In Trading Places (1983, Akroyd/Murphy) how does the scheme at the end of the movie work? Why would buying a lot of OJ at a high price ruin the Duke Brothers?
[{"answer": "The final scene involves future contracts. This simply means entering into a contract to buy something (oil, wheat, even frozen concentrated orange juice(FCOJ)) at a specified time for the current price. The person selling the future does not have to own the FCOJ at the time of sale he simply has to provide them at the agreed upon date. Futures help companies mitigate risk against the unpredictable price of FCOJ. If the price of FCOJ goes up the buyer wins the seller loses and visa versa. This price is often affected by fresh oranges. If there is a good harvest FCOJ price goes down and so on. The Dukes believed there was going to be a bad harvest. Their plan was to buy as much FCOJ as they could and basically corner the market then sell it at a much higher price due to a lack of oranges. So here is what happened. At first Winthrop and Valentine begin selling futures contracts at inflated prices caused by the Dukes (on the info from the fake report of a bad orange harvest) at approximately $1.45 per unit. When the report comes out that the orange harvest is expected to be good caused a massive selloff and the futures price plummeted to about $.22 cents. This is when Winthrop and Valentine begin buying futures instead of selling. So now they can fill the futures orders of $1.45 with oranges costing $.22 earning something like a 545% profit."}, {"answer": "They had an episode of Marketplace that addressed this a few weeks ago: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "NPR actually did a interview explaining everything pretty well. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "If I remember correctly, they knew that the price of orange juice was going to fall. Normally this wouldn't matter, because you are supposed to buy and hold stocks, but they were buying what's called 'futures'. In a nutshell, they were buying contracts that afford them the legal right to purchase units of OJ at a specific price. Since they knew the price of OJ would fall (remember the dude with the locked briefcase?) they were buying option contracts to purchase OJ at a higher price. Anyone with half a brain would sell them these and of course that's what happened. For in depth knowledge, look up \"how futures trading works.\""}, {"answer": "The unrealistic part of that flick is not the trading but Winthorp and Valentine being able just to waltz in to that pit and stand wherever they want. Spots in a commodity pit are protected like gang turf. They just go in and stand in the middle. Also if they deposit the cash from everyone's savings lets say 100k and the margin per contract is 5k per contract they can only buy or sell 20 contracts. I don't know what the FCOJ margins are, but if they trade more than 20 the profit goes to the exchange. At least that's how the CME rolls."}, {"answer": "Fun fact: In \"Coming to America\", when Akeem's character gave the money to the 2 homeless guys, it was the Duke brothers. :) URL_0 "}, {"answer": "odd things I noted - 1. They didn't go in with that much cash. I understand they first sold high and then bought low. So how did they sell so much with just a small sum? They should've bought very little contracts of fcoj which would sell out in 1min with that frenzy and then the buyers would go somewhere else and price would rise even beyond $1.42 2. They all look at the clock and then 9am (I think) strikes and crop report is read. Then they all panic because they need to unload whatever they bought and finding the 2 buying they sell ASAP. Again how can these 2 buy everything with so little money? 3. Finally the closing bell strikes and trading stops. How did all this scheme happen so fast ? Doesnt trading happen 9:30am to 4pm at NYSE (why wtc was shown?) for such commodities. Did they spend that many hours there? It just seemed sudden and abrupt the time flow."}, {"answer": "it was the margin call for the duke brothers. as i'm sure others explained, the dukes shorted the market based on info from the phony crop report. so when the price shot up, a margin call was due, even after the price settled a bit after billy and louie sold their holdings for huge gains. when the market closed with the price still up, the movie shows the guy affiliated with the exchange saying \"Margin call.\". In reality I think it would've been the firm that they trade through and that provided them the loan in the first place. (margin call means pay back the loaned amount) edit: maybe I had it backwards and the dukes were going to go long on OJ futures, but it's the same principle. margin call did them in after the market worked against them based on their false knowledge."}, {"answer": "I feel so old. People have been askinbg what happened at the end of this movie for what must be the last 15 years of my life. It never stops. Every year/month/fortnight, I see someone asking what happened, and someone explaining. Andf it will keep on happening, until I am 90yrs old, in a home, with nothing but the Internet and my bladder to keep me going. And there it will be: \"what happens at the end of Trading Places?\""}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "242855", "title": "Futures contract", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 612, "bleu_score": 0.9232808519770748}]}]
[ { "contents": "Trading Places\n\n\nis also heard on the train scene and is credited on the film. Almost 30 years after its release, the plot for the movie was part of the inspiration for new regulations on the financial markets. On March 3, 2010, Commodity Futures Trading Commission chief Gary Gensler stated, in testimony he gave to the 111th Congress: \"We have recommended banning using misappropriated government information to trade in the commodity markets. In the movie \"Trading Places\", starring Eddie Murphy, the Duke brothers intended to profit from trades in", "id": "2026468" }, { "contents": "Paul Milgrom\n\n\nwould incur a loss if he traded with an informed trader so would be better off not trading. ``Why do traders bother to gather information if they cannot profit from it? How does information come to be reflected in prices if informed traders do not trade or if they ignore their private information in making inferences?\" These questions, asked at the end of Milgrom and Stokey (1982), were addressed in Glosten and Milgrom (1985). In this seminal paper, the authors provided a dynamic model of", "id": "18642663" }, { "contents": "Coming to America\n\n\n1996); \"\" (2000); and \"Norbit\" (2007). \"Coming to America\" reunited star Eddie Murphy with director John Landis. The two had previously worked together on the comedy hit \"Trading Places\" (1983). Landis recalled the differences in working with Murphy on the two movies: \"The guy on \"Trading Places\" was young and full of energy and curious and funny and fresh and great. The guy on \"Coming to America\" was the pig of the world...", "id": "10159405" }, { "contents": "Trading Places\n\n\nprice of orange-juice futures plummets. Valentine and Winthorpe close their futures position by buying futures at the lower price from everyone but the Dukes, turning a large profit. The Dukes fail to meet a margin call, and are left owing $394 million. Valentine and Winthorpe explain to the Dukes that they had made a wager on whether they could simultaneously get rich while making the Dukes poor. Valentine collects $1 from Winthorpe while Randolph collapses holding his chest and Mortimer shouts angrily at his brother about their failed plan.", "id": "2026450" }, { "contents": "Trading Places\n\n\neccentric\", that \"they both play characters with a lot of native intelligence\" and concluding that \"It's fun to watch them thinking.\" Commenting on Bellamy and Ameche in the roles of the Duke brothers, Ebert called their involvement in the film \"a masterstroke of casting.\" Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" repeated some of Roger Ebert's sentiments stating that \"Preston Sturges might have made a movie like \"Trading Places\" - if he'd had a little less inspiration and a lot more", "id": "2026463" }, { "contents": "Alex Murphy (basketball)\n\n\n19, 2011, Murphy announced that he would be graduating a year early from St. Mark's School and would enroll at Duke University a year earlier than expected. Having met all academic requirements necessary to do this, Murphy was able to enroll at Duke in the summer of 2011, and was the fifth member of Duke's 2011 recruiting class. Murphy on why he reclassified: \"It was a very difficult decision but at the end of the day, I thought this was the best thing for my future,\" Murphy", "id": "2343213" }, { "contents": "Implementation shortfall\n\n\nhis decision price is the close price. However the broker, unless she is explicitly told what levels to buy at or what prompted the desire to buy, does not know when or why the decision was made. Her best guess is that the current price at the time the order is received is what prompted the decision and thus her decision price is the arrival price. There is no common definition of this price, but the broker normally uses the last traded price or the \"mid price\" - equal to the average", "id": "12856616" }, { "contents": "Coming to America\n\n\nreprise their roles as Mortimer and Randolph Duke respectively from Landis' 1983 Murphy-starring comedy film \"Trading Places\". A segment of the \"Trading Places\" score can be heard during their scene. As shown above, \"Coming to America\" features Murphy and Hall in several different roles, of various colours, creeds and genders. Following the success of this film, this became a Murphy staple, as seen in four later films: \"Vampire in Brooklyn\" (1995); \"The Nutty Professor\" (", "id": "10159404" }, { "contents": "Demand curve\n\n\n, demand is said to be inelastic; if the absolute value of PED equals 1, the demand is unitary elastic; and if the absolute value of Price elasticity of demand is greater than 1, demand is elastic. A low coefficient implies that changes in price have little influence on demand. A high elasticity indicates that consumers will respond to a price rise by buying a lot less of the good and that consumers will respond to a price cut by buying a lot more... A sales tax on the commodity does not directly", "id": "2240585" }, { "contents": "Trade Promotion Forecasting\n\n\nthe impact on sales of a product of many variables including price, discount, visual merchandizing, etc. The term Big Data describes the increasing volume and velocity of heterogeneous data that is coming into the enterprise. The data can be used to improve trade promotion forecast accuracy because it usually contains real connections and causation that can help to better understand what customers are buying, where they are buying it, why they are buying and how they are buying. Often, the challenge is to combine this data across all of the silos", "id": "9406952" }, { "contents": "Collyer brothers\n\n\nthe 1983 film \"Trading Places\" closely resemble the Collyers. Both Dukes are selfish, conniving and cheap. They manipulate commodities markets on Wall Street by Insider Trading which is illegal. One scene has them giving an employee a miniscule amount of money for the movies and the younger brother Mortimer(Ameche) says \"...half of it is from me.\" They were the inspiration in the TV series 9-1-1 (TV series) Season 1 Episode 9 titled \"Trapped\" in which two brothers (one of which", "id": "9753351" }, { "contents": "Richard Lyons (business professor)\n\n\ncurrency markets, a focus reflected in his recent book “The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates” (MIT Press). This novel approach to exchange rates examines the market from a trading-room perspective, e.g., the flow of buy and sell orders and why those orders subsequently affect prices, rather than from the traditional perspective of macroeconomics. This line of work focuses on how dispersed information gets reflected in prices via trading. He has published numerous articles on these and other related topics. Recently, his research has taken a", "id": "13617190" }, { "contents": "Robert P. Murphy\n\n\neconomic ruin—predictions that have not come to fruition yet. In 2009, Murphy discussed various economic policies of the Bush and Obama administrations, which he called \"incredible assaults on the private sector from the central government\". He stated that the policies of Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and President Obama would lead to double-digit inflation with high unemployment and could facilitate the abandonment of the US Dollar by the end of the Obama Presidency. Murphy warned that soaring prices for gasoline and imported products sold at Wal-Mart might", "id": "5811344" }, { "contents": "Paul Gleason\n\n\nto 1978. He guest-starred in \"The Trouble with Harry\" and \"Fire\", two episodes of \"The A-Team\". Gleason was known to \"Star Wars\" fans for his role as Jeremitt Towani in the 1985 made-for-TV film \"\". He played the villainous Clarence Beeks, the Duke brothers' inside trader, in the 1983 comedy \"Trading Places\" starring Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy. He also played Deputy Police Chief Dwayne T. Robinson, the blowhard police official,", "id": "3578289" }, { "contents": "Trading Places\n\n\nAfter delivering the forged report to the Dukes in Beeks' place, Valentine and Winthorpe travel to New York City with Coleman's and Ophelia's life savings to carry out their part of the plan. On the commodities trading floor, the Dukes commit all their holdings to buying frozen concentrated orange-juice futures contracts; other traders follow their lead, inflating the price. Meanwhile, Valentine and Winthorpe sell futures heavily at the inflated price. Following the broadcast of the actual crop report and its prediction of a normal forecast, the", "id": "2026449" }, { "contents": "Trading Places\n\n\nmoney.\" She, again, also commended the cast by calling it \"well-chosen\", commenting on Murphy and Aykroyd as \"the two actors best suited\", stating that the Duke brothers were \"played delightfully\" by Ameche and Bellamy and—concluding that \"the supporting cast is also quite good\"—praising Curtis for managing \"to turn a hard-edged, miniskirted prostitute into a character of unexpected charm.\" Jay Carr of \"The Boston Globe\" called it \"easily the best of the movies I've", "id": "2026464" }, { "contents": "Buffer stock scheme\n\n\nwork along the same rough lines: first, two prices are determined, a floor and a ceiling (minimum and maximum price). When the price drops close to the floor price (after a new rich vein of silver is found, for example), the scheme operator (usually government) will start buying up the stock, ensuring that the price does not fall further. Likewise, when the price rises close to the ceiling, the operator depresses the price by selling off its holdings. In the meantime, it", "id": "16872359" }, { "contents": "People's Agenda\n\n\na lot higher than the market price and sell it at a lower price, creating compounding loss. The program has been revised and strategically changed. Instead of buying the crops, the government would agree with the farmers over a certain standard price. If the market price is lower than the agreed price, the government would subsidize the difference. Despite the critics about being a populist, the program is mainly beneficial to the poor and does not interfere with the market price which lets the economy run by itself and does not destroy", "id": "1342851" }, { "contents": "Priceless (2006 film)\n\n\nit—why Jean might start sleeping with an older rich woman, just so he can stay in the hotels where Irene stays. Would you want to be the person who orders the drinks or fetches the drinks? How easy would it be to go back to normal life after confirming what you never really wanted to know, that the rich really do have it better, as in a lot better, as in money really does buy happiness? So \"Priceless\" is silly, but it's not so silly. It", "id": "19307829" }, { "contents": "Alex Murphy (basketball)\n\n\n's School and attended South Kingstown High School for the remaining months in order to graduate and enroll at Duke that summer. Murphy played for the Adidas sponsored New England Playaz Basketball Club. Murphy committed to play basketball at Duke on February 7, 2011. Recruiting columnists speculated that he would commit to the University of Florida because his older brother, Erik Murphy, was a four-year player under coach Billy Donovan. Murphy chose Duke over Florida, Arizona, Boston College, North Carolina, Villanova and West Virginia. On April", "id": "2343212" }, { "contents": "Guan Zhong\n\n\n, a policy that would evolve into state monopolies later in Chinese history. Similarly, a price-regulation scheme existed for food, with granaries buying grain in bounty years to be released into the market in lean years. Finally, coinage was also unified to encourage trade within Qi. Guan Zhong was disparagingly identified with the Legalist school as a result of his administrative reforms. Though actually legalistic philosophy did not develop until hundreds of years later, R. Eno of Indiana University does consider that \"If one were to trace the origins", "id": "6155190" }, { "contents": "Randy Roth\n\n\n's belongings, Roth let them into the house only reluctantly, would not let them take some of their possessions and proceeded to rant about how they'd \"ruined\" his scenario and he wouldn't have enough money to keep up his house payments. Had his scheme worked, he would have been financially set for life, collecting a huge insurance payment from Cynthia's death, plus survivor's benefits for both her sons, and would likely never need to work again. He could spend all his free time buying, selling", "id": "9227490" }, { "contents": "The Undercover Economist\n\n\nThe Undercover Economist () () is a book by Tim Harford published in 2005 by Little, Brown. The book provides an introduction to principles of economics, including demand-supply interactions, market failures, externalities, globalisation, international trade and comparative advantage. It explains in non-technical terms how Starbucks and other coffee providers price their products, why it is hard to buy a decent used car, why the health insurance system in the United States is failing, and why poor countries remain poor while the People's", "id": "9408951" }, { "contents": "Spoofing (finance)\n\n\nCME Group’s Globex trading platform.\" They used a \"computer algorithm that was designed to unlawfully place and quickly cancel orders in exchange-traded futures contracts.\" They placed a \"relatively small order to sell futures that they did want to execute, which they quickly followed with several large buy orders at successively higher prices that they intended to cancel. By placing the large buy orders, Mr. Coscia and Panther sought to give the market the impression that there was significant buying interest, which suggested that prices would soon rise", "id": "18178111" }, { "contents": "Charles S. Murphy\n\n\nKennedy appointed him Under Secretary of Agriculture where he handled the detail work on crop controls, price supports, farm subsidies and loans. In 1965 he was appointed chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board by President Lyndon Johnson, a position he held until 1969 when, as a special counselor to Johnson, he supervised the transition to the Nixon Administration. From 1969 to 1983 Murphy was a partner in the Washington law firm of Baker & Hostetler. He also served as general counsel to Frontier Airlines. Murphy served on the Duke University board", "id": "2109747" }, { "contents": "Stock split\n\n\nA stock split or stock divide increases the number of shares in a company. The price is adjusted such that the before and after market capitalization of the company remains the same and dilution does not occur. Options and warrants are included. A company may split its stock, for example, when the market price per share is so high that it becomes unwieldy when traded. For example, when the share price is very high it may deter small investors from buying the shares, especially if there is a minimum trading parcel.", "id": "5551953" }, { "contents": "Price action trading\n\n\nnot and set up with-trend entries. The psychology of the average trader tends to inhibit with-trend entries because the trader must \"buy high\", which is counter to the clichee for profitable trading \"buy high, sell low\". The allure of counter-trend trading and the impulse of human nature to want to fade the market in a good trend is very discernible to the price action trader, who would seek to take advantage by entering on failures, or at least when trying to enter counter-", "id": "16533746" }, { "contents": "Des Moines Water Works\n\n\nand newspapers\". The city tried to buy the Water Works, but either could not raise the funds or could not get the votes needed. In 1897, the newspaper and city council attacked water quality \"to lower the company’s asking price\". In 1898, the people voted a proposal to buy the company down. In 1911, the vote passed, but Denman wouldn’t sell at the price. Denman explained publicly why he could not accept the city’s offer and how the city hadn’t paid its water", "id": "16680520" }, { "contents": "Help to Buy\n\n\nthe 'dysfunctional' scheme. The Scheme has also earned the nickname \"Help to Sell Scheme\", as the increasing demand seems to benefit existing homeowners, and property developers, rather than the buyer. In 2013, UK house prices started to take off, with some saying laying the blame at the door of Help to Buy. At the end of November that year, as Mark Carney announced that mortgages and other consumer loans would not be eligible for his Funding for Lending Scheme from the start of 2014, Nouriel Roubini", "id": "3346659" }, { "contents": "Foreclosure rescue scheme\n\n\nseveral ways foreclosure rescue schemes operate: In a lease-buyback scheme, the owner turns the lease over with an option to buy it back later. The owner is promised to be able to rent the property back, which will be counted toward an eventual buyback. These can be legitimate; however, in a scam they may end in loss of the property or considerable additional cost: the renting prices may be made so high that the original owner cannot afford to continue paying and/or the buyback price may be set far", "id": "21566046" }, { "contents": "MetaTrader 4\n\n\nthe volatility is high and the requested price cannot be served. Request execution mode enables trader to execute a Market order in two steps — first, a price quote is requested, then, a trader decides whether to buy or sell using the received price. A trader has several seconds to decide if the received price is worth trading. Such mode offers a certain knowledge of price combined with guaranteed execution at that price. The tradeoff is the reduced speed of execution, which can take a lot longer than other modes.", "id": "1423528" }, { "contents": "Price discrimination\n\n\nFor example, airlines routinely engage in price discrimination by charging high prices for customers with relatively inelastic demand - business travelers - and discount prices for tourist who have relatively elastic demand. The airlines enforce the scheme by enforcing a no resale policy on the tickets preventing a tourist from buying a ticket at a discounted price and selling it to a business traveler (arbitrage). Airlines must also prevent business travelers from directly buying discount tickets. Airlines accomplish this by imposing advance ticketing requirements or minimum stay requirements — conditions that would be difficult", "id": "21130040" }, { "contents": "Gold fixing\n\n\nphysical gold commodity. First, each bank looks at its limit orders and determines how many are eligible to trade at that price. They can also consider how much gold their proprietary trading desk would trade at the same price. The bank then states a single value, the net amount (in ounces) of gold they wish to buy or sell. After each bank provides this value, they determine if the overall net amount is 0. If so, all transactions succeed and the fix is complete. The chair then states", "id": "1773101" }, { "contents": "Options strategy\n\n\nhigh the stock price can go and the time frame in which the rally will occur in order to select the optimum trading strategy for just buying a bullish option. The most bullish of options trading strategies is simply buying a call option used by most options traders. The stock market is always moving somewhere or some how. It's up to the stock trader to figure what strategy fits the markets for that time period. Moderately bullish options traders usually set a target price for the bull run and utilize bull spreads to reduce cost", "id": "1973663" }, { "contents": "Black Patch Tobacco Wars\n\n\ntobacco sales either directly or through foreign partnerships. Duke used this power to reduce his tobacco-buying price by eliminating the competitive bidding process. This brought many farmers to the brink of financial ruin or led to the complete loss of their farms, as they found it cost more to plant their crop than they gained at its harvest. The ATC's fixed-price purchasing policy, combined with a new Federal tax on tobacco, placed tobacco producers into an impossible situation. In 1904, Felix Ewing, a wealthy tobacco planter", "id": "12708109" }, { "contents": "Edward Akroyd\n\n\n, the first outside London. In the mid-1850s, he helped found the Yorkshire Penny Bank (to encourage workers to save), and he worked closely with the Halifax Permanent Building Society (later the Halifax Building Society) to promote home ownership through his model village Akroydon. This was built after his initial housing development, which he had undertaken with his brother at Copley, to show people how housing conditions could be improved. He was partly responsible for bringing the railway to the town. Edward Akroyd became a Lieutenant Colonel of", "id": "20918873" }, { "contents": "Price action trading\n\n\nsignals from the price action, would expect the stock to pull-back from there and would only buy when the pull-back finished and the stock moved up again. Support, Resistance, and Fibonacci levels are all important areas where human behavior may affect price action. \"Psychological levels\", such as levels ending in .00, are a very common order trigger location. Several strategies use these levels as a means to plot out where to secure profit or place a Stop Loss. These levels are purely the result of", "id": "16533713" }, { "contents": "Scriptcase\n\n\nalso aims at the experienced developer, who can with scriptcase put a lot more focus on business logic rather than editing forms, build database connections etc. The pricing model is about to shift from \"buying the software\" as till end of 2016 to \"lease as a service\" from 2016 (due to a publication from the CEO to subscribers and current users of scriptcase from Nov 14th, 2016). Prices currently are 400-$600 for buying the software (depending on how many databases are supported) per developer. The platform", "id": "16841188" }, { "contents": "Market manipulation\n\n\nintent to cancel before the orders are filled. The flurry of activity around the buy or sell orders is intended to attract other high-frequency traders (HFT) to induce a particular market reaction such as manipulating the market price of a security. Spoofing can be a factor in the rise and fall of the price of shares and can be very profitable to the spoofer who can time buying and selling based on this manipulation. High closing is an attempt to manipulate the price of a security at the end of trading day to", "id": "19407901" }, { "contents": "Balshaw's Church of England High School\n\n\nof the Eco-Schools scheme in Lancashire. This came with a lot of development, by way of recording waste usage, electricity, gas, and how well the school does economically with regard to funds, budgets and the environment. This meant creating new targets and innovating energy use for better sustainability. On 2 July 2009, the first Eco event held was an \"Eco-Day\", in which the pupils worked with eco-friendly materials and learnt about how to lead environmentally friendly lifestyles. Subsequent to this,", "id": "1258068" }, { "contents": "The Firm of Girdlestone\n\n\navoid total financial ruin, which would eventually fall on them if diamonds from the Urals start pouring in the market. They will then step in and buy as many diamonds as their remaining money would allow them. Once their capital is exhausted, their agent will disappear and the discovery that the Ural diamond mines were a hoax would skyrocket the prices of diamonds once again, leaving them rich men. Their plan works perfectly and the prices go down just as they had expected. Ezra Girdlestone travels to South Africa to buy from the", "id": "10370196" }, { "contents": "Risk of ruin\n\n\nthat have unlimited loss when things go wrong (e.g., Some financial products that involve short selling can deliver high returns, but if the market goes against the trade, the investor can lose significantly more than the price they paid to buy the product.) The probability of ruin is approximately where for a random walk with a starting value of \"s\", and at every iterative step, is moved by a normal distribution having mean \"μ\" and standard deviation \"σ\" and failure occurs if it reaches 0 or", "id": "17447338" }, { "contents": "Lozovik (Jagodina)\n\n\ncustomers, which is why their wine was widely praised. According to another tradition, the place where the village was built there were a lot of thorns and wild vines (clematis), and by the wild vine and the place was called Lozovik; according to tradition, the third (unreliable) so called the place where the first settlers arrived. In the old village are ruins of a church. It is a place called Crkvina. The village is an older origin, but does not know the exact time when it", "id": "11838418" }, { "contents": "Price action trading\n\n\nof the microtrend line has not failed and that the main bull trend has resumed. Continuing this example, a more aggressive bullish trader would place a buy stop entry above the high of the current bar in the microtrend line and move it down to the high of each consecutive new bar, in the assumption that any microtrend line break-out will not fail. This is a type of trend characterised as difficult to identify and more difficult to trade by Brooks. The spike is the beginning of the trend where the market moves", "id": "16533756" }, { "contents": "Foreclosure rescue scheme\n\n\nnot contacted the lender at all. When negotiation does take place the firm may put in place a deal to buy the property from the lender, if the equity value of the property has reduced, then this may be at a lower price than the current outstanding debt. Lenders may accept this to guarantee payment now, rather than gamble on future values, ability of the owner to pay etc. In these cases the situation can be similar to the other schemes with the original owner being offered the option to rent the property", "id": "21566050" }, { "contents": "Client (prostitution)\n\n\nto the low prices. When the clientele of prostitutes in a specific locality begins to attract modest amounts of newcomers of a middle-class or upper-class status, the subsequent cost hike sometimes makes sex work services unaffordable for local prospective johns. In jurisdictions where penalties for buying sex are high, fines dished out to tricks can also put low-income clients of prostitution in financial ruin. When interaction between tricks, the clients of prostitutes, and sex workers occurs in countries where brothels are illegal, the prostitution trade usually", "id": "21549322" }, { "contents": "Unequal exchange\n\n\nreal value\" of commodities actually is, what their real worth is, and how that could be objectively established. A related question is why the \"victim\" traded at a lower price, when he could have gotten a higher price elsewhere. This question preoccupied social philosophers and economic thinkers for many centuries. It contributed to the \"moral science\" of political economy, which was originally concerned with the problem of what would be a fair and just exchange, and how trading could be regulated in the interests of a more", "id": "9726537" }, { "contents": "Options strategy\n\n\ndownwards. It is necessary to assess how low the stock price can go and the time frame in which the decline will happen in order to select the optimum trading strategy. Selling a Bearish option is also another type of strategy that gives the trader a \"credit\". This does require a margin account. The most bearish of options trading strategies is the simple put buying or selling strategy utilized by most options traders. Stock can make steep downward moves. Moderately bearish options traders usually set a target price for the expected decline", "id": "1973667" }, { "contents": "Colbertism\n\n\nto keep the bid prices down. When examining the import tariffs it can be seen that they were few and far between and that they appear to be devices to force merchants to buy import licenses rather than part of projects to build up the French industry. He spent a lot of energy trying to reorganize industry and commerce. He believed that in order to increase French power it would be essential to grow France’s share of international trade and reduce the commercial hegemony of the Dutch. He stressed the production of high-quality", "id": "5452145" }, { "contents": "Ann Elliot\n\n\nbeen given to her by the Duke of Cumberland. Cumberland has the King's brother and she had been his mistress. She left thousands of pounds to her family including a contribution by the Duke. He arranged for her body to be buried and for a memorial to be created that includes lines attributed to Arthur Murphy. After her death an anonymous biography appeared of her life noting how Arthur Murphy was devoted to her and how he missed her after his death. After Arthur Murphy's death this relationship was written about by Fanny", "id": "10445522" }, { "contents": "Adventures in the Screen Trade\n\n\nAdventures in the Screen Trade is a book about Hollywood written in 1983 by American novelist and screenwriter William Goldman. The title is a pun on Dylan Thomas's \"Adventures in the Skin Trade\". The book is divided into three parts. \"Part One: Hollywood Realities\" is a collection of essays on various subjects ranging from movie stars and studio executives to his thoughts on how to begin and end a screenplay and how to write for a movie star. \"Part Two: Adventures\" has stories from 11 projects that", "id": "15540573" }, { "contents": "Henry Cockton\n\n\nhis change of career, and he returned to Bury St. Edmunds to run \"The Seven Stars\" for his mother-in-law. Here he unwisely stood surety for the sum of £200 for his brother, Edward, only to lose the money when Edward fled to Australia. He then embarked on a malting speculation, buying large quantities of the product, possibly for re-sale or to start a business, but he was largely ignorant of the malt trade, and his scheme collapsed, leaving him financially ruined", "id": "13664938" }, { "contents": "Eric Murphy\n\n\nbriefly signed Anna Faris as a client before being fired for a conflict of interests regarding Billy and Vince's third movie(though this is only implied, we never actually see him fired, and later on in the series he tells Ari that he \"has 3 clients\"). In the Season 4 season finale, Eric ends up correct about Medellin after repeatedly mentioning that the film was overly long (among other problems) and needed a lot of work before it was released at Cannes. With Yair backing out after seeing how poorly", "id": "21699696" }, { "contents": "Help to Buy\n\n\nthe government \"should stop stoking up demand, there is already lots of demand and this will create a bubble for the future.\" He said Help to Buy was simply \"turbo-charg[ing] an already rising market inside London\", where prices had reached \"absurd\" levels. A few months later, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors urged that Help to Buy be regionalised, so that it would not contribute to what most of its members saw as unsustainable house-price increases in places like London. Duncan Scott", "id": "3346661" }, { "contents": "Love per Square Foot\n\n\nout about a joint housing scheme, and asks Karina to apply for the scheme with him. She agrees and the movie portrays various problems they have as they are trying to buy the apartment as an unmarried couple. Most of the songs have been produced and composed by Sohail Sen. Rohit Vats of \"Hindustan Times\" called the film \"youthful, urbane and lovable\". Ektaa Malik of \"The Indian Express\" wrote: \"The film has its heart in the right place and would have worked better had it been about", "id": "22186109" }, { "contents": "Emissions trading\n\n\ncertainty and stability for investment in emissions reductions: recent experience from the UK shows that nuclear power operators are reluctant to invest on \"un-subsidised\" terms unless there is a guaranteed price floor for carbon (which the EU emissions trading scheme does not presently provide). Responsiveness to uncertainty: As with cost changes, in a world of uncertainty, it is not clear whether emissions fees or cap-and-trade systems are more efficient—it depends on how fast the marginal social benefits of reducing pollution fall with the", "id": "16439314" }, { "contents": "Tower of London (1962 film)\n\n\nbuilt-in audience and they would not realise up front that they were buying a black and white Price film. They'd take it for granted that this was in colour.\" The movie was meant to be the first of a three-picture contract between Corman and Small. Corman later called the movie: The most foolish thing I’ve ever filmed. Every night he would come to see me or call me. The script was changed, reworked without my consent. Lots of strange things were happening all the time", "id": "2755841" }, { "contents": "Dan Aykroyd\n\n\nBlues Brothers\" (1980), which he co-wrote with director John Landis, was a massive hit. The third, \"Neighbors\" (1981) had mixed critical reaction but was another box-office hit. One of his best-received performances was as a blueblood-turned-wretch in the 1983 comedy \"Trading Places\", in which he co-starred with fellow \"SNL\" alumnus Eddie Murphy as well as Jamie Lee Curtis. In the early 1980s, Aykroyd began work on a script for", "id": "4930945" }, { "contents": "Chuck Murphy (singer)\n\n\npeople together with love. After high school, he followed in his oldest brother's footsteps and joined the U. S. Navy to earn a free college education. Later he would say it was a high price to pay for an education, believing we should never have been in Vietnam. After the military, Murphy went to college in Jacksonville, Florida. He was taken in by the guitar based Southern Rock of the time and was in and out of several bands. Wanting to play the songs he was writing, Murphy started", "id": "1934039" }, { "contents": "High-frequency trading\n\n\norders being placed in the market. For example, a large order from a pension fund to buy will take place over several hours or even days, and will cause a rise in price due to increased demand. An arbitrageur can try to spot this happening then buy up the security, then profit from selling back to the pension fund. This strategy has become more difficult since the introduction of dedicated trade execution companies in the 2000s which provide optimal trading for pension and other funds, specifically designed to remove the arbitrage opportunity.", "id": "15509720" }, { "contents": "Wink of an Eye\n\n\nhow does one propagate a species by mating one's women with aliens? ... And if time moves so slowly for them, why would they need to place the \"Enterprise\" crew in suspended animation? Wouldn't a few days' worth of knockout drugs suffice?\" Zack Handlen of The A.V. Club was unimpressed by the episode, assigning it a B- and noting some plot holes: \"They manage to beam aboard the \"Enterprise\" somehow, which doesn't make a lot of sense, science-wise. If", "id": "9742067" }, { "contents": "Kingdom of Great Britain\n\n\nto turn in their certificates for stock in the Company at a par value of £100—the idea was that they would profit by the rising price of their stock. Everyone with connections wanted in on the bonanza, and many other outlandish schemes found gullible takers. South Sea stock peaked at £1,060 on 25 June 1720. Then the bubble burst, and by the end of September it had fallen to £150. Hundreds of prominent men had borrowed to buy stock high; their apparent profits had vanished, but they were liable", "id": "331868" }, { "contents": "Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan o\n\n\nhe is in love with Hina. The movie credits are shown but the story does not end here, between credits there is a scene where Natsuki and Yu invites Kotaro and Hina for a double date. It was that time after an argue regarding brother sister love complex he confesses his love to her and she stops running. And then in response saying “I know”. In which confusing him. Then when Natsuki and Yu question why they're so slow then comments on how red he looks. Hina runs along with", "id": "4756092" }, { "contents": "Net asset value\n\n\nhave been given 250,000 shares and would become entitled to 1/5 of the fund's value. In contrast, closed-end funds are traded in the open market between investors and so the price of shares or interests in a closed-end fund will be whatever the parties agree it to be, which may not correspond to the fund's NAV. Publicly traded shares in such funds generally trade at a price below NAV. The NAV of a collective investment scheme (such as a U.S. mutual fund or a hedge fund) is", "id": "5966160" }, { "contents": "Nine Queens\n\n\nbuy the stamps if he also gets to sleep with Marcos' sister Valeria (Leticia Brédice), a hotel employee. Valeria's price is that Marcos must confess to their younger brother Federico (Tomás Fonzi) how Marcos cheated him out of their family inheritance in Italy. Gandolfo pays for the stamps with a certified check. However, the bank crashes the next morning, making the check worthless. It appears that Juan and Marcos are both ruined. In the final scene, Juan goes to a warehouse, where he greets", "id": "13476429" }, { "contents": "Edward Akroyd\n\n\nvery prosperous. At Haley Hill, not far from his mills, he extended a large mansion, Bankfield, and then went to live there. Akroyd was well read and concerned about the fortunes of Halifax and the terrible social conditions that grew out of the industrial revolution. He funded and supported a local allotment society and many institutions for the working classes, a school for child labourers, a workers' pension scheme, several churches (he was a staunch Anglican) and a cemetery. He founded a Working Men's College", "id": "20918872" }, { "contents": "Rua 25 de Março\n\n\n\"Oriental Mall\") and the most famous Galeria Pagé (\"Pagé Gallery\") and at the streets you can find a lot of stores with a miscellaneous kind of products, including tennis shoes, toys, packaging, jewelry, bags, and stationery. Most of these stores sells only in bulk and low prices, so many stores owners from far districts or other cities come to this place to buy goods for resale. Also end user consumer can buy goods, but at higher prices. Brazil taxes on electronics are", "id": "21245138" }, { "contents": "Herbert Akroyd Stuart\n\n\nPatent Oil Engine\" under licence and were first sold commercially on 8 July 1892. It was the first internal combustion engine to use a pressurised fuel injection system. The Hornsby-Akroyd engine used a comparatively low compression ratio, so that the temperature of the air compressed in the combustion chamber at the end of the compression stroke was not high enough to initiate combustion. Combustion instead took place in a separated combustion chamber, the \"vaporizer\" (also called the \"hot bulb\") mounted on the cylinder head, into", "id": "8428794" }, { "contents": "Tasmanian Devils (film)\n\n\npart of the movie, Alex reveals that her younger brother died falling from a high tree and that's why she is afraid of heights. In the end, Jayne and Alex share a kiss and survive. SyFy officially announced plans to film \"Tasmanian Devils\" on October 18, 2011, and a week later confirmed that Danica McKellar would be cast as the movie's lead character. Lipovsky was brought on as the film's director, which would later prompt WWE Studios to hire him to direct \"\" based on his", "id": "19425416" }, { "contents": "Inet\n\n\nInet was an electronic trading platform based on a system developed by Instinet in the 1970s that merged with Island ECN in 2002 and was subsequently acquired by NASDAQ in 2005. Inet, like other electronic communication networks, was an order-pairing system that give brokerage firms the power to electronically track and match reciprocal buy and sell orders at the same limit price and lot size. An efficient and reliable system that reduced costs to both brokerage firms and investors and facilitate high speed pairings of buy and sell orders. The Inet name continues", "id": "6479502" }, { "contents": "Great Recoinage of 1816\n\n\nan increase in trade, the national debt had increased by 100% by the start of the 19th century. A series of bad harvests pushed up food prices and this culminated in riots in 1801–2. Corn prices halved at the end of the wars, when trade with Europe resumed. The Corn Laws of 1815 were intended to protect the price of domestic grain, but this only served to keep prices high and depressed the domestic market for manufactured goods, because people had to use all their money to buy food. Likewise,", "id": "12739967" }, { "contents": "Implementation shortfall\n\n\nthe stock, as is often the case with fund managers (decision makers) and brokers (trade executors), you can see why both are used. From the fund manager's point of view, his decision to trade is often based on the closing price of the day's trading (along with the entire history of the stock and other signals/indicators). When he decides to buy a particular stock the next day, it is because he believes that the price will go up from that closing price. Thus", "id": "12856615" }, { "contents": "Free trade\n\n\ndiversion. It is economically efficient for a good to be produced by the country which is the lowest cost producer, but this does not always take place if a high cost producer has a free trade agreement while the low cost producer faces a high tariff. Applying free trade to the high cost producer and not the low cost producer as well can lead to trade diversion and a net economic loss. This is why many economists place such high importance on negotiations for global tariff reductions, such as the Doha Round. The literature", "id": "14133587" }, { "contents": "Layering (finance)\n\n\nsell orders for the security at successively lower prices as the best ask price falls (to increase the appearance of selling interest). After the price has fallen sufficiently, the trader makes a real trade, buying the stock at the now lower best ask price, and cancels all the sell orders. It is considered a form of stock market manipulation. In 2011 British regulators fined Swift Trade £8 million for using the technique and the firm went out of business. The case drew a lot of attention as Swift Trade was", "id": "19051091" }, { "contents": "The Ruins (film)\n\n\nit can be, it also really gives you a good sense of how an audience feels about an ending. Our final decision was informed by what audiences found the most satisfying after watching a really punishing film. I love the ending of the book, but if the movie had ended the same way, the audience would have wanted to kill themselves.\" The shooting of this film took place in Queensland, Australia. According to \"The Miami Herald\", \"Smith was two-thirds done with the book when Ben", "id": "20248451" }, { "contents": "Automated trading system\n\n\nan option and theoretical buy and sell prices. The theoretical buy and sell prices are derived from, among other things, the current market price of the security underlying the option. A look-up table stores a range of theoretical buy and sell prices for a given range of current market price of the underlying security. Accordingly, as the price of the underlying security changes, a new theoretical price may be indexed in the look-up table, thereby avoiding calculations that would otherwise slow automated trading decisions. A distributed processing", "id": "5050480" }, { "contents": "Mate Ta Love Helare\n\n\nMafia don Bhalu Bhai and his brother King. And the story of \"Mate Ta Love Helare\" moves around how Akash comes out of the trap and punish the don and how he gets his love. The movie was made on a very high budget and was technically a very well made movie. Though the movie had a lot of graphics and could attract youth but still since the movie was released in an off season (at the time of exams) the film could not do the kind of business as it was expected", "id": "10039468" }, { "contents": "Layering (finance)\n\n\nLayering is a strategy in high-frequency trading where a trader makes and then cancels orders that they never intend to have executed in hopes of influencing the stock price. For instance, to buy stock at a lower price, the trader initially places orders to sell at or below the market ask price. This may cause the market's best ask price to fall as other market participants lower their asking prices because they perceive selling pressure as they see the sell orders being entered on the order book. The trader may place subsequent", "id": "19051090" }, { "contents": "Carbon emission trading\n\n\nto reinforce technological lock-in. For instance, small cuts may often be achieved cheaply through investment in making a technology more efficient, where larger cuts would require scrapping the technology and using a different one. They also argue that emissions trading is undermining alternative approaches to pollution control with which it does not combine well, and so the overall effect it is having is to actually stall significant change to less polluting technologies. In September 2010, campaigning group FERN released \"Trading Carbon: How it works and why it is controversial", "id": "16338941" }, { "contents": "Emissions trading\n\n\nhave no obligations) may also trade permits and financial derivatives of permits. In some schemes, participants can bank allowances to use in future periods. In some schemes, a proportion of all traded permits must be retired periodically, causing a net reduction in emissions over time. Thus, environmental groups may buy and retire permits, driving up the price of the remaining permits according to the law of demand. In most schemes, permit owners can donate permits to a nonprofit entity and receive a tax deduction. Usually, the government", "id": "16439285" }, { "contents": "Digital goods auction\n\n\nlow, many people will buy but the total revenue will be low. The optimal price of the movie depends on the \"valuations\" of the potential consumers - how much each consumer is willing to pay to buy a movie. If the valuations of all potential consumers are known, then the company faces a simple optimization problem - selecting the price that maximizes the profit. For concreteness, suppose there is a set formula_1 of consumers and that they are ordered by their valuation, so that the consumer with the highest valuation (", "id": "15404685" }, { "contents": "Prices of production\n\n\nsuccessive adjustments in the trading process, \"naturally\" converge on price levels at which sellers could cover their costs and make a normal profit, while buyers could afford to buy products; with the effect, that relative labour requirements would be genuinely proportional to relative prices. Yet classical political economy provided no credible theory of how this process could actually occur. Since it confused and conflated the value of labour power with the price of labour, commodity values with their production prices, and surplus value with profit, i.e. because it mixed", "id": "18719307" }, { "contents": "Audie Murphy\n\n\n. Cagney and his brother William signed him as a contract player for their production company and gave him training in acting, voice and dance. They never cast Murphy in a movie and a personal disagreement ended the association in 1947. Murphy later worked with acting coach Estelle Harman, and honed his diction by reciting dialogue from William Shakespeare and William Saroyan. Murphy moved into Terry Hunt's Athletic Club in Hollywood where he lived until 1948. Hollywood writer David \"Spec\" McClure befriended Murphy, collaborating with him on Murphy's 1949", "id": "5415488" }, { "contents": "Antarctica (1983 film)\n\n\nbut are surprised to discover that eight others have broken loose. To everyone's surprise, they are greeted warmly at the base by Taro and Jiro, brothers who were born in Antarctica. It is still unknown how and why they survived because an average husky can only live in such conditions for about one month. In the movie, the director used the data available, together with his imagination, to reconstruct how the dogs struggled with the elements and survived. The film took over three years to make. It was filmed", "id": "15834393" }, { "contents": "Black Friday (1869)\n\n\nto form for suggesting such an unconventional idea. After being warned that the idea violated New York State criminal conspiracy law, Gould, Fisk and their associates chose another approach: On Friday, they would bull the price of gold to an even higher price by buying large amounts of gold at the current high price and selling even higher. The idea that their plan could bankrupt innocent men and ruin the standing of the nation in world credit markets never entered the conversation. Fisk, however, saw the flaw to this alternative approach", "id": "14575487" }, { "contents": "Terminating deposit\n\n\n, ballot winners would normally have enough funds saved to cover the 40% contribution to buy a house with the other 60% coming from the interest free mortgage. As originally established some depositors would never receive a mortgage (win a ballot) i.e. the number of ballots over the life of the scheme was less than the number of depositors. So why would anyone join a scheme where you might make deposits for 20–25 years and never receive interest on them and simply get the amount you had saved back at the end of the", "id": "4141848" }, { "contents": "Corn Laws\n\n\nbusiness is ruined, and general distress is spread through the country. But when, as now, the working man has the said 25\"s\" left in his pocket, he buys more clothing with it (ay, and other articles of comfort too), and that increases the demand for them, and the greater the demand ... makes them rise in price, and the rising price enables the working man to get higher wages and the masters better profits. This, therefore, is the way I prove that high provisions make", "id": "7407341" }, { "contents": "Ryan Murphy (writer)\n\n\n. During a 2012 interview on \"Inside the Actors Studio\", Murphy claimed that he secretly dated \"a lot of football players\" in high school. He performed with a choir as a child, which would later inform his work on \"Glee\". Murphy attended Indiana University Bloomington, where he majored in journalism. Murphy started as a journalist working for \"The Miami Herald\", \"Los Angeles Times\", \"New York Daily News\", \"Knoxville News Sentinel\" and \"Entertainment Weekly\". He", "id": "18388389" }, { "contents": "Joe Akroyd\n\n\nin the manufacture and design of the Denton, Linton, Melton, Triton, Doredale loudspeakers. During the mid-1970s Joe Akroyd joined Decca, in their newly reorganized Speaker department. However in 1979, Racal bought Decca, at which point Joe Akroyd left to set up Royd Audio. Joe Akroyd closed Royd Audio in 2004 so as to retire. After two protracted a long failed buy out negotiations, the remaining stock and parts was bought by Phonography, however no more Royd Speakers were built. The most famous and successful loudspeaker Joe", "id": "17447859" }, { "contents": "Kyle Singler\n\n\nwant to get stronger and quicker, and I want to work on learning how to play the game. I’m at a great place for that. In January 2009 he had a career-high 16 rebounds against Georgetown, a game in which Duke won 76-67. Singler ended the 2009 season as the top scorer for Duke. At the end of the season Singler was averaging a team high 16.5 points per game in 37 games played. In February 2010 Singler scored a career-high 30 points against Georgia Tech", "id": "7592730" }, { "contents": "Ekaant\n\n\nthis fate on the town. It is also held responsible for the slow but steady eroding of the nearby village of Malingi and the reason why every alternate generation of the ruling Mysore family has not had a male heir. How much is true? The astonishment of why some places lie abandoned and in ruins does not get more perplexing than this. Off the Konkan coast of Maharastra lies the impregnable, unassailable and unconquered fort of Janjira. A fascinating history that begins with a pirate keep from which the Ethiopians carved out a stone", "id": "15023226" }, { "contents": "How to Eat with Your Butt\n\n\nmovie, and talking to Jimmy for his stand-up routines. When all else fails, Cartman is shown in his room holding a pistol. He writes a letter to his mother, explaining that he cannot face his friends without a sense of humor, places the gun in his mouth, and takes a bite, revealing that the gun is made of chocolate. He then asks his mother to buy him more chocolate guns (with marshmallow filling, as he does not like peanut butter). At the end of", "id": "11881440" }, { "contents": "Electronic Road Pricing\n\n\na corridor congestion pricing scheme called Salik which works on similar principles. Since January 2008, Milan introduced a traffic charge scheme as a one-year trial, called Ecopass, and exempts high emission standard vehicles and some alternate fuel vehicles. Similar system is expected to be operational on selected roads in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia by early 2019 In other cities, similar systems have failed to see the green light for various reasons. For example, Hong Kong first conducted a pilot test on its Electronic Road Pricing system between 1983", "id": "13419612" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Rosenbaum\n\n\nRosenbaum followed Dave Kehr as the main film critic for \"Chicago Reader\" until 2008. He is the author of many books on film, including \"Film: The Front Line 1983\" (1983), \"Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism\" (1995), \"Moving Places: A Life at the Movies\" (1980; reprint 1995), \"Movies as Politics\" (1997) and \"Essential Cinema\" (2004). His most popular work is \"Movie Wars: How Hollywood and", "id": "5332321" }, { "contents": "William Duke (colonial governor)\n\n\nmember of the Council of India. Duke joined a study group of India Office members and the Round Table Group founded by Lionel George Curtis which had a lot of influence on Indian constitutional reforms, In this capacity he formulated the \"Duke Memorandum\" in which he devised a practical scheme of reforms relating to how the Indians could implement responsible government by means of dyarchy Duke's long experience in India had lent authority to the Round table reform schemes and his memorandum formed the basis of the Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms and the subsequent Government", "id": "21107766" }, { "contents": "New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme\n\n\nthe Government has suggested that they will be extended in the event that major trading partners such as the USA and Australia do not implement emissions trading schemes of their own before then. During the transition period participants in energy, fossil fuels and industry will only need to surrender one NZU for two tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. Free allocation of units to energy-intensive and trade-exposed activities will also be halved. Secondly, participants may pay a fixed price of NZ$25 instead of buying and surrendering units. This measure means", "id": "5548695" }, { "contents": "Olympus scandal\n\n\ntrading was halted as its price hit the upper limit for price falls. On 14 and 15 November, after the threat of delisting ebbed, trading in its shares was once again halted when buy orders heavily outnumbered sell orders; the price rose by the upper limit of ¥100. Trading only took place after hours as there was a glut of unsatisfied buy orders. The share price rose in four straight trading sessions, reaching 834 yen at one point on 16 November. Many long-time employees of Olympus Corp were shocked", "id": "5374461" }, { "contents": "Price action trading\n\n\nAn 'ii' is an inside pattern - 2 consecutive inside bars. An 'iii' is 3 in a row. Most often these are small bars. Price action traders who are unsure of market direction but sure of further movement - an opinion gleaned from other price action - would place an entry to buy above an ii or an iii and simultaneously an entry to sell below it, and would look for the market to break out of the price range of the pattern. Whichever order is executed, the other order", "id": "16533736" }, { "contents": "Mount St. Peter Church\n\n\ntile, sold the tiles for a lot cheaper than normal price. He felt that it would not be fair to take advantage of a church by charging high prices. Another man who helped save the parish money in the constructing of the school was parishioner Luigi Valle. He advised the workers on how to set the tiles for many days while refusing to be paid for his services. Valle died in his early 40s, before the tile laying was completed. His place was taken by Bruno Regoli and two of his sons,", "id": "14948430" }, { "contents": "High-frequency trading\n\n\nproposed curtailing or banning HFT due to concerns about volatility. High-frequency trading has taken place at least since the 1930s, mostly in the form of specialists and pit traders buying and selling positions at the physical location of the exchange, with high-speed telegraph service to other exchanges. The rapid-fire computer-based HFT developed gradually since 1983 after NASDAQ introduced a purely electronic form of trading. At the turn of the 21st century, HFT trades had an execution time of several seconds, whereas by 2010 this had", "id": "15509705" } ]
What causes the trail behind jets at high altitude?
[{"answer": "It is water vapor and ice. They are produced from the hot engine exhaust in the cold atmosphere. Water vapor from the engine exhaust mixed with unburnt particulate in the jet fuel gives the surrounding moist air something to latch onto and ice crystals form. Depending on the hight of the aircraft, they can last seconds to hours. If you have seen a running car on a brisk morning, that is a similar effect. The car is too close to the relatively warmer ground that trails do not last for more than a second."}, {"answer": "awwww man, I'm disappointed. I came to this thread looking to read [and laugh at] some tinfoil hat chemtrail craziness. I cant believe I'm going to say this, but: Reddit you are far too reasonable"}, {"answer": "You are both right. In moist air the compression and expansion of air around the wings can form a temporary cloud [like this]( URL_0 ). However, what you see that lasts in the sky as a contrail is water vapor byproducts of the fuel combustion."}, {"answer": "Jets passing over typically are flying at altitudes where temperatures are fairly low - -40C. At this temperature, in clear air, there isn't a lot of water vapor (humidity) in the air. A jet engine takes this air in and uses it to burn fuel, which it pushes out of its exhaust. The fuel burns to mostly carbon dioxide and water. The air exiting the engine now has considerable water vapor in it. The exiting air mixes with the surrounding air, dropping its temperature rapidly. When hot, this air could hold a lot of water vapor. After cooling, it can't. The water vapor, which is clear, has to go somewhere, and where it goes is into ice or water droplets. These are no longer invisible, but reflect light, and appear white. There's a little more than that, in that the jet engine doesn't really burn the fuel perfectly, so some stuff is left over other than carbon dioxide and water - partly burned fuel. This makes particles that are needed to start the water vapor on its way to becoming liquid water or ice. These particles are called seeds."}, {"answer": "Jets leave white trails, or contrails, in their wakes for the same reason you can sometimes see your breath. The hot, humid exhaust from jet engines mixes with the atmosphere, which at high altitude is of much lower vapor pressure and temperature than the exhaust gas."}, {"answer": "Your teacher's explanation can also be right (in addition to exhaust-based explanations given already). As I'm sure you learned in class, pressure and temperature are related. Wings work because they create a low pressure area on top and a high pressure area on bottom -- the wing is essentially sucked upwards. Since the air pressure around the wing is changing so drastically (and complicated things happen to the air after the wing has traveled through it) you can have a reasonably large change in temperature of the air that is at low pressure. If the temperature of air changes, it also changes the amount of water vapor that can possibly be mixed in the air -- so if the temperature drops enough, some of the water vapor can condense out into either liquid water droplets or ice crystals."}, {"answer": "Fuel and Oxygen mix and burn in the engines and produce water and carbon dioxide. The water condenses and forms the trail."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "47525", "title": "Contrail", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 211, "bleu_score": 0.6031227121338508}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "525519", "title": "Chemtrail conspiracy theory", "section": "Section::::Contrails.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 30, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 30, "end_character": 522, "bleu_score": 0.9697770291819574}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "47525", "title": "Contrail", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 213, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 732, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Contrail\n\n\nengine exhaust are seen at high altitude, directly behind each engine. By contrast, the visible cores of wingtip vortices are usually seen only at low altitude where the aircraft is travelling slowly after takeoff or before landing, and where the ambient humidity is higher. They trail behind the wingtips and wing flaps rather than behind the engines. At high-thrust settings the fan blades at the intake of a turbofan engine reach transonic speeds, causing a sudden drop in air pressure. This creates the condensation fog (inside the intake)", "id": "3351997" }, { "contents": "Fairey Delta 2\n\n\nintense desire to advance the performance of their aircraft; in particular, the service sought new fighter aircraft that would be capable of routinely flying at very high speeds and high altitudes as a long term replacement for its existing inventory of roughly 700 first-generation jet fighters. At the time, there was a perception that Britain was trailing behind in supersonic aircraft design, and there was pressure to correct this. Events such as the Korean War and rapid advances in the fields of supersonic aerodynamics, structures and aero engines by the British", "id": "10390345" }, { "contents": "Contrail\n\n\nContrails (; short for \"condensation trails\") are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust or changes in air pressure, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth's surface. Contrails are composed primarily of water, in the form of ice crystals. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures that exist at high altitudes allows the formation of the trails. Impurities in the engine exhaust from the fuel, including sulfur compounds (0.05% by weight in jet fuel) provide", "id": "3351990" }, { "contents": "Jet stream\n\n\ncauses surface low pressure and higher pressure at altitude. At high latitudes, lack of friction allows air to respond freely to the steep pressure gradient with low pressure at high altitude over the pole. This results in the formation of planetary wind circulations that experience a strong Coriolis deflection and thus can be considered 'quasi-geostrophic'. The polar front jet stream is closely linked to the frontogenesis process in midlatitudes, as the acceleration/deceleration of the air flow induces areas of low/high pressure respectively, which link to the", "id": "16599715" }, { "contents": "XXI Bomber Command\n\n\n, it was hoped, cause general conflagrations in large cities like Tokyo or Nagoya, spreading to some of the priority targets. In addition, LeMay had concluded that the effects of the jet stream, cloud cover, and high operating altitudes were to blame for the failure of the B-29 raids to do any significant damage to the Japanese war industry. The initial raids against Japan had taken place at high altitudes in order to stay above anti-aircraft fire and the effective altitude of defending fighters. LeMay suggested that high-altitude", "id": "3719133" }, { "contents": "Cold drop\n\n\nthe meteorological phenomenon associated. In Spain, it appears when a front of very cold polar air, a jet stream, advances slowly over Western Europe, at high altitude (normally 5–9 km or 3–5.5 mi). This phenomenon is equally apparent near the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Colombian Caribbean, with peaks surpassing 5 km of altitude. If a sudden cut off in the stream takes place, caused by various reasons, like the effect of the high pressures, a pocket of cold air detaches from the main jet", "id": "17599615" }, { "contents": "Trailing cone\n\n\nTrailing cones (or trailing wires as they are often incorrectly called or trailing static cones), were first developed and tested in the 1950s and 1960s as a simple means of calibrating the static pressure (altitude reporting) error of an aircraft's pitot-static system. It does this by giving an accurate measurement of the ambient atmospheric pressure (static pressure) well clear of the aircraft's fuselage. The trailing cone system trails at least one fuselage length behind the aircraft (SpaceAge Control) via a high-strength pressure tube", "id": "7619743" }, { "contents": "Stall (fluid dynamics)\n\n\naccident involving a low-altitude turning flight stall is the 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash. Dynamic stall is a non-linear unsteady aerodynamic effect that occurs when airfoils rapidly change the angle of attack. The rapid change can cause a strong vortex to be shed from the leading edge of the aerofoil, and travel backwards above the wing. The vortex, containing high-velocity airflows, briefly increases the lift produced by the wing. As soon as it passes behind the trailing edge, however, the lift reduces dramatically", "id": "3265504" }, { "contents": "Stepped nozzle\n\n\nA stepped nozzle is a de Laval rocket nozzle which has altitude compensating properties. The characteristic of this kind of nozzle is that part of the way along the inside of the nozzle there is a straightening of the curve of the nozzle contour, followed by a sharp step outwards. At low altitude, this causes the jet to separate at the step and ambient pressure maintains the jet at this place, avoiding jet instabilities and avoiding massive overexpansion. As the altitude rises, the jet becomes progressively under-expanded and grows until it", "id": "15882674" }, { "contents": "Curtis LeMay\n\n\n. He became convinced that high-altitude precision bombing would be ineffective, given the usually cloudy weather over Japan. Furthermore, bombs dropped from the B-29s at high altitude (above ) were often blown off of their trajectories by a consistently powerful jet stream over the Japanese home islands, which dramatically reduced the effectiveness of the high-altitude raids. Because Japanese air defenses made daytime bombing below jet stream-affected altitudes too perilous, LeMay finally switched to low-altitude nighttime incendiary attacks on Japanese targets, a tactic senior commanders", "id": "18072626" }, { "contents": "Westland Welkin\n\n\nstall, any increase causing a shock-stall due to the aircraft's limiting critical Mach number. This reduction of the speed envelope is a problem common to all subsonic, high altitude designs and also occurred with the later Lockheed U-2. When W.E.W. Petter came to design his next high-altitude aircraft, the English Electric Canberra jet bomber, the required wing area was distinguished by noticeably short wings, with thickness-to-chord ratio (t/c) at the root of 12%, a t/c ratio", "id": "9128928" }, { "contents": "Contrail\n\n\nThe tests were performed by flying a DC-8 at cruising altitude with a sample-gathering aircraft flying in trail. In these samples, the contrail-producing soot particle count was reduced by 50 to 70 percent, using a 50% blend of conventional Jet A1 fuel and HEFA (hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids) biofuel produced from camelina. As a wing generates lift, it causes a vortex to form at the wingtip, and at the tip of the flap when deployed (wingtips and flap-boundaries are discontinuities in airflow.", "id": "3351995" }, { "contents": "Bird strike\n\n\nof the vehicle such as a wing leading edge, nose cone, jet engine cowling or engine inlet. Jet engine ingestion is extremely serious due to the rotation speed of the engine fan and engine design. As the bird strikes a fan blade, that blade can be displaced into another blade and so forth, causing a cascading failure. Jet engines are particularly vulnerable during the takeoff phase when the engine is turning at a very high speed and the plane is at a low altitude where birds are more commonly found. The force", "id": "19181497" }, { "contents": "Air turborocket\n\n\nwith the air from the compressor before exhausting through a convergent-divergent propelling nozzle. Once a jet engine goes high enough in an atmosphere, there is insufficient oxygen to burn the jet fuel. The idea behind a turborocket is to supplement the atmospheric oxygen with an onboard supply. This allows operation at a much higher altitude than a normal engine would allow. The turborocket design offers a mixture of benefits with drawbacks. It is not a true rocket, so it cannot operate in space. Cooling the engine is not a", "id": "82252" }, { "contents": "Clear-air turbulence\n\n\nClear-air turbulence (CAT) is the turbulent movement of air masses in the absence of any visual clues, such as clouds, and is caused when bodies of air moving at widely different speeds meet. The atmospheric region most susceptible to CAT is the high troposphere at altitudes of around as it meets the tropopause. Here CAT is most frequently encountered in the regions of jet streams. At lower altitudes it may also occur near mountain ranges. Thin cirrus clouds can also indicate high probability of CAT. CAT can be hazardous", "id": "20694080" }, { "contents": "Twentieth Air Force\n\n\nthe target at altitudes of 27–32,000 feet. For the first time, the B-29 encountered the jet stream, which was a high-speed wind coming out of the west at speeds as high as 200 mph at precisely the altitudes at which the bombers were operating. This caused the bomber formations to be disrupted and made accurate bombing impossible. Concerned about the relative failure of the B-29 offensive to deal any crippling blows to Japan, General LeMay issued a new directive on 19 February. General LeMay had analyzed the structure of the Japanese", "id": "574728" }, { "contents": "Supersonic transport\n\n\n-sectional area and, thereby, nacelle drag. Unfortunately this implies a high jet velocity, which makes the engines noisy which causes problems particularly at low speeds/altitudes and at take-off. Therefore, a future SST might well benefit from a variable cycle engine, where the specific thrust (and therefore jet velocity and noise) is low at take-off, but is forced high during supersonic cruise. Transition between the two modes would occur at some point during the climb and back again during the descent (to", "id": "2856436" }, { "contents": "S-75 Dvina\n\n\n(AAA), including radar-directed batteries, the limitations of guns versus high-altitude jet bombers were obvious. Therefore, the Soviet Air Defence Forces began the development of missile systems to replace the World War II-vintage gun defences. In 1953, KB-2 began the development of what became the S-75 under the direction of Pyotr Grushin. This program focused on producing a missile which could bring down a large, non-maneuvering, high-altitude aircraft. As such it did not need to be highly maneuverable,", "id": "18995632" }, { "contents": "Blohm & Voss P 198\n\n\nThe Blohm & Voss P 198 was a design project during World war II for a single-seat high-altitude jet fighter. The P 198 was of relatively conservative design for Blohm & Voss, being of conventional layout with a straight, unswept wing set low on a shallow fuselage, beneath which was faired in a single, large BMW 018 jet engine. The nose had room for a radar installation above the engine intake, with the cockpit set immediately behind and above the retracting nosewheel of the tricycle landing gear. The", "id": "5523419" }, { "contents": "Caproni Campini Ca.183bis\n\n\nThe Caproni-Campini Ca.183bis was an Italian projected high-altitude fighter intended to have both piston and jet propulsion. The Ca.183bis was intended to have a Daimler-Benz DB 605 in the nose driving a six-bladed contra-rotating propeller, augmented by a secondary piston engine behind the cockpit driving a Campini compressor, expected to furnish a boost from jet thrust for an optimistic maximum speed of with a range of . One 20 mm or 30 mm cannon was to be in the propeller hub with four more 20 mm cannon", "id": "7526863" }, { "contents": "Atmosphere of Venus\n\n\nnearby latitudes. The lower temperature is probably caused by the upwelling of the air in them and by the resulting adiabatic cooling. Such an interpretation is supported by the denser and higher clouds in the collars. The clouds lie at 70–72 km altitude in the collars—about 5 km higher than at the poles and low latitudes. A connection may exist between the cold collars and high speed midlatitude jets in which winds blow as fast as 140 m/s. Such jets are a natural consequence of the Hadley–type circulation and", "id": "12364123" }, { "contents": "Business jet\n\n\nrange, with a $(13.05+13.8+16.57+16.65)/4round1M mean price. Super mid-size jets feature wide-body cabin space, high-altitude capability, speed, and long range. These jets combine transatlantic capability with the speed and comfort of a wide-body, high-altitude aircraft. Aircraft of this class include: They typically accommodate 10–11 passengers over a (3063+3125+3370+3600+3250)/5round0 nmi average range, with a $(17.9+20+23.4+24.5+", "id": "12781619" }, { "contents": "Octopus\n\n\nhead is at the front and the siphon is pointed backwards, but when jetting, the visceral hump leads, the siphon points towards the head and the arms trail behind, with the animal presenting a fusiform appearance. In an alternative method of swimming, some species flatten themselves dorso-ventrally, and swim with the arms held out sideways, and this may provide lift and be faster than normal swimming. Jetting is used to escape from danger, but is physiologically inefficient, requiring a mantle pressure so high as to stop the", "id": "2763469" }, { "contents": "Wing loading\n\n\ntighter turns at high altitude than contemporary jet fighters, while the slightly later Hawker Hunter had a similar wing loading of . The Boeing 367-80 airliner prototype could be rolled at low altitudes with a wing loading of at maximum weight. Like any body in circular motion, an aircraft that is fast and strong enough to maintain level flight at speed \"v\" in a circle of radius \"R\" accelerates towards the center at formula_5. That acceleration is caused by the inward horizontal component of the lift, formula_6, where", "id": "20358568" }, { "contents": "Douglas DC-8\n\n\n1950s. When de Havilland flew the first jet airliner, the Comet, in 1949, Douglas felt no need to rush into anything new. De Havilland's pioneering Comet entered airline service in 1952. Initially it was a success, but it was grounded after several fatal crashes in 1953 and 1954. The cause of the Comet crashes had nothing to do with jet engines; it was a rapid metal fatigue failure in corners of the near-square windows brought on from cycling cabin pressures in flight to high altitudes and back.", "id": "15106260" }, { "contents": "Lee wave\n\n\n-flight separation of an engine on an Evergreen International Airlines Boeing 747 cargo jet near Anchorage, Alaska in 1993. The rising air of the wave, which allows gliders to climb to great heights, can also result in high altitude upset in jet aircraft trying to maintain level cruising flight in lee waves. Rising, descending or turbulent air in or above the lee waves can cause overspeed or stall, resulting in mach tuck and loss of control, especially when the aircraft is operated near the \"coffin corner\". There are", "id": "3961682" }, { "contents": "Operation Hardtack I\n\n\nthe explosion and what forms of energy they would produce. Yucca was the name of the first high-altitude test and it was performed near the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The other two high-altitude tests, Orange and Teak, were performed near the Johnston Atoll in the South Pacific Ocean about 1,300 kilometers southwest of the Hawaiian Islands. There was some uncertainty on whether detonating a nuclear weapon at such high altitudes would cause a hole in the ozone layer. After multiple underwater tests there was evidence to show the", "id": "7055309" }, { "contents": "Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact\n\n\nsettings but modern engines are designed so that no smoke is produced at any point in the flight. Unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) are products of incomplete combustion of fuel and are produced in greater quantities in engines with low pressure gains in the compressors and/or relatively low temperatures in the combustor. As with particulates, UHC has all but been eliminated in modern jet engines through improved design and technology. Aircraft flying at high altitude form condensation trails or contrails in the exhaust plume of their engines. While in the Troposphere these have very little", "id": "7427275" }, { "contents": "Jet engine\n\n\nHowever some definitions treat it as a form of jet propulsion. Because rockets do not breathe air, this allows them to operate at arbitrary altitudes and in space. This type of engine is used for launching satellites, space exploration and manned access, and permitted landing on the moon in 1969. Rocket engines are used for high altitude flights, or anywhere where very high accelerations are needed since rocket engines themselves have a very high thrust-to-weight ratio. However, the high exhaust speed and the heavier, oxidizer-", "id": "15933108" }, { "contents": "Airway (aviation)\n\n\naeronautical charts, and en route low altitude charts and are designated with the prefix \"V\" (pronounced \"victor\", hence, \"victor airways\"). High altitude airways (from MSL to FL450) based on VOR stations are called jet routes; they appear on high altitude charts (that usually don't show topography, as the low altitude charts do) and are prefixed by the letter \"J\". VOR-based routes are depicted in black on low and high altitude charts produced by the FAA's", "id": "1875725" }, { "contents": "Klimov RD-33\n\n\ncritical cross section in the Laval type nozzle. The reason was the control of the jet blast contour at high altitude, low ambient air pressure, where the exhaust gases over expanding after the exhaust section. Right after the first few example and the first few MiG-29 prototype models, this difficult control system was removed, due to the operational altitude limit of the upcoming fighter. The first few series of the basic RD-33 version had some issue with the oil system, where a leakage caused a series of problems for the test pilots", "id": "18056823" }, { "contents": "History of aviation medicine\n\n\nIn the history of aviation, the history of aviation medicine began largely after World War I, when aircraft needed to fly to higher altitudes, and had enclosed canopies. In the jet era, aircraft became pressurised so rapid decompression became a hazard leading to passing out; had high g-forces which lead to G-LOC; and ejection seats caused impedance to pilots' health. Much of the adverse health effects in aviation are caused by rapid changes in atmospheric pressure, such as causing decompression sickness. Paul Bert (1833", "id": "18220714" }, { "contents": "Syrian Air Force\n\n\npilots spend most of their flying time at low to medium altitude where battlefield threats are more potent. Based on the aircraft type, Syrian pilots use different attack techniques for unguided munitions. L-39s attack in a dive, fast jets usually attacked in a low to medium altitude bombing run at high speed, firing thermal decoy flares against IR homing missiles and zooming after the attack. Later, fast jets added rocket and gun diving attacks. Helicopters were seen flying at unusually high altitudes which minimized their accuracy and increased collateral damage, but", "id": "9419530" }, { "contents": "Anne Burns\n\n\nfor this work. She became an expert on clear-air turbulence due to \"wind-shear\", caused by different air movement (wind) at altitudes close to each other, such as at the edge of a high-level \"jet stream\". Some of her research into turbulent air was conducted in a Fournier RF-4. In 1963 she was awarded a second Queen's Commendation, this time for her flights in an English Electric Canberra carrying out low- and high-level-gust research. Some of the", "id": "18259973" }, { "contents": "Phoenix Lights\n\n\n. According to Stanley, the lights were quite clearly individual airplanes; a companion who was with him recalled asking Stanley at the time what the lights were, and he said, \"Planes\". When Stanley first gave an account of his observation at the Discovery Channel Town Hall Meeting with all the witnesses there he was shouted down in his assertion that what he saw was what other witnesses saw. Obviously Stanley was seeing the Maryland National Guard jets flying in formation on their way to drop high-altitude flares at the Barry", "id": "13462052" }, { "contents": "Subsonic aircraft\n\n\naltitude general aviation planes typically have aspect ratios of six or seven; airliners of 12 or more; and high-performance sailplanes of 30 or more. At speeds above the critical Mach number, the airflow begins to become transonic, with local airflow in some places causing small sonic shock waves to form. This soon leads to the shock stall, causing a rapid increase in drag. The wings of fast subsonic craft such as jet airliners tend to be swept in order to delay the onset of these shock waves. In theory", "id": "13888639" }, { "contents": "Mushroom cloud\n\n\nfrom a rapid pressure drop to mark the tracks of electrically charged subatomic particles. Analysts of later nuclear bomb tests used the more general term \"condensation cloud\" in preference to \"Wilson cloud\". The same kind of condensation is sometimes seen above the wings of jet aircraft at low altitude in high-humidity conditions. The top of a wing is a curved surface. The curvature (and increased air velocity) causes a reduction in air pressure, as given by Bernoulli's Law. This reduction in air pressure causes cooling", "id": "18576104" }, { "contents": "Jet engine\n\n\nroles such as cargo flights. The efficiency of turbojet engines was still rather worse than piston engines, but by the 1970s, with the advent of high-bypass turbofan jet engines (an innovation not foreseen by the early commentators such as Edgar Buckingham, at high speeds and high altitudes that seemed absurd to them), fuel efficiency was about the same as the best piston and propeller engines. Jet engines power jet aircraft, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. In the form of rocket engines they power fireworks, model rocketry", "id": "15933099" }, { "contents": "Rocket engine nozzle\n\n\nat one altitude, losing efficiency and wasting fuel at other altitudes. Just past the throat, the pressure of the gas is higher than ambient pressure and needs to be lowered between the throat and the nozzle exit by expansion. If the pressure of the jet leaving the nozzle exit is still above ambient pressure, then a nozzle is said to be \"underexpanded\"; if the jet is below ambient pressure, then it is \"overexpanded\". Slight overexpansion causes a slight reduction in efficiency, but otherwise does little harm.", "id": "5824502" }, { "contents": "Incendiary balloon\n\n\nBritish Operation Outward launched some 99,142 balloons at Germany, 53,543 of which were carrying incendiaries the other 45,599 carrying trailing wires to damage high voltage lines. In 1944–1945, during World War II, Japan launched some 9,300 Fu-Go balloon bombs at North America. The diameter balloons were inflated with hydrogen and typically carried one bomb, or one bomb along with four bombs. The Fu-Go utilized the winter jet stream to cross of the Pacific Ocean in approximately three days. To control altitude, the balloon used a barometric sensor", "id": "20916869" }, { "contents": "Rear-inflow jet\n\n\nsublimation, melting and evaporation play a role in influencing jet strength, these effects do not account for cases with strong rear-inflow jets. However, the diabatic effects are responsible for the jet subsiding behind the leading edge of the MCS. The sinking of the jet first starts when the mid level inflow goes under the trailing stratiform cloud before descending to the melting layer. There are other factors that contribute to the strength of any rear inflow jet. The strength of a rear inflow jet can be greatly increased with induced vortices", "id": "9210599" }, { "contents": "Effects of high altitude on humans\n\n\nadaptation to high altitude is achieved when the increase of red blood cells reaches a plateau and stops. The length of full hematological adaptation can be approximated by multiplying the altitude in kilometres by 11.4 days. For example, to adapt to of altitude would require 45.6 days. The upper altitude limit of this linear relationship has not been fully established. Even when acclimatized, prolonged exposure to high altitude can interfere with pregnancy and cause intrauterine growth restriction or pre-eclampsia. High altitude causes decreased blood flow to the placenta, even in", "id": "8744038" }, { "contents": "XXI Bomber Command\n\n\nthe island secured, although mopping up continued until June. Construction Battalions extended and transformed the former Japanese fields to accommodate B-29s and the first AAF units moved in during the beginning of March. The high-altitude bombing raids on Japan carried out by the command were not causing a large amount of damage to the targets, primarily due to the jet stream winds over the islands. The failure of the command to successfully carry out its mission was causing severe problems, both with the War Department in Washington, which had planned to", "id": "3719130" }, { "contents": "XXI Bomber Command\n\n\ntime to intercept the photo ships. All four groups of the 73d Bomb Wing were sent on their first mission to Japan on 24 November with 111 planes airborne. The target was the Nakajima Aircraft Engine Plant at Musashino in the arsenal sector of Tokyo. Also, for the first time, the B-29 encountered the Jet stream, which was a high-speed wind coming out of the west at speeds as high as 200 mph at precisely the altitudes at which the bombers were operating. This caused the bomber formations to be disrupted", "id": "3719124" }, { "contents": "VKK flight suit\n\n\nThe VKK flight suit (Russian: высотный компенсирующий костюм), is a series of Russian high-altitude partial pressure suit, which loosely translates 'altitude compensation suit'. It has been the standard issue for pilots of both the Soviet Air Forces and the Russian Aerospace Forces for jet aircraft since 1958. With the development of jet fighter aircraft after World War II, higher altitudes were much more achievable, presenting a risk of low air pressure exposure to pilots. To counter this, the Soviet Air Forces employed use of the", "id": "15289381" }, { "contents": "Low-altitude parachute-extraction system\n\n\nand allowed to trail behind the aircraft on a tether. As the pilot flares and achieves a wheel height of 1-2 meters above ground, the drogue chute is allowed to pull the extraction chutes out into the airstream. The force of these chutes overcomes the floor locks, pulling the pallet across the ramp, out of the aircraft, and onto the extraction zone. The pilot adjusts the flight controls to remain level during the extreme change in the aircraft center of gravity caused by the pallet movement. While the pallet slides", "id": "18081095" }, { "contents": "Jet engine\n\n\na rocket motor improves slightly with increasing altitude (because the back-pressure falls thus increasing net thrust at the nozzle exit plane), whereas with a turbojet (or turbofan) the falling density of the air entering the intake (and the hot gases leaving the nozzle) causes the net thrust to decrease with increasing altitude. Rocket engines are more efficient than even scramjets above roughly Mach 15. With the exception of scramjets, jet engines, deprived of their inlet systems can only accept air at around half the speed of sound", "id": "15933138" }, { "contents": "Great Himalaya Trails\n\n\nroute). Nepal's high route starts north of the Kanchenjunga Base Camp and ends in Hilsa at Nepal's Tibetan border in the Western district of Humla. The trail stretches over a distance of about 1,700 km and passes through high altitude mountain landscapes, visiting some of the most remote villages on earth where life remains as it was centuries back. Trekking along the GHT high route crosses over high altitudes up to 6,146 m and the whole trek takes about 150 days. Proper trekking gear and mountaineering equipment is needed and it should", "id": "16477802" }, { "contents": "Powered aircraft\n\n\nacceleration provides the engine thrust. Jet engines can provide much higher thrust than propellers, and are naturally efficient at higher altitudes, being able to operate above . They are also much more fuel-efficient at normal flight speeds than rockets. Consequently, nearly all high-speed and high-altitude aircraft use jet engines. The early turbojet and modern turbofan use a spinning compressor and turbine to provide thrust. Many, mostly in military aviation, add an afterburner which injects extra fuel into the hot exhaust. Use of a turbine", "id": "1293404" }, { "contents": "United Airlines Flight 736\n\n\nits right wing and right tailplane torn away by the collision—left a trail of fragments as it arced downward, and crashed west of the small community of Sloan into a hilly area of uninhabited desert, several miles south of the DC-7 crash site. At least one of the Air Force pilots was still in the jet when it hit the ground, but contemporary news reports differ on whether the other pilot managed an unsuccessful ejection at too low an altitude to survive, or stayed with the jet all the way to the ground", "id": "3938971" }, { "contents": "Douglas B-66 Destroyer\n\n\nno prototypes were ordered, just five pre-production RB-66A models (the reconnaissance mission being considered a high priority). The list of modifications grew, and before long, the supposedly easy conversion became what was substantially a new aircraft. Many of the changes were due to the USAF's requirement for low-level operations, while the Navy version had originally been designed and employed as a high-altitude nuclear strike bomber. Two major differences between the A-3 and the B-66 consisted in the types of jet engines used, and", "id": "9198930" }, { "contents": "Flight plan\n\n\nstart with the letter V, and are therefore called Victor Airways. They cover altitudes from approximately 1200 feet above ground level (AGL) to above mean sea level (MSL). T routes are low altitude RNAV only routes which may or may not utilize VOR NAVAIDS. The high altitude airways in the U.S. have names that start with the letter J and are called Jet Routes, or Q for Q routes. Q routes in the U.S. are RNAV only high altitude airways, whereas J routes use VOR NAVAID's the same", "id": "9742195" }, { "contents": "Haywood S. Hansell\n\n\nbomb or the perception that he knew the existence of Ultra. High altitude daylight B-29 raids against the Japanese aircraft industry began November 24, 1944 with operation \"San Antonio I\", despite misgivings about high losses by both combat crews and Arnold. They were hampered by bad weather and jet stream winds, and as a result, appeared unproductive. Pressured by Arnold (through Norstad as an intermediary) for results, Hansell subjected his command to intensive corrective measures that caused more resentment among his aircrews. At the same time commanders", "id": "8504940" }, { "contents": "History of the jet engine\n\n\ngeneral aviation designs and some use in drone aircraft. The ascension of the jet engine to almost universal use in aircraft took well under twenty years. However, the story was not quite at an end, for the efficiency of turbojet engines was still rather worse than piston engines, but by the 1970s with the advent of high bypass jet engines, an innovation not foreseen by the early commentators like Edgar Buckingham, at high speeds and high altitudes that seemed absurd to them, only then did the fuel efficiency finally exceed that of", "id": "21076097" }, { "contents": "1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust accident\n\n\nof wreckage from the missing aircraft began to emerge from the glacial ice. It is now believed that the crew became confused as to their exact location while flying at high altitudes through the (then poorly understood) jet stream. Mistakenly believing they had already cleared the mountain tops, they started their descent when they were in fact still behind cloud-covered peaks, and \"Star Dust\" crashed into Mount Tupungato, killing all aboard and burying itself in snow and ice. The last word in \"Star Dust\" final Morse", "id": "9355054" }, { "contents": "NASA Mini-Sniffer\n\n\nThe NASA Mini-Sniffers were a series of unmanned aerial vehicles designed to sample the air at high altitude to support various scientific studies. In the early 1970s, NASA engineer Dale Reed was investigating methods for sampling the atmosphere at very high altitudes, up to 21 kilometers (70,000 feet). NASA's studies into supersonic transport jets had led to questions about their possible impact on the upper atmosphere, and Reed designed a series of \"Mini-Sniffer\" drones to take air samples at high altitudes. Three Mini-Sniffers", "id": "5841669" }, { "contents": "Tibetan snowcock\n\n\nThe Tibetan snowcock (\"Tetraogallus tibetanus\") is a bird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. This species is found in high-altitude regions of the Western Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, where it overlaps in part with the larger Himalayan snowcock. The head is greyish and there is a white crescent patch behind the eye and underside is white with black stripes. In flight the secondaries show a broad white trailing edge. Smaller than Himalayan snowcock, this species has a grey head and neck", "id": "12394383" }, { "contents": "2010 New York Jets season\n\n\n. In the third quarter the Jets responded with kicker Nick Folk hitting a 56-yard field goal. The Jets fell behind when QB Kyle Orton made a 17-yard TD pass to WR Demaryius Thomas. But replied in the fourth quarter with RB LaDainian Tomlinson making a 20-yard TD run. The Jets trailed again with Prater making a 48-yard field goal. But pulled back in the lead when Tomlinson got a 2-yard TD run. With the win, the Jets improve to 5–1. The Jets’ seventh game was an interconference duel with the Packers", "id": "20478870" }, { "contents": "Airbus Defence and Space Spaceplane\n\n\nplane continues to climb up to a maximum altitude of 100 km. This is the weightlessness phase. Then the plane gets down to 15 km at a high angle of attack, being progressively decelerated by the atmosphere; at this altitude, after transition to aeronautical mode, the jets are reignited to bring the plane back to a classical landing strip. The total mass of the vehicle is 18 metric tons (39,700 lb) at takeoff. The plane has two jet engines, and an oxygen-methane engine with a thrust of", "id": "10382177" }, { "contents": "High-altitude research\n\n\nThere are a wide range of potential applications for research at high altitude, including medical, physiological, and cosmic physics research. The most obvious and direct application of high-altitude research is to understand altitude illnesses such as acute mountain sickness, and the rare but rapidly fatal conditions, high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE). Research at high altitude is also an important way to learn about sea level conditions that are caused or complicated by hypoxia such as chronic lung disease and", "id": "9554889" }, { "contents": "C. G. Krishnadas Nair\n\n\nthrough long term strategic plan with strong R&D, diversification, export, industry academy interaction and work culture based on ethics and teamwork. Nair is also credited with efforts that led to the design and development of Advanced Light Helicopter, new Jet trainer and Light Armed Helicopter by HAL. He is considered as the influence behind the design of High Altitude Helicopter, Multi Role Transport Aircraft and many advanced aerospace equipments. In 1991, he founded the Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies and Industries (SIATI) to train and support small and medium", "id": "1911376" }, { "contents": "Supercharger\n\n\nopen and the engine is still producing full rated power is known as the critical altitude. Above the critical altitude, engine power output will start to drop as the aircraft continues to climb. As discussed above, supercharging can cause a spike in temperature, and extreme temperatures will cause detonation of the fuel-air mixture and damage to the engine. In the case of aircraft, this causes a problem at low altitudes, where the air is both denser and warmer than at high altitudes. With high ambient air temperatures, detonation", "id": "3736061" }, { "contents": "Pressure carburetor\n\n\nmixture is automatically altitude-controlled by bleeding higher pressure air from chamber A to the chamber B as it flows through a tapered needle valve. The needle valve is controlled by an aneroid bellows, causing a leaning of the mixture as altitude increases. The fuel mixture is manually controlled by a fuel mixture control lever in the cockpit. The cockpit lever has either three or four detent positions that causes a cloverleaf shaped plate to rotate in the mixture control chamber. The plate covers or uncovers the fuel metering jets as the mixture control", "id": "20424360" }, { "contents": "Jet stream\n\n\nhumid air at high altitudes. Low-level jets also are typical of various regions such as the central United States. There are also jet streams in the thermosphere. Meteorologists use the location of some of the jet streams as an aid in weather forecasting. The main commercial relevance of the jet streams is in air travel, as flight time can be dramatically affected by either flying with the flow or against, which results in significant fuel and time cost savings for airlines. Often, the airlines work to fly 'with'", "id": "16599701" }, { "contents": "Trajectory optimization\n\n\ntrajectory optimization. Much of the early work in trajectory optimization was focused on computing rocket thrust profiles, both in a vacuum and in the atmosphere. This early research discovered many basic principles that are still used today. Another successful application was the climb to altitude trajectories for the early jet aircraft. Because of the high drag associated with the transonic drag region and the low thrust of early jet aircraft, trajectory optimization was the key to maximizing climb to altitude performance. Optimal control based trajectories were responsible for some of the world records", "id": "8785741" }, { "contents": "McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II non-U.S. operators\n\n\n, caused by the \"automatic response\" of an officer commanding an anti-aircraft gun. The man saw a jet coming at him at high speed and low altitude and opened fire, Makdissi said.\" The statement went on to claim that the aircraft was found to be a “Turkish military plane that entered Syrian airspace and was dealt with according to laws observed in such cases.” The downing occurred at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries due to Turkish support for Syrian rebels opposed to the Bashar al", "id": "15218891" }, { "contents": "Joan Feynman\n\n\ntime at NASA Ames, Feynman moved on to a number of different research posts. These included positions with the High Altitude Observatory; the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado; the National Science Foundation in Washington, DC; and Boston College in Massachusetts. Finally in 1985, Feynman accepted a position at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, where she remained until her retirement. As part of her research, Feynman made a critical discovery about the nature and cause of auroras. Using data collected by a", "id": "19810922" }, { "contents": "Chemtrail conspiracy theory\n\n\n.\" Fossil fuel combustion (as in piston and jet engines) produces carbon dioxide and water vapor. At high altitudes the air is very cold. Hot humid air from the engine exhaust mixes with the colder surrounding air, causing the water vapor to condense into droplets or ice crystals that form visible clouds. The rate at which contrails dissipate is entirely dependent on weather conditions. If the atmosphere is near saturation, the contrail may exist for some time. Conversely, if the atmosphere is dry, the contrail will dissipate quickly", "id": "2935279" }, { "contents": "Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact\n\n\nclimatic impact. However, jet aircraft cruising in the Stratosphere do create an impact from their contrails, although the extent of the damage to the environment is as yet unknown. Contrails can also trigger the formation of high-altitude Cirrus cloud thus creating a greater climatic effect. A 2015 study found that artificial cloudiness caused by contrail \"outbreaks\" reduce the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures. The former are decreased and the latter are increased, in comparison to temperatures the day before and the day after such outbreaks. On days", "id": "7427276" }, { "contents": "Rashid Minhas\n\n\nabrasions from hitting the sand at a low angle and a high speed. Chaudhry thought that Minhas probably jettisoned the canopy at low altitude causing Rahman to be thrown from the cockpit because he was not strapped in. Chaudhry felt that the jet was too close to the ground at that time, too far out of control for Minhas to be able to prevent the crash. After his death, Minhas was honoured as a national hero. In his memory the Pakistan Air Force base at Kamra was renamed PAF Base Minhas, often called", "id": "9419312" }, { "contents": "Hemoglobinemia\n\n\n's menstrual cycle, and other considerations can affect the results. Additionally to these, one may have higher than normal hemoglobin if he/she lives in a high altitude area. There are other causes besides what happens within the body in the blood cells. Other factors that can cause an excess amount of hemoglobin are: Specific disorders or other factors that may cause a high hemoglobin count include: Normal hemoglobin levels correlate with the person's age and sex. Levels can vary between different testing systems and under their doctor's consultation", "id": "8194572" }, { "contents": "Mount Whitney Trail\n\n\nsouth ridge, some sections of the trail must be rebuilt after each winter. The views here of the interior High Sierra can be extraordinary, due in part to the precipitous exposure. The crowning views are had on the summit of Whitney, where the trail ends at the Smithsonian Institution Shelter. A single day hike of the trail usually starts between 2 and 4 AM. Most day hikers will complete the trip in between 10 and 20 hours. Because of the length, distance and high altitude of the trail, hiking it", "id": "18609663" }, { "contents": "New York Jets\n\n\n1966. One of the most famous games in Jets history took place in 1994 when the Dolphins ran the Fake Spike play, giving them an improbable victory and halting the Jets' momentum that season, serving as a precursor to the Jets' next two unsuccessful years under Rich Kotite. The Jets went on to complete an improbable victory of their own on October 23, 2000 in what is known as The Monday Night Miracle. The Jets, trailing the Dolphins 30–7 at the end of the third quarter, rallied in the fourth", "id": "1971750" }, { "contents": "Effects of high altitude on humans\n\n\nrisk is as yet unknown. The human body can adapt to high altitude through both immediate and long-term acclimatization. At high altitude, in the short term, the lack of oxygen is sensed by the carotid bodies, which causes an increase in the breathing depth and rate (hyperpnea). However, hyperpnea also causes the adverse effect of respiratory alkalosis, inhibiting the respiratory center from enhancing the respiratory rate as much as would be required. Inability to increase the breathing rate can be caused by inadequate carotid body response or", "id": "8744035" }, { "contents": "Race and sports\n\n\nwho have done well in long distance running all have come from high-altitude areas, whereas those from low-altitude areas do not perform particularly well. He also argues that Koreans and Ecuadorians from high-altitude areas compete well with Kenyans in long-distance races. This suggests that it is the fact of having trained in a high altitude, combined with possible local level physiological adaptations to high-altitude environments that is behind the success in long distance running, not race. Similarly, Graves argues that while it is", "id": "7927643" }, { "contents": "Wiesmoor\n\n\nspa, due to its high air quality. On Friday 13 January 1989, a half year after the Ramstein Airshow Disaster, there was a collision of several military jets at low altitude over the Hinrichsfehn area of Wiesmoor. A tornado of the Royal Air Force collided with a squadron of German Alphas Jets of the Jagdbombergeschwader 43 division. One of the German Alpha Jets was seriously damaged but managed to make an emergency landing, the a further Alpha Jet and the Tornado were destroyed, the pilot of the Alpha Jet managed to eject", "id": "8283492" }, { "contents": "Chemtrail conspiracy theory\n\n\nno substantiated evidence, scientific or otherwise, to support the allegation that there is high altitude spraying conducted in Canadian airspace. The term 'chemtrails' is a popularised expression, and there is no scientific evidence to support their existence.\" The house leader went on to say that \"it is our belief that the petitioners are seeing regular airplane condensation trails, or contrails.\" In the United Kingdom, in 2005 Elliot Morley, a Minister of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs was asked \"what", "id": "2935276" }, { "contents": "Altitude sickness\n\n\nAltitude sickness, the mildest form being acute mountain sickness (AMS), is the negative health effect of high altitude, caused by rapid exposure to low amounts of oxygen at high elevation. Symptoms may include headaches, vomiting, tiredness, trouble sleeping, and dizziness. Acute mountain sickness can progress to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) with associated shortness of breath or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) with associated confusion. Chronic mountain sickness may occur after long term exposure to high altitude. Altitude sickness typically occurs only above", "id": "1126716" }, { "contents": "1996 New England Patriots season\n\n\nto O.J. McDuffie, but it could not stop a 42–23 Patriots win. The Jets held Drew Bledsoe of the Patriots without a completion in the first quarter. Behind quarterback Frank Reich and running back Adrian Murrell the Jets stormed to a 21–0 lead before the Patriots began clawing back. Trailing 27–24 late in the fourth Bledsoe (24 of 30 for 297 yards after being shut out in the first) completed a first-down throw to Ben Coates on 4th and 2 to the Jets 49-yard line; the Jets disputed the ball spot", "id": "4680345" }, { "contents": "Flight length\n\n\n, wind direction and speed, fuel economy, navigational restrictions and other requirements. In the example, easterly flights from Japan to North America are shown taking a longer, more southerly, route than the shorter great-circle; this is to take advantage of the favourable jet stream, a fast, high-altitude tail-wind, that assists the aircraft along its ground track saving more time and fuel than the geographically shortest route. Air time is the elapsed time that the aircraft is airborne, regardless of what time-", "id": "20448441" }, { "contents": "High-altitude cerebral edema\n\n\ncondition may be influenced by the brain tightly fitting. Elevated intracranial pressure is generally accepted to be a late effect of HACE. High central venous pressure may also occur late in the condition's progression. One study demonstrated that normal autorelation of cerebral blood flow does not cause HACE. What role the sympathetic nervous system plays in determining who gets HACE is unclear, but it may have an effect. Another theory about the cause of HACE is that hypoxia may induce nitrous oxide synthase. Vasodilation is caused by the release of nitric oxide", "id": "10507292" }, { "contents": "Oakland Raiders\n\n\nand a wild card playoff spot. They defeated the New York Jets 38–24 in the wild card round to advance to face the New England Patriots. In a game in which the Raiders led for most of the game, the game was played in a heavy snowstorm. In what would be known as the \"Tuck Rule Game\", late in the fourth quarter with the Patriots trailing the Raiders by a field goal, Raiders star cornerback Charles Woodson blitzed Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, causing an apparent fumble which was recovered by Raiders", "id": "2473648" }, { "contents": "Airbreathing jet engine\n\n\njet engines are also a source of global dimming due to the water vapour in the exhaust causing cloud formations. Nitrogen compounds are also formed during the combustion process from reactions with atmospheric nitrogen. At low altitudes this is not thought to be especially harmful, but for supersonic aircraft that fly in the stratosphere some destruction of ozone may occur. Sulphates are also emitted if the fuel contains sulphur. A ramjet is a form of airbreathing jet engine using the engine's forward motion to compress incoming air, without a rotary compressor. Ramjets", "id": "20948428" }, { "contents": "Powder bed and inkjet head 3D printing\n\n\nonto the surface of the powder bed. This issue is particularly prevalent in binder jetting, as unlike traditional additive manufacturing processes (which utilize high heat to melt and fuse powders together), the \"jet\" of binder that is dropped onto the bed can cause large agglomerates of semi-bonded powder to be ejected from the surface, leaving behind subsurface depletion zones (for 30 μm SS316 powder, a depletion zone depth of 56±12μm was observed). The growth of depletion zones as subsequent layers of powder are deposited printed can", "id": "18648690" }, { "contents": "English Electric Canberra\n\n\n, radar calibration aircraft, and electronic countermeasures trainers. In addition, some Canberras that had originally been manufactured for the high altitude bomber mission were re-equipped for low altitude ground attack missions. The English Electric Canberra is a bomber aircraft powered by two jet engines, and able to fly at high-altitudes. An early prototype operated by Rolls-Royce would regularly fly to 63,000 feet, where the usable speed range (coffin corner) was only 25 knots, during Avon engine test flights. The overall design has been", "id": "21043411" }, { "contents": "Fieseler Fi 166\n\n\nIn the early 1940s, Erich Bachem, Fieseler's Aircraft's technical manager, developed two designs for a rocket-launched fighter that could reach high altitudes quicker than conventional fighters. Design one involved a straight-winged jet fighter powered by two Jumo 004 jet engines. It would be launched upright by liquid-fuel rockets. After attaining an altitude of 3660 meters, the rocket would burn out, disconnect and return to earth via parachute for re-use. The fighter would then engage Allied bombers before landing as a conventional", "id": "9273669" }, { "contents": "Jet engine\n\n\n. The inlet system's job for transonic and supersonic aircraft is to slow the air and perform some of the compression. The limit on maximum altitude for engines is set by flammability – at very high altitudes the air becomes too thin to burn, or after compression, too hot. For turbojet engines altitudes of about 40 km appear to be possible, whereas for ramjet engines 55 km may be achievable. Scramjets may theoretically manage 75 km. Rocket engines of course have no upper limit. At more modest altitudes, flying faster", "id": "15933139" }, { "contents": "Yangmingshan\n\n\n, and Lengshuikeng. The trail also connects to visitor center, Yangmingshan Second Parking Lot and the Yangmingshan Bus Station Due to the effects of post-volcanic activity and precipitation, soil in the region is highly acidic. With the influence of the northeast monsoon and the area's microclimates, winter temperatures are much lower than the surrounding areas. The above factors cause the vegetation to differ from those in other regions at the same latitude. Some medium and high altitude plants can be found here such as bird-lime tree and hairy", "id": "14718022" }, { "contents": "History of the Civil Air Patrol\n\n\n), this is an exceptionally low number. In March 1942, CAP aircraft began towing targets for air-to-air (fighters) and ground-to-air (anti-aircraft batteries) gunnery practice. Targets would be trailed behind the aircraft (similar to the way an aircraft trails a banner) to simulate strafing attacks. CAP aircraft would also climb to various altitudes and would trail two targets for heavy AA guns to use for practice. Although uncommon, an antiaircraft round would occasionally hit the aircraft. Surprisingly", "id": "2901102" }, { "contents": "Jet blast deflector\n\n\ndirect exhaust gases upward. However, a low-pressure zone can form behind the blast fence, causing ambient air and debris to be drawn upward with the jet exhaust, and hot, toxic gases to circulate behind the blast fence. Jet blast deflectors have been designed to counteract this problem by using multiple panels and various angles, and by using slotted panel surfaces. After a jet engine has been overhauled or has undergone the replacement of parts, it is normal to run the engine up to full thrust to test it.", "id": "5922146" }, { "contents": "Hot and high\n\n\nand pressure altitude can change from one hour to the next. The fact that temperature decreases as altitude increases mitigates the \"hot and high\" effect to a small extent. Some ways to increase aircraft performance in hot and high conditions include: Auxiliary rockets and/or jet engines can help a fully loaded aircraft to take off within the length of the runway. The rockets are usually one-time units that are jettisoned after takeoff. This practice was common in the 1950s and 60s, when the lower levels of thrust from military turbojets", "id": "9887670" }, { "contents": "High-altitude platform station\n\n\nability of the HAP to maintain stationkeeping in the face of winds. An operating altitude between 17 and 22 km is chosen because in most regions of the world this represents a layer of relatively mild wind and turbulence above the jet stream. Although the wind profile may vary considerably with latitude and with season, a form similar to that shown will usually obtain. This altitude ( 17 km) is also above commercial air-traffic heights, which would otherwise prove a potentially prohibitive constraint. Since HAPS operate at much lower altitudes than", "id": "15825646" }, { "contents": "Einar Enevoldson\n\n\nspecialize in high altitude testing, but over a long career he has probably accumulated more diverse experience there than anyone. He has flown above 50,000 feet in 14 different types of jet aircraft, one turboprop (record altitude), one reciprocating engine (5000 feet above record altitude), one sailplane (record altitude), and one rocket aircraft (glide flights). He also held several time-to-climb records in the F104 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25 km — which", "id": "3525965" }, { "contents": "Tengboche\n\n\nIt is inhabited by sherpas ('sherpa' literally means the \"easterner\") who migrated from Tibet six hundred years ago. It is approached by a mountain trail from Namche, the nearest airport in Lukla () connecting to Kathmandu. It is about two days of trekking from Lukla. However, considering acclimatization needs for the high altitude climbing, a four-day trekking is generally preferred. This trail crosses initially the Dudh Kosi () river and a further climb leads to the Tengboche monastery at altitude. However,", "id": "10516497" }, { "contents": "Tengboche Monastery\n\n\nsherpas ('sherpa' literally means the \"easterner\") who migrated from Tibet six hundred years ago. The monastery is approached by a mountain trail from Namche, via the nearest airport in Lukla () connecting to Kathmandu. Its approach is by a hard three days of trekking from Lukla. However, considering acclimatization needs for the high altitude climbing, a four-day trek is generally preferred. This trail crosses initially the Dudh Kosi () river and a further climb leads to the Tengboche monastery at altitude. A", "id": "13007579" }, { "contents": "Rear-inflow jet\n\n\nof low pressure, air is drawn in under the trailing stratiform region of precipitation. As air is drawn in on the rear side of the storm, it begins to descend as it approaches the front line of the cells. Before reaching the leading edge, the jet descends to the surface as a strong downdraft, creating straight-line winds. Any mature mesoscale convective system is capable of developing its own rear-inflow jet, but questions remain as to what influences the strength of the jet. While the diabatic effects of", "id": "9210598" }, { "contents": "Snake Den Ridge Trail\n\n\nThis plane crashed near the summit of Inadu Knob in 1984. A more substantial scattering of this wreckage can be found along the Appalachian Trail, just south of the Snake Den Ridge Trail junction. A high-altitude helicopter landing pad is located along the Appalachian Trail in the gap between Inadu Knob and Old Black, approximately southwest of the Snake Den Ridge junction. This landing pad area allows an unobstructed view of the high peaks of the Eastern Smokies, with Old Black and Mount Guyot to the southwest, Luftee Knob to the", "id": "10718622" }, { "contents": "Jet engine\n\n\nengine uses all of the engine's output to produce thrust in the form of a hot high-velocity exhaust gas jet, a turbofan's cool low-velocity bypass air yields between 30% and 70% of the total thrust produced by a turbofan system. The net thrust (F) generated by a turbofan can also be expanded as: where: Rocket engines have extremely high exhaust velocity and thus are best suited for high speeds (hypersonic) and great altitudes. At any given throttle, the thrust and efficiency of", "id": "15933137" }, { "contents": "Philip True\n\n\n-the-counter derivative of a local plant used as a stimulant in the Sierra. True could have used this medication to suppress the effects of high altitude and low temperatures. An injury not located in the first autopsy report was a blow to the back, behind his right lung, which could have caused True to lose consciousness and to stop breathing while his lungs filled with fluid. The report could also be interpreted as a fall caused the blunt trauma. A third forensics report revised the previous two autopsy reports. The", "id": "6317905" }, { "contents": "Cabin pressurization\n\n\nexposed to reduced cabin pressure. The cabin altitude of the Boeing 767 is typically about when cruising at . This is typical for older jet airliners. A design goal for many, but not all, newer aircraft is to provide a lower cabin altitude than older designs. This can be beneficial for passenger comfort. For example, the Bombardier Global Express business jet can provide a cabin altitude of when cruising at . The Emivest SJ30 business jet can provide a sea-level cabin altitude when cruising at . One study of eight flights", "id": "9524860" } ]
babies crying pre-sedentary/having shelters if it would technically be a death sentence attracting predators in nature
[{"answer": "Hardly. First, remember that babies were not left unattended. Our early ancestors (much like some hunter gatherer tribes still do to this day) carries their babies around constantly. Babies that are worn cry much less because pretty much their every need (food and comfort) are very close by. Additionally, we are a species that lives in groups. A group of humans is going to be loud in any situation, and the occasional baby cry is not going to add much to that. Living in a group was our protection already, not stealth."}, {"answer": "Human infants were rarely without shelter, even during the hunter-gatherer nomadic phase humans lived in camps and caves. Infants were also never left alone. There were always adults around to attend to their needs and protect them from predators. This is one of the reasons that humans live in groups."}, {"answer": "Predators don't want to tangle with a bunch of hunter-gatherers, whether or not they are in a shelter. Humans are scary, and predators in general tend to go for isolated young or old individuals. Also, in mobile societies the babies spend a whole lot of time on their mothers, either in arms or wrapped on. They tend to cry a lot less when being held."}, {"answer": "There are no predators in nature that will attack a group of humans (except maybe when completely desparate). Heck, there are very few that will even attack a single adult human. The few predators that are actually bigger and stronger than humans also understand the concept of strength in numbers."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1402262", "title": "Baby colic", "section": "Section::::Treatment.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 36, "start_character": 87, "end_paragraph_id": 36, "end_character": 223, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hunter-gatherer\n\n\nshelters using impermanent building materials, or they may use natural rock shelters, where they are available. Some hunter-gatherer cultures, such as the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast and the Yakuts, lived in particularly rich environments that allowed them to be sedentary or semi-sedentary. One group, the Chumash, had the highest recorded population density of any known hunter and gatherer society with an estimated 21.6 persons per square mile. Hunter-gatherers tend to have an egalitarian social ethos, although settled hunter-gatherers (", "id": "970909" }, { "contents": "Sedentism\n\n\n, e.g. 2. Cementum increments on mammal teeth 3. Energy expenditure The first sedentary sites were pre-agricultural, and they appeared during the Upper Paleolithic in Moravia and on the East European Plain between c. 25000–17000 BC. A year-round sedentary site, with its larger population, generates a substantial demand on local naturally occurring resources, a demand that may have triggered the development of deliberate agriculture. In the Levant, the Natufian culture was the first to become sedentary at around 12000 BC. The Natufians were sedentary for more", "id": "12938876" }, { "contents": "Cry Baby (Melanie Martinez album)\n\n\nthe release day of \"Cry Baby\" would be in August. The second single, \"Soap\", was confirmed in late June and it was announced soon before it was to be released on July 10. It leaked a day earlier. The one-shot music video came out the same day. On July 16, the album art and release date were leaked on Amazon, although the release date was false. On July 17, the album art was officially revealed and merchandise bundles were available to pre-order", "id": "1364755" }, { "contents": "Eternal Treblinka\n\n\nmuch like the baby animals he claims cry just like human babies and are mercilessly slaughtered. The Nazi's created a hierarchy in which “sub-humans,” such as Jews, were ranked below animals and thusly treated that way. Patterson mentions a little girl in a warsaw ghetto that said, “I would like to be a dog because the Germans like dogs, and I would not have to be afraid they would kills me.\" 1. Treblinka: The name of a Nazi death camp during the World War", "id": "9767275" }, { "contents": "Bounty (The Walking Dead)\n\n\ndrawing the walkers. Alpha shrugs at the mother, indicating that she should leave the baby to die. Fearing for her life and not having any other choice, the baby's mother decides to abandon him as he continues to cry. Alden and Luke beg for Alpha to have the baby be spared, but Alpha refuses. The Hilltop guards bang the fence to attract the walkers away from the baby, but it doesn't work. Luke then frantically signs Connie, still hiding in the cornfield, to grab the baby.", "id": "21750215" }, { "contents": "Baby Lollipops murder\n\n\nhave forfeited your right to live... Lazaro was tortured to death.\" Cardona had been found guilty and sentenced to death in her two previous trials, spending 17 years on death row before her verdict was overturned by a higher court based on a technicality. In her third trial in 2017, a neighbor testified: \"She closed the didn't appear that any lights were on but the shower was going and he was screaming.\" She went to comment that Lazaro was \"very small, very thin,", "id": "12195436" }, { "contents": "Parramatta Sand Body Conservation Area and Military Barracks Site\n\n\nin pre-colonial times. Aboriginal people have occupied the Parramatta region for tens of thousands of years. Evidence of their occupation can be found in the form of rock shelters with deposits, open campsites, middens, axe grinding groove sites, scarred trees, hand stencils and drawings. In pre-colonial times, Parramatta would have been very attractive to Aboriginal people as the landscape would have supported a wide variety of plant and animal life. The City of Parramatta is located on Parramatta River at what is effectively the head of", "id": "4066134" }, { "contents": "Burton's legless lizard\n\n\nmay be particularly important after feeding as individuals become more sedentary than usual which is thought to be an anti-predator response. Alternatively, shelter also plays a key role in lizard thermoregulation. Deep leaf litter for example, is very good shelter as individuals can bury themselves at an appropriate depth to regulate temperature and remain hidden at the same time. Burton’s legless lizard also uses caudal luring as a feeding strategy which is rare in lizards. Notably, this behaviour only occurs if its initial ambush attack is unsuccessful in capturing its", "id": "3606284" }, { "contents": "Baby Lollipops murder\n\n\nable to lay the majority of the blame on Cardona for Lazaro's eventual death. Cardona had been convicted twice before and was given the death sentence in both trials, however the case was re-opened due to a technicality. She was then granted a third trial and found guilty once more and sentenced to life imprisonment instead of death. Employees for the Florida Power & Light Company discovered Lazaro Figueroa's dead on the morning of November 2, 1990 at Miami Beach, behind the bushes. The boy was so emaciated that", "id": "12195424" }, { "contents": "Pre-Columbian history of Costa Rica\n\n\nand his own relatives would have to support him until he paid for the crime with a certain amount of property. If he did not meet this obligation, he would become a slave to her family. If a servant had sexual relations with his master's daughter, both would be buried alive. Sexual relations between males were also sentenced to death by stoning. As in other indigenous communities of Mesoamerica, ownership of arable land and agricultural work between Chorotegans had to be essentially of a collective nature. Quesada López-Calleja indicates", "id": "9015996" }, { "contents": "Bishop Museum of Science and Nature\n\n\npre- and immediate post-contact archaeological material as well as collections relating to the scientific and cultural history of southwest Florida and Manatee County. The Museum emerged as a leading cultural organization in the community, providing educational programs and field trips to tens of thousands of students through the years. In 1949 an exhibition pool for a baby manatee was added and Baby Snoots became an instant attractions as well as the official mascot of Manatee County. Having outgrown its space at the pier, construction started on a new facility at the present location", "id": "13992811" }, { "contents": "Far Cry 2\n\n\nherbivores only; according to the developers, predators without careful control would have eaten all the herbivores and starved to death. \"Far Cry 2\"s map editor has been designed specifically for ease of use. It includes features such as easily raising/lowering terrain and applying textures. A video was shown showcasing the editor, including an Eiffel Tower made completely from in-game pieces. The map editor features hundreds of objects found in the single player game including vehicles, buildings, bridges and more. Fan mods for the map editor", "id": "460195" }, { "contents": "Forbes Collins\n\n\nway\". This uses a candle which, should it stop burning before the end, is taken as 'proof' of guilt. In Poldark, with 'sentence' passed, as the 'guilty' man (who professes his genuine guilt) is taken away, the viewer sees that the wick in the candle had been pre-cut, and the flame would have naturally extinguished anyway. In the quietly memorable and chilling scene that follows, the 'guilty' man is hurled from the cliffs to his death.", "id": "11114152" }, { "contents": "Baby colic\n\n\nunrelated to breast or bottle feeding with rates similar in both groups. Reflux does not appear to be related to colic. Colic is diagnosed after other potential causes of crying are excluded. This can typically be done via a history and physical exam, and in most cases tests such as X-rays or blood tests are not needed. Babies who cry may simply be hungry, uncomfortable, or ill. Less than 10% of babies who would meet the definition of colic based on the amount they cry have an identifiable underlying", "id": "18454" }, { "contents": "Predator trap\n\n\nA \"predator trap\" is a natural hazard such as a tar pit. Predators are attracted to struggling animals that have become entrapped in viscous or glutinous material, such as a heavy sedimentary deposit or tar and, in the process, become entrapped themselves. More predators, scavengers, insects and birds become attracted to this mounting accumulation of carrion, until a wide variety of animals are caught and ultimately killed by the hazard. This may happen many times over. Typically, the number of lured predators will greatly outnumber the prey", "id": "17394316" }, { "contents": "The Murder of Baby Lollipops\n\n\nand found guilty with the crime of First Degree Murder in 1992, she was sentenced to the death penalty as punishment. This sentence would mean that Cardona would be the first woman in history to be sentenced to death for the murder her own child. This sentence was a major historical motion in criminal history, as it recognised both the equal rights of women before the law, but also the capacity of mothers to commit murder of their own children. However, despite this historical court decision, this sentence has since been overturned", "id": "13577084" }, { "contents": "Crybaby Bridge\n\n\n\"Cry Baby Creek\", the bridge spanning Flat Creek has been closed off to auto traffic since the late 50's, but is accessible by foot via a short walk through what is now a nature reserve. The story of Cry Baby Creek tells of a young mother who loses her baby in the slow moving waters after a late night accident on the bridge. Unlike the most other crybaby legends, the sounds coming from the creek are not limited to hearing a baby cry while standing on the bridge; many legends refer", "id": "1650033" }, { "contents": "Laura Bush\n\n\nopposing the Trump administration family separation policy in the Washington Post. She mentioned how her mother-in-law Barbara Bush had picked up a crying aids baby while on a visit to the HIV/Aids shelter \"Grandma's House\" in 1989. She mentioned this to indicate her shock upon discovery that the workers at the children's border shelter have been instructed \"not to pick up or touch the children to comfort them\". On October 26, 2009, Bush spoke at the 25th Annual Women's Conference in Salt", "id": "17642534" }, { "contents": "Trachylepis capensis\n\n\nhave led to the extermination of this little forager from much of its natural range, as these introduced predators will typically kill all the skinks in the immediate area. Its natural predators in the wild include the fiscal shrike and various snakes. For a home, the Cape skink usually digs itself a small tunnel at the foot of a boulder or tree, but anything that it can hide under is used as a temporary shelter. In its natural habitat it is considerably more shy, though it can often be heard as it scuttles", "id": "4095319" }, { "contents": "Manchester Martyrs\n\n\nwent on to say that \"had I committed anything against the Crown of England, I would have scorned myself had I attempted to deny it\". Towards the end of his speech he shouted, \"God save Ireland!\", a cry taken up by his companions in the dock. William Allen, Michael Larkin, Michael O'Brien, Thomas Maguire, and Edward O'Meagher Condon, were sentenced to death by hanging – the only punishment English law at that time allowed for murder – again crying \"God save Ireland\" from", "id": "21688927" }, { "contents": "Picture Canyon (Colorado)\n\n\nNatural attractions include rock formations, such as Balanced Rock, and Crack Cave. Projectile points found in the Comanche National Grasslands are estimated to be 12,000 years old, evidence of Paleo-Indian hunters. Rock shelters have been found in Picture Canyon and other nearby locations by hunter-gatherers from the Plains Archaic Period, from 250 B.C. to A.D. 500. Most of the shelters were near sources of water and faced south, which would have been warmed by the sun in the winter. Material goods found in the shelters include metates", "id": "8817673" }, { "contents": "Redeye gaper\n\n\nred. This species attains a maximum of 30.5 cm total length. Redeye gapers are sedentary ambush predators that spend most of their time resting on the sea floor on their pectoral and pelvic fins, moving only to capture prey or avoid predators. They attract prey to them using their movable esca. If threatened, they raise themselves up on their pelvic fins and rapidly take in water to increase the size of their bodies. Redeye gapers are known to be able to survive the temperature and pressure changes from being brought to the surface", "id": "18764948" }, { "contents": "Structures built by animals\n\n\n. Over time, through evolution, animals use shelters for other purposes such as reproduction, food storage, etc. Predators are attracted to animal-built structures either by the prey or its offspring, or the stored caches of food. Structures built by animals may provide protection from predators through avoiding detection, by means such as camouflage and concealment, or through prevention of invasion, once predators have located the hideout or prey, or a combination of both. As a last resort, structures may provide means of escape. Animals", "id": "20936006" }, { "contents": "Baby sign language\n\n\nit will reduce the frustration involved in trying to interpret their pre-verbal child's needs. It can be considered a useful method of communication in the early developmental stages since speech production follows children's ability to express themselves through bodily movement. Baby sign is distinct from sign language. Baby sign is used by hearing parents with hearing children to improve communication. Sign languages, including ASL, BSL, ISL and others, are natural languages, typically used in the Deaf community. Sign languages maintain their own grammar, and sentence", "id": "4389379" }, { "contents": "History of Australia (1788–1850)\n\n\nseven or fourteen years' penal servitude, or \"for the term of their natural lives\". Often these sentences had been commuted from the death sentence, which was technically the punishment for a wide variety of crimes. Upon arrival in a penal colony, convicts would be assigned to various kinds of work. Those with trades were given tasks to fit their skills (stonemasons, for example, were in very high demand) while the unskilled were assigned to work gangs to build roads and do other such tasks. Female convicts", "id": "305553" }, { "contents": "Frances Knorr\n\n\na statement from the witness box and admitted that she had buried the babies in Moreland Road, but claimed that the children had died of natural causes. The Crown however demonstrated that they had been strangled with a tape and that the neck of one of the little boys had been compressed to less than half its normal size. Knorr was found guilty and, on 15 December, was sentenced to death by Justice Holroyd, with a large crowd having gathered to spectate the sentencing. Knorr, who had sobbed throughout the judge's", "id": "15291179" }, { "contents": "Siberian jay\n\n\n, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. Although the species is largely sedentary, some individuals in the east of the range may move southwards in winter. This jay favours dense, mature forest habitat with closed canopy within lowlands and foothills. Spruce forest is the preferred foraging and nesting habitat because the denser foliage of spruce than other local conifers offers greater concealment from predators. Indeed, breeding success has been linked to higher foliage density; where eggs and nestlings are less likely to attract attention of predators. Additionally, the benefit of increased", "id": "4597876" }, { "contents": "North American porcupine\n\n\nseason. They stay close to their mothers. Mother porcupines do not defend their young, but have been known to care for them even after death. In one case, when a baby had fallen to its death from a tree, the mother came down and stayed by her baby's side for hours waiting vainly for the baby to revive. North American porcupines have a relatively long life expectancy. Some individuals have been found to live up to 30 years of age. Common causes of mortality include predation and starvation. Porcupines", "id": "11947218" }, { "contents": "Tlacolula de Matamoros\n\n\nTlacolula and other municipalities. The significance of these caves is that many have pre-historic cave paintings and/or evidence of the transition of humans from hunter/gatherers to sedentary farmers due to the domestication of corn and other plants on the American continent. INAH has worked to recommended these caves to become a World Heritage Site with investigation and documentation ongoing. The site was inscribed onto Mexico’s \"Lista Indicativa de México\" in the 2000s and WHS recognition was received in 2007. The caves and rock shelters vary in size and what", "id": "4285623" }, { "contents": "Parapterois heterura\n\n\nParapterois heterura, the blackfoot firefish, is a species of scorpionfish widely distributed on the southeastern coast of Africa as well as off Japan and in Indonesia where it is usually found in sheltered coastal bays with a soft bottom, such as fine sand or mud. It is found in depths ranging from . This species is a sedentary fish and may even bury itself within the substrate. \"P. heterura\" flashes its brightly colored pectoral fins to startle predators and escape, but it may also use these fins to corner prey. This", "id": "1716303" }, { "contents": "Candy Kitchen, New Mexico\n\n\nBy the end of the 1980s all of the properties were sold and properties were only available on the secondary market. Today, companies are active in selling land, homes, and cabin properties in Candy Kitchen, Ranch. Candy Kitchen Ranch currently attracts many retirees and baby boomers who are looking to get away from the city and live closer to nature. Candy Kitchen is currently the home of the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary which provides shelter for wolves and wolf-dog crosses who have been raised by people who could no longer provide", "id": "2594350" }, { "contents": "Outlaster\n\n\nopener and lead single \"Cry, Cry, Baby\" is known to have been recorded prior to its inclusion on Outlaster, the track had been performed live numerous times since the Run To Ruin-era, most notably as part of her third Peel Session in December 2002 under the title \"Cry Baby.\" The track was performed alongside \"Party Favour,\" which would later be re-titled \"Your Red Nose\" and released as the b-side to the non-album single What She Doesn't Know", "id": "20740555" }, { "contents": "Death of Baby Falak\n\n\nand the baby was taken off the ventilator and shifted into a ward on 2 March. The toddler had shown signs of recovery and doctors were calling her the \"miracle baby\" after she was taken off life support within weeks of being admitted. Nurses who took care of her said she was able to breathe on her own and lift her eyes, and there was movement in the limbs. \"She would cry and the whole unit would go to see what happened to her. Each one of us was so attached to", "id": "9171260" }, { "contents": "Cry Baby (Melanie Martinez album)\n\n\na less common green cassette. All physical copies of the album are the standard explicit, with the deluxe and clean being digital exclusives. The album is about a character, named Cry Baby, a fantasy version of Melanie Martinez when she was a child, and a representation of her vulnerable and messed up side. Melanie described Cry Baby as \"a child who experiences adult things\". Melanie claims that many of the things that have happened to Cry Baby are similar to the things that have happened in her own life,", "id": "1364758" }, { "contents": "Crying\n\n\nto feel powerless during birth had babies who cried more than other babies. Rather than try one remedy after another to stop this crying, she suggested that mothers hold their babies and allow the crying to run its course. Other studies have supported Kitzinger's findings. Babies who had experienced birth complications had longer crying spells at three months of age and awakened more frequently at night crying. Based on these various findings, Aletha Solter has proposed a general emotional release theory of infant crying. When infants cry for no obvious reason after", "id": "10271391" }, { "contents": "Hambledon Cottage\n\n\nthousands of years. Evidence of their occupation can be found in the form of rock shelters with deposits, open campsites, middens, axe grinding groove sites, scarred trees, hand stencils and drawings. In pre-colonial times, Parramatta would have been very attractive to Aboriginal people as the landscape would have supported a wide variety of plant and animal life. The City of Parramatta is located on Parramatta River at what is effectively the head of Sydney Harbour. Permanent fresh water was available in the river upstream of the tidal limit", "id": "3043610" }, { "contents": "Far Cry New Dawn\n\n\nof the individual locations from \"Far Cry 5\" have been redesigned, either having been reclaimed by nature or repurposed by the Highwaymen. Some of these locations have new areas for the player to explore, such as cave systems, bunkers or buildings. In 2035, seventeen years after Hope County and the rest of the world is devastated by the nuclear war, the survivors that had taken shelter underground begin to emerge and rebuild society. The Hope County survivors found the settlement of Prosperity, but are soon attacked by the Highwaymen", "id": "16920535" }, { "contents": "The Murder of Baby Lollipops\n\n\ntwice, until her most recent conviction in 2017 leading to a final sentence of life imprisonment. The initial sentence as well as the severity of the most recent overturning of the sentence, has set a precedence. This precedence, not only transcendence similar cases of abuse from parents, but for any other case that regards abuse which leads to death. The intensity of the sentence in 1992, recognises the heinous nature of Cardona's crimes and that murder, whilst not premeditated, was not an element of concern for Cardona's,", "id": "13577085" }, { "contents": "Prince Alfred Square\n\n\nvisit of Prince Alfred, Australia's first Royal visitor, during which he visited Parramatta. It was added to the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 28 August 2017. Aboriginal people have occupied the Parramatta region for tens of thousands of years. Evidence of their occupation can be found in the form of rock shelters with deposits, open campsites, middens, axe grinding groove sites, scarred trees, hand stencils and drawings. In pre-colonial times, Parramatta would have been very attractive to Aboriginal people as the landscape would", "id": "19401240" }, { "contents": "Codling moth\n\n\ntraits showed rapid changes in flight traits in both directions. There is, however, a trade-off between mobility and fitness. Research has shown that sedentary females have higher fecundity, or the ability to produce offspring, than mobile females. Sedentary females are larger in size, lay more eggs, and live longer than mobile females. Thus, there is higher reproductive rate in sedentary females. This explains why females do not travel far from the fruit tree from which they emerged to oviposit. Predators of the codling moth are", "id": "8154374" }, { "contents": "Predation\n\n\nHaving captured the prey, it may also need to expend energy \"handling\" it (e.g., killing it, removing any shell or spines, and ingesting it). Predators have a choice of search modes ranging from \"sit-and-wait\" to \"active\" or \"widely foraging\". The sit-and-wait method is most suitable if the prey are dense and mobile, and the predator has low energy requirements. Wide foraging expends more energy, and is used when prey is sedentary or sparsely", "id": "12364938" }, { "contents": "History of Thiruvananthapuram\n\n\nonce a jungle known as Anantan Kādu, which was home to a Pulayar couple who cultivated rice. One day, the wife heard a baby crying as she was weeding. After a search, she found a child so beautiful that she assumed it was divine and was afraid to touch it. She fed the baby some milk and left it in the shade of a tree, whereupon a five headed cobra appeared, moved the baby to a hole in the tree and used its hood to shelter the child from the sun.", "id": "9014124" }, { "contents": "Gender violence and rape in Francoist Spain and the democratic transition\n\n\ncould be between 7 months and 6 years.  Men could often avoid prison time by marrying their victims. A law enacted by Franco in December 1941 said that pregnant women given death sentences would have their executions stayed until they gave birth.  At that point, the baby would be given to the father if he was alive and in Spain.  Otherwise, many of these women had their newborns taken from them where, had the last names of their baby changed, and then were given to loyal Nationalist families.  This law helped", "id": "10200901" }, { "contents": "Biological pigment\n\n\nmechanism; when a smaller predator is attempting to devour a jellyfish, it will flash its lights, which would therefore lure a larger predator and chase the smaller predator away. It is also used as mating behavior. In reef-building coral and sea anemones, they fluoresce; light is absorbed at one wavelength, and re-emitted at another. These pigments may act as natural sunscreens, aid in photosynthesis, serve as warning coloration, attract mates, warn rivals, or confuse predators. Chromatophores are color pigment changing cells", "id": "18542132" }, { "contents": "Pre-conception counseling\n\n\nconsider the value of pre-screening before becoming pregnant. Most women who want and anticipate having a baby are naturally prone to thinking in terms of having a well baby. In the majority of cases, women do not think about having a baby who has any kind of problem. Most women do not know how their own medical history could pose risks to a developing fetus. Likewise, they may not understand that pregnancy carries a certain number of risks as well. When family history risks and pregnancy risks are considered together,", "id": "21546902" }, { "contents": "You Don't Have to Be a Baby to Cry\n\n\n\"You Don't Have to Be a Baby to Cry\" is a song by British girl group The Caravelles. The single reached No. 3 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and No.6 on the UK Singles Chart in 1963. The song had previously charted in the US by Ernest Tubb, Moon Mullican, and Tennessee Ernie Ford in the 1950s. The song was originally recorded by Moon Mullican, Ernest Tubb and Jimmy Dorsey in 1950. \"You Don't Have to Be a Baby to Cry\" was", "id": "12566137" }, { "contents": "Bioluminescence\n\n\n. Dinoflagellates may use bioluminescence for defence against predators. They shine when they detect a predator, possibly making the predator itself more vulnerable by attracting the attention of predators from higher trophic levels. Grazing copepods release any phytoplankton cells that flash, unharmed; if they were eaten they would make the copepods glow, attracting predators, so the phytoplankton's bioluminescence is defensive. The problem of shining stomach contents is solved (and the explanation corroborated) in predatory deep-sea fishes: their stomachs have a black lining able to keep the", "id": "21647173" }, { "contents": "Heavens Cafe\n\n\ndeath and Lark is hurled back to the next earthly reincarnation now as the baby \"Robin\" at the play's end. Some critics have described Miner's rock opera as a cross between \"A Christmas Carol\" and \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\". The tower itself is not a far cry from the elusive city of \"OZ\" and the idea of meeting different aspects of past and present would bring to mind \"\"A Christmas Carol\"\". Miner's dabbling in metaphysics as exemplified in earlier works from", "id": "14546437" }, { "contents": "Death of a Citizen\n\n\nbecomes the competent, hard-boiled, and ruthless agent he had been earlier. The ending of the book is particularly shocking, perhaps, in that he shoots down an adversary who is not directly threatening him and then tortures and kills the person responsible for kidnapping his baby daughter. As a result of his actions, his daughter is rescued — but as the book ends his peace-loving wife is staring in horror at the bloody-handed monster that her apparently sedentary husband has become. Hamilton would write a total of", "id": "1056685" }, { "contents": "Breastfeeding\n\n\n-to-skin contact (also called kangaroo care) between mother and baby stimulates breastfeeding behavior in the baby. Newborns who are immediately placed on their mother’s skin have a natural instinct to latch on to the breast and start nursing, typically within one hour of birth. Immediate skin-to-skin contact may provide a form of imprinting that makes subsequent feeding significantly easier. In addition to more successful breastfeeding and bonding, immediate skin-to-skin contact reduces crying and warms the baby. According to studies cited", "id": "9798050" }, { "contents": "Symphony No. 3 (Górecki)\n\n\nhighland woman incarcerated on 25 September 1944. It read \"O Mamo, nie płacz, nie. Niebios Przeczysta Królowo, Ty zawsze wspieraj mnie\" (Oh Mamma do not cry, no. Immaculate Queen of Heaven, you support me always). The composer recalled, \"I have to admit that I have always been irritated by grand words, by calls for revenge. Perhaps in the face of death I would shout out in this way. But the sentence I found is different, almost an apology or explanation for", "id": "8012960" }, { "contents": "Schreckstoff\n\n\nescape. The final condition, that individuals need to successfully recover from a predation event, appears to be satisfied. Support for this condition comes from the observation that many small fishes in natural populations exhibit scars, presumably from failed predator attempts. While the evidence that schreckstoff attracts predators is mixed, studies indicate multiple predators will interfere with each other and prey can recover from predation events when they manage to escape. The extent to which predators are attracted to a predation event depends upon the speed at which schreckstoff diffuses through its aquatic", "id": "6022138" }, { "contents": "Baby Smurf\n\n\nnote saying that Baby was a \"delivery error\" and must be taken away. Everybody is upset including Smurfette who goes into a non stop crying spree, but they don't have any option but return the baby. However, they soon find that Grouchy Smurf has escaped with the baby. The Smurfs seek for Grouchy and Baby throughout the forest. Grouchy manages to avert being found, but then he decides to return to the village after noticing the many dangers Baby would face in the forest as well as Baby Smurf falling", "id": "16223638" }, { "contents": "Gerris\n\n\noften detrimental to female fitness as male species of \"Gerris\" harass females. This is believed to be the result of males having a lower number of available mates and therefore, have a reduced fitness. Females are at risk of predation during mating attempts as males mount the female in an attempt to mate and tap their legs on the surface of the water to attract predators. Females respond in turn, creating a pre-copulatory struggle in which they try to perform backwards somersault-like movements to break free of the male", "id": "13591181" }, { "contents": "Lusitanian toadfish\n\n\npez sapo\" (Spanish)). The fish is also known to make a variety of noises, such as whistles, grunts, croaks, and a boatwhistle that is used both to attract females and to deter intruding males. The Lusitanian toadfish is a sedentary fish which is found in substrates consisting of soft sand or mud and which often lies partially buried or conceals itself in rock crevices. They are solitary fish of shallow waters. It is a predator feeding on crustaceans, molluscs and smaller fish. It is an oviparous", "id": "637926" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment debate in the United States\n\n\non death row, with men accounting for the other 98.12% (2764). Since 1976, 1.1% (16) of those executed were women. Sexual orientation may also bias sentencing. In 1993, a jury deliberating over the sentencing of convicted murderer Charles Rhines submitted a written question to the judge asking if Rhines might enjoy prison because he was sexually attracted to men. The judge would not answer that question, and the jury sentenced Rhines to death. In 2018, the Supreme Court said that it would not interfere", "id": "8413212" }, { "contents": "Job History\n\n\nnews of their own when the baby nearly dies of a fever because of the long distance it takes to get to the hospital. One point of view could be that human error causes many natural processes to go wrong. The constant pollution of the Earth results in then depletion of then Earth's ozone layer similar to Leeland's decision to feed then baby alcohol so that it would stop crying. There is another news report stating then unfortunate incident of a cult killing their members by influencing them to drink poisonous Kool-Aid.", "id": "1301829" }, { "contents": "Cry-Baby\n\n\n-Baby is released, but immediately insulted by Baldwin, who after revealing that his grandfather is the one who electrocuted Cry-Baby's father, challenges him to a chicken race. Cry-Baby wins, as Baldwin chickens out, and is reunited with Allison. The film ends with all watching the chicken race crying a single tear, except for Allison and Cry-Baby, who has finally let go of the past, enabling him to cry from both eyes. \"Cry-Baby\" premiered in Baltimore on March", "id": "5651203" }, { "contents": "Federal Shariat Court\n\n\n-tube babies and validated its use conditionally. \"The Nation\" reported, \"The Federal Shariat Court yesterday declared the option of using 'test tube baby' method for conceiving babies for the married couples having some medical complications as lawful.\" The fact that lawyers make up a permanent majority of judges of the court, outnumbering Islamic ulama, has been credited with the court finding \"technical flaws in every stoning and amputation appeal that it has ever heard\", preventing the carrying out of sentences amputating limbs and killing by", "id": "972624" }, { "contents": "Lotka–Volterra equations\n\n\nthe predation rate; however, a different constant is used, as the rate at which the predator population grows is not necessarily equal to the rate at which it consumes the prey). \"γy\" represents the loss rate of the predators due to either natural death or emigration, it leads to an exponential decay in the absence of prey. Hence the equation expresses that the rate of change of the predator's population depends upon the rate at which it consumes prey, minus its intrinsic death rate. The equations have periodic", "id": "10173424" }, { "contents": "Otago skink\n\n\nThis was compounded by the introduction of mammalian predators. The Otago skink, having historically been exposed to only limited predation from native birds, was heavily impacted by the spread of house cats, rabbits, ferrets, and weasels in conjunction with the increasing lack of sheltering habitats. Anthropogenic threats appear to be combining with natural traits suich as low productivity and late sexual maturity to inhibit the recovery of the species. Additionally, the skink currently requires a specialised habitat, leaving the populations isolated and small with virtually no room for relocation or", "id": "8766299" }, { "contents": "Footballfish\n\n\nindicate that mature female footballfish are probably poor swimmers and largely sedentary, lie-in-wait predators. They are primarily mesopelagic, living in open water, with very few caught below 1,000 m (3,280 ft). Females are carnivorous and feed upon other pelagic fish (such as lanternfishes and ridgeheads) and cephalopods, as well as shrimp and euphausiids that are presumably attracted to within striking distance by the footballfish's luminous lure. Upon maturity, the tiny males of most species metamorphose into a parasitic form, which lacks both", "id": "19376628" }, { "contents": "Tears\n\n\n. Crying is often associated with babies and children. Some cultures consider crying to be undignified and infantile, casting aspersions on those who cry publicly, except if it is due to the death of a close friend or relative. In most Western cultures, it is more socially acceptable for women and children to cry than men, reflecting masculine sex-role stereotypes. In some Latin regions, crying among men is more acceptable. There is evidence for an interpersonal function of crying as tears express a need for help and foster willingness", "id": "14029694" }, { "contents": "Spectacled flying fox\n\n\nto be around 12 to 15 years old, but in captivity can exceed 30 years of age. Natural causes of mortality include predation mainly by rufous owls and pythons, death by paralysis tick when bats climb low to the ground to feed, and the death of babies that are born too early when either something goes wrong in the fetus' development, or the mother suffers from prolonged stress. Flying foxes are also frequently killed in human-related incidents such as landing on power lines, and getting entangled in nets or barbed", "id": "16958496" }, { "contents": "David McGreavy\n\n\n, kids, kids.\" McGreavy's only explanation for the murders was that the baby would not stop crying. On 28 June 1973, McGreavy appeared in court and pleaded guilty to the murders of all three Ralph children. The hearing lasted only eight minutes because McGreavy pleaded guilty and there was no defence plea, no motive, and no case of diminished responsibility. McGreavy was sentenced to multiple life terms with minimums of 20 years. In prison he has been subjected to frequent abuse by other prisoners and has spent most of", "id": "2677299" }, { "contents": "Macarius of Unzha\n\n\n\"Life of St. Macarius\", when he was still a baby, he would start crying every time he heard the ringing of the bells of the nearby church. There was no way to console the child. The parents would not want to bring the baby boy to the church, afraid that he would disturb the service with his crying; but eventually they decided to try. And, to their surprise, as soon as they brought the child to the church, he became quiet, smiling joyfully. From this time", "id": "14774536" }, { "contents": "Mercedes McQueen\n\n\n. Sadly thousands of babies die each year in the UK. In 2013, over 100 babies every week were stillborn or died soon after birth. For a show like Hollyoaks with a youth focus to be covering this devastating experience is a brilliant way of raising awareness of the issues surrounding baby death among a younger audience who may have not otherwise come across them.\" Metcalfe later further discussed the storyline, revealing that when she read the scripts she had \"a lump in my throat\", which made cry and when she", "id": "4892531" }, { "contents": "The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea\n\n\nRyuji’s attraction towards this notion was in itself a metaphor for Japan’s quest in the war. Some of the gang's inhumane actions symbolise how some of the decisions made by the Japanese in the war were also inhumane. Thirteen year old boys killing a baby cat goes against usual human nature, and in the war there were kamikaze bombings, where a person would kill themselves for a desperate offensive attack and a glorious death. At the end of the novel, Mishima explores the choices that Ryuji has made. Ryuji seems", "id": "7641816" }, { "contents": "Wang Zhi (pirate)\n\n\nbooks, and healthy foods. Wang Zhi believed this was a temporary arrangement and remained hopeful for a pardon until 22 January 1560, when an imperial edict handed down the death sentence. He was brought to the execution grounds in a palanquin, and only upon arrival did he realize he was to be executed. He called for his son, gave him a hairpin as a memento, then held him in embrace, crying: \"Never have I imagined that I would be executed here!\" He was then beheaded before an", "id": "20207855" }, { "contents": "Spanish verbs\n\n\n), \"interesante\" (\"interesting\")), but such cases are limited, and in cases where it does not, other constructions must be used to express the same ideas: where in English one would say \"the crying baby\", one would say in Spanish \"el bebé que llora\" (\"the baby who's crying\"; \"llorante\" is archaic). The past participle corresponds to the English \"-en\" or \"-ed\" form of the verb. It is created by adding", "id": "5697386" }, { "contents": "Female Sabotage\n\n\nFemale sabotage is an evolutionary theory regarding the propensity of certain females to select \"burdened\" males of their species for mating. Soon after Charles Darwin published his theory of Natural Selection, he was faced with a puzzle. If natural selection suggests \"survival of the fittest,\" then why do some males have traits that detract from their survival? For instance, the peacock grows a colorful, cumbersome tail that not only attracts predators, but makes it difficult for him to escape those predators. Similarly, the buck grows enormous", "id": "21880080" }, { "contents": "Immortal (Highlander)\n\n\nfar as to express his sexual attraction for her. According to Panzer, Immortals \"carry within them the seed of their immortality which is triggered by a non-natural death.\" The movie \"Endgame\" establishes that without a violent first death to trigger their immortality, pre-immortals will age and die as other humans. According to the Watcher CD, \"non-natural\" and \"violent\" death are not due solely to weapons. Physical trauma (car crashes, falling off a cliff, runaway carts)", "id": "36567" }, { "contents": "Donogh Dáll Ó Derrig\n\n\nDonogh Dáll Ó Derrig, aka Blind Donogh O'Derrick, was an Irish rapparee, executed December 1656. Ó Derrig was a rapparee active in County Kildare in the early 1650s in the aftermath of the Irish Confederate Wars. A court-martial held at Kilkenny on 23 September 1653 found Murtagh Cullen and his wife guilty of sheltering Ó Derrig. Sentenced to death, they were allowed to draw lots to decide which of them would die. Upon Mrs. Cullen drawing the lot of death, the sentence was deferred on account of her pregnancy", "id": "17027754" }, { "contents": "Yellow stingray\n\n\nor dark-on-light reticulations forming spots and blotches, and can rapidly change the tonality of this coloration to improve its camouflage. Relatively sedentary during the day, the yellow stingray feeds on small invertebrates and bony fishes. When hunting it may undulate its disc to uncover buried prey, or lift the front of its disc to form a \"cave\" attractive to shelter-seeking organisms. This species is aplacental viviparous, meaning that the developing embryos are sustained initially by yolk and later by histotroph (\"uterine milk\"", "id": "13828928" }, { "contents": "Selenidera\n\n\n, in contrast, have sister species that are \"separated\" by the major rivers, which thus apparently acted as natural barriers to gene flow. Whether a refugia or a barrier model describes superspecies distribution in the Amazonian basin most appropriately thus seems to be a direct consequence of the animals' ability to cross major waterways. But even in the \"Selenidera\" toucanets which, though largely sedentary, are technically able to disperse widely, the Amazon River forms a barrier that was simply too wide to cross in significant numbers as to", "id": "6200370" }, { "contents": "Criminal justice in New France\n\n\nto death (with being shot the most common form of execution) or sentenced to the galley where their heads would be shaved and faced having both their cheeks branded and their ears and nose slit. Those who succeeded in deserting were tried \"in absentia\" and had their sentences both read out to the members of the army as well as posted publicly. Although technically under the jurisdiction of the French, upon being accused of a crime, most Native Americans were not punished under French law but were instead handed over to their", "id": "2715619" }, { "contents": "Sexism\n\n\nsentences than women. Controlling for arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge variables, sentences are over 60% heavier for men. Women are more likely to avoid charges entirely, and to avoid imprisonment if convicted. The gender disparity varies according to the nature of the case. For example, the gender gap is less pronounced in fraud cases than in drug trafficking and firearms. This disparity occurs in US federal courts, despite guidelines designed to avoid differential sentencing. The death penalty in may also suffer from gender", "id": "7420625" }, { "contents": "Cincinnati Strangler\n\n\nstopped, thus supporting investigators' claim that they successfully found and jailed the Cincinnati Strangler. Originally sentenced to death, Laskey's sentence was commuted to life imprisonment when the Supreme Court invalidated the death penalty in \"Furman v. Georgia\". In February 2007, Laskey was denied parole. The grounds cited by the Ohio Parole Board included the heinous nature of the crime, Laskey's prior record, and the community disapproval of an early release. He would have been eligible for parole again in 2017 at the age of 79 years", "id": "3124729" }, { "contents": "Kern Spencer\n\n\nmembers of the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) began to shout at him for answers. JLP Member of Parliament Audley Shaw was clearly amused by the feeble nature of his political opponent and began laughing at Spencer. Leader of the PNP opposition, Portia Simpson Miller, tried to console him. This seemed to bring on more tears from Spencer. The incident saw Spencer being labeled as a \"cry baby\". The cry baby image resulted in Spencer being the butt of numerous political jokes and caricatures in the national newspapers. In", "id": "16770153" }, { "contents": "Agneepath (2012 film)\n\n\ndeath from a tree which is witnessed by young Vijay Chauhan (Arish Bhiwandiwala), the son of the teacher. Vijay Chauhan along with his pregnant mother Suhasini Chauhan (Zarina Wahab) leaves the village. Destitute, they find shelter in the city of Dongri, Mumbai but Vijay harbours intentions to go back to Mandwa and kill Kancha. While in Mumbai, Vijay's mother delivers a baby girl named Shiksha. Vijay is attracted to Rauf Lala (Rishi Kapoor), a local girl-trafficker and importantly an enemy of Kancha", "id": "21197680" }, { "contents": "Jim Steinman\n\n\n\" project. Steinman's demo of \"Cry to Heaven\", with Kyle Gordon singing lead vocal, was intended for the possibility that Steinman would provide songs for a musical based on the film \"Cry-Baby\". \"Cry-Baby\" has since been staged, but without any work from Steinman. In 2006, the album's title became the subject of a legal battle between Steinman and Meat Loaf. Steinman had registered a trademark on the title \"Bat Out of Hell\" in 1995, and sought to", "id": "14491640" }, { "contents": "Crybaby Bridge\n\n\nPine Lake Rd., which now dead-ends to the east of the bridge. Legends attribute the crying baby to one that fell in and accidentally drowned. There is also a rumor that there is a cult of some sort in the woods surrounding the bridge. In 2010, there was a murder of an elderly woman that was found, strangled to death and burned just off the bridge. The closed road remains as an access way to high-voltage utility lines. The \"baby cries\" have been said to", "id": "1650021" }, { "contents": "With (album)\n\n\nadult contemporary soul ballads. The sixth track \"Dirt\" is a gritty acoustic pop song with a catchy hook, and the tenth track \"Answer\" is a midtempo electropop song. Light disco pop songs \"I Just Can't Quit Myself\" and \"Special One\" have humorous lyrics while the pop ballads \"Believe in U\" and \"Baby, Don't Cry\" have encouraging lyrics. The pre-release single \"Chandelier\" and the album's last track \"With Love\", a slow tempo march,", "id": "4967099" }, { "contents": "Bushy Hare\n\n\nand dropped into a kangaroo's arms. Bugs refuses to be the kangaroo's baby, but feels guilty after the kangaroo starts crying and agrees to be its 'baby'. After a wild ride inside the kangaroo's pouch, Bugs gets out and is then struck by a boomerang thrown by an aborigine, whom Bugs later calls \"Nature Boy\". Bugs throws the boomerang away but it hits him again. Nature Boy confronts Bugs, who teases him into a yelling fit. Nature Boy throws his spear at Bugs,", "id": "18541766" }, { "contents": "Cattle mutilation\n\n\nmade however, for the entire absence of any blood. Experiments have also been conducted to compare the different reactions of surgically cut hide/flesh and predated hide/flesh to natural exposure. They demonstrated pronounced differences between surgical cut and non surgical cuts over time. This article does not address tearing due to bloating. Some ranchers have disputed the more scientifically mainstream \"natural causes hypothesis\" on the grounds that the mutilated animals often fall outside of the normal categories of natural deaths by predation or disease. One reason cited is that", "id": "18628942" }, { "contents": "All My Trials\n\n\nmeet, If life were merchandise that money could buy The rich would live and the poor would die/poem The song tells the story of a mother on her death bed, comforting her children, \"\"Hush little baby, don't you cry./You know your mama's bound to die,\"\" because, as she explains, \"\"All my trials, Lord,/Soon be over.\"\" The message — that no matter how bleak the situation seemed, the struggle would \"\"soon be over\"\" — propelled", "id": "14447358" }, { "contents": "Obligate nasal breathing\n\n\ndescribed as obligate nasal breathers as they prefer breathing through their nose rather than mouth. Most infants, however, are able to breathe through their mouth if their nose is blocked. There are however certain infants with conditions such as choanal atresia in which deaths have resulted from nasal obstruction. In these cases there are cyclical periods of cyanosis. The infant initially attempts to breathe through the nose, and is unable to; hypercapnia occurs, and many babies instinctively begin to cry. While crying, oral ventilation occurs and cyanosis subsides.", "id": "19828022" }, { "contents": "Coup of the Volunteers\n\n\ntarget practice). Haroldas \"Haris\" Valaitis confessed to the murder, but was acquitted of the murder charges as the judge believed he confessed to protect others because he had a history of mental illness and likely would have been transferred to a psychiatric hospital. No others were charged in Sadauskaitė's death. Maskvytis and another officer were tried for their pre-coup activities (taking actions that exceeded their official duties) and received a two-year suspended sentence in December 1994. In October 2000, Maskvytis was sentenced to four", "id": "2357745" }, { "contents": "Murder of Sandra Rozzo\n\n\nEven though he faced the death penalty, jurors opted for life without parole, believing that it would be a harsher punishment than death in this case. Tracey Humphrey is serving his sentence at the Everglades Correctional Institution in Miami, Florida, Inmate Number: 930490. Post-conviction, he was sentenced to an additional 15 years for a pre-trial escape attempt in April 2004. On March 10, 2006, Ashley Humphrey was sentenced to 25 years for murder. She is currently incarcerated at the Gadsden Correctional Facility in Quincy", "id": "7732308" }, { "contents": "Eastern bluebird\n\n\nin the genus \"Accipiter\". When approached by a predator, the male makes a song-like warning cry. If no male is present, a threatened female will begin to sing, hoping to attract a protective male back to the territory. Both males and females also flick their wings and warble when predators are nearby. Eastern bluebirds tend to live in open country around trees, but with little understory and sparse ground cover. Original habitats probably included open, frequently burned pine savannas, beaver ponds, mature but open", "id": "1967140" }, { "contents": "Crying\n\n\nall other causes (such as hunger or pain) are ruled out, she suggests that the crying may signify a beneficial stress-release mechanism. She recommends the \"crying-in-arms\" approach as a way to comfort these infants. Another way of comforting and calming the baby is to mimics the familiarity and coziness of mother’s womb. Dr. Robert Hamilton developed a technique to parents where a baby can be calmed and stop crying in 5 seconds. There have been many attempts to differentiate between the two distinct types", "id": "10271392" }, { "contents": "Desert tortoise\n\n\nfarms. As a result of legislation, solar energy companies have been making plans for huge projects in the desert regions of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah. The requests submitted to the Bureau of Land Management total nearly . In 2006, a proposal was made in California to build a landfill in Kern County, a site near the Desert Tortoise Natural Area, to dump trash for Los Angeles residents. A landfill would attract many of the tortoise’s predators – ravens, rats, roadrunners,", "id": "8401947" }, { "contents": "Lucanus datunensis\n\n\nday, has a lot of predators that would feed on them. Its main predators in Taiwan are mostly birds and lizards such as \"Plestiodon elegans\" and Light-vented bulbul (\"Pycnonotus sinensis\"). Since the hilltop region of Tatun Mountain is close to various tourist attractions and farmlands, human activity became the major of the \"Lucanus datunensis\". The natural habitat of \"L. datunensis\" had drastically decreased as lands were used in the construction of roads and agriculture industry of planting teas. The pesticides used by", "id": "13455594" }, { "contents": "Social caterpillars\n\n\n\" caterpillars is virtually impregnable to both birds and invertebrate predators. Like many other shelter builders, the resident caterpillars venture from the nest only under the cover of darkness when birds and predatory wasps are inactive. Bound-leaf shelters, and the more loosely spun shelters of the tent caterpillars and the fall webworm, \"Hyphantria cunea\", cannot exclude predators completely but all are likely to be deterred to some degree, providing the residents with greater protection than they would enjoy resting in the open. It is generally thought that", "id": "13734312" }, { "contents": "Enfeh\n\n\nbe extracted without endangering the environment. Around 415 inhabitants practice fishing on a regular basis. The 80 full-time fishermen own their boats and maintain them. Fishing is the livelihood and main source of income for many families in Enfeh. Fishing boats have sought shelter in the natural harbor of Nhayreh in bad weather conditions. The large terraces on Enfeh's rocky coast shelter underwater species feeding on the seaweed and attract large numbers of fish. That place also attracts many anglers willing to fill their baskets with different types of fish.", "id": "17845517" }, { "contents": "Collared pika\n\n\n-rate climate variations have effected their growth season and availability of resources, especially from the negative impact of not having snowpacks to keep them insulated or to keep their food and shelters hidden from predators. Collared pikas are defenseless against predators and can only hide within cracks or crevices in the mountainous areas that they live in; the rocks of the terrain are their only shelter. One of the main predators of the collared pika found in south-central Alaska is the ermine, but also include martens, weasels, foxes, eagles", "id": "20217064" }, { "contents": "Penn State child sex abuse scandal\n\n\nhis age, effectively a life sentence. Sentencing was scheduled for October 9, 2012. At that hearing, prosecutors requested to the court that Sandusky be declared a sexually violent predator under Pennsylvania's version of Megan's Law, which would subject him to stringent reporting requirements if he is released. He would not only have to report his address to police every three months for the rest of his life, but would also have to participate in a court-approved counseling program. However, this designation would likely be symbolic since", "id": "4464584" }, { "contents": "Kinsella v. Krueger\n\n\n. \"I believe she would be able to tell right from wrong,\" the general said. \"But I do not believe that she had any ability to adhere to the right.\" By six votes to three, the court martial found Dorothy Smith guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced her \"to be confined at hard labor for the rest of her natural life\". A unanimous verdict of guilty would have meant a mandatory death sentence. The case was reviewed by Brigadier General Onslow S. Rolfe, the commanding", "id": "14814284" }, { "contents": "Music of the Devil May Cry series\n\n\nThe \"Devil May Cry\" series has seen the release of seven separate soundtracks. Initially, Capcom was very reluctant to release an officially sanctioned soundtrack for the \"Devil May Cry\" series, due to worries that the products would sell poorly. As a means of testing the market, Capcom decided to ask for pre-release sales. After the pre-release sales were met, the \"Devil May Cry\" and \"Devil May Cry 2\" soundtracks were released to the public on October 15, 2004. Both", "id": "18506541" }, { "contents": "Hemiptera\n\n\nblack, which appear to deter passerine birds. Many hemipterans including aphids, scale insects and especially the planthoppers secrete wax to protect themselves from threats such as fungi, parasitoidal insects and predators, as well as abiotic factors like desiccation. Hard waxy coverings are especially important in the sedentary Sternorrhyncha such as scale insects, which have no means of escape from predators; other Sternorrhyncha evade detection and attack by creating and living inside plant galls. Nymphal Cicadoidea and Cercopoidea have glands attached to the Malpighian tubules in their proximal segment that produce mucopolysaccharides", "id": "228582" } ]
Do animals know they're going to die?
"[{\"answer\": \"Animals, at least higher functioning mammals, have some sort of concept of death, t(...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Danzig 4\n\n\nwe were trying to really play the whole song \"Let It Be Captured\" back(...TRUNCATED)
Does marijuana impair driving ability?
"[{\"answer\": \"Cannabis is a depressant drug, which means it slows down messages travelling betwee(...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Driving under the influence\n\n\n\"drivers with five nanograms of active tetrahydrocan(...TRUNCATED)
What caused racial division and discrimination between Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda?
"[{\"answer\": \"According to the excellent \\\"We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Kille(...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Religion in Rwanda\n\n\nrace origins, which taught that the Tutsi were a superior race(...TRUNCATED)
"Why do we use an tiered income tax system, instead of something more precise (like an integral-base(...TRUNCATED)
"[{\"answer\": \"It's way easier for the average person to do the math if the tax rates are stepwise(...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Taxation in Iceland\n\n\nused a 3-tier income tax system base on the individual's leve(...TRUNCATED)
How are companies like Snapchat and Tinder, worth anything when most people don't pay to use them?
"[{\"answer\": \"If you're not paying for it, YOU are the item being sold. They probably sell your d(...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Tony Martin (British singer)\n\n\nwant to delete ten years of your history? It seems t(...TRUNCATED)
What determines whether or not someone is a naturally good singer?
"[{\"answer\": \"Physically speaking, being a naturally good singer means you were born with a good (...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Unconscionability\n\n\nnegotiations, whereas \"substantive unconscionability\" refers (...TRUNCATED)
Why wouldn't life on another habitable planet look similar to Earth's?
"[{\"answer\": \"There probably would be similarities. Things that were swimmers would probably be s(...TRUNCATED)
[{"contents":"Superhabitable planet\n\n\nA superhabitable planet is a hypothetical type of exoplanet(...TRUNCATED)

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