mechanisms in which the body processes these substances, alternative medications are created to essentially replace the drug in which the individual is dependent on. These agonist drugs provide the individual with a “safe” drug that has a similar chemical make-up to the addicted drug. Unlike agonist drugs, antagonist drugs block or change the effects of the addictive drug. The most commonly prescribed antagonist drugs are Disulfiram and Naloxone.
Detoxification refers to the medical supervision of withdrawal from a specified drug. Most detoxification programs are inpatient for increased monitoring. Some programs allow for outpatient detoxification, particularly if the addiction is not as severe. The most commonly prescribed antagonist drugs are Disulfiram and Naloxone.
Individuals with a depressive disorder have a 17-fold increased risk for suicide over the age- and sex-adjusted general population rate. Features associated with an increased risk for death by suicide include anhedonia, living alone, being single, disconnecting socially, having access to a firearm, early life adversity, sleep disturbance, feelings of hopelessness, and problems with decision making. Women attempt suicide at a higher rate though men are more likely to complete suicide. In terms of bipolar disorders, the lifetime risk of suicide is estimated to be 20- to 30- fold greater than in the general population and 5-6% of individuals with bipolar disorder die by suicide. Like depressive disorders, women attempt suicide at a higher rate though lethal suicide is more common in men with bipolar disorder. About 1/3 of individuals with bipolar II disorder report a lifetime history of suicide attempt, which is similar in bipolar I disorder, though lethality of attempts is higher in individuals with bipolar II.
Individuals with depressive disorders have a 17-fold increased risk of suicide, with features such as anhedonia, living alone, being single, disconnecting socially, having access to a firearm, early life adversity, sleep disturbance, feelings of hopelessness, and problems with decision making. Bipolar disorders have a lifetime risk of suicide 20-30 fold greater than the general population.
A **programmer** builds programs, but may be self-taught. A **software engineer** has a formal education in software design. Without the formal education of a software engineer, the programmer may have limited experience in design and so may not come up with the best solutions, but may still be able to write useful tools. A software engineer is like an architect or builder. You want a software engineer to design a big software project and to build it, or help build it. Finally, a **system administrator** is like a handyman (or woman) who maintains, updates, and repairs computer hardware and software.
A programmer builds programs, but may be self-taught. A software engineer is formally educated and can build a software project. A system administrator is like a handyman who maintains, updates, and repairs computer hardware and software.
Binge-eating disorder is similar to bulimia nervosa in that it involves recurrent binge eating episodes along with feelings of lack of control during the binge-eating episode. The binge-eating episodes are associated with at least three of the following: eating quicker than usual, eating until uncomfortably full, eating large amounts even if not hungry, eating alone, and feeling disgust with oneself or being depressed. Despite the feelings of shame and guilt post-binge, individuals with BED will not engage in vomiting, excessive exercise, or other compensatory behaviors. These binge eating episodes occur on average, at least once a week for 3 months.
Binge-eating disorder is similar to bulimia nervosa in that it involves recurrent binge eating episodes along with feelings of lack of control during the binge-eating episode.