stringlengths 4
| query
stringlengths 22
| question
stringlengths 19
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course ORDER BY title , credits | Given the titles of all courses, in order of titles and credits. |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name FROM department ORDER BY budget LIMIT 1 | Give the name of the department with the lowest budget. |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name , building FROM department ORDER BY budget DESC | What are the names and buildings of the deparments, sorted by budget descending? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1 | Give the name of the highest paid instructor. |
college_2 | SELECT * FROM instructor ORDER BY salary | Give all information regarding instructors, in order of salary from least to greatest. |
college_2 | SELECT name , dept_name FROM student ORDER BY tot_cred | What are the names of students and their respective departments, ordered by number of credits from least to greatest? |
college_2 | SELECT T1.title , FROM course AS T1 JOIN teaches AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id JOIN instructor AS T3 ON = WHERE YEAR = 2008 ORDER BY T1.title | Show all titles and their instructors' names for courses in 2008, in alphabetical order by title. |
college_2 | SELECT FROM instructor AS T1 JOIN advisor AS T2 ON = T2.i_id GROUP BY T2.i_id HAVING count(*) > 1 | What are the names of instructors who advise more than one student? |
college_2 | SELECT FROM student AS T1 JOIN advisor AS T2 ON = T2.s_id GROUP BY T2.s_id HAVING count(*) > 1 | What are the names of students who have more than one advisor? |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) , building FROM classroom WHERE capacity > 50 GROUP BY building | How many rooms in each building have a capacity of over 50? |
college_2 | SELECT max(capacity) , avg(capacity) , building FROM classroom GROUP BY building | What are the greatest and average capacity for rooms in each building? |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course GROUP BY title HAVING count(*) > 1 | What are the titles of courses that are offered in more than one department? |
college_2 | SELECT sum(credits) , dept_name FROM course GROUP BY dept_name | How many total credits are offered by each department? |
college_2 | SELECT min(salary) , dept_name FROM instructor GROUP BY dept_name HAVING avg(salary) > (SELECT avg(salary) FROM instructor) | What is the lowest salary in departments with average salary greater than the overall average. |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) , semester , YEAR FROM SECTION GROUP BY semester , YEAR | How many courses are provided in each semester and year? |
college_2 | SELECT YEAR FROM SECTION GROUP BY YEAR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which year had the greatest number of courses? |
college_2 | SELECT semester , YEAR FROM SECTION GROUP BY semester , YEAR ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the year and semester with the most courses? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name FROM student GROUP BY dept_name ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the deparment with the highest enrollment? |
college_2 | SELECT count(*) , dept_name FROM student GROUP BY dept_name | How many students are in each department? |
college_2 | SELECT semester , YEAR FROM takes GROUP BY semester , YEAR ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 1 | Which semeseter and year had the fewest students? |
college_2 | SELECT i_id FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN student AS T2 ON T1.s_id = WHERE T2.dept_name = 'History' | Give id of the instructor who advises students in the History department. |
college_2 | SELECT , T2.salary FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN instructor AS T2 ON T1.i_id = JOIN student AS T3 ON T1.s_id = WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' | What are the names and salaries of instructors who advises students in the History department? |
college_2 | SELECT course_id FROM course EXCEPT SELECT course_id FROM prereq | What are the ids of courses without prerequisites? |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE course_id NOT IN (SELECT course_id FROM prereq) | What are the names of courses without prerequisites? |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE course_id IN (SELECT T1.prereq_id FROM prereq AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T2.title = 'International Finance') | Give the title of the prerequisite to the course International Finance. |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE course_id IN (SELECT T1.course_id FROM prereq AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.prereq_id = T2.course_id WHERE T2.title = 'Differential Geometry') | What is the title of the course with Differential Geometry as a prerequisite? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM student WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM takes WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND YEAR = 2003) | What are the names of students who took a course in the Fall of 2003? |
college_2 | SELECT T1.title FROM course AS T1 JOIN SECTION AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE building = 'Chandler' AND semester = 'Fall' AND YEAR = 2010 | Give the title of the course offered in Chandler during the Fall of 2010. |
college_2 | SELECT FROM instructor AS T1 JOIN teaches AS T2 ON = JOIN course AS T3 ON T2.course_id = T3.course_id WHERE T3.title = 'C Programming' | What are the names of instructors who have taught C Programming courses? |
college_2 | SELECT , T2.salary FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN instructor AS T2 ON T1.i_id = JOIN student AS T3 ON T1.s_id = WHERE T3.dept_name = 'Math' | What are the names and salaries of instructors who advise students in the Math department? |
college_2 | SELECT FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN instructor AS T2 ON T1.i_id = JOIN student AS T3 ON T1.s_id = WHERE T3.dept_name = 'Math' ORDER BY T3.tot_cred | What are the names of all instructors who advise students in the math depart sorted by total credits of the student. |
college_2 | SELECT title FROM course WHERE course_id IN (SELECT T1.prereq_id FROM prereq AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T2.title = 'Mobile Computing') | What is the title of the course that is a prerequisite for Mobile Computing? |
college_2 | SELECT FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN instructor AS T2 ON T1.i_id = JOIN student AS T3 ON T1.s_id = ORDER BY T3.tot_cred DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the instructor who advises the student with the greatest number of total credits? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM teaches) | What are the names of instructors who didn't teach? |
college_2 | SELECT id FROM instructor EXCEPT SELECT id FROM teaches | What are the ids of instructors who didnt' teach? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Spring') | What are the names of instructors who didn't teach courses in the Spring? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name FROM instructor GROUP BY dept_name ORDER BY avg(salary) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which department has the highest average instructor salary? |
college_2 | SELECT avg(T1.salary) , count(*) FROM instructor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_name = T2.dept_name ORDER BY T2.budget DESC LIMIT 1 | How many instructors are in the department with the highest budget, and what is their average salary? |
college_2 | SELECT T3.title , T3.credits FROM classroom AS T1 JOIN SECTION AS T2 ON T1.building = T2.building AND T1.room_number = T2.room_number JOIN course AS T3 ON T2.course_id = T3.course_id WHERE T1.capacity = (SELECT max(capacity) FROM classroom) | Give the title and credits for the course that is taught in the classroom with the greatest capacity. |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM student WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT FROM takes AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T2.dept_name = 'Biology') | What are the names of students who haven't taken any Biology courses? |
college_2 | SELECT count(DISTINCT , count(DISTINCT , T3.dept_name FROM department AS T1 JOIN student AS T2 ON T1.dept_name = T2.dept_name JOIN instructor AS T3 ON T1.dept_name = T3.dept_name GROUP BY T3.dept_name | How many students and instructors are in each department? |
college_2 | SELECT FROM student AS T1 JOIN takes AS T2 ON = WHERE T2.course_id IN (SELECT T4.prereq_id FROM course AS T3 JOIN prereq AS T4 ON T3.course_id = T4.course_id WHERE T3.title = 'International Finance') | What are the names of students who have taken the prerequisite for the course International Finance? |
college_2 | SELECT name , salary FROM instructor WHERE salary < (SELECT avg(salary) FROM instructor WHERE dept_name = 'Physics') | What are the names and salaries for instructors who earn less than the average salary of instructors in the Physics department? |
college_2 | SELECT FROM course AS T1 JOIN takes AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id JOIN student AS T3 ON = WHERE T1.dept_name = 'Statistics' | What are the names of students who have taken Statistics courses? |
college_2 | SELECT T2.building , T2.room_number , T2.semester , T2.year FROM course AS T1 JOIN SECTION AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T1.dept_name = 'Psychology' ORDER BY T1.title | What are the building, room number, semester and year of courses in the Psychology department, sorted using course title? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.' | What are the names of all instructors in the Comp. Sci. department? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.' AND salary > 80000 | What are the names of the instructors in the Comp. Sci. department who earn more than 80000? |
college_2 | SELECT name , course_id FROM instructor AS T1 JOIN teaches AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID | What are the names of all instructors who have taught a course, as well as the corresponding course id? |
college_2 | SELECT name , course_id FROM instructor AS T1 JOIN teaches AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.dept_name = 'Art' | What are the names of Art instructors who have taught a course, and the corresponding course id? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE name LIKE '%dar%' | What are the names of all instructors with names that include "dar"? |
college_2 | SELECT DISTINCT name FROM instructor ORDER BY name | List the distinct names of the instructors, ordered by name. |
college_2 | SELECT course_id FROM SECTION WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND YEAR = 2009 UNION SELECT course_id FROM SECTION WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND YEAR = 2010 | What are the ids for courses in the Fall of 2009 or the Spring of 2010? |
college_2 | SELECT course_id FROM SECTION WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND YEAR = 2009 INTERSECT SELECT course_id FROM SECTION WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND YEAR = 2010 | What are the ids for courses that were offered in both Fall of 2009 and Spring of 2010? |
college_2 | SELECT course_id FROM SECTION WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND YEAR = 2009 EXCEPT SELECT course_id FROM SECTION WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND YEAR = 2010 | What are the ids of courses offered in Fall of 2009 but not in Spring of 2010? |
college_2 | SELECT DISTINCT salary FROM instructor WHERE salary < (SELECT max(salary) FROM instructor) | What are the distinct salaries of all instructors who earned less than the maximum salary? |
college_2 | SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT ID) FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND YEAR = 2010 | How many instructors teach a course in the Spring of 2010? |
college_2 | SELECT dept_name , AVG (salary) FROM instructor GROUP BY dept_name HAVING AVG (salary) > 42000 | What are the names and average salaries for departments with average salary higher than 42000? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE salary > (SELECT min(salary) FROM instructor WHERE dept_name = 'Biology') | What are the names of instructors who earn more than at least one instructor from the Biology department? |
college_2 | SELECT name FROM instructor WHERE salary > (SELECT max(salary) FROM instructor WHERE dept_name = 'Biology') | What are the names of all instructors with a higher salary than any of the instructors in the Biology department? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE DEPT_NAME = "Accounting" | How many professors are in the accounting dept? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT PROF_NUM) FROM CLASS WHERE CRS_CODE = "ACCT-211" | How many professors teach a class with the code ACCT-211? |
college_1 | SELECT T3.EMP_FNAME , T3.EMP_LNAME FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code JOIN employee AS T3 ON T1.EMP_NUM = T3.EMP_NUM WHERE DEPT_NAME = "Biology" | What are the first and last name of all biology professors? |
college_1 | SELECT DISTINCT T1.EMP_FNAME , T1.EMP_DOB FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.EMP_NUM = T2.PROF_NUM WHERE CRS_CODE = "ACCT-211" | What are the first names and birthdates of the professors in charge of ACCT-211? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.EMP_NUM = T2.PROF_NUM WHERE T1.EMP_LNAME = 'Graztevski' | How many classes does the professor whose last name is Graztevski teach? |
college_1 | SELECT school_code FROM department WHERE dept_name = "Accounting" | What is the school code of the accounting department? |
college_1 | SELECT crs_credit , crs_description FROM course WHERE crs_code = 'CIS-220' | What is the description for the CIS-220 and how many credits does it have? |
college_1 | SELECT dept_address FROM department WHERE dept_name = 'History' | Where is the history department? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT dept_address) FROM department WHERE school_code = 'BUS' | What are the different locations of the school with the code BUS? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT dept_address) , school_code FROM department GROUP BY school_code | Count different addresses of each school. |
college_1 | SELECT crs_credit , crs_description FROM course WHERE crs_code = 'QM-261' | What is the course description and number of credits for QM-261? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT dept_name) , school_code FROM department GROUP BY school_code | How many departments are in each school? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT dept_name) , school_code FROM department GROUP BY school_code HAVING count(DISTINCT dept_name) < 5 | How many different departments are there in each school that has less than 5 apartments? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , crs_code FROM CLASS GROUP BY crs_code | How many sections does each course have? |
college_1 | SELECT sum(crs_credit) , dept_code FROM course GROUP BY dept_code | How many credits does the department offer? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , class_room FROM CLASS GROUP BY class_room HAVING count(*) >= 2 | For each classroom with at least 2 classes, how many classes are offered? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , dept_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.crs_code = T2.crs_code GROUP BY dept_code | How many classes are held in each department? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , T3.school_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.crs_code = T2.crs_code JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code GROUP BY T3.school_code | How many classes exist for each school? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , T1.school_code FROM department AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.school_code | How many different professors are there for the different schools? |
college_1 | SELECT emp_jobcode , count(*) FROM employee GROUP BY emp_jobcode ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the count and code of the job with the most employee? |
college_1 | SELECT T1.school_code FROM department AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.school_code ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 1 | Which school has the fewest professors? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , dept_code FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' GROUP BY dept_code | How many professors have a Ph.D. in each department? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) , dept_code FROM student GROUP BY dept_code | How many students are in each department? |
college_1 | SELECT sum(stu_hrs) , dept_code FROM student GROUP BY dept_code | How many hours do the students spend studying in each department? |
college_1 | SELECT max(stu_gpa) , avg(stu_gpa) , min(stu_gpa) , dept_code FROM student GROUP BY dept_code | What is the highest, lowest, and average student GPA for every department? |
college_1 | SELECT T2.dept_name , avg(T1.stu_gpa) FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY avg(T1.stu_gpa) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which department has the highest average student GPA, and what is the average gpa? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT school_code) FROM department | How many schools are there in the department? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT class_code) FROM CLASS | How many unique classes are offered? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT crs_code) FROM CLASS | What are the number of different course codes? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT dept_name) FROM department | How many different departments are there? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM department AS T1 JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE dept_name = "Computer Info. Systems" | How many courses does the department of Computer Information Systmes offer? |
college_1 | SELECT count(DISTINCT class_section) FROM CLASS WHERE crs_code = 'ACCT-211' | What is the number of different class sections offered in the course ACCT-211? |
college_1 | SELECT sum(T1.crs_credit) , T1.dept_code FROM course AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.crs_code = T2.crs_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code | What are the total number of credits offered by each department? |
college_1 | SELECT T3.dept_name FROM course AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.crs_code = T2.crs_code JOIN department AS T3 ON T1.dept_code = T3.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY sum(T1.crs_credit) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which department offers the most credits all together? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code WHERE T1.crs_code = 'ACCT-211' | What are the total number of students enrolled in ACCT-211? |
college_1 | SELECT T3.stu_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T2.stu_num = T3.stu_num WHERE T1.crs_code = 'ACCT-211' | What are the first names of all students in course ACCT-211? |
college_1 | SELECT T3.stu_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T2.stu_num = T3.stu_num WHERE T1.crs_code = 'ACCT-211' AND T2.enroll_grade = 'C' | What are the first names of all students who took ACCT-211 and received a C? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM employee | How many employees are there all together? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' | What is the total number of professors with a Ph.D. ? |
college_1 | SELECT count(*) FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code JOIN department AS T4 ON T3.dept_code = T4.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Accounting' | How many students are enrolled in some classes that are taught by an accounting professor? |
college_1 | SELECT T4.dept_name FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code JOIN department AS T4 ON T3.dept_code = T4.dept_code GROUP BY T3.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the department with the most students enrolled? |
Subsets and Splits