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1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Counselor Your interactive orientation, emotional strength, and acceptance of others make you the Counselor. You are the kind of person that friends and strangers alike turn to in times of need -...|||OP, as you might have guessed from what was said in another thread, there is nothing that makes me feel more alive than dancing. In fact, since beginning my learning journey with it I have begun to...|||Hired thungs? Oh, you must mean the police... or the feds.|||I am.. I mean, I was even crazier about it when I was young. One of my best friends started teaching me Korean when we were in high school. Now, after college, we live in a house together and speak...|||I did too! That was such a great movie. OP, it' silly for someone to assume that thinkers don't have feelings.. Everyone has feelings. Thinkers may seem to deal with them better, but in the end...|||This is pretty much my assessment of government in general. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A|||Definitely more productive at night myself. I love working on myself at night by dancing. I generally clean my house at night as well.|||I taught myself how to play the guitar, but I tried lessons a few years into it and picked up all sorts of things I wished I had known before. It was usually a bit of technique here and there that...|||No, I'm not. I'm trying to make a point; that the stereotype in no way restricts or defines any of us. That's exactly why I wanted people to post things that wouldn't fit it.|||I'll be there for a few days, but my cousin and I seem to like quite a few of the same things and she just feels more open to getting to know me. I'm going too spend a couple of days traveling around...|||I would want to be born in the early 60s so that I would spend my young adulthood in the 80s. New technology and such doesn't matter as much to me as my physical hobbies and interests. I love to...|||You're definitely right about INTPs talking too much about their own interests.. I know I can be bad about it if we hit something I'm really interested in. I always try to find things she's...|||I would especially like input from the women on this forum. I am a 26 year old guy and have a 20 year old female cousin cousin who is ISTJ. She and I just recently met after I searched for my dad's...|||OMG.. get out of my head! haha|||What happened to Nadjasix?|||Yes, in mass doses. I went to gollege in the Dallas area of Texas and experienced things like this plenty of times.|||Okay, I really liked your post so I haven't replied to it yet because I wanted to take a little time think about what I was going to say. First, I'm glad you liked the outfit! Dancers often use...|||Haha, I'm going to take a stab at this and say.... no.. that's not very abnormal at all.|||Definitely understand the issue of stage fright. I used to do dance battles in college, but couldn't do them unless I was kind of intoxicated. The idea of dancing in front of other people was...|||Haha, I completely get that!|||Yes! Absolutely! Singing especially seems out of the box for anyone who is suppose to fit a stereotype of the socially nervous wreck. haha.I love hearing about others being able to use hobby...|||This is literally a copy/paste of the MBTI that was administered to me by a university psychologist. I had to use their computer so all I could do was copy and paste. It wouldn't let me take a screen...|||That's a very interesting perspective. I think that some of the things INTP do when they step out of their comfort zone and realize they don't have to be restricted socially by the thoughts or...|||?? Too seriously? I was trying to answer your question so that you could answer mine.. I thought we were communicating. haha I don't believe in the stereotype either. That's why I want to hear...|||I'm interested to know what exactly you mean by a physical braindump? haha. Is it meant to imply that dubstep is an outward display of the INTP mind? Yes, that's fine with me. None of my...|||Like I mentioned in the OP, You guys have any hobbies or anything that you do for fun that is really far out of the stereotypical realm for the INTP?|||I have an abnormal hobby for someone who is really introverted. I dance, and usually not in public. Mostly I dance for myself. A lot of people know I can dance because they've seen my videos, but...|||And this time it wasn't. You should decide for yourself, regardless of the majority. As I've stated before, being part of the majority does not make one correct.|||Indeed they do. I do not deny that.|||No, it sounds to me like too many people have insecurities. And I would add that a good direction, to me, would not be in a direction that suggests people should be censored from speaking in a...|||Being part of a majority does not automatically make one less ignorant.|||I agree. I believe that the subject matter becomes distasteful because people are hyper sensitive to others talking about them. It is an unfortunate side effect of victim mentality within the minds...|||I always try to give the benefit of a doubt. Sometimes people have ideas that they just don't express precisely well at first. If the OP is genuine I would be curious to see what he has to say,...|||I certainly hope not, but I can't really tell where he was going. Honestly the post seemed a bit vague.|||Well OP, I will say that I agree with the term hijacked to the extent that I observe people in positions of authority using euphemisms and rhetoric in order to divide the people up into groups so...|||I reiterate what I said before in the thread about how we build our principles. In my experience, in order to build real principles one must start thinking for their own self. I believe that...|||I base all of my philosophical views, ethics, etc. on the idea of nonviolence. A such, I am an anarchist and believe that every individual is responsible for his or her own self. I base my work ethic...|||I absolutely refuse to watch (or keep up with) anything that the media spits out. I'm not a sheep and I won't allow myself to be herded by that. Ask me what politician is in what position.. I don't...|||Agree: 2,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,16,19,20,22,23,26,33,39,41,42,43,45,46: 1 point Disagree: 1,3,8,10,11,15,24,25,27,28,32,36,37,47,49,50: 1 point Score: 37|||Honestly, this is a topic that is... well, I haven't fully made up my mind how I feel about it. I haven't been diagnosed with Autism, as I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety during college (had a real...|||Yup. That would be me. I'm glad to see I was of enough interest to be remembered! Sometimes forums can get so jumbled, but I always pick out a few in each site I visit that are interesting enough to...|||Sometimes when I read the things you say I think I wish I knew this person in real life.|||I'm just going to be honest and say that I didn't even finish this test, as it made absolutely no sense to me after about the 6th question and I got bored with it.|||I agree that this is an issue and has been for quite some time. I am American and live in a conservative state (for whatever that's worth). From what I see, the state itself (as in the government,...|||Who says I haven't read it? There you go assuming again. And anyway, nothing in that conversation has anything to do with what you and I were initially trying to clarify.|||Wow.. just wow.. I love how you tell everyone what they think, what their intentions are, and how they intemperate what they read.|||You have got to be kidding me. You're right. I'm done.|||See, there you go again. What did she say that was paranoid? There is nothing in this thread that I've seen to confirm this statement. Stop making assumptions about what others are saying and you...|||Because it's either trolling, willful ignorance, or something between the two that would lead someone to tell me what I implied in my own post. I implied nothing except exactly what I said and you...|||Thanks for the input. I can see from the post below yours that you are right.' | 6,623 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'Laura Roslin from Battlestar Galactica is a classic ENTJ. I loved her character so much. And Adama was an INFJ, no wonder they were an unstoppable power couple.|||I remember thinking I didn't have enough information about what had happened to process it very well and then put it in context.|||ENTJs respond well to facts so Google fat shaming leads to weight gain and a bunch of results will show up. I would link the article but I'm still trying to figure out how to use this site on my...|||I don't either. It's so draining to deal with it. I'll pass. But I'm also intuitive enough to know if I can get along with someone within about 5 mins so it doesn't take much time.|||If the goal is to graduate then there's no need to reinvent the wheel. You'll run out of steam trying to correct everyone. Be yourself and don't worry about other students. I also have a hard...|||So you have one example, one that involves Donald Fucking Trump and you expect that to be compelling? Really? Even if Donald Trump is an ENTJ he certainly isn't representative of them. So it...|||An edited Taylor Swift bad blood, with no freaking rap getting in the way of the music...|||There's very few people in terms of friends that I have a deep connection with. It's hard to find for me. I've just accepted that it will probably be more difficult to find a intimate partner. I also...|||The only thing that really ever motivated me to study (in college) was getting a good grade and graduating. So maybe try focusing on that?|||Wut? Next for what!?? Also.... I CAN TEXT GIFS!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I DON'T NEED THIS WEBSITE ANYMORE! JK love you all.... No but really. :P And My birthday was June 14th and no one...|||Dear lord.. I just found this gif and I had to post it some where!! https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7130102272/hD53E7A93/|||HA! Wow, maybe this is the one thing that binds all ENTJs together. :P|||Damn it! I always hated hide and seek as a kid. I would give up and then go climb some trees. Maybe my dream guy is stuck in a tree like a little kitty and I have to save him!!! ERMERGERD!!!|||Hey she can't control where in space and time she is in! That wibbly wobbly timy wimy shit is cray!|||at last!!!!!!!!|||Hey I can dream can't I! http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljt7ceQPEK1qiqs2no1_500.gif ^Don't judge!|||DAMN IT! You beat me to it!|||NOOOOOOO! I still don't know what you look like! After three years of priceless witty banter and virtual tag team bitchslaps!|||Eh go buy a strap on. Good enough. :D http://www.beccahamiltonbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/hell-yeah.gif|||Two things. http://25.media.tumblr.com/4e90b0e01d4dc637473c28045bd8b4bd/tumblr_mk95tk2go91qaitmuo1_400.gif And ME TOO! Spread the word! YOU CAN'T STOP THE SIGNAL!!!|||Is it seriously asking to much to find a guy that's smart, funny, attractive, educated, can get it up, isn't a jack ass, atheist, and a vegetarian?!? Apparently so. :(|||Aww shucks :D Lol it's okay I already have my own copy of Tom Hardy. :D|||The mighty morphin Tom Hardy specialty coming right up. :)|||Why don't I just clone a Tom Hardy for you instead? That way you won't need pants OR panties. ;P|||Maybe you're overthinking his overthinking about overthinking about ideal thinking...... http://anakegoodall.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/dsa-overthinking-3.jpg BOOM SCIENCE!!!!!^^^|||Bwahahahah! Do you want panties too? :P|||I have missed derailing threads with overly sexual content with you. :D|||http://gif-reactions.tumblr.com/post/26963837172|||LOL no. But I would find you more attractive. Though I guess it might work that way for some.|||Some women maybe way more turned on than you know. http://yeshub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/sapio.jpg ^ I am one of them.|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo8n81vz7m1qi93foo1_500.gif Sadly it's true :( Maybe my spoon can fit in your bowl bionic ...|||http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7jmc5qCMy1r3zat8.gif ^^To all the assclowns We are coming for you!!! :P|||I did this for May the 4th this year! Yeah Its basically a holiday for me. That an Sept 20th brown coat day!!! ...|||Or with a spoon in them.... like my coffee. :p|||Yeah and I plan to stick around for more than just a few days this time!|||I'm so glad to know that the topics in this forum have stayed so classy..... I'm fairly certain that all of that was to either brag or lie about how much sex you have had. In any case when...|||I missed you too! http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll4lb6vw1f1qk46kqo1_500.gif|||Oh how I have missed you guys!|||I'm not sure if you ever watched Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends... http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj216/lilpimpendth/cheese.gif But everyone loves cheese ^^|||Got it! I will upload the edited one soon! :D|||I went through something like this about two years ago. Same thing, didn't know her well, we would randomly run into each other, we got along and I would have loved to of have more consistent...|||NOOO! It says that I am forbidden! :(|||I didn't read it on the onion... But that makes so much more sense :)|||Hmmm... I can. I'll send them to you via PM.|||Gah! I read that Kim Jong-Un article yesterday..... Just.. like what? So not helpful bro...|||I just want to punch them all with FIRE!!|||Well you know about the Supreme Court hearing te case to overturn DOMA? Facebook is basically I giant gay party right now. Expect for a few that... Well... You know rednecks and hicks, how I love...|||Is anyone else getting pissed off about all of the bigots on facebook?|||https://www.facebook.com/ajax/messaging/attachment.php?attach_id=dcf345848e90d211bf858c3db0dc7845&mid=mid.1364425828560%3Ae1db86db8505e08102&hash=AQAicE9w-A3MElat ...|||LOL!! Very nice! :D' | 4,981 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | '17 years old INTJ reporting.|||In the beginning of the friendship I'm usually kinda cold, then getting warmer as the relationships proceeds and then getting cold again. I think it's because I have really high standards on people...|||I procrastinate usually to the last chance before the deadline hits unless the task/project is really riveting or I have something to motivate me that makes me start doing it on time and maybe add...|||I do this all the time and when I'm watching with my friends/family, I'm usually talking about my thoughts, and it's completely fine to me since I can easily focus on the movie and the conversation...|||INTJ personality can be quite hard to communicate with sometimes, so I'm pretty sure many INTJs have some kind of shell around them to alter their personality around other people. They can also be...|||I think ability of thinking makes humans unique from other animals but isn't that pretty much about it? And it depends on a person too, some people think very little and their animal side is...|||I'm not rude nor arrogant, like most INTJ stereotypes show, I actually try to make the counterpart feel comfortable in conversation instead of being super blunt etc.|||Pretty much nothing. It's actually all about how you put your mind into it. Yes, there are lots of arrogant stupid people, annoying repetitive situations etc but if you think that's just how the...|||Yes, I think so. I only lie in situations where it's absolutely needed, like getting away with something. In normal conversations I'm 100% honest all the time. If the person is really sensitive about...|||Flirting in movies and series makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable and usually laugh because I see no meaning in it. I think it's some kind of play? Saying puzzling stuff that makes you seem more...|||I guess? Adults probably considered me more stupid that I was since I asked about every little thing even when I might have known the basic concept. I've always been perfectionist about knowing...|||I think I'm still as childlish as I was at age of 5. Asking about every little thing, questioning everything and being overall curious about everything in life. I've always been pretty much like...|||I thought the reasons come first, then the feels. I've never come across that kind of situation, first I go through the reasons and thoughts, should I feel this or that concerning this thing? and...|||I think I'm most certainly asexual since sex doesn't fascinate me, make me feel anything but discomfort and I don't see a need for it. Human sex really just reminds me of any other kind of animal sex...|||Hi Nesty, nice to meet you! : D I hope you have a great time and that you find new people to talk to.|||Haha, I had the same thing, stalking the forum first for awhile before joining. Hope you enjoy your time here!|||Welcome to the forum, I hope you find it as nice as it seems and that you get to know more people and find out more about personality types :)|||If this is the same thing that has been happening for me, I'm really happy. I don't know anyone else with these experiences about periods of understanding life and I'm really glad you shared your...|||When I'm upset or stressed, I hide it until I get to be alone and then I try to do something to end that uncomfortable feeling or mood. And I'm usually long time by myself, just thinking about that...|||I don't think many people are gifted starting from birth, they make themselves talented by trusting themselves and practicing endlessly. You can become gifted too, if you really want to. At least...|||Wow, I really know the feeling. In my family I never really learned how to show love or attachment. I like my family very much but my parents were never really anything lovey-dovey and if something...|||Haha, to me it might be the vice versa. I usually suggest things to my friends but things that they suggest are usually something that I just don't understand/like. I would like to like their...|||I know the feeling. But usually when this happens to me, I just ask something like so we are friends, aren't we?. I'm not too shy about it since I already think that the other person is my friend...|||I can relate so much to this. I value my friends but hanging out with them feels as important as watching a new episode of some series or playing a videogame. It's just another fun thing to do. And...|||If you want someone to care, you have to care yourself. I mean if you want friends just because you are feeling selfish and want to have person who finds you before you die in your apartment,...|||After I found out my type, I felt relieved since I could finally accept that there are people like me, people who think and act the same way. It has made some things more simple since you can view...|||I'm currently playing LoZ: Skyward Sword. I have liked it so far, the controls are smooth and scenery is colorful yet a little bit repetitive. Though it could never beat Twilight Princess.|||Currently reading Bernard Cornwell's The Pale Horseman. It's the second book of the series; it's alright but the narrative is somehow unreachable, there's not enough depiction and characters are...|||Have you tried to look for your goal through other things? I mean, tried some (new) things and found out that you enjoy them? If you really want passion in your life, you shouldn't just keep worrying...|||I know the feeling. You could try to motivate yourself to study those things by your own etc. or if that feels impossible, can't you just quit? I mean, what's the point being there if it's not worth...|||I agree with this. Whenever I feel overall really confused and stressed, little moment just calming down with breathing helps a lot! It makes everything feel more clear and simple and affects the...|||School always felt like a duty to me, nothing fun with that. I liked some classes like English and arts but rest was boring and felt unnecessary; I was just thinking where do I need this...|||Hi. I can identify with this a lot, and to me there's nothing wrong for asking support on a forum from the same type of people, especially if there's no that kind of people around you. I too feel...|||Ronanne; it's a great thing that I'm not alone with this, hope you begin to understand better other INTJ's and have a great time at the forum with them and with other people too!|||Haha that music video will play in my head next ten hours, it was quite awesome. Thanks both of you! o/|||Studio Ghibli's movies are truly great masterpieces! I have watched their movies my whole life and I have a bunch DVDs that I have collected through the years. I still don't have Nausicaä though,...|||Hello! I decided to join this forum after reading threads unregularly for couple weeks because I'd like to share my opinions with others and read and comment what other people say. I'm also...' | 6,225 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 637178 Web of Lies 637186 Waterfall of Truth|||637178 Web of Lies 637186 Waterfall of Truth|||635378 I'll just whore myself out a little bit more :tongue: Shirt's a little big for me, which you can tell around the arms though. Oh well, it was free so...|||633786 Turns out that lightpainting yourself is hard. But I'm super proud of this picture, even if it is blurry because I didn't have any help lol|||ENTJ's enjoy learning for a specific goal. They will try to bend the world to what they desire. ENTP's enjoy learning simply for its own sake. They try to understand the world to satisfy their...|||I made my new years resolutions back in August and have been following them well so far lol. Workout more, and now that I've gained back my stamina for running I'm going to concentrate on...|||Ha that's hilarious! Another doppleganger! Got any pictures? I never got to see my other supposed doppleganger :sad:|||617865 I finally cut off all of my hair lol|||Practicing with some light painting tools: 606698 606706 606714 Really starting to fall in love with light painting, and when I see what some other people are doing :blushed:|||Practicing with some light painting tools: 606698 606706 606714 Really starting to fall in love with light painting, and when I see what some other people are doing :blushed:|||A few more: Bruh Dafuq? What the devil is that noise??|||I'm not actually sure where it comes from or even when I started using it to tell ya the truth|||Haha hell ya! I'm right there with ya, I've got way too many. Thanks to my teenage years including anime, I've started using some of their phrases: Yoush [spelling?] when excited Yari yari ...|||Why is it so adorable??|||Oh you :blushed:|||Thanks man! And I won't lie, it is pretty lame. I got some headshots today and sent the top 4 to a couple of my women friends to ask about their favorite one for Tinder. The one I actually...|||Glad you think I'm hot enough to be in a generic dating site picture :blushed:|||Still looks pretty nice though|||It's actually in Missouri :shocked:|||Basic Questions: 1) Age or Age Range? -Mid twenties 2) City, Country and/or Region? Tennessee 3) Tell us something about your social life? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuL6cJPz3Nk|||This is me :happy: 600018 And a few that I've taken: First day of experimenting with long exposure and I nudged the camera :crying: 600026 600034|||This is me:happy: 599978 599986|||This. So much this. Between my younger cousin and I, I was the idea guy and my cousin was always the fall guy. Poor dude. We used to get into quite a bit and I wouldn't ever get into...|||Here are some of my first attempts at Long Exposure Photography: Favorite one, even though I accidentally nudged the camera a little bit :/ 595322 595314 595330|||https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/27173488.jpg http://thumbpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hilariously-Adorable-Owl-Memes-15.jpg|||Well hello there https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3f/43/57/3f4357e03be19e3d4c5c6a3aa77a929b.jpg|||How about SF users? NFP's and even INFJ's I typically enjoy. Never met a confirmed ENFJ....|||Fe dom/aux users*|||You NF's are so friggin adorable :blushed:|||That's true. If I remember right, ENTP's are given the title of best bullshitters. But I don't think it has anything to do with lying, I think it's just because ENTP's can be so charming. And that's...|||Telling lies has nothing to do with being ENTP... I'm an ENTP and I'm about as blunt/honest as a hammer in real life.|||I think I'm pretty emotionally intelligent. Because I think it's a skill that can be worked on and learned. I started out in life in a bad way, my childhood was awful and statistically speaking, I...|||I agree with this, I don't think love ever stops either. The only woman I've ever fallen in love with broke up with me well over a year in a half ago and while the pain is gone, I still have...|||Here are a few of my favorites! :happy: 591242 591250 591258 591266|||I'm an amateur photographer getting better everyday as well as a writer. Once I get good enough with the camera, I'll be opening my second business in photography! :happy:|||italix Desthro The Enneagram tripped me up a little bit too. I'm a 5w4 which made me think INTP and have always tested as an INTP, even on the official test I took in college. But after...|||Sadly I can only speak English at the moment, and some very basic Spanish. Though I do plan on learning more languages as I get started on my flag theory plans! If anyone wants to learn...|||Aww you're so sweet:blushed:|||That sounds exactly like something a kidnapper would say https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/dd/ba/c2/ddbac21d3edc73e18bbde8cf77b17268.jpg|||Lmao I love you guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMDkpfJLt6o|||How did you know!?:shocked: I'm against drugs myself. But I use the drugs to hook into the hookers more easily. And use it to hook into politician's families. Once they're hooked, they belong...|||When you spend serious time contemplating on how to take over the US Government, come up with an overall strategy on how to do it and then find a squirrel to occupy your time instead and what was I...|||I spent a month coming up with an interesting and completely soulless plan to takeover the United States. I still think it has some merits to it too! But then I remembered that I'd rather take...|||I'd have to go with: Captain Jack Sparrow Patrick Jane and L|||Aladdin Sane is correct, you have to look at the functions. And to answer the question, we will need to borrow this image of a tree: i.dailymail.co.uk/ i/pix/2012/10/31/...|||I'm glad that my journey can help you =) It's one of those interesting things that you never realize you've made any progress until you look back at where you were before, even a year ago. I feel...|||This was a post I wrote a few years back, though I no longer have the blog I felt like it could be of help to some people here: In a post about understanding depression's many coping... | 5,858 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'people spend too much money on weddings. some of the dresses can be pretty and some of the proposals can be comical. i don't appreciate any religious or traditional women are property aspects.|||i love dogs, particularly big dogs. german shepherds are the best. dogs have the ability to comfort you without being annoying about it or needing to say anything at all. they are useful and...|||Are you untidy? no. Do you like to act/perform? it would be nifty, if i ever had the chance. Do you apparently listen very intently to what someone is saying, then wander off onto a completely...|||what makes you think N over S? do you follow steps, see big picture, what? are you here and now or future oriented? how do you reach decisions? and since i'm being lazy, can you take the functions...|||you do seem more INTP than INTJ. i knew an ENTP that was rather laid back, though, so i didn't want to rule it out. you could always be introspective or going through a spell. what about your ti,...|||something about the way you came across suggested ENTP. plus ENTP is ne, ti, fe, si while INTP is ti, ne, si, fe. [note: INTJ is ni, te, fi, se.] it's probably not worthy of investigating, yet...|||i am going to have to throw in ENFP as an option.|||did you ever figure out your personality type? anyway, taking a leaf out of another post since it went unused: INTPs are more afraid of failure - INTJs are more confident. i've seen a negative(?)...|||hello and welcome.|||i was being sarcastic. oh well.|||i prefer a challenge. you know, with my bad winds. world is negative. i accept the world.|||no. if i wasn't a realist, i wouldn't have referred to myself a realist. i always consider various outcomes, i merely hound in on the negative. i do not expect much, get my hopes up or concoct grand...|||realistic. it usually entails being more of a pessimist.|||hello and welcome.|||hello and welcome.|||well, i see it here under a thread about qualities INTJs have that not very INTJ.. and i keep seeing a lot about how INTJs are serious all the time. i'm almost never serious. i think someone should...|||oh! i forgot this one. i guess it's such a trait of mine that i don't even realize it's not very INTJ.|||yeah, i put the don't get offended part to try and deter this. i mean, i could go on about all the help and great times my INFJ has been. it would more than likely have people start to question if...|||oh, i guess i should inform you that i did not make that, i just remembered having seen it awhile back so i went on a search and found it again. it can represent either, i was purposely leaving it...|||okay, i wasn't going to respond as i thought my deer-tiger-laser spoke volumes. but now it's share a story time. the ENTP i knew was my BFF for the longest time. we would have battle of wits or...|||it's too bad your INTJ friend didn't work out. i find INFJs to be wise. at least, i think wise is a good word. i'm usually able to learn something from them. this INFJ's solid ground is (sadly?) also...|||i love strategy games. i love most games. games are great. yes, my post is full of depth.|||i do well on tests yet there is always at least one question that starts to mysteriously talk to me when i go back over it, telling me there is a possibility i have been misled.. that it may not be...|||i've learned that if an INFJ wants space, give them space. they are probably stressed. my one thing i can add is that if you just move on and act like nothing went down, they usually will too and all...|||my name is jess. (or jessica, if you want to get fancy.)|||i couldn't find any other threads specifically regarding criticism or critique. oh, the joy. supposedly, INTJs and criticism are not the best of friends, but definitely more than acquaintances....|||http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3xu3fqEiL1qzracxo1_500.gif|||hello and welcome.|||i actually really enjoy facts along with being abstract. they don't bore me so much and i think to back up an argument, you will need some facts along for the ride. i'm well qualified in observing...|||to reiterate what has already been mentioned: extraversion and introversion is determined by how you energize. and you can not ever switch types or parts of types or types of parts.|||i get energized internally by being alone. for me, it's harder to be internal and such when you have a lot going on at once, such as a lot of people talking in a large group. have to keep up, be...|||i do not think anyone was saying every introvert or extravert would fit the same mold. introverts and extraverts and how they deal with silence isn't a new concept. extraverted people are are...|||we're more apt to embrace the silence. probably in order to think, no doubt. i've noticed it as well. and if the ENFJ, ESTJ, etc. do ever get a pause in conversation, they generally can not not be...|||the earlier episodes of smallville were better, in my opinion. it gradually got worse and i had to quit forcing myself to watch. it became way too dull - or either my not being a big TV person got in...|||i'm an atheist. how fascinating.|||hello and welcome.|||to have feelings.. that would be tragic. i must be getting over the initial shock of everyone on this forum not being extremely sensitive. though, while still hijacking this thread (sorry, thread...|||really? insisting someone can't pick up on sarcasm has always been a serious retort, in my experience. it must be the way you type. it's so nice and proper and i fear i will never be able to master...|||why are you getting defensive? i was being sarcastic in return. no need to get any panties in a twist.|||as i mentioned, i have been caught. i mean, really, how ever could i be so blind?|||i'm trying to be secretive. i am really a man. you have made me give myself away. oh, the rage.|||top 5 characteristics dumb silly acting emotional and bitchy talkative and bitchy upon meeting, must be virgin top 5 physical features incurable acne cellulite and stretch marks|||i lived in florida most of my life before suffering through two southern states. first southern state was memphis, tn (yes, i love violence!!) though i'd been going to memphis forever anyway.. it is...|||a brain?? wow, guess all the zombie threads are getting to me. the forum already has symbols though.. we have that science icon. unless you aren't satisfied with what was chosen and/or want...|||remorse. for some reason, it just seems better to do than not.|||i'm a huge harry potter nerd, so i have to go with harry potter.. or hermione. maybe someone from the lord of the rings, like aragorn. he always seemed badass. possibly gandalf. honestly, for me,...|||oh, the joy of scenarios that will never happen! i think it would heavily depend on the other people you are associated with. you know, the group of people you end up with when this all goes...|||if your friend is really an INTJ, then yeah, they probably mean it. you could always return the favor however and take another trip later on with them and whoever else.. you could then be the one...|||knowledge is power, so i probably would.|||i will never be able to get over kristen stewart's arms. they are not proportionate to the rest of her body and it's as if all her fat goes to them. anyway, regarding ISTP: i have an ISTP friend. i...' | 3,959 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'My father had a walk-in closet in the apartment we lived in for a few years after my siblings moved out. One of my dreams involved me walking in there and finding a jar with my brother's severed head...|||Aisle|||Everyone's a little bit weird. Therefore, to be weird is the norm. Were anyone truly, completely normal, then they would be the strangest person on the planet.|||I think my personal view on the subject was best described by Terry Pratchett: Death: You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become? - Hogfather Technically, the...|||Elate|||Root: under-active (-25%) Sacral: under-active (-38%)|||I'd recommend the Discworld series if you haven't read it already, particularly Small Gods. Also of interest might be The Sandman, although it's a graphic novel, so I'm not sure if that's the kind...|||Father: INTJ Mother: ENFP (divorced) ------ Brother: ENTP Sister: ISFP I'm pretty sure we all drive my father a bit mad with all our perceiving-ness.|||You know, it's weird, but even though I'm aromantic, I really don't like the idea of treating love as something imaginary... I mean, yes, it's imaginary - neither tangible nor quantifiable - but just...|||1) Albert Eugene Machiavelli Richardson the Third and His Totally Bitchin' Crew / Albert Eugene Machiavelli Richardson the Third's 2nd Cantata: The Quest for Mo' Dough (Not to be Confused with...|||Here's one from when I was in my sophomore year in high school: I used to really like drawing and coming up with stories, often leading me to draw characters from those stories. In addition, I had...|||Well, I think that this will be my... fifth? sixth? time saying this, but I love me a good rpg. The Black Isle games*, Squaresoft's classics, Nintendo's few forays into the genre, etc. However, I...|||Amnesia! No, seriously, just think about all the badass amnesiacs out there: Wolverine, Geralt, The Nameless One, and we're one of the most forgetful types of all! It's just a matter of time...|||Well if you're looking for NPs who are youngest siblings, then I definitely qualify. Youngest of three by a span of four years. Mind you, I'm fairly certain my brother, the eldest of us, is an NP as...|||Some of the most intellectually taxing things I can think of off the top of my head: - Learn a language - Write a book - Branch off into a field of science you've never studied before - Try to...|||I considered that as well, but it becomes difficult to decide whether that's caused by bad intuition, or by his dyspraxia: In addition to the physical impairments, developmental coordination...|||I think that Totalbiscuit is an ENTJ. He is very outspoken, has a vision of the future which he is constantly trying to fulfill, and thinks critically about everything. ...|||To be fair, INTPs are too. We're just quieter about it.:proud:|||Judson Joist Really, I just chose retriever and lab because I grew up with a mix between the two and some of my fondest childhood memories involve me as a toddler sneaking up on her and wrapping...|||To own: Cat To watch: Raven To listen to: Also raven To study: Humans To snuggle :kitteh:: Large dog (Golden Retriever, Black Lab, etc.) Honorable mentions: Coyote, Fox, Wolf, Bat, Spider,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvbXiOvWFp0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXGIkv6paY4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYCfzf3BpTk|||Focusing more on charisma and intelligence while more or less dumping strength and constitution (or their equivalents). I've occasionally heard the play-style referred to as the Social Rogue....|||I'd akin the MBTI to more of stereotyping than astrology. Stereotypically, there are some activities which one gender is better at than the other; however, that may not always hold true and...|||48% Intellectual 33% Creative 19% Visionary|||Seconded. It's a very entertaining watch/read, especially if you understand or wish to understand some of the core principles of Game Theory.|||Take a fruit from the box labeled apples and oranges. You will then know for sure which label belongs on that box because there is no way it was actually the box with apples and oranges in it. Then...|||Top 5: Game of Thrones Firefly Avatar the Last Airbender Doctor Who Baccano! Honorable Mentions: My Little Pony (G4) Legend of Korra|||... I'm going to need a more reliable source than yahoo news, especially given all the evidence to the contrary: Rising Scores on Intelligence Tests » American Scientist For the record, IQ tests...|||I would live in the Dreaming from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman series as one of the various dreams. I'd have access to an infinite library, every person's slumbering mind, every mythological world...|||Interesting. The way I understand it is that introverts actually produce just as many endorphins, and actually require less stimulus in order to do so. A typical introvert may be at their happiest...|||I typically go for squishy wizards or diplomatic rogues; I prefer characters that - assuming they can't avoid fighting altogether - can deal massive amounts of damage but can't take much themselves,...|||Team 1: Six Wobbuffets Team 2: Golem, Electrode, Wheezing, Forretress, Claydol, Genesect (all know Self Destruct) Team 3: A single Missing No. :crazy:|||Considering what my mind is sometimes capable of coming up with when sober, I have no interest in experimenting with drugs of any sort.|||I would be verbose if I ever actually talked. :P Also considered trying to be simultaneously terse-sesquipedalian. Most entertaining. Recommend attempting at some juncture.|||I feel as though this is relevant: Glass Half Empty|||Kyon from the Haruhi Suzumiya series.|||2fast4u2 Even from a Christian viewpoint, your behavior in this thread has been truly appalling. All you're doing is going around starting fights with people and threatening them with damnation...|||My imagination is extremely INFP.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rjbtsX7twc&feature=c4-overview&list=UUTev4RNBiu6lqtx8z1e87fQ|||Everyone knows that's just what John wrote to get his editor off of his back.|||Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Project Eternity Watch Dogs Thief (if only to see whether or not it lives down to expectations) [The Next Monolith Soft Title] Fire Emblem x Shin Megami...|||It isn't really. This has all just been an experiment to see how long a discussion about religion could be dragged out on the INTP forums. Pretty long, apparently. I guess a lot of people've been...|||Character Strength # 1 Creativity Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible. ...|||- Granny Weatherwax (Discworld) - Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly) - Morpheus (The Sandman) - Garrett (Thief) - The Nameless One (Planescape: Torment) - Jyu Viole Grace (Tower of God) - Tarvek (Girl...|||Well you know what they say, Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. But set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. ... I think that's how it went...|||According to the responses to the thread, Great ways to stifle young creativity - and, you know, personal experience - most INTPs (and probably most NTs in general) have a very negative opinion about...|||Well there are plenty of things you could try: 1) Don't write for a little while. Just let the writing sit for a while, maybe a week, and come back to it later. Similar to how sometimes, if you...|||Heh, I used to do this all the time. I would unintentionally listen in on conversations happening around me, sometimes while in the middle of one myself, which means I would often really confuse the...|||Unfortunately, I missed the part about the poll being multiple choice until after I voted. :unsure: Had i noticed it beforehand, I would've voted for Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi (for example:...|||Yes, but not by much. Even as a child, I was pretty uneasy around strangers and had only one or two friends I considered close. My increased introverted tendencies could probably be somewhat...' | 5,568 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'It seems sara from tegan and sara is an infp|||I've been thinking about pulleys all god damn day and it feels so right like it is the answer to something magical. I also have been day dreaming about being a mad scientist. Not sure if the two are...|||I can only do it for 45 minutes or so and if i know i won't be able to connect with that person(s) and strike up an interesting conversation then i just withdraw. I usually just end up sitting with a...|||Have you ever felt like your body was on auto-pilot when talking to someone? For me it is when i just go with the flow and copy the tone movement and other mannerisms of the person i am interacting...|||I blame it on the chameleon aspect of INTP's but instead of reflecting or mimicking the person that we are directly with we partly reflect the typical girl.|||life not difficult where did you get that impression|||Elementary Use to play outside alot but games that did not require talking (4 square, freeze tag,ect) Close to being mute. Was messy,skinny, and unprepared (dispite my moms best efforts) to the...|||Your anwer to number 4 was awesome-sauce.:tongue:|||Paranoid: when in the dark, when people go into my room without asking, and around petty people Private: No, just discouraged. Most people find what i am thinking about to be boring so when asked i...|||Being one: All the MISSCOMMUNICATIONs (especially on open ended test questions and with loved ones):confused: and the tension I can cause by the above but trying to resolve it causes more of the...|||I am not sure as to why but people feel very comfortable telling me there deep dark secrets. some are people i don't considered to be close friends so just wondering if this is a common phenomenon if...|||Why would an intp want to be famous and submerse in HollyWierd culture anyway i think KStew is the closest were goning to get|||Wow I wondered in hear thinking you wanted out come out the closet|||Had expectations oh and saw twilight with my sister|||Yes... wait... no nevermind no one has ever said that to me.|||For me I have a tendency to mess up sayings/words and what not All-timers...alzheimer Escape code...scape goat scoth free...scot free No one has ever correted me did not figure it out till a read...|||I could work if you had 3 things or more or think of it this way... 3 and 8 they have the same absolute diference of 5. Either way it is a popular saying and like most poppular things it is...|||The worst thing i have done was set an alarm on my sisters phone that went off in class very loudedly and it played the whisper song by the ying yang twins. She got her phone taken yelled at and...|||I don't get it when people are like You're disrespecting ME and then they get in to fist fights and go to prison for asult for nothing. The people don't even repest themselves acting like...|||I look in the mirror... no but seriously just play the game what thing is not like the rest socially and bingo you have a suspect.|||Only if no one else says it.|||I walk on my tipy toes. My calfs are huge.|||I'm not going to call an ambulance this time because if I do you won't learn anything.|||What is this SLEEP you speak of and where can I get some???|||Wow. You cleaned you room without me telling you to. Holy S**T you have to teach me how to dance. You finally talked to that girl you liked. ( ^ Only in an alternate universe)|||Yes I think it is because my facial expression is usually poker face or WTF|||1. Friend 2. Snake 3. Runs away 4. Small 5. No 6. Window, Flowers 7.Plastic 8. Leave it 9. Lake 10. Swim|||Why I am Pro Choice 1) An abortion is cheaper for society then one child growing up with gov assistance 2) There are enough people on this planet 3) A baby should be brought into this world with...|||Also mad a comic book about jesus (as a pot head) and michael jacksons.|||i would make a lot of magic tricks witch involved crap tons of paper and glue. Also built alot of forts that i would decorate. not sure if that is artsy or not|||Hell yes. That is why i hate having to write lab reports for phyics. I can never figure out where to start i usually have to do alot of back tracking in my explination.|||You're Pretty Good Looking( For a Girl) - The White Stripes. :proud:|||You're Pretty Good Looking (For a Girl)- The White Stripes:proud:|||Why would my MOM call me a SON of a B**CH The insult really is directed at her then.|||My GUY freind got sucker punched in the stomach and started to cry. I asked are you ok and he said Very seriously I think I broke my UTERUS Funny as hell but still|||Intp and i am a MOLE and hear me ROAR pretty sadly spot on. ( Don't be confused i am not a snitch)|||You say thank you.|||1. Stop asking why (it is not important) 2. Remember the formulas 3. And sub in the numbers as needed|||In my AP Calculus class the airhead that shall not be named asked What do you mean by fraction? My teacher wanted to facepalm.|||Well if it is not a bs class I would not suggest it because by the time your final comes around you will wish you did your homework.|||I was only taught sex ed in middle school, for a day. In high school you can get sex ed if you take PE or parent child development and i heard they go balls out with information and photos.|||My mom is a first grade teacher. She has trouble getting her kids under control because she is a push over. So if you are a push over I would suggest something different but if your not summers off...|||28 on ACT the sciece/graphs section messed me up felt to rushed and got flustered still waiting on my SAT to be mailed|||Hall pass funny as hell|||smart but not complex my needs are simple and I am straight forward about them|||mom is an esfp dad is an intp but shows it by being an arrogant a-hole|||When a stranger approaches you and you say What do you want instead of Hello|||just saw a comercial for the new season of jersey shore I am disappaionted that industrialization has made survival of the fittest obsolete|||Loved math still do Hated English mostly because each year started out with the teacher telling me to forget everything the last teacher taught me and you have to remember 50 million diffrent...|||I also remember having to go to the school counselor in first grade because I would not talk I was really skinny and seemed scared to raise my hand to go to the bathroom and alway had messy hair... I...' | 5,183 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Bear in mind that Jungian typology was never prescriptive but descriptive in its approach - it's based on observations made by Jung himself during his consultations with his patients. So, of course...|||All I can say is: don't try to change, that's impossible. Evolve! Above all else, take risks. Judging from my own experience, a childlike mentality, as you call it, is not a given, i. e. it's not an...|||Hey, from just registered to banned in three posts - are you trying to set a record or something? No, seriously: Maybe you should have a look at the forum rules. And keep in mind - the MBTI,...|||OMG, that's uncanny - same here, down to the last detail (e.g. dislike of surrealism and dreamlike settings - I had such a hard time watching 'Inception'!). Thanks for putting it into words! ...|||By doing away with hierarchical thinking. Even though you may be mediocre, you're still one of a kind.|||I do. In case everything goes down the tubes and there's no more electricity. Just to be on the safe side...*swish and flick* :tongue:|||Couldn't agree more. We're all works in progress - everything we thought, said and did yesterday is a piece of the puzzle that is us, a step on our way, maybe even a stepping stone. Even if it feels...|||Lucky you! Happy thoughts is not something I'd immediately associate with my being an INFP (absentmindedness IS, though)...|||Very well put! :happy:|||Perhaps - and I mean this in the most positive and non-abusive of ways - you are, in fact, gay? As far as the vagina being an opening into someone's body, so is the mouth. And it's wet and fleshy...|||Perhaps - and I mean this in the most positive and non-abusive of ways - you're, in fact, gay? As far as the vagina being an opening into someone's body, so is the mouth. And it's wet and fleshy as...|||Hey, that IS true, now that you mention it!|||Well, four, actually...does that make me a loser as far as INFPs go? :shocked: :tongue:|||Are you being serious? Harsh criticism is nothing but destructive, it smothers talent and kills creative expression. It's the domain of gutless, narrow-minded non-doers and arrogant, pathologically...|||As a musician who actually IS in his forties (and singing and playing and looking like he's in his late teens ...nah, not looking, alas!) I couldn't agree more! If what you want out of music is fame...|||I don't think reality is to blame here. What the entertainment industry is really built on is the fact that most people are too lazy and timid and looking for satisfaction in the wrong places. The...|||No offense, but isn't this more of an INTJ thing?|||Sad but very true. In fact that's what used to put me off religion, and I encountered that kind of thing everywhere I looked, even with Buddhists, even regarding OTHER Buddhists of different...|||...when you're satisfied with what you've written only if it's not just true and well put but if the line breaks are beautiful as well, so you adjust your choice of words accordingly even though the...|||Same here. A psychologist once told me this might have something to do with my day not feeling complete to me yet. But I suspect it's merely due to the fact that by then everybody else in the...|||No, but you can stop trying, once and for all, and focus on who you really are. That helps. We're not broken or dysfunctional, all of us here - although comparing ourselves to the majority of society...|||As I said, usually - perhaps Hendrix watched a lot of TV while practicising as well? :tongue: Having said that, Hendrix strikes me as a typical ISFP, not an INFP, at least according to Thomson's...|||I'm a musician myself with a degree in musicology, and yet practice always used to feel like a chore to me, until I found out that I have to do something else while practicing to simultaneously...|||What you describe is actually very much in accordance with what Jung himself had to say about Fi-doms. Apparently despite our best intentions we can tolerate the problems of others only as long as...|||OMG, you're 17? That's incredible - when I was seventeen I was about as self-aware as a tapeworm. Anyway, I don't think ignorance is bliss, definitely not! Ignorance has had me groping around like a...|||I know exactly what you mean. I used to be a Literature major, and I'm actually rather good at critiquing and criticizing others - sometimes I feel that it brings out the best in me intellectually,...|||I really hate it when people on this forum ask for advice and I take the time to answer them, sometimes at length, and I put a lot of effort into doing so, and then I get zero response from them - no...|||Hmm...not sure about that. When you realize we can't stop that suffering no matter what we do or how much we're trying to hide - I think that's the actual turning point. Not believing in the ultimate...|||Who can? :wink: But seriously: In my experience (and according to established INFP typology), sticking to schedules is not exactly our strong point. As a matter of fact it can actually drain our...|||Hear, hear! You're gonna make one hell of a therapist.|||So what? Public image is a waaaay overrated concept. Besides, we're INFPs - whining and obsessing is what we do... :wink:|||Respect for what? For your adult and well-adjusted demeanor or your innate infallibility? Ah, screw this. Life will teach you a lesson sooner or later, and then you won't be able to say you'd rather...|||Whoa, hold your horses! As ATLeow correctly pointed out, a public forum is not exactly the right place if you want to be left alone. And why the condescending attitude? Oh yes, I forgot: You always...|||It doesn't. It's your life, and you're entitled to your opinion, of course. But why bring it up here if you don't care to discuss it?|||A pity that you erased your post. Made a great deal of sense to me.|||Do you truly believe that? Because if you do, this is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Everyone makes mistakes, including you. If you keep insisting on what you said, you can either...|||So sorry, but wouldn't that mean you'll have failed as well, in a way? Needless to say, being an INFP myself, I know exactly what you're talking about, and I totally agree that we should remain true...|||JaySH: Sorry, couldn't reply via private message because of some technical error. Anyway: I see now what you were getting at. And yeah, of course we're good.|||I'm beginning to suspect that my English is not good enough for this conversation... :frustrating: The cold shower reference relates to my trying to expose myself to as many emotionally...|||Please don't. Sorry about yet another generalisation, but AFAIK most INFPs tend to avoid controversy for obvious reasons when maybe they shouldn't. I can't say it was fun for me, but arguments such...|||Agreed. I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't implying your statements weren't genuine. What I meant was, I'm trying to accept that what you say (and how you said it) is valid and true from...|||Well, I admit I'm rather taken aback by the tone of your reply. First of all I never said that you or other ENFPs had it easy, quite the contrary. I tried to suggest very cautiously that perhaps...|||You're right, of course - that's what I'm trying to do all the time. But maybe the situation is a bit different for ENFPs, anyway. I'm not suggesting that you all have got it easy, but perhaps (and...|||According to David Keirsey, your parents are an ideal combination - same perceiving function (S), everything else is complementary. Do they get along well, if you don't mind my asking?|||Problem is, most of us are pretty much glued to the glass, aren't we? You can't simply DECIDE to let go.|||I don't know if this is a viable alternative, but a couple of weeks ago I took part in a Fire ritual. Went into the woods, cut down a small tree, made it into a stick and spent half the night...|||I'd recommend 'Fight Club', basically. Really, I'm not kidding. Whatever you do, make sure it's challenging and hurts you physically, in one way or another. We're guys, after all, we're not made to...|||Perfect - now start afresh. And don't wait any longer. If you're utterly broken, you've got nothing to lose. Accept that it's all hopeless, then do whatever the hell you like.|||Granted, if that's what you've experienced, you had some pretty nasty things to deal with. Still, I don't think that gives you the right to tell others that their life must be an easy one compared to...|||Amen! (assuming you don't mean physically attack people as well) I think - no, actually I KNOW - that all the typical Fi-dom attempts to protect their values and their emotional well-being are...' | 1,834 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Note: as far as the homosexuality thing goes in nature, I advise you to look at the paper that I posted earlier in the thread marked Can animals be gay?.|||Anyway, back to the thread. I have two things to say as far as homosexuality goes, and how peoples' perceptions have been presented to me. First, whenever I hear that homosexuality is wrong on...|||Weren't you saying that you wanted to marry your hamster?|||I feel like we're playing 21 questions. Can I marry something that can fit in a breadbox?|||Oh, I'm sorry. Here I was thinking that human beings were different from potato salad. My mistake. I'm so glad that you could enlighten me.|||Well obviously it's their lack of moral code, inappropriate behavior, and their tendancy to eat little Christian babies.|||Watch the movie And the Band Marches On. Aside from clawing you eyes out, it's pretty informative.|||Lol. ANY excuse to go to California. And I don't want you to think that I voted for Hitler. Oh I mean Jan Brewer, I'm sorry. We aren't all racist pigs. But seriously, stay away from Tucson, most of...|||See, I do not agree. The more I talk about type, the I see that people think that this is a nurture type of thing and don't give the nature side any attention. If we evolved from monkeys, at which...|||I am such a weird INTP. I don't think that praise is my driving force, but I want people to think that I know what I am talking about. That's why I am going to school to get my doctorate, because I...|||On a related subject... WHERE CAN YOU FIND ENTP's IN THE REAL WORLD? As an INTP, you guys seem like my best friends ever. But I think that I have only ever met one of you. Do you guys avoid Tuscon? I...|||Evolution and MBTI. This can include, but is not limited to: Which types are better at different time periods. Historical types and how society dealt with them. Why sensors are more abundant than...|||Well. I think that is my cue to exit stage. Thanks for the data guys!|||I don't see a video...of course, I could just be an idiot.|||Yeah a baseball player gave it to her. Oh you and you're judging facet. I'm pretty idealistic. I liked the idea, but everyone got it. Too easy.|||Do any of you like languages not including those that were immersed in them early? IT seems to me that they are VERY sensing and I hate them. That could just be how people have tried to teach it to...|||Lol. I don't know how I feel about you guys. My best friend is dating an INTJ and I love the idea of him; I have yet to meet him. I feel like we would absolutely love talking to each other, or I...|||I think they call it Communism.|||Everytime I see Jessica Alba I think two immediate things: Damn. She is super hot. Then, just after that, oh right she has herpes. I liked V for Vendetta, but they gave you WAY too much. It was...|||Tell people you don't have a facebook. They'll look at you like you're a poor, impoverished, depressed introvert who should probably be in an insane asylum :)|||My b. Your way makes more sense. Sorry, the world of feeling is very strange to me. I'm probably like a 5% on feeling.|||chimeric that totally makes sense; even as an intp, i live in a world of ideas and possibilities, and often reality does not quite translate. My ENFP friend is the same way, where she cares most...|||I don't listen to my F side. It is undeveloped, and is most often wrong; it manifests as red herring arguments and ad hominem statements. I work best on an IT EN level.|||I know I tell you guys in about EVERY ENTJ thread that I visit, but I love you ENTJ's. YOU MAKE SO MUCH SENSE. n2freedom, if I EVER need insight into something that I don't understand, I'm going to...|||@ENTJam I think that it's funny that you have qualms about the idea of sexuality because of religious preferences, and a FLAMING homosexual is your profile picture. Irony's hysterical!|||THat is a nice way to put that. THanks! I have that problem. I feel like NF types will be people that empathize the strongest to such types of feelings from others, although I know almost no INFP or...|||The nature and homosexuality idea cannot therefore be reduced to such simple components.|||With the bible thing, it's more of a man shall not sleep with a man like how they do with a woman. Personally, it seems that it explicitly says hey guys, no homos, pedophilic or not. But...|||Got to be careful with almond milk. I have yet to encounter a brand that doesn't use carrageenan as a texturizer, although it begins a process that leads to colon cancer. IF you want the research,...|||Are you sure you're not a sensor? I have yet to meet someone that is developed intuitively that is very religious. It is an interesting idea if you are; from my knowledge set, it seems that religion...|||I like ENFP's. They make sense.|||Absolutely. Count me in. So long as I can have a thinking framework to say why :tongue:|||Sorry guys, I was totally kidding about the idea people thing. I guess that's one of the disadvantages about a computer; sarcasm is not always too clear. As for the extraverted thing, I agree with...|||I know exactly what you mean. I got in a fight with my ex best-friend's mom because I didn't say hi to her when I thought that she was asleep. I think that the people who are going to notice the...|||I realized today that I don't filter myself around my INTJ friend, and that is a problem because I'm at work and I'm a thinking asshole at heart. I realize that about 99% of everyone in there now...|||I've been obsessing about MBTI for like a year now.|||Definitely an interesting line of research.|||IF anything, (askide from the guys, I don't know why) it seems almost all of you are at least up for it. Makes sense.|||That idea thing? STORY OF MY LIFE. Why can't others be ideas? And I totally agree with the Facebook thing. I think it represents everything I hate about society.|||You are hysterical. As for the issue at hand, I kind of have an advantage talking to girls because ENFP's have always tried to develop me extravertedly and I connect with girls better, but to...|||joellr17 I think you're my INTP role model.|||I'm pretty extraverted for an INTP I am finding the more I read. But I think sensors have the biggest problem with me when I look deadish because they see my features and lack of enthusiasm and think...|||Are you an ENFP? Am I allowed to ask that?|||It depends. If I am EXTREMELY interested in a topic, I will be motivated enough to learn it by myself. Usually however, that does not happen. Otherwise, lectures are useful to me but only if it is...|||Lol I love INTP's. Along with what Haldir siad though, who is to say that personality type is not genetic? Has there been evidence either way? Yeah Rift I sometimes forget that my thoughts might...|||ugh. definitely not a yin yang. But, I do like what you said at the end Graficcha. I definitely need to think about it more.|||Interesting. Maybe it's because ENFP's have been my bread and butter since I was born. I'm kind of an abnormal INTP.|||Oh my b. From the ENFP's I know, ENTJ's could very easily come off as controlling. And the second that you come off as controlling, ENFP's disappear, in my experience. At any rate, they would...|||Don't lie to me. Feelings have nothing to do with this. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one of you in Tucson. :crying: Except my aunt. But I think that I shouldn't count her.|||Alright INTP's. Something that I have been mulling over for about a month is what tattoo I should get, and where it should go. I want it to represent equilibrium because I think that as science is...' | 3,180 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'My favorite album Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGfvHdXbttI|||I don't know if other ISFP's struggle with this or if it's a social anxiety thing, but I am so scared of change, even if it is for the better. For example, I have put off telling my family that I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D1Zn-Ij6Mw|||In no particular order: Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey Butterfly- Mariah Carey True Romance- Charli XCX The Emancipation of Mimi- Mariah Carey Crybaby- Melanie Martinez|||I agree with your statement. It did get a little draggy in the middle somewhere. While I was listening to it the first time, I found myself zoning out at times. As a whole, I enjoyed this album....|||wrote|||Wonder Woman. :onthego:|||Warmth1.6 Warmth is how nice to people you are. [more] Reasoning1.9 Reasoning is how good at abstract thinking you are. [more] Emotional stability1.4 Emotional stability is how in...|||Weirdly enough, I think I feel good about myself at parties or other gatherings that allow me to have a good time but not necessarily be in the spotlight. The loud music and talking distracts me of...|||my biggest fear is that my constant paranoia will cause me to become suspicious of my partner at all times. This is never a good quality to have, in my opinion. Also, I just think that my...|||oops sorry, I didn't know how else to accurately introduce myself.|||676642 I'm ugly but whatever XD|||They still themselves can't make those[/QUOTE] Well not with each other no, but at least there are ways of procreating for them.|||Well thank god that we live in the 21st century and there are multiple ways for same-sex couples to have children of their own now.|||Hey guys! In my English class, we just finished reading A Seperate Peace by John Knowles. The entire time, I was trying to figure out the main character's mbti type (Gene). I swear he is an ISFP, but...|||I do the same thing with the 1990's. I am totally obsessed with that decade; the music, politics, and fashion can all entertain me forever. Probably because I was born towards the end of that decade,...|||i've only seen four of the best picture nominees so far, but I definitely think La La Land is slightly better than Moonlight. Both were amazing films, but I didn't feel anything after watching...|||A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara Highly recommend!! Like, read it now.|||lunaticrabbits I just want to say that I love that album very much. That is all.|||Whether it is actually happening or not, I frequently get the feeling that my friends/family are not listening to me, or just geniunely don't care about what I have to say. It frustrates me so much,...|||i'm pretty sure that I have a phobia of speaking in public. It is literally one of the hardest things for me to do. Whenever I have to give a presentation, it will give me anxiety for weeks leading...|||I am very shy. Public speaking, and meeting new people, in particular, are the times when I get the most shy. I am constantly afraid of judgement, and this causes me to pick my friends carefully. ...|||i'm a proud gemini|||Robes|||pears|||vaper|||10/10 I just love the overall sound of that song. It gives me chills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viimfQi_pUw|||peace|||sears|||I would say Jack, or Kate. Let's be honest, Jack is dad goals.|||pores|||Well I'm 6'5, so people usually notice me when I walk into a room. But despite that, I normally try to get a feel of the people and atmosphere before I start to talk. Even after I do that, you would...|||Who is your favorite character?? I have been obsessed with this show!! It's so good.|||I'll just pretend that the s isn't there lol. trade|||2/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGTnrUJZVbU|||Clueless rollin with the homies|||stale|||I'm not really into cars or technology, but I do love to research and dive into the background of music artists, movies, etc. Once I love an artist, I learn everything there is to know, and then I...|||leash|||The Martian My family raved to me about this movie, so I reluctantly watched it and I was very disappointed. I found it to be incredibly boring, although Matt Damon was a little comical. Other...|||salty|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl9tcrIeJ48|||Yes, I relate to that description very much.|||sloth|||I would love to have a buddy! that sounds like fun|||dopes|||sheer|||stout|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMO5Ko_77Hk' | 8,074 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Jewl Yes I was getting pretty frustrated, mostly with the Fe and Fi stereotypes. It's not the people's fault, it's the damn sites that give very general and shallow descriptions of the types.|||I completley didn't relate to the entire list, too bad I was hoping for some new enlightment, INFJ type 1w2 btw.|||It's funny to see how many are heading towards freelancer and specifically graphics design, I sincerly hope everyone can become independently stable but happy.|||It's funny but I just noticed that most people seem to think the Fe function is like Agreeableness from the Big Five test.|||I just want to copy and paste this post into every Fe related thread, seriously this is explained so good, thank you for taking the time for writing this.|||It's like you said, when I try to put it into words it's pretty hard. I remember being asked the same question a couple of times, but saying what I value most through words just didn't quite...|||If anything where I got lucky is with friends. I have two extreamly close friends in an era where most people don't even have one, apart from them I have another group of friends who I enjoy being...|||Your only role as a friend is to emotionally support her in my opinion. After going through one depression crisis and currently living through another I've learned that it's best to leave any kind of...|||I am a freelancer, working on mostly graphics design, I'm learning coding and can work with music and lots of other stuff in all of those realms. I'm only 19 so I've got time to build myself from the...|||I'm not sure myself, you see Fe is not always that sacrificing is it might seem, it highly depends on the value system the Fe created, Ne-Fi and the ENFP is deffently more understanding towards...|||Marry: ISFP Bed: INTP Kiss: ISTP ESFJ, ENTP, ENFJ|||INFJ. I had a film I directed being a shown at this big fesitval and people clapped when the credits roled. I was wearing the most genuine smile I ever wore. So I'd say at least in my exprience...|||A perfect leader is one that can be rational, stratigic and have high organization skills but also needs to be able to understand the group he's leading and balance his goals with the group goals....|||They're both hurt when you clash with their value systems, and their value systems can be anything regardless of type, so there's really no absolute when it comes to which type is more sensitive than...|||That was the most Ne thing I read this year, thank you.|||I was going to write a big paragraphe about how you shouldn't compare functions like that, but *** it. Fe users are attractive because they don't make me go through a 20 year long journey in...|||INFJ -Struggle to sit down and be productive, then judging myself for it. -Bored with most people (Luckily not all, have some really good friends). -Hard to deal with imperfect systems such as...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_L4Rixya64|||When did you have your first relationship (<20, 20-25, 26-30, >30)? Never :( I'm 19 currently. What do you look for in a partner? I'm only attracted to people that seem mysterious to me or...|||I'm also dealing with a close INFP friend stuck in a Fi-Si loop or at least stuck with Mental/Feelings problems. To be honest we clash quite a lot in terms of values and I think it's also why we're...|||Marry: INFJ Bed: INFP Kiss: ESTJ ENTJ, ESFP, ENFP|||Welcome my Ni dominant brother, I hope you enjoy your stay.|||Even if they knew my type is the INFJ, they'd still wouldn't understand me, and probably they wouldn't understand the type lol.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKeFcUyclc|||I just shaved and it is deffently hot, I want ice cream and a board game. 713233|||My enneagram type is: 1w2, and I know my tritype is 146 (Can't remember wings). Top 3 MBTI types: 90% INFJ 3% INFP 2% INTJ|||He explains very asbtractly but I managed to understand a lot of things from him. Even if he's INFJ I really feel like all of his videos are Ne based because his videos are all over the place so it...|||I'm happy to stumble upon this thread and reading these passages. I have no idea why any type should a hated type and I'm even more clueless as to why the INFP is one of the most hated types (Can...|||I haven't really understood the connection between MBTI and enneagram, but my main type is: 1w2 and my tritype is: 1-4-6|||It's interesting for sure, but it was pretty tiring for me.|||INFJ: To be understood.|||You go into sleep paralysis, and from there it's pretty natrual, it took some time to develop the ability though and sleep paralysis is scary at first.|||Father: ENFJ Mother: ENFJ Sister: ExFP I've no complaints.|||I used to lucid dream a lot on purpose and I stopped because it was tiring me. Now days I barley remember any dreams I have, which is a shame though because dreams really intrigue me.|||Never been in love like lavendersnow although when I thought about how I will act I figured the most romantic thing in my eyes is cuddeling in bed, with two cups of tea with milk left on the side.|||I doubt it has much to do with J/P, I like almost any kind of humor.|||Most people enjoy talking about themselves anyway, so if you text someone with an interest in them, if they're not in a shitty mood they'll most likely respond happily.|||In my eyes a REAL emotional connection starts when you can sit in silence with another person and it will feel natrual.|||If you want to get to know INFJs the best way is probably through here, just PM some and they'll be happy to answer your questions (Including myself).|||Wait is this literally a thread with 125 pages dedicated to understanding Taylor Swift?|||INFP/INTJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4QMZsh6zIE|||If he's an INFJ something really serious is happening in his life that's distracting him from this relationship, if not I highly doubt he's an INFJ. I literally cannot do these kind of things, even...|||Can you explain in what ways he helped change you for the good? I'm interested, if you don't mind.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjgm3xHr96Q|||Yes exactly, while Ne and Ni both analzye in abstract ways that are mostly based around patterns, Ne is a little more free and just likes to focus on everything which leads to I'd say: more ideas &...|||I had to take a moment to comment on how stupidly good these drawings are, seriously this is amazing.|||I can only say I'm confident in Ni and that's: What will happen?|||Best friend is ENFP, two other really really close friends are INFP and ISFP.|||I absolutley love dark humor, really I like all kinds of humor. I mostly though use dark humor with people I feel more open with because it can sometimes hurt people who feel oppressed by the world...|||Well for starters, you can ask for help here :) Other than that what helped me is exploding and expriencing things that are worse then what the bad response I might get is. I mean if you're...' | 7,504 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | I have an IQ of 134. I'm not a genius, but I'm above average.|||Couldn't you just let me move on? Why did you have to gift me that at the time when i really, really just wanted to get over you?|||I haven't posted in this thread or in this site because I knew that most of the advice said by INFP members here made sense - that I had no chance in hell with the INFP I liked. So I tried to do the...|||Just an update. So I've tried to forget about her and just move on with my life, when she's again stuck a dagger to my heart by painting me a picture of my favorite character without any provocation...|||So how do you guys suggest I address this predicament? I laid my cards out on the table. I said that I honestly did not receive any of her messages, and that I sent her three messages in a week that...|||I made some posts regarding an INFP I was heavily interested with more than half a year ago. I believed she had a falling-out with me, although I didn't know why, and thought that she hated me for...|||I'm single at 24. And I still consider myself young. :)|||Academically speaking, I'm probably superior to a lot of people judging from my track record. But I suck in most forms of physical sports, and am not doing to well in the things I have little...|||I like posting in INFP threads because I seem to be attracted to INFPs and have first-hand experience with rejection from them. I find INFPs to be attractive because of their unique, geeky, and often...|||Not an INFP, but I've had the misfortune of falling in love with an INFP and only realizing it was unrequited in the first place. I realize that the lady I liked was an emotional chameleon: she was...|||I am in no way rich. I would also never brag about what I've done, because while I have my pride, I am not proud. It's not Sean, as well. But I may be led on. I don't know. I guess that's that. :) ...|||Jesus, no! I knew she would hate that. Because they had issues within their group I just asked for his phone number that I could give it to her. But yes, that was quite stupid of me. And she...|||I didn't check her out behind her back. It was posted on her Facebook. I just tried to act accordingly so that I didn't step on any mines. I asked her directly what she wanted in life and where she...|||Lad She doesn't tell me anything. She neither compliments nor says bad about me. I actually have plans of just saying it to her straight because I don't ask her for anything, and just try to be...|||@Sily @Hammerhand I tend to overthink things a lot. Sometimes it's hard for me to stand back. She took an exam that approximated her MBTI on her FB. I'm floored. Four years, huh? I'm not...|||I tried to do a lot in three months and three months is a good amount of time. I'm really sorry if you weren't able to read it, but I tried to be exhaustive enough.|||I have had been afraid of taking the plunge and risking my heart for nearly 24 years, because I didn't want to be hurt. I didn't want to risk going out of my mental experiments, because while it...|||It's hard, not only for INFPs, for I think for most people. But sometimes they've got to be done despite the possibility of failure. Like, for example, yesterday I sang in front of a crowd for the...|||I am an INTP guy but I have been told by most of my friends to be quite effeminate even though I'm fully convinced of my orientation and my desires for women. I don't think it's solely limited to...|||It's me again. Despite my being hurt, I took your suggestions and waited. Yesterday was a major exam for her, because it was something she was very sensitive against (dissection). I just asked her if...|||I learned to stop being an asshole after I was one my entire high school life. I've excelled in the hard sciences and math, and am an avid writer, so that fits me. Somehow, however, I feel that I've...|||Exactly. Thank you for the succor. I wanted to let her know that I cared beyond the little chats and the small messages, and I tried it anyway. It's my first time putting my heart out there, so yes,...|||I guess I failed today. It hurts like hell, too. Well, she said she drank some tea, so I came by with a warm cup in the preparation she preferred. She didn't receive the cup. I think she was just...|||I prefer to die alone than to be with somebody I don't love. At least I won't be dragging anyone along with me, and my conscience will be clear that I tried to look for that one love without...|||I think that INFPs are guarded for the most part precisely because they are afraid of that rejection. I don't take that against them. As an INTP (hanging around INFP threads because I want to know...|||Good luck. God, I hope she's like you! haha Her text messages have this warmth to it recently that even someone as relatively insensitive as me could feel. She does send me a message after some time...|||I am an INTP, and I'm also interested in an INFP. I can't speak for most of my kind, but I can speak for myself. I think it's important that you find out what he's passionate about, and broach him on...|||I like a shy INFP but I'll take my time getting to know her bit by bit. I think I've sent enough signs that I like her, and she's been warming up to me for the past few weeks, but I don't know if...|||I should stop. But ironically, it's what I lack in that's telling me not to. You guys have all wonderful points, but my gut is telling me not to stop. Recently, she just messaged me out of the blue...|||Thank you for your replies. I guess I just didn't want to admit it. I could honestly say I'm not clingy or obsessive, however. I message her, and if she doesn't reply, I don't pursue the matter. I...|||It sometimes disturbs me not being replied to ... but then I try to think that there are other things that these people deal with that may disallow them from replying with speed. It still doesn't...|||After all this time, I'm still confused. So it's been more than a month now and I've already drank a bit of beer just to kill all expectation, as it's what really kills the hope of budding...|||Don't worry, I have had no doubts of being an INTP. I have had been atheist and gone through the stages of rebellion, but I have foremost discovered that parents need to be respected despite their...|||I would like to be her girlfriend, but I would like to be her friend first. I think they're different goals, but yes, it can be considered as an ulterior motive, I guess. It didn't come out as a joke...|||I have faith that I have been raised well, and raised never to toy with women. I am honestly confident that if I exerted myself, just getting into women's pants really wouldn't be difficult - but...|||Um ... getting into her pants seem so ... far away. I'm not even thinking about that, frankly. That's until after marriage. And yes, these are my values. I'd try my best to be a good friend, and...|||I like you knowing that you're not the traditional girl. I like you knowing that you eschew most of society, that you prefer tea to coffee, that you like sitting alone watching movies instead of...|||So I wanted to set things straight with her and asked her if I offended her, after wanting to talk to her alone. She said that she was sorry that she was uncomfortable, but she wasn't offended. Then...|||I wish I knew where I stood with you. I think you already know I like you, but you've moved away so quickly; I simply would like to know if I still have a chance, because you'll miss out on a great...|||You got me. I keep on thinking of different ways of failure and it's really bothering me. Yes, I've become really anxious with myself. Thank you very much. It's something that's really quite...|||I know that I am pitiful, but I've thought about it and I'd like to keep on chasing her despite her shying away from me. I know I have little hope, but the fact that she still talks intermittently...|||People have told me that I'd make a wonderful partner. I think it's because I often take note of what I feel I need to and remember them, although I seriously doubt that I have the ability of being a...|||You guys were right. I asked her how she was, and she said she was a bit miffed with the chocolates. I asked sorry from her, but she's replied to my messages again, so ... even if I'll probably end...|||Thank you for your advice. I think it's over. You guys are right, I think I moved too awkwardly, not having experience in this field, and she no longer replies to my messages. I won't disturb her...|||Reading through these posts, I guess we're quite similar with INFPs. I enjoy being alone most of the time, and while I love talking about complex topics that I enjoy, I'm often silent and don't...|||I have a question: sorry for the bump. What goes into your heads whenever someone who seems to be interested in you asks a question? She's gone once again into that state of not replying ... although...|||Yeah, I tried to write her good luck a week ago with a poem. I'm not sure whether she took it the wrong way, but I tried that, heh. I'll try to look for a good gift with butterflies. Thank you. It's...|||I'm not sure whether I've laid all my cards on the table as yet, but how do you create mystery? I admit that being forthright about myself has removed a part of that, but how can I re-awaken this...|||Thank you! I will most definitely try, even if I seem to have butterflies in my stomach from a lack of confidence! Well, she broached the idea that she was boring and weird. I replied that I...|||Thank you. I'll try to change it up a bit once in a while, probably if she doesn't reply to a text of mine. We don't usually chat for long periods of time, because I only catch her after classes. I'm... | 5,755 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | It's not like I panic if I have a crush on someone...I just have a minor heart attack :unsure: It's not something people would expect of me because I look cool, confident and powerful, and I'm...|||At first glance, people usually think I'm really dumb because of my looks/image...I got stereotyped against a bunch at my hipster-ish uni because of this. It's nothing I really mind though, and...|||Wait, who's the ENFJ here, the old pal? In any case, I don't see much of a problem here...just enjoy the clicking and see where it takes you, you'll know when and if the time is right to leave your...|||Gee, you do seem to have it tough, I pity you :D In all seriousness, mate, at least telling someone that you're only interested in fucking should be an easy thing in the 21st century. Just make...|||I am able to provide: - an optimistic attitude that lightens the mood - wacky jokes and wisecracks to put a positive spin on any situation - a thorough and detailed analysis of any situation...|||Beards are nice but long hair is what really gets me going! In any case, hair is cool :)|||You scored 83.333 out of 100 masculine points, 56.667 out of 100 feminine points, and 63.158 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points. ENFJ female|||My sister is 11 years younger but she's an ENFJ 7w8 just like me...whenever I send her some other kind of personality test for fun she scores exactly like me, too :) We're almost carbon copies when...|||I'm like that too! :) As soon as I see some random stranger being upset - anybody, anywhere - I would sooo much like to run over and lend a helping hand. Sometimes I might do just that, but other...|||Nice description, thanks! ˝Playful gentleness˝ describes well what I find so attractive about INFPs :) I had this experience with an ENFP...he was nagging me all the time to tell him how I...|||Which type are you asking about here? :D I'm not like this at all, I prefer to give people space to express themselves and try to accept everyone as they are...my Fe helps me adapt to all kinds...|||Oh yes, totally! This is why I need a lot of ˝me time˝...I can get completely swept up by the thoughts, feelings and energies of others. When I watch a film, I can feel what everybody around me...|||INTJ father (tested) + ESFP mother (such an obvious example she doesn't need to be tested, and I doubt she would care or have the patience for that anyway) = two ENFJ sisters who, I like to believe,...|||Emeraude - horrible J in the sense that tidiness doesn't come naturally to me, that I procrastinate all the time, act chaotically and spontaneously...most people would never say I was a J just by...|||My socionics results are all over the place, mostly ENFp and ENFj :)|||True, you can't make somebody like you...but, luckily for you, many ENFJs have a natural tendency to fall for INFPs! In my case, it's enough for INFPs to just exist, and I'm smitten...ok, I'm...|||Yes, because it's hot, just like us :P|||I can also be horrendously chaotic, unorganised, procrastinating, hyperactive and simply all over the place...I always test high P and you would never guess I was a J by looking at me :D Also, I'm an...|||Don't mind the haters, dear! You probably have a special spiritual energy that your bf can pick up visually...or something like that. It doesn't really matter what it is, the important thing is how...|||Not yet...thanks for the tip :wink:|||Well, at least it made somebody laugh :D I think he was an experimental ENFP in every way :D|||Gosh, I had this problem a loooot when I was younger! I didn't want to talk too much about myself because I wanted to keep the conversation interesting for the other person...so this mostly meant...|||White and gold...no matter what I do it won't appear otherwise :)|||Lions all the way! :) Though maybe that's not my proper spirit animal as it might be influenced by the fact that I'm a Leo...but I identify with lions (and other wild cats) a whole lot :)|||Count me curious too! :) Would it be pure awesomeness, or would the similarity mean a lack of ˝excitement˝? Hmmmm...|||Never was really partial to elephants, though I think it's sooo adorable when a big elephant holds a little one by the trunk!! http://atma.hr/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/parenting-30.jpg ...|||Hehehe, I totally understand, I never felt safe with my problematic ENFP too :D He understood me like nobody else, but all the rest was very...turbulent! Now I'm finding myself attracted to more...|||Hmmm, me and my ENFP ex were totally opposite to this - he was all about feelings and creativity, I was more about logic, philosophy and analysis...being with him really opened up my heart and right...|||Exercise, meditation and dancing, just like everybody else :D Pampering also works great...a hot bath, sauna or massage :) If I'm really angry too, I'll put on some punk music and go crazy!|||Haahha, that pic of Spock made me laugh :) Put together like that, the images are very vivid....nice work! :) The Ni and Se pics spoke the most to me :)|||For me, sex can be a deeply spiritual and transformative experience... ...or it can be just plain physical fun, no strings attached. I can swing both ways ;) For a long time I experienced sex...|||I'm lucky to have never have any heroin addicts as friends, otherwise I most likely wouldn't be typing this today... 'nuff said :confused:|||We have a huge talent for ˝selling˝ things, packaging them in a way that will be exactly what someone wants to hear...our strength is that we always adapt the message to the listener :) For...|||Awww Kramer's technicolour coat, I would totally wear that!|||Awwww I like it a lot, especially the peace sign and flower! And it's in my favourite colour, too :)|||Anything as long as it's not ˝Giver˝! I find that such a horrendous name, makes us seem like doormats, sluts or both! :D Many good proposals here :)|||My favourite look is hippy/boho/gypsy/psychedelic...bright colours, ethnic prints and a lot of paisley :D I also collect vintage clothes from the 60s and 70s...have an entire wardrobe dedicated...|||You definitely sound like an ENFJ :)|||The abstract of my master's thesis is a strong INTP (99% I, N and T), while one of my random posts here is an ESFJ, it seems. So, do I have a case of split personality, or does academic writing...|||Eat, Pray, Love?|||I agree with Happy about Nothing. ...my advice is to keep it genuine :) Personally, I don't think there's anything creepy about messaging an unknown person on Facebook...and, hey, we all like to...|||I dated an ENFP for a long time and, even though I'm usually a great listener, sometimes he would really test my patience. My J-ness makes me prefer communication that is succinct, to the point...|||ENFJ, as many as I'm allowed or until the browser crashes...|||I love the way INTPs mumble on and on about metaphysics with their heads down, too shy to even meet my eye...sooo cute! Or maybe it's just the INTPs I met :D I don't think I've ever met a boring...|||We are profoundly shallow :D Seriously, now, if I were to generalise, I'd say that ENFJs are often very profound people that hide behind a mask of shallowness on occasion...they are among the...|||No need to apologise cmooon, it came at the right moment...clearing up things from the past year and opening myself up to a happy new year and all that :) What I learned? Above all, to trust...|||Well usually I feel I don't have much to hide anyway...I most often feel bubbly and positive, without any strong emotions :) If I feel something and I'm aware of it (this can be a problem) I...|||I think...I think...I think that I'm in love :kitteh: I have this huuuuge instant attraction to stereotypically INFP-ish men...but now, after a long and troubled relationship with a very sensitive...|||Before: it was very tough Now: with the right people at the right moment, very easy As an Eight with a strong Seven wing (or the other way around, who knows), I've always had this need to keep...|||Thanks for replying to my ancient post...we broke up a while ago, all this seems like another life now whoooaaa :) It was a very difficult relationship, but I learnt a whole lot :) | 6,821 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I am through with always being a listening ear, and then being talked down to/disrespected because this person is delusional and always expecting the worst in people.|||- Watching my favorite holiday flicks alone in my room at night, and with a hot cappuccino in hand. - When it's actually cold outside for a change. (Unfortunately, this year it's gonna be another...|||The INTJ I know I simply try to avoid whenever possible. The other is either ENFP or ENFJ. (I think). All I know is that they are constantly, and by that I mean 24/7, talking to me about how...|||In my sleep, peacefully.|||I'll likely edit/shorten the heck out of this later, but for now.... - I am so exhausted with people. - Christmas would be such a lovely holiday is you just take the presents and people out of...|||https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5715/30696892985_54a02dc382_b.jpg|||Ix92ve heard of Starseeds, but as someone else said the term itself can make quite a lot of people immediately skeptical of the idea. (Which is also how I feel about the term x93Twin Flamex94). Stillx85...|||I am so tired of drama, hypocrisy and ignorant behavior. It is really beginning to affect me even more. My stomach hurts and I am tired of hearing the same complaints by this person. I get it. I...|||I can absolutely understand. Pretty much every night one of my dreams is about me rescuing animals in distress; sometimes my own pets. It is exhausting! It isn't any wonder INFJ's are called...|||This was one of my strangest dreams: There were these fancy, graceful birds that were pretty large. They were very elegant in the way they flew, and in the wind their wings would flow like...|||Starbucks Frappuccino! The heat index is currently 97 degrees and the nearest Starbucks is over an hour away. (I live in the country). I love how cold their frappuccinos are. Of course, a...|||Well just the other day she was frustrated with me. She was on defense - as always - and said that I was naive about my father. (I get so tired of her saying that because it simply isn't true. I...|||I haven't gotten that angry yet - although I have come close - but that might change sooner rather than later. I'm older now and things seem to really ANNOY me rather easily. It's a lack of...|||Well she said it wasn't politics (although technically it was). I think I know my niece's motives and personality better than anyone here. I know exactly why she deleted it. I respect your...|||My brother is INTJ. I can absolutely see our similarities, but there's one BIG difference between us and that is that he does not care about hurting anyone's feelings and he refuses to see a...|||Mine will sound strange and rambling, so here it goes: In high school get out more.... when it comes to that perm, just say no!... finish college even though you have no idea what you want to be...|||I'm a definite homebody, but today I did interact with the outside world. If speaking to the neighbor's new donkeys from across the fence-line counts. :wink: Donkeys are people, too!|||Wow. My college-aged niece posted a video on FB yesterday. She said she doesn't post about politics - and that she isn't - but for everyone to please watch this video and remember that love is...|||Become successfully published/work from home... confident... not become so annoyed with people that possess no common sense. I'd think of more but my sweet dog is snuggled at my side like a...|||Sorry, what I meant with the writing is that back when I was writing my books I used to dream about writing in my dreams. All these passages would just be coming to me at lightning speed. Rarely...|||Ooh, now this is my kind of discussion! I have all kinds of dreams: ghosts, parallel universesx85 past livesx85 precognitivex85 writingx85 spirit visitations (those are rare, but they do happen. ...|||http://youtu.be/erFoLBcNyKI|||I live in a house where one of the people vents and complains and whines to me practically 24/7, yet when it comes to ME wanting to share my feelings for just one second... I'm told that I'm being...|||- I am so tired of drama. A person CAN get a point across without losing their temper. Even if they're right in what they say, they don't have to shout it and then complain when the other person...|||Obsessed with Pinterest, that's me. But remember - Obsessed is what lazy people call dedicated people. :tongue: https://www.pinterest.com/kristin_tx/|||- I wish my part of Texas had actual seasons. The fall would be my favorite time. - Our neighbor sold his calves today, and all day the Mama cows have been calling for them. It's painful to...|||The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child...|||http://youtu.be/xUcT__6WlIU Such a fantastic movie. Seeing it in the theater was quite an experience. People crying... laughing... grown men masking their crying through abrupt coughs. :tongue:...|||Northern Exposure! http://youtu.be/V6zmMWfzv38|||Don't people ever grow tired of hearing themselves talk only about themselves and how other people have disappointed them and don't treat them right? I do see their point, and it is valid, but that...|||ATTENTION PARENTS TO KIDS OF ANY AGE: It's wrong to demean your kid's parent/your spouse when your kid - even a grown one - is in the room. Example: Just now I was in the kitchen making a cup...|||I am SO TIRED of being SO FRUSTRATED with the SAME PERSON all the time. Grow up, already! Why are you so clueless over your behavior? And yes, you DO play the victim. All the time. I love you,...|||I would love to visit Ireland and Scotland. Goodness I would looove it! I would also like to see the Northern Lights in Alaska in person. Still... Scotland and Ireland are my first choices. As for...|||http://youtu.be/UC00ecnHoTs|||Here's my Fairy Tree that I made months ago: http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j441/creative_txgal/pics%20-%20blog/tree_zps39v8g00i.jpg Details of it (and a few others) are on my Pinterest...|||- There are probably some folks out there who're saying, 'I'm never going to have a rush like that. Earth's a parking lot and outer space is just too pricey.' Well, let me tell you, there are lots...|||- When you're feeling restless and sad, knowing from experience that you just have to keep it to yourself... NOT necessarily wanting to keep it to yourself... but definitely also WANTING to keep it...|||I'd say B and J is a tie for me. Love them both.|||http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j441/creative_txgal/pics%20-%20blog/sulamith%20wulfing_zps4f7q52im.jpg|||Just remembered one more. Dreamy lyrics here! http://youtu.be/4GHw1Cl8-KY|||http://youtu.be/pMGfkOaJ6zw :tongue:|||http://youtu.be/ZwGWRrIlz68 http://youtu.be/3G4NKzmfC-Q http://youtu.be/vQqmNInEnnI http://youtu.be/El9eCRisbDo|||I’ve tried writing short stories, but every single time they turn into novels. I no longer write, but when I did it was exhausting. It completely took over my life. I’ve tried my hand at 8 books,...|||http://youtu.be/GusLypfx7OQ|||You might call this a little vent about a big pet peeve: This morning I made a small pile of stuff to take back to our craft building. (It was only two short strings of ribbon and a fabric rose)....|||That's the thing. I can't even vent about the teensy tiniest things for even one minute with this person. At least my dogs listen to me. :dry:|||- When everyone can dump THEIR emotions/anger/sadness on you, yet you have to keep YOUR emotions and anger and sadness to yourself. An INFJ must suffer in silence and internalize their emotions...|||My father brought the test home from work. (It was loooong). Over the years I've taken it again and again, as well as ones I've found online. (I had to be 100% positive the results were accurate)....|||A complete lack of COMMON SENSE is probably my #1 annoyance. It's not only annoying, but can be destructive.|||I'm pretty in love with them. They are very territorial though. :tongue: They're adorable, but are vicious with each other. Here's vid I took of them a month or so ago. ...' | 6,255 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Would you lie to someone to spare their feelings?|||Daily Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I still get carded everywhere I go... I'm 30 yo [emoji58] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Drive Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Bubble gum... (I have no clue as to why) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||2001: a space Odyssey (although Keislowski comes in close second to Kubrick.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Lasts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Fiery|||Water|||Thigh|||Reign|||Sour|||So is it a yes or a no in the matter of video games?|||Mangos|||Stern|||Caper yo racer|||Thanks for the tip. And now to go make some money! Don't worry, you'll get royalties. The good Earth x97 we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy|||Are you this guy? [emoji15] https://www.google.ca/amp/www.avclub.com/amp/253957 The good Earth x97 we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy|||Nothing beats Szechuan sauce! The good Earth x97 we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy|||Those people are weird -_- The good Earth x97 we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy|||Cases to Cease We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.|||Bases We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.|||Boats We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.|||No such thing as trigger warning on the internet. Although I wouldn't want you to go to your safe place on my account. We'll figure something out. We could have saved the Earth but we...|||What did 10% of the population ever do to you? We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.|||Let's say you met someone new and started to have some interest in them. What is the biggest deal breaker? We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.|||Hahaha Horses have feelings too you know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Let's say you met someone new and started to have some interest in them. What is the biggest deal breaker? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Absolutely right.|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161107/9b1e94fb01cca158e73b49e6138744c4.jpg|||LookS and sounds like early 90s pop. I'm going to say 2010 though (just to make things interesting)|||Hey talon235. Thanks for the tip. Now for take two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkA3sLyEWdU|||https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=DNIOpQgeFQw|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161102/0400e6954322512bf261c75aeb5fa2c8.png Female ISFP|||https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=EFsCOC3mB_Y|||Witch. Roast. Witches used to be burned alive. You're pretty sarcastic from what I've read. One would expect you to catch on.|||It's an expression to announce an inappropriate statement.|||What is this, (pardon my french) a witch roast?|||Assylum has to be my favourite. A lot of homages to some great cinema. The story unravels slowly with mind blowing plot twists and an eerie sense of what actually went down with multiple experiments...|||That's awesome. Get back to drawing that Missy :tongue:|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161029/834ff2acc28ae2fe15afed17b0cc8076.jpg http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161029/e3a1ff1fcb4678ccdb44dfbd1a14383f.png ...|||Too weird to live, too rare to die Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. - This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon. - I know. - What do we do? - Enjoy it. Eternal sunshine of the...|||Just finished binge watching all 3 seasons. I'm in love with the fresh approach to script writing and the dark twists that this show provides its audience. It is very socially and politically charged...|||Well it's time for an adventure to new places, said the ISTP. He started munging because munging sounded deep but tastier than cardboard|||It all makes sense now :smileys-sunbathing-|||You know you're an ISFP when..... ooouuuuhhhhh a butterfly :lovekitty:|||Very nice artwork guys.|||Hello Stacham :) Thanks for the info. Really opened my eyes on INFJs. As you mentioned about ISFJs, as an ISFP, I tend to be very loyal to people I love. Maybe it's an ISFx thing. I'm also a type...|||Hello redeemofself :) I do believe the middle ground notion gives me more flexibility and the ability not to feel trapped. But I'll keep that in mind next time I'm dealing with sensitive issues....|||Hi booklover :) . I'm not sure I can say this because I'm fairly new myself and am enjoying this site too, but here it goes, Welcome :)' | 2,728 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Ur comment's really relevant, 'coz that's what I love doing most. Not the open her up at any cost per se, but I like to ask questions like are you the machete or crossbow type during a zombie...|||Hey you :) I'm a male ENFP, met this reaaaal cute looking ISFJ at a dance showcase. Walked up to her and straight up told her how she was the cutest looking at the whole event and how I'd love to...|||ISFJ they just want u to be happy :) Type most likely to dress up in a suit to meet his newborn nephew, because first impressions matter.|||50 Quotes That Every ENFP Will Instantly Relate To | Thought Catalog|||18, currently studying in Hamburg. Where you at? :laughing:|||Why does it not surprise me that this line has been written by an ENTJ|||It's not unusual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZLNggsTcHg|||Can't connect to you for some reason. Pretty self-deprecating which can get unconfortable sometimes. You're very private people and for some reason don't seem to have much to say about yourself which...|||ranted.. unbeautifully,|||Jesus FUCK, u really trust NOTHING. N O T H I N G. Any idea/theory that stems from empirism/experience is worthless to you, no matter how big the sample size was. You only care about the scientific,...|||Oh that can't be generalized I think. I've known my INTJ for 4 years now and I don't think I'd ever get bored from him. ENFPs generally don't see friendship as a value kind of thing. We don't...|||Yeh, too fucken good mate. I love me some INTJ. Best friend is INTJ (surpries supplies)|||Awesome :laughing: You forgot to suggest the next theme :D|||Have an example for this? I hear this a lot from INFPs, but I can't put my finger on what it is that's going on|||Can we get a bump on this one? This is so fun, but so complex that some topics bring this thread to a stalemate which is really sad. How about 16 types of medievel personas? e.g. The King - ENFJ;...|||That's a lot of best friends. Didn't expect anything else from here though :laughing:|||The rules are simple: If Kanye West was an ENFP, he would've taken away Taylor Swift's microphone at the VMAs 2009 just to congratulate her, give a big thanks to everyone who supported her and...|||That was the cutest criticism I've received so far. Shouldn't you burn a bit stronger?|||Hip-hop/Rap is definitely my favorite. Kanye West favorite artist of all time. GOOD STUFF! Love all his stuff ranging from the melodical, soundgood-feelgood & chill Late Registration, the I-AM-A-GOD...|||Wait a minute. I firstly named my qualifications on why I have such a strong opinion on ENTJs and then I explained why I have it by bringing multiple arguments up. That's not blabbering a non-sense...|||Got an ENTJ in my friend circle that I definitely don't get along with very well. Got a brother ENTJ. Know a few others as well. Always challenging other people, refusing to back off during an...|||Are you kidding me. This is me. wtf Well, almost. ISTP => INTP => ISFP => ESFP => Now ENFP. Full-on ENFP|||Warning: Talks vulnerably about his feelings and values & expects the same from you!|||Nothing serves me better than just a bit of time. The perfect crime a written letter send outright to my life Nothing you haven seen thus far will bring your heart alive Yet time fleets...|||You INFJs are just too good listeners...feels good to say stuff and have the other person genuinely be interested in it and agree on our values hahaha:wink: Source: 2 out of my 3 best friends are...|||Choosing between my best friend who's an INTJ and myself. 1. Who of you is the most talkactive when it is just you two? No idea. 50/50. We have some good conversations goin', and conversations tend...|||Mind is blown right now. The 3 people I have fun with the most are an INTJ and 2 INFJs. Woop woop!|||Istp|||..when you're saying something inside a group of people, but directed at only 1 person (maybe even an inside joke) and still try to keep eye contact with everyone, resulting in you looking like a...|||Become a talk show moderator? Hahaha come on let's be real here, you'll never be able to become something like that.|||This is a link, which leads to a link, which leads to another link, which leads to the test :D Here is the test...|||Did those words just come out of an INFP? XD U guys oughta live in the present and forget about setting too high expectations for the future. Dealing with ur never ending frustration may become...|||Come on dude what's the big deal, it's gonna be fun for sure!!|||Intp|||ESFJ Type most likely to catch a firefly for 2 days, because [insert reason] and then let it go, because [insert reason here] Type up to 2-3 types if you can :)|||INTP Type most likely to eat a shoe|||I'll start out, list as many as you can. ESFP: amusement park ENTJ: strategy meeting for a business ISTP: studio or dojo INTJ: laboratory ISFP: art exhibition ENFP: bar|||Entj|||ESFP I turned from DOTA 2 to LoL. Used to be Master in DOTA 2 (5.7k MMR), in LoL I'm still leveling. I mostly play #1ADC and #2top. I know, it's the scrubby steal-the-spotlight roles, but hey!...|||Isfp|||Enfp very beautiful ava :)|||INTJ definitely|||ENFP Type most likely to trip in front of his buddies and act like nothing happened. Optional: When laughed at, he/she answer What happened?|||Know that feel :( Hung around with introverts for most of my life and now my social circle is lacking|||I'm ESFP. My best friends' types are INTJ, INFJ and ESTJ. I've always been more drawn to introverts, I can't put my finger on what it is that makes them so awesome buddies though. But I guess it's...|||ESFP here. I don't have the ordinary stutter-stutter, but rather a stutter that occurs when the words in my head stop coming. The word I'm looking for suddenly disappears and it's a huge problem....|||People don't give a shit about ESFPs http://puu.sh/hib6r.png I guess we are too awesome for anyone to try and understand us. *shed a single tear* It's like we don't exist :D Apparently...|||In a nutshell: why do humans flirt|||If my child was to be identified as disabled, I'd rather file in an abortion. Many reasons for that, but in the end it amounts to multiple lives being pulled into an extremly stressful, most probably...|||Intj' | 4,203 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'If you go, take a battle buddy.|||I wish I could have the chance to do it again.|||KneeSeekerArrow Your T blinds you to the feelings of others. You're in a Forum for NF's and more specifically F's. You're comments are out of place and insensitive. If you would like to share your...|||An associates in applied science is all I currently have. But I'm actually going to college for Marine Biology.|||Your avatar is cute|||I am an INFP but I am a Type 2. I rely on public opinion to form my self image. So yes the way I perceive the world is INFP but the way I interact with the world is very outgoing, and importantly so....|||Thank you for sharing. And thank you for giving such a wonderful complement to an individual who sounds amazing. It sounds to me like you still really want to help people so possibly a big...|||Manamana -- 'cause I can't help but sing the little jingle after. Fishy -- 'cause if I say it five times fast it makes me smile.|||As infpblog said above, I've chosen a Life style Design path. I work as a Master Control Op at a TV station, it allows me to be creative both written and with photography, videographer and graphic...|||:kitteh: I've shared with all of you so many times when I was drinched in negetive emotions. I feel it only right to share with you now that I am at such an incredible high. I feel like my wings...|||473434734247342 47343 BAH! I can't get the Gifs up right right now :angry: so it will have to wait til later.|||Yoga makes me feel good. It is sorta like a chance to meditate and work out a bit at the same time. Throw in push ups, sit ups, and other things you can do in a small space to get a bit of a work out...|||I sorta had the same feelings. So I went into journalism. There is a lot of enteraction with people who need help, and plenty of ways for you to help them. But it gives you enough you time to be...|||GenericUser is right. You should go to the employer and talk to them. Tell them that the job is not right for you. If there is something else they have open you would love to stay with the company...|||Always, I have an ENFP friend that has taken it upon himself though to piss me off when I'm like this. He can sense that I'm hiding something and he knows I won't share willingly. So instead he...|||:laughing: Welcome to PerC. It is always fun to see new ENFP around. I hope you post often. :happy:|||I'd like to add that the MBTI is not a full description of who you are as a person. This site has a section for Ennegram because where the MBTI may help you understand how you view the world the...|||Perhaps giving the lovely peeps who stalk the What's my personality type? forum a chance to reevaluate your type. Sometimes when people aren’t feeling healthy their test results are a bit...|||Welcome to the world of PerC. :laughing: We're happy to assimilate you.|||My low self-esteem has many causes, but I'd say my inability to manifest my imagination would be a good starting point.|||Perhaps a very merry unbirthday is in order then. A very merry unbirthday to you TaleofMisunderstood 45905|||Social drug use is a very hard behavior to overcome. It is possible though. A very large part of helping someone who is using drugs is to replace the negative behavior with a positive. This could be...|||I have a live and let live policy. I've been bitten a few times now though... so my opinion may change if it happens again.|||First: note that it is best to be honest and outwardly real with him. ENFPx92s have this intuition that is very creepy. If you lie to him or try to hide something he is going to distrust you, so just...|||Welcome Flippy :laughing: Hope you enjoy your occasional visits.|||Could you tell us more about her?|||I find eyes to be very attractive, so I at least look long enough to see how beautiful they are. (male or female)|||Bago I'd also like to add, that I now see how absolutely selfish I've been. I see what you mean when you say I used her for my own means. I don't know how yet, but I hope I can make amends for this...|||Bago I'm sorry but a few misunderstandings were in your post. For #2: The lady who was horrified at me being gay was someone I had never met before, but was present at a party my friend had...|||So Ix92ve messed up. Again. July of 2011 I came out to a very small group of family and friends. I did it one person at a time and as each person was receptive to the idea I moved on to the next...|||Not but air?! Sounds like a boring diet. If I was made to live on only air I believe I would explode too.|||You should give the awesome people who stalk the What type am I forum a chance. Fill out the form: http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/42375-whats-my-type-form.html and see...|||If this is about astrology then it might be worth noting that MBTI shows how you interpret the world around you, not necessarily how you interact with the world around you. I know plenty of...|||I wish for a good check up for the lady next to me at work. Cancer sorta sucks. I wish for the kids next door to have a kitten. Mine sits in the window sometimes just to taunt them. I wish...|||I'm a Buddhist so you'll have to adjust this statement to be relevant to your own ideals. Sometimes I know I'm coming back as a cockroach in my next life.|||the black bar above the thread has an option for Thread Tools click on that and click Unsubscribe to this thread|||I would say you need to separate yourself from the cause, but since you are living with her, I'm thinking this is not an option. So you need to start defending yourself against the attacks. But...|||Yoga is my #1, but aside from that I love Frisbee Golf and Kite Flying. ... well Kite Flying really isn't that difficult, but Frisbee Golf courses are usually a few miles long. I'm a bit...|||I don't believe I've ever posted the first thing I've written. Even this post will take too long and be edited too many times. I believe this is a chronic INFP affliction.|||When I find myself too close to a situation I usually turn to an objective third party. That is to say that I even realize it is a bad situation in the first place. However, if an objective...|||http://youtu.be/ghb6eDopW8I|||Always a pleasure to greet another INFP :proud: Great to have you here.|||Welcome to PerC. I love it when ENFP's join. They always bring good vibes with them :proud:|||I assure you, the magic is not lost. It is just tucked away in a box, and it is waiting for you to find it again. Sometimes life happens. And when it does, INFP's are diverse enough, and more...|||I sorta skip over Sundays. I usually work 12-20 hours Saturday and that usually brings me into Sunday afternoon. So really I go to work on Saturday, when i get off work, I go to bed and I wake up on...|||Welcome to PerC. I know you'll fit right in :laughing:|||Tincan Everyones going to think I'm insane when I burst out laughing at work when this starts playing.|||I believe if anyone has the right to, it would be you. But that would sort of be anti-productive to the course this thread was supposed to take. I've already asked Vin in a PM if I could do...|||I humbly reject your request, but thank you for the response.|||This is only one of many reasons, simplifying this down to just one debate item is not possible. Attention. Good or bad. At some point the individuals have found that the only way they can attain...' | 8,387 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'of course :laughing: yea if you stick around I'm sure you'll get used to the forum posting and all that haha|||I consider myself outgoing, but I'm an introvert. I'm pretty sure of it. I got real good social skills, can make a friend easily, not embarassed by being the center of attention, large groups don't...|||Yea.. I'm really good at making someone feel horrible at their self even if it's just for a second, or making someone seem like the most disgusting thing on the Earth. Of course using Fi like that is...|||Sup? I completely get your random yet clever is funny genre. (Check my avatar it just screams that haha) What type of art do you do?|||Yea I'll talk out loud to myself from time to time... I was talking to my alarm clock and telling it to be quiet or my reflection in the mirror will hear it|||the world spins a little bit too fast sometimes tell her slow down sometimes... dang...|||Broke up with my gf tonite... I feel horrible beyond words just thinking what she must be feeling :sad: Even though I know it was for the best... I feel like I just murdered someone. This sucks|||Science... because as it gets more and more advanced it seems we answer more and more questions we thought were unanswerable. Yea it's helped us improve as a species,(and some would say even that is...|||try a couple hours|||I just go with the flow... I'm very free spirited and hope to find a way to make enough money to have just enough to have a decent home and enough food, and then just live my days like each day was...|||Who would I wanna go out and have fun with... friends... Who do I know that will love me no matter what.... family... more specifically my mom, grandma, other grandma, sister.. I can truly say I...|||I think in situations where I'm really overwhelmed or really anxious I can seem like a real bad ESTJ... it's not really that I'm insecure with my personality it just comes out. I don't think there's...|||They always used to tell me at school but I didn't believe them|||Someone should change the title of this topic to Retype izzie haha|||Money, family problems, the future, are probably the 3 biggest ones... But sometimes I'll get instantly overly stressed about the oddest things that most people wouldn't think twice and a half about.|||I was born December 30th also...|||That's really interesting... I think I'll give it a try I'm already doubting myself though lol|||I'm gonna do this as soon as I get some way to make a vid... haha|||I think that has more to do with the fact that it's in the city. People in a large city act a lot different than people in a smaller town. Try walking down the street in a city and saying hi to...|||I'd say you're leaning more toward INTP... I always consider the people in any situation. Not only would I think of friends arguing as stupid (moreso pointless), but I'd feel bad for them even though...|||1. Keak Da Sneak 2. Tupac 3. Mac Dre 4. Too Short 5. Messy Marv 6. J. Stalin All are local, it's hard for me to listen to rappers who aren't from my area since a lot of times it sounds really...|||When I don't think about it my posture is normal I'd say..I forget to keep my chin high from time to time when I start to go in my head. I played a lot of sports growing up so I think that's helped...|||introverted Feeling (Fi)(47.6) extraverted Intuiting (Ne)(44.6) introverted Intuiting (Ni)(39.4) introverted Thinking (Ti)(30.5) extraverted Feeling (Fe)(27.1) extraverted Thinking (Te)(20.2)...|||You're probably like me... I'm an introvert, but I'm definitely not shy. I expel energy when I socialize... and I feel most comfortable alone to regain my energy than having a conversation just for...|||There wouldn't be as much fighting and wars, but when one happens, oh boy... we'd never forgive each other.|||I'ma only do the ones I think I know enough about, a pro and con for each ENTP - Never boring, a lot of good laughs, but can be hard headed ISTP - Really good at solving physical problems, can be...|||Lol yea I get that a lot :happy:|||I'm only 17, but worst to up to this point probably was when I was 14...still kinda cleaning up from that point, I'm sorta in a point right now where things can get really bad or really good, but I...|||Wow... sometimes I'll just sit on the floor with my dog for minutes and minutes... and just not even pet her just sit there with her and be alive.|||I'm the same way with people most times, I feel like if I were 100% myself I'd scare people away with how intense I am about everything.|||I can see grey skies and choked souls... unfilled bowls-- countless unloved minds thousands.... in borrowed clothes they line up, in rows Broken--- No tomorrow...|||I'll sometimes have dreams like that... but it's not too common for me. The last one I remembered someone I was very close to died and the way they died I realized couldn't be true and I figured this...|||Eh... that's kinda like saying the majority of mindless assholes are ESTJ... (which I don't believe at all, just saying)|||I think if you're truly passionate about what you're learning than that's the reward in itself. A lot of people take college for granted these days since it seems expected of everyone, but really...|||I'm no ENFP but I'm pretty good friends with one and I don't think she's annoying at all... I think she's the least annoying person I know actually... more like the one of the most interesting. One...|||I think the real question would be, what personality type should they make the first A.I.'s be haha|||I kinda wana get spikes in my ears people tell me all the time I'd probably really rock them... right now I got no type of piercing or tattoo or any other kind of body modification except for a few...|||If I find them entertaining and they only do it because that's just them, then I don't mind... but if it's unhealthy ways to get attention, like starting fights, creating drama, pulling really mean...|||Yea but then again a Thinker can never feel what a feeler can feel, good or bad.|||He's a great director... Unbreakable is one of my faves. But a some of his movies seem to waste really great ideas... The Village, Lady in the Water, The Happening all had a lot of potential I think...|||My family keeps me going, without them I don't know where I'd be... most likely dead or in jail.|||I usually will pretend to be looking at something else and occasionally look them in the eyes when I feel it's appropriate... but I can't the whole conversation because I just feel I'm intruding on...|||Thanks to typology I feel 90% less of a martian invading the planet on a secret mission.|||I like to make people happy so I guess I cover myself up with humor a lot of times, sometimes even a false arrogance it all depends on how I'm feeling at that moment though and how my relationships...|||Yea I'm just starting to realize it's gonna be next year already and I still haven't made any goals really|||Yea but at the same time, in a split second, it can turn into the worst..|||I swear I could hear this song playing as soon as I walked out my jobs door|||just got the can from my job today... I don't know if I should be dancing around or pissed off|||I don't know much about INFJ's never talked with one in real life, but immediately you can tell the difference in how they use and direct their energies... when the INFP was talking then when the...|||I'm real close to them in the sense I know the current family happenings and all that. Most of my entire family (aunts, uncles cousins nephews all that etc) contact each other often that's just how...' | 3,170 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'You probably wouldn't recognize me as an INTP until you talked with me quite a bit, so I don't have anything useful to say about that. I also tend to get freaked out if someone approaches me out of...|||Why does she want feedback or validation if she hates the idea? Is there some part of her that wants it? I guess I would advice her to contact a sexual therapist. Unless the relationship is just...|||It's just a personal experience, but I've found that xNxP types are the most self-ironic. We are types that spend a lot of time observing ourselves and we typically have quirky, black sense of humour.|||Yeah, I do that with my illnesses. It usually starts when I have to explain why I can't eat this or that. Then people get all sympathetic and I try to lighten the mood by telling something related...|||MsBossyPants I want to lube your bike chains and pedal together towards the sunrise until our exhausted bodies are dripping with sweat and the hardness of the saddle has made your ass scream from...|||It sounds like you just lack experience and knowledge about the methods that would suit your style. I enjoyed writing my theses. For me the key was to start with a rough sketch on topics that...|||Maybe just say really casually something like I'm here if you want to talk about it and then continue with something completely mundane, like a silly video or some question that does need to be...|||Is it representative that I had my previous job interview (cleaning hallways, didn't get it perhaps due to lack of enthusiasm :shocked:) about 15 years ago and have been a student / self-employed...|||I'd add to Eryngo's good post that you are allowed to expect some level of maturity from her. Communicate with her, tell her (calmly) if there's anything that bothers you and explain why it's making...|||Sorry, but I would need a written and signed promise. Don't feel too bad about it though. Life isn't supposed to be fair. *hug* Oh sorry, meant *shrug*|||I'm an INTP woman on a dating site. Come and find me :wink: Unless you're an idiot.|||That's interesting. Why would you feel very hurt if someone told you you are being in their opinion unfair? It happens to everyone. Sometimes we just can't take other people into consideration as...|||Depending on situation, that doesn't sound very constructive to me :wink: Wouldn't you tell the person that he / she is acting like an ass? In a neutral way preferably (e.g. Don't you think you're...|||It sounds to me that you are not as much sexually inhibited as awkward / shy. What is it more precisely that prevents you from taking action? I'm guessing at least three things: a) fear of rejection,...|||Sillyasuarus and islandlight don't you think it's possible to learn how to express emotions in a more constructive way? It takes practicing, but if you never do it, having outbursts like that is a...|||Well, I'm waiting. Bring it on.|||I actually started a thread about a related issue some time ago. It's not about sex, but relationships in general.|||Eryngo and Nell, interesting discussion. I couldn't concentrate on it very well since I'm (eh) supposed to work, but read it through. I think I'm the same and have to say it's exhausting. In...|||I tend to value mastery more, or at least I believe that it's easier to achieve something worthwhile in life if you can truly concentrate on something. That being said, I have personally realized a...|||I've seen Arrival, Hell or High Water, La La Land and Manchester by the Sea. I thought La La Land was horrendous, but I'm not in general a friend of overacting or musicals. I liked all the other...|||So? Women can be idiots too, I never argued against that. I would have wanted to see more detailed statistics on the matter (results for both men and women separately, as well as if the victim was a...|||How did the kissing go? What happened afterwards and when was it?|||Oh sure, I agree about that.|||I can't do either very well. When I'm reading what someone I know has written I can't hear their actual voice at all. I'm not even sure what kind of a voice I am hearing even though I've tried to...|||I was talking about misogynist lewd pricks (I've met plenty during my life), so no, I wouldn't be kind with them. Obviously there's no excuse for being rude when the other person is being nice, and...|||I wouldn't know. I honestly don't see very much that kind of feminism, but I do see statistics that say about 27 % of EU citizens think rape is okay under certain circumstances.|||I think I can tell pretty well when a man is into another girl, but when / if I'm the target I'm in too much self doubt to see what's really going on. I could of course be wrong when it comes to...|||I had to recently visit a workplace where I didn't know anyone. When I was just finished with eating my lunch in their kitchen, two women showed up and started complaining how the dishwasher always...|||How did I not see that you already explained it :rolleyes:|||Why is this only for women?|||No, I only notice when someone is being obnoxiously lewd about it. Otherwise I'm blind, or at least I'll say to myself that I'm just imagining (which might true).|||I don't, and choosing clothes isn't really what's the problem (I'm an artist and believe that I have a somewhat good aesthetic sense). It's that I feel weird / fake when I try to make an effort. As...|||I forgot to answer this sooner. He did reply almost right after I wrote here and was apologetic. I don't think he realized that I had gotten that upset, but we talked things through and everything is...|||What's the disconnect? I just saw your picture in the photo thread and you look pretty attractive to me.|||Ha, that's funny. I always just picture everyone as their avatars, even if it's a cat. I like Winona Ryder's appearance even though she seems to wear black all the time (I had to google some images...|||I've never paid that much attention to what people (especially celebrities etc.) wear, and even if someone looks in my opinion nice I'm not sure I would feel comfortable looking the same way. Usually...|||Getting divorced has made me think about this. Apparently I could look pretty good if I made an effort, but I rarely bother. Wearing even a little makeup (lipstick, mascara), especially when combined...|||Yes, Bach is among my favourite composers. I love his cellos solos.|||Exactly. I lose interest in most things when I know I'm be able to do them.|||I'll try not to sound to banal, but... At one point I thought I'd made a lot of wrong decisions during my life, but I've been able to slowly steer things into the direction that seems meaningful....|||I wonder if this is a question every INTP posts here at some point. I'm pretty sure I've asked about it too and I still don't have a proper answer. (This comes from someone who is supposed be working...|||Yes. We spent a week together. I've felt offended by him too and without any particularly good reason. Our sense of humour is very extreme as you put it and at first neither of us took...|||If it were possible to recognize psychopaths without a doubt, would you be ready to ban them from any political (or other, which?) positions? I imagine the world might be a better place if that could...|||This isn't really about dating, but perhaps someday potentially dating someone who might be a fellow INTP, though he's not very introverted and shows more S and J than I do (many imponderables). ...|||No song would make me cry per se, but if I'm already sad I can cry while listening to certain music. It's easier to cry when listening to music or watching a sad movie. I see it as a way of...|||I don't think everyone fits the 16 personality. You can probably be an INTP with more developed sensing capabilities or vice versa. I know someone who sounds a lot like you and I haven't been able to...|||I recently got hugged by a random person (I know, wtf) who felt emotionally touched by my work (again, wtf). I'm pretty sure I did D. But I do secretly fantasize about being touched by someone whose...|||People typically struggle to make a living in the creative fields, so it would be dumb on her part not to charge. You must know how it is; you don't ask this one guy to pay and soon you have a line...|||What is it with all these people who come here to complain that being an INTP sucks? I don't understand it and I'm not even being sarcastic here. Finding a proper niche can be a little or even very...|||I had to necro some old book thread just so I could share a book recommendation: J.M. Coetzee - Diary of a Bad Year. It doesn't have any distinctively INTP characters, but other than that it's about...' | 4,319 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'So, those arms of yours are nice. In that they're useful, I mean. I, too, find small talk annoying, so I often end up just quietly observing people until I notice something useful to remark on....|||Are you sure this person is an INTJ? That is HIGHLY suspect. The INTJs I know hardly EVER check in on things as in asking, are you okay? etc, and in fact, are usually totally oblivious if I'm about...|||Question! INTJs, do you often use the vocabulary: I love _______! to describe things you enjoy doing, interests you have, or favorite foods? In other words, do you often use passionate language...|||I'm kinda stressed out because I'm moving to another state to begin grad school and my mom is incapable of doing anything in a way that is not the hardest way possible, but I'll probably ride in the...|||INFJs INFPs INTPs INTJs ENTPs other ENFJs I've never hit it off with Ss. I get along with them fine, but it's never been the sort of thing where I meet an S and we're both like, Hey! It's...|||I've skimmed this thread, and it seems like those with the biggest beefs are: Ps NTs Is Which is actually a lot of ppl lol. And the most common beef, by far, is that ESFJs are too...|||Oh, come on! That was like the greatest movie. Not the new one, but the old one. I'll start that thread at some point. You might have fun here, though:...|||So kind of you to say :) I may end up demanding more INFP guys, too... I have another date with him (we'll call him K) tomorrow. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee god, I seem to have a special skill for falling in...|||But how would you know what you like via your gut if you haven't tried out many kinds of relationships and witnessed your partner's behavior (and your own) in many scenarios? Developing gut...|||Right on, my friend. The more I've dated, the more I've realized that there are very few rules, and the only reason that men and women buy into any of this crap is because they lack personal...|||What's sad is that I think this isn't intuitive for many women for a few reasons: - Many women have been hurt by men who initially ply them with attention only to later win sex/emotional control...|||Crushes, trauma... same for me. I still have many of the things I wrote during the end of my 5-year relationship and a nasty time of my life, and I intend to keep them. It's tough reading, but every...|||I've already done a little research on this, and it seems like most people peg Jaime for an: ISTJ INTJ and Adam for an: ENTP ESTP|||I don't think I began consistently journaling until I was in middle or high school (when life starts to have the capacity to suck, lol) but ever since then it's been solid. Do you still have most...|||That's what I meant; INFPs... okay, according to Wikipedia, 1-5% of the population. So yeah, that's pretty rare. I understand what you mean about women not usually appreciating warm/sensitive men....|||I'm a writer, and that's one of the big reasons I write. After a period of going out in the world, having new experiences, and engaging my Se, I must come home, sit down, and write about it. It makes...|||Well, I'm just now discovering the magical land of the INFP, so we'll see what happens. It's interesting, I've always been very fond on INTPs, but never though to try an F, or could find one... are...|||Dude, Crono. Get selfish. I'm serious. It's probably the smartest thing I learned how to do. Note: selfish doesn't = thoughtless. But if you're in the middle of writing your next novel/testing...|||Oh, I just ask. Actually, it's a pretty good litmus; if they're N, they'll be interested in talking about MBTI, and if they're S they won't and I probably won't want to date them. Lol. My N is...|||I'm not sure if this is the same thing, but sometimes I go on sensing binges, where I'll just want to immerse myself in physically sensual activites. For example, if I've just spent a glorious...|||I just got back from a date with INFP guy... and let me say, you guys rock my socks. Just letting you know.|||@ kiwigirl: Yay for natural childbirth! I'm years from this (haven't even been married, although I just went on a date that went pretty fantastically, if I do say so myself) but I really want to...|||A cursory search isn't turning up a 5-numbered set of values, but the Greeks do like their 5s: Classical element - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Platonic solid - Wikipedia, the free...|||Oh man, right there with you on that. Or stepping on a Lego block. WORST pain imaginable, right in the fleshy arch of my foot. Zowie!|||This is a lovely analogy. I've always thought of love as two people not needing each other for survival, but choosing to be with each other because it makes survival more fun. I think love is a...|||Career: Nah, I don't think I could hurt people for a living. I get really squeamish getting shots, and while administering them might not make me squeamish, I'd feel guilty, knowing how much anxiety...|||Meh, it's the cost of keeping oneself safe. Maybe I used to be more open, but I was also way more vulnerable and volatile, like a big, delicate, squishy jellyfish that easily stings when mishandled. ...|||Caution... *lets NT-self out of cage* It's like this: A long time ago, I also used to get my feelings hurt/confused by hot-and-cold. Then I realized my hyper-sensitivity was making everyone act...|||duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!|||Does this exclude casual dates? Hook-ups? Or everything? If it's cold-turkey, I'm not sure I could do it... 0.o I just love men.|||Yup. The perks of a relationship without actually engaging in a relationship... I mean, assuming the end goal is to live in a the same house with someone for 50+ years and spend the majority of your...|||Crono may have been playing a game himself with that one :) But in all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with creating intrigue. In fact, telling a person everything about yourself the first time...|||I think we covered the being-so-stubborn-that-they're-unable-to-see-any-other-side issue? For my ex, it was when he admitted he'd been battling depression but refused to seek help, claiming it was...|||A significant number of men who've had unmitigated infatuations for me have been ENFPs... so maybe try an ENFJ? I find the J/P contrast enjoyable; he spontaneously decides we should take a weekend...|||No, you're right, I wouldn't particularly find that offensive. In fact, it seems wise to me to consider many possibilities before deciding on the best course of action. I think it can be problematic...|||How have your recent relationships turned out when you were in close proximity to the person?|||Okay! I'll give it a shot. For me, these were healthy kinds of love. Healthy meaning that they didn't make me feel unhappy, and that they enriched my life more than complicated it: - The love...|||I think the lack of respect for each other's personal strengths is the biggest barrier to a healthy ENFJ/INTJ relationship. Although my INTJ ex and I were able to tackle projects successfully...|||I can't speak for Crono, but for myself personally, I think MANY types of people are guilty of disregarding the context of another person's life. Because we can't ever really know what someone else...|||Yes, I think that would really erode their defenses...|||This happens to me all the time! It's like... I just get flashes of insight. Ex 1: I'm haunting Salvation Armies for a coffee table. I see a pretty nice one, pretty cheap, but don't buy it. I...|||You said it, sister!|||I totally wanted to do this once. I was so pissed off! He was like I will NOT apologize for something I did in your dream... or didn't do, dammit! Ex 1: I dreamt that I was looking through a...|||Hm. My dad is INTP and my mom is ESFJ, and I've spent forever trying to figure out what he sees in her... they seem to be opposites in every way (and ARE in MBTI Land). They care for each other and...|||LOL. If only that would sandblast the irrationality out of my ESFJ mom and not her physical body... because I love her, still. Here are my best coping tactics. These are terrible and make me seem...|||Dad- INTP Mom- ESFJ Me- ENFJ Now, I think it's worth pointing out that I'm fairly balanced in I/E, J/P, and even F/T... I've tested ENFP and INTP before, although mostly ENFJ. Something I have...|||Yes! Actually, I just thought about this-- maybe because ENFJs pride themselves so much on their ability to build people up, it really offends us to see others who seem to pride themselves on their...|||I think the greatest hallmark of an ENFJ is that they make you feel immediately at ease and appreciated for being exactly who you are, and seemingly with no great effort on their part. I'm an ENFJ...|||I'm the same. And I, too, like thinking that I'm not easily defined. It seems paradoxical, because I have a very strong sense of who I am, but if someone asked me to explain it, I wouldn't have...|||I noticed this with my old INTJ boyfriend. If I wanted to try something new, like adding paprika to our scrambled eggs or trying out swing dancing lessons, he acted like I was asking him to dismember...' | 435 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | If I had to guess I'd wager ENTP :)|||As an INFJ I was wondering, does the fact that I enjoy eating roast cat poo for my lunch relate to my cognitive functions? EDIT : This is what happens when your ENFP friend gets hold of your...|||INFJ's like to say they're mysterious, INFP's are great idealist, INTP's/INTJ's are geniuses, ISTJ's are the only sensible ones, ESFP's are bubbly and fun... it's called stereotyping. And a human...|||[WARNING: This poem is one about death. Not a personal one; no-one close to me has died. So this is less skewered by grief or pain, or any of the other sundry emotions that follow such a...|||Wow, looking at the polls it seems as if INFJ's seem to have similar 'opened chakras.' That's interesting.|||I avoid getting my picture taken at whatever cost. But if the inevitable has to happen, I usually act a lot more extraverted, putting my arm around people and acting a lot more group-orientated...|||(More beach & sea related poetry... I've been writing really thematically recently :)) Lying on the tranquil beach with you, Connected hand in hand, Spirit to spirit, spectators of theway, The...|||As said before, definitely the SJ's, though I think N types would get some of the higher-level stuff more easily.|||The wave generates the starting tide, Above the twilight-lit shore, A tentative winter wind, And you forever more. If I could count the stars, I see three, maybe four, More million stars right...|||School is getting too much. So much homework, so little time, wah ._. It doesn't help, it just gives me so much stress.|||I'd say modern day 'Libertarians' don't even promote liberty; I agree that the state has no right to tell people if they can take drugs or not, what gender we should marry and what a woman can do...|||Yes, but I'm not much of an extravert. Therefore I'm an introvert, simples.|||I tested as INFP initially. Looked up a type description and was like 'OMG THAT'S SOOOO ME' ... and thought I could never be an INFJ (because I'm so disorganised). And then when I look into the...|||nickvold -- lovely talking to you, would love to do it again :)|||INFJ type 5... with wing 4, so here are my results :) : Major Depression: Slight-Moderate Dysthymia: Slight|||ESFP. Sorry to give you E :')|||Ooops *shifty eyes*|||Dad: INTJ, Mother: ESTP (I have it hard, I know x() Siblings: ISFP and ESFP.|||Atheist INFJ here. Would I say I'm spiritual though? In a way; I always feel in my heart that something out there exists... not a god... but something somewhat divine that we don't know about, and...|||INFJ 5w4 here :-D|||Hey everyone, To put it bluntly, I want to be a forensic psychologist when I'm older. This year I'll be taking psychology in Uni, so that's the first step, but what do I do after that? Any advice...|||I think @pneumoceptor nailed MBTI and stereotypes (or MBTI and using it to predict or judge behaviour) perfectly in her video: ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xf-Lesrkuc|||I think American Horror Story lost it after series 1, really. For me it seemed to just go over the top.|||I'm sure these people are frustrating, but I'm sure some SJ's on here will be perfectly happy to explain things to you and to make things interesting for you -- you can't generalise to all SJ's, some...|||The ocean is an ever flowing abyss; green and blue, with the light from the sun dancing and skipping along the surface. It is like a mirror, at first glance you only see yourself, though it you dare...|||Education should be done out of passion, and thirst for knowledge. But unfortunately it's some rigid-competition system set up by the government. So studying for the sake of wanting to study is...|||tangosthenes I'd be happy to :)|||Bump, just to see if anyone else will chip in :)|||*Sighs and glances at ISTJ's* I know how you are all feeling. My intuition has told me how you all feel and it's so accurate it deceives me into thinking I have a psychic power. *Scribbles on...|||I resent people on PersonalityCafe who insult me directly in a debate and take it too personally. And I kick myself for it. A lot >.<|||This is like a Rocky Horror Picture Show sequel. And I'm strangely cool with that.|||I'm ill. (EDIT: I just thought you guys needed that sexy piece of info).|||Of course you're allowed your own opinions dear! (P.S When they're stupid and ignorant, you'll tend to get a lot of hatred. Because everyone else is entitled to an opinion too. When you express an...|||I think anybody who has the temerity to pull off a 'Straight Pride' parade would be incredibly ignorant. It would look like some Neo-Nazi meet up, and less rainbow-y. Straight people don't need a...|||Eurgh, people on the debating forum take the debates a little bit too personally. It isn't nice when they resort to cursing or just saying derogatory things about you :/|||Hey, I'm an INFJ too, so it looks like we're in the same boat *hugs.* I'm studying my A-Levels right now, so I don't have an interesting life story. I actually found your life story interesting,...|||*Hugs fellow INFJ*|||1. School ending. 2. Sunshine. 3. Good music.|||pneumoceptor -- I love your videos a lot! They give me a great glimpse into types and how they interact :) It's nice to see an existing INFJ too ... I have never met a fellow INFJ before, they're so...|||I actually thought I was an INFP until recently. I don't know many INFP's personally (although I thought I was one myself) -- but I have been around the forum enough to know the pros and cons of an...|||I had to grow up in a military home. I hated it. All the patriotism I was raised with has always left a bad taste in my mouth and I constantly felt as if life was too systematic and conformist. I...|||I honestly don't know. I guess it's like a subconscious person in my head that often tells me to hurt people, and if I consciously don't it can often be very painful.|||Perhaps instead of asking people to ask you questions, you should reach out for general help, not interrogation?|||I am an Ni-INFJ ... I kind of assumed most INFJ's would be, seeing as it's their dominant function? That aside, my Fe is strong. I suppose I can be quite diplomatic when the time calls for it :)|||I like to write ... anything ...|||Struggled over this question recently :) Luckily I found out, had I seen this before, the inner debate would've been a lot less chronic.|||Michelle Pfeiffer just seems to have a perfectly symmetrical face, it's ridiculous. Rose McGowan before plastic surgery has always been my dominant crush, though >_<|||Intricate.|||Thanks INFJ's for giving me a lot of songs to listen to :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PhOfJhJKZk | 7,940 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'You said nearest book, right?|||Make love, not war.|||I had to excise my INFJ ex-best friend from my life about four months ago for similar reasons. It sucked for a little while, but ultimately, I'm so much happier for it. Like me, you also deserve to...|||That was astoundingly accurate.|||Coincidentally, Bjork is an INFP.|||I grew up in a very conservative Christian household. My family and I worshipped Baptist churches every weekend, although we did not commit to a congregation until I was in ninth grade. I also...|||You need better friends. And the ending to this movie was just... perfect.|||This film is so, so, so good.|||Last year, I had a nasty falling out with one of my (ex-)best friends. I was actually the one who initiated it. It sucked. I was actually so devastated that I couldn't cry; I could only tremble. I...|||I find this statement rather offensive. If normal is synonymous with heterosexual, does that make anything but heterosexuality abnormal? Such a binary approach is too limited. There are various...|||6. I can definitely relate to the story about the sensitive boy, never forgetting a moment of your past, and seeking an escape from suffering. Musically, however, the song is just so-so. I like the...|||Jekyll and Hyde, Les Miserables, Matilda, Spring Awakening, Ragtimeu200b, the list goes on.|||For whatever reason, all I can think about while reading this thread is Wrecking Ball.|||83. I feel like this is more of an S-versus-N test, though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I would encourage your child to report what he is experiencing to the authorities. The number for the Domestic Violence Hotline is (800) 799-7233. Child protective services will not ignore your son's...|||I'm 21. Two years ago, a stranger asked me if I went to her son's middle school. I rest my case.|||INFPs aren't sexually aggressive because we don't like objectifying people. We're also not the type to express our desires, especially if they conflict with yours. Based on those two observations,...|||Yes, I would have been quite offended. My sex life - or lack thereof - is my business. It is irrelevant to my masculinity, my social success, and, most importantly, who I am as a person. Your...|||I'd definitely cut down on the ellipses and change some names. Fred is fine, but Spacestrong is too much. World Decisions Towers and Glazed Duck Restaurant are also dreadfully cheesy. ...|||Never dated or married an SP but have dealt with a few ESFPs and an ISTP. The ESFPs are nice people. A little extroverted and chatty for my taste, but fine people. The ISTP, on the other hand -...|||My life is not a sad story. - Charlie, Perks of Being a Wallflower|||1. I am exceptionally intelligent. I mean, who else uses tutelage and zeitgeist in their writing assignments? 2. I'm quite charismatic. 3. I'm exceptionally nice. 4. I'm also a great singer....|||Hmm, this is a toughie. You purchased the house, so it is technically your own; however, for the sake of your family ties, I urge you to be respectful. Maybe Grandma has good taste! If not, then you...|||I've become really good at hiding it.|||Mother, ISFJ. Father, ESTJ.|||Hmm... Perks of Being a Wallflower (the book and the movie) Charlotte's Web (good grief, I bawled after that one in fourth grade) Les Miserables (like, duh, doesn't everyone cry in this...|||I'm a vocalist, so I don't smoke anything. I'm also on scholarship at university, so enjoying illegal substances isn't the smartest idea.|||I am so awkward on the phone. #infpproblems|||Psychologist Number 5 recently suggested I might have Asperger's Syndrome. I've done some research on the condition, and some of the symptoms do seem to fit me (though it's supposedly an INTP...|||My reaction will just spring forward spontaneously. I'll gleefully say, Thank you! or You've made my day! If I'm speaking to a friend, then there will likely be hugs and I love you or I'm glad...|||I would share everything that is worth knowing. My best friends pretty much know me inside out. I like it that way.|||Yes, as I said earlier, the lying behavior is astoundingly unusual for an INFP. How could he sleep at night without a nagging conscience? Most of us would be tormented by the thought of putting up...|||Aw, stop it, you. @Sun Lips, you and ToxicatedRose are quite right - we INFPs are not exactly quick to say how we feel about anything. It's often very difficult for us to just say how we feel...|||Greetings from the INFP Empire. I have many high-quality friendships with INFJs. I care for them deeply, and the feeling is reciprocated. Nonetheless, I've read many complaints about the INFP-INFJ...|||I used to retreat to an imaginarium where I'd care and be cared for by all the inanimate objects in my life. I imagine them as benevolent to a degree I don't see in humans.|||As much as I like the exhilaration, I think I do need the woman who will give me rest.|||Yes, Peter knew. Peter also knew about Sam's mental state; he knew everything. Not exactly. I have a lot of friends who are sexually active and am not bothered by that. And did you read the...|||Thank you much. The situation is so fucked up I can't even describe it. Peter called Sam right before he had sex to ask how to use a condom. Let me repeat that Sam struggles with depression and...|||I don't harbor anger for extended periods of time. There are too many other stimuli craving my attention. I suppose, in some regards, I forget and do not forgive. There has been a recent incident...|||This is spot-on for me. My secondary schools placed a huge emphasis on debate, and, with a lot of Ne and a lot less Te, I would make speculations that could be readily be destroyed. Even outside...|||C&P'ed this from the INFP Vent Thread. I honestly just need to get this off my chest. Just respond in any way you feel appropriate.|||Pain from a stab in the back.|||I regret to inform you that this is a true story. Everything hurts right now. I post frequently about my two best friends from university, an INFJ (Peter) and an INTJ (Sam). To say these...|||Functions aren't dichotomic, my friend. For example, Introverted Feeling (Fi) seeks virtue, justice, and internal harmony, whereas Fe seeks affection, expression, and external harmony. These two...|||You must know that there is nothing higher and stronger and more wholesome and good for life in the future than some good memory, especially a memory of childhood, of home. People talk to you a...|||The bookstore will lead me to bankruptcy. #infpproblems This misogynist homophobe at work is driving me nuts. #infpproblems|||Absolutely! I think a purebred INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te-Fe-Ni-Se-Ti) is a very, very rare creature. My functional stack is Fi-Fe-Ni-Ne-Si-Ti-Te-Se, which essentially makes me an INFP/ENFJ/INFJ mutt. All of...|||Since we have an INFP Problems thread, let's start a more optimistic INFP Solutions thread! Remember, complete each answer with #infpsolutions. When your friend says you're one of the most...|||Who Else Feels Really Appreciated at Work? Anyone Want a Free Barnes and Noble Gift Card? I'll Never Use It! How to Exploit Charities 101 BE A MAN - Why America is Full of Wussies and Gay People...|||Yes! INFPs love random acts of kindness. @I destroy life I also adore my INTJ friend; you remind me of him. In fact, your username even sounds like something he'd choose! As INFPs, we're...' | 3,540 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'When you have this conversation with your also-intuitive sister: Hey, do you... No, I don't know. Ok. That's not what I was going to ask though.|||Seeley Booth - ENFJ (ESFJ?) Dr. Temperance Brennan - INTJ Dr. Jack Hodgins - ENTP (INTP?) Angela Montenegro - ISFP Dr. Lance Sweets - INFJ Dr. Camille Saroyan - ESTJ Zach - INTP I miss Zach...|||Temperament is a really horrible way to type someone. Temperaments are all Keirsey, and Keirsey... well, I don't believe half the things out of his mouth. He just wants to make a profit from...|||So, I had a really clear idea of their types a few days ago, and then I stepped into this forum and it's like... I forgot everything about what I thought and why. You people have confused me! So,...|||That's fair. He is indeed a well-balanced character if ever there was one.|||So since it's become a thing, and as I am almost done with The Complete Sherlock Holmes now, I feel obliged to announce that there is absolutely no way in the universe Sherlock Holmes is...|||5'0 I really dislike being as short as I am. I like to dress in clothing that makes me feel kick-ass, whether it's fashionable or not. Usually I consider myself a real-life example of Awesome...|||This. EXACTLY. There are no better words.|||Yeah, I hate the dating game. Seriously. I'm not interesting in ANYTHING that begins in flirtation. I suspect my first boyfriend (for I have not had one yet) will be a very close friend who I've...|||This is a true story: I was in an extemporaneous speaking competition at the college level. (Extemp speaking is set up to where you must gather articles from the news through the whole season, then...|||INTJ. Is that even a question? Lol. I love 'em though, I really do. Whereas the ones I would consider second coldest (ENTJs)... well I *tend* to not like them. Quite decidedly.|||Sheldon - INTJ. CLEARLY not extroverted, and though it seems he's often seriously lacking in intuition, the INTJ profile fits better than ISTJ. Leonard - ENFJ. He craves acceptance and...|||1. Facebook 2. Twitter 3. Youtube 4. Personality Cafe 5. NaNoWriMo 6. Gmail 7. SideReel 8. IMDB 9. FailBlog (and associates) 10. Wikipedia|||This is a thread for I'm so ENTP jokes. They're like yo mama jokes, but instead of being about yo mama, it's about ENTPs. And instead of being about fatness, it's about awesomeness. Exempli...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JRKDF8ui3E|||Dad - ISTJ Mom - ESFJ or ENFJ Me - ENTP Sister - INFJ Sister - ISFP Brother - ESTP Brother - too young to tell for sure, xSFx|||It's hard to tell with half his brain missing. I feel like he's an ENTP lobotomized into... whatever he is now. But he seems to get a lot of his thinking energy from working with people - he needs...|||For a very long time, I have assumed that my ideal guy was a nerd, and that's still true to an extent. But the I've just had a chance to go out with a properly charming, nerdy guy and I realized I...|||My brother is ESTP and we tend to get on each other's nerves a lot. I often feel like he's being intentionally ignorant; he's loud, temperamental, close-minded, and has a rude sense of humor. ...|||Yeah, that'd be a big ol' NO for me. Now, I can sometimes be quite the romantic, but love at first sight is something I don't buy.|||There's actually a funny little progression for me. From under lowest stress to under highest stress, I will act like a: ...|||Yes, I know, but I'm still curious as to which ones switch most easily.|||Personality type describes you, but we all know we aren't always ourselves. When you are melancholy, stressed, or otherwise not yourself, which of the four letters is the first to go? For...|||No, that's the truth. Honestly, people mistype themselves as iNtuitives ALL THE TIME. It's because people have this ridiculous misconception about iNtuitives being the smart ones and sensors as...|||ENTP, I'm sure, lol. S would at least keep you rooted in reality F would make you empathetic and more sociable J would make you professional and reasonable So the extrovert with none of these...|||Haha glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that! I started wondering about the type of certain cultures watching Lord of the Rings (because the Shire is totally ISTJ). Then I started expanding...|||Something else I considered briefly. But he's much more sporadic than a J (absolutely no schedule, completely listless and spontaneous unless a case has his attention), and he's completely...|||That's sooooooooooo Feelery lol|||Having read most of the original Conan Doyle books, seen the latest movie, and the BBC series (which, by the way, is BRILLIANT), I think I've managed a fairly accurate insight. Watson is a...|||Lol well I don't know yet. I don't drink (or at least, get drunk and party and such). But I do plan on getting drunk once, because I myself am very curious about the question you posed. Sometime...|||Two slightly different questions I'd like to hear your answers to. For me the answer is yes to both. For instance, I work part time at a retirement home where I help serve meals and do dishes. ...|||This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6a_1R3w5i4 or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5ZwnmJgC-g|||Kung Fu Panda. Pretty good :) it was enjoyable, but nothing that would make my top ten.|||Well, Doctor Who is the best TV show of all time. Bar none. Hands down. No contest. Miles cooler than anything else ever produced in serial. But I also watch House, Monk, Bones, Fringe, Psych,...|||I don't mind a significant other being younger than me, as long as it's close. Within a few years at most. Shorter on the other hand... well it wouldn't be such a big deal except that I'm only...|||I just... wow... I mean... seriously! That stream of stutters is about the only thing that can accurately illustrate how perfectly this applies. Words cannot describe. I feel that pain. I...|||You weren't explaining it poorly at all, I know exactly what you mean. ENTPs have a tendency to believe people are generally unintelligent and shallow, and we aren't always willing to give them a...|||It's a complicated question for ENTPs, who value rational thinking but also have that gut iNutition that so often manifests as an inexplicable feeling as our primary function. I think I could best...|||I'm a Christian. And not even in the ambiguous, well it's what works for me, but whatever sense. I believe there's a God that created the universe, that he's personally involved in the affairs of...|||1) Be intelligent. Seriously, if you can't grasp the concept of common sense, it probably won't be pretty. But you said you're pretty well rounded so that shouldn't be an issue :) 2) Take...|||Yup, proudly. Nerdpower FTW.|||There are two kinds of people in the world: yourself and everyone else.|||How is that different? Lol, I kid, I kid. And yet now you know I'm a Republican :P|||The reason you're misunderstood and lonely is because you think you're generally smarter than other people, apparently.|||You know you're an INTJ if you don't actually believe the Myer Briggs theory is worth its salt - but you still can't keep away for PerC because it's such a fascinating social dynamic. (I myself am...|||sitiachun ====== hick|||Yes, I have never had a problem with any kind of public speaking presentation. From the time I was a little kid, I've had no problem with the attention of crowds, and have even thrived on it. ...|||Well, if it was personal, who wouldn't be sympathetic? Being a thinker doesn't make you soulless :-/|||I love him. He has an accent, and he got a Doctor Who interview on network American television. What more could I need? The fact that he's ENTP is just the icing on the cake!:cool:|||You've gotten in trouble more often for accusing your parents of being senseless than for anything you've actually *done*' | 2,434 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Oh you know, I'd be a total badass with nerves of steel wielding a machete and guns and a bow and arrow and I would sit atop treetops and pick off zombies when I'm not in the fray battling them all...|||I haven't taken any IQ tests but I guess I'm somewhere between average to above average intelligence. Nothing special though, I just know how to put forth enough effort to get A's on everything I do....|||Spiders, crowds, most bugs, and talking on the damn phone. That's the worst one. Lately I've started developing claustrophobia though, like when I went to see As Above, So Below and the guy gets...|||Somewhat. Relationships I tend to get along better with thinkers and healthy feelers. I've been with an unhealthy feeler and yeah never making that mistake again. But as for friendships, it just...|||There's nothing like a random band you never thought you liked very much that makes you remember why you're doing what you're doing and studying what you're studying. I don't know why but it did...|||Gravity Rush: Weird steampunk-esque universe with the ability to manipulate gravity and a cat that looks like it's made out of the universe? Sign. Me. Up! Pokemon: This doesn't need an...|||I think I'm gonna die :( I think this presentation is gonna kill me.|||It's late in the evening, and I'm watching the fog bank roll up from the west, from the thin line between the sky and sea that defines what it means to be a horizon. The sky grows darker with the...|||I worried for awhile that I had BPD, and I think that some people can definitely show some of that emotional intensity/instability if they let themselves go there. I personally am emotionally intense...|||I'm a Sagittarius sun sign and a Cancer ascendant/rising which pretty much sums me up. (Even though that Cancer side of me gives me fits and irritates the hell out of me more often than not. I prefer...|||This is hilarious because my boyfriend is an ESTP xD Supposedly INFPs get along really well with INFJs, but I swear some of the only people I ever come into conflict with are INFJs. I don't know...|||Where Are You Going? - Dave Matthews Band|||We had this hand soap awhile ago that smelled like something from my childhood and I have no idea why. I can't really even remember the smell now, but if I smelled it again, I'd be transported back...|||I consider myself pretty spiritually open O: I guess I've kind of made up my own philosophy/belief system/ritual behaviors to match what my inner values are? (Like I even really know what my inner...|||Okay rant time because I'm pissed and stressed out. I've spent all day with a migraine expecting to get shit done but NO OF COURSE NOT. I was only able to eat anything and feel like I could keep...|||Good I'm glad you got out of that relationship. Definitely keep an eye out for red flags like that, and those definitely sound like things controlling people say. I've heard all of those things...|||Bahaha those results didn't surprise me xD I'm sanguine-melancholic/melancholic-sanguine but this one told me I was melancholic and that's about where I'm at nowadays. On my good days I'm a strong...|||Hon, I know exactly how it is. Trust me. 90% of the guys I attract are borderline abusive and controlling assholes. The other 10% is a mishmash of forever aloners, misguided friends/coworkers, and...|||I actually said this earlier in a conversation: I wish happiness was the currency rather than money. And I honestly can't understand why it isn't. Those who are rich in happiness should be rich...|||This pineal gland activation sound is amazing~ Not that I'm trying to open my third eye or anything, I just like the sound. It's kind of helping my headache go away too to be honest. Some chick in...|||It's kind of funny when you have your music up really loud and then you take your headphones off and you realize exactly how quiet the house is. And then you wonder momentarily if you're now deaf.|||Incoherent rant/stream of consciousness alert. I have those times when I realize so much about myself, but I can never put it into words. Like... I like change. Change is great as long as it...|||I made my boyfriend take a test and he's supposedly an ESTP. But he was borderline on the E and S I think. The other two were pretty strong T and P.|||It's funny that you said touchdowned in the title because one of mine is The Blind Side. I cry every time. EVERY. TIME. Others are: Dead Poets Society (I only watched it once but I cried in...|||You can beat the robot for awhile and make it think it's been a day, but then it starts asking you about your mood levels and things each day. I haven't gotten a personality type yet, and I'm...|||I've also heard that ENFPs are the most introverted extrovert type, so there's that as well. I can have those identity crises as well, but I'm pretty sure I'm definitely an INFP. I vastly prefer...|||90% of the time I attract these extremely unhealthy feeler types. Like... borderline abusive unhealthy. My last two relationships were like that. My boyfriend now jokes about how he used to be like...|||I'm a dog~ I don't remember exactly what kind of dog. I think it was wood but I'm not so sure. I identify with the loyalty/selfishness dilemma that I always read on the Chinese restaurant...|||Sometimes I like to think that my mother gets a little bit proud of me whenever I come home and say something like I did really well talking on the phone today! The person said I was really helpful,...|||Knew it. I wanna try and read American Gods again, so whenever you're finished borrowing them let me know~|||As of late: Cowardice/Bravery (and why bravery is supposedly a top five strength of mine out of many), Future, school, work, life, Rapture/Apocalypse/Armageddon and I don't know why, war, peace,...|||Animal Crossing. Everything is Animal Crossing in my life right now. Why? Coz it's a cute and fun game and I'm desperately trying to make a super cute town this time around... but I'm not doing so...|||I keep telling myself that I'm brave, that there's just a super fine line between bravery and stupidity. But do I value bravery more than I do perfection in other people's eyes? So many things I...|||Honestly I feel like I'm on the fringe of something. It's not society, it's more closer to... reality? I don't know. I distance myself from people but I never really know why. It might be because I...|||I'm only really making this post because it'll be my 900th post and I'll feel accomplished enough to focus on my homework.|||Pacing myself is important. If I get the next two online quizzes done in the next two days then I'm not going to stress out so much. I'll read my other shit on Sunday and Monday.|||I would so dearly love to no longer be bitter about the past and present. It's bad for your face to be angry about things. Resting bitch face is one thing, actually being angry will give you wrinkles...|||I don't know if it's 100% an INFP thing, but I know I get pretty harsh whenever someone betrays me. I get really bitter and heartless, and some of the things I end up saying are things like Just...|||D'aww thanks friend~|||If I can get to 900 posts tonight I'll feel accomplished in something.|||Oh I used to have a constant favorite band. Jamie's Elsewhere. And then their lead singer left for Of Mice & Men and now Jamie's Elsewhere is still good, but not my favorite kind of good, and I've...|||I like kind of gothic sounding names. Ava Jett (if I ever have a daughter, which isn't likely I'll ever have a kid even, I'd name her that), Viktorya (that's the weirdest for spelling I'll go),...|||I'm not a happy INFP let's put it that way. My Enneagram is most likely a 4w3. It best describes me, I think, but I've been typed as both a 5 and a 7 and a counterphobic 6 and so on. At my very...|||I kind of get the feeling that people think we're whiny, woe-is-me kind of individuals who think they're so unique and tragic that no one in the WORLD could ever be as unique and tragic as us. ...|||185490 First day of sophomore year in college the other day. But first... let me take a selfie. Argh it's so small though. *sigh Edit: I guess just click on it if you wanna see the full size....|||Okay frankly I'd be pissed. Like Excuse you, no you don't. The thing with me is that I hide a lot about myself, even though people like to think they know me well, they actually don't. They like to...|||I can't explain it really :/ It's partially because I've recently discovered I'm surrounded by mainly thinking types, and they don't understand my emotional intensity or mood swings very well....|||This was a literal conversation earlier between me and my mother. Mom: Well at least your [foster] brother's doing so well! He even called us, how sweet was that? Me: Yeah he'll be a part of our...|||I just found out I've been raised by two INTJs. Well one's a possible INTP most likely INTJ, but still not one, but TWO INTJs. My God I knew my parents were perfect for each other but jfc they bred...|||Oh God I need sleep. I need it, I need it, I NEED IT. And sheezus computer get your shit together. We have two different modems now and two different wifis SO WE DON'T HAVE TO LEECH OFF OF THE...' | 1,179 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'I enjoy RPGs and got so used to being able to save the game and loading to a previous progress point if the game doesn't turn out the way I want it. Imagine my horror the first time I made a major...|||Not an INFJ but I feel like jumping in anyway! I ruminate on this a great deal. However, I failed to find any satisfactory answer to this question (on my own life meaning and purpose), that I sort...|||I reckon Superman stumbled over a hot chick. Can't wait to watch this!|||Noooo! I refuse to believe that.|||Talk to your family|||Make up some silly excuse for not going to church in that particular week. Repeat that week after week after week.|||What is the duration of this program? If it's just for a year or two, it isn't that bad. Plus a 5-hour (drive?) - you could still return to see your family if you miss them. I know somebody who drove...|||Agreed. But not having the grades would also mean that one's trajectory to achieve one's goal would be impeded, at least at the early stages of one's career. Oh right. I was responding to this:...|||It does sound like the school syllabus is not suited to people with your learning inclinations. Could you perhaps elaborate on what you mean by the bolded - how are you defining the word smart and...|||Any idea why they said what they said? And were their parents well-off, which indicates that they didn't need to rely on those grades anyways?|||Based on the responses so far, it seems to me that the camp that voted no (that they do not regret not studying harder in school) are either already relatively well-accomplished academically and have...|||I don't know you so forgive my skepticism. But assuming you are being serious and are in a position to take advantage of a concrete undercover plan which will propel you to a position of influence...|||Haha! I'm relatively similar to you in this regard. My only contention here is I think it is possible for academic excellence to help improve an individual's life circumstances and possibly,...|||Is this a serious question?|||Spoke to a friend regarding this today and he said he regretted being lazy and not studying harder to get better results in school exams as it's currently affecting his career prospects. I suspect...|||In my previous job, I was very job-orientated. In my current job, I have a stronger calling orientation. So perhaps one's work orientation may not be static?|||Thanks Entropic, this is very informative. I do not fear being disconnected and alone without guidance and support. For me, it's more a concern for the physical consequences of old age, and...|||Got it, thanks!!|||scowls and scowls|||Purgation|||Summer pasta|||The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System|||Cool! I actually typed myself as ENTJ based on one PerC test, so I'm not sure how accurate that typing is (though it sounds about right)! At the moment I'm just trying to hit that 15 posts...|||Is there a way for me to view this? Or am I not seeing this feature because I lack the minimum number of posts?|||Thanks!|||I'm very curious about the distinction between the two. I've done two enneagram tests and both showed 8w7, but I can't fully discount 6w7cp either. My friends tell me that I seem hardy in the...|||Hey everyone. I just wanna get started with posting so here i am. I've always been curious about personality typology and would like to type people better. I think I'm ENTJ 8w7, but I'm still...' | 7,984 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Yes, indeed. Bi with hella gay leaning now. Oh my.|||Yes, indeed. Bi with hella gay leaning now. Oh my.|||That's amazing! This thread too, wow. :D I'm happy for you both! I also met my girlfriend online and I'm actually here visiting her for the first time right now! I'm from California and she is from...|||I've been listening to a lot of Halsey lately. Anyone feel me?|||After 3 seasons, I'm pretty sure Cosima is an ENFP.|||What makes you think he isn't? Honestly I don't know. He seems to be good at making calls in the moment based on what he sees, good with handling people, but meh. I'm going to watch every episode...|||I absolutely love this show as well. I'm not so great at typing, but then it can be difficult with fictional characters anyways. I'll give it a shot. I do think Cosima is very much an NP type -...|||Someone type Beth! She's becoming more and more of a main character, as evidenced by episodes like Still (Just her and Daryl all throughout) and Alone. I'm inclined to think she is INFP.|||Sx as an instinct preference doesn't necessarily equal energy or excitement or connection; it's how much it guides you. You seem to have a lack of energy/excitement in your life. I would highly...|||Eh, honestly he's tough to type for me. Definitely picking up on Se-Ni/Ni-Se usage. Hmmm. My guess is ISTP? Lord, I don't know. XD Any SP would work for me, I think. He's a tough one.|||In general, I am actually quite envious of SO people. I just feel a hell of a lot dumber than quite a few of them. XD Then again, I know some very intelligent, well learned people. I honestly wish...|||You and I would be very much alike on this front. I am also closer to the van. XD I'm living in a living room converted into a bedroom. I would love to have a nice comfortable - even luxurious -...|||I'm an SP dom and a lot of this applies to me. However, I wouldn't say I'm exactly content with it. I want to be healthier, be more efficient with my money, be more structured in general, but I don't...|||One of the bubbliest people I know are So/Sp. My mother I think is Sp/So and she is not stoic at all. XD Or maybe she's So/Sp? Instincts are just a matter of where we focus our energy. Stoicism isn't...|||I have only been personally involved with younger Sx/So's (meaning my age or younger than myself) and they are a handful, if anything. XD Draining as hell, but supremely charming - the ones I've met...|||Meh, it all depends. SP cares a great deal about what they do with their energy and it's just not worth it to connect in every given situation or with any given person. I have a bit less boundaries...|||Any person can become obsessed with certain subjects and learning. Some people are more prone to it, but it's not Sx. It's not any sort of intensity. Think merging, bonding, animalistic/impulsive...|||Sometimes the last instinct isn't all that blind if you've worked on it enough or are just a balanced person. Still, I think you're more likely So/Sp. People don't like to jump to that one...|||The last few posts describe Sx from a very Id standpoint, though still Sx nonetheless. I'm quite glad not to be an SX dom, even if there are moments I almost think I am... I look at these and think,...|||Hmmmm... probably 8. Although, even that I relate to a bit. An xSTP 8 sx/so.|||Get some sleep. It will help. Think about what good you do have in your life. Just think of a few positive things. Don't shut them out. Breathe. Inhale and exhale deeply. You seem like someone who...|||85989|||Please vote for Hannibal for favorite horror TV show! Voting ends Oct 30 11 PM EST and it's unlimited voting so go nuts in support of Hannibal! Favorite Horror TV Show? | The Geekiary You can vote...|||7 probably gets done in by its gluttony more, yes, but SX across the board does seek intensity. It doesn't have to be the intensity of drugs or extreme and dangerous activities. I think the...|||I was actually thinking about this the other day. Of course, it doesn't matter so much in the world we live in now, but, yes, SX is most likely to have the shortest life expectancy due to its habit...|||Lol, it is, but some of my best friends throughout my life were of the type. XD The thing is I can be extremely hyper and flail and one of the most enthusiastic people I know sometimes. The thing is...|||I stumbled upon his videos and have found them useful for motivational purposes, even though I don't really fit his demographic. ^^; Anyways, you can find him on Youtube. Pretty cool dude. What do...|||I keep up with world news and politics through my Sp/So friend. As for scandalous, juicy gossip type stuff, I do not seek it out, but it comes to my attention through news commentary shows that I...|||Eh, I'm an Sp/Sx and thought I was So/Sx for a little before I knew about the instincts in depth. I'd kill to have more strength in So. The thing is I'm friendly as hell, like having different people...|||Quite a bit of Sx/sp. Quite the abundance of Sx in general. Hmmmmm...|||3w4 7w8 1w9 sp/sx ? http://i1.wp.com/nerdbastards.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/hannibal-recap.jpg ...|||I don't think Sx/So is necessarily larger-than-life, but a a lot tend to be. Anyways, ignore those. There are Sx/So's who aren't so charismatic or charming. Hell, I'm Sp/Sx and I'm known for my love...|||I agree he is Sx dom - I think Sx/Sp, although his So isn't out of shape at all. He sort of just lives in his own little world and values comfort and self-sufficiency, even though he has a high level...|||I am Sp/Sx, but my best friend is an Sp/So and he is also dating an Sp/Sx. There aren't many problems because of the shared Self-pres instinct. Where we do differ, he finds it cute and interesting. I...|||Aren't there two of these threads going on at the same time right now? :tongue:|||I used to think he was ENTP, even when he revealed he was self-identified as an INTP. He definitely has *a ton* of Ne and Ti, and the Ne shows in his videos, but there's also the fact that outside of...|||6 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cLx76EE29eA/UeLMBjM4kpI/AAAAAAAADlE/FCqZvWZYWuo/s1600/Grey-Wolf.jpg http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1165487-bigthumbnail.jpg|||I've known CP6s who were far better children than I was. They are more inclined to talk back, speak their mind. They aren't automatically problem children. There are PLENTY of problem children and...|||I remember always finding myself into some kind of trouble growing up, especially during my teenage years. I wasn't a problem child. I had good grades for the most part, very well behaved throughout...|||He's self typed as an INTP and I'd have to agree.|||What The Flick?! - YouTube|||There's a lot of spiritual terminology and concepts in the Enneagram, but for the sake of self-improvement - spiritual person or not - I quite like the self-realization it aims for, mostly because...|||I'm glad you like my post. XD I also feel there are many misconceptions about Sx-lasters and Sp in general, but I think there are just many surrounding all the instincts in general. Sx-last does not...|||I am currently disqualified from receiving financial aid because of insufficient completed units out of attempted units. My GPA is fine. My community college requires 67% completion of attempted...|||Why does it feel wrong? I don't think it's so much an instinctual variant thing anymore. I'm sure it does contribute, but mutual pleasure is generally an ideal goal during sex within a...|||Well, okay. Your lack of Sx would make sense there. I'm just saying there are Sx-lasters out there who have intense sex lives. Also, your wanting to please her isn't exclusive to type. I understand...|||6 http://tribalinsight.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/i-want-to-believe.jpg|||I don't think how one is during sex has much to do with their instincts. It just has to do with caring and selflessness and the trait that makes one turned on by someone else's pleasure. An Sx/Sp,...|||Any type can be a reporter. If she were an ENFP, she'd want to push a cause of some kind. Her only cause is to excel in her field. Maaaaaybe a case could be made for ENTP. She is definitely no...|||http://youtu.be/UxxajLWwzqY Sx/So' | 5,012 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Oh, yes! The first one. I think she wasn't that bright either, I felt really weird... Anyway, most of the people notice my odd humour right away.|||Rivalry sounds like something more personal, but I am willing to oppose anyone who is on my way to the goal.|||I am skeptical when it comes to everyone. I think this is why it's easier for me to detect manipulation. I am pretty extroverted as well, I just roll along with what people say, at the same time I...|||I hate when people are complaining about useless stuff. What's the need to complain about something that can't be changed?|||I love sci-fi books, my favourite author from this genre must be Philip K. Dick. I am mostly into dystopian content, but I alternate it with philosophy books.|||As an assertive I don't really care about what other people see me as or what they do, I am just watching my own goal and not comparing myself with anyone. I think assertiveness and turbulence is a...|||Thank you for your answer. If you think I hate STJs, I'm pretty disappointed.|||What do you mean?|||Hmm... I've had my problems with unhealthy ISTJs. What I've noticed is that they become more irrational and their statements contradict each other. I wouldn't say he's a xxFP. What I would say it's...|||IMO it's ISTJ.|||Well, I can tell you people are willing to read the questionnaire as it's very helpful and specific. :)|||For me it's about what I am doing. If I need to get an essay done and I have side homework that's obviously easier. I'd start with the essay, write the introduction and quickly get bored and turn to...|||aurorarogersskywalker I am still not 100% sure, but now I'd say INFJ. It's a bit confusing, but as I've seen people don't need Fi to hold onto their beliefs. My third function is Fe, when I am around...|||I'm thinking about ISFJ too.|||Haha that's why I am torn between INFP and INFJ. Both Ti and Te can love math. As you said, it's not clearly for me if it's Fe or Fi. This is only my opinion. Now I'm thinking more about INFJ. If...|||Haha, I must say I saw Fi. You said you're basically taking everything and filtering it with your set of moral values. Next to Fi I saw the Ne that's giving you a lot of ideas. You can probably...|||I've thought about this too. She says she has some ideas and she isn't that observant of details. Now it makes me think more of INFP.|||I don't know, I'd say INFJ, but my gut tells me you'd lean more into INFP. So INFP>INFJ for my guess.|||When you ask him something let's say more personal, is he direct or is he trying to put it in a way that would be less harsher?|||Thinking about it... It might be stand-up comedy. Jokes aside, I think it will be something like concentrating on finding ways to entertain or work with people, it can be self damaging when you reach...|||I think that ISFJ might fit you :)|||4.29 - Logic/Math 4.29 - Self 4 - Social|||I'm an ENTP and I can say I don't enjoy going out or partying so much. I'd rather be with a person that I have something to discuss with rather than simply party with someone I can speak freely too....|||I wouldn't say anxiety, but when one of my ideas is shut down without a rational answer I tend to think like wow, they didn't even bother to explain, I have nothing to discuss with them and I shut...|||Maybe ESTP? I'm nowhere near a professional, but I've seen Se and Ti which made me believe this.|||When you are quirky and people naturally assume you must be a dumb airhead. When you show them you're smart and they actually get surprised. (NOTE: I have a big list) When you get called a...|||617762 7w8, sums up how I work|||Me: ENTP Father: ESTJ Mother: ISTJ I don't spend so much time with my grandparents to know :unsure:|||Te is focusing on the application of that idea while Ti is focused on the design of that idea. Ti: What logical relationships necessitate this system working the way it does, and how can I make...|||If you had another other idea in mind ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) while romantically feeding them, I guess so.|||I don't think they're as rare as you might think, but they're certainly not a high number. You might not recognize many of them because it seems that they choose to be flexible around people, at...|||When you're wearing a shirt once and you're thinking of how you can wear it again and get unnoticed. (How as in you have a full image of all the scenarios and excuses you can make if you get caught)|||Are you too? Now I'm curious. Apart from my ISTJ and ENTP friends I don't know anyone else.|||Of course it can happen to anyone, but I think we're trying to find out if ENTPs are more likely to be suffering of misophonia.|||I too have read some police books as I might say. I love solving things, but I hate that as for the police there is a procedure that must be follow and you need to take it step by step. Instead there...|||Nope. I can't stand when I hear repetitive noises on a rather quiet background. Chewing noises or some people have that habit of clapping their lips, I just get so angry and I start being passive...|||I would say ESFJ or ISFJ on the first thought.|||I usually wouldn't discuss some topics with people that wouldn't appreciate them. I bend to the individual, so I tend to start a conversation according to what I know I can discuss with that person....|||As an ENTP I'd say I believe in everything and nothing at the same time. I'd say there's a grain of truth in each religion, but saying one is better than the other seems a bit off for me. I am most...|||Why are you so seriously cute?|||Ok so I took the test and I am feeling weird about it. I got Ne>Ni>Ti>Te :0|||Have you ever pretended to not care about something? I did several times. I think it's because I don't want to show people I've been hurt or I can be hurt by it. Or maybe I am trying to get some...|||About the same. It's that I try to find balance in my life and SJ's are bringing me that. I especially like how ISFJs are caring and genuine (well some of them at least), while I am pretty much...|||bahaha, i have a lot of history with my isfp. She helps me a lot with some of my impulses, but she finds me too blunt. I hope you two will have a great time!|||Infj isfj intj istj infp|||Ok, I bet this is a weird combination. ISFP, INFP, ISTJ|||What makes me tick is when I have someone to discuss abstract ideas with. It's pretty simple, but it's hard to find someone who is willing to listen, respect and contribute to the conversation...|||I've been riding horses for 7 years when I had to give up due to my circumstances. I still am a very passionate fan of this sport and I hope I can compete again in the future. Other than this nothing...|||I am currently all in studying, so I am alone most of the weekends. I'd say that as long as the task keeps me focused I don't really mind being alone, I'd rather be alone than with someone that...|||Do you sometimes feel like you're tiring people? If so, how do you react? I have some ideas, but I want opinions from my brothers :frustrating:' | 6,343 |
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