import { BrandingOptions, StaticAssetDefinition, StaticAssetExtension } from './types'; /** * @description * A helper function to simplify the process of setting custom branding images. * * @example * ```ts * compileUiExtensions({ * outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '../admin-ui'), * extensions: [ * setBranding({ * // This is used as the branding in the top-left above the navigation * smallLogoPath: path.join(__dirname, 'images/my-logo-sm.png'), * // This is used on the login page * largeLogoPath: path.join(__dirname, 'images/my-logo-lg.png'), * faviconPath: path.join(__dirname, 'images/my-favicon.ico'), * }), * ], * }); * ``` * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage helpers */ export function setBranding(options: BrandingOptions): StaticAssetExtension { const staticAssets: StaticAssetDefinition[] = []; if (options.smallLogoPath) { staticAssets.push({ path: options.smallLogoPath, rename: 'logo-top.webp', }); } if (options.largeLogoPath) { staticAssets.push({ path: options.largeLogoPath, rename: 'logo-login.webp', }); } if (options.faviconPath) { staticAssets.push({ path: options.faviconPath, rename: 'favicon.ico', }); } return { staticAssets }; }
export * from './compile'; export * from './helpers'; export * from './types';
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import { notNullOrUndefined } from '@vendure/common/lib/shared-utils'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { globSync } from 'glob'; import * as path from 'path'; import { EXTENSION_ROUTES_FILE, GLOBAL_STYLES_OUTPUT_DIR, MODULES_OUTPUT_DIR, SHARED_EXTENSIONS_FILE, } from './constants'; import { getAllTranslationFiles, mergeExtensionTranslations } from './translations'; import { AdminUiExtension, AdminUiExtensionLazyModule, AdminUiExtensionSharedModule, AdminUiExtensionWithId, Extension, GlobalStylesExtension, SassVariableOverridesExtension, StaticAssetExtension, } from './types'; import { copyStaticAsset, copyUiDevkit, isAdminUiExtension, isGlobalStylesExtension, isSassVariableOverridesExtension, isStaticAssetExtension, isTranslationExtension, normalizeExtensions, } from './utils'; export async function setupScaffold(outputPath: string, extensions: Extension[]) { deleteExistingExtensionModules(outputPath); const adminUiExtensions = extensions.filter((e): e is AdminUiExtension => isAdminUiExtension(e)); const normalizedExtensions = normalizeExtensions(adminUiExtensions); const modulePathMapping = generateModulePathMapping(normalizedExtensions); copyAdminUiSource(outputPath, modulePathMapping); await copyExtensionModules(outputPath, normalizedExtensions); const staticAssetExtensions = extensions.filter(isStaticAssetExtension); await copyStaticAssets(outputPath, staticAssetExtensions); const globalStyleExtensions = extensions.filter(isGlobalStylesExtension); const sassVariableOverridesExtension = extensions.find(isSassVariableOverridesExtension); await addGlobalStyles(outputPath, globalStyleExtensions, sassVariableOverridesExtension); const allTranslationFiles = getAllTranslationFiles(extensions.filter(isTranslationExtension)); await mergeExtensionTranslations(outputPath, allTranslationFiles); copyUiDevkit(outputPath); } /** * Deletes the contents of the /modules directory, which contains the plugin * extension modules copied over during the last compilation. */ function deleteExistingExtensionModules(outputPath: string) { fs.removeSync(path.join(outputPath, MODULES_OUTPUT_DIR)); } /** * Generates a module path mapping object for all extensions with a "pathAlias" * property declared (if any). */ function generateModulePathMapping(extensions: AdminUiExtensionWithId[]) { const extensionsWithAlias = extensions.filter(e => e.pathAlias); if (extensionsWithAlias.length === 0) { return undefined; } return extensionsWithAlias.reduce((acc, e) => { // for imports from the index file if there is one acc[e.pathAlias as string] = [`src/extensions/${}`]; // direct access to files / deep imports acc[`${e.pathAlias as string}/*`] = [`src/extensions/${}/*`]; return acc; }, {} as Record<string, string[]>); } /** * Copies all files from the extensionPaths of the configured extensions into the * admin-ui source tree. */ async function copyExtensionModules(outputPath: string, extensions: AdminUiExtensionWithId[]) { const adminUiExtensions = extensions.filter(isAdminUiExtension); const extensionRoutesSource = generateLazyExtensionRoutes(adminUiExtensions); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outputPath, EXTENSION_ROUTES_FILE), extensionRoutesSource, 'utf8'); const sharedExtensionModulesSource = generateSharedExtensionModule(extensions); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outputPath, SHARED_EXTENSIONS_FILE), sharedExtensionModulesSource, 'utf8'); for (const extension of adminUiExtensions) { if (!extension.extensionPath) { continue; } const dest = path.join(outputPath, MODULES_OUTPUT_DIR,; if (!extension.exclude) { fs.copySync(extension.extensionPath, dest); continue; } const exclude = extension.exclude?.map(e => globSync(path.join(extension.extensionPath, e))).flatMap(e => e) ?? []; fs.copySync(extension.extensionPath, dest, { filter: name => name === extension.extensionPath || exclude.every(e => e !== name), }); } } async function copyStaticAssets(outputPath: string, extensions: Array<Partial<StaticAssetExtension>>) { for (const extension of extensions) { if (Array.isArray(extension.staticAssets)) { for (const asset of extension.staticAssets) { await copyStaticAsset(outputPath, asset); } } } } async function addGlobalStyles( outputPath: string, globalStylesExtensions: GlobalStylesExtension[], sassVariableOverridesExtension?: SassVariableOverridesExtension, ) { const globalStylesDir = path.join(outputPath, 'src', GLOBAL_STYLES_OUTPUT_DIR); await fs.remove(globalStylesDir); await fs.ensureDir(globalStylesDir); const imports: string[] = []; for (const extension of globalStylesExtensions) { const styleFiles = Array.isArray(extension.globalStyles) ? extension.globalStyles : [extension.globalStyles]; for (const styleFile of styleFiles) { await copyGlobalStyleFile(outputPath, styleFile); imports.push(path.basename(styleFile, path.extname(styleFile))); } } let overridesImport = ''; if (sassVariableOverridesExtension) { const overridesFile = sassVariableOverridesExtension.sassVariableOverrides; await copyGlobalStyleFile(outputPath, overridesFile); overridesImport = `@import "./${GLOBAL_STYLES_OUTPUT_DIR}/${path.basename( overridesFile, path.extname(overridesFile), )}";\n`; } const globalStylesSource = overridesImport + '@import "./styles/styles";\n' + => `@import "./${GLOBAL_STYLES_OUTPUT_DIR}/${file}";`).join('\n'); const globalStylesFile = path.join(outputPath, 'src', 'global-styles.scss'); await fs.writeFile(globalStylesFile, globalStylesSource, 'utf-8'); } export async function copyGlobalStyleFile(outputPath: string, stylePath: string) { const globalStylesDir = path.join(outputPath, 'src', GLOBAL_STYLES_OUTPUT_DIR); const fileBasename = path.basename(stylePath); const styleOutputPath = path.join(globalStylesDir, fileBasename); await fs.copyFile(stylePath, styleOutputPath); } function generateLazyExtensionRoutes(extensions: AdminUiExtensionWithId[]): string { const routes: string[] = []; for (const extension of extensions) { for (const module of extension.ngModules ?? []) { if (module.type === 'lazy') { routes.push(` { path: 'extensions/${module.route}', loadChildren: () => import('${getModuleFilePath(, module)}').then(m => m.${ module.ngModuleName }), }`); } } for (const route of extension.routes ?? []) { const prefix = route.prefix === '' ? '' : `${route.prefix ?? 'extensions'}/`; routes.push(` { path: '${prefix}${route.route}', loadChildren: () => import('./extensions/${}/${path.basename(route.filePath, '.ts')}'), }`); } } return `export const extensionRoutes = [${routes.join(',\n')}];\n`; } function generateSharedExtensionModule(extensions: AdminUiExtensionWithId[]) { const adminUiExtensions = extensions.filter(isAdminUiExtension); const moduleImports = adminUiExtensions .map(e => e.ngModules ?.filter(m => m.type === 'shared') .map(m => `import { ${m.ngModuleName} } from '${getModuleFilePath(, m)}';\n`) .join(''), ) .filter(val => !!val) .join(''); const providerImports = adminUiExtensions .map((m, i) => (m.providers ?? []) .map( (f, j) => `import SharedProviders_${i}_${j} from './extensions/${}/${path.basename( f, '.ts', )}';\n`, ) .join(''), ) .filter(val => !!val) .join(''); const modules = adminUiExtensions .map(e => e.ngModules ?.filter(m => m.type === 'shared') .map(m => m.ngModuleName) .join(', '), ) .filter(val => !!val) .join(', '); const providers = adminUiExtensions .filter(notNullOrUndefined) .map((m, i) => (m.providers ?? []).map((f, j) => `...SharedProviders_${i}_${j}`).join(', ')) .filter(val => !!val) .join(', '); return `import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; ${moduleImports} ${providerImports} @NgModule({ imports: [CommonModule, ${modules}], providers: [${providers}], }) export class SharedExtensionsModule {} `; } function getModuleFilePath( id: string, module: AdminUiExtensionLazyModule | AdminUiExtensionSharedModule, ): string { return `./extensions/${id}/${path.basename(module.ngModuleFileName, '.ts')}`; } /** * Copies the Admin UI sources & static assets to the outputPath if it does not already * exist there. */ function copyAdminUiSource(outputPath: string, modulePathMapping: Record<string, string[]> | undefined) { const tsconfigFilePath = path.join(outputPath, 'tsconfig.json'); const indexFilePath = path.join(outputPath, '/src/index.html'); if (fs.existsSync(tsconfigFilePath) && fs.existsSync(indexFilePath)) { configureModulePathMapping(tsconfigFilePath, modulePathMapping); return; } const scaffoldDir = path.join(__dirname, '../scaffold'); const adminUiSrc = path.join(require.resolve('@vendure/admin-ui'), '../../static'); if (!fs.existsSync(scaffoldDir)) { throw new Error(`Could not find the admin ui scaffold files at ${scaffoldDir}`); } if (!fs.existsSync(adminUiSrc)) { throw new Error(`Could not find the @vendure/admin-ui sources. Looked in ${adminUiSrc}`); } // copy scaffold fs.removeSync(outputPath); fs.ensureDirSync(outputPath); fs.copySync(scaffoldDir, outputPath); configureModulePathMapping(tsconfigFilePath, modulePathMapping); // copy source files from admin-ui package const outputSrc = path.join(outputPath, 'src'); fs.ensureDirSync(outputSrc); fs.copySync(adminUiSrc, outputSrc); } export async function setBaseHref(outputPath: string, baseHref: string) { const angularJsonFilePath = path.join(outputPath, '/angular.json'); const angularJson = await fs.readJSON(angularJsonFilePath, 'utf-8'); angularJson.projects['vendure-admin'] = baseHref; await fs.writeJSON(angularJsonFilePath, angularJson, { spaces: 2 }); } /** * Adds module path mapping to the bundled tsconfig.json file if defined as a UI extension. */ function configureModulePathMapping( tsconfigFilePath: string, modulePathMapping: Record<string, string[]> | undefined, ) { if (!modulePathMapping) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const tsconfig = require(tsconfigFilePath); tsconfig.compilerOptions.paths = modulePathMapping; fs.writeFileSync(tsconfigFilePath, JSON.stringify(tsconfig, null, 2)); }
import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/common/lib/generated-types'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { globSync } from 'glob'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Extension, TranslationExtension, Translations } from './types'; import { logger } from './utils'; /** * Given an array of extensions, returns a map of languageCode to all files specified by the * configured globs. */ export function getAllTranslationFiles(extensions: TranslationExtension[]): { [languageCode in LanguageCode]?: string[]; } { // First collect all globs by language const allTranslationsWithGlobs: { [languageCode in LanguageCode]?: string[] } = {}; for (const extension of extensions) { for (const [languageCode, globPattern] of Object.entries(extension.translations || {})) { const code = languageCode as LanguageCode; if (globPattern) { if (!allTranslationsWithGlobs[code]) { allTranslationsWithGlobs[code] = [globPattern]; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion allTranslationsWithGlobs[code]!.push(globPattern); } } } } const allTranslationsWithFiles: { [languageCode in LanguageCode]?: string[] } = {}; for (const [languageCode, globs] of Object.entries(allTranslationsWithGlobs)) { const code = languageCode as LanguageCode; allTranslationsWithFiles[code] = []; if (!globs) { continue; } for (const pattern of globs) { const files = globSync(pattern); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion allTranslationsWithFiles[code]!.push(...files); } } return allTranslationsWithFiles; } export async function mergeExtensionTranslations( outputPath: string, translationFiles: { [languageCode in LanguageCode]?: string[] }, ) { // Now merge them into the final language-speicific json files const i18nMessagesDir = path.join(outputPath, 'src/i18n-messages'); for (const [languageCode, files] of Object.entries(translationFiles)) { if (!files) { continue; } const translationFile = path.join(i18nMessagesDir, `${languageCode}.json`); const translationBackupFile = path.join(i18nMessagesDir, `${languageCode}.json.bak`); if (fs.existsSync(translationBackupFile)) { // restore the original translations from the backup await fs.copy(translationBackupFile, translationFile); } let translations: any = {}; if (fs.existsSync(translationFile)) { // create a backup of the original (unextended) translations await fs.copy(translationFile, translationBackupFile); try { translations = await fs.readJson(translationFile); } catch (e: any) { logger.error(`Could not load translation file: ${translationFile}`); logger.error(e); } } for (const file of files) { try { const contents = await fs.readJson(file); translations = mergeTranslations(translations, contents); } catch (e: any) { logger.error(`Could not load translation file: ${translationFile}`); logger.error(e); } } // write the final translation files to disk const sortedTranslations = sortTranslationKeys(translations); await fs.writeFile(translationFile, JSON.stringify(sortedTranslations, null, 2), 'utf8'); } } /** * Sorts the contents of the translation files so the sections & keys are alphabetical. */ function sortTranslationKeys(translations: Translations): Translations { const result: Translations = {}; const sections = Object.keys(translations).sort(); for (const section of sections) { const sortedTokens = Object.entries(translations[section]) .sort(([keyA], [keyB]) => (keyA < keyB ? -1 : 1)) .reduce((output, [key, val]) => ({ ...output, [key]: val }), {}); result[section] = sortedTokens; } return result; } /** * Merges the second set of translations into the first, returning a new translations * object. */ function mergeTranslations(t1: Translations, t2: Translations): Translations { const result = { ...t1 }; for (const [section, translations] of Object.entries(t2)) { result[section] = { ...t1[section], ...translations, }; } return result; }
import { LanguageCode } from '@vendure/common/lib/generated-types'; export type Extension = | AdminUiExtension | TranslationExtension | StaticAssetExtension | GlobalStylesExtension | SassVariableOverridesExtension; /** * @description * Defines extensions to the Admin UI translations. Can be used as a stand-alone extension definition which only adds translations * without adding new UI functionality, or as part of a full {@link AdminUiExtension}. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface TranslationExtension { /** * @description * Optional object defining any translation files for the Admin UI. The value should be an object with * the key as a 2-character [ISO 639-1 language code](, * and the value being a [glob]( for any relevant * translation files in JSON format. * * @example * ```ts * translations: { * en: path.join(__dirname, 'translations/*.en.json'), * de: path.join(__dirname, 'translations/*.de.json'), * } * ``` */ translations: { [languageCode in LanguageCode]?: string }; } /** * @description * Defines extensions which copy static assets to the custom Admin UI application source asset directory. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface StaticAssetExtension { /** * @description * Optional array of paths to static assets which will be copied over to the Admin UI app's `/static` * directory. */ staticAssets: StaticAssetDefinition[]; } /** * @description * Defines extensions which add global styles to the custom Admin UI application. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface GlobalStylesExtension { /** * @description * Specifies a path (or array of paths) to global style files (css or Sass) which will be * incorporated into the Admin UI app global stylesheet. */ globalStyles: string[] | string; } /** * @description * Defines an extension which allows overriding Clarity Design System's Sass variables used in styles on the Admin UI. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface SassVariableOverridesExtension { /** * @description * Specifies a path to a Sass style file containing variable declarations, which will take precedence over * default values defined in Clarity. */ sassVariableOverrides: string; } /** * @description * Defines a route which will be added to the Admin UI application. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface UiExtensionRouteDefinition { /** * @description * The name of the route. This will be used as the path in the URL. */ route: string; /** * @description * The path to the file which exports an array of Angular route definitions. */ filePath: string; /** * @description * All extensions will be mounted under the `/extensions/` route. This option allows you to specify a * custom prefix rather than `/extensions/`. For example, setting this to `custom` would cause the extension * to be mounted at `/custom/<route>` instead. * * A common use case for this is to mount the extension at the root of the Admin UI, by setting this to an empty string. * This is useful when the extension is intended to replace the default Admin UI, rather than extend it. * * @since 2.2.0 */ prefix?: string; } /** * @description * Defines extensions to the Admin UI application by specifying additional * Angular [NgModules]( which are compiled * into the application. * * See [Extending the Admin UI](/guides/extending-the-admin-ui/getting-started/) for * detailed instructions. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension * @docsWeight 0 */ export interface AdminUiExtension extends Partial<TranslationExtension>, Partial<StaticAssetExtension>, Partial<GlobalStylesExtension> { /** * @description * An optional ID for the extension module. Only used internally for generating * import paths to your module. If not specified, a unique hash will be used as the id. */ id?: string; /** * @description * The path to the directory containing the extension module(s). The entire contents of this directory * will be copied into the Admin UI app, including all TypeScript source files, html templates, * scss style sheets etc. */ extensionPath: string; /** * @description * One or more Angular modules which extend the default Admin UI. * * @deprecated use `routes` instead of lazy modules, and `providers` instead of shared modules in combination * with Angular standalone components. */ ngModules?: Array<AdminUiExtensionSharedModule | AdminUiExtensionLazyModule>; /** * @description * Defines the paths to a file that exports an array of shared providers such as nav menu items, custom form inputs, * custom detail components, action bar items, custom history entry components. */ providers?: string[]; /** * @description * Defines routes that will be lazy-loaded at the `/extensions/` route. The filePath should point to a file * relative to the `extensionPath` which exports an array of Angular route definitions. */ routes?: UiExtensionRouteDefinition[]; /** * @description * An optional alias for the module so it can be referenced by other UI extension modules. * * By default, Angular modules declared in an AdminUiExtension do not have access to code outside the directory * defined by the `extensionPath`. A scenario in which that can be useful though is in a monorepo codebase where * a common NgModule is shared across different plugins, each defined in its own package. An example can be found * below - note that the main `tsconfig.json` also maps the target module but using a path relative to the project's * root folder. The UI module is not part of the main TypeScript build task as explained in * [Extending the Admin UI]( but having `paths` * properly configured helps with usual IDE code editing features such as code completion and quick navigation, as * well as linting. * * @example * ```ts title="packages/common-ui-module/src/ui/ui-shared.module.ts" * import { NgModule } from '\@angular/core'; * import { SharedModule } from '\@vendure/admin-ui/core'; * import { CommonUiComponent } from './components/common-ui/common-ui.component'; * * export { CommonUiComponent }; * * \@NgModule({ * imports: [SharedModule], * exports: [CommonUiComponent], * declarations: [CommonUiComponent], * }) * export class CommonSharedUiModule {} * ``` * * ```ts title="packages/common-ui-module/src/index.ts" * import path from 'path'; * * import { AdminUiExtension } from '\@vendure/ui-devkit/compiler'; * * export const uiExtensions: AdminUiExtension = { * // highlight-next-line * pathAlias: '\@common-ui-module', // this is the important part * extensionPath: path.join(__dirname, 'ui'), * ngModules: [ * { * type: 'shared' as const, * ngModuleFileName: 'ui-shared.module.ts', * ngModuleName: 'CommonSharedUiModule', * }, * ], * }; * ``` * * ```json title="tsconfig.json" * { * "compilerOptions": { * "baseUrl": ".", * "paths": { * // highlight-next-line * "\@common-ui-module/*": ["packages/common-ui-module/src/ui/*"] * } * } * } * ``` * * ```ts title="packages/sample-plugin/src/ui/ui-extension.module.ts" * import { NgModule } from '\@angular/core'; * import { SharedModule } from '\@vendure/admin-ui/core'; * // highlight-start * // the import below works both in the context of the custom Admin UI app as well as the main project * // '\@common-ui-module' is the value of "pathAlias" and 'ui-shared.module' is the file we want to reference inside "extensionPath" * import { CommonSharedUiModule, CommonUiComponent } from '\@common-ui-module/ui-shared.module'; * // highlight-end * * \@NgModule({ * imports: [ * SharedModule, * CommonSharedUiModule, * RouterModule.forChild([ * { * path: '', * pathMatch: 'full', * component: CommonUiComponent, * }, * ]), * ], * }) * export class SampleUiExtensionModule {} * ``` */ pathAlias?: string; /** * @description * Optional array specifying filenames or [glob]( patterns that should * be skipped when copying the directory defined by `extensionPath`. * * @example * ```ts * exclude: ['**\/*.spec.ts'] * ``` */ exclude?: string[]; } /** * @description * A static asset can be provided as a path to the asset, or as an object containing a path and a new * name, which will cause the compiler to copy and then rename the asset. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export type StaticAssetDefinition = string | { path: string; rename: string }; /** * @description * Configuration defining a single NgModule with which to extend the Admin UI. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface AdminUiExtensionSharedModule { /** * @description * Shared modules are directly imported into the main AppModule of the Admin UI * and should be used to declare custom form components and define custom * navigation items. */ type: 'shared'; /** * @description * The name of the file containing the extension module class. */ ngModuleFileName: string; /** * @description * The name of the extension module class. */ ngModuleName: string; } /** * @description * Configuration defining a single NgModule with which to extend the Admin UI. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit * @docsPage AdminUiExtension */ export interface AdminUiExtensionLazyModule { /** * @description * Lazy modules are lazy-loaded at the `/extensions/` route and should be used for * modules which define new views for the Admin UI. */ type: 'lazy'; /** * @description * The route specifies the route at which the module will be lazy-loaded. E.g. a value * of `'foo'` will cause the module to lazy-load when the `/extensions/foo` route * is activated. */ route: string; /** * @description * The name of the file containing the extension module class. */ ngModuleFileName: string; /** * @description * The name of the extension module class. */ ngModuleName: string; } /** * @description * Argument to configure process (watch or compile) * * @docsCategory UiDevkit */ export type UiExtensionCompilerProcessArgument = string | [string, any]; /** * @description * Options to configure how the Admin UI should be compiled. * * @docsCategory UiDevkit */ export interface UiExtensionCompilerOptions { /** * @description * The directory into which the sources for the extended Admin UI will be copied. */ outputPath: string; /** * @description * An array of objects which configure Angular modules and/or * translations with which to extend the Admin UI. */ extensions: Extension[]; /** * @description * Allows you to manually specify the path to the Angular CLI compiler script. This can be useful in scenarios * where for some reason the built-in start/build scripts are unable to locate the `ng` command. * * This option should not usually be required. * * @example * ```ts * compileUiExtensions({ * ngCompilerPath: path.join(__dirname, '../../node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng.js'), * outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '../admin-ui'), * extensions: [ * // ... * ], * }) * ``` * * @since 2.1.0 */ ngCompilerPath?: string | undefined; /** * @description * Set to `true` in order to compile the Admin UI in development mode (using the Angular CLI * [ng serve]( command). When in dev mode, any changes to * UI extension files will be watched and trigger a rebuild of the Admin UI with live * reloading. * * @default false */ devMode?: boolean; /** * @description * Allows the baseHref of the compiled Admin UI app to be set. This determines the prefix * of the app, for example with the default value of `'/admin/'`, the Admin UI app * will be configured to be served from `http://<host>/admin/`. * * Note: if you are using this in conjunction with the {@link AdminUiPlugin} then you should * also set the `route` option to match this value. * * @example * ```ts * AdminUiPlugin.init({ * route: 'my-route', * port: 5001, * app: compileUiExtensions({ * baseHref: '/my-route/', * outputPath: path.join(__dirname, './custom-admin-ui'), * extensions: [], * devMode: true, * }), * }), * ``` * * @default '/admin/' */ baseHref?: string; /** * @description * In watch mode, allows the port of the dev server to be specified. Defaults to the Angular CLI default * of `4200`. * * @default 4200 | undefined */ watchPort?: number; /** * @description * Internally, the Angular CLI will be invoked as an npm script. By default, the compiler will use Yarn * to run the script if it is detected, otherwise it will use npm. This setting allows you to explicitly * set which command to use, rather than relying on the default behavior. * * @since 1.5.0 */ command?: 'yarn' | 'npm'; /** * @description * Additional command-line arguments which will get passed to the [ng build]( * command (or [ng serve]( if `devMode = true`). * * @example * ['--disable-host-check'] // to disable host check * * @default undefined * * @since 1.5.0 */ additionalProcessArguments?: UiExtensionCompilerProcessArgument[]; } export type Translations = { [section: string]: { [token: string]: string; }; }; export interface BrandingOptions { smallLogoPath?: string; largeLogoPath?: string; faviconPath?: string; } export interface AdminUiExtensionWithId extends AdminUiExtension { id: string; }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import chalk from 'chalk'; import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as path from 'path'; import { STATIC_ASSETS_OUTPUT_DIR } from './constants'; import { AdminUiExtension, AdminUiExtensionWithId, Extension, GlobalStylesExtension, SassVariableOverridesExtension, StaticAssetDefinition, StaticAssetExtension, TranslationExtension, } from './types'; export const logger = { log: (message: string) => console.log(, error: (message: string) => console.log(, }; /** * Checks for the global yarn binary and returns true if found. */ export function shouldUseYarn(): boolean { try { execSync('yarnpkg --version', { stdio: 'ignore' }); return true; } catch (e: any) { return false; } } /** * Returns the string path of a static asset */ export function getStaticAssetPath(staticAssetDef: StaticAssetDefinition): string { return typeof staticAssetDef === 'string' ? staticAssetDef : staticAssetDef.path; } /** * Copy the @vendure/ui-devkit files to the static assets dir. */ export function copyUiDevkit(outputPath: string) { const devkitDir = path.join(outputPath, STATIC_ASSETS_OUTPUT_DIR, 'devkit'); fs.ensureDirSync(devkitDir); fs.copySync(require.resolve('@vendure/ui-devkit'), path.join(devkitDir, 'ui-devkit.js')); } /** * Copies over any files defined by the extensions' `staticAssets` array to the shared * static assets directory. When the app is built by the ng cli, this assets directory is * the copied over to the final static assets location (i.e. http://domain/admin/assets/) */ export async function copyStaticAsset(outputPath: string, staticAssetDef: StaticAssetDefinition) { const staticAssetPath = getStaticAssetPath(staticAssetDef); const assetBasename = path.basename(staticAssetPath); const assetOutputPath = path.join(outputPath, STATIC_ASSETS_OUTPUT_DIR, assetBasename); fs.copySync(staticAssetPath, assetOutputPath); if (typeof staticAssetDef !== 'string') { // The asset is being renamed const newName = path.join(path.dirname(assetOutputPath), staticAssetDef.rename); try { // We use copy, remove rather than rename due to problems with the // EPERM error in Windows. await fs.copy(assetOutputPath, newName); await fs.remove(assetOutputPath); } catch (e: any) { logger.log(e); } } } /** * Ensures each extension has an ID and a value for the optional properties. * If not defined by the user, a deterministic ID is generated * from a hash of the extension config. */ export function normalizeExtensions(extensions?: AdminUiExtension[]): AdminUiExtensionWithId[] { return (extensions || []).map(e => { let id =; if (!id) { const hash = createHash('sha256'); hash.update(JSON.stringify(e)); id = hash.digest('hex'); } return { staticAssets: [], translations: {}, globalStyles: [], ...e, id, }; }); } export function isAdminUiExtension(input: Extension): input is AdminUiExtension { return input.hasOwnProperty('extensionPath'); } export function isTranslationExtension(input: Extension): input is TranslationExtension { return input.hasOwnProperty('translations'); } export function isStaticAssetExtension(input: Extension): input is StaticAssetExtension { return input.hasOwnProperty('staticAssets'); } export function isGlobalStylesExtension(input: Extension): input is GlobalStylesExtension { return input.hasOwnProperty('globalStyles'); } export function isSassVariableOverridesExtension(input: Extension): input is SassVariableOverridesExtension { return input.hasOwnProperty('sassVariableOverrides'); }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import path from 'path'; /** * Checks the versions of the Angular compiler packages between the `admin-ui` and `ui-devkit` packages. * These must match exactly since using different packages can introduce errors when compiling * with the ui-devkit. * See for more on this issue. */ async function checkAngularVersions() { const adminUiPackageJson = require('../packages/admin-ui/package.json'); const uiDevkitPackageJson = require('../packages/ui-devkit/package.json'); const angularCompilerPackages = ['@angular/cli', '@angular/compiler-cli', '@angular/compiler']; const illegalSemverPrefixes = /^[~^]/; const errors: string[] = []; for (const pkg of angularCompilerPackages) { const uiVersion = adminUiPackageJson.devDependencies[pkg as keyof typeof adminUiPackageJson.devDependencies]; const devkitVersion = uiDevkitPackageJson.dependencies[pkg as keyof typeof uiDevkitPackageJson.dependencies]; // Removing this restriction to allow more flexibility in keeping angular versions // current for end-users, and also preventing issues in monorepos. // if (illegalSemverPrefixes.test(uiVersion)) { // errors.push(`Angular compiler versions must be exact, got "${uiVersion}" in admin-ui package`); // } // if (illegalSemverPrefixes.test(devkitVersion)) { // errors.push( // `Angular compiler versions must be exact, got "${devkitVersion}" in ui-devkit package`, // ); // } if (uiVersion !== devkitVersion) { errors.push( `Angular compiler package mismatch [${pkg}] admin-ui: "${uiVersion}", ui-devkit: "${devkitVersion}"`, ); } } if (errors.length) { for (const error of errors) { console.log(`ERROR: ${error}`); } process.exit(1); } else { console.log(`Angular compiler package check passed`); process.exit(0); } } checkAngularVersions();
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; /** * For some unknown reason, a v1.2.2 of @vendure/core included incorrect type definitions for some types. * Namely, _some_ of the `ConfigurableOperationDef` types had their specific string literal & enum types * replaced with just `string`, which caused the published package to fail to build. * * Example: * [dummy-payment-method-handler.d.ts]( * ``` * export declare const dummyPaymentHandler: PaymentMethodHandler<{ * automaticSettle: { * type: string; * label: { * languageCode: any; * value: string; * }[]; * description: { * languageCode: any; * value: string; * }[]; * required: true; * defaultValue: boolean; * }; * }>; * ``` * * Should be: * ```ts * export declare const dummyPaymentHandler: PaymentMethodHandler<{ * automaticSettle: { * type: "boolean"; * label: { * languageCode: LanguageCode.en; * value: string; * }[]; * description: { * languageCode: LanguageCode.en; * value: string; * }[]; * required: true; * defaultValue: false; * }; * }>; * ``` * * This script should be run before publishing, in order to verify that this is not the case. */ const configPath = path.join(__dirname, '../packages/core/dist/config'); const filesToCheck = [ path.join(configPath, 'payment/dummy-payment-method-handler.d.ts'), path.join(configPath, 'promotion/actions/product-percentage-discount-action.d.ts'), path.join(configPath, 'promotion/conditions/contains-products-condition.d.ts'), path.join(configPath, 'shipping-method/default-shipping-calculator.d.ts'), path.join(configPath, 'shipping-method/default-shipping-eligibility-checker.d.ts'), path.join(configPath, 'fulfillment/manual-fulfillment-handler.d.ts'), ]; console.log(`Checking core type definitions...`); let checkIsOk = true; for (const filePath of filesToCheck) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'); const matches = content.match(/type: string;|languageCode: any;/gm); if (matches) { console.warn(`\n\nBad type definitions found in file ${filePath}:`); console.warn(`==========`); console.warn(matches.join('\n')); console.warn(`==========`); checkIsOk = false; } } if (!checkIsOk) { process.exit(1); } else { console.log(`Type defs ok!`); process.exit(0); }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const find = require('find'); /** * An array of regular expressions defining illegal import patterns to be checked in the * source files of the monorepo packages. This prevents bad imports (which work locally * and go undetected) from getting into published releases of Vendure. */ const illegalImportPatterns: RegExp[] = [ /@vendure\/common\/src/, /@vendure\/core\/src/, /@vendure\/admin-ui\/src/, ]; const exclude: string[] = [ path.join(__dirname, '../packages/dev-server'), ]; findInFiles(illegalImportPatterns, path.join(__dirname, '../packages'), /\.ts$/, exclude); function findInFiles(patterns: RegExp[], directory: string, fileFilter: RegExp, excludePaths: string[]) { find.file(fileFilter, directory, async (files: string[]) => { const nonNodeModulesFiles = files.filter(f => !f.includes('node_modules')); console.log(`Checking imports in ${nonNodeModulesFiles.length} files...`); const matches = await getMatchedFiles(patterns, nonNodeModulesFiles, excludePaths); if (matches.length) { console.error(`Found illegal imports in the following files:`); console.error(matches.join('\n')); process.exitCode = 1; } else { console.log('Imports check ok!'); } }); } async function getMatchedFiles(patterns: RegExp[], files: string[], excludePaths: string[]) { const matchedFiles = []; outer: for (let i = files.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (const excludedPath of excludePaths) { if (files[i].includes(excludedPath)) { continue outer; } } const content = await readFile(files[i]); for (const pattern of patterns) { if (pattern.test(content)) { matchedFiles.push(files[i]); continue; } } } return matchedFiles; } function readFile(filePath: string): Promise<string> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(data); } }); }); }
import * as Stream from 'stream'; import { PassThrough, Writable } from 'stream'; class Appendee extends PassThrough { constructor(private factory: any, private opts: any) { super(opts); } _flush(end: any) { const stream = this.factory(); stream.pipe(new Appender(this, this.opts)) .on('finish', end); stream.resume(); } } class Appender extends Writable { constructor(private target: any, opts: any) { super(opts); } _write(chunk: any, enc: any, cb: any) {; cb(); } } /** * Append the contents of one stream onto another. * Based on */ export function addStream(stream: any, opts?: any) { opts = opts || {}; let factory; if (typeof stream === 'function') { factory = stream; } else { stream.pause(); factory = () => stream; } return new Appendee(factory, opts); }
import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import { addStream } from './add-stream'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const conventionalChangelogCore = require('conventional-changelog-core'); let changelogFileName = ''; if (process.argv.includes('--next') || process.env.npm_config_argv?.includes('publish-prerelease')) { changelogFileName = ''; } /** * The types of commit which will be included in the changelog. */ const VALID_TYPES = ['feat', 'fix', 'perf']; /** * Define which packages to create changelog entries for. */ const VALID_SCOPES: string[] = [ 'admin-ui-plugin', 'admin-ui', 'asset-server', 'asset-server-plugin', 'cli', 'common', 'core', 'create', 'elasticsearch-plugin', 'email-plugin', 'email', 'job-queue-plugin', 'payments-plugin', 'testing', 'ui-devkit', 'harden-plugin', 'stellate-plugin', 'sentry-plugin', ]; const mainTemplate = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'template.hbs'), 'utf-8'); const commitTemplate = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'commit.hbs'), 'utf-8'); generateChangelogForPackage(); /** * Generates changelog entries based on the conventional commits data. */ function generateChangelogForPackage() { const changelogPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../', changelogFileName); const inStream = fs.createReadStream(changelogPath, { flags: 'a+' }); const tempFile = path.join(__dirname, `__temp_changelog__`); conventionalChangelogCore( { transform: (commit: any, context: any) => { const includeCommit = VALID_TYPES.includes(commit.type) && scopeIsValid(commit.scope); if (includeCommit) { return context(null, commit); } else { return context(null, null); } }, releaseCount: 1, outputUnreleased: true, }, { version: require('../../lerna.json').version, }, null, null, { mainTemplate, commitPartial: commitTemplate, finalizeContext(context: any, options: any, commits: any) { context.commitGroups.forEach(addHeaderToCommitGroup); return context; }, }, ) .pipe(addStream(inStream)) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(tempFile)) .on('finish', () => { fs.createReadStream(tempFile) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(changelogPath)) .on('finish', () => { fs.unlinkSync(tempFile); }); }); } function scopeIsValid(scope?: string): boolean { for (const validScope of VALID_SCOPES) { if (scope && scope.includes(validScope)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * The `header` is a more human-readable version of the commit type, as used in the * template.hbs as a sub-heading. */ function addHeaderToCommitGroup(commitGroup: any) { switch (commitGroup.title) { case 'fix': commitGroup.header = 'Fixes'; break; case 'feat': commitGroup.header = 'Features'; break; default: commitGroup.header = commitGroup.title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + commitGroup.title.slice(1); break; } }
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; const CLIENT_SCHEMA_FILE = '../../packages/admin-ui/src/lib/core/src/data/client-state/client-types.graphql'; const LANGUAGE_CODE_FILE = '../../packages/core/src/api/schema/common/language-code.graphql'; const AUTH_TYPE_FILE = '../../packages/core/src/api/schema/common/auth.type.graphql'; function loadGraphQL(file: string): string { const filePath = path.join(__dirname, file); return fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); } /** * Augments the client schema (used by apollo-link-state) with missing * definitions, to allow the codegen step to work correctly. * See: */ function getClientSchema() { const clientDirective = ` directive @client on FIELD `; const clientSchemaString = loadGraphQL(CLIENT_SCHEMA_FILE); const languageCodeString = loadGraphQL(LANGUAGE_CODE_FILE); const authTypeString = loadGraphQL(AUTH_TYPE_FILE); const permissionTypeString = `enum Permission { Placeholder }`; const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs: [ clientSchemaString, clientDirective, languageCodeString, authTypeString, permissionTypeString, ], }); return schema; } export default getClientSchema();
import fs from 'fs'; import { getIntrospectionQuery } from 'graphql'; import http from 'http'; import { ADMIN_API_PATH, API_PORT } from '../../packages/common/src/shared-constants'; /* eslint-disable no-console */ /** * Makes an introspection query to the Vendure server and writes the result to a * schema.json file. * * If there is an error connecting to the server, the promise resolves to false. */ export function downloadIntrospectionSchema(apiPath: string, outputFilePath: string): Promise<boolean> { const body = JSON.stringify({ query: getIntrospectionQuery({ inputValueDeprecation: true }) }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = http.request( { method: 'post', host: 'localhost', port: API_PORT, path: '/' + apiPath, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(body), }, }, response => { const outputFile = fs.createWriteStream(outputFilePath); response.pipe(outputFile); response.on('end', () => resolve(true)); response.on('error', reject); }, ); request.write(body); request.end(); request.on('error', (err: any) => { if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { console.error( `ERROR: Could not connect to the Vendure server at http://localhost:${API_PORT}/${apiPath}`, ); resolve(false); } reject(err); }); }); }
import { generate } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; import { Types } from '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers/typings'; import fs from 'fs'; import { buildClientSchema } from 'graphql'; import path from 'path'; import { ADMIN_API_PATH, SHOP_API_PATH } from '../../packages/common/src/shared-constants'; import { downloadIntrospectionSchema } from './download-introspection-schema'; const CLIENT_QUERY_FILES = [ path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/admin-ui/src/lib/core/src/data/definitions/**/*.ts'), path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/admin-ui/src/lib/**/*.ts'), ]; const specFileToIgnore = [ 'import.e2e-spec', 'plugin.e2e-spec', 'shop-definitions', 'custom-fields.e2e-spec', 'custom-field-relations.e2e-spec', 'custom-field-permissions.e2e-spec', 'order-item-price-calculation-strategy.e2e-spec', 'list-query-builder.e2e-spec', 'shop-order.e2e-spec', 'database-transactions.e2e-spec', 'custom-permissions.e2e-spec', 'parallel-transactions.e2e-spec', 'order-merge.e2e-spec', 'entity-hydrator.e2e-spec', 'relations-decorator.e2e-spec', 'active-order-strategy.e2e-spec', 'error-handler-strategy.e2e-spec', ]; const E2E_ADMIN_QUERY_FILES = path.join( __dirname, `../../packages/core/e2e/**/!(${specFileToIgnore.join('|')}).ts`, ); const E2E_SHOP_QUERY_FILES = [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/core/e2e/graphql/shop-definitions.ts')]; const E2E_ELASTICSEARCH_PLUGIN_QUERY_FILES = path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/elasticsearch-plugin/e2e/**/*.ts', ); const E2E_ASSET_SERVER_PLUGIN_QUERY_FILES = path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/asset-server-plugin/e2e/**/*.ts', ); const ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE = path.join(__dirname, '../../schema-admin.json'); const SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE = path.join(__dirname, '../../schema-shop.json'); /* eslint-disable no-console */ Promise.all([ downloadIntrospectionSchema(ADMIN_API_PATH, ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE), downloadIntrospectionSchema(SHOP_API_PATH, SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE), ]) .then(([adminSchemaSuccess, shopSchemaSuccess]) => { if (!adminSchemaSuccess || !shopSchemaSuccess) { console.log('Attempting to generate types from existing schema json files...'); } const adminSchemaJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE, 'utf-8')); const shopSchemaJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE, 'utf-8')); const adminSchema = buildClientSchema(; const shopSchema = buildClientSchema(; const config = { namingConvention: { enumValues: 'keep', }, strict: true, scalars: { Money: 'number', }, }; const e2eConfig = { ...config, skipTypename: true, }; const disableEsLintPlugin = { add: { content: '/* eslint-disable */' } }; const graphQlErrorsPlugin = path.join(__dirname, './plugins/graphql-errors-plugin.js'); const commonPlugins = [disableEsLintPlugin, 'typescript']; const clientPlugins = [...commonPlugins, 'typescript-operations', 'typed-document-node']; const codegenConfig: Types.Config = { overwrite: true, generates: { [path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/core/src/common/error/generated-graphql-admin-errors.ts', )]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], plugins: [disableEsLintPlugin, graphQlErrorsPlugin], }, [path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/core/src/common/error/generated-graphql-shop-errors.ts', )]: { schema: [SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], plugins: [disableEsLintPlugin, graphQlErrorsPlugin], }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/core/e2e/graphql/generated-e2e-admin-types.ts')]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], documents: E2E_ADMIN_QUERY_FILES, plugins: clientPlugins, config: e2eConfig, }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/core/e2e/graphql/generated-e2e-shop-types.ts')]: { schema: [SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], documents: E2E_SHOP_QUERY_FILES, plugins: clientPlugins, config: e2eConfig, }, [path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/elasticsearch-plugin/e2e/graphql/generated-e2e-elasticsearch-plugin-types.ts', )]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], documents: E2E_ELASTICSEARCH_PLUGIN_QUERY_FILES, plugins: clientPlugins, config: e2eConfig, }, [path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/asset-server-plugin/e2e/graphql/generated-e2e-asset-server-plugin-types.ts', )]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], documents: E2E_ASSET_SERVER_PLUGIN_QUERY_FILES, plugins: clientPlugins, config: e2eConfig, }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/admin-ui/src/lib/core/src/common/generated-types.ts')]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE, path.join(__dirname, 'client-schema.ts')], documents: CLIENT_QUERY_FILES, plugins: clientPlugins, config: { ...config, skipTypeNameForRoot: true, }, }, [path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/admin-ui/src/lib/core/src/common/introspection-result.ts', )]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE, path.join(__dirname, 'client-schema.ts')], documents: CLIENT_QUERY_FILES, plugins: [disableEsLintPlugin, 'fragment-matcher'], config: { ...config, apolloClientVersion: 3 }, }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/common/src/generated-types.ts')]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], plugins: commonPlugins, config: { ...config, scalars: { ...(config.scalars ?? {}), ID: 'string | number', }, maybeValue: 'T', }, }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/common/src/generated-shop-types.ts')]: { schema: [SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], plugins: commonPlugins, config: { ...config, scalars: { ...(config.scalars ?? {}), ID: 'string | number', }, maybeValue: 'T', }, }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/payments-plugin/e2e/graphql/generated-admin-types.ts')]: { schema: [ADMIN_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], documents: path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/payments-plugin/e2e/graphql/admin-queries.ts', ), plugins: clientPlugins, config: e2eConfig, }, [path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/payments-plugin/e2e/graphql/generated-shop-types.ts')]: { schema: [SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE], documents: path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/payments-plugin/e2e/graphql/shop-queries.ts', ), plugins: clientPlugins, config: e2eConfig, }, [path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/payments-plugin/src/mollie/graphql/generated-shop-types.ts', )]: { schema: [ SHOP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE, path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/payments-plugin/src/mollie/mollie-shop-schema.ts', ), ], plugins: clientPlugins, config, }, }, }; return generate(codegenConfig); }) .then( result => { process.exit(0); }, err => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }, );
import { PluginFunction } from '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers'; import { buildScalars } from '@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common'; import { ASTNode, ASTVisitor, FieldDefinitionNode, getNamedType, GraphQLFieldMap, GraphQLNamedType, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLType, GraphQLUnionType, InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, isNamedType, isObjectType, isTypeDefinitionNode, isUnionType, Kind, ListTypeNode, NonNullTypeNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, parse, printSchema, UnionTypeDefinitionNode, visit, } from 'graphql'; import { ASTVisitFn } from 'graphql/language/visitor'; // This plugin generates classes for all GraphQL types which implement the `ErrorResult` interface. // This means that when returning an error result from a GraphQL operation, you can use one of // the generated classes rather than constructing the object by hand. // It also generates type resolvers to be used by Apollo Server to discriminate between // members of returned union types. export const ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME = 'ErrorResult'; const empty = () => ''; type TransformedField = { name: string; type: string }; const errorsVisitor: ASTVisitFn<ASTNode> = (node, key, parent) => { switch (node.kind) { case Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE: { return node.type.kind === 'NamedType' ? : node.type.kind === 'ListType' ? node.type : ''; } case Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION: { const type = (node.type.kind === 'ListType' ? node.type.type : node.type) as unknown as string; const tsType = isScalar(type) ? `Scalars['${type}']` : 'any'; const listPart = node.type.kind === 'ListType' ? `[]` : ``; return { name:, type: `${tsType}${listPart}` }; } case Kind.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION: { return ''; } case Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: { return ''; } case Kind.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION: { return ''; } case Kind.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION: { return ''; } case Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION: { if ( !== ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME) { return ''; } return [ `export class ${ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME} {`, ` readonly __typename: string;`, ` readonly errorCode: string;`, ...node.fields .filter(f => (f as any as TransformedField).name !== 'errorCode') .map(f => ` readonly ${}: ${f.type};`), `}`, ].join('\n'); } case Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: { if (!inheritsFromErrorResult(node)) { return ''; } const originalNode = parent[key] as ObjectTypeDefinitionNode; const constructorArgs = (node.fields as any as TransformedField[]).filter( f => !== 'errorCode' && !== 'message', ); return [ `export class ${} extends ${ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME} {`, ` readonly __typename = '${}';`, // We cast this to "any" otherwise we need to specify it as type "ErrorCode", // which means shared ErrorResult classes e.g. OrderStateTransitionError // will not be compatible between the admin and shop variations. ` readonly errorCode = '${camelToUpperSnakeCase(}' as any;`, ` readonly message = '${camelToUpperSnakeCase(}';`, => ` readonly ${}: ${f.type};`), ` constructor(`, constructorArgs.length ? ` input: { ${ => `${}: ${f.type}`).join(', ')} }` : '', ` ) {`, ` super();`, ...(constructorArgs.length ? => ` this.${} = input.${}`) : []), ` }`, `}`, ].join('\n'); } } }; export const plugin: PluginFunction<any> = (schema, documents, config, info) => { const printedSchema = printSchema(schema); // Returns a string representation of the schema const astNode = parse(printedSchema); // Transforms the string into ASTNode const result = visit(astNode, { leave: errorsVisitor }); const defs = result.definitions .filter(d => !!d) // Ensure the ErrorResult base class is first .sort((a, b) => ((a as any).includes('class ErrorResult') ? -1 : 1)); return { content: [ `/** This file was generated by the graphql-errors-plugin, which is part of the "codegen" npm script. */`, generateScalars(schema, config), ...defs, defs.length ? generateIsErrorFunction(schema) : '', generateTypeResolvers(schema), ].join('\n\n'), }; }; function generateScalars(schema: GraphQLSchema, config: any): string { const scalarMap = buildScalars(schema, config.scalars); const allScalars = Object.keys(scalarMap) .map(scalarName => { const scalarValue = scalarMap[scalarName].output.type; const scalarType = schema.getType(scalarName); return ` ${scalarName}: ${scalarValue};`; }) .join('\n'); return `export type Scalars = {\n${allScalars}\n};`; } function generateErrorClassSource(node: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode) { let source = `export class ${} {`; for (const field of node.fields) { source += ` ${1}`; } } function generateIsErrorFunction(schema: GraphQLSchema) { const errorNodes = Object.values(schema.getTypeMap()) .filter(isObjectType) .filter(node => inheritsFromErrorResult(node)); return ` const errorTypeNames = new Set<string>([${ => `'${}'`).join(', ')}]); function isGraphQLError(input: any): input is import('@vendure/common/lib/generated-types').${ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME} { return input instanceof ${ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME} || errorTypeNames.has(input.__typename); }`; } function generateTypeResolvers(schema: GraphQLSchema) { const mutations = getOperationsThatReturnErrorUnions(schema, schema.getMutationType().getFields()); const queries = getOperationsThatReturnErrorUnions(schema, schema.getQueryType().getFields()); const operations = [...mutations, ...queries]; const varName = isAdminApi(schema) ? `adminErrorOperationTypeResolvers` : `shopErrorOperationTypeResolvers`; const result = [`export const ${varName} = {`]; const typesHandled = new Set<string>(); for (const operation of operations) { const returnType = unwrapType(operation.type) as GraphQLUnionType; if (!typesHandled.has( { typesHandled.add(; const nonErrorResult = returnType.getTypes().find(t => !inheritsFromErrorResult(t)); result.push( ` ${}: {`, ` __resolveType(value: any) {`, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion ` return isGraphQLError(value) ? (value as any).__typename : '${nonErrorResult!.name}';`, ` },`, ` },`, ); } } result.push(`};`); return result.join('\n'); } function getOperationsThatReturnErrorUnions(schema: GraphQLSchema, fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>) { return Object.values(fields).filter(operation => { const innerType = unwrapType(operation.type); if (isUnionType(innerType)) { return isUnionOfResultAndErrors(schema, innerType.getTypes()); } return false; }); } function isUnionOfResultAndErrors(schema: GraphQLSchema, types: ReadonlyArray<GraphQLObjectType>) { const errorResultTypes = types.filter(type => { if (isObjectType(type)) { if (inheritsFromErrorResult(type)) { return true; } } return false; }); return (errorResultTypes.length = types.length - 1); } function isObjectTypeDefinition(node: any): node is ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { return node && isTypeDefinitionNode(node) && node.kind === 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; } function inheritsFromErrorResult(node: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | GraphQLObjectType): boolean { const interfaceNames = isObjectType(node) ? node.getInterfaces().map(i => : =>; return interfaceNames.includes(ERROR_INTERFACE_NAME); } /** * Unwraps the inner type from a higher-order type, e.g. [Address!]! => Address */ function unwrapType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNamedType { return getNamedType(type); } function isAdminApi(schema: GraphQLSchema): boolean { return !!schema.getType('UpdateGlobalSettingsInput'); } function camelToUpperSnakeCase(input: string): string { return input.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').toUpperCase(); } function isScalar(type: string): boolean { return ['ID', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Int', 'Float', 'JSON', 'DateTime', 'Upload'].includes(type); }
import fs from 'fs'; import klawSync from 'klaw-sync'; import { basename } from 'path'; /* eslint-disable no-console */ /** * Generates the Hugo front matter with the title of the document */ export function generateFrontMatter(title: string, isDefaultIndex = false): string { return `--- title: "${titleCase(title.replace(/-/g, ' '))}" isDefaultIndex: ${isDefaultIndex ? 'true' : 'false'} generated: true --- <!-- This file was generated from the Vendure source. Do not modify. Instead, re-run the "docs:build" script --> import MemberInfo from '@site/src/components/MemberInfo'; import GenerationInfo from '@site/src/components/GenerationInfo'; import MemberDescription from '@site/src/components/MemberDescription'; `; } export function titleCase(input: string): string { return input .split(' ') .map(w => w[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + w.substr(1)) .join(' '); } export function normalizeForUrlPart<T extends string | undefined>(input: T): T { if (input == null) { return input; } return input .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2') .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_/]/g, ' ') .replace(/\s+/g, '-') .toLowerCase() as T; } /** * Delete all generated docs found in the outputPath. */ export function deleteGeneratedDocs(outputPath: string) { if (!fs.existsSync(outputPath)) { return; } try { let deleteCount = 0; const files = klawSync(outputPath, { nodir: true }); for (const file of files) { const content = fs.readFileSync(file.path, 'utf-8'); if (isGenerated(content)) { fs.unlinkSync(file.path); deleteCount++; } } if (deleteCount) { console.log(`Deleted ${deleteCount} generated docs from ${outputPath}`); } } catch (e: any) { console.error('Could not delete generated docs!'); console.log(e); process.exitCode = 1; } } /** * Returns true if the content matches that of a generated document. */ function isGenerated(content: string) { return /generated\: true\n---\n/.test(content); }
import fs from 'fs'; import { buildClientSchema, GraphQLField, GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLNamedType, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLType, GraphQLUnionType, isEnumType, isInputObjectType, isNamedType, isObjectType, isScalarType, isUnionType, } from 'graphql'; import path from 'path'; import { deleteGeneratedDocs, generateFrontMatter } from './docgen-utils'; /* eslint-disable no-console */ type TargetApi = 'shop' | 'admin'; const targetApi: TargetApi = getTargetApiFromArgs(); // The path to the introspection schema json file const SCHEMA_FILE = path.join(__dirname, `../../schema-${targetApi}.json`); // The absolute URL to the generated api docs section const docsUrl = `/reference/graphql-api/${targetApi}/`; // The directory in which the markdown files will be saved const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, `../../docs/docs/reference/graphql-api/${targetApi}`); const enum FileName { ENUM = 'enums', INPUT = 'input-types', MUTATION = 'mutations', QUERY = 'queries', OBJECT = 'object-types', } const schemaJson = fs.readFileSync(SCHEMA_FILE, 'utf8'); const parsed = JSON.parse(schemaJson); const schema = buildClientSchema( ? : parsed); deleteGeneratedDocs(outputPath); generateGraphqlDocs(outputPath); function generateGraphqlDocs(hugoOutputPath: string) { const timeStart = +new Date(); let queriesOutput = generateFrontMatter('Queries') + '\n\n'; let mutationsOutput = generateFrontMatter('Mutations') + '\n\n'; let objectTypesOutput = generateFrontMatter('Types') + '\n\n'; let inputTypesOutput = generateFrontMatter('Input Objects') + '\n\n'; let enumsOutput = generateFrontMatter('Enums') + '\n\n'; const sortByName = (a: { name: string }, b: { name: string }) => ( < ? -1 : 1); const sortedTypes = Object.values(schema.getTypeMap()).sort(sortByName); for (const type of sortedTypes) { if (, 2) === '__') { // ignore internal types continue; } if (isObjectType(type)) { if ( === 'Query') { for (const field of Object.values(type.getFields()).sort(sortByName)) { if ( === 'temp__') { continue; } queriesOutput += `\n## ${}\n`; queriesOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; queriesOutput += renderDescription(field, 'multi', true); queriesOutput += codeLine(`type ${identifier('Query')} &#123;`, ['top-level']); queriesOutput += renderFields([field], false); queriesOutput += codeLine(`&#125;`, ['top-level']); queriesOutput += `</div>\n`; } } else if ( === 'Mutation') { for (const field of Object.values(type.getFields()).sort(sortByName)) { mutationsOutput += `\n## ${}\n`; mutationsOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; mutationsOutput += renderDescription(field, 'multi', true); mutationsOutput += codeLine(`type ${identifier('Mutation')} &#123;`, ['top-level']); mutationsOutput += renderFields([field], false); mutationsOutput += codeLine(`&#125;`, ['top-level']); mutationsOutput += `</div>\n`; } } else { objectTypesOutput += `\n## ${}\n\n`; objectTypesOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; objectTypesOutput += renderDescription(type, 'multi', true); objectTypesOutput += codeLine(`type ${identifier(} &#123;`, ['top-level']); objectTypesOutput += renderFields(type); objectTypesOutput += codeLine(`&#125;`, ['top-level']); objectTypesOutput += `</div>\n`; } } if (isEnumType(type)) { enumsOutput += `\n## ${}\n\n`; enumsOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; enumsOutput += renderDescription(type) + '\n'; enumsOutput += codeLine(`enum ${identifier(} &#123;`, ['top-level']); for (const value of type.getValues()) { enumsOutput += value.description ? renderDescription(value.description, 'single') : ''; enumsOutput += codeLine(; } enumsOutput += codeLine(`&#125;`, ['top-level']); enumsOutput += '\n</div>\n'; } if (isScalarType(type)) { objectTypesOutput += `\n## ${}\n\n`; objectTypesOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; objectTypesOutput += renderDescription(type, 'multi', true); objectTypesOutput += codeLine(`scalar ${identifier(}`, ['top-level']); objectTypesOutput += '\n</div>\n'; } if (isInputObjectType(type)) { inputTypesOutput += `\n## ${}\n\n`; inputTypesOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; inputTypesOutput += renderDescription(type, 'multi', true); inputTypesOutput += codeLine(`input ${identifier(} &#123;`, ['top-level']); inputTypesOutput += renderFields(type); inputTypesOutput += codeLine(`&#125;`, ['top-level']); inputTypesOutput += '\n</div>\n'; } if (isUnionType(type)) { objectTypesOutput += `\n## ${}\n\n`; objectTypesOutput += `<div class="graphql-code-block">\n`; objectTypesOutput += renderDescription(type); objectTypesOutput += codeLine(`union ${identifier(} =`, ['top-level']); objectTypesOutput += renderUnion(type); objectTypesOutput += '\n</div>\n'; } } fs.writeFileSync(path.join(hugoOutputPath, FileName.QUERY + '.md'), queriesOutput); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(hugoOutputPath, FileName.MUTATION + '.md'), mutationsOutput); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(hugoOutputPath, FileName.OBJECT + '.md'), objectTypesOutput); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(hugoOutputPath, FileName.INPUT + '.md'), inputTypesOutput); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(hugoOutputPath, FileName.ENUM + '.md'), enumsOutput); console.log(`Generated 5 GraphQL API docs in ${+new Date() - timeStart}ms`); } function codeLine(content: string, extraClass?: ['top-level' | 'comment'] | undefined): string { return `<div class="graphql-code-line ${extraClass ? extraClass.join(' ') : ''}">${content}</div>\n`; } function identifier(name: string): string { return `<span class="graphql-code-identifier">${name}</span>\n`; } /** * Renders the type description if it exists. */ function renderDescription( typeOrDescription: { description?: string | null } | string, mode: 'single' | 'multi' = 'multi', topLevel = false, ): string { let description = ''; if (typeof typeOrDescription === 'string') { description = typeOrDescription; } else if (!typeOrDescription.description) { return ''; } else { description = typeOrDescription.description; } if (description.trim() === '') { return ''; } description = description .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g, '&gt;') .replace(/{/g, '&#123;') .replace(/}/g, '&#125;'); // Strip any JSDoc tags which may be used to annotate the generated // TS types. const stringsToStrip = [/@docsCategory\s+[^\n]+/g, /@description\s+/g]; for (const pattern of stringsToStrip) { description = description.replace(pattern, ''); } let result = ''; const extraClass = topLevel ? ['top-level', 'comment'] : (['comment'] as any); if (mode === 'single') { result = codeLine(`"""${description}"""`, extraClass); } else { result = codeLine(`"""`, extraClass) + description .split('\n') .map(line => codeLine(`${line}`, extraClass)) .join('\n') + codeLine(`"""`, extraClass); } result = result.replace(/\s`([^`]+)`\s/g, ' <code>$1</code> '); return result; } function renderFields( typeOrFields: (GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInputObjectType) | Array<GraphQLField<any, any>>, includeDescription = true, ): string { let output = ''; const fieldsArray: Array<GraphQLField<any, any>> = Array.isArray(typeOrFields) ? typeOrFields : Object.values(typeOrFields.getFields()); for (const field of fieldsArray) { if (includeDescription) { output += field.description ? renderDescription(field.description) : ''; } output += `${renderFieldSignature(field)}\n`; } output += '\n'; return output; } function renderUnion(type: GraphQLUnionType): string { const unionTypes = type .getTypes() .map(t => renderTypeAsLink(t)) .join(' | '); return codeLine(`${unionTypes}`); } /** * Renders a field signature including any argument and output type */ function renderFieldSignature(field: GraphQLField<any, any>): string { let name =; if (field.args && field.args.length) { name += `(${ => + ': ' + renderTypeAsLink(arg.type)).join(', ')})`; } return codeLine(`${name}: ${renderTypeAsLink(field.type)}`); } /** * Renders a type as an anchor link. */ function renderTypeAsLink(type: GraphQLType): string { const innerType = unwrapType(type); const fileName = isEnumType(innerType) ? FileName.ENUM : isInputObjectType(innerType) ? FileName.INPUT : FileName.OBJECT; const url = `${docsUrl}${fileName}#${}`; return type.toString().replace(, `<a href="${url}">${}</a>`); } /** * Unwraps the inner type from a higher-order type, e.g. [Address!]! => Address */ function unwrapType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNamedType { if (isNamedType(type)) { return type; } let innerType = type as GraphQLType; while (!isNamedType(innerType)) { innerType = innerType.ofType; } return innerType; } function getTargetApiFromArgs(): TargetApi { const apiArg = process.argv.find(arg => /--api=(shop|admin)/.test(arg)); if (!apiArg) { console.error('\nPlease specify which GraphQL API to generate docs for: --api=<shop|admin>\n'); process.exit(1); return null as never; } return apiArg === '--api=shop' ? 'shop' : 'admin'; }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import fs from 'fs-extra'; import klawSync from 'klaw-sync'; import path, { extname } from 'path'; import { deleteGeneratedDocs, normalizeForUrlPart } from './docgen-utils'; import { TypeMap } from './typescript-docgen-types'; import { TypescriptDocsParser } from './typescript-docs-parser'; import { TypescriptDocsRenderer } from './typescript-docs-renderer'; interface DocsSectionConfig { sourceDirs: string[]; exclude?: RegExp[]; outputPath: string; } const sections: DocsSectionConfig[] = [ { sourceDirs: ['packages/core/src/', 'packages/common/src/', 'packages/testing/src/'], exclude: [/generated-shop-types/], outputPath: 'typescript-api', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/admin-ui-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/asset-server-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/email-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/elasticsearch-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/job-queue-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/payments-plugin/src/'], exclude: [/generated-shop-types/], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/harden-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/stellate-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/sentry-plugin/src/'], outputPath: '', }, { sourceDirs: ['packages/admin-ui/src/lib/', 'packages/ui-devkit/src/'], exclude: [/generated-types/], outputPath: 'admin-ui-api', }, ]; generateTypescriptDocs(sections); const watchMode = !!process.argv.find(arg => arg === '--watch' || arg === '-w'); if (watchMode) { console.log(`Watching for changes to source files...`); sections.forEach(section => { section.sourceDirs.forEach(dir => {, { recursive: true }, (eventType, file) => { if (file && extname(file) === '.ts') { console.log(`Changes detected in ${dir}`); generateTypescriptDocs([section], true); } }); }); }); } /** * Uses the TypeScript compiler API to parse the given files and extract out the documentation * into markdown files */ function generateTypescriptDocs(config: DocsSectionConfig[], isWatchMode: boolean = false) { const timeStart = +new Date(); // This map is used to cache types and their corresponding Hugo path. It is used to enable // hyperlinking from a member's "type" to the definition of that type. const globalTypeMap: TypeMap = new Map(); if (!isWatchMode) { for (const { outputPath, sourceDirs } of config) { deleteGeneratedDocs(absOutputPath(outputPath)); } } for (const { outputPath, sourceDirs, exclude } of config) { const sourceFilePaths = getSourceFilePaths(sourceDirs, exclude); const docsPages = new TypescriptDocsParser().parse(sourceFilePaths); for (const page of docsPages) { const { category, fileName, declarations } = page; for (const declaration of declarations) { const pathToTypeDoc = `reference/${outputPath ? `${outputPath}/` : ''}${ category ? => normalizeForUrlPart(part)).join('/') + '/' : '' }${fileName === 'index' ? '' : fileName}#${toHash(declaration.title)}`; globalTypeMap.set(declaration.title, pathToTypeDoc); } } const docsUrl = ``; const generatedCount = new TypescriptDocsRenderer().render( docsPages, docsUrl, absOutputPath(outputPath), globalTypeMap, ); if (generatedCount) { console.log( `Generated ${generatedCount} typescript api docs for "${outputPath}" in ${ +new Date() - timeStart }ms`, ); } } } function toHash(title: string): string { return title.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase(); } function absOutputPath(outputPath: string): string { return path.join(__dirname, '../../docs/docs/reference/', outputPath); } function getSourceFilePaths(sourceDirs: string[], excludePatterns: RegExp[] = []): string[] { return sourceDirs .map(scanPath => klawSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../', scanPath), { nodir: true, filter: item => { const ext = path.extname(item.path); if (ext === '.ts' || ext === '.tsx') { for (const pattern of excludePatterns) { if (pattern.test(item.path)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, traverseAll: true, }), ) .reduce((allFiles, files) => [...allFiles, ...files], []) .map(item => item.path); }
import ts, { HeritageClause } from 'typescript'; export interface MethodParameterInfo { name: string; type: string; optional: boolean; initializer?: string; } export interface MemberInfo { name: string; description: string; type: string; fullText: string; modifiers: string[]; since: string | undefined; experimental: boolean; } export interface PropertyInfo extends MemberInfo { kind: 'property'; defaultValue: string; } export interface MethodInfo extends MemberInfo { kind: 'method'; parameters: MethodParameterInfo[]; } export interface DocsPage { title: string; category: string[]; declarations: ParsedDeclaration[]; fileName: string; } export interface DeclarationInfo { packageName: string; sourceFile: string; sourceLine: number; title: string; fullText: string; weight: number; category: string; description: string; page: string | undefined; since: string | undefined; experimental: boolean; } export interface InterfaceInfo extends DeclarationInfo { kind: 'interface'; extendsClause: HeritageClause | undefined; members: Array<PropertyInfo | MethodInfo>; } export interface ClassInfo extends DeclarationInfo { kind: 'class'; extendsClause: HeritageClause | undefined; implementsClause: HeritageClause | undefined; members: Array<PropertyInfo | MethodInfo>; } export interface TypeAliasInfo extends DeclarationInfo { kind: 'typeAlias'; members?: Array<PropertyInfo | MethodInfo>; type: ts.TypeNode; } export interface EnumInfo extends DeclarationInfo { kind: 'enum'; members: PropertyInfo[]; } export interface FunctionInfo extends DeclarationInfo { kind: 'function'; parameters: MethodParameterInfo[]; type?: ts.TypeNode; } export interface VariableInfo extends DeclarationInfo { kind: 'variable'; } export type ParsedDeclaration = | TypeAliasInfo | ClassInfo | InterfaceInfo | EnumInfo | FunctionInfo | VariableInfo; export type ValidDeclaration = | ts.InterfaceDeclaration | ts.TypeAliasDeclaration | ts.ClassDeclaration | ts.EnumDeclaration | ts.FunctionDeclaration | ts.VariableStatement; export type TypeMap = Map<string, string>;
import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import ts, { HeritageClause, JSDocTag, Modifier, NodeArray, SyntaxKind } from 'typescript'; import { notNullOrUndefined } from '../../packages/common/src/shared-utils'; import { normalizeForUrlPart } from './docgen-utils'; import { DocsPage, MemberInfo, MethodInfo, MethodParameterInfo, ParsedDeclaration, PropertyInfo, ValidDeclaration, } from './typescript-docgen-types'; /** * Parses TypeScript source files into data structures which can then be rendered into * markdown for documentation. */ export class TypescriptDocsParser { private readonly atTokenPlaceholder = '__EscapedAtToken__'; private readonly commentBlockEndTokenPlaceholder = '__EscapedCommentBlockEndToken__'; /** * Parses the TypeScript files given by the filePaths array and returns the * parsed data structures ready for rendering. */ parse(filePaths: string[]): DocsPage[] { const sourceFiles = => { return ts.createSourceFile( filePath, this.replaceEscapedTokens(fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString()), ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015, true, ); }); const statements = this.getStatementsWithSourceLocation(sourceFiles); const pageMap = statements .map(statement => { const info = this.parseDeclaration( statement.statement, statement.sourceFile, statement.sourceLine, ); return info; }) .filter(notNullOrUndefined) .reduce((pages, declaration) => { const pageTitle = || declaration.title; const existingPage = pages.get(pageTitle); if (existingPage) { existingPage.declarations.push(declaration); } else { const normalizedTitle = normalizeForUrlPart(pageTitle); const categoryLastPart = declaration.category.split('/').pop(); const fileName = normalizedTitle === categoryLastPart ? 'index' : normalizedTitle; pages.set(pageTitle, { title: pageTitle, category: declaration.category.split('/'), declarations: [declaration], fileName, }); } return pages; }, new Map<string, DocsPage>()); return Array.from(pageMap.values()); } /** * Maps an array of parsed SourceFiles into statements, including a reference to the original file each statement * came from. */ private getStatementsWithSourceLocation( sourceFiles: ts.SourceFile[], ): Array<{ statement: ts.Statement; sourceFile: string; sourceLine: number }> { return sourceFiles.reduce( (st, sf) => { const statementsWithSources = => { const sourceFile = path .relative(path.join(__dirname, '..'), sf.fileName) .replace(/\\/g, '/'); const sourceLine = sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(statement.getStart()).line + 1; return { statement, sourceFile, sourceLine }; }); return [, ...statementsWithSources]; }, [] as Array<{ statement: ts.Statement; sourceFile: string; sourceLine: number }>, ); } /** * Parses an InterfaceDeclaration into a simple object which can be rendered into markdown. */ private parseDeclaration( statement: ts.Statement, sourceFile: string, sourceLine: number, ): ParsedDeclaration | undefined { if (!this.isValidDeclaration(statement)) { return; } const category = this.getDocsCategory(statement); if (category === undefined) { return; } let title: string; if (ts.isVariableStatement(statement)) { title = statement.declarationList.declarations[0].name.getText(); } else { title = ? : 'anonymous'; } const fullText = this.getDeclarationFullText(statement); const weight = this.getDeclarationWeight(statement); const description = this.getDeclarationDescription(statement); const docsPage = this.getDocsPage(statement); const since = this.getSince(statement); const experimental = this.getExperimental(statement); const packageName = this.getPackageName(sourceFile); const info = { packageName, sourceFile, sourceLine, fullText, title, weight, category, description, page: docsPage, since, experimental, }; if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(statement)) { return {, kind: 'interface', extendsClause: this.getHeritageClause(statement, ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword), members: this.parseMembers(statement.members), }; } else if (ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(statement)) { return {, type: statement.type, kind: 'typeAlias', members: ts.isTypeLiteralNode(statement.type) ? this.parseMembers(statement.type.members) : undefined, }; } else if (ts.isClassDeclaration(statement)) { return {, kind: 'class', members: this.parseMembers(statement.members), extendsClause: this.getHeritageClause(statement, ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword), implementsClause: this.getHeritageClause(statement, ts.SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword), }; } else if (ts.isEnumDeclaration(statement)) { return {, kind: 'enum' as const, members: this.parseMembers(statement.members) as PropertyInfo[], }; } else if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(statement)) { const parameters = => ({ name:, type: p.type ? p.type.getText() : '', optional: !!p.questionToken, initializer: p.initializer && p.initializer.getText(), })); return {, kind: 'function', parameters, type: statement.type, }; } else if (ts.isVariableStatement(statement)) { return {, kind: 'variable', }; } } /** * Returns the text of any "extends" or "implements" clause of a class or interface. */ private getHeritageClause( statement: ts.ClassDeclaration | ts.InterfaceDeclaration, kind: ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword | ts.SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword, ): HeritageClause | undefined { const { heritageClauses } = statement; if (!heritageClauses) { return; } const clause = heritageClauses.find(cl => cl.token === kind); if (!clause) { return; } return clause; } /** * Returns the declaration name plus any type parameters. */ private getDeclarationFullText(declaration: ValidDeclaration): string { let name: string; if (ts.isVariableStatement(declaration)) { name = declaration.declarationList.declarations[0].name.getText(); } else { name = ? : 'anonymous'; } let typeParams = ''; if ( !ts.isEnumDeclaration(declaration) && !ts.isVariableStatement(declaration) && declaration.typeParameters ) { typeParams = '<' + => tp.getText()).join(', ') + '>'; } return name + typeParams; } private getPackageName(sourceFile: string): string { const matches = sourceFile.match(/\/packages\/([^/]+)\//); if (matches) { return `@vendure/${matches[1]}`; } else { return ''; } } /** * Parses an array of interface members into a simple object which can be rendered into markdown. */ private parseMembers( members: ts.NodeArray<ts.TypeElement | ts.ClassElement | ts.EnumMember>, ): Array<PropertyInfo | MethodInfo> { const result: Array<PropertyInfo | MethodInfo> = []; const hasModifiers = (member: any): member is { modifiers: NodeArray<Modifier> } => Array.isArray(member.modifiers); for (const member of members) { const modifiers = hasModifiers(member) ? => m.getText()) : []; const isPrivate = modifiers.includes('private'); if ( !isPrivate && (ts.isPropertySignature(member) || ts.isMethodSignature(member) || ts.isPropertyDeclaration(member) || ts.isMethodDeclaration(member) || ts.isConstructorDeclaration(member) || ts.isEnumMember(member) || ts.isGetAccessorDeclaration(member) || ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(member)) ) { const name = ? : ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(member) ? '[index]' : 'constructor'; let description = ''; let type = ''; let defaultValue = ''; let parameters: MethodParameterInfo[] = []; let fullText = ''; let isInternal = false; let since: string | undefined; let experimental = false; if (ts.isConstructorDeclaration(member)) { fullText = 'constructor'; } else if (ts.isMethodDeclaration(member)) { fullText =; } else if (ts.isGetAccessorDeclaration(member)) { fullText = `${}: ${member.type ? member.type.getText() : 'void'}`; } else { fullText = member.getText(); } this.parseTags(member, { description: comment => (description += comment || ''), example: comment => (description += this.formatExampleCode(comment)), default: comment => (defaultValue = comment || ''), internal: comment => (isInternal = true), since: comment => (since = comment || undefined), experimental: comment => (experimental = comment != null), }); if (isInternal) { continue; } if (!ts.isEnumMember(member) && member.type) { type = member.type.getText(); } const memberInfo: MemberInfo = { fullText, name, description: this.restoreTokens(description), type: type.replace(/`/g, '\\`'), modifiers, since, experimental, }; if ( ts.isMethodSignature(member) || ts.isMethodDeclaration(member) || ts.isConstructorDeclaration(member) ) { parameters = => ({ name:, type: p.type ? p.type.getText() : '', optional: !!p.questionToken, initializer: p.initializer && p.initializer.getText(), })); result.push({ ...memberInfo, kind: 'method', parameters, }); } else { result.push({ ...memberInfo, kind: 'property', defaultValue, }); } } } return result; } private tagCommentText(tag: JSDocTag): string { if (!tag.comment) { return ''; } if (typeof tag.comment === 'string') { return tag.comment; } return => (t.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocText ? t.text : t.getText())).join(''); } /** * Reads the @docsWeight JSDoc tag from the interface. */ private getDeclarationWeight(statement: ValidDeclaration): number { let weight = 10; this.parseTags(statement, { docsWeight: comment => (weight = Number.parseInt(comment || '10', 10)), }); return weight; } private getDocsPage(statement: ValidDeclaration): string | undefined { let docsPage: string | undefined; this.parseTags(statement, { docsPage: comment => (docsPage = comment), }); return docsPage; } /** * Reads the @since JSDoc tag */ private getSince(statement: ValidDeclaration): string | undefined { let since: string | undefined; this.parseTags(statement, { since: comment => (since = comment), }); return since; } /** * Reads the @experimental JSDoc tag */ private getExperimental(statement: ValidDeclaration): boolean { let experimental = false; this.parseTags(statement, { experimental: comment => (experimental = comment != null), }); return experimental; } /** * Reads the @description JSDoc tag from the interface. */ private getDeclarationDescription(statement: ValidDeclaration): string { let description = ''; this.parseTags(statement, { description: comment => (description += comment), example: comment => (description += this.formatExampleCode(comment)), }); return this.restoreTokens(description); } /** * Extracts the "@docsCategory" value from the JSDoc comments if present. */ private getDocsCategory(statement: ValidDeclaration): string | undefined { let category: string | undefined; this.parseTags(statement, { docsCategory: comment => (category = comment || ''), }); return normalizeForUrlPart(category); } /** * Type guard for the types of statement which can ge processed by the doc generator. */ private isValidDeclaration(statement: ts.Statement): statement is ValidDeclaration { return ( ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(statement) || ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(statement) || ts.isClassDeclaration(statement) || ts.isEnumDeclaration(statement) || ts.isFunctionDeclaration(statement) || ts.isVariableStatement(statement) ); } /** * Parses the Node's JSDoc tags and invokes the supplied functions against any matching tag names. */ private parseTags<T extends ts.Node>( node: T, tagMatcher: { [tagName: string]: (tagComment: string) => void }, ): void { const jsDocTags = ts.getJSDocTags(node); for (const tag of jsDocTags) { const tagName = tag.tagName.text; if (tagMatcher[tagName]) { tagMatcher[tagName](this.tagCommentText(tag)); } } } /** * Ensure all the code examples use the unix-style line separators. */ private formatExampleCode(example: string = ''): string { return '\n\n*Example*\n\n' + example.replace(/\r/g, ''); } /** * TypeScript from v3.5.1 interprets all '@' tokens in a tag comment as a new tag. This is a problem e.g. * when a plugin includes in its description some text like "install the @vendure/some-plugin package". Here, * TypeScript will interpret "@vendure" as a JSDoc tag and remove it and all remaining text from the comment. * * The solution is to replace all escaped @ tokens ("\@") with a replacer string so that TypeScript treats them * as regular comment text, and then once it has parsed the statement, we replace them with the "@" character. * * Similarly, '/*' is interpreted as end of a comment block. However, it can be useful to specify a globstar * pattern in descriptions and therefore it is supported as long as the leading '/' is escaped ("\/"). */ private replaceEscapedTokens(content: string): string { return content .replace(/\\@/g, this.atTokenPlaceholder) .replace(/\\\/\*/g, this.commentBlockEndTokenPlaceholder); } /** * Restores "@" and "/*" tokens which were replaced by the replaceEscapedTokens() method. */ private restoreTokens(content: string): string { return content .replace(new RegExp(this.atTokenPlaceholder, 'g'), '@') .replace(new RegExp(this.commentBlockEndTokenPlaceholder, 'g'), '/*'); } }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import { HeritageClause } from 'typescript'; import { assertNever } from '../../packages/common/src/shared-utils'; import { generateFrontMatter } from './docgen-utils'; import { ClassInfo, DeclarationInfo, DocsPage, EnumInfo, FunctionInfo, InterfaceInfo, MethodParameterInfo, TypeAliasInfo, TypeMap, VariableInfo, } from './typescript-docgen-types'; const INDENT = ' '; export class TypescriptDocsRenderer { render(pages: DocsPage[], docsUrl: string, outputPath: string, typeMap: TypeMap): number { let generatedCount = 0; if (!fs.existsSync(outputPath)) { fs.ensureDirSync(outputPath); } for (const page of pages) { let markdown = ''; markdown += generateFrontMatter(page.title); const declarationsByWeight = page.declarations.sort((a, b) => a.weight - b.weight); for (const info of declarationsByWeight) { switch (info.kind) { case 'interface': markdown += this.renderInterfaceOrClass(info, typeMap, docsUrl); break; case 'typeAlias': markdown += this.renderTypeAlias(info, typeMap, docsUrl); break; case 'class': markdown += this.renderInterfaceOrClass(info, typeMap, docsUrl); break; case 'enum': markdown += this.renderEnum(info, typeMap, docsUrl); break; case 'function': markdown += this.renderFunction(info, typeMap, docsUrl); break; case 'variable': markdown += this.renderVariable(info, typeMap, docsUrl); break; default: assertNever(info); } } const categoryDir = path.join(outputPath,; if (!fs.existsSync(categoryDir)) { fs.mkdirsSync(categoryDir); } const pathParts = []; for (const subCategory of page.category) { pathParts.push(subCategory); const indexFile = path.join(outputPath, ...pathParts, ''); const exists = fs.existsSync(indexFile); const existingContent = exists && fs.readFileSync(indexFile).toString(); const hasActualContent = existingContent && existingContent.includes('isDefaultIndex: false'); if (!exists && !hasActualContent) { const indexFileContent = generateFrontMatter(subCategory, true) + `\n\nimport DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';\n\n<DocCardList />`; fs.writeFileSync(indexFile, indexFileContent); generatedCount++; } } fs.writeFileSync(path.join(categoryDir, page.fileName + '.md'), markdown); generatedCount++; } return generatedCount; } /** * Render the interface to a markdown string. */ private renderInterfaceOrClass( info: InterfaceInfo | ClassInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string, ): string { const { title, weight, category, description, members } = info; let output = ''; output += `\n\n## ${title}\n\n`; output += this.renderGenerationInfoShortcode(info); output += `${this.renderDescription(description, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n\n`; output += info.kind === 'interface' ? this.renderInterfaceSignature(info) : this.renderClassSignature(info); if (info.extendsClause) { output += '* Extends: '; output += `${this.renderHeritageClause(info.extendsClause, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n`; } if (info.kind === 'class' && info.implementsClause) { output += '* Implements: '; output += `${this.renderHeritageClause(info.implementsClause, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n`; } if (info.members && info.members.length) { output += '\n<div className="members-wrapper">\n'; output += `${this.renderMembers(info, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n`; output += '\n\n</div>\n'; } return output; } /** * Render the type alias to a markdown string. */ private renderTypeAlias(typeAliasInfo: TypeAliasInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string): string { const { title, weight, description, type, fullText } = typeAliasInfo; let output = ''; output += `\n\n## ${title}\n\n`; output += this.renderGenerationInfoShortcode(typeAliasInfo); output += `${this.renderDescription(description, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n\n`; output += this.renderTypeAliasSignature(typeAliasInfo); if (typeAliasInfo.members && typeAliasInfo.members.length) { output += '\n<div className="members-wrapper">\n'; output += `${this.renderMembers(typeAliasInfo, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n`; output += '\n\n</div>\n'; } return output; } private renderEnum(enumInfo: EnumInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string): string { const { title, weight, description, fullText } = enumInfo; let output = ''; output += `\n\n## ${title}\n\n`; output += this.renderGenerationInfoShortcode(enumInfo); output += `${this.renderDescription(description, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n\n`; output += this.renderEnumSignature(enumInfo); return output; } private renderFunction(functionInfo: FunctionInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string): string { const { title, weight, description, fullText, parameters } = functionInfo; let output = ''; output += `\n\n## ${title}\n\n`; output += this.renderGenerationInfoShortcode(functionInfo); output += `${this.renderDescription(description, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n\n`; output += this.renderFunctionSignature(functionInfo, knownTypeMap); if (parameters.length) { output += 'Parameters\n\n'; output += this.renderFunctionParams(parameters, knownTypeMap, docsUrl); } return output; } private renderVariable(variableInfo: VariableInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string): string { const { title, weight, description, fullText } = variableInfo; let output = ''; output += `\n\n## ${title}\n\n`; output += this.renderGenerationInfoShortcode(variableInfo); output += `${this.renderDescription(description, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}\n\n`; return output; } /** * Generates a markdown code block string for the interface signature. */ private renderInterfaceSignature(interfaceInfo: InterfaceInfo): string { const { fullText, members } = interfaceInfo; let output = ''; output += '```ts title="Signature"\n'; output += `interface ${fullText} `; if (interfaceInfo.extendsClause) { output += interfaceInfo.extendsClause.getText() + ' '; } output += '{\n'; output += => `${INDENT}${member.fullText}`).join('\n'); output += '\n}\n'; output += '```\n'; return output; } private renderClassSignature(classInfo: ClassInfo): string { const { fullText, members } = classInfo; let output = ''; output += '```ts title="Signature"\n'; output += `class ${fullText} `; if (classInfo.extendsClause) { output += classInfo.extendsClause.getText() + ' '; } if (classInfo.implementsClause) { output += classInfo.implementsClause.getText() + ' '; } output += '{\n'; const renderModifiers = (modifiers: string[]) => (modifiers.length ? modifiers.join(' ') + ' ' : ''); output += members .map(member => { if (member.kind === 'method') { const args = => this.renderParameter(p, p.type)).join(', '); if (member.fullText === 'constructor') { return `${INDENT}constructor(${args})`; } else { return `${INDENT}${member.fullText}(${args}) => ${member.type};`; } } else { return `${INDENT}${member.fullText}`; } }) .join('\n'); output += '\n}\n'; output += '```\n'; return output; } private renderTypeAliasSignature(typeAliasInfo: TypeAliasInfo): string { const { fullText, members, type } = typeAliasInfo; let output = ''; output += '```ts title="Signature"\n'; output += `type ${fullText} = `; if (members) { output += '{\n'; output += => `${INDENT}${member.fullText}`).join('\n'); output += '\n}\n'; } else { output += type.getText() + '\n'; } output += '```\n'; return output; } private renderEnumSignature(enumInfo: EnumInfo): string { const { fullText, members } = enumInfo; let output = ''; output += '```ts title="Signature"\n'; output += `enum ${fullText} `; if (members) { output += '{\n'; output += members .map(member => { let line = member.description ? `${INDENT}// ${member.description}\n` : ''; line += `${INDENT}${member.fullText}`; return line; }) .join('\n'); output += '\n}\n'; } output += '```\n'; return output; } private renderFunctionSignature(functionInfo: FunctionInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap): string { const { fullText, parameters, type } = functionInfo; const args = => this.renderParameter(p, p.type)).join(', '); let output = ''; output += '```ts title="Signature"\n'; output += `function ${fullText}(${args}): ${type ? type.getText() : 'void'}\n`; output += '```\n'; return output; } private renderFunctionParams( params: MethodParameterInfo[], knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string, ): string { let output = ''; for (const param of params) { const type = this.renderType(param.type, knownTypeMap, docsUrl); output += `### ${}\n\n`; output += `<MemberInfo kind="parameter" type={\`${type}\`} />\n\n`; } return output; } private renderMembers( info: InterfaceInfo | ClassInfo | TypeAliasInfo | EnumInfo, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string, ): string { const { members, title } = info; let output = ''; for (const member of members || []) { let defaultParam = ''; let sinceParam = ''; let experimentalParam = ''; let type = ''; if (member.kind === 'property') { type = this.renderType(member.type, knownTypeMap, docsUrl); defaultParam = member.defaultValue ? `default="${this.renderType(member.defaultValue, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}" ` : ''; } else { const args = member.parameters .map(p => this.renderParameter(p, this.renderType(p.type, knownTypeMap, docsUrl))) .join(', '); if (member.fullText === 'constructor') { type = `(${args}) => ${title}`; } else { type = `(${args}) => ${this.renderType(member.type, knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}`; } } if (member.since) { sinceParam = `since="${member.since}" `; } if (member.experimental) { experimentalParam = 'experimental="true"'; } output += `\n### ${}\n\n`; output += `<MemberInfo kind="${[member.kind].join( ' ', )}" type={\`${type}\`} ${defaultParam} ${sinceParam}${experimentalParam} />\n\n`; output += this.renderDescription(member.description, knownTypeMap, docsUrl); } return output; } private renderHeritageClause(clause: HeritageClause, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string) { return ( clause.types .map(t => `<code>${this.renderType(t.getText(), knownTypeMap, docsUrl)}</code>`) .join(', ') + '\n\n' ); } private renderParameter(p: MethodParameterInfo, typeString: string): string { return `${}${p.optional ? '?' : ''}: ${typeString}${ p.initializer ? ` = ${p.initializer}` : '' }`; } private renderGenerationInfoShortcode(info: DeclarationInfo): string { const sourceFile = info.sourceFile.replace(/^\.\.\//, ''); let sinceData = ''; if (info.since) { sinceData = ` since="${info.since}"`; } let experimental = ''; if (info.experimental) { experimental = ' experimental="true"'; } return `<GenerationInfo sourceFile="${sourceFile}" sourceLine="${info.sourceLine}" packageName="${info.packageName}"${sinceData}${experimental} />\n\n`; } /** * This function takes a string representing a type (e.g. "Array<ShippingMethod>") and turns * and known types (e.g. "ShippingMethod") into hyperlinks. */ private renderType(type: string, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string): string { let typeText = type .trim() // encode HTML entities .replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, i => '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';') // remove newlines .replace(/\n/g, ' '); for (const [key, val] of knownTypeMap) { const re = new RegExp(`\\b${key}\\b`, 'g'); const strippedIndex = val.replace(/\/_index$/, ''); typeText = typeText.replace(re, `<a href='${docsUrl}/${strippedIndex}'>${key}</a>`); } return typeText; } /** * Replaces any `{@link Foo}` references in the description with hyperlinks. */ private renderDescription(description: string, knownTypeMap: TypeMap, docsUrl: string): string { for (const [key, val] of knownTypeMap) { const re = new RegExp(`{@link\\s*${key}}`, 'g'); description = description.replace(re, `<a href='${docsUrl}/${val}'>${key}</a>`); } return description; } }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ import { exec } from 'child_process'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; getLastCommitHash() .then(hash => writeBuildInfo(hash)) .then(() => { console.log('Updated build info'); process.exit(0); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); function writeBuildInfo(commitHash: string) { const corePackageJson = require('../../packages/core/package'); const content = { version: corePackageJson.version, commit: commitHash, }; return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile( path.join(__dirname, '../../docs/data/build.json'), JSON.stringify(content, null, 2), err => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(); }, ); }); } function getLastCommitHash() { return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { exec(`git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1`, (err, out) => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(out.replace(/'/g, '')); }); }); }