stringlengths 4
| query
stringlengths 22
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stringlengths 19
hospital_1 | SELECT name FROM department GROUP BY departmentID ORDER BY count(departmentID) DESC LIMIT 1; | Find the department with the most employees. |
hospital_1 | SELECT head FROM department GROUP BY departmentID ORDER BY count(departmentID) LIMIT 1; | Tell me the employee id of the head of the department with the least employees. |
hospital_1 | SELECT , T2.position FROM department AS T1 JOIN physician AS T2 ON T1.head = T2.EmployeeID GROUP BY departmentID ORDER BY count(departmentID) LIMIT 1; | Find the name and position of the head of the department with the least employees. |
hospital_1 | SELECT name FROM appointment AS T1 JOIN patient AS T2 ON T1.patient = T2.ssn | List the names of patients who have made appointments. |
hospital_1 | SELECT name , phone FROM appointment AS T1 JOIN patient AS T2 ON T1.patient = T2.ssn GROUP BY T1.patient HAVING count(*) > 1 | Which patients made more than one appointment? Tell me the name and phone number of these patients. |
hospital_1 | SELECT appointmentid FROM appointment ORDER BY START DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the id of the appointment that started most recently? |
hospital_1 | SELECT FROM appointment AS T1 JOIN physician AS T2 ON T1.Physician = T2.EmployeeID | What are the names of all the physicians who took appointments. |
hospital_1 | SELECT name FROM physician EXCEPT SELECT FROM appointment AS T1 JOIN physician AS T2 ON T1.Physician = T2.EmployeeID | Which physicians have never taken any appointment? Find their names. |
hospital_1 | SELECT , FROM physician AS T1 JOIN affiliated_with AS T2 ON T1.EmployeeID = T2.physician JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.department = T3.DepartmentID WHERE T2.PrimaryAffiliation = 1 | What are the name and primarily affiliated department name of each physician? |
hospital_1 | SELECT FROM patient AS T1 JOIN appointment AS T2 WHERE T1.ssn = T2.patient ORDER BY T2.start DESC LIMIT 1 | Find the name of the patient who made the appointment with the most recent start date. |
hospital_1 | SELECT count(patient) FROM stay WHERE room = 112 | Count the number of patients who stayed in room 112. |
hospital_1 | SELECT count(T1.SSN) FROM patient AS T1 JOIN prescribes AS T2 ON T1.SSN = T2.patient JOIN physician AS T3 ON T2.physician = T3.employeeid WHERE = "John Dorian" | Find the number of patients' prescriptions physician John Dorian made. |
hospital_1 | SELECT FROM stay AS T1 JOIN patient AS T2 ON T1.Patient = T2.SSN JOIN Prescribes AS T3 ON T3.Patient = T2.SSN JOIN Medication AS T4 ON T3.Medication = T4.Code WHERE room = 111 | What is the name of the medication used for the patient staying in room 111? |
hospital_1 | SELECT patient FROM stay WHERE room = 111 ORDER BY staystart DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the id of the patient who stayed in room 111 most recently? |
hospital_1 | SELECT FROM nurse AS T1 JOIN appointment AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.prepnurse GROUP BY T1.employeeid ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Find the name of the nurse who has the largest number of appointments. |
hospital_1 | SELECT , count(*) FROM physician AS T1 JOIN patient AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.PCP GROUP BY T1.employeeid | Return the name of each physician and the number of patients he or she treats. |
hospital_1 | SELECT FROM physician AS T1 JOIN patient AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.PCP GROUP BY T1.employeeid HAVING count(*) > 1 | Which physicians are in charge of more than one patient? Give me their names. |
hospital_1 | SELECT count(*) , T1.blockfloor FROM BLOCK AS T1 JOIN room AS T2 ON T1.blockfloor = T2.blockfloor AND T1.blockcode = T2.blockcode GROUP BY T1.blockfloor | How many rooms does each block floor have? |
hospital_1 | SELECT count(*) , T1.blockcode FROM BLOCK AS T1 JOIN room AS T2 ON T1.blockfloor = T2.blockfloor AND T1.blockcode = T2.blockcode GROUP BY T1.blockcode | How many rooms are located for each block code? |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT blockcode FROM room WHERE unavailable = 0 | Tell me the distinct block codes where some rooms are available. |
hospital_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT roomtype) FROM room | Find the number of distinct room types available. |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT FROM physician AS T1 JOIN prescribes AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.physician JOIN medication AS T3 ON T3.code = T2.medication WHERE = "Thesisin" | List the names of all the physicians who prescribe Thesisin as medication. |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT , T1.position FROM physician AS T1 JOIN prescribes AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.physician JOIN medication AS T3 ON T3.code = T2.medication WHERE T3.Brand = "X" | Which physicians prescribe a medication of brand X? Tell me the name and position of those physicians. |
hospital_1 | SELECT count(*) , FROM medication AS T1 JOIN prescribes AS T2 ON T1.code = T2.medication GROUP BY T1.brand | How many medications are prescribed for each brand? |
hospital_1 | SELECT name FROM physician WHERE POSITION LIKE '%senior%' | What are the names of the physicians who have 'senior' in their titles. |
hospital_1 | SELECT patient FROM undergoes ORDER BY dateundergoes LIMIT 1 | Which patient is undergoing the most recent treatment? |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT FROM undergoes AS T1 JOIN patient AS T2 ON T1.patient = T2.SSN JOIN stay AS T3 ON T1.Stay = T3.StayID WHERE = 111 | What are the names of patients who are staying in room 111 and have an undergoing treatment? |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT name FROM nurse ORDER BY name | What is the alphabetically ordered list of all the distinct names of nurses? |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT FROM undergoes AS T1 JOIN nurse AS T2 ON T1.AssistingNurse = T2.EmployeeID | Which nurses are in charge of patients undergoing treatments? |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT name FROM medication ORDER BY name | What is the alphabetically ordered list of all distinct medications? |
hospital_1 | SELECT FROM physician AS T1 JOIN prescribes AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.physician ORDER BY T2.dose DESC LIMIT 1 | Find the physician who prescribed the highest dose. What is his or her name? |
hospital_1 | SELECT DISTINCT FROM affiliated_with AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.department = T2.departmentid WHERE PrimaryAffiliation = 1 | What are the names of departments that have primarily affiliated physicians. |
game_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM Video_games | How many video games do you have? |
game_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT gtype) FROM Video_games | What is the count of different game types? |
game_1 | SELECT DISTINCT gtype FROM Video_games | What are the different types of video games? |
game_1 | SELECT gname , gtype FROM Video_games ORDER BY gname | What are the names of all the video games and their types in alphabetical order? |
game_1 | SELECT gname FROM Video_games WHERE gtype = "Collectible card game" | What are the names of all video games that are collectible cards? |
game_1 | SELECT gtype FROM Video_games WHERE gname = "Call of Destiny" | What type of game is Call of Destiny? |
game_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM Video_games WHERE gtype = "Massively multiplayer online game" | Count the number of video games with Massively multiplayer online game type . |
game_1 | SELECT gtype , count(*) FROM Video_games GROUP BY gtype | What are the types of video games and how many are in each type? |
game_1 | SELECT gtype FROM Video_games GROUP BY gtype ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What type has the most games? |
game_1 | SELECT gtype FROM Video_games GROUP BY gtype ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 1 | What is the type with the fewest games? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE city_code = "CHI" | What are the ids of all students who live in CHI? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE Advisor = 1121 | What are the ids of all students who have advisor number 1121? |
game_1 | SELECT Fname FROM Student WHERE Major = 600 | What are the first names for all students who are from the major numbered 600? |
game_1 | SELECT major , avg(age) , min(age) , max(age) FROM Student GROUP BY major | What are the average, minimum, and max ages for each of the different majors? |
game_1 | SELECT advisor FROM Student GROUP BY advisor HAVING count(*) >= 2 | What are the advisors |
game_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT sportname) FROM Sportsinfo | How many different types of sports do we offer? |
game_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT StuID) FROM Sportsinfo | How many different students are involved in sports? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo WHERE onscholarship = 'Y' | What are the ids for all sporty students who are on scholarship? |
game_1 | SELECT T2.Lname FROM Sportsinfo AS T1 JOIN Student AS T2 ON T1.StuID = T2.StuID WHERE T1.onscholarship = 'Y' | What are the last names for all scholarship students? |
game_1 | SELECT sum(gamesplayed) FROM Sportsinfo | What is the total number of games played? |
game_1 | SELECT sum(gamesplayed) FROM Sportsinfo WHERE sportname = "Football" AND onscholarship = 'Y' | What is the total number of all football games played by scholarship students? |
game_1 | SELECT sportname , count(*) FROM Sportsinfo GROUP BY sportname | How many students play each sport? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID , count(*) , sum(gamesplayed) FROM Sportsinfo GROUP BY StuID | What are the ids of all students along with how many sports and games did they play? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo GROUP BY StuID HAVING sum(hoursperweek) > 10 | What are the student IDs for everybody who worked for more than 10 hours per week on all sports? |
game_1 | SELECT T2.Fname , T2.Lname FROM Sportsinfo AS T1 JOIN Student AS T2 ON T1.StuID = T2.StuID GROUP BY T1.StuID ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the first and last name of the student who played the most sports? |
game_1 | SELECT sportname FROM Sportsinfo WHERE onscholarship = 'Y' GROUP BY sportname ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the sport with the most scholarship students? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student EXCEPT SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo | What are the ids of all students who don't play sports? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE major = 600 INTERSECT SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo WHERE onscholarship = 'Y' | What are the student ids for those on scholarship in major number 600? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE sex = 'F' INTERSECT SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo WHERE sportname = "Football" | What are the ids of all female students who play football? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE sex = 'M' EXCEPT SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo WHERE sportname = "Football" | What are the ids of all male students who do not play football? |
game_1 | SELECT sum(hoursperweek) , sum(gamesplayed) FROM Sportsinfo AS T1 JOIN Student AS T2 ON T1.StuID = T2.StuID WHERE T2.Fname = "David" AND T2.Lname = "Shieber" | What is the total number of hours per work and number of games played by David Shieber? |
game_1 | SELECT sum(hoursperweek) , sum(gamesplayed) FROM Sportsinfo AS T1 JOIN Student AS T2 ON T1.StuID = T2.StuID WHERE T2.age < 20 | What is the total number of hours per week and number of games played by students under 20? |
game_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT StuID) FROM Plays_games | How many different students play games? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Student EXCEPT SELECT StuID FROM Plays_games | What are the ids of all students who are not video game players? |
game_1 | SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo INTERSECT SELECT StuID FROM Plays_games | What are the ids of all students who played video games and sports? |
game_1 | SELECT gameid , sum(hours_played) FROM Plays_games GROUP BY gameid | What are ids and total number of hours played for each game? |
game_1 | SELECT Stuid , sum(hours_played) FROM Plays_games GROUP BY Stuid | What are the ids of all students and number of hours played? |
game_1 | SELECT gname FROM Plays_games AS T1 JOIN Video_games AS T2 ON T1.gameid = T2.gameid GROUP BY T1.gameid ORDER BY sum(hours_played) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the game that has been played the most? |
game_1 | SELECT gname FROM Plays_games AS T1 JOIN Video_games AS T2 ON T1.gameid = T2.gameid GROUP BY T1.gameid HAVING sum(hours_played) >= 1000 | What are the names of all the games that have been played for at least 1000 hours? |
game_1 | SELECT Gname FROM Plays_games AS T1 JOIN Video_games AS T2 ON T1.gameid = T2.gameid JOIN Student AS T3 ON T3.Stuid = T1.Stuid WHERE T3.Lname = "Smith" AND T3.Fname = "Linda" | What are the names of all games played by Linda Smith? |
game_1 | SELECT T2.lname , T2.fname FROM SportsInfo AS T1 JOIN Student AS T2 ON T1.StuID = T2.StuID WHERE T1.SportName = "Football" OR T1.SportName = "Lacrosse" | What is the first and last name of all students who play Football or Lacrosse? |
game_1 | SELECT fname , age FROM Student WHERE StuID IN (SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo WHERE SportName = "Football" INTERSECT SELECT StuID FROM Sportsinfo WHERE SportName = "Lacrosse") | What are the first names and ages of all students who are playing both Football and Lacrosse? |
college_2 | SELECT DISTINCT building FROM classroom WHERE capacity > 50 | What are the distinct buildings with capacities of greater than 50? |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) FROM classroom WHERE building ! = 'Lamberton' | How many classrooms are not in Lamberton? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name , building FROM department WHERE budget > (SELECT avg(budget) FROM department) | Give the name and building of the departments with greater than average budget. |
college_2 | SELECT building , room_number FROM classroom WHERE capacity BETWEEN 50 AND 100 | What are the room numbers and corresponding buildings for classrooms which can seat between 50 to 100 students? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name , building FROM department ORDER BY budget DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the department name and corresponding building for the department with the greatest budget? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM student WHERE dept_name = 'History' ORDER BY tot_cred DESC LIMIT 1 | Give the name of the student in the History department with the most credits. |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) FROM classroom WHERE building = 'Lamberton' | Count the number of classrooms in Lamberton. |
college_2 | SELECT count(DISTINCT s_id) FROM advisor | Count the number of students who have advisors. |
college_2 | SELECT count(DISTINCT dept_name) FROM course | Count the number of departments which offer courses. |
college_2 | SELECT count(DISTINCT course_id) FROM course WHERE dept_name = 'Physics' | Count the number of courses in the Physics department. |
college_2 | SELECT T1.title FROM course AS T1 JOIN prereq AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id GROUP BY T2.course_id HAVING count(*) = 2 | What are the titles for courses with two prerequisites? |
college_2 | SELECT T1.title , T1.credits , T1.dept_name FROM course AS T1 JOIN prereq AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id GROUP BY T2.course_id HAVING count(*) > 1 | What is the title, credit value, and department name for courses with more than one prerequisite? |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) FROM course WHERE course_id NOT IN (SELECT course_id FROM prereq) | Count the number of courses without prerequisites. |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE course_id NOT IN (SELECT course_id FROM prereq) | What are the titles of courses without prerequisites? |
college_2 | SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT id) FROM teaches | Count the number of distinct instructors who have taught a course. |
college_2 | SELECT sum(budget) FROM department WHERE dept_name = 'Marketing' OR dept_name = 'Finance' | What is the sum of budgets of the Marketing and Finance departments? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name FROM instructor WHERE name LIKE '%Soisalon%' | What is the name of the department with an instructure who has a name like 'Soisalon'? |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) FROM classroom WHERE building = 'Lamberton' AND capacity < 50 | Count the number of rooms in Lamberton with capacity lower than 50. |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name , budget FROM department WHERE budget > (SELECT avg(budget) FROM department) | What are the names and budgets of departments with budgets greater than the average? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE dept_name = 'Statistics' ORDER BY salary LIMIT 1 | Give the name of the lowest earning instructor in the Statistics department. |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE dept_name = 'Statistics' INTERSECT SELECT title FROM course WHERE dept_name = 'Psychology' | What is the title of a course that is listed in both the Statistics and Psychology departments? |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE dept_name = 'Statistics' EXCEPT SELECT title FROM course WHERE dept_name = 'Psychology' | What are the titles of courses that are in the Statistics department but not the Psychology department? |
college_2 | SELECT id FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND YEAR = 2009 EXCEPT SELECT id FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND YEAR = 2010 | What are the ids of instructors who taught in the Fall of 2009 but not in the Spring of 2010? |
college_2 | SELECT DISTINCT FROM student AS T1 JOIN takes AS T2 ON = WHERE YEAR = 2009 OR YEAR = 2010 | What are the names of the students who took classes in 2009 or 2010? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name FROM course GROUP BY dept_name ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 3 | What are the names of the 3 departments with the most courses? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name FROM course GROUP BY dept_name ORDER BY sum(credits) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the department with the most credits? |
@InProceedings{Yu&al.19, title = {SParC: Cross-Domain Semantic Parsing in Context}, author = {Tao Yu and Rui Zhang and Michihiro Yasunaga and Yi Chern Tan and Xi Victoria Lin and Suyi Li and Heyang Er, Irene Li and Bo Pang and Tao Chen and Emily Ji and Shreya Dixit and David Proctor and Sungrok Shim and Jonathan Kraft, Vincent Zhang and Caiming Xiong and Richard Socher and Dragomir Radev}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2019}, address = {Florence, Italy}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics} }
@inproceedings{Yu&al.18c, title = {Spider: A Large-Scale Human-Labeled Dataset for Complex and Cross-Domain Semantic Parsing and Text-to-SQL Task}, author = {Tao Yu and Rui Zhang and Kai Yang and Michihiro Yasunaga and Dongxu Wang and Zifan Li and James Ma and Irene Li and Qingning Yao and Shanelle Roman and Zilin Zhang and Dragomir Radev} booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", address = "Brussels, Belgium", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", year = 2018 }
Reference links
SParC task link: SParC Github page: Spider task link: Spider Github page:
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