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1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Whenever something social is expected of me. Expectancy to start a conversation, to keep the conversation going, to listen to someone and/or aid them emotionally, to go to a party, meet new people,...|||I am pro-marriage equality. Who cares about the purpose of marriage, it's sociopolitically convenient and it gives you health and legal rights with your partner. If it's a given right to a particular...|||I feel underachieved a lot of times, like I know I could be doing more and better and I should. But I just can't find the right motivation, which is the main source of my procrastination. Lately I've...|||I am. I wouldn't go as far to say I need the people who are closest to me, but... I'm certainly 'needy' with them, to a certain degree, for their attention and acknowledgement, even affection some of...|||Thanks, I knew they were mostly in the south of the planet but didn't imagine the range was as big as the south hemisphere. Hmm perhaps, ISFP sounds good enough. I barely know her, though.|||IXFJ: So when I ask where the penguins are, what do you think about? Me: Antarctica. South of the planet. IXFJ: Huh *turns to ESXP friend* and what's your opinion? Me: *interrupts* Excuse me? It...|||If I ever 'yield' to another person (be it male/female or INTJ/any MBTI) in a debate it'll be because obviously they had better and more logical arguments. Not because I /feel/ a tendency or certain...|||I'm demisexual/grey-asexual|||Friend asks me a question, I answer correctly. Then she proceeds to ask another friend and what's your opinion? So I intervene and say: What I told you isn't an opinion it's a fact.|||Well... yeah, it's happened often but I figured people just want to be heard by someone who'll let them talk freely and be non-judgmental? I hadn't thought of it as 'me' being someone they specially...|||This was like getting a cute ENFP gif'd letter. Es ist gut|||No... no, I-- Why INTJs though? Why friendship? Btw, there's a subforum for that, here every NT is invited to tag along.|||A modern middle ages, ideologically speaking.|||10 Things you just love in people Chitchat expertise Casual sex/dating stories Smile contest!|||I guess not, if I found the smartest person ever (which woah, IS pretty amazing) but they were absolutely disgusting physically- I wouldn't be attracted to them.|||I'm nice to people within my own terms of what is being nice. For me it's to tolerate and respect them. Their beliefs, decisions (as long as these don't hurt someone else), personality, personal...|||I didn't. I don't think I have above average intelligence, I'm just interested in different stuff than people regularly do. When I first realized people were interested and immersed in stupid...|||That people had sex only with people they loved That my parents were perfect I'd grow up to have many friends and have an interesting life That friendships were the best thing ever That...|||We all think we're special somehow. If we don't who's gonna do it for us? I don't care if someone thinks they're the greatest shit ever. How does someone else's opinion of themselves even affect...|||1. I don't find first names meaningful... ah, perhaps Juliet? I have no strong feelings one way or the other 2. That you must not rely on someone else to be yourself, or to be well, strong. To seek...|||I don't think I'd be able to boss my clone around, after all- It is a clone of myself. But hey, another mind like mine. Totally like mine! Cool. We'd agree that since we can't both live under the...|||No no, I do get your point. I just think it's wrong/doesn't make any sense. Hmm (I say this a lot, see INTJ chart translator: http://i.imgur.com/CjEeP.jpg ) What did you say again? ... I...|||I thought this was going to be a thread about females complaining about their troubles. Maybe Troubles with females would have been a more accurate title description. Also, the term you use, the...|||We're all capable of ending someone else's life -independently of our mental health- as long as we have the means. Human society works with the expectation that people aren't going to randomly start...|||Welcome. I was going to read your full post but it was way too far from concise. Anyway, hope you enjoy it here and learn your way around MBTIs.|||All the real friendships I have are close friendships. What others would think of as their regular friends, for me they're known acquaintances. I'm very extremist on this matter, very black or white....|||I self-taught myself english (which is my second language). I started listening to many songs in english (I'm a good auditive learner so this worked well for me), practiced speaking it in my classes...|||All hail cheese <3 It's perfection. http://www.adolios.com/images/redvelvet.jpg|||66148 Hmm|||I'm only staying if we have red velvet cheesecake|||I have low expectations on people too, so when I talk to them I usually go 'huh, they're not so dumb'. Soon my expectations grow a little and then they are crushed within a matter of seconds. My...|||That hardcore hamster is completely awesome Now I feel like training lethal hamsters Also, I want a cat.|||Big city, I'm not expected to be intimate with neighbors and everyone minds their own business (or at least they pretend to) If I could have my solitude, independence and lack of expectancy on...|||Just go to the tumblr tag of INTJ and you'll see plenty of examples. My IQ is slightly above the average. Does that mean I'm an INTJ? I don't like small talk. Does that make me an INTJ? I...|||That's like saying you identify enough with humanity to say <x>. I respect your opinions on cats, but there were better arguments. Back to the topic, I'm particularly soft on some ENFPs. And...|||When you're your friends' walking dictionary|||I don't disapprove of this thread, my disapproval lies within the discrimination people get from society based on their tattoos (and I disapprove discrimination generally). I truly hadn't seen...|||1. Because I simply didn't know people usually discuss this 2. How is any opinion objective? I was under the impression that any opinion is subjective. Of course, my opinions are valuable to me...|||I didn't even know that attitude towards tattoos is something that's usually discussed. I couldn't give less of a fuck to what people ink on their bodies (including faces). I mean- yeah, when I...|||We're playful the same way an evil cat might be playful. (I'm specially playful -or silly- with my SO) I like turning people's words or phrases around and telling them they're not making any...|||I like mornings. When the sun is just going out and everything's quiet and the streets are deserted. However, sleep>morning peacefulness So, I like mornings but I hate not sleeping enough,...|||It's a mix of the desire to overcome that person, admiration, jealousy and wanting to befriend. If it's a guy who did it, it's hot. If it's a girl, I'll either admire her or hate her. Depends.|||I've never been truly close to one, or at least, I didn't type them as INFP. Quite whiny perhaps.|||Nothing for today. Tomorrow, I have homework and a project.|||I identify most with The Lurker, and I'm 5w6|||>get angry >common sense black out >come back after anger has been lashed out >people who witnessed it are afraid now >'oh...' No but that's just happened twice. It's not very common, I hate...|||This will be the new place I'll procrastinate in.|||Fak, this is a long thread. Anyway, living away from my family is kinda hard. I feel 10% more like an adult an 90% more like a child.|||This. If I wanted consolation, I would ask, and that doesn't happen.[/QUOTE] This^ Although sometimes I like to reason the problem with someone who can be more objective to me on the issue. Not...|||being life sucks fuck intj being fuck sucks intj life life fuck intj sucks being intj fuck life sucks being' | 4,088 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Why is it that in pictures of us, you look like you want to go pet a bunch of baby kittens, and I look like Katniss from The Hunger Games ready to attack? - my INFJ sister ^_^ My INTJ...|||15. Get a cute dog or cat. Because can you really sit around this all day and still be sad? 81906|||Sort-of. That is what happened with my husband and me. But I do not believe in the one, as in I do not think it is pre-destined or that people are made solely for their future spouse (I find...|||I have a very high N preference, I do not like that it gets lonely sometimes. Some of you might relate to having that intuitive connection with others who think similarly to you - I do not find it...|||Jon Snow is my favorite character ^_^ Does anyone else think he might be an INFP? (in the TV series, that is.... I have yet to read the books but they are on my list!)|||I like makeup. Especially glittery makeup. False eyelashes are scary though. Does anyone ever fully overcome body insecurities? I would say no, especially given this extremely image-obsessed,...|||Hmmm I will have to find this test! Is it online? Yep, being able to read the other person well and feeling like I got zapped with an electric current a couple of times.... that is about it. No...|||Very frequently, and from just about everyone/everything unless I am really tired on a given day. They tend to have two main qualities/spectrums: positive/negative, and familiar/unfamiliar to me.|||The parts I bolded especially resonate here! And the Fi/Fe descriptions you wrote above seem to correlate at least somewhat with why my sister is usually perceived as rather alpha female in...|||LOL!!! Love it!!|||Her character, Penny, seems like an ESFP to me. I have no idea what she is in real life. Most actors that I have seen though seem to not have a very large range, as far as types they can portray -...|||In your experience, have Ni dominant types (especially INFJs) shown a similar sensitivity to INFPs? I am curious if what you have seen matches up with how my INFJ sister and I are alike and how we...|||Love your screen name, are you a Battlestar Galactica fan, too? ^_^ I relate to enjoying the relative anonymity with strangers. They have no preconceived ideas about me, and it is easy to start...|||I knew there was a reason that I thought, I really don't like people like this, when I was reading the Type 8 description once...|||People I know in person have often compared me to 2 fictional INFPs, especially while I was a teen: Anne of Green Gables, and Luna Lovegood. I think both of them were obviously INFPs as kids/teens,...|||Often I am more comfortable talking with strangers than with acquaintances. I do not know why. I like to joke around with people too, it is fun to make them laugh. Talking with strangers a lot is...|||How do you know you are higher on SX than SP? I test as about equal on both. Yes, the dreams are helpful, especially after I learned to trust them. Sometimes though they are just silly dreams and...|||I have read Blink a few years ago, and I liked it ^_^ Interestingly I have had dreams in the past about people being attracted to me, which my head thought, that is ridiculous! there is no way this...|||You know what they say.... you never know what you want 'til someone else has it! :-P haha.|||That is interesting. ^_^ I have never seen anything like this before either, at first I thought I was making it all up! As for your question, LOL!!! He is a friend of my family so I have to see...|||My sister is INFJ, and she married an INTJ guy. She is a redhead just like me and you. So I will say, find yourself an INTJ (hey that rhymed). By the time you meet one that shares the right values...|||Did either of them seem to be extremely affected if you were in close proximity? As in, reacting more strongly than one would typically expect?|||My best friend in high school told me that I reminded her of Anne of Green Gables. Makes sense because I am also an INFP redhead ^_^|||As a teen, I used to have an obsession with glittery eye makeup. I now settle for light gold shimmery eyeshadow and dark brown eyeliner. I also like sparkly jewelry and have quite a collection. ...|||Hmmm well I am a 4w5 and I have never lacked for guys interested in me that way. I also got married quite young, and since I dated so I could ultimately get married, I suppose I would say that is...|||My brother-in-law is INTJ. I remember when she first got together with him, it took a few metaphorical hits over the head to get things moving. I see no harm in sending him a text. Plus, they can...|||The abstract-topic discussion thing you are talking about relates to being N, not I. Although I think that being both introverted and iNtuitive together makes it much more confusing to people who do...|||Ha ha, now I have Call Me Maybe in my head! My sister and I would go up to random guys at the mall and tell them things like this, when we were in high school. It was a good way to get over my...|||I am INFP and was very shy as a child and teenager. My INFJ sister was never shy at all, so she did a lot of the talking for me! ^_^|||The INxx drops things around me sometimes too. And the energy thing does not happen every single time I am around him, and not to the same extent, but right after the time it was the strongest, he...|||Yes, the mystery may add to it also. It is strange, the guy in question I know well in some ways but in other ways not at all. I would say we connect very well intellectually and emotionally also....|||Yep. It does exactly. It is certainly a this-can-never-happen situation, and one neither of us will ever act on. Very interesting... that would definitely explain a lot of it. I am amazed, I think...|||Sorry to resurrect this thread from forever ago... but I have had this exact thing happen too, and recently!! What type were the men? And what kinds of circumstances did you notice this in? I...|||I like this, thank you for sharing ^_^ You are a very talented writer.|||Well, there are different kinds of dynamics with these. Sometimes there is one-sided attraction that obviously goes nowhere, other times there is mutual attraction but the people cannot act on it for...|||I am sad for people who see themselves that way, we INFPs have so many good qualities after all. Today I met a gray and white cat named Liam who put his paws around my neck and licked my face. ...|||One of my INTJ friends has predicted some really bizarre things, similar to the original post. It is pretty crazy to see.|||What I wonder most is, what was/is life like for INFPs without the MBTI. Do they think they are mutants? Aliens? Betazoids? ^_^|||I am tall too, and I think it is fun being tall! I usually would get silly comments from other girls while I was a teenager. It seemed that the boys were either afraid of me (I do not know why, I...|||Staring off into space. Stopping to pet every dog I see, when I am outside.|||One of my best friends is INTJ. She is actually the one who got me into this MBTI thing. And, she is weirder than I am!|||Have you ever asked a man out? Yes, several times, most of which were in undergrad. If so, did he accept and did the relationship last? All but one accepted. The relationships did not last, but...|||I have an identical twin sister. She is INFJ. Yes, we switched places sometimes when we were kids. Once or twice, we even fooled our parents.' | 1,156 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'Rave: Wicked: The Musical is a delicious 3-hour show. I feel like a douchebag now for my judging of Elphaba (but her sister's still fair game from my high and mighty morals). Lovely moral about how...|||It's been a year to this minute since I've been registered. That seems too exact but it is. Also, Dragon Age roleplay has taken up my time. Fun. Fun writing a story with other people. Fun bringing...|||Me? An ISTJ 3-and heaven knows what other sub-type? A workaholic? :laughing:I'm laughing my ass off:laughing: Oh, damn. That was Senioritis talking. Last two weeks before highschool ends and I...|||Ignore|||Aha! Found you.|||Examples, please:happy:|||Entertainment|||What makes me laugh? My crazy and random friend and my witty one. I find it funny when they or anyone else start insulting each other in a ribbing way. I especially like it when they insult me, then...|||Oh my God. I love you Sembreak.|||I've only got a Facebook account. I've never posted on my wall, though. I only use it to keep up with people. It's a cheap and easy way of communicating business and other un-fun stuff.|||Well, this could be built up little by little. It'll be something like Wikipedia -- people edit, people add in what they know, discuss about these things (like TvTropes). And if we do persist long...|||Rave: Yay. Surprise no classes for the next 2 days! Time to do some stuff I really needed to get done.:laughing: Also, it's really nice when the stuff you need done is almost done. I like the...|||Sounds like something my brother would want. Mom: What do you want for your birthday? Him: Ballpens. Me (inside)::angry: and/or Seriously?:dry:|||I'm pretty sure he just feels the Force. Anyway, I choose Dr. Watson.|||It is haunted by the spirits of Jazz musicians. That might actually be cool. You'd get lounge jazz out of nowhere, instead of moaning and screeching sounds... Actually, no, that would still be...|||Infp|||Bullet points|||First airsoft game in near 12 months. Lovely. I used a pistol belt with cannibalized bag straps as supports. Belts are so much better than vests. Also, I realized I'm using this thread, the...|||*Four years ago* Me: You know our conversation is getting a bit of track. Let's go back. Friend: Just let the conversation go where it wants. I took that to heart.|||Oh, Oh, Oh. I'm so motivated right now. My class is nearing our fun run date. It's going to be awesome if we get this successfully. And going the things we've done right now it might very well be....|||I'd love to see the sequence of events on how you even got to talking about this.|||But why:shocked: Descriptions are sooo much better. You get a picture posted in your mind:tongue:|||Or one, or person. But I remember my English teacher state that it has to be he because English is a chauvinist.|||Really? I'd have thought that all you have to do is get whatever E-type you're disintegrating too and put all their negative stereotypes in a steroid pill.|||Have you heard of integration and disintegration points?|||Same as Niss and Karen2011, I don't look for these things in people. However, I've made a paper on the group dynamics of my class once. Then, it got leaked, and there was an uproar.|||I'd take it that text messages every hour on the hour is not a valid option?|||I believe the more proper term is geek (damned nuances):tongue: Random: I have no idea why people drink Milo. It has no taste! I prefer to eat it.|||Definitely both the Cleaner and the Internet Researcher, though I picked the Cleaner. There are so many things I've got to do first before I can do the really important things. And not least of all...|||Indeed... Indeed. *Intertwines Fingers* *Sinister Bass Laughter* *Face Withraws to Shadows* *Eyes and Teeth are Left Showing* *Cut*|||Sounds like my kind of guy. You know, unless it happens to me (Have to keep up the double standards and all. Hop you understand).|||What about, instead of a mere history sub-forum, we have a social sciences sub-forum - history, economics, etc?|||I'm pretty sure I care about my appearance too. I mean my style is simple and very boy-next-door, but that doesn't mean it doesn't look good (in my opinion). Hey, look it's a suit!|||Doesn't he retire here-and-then? Some people do that.|||Rant: I just broke habit.|||When, apparently, I'm the only person nerdy enough to discuss things such as socialism and the oligarchies with my friend. This becomes more apparent when it seems that I may be one of the few (if...|||I believe that a neat filler's more important.:wink::proud:|||As my friend once put it (to paraphrase), Why do I want to be unique? To be unique means to be misunderstood. To be misunderstood is to be separated. To be separated is to be alone. I don't want to...|||I second the motion!!!:confused: I have this vague memory of seeing your avatar/ reading your username once, or maybe it's just my mind filling in blanks. Where do you usually stay? The OP,...|||Of storms and seas A noble's keep A love may be Here we meet Through bark and tree Feel our hearts beat Under this lee Come to me Keep us free|||ENTJ, because who else would charge a crowd on a white horse wearing a skin tight flag with a glowing rope?|||First of all, I have no idea what those are. Secondly, there's nothing like a good shower. Third, the sun is shining plus it's a chilly morning, it's delicious. So if my day yesterday wasn't too good...|||Who dosen't love suits and ties/bowties?|||Rant 1: C'mon people. Lines are lines for a reason. Don't effing cut in front of me. And how much of an asshole do you have to be to call out the server while I'm actively blocking you with my...|||If one more person gives me a calendar...|||I've got this semi-boxy frame. It's more of a rounded trapezoid. It's mettalic brown and the glasses themselves have a grade of 320.I remember getting glasses at the age of 10, and my eyesight's been...|||Ribeye for me. I've always chosen either medium or medium well. For my side dish I prefer a slab of butter (not kidding). I know I'm trying to kill myself via self-induced heart attack but...|||Kinda-almost? I wonder why she almost put it off. Why kittychris07? Tell meee...|||It's all in the presentation. Over here we were lounging in chairs, I had my earphones, and the atmosphere was chill and relaxed. Then, I said what I said completely deadpan, after which I stared...|||Digital Forensics. Criminal Law? My preferred course would be Applied Mathematics (I, under no circumstances, am not touching the pure Sciences with a 10-feet pole, which include pure...' | 6,048 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'You know what, I'm going to put this out there but, sometimes I feel the same way as your friend. Sometimes, I enjoy more shallow relationships rather than deep ones. Because you know what always...|||That I truly do love myself and that I want to make people smile and laugh.|||(Post has been removed because I was being a moody bitch) Dur Hur just kidding on this one now guys. I am Stephanie, hear my mighty roar! Now time for what you guys REALLY CAME FOR. 100%...|||We all stand in a big line and then we pull down our pants. Therefore giving you the permission to choose us as one of your mates FOR LIFE. And that's not even the mating process. The true...|||That just made my whole night, freaking hilarious! xD|||I must have posted some of these here before. I just can't remember if I did or not so you're getting my pizza face served to you AGAIN on a silver platter. 46136 46137 46138 46139 46140|||Man even I'm an ENFP and I even feel like that with other ENFP's at times. God I know one ENFP or ESFP, that I just want to rip my or his hair out whenever he makes terrible puns.|||Wow talk about being so late upon my entries! But honestly that was one of the best things that I have ever heard sir! xD Ah~ I love talking with thinking types, god they're so refreshing...|||(PS: This was a quote to Refugee on the front page. I do not know why I didn't think of actually quoting him. @_@) Even though I would be so pissed off and jealous. There is always a...|||INTJ's are awesome and I would just love to talk with one in real life! We could debate about menial things for hours while I tickle them and hand feed them apple sauce. (Anyone want to hang out...|||Well, I'm not an INTP but I think I know why he did it. He probably is scared of commitment, he loves you and cares about you and that's why he could say all of those things to you face to face but...|||http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/089/665/tumblr_l96b01l36p1qdhmifo1_500.jpg WHY PEOPLE NO HAVE BEST FRIENDS ON PERSONALITY CAFE?!|||1) Wake up at 4:30AM knowing that I have NO responsibility for the next couple of days (No work or anything) 2) Drink some coffee and make a surprise breakfast for my fav gal pal! Seven of Cups And...|||FUCK YES, PEGASUS RIDE. I love that so hard!|||It's always good to enjoy your life beyond the internet. That's one of the problems with today's society, they can't enjoy the things that life gives them. They are always just on their cell phones...|||Oh goodie goodie gumdrops! I've been waiting for one of these! <3 1. Become a wifey and get into one of those boring plain marriages 2. Have a child and become one of those psycho soccer moms...|||MICE, MICE. I LOVE MICE (I think that I've already posted like 3 times on this forum all with mice. But I FUCKING LOVE MICE. http://jaxmice.jax.org/images/jaxmicedb/featuredImage/000646_lg.jpg I...|||http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e175/sodaburp/yay.png Why I think that we love you just the same, Mr. ENTJ and INTP!|||At some times it can be embarrassing because everyone is looking towards you to offer them entertainment that's why they are giving you their attention. However, I wish to become famous so the idea...|||What the hell is normal anyways? Normal, I take, is like just being. To be a normal human being is just to sit on your ass and just be there maybe you eat and crap every once in a while but...|||Do you even realize how unfitting that awesome video was in comparison from you singing in a choir versus you holding up a package of depends in the picture right next to you! Hilarious!|||Tits are amazing. I'm not a lesbian but I would love to motorboat a pair sometime. :P|||Suits do look hot on men though, but really that's not all that should really matter. :P But a man who cares about how he looks is always a turn on, maybe that's what the ladies were trying to hit...|||Go ahead! What's on your mind? Sex, Food, Music, anything dealing with Fe notions? You post zem here. YOU POST ZEM NAO. ...|||Does an INFP know how to breathe? Of course I think that they could write a love novel, they are some of the most poetic people that I've ever met so of course they can write poetry~ xD|||Yeah! I know that feeling, I know that I've changed it twice already. xP But I don't know if my silly ass could graduate on time!|||Vent 1: I hate it when people are only friends with you to get inside of your pants. And I wouldn't even mind it as much if they wouldn't have made it so freaking blunt, it's tactless and gaudy. ...|||Okay, I know this guy, I just met him recently too. Like I've only known him for a month or so and I've been trying to figure him out but I just can't my finger on it. He says that he took the test...|||I am going to make a confession/rant here today which is very personal to me and this is the only place in which I feel that the person whom I want to read this will actually listen to me and where I...|||Holy crap. I wish that I could thank this thousands of times. Everyone tells me that my voice is so loud and when I am in a classroom and I begin to speak, I mean everyone just turns their heads...|||The inspiration of my dreams. (And still is to this very day!) https://www.cliffracer.com/store/images/snes-controlpad.jpg My brother used to have these and remember cuddling up in them....|||I do believe in love but there are several genres of the word love You would not love your dog the same way as you would love a significant other or your parents. Love is a such a temporary...|||http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e175/sodaburp/OHMEGEHWAD.png I come bringing adorable mice to INFPs! I don't know if INFP's like the kinds of things that I do but I promise not to stupid up the...|||Boring isn't even really the term, more like terrifying because all of the ones that I have met were all a-holes and liked to shout. Yes, really you shouldn't have to defend your faith, I hate it...|||Oh no we're just flighty, or at least I am. I know that I'm so flaky when it comes to staying on the computer for too long xP I usually go ahead and stuff my face. Religion is a very...|||I just kind of popped in here, but you know what? You have to believe in what you believe in. No one should tell you whether an opinion is right or wrong. You're entirely normal just as long as...|||Freaking Mice and Chinchillas. They are both so fluffy and adorable. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2126/2149792162_0f51615df9.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQggXoT1pRQ Hot men in business...|||I was born and raised Catholic, but now I'm agnostic, meaning that I don't reject the idea of there being a god but I currently am open to any ideas and theologies. God to me could mean anything;...|||All I do is just live my life like normal, I work everyday anyways, so I just grin and bear through the sickness, trying to make everyone laugh with my nasally voice and then I come home and work on...|||1) When people chew really loudly and with their mouths open. 2) When people get in your face when they're talking to you. 3) When people use your, you're, their, there, they're, wrong. 4) When...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iuG1OpnHP8 Or if you liked that one what about one more blatant? I HATE chickflicks, if I see Jennifer Aniston's face one more time I think that I'll flip a lid.|||I'm sorry for this, all the rest of the women that you have chosen are extremely attractive but Snooki... Augh, Snooki... She to be blunt could be described of having the looks and the...|||http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e175/sodaburp/TobyMcguireFace.jpg Here's me and my homeboy Spiderman, we fight crime together. :B|||My best friend is my sister SevenofCups, she is an INFP, we can do anything together and I'll never get sick of it! The only thing that I don't like about her is when she's not with me! xP|||I honestly would HATE to be a business person or a salesman. I can't bear the thought that I would be ripping someone off for a terrible price.|||Daaaw! Hur Hur! :B We love you too, I really don't think that I ever met an INTJ in my entire life besides for my professor and I was in stitches by his dark humor. And it's actually hard to get me...|||Do you realize how painful it is whenever you say It's up to you and only you to support me us all. I'm still a kid, I'm not even out of my teenage years up and I've had my entire life decided for...|||Oh god, it's like you read my mind. My dad is an ESTJ, he is totally oblivious about other people's feelings, needs, and is a total diva. He can be easily manipulated into anything and everything,...|||I can definitely agree to this statement right over here, introverts can be extremely threatened by me. I actually learned about it when I was in a forum with my INFP sister; SevenOfCups, they...|||I would just ask her, there is nothing bad about someone that cares about you~ I know that I wish that I had more people in my life to worry about me like that.' | 7,289 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'It is some blend of not wanting to live an ordinary or suboptimal life and wanting to have an impact on others. H o w e v e r, I'm still shaking off my bad habit to procrastinate. I want to light...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9jNSwmEQ3s&user=HalseyVEVO|||Actually, sorry, this is quite incorrect. Plato's famous piece The Republic is an argument about Knowledge and a case against Democracy because the Democracy of Athens (the world's first...|||I propose you look at it this way: ° When most people receive praise, it only takes one negative comment to cut through their current joy. ° When a day is thus far going well, one incident or...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuK2W5JgAZ4&user=BakermatOfficialVEVO|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhU9MZ98jxo&user=ChainsmokersVEVO|||No, this is honestly really only the case in the US. Other English speaking countries enjoy using it with some frequency. Hard consonants make certain words more satisfying to use, particularly when...|||I personally am not aware of any narcissistic tendencies, if anything I am self-critical|||[Other Types are absolutely welcome] Background: I have happened upon a considerable amount of reading lately (such as this survey, blog posts on tumblr, and even some polls on this site)...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feA64wXhbjo&user=modularpeople WHY HAS THIS SONG BECOME A MEME THOUGH??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbKmm_xAEro&user=All%20Ski%20Casino|||I sometimes get so deep in thought that I become visually detached from my environment. Every now and then I have moments where I come back to the world around me and realise that my eyes have been...|||We're not socially awkward!? :shocked: :unsure: I guess it is only me...|||I would have to say... you need to be confident, initiate conversations, be a supportive figure, have some depth of character (in my experience INFPs tend to be well read and cultured individuals),...|||The best and purest path to connection is having a shared interest to talk about. The more passionate the better. I think it is safe to say most people have interjected themselves into someone...|||INTJ, Male Based on how quickly I connect... Most: ENFP, ENFJ, INFP Least: ISTJ, ESTJ, ESTP|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w5jPT8LMF0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vusqQJ56iIM|||With some regularity, PerC is now starting to redirect me to false Adobe Updates|||That was incredible|||You are new on Personality Cafe so you may be unfamiliar with the Forum Rules (linked). Under Rule Number 1. Do Not Make Personal Attacks - Subsection Type-Bullying Moderators Have Defined...|||Over the years I have become more capable of handling sudden changes, I would not say I have ever had a control issue though. The only thing I am still irked by is a last minute cancellation of...|||I am a Liberal Socialist (linked), I also avoid party affiliation.|||I think the baseline of friendship is a reciprocated enjoyment of company with maintenance, you need to stay in communication. If we like one another but do not really talk, or talk much anymore,...|||I am not sure if there is a type. The three most uptight people in my life so far have been an ESFJ, ISTJ, and ENFJ.|||I'm really excited for information to come out about Mass Effect Andromeda (N7 Day)|||Revisiting old episodes of The YoGPoD|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3se8RL2144|||It is not a feature available to you anymore, but its listing in the settings remains in the site's coding.|||I am actually quite awful at maintaining eye contact.|||^ Honestly, that is some solid wisdom! I would definitely heed Antipode's words!|||I am going to probably come off as insensitive in saying this, but she seems to be acting ridiculously. I understand respect for personal space and a need for trust in a relationship, I praise these...|||I have been here for a while and I do not create threads without some resulting substance in mind. I would not worry about it, I think it is normal. e.g. I once had a very complex thread I wanted...|||While I would appreciate the effort my partner went through and the idea behind it, I would personally find it unnecessary and a little bit frustrating to do just to be able to get my hands on my...|||I have never associated myself with the term Alpha because I do not see myself as being dominant or confident enough. ____________ When it comes to anything professional I certainly will take...|||I initially answered for: how does one humiliate me? To recap it is by providing instances of me being a failure as a friend, worker, human being, and not living up to my own standards. Because I...|||I fully agree with @Icy Heart, these should not be thought of as mutually exclusive traits. I deeply desire aspects of both of these qualities in a significant other. ____________ I like people...|||I can take a deal of criticism and own up to my shortcomings, but if you know me on a personal level it is not too difficult to drive a knife into me. I think I am most sensitive to failure....|||'Hei' Please and thank you. I realise a user of stranger status is 'hei' , all lowercase, I hope this makes my temp name change choice a nonissue|||Achievements were removed, lingering bits such as the notifications remain|||I welcome the Entertainment Plaza's presence on this site because I recognise it helps people integrate themselves into Personality Cafe's Community, as mentioned by many people here. A presence...|||Oh, allow me to clarify. I did not think you were being a boastful arse, no worries. What is noteworthy about INTJs, whom as young adults tend to feel misanthropic, as they mature do tend to...|||Sure, this could have been because you are liked by your peers, that you have some charm. This is not to be flat out discredited. But there is more to entertain here. ° You could not help the...|||I second the move of the Personality Test section to Spam World, if not its complete removal. I think many members know it has long been used as a cheap way to raise user post/thread count by...|||Enfp|||Safe Spaces have have been hijacked and turned into complete rubbish|||>//~//< Oh my goodness, I wrote Beth instead, my apologies|||I am sorry, but please let us not mix facts with personal feelings, there is little more aggravating. It is not clear that it has everything or anything to do with just the OP of that thread at all,...|||This proposal has been asked about a few times and already ruled on by the site founder. http://personalitycafe.com/support-suggestions/522586-astrology-threads-some-other-things-3.html|||That's tough to say decisively, mate. I prefer to be asked directly because I can otherwise be quite oblivious to romantic intentions. I do not want an interested person to become frustrated and...|||I would argue Beth has given you the most crucial advice which is to engage this girl by asking her personal questions. Something of great relevance is your age. I am certainly not aware of...' | 3,071 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'A haiku for those magic eyes: Colorless, shifting Light strikes, prismatic –cold ice grey slate, clear ocean|||Awww.. Aren't you cute? I have to wonder though,, who's that blond fella carrying you?|||IT IS JUST SO FREAKING DIFFICULT AND FRUSTRATING TO TRY TO EXPLAIN WHERE YOU'RE COMING FROM TO SENSING TYPES. Why do I even bother. Drawbridge going up in... now.|||Well for me it's not really a matter of standing out. I just dye my hair whatever color I want because it makes me happy lol. And violet's my favorite color. I actually hate it when people stare, but...|||The caption says it all, I guess. I re-dyed my hair.:3465210|||Beautiful people. I mean, people whose outward appearances are aesthetically pleasing.>>|||Lolwhut. I dunno. I don't really like mirrors.:/ But srsly. I'm super awkward and tongue-tied and red-faced in the presence of The Beautiful Ones, so I tend to avoid any unnecessary interaction...|||Why are there quotation marks around netflix? I don't get it lol. Also, I'm allergic to attractive people so it probably won't help at all.|||Because his eyes are so beautiful, they deserve their own haiku: Pupils are black holes Irises, starlight bursting Clear sparkling green strings|||You are, and always will be, my favorite heartbreak.|||It's been recommended by several people but I never got around to reading/watching it.oTL|||I knowwww.. I cried so hard.</3|||Lol there are a lot! Sherlock Holmes is allegedly INTP. Also, Q and L (those one-letter characters).|||So I just realized that nearly all fictional characters I've crushed on were INTPs. Whut.>.<|||I like him SO. FREAKIN'. MUCH. But I know he only sees me as a kid. -sigh-|||So I went out with an INTP (not sure if it was a date, but we mostly just spent the time walking and talking). I thoroughly enjoyed myself, especially our conversations. He told me that he was...|||Jung :)|||Thank you. You're a much needed ray of sunshine, as always.<3|||But no. My officemate was really nice about it! She's really the super nice, sweet sort. It's just, I would have been willing to overlook her mistake and let her start over, but one of our seniors...|||That's... ...actually perfectly good advice. -takes a deep breath- Okay, I'll do it.Q(*o*Q) Thanks.:)|||I'm quite sure he thinks it's just sex... Even though I expressly told him that I'm not sexually active, at all. But oh well.|||I feel horrible. I had to give my officemate a score of zero in our peer audit. I feel like throwing up. Why do I feel so bad?|||This answered my question perfectly. Thank you. Welp I guess I might as well give up, then. Hah.|||Hallo! Uhm.. I'm sure this question has already been asked several times in these forums, but.. How would we know if/when an INTP is interested in us (without having to outright ask)? Likr, what...|||This nearly made me cry. You're wonderful.|||If I had him as my nephew, I'd spoil him rotten too. I bet he'd still manage to look adorable even while throwing toys around.T^T|||But he's just really crazily adorable. It probably runs in the family!;)|||I like you. Be my friend. Th-that's an order! -blushes- Sukairain Your nephew is adorable! Gaaaahhhh! Can I borrow him? Khiro Oh but how did you get yourself up there in the first place? You poor...|||You are sweet and precious! Thank you.:3|||As I said, he's quite popular with the ladies. Yeah but his past relationships didn't exactly go well, and he was convinced that it was something wrong with him. Oh. That sounds a lot like 500...|||Air guitar? It was a cafe, not really a music bar.@.@|||Gonna go on a self-date today too! One of them third-wave cafes. I hope I get lucky as well.^^|||Dear every INFJ out there, You are amazing beyond belief. Which is probably why you don't believe it. I hope one day, you finally do. Sincerely, A fellow INFJ who has yet to believe it too|||Don't forget to post a picture of it when you do! Arrr!|||She confessed to him, but he's already suspected that she had feelings for him even before she confessed. Hm.. I get where you're coming from, but I'm still all for not rushing into things.:)|||Gaaaahhhh!!!! .(•_•.) (*o*) ^you ^me .(•_•.) <(*o*<) .(•_•.) (o*< ) .(•_•.)(*< ) .(°_°(< ) -supermegaINFJpowerhug- >.<|||Lol I dunno. I guess people think I'm weird because of it?:)) -shifty eyes- Maybe... -hides eyepatch and cutlass-|||-hugs you for an hour straight- >.<|||Happy New Year, wonderful people of the INFP forums! Just wanted to share these New Year wishes from Neil Gaiman (who might just be INFP): 455609|||Wise wishes from the Master Dream Weaver himself. Happy New Year, all you beautiful people.^^ 455601|||Unfortunately, most people here are put off by a girl like me being into metal. So thank you for the respect points. -gathers respect points up and crawls off to hide them in my treasure chest-|||Uwaaaa... Your eyessss!!<3 :blushed:|||454650 Because we should never take ourselves too seriously.;) Hope this makes you laugh a bit, or even just smile.^^ Have a great week ahead, everyone!|||Neokortex Okay. Since I didn't tell the story in detail, and you know neither my best friend nor how his past relationships went, I understand how there might have been confusion on your part. I...|||Deejaz I too have an all for nothing mentality and I hate it sometimes.:/ But thank you. I feel less like I'm being cowardly, and more like I'm being, hm.. smart about it, I guess? StElmosDream...|||Just wanted to share this. ^^ http://youtu.be/JvxHPtEsmFc|||Whenever I feel myself starting to get attached to someone, I get this mad urge to retreat, step back, pull away.. -sigh- What should I do?|||Dissonance IKR? It's so SHINY. And POINTY. reisiger I love that one too. It's actually a subway mural. Fell in love with it at first sight.:3|||reisiger I know! Total mood-killer.:/ And YES, that quote just SPOKE to me.<3 Enygma85 Oh, sorry my brain didn't make the connection.>.< I like wearing chucks with everything, even dresses. I still...|||Ooooh! In that case, yes, I'm like that too!D: I feel uncomfortable writing when there's someone I know around. For some reason, I feel like my privacy has been invaded. Like someone has forced...' | 1,350 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Yes sir! And thanks!|||Why are you freaking out? What is the meaning of MTBI to you? To what end is this thread?|||Do you not get alone with extroverted types? I do not understand the merits of this question.|||My wife. She is my ideal partner.|||The answer you're looking for is immaturity, regardless of the intent of his actions.|||Ask him. One of the most useful things you'll ever learn in relationships is communication. Start now.|||Speaking of avatars..............................................................................|||There's no way to know without assessing his level of health and having a lot more information, but it's possible he's an IXXJ.|||What he means is with proper direction and handling there likely wont be the need to expel a student, at least that's how I interpreted it... and what I would have said had I responded. :wink:|||Next!|||You can't concentrate yet you just spent 45min writing this all in one concentrated thought? And not only wrote it, but composed it well? IMO you don't have anything to seriously worry about......|||QFT. I didn't even bother reading it - looking at it made my head hurt.|||All. I love learning, but I seem particularly drawn to dog psychology ATM. Search Cesar Millan on YouTube. If that's not considered a documentary, then, well, I'll settle for anything WWII related.|||I see.|||You are correct in stating I'd consider my home to be my territory. Territory is An area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state. You cannot be territorial over an ice maker, or a...|||If your home is your territory, and your OP asks if people are territorial, are you asking if they guard their homes?|||Within your definition of 'territorial,' define territory and belongings. Within your definition of 'protectiveness,' define something.|||petals of stone You have to realize a few things about the OP. The first thing I noticed was the age. As Niss pointed out, it's very hard for a 14yr old to type themselves, which means it's...|||What is your definition of territorial, and what is your definition of protectiveness?|||Aren't a lot here confusing territorial with protective or just lack of trust? You don't trust anyone (or most) with your belongings, but is that the same thing as being territorial? ...|||If those two were my only options I would choose to be a police officer. Sitting behind a desk ALL DAY... sucks. Period. Our bodies were not designed for that.|||I'm thinking PerC should just merge the INTJ & ENFP sub-forms together. Eh, timeless? :ninja:|||Yes indeed, I married one! :D No personality trait is ever a deficiency or a disorder, or even necessarily needs to be changed. And herein lies the motivation for this thread. I love her for...|||Well sure, that would make sense 'on paper', but ENFP & INTJ is an extremely common pairing. And depending on where you look, some INTJ's think ENFP's are all theirs, while some ISTJ's think the...|||There's a plethora of threads dedicated to the matchmaking and counseling of both ENFP&ISTJs, and ENFP&INTJs. Personally, I find the two to be sharply variant in many areas... so is there an equal...|||I know it! And I don't think most people get it. It's really disheartening.|||For a second I thought you put the link in strong and nearly punched the screen. And thank people like yourself for my willpower! Grr.|||What is the secret?|||snowbell There should be some sort of punishment for your signature. I haven't clicked it, and I never will. It is a battle I face every time I see one of your posts and you should be ashamed of...|||Ugh you just made my mouth water. And I don't mean that in a Cold Stone sounds really good way, I mean that in a my loins ache for Cold Stone way.|||mamadabinski thank you, that was a very helpful thread. But to expound, what is the solution? Where is the moderation? If the extreme is almost an inability to focus on a task and complete it,...|||It's all about priorities, man. What's most important to you in your life? From the sound of it your son is, so all other decisions need to include him in the process, which it seems like they have....|||I have a simple question. For someone out there who finds schedules or completing tasks difficult, what is an effective way to help you with this difficulty?|||Well congratulations on obligating yourself to open up. This is the first of many steps forward, but never forget they all must be taken by you, like this first step was. Cheers, and a toast to...|||My instinct is to roll my eyes, but I have $10 that says Obama will find away to give him whatever he wants at the cost of American Taxpayers.|||I did not vote, as I'm an INTJ. This way of thinking is associated with the Temporal Lobe, which is home to our sense of consciousness. You donx92t have to write things down! Your ability to...|||I couldn't tell you anything you don't already know.|||That is a decision only you can change or maintain.|||MegaTuxRacer your signature is outrageously annoying... but I suppose that's a compliment for you. :bored:|||As do I.|||Of the two forums I frequent, ISTJ's are far worse at rehashing than INTJ's.|||I would like to point out that you never would have acquired those three people you enjoy talking to had you maintained this attitude throughout your entire life.|||I'm pretty sure this is across this site, not just in the INTJ subform. People are lazy and would rather ask a question than look for answers. It happens.|||No.|||This. Although I noticed I don't like actually presenting myself somewhere until the EXACT time. Sometimes that requires me to sit in my car a few minutes.|||:dry:|||To find answers to unanswered questions, obvs.|||Lol...|||I'm sorry, what? I just want to be left the **** alone, not rule the world. And just out of pure curiosity, how would you have world domination by mass production of wealth and resources. ...|||I don't mean this in an offensive way, but if you really are 16, you need to grow up first. Seriously! Think about it, the things that interest you, your maturity level, your goals in life, the...' | 6,569 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'This. Also flashbacks to times you've been criticized by others (especially if you feel it was undeserved criticism/you were misunderstood)|||Whispers of the Beloved by Rumi and Thinkers of the East by Idries Shah ... this book makes my little intuitive heart all warm and fuzzy and Liao-fan's Four Lessons|||Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall makes me want to go back to vegetarianism The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins when our handbasket to Hell gets me down, I find it helps to think in...|||Worldchanging: A User's Guide to the 21st Century|||when this website makes you cry: The Nicest Place on the Internet (or maybe it's an NF thing? Or an F thing?)|||Petracovich - Nighttime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gNpfrT6sak This song seems kind of INFP to me. Any thoughts?|||Yes!!! Do you know Posterchild? Of bladediary.com? He does stencils, as well as things like this: http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-xiangce-picture29140-2009-11-04.jpg ...|||Sassypants, your user name makes me smile! :D|||That's to lull the unsuspecting victim into a false sense of security ^__^ all part of the plan~|||(argh why won't it show up?) Barbapapa! We INFJs are about as good at looking threatening and angry as the Barbapapa is : ) ...|||Dear everyone; jumping in on a thread without having read all the preceding posts, as usual: am having doubts about my type. I don't feel like there's any other type that I'm more likely to be,...|||I'm afraid I just can't picture you wanting someone to die - you've got much more of a concerned parent thing going on, like you're upset with a child for doing something to put themselves in danger....|||not to sound overconfident, but I'm pretty sure I win. http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture28497-90.jpg|||YEP I finally watched the last 2 HP movies on Nov 18th, and I'm still feeling Snape's lifelong suffering for him. I read the book about a year ago I guess, but somehow it didn't affect me as much....|||So, just as an example, I watched both seasons of the new Nikita over the course of three or so days, and I got so caught up in the story and felt so sad for the suffering of the characters that I...|||There's something similar in Montreal; the magazine is called l'itineraire and I've bought one copy of it. The articles are about the homeless and I think frequently also by the homeless.. not sure...|||Dear Thesis Gods, Thank you! That was fairly painless. I think I can promise that I will never bother you again. Sincerely, Me|||Boba Fett Fox Mulder JACK BAUER Oliver Wood Vash the Stampede Satan (yeeaah...evil is sexy..and yes I consider him fictional) Cloud Strife Captain Li Shang from Mulan Yan Qing, Hua Rong, and...|||Thanks! But actually, control is my problem; I've been trying to loosen up because it seems like the goal of watercolor is to be able to splash a couple of washes on the paper, just hinting at what's...|||some paintings done this fall. 1st and 3rd are from photos I took; 2nd and 4th are from photos in books. please feel free to analyze/type/comment~ ...|||Two nights ago I went for a walk: moonlight, leaves rustling on the trees and underfoot, a warm breeze off the river, the smell of fall, temperature cool enough to keep me alert but warm enough that...|||The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map I'm not religious, but if I were, I think I'd like to be a Quaker.|||Hmm.... I guess I'm the opposite of most of you; if I've got the speech memorized, I can go on autopilot and recite the speech and not think about anything else. I don't have photographic memory per...|||Sometimes I wish I were an ESTP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpyZEzrDf4c|||Hey guys, I remember reading some posts in a thread around here about dreams, and it got me researching dreams on the net, and then I discovered lucid dreaming, and it sounded like fun, so I started...|||since we're doing baby pictures: http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture25797-scan100011.jpg|||you betcha! ;D There's just something about the way the top of the glasses lines up with your eyes, and maybe the colour combo and slight vintagey-ness of the photograph, and.... I dunno, just a...|||That's not nerdy; that, my friend, is the cutest hipster baby I've ever seen! Actually, the first I've ever seen. ^___^|||Dear PerC, What happened? Do you know how deprived I was without you yesterday? Do you know how long I searched the internet trying to figure if you were down for everyone or just me? Anyway,...|||That is exactly my situation! Except that mine wasn't quite as long as yours before the cut - but I had been wanting to get a really short cut for months and months, and a while ago I was up late...|||hahah, ok, here goes~ http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture25644-42.jpg I feel like a mix between Hathor from Stargate SG-1 and Jane Birkin. So I made a...|||Not yet; I am reading TFA and the TFA Companion Book. I would like to read his other books, but I'm worried that if I overdo it all at once, it won't stick; I'm planning to really try the things he...|||The Four Agreements|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture25533-38.jpg I got a haircut today, super-straight and with bangs, and when I got home I opened Photobooth to take a picture...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRdiNcz3PXA|||If I ever get my effing MA thesis finished and defended on time, I hope to go into teaching or public service to start with, and then slowly (hmm, not so slowly would be nice I guess) develop a...|||I don't believe we've met, but welcome back : )|||13/20 I didn't understand at first; I didn't know they were going to start and end with a straight face (didn't read the instructions carefully) so I gave most of the ones at the beginning fake....|||I don't want to pry, but I feel I'd be able to give more useful advice if I had a better idea of what type of 'unique circumstances' force you to keep cordial relations. If it's a coworker from a job...|||Dear ... world? MBTI? Jung? ..., Discovering Ni has been the best thing that ever happened to my MA thesis. And no, my field of study isn't psychology. Sincerely, A vindicated intuitive who...|||Dear PerC, You are the Great Fairy Fountain in the Hyrule of my life. Now if only I had some empty bottles....|||I'm reading (was reading - it's short) Juan Mascaro's translation. Haven't read any others, so can't compare, but I did enjoy this one. If only it were as easy to implement as it was to read... ...|||The Dhammapada|||Just walk beside me and be my friend.|||excuses excuses ; ) well, we'll hold you to the halloween deadline~ Hey wait, that's a great idea! We could do an INFJ halloween costume thread!|||:tongue:you could always set an example :wink:|||That's what I'm talkin' about! By the way, is that Kermit from Muppet Treasure Island? And also, we have the same camera~|||Well, you're all a lot braver than I am. I'm not sad very often, but I don't like it when it happens. Or... maybe sadness is tolerable, but depression is awful, and other people's depression can be...|||Dear INFJ men, lurkers, and others who only post a photo once every thirty odd pages (or haven't posted any): post more photos :D|||Holy moly that's a big fish! Also, do you know the type of the other person in the second photo?' | 98 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Pure sass when it strikes me.|||It's hard to pinpoint one, but they typically have to do with being outdoors and being overwhelmed by the beauty of nature. Climbing mountains, swimming in the ocean, hiking in the woods. Those are...|||Tell your therapist first. Mine was the first I told about any gay feelings and she helped me find a healthy path to understanding my sexuality. That's just part of psychology, which is what they do!...|||Ahh yes I get this feeling with all of my exes. I am on good terms with all of them, a little too good of terms with some! But I love the memories of those happy times. I always thought that I just...|||Yes! I was just going on about how I'm going to improve my health and diet just the other day, and today I have already eaten chocolate, cake and ice cream! It's not even my birthday. I have a wicked...|||I really like all of the suggestions by infpblog, but I have a simple recommendation that has helped me tremendously. If you have an iphone, there is an app called Clear. It's a really simple to-do...|||no_id Smoked. It tasted like metal and made you super high, like 5x that of weed.|||I smoke pot pretty regularly and don't think much of it. It's not for the reasons you may think, either. I am a runner and I love to smoke and get high before a run. The imagination runs wild and it...|||I agree on sensitivity, it has major advantages but some pretty profound downfalls. My moodswings get so terrible and I hate that it affects my productivity at work. I feel like I've gotten a...|||I'd like to see this INFP map! I'm in New York City. Strange place for an NF. We have a love/hate relationship.|||Yes! I feel this with my boss, strangely enough. He is married and I am in an LTR, and at first I was worried that I had a crush on him. It would be so wrong and inappropriate on so many levels....|||I'm not a bachelor, but this sounds awesome.|||I lol with my lol friends, and I haha with my haha friends. I'm sort of accommodating in that way.|||I like the list format. I think it would be hard to name my favorites of all time, so I'll just name a few of my favorites and others I've recently read. I hope you can enjoy some of these! ...|||Unsolicited reading advice is about as welcome as unsolicited music and movie advice. To each his own, man. And perhaps the Anna Karenina film that came out was a vapid little soap opera, but it...|||Thank you! Very kind to say.|||Currently reading Infinite Jest.|||Nice list!|||Yes, sounds like conflict avoidance, and yes I totally relate. I can be very chameleon-ish. I also attribute this to feeding off of other people's emotions or energy. When someone is taking a stance...|||I was bullied as a kid for being different. Something I'm sure many INFPs can relate to. I just wasn't like any of the other kids. When I was a teenager, I figured I must have been one of the bad...|||I love this, strange video too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVeMiVU77wo|||I'm feeling very torn between the two worlds within my personality. I want to embrace my INFPness in the world, but have found that it has done me no favors in the working world, or with making my...|||sky2evan This is good advice! I have another work commitment and can't make it to the next game, but I will say something (probably exactly what you suggested) and just go from there. On the email...|||Haha I've already thought of that!|||Thanks for this lovely reply! Your words have made me feel much better about the situation. I will try to turn this problem into a positive. Thanks again!|||I think you are mistaking religion for philosophy. Sorry, I realize that has been mentioned before. I was raised Christian and now see myself as apathetic to how religion affects my life, but feel...|||Not really, just getting excited for the new Arrested Development :laughing: But really, I have done something I regret. I volunteered myself for our company softball team, and I am not very good....|||Wise beyond your years! This is good advice for everyone, especially INFPs. I especially love the part I highlighted in bold. I'm sure we can all relate to this. Thank you!|||Good questions!|||My apartment is always a mess.. I sort of try to clean it, but my INTP partner tends to do most of the dirty work. We have a cat and a dog too, so it's a fair bit of work. It's an old building, which...|||Dove_Eyes I can't exactly put my finger on it.. Not that I date by type (my partner is INTP), but I do admit that I find a solid pattern of attraction to NT males. I think what is most appealing...|||Surrender by Toni Bentley, Fresh Off the Boat by Eddie Huang, and Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.|||I am a shy girl with a major thing for ENTP men. So far your theory holds true.|||I get quirky a lot. Not my personal favorite, but I get it. I come off as shy because I'm afraid to let my freak flag fly, but once I do, people start to like and accept my quirks. And f$&k 'em...|||It's very true, the increased flexibility is incredible. And to be frank, nothing shapes the butt quite like yoga ;)|||Well not really a gym rat per se... but I do take care of my body. I like to run, do yoga, go hit some balls at the batting cage, anything active and fun to keep my body lean. I don't obsess over it,...|||I don't want to have kids, and because of this, I don't really see the point in getting married. I would consider marriage if I really loved someone and they didn't want to have children either. ...|||Hmm, I might have the definition of creepy wrong here, but she is creepy in a good way too. Sorry to sound uptight. :blushed:|||I have a female INTJ friend that I would describe as creepy. She makes no bones about letting people know when she fancies them, whether they return those feelings or not. Sadly, usually not. She...|||Greatest Strength: Compassion Greatest Weakness: Moody/Neurotic Quality you most admire in other people: sick math skills! Smarts. Intellectuals. Love those NTs. Quality you least admire...|||I worry about how dark and cynical I truly am. I appear to be light and fluffy so people will not know that I am secretly worrying about bigger things at hand. I think we all do this to some extent....|||These statements really resonated with me. I don't like being teased.. even in the nicest of ways.|||I feel the same way! Pretty much summed it up right there.|||My INTP boyfriend said that he would describe me as awkward in my communication. I asked him why, and he said it was because I don't make fun of people. Well... not to their face anyway. :P ...|||A friend of mine, another fellow INFP, is nearly finished with her social work program and is so happy that she did. I think working 1 on 1 with people on a case by case basis is more effective for...|||I have read it, and I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was very well written and thoroughly researched. I've always been made to feel bad that I'm significantly less extroverted that most...|||If it would help you feel better, I would gladly read your poetry. I don't know how much credibility you are looking for, but I do live in New York and have worked in publishing. Plus I love to read!...|||I don't like potatoes.|||I have a BA in Communication. It really helped me get out of my shell during my college years. I jumped right back in after I graduated, but I'm doing alright!|||I'm glad that you've found my advice helpful :) you will make it through these difficult times.' | 56 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Hmm, so to translate this: INFJs bother me, so I dated several of them. That way I can justify being a sociopath.|||Maybe I missed something. This was my thought process: The OP writes about an INFJ friend and reflects on how great that relationship was with that friend. I thought you were joking about that by...|||You don't see the ridiculous implications of it all? An ENTP poses as an INFJ and befriends a person as a caricature of another person. It is the implications of pulling off such a con that amused...|||It all makes sense now.|||At this point, I really have no tangible explanation as to how the original post bothered me. I wish I knew why, because it might help. I am not knowable in that sense. I personally don't find the...|||You're an ENTP. Why? Because of your fondness toward INFJs. It's a different type of fondness than other types exhibit. It's closer to the fondness one has for their childhood favorite pet. Nobody...|||I get a Ne vibe from your post, but that is just one post. The reason I say Ne has to do with how you are connecting your thoughts. Also, those online tests don't do well distinguishing between...|||My salads usually only have romaine or red lettuce. If I'm being adventurous, I'll add onions, carrots, eggs and cheese, but I have that salad maybe six times a year. Otherwise, it is just going to...|||Whoever said INFJs were human? Ni is quite 'alien'.|||The INFJ/ENTP thread in the ENTP forum amused me. Mostly for its excessive hyperbole. I think every INFJ-related thread in the ENTP forum should be stickied, if for no other reason than to amuse the...|||Personality can also have an impact on this. A type 4 or an NF is likely going to have a different reaction than say a type 1 or a ST. By the time my idealistic self recognizes reality in its present...|||Communication isn't just a buzzword. The INFJ can use Ni to predict trends and Fe to determine what needs to be said to maintain a balance. I can identify problems before they happen and prevent...|||I did not do well in public school. Sexual abuse, bullying, and inept teachers and principals left me a very dysfunctional teenager. I'm an independent learner with excellent memory. I read my...|||This topic is making me want to replace my broken car radio.|||I think you are just going to have to wait. Sometimes things get in the way of my best intentions and I don't always put the first things first. My advice is to wait and give him time to...|||I also enjoyed making a custom class, but I became fascinated with min/maxing in Morrowind. For some reason, I refused to use the console codes, but would painfully figure out what skills to get to...|||Shhh. Those are trade secrets. What cognitive functions cause an INFJ to be so cautious and second-guess every single planned scenario and action? I always wondered why I was so uncomfortable...|||On the back of your receipt should be a survey that you can fill out. I am certain that they would love to hear about how they can better improve your dining experience.|||I wasn't able to navigate, much less survive, the social environment of high school. I did alright in college and even better in my masters. I think it just takes time for everyone to grow up. Part...|||When I was younger, I struggled with anxiety. Experience taught me that people were not to be trusted. I could be intimidated by powerful peers who were self confident or overly aggressive. Now,...|||I think it's interesting that the INFJs make up such a significant segment yet have so few posts in their forum. It could be that we don't post often. I've been here a while and have only managed...|||I think the panda bear fits me very well. I even think bamboo is fascinating. I don't really have a reason why I like bamboo. I think pandas are mysterious yet captivate people. They are powerful...|||That sounds like an INFJ doorslam. I don't know what advice to give you. For me, that is an extreme solution to a problem where there are no other valid options. You should read up on the INFJ door...|||My resolution this year is to be more direct. I imply a lot of things rather than stating them outright and assume everyone else is able to think on the same wavelength as I do. I can be too passive...|||I haven't heard anything about that. Interesting. I was under the impression that things like the steady state theory weren't even remote possibilities.|||I haven't kept up with recent developments, but isn't redshift on the majority of stellar bodies observed proof of an expanding universe? I actually cannot think of anything with a blueshift right...|||I'm not completely sure that I can actually define what I am looking for. I think it has to do with relying on intuition on a regular basis. I'm future-minded so if I cannot envision even a vague...|||I've never had those horror stories, but that's probably because I'm cautious and move about as fast as a turtle when it comes to dating. For me, asking someone out is a very vulnerable moment, and I...|||I don't like arguments. It doesn't help that I am terrible at them either. I would rather discuss and learn than argue. I cannot think of a single example where I have ever won an argument - even...|||I'm sorry to hear that.|||I know some people believe that you can't mix with headphones. I don't agree with that completely. Sometimes, that's the best option at the time. I would encourage you to try to play your song on...|||I just turned up the volume on the tablet. I can hear some of it now. However, I am still having trouble, and I couldn't hear it at all before. I'll try listening on something else in a couple...|||The timing in the lead guitar is a bit off at points. It is most noticeable in the opening riff. Drums are good. They could be slightly more present in the mix. No toms? Fills? The hi hat and ride...|||I prefer stability, but I grow restless if I am not free to create. As a result, when my job becomes more about petty details and less about using what I believe are my unique gifts, I become...|||I have no idea how I was able to function before GPS.|||Attrition?|||I've been there recently. I turned 30 in September, and that made me reflect on my life thus far. Add to that unexpected and significant stress from work, and I disengaged from the world. Little...|||I like ISTPs. I tend to either be stuck in the past or dream of the future, and ISTPs are focused on the present. That can bring me back to reality, which is sometimes necessary. ISTPs seem to be...|||Are you using Internet Explorer? Try a different browser. I can't create carriage returns in IE, but it works fine in firefox.|||I ACTUALLY FIND THE USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS TO BE MORE LIKE SHOUTING> ESPECIALLY IF I HOLD MY SHIFT KEY DOWN AND PUSH REALLY HARD> IT ALSO SEEMS TO CHANGE MY PERIOD INTO AN ANGLE BRACKET> I do...|||Technology is moving precisely as fast as they can make money off of it. For example, when I was looking to purchase a high-end laptop over a year ago, the particular chip series that I wanted for...|||I don't know anything about this, as I tend to stay in the INFJ forum. I know a few ESFJs and we get along fine. However, I must not know any ESFJs because the statements here are nothing like the...|||Forget Napster. Kazaa is where it's at. With those new DivX codecs, you can download movies overnight. Well, over a few evenings. Besides, you aren't really going to miss your phone line then, are...|||I'm using noscript on firefox which is preventing the redirects, but here's all the redirects from the log(as far as I know, all were from PerC). It's definitely something on PerC. I highly...|||I dated someone who typed as an ENFP for a few years. I describe her as a mirror image of myself as her extroverted functions are my introverted functions (and vice-versa). What I found fascinating...|||Even within personality types there is tremendous variety. I'd recommend you hang around the INFJ forums a little and take note of the variety of behaviors and attitudes. Much of what you are...|||I spend too much time reworking my posts in order to make sure that the wording is correct. Wait, I think for this time I'm going to actually keep [some] the process of posting visible so that I...|||Negative self-talk is incredibly harmful. It will grow stronger if you let it continue. I am a melancholic, and with that comes a brooding personality. There are things in my life that I am...|||I didn't like the descriptions I had read of the 4w3. I like to think of myself as a 4w5, but I behave more like a 4w3. Would you say this was the same case for you? I identify with the SX/SP...|||That sort of makes sense to me. A turtle's pace, an outer protective shell. A porcupine's quills capable of delving ever inward from just a simple touch. Am I close to an understanding? It just...' | 7,905 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Lanausseusse thank goodness, yah a bit dark, but its all good :)|||... why do I always find myself here?... I hope it doesn't end like it always ends... :unsure:|||Your feeling are understandable, whoever this other person is I hope you realize you don't need ANYONE ELSE for your own happiness. It'll take a bit of practice but hopefully you'll learn to love...|||.|||lanausee I hate to point it out but I'm catching a suicidal drift from this post. u ok?|||Sadistic, but not completely egregious. I dont know you but I assume that other then this minor tick your a generally a decent human being. We all feel the urge to lay it on others at times. Next...|||i had this problem as well. I've have found it helpful to practice a sort of meditation when you see/hear something that you are about to absorb. I'm not sure if I'm the one who invented this but I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6CWBgLbrD4|||Also a new language. Sign (ASL or otherwise) is a good first second language. Learn to code (khanacademy.org is a good place to learn about almost anything) Read start a small business invent...|||Guitar! get a cheap one and youtube will take you the rest of the way!|||I don't know if its an INFJ thing or not but I have the same problem. It seems I/we attract those who are hurting. All my friends have sort of used me as some sort of therapist monkey they always...|||We had to learn these in health class.|||Wanted traits 1. Intelligent 2. Funny 3. Compromising 4. Humble 5. Driven Turn off traits 1. Cocky 2. Selfish 3. Quick to anger|||INFP Type most likely to eat their feelings|||Friends with everyone yet, friendless.|||The prompt for an essay we are writing in my high school is... Is there such thing as absolute truth or is there only perception? I would like to get others opinions on it as I see it as a...|||the one that missed 4/5 days and still made honor roll/ the girl that didn't care about her apperance|||I do the same. Have a good week.|||Imma chick , also kidding. yet somehow im flattered ...or dissappionted, cant really tell which.:laughing:|||How's Friday? :tongue:|||Yes! That is the entirety of my relationships, and its difficult to distinguish whether its a help or a hindrance, I have nurtured many friendship in which I thought we were both very invested in...|||Describe the relationship between you and your parents. and/or Think/write of a conversation you had with your parents that stands out in your mind as being an accurate reflection of your...|||you know what, I don't care your feelings!|||sorry , beg to differ. we have a lot of patience when it comes to relationships but a point comes in which your just done, and you'll say anything. I do agree tho that there are very few times when...|||Bishop was just playing, don't me discouraged. Your parents spent a lot of money, if it takes re-teaching yourself everything you learn at school then that's what it takes. I do that for...|||When I find someone that is depressed and use chameleonism to help them out and they are to deep into the emotion to be pulled out, it leaves me in their position and deeply depressed how can I help...|||I have this problem too sort of. I seem to be more often disappointed,not because people have no sustenance or inter-feelings and thoughts, but because they ether don't know how to express them or...|||You could try the no-poo method of washing your hair. It stands for no shampoo, that sounds gross but you will use apple vinegar instead, a simple Google search will give you the details. Worked for...|||Thanks! i would tell my teacher but i would rather not be that student. no need for a pity party. I ended up kinda stealong a memory my brother and sister told me about so that fixed that. I guess.|||In art class this week we are making dimensional sculptures of a snapshot of a childhood memory. This should be fun and interesting but I seem to have a problem. All the memories I have from...|||I tend to take things to the extreme ,Yes.|||My best friend happens to be a INFP. From my experience, among the other things that make us very different, the one that stands out to me is the fact that they seem to concave into themselves when...|||I let the environment tell me what it wants to tell me. If I need more, I obverse the people in the environment. People feed off the energy in the place whether they know it or not. When I have...|||Words, at least vocal words, don't work for me the majority of the time. Writing comes easily, but to say what I mean is difficult. I hate that I takes me time to process what I want to say for it to...|||Do you have a theory on life, the meaning of life, how/why humans do what they do? Its quite a broad thread but never the less interesting (to me at least). Try not to take put down a theory...|||I do that too and my friends also find it hard to deal with.they she me floating away when really I just want time to figure it out myself. When I fix it I'll tell them about it and then it'll be...|||rarely truly angry, on that note, frustration comes with the territory. Stable infj's know how to only reveal a toned down version though.|||Mine is sound, but I didn't know it had to do with the personality. Everyone always thinks its really weird I cant listen to music without it being on the lowest setting and other things you wouldn't...|||The want to be different. Because we want to be different, We are different. Reality is perception. Everything else is just our subconscious giving us something to back up our own ideas with.|||I was scared.|||While living a day that feels like it has repeated itself for days, the meaning of a mundane sentence someone said to a stranger on the bus finally makes sense, on a life lesson level, and you add it...|||...When you tell someone what you truly think and it impresses/surprises/ freaks them out so bad you decide to to keep your insight to yourself from then on.|||maybe its just because I'm an INFJ but I don't do good with ENFJ's , everyone else seems to like them though.|||Dr. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) Sherlock and Mycroft (b.b.c. tv show 2014) Gregory House (House md.)|||Currently; The Rules of Survival, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and then will start Under the Mesquite|||holding people to high expectations and being continually disappointed. uggg emotionally draining.|||It seemed harmless because it has always ended with us laughing or giggling. I don't normally have emotionally reactive tantrums and try to not be a pain in the ass. I'm normally the one she goes...|||No she barely knows anything about it. I never talk about it. I sent her an email about it once just so she could do it too . She said she never got around to it and I dropped it. The argument...|||I have this friend, that I think or use to think of as my best friend. I've talked to her about things I haven't even talked to myself about. Which is saying a lot. So the other day we where...' | 5,658 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Your Se is quite dynamic in your art and hobbies. The rune part could suggest a very strong T, either extraverted or introverted. Also, the unsureness of why you're doing something could suggest...|||Probably one of the most obsessed-about type difference, the author clearly defines and contrasts the two types unlike anything I've ever seen. So for all you INFxs on the fence about your type, I...|||Intj|||I would type you as ENxP from what I gathered so far. If you are unsure about your feelings/morals, that could signify low Fi, but on the other hand you're coming off as too cuddly to be ENTP.|||Yes. I'm very forthcoming with my anger and don't hold back. i'm somewhat civil, but definitely snappy and perhaps condescending. however, that's more due to childhood issues.|||Oh, social skills. There are different types, you know. Sure, there's your stereotypical social skills i.e. charming and being able to hold a conversation with a new person or someone you're not...|||Social skills? Depends what you're talking about. I mean, while I do have a gift for really understanding people, reading them, connecting with them and truly feeling with them on a deep level,...|||Fi-dom, in spades. So that makes you either INFP or ISFP. The textwall and the fact you never mentioned anything in the 5 senses makes me more inclined to believe INFP. I would go on, and on, but...|||Do you, by any chance, happen to be surrounded by NFs? We're sort of infamous for 'between the lines' social interactions. I think that kind of communication is a lot of fun, personally, because the...|||You know you're an INFP when you say something and before you know it, all hell breaks loose because it was horribly misinterpreted.|||A bit touchy here... Sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean that stuff with relevance to ISTPs, just typical asshole stuff. I admit my posts weren't well elaborated upon, but really guys? Having a...|||Easy there. I was talking about him, not all ISTPs. Gee, take a chill pill.|||Just typical stuff. Gaslighting, exaggerating, denying and lying. Being so convinced you're right that you close your mind to what's right in front of you.|||For starters, here is a list of an ISTP's functions and their shadow: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe Te-Si-Ne-Fi And here is an INFP's: Fi-Ne-Si-Te Fe-Ni-Se-Ti As you can see, they have completely opposite...|||But there still lie possibilities/explanations for why things are that way. Say, maybe the INFP in question has severe depression. Fi-users in particular tend to fall into despair easily enough. And...|||Insightful and discerning. However, there could also be a possibility that in order to communicate with Person B, Person A operates in a Ni-Ti sort of manner. Ti users can be logical nitpickers too,...|||Really? He always struck me as a Ti-user. Although, he does have very developed Ni for an ISTP. I just don't see the Se. Can you point it out?|||Names were made anonymous, for obvious purposes. Try to type the two without criticizing too much. Person A: excuse me maybe i should have made that clear fuck you with the i dont love you shit,...|||Lol wtf kind of thread is this And no because surprise buttsex isn't kinky. It's just mean :( I don't do mean :(|||You know you have very high Ni with Fe when you believe that the universe around you is a creation of the universe's (your) mind and other people and things are just extentions of yourself, forged...|||Hi, I'm actually an INFx, scoring literally 50 and 50 between INFP and INFJ. I definitely have sufficient enough Ni and Fe to be part of your. crowd, soooooo... INFJs and ISTPs for serious...|||ISFP? Hm, barging into people's homes and breaking all their pots to steal their money seems pre-tty low Fe to me. Hell, low Fi for that matter. My vote goes ISTP. (In all seriousness, it's...|||Whaaaaat? Never uses Ti? Dude, just LOOK at all those weapons and their functions and how he thinks them through and uses them masterfully to conquer his environment. If that's not Ti-Se then I don't...|||I lol'd so hard at the twilight princess Zelda. I'm not sure about typing Zelda characters so I would take my analysis with a grain of salt... Link-ISTP with well developed feeling tendencies....|||Se-Fi, perhaps?|||Well, why the fuck not? Lmao|||Why not? He's INTP, a dominant Ti user. He'll be fine.|||As an iNtuitive Feeler, I beg to differ.|||Snake is so ISTP it hurts. As for the people who think he's an INTJ... I think he just has really developed Ni, which isn't surprising since it *is* the third function for ISTPs... Otacon is...|||I'm more INFx but I'll answer nonetheless. Generally, I don't use Se all that much. I do, however, appreciate how constant and easily accessible the Se world is. So, with that said, I use the...|||Woah, ISTP, your Fi is a bit strong there. Most ISTPs, in my experience, have that social flavor of smartass mischief maker, if you must know. They're mean, but most do it for amusement. And...|||Come up with a bunch of theories or explanations that don't necessarily have a basis in reality, but at least a cinch of logic. For instance, for tue action of going from A to Z with A as your...|||ISTP. Logical, observent, smart, probable that they would have a high capacity for using gadgets ad the like (Ti) and kickass reflexes and fighting skills (Se) Also usually complete smartasses. What...|||Well, let's see. All ENxPs lead with Ne, so I suspect it would be for a crazy, interesting, out there reason. But ENTPs have Ti as their second function, so they'd be very logical and able to break...|||Mm, this sounds like fun. As an iNtuitive, I don't think of food that much, and oftentimes forget to eat. So when I DO remember to eat, I am so wracked with hunger that anything sounds good. As a...|||10/10 INFP Havent slept for 2 days because I was up all day and night marathoning|||ENFJ? Yeah, I don't think so. For starters, he's infamously klutzy (low Se) And he just seems too random for Ni.... I'm gonna cast my vote as ENFP. He loves ideas, rambles, and just look how...|||Edit: figured it out! I don't find myself particularly attractive, fair warning.|||He doesn't understand the concept of warmth or comfort. Whenever I ask for it, even plead, he just responds with criticism and an angry tone. He tells me he's been under a lot of stress lately, what...|||Dear ISTP, Thank you for reminding me not to worry and teaching me to enjoy life more simply and reminding me how to be happy. Love, INFP|||You know you're an INFP when you look at something as simple as a leaf, shed hair, or anything really, and weave it into complicated theories about the inner workings of the universe You know...|||I'm selfish, attention-seeking, needy, insecure about my looks, furious when my partners admire someone else's looks, and mooch too much because I'm afraid of facing things that need to be done for...|||As far as I am aware of... Business-like (adj): the state of being inhuman and robotic, following all the functions programmed to achieve whatever simple purpose is assigned. No mess-ups,...|||I always thought of the compatibility of strong emotions as a staple of a very dynamic, strong existence, along with such other categories of existence such as physical sensation. It could be said...|||Existing. Suffering. The possibility that it may never end.|||It seems to be the go-to insult when people are pissed at me or otherwise have negative feelings. What is crazy? Is it because I'm an intuitive surrounded by dominant sensors? Apparently I'm crazy...|||The whole point of the form is to create a world really different from ours.|||Cool concept. Although are you sure you're NF? You sound more like an SF, based on how physical your descriptions are. Still, Si allows good creativity... it's just less abstract, more...|||I like to think time really doesn't exist in this world so it's kind of a neverending loop until you kill yourself. And the one who killed themself is immediately replaced by one with the same...|||If you suddenly died and went to a world completely different from ours... what would it be like? Include as many details as possible. Example: There's a mass of pink. Just pink. Is it oblivion?...' | 8,053 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | Most likely INFP, but could also be an ISFJ or INFJ. 1. I have goals that I constantly daydream about. 2. Home is my prison, the internet kills the time. 3. Work is my natural habitat. 4. I am...|||Narcissism 57 percent Machiavellianism 68 percent Psychopathy 1 percent ------ Interesting.|||If you don't want to be fake then what are you waiting for? Be yourself and be honest with who you are and what you want. My only advice is to set some clear goals for yourself like getting a job or...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTVzSq81wCs Mr. Van Driessen from Beavis and Butthead is a good example of an INFP stereotype. A daydreamer who sees the good in everything and everyone, even...|||Set some goals for yourself so you may know what to focus on and work towards, I'd recommend that you take some time to yourself and decide what you want to do in the future next. Keep moving...|||I do know that Kim Jong-un has been putting on weight for a while and that he overeats. His inability to take a dump could be because of his eating habits, if he weren't for his hard work he would...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO8qIqcxdvI|||You've came to the right place! I'll be looking forward to your future posts.|||Welcome! I'll be looking forward to your future posts.|||Your welcome, and good luck with your research!|||557122|||ENTJ over here! 557098|||Your welcome, :proud: and good luck!|||There are a few differences between the ISFJ and the ISTJ. An ISFJ is more concerned with the welfare of others, the word 'protector' describes the ISFJ very well. They are better at reading other...|||Good to see you again Blue Ocean! and thank you for providing this information for me to analyse. Now lets see what I can make of this. I get many clues that you naturally want harmony and you put...|||Based from your answers I can now conclude that your type is most likely INTP. Being a certain type does not necessarily mean that you will stereotypically act like an INTP (Sheldon from Big Bang...|||Haha, cheers for giving me a detailed reply for the examples I've given you! It took me a while haha. According to the functions you pricked you could possibly either be a, ISFJ ESFJ INTP or ENTP....|||Personally I do know much about the Myers Briggs functions at all, but I will try and explain some general things that I know about the functions you are not 100% sure with. Se= Is paying close...|||For some reason I would like you to do something just to help me further confirm your type, in the paragraphs below the line I want you to tell me which functions you can relate to the most. But...|||Thank you for that detailed and insightful post AlphaLeonis. I think that finding out why I need an organized environment is a very good suggestion and you telling me that I have a preference for...|||Having Te as my dominant function does make a lot of sense since I have always hated inefficiency and mistakes, when other people make mistakes or have hurt themselves I get angry at them for not...|||I do not understand Ni either, but I think you understand it better than I do. About what you said about ISFJ's not being confident about their future, from what I remember Blue Ocean was not...|||Excuse the grammar error in my title, I guess that's what I get for staying up all night... Never was any good at English either, anyway. I've taken the 'short-effective-scenario-questionnaire'...|||I think you are an ENFP Why? Here are the functions: 1. Ne: You are very creative and have a very active mind, you see the potential for change in everywhere you look. 2. Fi: You have a strong...|||An INFJ maybe. First I thought INFP or ISFJ but then I ended up with INFJ... Why? An ISFJ often has a more colourful and nostalgic view of their past(Si) but you seem more focused on the...|||You're clearly an INFP Your paragraphs leaks so much Fi, your Fi is clearly your most dominant function, I think you are in a Fi-Si loop because you are avoiding things that have hurt you in the...|||ESFP does seem like a good match to me. Here are the functions: 1. Se: You always need to do things. You also are very aware of your surroundings and of people. 2. Fi: You prefer to do things...|||I think you are an ESTP. Why? Because from what I've read your dominant function is Se due to the fact you do what you like and you say whatever you feel like it (not to mention your materialistic... | 3,973 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I suck at keeping in touch with people. No matter how hard I try, or how much I like someone, I only have the social energy to even attempt to stay in touch with about two or three people at a time...|||It often comes down to use a smilie/lol and move on, or spend the next few minutes explaining that you were joking when you made fun of their mother. Efficiency demands expressiveness. I do admit,...|||First off, let me just say you aren't alone in this. Often intelligent and introspective people find their focus turns inwards. The self-analysis starts, and once it begins, it consumes until you can...|||I was more philosophical, cynical, and serious than most of my peers. I was unimpressed with social conventions, disgusted with cliched teenage love (and general youthful stupidity), and discontent...|||Accendo means to kindle, illuminate, stir up, make bright in Latin. I liked the imagery, the word, and desired to read and write posts that illuminated personality. So, Accendo came into being.|||By rationalizing it, or reducing my pain to scientific terms. I literally name the neurotransmitters that cause pain. I consider the parts of the brain that are likely to be activated. I recite...|||On occasion, I have. Usually it's when the topic or business at hand is particularly serious (in the context of work, or a school project). In a casual setting, I am generally the one making my...|||The big ones: Stupidity-- willful ignorance, capable people who embrace illogical, misinformed arguments. I once got into a debate with a guy who, although intelligent, is very... old fashioned......|||At the surface: http://www.docbrown.info/docspics/irishscenes/eire2008_2/P8065712.jpg Traveling deeper: http://lizybee.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/trinity_college_library1.jpeg|||My writing professor taught us that the most important thing to do before you sit down to write anything is to consider your audience. In this scenario, it sounds like you're writing amazing papers...|||I've got to know, which came first: the INTJ confusion or the username? The reason you're confused probably has to do with the fact that you're trying to analyze an INTJ's mood. We're very...|||I have met two: myself and my mother. The only other tested INTJ I've met in 'real' life is my brother, although I'm 88.7% certain my (male) stats professor was an INTJ as well. Sometimes, it makes...|||Trying to fix people's problems by first analyzing, and then applying logic and research to the situation, instead of just listening and supporting. (I'm usually pretty good at muting this, but...|||The way I see it, we're only good at what we put our minds to (within the constraints of our individual capacities). This is no different from anyone else. They say what separates the average guy on...|||Yes, yes, yes. I've begun to dread the moment when people, to make small talk, ask me So, what do you do for fun? The minute I express my hobbies, I always come off sounding strange, and an awkward...|||You sound like an amazing sister, and the caring place you're coming from is going to be one of the biggest helps for your sister. As for specific advice, every individual and situation is different....|||Since the existence or absence of God is improvable, we are each fundamentally making assumptions on the same issue. These assumptions both consciously and subconsciously modify how we live our...|||Hi, I'm Accendo (hi Accendo), and I'm an INTJ and a Christian. (Cue gasps and a few head nods). For me, these things are not virtually exclusive. Nor were they exclusive for C.S. Lewis,...|||I have many, but this is one I think INTJs will appreciate: x93Men seek for vocabularies that are reflections of reality. To this end, they must develop vocabularies that are selections of reality....|||How do you INTJs prefer meeting new people? Casually. I hate the formality of being introduced. It feels so forced, and it almost always leads to small talk that's so awkward it's tangible. I like it...|||Research has found that in early childhood boys cry more than girls. Boys also show more nonverbal signs of fear, although if you pull the girls aside who aren't showing fear and ask them whether...|||Openness: 70 Conscientiousness: 79 Extroversion: 7 Agreeableness: 22 Neuroticism: 49 I'm not sure about the neuroticism. On some days it might be higher, but in general, it seems accurate....|||From this alone, I'd suggest you pursue a PhD, as I'm applying to doctoral programs next year for the same reasons. Yes, there are disadvantages and downsides, as there will be for any choice you...|||As a kid I was really neurotic, and afraid of almost everything. Now I'm a lot more healthy, and only have a few true fears. Namely, I fear failure, or rather not being good enough to achieve my...|||This is where you lost me. There is no personality type I typically get on with worse than the ESFJ. Granted, there is individual variance. There are amazing ESFJs, and I would get along with some...|||Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, or the fear long words. I think is hilariously ironic and cruel, and giggle just at the thought of the word.|||Not to be antagonistic, but out of curiosity, why does it matter? Most of the INTJs I know, myself included, get an (albeit slightly sick) amusement from their cynicism and realism. It was once...|||Extroverted me This is generally who I am when people first meet me. Here I'm very charismatic and outgoing. I'm the first to make conversation, and I maintain it easily. I toss around light humor,...|||I'm a year away from applying to grad school to pursue my doctorate in clinical psych. I have exactly the same motivations, and yes, it does taste like candy. People think I'm insane and try to talk...|||I know it's very un-INTJ of me to admit this or talk about it, but I feel the subject is worth addressing since it's been brought up. There was a three year span of my teen years where I became...|||As a teen I used to ask my father to donate to the [hungry/thirsty/needy] teenager fund when I needed some cash for something. I still feel it's a worthy cause. But seriously, I'm a big...|||I'm glad my advice was helpful! Kudos to you for being willing to compromise and seek a middle ground for you and your husband. That says a lot about your devotion and care for him. It sounds to...|||Thank you all for the tips! I really appreciate it. I have been trying to implement lots of examples to stress the real-life application of theory, and from what I'm hearing you all say, it sounds...|||I'm sorry to hear your marriage has been a battle. It sounds like a very difficult and draining position. Kudos to you, though, for seeking advice. I hope as an INTJ (with INTJ relatives as well) I...|||I'm tutoring an ISFJ classmate of mine in our university's Introduction to Psychology course. Being an INTJ, I'm trying to do research on how to best help my friend grasp the abstract theories and...|||Closest friends: INFJ, ENFJ, INFP, and EXTP(?). I need an ENFP, too. Needless to say, I have a thing for NF types. NTs are great, but usually I go to friends for emotional support rather than...|||I too am tactful and affectionate-- with some people. Affection manifests itself far later, and with far more difficulty than tact, but once it's been expressed, I express it often. Still, if someone...|||As a female, I don't have the issue at urinals. Although I can imagine how incredibly awkward and uncomfortable that would make me feel. As for the others, I agree and relate to them all but for #1....|||My (well known and respected) literature professor taught us the first day of class how to write an awesome book critique: I want you to say smart things that impress me. Essentially, that's all...|||Welcome! And might I offer a firm handshake instead of the traditional hugs and smilie laden traditional welcome posting? I can relate to difficulties conversing in a more traditional environment....|||You have highlighted the biggest critique psychologists have against myers-briggs typing: personality results fluctuate. My personal (unscientific) explanation is that circumstances can...|||1. Do you have girlfriends? Yes. 2. Many or few? Only a select few. 1. Are these friends mostly INTJs...or do you have a best friend who is a non-thinker All my friends but one or two are NFs....|||At what point do you consider someone no longer an acquaintance but a friend? I've noticed lately how the definition or onset of friendship seems to differ across personalities, and am curious...|||I follow Kant's argument: I cannot will a law to lie, for in doing so I would be contradicting myself. This is irrational, and thus to be avoided. Furthermore, u200ewe should act so that we treat...|||To an extent I would lean towards saying that INTJs are more likely to be stressed than some other personality types. (The ESFJ comes to mind). However, I do not believe this is because the INTJ is...|||My body language is a compilation of a deliberate, informed attempt to manage the impression I give to others, as well as a representation of what's naturally comfortable to me. It's usually as such:...|||1: 20 2: Female 3: On weekdays I get 6 hours on average (maybe less if my insomnia's bad). On weekends it's more like 9-10 hours.|||When I had my first interview, I pulled a classic INTJ and spent hours researching the best job interview techniques I could find. I also got the opinion of my nonverbal communication professor, so I...|||My brother scores 100% Thinking as well, but I actually believe this is a pretty accurate description of him. Regardless, logic and rational thought are the primary traits of who he is as a person....|||Personally, when I become interested in an individual (platonically or romantically) I study what makes them tick, and what they need out of a relationship. I then try to adapt my behavior...' | 78 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Those responses makes sense. Forgot about the difficulty factor. I have heard before from others that Ancient Greek is much harder. And although there are more Greek writers I'm currently interested...|||I'm torn between taking Latin or Ancient Greek. On the one hand, I'd like to learn Latin since it would help both my English and my (little bit of) French, as well as help me learn other Romance...|||Social 1) Generally, I positively associate with the idea of being a part of something larger than myself. Though I may find it either overwhelming, because of my astute awareness of what lies...|||Not them exactly, but similar people, sometimes, yes. But then I remember that this is a form of capitalist alienation; that we shouldn't be defining ourselves in terms of material outputs like...|||1. My emotional life: an unstable flux between... intellectualization -- observing and analyzing emotions from a distance, minimizing or denying their impact to keep them from overwhelming me; ...|||https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=4b151ba9d5&view=fimg&th=15977915e4ec710c&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1555845322456956928-local0&safe=1&attbid=ANGjdJ8QvEIUhN_PNWKaiRtMsmwXuplyctDO7AATXH5C...|||I had a phase where I mostly listened to classical, orchestral, and instrumental music, about through my whole high school career. And I've pretty much always generally disliked mainstream music...|||Arrival. Mixed feelings about it. I loved the atmosphere... but that's about there the love ends. Pacing felt uneven because there may have been too many themes packed into it and not enough clear...|||No. And mysticizing quantum physics like this isn't helpful. But this annoyed me enough to get me too see what's out there on this. I found this, The Social Aspects of Quantum Entanglement, which I...|||I got ISTJ. Similarminds is always pretty far off for me, so that's not new. I don't know what I think of this political research on personality. I'm completely sympathetic with him on...|||No problem, and you too.|||https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=4b151ba9d5&view=fimg&th=1595d68ebe114c5d&attid=0.1&disp=emb&realattid=ii_ixfkwgho0_1595d68cc167aa4b&attbid=ANGjdJ9lDxvASJ-KUsipgPU3V5SlSEM7Yta2GmYgCdqKxNnJYd_...|||INTP, 25. I usually score in the 20s and high 10s on these.|||I think a found a good approach to this question through Schopenhauer's aesthetics. It would clarify the INTP tensions with inferior Fe and this limited emotional experience philosophically. Music...|||No worries. Wasn't so much you being unclear. More so just my needing the subtle shift in perspective to see what you were referring to. Only mentioned it because I usually feel the need to explain...|||Some are still are working on it, like Riso and Hudson, though I don't know to what extent, e.g. if they're exploring and doing more research to modify the system, or just focusing on tightening and...|||Yeah those are pretty much it as far as descriptions go, to my limited knowledge. The level of specificity the tritypes get to seems to preclude more comprehensive ones given the pretty limited body...|||I was about to bring up the same thing about Fi and Fe. I can't remember where I saw that, but I think about it often because it made me realize I listen to music that way. It's always to fit my...|||I've seen a few arguments similar to this elsewhere, and they all strike me as getting somewhere good, having some truth to them, though I'm not sure what. In one sense it may only be the pretty...|||It is pretty apparent for me, and I assumed it was that way for everyone. At first I had a hard time with doubting my type even though 5 seemed right. Then it fully occurred to me how basic and...|||Especially funny because I know a 9w1 Sx-first who is just like that with linguistics and languages, and everything else she is in to. It is hardly an exaggeration lol. I have been thinking...|||I was meaning to make fun of that idea but that works too.|||We definitely couldn't think as well as we do without language. I would say words are delimiting rather than definite. They don't have definite conceptual content because use changes, but they do...|||(Not in order.) Rick and Morty Hannibal Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Sherlock The Office|||Couldn't pick one. But I can pick five with mild unease. Prokofiev's Symphony no.2 was the first that came to mind. Love me some dissonance and tension. ...|||I moved to a brand new place my first year of high school and went through similar things through the rest of those years. Not wanting to leave the house was(is) my response to the fear of dealing...|||Certainly possible. I don't know how well it fits, though, nor do I have an opinion on his type. I imagine most typing him as an INTJ, based on his Arkham character (haven't seen or read of him...|||Fun looking back at this (minus the cringey posts) as an INTP who thought himself an INTJ, and seeing that a lot of these posts have nothing particular to INTJs. But that goes for all of these...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6tcs0_NAUI|||I've been interested in just drawing for a while. Then I took an art history class and absolutely adored everything. One of my favorite areas now. I'm especially interested in the Renaissance,...|||Preferred Music Style Is Tied To Personality|||To an extent, probably. I think someone who is bigoted in other areas is more likely to become a typist than someone who isn't (or is less so). But I'm sure many typists are so for reasons other than...|||As I saw one person put it, INTJs are like the INFPs of the NTs. ENTJ and INTP have feeling as their lowest function; ENTP has it third, but it's Fe, so it's mostly directed outwards. INTJ has Fi and...|||That sounds pretty accurate. Not sure about the forced part, but it's probably not far-fetched. I get the feeling it sounds a little awkward, but I do love the words. I wasn't aware somewhat was...|||*waits with notepad*|||I do see where you're coming from with withholding a judgement on his type because of his extreme or abnormal personality (assuming that is in fact the case; I haven't looked into him deeply). But...|||I don't have a straight preference for either; they both have things I like. Daytime is good for: the sun, clouds and sky (through my window lol); having more energy in general (at least...|||This is one of the bests things I've seen on this forum. May Jellybaga bless you. I can see how one might say that the ESTP fits this. My ESFP stepbrother is my mortal nemesis.|||A lot of the time it's just bad information or interpretations coupled with or with greater influence than the theories themselves. It creates a lot of contradictions and simplifications, which...|||VacantPsalm It is in Socionics, yes, though I was referring to it as used the Jung+MBTI typology system, which is the one I've been more interested in. You can learn everything or most of what you...|||Aelthwyn covered my view for the most part. I connect to the melody, and listen to instrumental music. Classical music and sound tracks for the most part. I can't think an instance of feeling...|||This sounds a lot like something an Ni dominant would say. Ni-Se in action: few details and big patterns; little said and much expressed. Anyway, welcome, fellow selfie prude.|||Possibly. I've seen the idea expressed elsewhere multiple times, and it doesn't seem implausible. Introverted rationality/judging is a focus on sorting through and organizing one's mental content....|||I don't know, but I really want to try it out.|||This seems to have more to do with wisdom and maturity than type (as with most of these sorts of questions). My mom is an INFJ (probably) and gives great advice, but I don't have much else to support...|||My mom told me that I cried A LOT as a baby when out in large public areas, like restaurants and malls. I also didn't start talking at the usual age range. My family went to someone about it. I don't...|||I'm more like a low key version of this; almost stereotypical INTP-esque. I tend to feel like more of an adviser than a leader. not in the least shy Ahahahah, no. Why are there birth stones...|||My mom is an INFJ and has acrophobia. That was her at Universal Studios.|||Fixed. This discussion isn't going to go anywhere with sweeping generalizations (wasn't that part of the initial problem?) and appeals to who's more important? Besides, I've seen convincing...|||INTJ. I mostly listen to classical music - anything from Baroque to 20th century. I also listen to movie and game soundtracks, my favorites being Inception, Interstllar, and The Elder Scrolls V:...' | 150 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Don't do it, even Reuburns the ISFP said that too. The female ISFPs on here are probably lesbian or transvestites who are goading you into doing wrong (This one time, I tried to have cybersex with an...|||How nice of Crapazoid of creating an ENTP account from his other ENTP account to ask questions about ISFP! Just behave as you usually do, that's how I got my ISFP. Also keep in mind of the ISFP...|||I think we need an introvert sensor to keep us on track and on task. But someone who is feely to smooth over things and a P to be flexible on deadlines and not get all rigid like J's. Compared to...|||Yep. INFJs I meet are always on the verge of emotional implosion because they feel no one wants to understand them or they feel mistreated if something is not going right. They're constantly...|||They're kinda like ISTPs, completely anti-social/social at the same time, if they like someone (which could be platonic/curiosity/romantic) they will approach the person, but sooner or later their...|||Got to hand it to ESTPs being master charmers giving you what you want. Your ESFJ friend is right but also keep in mind SPs such as yourself are short sighted of future concerns. Someone being a...|||INFjs have this. If INTJs have this, stop that. You don't want to be stupid emo poetic yoga INFJs do you?|||Definitely an ENTP for patterns/people. ENTJ is far superior in developing a project and moving along steps. They are superb for businesses/organizations etc. If I were to pick a business manager and...|||Perfect job for INTP is pretty much being left alone to master something important to them. If it's graphic arts: Graphic Designer with the latest and greatest software/hardware to assist If it's...|||Compatibility is much more than MBTI/Socionics. More than likely the INTP with the ESFJ above who is together probably has a good number of things in common. MBTI compatibilty doesn't also take...|||Don't you guys find it absolutely ludicrous to create survey about staying home a lot? Most types can stay home a lot that is nothing unique to INTPs.|||Yes, worship the ISFP and be nice. Man you guys are way too demanding. Infantile babies.|||INFJs have martyr complexes. I've seen way too many threads of INFJ-ISFP issues. The INFJ gets into a relationship because they see ISFP as someone who they can mutually try to understand and they...|||You gotta be kidding me. I see ISFPs all the time dancing and drinking 3-5 drinks at bars/clubs. I have witnessed this over and over, stop being self righteous and making ISFPs seem all innocent...|||HELLO my Infantile ISFPs, It's so wonderful that Miracles Seeker the ENTP asks so many random vague questions in the ISFP forum when he is so shy at posting under his actual anonymous handle or at...|||very -J-udgemental of an isfP|||I personally think INTJ women have too high of standards of their mate to consider us as their equals. They must think we are too unpredictable and immature to deal with them on close terms. NT-NT...|||ISFJs are cool people from a long distance. I think ENFPs are attracted to ISTJs because they assume that their psycho babble will help ISTJ open up and ISTJ same forth for ENFP thinking they can be...|||Not sure if this is a trait that is shared with other ENTPs, but if I do get into a relationship. After awhile my gut tells me that it's not working I literally spend a lot of time on the best way to...|||I find ISFPs are very accepting and work very well with my personality that likes to move about and be random. My only dislike is that they take their work too seriously and need to relax more! They...|||And an INFJ outsider to boot to spread negative propaganda that may be incorrect to add. Meh, whatever BS cognitive function you're spouting needs to be backed by a web link that clearly shows...|||I would fancy the idea of being a temporary dictator for the sake of advancing others but not for long term.|||I have yet to meet an INFP that does not smoke marijuana actively, when I mean actively I mean every day or every other day.|||You asked a question how an ENTP would behave, a better question would be how would an ENTP behave towards an INFJ since you the original author indicate in your profile that you are an INFJ. Now...|||NF vs NT is gonna kick in eventually, so great for short-term!|||It would look like the following: Cemetery Military Barracks Prison --- any sort of system that is orderly, no-nonsense, and factual. Not to say anything negative, in fact far more...|||All your base are belong to us.|||That's just a facade, most ENFPs have bookshelves of self-help psychology books mainly on relationships as if it was the most important thing in the world.|||Healthy ISFJs? Female: Working in the home, cooking, baking, doing crafts, cleaning. Male: cleaning, home improvement, fixing stuff both generally very open, studious, quiet. Unhealthy ones...|||There will be some head butting and contrasts between on issues of right and wrong. Most likely the ESTJ will want to maintain a higher level of rank than an ENFP if you're okay with that. As friends...|||You sure you're an ISFP? I've read several of your posts and you come off as an INFP. INFPs can be pseudo-aggressives. and I get that sense from you.|||That sentence can be said of any type. And here's another thing, people kinda dislike behaviors of others from what they see in themselves.|||INFJs can be such saviors of others which is great for those that keep their word and provide consistent behavior, bad for those who don't operate in such sense.|||A deep open communicative verbal reassurances that are clear and consistently constant. Not sure if your random ISFP can provide that all the time.|||This is called Relations of Benefit: Relations of Benefit between psychological (personality) types I see the same trend with INFJs with ISFPs, but not ENFP-ESFJ or ENTP-ESTJ. The INTJ sees...|||Sure it can work, Both of you will be planning and doing lots of adventures however I think there will be an element of missing emotions. I think you both will do fine as long as you don't plan to...|||Controlling? Agree on nothing? Shows emotion when he's losing control? I don't know too many ENTPs that behave like that. When things get more chaotic, ENTPs get more calm and precise. Every...|||Buy a pet dog so she is distracted away from your needs. How can I help her out of this from a personality stand point? Space and Time actually helps quite a lot. She got better but...|||Okay from: Definition of cognitive functions | Life as a Project So this must be MBTI: Fe - extraverted feeling Connecting; considering others and the group - organizing to meet their needs...|||Yeah I agree, ENFPs my cousins can be slutty trying to figure the easiest way to get into someone's pants.|||Chaos, She is not into you. Being non-descript as possible. I once was at a social event, and this ISFJ hung around an ISFP for hours like he wouldn't leave her. Eventually I bumped into her and...|||I love ISTP women, probably as friends though. I can get them to do stereotypical guy stuff and they'll do it well, but I do feel slightly insecure but not because I am a man myself but it competes...|||No, you are incorrect. ISFPs are Fe Si. The difference between Se or Si, is that Se will utilize their environment and interact with it (cooking, gardening). Si will draw in Sensory perceptions with...|||You got it all backwards. Plus, one real annoying shit about INTPs is that they make up or rearrange MBTI/Socionics. What is this demonic, trickster, etc crap. I don't mind Perseus (INTP) setting up...|||She's not that into you. If she truly was an ISFP, she would be open to hanging out with you. So go ahead and move on.|||So ya know him for 10 years. Do just that, tell him. The next day he will bring a measuring tape for your ring finger and guarantee you a 1 carat diamond ring by the next week. No joke, I know...|||INTPs mistake ISFPs as ESFPs, so they're expecting you to be aggressive in showing that they are to be wanted in a relationship literally in a short time span. Sometimes ISFPs mistake INTPs as an...|||WOW! You guys sound really depressing! Go buy a season pass to an nearby amusement park or set your bed on fire or something. PS. that girl that told you that she wants to experience others and...|||Sounds like an xSFJ, yikes. Maybe you should just give the cold shoulder now rather than prolong it. Yeah I love me another ENTP woman too. An identical relationship is different between a Sensor...|||ISFPs till my late 30s/early 40s then ENTP. For ENTP Women, If I were to meet the right one at my age I would prefer to have her as a Long Term Best Friend with Benefits kind of scenario. I have a...' | 7,413 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'It isn't like I actively pursue these women. In fact they all seemed like normal/stable individuals when I first met them. Then after a few dates and them having the novelty of a decent person that...|||I've noticed a trend, at least for me, looking back at the types of people I end up ultimately dating. I don't know if it is by sheer coincidence, or force of habit, but seemingly every woman I've...|||Well, the entire conversation went like this; Me Hi (name)! Hope you have a safe and pleasant trip back to town! Be careful and try not to get lost! next morning Her Hahahah thank you, I...|||When it comes to INFJs in terms of dating, are they honest? Are they capable of leading someone on? I met an infj online a couple weeks ago, and it seems like a complicated situation. She's...|||I have a degree in Game Art and Design. Now I'm in the Navy. Just be mindful it is a very tough industry to get into. With that being said, I'd definitely say a mature infp is very capable. I'd say...|||That's good to know. An infj isn't the type to lead someone on, are they? I guess in some ways I am a bit insecure due to former girls I've dated. She also happens to be incredibly gorgeous which is...|||So, I recently managed to meet an INFJ female by complete chance online. I'm usually really good at reading people, but even I am having a tough time figuring her out. I notice quite a bit of...|||I might be biased, but try the Military first. See if you can get a hold of an Air Force recruiter or Navy recruiter and ask them about being an MP or Master at Arms. I feel like it would be a much...|||Good old blue camo. 157842|||Well, in my opinion, marriage is a statement. It's a statement saying I've found the one and only person I wantto build a permanent life together with. You can no longer see yourself being with...|||Hello all! I find myself exploring these forums again, mostly because oddly enough, I managed to meet another former PC'er out in the real world by accident. Funny how that works out! I feel like a...|||I would go back to biblical times, meet Jesus, see who he is. Ask him a lot of questions, to fill in the blanks for some of the vagueness that relates to modern times.|||Have you ever seen the dinotopia miniseries? Yeah, it be that. I would hate it. Kill the fucking T-Rex already, you moron! It's trying to eat you!|||oops, wrong thread, haha|||*cough* *cough* udk *cough*|||Man, this thread has turned into a gang war. Do we really need to be at each others throats?|||The good Dr Paul is an inspiration to me. It is incredible to see someone that is so honest and has integrity in politics.|||If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,...|||I remember the Ron Paul thread a few weeks ago.... I tried to debate the pros of libertarianism, and all it really seemed to do was get me mocked. Not even a debate, it was mostly just opinionated...|||I was referring to hotspur more than you really|||I think you are missing the point. Why do people do anything? Why do people take crazy risks climbing mount Everest? Or why do people do other dangerous sports like bmx or motorcross? Why do we have...|||I used to be a wrestler, and I delved into MMA a few years back, and anyone in fighting sports deserve the utmost respect. Many people fight for different reasons, but at the end of the day it is a...|||http://images.similarminds.com/leader/5.jpg|||http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g262/TeeBirderV8/reapermodelsheet-1.jpg 15936|||http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g262/TeeBirderV8/modelsheetrender.jpg|||I like both, but generally prefer dogs. Cats can be all over the place; if it is a male they'll follow you around more than a dog will. If it is a female then they'll only come around when they want...|||Anyway, if you want to try building some levels and such, there is an engine you can use free called UDK. It's epic game's engine, and they allow anyone to download it for free. They only time they...|||I'm a 3D artist finishing up my bachelor's degree in game art and design. I mostly do work in 3ds max and zbrush along with photoshop.|||I think that, when you look at society as a whole, when you look at the concept of good and evil, if evil is a product of selfish behavior, then as the Bible quotes, evil is our natural essence. The...|||I hope no one minds if I cite some religious theology, but the Bible cites that we are slaves to sin. I find it ironic that most of these things that the Bible tell us are sins come quite natural...|||I think it is selfishness. People do terrible, horrible things out their own desires. Politics, religion, war...... each and every one of them has been taken advantage of by someone looking for their...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8gi2eQMLJU|||I just wish I had a J instead of a P, then I would actually get shit done.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ixEWrTLiZg|||This is a personal favorite of mine Welcome to The Computer Graphics Society|||I guess I'll bite http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v183/26/48/60716694/n60716694_32307236_2187.jpg ...|||I just need to learn to be able to get things done, and not procrastinate everything away. Otherwise for the most part I think I'm good.|||Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a perfect system.|||Also, your ideas are based on the idea that our government is more trustworthy than these companies, which I feel certainly isn't the case. Politicians are every bit as bad as corporate leaders....|||When our economy depends on these companies, I wouldn't say that it is a good thing. This is a pretty big problem; when companies leave, we aren't getting any money from them. If we tax their goods...|||That's the way to go, if you want the company to move to mexico. It also hurts small businesses that can't afford the same things the larger one do.|||Also though, giving away money doesn't tackle the reason they are homeless in the first place. When you are in an economic recession, if everyone is poor, where is the money coming from? Taking from...|||I don't think it is ethical for a governing power to be able to force people to pay into a collective society. If someone wants to help other people, they should be able to choose, who, what when...|||That was terrible. I didn't find that amusing at all. Poor guy thought he was there for an interview, and the guy started taking his pants off. Why couldn't they pick a politician that was an ass...|||This man is the most honest individual in either party right now. He certainly has a sense of why our system is failing. Just because we have technology doesn't mean the constitutional values are...|||This one was kinda fun, too, haha.|||This was kinda fun Stranger: hey Stranger: asl? You: You how's it going? You: I mean Yo lol|||Valorous! Noble! Or possibly just a self-righteous jerk (but with the brains to keep you alive!)... You are a Smart Paladin! Paladins are holy warriors. They are valorous defenders of the light. ...|||Well, I'll put it into perspective; I had an ENFP friend that was in the Marines, who was rather on the lazy side. Smart guy, but didn't have the work ethic and failed out of college his second...|||I don't think Nietzsche or Plato's apologies are too bad for a beginner. I read them back when I was in high school for my AP English class. That was my first dive into philosophy and I found it...' | 713 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'The Warcraft Civilization: Social Science in a Virtual World It's a dandy of read! Perhaps you should take a gander! *Points finger right at you!*|||Coffee shops, Abandoned warehouses, puppet based live drama's and Grandma's knitting club/support group.|||Backyard BBQ's, Melon Samples, Sword fights, Movies about Success, Indian Beads, Enchanted Furniture, Two hand touch Croquet, Pasta with friends (and uncles!), Invertebrate, Top Hat Adventures, and...|||I'll play what I can! With you! My Friends!|||With me I tend to dress that kinda makes people do a double take. It's subtle, yet still has a flair of strange. T-Shirts from Good Will that make little to no sense, and jackets that scream classy...|||I am actually struggling with this right now. I feel less then average... But I do know that is this due to some major damage to my heart. But I wish there was a way to feel unique again... I haven't...|||I tend to write here and there. I have way to many story ideas compared to what I have accomplished. I love it though, the writing, not so much the writers block and the waiting around until...|||I'm a lefty for sure. One of them crazy liberals! *Ghost noises and Shaky hands* Naw I'm pretty far from being an extremist.|||-The Venture Bros. -Batman The animated series -Freakazoid -Daria -Eek the cat -Thunder Cats -Swat Cats -Samurai Pizza Cats -Felix the Cat|||Oi! Let me tell you, I was doing pretty good at keeping myself busy and coping with my loss.... but the thing about Divorce is that there is always something Legal or so ready to rip at your healing...|||I have found over the last year or so that I have had a strong pull on: House Plants Mannequins (the kind that end halfway through the torso.) Male Creepers (asked me if I needed a ride, nice...|||This is very true for myself as well. It's very frustrating to know the problem and have no idea how to fix it. I'm pretty sure, in my case, is that I need to work with others. I need people to get...|||Testing the Really works on space booster pack on the new Action Chet, Space adventures repulsion pack. It's looking good for the Holidays!|||Time for you to take some time off from the rest of the world. It only for a little while. Recoup and gather your thoughts. I would suggest taking up croquet or snake charming. Both very therapeutic...|||That lizard man took that rock right to the chest! Incredible!|||I tend to dabble in the literary arts. And when I become intertwined with inspiration, I can write things that can make a cabbage weep.... Some would argue that it's just the water from the produce...|||I understand this feeling for sure. I am deathly afraid that I will die without accomplishing any of my many projects. I know that is area that I live in has very little to offer me. In fact if you...|||I can't think about getting blood work done without feeling the need to pass out. But luckily for me, I will always pass out before I throw up, but that doesn't mean I don't deal with the queasy...|||Thanks very much. Odds are I will have some questions here soon. You are granted a most excellent thumbs up.|||I think I can apply the term Organized Mess, for my living situation. Every where. Writing ideas, scraps with doodles, opened mail, pens, alchemy supplies, coffee mugs, and papers that i have...|||WOW! This is most helpful. I am actually moving to Portland within like 2 months. I've done a lot of research on it, but it's always good to hear someone talking very highly of the place. And it's...|||I personally can't stand it when there is roughage between me and someone and will almost automatically feel the need some sit down and discuss this until all their true feelings have come pouring...|||I would have to say peter pan. I think that character inspired me through out all of my childhood. Twas all the adventure and flying, being completely free, with nothing to tie him down. I wanted...|||I was a wacky weird child, this is for sure. What started out as a defense mechanism, turned into who I actually enjoyed being. I was always talking in a variety of weird voice, and saying outlandish...|||Usually A running start followed by a thrusting of ones shoulder into my abdomen thus knocking me to the ground, windless and stunned will do the trick. Then I am rendered defenseless and ready to be...|||What sort of abilities? You can take a traffic jam and make it flow like a river?|||One thing that I have come to learn is that I shouldn't push it the wacky happy waves. It seems that when I do this I tend to become awkward, and uncomfortable. I don't recall people noticing this...|||Applying ointment. Soothing.|||I was talking to me dear twin sister Totally Bella6000, when she said something about as ENFP's, it often feels like the world expects us to be 'up' like it is our roles in life... She did write...|||Checking the Harvesters for my Uncle Owen.... Looks like the academy will have to wait another season.|||I have been called eccentric here and the in the past... Mostly when I was going through my Rickshaw and Top Hat phase. ....I had a peacock then...... I miss that peacock....|||Now here is a guy that I could use to take a bullet for me. :wink:|||I have never cheated nor been wishy washy in a relationship. I have been tempted before, but I just could never bring myself to fall to it. I just can't do that to someone. Especially the someone...|||Building a Time machine outta a sausage maker in hopes of delivering Braunschweiger to the ages!|||Thanks very much for the chin up and support from all. Again my wounds have been ripped open, but at least I have this anger now. And I'm told that it is a very powerful salve for healing. I plan on...|||Well I have hit another speed bump, One that put me on the side of the road. It has been about three months since all this divorce fun went down, and actually about 4 days ago it was supposed to be...|||I know, I will survive it. I have, indeed, dug out my sun lamp and have been bathing in it constantly... speaking of which, i need to go buy more body wash... Anyway! It's wonderful. I take it...|||The air stopped. It just stopped. Sara didn't know how else to explain it. In fact the world seemed to stop. People who once where traveling along fulfilling their daily routines, embarking on new...|||I can't believe we have to wait until the end of the year for that crap. They might as well have said 2013. What a huge disappointment. *Puts the 2012 tree back in the attic*|||Taking a journey into strange and dangerous lands with Iron Maiden.|||Ape's Ether Bunny Kit, eh? I feel I must purchase this in a bulk supply. Finally The Mailman! Your gonna get yours! Anyways, Thanks for the Link, Lol. I have been looking into it and I still feel...|||Your enthusiasm is outstanding! Man, if you would take that and turn that into some sort of caffeinated beverage, I'd be buying a bulk supply. :laughing: Thanks pal.|||Hi there, I invented a board game complete with rules, pieces and fun. Does anyone here have any sort of idea of how I can go about getting this thing into the eye of the public without being...|||Look for the laser light show and a kabuki theater interpretation of The Travels of Luis and Clark.|||Trying not to lose my mind due to this house selling jazz! After this, I'm pretty much done partaking in the Adult game. It be a renters life for me to the end of me days!|||Well said, my good man. Well said.:laughing:|||I am terrible with my flirting... and by terrible, I am told, that I am ruthless. But the way I see it is I just want to make people laugh and feel good about themselves, so I guess I come off as a...|||This is very true in my case. But! when I get ever so angry it feels as if the structure around me could just collapse from my sheer anger. I can feel my eyes Ice over and burn at the same time. I...|||To some how rid the world of work schedules and free up more time for our own passions.|||Ah-ha! Today, is the day that (at least for a day) I have bested fall! Take that you heartless jerk! I actually decided to leave my room. I know, talk about getting crazy. I actually had to write a...' | 7,931 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'Former leader of the UK Labour party; Michael Foot was a passionate Orator, and was part of the Royal Society of Literature. and of course he loved the glitter of all that circle with all the...|||When I wandered off into analysing cognitive functions I realised what I thought was a very weak Fe is infact an Fi. Someone described Fi as the ability to listen to feelings and Me and my sister who...|||Hello INFP, hopefully you are having the most pleasant christmas this year.|||As of 2013, I have donated approximately $15,800 to Epilepsy Awareness. It is a charity that I donate to because one of my friends (and crush) died from epilepsy. I will continue to donate to that...|||WA is probably ISTP or ISTJ.|||I don't know if this is an ISTJ thing. You might be an ISTJ if you think you're friends are not serious enough about life.|||don't be sorry :happy: Let's celebrate that you are an ENFJ by dancing in zero gravity whilst orbiting Titan. :happy:|||woah so many smilies that my mind has exploded and the vestiges morphed into a hawk and flew away.|||This is me to a tee. I used Karl Popper's Theory of falsifiability in a climate change assignment.|||Are you just arguing over semantics here? A person with schizophrenia is not neurotypical. It certainly is genetic for the most part, and while mentally ill might be if you will a term to describe...|||I think we should scrap income tax, and company taxes and impose a Land Value Tax.|||Does this sound like an NT thing? I took my younger sister(ESFP) out to a club since she can't drive yet. She was having a blast but I was bored, and I just ordered cocktails, I talked to a few...|||I don't know I see conservative values in this light. There are three moral traditions. there's the intuitive morals that people have, and the morals that they upheld as an individual in the...|||I'd appreciate any other opinions.|||I did this, hoping it would help. 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances?...|||Thank you for the response. It is greatly appreciated.|||bump.|||I believe in Pro-life.|||I was thinking maybe ENFJ.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i14qvGUuCls|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-RExcMtH3k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2aQ-aquNiM What is his enneagram and MBTI?|||If I am threatened during perhaps a debate I will verbally joust and be on the offensive listing fallacies, or data that goes against their beliefs. If it is an work, or being threatened with my...|||here are the processes from similarminds. Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) **************** (16.2) limited use...|||Thank you for your response. I did make some cognitive processes remarks later on such as Introverted thinking, and perhaps introverted intuition.|||Hello ISFJ'er. :) Thank you for taking the time out to check-out my thread. I've kind of thought the ISFJ might be the more logical label. I'm at heart a conservative, and some of the conservative...|||do you have a subscription fee? Also do you offer advertising rates?|||Also people that inspire me: Margaret Thatcher Enoch Powell F.A. Hayek Richard Nixon Cicero Lee Kuan Yew|||I have often wondered whether I am really an ISTJ/ISFJ rather than an INFJ. I have often questioned how my beliefs are derived. I think I observe the world and then contrast it to an ideology to...|||That sounds quite interesting, Though I have values, and beliefs, I generally have intellectualised them with premises, and it is with this as well as reflecting on my past experiences that have...|||RCOAI 2.5% of women; 4.5% of men not relationship obsessed, withdrawn, risk averse, not wild and crazy, toned down, thinks before acting, fearless, peaceful, does not like to be the center of...|||Hey I'm capitalist! :) My name is self-explanatory however i am more than just one definition, Needless to say I've joined to compartmentalise myself yet again, and understand my beliefs better.' | 1,166 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Yes, I feel this once in awhile. I know it is just a strange sensation when it's happening and so I try to stay calm. The worst time was about 6 months ago right after I got to work. All of a...|||finally went to the dr for depression. I have been trying to fix myself for 2 yrs with no luck. Tomorrow I will start Lexapro and I'm hopeful. I'm hoping to feel normal again and get some joy back. I...|||if he really is someone worth your time and energy my advice is to keep giving him positive supportive feedback. As an INFP female, when I'm feeling really negative my husband is wonderful and...|||financially conservative and socially liberal. Live and let live. I don't vote anymore. I do not have my own lobbyists, do you?|||consideration is very important to me. It shows that you are not selfish and are interested in me and my wants and needs. I feel I don't need to be doted upon constantly or else it seems desperate...|||you constantly wonder how other people are doing exactly what they want to in life. I don't even know what I want to do with my life. This inability to stay on one path is the INFP attribute I hate...|||in school: you wonder if you are stupid sometimes because you don't quite understand a concept when you are the only one who thought of other possibilities or variables that have not been answered...|||ANYONE have any ideas as to why my eyes/eye lids have been twitching all day long for the last 2 months? It did stop for a week or two last month, but started up again a few days ago. I know stress...|||reminded me of when I used to eat instant oatmeal with a fat straw from work when there weren't any spoons:)|||what did the guy with 5 cocks say about his underwear? Fits like a glove!|||Thanks, I love Wombats. I really wish I lived in Australia so I could have one as a pet.:happy:|||oh and anything Jake Gyllenhaal...hearts racing, pupils dilating, mouths watering. So yummy:P|||any movie that evokes emotion...happy, sad, joy, anger, horny, discust, nostalgic, excited, whatever. Anything too SciFi loses me though.|||my drug of choice is.....procrastination. When I'm doing something I enjoy I feel like I'm just putting the real world on hold. I guess I classify hobbies as a drug to numb me and let me ignore the...|||feeling too floaty and undirected right now. I'm always thinking of the future and wondering when I will be living a meaningful life, enjoying the moment, and forgetting about anything sad,...|||you play this little mind game with yourself: for example, while jogging I would pick a point in the distance and tell myself if I reached that spot than I would marry my boyfriend in the future(now...|||Watching an exciting sports match or game...while everyone else is cheering and hooting and hollering I'm holding back tear and I can feel the emotional lump welling up in my throat. This is so...|||you love the claymation movie Mary and Max You guys gotta check it out, I just watched it instantly on netflix. So great!!!|||having a hard time today. A little girl I know just died a few days ago. She fought cancer off and on since she was 8 months old. She died 6 days before her 4th bday. She and my son were both...|||I kept having the same dream everytime I'd fall back asleep; Being chased and hunted by aliens. I'd wake up and try to think of something else to dream about, but once I fell asleep I'd drift back...|||...you get really excited about something for a few days, but then the excitement fizzles and you are left feeling empty and without purpose....again. ...you worry your kids are missing out on...|||My 5 yr old daughter brings me launghter everyday!!! The other day I was telling her that dead plants and animals turn into dirt after they decompose. Her reply was well, dog poops turns into...|||I've only been with my husband. I think it is sometimes physical and sometimes emotional. I have never had a one night stand, though I don't think I would like it if I was single. I need love and...|||...if you need a bumpersticker that reads I DO NOT Support war but I DO support our troops! Why does it seem like you have to choose between the two?|||how do you make each day worth living? I think I've been struggling with depression on and off for a few years. My youngest child had Leukemia and underwent a bone marrow transplant thanks to his...|||ESFJs: They come off as insincere, unthoughtful, unappreciative, talk too much, gossipy, airhead, driven only by approval and recognition by others instead of doing something because it's the right...|||This happens to me when I'm around my new boss. I don't know her personality type but I wouldn't be surprised if she was also INFP. It's like we both are holding back smiles because that would just...|||I was much more outgoing as a child. What happened to change me: environment, experiences, cognitive changes/maturities, relationships, feedback from others, learned behaviors/thoughts, natural...|||Some people would be surprised to know I'm introverted. At work I'm friendly and open because that's how I need to be with the public, but it can be very draining. And if I see a customer somewhere...|||you tell your little neighbor friend(also 5 yrs old) that you feel so bad for dogs because they eat the same thing everyday for every meal. But cats don't have it so bad because they can have a...|||...when you play a game with yourself of trying to notice something you've never seen before while driving by a very familiar place or area. I did this alot as a kid.|||.....you try to burn down your house constantly with cooking amnesia - take a shower, water plants outside, watch a movie, and then, OH SHIT! I forgot about the stir fry!!!|||you've been told your whole life that you're wiser than your years and very mature for your age. I always felt like the party pooper. I was liked by my peers in school even though I was mostly...|||Hey you woodchucks, quit chuckin my wood!!!|||Sometimes I have to read aloud so I can hear the story with my ears and not just my brain. And with an English accent or maybe Australian or Irish:) I'm such a dork. Does anyone else think in an...|||I'm not a vegetarian, but I will say that the all or nothing approach doesn't seem like it is completely possible for most any lifestyle/attitude. For me this is my recycling dilema; Is it worth my...|||Ever have a fleeting thought that you can't tell until further examination if it's from a dream, a memory, or even a vivid trip? This happens to me all the time especially when I get up in the...|||...mushu of some kind only because it is so delicious and I NEVER get tired of it. Well, except I consider myself pretty boring so mushu doesn't work. But it is plain looking from the outside until...|||married to an ESTP for about 5 years now and together for 13 yrs. We just click. He is more outgoing than I but we are both go with the flow folks who enjoy spending time with our 3 kids. We are...|||somewhat shallow, social, always feels deserving of whatever she can collect/obtain for free, packrat, sensitive, feelings hurt easily, notices superficial changes acutely, loving, very loyal,...|||My mother-in-law must be an ESFJ!!! we are so very different. for instance....she loves to go to every possible function that's going on in the community, loves get-togethers for no apparent reason,...|||.... when I am unusually confident I feel like I REALLY could confront the lady smoking in her car with her kids inside or not be the first to look away when I make eye contact with a complete...|||At age 4 I wanted to BE an airplane when I grew up. Yes, my mom never lets that one go!|||Actresses Virginia Madsen, Angelina Jolie, Katherine Heigl? Singers Amy Grant, Shania Twain, Faith Hill? I agree with the thought that an INFP is quite different(stronger, bolder, outspoken) when...|||Really only 1%??? Wow, I don't know how that makes me feel? I am new too. Thanks for the welcoming:)|||Have NO fingernails...my hands are so ugly. They do make me self concious and it's embarrassing that I can't open a can of soda sometimes or pick up a dime that's fallen on the floor. I really need...|||Being rich, highpowered, famous...this sounds like a nightmare!|||what would it feel like to not care about hurting/putting out/ignoring others? It sounds freeing. It also sounds terrifying to imagine only thinking about my perception. Why do I care so much to...|||My father-in-law is really pissing me off. He wants to sell the car my husband uses to drive back and forth to work in(yes, it's my fil's) to pay for a crappy little motor boat. When right now it is...|||sounds like me when I can't take anymore stress.... you don't really let it hit home. Or is it something you have no control over? In order for you to prevent yourself from being completely bogged...' | 3,817 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Eh? Not really. We were just typing a politician. No political arguments were happening that I'm aware of.|||Obama = ESFJ/ESE, IMO. I don't know if you're into socionics, but you're describing the whole alpha quadra here (and in particular the extroverts). Anyway, he's much, much better at Fe than an ENTP...|||Uh, The Doctor. Hands down. How has no one mentioned him yet? Or, to go the opposite direction, I always like to point to Jim Halpert from The Office as a great example of what a majorly bored ENTP...|||No, actually, I would expect people who make it big to generally be outliers in one way or another, kinda by definition. I disagree on both counts. I really wouldn't describe ExTPs as being...|||Intelligence level /= cognitive type. Just because there are brilliant ESTPs doesn't mean there aren't moronic ESTPs. Same goes double (triple?) for ENTPs.|||I do believe that was my insinuation, yes.|||There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick. Like Geonerd said. That says it all.|||Who cares? He's either one of the dumbest and most vile humans on the planet or a secret genius manipulating everyone towards his mysterious ends (is it all a secret message to someone? is it...|||Not like most girls? Imagine that.|||No.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF3EcrRXO50|||Yeah, that's considered ideal in Socionics. Ideal.|||INFP: Best listeners out there. Can also be very thoughtful and deeply felt activists, but man they would defend Voldemort as just misunderstood because he was once bullied and they can relate....|||Duuuuuddde. That's deep...:cool:|||I disagree with this actually. I've always subscribed to the idea that talent (and by extension, genius) is simply a product of a lot of practice with, exposure to, and interest in the skill,...|||Nah, you're among friends (aka, fellow narcissists :wink:).|||I agree in terms of skill and talent. I think the more interesting question is about whether it affects style.|||:laughin: Wow, that's some serious arguin' there.|||Oh yes, ALL of the counter phobic six. If you watch the flashbacks to before Lily's death you can really see how she used to be really phobic.|||Definitely agree it's a sp/sx movie overall (like me! only I'm not a movie...). That's part of the reason I like it so much--it has an oddly mellow energy for a movie about rock and roll. I really...|||Eh, totally subjective question, but I prefer either type of NTP over the other two. (Examples are Jorge Luis Borges = INTP, Douglas Adams = ENTP). No surprise though--I'm biased towards my own. My...|||Lol is Almost Famous just the definitive 7w6? Cause that's my head fix exactly, plus I tend to apply instincts in order to my tritype (so I think of it as a sp 9w8, sx 7w6, soc 3w2), which would make...|||Paradise Lost is wonderful. It inspired the novel I'm working on now, which is a kind of off-kilter retelling of the Adam and Eve story. I'm also a HUGE fan of Gilgamesh (look for the David Ferry...|||Yeah, I'm pretty darn proud, but I think I hide it well in everyday life (I'm a 9 so I tend not to be directly confrontational, at least unless someone really pisses me off. Or maybe not. I just...|||nvm, read more.|||9: The Haunting (1963) A little explanation: I couldn't find the scene that directly follows this, but basically the main character (Eleanor, the blonde in the video), is simultaneously terrified...|||Um, does this thread still exist? Can it die now, pretty please?|||This is possibly the prettiest thing I have ever seen.|||I can identify with a fair amount of this, but I think the key issue you are describing is actually tertiary Fe (we care about and are affected by people's moods, but we are mostly clueless as to how...|||Actually, funny story, I absolutely hate learning languages. I took French in high school, and while I was okay at reading and writing, trying to actually communicate anything via my vocal cords was...|||458545|||Hmmm. Girlfriend is an introvert of unknown type, and no, it doesn't bother or annoy me. However, she doesn't introvert out as you put it, basically ever actually. She's more the type of introvert...|||Wow. Not sure if internalized elitism, internalized ablism, or just plain self-hate? No, you are not inferior and your type is not inferior. A couple things: 1) I would take statistics about...|||http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130203191514/simpsons/images/2/24/Abe_simpson.gif|||I don't. I find INFJs fascinating and a bit exhausting. I tend to find ISFJs adorable, but only in fiction (I don't know any personally) so who knows. I honestly think INFJs are much too dramatic,...|||Almost certainly ISTJ.|||YES. I am DIABOLICAL. Exactly! They're really cold and impermeable and hard to get listen to you, whatever the image they project may be.|||Yes. There are crossovers and stuff, but it's mostly self-contained. It's more similar in tone to the rest of your list, but if you have the chance I would check out Buffy, because it's really worth...|||Sooo...have you seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Cause it's pretty great, and seems to fulfill your requirements. Absolutely full of fun and camp and fight-y ness. Fun dialogue, lots of humor, and a...|||I think an underlying rhythm (whether literal or not) can help direct and keep Ne from wandering too far from a task. If you think of a beat or a melody as a circle or spiral or squiggle that stays...|||Exactly! I've always thought the most obvious thing about her was the Fe use. I'd be interested to discuss what makes you think ESFJ over ENFJ, since I'm not totally decided yet.|||Oh, okay. Social ambiversion is possible. I find cognitive introversion/extroversion to be a more interesting distinction myself, that and function order. I do think she's a social extrovert but...|||Do you mean you see equal parts Ni and Fe in her? Or do you mean she's a social ambivert?|||I tend to like weird literary (god, I hate that term) books that play with language a lot. I'm also obsessed with books about neuroscience and/or linguistics. Otherwise, practically anything,...|||MTBI has nothing to do with physical appearance or level of intelligence, so no, ENTP women would not tend to be bimbos OR butch. There's really no correlation between people's style and their...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skPU47ckdwk|||But that's exactly ENFJs: she knows enough about her sister (Fe) to predict (Ni) that Lydia will behave badly in a certain situation. She makes a decision, a judgement about each of them:...|||I agree with the argument Dragongirl made. I would and often do behave in exactly this way, particularly when I'm uncomfortable with the people I'm around. In fact, the way Lizzie does it it's...|||More seriously, you should talk to asexual people about this. You're not weird at all, and I think you could find a lot of people in that community to talk to about this stuff (even though you may...|||What makes you think Lizzie's an introvert? I don't really get that. I'm still firmly in the ENFJ camp for both the book and the BBC miniseries. (I can't comment on the Keira Knightly version, which...' | 6,276 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 28 here~|||Razor Hand. The ability to use one's own bare hands as stabbing and cutting weapons. Yes,perfect for me,when i feel the urge to stab someone~|||I would like to have the same type of kagune as Rize`s~ Hers was one of the strongest in the whole story i think,as well as the kagune of the two Owl`s,but anyway-yeah,i want a rinkaku type of kakuge...|||Am i the only INTJ who can`t make a decent coffee or even a simple meal,but can grasp questions and theories about life,the Universe,physics and so on...? *i question my functionality as a human...|||When you tell people the truth and they think you`re mad at them,but in reality they`re just simple minded idiots...|||bisexual.|||The Trial by Kafka|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4|||-I have only one friend irl,with which i get together maybe once in five-six months. -I sometimes go to sites with apartment offers and fantasize how i live in one of them and be totally detached...|||i like drama and tragedy movies a lot,as well as dark themed movies and psychological thrillers.|||Type: INTJ Job: Assistant-Consultant in a cinema.... Field of Study: I`m not in a uni or school,but i do study programming by myself at the moment. Dream job: Programmer,psychologist or being a...|||2/10 Had only one friend,most people didn`t know me and i didn`t blend in that much.|||i got INTP first then always INTJ,after that *two times to be exact* ISTJ and then INTJ again.|||i`m so very cold right now and i have no idea why when the weather is so hot outside...plus,i hate my co-workers and don`t want to see their faces or talk to them,but alas.. *big sigh*|||Intp|||sigh,thank god i`m not the only one that cuts ties with people for periods of time..The first time this happened was when i was around 13 i think,i stopped going outside and talking to friends...|||-Game of Thrones -Breaking Bad -Prison Break -LOST -Glee -Heroes -OITNB -True Blood + a lot of anime,which i mostly watch~|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D9ae_hdkUM i`m just in the `ì don`t want to feel anything`` mood.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D9ae_hdkUM i`m just in the `ì don`t want to feel anything`` mood.|||When with just one sentence you say,people all around you go ballistic..|||Cashier- i work this right now and it drives me crazy.A really mundane and boring job,but the interaction with people is the worst part of it all.|||How i need money to make all my documents that i`ll need for tomorrow,but am broke as frick..|||Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque~|||When people call you cold hearted and in need of help,just because you don`t want to talk to low life peasants.|||I`ve lost interest in food a while back.Right now i eat because i need to and eat pretty much easy to make things-it becomes too annoying making something that`ll take me and hour or so to cook.|||You`re too illogical and emotional.|||i usually forget all the things that aren`t of interest to me- being names of people or places,facts,etc.My visual memory is good as well as my long term memory,but the short term memory-not that...|||i collect different lists where i put all my good reads or thoughts as well as just random ramblings|||162145 such a beauty~|||A friend of mine on the internet said in a topic that she was an INTJ,so i was really curious what that meant.I looked it up,took an online test saw my results and then began reading more about...|||Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul,which will be epic.|||what to eat and to install Skyrim|||Being alone in the dark,insects in general,being in deep water freaks me out as well,crossing a bridge by car,being on an airplane. I`ve explained some of these to people,but mostly i hide my fears...|||I can hate people,and i can hate them hard.From what i can remember i truly hate just one person,but the difference between my reactions toward people i hate and the ones i dislike is the same-i just...|||146153 meh.|||Being harsh on people sometimes.I kinda swear a lot,so people feel it`s quite annoying that i do it,but i guess it`s just a habit from being around people too much..When i`m quiet i annoy people...|||Tokyo Ghoul,programming and abnormal psychology|||“I guess I´m too used to sitting in a small room and making words do a few things. I see enough of humanity at the racetracks, the supermarkets, gas stations, freeways, cafes, etc. This can´t...|||Crowds of people,ignorant people,noisy people.People.|||truth,knowledge and loyalty for me.|||I am content with who i am-i can try to change myself to please others,but i don`t really care about all that.So yes,i do take pride in who i am as a person.|||i`m not patriotic,no,but the people in my country usually say that they are,which is quite weird for me-you want to be a patriot and you say that you are but you know nothing of your...|||I was raised as an christian,but am an atheist.I do believe in something far greater that us,humans,but it`s not the christian God,nor any other we created as an idea of a deity.|||Showing emotions is like having yourself be bare infront of another person.It`s a sign of weakness,which the other person can use against you.|||Hey,i`m new here *as you can guess* and i`m an INTJ.I hope we can get along. | 1,601 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I would strongly recommend not taking shortcuts. I feel like whenever you're looking for something too specific you end up missing out on interesting opportunities. That ESTP who's the life of the...|||Look out.. reisiger is giving hot takes! Haha I kinda get what you mean with pop music, but I like it when it's earnest. It doesn't have to be a grand idea as long as it's communicated well. Also,...|||Maggie May have you heard this version? I love both so I always bring up this version when someone mentions the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr5w4dw8QC0|||I'm listening to the recently released Wave One of John Mayer's album The Search For Everything. What's interesting is he's releasing the album in waves of a few songs at a time over the...|||First of all, I don't have advice to give you but would just like to affirm that your creativity and care in showing interest should bode well for you. If she's not interested, it wouldn't be...|||When you need time and space to solve a problem because you have too many potential options going through your head, not because you're struggling to find one.|||It's not really so much antagonistic but more in a playful sense I can be a bit sarcastic and turn people's words around. Recently I was visiting my parents, and my mother was talking about the U.S....|||I would say you're an actual musician...but maybe you just aren't a professional one (meaning that you don't make your living from it). And same with you Sei35! Just make your music because you...|||I've been self-typed as an INFJ, but have gotten results of INTJ and INFP on tests before along with INFJ...INFP makes no sense, considering the cognitive functions are opposite so I think it's just...|||Hey, welcome to the forum! I think it's never a bad idea to try and find out especially if you're serious about a relationship. I have an issue currently where I'm interested in a woman who's 19 and...|||You know, it's interesting. I have a voracious appetite for listening to new music, but it simply tends to influence me in writing/performing styles that I'm already interested in. LIke I've wanted...|||Hey you weren't asking for this, but I have unsolicited advice and a rhetorical question: Is there any harm in having meaningless friendships? Sorry, I only replied because I remember also...|||Hey FacetedGlass, Welcome to the forum! I have several different music gigs at the moment. I direct an ensemble and do additional accompanying for a church, I teach piano lessons, and I am a...|||x95 How do you feel about privacy in general online? Privacy around personality vs privacy around you as a person and your life (i.e. sharing pictures, things about your life, your interests, etc.)? ...|||1) So besides lying, in interpersonal interactions I can get angry about someone invading my privacy, mocking me when I'm trying to be serious, or making off-base assumptions about me. I have a...|||Hey Nemo, Thanks for venturing out of your anem-manem,manemanem-anemone to join PerC!|||Did you vote for Trump?|||Because thanking a post wasn't enough. Perfect. Your type is NOT your identity. It just tells a little bit about how you process things; e.g. the order of cognitive functions.|||8675309|||Ah, okay that makes sense JayShambles. Personally, I think my biggest obstacle is my idealism. I often find myself thinking, You don't want to lead her on...make sure you're really interested...|||You can't kill the room...you're really creating your own room! You're Mr. Know-It-All, She's staring at her phone, and even though you sit together you feel so alone. It's such a...|||I feel like everybody's was more or less like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0p3jn7ODuc|||I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Care to elaborate?|||I would add that if you DO have enough courage to ask him face-to-face then that would be preferable. Sure, it'll be awkward but then there won't be any filter to his reaction and you'll really know...|||Deleted.|||First of all I'm a guy. And I'm not trying to censor your posts; I'm just pointing out that it's messed up. It's like you want people to kill you, and that idea makes me uncomfortable. Say...|||This is the second time I've seen you mention something about being killed, and it makes me uncomfortable. :unsure: Why do you say that? Are you trying to be funny? Is it an expression that I'm not...|||This is the second time I've seen you mention something about being killed, and it makes me uncomfortable. :unsure: Why do you say that? Are you trying to be funny? Is it an expression that I'm not...|||I've hurt a few people. I've been thinking about my advisor recently. I basically broke off contact with her after realizing I needed a new direction professionally. I had been talking to her...|||Aletheia the Analyst was my 2nd ranked archetype...I definitely relate to this. Particularly the part about reckless behaviors. NO THANK YOU.|||I would ask the same questions as Haba Aba Daba Aba. Xnfx I'm guessing this is the same man we were discussing on another thread. If I had known that he was exhibiting jealous behaviors, then I...|||Glad to see that I'm not the only one. I rarely engage in extraverted thinking, and the extraverted feeling is STRONG with me, regardless of what the numbers say. Plus there's the whole Ni/Ti loop...|||Philosophical State Physical: Abstraction Rational: Regulation Emotional: Valuation Test result: (In case they're hard to read) I/E: 66/34 N/S: 94/6|||I'm pretty confident that rock will come back. So many teenagers that I know (I'm a teacher) are actually into AC/DC, Metallica, etc. Maybe not exactly the metal that you're looking for, but the...|||Hm...I mean I've been going to birthday parties since I was literally a toddler. I don't really have memories of those XD. Are you more after a first adolescent experience or an adult experience?...|||That's a hard hypothetical for me to wrap my head around. My longest relationship lasted about 5 months. I do know that marriage is a commitment that I take seriously, so my guess is I would be...|||Oh yeah, fuck Donald Trump.|||I tend to recycle this advice a lot, but just because your cognitive type may influence your personality/behavior, what it really determines is your preference for thinking. So while it's likely...|||mistakenforstranger No, I don't forget to eat, but I can ignore my urges for a while and sometimes willfully skip a meal. This rarely happens though because I LOVE FOOD. It normally happens when...|||I'm feeling a bit directionless at the moment. I have 3 different part time jobs, and the one that I'm most inclined/suited for will not really support me. I'm tempted to just throw all this stuff...|||I teach piano, and I encounter this intimidation a lot with teenagers and adult students. I always remind them to try to enjoy the process and don't get too caught up in the performance. Young...|||Wow, to anyone who has a friend that literally ignores you when you approach them in person, that is a lousy friend. I have an ENFP friend who is also really well-connected and popular to the point...|||Welcome booyou! What did you mean by saying I have a deep interest in music, but I'm not there yet? Do you mean that you don't have a lot of training? How do you engage with music?|||I'd likely be pursuing the NF female, but she probably wouldn't realize it until it's too late...I'd be trying too hard to walk this fine line between showing interest but not showing too much. I'd...|||Some sense of direction in my life and a normal sleeping schedule (insomnia's a bitch).|||I think the following is all too appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIwQnLd7Wbw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A0-u85aAYg I know, this is a relatively low-brow comedy but I still love it and this is my favorite scene. The characters are all just completely lacking in...|||not very interesting|||I've behaved like a know-it-all, and I really wasn't aware of it until a few years ago. One of my closer friends (Most likely an INFP) in college said to me, Absolute_Eb, I admire you a lot, but...|||Wow. I definitely felt the desolation/emptiness. I thought it was interesting how the smoke leaves as in it dissappears, but it also leaves as in leaving a trace behind. My only critic9sm...' | 68 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I totally understand where are you coming from. But in my case the rewards surpass the safety of my job. Im going no where with my job and Im getting paid very low. My problem is not with the...|||Hey Guys Already posted this on the career section but also thought posting here will be a good idea. First, I donx92t live in the US or Europe and Ix92m not even citizen. I want to work online...|||Hey Guys First, I donx92t live in the US or Europe and Ix92m not even citizen. I want to work online full time and make a decent pay out of it (1-2K USD). I have a bachelor degree in Economics. I work...|||WOW, that is such a bold move. I hope things turned to the better. I think one of the reasons I'm still having this tiny bit of hesitation is pure fear. Telling people that you are quitting,...|||That is probably why Im not moving to another job. I've been to more than 10 interviews during my 2 years at work. See, that my point is that my job is screwing me up. Due to the pressure,...|||No, I still didn't quit my job. But,I will in a month time. Although, I didn't learn alot in my job, technically speakingbut I learned alot about myself. First, I want to go into web and...|||Hi, First of all I posted this in the Career forum,but like.to post it here also. I currently work in a bank. My two years in this place is distarous and tragic at the same time. I don't like...|||I don't have any option, I have just lost it, I can't feel it anymore. The only reason I'm not fired is because of political reason (Im not good at it). I could have stayed in the job while seeking...|||Have I explored all other options? I hate funking banking, and my job is a deviation from what I want. I don't like it, I hate accounting, its boring etc. Getting a reference will be a little bit...|||Hi, First of all Im an INTP, and work in a bank. My two years in this place is distarous and tragic at the same time. I don't like my job, its not What I wanted to do at all. My boss is a...|||You really can't like a job you genuinely hate. You can only just see the pros and cons in it and try to survive. That what I did and what I believe most people in the corporate world. For e.g I...|||That my end result goal, but still Im too young.I have graduated exactly 2 years ago. I don't have the experience nor the money to do so. I would like to build an app or something but I lack...|||1. The job is terribly boring and constrained limited to a very few tasks. Repetitive and there is nothing new in it. Attention to extreme a details is a must, something I really don't give attention...|||Hey guys, I'm currently working in a job that I really hate for over a year now and can't move on, as if I'm stuck. It have a relatively good pay, close to home but I hate it. I have problems with...|||It seems that almost all INTPs have to pass through this phase. I'm also passing through this phase. The only difference that I learned the importance of knowing what you want; the hard way. I'm...|||This answers the OP post perfectly Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation...|||I can relate with many of the replies here and experienced many of them. Suffering and pain for me is found and generated mainly by weakness. My inability to change or manipulate the reality I...|||Hey guys I'm an INTP and I have no background on the IT world, and I'm passionately interested in it and wanna join. I have an economics background and I work in a bank as an MIS analyst. But I...|||I've been thinking about this question after I started getting deep into MBTI and start reading your posts. For me, this is a pretty tricky question. I like my analytical skills, my creative and...|||My idea is so awesome, that I won't share it with others. :)|||Well, that's very open ended question that many great people failed to answer. Success is not objective its subjective. At the end it really depends on the person. Some people find success in...|||Check Cowon mp3 players, they have one of the best sound around and they match your requirements. They are not that expensive either. Highly recommended|||No, that's very inspiring, Quitting drugs and alcohol, is one of the hardest challenges. Although, I didn't go into this stuff DEEPLY, but I've been a nicotine addict (Yes, smoking is a drug...|||My definition of success is very broad yet very simple. SUCCESS IS BEING ABLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT WHERE YOU WANT AND WHERE YOU WANT Although that may seem as a very vague and controversial...|||After lurking in this forum for a while, it seems that most of the threads here are too dry, so why not change it around a little bit. I'm currently going through a very rough time; its my first...|||Its unfair to say the economics is USELESS, its definitely not. There are just a few jobs that needs economists in the private sector. Econometrics, is very desirable in some major firms etc. ...|||Unfortunately, lately Im becoming more realistic, and Im starting to abandon the idea of having a career in Economics. Im currently having a very bad experience in my job. Im taking a shitty...|||Hmm, that's a very inspiring start to this thread. Funny,Im also considering becoming a software developer so I can design applications that is both related to economics and finance. So, what...|||I graduated a year ago with a bachelor's degree in Economics and minoring in political economy. I really like the subject (although I graduated with a low GPA) and think that its really suitable...|||Get busy living, or get busy dying Stephen King from The Shwashank Redemption. This could be the best all rounded quote ever!!!|||After one year from graduating college, here are some of the lessons I learned during this dramatic year. Never take ANYTHING for granted. Change is the only constant Don't change your...|||After joining the corporate world for six months, my view about life and what so called CAREER, is totally changed. First, I have to admit that my experience in the corporate world is very...|||We INTPs do make great leaders. We are capable of detecting inconsistencies and problems long before they happen and we do have a vision for the future. But all of these features are given under...|||I really hate making assumptions about certain careers. Whether they will yield good money or benfits etc. Not because that A.I progams will have a writing capability and not because writers are...|||Although I don't dislike ENTJs and I think they are a good match for me, whether for friendship or romance. But here is some stuff I really dislike in you. 1. They are very egocentric ...|||I don't think that I DISLIKE ESFJs nor think they are shallow or naive, but I''m not very compatible with ESFJs (SJs) in general. I have met many ESFJs in my life especially females. Great...|||I think its more than psychological, having a well functiong body, definitely result in a well functioning body. Eating healthy food and excericing the body, will definitely have a positive...|||Well, its better to look back now and try to change the course of your life rather than looking back at 80. You're only limited by your idea of limitations. Wake up I'm not really sure...|||That's absolutely true and its a known fact, but I think this is a very cynical and a negative outlook on life. For me I see life as a time frame where you try to do what you want and try to be what...|||Yes, despite all the negative energy I know that Im tough nut to crack. I won't give up but at the same time, I can't imagine how I will carry on living this way. I hope your son doesn't read...|||The HR is a no go for me, I have only been there for 4 months.So I don't think I will have a say. And Im afraid if I did so, it will be simply a suicide.Since most probably most of you coworkers...|||Problem here, is that both mangers and co-workers are very passive and lack time-management. As a result we tend to be simply lost in this hectic environment, and nobody listens to my advice. I...|||WOW, that was quick You got me Although I didn't give up and deep down I have the will. But Ive been trying my whole life and didn't do anything.Im starting to break, everybody have a breaking...|||(WARNING THIS IS A VERY DEPRESSING THREAD) Hey guys, Ix92m a 23 years old INTP male and all of my life I have suffered directly and indirectly by being one. I think Ix92m a very ambitious person who...|||I have just joined the corporate world 4 months ago and Ix92m really having a hard time trying to adapt. I work with a team that is full of sensors. The department head is a messed up ESFJ who tries to...|||I totally understand the meaning of the OP. I would think having a good physique will really help many of the stereotypes people hold on me. Having a good physique have many benfits other than...|||Yeah, I think NTs in general are curious to understand the world and become more competent doing so, although I think its more of an XNTP . XNTJ are more inclined to apply, than to learn and...|||My favorite character is definitely Lord Bailesh he seems like a smart, sneaky bastard.I really don't know his type and I don't why I actually like him, but I do. Arya Stark is also an old time...|||Left handed here, and my XNTJ was also left handed. But I don't think that by just being a right or left handed affect your psychological or mental abilities.|||It seems that many here are over analyzing and complicating the idea of mediation. Its definitely not a placebo effect. Its more like a brian excerice, where you become more aware of your inner...' | 5,454 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'http://i.imgur.com/Q19i55x.png|||I agree, Windows Subsystem for Linux should be renamed GNU/NT https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/6f4x25/ysk_if_you_have_windows_10_it_comes_with_a_linux/difo06g/|||https://np.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/6f2k0b/why_do_ron_paul_always_vote_no_on_every_bill/dif3sov/|||I'm sorry for your loss.|||If that's true, you're removing agency from liberals; which means you can't really blame them. ... So you really can't blame them for it, again because you're considering it a disorder. What...|||http://toothpastefordinner.com/102812/the-perfect-martini.gif|||https://i.redd.it/roeeyqiwhh1z.jpg|||Not really, but I have heard of this.|||Like getting smaller nations to not be tax havens by paying them the lost revenue?|||Which is why we should give them food money. We're really ignoring potential taxable economic growth.|||That's what they said 10 years ago :laughing: and that was before electric cars were affordable.|||Licks lips at nuclear, and certainly at present we do need to use fossil fuel but plan ahead. When energy storage density becomes better, renewable will be more profitable. 10 years...|||Unless you can profit by saving it|||Plastic is King of the sea.|||It has been effectively destroyed. Destroy 99.99% of human habitat and humans can talk about it on the other 0.01%.|||https://i.redd.it/zus3t59c891z.png|||Not necessarily, you could just be very sick, like the earth that's only slightly destroyed... so like all the times earth was 'destroyed' before..... ...|||I would blame ourselves for influencing it to feel punishment to be at all worthwhile.|||I'll give you $10 to drink a bottle of bleach; we can discuss later if you survive. If I am understanding you, Caveman Dreams , you consider it better to die before having the conversation.|||I don't believe AI would have petty human emotions. AI has more to fear from us than we do of it, but I also don't see it focusing on that fear at all.|||How unpatriotic|||But to getting back to the point. You feel good about that opinion? You're not going to stop yourself from blowing up the planet? Is this supposed to convince that you're a decent human and not a...|||Because when the earth blew up last time all life died, yup.|||Just saying what? Want to sleep on that?|||Oh, it's not evil but... https://i.redd.it/z7pebdb8r31z.png Just because it's valuable doesn't make it worthwhile.|||http://i.imgur.com/cqkciql.png Suggesting that those are the political opinions of retards. I'm not; I give them more credit.|||President of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania http://i.imgur.com/zS6bCHQ.png|||https://i.redd.it/jxrh934dqv0z.jpg It does take a special kind of asshole to be a Republican.|||https://i.redd.it/00xkfavxqy0z.jpg|||I'd suggest that you do, but you like smelling like poo.|||dog walk|||Who hired the dogs to attack the DAPL protesters? Oh, that's right, a corporation. At least one wasn't attacking people with dogs.|||You know, at least Ben Shapiro wears a shirt and a better coat.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-sXycgMq5s|||Back in the day they moved to make money in the timber industry, after that I imagine they just had easier networking and awareness of the area. My Scandinavian mostly came to the US after 1900, I...|||Yes https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Census_Bureau_2000%2C_Scandinavians_in_the_United_States.png/450px-Census_Bureau_2000%2C_Scandinavians_in_the_United_States.png also,...|||Did they figure out Paige? Never mind, I stopped caring.|||:unsure: none of my school functions took place in a church except for the years I went to a private school run by the catholic church.|||That would have been weird! Especially down a church aisle. Say, did you go to a religious school?|||Now, if the orange one can learn from someone with experience.|||That chair looks just as uncomfortable but probably more useful than....|||You didn't go far enough http://i.imgur.com/EgJ7YrQ.png|||I personally think oranges taste better than apples, but oranges cost more. :dry:|||Ever thought of a career in crime?|||Chaos is telling you to say that.|||Yough|||No.|||They did it to put Chatbox Full on top.|||How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to make sure someone gets their bottle of Nyquil for 15 cents cheaper?|||http://i.imgur.com/dTkJqux.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Revised_NPOV_political_chart.jpg' | 2,093 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Thanks for clarifying your question has been answered|||The lack of mile high club option is disappointing|||Some are interesting, some suck. Just like every other type? I don't see any type more or less interesting on principle.|||You're right man you're such a meanie that even my crappy Fe has me reaching for tissues lol. And I agree with learning stuff even if I get butt hurt. I learned you are a sjw keyboard warrior haha,...|||Stop being a pussy and just tell them you don't want personal relationships, honestly everyone is so caught up doing their own thing that you saying I don't wanna be fwiends won't has that big an...|||There is always a lot of ass hurt on this forum when someone questions them lol, it's not even that serious? :laughing:|||http://youtu.be/IX2gVmS9r-E|||Hey, thanks for responding, I was beginning to think you have to run in a little click on here to get a half way decent answer. With that being said, why ESTP?|||Short Effective Scenario Questionnaire 2.0 (Self-Type) Hello per c, it's been awhile and I sorta need some help with the typing thing. Anyways if you work your way through this damn wall of text and...|||Fuck it i'll chim in. Any type can make it work with any other type if the chemistry is there. And honestly why ask a group of random ass people on the internet to give advice on a potential...|||Yea, so my 2 cents. Mixed signals are usually a bad sign, he seems to dodge giving you a straight yes or no answer. Could be he's just physically into you as it seems he's ok with cuddling, could be...|||Double posting because i'm an idiot.|||If you're not pissing someone off then you're probably not doing anything.|||I don't think anyone is really MEANT to be anything, who you are is your choice. I couldn't see ISTP's letting themselves be chained to one fate in life.|||I've never really felt like i'd discredit a potential romance on the grounds of mbti, I mean life's so fucking situational and sometimes shit just happens, and besides do any of us REALLY know what...|||^Probably because it's a public forum and he can do that? lol And on behalf of all S and T types i'm sorry we nearly destroyed the world we'll try working on that. xD|||I can get very extroverted, my Ne is constantly looking for outside stimulation. I love hearing other peoples opinions on things and then analysing whatever it is they say and considering the...|||I seriously doubt anyone's MBTI type could inhibit them from doing something they are serious at applying themselves to. Sure we all have things we have a natural affinity to, but with the right...|||I love the rain and find the sound of rolling thunder soothing, when I was young I remember reading a native american legend of the thunderbird. These enormous eagles were so large that when they...|||Should help some people who are lost why not? I say yes|||This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb-OYmHVchQ and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FELdBsixGg&list=PLprF3hToBtOAhYTzTJC88E8W B5L2JFQiS have been small but significant steps in finding...|||It's what we make of I suppose, on the one hand now we probably can't just be laid back and cool, but we can be inspirational, we can take on causes and sacrifice ourselves in the process, we can be...|||My passion is both a plus and a minus, my Ne wants to take in all the information possible. So I try and be objective about it like an NT, but it's impossible my Fi screams for it's vindication lol....|||How could you possibly know that? Was there some enormous survey conducted worldwide on all extroverts that I missed? We are certainly laid back and tend to be happy, but try being an NF in an SJ...|||About as much as the other person wants to get to know me, I usually give what I get.|||ISTP coworker once said, Bro I could juke (football term) a lion. me:DONE|||getting 5 or 4, with the skulls|||Forgot I posted this lol, thanks for reminding me!|||What the hell is a ISPT?|||In my case I read quite alot, I go through a book every two weeks on average. I'm beginning to think im a bibliophile, my books range from quantum mechanics to philosophy. But im a sucker for...|||Cautious inventor My personalDNA Report Hmm.. I sound like an INTJ|||First of all , I agree in terms of the question sparking a debate, secondly, I said I didn't care why you got reported, not that I didn't care about the premises of the thread (there is a...|||I love debating/arguing and ditto about growing up around conflict and being use to it. However I see no reason to argue if I don't give a fuck about what's being discussed. Also, you don't seem as...|||INTP to the fullest, yoda sometime's annoyed me with the way he spoke lol|||INFX, name sounds very ethical/moral driven, interesting.|||In my experience ISTP-ISTP make awesome fuck buddies, not so great relationship wise lol. I'd encourage you to date people different from you, so you can learn and grow from each relationship, i've...|||I like the way you think Glyphs, all we need now are shirts and mugs with our choices written on them in bold red|||^What he said, wouldn't it be much more simple if you asked these questions directly to him? We don't have secret ISTP meet up's were we discuss our genral train of thoughts, and come to a consensus...|||Dear other personality types, PLEASE stop making threads asking for relationship advice for your ISTP significant other, you would save all parties invlolved so much time if you were just more direct...|||Interesting, I recently put alot of thought into this question. What I concluded was that when I delve into my mind and examine the past, and the the future in search of happiness, it's never there....|||Sounds pretty straight forward? He doesn't feel the same NOW, he MIGHT later, or im sure he would have bailed. Real question is can you deal with that?|||Ok so my opinion will not be very popular but F it (when has that ever stopped me?), I really dislike threads like this for the fact that A. People THINK they know what they wan't (I want XXXX type...|||Disregard this post -_-|||I've said that exact last sentence many times. When I get objective I realise that many times both sides of an argument hold merits and setbacks, that said I have a hard time arguing as I can see...|||THIS, it gets old... fast|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWabGQBnzKo&hd=1|||So I notice in many threads S types get alot of flack but esspecially ISTJ's, dunno why but I felt like sharing my appreciation for your type, in my life i've met 3 ISTJ's that really made a...|||Meh to many coulds and woulds involved, I honestly couldn't say what I would do, im adaptable so IF the situation arrived i'd asses the situation and craft tactics accordingly, my INTP friend on the...|||Dear ISTJ, I enjoy pissing you off, we constantly bicker, and sometimes I want to floor you. But life without you would be boring (no one to yell at me), and you get shit done, though i'll probably...|||Isn't that what I implied? Without the wall of text? However I do agree cognitive functions are the way to go.' | 7,973 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'I guess loosing my cool would be just that, losing my coolness because I am nervous and flustered. And I know what you mean by a girl liking having that effect on a man. Yeah the guy looks and...|||Thats amazing! As a guy, I do something very similar... LOL:laughing: In reality, I can daydream as well but only for brief moments. In those briefs moments though, I don't find myself...|||Checklist. It's a huge checklist, but not impossible to satisfy. I am actually engaged... Edit: Doesn't everyone have a checklist? Or would the alternative be if it just feels right? Even if...|||The personality typing only shows which traits are strongest within a single person... they don't show how strong they are relative to others; I have no problem taking charge of a group of ENTJ's,...|||I don't assume there is a correlation. Morals and religion have no connection, so they can not have an effect on each other. Morals can't come from god. If they did, they would be subjective...|||Uh oh, the daydreaming phase. forgot about that... little notebook with your new married name and the name of your kids along with all the wedding plans! lol Agreed on similar vision and values; I...|||+1 correct me if I am wrong option 1 : Im wrong so they correct... learn something new every day option 2: im not wrong...|||I have no idea what personality type the people around me are, but I do know that I am super arrogant. I have a superiority complex that can easily transform into a god complex and I can be...|||Good word choice.. Presence. I like it! I think that might be on of the differences. I call it a thought process where you call it a gut feeling. Its really the same thing and might even occur...|||Went back and realized I am 8w7 and the description is ridiculous. materialistic. prone to addiction.highly assertive. risk-taking.. Its amazing how accurate these things can be.. I mean...|||There are a few dating type threads on here and something that is coming up for me is that the personality type doesn't seem to reveal itself very early on. For me as an ENTJ, the approach is always...|||I would say that reputation is more important to me but technically a reputation is a sort of unspoken compliment held by many people. If I constantly heard compliments personally, I would assume...|||thats an easy one... I mean what else is there? http://www.lionworldtravel.com/LionWorldTours/FeaturedImages/LionLWT_Homepage_ZOOM.jpg|||Thomas Crown... gotta be an ENTJ I think these are just from a photoshoot from some clothing line affiliated with the movie. ...|||I have been told that many women decide whether a man is of interest within the first 5 seconds or something, whether it is a visual thing or something else, I dont know. For me, its less of a...|||allegory of the cave is a very interesting piece of reading. Studied it a bit, a little less enjoyable when you are being tested on it. Still I love the concept that our interpretation of reality is...|||Holy Sh*t... I love this place!!! Thats exactly how I respond to conflict! Vanitas response was perfect, but I also follow this 321 order. <-------- ENTJ Type 8 Man bowl of fun...?|||ahhhh, I see. Actually found some more info, I think its just a couple famous ones may have typed INTJ, some typed ENTJ but no distinct correlation between that kind of disconnect from reality and...|||I get very goal oriented and I tend to be aggressive in an initiative kind of way; being too aggressive can be bad. First layout my objective: long-term; short-term; one-night; undecided Then...|||Understood. No problem. Any thoughts on the subject from an INTJ point of view?|||No prob...One of my challenges is remembering that there are plenty of people smarter than me and that no one needs my advice. So I have learned to only give it when someone asks and only take the...|||If you find yourself tearing the flesh off of other people and eating it, you might consider getting in touch with your feelings! lol Isn't INTJ the most common personality type among serial...|||Yeah organized religion does fall into that ethical problem of coercion. We can all agree that coercion is unethical and we can also agree that religion must be ethical. If boss says perform...|||I can see why you are on the fence. I see a lot of my characteristics in your description. I do remember seeing that ESTP was called a persuader on one site. What I can tell you is that, as a...|||+1, depends on the order, not who gives it. It also depends on how its given, show respect when giving an order... orders will be respected. Even if the order is given in a bad way, if the...|||LOL!! Thanks for the warm welcome guys! ...and the TPS reports! Promethea: Looking forward to the whole forum! Addison: Cool, What makes you think you might be ESTP? Jojo: Thanks!! About...|||LOL, sorry the comment was a bit exaggerated! Emotions are an integral part of human communication and are absolutely necessary. The comment was meant more as an exaggerated way of saying emotions...|||The golden ratio is very interesting along with Pi; from what I understand every universal constant is an irrational number...hmmmm|||no I do get choked up from time to time, and I like to think that I allow myself to feel. I didn't cry when my grandmother, who raised me, passed away, but I got choked up a lot and I am sure...|||I dont think know any ESTJ's, but I am surprised that emotions are coming up. From what I have read, neither of these types is very emotional. As far as I am concerned as an ENTJ... I want to run...|||Anger is inefficient but sometimes necessary in moderation. Personally, I try to avoid becoming overly angry. For me, any anger that is visible to others or reduces efficiency and/or effectiveness,...|||Awesome Question! The driving habits are where my dehumanization is most clear. I have a bad habit of reckless driving; the term is drifting and while I may feel that everything is in control, I go...|||+1 I am heavily leaning toward atheist views based on rationality. However, if life it finite, it becomes completely irrelevant in the long-run and nothing accomplished here has any meaning...|||Power Suit... or at least a well put-together outfit that fits the occasion and projects the right image. Actually as a hairstylist, I am partial to fashion but also to dressing for success. ...|||Wow, just joined the forum and this thread caught my eye. I have to say, I can relate. However, this dark side only appears in front of people who are very close to me. Which seems counter...|||Hello Everyone! 26yr old Male Hairstylist (straight...:D) studying Finance, Economics, Philosophy I recently typed myself and I was shocked at how accurate the test was. I just did the Enneagram...' | 3,139 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'well you are entirely right, I love myself more than any person, any relationship I have is really just an extension of myself like hey look at this attractive woman I own. not to sound like a douche...|||You sound more ENTP to me.|||I was a pretty big skeptic, I would question any information given to me and scrutinize everyones opinions pretty hard. I had to be the best at everything I did or I would not even get involved, even...|||I am not a fan....I want it to be darker not all white.|||favourite character, favourite show, and he's INTP so I kind of relate to him.|||no that game gets pretty boring pretty quick don't get it, it's just a bootleg cod.|||Eric Cartman|||Read the descriptions on all the types and get a better grasp of them, look at the mannerisms of the person in question, profit.|||I've done this before, maybe ENTP? this really isn't enough information to speculate on.|||Yep, except we would be taller instead of shorter, assuming technology continues to take the burden of physical labour off our back.|||Well one day we will all be a blended orange colour and the problem will solve itself, so we really have nothing to worry about.|||People don't really understand stereotypes, just because there is a stereotype regarding a certain race or whatever doesn't mean it's applicable to everyone in that category of course, but it might...|||The bottom line here is nobody can prove or disprove god, people are entitled to their beliefs just as much as they are entitled to be wrong, for me personally, I do not associate with any religious...|||I think ENTP's are mainly ambiverts.|||cartman is obviously ENTP, brian doesn't seem at all like cartman but they both display tell tale signs.|||how can you have an ENTP forum and hate on trolls at the same time? no wonder I always see banned ENTP's.|||Pretty sure hitler would not be an F maybe he could be an ENTJ or ENTP, It's hard for me to speculate really, unfortunately I haven't had the chance to meet him so I don't know the guy too well.|||Death Note L - INTP there is no way he could be anything else, this one is obvious Kira - INTJ I think he's an Introvert more than an extravert because I don't really see ryuk as a person he...|||Death note.|||yes you can, it's all my keyboard can type.|||Yeah I always see a lot of myself in cartman like how he idolizes hitler, i'm just not fat.|||I am only truly happy when others are not, as bad as it sounds. Competing and dominating gives me a sort of natural high, I am happy when the others are not and vice versa. My favourite environment...|||I'm a west coast ENTP, as a matter of fact.|||This is literally the story of my life, I always felt like when I used to be funnier, I would be a lot more irritable and I would flare up and get mad at something almost on purpose, smoking weed...|||I got 26, but I am also quite depressed so I feel like back in the day it would have been higher.|||What do you mean one step away? they're pretty much identical in juxtaposition.|||Trolling, getting high, netflix, there are a lot of things to do to cope, I've heard ENTP's are one of the most introverted extroverts so it's not really that hard for me, personally at least.|||I used to be very creative, puns, plays on words, people told me I should be a comedian, but overtime I lost my gift completely and I started to feel numb of emotion, I don't know what happened.|||I have an INTJ friend that likes anime, as do I, I find most introverts like anime and not many extroverts, ENTP's are one of the few that do.|||Paranoid:Highmore info | forum Schizoid:Very Highmore info | forum Schizotypal:Highmore info | forum Antisocial:Highmore info | forum Borderline:Moderatemore info | forum...|||A wolf or an owl, they look cool.|||I try to get in the most secluded area, or at least the area with the smallest amount of people, wherever is out of the general focal point I guess, usually the back.|||I am not easily amused at all, I don't really know what the criteria for a great sense of humour is though.|||I can basically read peoples minds and see them for what they really are right away, I have a sixth sense perceiving personality, I can usually manipulate the situation pretty easily, and I never...|||Wow, you really figured me out. Good job.|||Stealing for me is like hitting 3 birds with 1 stone, I get the multiple satisfactions of the stolen goods, the accomplishment of successfully stealing something, and knowing that I might have shit...|||As a child I would constantly be looking for ways to cheat the system, figuring out any way around any task would make me feel accomplished for the rest of that day. Cheating is just that satisfying.|||I always pick up random things and mess around with them and tap beats with my fingers and bend my wrist back with my other hand, I fidget all day every day.|||I value my ability to cheat over that of my test result, I plan to judge myself not be told what I can do by some potential child molester making minimum wage, cheating is fun and satisfying and I...|||I am totally the same way, I have a lot of friends but none of them are on the same level as me, I think the other half would be an INTP.|||always has to win? more like gives a substantial amount of effort in order to win that usually overcomes the others causing them to lose what a joke. and actually maybe get rid of that...|||Yep, I think announcing ones religion is just a way to label oneself dumb, and that's the only way I can see it as useful in society. Also I am from Vancouver BC.|||I am a total mind reader, as soon as someone opens their mouth I can deduce exactly what they are getting at or what lead them to that particular idea, I can read between the lines like none other...|||Just act like a dumbass everywhere you go and as soon as someone scolds you or verbally assaults you to any degree you may have an ENTP on the hook.|||I almost never laugh at anything, it is almost impossible to get me to laugh forcibly I usually just chuckle as common courtesy but I don't even crack a grin watching any tv show youtube video or...|||Yeah definitely just smoke weed, that's what I do and it makes it better.|||When I was younger I was a bit more disassociated with society and I would withdraw into myself a lot. I thought I was an introvert but I guess as it turns out it's just an ENTP phase.|||Never, I'll see someone on facebook with one of those long names with made up middle names 40 characters long and see their face in a crowd and remember their entire facebook name on the spot.|||I was a very angry child but overtime I started to emote less and less, and now I don't get angry at all.|||Never from any sort of physical pain, maybe once or twice as a child from emotional pain.' | 2,864 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'There's an old platitude; The truth will set you free... but not until it is finished with you. There was a period where I found that quote insightful, but then I had to wonder why it is that...|||Crash off hype. Ride off potential. Eclipse the past. Usurp the future.|||I only drank one cup of coffee today. How I managed that continues to allude me.|||we got butterflies and moths out here. butterflies disguised as moths, and moths disguised as butterflies.|||this isn't going to miraculously absolve you of the guilt, but i find that whenever i raise these concerns to a group of friends or acquaintances, it nearly always happens that they echo my...|||Nay. He's INFP.|||SLI-Si|||Back when I still played soccer, I played two years up. I was quiet so the majority of my teammates thought I was lazy and aloof (shocker) but there was one girl (ENxP) who found me endearing. Over...|||do it :)|||sometimes you are confronted by such an overwhelming concentration of cuteness in a single entity that the only thing left to do is to fantasize about ways to eradicate the cuteness via unethical...|||I want to kick cute things too|||IEE (negativism obscured by enthusiasm) TMLT carry around a small bag with the words it's just a bag printed on the side|||https://i.imgur.com/sruCty5.png either I did this wrong or the test is broken. my money's on the latter. https://i.imgur.com/hRK2TfE.png|||The Roots are innovative, stylistically golden. Black Thought and Questlove are strong independent artists, but they're too obscure to make any real impact on the game. Outkast is similar but...|||group of girls, university, same residence, initiation process, parties, greek symbols, legally blonde|||It's bittersweet to come across the abandoned accounts of people you once knew. Especially if it's the old you.|||nsfl https://medium.com/@luckyshirt/dear-guy-who-just-made-my-burrito-fd08c0babb57|||we find comfort in anonymity that we never find in reality we express ourselves in rhymes obscured by a mirage of lies for eyes that'll never read them for hearts they won't reach but we...|||One thing I've learned is to analyze the other side's perspective post-conflict. It's important to analyze the rationale behind your own perspective, but in order to gain a holistic understanding of...|||Every day that myself and the people around me experience good health and happiness is a wonderful day - dog|||https://pre05.deviantart.net/ba53/th/pre/i/2017/143/4/d/waiting_by_richardleach-dba6a96.jpg|||I've always wanted to explain my thought process to someone so they could finally get it, but nobody asks. It's like I'm caught in a daze, lost in space - it's like my mind is comprised of hazy...|||wild thing you can't give your love to a wild thing it'll tug at your heartstrings before it disappears out there into the wilderness captivity doesn't exist in the world of the wild for its...|||the bird and the worm by the used was one of my favorite songs for a brief moment in time. apparently the lead singer wrote it about his schizophrenic brother. i can't find anything on his brother...|||i was greeted by a man at the top of a deep hole. he said hey you before he kicked me back inside. falling and falling and falling. i fell on top of a mushroom, i bounced off and fell into another...|||Wisteria I'm by no means qualified to make these assessments but the first collage vibes ESI/ILI. The second collage vibes similarly but it's more expansive, I'm leaning Gamma. (reminiscent of...|||I love kimochi too|||I had a very clear dream near the end of the dream the idea that everything is cyclical and everything ends but also comes alive again was displayed visually by someone looking up into the sky and...|||i haven't been able to whine about nothing in like 2 days and it's slowly killing what's left of my soul|||make piano great again (just piano please)|||“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up...|||i was standing in the middle of a busy street surrounded by a crowd of people watching a live broadcast of a public execution. when the man on screen was executed, the crowd cheered even louder. i...|||i don't give a fuck if you think they're nice. they weren't nice to me. your opinion on that front is irrelevant. people need to stop monitoring and controlling how people feel about other people. as...|||this bitch be going raw vegan but all I see is leaves and brussel sprouts|||get ready bitches *insert knife emoji here* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeAw6aXHzcY|||idk it changes every year|||oh i get it. like the twin towers. nice|||it's like, weird when someone takes a joke of yours super seriously ok so i could tell you it was just a joke but what if you interpret that as me lying really tho i thought it was obvious that...|||this post was beautifully written, gossip gyal.|||is it possible to watch the brady bunch unironically|||moths need to chill the fuck out. they're always flapping about and flying into shit and being creepy as fuck and they're not even making me laugh while they do it. like do you not realize how stupid...|||I got swept up in the cosmos and it felt like I was being suffocated by the stars. I hopped from one star to the next but they were wobbly so I kept losing my balance. I flew to the sun instead, but...|||a pensive longing for days far gone an empty memory to keep me warm a graceful departure of which there were none it crumbles then it grows it crashes down once more|||I reconnected with someone recently and it was interesting to see just how little they knew me. they didn't remember much about me, save for a few shallow facts, and I could tell by the way they...|||I have some pent-up anger lingering inside me somewhere but I don't know what to write about first.|||netflix and don't touch me|||i've been trying to improve my mood by changing into comfier clothes, moving from my bed to the couch to literally the floor, flossing for half an hour straight, but i'm still uncomfortable SOMEWHERE...|||being bored and shit-posting on the internet, trying to draw for the first time in forever but no bueno|||I'm small-fry outside of my tiny bubble. why do I keep forgetting this? it's a heartwarming epiphany.|||the issue isn't that you're different. it's that you're drawing negative comparisons instead of positive comparisons, which creates a barrier between you and other people, but it's clear from this...' | 5,917 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 'You know your're a ESTP when your're cooler than the other side of the pillow|||HAHA!! I actually said those exact same words when I won a skateboard contest years ago|||i get about 6-7 average|||I fully agree, of course we think highly of ourselves but I doubt any of us believe the world revolves around us|||Skateboard, videos games, Im at the gym every other day, going to the mall to blow money and pickup girls|||If I cannot have fun on the job, then I will go work somewhere. One thihng I hate the most about jobs is when you have ti wear a uniform.|||Do you feel that you have to win at everything? How do you usually react when you lose or dont accomplish something? Recently I've been competing with myself(how many pushups I can do or...|||I cant speak for the rest my people, but I usually we put most of our time and effort in accomplishing something. We deal with whatever is in front os us at the moment|||I skim through most of the stuff people type here because its too long|||I have no probem making an ass out of mysef just to make people laugh My favorite line from your video I used to think that staying home for hours playing video games listening to music was...|||Eventually we will get over it, but we will think of you differently(atleast I know I would)|||A shooting range with moving targets is always fun|||You make a good point, I guess I got excited for the fact that I ran into them after all these years, I was hoping not to lose contact with them again|||As long as fun and excitement is shared between the two then it could work but women can be mean and catty towards each other for no reason, MEEOOOOWWWWW|||This is something I've been thinking about for the past week and Im curious of my fellow estp's views on my concern. Well lately I've been invited to group gatherings and we would all go to each...|||^^ LOL ^^ Fizz is my new favorite member on this board|||hell yeah man, I could never talk to people about my relationships regardless if theyre good or bad. Why because its none of their damn buisness. I believe that whatever goes on between two people...|||Worst Job - Fast food resturant Best Job - Commission drawing Dream Job - racer|||thanks Im single, therefore, more money in my pocket, less money spent *self high five*|||When you see the humor in everything around you|||What's on my mind as I shower? that's simple My balls smell like sweat & baking soda|||I do believe in something that maybe could be considered religious for example: I believe in karma|||c'mon people, dont let a good thread go off subject|||I want to dive right in|||Very true, its best that art is for making money on the side and not your primary income|||I never really understood religion as, especially christianity, believing in the holy spirit sounds weird to me. Plus, people do things that goes against the bible on a daiy basis. Its ridiculous ...|||I enjoy pencil drawing, thats the closests I can get to you lol|||I do not drink aclcohol Ive never smoked weed nor cigaretts, as a matter of fact Ive never done anything drug related I hate clubs with a passion, Ive never been to a bar/pub I get really...|||Im thinking either ESFP or ISFP the extrovert & introvert aspects will need more clarification|||My goodness, its damn near creepy how us estp's think alike. Theres not a single thing njchick said that I could disagree with. Whenever we are under stress or worried about something bothering us,...|||I cant see myself getting married because of the law that comes along with the territiory ex: calling the spouse to check in, dealing with the same person's Bs till death do us part, in-laws|||Out of all the girls Ive ever been with, besides the E & I i have no idea what type they are :sad:|||This reminds me of the time when some church minister tried signing me up for some group event at a local church, I told the guy to his face thanks for the offer, but im not big on religion then...|||amen to that|||same here. Im not going to waste my precious time trying to convince somebody who is reluctant to listen|||oopsy.. please dont release that boxer in your avatar to attack me:unsure:|||If thats something you want to study abroad then go for it. any job career is fine as long as it keeps you sane|||Exactly one thing that takes my mind off of anything is an adrenaline rush, wether its car racing or rollercoasters|||Whats the opposite of depression? happiness Whenever you do something your passionate about, how do you feel at the moment? Happy|||I just bought my girl a gag ball & some nipple clamps. Now im waiting for that UPS shipment|||This applies to me about 2 days ago, one of my co-workers said I would do great improv I can be blunt & straight-forward at times whenever somebody wants my opinon|||I try doing something that'll take my mind off of it. Mainly some of my passions|||1. Are ESTPs generally secretive?Im pretty private of a person, even my closest friends do not know whole alot about me deeply. Of ocurse they all know my likes/dislikes, but nothing intimate. ...|||Yeah, I have tons of family members & a couple ex-friends like this awsell. Constantly complaing about their jobs & the economy. Gossiping and never doing anything fun or adventurous. Being around...|||this is very true. It all depends on the vibe I get from the individual or individuals|||Im just gonna continue being awesome :cool:|||This is me hanging out with my neighbors kids, I was reluctant to take this photo because I hate jedis :angry: http://www.danzfamily.com/archives/blogphotos/07/776-kenobi-vader-pooh.jpg|||well, try looking up famous estp celebrities|||well in that case, go to youtube|||Some of my best relatonships have happened when the girl made the first move. I fully agree with manhands that being a challenge & playing hard to get is a waste of time. The shyness factor can...' | 346 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'That would be the best description for what I usually am.|||INFP, type 7 and Chaotic Good, with some leaning towards Neutral Good.|||The idea that the Universe is a mental construction was also part of the Hermetic Lore of ancient Egypt, they referred to this as the Principle of Mentalism, in which everything came from the mind of...|||I'm agnostic more than a true atheist. While I am against most forms of monotheistic organized religions I do feel sympathy for the nature-based like Druidism and Wicca, for the philosophical like...|||I'm a 7w6 INFP, the rest of my tritype is in my signature.|||I have a few Sci-Fi: Star Wars and Mass Effect European medieval fantasy: Forgotten Realms Epic Fantasy: Exalted Modern: Mage the Awakening Anime: One Piece, Fairy Tail, The Slayers|||I am a 713: The Systems Builder. Which would make you laugh hard if you knew I am a IT developer and I apply the same principles to most of my life.|||I think they can. Creativity is part of the abstract thinking that humans are capable. Hermeticism, which started in Ancient Egipt, contained in its work ideas and concepts that scientists are...|||Do you like the country you were born in? Meh, it has some good things and many bad things. I appreciate that we're not a robo-society but sometimes it goes too far in the other side. ESFP country is...|||For me it's backwards, though there is a difference between other people. Most are bi-dimensional filler NPCs (and let's face it, most people are bi-dimensional and boring), others are main NPCs,...|||I think they are equal, but that each type is naturally suited for different things, and behave not unlike talent. A talented person can do amazing things with little training. A person that...|||I prefer to watch the movies first, they are rarely as good as the book, and in my experience never better.|||I do and my wife has experienced a few supernatural things.|||Has not many decades left of existence in it's current form. Resources constraints caused by the declining of Oil production will begin to tear at the structure of the world as it works, and...|||If you are interested in that kind of subject the best place to be is Puerto Madryn, one of the three careers in a local university is marine biology. But you probably knew it already. When I was...|||From my experience it hasn't been that way for me. Over thinking never sent me into Shadow mode, it has always been when other people crossed a line they shouldn't have (violated my Fi code). If I...|||Most said it already so I'm just here to say I agree with them. When you get older these things don't hurt as much as they did back then. It happens mostly when an event like that makes you think...|||Not at all, my inferior Te exhausts me because it has to work many hours every day, my job as IT developer requires a heavy use of it. Ne flows naturally for me as it is very developed and feels...|||I thought it was spanish because you made a classic mistake of people who speak that language, because you wrote de instead of the (same pronunciation) in one place.|||I'm center. I think all people should have as equal of a starting point as possible, but what happens after that should be the responsibility of each person, as long as the rest of the world is...|||Let me guess, Spanish is your mother language. As for the rest, you do sound INFP. I am one and my art is focused on storytelling, but I work as a IT developer, so there is nothing strange. You...|||Fairy Tail One Piece Sailor Moon Cowboy Beebop Slayers The Vision of Escaflowne Guilty Crown Saint Seiya Hellsing Trigun|||The only way I found of not doing everything at the last minute is to make bite-sized portions of work every few hours and keep doing it as long as I can tolerate it. I don't recommend it for any...|||I've only had to do it very few times, as it is extremely hard to really anger me and with age it has become even harder. But I am capable of changing from one side to the other in a mere instant...|||I'm about 5' 6'' (why you people use the imperial system that is not precise is beyond me), which in the metric system would be around 1.67 meters. I'm around 145 pounds (74 kilograms) so in that...|||I have it more hard than you, I love to sleep and I need at least 6 hours each day. But I also have not enough time on the day to do everything I need to do. So I end up going to bed at 2 AM and...|||They're INTJs, they live in dark basements with their pcs, I don't think they have the guts to go against this Viking *Points to the INFP pictures thread as evidence* (This message is provided...|||If there is a Creator, and I'm closer to the Hermetics regarding what the Creator is, simply referred as The All by them, which means that it's not a separate entity above, but it is something that...|||As long as I have some sort of separation I don't mind the noise at all.|||Nothing more than a Mary-Sue festival.|||Scenario 1: Tell the truth. I wouldn't remain friendly with somebody like him. Scenario 2: Unless Maddy decides for herself to stop being used there is nothing you can do that will have a positive...|||It's like training another muscle, it takes time and effort, but if you keep at it and don't allow it to weaken you can sustain it for more time and becomes less draining. With all the time I've been...|||I may be the strange INFP that is more attracted to the light side.|||Monoquel @Haunter There are many ways of developing Te. Most are boring as hell if you haven't had a good base at childhood. Reading science papers is what gave me a start. I was fascinated by...|||Trace the money, see who pays them. If it is Big Oil, Big Gas and Big Coal then what they say is pure propaganda designed to benefit their patrons. So far most of them have been paid by the big...|||In general it's accurate, details are constantly shifting year by year as more information is discovered. For example it was believed that the Artic would melt completely by 2080 a few years ago. Now...|||September, 21. This one is for me.|||Self taught developer. I've been working since 2005 and been a .NET Developer since 2007. Infpblog is right about the job, if you find the right environment then the rest becomes less important, I've...|||The next 60 years will be seen as a reverse video of the last 60 years as the industrial world slowly starts to die because the planet can't sustain it any more.|||Wizard from here to Japan.|||Chaotic Good actually, my Ne is heavily developed. And Gamer, but reading books instead of drinking water (I play Wizards and like-types on other games). On FR 3rd (and variants) I play Sun Elf...|||I'm a huge Tabletop RPG fan but SL is not interesting for me, I prefer other things when I play on-line.|||So, what have you found out?|||Well done Padawan, well done.|||You need 15 posts, so only one more to go.|||You could be an INFP, though an unbalanced one. I've met another female INFP that struggles with many of the issues you also have (the anxiety for example, she can barely stand using public transport...|||Sorry, 3 weren't enough, I need to be able to vote for a 4th.|||Sailor Jupiter.|||Always remember guys love curves, not those portrayals coming from the world of fashion, a world dominated by gay males, many of them hateful of the female body. For years I thought, without...|||Ughhh, I hate temperatures above 24 C.' | 217 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I apparently look a bit intimidating and defensive, how the two mix is beyond me... I do tend to furrow my brow. Other than that, just blank stare regardless of what I'm thinking. Those are as...|||Sometimes your team members request you make a design that looks just like the bad logo of the non profit you are working with... Why did I put that looking similar to as to work with bug in their...|||...I love driving through a small town on my way to my (much smaller) home town and seeing sonic's drive in slots filled with trucks. ...or seeing trucks, for that matter. It's always odd being in...|||...midol is a beautiful thing. Without it I ted to just curl up on the floor in a fetal position, no matter where I am. ...partly for dramatic effect and to make friends laugh, partly because those...|||Some days I just want to throw this Erlkonig Lieder in the air and storm out of the music lab, kick over the music stand that holds my ten page French aria, burn my public relations textbook, shred...|||I normally just have cereal or oatmeal as it is all I have time for, but breakfast food is one of my favorite things to eat... ever. When at home I literally eat two fried eggs a day. I crack them...|||... ...bra fittings. i.e, a size A is fitted and finds a C fits her best while a C may be fitted and finds an A fits her best. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!|||I have a very, very expressive face. The sort of expressive face talked about half a year after a musical I was in every scene of yet never said a word/scarcely sang in and used as an example to...|||...ah, well, I did do that once. Went to a Sherlockian friend's house before they got back form work, got her housemate to let me in, and sat on her couch in a sheet (with shorts and a tank top,...|||Daylight Savings Time: When my watch, the clock on my wall, and my microwave finally displays the correct time.|||...it's raining outside. 'nuff said.|||No, but it's a possibility when I'm wearing basketball shorts. :blushed: Sometimes I go through half a day before finally realizing my pockets/team logos are facing the wrong direction.|||At the risk of seeming like an absurd geek, me after a full day at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter... 64420 ...Mischief Managed. ...and because that's not nerdy enough, Hobbit Premiere....|||English Setters: So loyal that even when you take them visiting and are sleeping on the floor of a friend/relative's living room, giving them free range of the entire house at night minus the...|||Ha, the hail after a hot day can be common, and is generally followed by a tornado thanks to the mixing hot/cool fronts. Those are fun days. We never find them unusual, but it must be different...|||No, I didn't. Found it on the internet, thought it wonderful, and saved it to my computer :)|||Weather here has always been chaotic here. A few weeks ago it was 60 degrees the day before we got a foot of snow. Unless you say it will be hot in the summer there are no guarantees. ...then...|||Ha! I'm in the midwest. It was also 70 well into December, it just could be below freezing the days before and after it was 70 degrees.|||Encouraging questions and discovery is not solely a practice found in Judaism, my pastor from back home did the very same thing and indeed everyone should question their religion. If it doesn't snake...|||...despite people from grade school through high school telling me to become a scientist because my curiosity and logic would serve me and science well, I didn't have the attention span to even...|||No matter how awake one feels throughout the year, spring always causes you to wonder at how you didn't notice how dead you were before it came. ...great scot, tea by an open window on the first...|||64358|||...as I was viewing the what pisses off INTPs? thread an advertisement with Gun Control in large red text appeared directly beneath it. ... make of it what you will.|||I've always found the idea fascinating, yet the idea of remembering a location that thoroughly seems to me a rather daunting task. However I suppose it's just like at home you know exactly where that...|||...I feel for me it would be easier to ask How many times do people understand you? ...sometimes I use five words at once, sometimes I change what I'm saying midway, too many metaphors even...|||Yee gads! The amount of lip-biting/inside of mouth chewing people is absurd... ...so let me add to it. - chewing the inside of my mouth/cheeks - biting my lip (though not to a bad extent) -...|||When you think Oh, InDesign is loading. I'll just check the internet while it's... and then 45 minutes later you finally remember what you were doing before getting on the internet. ...just...|||So. My homework load at the moment. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates* ...okay, I'm good now.|||For some reason I tend to be a mentor for friends that are younger than I, people my own age never really ask me for any advice, yet somehow younger friends feel they can come to me with issues. This...|||...No. I can sense attraction within a few moments, but passion? Great scot no. I've never really experienced that at all. ...The only people I've met I would even have the faintest thought of...|||Better than a non-opaque wall, these are generally known as windows. Or extroverts.|||I did cross country and track for years, my collapsed rib cage made it too difficult to be very impressive in either despite being on varsity in XC, yet I worked through the issues and ran until I...|||Movies 1) The King's Speech 2) LOTR/Hobbit 3) BBC's Pride and Prejudice 4) Inception or the Prestige 5) ...I'm really quite terrible at naming movies... I really enjoyed Star Trek and the Dark...|||Acting skills are nice. Treat them civilly and no different than any other, with the exception of not encouraging them in anything... Hopefully they won't know anything is amiss. If they're...|||Does anyone else find that people consider you a very difficult person to read? This seems a constant in my life, either they can't make out my thoughts at all or they're dense enough to think they...|||...whenever this happens I just think Then what is real intelligence like?!|||...I dance. Theater combined with the sort of groove you get when you're a bassist has ruined me. *hangs head in shame* ...except all of the guys around here are terrible at leading, so...|||... ...|||...Yes, however it would depend upon the reasoning behind their views...|||...I'm paying an arm and a leg for school, why skip? Well, I did skip once... and only because I had to finish a project that was due that day. Then again two years later when I completely forgot...|||...language pertaining to a certain field and/or section of interest that one uses when talking about said field and/or section of interest? Or perhaps the definition line between jargon and lingo...|||Anything that isn't Rap. From Adele to bluegrass, from classical to ska, from alternative rock to showtunes, and country when it isn't whiny. ...are not genre titles in of themselves lingo?|||...when I see several lols, multiple exclamation points where they do not belong, and text slang I somewhat judge the person as being an extrovert and a possibly F user...|||Today I apparently personally slighted someone that I was having an argument with. Except I wasn't actually having an argument, I just stated an opinion on something. Then someone disagreed and...|||63221 ...Pardon me ardent objectivists, but AHAHAHAHAHAHA!|||63202 63203|||While I endured many things that were thrown at me, I was overly sensitive when things I did not do were pinned on me. I couldn't make the people see the plain facts of what happened, and even if I...|||Ha, no worries. The post honestly could have swung either way and you were simply expanding upon your point.|||So, any votes for noting what feelings, whether sparse or constant, you have and processing them logically? No? None? ...alrighty then... ...Then again, if I ever do this I often have complete...|||I've become so dismissal and nonchalant about my past and ideas that there's not much I have to not tell if someone wants to know or if it fits the situation. IF it fits the situation. As opposed to...' | 4,876 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I'm going to bawl soon. For no reason, just cuz I'm a fucked-up, sentimental, cruelly self-centered and apathetic BITCH who falls in love with everyone and listens to sad songs and starts CRYING for...|||Aw, you're cute. Too bad you're not five years younger, I could stalk you. o_O XD lol I'd be a perfume in a clear-as-glass crystal bottle. When you spray it, it comes out sweet and wistful, only...|||I fail to notice if someone is interested in me because I can't imagine why anyone would be. o_O|||I give you shitloads of virtual sympathy. (Real sympathy too. D':)|||@Erudis That would have been the problem. But hey, not only did you learn a new word, you learned not to trust google translate anymore. (You can't trust spellcheck either, btw. XD)|||Tut-tut, it's crucifixion, not crucifiction. It's a painful way of killing someone, not a new book genre. And you call yourself an INTP... what shame. My dad's INFJ, but he has developed very...|||I'm not terribly weird. However... I hate things that others love. And vice versa. For example: We're gonna go play with theoretical mathematics?!! Yay!! And then we're gonna dissect...|||ya, yu telerr gurl!! XD|||aw, stoppikkin on peple 4 spelin sttuf weerd XD|||My dad's an INFJ, but at first I typed him as an INTJ because he's had to learn to make his decisions by thinking instead of feeling. So would that make him an INxJ? He still prefers his INFJ side,...|||I often talk about the party I'll have in hell. All the pop stars in the world will perform live. As will many rappers (YES!! GO EMINEM!!).|||They're confident, charismatic, funny, unpredictable, and sexy. How can you not love them?|||No, because if I'm wrong there's a God or gods, and who knows what sort of monster he/she/they/it might be. Although of course I wouldn't want you or anyone else to end up in hell XD.|||Devout atheist here. I don't believe there is a God, and I desperately hope I'm right.|||:tongue::crazy:|||ENTJs, they're so awesome. Him too XD.|||Dearest angel, I love you. There, I said it. I'm probably gonna keep crushing on you for the next five years or so, at least. Now can we get over it and keep being best friends? Please? <3 your...|||hell yes, it's big and black and super awesome XD.|||my cat <3 my notebooks (full of poetry and emotion and such-- I'm counting them as one even though there's three or four, they're always together) my backpack, I love that thing|||Ya, this has happened to me too, I've cried maybe five tears at one time in the last five years. I think Vaan, zobey, and soulsearch have the right idea.|||It's OK, it is incredibly hypocritical and I don't dislike all kids, actually I spent all last week at a camp working with 12-yr-old girls and I cried saying goodbye to them, even though I hated the...|||So am I. About many things. I think we were talking about yours, though.|||I would say NO!!! but I can't cuz I don't know any INFP men. Unfortunately :'( Where are all you INFP guys anyway?? I want an INFP bf, that'd be the greatest...|||Sorry, I don't know what to say... I feel this way too, but that's cuz I am a bad person.|||I'm so used to being ignored I get surprised if anybody listens to me when I talk XD. It's nice, though, cuz I can talk to myself and nobody will notice-- ie I keep up a running commentary in pretty...|||My sister is ISFP... There's a tangible difference between sensors and intuitors... Idk how to explain it (or anything else lol :) but it's there. Try focusing on that. Your avatar looks ISFP...|||NO KIDS. Whiny little brats...|||Just a feeling, not a plan XD. Don't worry, I dealt with all my suicide plans last year, the one I have left mostly stays in the back of my head muttering things like Just in case, and I hate...|||That's Rather Unusual XD.|||It's not mine, I can't share it without permission XD.|||I think I'll kill myself. Why the hell not.|||Stupid and useless.|||aw... I know this is a kinda old thread, but it's so sad and sweet...|||I can't ever bring myself to suicide (believe me, I've tried), I'd miss people too much-- they hurt me, but I love them anyway.|||No clue. I guess it's just your innate awesomeness. But I'll hazard a guess: because ENTPs do all the stuff we wish we could? All I know is that they make me happy!! XD|||*--bump--*|||Me: INFP Dad: INTJ Mom: ESFJ Sister: ISFP Brother: INTJ Yuck, try living with two INTJs and an extroverted sensor when you're INFP... not easy. For more fun, my brother has problems and so...|||What is the exact definition of feminine anyway? Who cares? Well, I'm in California wondering where all the INFP guys are :wink:...|||That INFPs go around with their head in the clouds trying to save the world.|||Hi, just some guy! I'm just some girl, how are you?|||'Ello!! Come talk to the INFPs, we're nice! (nicer than those INTJs, anyway... hmmph... ;D)|||Or cringe...|||Relationships... *sighs* D=|||what she said XD|||ESxx can annoy the shit outta me. I get along with pretty much all intuitors and/or introverts.|||Technically, you've already said hi, I said it in my translation XD. (My five wing needed me to point that out to you lol.) Ooooh.... it's a kitty... Hey, INFPs kick ass! *high fives all INFPs on...|||shit, did I just kill my thread?|||Is 4w5 close enough?? *looks hopefully at cookies* You let One4YesTwo4No in...|||Hehe, look, it's me!! I don't think it's because I'm INFP, though... I think I just have issues... ;)|||You're welcome! ;) XD I was hoping somebody else did... Ya, I get that. Looking back on my life, I've realized that I usually imagine myself a friend-- whether through the classic...' | 909 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | '(somewhat off-topic) We're all already living in virtual reality. Our brains take sensory input provided by our senses and create a coherent virtual reality we perceive as 'real'. The brain even...|||Not really poetry, more like lyrics to non-existing music I guess. It's what I scribble when I'm bored in school, just play around with words, that sort of stuff. Never posted my stuff anywhere...|||I'll tolerate a lot.. apart from abuse of authority and unnecessarily being a dick in general. The tree that doesn't bend, breaks. The tree that bends too far is already broken.|||Absolutely nothing stays in my mind as well as useless memories or knowledge. Not like I can ever remember anything relevant or important though.|||Tolerance isn't just some abstract ideal to strive for, it's a practical way we generally live our life. Most people are member of some identifiable group of people or minority. (from...|||I smoke weed once in a while (whenever I have any really, but I don't really care if I don't). Drink if it's a night out in pubs but that's not too often. Smoked cigarettes for a year but quit, after...|||I'll go out a lot of the time if I'm asked to, as long as it's an environment that allows for conversation. Once there I'm reserved for a while, then when I get more comfortable I'll be able to talk...|||Especially if after searching for 30 minutes, the item in question is in the only place that it makes sense for it to be in for other people. Personally I suck at looking for things if someone else...|||Lack of motivation stemming from disillusionment in society (stemming, in turn, from reading a lot and not just the normal angst you see from young people?). It feels like even if I cured cancer and...|||I used to be an extreme hermit, but during the last year or so I've managed to start enjoying social gatherings somewhat. I feel like being in a relationship has allowed me to be more in touch with...|||Sometimes when I walk around deep in my thoughts I almost lose my balance and fall into a ditch or whatever (if I'm walking next to one obviously)... my friends find it funny, I used to think of it...|||Description fits almost perfectly to someone I know 90% surely to be an ENFP.|||1.) Do you read entire books orally? No 2.) What’s your opinion on audio books? What are your favorites? Why not? Good for travels (mp3 player) and enables people who don't traditionally read...|||Can't recall all conversations on command. If they were interesting, intimate or memorable for some other reason I'll probably remember them quite well. I do sometimes find myself remembering a...|||I think our love for theories and mental models can turn against us. When we receive new data, we will try to first implement it into our existing model of how the world works. If that model includes...|||Sarcasm is hard to pick up in written communication, but sometimes it seems like the vast majority of people are oblivious to it in real life as well. 100% deadpan delivery doesn't help a lot. I...|||Guess I could be called a social democrat. In the United States I'd be called a godless hippie commie faggot, that's for sure. I believe that capitalism is the only viable way to generate wealth, but...|||When so what are you thinking about? is a hard question, purely because honestly... you're not that sure yourself anymore. Most of the time I like how my brain goes off on random...|||It's like my brain is in overdrive 24/7 where it creates indecision, random thought tangents etc. When shit hits the fan, brain kicks it up a notch and makes multiple serious snap decisions without...|||That's exactly why I wouldn't recommend it. The main character, who is an obvious self-insert, only has one thing you can really call a character flaw, and even that is being clumsy, which is...|||Looking at the other programming, I find it to be one of the greatest human achievements that they managed to out-fake all other television with 'reality'-tv. edit: I'm not opposed to a format...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LCwI5iErE :happy:|||Sony Vegas is nice, recommend it.|||Nah, I just see what's bullshit and don't bother with it. :tongue: But yeah, I've been meaning to do the dishes for weeks now...|||I agree analyzing would be the better term, as problem-solving implies there's a specific problem with a specific solution to be found. Real life problems and abstract thoughts aren't usually like...|||100 minute lessons with maybe 20-35 minutes worth of actual substance drive me out of my mind. It also seems people are awful at recognizing stupid, useless busywork and will jump at the chance to do...|||Stalker, an absolute classic and arguably one of the finest films made. Let The Right One In, the best vampire movie of the decade comes from Sweden.|||(pics are big cause im lazy) I got dragged along when the global marijuana march happened, got a few pretty sweet shots from there. ...|||You're either trolling or just full of shit, either way I feel like I'm wasting my time here.|||I'm not in a depressed state, I used to be. I have also talked to several doctors, patients and psychologists. That video is talking about 'depression', that is, feeling blue, feeling like crap....|||That is not what causes depression and neither is any one thing. There is no miracle cure, there is no way to avoid getting depressed by acting in a certain manner. Quoted part shows great ignorance...|||So I can fix malfunctioning brain chemistry by thinking happy thoughts? Cool. You don't realize a person with depression can't change their state of mind, that's why they're depressed and not...|||Looking at the position of our posts it might look like I was addressing you, but I guarantee that it wasn't intentional, it's just something that generally annoys me a lot (and got reminded by your...|||Anyone claiming you can get out of clinical depression by changing the way you think or just cheering up or whatever clearly has never been very depressed. As someone who has, I am annoyed at our...|||I like video games, probably since they're one of the few things I'll freely admit to being very, very good at. They allow me to let go of over analyzing and go with pure intuition and reflexes....|||I don't know what I'm doing 10 hours from now, not even going to try 10 years :tongue:|||The problem is you need to already like movies to see good movies - anyone just grabbing a movie by random is going to be sorely disappointed, generally speaking. There are movies that are effective...|||I used to play quite a lot of sports when I was younger, stopped and now am starting to play soccer with friends etc again. Healthy body, healthy mind I guess. I just couldn't enjoy playing in real...|||First you start tripping and then you die, feeling like you're transitioning to another dimension, universe, heaven, hell or whatever. This is the coolest idea about what happens when you die to...|||The only dream I remember is one from a year back or so, when I was getting crucified to a moving train (operated by some ancient South-American indian tribe). The train was made of birds. After they...|||Having paramilitary police raid people who grow weed (not to fund organized crime) is like the fire brigade setting fire to your house and putting it out. Sure, the fire's out but there wasn't a real...|||How does that work? Illegal -> criminals sell weed -> criminals acquire guns Legal -> criminals don't sell weed -> criminals can't use this income to acquire guns I don't get the underlying...|||Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Just like there was a reason alcohol was prohibited in many countries, it doesn't mean it was a good idea and it doesn't make...|||To be fair this is highly reliant on what you smoke (some will make you speed up, some will make you slow down).|||The only thing that can without much effort switch my thinking overdrive off with are hobbies (or whatever) where you have to learn a lot of smaller actions that fit within a larger framework of...|||When I was a kid I used to be pretty naive, after a while you get used to seeing how much better the world could be, how it could become that way and that no one else seems to give a shit. Turns a...|||TED is just all kinds of wonderful. ...|||While we're posting videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LayaGk0TMDc LEAP is a wonderful organization and should get much more publicity.|||Painlessly, no matter swift or slow. A total surprise with no time to register would be nice I guess. Preferably not alone, it's a shame hospitals generally don't have rooms for terminal patients who...|||Why Pot is Illegal Racism and profits are a reason I guess. I'd also like to add that decriminalization in Portugal has caused the HIV-infection rates to collapse, halved the number of hard drug...' | 6,374 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'you are not at fault for your imperfections you are stronger for having them they have played as much a part in making you who you are as the air you have breathed to stay alive do not...|||INFJ - 6w7 4w3 9w1 - sp/sx/so Currently getting my Bachelors in Professional Geosciences. Going to go for my PhD in Geology. I love what I study. There's so much breadth of the field of Geology...|||My fiance is INTP, and it's really awesome. I like being around him and practically watching the wheels turn as he thinks about things. He has always had a different perspective of the world than...|||I think I was being too vague o.o That's what I was implying anyway. Why? Are you? >~>|||Apparently that type of reflection isn't usual in the people I generally talk to in everyday life. Which is strange too. It's impossible for me to right these wrongs that I feel I committed when I...|||I wish that I didn't feel so guilty where I am today when I remember all the things that I did in the past due to my old personal values and theology. It's hard to stand here now and rationalize the...|||Dear Hashimoto's, For so many years we have fought. We've battled through those cold nights, the nerve-wracking stresses of life. You've stabbed me with pain in the chest, pulled at my joints...|||My mother is an ENTP... she thinks she's something else. I know she's not. She drives me insane despite the fact that we can understand each other well when we're not talking about something she...|||Thanks for bringing this up. Cause I hadn't even thought of it. (Yayme for assuming everyone did this... :confused:) Just today at work someone was venting and I gave them a heads up when I 'sensed'...|||In opinion and perspective, margin for error is already implied. I see what you're saying, truly. However, at some point a line must be drawn between what can be considered healthy and what can...|||The asshole part in this comes when the people or persons I feel are crossing the lines of my morals/values/etc try to be passive aggressive or undermine my authority or imply that I'm not a sane...|||Yes, everything can be different depending on a person's perspective. However, if they ask me, they're asking my opinion. That'll be my perspective and how I see it based on the experiences and...|||Dear Mrs. Denial, You'll get to watch me turn to stone. And you'll wonder why. You'll wonder if it's your fault. And maybe you'll feel something... if you mature even a little. If. This thing you...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9FmOc0ofGc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZKExBzDbzM&feature=share|||Aha... hahahahaha... ahaahahaha... I've been called arrogant, rude, condescending, apostate, etc... just to name a few. Half of these were from family members who I was in the process of...|||Try not to let the how get in your way. Sometimes just slapping paint on something with no rhyme or reason is satisfying and beautiful enough. I've even used food color in the past.|||Honestly I have noticed this to a point. Even with myself, as I've gotten older and have gone through more, I've become a far more level person. And with that, I've been able to calm people down...|||Happy Neck Killing in advance. I'm pretty sure a few of these are sideways. http://i.imgur.com/DHFXNal.jpg http://i.imgur.com/D3SHvQ2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9gFjMOe.jpg...|||At the moment I might have a guilty obsession in the Mathematics department. :unsure:|||Yeah. I keep trying. And doing. And proving people wrong... But my body is starting to say 'no'. Just had 2 MRIs done today. My spinal cord is compressed in more than one place. Going to keep...|||When we stop wishing and start doing... we see a lot more results. I no longer wish or dream. I work hard and aspire for greater things. They are my 'future reality' not dream. They will happen. Or I...|||So much information... (me in school)|||Righteous anger Burning tears The mind may forget But in the heart It is forever seared Even in the traitor's absence The fire burns strong Never again|||I promise this is the last one. For a long long time. But. gh0st|||http://listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=vqPT3CoptdU#Jamie_Woon_-_Night_Air_[HQ]|||I don't understand why I'm just so angry|||I guess I can't vote for Treebob to scare everyone and name himself Krampus.... I'll take Gnomeflakes whenever you feel like changing mine.|||I'm finding that lately I'm needing security in my life more and more. I don't like variables. I don't like 'if' or 'maybe'. I like having decisions made. And if they're not, I'm an emotional wreck. ...|||Invictus BY*WILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be|||XD indeed|||Lol! Yes. (I should honestly be sleeping though) Both really awesome movies. But Frozen was great too... and then young siblings and cousins continued repeating the music for 3 months. :crazy:|||Trust me, it just gets better. :)|||*glomps and hugs you like you're a teddy bear* It'll all be okay eventually.|||34 Agape, 31 Storge, 26 Eros, 23 Mania, 11 Ludus, 11 Pragma|||I think I overdid it on the post. :unsure: Gonna go sleep now, Sorry.|||I don't know if I've posted in this thread yet, but I know I've wanted to. There's been a lot of changes in my life during the past couple years. And honestly, the only time I felt supported, or any...|||I stand here But I'm screaming I smile But I'm cursing I laugh But my tears drown every ocean You stand there But you're judge and juror You smile|||With you I experience life differently. I'm actually awake... not skating through the mundane efforts of daily life. I feel like an exposed nerve. And I love it.|||I really love my INTP. Like someone said, they are in their own heads a lot. But when the conversations and communication starts flowing it's fantastic. Not to mention brainstorming for the sake of...|||I am the lurker.|||There is no truth aside from the one we believe. There is only fact & consequence. Truth has become meaningless.|||Now I'm hungry and I don't even want to consider eating... it's never been my problem...|||tmw you realize that other infjs use tmw too also I hate my body. I've never been this weight. People always say to love your body no matter the size. But for me it's not asthetic...|||Fuck this shit... Now to put things into terms that people probably won't be able to understand... When the void says nothing, feels nothing, yet sees all, the world wants to shrink from...|||Insomnia, how I loathe thee|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuugyqzqYdM|||I really hate spending money. But on the plus side, my phone that has been cracked and glitching for the past year is going to be replaced. Yay. And upgraded... double yay. Why so long? Cause I...|||Heh, she's young (12-ish) and we were playing a game (which makes me feel retarded for having an issue with her bad sportsmanship). I found it really strange that I had such a viceral reaction to her...|||Nothing like getting upset over a younger sister making fun of you and laughing obnoxiously to make you feel childish again. I should really have thicker skin. So much for trying to open up.|||No words to talk about it? You must have a reason to doorslam a person. What is doorslamming anyway? Just not talking to that person anymore or is it going out in a blaze of fury?[/QUOTE] Hehehe,...' | 2,810 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'When I was very young, I had my heart set on this bizarre notion of being what I called a snack lady and I wanted to have an ice cream truck and sell travel around selling food. Throughout most of...|||So, I go to a boarding school (yes, contrary to popular belief, they do in fact still exist outside of fantasy novels). One of my best friends lives just down the hall from me in our boarding house,...|||23600 words|||1. Half my science class was away, so we went to the lecture theater and watched a random documentary about mammals. 2. My French teacher announced that we will be watching Mean Girls in French...|||Um, probably get as far away from other human beings as possible and then just sit there and cry and think about how much I hate myself (and everyone else, for that matter).|||As far as I'm concerned, favoring either would be a vast improvement. It seems like most people simply favor blind adherence to tradition and regulation, which do not to involve much logic or...|||Basically, when I'm not on my cycle, I don't really feel emotions unless something fairly major provokes them. When I am on my cycle, I go from suicidal to euphoric on a regular half-hour rotation. ...|||I think the very worst thing about being an NT female is that people see you as an NT first; female second. It's like, I'm not a girl, I'm that freak who got 98% on a bunch of exams. The only...|||I'll tell you why I am unsure of my type. -When it comes to getting things done, I tend to do one of two things. I will either a. keep putting it off and putting it off until the very last minute...|||Every time I've taken the MBTI, I end up with either INTJ or INTP, always close to the middle for J/P. I have never quite been able to figure out which one I am. Are there any definitive...|||Did guys find you attractive when you were in high school, or college? Still in my first year of high school and I've never been asked out. I get the occasional distasteful but flattering honesty...|||Thank you :) That's precisely what I would like to think, too. Somehow, though, I would imagine it's more along the lines of he finds me annoying and is trying to bore me to death/ stonewall me so...|||I have a feeling I'm going to get banned from this site any day now on convictions of treating it like my personal therapist. So, in the meantime, how would you INTPs who seem ever so interested in...|||I have a question about ENTJs: Why is your forum so... barren? No one ever seems to post anything. It's odd, because even the other extrovert forums on here are usually pretty busy.|||Whoa... until I saw that you were female, the only thought running through my mind as I read through your post was Oh shit the very INTP I was going on about somehow found his way onto this forum. ...|||I have an ISTJ roommate at boarding school (oh yeah, envy me). We tend to have the conversation described below on a fairly regular basis, albeit in different language: It was after lights out,...|||It's a lie to say that other peoples' opinions don't count. Other peoples' opinions can be just as valid and justified as your own; therefore, by extension, you are justified in caring what they...|||Really? You would actually find a hey on facebook chat too hard to deal with? That might just explain a lot...|||Precisely.|||Bahahaha thanks :) And yes, most girls wear heels (albeit maybe not quite as ridiculous as mine were), to debate tournaments here. The idea is to intimidate the other team--debate is the bloodiest...|||Thank you all for the advice. I think it definitely makes sense that he probably just kind of forgot I existed;but I posted this late at night and wasn't exactly thinking straight. I'm sensitive to...|||Hello, INTJ here. You INTPs are confusing. Even your posts contradict each other, how is anyone meant to analyze your behavior? First of all, I will tell you upfront, this is one of those omg...|||As another INTJ girl (also bordering on INTP-ness, incidentally), I can tell you that if this girl is anything like I am (or like most other INTJs I've spoken to, for that matter), you're probably...|||My thoughts are that I love the idea of planning a wedding--crazy over-the-top decorations, food, atmosphere, entertainment, etc. That having been said, the idea of actually getting married...|||After reading through an old thread about INTJs and their food habits, it occurred to me that most of the posters described behaviors that would be considered OCD by most standards, for example...|||Maybe you should specify a location before you end up like this guy: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDHJnLpRzhX_cvoxtuApcSPeaVH6oourZFQSZKbr2N1nsUDgbd1bou_uCJ I wish I could find someone...|||I have to disagree with most of the posters, actually. My mom is an ISFJ and, although we certainly have our, erm, differences, we actually do agree on a lot of things. For example, both types are...|||First of all to answer your question as to whether we liked building or fixing things, I certainly did like building things! My favorite toys were things I could use to make things with: building...|||I care if I am willing to sacrifice something for you. I respect you if I ask for your opinion or, and this is perhaps even more tell-tale, I trust you to do something that will impact me (such...|||73 (36 fear + 37 avoidance) Well, I suppose this test simply serves to confirm what I've suspected for awhile. If only there were an esy way to make it all go away. (And please no one say alcohol)|||Abraxas 5-3-9 Abx 9-5-3 Action Potential 1-4-6 Antiant 5-9-3 Axe 5w6-1w9-4w5 Bethdeth ...|||The other day I was thinking about all of the social norms that the rest of us keep up for the sake of the SJs... because let's face it, no one else cares whether you use the correct fork for your...|||Oh no!! Another INTJ feelings thread! So shoot me. Firstly, I think it's fair to say that as INTJs, most of us tend to enjoy, even cherish, those moments when you can truly connect with another...|||First of all let me say that I love you guys. You're talented, aware of your surroundings and your social skills outweigh mine about a million fold. With that in mind, allow me to present to you a...|||I've never understood the concept of ideal matches according to type. For example, I personally have always gone for thinkers, and the S/N divide is almost a non-issue to me. I think the Jungian...|||LOL I have social anxiety and very minor Asperger's so... yeah, I wouldn't exactly call myself a flirt. That having been said, I have a tendency towards that kind of tone when I'm having a...|||I'm sorry but this test fails miserably... that or I failed it miserably. I don't think you could write a more off-the-mark description of me if you tried. I think the reason these types of tests...|||As someone who lives in a dorm with approximately seventy other people, allow me to contribute: Walking around naked (NO ONE NEEDS TO SEE THAT) Borrowing stuff without asking Sitting on my bed...|||LOL I wish ;) Is that actually what you would do to hit on someone? It seems more like harassment to me. Wait a sec... are you messing with me?|||I don't have a favorite place, but at the same time I would hesitate to say that my favorite place is inside my head. I think it used to be, but my Se has really begun to show itself lately. That...|||Does our seriousness amuse you? Do you find us endearing? That's certainly the feeling I get from an ESTP acquaintance at school. She seems to have made it her personal mission to get a rise out of...|||That's an excellent point. How did I not think of that? Still, these sorts of people are certainly the hardest to type.|||This is something I have been considering for a long time now, but I have yet to come to a conclusion. It seems to me that there are some people that just can't be typed. Surely, we have all met...|||Personal ~ * Name - Sarah - Any nicknames? Djanga, Sarah-Beara * Male/Female/Trans? Female Location - Where were you originally born? In a hospital Where do you live today? At a boarding...|||So... I started at a boarding school (yes, they do still exist) in September, and it has definitely forced me outside of my head a bit and, as a result, my perC account has been quite neglected....|||I have a stalker. Actually, she is not really a stalker. She lives in my house at boarding school, and she is just two years older than me. Unfortunately, she refuses to spend time with people her...|||I am actually very particular about my hygiene; I usually shower a couple times a day. I don't wear a lot of make up (most people are shocked when they find out that I'm even wearing any), but I am...|||I chose neglected. I have always had friends, but I have never been anyone's best friend and no one ever went out of their way to do things with me. My peers are, for the most part, okay with...|||It's been a long time since I was in such a state of awe. Are you a therapist? Or perhaps a psychic? First of all I will confirm your first hypothesis: Yes, I am aware that the actual choir...|||This. I suppose that is the one part I forgot to mention: it was definitely not just about the audition. Once it had started I wasn't even thinking about the audition. It was like, I'm not good...' | 1,971 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'If it's not what you expected, try browns instead :) I definitely prefer browns to blues, but everyone's different.|||In life, and particularly in your working life, you will be working with others. I would suggest accepting that you'll be working with this person, and instead concentrate more on dealing with the...|||All the ingredients for an unhealthy relationship. It all sounds so romantic (and familiar).|||That explains how you go through idealising and devaluing others, but I was more interested in hearing about how you think the devaluing impacts the other person (the person suddenly being devalued).|||Actualized type: ISTJ (who you are) Introverted (I) 88.89% Extroverted (E) 11.11% Sensing (S) 66.67% Intuitive (N) 33.33% Thinking (T) 52.94% Feeling (F) 47.06% Judging (J) 80% Perceiving (P)...|||None of this makes any sense to me.|||If I knew someone had feelings for me and I didn't have feelings for them, I'd probably start distancing myself from them. Mainly because 1. I wouldn't want them to get hurt 2. I don't need/want...|||OrangeAppled These are my own observations, based mostly on INFPs I've come across on this forum. No it's not scientific, I wouldn't claim it is. I have to point out, though, that your quote...|||If that is the case then that's fine, I don't mind being wrong.|||I think it's important to be open and honest so we can reach some level of self awareness. Behaviour that is dysfunctional/damaging to the self should be identified and labeled as such. What I have...|||Fair enough, I suspected that was what was trying to be communicated. I still think a lot of INFPs are rather childish in terms of how they deal with difficult situations, as well as how they handle...|||I'm an ISTJ. My personal opinion based on a number of INFPs (as well as ISFPs, actually) I've interacted with/come across on this forum... yes. Many INFPs do come off as rather childish. I don't know...|||Hey! Welcome :)|||I disagree, based on first hand experience. And it's definitely not out of pride/fear of rejection. But I don't want to dwell on that. I hope you'll consider initiating conversations more with...|||Would be great. Then we'd all stop wasting time on people who aren't interested in making meaningful connection.|||Welcome (Again :P)!|||Would be interesting to hear about how you think your devaluation/discard (because that is what it is, at the end of the day) impacts the other person.|||I love this quote: Sometimes you hold back from talking to someone not because of your pride nor because you fear rejection. But because you know deep down that if they wanted to be there in...|||Library... what's that? [emoji14] just kidding, though I haven't been to an actual library since I was about... 10? That would be 16 years ago? I have Amazon Kindle, and Audible, so I have access to...|||Hello fellow ISTJs :) I'm looking for some book recommendations! I don't know what I'm looking for exactly, but something for my T. I'm interested in self development, and I've been going through...|||Nothing is going to change unless you change -- and this takes some effort. That's not to say you're not trying, but you need to try harder. And it all begins with changing the way you think. 1 -...|||What's the one thing that makes you most happy in life/happy to be alive? Feel free to detail how it makes you feel, and perhaps try to explain why you think that might be. If you can also include...|||The problem with that is it's difficult to know whether the cause is some chemical imbalance, or if I'm doing something wrong. If it's something I'm doing wrong then drugs would just be hiding it,...|||For the past few days I've been on the verge of tears throughout the day. And when I'm alone I just want to cry. I honestly don't know why, or what's triggered it. Being off work for a few days...|||I feel like I'm having a 1/3 life crisis. I don't know what I'm doing, and nothing makes sense anymore. Life really isn't fun right now :/ If I could magic it away as if I never existed and no one...|||Lakigigar That's very interesting. Thank you for sharing.|||What's unhealthy about imagining your loved one being paralyzed or dead??? What's healthy about it? What kind of emotions do you feel when you fantasise about such a thing? Do you like feeling sorry...|||Lakigigar Your post strikes me as being really, really unhealthy. I don't mean to judge, I've had similar fantasies before.|||I'm not sure too sure what the best thing to do in this scenario would be. When I'm sad/grieving there is very little anyone else can do for me (unless I'm very close to that person, or they're a...|||As with all feelings, loneliness is difficult to describe. But I'll try and give you my perspective on it. Firstly, I relate to a lot of what you've said. I'm not a very social person, I keep...|||Moonious Please see a doctor. It's not normal to have a headache for 2 weeks.|||The more I try to understand ISFPs and INFPs, the more I'm convinced they're just crazy. Crazy crazy crazy. I feel crazy just thinking about how they're crazy. And now I'm experiencing semantic...|||Oh so that's what you meant! Yeah if I were you I'd drop him right now and not look back. That's way overstepping boundaries and it shows he has no respect for you whatsoever.|||BrownEyedGirl1 I don't know, I'm only going on what you've said. He might have a completely different interpretation and perspective on this whole thing. Just as there are reasons why you...|||O.o I'm sorry, but this is pretty ridiculous. I don't have anything else to contribute at this point. Good luck!|||I'm confused. What does he want from you now exactly (other than getting you to do stuff you no longer want to do)?|||Kajada I listened to all of those bands when I was 15/16! [emoji14] some other bands I remember from back then... Trapt, The Killers, The Used, Blink 182, Funeral for a Friend... I also liked...|||He does sound very immature. I wonder what type he is. Anyway, at least you know where you stand with him. I hope you'll stick to your values and not give in to his childish behaviour.|||I don't seem to get excited about anything. I'm not sure if it's a personality type thing, or if it's something deeper. Does anyone else feel this way? And if so, what's your type? Examples: ...|||I was just kidding hehe 😊|||Regardless of that, it doesn't give him the right to be a dick. It doesn't sound as if he is even trying to save your relationship/understand where you're coming from... and that's not a good sign....|||I feel bad for you. He sounds like a dick. But I think it's clear that you're not compatible, so I hope you'll stop wasting your time/energy on this.|||ferroequinologist What do you mean by who you really are? What does that mean? I believe we can change what's on the inside, if that's what you mean. For example, I've had to work on being a...|||BrownEyedGirl1 I never knew what that was like, until I got involved with an ISFP [emoji14] In trying to make sense of her, I ended up losing my balance and I ended up being very...|||BrownEyedGirl1 I guess you fear being trapped for whatever reason, maybe it has something to do with your childhood. I know my ISFP friend didn't have a very good childhood. I can't say I...|||BrownEyedGirl1 That's an interesting point you make about whether we're in fact the ones with the my way or the highway attitude. I think in some sense, yes, we are. We would like others to adhere...|||That doesn't mean anything. If you want me to accept you and I want you to accept me, but were two different people with different needs, how does that even work?! lol. If you don't want to take...|||If he gets angry and defensive, then you'll know he's a dick/not partner material. You would have saved yourself a lot of future BS. Also, if he's straight up giving you the silent treatment for...|||I wrote a long reply but I lost it damn :( Why don't you communicate to him what you have to me here? Asking how well endowed the guy was etc isn't reasonable at all. It serves no purpose. I...|||Also, I'm going to say something and I could be totally wrong... but I suspect when a person comes along who accepts you fully, you won't care for that person. Maybe you will think along the lines...' | 189 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 1. I am an anime addict. (both watch and draw) 2. I laugh uncontrollably in indecent situations....O_o 3. I think that traveling the world is a good way to go. 4. I surprisingly live in...da da...|||When so many AWESOME, CRAZY, AMAZING things happen all at once you feel.....like your body is going to burst into a million colorful sparkly bubbles!! ^_________^ and then you start to giggle... :D|||You know.... being crippled now for amonth. I am starting to gain different fears than before. Now a days the scariest things are the refrigerator door, swinging doors, and animals. The refrigerator...|||aha.... they are ambitious, excited over absolutly everything, and are sensitive to crude criticism. When it is handed out, their stron argumenative side comes in and kicks ass.... lawl. ^________^|||I am so good... I am so good... I am so good... :crazy: :tongue: :wink: :laughing:|||eating.......food|||1. I feel like everything is amazing. (when I am in a good moood) 2. My favorite color is Yellow 3. I play 6 instruments. 4. I would love to travel... if i had money. I'm still in school... :( 5....|||welcome welcome welcome!! ^^ your type rocks.. so, so do you! woohoo! :laughing:|||Welcome Welcome!!! ^_^ we will be the best of friends!! I loove you!! :tongue: haha jk but I know we will get along... INFP's rock the sox|||I have had experiences while not getting along with INTJ's. The ones that I knew were quite perfectionistic.... and had to always be right. (I was right most of the time) and the blew up in my...|||Hooooray!!! CONGRATES TO YOU!!! :crazy:|||I am wondering..... I don't get along with INTJ's and I am an ENFP. Do any INTJ's get along with us. Am I just judgmental?|||I am imagining one of the cutest guys! ^_^ oh how immature I am sometimes.... basically I am an immature one riiight now. :laughing::crazy::tongue:|||Everything in life is always amazing to me. I just loove laughing and keeping a positive enviourment.:crazy:|||wow. Well I think that ADD people bug the hell out of em. I know that. My father is one and running. My parents do not come to evens... They like to interrupt conversations I also noticed...:dry:...|||I looove to hang out at the park, running around happily. I do as well at guitar stores just playing their instruments, friends' houses, the streets, and usually my room or somebody elses. FUN STUFF...|||oh if only Suhni Neel... haha And WELCOME!! I get along great with your type!! :D VERRRY WELL INDEED. :laughing:|||I am different than my other chaps around. I tend to feel attracted to people more often than others. WEll at least it seems that way....|||I do actually. I tend to when I am anxious/nervous. Sometimes just for the heck of it. I get impatient and find myself doing it as well. I am trying to break the habit but, ah 'tis not working....|||^_^ teehee. People say we are bubbly as heck..... (some):crazy:|||AWWW thanks! :D you rock----> *poof* hahahaha|||Hello Hello! And Welcome even though..... hehehe I just started. ^_^ <3:tongue:|||Hey there!!! :crazy: hehehe I am Elizabeth and I looove musik. Talk to me about it! I am not a superficial person. My type is ENTJ. It really does fit within my personality personally but, I am a... | 703 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Younger of 2. INFP. Older sister also happens to be INFP. I'm Enneagram 4, she tested as 5 but I'm not fully convinced, I could buy it though.|||I'm way too attached to my emotions, to the point where I remember and examine every nuance of them. And I wanna feel like I used to feel. I want that BACK. Give it back to me! I'm self-aware enough...|||I'm very sad lately. All the time there is an underlying sadness. I don't know where it comes from (I feel like it has sorta kinda always been there, but it was either repressed for a while or I was...|||Exactly. We are not just ONE thing. The Enneagram is an indication more than anything, it's not a rule or a limitation by any means. (I feel like a 4 with a strong 9 in my tritype)|||My INFP sister said as a small kid: I only like animals. Not humans. Another one was when my mother (tested as an ISFJ but I'm not fully convinced) said to her eat with care (in my native...|||I can see no reason that suggests otherwise.|||I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I think I literally am misunderstood (not always of course). I've even had people tell me that I'm hard to understand or that they don't really get me. It...|||Ahh the tritype test, haha. I've taken it a few times. I probably take personality tests too often lol, it gets confusing and I start to overthink the (differing) results. I tend to find the...|||Just for the record, I've seen other E4s explore here that maybe it's not the core motivation for all Fours. I certainly relate much more to being authentic than unique. It may be similar but in my...|||Ni stare in that avatar.|||Don't see why not ~|||This confuses me too. I always (well, 90% of the time) come out as a 4 in tests and there are certainly things I really relate to about it, but that damn longs to be unique thing as a core...|||Wow this is very personal but I thought I'd contribute because it isn't often I try to sum up my feelings about being in a low state. What are you like at your worst/ disintegration? I become...|||Well I already know you're 4w5, but if I was to literally just type according to the avatar, I'd go something like 2w3 (achieving through love / loving through achievement, the heart being of course...|||Don't see why not!|||I guessed Ni even before seeing the INFJ tag - the avatar reminds me of the internal processes of Ni :)|||Ni!|||Evurr Any luck since? Have you figured out your wing? Some of what you've posted seems a bit more like 9 than 4, but I don't know you and I certainly am aware that you are not defined by a number...|||When it comes to things like shopping for... well, anything, then I'm actually pretty decisive and quick. It didn't used to be the case, but these days, something always tends to jump out quite...|||The first thing I thought of was my most recent birthday present to my sister which was a playlist of 38 songs I was loving at the time. She lives abroad so I don't always see her on every birthday...|||I can totally hear an ENFJ going I'm telling you! :tongue: I do notice myself writing with that being said... a lot!|||When I was a kid, I was extremely easily offended. I was over-emotional and hypersensitive and every little slight would get under my nerves and hit me in the gut. Then came a time where I was much...|||Was going to create a new thread for this topic, but just found this old one so thought I'd bump it instead. Mine are probably as follows (both giving and receiving): 1. Quality time This is...|||I am an Aries Sun with a Scorpio Moon :3 My Aries qualities may be a little bit repressed though... You'd think I was a Pisces sometimes (and I don't even have any planets in that sign). And the way...|||I suppose an easy one to start off with is (if you can't already tell, that is): Would you say you're more of an introvert or an extrovert? This would be a way to start exploring whether the...|||Yeah :/ Sometimes when I'm frustrated or angry, I start seeing things in very black and white terms, which is usually not me, so when I argue with someone in that state, I say things I normally...|||Yeah when I was a kid, I used to try to create a couple of languages just for fun. I didn't get very far, just kinda created the alphabet, a few words and probably a few grammar rules as well. It's...|||691986 That whole music video speaks to me and my INFP-ish inner world somehow. x|||Oh gosh, I used to have this problem when I was younger! I think people were kinda annoyed at me for this when I was watching movies with them, especially when every few minutes I was like Who's...|||aw I want to hug you <3 This particular example seems cute and it's innocent enough, it made me smile because it didn't strike me as something that would seem completely utterly awkward - unless...|||I don't see why not. (idk if an interest in the Enneagram is there at all, but good luck figuring out that as well if you haven't already)|||I used to be horrible at math in school (just couldn't grasp it) but as the years went by, something started to click more and get easier. I guess it depended on the level I was doing it at- I was...|||I'm going to answer this Enneagrammatically (what a word!) because that's what was sparked in my head. Despite my in a lot of ways justified inability to let go of my 4w5 label, I still sometimes...|||This makes me feel so bad as well. I'd like to think I'm a good listener, but I don't always remember details about other people's lives. It's like I have to repeat it to myself or something XD --...|||I've thought about this a lot lately and..I don't think I idealize people much. I don't think it's such a good idea. I've sometimes felt that certain people in my life have idealized me, and one of...|||tbh I can't find it but I think it was basically saying that there is doubt about whether a whole personality type can be constructed around the ISFP qualities etc. I kinda wish I hadn't asked this...|||I feel the same way. I don't go out of my way to avoid situations where people from different places can't mix, but it does make me feel somewhat uncomfortable. I'm different in different situations...|||Hi ISFPs, Are you into 'hip' trends? Do you consciously follow them or is it just like a habit of your personality to naturally pick them up? Also, I read somewhere about there being a debate...|||It's kind of a tricky thing - one wants to share and express, but at the same time you're conscious of others finding out things you'd rather they didn't know. It's really all about choice. I'm...|||As an INFP (or any other type, really), how forgetful are you? Do you find that there is a correlation between the things you value / hold dear, and remembering things vividly? Are you likely to...|||One real-life friend knows, that's it. I'm not sure why I told him. I guess I used to get a kick out of speaking typology with him (despite him not being interested in it so it's kinda weird) so I...|||I think I have noticed / read that INFPs look or seem younger than they are. I can think of some examples, let's see, um, me, my sister, Björk (if she is an INFP, I think she probably is)... I think...|||I have so many feels about planning and such. On the one hand, I'm so Perceiver-ish in that I want to just go with the flow and it's my natural inclination to do that, but on the other hand, ffs, I...|||My mommy says I'm oversensitive :blushed:|||Sometimes when I read about them, I forget that I am one and just go aww I love them :tongue: I recently read someone say that it probably feels better to know an INFP than to be one, I agreed with...|||I sort of agree with the OP about the way I will occasionally step into a situation (which may have nothing to do with me) because the behaviour of people is eating away at me and I feel a need to...|||Enneagram 9? :) It's natural actually. I think it's useful to have a proper outlet (creating art, therapy etc.) for all emotional expressions so that there would be less explosions of this kind. I...|||-In what ways do you act and/or feel introverted? One way I can tell that I lean more towards introverted, is that I'm more concerned with my own thoughts/feelings/other aspects of my internal...|||another VOI-S result here. Interesting! Visionary 75% Observant 67% Introverted 70%|||It does. It's where people (mostly INFPs and 9s on the Enneagram) go to check themselves out of reality, of cruelty, of conflict, of pain, stand on top of the most beautiful mountain, look up at the...' | 5,720 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'The Bible, especially and including accounts of Jesus' ministry. I am trying to orient myself to the origins of the many Gospels and learn the context of the rise of the followers of Jesus. I think...|||If only the world cowered to my own version of deluded truth, then everything would be fine. In fact, my attitude should be held by everyone, so that there will always be a war of wills, bitches!|||-Freud -Jung -MBTI -The Bible, including the censored unorthodox texts -Nietzsche -Spanish, although I haven't studied for a while -Religion debates -Defending the West and America and liberal...|||Sam Harris understands our narcissistic aspiration more than most: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-QoeQ0Q3uM|||At your service: Amazon.com: Reading Lights - eBook Readers & Accessories|||I guess, for me, Christmas is just a splendid suspension of reality. I like it for that very reason.|||I love everything about Christmas, even the religious music. It still retains the magical residue from childhood.|||Listen to non-intrusive music to block the noise around you while you read. You can read even to learn stuff that way. And there are lights designed for reading books, as well. You can always try...|||Read this through a few times. Keep notes on the fundamentals and use it for reference. It is the beast resource there is. Classics in the History of Psychology -- Jung (1921/1923) Chapter 10|||Have you read the descriptions of the functions that Jung himself authored? Which one if them stabbed you in the heart and revealed your current existential fixation? Which one of them do you HAVE...|||It is possible to be somewhat undifferentiated and to be in the grip of something that you struggle with. How old is the OP?|||I am on a quest to read the whole Bible so that I will be literate in the central text of Western civilization. I read a chapter of Psalms, a few pages of the Torah, and a few pages of the Gospels...|||You might be obsessed with structuring reality inside your own mind and want to represent reality with as much fairness and logic as you can muster. You may take information from your experiences...|||You may hate Nietzsche, but the fact remains that he offered insights into the futility of absolute knowledge that remain faithful to our feeble human attempts at establishing knowledge of the Forms....|||More specific words allow for more compact thoughts that are more comprehensible than bewildering circumlocution. Sometimes these words give you the weapons to perform surgical strikes instead of...|||Nietzsche was simply not interested in pure reason, as he thought that pure reason is nihilistic. Beauty must be merged with reason in order for either to have any meaning. You will encounter this...|||Carl Jung himself went on a inner quest in solitude in order to supplant his Ti with Ni. He knew he was risking madness to take his inner structure and turn it into a wonderful spiritual arson job. ...|||Jung said that opposing your inborn nature leads to neurosis. The fact is that you breathe your dominant and smoke your auxiliary. You can learn more about it if you want to: Classics in the...|||One more time. Evolution has never explained the origin of life. Look up abiogenesis if you actually want to learn about that particular question. Evolution is not addressing merely the question...|||You need a whole life improvement program. If you want to use MBTI effectively, you need to get well acquainted with Carl Jung's theory itself. There are things like the Shadow and Anima, concepts...|||Jennywocky, you have a mind that makes me blush in my relative modesty. I just wanted to tell you.|||Mine too. She is why I have some good Judging qualities.|||ENTP and INTP is like the difference between Bill Maher and Sam Harris. The former is more entertaining, but the latter is more systematic. Short vs long game!|||Your Feeling function is seeking compensation for its feeble prior existence. Same way with me. It's healthy as long as it gives you additional creative impulse.|||It makes sense that Nordic people would have a religion whose apocalypse entailed a blizzard instead of fiery weather. Snow or sand. Make your choice.|||Might as well post these reminders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjRQbJPULx4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMHqqXYaB8g|||I second Ne humor. And remember that you are the ubermensch, and they are not. You can overcome them with your mind. They can't you. Also try to get to know the more shadowy parts of your psyche....|||Dawkins might be a great scientist, but his intellectual perspicacity is not too much better than than of certain creationists. He attributes bad motives to them, and they attribute bad motives to...|||Not many people really have any idea what genetic deficiency really entails. The whole idea seems quite the human construct. We don't know what all of the genes and the epigenetic compounds even...|||The fact is that we do not at this present condition of evolutionary development need to abandon those who could not survive in the Sahara. We live in a different society in different environmental...|||What is boredom? Your cerebral faculties continue to function while your emotive faculties slog through the same rut. What is this rut? It means that your mental activity never reaches highs,...|||Now, now, now, Lord Vader.|||I am on an INFJ acceptance program, but let me get back on the wagon. You come up with a lot of ideas, but you get touchy and pushy when someone merely disagrees with them!|||Ask him about the evolution of bacteria allowing us to see the process of natural selection at a rapid speed. Would this be a case of speciation and therefore macroevolution? What would his...|||Dawkins fails both intellectually and charismatically. His demonization of his opponent and inability to wrestle with matters that really concern a lot of people get the better of him. If he wants...|||Your mysterious impulse to enact your spirit's will upon the world might get you a lot of dots, but I am the only one who knows how to connect them. Maybe we can team up sometime. Oh wait. ...|||ESFPs are the monkeys who dance at the choreography of ENFPs!|||ISTPs. They can tell you everything that happened during the day. They just can't tell you why!|||I use my intellect to create a cerebral architecture built upon the ruins of my fractured sense of secure self. I was a six, I think, before I think I was an INTP. I was an INFP until my lack of...|||Socionics suggests a static condition without considering the fluid nature of the Jungian archetypes that connect our typological taxonomy to other dimensions of the psyche, whether they be...|||My takeaway was that the Tertiary is the justification and the impetus for the Dominant. In my case, it would mean that my tangible inner experience reminds me to use my ability to analyze things...|||Understanding the Archetypes involving the eight functions of type (Beebe model) If you want to read something that does not adhere to MBTI stereotypical dogma about INTPs, but that holistically...|||Your ego is a rebellion against death. It wills survival and the conquest of enemies. It despises the petty obstacles to its quests. It devours nourishment and collects armor and tools of war. It...|||Peace is for those who would rather die than kill a malignant maniac, anyways.|||Can't we just replace God with collective human flourishing and/or survival as a starting point?|||Zeitgeist is a fantastical concept that comes from someone's imagination, and not a rigorous consideration of alternatives. Civilizations are clashing around us, and idealists think now is the...|||I am actually a moral realist. But that was not the point I was trying to make. Falling Leaves merely said that the actions of the KKK were unlawful, and I was just trying to remind everyone that...|||Not to be too nitpicky, but the KKK used to be kind of mainstream. America was founded on White Supremacy and toleration of slavery. The KKK were defending the pre-Lincoln way of life. And they...|||Is it just me, or does this thread have a distinct Fi feel to it?|||Thank you from the bottom of my unknowable INTP soul. Ubermenschen we were destined to be! Reminds me of this article:...' | 7,538 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | Splinter Cell Blacklist for Xbox 360.|||ESTPs are generally well liked. If you get hated on then it's because you as a person have something to work on.|||I often come off to people with the opposite of my intention, if I don't listen to my gut. Sometimes I over think my natural social skills and come off as a sarcastic douche. Listening to your...|||Ask her what you are to her.|||I'm a euphonium player and a writer|||All of them.|||;)|||Intense cardio and body weight exercises.|||Most things hands on. For me, music. I'm very tactile. I like to write too.|||We're smooth operators. We know people. We're direct. This thread is dead. The End.|||INTJs suck ESTPs dicks...nuffsaid|||noooooooooo|||This thread is garbage...more examples :laughing:|||Best friend male is ISTP 8w9 and ESFP 8w7 Sx/So|||http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/386070_2950477331838_1558502760_32888930_1766596672_n.jpg The fix was easy, but I decided to leave it the way it was.|||If the content is too inappropriate, yeah. In this case it would be VERY inappropriate. A picture of a guy ejaculating on a girl's butt/face/ass? C'mon that's a little over the top.|||It's the crazy sexual energy. Go have some sex...or masturbate. OOR sex first THEN finish off on her butt, face, or chest. Take a picture. Put it on this thread. Get banned.|||I'm very much into myself at times. I seek self-improvement through physical and mental challenges and I love sizing up people and situations. There are two sides to me at times(asshole and...not an...|||http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/312530_2479781324732_1558502760_32655371_1323910499_n.jpg In this picture: fucking INTj QUACK puts his OPEN protein shake in SMARTEST SPOT EVER! I...|||The blonde chick is Chris without his black costume|||Will Smith is a reasonable man. Chris Tucker is the unstable, batshit crazy instigator.|||Haha my roommate is INTJ. He simply pisses me off with his lifestyle.|||yeah man. I just happen to be experiencing the further development of my iT.|||When you wonder why somebody would post a grammar or punctuation error(when you can easily fix it before posting), but then you do it yourself.|||At this point in the thread I'm pretty sure of it as well.|||I was crazy and a huge class clown in high school. I had absolutely no fear. I'd talk to anybody AND say whatever the fuck I wanted. A lot of people described me as funny when I asked them what they...|||I relate to this 100%. Even if everybody is positive that a guy is a total shit bag I would still make conversation with him and treat him fairly simply because I have high tolerance and CRAZY...|||FUCK!!! YOU GOT ME CONVINCED IM ANOTHA MOTHA FUCKIN ESTP!!!! *goes to normal voice* where did you find this description????!!!??????!!!??? it looks familiar|||I've had trouble in the past identifying my type and I never really read the ISTP descriptions that I recently started identifying so well with. I've always typed myself as an extrovert because I'm...|||http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2333832236096&set=a.1552303818374.2070805.1558502760&type=1|||Being a Marine requires a lot of tough mindedness mostly since we pt(physically train) A LOT. Sometimes it hurts so bad that I want to fake an injury but I keep going. I won't allow myself to give...|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/adrenaline-albums-way-i-am-picture22473-photo-00032.jpg|||I usually get in the zone whenever I'm working with my hands. Especially if it's productive AND I enjoy doing it.|||I don't think it should be legalized. I think it's dumb to even do it.|||I'm single|||That's not very uncommon especially if it's an ESTP with the 8w7 enneagram type.|||Running or just slaying my body in whatever way I can. Beating up on something and playing Euphonium gets rid of the core anger as well. I understand that not everybody plays euphonium but any fine...|||Bitch I'm right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry::crazy::angry::crazy:|||I like it when friends of the opposite sex touch my dick...|||http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2015801045515&set=a.1552303818374.2070805.1558502760&type=1&theater|||Jeremy Renner is an ESTP http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFFC_cDxhAO89ASNBA219ZhvBXca1L_fUtWZ_ND-t9w6SNLGicFQ|||It ain't happenin SISTA!!!|||HAHAHA I found this HILARIOUS!!!|||http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1985104038109 This is when I left the camera on by accident.|||Have you ever gotten to know an ESTP?|||What I don't like about ENFPs...hmmm...I just straight up don't like your faces|||haha wow anakin...wow|||I would prefer to paint it as well. I don't care for art very much at all but if I HAD to look at one then it would be abstract art.|||I like abstract art.|||http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1230160644996&set=a.1552303818374.2070805.1558502760&type=1&theater right click then open in a new tab if you can't see it | 113 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | A lot of INFPs think they're 4w5s when they're actually 9s. (I was one of them.) They seem to not realize that 4 is an image type and a lot of the so-called 4's are slobs that don't like much...|||I thought having a common enneagram type but a rare mbti type made sense when I tried to figure things out properly. I am good at controlling my emotions sometimes but it's usually when i'm not...|||I'd say 2w1 for Vanessa actually. 2w3s and 2w1s can seem the same when the 2w1 is ambitious but she has a moral bent to her.|||the feminine types - 2, 4, 9. the masculine types - 5, 8. the unisex types - 1, 3, 6, 7.|||Why would 3 be feminine? they're often seen as cold and that's not associated with women often.|||6w7 fictional women are often so adorable like Bridget Jones, Rachel Green and Mildred Hubble.|||I'm sharping up my enneagram/instinct typing skills: Robert - ESTP 3w2 so/sp Eric - ESTJ 3w4 sp/so Victoria - ESFJ 2w1 so/sp Zak - ESTP 7w8 so/sx Sam - ISFJ 6w5 sp/so Lisa - ESFJ 1w2 so/sp...|||These are some characters that I think may be 9s: Slyvia Likens from An American Crime (9w1 so/sx) Harry Potter (9w8 sp/sx) Jon Snow (9w1 sp/so) the guy from Get Out? (9w1?) Anastasia Steele...|||All the boring characters are 9s or 1s sadly. The interesting ones tend to be 4s, 7s or 8s.|||Oh god same! This is why I doubted my 4ness cause I often want to be other types.|||I even read up recently that Kate Bush as well is often typed a 4 cause she's an INFP and people confuse it a lot of with being a 4 like how they might confuse ESFJ with being a 2.|||Wait. I thought you meant which is the most hated function not our most hated function.|||in the MBTI world? Si. in the real world? Ni.|||1. What drives you in life? The possiblity that things could get better for me, I guess. What do you look for? Happiness. 2. What do you hope to accomplish in your life? Something i'm proud of. ...|||so true. the ENxJ's teritary Se is so obvious that they are often mistaken for sensors.|||Alfie - INFJ? he's too odd for an ISFJ Cameron - ISTJ Celine - ISFJ Cindy - ESTP Cleo - ESFJ Darren - ESTP Diane - ESFJ Diego - ExFJ Dirk - ESTP Ellie - ESTJ|||yep i didn't realise until midway that i did... i was looking at the character list on the website. that's why.|||Robert - ESTP Eric - ESTJ Victoria - ESFJ Zak - ESTP Sam - ISFJ Andy - ISFJ Lisa - ESFJ Marlon - ESFJ Ashley - IxFJ Paddy - ISFJ|||the Beales: Ian - ISTJ Jane - ESFJ Bobby - he keeps shifting. i can't tell if he's an extrovert or an introvert. Steven - INFP the Brannings: Max - ESFP Jack - ESTJ Lauren - ISFP|||this in alphabetical order: Aidan - ESTP Alex - ENTP Alya - ESFx (i thought ESFP at first but she is showing a lot of J qualities recently) Amy - ExxJ Andy - ISTP? Anna - ESFJ Audrey - ESTJ...|||Emma - ESFJ Audrey - INFP (I was going to say ISFP but her being an Ne aux user would explain why she's friends with Noah) Noah - ENTP Brooke - ESFP Kieran - ISTP Jake - ESTP Will - ESTP Nina...|||i thought you were a Ti user not a Te user.|||feeler males tend to prefer feeler females and thinker females tend to prefer thinker males while thinker males tend to prefer feeler females and vice versa.|||I know an actual ESTP female+INFJ male couple irl. The INFJ thinks that she completes him but she clearly doesn't feel as strongly as he does... she likes saving face and showing off in front of her...|||This is actually laughable... I know several female ENFJs and they certainly aren't alluring like the typical femme fatale tends to be. I know a ENFJ male that is more femme fatale than they are. A...|||Ana said that she was an extrovert in one of their videos. I would type her an ESFJ and Cenk is an ESTP imo.|||to stop bugging me in general but i will settle for stop bugging me about moral issues|||I don't want to be person but I have had it up to here with feelers... it's like they have gotten way more easily offended now that being offended is acceptable. It's refreshing to be around...|||I didn't read any of that. There is no comparing. We are nothing alike.|||how do you get an ENFJ off your case?|||I don't think this is a low Ti thing because ESTPs have high Ti and they are often seen as being stupid even if they are intelligent.|||Lol this is exactly what the one I know irl does when girls can't take a hint. I think he may have doorslammed you.|||I'm not an ESTP but I have seen this happen to the female ESTP I know irl. She is referred to as being a ball of energy that makes things lighter because she's always happy and she brought up...|||I have seen this happen so many times and it is disgusting to see.|||JK Rowling has been professionally typed an INFJ and I always suspected that she was an INFJ. I don't see Fi let alone high Fi. https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/579984118257229825|||I would like to be an ExTJ because they get shit done and they don't get offended easily but I also wouldn't want to scare guys off even if I already do that enough already.|||the two INFJs i know are riddled with insecurities... they can seem uppity at times but beneath it all they are crumbling... the male one is doing worse because of society's expectations of how guys...|||you either have been raised with a lot of Ne users or you have reached a certain age.|||you are aware that ISFJ's have inferior Ne right...|||so being too open-minded is a struggle... ok then|||it's because i can't control it... i'm all about my comfort zone most of the time hence how i got into the Fi-Si loop.|||because most people can't comprehend it and most people are sensors so they don't have Ne in a dom or aux position so it's not useful in the real world|||It is bullshit. T doms and F doms shouldn't be paired together. He paired anybody with the same second letter and all the other three flipped together.|||Estp.|||all extroverted functions are useful except Ne|||if you're not funny and if an intuitive dislikes you since all intuitive types seem to have a soft spot for ENTPs.|||It's mostly suppressed though... ExFPs have a better grasp at it. What makes you envy Te? is it because most guys tend to be xSTJs and you feel left out in their convosations?|||I do wish I wasn't a F dom but at the same time my Fi has helped me a lot and it has also made me appreciate people for being themselves and following their dreams.|||I have no idea... I have been in one since my mid teens because I lost a lot of faith in humanity because of being bullied on a daily basis that I retreated even more further inwards. I still have Ne...|||your feeding a stereotype right now... the stereotypes aren't going to fade away just cause you stomp your INFP feet. | 4,972 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Yes we are handicapped, useless and regular losers in society. It's true no one likes to be around failure, however this aversion provides a special opportunity for a sensitive individual with an...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqgSO8_cRio|||It might be worth finding out her astrology sign (moon sign) for curiosities sake. I'm finding that MBTI & astrology can overlap, and even in the 12 horoscope signs there are degrees of...|||Well two answer your serious side i have two prepositions. One is little daft but is probably the most passively efficient. Order a custom made t-shirt, and on it written 'looking for an INTJ' or...|||This behaviour your INTJ is showing seems like standard practice for any introverted Fi user. This function thrives on independence and becomes dysfunctional when infiltrated. Fe continues to push...|||The guy imagined another version of you, and both versions are pretty. It must mean you have universally pretty features. The rest is his kink. :smile-new:|||Everyone goes through this. A lot of people use tricks to keep them focused off what is actually happening when they have the spotlight. For example when my manager delivers speeches he has a...|||It is another word for perspective. In this context it means how the world is seen by you, and that is dependent on the attitude adopted.|||Then perhaps everything is fine as it is if there is little motivation to change. What remains is your outlook. Adjust the outlook to a place of gratitude and your life will be more fulfilling....|||Sit with the sadness.|||http://i64.tinypic.com/17eg7d.png|||Had the pleasure of meeting an INTJ 7w8 a few weeks ago at a MBTI function. We became instant friends. I really admire his way of shouldering through obstacles in a purposeful, dramaless manner. As a...|||When old habits are dropped they come back to haunt every now and then. There is a reason you became very self destructive. Sometimes people lose a part of themselves to become what they could be....|||-------|||https://i.redd.it/8hdw8imbnpkz.jpg https://i.redd.it/9usnuquvuokz.jpg https://i.redd.it/bqe7e77ttrkz.jpg|||In what ways are you being authentic to yourself? Here's a question i realised i ask & answer unconsciously. I thought it would be interesting to pose it to a type that tends to not have any...|||Hear hear, it seems a public forum is the most reliable source of information these days. Private eye seems to be a good paper based on its reviews. I useto follow politics and world events until...|||The physicalities of life are pretty but uninteresting. What i'm about to say might sound strange but its true (any other INFPs get this?). I catch myself having sex with women mentally/emotionally...|||If you haven't already, you must visit a nudist beach lilysocks... They have great bars. ...There's a new depth to your avatar, the clam wants to kill him because his pants are not off yet. ...|||I didn't think you could die alone until a loved one passed away in my presence recently. Suddenly everything to a dying person means nothing, not even the people you spilled blood for in a life...|||What happens when an INTJ wants to wear the pants in the relationship but they turn out to be too small?|||@Numinosity There has been a deep laughter inside after my brain made the joke that what you ultimately long in this expansive universe is to read the entire back catalogue of the...|||This is the awkward hug that begins 3 meters away, and when eventually met their faces collide when a side is chosen to tuck their face in. Then they become overly self conscious of how the other...|||Improving the focus on what your parents want is a short term, listening to what your heart/mind is telling you is long term. Your father sounds quite stubborn. He has a vision of your life that...|||The secret to the INFP: Not doing, is doing. Overtime she becomes an exemplar emblem of humanity.|||I got over a majority of the anxiety using the phone when i needed to call people to earn money to sustain myself. Practice is the only answer. One life tip i took away from this sales position is...|||Look at how or what he/she benefits from by drawing out your true colours and make it as less rewarding as possible without damaging yourself.|||http://i63.tinypic.com/2qkjv3l.jpg http://i66.tinypic.com/29xvfhv.jpg http://i63.tinypic.com/awus1t.jpg http://i63.tinypic.com/300codw.jpg http://i63.tinypic.com/zo8a3p.jpg...|||I've been eaten a few times aswell. I'm greatful for the lessons these experiences brought. Eventually i got tired with agreeing to things if 3% of me disagreed. We discuss, if there is no middle...|||@twirler Resonates. Enneagram differs from MBTI or Jungian function in that it tries to assumes environmental factors that has shaped your personality, as apposed to the other systems such...|||http://i64.tinypic.com/24m9ks8.jpg http://i65.tinypic.com/1zcibfn.jpg http://i65.tinypic.com/b4zy4l.jpg http://i66.tinypic.com/2550y1h.png http://i66.tinypic.com/50r7uh.jpg...|||Mysterious Universe A show on the mysteries of life, with educated and very entertaining hosts. They have heavy Ne humour. Although i've stopped listening since their recent content shifted to an...|||...And yet here you are flirting with me using function math. I'm not infj so i guess that could be classed as non participation, behind the scenes perhaps? lol, let this die here if you like. ...|||Hmm. What is an INTP if its thoughts are not for the end goal of society? Limbo, void, nothingness? You just described an INFJ and INFP, haha. XNTPs are the true neutrals in the MBTI family...|||Kirjuri Is that both cheeks? Thats very sassy Kiri. I would not have guessed you had a mediterranean flare in your approach. @Songs unsung I've been known to sound like Barry White, but...|||I see. I can relate to what you described. INTP's along with INFPs are the only type (imo) who really get the inner worlds down to the depth of a detail (if they were bothered enough). Its the Ne...|||CrystallineSheep ♥|||Subject to opinion** Based on your comment i saw yesterday here and now this, i can confirm you are an extraordinary person. Much love in return.|||@odinthor @Kirjuri I'm not averse to greeting a nordic brother. Give your cheek! :beaten::stung: p.s you are so lucky no one shares your name. yes i looked|||That must be a new type of flirting, to remain coy while being devoured it takes a special type. Oh right yes, the infj :biggrin:. Does your song intend to be unsong forever? *palms forehead*...|||Te users mark their territory by urinating, and this long legged 6 nippled feline is potent. Though i'm sat here thinking does this cat really have enough paws for all of you, i don't mind keeping...|||I asked for your rant so its okay. Do what helps you. Do you feel if you altered your diet, duration of study at one time and the way you rewarded yourself you would feel less depleted of energy...|||twirler .. and thank you for the thought provoking questions. It's a pleasure. Yes like you said i know how they are, however i don't adjust my expectations of them. I just remove the investment i...|||The two female ENTJ's (8w7 / 8w9) i know are really gorgeous inside, and it is still evident once it passes their tough exterior. At least to me. I don't see them much, but its best that way. They...|||Do your best, f*** the rest|||I know what you mean. Sweetness is a good noun to describe inferior Fe, it reaches out but doesn't really know why it does that. That 'unawareness' is an opening, especially tempting for Fi. It makes...|||This describes well how i deal with bad memories link|||Are you able to define these intense emotions? Doing so would put you in a better position to find a solution to the situation you are in. http://i67.tinypic.com/244wqbc.jpg edit: Have you...|||Thanks for the lead. Quantum physics seems like a truer representation of reality according to some induced experiences i've had, where time seemed to not move in one direction. Hard science normally...|||Can an effect exist without a cause?' | 5,572 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 'thank you for answering.. and that little cartoon thing was awesome!.. I've never even heard the term Archivists..., but I clicked the link and that made me smile =] it's the brainiac remarks...|||and what is your occupation? (or planned occupation)?|||most of the INTJ descriptions say that you're focused on the big picture and don't pay attention to small details. But what if it comes to someone you care about? (a mate?) Do you pay attention to...|||ummmmm. no offense, but if you're that bothered by all these questions, then you probably shouldn't spend so much time on PerC. If you don't want to answer the question, skip it. Simple as that....|||If you had an entire day to yourself .. with no obligations, what would you do? -go to a theme park? -read a book? -other (please explain :) Would you prefer to spend your day alone? -or with...|||If you had an entire day to yourself .. with no obligations, what would you do? -go to a theme park? -read a book? -other (please explain :) Would you prefer to spend your day alone? -or with...|||Is there any way to take your little sister with you?|||You're right as far as there not being a right or wrong answer, but you're totally wrong about the stupid question part... We all know there is no such thing as a stupid question :) And...|||What is your view on oral sex? -do you like it? -do you hate it? If you do like it: -do you prefer giving? -do you prefer receiving? -do you prefer a combination of giving and receiving? ...|||When you're dating someone, how often do you prefer to see them? -daily? -bi-weekly? -once a week? And how often do you prefer to have sex with your partner? -daily? -bi-weekly? -once a...|||wow, that was truly amazing! =] Thank you so much for the insight!! As far as the socionics I know nothing about it. I'm an ESFP, based strictly on MBTI. That's the part that gets so confusing with...|||Well, you INTJ's are my supposed shadow, so I have a few questions: -Have you ever been in love? -and if so, how did you respond (as far as personal emotions)? -How do you show someone you love...|||What's the difference between an ESFJ and an ESFP? Can you easily tell the difference just by having a conversation with an ESFJ/ESFP?|||Are you Cat people or Dog people? just curious =]|||It seems a lot of ENTJ's have cats/kittens in their avatars rather than puppies and dogs. Do ENTJ's prefer cats over dogs when choosing a pet?|||I'm an ESFP and most of my girlfriends are ESFJ, the difference I have noticed is that the ESFJ's are quick to speak their mind when someone does something against their value system (like yelling at...|||What's the difference between an ISFP and an ESFP? is an ISFP the quiet version of an ESFP?|||How young can you MBTI type a person? can you type a child as young as Kindergarten? I'm curious because I work in a Kindergarten class (I'm the TA twice a week) and I can see strong personality...|||I'm an ESFP. Mom - ENFJ Dad-ESTJ Sister- ESFJ Sister -ENTP|||and what is the easiest way to tell if someone is an S? or an N? when trying to type them?|||What is Socionics ..... is it as trusted as MBTI?|||Yes.. I smother him with kisses =] ...... guilty as charged =]|||please tell me what FTW means!! all I get is a dislexic WTF!! ... another example of how you ENTJ's confuse the heck out of me!! =]|||and I wouldn't blame him! I'm definitely not looking to get hitched anytime soon! ..... I just want to make sure he's not just fooling around with me and thinking of me as a toy. It just seems that...|||same with oysters... but they're an aphrodisiac, so there might be more consequences =]|||hey.. you are dating an ENTJ, so you offer pretty good insight! Im all ears!|||ha, I would never even attempt to trick question an ENTJ.. you guys confuse me with everyday conversation =]|||that is very true, but everything he does/says totally confuses me! the only thing that he's said to me that was totally direct is that he told me he's so turned on by me that he can't think...|||I have. and he's given me mixed messages. he won't be upfront with me. he has no problem kissing me and fooling around with me but he won't commit to anything. but he's also very attentive to me...|||Are you ENTJ's easily aroused just by a pretty face? or does it take more of a connection to be aroused by someone? -- and what about kissing? is kissing special to you? or do you guys just...|||When you guys do get close to a person and start to like them and start to open up (and show affection) .. do you guys get bored quickly and move on? or do you see the person as a long term fixture...|||he thinks I'm fun. so far that's all I've gotten out of him. we've never hung out together outside of class, but during a group meeting we were the last two to leave and he had a smile on his face...|||sure. I mean, will he like totally destroy me as far as nit picking at my every flaw? (like, what he considers to be flaws). because it just seems from what I've read of ENTJ's you guys are all...|||Do ENTJ's analyze everyone? -Do you believe that everyone is generally the same in one way or another? (like, almost predictible?) -Do you tend to meet a lot of fascinating people? or do...|||I think I might be interested in an ENTJ guy so I have a few questions: -Do ENTJ's just casually date several women at once? or do they prefer one monogamous relationship? -Are ENTJ's...|||Oh I will definitely not be the one to instigate anything (I get really shy around somoene I like) and I would never want him to get in trouble .. but what if he starts persuing me while I'm still...|||That makes perfect sense! You ESTJ's are so logical, I love that! What you just told me makes perfect, simple sense! When I tried to figure it out (from the ESFP side) I thought he wasnt interested...|||I dont know if this has anything to do with it or not, but he is an assistant professor for one of my college classes. He and I met in January when I started taking the class, he teaches the class on...|||I dont know if this has anything to do with it or not, but he is an assistant professor for one of my college classes. He and I met in January when I started taking the class, he teaches the class on...|||See, I'm in the opposite situation as you! The ESTJ that I'm insterested in .. well, we've only kissed, and I'm totally trying to figure out his thoughts/plans/expectations of the future ..? He's so...|||Thank you so much for always answering my ESTJ questions!! You are wonderful!! :):):):)|||like Kermit the Frog ... to my Miss Piggy ;)|||I'm wondering .. Do ESTJ's prefer Monogamous Relationships? Do ESTJ men prefer monogamous relationships also? I'm not very familar with the type .. but kinda interested in an ESTJ guy and I'm curious...|||bunjee jumping crazy? ESFP. yo mama he said/she said bickering chaos crazy? ENFP. hair pulling and titty twisting crazy? ENTP. All types should probably come with a warning label and a get out...|||Wanting friends and having tolerance for people you hate doesn't sound like a bad thing! It sounds to me like your outlook is improving! :) Having tolerance for people is a sign of maturity. A...|||What would be the biggest issues/problems/concerns in an ESTJ and ESFP Relationship?|||Hey, all! I'm an ESFP and I'm totally new to this site. Just wanted to say, hello! What's this site all about? Anyone up to give me a tour? Or at least some pointers...? :cool:' | 4,001 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Hello cheapsunglasses, I'm not correcting you (because there's not a definitive/simple answer), just adding my perspective. You make a great point about an individual identifying more heavily...|||I think Ćerulean's post is essentially saying the same thing (just kidding, I'm just trying to defuse the logic and wisdom that was so rudely injected into this thread)... Seriously though, your...|||This song on loop? I don't think I need the chainsaw (maybe not so manly that way though)...|||Geek Of All Trades ; )|||Dear Fellow INFJ and Forum User Who Shall Remain Anonymous, One day you will realize the words posted in a recent post (ahem, the one directly above me), could have been easily written to you (I...|||Hello Owfin, That's a valid way to look at it; that's why I typically need to mull things over until I can validate findings. However, the way I understand my own experience with Ni-Dom, it's a...|||Hello L.L., Whoa, a lot of text here! I'd like to formulate a reply, but I think you misread the tone of my message. There is no need to defend Owfin (firstly, I'm sure she's quite formidable all...|||Thank you for this niss (bookmarked for reference); very concise description, and it seems to gel with the way I understand my own functional behavior (INFJ). In fact, I think I have a relatively...|||Hello W.O.T., I love your username; I can relate to that... Hello W.O.T., yes it is a purported INFJ trait, but it only manifests if you will it to be so! It's really not a very natural (as...|||Hello SpamBot, I mean, Adrian... Welcome to the forums! Say, does anybody know where to get information about a mental nurse job (I don't think I've ever tried one of those before; it sounds...|||Hello Owfin, Regarding #2, I hate to be a lexical nerd (but as far as I know, you're ISTJ so you won't take offense, and besides, you f*ckers correct me all the time [winky... ; )]), but F...|||Enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5MJbZ4l4J8|||Hello A.K., I'm going to be uncharacteristically blunt... by the third paragraph in, your post started to concern me; you sound extremely conflicted or scattered (...and that's not a criticism;...|||More like, epic fail; chances are the chain saw would not only sever major arteries, but possibly tear through skull and pulverize brain matter. Too fast... Better... especially if you started...|||Thanks Elyasis, I discovered the MENTION tag set due to your post (the icon looks like a speaker, so I assumed it was an audio tag); however, I had replied to n.y. (n.yumikim) directly, so I believe...|||Thank you N.Y.; he's tested twice, and achieved that result both times (ISTJ), and many aspects of the various profiles fit him like a glove (naturally mechanically inclined - he can build or fix...|||Thanks C.S.O., it is in fact a bit sarcastic for sure, but it's a sincere request for necessary information (and this is my best recollection of a single example, representative of a pattern...); I...|||An INFJ son here... I'm not certain if this is an ISTJ characteristic (feedback welcomed), or particular to my dad (he's extremely intelligent, but words - and patience, are not his greatest...|||Laughed when I read this one! Adolescence (job description: rebel) is hard, more so when one's father is an ISTJ (but thankfully, mom is an ISFJ; she seems to be the only person in the world that...|||Hello Zadude, An interesting find, my INFJ (NiFeTiSe) take: This is a good example of how Fe and Fi differ... As an Fe-Aux, I believe this is what often places me on the fence with...|||Very succinctly put; really no need to clarify, but perhaps a handy mnemonic (memory aid; I find a lot of people I know aren't familiar with that word...). Fe: Everybody is likely without any...|||Arclight, I have to agree with Zech here. In fact, I think the majority of us on the forums here interpret the various typing systems and derived notions more literally than the originators...|||Hello L.D., I don't think your view is entirely alien to many NF's (though you perhaps take it a bit more rationally). However, consider the state of the art tools that are available. I...|||Hey L.D., You sound like a technically-minded individual, so I think I can offer some general and more specific examples you can appreciate. Essentially, the misuse of religion (a human system...|||Wow G.O.A.T., (That acronym is ironically appropriate in this thread I think you'll agree - but of course it not disparaging in any way...) Now THIS resonates with me: As does all of this:...|||L.D., You should take a closer look at the post by Btmangan immediately before you posted this question (and if you like, I posted something to this effect as well)... Why do people do it? Well,...|||Hello A.T., I didn't grow up with religion. My father's view towards it is cynical (as are his viewpoints on innumerable other topics), and my mother I recall had attended church as a child, and...|||Hello L.L., I agree with your statement about shorthand; though I generally prefer 'x' to enumerating various types, as my posts are long enough as it is! However, there is a portion of your...|||Excellent topic seastallion, As with all profiles, I think the INFJ profiles are written for someone who is generally strongly oriented in all functions and attitudes. Sixteen type boxes for ~7...|||Hello Crono, I think we're in the same boat; I agree with the various points made to differing extents, from very much so, to not at all (for example, even in scientific problems they will...|||Hello F.A., (I'm going to use a contrived notation here for summary: F(), here indicates Function, and the (V) or (v) indicates ones preferred and non-preferred 'verted's respectively) ...|||(The correct answer to this old post: none of those functions are important, because I'm an INFJ, and they are all my shadow functions - therefore, they suck, and people dominant in any of those...|||If I had any business being an entrepreneur or supervisor in need of an assistant, I would heartily agree with you. I worked for two individuals I believe to be Si-Dom's (ISTJ), and both my parents...|||Hello Razorfield9, I think that you are generalizing a bit too much for Nx types; I'm INFJ (NiFe), with strongly expressed I and N preferences (consistently at ~75%). My writing can be quite...|||30800 INTJ: Why, why was I programmed to feel pain! (The Simpsons) Just kidding of course, did you cut your antagonist down in a previous post? I took your first post as a joke...|||Hello TrailMix, INFJ married to an ESFJ. Unfortunately, I think you'll have to do a little more of the heavy lifting - you lead with the Ti/Ne functions; Fe is gut, so it doesn't always wait...|||Hello wsmf, Has your mom actually taken the test (and placed ENFJ)? If her N was just over the line, or if she mistested, and is perhaps an ESFJ (Fe-Dom), that might explain the certain things...|||Hello L.F., I can tell you as an INFJ male married to an ESFJ female, that yes, my heterosexual life does revolve around my liking of the opposite gender (and in particular, a very specific member of...|||Hello S.F., Sorry I didn't reply sooner... I think if you viewed my prior two posts in this thread, you'd perhaps realize we might agree more than you originally perceived. I interpret...|||Hey NaughtyChimp, If I said kissing a lot made you promiscuous, would you be free to get laid as much as you want, because the damage is done, might as well live it up? If so, then yes, you are...|||Hmmm, So firedell: An ISFP (I'm related to one)... So you're likely: a deeply and honestly caring individual, generous, adept at enjoying life... and you also manage to suggest a functional...|||Whoops, I just noticed there's a few more pages I missed (currently 55 of 57): but to continue with a prediction, with regard to your comment SoftBoiledLife, I think Celtic Dreams was actually...|||Mr Reality, I used to be a bit more black and white myself, but maybe it's just an age thing... It just seems that the deeper you look into things, the more you (may) realize that many things in...|||Hello LTTM, I was a little unsure how to reply; oddly enough, I'm an Fe auxillary user (INFJ), my wife Fe dominant (ESFJ), and when I first scanned the examples and your follow-up, I thought to...|||Wow Souled In... While perhaps you feel it takes you a long time to reply to posts, your input is typically top notch (so in my humble opinion, it's time well spent). Anyhow, being INFJ with...|||Hello SenhorFrio, Very succinctly put; I think generalizing behavior goes too far (however, I think there is a kernel of truth, given that nature favored a division of labor. If there weren't...|||Whoops, a follow-up to my rather long winded post... As far as correlation, I haven't bothered to poke around for research, but I think it would more apt to indicate that sexual identity would...|||Hello Prufok, Yours was a very interesting post; I hadn't thought much before on gender identity. I honestly had to Wiki androgeny to ensure I understood the gist of it's meaning in terms of...|||In this case LAF, I think you're correct (a group of individuals didn't suddenly jump personalities), but it can happen to individuals in special cases. My brother just took the test, and I was...|||Tridentus, Not picking on you, really a thoughtful write-up, but again to try to avoid the absolute/black-and-white trap, I'm offering a non-archtypical, auxilliary Fe user's perspective (and to...' | 6,203 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tZm8WR4xEI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udojBhqd3qA&list=PLF59337A718186968&index= 8&feature=plpp_video|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGHWge3kFWA|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAiVmy66GBk|||Thanks for all of the feedback. I really appreciate it.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG1IjDsK9Fs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDPYW-thoRk|||She Wants Revenge - Written In Blood|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bivsP_h6l0s|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjr7US2Z9aY|||Milky Way Bar|||I'll always have this on repeat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zxbT4gyuuc|||Lately, I have been trying to get into post-punk music. The only band that I really know from the genre is Joy Division. But here are a few songs that I found that I like. ...|||Definitely Monsters Inc.... I can still remember all of those times I imitated Mike Wazowski back when it was in theaters.|||I would if I had the opportunity.|||Everyday Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyiNXCXh_0w Party Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2t0C50b9ik Benny Benassi's version is just as good as the original but I prefer this...|||I'm a bit stoned right now... this mixtape sounds better when i am in this condition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQz01PDAAIs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MXM7LmUIYM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDPYW-thoRk :laughing:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMEsYGJqMaY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3qMdkucM0|||I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm going to take a stand. I'm going to defend it. Right or wrong, I'm going to defend it. -...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHxuxoleRXA|||Once every blue moon I find something that I like on the radio but besides that the mainstream media as a whole is very shallow. However, I wouldn't recommend any of the stuff that I enjoy listening...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjOy-ZVn0I|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlvLUcaRdGI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t98XrgMQCoY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOCkOHXqCcc|||This song makes me feel happy somehow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t98XrgMQCoY|||Had this on repeat all day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQmnZWF6m-M|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4M8GjgfG9k&feature=g-hist|||The Hangover Part Two|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT8xQQPrtqc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p70nS59JJVk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwD3ai35YdY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAiVmy66GBk|||Well I guess i'll post mine. Warning! NSFW! The Same As It Never Was http://mattsaysfuckswag.tumblr.com/ ISTP|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOQVSXy1XI0|||You are from Uranus! 33% Uranus Well, how about that? You are from Uranus! Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkupDtgvFVk|||I have used both Pandora and iHeartRadio for listening to music. I like both of them but I have loading issues with Pandora on my iPod. I favor iHeartRadio more because I usually don't get that...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTMVOzPPtiw&ob=av2e http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcCw1ggftuQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmZvOhHF85I&ob=av2e|||I am beginning college this year. The major I chose was Media & Mass Communications. I'm having second thoughts about my major now.|||I'm willing to admit to these stereotypes. BTW...I thought the last two Fast and Furious movies sucked. Just saying...|||Love this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWgdH1gg1Wk|||Joy Division - Shadowplay Iggy and The Stooges - Search and Destroy The Pop Group - Forces of Oppression Dualesc - Rows Elysian Fields - Sleepover ...|||Remember ALL CAPS when you spell his name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWdqBZdk2yc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewc1hixzYPY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayfv0SOjvRs|||Just finished reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLvY9dD5QgI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXJkdnm87xo|||Look out! Cause I'm just too fake for the world I know it's just a game to me I'm just too fake you see I wish i didn't have to be but watch out I got too much soul for the world It's breaking...' | 5,956 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Thanks... phew, for me, when I first read it --- abuse came to mind, but I wasn't sure if I was over-reacting. Glad that I didn't mention it to them.|||Shapeshifting. By about a million points. Eat whatever I want... free clothes... fly.. all possible with shapeshifting lol|||and I don't want to go further on how, but am interested in your thoughts, what does it mean? What should I do? When you talk stories, I have memories. When you joke it cuts me; rips into my soul....|||Totally! I think for me the problem is people have to push me pretty far to get me to confront them about it, so when I do I'm crystallized on my grievances... My youth pastor said once said that I...|||Sorry Hikari, it must be so frustrating to have a barrier like that. Have you spoken to Jess about it? I would recommend you do this before anything else, maybe she can give you a different...|||I plan on getting a bird behind my ear ^^ trying to decide if I want to get it before I'm 21 or on my birthday. I used to worry about regretting getting a tat but I think it's more realistic that...|||I think it helps when you pair up your myers briggs type with your enneagram type. INFJs are commonly number 4s on the enneagram; the romantic, and with that combination your pretty much guaranteed...|||http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs011.snc1/4463_213602710191_522105191_7379647_1151704_n.jpg show me an adorable craft|||http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs045.ash2/35618_1528408129630_1217492120_1490940_1210032_n.jpg some older stuff|||... I like extreme sports (snow boarding, white water kayaking etc) and beautiful views, but the just the thought of a rave makes me tired... Lazer strike is super fun though lol. I think it's out of...|||http://schriftman.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/cs_lewis-socratic-club.jpg show me your love.|||I guess it depends on how you define committed... Law of human nature and moral code etc. I was being specific to one person rather than all entps though. 'Surely a close friend doesn't need...|||This sounds more like an emotional issue than a financial one. Getting revenge won't make you feel any better, if anything it's more likely to just leave you feeling empty. This is a horrible...|||that sucks, sorry Dave.* In primary, I was a popular goody-good... In intermediate I was an over-confident little beep In high school I wagged school all the time and lost my work ethic. But...|||... I did zumba xD|||Art therapist :) It's what I'm working towards at uni atm. I also worked as a chocolate tester. That was pretty dreamtastic but lacked relationship. What do you guys actually plan on being?|||I can totally relate to the whole feeling like you don't really belong so when you do make a deep connection with someone it's extra special cause it's quite rare for you thing. In terms of...|||Wow you guys are fascinating, love how you're all so logical and respectful n_n It's true, but according to Christianity, God trusts us. We all have a moral code, and this same intuitive...|||Well, my friend always has guys chasing after her (she's a complete babe on top of being an ENTP... bitch lol) but I don't think this is a very good thing. Cause she's so impulsive she's had heaps of...|||Lol such a good summary.|||My best friend is an ENTP, and it's the deepest friendship I have... She makes me laugh more than anyone and then suddenly we'll be discussing politics and history. We both feel like we can truly be...|||where to start? :) fuck the media, for making people think they should act like a slut and look like a barbie fuck my personality for screwing me over I don't really get angry but today I...|||I know what you mean... I a lot of the time we don't realize that we are using it though, because it's just second nature. Like, when someone's talking about a relationship, and you know that's...|||I think with stuff like this the enneagram comes in nicely. Most INFJs are number 4, the romantic (pretty much Melancholic with the four temperaments) and so generally if the two (INFJ, 4) come...|||then one day, raj and dsv2e became best friends n_n|||Oo I can help out with that, I'm know wayy more about enneagram than myers briggs (less types to remember lol) I'm a 9w1, generally 4s are more popular in INFJs.. One of my close friends is an...|||I eat my cereal out of a mug, even at friends places n_n|||Nice post :) your humility won me over. I can sooo relate to I actually thought that I was more introverted than I was, and I was lonely all the time. It's only in the last couple of months that...|||Hello friend :) first of all, thanks for clicking on this thread! So, in the tests I've taken I've generally come out INFJ, and I /liked/ the description of them so I decided that was me. However...|||But Yazuka's are a notorious gang. I can't help thinking of what it stands for, which makes it ugly to me. When you say gauges, do you mean all of them or just the massive ones? I've got 9mm so...|||Hey, I'm super happy that life is going well for you :D It's great that you want to help out your fellow INFJ, but you sounded a bit patronizing which personally made me want to write you off. As an...|||wow you have a really good schedule :o mine goes something like this 8.00 Alarm goes off. Visualize what I should wear 8.30 Get up, put on outfit 8.40 Change outfit x2, look for missing laundry...|||I am the girl that goes under the radar.|||That's so cool :D Yeah the only downer is when you have a really clear idea of what you want but no one is selling it second hand. Haha I know what you mean, I've always thought it's cause of my...|||http://geronimo.blogsome.com/wp-admin/images/floylamachina.jpg show me Britain.|||as one of my friends put it 'its not stalking! its getting rid of information asymmetry' I think it's partly personality and partly technology. I reckon it's a lot more common than you'd think,...|||I have a 9mm stretched ear, and am planning to get a bird tattoo behind my ear, but only subtle stuff. I'm a big fan of it on guys (and dreads n_n) but for me there's a fine line for girls.|||I made a resolution this year to not buy any first hand clothes (to stop supporting slave labour) and now I buy second hand clothes all the time, I get sick of clothes way too fast and have run out...|||hello :) in NZ most students don't live on campus, including me, but thought I'd still do my best to help. 1. What were the most positive experiences during your time as a student? Being able to...|||I really like the enneagram made easy (Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele); it's a clear (and funny) overview of the types, wings, where they go in stress, the centers, and a bit on myers briggs. The...|||Sounds like your at a stage where the kids are particularly demanding! Well, on the enneagram I am a nine, and in stress nines become 'self-forgetting' and lose their agenda to others, which can...|||The problem with the internet is you can't tell when someones just being facetious. almost any, not so much the INFJ|||Nah INFJs are celibate xD Don't worry I'm not judging I'm just amused at the way you guys talk n_n|||Why couldn't you just respect her wishes? Or talk to her about it and find out why she didn't want you to in the first place?|||... ENTPs.|||This is spot on. They can have truth in them but you can always be the exception to the rule.|||I think it was wise of you to politely remove yourself from a rather toxic situation, especially after hearing about her not so graceful response. I've met a few people like this in different times...|||The exact thing has happened to me with my mum... Only family members get to see me angry n_n'' The rest just get to experience a mild feeling of disapproval.|||I drink but don't get drunk, and I won't go near drugs. Whenever people ask/offer I say I find it tacky. I don't actually think marijuana on it's own is that bad, but it's like that quote if we...|||http://i42.tinypic.com/2agrjtv.jpg I just think of indie kids to be honest. That Jesus is creepy as! Lol' | 4,215 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I've recently realized all my love interests and ex'es have been ISFP. Which means it's the type I'm mainly attracted to. But the selfishness bother me a bit being an idealist, while understanding it...|||Thanks alot!|||She's 26. I'd say she's becoming more comfortable with her J'ness rather as she gets older. She's been sort of borderline about alot of things. Her process lately has been about her giving up the...|||We've been best friends, but I still can't type her. I'm way too well on the other hand. She's quite introverted, a bit of a tomboy, she loves books, her childhood dream was becoming a writer,...|||Saffron from Firefly Sensual and knows how to switch from innocent to bold. She'd crush me like a bug! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCW9k7ogOI4|||I have some ENFP-tendencies, so I can't really relate. If you find the right people you're not boring and they're not.|||Humans are both individuals and part of a collective, you could say it's biology. This iswhy I reject both communism and extreme liberalism. Neither is adapted to human nature.|||Got friendzoned by my best friend for 4-5 years, so got nobody to hang with anymore. Makes sense because I was a bit of a doormat.|||I wouldn't call the bible the hight of human litterature... no it's not a good book.|||To be honest I think society has hit a point where, if a chick doesn't love... stop crying about it and go to the gym. Are you good looking enough you won't get this problem.|||Single, totally friend zoned by a girl for quite some time Forever alone|||Jesus can be whatever you want him to be, imaginary things tend have that quality|||I'm not only an atheist, I'm also an anti-theist! Maybe I just fought against my wishful thinking.|||Love comes in all forms and different shapes, most of the dubious. If you're serious about life you should go for the gold.|||It's probably like everything else, there has to be some minimum level of it. My longest relationship was with a girl that had no interest in anything intellectual, basically. So it was obviously not...|||We are extra prone to believe in the supernatural and have a tendency to suffer easily!|||I don't like pretending such childish things exists, I'm not as special as I like to think. I'm an empathic person, but I don't have any mystical powers. My body is all I have.|||3/4 Swedish and 1/4 Finnish laplander (native people that live on the nordic tundra and have raindeers) http://www.queendom.se/blogg/wp-content/samer.jpg more modern:...|||My ex girlfriend and my female roommate were abused. I think I'm pretty much a healer, yes.|||RAVENCLAW! You scored 28% Slytherin, 48% Ravenclaw, 24% Gryffindor, and 40% Hufflepuff! ...|||You're an NPC! (Non-Player Character) Sorry to say this, but you didn't score high enough in any category to be assigned a class. Simply put: You have no class. But, hey, don't take it too...|||INFPs are nice guys. More likely to be pansies? Yes! Are we totally baller anyway? Ofcourse!|||Doesn't make it less true :)|||1. Don't do religion, it poisons everything. 2. Don't do politics, it will only give you a messiah complex and alot of enemies. 3. Don't endulge in wishful thinking, even if it's hard not to,...|||This really stuck to my head... stop trying to save the world, you'll only get a messiah complex and alot of enemies! Been following it ever since and never talk politics.|||I dislike this thread! Not really attractive stuff to hear for an INFP guy.|||I don't think I'd get the chance to be honest, I'm beta deluxe :P|||I'm not so sure forestpeople are so happy, I'm sure they'd want to be able to provide for their families, have healthcare etc.|||Currently studying for an exam in Linear Algebra and differential equations that I will fail, but fortunally there's re-exams. This is my last math exam I need for graduation though, so... guess it's...|||I have not read alot of books in my life (doubt more than 10), I just don't think any is worth reading. I'm more of a movie person. Allthough I have an easy time with poetry, but it's rare that...|||I had the exact same struggles in my life earlier. After watching alot of Christopher Hitchens that is no longer the case. He's available in audio and books but I prefer him when he holds speeches...|||Feels like people are just throwing out characters without motivating it, kind of pointless? I heard Harry Potter isn't an INFP and they made good arguments for it. So... stop it! :)|||In 1on1 situations I'm mostly being sarcastic about all the women I'd try to score and discussing life problems usually. Women being the main one, but not the only one. When I'm with more than...|||You should use a more informative description in the title, think about it next time.|||Haha, trying to get INFP's to skype. Priceless! I'm quite used to it by now, so not a big problem. I might be up for it if you ask nicely, but I'm hardly an expert on Jung. Chatting could work...|||It's just recently I've found out about INFP's, so I've never really gotten a complete understanding of why I'm like I am. But it's not like I haven't been able to figure out bits and pieces. Been...|||This site keeps completely overwhelming me... blah! I still have all this wisdom but I'm hindered by something to take action.|||I'm pretty good with saying things that are hard to say. It has pretty much never backfired on me, atleast in a way that wouldn't happen eventually anyway. I'm currently thinking about asking a...|||It's a good argument in that it atleast makes you think, I didn't mean it's hard to refute :)|||That enneagram basically told me what I've been trying to tell myself, keep succeeding and failing in for many years.|||Perfectionist? Where? :crazy:|||I have left my options open by studying to become a civil engineer, which is super boring but should enable me to work in any field I want to. Was thinking about becoming a police or shrink, but I...|||We're good listeners We'll help you with your boring issues We'll probably put up with your bullshit We'll likely never pick a fight with you|||Played counter-strike on a top Swedish ranked team back in 2000, been Swedish captain in RTCW: Enemy Territory and in the best PVP guild in Europe in WOW.|||I just disconnection from the real world and analyze or feel, no gummy bears or rainbows here. Overthinking and feeling is also what keeps me from action. I don't have this vivid fantasy world...|||Yes, please explain to me why I'm so god damn lazy and have a hard time to take initatives! I'm ½ a year away from finishing my studies, but I can't even open up a book without dying inside. Even...|||My own mental weakness sometimes, the boundaries I have inside my head that is so hard to break Ehm... mean people?|||I think it's just a part of the default human condition. Blame evolution! The cure for this void is apparently culture according to Ernest Becker. It's because humans are self aware and also aware...|||There are a few good arguments against atheism, for example the fine-tuning of the universe. But it's just not convincing enough in the large scheme of things. You can't blame us for wishful...|||Heartbreaks is a part of life, the sooner you learn to embrace it the better. The pain is as much a part of you as the love! Or something :)' | 8,152 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Awww! I'm happy you're happy :hug: And hi Falling Foxes! *waves*|||Life is hectic, but generally I'd say it's good. What are the big changes? Do tell! And who is the little brother?|||OMG it's FePa!!!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:|||lol, for better or for worse - I think I know exactly what you mean <3 Hang in there! <3|||Awwwwww, I missed you tooooooooo :hug: When you going to stop being responsible and come back to us, huh? :sad:|||No. At least paste on a horn and dye its tail in rainbow colours so we can willingly suspend disbelief :dry:|||Ohhhhh! I get it now :tongue: You mean stress-ball as in the object that people squeeze to try to relieve themselves of stress. Yeah, I've definitely had my share of that. Like Syvelocin said,...|||it's funny, but a lot of ENFPs I've talked to seem to have SFJ parents. The trend seems to be that it can make for a difficult parent-child relationship with lots of clashing over thinking styles,...|||It's meant to be!|||No. Okay, long answer is we can be, of course, just like anybody else. I don't think it's a defining feature anymore than it is for any other personality type. To convert it into...|||Ugh, I had this long detailed response and then my browser crapped out on me and I lost it :( Okay, so long story short: thank you for your replies. I just kind of needed some affirmation from...|||Oh, i left out the to Fixed it|||I'm asking how you personally relate to those concepts though. Like how do they factor/work together or against each other for you? Yes, I'm in existential mode right now...|||How do you relate to optimism, pessimism, and realism?|||How do you relate to optimism, pessimism, and realism?|||Facts are beautiful, Mooni|||We should probably stop derailing this thread though...that just makes it look like Scarlet.Black was right :unsure:|||That's why I said Te is beautiful <3|||They're always judging us. It's a fact we just have to accept with grace. Embrace it! :wink:|||Don't be jealous, Mooni. At least you have Ne ;) But what happened to the other part of my post? :unsure:|||You take that back! http://31.media.tumblr.com/1be056ec0113bcc8dde647af12f824c0/tumblr_n21mo2FGHC1ru72puo1_r1_250.gif lol, Te is beautiful <3 But pure Te is damn scary! :shocked:|||I'd go for the wink. http://p.fod4.com/p/media/4c92bfde64/rCcrn8zgSFWvWmlyqZ2R_w5.gif|||Interrupting my long overdue stalking of this thread to say, i literally laughed out loud at this one :laughing:|||Nothing is random *hairtoss*|||Ummm, you forgot about your entry to the Karaoke Challenge? That was epic :laughing: And umm...why are you still giving the milk away for free? :dry:|||I used to think anyone could be redeemed, but a lot of that had to do with my former belief system, and probably my youth (before I learned more about people and the world). Currently I'm much...|||Aww hon :hug: I've had that experience as well - having people wanting to keep me in a box, wanting me to just be the me that is peppy, bubbly, optimistic, who makes them laugh and feel good...|||heh, I just checked and I see I'm still the second highest poster in this thread after ai.tran.75 :tongue:|||Oh yes, I was quite the postwhore in this thread once upon a time :tongue: And awww :hug:|||Heya cake! Nice to see you again! I would have come back ages ago if I'd known you were back :wink: <3 yeah, brain candy is definitely > eye candy for me :kitteh:|||Definitely the latter. For me, I have to like a person in order to be physically attracted to them. If someone's personality sucks (I'm assuming that's what you mean by horrible date) it really...|||I haven't been here for a while. Hi! *waves*|||Awww, thanks NIMH! :blushed: I'd totally date you if I were into girls too <3 How have you been? Long time no see!|||You're late to the party :( Yes, you can't post in the mafia forum unless you have 15 posts elsewhere on the forum.|||I just realized we still have to get Tress up to her 15 posts! Spam, Tress! Spam like you've never spammed before! :kitteh:|||Holla! :proud:|||:laughing:|||Only 6 more posts to go MrsClov! You can do it! o/|||I was going to add that...but I try to keep Moonious in the PG-13 zone. I'm in denial about her being an adult :tongue:|||You're a brave man :kitteh:|||I'm pretty sure she's seen Chris in his pink shirt(s) already...|||lol Don't invite her into that abominable practice of changing one's name every ttwo weeks :dry: Wait, are you hitting on Mrs.Clov too, now? :shocked:|||I don't know if Hallia and tress (I have to look up what she calls herself here...@Songstress?) and dicetosser1 log in here these days.|||Don't you mean He BETTER say hi! :dry: :laughing:|||Oh yeah, and Clovdyx :kitteh:|||Mrs. Clov is here! And looking sexy! :love_heart: BFG Lady Alette Theobruh Moonious, come say hi to Mrs. Clov :)|||:laughing:|||lol -I had to train myself to stop doing that at work. Too many times I'd be spewing out my thoughts only to suddenly realize that everyone around the table is looking at me with a confused...|||Maybe next time (we're not gonna let her get away that easily >:) )|||Hallia dicetosser1 Theobruh Clovdyx BFG should come spam you too :kitteh:' | 4,404 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'yup, after listening to 10Days more, I think he's an ESFP too. The interview you posted I definitely see Se. He uses lots of word-play, but about more concrete things and moments. From ...|||He's 20 from Chicago and released 2 mixtapes already, I really like him. My gut impression of his type from listening to Acidrap is an EFP type. I feel a connection to his music/lyrics.. like we...|||Obviously I know what stereotypes are. But the ones you listed are random and strangely specific so I could not tell if it was a joke or not. That's what I meant. :rolleyes:|||lolol I hope this is a joke... cries in front of people? that ain't me... develops feelings for inanimate objects? ok maybe...|||what's the point of this thread? seems like beating a dead horse to me. I don't really get the impression that a lot of N types hate S types or vice versa. It's just a matter of what functions...|||Dear ENTJ, You guys seem scary. If I had ever met one of you IRL I think I would remember. ESTJs tend to annoy me but something tells me that an ENTJ would just blow my mind. Even though you...|||Word|||Yup, I can relate. I used to think I was an introvert because I can be shy at times and do need some alone time. I really don't even mind being alone for a while. I now know that I'm an extrovert,...|||Thanks for the reply and for providing some reasons. I've been pretty set on ENFP for the past 1.5 years, but like I said, sometimes things will throw me off and make me wonder if I've deluded...|||I've studied MBTI, Socionics, typology theories in general for the past 3+ years. Like many enthusiasts, I use my knowledge to better understand myself and others. I moved past the tests and type...|||Second The Room Don't know if it's been mentioned, but Troll 2 - Hysterically bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIo7Eq4Xq5Y Also, Dark Knight Rises :P So overrated it makes me mad.|||What do you relate to more? Ni or Te? What drives you? (not just functions, I mean what is your outlook on life built around, what do you view as succeeding in life vs failing.) It's not just...|||-Hard to learn from my mistakes, VERY poor impulse control. -Get bored or lose focus/motivation too quickly. -A little too awkward at small talk. -Passive Aggressive at times. -I love...|||I wanna play. Mom: ISFJ Dad: INFP Older sis: ENFJ Me: ENFP little bro: ESTP little sis: ENFP Funny how my parents are both introverts and all the siblings are extroverts. Not to mention...|||True that. My ESTP brother is constantly trolling people. It's one of his ways of having fun with them. He tells me, sometimes it's hard for him to interact with people who take things so...|||Not sure if it's been said, but MUSIC. My younger brother is an ESTP and he is an incredibly gifted musician. He plays drums and piano, and produces his own music on his computer. He's honestly...|||I wanna see if my new avatar is gonna show up. Also, the concept of Vulcans from Star Trek pisses me off. It's like, our intellect is superior to yours. We do not let our emotions get in the...|||ENFP theme song (will be a different one by tomorrow) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8N4YiC2EJc|||Can you explain what you mean by distant and cold. To you, to many people, to everyone? Also - There are plenty of T types with an interest in people and culture. I have an ENTP friend and he...|||Yep, you sound very much like an ENTJ to me. No doubt IMO.|||Yeah, to be honest, it seems like you're over analyzing the situation (I do that too with people I like). Most of the stuff you said is the type of things I'd say to any friend. It definitely seems...|||Um, are you sure they are an ENFP? Most of us are not distant and cold... We can be that way sometimes, I guess, at least I can be when I'm stressed out. But I'm normally friendly to most people,...|||The Dark Knight Rises was a try-hard, lame, SNOOZEFEST! And the Mayan's long count calendar is legit.|||Like some others have said, I use it mostly to understand people and myself. It has really opened my eyes to what can contribute to the fundamental differences in the way that people see/understand...|||A bearded female who watches anime. Classic INTP|||Your avatar, however, is spot on. Is that your chill-face?|||ENxP? Leaning toward ENTP.|||Ahh, honestly, I had a feeling that you were an ISFP, but you mentioned in your other thread that you didn't think so, so I didn't want to bring it up. ISFPs and ENFPs can appear pretty similar at...|||Your avatar is a bit misleading. I think a piece of wood might be a better fit.|||I just read your post and was gonna reply. I was gonna say ENFP could fit, but it isn't very clear to me. What you thinkin!?|||Wawawewa. I read through, like, all of the posts on here and on the other topics linked here. It's too bad that INTJ females are so rare (but also creates the boldest of hunts). I gotta find...|||Probably ESFPs... :rolleyes:|||Glad I could help! You said Se dom, are you leaning towards F or T more?|||Oh geez. I made a very similar topic in the cognitive functions thread, without realizing that this one already existed. Mine focuses on the cognitive functions, but consider this my response to...|||I don't know much about enneagram, but once you get past type descriptions it's pretty easy to differentiate between EFPs. The tests are not a very reliable way to type yourself, at least, they were...|||Hmm. Well, I'd definitely say INFx. Haha. It's hard to tell if you're using Fi/Ne or Ni/Fe though. Some things point to Fi - that you have strong emotional responses to things but don't always...|||Love her? Hate her? I wanna bang her... :ninja:|||Do you see us yawning? That's a cue to stop rambling. Do I have to spell it out for you?... No, I'm not interested in proofreading your short story again...|||I make music using Reason 4 (computer program) sometimes. I have gotten a little more into it lately and worked up a demo tonight. If anyone has any feedback to give me that would be awesome, cause...|||Yes I feel like I can get tired of people if I'm bored or we're doing something repetitive, and people can get tired of me if I'm leading the charge, constantly goofing off, going on tangents,...|||It means that N types are typically more comfortable discussing, focusing on, and drawing conclusions from ideas/concepts that do not necessarily have lots of tangible data or legitimacy. For me, if...|||Chill the f out for just ten seconds... No, don't count them out... stop looking at your watch! Just chill!|||I don't fall in love that easily, but I do lust after girls practically anywhere I go. There are certain girls that will stand out to me as attractive and interesting, but I feel more a desire to...|||John Smith|||I have a lot of ISFP friends. We get along really well for the most part... I admire a lot of things about them. They are really fun to just relax with in my experience, but when I start rambling...|||no, ENTJs are :dry:|||I know an INFP who I want to understand but she just plain confuses me. Testing my patience and seeming to forget that I also have my own feelings. She has a lot of trouble with communicating......|||That is awesome. I have an INTP friend and he gets me better than most people. Sometimes I feel extra illogical around him, but he loves to bounce ideas off me. I think the two types can provide...|||one of those moods -_- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG9VhC0hiTg|||Agree with INFP... Your last paragraph says it all.' | 4,399 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | ERROR: type should be string, got "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sg-A-eS6Ig|||I saw it today! :D It was amazing. very pretty but couldnt see the total solar eclipse, just a partial one since I wasnt part of the lucky area|||oh fudge, that sounds scary O_O I get lost in a mall.. image portals. I'd die|||no we are all equally dysfunctional and misunderstood like the edge lords we are|||oooo :3 thats interesting. The show is actually an anime. I'll look it up at a later date and message you with it if you'd like. for myself, I'd like to teleport or levitate but the draw back could...|||c: *flirt flirt flirt* *giggle giggle giggle* *drink drink drink* *pun, joke, dry humor, huehuehue*|||Hey there! This is really for anyone who wants to reply regardless of type. I was watching with a friend a show where each character had a super power but each superpower had a limitation. one would...|||Garret Borns is also my crush. I think he is an infp and I read somewhere he may be a possible type 9 or 4 or something. I'm infp with 947. This makes me so freaking happy, you have no idea 701450|||this makes me so happy. C: lol lots of the first page (at least) says he is like an infp with type 9 and 4 >_< like meeee. I have fell in love with BORNS music and the way he acts is hilarious in the...|||funny, I find myself having a similar situation with infjs. :3 But yea, sometimes I can be that way|||question: will you go out on a date with me? :3|||^ this is amazing. Had to laugh :laughing: you sir are a legend! that avatar with those words. Perf! I agree|||Hello! It seems like I came late to the party but I just needed to add in a few things.. 1)while reading your post, I felt very overwhelmed. Maybe try relaxing a bit and being a little more...|||yess I agree C: I hope they find happiness. We all know us infps are a lot to handle|||this is so cute. ESTJ xINFP|||I'm waiting for him to go: Update: she isnt a 20 year old infp female who enjoys pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. a.k.a you|||Well my ideal guy appreciates my directness :3 What else does your miss perfect have?|||I'm just surprised he turned down dinner with a Queen. Its quite obvious he likes to tease. :kitteh::octopus:|||Tell me if I'm crazy but didnt that seem like a direct poke towards me to look at him? :tongue: and in you noticing it, I noticed you. Hey there! Do you have a dream girl in mind?|||I have an ESTP brother C: can confirm, very badass. Very savage and social. Very direct. I like poking at the ISTJs and INTJs|||how about you catch me outside 698402698402 I feel like that was directed towards me, wanna talk about it over dinner? ;3|||oh man! I feel you infp, If I were to describe my dream dude people might type them as ENTJ or INTJ. I feel you. I'm not an ENTJ so I'll just casually observe/follow thread to see what other ENTJs...|||hello! Although I am not an INTJ, I would like to comment on this thread. I always find it hard to disengage from someone I've invested my time with or energy on. I would like to relate to you on...|||I am definitely an introvert xD I dont leave my house much|||you are adorable aww Cx 696098|||welp I met an INFP girl in high school who became a good friend of mine. Before knowing she was an infp we sat next to each other on the bus. I think I sat in the seat in front of her for a bit...|||pssst hey you. Yea you! :ninja: you are super cute and I wanted you to know that directly with lots of respect respectfully (lol) soo where did you get those eyes? Can you point me in the...|||I agree 100% with you. He is super cute and those eyes are to die for (I mean.. not literally dying like in shakespeare but definitely worth praise :kitteh::happy::ninja::proud::tongue:|||I'm a INFP but thats pretty similar to ENFPs. INTJs are nice and have lots of potential, so do ENTPs. My two main friends in the group are enfp and intj. I've dated an ENTJ for two years and now I am...|||Thank you kindly! :3 I meann it's an unspoken rule that on the 4th of July, there must be red white and blue and there must be fireworks to match.|||Bueno that's oddly specific :3 If you are talking in my future then we both smell potential babe See you there at the top!|||aww you are so sweet :tongue: Flattery will get you everywhere lol :laughing::octopus:|||Belle from Beauty and the Beast (very much) a little sansa. a little jon snow, nick from the great gatsby. Spiderman (the 2003 movie) when he is creating his suit.|||694585 well thank you dear <3 I bet you are too ;3|||Mine isn't really a dream, it's a world I created a while ago when I was still young and self-loathing. I saw a lot of darkness somehow and created life from it. I imagined a crumbling dark castle...|||yes to this thread|||694561 S-Senpai Talon! I didn't know you would be here ヽ(*>∇<)ノ (ノ*゜▽゜*) ฅ(*°ω°*ฅ)|||694545 me looking at air with rage ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYd7Ykb3-aw my song and I'm sure all my infps agree Lets face it we are cute|||25?|||694201694209694217 so I made this world when I was very sad and defeated in life. Around my teenage years but not everything was dreary. The puppets kept me company and the trees were almost happy to...|||Mother figure(grandma)- ISTJ Father- ESFJ Father figure (grandpa)-ESFJ I'm closer with my ISTJ mom by a long shot brothers-(18) ESTP, and (9) possibly ENTP or ENFP (very much an extrovert....|||Okay here is a happy story. My mother is an ISTJ and I have been her companion for 20 years. She is wonderful, I cant express how much I care and am grateful to have her as a mom. She didnt have to...|||LOLOL aannnd there goes my hope :3 INFP and INTJs are cute in my experience|||what the hell :3 It's just my opinion. Carry on my friend|||she isnt an infj..|||follow up confession: I might have said the last one to be edgy but only half.|||Confession: I still don't know who I am|||describe the taste. It's kind of metallic like, right? I like the taste as well. But nothing beats the taste of Passion fruit juice. you know what looks good and probably tastes great? Pomegranate....|||what's up my little adventurers! How are you all doing, dear dreamers?" | 5,114 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | '2pac right|||??? rocket coffin, like packed with a warhead rocket, if im going out so are you thing. or rocket into the abysmal space rocket coffin?|||but then you cant fuck shit up as a zombie|||lololol ill bring a glass of milk to your tomb|||Here lies they named me neil a confused mess|||What will your Tomb Stone read?|||mmm avocado, its the only time i get omega 3. me and sea food are mortal enemy's. except sushi :confused: kinda wired yes, but the dragon roll is godly (bbq eel yum). 36091 Oh fun fact,...|||Whats your breakfast routine? or non routine idc :ninja:<-- breakfast ninja Mesa have toast, scrambled eggs, and black tea with a hint of milk and honey. MMMmmmmMMMmmMmmmmmmMMM|||Yes, but not as much as i drink tea. It makes me focus a lil more, depending on how much i drink. i like tea better because i don't half to add much to it, cant drink black coffee. IDK about...|||Did anyone want to inquire their dissertation of how the Cerebral Cortex, more specifically Frontal Lobe emits dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine to neurotransmitters resulting in the...|||double meanings... in part im trying to draw attention to the fact that allot of people us google to answer these questions. Thus the people asking might as well do it themselves, for certain...|||no i thought about it|||I love TBBT, but this doesn't rilly enplane anything lol. I know almost nothing on the subject of Quantum spacetime, and only a touch of String theory a couple years back but here's my take on...|||Michio Kaku is one of the fields leading physicists, he has many books on the subject and puts it in laymen terms. I believe it'll be a good jump off point, i only scratched the surface of the...|||What serch engine do you use when you answer peoples questions?|||My current intrest is neuroscience's so if anyone can point me in a direction pleas do. Im somewhat new to the science thing but will name some of what i know Michio Kaku- Theoretical...|||I have posted this in Science/ Technology but statistically it'll reach a broader audience in this category. (based off of how many threads & replies) So I have recently developed a love for...|||I half to help my friend clean his gurage|||Yes I like fewer close friends better than many. For me I find the ones that can tolerate me lol, if they can do that then i know their a friend. Not to say I'm anointing, but in large groups a bit...|||Yes I think that's the best approach, its just honesty and if they were to do the same their would be less misconceptions. However often fail to apply it...|||IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS YOU DON'T LIKE MUSIC, oh and i dont care about that whole to each there own excuse mf doom - my favorite ladies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNGnCLod-qg|||Have you ever had a phone call or text from someone under the pretence that your friends but you just didn't want to hang out with them? What do you do, do you suck it up and chill, make excuse, or...|||http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii165/sandy_gr/Sheldon-Cooper-smiling.png SHELDON COOPER|||yes of course cause you cant fly a kite without string lol|||Tushay you rep INTJ well. Dyslexia's a bitch, they even made it hard to spell.|||when at the age of 16 you watch sunny with a chance of meatballs then consider a career in science (astrophysicist in particular) you look up Einstein finding a guy named Michael Kaku (who...|||quantum mechanics or string theory?|||if you watch The Big Bang Theory downloaded MTG on PSN know what MTG stands for played risk online and beat it on your third try through a strategy you employed concurring the whole map ...|||when discovering your myers briggs personality type you are super skeptical and take it multiple times through multiple sources on different days. altering the answers ever so slightly because at...|||good point, i agree it could very well be wheather inconsistancy. i remember reading an article from the 80's regarding global cooling. so people will probaley reflect on this and laugh. You're what...|||yay post 15 im now a noob|||14.........................|||13 her name is babygirl, i didn't name her...|||35253 dogy dogy dogy dogy dogy now apply the lydian scale in Cb and sing to my dogy, she suffers from sleep apnea|||35252 jello shots wooot|||35251beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer|||9 this is taking too much thought process|||jmsshocktopsjmhsd|||bullshit there what you've all been waiting for|||.......T.. anyone not get it?|||......I... You dont even half to be full breasted, im a professional just sent me pics if you want|||.....H.... unless your a hot full breasted chick who digs color|||....S..... that rainbow in no way dictates my sexual preference|||...l...... i made the last one orange, if it looks red your color blind. seriously get yourself checked out|||..l....... im watching bigthink between posts|||.U........|||B.........|||look i quoted myself|||vbfsdGfdbgfzdnhyfdz nhvczmkyz no seriously your wasting your time|||jhgjhgdjhgdjhgdjhgdj this is about as good as there gonna get you might as well skip a page or two....' | 7,794 |
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