import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/common/lib/generated-types'; import { InitialData } from '@vendure/core/dist/data-import/index'; export const initialData: InitialData = { defaultLanguage: LanguageCode.en, defaultZone: 'Europe', taxRates: [ { name: 'Standard Tax', percentage: 20 }, { name: 'Reduced Tax', percentage: 10 }, { name: 'Zero Tax', percentage: 0 }, ], shippingMethods: [ { name: 'Standard Shipping', price: 500 }, { name: 'Express Shipping', price: 1000 }, ], paymentMethods: [], countries: [ { name: 'Australia', code: 'AU', zone: 'Oceania' }, { name: 'Austria', code: 'AT', zone: 'Europe' }, { name: 'Canada', code: 'CA', zone: 'Americas' }, { name: 'China', code: 'CN', zone: 'Asia' }, { name: 'South Africa', code: 'ZA', zone: 'Africa' }, { name: 'United Kingdom', code: 'GB', zone: 'Europe' }, { name: 'United States of America', code: 'US', zone: 'Americas' }, ], collections: [ { name: 'Plants', filters: [ { code: 'facet-value-filter', args: { facetValueNames: ['plants'], containsAny: false } }, ], }, ], };
import { mergeConfig } from '@vendure/core'; import { MysqlInitializer, PostgresInitializer, registerInitializer, SqljsInitializer, testConfig as defaultTestConfig, } from '@vendure/testing'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import { DataSourceOptions } from 'typeorm'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { getPackageDir } from './get-package-dir'; declare global { namespace NodeJS { interface Global { e2eServerPortsUsed: number[]; } } } /** * We use a relatively long timeout on the initial beforeAll() function of the * e2e tests because on the first run (and always in CI) the sqlite databases * need to be generated, which can take a while. */ export const TEST_SETUP_TIMEOUT_MS = process.env.E2E_DEBUG ? 1800 * 1000 : 120000; const packageDir = getPackageDir(); registerInitializer('sqljs', new SqljsInitializer(path.join(packageDir, '__data__'))); registerInitializer('postgres', new PostgresInitializer()); registerInitializer('mysql', new MysqlInitializer()); registerInitializer('mariadb', new MysqlInitializer()); export const testConfig = () => { // @ts-ignore const portsFile = fileURLToPath(new URL('ports.json', import.meta.url)); fs.ensureFileSync(portsFile); let usedPorts: number[]; try { usedPorts = fs.readJSONSync(portsFile) ?? [3010]; } catch (e: any) { usedPorts = [3010]; } const nextPort = Math.max(...usedPorts) + 1; usedPorts.push(nextPort); if (100 < usedPorts.length) { // reset the used ports after it gets 100 entries long usedPorts = [3010]; } fs.writeJSONSync(portsFile, usedPorts); return mergeConfig(defaultTestConfig, { apiOptions: { port: nextPort, }, importExportOptions: { importAssetsDir: path.join(packageDir, 'fixtures/assets'), }, dbConnectionOptions: getDbConfig(), }); }; function getDbConfig(): DataSourceOptions { const dbType = process.env.DB || 'sqljs'; switch (dbType) { case 'postgres': return { synchronize: true, type: 'postgres', host: '', port: process.env.CI ? +(process.env.E2E_POSTGRES_PORT || 5432) : 5432, username: 'admin', password: 'secret', }; case 'mariadb': return { synchronize: true, type: 'mariadb', host: '', port: process.env.CI ? +(process.env.E2E_MARIADB_PORT || 3306) : 3306, username: 'root', password: '', }; case 'mysql': return { synchronize: true, type: 'mysql', host: '', port: process.env.CI ? +(process.env.E2E_MYSQL_PORT || 3306) : 3306, username: 'root', password: '', }; case 'sqljs': default: return defaultTestConfig.dbConnectionOptions; } }
import path from 'path'; import swc from 'unplugin-swc'; import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'; export default defineConfig({ test: { include: ['**/*.bench.ts'], /** * For local debugging of the e2e tests, we set a very long timeout value otherwise tests will * automatically fail for going over the 5 second default timeout. */ testTimeout: process.env.E2E_DEBUG ? 1800 * 1000 : process.env.CI ? 30 * 1000 : 15 * 1000, // threads: false, // singleThread: true, // reporters: ['verbose'], typecheck: { tsconfig: path.join(__dirname, 'tsconfig.e2e.json'), }, // In jobs-queue.e2e-spec.ts, we use `it.only()` for sqljs, so we need this // set to true to avoid failures in CI. allowOnly: true, }, plugins: [ // SWC required to support decorators used in test plugins // See // Vite plugin swc.vite({ jsc: { transform: { // See useDefineForClassFields: false, }, }, }), ], });
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import { execSync, spawn } from 'child_process'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; const compiledUiDir = path.join(__dirname, 'lib/admin-ui'); console.log('Building admin-ui from source...'); fs.removeSync(compiledUiDir); const adminUiDir = path.join(__dirname, '../admin-ui'); const buildProcess = spawn('npm', ['run', 'build:app', `--prefix "${adminUiDir}"`], { cwd: adminUiDir, shell: true, stdio: 'inherit', }); buildProcess.on('close', code => { if (code === 0) { fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, '../admin-ui/dist'), compiledUiDir); } else { console.log('Could not build!'); process.exitCode = 1; } });
export * from './src/plugin';
import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/core'; import path from 'path'; export const DEFAULT_APP_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../admin-ui'); export const loggerCtx = 'AdminUiPlugin'; export const defaultLanguage = LanguageCode.en; export const defaultLocale = undefined; export const defaultAvailableLanguages = [ LanguageCode.he,,, LanguageCode.en,,, LanguageCode.zh_Hans, LanguageCode.zh_Hant, LanguageCode.pt_BR, LanguageCode.pt_PT, LanguageCode.cs,,,,, LanguageCode.fa,,,, LanguageCode.nb, ]; export const defaultAvailableLocales = [ 'AF', 'AL', 'DZ', 'AS', 'AD', 'AO', 'AI', 'AQ', 'AG', 'AR', 'AM', 'AW', 'AU', 'AT', 'AZ', 'BS', 'BH', 'BD', 'BB', 'BY', 'BE', 'BZ', 'BJ', 'BM', 'BT', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BA', 'BW', 'BV', 'BR', 'IO', 'BN', 'BG', 'BF', 'BI', 'CV', 'KH', 'CM', 'CA', 'KY', 'CF', 'TD', 'CL', 'CN', 'CX', 'CC', 'CO', 'KM', 'CD', 'CG', 'CK', 'CR', 'HR', 'CU', 'CW', 'CY', 'CZ', 'CI', 'DK', 'DJ', 'DM', 'DO', 'EC', 'EG', 'SV', 'GQ', 'ER', 'EE', 'SZ', 'ET', 'FK', 'FO', 'FJ', 'FI', 'FR', 'GF', 'PF', 'TF', 'GA', 'GM', 'GE', 'DE', 'GH', 'GI', 'GR', 'GL', 'GD', 'GP', 'GU', 'GT', 'GG', 'GN', 'GW', 'GY', 'HT', 'HM', 'VA', 'HN', 'HK', 'HU', 'IS', 'IN', 'ID', 'IR', 'IQ', 'IE', 'IM', 'IL', 'IT', 'JM', 'JP', 'JE', 'JO', 'KZ', 'KE', 'KI', 'KP', 'KR', 'KW', 'KG', 'LA', 'LV', 'LB', 'LS', 'LR', 'LY', 'LI', 'LT', 'LU', 'MO', 'MG', 'MW', 'MY', 'MV', 'ML', 'MT', 'MH', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MU', 'YT', 'MX', 'FM', 'MD', 'MC', 'MN', 'ME', 'MS', 'MA', 'MZ', 'MM', 'NA', 'NR', 'NP', 'NL', 'NC', 'NZ', 'NI', 'NE', 'NG', 'NU', 'NF', 'MK', 'MP', 'NO', 'OM', 'PK', 'PW', 'PS', 'PA', 'PG', 'PY', 'PE', 'PH', 'PN', 'PL', 'PT', 'PR', 'QA', 'RO', 'RU', 'RW', 'RE', 'BL', 'SH', 'KN', 'LC', 'MF', 'PM', 'VC', 'WS', 'SM', 'ST', 'SA', 'SN', 'RS', 'SC', 'SL', 'SG', 'SX', 'SK', 'SI', 'SB', 'SO', 'ZA', 'GS', 'SS', 'ES', 'LK', 'SD', 'SR', 'SJ', 'SE', 'CH', 'SY', 'TW', 'TJ', 'TZ', 'TH', 'TL', 'TG', 'TK', 'TO', 'TT', 'TN', 'TR', 'TM', 'TC', 'TV', 'UG', 'UA', 'AE', 'GB', 'UM', 'US', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VU', 'VE', 'VN', 'VG', 'VI', 'WF', 'EH', 'YE', 'ZM', 'ZW', 'AX', ];
import { MiddlewareConsumer, NestModule } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DEFAULT_AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER_KEY, DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TOKEN_KEY, } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-constants'; import { AdminUiAppConfig, AdminUiAppDevModeConfig, AdminUiConfig, Type, } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-types'; import { ConfigService, createProxyHandler, Logger, PluginCommonModule, ProcessContext, registerPluginStartupMessage, VendurePlugin, } from '@vendure/core'; import express from 'express'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import { adminApiExtensions } from './api/api-extensions'; import { MetricsResolver } from './api/metrics.resolver'; import { defaultAvailableLanguages, defaultLanguage, defaultLocale, DEFAULT_APP_PATH, loggerCtx, defaultAvailableLocales, } from './constants'; import { MetricsService } from './service/metrics.service'; /** * @description * Configuration options for the {@link AdminUiPlugin}. * * @docsCategory core plugins/AdminUiPlugin */ export interface AdminUiPluginOptions { /** * @description * The route to the Admin UI. * * Note: If you are using the {@link compileUiExtensions} function to compile a custom version of the Admin UI, then * the route should match the `baseHref` option passed to that function. The default value of `baseHref` is `/admin/`, * so it only needs to be changed if you set this `route` option to something other than `"admin"`. */ route: string; /** * @description * The port on which the server will listen. This port will be proxied by the AdminUiPlugin to the same port that * the Vendure server is running on. */ port: number; /** * @description * The hostname of the server serving the static admin ui files. * * @default 'localhost' */ hostname?: string; /** * @description * By default, the AdminUiPlugin comes bundles with a pre-built version of the * Admin UI. This option can be used to override this default build with a different * version, e.g. one pre-compiled with one or more ui extensions. */ app?: AdminUiAppConfig | AdminUiAppDevModeConfig; /** * @description * Allows the contents of the `vendure-ui-config.json` file to be set, e.g. * for specifying the Vendure GraphQL API host, available UI languages, etc. */ adminUiConfig?: Partial<AdminUiConfig>; } /** * @description * This plugin starts a static server for the Admin UI app, and proxies it via the `/admin/` path of the main Vendure server. * * The Admin UI allows you to administer all aspects of your store, from inventory management to order tracking. It is the tool used by * store administrators on a day-to-day basis for the management of the store. * * ## Installation * * `yarn add \@vendure/admin-ui-plugin` * * or * * `npm install \@vendure/admin-ui-plugin` * * @example * ```ts * import { AdminUiPlugin } from '\@vendure/admin-ui-plugin'; * * const config: VendureConfig = { * // Add an instance of the plugin to the plugins array * plugins: [ * AdminUiPlugin.init({ port: 3002 }), * ], * }; * ``` * * ## Metrics * * This plugin also defines a `metricSummary` query which is used by the Admin UI to display the order metrics on the dashboard. * * If you are building a stand-alone version of the Admin UI app, and therefore don't need this plugin to server the Admin UI, * you can still use the `metricSummary` query by adding the `AdminUiPlugin` to the `plugins` array, but without calling the `init()` method: * * @example * ```ts * import { AdminUiPlugin } from '\@vendure/admin-ui-plugin'; * * const config: VendureConfig = { * plugins: [ * AdminUiPlugin, // <-- no call to .init() * ], * // ... * }; * ``` * * @docsCategory core plugins/AdminUiPlugin */ @VendurePlugin({ imports: [PluginCommonModule], adminApiExtensions: { schema: adminApiExtensions, resolvers: [MetricsResolver], }, providers: [MetricsService], compatibility: '^2.0.0', }) export class AdminUiPlugin implements NestModule { private static options: AdminUiPluginOptions | undefined; constructor(private configService: ConfigService, private processContext: ProcessContext) {} /** * @description * Set the plugin options */ static init(options: AdminUiPluginOptions): Type<AdminUiPlugin> { this.options = options; return AdminUiPlugin; } async configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) { if (this.processContext.isWorker) { return; } if (!AdminUiPlugin.options) { `AdminUiPlugin's init() method was not called. The Admin UI will not be served.`, loggerCtx, ); return; } const { app, hostname, route, adminUiConfig } = AdminUiPlugin.options; const adminUiAppPath = AdminUiPlugin.isDevModeApp(app) ? path.join(app.sourcePath, 'src') : (app && app.path) || DEFAULT_APP_PATH; const adminUiConfigPath = path.join(adminUiAppPath, 'vendure-ui-config.json'); const indexHtmlPath = path.join(adminUiAppPath, 'index.html'); const overwriteConfig = async () => { const uiConfig = this.getAdminUiConfig(adminUiConfig); await this.overwriteAdminUiConfig(adminUiConfigPath, uiConfig); await this.overwriteBaseHref(indexHtmlPath, route); }; let port: number; if (AdminUiPlugin.isDevModeApp(app)) { port = app.port; } else { port = AdminUiPlugin.options.port; } if (AdminUiPlugin.isDevModeApp(app)) {'Creating admin ui middleware (dev mode)', loggerCtx); consumer .apply( createProxyHandler({ hostname, port, route, label: 'Admin UI', basePath: route, }), ) .forRoutes(route); consumer .apply( createProxyHandler({ hostname, port, route: 'sockjs-node', label: 'Admin UI live reload', basePath: 'sockjs-node', }), ) .forRoutes('sockjs-node');'Compiling Admin UI app in development mode', loggerCtx); app.compile().then( () => {'Admin UI compiling and watching for changes...', loggerCtx); }, (err: any) => { Logger.error(`Failed to compile: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`, loggerCtx, err.stack); }, ); await overwriteConfig(); } else {'Creating admin ui middleware (prod mode)', loggerCtx); consumer.apply(await this.createStaticServer(app)).forRoutes(route); if (app && typeof app.compile === 'function') {'Compiling Admin UI app in production mode...', loggerCtx); app.compile() .then(overwriteConfig) .then( () => {'Admin UI successfully compiled', loggerCtx); }, (err: any) => { Logger.error(`Failed to compile: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`, loggerCtx, err.stack); }, ); } else { await overwriteConfig(); } } registerPluginStartupMessage('Admin UI', route); } private async createStaticServer(app?: AdminUiAppConfig) { const adminUiAppPath = (app && app.path) || DEFAULT_APP_PATH; const adminUiServer = express.Router(); adminUiServer.use(express.static(adminUiAppPath)); adminUiServer.use((req, res) => { res.sendFile(path.join(adminUiAppPath, 'index.html')); }); return adminUiServer; } /** * Takes an optional AdminUiConfig provided in the plugin options, and returns a complete * config object for writing to disk. */ private getAdminUiConfig(partialConfig?: Partial<AdminUiConfig>): AdminUiConfig { const { authOptions, apiOptions } = this.configService; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const options = AdminUiPlugin.options!; const propOrDefault = <Prop extends keyof AdminUiConfig>( prop: Prop, defaultVal: AdminUiConfig[Prop], isArray: boolean = false, ): AdminUiConfig[Prop] => { if (isArray) { const isValidArray = !!partialConfig ? !!((partialConfig as AdminUiConfig)[prop] as any[])?.length : false; return !!partialConfig && isValidArray ? (partialConfig as AdminUiConfig)[prop] : defaultVal; } else { return partialConfig ? (partialConfig as AdminUiConfig)[prop] || defaultVal : defaultVal; } }; return { adminApiPath: propOrDefault('adminApiPath', apiOptions.adminApiPath), apiHost: propOrDefault('apiHost', 'auto'), apiPort: propOrDefault('apiPort', 'auto'), tokenMethod: propOrDefault( 'tokenMethod', authOptions.tokenMethod === 'bearer' ? 'bearer' : 'cookie', ), authTokenHeaderKey: propOrDefault( 'authTokenHeaderKey', authOptions.authTokenHeaderKey || DEFAULT_AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER_KEY, ), channelTokenKey: propOrDefault( 'channelTokenKey', apiOptions.channelTokenKey || DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TOKEN_KEY, ), defaultLanguage: propOrDefault('defaultLanguage', defaultLanguage), defaultLocale: propOrDefault('defaultLocale', defaultLocale), availableLanguages: propOrDefault('availableLanguages', defaultAvailableLanguages, true), availableLocales: propOrDefault('availableLocales', defaultAvailableLocales, true), loginUrl: options.adminUiConfig?.loginUrl, brand: options.adminUiConfig?.brand, hideVendureBranding: propOrDefault( 'hideVendureBranding', options.adminUiConfig?.hideVendureBranding || false, ), hideVersion: propOrDefault('hideVersion', options.adminUiConfig?.hideVersion || false), loginImageUrl: options.adminUiConfig?.loginImageUrl, cancellationReasons: propOrDefault('cancellationReasons', undefined), }; } /** * Overwrites the parts of the admin-ui app's `vendure-ui-config.json` file relating to connecting to * the server admin API. */ private async overwriteAdminUiConfig(adminUiConfigPath: string, config: AdminUiConfig) { try { const content = await this.pollForFile(adminUiConfigPath); } catch (e: any) { Logger.error(e.message, loggerCtx); throw e; } try { await fs.writeFile(adminUiConfigPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); } catch (e: any) { throw new Error( '[AdminUiPlugin] Could not write vendure-ui-config.json file:\n' + JSON.stringify(e.message), ); } Logger.verbose('Applied configuration to vendure-ui-config.json file', loggerCtx); } /** * Overwrites the parts of the admin-ui app's `vendure-ui-config.json` file relating to connecting to * the server admin API. */ private async overwriteBaseHref(indexHtmlPath: string, baseHref: string) { let indexHtmlContent: string; try { indexHtmlContent = await this.pollForFile(indexHtmlPath); } catch (e: any) { Logger.error(e.message, loggerCtx); throw e; } try { const withCustomBaseHref = indexHtmlContent.replace( /<base href=".+"\s*\/>/, `<base href="/${baseHref}/" />`, ); await fs.writeFile(indexHtmlPath, withCustomBaseHref); } catch (e: any) { throw new Error('[AdminUiPlugin] Could not write index.html file:\n' + JSON.stringify(e.message)); } Logger.verbose(`Applied baseHref "/${baseHref}/" to index.html file`, loggerCtx); } /** * It might be that the ui-devkit compiler has not yet copied the config * file to the expected location (particularly when running in watch mode), * so polling is used to check multiple times with a delay. */ private async pollForFile(filePath: string) { const maxRetries = 10; const retryDelay = 200; let attempts = 0; const pause = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay)); while (attempts < maxRetries) { try { Logger.verbose(`Checking for admin ui file: ${filePath}`, loggerCtx); const configFileContent = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'); return configFileContent; } catch (e: any) { attempts++; Logger.verbose( `Unable to locate admin ui file: ${filePath} (attempt ${attempts})`, loggerCtx, ); } await pause(); } throw new Error(`Unable to locate admin ui file: ${filePath}`); } private static isDevModeApp( app?: AdminUiAppConfig | AdminUiAppDevModeConfig, ): app is AdminUiAppDevModeConfig { if (!app) { return false; } return !!(app as AdminUiAppDevModeConfig).sourcePath; } }
import { ID } from '@vendure/core'; export type MetricSummary = { interval: MetricInterval; type: MetricType; title: string; entries: MetricSummaryEntry[]; }; export enum MetricType { OrderCount = 'OrderCount', OrderTotal = 'OrderTotal', AverageOrderValue = 'AverageOrderValue', } export enum MetricInterval { Daily = 'Daily', } export type MetricSummaryEntry = { label: string; value: number; }; export interface MetricSummaryInput { interval: MetricInterval; types: MetricType[]; refresh?: boolean; }
import gql from 'graphql-tag'; export const adminApiExtensions = gql` type MetricSummary { interval: MetricInterval! type: MetricType! title: String! entries: [MetricSummaryEntry!]! } enum MetricInterval { Daily } enum MetricType { OrderCount OrderTotal AverageOrderValue } type MetricSummaryEntry { label: String! value: Float! } input MetricSummaryInput { interval: MetricInterval! types: [MetricType!]! refresh: Boolean } extend type Query { """ Get metrics for the given interval and metric types. """ metricSummary(input: MetricSummaryInput): [MetricSummary!]! } `;
import { Args, Query, Resolver } from '@nestjs/graphql'; import { Allow, Ctx, Permission, RequestContext } from '@vendure/core'; import { MetricsService } from '../service/metrics.service'; import { MetricSummary, MetricSummaryInput } from '../types'; @Resolver() export class MetricsResolver { constructor(private service: MetricsService) {} @Query() @Allow(Permission.ReadOrder) async metricSummary( @Ctx() ctx: RequestContext, @Args('input') input: MetricSummaryInput, ): Promise<MetricSummary[]> { return this.service.getMetrics(ctx, input); } }
import { RequestContext } from '@vendure/core'; import { MetricData } from '../service/metrics.service'; import { MetricInterval, MetricSummaryEntry, MetricType } from '../types'; /** * Calculate your metric data based on the given input. * Be careful with heavy queries and calculations, * as this function is executed everytime a user views its dashboard * */ export interface MetricCalculation { type: MetricType; getTitle(ctx: RequestContext): string; calculateEntry(ctx: RequestContext, interval: MetricInterval, data: MetricData): MetricSummaryEntry; } export function getMonthName(monthNr: number): string { const monthNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; return monthNames[monthNr]; } /** * Calculates the average order value per month/week */ export class AverageOrderValueMetric implements MetricCalculation { readonly type = MetricType.AverageOrderValue; getTitle(ctx: RequestContext): string { return 'average-order-value'; } calculateEntry(ctx: RequestContext, interval: MetricInterval, data: MetricData): MetricSummaryEntry { const label =; if (!data.orders.length) { return { label, value: 0, }; } const total = => o.totalWithTax).reduce((_total, current) => _total + current); const average = Math.round(total / data.orders.length); return { label, value: average, }; } } /** * Calculates number of orders */ export class OrderCountMetric implements MetricCalculation { readonly type = MetricType.OrderCount; getTitle(ctx: RequestContext): string { return 'order-count'; } calculateEntry(ctx: RequestContext, interval: MetricInterval, data: MetricData): MetricSummaryEntry { const label =; return { label, value: data.orders.length, }; } } /** * Calculates order total */ export class OrderTotalMetric implements MetricCalculation { readonly type = MetricType.OrderTotal; getTitle(ctx: RequestContext): string { return 'order-totals'; } calculateEntry(ctx: RequestContext, interval: MetricInterval, data: MetricData): MetricSummaryEntry { const label =; return { label, value: => o.totalWithTax).reduce((_total, current) => _total + current, 0), }; } }
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { assertNever } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-utils'; import { ConfigService, Logger, Order, RequestContext, TransactionalConnection, TtlCache, } from '@vendure/core'; import { Duration, endOfDay, getDayOfYear, getISOWeek, getMonth, setDayOfYear, startOfDay, sub, } from 'date-fns'; import { AverageOrderValueMetric, MetricCalculation, OrderCountMetric, OrderTotalMetric, } from '../config/metrics-strategies'; import { loggerCtx } from '../constants'; import { MetricInterval, MetricSummary, MetricSummaryEntry, MetricSummaryInput } from '../types'; export type MetricData = { date: Date; orders: Order[]; }; @Injectable() export class MetricsService { private cache = new TtlCache<string, MetricSummary[]>({ ttl: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 }); metricCalculations: MetricCalculation[]; constructor(private connection: TransactionalConnection, private configService: ConfigService) { this.metricCalculations = [ new AverageOrderValueMetric(), new OrderCountMetric(), new OrderTotalMetric(), ]; } async getMetrics( ctx: RequestContext, { interval, types, refresh }: MetricSummaryInput, ): Promise<MetricSummary[]> { // Set 23:59:59.999 as endDate const endDate = endOfDay(new Date()); // Check if we have cached result const cacheKey = JSON.stringify({ endDate, types: types.sort(), interval, channel:, }); const cachedMetricList = this.cache.get(cacheKey); if (cachedMetricList && refresh !== true) { Logger.verbose(`Returning cached metrics for channel ${}`, loggerCtx); return cachedMetricList; } // No cache, calculating new metrics Logger.verbose( `No cache hit, calculating ${interval} metrics until ${endDate.toISOString()} for channel ${ } for all orders`, loggerCtx, ); const data = await this.loadData(ctx, interval, endDate); const metrics: MetricSummary[] = []; for (const type of types) { const metric = this.metricCalculations.find(m => m.type === type); if (!metric) { continue; } // Calculate entry (month or week) const entries: MetricSummaryEntry[] = []; data.forEach(dataPerTick => { entries.push(metric.calculateEntry(ctx, interval, dataPerTick)); }); // Create metric with calculated entries metrics.push({ interval, title: metric.getTitle(ctx), type: metric.type, entries, }); } this.cache.set(cacheKey, metrics); return metrics; } async loadData( ctx: RequestContext, interval: MetricInterval, endDate: Date, ): Promise<Map<number, MetricData>> { let nrOfEntries: number; let backInTimeAmount: Duration; const orderRepo = this.connection.getRepository(ctx, Order); // What function to use to get the current Tick of a date (i.e. the week or month number) let getTickNrFn: typeof getMonth | typeof getISOWeek; let maxTick: number; switch (interval) { case MetricInterval.Daily: { nrOfEntries = 30; backInTimeAmount = { days: nrOfEntries }; getTickNrFn = getDayOfYear; maxTick = 365; break; } default: assertNever(interval); } const startDate = startOfDay(sub(endDate, backInTimeAmount)); const startTick = getTickNrFn(startDate); // Get orders in a loop until we have all let skip = 0; const take = 1000; let hasMoreOrders = true; const orders: Order[] = []; while (hasMoreOrders) { const query = orderRepo .createQueryBuilder('order') .leftJoin('order.channels', 'orderChannel') .where('', { channelId: ctx.channelId }) .andWhere('order.orderPlacedAt >= :startDate', { startDate: startDate.toISOString(), }) .skip(skip) .take(take); const [items, nrOfOrders] = await query.getManyAndCount(); orders.push(...items); Logger.verbose( `Fetched orders ${skip}-${skip + take} for channel ${ } for ${interval} metrics`, loggerCtx, ); skip += items.length; if (orders.length >= nrOfOrders) { hasMoreOrders = false; } } Logger.verbose( `Finished fetching all ${orders.length} orders for channel ${} for ${interval} metrics`, loggerCtx, ); const dataPerInterval = new Map<number, MetricData>(); const ticks = []; for (let i = 1; i <= nrOfEntries; i++) { if (startTick + i >= maxTick) { // make sure we dont go over month 12 or week 52 ticks.push(startTick + i - maxTick); } else { ticks.push(startTick + i); } } ticks.forEach(tick => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const ordersInCurrentTick = orders.filter(order => getTickNrFn(order.orderPlacedAt!) === tick); dataPerInterval.set(tick, { orders: ordersInCurrentTick, date: setDayOfYear(endDate, tick), }); }); return dataPerInterval; } }
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { loadAppConfig } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { AppModule } from './app/app.module'; import { environment } from './environments/environment'; if (environment.production) { enableProdMode(); } loadAppConfig() .then(() => platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule)) .catch(err => { /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(err); });
// This file is required by karma.conf.js and loads recursively all the .spec and framework files /* eslint-disable */ import 'zone.js/testing'; import { getTestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting, } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing'; // First, initialize the Angular testing environment. getTestBed().initTestEnvironment(BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting(), { teardown: { destroyAfterEach: false }, });
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; import { AppComponent, AppComponentModule } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { routes } from './app.routes'; @NgModule({ declarations: [], imports: [CommonModule, AppComponentModule, RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: false })], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent], }) export class AppModule {}
import { Route } from '@angular/router'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { AppShellComponent, AuthGuard } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; export const routes: Route[] = [ { path: 'login', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/login').then(m => m.LoginModule) }, { path: '', canActivate: [AuthGuard], component: AppShellComponent, data: { breadcrumb: _('breadcrumb.dashboard'), }, children: [ { path: '', pathMatch: 'full', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/dashboard').then(m => m.DashboardModule), }, { path: 'catalog', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/catalog').then(m => m.CatalogModule), }, { path: 'customer', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/customer').then(m => m.CustomerModule), }, { path: 'orders', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/order').then(m => m.OrderModule), }, { path: 'marketing', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/marketing').then(m => m.MarketingModule), }, { path: 'settings', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/settings').then(m => m.SettingsModule), }, { path: 'system', loadChildren: () => import('@vendure/admin-ui/system').then(m => m.SystemModule), }, ], }, ];
export const environment = { production: true, };
// This file can be replaced during build by using the `fileReplacements` array. // `ng build ---prod` replaces `environment.ts` with ``. // The list of file replacements can be found in `angular.json`. export const environment = { production: false, }; /* * In development mode, to ignore zone related error stack frames such as * ``, `zoneDelegate.invokeTask` for easier debugging, you can * import the following file, but please comment it out in production mode * because it will have performance impact when throw error */ // import 'zone.js/plugins/zone-error'; // Included with Angular CLI.
/** * This is a placeholder. Please import from one of the sub-packages, e.g `@vendure/admin-ui/core` */ export const placeholder = 'Vendure Admin UI';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { RouterModule, ROUTES } from '@angular/router'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { AssetDetailQueryDocument, BulkActionRegistryService, CollectionDetailQueryDocument, detailComponentWithResolver, GetFacetDetailDocument, GetProductDetailDocument, GetProductVariantDetailDocument, PageService, SharedModule, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { SortOrder } from '@vendure/common/lib/generated-types'; import { createRoutes } from './catalog.routes'; import { ApplyFacetDialogComponent } from './components/apply-facet-dialog/apply-facet-dialog.component'; import { AssetDetailComponent } from './components/asset-detail/asset-detail.component'; import { AssetListComponent } from './components/asset-list/asset-list.component'; import { AssignProductsToChannelDialogComponent } from './components/assign-products-to-channel-dialog/assign-products-to-channel-dialog.component'; import { BulkAddFacetValuesDialogComponent } from './components/bulk-add-facet-values-dialog/bulk-add-facet-values-dialog.component'; import { CollectionContentsComponent } from './components/collection-contents/collection-contents.component'; import { CollectionDataTableComponent } from './components/collection-data-table/collection-data-table.component'; import { CollectionDetailComponent } from './components/collection-detail/collection-detail.component'; import { CollectionBreadcrumbPipe } from './components/collection-list/collection-breadcrumb.pipe'; import { assignCollectionsToChannelBulkAction, deleteCollectionsBulkAction, duplicateCollectionsBulkAction, moveCollectionsBulkAction, removeCollectionsFromChannelBulkAction, } from './components/collection-list/collection-list-bulk-actions'; import { CollectionListComponent } from './components/collection-list/collection-list.component'; import { CollectionTreeNodeComponent } from './components/collection-tree/collection-tree-node.component'; import { CollectionTreeComponent } from './components/collection-tree/collection-tree.component'; import { ConfirmVariantDeletionDialogComponent } from './components/confirm-variant-deletion-dialog/confirm-variant-deletion-dialog.component'; import { CreateFacetValueDialogComponent } from './components/create-facet-value-dialog/create-facet-value-dialog.component'; import { CreateProductOptionGroupDialogComponent } from './components/create-product-option-group-dialog/create-product-option-group-dialog.component'; import { CreateProductVariantDialogComponent } from './components/create-product-variant-dialog/create-product-variant-dialog.component'; import { FacetDetailComponent } from './components/facet-detail/facet-detail.component'; import { assignFacetsToChannelBulkAction, deleteFacetsBulkAction, duplicateFacetsBulkAction, removeFacetsFromChannelBulkAction, } from './components/facet-list/facet-list-bulk-actions'; import { FacetListComponent } from './components/facet-list/facet-list.component'; import { GenerateProductVariantsComponent } from './components/generate-product-variants/generate-product-variants.component'; import { MoveCollectionsDialogComponent } from './components/move-collections-dialog/move-collections-dialog.component'; import { OptionValueInputComponent } from './components/option-value-input/option-value-input.component'; import { ProductDetailComponent } from './components/product-detail/product-detail.component'; import { assignFacetValuesToProductsBulkAction, assignProductsToChannelBulkAction, deleteProductsBulkAction, duplicateProductsBulkAction, removeProductsFromChannelBulkAction, } from './components/product-list/product-list-bulk-actions'; import { ProductListComponent } from './components/product-list/product-list.component'; import { ProductOptionsEditorComponent } from './components/product-options-editor/product-options-editor.component'; import { ProductVariantDetailComponent } from './components/product-variant-detail/product-variant-detail.component'; import { assignFacetValuesToProductVariantsBulkAction, assignProductVariantsToChannelBulkAction, deleteProductVariantsBulkAction, removeProductVariantsFromChannelBulkAction, } from './components/product-variant-list/product-variant-list-bulk-actions'; import { ProductVariantListComponent } from './components/product-variant-list/product-variant-list.component'; import { ProductVariantQuickJumpComponent } from './components/product-variant-quick-jump/product-variant-quick-jump.component'; import { ProductVariantsEditorComponent } from './components/product-variants-editor/product-variants-editor.component'; import { ProductVariantsTableComponent } from './components/product-variants-table/product-variants-table.component'; import { UpdateProductOptionDialogComponent } from './components/update-product-option-dialog/update-product-option-dialog.component'; import { VariantPriceDetailComponent } from './components/variant-price-detail/variant-price-detail.component'; import { VariantPriceStrategyDetailComponent } from './components/variant-price-strategy-detail/variant-price-strategy-detail.component'; const CATALOG_COMPONENTS = [ ProductListComponent, ProductDetailComponent, FacetListComponent, FacetDetailComponent, GenerateProductVariantsComponent, ApplyFacetDialogComponent, AssetListComponent, VariantPriceDetailComponent, VariantPriceStrategyDetailComponent, CollectionListComponent, CollectionDetailComponent, CollectionTreeComponent, CollectionTreeNodeComponent, CollectionContentsComponent, ProductVariantsTableComponent, OptionValueInputComponent, UpdateProductOptionDialogComponent, ProductVariantsEditorComponent, AssignProductsToChannelDialogComponent, AssetDetailComponent, ConfirmVariantDeletionDialogComponent, ProductOptionsEditorComponent, BulkAddFacetValuesDialogComponent, CollectionDataTableComponent, CollectionBreadcrumbPipe, MoveCollectionsDialogComponent, ProductVariantListComponent, ProductDetailComponent, ProductVariantDetailComponent, CreateProductVariantDialogComponent, CreateProductOptionGroupDialogComponent, ProductVariantQuickJumpComponent, CreateFacetValueDialogComponent, ]; @NgModule({ imports: [SharedModule, RouterModule.forChild([])], exports: [...CATALOG_COMPONENTS], declarations: [...CATALOG_COMPONENTS], providers: [ { provide: ROUTES, useFactory: (pageService: PageService) => createRoutes(pageService), multi: true, deps: [PageService], }, ], }) export class CatalogModule { private static hasRegisteredTabsAndBulkActions = false; constructor(bulkActionRegistryService: BulkActionRegistryService, pageService: PageService) { if (CatalogModule.hasRegisteredTabsAndBulkActions) { return; } bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(assignFacetValuesToProductsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(assignProductsToChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(assignProductVariantsToChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(removeProductsFromChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(removeProductVariantsFromChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(duplicateProductsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(deleteProductsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(deleteProductVariantsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(assignFacetValuesToProductVariantsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(assignFacetsToChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(removeFacetsFromChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(duplicateFacetsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(deleteFacetsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(moveCollectionsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(assignCollectionsToChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(removeCollectionsFromChannelBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(duplicateCollectionsBulkAction); bulkActionRegistryService.registerBulkAction(deleteCollectionsBulkAction); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'product-list', tab: _('catalog.products'), route: '', component: ProductListComponent, }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'product-detail', tab: _('catalog.product'), route: '', component: detailComponentWithResolver({ component: ProductDetailComponent, query: GetProductDetailDocument, entityKey: 'product', getBreadcrumbs: entity => [ { label: entity ? : _('catalog.create-new-product'), link: [entity?.id], }, ], }), }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'product-list', tab: _('catalog.product-variants'), route: 'variants', component: ProductVariantListComponent, }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'product-variant-detail', tab: _('catalog.product-variants'), route: '', component: detailComponentWithResolver({ component: ProductVariantDetailComponent, query: GetProductVariantDetailDocument, entityKey: 'productVariant', getBreadcrumbs: entity => [ { label: `${entity?}`, link: ['/catalog', 'products', entity?], }, { label: `${entity?.name} (${entity?.sku})`, link: ['variants', entity?.id], }, ], }), }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'facet-list', tab: _('catalog.facets'), route: '', component: FacetListComponent, }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'facet-detail', tab: _('catalog.facet'), route: '', component: detailComponentWithResolver({ component: FacetDetailComponent, query: GetFacetDetailDocument, variables: { facetValueListOptions: { take: 10, skip: 0, sort: { createdAt: SortOrder.DESC, }, }, }, entityKey: 'facet', getBreadcrumbs: entity => [ { label: entity ? : _('catalog.create-new-facet'), link: [entity?.id], }, ], }), }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'collection-list', tab: _('catalog.collections'), route: '', component: CollectionListComponent, }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'collection-detail', tab: _('catalog.collection'), route: '', component: detailComponentWithResolver({ component: CollectionDetailComponent, query: CollectionDetailQueryDocument, entityKey: 'collection', getBreadcrumbs: entity => [ { label: entity ? : _('catalog.create-new-collection'), link: [entity?.id], }, ], }), }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'asset-list', tab: _('catalog.assets'), route: '', component: AssetListComponent, }); pageService.registerPageTab({ priority: 0, location: 'asset-detail', tab: _('catalog.asset'), route: '', component: detailComponentWithResolver({ component: AssetDetailComponent, query: AssetDetailQueryDocument, entityKey: 'asset', getBreadcrumbs: entity => [ { label: `${entity?.name}`, link: [entity?.id], }, ], }), }); CatalogModule.hasRegisteredTabsAndBulkActions = true; } }
import { inject } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Route } from '@angular/router'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { CanDeactivateDetailGuard, createResolveData, DataService, PageComponent, PageService, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ProductOptionsEditorComponent } from './components/product-options-editor/product-options-editor.component'; import { ProductVariantsEditorComponent } from './components/product-variants-editor/product-variants-editor.component'; import { ProductVariantsResolver } from './providers/routing/product-variants-resolver'; export const createRoutes = (pageService: PageService): Route[] => [ { path: 'products', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'product-list', breadcrumb: _('breadcrumb.products'), }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('product-list'), }, { path: 'inventory', redirectTo: 'products', }, { path: 'products/:id', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'product-detail', breadcrumb: { label: _('breadcrumb.products'), link: ['../', 'products'] }, }, children: [ { path: 'manage-variants', component: ProductVariantsEditorComponent, canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateDetailGuard], data: { breadcrumb: ({ product }) => [ { label: `${}`, link: ['../'], }, { label: _('breadcrumb.manage-variants'), link: ['manage-variants'], }, ], }, resolve: { product: (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) => inject(DataService) .product.getProductVariantsOptions(route.parent? .mapSingle(data => data.product), }, }, ...pageService.getPageTabRoutes('product-detail'), ], }, { path: 'products/:productId/variants/:id', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'product-variant-detail', breadcrumb: { label: _('breadcrumb.products'), link: ['../', 'products'] }, }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('product-variant-detail'), }, { path: 'products/:id/options', component: ProductOptionsEditorComponent, resolve: createResolveData(ProductVariantsResolver), canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateDetailGuard], data: { breadcrumb: productOptionsEditorBreadcrumb, }, }, { path: 'facets', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'facet-list', breadcrumb: _('breadcrumb.facets'), }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('facet-list'), }, { path: 'facets/:id', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'facet-detail', breadcrumb: { label: _('breadcrumb.facets'), link: ['../', 'facets'] }, }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('facet-detail'), }, { path: 'collections', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'collection-list', breadcrumb: _('breadcrumb.collections'), }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('collection-list'), }, { path: 'collections/:id', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'collection-detail', breadcrumb: { label: _('breadcrumb.collections'), link: ['../', 'collections'] }, }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('collection-detail'), }, { path: 'assets', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'asset-list', breadcrumb: _('breadcrumb.assets'), }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('asset-list'), }, { path: 'assets/:id', component: PageComponent, data: { locationId: 'asset-detail', breadcrumb: { label: _('breadcrumb.assets'), link: ['../', 'assets'] }, }, children: pageService.getPageTabRoutes('asset-detail'), }, ]; export function productOptionsEditorBreadcrumb(data: any, params: any) { return data.entity.pipe( map((entity: any) => [ { label: _('breadcrumb.products'), link: ['../', 'products'], }, { label: `${}`, link: ['../', 'products',], }, { label: _('breadcrumb.product-options'), link: ['options'], }, ]), ); }
// This file was generated by the build-public-api.ts script export * from './catalog.module'; export * from './catalog.routes'; export * from './components/apply-facet-dialog/apply-facet-dialog.component'; export * from './components/asset-detail/asset-detail.component'; export * from './components/asset-list/asset-list.component'; export * from './components/assign-products-to-channel-dialog/assign-products-to-channel-dialog.component'; export * from './components/bulk-add-facet-values-dialog/bulk-add-facet-values-dialog.component'; export * from './components/bulk-add-facet-values-dialog/bulk-add-facet-values-dialog.graphql'; export * from './components/collection-contents/collection-contents.component'; export * from './components/collection-data-table/collection-data-table.component'; export * from './components/collection-detail/collection-detail.component'; export * from './components/collection-list/collection-breadcrumb.pipe'; export * from './components/collection-list/collection-list-bulk-actions'; export * from './components/collection-list/collection-list.component'; export * from './components/collection-tree/array-to-tree'; export * from './components/collection-tree/collection-tree-node.component'; export * from './components/collection-tree/collection-tree.component'; export * from './components/collection-tree/collection-tree.service'; export * from './components/collection-tree/collection-tree.types'; export * from './components/confirm-variant-deletion-dialog/confirm-variant-deletion-dialog.component'; export * from './components/create-facet-value-dialog/create-facet-value-dialog.component'; export * from './components/create-product-option-group-dialog/create-product-option-group-dialog.component'; export * from './components/create-product-variant-dialog/create-product-variant-dialog.component'; export * from './components/facet-detail/facet-detail.component'; export * from './components/facet-list/facet-list-bulk-actions'; export * from './components/facet-list/facet-list.component'; export * from './components/generate-product-variants/generate-product-variants.component'; export * from './components/move-collections-dialog/move-collections-dialog.component'; export * from './components/option-value-input/option-value-input.component'; export * from './components/product-detail/product-detail.component'; export * from './components/product-list/product-list-bulk-actions'; export * from './components/product-list/product-list.component'; export * from './components/product-list/product-list.graphql'; export * from './components/product-options-editor/product-options-editor.component'; export * from './components/product-variant-detail/product-variant-detail.component'; export * from './components/product-variant-detail/product-variant-detail.graphql'; export * from './components/product-variant-list/product-variant-list-bulk-actions'; export * from './components/product-variant-list/product-variant-list.component'; export * from './components/product-variant-list/product-variant-list.graphql'; export * from './components/product-variant-quick-jump/product-variant-quick-jump.component'; export * from './components/product-variants-editor/product-variants-editor.component'; export * from './components/product-variants-table/product-variants-table.component'; export * from './components/update-product-option-dialog/update-product-option-dialog.component'; export * from './components/variant-price-detail/variant-price-detail.component'; export * from './components/variant-price-strategy-detail/variant-price-strategy-detail.component'; export * from './providers/product-detail/product-detail.service'; export * from './providers/product-detail/replace-last'; export * from './providers/routing/product-variants-resolver';
import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ViewChild, } from '@angular/core'; import { Dialog, FacetValue, FacetValueSelectorComponent, FacetWithValuesFragment, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-apply-facet-dialog', templateUrl: './apply-facet-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./apply-facet-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class ApplyFacetDialogComponent implements Dialog<FacetValue[]>, AfterViewInit { @ViewChild(FacetValueSelectorComponent) private selector: FacetValueSelectorComponent; resolveWith: (result?: FacetValue[]) => void; selectedValues: FacetValue[] = []; // Provided by caller facets: FacetWithValuesFragment[]; constructor(private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {} ngAfterViewInit() { setTimeout(() => this.selector.focus(), 0); } selectValues() { this.resolveWith(this.selectedValues); } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormControl, FormGroup, UntypedFormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { ASSET_FRAGMENT, AssetDetailQueryDocument, AssetDetailQueryQuery, DataService, getCustomFieldsDefaults, LanguageCode, NotificationService, TAG_FRAGMENT, TypedBaseDetailComponent, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { gql } from 'apollo-angular'; export const ASSET_DETAIL_QUERY = gql` query AssetDetailQuery($id: ID!) { asset(id: $id) { ...Asset tags { ...Tag } } } ${ASSET_FRAGMENT} ${TAG_FRAGMENT} `; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-asset-detail', templateUrl: './asset-detail.component.html', styleUrls: ['./asset-detail.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class AssetDetailComponent extends TypedBaseDetailComponent<typeof AssetDetailQueryDocument, 'asset'> implements OnInit, OnDestroy { readonly customFields = this.getCustomFieldConfig('Asset'); detailForm = new FormGroup({ name: new FormControl(''), tags: new FormControl([] as string[]), customFields:, }); constructor( private notificationService: NotificationService, protected dataService: DataService, private formBuilder: UntypedFormBuilder, ) { super(); } ngOnInit() { this.init(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy(); } onAssetChange(event: { id: string; name: string; tags: string[] }) { this.detailForm.get('name')?.setValue(; this.detailForm.get('tags')?.setValue(event.tags); this.detailForm.markAsDirty(); } save() { this.dataService.product .updateAsset({ id:, name:, tags: this.detailForm.value.tags, customFields: this.detailForm.value.customFields, }) .subscribe( () => { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-update-success'), { entity: 'Asset' }); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-update-error'), { entity: 'Asset', }); }, ); } protected setFormValues( entity: NonNullable<AssetDetailQueryQuery['asset']>, languageCode: LanguageCode, ): void { this.detailForm.get('name')?.setValue(; this.detailForm.get('tags')?.setValue( =>; if (this.customFields.length) { this.setCustomFieldFormValues(this.customFields, this.detailForm.get(['customFields']), entity); } } }
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { Asset, BaseListComponent, DataService, DeletionResult, GetAssetListQuery, GetAssetListQueryVariables, ItemOf, LogicalOperator, ModalService, NotificationService, SortOrder, TagFragment, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { PaginationInstance } from 'ngx-pagination'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, EMPTY, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { debounceTime, finalize, map, switchMap, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-asset-list', templateUrl: './asset-list.component.html', styleUrls: ['./asset-list.component.scss'], }) export class AssetListComponent extends BaseListComponent< GetAssetListQuery, ItemOf<GetAssetListQuery, 'assets'>, GetAssetListQueryVariables > implements OnInit { searchTerm$ = new BehaviorSubject<string | undefined>(undefined); filterByTags$ = new BehaviorSubject<TagFragment[] | undefined>(undefined); uploading = false; allTags$: Observable<TagFragment[]>; paginationConfig$: Observable<PaginationInstance>; constructor( private notificationService: NotificationService, private modalService: ModalService, private dataService: DataService, router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute, ) { super(router, route); super.setQueryFn( (...args: any[]) => this.dataService.product.getAssetList(...args).refetchOnChannelChange(), data => data.assets, (skip, take) => { const searchTerm = this.searchTerm$.value; const tags = this.filterByTags$.value?.map(t => t.value); return { options: { skip, take, ...(searchTerm ? { filter: { name: { contains: searchTerm }, }, } : {}), sort: { createdAt: SortOrder.DESC, }, tags, tagsOperator: LogicalOperator.AND, }, }; }, { take: 25, skip: 0 }, ); } ngOnInit() { super.ngOnInit(); this.paginationConfig$ = combineLatest(this.itemsPerPage$, this.currentPage$, this.totalItems$).pipe( map(([itemsPerPage, currentPage, totalItems]) => ({ itemsPerPage, currentPage, totalItems })), ); this.searchTerm$.pipe(debounceTime(250), takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => this.refresh()); this.filterByTags$.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => this.refresh()); this.allTags$ = this.dataService.product.getTagList().mapStream(data => data.tags.items); } filesSelected(files: File[]) { if (files.length) { this.uploading = true; this.dataService.product .createAssets(files) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.uploading = false))) .subscribe(({ createAssets }) => { let successCount = 0; for (const result of createAssets) { switch (result.__typename) { case 'Asset': successCount++; break; case 'MimeTypeError': this.notificationService.error(result.message); break; } } if (0 < successCount) { super.refresh(); this.notificationService.success(_('asset.notify-create-assets-success'), { count: successCount, }); } }); } } deleteAssets(assets: Asset[]) { this.showModalAndDelete( => .pipe( switchMap(response => { if (response.result === DeletionResult.DELETED) { return [true]; } else { return this.showModalAndDelete( =>, response.message || '', ).pipe(map(r => r.result === DeletionResult.DELETED)); } }), ) .subscribe( () => { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-delete-success'), { entity: 'Assets', }); this.refresh(); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-delete-error'), { entity: 'Assets', }); }, ); } private showModalAndDelete(assetIds: string[], message?: string) { return this.modalService .dialog({ title: _('catalog.confirm-delete-assets'), translationVars: { count: assetIds.length, }, body: message, buttons: [ { type: 'secondary', label: _('common.cancel') }, { type: 'danger', label: _('common.delete'), returnValue: true }, ], }) .pipe( switchMap(res => (res ? this.dataService.product.deleteAssets(assetIds, !!message) : EMPTY)), map(res => res.deleteAssets), ); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { UntypedFormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { DataService, Dialog, GetChannelsQuery, ItemOf, LogicalOperator, NotificationService, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { combineLatest, from, lastValueFrom, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { map, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators'; type Channel = ItemOf<GetChannelsQuery, 'channels'>; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-assign-products-to-channel-dialog', templateUrl: './assign-products-to-channel-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./assign-products-to-channel-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class AssignProductsToChannelDialogComponent implements OnInit, Dialog<any> { selectedChannel: Channel | null | undefined; currentChannel: Channel; availableChannels: Channel[]; resolveWith: (result?: any) => void; variantsPreview$: Observable<Array<{ id: string; name: string; price: number; pricePreview: number }>>; priceFactorControl = new UntypedFormControl(1); selectedChannelIdControl = new UntypedFormControl(); // assigned by ModalService.fromComponent() call productIds: string[]; productVariantIds: string[] | undefined; currentChannelIds: string[]; get isProductVariantMode(): boolean { return this.productVariantIds != null; } constructor(private dataService: DataService, private notificationService: NotificationService) {} ngOnInit() { const activeChannelId$ = this.dataService.client .userStatus() .mapSingle(({ userStatus }) => userStatus.activeChannelId); const allChannels$ = this.dataService.settings.getChannels().mapSingle(data => data.channels); combineLatest(activeChannelId$, allChannels$).subscribe(([activeChannelId, channels]) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion this.currentChannel = channels.items.find(c => === activeChannelId)!; this.availableChannels = channels.items; }); this.selectedChannelIdControl.valueChanges.subscribe(ids => { this.selectChannel(ids); }); this.variantsPreview$ = combineLatest( from(this.getTopVariants(10)), this.priceFactorControl.valueChanges.pipe(startWith(1)), ).pipe( map(([variants, factor]) => => ({ id:, name:, price: v.price, pricePreview: v.price * +factor, })), ), ); } selectChannel(channelIds: string[]) { this.selectedChannel = this.availableChannels.find(c => === channelIds[0]); } assign() { const selectedChannel = this.selectedChannel; if (selectedChannel) { if (!this.isProductVariantMode) { this.dataService.product .assignProductsToChannel({ channelId:, productIds: this.productIds, priceFactor: +this.priceFactorControl.value, }) .subscribe(() => { this.notificationService.success(_('catalog.assign-product-to-channel-success'), { channel: selectedChannel.code, count: this.productIds.length, }); this.resolveWith(true); }); } else if (this.productVariantIds) { this.dataService.product .assignVariantsToChannel({ channelId:, productVariantIds: this.productVariantIds, priceFactor: +this.priceFactorControl.value, }) .subscribe(() => { this.notificationService.success(_('catalog.assign-variant-to-channel-success'), { channel: selectedChannel.code, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion count: this.productVariantIds!.length, }); this.resolveWith(true); }); } } } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } private async getTopVariants(take: number) { return ( await lastValueFrom( this.dataService.product.getProductVariants({ filterOperator: LogicalOperator.OR, filter: { productId: { in: this.productIds }, id: { in: this.productVariantIds }, }, take, }).single$, ) ).productVariants.items; } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { DataService, Dialog, FacetWithValuesFragment, GetProductsWithFacetValuesByIdsQuery, GetProductsWithFacetValuesByIdsQueryVariables, GetVariantsWithFacetValuesByIdsQuery, UpdateProductsBulkMutation, UpdateProductsBulkMutationVariables, UpdateVariantsBulkMutation, UpdateVariantsBulkMutationVariables, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { unique } from '@vendure/common/lib/unique'; import { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { shareReplay, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { GET_PRODUCTS_WITH_FACET_VALUES_BY_IDS, GET_VARIANTS_WITH_FACET_VALUES_BY_IDS, UPDATE_PRODUCTS_BULK, UPDATE_VARIANTS_BULK, } from './bulk-add-facet-values-dialog.graphql'; interface ProductOrVariant { id: string; name: string; sku?: string; facetValues: Array<{ id: string; name: string; code: string; facet: Array<{ id: string; name: string; code: string; }>; }>; } @Component({ selector: 'vdr-bulk-add-facet-values-dialog', templateUrl: './bulk-add-facet-values-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./bulk-add-facet-values-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class BulkAddFacetValuesDialogComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Dialog<FacetWithValuesFragment[]> { resolveWith: (result?: FacetWithValuesFragment[]) => void; /* provided by call to ModalService */ mode: 'product' | 'variant' = 'product'; ids?: string[]; state: 'loading' | 'ready' | 'saving' = 'loading'; selectedValues: FacetWithValuesFragment[] = []; items: ProductOrVariant[] = []; facetValuesRemoved = false; private subscription: Subscription; constructor(private dataService: DataService, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {} ngOnInit(): void { const fetchData$: Observable<any> = this.mode === 'product' ? this.dataService .query< GetProductsWithFacetValuesByIdsQuery, GetProductsWithFacetValuesByIdsQueryVariables >(GET_PRODUCTS_WITH_FACET_VALUES_BY_IDS, { ids: this.ids ?? [], }) .mapSingle(({ products }) => => ({ ...p, facetValues: [...p.facetValues] })), ) : this.dataService .query< GetVariantsWithFacetValuesByIdsQuery, GetProductsWithFacetValuesByIdsQueryVariables >(GET_VARIANTS_WITH_FACET_VALUES_BY_IDS, { ids: this.ids ?? [], }) .mapSingle(({ productVariants }) => => ({ ...p, facetValues: [...p.facetValues] })), ); this.subscription = fetchData$.subscribe({ next: items => { this.items = items; this.state = 'ready'; this.changeDetectorRef.markForCheck(); }, }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscription?.unsubscribe(); } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } removeFacetValue(item: ProductOrVariant, facetValueId: string) { item.facetValues = item.facetValues.filter(fv => !== facetValueId); this.facetValuesRemoved = true; } addFacetValues() { const selectedFacetValueIds = =>; this.state = 'saving'; const save$: Observable<any> = this.mode === 'product' ? this.dataService.mutate<UpdateProductsBulkMutation, UpdateProductsBulkMutationVariables>( UPDATE_PRODUCTS_BULK, { input: this.items?.map(product => ({ id:, facetValueIds: unique([ =>, ...selectedFacetValueIds, ]), })), }, ) : this.dataService.mutate<UpdateVariantsBulkMutation, UpdateVariantsBulkMutationVariables>( UPDATE_VARIANTS_BULK, { input: this.items?.map(product => ({ id:, facetValueIds: unique([ =>, ...selectedFacetValueIds, ]), })), }, ); return save$.subscribe(result => { this.resolveWith(this.selectedValues); }); } }
import { gql } from 'apollo-angular'; export const GET_PRODUCTS_WITH_FACET_VALUES_BY_IDS = gql` query GetProductsWithFacetValuesByIds($ids: [String!]!) { products(options: { filter: { id: { in: $ids } } }) { items { id name facetValues { id name code facet { id name code } } } } } `; export const GET_VARIANTS_WITH_FACET_VALUES_BY_IDS = gql` query GetVariantsWithFacetValuesByIds($ids: [String!]!) { productVariants(options: { filter: { id: { in: $ids } } }) { items { id name sku facetValues { id name code facet { id name code } } } } } `; export const UPDATE_PRODUCTS_BULK = gql` mutation UpdateProductsBulk($input: [UpdateProductInput!]!) { updateProducts(input: $input) { id name facetValues { id name code } } } `; export const UPDATE_VARIANTS_BULK = gql` mutation UpdateVariantsBulk($input: [UpdateProductVariantInput!]!) { updateProductVariants(input: $input) { id name facetValues { id name code } } } `;
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, ContentChild, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, SimpleChanges, TemplateRef, } from '@angular/core'; import { UntypedFormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { CollectionFilterParameter, ConfigurableOperationInput, DataService, GetCollectionContentsQuery, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, Observable, of, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, finalize, map, startWith, switchMap, takeUntil, tap, } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-collection-contents', templateUrl: './collection-contents.component.html', styleUrls: ['./collection-contents.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CollectionContentsComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { @Input() collectionId: string; @Input() parentId: string; @Input() inheritFilters: boolean; @Input() updatedFilters: ConfigurableOperationInput[] | undefined; @Input() previewUpdatedFilters = false; @ContentChild(TemplateRef, { static: true }) headerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>; contents$: Observable<NonNullable<GetCollectionContentsQuery['collection']>['productVariants']['items']>; contentsTotalItems$: Observable<number>; contentsItemsPerPage$: Observable<number>; contentsCurrentPage$: Observable<number>; filterTermControl = new UntypedFormControl(''); isLoading = false; private collectionIdChange$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>(''); private parentIdChange$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>(''); private filterChanges$ = new BehaviorSubject<ConfigurableOperationInput[]>([]); private inheritFiltersChanges$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(true); private refresh$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(true); private destroy$ = new Subject<void>(); constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private dataService: DataService) {} ngOnInit() { this.contentsCurrentPage$ = this.route.queryParamMap.pipe( map(qpm => qpm.get('contentsPage')), map(page => (!page ? 1 : +page)), startWith(1), distinctUntilChanged(), ); this.contentsItemsPerPage$ = this.route.queryParamMap.pipe( map(qpm => qpm.get('contentsPerPage')), map(perPage => (!perPage ? 10 : +perPage)), startWith(10), distinctUntilChanged(), ); const filterTerm$ = this.filterTermControl.valueChanges.pipe( debounceTime(250), tap(() => this.setContentsPageNumber(1)), startWith(''), ); const filterChanges$ = this.filterChanges$.asObservable().pipe( filter(() => this.previewUpdatedFilters), tap(() => this.setContentsPageNumber(1)), startWith([]), ); const inheritFiltersChanges$ = this.inheritFiltersChanges$.asObservable().pipe( filter(() => this.inheritFilters != null), distinctUntilChanged(), tap(() => this.setContentsPageNumber(1)), startWith(true), ); const fetchUpdate$ = combineLatest( this.collectionIdChange$, this.parentIdChange$, this.contentsCurrentPage$, this.contentsItemsPerPage$, filterTerm$, filterChanges$, inheritFiltersChanges$, this.refresh$, ); const collection$ = fetchUpdate$.pipe( takeUntil(this.destroy$), tap(() => (this.isLoading = true)), debounceTime(50), switchMap(([id, parentId, currentPage, itemsPerPage, filterTerm, filters, inheritFilters]) => { const take = itemsPerPage; const skip = (currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage; if (filters.length && this.previewUpdatedFilters) { const filterClause = filterTerm ? ({ name: { contains: filterTerm } } as CollectionFilterParameter) : undefined; return this.dataService.collection .previewCollectionVariants( { parentId, filters, inheritFilters, }, { take, skip, filter: filterClause, }, ) .mapSingle(data => data.previewCollectionVariants) .pipe(catchError(() => of({ items: [], totalItems: 0 }))); } else if (id) { return this.dataService.collection .getCollectionContents(id, take, skip, filterTerm) .mapSingle(data => data.collection?.productVariants); } else { return of(null); } }), tap(() => (this.isLoading = false)), finalize(() => (this.isLoading = false)), ); this.contents$ = collection$.pipe(map(result => (result ? result.items : []))); this.contentsTotalItems$ = collection$.pipe(map(result => (result ? result.totalItems : 0))); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void { if ('collectionId' in changes) { this.collectionIdChange$.next(changes.collectionId.currentValue); } if ('parentId' in changes) { this.parentIdChange$.next(changes.parentId.currentValue); } if ('inheritFilters' in changes) { this.inheritFiltersChanges$.next(changes.inheritFilters.currentValue); } if ('updatedFilters' in changes) { if (this.updatedFilters) { this.filterChanges$.next(this.updatedFilters); } } } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(); this.destroy$.complete(); } setContentsPageNumber(page: number) { this.setParam('contentsPage', page); } setContentsItemsPerPage(perPage: number) { this.setParam('contentsPerPage', perPage); } refresh() { this.refresh$.next(true); } private setParam(key: string, value: any) { this.router.navigate(['./'], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParams: { [key]: value, }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', replaceUrl: true, }); } }
import { CdkDrag, CdkDragDrop, CdkDropList, DragDrop, DragRef } from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop'; import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, QueryList, SimpleChanges, ViewChild, ViewChildren, } from '@angular/core'; import { DataService, DataTable2Component, GetCollectionListQuery, ItemOf, LocalStorageService, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; export type CollectionTableItem = ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>; export type CollectionOrderEvent = { collectionId: string; parentId: string; index: number; }; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-collection-data-table', templateUrl: './collection-data-table.component.html', styleUrls: [ '../../../../core/src/shared/components/data-table-2/data-table2.component.scss', './collection-data-table.component.scss', ], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CollectionDataTableComponent extends DataTable2Component<CollectionTableItem> implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit { @Input() subCollections: CollectionTableItem[]; @Output() changeOrder = new EventEmitter<CollectionOrderEvent>(); @ViewChild(CdkDropList, { static: true }) dropList: CdkDropList<{ depth: number; collection: CollectionTableItem; }>; @ViewChildren('collectionRow', { read: CdkDrag }) collectionRowList: QueryList<CdkDrag>; dragRefs: DragRef[] = []; absoluteIndex: { [id: string]: number } = {}; constructor( protected changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, protected localStorageService: LocalStorageService, protected dataService: DataService, private dragDrop: DragDrop, ) { super(changeDetectorRef, localStorageService, dataService); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { super.ngOnChanges(changes); if (changes.subCollections || changes.items) { const allCollections: CollectionTableItem[] = []; for (const collection of this.items ?? []) { allCollections.push(collection); const subCollectionMatches = this.getSubcollections(collection); allCollections.push(...subCollectionMatches.flat()); } allCollections.forEach((collection, index) => (this.absoluteIndex[] = index)); } } ngAfterViewInit() { this.collectionRowList.changes.subscribe((val: QueryList<CdkDrag>) => { this.dropList.getSortedItems().forEach(item => this.dropList.removeItem(item)); for (const ref of val.toArray()) { ref.dropContainer = this.dropList; ref._dragRef._withDropContainer(this.dropList._dropListRef); this.dropList.addItem(ref); } }); } getSubcollections(item: CollectionTableItem) { return this.subCollections?.filter(c => c.parentId === ?? []; } sortPredicate = (index: number, item: CdkDrag<{ depth: number; collection: CollectionTableItem }>) => { const itemAtIndex = this.dropList.getSortedItems()[index]; return itemAtIndex?.data.collection.parentId ===; }; onDrop( event: CdkDragDrop<{ depth: number; collection: CollectionTableItem; }>, ) { const isTopLevel = === 2; const pageIndexOffset = isTopLevel ? (this.currentPage - 1) * this.itemsPerPage : 0; const parentId =; const parentIndex = this.items.findIndex(i => === parentId); const adjustedIndex = pageIndexOffset + event.currentIndex - parentIndex - 1; this.changeOrder.emit({ collectionId:, index: adjustedIndex, parentId:, }); if (isTopLevel) { this.items = [...this.items]; this.items.splice(event.previousIndex, 1); this.items.splice(event.currentIndex, 0,; } else { const parent = this.items.find(i => === parentId); if (parent) { const subCollections = this.getSubcollections(parent); const adjustedPreviousIndex = pageIndexOffset + event.previousIndex - parentIndex - 1; subCollections.splice(adjustedPreviousIndex, 1); subCollections.splice(event.currentIndex, 0,; } } this.changeDetectorRef.markForCheck(); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild, } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, UntypedFormArray, UntypedFormControl, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { Asset, COLLECTION_FRAGMENT, CollectionDetailQueryDocument, CollectionFragment, ConfigurableOperation, ConfigurableOperationDefinition, ConfigurableOperationInput, CreateCollectionInput, createUpdatedTranslatable, DataService, encodeConfigArgValue, findTranslation, getConfigArgValue, getCustomFieldsDefaults, LanguageCode, LocalStorageService, ModalService, NotificationService, Permission, TypedBaseDetailComponent, unicodePatternValidator, UpdateCollectionInput, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { normalizeString } from '@vendure/common/lib/normalize-string'; import { gql } from 'apollo-angular'; import { combineLatest, merge, Observable, of, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, mergeMap, switchMap, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { CollectionContentsComponent } from '../collection-contents/collection-contents.component'; export const COLLECTION_DETAIL_QUERY = gql` query CollectionDetailQuery($id: ID!) { collection(id: $id) { ...Collection } } ${COLLECTION_FRAGMENT} `; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-collection-detail', templateUrl: './collection-detail.component.html', styleUrls: ['./collection-detail.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CollectionDetailComponent extends TypedBaseDetailComponent<typeof CollectionDetailQueryDocument, 'collection'> implements OnInit, OnDestroy { customFields = this.getCustomFieldConfig('Collection'); detailForm ={ name: ['', Validators.required], slug: ['', unicodePatternValidator(/^[\p{Letter}0-9._-]+$/)], description: '', visible: false, inheritFilters: true, filters: this.formBuilder.array([]), customFields:, }); assetChanges: { assets?: Asset[]; featuredAsset?: Asset } = {}; filters: ConfigurableOperation[] = []; allFilters: ConfigurableOperationDefinition[] = []; updatedFilters$: Observable<ConfigurableOperationInput[]>; inheritFilters$: Observable<boolean>; livePreview = false; parentId$: Observable<string | undefined>; readonly updatePermission = [Permission.UpdateCatalog, Permission.UpdateCollection]; private filterRemoved$ = new Subject<void>(); @ViewChild('collectionContents') contentsComponent: CollectionContentsComponent; constructor( private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, protected dataService: DataService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private notificationService: NotificationService, private modalService: ModalService, private localStorageService: LocalStorageService, ) { super(); this.livePreview = this.localStorageService.get('livePreviewCollectionContents') ?? false; } ngOnInit() { this.init(); this.dataService.collection.getCollectionFilters().single$.subscribe(res => { this.allFilters = res.collectionFilters; }); const filtersFormArray = this.detailForm.get('filters') as UntypedFormArray; const inheritFiltersControl = this.detailForm.get('inheritFilters') as UntypedFormControl; this.inheritFilters$ = inheritFiltersControl.valueChanges.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()); this.updatedFilters$ = merge(filtersFormArray.statusChanges, this.filterRemoved$).pipe( debounceTime(200), filter(() => filtersFormArray.touched), map(() => this.mapOperationsToInputs(this.filters, filtersFormArray.value).filter(_filter => { // ensure all the arguments have valid values. E.g. a newly-added // filter will not yet have valid values for (const arg of _filter.arguments) { if (arg.value === '') { return false; } } return true; }), ), ); this.parentId$ = this.route.paramMap.pipe( map(pm => pm.get('parentId') || undefined), switchMap(parentId => { if (parentId) { return of(parentId); } else { return this.entity$.pipe(map(collection => collection.parent?.id)); } }), ); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy(); } getFilterDefinition(_filter: ConfigurableOperation): ConfigurableOperationDefinition | undefined { return this.allFilters.find(f => f.code === _filter.code); } assetsChanged(): boolean { return !!Object.values(this.assetChanges).length; } /** * If creating a new Collection, automatically generate the slug based on the collection name. */ updateSlug(nameValue: string) { const slugControl = this.detailForm.get(['slug']); const currentTranslation = this.entity ? findTranslation(this.entity, this.languageCode) : undefined; const currentSlugIsEmpty = !currentTranslation || !currentTranslation.slug; if (slugControl && slugControl.pristine && currentSlugIsEmpty) { slugControl.setValue(normalizeString(`${nameValue}`, '-')); } } addFilter(collectionFilter: ConfigurableOperation) { const filtersArray = this.detailForm.get('filters') as UntypedFormArray; const argsHash = collectionFilter.args.reduce( (output, arg) => ({ ...output, []: getConfigArgValue(arg.value), }), {}, ); filtersArray.push( this.formBuilder.control({ code: collectionFilter.code, args: argsHash, }), ); this.filters.push({ code: collectionFilter.code, args: => ({ name:, value: getConfigArgValue(a.value) })), }); } removeFilter(index: number) { const filtersArray = this.detailForm.get('filters') as UntypedFormArray; if (index !== -1) { filtersArray.removeAt(index); filtersArray.markAsDirty(); filtersArray.markAsTouched(); this.filters.splice(index, 1); this.filterRemoved$.next(); } } create() { if (!this.detailForm.dirty) { return; } const input = this.getUpdatedCollection( { id: '', createdAt: '', updatedAt: '', languageCode: this.languageCode, name: '', slug: '', isPrivate: false, breadcrumbs: [], description: '', featuredAsset: null, assets: [], translations: [], inheritFilters: true, filters: [], parent: {} as any, children: null, }, this.detailForm, this.languageCode, ) as CreateCollectionInput; const parentId = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('parentId'); if (parentId) { input.parentId = parentId; } this.dataService.collection.createCollection(input).subscribe( data => { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-create-success'), { entity: 'Collection', }); this.assetChanges = {}; this.detailForm.markAsPristine(); this.changeDetector.markForCheck(); this.router.navigate(['../',], { relativeTo: this.route }); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-create-error'), { entity: 'Collection', }); }, ); } save() { combineLatest(this.entity$, this.languageCode$) .pipe( take(1), mergeMap(([category, languageCode]) => { const input = this.getUpdatedCollection( category, this.detailForm, languageCode, ) as UpdateCollectionInput; return this.dataService.collection.updateCollection(input); }), ) .subscribe( () => { this.assetChanges = {}; this.detailForm.markAsPristine(); this.changeDetector.markForCheck(); this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-update-success'), { entity: 'Collection', }); this.contentsComponent.refresh(); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-update-error'), { entity: 'Collection', }); }, ); } canDeactivate(): boolean { return super.canDeactivate() && !this.assetChanges.assets && !this.assetChanges.featuredAsset; } toggleLivePreview() { this.livePreview = !this.livePreview; this.localStorageService.set('livePreviewCollectionContents', this.livePreview); } trackByFn(index: number, item: ConfigurableOperation) { return JSON.stringify(item); } /** * Sets the values of the form on changes to the category or current language. */ protected setFormValues(entity: CollectionFragment, languageCode: LanguageCode) { const currentTranslation = findTranslation(entity, languageCode); this.detailForm.patchValue({ name: currentTranslation ? : '', slug: currentTranslation ? currentTranslation.slug : '', description: currentTranslation ? currentTranslation.description : '', visible: !entity.isPrivate, inheritFilters: entity.inheritFilters, }); const formArray = this.detailForm.get('filters') as UntypedFormArray; if (formArray.length !== entity.filters.length) { formArray.clear(); this.filters = []; entity.filters.forEach(f => this.addFilter(f)); } if (this.customFields.length) { this.setCustomFieldFormValues( this.customFields, this.detailForm.get(['customFields']), entity, currentTranslation, ); } } /** * Given a category and the value of the form, this method creates an updated copy of the category which * can then be persisted to the API. */ private getUpdatedCollection( category: CollectionFragment, form: typeof this.detailForm, languageCode: LanguageCode, ): CreateCollectionInput | UpdateCollectionInput { const updatedCategory = createUpdatedTranslatable({ translatable: category, updatedFields: form.value, customFieldConfig: this.customFields, languageCode, defaultTranslation: { languageCode, name: || '', slug: category.slug || '', description: category.description || '', }, }); return { ...updatedCategory, assetIds: this.assetChanges.assets?.map(a =>, featuredAssetId: this.assetChanges.featuredAsset?.id, isPrivate: !form.value.visible, filters: this.mapOperationsToInputs(this.filters, this.detailForm.value.filters), }; } /** * Maps an array of conditions or actions to the input format expected by the GraphQL API. */ private mapOperationsToInputs( operations: ConfigurableOperation[], formValueOperations: any, ): ConfigurableOperationInput[] { return, i) => ({ code: o.code, arguments: Object.entries(formValueOperations[i].args).map(([name, value], j) => ({ name, value: encodeConfigArgValue(value), })), })); } }
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; import { GetCollectionListQuery, ItemOf } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; /** * Removes the root collection and self breadcrumb from the collection breadcrumb list. */ @Pipe({ name: 'collectionBreadcrumb', }) export class CollectionBreadcrumbPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>): unknown { return value?.breadcrumbs.slice(1, -1); } }
import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { BulkAction, createBulkAssignToChannelAction, createBulkDeleteAction, createBulkRemoveFromChannelAction, DataService, DuplicateEntityDialogComponent, GetCollectionListQuery, ItemOf, ModalService, MoveCollectionInput, NotificationService, Permission, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { CollectionPartial } from '../collection-tree/collection-tree.types'; import { MoveCollectionsDialogComponent } from '../move-collections-dialog/move-collections-dialog.component'; import { CollectionListComponent } from './collection-list.component'; export const deleteCollectionsBulkAction = createBulkDeleteAction< ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'> >({ location: 'collection-list', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteCollection) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteCatalog), getItemName: item =>, bulkDelete: (dataService, ids) => dataService.collection.deleteCollections(ids).pipe(map(res => res.deleteCollections)), }); export const moveCollectionsBulkAction: BulkAction<CollectionPartial, CollectionListComponent> = { location: 'collection-list', label: _('catalog.move-collections'), icon: 'drag-handle', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateCatalog) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateCollection), onClick: ({ injector, selection, hostComponent, clearSelection }) => { const modalService = injector.get(ModalService); const dataService = injector.get(DataService); const notificationService = injector.get(NotificationService); modalService .fromComponent(MoveCollectionsDialogComponent, { size: 'xl', closable: true, }) .pipe( switchMap(result => { if (result) { const inputs: MoveCollectionInput[] = => ({ collectionId:, parentId:, index: 0, })); return dataService.collection.moveCollection(inputs); } else { return EMPTY; } }), ) .subscribe(result => { notificationService.success(_('catalog.move-collections-success'), { count: selection.length, }); clearSelection(); hostComponent.refresh(); }); }, }; export const assignCollectionsToChannelBulkAction = createBulkAssignToChannelAction< ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'> >({ location: 'collection-list', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateCatalog) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateCollection), getItemName: item =>, bulkAssignToChannel: (dataService, collectionIds, channelIds) => => dataService.collection .assignCollectionsToChannel({ collectionIds, channelId, }) .pipe(map(res => res.assignCollectionsToChannel)), ), }); export const removeCollectionsFromChannelBulkAction = createBulkRemoveFromChannelAction< ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'> >({ location: 'collection-list', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteCatalog) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteCollection), getItemName: item =>, bulkRemoveFromChannel: (dataService, collectionIds, channelId) => dataService.collection .removeCollectionsFromChannel({ channelId: channelId, collectionIds, }) .pipe(map(res => res.removeCollectionsFromChannel)), }); export const duplicateCollectionsBulkAction: BulkAction< ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>, CollectionListComponent > = { location: 'collection-list', label: _('common.duplicate'), icon: 'copy', onClick: ({ injector, selection, hostComponent, clearSelection }) => { const modalService = injector.get(ModalService); modalService .fromComponent(DuplicateEntityDialogComponent<ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>>, { locals: { entities: selection, entityName: 'Collection', title: _('catalog.duplicate-collections'), getEntityName: entity =>, }, }) .subscribe(result => { if (result) { clearSelection(); hostComponent.refresh(); } }); }, };
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { DataService, GetCollectionListDocument, GetCollectionListQuery, ItemOf, LanguageCode, NotificationService, TypedBaseListComponent, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { combineLatest, Observable, of } from 'rxjs'; import { distinctUntilChanged, map, switchMap, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { CollectionOrderEvent } from '../collection-data-table/collection-data-table.component'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-collection-list', templateUrl: './collection-list.component.html', styleUrls: ['./collection-list.component.scss', './collection-list-common.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CollectionListComponent extends TypedBaseListComponent<typeof GetCollectionListDocument, 'collections'> implements OnInit { activeCollectionId$: Observable<string | null>; activeCollectionIndex$: Observable<number>; activeCollectionTitle$: Observable<string>; subCollections$: Observable<Array<ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>>>; expandedIds: string[] = []; readonly customFields = this.getCustomFieldConfig('Collection'); readonly filters = this.createFilterCollection() .addIdFilter() .addDateFilters() .addFilter({ name: 'slug', label: _('common.slug'), type: { kind: 'text' }, filterField: 'slug', }) .addFilter({ name: 'visibility', type: { kind: 'boolean' }, label: _('common.visibility'), toFilterInput: value => ({ isPrivate: { eq: !value }, }), }) .addCustomFieldFilters(this.customFields) .connectToRoute(this.route); readonly sorts = this.createSortCollection() .defaultSort('position', 'ASC') .addSort({ name: 'createdAt' }) .addSort({ name: 'updatedAt' }) .addSort({ name: 'name' }) .addSort({ name: 'slug' }) .addSort({ name: 'position' }) .addCustomFieldSorts(this.customFields) .connectToRoute(this.route); constructor(protected dataService: DataService, private notificationService: NotificationService) { super(); super.configure({ document: GetCollectionListDocument, getItems: data => data.collections, setVariables: (skip, _take) => { const topLevelOnly = this.searchTermControl.value === '' && this.filters.activeFilters.length === 0 ? true : undefined; return { options: { skip, take: _take, filter: { name: { contains: this.searchTermControl.value }, ...this.filters.createFilterInput(), }, topLevelOnly, sort: this.sorts.createSortInput(), }, }; }, refreshListOnChanges: [this.filters.valueChanges, this.sorts.valueChanges], }); } ngOnInit() { super.ngOnInit(); this.activeCollectionId$ = this.route.paramMap.pipe( map(pm => pm.get('contents')), distinctUntilChanged(), ); const expandedIds$ = this.route.queryParamMap.pipe( map(qpm => qpm.get('expanded')), distinctUntilChanged(), map(ids => (ids ? ids.split(',') : [])), ); expandedIds$.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(ids => { this.expandedIds = ids; }); this.subCollections$ = combineLatest(expandedIds$, this.refresh$).pipe( switchMap(([ids]) => { if (ids.length) { return this.dataService.collection .getCollections({ take: 999, filter: { parentId: { in: ids }, }, }) .mapStream(data => data.collections.items); } else { return of([]); } }), ); this.activeCollectionTitle$ = combineLatest( this.activeCollectionId$, this.items$, this.subCollections$, ).pipe( map(([id, collections, subCollections]) => { if (id) { const match = [...collections, ...subCollections].find(c => === id); return match ? : ''; } return ''; }), ); this.activeCollectionIndex$ = combineLatest( this.activeCollectionId$, this.items$, this.subCollections$, ).pipe( map(([id, collections, subCollections]) => { if (id) { const allCollections: typeof collections = []; for (const collection of collections) { allCollections.push(collection); const subCollectionMatches = subCollections.filter( c => c.parentId && c.parentId ===, ); allCollections.push(...subCollectionMatches); } return allCollections.findIndex(c => === id); } return -1; }), ); } onRearrange(event: CollectionOrderEvent) { this.dataService.collection.moveCollection([event]).subscribe({ next: () => { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-saved-changes')); this.refresh(); }, error: err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-save-changes-error')); }, }); } closeContents() { const params = { ...this.route.snapshot.params }; delete params.contents; this.router.navigate(['./', params], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve' }); } setLanguage(code: LanguageCode) { this.dataService.client.setContentLanguage(code).subscribe(); } toggleExpanded(collection: ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>) { let expandedIds = this.expandedIds; if (!expandedIds.includes( { expandedIds.push(; } else { expandedIds = expandedIds.filter(id => id !==; } this.router.navigate(['./'], { queryParams: { expanded: expandedIds.filter(id => !!id).join(','), }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', relativeTo: this.route, }); } }
import { arrayToTree, HasParent, RootNode, TreeNode } from './array-to-tree'; describe('arrayToTree()', () => { it('preserves ordering', () => { const result1 = arrayToTree([ { id: '13', parent: { id: '1' } }, { id: '12', parent: { id: '1' } }, ]); expect( =>['13', '12']); const result2 = arrayToTree([ { id: '12', parent: { id: '1' } }, { id: '13', parent: { id: '1' } }, ]); expect( =>['12', '13']); }); it('converts an array to a tree', () => { const input: HasParent[] = [ { id: '12', parent: { id: '1' } }, { id: '13', parent: { id: '1' } }, { id: '132', parent: { id: '13' } }, { id: '131', parent: { id: '13' } }, { id: '1211', parent: { id: '121' } }, { id: '121', parent: { id: '12' } }, ]; const result = arrayToTree(input); expect(result).toEqual({ id: '1', children: [ { id: '12', parent: { id: '1' }, expanded: false, children: [ { id: '121', parent: { id: '12' }, expanded: false, children: [{ id: '1211', expanded: false, parent: { id: '121' }, children: [] }], }, ], }, { id: '13', parent: { id: '1' }, expanded: false, children: [ { id: '132', expanded: false, parent: { id: '13' }, children: [] }, { id: '131', expanded: false, parent: { id: '13' }, children: [] }, ], }, ], }); }); it('preserves expanded state from existing RootNode', () => { const existing: RootNode<TreeNode<any>> = { id: '1', children: [ { id: '12', parent: { id: '1' }, expanded: false, children: [ { id: '121', parent: { id: '12' }, expanded: false, children: [{ id: '1211', expanded: false, parent: { id: '121' }, children: [] }], }, ], }, { id: '13', parent: { id: '1' }, expanded: true, children: [ { id: '132', expanded: true, parent: { id: '13' }, children: [] }, { id: '131', expanded: false, parent: { id: '13' }, children: [] }, ], }, ], }; const input: HasParent[] = [ { id: '12', parent: { id: '1' } }, { id: '13', parent: { id: '1' } }, { id: '132', parent: { id: '13' } }, { id: '131', parent: { id: '13' } }, { id: '1211', parent: { id: '121' } }, { id: '121', parent: { id: '12' } }, ]; const result = arrayToTree(input, existing); expect(result).toEqual(existing); }); });
export type HasParent = { id: string; parent?: { id: string } | null }; export type TreeNode<T extends HasParent> = T & { children: Array<TreeNode<T>>; expanded: boolean }; export type RootNode<T extends HasParent> = { id?: string; children: Array<TreeNode<T>> }; /** * Builds a tree from an array of nodes which have a parent. * Based on, modified to preserve ordering. */ export function arrayToTree<T extends HasParent>( nodes: T[], currentState?: RootNode<T>, expandedIds: string[] = [], ): RootNode<T> { const topLevelNodes: Array<TreeNode<T>> = []; const mappedArr: { [id: string]: TreeNode<T> } = {}; const currentStateMap = treeToMap(currentState); // First map the nodes of the array to an object -> create a hash table. for (const node of nodes) { mappedArr[] = { ...(node as any), children: [] }; } for (const id of => { if (mappedArr.hasOwnProperty(id)) { const mappedElem = mappedArr[id]; mappedElem.expanded = currentStateMap.get(id)?.expanded ?? expandedIds.includes(id); const parent = mappedElem.parent; if (!parent) { continue; } // If the element is not at the root level, add it to its parent array of children. const parentIsRoot = !mappedArr[]; if (!parentIsRoot) { if (mappedArr[]) { mappedArr[].children.push(mappedElem); } else { mappedArr[] = { children: [mappedElem] } as any; } } else { topLevelNodes.push(mappedElem); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const rootId = topLevelNodes.length ? topLevelNodes[0].parent!.id : undefined; return { id: rootId, children: topLevelNodes }; } /** * Converts an existing tree (as generated by the arrayToTree function) into a flat * Map. This is used to persist certain states (e.g. `expanded`) when re-building the * tree. */ function treeToMap<T extends HasParent>(tree?: RootNode<T>): Map<string, TreeNode<T>> { const nodeMap = new Map<string, TreeNode<T>>(); function visit(node: TreeNode<T>) { nodeMap.set(, node); node.children.forEach(visit); } if (tree) { visit(tree as TreeNode<T>); } return nodeMap; }
import { CdkDragDrop, moveItemInArray } from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop'; import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, Optional, SimpleChanges, SkipSelf, } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { DataService, Permission, SelectionManager } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { map, shareReplay } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { RootNode, TreeNode } from './array-to-tree'; import { CollectionTreeService } from './collection-tree.service'; import { CollectionPartial } from './collection-tree.types'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-collection-tree-node', templateUrl: './collection-tree-node.component.html', styleUrls: ['./collection-tree-node.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CollectionTreeNodeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { depth = 0; parentName: string; @Input() collectionTree: TreeNode<CollectionPartial>; @Input() activeCollectionId: string; @Input() expandAll = false; @Input() selectionManager: SelectionManager<CollectionPartial>; hasUpdatePermission$: Observable<boolean>; hasDeletePermission$: Observable<boolean>; moveListItems: Array<{ path: string; id: string }> = []; private subscription: Subscription; constructor( @SkipSelf() @Optional() private parent: CollectionTreeNodeComponent, private dataService: DataService, private collectionTreeService: CollectionTreeService, private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, ) { if (parent) { this.depth = parent.depth + 1; } } ngOnInit() { this.parentName = || '<root>'; const permissions$ = this.dataService.client .userStatus() .mapStream(data => data.userStatus.permissions) .pipe(shareReplay(1)); this.hasUpdatePermission$ = permissions$.pipe( map( perms => perms.includes(Permission.UpdateCatalog) || perms.includes(Permission.UpdateCollection), ), ); this.hasDeletePermission$ = permissions$.pipe( map( perms => perms.includes(Permission.DeleteCatalog) || perms.includes(Permission.DeleteCollection), ), ); this.subscription = this.selectionManager?.selectionChanges$.subscribe(() => this.changeDetectorRef.markForCheck(), ); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { const expandAllChange = changes['expandAll']; if (expandAllChange) { if (expandAllChange.previousValue === true && expandAllChange.currentValue === false) { this.collectionTree.children.forEach(c => (c.expanded = false)); } } } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscription?.unsubscribe(); } trackByFn(index: number, item: CollectionPartial) { return; } toggleExpanded(collection: TreeNode<CollectionPartial>) { collection.expanded = !collection.expanded; let expandedIds = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('expanded')?.split(',') ?? []; if (collection.expanded) { expandedIds.push(; } else { expandedIds = expandedIds.filter(id => id !==; } this.router.navigate(['./'], { queryParams: { expanded: expandedIds.filter(id => !!id).join(','), }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', relativeTo: this.route, }); } getMoveListItems(collection: CollectionPartial) { this.moveListItems = this.collectionTreeService.getMoveListItems(collection); } move(collection: CollectionPartial, parentId: string) { this.collectionTreeService.onMove({ index: 0, parentId, collectionId:, }); } moveUp(collection: CollectionPartial, currentIndex: number) { if (!collection.parent) { return; } this.collectionTreeService.onMove({ index: currentIndex - 1, parentId:, collectionId:, }); } moveDown(collection: CollectionPartial, currentIndex: number) { if (!collection.parent) { return; } this.collectionTreeService.onMove({ index: currentIndex + 1, parentId:, collectionId:, }); } drop(event: CdkDragDrop<CollectionPartial | RootNode<CollectionPartial>>) { moveItemInArray(this.collectionTree.children, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex); this.collectionTreeService.onDrop(event); } delete(id: string) { this.collectionTreeService.onDelete(id); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, } from '@angular/core'; import { Collection, SelectionManager } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { arrayToTree, RootNode } from './array-to-tree'; import { CollectionTreeService } from './collection-tree.service'; import { CollectionPartial, RearrangeEvent } from './collection-tree.types'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-collection-tree', templateUrl: 'collection-tree.component.html', styleUrls: ['./collection-tree.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, providers: [CollectionTreeService], }) export class CollectionTreeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { @Input() collections: CollectionPartial[]; @Input() activeCollectionId: string; @Input() expandAll = false; @Input() expandedIds: string[] = []; @Input() selectionManager: SelectionManager<CollectionPartial>; @Output() rearrange = new EventEmitter<RearrangeEvent>(); @Output() deleteCollection = new EventEmitter<string>(); collectionTree: RootNode<CollectionPartial>; constructor(private collectionTreeService: CollectionTreeService) {} ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { if ('collections' in changes && this.collections) { this.collectionTree = arrayToTree(this.collections, this.collectionTree, this.expandedIds); this.collectionTreeService.setCollectionTree(this.collectionTree); this.collectionTreeService.resetMoveList(); } } ngOnInit() { this.collectionTreeService.rearrange$.subscribe(event => this.rearrange.emit(event)); this.collectionTreeService.delete$.subscribe(id => this.deleteCollection.emit(id)); } }
import { CdkDragDrop } from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop'; import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { RootNode, TreeNode } from './array-to-tree'; import { CollectionPartial, RearrangeEvent } from './collection-tree.types'; /** * Facilitates communication between the CollectionTreeComponent and child CollectionTreeNodeComponents * without introducing a cyclic dependency. */ @Injectable() export class CollectionTreeService implements OnDestroy { private allMoveListItems: Array<{ path: string; id: string; ancestorIdPath: Set<string> }> = []; private collectionTree: RootNode<CollectionPartial>; private _rearrange$ = new Subject<RearrangeEvent>(); private _delete$ = new Subject<string>(); public rearrange$: Observable<RearrangeEvent>; public delete$: Observable<string>; constructor() { this.rearrange$ = this._rearrange$.asObservable(); this.delete$ = this._delete$.asObservable(); } ngOnDestroy() { this._rearrange$.complete(); this._delete$.complete(); } setCollectionTree(tree: RootNode<CollectionPartial>) { this.collectionTree = tree; } resetMoveList() { this.allMoveListItems = []; } getMoveListItems(collection: CollectionPartial) { if (this.allMoveListItems.length === 0) { this.allMoveListItems = this.calculateAllMoveListItems(); } return this.allMoveListItems.filter( item => !== && !item.ancestorIdPath.has( && !== collection.parent?.id, ); } onDrop(event: CdkDragDrop<CollectionPartial | RootNode<CollectionPartial>>) { const item = as CollectionPartial; const newParent =; const newParentId =; if (newParentId == null) { throw new Error(`Could not determine the ID of the root Collection`); } this._rearrange$.next({ collectionId:, parentId: newParentId, index: event.currentIndex, }); } onMove(event: RearrangeEvent) { this._rearrange$.next(event); } onDelete(id: string) { this._delete$.next(id); } private calculateAllMoveListItems() { const visit = ( node: TreeNode<any>, parentPath: string[], ancestorIdPath: Set<string>, output: Array<{ path: string; id: string; ancestorIdPath: Set<string> }>, ) => { const path = parentPath.concat(; output.push({ path: path.slice(1).join(' / ') || 'root', id:, ancestorIdPath }); node.children.forEach(child => visit(child, path, new Set<string>([...ancestorIdPath,]), output), ); return output; }; return visit(this.collectionTree, [], new Set<string>(), []); } }
import { CollectionFragment } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; export type RearrangeEvent = { collectionId: string; parentId: string; index: number }; export type CollectionPartial = Pick<CollectionFragment, 'id' | 'parent' | 'name'>;
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Dialog, GetProductVariantOptionsQuery } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-confirm-variant-deletion-dialog', templateUrl: './confirm-variant-deletion-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./confirm-variant-deletion-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class ConfirmVariantDeletionDialogComponent implements Dialog<boolean> { resolveWith: (result?: boolean) => void; variants: NonNullable<GetProductVariantOptionsQuery['product']>['variants'] = []; confirm() { this.resolveWith(true); } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { CreateFacetValueInput, Dialog, LanguageCode } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { normalizeString } from '@vendure/common/lib/normalize-string'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-create-facet-value-dialog', templateUrl: './create-facet-value-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-facet-value-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CreateFacetValueDialogComponent implements Dialog<CreateFacetValueInput> { resolveWith: (result?: CreateFacetValueInput) => void; languageCode: LanguageCode; form ={ name: ['', Validators.required], code: ['', Validators.required], }); facetId: string; constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {} updateCode() { const nameControl = this.form.get('name'); const codeControl = this.form.get('code'); if (nameControl && codeControl && codeControl.pristine) { codeControl.setValue(normalizeString(`${nameControl.value}`, '-')); } } confirm() { const { name, code } = this.form.value; if (!name || !code) { return; } this.resolveWith({ facetId: this.facetId, code, translations: [{ languageCode: this.languageCode, name }], }); } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { CreateProductOptionGroupInput, Dialog, findTranslation, GetProductVariantOptionsQuery, LanguageCode, ServerConfigService, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { normalizeString } from '@vendure/common/lib/normalize-string'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-create-product-option-group-dialog', templateUrl: './create-product-option-group-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-product-option-group-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CreateProductOptionGroupDialogComponent implements Dialog<CreateProductOptionGroupInput> { resolveWith: (result?: CreateProductOptionGroupInput) => void; languageCode: LanguageCode; form ={ name: ['', Validators.required], code: ['', Validators.required], }); constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {} updateCode() { const nameControl = this.form.get('name'); const codeControl = this.form.get('code'); if (nameControl && codeControl && codeControl.pristine) { codeControl.setValue(normalizeString(`${nameControl.value}`, '-')); } } confirm() { const { name, code } = this.form.value; if (!name || !code) { return; } this.resolveWith({ code, options: [], translations: [{ languageCode: this.languageCode, name }], }); } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup, FormRecord, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { CreateProductVariantInput, CurrencyCode, Dialog, GetProductVariantOptionsQuery, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { notNullOrUndefined } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-utils'; import { combineLatest } from 'rxjs'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-create-product-variant-dialog', templateUrl: './create-product-variant-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-product-variant-dialog.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class CreateProductVariantDialogComponent implements Dialog<CreateProductVariantInput>, OnInit { resolveWith: (result?: CreateProductVariantInput) => void; product: NonNullable<GetProductVariantOptionsQuery['product']>; form ={ name: ['', Validators.required], sku: ['', Validators.required], price: [''], options: this.formBuilder.record<string>({}), }); existingVariant: NonNullable<GetProductVariantOptionsQuery['product']>['variants'][number] | undefined; currencyCode: CurrencyCode; constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {} ngOnInit() { this.currencyCode = this.product.variants[0]?.currencyCode; for (const optionGroup of this.product.optionGroups) { (this.form.get('options') as FormRecord).addControl( optionGroup.code, new FormControl('', Validators.required), ); } const optionsRecord = this.form.get('options') as FormRecord; optionsRecord.valueChanges.subscribe(value => { const nameControl = this.form.get('name'); const allNull = Object.values(value).every(v => v == null); if (!allNull && value && nameControl && !nameControl.dirty) { const name = Object.entries(value) .map( ([groupCode, optionId]) => this.product.optionGroups .find(og => og.code === groupCode) ?.options.find(o => === optionId)?.name, ) .join(' '); nameControl.setValue(`${} ${name}`); } const allSelected = Object.values(value).every(v => v != null); if (allSelected) { this.existingVariant = this.product.variants.find(v => Object.entries(value).every( ([groupCode, optionId]) => v.options.find(o => o.groupId === this.getGroupIdFromCode(groupCode))?.id === optionId, ), ); } }); } confirm() { const { name, sku, options, price } = this.form.value; if (!name || !sku || !options || !price) { return; } const optionIds = Object.values(options).filter(notNullOrUndefined); this.resolveWith({ productId:, sku, price: Number(price), optionIds, translations: [ { languageCode: this.product.languageCode, name, }, ], }); } cancel() { this.resolveWith(); } private getGroupCodeFromId(id: string): string { return this.product.optionGroups.find(og => === id)?.code ?? ''; } private getGroupIdFromCode(code: string): string { return this.product.optionGroups.find(og => og.code === code)?.id ?? ''; } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup, FormRecord, UntypedFormControl, UntypedFormGroup, Validators, } from '@angular/forms'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { CreateFacetInput, createUpdatedTranslatable, DataService, DeletionResult, FACET_WITH_VALUE_LIST_FRAGMENT, FacetWithValueListFragment, findTranslation, getCustomFieldsDefaults, GetFacetDetailDocument, GetFacetDetailQuery, GetFacetDetailQueryVariables, LanguageCode, ModalService, NotificationService, Permission, TypedBaseDetailComponent, UpdateFacetInput, UpdateFacetValueInput, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { SortOrder } from '@vendure/common/lib/generated-types'; import { normalizeString } from '@vendure/common/lib/normalize-string'; import { notNullOrUndefined } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-utils'; import { gql } from 'apollo-angular'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, EMPTY, forkJoin, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { debounceTime, map, mergeMap, switchMap, take, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { CreateFacetValueDialogComponent } from '../create-facet-value-dialog/create-facet-value-dialog.component'; export const FACET_DETAIL_QUERY = gql` query GetFacetDetail($id: ID!, $facetValueListOptions: FacetValueListOptions) { facet(id: $id) { ...FacetWithValueList } } ${FACET_WITH_VALUE_LIST_FRAGMENT} `; type ValueItem = | FacetWithValueListFragment['valueList']['items'][number] | { id: string; name: string; code: string }; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-facet-detail', templateUrl: './facet-detail.component.html', styleUrls: ['./facet-detail.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class FacetDetailComponent extends TypedBaseDetailComponent<typeof GetFacetDetailDocument, 'facet'> implements OnInit, OnDestroy { readonly customFields = this.getCustomFieldConfig('Facet'); readonly customValueFields = this.getCustomFieldConfig('FacetValue'); detailForm ={ facet:{ code: ['', Validators.required], name: '', visible: true, customFields:, }), values: this.formBuilder.record< FormGroup<{ id: FormControl<string>; name: FormControl<string>; code: FormControl<string>; customFields: FormGroup; }> >({}), }); currentPage = 1; itemsPerPage = 10; totalItems = 0; filterControl = new FormControl(''); values$ = new BehaviorSubject<ValueItem[]>([]); readonly updatePermission = [Permission.UpdateCatalog, Permission.UpdateFacet]; constructor( private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, protected dataService: DataService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private notificationService: NotificationService, private modalService: ModalService, ) { super(); } ngOnInit() { this.init(); this.filterControl.valueChanges .pipe(debounceTime(200), takeUntil(this.destroy$)) .subscribe(filterTerm => { this.currentPage = 1; this.fetchFacetValues(this.currentPage, this.itemsPerPage, filterTerm); }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy(); } updateCode(currentCode: string, nameValue: string) { if (!currentCode) { const codeControl = this.detailForm.get(['facet', 'code']); if (codeControl && codeControl.pristine) { codeControl.setValue(normalizeString(nameValue, '-')); } } } updateValueCode(currentCode: string, nameValue: string, valueId: string) { if (!currentCode) { const codeControl = this.detailForm.get(['values', valueId, 'code']); if (codeControl && codeControl.pristine) { codeControl.setValue(normalizeString(nameValue, '-')); } } } customValueFieldIsSet(index: number, name: string): boolean { return !!this.detailForm.get(['values', index, 'customFields', name]); } addFacetValue() { this.modalService .fromComponent(CreateFacetValueDialogComponent, { locals: { languageCode: this.languageCode, facetId:, }, }) .pipe( switchMap(result => { if (!result) { return EMPTY; } else { return this.dataService.facet.createFacetValues([result]); } }), ) .subscribe(result => { if (result.createFacetValues) { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-create-success'), { entity: 'FacetValue', }); this.currentPage = 1; this.fetchFacetValues(this.currentPage, this.itemsPerPage); } }); } create() { const facetForm = this.detailForm.get('facet') as (typeof this.detailForm)['controls']['facet']; if (!facetForm || !facetForm.dirty) { return; } const newFacet = this.getUpdatedFacet( { id: '', createdAt: '', updatedAt: '', isPrivate: false, languageCode: this.languageCode, name: '', code: '', translations: [], }, facetForm, this.languageCode, ) as CreateFacetInput; this.dataService.facet.createFacet(newFacet).subscribe( data => { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-create-success'), { entity: 'Facet' }); this.detailForm.markAsPristine(); this.changeDetector.markForCheck(); this.router.navigate(['../',], { relativeTo: this.route }); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-create-error'), { entity: 'Facet', }); }, ); } save() { const valuesFormRecord = this.detailForm.get( 'values', ) as (typeof this.detailForm)['controls']['values']; combineLatest(this.entity$, this.languageCode$) .pipe( take(1), mergeMap(([facet, languageCode]) => { const facetForm = this.detailForm.get( 'facet', ) as (typeof this.detailForm)['controls']['facet']; const updateOperations: Array<Observable<any>> = []; if (facetForm && facetForm.dirty) { const updatedFacetInput = this.getUpdatedFacet( facet, facetForm, languageCode, ) as UpdateFacetInput; if (updatedFacetInput) { updateOperations.push(this.dataService.facet.updateFacet(updatedFacetInput)); } } if (valuesFormRecord && valuesFormRecord.dirty) { const updatedValues = this.getUpdatedFacetValues(valuesFormRecord, languageCode); if (updatedValues.length) { updateOperations.push(this.dataService.facet.updateFacetValues(updatedValues)); } } return forkJoin(updateOperations); }), ) .subscribe( () => { this.detailForm.markAsPristine(); this.changeDetector.markForCheck(); this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-update-success'), { entity: 'Facet' }); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-update-error'), { entity: 'Facet', }); }, ); } deleteFacetValue(facetValueId: string) { this.showModalAndDelete(facetValueId) .pipe( switchMap(response => { if (response.result === DeletionResult.DELETED) { return [true]; } else { return this.showModalAndDelete(facetValueId, response.message || '').pipe( map(r => r.result === DeletionResult.DELETED), ); } }), switchMap(deleted => deleted ? this.dataService.query(GetFacetDetailDocument, { id:, }).single$ : [], ), ) .subscribe( () => { this.notificationService.success(_('common.notify-delete-success'), { entity: 'FacetValue', }); this.fetchFacetValues(this.currentPage, this.itemsPerPage, this.filterControl.value); }, err => { this.notificationService.error(_('common.notify-delete-error'), { entity: 'FacetValue', }); }, ); } private showModalAndDelete(facetValueId: string, message?: string) { return this.modalService .dialog({ title: _('catalog.confirm-delete-facet-value'), body: message, buttons: [ { type: 'secondary', label: _('common.cancel') }, { type: 'danger', label: _('common.delete'), returnValue: true }, ], }) .pipe( switchMap(result => result ? this.dataService.facet.deleteFacetValues([facetValueId], !!message) : EMPTY, ), map(result => result.deleteFacetValues[0]), ); } protected setCurrentPage(newPage: number) { this.currentPage = newPage; this.fetchFacetValues(this.currentPage, this.itemsPerPage, this.filterControl.value); } protected setItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage: number) { this.itemsPerPage = itemsPerPage; this.fetchFacetValues(this.currentPage, this.itemsPerPage, this.filterControl.value); } private fetchFacetValues(currentPage: number, itemsPerPage: number, filterTerm?: string | null) { this.dataService .query<GetFacetDetailQuery, GetFacetDetailQueryVariables>(FACET_DETAIL_QUERY, { id:, facetValueListOptions: { take: itemsPerPage, skip: (currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage, sort: { createdAt: SortOrder.DESC, }, ...(filterTerm ? { filter: { name: { contains: filterTerm } } } : {}), }, }) .single$.subscribe(({ facet }) => { if (facet) { this.values$.next([...facet.valueList.items]); this.totalItems = facet.valueList.totalItems; this.setFacetValueFormValues(facet, this.languageCode); } }); } /** * Sets the values of the form on changes to the facet or current language. */ protected setFormValues(facet: FacetWithValueListFragment, languageCode: LanguageCode) { const currentTranslation = findTranslation(facet, languageCode); this.detailForm.patchValue({ facet: { code: facet.code, visible: !facet.isPrivate, name: currentTranslation?.name ?? '', }, }); if (this.customFields.length) { this.setCustomFieldFormValues( this.customFields, this.detailForm.get(['facet', 'customFields']), facet, currentTranslation, ); } this.values$.next([...facet.valueList.items]); this.totalItems = facet.valueList.totalItems; this.setFacetValueFormValues(facet, languageCode); } private setFacetValueFormValues(facet: FacetWithValueListFragment, languageCode: LanguageCode) { const currentValuesFormGroup = this.detailForm.get('values') as FormRecord; facet.valueList.items.forEach(value => { const valueTranslation = findTranslation(value, languageCode); const group = { id:, code: value.code, name: valueTranslation ? : '', }; let valueControl = currentValuesFormGroup.get( as FormGroup; if (!valueControl) { valueControl =; currentValuesFormGroup.addControl(, valueControl); } if (this.customValueFields.length) { let customValueFieldsGroup = valueControl.get(['customFields']) as | UntypedFormGroup | undefined; if (!customValueFieldsGroup) { customValueFieldsGroup = new UntypedFormGroup({}); valueControl.addControl('customFields', customValueFieldsGroup); } if (customValueFieldsGroup) { for (const fieldDef of this.customValueFields) { const key =; const fieldValue = fieldDef.type === 'localeString' ? (valueTranslation as any | undefined)?.customFields?.[key] : (value as any).customFields[key]; const control = customValueFieldsGroup.get(key); if (control) { control.setValue(fieldValue); } else { customValueFieldsGroup.addControl(key, new UntypedFormControl(fieldValue)); } } } } }); } /** * Given a facet and the value of the detailForm, this method creates an updated copy of the facet which * can then be persisted to the API. */ private getUpdatedFacet( facet: Omit<FacetWithValueListFragment, 'valueList'>, facetFormGroup: (typeof this.detailForm)['controls']['facet'], languageCode: LanguageCode, ): CreateFacetInput | UpdateFacetInput { const input = createUpdatedTranslatable({ translatable: facet, updatedFields: facetFormGroup.value, customFieldConfig: this.customFields, languageCode, defaultTranslation: { languageCode, name: || '', }, }); input.isPrivate = !facetFormGroup.value.visible; return input; } /** * Given an array of facet values and the values from the detailForm, this method creates a new array * which can be persisted to the API via an updateFacetValues mutation. */ private getUpdatedFacetValues( valuesFormGroup: FormGroup, languageCode: LanguageCode, ): UpdateFacetValueInput[] { const dirtyValueValues = Object.values(valuesFormGroup.controls) .filter(c => c.dirty) .map(c => c.value); return dirtyValueValues .map((value, i) => createUpdatedTranslatable({ translatable: value, updatedFields: value, customFieldConfig: this.customValueFields, languageCode, defaultTranslation: { languageCode, name: '', }, }), ) .filter(notNullOrUndefined); } }
import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { BulkAction, createBulkAssignToChannelAction, createBulkDeleteAction, createBulkRemoveFromChannelAction, currentChannelIsNotDefault, DataService, DuplicateEntityDialogComponent, getChannelCodeFromUserStatus, GetFacetListQuery, ItemOf, ModalService, NotificationService, Permission, RemoveFacetsFromChannelMutation, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { unique } from '@vendure/common/lib/unique'; import { EMPTY, of } from 'rxjs'; import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { FacetListComponent } from './facet-list.component'; export const deleteFacetsBulkAction = createBulkDeleteAction<ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'>>({ location: 'facet-list', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteFacet) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteCatalog), getItemName: item =>, shouldRetryItem: (response, item) => !!response.message, bulkDelete: (dataService, ids, retrying) => dataService.facet.deleteFacets(ids, retrying).pipe(map(res => res.deleteFacets)), }); export const assignFacetsToChannelBulkAction = createBulkAssignToChannelAction< ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'> >({ location: 'facet-list', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateCatalog) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateFacet), getItemName: item =>, bulkAssignToChannel: (dataService, facetIds, channelIds) => => dataService.facet .assignFacetsToChannel({ facetIds, channelId, }) .pipe(map(res => res.assignFacetsToChannel)), ), }); export const removeFacetsFromChannelBulkAction = createBulkRemoveFromChannelAction< ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'>, RemoveFacetsFromChannelMutation['removeFacetsFromChannel'][number] >({ location: 'facet-list', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteCatalog) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.DeleteFacet), getItemName: item =>, bulkRemoveFromChannel: (dataService, facetIds, channelId, retrying) => dataService.facet .removeFacetsFromChannel({ channelId: channelId, facetIds, force: retrying, }) .pipe(map(res => res.removeFacetsFromChannel)), isErrorResult: result => (result.__typename === 'FacetInUseError' ? result.message : undefined), }); export const removeFacetsFromChannelBulkAction2: BulkAction< ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'>, FacetListComponent > = { location: 'facet-list', label: _('catalog.remove-from-channel'), getTranslationVars: ({ injector }) => getChannelCodeFromUserStatus(injector.get(DataService)), icon: 'layers', iconClass: 'is-warning', requiresPermission: userPermissions => userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateFacet) || userPermissions.includes(Permission.UpdateCatalog), isVisible: ({ injector }) => currentChannelIsNotDefault(injector.get(DataService)), onClick: ({ injector, selection, hostComponent, clearSelection }) => { const modalService = injector.get(ModalService); const dataService = injector.get(DataService); const notificationService = injector.get(NotificationService); const activeChannelId$ = dataService.client .userStatus() .mapSingle(({ userStatus }) => userStatus.activeChannelId); function showModalAndDelete(facetIds: string[], message?: string) { return modalService .dialog({ title: _('catalog.remove-from-channel'), translationVars: { count: selection.length, }, size: message ? 'lg' : 'md', body: message, buttons: [ { type: 'secondary', label: _('common.cancel') }, { type: 'danger', label: message ? _('common.force-remove') : _('common.remove'), returnValue: true, }, ], }) .pipe( switchMap(res => res ? activeChannelId$.pipe( switchMap(activeChannelId => activeChannelId ? dataService.facet.removeFacetsFromChannel({ channelId: activeChannelId, facetIds, force: !!message, }) : EMPTY, ), map(res2 => res2.removeFacetsFromChannel), ) : EMPTY, ), ); } showModalAndDelete(unique( => .pipe( switchMap(result => { let removedCount = selection.length; const errors: string[] = []; const errorIds: string[] = []; let i = 0; for (const item of result) { if (item.__typename === 'FacetInUseError') { errors.push(item.message); errorIds.push(selection[i]?.id); removedCount--; } i++; } if (0 < errorIds.length) { return showModalAndDelete(errorIds, errors.join('\n')).pipe( map(result2 => { const notRemovedCount = result2.filter( r => r.__typename === 'FacetInUseError', ).length; return selection.length - notRemovedCount; }), ); } else { return of(removedCount); } }), switchMap(removedCount => removedCount ? getChannelCodeFromUserStatus(dataService).then(({ channelCode }) => ({ channelCode, removedCount, })) : EMPTY, ), ) .subscribe(({ removedCount, channelCode }) => { if (removedCount) { hostComponent.refresh(); clearSelection(); notificationService.success(_('catalog.notify-remove-facets-from-channel-success'), { count: removedCount, channelCode, }); } }); }, }; export const duplicateFacetsBulkAction: BulkAction< ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'>, FacetListComponent > = { location: 'facet-list', label: _('common.duplicate'), icon: 'copy', onClick: ({ injector, selection, hostComponent, clearSelection }) => { const modalService = injector.get(ModalService); modalService .fromComponent(DuplicateEntityDialogComponent<ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'>>, { locals: { entities: selection, entityName: 'Facet', title: _('catalog.duplicate-facets'), getEntityName: entity =>, }, }) .subscribe(result => { if (result) { clearSelection(); hostComponent.refresh(); } }); }, };
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { marker as _ } from '@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker'; import { DataService, FACET_WITH_VALUE_LIST_FRAGMENT, GetFacetListDocument, GetFacetListQuery, ItemOf, LanguageCode, TypedBaseListComponent, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { gql } from 'apollo-angular'; export const FACET_LIST_QUERY = gql` query GetFacetList($options: FacetListOptions, $facetValueListOptions: FacetValueListOptions) { facets(options: $options) { items { ...FacetWithValueList } totalItems } } ${FACET_WITH_VALUE_LIST_FRAGMENT} `; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-facet-list', templateUrl: './facet-list.component.html', styleUrls: ['./facet-list.component.scss'], }) export class FacetListComponent extends TypedBaseListComponent<typeof GetFacetListDocument, 'facets'> implements OnInit { readonly initialLimit = 3; displayLimit: { [id: string]: number } = {}; readonly customFields = this.getCustomFieldConfig('Facet'); readonly filters = this.createFilterCollection() .addIdFilter() .addDateFilters() .addFilter({ name: 'visibility', type: { kind: 'boolean' }, label: _('common.visibility'), toFilterInput: value => ({ isPrivate: { eq: !value }, }), }) .addCustomFieldFilters(this.customFields) .connectToRoute(this.route); readonly sorts = this.createSortCollection() .defaultSort('createdAt', 'DESC') .addSort({ name: 'id' }) .addSort({ name: 'createdAt' }) .addSort({ name: 'updatedAt' }) .addSort({ name: 'name' }) .addSort({ name: 'code' }) .addCustomFieldSorts(this.customFields) .connectToRoute(this.route); constructor(protected dataService: DataService) { super(); super.configure({ document: GetFacetListDocument, getItems: data => data.facets, setVariables: (skip, take) => ({ options: { skip, take, filter: { name: { contains: this.searchTermControl.value, }, ...this.filters.createFilterInput(), }, sort: this.sorts.createSortInput(), }, facetValueListOptions: { take: 100, }, }), refreshListOnChanges: [this.filters.valueChanges, this.sorts.valueChanges], }); } toggleDisplayLimit(facet: ItemOf<GetFacetListQuery, 'facets'>) { if (this.displayLimit[] === facet.valueList.items.length) { this.displayLimit[] = this.initialLimit; } else { this.displayLimit[] = facet.valueList.items.length; } } setLanguage(code: LanguageCode) { this.dataService.client.setContentLanguage(code).subscribe(); } }
import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnInit, Output, QueryList, ViewChildren } from '@angular/core'; import { AbstractControl, FormArray, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { CurrencyCode, DataService, GetStockLocationListDocument, GetStockLocationListQuery, ItemOf, } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { generateAllCombinations } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-utils'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { OptionValueInputComponent } from '../option-value-input/option-value-input.component'; const DEFAULT_VARIANT_CODE = '__DEFAULT_VARIANT__'; export type CreateVariantValues = { optionValues: string[]; enabled: boolean; sku: string; price: number; stock: number; }; export type CreateProductVariantsConfig = { groups: Array<{ name: string; values: string[] }>; variants: CreateVariantValues[]; stockLocationId: string; }; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-generate-product-variants', templateUrl: './generate-product-variants.component.html', styleUrls: ['./generate-product-variants.component.scss'], }) export class GenerateProductVariantsComponent implements OnInit { @Output() variantsChange = new EventEmitter<CreateProductVariantsConfig>(); @ViewChildren('optionGroupName', { read: ElementRef }) groupNameInputs: QueryList<ElementRef>; optionGroups: Array<{ name: string; values: Array<{ name: string; locked: boolean }> }> = []; currencyCode: CurrencyCode; variants: Array<{ id: string; values: string[] }>; variantFormValues: { [id: string]: FormGroup<{ optionValues: FormControl<string[]>; enabled: FormControl<boolean>; price: FormControl<number>; sku: FormControl<string>; stock: FormControl<number>; }>; } = {}; stockLocations$: Observable<Array<ItemOf<GetStockLocationListQuery, 'stockLocations'>>>; selectedStockLocationId: string | null = null; constructor(private dataService: DataService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {} ngOnInit() { this.dataService.settings.getActiveChannel().single$.subscribe(data => { this.currencyCode = data.activeChannel.defaultCurrencyCode; }); this.stockLocations$ = this.dataService .query(GetStockLocationListDocument, { options: { take: 999, }, }) .refetchOnChannelChange() .mapStream(({ stockLocations }) => stockLocations.items) .pipe( tap(items => { if (items.length) { this.selectedStockLocationId = items[0].id; } }), ); this.generateVariants(); } addOption() { this.optionGroups.push({ name: '', values: [] }); const index = this.optionGroups.length - 1; setTimeout(() => { const input = this.groupNameInputs.get(index)?.nativeElement; input?.focus(); }); } removeOption(name: string) { this.optionGroups = this.optionGroups.filter(g => !== name); this.generateVariants(); } generateVariants() { const totalValuesCount = this.optionGroups.reduce((sum, group) => sum + group.values.length, 0); const groups = totalValuesCount ? => => : [[DEFAULT_VARIANT_CODE]]; this.variants = generateAllCombinations(groups).map(values => ({ id: values.join('|'), values })); this.variants.forEach((variant, index) => { if (!this.variantFormValues[]) { const formGroup ={ optionValues: [variant.values], enabled: true as boolean, price: this.copyFromDefault(, 'price', 0), sku: this.copyFromDefault(, 'sku', ''), stock: this.copyFromDefault(, 'stock', 0), }); formGroup.valueChanges.subscribe(() => this.onFormChange()); if (index === 0) { formGroup.get('price')?.valueChanges.subscribe(value => { this.copyValuesToPristine('price', formGroup.get('price')); }); formGroup.get('sku')?.valueChanges.subscribe(value => { this.copyValuesToPristine('sku', formGroup.get('sku')); }); formGroup.get('stock')?.valueChanges.subscribe(value => { this.copyValuesToPristine('stock', formGroup.get('stock')); }); } this.variantFormValues[] = formGroup; } }); } trackByFn(index: number, variant: { name: string; values: string[] }) { return variant.values.join('|'); } handleEnter(event: KeyboardEvent, optionValueInputComponent: OptionValueInputComponent) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); optionValueInputComponent.focus(); } copyValuesToPristine(field: 'price' | 'sku' | 'stock', formControl: AbstractControl | null) { if (!formControl) { return; } Object.values(this.variantFormValues).forEach(formGroup => { const correspondingFormControl = formGroup.get(field) as FormControl; if (correspondingFormControl && correspondingFormControl.pristine) { correspondingFormControl.setValue(formControl.value, { emitEvent: false }); } }); } onFormChange() { const variantsToCreate = this.variants .map(v => this.variantFormValues[].value as CreateVariantValues) .filter(v => v.enabled); this.variantsChange.emit({ groups: => ({ name:, values: => })), variants: variantsToCreate, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion stockLocationId: this.selectedStockLocationId!, }); } private copyFromDefault<T extends keyof CreateVariantValues>( variantId: string, prop: T, value: CreateVariantValues[T], ): CreateVariantValues[T] { return variantId !== DEFAULT_VARIANT_CODE ? (this.variantFormValues[DEFAULT_VARIANT_CODE].get(prop)?.value as CreateVariantValues[T]) : value; } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { DataService, Dialog, GetCollectionListQuery, I18nService, ItemOf } from '@vendure/admin-ui/core'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, Observable, of, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, map, startWith, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'vdr-move-collections-dialog', templateUrl: './move-collections-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./move-collections-dialog.component.scss', '../collection-list/collection-list-common.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class MoveCollectionsDialogComponent implements OnInit, Dialog<ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>> { resolveWith: (result?: ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>) => void; searchTermControl = new FormControl(''); items$: Observable<Array<ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>>>; totalItems$: Observable<number>; currentPage$ = new BehaviorSubject(1); itemsPerPage$ = new BehaviorSubject(10); expandedIds$ = new Subject<string[]>(); expandedIds: string[] = []; subCollections$: Observable<Array<ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>>>; constructor(private dataService: DataService, private i18nService: I18nService) {} ngOnInit() { const getCollectionsResult = this.dataService.collection.getCollections(); const searchTerm$ = this.searchTermControl.valueChanges.pipe( debounceTime(250), distinctUntilChanged(), startWith(''), ); const currentPage$ = this.currentPage$.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()); const itemsPerPage$ = this.itemsPerPage$.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()); combineLatest(searchTerm$, currentPage$, itemsPerPage$).subscribe( ([searchTerm, currentPage, itemsPerPage]) => { const topLevelOnly = searchTerm === ''; getCollectionsResult.ref.refetch({ options: { skip: (currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage, take: itemsPerPage, filter: { name: { contains: searchTerm }, }, topLevelOnly, }, }); }, ); const rootCollectionId$ = this.dataService.collection .getCollections({ take: 1, topLevelOnly: true, }) .mapSingle(data => data.collections.items[0].parentId); this.items$ = combineLatest( getCollectionsResult.mapStream(({ collections }) => collections), rootCollectionId$, ).pipe( map(([collections, rootCollectionId]) => [ ...(rootCollectionId ? [ { id: rootCollectionId, name: this.i18nService.translate('catalog.root-collection'), slug: '', parentId: '__', position: 0, featuredAsset: null, children: [], breadcrumbs: [], isPrivate: false, createdAt: '', updatedAt: '', } satisfies ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>, ] : []), ...collections.items, ]), ); this.totalItems$ = getCollectionsResult.mapStream(data => data.collections.totalItems); this.subCollections$ = this.expandedIds$.pipe( tap(val => (this.expandedIds = val)), switchMap(ids => { if (ids.length) { return this.dataService.collection .getCollections({ take: 999, filter: { parentId: { in: ids }, }, }) .mapStream(data => data.collections.items); } else { return of([]); } }), ); } toggleExpanded(collection: ItemOf<GetCollectionListQuery, 'collections'>) { let expandedIds = this.expandedIds; if (!expandedIds.includes( { expandedIds.push(; } else { expandedIds = expandedIds.filter(id => id !==; } this.expandedIds$.next(expandedIds); } }
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, forwardRef, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, Provider, QueryList, SimpleChanges, ViewChild, ViewChildren, } from '@angular/core'; import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms'; import { unique } from '@vendure/common/lib/unique'; export const OPTION_VALUE_INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR: Provider = { provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => OptionValueInputComponent), multi: true, }; interface Option { id?: string; name: string; locked: boolean; } @Component({ selector: 'vdr-option-value-input', templateUrl: './option-value-input.component.html', styleUrls: ['./option-value-input.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, providers: [OPTION_VALUE_INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR], }) export class OptionValueInputComponent implements ControlValueAccessor { @Input() groupName = ''; @ViewChild('textArea', { static: true }) textArea: ElementRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>; @ViewChildren('editNameInput', { read: ElementRef }) nameInputs: QueryList<ElementRef>; @Input() options: Option[]; @Output() add = new EventEmitter<Option>(); @Output() remove = new EventEmitter<Option>(); @Output() edit = new EventEmitter<{ index: number; option: Option }>(); @Input() disabled = false; input = ''; isFocussed = false; lastSelected = false; formValue: Option[]; editingIndex = -1; onChangeFn: (value: any) => void; onTouchFn: (value: any) => void; get optionValues(): Option[] { return this.formValue ?? this.options ?? []; } constructor(private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {} registerOnChange(fn: any): void { this.onChangeFn = fn; } registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { this.onTouchFn = fn; } setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void { this.disabled = isDisabled; this.changeDetector.markForCheck(); } writeValue(obj: any): void { this.formValue = obj || []; } focus() { this.textArea.nativeElement.focus(); } editName(index: number, event: MouseEvent) { const optionValue = this.optionValues[index]; if (!optionValue.locked && ! { event.cancelBubble = true; this.editingIndex = index; const input = this.nameInputs.get(index)?.nativeElement; setTimeout(() => input?.focus()); } } updateOption(index: number, event: InputEvent) { const optionValue = this.optionValues[index]; const newName = ( as HTMLInputElement).value; if (optionValue) { if (newName) { = newName; this.edit.emit({ index, option: optionValue }); } this.editingIndex = -1; } } removeOption(option: Option) { if (!option.locked) { if (this.formValue) { this.formValue = this.formValue?.filter(o => !==; this.onChangeFn(this.formValue); } else { this.remove.emit(option); } } } handleKey(event: KeyboardEvent) { switch (event.key) { case ',': case 'Enter': this.addOptionValue(); event.preventDefault(); break; case 'Backspace': if (this.lastSelected) { this.removeLastOption(); this.lastSelected = false; } else if (this.input === '') { this.lastSelected = true; } break; default: this.lastSelected = false; } } handleBlur() { this.isFocussed = false; this.addOptionValue(); } private addOptionValue() { const options = this.parseInputIntoOptions(this.input).filter(option => { // do not add an option with the same name // as an existing option const existing = this.options ?? this.formValue; return !existing?.find(o => o?.name ===; }); if (!this.formValue && this.options) { for (const option of options) { this.add.emit(option); } } else { this.formValue = unique([...this.formValue, ...options]); this.onChangeFn(this.formValue); } this.input = ''; } private parseInputIntoOptions(input: string): Option[] { return input .split(/[,\n]/) .map(s => s.trim()) .filter(s => s !== '') .map(s => ({ name: s, locked: false })); } private removeLastOption() { if (this.optionValues.length) { const option = this.optionValues[this.optionValues.length - 1]; this.removeOption(option); } } } exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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